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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 33 of 112

LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 27 At what point did you realize Henrietta was more than the "mess" and "embarrassment" your father described? "Henrietta started tapping me on my shoulder from the time my daughter was born — we named her for her great-great-aunt — and as word got around about this new Henrietta, who came along 30 years after the death of the earlier one, people came to me with stories I'd never heard and tokens I began calling 'Henriettiana.' It was intriguing, but for almost a decade I brushed aside any idea of pursuing her as a subject; in my 20s I had decided that far too much had been written about the Binghams of Louisville. Moreover, my family's vague portrait of her as not really serious, as a problematic lightweight, was hard to dispel. "I changed my mind after receiving a grant to visit the archives at Smith College, her alma mater. I went through the papers of Henrietta's freshman English professor and lover, Mina Kirstein Curtiss. Tucked in the back of an old diary was an out-of-sequence entry from 1924 in which Kirstein wrote, 'Te keenness and directness of [Henrietta's] mind carve out infallible opinions. By her alone could any of my decisions be infuenced.' Soon after that, I put together a book proposal." Opposite page: Henrietta Bingham (second from left, seated beside actress and lover Beatrix Lehmann) in Scotland in 1927. Above: a more formal and reserved Bingham, circa 1923. westportvillage.com shamrockpets.com

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