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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


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64 LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 I insiders Photos by Mickie WInters Left to right, top to bottom: James Shinault, fan engagement; Oslo Cole, risk management; Brandy Blaylock, ticketing/ credentials; Boone Vires, marketing director; Kezia Callahan, vendors; Maverick Smalley, vendors; Nick Johnson, database; Darla Patterson and Ramie Roth, visual design/ art; Jeff Cuellar, partnerships/ community relations; Jim Tobin, site manager; Holly Weyler McKnight, media relations/ Forecastle founder JK McKnight's wife/"Forecastle First Mate"; Christina Persico, sponsorships; Steve Greene, artist relations; Amy Dunn, operations/ overseeing everything onsite; Charlie Jennings, operations/ overseeing everything onsite; Emily Cox, V.I.P. area; Bryan Benson, artist bookings; Jon Phillips, security; Taylor Shomaker, security/medical; Dr. Andrew "Rock Doc" Mickler, medical. Meet some of the faces who bring Forecastle to life. In the early years, Forecastle founder JK McKnight manned the whole ship. One year, for instance, he even laminated the credentials by hand on his parents' front porch. Now with 20,000 attendees and 50- plus bands, it takes a crew. "To have My Morning Jacket headline a hometown show — being able to make that happen in the frst year [that AC Entertainment partnered with Forecastle in 2012] was pretty great. Is there a lineup as awesome as last year, with Outkast, Beck, Jack White, the Replacements? Last year is hard to beat." — Benson "Bands have specifc needs, and we offer specifc services. We had a band at Bonnaroo ask for baseball gloves and a baseball. Gone are the days of yore when people would ask for drugs. "Usually when there's a confict [and two bands are playing at the same time] and it doesn't make sense at all, it's 100 percent the artists' schedules. I'm sure people will be like, 'What the hell is going on here?' I will say that what we did last year with Outkast, Jack White, Beck and the Replacements was pretty unbelievable. I don't know exactly how we pulled that off, to be quite honest with you." — Greene "I like helping people out when you have that scary moment when your wristband or ticket isn't scanning." — Blaylock "[Ramie Roth and I] basically come in and take [Forecastle's] branding and ideas and the vision that they have that's 2D, and we turn it into an immersive experience with interactive and environmental design. I love to give people experiences that are going to inspire them and break them out of their everyday ritual." — Patterson, who, with Roth, does pretty much every visual you see at Forecastle apart from what's onstage. The entrance, the art boat, the bourbon lounge, performance art…

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