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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 45 of 112

LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 39 Glitertitz Saturday in Germantown, almost midnight, and Zan- zabar's big Z shines bright on the white brick. You linger beneath it, killing time before going inside. Been awhile since you've gone out, and you need a party baptism. Consider kneeling in the street, pray- ing to the party letter, the last letter. You wonder if anyone would notice your weird version of matins. Instead of praying, you watch the two young men at the street corner. They pull black boxes from a big gray Chevy van, lug them through the dark. You don't see their faces, but you know who they are: Glittertitz, the priests of your weekend fun. You know who they are because they've been performing here longer than DJs typically last. About six years they've played Zanzabar each weekend, and recently they scratched their way into a Friday residency at Nowhere Bar in the High- lands. Jamey See Tai, in trademark leather cap, and Garrett Crabtree, with his short mess of blond hair, step through Zanzabar's side door. You head inside, past the arcade games, wondering just how crazy this might get. You've heard about how Glittertitz — who chose a joke name, never imagining they'd make a living as DJs — used to project live streams of random webcam chats behind them. You hope you don't see any weirdos masturbating. See Tai, who's 29, and Crabtree, 34, keep crowds happy with favorites while still offering hot new music. "We played the 'Harlem Shake' for a year before it got popular," Crabtree says. "We kind of, like, program people sometimes. We can get them into certain music if we just keep playing it week after week." Beer in hand, you prepare for programming. See Tai and Crabtree stand center stage, laptops and iPads on the turntable before them. You can't see the DJs in the dark. A fog machine puffs smoke. They've brought light: Lasers skitter in a lightning web. The bass bumps and buzzes. "Glittertitz!" a girl slurs. "Glittertitties!" Some 25, 30 people grind in strobe, the night still young. Even some lame-Os in the booths raise their hands. Hops hit your tongue, people hop all around you. Miley Cyrus thumps in your chest. Smile. Jump when Glittertitz's cadence bids you to jump. Sway when they want you to sway. A laser sends fat, unbroken blue all over the ceiling, like a scanner in some sci-f movie. You dip your fngers into the light and darkness breaks behind your hand. Yell nonsense at the stage in praise: Woo! Holy shit! Holy… — Dylon Jones Best DJ PEOPLE'S CHOICE Garrett Crabtree

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