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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 15 of 112

LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 9 Illustration by Kendall Regan them and listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you." I felt pretty lucky at that moment because I was watching the Oscars with my mom. Gail Kamenish Photographer After having shin pain in January, I used Dr. Google and my wild imagination to diagnose myself with a stress fracture and something called compartment syndrome. Basically, I was convinced the next step I took would crack a bone in my leg. I'd even created an eight-week rest and rehab program for myself. Then, after Googling shin pain for like the thousandth time, I decided to see an actual health- care professional in March. I found out that it was actually just a pretty mild shin splint. He gave me some exercises to do and said it was probably fne for me to start running again. I did, and my shin is fne. That defnitely saved my sanity. No more Googling my aches and pains. Amy Talbott Special publications editor I was feeling some trepidation about interviewing WLKY sportscaster Fred Cowgill for this issue, and a friend said, "He's just a guy. He gets up in the morning and probably belches." My friend also mentioned the whole he-puts-his-pants-on-one- leg-at-a-time thing. Granted, the advice was a bit clichéd, but the timing was such that it hit home. Timing is everything with advice. Rob Cummins Editorial intern "Don't take it personal." My husband had to remind me of that when our two-year-old looked me square in the eyes and told me to, "Just go to work. Go away." He had to remind me these tiny humans do not mean to wage such emotional warfare. She'd just wanted to get her way about something. Still, those six words destroyed me for a few days. Anne Marshall Senior writer "Sometimes, you just need to stay in bed." Michelle Eigenheer Executive assistant Almond milk. It has 50 percent more calcium than regular milk, virtually no carbs and only 30 calories per cup. Bam! Breakfast will never be the same. Lynnell Edwards Contributing writer My husband, a staff sergeant, manages a few spe- cialists, and to inspire them he has commissioned my sister to draw a WWII-pin-up-girl-inspired logo for their squad, complete with their motto taken from a letter by a French infantryman who fought alongside them in Afghanistan: In the absence of orders, attack! Elizabeth Myers Editor, Louisville.com "Never take your shoes off at the Back Door." Jon Lee Cope Contributing editor louisvillemsd.org

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