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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 81 of 112

LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 75 "How do you like living in the West End?" "Yeah, it's decent. It's more about how it's portrayed. Then again, people can't make up something they haven't seen. If it wasn't bad, it wouldn't have bad reports. There is crime everywhere though, honestly." "Two years. It's a nice summer job. I used to come here and swim a lot, but now I work in the concession stand, just like all my other fve siblings have." "I lifeguarded. I was a competitive swimmer." "How long have you worked here?" "Thirty-one years. Yes, I'm a lifer. I have staff that work for me now whose parents worked for me in the '80s, and their grandparents worked here in the '50s." "I want to be a zookeeper." "What will the best part be?" "Taking care of the animals. If I could have a zoo animal as a pet, I would have a tiger, but, yeah, I would have to keep it in a cage. I'd feed it meat. They are meat-eaters." "No old-lady- swimming-suit pictures in the paper." "You shouldn't have said that. You know that's what she's going to put. Well, go on then: Show a little leg." "So if you don't get into the NBA, what do you want to do?" "I don't know. I haven't thought about that yet."

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