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Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 10,000 results
  1. Fundamentalist formations in Germany? ultramontanist catholicism and national socialism

    Central Europe is often seen as the “exceptional case” in the sociology of religion with a high degree of secularization, traditional religions in...

    Article Open access 25 October 2022
  2. Prehistoric Archaeology in Germany and National Socialism

    This paper aims to examine the historical significance of National Socialism for the development of prehistoric archaeology in Germany. It surveys...
    Chapter 2023
  3. On the takeover mechanism in market socialism

    In the three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the notion of socialism has been swept into almost total disrepute. The more recent...

    Emilio Carnevali, Matteo Sommacal in Journal of Economics
    Article Open access 11 January 2024
  4. An Ordinary Woman: Else Voigtländer and National Socialism

    Else Voigtländer’s work on the emotions has drawn attention, but her political orientation has remained unexamined. Her life-defining career was not...
    Chapter 2023
  5. Archaeology and National Socialism in the Independent State of Croatia (1941–1945)

    This chapter examines the activities of museums and archaeologists during the Independent State of Croatia (1941–1945) with the aim of gaining a...
    Rajna Šošić Klindžić, Ana Solter, Dragana Rajković in National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies
    Chapter 2023
  6. Hungarian Archaeology in the Shadow of National Socialism (1920–1945)

    Developments in Hungarian archaeology contemporaneous with National Socialist Germany need to be examined within the wider, ideologically decisive...
    Chapter 2023
  7. Socialism Order of Worth and Analytical Adequacy Axiom

    Boltanski and Thévenot (On justification. Economies of worth, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2006) constructed in their seminal work On...

    Christian Schneijderberg in Human Studies
    Article Open access 15 June 2022
  8. Tibor Liska’s Entrepreneurial Socialism

    There are interesting links to be drawn between Tibor Liska’s model of entrepreneurial socialism and Polanyi’s explorations of alternative economic...
    Chapter 2023
  9. Fathoming National Socialism and the Holocaust: Historical Empathy and Holocaust Pedagogies

    In seeking effective ways for students to comprehend the complex genesis of the Holocaust, this chapter reimagines Shoah K-12 teaching practices by...
    Chapter 2022
  10. Nationalism and National Socialism in Romanian Archaeology in the Interwar Period and World War II (1918–1945)

    World War I and the union with Bessarabia, Bukovina, and Transylvania in 1918 reshaped the Kingdom of Romania. The territory and population of the...
    Chapter 2023
  11. Was Italian Archaeology Influenced by National Socialism? A Provisional Assessment

    German and Italian archaeologists had long been in close contact and shared paradigms of ethnically conceived cultures. However, the advent of first...
    Stefan Altekamp, Massimiliano Munzi in National-Socialist Archaeology in Europe and its Legacies
    Chapter 2023
  12. Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship

    In his book Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship, Jesús Huerta de Soto reviews the different contributions of Ludwig von Mises and...
    Chapter 2023
  13. Municipal socialism and the impact of urban decay: the case of Nevers, a mid-sized town in Central France (1971–2020)

    Nevers, a medium-sized city of 33,000 inhabitants in the centre of France, has long been regarded as a laboratory for municipal socialism as well as...

    Élie Guéraut, Achille Warnant in French Politics
    Article 09 March 2023
  14. Interactions Between British Archaeologists and National Socialism: Pragmatism, Neutrality, Opposition and Compromise

    This chapter examines interactions between British and German National Socialist archaeologists. Before the war, British archaeologists admired...
    Chapter 2023
  15. Religion and the History of Socialism

    In this chapter, I identify a broader debate about the relationship between socialism and religion, a debate in which this work can be seen as an...
    Chapter 2023
  16. Economic Contradictions of Socialism

    This chapter deals with the internal contradictions of the socialist system. The first contradiction arises between the organisation of the socialist...
    Vladislavas Petraškevičius in The Paradox of Marxist Economics
    Chapter 2023
  17. Wrecks of Socialism

    This chapter is devoted to finding out whether socialism, which can be described in Marxist economic terms, has completely disappeared, or whether...
    Vladislavas Petraškevičius in The Paradox of Marxist Economics
    Chapter 2023
  18. The Establishment of the Theory of the Primary Stage of Socialism

    Reform and opening up has brought out tremendous changes to China. Since the Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee, held in late 1978,...
    Zhuoyuan Zhang in Handbook of Chinese Economics
    Chapter 2023
  19. Virchow medallists and honorary members of the German Society of Pathology and their relationship with National Socialism

    The present study focuses on the group of pathologists who (1) were appointed honorary members or bearers of the Rudolf Virchow Medal by the German...

    Mathias Schmidt, Christina Gräf, Dominik Gross in Der Pathologe
    Article 21 October 2020
  20. Mental footnotes in Socialism: the current social validity of the concept of bourgeoisie from the Marx’s and Engels’ “Manifesto of the communist party”

    Aim: The main aim of the present study is to identify which mental footnotes (related to Marx’s and Engels’ Socialism) have more weight in the...

    Jose L. Vilchez in Mind & Society
    Article 23 November 2022