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Miry's List: A Fresh Start for Our New Neighbors


We all have something to give

Miry's List is a community support system for new arrival refugee families in the U.S. that builds community bridges, invites innovation and nurtures a culture of welcoming through family-to-family and friend-to-friend connections. 

Miry's List provides a mechanism for people to directly help new arrival refugee families with the incredible challenge of resettlement in the US. With practical support and community joy waiting to welcome them, resettling families are set up to thrive through 12 months of wrap-around programming that extend long beyond government support. 

Since 2016, we’ve engaged 225,000 American people to support over 1,000 families who have come through the Federal Refugee Resettlement program from countries including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and most recently Ukraine and Moldova.



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