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How To Optimize Images for wordpress websites

How To Optimize Images for wordpress websites
How To Optimize Images for wordpress websites

When you want to upload images for an open source software like Wordpress, it is very important to optimize images which can be easily done by compressing those image files.

What are wordpress websites?

Let us first understand what is a wordpress website. WordPress is an open source content management system with the help of which a user can create his or her own website or blog. As the name suggests, since it is an open source tool, everyone is free to use it to create or modify the content without knowing any programming language. Due to its simplicity and ease of use, Wordpress has become a most popular way to create websites or blogs.

Why do we optimize images for websites?

Now let’s observe why it is so important to optimize images for wordpress websites. Most critical aspects of managing a website are reducing page load time on it and increasing the website speed. Users these days do not wait for more than a few seconds to load and would switch to another website if a webpage takes longer to load, they want every detail to appear quickly as soon as the mouse button is clicked. So every website owner strives to manage the images on a website in the most efficient way.   Basically, image optimization is all about making sure that the uploaded image is in the smallest possible size without reducing the overall image quality of that image. We all know that images occupy a lot of space on the website and due to this, page load time increases which results in reducing the website speed. Image optimization is managing the images by uploading them in a correct format which occupies the least space and hence enabling the website to load faster.

How to optimize images for Wordpress websites?

Best opportunity to optimize images is before those images are uploaded on the website. Start by choosing the correct image format which compresses the image to an appropriate ratio so that quality of that image is not affected by removing unnecessary extra details from it. This is easily done these days with a plethora of online tools available which help you to compress and convert the image file from heavy size to the smaller size image formats. You would find this free image conversion tool on one such website FreeImgTools on which you can upload multiple image files of larger formats like TIFF, BMP, etc. and convert them to smaller and more efficient image formats like  like JPG (it would be same image quality to the naked eye) or convert to PNG (where quality is major factor and better readability of the image is required. So according to your requirement, you can choose the format to which you want to convert the image file and then download the converted file to your desired destination folder on your computer system.   Many beginners make this mistake of uploading images on their website without optimizing them which makes the webpages on that website load slower and affects the website speed. So avoid that mistake and ensure you apply proper image optimization techniques before uploading them on your website or blog to manage your website in a better way.

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Learn advance optimization techniques
Which helps you have best image sizes and types for all your work.

Compress Images
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Resize Images
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Convert Images
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Create Animated GIF
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