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Management of depression

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Depression and Natural Therapies

For the purposes of this article, depression refers to the illness known as clinical depression, major depression or unipolar depression. This kind of depression is a recognised clinical condition and is becoming a common illness in developed countries, with up to 20% of the population affected by this illness at some stage of their lives[1]. The medical profession and drug companies have responded with a vast arsenal of antidepressant medications, which have been used effectively since the 1960s. In addition to these medications, there is also an array of natural therapies that may help the sufferer of depression to some extent. While natural therapies have not been shown to be as effective as antidepressants, they nevertheless may have a contribution to make. The role of natural therapies is, first, to help a patient cope with depression while waiting for an antidepressant to start working. Antidepressants can take anything from one week to five weeks to take effect, and life can be very difficult for the patient in the meantime. Secondly, natural therapies may be useful as a supplement to orthodox treatments.


Clinical depression presents a range of symptoms that can be quite incapacitating. It is also life-threatening because of the possibility of suicide. The main symptoms are as follows:

  • a severe sense of gloom and despair
  • low energy -- patients feel as though they are "made of lead"
  • inability to concentrate
  • sleep disturbance
  • loss of appetite
  • loss of sex drive, which tends to go hand in hand with loss of energy.

These symptoms can all be relieved permanently by antidepressants, but natural therapies may help along the way.

The Therapies

Amino Acids

The natural therapies that most closely resemble antidepressants in their action are certain amino acids. Tryptophan (L-Tryptophan) is the precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin, and thus has an affect that is similar to those antidepressants that replenish the supply of serotonin in the brain cells.[2] It has not been shown to be as effective as antidepressants, but may appeal to patients who are prejudiced against antidepressants or dislike the side-effects. Effective dosage range is 4-6 grams daily. It can take Trytophan ten days to start working. It can also improve sleep because the brain creates melatonin from serotonin, and melatonin tells the brain to switch off and go to sleep. Too much Tryptophan causes dizziness. It should not be combined with antidepressants; this can cause serotonin syndrome, which can cause death in extreme cases.

Another amino acid that can help with depression is Tyrosine (L-Tyrosine), which is the precursor of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. By replenishing these important nuerotransmitters, Tyrosine can lift the mood of a depressed patient, especially patients who have had a "breakdown" through overwork or are burned out for the same reason (a condition which comes about because of a depletion of the adrenal system). Like Tryptophan, Tyrosine takes approximately ten days to start working. The effective dosage range is 1-2 grams daily. Excess use causes insomnia. Tyrosine can be combined with Tryptophan but not antidepressants.

Bach Flower Remedies

These remedies are created from various flowers and plants. They are completely safe and it is impossible to take an overdose (although you might get tipsy from the brandy that is used as a preservative). There are four remedies that help specifically with depression. Normal dosage is four drops 4x daily.

Gentian is for very mild depression or pessimism, although it can help with more serious depression to some extent.

Gorse is for more severe depression.

Sweet Chestnut is for truly severe depression -- "the dark night of the soul".

Mustard is for depression that comes from within and is not related to external circumstances.[3][4][5]

Australian Bush Flower Essences

These essences are similar to Bach Remedies and are mostly made from Australian plants and flowers. Normal dosage is seven drops 2x daily, preferably first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Waratah is the essence that is specifically intended to help with depression.

Sunshine Wattle helps with pessimism and defeatism, especially after a long run of bad luck.[6]

Tissue Salts

Developed by the biochemist Dr William Schuessler, tissue salts are twelve alkaline salts used in homoeopathic strengths. Kali. Phos. (potassium phosphate) is the tissue salt that can bring some short-term relief to depressed patients. Normal dosage is four tablets daily, but it can be taken in much higher quantities (one tablet every half hour) in a crisis. It is not possible to take an overdose of Tissue Salts (you would probably choke on the tablets before reaching a toxic level).[7]


This treatment is now widely used in western countries. It is based on the Chinese system in which certain points on the body are considered to be connected to various organs. Needles are inserted into the points to bring about "balance" in the system. Acupuncture can bring some short-term relief to depression, but is expensive compared to some of the other therapies.[8]

Hypericum (St John's Wort)

Hypericum is a herb that is offered as an alternative to antidepressants by some naturopaths. Some research and experience in Germany has shown that Hypericum can help with mild depression, but not necessarily clinical depression. It can be combined with amino acids but not antidepressants. Recent research has shown that Hypericum can combine adversely with a range of medications, so its "harmlessness" should not be taken for granted.[9]


Reiki is a therapy that originated in Japan in the early twentieth century. It is a form of energy healing in which the practitioners "channel" energy into patients through their hands. The practitioners allegedly develop this ability by going through "attunements" that are supposed to make them better channels for the energy. This energy is used primarily for physical problems; Reiki practitioners claim that it can also treat deep emotional problems, but without providing any evidence. Reiki is very unpredictable and results can vary massively from person to person. In the case of depression, Reiki can provide some temporary relief, which may be partly due to the close contact with another person.[10][11][12][13]


By now, meditation has been proved to be of benefit in a number of ways, including lowering blood pressure and stress levels. Using meditation for clinical depression, however, is fraught with danger, because one of the main symptoms of depression is the inability to concentrate. If a severely depressed person tries to meditate, there is a real danger that they will make themselves worse because of their inability to concentrate. The most helpful and gentle form of meditation for a clinically depressed person may be the repetition -- silently or out aloud -- of a mantra like Aum Namah Sivaya, providing it is not overdone.[14][15]


1. www.beyondblue.org.au

2. Thorson's Guide to Amino Acids, Leon Chaitow, 1991

3. Thorson's Guide to Amino Acids, Leon Chaitow, 1991

4. Heal Thyself, Dr Edward Bach, 1931

5. Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing, Gurudas, 1983

6. The Bach Remedies Workbook, Stefan Ball, 1998

7. Australian Bush Flower Essences, Ian White, 1991

8. www.alternative-medicine-naturopathy.com

9. Natural Healing, Mark Bricklin, 1983

10. www.hypericum.com

11. Reiki Jin Kei DO, Steve Gooch, 2006

12 Reiki Systems of the World, Oliver Klatt, 2006

13. The Big Book of Reiki Symbols, Mark Hosak, 2006

14. The Reiki Source Book, Bronwen and Frans Stiene, 2003

15. Timeless Healing, Dr Herbert Benson, 1996

16. Natural Healing, Mark Bricklin, 1983

  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ Thorson's Guide to Amino Acids, Leon Chaitow, 1991
  3. ^ Heal Thyself, Dr Edward Bach, 1931
  4. ^ Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing, Gurudas, 1983
  5. ^ The Bach Remedies Workbook, Stefan Ball, 1998
  6. ^ Australian Bush Flower Essences, Ian White, 1991
  7. ^ www.alternative-medicine-naturopathy.com
  8. ^ Natural Healing, Mark bricklin, 1983
  9. ^ www.hypericum.com
  10. ^ Reiki Jin Kei Do, Steve Gooch, 2006
  11. ^ Reiki Systems of the World, Oliver Klatt, 2006
  12. ^ The Big Book of Reiki Symbols, Mark Hosak, 2006
  13. ^ The Reiki Source Book, Bronwen and Frans Stiene, 2003
  14. ^ Timeless Healing, Dr Herbert Benson, 1996
  15. ^ Natural Healing, Mark Bricklin, 1983