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Talk:Multicultural Perspectives on Health and Wellbeing

Latest comment: 8 years ago by in topic Useful images



If you were involved in developing, teaching, studying or were a guest in this subject, please consider leaving us your written feedback here... SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:33, 9 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Well done to Sabrina and yourself on a successful and interesting subject. This was one of two of two favourite subjects, where I enjoyed attending lectures and classes.

Useful images


Thanks for these images Leigh! SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:33, 9 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Not at all Sabrina, all I did is display the images you found with these gallery :) Great work happening here!!!! Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 01:35, 9 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Other websites for images: http://www.morguefile.com/ https://pixabay.com/ http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/ http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/contribute-create/remixvic http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/search-discover/explore-our-digital-image-pool https://unsplash.com/ http://makerbook.net/ http://www.nlm.nih.gov/services/stockshot.html https://search.creativecommons.org/

http://wellcomelibrary.org/collections/digital-collections/ (discuss) 00:12, 24 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Development meetings


21 March 2014


Sabrina, Leigh and Susan discussed the assignments. Some confusion between this wiki and the Subject Template and Guide - where 'Written Essay' was listed instead of 'Project brief' or EOI. We decided to stay with 'Project brief' for it's flexibility and applicability to real work - which now requires us to process the change administratively.

9 April 2014


Sabrina and Susan met to discuss quizzes and assignments and resources. Sabrina then consulted with Leigh, to brainstorm finer points and improve these notes SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:28, 9 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

11 April 2014

  • Consider making a flyer to put up on student notice boards informing about elective
  • Contact other 1st semester subject coordinators regarding new elective check Y SabrinaGupta

--SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 04:25, 11 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

24 April 2014


A visit to the Immigration Museum proved very valuable to this subject. Discussion centred around how to leverage this potential.

  • Set this and other museums/centres/venues into the weekly reading list (consider Wikivoyage for this)
  • Invite EOI project proposals around a partnership with the museum, other institutions,
  • Integrate HEPPP project where students create modules using the museum resources - such as in the summer program
  • Music tracks for each topic
  • Each topic guest lecture or interview recording is with a person related to the reading list

Marketing this subject

  • image of a black and a white heart - "are they different".
  • toilet ads (farting facts)
  • fast food of the world
  • usable information like a map of multi cultural Melbourne food and institutions
  • clothing
  • lady boy poster "boy/girl does it matter?"
  • "what's sorong with you"
  • child labor poster boy "why this is not you?"
  • poster making with students as HEPPP output

14 May 2014

  1. Discussion about Grid View.
  2. Discussion about TALIS - put link
  1. Timeline: Ultimate deadline is 28th July (8 weeks). Get the assignments sorted within 30 May - 10 June. Topics 30 June. 14 July
  • All 3 assignments accurately described (synopsis of why the assignment is relevant in its own right. What outcomes is it being used to assess, and how will it be assessed). Marking criteria. Links to the resources and topics that relate to the assignment.
consider using the Multicultural Museum lecture theatre for the evening schedule of the topic 'lectures'. Invite the public, via their PR, as well as the MFU
  1. Leigh to prepare LMS in Grid view check Y Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 05:49, 21 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
  2. Leigh to write example criteria for presentation assignment - Group presentation check Y Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 04:03, 21 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
  3. Leigh to find videos Street Dentist Jaipur. The Seatbelt Crew check Y Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 01:00, 14 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
  4. Sabrina and Susan to try and use the topic names primarily, and week number more like a page number
  5. Sabrina to start a Google Map: pinning Islamic Museum at Darebin, Immigration Museum; Detention Centre; Restaurants
  6. Sabrina to upload images from museum excursion and consider points of discussion for workshop activities check Y SabrinaGupta
  7. Susan to find examples of EOIs

23 May 2014

  1. Move Leigh's lecture to week 7
  2. Student film festival - week 7 at the Immigration museum
  3. Email Immigration museum regarding venue and timings

27 May 2014

  1. Reading lists by 16th June - focus on creating the lists in each topic on Wikiversity, then copy to LTU's system.
  2. Discuss quizzes and the set up on LMS - create "guiding" questions for each topic, then use these together as a question bank in LMS.
  3. Make flyer for subject: Demons & Monsters of the body and mind (image may be physical disability; leprosy; demons attacking the mind; consider Crohn's disease - very interesting as the maker of the Alien movies had Crohn's and always thought of it as something on the inside trying to get out (see: http://www.blastr.com/2011/07/little_known_sci_fi_fact.php ); changing definitions of health, disease, illness, over time
  4. Amend group presentation to any health issue (e.g. chronic disease, infectious disease, mental health issues, aging in different societies, female infanticide, domestic violence, genital mutilation, child marriage, dowry, honour killings, sexuality and demonism) - Are these issues relevant to Australia? Why and how? What can be done and what is being done? How does this affect students at a University setting. check Y Met with Susan and nutted out this more. There will be 6 population/ethnic/demographic/cultural groups (eg refugees, Indigenous, immigrants (any ethnic group)for 4-6 student teams. Students select their group and create the presentation. Then they work individually on their "EOI" for how to create a safe and supportive pathway through education for people in their theme Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 00:55, 28 May 2014 (UTC)Reply
  5. Indigenous populations have to be one of the choices for the group presentation thus incorporating the HEPP program
  6. Discuss presentation guidelines
  7. Individual assignment - EOI; perhaps focus on a tertiary setting (HEPP) - EOI is still an individual assignment, leveraging from the group presentation, pitching an idea for how to create a safe and supportive space through tertiary education for their target group. check Y Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 01:55, 28 May 2014 (UTC) I've drafted this assignment pageReply

Also note: http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/melb4all as an example. Perhaps La Trobe for all?

  1. Recording lectures - what would the best delivery method be and where? - Hangouts on Air vs Blackboard Collaborate vs Echo360 vs prerecorded with camera, mic and editing software

4 June 2014

  1. Susan and Sabrina met to discuss guest speakers. Replied to Celia McMichael with date for lecture (19th August 2014).
  2. Regina from MCWH finalized for gender and sexuality 16th September.
  3. Ask Leigh more information about MP and perhaps send email/ arrange meeting.
  4. Drafted post to students for early July regarding their visit to Immigration museum and what we expect them to consider. Task to be completed by 1st workshop - 3rd of August 2014. Email Immigration museum.
  5. Susan and Sabrina registered for Allocate+ training - the La Trobe system for workshop allocation check Y--SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 04:20, 10 June 2014 (UTC)Reply
  6. Susan and Sabrina to organize readings and resources and use Talis
  7. Need to discuss with Rick how we could include Ryan (student) and his photography skills for the subject and perhaps for HEPP.

11 June 2014

  1. Leigh has started his topic Is technology and health healthy?

2 July 2014

  1. Sabrina sent emails to possible guest lecturers: Celia McMichael, MP and Sharon Thorpe.

Current enrolment numbers = 35

7 July 2014


Sabrina, Leigh, and Susan online met and discussed how to capture a guest lecture, such as 9.Growing old in a foreign world (Q5)Rosalie Aroni. The idea is that Rosalie will deliver a lecture at the Immigration Museum, and the Museum will broadcast it to Youtube via Hangouts on Air. Rosalie will invite both Monash and La Trobe students to the Museum (and the live Youtube stream). Technical assistance will need to be from the Museum. Leigh is willing to assist the Museum. Sabrina to check with Rosalie and the Museum around this idea.

Student presentations. Sabrina to ask the Museum to host the 3 hour student presentations. These will also be captured and broadcast on Hangouts on Air. The broadcast can also come into the venue, giving flexibility to those students who can't attend the live event.

Subject Learning Guide. We have submitted a changes coversheet and new template to Faculty, simply to update the wording of the description, objectives and assignments - so to be consistent with the wiki.

11 July 2014


Sabrina and Susan met and raised the following questions with Leigh by email:

Hi Leigh,

Susan and I were discussing the subject assignments today and we have some questions for you (below). Thanks so much :)

1. Project proposal:

  • Project proposal on individual wiki page - we're unclear on this one and whether we should use LMS/ email for submission
  • What do we mean by “not identifying anyone in particular?”
  • Tab bullets and fix numbering
  • Hyperlink for copyright law

2. Not sure on the points [in the project proposal assignment] - firstly are we getting them to create a Wiki account and if yes, when will we be giving the instructions to them? How will the tutorial support work out?

3. What’s the best way to get students to submit their script/ narrative as well as their group minutes and individual contributions – LMS forum, Wiki?

4. Marking the presentation – pass/ fail or giving marks. (Note: will check with Deb and Carmel as well as the HED marking criteria.

This is a long and in depth list, with questions in it that should be shared understanding by now.. perhaps it's best we pull back from a number of these areas then...
1 and 2. Project proposal: The idea was to send student work into a collaborative authoring environment, and to govern that work's copyright under Commons. There are additional features to the wiki that can aid formative assessment, such as reviewing edit history, and peer review of works in progress. Submitting work by email or LMS, at a given due date makes the assessment summative, and has limited to no opportunity for formative feedback, or peer assessment.
  • What do we mean by “not identifying anyone in particular?” - Where do we say that?
  • Tab bullets and fix numbering - Done check Y
  • Hyperlink for copyright law - Don't you think this is spoon feeding? It's a google search away. If we link this, we should probably link all the others. The workshops - assuming you're proceeding with those, would address this? Essentially, if they use Wikiversity, they will be working in the Commons, as so adhering to copyright.
3. If they're working on wiki, then the discussion page like we do/don't for this subject development?
4. Marking the presentation: I personally prefer Pass or Resubmit, based on a concrete criteria. Grading the passes can be done as well, for those motivated by such things, and that could be left to a subjective assessment deriving from the concrete criteria.
Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 23:57, 13 July 2014 (UTC)Reply

18 July 2014


Susan and Sabrina met today. Points discussed:

1. Change topic schedule and guest lecturers:check YSabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:41, 18 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
   Orientation and introduction Susan Chong and Sabrina Gupta
   Multicultural Australia Susan Chong
   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health (Q1) Jade Johnson
   Migrant and refugee health (Q2) Karen Block
   Ethnicity and chronic diseases (Q3)Sabrina Gupta
   Health promotion for CALD groups (Q4)Caoimhe Geraghty
   En-gendering health and intersectionality Maria Hach
   Growing old in a foreign world (Q5)Rosalie Aroni
   Is technology and health healthy?(Q6) Leigh Blackall
   Religion, spirituality and informal healthcare Maria Avgoulas
   Impact of language on health Rebecca Fanany
   Multicultural population and the healthcare system (Q7) Dr Regina Quiazon
2. Finalise subject guide:
3. Import to LMS
  • block on side for FHS basics
  • add Susan's picture
  • fix communications section - move forum
  • check on opening date and whether students get communication prior to that
4 Check formatting for blurb - what needs to be entered in the subject guide and on LMS
5 Check Reference list formatting
6 Check number of copies for text in library
7 Noha to provide student list with breakdown including majors - for distribution to workshop groups
8 Assessment marking criteria and submission
9 Release forms for guest presenters - Leigh to draft
10 Check budget with Paul (options such as bookshop vouchers/ payment)


  1. Leigh to draft release form
  2. Sabrina to add LMS blocks point 3 above (Leigh to assist)
  3. Leigh to check forum settings that notifications are going out - also check the placement of it in LMS (Sabrina could not move link up where all the other links were with the 'communication' block)
  4. Leigh to start G+ thread about student feedback. Sabrina to edit Learning Guide to reflect all feedback options
  5. Sabrina to send Leigh link list of images from WHO UNICEF, for Leigh to draft letter requesting reuse. Sabrina to use these images in LMS under Fair Dealings terms
  6. Sabrina to enter topic list with Week and dates check YSabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:43, 18 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
  7. Leigh to check topic list - the numbering and continuing it after the 'semester break'
  8. Finalise assessment criteria and submission procedure
  9. Finalise subject guide
  10. Discuss with Susan workshop schedule
  11. Sabrina and Noha to split students into workshopscheck Y131.172.36.45 (discuss) 02:54, 18 July 2014 (UTC)Reply
  12. Leigh - please see the reading list on Google drive - where is the best place to put this and what formatting?
  13. Leigh, where is the best place to put videos - as links under resources for the topic? Should we make playlists for each topic?

Susan/Leigh discussion

  1. Topics block - List all topics with schedule. Sample format (eg topic on language) is fine and will be used for all topics. Q: what is activity section for? Suggest remove Activity and add Workshop and Quiz (when appropriate) as separate sub-sections. Only make 'live' topics as we progress, ie open Week 1 first, and so on. Only go 'live' when content for topic is final (or close to final). Cut and paste from wiki to LMS.
  2. Workshops - to be added into each topic section (see point above) AND cross reference (ie repeat) in Assessments section, under Tutorial/Workshop support (eg script writing) for students to easier identify which workshops contain the tutorial support they require.
  3. Assessments - Can cut and past into LMS the preamble and criteria to start with.

22 July 2014

  • Content change to lecture on migrant and refugee health. Karen Block will focus on refugee health; migrant health can be covered by other lectures, eg CALD, chronic diseases.
  • Prep notes to guest lecturer: overview of subject (eg objectives, student profile, etc), amendment to topic title (if appropriate). Content to be covered - overview of topic; policies; health issues (taking a social determinants approach); interventions/strategies; access to healthcare services. Powerpoint presentation to be received 1 day before lecture. Request for readings and quiz Qs (if possible). Equipment. Fee? Follow up with email re logistics, etc closer to lecture.

1 July 2015

  1. Workshops - each team to bring in an article in media about topic of the week. Prepare Qs for students to respond to.

18 August 2014


Thoughts on Aboriginal Health lecture by Jade Johnson: The personal account was important as students heard about the first hand experiences of an Aboriginal Australian health worker, particularly around terminology and appropriate behaviour when interacting with Aboriginal clients in a healthcare setting. Information that would have strengthened the lecture include the current health status (or health data) of the Aboriginal Australian population, role of social determinants, empirical evidence of health programs or interventions, and government policies or frameworks, eg National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes. The workshop activity of 4 scenarios, a) recall for Koori patient, b) health reception to ask patient/client how they identify (as), c) client/patient seeing health practitioner about "hearing voice", and d)Aunty caring for a nephew (injured), was useful as it provided students with real life situations that they could work through on a practical basis. Resources: include Keating's Redfern speech, or use quote in preamble.

17 Sept 2014


Thoughts on gender lecture & workshop: "Intersectionality" component was probably too theoretical, would be better to include examples of how intersectionality is applied or used in a practical way, eg more examples like the one on violence against immigrant and refugee women. Workshop activity using media images was familiar to students; better to use case study

Thoughts on first workshop activity: Should have workshop in Week 1. Workshop activity could be familiarising students to terminology, eg CALD, community development, equity, social justice, social cohesion, etc

21 October 2014


Health system lecture - move it earlier in semester, about halfway through. Critique of cultural competency should be a focus. Workshop activity proposed by Regina: 'You are a seeking asylum in Australia, you find out you have a terminal or serious illness. Where would you go to seek help?'

23 October 2014


Workshop attendance: Suggest bonus of 3-5 marks for 70% attendance

9 February 2015

  • Students to take photographs and perhaps post on Instagram with #MHW (think of what hashtags they could use)
  • Pictures could relate to some aspect of their lives and their culture (something that may be unique or special to their culture/ ethnicity), e.g. clothing, festival, food, etc.
  • These images could be posted on this Wiki page (or perhaps another portal as well?)--SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 00:52, 9 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

13 May 2015

  • Develop flyer to post on LMS and on notice boards advertising subject - to be done by next week
  • See how subject aligns with La Trobe University Global Citizenship Essential - use that in the flyer
  • Other things to do: Address feedback/evaluations from last year, guest speakers

4 September 2015


Email exchange: Good idea, we could have them do this in Week 1, in place of the workshop. Maybe a short story not more than 100 -150 words.


Original Message-----

From: Sabrina Gupta Sent: Thursday, 3 September 2015 3:34 PM To: Susan Chong <S.Chong@latrobe.edu.au> Subject: What's Your Story?: Museum Victoria


Hi Susan, This may be a good idea for next year. I haven't looked at this in detail however it's similar to the activity students did in their first workshop. Sabrina :)

15th October 2015


End of year party celebration and inviting external members to come

  • Museum of Immigration - where students either take the self guided tour at the museum, or tour their website. Consider how to motivate attendance at the museum (such as explaining the inherent value, or suggesting that teams meet at the venue...) This museum needs to be thought of as a type of "reading" on a particular topic within the subject, and we balance this with other like "readings"...
  • Museum at Halls Gap...
  • Refugee Council of Australia
  • Multicultural Sexual Health Network, http://www.ceh.org.au/our-programs/our_programs_mhss/mshn

Resources to develop multimedia


SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 00:09, 10 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

General reading list



  1. Migrants, refugees and their health - might a lecture be replaced with a debate - where activists discuss with a department rep, a particular current "QandA style". Might be a video interview with the Museum currator. All of these *could* be pre recorded - complimented by an assigned activity - such as students visiting the museum and giving it a review on Google Places or Facebook
  2. Mental health and wellbeing - Someone from Social Work, such Annie Venville (mainly mental health and education) - in a prerecorded interview (maybe panel discussion) via Hangouts on Air.
  3. More ideas for topics...



The presentation assignment (Week 6 & 7) will require a small group to:

  1. identify a particular population group,
  2. identify common NCD patterns (epi'),
  3. what risk factors are at play (ie lifestyle, culture, genetics),
  4. what interventions are/have being tried in the selected pop group in Australia and beyond,
  5. identify gaps, suggest recommendations,
  6. format - 15 mins, creative, eg PPT, multi-media (ie video clips, etc), role play, etc.

For example 'south asians', disease patterns of heart and diabetics, factors include lifestyle and diet, intervention might be dietary plans.. (use acculturation, assimilation, colonisation, immigration/refugees, resistance)

Project brief (Week 11) critique of an intervention, or a funding proposal - where the group presentation is extended on. Ideally, real funding proposals OR turn the learning objectives into funding questions. Building on the group presentation recommendations, students will develop a project brief, akin to an outline for a funding proposal. This should include a summary of the issue, ie pop group, disease & related risk factors identified, interventions, & gaps, followed by a proposed intervention. Brief should also include a timeline (and possibly a rough budget).

Some consideration around the workload of this assignment...

It would be nice to consider the opportunities in students identifying a wide range of funding possibilities, and writing their EOI to those - meaning we and they could continue with that beyond the life of the course SabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:26, 9 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Project brief template: to encourage creativity I suggest removing template, but keep criteria; sub-headings for template can still be used.


  • Sonn, C., Bishop, B., & Humphries, R. (2000). Encounters with the dominant culture: Voices of indigenous students in mainstream higher education. Australian Psychologist, 35(2), 128-135. doi: 10.1080/00050060008260334

Quizzes There will be seven 10minute quizzes (Weeks, 3,4,5,6,8,9 & 12) and they are worth 5% of the assessment each, accumulating toward a 35% mark over all. They will be multiple choice based on the topics between quizzes. This will probably amount to 3 multi choice questions each quiz. So need to generate a simple text file for the questions and answers (or model answers) ready for transfer into the quiz tool. Multi media is possible - such as a short video question. Ask guest lecturers to give a set of questions/ resources to use for the quizSabrinaGupta (discusscontribs) 01:28, 9 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Revisions to quiz:

  1. duration of quiz was changed from 10 to 30mins as student feedback suggested 10mins was too short.
  2. open for 1 week

For 2015, consider:

  1. in workshop after each quiz, allocate time to review
  2. quiz Qs should be reviewed by an "expert" to improve format
  3. consider holding quiz in workshops; students can attempt quiz by themselves or work with peers

-- (discuss) 04:50, 4 July 2014 (UTC) Reading listReply

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