User:1sfoerster/enes245/fall2014/FIR FPGA SDR filter: Difference between revisions

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Line 694: Line 694:
-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011"; -- a1 ~ -1.6468868
-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011"; -- a1 ~ -1.6468868
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0001_0001_1011_1110_0011_1000_1011"; -- a2 ~ +0.7673272
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0001_0001_1011_1110_0011_1000_1011"; -- a2 ~ +0.7673272
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{{collapse top|FIR VHDL code4 Module}}
////////////////////// IIR_Biquad_I //////////////////////////////////--

-- This biquad is set up for 18 bit input words with 32 bit coefficients

library IEEE;

entity IIR_Biquad is
Port (
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
n_reset : in STD_LOGIC;
sample_trig : in STD_LOGIC;
X_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (17 downto 0);
filter_done : out STD_LOGIC;
Y_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (17 downto 0)
end IIR_Biquad;

architecture arch of IIR_Biquad is
-- -- Used Bilinear Z Transform

-- band stop butterworth 2nd order fo = 59.79, fl = 55Hz, fu = 65Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
-- H[z] = -------------------------
-- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2

-- define biquad coefficients
constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0011_1110_0101_0110_0111_1100"; -- b0 ~ +0.2225548
constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_1100_0111_1100_1010_1100_1000_1110"; -- b1 ~ +0.4451095
constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0011_1110_0101_0110_0111_1100"; -- b2 ~ +0.2225548

constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_10_1010_0110_1001_1101_0101_0001_1011"; -- a1 ~ -0.3372905
constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0011_1000_0011_1100_1110_1100_0001"; -- a2 ~ +0.3049199

-- define each pre gain sample flip flop
signal ZFF_X0, ZFF_X1, ZFF_X2, ZFF_Y1, ZFF_Y2 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) := (others => '0');

-- define each post gain 64 bit sample
signal pgZFF_X0_quad, pgZFF_X1_quad, pgZFF_X2_quad, pgZFF_Y1_quad, pgZFF_Y2_quad : std_logic_vector( 49 downto 0) := (others => '0');

-- define each post gain 32 but truncated sample
signal pgZFF_X0, pgZFF_X1, pgZFF_X2, pgZFF_Y1, pgZFF_Y2 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) := (others => '0');

-- define output double reg
signal Y_out_double : std_logic_vector( 17 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- state machine signals
type state_type is (idle, run);
signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;
-- counter signals
signal q_reg, q_next : unsigned(2 downto 0);
signal q_reset, q_add : std_logic;

-- data path flags
signal mul_coefs, trunc_prods, sum_stg_a, trunc_out : std_logic;


-- process to shift samples
process(clk, n_reset, Y_out_double, sample_trig)
if(n_reset = '0') then
ZFF_X0 <= (others => '0');
ZFF_X1 <= (others => '0');
ZFF_X2 <= (others => '0');
ZFF_Y1 <= (others => '0');
ZFF_Y2 <= (others => '0');

elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then
if(sample_trig = '1') then
ZFF_X0 <= X_in(17) & X_in(17 downto 1);
ZFF_X1 <= ZFF_X0;
ZFF_X2 <= ZFF_X1;
ZFF_Y1 <= Y_out_double;
ZFF_Y2 <= ZFF_Y1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(clk, n_reset)
if(n_reset = '0') then
state_reg <= idle;
q_reg <= (others => '0'); -- reset counter
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
state_reg <= state_next; -- update the state
q_reg <= q_next;
end if;
end process;
q_next <= (others => '0') when q_reset = '1' else -- resets the counter
q_reg + 1 when q_add = '1' else -- increment count if commanded
-- process for control of data path flags
process( q_reg, state_reg, sample_trig)
-- defaults
q_reset <= '0';
q_add <= '0';
mul_coefs <= '0';
trunc_prods <= '0';
sum_stg_a <= '0';
trunc_out <= '0';
filter_done <= '0';
case state_reg is
when idle =>
if(sample_trig = '1') then
state_next <= run;
state_next <= idle;
end if;
when run =>
if( q_reg < "001") then

q_add <= '1';
state_next <= run;
elsif( q_reg < "011") then
mul_coefs <= '1';
q_add <= '1';
state_next <= run;
elsif( q_reg < "100") then
trunc_prods <= '1';
q_add <= '1';
state_next <= run;
elsif( q_reg < "101") then
sum_stg_a <= '1';
q_add <= '1';
state_next <= run;
elsif( q_reg < "110") then
trunc_out <= '1';
q_add <= '1';
state_next <= run;
q_reset <= '1';
filter_done <= '1';
state_next <= idle;
end if;
end case;
end process;
-- add gain factors to numerator of biquad (feed forward path)
pgZFF_X0_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b0) * signed(ZFF_X0)) when mul_coefs = '1';
pgZFF_X1_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b1) * signed(ZFF_X1)) when mul_coefs = '1';
pgZFF_X2_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b2) * signed(ZFF_X2)) when mul_coefs = '1';

-- add gain factors to denominator of biquad (feed back path)
pgZFF_Y1_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_a1) * signed(ZFF_Y1)) when mul_coefs = '1';
pgZFF_Y2_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_a2) * signed(ZFF_Y2)) when mul_coefs = '1';

-- truncate the output to summation block
process(clk, trunc_prods, pgZFF_X0_quad, pgZFF_X1_quad, pgZFF_X2_quad, pgZFF_Y1_quad, pgZFF_Y2_quad)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (trunc_prods = '1') then
pgZFF_X0 <= pgZFF_X0_quad(47 downto 30);
pgZFF_X2 <= pgZFF_X2_quad(47 downto 30);
pgZFF_X1 <= pgZFF_X1_quad(47 downto 30);
pgZFF_Y1 <= pgZFF_Y1_quad(47 downto 30);
pgZFF_Y2 <= pgZFF_Y2_quad(47 downto 30);
end if;
end if;
end process;

-- sum all post gain feedback and feedfoward paths
-- Y[z] = X[z]*bo + X[z]*b1*Z^-1 + X[z]*b2*Z^-2 - Y[z]*a1*z^-1 + Y[z]*a2*z^-2
process(clk, sum_stg_a)
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
if(sum_stg_a = '1') then
Y_out_double <= std_logic_vector(signed(pgZFF_X0) + signed(pgZFF_X1) + signed(pgZFF_X2) - signed(pgZFF_Y1) - signed(pgZFF_Y2));
end if;
end if;
end process;

-- output truncation block
process(clk, trunc_out)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (trunc_out = '1') then
Y_out <= Y_out_double( 17 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
end arch;

-- -- band pass 2nd order butterworth f0 = 2000Hz, fl = 1500Hz, fu = 2500 Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0011_1110_1111_1100_1111_0000_1111"; -- b0 ~ +0.061511769
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000"; -- b1 ~ 0.0
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1100_0001_0000_0011_0000_1111_0001"; -- b0 ~ -0.061511769

-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1011_1011_0111_1011_1110_0101_0111"; -- a1 ~ -1.816910185
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_0010_0000_0110_0001_1110_0010"; -- a2 ~ +0.876976463

-- -- low pass 2nd order butt fl = 500Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0001_0000_1100_0011_1001_1100"; -- b0 ~ +0.0010232
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0010_0001_1000_0111_0011_1001"; -- b1 ~ +0.0020464
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0001_0000_1100_0011_1001_1100"; -- b2 ~ +0.0010232

-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0101_1110_1011_0111_1110_0110_1000"; -- a1 ~ -1.9075016
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1010_0101_0111_1001_0000_0111_0101"; -- a2 ~ +0.9115945

---- -- stop band 2nd order cheb f0 = 2828.47, Hz, fl = 2000Hz, fu = 4000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110"; -- b0 ~ +0.8836636
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011"; -- b1 ~ -1.6468868
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110"; -- b2 ~ +0.8836636
-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011"; -- a1 ~ -1.6468868
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0001_0001_1011_1110_0011_1000_1011"; -- a2 ~ +0.7673272

-- -- band pass 2nd order elliptical fl= 2000Hz, fu = 2500Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0100_1001_0001_0011_0101_0100_0111"; -- b0 ~ +0.0713628
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000"; -- b1 ~ +0.0
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1011_0110_1110_1100_1010_1011_1000"; -- b2 ~ -0.0713628
-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1110_0011_0001_0001_1010_1011_1111"; -- a1 ~ -1.7782529
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0110_1101_1101_1001_0101_0111_0001"; -- a2 ~ +0.8572744

-- -- Used Bilinear Z Transform
-- -- low pass 2nd order butterworth fc = 12000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0010_1011_1110_1100_0011_0011_0011"; -- b0 ~ +0.292893219
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_10_0101_0111_1101_1000_0110_0110_0110"; -- b1 ~ +0.585786438
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0010_1011_1110_1100_0011_0011_0011"; -- b2 ~ +0.292893219
-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000"; -- a1 ~ 0.0
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0101_0111_1101_1000"; -- a2 ~ +0.171572875

-- -- band stop butterworth 2nd order fo = 59.79, fl = 55Hz, fu = 65Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_0101_0100_1000_1000_0001"; -- b0 ~ +0.9993459
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0000_0001_0110_0110_1111_1010_1110"; -- b1 ~ -1.9986306
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_0101_0100_1000_1000_0001"; -- b2 ~ +0.9993459
-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0000_0001_0110_0110_1111_1010_1110"; -- a1 ~ -1.9986306
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1110_1010_1001_0001_0110_1110"; -- a2 ~ +0.9986919

-- -- stop band 2nd order ellip fl = 500Hz, fu = 2000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1101_0110_1100_0100_0001_0000_0110"; -- b0 ~ +0.9597323
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0110_0011_0101_0110_0111_0101_0101"; -- b1 ~ -1.9029905
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1101_0110_1100_0100_0001_0000_0110"; -- b2 ~ +0.9597323

-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0110_0011_0101_0110_0111_0101_0101"; -- a1 ~ -1.9029905
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1010_1101_1000_1000_0010_0111_1000"; -- a2 ~ +0.9194647

-- -- low pass 2nd order cheb fc = 10000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0001_0111_1010_1011_1000_0011"; -- b0 ~ +0.2201947
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_1100_0010_1111_0101_0111_0000_0101"; -- b1 ~ 0.4403894
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0001_0111_1010_1011_1000_0011"; -- b0 ~ +0.2201947

-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_10_1100_0101_0000_1101_0101_0000_0100"; -- a1 ~ -0.3075664
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1100_0000_1101_1101_1001_0000_0110"; -- a2 ~ +0.1883452

-- -- band pass 2nd order cheb f0 = 2000Hz, fl = 1500Hz, fu = 2500 Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
---- H[z] = -------------------------
---- 1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- define biquad coefficients
-- constant Coef_b0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0011_1110_1111_1100_1111_0011_0000"; -- b0 ~ +0.0615118
-- constant Coef_b1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000"; -- b1 ~ 0.0
-- constant Coef_b2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1100_0001_0000_0011_0000_1100_1111"; -- b0 ~ -0.0615118

-- constant Coef_a1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1011_1011_0111_1011_1110_0100_1000"; -- a1 ~ -1.8169102
-- constant Coef_a2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_0010_0000_0110_0010_0000_1011"; -- a2 ~ +0.8769765
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Revision as of 01:53, 16 May 2015


We are now living in an age of Information Technology; most of information technology is based on DSP( digital signal processing). Telecommunication, speech processing, consumer electronics, image processing and biomedical systems are some applications of DSP. Filtering is the most common part of DSP and it is used in all the previously mentioned applications. So what are filters? filters are mainly used in signal processing to remove unwanted frequencies from an incoming signal. FIR's and IIR's are described as the two filter types found in Software Defined Radio. The goal is to build a FIR in a papilio to and figure out how they work. Ultimately the goal is to connect it to open source SDR software running in a computer. FIR's and IIR's are described as the two filter types found in Software Defined Radio. The goal is to build a FIR in a papilio to and figure out how they work. Ultimately the goal is to connect it to open source SDR software running in a computer.


start reading here:


Repeat this project

*  3 Bit counter for synchronization.
*  5 ,32 bit IIR coefficients registers.
*  2  2 stage delay lines
*   2 state-fsm for synchronizing the math operations.
*  multipliers(32 X32 bits)
*  32 bit to 18 bit truncation for the DAC output
*  32 bits and 18 bits truncation blocks.

Next , I will write theVHDL code performing the desired filtering.

FIR VHDL code 1Module
--/////////////// STATE MACHINE TO CONFIGURE THE AC97 //////////////////--

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- one can add extra inputs and signals to control the input to LM4550 (ac97) register map below see volume and source for example
entity ac97cmd is
	port (
		 clk      			: in  std_logic;
		 ac97_ready_sig   : in  std_logic;
		 cmd_addr 			: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		 cmd_data 			: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
		 latching_cmd		: out std_logic;
		 volume   			: in  std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);  			-- input for encoder for volume control 0->31
		 source   			: in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); 			-- 000 = Mic, 100=LineIn
end ac97cmd;

architecture arch of ac97cmd is
	signal cmd 		: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);  
	signal atten   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);							-- used to set atn in 04h ML4:0/MR4:0
	type state_type is (S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11);
	signal cur_state, next_state : state_type;
																							-- parse command from data
   cmd_addr <= cmd(23 downto 16);
   cmd_data <= cmd(15 downto 0);
   atten      <= std_logic_vector(31 - unsigned(volume));      		-- convert vol to attenuation

	-- one can add more with select statments with output signals to do more error checking
	with cmd(23 downto 16) select
		latching_cmd <=
			'1' when X"02" | X"04" | X"06" | X"0A" | X"0C" | X"0E" | X"10" | X"12" | X"14" | 
						X"16" | X"18" | X"1A" | X"1C" | X"20" | X"22" | X"24" | X"26" | X"28" | 
						X"2A" | X"2C" | X"32" | X"5A" | X"74" | X"7A" | X"7C" | X"7E" | X"80",
			'0' when others;
	-- go through states based on input pulses from ac97 ready signal
	process(clk, next_state, cur_state)
		if(clk'event and clk = '1') then
			if ac97_ready_sig = '1' then
				cur_state <= next_state;
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;
	-- use state machine to configure controller
	-- refer to register map on LM4550 data sheet 
	-- signals and input busses can be added to control 
	-- the AC97 codec refer to the source and volume to see how
	-- first part is address, second part after _ is command
	-- states and input signals can be added for real time configuration of 
	-- any ac97 register
	process (next_state, cur_state, atten, source)

		case cur_state is
			when S0 =>
				cmd <= X"02_0000";  												-- master volume	0 0000->0dB atten, 1 1111->46.5dB atten								
				next_state <= S2;
			when S1 => 
				cmd <= X"04" & "000" & atten & "000" & atten;			-- headphone volume
				next_state <= S4;
			when S2 => 
				cmd <= X"0A_0000";  												-- Set pc_beep volume
				next_state <= S11;
			when S3 => 
				cmd <= X"0E_8048";  												-- Mic Volume set to gain of +20db
				next_state <= S10;
			when S4 => 
				cmd <= X"18_0808";  												-- PCM volume
				next_state <= S6;
			when S5 =>
				cmd <= X"1A" & "00000" & source & "00000" & source;  	-- Record select reg 000->Mic, 001->CD in l/r, 010->Video in l/r, 011->aux in l/r
				next_state <= S7;													-- 100->line_in l/r, 101->stereo mix, 110->mono mix, 111->phone input
			when S6 =>
				cmd <= X"1C_0F0F";  												-- Record gain set to max (22.5dB gain)
				next_state <= S8;	
			when S7 =>
				cmd <= X"20_8000";  												-- PCM out path 3D audio bypassed
				next_state <= S0;
			when S8 => 
				cmd <= X"2C_BB80";   											-- DAC rate 48 KHz (BB80),	can be set to 1F40 = 8Khz, 2B11 = 11.025KHz, 3E80 = 16KHz,											 
				next_state <= S5;													-- 5622 = 22.05KHz, AC44 = 44.1KHz, BB80 = 48KHz
			when S9 =>
				cmd <= X"32_BB80";  												-- ADC rate 48 KHz (BB80),	can be set to 1F40 = 8Khz, 2B11 = 11.025KHz, 3E80 = 16KHz,									 
				next_state <= S3;													-- 5622 = 22.05KHz, AC44 = 44.1KHz, BB80 = 48KHz	
			when S10 =>
				cmd <= X"80_0000"; 												-- Extended audio status reg, allows variable sample rate programming (X"2A_0001";)							  					
				next_state <= S9;
			when S11 =>
				cmd <= X"80_0000";  												
				next_state <= S1;
			end case;
  end process;

end arch;


FIR VHDL code2 Module
--/////////////////////// AC97 Driver //////////////////////////////////--

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity ac97 is
	port (
		n_reset        : in  std_logic;
		clk            : in  std_logic;
																				-- ac97 interface signals
		ac97_sdata_out : out std_logic;								-- ac97 output to SDATA_IN
		ac97_sdata_in  : in  std_logic;								-- ac97 input from SDATA_OUT
		ac97_sync      : out std_logic;								-- SYNC signal to ac97
		ac97_bitclk    : in  std_logic;								-- 12.288 MHz clock from ac97
		ac97_n_reset   : out std_logic;								-- ac97 reset for initialization [active low]
		ac97_ready_sig : out std_logic; 								-- pulse for one cycle
		L_out          : in  std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);	-- lt chan output from ADC
		R_out          : in  std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);	-- rt chan output from ADC
		L_in           : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);	-- lt chan input to DAC
		R_in           : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);	-- rt chan input to DAC
		latching_cmd	: in std_logic;
		cmd_addr       : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);		-- cmd address coming in from ac97cmd state machine
		cmd_data       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));	-- cmd data coming in from ac97cmd state machine
end ac97;

architecture arch of ac97 is

	signal Q1, Q2   			: std_logic;								-- signals to deliver one cycle pulse at specified time
	signal bit_count    		: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);		-- counter for aligning slots
	signal rst_counter  	 	: integer range 0 to 4097;				-- counter to set ac97_reset high for ac97 init
	signal latch_cmd_addr   : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);		-- signals to latch in registers and commands
	signal latch_cmd_data   : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);

	signal latch_left_data	: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
	signal latch_right_data : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);

	signal left_data     	: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
	signal right_data    	: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
	signal left_in_data  	: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
	signal right_in_data 	: std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);

	-- concat for 18 bit usage can concat further for 16 bit use 
	-- by using <& "0000"> and <left_in_data(19 downto 4)>
	left_data  <= L_out & "00";
	right_data <= R_out & "00";

	L_in <= left_in_data(19 downto 2);
	R_in <= right_in_data(19 downto 2);

	-- Delay for ac97_reset signal, clk = 100MHz
	-- delay 37.89 us / 10 ns = 3789 for active low reset on init 
	process (clk, n_reset)
		if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
			if n_reset = '0' then
				rst_counter <= 0;
				ac97_n_reset <= '0';
			elsif rst_counter = 3789 then  
				ac97_n_reset <= '1';
				rst_counter <= 0;
				rst_counter <= rst_counter + 1;
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;
	-- This process generates a single clkcycle pulse
	-- to get configuration data from the ac97cmd FSM
	-- and lets the user know when a sample is ready
	process (clk, n_reset, bit_count)
		if(clk'event and clk = '1') then
			Q2 <= Q1;
			if(bit_count = "00000000") then
				Q1 <= '0';
				Q2 <= '0';
			elsif(bit_count >= "10000001") then
				Q1 <= '1';
			end if;
			ac97_ready_sig <= Q1 and not Q2;
		end if;
	end process;
	-- ac97-link frame is 256 cycles 
	-- [slot0], [slot1], [slot2], [slot3], [slot4], [slot5] ... [slot9], [slot10], [slot11], [slot12]
	-- slot 0 [tag phase] is 16 cycles slot1:12 are 20 cycles so 16 + 12 * 20 = 256 cycles
	-- ac97 link output frame [frame going out]
	process (n_reset, bit_count, ac97_bitclk)
		if(n_reset = '0') then																-- active low reset
			bit_count <= "00000000";														-- starts bit count at 0
		end if;
		if (ac97_bitclk'event and ac97_bitclk = '1') then							-- rising edge of ac97_bitclk
			if bit_count = "11111111" then												-- Generate sync signal for ac97
				ac97_sync <= '1';																-- at bitcnt = 255

			end if;

			if bit_count = "00001111" then												-- at bitcnt = 15
				ac97_sync <= '0';
			end if;

																									-- At the end of each frame the user data is latched in 
			if bit_count = "11111111" then
				latch_cmd_addr   <= cmd_addr & "000000000000";
				latch_cmd_data   <= cmd_data & "0000";
				latch_left_data  <= left_data;
				latch_right_data <= right_data;
			end if;
																									-- Tag phase
			if (bit_count >= "00000000") and (bit_count <= "00001111") then	-- bit count 0 to 15
																									-- Slot 0 : Tag Phase
				case bit_count is																-- Can create input signals to verify on tag phase
					when "00000000"      => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';      			-- AC Link Interface ready
					when "00000001"      => ac97_sdata_out <= latching_cmd;  	-- Vaild Status Adress or Slot request
					when "00000010"      => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';  				-- Valid Status data 
					when "00000011"      => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';      			-- Valid PCM Data (Left ADC)
					when "00000100"      => ac97_sdata_out <= '1';      			-- Valid PCM Data (Right ADC)
					when others => ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
				end case;
																										-- starting at slot 1 add 20 bit counts each time
			elsif (bit_count >= "00010000") and (bit_count <= "00100011") then	-- bit count 16 to 35
																										-- Slot 1 : Command address (8-bits, left justified)
				if latching_cmd = '1' then
					ac97_sdata_out <= latch_cmd_addr(35 - to_integer(unsigned(bit_count)));
					ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
				end if;

				elsif (bit_count >= "00100100") and (bit_count <= "00110111") then	-- bit count 36 to 55
																											-- Slot 2 : Command data (16-bits, left justified)
				if latching_cmd = '1' then
					ac97_sdata_out <= latch_cmd_data(55 - to_integer(unsigned(bit_count)));
					ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
				end if;

			elsif ((bit_count >= "00111000") and (bit_count <= "01001011")) then	-- bit count 56 to 75

																										-- Slot 3 : left channel
				ac97_sdata_out <= latch_left_data(19);										-- send out bits and rotate through 20 bit word

				latch_left_data <= latch_left_data(18 downto 0) & latch_left_data(19);

			elsif ((bit_count >= "01001100") and (bit_count <= "01011111")) then	-- bit count 76 to 95
																										-- Slot 4 : right channel
				ac97_sdata_out <= latch_right_data(95 - to_integer(unsigned(bit_count)));
				ac97_sdata_out <= '0';
			end if;

																										-- incriment bit counter
			bit_count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(bit_count) + 1);
		end if;
	end process;

	-- ac97 link input frame [frame coming in]
	process (ac97_bitclk)
		if (ac97_bitclk'event and ac97_bitclk = '0') then								-- clock on falling edge of bitclk
			if (bit_count >= "00111001") and (bit_count <= "01001100") then 		-- from 115 to 76
																										-- Slot 3 : left channel
				left_in_data <= left_in_data(18 downto 0) & ac97_sdata_in;			-- concat incoming bits on end
			elsif (bit_count >= "01001101") and (bit_count <= "01100000") then 	-- from 77 to 96
																										-- Slot 4 : right channel
				right_in_data <= right_in_data(18 downto 0) & ac97_sdata_in;		-- concat incoming bits on end
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;

end arch;
FIR VHDL code3 Module
--////////////////////// IIR_Biquad_II /////////////////////////////////--

library IEEE;

entity IIR_Biquad_II is
		Port ( 
				clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
				n_reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
				sample_trig : in  STD_LOGIC;
				X_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (17 downto 0);
				filter_done : out STD_LOGIC;
				Y_out : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (17 downto 0)
end IIR_Biquad_II;

architecture arch of IIR_Biquad_II is

	-- band stop butterworth  2nd order  fo = 59.79, fl = 55Hz, fu = 65Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
--				H[z] = -------------------------
--						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2

	-- define biquad coefficients
	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_1101_1101_1011_0000_1001";				-- b0		~ +0.999869117
	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0000_0000_0101_0100_1100_1000_1010";				-- b1		~ -1.999676575
	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_1101_1101_1011_0000_1001";				-- b2		~ +0.999869117	

	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0000_0000_0101_0100_1100_1000_1010";				-- a1		~ -1.999676575 	
	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_1011_1011_0110_0001_0011";				-- a2		~ +0.999738235
	-- define each pre gain sample flip flop
	signal ZFF_X0, ZFF_X1, ZFF_X2, ZFF_Y1, ZFF_Y2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');

	-- define each post gain 64 bit sample
	signal pgZFF_X0_quad, pgZFF_X1_quad, pgZFF_X2_quad, pgZFF_Y1_quad, pgZFF_Y2_quad  : std_logic_vector( 63 downto 0) := (others => '0');

	-- define each post gain 32 but truncated sample
	signal pgZFF_X0, pgZFF_X1, pgZFF_X2, pgZFF_Y1, pgZFF_Y2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');

	-- define output double reg
	signal Y_out_double : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
	-- state machine signals
	type state_type is (idle, run);
	signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;
	-- counter signals
	signal q_reg, q_next : unsigned(2 downto 0);
	signal q_reset, q_add : std_logic;

	-- data path flags
	signal mul_coefs, trunc_prods, sum_stg_a, trunc_out : std_logic;


	-- process to shift samples
	process(clk, n_reset, Y_out_double, sample_trig)
		if(n_reset = '0') then
			ZFF_X0 <= (others => '0'); 
			ZFF_X1 <= (others => '0'); 
			ZFF_X2 <= (others => '0');
			ZFF_Y1 <= (others => '0'); 
			ZFF_Y2 <= (others => '0');

		elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then
			if(sample_trig = '1') then
				ZFF_X0 <= X_in(17) & X_in(17) & X_in & B"0000_0000_0000";
				ZFF_X1 <= ZFF_X0;
				ZFF_X2 <= ZFF_X1;
				ZFF_Y1 <= Y_out_double;								
				ZFF_Y2 <= ZFF_Y1;
			end if;	
		end if;
	end process;
	process(clk, n_reset) 
		if(n_reset = '0') then
			state_reg <= idle;                                    
			q_reg <= (others => '0');                               -- reset counter
		elsif (rising_edge(clk))  then
			state_reg <= state_next;                                -- update the state
			q_reg <= q_next;
		end if;
	end process;
	q_next <= (others => '0') when q_reset = '1' else               -- resets the counter 
							q_reg + 1 when q_add = '1' else                 -- increment count if commanded
	-- process for control of data path flags
	process( q_reg, state_reg, sample_trig)
		-- defaults
		q_reset <= '0';
		q_add <= '0';
		mul_coefs <= '0';
		trunc_prods <= '0';
		sum_stg_a <= '0';
		trunc_out <= '0';
		filter_done <= '0';
		case state_reg is
		when idle =>
			if(sample_trig = '1') then
				state_next <= run;
				state_next <= idle;
			end if;
		when run =>	
			if( q_reg < B"001") then		  

				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "011") then
				mul_coefs <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "100") then
				trunc_prods <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "101") then
				sum_stg_a <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "110") then
				trunc_out <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;				
				q_reset <= '1';
				filter_done <= '1';
				state_next <= idle;
			end if;
		end case;
	end process;

	-- add gain factors to numerator of biquad (feed forward path)
	pgZFF_X0_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b0) * signed(ZFF_X0)) when mul_coefs = '1';
	pgZFF_X1_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b1) * signed(ZFF_X1)) when mul_coefs = '1';
	pgZFF_X2_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b2) * signed(ZFF_X2)) when mul_coefs = '1';

	-- add gain factors to denominator of biquad (feed back path)
	pgZFF_Y1_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_a1) * signed(ZFF_Y1)) when mul_coefs = '1';
	pgZFF_Y2_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_a2) * signed(ZFF_Y2)) when mul_coefs = '1';


	-- truncate the output to summation block
	process(clk, trunc_prods, pgZFF_X0_quad, pgZFF_X1_quad, pgZFF_X2_quad, pgZFF_Y1_quad, pgZFF_Y2_quad)
		if rising_edge(clk) then
			if (trunc_prods = '1') then	
				pgZFF_X0 <= pgZFF_X0_quad(61 downto 30);	
				pgZFF_X2 <= pgZFF_X2_quad(61 downto 30);
				pgZFF_X1 <= pgZFF_X1_quad(61 downto 30);
				pgZFF_Y1 <= pgZFF_Y1_quad(61 downto 30);
				pgZFF_Y2 <= pgZFF_Y2_quad(61 downto 30);
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;


	-- sum all post gain feedback and feedfoward paths
	-- Y[z] = X[z]*bo + X[z]*b1*Z^-1 + X[z]*b2*Z^-2 - Y[z]*a1*z^-1 + Y[z]*a2*z^-2
	process(clk, sum_stg_a)
		if(rising_edge(clk)) then
			if(sum_stg_a = '1') then
				Y_out_double <= std_logic_vector(signed(pgZFF_X0) + signed(pgZFF_X1) + signed(pgZFF_X2) - signed(pgZFF_Y1) - signed(pgZFF_Y2));
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;

	-- output truncation block
	process(clk, trunc_out)
		if rising_edge(clk) then
			if (trunc_out = '1') then
				Y_out <= Y_out_double( 30 downto 13);
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;
end arch;

-- Pre Generated Example IIR filters

--	-- band pass  2nd order butterworth  f0 = 2000Hz, fl = 1500Hz, fu = 2500 Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0011_1110_1111_1100_1111_0000_1111";				-- b0		~ +0.061511769
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- b1		~ 0.0
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1100_0001_0000_0011_0000_1111_0001";				-- b0		~ -0.061511769	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1011_1011_0111_1011_1110_0101_0111";				-- a1		~ -1.816910185 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_0010_0000_0110_0001_1110_0010";				-- a2		~ +0.876976463

--	-- band pass  2nd order elliptical  fl= 7200Hz, fu = 7400Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1101_0010_0010_0011_1010_0101";				-- b0		~ +0.9944543
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_11_0110_1000_0111_0101_1111_1101_1011";				-- b1		~ -1.1479874
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1101_0010_0010_0011_1010_0101";				-- b2		~ +0.9944543

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_11_0110_1000_0111_0101_1111_1101_1011";				-- a1		~ -1.1479874 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_0100_1010_0100_0111_0100_1011";				-- a2		~ +0.9889086

--	 stop band  2nd order butterworth  f0 = 3000Hz, fl = 2000Hz, fu = 4000Hz,  Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110";				-- b0		~ +0.8836636
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011";				-- b1		~ -1.6468868
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110";				-- b2		~ +0.8836636	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011";				-- a1		~ -1.6468868 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0001_0001_1011_1110_0011_1000_1011";				-- a2		~ +0.7673272

--	-- band pass  2nd order elliptical  fl= 2000Hz, fu = 2500Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0100_1001_0001_0011_0101_0100_0111";				-- b0		~ +0.0713628
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- b1		~ +0.0
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1011_0110_1110_1100_1010_1011_1000";				-- b2		~ -0.0713628

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1110_0011_0001_0001_1010_1011_1111";				-- a1		~ -1.7782529 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0110_1101_1101_1001_0101_0111_0001";				-- a2		~ +0.8572744

--   -- Used Bilinear Z Transform
--	-- low pass  2nd order butterworth  fc = 12000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0010_1011_1110_1100_0011_0011_0011";				-- b0		~ +0.292893219
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_10_0101_0111_1101_1000_0110_0110_0110";				-- b1		~ +0.585786438
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0010_1011_1110_1100_0011_0011_0011";				-- b2		~ +0.292893219

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- a1		~ 0.0 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0101_0111_1101_1000";				-- a2		~ +0.171572875

--	-- stop band  2nd order butterworth  f0 = 3000Hz, fl = 2000Hz, fu = 4000Hz,  Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110";				-- b0		~ +0.8836636
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011";				-- b1		~ -1.6468868
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110";				-- b2		~ +0.8836636	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011";				-- a1		~ -1.6468868 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0001_0001_1011_1110_0011_1000_1011";				-- a2		~ +0.7673272
FIR VHDL code4 Module
////////////////////// IIR_Biquad_I //////////////////////////////////--

-- This biquad is set up for 18 bit input words with 32 bit coefficients

library IEEE;

entity IIR_Biquad is
		Port ( 
				clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
				n_reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
				sample_trig : in  STD_LOGIC;
				X_in : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (17 downto 0);
				filter_done : out STD_LOGIC;
				Y_out : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (17 downto 0)
end IIR_Biquad;

architecture arch of IIR_Biquad is
--   -- Used Bilinear Z Transform

	-- band stop butterworth  2nd order  fo = 59.79, fl = 55Hz, fu = 65Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
--				H[z] = -------------------------
--						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2

	-- define biquad coefficients
	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0011_1110_0101_0110_0111_1100";				-- b0		~ +0.2225548
	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_1100_0111_1100_1010_1100_1000_1110";				-- b1		~ +0.4451095
	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0011_1110_0101_0110_0111_1100";				-- b2		~ +0.2225548	

	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_10_1010_0110_1001_1101_0101_0001_1011";				-- a1		~ -0.3372905 	
	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0011_1000_0011_1100_1110_1100_0001";				-- a2		~ +0.3049199

	-- define each pre gain sample flip flop
	signal ZFF_X0, ZFF_X1, ZFF_X2, ZFF_Y1, ZFF_Y2 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) := (others => '0');

	-- define each post gain 64 bit sample
	signal pgZFF_X0_quad, pgZFF_X1_quad, pgZFF_X2_quad, pgZFF_Y1_quad, pgZFF_Y2_quad  : std_logic_vector( 49 downto 0) := (others => '0');

	-- define each post gain 32 but truncated sample
	signal pgZFF_X0, pgZFF_X1, pgZFF_X2, pgZFF_Y1, pgZFF_Y2 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) := (others => '0');

	-- define output double reg
	signal Y_out_double : std_logic_vector( 17 downto 0) := (others => '0');
	-- state machine signals
	type state_type is (idle, run);
	signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;
	-- counter signals
	signal q_reg, q_next : unsigned(2 downto 0);
	signal q_reset, q_add : std_logic;

	-- data path flags
	signal mul_coefs, trunc_prods, sum_stg_a, trunc_out : std_logic;


	-- process to shift samples
	process(clk, n_reset, Y_out_double, sample_trig)
		if(n_reset = '0') then
			ZFF_X0 <= (others => '0'); 
			ZFF_X1 <= (others => '0'); 
			ZFF_X2 <= (others => '0');
			ZFF_Y1 <= (others => '0'); 
			ZFF_Y2 <= (others => '0');

		elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then
			if(sample_trig = '1') then
				ZFF_X0 <= X_in(17) & X_in(17 downto 1);
				ZFF_X1 <= ZFF_X0;
				ZFF_X2 <= ZFF_X1;
				ZFF_Y1 <= Y_out_double;								
				ZFF_Y2 <= ZFF_Y1;
			end if;	
		end if;
	end process;
	process(clk, n_reset) 
		if(n_reset = '0') then
			state_reg <= idle;                                    
         q_reg <= (others => '0');                               -- reset counter
		elsif (rising_edge(clk))  then
			state_reg <= state_next;                                -- update the state
         q_reg <= q_next;
		end if;
	end process;
	q_next <= (others => '0') when q_reset = '1' else               -- resets the counter 
							q_reg + 1 when q_add = '1' else                 -- increment count if commanded
	-- process for control of data path flags
	process( q_reg, state_reg, sample_trig)
		-- defaults
		q_reset <= '0';
		q_add <= '0';
		mul_coefs <= '0';
		trunc_prods <= '0';
		sum_stg_a <= '0';
		trunc_out <= '0';
		filter_done <= '0';
		case state_reg is
		when idle =>
			if(sample_trig = '1') then
				state_next <= run;
				state_next <= idle;
			end if;
		when run =>	
			if( q_reg < "001") then		  

				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "011") then
				mul_coefs <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "100") then
				trunc_prods <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "101") then
				sum_stg_a <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;
			elsif( q_reg < "110") then
				trunc_out <= '1';
				q_add <= '1';
				state_next <= run;				
				q_reset <= '1';
				filter_done <= '1';
				state_next <= idle;
			end if;
		end case;
	end process;
	-- add gain factors to numerator of biquad (feed forward path)
	pgZFF_X0_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b0) * signed(ZFF_X0)) when mul_coefs = '1';
	pgZFF_X1_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b1) * signed(ZFF_X1)) when mul_coefs = '1';
	pgZFF_X2_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_b2) * signed(ZFF_X2)) when mul_coefs = '1';

	-- add gain factors to denominator of biquad (feed back path)
	pgZFF_Y1_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_a1) * signed(ZFF_Y1)) when mul_coefs = '1';
	pgZFF_Y2_quad <= std_logic_vector( signed(Coef_a2) * signed(ZFF_Y2)) when mul_coefs = '1';

	-- truncate the output to summation block
	process(clk, trunc_prods, pgZFF_X0_quad, pgZFF_X1_quad, pgZFF_X2_quad, pgZFF_Y1_quad, pgZFF_Y2_quad)
		if rising_edge(clk) then
			if (trunc_prods = '1') then	
				pgZFF_X0 <= pgZFF_X0_quad(47 downto 30);	
				pgZFF_X2 <= pgZFF_X2_quad(47 downto 30);
				pgZFF_X1 <= pgZFF_X1_quad(47 downto 30);
				pgZFF_Y1 <= pgZFF_Y1_quad(47 downto 30);
				pgZFF_Y2 <= pgZFF_Y2_quad(47 downto 30);
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;

	-- sum all post gain feedback and feedfoward paths
	-- Y[z] = X[z]*bo + X[z]*b1*Z^-1 + X[z]*b2*Z^-2 - Y[z]*a1*z^-1 + Y[z]*a2*z^-2
	process(clk, sum_stg_a)
		if(rising_edge(clk)) then
			if(sum_stg_a = '1') then
				Y_out_double <= std_logic_vector(signed(pgZFF_X0) + signed(pgZFF_X1) + signed(pgZFF_X2) - signed(pgZFF_Y1) - signed(pgZFF_Y2));
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;

	-- output truncation block
	process(clk, trunc_out)
		if rising_edge(clk) then
			if (trunc_out = '1') then
				Y_out <= Y_out_double( 17 downto 0);
			end if;
		end if;
	end process;
end arch;

--	-- band pass  2nd order butterworth  f0 = 2000Hz, fl = 1500Hz, fu = 2500 Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0011_1110_1111_1100_1111_0000_1111";				-- b0		~ +0.061511769
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- b1		~ 0.0
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1100_0001_0000_0011_0000_1111_0001";				-- b0		~ -0.061511769	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1011_1011_0111_1011_1110_0101_0111";				-- a1		~ -1.816910185 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_0010_0000_0110_0001_1110_0010";				-- a2		~ +0.876976463

--	-- low pass  2nd order butt  fl = 500Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
--	-- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0001_0000_1100_0011_1001_1100";				-- b0		~ +0.0010232
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0010_0001_1000_0111_0011_1001";				-- b1		~ +0.0020464
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0001_0000_1100_0011_1001_1100";				-- b2		~ +0.0010232	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0101_1110_1011_0111_1110_0110_1000";				-- a1		~ -1.9075016 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1010_0101_0111_1001_0000_0111_0101";				-- a2		~ +0.9115945

----	-- stop band  2nd order cheb  f0 = 2828.47,  Hz, fl = 2000Hz, fu = 4000Hz,  Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
----	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
----	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110";				-- b0		~ +0.8836636
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011";				-- b1		~ -1.6468868
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_1000_1101_1111_0001_1100_0110";				-- b2		~ +0.8836636	
--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_01_0110_1001_1001_0110_1000_0001_1011";				-- a1		~ -1.6468868 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0001_0001_1011_1110_0011_1000_1011";				-- a2		~ +0.7673272

--	-- band pass  2nd order elliptical  fl= 2000Hz, fu = 2500Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0100_1001_0001_0011_0101_0100_0111";				-- b0		~ +0.0713628
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- b1		~ +0.0
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1011_0110_1110_1100_1010_1011_1000";				-- b2		~ -0.0713628
--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1110_0011_0001_0001_1010_1011_1111";				-- a1		~ -1.7782529 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_0110_1101_1101_1001_0101_0111_0001";				-- a2		~ +0.8572744

--   -- Used Bilinear Z Transform
--	-- low pass  2nd order butterworth  fc = 12000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0010_1011_1110_1100_0011_0011_0011";				-- b0		~ +0.292893219
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_10_0101_0111_1101_1000_0110_0110_0110";				-- b1		~ +0.585786438
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_0010_1011_1110_1100_0011_0011_0011";				-- b2		~ +0.292893219
--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- a1		~ 0.0 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0101_0111_1101_1000";				-- a2		~ +0.171572875

--	-- band stop butterworth  2nd order  fo = 59.79, fl = 55Hz, fu = 65Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
--	-- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_0101_0100_1000_1000_0001";				-- b0		~ +0.9993459
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0000_0001_0110_0110_1111_1010_1110";				-- b1		~ -1.9986306
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1111_0101_0100_1000_1000_0001";				-- b2		~ +0.9993459	
--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0000_0001_0110_0110_1111_1010_1110";				-- a1		~ -1.9986306 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1111_1110_1010_1001_0001_0110_1110";				-- a2		~ +0.9986919

--	-- stop band  2nd order ellip  fl = 500Hz, fu = 2000Hz,  Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
--	-- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1101_0110_1100_0100_0001_0000_0110";				-- b0		~ +0.9597323
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0110_0011_0101_0110_0111_0101_0101";				-- b1		~ -1.9029905
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1101_0110_1100_0100_0001_0000_0110";				-- b2		~ +0.9597323	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_0110_0011_0101_0110_0111_0101_0101";				-- a1		~ -1.9029905 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1010_1101_1000_1000_0010_0111_1000";				-- a2		~ +0.9194647

--	-- low pass  2nd order cheb  fc = 10000Hz, Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0001_0111_1010_1011_1000_0011";				-- b0		~ +0.2201947
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_01_1100_0010_1111_0101_0111_0000_0101";				-- b1		~ 0.4403894
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1110_0001_0111_1010_1011_1000_0011";				-- b0		~ +0.2201947	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_10_1100_0101_0000_1101_0101_0000_0100";				-- a1		~ -0.3075664 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_1100_0000_1101_1101_1001_0000_0110";				-- a2		~ +0.1883452

--	-- band pass  2nd order cheb  f0 = 2000Hz, fl = 1500Hz, fu = 2500 Fs = 48000Hz, PBR = .08 dB, SBR = .03 dB
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
----			           b0 + b1*Z^-1 + b2*Z^-2
----				H[z] = -------------------------
----						  1 + a1*Z^-1 + a2*Z^-2
--	--------------------------------------------------------------------------	
---- define biquad coefficients
--	constant	Coef_b0	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0011_1110_1111_1100_1111_0011_0000";				-- b0		~ +0.0615118
--	constant	Coef_b1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000";				-- b1		~ 0.0
--	constant	Coef_b2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"11_11_1100_0001_0000_0011_0000_1100_1111";				-- b0		~ -0.0615118	

--	constant	Coef_a1	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"10_00_1011_1011_0111_1011_1110_0100_1000";				-- a1		~ -1.8169102 	
--	constant	Coef_a2	:	std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := B"00_11_1000_0010_0000_0110_0010_0000_1011";				-- a2		~ +0.8769765

Next Steps

The simulation of the filter was conclusive and the next step is to use this filter in a radio project application.