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See also: Okeanija and Okeānijā


 Okeānija on Latvian Wikipedia



From okeāns (ocean) +‎ -ija, by analogy to other geographic terms like Āzija, Latvija, etc., clearly imitating a similar formation in other European languages.


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Proper noun


Okeānija f (4th declension)

  1. Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean)
    Okeānijas robežas definē dažādi, taču parasti tiek iekļauta Austrālija, Jaunzēlande, Jaungvineja, Polinēzija, Melanēzija un MikronēzijaOceania is variously defined, but the most frequent (definition) includes Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia



See also
