„William Bennett (Politiker)“ – Versionsunterschied

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{{Belege fehlen|Der Artikel ist fast ohne Belege, ein einziger Einzelnachweis und ein Weblink mit knappen biografischen Daten, seine Ansichten und Äußerungen bleiben völlig unbelegt, wie auch in der als Artikelgrundlage dienenden [[:en:Special:Diff/62333200|Version der englischsprachigen Wikipedia]].}}
'''William John Bennett''' (* [[31. Juli]] [[1943]] in [[Brooklyn]] in [[New York City]]) ist ein [[USA|US-amerikanischer]] [[Politiker]] ([[Republikanische Partei (USA)|Republikaner]]), Kommentator. In der [[Ronald Reagan|Reagan-Regierung]] leitete er von [[1981]] bis [[1985]] die [[National Endowment for the Humanities]] und diente danach von [[1985]] bis [[1988]] als [[US-Bildungsminister]]. Unter [[US-Präsident]] [[George H. W. Bush]] war er Direktor des Office of National Drug Control Policy (auch als "Drug Czar" bekannt).
[[Datei:Bill Bennett by Gage Skidmore.jpg|mini|William Bennett (2011)]]
'''William John Bennett''' (* [[31. Juli]] [[1943]] in [[Brooklyn]], [[New York City]]) ist ein [[Vereinigte Staaten|US-amerikanischer]] [[Politiker]] ([[Republikanische Partei|Republikaner]]). In der [[Ronald Reagan|Reagan-Regierung]] leitete er von 1981 bis 1985 das [[National Endowment for the Humanities]] und diente danach von 1985 bis 1988 als [[Bildungsministerium der Vereinigten Staaten|US-Bildungsminister]]. Unter [[Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten|US-Präsident]] [[George H. W. Bush|George Bush]] war er Direktor des [[Office of National Drug Control Policy]].

== Leben ==
Bennett wuchs in [[Washington DC]] auf, wo er die [[Gonzaga College High School]] besuchte. Nach seinem Studium an der [[Williams College]] promovierte er an der [[University of Texas at Austin]] in Political Philosophy. Er hat auch einen Jura-Abschluss von der [[Harvard Law School]]. Zwischen [[1976]] und [[1981]] war er Exekutivdirektor der [[National Humanities Center]], ein privates Forschungsinstitut in [[North Carolina]].
Bennett wuchs in [[Washington, D.C.|Washington]] auf, wo er die [[Gonzaga College High School]] besuchte. Nach seinem Studium am [[Williams College]] promovierte er an der [[University of Texas at Austin]] in Political Philosophy. Er hat auch einen Jura-Abschluss von der [[Harvard Law School]]. Zwischen 1976 und 1981 war er Exekutivdirektor der [[National Humanities Center]], ein privates Forschungsinstitut in [[North Carolina]].
He was co-director of [http://www.empower.org/ Empower America] and was a Distinguished Fellow in Cultural Policy Studies at [http://www.heritage.org/ the Heritage Foundation.] Long active in [[United States Republican Party]] politics, he is now an author, speaker, and, since April 5, [[2004]], the host of the weekday radio program ''[[Morning in America]]'' on the [[Dallas, Texas|Dallas]], [[Texas]]-based [[Salem Communications]]. In addition to his radio show, he is the [[Washington]] Fellow of the [[Claremont Institute]].

Im Frühjahr 2003 wurde bekannt, dass Bennett ein Glücksspieler gewesen sei, der auch hohe Summen aufs Spiel gesetzt habe. Dabei habe er, den Berichten nach, in [[Las Vegas]] Millionen von [[US-Dollar]] verloren.
Bennett and his wife, Elayne, have two sons, John and Joseph. His wife Elayne is the President and Founder of [http://www.bestfriendsfoundation.org/ Best Friends Foundation,]a nationwide [[abstinence]]-based program for adolescents. He is the brother of prominent Washington attorney [[Robert S. Bennett]].
==Politische Positionen==

Bennett ist mit Elayne Bennett, der Präsidentin der Best Friends Foundation, ein national verbreitetes [[Abstinenz]]-Programm für Jugendliche, verheiratet. Er und seine Frau haben zwei Söhne. Sein Bruder ist der Washingtoner Rechtsanwalt [[Robert S. Bennett]].
Bennett neigt zu [[Konservativismus|konservativen]] Positionen im Bezug auf [[Affirmative Action]], [[Bildungsgutscheine]], Lehrplanreform und Religion in den Schulen. <!--As Education Secretary, he asked colleges to better enforce drug laws, supported a classical education rooted in Western culture, and derided [[Multiculturalism|multicultural]] courses. He frequently criticized schools for low standards. In fact, in 1988, he called the [[Chicago]] public school system [http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1124.html "the worst in the nation."]

== Politische Positionen ==
Bennett has tangled with the educational establishment (which he dubbed "the blob" or <u>blo</u>ated educational <u>b</u>ureaucracy) over the following reform measures, which he espoused:
Bennett vertritt [[Konservativismus|konservative]] Positionen in Bezug auf [[Affirmative Action]], [[Bildungsgutschein]]e, Lehrplanreform und Religion in den Schulen. Als Bildungsminister im [[Kabinett Reagan]] strebte er an, dass Hochschulen bei der Fahndung gegen illegalen Drogengebrauch sich hilfreich erweisen sollten, eine [[Sieben Freie Künste|klassische Bildung]], die in der [[Westliche Kultur|westlichen Kultur]] wurzelte, anbieten sollten, und spöttelte über [[Multikulturalismus|multikulterelle]] Lehrveranstaltungen. Er war ein häufiger Kritiker von niedrigen Bildungsstandards in den Schulen, und 1988 nannte er das öffentliche Schulsystem von [[Chicago]] das „schlimmste der Nation“.<ref>http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1124.html</ref>

== Veröffentlichungen ==
* Competency testing for teachers
* ''The Children’s Book of Virtues''
* Opening the teaching profession to knowledgeable individuals who have not graduated from "schools of education"
* [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1595550550 ''America: The Last Best Hope (Volume I): From the Age of Discovery to a World at War''] (2006)
* Performance-based pay
* ''Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism'' (2003)
* Holding educators accountable for how much children learn
* ''The Broken Hearth: Reversing the Moral Collapse of the American Family'' (2001)
* An end to tenure
* ''The Death of Outrage: [[Bill Clinton]] and the Assault on American Ideals'' (1998)
* A national examination to find out exactly how much our children know
* ''Our Sacred Honor'' (1997, compilation of writings by the Founding Fathers)
* Parental choice of schools [http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0671797190?p=S014 (The De-Valuing Of America, page 44)]
* ''Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drugs'' (1996)
* ''Moral Compass: Stories for a Life's Journey'' (1995)
* Herausgeber: ''[[The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories]]'' (1993)
* ''The De-Valuing of America: The Fight for Our Culture and Our Children'' (1992)

== Weblinks ==
Bennett is a staunch supporter of the [[War on Drugs]] and has been criticized for his extreme views on the issue. On a television show, he said that a viewer's suggestion of [[Decapitation|beheading]] drug dealers would be 'morally plausible'.
{{Commonscat|William Bennett|audio=0|video=0}}
* [http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/billbennett Bill Bennett on Media Matters]
* [https://millercenter.org/president/reagan/essays/bennett-1985-secretary-of-education William Bennett] im ''Miller Center of Public Affairs'' der [[University of Virginia]] (englisch)

== Einzelnachweise ==
Bennett is a staunch critic of [[Same-Sex Marriage]].
<references />

{{Navigationsleiste Bildungsminister der Vereinigten Staaten}}
In 1995, he teamed up with [[C. Delores Tucker]] to create advertising to target Time Warner's lack of regulation of [[gangsta rap]] and its glorifcation of violence and denigration of women. Bennett is a member of the [[Project for the New American Century]] (PNAC) and was one of the signers of the [[January 26]], [[1998]] PNAC Letter sent to President [[Bill Clinton]] urging Clinton to remove [[Iraq]]i leader [[Saddam Hussein]] from power.


{{SORTIERUNG:Bennett, William}}
Im Frühjahr [[2003]] wurde es breit bekannt, dass Bennett ein [[Glücksspiel]]er gewesen sei, der auch hohe Summen aufs Spiel gesetzt habe. Dabei habe er, den Berichten nach, in [[Las Vegas]] Millionen von [[US-Dollar]]n verloren. <!--As a [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]], Bennett was not prohibited from gambling, but some felt it conflicted with his public image as a leading voice for conservative morals. For example, Bennett and the [[Empower America]], the organization he co-founded and headed at the time, opposed the extension of casino gambling in the states.[http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2003/0306.green.html]
[[Kategorie:Bildungsminister (Vereinigte Staaten)]]
[[Kategorie:Mitglied der Republikanischen Partei]]
[[Kategorie:Korporierter (Union Triad)]]
[[Kategorie:Geboren 1943]]

Bennett was never accused of nor admitted to having a "problem" with gambling and has maintained that his habit did not put himself or his family in any financial jeopardy. However, he did hide his gambling from his family.
|NAME=Bennett, William

|ALTERNATIVNAMEN=Bennett, William John
After Bennett's gambling became public, he said that he did not believe that his habit set a good example, that he had "done too much gambling" over the years, and that his "gambling days are over. "We are financially solvent," his wife Elayne told the [[USA Today]]. "All our bills are paid." She added that his gambling days are over. "He's never going again," she said. [http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/05/05/bennett.gambling/index.html].
|KURZBESCHREIBUNG=US-amerikanischer Politiker (Republikaner)

|GEBURTSDATUM=31. Juli 1943
Several months later, Bennett qualified his position, saying "So, in this case, the excessive gambling is over." He explained that "Since there will be people doing the micrometer on me, I just want to be clear: I do want to be able to bet the [Buffalo] Bills in the [[Super Bowl]]." [http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/474.html]
|GEBURTSORT=[[Brooklyn]], [[New York City]]

===Radio show comment on abortion===

On [[September 28]], [[2005]], in a discussion on Bennett's ''Morning in America'' radio show, Bennett made remarks that have since touched off a debate about race, crime and abortion. A caller to the show proposed the idea that the [[Social Security (United States)|Social Security]] system might be solvent today if abortion hadn't been permitted following the [[Roe v. Wade]] decision. The following is a transcript of the conversation:

:'''CALLER''': I noticed the national media, you know, they talk a lot about the loss of revenue, or the inability of the government to fund Social Security, and I was curious, and I've read articles in recent months here, that the abortions that have happened since Roe v. Wade, the lost revenue from the people who have been aborted in the last 30-something years, could fund Social Security as we know it today. And the media just doesn't—never touches this at all.

:'''BENNETT:''' Assuming they're all productive citizens?

:'''CALLER:''' Assuming that they are. Even if only a portion of them were, it would be an enormous amount of revenue.

:'''BENNETT:''' Maybe, maybe, but we don't know what the costs would be, too. I think as—abortion disproportionately occur among single women? No.

:'''CALLER:''' I don't know the exact statistics, but quite a bit are, yeah.

:'''BENNETT:''' All right, well, I mean, I just don't know. I would not argue for the pro-life position based on this, because you don't know. I mean, it cuts both—you know, one of the arguments in this book ''[[Freakonomics]]'' that they make is that the declining crime rate, you know, they deal with this hypothesis, that one of the reasons crime is down is that abortion is up. Well—

:'''CALLER:''' Well, I don't think that statistic is accurate.

:'''BENNETT:''' Well, I don't think it is either, I don't think it is either, because first of all, there is just too much that you don't know. But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.

[http://mediamatters.org/items/200509280006 Transcript and recording of conversation]

Subsequently, [[Senate Minority Leader]] [[Harry Reid]] and [[House Minority Leader]] [[Nancy Pelosi]], as well as civil rights groups, condemned Bennett's statements and demanded an apology. President [[George W. Bush]] called Bennett's statements "not appropriate" in a statement read by White House Press Secretary [[Scott McClellan]]. [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/01/politics/01bennett.html]

Bennett has responded to the criticism, later issuing a statement to clarify his position. He said, in part:

:A thought experiment about public policy, on national radio, should not have received the condemnations it has. Anyone paying attention to this debate should be offended by those who have selectively quoted me, distorted my meaning, and taken out of context the dialogue I engaged in this week. Such distortions from 'leaders' of organizations and parties is a disgrace not only to the organizations and institutions they serve, but to the [[First Amendment to the United States Constitution|First Amendment]].

(Click here [http://www.bennettmornings.com/agnosticchart?charttype=minichart&chartID=11&formatID=1&size=3&useMiniChartID=true&destinationpage=/pg/jsp/general/featured.jsp#0] for Bennett’s full statement.)

Bennett appeared on NBC's ''[[Meet The Press]]'' with [[Andrea Mitchell]] on the morning of July 2, 2006. Appearing as a member of the roundtable of journalists with [[Dana Priest]] of the [[Washington Post]], [[William Safire]] of the [[New York Times]] and [[John Harwood]] of the [[Wall Street Journal]], Bennett was challenged by Dana Priest who won a Pulitzer Prize this year for her work on revealing possible civil rights violations by the Bush Administration concerning controversial American counterterrorist programs in the Washington Post. Priest challenged Bennett on his characterization of an article published in the New York Times that discussed Bush Administration tactics in following the bank records of suspected terrorists. Bennett argued the story affected the national security of the United States. Along with the other two panelists, Priest argued the Bush Administration's response to the article was wildly overblown, since the Bush Administration, on many occasions, spoke directly about tracking the finances of suspected terrorists since 9/11.

Click Here [http://www.crooksandliars.com/posts/2006/07/02/dana-priest-smacks-bill-bennett-around for video of discussion on <i>Meet the Press</i>]


While a graduate student in philosophy at the University of Texas, Bennett, then a [[rock and roll]] fan, was set up on a blind date with [[Janis Joplin]], who was then at the height of her singing career. According to ''[[People (magazine)|People]]'' magazine, the date "must surely rank as one of the least likely blind dates of all time." When asked what he and Janis did on their date, Bennett joked, "Hey, a gentleman doesn't tell."

Bennett's radio show, ''Morning in America'', takes its name from a campaign slogan of the 1984 re-election campaign of [[Ronald Reagan]].

==See also==
*[[Legalized abortion and crime effect]]
*[[Roe effect]]
*[[Steven Levitt]]
*"[[The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime]]"
*[[Empower America]]
*[[Race and crime]]
*[[Gonzaga College High School]]
{{start box}}
{{succession box |
before= [[Terrell Bell]] |
title= [[United States Secretary of Education]] |
years= 1985&ndash;1988 |
after= [[Lauro Cavazos]]
{{end box}}

[[Category:Bradley Foundation|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:Brooklynites|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:Directors of the Office of National Drug Control Policy|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:Eagle Scouts|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:Living people|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:Project for the New American Century|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:Neoconservatives|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:United States Secretaries of Education|Bennett, William]]
[[Category:University of Texas at Austin alumni|Bennett, William]]

*''The Children’s Book of Virtues''
*[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1595550550 ''America: The Last Best Hope (Volume I): From the Age of Discovery to a World at War''] (2006)
*''Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism'' (2003)
*''The Broken Hearth: Reversing the Moral Collapse of the American Family'' (2001)
* ''The Death of Outrage: [[Bill Clinton]] and the Assault on American Ideals'' (1998)
*''Our Sacred Honor'' (1997, compilation of writings by the Founding Fathers)
*''Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drugs'' (1996)
*''Moral Compass: Stories for a Life's Journey'' (1995)
*Herausgeber: ''[[The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories]]'' (1993)
*''The De-Valuing of America: The Fight for Our Culture and Our Children'' (1992)

*[http://www.bennettmornings.com Morning in America]
*[http://www.bestfriendsfoundation.org/ Best Friends Foundation]
*[http://mediamatters.org/issues_topics/people/billbennett Bill Bennett on Media Matters]

[[Kategorie:Politiker (Vereinigte Staaten)|Bennett, William]]
[[Kategorie:Geboren 1943|Bennett, William]]
[[Kategorie:Mann|Bennett, William]]

[[en:William Bennett]]
[[pt:William J. Bennett]]

Aktuelle Version vom 19. Dezember 2023, 11:37 Uhr

William Bennett (2011)

William John Bennett (* 31. Juli 1943 in Brooklyn, New York City) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker (Republikaner). In der Reagan-Regierung leitete er von 1981 bis 1985 das National Endowment for the Humanities und diente danach von 1985 bis 1988 als US-Bildungsminister. Unter US-Präsident George Bush war er Direktor des Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Bennett wuchs in Washington auf, wo er die Gonzaga College High School besuchte. Nach seinem Studium am Williams College promovierte er an der University of Texas at Austin in Political Philosophy. Er hat auch einen Jura-Abschluss von der Harvard Law School. Zwischen 1976 und 1981 war er Exekutivdirektor der National Humanities Center, ein privates Forschungsinstitut in North Carolina.

Im Frühjahr 2003 wurde bekannt, dass Bennett ein Glücksspieler gewesen sei, der auch hohe Summen aufs Spiel gesetzt habe. Dabei habe er, den Berichten nach, in Las Vegas Millionen von US-Dollar verloren.

Bennett ist mit Elayne Bennett, der Präsidentin der Best Friends Foundation, ein national verbreitetes Abstinenz-Programm für Jugendliche, verheiratet. Er und seine Frau haben zwei Söhne. Sein Bruder ist der Washingtoner Rechtsanwalt Robert S. Bennett.

Politische Positionen

[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Bennett vertritt konservative Positionen in Bezug auf Affirmative Action, Bildungsgutscheine, Lehrplanreform und Religion in den Schulen. Als Bildungsminister im Kabinett Reagan strebte er an, dass Hochschulen bei der Fahndung gegen illegalen Drogengebrauch sich hilfreich erweisen sollten, eine klassische Bildung, die in der westlichen Kultur wurzelte, anbieten sollten, und spöttelte über multikulterelle Lehrveranstaltungen. Er war ein häufiger Kritiker von niedrigen Bildungsstandards in den Schulen, und 1988 nannte er das öffentliche Schulsystem von Chicago das „schlimmste der Nation“.[1]


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Commons: William Bennett – Sammlung von Bildern


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  1. http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1124.html