Getting started in a career with the Department of the Interior for land management and conservation is exciting and rewarding. DOI and our partners offer many opportunities to begin learning about a career and preparing for after graduation — whether that is from a high school, trade school, college, or beyond.

 Get Experience

Volunteer or intern with the Department of the Interior. This helps you learn and build connections. Visit the Federal Internship and the Recent Graduate Portals.

 Meet People

Attend events related to land management and conservation. You'll meet mentors and peers who can help guide you. Check out related events.

 Stay Updated

Keep learning about current issues and policies in conservation. This helps you understand the field better. Check out all the careers available to you.


Once you have experience and education, start applying for jobs with the Department of the Interior. Look for jobs at DOI on USAJOBS.

 Keep Learning

The field is always changing. Keep learning new things to stay relevant and make a difference in conservation. Check out the Diversity Joint Venture for Careers in Conservation.

Hear from our employees what makes DOI a great place to work.