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KIRK HAMMETT On Other Musicians Covering METALLICA: 'I Love It When People Interpret The Music Through Their Own Filter'

May 24, 2024

During an appearance on a recent episode of "The Metallica Report", the podcast offering weekly insider updates on all things METALLICA, METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett was asked if he likes to hear other musicians playing METALLICA music note for note or adapted in their own way. Kirk responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I love it when people interpret the music through their own filter. And I think that's the proper way other people should play other people's music. But I also understand that people like to recreate it note for note to get that same experience of playing those exact notes. So I support both approaches fully — fully support both approaches. But the one I prefer to hear is our music being put through someone else's filter so it comes out different and more individual, more personalized. And, for me, I think it leads to much more interesting results than — I don't know — just trying to play it note for note."

Back in 2021, METALLICA released a compilation called "The Metallica Blacklist". Hailed upon its release as "easily the most ambitious release of its kind" (Pitchfork),"The Metallica Blacklist" marked the 30th anniversary of the band's landmark self-titled fifth album (a.k.a. The Black Album) with a staggering array of passion and talent: more than 50 artists contributing unique interpretations of their favorite tracks from the album, spanning a vast range of genres, generations, cultures, continents and more. "The Metallica Blacklist"'s 53 tracks found singer/songwriters, country artists, electronic and hip-hop artists sharing their love of these songs alongside punk rockers, indie darlings, icons of rock, metal, world music and many, many more. Artists appearing on the LP include Miley Cyrus, Elton John, GHOST, VOLBEAT, WEEZER, Corey Taylor, BIFFY CLYRO, ROYAL BLOOD and St. Vincent.

In support of METALLICA's latest album, "72 Seasons", the band has been playing two-night, no-repeat shows in each city— first in Europe , then in North America and now back in Europe — as part of the "M72" tour. Each concert sees METALLICA performing on a massive ring-shaped stage, with the Snake Pit in the center, and four drum sets which are equally spaced out around the circular stage so drummer Lars Ulrich can get closer to the audience at various points in the show.

According to Billboard, METALLICA's production travels in 87 trucks — 45 for the band and its setup, plus two groups of 21 each for the steel stage and towers. There are 130 people in the band's crew, plus 40 steelworkers, local hires and truck drivers.

METALLICA's manager Cliff Burnstein told Billboard that between 80% and 90% of fans at each concert attend both shows.

The "M72" tour launched in late April 2023 in Amsterdam.


A portion of proceeds from the shows go to METALLICA's All Within My Hands foundation, which seeks to assist and enrich the lives of members of the communities who have supported the band and combat food insecurity; provides disaster relief; and bestows scholarships.

Photo credit: Ross Halfin

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