CHARGES for use of hospital car parks will be scrapped in 2024 following the passing of a bill progressed through the Assembly by West Belfast MLA Aisling Reilly. 

The bill, which was originally introduced to the Assembly by her Sinn Féin colleague Fra McCann on his last day of office as an MLA, will see hospital carparks become free for staff, patients and visitors.

Speaking in the Assembly chamber, Health Minister Robin Swan paid tribute to Mr McCann and Ms Reilly for their work on bringing the bill forward.

"I would like to start by commending the sponsor of the Hospital Parking Charges Bill, Aisling Reilly for her work on bringing this through the legislative processes and all the stages of this House. 

"I would also like to acknowledge again Fra McCann for initially bringing it forward during his tenure," he said.

The Minister thanked members for approving his amendments to the bill at the Further Consideration stage and said that the bill will impact the lives of staff, patients and visitors, although he recognised that it will present some challenges for his department and Health and Social Care Trusts. 

Welcoming the bill getting to this stage, Aisling Reilly thanked members for their support and contributions to the various stages of debate on the bill.

"I particularly want to thank the Minister and his department for working closely with me," she said.

"I thank the Minister for his amendments and his willingness to work to ensure that this piece of legislation is practical because it will make a massive difference to people. 

"I also hope that that addresses the concerns that some members had raised throughout the committee in regards to the timeframe and the potential unintended consequences.

"By bringing those amendments forward, I hope that it addresses most of those concerns that members had."