'There's definitely a ton of excitement', exclaims Sonal Kukreja as she leaves to represent India at Miss Supranational 2024!

by Jinta Jose | Jun 14, 2024, 21:45 IST
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'There's definitely a ton of excitement', exclaims Sonal Kukreja as she leaves to represent India at Miss Supranational 2024!
Under the starlit sky, one star shines brighter tonight—Sonal Kukreja. With just hours until her flight to the dream stage of Miss Supranational 2024, Sonal's heart is a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. As the countdown begins, her heart races with excitement and anticipation. This moment is the culmination of years of unwavering dedication, meticulous preparation, and an unyielding aspiration to make her nation proud.

With her bags packed and dreams soaring high, Sonal stands poised to step onto the world stage. Her journey is not just about the crown but about the deeper mission she carries within her—her social project, 'Pockets of Joy,' which has already touched countless lives. This initiative is a testament to her belief in spreading happiness and fostering mental health awareness, showcasing her profound empathy and commitment to societal well-being. In this exclusive interview, Sonal Kukreja opens up about her preparations, her dreams, and the cause closest to her heart, offering a glimpse into the soul of a true queen.

How excited are you to represent India at the Miss Supranational pageant in Poland? Can you share your initial feelings when you were selected to represent India?
Honestly, right now, I'm feeling on top of the world! Winning LIVA Miss Diva Supranational 2023 and getting to represent my country in Poland is a dream come true. There's definitely a ton of excitement - it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a tremendous honour to wear the sash for India. But of course, there are some nerves, too. It's a big responsibility, and I want to make sure I do everyone back home proud. I'm going to be working incredibly hard to prepare myself, and I can't wait to be up there on that stage, shining a light on India.

How did you prepare for the pageant, both mentally and physically? What training or coaching have you undergone to prepare for the competition?
Mentally, I'm all about focus and visualization! I create a vision board with pictures of confident, strong women and images that represent my goals for the pageant. Every day, I spend time meditating and picturing myself walking across that stage with poise and a smile. It helps keep me centred and motivated.
Physically, I've completely changed my lifestyle. I'm working with a nutritionist to eat healthy and fuel my body for long practice sessions. We also dialled in a workout routine. It's challenging, but feeling strong and healthy boosts my confidence.
On top of that, I've been taking ramp walk coaching to perfect my walk and stage presence. It's amazing how much those little things can make a difference! I've also been working with my voice trainer coach to refine my interview skills and feel comfortable expressing myself under pressure. It's all about feeling prepared and ready to shine bright while making India proud.

Can you share any specific challenges you've faced during your preparation?
Honestly, the biggest challenge hasn't been the prep itself but adjusting to this new lifestyle as a national winner. From the outside, it might seem all glitz and glam, but there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes.
There are constant training sessions for everything – from walk training to interview prep. Plus, there are endless fittings, media appearances, workout routines, and even managing my social media presence. It's a full-time job.
I've definitely had to learn to wear a smile through it all. Two hours in the hair and makeup chair used to be daunting, but now I see it as a chance to unwind and get pampered before a big day. It's all part of being the best ambassador I can be for India.

Who has been your biggest support during this journey?
This wouldn't have been possible without the unwavering support of my incredible family. Mom and Dad have been my cheerleaders since day one, but my sister truly went above and beyond. While I'm focused on prepping for Miss Supranational and making India proud, she's holding down the fort back home, managing everything I can't. It's a true team effort! And speaking of teams, I can't forget the phenomenal group of trainers and coaches I've been working with. They've pushed me, challenged me, and helped me grow in every way imaginable. They've been instrumental in shaping me into the woman I am today, ready to take the international stage and shine brightly for India!

How has preparing for the Miss Supranational pageant influenced your personal growth, especially your social project, Pockets of Joy?
Winning the national pageant was a dream come true, but it's the journey to Miss Supranational that's truly transformed me. Preparing for this international stage has pushed me to refine my social project, Pockets of Joy, in ways I never imagined.
As you mentioned, pageantry is a powerful platform for positive change. Pockets of Joy was born out of this very belief. In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to get caught up in the chase, missing the simple joys surrounding us. My project aims to remind everyone, myself included, to appreciate the little things and spread kindness wherever we go.
Preparing for Miss Supranational has taken Pockets of Joy to a whole new level. It's forced me to think about the impact I can make, not just in India but across the globe. It's incredible to witness how a small act of kindness can have a ripple effect, creating pockets of joy that spread far and wide. Just a little bit of time, a kind word, or a helping hand can truly make someone's day. It can be the spark that keeps them going, inspiring them to see the world, and themselves, in a more positive light.
This international platform has ignited a passion in me to reach further, inspire more acts of kindness, and create a world overflowing with pockets of joy. It's more than just a project; it's a movement, and I can't wait to share it with the world at Miss Supranational!

What are your aspirations beyond the Miss Supranational pageant?
Right now, all my energy is laser-focused on bringing the Miss Supranational crown back to India! It would be an absolute dream come true. But beyond the pageant, I'm a very ambitious person. I believe in grabbing opportunities and not letting anything hold me back.
There's definitely a part of me that's curious about acting. It's a whole new world to explore, and I love the idea of pushing myself creatively. The good thing is, with my company, I will always be doing that. So, let's see how this journey unfolds – acting could be a possibility, but there could be other exciting opportunities out there, too! I'm keeping an open mind, and I'm ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.

What message would you like to give to your fans and supporters who are cheering for you from India?
From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Your constant love and support throughout this journey have been my fuel. Winning the national crown wouldn't have been possible without your cheers and belief in me.
Now, as I get ready to represent India on the international stage, I want you to know that I'm carrying each and every one of you with me. Your messages, your encouragement, it all gives me immense strength.
Please keep that love and those blessings coming my way. I promise to give it my all to make you all incredibly proud. Let's have faith together. Together, let's bring that crown home for India!

As she prepares to board her flight, the reality of representing India on such a prestigious platform fills her with an immense sense of pride and responsibility. Her journey is a beacon of inspiration for many, proving that one can achieve the extraordinary with passion and perseverance. All the best, queen!



Trainers and Partners:
Skin Care Partner: Skinlab; Smile Care Coach: Dr Mayekar's Oral Care Center; Posing & Rampwalk Coach: Deepti Gujral; Pilates & EMS Coach: The Pilates Studio; Fitness Partner: RESET; Communication & Content Coach: Supreet Bedi; Voice crafting Coach: Monaz Ranina; Hairstyling Coach: Kromakay; Makeup Design Coach: Ayesha Seth; Salon Partner: Savio John Pereira

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