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NameDescriptionAuthored itemsIdentifiersEmployer(s)
Hisashi Inoueanesthesiology researcher at Dokkyo University School of Medicine29Dokkyo University [missing]
Hisashi Inoueapplied physicist at Stanford University4Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials [missing]
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory [missing]
Hisashi InoueJapanese novelist, playwright (1934-2010)4ISNI: 0000000084056888
VIAF ID: 108198037
Sophia University [missing]
Sendai Daiichi High School [missing]
Hisashi InoueJapanese historian0ISNI: 000000008444635X
VIAF ID: 40940355
Surugadai University [missing]
Hitotsubashi University [missing]
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