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Full text of "Alumni cantabrigienses; a biographical list of all known students, graduates and holders of office at the University of Cambridge, from the earliest times to 1900;"

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JOHN  VENN,  Sc.D.,  F.R.S.,  F.S.A., 



J.  A.  VENN,  M.A., 













THE  publication  of  this  volume  completes  Part  I  of  the  Alumni;  the  fact  that  it 
contains  fuller  information  than  its  predecessors  (an  average  of  thirty-six  biographies 
to  a  page  as  compared  with  thirty-eight  in  Volume  III,  forty  in  Volume  II,  and  as  many 
as  forty-three  in  Volume  I)  affords  perhaps  a  reasonable  explanation  for  its  somewhat 
delayed  appearance.  The  attention  of  those  consulting  the  work  is  drawn  to  the 
extensive  Appendix  contained  at  the  end,  which  represents  material  kindly  supplied 
by  numerous  readers  of  the  first  Volumes,  whose  names  are  in  most  instances  appended 
to  their  notes.  From  the  compiler's  standpoint  it  is  gratifying  to  record  that  practically 
the  whole  of  this  mass  of  information  consists  of  addenda,  and  that  the  corrigenda 
are  remarkably  few. 

Since  the  inception,  some  eighteen  years  ago,  of  the  entire  scheme  the  possibility 
of  completing  Part  II  (1752-1900)  has,  from  economic  causes,  receded  further  and 
further  into  the  background,  and  work  upon  it  has  been  in  abeyance.  It  is,  therefore, 
exceedingly  gratifying  to  be  able  to  announce  that  the  Syndics  of  the  Press  have,  with 
the  utmost  generosity,  decided  to  provide  the  financial  means  whereby  the  whole 
work  can  now  be  completed.  May  it  be  hoped  that  such  public-spirited  action  will 
result  in  further  support  being  accorded  to  Part  1}  At  the  moment  it  is  impossible 
to  estimate  the  period  of  time  likely  to  elapse  before  Volume  I  of  Part  II  will  be  ready 
for  press,  but  may  this  opportunity  be  seized  of  requesting  readers  to  forward  any  notes 
in  their  possession  relating  to  alumni  who  entered  the  University  subsequent  to  the 
year  1751?  The  assistance  hitherto  received  from  so  many  sources  encourages  the 
belief  that  this  appeal  will  be  well  supported. 

In  addition  to  those  correspondents  previously,  but  inadequately,  thanked  this 
Volume  in  particular  has  benefited  from  the  help  of  the  following:  Mr  F.  C.  Beazley, 
Mr  R.  W.  Goulding,  Mr  A.  Hawley,  Mr  L.  G.  Horton-Smith,  Mr  J.  B.  Leslie, 
Mr  J.  P.  Mander,  Mr  L.  B.  Namier,  Mr  G.  R.  Potter,  the  Rev  F.  D'A.  Ranner,  Mr  H. 
Shove,  Mr  W.  P.  Haskett  Smith,  Mr  P.  E.  Towell,  Mr  Leonard  Whibley,  Captain 
H.  J.  R.  Yardley,  D.S.O.,  M.C. 

To  the  Rev  T.  C.  Dale  is  due  a  measure  of  no  ordinary  gratitude,  for  he  has  now 
added  to  the  heavy  debt  already  owed  him  by  supplying  some  thousands  of  ordinations 
and  institutions  to  livings. 

J.  A.  VENN 

October  1st,  1926 



SAAL,  JOHN.  D.Can.L.  before  1456. 

SABAY, .  B.A.  1529-30- 

SABBE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1575;  B.A. 

1579-80.   One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  30, 

1580-1,  from  Barnard's  Inn. 
SABBE,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius,  Oct.  26, 

1618.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Norfolk.    School,  Tankersley, 

Yorks.  (Mr  Shaw).  Matric.  1618-9;  B.A.  1622-3.  Ord.  priest 

(Norwich)  Feb.  22,  1623.   Licensed  to  teach  grammar,  1623. 

Of  Tunstalli   Suffolk,    1637.     R.   of   Dunningworth,    1638. 

{Venn,  i.  242.) 
SABBS,  EDWARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar.  21,  1661-2. 

Matric.  1662. 
SABERY,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1682  {Lit.  Reg.).  Matric.  (St  Alban's 

Hall,  Oxford)   Nov.   13,   1671,  age  16;  B.A.   1675.    R.  of 

Whitchurch,  Hereford,  1679.   V.  of  Tenbury,  Worcs.,  1694. 

{Al.  Oxon.) 
SABINE,  ALURED.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  1653.   Of  Kent. 

Matric.  1655.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1657.   Of  Bekes- 

boume,  Kent. 
SABINE,  CHIBBORN  (CHILBORN).    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 

Trinity,  Dec.  19,  1683.  S.  of  Philip,  of  Witham,  Essex  (and 

Mary,dau.of  Richard  Chilbome).  School,  Halstead.  Matric. 

1683;  Scholar,   1685.    Of  Patricksboume,   Kent.    (Burke, 

Ext.  Bart.) 
SABINE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  14,  1623-4. 

Matric.   1625;   B.A.  from  St  John's,   1627-8;   M.A.    1631. 

Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1637.    One  of  these  names, 

M.D.,  had  a  grant  of  arms  in  1663;  he  was  of  Bekesboume, 

Kent.   {Har.ted,  iii.  7i7-) 
SABINE,  JOHN.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  19, 

1730-1.   Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Joseph,  of  Tewin,  Herts,  (for 

whom  see  D.N. B.).  Matric.  1731.  Name  08,1735.  Probably 

brother  of  the  next. 
SABINE,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  29, 

1738.  S.  of  Joseph,  of  Tewin,  Herts,  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.). 

School,  Westminster.   Matric.  1738;  Scholar,  1738.   Captain 

in  the  Welsh  Fusiliers.   Killed  at  Fontenoy,  i745-   Probably 

brother  of  John  (above).   {Clutterbuck,  11.  229.) 
SABRIDGEWORTH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall, 

Nov.  15,  1369. 
SACHELL   or   SATCHELL,    JOHN.     Adm.   sizar   (age    18)    at 

Christ's,  May  16,  1660.  S.  of  Simon  (below).  B.  at  Bleasby, 

Notts.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663;  M.A.  1667. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669. 
SACHELL  or  SATCHELL,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 

Easter,    1618;    B.A.   from   Clare,    1621-2;    M.A.    1626,    as 

Zachel.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1623;  priest.  May  23, 

1624.    Doubtless  V.  of  Bleasby,  Notts.,  and  father  of  John 

SACHEVERELL,    ANTHONY.     Matric.    pens,    from    Trinity, 

Easter,  1571.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Ralph,  of  Staunton,  Notts. 

B.A.  1575-6.   Brother  of  William  (1571)-   {Nichols,  iii.  394.) 
SACHEVERELL,  FERDINANDO.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at 

St  John's,  Apr.  i,  1647.    2nd  s.  of  Ferdinando,  Esq.,  of 

Coventry,  Warws.  (and  Lucy,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Hastings, 

of  Leicester  Abbey),  and  nephew  of  Manfred  (1612).  B.  there. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  16,  1642.  Of  Old  Hays,  Ratby, 
Leics.  Married  Mrs  Susannah  Ferryman  at  Kirby  Muxloe, 
Leics.,  Oct.  2,  1656.  {Nichols,  in.  509.) 
SACHEVERELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
Dec.  9,  1587.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  RadcUffe-upon- 
Soar,  Notts,  (and  Jane,  widow  of  German  Ireton).  Matric. 
1588.  Of  Radcliffe-upon-Soar.  Age  37  in  1608.  {Nichols, 
III.  220.) 
SACHEVERELL,  HENRY.  D.D.  1714  (Incorp.  from  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Aug.  28,  1689,  age  15.  S.  of 
Joshua  (1664),  of  Marlborough,  Wilts.,  clerk.  School, 
Winchester.   B.A.  (0.\ford)  1693;  M.A.  1696;  B.D.  1707-8; 

V.A.C.  IV, 

D.D.  1708.  Fellow  of  Magdalen,  1701-13.  V.  of  Cannock, 
Staffs.  Chaplain  of  St  Saviour's,  Southwark,  1705.  Famous 
political  preacher.  Advocated  the  High  Church  and  Tory 
cause  both  in  sermons  and  pamphlets.  Impeached  by  the 
House  of  Commons  for  two  sermons  favouring  non-resistance 
and  condemning  toleration;  found  guilty  and  suspended 
from  preaching  for  three  years,  1710;  great  popular  demon- 
stration in  his  favour.  R.  of  Selattyn,  Salop,  1710-3.  R.  of 
St  Andrew's,  Holbom,  1713-24.  Died  at  Highgate,  June  5, 
1724.  Buried  in  St  Andrew's,  Holbom.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Nichols,  in.  511.) 

SACHEVERELL  or  ZACHEVERELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from 
St  John's,  Michs.  1567. 

SACHEVERILL,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1626.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Leicester,  Confrater 
of  Wigston's  Hospital.  Bapt.  Feb.  28,  1610,  at  St  Martin's, 
Leicester.  Died  Mar.  6,  1636.   {Nichols,  in.  220.) 

SACHEVERILLE,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  2,  1664.  S.  of  John,  R.  of  Rimpton,  Somerset  (for  whom 
see  Al.  Oxon.).  B.A.  1667-8.  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Marlborough, 
Wilts.  Preb.  of  Sarum,  1677-85.  Living,  1711.  Father  of 
Henry  (1714).   {Nicliols,  in.  510.) 

SACHEVERILL,  MANFRED.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Mag- 
dalene, Michs.  1612.  Doubtless  natural  s.  of  Henry 
of  Morley  and  Hopwell,  Derbs.  (by  Elizabeth  Keyes).  Of 
Old  Hays,  Ratby,  Leics.,  Esq.  Died  Mar.  3,  1615,  aged  22. 
Buried  at  Ratby.  M.I.   (iVtcAo/s,  in.  509;  iv.  884.) 

SACHAVEREL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Sept.  16,  1687.  S.  of  William,  of  Barton,  Notts,  (for  whom 
see  D.N.B.).  B.  1669,  at  Morley,  Derbs.  School,  Derby 
(Mr  Samuel  Ogden).  Matric.  1688.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Jan.  29,  1689.  M.P.  for  Nottingham,  1699-1700, 
1701-2,  1705-8  and  1710-14.  Of  Barton,  Esq.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Harvey  Staunton,  of  Staunton,  Notts., 
Esq.  Died  Dec.  10,  1714.  (Le  Neve,  Man.;  Nichols,  ni.  394-) 

SACHEVERELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1570.  School,  Winchester;  of  Saddington,  Leics.  Migrated 
to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  1572,  age  17;  LL.B. 
1579.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Dover)  Mar.  25,  1584.  V. 
of  Eynsham,  Oxon.,  1585.  C.  of  St  Nicholas,  Leicester,  in 
1613.  V.  of  St  Martin's,  Leicester.  Buried  there  Dec.  1,  1626. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1627.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

from  Trinity,  Easter,  1571.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Ralph, 
of  Staunton,  Notts.  B.  1555.  Of  Barton.  Married  Tabitha, 
dau.  of  James  Spenser,  of  Alvaston.  Died  1616.  Brother  of 
Anthony  (1571). 

SACHEVEREL, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1548. 

SACKER,  see  also  SECKER. 

SACKER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1590. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  June  13,  1595.  R.  of  Little  Bradley,  Suffolk, 
1598-1606.  V.  of  Haverhill,  1607-15.  V.  of  Cockerington, 
Lines.,  1621-41.  Probably  P.C.  of  Bury,  Hunts.,  1636-40. 
P.C.  of  St  Peter,  Upwood,  and  Great  Raveley,  Hunts.,  till 
1647.  Died  Apr.  1647.  Will  dated,  Apr.  4;  proved,  Apr.  17, 

SACKETT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27, 
1658.  3rd  s.  of  John  (next),  clerk.  B.  at  Mongeham,  Kent. 
Schools,  Sutton  (Mr  Thomas  Brett)  and  Sleaford  (Mr  Thomas 
Gibson).  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  6,  1669.  Brother  of  John  (1647). 

SACKETT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  20,  1614.  Doubt- 
less s.  of  John,  gent.  B.  in  the  Isle  of  Thanet.  Matric.  1614; 
B.A.  1617-8;  U.A.  1621 ;  B.D.  1628.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1622. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  12,  1619-20,  age  27;  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1621.  Probably  C.  of  Heme,  Kent,  in 
1624.  R.  of  Betteshanger,  1626-8.  R.  of  Gt  Mongeham, 
1628-64.  R.  of  Eastbridge,  1628-46.  Master  of  Eastbridge 
Hospital,  Canterbury.  Died  .A^ug.  24,  1664.  Buried  at  Gt 
Mongeham.  Probably  brother  of  Stephen  (1621);  father  of 
George  (above)  and  of  the  next.  {Hasted,  iv.  140,  630.) 

Sackett,  John 

SACKETT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  6,  1647-  S.  of 
John  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Mongeham,  Kent.  Schoolsj 
Sutton,  Canterbury  and  Merchant  Taylors',  London.  Matric. 
1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Brother  of  George  (1658). 

SACKETTE,  JOHN.  Matric.  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1686. 
Of  Canterbury.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  gent.,  and  grandson  of 
John  (1614).  School,  King's,  Canterbury.  Adm.  at  Corpus 
Christi,  1688;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  12,  1692-3;  priest  (London)  Mar.  8,  1695-6.  V.  of 
Folkestone,  1699-1753-  R-  of  Hawking,  Kent,  i7i3-53-  V. 
of  West  Hythe,  1732-53.  Master  of  Eastbridge  Hospital, 
Canterbury,  1746-53.  Married  Margaret  Tempest,  of 
Patricksboume,  Kent,  spinster,  Oct.  24,  1702.  Antiquary 
and  poet.  Died  Jan.  29,  1753.  (G.  Mag.;  Masters;  Hasted, 
IV.  631.) 

SACKETT,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  20, 
1621.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  St  Peter's,  Isle  of  Thanet. 
School,  St  John's,  Isle  of  Thanet.  Matric.  1621;  B.A. 
1624-5;  M..-^.  1628.  V.  of  Blean,  Kent,  1632-79.  V.  of 
West  Hythe,  1633-79.  Died  1679.  Probably  brother  of 
John  (1614). 

SACKFORD  or  SECKFORD,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Trinity,  Michs.  1562.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Seckford  HaU, 
Suffolk(andEleanor,dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Newbury).  B.  1551. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1567.  A  member  of  the  Queen's  house- 
hold, 1575.  Buried  at  Woodbridge,  Feb.  20,  1591-2.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Father  of  Thomas  (i597). 

SACKFORD,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c.  1597.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Seckford  HaU, 
Suffolk.  M.A.  1607.  Knighted,  May  11,  1603.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  North.   Died  1638. 

SACKFORD  or  SECKFORD,  THOMAS.  Studied  at  Cambridge. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Seckford  Hall,  Suffolk.  B.  c.  1515. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1540.  Barrister,  1542.  Lent  Reader, 
1556.  Master  of  Requests,  1557.  One  of  the  commissioners 
for  causes  ecclesiastical,  in  1570.  M.P.  for  Ipswich,  1572-83. 
A  munificent  benefactor  to  Woodbridge,  Suffolk.  Buried 
there  Jan.  15,  1587-8.   (Cooper,  11.  18;  D.N.B.) 

SACKFORD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1544.  Probably  7th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Seckford  HaU, 

SACKFORD  or  SECKFORD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Corpus  Christi,  c.  1597.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Charles  (1562). 
B.  at  Seckford  HaU,  Suffolk,  1582.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Apr.  21,  1600.  Knighted,  Mar.  1607-8;  of  Bedfordshire. 
Buried  at  Woodbridge,  Aug.  12,  1610.  Father  of  the 

SACKFORD,  THOMAS.  Of  Trinity.  S.  of  Thomas  (above). 
B.  at  Seckford  HaU,  Suffolk,  1608.  Died  in  CoUege.  Buried 
there,  1624. 

SACKVILLE,  see  also  SAVILE. 

SACKVILLE,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1612  (fil.  nob.).  S.  of  Robert, 
Baron  Buckhurst,  and  2nd  Earl  of  Dorset.  B.  in  London, 
1590.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  July  26,  1605,  age  15. 
K.B.,  1616.  M.P.  for  Sussex,  1620-22.  Governor  of  the 
Bermuda  Islands  Co.,  1623.  Succeeded  his  brother  Richard 
as  4th  Earl  of  Dorset,  Mar.  28,  1624.  K.G.,  1625.  Privy 
CounciUor,  1626.  Lord  Commissioner  of  the  Admiralty, 
1628-35.  Lord  Chamberlain  of  the  King's  household  at 
Oxford,  1644-6.  Keeper  of  the  Privy  Seal  and  President  of 
the  Council,  1644-6.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  George 
Curzon,  of  Croxhall,  Derbs.  Died  July  17,  1652.  Buried  at 
Withyham,  Sussex.   {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  G.E.C.) 

SACKVILLE  or  SECHEVILL,  JOHN  DE.  'King's  Scholar'  at 
Cambridge,  1329. 

SACKVILLE,  RICHARD.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  S.  of  John, 
of  Chiddingley,  Sussex.  Afterwards  of  Gray's  Inn,  barrister. 
Lent  Reader  in  1529.  M.P.  for  Arundel,  1529-36;  for 
Chichester,  1547-52;  for  Portsmouth,  1554;  for  Sussex,  1559 
and  1562-6.  Knighted,  1548-9.  ChanceUor  of  the  Court  of 
Augmentations,  1548.  ChanceUor  of  the  Exchequer,  1559-66. 
Governor  of  the  Inner  Temple.  Married  Winifred,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Bruges,  Lord  Mayor  of  London.  Died  Apr.  21,  1566. 
Buried  at  Withyham,  Sussex.  Father  of  Thomas.  {Cooper, 
1.241;  D.N.B.) 

SACKVIL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  2, 
1663.  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  5th  Earl  of  Dorset,  and  grandson 
of  Edward  (1612).  B.  Apr.  30,  1646.  Matric.  1663.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  June  19,  1663.  Died  1712.  {Collins,  11. 

SACKVILLE,  SAMUEL.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1605.  S.  of 
William,  of  HaUfax,  Yorks.  B.  at  Dorking,  Surrey.  B.A. 
1607-8;  M.A.  i6ii;  B.D.  1619.  FeUow,  1610.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  22,  1611,  age  25; 
priest,  Dec.  18,  1613.  R.  of  Hatfield  Broad  Oak,  Essex, 
1617-9.  V.  of  Bottisham,  Cambs.,  1620.  V.  of  Blythe, 
Notts.,   1621.    V.  of  Trumpington,  Cambs.,  1622.    V.  of 

Sadler,  John 

Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Westmorland,  1624-37.  V.  of  Marsworth, 
Bucks.,  c.  1636-43;  Sackfield.  Died  1643.  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612;  Al.  Oxon.;  Lipscomb,  in.  412;  Nightingale,  loio.) 

SACKVILLE,  THOMAS.  Created  M.A.  1571.  S.  of  Sir  Richard, 
Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer.  B.  at  Buckhurst,  Sussex. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1592.  Assigned  to  St  John's,  Cambridge 
and  Hart  Hall,  Oxford.  A  student  of  the  Inner  Temple,  1555. 
Barrister  of  the  Inner  Temple.  M.P.  for  Westmorland,  1558; 
for  East  Grinstead,  1559;  for  Aylesbury,  1563-7.  Knighted 
and  created  Baron  Buckhurst,  June  8,  1567.  K.G.,  1589. 
ChanceUor  of  Oxford  University,  1591-1608.  Lord  High  Trea- 
surer, 1599-1608.  Privy  CounciUor.  Created  Earl  of  Dorset, 
Mar.  13,  1603-4.  Married  Cicely,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Baker,  of 
Sissinghurst,  Kent,  in  1555.  Poet;  ooUaborated  with  Thomas 
Norton  in  the  production  of  The  Tragedy  of  Gorboduc,  the 
first  English  tragedy  in  blank  verse.  Died  Apr.  19,  1608, 
aged  81  (sic).  Buried  at  Withyham.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1609. 
(Cooper,  II.  484;  Al.  Oxon.;  G.E.C;  D.N.B.) 

SADD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1619.  Matric. 

SADD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672.  Of 
Norfolk.   Matric.  Easter,  1674. 

SADD  or  SADE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1513-4-  Perhaps  V.  of 
Boxted,  Essex,  1513-31.  Died  1531. 

SADLER,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  28, 
1620.  S.  of  Rowland,  of  St  Nicholas  Aeon,  London,  haber- 
dasher and  vintner  (wiU  (P.C.C.)  1647).  Matric.  1620;  B.A. 
1623;  M.A.  1627.  V.  of  West  Thurrock,  Essex,  1628-43. 
Died  May  19,  1643.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 
(T.A.  Walker,  17.) 

SADLER,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  1,  1707. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1707.  Died  Oct.  23,  i754-   (G.  Mag.) 

SADLER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1554.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Ralph,  of  Standon,  Herts.,  Knt. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1555.  Of  Temple  Dinsley, 
Herts.,  and  Aspley  Guise,  Beds.,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Sir  Richard  Lee,  of  SopweU,  Herts.,  Knt.  Died  v.p., 
Apr.  4,  1584.  Buried  at  Aspley  Guise.  Brother  of  Henry 
(1557-8)  and  Thomas  (1554).  (T.  U.  Sadleir;  Vis.  of  Herts.; 
Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

SADLER  or  SADLEIR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity, 
Sept.  14,  1652.  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  SopweU,  Herts.,  gent. 
Bapt.  Mar.  14,  1632-3,  at  Standon.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
June  14,  1651.  Buried  at  St  Peter's,  St  Albans,  Jime  6, 
1669.  Brother  of  Robert  (1650).  (T.  U.  Sadleir;  Clutterbuck, 
III.  229.) 

SADLER,  Sir  EDWIN,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Corpus 
Christi,  1683.  Of  Temple  Dinsley,  Herts.,  and  Aspley  Guise, 
Beds.  3rds.  of  Sir  Edwin,  Bart.,  of  Temple  Dinsley.  Matric.  c. 
1683.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  July,  1672.  Sold  the  estate 
of  Temple  Diasley,  in  1712,  to  Benedict  ItheU.  Author, 
History  of  the  Jacobites  of  Egypt;  History  of  the  Cophts. 
Died  July  14,  1719,  s.p.  M.I.  at  Aspley  Guise.  It  was  his 
wife,  vridow  of  Dr  WiUiam  Croone  (1647)  who  founded  the 
'Sadleirian  Lectures,'  and  left  lands  to  the  R.C.P.  (Le  Neve, 
Mon.;  T.  U.  Sadleir;  G.E.C,  in.  237.) 

SADLER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1585;  B.A.  1588-9. 

SADLER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1573- 
One  of  these  names  of  Hovingham,  Yorks.,  clerk;  wiU  (York) 

SADLER,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall,  Lent, 
1557-8.  Of  Everley,  WUts.,  and  Hungerford  Lodge,  Berks. 
3rd  s.  of  Sir  Ralph,  of  Standon,  Herts.,  Knt.  M.P.  for 
Lancaster,  1571,  1572-83,  1584-7-  Clerk  of  the  Hanaper, 
1572-1604.  HighSheriffof  Wilts.,  1595.  Married  (1)  Dorothy 
GUbert,  of  Everley,  WUts.;  (2)  Ursula,  dau.  of  John  GiU,  of 
Widial,  Herts.  Died  Mar.  17,  1618,  aged  80.  M.I.  in  Hunger- 
ford  Church.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1554)  and  Edward  (1554). 
(T.  U.  Sadleir;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  in.  229.) 

SADLER,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1707- 

SADLER,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  31,  1701-2. 
Of  Middlesex.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Ebenezer,  of  St  Martin- 
in-the-Fields.  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6.  Probably  adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  17,  1703-4-  CaUed  to  the  Bar, 

SADLER,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1717- 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Perhaps  scholar  of  Christ's,  1536.  B.A. 
(?  from  Corpus  Christi)  1537-8;  M.A.  1540.  FeUow  of  Jesus, 
1539-46.  Original  FeUow  of  Trinity  CoUege,  1546.  R.  of 
Sudborough,  Northants.,  1568-84.  Published  translations 
from  Flavius  Vegetius  Renatus.  Died  c.  1595.  (Cooper,  11. 
203;  D.N.B.) 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  23,  1538.  Of  Whitacre,  Warws.  B.A.  1542-3;  M.A. 
1547.  FeUow,  1541-57.  R.of  Dunton  Waylett,  Essex,  1556- 
64.  Died  1564. 

Sadler,  John 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1598.  B.  at 
Worfield,  Salop.  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  20,  1607,  age  25;  'Tutor  in  the  family  of 
Sir  Geo.  Coppin';  priest,  Sept.  24,  1608.  V.  of  Patcham, 
Sussex,  1608.  V.  of  Ringmer,  1627-40.  Married  Mary 
Fenner,  widow  of  Edward  Fanner,  late  of  Aubotime,  Sussex, 
May  12,  16x3.  (His  daughter  Ann  married  John  Harvard, 
in  1636.)  Buried  at  Ringmer,  Oct.  3,  1640.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1640.   Father  of  John  (1630).   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  1619.  S.  of 
Nicholas,  merchant,  of  Norwich.  Schools,  Hadley  (Mr 
Turner),  Middlesex,  and  Norwich  (Mr  Thornton).  Matric. 
Easter,  1620;  Scholar,  1620-2. 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  13,  1630. 
Of  Sussex.  S.  of  John  (1598).  B.  Aug.  iS,  1615.  Matric. 
1631;  B.A.  1634;  M.A.  1638.  Fellow,  1639.  Master  of 
Magdalene,  1650-60.  Of  Lincoln's  Inn.  Master  in  Chancery, 
1644-56.  Bencher,  1654.  Master  of  Requests.  Town  clerk 
of  London,  1649-60.  A  member  of  the  Council  of  State, 
1653.  M.P.  for  Cambs.,  1653;  and  for  Yarmouth  (Isle  of 
Wight),  1659.  Lost  his  offices,  1660.  Retired  to  Warmwell. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Trenchard,  of  Warmwell,  Dorset, 
Esq.,  Sept.  9,  1645.  Author,  historical.  Died  at  Warmwell, 
Apr.  1674.   {D.N.B.;  Mag.  Coll.  Hist.,  115.) 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1631. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632. 

SADLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  29, 1718. 
S.  of  John,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 

SADLER,  RALPH.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Mar.  3, 
1596-7.  Of  Standon  Lordship,  Herts.  Only  s.  of  Sir  Thomas 
(1554),  of  Standon,  Herts.  B.  1581.  High  Sheriff  for  Herts., 
1609.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Coke,  L.C.J. ,  who 
on  his  death,  presented  books  to  Trinity  library.  Died  s.p., 
Feb.  12,  1660.  He  is  the  'Noble  Mr  Sadleir'  of  Walton's 
Angler.  {Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Cussans,  i.  170;  T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

SADLER,  REGINALD.  B.Can.L.  1519-20.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Shopland,  Essex,  1544. 

SADLER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1549.  Natural  son  of  Sir  Ralph  Sadleir,  of  Standon, 
Herts.  Of  Renningsley,  Herts.,  Esq.  Author,  De  procrandis 
...equis  experieniia  (London,  1587);  in  the  preface  to  which 
he  thanks  his  father  for  the  education  he  had  given  him  in 
Cambridge,  Pavia  and  Germany.  Died  at  Standon,  c.  161 1. 
M.I.  there.   [Clutterbuck,  in.  238;  T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

SADLER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  30,  1636. 
B.  in  Worcester,  c.  1620.  Matric.  1637.  Went  with  his 
parents  to  New  England  in  1638,  who  settled  at  Lynn,  Mass. 
Returned  to  England.  'Ordained'  in  Whixall  Chapel,  Salop, 
May  10,  1648.  Lecturer  at  Ludlow;  ejected,  1662.  Retired 
to  Whixall  and  died  there  in  1675.  aged  55.  [Calamy,  11. 
328;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

SADLER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  15, 
1657.  S.  of  Samuel,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1661-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Nov.  10,  1661;  priest.  Mar.  6,  1663-4. 
R.  of  Elmham  All  Saints'  and  St  Nicholas,  Suffolk,  1664. 
R.  of  St  James',  South  Elmham,  1665-83.  Admon.  Nov.  20, 
1683,  to  relict  Dorothy,  at  Ipswich.   {Venn,  i.  400.) 

SADLEIR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22,  1650. 
S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Sopwell,  Herts.,  Esq.  Bapt.  Feb.  9, 
1631-2,  at  Standon.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  24,  1650. 
Buried  at  St  Peter's,  St  Albans,  June  17,  1652.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1652).   (T.  U.  Sadleir;  Clutterbuck,  in.  229.) 

SADLER,  THEODORE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1566.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Fillongley, 
Warws.   (Vis.  ofW  arms.,  i()i<j.) 

SADLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  II,  1523.  Of  Over,  Cambs.  Fellow,  1526-7.  No 
degree  recorded.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Apr.  6;  priest, 
Apr.  20,  1527. 

SADLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1554.  Of  Standon,  Herts.,  Esq.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir 
Ralph,  of  Standon,  Knt.  B.  c.  1536.  M.P.  for  Lancaster, 
1572-83.  High  Sheriff  of  Herts.,  1588,  1595-6.  Knighted 
by  James  I,  when  entertained  at  Standon,  1603.  Married 
(i)  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Sherington,  of  Lacock,  Wilts.; 
(2)  Gertrude,  dau.  of  Robert  Markham,  of  Cotham,  Notts. 
Died  Jan.  5,  1606-7.  M.I.  at  Standon.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1554)  and  Henry  (1557-8),  father  of  Ralph  (1596-7)- 
(T.  U.  Sadleir;  X^is.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  229.) 

SADLER,  THOMAS  LEE  (or  LEIGH).  Matric.  pens,  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1605.  S.  and  h.  of  Lee  Sadler,  of  Aspley 
Guise,  Beds.,  and  Temple  Dinsley,  Herts.,  Esq.,  and  grand- 

Sagar,  John 

son  of  Edward  (1554).  B.  1587.  B.A.  1608-9.  Of  the  Inner 
Temple  and  Aspley  Guise,  Esq.  Serjeant  of  Laws  and 
Justice  of  Quorum  for  Beds.  Much  esteemed  for  his  profound 
learning.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Francis  Bury,  of 
Beckening  Park,  Beds.,  Mar.  15,  1612-3.  Died  1658,  aged  70. 
(This  is  the  date  given  in  G.E.C.,  iii.  237,  and  by  F.  Sadleir 
Stoney;  other  authorities  assume,  with  more  probability, 
that  he  was  the  Thomas  Sadler,  Esq.  buried  at  Aspley,  Dec. 
23, 1644,  as  recorded  in  Geneal.  Bedford.)  Father  of  the  next. 
{Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  T.  U.  Sadleir;  Scott's  State  Papers  of 
Sir  Ralph  Sadleir;  Clutterbuck,  in.  28.) 

SADLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1637. 
S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  Lee  (above),  of  Temple  Dinsley,  Herts., 
and  Aspley  Guise,  Beds.,  Esq.  B.  1619.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  4,  1638.  Died  v.p.  and  s.p.,  1639.  Buried  Nov.  10,  1639, 
at  Aspley  Guise.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634; 
T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

SADLER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1544. 

SADLER,  .    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 


SADLINGTON,  MARK.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1578.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  May  7,  1580.  B.A.  1580-1; 
M.A.  1584.  FeUow  of  Peterhouse,  1584-90.  Recommended 
by  Sir  Francis  Walsingham  for  master  of  Colchester  Grammar 
School.  Master  of  St  Olave's  School,  London,  1591-4-  P-C 
of  All  Hallows-the-Less,  1594-7-  R-  of  Holy  Trinity,  Guild- 
ford, Surrey,  1599-1633.  V.  of  Sunbury,  Middlesex,  1603-47. 
Some  historical  writings  have  been  attributed  to  him. 
Buried  at  Sunbury,  Apr.  27,  1647.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  granted 
to  his  widow,  Jane,  May  4,  1647.  (Peile,  i.  146;  D.N.B.; 
Cooper,  II.  385.) 

SADLINGTON,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1586.  Of  Norwich.  Notary  Public.  Died  Mar.  6, 
1601,  aged  30.  M.I.  in  Norwich  Cathedral.  {Blomtfield,  11. 

SADLYNGTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1561;  B.A.  1566-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln);  priest  (Ely) 
Dec.  21,  1569,  age  26.  R.  of  Hessett,  Suffolk,  1574-  R-  of 
St  Mary-in-the-Marsh,  Norwich,  1579-  R-  of  Fehningham, 
Norfolk,  1584-1604.  R.  of  Pakefield,  Suffolk,  1604-16. 

SADLYNGTON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

SADLINGTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1598;  B.A.  1601-2.  V.  of  Horsey,  Norfolk,  1609-15. 
Perhaps  R.  of  St  Peter,  Southgate,  Norwich,  1623. 

SADLINGTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1697.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1701-2,  according  to  Masters. 


SAFFERY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 
30,  1716.  S.  of  Henry,  maltster,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Downham 
Market.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Pate).  Matric.  1716;  B.A. 

SAFFORD,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse, 
1603-4;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  R.  of  Enmore,  Somerset, 
1613-39.  Died  1639.  His  three  sons  graduated  from  New 
Inn  Hall,  Oxford. 

SAFFORD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  29, 
1745-50.  S.  of  James,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk.  School,  Stow- 
market  (Mr  Aldrick).  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  i755-  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  July,  1755;  priest,  Sept.  1757-  V.  of  Mettingham, 
Suffolk,  1758-1805. 

SAGAR,  see  also  SEAGAR. 

SAGAR,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1653.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Ightenhill-in-Whalley, 
Lanes.  Bapt.  Jan.  24,  1635-6,  at  Burnley.  School,  Burnley 
(MrAspden).  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1657.  Master  of  Blackburn 
Grammar  School,  165&-65.  Licensed  as  a  Presbyterian 
teacher  at  Blackburn,  Feb.  1672-3.  Nonconformist  minister 
at  Walmsley  and  at  Darwen,  1687-97.  Married  Isabel,  dau. 
of  Henry  Astly,  of  Blackburn,  Nov.  11,  1663.  Buried  at 
Blackburn,  Feb.  17,  1697-8.   (E.  Axon.) 

SAGAR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  18,  1618. 
Matric.  1618.  Perhaps  migrated  to  Oxford  and  matric.  (Hart 
Hall)  Nov.  16,  1621,  age  21;  of  Lancashire. 

SAGAR  or  SEGAR,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  11,  1658-9.  S.  of  lames.  B.  at  Northallerton,  Vorks. 
School,  Northallerton.  "Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (York)  Sept.  1663;  'C.  of  Bradford.'  V.  of 
Dewsbury,  1665.  Died  July  11,  1665.  (Peile,  i.  583;  J.  B. 
Greenwood,  Dewsbury,  163.) 

SAGAR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1555-  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Trimlcy  St  Mary,  Suffolk,  1580-1606. 

SAGAR  or  SACAR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's, 
c.  1593. 


Sagar,  Joseph 

SAGAR,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1722.  Doubtless  s.  of  Joshua,  presbyterian  minister 
of  New  Chapel,  Wakefield  (and  Baptista,  dau.  of  Captain 
Joseph  Poole,  of  Pontefract  and  of  Wakefield).  B.  in 
Yorkshire,  1694.  M.A.  1723  {Lit.  Reg.).  Educated  for  the 
Dissenting  Ministry;  conformed  and  became  chaplain  to 
Bishop  Hoadly.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  13,  1719-20.  V.  of 
North  Tidworth,  and  R.  of  Homerton,  Wilts.  Canon 
residentiary  of  SaUsbury,  1724-57;  preb.,  1726-57;  Arch- 
deacon of  Salisbury,  1727-32-  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Edward  Hearst,  Esq.,  of  Salisbury.  Died  July  18,  1757- 
Buried  in  SaUsbur>'  Cathedral.   {F.M.G.,  148.) 

SAGAR,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1681.  S.  of 
John,  of  Bradford,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Jan.  6,  1655.  B.A.  1681-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1690;  priest,  Sept.  1692.  Probably 
R.  of  Nuthall,  Notts.,  1694.  (Peiie,  11.  85,  where  he  is  con- 
fused with  the  Wakefield  presbyterian  of  these  names,  who 
was  s.  of  Charles  (1653)  and  always  a  nonconformist.) 

SAGAR,  OTIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1575- 

SAGE,  ELISHA.  Adm.pens.at  Pembroke,  Apr.  7,  1676.  S.  of 
George,  of  Bishop's  N>Tnpton,  Devon.  Matric.  (New  Inn 
Hall,  Oxford)  Apr.  7,  1674,  age  18. 

SAGE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1588. 
S.  of  William  (1562).  Bapt.  at  Toddington,  Beds.,  Nov.  20, 
1573.  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1595.  Conduct  at  King's,  1595-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  5,  1595.  V.  of  Brickhill  parva, 
Bucks.,  1598-1602.  V.  of  Dedham,  Essex,  1605-15.  R.  of 
Layham,  Sufiolk,  1614. 

SAGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1569. 

SAGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  6,  1561-2. 
Matric.  1562;  Scholar,  1563;  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  from 
Pembroke,  1568.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1568.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Dec.  19,  1563;  priest,  Nov.  5,  1564.  Minister  of  Little 
St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  1564-5.  University  preacher,  1569. 
R.  of  St  Andrew  Wardrobe,  London,  1570-4-  R-  of  Todding- 
ton, Beds.,  1573-98.  Buried  there  Aug.  7,  1598.  Father  of 
Henry  (1588).   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

SAGGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612;  B.A. 
1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1622;  priest. 
Mar.  1625-6.  One  John  Sage  was  master  of  the  Grammar 
School,  Houghton-le-Spring,  Durham,  1 632-9. 

SAGG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  16, 
1679-80.  S.  of  William,  woollendraper,  of  Hedon-in-Holder- 
ness,  Yorks.  B.  there.  Schools,  Burstwick  (private)  and 
Beverley.  Matric.  1680.  Migrated  to  Sidney,  June  12,  1680. 
B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1687.  Lecturer  at  Trinity  Church,  Hull. 
A  non-juror.  Brother  of  William  (1678)  and  probably  father 
of  the  next. 

SAGGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  18, 
1716.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  above),  clerk,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Thrushes,  near  Sutton.  Matric.  1716. 

SAGGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  10, 
1678.  S.  of  William,  draper,  deceased.  B.  at  Hedon,  Yorks. 
School,  Burstwick  (private).  Matric.  1678.  Migrated  to 
Corpus  Christi.  B.A.  1681;  M.A.  1685.  Fellow  of  Corpus 
Christi,  1682-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1685.  Died  1689. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1679-80). 

SAGITTARY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June 
20,  1717.  S.  of  John,  M.D.,  of  Blandford,  Dorset.  M.B.  1722. 

SAGO  or  SAGUS,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1393-8. 
One  William  Sagow  R.  of  Cricksea,  Essex,  1384. 

ST  ALBANS,  Prior  of.  D.Can.L.  1484-5.  Probably  Thomas 
Ramryge  or  Ramrugge,  who  became  abbot  in  1492. 

SAINTALMOND,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1609;  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1612-3.  Perhaps  'Secretary  to 
the  Lord  Keeper';  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar  12,  1624-5. 
Possibly  M.P.  for  Stamford,  1624-5;  as  St  Amand. 

SAINTANDREW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  c.  1595.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h. 
of  George,  of  East  Haddon,  Northants.  (and  Barbara,  dau. 
of  George  Neville,  of  Grove,  Notts.).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Apr.  22,  1597.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  co-heir 
of  her  uncle  William,  of  Skeffington,  Leics.;  (2)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Edmund  Pilkington.  Died  Nov.  25,  1624,  aged  46.  Buried 
at  Gotham,  Notts.   {Baker,  i.  161.) 

ST  ANDREWS,  .    FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1617-8.    Possibly 

John,  s.  and  h.  of  WilUam  (above).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  7,  1619.  Of  East  Haddon,  Northants.,  Esq.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Bainbridge,  of  Lockington,  Leics. 
Died  Jan.  14,  1625-6.  {Baker,  i.  161.) 

ST  BARBE,  EDWARD  DE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Magdalene, 
July  6,  1671.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Broadlands,  Hants.  Died 
young.  Brother  of  the  next. 

ST  BARBE,  Sir  JOHN  DE,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Mag- 
dalene, July  6,  1671.  2nd  s.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Broadlands, 
Romsey,  Southampton.  Created  Bart.,  Dec.  30,  1663,  when 

Sainthill,  Peter 

only  eight  years  old.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  22, 
1674.  M.P.  for  Ilchester,  1681.  Sheriff  of  Hants.,  1704- 
Married  (i)  Honor,  dau.  of  Richard  Norton,  of  Southwick, 
Hants.;  (2)  Alice,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Richard  Fiennes.  Died 
s.p.,  Sept.  17,  1723.  Buried  at  Ashington,  Somerset.  M.I. 
WiU,  P.C.C.   Brother  of  Edward  (above).   (G.E.C.,  in.  286.) 

ST  BENEDICT,  Abbot  of.  D.D.  1460-1.  John  Kevyng  was 
Abbot,  1459-1500. 

ST  BONDULPH,  WILLIAM  DE.  Scholar  at  Peterhouse,  July, 
1351,  when  the  Master  petitions  the  Pope  for  a  benefice  for 
him.   Described  as  M.A.   {Cal.  of  Pap.  Pet.,  1.  211.) 

ST  ELOy,  MOSES  (GONQUET).  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare, 
June  25,  1707.  B.  in  Jersey,  1687.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1710- 
i;  M.A.  1719.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Aug.  i,  1709;  priest 
(Ely)  Dec.  23,  1711.  R.  of  Marston,  Beds.,  1711.  V.  of 
Langford,  1728. 

ST  FAITH,  PETER  DE.  D.D.  of  Cambridge  and  Paris.  CarmeUte 
friar.  Theologian.  R.  of  Taverham,  Norfolk,  1450.  Author, 
theological.  Died  at  St  Faith,  Norwich,  Nov.  8,  1452.  (Pits, 
647;  D.N.B.) 

ST  FAITH,  WILLIAM  DE.  D.D.  of  Cambridge.  CarmeUte  friar 
of  St  Faith,  Norwich.  Died  1372.  Buried  at  St  Faith's. 
{Pits;  D.N.B.) 

ST  GEORGE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  16, 
1647.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  John,  of 
Hatley  St  George,  Cambs.  Scholar,  1650,  expeUed.  {Misc. 
Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  in.  79.) 

ST  GEORGE,  BALDWIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  3,  1592. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1569),  of  Hatley 
St  George,  Cambs.  Bapt.  1573,  at  Ridgmont,  Beds,  (his 
mother's  home).  B.A.  1592-3.  '  Of  Hungry  Hatley,  Cambs.' ; 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  14,  1595.   {Geneal.  Beds.,  427.) 

ST  GEORGE,  BALDWIN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Mar.  16, 
1649-50.  Of  London.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (and  Frances, 
dau.  of  John  Shelbury,  of  High  Holbom).  M.B.  1659.  {Misc. 
Gen.  el  Her.,  N.S.,  111.  79-) 

ST  GEORGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1476;  B.A.  1480-1. 

ST  GEORGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1569.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Hatley  St  George, 
Cambs.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Peter  Grey,  of  Ridgmont, 
Beds.  Living,  1610,  age  66  {sic).  Brother  of  Richard  (1569) 
and  doubtless  father  of  Baldvdn  (1592)  and  WiUiam  (1601). 
{Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619.) 

ST  GEORGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  5,  1574. 
Of  Cambridgeshire. 

ST  GEORGE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1569.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Hatley  St  George,  Cambs. 
(and  Rose,  dau.  of  Thomas  Hutton,  of  Dry  Drayton,  Cambs.). 
Windsor  Herald,  in  1602.  Norroy  king-of-arms,  1603-23; 
Clarenceux  king-of-arms,  1623-35.  Knighted,  Sept.  28,  1616. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  3,  1617.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau. 
of  Nicholas  St  John,  of  Liddiard  Tregose,  Wilts.,  in  1575. 
A  friend  of  Sir  Robert  Cotton,  Camden  and  other  eminent 
antiquarians.  Left  genealogical  manuscripts.  Died  May  17, 
1635.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Holbom,  London.  Brother 
of  John  (1569).  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iii.  78;  Vis.  of 
Cambs.,  1619;  D.N.B.) 

ST  GEORGE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1627.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  LL.B.  1633.  FeUow, 
ST  GEORGE  or  SENGEORGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  1496;  B.A.  1499-1500  (1st  in  the  ordo); 
M.A.  1503-4.  FeUow,  until  1507.  'Afterwards  "receiver" 
of  the  CoUege.'   WiU  (V.C.C.)  1514.   {Harwood.) 

ST  GEORGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  14, 
1601.  2nd  s.  of  John  (1569),  gent.,  of  Hatley  St  George, 
Cambs.  School,  King's,  Cambridge.  Scholar,  1601-4;  B.A. 
from  Trinity,  1606-7.  Went  to  Douay,  Sept.  21,  1610.  Ord. 
deacon,  Dec.  21,  1613;  priest,  Feb.  22,  1613-4.  Sent  to 
England,  1617;  arrested  and  banished.  Again  sent  Sept.  14, 
1618.  Labouring  as  a  priest  in  Northumberland,  in  1632  and 
1649.  Date  of  death  not  known.  (Fcnn,i.  175;  E.  H.  Burton; 
Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619.) 

SAINTHILL,  HUMPHREY.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Perhaps  s.  of  Peter,  of  Bradninch,  Devon.  Matric.  (Oriel 
CoUege,  Oxford)  May  18,  1610,  age  13;  B.A.  (Lincohi  CoUege, 
Oxford)  1613-4;  M.A.  1616.  R.  of  Zeal  Monachorum, 
Devon,  1623.  Admon.  (Exeter)  1629-30.  {Vis.  of  Devon, 
1620;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SAINTHILL,  PETER.  M.A.  1639  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Peter,  of  Southwark,  Surrey,  pleb.  Matric.  (Corpus  Christi 
CoUege,  Oxford)  Dec.  5,  1623,  age  16;  B.A.  (Pembroke 
CoUege,  Oxford)  1628.  Probably  R.  of  Ovington,  Essex, 
1635.  R.  of  Long  Melford,  Sufiolk,  1655.  (H.  Smith;  Al. 

Sainthill,  Peter 

SAINTHILL,  PETER.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  Emmakuel,  Nov.  1750. 
2nd  s.  of  Peter,  of  Garlick  Hill,  London,  surgeon.  School, 
Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1755.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Jan.  14, 1752.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  21, 
1755.  DiedatSouthampton,  Nov.  9(?0ct.  8),  1762.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  1763.   (G.  Mag.;  Musgrave;  L.  Mag.) 

ST  IVES,  JOHN.  Resident  at  King's  Hall  untU  1412.  See 

ST  JOHN,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  9, 
1601.  Of  Bedfordshire.  4th  s.  of  Oliver,  3rd  Baron  St  John, 
ofBletsoe.  Knighted,  Aug.  5,  1608.  M.P.  for  Bedford,  1614, 
1620-2,  1624-5;  for  Barnstaple,  1626,  1628-9.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Trye,  of  Hardwick,  Gloucs.,  Esq. 
Died  c.  June,  1657.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  Beauchamp 
(1609-10),  Henry  (1604),  Oliver  (1595)  and  Rowland  (1604). 
(Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194;  Collins,  vi.  744.) 

ST  JOHN,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  9, 
1601.  Of  Bedfordshire.  3rd  s.  of  Oliver,  3rd  Baron  St  John, 
of  Bletsoe.  Knighted,  Aug.  5,  1608.  M.P.  for  Wigan,  1624- 
5,  1626,  1628-9;  for  Cheshire,  1625.  Brother  of  Alexander 
(1601),  etc.  and  father  of  Oliver  (1627).  (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634, 

ST  JOHN,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  4,  1636.  4th  s.  of  Ohver  (1595),  4th  Baron  of  Bletsoe 
and  Earl  Bolingbroke.  Bapt.  May  10,  1618,  at  Melchboume, 
Beds.  Married  Ann  Kensham,  of  Tempsford,  Beds.,  Aug.  8, 
1639.  Buried  at  Bletsoe,  June  21,  1673.  Probably  brother 
of  Oliver  (1615).  (Peile,  i.  442;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194; 
Geneal.  Bedford.) 

ST  JOHN,  BEAUCHAMP.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Mar.  9, 
1609-10.  7th  s.  of  Oliver,  Baron  St  John,  of  Bletsoe,  Beds. 
M.A.  1612-3  (on  King's  visit).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  5, 
1613.  Knighted,  July  24  (22),  1619.  M.P.  for  Beds.,  1620-2; 
for  Bedford,  1626,  1628-9,  1640.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of 
William  Hawkins,  of  Tilbrook,  Beds.,  Oct.  14,  1613.  Will 
(Leicester)  1667  (the  date  of  his  death  has  been  confused  by 
Collins  and  other  authorities  with  that  of  his  wife,  who  was 
buried  at  Tilbrook,  Mar.  26,  1631).  Brother  of  Alexander 
(1601),  etc.   (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194;  Collins,  vi.  745.) 

ST  JOHN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  July  21, 
1648.  Of  Bedfordshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Oliver  (1615-6),  of 
Longthorpe,  Northants.  (and  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Altham,  of  Latton,  Essex,  Knt.).  M.A.  1650  (Jil.  nob.). 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  14,  1648.  CaUed  to  the  Bar, 
1656.  M.P.  for  Peterborough,  1656,  1659,  1679-80,  1698- 
1700.  Of  Longthorpe,  Northants.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Dionysius  Wakeringe,  of  Kelvedon,  Essex;  (2)  Mary, 
dau.  of  Dannett  Foorth,  alderman  of  London.  Died  1705. 
Brother  of  WiUiam  (1652-3).  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Noble, 
Cromwell  Family,  11.  24.) 

ST  JOHN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1654.  Of 
London.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Paulet,  K.B.,  and  grandson  of  Oliver, 
ist  Earl  of  Bolingbroke.  Died  unmarried.  (Collins,  vi.  747; 
Burke,  Ext.  Peerage.) 

ST  JOHN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  24, 
1713.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  East  Tuddenham,  Norfolk,  gent. 
B.  there.  School,  Reepham  (Mr  Robinson).  Matric.  1713; 
Scholar,  1713-8;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1729.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  July  13,  1718;  priest,  June  12,  1720.  V.  of 
Reepham,  1723-56.  Died  Jan.  28  (?  24),  1756.  WiU  (Norwich 
Arch.  C.)  1756.   (Venn,  i.  530;  G.  Mag.) 

ST  JOHN,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1604.  6th  s.  of  Oliver,  3rd  Baron  St  John,  of  Bletsoe,  Beds. 
M.A.  1612-3  (on  King's  visit).  Knighted,  July  24  (22),  1619. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  9,  1627.  Died  young.  Brother 
of  Alexander  (i6oi),  etc.   (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194.) 

SAINT  JOHN,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
May  29,  1668.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Walter,  Bart.,  of  Liddiard 
Tregose,  Wilts,  (and  Joanna,  dau.  of  Oliver  St  John  (1615-6)). 
Bapt.  Oct.  17,  1652,  at  Battersea,  Surrey.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1668;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1669.  D.C.L.  (Oxford)  1702.  M.P.  for  Wootton 
Bassett,  1679-81,  1685-7,  1689-95,  1698-1700;  for  Wilts., 
1695-8.  Succeeded  his  father  as  4th  Bart.,  July  3,  1708. 
Created  Viscount  and  Baron  St  John  of  Battersea,  July  2, 
1716.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Rich,  Earl  of 
Warwick;  (2)  Angelica  Magdelina,  dau.  of  George  PeUssary, 
Treasurer  of  the  Navy  to  Louis  XIV.  Died  Apr.  8,  1742, 
aged  c.  90.  His  son  Henry  was  created  Viscount  BoUngbroke 
ini7i2.  Brother  of  John  (1683).  (Venn,i.  434;  G.E.C.,  i.  25.) 

ST  JOHN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1473. 
Left  as  scholar.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John, 
K.B.  and  grandson  of  Sir  Oliver,  of  Bletsoe,  Beds.  K.B., 
1502.  Married  and  had  issue.   (G.E.C.;  Collins,  vi.  742.) 

ST  JOHN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1479. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Ohver,  of  Liddiard  Tregose,  Wilts.,  and 
cousin  of  John  (above).  If  so,  knighted,  June  17,  1497. 
Married  and  had  issue.   Died  1512.   Ifi.E.C.) 

St  John,  Oliver 

SAYNT  JOHNS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1545.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Bletsoe,  Beds.,'  adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1549. 

SAYNT  JOHNS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1545  (separate  entry). 

ST  JOHN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1633.  Of  Bedfordshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Oliver,  of  Keysoe. 
Bapt.  there,  Sept.  13,  1615. 

ST  JOHN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June  30, 
1683.  Of  Wiltshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Walter,  Bart.,  of 
Liddiard  Tregose,  Wilts.,  and  of  Battersea,  Surrey.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  2,  1685.  Died  young.  Brother  of 
Henry  (1668).   (Lyson's  Environs  of  London,  i.  30.) 

ST  JOHN,  NEEDHAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Emmanuel, 
June  1,  1743.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Cold  Overton,  Leics. 
School,  Nuneaton.  Matric.  1743.  Died  July  25,  1762,  aged 
37.    (Nichols,  II.  656.) 

SANCT  JOHN,  OLIVER  Adm.  scholar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July 
14,  1579.  Resident  in  1581.  S.  of  Henry  (?  Thomas),  gent., 
of  Keysoe,  Beds.  School,  Ely.  One  of  these  names  buried 
at  Keysoe,  Mar.  3,  1625-6  (but  according  to  Geneal.  Bedford, 
404,  this  was  Oliver,  s.  of  Thomas,  and  grandson  of  Ohver, 
1st  Baron  St  John).  Possibly  father  of  Oliver  (1615-6). 
(Venn,  i.  103.) 

SEINJOHN,  OLIVER.  Adm.  scholar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15, 
1581.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  Bapt.  Jan.  14,  1564,  at  Milton, 
Beds.  School,  Dalling,  Norfolk.  Probably  of  Hockerinc; 
Park,  Norfolk,  and  East  Tuddenham.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  Robert  Tilney,  of  East  Tuddenham.   (Venn,  i.  111.) 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Peterhouse,  c. 
1595.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Oliver,  3rd  Baron  St  John,  of 
Bletsoe,  Beds.  B.  c.  1580.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  20, 
1597.  M.P.  for  Beds.,  1601  and  1604.  K.B.,  1610.  Suc- 
ceeded his  father  as  4th  Baron  St  John,  Sept.  1618.  Created 
Earl  of  Bolingbroke,  Dec.  28,  1624.  Joined  the  ParUa- 
mentarians,  1642.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Beds.,  1643-6.  Took 
the  covenant  and  became  a  lay  member  of  the  Westminster 
Assembly,  1643.  A  commissioner  for  the  custody  of  the 
Great  Seal,  1643-6.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  WiUiam 
Paulet,  of  Ewalden,  Somerset.  Died  June,  1646.  Father  of 
Anthony  (1636)  and  probably  of  OUver  (1615).  (D.N.B.; 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1615-6. 
S.  and  h.  of  OUver  (?  1579),  of  Ke>'Soe,  Beds,  (and  Sarah, 
dau.  of  Edward  Buckley,  D.D.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Apr.  22,  1619.  Barrister,  1626.  Counsel  for  Lord  Saye  and 
John  Hampden  in  their  resistance  to  the  payment  of  Ship- 
money,  1637.  M.P.  for  Totnes  in  the  Short  and  Long 
Parhaments,  1640-53.  Solicitor-General,  1641-8.  Promoted 
the  BiU  for  Strafford's  attainder.  One  of  the  commissioners 
to  treat  for  peace  at  Uxbridge,  1645;  sided  with  the  army 
against  the  Parliament,  1647.  Chief  Justice  C.P.,  1648-60. 
Chancellor  of  the  University,  1651-60.  Member  of  the 
Council  of  State,  1659-60.  Of  Longthorpe,  Northants. 
Married  three  wives  (his  2nd  wife  was  EUzabeth,  dau.  of 
Henry  CromweU).  Left  England,  1662;  went  to  Basel  and 
afterwards  to  Augsburg.  Died  Dec.  31,  1673.  Father  of 
Francis  (1648)  and  of  WiUiam  (1652-3).  (D.N.B.;  Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.;  Geneal.  Bedford.  404.) 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  3, 
1615.  Doubtless  s.  of  OUver  (c.  1595),  4th  Baron  St  John. 
Matric.  1618;  M.A.  1620  (Lit.  Reg.).  M.P.  for  Beds.,  1624-5, 

1626,  1628-9.    K.B.,  1626.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  9, 

1627.  Held  Hereford  for  the  ParUament,  1642.  Married 
Arabella,  dau.  of  John  Egerton,  Earl  of  Bridgewater.  Died 
of  wounds  at  Edgehill,  Oct.  23,  1642.  Probably  brother  of 
Anthony  (1636).    (D.N.B.) 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
June  2,  1627.  S.  of  Sir  Anthony  (1601),  Knt.  B.  in  London. 
Schools,  Chenies,  Bucks.  (Mr  Peter  Alibond)  and  Hammer- 
smith (Mr  Thomas  Goodwyn).  Matric.  1627.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  22,  1630.  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1638.  (Vis. 
of  Beds.,  1634,  194.) 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1640.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Sir  Rowland  (1604),  K.B.,  of  Woodford.  Created  Bart. 
June  28,  1660.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  John  St  Andrew, 
of  Gotham,  Notts.  Died  Jan.  2,  1661-2,  aged  37.  (Baker, 
I.  i6t,  486;  G.E.C,  III.  68.) 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Jan.  6,  1675-6.  S.  of 
Oliver,  of  Tuddenham,  Norfolk,  and  probably  grandson  of 
Oliver  (1581).  B.  in  Hampshire.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  Easter, 
1676;  Scholar,  1676-83;  B..'^.  1679-80;  M.A.  1684.  Ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1682-3.  R-  of  Freethorpe,  Norfolk, 
1683-5;  of  Wickhampton,  1683-4.  Licensed  to  marry 
Bridget  Cannon  of  Swaffham,  1684.  (Venn,  1.  455.) 

St  John,  Oliver 

ST  JOHN,  OLIVER.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 

July  29,    1708.    S.  of  Oliver,  of  Tonragee,   Co.   Armagh. 

School,  Hackney,  London  (Mr  Morland).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 

Inn,  Sept.  27,  1710.    Probably  F.R.S.,  1720.    Died  Nov.  26, 

1743-   (<?•  Mag.,  1743-) 
ST  JOHN,  PAWLET.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  13, 

1697.  S.  of  John,  LL.D.  B.  in  London.  School,  Canterbury. 

Migrated  to  St  John's,  Mar.  30,  1699.    Matric.  1699;  B.A. 

1701-2;  M.A.  1705;  D.D.  1718.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1705-8. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  3, 1705; 

priest  (Chichester)  Dec.  6,  1706.   R.  of  Yelden,  Beds.,  1707. 

Chaplain  to  Queen  Anne.  V.  of  Melchboume,  1708-15.  R.  of 

Shelton,  1715.    R.  of  Stackpole  Elidore,  Pembroke,  1718. 

Canon  of  Hereford,   1721-32.    Died  Dec.  27,   1732.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1733.  Father  of  the  next.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

ST  JOHN,  PAWLET.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  14, 
1730-1.  S.  of  Pawlet  (above),  of  Bedfordshire.  B.  at  Yelden. 
School,  Bury,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1734-5;  M.A. 
1738;  B.D.  1746.  Fellow,  1737-49-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  15,  1738-9;  priest,  June  17,  1739.  V.  of  Melchboume, 
Beds.,  1742-75.  Died  Apr.  5,  1775.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1776. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  432;  G.  Mag.) 

ST  JOHN,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1604.  Of  Bedfordshire.  5th  s.  of  Oliver,  3rd  Lord 
St  John,  of  Bletsoe.  Perhaps  the  same  who  was  M.A.  from 
St  John's,  1614;  'fil.  nob.'  M.P.  for  Higham  Ferrers,  1614; 
for  Tiverton,  1625.  K.B.,  1616.  Married  Sybilla,  dau.  of 
John  Vaughan,  of  Hargast,  Hereford.  Died  Aug.  5,  1645. 
Brother  of  Alexander  (1601),  etc.  and  father  of  Oliver  (1640). 
{Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194;  G.E.C.,  in.  68.) 

ST  JOHN,  ST  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Sept.  14,  1702.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  St  Andrew,  2nd  Bart.,  of 
Woodford  and  East  Haddon,  Northants.  B.  at  Culford, 
Suffolk.  School,  Guilsborough,  Northants.  (Mr  Worling). 
Scholar,  1702-3.  Succeeded  his  brother  Oliver  as  4th  Bart., 
c.  1710.  Of  Woodford  and  East  Haddon,  Northants.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  William  James,  of  Korlings,  SuSolk,  and 
of  Kensington,  Middlesex.  Died  1711.  Admon.,  Nov.  7, 
i7n.  Brother  of  William  (1709).  (Le  Neve,  A/cm.;  Peile, 
XI.  155-6;  G.E.C.,  III.  68.) 

ST  JOHN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1559. 
One  of  these  names  buried  at  Bletsoe,  Beds.,  Dec.  27, 

SENJHONS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

ST  JOHN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  2, 
1652-3.  2nd  s.  of  Oliver  (1615-6),  of  Enfield,  Middlesex, 
Chief  Justice.  B.  1637.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Feb.  5, 
1652-3.  Died  unmarried.  Brotherof  Francis  (1648).  (Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.) 

ST  JOHN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1709. 
4th  s.  of  Sir  St  Andrew,  2nd  Bart.,  deceased,  of  Woodford, 
Northants.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3.  Succeeded  as  9th 
Baron  Bletsoe,  May  10,  1714.  Died  unmarried,  Oct.  11,  1720. 
Brother  of  St  Andrew  (1702).   {Collins,  vi.  749;  G.E.C.) 

ST  JUST,  THOMAS.  Mus.Doc.  (probably  1461-2).  Warden  of 
King's  Hall,  1463-7.  R.  of  Anstey,  Herts.,  1455-67. 
Chaplain  to  the  King.  R.  of  St  James'  Garlickhithe. 
Archdeacon  of  Chester,  1462-7.  Preb.  of  Lincohi,  1465-7. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1466-7.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1467.  Pre- 
centor of  Sarum,  1467.  Died  Sept.  1467.  {Hennessy;Cussans, 
I.  ii.  62.) 

SENTLEGER,  ANTHONY.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  S.  of 
Ralph,  of  Ulcombe,  Kent.  B.  c.  1496.  Of  Gray's  Inn. 
Gentleman  of  the  King's  Privy  Chamber,  1538.  Knighted, 
1539.  Sheriff  of  Kent,  1539.  Lord  Deputy  of  Ireland,  1540. 
Passed  the  act  giving  Henry  VIII  and  his  heirs  the  title  of 
King  of  Ireland,  1541.  K.G.,  1543.  Confirmed  as  deputy  of 
Edward  VI,  1547.  Returned  to  England,  1548.  Recon- 
stituted Lord  Deputy,  1550.  Privy  Councillor,  1553.  Re- 
called on  a  charge  of  falsifying  his  accounts,  1556.  Of  Leeds 
Castle,  Kent,  1552.  Married  Agnes,  dau.  of  Hugh  Warham, 
Esq.,  of  Croydon,  and  niece  to  William  Warham,  Archbishop 
of  Canterbury.  Died  Mar.  16,  1559.  Buried  at  Ulcombe. 
{Cooper,  I.  196;  D.N.B.) 

ST  LEGER,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1626.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Warham  (i 614-5). 
Knighted,  July  28,  1642.  Warden  of  the  Mint,  1669.  Of 
St  Paul's,  Co  vent  Garden,  London.  Married  (i)  Barbara, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Sherley;  (2)  Mary  Norwood.  Died  1680. 
(C.  Wykeham-Martin,  Leeds  Castle,  157.) 

ST  LEGER,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  9,  1750.  Of  Ireland.  4th  s.  of  Sir  John,  Baron  of  the 
Irish  Exchequer.  Bapt.  Feb.  29,  1731.  Matric.  1750.  M.P. 
for  Grimsby,  1768-74.  Major-General,  1781.  Died  Apr. 
1786.  Brother  of  the  next.  {T.  A.  Walker,  299;  Lodge,  vi. 
120,  says  he  died  in  London,  Mar.  5,  1770.) 

St  Quintin,  Henry 

ST  LEGER,  BARRIMORE  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18) 
at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  28,  1751.  5th  s.  of  Sir  John,  Baron  of 
the  Irish  Exchequer.  Bapt.  May  i,  1733.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1752,  'Barry';  B.A.  1755;  M.A.  1763.  Fellow,  1763. 
Brother  of  Anthony  (above).   (Lodge,  vi.  120.) 

ST  LEGER,  Sir  WARHAM.  M.A.  1614-5  (on  King's  visit). 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Anthony,  of  Ulcombe,  and  of  Leeds 
Castle,  Kent  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Scott,  of  Scott's 
Hall),  and  great-grandson  of  Anthony,  Lord  Deputy  of 
Ireland.  Knighted,  June  13,  1608.  Went  with  Raleigh  to 
Guiana,  1617.  Alienated  Leeds  Castle,  c.  1618.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Rowland  Hayward  (twice  Lord  Mayor  of 
London).  Died  1631.  Buried  at  Ulcombe.  Doubtless  father 
of  Anthony  (1626). 

SAINTLOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar.  25,  1653. 
Previously  matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  June  5,  1651. 
Of  London.   Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1654-5. 

ST  LOE,  LAURENCE.  M.A.  1682  (Com.  Reg.).  One  of  these 
names  3rd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Knighton,  Wilts.  B.  Sept.  4,  1651. 
(Hutchins,  iv.  81.) 

ST  NEOTS,  HUGH  DE.  D.D.  of  Cambridge.  Carmelite  friar  of 
Hitchin  monastery.  Author,  theologi(»l.  Died  1340.  (Pits, 

ST  NEOTS,  Prior  of.  Resident  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1417-8. 
Pays  13s.  4i.  for  his  chamber. 

ST  NICHOLAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  5,  1619. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (next),  of  Ash,  Kent.  Bapt. 
there.  Mar.  25,  1603-4.  Matric.  1619.  Joined  the  Inde- 
pendents and  was  among  the  foremost  of  'the  adventurers 
in  the  First  Plantation  of  New  England.*  R.  of  Luttei-worth, 
Leics.,  c.  1657;  ejected,  1662.  Married  (i)  Etheldreda,  dau. 
of  Basil  Good,  of  Stretton-under- Fosse,  Warws. ;  (2)  Priscilla, 
dau.  of  Anthony  Grey,  Earl  of  Kent.  Author,  theological. 
Died  May  27,  1698,  aged  94.  Buried  at  Burbach.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1619)  and  father  of  Timothy  (1646).  (Calamy, 
II.  119;  Nichols,  IV.  270.) 

ST  NICHOLAS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1583.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Vincent,  of  Ash,  Kent. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  27,  1567.  Married  (i)  Dorothea,  dau.  of 
William  Tilghman;  (2)  Elizabeth  Woodward.  Died  1626. 
Will  proved,  Jan.  i,  1626-7.  Father  of  John  (above)  and  of 
the  next.  (Planch^,  A  Corner  of  Kent,  371.) 

ST  NICHOLAS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  5, 
1 619.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  of  Ash, 
Kent.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  3,  1602.  Matric.  1619.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1623.  Barrister.  M.P.  for  Yorks.,  1653; 
for  Canterbury,  1656-8  and  1659.  Married  (i)  Susannah, 
dau.  of  William  Copley,  of  Wadsworth,  Yorks. ;  (2)  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Henry  Croke,  of  Well  Place,  Oxfordshire.  Died  1668. 
Brother  of  John  (1619).  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1663;  Vis.  of  Warws., 
1682;  Planch6,  A  Corner  of  Kent,  372.) 

ST  NICHOLAS,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  21, 
1646.  Matric.  1646.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1619),  of  Stretl.on- 
under-Fosse,  Warws.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1649. 
Age  53  in  1682.  Succeeded  at  Stretton.  Married  (i)  Anne, 
dau.  of  Christopher  Copley,  of  Wadworth,  Yorks.;  (2)  Eliza- 
beth More,  of  Linley,  Salop.  Died  June  10,  1698.  Buried  at 
Monks  Kirby.  M.I.  (Vis.  of  Warws.,  1682;  Nichols,  iv.  269.) 

ST  OSWALD,  Prior  of.   Incorp.  1479-80. 

ST  OWEN,  THOMAS  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1358.  Died 

Aug.  15,  1361. 
ST  PIERRE,  PETER.   B.A.  1732  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 

Dublin).    Adm.  there,  June  30,  1722,  age  18.    S.  of  Peter. 

B.  in  Holland.    School,  Westminster.    B.A.  (Dublin)  1725. 

(Al.  Dublin.) 
ST  QUINTIN,  ANSELM.  .'Vdm.  scholar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  18, 

1578-9.    2nd  s.  of  Gabriel,  of  Harpham,   Yorks.    School, 

Pocklington  (Mr  Elis).  Died  unmarried.   (Burke,  L.G.;  Vis. 

of  Yorks.,  1584.) 
ST  QUINTING,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct. 

17,  1584.   S.  and  h.  of  Matthew,  gent.,  of  HarsweO,  Yorks. 

B.    al    Kelk,    Yorks.     School,    York.     Married    Catherine 

Craddock,  of  Burton  Agnes,  1591.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584.) 

SAYNTQUYNTIN,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1623.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Harpham,  Yorks., 
ist  Bart.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1623-4.  Succeeded  as 
2nd  Bart.,  Oct.  1649.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Staple- 
ton,  of  WighiU,  Yorks.  Died  Nov.  1695.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1635)  and  father  of  the  next.  (Burke,  L.G.;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612;  G.E.C,  II.  161.) 

ST  QUINTIN,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
15,  1652.  S.  of  Sir  Henry  (above),  Knt.  and  Bart.,  of  Bever- 
ley, and  of  Harpham,  Yorks.  B.  at  Towton-in-Saxton,  Yorks. 
School,  York.  Buried  June  23,  1696,  at  St  Mary's,  Beverley. 
(Burke,  L.G.;  T'«.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

St  Quintin,  Matthew  Chitty 

ST  QUINTIN,  MATTHEW  CHITTY.  Adm.  scholar  (age  i6)  at 
Sidney,  Apr.  17,  1718.  2nd  s.  of  Hugh  (and  Catherine,  dau. 
of  Matthew  Chitty,  Esq.).  B.  at  Amsterdam,  Holland. 
Schools,  Greenwich  and  Hackney  (Mr  Newcomb).  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  18,  1718.  M.P.  for  Old  Sarum, 
1728-34.  Died  at  York,  May  8,  1783,  aged  83.  Buried  at 
Harpham.  M.I.  Will  proved  (York)  June  21,  1783.  Brother 
of  William  (1718).   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

ST  QUINTIN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  5,  1635.  4th  s.  of  WiUiam,  Esq.,  of  Harpham,  Yorks. 
(created  Bart.,  1641-2).  B.  at  Folkton.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Mar.  24,  1637-8.  Of  Flamborough,  Yorks.  Married 
Ann,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wood,  Esq.,  of  Thorp.  Buried  Aug.  28, 
1667,  at  Flamborough.  Will  (York)  1668.  Brother  of  Henry 
(1623).   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

ST  QUINTIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  17,  1718.  S.  and  h.  of  Hugh.  B.  at  Amsterdam,  Holland. 
Schools,  Greenwich  and  Hackney  (Mr  Newcomb).  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  18,  1718.  M.P.  for  Thirsk,  1722-7. 
Succeeded  his  uncle,  Sir  William  as  4th  Bart.,  June  30,  1723. 
Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1729.  Of  Harpham  and  of  Scampston, 
Yorks.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Thompson  (Lord 
Mayor  of  London,  1736-7).  Died  May  9,  1770,  at  Bath. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Matthew  Chitty  (1718)  and  father 
of  the  next.   {G.E.C.,  11.  162.) 

ST  QUINTIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Nov.  3,  1747.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William  (above),  4th  Bart. 
Bapt.  July  4,  1729,  at  Rillington,  Yorks.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  5th  Bart.,  May  9,  1770.  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1772-3. 
Married  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Henry  Fane,  of  Wormsley,  Oxon., 
M.D.,  and  granddaughter  of  Nicholas  Rowe,  the  poet.  Died 
s.p.,  July  22,  1795.  Buried  at  Harpham.  M.I.  {G.E.C.,  11. 

SAKER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  22,  1638.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Faversham,  Kent. 
Schools,  Canterbury  (Mr  Ludd)  and  Wingham.  {Vis.  of 
Kent,  1619.) 


SALCOTT,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1488-^. 

SALCOT,  alias  CAPON,  JOHN,  see  CAPON. 

SALE,  see  SAYLE. 

SALEBANK,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1614;  B.A.  1616-7,  'Swilbanck.'  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  21,  1617;  priest,  June  11,  1620.  R.  of  Wainfleet  All 
Saints',  Lines.,  1619-22.  Died  1622.  Admon.,  1622;  'Saile- 
banckes,'  Lincoln. 

SALEMAN,  WILLIAM.  1261.  Southern  student  who  received 
a  royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against  the  northern 
students.   (Fuller,  29.) 

SALESET,  THOMAS.  M.A.  excused  regency,  1469-70. 

SALETT,  JOHN.   Doctor.   Incorp.  1458-9,  from  Oxford. 


SALING,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1581. 
R.  of  HoUisley,  Sufiolk,  1606-14. 

SALYNG,  WILLIAM.  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1505-6.  Augustinian 
canon  of  Merton,  c.  1485.  Prior  of  Merton,  1502-20.  D.D. 
(Oxford)  1504.   Died  Mar.  14,  1519-20.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SALISBURY,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1626.  Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  priest 
(Coventry  and  Lichfield)  Sept.  20,  1635.  R.  of  Whepstead, 
Suffolk,  1643. 

SALISBURY,  GABRIEL.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1614-5.  B.  at 
Llanvorog,  Denbigh.  M.A.  1620.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1622. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1617,  age  25;  priest,  Mar.  1, 
1617-8.  C.  of  Stapleford  Abbotts,  Essex.  V.  of  Hartlip, 
Kent,  1623.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  1649. 

SALISBURY,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  6, 
1663-4.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman.  B.  at  Ration,  Suffolk. 
Schools,  Cheveley,  Cambs.,  Dalham,  Sufiolk  and  Ratton. 
Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  20,  1668;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1672.  V.  of  Newton,  Suffolk, 
1684-1715.   Died  1715. 

SALISBURY,  JAMES  (CECIL),  Earl  of.  M.A.  1707  (Incorp.  from 
Christ  Church,  Oxford).  S.  and  h.  of  James,  Earl  of  Salisbury 
(whom  see,  under  Cecil).  B.  June,  1691.  Succeeded  to  the 
peerage,  Nov.  1694.  Educated  at  Oxford.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church)  1705.  Created  M.A.  (Oxford)  1707.  Lord-Lieutenant 
of  Herts.,  1712-4.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  (Tufton) 
Earl  of  Thanet.  Died  Oct.  9,  1728.  Buried  at  Hatfield. 

SALISBURY,  JOHN.  Studied  at  Cambridge.  A  Benedictine 
monk,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Prior  of  St  Faith,  Horsham, 
Norfolk.  Perhaps  graduated  in  laws  at  Oxford,  1530. 
Suffragan  Bishop  of  Thetford,  1536.  Archdeacon  of  Anglesey, 

Salisbury,  William 

1537-54  and  1559-73.  Canon  of  Norwich,  1538-9.  Dean  of 
Norwich,  1539-54,  1560-73.  Held  the  livings  of  Cleydon, 
Suffolk,  1541-59,  and  Creke,  Lopham  (1547),  and  Trunch, 
Norfolk.  Chancellor  of  Lincoln,  1554-67.  Bishop  of  Sodor 
and  Man,  1570-3.  Died  Sept.  1573.  Buried  in  St  Andrew's 
Church,  Norwich.  (Cooper,  i.  318,  who  confounds  his  degrees 
with  those  of  Robert;  D.N.B.  errs  similarly.) 

SALISBURY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1621; 
B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628;  B.D.  1634.  Fellow,  till  1634-5. 
Buried  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  11,  1634-5. 

SALISBURY,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  4, 
1724-5.  Of  ' Bachegraig  Dymerchion,' Flintshire.  Doubtless 
s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bachegraig.  B.  Oct.  1,  1710.  Matric. 
1724-5;  M.A.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Married  a  daughter  of  Sir 
Robert  Cotton,  Bart.  Died  Dec.  11, 1762.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1726).   (CliUterbuck,  in.  98;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

SALUSBURY,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Oct.  14,  1745.  Matric.  1747;  LL.B.  1747.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely, 
Litt.  dim.  from  St  Asaph)  Feb.  19,  1748-9. 


SALISBURY,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  3, 
1634.  2nd  s.  of  Salisbury  Roberts,  gent.,  of  St  Asaph  (and 
Mary  Humphreys).  B.  there.  School,  St  Asaph  (private). 
Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Married  Katherine, 
dau.  of  John  Lloyd,  Sept.  5,  1644.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1634). 
(Scott-Mayor,  1.  16.) 

SAULSBURY,  REGINALD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1605;  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 
V.  of  Llannvst,  Denbigh,  1614-8.  V.  of  Llandasa,  Flintshire, 
1618-33.  R.  of  Llansaintffraid-Glan-Conway,  1618-33. 
Canon  of  St  Asaph,  1622-33.  R.  of  Denbigh,  1625-33. 
Died  Mar.  1,  1632-3,  aged  73  (sic).  M.I.  at  St  Asaph. 

SALISBURIE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1582.  Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Newton  Burgeland,  Leics. 
B.A.  1585-6.  R.  of  Ravenstone,  Derbs.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1620.   (Nichols,  III.  940;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619.) 

SALISBURY,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1518-9;  M.A.  1522-3;  B.D.  1533 

4.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1523-39.  Ord.  acolyte  (Lincoln)  Mar.  12, 
1529-30.  Probably  V.  of  Olney,  Bucks.,  c.  1541-4,  and 
preb.  of  Rochester,  1543-4.  Died  at  Olney,  1544.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1544.   (Lipscomb,  iv.  306.) 

SALISBURY,  ROBERT.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20,  1618; 

'B.A.  of  St  John's  College.' 
SALUSBURY,  THELWALL.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's, 

June  27,  1750.    Of  Denbighshire.   S.  of  Norfolk,  of  Plas-y- 

ward,  Denbigh,  Esq.    Matric.   i75<>-i;  LL.B.   1756.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincohi)  June  9,  1754.  V.  of  Offley,  Herts.,  1755-75- 

V.  of  Graveley,  1770-1803.  Married  Anne,  a  natural  daughter 

of  James  Cecil,  Earl  of  Salisbury.  Died  July  17,  1803,  aged 

74.  M.I.  at  Graveley.   (Clutterbuck,  in.  98;  11.  333.) 
SALISBURY,  THOMAS.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  12,  1591; 

'aged  35;  B.A.  of  Jesus  CoUege';  priest,  Jan.  26,  1591-2. 

B.  at  Catton,  Norfolk.    R.  of  St  Giles-in-the-Fields,  London, 

SALISBURY,    THOMAS.     Matric.    sizar    from    Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1606-7.  S.  of  Robert,  sailor,  of  All  Hallows,  Barking, 

London.     B.    1587.     Grecian    at   Christ's    Hospital,    1606. 

Scholar,  1610-1;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1621.   Ord. 

deacon  (London)  Mar.  1612-3;  priest.  May  30,  1613. 
SALISBURY,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

SALISBURY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

May  3,  1634.   S.  of  'Salisbury  Roberts,'  gent.,  of  St  Asaph. 

B.  there.  School,  St  Asaph  (private).  Matric.  1634.  Brother 

of  Peter  (1634). 
SALISBURY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  1726. 

5.  of  Thomas,  of  'Bach-Egraig  Dymerchion,'  Flintshire. 
B.  1711.  Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1728;  LL.B.  1734;  LL.D. 
1740.  Fellow,  1732-51.  Commissary  of  the  Dean  and 
Chapter  of  St  Paul's.  Chancellor  of  St  Asaph  diocese, 
1743-73-  Knighted,  Nov.  18,  1751.  Judge  of  the  Admiralty 
Court,  1751-73.  Married  (1)  Nov.  1751,  Anna  Maria,  dau. 
of  Sir  Henry  Penrice;  (2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel  Burroughs, 
Esq.  and  widow  of  William  King  (s.  of  Lord  Kingston). 
Died  s.p.,  Oct.  28,  1773,  aged  66.  Buried  at  Offley.  M.I.» 
Lilley,  Herts.  Brother  of  John  (1724-5).  {Clutterbuck,  in 

SALSBURY,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)   at  St  John's 

Mar.  7,  1649-50.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Llanrwst,  Denbigh. 

School,  Llanrwst.    Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1659. 

Probably  R.  of  St  George,  alias  Kegidog,  Denbigh,  1661. 

V.  of  Llangemyw,  1662-75.   (D.  R.  Thomas,  11.  323.) 
SALISBURY,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  II,  1670.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Llanvaire,  Denbigh.    B. 

there.  School,  St  Mary's  (?  S.  E.  Glamorgan).  Matric.  1671; 

B.A.  1673-4- 

Salisbury,  William 

SALISBURY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  8,  1 72 1 ;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of  William, 
barrister,  of  Atherstone,  Warws.  B.  there.  Bapt.  July  20, 
1707,  at  Mancetter.  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1725-6;  M.A.  1729; 
B.D.  1737.  Fellow,  1728-54.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21, 
1729;  priest  (Ely)  Aug.  3,  1730.  R.  of  Newton  Blossomville, 
Bucks.,  1730-52.  Reader  at  the  Charterhouse,  1733-54- 
R.  of  Moreton,  Essex,  1752-96.  R.  of  Little  Hallingbury, 
1766-96.  Preb.  of  Lincohi,  1769-96.  Author,  sermons,  etc. 
Died  Jan.  30,  1796.  Buried  at  Moreton.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  in.  344;  Al.  Carthus.) 

SALISBURY, .  B.A.  1474-5;  M.A.  1478. 

SALKELD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  1, 
1594.  Of  Cumberland.  S.  and  h.  of  Lancelot.  Brother  of 
the  next  and  of  Thomas  {1597).  {Vis.  of  Cumberland, 

SALKELD,  LANCELOT.  Adm,  pens,  at  Qufens',  Feb.  18, 
1597-8.  Of  Cumberland.  4th  s.  of  Lancelot,  of  Whitehaven, 
Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1601-2.  Brother  of 
Francis  (above)  and  of  the  next. 

SALKELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  22,  1597. 
Of  Cumberland.  3rd  s.  of  Lancelot,  of  Whitehaven,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  7,  1600.  Brother  of  Francis  (1594) 
and  of  Lancelot  (above). 

SALKELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  6, 
1681.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman.  B.  at  Morland,  West- 
morland. School,  Appleby.  One  of  these  names,  serjeant- 
at-law,  died  Sept.  3,  1715.   (Musgrave.) 

SALKELD, .  B.A.  1482. 

SALL,  see  also  SAUL,  SAWELL  and  SOLE. 

SALL,  EDMUND.  B.D.  1458-9.   Monk  of  Norwich. 

SALLE,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1396-1405.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  St  Gabriel,  Fenchurch  Street,  London, 

SALL  or  SAWLE, .   B.A.  1459-60;  M.A.  1463-4. 

SALL  or  SAULE, .   Incorp.  1491-2.  A  friar.   Perhaps  D.D. 

1482-3,  as  Sowle  (a  friar). 

SALLET,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1658.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Probably  R.  of 
Carlton,  Norfolk,  1667-99,  'Salle.'  Probably  father  of  the 
next.    {Blomefield,  x.  122.) 

SALLET,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  22,  1684. 
S.  of  John  (?  above),  R.  of  Carlton,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Burling- 
ham,  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1684;  Scholar, 
1684-9;  B.A.  1687-8.  V.  of  Halvergate,  Norfolk,  1691-1709. 
R.  of  Moulton,  1699.  Buried  Aug.  27,  1709,  at  Burlingham 
St  Edmund.   {Venn,  i.  476.) 

SALLOWES,  EVERARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius,  June  12, 
1628.  S.  of  Everard,  wooUendraper,  of  Suffolk.  B.  at 
Ilketshall  St  Andrew.  School,  Bungay  (Mr  Christopher 
Smith).   Matric.  1629. 

SALMON,  APPLEYARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  30,  1672. 

Of   Kingston-on-Hull,   Yorks.     S.   of  ,   Esq.,   Deputy 

Governor  of  Hull  (and  Johan,  dau.  of  Christopher  Appleyard, 
of  Burstwick  Earth,  Yorks.).  Matric.  1672,  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SALMON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1573; 
B.A.  1576-7,  Samon. 

SALMON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1588.  B.  at  Bamburgh,  Lines.,  1572.  B.A.  1592-3.  Perhaps 
M.A.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  19,  1594.  Tutor 
in  the  family  of  the  Earl  of  Lincoln.  R.  of  Partney,  Lines., 
1601-7.  R.  of  Hatton,  1610-35,  'M.A.'  Licence,  Aug.  21, 
1601  (Lincoln)  to  marry  Mary  Andrew,  spinster,  of  Bucknall. 
Admon.  (Lincoln)  1636. 

SALMON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1625- 
6;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of  Thom.is.  B.A. 
1625-6;  M.A.  1629;  D.D.  1669  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1627, 
ejected.  Probably  R.  of  Tittleshall,  Norfolk,  in  1658.  R.  of 
Lopham,  1663-81,  'Edmund.'  Probably  R.  of  Kelshall, 
Herts.,  1663-81.  Died  1681.  {Clutterbuck,  in.  536;  Blome- 
field, 1.  236.) 

SALMON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1583. 

SALMON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629;  B.D.  1636.  Fellow, 
1629-34.  V.  of  Stanground,  Hunts.,  1634-c.  54.  Perhaps 
father  of  Samuel  (1671)  and  Robert  (1661). 

SALMON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  1622. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
June  4,  1626,  age  23. 

SALMON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1628 
Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 

Salt,  Edward 

SAMON,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1373. 

SALMOND,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Oct.  1564. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1570;  R.  of  Haltham, 
near  Homcastle,  Lines.,  1595;  admon.  (Lincoln)  1627.  One 
of  these  names  V.  of  Irbv,  I575,  and  R.  of  Mablethorpe,  1575. 
{Peile,  I.  84.) 

SALMON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  11, 
1654.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Downham,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Buckenham,  Norfolk.   Matric.  1654. 

SALMON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  July  8,  1704. 
S.  of  Samuel  (1652).  Bapt.  Dec.  16,  1684,  at  Saxmundham, 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Mar.  1709-10;  priest,  Dec.  1715.  Licensed  to  teach  at 
Stonham  AspaU  School,  Suffolk,  1710.  R.  of  Mickiield, 
1715-45-  Died  Aug.  14,  1745. 

SALMON,  JOHN  (WYMBERLY).  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 
1728.  Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  Michs.  1729;  B.A.  1731-2.  R.  of 
Yaxham,  Norfolk,  1733.  R.  of  Shelton  (united  with  Hard- 
wick,  1775),  1746-79.   V.  of  Tharston,  1762-75.   (Masters.) 

SALMON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  June  11, 
1690.  Of  Bedfordshire.  S.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Mappershall. 
B.  Mar.  22,  1674-5-  LL.B.  1695.  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Sept. 
24,  1699;  C.  of  Cottered,  Herts.  For  some  time  C.  of  West- 
mill,  Herts.  Afterwards  a  non-juror.  Extra-hcentiateR.C.P., 
Feb.  3,  1709-10.  Practised  at  St  Ives  and  Bishop's  Stortford. 
Antiquary.  Author  of  antiquarian  and  historical  works. 
Died  Apr.  2,  1742.  Brother  of  William  (1701).  {D.N.B.; 
Munk,  II.  27;  G.  Mag.) 

SALMON,  PAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1564;  B..'V.  1568-9.  Probably  the  'Salmon  senior'  adm.  in 

SAMAN,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  10,  1590. 

SALMON,  PETER.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1619. 

S.  of  Robert,  of  Leigh,  Essex  (will  (P.C.C.)  1641;  of  Stepney, 

Middlesex).    B.  1602.    Matric.  1618-9;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A. 

1626.     Fellow,    1622-32.    Incorp.   at  Oxford,    1627.    M.D. 

(Padua)  1630.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1633.  Licensed  to  practise 

medicine,  1632.    F.R.C.P.,  1639.    Physician  to  Charles  I. 

Died  1675.  WiU  dated.  Mar.  29,  1675;  proved,  Nov.  i8, 1675. 

(Munk,  I.  223.) 
SALMON,  ROBERT.  Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1423-33.  Ord. 

acolyte  (Ely)  June  7,  1422. 
SALMON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  23,  1661. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (1621),  of  Huntingdonshire.    Matric. 

1662.   Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel  (1671). 
SALMON,   ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age   19)   at  Peterhouse, 

June  18,  1672.  Of  London.  School,  Godmanchester.  Matric. 

1672.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  21,  1676;  priest  (London) 

Mar.  7,  1679-80,  'B.A.'   Probably  R.  of  Lees  Parva,  Essex, 

1680-1701;  R.  of  High  Ongar,  1701-33.  Died  1733. 
SALMON   or  SAMMAN,   SAMUEL.    Adm.   sizar  at  Trinity, 

Sept.  11,  1652.   Of  Suffolk.   B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  i66o.    Ord. 

priest  (Chichester)  Sept.  13,   1660.    C.  of  Stonham  Aspal, 

Suffolk,  1662.   R.  of  Saxmundham,  1662-1707.  Died  May  29, 

buried  (age  75)  at  Saxmundham,  May  31, 1707.  M.I.  Father 

of  John  (1704). 

SALMON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  July  13, 
1671.  S.  of  Henry  (?  1621).  B.  in  Huntingdonshire.  B.A. 
1675-6.  Probably  V.  of  Rothersthorpe,  Northants.,  1686. 
Died  1690.    Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1661). 

SALMON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  i, 
1732;  exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  London.  S.  of  William, 
of  Milton  Abbot,  Devon.  Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1732;  B.A. 
1735-6;  M.A.  1739;  LL.D.  1749.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  19,  1736.  V.  of  Tavistock,  Devon,  and  of  Whitchurch, 
Salop.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Bedford.  Bishop  of  Ferns, 
1758.  Died  Mar.  19,  1759.  (Musgrave;  St  Paul's  Sdwol 
Register,  79.) 

SALMON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  3, 
1701.  S.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Meppershall  (will  P.C.C.  Aug. 
13,  1706).  Bapt.  Aug.  23,  1685,  at  Meppershall,  Beds. 
School,  Buntingford  (Mr  England).  Matric.  1702-3;  Scholar, 
1702;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Aug.  1708; 
priest  (Worcester)  1709.  C.  of  Wickhambrook,  Suffolk. 
Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1690).   {Peile,  11.  151.) 

SALMON, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1562. 

SALMS  (?  SALTUS),  COMES.  M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit). 

SALOP  or  SALOPBURY,  JOHN  DE.  'King's  Scholar'  at  Cam- 
bridge, 1319.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 

SALOP  or  SALOPBURY,  RICHARD  DE.  'King's  Scholar'  at 
Cambridge,  1319.   Probably  brother  of  John  (above). 

SALOVIS, -.   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1468-9. 

SALT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1695.  Of 
Derbyshire.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9. 

Salt,  James 

SALT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  5,  1699-1700.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1705;  priest,  May  19,  1706. 
V.  of  Elmstead,  Essex,  1710-6.  R.  of  Carlton,  1720.  R.  of 
Hildersham,  Carabs.,  1736-58.  Died  1758.  Will,  1758. 
Father  of  the  next,  Thomas  (i739)  and  William  (1731-2). 

SALT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  13, 
1734.  S.  of  James  (above),  clerk,  R.  of  Hildersham,  Cambs. 
B.  at  Chesterton.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1738-9; 
M.A.  1742.  FeUow,  1743.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  i739; 
priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  1741-  R.  of  Hildersham,  Cambs., 
1758-97.  Died  June,  1797,  aged  81.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1739)  and  William  (173 1-2). 

SALT,  JOH^f.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Easter,  1544;  B.A. 
1546-7  (ist  in  the  ordo);  M.A.  1549.  Fellow,  1547.  Fellow 
of  Pembroke,  1555.   Died  1558.   WiU  (V.C.C.)  1558. 

SAULT,  JOHN.  Adm.  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  June  23,  1666. 
S.  of  Richard,  farmer,  of  Rocester,  Staffs.  School,  Man- 
chester. Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673-  Ord. 
deacon  (Gloucester,  at  Holbom)  Feb.  27,  1669-70;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1670. 

SALT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1694-  Of  Stafford- 
shire. Matric.  Michs.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Audley,  Staffs.  One  of  these  names  died  Sept.  16,  i75i;  of 
Betley,  Staffs. 

SALT,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  June  4. 

1623.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Tatenhill,  Staffs.   Matric.  1623;  B.A. 

162&-7;  M.A.  1630. 
SALT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  20,  1660. 

Of  Staffordshire.   Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4.    Perhaps  ord. 

priest  (London)  Dec.  18,  1681,  'M.A.'    One  of  these  names, 

B.A.,  preached  several  limes  at  Oldham,  Lanes.,  1664-6; 

he  was  not  curate  there. 
SALT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 

1739.    S.  of  James  (1699-1700),  R.  of  Hildersham,  Cambs. 

B.  at  Chesterton.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.   Matric.  1740; 

B.A.  1742-3;  M.A.  1746.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  20, 

1744;   priest  (Canterbury)   Sept.  22,   1745.    V.  of  Nasing, 

Essex,  1761-1806.    R.  of  Hildersham,  Cambs.,  1797-1806. 

Died  Apr.  1806.   Brother  of  the  next  and  of  James  (i734)- 

{Scott-Mayor,  m.  500.) 

SALT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  15, 
1731-2.  S.  of  James  (1699-1700),  R.  of  Hildersham,  Cambs. 
B.  at  Chesterton.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Kinsman). 
Brother  of  Thomas  (above)  and  of  James  (i734)- 

SALTER,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
May,  1684;  priest,  Dec.  1686.  V.  of  Edwardstone,  Suffolk, 
168&-90.  WiU  of  one  of  these  names,  clerk,  of  Stanningfield, 
proved  (Bury)  July  21,  1714- 

SALTER,  ANTHONY.  M.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Devon,  pleb.  Bapt.  July  9,  1600,  at  St  Olave's,  Exeter. 
Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  24,  1617,  age  17;  B.A. 
1621;  M.A.  1624;  M.B.  and  M.D.  (Oxford)  1633.  Mayor  of 
Exeter,  1664.  An  eminent  physician.  Married  Gertrude, 
sister  of  Baldwin  Acland.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SALTER,  BLAISE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1544.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Salop  (and  Jane, 
dau.  of  John  Sams,  of  Essex).  B.A.  1546-7.  Secretary  to 
John,  Earl  of  Oxford.  Married  Collet,  dau.  of  Richard 
Smyth,  of  Kidderminster,  Worcs.  Died  1601.  Probably 
father  of  Edward  (1581).   (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664,  App.) 

SALTER,  CHRISTOPHER.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4, 

1640.  Matric.  1641.  Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  William,  of  Richings, 
Tver,  Bucks.,  Knt.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  7,  1644. 

SALTER,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  1616.   Of  Suffolk. 

Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely); 

priest,  Feb.  18,  1626-7. 
SALTER,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  10, 

1641.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Tottington,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Fressingfield,  Suffolk.  School,  Thetford  (Mr  Ward).  Matric. 
1641;  Scholar,  1642-4;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648.  Lord  of  a 
manor  in  Tottington.   (Venn,  i.  341.) 

SALTER,  EDMUND.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  22,  1690. 

Of  Middlesex.   Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1716.   Ord. 

deacon   (Lincoln)   Sept.   23,    1694;  priest,  Mar.   5,    1698-9. 

R.    of    Little    Peatling,    Leics.,    1710-22.     R.    of    Carlton, 

Northants.,  1716-7.    R.  of  Carlton  Curlieu,  1717-22.    Died 

Oct.  6,  1722.   Will  (Leicester)  1722.   (Nichols,  11.  545.) 
SALTER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1577. 

Of  London.   Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  1579-80. 
SALTER,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1581.    Probably  s.  of  Blaise  (1544).    B.  at  Terling,  Essex. 

B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.   1588;  B.D.  from  King's,  1595.    Ord. 

Salter,  Thomas 

deacon  (London)  Nov.  27,  1591,  age  27;  'C.  of  Shenfield, 
Essex.'  R.  of  Monks  Eleigh,  Suffolk.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1635. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1619). 

SALTER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1604.  B.  at  Preston,  Lanes.  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  i6ii.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely);  priest  (London)  Dec.  18,  1614,  age  30.  C.  of 
Witham,  Essex.   R.  of  Little  Braxted,  1620. 

SALTER,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1617-8;  M.A.  1621, 
Slater.  (Perhaps  matric.  from  Sidney,  1614,  as  Psalter.) 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Jan.  i,  1623-4;  'FeUow  of  Clare  H.' 
Perhaps  R.  of  St  John's,  Stamford,  Lines.,  1633. 

SALTER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  .\pr.  10, 
1620.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Tottington,  Norfolk,  deceased. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Dickinson).  Matric.  1620; 
Scholar,  1621-7;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  FeUow,  1627-44, 
ejected.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  i;  priest,  Sept.  21, 
1634.  University  preacher,  1637.  R.  of  Gt  Casterton, 
Rutland,  1636-46;  sequestered  as  a  delinquent;  of  Tatterset, 
Norfolk,  1649;  of  Little  Massingham,  1662-4.  Buried  there 
May  26,  1664.   WiU  (Norwich)  1664.   (Venn,  1.  249.) 

SALTIER,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
May  15,  1700.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  R.  of  St  Martin-in-the- 
Vintry,  London.  B.  June  12,  1681,  in  London.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  1707-8.  V.  of  Ketteringham, 
Norfolk,  1707-16.  V.  of  Oulton,  1707-16.  R.  of  Cranworth, 
1714-50.  R.  of  South  Burgh,  1714-50.  Died  1750.  Father 
of  the  next. 

SALTIER,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  26, 

1720.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (above),  clerk,  of  Wymondham, 
Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  Wymondham  (Mr  Sayer). 
Scholar,  1720-7;  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1720. 
FeUow,  1727-44.  Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Norwich) 
Sept.  24,  1727;  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2,  1728.  Master 
of  the  Perse  School,  Cambridge,  1728-32.  R.  of  Ashdon, 
Essex,  1743-91.  Married  Letitia,  dau.  of  Thomhagh  Gurdon, 
Esq.,  of  Letton.  Died  May  7,  1791.  M.I.  at  Ashdon.  {Venn, 
II.  13.) 

SALTER,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June,  1633.  Of 
Devon.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  V.  of 
Dunsford,  Devon,  1660-6.  WiU  (Exeter)  1666. 

SALTER,  PETER.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Dec.  28, 

1721.  Of  Lavenham,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1726-7. 
Perhaps  of  St  Giles',  Colchester,  Essex,  clerk;  wiU  (Comm. 
Essex)  1754. 

SALTER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  25,  i66o-i. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1661;  Scholar,  1662;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A. 
1668.  FeUow,  1667-1705.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670. 
V.  of  Whittlesford,  Cambs.,  1697-1705.  Died  Oct.  7,  1705. 
Buried  in  the  CoUege  Chapel.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1705. 
(A.  Gray.) 

SALTER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1697.  Of 
Essex.  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704;  D.D.  1728 
(Com.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Nonvich)  Sept.  1703.  V.  of 
Thorpe  Market,  Norfolk,  1705-9.  V.  of  Thurgarton,  1705-9. 
V.  of  St  Stephen's,  Norwich,  1708,  and  V.  of  St  Saviour's. 
V.  of  Earlham,  1712-4.  R.  of  IBramerton.  Chaplain  to  the 
King,  1725.  Preb.  of  Norwich,  1729-56.  Archdeacon  of 
Norfolk,  1734-56.  Left  Norwich  at  the  age  of  70  and  went 
to  London.  A  member  of  Dr  Johnson's  circle  of  friends. 
Married  Anne  Penelope,  dau.  of  John  Jeffery.  Died  1756. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  1756;  of  Nonvich.  Father  of  the  next. 
(D.N.B.;  Blomefield,  ni.  646.) 

SALTER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  June  30, 
1730.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  Samuel  (1697),  D.D.  B.  June  30, 
1710,  at  Norwich.  Schools,  Nonvich  and  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1737.  FeUow,  1735-8. 
D.D.  (Lambeth)  1751.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Hardwick.  Pteb. 
of  Gloucester,  1739-45.  R.  of  Burton  Goggles,  Lines.,  1740- 
50.  Preb.  of  Norwich,  1745-78.  V.  of  Gt  Yarmouth,  1750-4. 
Preacher  at  the  Charterhouse,  1754-61;  Master,  1761-78. 
R.  of  St  Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange,  London,  1756-78. 
Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Mav  2,  1778.  Buried  at  Charter- 
house.  Wm,  P.C.C.   (^fasters■,  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  D.N.B.) 

SALTER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
i6iq.  4th  s.  of  Edward  (1581),  R.  of  Monks  Eleigh,  Suffolk. 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626;  B.D.  1633.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1627.  R.  of  Gt  Bromley,  Essex,  1629. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Shakerston,  Leics.,  1649-52. 

SALTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  July  23, 
1646.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Martin,  of  Battesford, 
Suffolk  (and  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bowes,  of  Bromley, 
Essex),  and  nephew  of  Thomas  (above).  (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

SOLTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  26, 
1654.  S.  of  John,  shoemaker,  of  Derby.  B.  there.  School, 
Derby  (Mr  Brandrith).  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec, 
12;  priest,  Dec.  13,  1660. 

Salter,  Timothy 

SALTER,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  26, 
1701  S.  of  Richard,  of  the  Barbadoes,  West  Indies.  School, 
Greenwich,  Kent  (Mr  Turner).  Matric.  1701.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  May  26,  1702. 

SALTER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612; 
Scholar,  1614. 

SALTER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1612. 
Buried  at  St  Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  July  22,  1615. 

SALTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  23,  1659. 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1663. 

SALTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  25, 
1683.  S.  of  George,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matnc. 
1683;  Scholar,  1684;  B.A.  1686-7.  One  of  these  names 
chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1688. 

SALTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1690. 
Of  Norwich.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Norwich, 
gent.  Matric.  1690.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  23,  1693. 

SALTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  ii, 
1721.  S.  of  WiUiam.  School,  Bolton,  Lanes.  (Mr  Bateman). 
Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  9, 
1725.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

SALTER, .  B.A.  1520-1;  M.A.  1524. 

SALTERFORD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1608. 

SALTMARSH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1627.  Of  Saltmarsh,  Yorks.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Ord. 
deacon  (Durham)  1637.  R-  of  Heslerton,  Yorks.,  c.  1639-43- 
V  of  Cranbrook,  Kent,  in  1643.  R.  of  Brasted,  1645-6. 
Chaplain  to  Fairfax's  troops,  1646.  Subsequently  adopted 
Calvinistic  views.  Author,  mystical  and  controversial. 
Buried  at  Wanstead,  Essex,  Dec.  15,  1647.   (D.N.B.) 

SALTMARSH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  I  1638.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Thorganby,  near  York. 
School,  Roecliffe,  near  Boroughbridge  (Mr  Tomson).  Matric. 
1639; B.A.  1641-2. 

SALTMARSH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
May  6,  1636.  3rd  s.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Strubby,  Lines. 
Schools,  Langton  and  Lincoln.  Matric.  1637.  Died  young. 
(Ltnci.  Pedigrees,  847.) 

SALTMARSH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  26, 1665.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  HuU.  B.  there.  School, 
HuU  (Mr  Catlin).  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670.  V.  of  Westerham,  Kent, 
1673-96.  Married  there  to  Mary  Bootbby,  Feb.  10,  1675-6. 
Buried  Apr.  7,  1696,  at  Westerham.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 

SALTONSTALL,  GABRIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1579-80  Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  Richard,  of  South  Ockendon, 
Essex  (and  Susan,  dau.  of  Gabriel  Poj-ntz).  B.A.  from  Clare, 
1582-3.  Entered  as  student  at  Geneva,  1583. 
SALTONSTALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1633. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  Barkway,  Knt.  (and 
Christian,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Pettus,  of  Rackheath,  Norfolk). 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  27,  1616.  Matric.  1633.  Had  an  estate 
at  Helion  Bumpstead,  for  which  he  had  to  compound  as  a 
rovalist.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bendish,  of 
HeUon  Bumpstead,  July  18,  1639.  Buried  at  Barkway, 
Apr.  19,  1649.  Half-brother  of  Richard  (1617).  (Kts.  of 
Herts.,  1634;  Clulterhuck,  in.  363.) 
SALTONSTALL,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  14, 
1681.  Of  London.  Perhaps  of  South  Ockendon,  Essex. 
(Palin,  More  about  Stifford,  107.) 
SALTONSTALL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1603.  Of  Rookes  and  Huntwick,  Yorks.  S.  and  h.  of  Samuel, 
of  Halifax,  Yorks.  (and  Anne  Ramsden)  and  nephew  of  Sir 
Richard,  Lord  Mayor  of  London.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  4,  1586. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  24,  1605-6.  J. P.  for  West 
Riding,  Yorks.  Knighted,  Nov.  23,  1618.  One  of  the  patentees 
of  the  Massachusetts  Bay  Company,  1629,  when  the  Govern- 
ment of  the  Company  was  transferred  to  New  England, 
emigrated  thither  with  his  family  and  a  retinue  of  servants, 
1630.  Returned  to  England,  1631,  probably  owing  to 
pioneer  hardships  and  also  to  his  displeasure  at  the  intoler- 
ance of  the  Government  of  the  Colony.  His  interest  in  the 
colony  continued  for  many  years.  Went  to  Holland,  1643, 
when  his  portrait  was  painted  by  Rembrandt.  Resided 
latterly  at  Wrexham,  Co.  Denbigh,  and  at  Crayford,  Kent. 
Married  three  wives.  Died  1658.  Admon.  to  his  son  Richard 
(1627)  Oct.  25,  1661.  (F.M.G.,  640;  J.  G.  Bartlett;  D.N.B. , 
where  he  is  wrongly  called  son  of  Sir  Peter.) 
SALTONSTALL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1617.  S.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  Barkway,  Herts.,  Knt.  (probably 
by  his  first  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Edmund  Waller,  of  Coleshill, 
Herts.).  B.  in  Buckinghamshire.  B.A.  1619-20.  Half- 
brother  of  James  (1633).  (Clulterhuck,  in.  600;  but  Sir 
Peter's  ist  wife  is  not  mentioned  in  the  Pedigree  where 
Richard  does  not  occur.) 

Same,  Nicholas 

SALTINSTALL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  28,  1627.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard  (1603), 
of  Huntwick,  Knt.  (by  his  ist  wife  Grace,  dau.  of  Robert 
Kaye,  of  Woodsome  Hall,  Almondbury,  Yorks.).  B.  at 
Woodsome,  Almondbury.  Bapt.  Oct.  i,  1610.  Matric.  1627. 
Emigrated  with  his  family  to  New  England,  1630.  Returned 
to  England  to  study  law,  1631-5.  Married  Muriel,  dau.  of 
Brampton  Gurdon,  Esq.,  of  Assington  Hall,  Suffolk,  1633. 
Returned  to  New  England,  1635.  Settled  at  Ipswich,  Mass., 
and  resided  there  except  during  the  periods  1649-63  and 
1672-80,  when  he  lived  in  England.  Prominent  in  Colonial 
affairs;  served  as  Deputy  to  the  Massachusetts  General 
Court  and  as  an  Assistant  of  the  Colony.  Again  went  to 
England  in  1686,  and  died  at  Huhne,  Manchester,  Lanes., 
Apr.  29,  1694.  A  staunch  advocate  of  civil  liberty,  public 
justice  and  humanitv.  Benefactor  to  Harvard  College. 
Ancestor  of  all  the  Saltonstalls  now  in  America.  {F.M.G., 
640;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
SALVAN,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1503-4. 

SALVIN,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  July  4, 
1734.  S.  of  Anthony,  Esq.,  of  Wackerfield,  Durham.  Bapt. 
Feb.  25,  1715-6,  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham.  School,  Durham 
(MrDongworth).  Matric.  1734.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  14,  1734.  Migrated  to  the  Inner  Temple,  May  10,  1737. 
Died  1744.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Auckland.  (H.M.Wood.) 
SALVIN,  JARRARD  (GERARD).  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
Sidney,  Apr.  10,  1635.  S.  and  h.  of  '  Jarrard'  (Gerard),  Esq. 
B.  at  Croxdale,  Sunderland.  Schools,  Brancepeth  (Mr 
Hutton),  Prideaux-Castle  (Mr  Foster)  and  Durham.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1635-6.  Colonel  in  the  King's  army. 
KiUed  at  Northallerton,  1644.  (Vis.  of  Durham,  1666;  Le 
Neve,  A/on.,  iv.  loi;  Burke,  L.G.) 
SALEWAY,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1449-52. 
SALWAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  18,  1639. 
Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1639.  Possibly  5th  s.  of  Hum- 
phrey, of  Stanford,  Worcs.,  J. P.  If  so,  kiUed  in  the  civil 
wars.  For  an  account  of  his  brother  Richard,  the  Parlia- 
mentarian, see  D.N.B.  (Burke,  L.G.) 
SALWEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Sept.  30, 
1693.  Previously  matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Nov.  3, 
1692.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  mercer,  of  London.  B.  there. 
School,  Bovingdon,  Herts,  (private).  Scholar,  1693-5; 
Matric.  1694.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  July  20,  1692. 
(Venn,  1.  493.) 
SAMBEE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  11, 1667.  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Sept.  22, 
1672.  Chaplain  to  Robert  Lovell,  of  Liscomb,  Bucks.  V.  of 
Soulbury,  Bucks.,  1672-1728.  V.  of  Bierton,  1683-1728. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1703-28.  Died  Dec.  1728,  aged  80.  Will 
Archd.  Bucks. 
SAMBER,  JAMES  STIRLING.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
May  i8,  1739.  S.  of  Samuel  Legge  (next),  M.D.,  of  Dorset. 
B.  at  Dorchester.  School,  Salisbury.  Matric.  1731;  B.A. 
1742-3;  M.A.  1746;  D.D.  1765.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Feb.  23,  1745-6.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  i75o-73-  R-  of  St 
Edmund's,  Salisbury,  1754-93-  Sub-dean  of  Salisbury, 
1759-1801.  Died  Mar.  15,  1801.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  500.) 
SAMBER,  SAMUEL  LEGGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius, 
July  1,  1700.  S.  of  Samuel,  medical  practitioner,  of  South- 
ampton. B.  at  Lymington,  Hants.  School,  Southampton 
(Mr  Pocock).  Matric.  1700;  Scholar,  1700-5;  M.B.  1705; 
M.D.  1732.  Doctor  at  Salisbury.  Died  there  Dec.  11,  1761. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1762.  Father  of  James  Stirling  (above). 
(Venn,  i.  506;  G.  Mag.) 
SAMBOURNE,  JAMES.  Matric. sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1609. 
SAMBORNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1659; 

B.A.  1663-4. 
Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  July  7,  1720.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir 
Samuel,  Bart.,  of  Bush  HiU,  Middlesex,  and  probably  nephew 
of  the  next.  School,  Enfield,  Middlesex  (Dr  Uvedale). 
Matric.  1722;  M.A.  1722.  Succeeded  his  father  as  4th  Bart., 
Dec.  27,  1714.  M.P.  for  Beds.,  1731-40-  Of  Bush  HiU, 
Enfield.  Died  unmarried,  July  5, 1740.  Buried  at  Edmonton. 
(G.E.C.,  IV.  184.) 
SAMBROOK,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
July  4,  1709.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Jeremiah,  of  Bush  HiU, 
Enfield,  Middlesex.  M.P.  for  Dunwich,  1726-7;  for  Wenlock, 
1727-34.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  WiUiam  Forester, 
of  Shropshire,  Knt.  Died  at  Bath,  May  19,  1734-  (Clutter- 
buck,  I.  453.) 

SAME,  NICHOLAS.  B.Can.L.  1500-1;  D.Can.L.  1518-9-  Adm. 
advocate,  June  25,  1521.  Perhaps  R.  of  Radwinter,  Essex, 
1506-27;  V.  of  Gt  ChishaU,  1520-7.  V.  of  Gt  Waltham, 
1524-7.  Died  1527. 


Same,  Ralph 

SAME,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec. 
22,  1587.  V.  of  Binham,  Norfolk,  1592-1603.  V.  of  Narford, 
1592.  R.  of  Cocklhorpe,  1602.  V.  of  Caistor-in-Flegg,  1608. 
Living  in  Nonvich,  1635. 

SAME, .  B.A.  1518-9. 

SAMMES,  ANTHONY.  Adro.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  8,  1593. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1593;  B.A.  1595-6-  'S.  of  John,  of  Hat- 
field Peveril,  Essex';  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1597-8. 

SAMMES,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  29,  1620. 
Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Gt  Waltham,  Essex.  Matric.  1620; 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23; 
priest,  Sept.  24,  1627.  C.  of  Bumham,  Essex,  1637;  R-  of 
Thelnetham,  Suffolk,  1638-^.  V.  of  Bumham  tiU  1657. 
Married,  at  Margaret  Roding,  Essex,  Sept.  25,  1638, 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Stable,  rector.  Died  1657.  Perhaps 
brotherof  Samuel  (1621)  and  William  (1621).  (Vis.  of  Essex, 
1612;  H.  Smith.) 

SAMMES,  AYLETT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
July  3,  1655.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Kelvedon,  Essex.  School, 
Felsted.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1657.  Incorp.  M.A.  at  Oxford, 
1677.  (M.A.  degree  not  found  in  our  records.)  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Oct.  28,  1657.  Ord.  deacon  (Westminster) 
Nov.  1678.  Lived  at  Kelvedon.  Author,  antiquarian.  Died 
c.  1679.   (Peile,  I.  569;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SAMS,  ED.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1565.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Peter  (1565). 

SAMMES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1641. 
Previously  matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Oct.  12,  1638, 
age  16.  S.  of  Edward,  of  London,  grocer.  Matric.  1642;  B.A. 
1642-3;  M..'^.  from  Peterhouse,  1646.  Intruded  Fellow  of 
Peterhouse,  1644-52.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  18,  1650. 
Brother  of  WiUiam  (1647).   (T.  A.  Walker,  77.) 

SAMMES,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  7, 
1708.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Clapton,  Cambs.  School,  Bunting- 
ford  (Mr  England).  Scholar,  1708-9;  Matric.  1710;  B.A. 
1712-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May,  1713.   [Peile,  11.  170.) 

SAMMES,  GERARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  8, 
1611.  Of  Wickham,  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1606), 
Knt.,  of  Langford  Hall,  Essex  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  Gerrard,  of  London,  Knt.  and  alderman).  School, 
Moreton  (Mr  Goodwin).  Matric.  1612.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Aug.  4,  1613.  Knighted,  June  15,  1616.  Of  Langford 
Hall,  Little  Witham,  Essex,  Knt.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of 
Arthur  Champemoon,  of  Partington,  Devon.  Died  Apr.  28, 
1630.   {Venn,  i.  214;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Movant,  i.  388.) 

SAMMES,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  (age  13)  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1578;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585. 

SAMMES,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Sept. 
I,  1676.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1677-8; 
B.A.  1680-1. 

SAMMES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1583. 
Of  Essex. 

SAMMES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1586. 

SAMES,  Sir  JOHN.  M.A.  1606  {nob.).  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of 
Langford  HaU,  Essex.  Knighted,  .^ng.  6,  1599.  M.P.  for 
Maldon,  1610-1  and  1614.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  Garrard,  of  London,  Knt.  and  Alderman.  Doubtless 
father  of  Gerard  (i6ii).  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1613.) 

SAMS,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1565. 

SAM,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1536-7- 

SAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  July  i,  1645. 
S.  of  Ambrose,  yeoman,  of  AmpthiU,  Beds.  Schools, 
Houghton  Conquest  and  Ampthill  (MrQuarrell).  Matric.1645; 
B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652.    V.  of  Salford,  Beds.,  c.  1667-90. 

SAMMES,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
1621.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  John,  of  Gt  Waltham,  Essex.  B.A. 
1627.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Whepstead,  Suffolk,  1650. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Anthony  (1620)  and  William  (1621). 

SAMMES,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1622. 

SAMS,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1584-5.  Possibly 
William,  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Gt  Totham,  Essex;  adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Mar.  24,  1590-r,  'formerly  of  New  Inn.' 
(Peile,  I.  181.) 

SAMMES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1582;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589;  LL.D.  from  Trinity 
Hall,  1595.  Adm.  advocate,  Oct.  24,  1601.  Buried  Oct.  15, 
1646,  at  St  Peter,  Paul's  Wharf,  London.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1646. 

SAMMES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621. 
Perhaps  5th  s.  of  John,  of  Gt  Waltham,  Essex.  B.A.  1624-5. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Anthony  (1620)  and  Samuel  (1621).  (Vis. 
of  Essex,  i6i2.) 

Sampson,  John 

SAMNES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  29,  1647.  S.  of  Edward,  of  London,  grocer.  School, 
St  Paul's.  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654-  Fellow,  1650  (appointed 
by  Parliament).  Taxor,  1655.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  Apr.  13,  1676.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1676. 
Brother  of  Edward  (1641). 
SAMES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1650. 
SAMM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  5, 
1673-4.  ist  s.  of  William,  brewer.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Cambridge  (private).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1682.  Canon  of  Sarum,  1681.  R.  of 
Upwey,  Dorset,  1684-7.  Died  before  Jan.  14,  1687-8. 

SAMFIELD, .  D.D.  1472-3-  A  friar. 


SAMFORD,  GEORGE.  B.Can.L.  1507-8. 

SAMFORD,  GEORGE.    M.Gram.  1525-6.    ('Bamforth'  in  Gr. 

Bk,  B.) 
SAMFORTH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1545. 
SAMPFORD,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1569-70. 
SAMPFORD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 


SAMPFORD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  28, 

1578.  Matric.  1578;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1580-1.   Perhaps 

adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  7,  1583;  of  Essex;  barrister  of 

Clifford's  Inn.    Called  to   the  Bar,   1591.    Bencher,   1610, 


SAMPSON,  ABRAHAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  23,  1736. 

Of   Leverton,   Notts.     Matric.    1736;   B.A.    1739-40.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1740;  priest  (York)  Sept.  25,  1743- 

SAMPSON,  ALEXANDER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 

Sept.  2,  1704.  S.  of  Augustine,  of  Gainsborough,  Lines.,  gent. 

B.  there.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1704;  B..\.  1708-9; 

M.A.   1712.    Ord.  deacon   (Lincoln)   June  4,   1710.    R.  of 

Skirbeck,  Lines.,  1719- 

SAMPSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John  's,  Easter,  1 585 ; 

B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,    1588-9.    Ord.   priest   (LincolD) 

Dec.  7,  1592.   P.C.  of  Ramsey,  Hunts.,  c.  1601-8. 

SAMPSON,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  (age  17)  from  Pembroke, 

Easter,   1646.    S.   of  William,  of  South   Leverton,  Notts. 

B.  there,   1629.    Schools,  Atherstone  and  Coventry.    B.A. 

1649-50;   M.A.   1653.    FeUow,   1650.    R.  of  Framlingham, 

Suffolk,  1650-60.  Went  to  Padua,  and  afterwards  to  Leyden. 

M.D.  there,  1668.    Hon.  Fellow,  R.C.P.,  1680.    Practised  in 

London.    Author,  archaeological  and  religious.    Died  s.p., 

July  23,  1700.    Buried  at  Clayworth,  Notts.    Will,  P.C.C. 

Brother  of  WiUiam  (1653-4).   {D.N.B.;  Munk,  i.  410.) 

SAMPSON,  JAMES.   Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,   Aug.  20,   1526.    Of  Binfield,   Berks.    Perhaps  s.  of 

Robert.    B.A.  1530;  M.A.  1534.    Fellow,  1529-37.    Brother 

of  Richard  (1519). 

SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1455; 

B.A.  1459-60. 

SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1487. 

SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1498. 

B.  at  Earith,  Hunts.   B.A.  1502-3;  M.A.  1506;  B.D.  1513-4; 

D.D.    1516-7.     Proctor,    1510-1.    Vice-Provost   of   King's. 

Ord.   deacon   (Lincoln)    Mar.   28,    1506.    V.  of   Ring^vood, 

Hants.,  but  died  before  institution.   (Cooper,  i.  22.) 

SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Of  Clare.  B.A.  c.  1503;  M.A.  c.  1508;  B.D. 

1516-7.   Fellow,  Nov.  10,  1503.   Preacher,  1512-3.  1519-20. 

SAMSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Mar.  26, 

1586.   Perhaps  John,  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Kersey,  Suffolk 

(and  Elizabeth  Wingfield).    If  so,  married  Bridget,  dau.  of 

William  Clopton,  of  Groton,  Suffolk.   (Peile,  i.  184.) 

SAMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  1595-6; 

B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.    Will  (P.C.C.)  of  one  of  these 

names,  of  Poplar,  Middlesex,  clerk,  1612;   mentions  his  son 

'now  in  the  custody  of  Mr  Robert  Durham  (Dereham) 

at  Cambridge.' 
SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  c.  1606.  Perhaps 
the  above,  or  possibly  a  different  man  and  brother  of  Richard 
(1607).   (No  separate  entry  recorded.) 
SAMPSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1619; 
B  A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.   One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h.  of 
John,  of  Kersey,  Suffolk,  Esq.,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  23, 
SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  24,  1645;  B.A. 

SAMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  July  2,  1669. 
One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  London,  merchant, 
age  27  in  1681-2.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  1689,  at 
Barbados.  See  also  Al.  O.xon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
(Oliver,  Antigua,  iii.  68.) 

Sampson,  Joshua 

SAMPSON,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  July  4, 
1730.  S.  of  Joshua,  husbandman,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at 
Teasdale.  School,  Teasdale.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt. 
dim.  from  York)  Sept.  22,  1734;  priest,  Oct.  1736.  C.  of  East 
Markham,  Notts.  V.  of  East  Retford,  1752-72.  R.  of 
Kirton,  1766-72.  Died  Mar.  26,  1772. 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  1481-2. 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1504-5- 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  Of  Clement  Hostel  and  Trinity  Hall. 
B.Civ.L.  1506-7;  D.Civ.L.  1512-3.   Perhaps  D.Can.L.  1519- 

20.  Studied  also  at  Paris  and  Sens.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1521. 
Advocate,  1515.  Dean  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1516. 
Dean  of  the  Chapel  Royal  and  chaplain  to  the  King.  Arch- 
deacon of  Cornwall,  1517-28.  Preb.  of  York,  1519-34. 
Resident  Ambassador  to  Spain,  1522-5.  Dean  of  Windsor, 
1523-36.  V.  of  Stepney,  1527-34.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1527-36. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  until  1534.  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk,  1529- 
36.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1533;  Dean,  1533-6.  R.  of  Hackney, 
1534-6.  Treasurer  of  Salisbury,  1535-6.  Bishop  of  Chichester, 
1536-43.  Dean  of  St  Paul's,  1536-40.  Bishop  of  Lichfield 
and  Coventry,  1543-54.  Lord  President  of  Wales,  1543-48. 
Author,  theological.  Died  Sept.  25,  1554.  Buried  at  Eccles- 
hall.  Staffs.   (Cooper,  i.  119;  D.N.B.;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  1,  1519.  Name  off  before  1524.  Of  Binfield, 
Berks.  Brother  of  James  (1526). 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1601; 
B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22, 
1611.  Perhaps  R.  of  Knossington,  Leics.,  tiU  1639.  Buried 
there  Oct.  30,  1639.  (According  to  Nichols,  u.  658,  Richard 
Sampson  signs  the  Register  from  the  beginning  of  1558,  tiU 
his  death,  in  1639.  But  the  dates  suggest  a  possible  confusion 
of  two  men.) 

SAMPSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1607. 

SAMPSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  28,  1699.  S.  of  Robert,  mercer.  B.  at  Chesterfield, 
Derbs.  School,  Heighington,  Lines.  Matric.  1699;  B.A. 
1703-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23,  1703;  priest,  Feb.  17, 
1705-6.   V.  of  Cuxwold,  Lines.,  1705.   V.  of  Caboum,  1715- 

21.  Under-master  at  Caistor  School. 

SAMSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  7,  1645. 
Of  Sussex. 

SAMPSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  9,  1670-1. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
1676;  priest  (London)  Feb.  24,  1677-8.  V.  of  Gt  Sampford, 
Essex,  1690.  Died  1701.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London);  as  of 
Chigwell.   Father  of  Thomas  (1703). 

SAMPSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  30,  1731.  S.  of  Thomas  (1703),  clerk.  B.  May  30,  1713, 
at  Leigh,  Essex.  School,  Brentwood,  Essex.  Matric.  1731; 
B.A.  1734-5.  OfHadleigh.  Married  Mary  Hubbard,  of  South 
Benfleet,  1739.  Buried  June  9,  1750.  Admon.,  Comm. 
Essex.   (Benton,  Rochford.) 

SAMPSON,  SIMON.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1648. 
B.  at  Kersey,  Suffolk,  1631.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2; 
M.A.  1655.  Fellow,  1651-7.  Died  Feb.  14,  1657-8,  of  small- 

SAMPSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1494-5;  M.A.  1501;  B.D.  1509. 
Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1498.  University  preacher,  1507; 
left  the  College  soon  after.  Benefactor  to  Corpus  Christi. 

SAMPSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1541-2.  B.  at  Plaj-ford,  Suffolk, 
c.  1517.  M.A.  1549.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1548.  Grace  for 
B.D.  and  D.D.  (Oxford)  1561.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Feb.  1546-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Aug.  10,  1550.  R.  of 
AU  Hallows,  Bread  Street,  1552-3.  Dean  of  Chichester,  1553. 
An  exile  under  Queen  Mary.  Offered  the  bishopric  of 
Norwich,  1560.  Canon  of  Durham,  1560-2.  Dean  of  Christ 
Church,  Oxford,  1561-5.  Master  of  Wigston's  Hospital, 
Leicester,  1567-89.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1570-89.  Author, 
religious;  concerned  in  the  translation  of  the  Geneva  Bible. 
Died  Apr.  9,  1589,  aged  72.  Buried  in  the  Chapel  of  Wigston's 
Hospital.  (Cooper,  11.  43;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.,  where  it  is 
stated  that  there  is  no  evidence  of  his  having  taken  a  degree 
at  Cambridge.) 

SAMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
May  24,  1703.  S.  of  Samuel  (1670-1),  clerk.  B.  Nov.  24, 
1686,  at  Chigwell,  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1705; 
B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Aug.  8,  1711.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Essex,  1713-30.  Married  (i)  at  St  Clement's, 
Oxford,  to  Mrs  Sophia  Smith,  in  1712 ;  (2)  at  Chipping  Ongar, 
Essex,  to  Elizabeth  Hill,  widow.  Buried  Dec.  15,  1739. 
Father  of  Samuel  (1731). 

Sancroft,  W. 

SAMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

SAMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Apr.  9,  1608. 
Matric.  1608;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1613.  C.  of  Alwalton, 
Himts.,  1614. 

SAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SAMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

SAMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  24,  1631-2. 
Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  20, 1640.  Probably  minister  at  Swavesey,Cambs., 
in  1648. 

SAMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  (age  17)  from  Pembroke, 
Lent,  1653-4.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Leverton,  Notts.  B.A. 
1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  Fellow,  1660.  Chosen  Master  of  Pem- 
broke, 1693,  but  decUned.  Presented  to  Tilney,  1669.  R.  of 
Clayworth,  Notts.,  1672-1702.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  I672-1703. 
Compiler  of  the  'Rector's  Book'  of  Clayworth,  1676. 
(Published,  1910.)  Buried  Nov.  8,  1703,  at  Clayworth. 
Benefactor  to  Pembroke.  Brother  of  Henry  (1646).   (Loder.) 

SAMPSON, .  B.A.  I49CH-1.   Perhaps  John  (1487). 

SAMPSON,   .    Of  Corpus  Christi.    B.A.   1503-4;   M.A. 


SAMUELL,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1559;  Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1562-3. 

SAMUELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SAMUEL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1573. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  from  Barnard's  Inn, 

SAMUEL,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,   1639.    Of 


SAMWAYS,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  1635.  B.  at  Eltham,  Kent,  1615. 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641;  D.D.  1660  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1640, 
ejected.  Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  May  28,  1643;  priest 
(Lincohi)  Apr.  9,  1645.  V.  of  Cheshunt,  Herts.,  ejected. 
R.  of  Maldon,  Beds.,  c.  1657.  Chaplain  to  the  King.  R.  of 
Bedale,  Yorks.,  166CH-93.  R.  of  Wath,  1660-93.  Canon  of 
York,  1668.  Author,  religious.  Died  Apr.  6,  1693.  Buried 
at  Bedale.  M.I.  Benefactor  to  Trinity  College  and  to  the 
parishes  of  Wath  and  Bedale.  (Al.  Westmon.;  D.N.B.; 
Clutttrbuck,  II.  III.) 

SAMWAYS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  15,  1597. 
Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  C.  of  Wherstead, 
Suffolk,  1603-11,  and  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  c.  1604.  V.  of 
Wherstead,  1611-57.   Died  Sept.  30,  1657. 

SAMWAIES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  4, 
1621.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Bincombe,  Dorset  School, 
Sherborne  (Mr  Grove).  Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Sahsbury)  Dec.  18,  1625.  C.  of  Owermoigne,  Dorset. 
V.  of  Hermitage,  near  Sherborne,  1650.  V.  of  Abbotsbury, 
1662.  R.  of  Bincombe,  1664-70.  Died  1670.  (Venn,  i. 

SAMWELL,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  1625  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
4th  s.  of  Sir  William,  of  Upton,  Northampton,  Knt.,  auditor 
to  Queen  Ehzabeth.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  18,  1604.  Matric. 
(Trinity  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  26,  1621,  age  17;  B..\.  1623. 
Adm.  at  the  .Middle  Temple,  Apr.  22,  1626.  Of  Dean's  Yard, 
Westminster.  Married  Anne  Heynes,  of  Chessington,  Surrey. 
Living,  1682.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Baker,  i.  225; 
Vis.  of  Nortluints.,  i6i8-g.) 

SAMWELL,  Sir  THOMAS,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus 
Christi,  Apr.  20,  1704.  Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  of  Sir 
Thomas,  of  Upton,  Northants.,  Bart.  Bapt.  there  Apr.  14, 
1687.  Matric.  1704;  LL.D.  1717  (Com.  Reg.).  Succeeded  as  2nd 
Bart.,  Mar.  1693-4.  M.P.  for  Coventry,  1715-22.  Of  Upton, 
Northants.  Married  (i)  MiUicent,  dau.  of  Rev.  Thomas 
Fuller,  D.D.,  R.  of  Hatfield,  Herts.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir 
Gilbert  Clarke,  of  Chilcot,  Derbs.,  and  widow  of  WiUiam 
Ives,  of  Bradden,  Northants.  Died  Nov.  16,  1757-  Buried 
at  Upton.   Admon.,  P.C.C.   (Masters;  G.E.C.,  iv.  71.) 

SANCROFT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  11, 
1613.  Matric.  1613;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Oct.  21;  priest,  Oct.  22,  1620. 

SANCROFT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  3, 
1704.   Of  Suffolk.   Matric.  1705. 

SANDCROFT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  10, 
1633.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Fressingfield,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1634. 
Of  Ufford  Hall.  Died  c.  1681.  Brother  of  William  (1633)  and 
probably  father  of  William  (1665).   (G.  Mag.,  1841,  23.) 

SANDCROFTE,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 


Sancroft,  William 

SANCROFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  12, 
1596.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Fressingfield,  Suffolk. 
B.  1582.  Scholar;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604;  B.D.  1611; 
D.D.  1629.  Fellow,  1604-16.  Master,  1628-37.  R.  of  Stan- 
ford-le-Hope,  Essex,  1618-28.  Died  at  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
Apr.  1637.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1637.  [Emmanuel  Coll. 
Hist.,  73.) 

SANDCROFT  or  SANCROFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em- 
manuel, Sept.  10,  1633.  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Fressingfield, 
Suffolk  (and  Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Boucher,  of  Wilby), 
and  nephew  of  William  (above).  B.  there,  Jan.  13,  1616-7. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8. 
M.A.  1641;  B.D.  1648;  D.D.  1662  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1642- 
51.  Master,  1662-5.  Went  abroad,  1657;  studied  at  Padua. 
Returned  to  England,  1660.  R.  of  Houghton-le-Spring, 
Durham,  1661-4.  Chaplain  to  Charles  II,  1661-78.  Preb. 
of  Durham,  1662-75.  Dean  of  York,  1664-5.  Dean  and 
preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1664-78.  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury, 
1668-70.  Privy  Councillor,  1678-89.  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury, 1678-91.  Crowned  James  II,  1685.  Refused  to  serve 
in  the  high  commission  court  established  by  James  II; 
refused  to  read  the  King's  declaration  of  liberty  of  conscience, 
1688.  Signed  with  six  bishops,  the  famous  petition  to  James  II, 

1688.  Imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of  London;  tried  on  a  charge 
of  seditious  libel  and  acquitted.  Signed  the  declaration 
calling  on  William  of  Orange  to  assist  in  procuring  peace 
and  a  'free  parliament,'  1688,  but  opposed  appointmg  him 
king.  Suspended,  1689;  deprived,  1690.  Retired  to  Fressing- 
field. Prepared  the  Memorials  of  Laud  for  the  Press.  Died 
unmarried.  Buried  at  Fressingfield,  Nov.  27,  1693,  aged  77. 
Benefactor  to  Emmanuel.   (D.N.B.) 

SANDCROFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  25, 
1665.  Of  Suffolk.  Probablys.ofThomas(i633).  Matric.  1665. 
Died  s.p.,  1713.   (<?.  Mag.) 

SANCROFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  5, 
1700-1.  Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Ufford 
Hall,  Fressingfield,  and  grandson  of  Thomas  (1633).  Of 
Ufford  Hall  and  afterwards  of  Exning.  Married  Catherme, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Cotton,  of  Landwade,  Bart.  Will  dated, 
1717.    (G.  Mag.) 

SANCTUARY  or  SENTUARY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1470-1.  Of  Norfolk. 
M.A.  1474;  B.D.  1484-5.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1474- 
Overseer  of  the  works  at  Gt  St  Mary's,  1502.  R.  of  Land- 
beach,  Cambs.,  1512-6.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1516.  (Cooper, 
1.  22.) 

SANDALL,  see  also  SENDALL. 

SANDALL,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1634.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1640-1.  V.  of  Calverley,  Yorks., 
1662-88.   Died  1688. 

SANDALL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  14,  1670. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1681.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Feb.  1674-5;  priest,  Sept.  1681. 

SANDYL  or  SENDALL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peter- 
house,  July  4,  1595.   Matric.  c.  1595,  Sandyl. 

SANDELL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  19,  1620; 
afterwards  FeU.-Com.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmimd,  gent.,  of  Lynn, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Waddington,  Yorks.  Schools,  Lynn, 
Chichester  (Mr  Woodhouse)  and  Heidelberg,  Germany 
(private).  Matric.  1620-1.  Migrated  to  Queens'.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  14,  1618-9.   [Venn,  i.  251.) 

SANDAV, .  Adm,  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  29,  1664. 

SANDBY,  JOSIAH.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  21, 

1689.  Matric.  1689;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  19,  1695;  'C.  of  Knebworth,  Herts."  R.  of 
Bredicot,  Worcs.,  1696-1711.  Preb.  of  Worcester,  1708-44. 
V.  of  Warton,  Lanes.,  1710-1.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of 
Marlborough.  Chaplain,  7th  Dragoon  Guards,  1715.  Died 

SANDEMAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  i6oi. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  1607-8. 

SANDERS,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
May  5,  1673.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Inglesham,  Berks,  {sic).  See 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 

SAUNDERS,  ANTHONY.  M.A.  1668  (Incorp.  from  Christ 
Church,  Oxford).  Student  of  Christ  Church.  Matric.  (Wad- 
ham  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  26,  1660;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664; 
M.A.  1667;  D.D.  1677.  R.  of  Hollingboume,  Kent,  1666-77. 
Chancellor  of  St  Paul's,  1672-1719-  R-  of  Buxted,  Sussex, 
1674.  R.  of  Acton,  Middlesex,  1677-1719-  Died  1719-20. 
Admon.,  Mar.  1719-20;  of  Buxted.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Hennessy.) 

SAUNDERS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  19,  i68o.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Brentford,  Middlesex. 
School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1681.  Author,  Tamberlaine, 
a  tragedy,  1681,  acted  at  Oxford  before  Charles  I  and 
honoured  with  an  epilogue  by  Dryden.   {Al.  Westmon.,  190.) 

SAUNDERS,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  27,  1598; 
Scholar;  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  Dixie  Fellow,  1607. 

Sanders,  George 

SAUNDERS,  DRUE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1492. 

SAUNDERS,  EDWARD.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  S.  and  h.  of 
Thomas,  of  Harrington,  Northants.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  May  3,  1524;  barrister.  Bencher,  1539.  Serjeant- 
at-law,  1540.  M.P.  for  Coventry,  1541;  for  Lostwithiel, 
1547-52;  for  Saltash,  1553.  Recorder  of  Coventry,  1542-53. 
King's  Serjeant,  1547.  Justiceof  the  C. P.,  1553-7.  Knighted, 
Jan.  27,  1554-5.  Chief  Justice  Q.B.,  1557-9-  Chief  Baron 
of  Exchequer,  1558-76.  Married  (1)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Englefield,  of  Bucks.;  (2)  Agnes  Hussey.  Died 
Nov.  12,  1576.  Buried  at  Weston-under-Weatherley,  Warws. 
M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Laurence  (1538).  (Cooper,  i. 
359;  D.N.B.;  Baker,  i.  293.) 

SANDERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Aug.  22, 
1571;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.  Of  Coventry.  S.  of  Francis, 
gent.,  of  Welford,  Northants.  Schools,  Gt  Harborough  and 
Eton.  Matric.  1571.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  15, 
1575.  Of  Brixworth,  Northants.,  Esq.  Married  Millicent, 
dau.  of  John  Temple,  of  Stowe,  Bucks.,  June  2,  1583. 
Died  Sept.  1630.  Buried  at  Brixworth.  M.I.  Half-brother 
of  Francis  (1596)  and  Matthew  (1593)-   (Venn,  1.  68.) 

SANDERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Jan.  10,  1617-8. 
B.  in  Cambridgeshire.    Matric.   i6i8;  B.A.   1621-2;   M.A. 

1625,  Sander. 

SANDERS,   EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 

1626.  Of  Salisbury.   Matric.  1626-7.   Migrated  to  Queens', 
Apr.  8,  1628. 

SAUNDER  or  SANDERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  Mar.  25,  1669.  S.  of  Edward,  yeoman,  of  Etton, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Halham  (?Halsham),  Sheffield. 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May,  1673;  priest,  Sept.  24, 1676.  Probably  R.  of  Patrington, 
Yorks.,  1682-5.  Buried  there  Nov.  30,  1685. 

SANDERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  July  r, 
1708.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Wootton,  Warws.  School, 
Coventry  (Mr  Greenway).  Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2. 
Apparently  migrated  to  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  Sept.  29, 
1708.  Matric.  there,  1708,  age  18  (sic),  but  returned  to 

SAUNDER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  25, 
1713.  Of  Leicestershire.  Probably  s.  of  Samuel  (1668). 
School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1713;  Scholar;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A. 
1722.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15,  i7i7;  priest  (Norwich) 
Mar.  1722-3.  C.  of  Burley,  Rutland,  1717-  V-  of  Hendon, 
Middlesex,  1726-56.  Died  Aug.  5,  1756.  Probably  brother 
of  Samuel  (1699-1700). 

SAUNDERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Feb. 
16,  1721-2.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  Salop,  1700. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1724.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  28,  1724.  One  of  these  names  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

SANDERS,  FORTUNATUS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Oct. 
1602;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1605-6;  M.A.  1610.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1605;  priest,  Oct.  2,  1608.  Signs 
as  minister  of  Tempsford,  Beds.,  in  1606.  P.C.  of  Upwood, 
Hunts.,  1610-C.  1616;  also  schoolmaster.  Probably  R.  of 
Newton  Toney,  Wilts.;  will  (Cons.  C.  Sarum)  1633. 

SAUNDERS,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1566. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Francis,  of  Welford,  Northants.  Died  1586. 
(Peile,  I.  97.) 

SAUNDER,  FRANCIS.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1579-80. 

SANDERS,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1595. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1601-2. 

SAUNDERS,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 
c.  1596.  Probably  s.  of  Francis,  of  Welford,  Northants. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  14,  1580.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Feb.  21,  1600-1.  Of  Syresham,  Northants.  Married  Frances, 
dau.  of  Peter  Andrew,  of  Syresham.  Living,  1619.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Matthew  (1593)  and  half-brother  of  Edward  (i57i)- 
(Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618;  Nichols,  11.  792.) 

SANDERS,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  June,  1602 ; 
B.A.  1605-6,  Sander. 

SAUNDERS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  27,  1617.  S.  of  Sir  Matthew  (1593),  of  Shangton,  Leics., 
Knt.  Bapt.  there,  Feb.  5,  1599-1600.  Matric.  1617.  'Circa 
festum  Paschalis  1620  clam  se  subito  subduxit  atque  in 
Gallias  temere  profectus  est'  {Coll.  Register).  Succeeded  his 
father  at  Shangton,  1622.  High  Sheriff  of  Leics.,  1634.  Sold 
Shangton  to  Sir  Justinian  Isham,  Bart.,  in  1636.  (J.  H.  Hill, 
Church  LangtOH.) 

SAUNDER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
June  II,  1652.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Hullbank,  Cottingham, 
Yorks.   School,  Beverley.   Matric.  1652. 

SAWNDERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1544. 


Sanders,  George 

SANDERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

1631;  Scholar,  1632;  LL.B.  1636. 
SANDERS,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1595.   One 
of  these  names,  s.  and  h.  of  Bartholomew,  of  Minster,  Kent, 
gent.,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  22,  1598.    Married  Jane 
Parramore,  of  Canterbury,  Dec.  15,  1607.    Buried  Oct.  9, 
1637,  aged  63,  at  Canterbury.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
SANDERS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  30, 
1668-9.    S.  of  Henry.    B.  at  Bishop's  Stortford.    School, 
Bishop's  Stortford  {Mr  Leigh  and  afterwards  Mr  Cudworth). 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
June,  1680.   Probably  R.  of  Nettleswell,  Essex,  1680-1716. 
Died  1716.  (Peile,  11.  18.) 
SAUNDERS,  HENRY.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1687. 

Matric.  Easter,  1688;  B.A.  1690-1. 
SAUNDERS,  HUMPHREY.    M.A.  from  Trinity,  1665.    Prob- 
ably s.  of  Humphrey,  R.  of  Holsworthy,  Devon.    Matric. 
(Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  22,   1658-9  [der.  fit.);  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1662.   Probably  ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  May  20,  1667. 
V.  of  Netherbury,  Dorset,   1667-73-    Died  Oct.  27,   1673. 
aged  33.    M.L  at  Netherbury.    {Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hocka- 
SAUNDERS,  JAMES,  alias  GOODWIN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a 
scholar  from  Eton,    1641.    B.   at  Egham,   Surrey,    1624. 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648;  D.D.  1660.   Fellow, 
1644-52.    V.   of   Ringwood,   Hants.,   1652.     Died   1670-1. 
Father  of  the  next.   (Harwood.) 
SANDERS,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  Jesus,  Feb.  17,  1672.  S.  of  James 
(1641).  B.  at  FUngwood,  Hants.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 
Fellow  of  King's,  1675. 
SANDER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1474-5- 

SAUNDERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  6, 
1604.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Marston  Pillings, 
Beds.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  May  31,  1606.  Knighted, 
Apr.  19,  1624.  Of  Marston  Moretaine,  Beds.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Francis  Roberts,  of  Willesden,  Middlesex. 
Probably  father  of  John  (1631-2).  (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634.) 
SAUNDERS,  JOHN.  M.A.  1607  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Long  Marston,  Bucks.,  gent.  Matric.  (Oriel 
College,  Oxford)  Jan.  26,  1598-9,  age  18;  B.A.  1601-2; 
MA  1605;  M.B.  and  M.D.  1628.  Principal  of  St  Mary  Hall, 
1632-44.  Provost  of  Oriel,  1644-52.  Died  Mar.  20,  1652-3. 
Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  (Al.Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634; 
Lipscomb,  i.  336,  385.) 
SANDERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb. 
28,  1631-2.  S.  of  Sir  John  (1604),  Knt.,  of  Marston  Pillings, 
Beds.  B.  at  Willesden,  Middlesex  (his  mother's  home). 
Schools,  Thurlow,  Beds.  (Mr  Lloyd)  and  Clifton  (Mr  Bedford). 
Matric.  1632.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  1635.  Of 
Sapperton,  Lines.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Richard  Taylor, 
of  Clapham,  Beds.,  Sept.  8,  1635.  Father  of  John  (i66i). 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  854;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634.) 
SANDERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1636. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Woolston,  Berks.;  age  44  in  1664. 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40.  {Genealogist,  vi.  86.) 
SANDERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  1644.  Matric.  1645; 

B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1652. 
SAUNDERS,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  16, 
1661.    S.  of  John   (1631-2),  gent.    B.  at  Clapham,  Beds, 
(his  mother's  home).    Schools,  Hargrave,  Northants.  and 
Sleaford,  Lines.    Matric.  1661.    Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  June  3,  1662.    Died  Dec.  12,  1693.   Buried  at  All 
Saints',  Stamford.  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  854.) 
SANDERS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1710. 
Perhaps  preb.  of  Lichfield,  1673,  and  R.  of  Broome,  Staffs., 
SAUNDERS,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  3, 
1671.    S.  of  Richard  (?  1639-40),  R.  of  Kentisbeare,  Devon. 
School,  Tiverton.  Matric.  1671;  Scholar,  1673;  B.A.  1674-5; 
M.A.  1678.  Fellow,  1678.  Taxor,  1683. 
SAUNDERS,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  23,  1673. 

Matric.  1675-6. 
SAUNDERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  9,  1706.  Of 
Stagordshire.  Matric.  1707;  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  171 2. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1711.  V.  of  Burton  with  Bulcote, 
Notts.,  1719. 
SAUNDERS,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June 
28,1712.  S.  of  John,  tailor.  B.  at  Marlborough,  Wilts.  Bapt. 
there,  Feb.  7,  1694-5.  School,  Marlborough.  Matric.  1712; 
B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  Liit.  dim.  from 
Gloucester)  Mar.  17,  1716-7.  C.  of  Iron  Acton,  Gloucs., 

Sanders,  Robert 

SAUNDERS,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Nov. 

26,  1743.    S.  of  John,  of  Wiltshire.    B.  at  Marlborough. 

School,    Marlborough.     Matric.    i743;   B.A.    1747-8.     Ord. 

deacon  (Lichfield)  Dec.  23,  1750;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1751.  V. 

of  Carswell,  Staffs.,  i773-9i-  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  54°-) 
SANDERS,  JULIUS.   Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  19, 

1678.  Of  Warwickshire.  3rd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Bedworth, 
Warws.  Age  23  in  1682.  Started  a  nonconformist  church 
at  Bedworth,  in  1686.  {Vis.  of  Warws.,  1682.) 

SAUNDERS,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1538.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Harrington,  Northants. 
Perhaps  B.A.  1541-2;  M.A.  1544.  Divinity  lecturer  at 
Fotheringay  College.  Preb.  of  York,  1552-4-  R-  of  All 
Hallows,  Bread  Street,  London,  1553-4-  R-  of  Church 
Langton,  Leics.,  1554.  Condemned  for  heresy  and  burnt  at 
Coventry,  Feb.  8,  1554-5.  Brother  of  Edward,  judge. 
{Cooper,  1. 122;  D.N.B.;  Nichols,  n.  792;  J.  H.  Hill,  Langton, 

SANDERS,  LUKE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1634.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Jan.  15,  1661-2;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1662.  R.  of 
Radwell,  Herts.,  1647-79.    V.  of  Norton,  till  1679.    Died 

1679.  (Shaw,  I.  339.) 

SANDERS,  MARK.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1565. 
Of  Ely,  Cambs.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1569,  age  22; 
priest.  Mar.  22,  1569-70.  V.  of  Elm  and  Emneth,  Cambs., 
1570.  R.ofStGeorge,  Canterbury,  1574-86.  V.  of  Benenden, 
Kent,  1579-86.  Died  1586.  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next. 

SANDERS,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1581.  Of  Ely,  Cambs.  Migrated  to  Queens',  15S4.  B.A. 
1584-5;  M.A.  1588;  B.D.  from  Pembroke,  1595.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1603.  R.  of  Bamston,  Essex,  1610.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Henry  Fletcher,  R.  of  Little  Easton,  Essex, 
Aug.  16,  1611.  Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Comhill,  London, 
Aug.  24, 1629.  Admon.,  Cons.  C.London.  Father  of  Matthew 

SAUNDERS,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
May  5,  1593.  S.  of  Francis,  Esq.  (by  his  3rd  wife  Frances 
Pope),  of  Welford,  Northants.  Schools,  Leicester  and  Eton. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  21,  1594.  Knighted,  Sept. 
2,  1617.  Of  Shangton,  Leics.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Henry  Skipwith,  of  Coates,  Leics.  Died  Apr.  13,  1622, 
at  Shangton.  M.I.  Brother  of  Francis  (1596),  half-brother 
of  Edward  (1571)  and  father  of  Francis  (1617).  {Venn,  1. 149; 
Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618.) 

SAUNDERS,  MATTHEW,  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's, 
May  25,  1632.  S.  of  Matthew  (1581),  clerk,  R.  of  Bamston, 
Essex.  B.  there.  School,  Felsted. 

SAUNDERS,  NICHOLAS.  B.D.  1537-8.  FeUow  of  Queens*. 

SAUNDERS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Michs.  1565. 

SANDERS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  4, 
1597.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  Jan.  25,  1581-2,  at  Tawstock, 
Devon.  School,  Barnstaple.  Scholar,  1598-1604;  B.A. 
1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Fellow,  1606-10.  University  Examiner, 
1608.   (Venn,  i.  162.) 

SANDERS,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1635.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Aug.  7,  1645.  V.  of  Swaton  and 
Spanby,  Lines.,  1663.  Father  of  Samuel  (1668). 

SAUNDERS,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Michs.  1601. 
B.  at  Debden,  Essex.  B.A.  1605-6.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Mar.  19,  1608-9,  age  23;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1610.  C.  of  Layer 
Bretton,  Essex.  C.  of  Hutton,  1622-34,  suspended  by  the 
Bishop.  Sequestered  to  Magdalen  Laver,  1645-52.  Married 
Alice,  dau.  of  William  Greene,  of  Chelsworth,  Suffolk,  June  4, 
1622.  Died  1652.   (H.  Smith.) 

SAUNDERS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  12,  1639. 
Of  Buckinghamshire.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3. 

SANDER  or  SAUNDER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Caius,  Jan.  17,  1639-40.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  South  Lynn, 
Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  South  Lynn  (Messrs  Rawlinson 
and  Bell).  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1640-7;  B.A.  1643-4; 
M.A.  1647.  Perhaps  R.  of  Kentisbeare,  Devon,  in  1655;  if 
so,  father  of  John  (1671).   (Venn,  i.  337.) 

SAUNDERS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1591.  B.  at  Hambledon,  Bucks.,  c.  1573.  B.A.  1595; 
M.A.  1599.  Fellow,  1594-1607.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1599. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1607;  priest  (London)  Sept.  25, 
1608.  Master  of  the  School  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.,  1607 
(elected,  July  20;  resigned,  Oct.  22,  1607).  R.  of  Arborfield, 
near  Reading,  Berks.,  1608.  (Harwood;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

SANDERS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1676. 
Matric.  Easter,  1677;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1685.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Feb.  1680-1;  priest,  Dec.  1686. 


Sanders,  Roger 

SAUNDERS,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  29,  1682. 
Previously  matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  i,  1680, 
age  16.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Shaftesbury,  Dorset.  Matric.  1682; 
B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1683.  V.  of  Charlton  Horethome, 
alias  Canfield,  Somerset,  1687-93.   Died  1693. 

SANDERS,  SAMUEL.  Resided  three  years  at  St  John's.  B.  at 
South  Kirby,  Yorks.,  c.  1S63.  Ord.  priest  (York);  preacher 
(Norwich).  Of  Northbrook,  Norfolk,  1585.  V.  of  Gt  Hale, 
Lines.,  1599-C.  1617.   Will  (Lincoln)  1617-8. 

-  SANDERS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  7, 
1659.  S.  of  Thomas,  colonel  in  the  Parliamentary  army. 
B.  May  27,  1641,  at  Little  Ireton,  Derbs.  School,  Repton. 
Matric.  1659.  Refused  to  take  the  oath  for  his  B.A.  degree 
in  1661.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  3,  1663.  Of  Little  Ireton. 
Married  three  wives.  Died  at  Normanton-on-Soar,  Sept.  16, 
1688.  Buried  in  Mugginton  Church.  (F.M.G.,  441;  Peile, 
I.  585.) 
SAUNDER  or  SAUNDERS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
Sidney,  June  3,  1668.  S.  of  Peter  (1635),  R.  of  Swaton, 
Lines.  Schools,  Charterhouse  and  Uppingham.  Matric.  1668; 
B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  23, 
1672-3;  priest  (Peterb.)  May  25,  1673.  Probably  V.  of 
Burley-on-the-Hill,  Rutland,  1681.  Died  1725.  Probably 
father  of  the  next  and  of  Edward  (1713)-   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SAUNDER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
19,  1699-1700.  S.  of  Samuel  (?  above),  clerk.  B.  at  Burley- 
on-the-Hill,  Rutland.  School,  Rugby.  Matric.  1700;  B.A. 
1703-4;  M.A.  1707;  D.D.  1722.  Fellow,  1707-10.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1705-6;  priest.  Mar.  9,  1706-7. 
R.  of  Saxelby,  Leics.,  1707-9.  Head  Master  of  Sedbergh, 
1709-41.  V.  of  Wheldon  and  Hutton  Buscel,  Yorks.,  1740. 
Died  Nov.  I,  1741.  Buried  at  Westminster.  Probably  brother 
of  Edward  (1713).   (Scott-Mayor;  Nichols,  iii.  483.) 

SAUNDERS,  SAMUEL  TOBIAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1741.  S.  of  Dr  Erasmus  Saunders,  V.  of  Blockley, 
Worcs.,  1705-24.  B.  there,  1723.  Matric.  Michs.  1742;  B.A. 
1746-7.  Fellow,  1745.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1746. 
Died  in  Worcestershire,  1748. 

SAWNDERS,  SAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1550 

SAUNDERS,  STEPHEN.  B.D.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1450. 
Confessor  of  Syon  monastery.  Benefactor  to  Pembroke. 

SANDER,  STEPHEN.  B.A.  1462-3;  M.A.  1467-8.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  1470. 

SANDERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1586. 

SAUNDERS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Dec. 
28,  1587.  Matric.  1588.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Sibbertoft, 
Northants.,'  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1589-90;  a  near 
relation  of  Sir  Chr.  Hatton. 

SAUNDERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1602;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  V.  of  Bourn,  Cambs., 
1612-38.  V.  of  Caldecote,  1638-44,  ejected.  (Peile,  i. 

SAUNDERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1613.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Denton,  Bucks,  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Blount,  of  Leicester- 
shire). If  so,  knighted,  Mar.  12,  1622-3.  Of  Agmondisham, 
Bucks.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  David  Watkins,  of  Fam- 
borough,  Hants.   (Vis.  of  Bucks.,  1634.) 

SANDERS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  17, 
1631-2.   Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1632. 

SANDERS,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Nov.  18,  1648. 

Of  Worcestershire. 
SAUNDERS,  WALTER.  B.Can.L.  1492-3. 
SAUNDERS,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1524-5;  M.A.  1528. 
SAUNDERS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 

from  Eton,   .^ug.   12,   1524.    Of  .^mersham,   Bucks.    B.A. 

1528-9;  M.A.  1532-3.   Fellow,  1527-37.   Proctor,  1535-6. 
SAUNDERS,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1550.   B.  in  London.   Scholar,  1550,  Sawnders.   Ord.  deacon 

(London)  Apr.  23,  1569,  age  37.  V.  of  Blakesley,  Northants., 

1569.   Buried  there  Aug.  i8,  1585.   (T.  P.  Dorman.) 
SAUNDERS,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Easter,  1579. 
SAUNDERS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Oct.  i6or.   B. 

at  Kimbolton. 
SAUNDERS,   WILLIAM.    Adm.    pens,   at  Sidney,  July    12, 

1615.    B.  in  Middlesex.    Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M-A. 


SANDERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  23, 
1672.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 

Sanderson,  George 

SAUNDERS,  WILLIAM  BILL.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Jan.  8,  1707-8.  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  i7it>-i;  M.A.  1714.  Head 
Master  of  Nottingham  Grammar  School,  1719-c.  31. 

SANDERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1723- 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1766. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Albury,  Herts.,  1733-92.  Probably  R.  of 
Hunsdon,  1766-73.  Died  1792. 

SAUNDERS,  ZACHARIAH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1581;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Jan.  1,  1588-9;  priest,  Nov.  13,  1590.  Master  of  Rivington 
School,  Lanes.,  1589.  V.  of  Bolton-le-Moors,  1595-8.  V.  of 
Sturton,  Lines.,  1598.  V.  of  Poslingford,  Suffolk,  1599-1601; 
deprived.  V.  of  Clee,  Lines.,  1600-3.  (E.  Axon.) 

SANDERS, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1554. 

SANDERS, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1644. 

SAUNDERS, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1655.   Of  London. 

SAUNDERS, .  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  June  14,  1658. 

SANDERS, .  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  July  7,  1685. 

SANDERSON,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  7,  1669.  S.  of  George  (1640),  clerk,  of  Gainford, 
Durham.  Bapt.  there,  Mar.  2,  1652.  School,  Brignall 
(Mr  Johnson).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3.  (Walbran, 
Gains  ford,  85.) 

SANDERSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
June  21,  1673.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Serlby,  Notts.,  Esq.  (and 
Mary,  dau.  of  Anthony  Topham,  Dean  of  Lincolii).  Matric. 
1673.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  26,  1676.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  Reason  Mellish.  Buried  at  Harworth,  Mar.  23, 
1687-8.   Brother  of  Robert  (1673).   (J.  Raine,  B/y«A.) 

SANDERSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  15, 
1675-6.  Of  Northamptonshire.  5th  s.  of  William,  of  Stoke 
Doyle,  Northants.  Bapt.  Dec.  14,  1658,  at  Pilton.  Matric. 
1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683;  B.D.  1690;  D.D.  1700. 
Fellow,  1685-92.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1699.  R.  of  Thorpe 
Achurch,  Northants.,  with  Thorpe  Waterville,  1715-37.  V. 
of  Little  Addington,  1720-37.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth 
Saunderson  (his  cousin),  Sept.  lo,  1692;  (2)  Anne  Sansbury, 
Dec.  9,  1700.  Buried  at  Little  Addington,  Dec.  5,  1737. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1738.  Father  of  John  (1722).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Vis.  of  Northants.,  1682;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SANDERSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  4,  1749. 
2nds.of  John  (1722).  Bapt.  Feb.  2,  1730-1,  at  Little  Adding- 
ton, Northants.  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1753.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  17,  1753;  priest.  May  25,  1755.  R.  of  Bam- 
well  St  Andrew,  Northants.,  1757-80.  Married  Sarah  Moore, 
of  Peterborough.  Died  at  Barnwell,  1780.  Brother  of  John 
(1749).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 


SAUNDERSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Feb.  1579-80;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  R.  of  Lichborough, 
Northants.,  1598.  Buried  there  Jan.  29, 1631-2.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Peile,  I.  158;  Bridges,  1.  77.) 

SANDERSON,  CLEMENT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 

SANDERSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs. 

SANDERSON,  ELISHA.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  3,  i66r. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
V.  of  Saltby,  Leics.,  1678-80.  Died  at  Bottesford,  c.  1680. 
(Nichols,  II.  306-7.) 

SANDERSON,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  11, 
1640.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1648. 

SANDERSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  10,  1640.  S.  of  William,  of  Sedbergh,  shoemaker,  lately 
deceased.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1640.  R.  of 
Croglin,  Cumberland,  1671-91.  V.  of  Kirkoswald,  1671-85. 
At  Gainford,  Durham,  c.  1649-56,  and  at  Forcett,  Yorks., 
in  i66r.  Died  1691.  Father  of  .\mbrose  (1669).  (B.  Night- 
ingale, 343,  416;  Walbran,  Gainsford,  85.) 

SANDERSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
May  27,  1646.  S.  of  George,  of  Washingborough  and  Aby 
Grange,  Lines.,  and  grandson  of  Nicholas,  1st  Viscount 
Castleton.  B.  in  London.  School,  Newport,  Essex  (Mr 
Woolley).  Matric.  1646.  Of  South  Thoresby,  Lines.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Massingberd,  Bart.,  of  Gunby. 
Buried  at  South  Thoresby,  Dec.  6,  1680.  Father  of  George 
(1679-80).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  859.) 

SANDERSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  18,  1658. 
Doubtless  s.  of  George,  of  Grainthorpe,  Lines.  Bapt.  Aug. 
20,1640.  Of  Grainthorpe,  Esq.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died 
1663.  Will  dated,  July  17;  proved,  Nov.  23,  1663.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  856.) 


Sanderson,  George 

SANDERSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Jan.  30, 
1679-80.  S.  of  George  {1646),  of  South  Thoresby,  Lines., 
Esq.  Bapt.  there,  Mar.  9,  1660-1.  School,  Alford.  Matric. 
1680;  M.A.  1682  {Com.  Reg.).  Married  Frances,  dau.  of 
George  Saunderson,  of  Louth.  Buried  Oct.  5,  1688.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  859.) 

SAUNDERSON,  HENRY.  B.A.  1531-2.  Of  York  diocese.  S.  of 
Christopher,  of  Beverley,  draper.  M.A.  1535-6;  B.D.  1545. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1533.  Proctor,  1538-9.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1545- 

SANDERSON,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Jan.  10,  1638-5. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1639;  Scholar,  1640;  B.A.  1642-3. 
Inc.  of  Plumstead,  Kent,  1647. 

SANDERSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Magdalene, 
Nov.  19,  1681.  8th  s.  of  George,  Viscount  Castleton  (and 
Grace,  dau.  of  Henry  Belasj'se).  B.  at  Sandbeck,  Yorks. 
School,  Laughton,  Yorks.  Matric.  1681.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Apr.  15,  1686.  M.P.  for  Newark,  1698-1700  and  1701- 
10.  Vice-admiral  of  Lines.,  1705.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
5th  Viscount  (Ireland),  1714.  Created  Baron  Saunderson  of 
Saxby,  Lines.,  Oct.  19,  1714;  Viscount  Castleton  of  Sand- 
beck,  Yorks.,  July  2,  1716,  and  finally  Earl  Castleton  of 
Sandbeck,  July  18,  1720.  Died  s.p.,  May  23,  1723.  Brother 
of  Thomas '(1681).   (G.E.C.) 

SANDERSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16  sw)  at  St  John's, 
Aug.  24,  1683.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  Dec.  19,  1664,  at 
Egglestone,  Durham.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1684; 
B..A..  16S7-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim.  from  Durham) 
June  7,  1691;  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  25,  1692.  P.C.  of 
St  Nicholas,  Durham,  1 688-1 702.  Married  Aug.  8,  1699,  to 
Jane  Rutter,  at  St  Margaret's,  Durham.  Died  s.p.  Brother 
(twin)  of  Joseph  (1683)  and  Robert  (1683)  and  half-brother 
of  Philip  (1659).   {F.M.G.,  872;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SAUNDERSON,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1508-9. 

SANDERSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1554. 
Of  Lancashire.  Scholar,  1555;  B.A.  1557-8;  M.A.  1561. 
Fellow,  1560.  Logic  reader,  1562.  Expelled  for  'super- 
stitious doctrine.'  Proceeded  to  Rome  and  then  to  France, 
Subsequently  retired  to  Flanders.  Student  at  Douay,  1570, 
where  he  was  created  D.D.  Ord.  priest  at  Douay.  Divinity 
Professor  in  the  English  College  at  Rheims,  1580.  Canon  of 
Cambrai.  Author,  theological.  Died  at  Cambrai,  1602 
(?  1610).  Perhaps  brother  of  Lawrence  (1560).  {Cooper,  11. 
351;  D.N.B.) 

SANDERSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1616. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Little  Addington,  Northants., 
Esq.  Age  17  in  1618.  B.A.  1619-20.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  I,  1619.  Probably  brother  of  Laurence  (1622).  {Vis. 
of  Northants.,  1618.) 

SANDERSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  20, 

1662.  S.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Tempsford,  Beds.  School, 
Sutton  (Mr  Bankes) .  One  of  these  names  buried  at  Tempsford, 
Jan.  12,  1674.   {Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194.) 

SANDERSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.  17,  1678. 
S.  of  Theophilus,  of  Little  Addington,  Northants.  B.  Apr.  17, 

1663.  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1679.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel, 
May  25,  1680.  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Died  1687,  aged  23. 
{Vis.  of  Northants.,  1682.) 

SANDERSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  29,  1722. 
S.  of  Anthony  (1675-6).  Bapt.  Oct.  8,  1706,  at  Achurch, 
Northants.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1739-  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  13,  1728;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1731.  C.  of 
Little  Addington,  Northants.,  1728;  V.,  1738-70.  R.  of 
Covington,  Hunts.,  1738-67.  Married  Mary  Little,  of 
Peterborough,  Apr.  20,  1730.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1770;  of  Little 
Addington.   Father  of  John  (1749)  a^d  Anthony  (1749). 

SAUNDERSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May 
19,  1742.  S.  of  Nicholas  (1707),  Lucasian  Professor.  B.  at 
Cambridge.  Schools,  St  Neots  (Mr  Bidwell)  and  Ely  (Mr 
Gunning).  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  from  Peter- 
house,  1749.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1747.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1746;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1748;  licensed 
to  Bedingfield,  Suffolk.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cam- 
bridge, Apr.  29,  1759.   {Peile,  11.  243.) 

SANDERSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  4,  1749. 
S.  of  John  (1722).  B.  Jan.  26,  1730-1,  at  Little  Addington, 
Northants.  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  17, 1753;  priest,  May  25,  1755.  R.  of  Covington,  Hunts., 
1767-1805.  Buried  Nov.  19,  1805,  at  Little  Addington, 
aged  75.   Brother  of  Anthony  (1749).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SAUNDERSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  11,  1647.  S.  of  Edward,  currier,  of  Sheffield.  B.  there. 
School,  Leeds  (Mr  Gamett).  Matric.  1647.  Perhaps  brother 
of  Stephen  (1659). 

SANDERSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1683.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  Dec.  ig,  1664,  at  Eggle- 

Sanderson,  Robert 

stone,  Durham.  School,  BrignaU  (Mr  Johnson).  Matric. 
1683;  M.B.  1688.  Died  s.p.  Twin-brother  of  James  (1683) 
and  brother  of  Robert  (1683).   {F.M.G.,  872.) 

SAUNDERSON,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1560.  B.  at  Fumess  Abbey,  Lanes.  Perhaps  B.A. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  20,  1567,  age  24.  V.  of  Watford, 
Herts.,  1568-73.  R.  of  Swineshead,  Hunts.,  1570.  Still  there 
in  1589.  Probably  buried  at  Tempsford,  Beds.,  Dec.  9,  i6n. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1554).   {Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194.) 

SANDERSON,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1622.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Little  Addington,  North- 
ants., gent.,  and  perhaps  grandson  of  Laurence  (above). 
B.A.  1625-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  5,  1627;  priest, 
Dec.  21,  1628.  V.  of  Little  Addington,  1627-46,  sequestered. 
Probably  brother  of  John  (1616).  {Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  194; 
Vis.  of  NortJiants.,  1618.) 

SANDERSON,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  27, 
1647.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1649;  B.A. 
1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Fellow,  1651.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop 
Brownrigg,  of  Exeter)  June  12,  1658-9.  R.  of  St  Michael, 
Denver,  Norfolk,  1660-9. 

SANDERSON,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  1707.  S.  of  John. 
B.  at  Thurlstone,  near  Penistone,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Jan. 
20,  1682-3.  School,  Penistone  (Mr  Staniforth).  Matric. 
Michs.  1711;  M.A.  1711  {Lit.  Reg.);  LL.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.). 
Lost  his  eyesight  by  smaU-pox  in  infancy.  A  teacher  of 
mathematics  at  Cambridge,  1707.  Lucasian  professor,  1711- 
39.  F.R.S.,  1719.  Married  Abigail,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Dickons, 
R.  of  Boxworth,  1723.  Author,  mathematical.  Buried  at 
Boxworth,  Cambs.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  John  (1742). 
{D.N.B.;  F.M.G.,  884;  Peile,  11.  168.) 

SANDERSON,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Jime  15,  1659.  2nd  s.  of  Christopher,  yeoman,  of  Barnard 
Castle,  Durham  (the  Diarist).  Bapt.  there,  June  10,  1643. 
School,  Brough,  near  Appleby,  Westmorland.  B.A.  1662. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  15,  1662.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of 
George  Dale.  Died  June  11,  1684.  Buried  at  Barnard  Castle. 
Half-brother  of  James  (1683),  etc.  {F.M.G.,  872;  Genealogist, 
N.S.,  xxii.  74.) 

SANDERSON,  PIGOTT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Jan. 
24,  1676-7.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Lincolnshire,  merchant  in 
London.  B.  in  St  Botolph's,  Aldersgate,  Nov.  20,  1655. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  25,  1678.  Of  Nottingham. 
Living,  1694.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  857;  Raine,  Blyth.) 

SANDERSON,  RALEIGH.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1603-4.  One 
Ralph  Sanderson  buried  at  Wymington,  Beds.,  Apr.  1,  1638. 

SANDERSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Nov.  7, 
1650.  Matric.  1650.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  an  of&cer  in  the 
Dutch  wars  (killed,  1664-5).  If  so,  a  captain  in  the  West 
Indies.  Married  Ephrim  Garrett,  of  Norfolk.  Died  1699. 
His  son  William  was  created  Bart.,  in  1720.  (Burke,  Ext. 

SANDERSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  2,  1664.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Wellhaugh,  Northumber- 
land. B.  there.  School,  Newcastle  (Mr  Oxley).  Matric.  1664; 
B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Fellow,  1668.  Junior  Proctor, 
1675-6.   Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  26,  1676. 

SANDERSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  29,  1686.  S.  of  Charles,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  New- 
castle, Northumberland.  Bapt.  Jan.  14,  1668-9,  at  St 
Nicholas,  Newcastle.  School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1686;  B.A. 
1689-90;  M.A.  1693.   Ord.  priest  (London)  Mar.  4,  1693-4. 

SANDERSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1570.  2nd  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Blyth,  Notts.,  of  Gilthwaite, 
Yorks.  and  Shef&eld.  School,  Sheffield.  Migrated  pens, 
(age  20)  to  Cains,  Nov.  5,  1571.  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1578. 
Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  1579.  Of  Gilthwaite,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Carr,  of  Butterthwaite, 
Ecclesfield.  Buried  Nov.  14,  1609,  at  Blyth.  Father  of  the 
next.   {Venn,  i.  68;  Hunter,  Sheffield,  398.) 

SANDERSON,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1609  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Blyth,  Notts.,  etc.  B.  Sept.  19,  1587, 
at  Sheffield.  Matric.  (Lincohi  College,  Oxford)  July  1,  1603, 
age  15;  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1607;  B.D.  1617;  created  D,D. 
1636.  FeUow  of  Lincohi  College,  Oxford,  1606-19.  Proctor, 
1616.  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  1642-8,  ejected  by  the 
Parliamentary  visitors.  Regius  Professor  of  Di\Tnity, 
1642-8,  1660-1.  R.  of  Wyberton,  Lines.,  1618.  V.  of 
Heckington,  1618.  R.  of  Boothby  Pagnell,  1619.  Canon  of 
Lincoln,  1629-60.  R.  of  Muston,  Leics.,  1633-42.  Canon  of 
Southwell,  1641-61.  Bishop  of  Lincohi,  1660-2.  Died  Jan. 
29,  1662-3,  aged  76-  Buried  at  Buckden.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1663. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  26.) 

SAUNDERSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs. 
1618.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Kirton,  Lines.,  Esq.; 
adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  4,  1618. 


Sanderson,  Robert 

SANDERSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Pembroke, 
June  21,  1673.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Serlby,  Notts.,  Esq.  Matric. 
1673.  Buried  at  Harworth,  July  24,  1726.  Brother  of 
Anthony  (1673). 

SANDERSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1683.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  July  27,  1663,  at  Eggle- 
stone,  Durham.  School,  Brignall  (Mr  Johnson).  Matric.  1683; 
B.A.  1686-7.  Clerk  in  the  Rolls  Chapel,  London.  Usher  of 
the  Court  of  Chancery,  1726.  Completed  Rymer's  Foedera. 
One  of  the  original  members  or  founders  of  the  Society  of 
Antiquaries  when  it  was  revived  in  1717.  Married  four  wives. 
Died  s.p.,  Dec.  25,  1741,  in  London.  Buried  in  Red  Lion 
Fields.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1741.  Brother  of  James  (1683),  etc. 
{D.N.B.;F.M.G.,  872.) 

SANDERSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  5, 
1695.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  William 
(1664),  V.  of  Weston-by-Welland.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  31,  1680. 
Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9.  Said  to  have  been  refused  the 
M.A.  as  a  non-juror.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  31,  1702; 
priest,  June  19,  1709.  C.  of  Aldwinkle  All  Saints,  Northants., 
1702.  R.  of  Newbold  Verdun,  Leics.,  1719-43.  Died  Sept. 
17,  1743.  Buried  there.   (Nichols,  iv.  824.) 

SANDERSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Jan.  17,  1726-7.  S.  of  Timothy,  innkeeper.  B.  at  Cambridge. 
School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1731-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Mar.  1733-4. 

SANDERSON,  ROGER.  Adm.  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  i,  1645.  S. 
of  Roger,  of  Pittstone,  Bucks.,  pleb.  Matric.  (St  Mary  Hall, 
Oxford)  Mar.  13,  1639-40,  age  15;  B.A.  1645-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  24;  priest,  May  25,  1662.  V.  of  Eaton  Bray, 
Beds.,  1652.  Buried  there,  Oct.  4,  1664.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Geneal. 
Bedford,  98.) 

SAUNDERSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Jan. 
1602-3.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry,  of  Brancepeth,  Durham, 
Esq.  Matric.  1603.  Constable  of  Brancepeth  Castle  for  King 
James  I.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Thomas  LiddeU,  of 
Ravensworth  Castle,  Dec.  18,  1610.  Died  July,  1650.  M.I. 
at  Lanchester.  Father  of  Thomas  (1628).  (Vis.  of  Durham, 
1666;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SANDERSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  29,  1659.  S.  of  Edward,  currier,  of  Sheffield.  School, 
Sheffield.  Matric.  1659.  Perhaps  brother  of  Joseph 

SANDERSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov.  ii, 
1581.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Lowick,  Northumberland.  School, 
Lynn.   Matric.  1581. 

SANDERSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct. 
23,  1628.  S.  of  Samuel  (1602-3),  Esq.  Bapt.  Nov.  3,  1611, 
at  Brancepeth,  Durham.  School,  Brancepeth.  Matric.  1628. 
Of  Hedley-hope,  Durham,  Esq.  Married  Eleanor,  dau.  of 
Francis  Barker,  of  Topcliffe,  Yorks.,  Feb.  10,  1656-7.  Buried 
at  Lanchester,  Apr.  30,  1695.  (Vis.  of  Durham,  1666;  Surtees, 
II.  243.) 

SANDERSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Mag- 
dalene, Nov.  19,  1681.  S.  of  George,  Viscount  Castleton. 
B.  at  Sandbeck,  Yorks.  School,  Laughton,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1681.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  24,  1683.  Died  before  1714. 
Brother  of  James  (1681). 

SANDERSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  18,  1702.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Bitteswell,  Leics. 
Matric.  1702-3;  B..^.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  19,  1708;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1709.  V.  of 
Tannington  and  Brundish,  Suffolk,  1711.  Died  1731.  One 
of  these  names  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1712.  Brother  of 
William  (1708)  and  perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

SANDERSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  ir, 
1727-8.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  above),  clerk.  Matric.  1728;  B.A. 
1731;  M.A.  1735.  Fellow  of  Sidney,  1736.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1736;  priest,  June  5,  1737.  V.  of  Evington, 
Leics.,  1738-42.  One  of  these  names  of  Haslemere,  Surrey, 
clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1781. 

SANDERSON,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  18,  1671. 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 

SAUNDERSON,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1566. 

SAUNDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov. 
1549;  B.A.  1552-3;  M.A.  1555.  Probably  fellow  of  Pem- 
broke, 1553;  of  Northumberland.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1555-61. 
Received  tonsure  (London)  May,  1554.  R.  of  Covington, 
Cambs.,  1560.  University  preacher,  1567.  R.  of  Terrington 
St  Clement,  Norfolk,  1569-74.  Preacher  at  Lynn.  Com- 
missioner for  discovery  of  Popish  recusants  in  Norfolk.  Died 
c.  1589.   (Peile,  I.  46;  Cooper,  11.  79.) 

SAUNDERSON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1629  (fil.  nob.).  Doubtless 
2nd  s.  of  Nicholas,  Viscount  Castleton,  of  Ireland.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  5,  1614.  Knighted,  Aug.  31,  1625. 
Equerry  to  James  I  and  Charles  I.   Of  Willoughton,  Lines. 

V.A.C.IV.  IJ 

Sandford,  John 

Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Cooper,  M.P.  Died  s.p.  Will 
dated,  Aug.  10,  1642;  proved,  Mar.  1642-3.  To  be  dis- 
tinguished from  the  historian  of  these  names  for  whom  see 
D.N.B.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  858.) 

SAUNDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  8,  1635.  S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Oundle,  Northants. 
B.  there,  1619.  Schools,  Oundle  and  Uppingham.  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1644-5. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  23,  1661-2.  V.  of 
BiUesdon,  Leics.,  1662-8. 

SANDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  25,  1641. 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5.  One  of  these  names  intruded  as 
V.  of  Finedon,  Northants.,  1650;  conformed  and  was  buried 
there  Mar.  25,  1684.   Possibly  father  of  the  next. 

SANDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  7,  1664. 
Perhaps  s.  of  William  (?  above),  V.  of  Finedon,  Northants. 
(or  possibly  s.  of  William,  of  Pilton,  Northants.,  gent.). 
School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1673. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  7,  1668-9;  priest,  June  14,  1674. 
Master  of  the  School  at  Harrowden  parva,  Northants., 
1669-72.  C.  of  Pytchley,  1672-4.  V.  of  Weston-by-Welland, 
1673-86.   Died  1686. 

SANDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  9, 
1692.  Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Pilton, 
gent.  Bapt.  June  17,  1672,  at  Aston,  Northants.  (his 
mother's  home).  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7; 
M.A.  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1698.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Compton,  Surrey,  1715. 

SANDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
July  9,  1708.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  BittesweU,  Leics.,  gent. 
Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  19,  1713;  priest,  Mar.  13,  1714-5.  Probably  C.  of 
Aldwinkle  St  Peter,  Northants.,  1718;  R.,  1719-24.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Holford,  Somerset,  1723-36.  Died  1736. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1702). 

SANDERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  20,  1716.  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of 
Lieutenant  Francis,  of  Middlesex.  B.  Mar.  30,  1696,  in 
London.  Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1720-1.  Ord.  priest  (Rochester) 
Mar.  6,  1725-6-  C.  of  Lamberhurst,  Kent,  1726.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  HI.  307.) 

SANDFORD,  see  also  SAMPFORD. 

SANFORD  or  SAUNFORD,  ALEXANDER  DE.  '  King's  Scholar,' 
1337-45-   Became  a  monk,  1345. 

SANDFORD,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  i8,  1723.  S.  of  Daniel,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London. 
Schools,  Manchester  (Mr  Barrow)  and  Wanslay,  Derbs.  (Mr 
Fameworth).  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730.  R.  of 
Mavesin  Ridware,  Staffs.,  1730-80.  Died  Mar.  3,  1780, 
aged  74.  M.I.  at  St  Nicholas,  Castle  Hedingham.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1780.   (Shaw,  I.  197.) 

SANFORD,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1620  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1601-2;  M.A.  (Broadgates  Hall) 
1618.  V.  of  Royston,  Yorks.,  1617-9.  V.  of  Silkstone,  1619- 
35.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SANDFORD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1613;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619. 

SANFORD,  HUMFREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  16,  1668-9.  S.  of  Richard,  Esq.,  of  Whitchurch',  Salop. 
B.  there,  1650.  School,  Shrewsbury  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric. 
1672;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Fellow,  1672-81.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  8,  1670.  Succeeded  to  the  family  estates 
in  1676.  Died  unmarried,  Oct.  28,  1712.  Buried  at  St  Chad's, 
Shrewsbury.  Benefactor  to  St  John's.  (ScoU-Mayor;  Burke, 

SANFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  28,  1645. 
Matric.  1645.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Gray's  Inn, 
Esq.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  26,  1646. 

SANDFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  13)  at  Magdalene,  June 
17,  1663.  S.  of  John,  of  Lilford,  Northants.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Ord. deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  19,  1668;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1670. 

SANFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  2, 
1663-4.  S.  of  Humfrey,  of  Broadclist,  Devon.  B.  there. 
School,  Broadclist  (Mr  Coplston).  Matric.  1664.  Migrated 
to  Pembroke,  1664.  B.A.  1667-8.  Perhaps  of  Mamhead, 
Devon,  clerk;  admon.  (Exeter)  1689. 

SANDFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  19, 
1674.  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Shifnal,  Salop. 
School,  Shifnal.  Matric.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1679-80.  Doubtless  V.  of  Long  Buckby, 
Northants.,  1680-1720.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Whilton,  in  1690. 
Married  Mary  Line,  of  Long  Buckby,  Nov.  7,  1683,  at 
Whilton.  Buried  at  Long  Buckby,  Mar.  28,  1720.  Will 
(Archd.  Northampton)  1720.  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

Sandford,  John 

SANDFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  i6)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  8,  1687.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  High  Ongar,  Essex. 
School,  Bishop's  Stortford  {Mr  Cooper).  Matric.  1688;  M.A. 
1690  {Com.  Reg.).  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward  Denny, 
Esq.,  of  Bishop's  Stortford.  Died  Nov.  28,  1743.  aged  73. 
M.I.  at  Bishop's  Stortford.  A  benefactor  to  Bishop's  Stort- 
ford.  {Clutterbuck,  ill.  259;  Peile,  11.  104.) 

SANDFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  24, 
1720.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Westminster.   Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1724-5. 

SANFORD,  MARTIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  15, 
1692.  S.  of  Thomas  (1664).  B.  at  Thorverton,  Devon. 
School,  Tiverton  (Mr  Sanders).  Matric.  1692;  Scholar,  1693; 
B.A.  1696-7.  One  of  these  names  of  Puddington,  Devon, 
clerk.  Admon.  (Exeter)  1716.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake.   {Peile,  11.  124.) 

SANDFORD,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  1,  1680. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Shrewsbury,  clerk.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  Mar.  17,  1664-5,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1668;  M.A. 
(Cambridge)  1680.  V.  of  Wrotham,  Kent,  1680-1715.  Died 
Oct.  1715.   M.I.  at  Wrotham.    {Al.  Oxon.) 

SANDFORD,  Sir  RICHARD,  Bart.  Adm.  Nobleman  (age  17)  at 
Christ's,  Aug.  27,  1692.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard,  Bart.,  of 
Howgill  Castle,  Westmorland,  deceased.  B.  there,  Sept.  8, 
1675  (said  to  have  been  at  the  hour  of  his  father's  death). 
School,  London.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  Sept.  8,  1675.  M.P. 
for  Westmorland,  1695-1700;  for  Morpeth,  1701-2;  for 
Appleby,  1713-23.  Of  Howgill  Castle.  Died  unmarried, 
Apr.  2,  1723.   {Peile,  11.  126;  G.£.C.,  11.  133.) 

SANDFORD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  23,  1650. 
Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Colchester,  gent, 
(by  his  1st  wife,  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Soames).  B.  at  Ford- 
ham,  Essex.  School,  Colchester.  Age  9  in  1640-1.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  i,  1657.   {Essex  Arch.  Soc,  N.S.,  iv.  38.) 

SANDFORD,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Mar.  18,  1656-7  {cler.  fil.); 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1661;  M.A.  1664.  Faculty  (Lambeth)  to  receive 
Holy  Orders,  Dec.  21,  1667.  V.  of  ToUesbury,  Essex,  1671-7. 
R.  of  Radwinter,  1677.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1705;  of 
Walden,  Essex.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SANDFORD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  3,  1731-2.  S.  of  Samuel,  attorney,  of  Salop.  B.  at 
Whitchurch.  School,  Wem  (Mr  Appleton).  Matric.  1732; 
B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1741.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  21, 
1735-6;  priest,  June  i,  1740;  C.  of  Haconby,  Lines.  Lecturer 
at  Halifax,  Yorks.,  1744.  V.  of  Huddersfield,  1753-9.  R-  of 
Thomhill,  1756-60.  Died  1760. 

SANDFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  26,  1591.  Of  Bristol.  Matric.  c.  1591;  B.A.  1595; 
M.A.  1606.  Fellow,  1594-8.  R.  of  Sutton  Valence,  Kent, 
1606-14.  R.  of  Hope  AU  Saints',  1612.  V.  of  Newington- 
next-Hythe,  1615-45.  Buried  at  Hope,  June  24,  1645.  Will 
(Canterbury)  1645.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SANDFORD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1647-8.  Of  Middlesex. 

SANDFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  17,  1650. 
Of  Kent. 

SANDFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 
13,  1664.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Musbury,  Devon.  School, 
Broad  Clist  (Mr  Copleston).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667;  M.^. 
1678.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (Exeter)  May; 
priest,  Dec.  1668.  V.  of  Thorverton,  Devon,  in  1677.  Died 
there  Sept.  29,  1716.  Will,  Exeter.  Father  of  Martin  (1692). 
{Peile,  I.  608.) 

SANFORD,  TOBIAS.  M.A.  1578  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1570;  M.A.  1574;  M.B.  and  licensed  to  practise 
medicine,  Jan.  14,  1600-1. 

SANDFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  20, 
1617-8.  Matric.  1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D.  1632. 
R.  of  White  Roding,  Essex,  by  sequestration,  1648-60. 
Living,  1670,  when  he  gave  £5  towards  the  College  Chapel. 

SANDFORD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  1632. 
V.  of  Walpole  St  Andrew,  Norfolk,  1632. 

SANDFORD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2, 

1642.  Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1642. 
SANDFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28, 
1709.  Of  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A. 
1716;  D.D.  1750.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  4,  1721.  R.  of 
a  benefice  in  Salop.  P.C.  of  St  Mary  Aldermary,  London, 
c.  1736-54.  President  of  Sion  College,  1752.  Died  Nov.  7, 
1754.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1754;  of  St  Mary  Aldermary.  (But 
Hennessy  says  he  died  in  1765.) 

SANFORTH, .   B.Can.L.  1503-4. 

SANFORD,  B.Can.L.  1511-2.    Probably  George,  V.  of 

Flore,  Northants.,  152&-32,  resigned.  {Bridges,  i.  508.) 

Sandy,  Richard 

SANDFORD, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Jime  4,  1645. 

SANDHAM,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1735.  S.  of  WiUiam, 
of  Petworth,  Sussex,  gent.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1722-5.  Matric. 
(Merton  College,  Oxford)  July  17, 1725,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1729-30.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

1534-5;  D.Civ.L.  1539-40.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1537-43- 
R.  of  St  Martin,  Ludgate,  London,  1542-50.  Preb.  of 
Westminster,  1546-54.  V.  of  Canewdon,  Essex,  1547-54, 
deprived.  P.C.  of  Paddington,  until  1559.  Died  1559.  WiU 
dated,  Aug.  6,  1557;  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  20,  1559. 

SANDEFORTH,  MILES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June 
15,  1675.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School, 
Giggleswick.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1680;  priest,  Sept.  1682.  V.  of  Hooton 
Pagnell,  Yorks.,  1691-6.  Buried  there  July  4,  1696.  {Peile, 
"•  59-) 

SANDIFORD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  15,  1718.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  the  Barbadoes.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors',  London.   Matric.  1717. 

SANDIFORD,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  3, 
1729.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1749. 
V.  of  St  BarthoIomew-the-Less,  London,  1750-4.  R.  of 
Christ  Church,  Newgate  Street,  1754-80.  Died  Apr.  13, 
1780,  aged  65.   Will,  P.C.C.   (G.  Mag.;  Hennessy.) 

SANDIVER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
1738.  S.  of  William,  carpenter,  of  Newmarket.  B.  there. 
School,  Bury  (Mr  KjTinesman).  Scholar,  1738-43;  Matric. 
1740;  B.A.  1742.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  26,  i743; 
priest  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from  Rochester)  Feb.  23,  1752.  C.  of 
Thomey.  R.  of  Croyland,  Lines.,  1761.  Buried  there.  June  1, 
1762.   {Venn,  11.  44.) 

SANDLAND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  7,  1746.  S.  of  Thomas,  maltster,  of  Salop.  B.  at  Wem. 
School,  Wem  (Mr  Appleton).  Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1749-50. 
Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  22,  1751;  C.  of  Moreton  Corbet, 
Salop;  C.  of  Eccles,  Lanes.,  1754.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
St  Devereux,  Hereford,  1771-91.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  559.) 

SANDON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1638. 
Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1641-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jime  5, 

SANDON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1596. 
B.  at  Grimsthorpe,  Lines.,  1578.  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  June  9,  1602.  R.  of  Well,  Lines.,  1605-6. 
R.  of  Halton  Holgate,  1606. 

SANDON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  10, 
1646.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Southwark.  School,  Southwark 
(Mr  Woodward).  Matric.  1647,  'Saddon';  Scholar.  Buried 
at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  May  7,  1649.   {Peile,  i.  510.) 

SANDON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May,  1648. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1651.  R.  of  Astwick, 
Beds.,  1663.  V.  of  Arlesey,  1666.  Buried  July  11,  1668,  at 

SANDON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1680.  Of 
Lincolnshire.   Matric.  1680,  'Saundem';  B.A.  1683-4. 

SANDEN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1628. 
Perhaps  same  as  the  next. 

SANDON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1630.  Of 
Bedfordshire.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  R.  of  Thorpe-on- 
the-Hill,  Lines.,  1641-2. 

SANDWELL,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June,  1625.  S.  of  Geoffrey,  yeoman,  deceased.  B.  at 
Minster,  Kent.   Schools,  St  John's  and  Wye.   Matric.  1625. 

SANDWELL,  GEOFFREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1651.   Of  Kent. 

SANDWICH,  JOHN,  Earl  of,  see  MONTAGU. 

SANDWYCKE,  JOHN.   M.A.   Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1399. 

SANDWITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  scholar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  1591. 
S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Stillington,  Yorks.  School,  Bury  St 
Edmunds  (Mr  Wright).  Scholar,  1592-5.  Of  Barton-on- 
Humber,  Lines.  Married  Magdalen,  dau.  of  Richard  Atkin- 
son, of  Barton.  Living  in  1640.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  850;  Venn,  i.  144.) 

SANDWITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1626-7.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Henry  (above).  Bapt.  Feb.  12, 
1608-9,  at  Barton-on-Humber.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  23, 
1629  {sic).  Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Nelthorpe, 
of  Beverley,  Yorks.;  (2)  Sarah  Swann.  Buried  at  Barton, 
Nov.  23,  1640.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  850.) 

SANDIE,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1587  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Exeter  College,  Oxford)  c.  1581,  age  18;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A. 
1586.  Fellow  of  Exeter  College,  1581-90.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  12,  1589-90.  R.  of  Gt  Linford,  Bucks., 
1589-1634.  Buried  there  1634.  {Al.  Oxon.) 


Sandy,  Thomas 

SANDY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1601-2.  Perhaps  ord 
priest  (Norwich)  June  15,  1606;  'aged  28;  M.A.'  R.  of 
Horningtoft,  Norfolk,  1606. 

SANDYE,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1544- 

B.A.  1544-5- 
SANDYLANDS,  ANDREW.    Fellow  of  Christ's,   1624-30.    A 

Scotchman.    M.A.    1615   (probably  of  Edinburgh).    R.   of 

Gt  Waldingfield,  Suffolk,  1632 ; '  the  proud  audatious  Parson,' 

signs,  1638  (Par.  Reg.). 

SANDYS,  see  also  SONDES. 

SANDS,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter 
1551.  Probably  6th  s.  of  George  (?  William),  of  Hawkshead' 
Lanes.  OfEsthwaite.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Mann  of 
Bullingbroke,  Lines.  Buried  at  Hawkshead,  Nov.  13  1501 
Brother  of  Edwin  (1538-9)  and  Miles  (1544). 

SANDYS  or  SANDS,  BENEDICT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel 
June  14,  1688.  S.  of  Sir  Richard,  of  Northboume  Court' 
Kent,  Knt.,  and  twin-brother  of  Sir  Richard,  Bart.  Matric! 
1688.  Died  s.p.,  1700,  aged  29.  (Foster,  Lanes.  Pedi- 

SANDYS,  CHAUNCY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  is)  at  Sidney,  July  27, 
1621.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Culworth,  Northants.,  gent.,  deceased 
(and  PrisciUa,  dau.  of  Sir  Toby  Chauncy,  of  Edgcote).  B 
at  Edgcote,  Northants.  Schools,  Edgcote  and  Ashby.  Matric 

SANDYS,  DAVID.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter  1611 
Possibly  3rd  s.  of  Adam,  of  Graythwaite,  Westmorland-  if 
so,  afterwards  of  Fieldhead.  B.  at  Pontefract.  B.A.  from 
Tnnity,  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  10 
1619,  age  24.   (Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

^A^^l^.^O^^^-  Of  St  John's.  S.  of  George  (?  William) 
(and  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Dixon,  of  London),  and  probably 
grandson  of  William,  of  Hawkshead,  Lanes.  (There  appears 
to  be  some  confusion  among  the  authorities  as  to  his  parent- 
age and  ancestry,  but  in  the  Visitations  he  generally  occurs 
as  s.  of  George,  citizen  of  London.)  Probably  b.  at  Esthwaite 
HaU,  c.  1519.  B.A.  1538-9;  M.A.  1541;  B.D.  1546;  D.D 
1549-  Proctor,  1542-3.  Master  of  St  Catharine's,  1549-53 
ejected.  Vice-Chancellor,  1552-3.  V.  of  Haversham,  Bucks  ' 
in  1548.  Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1549-54;  deprived,  but 
restored,  1559.  Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1552-4-  Imprisoned  for 
his  support  of  Lady  Jane  Grey.  Afterwards  in  retirement  at 
Strasburg.  Bishop  of  Worcester,  i559-7o;  of  London,  1570-7. 
Archbishop  oi  York,  1577-88.  One  of  the  translators  of  the 
Bishops'  Bible.  Married  Cicely,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wilford  of 
Cranbrook,  Kent.  Died  July  10,  1588.  Buried  in  SouthweU 
Minster.  M.I.  Ancestor  in  the  female  line  of  Sandys- 
Lumsdaine  and  of  Lord  Sandys.  Father  of  Miles  (1578)  and 
brother  of  Miles  (1544)-  {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Vis.  of  Cambs 
1619;  Vts.  of  Bueks.,  1634;  D.N.B.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  111.  115- 
Cooper,  II.  24.) 

SANDYS,  EDWIN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse  Oct  6 
1617-  Perhaps  s.  of  Miles  (1578),  of  Wilburton,  Cambs! 
Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1621-2.  One  of  these  names  buried  at 
South  Witham,  Lines.,  Nov.  22,  1630.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

SANDYS,  EDWIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  c.  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan  18 
1630-1.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Hamlette  Booth  in  Hawkshead' 
Fumess  Fells,  Lanes.,  and  grandson  of  Adam,  of  Graythwaite' 
School,  Sedbcrgh.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  MA  from' 
Peterhouse,  1638.  FcUow  of  Peterhouse,  Apr.  3,  1638-46 
ejected.   (T.  A.  Walker,  61;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

SANDYS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel  Oct  27 
1726.  Matric.  1732.  One  of  these  names,  M.D.  1739  '{Lit 
Reg.),  'skiUed  in  physic'  Surgeon  and  lecturer  in  anatomy 
m  Cambridge.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  1771;  of  Potton,  Beds. 

SANDYS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  Apr  5 
1621.  S  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  in  St  Andrew's,  London! 
School,  Walden,  Essex.  Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5-  MA 
1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  14;  priest,  Apr.  15'  1629 
R.  of  Willersey,  Gloucs.,  1630-c.  42;  sequestered,  and  1660- 
c.  1690.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SANDYS,  HANBURY.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1700.  5th  s  of 
Edward,  of  Brimpsfield,  Gloucs.,  gent.  Matric.  (St  Mary 
Hall,  Oxford)  IVIar.  22,  1688-9,  age  15;  B.A.  (Hart  Hall, 
Oxford)  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (Winchester)  Dec.  24  1601- 
priest,  Mar.  4,  1693-4.  R- of  Brimpsfield,  1710-26.  Chaplam 
in  the  Navy;  dismissed,  c.  1714.  Will,  Gloucs.  C.C.  (Al 
Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SANDYS,    HENRY.    Matric.   sizar    from    St    John's,   Michs 

SANDYS,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter 
1566.  ' 

SANDYS,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  28 
1703.  S.  of  Henry,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  ' 

Sandys,  William 

SANDES,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  23,  i6ir. 
S.  of  Robert  gent.,  of  Tumby  and  of  Bennington,  Lines 
School  Lobthorpe  (Mr  John  Bayes,  B.A.).  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Robert  Middlemore,  of  Enfield,  Middlesex 
Apr.  28,  1627.  Of  Thornton  Curtis,  Lines.,  in  1634.  Died 
Dec.  21,  1664,  aged  74  (sic).  Buried  at  GoxhiU.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  848.)  ^ 

SANDYS,  JOHN  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  15,  1671. 
b.°l  ^m""^^*-.,^-  ""}  ^V"'^^  ^"«^"*'  L^ncs.  School,  Hawks- 
head (Mr  Bordeley).  Matnc.  1671.  Migrated  to  St  John's 
M^V^^  /<,'•  I^-A- 1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
r  ^/^' w^3-  R-  of  Doddinghurst,  Essex,  1683-^9.  Died 
1699.   (Petle,  II.  35.)  ^  ^^ 

^^^°\^'k^'^Fu^-  ^f^^'"-  P^°^-  ^'•°'°  St  John's,  Michs.  1544. 
AH°,^^^7t^'\?-^°i  G£°'-ge(?  William),  of  Esthwaite,  Lanes. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  1551  (s.  of  William).  Bencher 
1578.  Treasurer,  1588-95.  Clerk  of  the  Crown.  Of  Latimer 
r  ^.rl,?"'^  °X^""P^'^^^^'  Gloucs.  Married  (i)  Hester,  dau 
of  WiUiam  Chfton,  of  Barrington,  Somerset;  (2)  Brideet 
Colt,  of  Latimers.  Died  Oct.  22,  1601,  at  Latimers.  Brother 
°lT,"i^ 538-9)-  (Vis.  of  Bucks.,  1634;  Vis.  of  Gloucs., 
1623;  Middle  Temple  Benek  Bk.) 

SANDYS,  MILES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1578 
Of  Wilburton,  Isle  of  Ely.  3rd  s.  of  Edwin  (1538-9),  Arch- 
bishop of  York  (by  his  2nd  wife  Cecilia,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Wilford,  of  Cranbrook,  Kent).  B.  Mar.  29,  1563.  School 
Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Fellow,  1581. 
FeUow  of  Queens',  1585-8.  Proctor,  1588-9.  Preb.  of  York 
1585-1602.  Knighted,  May  11,  1603.  Created  Bart.,  Nov' 
25,  1612.  M.P.  for  the  University,  1614;  for  Huntingdon 
1621-2;  for  Cambs.,  1628-9.  Sheriff  for  Cambs.  and  Hunts 
1615-6.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Cooke,  of 
North  Cray,  Kent;  (2)  Mary  West,  widow.  Died  1645.  WiU 
(P.C.C.)  1645-  Perhapsfatherof  Richard  (1609).  (Robinson, 
I.  17;  Cooper,  II.  352;  G.E.C.,  1.  89.) 

SANDYS,  MILES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  24 
1623-4.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas  (1584)  and  grandson  of 
Edwin,  Archbishop  of  York.  B.  in  Blackfriars,  London. 
School,  Maldon  (Mr  John  Daynes).  Matric.  1624;  B.A  1627- 
8;  M.A.  1631.  FeUowof  Peterhouse,  1654.  Perhaps  the  same 
who  was  presented  to  '  Hardwick-CMwj-Membris,  Warwick  ' 
Feb.  9,  1646-7.   (Shaw,  i.  337;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.)  ' 

SANDS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  8  1664 
Matnc.  1664;  Scholar,  1668;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1674. 
Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  June  16,  1671-  'C.  of 
South  Weald,  Essex.'  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  24,  1671. 

SANDES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1609 
Possibly  s.  of  Miles  (1578).  If  so,  buried  at  South  Witham 
Lines.,  Aug.  13,  1619.  (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

SANDYS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634- 
a  scholar  from  Westminster.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Edwin 
of  Northboume,  Kent,  and  grandson  of  Edwin  (1538-9)! 
A  Colonel  in  the  Parliament  army.  Of  Donne  Hall,  near 
Westerham.  Died  1669.  One  of  these  names  2nd  s  of 
Edwin,  of  Ombersley,  Worcs.,  Knt.  B.  1616.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  May  14,  1636.  KiUed  at  Edgehill,  Oct.  ii,  1642.  (Al. 
Westmon.;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

SANDES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1606. 
One  of  these  names,  'of  Dettington'  (?  Distington),  Cumber- 
land, adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1607.  Probably  brother  of 
Walter  (1606). 

SANDYS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Jan.  26,  1615-6. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  London,  gent.  Matric.  1615-6;  B.A.  1619- 
20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Nov.  1;  priest,  Nov.  2, 
1625.  R.ofBoddington,  Northants.,  1628-75.  Married  Alice, 
dau.  of  Laurence  Washington,  of  Sulgrave,  Northants. 
Buried  at  Boddington,  Dec.  13, 1675,  aged  75.  (Baker,  1.  482; 
Bridges,  i.  106.) 

SANDYS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  i,  1669. 
Of  Worcester.  S.  of  Martin,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of  Sir 
Samuel,  of  Ombersley,  Worcs.,  Knt.  B.  May  19,  1653. 
Scholar,  1671;  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1673-4.  Fellow,  1674-6. 
Died  Nov.  19,  1676,  aged  23.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  172;  T.  A. 
Walker,  141.) 

SANDES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1584. 
Probably  5th  s.  of  Edwin  (1538-9).  B.  Dec.  3,  1568.  Of 
London.  Doubtless  father  of  Miles  (1624). 

SANDES,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1606.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert.  Bapt.  Dec.  21,  1585,  at  St  Bees, 
Cumberland.  Possibly  migrated  to  Oxford;  matric.  (Queen's 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  17,  1608-9,  age  20;  'of  Cumb.,  pleb.' 
Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1606).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SANDYS,  WILLIAM.   Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1449-59. 

SANDYS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  8, 

1720-1.     S.    of   John,    of   London.     School,    Westminster. 

Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1722;  B.A.  1724-5. 


Sankey,  Clement 

SANKEY  or  ZANCHY,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at 
Magdalene,  Mar.  13, 1647-8.  S.  of  Walter,  gent.,  of  London. 
Matric.  1647-8;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655;  D.D.  1668.  Fellow. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.  R.  of  St  Clement  Eastcheap, 
London,  1666-1707.  R.  of  Colne-Engaine,  Essex.  R.  of 
Settrington,  Yorks.,  1667.  Canon  of  York,  1669-1707.  R.  of 
Whitchurch,  Salop,  1684.  Licensed  Apr.  10,  1669,  to  marry 
Mary  Archer,  of  Bourn,  Cambs.  Died  1707.  {Hennessy;  H. 
B.  Swanzy.) 

SANKEY  or  ZANKEY,  JEREMY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1637.  S.  of  Richard  (1608),  of  Salop,  cler.  Migrated  to 
Clare,  July  4,  1640.  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  Fellow  of  All 
Souls,  and  sub-warden,  1648,  by  the  Parliamentary  visitors. 
Proctor  (Oxford),  1649.  Ordered  to  be  created  D.C.L.,  1649. 
Commander  of  cavalry  in  the  Parliamentary  Force  in 
Ireland.  M.P.  for  Tipperary  and  Waterford,  1654-5;  for 
Reigate,  1656;  for  Marlborough,  1657;  for  Woodstock,  1659. 
Knighted,  Nov.  16,  1658.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SANKYE,  HAMLET.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1572. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Edesborough,  Bucks.  Preb.  of  St 
Patrick's,  Dublin,  1581.    (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Fasti,  v.  241,  304.) 

SANKEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  June  22, 
1712.  S.  of  Richard  (1673),  V.  of  Downton,  Hereford, 
deceased.  B.  at  Leintwardine,  Hereford.  School,  Leint- 
wardine.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6.  R.  of  Elveden,  Suffolk, 
1728-39.  R.  of  Icklingham  St  James',  1731-9.  Died  1739. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1708). 

SANKEY,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1608  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Salop,  cler.  fil.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Peter,  R.  of  Wem,  Salop. 
Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  20,  1598,  age  16;  B.A. 
1602;  M.A.  (St  Edmund's  Hall,  Oxford)  1605.  R.  of  Wem, 
Salop,  1606.  R.  of  Hodnet,  1615.  Died  1634.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Father  of  Jeremy  (1637).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SANCHEY  or  ZANCHEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus, 
Oct.  21,  1673.  S.  of  Humphrey,  of  Gatting,  Salop.  Matric. 
(Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  17,  1670-1,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Cambridge)  1674-5.  V.  of  Downton,  Hereford,  1681.  Father 
of  John  (1712),  Thomas  {1708)  and  perhaps  of  the  next. 

SANKEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  24,  1699. 
Of  Salop.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard  (above).  Matric.  1699;  B.A. 
1702-3;  M.A.  from  King's,  1706.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1704.  Chaplain  at  King's,  1705.  R.  of  Elveden, 
Suffolk,  1706-28.  Died  1728.  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next 
and  of  John  (1712). 

SANKEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  July 
19,  1708.  S.  of  Richard  (1673),  V.  of  Downton,  Hereford. 
B.  at  Leintwardine,  Hereford.  School,  Leintwardine.  Matric. 
1710.  Brother  of  John  (1712)  and  perhaps  of  Richard  (above). 

SANSOME  or  SANSONN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
July,  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  24,  1626.   (Peile,  i.  329.) 

SANSOM  or  SANSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  29,  1690.  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Doubtless 
s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  London.  Bapt.  July  i,  1674,  at  St  Olave, 
Hart  Street.  Matric.  1690.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
May  28,  1692.  Will  dated,  Feb.  27,  1704-5;  proved  (P.C.C.) 
May  4,  1705,  by  Anne  Sansom,  widow.   [Al.  Carthus.) 

SANSON  or  SANSAM,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Magdalene,  June  8,  1653.  S.  of  Richard  (i6ii),  late  R.  of 
Hemingby,  Lines.  School,  Lincohi.  Matric.  1653;  B.A. 
1656-7;  M.A.  1662.   Probably  R.  of  WithcaU,  Lines.,  1660. 

SANSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  25, 
1579-  Matric.  1579;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1582-3. 

SANSOME  or  SANSAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1611.  Of  Leicestershire.  B.A.  1614-5; 
M.A.  1619.  R.  of  Thorganby,  Lines.,  1622.  R.  of  Hemingby] 
1632.  Will  (Lincohi)  1639;  Sansan.  Father  of  Nicholas 

SANSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  21, 
1638.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Twizell,  Northumberland.  Schools, 
Morpeth  and  Newcastle  (Mr  Oxlev).  Matric.  1638;  B.A. 
1641-2.  One  of  these  names  Usher  of  Newcastle  Grammar 
School,  in  1662.   {Peile,  i.  453.) 

SANSOME,  WILLIAM.  .\dm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  17,  1661. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1661.  Perhaps  schoolmaster  of 
Hinckley,  Leics.,  1685.   (Nichols,  iv.  702.) 

SANSTROP,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1639. 

SANTON,  ROBERT.  D.Can.L.  1460-1.  Perhaps  R.  of  Birch- 
anger,  Essex,  i486.  Died  1487. 

SANTRATH, (sic).  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1619  (in  ordo). 

SAP?,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1627.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  V.  of  Guest- 
wick,  Norfolk,  1639. 

SAPWELL,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1512-3. 
SARE,  see  also  SAYER  and  SAWYER. 

Satterthwaite,  William 

SARB  or  SAYER,  ADY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1590. 
S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Lenham,  Kent  (and  Joanna,  dau.  of 
John  Ady).  B.A.  1593-4.  .^dm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov. 
1593.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1603.  Bencher,  1619.  Lent  Reader, 
1620.  Of  Provenders,  Norton,  Kent.  Married  and  had  issue. 
(Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Inner  Temple,  Masters  of  the  Bench.) 

SARE,  CHRISTOPHER.  LL.B.  1565-6. 

SARE  or  SARES,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  30, 
1645.  Of  Sussex.  Matric.  1645;  Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1649-50. 

SARE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1580.  Of 

SARE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1639. 

SARE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1638  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  of  Woodhurst,  Sussex, 
pleb.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Jan.  31,  1622-3, 
age  17;  B.A.  1625-6.  M.A.  not  recorded.  R.  of  Whatlington, 
Sussex,  1641.  One  of  these  names  of  St  Antholin's,  London, 
clerk;  buried  there  Aug.  27,  1678;  will  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1678.   (Al.  Oxon.) 


SARGENSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1655.  Of  Coventry.  School,  Coventry.  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A. 
from  King's,  1662.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1663.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  8,  1661;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1662.  Chaplain 
at  King's,  1661.  C.  of  St  Edward's,  Cambridge.  C.  of 
Harbledown,  Kent,  c.  1663-70.  R.  of  St  George's,  Canter- 
bury, 1671.  R.  of  St  Mildred,  1672-84.  Minor  canon,  c. 
1679-82.  R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  1681.  Buried  at  St 
George's,  Canterbury,  May  13,  1684.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SARGENSON,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1571.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  R.  of  Ittering- 
ham,  Norfolk,  1585.  R.  of  Thwaite,  1605-12.  R.ofReedham, 

SAROP,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1457. 


SARSON,  see  also  SEARSON. 

SARESON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1631.  Of  Leicestershire.  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1636.  V.  of  Headon,  Notts., 
1637-40.  Died  1640. 

SARSON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  21, 
1628-9.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3; 
M.A.  1636;  B.D.  from  St  Catharine's,  1643.  Fellow  of 
Emmanuel,  1636.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639.  Pre- 
sented to  Silk  WiUoughby,  Lines.,  1647. 

SARSON,  OLIVER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Lidgate,  Suffolk,  1576-1625.  Died 

SARSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1566; 
B.A.  1570-1;  M..^.  1574.  R.  of  Burton  Overy,  Leics.,  1576; 
'Aged  28;  well  learned;  preacher;  ord.  by  Bp  of  Peter- 
borough' (Lib.  Cleri,  1576.) 

SARSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  30, 
1622.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Stanford-on-Soar, 
Notts.  School,  Loughborough  (Mr  Spunge).  Matric.  1622; 
Scholar,  1625-7;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  R.  of  Stanford- 
on-Soar,  1630.   (Venn,  1.  259.) 

SARSON, .  B.A.  1478-9. 

SARTAIN  or  SARTON,  RALPH.  B.A.  1569-70,  as  Serton.  Of 
Richmondshire.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1573.  Fellow,  1571. 
(Loder  gives  M..^.  1563;  Fellow,  1561.) 


SATTERTHWAITE,  BISHOP.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  20, 
1656-7.  S.  and  h.  of  PhiUp  (1637),  of  Bromley,  Kent. 
Matric.  1656-7.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Sept.  2,  1662. 
Scholar  there;  B.A.  1663-4.  (T.  A.  Walker,  121;  Vis.  of 
Kent,  1663.) 

SATTERTHWAITE,  ELIAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  zy)  at  Christ's, 
June  23,  1636.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Gt  Oakley,  Northants. 
School,  Oakham  (Mr  Stackhouse).  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1639- 
40  (Elijah);  M.A.  1643.   (Peile,  1.  444.) 

SATTERTHWAITE,  PHILIP.  M.A.  1637  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Northamptonshire.  4th  s.  of  Francis,  of  Lamport.  Bapt. 
there,  Feb.  11,  1600-1.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 
Oct.  26,  1621,  age  20;  degrees  not  recorded.  LL.D.  from 
Peterhouse,  1662.  V.  of  BirUng,  Kent,  until  1643,  'D.D.' 
R.  of  Ibstock,  Leics.,  1660-6.  Of  Bromley,  Kent.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1666;  of  Bromley.  Father  of  Bishop  (1656-7). 
(Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1663.) 

SATERTHWAIT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1673.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Fumess  Fells,  Lanes.  B. 
there.  School,  Kendal.   Matric.  1673. 

SAUCER  orSACER, .  B.A.  1511-2;  M.A.  1515- 


Sauchier,  William 

SAUCHIER,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit). 

SAUL,  see  also  SALL  and  SAWELL. 

SAUL,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  3,   1659. 

Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1663.  Signs  for  deacon's 

orders  (London)  Sept.  18,  1663;  C.  of  Bassingthorpe,  Lines. 
SAUL,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  13,  1622.    Of 

Lincolnsliire.    Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Oct.  1622.    Matric. 

1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1634. 
SAULE,  WALTER.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  Dec.  3, 1361. 

Promoted  to  a  benefice,  1387. 


SAURESBY,  JAMES.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1584;  B.A.  1587-8. 
SAUTINIUS    (SAUTIN),    PETER.     M.D.    162 1    (Incorp.    from 

Padua).   Practised  at  Norwich.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1630. 


SAVACRE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633;  B.A.  1637-8.  Possibly  s.  of  Edward  (Savacar),  R.  of 
Notgrove,  Gloucs.,  in  1577  and  again  in  1594. 

SAVACRE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SAVADGE,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  6,  1631.  Of 
Sussex.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1640.  Ord. 
deacon  (Carlisle)  Mar.  5,  1636-7.  R.  of  Brougham,  West- 
morland; ejected,  1644;  restored,  1660-3.  Preb.  of  Carlisle, 
1660-1700.  V.  of  Caldbeck,  Cumberland,  1663-1700.  Died 
1700.  Father  of  Richard  (1656-7).  (For  a  contemporary 
see  Al.  Oxon.)   (Nightingale,  1247.) 

SAVAGE,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
May  31,  1662.  S.  of  William,  of  Northlees,  Derbs.  School, 
Dronfield.   Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6. 

SAVAGE,  ATHELSTAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
July  7,  1680.  S.  of  Andrew,  clerk.  B.  at  Llanbrynmair, 
Montgomery.  School,  Llanidloes  (Mr  Lloyd).  Matric.  1681; 
B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1689.  Second  Master  of  Oswestry  School. 
R.  of  Llan-y-Cil,  Merioneth,  1690-1705.  (St  Asaph,  iii. 

SAVAGE,  BONIFACE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1579; 
B.A.  from  Clare,  1584-5;  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1588. 

SAVAGE,  BONIFACE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1598.  One  of  these  names  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.,  in  1629; 
married  Mercy,  dau.  of  Charles  Young,  of  Methley,  in 

SAVAGE,  CULPEPER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May 
14,  1706.  S.  of  John  (1659-6),  clerk,  of  Uppingham,  Rutland. 

B.  there.  School,  Uppingham  (under  his  father).  Matric. 
1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar. 
16,  1711-2.  V.  of  Stone-in-Oxney,  Kent,  until  i753-  V.  of 
Sutton  Valence,  1723.  R.  of  Eastry,  1747-53-  R-  of  Town 
Sutton,  1747.  Buried  at  St  James',  Bath,  June  2,  1753. 
Brother  of  John  (1686). 

SAVAGE,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1615-6;  M.A.  1619. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  1,  1617-8;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1618. 

C.  of  Swavesey,  Cambs.,  1618.  R.  of  Tilbrook,  Beds.,  1621. 
P.C.  of  Long  Stow,  Hunts.,  in  1651. 

SAVAGE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1573. 
Migrated  to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1578;  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582; 
B.D.  1589;  D.D.  1608.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1581.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1601.  V.  of  Trumpington,  Cambs.,  1594-5-  V.  of 
Chesterton,  1599.  V.  of  Masham,  Yorks.,  1601-2.  R.  of 
Farthinghoe,  Northants.,  1602-38.  R.  of  Ripple,  Worcs., 
1607.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1638.   Father  of  the  next. 

SAVAGE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1633. 
S.  of  Francis  (above),  clerk,  R.  of  Ripple,  Worcs.  Matric. 
(Magdalen  HaU,  Oxford)  Dec.  9,  1631,  age  16;  B.A.  (Em- 
manuel) 1634-5;  M.A.  (do.)  1638. 

SAVAGE,  HENRY.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1583;  'B.A.; 
of  St  John's;  age  30;  of  Hallingbury,  Essex ';  priest.  May  27, 
1586.  B.  at  Glandford  Brigg,  Lines.  C.  of  Hormead, 

SAVAGE,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1671. 
Matric.  Easter,  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679;  B.D.  1690. 
Fellow,  1675-91.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Mar.  11,  1676-7. 
Died  1691.   (Harwood.) 

SAVAGE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Aug.  14,  1675. 
Of  London.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1666-74.  One  of  these  names 
adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  27,  1681. 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1437-47-  Perhaps 
R.  of  Bale,  Norfolk,  c.  1447.  One  of  these  names,  'LL.B.,' 
R.  of  St  Andrew  Undershaft,  London,  1443-75-  Died  1475; 
to  be  buried  in  St  Paul's.   Will,  Coram.  C.  London. 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

Savage,  Thomas 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  21,  1618-9.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Long  Stanton  All  Saints',  Cambs.,  1612-9. 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  28,  1619-20. 
Of  Warwickshire.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1616). 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1634.  Of  Dorset.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Fellow.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Jan.  2,  1643-4;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  8, 
1644.  Probably  R.  of  Bloxworth,  Dorset,  in  1651.  Buried 
there,  1697.   (Hutchins,  i.  183.) 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  31, 
1659-60.  ist  s.  of  Thomas,  clockmaker.  B.  at  Exeter. 
Schools,  Exeter  and  Tiverton.  Matric.  i66o;  B.A.  1663-4; 
M.A.  1667.  Fellow,  1664.  C.  of  Airington,  Cambs.,  1668. 
R.  of  Morcott,  Rutland,  1682-1721.  Head  Master  of  Upping- 
ham School,  1684-1721.  Died  1721.  Father  of  John  (1686) 
and  Culpeper  (1706). 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  8, 

1685.  S.  of  Thomas,  cooper,  deceased.  B.  at  Peterborough, 
Northants.  School,  Peterborough  (Mr  Waring).  Matric. 
1687;  B.A.  1689-90.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1692. 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  7, 

1686.  S.  of  John  (1659-60),  R.  of  Morcott,  Rutland.  B.  in 
Rutland.  School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Davison).  Matric.  1686; 
B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693;  B.D.  1701.  Fellow,  1692-1704. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Sept.  20,  1696.  V.  of  Holme-on- 
Spalding-Moor,  Yorks.,  1703-33.  Died  1733.  Brother  of 
Culpeper  (1706). 

SAVAGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  13,  1690-1. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  B.  1673.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1705. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1707.  Incorp.  at 
Cambridge,  1730.  R.  of  Bygrave,  Herts.,  1701-8.  R.  of 
Clothall,  1708-47.  Lecturer  at  St  George's,  Hanover  Square, 
1732.  Author,  historical,  etc.  Killed  Mar.  22  (?24),  1746-7, 
by  a  fall  down  the  steps  of  the  scaffolding  erected  for  Lord 
Lovat's  trial.  (Al.  Westmon.,  209;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.; 
G.  Mag. ;  L.  Mag.) 

SAVAGE,  LUKE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

SAVAGE,  REPENT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  11,  1581. 
B.  at  Brentwood,  Essex.  Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1584-5;  LL.D. 
from  Pembroke,  1606-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May,  1599. 
R.  of  Corringham  St  Mary,  Essex,  1599-1619.  Married 
Mercie  Chace,  July  14, 1608.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1619-20; 
of  Gt  Warley.   Probably  father  of  the  next.   (Peile,  i.  164.) 

SAVAGE,  REPENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1622. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Probablys.  of  Repent  (above).  Migrated 
to  Queens',  1624;  B.A.  1627  8. 

SAVAGE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent,  1656-7. 
S.  of  Arthur  (1631),  V.  of  Caldbeck,  Cumberland.  B.A. 
1660-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  25,  1670;  priest,  Sept. 
21,  1673.  V.  of  Thursby,  Cumberland,  1673-4.  Buried  at 
Caldbeck,  Apr.  4,  1674-   (B.  Nightingale,  544,  553.) 

SAVIDGE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1646;  B.A.  1649-50.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Aug.  23, 
1662.  V.  of  Aldeburgh,  Suffolk,  1656. 

SAVAGE,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  King's,  1720.  S.  of  John,  of 
Worcester,  clerk.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  19, 
1701-2,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1705.  Ord.  deacon  (Wor- 
cester) Sept.  22,  1706;  priest  (Oxford)  June  19,  1709.  V.  of 
Dymock,  Gloucs.,  1714-61.  R.  of  Poole  Keynes,  Wilts., 
1721.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Ducie.  Died  1761.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SAVAGE,  THOMAS.  LL.D.  (Incorp.)  1495-6.  S.  of  Sir  John, 
of  Clifton,  Cheshire.  Chaplain  to  Henry  VII,  1485.  Employed 
as  ambassador  to  Castile  and  Portugal,  1488,  and  to  France, 
1490.  Bishop  of  Rochester,  1493-6.  Bishop  of  London, 
1496-1501.  Archbishop  of  York,  1501-7.  Died  Sept.  3,  1507. 
Buried  in  York  Minster.   (Cooper,  1.  12;  D.N.B.) 

SAVAGE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Oxfordshire.  Militis  fil.  Matric.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford) 
Tune  16,  1610,  age  17;  B.A.  1615;  M.A.  1618.  Fellow  of 
Magdalen,  1618-21.  R.  of  Sutton  Bonuington  St  Michael, 
Notts.,  1620.  R.  of  St  Anne,  1623.  Licensed,  June  28,  1624, 
to  marry  Elizabeth  Rooe,  of  Welboum,  Lines.  Buried  at 
St  Anne,  Notts.,  May  21,  1662.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SAVAGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  29, 
1734.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Yorks.  B.  at  SheflSeld. 
Schools,  Sheffield  and  Westminster.  Matric.  1735;  B.A. 
1738-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1738;  pnest  (Litt. 
dim.  from  York)  Dec.  1740.  C.  of  Welby.  V.  of  Owston, 
Yorks.,  1744-82.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Durley,  Derbs., 
1745-64.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  463.) 


Savage,  Thomas  Byrche 

SAVAGE,  THOMAS  BYRCHE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  i8)  at 
Trinity,  Nov.  i8,  1749.  S.  of  William  Byrche,  LL.D., 
Chancellor  of  Worcester,  and  of  Leacroft,  StaSs.  (and 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Savage,  of  Elmley  Castle,  Worcs.). 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1749.  Assumed  the  name  of 
Savage  and  succeeded  to  Elmley  Castle,  Worcs.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Kynnersley,  of  Loxley,  Staffs. 
Died  s.p.,  Sept.  4,  1776.   {Nash,  i.  3S3-4.) 

SAVYDGE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1563-4.  One 
William  Savage,  ord.  priest  (Chichester)  Oct.  28,  1570.  R. 
of  Ovingdean,  Sussex,  1570-1619.  'B.  in  Clayton;  aged  44,' 
in  1590.  Buried  Sept.  4,  1619.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

SAVAGE,  WILLIAM.   '  King's  Scholar,'  1335. 

SAVAGE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1570. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  North  Benfleet,  Essex,  1572-81. 
Died  1581.  Wm  (P.C.C.)  1582;  son,  Repent. 

SAVAGE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  i6i(5. 
Of  Warwickshire.  B.A.  1619-20.  Perhaps  brother  of  John 

SAVAGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  6,  1686. 
B.  at  Ickleford,  Herts.  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A. 
1693;  B.D.  1700;  D.D.  1717  (Cmn.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1692-1703. 
Master,  1719-36.  Vice-Chancellor,  1724-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  13,  1692;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  7,  1696. 
Chaplain  to  Lord-Keeper  Wright  and  afterwards  to  Bishop 
Atterburj'.  R.  of  St  Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe,  London, 
1702.  R.  of  St  Anne's,  Blackfriars,  1702-36.  R.  of  Graves- 
end,  1704-20,  and  of  Stone,  Kent,  1720-36.  Author, 
sermons.  Died  Aug.  2,  1736.  Buried  at  Sampford,  Essex. 
Admon.,  P.C.C.  (D.N.B.;  Emmanuel  Coll.  Hist.,  128; 

SAVAGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  10, 
1704.  S.  of  William,  of  Bloxworth,  Dorset.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1705.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Feb.  8,  1705-6.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1711. 

SAVAGE, .   Rector.  B.Can.L.  1489-90. 


B.Civ.L.  1490-1. 

SAVAGE, .  B.A.  1498-9;  M.A.  1502-3. 

SAVAGE, .  B.Can.L.  1498-9.   Probably  Robert,  B.Can.L., 

V.  of  Hornsea,  Yorks.,  1499-1513. 
SAVARY,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  11,  1720.  B.  in 

SAVERY,     THOMAS.      Matric.    sizar     from     Caius,    Easter, 

SAVIGNAC,  JACOB.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  23, 

1729.    S.  of  J.,  gent.,  of  Middlesex.    B.  in  Westminster. 

School,  Westminster.    Matric.  1729.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoba) 

Sept.   22,    1734;   priest   (Rochester)   June  5,    i737-     R-  of 

Snelland,  Lines.,  1743-7.    Buried  at  St  Swithin's,  Lincoln, 

May  25,  1747.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  425.) 

SAVILLE,  see  also  SACKVILLE. 

SAYVELL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1570. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Stanley,  near  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Alverj'  Copley,  of  Batley,  Nov. 
22,  1574.   Died  1590.  Admon.,  Aug.  1590. 

SAVELL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1579. 
Doubtless  s.  of  George,  of  Hasleden  HaO,  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
B.  1560.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  22,  1581-2 ;  of  Fvuriival's 
Inn.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1591.  Died  Jan.  2,  1594-5-  He  and 
his  father  were  benefactors  of  Wakefield  School.  Probably 
brother  of  Thomas  (i579). 

SAVILLE,  Sir  GEORGE.  M.A.  1594-5.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Henry,  of  Lupset,  Yorks.  B.  c.  1550.  Of  St  John's  College, 
Oxford,  c.  1566.  Student  of  Lincoln's  Inn,  1568.  M.P.  for 
Boroughbridge,  1586-7;  for  Yorks.,  1592-3.  Knighted, 
June  18,  1587.  Of  Barrowby,  Lines.  Succeeded  to  the  estate 
of  ThomhiU,  Yorks.,  Feb.  1602-3.  Created  Bart,  of  Thorn- 
hill,  June  29,  1611.  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1613-4.  Died  Nov.  12, 
1622.  Buried  at  Thomhill.  M.I.  Doubtless  father  of  the 
next.   (G.JE.C,  i.  49;  Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  301.) 

SAVILL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  George  (above),  of  Thomlull, 
Yorks.,  Bart.  Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  June  30, 
1598,  age  15;  B.A.  (0.xford)  1600-1.  M.P.  for  Morpeth,  1601; 
for  Appleby,  1614.  Knighted,  May  11,  1603.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Sir  WiUiam  Wentworth.  Buried  at  Thomhill,  Aug. 
24,  1614,  aged  31.   {G.E.C.,  i.  51;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SAVILE,  Sir  GEORGE,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens', 
Jan.  21,  1744-5.  S.  of  Sir  George,  of  Thomhill,  Yorks., 
Bart.  B.  July  18,  1726.  M.A.  1749;  LL.D.  1749.  Succeeded 
as  8th  Bart.,  Sept.  16,  1743.  F.R.S.,  1747.  Vice-President 
of  the  Society  of  Arts.   M.P.  for  Yorks.,  1759-83.   Success- 

Savill,  Robert 

fully  introduced  Nullum  Tempus  BUI,  1768;  supported  the 
resistance  of  the  American  Colonies,  1775.  A  staunch  whig 
of  unimpeachable  character.  Died  unmarried,  Jan.  10,  1784. 
Buried  at  ThomhiU,  Yorks.  M.I.  at  ThomhiU  and  at  York 
Minster.  (D.N.B.;  G.E.C.i.  51.) 
SAVILL,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1602;  M.A.  1607  (fit.  tiob.).  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Sir 
John,  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  for  whom  see  Al.  Oxon.; 
the  dates  make  identification  with  this  man  unlikely. 

SAVILL,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  May  15,  1616. 
3rd  s.  of  Sir  George,  of  ThomhiU,  Yorks.,  Knt.  and  Bart. 
Bapt.  Dec.  7,  1599,  at  ThomhiU.  Matric.  1616.  Adm.  at 
Lincohi's  Inn,  Apr.  21,  1618.  Of  Bowling,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Crewse,  of  London.  Living, 
1666.  Brother  of  John  (1616).  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1666.) 

SAVILE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  27, 
1640.  8th  s.  of  Henry,  of  Copley,  near  HaUfax,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Nov.  24,  1623,  at  HaUfax.  Schools,  Mansfield  (Mr  Dodgson) 
and  York  (Mr  WaUis).  Matric.  1640.  Buried  at  HaUfax, 
June  16,  1642.   {Peile,  1.  470;  Geneal.,  N.S.,  .xiii.  119.) 

SAVILE,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  5,  1586. 
Matric.  1586. 

SAVELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1572. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert  SavUe,  alias  Barkston. 
B.  1560.  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1590.  Knighted,  July  23,  1603. 
M.P.  for  Yorks.,  1624.  High  Steward  of  the  honour  of 
Pontefract  and  ComptroUer  of  the  Household,  1625-8. 
Created  Baron  Savile  of  Pomfret,  July  21,  1628.  Married 
(i)  Catherine,  dau.  of  Christopher,  Baron  WiUcughby; 
(2)  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Caryl,  of  Aldenham,  Herts. 
Died  Aug.  31,1630.  Buried  at  Batley.  (One  of  these  names 
s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Grantham,  Lines.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Buried  at  Somerby  (he  is  caUed  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  in  1590)-) 
Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1608).  (G.E.C.;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SAVELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  13,  1581. 
Matric.  1581.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  10; 
1583-4;  of  Yorkshire. 

SAVELL,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1597. 

SAVILL,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  May  15,  1616. 
2nd  s.  of  Sir  George,  of  ThomhiU,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.  in  York- 
shire. Matric.  1616.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  21,  1618. 
CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1625.  A  govemor  of  Wakefield  School, 
1625-50  Knighted,  June  22,  1627.  High  Sheriff  of  Yorks., 
1647-48  and  1649-50.  A  Parliamentarian.  Of  Lupset, 
Yorks.,  Esq.  Married  (i)  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Armitage,  of  Kirklees,  Yorks.;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Soame.  His  son,  John,  succeeded  as  6th  Bart.  Buried 
May  8,  1660,  at  Horbury.  Brother  of  Henry  (1616).  (Vis. 
of  Yorks.,  1666;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

SAVILE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jan.  29,  1638-9. 
Matric.  1659;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666.  Signs 
for  deacon's  orders  (London)  June  1,  1667;  for  priest's. 
May  28,  1670.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Grey.  R.  of  Clapham, 
Surrey,  1 675-1 705.  Buried  at  Shelley,  Essex,  Feb.  8,  1705-6. 
(One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Holmfirth,  Yorks.,  1674-85- 
Buried  Feb.  12,  1685-6.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.) 

SAVILE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  i, 
1686-7.  S.  of  John,  of  Methley  HaU,  Yorks.  B.  there,  Mar.  7, 
1671.  School,  Wakefield.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Dec.  7, 
1686.  Of  Methley,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Bankes,  of  Aylesford,  Kent,  Bart.  Buried  at  Methley,  Apr. 
28,  1711.   (M.  H.  Peacock;  Geneal.,  N.S.,  xv.  44.) 

SAVILL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  17,  1709. 
S.  of  John,  mercer,  of  Colchester.  B.  at  Horkesley,  Essex. 
School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1709-12.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  25,  1710,  and  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan. 
31,  1712-3.  Of  Stisted  HaU,  Essex,  Esq.  Lord  of  the  Manor 
of  Gt  Fordham,  Essex.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  1734-5. 
[Venn,  1.  520.) 

SAVILE,  JOHN.  LL.D.  from  King's,  1749;  probably  adm. 
1738-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Methley,  Yorks.,  Esq.  M.P. 
for  Hedon,  1747-9;  for  Shoreham,  1761-8.  K.B.,  1749. 
Created  Lord  PoUington,  1753,  and  Earl  of  Mexborough, 
Feb.  II,  1765.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Francis  Blake  Delaval, 
Esq.  Died  Feb.  12,  1778.  Buried  at  Methley.  (Geneal.,  li.S., 
XV.  44.) 

SAVILL,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1622 ; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1628;  M.A.  1636.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  July  3;  priest,  July  4,  1623.  R.  of  St  Clement's, 
Hastings,  1629-38.  R.  of  Peasemarsh,  Sussex,  1637-8.  WiU 
proved  (P.C.C.)  1638.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

SAVILL  or  SEVELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1562.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1561). 


Savill,  Samuel 

SAVILL,  SAMUEL.  Adrn.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  21,  1607.  Of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  S.  of  WilUam, 
attorney,  of  Wakefield  and  Mexborough.  Matric.  1607-8; 
B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Fellow,  1610-23.  'Lived  in  Yorks. 
upon  a  good  estate.  Esquire  of  the  Body  extraordinary  to 
Charles  I.'  Secretary  to  the  Earl  of  Carlisle,  1616.  Royalist; 
suffered  in  the  Civil  wars.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  John 
Blacket,  of  Herts.  Philosopher  and  mathematician.  Died 
May  25,  1660,  aged  72.  M.L  at  Mexborough.  (Hunter, 
S.  Yorks.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Harwood;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
XXII.  48.) 

SAVILE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  18, 
1664.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Darton  (?  Darlton)  Grange,  Notts., 
gent.  B.  at  'Osworth,'  Notts.   Matric.  1664. 

SAVELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1561.  Oneof  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1564.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Robert  (1562). 

SAVELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1579- 
Probably  s.  of  George,  of  Haselden  Hall,  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
B.  c.  1562.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  30,  1582. 
Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Richard  Clayton,  of  Wakefield. 
Died  Apr.  1599.  A  benefactor  of  Wakefield  School.  Probably 
brother  of  George  (1579). 

SAVYLE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  28,  1592. 
Matric.  c.  1592;  Scholar;  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1604.  R.  of 
Stifford,  Essex,  1610-9.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George 
Goodwin,  R.  of  Moreton,  Essex,  Oct.  7,  1614.  Author, 
Prisoner's  Conference,  etc.   {Cooper,  11.  447.) 

SAVILE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  2, 
1608.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  John  (1572),  ist  Baron  Savile, 
of  Pontefract  (Pomfret).  B.  c.  1590.  Matric.  1608.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1610.  Knighted,  Mar.  6,  1616-7.  M.P. 
for  Yorks.,  1624-5;  for  York,  1628.  Gentleman  of  the 
Privy  Chamber,  1626.  Created  Viscount  Savile  and  Baron 
Castlebar,  June  11,  1628.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Baron 
Savile,  Aug.  31,  1630.  Lord  President  of  the  Council  of  the 
North,  1641.  Lord-Lieut,  of  Yorks.,  1641.  Treasurer  of  the 
Household,  1641-5.  Governor  of  York,  1642.  Created  Earl 
of  Sussex,  May  25,  1644.  Married  (i)  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Sondes,  of  Throwley,  Kent;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Christopher,  Earl  of  Anglesey.  Will  dated,  Nov.  8,  1657; 
proved,  Oct.  8,  1659.  {G.E.C.;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

SAVILL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  5, 
1669.  Matric.  1669. 

SAVELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1569; 
B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577. 

SAVELL,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  1571  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 

SAVELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1591; 
B.A. 1595-6. 

SAVELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1617.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Gabriel,  of  Newton,  Lines.,  Esq., 
deceased  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wendy,  of  Hasling- 
field,  Cambs.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  6,  1622.  M.P. 
for  Lines.,  1654-5  and  1656-7.  Died  1657.  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SAVILL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  23,  1647. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  late  of 
Newton,  Lines.,  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  1630.  Matric.  1647-8. 
Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Nov.  28,  1650.  Buried  at  Newton, 
Feb.  I,  1681-2.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  861.) 

SAVILL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  5, 
1658.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Arksey,  Yorks.  (by  his  2nd 
wife  Rosamund,  dau.  of  John  Franck,  of  Pontefract).  Bapt. 
there.  Mar.  26,  1640.  School,  Holden,  Yorks.  Matric.  1658. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  16,  1659.  Of  Cridling  Park. 
Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Arthur  Ingram,  of  Knottingley, 
Yorks.  Died  Sept.  3,  1691.  Buried  at  Knottingley. 
{Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiii.  119.) 

SAVILE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Oct.  16,  1658. 
Of  Halifax,  Yorks.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Copley, 
near  Halifax,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Aug.  24,  1641,  at  Halifax. 
Matric.  1659.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  i,  1655-6.  Buried 
in  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  23,  1661.  {Genealogist, 
N.S.,  XIII.  119.) 

SAVILE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1673.  S.  of  Samuel,  gent.,  of  Mexborough,  Yorks.,  and 
grandson  of  Samuel  (1607).  Bapt.  there,  June  9,  1656. 
Matric.  1673;  LL.B.  1678.  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried 
at  Mexborough,  July  3,  1718.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxii.  48.) 

SAYVELL,    .      Matric.    pens,    from    Christ's,    Easter, 


SAVILL, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  173S-9.   Probably 

John,  LL.D.  1749,  whom  see. 

Sawtre,  Robert  de 

SAVONA,  LAURENCE  WILLIAM  of.  D.D.  of  Cambridge. 
Fl.  1485.  A  Franciscan  of  London.  At  Cambridge,  in  1478, 
when  he  wrote  his  Margarita  Eloquentiae.  {D.N.B.) 

SAWBRIDGE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  3, 
1597.  Matric.  c.  1597;  Scholar;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604; 
B.D.  1611.  Fellow,  1605-13.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1609.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Essex,  1612-33.  R.  of  Stondon  Massey,  1633. 
Died  c.  1660. 

SAWBRIDGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  15,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Melton  Mowbray,  Leics. 
B.  there.  School,  Melton  Mowbray.  Matric.  1669;  B.A. 
1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1677.  Ord.  priest 
(Ely)  May  30,  1675.  V.  of  Lowesby,  Leics.,  1679-1700. 
R.  of  South  Croxton,  1690-1700.  V.  of  Knaptoft,  1700-13. 
Buried  at  Mowsley,  Knaptoft,  Mar.  12,  1712-3.  Probably 
father  of  the  next.   {Nichols,  iv.  222,  866-8.) 

SAWBRIDGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  5, 
1705.  Of  Leicestershire.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas  (above). 
Matric.  1705-6;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  19,  1708-9;  priest,  June  15,  1712.  Probably 
R.  of  Gilmorton,  Leics.,  1712-5,  deprived.  Perhaps  chaplain 
in  the  Navy,  1720,  and  in  the  East  India  Company  at 
Tellichery,  Bombay,  1723.  One  of  these  names,  LL.D.,  dean 
of  Ferns  and  Leighlin,  Ireland,  1728-33;  died  May  30,  1733. 
(H.  B.  Hyde,  Annals  of  Bengal;  Assoc.  Architect.  Soc. 
Reports,  xxx.  430.) 

SAWELL,  see  also  SAUL. 

SAWELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  July  i,  1674- 
Previously  matric.  (St  Alban  Hall,  Oxford)  July  4,  1673, 
age  18.  S.  of  William,  of  Gerrans,  Cornwall.  Matric.  1677; 
B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1705  {Lit.  Reg.);  'had  served  abroad  as 
chaplain  in  the  army.'  R.  of  Walton,  Bucks.,  1695-1711. 
V.  of  Cholsey,  Berks.,  1705.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Lipscomb,  iv.  387.) 

SAWEN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1551. 
Butler  of  the  College.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Ringsfield, 
Suffolk,  1561-99. 

SAWKINS,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  CORPUS  Christi,  1587, 
as  'Sakings.'   Matric.  1588. 

SAWKINS,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  12, 
1 75 1.  S.  of  Joseph,  attorney,  of  Kent.  B.  at  Canterbury. 
School,  Canterbury.  Matric.  1752;  LL.B.  1758.  Ord.  deacon 
(Canterbury)  Sept.  25,  1757;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1758.  V.  of 
Frampton,  Dorset,  1776-99.  R.  of  Bettiscombe,  1784-99. 
Died  Aug.  4,  1799.  Buried  at  Frampton.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii. 

SAWKIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  4,  1644-5. 
Previously  matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  May  15,  1640, 
age  17.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Tamworth,  Warws.  B.A.  1644-5; 
M.A.  1648.   FeDow  of  Queens',  1647-53- 

SAWKYNS,  THOMAS.   B.D.  1532-3-  Franciscan  friar. 


SAWNDE, .  Of  Trinity.  Went  overseas,  1594.   {Foley.) 

SAWNER, .  B.D.  1471-2. 


SAWREY,  see  also  SOWRAY. 

SAWREY,  MILES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  8, 
1668.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Hawkshead,  Lanes.  School, 
Hawkshead  (Mr  Bordley).  One  of  these  names  Master  of 
Hawkshead  School,  1671-2.   (Peile,  11.  17.) 

SAWREY  or  SORY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1581.  2nd  s.  of  Henry  (?  John),  of  Plumpton,  near 
Ulverston,  Cumberland.  B.  there,  Sept.  4,  1564.  Migrated 
to  Peterhouse,  May  26,  1582.  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  19,  1587-8.  V.  of  Preston, 
Lanes.,  1592-1604.  R.  of  Windermere,  Cumberland,  1594- 
1610.  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  1606-10.   {Nightingale,  1036.) 

SAWREY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  22,  1725. 
Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1738. 

SAWSER,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1461-79.  Excused 
lecturing  after  admission  (?  to  B.D.),  1471-2. 

SAWSTON,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse.  Ord.  sub-deacon 
(Ely)  Sept.  23,  1419. 

SAWTRE,  BERNARD.  M.A.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1333. 
R.  of  Northwold,  Norfolk,  1336.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

SAWTRE  or  SAUTRE,  JOHN  DE.  'King's  Scholar'  at  Cam- 
bridge, 1341.   Died  May  24,  1349. 

SAWTRE,  RICHARD  DE.  M.A.  B.Can.L.  and  B.Civ.L.  R.  of 
Northwold,  Norfolk.  Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  canonry  of 
York,  1363.   {Cat.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.) 

SAWTRE,  ROBERT  DE.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1339-33. 
Died  1352. 

SAWYER,  see  also  SAYER. 


Sawyer,  Ambrose 

SAWYER,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Sept. 
II,  1678.  Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  of  Francis  (1649). 
School,  Leicester  (Mr  Wakeman).  Matric.  1679;  Scholar, 
1681;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Chaplain,  1685-96.  R.  of 
Ashley,  Northants.,  1696-1730.  Died  1730.  Father  of  the 
next  and  of  Francis  (1719). 

SAWYER,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  9,  1713.  S.  of  Ambrose  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Irthling- 
borough,  Northants.  School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1714.  Buried 
at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Jan.  21,  1716-7.  Brother  of 
Francis  (1719). 

SAWYER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  15, 
1631-2.  Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  of  John,  of  Kettering. 
Age  4  in  1618.  Matric.  1632.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Jan.  30,  1633-4.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1641.  Married  (i)  Rachel 
West;  (2)  Joyce  James.  Buried  at  Kettering,  Nov.  23,  1680. 
(Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SAWYER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  19,  1705.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.  B.  in  Northamptonshire. 
Bapt.  Aug.  6,  1689,  at  Kettering.  Matric.  1705-6.  He  and 
his  father  sold  the  Manor  House  and  lands  of  Kettering  on 
Sept.  3,  1720.   Died  Oct.  9,  1759. 

SAWYER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  11,  1649. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  John,  of  Kettering. 
Matric.  1649;  Scholar,  1650;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656. 
Intruding  V.  of  Sibbertoft,  Northants.,  1655-c.  62.  R.  of 
Upper  Isham,  1662-5.  R-  oi  Thorpe  Malsor,  1662-9.  Chap- 
lain to  Lord  Montagu,  in  1674.  V.  of  St  Margaret,  Leicester, 
1674.  V.  of  Knighton,  Leics.,  1674-83.  R.  of  Kettering, 
Northants.,  1684-1709.  Will  (Archd.  Northampton)  1710. 
Father  of  Ambrose  (1678). 

SAWYER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  20,  1719. 
2nd  s.  of  Ambrose  (1678).  B.  at  Ashley,  Northants.  School, 
Oakham.  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1727.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1723,  age  23;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1725. 
C.  of  Ashley,  Northants.,  1723;  R.,  1730-45.  Married  Cathe- 
rine Clough,  of  Tugby,  Leics.,  Oct.  3,  1738.  Died  1745. 
Brother  of  Ambrose  (1713).   (W.  M.  Noble;  H.  L  Longden.) 

SAWER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  20,  1633. 
Of  Norfolk.  Probably  died  in  College;  buried  at  Gt  St 
Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  29,  1634-5. 

SAWER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  23,  1593; 
B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  29,  1599.  C.  of  Holme-by-the-Sea,  Norfolk. 

SAWYER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1610-1. 

SAWYER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1648.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Edmund,  of  Heywood,  Berks.  B.  1633. 
Craven  Scholar,   1649;  B.A.   1651-2;   M.A.   1655.    Fellow, 

1652.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 

1653.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1661.  Treasurer,  1683-8.  K.C. 
M.P.  for  Chipping  Wycombe,  1673-9;  for  Cambridge 
University,  1689-92.  Knighted,  Oct.  17,  1677.  Speaker  of 
the  House  of  Commons,  1678.  Attorney-General,  1681-7. 
Counsel  for  the  seven  bishops  in  the  reign  of  James  II. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Ralph  Suckley,  of  Canonbury, 
Middlesex,  July  i,  1665.  Died  July  28,  1692.  Buried  at 
Highclere,  Hants.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  (D.A^.B.;  Burke,  L.  G.) 

SAWYER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  17,  1745-6. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Heywood,  White  Waltham,  Berks. 
B.  there.   Matric.  1745-6. 

SAWYER,  RUPERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  7, 
1697.  S.  of  Rupert,  vintner.  B.  in  London.  School,  Salis- 
bury (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1701-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1702.  C.  of  Marham,  Northants.,  1702. 

SAWYER, .   Pens,  at  Jesus,  1589-90. 

SAXBY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  1517.  Name  off,  1519.  Of  Gt  Leigh,  Essex. 
Student  of  Law  at  Clement's  Inn.  One  of  these  names  Baron 
of  the  Exchequer,  1548-62.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1562. 

SAXBY,  EDWARD.  B.Can.L.  1533-4.  Perhaps  B.A.  from 
Oxford,  1527.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Galby,  Leics.,  1549; 
'aged  68;  not  married;  ord.  by  Bp  of  Lincoln;  Bach,  of  Law; 
understands  Latin.'  Will  (Lincoln)  of  Edward  Saxby,  R.  of 
Galby,  1593.   (Lib.  Cleri,  1576.) 

SAXBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  31,  1629.  Of 
Kent.   Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 

SAXBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1651.  S.  of  John,  draper,  of  Leeds,  Kent.  B.  there.  School, 
Maidstone.  Matric.  1651. 

SAXON,  see  also  SAXTON. 

SAXONj  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1674.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Betley,  Staffs.  B.  there.  School, 
Wrenbury.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 

SAXPES,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1522-3;  M.A.  1526.  Possibly  s.  of 
Richard,  of  Withyham,  Sussex  (whose  will  (P.C.C.)  1509). 

Say,  Francis 

SAXTON,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  i,  1647. 
Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  c.  1647. 

SAXTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  Of  Wake- 
field, Yorks.  Topographical  draughtsman.  Obtained  the 
Queen's  patent  for  the  publication  of  maps  of  England,  1577, 
some  of  which  he  engraved  himself.  Living,  1600.  Buried 
at  Woodkirk,  near  Wakefield.  Perhaps  father  of  Peter 
(c.  1595).   (Cooper,  i.  420;  D.N.B.) 

SAXTON,  FAITHFULL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden, 
Oct.  5,  1629.  Admon.  (York)  Fidentius  Saxton,  M.D.,  of 
Wakefield,  Yorks.,  1635. 

SAXTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  14,  i595.  Of 
Derbyshire.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Warmsworth,  Yorks.  Matric. 
c.  1596;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Mar.  1608-9;  priest,  Sept.  1610.  Licensed  preacher.  V.  of 
Conisborough,  Yorks.,  1615-65.  Died  Apr.  21, 1665,  aged  84. 
Buried  at  Conisborough.  Father  of  Thomas  (1633)  and 
William  (1633).   (F.M.G.,  603.) 

SAXTONE,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595- 
Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher,  the  chorographer.  B.  at  Bramley, 
Leeds.  School,  Leeds.  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1603.  Ord.  priest 
(York)  Apr.  18,  1611.  R.  of  Edlington,  Yorks.,  1614-40. 
Went  to  New  England ;  succeeded  John  Lothrop  at  Scituate, 
Mass.,  1640-1.  Returned  to  England,  1641.  V.  of  Leeds, 
1646-51.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Anthony  Goodwin,  R. 
of  Rawmarsh,  Yorks.,  Feb.  12,  1626-7.  Died  Oct.  i,  1651. 
Buried  at  Leeds.  (F.M.G.,  604;  J.  G.  Bartlett;  FeU,  442; 
Hunter,  i.  94.) 

SAXTON  or  SAXON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1633.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry  (1595),  V.  of  Conis- 
borough, Yorks.  B.A.  1636-7.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Brother  of  WiUiam  (1633).   (F.M.G.,  603.) 

SAXTON,  WILLIAM.  Chaplain  of  King's;  ord.  priest  (London) 
1554.  Perhaps  C.  of  Thrapston,  Northaints.,  1554.  One  of 
these  names  C.  of  Castor,  1555. 

SAXTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  June  5,  1607. 
Matric.  1607;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1609;  M.A.  1612. 
Perhaps  previously  a  student  at  Oxford.  If  so,  of  Yorkshire, 
pleb.  Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  15,  1604-5, 
age  17.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1609;  priest,  Sept.  1610. 
C.  at  Cawthome,  Yorks.,  1615.  V.  of  Gringley,  Notts.,  1617. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

SAXTON  or  SAXON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1633.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry  (1595).  B.A.  1636-7; 
M.A.  1640.  V.  of  Harworth,  Notts.  Married  Edith,  dau.  of 
William  Marshall,  of  Moor  AUerton,  near  Leeds.  Died  Nov. 
13,  1693,  aged  75.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1633).  (F.M.G.,603; 
Hunter,  i.  122.) 

SAY,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  17,  1631. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Weston  Favell. 
Bapt.  Sept.  21,  1614,  at  Gt  Doddington.  Matric.  1631. 
Brother  of  the  next.   (Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618.) 

SAY,  AUGUSTUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  5,  1637. 
3rd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Weston  FaveU,  Northants.  Bapt.  Aug. 
26,  1621,  at  Doddington.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1641-2.  Brother 
of  Alexander  (above). 

SAYE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clement  Hostel, 
Easter,  1544. 

SAY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  20,  1663-4.  Of 
Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  27,  1669-70;  priest  (Ely)  Sept. 
24,  1670.  V.  of  Caxton,  Cambs.,  1679-93.  R-  o^  East 
Hatley,  1689-1705.  Died  Nov.  22,  1705,  aged  58.  M.I.  at 
East  Hatley.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  WiUiam  (1713-4). 

SAY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  4,  1706. 
ist  s.  of  Francis  (above),  R.  of  East  Hatley,  Cambs.  B.  June 
9,  1690.  School,  Ruslingworth,  Beds.  Scholar,  1706-7; 
Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May, 
1713;  priest  (Norwich)  July,  1719.  V.  of  Barney,  Norfolk, 
1720-40.  V.  of  Hindolveston,  1721-40.  Died  1740.  Brother 
of  William  (1713-4).   (Peile,  11.  165.) 

SAY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  2,  1708. 
S.  of  Hugh,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1709; 
Scholar,  1709;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Oct.  20,  1719.  Secretary  to  five  successive  bishops 
of  Ely.  Librarian  to  Queen  Caroline  at  St  James'  Park, 
1737.  Died  Sept.  10,  1748.  M.I.  in  Ely  Cathedral.  (Al, 
Westmon.,  250;  Bentham,  Ely;  G.  Mag.) 

SAY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  7, 
1742-3.  Of  Norfolk.  B.  in  Norfolk,  1722.  School,  Cambridge. 
Scholar,  1742;  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1753.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  1746;  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1747-8.  R.  of 
Hatley  St  George,  Cambs.,  1751.  V.  of  Whaddon,  1751. 
V.  of  Tadlow.  R.  of  East  Hatley,  1753.  Died  Mar.  13,  1796, 
aged  73.   WiU,  P.C.C.   (T.  A.  Walker,  2S1.) 


Say,  John 

say,  john.  m.a.  1460. 

SAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1490;  B.A. 

1493-4.     Ord.   acolyte    (Ely),   Sept.;   sub-deacon    (?  priest) 

(Lincoln)    1496-7.     Minister   of    Lynn,    Norfolk.     Perhaps 

brother  of  Thomas  (1487).   (Harwood.) 
SAY,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  4, 

1645-6.    S.   of  Thomas,    yeoman,   of   Hadeston,   Norfolk. 

B.  there.   School,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).    Matric.  1645-6; 

B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1660. 

SHY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Feb.  28,  1564-5.  S. 
of  George,  gent.,  of  Watlington,  Norfolk  (and  Ann,  dau.  of 
John  Bennett,  of  Burwell,  Cambs.).  School,  Lynn. 

SAYE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  c.  Apr.  1659. 
S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Islington,  in  Marshland,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Outwell.  Schools,  Outwell  (private)  and  Lynn  (Mr 
Bell).  Matric.  1659;  Scholar,  1659-62.  Of  Islingcon,  Norfolk, 
gent.   Will  dated  and  proved,  1662.   {Venn,  i.  405.) 

SAY,  ROBERT.    M.A.  from  Caius,  1739.    S.  of  Robert,  gent. 

B.  in  St  James',  Westminster.  Of  University  College,  Oxford. 
Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  1730,  age  19;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  9,  i734-  R-  of 
Swaffham,  Norfolk,  1738-48.  R.  of  Houghton-on-the-Hill, 
and  of  North  Pickenham,  1748-64.  Died  June  30,  1764. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next.   (Venn,  11.  46.) 

SAY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Sept.  25,  1751- 
S.  of  Robert  (above),  R.  of  North  Pickenham  and  Beecham- 
weU,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Downham,  Norfolk.  School,  Seaming 
(Mr  Brett).  Scholar,  1751-6;  B.A.  1756;  M.A.  i759-  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  ig,  1756;  priest  (Norwich)  Oct.  22, 
1758.  R.  of  West  Walton,  Norfolk,  1762-85;  of  North 
Pickenham,  1764-84.   (Venn,  11.  66.) 

SAYE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1445. 
Of  Podington,  Beds. 

SAYE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1487. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1490). 

SAY,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1619;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A. 
1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19;  priest,  Dec.  20, 

SAY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  3,  1658-9.  Matric. 
1659;  B.A.  1662-3.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1664. 

C.  of  Gt  Billing,  Northants.,  1669-71.  V.  of  Easton  Maudit, 
1680-6.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Scalford,  Leics.  Admon. 
(Leicester)  1693. 

SAY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1713-4. 
S.  of  Francis  (1663-4).  B.  at  East  Hatley,  Dec.  5,  1696. 
Scholar,  1715;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1724  (William  Cray  Say). 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  1719;  priest  (Rochester)  Dec. 
1720.  Chaplain  to  Countess  of  Rockingham.  R.  of  East 
Hatley,  Cambs.,  1722.  V.  of  Tadlow,  1722.  R.  of  Hatley 
St  George,  1746.  Died  immarried,  Nov.  1751.  Brother  of 
Francis  (1706).   (Peile,  11.  182.) 

SAY  or  SEY, .  Sick  scholar  at  Christ's,  1551-2. 

SAYCE  or  SAYES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
May  29,  1683.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Bishop  Castle,  Salop. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Hereford)  Sept.  5,  1687;  C.  of  Eton.  V.  of  Ickleton, 
Cambs.,  1689-1744.  Buried  there  Feb.  20,  1743-4. 

SAYS  or  SAES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
May  24,  1666.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Bishop  Castle,  Salop. 
School,  Edgeton  (Mr  Hay). 

SAYER,  see  also  SAWYER,  SARE,  SEAR. 

SAYER,  DANIEL.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1599.  Of  Norfolk. 
B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest,  Sept.  21, 
1607,  age  26.  R.  of  Pulham,  Norfolk,  1615-60.  Died  1660. 
(Blomefield,  v.  392.) 

SAYRES,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1595-6. 
Probably  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1596-7.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Palling,  Norfolk,  1612.   (Peile,  i.  219.) 

SAYER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 

SAYER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  July  15, 

1685.  S.  of  John,  gent.   B.  in  London.   Matric.  1686. 

SAYERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Aug.  16, 
1689,  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  Scholar  of  Trinity 
CoUege,  Dublin,  1680;  B.A.  1683;  M.A.  1686;  B.D.  and  D.D. 
1709.  Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1686. 

SAYER,  EXTON.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  11, 
1709.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  of  London,  gent.  Matric.  1709; 
LL.B.  1713;  LL.D.  1718.  Fellow,  1714-24.  Adm.  at  Lin- 
coln's Inn,  May  20,  1709.   Official  of  the  Archdeaconry  of 

Sayer,  John 

Wiltshire.  Chancellor  of  Durham,  1724-31.  M.P.  for 
Helston,  1726-7;  for  Totnes,  1727-31.  Commissary  of  London 
diocese.  Surveyor  General  of  Land  Revenue,  1730-1.  Of 
Doctors'  Commons.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  William 
Talbot,  Bishop  of  Durham.  Died  Sept.  24,  1731.  Buried  in 
Durham  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Perhaps  brother  of  G«orge 
(1712).  (G.  Mag.;  H.  M.  Wood.) 
SAYRE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Easter,  1645.  Of 
Norfolk.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Nov.  25,  1645.  Matric.  1645-6. 

SAYER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Nov.  i,  1578; 
readm.  as  FeU.-Com.  1579.  Of  Aldham,  Essex.  S.  of  George. 
B.  at  Colchester.  School,  Colchester  (Mr  William  Bartlet). 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  4,  1581-2.  Knighted,  June  11, 
1607.  Of  Bouchiers  Hall.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  Higham,  of  Barrow  Hill,  Suffolk.  Buried  at  Aldham, 
Mar.  3,  1630.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1631.  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612; 
Venn,  i.  98.) 

SAYER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  8,  1607. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  George  (above).  Matric.  1607.  (Vis.  of 
Essex,  1612.) 

SAYRE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 
21,  1631.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (M.P.  for  Colchester);  age  19  in 
1634.  B.  at  Bouchiers  HaU,  Aldham,  Essex.  School,  Bury 
(Mr  Dickmson).  Matric.  1631.  Knighted,  Apr.  2,  1640. 
Master  of  Horse  to  the  King  of  Bohemia.  Of  Bouchiers  HaU. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Baron  Ripe,  Grand  Chamberlain  of 
Moravia.  Died  July  11,  1650.  (His  son  John  (1665)  is  not 
mentioned  by  Morant  or  by  Burke.)  (Peile,  i.  409;  H.  G. 
Harrison;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

SAYER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  20,  1639. 

SAYER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  12,  1697.  Of 
Himtingdonshire.   Matric.  1699.  Surgeon  in  London. 

SAYER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Dec.  15,  1712.  S.  of 
George,  of  Doctors'  Commons,  London.  Matric.  1713. 
Migrated  to  Magdalene,  Jan.  12,  1713-4-  Thence  migrated 
to  Oxford;  matric.  (Oriel  CoUege,  Oxford)  Nov.  23,  1714. 
age  18,  as  s.  of  George,  of  St  Gregory's,  London,  gent.;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1717;  M.A.  1719;  D.D.  1735.  V.  of  Witham,  Essex, 
1722-61.  Canon  of  Durham,  1725-32;  Archdeacon,  1730-61. 
R.  of  Bocking,  Essex,  1741-61.  Died  at  Brussels,  July  26, 
1761.  Perhaps  brother  of  Exton  (1709).  (G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SAYER,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15,  1702. 
S.  of  Isaac,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Burton  and  Mr  Hoadley).  Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1702-8; 
B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  20, 
1708-9;  priest,  July  2,  1710.  Master  at  Saham  Toney  School, 
Norfolk,  1708;  of  Wymondham  School,  1712-21.  R.  of 
Crownthorpe,  1714;  of  East  Bradenham,  1716-21.  Died 
Jan.  21,  1721-2.  M.I.  at  Wymondham.   (Venn,  i.  509.) 

SAYER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  26,  1613. 

Matric.  1614. 
SAYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  Sept.  2, 

1615.  B.  at  Lartington,  Yorks.  Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1619-20; 

M.A.  1623.   FeUow,  1618-23.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9; 

priest.  Mar.  10,  1622-3.  C.  of  Fordingbridge,  Hants.  Buried 

there.   (Harwood.) 

SAYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  10,  1627. 

2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Bacton,  Suffolk.    B.  at  Mendham. 

Schools,  Eye  (Mr  HaU)  and  Bury  (Mr  Dickinson).    Matric. 

1628;  B.A.  1631-2.    Perhaps  V.  of  Eastham,  Essex.    One 

of  these  names  of  Hackney,  Middlesex;  wiU  (P.C.C)  1676. 

(Peile,  I.  388.) 
SAYER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,   1656.    Of 

Norfolk.    Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.    One  of 

these   names,    'M.A.,'    R.   of   Witnesham,   Suffolk,    1704. 

Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1656). 
SAYER,  JOHN.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  3, 

1665.  S.  of  Sir  George  (1631),  of  Bouchiers  HaU,  Aldham, 
Essex,  Knt.  B.  at  Chappie,  near  Marks  Tey.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1665.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Aug.  2, 
1667.  (He  is  not  to  be  found  in  the  pedigree  of  the  family 
(Vis.  of  Essex),  nor  is  he  mentioned  in  the  notice  of  the 
family  in  Morant's  Essex,  11.  199;  possibly  he  was  iUegitimate.) 
(Peile,  I.  617.) 

SAYERS,  JOHN.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  21)  at  Caius,  May  17, 

1666.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Pulham  St  Mary-the-Virgin, 
Norfolk.  School,  Eye  (Mr  Francis  and  Mr  Browne).   Matric. 

1667.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  29,  1666.  Succeeded 
to  his  father's  estate,  1667.  WiU  dated  May  12,  1666; 
proved,  Apr.  27,  1670;  of  Pulham  St  Mary,  gent.  (Venn, 
I.  427-) 

SAYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  7,  1687.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  NorfoUi,  Esq.  Matric.  1688;  Scholar,  1690;  B.A. 
I 69 1-2. 


Sayer,  John 

SAYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  28,  1694. 
S.  of  Robert  (?  1653),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Westley,  Cambs. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Pettaugh,  Suffolk  (Mr  Candler)  and 
Ipswich  (Mr  Stevenson).  Scholar,  1694-7;  Matric.  1695. 
Migrated  to  Queens'.  B.A.  1697-8;  M.A.  1701;  B.D.  1710. 
Fellow  of  Queens'.  Elected,  but  not  admitted,  Master  of 
St  Catharine's,  1736.  Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders 
(Norwich)  Mar.  12,  1703-4-  R-  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge, 
1715.  R.  of  Bradenham,  Norfolk,  1716.  V.  of  Wickham 
Market;  elected,  but  not  admitted.   [Venn,  1.  495.) 

SAYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  23,  1726. 
S.  of  Edward,  druggist,  of  Nonvich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Reddington).  Scholar,  1726-32;  Matric.  1727; 
M.B.  1732.  Practised  at  East  Dereham.  Died  Mar.  21,  1736. 
M.I.  at  East  Dereham.  (Venn,  ii.  26.) 

SAYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  i,  1731- 
S.of  John,  woollendraper,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Brain  tree.  School, 
Colchester  (MrComark).  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1736-7-  (Bapt. 
at  St  Peter's,  Cambridge,  June  5,  i737.  age  22,  by  permission 
of  the  Bishop.)  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1739;  if 
so,  will  (Comm.  Essex)  1741-2;  of  Chelmsford.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Weston  TurvUle,  Bucks.,  1741-7. 

SAYER,  PHILIP.  M.A.  1715  (Incorp.  from  New  Inn  HaU, 
Oxford).  S.  of  Francis,  R.  of  Yattenden,  Berks.  B.  there. 
Colleger  at  Eton,  1680-4.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  14,  1685,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1689;  M.A.  1692.  R.  of 
Catmore,  Berks.,  1693.  R.  of  Stanford  Dingley,  1703.  [Al. 

SAYER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1576. 
B.  at  Gt  Chesterford,  Essex.  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  May  14,  1585,  age  24.  C.  of  Wallington, 

SAYER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1656. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.  R.  of 
Sheering,  Essex,  1671.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Apr.  17, 
1 712.   Probably  brother  of  John  (1656). 

SAYER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1561.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Pulham, 
Norfolk.  B.A.  1564-6;  M.A.  1568;  B.D.  1575-  Fellow, 
1569-77.  University  preacher,  1573.  R.  of  Dickleburgh, 
Norfolk,  1576-1622.  One  of  these  names  (M.A.),  V.  of 
Tooting,  Surrey,  1614-5.   (Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

SAYRE  or  SEARE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
July  5,  1576.  S.  of  John,  of  Redgrave,  Suffolk.  B.  there, 
1560.  School,  Botesdale.  Matric.  1576;  B.A.  from  Peter- 
house,  1580-1  ^having  been  refused  his  degree  at  Caius  on 
account  of  his  popish  views).  Adm.  at  the  English  College, 
Rome,  Nov.  6,  1582.  Ord.  priest,  1585.  Became  a  Benedic- 
tine monk  (and  took  the  name  of  Gregory)  in  the  monastery 
at  Monte  Cassino.  Professor  of  moral  philosophy  there  for 
several  years.  Acquired  a  great  name  on  account  of  his 
learning;  invited  to  the  monastery  of  St  George  at  Venice, 
1595.  Author,  theological.  Buried  at  Venice,  Oct.  30,  1632 
(?  1602).  (Venn,  i.  87;  D.N.B.;  Cooper,  11.  334.) 
AYER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1623.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  Gt  Yarmouth, 
merchant  (whose  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1641).  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A. 
1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632;  priest,  Sept.  22, 
1633.   V.  of  Cretingham,  Suffolk,  1634. 

SAYER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1653; 
B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659;  B.D.  1667.  Fellow,  1660.  Probably 
R.  of  Westley  Waterless,  Cambs.,  1662.  Preb.  of  York, 
1675-81.  R.  of  Widdington,  Essex,  1678-81.  Died  1681. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1694). 

SAYER,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1667.  S.  of  George,  yeoman,  of  Croft,  near  Darlington, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Brignall  (Mr  Johnson).  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1670-1. 

SAYER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1661.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  V.  of 
Attlebridge,  Norfolk,  1670-2. 

SAYER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1583. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1583;  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.  FeUow, 
1589-96.  Ord.  deacon  (Worcester)  Feb.  14,  1592-3;  priest, 
Feb.  14  (?  1592-3).  V.  of  Hoxne,  Suffolk,  1596-1644, 
sequestered.  Died  soon  after.   (Masters.) 

SAYER,  THOMAS.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  8,  1611-2;  'B.A. 
of  Trinity  College.' 

SAYER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  2, 
1720-1.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Topcroft,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Saxlingham.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Reddington)  and 
Shottesham  (Mr  Pitcaime).  Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1721-7; 
B.A.  1724-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1727;  'C.  of 
Framingham  Pigot.'  Died  June  8,  1757.  Will  proved 
(Norwich  Archd.  C.)  i757-   (Venn,  11.  15;  G.  Mag.) 

Saywell,  Thomas 

SAYER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1620-1.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1623-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Dec.  19,  1624;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1625.  V.  of  Waterbeach, 
Cambs.,  1636. 

SAYRE, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1609. 

SAYRES, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  29,  1645.  Matric. 

SAYLE  or  SALE,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
July  2,  1636.    S.  of  James.    B.  at  Pudsey,  near  Bradford. 
Schools,  Bradford  (Mr  Collier)  and  Wakefield  (Mr  Doughty). 
Matric.    1636;   B.A.    1639-40.    Nonconformist   minister  at 
Lincoln;  at  Thornton;  at  Pudsey,  1647;  at  St  John's,  Leeds, 
1649;  assistant  to  Elkanah  Wales.    Silenced,  1662;  retired 
to  Pudsey.  Died  Apr.  17,  1679.  Buried  in  Calverley  Church. 
(Calamy,  11.  566;  Pejle,  i.  445.) 
SAYLES,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616; 
B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20; 
priest,  Dec.  21,  1623. 
SAYLES  or  SALES,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  18, 

1716.   Of  Derbyshire.   Matric.  1716. 
SALE,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1597;  B.A. 

1600-1;  M..\.  1604. 
SAYLYS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1487. 
SAYLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587,  'Salte.'  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  Oct.  16,  1588.  V.  of  Chatteris,  Cambs.,  1592. 
SAYLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1610; 
B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4; 
priest,  Sept.  24,  1615.  R.  of  Mavis  Enderby,  Lines.,  1622. 
Licensed  to  marry  Margaret  Burton,  of  Langton,  Mar.  6, 
SAYLE  or  SALE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  14,  1751.  S.  of  William,  attorney,  of  Nottingham- 
shire. B.  at  Retford.  School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrough). 
Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1755.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  6; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1757;  C.  of  Gt  Barford  with  Roxton,  Beds. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Chelworth,  Somerset,  1774-99; 
V.  of  Stowey,  1774-99-  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  604.) 
SAYON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1664.  Of 
London.  1st  s.of  Abraham,  merchant.  Matric.  1664.  Brother 
of  the  next. 
SAYON,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  8, 
1668.  S.  of  Abraham,  deceased,  of  Leadenhall  Street, 
London.  B.  there.  School,  Eton;  Colleger,  1663.  Adm. 
Scholar  at  King's,  1668;  Matric.  Easter,  1669;  B.A.  1672-3; 
M.A.  1676.  Fellow  of  King's,  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  21,  1679.  R.  of  Kingston,  Cambs.,  1683.  Died  Oct.  2, 
1688.  Brother  of  Francis  (above).  (Scott-Mayor,  11.  16.) 
SAYVE,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  15, 
1686.  S.  of  Peter.  B.  in  London.  School,  Westnunster. 
Matric.  1686;  Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693; 
B.D.  1701.  FeUow,  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jtme  11; 
priest,  Nov.  5,  1693.  V.  of  Masham,  Yorks.,  1703-32.  V.  of 
Kirkby  Malzeard,  1703-32.  Died  Sept.  11,  1732.  Buried  at 
SAYWELL,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  18, 
1629.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1637;  priest.  May  20,  1638. 
R.  of  Pentridge,  Dorset,  1640-58.  Died  1658.  Father  of  the 
next,  of  William  (1659),  John  (1686)  and  Samuel  (1666). 
SAYWELL,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  4, 
1673.  S.  of  Gabnel  (above),  of  Pentridge,  Dorset.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1673.  Brother  of  the  next,  William  (1659)  and  Samuel 
SAYWELL,  JOHN.  D.D.  (?  B.D.)  from  Jesus,  1686.  S.  of 
Gabriel  (1629),  R.  of  Pentridge,  Dorset.  Matric.  (Wadham 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  21,  1661-2,  age  i6;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1665;  M.A.  1668.  V.  of  East  Grinstead,  Sussex,  1671.  Canon 
of  Chichester,  1672.  R.  of  Downham,  Cambs.,  i677-  R-  of 
Watton-at-Stone,  Herts.,  1689-94.  Died  Mar.  13,  1693-4. 
M.I.  at  Watton.  Brother  of  James  (1673),  etc.  (CluUerbuck, 
II.  488;  Al.  Oxon.) 
SAYWELL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  5, 
1666.  S.  of  Gabriel  (1629),  clerk,  of  Pentridge,  Dorset. 
B.  there.  School,  Cranbome.  Matric.  1667;  B..'\.  1669-70; 
M.A.  1673;  B.D.  1680.  FeUow,  1671-85.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1677.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  18,  1675-  V.  of  Hauxton  and 
Newton,  Cambs.,  1676.  V.  of  WiUingham,  1679-1709.  R.  of 
Bluntisham,  Hunts.,  1684-1709.  Author,  sermons.  Died 
1709.  Brother  of  James  (1673),  etc. 
SAYWELL  or  SAYVILL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16) 
at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  25,  1598.  Of  Byfleld, 
Northants.  Matric.  1598;  B.A.  1601-2.  Fellow,  1601-5. 
Died  in  College. 


Say  WELL,  William 

SAYWELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  3,  1659.  S.  of  Gabriel  (1629),  deceased,  R.  of  Pentndge, 
Dorset.  B.  there,  1643.  School,  Cranbome  (Mr  Johnson). 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667;  D.D.  1679.  Master 
of  Jesus,  1679-1701.  Vice-Chancellor,  1685-6.  Incorp.  at 
0.\ford,  1669.  Chaplain  to  Bishop  Gunning.  R.  of  Birdham, 
Sussex,  1672.  V.  of  Pevensey,  1672.  Preb.  of  Chichester, 
1672-5;  Chancellor,  1672-1701.  R.  of  Downham,  1677.  R. 
of  Willingham,  Cambs.,  1679.  Canon  of  Ely,  1679-1701; 
Archdeacon,  1681-1701.  Author  of  Latin  verse  and  con- 
troversial treatises.  Died  in  London,  June  9,  1701.  Buried 
in  the  CoUege  Chapel.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  James  (1673), 
etc.   (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SCABHAM  or  SCUPHOLME,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's, 
Michs.  1659;  B.A.  1663-4. 

SCADDER  or  SKUDDER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
Cath.^rine's,  Easter,  1640.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A. 

SCAIFE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June  29,  1652.  S.  of  Richard,  yeoman.  B.  at  Islebeck,  near 
Thirsk.  School,  Coxwold.  Matric.  1652, 'Scape';  B.A.  1655- 
6;  M.A.  1659.  R.  of  South  Ottrington,  Yorks.,  1660-1704. 
Died  1704.   Probably  father  of  Richard  (1692). 

SKAIFE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  2,  1674-5. 
Of  Surrey.  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1674-5;  B.A.  1678-9; 
M.A.  1682.  R.ofFolksworth,  Hunts.,  1690-1702.  Died  1702. 

SKAYFF,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  8,  1706-7. 
Of  Glatton,  Hunts.  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1.  Died  in 
College.  Buried  probably  in  the  Chapel  Cloister,  Oct.  i, 
1711.   M.I. 

SCAIFE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  4,  1700. 
S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  at  Sedbergh,  Yorks.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1704-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  II,  1704;  priest,  June  3,  1705. 

SCAIFE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1720. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1678),  of  Histon,  Cambs.,  clerk.  School, 
Histon  (under  his  father).  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A. 
1729.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1724;  C.  of  Histon;  priest 
(Norwich)  July,  1726.  V.  of  Histon,  1735-75.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1717).   (A.  G.  HiU,  Churches  of  Cambs.) 

SCAIFE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  i8, 
1692.  Probably  s.  of  Christopher  (1652).  B.  at  Ottrington, 
Richmonds.  Perhaps  C.  of  Sowerby  Chapel,  Thirsk,  Aug.  7, 
1699.   (Peile,  II.  125.) 

SCAIFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  11, 
1678.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Crosby-Garret, 
Westmorland.  School,  Ravenstonedale  (Mr  Metcalf).  Matric. 
1678;  B.A.  1684;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1692.  Fellow  of 
Magdalene,  1692.  Ord.  priest  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Durham)  Sept.  29,  1686.  Probably  P.C.  of  Lanchester, 
Durham,  168&-94.  V.  of  Histon,  Cambs.,  1695-1725.  Buried 
there  Feb.  18,  1725-6.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1720). 

SCAIFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  4, 
1717.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  V.  of  Histon,  Cambs.  School, 
Histon  (under  his  father).  B.A.  1720-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  24,  1721.  V.  of  Histon,  c.  1725-35.  Brother  of  John 

SCALES,  LAURENCE.   B.A.  from  St  John's,  1582-3. 

SCALES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  21, 
1740-1.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at  Thwaite- 
head.  Schools,  Hawkshead  and  Heversham,  Westmorland. 
Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748;  B.D.  1756.  Fellow, 
1747-69.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  Mar.  10;  priest  (Bangor) 
June  9,  1754.  P.C.  of  Ulverstone,  Lanes.,  1765-86.  R.  and 
V.  of  Hormead,  Herts.,  1768-86.  Died  Jan.  3,  1786.  {Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  515.) 

SCALES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Supp.  for  incorp.  at  Oxford,  1588. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  10,  1583.  V.  of  Hagnaby,  Lines., 
1583.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1587. 

SCALES,  THOMAS.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  8;  priest,  Mar.  9, 
1627-8;  'M.A.  of  Queens'  College.' 

SCALES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1485;  B.A.  1489-90;  M.A.  1492-3;  B.D.  1502-3;  D.D.  1506-7. 
Fellow.  Vice-Provost.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  19,  1495. 
V.  of  Ringwood,  Hants.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1519.  Benefactor  to 
the  College.   (Hanuood.) 

SCALON  or  SCALAM, .   B.A.  1499;  M.A.  1503.   Doubtless 

Thomas,  R.  of  Haddiscoe,  Norfolk,  1504  (presented  by 
King's  College). 

SCAMBER, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1654. 

SCAMBLER,  ADAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1581.  4th  s.  of  Edmund  (next),  Bishop  of  Norwich.  Bapt. 
Aug.  28,  1569,  at  Peterborough.  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
1585-6.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1587.   Bencher,  1611. 

ScAMPTON,  William 

J. p.  for  Norfolk  and  Suffolk.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
John  Athow,  of  Brisley.  Died  Sept.  18,  1645.  M.I.  at 
Hevingham.  (Vis.  of  Norfolk;  Le  Neve,  Mon.;  D.N.B.; 

SCAMBLER,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1541-2.  B.  at  Gressingham, 
Lanes.,  c.  1520.  D.D.  from  Queens',  1564.  Probation 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1547,  but  did  not  complete  his  year. 
V.  of  Rye,  Sussex,  1559.  Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Parker. 
Preb.  of  York,  1560-4.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1560-2. 
Bishop  of  Peterborough,  1560-84.  Bishop  of  Norwich, 
1584--94.  Married  Julyan  Fraunceys,  Jan.  21,  1560-1,  at 
St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London.  Author,  religious;  assisted 
in  the  translation  of  the  'Bishops'  Bible.'  Died  May  7,  1594, 
aged  85  (sic).  Buried  in  Norwich  Cathedral.  M.I.  Father  of 
Adam  (above)  and  of  Thomas  (1581).  {Cooper,  11.  167;  Vis. 
of  Norfolk;  D.N.B.;  Blomefield,  in.  560.) 

SCAMBLER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1575-  Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583. 
Fellow,  1581.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1584.  Probably  brother 
of  the  next. 

SCAMBLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1575. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1577.  Probably  brother  of 
Edward  (above). 

SCAMBLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  (age  16)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1631.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Cambridge,  carpenter.  B.A. 
1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1636; 
'C.  of  Fressingfield ' ;  priest.  Mar.  9,  1638-9.  Probably  R.  of 
Markshall,  Norfolk,  1639-87,  and  R.  of  Thurgarton,  1662. 
Died  1687.  Doubtless  father  of  Robert  (1669)  and  perhaps 
of  Joseph  (1675-6).   (Blomefield,  v.  48.) 

SCAMBLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  31,  1659-60. 
Probably  s.  of  Thomas  (1633),  of  Ickiingham,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.  FeDow,  1664.  V.  of 
Everton,  Hunts.,  1679-80.  V.  of  Eaton,  Norfolk,  1687-93. 
Probably  R.  of  Shenfield,  Essex,  1694-1706.  Died  June  13, 
i7o6,aged6o.  M.I.  at  Shenfield.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 
(1667).  (Blomefield,  iv.  518,  where  two  men  are  apparently 

SCAMLER,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  15,  1675-6. 
Of  Higham  by  Norwich.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1631)  and 
brother  of  the  next. 

SCAMBLER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
Mar.  31,  1669.  S.  of  John  (1631),  of  Heigham,  Norfolk, 
clerk.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June,  1674;  'C.  to  his  father  at  Thurgarton, 
Norfolk';  priest,  Feb.  1675-6.  Probably  brother  of  Joseph 

SCAMBLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1581.  3rd  s.  of  Edmund  (1541-2),  Bishop  of  Peterborough. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  8,  1583.  Brother  of  Adam  (1581). 
(Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

SCAMBLER  or  SCAMPLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16) 
at  Caius,  May  24,  1633.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.  B.  at  Heving- 
ham, Norfolk.  School,  Aylsham  (Mr  Knowles).  Matric.  1633; 
B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640,  Scampler.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  25,  1642;  priest,  Feb.  25,  1643;  'C.  of  Ickiingham 
St  James',  Suffolk.'  Admon.  (Norwich  .Archd.  C.)  Dec.  3, 
1660;  of  Norwich.  Probably  father  of  John  (1659-60)  and 
Thomas  (1667).   (Venn,  i.  318.) 

SCAMLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  16,  1667. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1633).  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1; 
M.A.  1674.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  1674.  R.  of  Marling- 
ford,  Norfolk,  1676-97.  R.  of  Drayton,  1676-97.  Perhaps 
R.  of  South  Ockenden,  Essex,  1708.  If  so,  died  1711.  One 
of  these  names  of  London,  clerk;  will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1708. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1659-60). 

SCAMBLER, .   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  May  31,  1622. 

SCAMMELL,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's, 
Easter,  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1676.  V.  of  North  Petherton,  Somerset,  168 1-1715.  Died  1715. 

SCAMP,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1615;  B.A. 
1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Bp.  of  Exeter)  June  11,  1620;  priest  (Bp. 
of  Ross)  Apr.  24,  1626.  Vicar-Choral  of  Ross,  Co.  Cork  and 
V.  of  Castrumventry,  1626.  V.  of  Aghadowne,  Ross,  1635-67. 
V.  of  Kilgobinet,  Lismore,  1662-4.  C.  of  Tracton,  Cork,  in 
1666.   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Brady,  11.  457.) 

SCAMP,  THOMAS  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1599.  Of  Hayne,  Devon.  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A. 
1607.  Fellow,  1602-24.  Senior  proctor,  1621.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1617.  'Had  a  lease  of  crown  land,  1623,  1626.' 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  7,  1631;  of  Georgeham,  Devon. 

SCAMPTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  5,  1689.  Of 
Leicestershire.   Matric.  1689;  M.B.  1694. 

SCAMPTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633;  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1636-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  9,  1639. 



SCANDRETT,  STEPHEN.  M.A.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Matric.  (Wadham  CoUege,  Oxford)  Dec.  12,  1654;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1656-7;  M.A.  1659.  Conduct  of  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge,  1659-60.  Assistant  to  Mr  Eyres  at  Haverhill, 
Suflolk;  silenced,  1662.  Received  presbyterian  ordination. 
Prosecuted  in  the  ecclesiastical  courts  for  preaching  after 
being  silenced  in  1662.  Married  Abigail  Walker,  of  Little 
Waldingfield,  Sufiolk,  Nov.  30,  1667.  Author,  theological. 
Died  Dec.  8,  1706,  aged  75.  Buried  at  Haverhill.  {Calamy, 
n.  421;  D.N.B.) 

SCAR  or  SCARRE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  155 1. 

SCARR  or  SKAR,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1561;  Scholar,  1563. 

SCARBOROUGH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius 
Mar.  4,  1632-3.  S.  of  Edmund  (1602),  gent.  Bapt.  Dec.  29, 
1615,  at  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1633;  Scholar,  1634-40;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 
Fellow,  1642-9.  M.D.  (Oxford)  1646.  Incorp.  M.D.  at 
Cambridge,  1660.  Resided  at  Merton  College,  Oxford. 
Fellow  collegian  and  friend  of  William  Harvey,  M.D.  One 
of  the  original  fellows  of  the  Royal  Society.  Fellow  of  the 
Royal  College  of  Physicians,  1650;  Elect,  1677-91-  Physician 
to  Charles  II;  to  James  II;  to  William  III,  and  to  the  House- 
hold, 1667-77.  Knighted,  Aug.  15, 1669.  M.P.  forCamelford, 
1685-7.  Author,  mathematical.  Died  Feb.  26,  1693-4. 
Buried  at  Cranford,  Middlesex.  M.I.  Father  of  the  next  and 
of  Edmund  (1677).  {Venn,  I.  308;  D.N.B.;  Le  Neve,  Mon., 
v.  148.) 

SCARBURGH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Sept.  10,  1669.  S.  of  Charles  (above).  B.  in  London.  Matric. 
1670;  M..^.  1674  (Lit.  Reg.);  LL.D.  1681.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1702.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  18,  1670.  Servant 
to  Prince  George  of  Denmark;  envoy  from  him  to  his  brother 
the  King  of  Denmark,  in  1699.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1677). 
{Venn,  1.  438;  Harl.,  viii.  226;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SCARBURGHE  or  SCARBURGE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age 
16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15,  1602.  S.  of  Henry  (1581),  of  North 
Walsham,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  Dec.  25,  1584.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Brigs).  Matric.  1602.  Emigrated  to  Virginia,  c.  1620. 
Member  of  House  of  Burgesses  there,  1629.  J. P.  for  Co. 
Northampton,  Virginia,  1631.  Married  Hannah  Butler. 
Died  1635.  (His  son  Edmund  was  a  prominent  citizen  of 
Virginia.)  Brother  of  Henry  (1606),  John  (1614)  and  Samuel 
(1610),  father  of  Charles  (1632-3).  {Venn.i.  178;  J.  W.  Wise.) 

SCARBURGH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Sept. 
23,  1677.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Charles  (1632-3),  Knt.,  M.D.,  physician 
to  Charles  II.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1678; 
M.A.  1682-3  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1682-8.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Nov.  22,  1676.  R.  of  St  Michael,  Wareham, 
Dorset,  1686;  of  Upway,  1687.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1687- 
1705.  Died  Oct.  1705.  Brother  of  Charles  (1669).  {Venn, 
1.  458.) 

SCARBROUGH,  GERVASE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1589.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1593-4; 
(M.A.  not  recorded);  B.D.  1615.  R.  of  Cranford,  Middlesex, 
1597-1603.  R.  of  St  George,  Botolph  Lane,  London,  1603-30. 
Died  June,  1630. 

SKARBOROUGH,  HENRY.  Adm.  Scholar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  3,  1581.  S.  of  Henry.  Bapt.  Sept.  1565,  at  North 
Walsham,  Norfolk.  Schools,  North  Walsham  and  Norwich. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Humberstone,  of  Loddon,  Esq. 
Died  Aug.  24,  1617.  Buried  at  North  Walsham.  M.I.  Will 
(Norwich  C.  C.)  1617.  Father  of  the  next,  of  John  (1614)  and 
Samuel  (1610).   {Venn,  1.  112.) 

SKARBURGHE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  9, 
1606.  S.  of  Henry  (above),  attomey-at-law,  of  North 
Walsham,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  July  21,  1590-  School, 
North  Walsham  (Mr  Tylles).  Scholar,  1608.  Died  in  College. 
Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Apr.  11,  1609.  Brother  of  Edmund 
(1602),  etc.  {Venn,  1.  194.) 

SCARBOROUGH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  4, 
1664.  Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1664. 

SCARBURGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  4, 
1614.  S.  of  Henry  (1581),  gent.  Bapt.  May  7,  1598,  at  North 
Walsham,  Norfolk.  School,  North  Walsham.  Matric.  1613; 
Scholar,  1614-7;  B.A.  1616-7.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  25, 
1615-6.  Of  North  Walsham,  Esq.  Brother  of  Edmund 
(1602),  etc.   {Venn,  i.  225.) 

SCARBROUGH,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
May  15,  1713.  S.  of  Matthew,  husbandman.  B.  at  Hill, 
Westmorland.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  17,  1716-7. 

SCARBORO,  RICHARD.  B.D.  1512-3.  Canonicus. 

SCARBURGH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  scholar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov. 
3,  1610.  S.  of  Henry  (1581),  attomey-at-law,  of  North 
Walsham,   Norfolk.    Bapt.   there,   Nov.   4,    1593.    School, 

Scarlett,  Francis 

North  Walsham.  Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1613-4.  Adm.  at 
Lincohi's  Inn,  July  5,  1614.  Died  Apr.  20,  1655.  Buried 
at  North  Walsham.  M.I.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1602),  etc. 
{Venn,  1.  209.) 
SCARBOROUGH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9,  1622-3; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1623. 

SCARBORO, .  B.A.  1489-90;  M-A.  1493-4- 

SCARFE,  see  also  SCARTH. 

SCARFE,  HICKLE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Dec.  29, 
1718.  S.  of  William,  of  Cambridge,  vintner.  Matric.  1718-9; 
B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  Fellow,  Feb.  1727-8.  Brother  of 
William  (1729). 
SCARFE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  July 
24,  1729.  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of  William, 
of  Cambridge,  vintner.  Bapt.  Oct.  20,  171 1,  at  St  Sepulchre's. 
Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  i737-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  10,  1733-4;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1735-  R-  of  Hatley  St 
George,  Cambs.,  1735-46.  R.  of  St  Colomb  Major,  Cornwall, 
1746.  Buried  there  Apr.  19,  1748.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of 
Hickle  (1718). 
SCARGILL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1661.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6.  Fellow,  1667-8. 
Expelled  from  the  University  for  infidel  tenets,  but  after- 
wards publicly  recanted  in  Gt  St  Mary's,  July  25,  1669. 
(His  recantation  was  reprinted  in  the  Somers  Collection, 
vol.  VII.)  R.  of  Mulbarton,  Norfolk,  1672.  V.  of  Swardeston, 
1690.  Married  (i)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Le  Neve,  of  Aslac- 
ton,  (2)  Sarah  Carman,  of  All  Hallows,  London,  Mar.  20, 
1681-2.  {Masters;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SCARGILL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Mar.  29,  1604. 
Probably  s.  of  Francis,  R.  of  Knapwell,  Cambs.  (whose  will 
(P.C.C.)  1605).  Of  Knapwell.  Licensed  to  Marry  Elizabeth 
Godfrey,  of  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  1617.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1651-2.  Doubtless  brother  of  John  (1609)  and  father  of  the 
next.  {Cambs.  Vis.,  1619.) 
SCARGILL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  5,  1636. 
S.  of  Francis  (above),  of  Knapwell,  Cambs.  B.  1619.  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Oct. 
31,  1643;  'C-  of  Knapwell,  Cambs.';  priest,  Apr.  18,  1644. 
V.  of  Knapwell,  in  1650.  {Cambs.  Vis.) 
SCARGILL,   HENRY.     Adm.   sizar    at   Clare,   Aug.   6,   1640. 

Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1644;  M.A.  1648. 
SCARGILL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1609.  Probably 
s.  of  Francis,  R.  of  Knapwell,  Cambs.  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A. 
1616.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  West  Hallam,  Derbs.,  1638. 
Died  1663,  aged  74.  Probably  brother  of  Francis  (1604). 
{Peile,  I.  272;  Cambs.  Vis.,  1619,  where  Thomas  (not  John) 
appears  as  M.A.  of  Christ's.) 
SCARGILL,  JOSHUA.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  13,  1661. 

Matric.  1661;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
SKARGELL,  SIMON.   B.A.  1533-4.   S.  of  William.   M.A.  1537. 
Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1538-40.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Mar.  13,  1531-2;  priest,  May  25,  1532.   Died  1540.   Admon. 
granted  (V.C.C.)  Oct.  20,  1540,  to  his  father  William.  {Venn, 
I.  30.) 
SCARGILL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1604. 
Perhaps    s.    of    Francis,    R.    of    Knapwell,    Cambs.,    and 
brother  of  Francis  (1604),  etc. 
SCARGELL,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  12,  1690.   S.  of  Joshua,  cutler.   B.  at  Sheffield,  Yorks. 
School,  Sheffield   (Mr  Baley).    Matric.   1690.    Migrated  to 
Trinity  Hall,  Nov.  9,  1693.   B.A.  1693-4. 
SCARGILL,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  6,  1654. 
Matric.    1654;   B.A.    1657-8.    Ejected  from  Chapelthorpe, 
Sandal  Magna,  Yorks.,  1662.    Afterwards  conformed.    Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Dec.  22,  1672.  V.  of  Holbeck,  Leeds.,  1675-86. 
R.  of  Danby  Wiske,  1684-6.   Died  Nov.  5,  1686. 

SKARGILL,  .   Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  Aug.  1564. 

Possibly  Francis,  s.  of  Henry.  Afterwards  of  Knapwell, 
SCARLETT,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1603-4;  M.A. 
from  Magdalene,  1607;  B.D.  1616.  Fellow  of  Magdalene. 
(Matric.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford)  Oct.  19,  i599.  age  17; 
of  Worcestershire,  pleb.)  R.  of  Gt  Wigborough,  Essex, 
i6i7-(?)  28.  R.  of  Little  Canfield,  1623-36.  Marrisd  EUza- 
beth,  dau.  of  Edward  Dod,  V.  of  Hinxton,  Cambs.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1636.  Father  of  the  next.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
SCARLET,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 
1640.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  B.D.,  late  R.  of  Little  Canfield, 
Essex.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  9,  1623.  School,  Felsted.  In- 
herited lands  at  Hinxton,  Cambs.  {Venn,  1.  338.) 
SCARLETT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  2,  1645. 
Matric.  1645.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1649;  's.  and  h. 
of  Benjamin.' 


Scarlett,  George 

SCARLETT,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1598-9- 
SCARLETT,  JOHN.    B.Can.L.   1481-2;  D.Can.L.   1492.    C.  of 

Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1502. 
SCARLETT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1549. 

Probably   B.A.    1560-1.    Ord.   deacon    (London)   Jan.    14; 

priest,  Jan.  25,  1559-60.  C.  of  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  1561. 

R.  of  St  Bartholomew,  Exchange,  London,  1567-91.    Died 

Apr.  1591.   Will,  Cons.  C.  London.   {Hennessy.) 
SCARLETT,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 

Fellow,  1610.   R.  of  Thorpe-by-Newark,  Notts.,  1615. 

SCARLETT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1617. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1621;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1622. 

SCARLETT,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  12, 
1630-1.  S.  of  Philip.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Perse 
(Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639.  (Peile,  i.  407.) 
SCARLET,  PHILLIP.  Adm.  at  Queens',  c.  1642-3.  S.  of  Peter, 
bookseller,  of  Cambridge.  Bapt.  Aug.  26,  1627,  at  Gt  St 
Mary's.  School,  Perse.  Migrated  to  Caius  as  sizar,  Jan.  8, 
1644-5.  Scholar,  1644-9;  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1646-7;  M.A. 
from  King's,  1652.  R.  of  North  Creake,  Norfolk,  1653-61  and 
1680-5.  R.  of  Aldham,  Suffolk,  1663-80  (his  successor  makes 
a  note,  'hitherto  the  negligent  Mr  Phil.  Scarlett,  with  his 
confounded  writing').  Buried  Aug.  26,  1685.  Will  proved 
(Norwich  C.  C.)  1685.  Father  of  William  (i677).  (Venn,  i. 

SCARLETT,  THOMAS.  Scholar  or  Fellow  at  King's  Hall; 
adm.  Nov.  19,  1370;  resigned,  Oct.  15,  1393. 

SCARLETT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1568. 
Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Stowmarket,  Suffolk.  Migrated 
pens,  to  Caius,  Oct.  16,  1570,  age  x8.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn 
(from  Fumival's  Inn)  Aug.  6,  1582.   (Venn,  i.  66.) 

SCARLETT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

SCARLET,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1622; 
B.A.  1625-6. 

SCARLETT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
June  8,  1665.  S.  of  Robert,  farmer.  B.  at  Feltwell,  Notts. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1668-9.  R.  of  Wanstrow,  Somerset, 
1688-96.   Died  1696. 

SCARLETT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631;  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  priest 
(Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639.  Chaplain  of  Trinity,  1639-45  and 
1661-2.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Bobbing,  Kent,  in  1663; 
R.  of  Halstow,  1664.  Buried  there,  Mar.  9,  1669.  (Fielding, 

SCARLETT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  11,  1641-2. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1653.  Perhaps  V.  of  Bassingboume,  Cambs., 
1660;  V.  of  Dunton,  Norfolk,  1686. 

SCARLET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  20,  1673. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.   Matric.  1673;  M.B.  1678. 

SCARLET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  27, 
1677.  S.  of  Philip  (c.  1642-3),  clerk,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk. 
B.  July  9,  1660,  at  North  Creake,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Creake 
and  Hadleigh  (Mr  Challenor).  Matric.  1678;  Scholar,  1678- 
84;  B.A.  1681-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1684;  priest, 
May  30,  1686;  C.  of  Dunton,  Norfolk.  R.  of  Dunton  and 
Doughton,  1686-1701;  of  North  Creake,  1687-1727.  Buried 
Feb.  8,  1726-7.  WiU  (Norwich  C.  C.)  1726-7.   (Venn,  i.  458.) 

SCARLING,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  20,  1715. 
B.  at  Sudbury,  Suffolk.   Matric.  1715-6;  M.B.  1720. 

SCARROW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1683,  'Carrow';  B.A.  1686-7. 

SCARTH,  see  also  SCARFE. 

SCARTH,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  12,  1647. 
Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650. 

SCARTH, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 

SCATCHERD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  20, 
1685.  S.  of  Robert,  farmer.  B.  at  Arthington,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Picton  and  Leeds,  Yorks.  Matric.  1685,  'Shratcherd'; 
B.A.  1688-9.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  1690.  V.  of  Alne, 
Yorks.,  1691. 

SCATLIN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1606; 
B.A.  1609-10. 

from  Trinity,  Michs.  1628.  S.  of  John,  attorney,  of  Chad- 
desden,  Derbs.  Bapt.  Sept.  18,  1611,  at  Ellastone,  Staffs. 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636;  D.D.  1662  (Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1669.  Chaplain  at  Trinity,  1637-40.  R.  of  Winwick, 
Northants.,  1641-87.  Canon  of  Lincoln,  1641-83;  of  Lich- 
field, 1666-82.   R.  of  Yelvertoft,  1670-87.  Married  Martha 

ScoLES,  Giles 

Wharton  at  St  Bartholomew-the-Less,  London,  June  27, 
1644.  Author,  biblical  criticisms.  Died  July  30,  1687,  aged 
76.  Buried  at  Yelvertoft.  .^dmon.  Aug.  7,  1687,  to  son 
Samuel.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Samuel  (1662).  (D.N.B.; 
Bridges,  i.  605,  610.) 

SCATTERGOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  14,  1668. 
2nd  s.  of  Anthony  (above).  Bapt.  Mar.  5,  1649-50,  at 
Winwick,  Northants.  Matric.  1671-2;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A. 
1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Buried  at  Winwick,  Sept.  24,  1723- 
Brother  of  Samuel  (1662).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SCATTERGOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  12,  1672. 
Matric.  1673;  Scholar,  1676;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Feb.  24,  1688-9. 

SCATTERGOOD,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  20, 

1662.  S.  of  Anthony  (1628).  Bapt.  at  Winwick,  Northants., 
Apr.  16,  1646.  Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1665-6; 
M.A.  1669.  Fellow,  1668.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Sept.  19,  1674.  V.  of  St  Mary's,  Lichfield,  1678 
81.  V.  of  Ware,  Herts.,  1681,  resigned  within  four  months. 
V.  of  Blockley,  Worcs.,  1681-96.  Canon  of  Lichfield,  1682; 
of  Lincoln,  1683.  Married  Elizabeth  Gilbert,  of  Tettenhall, 
Staffs.,  Sept.  5,  1688.  Author,  sermons.  Buried  at  Blockley, 
Dec.  10,  1696.  Brother  of  John  (1668).   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

SCAWEN,  FRANCIS.  Probably  a  student  at  Cambridge.  S.  of 
Robert,  of  Molinick,  Cornwall.  Died  Mar.  14,  1669.  M.I.  at 
Gt  St  Mary's,  Cambridge.   (Musgrave.) 

SCAWEN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1709.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Cornwall.  Died  Nov.  21,  1710, 
aged  19.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv. 

SCAWSBY,  THOMAS  (or  WILLIAM).  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1496;  B.A.  1500-1;  M.A.  1504-5-  Fellow. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1503.  V.  of  Chalke,  Wilts. 

SCHARDIN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1705. 


SCHELE,  LEWIS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1718.   Of  London. 

(Com.  Reg.).  S.  of  John  James,  of  Zurich.  B.  in  Switzerland, 
1702.  Graduated  at  Zurich,  1722.  Came  to  England  and 
became  librarian  to  Sir  Hans  Sloane.  L.R.C.P.,  1723-  F.R.S., 
1724.   Author,  medical.  Died  Apr.  10,  1729.   (D.N.B.) 


SCHLAER,  FREDERICK.   Incorp.  M.D.  1681,  from  Utrecht. 

SCHLECH,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1492-3- 

SCOCHEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
May  14,  1710.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Caister,  Lines.  School, 
Caister.  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5-  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  26,  1716.   C.  of  Tansor,  Northants. 

SCOCHIE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595; 
B.A.  1599-1600.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  21,  1601; 
priest,  Sept.  26,  1602.  V.  of  Ashby-juxta-Temple  Brewer, 
Lines.,  in  1604-5,  when  he  was  licensed  as  a  schoolmaster. 
V.  of  Hibaldstow,  1609-18.  V.  of  Hale,  1618.  Married  Anne 
Witherall,  of  Liddington,  Jan.  24,  1608-9.  Will  (Lincohj) 
1652;  of  Bicker. 

SCHOLAR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  9,  1669 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4-  Master  of  Bake 
well  School.   Died  Feb.  11,  1674-5.   M.I.  at  Bakewell. 

SCHOLEFIELD,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Mac 
dalene,  June  27,  1739.  S.  of  Abraham.  B.  at  Halifax 
Yorks.  School,  Halifax.   Matric.  i739;  B-A-  1742-3- 

SCHOFIELD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1626;  B.A.  1629-30,  'Chofield.' 

SKOFYLD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1573- 

SCOLEFIELD,  RADCLIFFE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Dec.  13, 
1689.  S.  of  Radcliffe,  attorney,  of  Scholefield  Hall, 
Rochdale.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  17,  1671.  Minister  at  Ash- 
worth  Chapel,  in  1703;  of  a  presbyterian  chapel  at  Hall 
Fold,  Whitworth,  1718-27;  then  at  Ringhay,  Cheshire. 
Buried  Aug.  16,  1728,  at  Ringhay.  Admon.  (Chester)  1739. 
(Fam.  Min.  Gent.,  i.  114;  A.  Gray.) 

SCHOFIELD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent, 
1577-8.  Probably  V.  of  Little  Clacton,  Essex,  1589-1605. 
Died  1605.   Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Mar.  26,  1605. 

SCHOFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1577.  Perhaps  of  Schofield,  near  Rochdale,  Lanes.  One  of 
these  names  C.  of  Holcombe,  in  1609.   (Peile,  i.  142.) 

SCOLES,  GILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1608; 
Scholar,  1610-1;  B.A.  161 1-2;  M.A.  1615.  Probably  buried 
at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  May  14,  1618.  (Peile,  1. 


ScHOLES,  James 

SCHOLES,  JAMES  (?  JACOB).  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
May  31,  1686.  S.  of  James,  husbandman.  B.  at  Oldham, 
Lanes.  School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90; 
M.A.  1698.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  June  15,  1690.  C.  of 
Prestwich  61  years.  V.  of  Ringley,  i7i9-  Died  1752-  Will 
(Chester)  1755.   (Mumford,  Manchester  Grammar  School.) 

SCOLES,  JEREMY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  6,  1646. 
S.  of  George.  B.  at  Salford,  Lanes.  Bapt.  June  14,  1629,  at 
Manchester.  School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1647;  Scholar; 
B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Ord.  presbyter,  July  5,  i655- 
Minister  of  Stretford  Chapel,  1655-7.  V.  of  Norton,  Derbs., 
1659-  ejected,  1662.  Returned  to  Salford,  licensed  to  preach 
there,  1672.  Died  Apr.  23,  1685,  aged  56.  Buried  at  Man- 
chester. Will,  Chester.  Father  of  the  next.  {Calamy,  i.  333; 
Mumford,  Manchester  Grammar  School.) 

SCOLES,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Sept. 
II,  1680.  S.  of  Jeremiah  (above).  B.  at  Salford,  Lanes. 
Bapt.  June  9,  1664,  at  Manchester.  School,  Salford.  Pastor 
at  Newton,  Manchester;  also  at  Macclesfield.  Died  at 
Macclesfield,  Oct.  2,  1702.  Buried  at  Manchester.  (Mumford, 
Manchester  Grammar  School;  Peile,  11.  81.) 

SCOLYS, .  B.Civ.L.  1482-3. 

SCHOLEY,  CALEB.  'Late  student  of  St  John's';  ord.  priest 
(York)  Sept.  1626. 

SCHOLEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 
One  of  these  names  of  V/ragby,  Yorks.,  clerk;  will  (York) 

SCHOLEY,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  T,  1665.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Ulley,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Rotherham  (Mr  Barton).  Matric.  1667; 
B.A.  1668-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  6,  1669;  priest,  June, 

SCHOLEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 

SCOLYE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1618. 

SCHOMBERG,  ISAAC.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Mar.  19, 
1746-7.  S.  of  Dr  Meyer  Low,  F.R.S.,  of  London.  B.  at 
Schweinberg,  Aug.  14,  i7i4-  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
M.D.  1750  (Lit.  Reg.).  Professor  of  Medicine  in  the  Univer- 
sity of  Giessen.  Of  Conduit  Street,  London.  Summoned  by 
the  President  and  Censors  of  the  C.P.  to  present  himself  for 
examination  as  licentiate  but  declined,  i747;  his  practice 
interdicted,  till  1765.  L.R.C.P.,  1765-  F.R.C.P.,  i77i- 
Censor,  1773  and  1778.  Attended  Garrick  in  his  last  illness. 
Died  unmarried  Mar.  2,  1780.  Buried  at  St  George's, 
Hanover  Square,  London.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Twin-brother  of 
Raphael  or  Ralph,  M.D.  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.)  {G.  Mag.; 
L.  Mag.) 
SCHOOLECROFT,  AUGUSTINE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St 
John's,  Apr.  12,  1654.  S.  of  James,  clerk.  Bapt.  Nov.  3, 
1633,  at  Lancaster.  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  10;  priest,  Mar.  13,  1660-1.  C.  at  Colwich, 
Staffs.,  in  1659,  to  John  Greensmith,  whose  daughter  he 
married,  in  1666.  V.  of  Colwich,  1663-70.  Buried  Feb.  16, 
1699-1700.  Brother  of  the  next.  (Wm.  Salt  Arch.  Soc. ,1^15.) 
SCHOOLECROFT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  12,  1654.  S.  of  James,  clerk,  of  Lancaster.  Bapt.  there, 
Feb.  6,  1635-6.  Matric.  1654.  Brother  of  Augustine  (above). 

SCHUTZ,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  30,  1747. 
Of  Berkshire.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  i755;  D.D. 
1769.  Fellow,  1753-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  28,  17541 
priest,  May  25,  1755.  R.  of  Marsh  Gibbon,  Bucks.,  1757-60. 
R.  of  Oving,  1774-1803.  R.  of  Burton  Coggles,  Lines. 
R.  of  Paston,  Northants.,  1803-n.  Died  before  Mar.  13, 
SCHUTZ,  SPENCER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  24,  1733-4- 
Of  Middlesex.  S.  and  h.  of  Hon.  Augustus,  of  St  George's, 
Hanover  Square.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  2,  1742-3. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1751.  Migrated  to  the  Inner  Temple, 
Feb.  6,  1752. 
SCIALETTI,  PAUL.    M.A.  1664  (Lt<.  i?eg.).    'Rabbi;  converted 

SCOBELL,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Nov.  9,   1732.    S.  of  Francis,  of  Tregony,  Cornwall,  Esq. 
Bapt.  Aug.  14,  1715.    Matric.  1732-3.   Died  Nov.  26,  1740. 
(Vivian,  Vis.  of  Cornwall.) 
SCOGGAN,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  5, 
1628.    S.  of  Robert,  husbandman.    B.  at  Preston,  in  the 
diocese  of  Durham.    School,  Preston.    Matric.  1628;  B.A. 
1632-3.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1633.    [Venn,  i. 
SCOLDING,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  9,  1687, 
Skulding.  Matric.  1688. 

Scot,  Christopher 

SCOOPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  25, 
1696.  S.  of  Richard,  clerk.  B.  at  Thornton  Watlass,  Yorks. 
School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Motley).  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699- 
1700.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1704- 
SCOOPE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  5,  1671; 
B.A.  1675-6. 

SCOPHAM, .  B.Can.L.  1498-9- 

SCORER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1571- 
Perhaps  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Co.  Hereford  and  Melton-on-the- 
HiU,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Nov.  10,  1549.  Probably  B.A.  1575-6, 
'George.'  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  17,  1577,  'age  24;  B.A. 
of  Christ's.'  Perhaps  C.  of  Melton.  Buried  Dec.  6,  1620. 
Will  (York)  1621. 

SCORINGHURST, .   Pens,  at  Jesus,  1613-4. 

SCORTRETH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar. 
1588;  B.A.  (?)  1591-2;  M.A.  1597-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi) 
Dec.  19,  1592;  priest,  Sept.  15,  1593.  V.  of  Huttoft,  Lines., 
1592-1600.  V.  of  Saleby,  near  Alford,  1600-6.  R.  of  Firsby, 
1605.  Will  (Lincohi)  1645-6;  of  Alford,  clerk.  Father  of  the 
next.  (Peile,  i.  192.) 
SCORTRATH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May 
28,  1628.  S.  of  George  (above),  V.  of  Saleby,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  'Ashford.'  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Lecturer  at 
Lincoln;  colleague  with  Edw.  Rayner;  ejected,  1662. 
(Calamy,  11.  154.) 
SCORTRETH,  RAMUS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Oct.  22,  1614. 

Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 
SCORY,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit).  Doubtless  s.  of 
Silvan,  of  Co.  Hereford,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of  John  (below). 
Bishop  of  Hereford.  Matric.  (Balliol  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  24, 
1595,  age  20.  Knighted,  July  4, 1618.  Brotherof  John  (1592). 
(Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  ofWorcs.,  1569-) 
SCORY,  JOHN.  Studied  nine  years  at  Cambridge.  B.D.  1539, 
when  he  is  described  as  formerly  a  Dominican  friar.  Of 
Norfolk.  (One  of  the  14  friars  who  with  their  Prior,  Gregory 
Dodds,  B.D.,  signed  the  deed  of  Surrender  of  their  Monastery 
in  Cambridge  to  the  King,  Apr.  16,  1538.  The  site  of  the 
old  monastery  was  afterwards  occupied  by  the  Protestant 
foundation  of  Emmanuel.)  Six  preacher  at  Canterbury,  1541. 
Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Cranmer.  Bishop  of  Rochester, 
1551-2;  of  Chichester,  1552-3,  deprived.  A  fugitive  abroad 
under  Queen  Mary.  Retired  to  Emden  in  Friesland;  super- 
intendent of  the  English  congregation  there;  returned,  1558. 
Bishop  of  Hereford,  1559-85-  Author,  sermons.  Died  June 
26,  1585.  Buried  at  Whitbourne,  Herefordshire.  (Cooper, 
I.  511;  D.N.B.;  Emmanuel  College  History.) 
SCORY,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  4,  1592. 
Of  Hereford.  S.  and  h.  of  Silvan,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of 
John,  Bishop  of  Hereford.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1615)- 
(Vis.  of  Worcs.,  1569-) 
SCOTT,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  2, 
1681.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Yokefleet,  Yorks.  School,  Holden 
CHowden),  Yorks.  (Mr  Thomas  Reynolds).  Matric.  1681; 
Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688.  R.  of  North  Coates, 
Lines.,  1704. 
SCOTT,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  18,  1666. 
S  of  William,  R.  of  Morebath,  Devon.  School,  Eton; 
Colleger,  1663-8.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1677. 
R.  of  Skilgate,  Somerset,  1674-85- 
SCOT,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1610.  Of 
Richmond,  Yorks.  Possibly  s.  of  Gregory  (1550).  B.A. 
1613-4;  M.A.  1617;  B.D.  1624.  Fellow  before  Michs.  1621-31. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18; 
priest,  Dec.  19,  1619.  R.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Goodramgate, 
York,  1633-5;  of  St  Martin's,  1635-40.  Buried  there  Feb.  17, 
1639-40.  Perhaps  brother  of  Christopher  (1603)  and  John 
(1597-8).  (Peile,  I.  279-) 
SCOTT,  BAL.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter,  1544 

SCOTT,  BENEDICT.     ('Benjamin'  in  Coll.  Reg.)    Matric.  sizar 

from  Queens',  Easter,  1659. 
SCOTT,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  11,  1640. 
S.  of  Charles,  gent.,  of  Northwold,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Didlington. 
School,  Swafiham  (Mr  Dawson).    Matric.  1640.    Brother  of 
Edmund  (1640)  and  Thomas  (1640).   (Venn,  1.  337.) 
SCOTT,  CHRISTOPHER.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1548. 
SCOTT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  (age  19)  from  Christ's, 
Apr.  1603.  Perhaps  s.  of  Gregory  (1550).  V.  of  Catterick.  B. 
at  Catterick,  Richmonds.  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  25,  1609;  'licensed  to  Markshall, 
Essex';  priest,  1614-5;  'licensed  to  Stisted,  Essex.'  R.  of 
Hawkeswell,  Essex  (not  Hockerill),  1617-32.  Died  1632. 
Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Feb.  5,  1632-3.  Father  of  the 
next,  perhaps  brother  of  Arthur  (1610)  and  John  (1597-8). 
(Peile,  I.  244;  H.  Smith.) 


Scot,  Christopher 

SCOTT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  24,  1635.  -S.  of  Christopher  (above),  R.  of  HawkesweU, 
Essex.  B.  there.  School,  Maldon.  Matric.  1635;  B. A.  1638-9. 
R.  of  Gt  Wakering,  Essex,  1644-62,  ejected.   {Peilc,  1.  435.) 

SCOTT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  25, 
1639.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Letton,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  W>-mondhain.  Matric.  1639;  Scholar,  1640-6;  B.A. 
1642-3;  M.A.  1646. 

SCOTT,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1673.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1674;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680. 
Fellow,  1680-9.  Junior  Proctor,  1686-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June,  1680;  priest.  Mar.  1682-3.  'Minister  of 
St  Bene't,  Cambridge  in  the  time  of  James  II,  and  turned 
papist.'   {Masters,  115.) 

SCOTT,  CUTHBERT.  B.A.  1534-5.  Of  Lancashire.  M.A.  1538; 
B.D.  1544;  D.D.  1547.  Fellowof  Christ's,  1538-47.  Master, 
1553-6.  Vice-Chancellor,  1554,  1555-6.  One  of  the  Visitors 
in  Queen  Mary's  Commission  to  the  University,  1556-7. 
One  of  the  deputation  who  disputed  at  Oxford  against 
Cranmer  and  Ridley.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1554.  R.  of  Etton, 
Yorks.,  1547.  R.  of  Beeford,  1549.  Preb.  of  York,  1546. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1554-8-  Bishop  of  Chester,  1556-9; 
deprived,  1559.  Fined  and  imprisoned  in  the  Fleet,  1559-63. 
Retired  to  Louvain.  Died  there  1565.  Author,  theological. 
{Peile,  I.  21;  D.N.B.;  Cooper,  i.  233;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SCOTT,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1598;  Scholar,  1601-5;  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  June  15,  1606,  age  26;  C.  of  Northwold, 
Norfolk.   R.  of  Hadley,  Essex,  1609-12.   Died  1612. 

SCOTT,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  12,  1640. 
S.  of  Charles,  gent.,  of  Northwold,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Didlington. 
School,  Swaffham  (Mr  Dawson).  Matric.  1641;  Scholar, 
1641-3.  Brother  of  Charles  (1640)  and  Thomas  (1640). 
{Venn,  i.  341.) 

SCOTT,  EDWARD.  B.A.  1522-3. 

SCOTT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1549.  Of  Carlisle.  Matric.  1549;  B.A.  1553-41 
M.A.  1557.  Fellow,  1552-61.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  1557-8. 
V.  of  Fordingbridge,  Hants.,  1560-79.  Died  Nov.  1579. 

SCOTT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Jan.  6,  1559-60.  Of  Leighs,  Essex.  Perhaps  2nd  s. 
of  Walter,  of  Stapleford,  Essex.  Matric.  1560.  Fellow,  1562- 
3.  Left  without  a  degree.  Student  at  Clement's  Inn.  {Vis. 
of  Essex,  1612;  Essex  Pedigrees,  705.) 

SKOTT,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1587. 

SCOT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Oct.  16,  1622.  S.  of 
Thomas.  Schools,  Middleton,  Westmorland  (Mr  Garnet)  and 
Kirkby  (probably  Lonsdale).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1625-6; 
M.A.  1630.  C.  of  Canewdon,  Essex,  1637.  Sequestered  to 
Fobbing,  1646.  Buried  there  Nov.  23,  1653.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1654.   {Peile,  I.  347;  H.  Smith.) 

SCOTT,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1650; 
B.A.  1653-4.  Fellow  (by  order  of  the  Parliamentary  Com- 
mittee), -1654-5 ;  he  had  been  admitted  scholar  by  the  same, 
July  10,  1650. 

SCOTT,  FRANCIS,  Earl  of  Dalkeith.  LL.D.  1749.  S.  of  Francis, 
Duke  of  Buccleugh.  B.  Feb.  19,  1720-1.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  Oct.  27,  1739,  age  18.  Created  M.A. 
(Oxford)  1742.  M.P.  for  Boroughbridge,  1746-50.  Died  v.p. 
Apr.  I,  1750.  Buried  at  Dalkeith. 

SCOTTE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1575. 
Probably  s.  of  George,  of  Conghurst,  Kent.  B.A.  from 
Corpus  Christi,  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Perhaps  ord.  priest 
(St  David's)  May  8,  1583.  R.  of  Balcombe,  Sussex,  1586. 
Probably  preb.  of  Chichester,  1586-1611.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1618. 
(W.  C.  Renshaw;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

SCOTT,  GEORGE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1602. 

SCOTT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  8,  1608. 
Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of  Conghurst, 
Kent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  27,  1609.  Of  Hawkhurst, 
Kent.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Humphrey  Winche.  Died 
before  May  18,  1633.  Probably  father  of  Humphrey  (1629- 
30).   {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

SCOTT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  25, 
1628.  S.  of  George,  alderman  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Richmond.  Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  June  i,  1634;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1635. 
R.  of  Langton-on-Swale,  Yorks.,  1637-65.  Probably  R.  of 
Wensley,  1643-72;  R.  of  Spennithome,  1663-72.  Buried  at 
Wensley,  Dec.  20,  1672.  Father  of  George  (1649).  {Peile, 
I-  393-) 

SCOTT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1638.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of 
Gt  Easton,  Essex,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  19,  1639. 
Cedled  to  the  Bar,  1647.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert 

Scot,  John 

Cheyne,  of  Beds.,  Sept.  25, 1647.  Died  Oct.  15, 1683,  aged  61. 
(Berry,  Essex  Pedigrees,  706;  Morant,  1.  169;  Vis.  of  Essex, 
1634,  where  father  and  son  are  apparently  confused.) 

SCOTT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  21, 
1649.  S.  of  George  (1628),  R.  of  Langton-on-Swale,  near 
Richmond,  Yorks.  B.  at  Richmond.  School,  Giggleswick. 
Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652;  M.A.  1663.  R.  of  Oswaldkirk, 
Yorks.,  1663-1700.  Probably  R.  of  Kirkby  Wiske,  1661-92- 
Died  c.  1700.   Father  of  the  next.   {Peile,  1.  525.) 

SCOT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  20,  1671.  S.  of 
George  (above).  B.  at  Warlaby,  Yorks.  School,  Coxwold 
(Mr  Parkes).   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 

SCOTT,  GEORGE  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  i,  1690. 
S.  and  h.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Chigwell,  Essex.  Bapt.  there, 
Nov.  4,  1673.  School,  North  Weald  (Mr  Richard  Hewett). 
Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4.  .'\dm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Sept.  23, 
1690.  Died  unmarried  Feb.  19,  1726.  Buried  at  Chigwell. 
{Venn,  i.  487;  Essex  Pedigrees.) 

SCOTT,  GREGORY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  13,  1550.  Of  'Sebrem'  (Sebergham),  Cumberland. 
Matric.  1550;  B.A.  (?)  1553-4.  {Harwood  says  he  went  away 
B.A.  The  dates  of  degrees  given  in  Cooper,  i.  358  and  D.N.B. 
are  those  assigned  to  Edward  Scott.)  Fellow,  1553-4.  R.  of 
Thimbleby,  Lines.,  1560.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Lincoln. 
Canon  of  Carlisle,  1564-76;  Vicar-General,  1570-6.  V.  of 
St  Michael,  Appleby,  1569.  Chancellor  of  the  Cathedral,  Car 
lisle,  1570-6.  Died  1576  (stc).  But  one  of  these  names,  M.A. , 
was  V.  of  Catterick,  Yorks.,  1568-90  (stc),  and  was  probably 
father  of  Christopher  (1603)  and  possibly  of  Arthur  (i6io) 
and  John  (1597-8).  (Cooper,  i.  358;  in.  114;  D.N.B.; 
Whitaker,  Richmondshire.) 

SCOTT,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1590-1.  Matric.  c. 
1591;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Ord.  priest  (Colchester) 
Aug.  7,  1596.  R.  of  Reymerston,  Norfolk,  1603.  Father  of 
Henry  (1634)  and  Nathaniel  (1622). 

SCOTT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1610; 
B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York) 
Feb.  1618-9.   Perhaps  V.  of  Bametby,  Lines.,  1623-41. 

SCOTT,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  18,  1634. 
S.  of  Henry  (1590-1),  R.  of  Reymerston,  Norfolk.  School, 
Westfield  (Mr  Chapman).  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1637-8; 
B.A.  1637-8.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1622).   {Venn,  i.  315.) 

SCOTT,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  at  EmmanueL;  Mar.  22, 
1629-30.  Of  Kent.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (?  1608),  of  Conghurst, 
Esq.  Age  5  in  1619.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  18,  1633. 
{Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

SCOTT,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  (age  18)  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1631.  S.  of  James,  of  Suffolk,  attorney.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1636;  'C.  of  Cock- 
field,  Suffolk';  priest,  Sept.  24,  1637. 

SCOTT,  JAMES,  see  MONMOUTH,  Duke  of. 

SCOTT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  28,  1705.  Of 
Devon.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1715.  R.  of 
Skilgate,  Somerset,  1711. 

SCOT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Nov.  5,  1751. 
S.  of  James,  V.  of  Trinity  Church,  Leeds.  B.  there,  1733- 
School,  Bradford  (Mr  Butler).  Matric.  1752-  Migrated  to 
Trinity,  Mar.  4,  1756.  Scholar,  1756:  B.A.  1757;  M.A.  1760; 
B.D.  1768;  D.D.  1775.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1758.  Lecturer 
at  St  John's  Leeds,  1758-69.  C.  of  Edmonton,  1760-1. 
C.  of  Horbury,  Wakefield,  1766-74.  R.  of  Simonbum, 
Northumberland,  1771-91.  Retired  to  London.  Author, 
political  and  religious,  also  wrote  verse.  Died  Dec.  10,  1S14. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  M.Gram.  1500-1;  B.A.  1502-3;  M.A.  1506-7; 
B.D.  1516-7.  Fellow  of  God's  House  (Christ's).  Proctor, 
1510-1.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1522-45.  R.  of  Garboldisham, 
Norfolk,  1533-9-   Died  1545.   {Peile,  1.  5.) 

SCOTT,  JOHN.   B.A.  1534-5;  M.A.  1537. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1552. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1567;    B.A.    1570-1;    M.A.    1574.     Fellow,    1571-6.    V.   of 

Shropham,  Norfolk,  1574. 
SCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Dec.  10,  1572. 

SCOTT,   JOHN.     Matric.   pens,   from   Queens',   Easter,    1578. 

Of  Huntingdonshire.    B.A.  1581-2.    Perhaps  R.  of  Upton 

St  Margaret,  Hunts.,  in  1614. 
SCOTT,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  16,  1386. 

Matric.  1586. 
SCOTT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1589. 

Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1594-5;  of  Staple 



Scot,  John 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1597-8.  Of  Rich- 
mond, Yorks.  Perhaps  s.  of  Gregory  (1550).  B.A.  1600-1; 
M.A.  1604;  D.D.  1621.  Fellow,  1605-7.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Carlisle)  Feb.  i,  1618-9.  (Possibly  R.  of  Islip, 
Northants.,  1614-8.)  R.  of  Keystone,  Hunts.,  1621-4.  Preb. 
of  York,  1625;  Dean,  1625-44.  R.  of  Barwick-in-Elmet,  1629- 
44,  deprived  and  imprisoned.  Described  by  Bishop  Hacket 
as  a  prodigal  gamester.  Died  in  the  King's  Bench  prison, 
1644.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  7,  1646;  to  a  creditor  as  dying 
in  or  near  the  City  of  London.  Perhaps  brother  of  Arthur 
(1610)  and  Christopher  (1603);  father  of  John  (1635).  {Peile, 
I.  225;  Thoresby,  Barwick-in-Elmet,  67,  where  he  is  confused 
with  an  Oxford  contemporary.) 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1598. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1617. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  July  4, 
1635.  S.  of  John  (1597-8),  D.D.,  R.  of  Keystone,  Hunts. 
B.  there.  School,  York  (Mr  WaUis).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  9,  1678. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Fincham,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Fincham  (Mr  Gardner).  Matric.  1678;  Scholar,  1678-83; 
B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June; 
priest,  Oct.  1682.  R.  of  Pensthorpe,  Norfolk.  V.  of  Stradsett, 
1682-1727.  Died  Oct.  24,  1727.  Will  (Norwich  C.  C.)  1727. 
(Venn,  i.  459.) 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1689.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  Easter,  1690;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697; 
B.D.  1705;  D.D.  1710.  Fellow,  1698-1706,  resigned.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1699.  Perhaps  R.  of  Isfield,  Sussex, 
1705-42.  Died  1742.  One  of  these  names,  D.D.,  author  of 
Notes  on  the  First  Chapter  of  Genesis;  died  i753-  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.   (Musgrave.) 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  27,  1710- 
2nd  s.  of  William  (1669),  B.D.,  deceased,  V.  of  Albrighton, 
Salop.  B.  there.  School,  Newport.  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713- 
4;  M.A.  1717.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  19,  1714;  priest. 
May  27,  1716.  Probably  R.  of  Hunsdon,  Herts.,  1719-56. 
Died  1756.   Brother  of  William  (1704)- 

SCOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's.  Feb.  12,  1722-3. 

S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Wiltshire.    B.  at  Chippenham.    School, 

Marlborough.   Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1738.   Ord. 

deacon  (Salisbury)  June  9;  priest,  Sept.  22,   1727.    V.  of 

Wilsford  and  Woodford,  Wilts.,  1759-74.    {Scott-Mayor,  in. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June  29, 

1724.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Lincoln.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric. 

1724;  B.A.  1727-8.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  17,  1727-8; 

priest,  June  16,   1728.    Perhaps  P.C.  of  Horbury,  Yorks., 

172S-66.  Buried  there  June  17,  1766.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for 

a  contemporary  namesake. 
SCOTT,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  24, 

1726-7.     S.   of   William,   husbandman,   of   Snape,    Yorks. 

B.  there.   School,  Kirk  Leatham  (Mr  Clarke).   Matric.  1727. 

Migrated  as  pens,  to  Sidney,  Dec.  30,  1732.  LL.B.  1735. 

SCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7,  1735.  Of  Wake- 
field, Yorks.  S.  of  Thomas  (1687-8),  clerk,  deceased.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1736;  Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1738-9; 
M.A.  1742.  Fellow,  1742-52.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21, 
1740;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1743-  V.  of  Fordham,  Cambs.,  1748- 
51.  Probably  R.  of  Methley,  Yorks.,  1751-80.  Preb.  of 
Ripon,  1774-80.  Died  1780.  Brother  of  Thomas  (i735). 
(M.  H.  Peacock.) 

SCOTT,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1608.  Of  Hertfordshire.  B.A.  1611-2. 

SCOT,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  27, 
1723.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Hull.  School, 
Hull.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June  9,  1727;  priest,  July  21,  1728.  R.  of  Hilston, 
Yorks.,  1728-31.  V.  of  Owthome,  1729-31.  {Scott-Mayor, 
III.  361.) 

SCOTT,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1579.  Of  Cumberland.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1581-2;  M.A. 
1585.  V.  of  Castle  Sowerby,  Cumberland,  1585-1623.  V.  of 
Irthington,  1589-97.  R.  of  Skelton,  1598-1623.  {Peile,  i. 

SCOTT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  i8, 
1635.  S.  of  Edward,  clothier,  of  Glemsford,  Sufiolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Thurlow  (Mr  Moore).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9; 
M.A.  1642.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  25,  1645. 

SCOTT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  16, 1691-2. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1696. 

SCOTT,  MUNFORD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1565;  Scholar,  1566.  Went  to  Douay;  ord.  priest  (R.C.)  1575- 
Sent  to  England,  1577.  Executed  before  1591.  {Douay 

Scot,  Thomas 

SCOTT,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  2, 
1622.  S.  of  Henry  (1590),  R.  of  Reymerston,  Norfolk. 
School,  Reymerston  (Mr  Chapman).  Matric.  1623;  Scholar, 
1625-6;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  24,  1626;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1627.  R.  of  Gt  EUingham, 
Norfolk,  1628-31.  R.  of  Thuxton,  1647.  Buried  there  Apr. 
23,  1662.  Brother  of  Henry  (1634).   {Venn,  i.  259.) 

SCOTT,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
25,  1751.  S.  of  Robert,  druggist,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Diss. 
School,  Wyverstone  (Mr  Stygal).  Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1755- 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July  13,  1755;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1757. 
R.  of  Thorpe  Abbots,  Norfolk,  1757-1812.  R.  of  Thelveton, 
1774-1812.   Died  Jan.  18,  1812.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  608.) 

SCOTT,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Lent, 

SCOTT,  PETER.  LL.D.  1667  {Lit.  Reg.),  from  St  Catharine's. 
S.  of  John,  of  Camberwell,  Surrey,  and  grandson  of  Sir  Peter 
Scott,  Knt.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  July  2,  1658. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  14,  1660.  V.  of  Sunninghill, 
Berks.,  1671.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1671-89.  Married  (i)  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  Sir  William  Bowles,  of  Clerkenwell,  May  20, 
1663;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Clement  Spelman,  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer.  Died  Dec.  26,  1689.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1690. 
Father  of  the  next  and  of  William  (1690).  {Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of 
Surrey,  1662;  Coll.  Top.  et  Gen.,  in.  147.) 

SCOTT,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  26,  i68r.  Of 
Surrey.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter  (above).  Bapt.  Apr.  27,  1664,  at 
Camberwell.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  7,  1682. 
Brother  of  WiUiam  (1690). 

SKOTT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1544  {imputes). 

SCOTT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1583; 
B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.  Perhaps  'of  Essex:  licensed  by  the 
R.C.P.,  Sept.  25,  1590.'   {Munk,  i.  lOO.) 

SCOTT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  21,  1603. 
Matric.  1603. 

SCOTT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  23,  1626-7. 
Matric.  1627. 

SCOTT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576; 
Scholar,  1580. 

SCOTT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1584-5; 
Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592;  B.D.  1599.  Fellow, 
1591.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  25,  1599. 
Probably  R.  of  West  Grinstead,  Sussex,  1608-20.  Died 
I 620-1. 

SCOTT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1588. 
Probably  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Bamston,  Essex.  Bapt.  there, 
Feb.  4,  1569.  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1595;  D.D.  1613. 
Fellow  of  Clare;  Master,  1612-20.  Vice-Chancellor,  1619-20. 
Subalmoner  to  the  King.  Dean  of  Rochester,  1615-20. 
Died  in  London,  Dec.  21,  1620.  Buried  at  Bamston,  Essex. 
WiU  proved  (V.C.C.  and  P.C.C.)  1620.  {Clare  Coll.  Hist.; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xii.  23-4.) 

SCOTT,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1593-4. 

SCOTT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  27,  1644. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1644;  Scholar,  1646;  B.A.  1647-8; 
M.A.  1651;  B.D.  1660.  Fellow,  1649.  Taxor,  1656.  Senior 
Dean,  1659-60,  1674-7  and  1691-2.  Senior  Bursar,  1679-81. 
Approved  for  presbyterian  orders,  June  16,  1658.  V.  of 
Gt  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  1671.   Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1694. 

SCOTT,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1734  (Incorp.  from  Exeter  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there.  Mar.  14,  1721-2,  age  17.  S.  of 
Robert,  of  Belchalwell,  Dorset.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1727;  M.A. 
1728;  B.D.  1739.  Fellow  of  Exeter,  1724-41.  Ord.  deacon 
(Oxford)  Sept.  24,  1727;  priest  (Sarum)  Sept.  20,  1730. 
R.  of  Wootton,  Northants.,  1741-61.  Died  May  16,  1761. 
Buried  at  Wootton.   {Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SCOT,ROGER.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  resigned,  July  20,  1382. 

SCOT,  ROKEBY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Aug.  13,  1713-  S.  of 
Henry,  apothecary,  of  York  (and  Jane,  dau.  of  William 
Rokeby).  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1717-8;  -M.A.  1721.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June  12,  1720;  priest.  Mar.  5,  1720-1;  C.  of 
Escrick,  Yorks.  V.  of  Weaverthorpe,  i740-<;.  45-  R-  of 
Arthingworth,  Northants.,  1742.  Buried  there  Oct.  3,  1767. 
Will  proved,  Feb.  20, 1768.  FatherofThomas(i743)- (.f.^^-G.) 

SCOTT,  SIMON.  B.Civ.L.  1501-2. 

SCOTT,  SIRIA(?).  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

SCOTTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564.  Of 
Cumberland.  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1571. 
FeUow  of  Queens'.  V.  of  Castle  Sowerby,  Cumberland, 
1571-84,  resigned.  (One  of  these  names  V.  of  Edenhull,  1578- 
80;  died  1580.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 
sake to  whom  Foster  assigns  the  Castle  Sowerby  living.) 
(Nightingale,  439,  493.) 


Scot,  Thomas 

SCOTT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1564. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1566. 
Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Mildenhall,  Suffolk,  in  1558. 
B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1572.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jan.  16, 
1572-3;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  29,  1575-  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop 
of  Ely.    Perhaps  V.  of  MildenhaU,  Suffolk,  i57.3-9.'i.    Prob- 
ably R.  of  Northwold,  Norfolk,  1576,  and  also  of  Oxburgh, 
1579.   Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1620). 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1579; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Langton- 
on-Swale,  Yorks.,  1587-1629. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

SKOTT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1587. 
SCOT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1590. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596;  Scholar, 
1596;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604;  B.D.  1611.  R.  of  St  Clement, 
Ipswich,  1612-4;  suspended  and  absolved  by  Bishop  Wren; 
reinstated,  1614-38.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  North  Lynn, 
Norfolk,  1621-6. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1607. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  6,   1619. 
Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.   One  of  these  names 
R.  of  St  Clement,  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  1638-40. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.  B.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1620  (Incorp.  from 
St  Andrews).  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1566),  R.  of  Northwold, 
Norfolk.   B.  there.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1623.    Probably  ord. 
deacon  (London);  priest,  Sept.  24,  1620,  age  40.    Chaplain 
to  James  I,  in  1616.  Opposed  the  marriage  of  Charles  I  with 
the  Infanta  of  Spain.    R.  of  St  Saviour's,  Norwich,  1620. 
Preacher  to  the  English  Garrison  at  Utrecht,  1623.  Murdered 
there  June  18,   1626,  by  an  English  soldier  named  John 
Lambert.    Author,   political.    Possibly  identical   with   the 
poet  ifl.  1605).   {D.N.B.;  N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  x.  433.) 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634. 
SCOTT  or  SCOT,  THOMAS.    Said  to  have  been  educated  at 
Cambridge.     School,    Westminster.     M.P.    for    Aylesbury, 
1645-53,  1656-8;  for  Wycombe,  1654-5,  1659-60.   Regicide 
member  of  the  Council  of  State,  1649-53,  1659-60.  Secretary 
of  State,  1660.  Fled  to  Flanders,  but  surrendered  at  Brussels. 
Tried  with  the  other  regicides,  condemned  to  death  and 
executed,  Oct.  17,  1660.  Father  of  William  (1640).  {D.N.B.) 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  ir,  1640. 
S.  of  Charles,  gent.,  of  Northwold,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Didlington. 
School,   Swaffham    (Mr   Dawson).     Matric.    1640;   Scholar, 
1640-4;    B.A.    1643-4;    M.A.    1647.     Licensed    to   practise 
surgery,  1655-6.    Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Norwich) 
Dec.  20,  1662;  ord.  priest,  Dec.  20,  1663.  Brother  of  Charles 
(1640)  and  Edmund  (1640).   {Venn,  i.  337.) 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  5,  1687-8.    Of 
Wakefield,  Yorks.    School,  Wakefield.    Matric.  1688;  B.A. 
1691-2;  Scholar,   1692;  M.A.   1695.    Ord.  priest  (London) 
Mar.  8,  1695-6.    V.  of  Wakefield,  1701-29.    Preb.  of  York, 
1707-29.  Governor  of  Wakefield  School.  Died  Apr.  14,  1729. 
Buried  at  Wakefield.    Father  of  John  (1735)  and  Thomas 
(1735)-   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 
1692.    S.  of  Thomas.    B.  at  Elworthy,  Somerset.    School, 
Westminster.   Matric.  1693;  Scholar,  1693.  Secretary  to  the 
Duke  of  Roxburgh.    Author  of  Comedies.    (Al.  Westmon., 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  2,  1721;  M.A. 
1721.    S.   of  T.,   of  Wotton-under-Edge,   Gloucs.    Matric. 
(University  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  6,  1706-7,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1710-1.   R.  of  Cleeve  Prior,  Worcs.,  1717-56.   (Al. 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1721.    S.   of   Robert,   husbandman,   of   Yorkshire.     B.   at 
Yokefleet,  near  Howden,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  John- 
stone).  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6;  M.A.  1740.   Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1727;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1730;  C.  of  Conis- 
holme.  Lines.    Perhaps  V.  of  Helhoughton,  Norfolk,  1740, 
also  R.  of  Rainham,  1740-2.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  343.) 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  14, 
1735.   S.  of  Thomas  (1687-8),  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.   School, 
Bradford  (Mr  Butler).    Matric.  1735;  Scholar,  1737;  B.A. 
173^-9;  M..A..  1750.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1741. 
V.  of  West  Ardsley,  Yorks.,  1754-71.  V.  of  Batley,  1754-71. 
V.  of  East  Ardsley,  1766-71.   Died  Sept.  13,  1771.   Brother 
of  John  (1735). 
SCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  2,   1743.    Of 
Eskrick,  Yorks.    S.  of  Rokeby  (1713),  clerk.    B.  Mar.  9, 
1725-6.    Matric.   1743;  Scholar;  B.A.   1746-7;  M.A.   1750. 
Fellow,    1752-79.     Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.)   Sept.   25,    1748; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1750.  V.  of  Fordham,  Cambs.,  1773. 
R.  of  King's  Stanley,  Gloucs.,  1779.  Died  Aug.  1799.  Buried 

V.A.C.  IV. 

ScoTCHMER,  Thomas 

at   St  Oswald's,  Chester.    WiU  (P.C.C.)    1800;  of  King's 
Stanley,  and  of  Kensworth,  Herts.    (A.  Gray;  F.  S.  Hocka- 
SCOTTE,  W.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs.  1561. 
One  '  William  Scott,  of  Chigwell,  Essex,'  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,   1566;  s.  of  George,  of  Chigwell.    {Vis.  of  Essex, 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 
S.  of  John,  burgess  of  Cambridge.    B.  there.    Migrated  to 
Caius,  Oct.  1,  1578.   B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1580-1;  M.A. 
1584.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Jan.  31,  1585-6.  R.  of  Gt  Stukely, 
Hunts.,  1587-95.  C.  of  Catworth.   R.  of  Upton,  1592.   R.  of 
Coppingford,  1592-1633.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Knoddis- 
hall,  Suffolk,  1624.   {Venn,  i.  97.) 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1593-4; 

LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1600. 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628; 
B.A.  1630-1.    One  of  these  names  C.  of  Bradfleld,  Yorks., 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  ii, 
1636.    S.  of  William,  merchant.    B.  at  York.   School,  Cox- 
wold.  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Oxburgh,  Norfolk,  1641. 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.  B.C.L.  (Oxford)  1648;  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas, 
of  Marlow  Park,  Bucks.,  the  regicide;  'had  spent  6  years  in 
study  at  Cambridge':  probably  therefore  the  man  of  these 
names  matric.  from  Peterhouse,  1640;  'of  Norfolk.'  Fellow 
of  All  Souls,  1648.    Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1646.   Bar- 
rister-at-law,  1653.  Living  in  Holland  as  a  spy  for  the  English 
Government,  1666.  {Vis.  nf  Bucks.,  1634;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  24,  1644. 
Of  London.    Matric.  1644.   Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Nov.  7, 
1645;  Scholar,  1645-   (T.  A.  Walker,  84.) 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  18, 
1665.    S.  of  George,  of  Yorkshire.    School,  Bradford  (Mr 
Cotes).  Matric.  1665.  One  of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (York) 
June,  1668.   {Peile,  i.  617.) 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  25,   1669. 
S.  of  William,   yeoman.    B.  at  Costford,   Salop.    Schools, 
Oken    Strafford    (Jonathan    Jenes),    Salop    and    Arlston. 
Migrated  to  Sidney,  Oct.  7,   1671,  age  16.    Matric.  1672; 
B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676;  B.D.  1683.  Fellow  of  Sidney,  1673. 
Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1676.    V.  of  Albrighton,  Salop. 
Married,  at  Hickling,  Notts.,  to  Elizabeth  Fisher,  Apr.  23, 
1684.   Father  of  William  (1704)  and  John  (1710). 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  5, 
1676-7.    B.  at  Ely,   Cambs.    School,   Ely.    Matric.   1677; 
B.A.  1680-1.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1681-2;  priest, 
Dec.  22,  1683.    Perhaps  R.  of  Boulge,  Suffolk,  1687.    R.  of 
Debach,  1688. 
SCOT,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from   King's,   Michs.    1690. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Peter  (1667).  B.  at  Windsor,  Berks.  Colleger 
at  Eton,  1683-9.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  18,  1693. 
Buried  at  CamberweU,  Surrey,  Mar.  24,  1705.    Brother  of 
Peter  (1681).   {Coll.  Top.  et  Gen.,  in.  147.) 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  5, 
1704.     1st   s.    of   William    (1669),    B.D.,    deceased,    V.   of 
Albrighton,  Salop.   B.  there.  School,  Albrighton  (Mr  Henry 
Yeomans).    Matric.   1704;  B.A.   1707-8;   M.A.   1711-    Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  19,  1708.    Probably  C.  of  Southill,  Beds., 
1 7 10.  Brother  of  John  (1710). 
SCOTT,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  19, 
1742-3.   S.  of  John,  of  King's  Lynn,  Norfolk.  School,  Lynn 
(Mr  Pigg).    Colleger  at  Eton,  1739.    Matric.  i743;  Scholar, 
1746;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  6, 
1747;    priest    (Norwich)    Sept.    1750.     Assistant    morning 
preacher  at  St  Sepulchre's,  Snow  Hill,  London.    Author, 
sermons,  etc.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SCOTT, .   B.A.  1523-4- 

SCOTT, .   B.D.  1524-5.   A  friar. 

SCOTT, .  B.A.  1529-30. 

SCOTT, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1583. 

SCOTT, .   Matric.  from  St  John's,  c.  1591. 

SCOTT, .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624. 

SCOTCHBURNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  8,  1684-5. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1689-90.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  18,  1692;  priest.  Mar.  8,  1695-6.  V.  of  Frant, 
Sussex,  1702-41.  Buried  there  Apr.  1,  i74i- 
SCOTCHMER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Mar.  30, 
1739.  S.  of  Thomas,  clothier,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Bapt. 
there,  June  4,  1719.  School,  Bury  (Mr  Kynnesman).  Scholar, 
1739-46;  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1742-3;  M-A.  1746.  Fellow, 
1747-8.  College  testimonial  for  deacon's  orders,  June  3, 
1743.  DiedDcc.  31, 1748,  agcd29.  M.I.  at  St  James' Church, 
Bury.   {Venn,  11.  46.) 

33  3 

ScoTHORs,  George 

SCOTHORS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1623. 

SCOTMAN,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  i,  1726. 

S.  of  Thomas,   brewer,  of  Newmarket,  Cambs.    B.  there. 

School,  Bury  (Mr  Kynnesman).    Scholar,  1726-33;  Matric. 

1727;   B.A.   1729-30;   M.A.   1733.    Fellow,    1733-50.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  14,  1730-1;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1733. 

{Venn,  11.  25.) 
SCOTSON,   THOMAS.     Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   c.    1594; 

B.A.  1599-1600.    Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1604.   One 

of  these  names  of  South  MaUing,  Sussex,  gent.;  will  (P.C.C.) 

SCOTSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  23)  at  St  John's,  May  8, 

1685.    S.   of  Thomas,   husbandman.    B.   at   Abbot    Park, 

Col  ton.  Lanes.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9; 

M.A.  1692.  Fellow,  1 69 1-9.  Taxor,  1694.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1693.  Ord.  priest  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim.  from  Durham)  Mar.  20, 

SCOTTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  14,  1637. 
Of  Warwickshire.   Matric.  1637. 

SCOTTON,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1476-7. 

SCOTTOWE  or  SKOTTOWE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus 
Christi,  1721.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Norwich,  and 
Little  Melton.  Matric.  1721;  B..'^.  1724-5;  M..^.  1728;  B.D. 
1736.  Fellow,  1726-51.  Taxor,  1729.  Declined  the  Master- 
ship of  Corpus  Christi,  1750.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21, 
1735.  R.  of  St  Lawrence  Pountney,  and  St  Mary  Abchurch, 
1747-9.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1748-67.  R.  of  Rodmell, 
Sussex,  1749-67.  R.  of  Slinfold,  1760-7.  Master  of  Leicester 
Hospital,  Wanvick.  Died  Apr.  1767.  Will  (P.C.C.)  Skottowe. 

SCOTTOW,  MILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1606.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1609;  M.A.  1613.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1615.  V.  of  Bengeo,  Herts.,  1623-5.  R.  of  Charlton 
St  Luke,  Kent,  1625-6.  Buried  there.  Will  proved  (Cons. 
C.  Rochester)  July  14,  1626. 

SCOTTOW,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1639.  Of  Norwich.  Of  Little  Melton,  Norfolk. 
Married  a  dau.  of  Sir  Charles  Le  Gross,  Knt.  Buried  at 
Melton,  1656.   {Masters.) 

SKOTTOWE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  24, 
1598.  S.  of  Richard,  vintner,  of  Norwich.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Limbard).  Matric.  1597-8;  Scholar,  1598-1605;  B.A. 
1600-1;  M.A.  1605.  Fellow,  1605-11.  R.  of  Bamby,  and 
V.  of  Mutford,  Suffolk,  1610-3.   {Venn,  i.  166.) 

SCOWN,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1503-4. 

SCOYLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
.'^ug.  17,  1510.  Of  Sudbury,  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  William 
[Scole],  baker  (will,  1526).  B.A.  1514-5;  M.A.  1518.  Fellow, 
1513.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  8,  1515-6;  priest,  1516.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Suffolk.  Perhaps  R.  of  moiety  of  Gamlingay, 
Cambs.,  1546-54. 

SCRAFTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 

1694.  S.  of  William,  of  Trinity  Lane,  London.  B.  in  Friday 
Street,  London.  Bapt.  July  10,  1677,  at  St  Margaret  Moses. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1697;  B.A.  1697-8; 
M.A.  1701.  Ord.  priest  (London)  May  31,  1702.  V.  of 
Clacton  Magna,  Essex,  1702-4.  R.  of  Paul's  Cray,  Kent, 
1704-43.  Died  Jan.  31,  1743.   M.I.  at  Paul's  Cray. 

SCRANTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
20;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1623.  Probably  of  Canterbury,  and 
possibly  C.  of  St  Dunstan's,  Canterbury.  Died  June  10,  1648, 
aged  47.  Buried  in  the  Chancel  of  St  Dunstan's.  M.I. 
(H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SCRENE, .  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1460-1. 

SCRIBO,  MOOR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  9,  1742. 
2nd  s.  of  James,  farmer,  deceased,  of  Thomey,  Cambs. 
B.  at  Tidd  St  Giles',  Cambs.  School,  Moulton,  Lines. 
(Mr  Chapman).  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1745-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1746;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1748.  R.  of 
Croyland,  Lines.,  1767-1808.  Died  July  18,  1808. 

SCRIME,  see  also  SKYRME. 

SCRIME  or  SKRIME,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1615;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Perhaps  brother  of 
the  next. 

SCRIME,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1617; 

B.A.  1620. 
SKRYME,    THOMAS.     Matric.   pens,   from   Corpus   Christi, 

Easter,  1583.   Perhaps  adm.  at  Caius;  see  the  next. 
SKRYME  or  SKRYNNE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at 

Caius,  May  23,  1583.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Snettisham,  Norfolk. 

School,  Lynn  (Mr  Iverye). 

SKRYMME,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1484-5. 

Scrivener,  Charles 

SKRYMSHER,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 

June  22,  1709.  S.  of  George  (Gerard),  M.D.,  of  Woodseaves, 

Shrops.    School,   Uttoxeter,   Staffs.   (Mr  Burton).    Matric. 

1709;  B.A.  1713-4.   {Staffs.  Pedigrees.) 
SCRYMSHERE,    GARRARD.     Matric.    pens,    from    Trinity, 

Easter,  1635.  S.  of  James,  of  Norbury,  Staffs.  Scholar,  1638; 

B.A.   1638-9;  M.D.   1661   {Lit.  Reg.).    Living  at  Norbury, 

1680.   {Staffs.  Pedigrees,  1664-1700.) 
SCRYMSHERE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Feb.  12, 1636-7. 

Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Norbury,  Staffs.,  Esq.   Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  18,  1639.  Died  vit.pat.  {Staffs.  Pedigrees.) 

SCRIMSHIRE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  24,  1660. 

Of  Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  at  Cotgrave,  May  20, 

1641.    Matric.   1661,   'William';  B.A.   1663-4;  M.A.   1667. 

R.  of  Cotgrave,  1667-9.   V.  of  Sneinton,  1667-9.   Died  June 

24,  1669.  Buried  at  Cotgrave.  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next. 

(Godfrey,  Notts.) 
SCRIMSHIRE,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  29, 

1673.    Of  Nottinghamshire.    Perhaps  s.  of  John.    Matric. 

1674;  B.A.  from  King's,  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Perhaps  brother 

of  John  (above). 

SCRYMGEOUR,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1501-2;  M.A.  1505. 

SKRIMSHIRE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1486-7;  M.A.  1490-1.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Norbury,  Staffs.,  1530-3,  'M.A.' 

SKRYMSHER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1547. 

SCRIMSHIRE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  8, 
1661.  Of  London.  Matric.  1661.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of 
William,  citizen  of  London;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  21, 
1664.   If  so,  married  Hannah  Hatley,  Sept.  i,  1673. 

SKRIMSHIRE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  ly)  at  St  John's, 
June  17,  1671,  as  Shrimsheire.  S.  of  Roger,  deceased,  of 
Holme,  Notts.   B.  there.  School,  Newark. 

SCRYMGEOUR    or    SKRIMSHIRE,    .     B.Can.L.    1494-5; 

B.Civ.L.  1496. 

SCRIVEN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  2, 
1685.  S.  of  Edward,  blacksmith,  of  Northampton.  B.  in 
Northamptonshire.  School,  Gt  Houghton,  near  Northampton 
(Mr  Steele).  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  21,  1690;  priest  (Peterb.)  May  30,  1697. 
C.  of  Harpole,  Northants.,  1692;  R.  there,  1697-1704, 1737-9. 
R.  of  Twywell,  1705-37.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  oif  Samuel 
Cory,  of  Harpole.  Died  Feb.  15,  1739.  Buried  at  Harpole. 
Will  proved,  Feb.  17,  1740-1,  by  son  Edward. 

SCRIVEN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  3, 
1683.  Only  s.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Knotting,  Beds.  B.  there. 
Educated  at  home.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1688.  V.  of  Irchester,  North- 
ants., 1688-1705.  R.  of  Harpole,  1704-37.  V.  of  Shpton, 
1707-37.  Married  Elizabeth  Ekins,  Sept.  27,  1688,  at 
Woodford,  Northants.  Died  May  2,  1737.  Buried  at  Harpole. 
WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  William  (1716).   {Baker,  1.  178.) 

SCRIVEN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  17, 
1683-4.  S.  of  Samuel,  farmer.  B.  at  Northampton.  Schools, 
Northampton  (Mr  Archer  and  Mr  Jackson)  and  Houghton 
(MrStiU).  Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1691.  Perhaps 
schoolmaster  at  St  Giles',  Northampton,  1690-2. 

SCRIVEN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  17, 
1716.  4th  s.  of  Thomas  (1683),  V.  of  Irchester,  Northants. 
B.  there,  Apr.  17,  1698.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1716; 
B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25, 
1720;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1722.  C.  of  Addington  parva,  North- 
ants. R.  of  Twywell,  1737-68.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of 
Slipton,  Northants.,  1737.  Buried  at  Twywell,  Dec.  8,  1768. 
(T.  P.  Dorman.) 

SCRIVEN,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  King's,  1726.  S.  of  Henry, 
of  Woodford,  Northants.  B.  at  Famdon,  Woodford.  Matric. 
(Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  4,  1717-8,  age  18;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1722.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1722;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1723;  C.  of  Newton,  Northants.,  1722;  of  Gedding- 
ton,  in  1723;  v.,  1727-35.  R.  of  Church  Lawford,  Warws., 
1735-7.   Died  Nov.  1737.   (/I/.  0.ro».;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SCREVIN, .   M.Gram.  1520-1. 

SCRIVENER,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
c.  1596.  B.  at  Bridlington,  Yorks.  B.A.  1600-1;  .M.A.  1604. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1604.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely);  priest  (London) 
Oct.  3,  1606,  age  28.  V.  of  Messing,  Essex,  1606-19.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Morris,  priest,  of  Layer  Mamey, 
Essex,  June  9,  1607.  Died  1619.  Will  proved  (Cons.  C. 
London)  Sept.  6,  1619.   Brother  of  William  (1608). 

SCRIVENER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1675. 
4th  s.  of  Thomas  (1629),  of  Tannington,  Suffolk.  B.  Apr.  26, 
1660.  School,  Woodbridge.  Matric.  1676;  Scholar  of  Trinity 
Hall,  Aug.  9,  1679;  LL.B.  1681.  Fellow  of  Trinity  HaU  {LU. 
Reg.),  1684-90.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1689.  V.  of 



Scrivener,  Charles 

Gazeley,  Suffolk,  1602.  R.  of  Wilby,  1699.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Wharton.  Died  Aug.  8,  1737.  Brother  of 
John  (1668),  Henry  (1681)  and  Matthew  (1677-8),  father  of 
the  next,  Edmund  (1710)  and  Thomas  (1717).  (Burke,  L.G.; 
Vis.ofSuff.,  1664.) 

scrivener,  CHARLES.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Aug. 
25,1715.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Charles  (above).  B.  Nov.  1,  1694. 
School,  Woodbridge.  LL.B.  1718.  Of  Sibton,  Esq.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Francis  Bedingfield,  of  Bedingfield.  Died 
Sept.  24,  1751.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1710)  and  Thomas 
(1717).   (Burke,  L.G.) 

SCRIVENER,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 

Apr.  28,  1710.    S.  of  Charles  (1675),  R.  of  Wilby,  Suffolk. 

B.  Jan.   10,  1691,   at   Gazeley.    Matric.    1710.    Brother  of 

Charles  (1715)  and  Thomas  (1717). 
SCRIVENER,  HENRY.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caiup,  June  28, 

i68i.    S.  of  Thomas  (1629),  of  Sibton,  Suffolk.    B.  there. 

School,  Bury  (Mr  Leeds).    Matric.   1681;  Scholar,  1681-5; 

M.B.  1686.   Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1687  (by  Royal  mandate). 

Recorded  in  a  list  of  non-jurors,  in  1690.  Probably  died  1690. 

Brother  of  Charles  (1675),  etc.   (Venn,  i.  467;  Vis.  of  Suff., 

1664;  KettleweU's  Lt/£.) 

SCRIVENER,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  24,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas  (1629).  B.  at  Sibton,  Suffolk. 
M.A.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  2,  1669- 
70.  Died  1720.  Brother  of  Charles  (1675),  etc.  (Vis.  of 
Suff.,  1664.) 

SCRIVENER,  JOHN  (1751),  see  FREESTON. 

SCRIVENER,  MATTHEW.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 

Easter,  1573;  Scholar,  1.573;  LL.B.  1579.   Fellow,  1581-90. 
SCRIVENER,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596; 

Scholar,  1599;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1603. 

Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1602. 

SCRIVENER,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1639.  OfSuffolk.  S.  of  John,  of  Sibton.  B.A.  1643-4; 
M.A.  1647.  V.  of  Haslingfleld,  Cambs.,  166&-88.  Author, 
religious.  Died  c.  1688.   (D.N.B.) 

SCRIVENER,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  4, 1677-8. 
Of  Suffolk.  5th  s.  of  Thomas  (1629),  of  Sibton.  B.  July  25, 
1661.  School,  Woodbridge.  Matric.  1677-8;  Scholar,  1680; 
B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685.  Fellow,  1683-8.  Died  in  College. 
Will  proved  (V.C.C.  and  P.C.C.)  1688.  Brother  of  Charles 
(1675),  etc. 

SCRYVENER,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  8, 
1611.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  gent.,  of  Bacton,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Keswick,  Norfolk.  School,  North  Walsham  (Mr  Tylles). 
Matric.  1611.  Succeeded  his  father,  in  1620.  (Venn,  i.  211; 
Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

SCRIVENER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631.  Scholar  from  Westminster,  1629.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A. 
1636.   R.  of  Westhorpe,  Suffolk,  1636. 

SCRIVENER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1629.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Sibton,  Suffolk,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  ii,  1630.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1638.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Grudgfield,  of 
Fressingfield,  Dec.  15,  1640.  A  great  sufferer  in  the  Royal 
cause.  Died  1682  (1667,  according  to  Burke).  Buried  at 
Sibton.  Father  of  Charles  (1675),  Henry  (1681),  John  (1668) 
and  Matthew  (1677-8).   (V.  B.  Redstone;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SCRIVENER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  25, 
1717.  S.  of  Charles  (1675),  R.  of  Wilby,  Suffolk,  and  nephew 
of  Henry  (i68i).  B.  at  Gately,  Norfolk.  School,  Monk  Soham 
(private).  Matric.  1717;  Scholar,  1717-8.  Migrated  to 
Pembroke,  Mar.  28,  1718.  Buried  at  Sibton,  Suffolk,  Sept.  ir, 
1736.  Brother  of  Charles  (i7i5>  and  Edmund  (1710).  (Venn, 
II.  8.) 

SCRIVENER,  WILLIAM.    Scholar  of  Christ's,  1537-9;  B.A. 

SCRIVENER,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1608.    B.  at  Bridlington,  Yorks.    B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616. 

Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  5,  1614-5,  age  24;  'C.  of  Elsen- 

ham,    Essex';    priest    (Lincoln)    Sept.    1616.     Brother    of 

Bartholomew  (c.  1596). 
SCROGGS,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606. 

Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Albury,  Herts.,  deceased. 

Bapt.  there,  July  6,   1591.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  24, 

1606.    Of  Patmore  Hall.    Married  Penelope,  dau.  of  John 

Smythe,  of  Bardfield,  Essex.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  1622. 

(Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  5th  S.,  iii.  77.) 
SCROGGS,  JOHN.  .'\dm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  8,  1671. 

S.  and  h.  of  John.    B.  Aug.  20,   1654,  at  Albury,  Herts. 

School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Cudworth).    Matric.    1671. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  i,  1672.   Buried  at  Albury,  Jan.  8, 

1685.   Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1702).   (Peite,  11.  34.) 

ScRooPE,  Henry 

SCROGGES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.,  and  of  Renhold, 
Beds.   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  5th  S.,  iii.  71.) 

SCROGGS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1702. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1671),  of  Albury, 
Herts.  B.  1685.  Matric.  Easter,  1703.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Nov.  28,  1704.  Barrister-at-la w  (stc).  Of  Patmore 
Hall.  Died  unmarried,  July  18, 1710,  aged  25.  M.I.  in  Albury 
Church.    (Clutterbuck,  in.  338.) 

SCROGGS,  .    Adm.   Fell. -Com.  at  King's,  Lent,   1631-2. 

Possibly  John,  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (i6o6),  of  Albury,  Herts. 
Bapt.  there,  June  25,  1612.  Of  Patmore  Hall,  Esq.  Married 
and  had  issue.  Died  June  13,  1692,  aged  80.  M.I.  at  Albury. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1671).  (Clutterbuck,  in.  338;  .Misc. 
Gen.  et  Her.,  5th  S.,  iii.  78.) 

SCROOBY  or  SKREWBY,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peter- 
house,  Michs.  1568;  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D.  1582. 
Fellow,  1574.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoki)  Oct.  18,  1577.  V.  of 
Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.,  1580-2.  V.  of  Melboum,  1582-1616. 
Buried  there  Nov.  22,  1616.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
(Cooper,  II.  288.) 

SCROOBY  or  SCRUBY,  JOSEPH.  B.A.  from  Christ's.  1607-8. 
Perhaps  s.  of  James  (above).  M.A.  1611.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Feb.  25;  priest,  Feb.  26,  1615-6.  V.  of  Gt  Hormead, 
Herts.,  1619-61.  Died  before  Feb.  24,  1661.  (Peile,  i.  251; 
Clutterbuck,  iii.  421.) 

SCROPE,  ADRIAN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1548.  Of  Hambleden,  Bucks.  Probably  5th 
s.  of  John,  of  Spennithome,  Yorks.,  and  of  Buckinghamshire. 
Matric.  1548;  B.A.  1552-3;  M.A.  1556.  Fellow,  1551-62. 
Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  George  Ludlow,  of  Hill  Deverill, 
Wilts.  Buried  at  Hambleden,  Jan.  23,  1577-8.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1551).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  862;  Foster, 
Yorks.  Pedigrees.) 

SCROOPE,  ADRIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1614.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Adrian,  of  Cockerington,  Lines.,  Knt. 
Scholar;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1621.  Fellow,  i6i8.  Steward 
to  the  Duke  of  Lennox,  in  1634.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Robert  Newcomen,  LL.D.,  at  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  Sept.  24, 
1621.  Living,  1642.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  863.) 

SCROOPE,  ADRIAN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  18,  1632.  S.  andh.  of  SirGervase,  Knt.,  of  Cockerington, 
Lines.  B.  at  Dorchester.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1632; 
M.A.  1635-6  (Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  9,  1634. 
K.B.,  1661.  M.P.  for  Grimsby,  1661-6.  A  valiant  loyalist. 
Of  Cockerington.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Carr, 
Bart.,  of  Sleaford.  Died  1666.  Buried  at  Cockerington. 
Admon.,  Sept.  5,  1667.  To  be  distinguished  from  the  regicide 
of  these  names — a  distant  kinsman.  Father  of  Gervase  (1667). 
(D.N.B.;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  864.) 

SCROPE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  27, 
1623.  2nd  s.  of  Christopher,  Esq.,  of  Spennithome,  Yorks. 
B.  May  10,  1606,  at  Danby,  Yorks.  Schools,  Thornton 
Stewart  (Francis  Roberts)  and  Pocklington  (Richard  Crosse). 
Matric.  1623.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Plumpton, 
of  Plumpton.  Died  s.p.,  1661.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xv.  168.) 

SCROPE,  GEOFFREY.  D.Can.L.  1499-1500.  Ord.  priest  (Ely) 
Apr.  2,  1496.  R.  of  Kclshall,  Herts.,  1488-94.  R.  of  Fingall. 
One  of  these  names,  clerk,  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  5th  Lord  Scrope 
of  Masham  (d.  1475),  succeeded  his  brother  Ralph  as  gth  and 
last  Baron  Scrope  of  Masham,  1515.  Died  unmarried,  1515, 
aged  32  (sic).  (The  date  of  his  father's  death  clearly  makes 
this  impossible.)   (Fisher,  Masham;  G.E.C.) 

SCROOPE,  GERVASE.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Dec.  iq,  1667.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Adrian  (1632),  Knt.,  of  Cockering- 
ton, Lines.  Died  before  1680.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  864.) 

SCROOPE,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
July  2,  1733.  S.  of  Gervase,  Esq.  B.  at  Cockerington,  Lines., 
Sept.  2,  1714.  School,  Manchester  (private).  Matric.  1733; 
B.A.  1738-9.  High  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1758.  Of  Cockerington, 
and  Eastcot  Park,  Middlesex.  Died  unmarried,  June  5 
(?  May  29),  1776.  Buried  at  Cockerington.  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 
865;  G.  Mag.) 

SCRUPPE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1566. 

SCROOPE,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Emmanuel,  Lent, 
1584-5;  M.A.  1588  (fil.  nob.).  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Henry, 
Lord  Scroope,  of  Bolton;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  12, 
1587-8.  Of  East  Greenwich,  Kent.  Died  s.p.,  Oct.  5,  1625. 
Buried  at  East  Greenwich.  Will  proved  (London)  Oct.  7, 
1625.   (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xv.  i66.) 

SCROOPE,  HENRY  Adm.  pons,  at  Clare,  Nov.  14,  1691.  Of 
London.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Adrian,  of  the  Inner  Temple. 
Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
May  4,  1689. 



ScROOPE.  Ralph 

SCROPE,  RALPH.   B.A.  1474-5-   3rd  s.  of  Sir  Henry,  4_th  Lord 
Scrope.    M.A.    i477;   B.D.   and   D.D.    1479-80.     Probably 
feUow  of  Queens',  c.  i479-    Preb.  of  Lincoln    1477-1517. 
R   of  Gt  Dunmow,  Essex,  1481.   R.  of  Hambleden,  Bucks., 
ia8q     Archdeacon  of  Northumberland,   1493-1516.    Died 
Mar.  2  (?  28),  1516-7.   M.L  at  Hambleden.    (A.  B.  Beaven; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xv.  164.) 
SCROOPE,  RICHARD.   LL.D.   Probably  s.  of  Henry,  ist  Baron 
Scrope  of  Masham  (according  to  G.E.C.).  Chancellor  of  the 
University,  1378-9.    R.  of  Ainderby  Steeple,  Yorks.,  1367. 
Dean  of  Chichester,  c.  1383.    Bishop  of  Lichfield,  1386-98. 
.-Archbishop    of    York,    1398-1405.     Joined    the    Northern 
rebellion.    Executed  at  York,  June  8,  1405.    Buried  in  the 
Scrope  Chapel,  York  Minster.    {D.N.B.;  G.E.C.,  where  the 
vexed  question  of  his  parentage  is  examined  and  the  prob- 
ability of  his  being  a  son  of   Richard,  ist  Lord  Scrope  of 
Bolton  is  disputed.) 
SCROOP,  RICHARD.   Warden  of  King's  Hall,  1457-63-   and 
s    of  Sir   Richard,  3rd  Lord  Scrope  of  Bolton.    B.   1419. 
ChanceUor  of  the  University,  1461-2.   R.  of  Ditton,  Cambs., 
1447    'M.A.'    R.  of  Wensley,   Yorks.,   1447-68.    Dean  of 
Hastings.    Bishop  of  Carlisle,  1464-8.   Died  May  10,  1468, 
aged  49.  Buried  in  Carlisle  Cathedral.  Will,  York. 
SCROOPE,  RICHARD.   'B.A.  of  Trinity';  ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  19, 1675 ;  priest.  May  21, 1676.  R.  of  Thornton  WaUass, 
Yorks.,  1679-96.   Died  1696. 
SCROUPE,  ROBERT.   Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  22,  1551.   Of  Hambleden,  Bucks.  S.  of  John,  of 
Spennithome,  Yorks.,  and  of  Buc'ninghamshire.  B.A.  1555-6; 
M  A    1559.    Fellow,  1554-60.    Student  of  law  at  Lincom  s 
Inn.    Buried  at  Hambleden,  May  10,  1598-9-    Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Adrian  (1548).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  862.) 
SCROOPE,  STEPHEN  LE.   LL.D.  S.  of  Sir  Stephen,  2ud  Baron 
Scrope.    Chancellor    of    the    University,     1414-     Preb.    of 
Lichfield,   1396-1400.   Preb.  of  York,   1400-2.   Archdeacon 
of    Richmond,    1400-18.     Preb.   of    Ripon,    1401.     R.    of 
Hornby,   and    R.  of   Langhame,   Carmarthen,   1401.   Died 
Sept.  5,  1418.  Buried  in  St  Stephen's  Chapel,  York  Minster. 
M.I.   (G.E.C.) 

SCROOPE, .  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1567-8. 


SCRUDDYL, .  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1520-1. 

SCRUTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  5,  1674- 
B  at  Scruton,  Yorks.  School,  Bishop  Weannouth  (Mr 
Broughton).  Matric.  1674;  B.-A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681.  Ord. 
deacon  (Durham)  June  5,  1680;  priest  (York)  Sept.  1682. 
R.  of  Dinsdale  and  Middleton  St  George,  Durham,  1690-3. 
{Peile,  II.  53.) 
SCRUTON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's,  Easter, 

1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625. 
SCRUTTON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  6,  1619.    S.  of  William,  of  Walton,  SuSolk.    Matric. 
1619;  Scholar,  1622;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 
SCUDAMORE,  HUGH.    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  23, 
1608.   4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Overton,  Yorks.   Bapt.  Jan.  17, 
1593-4,  at  Holy  Trinity,  Goodramgate,  York.  Matric.  1608; 
B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  23; 
priest,  July  24,  1619.    Probably  R.  of  Skelton,  York,  1619. 
R.  of  Holtby,  Yorks.,  1632.    Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Henry 
Watkinson,  of  Ilkley.   Died  May  1,  1665,  aged  71-    {Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1612;  Due.  Lead.,  36.) 
SCUDAMORE,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1609  (probably  the  above). 
SCUDAMORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  1596-7;  B.A.  1603-4. 
SCUDAMORE,    JOHN.     Matric.   sizar  from   Sx   Caiharine's, 

Michs.  1654. 
SCUDAMORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  27,  1701.  3rd  s.  of  John,  2nd  Viscount  Scudamore  of 
Sligo.  B.  at  Holme  Lacy,  Hereford.  School,  Westminster. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  21,  1700.  Of  Cradock,  Esq. 
Died  unmarried,  Feb.  1713-4,  aged  27  Buried  at  Holme 
Lacy.  {G.E.C.) 
SCUDAMORE,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  WUliam,  of  St  Swithin,  London,  gent.  Matric.  (New 
Inn  Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  4,  1631,  age  21;  B.A.  1634.  V.  of 
Epsom,  Surrey,  1637.  R.  of  Byifleet,  1647-62,  ejected. 
Perhaps  his  admon.  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  20,  1672;  of  Chertsey. 
{Al  Oxon.) 

SCUDAMORE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  27, 
1646.  Of  Hertfordshire  (?  Hereford).  One  of  these  names 
3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Kentchurch  and  Rowlstone,  Herefordshire. 
Buried  at  St  Peter's,  Oxford,  Aug.  9,  1647,  aged  20. 
{Robinson,  156.) 

Seagrave,  John 

SCUDAMORE,   .    Adm.   pens,   at   Peterhouse,    1605-6. 

Probably  John,  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Overton,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
June  27,  1590,  at  Holy  Trinity,  York.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
William  Bourchier,  June  17,  1620.  Probably  brother  of 
Hugh  (160S)  and  of  the  next.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

SCUDAMORE,    .     Adm.   pens,    at    Peterhouse,    1605-6. 

Probably  William,  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Overton,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  Feb.  18,  1588-9,  at  St  Michael-le-Belfry,  York.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1608.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
William  Bourchier.  Died  Apr.  4,  1661.  Probably  brother 
of  Hugh  (1608)  and  John  (1605-6).   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

SCUDAMORE,  .   Adm.  pens,  at  Sx  Catharine's,  Easter, 

SCWDDER,  HENRY.  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  ^o™  Christ's,  1606. 
R.  of  Drayton,  Oxford.  R.  of  Collingboume  Ducis,  Wilts., 
1633.  Preached  before  the  House  of  Commons  a  memorable 
sermon,  Oct.  1644.  Held  presbyterian  views.  Minister  at 
St  Mildred  Poultry,  London,  1645-6.  A  member  of  the 
committee  for  the  Scriptures,  1648.  Author,  rehgious. 
Buried  at  Collingboume.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1652.  {Peile,  i.  233; 
SCULTHORPE,  MARTIN.   'D.D.  from  Cambridge."  Of  Norfolk. 

Carmelite  friar  at  Blakeney.   Died  c.  1430.   {Pits,  621.) 
SCULTHORP,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SCURFIELD,  GODARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1626.    Of  Hertfordshire.    Probably  s.  of  John  (next).    B.A. 
1629-30;  M.A.  1633.    R.  of  Holwell,  Beds.,  1637.    Licence 
(St  Albans)  to  marry  Frances,  dau.  of  Edmund  Brokett,  of 
Gravely.   Buried  at  HolweU,  Oct.  19,  i685.   (W.  M.  Noble.) 
SCURFEYLD,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1575-6.    Ord.  priest  (London)  Nov.  29, 
1578.   Chaplain  to  Sir  Ralph  Sadler.    R.  of  Little  Shelford, 
Cambs.,  1580-1600.    R.  of  Hertingfordbury,  Herts.,  1584- 
1601.   Probably  father  of  Godard  (above).   {Peile,  i.  121.) 
SCURLOCK,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  5,  1673- 
Matric.  1673.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Caimarthen, 
alderman;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  29,  1675. 
SCURR  or  SKURRE,  LEONARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
June  25,  1644.  S.  of  John,  brewer.  B.  at  Pontefract,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Pontefract  and  Coxwold.   Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647; 
M.A.   1652.    Assistant  minister  at  Beeston,  Yorks.,   1651; 
ejected,  1662.    Undertook  the  management  of  a  coal  mine 
near  Beeston,  where  he,  his  mother  and  a  servant  were 
murdered,  Jan.  22,  1680.  {Calamy,  11.  555;  Whitaker,  Loidis 
and  Elmele,  95,  102.) 
SCUTT,  JOHN.  B.A.  1562-3. 
SCUT  or  SKUT,  ROBERT,  alias  EXWORTH.   B.Can.L.  1463-4- 

A  monk. 
SEABORNE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  12, 
1669.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  clothier,  of  Dedham,  Essex.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Ipswich  and  Dedham  (Mr  Edmund  Sherman). 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Mar.  1673-4;  priest,  Sept.  1677.  R.  of  Little  Oakley, 
Essex,  1684-1706.  Died  1706. 
SEABORNE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 
1685.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  W>Tnondham,  Norfolk. 

B.  there.  School,  Wymondham.  Matric.  1685;  Scholar, 
1685-90;  B.A.  1688-9.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  24, 
1687.  Died  in  London,  July  2,  1691,  aged  23.  Buried  at 
Wymondham.   M.I.   {Venn,  i.  478.) 

SEABORNE  or  SEBBORN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1620.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621. 
B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.    Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  3,  1632. 

C.  of  Langham,  Essex,  1634,  afterwards  R.  there,  till  1669. 
Died  1669.   WiU,  P.C.C.   {Peile,  1.  336;  H.  Smith.) 

SEABROOKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  24, 
1676.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Knotting,  Beds.  School,  Knotting 
(MrScriven).  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80. 

SEAGAR,  see  also  SAGAR. 

SEAGAR  or  SEGER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1626.  Of  Sussex.  B.A.  1629-30.  Perhaps 
of  Hastings,  Sussex,  clerk;  if  so,  married  Theodosia,  dau.  of 
Richard  Stollion,  of  Hastings,  Apr.  9,  1634. 

SEAGAR  or  SIGAR,  HENRY.   B.A.  1486-7;  M.A.  1491. 
SEAGAR,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1685; 
B.A.  It" 

SEAGAR  or  SEYGAR, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544. 

SEAGRAVE,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit).  Perhaps 
2nd  s.  of  Ralph,  of  Scalford,  Leics.  (and  Margaret  Duffield, 
of  Devonshire).  If  so,  married  Alice,  dau.  of  John  Flower, 
of  Whitwell,  Rutland.   {Nichols,  11.  314-) 

SEGRAVE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1622. 


Seagrave,  Richard 

SEGRAVE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

SEAGRAVE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  19,  1637.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Grantham.  Schools, 
Grantham  (Mr  Wilkinson)  and  Lincohi  (Mr  Clearke).  Matric. 

SEAGRAVE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Nov.  8,  1710. 
S.  of  Robert,  V.  of  Twyford,  Leics.  B.  there,  Nov.  22,  1693. 
School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.-'V.  1718. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1715-6.  R.  of  Cold  Overton, 
Leics.,  1720-6.  Acted  as  an  extra-parochial  clergyman  and 
preached  in  many  places.  Joined  the  O.xford  Methodist 
movement.  Preacher  at  Lorimer's  Hall,  Cripplegate,  London, 
1739.  Wrote  hymns  and  religious  works.  Probably  died 
1760.  Brother  of  the  next.   {D.N.B.) 

SEAGRAVE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  18,  1718-9. 
S.  of  Robert,  V.  of  Twyford,  Leics.  B.  there.  Matric.  1719; 
B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1728.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  10,  1722-3.  Perhaps  of  Whatcott, 
Warws.,  clerk.  Brother  of  Robert  (above). 

SEGRAVE,  STEPHEN  DE.  D.Can.L.  ChanceUor  of  the  Uni- 
versity, 1306-7  (?  1303-6,  according  to  Le  Neve,  Fasti). 
R.  of  Aylestone,  Leics.,  1297-1320.  R.  of  Stowe,  Northants., 
1300-1S  (the  seat  of  his  kinsman  Nicholas  de  Segrave). 
Dean  of  Glasgow  and  canon  of  Dunkeld,  c.  1309.  Archdeacon 
of  Essex,  1315-9.  V.  of  Stepney,  London,  1315.  Canon  of 
Lincoln,  c.  1318.  Dean  of  Lichfield,  1320-3.  Canon  of  St 
Paul's.  Archbishop  of  Armagh,  1323-33.  Died  in  England, 
Oct.  27,  1333.   (D.N.B.;  Nichols,  iv.  30.) 

Christi.  B.A.  1520-1;  M.A.  1524.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1553. 

SIGRAVE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1552;  M.A. 
1556.  Presented  to  Grantchester,  Cambs.,  1554.  Died  1556. 

SEGRAVE, .   B.A.  1483-4.    Perhaps  John,  V.  of  Croydon, 

Cambs.,  till  1496.  Died  1496. 

SEAGROVE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  14,  1S89. 
Of  Hampshire.  Matric.  1689;  B.A.  1693-4.  Chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1695. 

SEALE,  DAVID.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  3,  1693. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1696-7. 

SEELE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  10,  1580. 
S.  of  Abraham,  of  Newark-upon-Trent,  Notts.  School, 
Newark.  B.A.  IJ83-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  2,  1585-6.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bolton-nigh- 
BoUand,  Yorks.,  1584;  R.  of  Burton  Agnes,  1602.  But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.   {Venn,  i.  107.) 

SEELE  or  SELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SEALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  24,  1717.  Of 
Derbyshire.  B.  1700.  School,  Derby.  Matric.  1717;  B.A. 
1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  V.  of  Redmersham,  Kent,  1722-51. 
Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1742.  V.  of  St  Werburgh  and  St 
Michael,  Derby,  1751-74.  Chaplain  of  the  gaol.  Died  May  21, 
1774-  M.I.  at  St  Werburgh.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1775. 

SEELE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1577-8. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  1586;  'of  Lincoln 
diocese.'  V.  of  Kirmond,  Lines.,  1592-1610.  Will  (Lincoln) 

SEALE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  4, 
1661.  S.  of  Gregory.  B.  at  Mackworth,  Derbs.  School, 
Mackworth  (Mr  Sam.  Ogden).   Matric.  1661. 

SEEL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  2, 
1727-8.  Of  Liverpool.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Liverpool, 
merchant.  Matric.  1727-8.  Probably  of  Liverpool,  merchant. 
Admon.  (Chester)  1747. 

SEAMAN,  AUGUSTINE.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  3, 

1639.    S.  of  Lionel,  attorney,  of  Ellough,  Suffolk.    Bapt. 

there,    Dec.    30,    1623.     Schools,    Cove    (Mr   Rayner)    and 

Ipswich   (Mr  Holt).    Matric.   1640;  Scholar,   1640-4;   B.A. 

1643-4.    {Venn,  i.  336.) 
SEAMAN,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  5,  1683. 

Of  Lincolnshire.    Probably  b.  in  London.   Colleger  at  Eton, 

1679-83.   Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7. 
SEAMAN,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  scholar  at  Caius,  1619.  S.  of 

Robert,  of  Norfolk.    School,  North  Walsham   (Mr  Tilles). 

Matric.  1619;  B.A.   1622-3;  M.A.   1626.    Fellow,   1628-34. 

Ord.   priest   (Norwich)   Sept.    23,    1627.     R.   of   Sengham, 

Norfolk,  1637-49;  of  Tattersett,  1637,  and  of  Little  Snoring, 

1640-71.   {Venn,  i.  246.) 
SEAMAN,  CHRISTOPHER.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22, 

1663.    B.  Mar.  8,  1644.    Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A. 

1670.   R.  of  Wiverton  and  of  Little  Snoring,  Norfolk,  1671- 

1717.    Died  Dec.  24,  I7i7-    Buried  at  Wiverton.    (H.  G. 


Seaman,  Robert 

SEAMAN,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  5,  1675. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Nathaniel  (1639).  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1678-9. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1676). 

SEAMAN,  DUTTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  26, 
1683-4.  S.  and  h.  of  Dutton,  of  Gray's  Inn,  gent.  B.  in 
London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Nov.  3,  1685.  Of  Rotherby,  Leics.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
John  Nourse,  of  Woodeaton,  Oxon.  Died  Apr.  10,  1720, 
aged  53.  Buried  at  Rotherby.  M.I.   {Nichols,  in.  397,  400.) 

SEAMAN,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1626.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  May  24,  1635.  V.  of  Thrandeston,  Suffolk, 
1637.   R.  of  Wortham  Jarvis,  1637-44.  Died  1644. 

SEMAN,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1582-3. 
Perhaps  scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1584. 

SEAMAN,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs, 
1602.   Of  Suffolk.   B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609. 

SEMAN,  H.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs.  1561. 

SEMAN,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Feb.  28;  priest,  Mar.  12,  1439-40. 

SEAMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  16,  1546.  Of  Tring,  Herts.  Matric.  1546;  B.A.  1550-1; 
M.A.  1554.  Fellow,  1549-54.  Perhaps  R.  of  Tibenham, 
Norfolk,  1558,  and  R.  of  Flordon,  1561.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Little  Moulton,  1566.   {Cooper,  i.  104.) 

SEAMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1579. 
Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Chelmsford, 
woollendraper,  and  afterwards  of  Panfield  Priorv,  Essex. 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  FeUow,  1583-94.  Taxor,  1588-9. 
Perhaps  identical  with  John  Seaman,  LL.D.,  Chancellor  of 
the  diocese  of  Gloucester,  1600-23.  If  so,  succeeded  his 
father  at  Panfield  Priory,  1604.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  June  29,  1623,  aged  59.  Buried  at  Painswick,  Gloucs. 
M.I.   {Morant,  11.  408;  Rudder,  Gloucs.,  163.) 

SEEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  4,  1622. 
S.  of  Christopher,  grocer,  of  Holt,  Norfolk.  School,  Holt 
(Mr  Tallis).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  May  20;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1627.  R.  of 
Billockby,  Norfolk,  1631-73.  WiU  proved  (Norwich  Archd.  C.) 
1673.   {Venn,  1.  259.) 

SEAMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1624. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 

SEAMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  1699.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1706.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June,  1707;  priest  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Canterbury)  Dec.  1708.  C.  of  Appledore,  Kent,  1707-9.  R. 
of  Knapton,  Norfolk,  1709.  Died  July  10,  1759.   (G.  Mag.) 

SEAMAN,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  1,  1652.  Of  Sussex.  S.  of  Lazarus  (below),  Master  of 
Peterhouse.  School,  Hertford.  Matric.  1652;  Scholar,  1655; 
B.A.  1655;  M.A.  1659.  Fellow,  1657  (his  father  procuring  a 
mandate:  not  acknowledged  bv  the  Society).  (T.  A.  Walker, 

SEAMAN,  LAZARUS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1623.  B.  in  Leicester.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631;  D.D.  from 
Peterhouse,  1649.  Master  of  Peterhouse,  1644-60.  Vice- 
Chancellor,  1653-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  12,  1627-8. 
Lecturer  at  St  Martin's,  Ludgate,  London.  Chaplain  to 
.A.lgemon  Percy,  Earl  of  Northumberland.  R.  of  All  Hallows, 
Bread  Street,  London,  1642-62.  One  of  the  Westminster 
Assembly,  1643,  and  a  Parliamentary  Trier,  1645.  President 
of  Sion  College,  1651-3.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Sept. 
1675.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1676.  His  library  sold  by  Cooper,  in 
1676;  the  earliest  sale  of  which  a  catalogue  has  been  pre- 
served. Father  of  Joseph  (1652).  (R.  South;  D.N.B.;  Emm. 
Coll.  Hist.,  69.) 

SEAMAN,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  19,  1639.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  draper,  of  Chelmsford, 
deceased.  B.  there.  School,  Chelmsford.  Matric.  1639; 
B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Usher  at  Ipswich  Grammar  School, 
1645.  Head  Master  of  Colchester,  1648-57.  Ord.  priest 
(Bishop  of  Ardfort)  May  lo,  1660.  R.  of  West  Bergholt, 
Essex,  1658-79.  Died  July  8,  1679.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of 
Thomas  (1676)  and  Daniel  (1675)- 

SEAMAN,  PAUL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  17,  1591.  Of 
Essex.  Possibly  s.  of  John,  of  Chelmsford,  Essex,  and  of 
Panfield  Priory.  Matric.  c.  1592.  One  of  these  names  of 
East  Kirby,  Lines.,  clerk.  Will  (Lincoln)  1606.  Possibly 
brother  of  John  (1579)- 

SEAMAN,  PAUL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  24,  1646. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1646.  Adm.  extra-licentiate,  R.C.P., 
Apr.  22,  1664,  as  B.A.  of  Emmanuel,  practising  at  Colchester. 
(Munk,  I.  314.) 

SEMAN,  ROBERT.  Licensed  to  practise  surgery,  1541-2- 

SEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1586 
Of  Suffolk.   Matric.  pens.  1586;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593. 


Seaman,  Robert 

SEAMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1589,  as 
'William.'  Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1589;  B.A.  159^-3;  M.A. 
1596.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1601.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (London) 
Apr.  25,  1596;  V.  of  Carlton  Colville,  Suffolk,  1596;  signs 
there  1650,  as  'aged.'  One  of  these  names  of  Rame,  Com- 
waU,  clerk.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1647.   (A  I.  Oxon.) 

SEMAN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jfsus,  Nov.  14,  1648.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1648-9;  Scholar,  1649;  B.A.  1652. 

SEAMAN,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter.  1588; 
B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595.  V.  of  Bredgar,  Kent,  1595-1622. 

SEMAN,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1513-4;  B.Civ.L.  1517-8.  FeUow  of 
Jesus,  1518.  R.  of  Winfarthing,  Norfolk,  1523-35.  Probably 
R.  of  Framlingham,  Suffolk,  1536-45-  Perhaps  V.  of  Wick- 
ham  Market,  Oct.  8,  1555;  there  in  1558. 

SEAMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  4, 
1589-90.  S.  of  William,  of  Tibenham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Tibenham.  Matric.  c.  1590;  Scholar,  1590-7;  B.A.  1593-4; 
M.A.  1597.  A  Mr  Seaman  was  C.  of  Shelley,  Suffolk,  in  1603. 

SEAMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  July  4, 
1676.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (1639),  R.  of  East  Bergholt,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Felsted.   Brother  of  Daniel  (1675)- 

SEAMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  7, 
1710;  afterwards  Fell. -Com.  S.  of  Peter,  alderman  of 
Norwich.  B.  there.  Schools,  Nonnch  (private)  and  Reepham 
(Mr  Robinson).  Matric.  1710.  Died  Ocl.  13,  17^4,  aged  31. 
M.L  at  Heigham.   {Venn,  1.  523.) 

SEAMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  22, 
1647.  S.  of  Thomas,  doctor  ('medicus'),  of  Wymondham, 
Norfolk.  Schools,  Hingham  (Mr  Alden)  and  Wymondham 
(Mr  Matthews).  Matric.  1647;  M.D.  1676  {Lit.  Reg.).  Adm. 
at  Leyden,  May  20,  1671.  To  be  distinguished  from  the 
orientalist  of  these  names  for  whom  see  A  I.  Oxon.  and  D.N.B. 

SEAMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  July  5,  1669. 

SEEMAN, .   Incorp.  in  Canon  Law,  1495-6. 

SEMAN, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1562. 

SEAR,  see  also  SAYER. 

SEAR,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  19, 
1716-7.  S.  of  Richard  (?  R.  of  Homsey,  and  afterwards  R.  of 
St  Alban,  Wood  Street,  1711-43),  of  London.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Scholar,  1718;  Matric.  1720.  Perhaps  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1722,  'B.A.' 

SEAR  or  SERES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  29, 
1596.  Of  London.  (Possibly  one  of  the  family  of  Stationers 
of  whom  the  head  was  William  Seres,  long  Master  of  the 
Stationers'  Company  and  living  in  1584.)  Perhaps  'of  Bark- 
ing, Essex,  gent';  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  26,  1602.  One 
of  these  names  of  St  Leonard,  Shoredatch,  Middlesex;  will 
(P.C.C.)  1607  (alludes  to  his  late  nephew  William  Seres, 
deceased).   {Towneley  MSS.) 

SEARANK,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1633; 
B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 

SERANCKE,  ROOKWOOD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  28,  1698.  S.  of  Thomas  (below),  R.  of  Ashley,  Cambs. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1699;  B.A. 
1701-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23,  1703.  R.  of  Roydon, 
Norfolk,  1709. 

SERANCKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  15,  1671. 
School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1672;  Matric.  1674-5;  B.A. 
1674-5;  M..-^.  1678.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  23,  1677. 
R.  of  Ashley,  Cambs.,  1682-1730.  R.  of  Cheveley,  1703-30. 
Died  1730.   Father  of  Rookwood  (above). 

SEARLE  or  SERLE,  ALEXANDER.  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1605.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1605.  King's  proctor  in  the 
ecclesiastical  courts,  1604;  receiver  of  fines  in  ecclesiastical 
matters,  1608.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  13,  1612.  Will 
(P.C.C);  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  Fish  Street.  {Cooper, 
II.  530;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SEARLE,  ANDREW.  .'\dm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Nov.  18,  1712.  Of  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Andrew,  of  Chambers, 
Epping,  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Scholar,  1712;  Matric.  1713; 
B.A.  1716-7.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  28,  1715. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1721.  Of  Chambers,  in  Epping.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Henry  BeadeU,  of  London.  Drowned,  Nov.  25, 
1762.   (J.  Sargeaunt;  G.  Mag.;  H.  A.  C.  Sturgess.) 

SEARLE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar  from  West- 
minster, 1605;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  FeUow,  1610. 

SEARLE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  18, 
1628-9.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Potsgrove,  Beds.  School, 
Bishop's  Stortford.   Matric.  1629. 

SEARLE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene,  July  8, 
1712.  S.  of  William  (?  1690-1),  clerk.  B.  at  Ramsey,  Hunts. 
School,  Ramsey.  Matric.  1713-4;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  17, 1716-7;  priest.  Mar.  9, 1717-8. 
V.  of  Bawdsey,  Suffolk,  1727.   Brother  of  Radcliff  (1707). 

Searle,  William 

SEARLE,  HENRY.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  27, 

1632.  S.  of  Brian,  schoolmaster,  of  Hemmington,  Northants. 

B.  at  Gt  Gidding,  Hunts.   Matric.  1633;  B.A.  163&-7;  M.A. 

1640.    Probably  intruded  R.  of  St  Michael  Royal,  London, 

1643-7.  R.  of  Cranford,  Northants.  (intruder) ;  ejected,  1662. 

V.  of  .Mdeburgh,  Suffolk,  1649.    Father  of  Samuel  (1663). 

{Calamy,  11.  218.) 
SERLE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1544. 
SEARLE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

SEARLE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  26,   1599. 

Licensed    to   practise  surgery,    1607.    Author,   Ephemeris, 

ibog-iy.   {Cooper,  11.  530.) 
SEARLE  or  SEARLES,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 

May  20,  1687.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  North  Weald,  Essex. 

B.   there.    School,   North   Weald.    Matric.    1687;   Scholar, 

1687-94;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694;  D.D.  1706.  FeUow,  1694- 

1702.    Moderator,  1695.    Usher  of  the   Perse  School,  1692. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  3,  1694;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  1695. 

University  preacher,   1696.    R.  of  Willingale  Doe,   Essex, 

1700.     R.   of   North   Weald,    1706.    Married  Judith,   dau. 

of   Francis   Hervey   Mildmay,   Esq.,   of   Marks,    Romford, 

Dec.  17,  1706.    Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  May  12,  1715- 

Probably  father  of  the  next.   (Venn,  i.  483.) 

SEARL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  6,  1724- 
S.  of  J.  (?  above),  clerk,  of  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric. 
1724; B.A.  1728-9. 

SEARLE,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  8,  1743-4-    Of 

Huntingdonshire.  S.  of ,  clerk,  deceased.  Matric.  i744; 

Rustat  Scholar,  1744;  B.A.  1747-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar. 
12,  1749-50;  priest,  May  24,  1752.  C.  of  Chatteris,  Cambs., 
1750.  V.  of  Buckden,  Hunts.,  1773-9-  Preb.  of  Lincoto, 
1773-9.  Died  1779. 

SEARLE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608. 
B.  at  Epping,  Essex.  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A. 
1615;  B.D.  1628.  Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  1661.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  16,  1616-7,  age  24;  priest,  June  15,  1617;  C. 
of  Theydon  Bois,  Essex.  R.  of  Bobbingworth,  1628; 
sequestered,  but  restored,  1662.  R.  of  Widdington,  1637-78. 
Married  Eliz.  Wetherill  at  St  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  May  10, 
1628.   Died  1678.   (^/.  Oxon.;  H.Smith;  H.  B.Swanzy.) 

SEARLE,  PHILIP.  LL.B.  from  St  Catharine's,  1641.  Possibly 
s.  of  Philip,  of  Honiton,  Devon.  If  so,  matric.  (Exeter 
College,  Oxford)  Apr.  8,  1636,  age  16.  One  of  these  names 
of  Wbimple,  Devon,  clerk.   Will  (Exeter)  1676. 

SEARLE,  RADCLIFF.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
June  12,  1707.  S.  of  William  (?  1690-1),  clerk,  R.  of  Denton, 
Hunts.  B.  at  Ramsey,  Hunts.  School,  Ramsey.  Matric. 
1708;  B.A.  1710-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1711-2; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1713.  C.  at  Denton,  in  1711.  R.  of 
Thoresway,  Lines.,  1718.  Brother  of  George  (1712). 

SEARLE,  REGINALD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar. 
1584-5;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592. 

SEARLE,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1634  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Devon,  pleb.  Matric.  (Q\ieen's  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  21, 
1628,  age  18;  B.A.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  1629-30;  M.A. 
1632.  R.  of  Denbury,  Devon,  1642.  R.  of  Whimple.  Died 
before  Dec.  20,  1645.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SEARLE,  ROGER.  Of  Christ's.   B.A.  1531-2;  M.A.  1535. 

SEARLE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  ii, 
1663.  1st  s.  of  Henry  (1632),  clerk.  B.  at  Aldeburgh,  Suffolk. 
School,  Strixton,  Northants.  (Mr  Farrow).  Matric.  1664; 
B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Schoolmaster  of  Tichmarsh, 
Northants.,  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675. 

SEARLE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  c.  1602.  Of  Essex. 
Migrated  to  Corpus  Christi,  1606.  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  20,  1607;  priest,  Dec.  17,  1608. 
V.  of  Gt  Totham,  Essex,  1608-16. 

SEARLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612; 
B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.   Perhaps  preb.  of  York,  1630-3. 

SEARLES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  17, 
1625.  S.  of  Thomas,  weaver,  of  Aylsham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Aylsham  (Mr  Knowles).  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A. 
1632.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1631;  'C.  of  Beeston 
St  Lawrence.'  Licensed  C.  and  schoolmaster  at  Tuttington, 
Norfolk,  1633.  V.  of  Tuttington,  1636.   {Venn,  1.  271.) 

SEARLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  12,  i69c^-i. 
Of  Ireland.  S.  of  George,  of  Dublin.  B.  at  Cambridge. 
(.'\dm.  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  Oct.  13,  1685.)  Matric. 
1690;  B.A.  1690-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1690-1. 
Master  of  Scarborough  Grammar  School,  1690.  C.  of  Scar- 
borough, 1690.  P.C.  of  Ramsey,  Himts.,  1701-33.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Denton,  1712-33.  Buried  at  Ramsey,  June  2,  1733. 
Probably  father  of  George  (1712)  and  Radcliff  (1707)-  {Al. 


Searson,  John 

SEARSON,  see  also  SARSON. 

SEARSON  or  SEASON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's, 
May  9,  1655.  S.  of  Christopher,  baker,  of  Lincoln.  B.  there. 
School,  Nottingham  (Mr  Leeke).  Matric.  1655.  Buned  at 
All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Nov.  11,  1658.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Feb.  II,  1658-9. 
SEARSON,  JOHN.    .4dm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  3,  i734- 

Of  Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich.   Matric.  1734;  B.A.  1737-8. 
SEATH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1548- 
SEATON  or  SETON,  GEORGE.   Fellow  of  St  John's,  1620  (by 
Royal  mandate).    B.D.  from  St  John's,   1626  {Lit.  Reg.). 
A  Scotchman;  probably  D.D.  of  Edinburgh;  M.A.  (Edin- 
burgh) 1618.   V.  of  Kingston,  Surrey,  1626-31.   Perhaps  R. 
of  Bushey,  Herts.,  1631-42. 
SEATON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1627; 

B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 

SEATON,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  16, 

1665-6.   2nd  s.  of  James,  merchant.   B.  at  Stamford,  Lines. 

Schools,  Stamford  (Mr  Hermon)  and  Oakham.  Matric.  1667; 

B.A.  1669-70:  M.A.  1674.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  29, 


SEATON,  JAMES.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  16,  1671. 

Of  Rutland.    Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.    Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1674;  priest,  Sept.  19,  i675- 

SETON,  JOHN.   B.A.  1528-9  (ist  in  the  ordo);  M.A.  1532;  B.D. 

1540-1;  D.D.  1544.    Fellow  of  St  John's,  1529.   Incorp.  at 

Oxford,  1554.   Chaplain  to  Bishop  Gardiner.    R.  of  Hinton, 

Hants.  Canon  of  Winchester,  1553-4-   Preb.  of  York,  1554- 

60.    A  popish  recusant  in  1561.    Escaped  to  Rome.    Well 

known  author  on  Logic.  Died  at  Rome,  July  20,  1567.  M.I. 

at  the  English  College  at  Rome.    (Cooper,  1.  219;  iii.  114; 

D.N.B.;Al.  Oxon.) 

SEATON  or  SETTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1591. 

SEATON  or  SETON,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  17, 

1619-20.     Matric.    1620;    B.A.    1623-4;    M.A.    1627.     Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  3,  1623;  priest.  Mar.  5,  1625-6.   C.  of 

Egleton,  Rutland,  1623-9.  Usher  of  Oakham  School,  1623-9. 

Probably  usher  at   Felsted  School,    1628-9.    In   1630,   an 

'unconformable  minister  in   Essex.'    One  of    these  names 

ejected  from  Twywell,  Northants.,  1660.   Afterwards  taught 

school  at  Islip  and  Thrapston.  Buried  at  Thrapston,  Nov.  5, 

1684.   {Calamy,  11.  234;  J.  Sargeaunt.) 

SEATON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  25,  1636. 

S.   of   Richard,   yeoman.    B.   at   Hagworthingham,   Lines. 

School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1636. 

SETON,  JONATHAN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  5,  1669-70. 

Of  Brookhouse,  Penistone,  Yorks.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673- 

4;   M.A.   1677.    Ord.  deacon   (York)   Feb.   1675-6;   pnest, 

Sept.  1677.  V.  of  Owston,  Yorks.,  c.  1678-86.  Died  1686. 

SEATON,  MATTHEW.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  July  4, 

1667.   S.  of  William,  yeoman.   B.  at  Brigg,  Lines.   Schools, 

RothweU  and  Castor  (Godfrey  Carrington).    Matnc.  1667; 

B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1681.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  19, 

1670-1;  priest,  June  2,  1672. 

SEETON,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

SETON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1495; 
M.A.   Fellow,  until  1506.   R.  of  Toft  Monks  and  Haddiscoe, 
SEATON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  6,  1701.    B. 
1684,  at  Stamford,  Lines.   Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A. 
1708.   Fellow,  1706-21.    Founder  of  the  Seatonian  prize  for 
English   poetry.     Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.)    Mar.   9,    1706-7; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  29,  1708.   Chaplain  to  Daniel,  Earl  of 
Nottingham.   V.  of  Madingley,  Cambs.,  1713-   V.  of  Raven- 
stone,  Bucks.,  1721-41.    Author,  religious.    Died  Aug.  18, 
1741.    M.I.  at  Ravenstone.    Will,  P.C.C.  (prior  to  Apr.  7, 
1923,  this  will  appeared  in  the  P.C.C.  index  as  Sexton). 
(D.N.B.;  Baker,  i.  215.) 
SEATON,   ZACHARY.    B.A.   from  St  John's,    1627-8;   M.A. 
1631.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  22;  priest,  July  23,  1629. 
R.  of  Aspley  Guise,  Beds.,   1633.    Buried  June  29,   1638. 
Will  proved,  Aug.  15,  1638,  by  his  widow,  Dorothy. 

SECKBURNE,  RICHARD.  D.D.  FeUow  of  Pembroke.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Soham,  Cambs.  Benefactor  to  Pembroke.   (Cole.) 

SECKER,  see  also  SACKER. 

SECKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  17, 
1666.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Grantham,  Lines.  School, 
Grantham  (Mr  Siston).  M.B.  1672.  Brother  of  the  next. 
(Peile,  II.  2.) 

Sedgwick,  George 

SECKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  10, 
1664.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Grantham,  Lines.  School, 
Grantham  (Mr  Siston).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A. 
1671.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  6,  1669;  priest.  Mar.  19, 
1671-2.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Shrewsbury.  R.  of  Blox- 
holm.  Lines.,  1672-6.  R.  of  Hougham  with  Marston,  1676. 
Died  c.  Oct.  1676.  Brother  of  George  (above).  {Peile,  i.  609.) 

SEDON,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1561. 
Of  Chester  diocese.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  26,  1566;  priest, 
Dec.  21,  1569,  age  25.   R.  of  Gislingham,  Sufiolk,  1571. 

SEDDON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  10, 
1660.  S.  of  William  (1622),  clerk,  of  Cheshire.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1668.  One  of  these  names  of 
Throwley,  Devon,  clerk.  Will  (Exeter)  1710. 

SEDDON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1622. 

SEDDON,  REUBEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1589- 

90.   Matric.  c.  1591. 
SEDDON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  30, 

1654.   S.  of  John,  of  Wigan,  Lanes.,  draper.   School,  Wigan 

(Mr  Barrow).    Matric.  1654.    Migrated  to  Oxford.    Matric. 

(St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  10,  1656-7;  B.A.  (Magdalen 

Hall,  Oxford)  1658;  M.A.  1661. 

SEDDON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  27, 
1646.  S.  of  Peter.  B.  at  Pilkington,  Lanes.  Bapt.  Oct.  4, 
1629,  at  Prestwich.  School,  Newton  (Mr  Hulme).  Matric. 
1646;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1654. 
Minister  at  Gorton,  1654;  of  Kirk  Langley,  Derbs.,  1656-62, 
ejected.  Nonconformist  minister  at  Bolton-le-Moors,  Lanes., 
1692-5.  Died  there  Mar.  21,  1695-6,  aged  77.  Buried  at 
Ringley  Chapel.  Father  of  the  next.  {Peile,  i.  510;  A  I.  Oxon.; 
Cox,  Churches  of  Derbyshire,  iv.  269.) 

SEDDON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i"')  at  Christ's,  June  17, 
1672.  S.  of  Robert  (above).  B.  at  Kersley,  near  Bolton, 
Lanes.  School,  Chowbent  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1672;  B.A. 
1675-6.  R.  of  East  Wittering,  near  Chichester,  Sussex,  1679. 
V.  of  Sidlesham,  1680.  Died  1688.  Will,  Chichester.  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.   {Peile,  11.  44.) 

SEDDON,  THOMAS.  .-Vdm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  4, 
1745.  S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Lancashire.  B.  in  Manchester. 
School,  Manchester  (Mr  Brooke).  Matric.  i745;  B.A.  1748-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  19,  1748-9;  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  11, 
1749-50.  V.  of  Carlton  Moorland,  Lines.,  1756-99.  V.  of 
Norton  Disney,  1763-99.  P.C.  of  Stapleford,  Lines.,  1772-99. 
Died  Mar.  20,  1799.   M.I.  at  Carlton.   {Scott-Mayor,  111.  550.) 

SEDDON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  155 1. 

SEDDON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1622.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Prestolee,  Lanes.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A. 
1629.  V.  of  Eastham,  Cheshire,  1638,  ejected  as  a  Royalist. 
C.  of  Penwortham,  Lanes.,  in  1650.  R.  of  GrappenhaU, 
Cheshire,  1660-71.  Buried  there  Sept.  8,  1671.  Father  of 
Edward  (1660).   (Walker's  Sufferings,  11.  351;  E.  Axon.) 

SEDDON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  iS,  1657, 
Siddon.  Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1659.  Migrated  to  Em- 
manuel, Apr.  II,  1659;  B.A.  1660-1. 

SEDGWICK,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1715.  Matric.  Easter,  1716;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723. 
Fellow,  1719.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4,  1721;  priest 
(Norwich)  Feb.  1721-2.  Died  in  London,  Dec.  1723. 

SEDGWICK,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  20, 

SEDGWYCKE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1570.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577. 
Fellow,  1577- 

SEDGWICK,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  15,  1674. 
Of  St  Faith's,  London.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A. 
1681.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Dec.  22,  1678. 

SEDGWICK,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  24,  1680-1. 
Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chester)  Sept.  25,  1687.  C.  of  Horwick  Chapel.  Probably 
C.  of  Lymm,  Cheshire,  and  of  Billinge,  Lanes.  C.  of  Up- 
holland,  1704.  P.C.  of  Flixton,  c.  1709-22.  Buried  Oct. 

SEDGWICK,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  1,  1745.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Kent.  B.  at  Langley, 
near  Maidstone.  School,  Sutton,  Kent  (Mr  Clendon).  Matric. 
1745;  B..\.  1748-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  .Apr.  i,  1750; 
'C.  of  West  Peckham,  Kent.'  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Feb.  23,  1752. 
SEDGWICKE,  GEORGE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SIDGWICK  or  SIDGIDICKE,   GEORGE.    Matric.   pens,   from 
St  John's,  Easter,  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 


Sedgwick,  George 

SIDGWICK,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
July  8,  1631.  S.  of  George,  husbandman,  of  Killington, 
Westmorland.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Appointed 
secretary  to  Lady  Anne  Clifford,  Countess  of  Pembroke,  1652. 
Tutor  to  John  Tufton  (Earl  of  Thanet).  Retired  to  CoUmg- 
field,  near  Kendal,  1668.  Died  June  10,  1685,  aged  67  (sic). 
(Bum's  Westmorland,  294;  Lady  Anne  Clifford,  200.) 

SEDGWICK,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  16,  1676.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Dent,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  Dec.  22,  1676. 
Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  19, 
1680;  priest,  Mar.  12,  1681-2.  C.  of  Broughton,"  Kirkby 
Ireleth,  Lanes.,  1684.  Still  there,  1691.  Admon.  (Archd. 
Richmond)  1693. 

SIDGEWICK,  GILES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  i, 
1700.  S.  of  Giles,  husbandman.  B.  at  Dent,  Yorks.  School, 
Kendal.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4-  R-  of  Bolton-by- 
BoUand,  Yorks.,  1710-26.  V.  of  Kirkby  Malbam,  1706-15. 
Buried  at  Bolton,  June  15,  1726. 

SIDGWICK,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1624; 
B.A.  1627-8  ;M. A.  1631.  Perhaps  C.  of  Abthorpe.Northants., 

SEDGWICK,  HUTTON.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  30, 
1682.   Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689. 

SEDGWICK,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1598-9- 
Perhaps  s.  of  Edward,  of  Dent,  Yorks.  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A. 
1609.  Lived  at  Wisbech,  Cambs.  Married  Elizabeth  May. 
(Peile,  1.  229.) 

SEDGWICK,  JOHN.  B.D.  1638  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Joseph,  V.  of  Ogbourne  .St  Andrew,  Wilts.  B.  at  Marl- 
borough. Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  June  18,  1619, 
age  18;  B.A.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  1622;  M.A.  1625; 
B.D.  1633.  V.  of  Bisley,  Gloucs.,  1625-38.  V.  of  Clavering, 
Essex.  R.  of  St  Alphege,  London,  1641-3.  Chaplain  to  the 
regiment  of  the  Earl  of  Stamford.  Author,  sermons.  Buried 
at  St  Alphege,  Oct.  15,  1643.  Father  of  the  next  and  prob- 
ably of  Obadiah  (1648).   (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SEDGWICK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  23,  1649.  S.  of  John  (1638).  B.  at  Bisley,  Gloucs. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Aug.  21,  1649. 
Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1653.  R.  of  St  Martin,  Salisbury,  1661;  of  St  Edmund's, 
1662.   {Peile,  I.  530.) 

SEDGWICK,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  10, 
1678.  S.  of  Joseph  (1647-8).  Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1681-2; 
M.A.  1685.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1684.  R.  of 
Hanworth,  Lines.,  1689-1717-  V.  of  Burton  Pedwardine, 
1702-17.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1703-17.  Died  1717.  Perhaps 
father  of  Philip  (1727).   (Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  207.) 

SEDGWICK,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1723;  LL.B.  1723.  Ord.  priest  (Gloucester)  Feb.  25,  1713-6. 
R.  of  Haselton,  Gloucs.,  1716-27.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Walpole. 
V.  of  Corsham,  Wilts.,  1723-7.  Died  1727.  (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SEDGWICK,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

SEDGWICK,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  .Sx  Catharine's, 
1647-8.  S.  of  Obadiah.  School,  St  Paul's.  B.A.  1648-9; 
M.A.  from  Christ's,  1652.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1649-59.  R.  of 
Blankney,  Lines.,  1658-66.  R.  of  Althorpe,  1672.  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1675-1702.  R.  of  Fiskerton,  1683-1702.  Died 
Sept.  22, 1702,  aged  74-  Fatherof  John  (1678).  {Peile,  i.  501; 
Le  Neve,  Fasti,  ii-  207;  D.N.B.  confuses  this  man  with  his 
Oxford  namesake  who  was  Head  Master  of  Repton  School, 
1662-72,  when  he  died.   See  Repton  School  Register.) 

SEDGWICK,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  6,  1716. 
Of  Lincolnshire.   LL.B.  1721. 

SIDGWICK,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  2,  1691.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (?  1659-60),  C.  of  Church 
Brampton,  Northants.  B.  there,  May  11,  1673.  School, 
Guilsborough  (Mr  Chapman).  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5; 
M.A.  1701.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  6,  1696;  priest 
(London)  Dec.  19,  1697.  C.  of  Furthoe,  Northants.,  1696. 
P.C.  of  Stony  Stratford,  Bucks.,  1703-47.  R.  of  Thornton, 
1710-47.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1728-47.  Died  1747,  aged  74. 
Buried  at  St  Giles',  Stony  Stratford.  Father  of  William 
(1717-8)  and  perhaps  of  Thomas  (1723).  {Lipscomb,  iv.  371.) 

SEDGWICKE,  OBADIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  20, 
1648.  Of  London.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1638).  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1648;  Scholar,  1649;  B.A.  1651-2; 
M.A.  1655.  Fellow,  1653.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.  R.  of 
Rampton,  Cambs.,  1662-85.  Buried  there  Sept.  25,  1685. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

SEDGEWICK,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  26,  1727. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1678).  Matric.  1727; 
LL.B.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1730;  priest, 
June  4,  1732.  V.  of  Burton  Pedwardine,  Lines.,  1732. 

Sedgwick,  Thomas 

SEDGWICK,  RAPHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's, 
July  3,  1697.  Matric.  1699;  M.B.  1714-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1748; 
of  Penn,  Staffs. 

SEDGEWICK,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1590-1;  Scholar,  1594;  B.A.  1594-5-  One  of  these  names, 
s.  of  Edward,  of  Dent,  Yorks.,  V.  of  Wapping,  Middlesex, 

SIDGEWICKE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 

SEDGWICK,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1634;  B.A.  1638-9. 

SEDGWICK,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  17,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1640),  of  Horton(?  Houghton, 
near  Settle,  Yorks.).  School,  Giggleswick.  Migrated  to 
Christ's,  1674;  B.A.  1674.  Ord.  priest  (Gloucester)  Dec.  19, 
1678.  C.  of  Wick  Ramon,  Northants.,  1680.  C.  of  Little 
BiUing,  1699;  R.,  1702-17  (B.A.  of  Christ's).  Died  Jan.  13, 
1717-8,  aged  74  (sic).  Buried  at  Little  Billing.  M.I.  (Baker, 
Northants.,  i.  29;  Peile,  11.  53.) 

SEDGWICK,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  29,  1742.  S.  of  Giles,  farmer,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Dent. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  1750. 
Classical  master  at  Heath  Academy,  Wakefield,  till  1748- 
Usher  of  Leeds  Grammar  School,  1748-50;  Head  Master, 
1750-5.  Died  Jan.  9,  1755.  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  530;  M.  H. 

SIDGWICK,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr. 
28;  priest,  Apr.  29,  1630.  Perhaps  Master  of  Pocklington 
Grammar  School,  1630-c.  1650. 

SEDGWICK,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1628; 
B..'\.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25, 
1636;  prie.st,  Sept.  24,  1637;  'C.  of  Bumham  St  M.,'  Norfolk- 
R.  of  Thwaite,  1660. 

SEDGWICK,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  5, 
1742.  S.  of  Robert,  merchant,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at  Man- 
chester. School,  Salford  (Mr  Clayton).  Matric.  1742;  M.B. 
1748.  Of  Manchester.  Died  Jan.  7,  i779,  aged  55.  (Described 
as  M.B.  on  tombstone  and  as  'an  eminent  banker'  in  the 
newspaper  obituary.)   (E.  Axon.) 

SEDGWICK,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  1,  1745- 

B.  in  London.  Matric.  1745- 

SEDGWICK,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  18, 
1751.   Of  Barbados.   Matric.  1751;  B.A.  i755- 

SEDGWICK,  STEPHEN.  Matric-  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1637;  B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  Sept.  22,  1666. 

C.  of  Sutton-under-Brails,  Gloucs. 

SEDGWICK  or  SEGISWYCKE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1529-30-  Of 
Yorkshire.  M.A.  1533;  B.D.  1544-5;  D.D.  i554-  FeUow  of 
Peterhouse.  1531-c.  46.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1546.  Vice- 
Master  of  Trinity,  1554-5.  Lady  Margaret  Professor,  1554-6. 
Regius  Professor  of  Divinity,  1557-9-  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1554.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1537-  R-  of  Erwarton, 
Suffolk,  1552.  V.  of  Enfield,  Middlesex,  1556  (appointed 
Mar.  12,  1555-6;  resigned,  1556).  R-  of  Toft,  Cambs.,  1556- 
V.  of  Gainford,  and  R.  of  Stanhope,  Durham,  1558;  deprived, 
1559.  A  recusant  in  1561.  Living,  1567.  {Cooper,  i.  213; 
D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SEDGEWICKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's, 
Easter,  1570;  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1577- 

SEDGWICK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  6, 
1640.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Settle,  Yorks.  School,  Giggles- 
wick. Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1648.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  21,  1646.  R.  of  Marfleet-in- 
Holdemess,  Yorks.,  c.  1648-79.  probably  ejected,  but  re- 
instated. Died  Sept.  18,  1679,  aged  58.  Buried  at  Marfleet. 
Perhaps  father  of  Richard  (1668).  {Peile,  i.  471;  Poulson, 
H older ness,  n.  231.) 

SEDGWICK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sx  John's, 
Mar.  1,  1659-60.  S.  of  Leonard,  yeoman,  of  Dent,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1660.  Perhaps  C.  of 
Church  Brampton,  Northants.,  in  1673.  If  so,  father  of 
Leonard  (1691). 

SEDGWICK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  27,  1667.  S.  of  William,  of  Ludborough,  Lines.  School, 
Alford.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  167c.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
24,  1671;  perhaps  priest  (Lincoln)  May  26,  1678.  P.C.  of 
Nun  Ormsby,  Lines.,  and  of  Utterby.    R.  of  Wyham,  i68i. 

SIGISWICKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  7, 
1682.  S.  of  WiUiam  (1631),  clerk,  of  MattishaU,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1682;  Scholar,  1682-8; 
B.A.  1685-6.  Died  July  25,  1688.   {Venn,  i.  470.) 

SEDGWICK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Dec.  13,  1723- 
Of  Buckinghamshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Leonard  (1691).  Matric. 
1724;  B.A.  1727-8;  M.A.  1731.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept. 
20,  i73o;priest,  Dec.  24,  1732.  C.  of  Cranfield,  Beds.,in  1731. 
Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1717-8). 


Sedgwick,  Tobias 

SEDGWICK,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  18,  1637. 
Of  Durham.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1641-2.  R.  of  Cockfield, 
Durham,  1658. 

SEDGEWICK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar. 
31,  1631.  S.  of  Thomas,  merchant  and  citizen  of  Norwich. 
School,  Norwich  (Mr  Stonham).  Matric.  1631;  Scholar, 
1631-8;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  FeUow,  1640-51.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639;  priest  (Bishop  of  Kilmore) 
Nov.  4,  1649.  V.  of  Mattishall,  Norfolk,  1650-75.  R-  of 
Little  Bergh,  c.  1660.  Died  Sept.  26,  1675,  aged  61.  M.I.  at 
Mattishall.  Father  of  Thomas  (1682).   (F«nn,  i.  297.) 

SEDGWICK,   WILLIAM.    M.A.    1635    (Incorp.   from   Oxford). 

S.  of  William,  of  London,  gent.   B.  in  Bedfordshire.   Matric. 

(Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  2,  1625,  age  15;  B.A.  1628; 

M.A.  1631.  R.  of  Famham,  Essex,  1634-44.  Chaplain  to  the 

regiment  of  Sir  William  Constable,  1642.   Chief  preacher  in 

Ely,   Cambs.,   1644-60.    Known   as  Doomesday  Sedgwick 

(Cole).     Retired    to    Lewisham,    Kent.     Author,    religious. 

Will  (P.C.C.)  1663-4;  of  Lewisham,  Kent.   (Calamy,  i.  344; 

Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 
SEDGWICK,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.   28, 

1717-8.    S.   of   Leonard    (1691),    R.   of  Thornton,   Bucks. 

School,    Eton.     Matric.    1720;    B.A.    1721-2;    M.A.    1725; 

B.D.  1732.   Fellow,  1723-32;  President,  Mar.  15,  1731-2-60. 

Vice-ChanceUor,  1741-2.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1724; 

priest.  Mar.  6,   1725-6.    V.  of  Oakington,  Cambs.    R.  of 

St  Clement   Eastcheap,   London,    1738-60.     Died  Nov.   4, 

1760.   Win,  P.C.C.   Benefactor.   Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 

(1723).   {College  History,  238.) 

SEDLEY,  see  also  SIDLEY. 

SEDLEY,  EDMUND.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1579.   Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Martin,  of  Morley,  Norfolk  (and 

Anne,  dau.  of  Ralph  Shelton,  of  Deopham,  Esq.).    Bapt. 

Mar.  24,  1565-6,  at  Morley  St  Peter.   Died  s.p.  in  France. 

(Vis.  of  Norfolk,  11.  346.) 
SEDLEY  or  SYDLEY,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pem- 
broke, Apr.   5,   1681.     S.   of   William   (1657),   of  Morley, 

Norfolk,  gent.  Matric.  1681.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  22, 

1682-3.  Brother  of  John  (1681). 
SEDLEY,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  9,  1646. 

Of  Kent. 
SEDLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  28, 

SEDLEY  or  SYDLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 

Apr.  5,   1681.    S.  of  William  (below),  of  Morley,  Norfolk, 

gent.    Matric.  1681.    Died  Oct.  10,  1712,  aged  49.    M.I.  at 

Morley.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1681). 
SEDLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1657. 

Of  Norfolk.    Died  Oct.  10,  1704,  aged  64.    M.I.  at  Morley. 

Doubtless   father   of   John    (above)    and    Edmund  (1681). 

{Blomefield,  11.  479.) 
SEE,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1459-60;  gmce  for  B.D.  1470-1.  Licensed 

to  preach  in  Ely  diocese,  1470,  '  M.A.' 
SEED,  JEREMIAH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  18,  1679.    Of 

Lancashire.  Matric.  1679;  Scholar,  1681;  B.A.  1682-3.  Ord. 

deacon  (Chester)  June  3,  1683;  priest.  May  25,  1684.   C.  of 

Kendal,   Westmorland,    1691.    V.   of  Askham,    1697-1707. 

R.  of  Clifton,  near  Penrith,  1707-22.   Died  1722.   Father  of 

the  next.   (B.  Nightingale.) 
SEED,  JEREMIAH.   M.A.  1738  (Incorp.  from  Queen's  CoUege, 

Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Nov.  7,  1716,  age  16.  S.  of  Jeremiah 

(above).    B.A.  (Oxford)  1721-3;  M.A.  1725.    Fellow,  1732. 

R.  of  Ridge,  Herts.,  1736-8.    R.  of  Church  Oakley,  Hants. 

R.  of  Enham,  1741-7.   Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Dec.  10, 

1747,  aged  47.  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  5y,  Al.  Oxon.; 


SEELE,  see  SEALE. 

SEELEY,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1734  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there.  Mar.  15,  1722-3.  S.  of  Francis,  of 
Holywell,  Oxford,  gent.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1726;  M.A.  1729. 
V.  of  Gt  Waltham,  Essex,  1740-56.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  June  17, 
1756.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Morant.,  11.  90.) 


SEFTON,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1574; 
B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  17,  1580. 

SEGENS  (?  SEGERUS),  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1559. 


SELBANCKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  20,  1594. 

Matric.  c.  1594. 
SELBY,  see  also  SILLESBY. 
SELBY,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 

July  20,  1692.   S.  of  Michael,  of  Castor,  Northants.,  gent. 

Selby,  William 

Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700.  Fellow,  1698. 
Bursar,  1710.  Junior  Proctor,  1715-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  25,  1698;  priest,  May  26,  1700.  C.  of  Marham,  North- 
ants., 1698.  C.  of  Framlingham,  Suffolk,  1704.  V.  of  Grant- 
chester,  Cambs.,  1707-16.  V.  of  Waresley,  Hunts.,  1718-29. 
R.  of  Framlingham  and  Saxted,  Suffolk,  1728-34.  Died 
Oct.  2,  1734,  aged  59.  Buried  at  Framlingham.  M.l.  (Loder, 

SELBY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1669.  Of 
Bedfordshire.  Perhapss.of  Michael  (1629-30).  Matric.  1670; 
B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Signed  for  deacon's  and  priest's 
orders  (London)  Sept.  21,  1672.  V.  of  Riseley,  Beds.,  1672. 

SELBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke,  May  10, 
1619.  S.  of  William,  of  Surrey,  farmer.  Matric.  1619;  B.A. 
1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Head  Master  of  Rochester  Grammar 
School,  Kent,  1627-31.  V.  of  St  Margaret's,  Rochester, 
1627-47-  V.  of  Aylesford,  1646-9.  Died  1662.  Buried  at 
St  Nicholas,  Rochester. 

SELBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  19, 
1651.  2nd  s.  of  George,  Esq.,  of  Greenwich.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Tonbridge.  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1652.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1659.  Bencher, 
1677.  Serjeant-at-law,  1683.  Knighted,  June  5,  1685. 
Elected  Recorder  of  London,  1688,  but  declined  to  serve. 
Married  (1)  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Howell,  of  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Mar.  20,  1667-8;  (2)  Ehzabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Amhurst, 
Serjeant-at-law,  of  Bayhall,  Kent.  Died  Aug.  1715.  Brother 
of  William  (1651).  (Le  Neve,  KnigWs,  397;  Inner  Temple, 
Benchers ;  Musgrave.) 

SELBY,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  2,  1677. 
Probably  s.  of  James,  of  the  Inner  Temple,  gent.  Bapt. 
Jan.  20,  1657.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  15,  1676. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1683.  Bencher,  1700.  Serjeant-at-law, 
1700.  Of  Wavendon  and  Whaddon,  Bucks.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Sir  Rowland  Alston,  of  Odell,  Beds.  Died  Apr.  20, 
1724.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1694).  (Inner  Temple, 
Bench  Book;  G.  Mag.,  1821,  11.  316.) 

SELBY  or  SILBY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Lent, 
1564-5;  B.A.  from  Queens',  1569-70.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Oct.  17,  1571;  priest,  Sept.  17,  1574;  C.  of  Blackforth.  R.  of 
Wootton,  Norfolk,  1576.  V.  of  Hedenham,  1582. 

SELBEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1614;  B.A. 
1618-9; M.A.  1622. 

SELBY,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  21, 
1629-30.  S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Shambrook,  Beds.  School, 
Little  Gidding.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.  V.  of 
Pampisford,  Cambs.,  1638-46.  V.  of  Riseley,  Beds.,  -1653- 
72.  R.  of  Hayes,  Middlesex,  1661-85.  R-  of  Ingoldsby, 
Lines.,  1672-85.  Died  1685.  Father  of  William  (1679-80) 
and  perhaps  of  Francis  (1669).   (Peile,  i.  404.) 

SELBY,  NATHANIEL.   Fellow  of  Emmanuel,  1677. 

SELBY,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  3,  1711; 
'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  William,  citizen  and 
leatherseller,  of  London.  Matric.  1712;  Scholar,  1713;  B.-A. 
1714-5;  M.A.  1718.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  26,  1715-6; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1718-9.  V.  of  Stotfold,  Beds.,  1718*. 
Head  Master  of  Christ's  Hospital,  1725.  V.  of  Clavering, 
Essex,  1737-53-  Died  May  17,  1753.  Will,  Comm.  Essex! 
(G.  Mag.) 

SELBY,  RALPH.  LL.D.  Warden  of  King's  Hall,  1391-8. 
Member  of  Richard  II's  privy  council.  Became  a  monk  at 
Westminster  Abbey.  Preb.  of  York,  13S5-6;  Sub-dean, 
1386-92.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1392-1401.  Archdeacon  of 
Bucks.,  1392.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1394.  Died  1420. 
(Trin.  Coll.  Adm.,  i.  138;  Musgrave.) 

SELBY,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1501-2.  WiU  of  Rich.  Selby,  of 
Trumpington,  Cambs.  (P.C.C.)  1549. 

SELBY,  ROBERT  (1524),  see  ROGERS. 

SELBY  or  SELBEYE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1572;  B.A.  1576-7.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  28^ 
1577,  Selby.   R.  of  Bedfield,  Suffolk,  1584-c.  1610,  Selbeye. 

SELBY  or  SILBY,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1588-9; 
M.A.  1592;  B.D.  1607.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  4,  1590-1'. 
V.  of  Reydon  and  Southwold,  Suffolk,  1596.  R.  of  Easton 
Bavents,  1608. 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1573.  Probably  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Branxton,  North- 
umberland. Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1576. 
Knighted,  Apr.  6,  1603.  Of  the  Moat,  Ightham,  Kent.  Died 
1637.   (T.A.  Walker.) 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1578; 
B.A.  from  Clare,  1582-3;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1586.  Ord! 
deacon  (Carlisle)  Dec.  13,  1587.  (Perhaps  V.  of  Ford, 
Northumberiand,  1597-1600.)  V.  of  Berwick-on-Tweed, 
1607.  Preb.  of  Durham,  1608-9.  V.  of  Kirk  Merrington, 
Durham,  1609-10.  Died  1610.  (Peile,  i.  148.) 


Selby,  William 

SELBEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1614. 
Of  Suffolk.  Scholar,  1618;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  R.  of 
Islington,  Norfolk,  1622.   Perhaps  R.  of  Anmer,  1647. 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  14,  1614. 
Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
July  29;  priest,  July  30,  1622.  R.  of  Chipping  Warden, 
Northants.,  1625-42.  Buried  there  Mar.  8,  1642-3.  See 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1. 

SELBIE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Apr. 
1620.  Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  Ralph,  of  Branston,  Northumberland. 
If  so,  knighted,  July  26,  1639.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Ferdinand,  Lord  Fairfax.  Buried  Feb.  23,  1654. 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  6, 
1626-7.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Raunds,  Northants.  School, 
Higham  Ferrers  (Mr  Frier).  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  West  Horsley,  Surrey,  1644. 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  19,  1651.  S.  of  George,  Esq.,  of  Greenwich.  B.  in  St 
Mary  Hill,  London.  School,  Tonbridge.  Matric.  1651.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  1652.  Of  Ightham  Moat,  near  Ton- 
bridge.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Rainey,  of  Wrotham, 
Bart.  Brother  of  Henry  (1651).  (Le  Neve,  397;  Hasted,  11. 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  5,  1660.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667. 
Fellow,  1664-8. 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Mar.  11,  1679-80. 
S  of  Michael  (1629-30).  B.  at  Riseley,  Beds.  School, 
Kimbolton  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A. 
1687.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  1684;  priest,  May,  1686. 
Probably  R.  of  Elton-on-the-HiU,  Notts.,  1687.  Buried 
there  Sept.  9,  1720.   {Peile,  11.  77.) 

SELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Aug.  20, 
1694.  Perhaps  s.  of  James,  of  the  Inner  Temple,  deceased. 
Matric.  1695.  Of  Husbom  Crawley,  Beds.  Died  i753- 
Perhaps  brother  of  James  (1677).   (G.  Mag.,  1821,  11.  316.) 

SELBY,  Prior  of.  Resident  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1414-5-  Pays 
13s.  4d.  for  his  chamber.  Probably  William  Pigot  or  Pygot, 
who  was  Prior  of  Selby,  1407-29.  (T.  A.  Walker;  H.  G. 

SELETT,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1456. 

SELFF,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  i737-  S.  of  William,  of 
Hinton  St  George,  Somerset,  gent.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  May  10,  1725,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1728-9.  Perhaps 
of  Hinton  St  George,  clerk;  will  (Taunton)  i743-  One  of 
these  names  of  Hatch  Beauchamp,  clerk;  will  (Taunton) 
1786.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SELL,  see  also  SILL. 

SELL,  OLIVER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs.  1642. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Migrated  to  Queens',  1644.  B.A.  1645-6; 
M.A.  1649;  B.D.  1656.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1647-59-  K-  of 
Hinxworth,  Herts.,  1660-97.  Died  Nov.  20,  1697,  aged  73. 
M.I.  at  Hinxworth. 

SELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  8,  1659-60.  Of 
Essex.   Matric.  i66o;  B.A.  1663-4. 

SELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1624; 
B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 

SELLAKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  25, 
1667.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Halberton,  Devon.  School,  Tiverton. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1671. 

SELLER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1620  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Kent. 
S.  of  John,  R.  of  Saltwood,  Kent.  Matric.  (Corpus  Chrisli 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  17,  1608-9,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1611-2;  M..A.  1614.  R.  of  Bradfield  St  Clare,  Suffolk,  1619- 
33.  R.'of  Didcot,  Berks.,  1621-32.  R.  of  Gt  Whelnetham, 
1633-48.  Died  1648.   {At.  Oxon.) 

SELLER  or  SELLERS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  18,  1681.  S.  of  Thomas,  brewer,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
B.  there.  School,  Bury  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1681;  B.A. 
1685-6;  M.A.  1713.  Probably  V.  of  Digby,  Lines.,  1701; 
of  Metheringham,  1701;  of  New  Sleaford,  1703-37-  Preb. 
of  IJncohi,  1712-37.  Died  1737.  Father  of  William  (1727)- 
(Venn,  1.  469.) 

SELLAR,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1618  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Somerset,  pleb.  Matric.  (Magdalen  HaU,  Oxford)  July  i, 
1603,  age  i8;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1608-9;  M.A.  1615-  Fellow  of 
Merton  College,  Oxford,  1611.  V.  of  St  Peter-in-the-East, 
Oxford,  1623-31  (re-presented  in  1631).  R.  of  Stowe-nine- 
churches,  Northants.,  1631-46,  sequestered,  but  reinstated. 
Married  Frances  Newport,  of  Welton,  Northants.,  July  4, 

Selwyn,  Thomas 

1639.  Will  dated,  July  9,  1662;  proved  (Archd.  Northants.) 
Jan.  12,  1663-4;  of  Stowe-nine-churches.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  G.  Harrison;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SELLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  11, 
1703.  S.  of  George,  husbandman.  B.  at  Kennythorpe,  Yorks. 
School,  York.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  May,  1708;  priest,  1709.  C.  of  Settrington,  Yorks., 

SELLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  12, 
1727.  S.  of  Thomas  (1681),  clerk,  of  Lincolnshire.  B.  at 
Sleaford.  School,  Grantham.  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1731-2; 
M.A.  1735.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Sept.  19,  1731;  priest, 
Dec.  24,  1732.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  New  Sleaford, 
Lines.,  1737-69.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  402.) 

SELLER, .   B.A.  1529-30. 

SELLERS,  JEREMY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SELLERS, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544. 

SELLYN,  DANIEL.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1576. 
Of  London.  Migrated  to  Magdalene.  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A. 
1583;  M.D.  from  Christ's,  1591.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1584. 
F.R.C.P.,  1599.  Died  Mar.  19,  1614-5.  Buried  at  St  Dionis, 
London.   Will,  P.C.C.   {Munk,  i.  115;  Peile,  l.  137.) 

SELLINGE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1633.  Of  Suffolk. 

SELLING,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  26, 
1661.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Carlton  ColviOe,  Suffolk.  B.  at 
Topcroft,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Wrentham,  Suffolk  (private)  and 
Barsham  (private).  Matric.  1661;  Scholar,  1661-6;  B.A. 
1664-5.  Married,  at  Bedingham,  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Smith, 
of  Starston,  gent.,  July  3,  1666.  Died  Sept.  26,  1686.  M.I. 
in  Carlton  Church.   {Venn,  i.  414.) 

SELLYNGE,  WILLIAM  {alias  GREEN).  B.A.  FeUow  of  Peter- 
house,  June  26,  1422.  A  clerk  in  1434.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

SELLIN, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  Lent,  1623-4. 

SELLON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  14, 
1750.  S.  of  John,  of  Hurley,  Berks.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1751;  Scholar,  1751.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar. 
14,  1756.  Minister  of  St  James  and  St  John,  Clerkenwell, 
1757-90.  Preacher  at  St  Giles-in-the-Fields,  1758-90,  and  at 
Magdalen  Hospital,  St  Andrew,  Holbom,  1790.  Chaplain  to 
Lord  Pomfret.  Proprietor  and  minister  of  Portman  Chapel, 
Marylebone.  Died  July  18  (?  29),  1790.  Buried  at  St  James', 
Clerkenwell.  Will,  P.C.C.   {Al.  Westmon.,  352;  Hennessy.) 

SELSTON, .  B.A.  1514-5- 

SELTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  24, 
1704.  S.  of  William,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Holt.  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1704-9;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A. 
1714.  Fellow,  1714-24.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1711;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  17,  1712. 
R.  of  Hardmead,  Bucks.,  1721.  R.  of  Foulsham,  Norfolk, 
1722-4.  R.  of  Gt  Melton,  and  St  Michael  Coslany,  Norwich, 
1723.  Died  1740.   {Venn,  1.  512.) 

SELWOOD,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1698  (Incorp.  from  Pembroke 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Dec.  2,  1681,  age  16;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1685;  M.A.  1688.  R.  of  Crowmarsh  Gifford,  Oxon., 
1690.   R.  of  Mongewell,  1703.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SELWOOD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1682.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Samuel,  of  London,  Esq.  B.  there. 
Matric.  Michs.  1683;  B.A.  1687-8.  Fellow,  1686.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  19,  1687.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  23, 
1694, 'M.A. '   Became  insane.  Died  Oct.  1706. 

SELWYN,  SELWIN  or  SHELWIN,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Emmanuel,  Apr.  27,  1612.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Edward 
(below),  of  Friston,  Sussex.  Matric.  1612,  'Shelwin.'  Died 
s.p.  (Vis.  of  Sussex,  1530,  1633-4.) 

SELWYN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1565. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Friston,  Sussex.  B.A.  from 
Queens',  1569-70.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1565)  and 
perhaps  father  of  Anthony  (above). 

SELWYN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
1642.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Friston,  Sussex  (and 
Penelope,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Shurley,  Lord  Chief  Justice  of 
Ireland).  Matric.  1642.  Probably  nephew  of  Anthony  (1612). 
(Vis.  of  Sussex,  1530,  1633-4.) 

SELWYN,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  May  23,  1728. 
B.  in  London.  Possibly  s.  of  John,  of  Gloucestershire.  If  so, 
M.P.  for  Whitchurch,  1734-51.  Died  June  27,  1751,  aged  42. 
(A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SELWYN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1565. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Friston,  Sussex.  One  of  these 
names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1570,  from  Staple  Inn.  Probably 
brother  of  Edward  (1565). 


Selwyn,  William 

SELWIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  28, 
1730.  S.  of  William,  merchant,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1730.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Mar.  4,  1729-30.  Barrister,  1736.  Solicitor  to  the  E.xcise, 
1745-9.  Died  June  24  (?July  4),  1749-  [Scott-Mayor,  ni. 
426;  G.  Mag.;  St  Paul's  School  Register.) 

SELWYN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  25, 
1749.  S.  of  Henry,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1749;  Scholar,  1750.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  5,  i749- 
K.C.,  1780.  M.P.  for  Whitchurch,  Hants.,  1783-90.  Married 
Frances  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Dr  John  Dodd,  of  Woodford, 
Essex.  Died  at  Richmond,  Surrey,  Aug.  21,  1817.  Buried  at 
Chislehurst,  Kent.   [A I.  Westmon.,  330.) 

SELWYN,  WILLIAM  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus, 
Oct.  4,  1701.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward,  Knt.,  of  Friston, 
Sussex.  Matric.  1701.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  2, 
1702.  Died  s.p.,  Feb.  9,  1704-5.  M.I.  at  Friston.  {Sussex 
Archaeol.  Coll.,  xv.  211.) 

SEMEY,  WILLIAM.   M.Gram.  1503-4- 

SEMPER,  ALAN.    University  BedeU,  1474.    Perhaps  V.  of  Gt 

Canfield,  Essex,  1476-81.   Died  1488.   Buried  at  St  Mary's, 

Cambridge.   (Stokes,  Bedells,  65.) 

SEMPLER, .   M..\.  from  Caius,  1595  (in  ordo). 

SEMSTER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1607 

SENDALL,  see  also  SANDALL. 

SENDALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  24,  1604.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1607-8.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Robert  (1604). 

SENDALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Micbs.  1638. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (1604).  B.A.  1641- 
2.   Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1635). 

SENDALL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent,  1563-4; 
B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1571.  Fellow  of 
Trinity  Hall,  1570-7.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Oct.  18,  1571.  R.  of 
Cheveley,  Cambs.,  1576-1623.   Died  1623. 

SENDALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  24,  1604. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  R.  of  Brinkley, 
Cambs.,  1625-58.  Buried  there  Dec.  i,  1658.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1604),  perhaps  father  of  the  next  and  of 
John  (1638). 

SENDALL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1635. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (above).  B.A. 
1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22;  priest, 
Dec.  23,  1644  (?  or  May  24,  1646).  R.  of  Carlton  with  Willing- 
ham,  Cambs.,  1650.  Buried  Aug.  26,  1665.  Probably  brother 
of  John  (1638). 



SENEWYS  or  SENOWS,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1473-4;  M.A.  1477-8. 

SENHOUSE,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  2,  1637.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Alneburgh  HaU, 
near  Maryport,  Cumberland  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Hum- 
phrey Wharton,  of  Gillingwood,  Yorks.).  B.  at  West  Gilling, 
Yorks.  School,  Holme  Cultram,  Cumberland  (private). 
Matric.  1637.  Died  s.p.,  v. p.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

SENHOUSE,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Jan.  12,  1748-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Humphrey.  B.  at  NetherhaU, 
Cumberland.  School,  St  Bees  (Mr  Fisher).  Matric.  1748-9; 
Scholar,  1748-9;  B.A.  1753;  M.A.  1756.  Fellow  of  Pembroke, 
1756.  M.P.  for  Cockermouth,  1786-90;  for  Cumberland, 
1790-6.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wood,  Esq.,  of 
Beadnell,  Northumberland,  1768.  Died  1814.  (P«7e,  11.  253; 
Burke,  L.G.) 

SENHOUSE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Ellenborough  (Alneburgh),  Cumber- 
land. Succeeded  his  father  as  Steward  of  the  lordships  etc., 
formerly  belonging  to  the  monastery  of  Cultram,  1605. 
Sheriff  of  Cumberland,  1628.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of 
Lancelot  Skelton,  of  Armathwaite,  Cumberland.  Died  1654. 
Brother  of  Richard  (c.  1592)  and  Simon  {c.  1592).  (Burke, 

SENHOUSE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs.  1616. 
Of  Cumberland.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624;  B.D.  1632.  Fellow, 
1622.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel,  Dec.  7,  1635. 

SENHOUSE,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  8, 
1685.  S.  and  h.  of  Anthony,  gent.  Bapt.  Dec.  14,  1669,  at 
Thomhaugh,  near  Wansford,  Northants.  School,  Peter- 
borough (Mr  Waring).  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A. 
1693.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1693.  Ord.  priest  (Hereford)  Jan. 
31,  1693-4.  V.of  Kempley,  Clones.,  1694-1760.  V.  of  Linton, 
Hereford,  1704.  Canon  of  Brecon,  1720.  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Chandos.  Died  Jan.  5, 1760.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  WiUiam 
(1688)  and  father  of  William  (1742). 

Sepherye,  Thomas 

SENHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Alneburgh  (or  Ellenborough)  Hall,  Cumber- 
land. B.A.  (?  J594-5);  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1598;  B.D.  1606; 
D.D.  1622.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1598.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1600.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  June  10,  1604.  V.  of 
Steeple  Bumpstead,  Essex,  1606.  R.  of  West  Cheam,  Surrey, 
1608.  Dean  of  Gloucester,  1621-4.  BishopofCarhsle,  1624-6, 
Author,  sermons.  Died  May  6,  1626.  Buried  in  Carlisle 
Cathedral.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Peter  (c.  1592). 

SENHOUSE,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Ellenborough,  Cumberland. 
'Murdered  near  Dovenby'  by  Skelton  of  Armathwaite. 
Brother  of  Richard  (above)  and  Peter  (c.  1592).  (Burke, 

SENHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  13,  1550.  Of  'Sestarum'  (?  S.  Owram),  Yorks.  Matric. 
1550,  'Synowes.'  Left  in  1552.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

SENHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  26,  1634.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Seascales,  Gosforth, 
Cumberland.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1637-8. 

SENHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sx  John's, 
June  II,  1688.  3rd  s.  of  Anthony,  gent.  Bapt.  Feb.  26, 1673-4, 
at  Thomhaugh,  Northants.  School,  St  Bees,  CumberlcUid. 
Matric.  1688.   Brother  of  Peter  (1685). 

SENHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1742.  S.  of 
Peter  (1685),  of  Linton,  Hereford,  clerk.  Matric.  (Trinity 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  21,  1729-30,  age  16;  B.A.  (New  College, 
Oxford)  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1733-4.  {Al. 

SENIOR  or  SEIGNIOR,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1659;  scholar  from  Westminster.  Of  London.  B.A. 
1662-3;  M.A.  1666;  B.D.  1673;  D.D.  1678.  Fellow,  1664. 
Signed  for  deacon  (London)  Dec.  16,  1664.  Ord.  priest 
(Ireland,  by  Bishop  of  Derry);  'chaplain  to  the  Bishop.* 
Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Burlington.  V.  of  St  Michael's, 
Cambridge.  Died  in  London,  Oct.  15,  1678.  WUl  proved 
(V.C.C).   (Al.  Westmon.) 

SENIOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  19, 
1675.  S.  of  George,  of  Skelbrook,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1675;  LL.B.  1680.  Probably  of  Mirfield; 
took  a  lease  of  Newland  Hall,  Wakefield,  1703.  Married 
Mary  Clarke,  of  Warmfield,  Wakefield,  Jan.  23,  1^2.  (M.  H. 

SENIOR,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs. 
1587.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  16,  1597;  of 
Dorset,  gent. 

SENIOR,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Essex. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  Merchant  Taylor.  B.  Sept.  1599. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  (University  CoUege, 
Oxford)  Oct.  23,  1618,  age  16  (sic);  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1624. 
V.  of  Feering,  Essex,  1628-c.  44;  sequestered,  restored,  1660. 

SENIOR  or  SONYER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  3,  1581.  S.  of  John.  B.  in  London.  School,  Birstall, 

SENIOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  13, 
1634.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Dodworth,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Worsborough,  Yorks.  (Mr  Shaw).  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Perhaps  of  Dodworth,  clerk,  and 
father  of  Thomas  (1672). 

SENIOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1646; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  1647.  B.  in  London.  B.A.  1649- 
50;  M.A.  1653;  B.D.  1660.  Fellow,  1650.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1655.  Lecturer  at  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge;  ejected,  in  1662. 
Afterwards  a  nonconformist  preacher  at  Hackney.  {Al. 
Westmon.;  Calamy,  i.  216.) 

SENIOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  i, 
1672.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1634),  clerk,  of  Dodworth,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Wakefield.   Matric.  1672;  M.B.  1677. 

SENNOCK,  JOHN.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1520-5.  Monk 
from  Lewes  Priory.  B.D.  1522-3;  D.D.  1527.  Studied  arts 
and  theology  9  years  here  and  18  months  at  Oxford. 
Pensioned  at  the  surrender  of  the  Priory,  Nov.  16,  1537. 
V.  of  Kemsing,  Kent,  1542-S.   {Venn,  i.  25.) 

SENNOW,  JOHN.  B.D.  1511-2.  Franciscan  friar.  D.D.  1526-7. 

SENTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1564. 
Licensed  to  practise  surgery,  1566. 

SENY  or  SEYNEY,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  Queens',  1603. 
Perhaps  of  Warficld,  Berks.,  clerk.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1654; 

SEPHERYE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1568;  B.A.  from  Caius,  1574-5. 


Seppens,  Charles 

SEPPENS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Petermouse,  Jan.  19, 
i66a-i.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (below).  School, 
Scarning.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  Scholar,  1666;  M.A. 
1668.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1672-3.  V.  of  'Hocham,' 
Norfolk,  1673-9.  R.  of  Norton,  1678.  R.  of  Scoulton,  1678- 
91.   R.  of  Causton,  1681-91.  Died  1691.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

SEPPENS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  17, 
1625.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Rudham,  Norfolk.  School, 
'Helminton.'  Matric.  1625.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Nov.  11, 
1628.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  C.  of  St  Christopher-le- 
Stocks,  1637.  R.  of  East  Bradenham,  Norfolk,  1637-61. 
R.  of  Snetterton,  1659-68.  R.  of  Knapton,  1661-82;  of 
Hingham,  1668-82.  Author,  theological.  Died  1682.  Perhaps 
father  of  Charles  (above).   (Peile,  i.  394;  D.N.B.) 



SERGEANT,  DEGORY.  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1724.  S.  of 
Degory,  of  Eastcott,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  20,  1704-5,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1708-9.  V.  of  Down 
Ampney,  Gloucs.,  1710-4.  V.  of  Quethiock,  Cornwall,  1712- 
25.  Died  before  Oct.  7,  1725.  Admon.  (Exeter)  1725.  (Al. 
SARJANT,   JOHN.     B.A.    1481-2;   M.A.    1485;   B.D.    1495-6. 

Fellow  of  Queens',  1490-1503.   Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1503. 
SERGIANT,  JOHN.    Of  Jesus.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  1577, 

age  23. 
SERGEANT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  22, 
1636-7.  S.  of  Thomas,  barber.  B.  at  Bury  St  Edmimds. 
School,  Bury  (Mr  Dickinson).  Matric.  1637;  Scholar,  1640-2; 
B.A.  1640-1. 
SERGEANT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  12, 
1639.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Barrow-upon-Humber, 
Lines.  B.  there,  1622.  School,  Barton,  Lines,  (private). 
Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3.  Secretary  to  Thomas  Morton, 
Bishop  of  Durham.  Became  a  Romanist.  Studied  theology 
at  the  English  CoUege  at  Lisbon;  ord.  priest  there.  Joined 
the  English  mission,  1652.  Controversial  WTiter.  Died  1707. 
SERGEANT,  PETER  (?PEYRS).  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1577-8, 
'Peres  Seriant.'  B.  at  Biilesdon,  Leics.,  c.  1558.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Apr.  1;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1578,  age  23.  C.  of  Kibworth, 
Leics.,  in  1585.  V.  of  Barston,  1598.  Will  (Leicester)  1618. 
SARGENT,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1625. 
Of  Lancashire.  Probably  of  Stand,  gent.  Buried  at  Prest- 
wich.  Lanes.,  May  29,  1661. 
SERJEANT,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  26, 
1720-1.  Of  Surrey.  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Mar.  1731-2.  R.  of  Waxham,  Norfolk,  1733-69. 
Died  in  the  Strand,  London,  Aug.  8,  1769.  Perhaps  brother 
of  Thomas  (1703).  (G.  Mag.) 
SARGEANT  or  SARGEN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Mag- 
dalene, Easter,  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A. 1640.  Ord. deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1636;  priest,  June  4,  1637. 
SARGEANT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1664  (Incorp.  from  All  Souls, 
Oxford).  S.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of  Gloucester,  gent.  Matric. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Apr.  18,  1651;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1656-7;  M.A.  1658;  B.C.L.,  1661;  D.C.L.  1666.  FeUow  of 
All  Souls.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  17,  1655.  Died  1708, 
aged  75.  One  of  these  names,  of  Gray's  Inn,  married 
Hannah,  dau.  of  John  Cjirill,  of  Chatteris,  Cambs.,  Sept.  26, 
1667.  {Al.  Oxen.) 
SARGEANT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Clare,  Apr.  23,  1675.  Of 
Dublin.  S.  of  John.  Matric.  1675.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  May  27,  1669,  age  about  15.  Aftenvards  of  New 
England,  'B.A.'  {Al.  Dublin.) 
SERGEANT,  THOMAS  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  21, 
1703.  Of  Surrey.  Matric.  1704.  Perhaps  brother  of  Ralph 
SERJEANT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1619.  Probably  matric.  (Trinity  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  15, 
1619,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1622;  M.A.  1625.  R.  of  Hitcham, 
Bucks.,  1629;  there  in  1650.  Probably  father  of  the  next. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Lipscomb,  in.  282.) 
SERGEANT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1658.  Probably  s.  of  WiUiam  (above).  B.  at  Hitcham, 
Bucks.,  1641.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665;  B.D. 
1672.  FeUow,  1661-71.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1662;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1663.  C.  of 
St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  1667.  R.  of  Fyfield,  Hants.,  1671-7. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  West  Itchener,  Sussex,  1662-99. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

SERGENT, .  Scholar  of  Christ's.  B.A.  1535-6. 


SERJANSON, .  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1522-3. 

Settle,  Thomas 

SERMON,  WILLIAM.  M.D.  1670  {LU.  Reg.).  Practised  at 
Bristol  during  the  plague,  1666-9.  Attended  George  Monck, 
Duke  of  Albemarle,  for  dropsy  and  claimed  to  have  cured 
him,  1669.  Physician  in  ordinary  to  Charles  II.  Married 
Edith  Davies,  spinster,  of  St  Margaret,  Lothbury,  1678. 
Author,  medical.  Died  1679.  Wm(P.C.C.)  1679-80.  {D.N.B.; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SEROCOLD  or  SOROCOLD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Caius,  May  9,  1645.  S.  of  George,  gent.  B.  at  Ashton-in- 
Makerfield,  Lanes.  School,  Winwick  (Mr  Pickering).  Matric. 
1645;  Scholar,  1645-8.  Probably  died  young.  Brother  of 
James  (1645).  {Venn,  i.  357.) 
SEROCOLD   or   SOROCOLD,   GEORGE.     Adm.   FeU.-Com.   at 

Emmanuel,  May  15,  1684.  Of  Lancashire. 

SEROCOLD  or  SOROCOLD,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 

Caius,  May  9,  1645.    S.  of  George,  gent.    B.  at  Ashton-in- 

Makerfield,  Lanes.  School,  Win  wick  (Mr  Pickering).  Matric. 

1645.    Brother  of  George  (1645).    {Chetham  Soc,  lxxxviii. 


SEROCOLD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  23, 

1620.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London,  mercer.   Matric.  1620;  B.A. 

1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  R.  of  Creedy,  ComwaU.  {Vis.  of  London, 


SOROCOLD,  MICHAEL.   M.A.  from  Jesus,  1695.  S.  of  James, 

of  Leigh,  Lanes.  Matric.  (Brasenose  CoUege,  Oxford)  Mar.  20, 

1684-5,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1688.    One  of  these  names 

of  Goring,  Sussex,  clerk;  wiU  (Chichester)  1703.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SEROCOLD,   RALPH.    Adm.  sizar  (age   i7)   at   Peterhouse, 

Jan.  7,   1703-4.    S.  of  Walter,  of  Cherrj'  Hinton,  Cambs. 

School,  Cherry  Hinton.  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1707-8;  Scholar, 

1708;  M.A.  1711.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1712;  priest, 

Dec.  20,  1713.    Perhaps  R.  of  Walkington,  Yorks.    (Burke, 

L.G.;  T.A.  Walker,  211.) 

SEROCOLD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  21, 

1588.   Matric.  1588. 
SOROCOLD,  THOMAS.    M.A.  1597  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    Of 
Lancashire.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Manchester.  B.  there, 
1561.    Matric.  (Brasenose  CoUege,  Oxford)  July  18,   1580, 
age  18;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1585.   R.  of  St  Mildred  Poultry, 
Lx)ndon,  1590-1617.  Author,  reUgious.  Buried  at  St  Mildred 
Poultry,  Dec.  12,  1617.   WiU  proved,  Jan.  12,  1617-8.    {Al. 
Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 
SEROCOLD,  WALTER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  i7)  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  2,  1738-9.   S.  of  Thomas,  of  Middlesex,  and  nephew  of 
Ralph    (1703-4).     B.    1720.     School,    Bishop's    Stortford. 
Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1740;  B.A.  1742-3;  M.A.  1746.   Ord. 
deacon   (Lincoln)   Sept.   25,    1743;    priest,  Sept.   22,   1745. 
V.  of  Fulboume  AU  Saints,  Cambs.    R.  of  Chignal  Smealy, 
Essex.    R.  of  Polstead,  Suffolk,   1750-7.    Sequestrator  of 
Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.,   1758-89.    Lord  of  the  Manor  of 
Hinton  UphaU.  Died  Nov.  24,  1784  (?  1789).  {T.  A.  Walker, 
276;  Burke,  L.G.;  Musgrave.) 
SERRIER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  22, 
1698.    S.  of  Charles.    School,  Westminster.    Matric.  1698; 
Scholar,  1702;  B.A.  1702-3.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4, 
SERVYNGTON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1549.   Probably  scholar  of  Trinity,  1551. 
SERVINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SERVINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  1613. 

Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1614. 
SETHELL  or  SETTLE,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Easter,  1575.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1581; 
LL.D.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1588.  FeUow  of  Corpus  Christi, 
1586-97.  Official  of  the  archdeaconry  of  Norwich  and 
Commissary  to  the  Bishop,  1595.  Died  1597.  WiU  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1598.  {Cooper,  11.  243-) 
SETTLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  9, 
1747.  S.  of  Thomas  (1707-8).  B.  at  Swainstead,  near 
Giggleswick,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1748; 
Scholar,  1748;  B.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  24, 1752; 
'C.  of  Giggleswick';  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1757.  C.  of 
Wangford,  Suffolk.  Probably  died  Mar.  6,  i777.  {G.  Mag.; 
Peile,  11.  251.) 
SETTLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1575. 
Ordained  by  Bishop  Freake,  of  Norwich.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Westfield,  Norfolk,  1579.  Minister  at  Boxted,  Suffolk. 
Charged  before  Archbishop  Whitgif t  with  erroneous  doctrines, 
and  imprisoned,  1586-92.  Joined  the  Brownists'  congrega- 
tion in  London;  again  arrested  and  imprisoned,  1593. 
R.  of  Bamingham  Winter,  Norfolk,  1596-1614.  R.  of  Mat- 
lask,  in  1601.  Probably  the  author  of  Tho.  Settle,  his  Cate- 
chisme.  {Cooper,  11.  402;  D.N.B.,  where  there  is  no  further 
record  of  him  after  his  imprisonment  in  1593.) 


Settle,  Thomas 

SETTLE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  9, 
1707-8.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Swainstead,  near  Giggleswick, 
Yorks.  Matric.  1708;  Scholar,  1708-9;  B.A.  1711-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (Carlisle)  Mar.  1714-5;  pnest  (York)  Dec.  1716.  C.  of 
Wakefield,  1716-37.  Father  of  Robert  (i  747)-   {Petle.ii.  lOg.) 



SEVENICROFT  or  SAMCROFT,  DENNIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St 
Catharine's,  Apr.  14,  1670.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1673-4; 
M.A.  1677.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  19,  1675.  V.  of  Flowton,  Suffolk,  1681.  V.  of  Chattis- 
ham,  1682.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SEVERNE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1651  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  and 
h.  of  John,  of  Powick,  Worcester,  gent.  Bapt.  Apr.  28,  1620, 
at  Powick.  Matnc.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Nov.  23,  1638, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1642;  M.A.  1645;  Student;  expelled, 
1650;  restored,  1660.  Died  unmarried,  Sept.  6,  1698.  Buried 
in  Worcester  Cathedral.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SEWARD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  2,  1721.  S.  of  John,  steward  to  Lord  Windsor.  B.  at 
Badsey,  Worcs.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1721.  Brother 
of  Francis  (1720)  and  Thomas  (1727). 

SEAWARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  26,  1655. 
Of  Hereford.  Matric.  1656;  Scholar,  1657;  B.A.  1658-9. 
Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Sept.  21,  1672.  Probably 
C.  of  Kensington,  Middlesex,  c.  1670;  will  (P.C.C.)  1716; 
Seward.  Doubtless  father  of  John  (1695).  (Lysons,  Environs, 
III.  I95-) 

SEWARD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  i8, 
1720.  4th  s.  of  John,  of  Badsey,  Evesham,  Worcs.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1720;  Scholar,  1721;  B.A.  1723-4', 
M.A.  1727.  .'^dm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1726.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  25,  1728.  R.  of  Babingley  and  Sand- 
ringham,  Norfolk,  1731-2.  R.  of  West  Newton,  1731-2- 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1727)  and  Benjamin  (1721). 

SEWARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1622;  LL.B.  1622.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1643. 

SEWARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1695.  S.  of  Charles  (1655),  of  Kensington,  London.  B.  there. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1696.  Buried 
at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  Dec.  17,  1696. 

SEWARD,  RICHARD.  'M.A.  of  Cambridge';  Supp.  for  incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1578. 

SEWARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  17,  1727. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Worcestershire.  B.  1708,  at  Badsey, 
Worcs.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1730-1; 
M.A.  1734.  Ord.  deacon  (Salisbury)  Dec.  19,  1731;  priest 
(Rochester)  May  20,  1732.  R.  of  Llanmaes,  Glamorgan, 
1733-40.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  i739-  R-  of  Eyam, 
Derbs.,  1740.  R.  of  Kingsley,  Staffs.,  i747-  Preb.  of  Lich- 
field, 1755-90.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1755-90.  Acquainted  with 
Dr  Johnson,  whom  he  frequently  entertained  at  Lichfield. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  John  Hunter,  of  Lichfield. 
Author,  religious  and  poetical.  Died  Mar.  4,  1790,  aged  82. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  poetess,  brother  of  Francis  (1720) 
and  Benjamin  (1721).   {D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor,  in.  404.) 

SEWARD,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1710.  S.  of 
William,  of  Hereford.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
Aug.  2,  1695,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1699.  V.  of  Vowchurch, 
Hereford,  1704.  R.  of  Llandewi  Skirrid,  Monmouth,  1717. 
R.  of  Llangunider,  Brecon,  1729.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SEWDER  or  SUDAR,  SIMON.  B.A.  1528-9. 

SEWELL,  CUTHBERT.    Adm.  pens,   (age   17)   at  St  John's, 
July  2,  1726.    S.  of  Joseph,  tax-collector,  of  Cumberland. 
B.  at  Carlisle.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30; 
M.A.  1733.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1729-30.   Chap- 
lain in  the  Navy,  1730.    R.  of  Southery,  Norfolk,  1738-87. 
V.  of  Middleton,  1743-58.   R.  of  Gunthorpe,  1758-87.   R.  of 
Bale,  1758.   Buried  at  Holy  Trinity,  Chester,  Nov.  4,  1787. 
SEWELL,  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  14,  1615. 
S.   of   Matthew,    blacksmith,   of   East   Dereham,    Norfolk. 
School,  East  Dereham  (Mr  Rising).   Matric.  1615. 
SEWELL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1574; 
B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1581.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Apr.  8,  1582; 
of  Caldbeck,  Cumberland,  M.A. 
SEWEL,  FORRESTER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
29,  1693.    S.  of  John,  shipmaster,  of  Coleraine.    B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7.   Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  19,  1698. 
SEWELL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1602.   Of  Essex.   B.A.  1604-5.   Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cam- 
bridge, Jan.  26,  1605-6. 
SEWELL,  GEORGE.   .\dm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  June 
25,   1706.    S.  of  John,  of  Windsor,  Berks.    School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10.   Studied  medicine  at  Leyden. 

Seycill,  William 

M.D.  (Edinburgh).  Practised  in  London  for  a  time.  After- 
wards a  political  pamphleteer.  Author,  miscellaneous.  Died 
Feb.  8,  1725-6,  at  Hampstead,  in  great  poverty.   {D.N.B.) 

SEWELL,  HARDWICK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
July  3,  1733.  S.  of  Thomas  (by  his  1st  wife  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Richard  Hardwick,  of  Spalding,  Lines.).  B.  at  Gt  Kenny, 
Essex.  School,  Lavenham  (Mr  Smithies).  Matric.  i733;  B.A. 
173&-7;  M.A.  1741.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1719-20)-  {Morant, 
II-  273) 

SEWELL,  HUGH.  B.A.  1531-2;  M.A.  1534.  Fellow  of  Christ's, 
1532-7.  Probably  B.D.  and  D.D.  (Oxford)  {Supp.  for)  1561, 
Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1549-85.  R.  of  Caldbeck,  Cumberland, 
1560.  Died  1585.   {Peile,  i.  15;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SEWELL,  JOHN.  B.A.  1497-8;  M.A.  1501. 
SEWELL,   JOHN.     Matric.   pens,   from   King's,   Michs.    1570. 
Lay  clerk  at  King's  CoUege  Chapel.  One  of  these  names,  M.A., 
ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  Mar.  25,  1576.   Perhaps  R.  of  Horham, 
Suffolk,  1575-91- 
SEWELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  July  1,  1671. 
S.  of  John.    B.  in  London.    School,  Westminster.    Matric. 
1671.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Aug.  27,  1672.   {PeiU,  11. 
SEWELL,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  30,  1637. 

Of  Rutland.  B.A.  1640-1. 
SEWELL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  i, 
1686.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Buntingford.  School,  Bunting- 
ford  (Mr  England).  Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1689- 
90.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1692;  priest  (London) 
June  11,  1693.   {Peile,  11.  102-3.) 

SEWALL,  ROBERT.  M.Gram.  1495-6. 

SEWELL,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1498-9.  Of  Carlisle  diocese.  M.A. 
1502.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1498.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  19,  1500;  priest.  Mar.  6,  1500-1.  R.  of  Leyboume,  Kent, 
1510-27.  Perhaps  preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1512-27.  Will  (P.C.C.) 

SEWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  24,  1719-20.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Gt  Henny,  Essex. 
B.  at  Lavenham,  Suffolk.  Died  Nov.  1721,  aged  19.  M.I.  at 
Gt  Henny.  Brother  of  Hardwick  (i733)-  (Morant,  11. 

SEWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22, 
1740.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Earls  Colne,  Essex.  School,  Earls 
Colne  (Mr  Stringer).  Matric.  1740-1;  Scholar,  1740.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  4,  1741- 

SEWEL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  10, 
1747-8.  S.  of  William,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  at  Langley, 
Norfolk.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1748-9;  Scholar,  1748- 
52;  B.A.  1752.  Obtained  the  College  testimonial  for  deacon's 
orders,  July  7,  1752.  Died  Aug.  22,  1752.  M.I.  at  St  Martin- 
in-Palace  churchyard,  Norwich.  (Venn,  11.  61.) 

SEWSMITH, .   B.A.  1524-5- 

SEWSTER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1628.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Cheapside,  London, 
Esq.  Bapt.  May  10,  1612,  at  St  Vedast's.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  21,  1632. 

SEWSTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1641. 
Of  Suffolk.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 

SEWSTER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1637. 
Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1640-1.  Perhaps  of  Raveley,  Hunts.; 
knighted,  June  27,  1664.   Probably  brother  of  John  (above). 

SEWSTER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572; 
B.A.  1575-6. 

SEWSTER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1611.  Of  Suffolk. 

SEXTON  or  SEKSTAN,  J.  Fined  for  non-graduation  (Law  or 
Div.)  1462-3.  One  John  Sextun,  LL.D.,  from  Brabant,  R.  of 
Eaglescliffe,  Durham,  and  of  Haccombe,  Devon.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1519;  as  of  St  Gregory's,  London. 

SEXTON,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1534-5- 

SEXTON,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1632-3. 


SEXTON, .  B.A.  1461-2. 

SEY,  see  SAY. 

SEYCILL,  see  also  CECIL. 

SEYCILL  or  CECIL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius, 
Feb.  20,  1666-7.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Hereford  (?  Herts.). 
B.  in  London.  School,  Walthara  Abbey.  Matric.  1667; 
Scholar,  1667-74;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674-  R-  oi  St  Michael 
Coslany,  Norwich.  1676-1715-  Buried  there  Oct.  9,  1715. 
Will  proved  (Norwich  C.  C.)  I7i5-   (Venn,  1.  429.) 



Sevliard,  Edward 

SEYLIARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1555.  Perhaps  s.  of  Eustace,  of  Flemings-in-Runwell, 
Essex.  Perhaps  knighted,  July  23,  1603.  Died  June  5,  1610. 
{Morant,  1.  140.) 

SYLIARDE  or  SULYARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Pembroke,  c.  1590.  Probably  s.  of  Edward  (above),  of 
Essex;  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  3,  1591,  Sulyarde.  One 
of  these  names  (Sulyard)  knighted,  Nov.  11,  1618.  Probably 
brother  of  WiUiam  {c.  1590). 

SEYLIARD,  FRANCIS.  .\dm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  5, 
1642-3.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Delaware,  Kent.  School, 
Kenthatch  (Mr  Knight).  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  (?  1647-8);  M. A. 
from  Caius,  1651.  Fellow  of  Sidney,  1649-50;  intruded 
Fellow  of  Caius,  1650-4.  R.  of  Moulton,  Suffolk,  1657-76. 
V.  of  Mayfield,  Sussex,  1663-4.  Died  Dec.  26,  1676.  Brother 
of  John  (1631)  and  Thomas  (1631).  (Venn,  i.  378;  Le  Neve, 
Mon.,  IV.  173.) 

SYLIERD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568; 
B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Probably  R.  of  Addington,  Kent, 
1583-1615;  R.  of  Ightham,  1586-1616.  Buried  at  Addington, 
Jan.  19,  1615-6.  Will,  P.C.C. 

SEYLYARD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1605,  Seilyard.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  of  Ightham,  Kent, 
Bart.  {sic).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1606.  Died  1641. 
{Inner  Temple  Admissions.) 

SEYLIARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  30,  1611. 
Matric.  1611;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618;  D.D.  1661  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  12;  priest,  Mar.  13,  1619-20. 
R.  of  Tostock,  Sufiolk,  1625-36.  R.  of  Quidenham,  Norfolk, 

SEYLIARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  2, 
1631.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Delaware,  and  of  Chid- 
dingstone,  Kent.  School,  Kenthatch  (Mr  Knight).  Matric. 
1631.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1633-4.  M.P.  for  Kent, 
1654-5  and  1656-8.  Created  Bart.,  June  18,  1661.  Of 
Brasted,  Kent.  Married  Mary  Glover.  Buried  at  Edenbridge, 
Kent,  Dec.  19,  1667.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1631)  and  Francis 
(1642-3),  father  of  Thomas  (1667).   {G.E.C.,  in.  218.) 

SILLIARD,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1578. 

SYLLIARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1618;  B.A.  1622;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1623.  V.  of  Tenterden,  Kent,  1627. 

SELIYARD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633;  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 

SYLYARDE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1528-9.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas, 
of  Delaware,  Kent.  M.A.  1532;  B.D.  1544.  Fellow  of  St 
John's,  1528.  R.  of  Brasted,  Kent,  1537.  {Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  2nd  S.,  i.  10.) 

SYLIARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 

SEYLIARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  July  2, 
1631.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Delaware,  Kent.  School, 
Kenthatch  (Mr  Knight).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Runwell,  Essex,  1660-7.  Died  1667.  Brother  of  John 
(1631)  and  Francis  (1642-3). 

SYLLYARD  or  SULYARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Pembroke,  Mar.  2,  1641-2.  3rd  s.  of  Thomjis,  of  Flemings, 
Essex,  and  probably  nephew  of  Edward  {c.  1590).  B.  at 
Runwell,  Essex.   Matric.  1642.   {Essex  Pedigrees,  718.) 

SEYLIARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1646.  Of  Kent.  Incorp.  B.A.  at  Oxford,  1648;  M.A.  (Oxford) 
1651.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Chiddingstone,  Kent,  1647- 
62,  ejected.  R.  of  Deal;  ejected,  1662.  Perhaps  father  of 
Thomas  (1676). 

SILLIARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  25,  1649. 
Of  Canterbury.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Penshurst, 
Kent,  barrister.  Matric.  1649.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
1649-50.  Of  Penshurst,  Kent.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Richard  Holman,  of  Pendhill,  Bletchingly,  Surrey,  c.  1654. 
Will  proved,  Feb.  7,  1673-4.  Perhaps  father  of  Thomas 
(1686).   (F.  C.  Cass,  Monken  Hadley,  92.) 

SEYLIARD  or  SYLIARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
Sidney,  Michs.  1667.  S.and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1631),  of  Brasted, 
Kent,  Bart.  M.A.  1669.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart., 
Dec.  1667.  Married  (i)  Frances,  dau.  of  Henry  Wyatt,  of 
Boxley  Abbey,  Kent,  deceased;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Philip, 
Baron  Wharton.  Buried  at  Edenbridge,  May  4,  1692. 
{G.E.C.,  III.  218.) 

SEYLIARD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  13,  1676. 

Of  Kent.  S.  of ,  clerk,  deceased  (perhaps  Thomas  (1646), 

R.  of  Chiddingstone).  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1679-80;  Scholar, 

SEYLIARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  27,  1686. 
S.  of  John,  of  Penshurst,  Kent.  Perhaps  M.B.  1689.  Matric. 

Seymour,  John 

(University  College,  Oxford)  July  23,   1684,  age  17.    (Al. 
Oxon.;  F.  C.  Cass,  Monken  Hadley,  makes  Thos.  Seyliard, 
M.B.,  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Penshurst.) 
SILLIARD,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 

Michs.  1575- 
SYLIARDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  c.  1590. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Eustace,  of  Flemings,  Essex,  and  brother  of 
Edward  (c.  1590). 
SEYMOUR,  BERKELEY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1702.    2nd  s.  of  Colonel  John  Seymour.    B.  in   London. 
Matric.  Lent,  1702-3;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710.  Fellow,  1706. 
Senior  Proctor,  1728-9.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  27, 
1704-5.   Called  to  the  Bar,  1711.   Lived  for  many  years  at 
Bitton,  Gloucs.  Died  Oct.  1744.   {Harwood.) 
SEYMOUR,  CHARLES.    Educated  at  Trinity.    S.  of  Charles, 
2nd  Baron  Seymour,  of  Trowbridge  (by  his  2nd  wife  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  William,  1st  Baron  Alington,  of  KiUard).    B. 
Aug.  12,  1662.    Succeeded  his  brother  Francis  as  Duke  of 
Somerset,  Earl  of  Hertford,  etc.,  Apr.  20,  1678.    Generally 
known  as  'the  proud  Duke.'    Lord-Lieutenant  of  the  East 
Riding,  Yorks.,  1682-7,  and  of  Somerset,  1683-7.  Gentleman 
of  the  Bedchamber,  1683-7.   K.G.,  1684.  Took  up  arms  for 
the  Prince  of  Orange,  1688.    Chancellor  of  the  University, 
1 689-1 748.    Speaker  of  the  House  of  Lords,   1690.    Lord 
President  of  the  Council  and  a  Lord  of  Trade,  1702.   Privy 
Councillor.     Master   of   the   Horse,    1702-12    and    i7i4-5- 
D.C.L.  (Oxford)  1702.   A  Commissioner  for  the  Union,  1706. 
Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  Countess  of  Ogle,  dau.  of  Joceline 
Percy,  Earl  of  Northumberland ;  (2)  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Daniel 
Finch,  Earl  of  Winchelsea.    Died  Dec.  2,  1748.    Buried  in 
Salisbury  Cathedral.  Father  of  Lord  Percy  (1714)-  {D.N.B.; 
SEYMOUR,  EDWARD.    Educated  at  Oxford  and  Cambridge. 
S.  of  Sir  John,  of  Wolfhall  and  Chadham,  Wilts.  B.  c.  1500. 
Served  in  the  wars  with  France.    Knighted,  Nov.  1,  1523. 
Created  Viscount  Beauchamp  of  Hache,  Somerset,  June  5, 
1536.    Privy  Councillor,   1537.    Created  Earl  of  Hertford, 
Oct.   18,   1537.    K.G.,   1541.    Lord  High  Admiral,   1542-3- 
Lord    Great    Chamberlain,    1543-7-     Prominent    in    many 
important   military   and   political  events.    Created  Baron 
Seymour,  Feb.  15,  1546-7;  Duke  of  Somerset,  Feb.  16,  1546- 
7.   Lord  Protector  of  the  Realm,  1547-9-   Chancellor  of  the 
University,    1547.     High   Steward   of   the   town,    1547-52. 
Lord-Lieutenant  of  Bucks.,  and  of  Berks.,  1551.    Married 
(i)  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Fillor,  of  Horton,  Dorset; 
(2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Stanhope,  of  Shelford,  Notts. 
Beheaded   for   treason   on   Tower   Hill,   Jan.    22,    155 1-2. 
Buried  in  the  Chapel  of  St  Peter-ad-Vincula.    Father  of 
Edward  (1571).   {Cooper,  i.  107;  D.N.B.;  G.E.C.) 
SEMER,  EDWARD.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1564.  Probably  4th  s.  of  Edward,  Earl  of  Hertford,  and  Duke 
of  Somerset.    B.  1548.    M.A.  1567.    Died  1574-    Probably 
brother  of  the  next. 
SEYMOUR,   EDWARD.    M.A.   1571.    S.  of  Edward,   E^tri  of 
Hertford,  and  Duke  of  Somerset.    Educated  with  Prince 
Edward,  and  knighted  at  his  coronation,  Feb.  20,  1546-7. 
Became  de  jure  Duke  of  Somerset,  1552,  but  forfeited  his 
title  and  estates  in  the  same  year  through  the  malice  of  his 
father's  enemies.    Created  Baron  Beauchamp,  and  Earl  of 
Hertford,  Jan.  13,  1558-9.    Secretly  married  his  first  wife. 
Lady  Catherine  Grey,   1560;  imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of 
London  on  the  marriage  becoming  known,  1561;  released, 
1571.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1571-2.  Lord-Lieutenant 
of  Somerset  and  Wiltshire.,  1602  and  1608-21.   Ambassador 
Extraordinary   at   Brussels,    1605.     High   Steward   of   the 
Revenues  to  Queen  Anne,   1612-9.    Married  three  wives. 
Died  Apr.  6,  1621.  Buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral.  Probably 
brother  of  Edward  (above).   {D.N.B.) 
SEMAR,  FLORENTIUS.   Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1537-8. 
SEYMOUR  or  SEAMORE,  HENRY.  M.A.  1641-2  (no6.).  (Perhaps 
s.  of  Sir  Edward,  Bart.,  of  Berry  Pomeroy,  Devon.   Page  of 
Honour  to  Charles  I.  Groom  of  the  Bedchamber  to  Charles  II. 
M.P.  for  East  Looe,  1660-79.  Died  Mar.  9,  1686-7,  aged  74.) 
Probably  3rd  s.  of  William,  Marquis  of  Hertford,  and  Duke 
of  Somerset.  Styled  Lord  Beauchamp.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1642- 
3.    Knighted,  Jan.  17,  1644-5.    Died  v.p.   Buried  Mar.  30, 
1654,  at  Bedwyn  Magna.    {Lipscomb,  iv.  532-3!  Collins,  i. 
185;  G.E.C.) 
SEYMOUR,  HYDE.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  4,  1715-   Of 

Wiltshire.  Matric.  1715. 
SEAMORE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1638; 

B.A.  1641-2. 
SEYMOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  17, 
1679-80.  1st  s.  of  John,  groom.  B.  at  Wellingborough. 
Schools,  Wellingborough  and  Uppingham.  Matric.  1680; 
B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1715.  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  May  22,  1687. 
V.  of  Stone,  Bucks.,  1706-19.  Died  Nov.  1719.  Will  (Archd. 
Bucks.)  1719. 


Seymour,  Percy 

SEYMOUR,  Lord  PERCY.  Adm.  nobleman  (age  i8)  at  Trinity, 

May  4,    1714.    2nd  s.  of  Charles,   6th  Duke  of  Somerset 

(Chancellor of  the  University).   School,  Eton.    Matric.  1714; 

M.A.  1717.  M.P.  forCockermouth,  1718-21.  Died  unmarried, 

July  4,  1721,  of  the  small-pox,  aged  24.    {Collins,  i.  185; 

SEYMOUR,  RALPH.  Student  in  1560.  Author  of  verses  on  the 

restoration  of  Bucer  and  Fagius. 
SEAMER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  26, 

1665.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Raisthorpe-in-Wharram  Percy, 

Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Dalton.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9; 

M.A.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1671;  signs  for  priest's 

orders  (London)  Mar.  14,  1673-4;  X.  of  Deptford,  Kent.' 

Perhaps  buried   at   Northiam,   Sussex.    M.I.   there,    1699; 

Richard  Seamer,  M..-^.   (Horsfield,  Sussex,  i.  517.) 
SEAMAR,  SAMUEL.    ('Seaman'  in  Coll.  Reg.)    Matric.  Fell.- 

Com.  from  Queens',  Michs.  1619.  Of  Somerset. 
SEAMER  or  SEYMER,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 

Feb.  8,  1630-1.   Of  Essex.   S.  of  Samuel,  of  Colchester  (and 

Mary,  dau.  of  Richard  Upcher,  of  Dedham,  Essex).   Matric. 

1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.   {Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 
SEYMAR,  THOMAS.   B.A.  1571-2  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
SEAMAR,   THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,   June   17,   1628. 

S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.    B.  at  Soham,  Cambs.    Bapt. 

Nov.  29,  1607.   School,  Perse  (Mr  Loveringe).   Matric.  1628. 
SEYMOUR,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Feb. 

17,  1714-5.  S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Sutton-upon- 

Derwent,  Yorks.   School,  Pocklington  (Mr  TrebeU).   Matric. 

1715;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1719. 
SEMER,   WILLIAM.    B.Can.L.   1506-7.    One  of  these  names 

(Semer),  C.  of  Hampstead,  Middlesex,  1558. 
SEYMORE,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1646.    S.  of 

John,  of  Ogboum,  Wilts.    Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford) 

Apr.  27,  1638;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1641-2.   Perhaps  R.  of  Eweme 

Courtney,  Dorset,  1648. 

SEZELEY, .   B.D.  1468-9. 

SHAA,  see  also  SHAW. 

SHAA,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  24,  1632.    Of 

Essex.   S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Tarling  Hall,  Essex,  gent. 

Matric.  1632;  Scholar,  1632.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  19, 

1632-3.  Brother  of  the  next.   {Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 
SHAA,   ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Aug.  15,   1633.    Of 

Essex.   2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Tarling  Hall,  Essex.   Brother 

of  Edmund  (above).   (A.  Gray.) 
SHAE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1555. 
SHACKLOOK,   BENJAMIN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,   June  30, 

1637.     Of   Nottinghamshire.     Probably  s.   of   Edward,    of 

Misterton,  Notts.   Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640. 
SHACKLOCK,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1552    {impubes);    B.A.    1555-6;    M.A.    1559.     Fellow.     A 

Romanist;  retired  to  Louvain,  where  he  studied  Civil  Law. 

Author,  miscellaneous.   {Cooper,  i.  241 ;  D.N.B.) 
SHAD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Nov.  5,  1605.  Matric. 

1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613. 
SHADBOLT,  see  also  SHOTBOLT. 
SHADBOLT,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SHADBOLT  or  SHACKBOLT,   THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from 

Trinity  Hall,  c.  1597;  Scholar,  1598. 
SHADBOLT,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SHADDOCK  or  SADOCK,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16) 

a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  22,  1551.   Of  Windsor.   Matric. 

1551;  B.A.  1555-6.  Fellow,  1554-8. 
SHADESBY,  G.   Resident  student  at  Jesus,  1564. 
SHADFORTH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Christ's,  June  i, 

1650.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Eppleton,  Durham.  B.  there.  Bapt. 

Oct.  7,  1632,  at  Houghton-le-Spring.  Schools,  Houghton  and 

Guisborough  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1650.  Married  (1)  Margaret, 

dau.  of  Francis  James;  (2)  Thomasine,  dau.  of  John  Hilton, 

of  Hilton  Castle.    Buried   June   15,   1669.    {Peile,  i.   536; 

H.  M.  Wood.) 
SHADFORD,  GEORGE.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 

Oct.  27,  1682.   Of  Durham.   Doubtless  s.  of  George  (above), 

of  Eppleton,  Durham.  Bapt.  Sept.  i,  1668,  at  Houghton-le- 
Spring.    School,  Durham.    Buried  at  Houghton-le-Spring, 

Mar.  24,  1700-1. 
SHADFORD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)   at  Peterhouse, 

Apr.  22,  1 68 1.   S.  of  John,  of  Hetton,  Durham.   Bapt.  Aug. 

30,  1665,  at  Houghton-le-Spring.   School,  Durham.   Matric. 

i68r;  Scholar,  1681;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688.    Brother  of 

Thomas  (1686).   {T.  A.  Walker,  1686;  Surtees,  i.  221.) 

Shafto,  Matthew 

SHADFORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18  sic)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  22,  1686.  S.  of  John,  of  Hetton-le-Hole,  Durham. 
Bapt.  Nov.  4,  1666,  at  Houghton-le-Spring.  School, 
Houghton,  Durham.  Matric.  1686;  Scholar,  1687;  B.A. 
1689-90;  M.A.  1693.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1689-90; 
priest  (Durham)  Sept.  21,  1695.  C.  of  Brancepeth,  Durham, 
1695.  Minister  of  St  Andrew's,  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  1705- 
24.  Died  Sept.  11,  1724.  Buried  at  Brancepeth.  Brother  of 
John  (1681).  (D.  S.  Boutflower;  T.  A.  Walker,  179.) 

SHADWELL,  JASPER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  12,  1524.  Of  St  Peter  and  St  Paul's  parish, 
London.  B.A.  1528-9.  Fellow,  1527-9.  Known  as  an 
engraver.   (Cooper,  1.  78.) 

SHADWELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  16, 
1634.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Thetford,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1637-8.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  16,  1639. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1653.  J. P.  for  Middlesex,  Norfolk  and 
Suffolk.  Recorder  of  Galway,  and  Receiver  there  to  the 
Duke  of  York.  Attorney-General  at  Tangier.  Of  Broomhill, 
Norfolk,  in  1656.  Buried  at  Oxburgh,  Norfolk,  Mar.  2,  1684. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1656).   {Blomefield,  vi.  197.) 

SHADWELL,  ROGER.  M.A.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  Petitioned 
the  Pope  in  1363  for  a  benefice.   {Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  405.) 

SHADWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Dec.  17. 
1656.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1634),  of  Broomhill,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Stephens).  Matric. 
1656.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  7.  1658,  but  soon 
quitted  the  law  and  travelled  abroad.  Superseded  Dryden 
as  poet  laureate  and  historiographer  royal,  1688-92. 
Dramatist.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Gibbs,  of  Norwich. 
Died  Nov.  20,  1692,  from  an  overdose  of  opium.  Buried  at 
Chelsea.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1692.  {Venn,  i.  393;  D.N.B.; 
Hutchinson,  Notable  Middle  Templars.) 

SHAFTO,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  30, 
1655.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Barmston,  Durham.  School, 
Newcastle  (Mr  Ritchell).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A. 
1662.  Perhaps  Master  of  Bolton  School,  Lanes.,  in  1672. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  1674,  age  36;  'Mcensed  to  Lakenham, 
Norfolk.'   (Peile,  1.  568.) 

SHAFTO,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1596-7-  Prob- 
ably of  Durham. 

SHAFTO,  JOHN.  M.A.  1637  (Incorp.  from  Edinburgh).  S.  of 
William.  M.A.  (Edinburgh)  1634.  V.  of  Warden,  North- 
umberland, 1643-93.  Died  1695-6,  at  Carrycoats.  Will  dated. 
May  30,  1693;  proved,  Jan.  9,  1695-6.   (Surtees,  iv.  418.) 

SHAFTO,  LEONARD.  M.A.  1668  (Incorp.  from  Exeter  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  15,  1651;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1654-5; 
M.A.  1657.  V.  of  Dedham,  Essex,  1665-71.  Minister  of 
All  Saints',  Newcastle,  1671-6.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle,  Aug.  10,  1676.  Father  of  the  next.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  M.  Wood.) 

SHAFTO,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Jan.  14,  1686-7. 
S.  of  Leonard  (above).  B.  at  Dedham,  Essex.  School, 
Durham  (Mr  Battersby).  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A. 
1694.  Lecturer  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle,  1698.  R.  of  Gates- 
head-on-Tyne,  1705-31.  Died  Aug.  27,  1731.  Buried  at 
Gateshead.    (Peile,  11.  103.) 

SHAFTO,  MARK.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616. 

S.  of  Robert,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Bapt.  Mar.  25,  1601-2. 

B.A.  1619-20.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  3,  1619.  Barrister- 

at-law,    1636.     Bencher.     Recorder    of    Newcastle,    1648. 

M.P.  for  Newcastle,  1659.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas 

Legard,  of  Newcastle,  merchant.    Died  Feb.  25,   1659-60. 

Father  of  the  next  and  Robert  (1650).  (Burke,  L.G.;  Surtees, 

III.  294.) 
SHAFTOE,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  11, 

1652.  2nd  s.  of  Mark  (above),  gent.,  of  Greeneland,  Durham, 
Bencher  of  Gray's  Inn.  Bapt.  Feb.  5,  1636-7,  at  Whickham. 
School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1652.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May 
20,  1655.   Brother  of  Robert  (1650). 

SHAFTO,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June  4, 

1653.  S.  of  Robert,  alderman  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Bapt. 
July  16,  1636,  at  Whickham.  School,  Newcastle.  Matric. 
1653.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  20,  1655.  Buried  at  St 
Nicholas,  Durham,  Oct.  17,  1700. 

SHAFTO,  MARK.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  19,  1678.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert  (1650),  Knt.  B.  Apr.  8, 
1662,  at  Newcastle.  Matric.  1678.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug. 
8,  1673  (sic).  High  Sheriff  of  Durham,  1705-12  and  1714-21. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  William  (?  John)  Ingleby,  Bart., 
of  Ripley,  Yorks.,  Oct.  23,  1683.  Died  Dec.  28,  1723.  M.I. 
at  Whitworth.   (Burke,  L.G.;  Surtees,  in.  295.) 

SHAFTO,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
156.;.  School,  Durham.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1563-4.  Fellow 
of  Christ's,  1564-5. 



SHAFTO,  NINIAN.  B.A.  1514-5-  Of  Northumberland.  Perhaps 
s.  of  Edward,  of  Bavington  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Swinburne,  of  Nafierton).  M.A.  1517.  Fellow  of  St  John's, 
1516.  FeUow  of  St  Catharine's.  Proctor,  1527-8.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  June  2,  1520.  (Burke,  L.G.;  Surtees,  iii. 

SHAFTO,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  9, 
1650.  S.  and  h.  of  Mark  (1616),  Esq.,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
Bapt.  May  13,  1634,  at  St  Nicholas.  School,  Newcastle 
(Mr  Ritchel).  Matric.  1650.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  i6, 
1640-X.  Recorder  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  1660-S5.  Knighted, 
June  26,  1670.  Serjeant-at-law,  1675.  Married  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Widdrington,  of  Cheesebum  Grange, 
Northumberland.  Died  May  21,  1705.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle.  Father  of  Mark  (1678).  (Burke,  L.G.;  Surtees, 
m.  295-) 

SHAFTOE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  24,  1682.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  Esq.,  of  Benwell  Tower, 
Northumberland.  B.  at  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Bapt.  Mar.  10, 
1663-4,  at  St  Nicholas.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1682. 
High  Sheriff  of  Northumberland,  1696.  Married  Dorothy, 
dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Heselrigge,  of  Nosely,  Leics.  Died  1714. 
(Surtees,  iii.  296.) 

SHAFTO,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  27,  1710. 
B.  at  Monk  Wearmouth,  Durham.  Matric.  1710.  Probably 
brother  of  the  next.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 

SHAFTO,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  22,  1708.  B.  at 
Monk  Wearmouth,  Durham.  Matric.  1708.  One  of  these 
names  s.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1682).  High  Sheriff  of  North- 
umberland, 1718.  Died  Nov.  3,  i735-  Probably  brother  of 
Robert  (above).   (Surtees,  iii.  296.) 

SHAFTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Jan.  25,  1622-3. 
S.  of  John,  of  South  Cave,  Yorks.  School,  South  Cave 
(Mr  Flint).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  23,  1627;  'C.  of  Welton.'   {Venn,  i.  260.) 

SHAKERLLY,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1613;  B.A.  1615-6.  Probablys.  andh.of  Richard,  of  Ditton, 
Kent;  age  19  in  1619,  and  nephew  of  Peter  (below).  Died  s.p. 
(Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Hasted,  11.  188.) 

SHACKERLY,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  Caius,  Mar.  3, 
1574-5-  S.  of  Francis,  of  Ditton,  Kent.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Rochester.  One  of  these  names  of  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford,  1571;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1573-  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
July  4,  1576.  Perhaps  barrister-at-law,  1595.  (Venn,  i.  81; 
Al.  Oxon.;  Towneley  MSS.) 

SHAKESPEAR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  5,  1725- 

B.  at  Coventry,  Warws.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A. 
1736.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  1731;  priest,  1733.  V.  of 
Leyland,  Lanes.,  1733-48.  R.  of  North  Meols,  1735-48. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  at  Leyland,  Jan.  i,  1747-8.  Will 
(Chester)  1748.   (R.  Stewart-Brown.) 

SHAKESPEARE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  M.^gdalene, 
June  13,  1662.  S.  of  [Thomas],  butcher,  of  Coventry.  School, 
Coventry.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (St  John's  College, 
Oxford)  Oct.  18,  1662,  age  18;  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford) 
1666.  V.  of  Austrey,  Warws.,  1670.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SHAKESPERE, .   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1544. 

SHAKLEFORD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 

July  4,  1726.    S.  of  William,  of  Halesford,  Hants.    B.  at 

Alresford,  Apr.  2,  1707.   School,  Merchant  Taylors'.   Matric. 

1726.    Migrated   to  St  Catharine's,   Mar.   24,    1727.    B.A. 

1732-3;  M.A.   1736.    Ord.  priest  (London)  Aug.  12,   i733- 

C.  of  St  Peter,  CornhiU.  Buried  there  Jan.  14,  1766.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  400;  G.  Mag.) 

SHAKLETON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SHALES,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1575.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1578.  R.  of 
Dunton-CMW-Doughton,  Norfolk,  1581.  R.  of  Hangleton, 
Sussex,  1583.  Perhaps  R.  of  West  Grinstead;  admon. 
(P.C.C.)  1586  (?). 

SHALES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
July  3,  1721.  S.  and  h.  of  Charles  (probably  the  goldsmith 
and  banker),  of  London  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Barring- 
ton).  School,  Edmonton,  Middlesex  (Mr  Button).  Matric. 
1721.  Died  Jan.  29,  1729.  (Musgrave;  Essex  Arch.  Soc, 
N.S.,n.  51.) 

SHALLCROSS,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  29, 
1622.  2nd  s.  of  Richard  (or  Leonard),  of  Shalcrosse,  Derbs. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1626.  R.  of  Stockport,  Cheshire,  1637-45.  Married  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Rudyerd,  of  Rudyerd,  Staffs.  Killed  by  the 
King's  party  near  Dudley,  July,  1645.  Perhaps  brother  of 
William  (1631).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Jewitt,  Relig.,  vi,  150.) 

Share,  Peter 

SHALCROSSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sx  Catharine's, 
July  4,  1709.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Stockport, 
Cheshire  and  of  Shalcrosse,  Derbs.,  Esq.  B.  1688.  Matric. 
(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  June  25,  1706,  age  18.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  May  2,  1707.  Died  s.p.,  1709.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
SHALLCROSS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631.  Possibly  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Shalcrosse,  Derbs.  B.A. 
1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9. 
Intruding  V.  of  Whissendine,  Rutland,  in  1642  and  1648. 
Perhaps  Master  of  Stamford  School,  Lines.,  1663-8.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Edmund  (1622).  (Jewitt,  Relig.,  vi.  150.) 
SHAN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  July  2, 
1677.  S.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Methley,  Yorks.  School, 
Hardwick,  Yorks.  Matric.  1677.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 
1681;  priest,  1681-2.  Brother  of  the  next. 
SHAN  or  SHAND,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
May  23,  1664.  S.  of  John,  barrister,  of  Methley,  Yorks. 
School,  Methley.  Matric.  1664.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Dec.  16,  1664.  Brother  of  Charles  (above). 
SHAN,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1726.  S.  of  John,  of  Methley, 
Yorks.,  gent.  B.  Oct.  28,  1700.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College, 
Oxford)  May  11,  1719,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1722-3.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1724.  V.  of  Chicheley,  Bucks.,  1724- 
R.  of  Famdish,  Beds.,  1724.  Died  Aug.  29,  1783,  aged  83. 
M.I.  at  Chicheley.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  R.  E.  C.  Waters,  182.) 
SHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  27,  i745- 
S.  of  John  (above),  clerk,  of  Leicestershire.  B.  at  Thorpe, 
near  Loughborough.  Schools,  Appleby,  Westmorland  (Mr 
Martin)  and  Oakham,  Rutland  (Mr  Adcock).  Matnc.  1745-6; 
LL.B.  1751.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  i75o;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1751.  V.  of  Arreton,  Isle  of  Wight,  1763-83.  Died 
unmarried,  Aug.  15,  1799.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  553.) 
SHANKE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1560.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Rollesby,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Sept.  14,  1561,  age  14.  Of 
Rollesby,  gent.  Died  1579.  (Venn,  i.  46.) 
SHANKE,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1517-8. 

SHAPELEIGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  2,  1645.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Dartmouth,  Devon.  School, 
Hertford  (Mr  Minors).  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1647-8.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  June  25,  1647.   (Peile,  i.  496.) 

SHAPLEN, .  M.A.  1456.  Perhaps  Thomas  Chapleyn  (whom 

SHAPTER,  JOHN  (1677),  see  CHAPTER. 

SHARD,  ISAAC  PACAT  (PACATUS).  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 

1718.   Of  Surrey.   2nd  s.  of  Sir  Isaac,  of  Horsleydown,  Knt. 

Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  i,  1718-9.    F.R.S.,  175°- 

Died  June  23,  1766.   (G.  Mag.) 

SHARDELOWE,    ANTHONY.     Matric.    pens,    from    Corpus 

Christi,  Michs.  1570. 
SHARDELOWE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  2, 
1598.  Matric.  1598.   Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  21, 
1601;  of  Norfolk,  gent. 
SHARDELOWE,    ANTHONY.     Adm.    Fell.-Com.    (age    17)    at 
Christ's,  Sept.  28,  1637.   S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Metfield, 
Suffolk.  B.  at  Norton,  Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Gierke). 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  26,  1638-9.   (Peile,  1.  450.) 
SHARDELOW,  ANTHONY.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Julys,  1667.  Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1667;  LL.B.  1671.  Fellow, 
1673.   Died  soon  after. 
SHARDELOWE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1588.  Of  Norfolk.   Perhaps  s.  of  Bonaventure,  of  Shimpling, 
Norfolk.   Father  of  Stephen  (1610-1).   (Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
SHARDELOW,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  13)  at  Sidney,  July  i, 
1627.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  Thelveton,  Norfolk.  Matric. 
1628;  B.A.  1630-1.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632; 
priest,  Mar.  17,  1632-3.  V.  of  Ilketshall  St  Andrew,  Suffolk. 
R.  of  Beccles  and  Endgate;  sequestered,  1647. 
SHARDELOWE,  RICHARD.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1619. 
One  of   these  names  s.   of  John,   of  Shimpling,   Norfolk. 
Perhaps  brother  of  the  next.   (Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
SHARDELOW,  STEPHEN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar. 
1610-1.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1588),  of  Shimpling, 
Norfolk.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  19,  1613-4.    (Peile 
I.  281;  Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
SHARDELOWE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1571.    Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  17,  1576; 
of  Norwich  diocese.    One  of  these  names  V.  of  Westhall, 
Suffolk,  1584-91. 

SHARDELOW, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1571. 

Possibly  same  as  Anthony  (1570). 
SHARE,  PETER.   Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1546 


B.Civ.L.  1539-40. 

Sharinge,  John 

SHARINGE  or  SARING,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
July,  i6zo;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Orel,  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  23,  1627;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1628.  Preacher  at  St 
Andrew's,  Norwich,  1628.   {Peile,  i.  334.) 

SHARINGTON, .   B.D.  1492-3.   Canonicus.   Possibly  John 

Shavington,  whom  see. 

SHARLING,  PETER.  B.D.  1493-4.   A  friar. 

SHARMAN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June,  1585. 

Cora.  from  Queens',  Easter,  1588.  Of  Norfolk.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  12,  1591-2. 

SHARNBORNE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  25, 
1619.   Matric.  1619.   Probably  of  Norfolk. 

SHARP,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  4,  1581. 
B.  at  York.   Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1584-5. 

SHARPE,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Feb.  22,  1704-5. 
B.  at  Bradford.  Matric.  1705;  Scholar,  1706-7;  B.A.  1708-9; 
M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May,  1711;  priest,  June, 
1712.  Master  of  Skipton  School,  Yorks.,  1709.  Chaplain  to 
the  Earl  of  Burlington.  V.  of  Londesborough,  1715.  V.  of 
Market  Weighton,  1719.  Confessor  to  the  Household,  1730-6. 
Died  Sept.  14,  1736.   {Peile,  11.  161;  G.  Mag.) 

SHARP,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  18,  1717. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June  9,  1723;  priest,  Aug.  16,  1730.  P.C.  of  White- 
chapel  (parish  of  Birstall),  Yorks.,  1728-30.  V.  of  Sowerby 
Bridge,  1730. 

SHARPE,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1606;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1609;  M.A.  from  Trinity, 
1612.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1610;  priest,  Dec.  1612. 

SHARPE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1583. 
Perhaps  the  Andrew  Shape  or  Sharpe,  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
1585-6;  priest.  May  7,  1587.  V.  of  South  Westborough, 
Lines.,  1591  (no  degree).  Perhaps  of  Doddington,  Lines., 
clerk;  will  (Lincoln)  1620.  One  of  these  names  incorp.  at 
Oxford,  Mar.  7,  1603-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1576), 
Lionel  (1576)  and  WiUiam  (1581).  (Foster  suggests  that  he 
was  M.A.  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  1598,  but  there  is 
no  record  of  this  degree.) 

SHARPE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  18,  1579;  priest.  Mar.  11,  1579-80.  V.  of  Preston- 
Capes,  Northants.,  1580-2.  V.  of  Fawsley,  1582-1601. 
Buried  there  July  11,  1601.  Will  proved  (Archd.  Northants.) 
Aug.  12,  1601,  by  his  son  Thomas.   {Baker,  i.  388.) 

SHARPE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  27,  1576.  Of  London.  S.  of  Robert,  merchant. 
Matric.  1576;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  B.D.  1592.  Fellow, 
1579-95-  Vice-Provost,  1592.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1615.  R. 
of  Stowe-nine-churches,  Northants.,  1595-1631.  Buried 
there  July  20,  1631.  Perhaps  brother  of  Andrew  (1583),  etc. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

SHARPE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591;  B.A. 
1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Probably  V.  of  Brigstock,  Northants., 
1604-15.  Licence  (Peterb.)  to  marry  Elizabeth  Raunce,  of 
Brigstock,  Oct.  17,  1600. 

SHARP,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1702.  Of 

SHARPE,  GREGORY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  2, 
1735;  'M.A.  of  Aberdeen.'  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  John, 
Solicitor  to  the  Treasury.  B.  1713.  Schools,  Hull  and  West- 
minster. Matric.  1735;  LL.B.  1738;  LL.D.  1747  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1751.  Ord.  deacon  (Bristol)  1737;  priest 
(Westminster,  Litt.  dim.  from  Chichester)  Jan.  20,  1738-9. 
Minister  of  Broadway  Chapel,  Westminster.  V.  of  All  Saints', 
Birling,  near  Maidstone,  Kent,  1743-56.  F.R.S.,  1754.  Preb. 
of  Salisbury,  1757-71.  V.  of  Purton,  Wilts.,  1761-71. 
Chaplain  to  Frederick,  Prince  of  Wales,  till  1751,  and  to 
George  III,  1762-71.  Master  of  the  Temple,  1763-71. 
Director  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  1766-71.  Author, 
theological  and  classical.  Died  Jan.  8,  1771,  aged  58.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (G.  Mag.;  D.N.B.;  F.  C.  Cass,  E.  Barnet,  111.) 

SHARP,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  2, 
1640-1.  S.  of  James,  husbandman.  B.  at  Garthorpe,  Leics. 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5. 

SHARPE,  ISAAC.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  M.A.  1596. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Little  Horton,  Bradford. 
R.  of  Thorpe-yMjtte-Newark,  Notts.,  1598-1615.  Died  1615. 
(Peile,  I.  198;  W.  Cudworth,  Abraham  Sharp.) 

SHARP,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June  2, 
1677.  S.  of  Samuel  (1622),  clerk.  B.  at  Sandwich,  Kent. 
School,  Sandwich.  Matric.  1677;  B..'^.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684. 
Fellow,  1683.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  20,  1685.  Brother 
of  Samuel  (1671). 

SHARPE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  7, 
1724.    S.  of  Samuel.    B.  at  West  Deeping,  Lines.    School, 

V.A.C.IV.  49 

Sharp,  John 

Moulton,  Lines.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  24,  1730.  R.  of  West  Newton,  Norfolk, 
1732-97.  R.  of  Sandringham  and  Babingley,  1732-97.  V.  of 
Appleton,  1747-97.   Probably  died  1797. 

SHARP,  JASPER.  .Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  i,  1631-2. 
S.  of  Jasper,  gent.,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School,  Bury 
(Mr  Dickinson).  Matric.  1632.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  8, 
1635.   Probably  died  June,  1652,  at  Bury.   (Venn,  i.  303.) 

SHARPE,  JEFFERY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.  1632;  M.A.  1636;  D.D.  1660  (Lit.  Reg.).  Held  two 
lectureships  in  London,  and  the  curacy  of  Barking,  Essex, 
in  1647,  when  he  was  removed  by  the  Plundered  Ministers 
Committee  (Br.  Mus.,  15,671).  R.  of  Colmworth,  Beds., 
1650-75.  Chaplain  to  William,  Earl  of  Salisbury.  Married 
Etheldred,  dau.  of  John  Wincupp,  D.D.  Buried  at  Colm- 
worth, Oct.  17,  1675.   (Geneal.  Bedford.,  83,  366.) 

SHARPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1604; 
B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Perhaps  R.  of  East  Guildford  St 
Mary,  Sussex,  1615.  One  of  these  names  of  Benenden,  Kent, 
clerk;  will  (Canterbury)  1641.   (Peile,  i.  249.) 

SHARPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  1605.  S.  of 
John,  baker,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School,  Bury  (Mr  Mosse). 
Matric.  Easter,  1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Mar.  20,  1613-4.  C.  of  Sapiston,  Suffolk,  in  1617. 
(Venn,  i.  191.) 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  26,  1660. 
S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  Salter  (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  John 
Weddal,  R.  of  Widdington,  Yorks.).  B.  at  Ivegate,  Bradford, 
Yorks.,  Feb.  16,  1644-5.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Cotes). 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667;  D.D.  1679.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest,  Aug.  12,  1667. 
Archdeacon  of  Berks.,  1673-89.  Canon  of  Norwich,  1675-81. 
R.  of  St  Bartholomew  Exchange,  London,  1675-6;  of  St 
Giles-in-the-Fields,  1676-91.  Dean  of  Norwich,  1681-9. 
Chaplain  to  the  King,  1686-91.  Dean  of  Canterbury,  1689- 
91.  Archbishop  of  York,  1691-1714.  Privy  Councillor,  1702. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Palmer,  of  Winthorp, 
Lines.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  at  Bath,  Feb.  2,  1713-4. 
Buried  in  York  Minster.  M.I.  Father  of  John  (1693)  and 
Thomas  (1709)-  (D.N.B.;  Peile,  i.  590;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11. 256.) 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  ii, 
1678.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1646),  R.  of  Tatham,  Lanes.  B.  at 
Hornby,  Lanes.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681- 
2.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Aug.  31,  1700.  Probably  P.C.  of 
Caton,  Lanes.,  1707. 

SHARPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  19,  1682.  S.  of 
John,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Wibsey,  near  Bradford  (Mr 
Lunn).  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim.  from  York)  May  3,  1686; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  1686-7;  V.  of  Alford,  Lines.  (Peile, 
II.  88.) 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  July  14,  1685. 
Only  s.  of  John,  yeoman.  B.  at  Southwark,  Surrey.  Schools, 
Southwark  (Mr  James  HaUet)  and  Knotting,  Beds.  (Mr 
Scriven).  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1693.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  23,  1694;  priest 
(Chichester)  Jan.  1,  1694-5.  V.  of  Peasmarsh,  Sussex,  1695. 
R.  of  Knotting,  Beds.,  1699.  R.  of  Newton  Bromswold, 
Northants.,  1710-5.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of  Rev.  Thomas 
Scriven,  R.  of  Knotting,  Jan.  31,  1694-5. 

SHARPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  13,  1690-1. 
Of  Sussex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Northiham, 
Sussex.  B.  at  Rye,  1676.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1685-90.  Prob- 
ably adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1691.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1701. 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  4, 
1693.  2nd  s.  of  John  {1660),  Archbishop  of  York.  B.  June  18, 
1678,  in  London.  School,  Leeds.  Matric.  c.  1693;  M.A.  1695. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  8,  1697-8.  M.P.  for  Ripon, 
1701-14.  Commissionerof  Trade,  1703-14.  Of  Graf  ton  Park, 
Northants.,  Esq.  Married  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  Charles  Hosier, 
of  London,  and  of  Wicken  Park.  Died  Mar.  13,  1726-7. 
Buried  at  Wicken,  Northants.  M.I.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1709).   (Peile,  II.  129;  G.  Mag.;  Baker,  11.  255.) 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  26,  1736. 
S.  of  John,  of  Shipton,  near  York.  School,  Shipton  (Mr 
Clarke).   Matric.  1736. 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  12,  1740. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1709).  Bapt.  Apr.  2,  1723,  at  Rothbury, 
Northumberland.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Dong^vorth).  Matric. 
1740;  Scholar,  1741;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  1747;  D.D.  1759. 
Fellow,  1746.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Oct.  23,  1748.  R.  of  Hart- 
bum,  1749-92.  V.  of  Hexham,  1759-60.  Archdeacon  of 
Northumberland,  1762-92.  R.  of  Howick,  1762-92.  Preb. 
of  Durham,  1768-92.  P.C.  of  Bamburgh,  1772-92.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Dr  Heneage  Dcring,  Dean  of  Ripon.  Died 
Apr.  28,  1792.  Buried  in  Durham  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1793.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1743).  (G.Mag.) 

Sharp,  John 

SHARP,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1745.  S.  of 
Jacob,  of  Canterbury,  gent.  Matric.  1745;  B.A.  1749;  M.A. 
1753;  B.D.  1761;  D.D.  1766.  Fellow,  1753-72.  Orel,  deacon 
(Ely)  May  24,  1752;  priest  (Bishop  of  Chester,  at  Cambridge) 
Mar.  24,  1754.  Minister  at  Trinity  Church,  Cambridge.  R.  of 
St  Mary  Abchurch  and  St  Lawrence  Pountney,  London, 
1770-2.  Died  at  Canterbury,  Mar.  27,  1772,  aged  43.  Buried 
at  St  George's,  Canterbury.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SHARPE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  31, 
1746-7.  S.  of  John,  of  Bury,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury  (Mr 
Gamham).  Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1750;  B.A.  1750-1;  M.A. 
1754.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  23,  1752.  Minister  at  St 
James',  Bury,  1751-93.  R.  of  Bradfield-Combust,  1790- 
1803.   Died  Apr.  1805,  aged  ^^.  Buried  at  Bury. 

SHARPE,  LIONEL.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  27, 1576.  Of  London,  znds.  of  Robert,  merchant. 
Matric.  1576;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  D.D.  1597.  Fellow, 
1579-89.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  12,  1587.  Chaplain  to  Henry,  Prince  of 
Wales,  and  to  the  Earl  of  Essex.  R.  of  Malpas  (Med.), 
Cheshire,  1590.  R.  of  Tiverton  (Pitt),  Devon,  1597-1630. 
R.  of  Stoke-in-Teignhead,  1597-1630.  Archdeacon  of  Berks., 
and  V.  of  North  Moreton,  Berks.,  1605-30.  Imprisoned  in 
the  Tower,  1614,  on  charge  of  sedition.  R.  of  Boughton 
Malherbe,  Kent,  until  1630.  Author,  religious.  Died  Jan.  1, 
1630-1.  Buried  at  Boughton  Malherbe.  M.I.  there.  Brother 
of  William  (15S1),  etc.  {Vis.  of  Devon,  1620;  Al.  Oxon.; 

SHARPE,  MARTIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  4, 
1702-3.  S.  of  Martin.  B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School, 
Bury  (Mr  Leeds).  Scholar,  1702-3;  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706- 
7;  M.A.  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1707;  priest. 
Mar.  20,  1708-9.  C.  of  West  Stow,  Suffolk,  1707-15.  V.  of 
Gt  Thurlow,  1715-60.  R.  of  Bamardiston,  1733-60.  Died 
1760,  aged  75.  Buried  at  Thurlow.  Will  (Bury)  1760. 
{Peile,  II.  156;  Bury  School  Register.) 

SHARP,  NATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  12,  1692.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1695-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May,  1702;  priest,  1703.  Master  of  Hipperholme  School, 
Yorks.,  1703-33.  V.  of  Coley,  1703-33.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Francis  Priestley.  Died  May  9,  1733,  aged  58.  M.I.  at 
Coley.   {F.M.G.,  i.  82.) 

SHARPE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

SHARP,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  i,  1741.  B. 

in  London.  Matric.  1741. 

SHARPE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1566; 
Scholar,  1568;  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574.  Fellow,  1573. 

SHARPE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  2, 
1634.  S.  of  Robert,  Esq.  B.  at  Frisby,  Leics.  School, 
Frisby  (Mr  Silverwood).  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A. 

SHARPE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1571; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1579.  B.D. 
(Oxford)  1590.  R.  of  Heswall,  Cheshire,  1583-1613.  Canon 
of  Chester,  1589-1616.  R.  of  Pennant  Melangell,  Montgomery, 
1595-1601.  R.  of  Dodleston,  Cheshire,  1597-1616.  R.  of 
Llanrwst,  Denbigh,  1601.  Buried  at  Dodleston,  May  1, 
1616.   (Al.  Oxon.;  U.  Axon.) 

SHARPE,  PHILIP.  C.  of  Brookland,  Kent ; '  late  of  Clare  Hall  ' 
(no  College  or  University  record).  B.  at  Linton,  Cambs. 
Ord.  deacon  (Colchester);  priest  (London)  Mar.  17,  1609-10, 
age  30. 

SHARPE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  28,  1644. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647.  P.C.  of  Armitage, 
Staffs.,  1647-51;  'A  godly  and  painful  minister.'  Preacher 
at  King's  Bromley.  Minister  at  Burton,  1651-4.  (Wm.  Salt, 
Staff.  Arch.,  1915.) 

SHARP,  RALPH.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1482; 
B.A.  1485-6.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  10' 
1486-7;  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  14,  1487. 

SHARPE,  RICHARD.  Of  St  Catharine's.  B.A.  1502-3;  M.A. 
1507-8;  B.D.  1516-7;  D.D.  1522-3.  Appointed  Pr(»ident 
of  St  John's,  1515.  Preacher,  1512-3.  Chaplain  to  John 
Fisher,  Bishop  of  Rochester.  Probably  R.  of  Chislehurst, 
Kent,  1520.  Went  to  Bromley,  in  1523.  Died  there  1528' 
Will  proved  (Rochester)  1528.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SHARPE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1560. 

SHARPE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  4, 
1641.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Frisby,  Leics.  School,  Frisby' 
Matnc.  1641;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1658. 

SHARP,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Feb 
18  1700-1.  S.  of  Robert,  clerk.  B.  at  Tealby,  Lines.  School, 
Alford.    Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5-    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 


Sharp,  Thomas 

Dec.  1706;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  19,  1709.  V.  of  Kirmond, 
Lines.,  1709-19.  V.  of  Gt  Ludford,  1709-20.  R.  of  Thores- 
way,  1715-8.   Brother  of  Thomas  (1693). 

SHARP,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1722.  S.  of  John, 
of  Hockworthy,  Devon,  clerk.  Matric.  (BaUiol  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  31,  1699,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1702.  V.  of 
Morebath,  Devon,  1705.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1549.  Of  Bury,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1549;  B.A. 
1553-4-  Fellow,  1552-7.  Perhaps  V.  of  Hauxton,  Cambs., 
1561-73,  deprived.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Ingham,  Suffolk, 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1567; 
B.A. 1571-2;  M.A.  1575. 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1567. 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  i6,  1568.  Of  Smarden,  Kent.  Matric.  1568; 
B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576.  Fellow,  1571-5.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Hauxton  with  Newton,  Cambs.,  1573-1624. 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1586. 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1626; 
B.A.  1628-9.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec. 
20,  1629;  'of  Magdalene  College.' 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1641  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
John,  V.  of  Idmiston,  Wilts.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
July  7,  1637,  age  18;  B.A.  1641;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1644.  V.  of 
Idmiston,  Wilts.,  1658-1700.  Died  1700.  WiU,  Archd. 

SHARPE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Dec. 
27,  1669.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Skipton,  Yorks.  School,  Skipton. 
Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York) 
Sept.  1673.  Probably  of  Tealby,  Lines.,  and  father  of  Richard 
(1701)  and  Thomas  (1693). 

SHARP,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  24, 
1682.  S.  of  Francis,  husbandman.  B.  at  Stony  Middleton, 
Derbs.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  One 
of  these  names  C.  of  Rotheram,  Yorks.;  died  1692. 

SHARP,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  14,  1715.  Of 
Suffolk.  B.  1696.  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1719;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  18,  1720.  V.  of 
Chasefield,  Suffolk,  1720.  R.  of  Gt  Wenham  and  V.  of 
Chattisham,  1723. 

SHARPE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  R.  of  Sundridge,  Kent,  in 
1645.  Buried  there  May  11,  1680.  Father  of  Samuel  (1671) 
and  Isaac  (1677). 

SHARP,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  13,  1655.  S.  of 
John,  of  Little  Horton,  Bradford,  Yorks.,  Parliamentarian. 

B.  1640.  Matric.  1655.  Drowned,  1656.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1649).   (W.  Cudworth,  Abraham  Sharp,  7.) 

SHARPE,   SAMUEL.    Adm.   pens,   (age   17)   at  Magdalene, 

June  3,  1671.   S.  of  Samuel  (1622),  R.  of  Sundridge,  Kent. 

Matric.  1671.  Brother  of  Isaac  (1677). 
SHARPE,  THOMAS.    B.A.  1504-5.    Of  Yorkshire.    M.A.  1508. 

Fellow   of   St    Catharine's,    1506.     Perhaps    chaplain    of 

Huggate,  near  Hull,  in  1525.  One  of  these  names  of  Manton, 

Rutland;  will  (P.C.C.)  1527. 
SHARPE,  THOMAS.   B.A.  from  St  John's,  1606-7;  M.A.  1610. 

Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  8,  1611-2. 

R.  of  Beckley,  Sussex,  1613.    WiU  (P.C.C.)  1644.    (W.  C. 

SHARPE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1625; 

B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  27,  1632. 

C.  of  Brook,  Rutland,  1632-8. 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  July  30, 
1638.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Battle,  Sussex.  School  (private). 
Matric.  1638;  B.A.  1641-2.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  Mar.  15,  1641-2.   (Peile,  1.  454.) 

SHARPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  16, 
1646.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Hornby,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1.  Doubtless 
R.  of  Tatham,  Lanes.,  1661-99.  Died  1699-1700.  Will 
(Archd.  Richmond)  1700.   Probably  father  of  John  (1678). 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Sept.  3,  1649.  S.  of 
John,  of  Little  Horton,  Bradford,  Yorks.,  Parliamentarian. 
B.  there,  Oct.  1633.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1653;  M.A.  1657. 
Fellow,  Jan.  25,  1657-8.  EpiscopaUy  ordained.  R.  of  Add, 
Yorks.,  -1660-2,  ejected.  Preacher  at  Morley,  1672,  and 
probably  at  Mill  Hill  Chapel,  Leeds.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth 
Bagnall;  (2)  Faith,  dau.  of  Rev.  James  Sale,  of  Pudsey,  near 
Leeds.  Died  Aug.  27,  1693,  aged  59.  Buried  at  St  John's, 
Leeds.  Brother  of  Abraham,  the  mathematician,  for  whom 
see  D.N.B.  and  Samuel  (1655).  (Calamy,  11.  551;  Due.  Lead., 
37;  W.  Cudworth,  Rambles  Round  Horton.) 

Sharp,  Thomas 

SHARPE,  THOMAS.  Adtn.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  19, 
1659.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Hawthorn,  Easington,  Durham. 
Bapt.  there,  Sept.  3,  1641.  School,  Auckland  (Mr  Ralph 
Robinson).  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1667.  V.  of 
Dalton-le-Dale,  Durham,  1665-1715.  Married  Dorothy 
Paxton,  Feb.  11,  1700-1.  Buried  at  Dalton-le-Dale,  Mar.  20, 
1714-5.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  25, 
i57^_5.  ist  s.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  deceased,  of  Morcott, 
Rutland.  B.  at  Northampton.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric. 
1675;  B.A.  1678-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21,  1679. 
V.  of  Denford-cwm-Ringstead,  Northants.,  1681-1715. 
Married  Mary  Ekins,  of  Ringstead,  Northants.,  Apr.  18, 
1683.  Buried  at  Ringstead,  Nov.  28,  1715.  M.I.  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  Father  of  Thomas 
(1711).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  4,  i68o; 
'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of 
William,  citizen  and  merchant  taylor  of  St  Giles',  Cripple- 
gate.  B.  Mar.  12,  1662-3.  Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A. 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  4, 
1693.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1669).  B.  at  Tealby,  Lines.  School, 
Skipton,  Yorks.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  30,  1697;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1698.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1700-1). 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  25, 
1709.  S.  of  John  (1660),  Archbishop  of  York.  Bapt.  Jan.  1, 
1693-4,  at  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  London.  School,  St 
Paul's,  London.  Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1709;  B.A.  1712-3; 
M.A.  1716;  D.D.  1729.  FelJow,  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
June  16,  1717;  priest  (York)  Feb.  1717-8.  Preb.  of  South- 
well, 1718-58.  V.  of  Ormsby,  Yorks.,  1719.  Preb.  of  York, 
1719-58.  R.  of  Rothbury,  Northumberland,  1720-58. 
Archdeacon  of  Northumberland,  1723-58.  R.  of  Howick, 
17-23-58.  Preb.  of  Durham,  1732-58.  Married  Judith,  dau. 
of  Rev.  George  Wheeler,  Preb.  of  Durham.  Author, 
theological  and  biographical.  Died  Mar.  15,  1758.  Buried 
in  Durham  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1693), 
Father  of  John  (1740)  and  Thomas  (1743).  {D.N.B.;  Baker, 
n.  255.) 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  24, 
1711.  S.  of  Thomas  (1674-5),  V.  of  Denford-CMm-Ringstead, 
Northants.  Bapt.  Jan.  27,  1691-2,  at  Ringstead.  School, 
Uppingham.  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  11,  1715;  priest.  May  26,  1716;  C.  of  Denford- 
cum-Ringstead,  1715.  V.  of  Irchester,  1721-45.  Married, 
at  Irchester,  to  Hannah  Negus,  of  Shelton,  Beds.,  Oct.  30, 

1721.  Will  dated,  Jan.  8,  1736-7;  proved  (Archd.  North- 
ampton) Feb.  19,  1744-5. 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Dec.  17, 
1736.  1st  s.  of  Samuel,  farmer,  of  Elmington,  in  Oundle, 
Northants.  B.  there.  Schools,  Oundle  and  Oakham.  Matric. 
1737;  B.A.  1740-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1740-1; 
priest,  May  29,  1743.  Perhaps  C.  of  St  Stephen's,  Walbrook. 
Buried  there  Nov.  30,  1753,  aged  37  (sic). 

SHARP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  3, 
2743.  S.  of  Thomas  (1709),  D.D.  Bapt.  Apr.  2,  1725,  at 
Rothbury,  Northumberland.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Dong- 
worth).  Matric.  1743;  Scholar,  1744;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A. 
1750;  B.D.  1761.  Fellow,  1749.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  4, 
1750;  priest  (London)  Feb.  28,  1755.  P.C.  of  Bamburgh, 
Northumberland,  1757-72.  V.  of  St  Bartholomew-the-Less, 
London,  1765-72.  Married,  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle, 
July  10,  1770,  to  Catharine  Pawson.  Died  at  Newcastle, 
Nov.  25  (?  30),  1772.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas.  Brother  of  John 
(1740).   (Baker,  11.  256;  Musgrave.) 

SHARPE,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1498-9. 

SHARPE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  4,  1581.  Of  London.  S.  of  Robert,  merchant. 
Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589;  B.D.  1597.  FeUow, 
1584-98.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1591.  R.  of  Tiverton  (Pitt 
portion),  1597-1637.  V.  of  Stokenham,  Devon,  1603.  Prob- 
ably R.  of  Tidcombe,  Wilts.  WiU  (Exeter)  1637;  of  Tid- 
combe.  Brother  of  Lionel  (1576),  etc.  {Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

SHARPE,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  c.  1593. 

SHARPE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  14, 
1630-1.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5; 
M.A.  1638;  B.D.  i66i  [Lit.  Reg.).  R.  of  Teversham,  Cambs., 
in  1644. 

SHARP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse,  May 
30,  1711;  pens.  Nov.  20,  1712.  Of  Durham.  School,  Houghton- 
le-Spring.  Matric.  1710-1;  Scholar,  1712;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A. 

1722.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  13,  1714-5;  priest,  June  22, 

SHARP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  14, 
1716.  S.  of  William,  of  York.  School,  York  (Mr  Herbert). 
Matric.  1716. 

Shaw,  Anthony 

SHARPE, .  B.Can.L.  1509-10. 

SHARPE, .  M.A.  from  Clare,  1595  (in  ordo). 

SHARP, .  Adm.  at  E.mmanuel,  Easter,  1627. 

SHARPAW, .   M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1473-4. 

SHARPIN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  c.  July,  1730. 
S.  of  Thomas,  late  of  West  Wretham,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Necton. 
School,  Wymondham  (Mr  Brett).  Scholar,  1730-4;  Matric. 
1731;  M.B.  1736.  Practised  physic  at  East  Dereham  and 
afterwards  at  Bury.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Bullock, 
of  Sturston  Hall,  Oct.  20,  1741.  Died  at  Holt,  Dec.  27,  1782, 
aged  70.   {Venn,  11.  33.) 

SHARPEN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Pembroke, 
Jan.  18,  1639-40.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman.  B.  at 
Chediston,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647. 
Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Hall,  of  Norwich)  Aug.  24,  1654.  R.  of 
Shadingfield,  Suffolk.  C.  of  Stoven,  1672-88.  Admon. 
(Ipswich)  Feb.  4,  1688-9,  to  his  wife  Catherine. 

SHARPEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1684.  S.  of 
Francis,  of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8.  Perhaps  the 
same  who  graduated  M.B.  from  Jesus,  1708. 

SHARPEY,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630,  'Sharpe.'  One  of  these  names 
(Sharpie),  of  Whitefriars,  licence  to  go  to  Leyden,  Apr.  18, 
1632.  {Geneal.,  N.S.,  xxiii.  115.) 

SHARPIE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Dec. 
1612.  (Possibly  one  of  the  Sharpeigh  family  of  Cranbrooke, 
Kent,  for  whom  see  Hasted,  iii.  46.) 

SHARPHAROWE  or  SHARPEROWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar 
from  St  John's,  Easter,  1570;  B.A.  1573-4.  V.  of  Shem- 
bome,  Norfolk,  1577. 

SHARPINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  June  15,  1631. 
S.  of  George,  citizen  of  Norwich.  School,  Nonvich  (Mr 
Stonham).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  (Jesus)  1638. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1645.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20, 
1640.   C.  of  Wimpole,  Cambs.,  c.  1644.   {Venn,  i.  301.) 

SHARPLES,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Jesus, 
Mar.  1,  1674-5.  S.  of  Thomas.  Matric.  1674-5;  Scholar,  1677. 

SHARPLES,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1584;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.; 
priest.  Mar.  7,  1590-1.  R.  of  Kirkham,  Lanes.,  1591-4. 
Died  1594. 

SHARPLES,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1473-4;  M.A.  1480;  B.D.  1484-5. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1477.  Appointed  to  a  chantry  at 
Windsor,  1493.  Perhaps  R.  of  Milend,  Essex,  1527-42.  Will 
(Comm.  Essex)  1542. 

SHAROCK  or  SHORROCK,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1589.  B.  about  1566.  B.A.  1592-3.  Ord. 
priest  (Coventry  and  Lichfield).  At  Rotherham  for  six  years. 
V.  of  Benington,  Lines.,  1600.  Will  (Lincoln)  1626. 

SHARROCK,  REGINALD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  14)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  25,  1595.  Of  Milton  Malsor,  Northants. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Giles,  R.  of  Milton  Malsor.  Matric.  c. 
1595.  Left  in  1598.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Milton 
Malsor,  1610.   Buried  there  Mar.  25,  1625.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SHARROCK,  THEOPHILUS.  M.A.  1614  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Yorkshire  (cler.  fil.).  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  22,  1604-5,  age  18;  B.A.  1608;  M.A.  1614. 

SHAVINGTON  or  SHABINGTON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1478-9;  M.A. 
T482-3.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1481-1503.   (T.A.Walker.) 

SHAW,  see  also  SHORE. 

SHAW,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  3, 
1676.  S.  of  Jacob.  B.  at  Brampton,  Dcrbs.  Schools,  Bramp- 
ton (Mr  Colten)  and  Doncaster  (Mr  Cotterel).  Matric.  1676; 
B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1681; 
priest,  Sept.  1685.  R.  of  Edlington,  Yorks.,  1688-1719. 
Father  of  the  next. 

SHAW,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1711.  S.  of  Abraham  (above),  R.  of  Edlington,  near  Don- 
caster,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Wakefield.  B.A.  1714-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1715;  priest,  1718. 

SHAW,  AMOS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter,  1651. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.   B.A.  1654-5. 

SHAW,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  r, 
1701.  S.  of  Andrew,  surgeon.  B.  at  Burgh,  Lines.  School, 
Alford.  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  170S.  Fellow,  1706. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9,  1706-7;  priest  (Lincoln)  June 
19,  1709.  R.  of  Heydon,  Norfolk,  1713.  R.  of  Hevingham, 
1720.   Father  of  the  next  and  Samuel  (1744). 

SHAW,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July  7, 
1737.  S.  of  Andrew  (above),  clerk,  R.  of  Heydon.  B.  in 
Norfolk.   Brother  of  Samuel  (1744). 

SHAWE,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1576; 
B.A.  1579-80;  M..-^.  1583.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Henry, 
of  Tiersley,  Yorks.;  died  1639. 

51  4—2 

Shaw,  Charles 

SHAW,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  1679.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  ist  Bart.,  of  Kent  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Bridget,  Viscountess  Kilmurry).  Ma  trie.  1680; 
B  A.  1680-1.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1680-1. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1688.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Philip 
Harbord,  of  StanninghalJ,  Norfolk.  Died  at  Besthorp,  Apr. 
26,  1716.  Half-brother  of  John  (1675)  and  probably  father 
of  John  (1709).   (Burke;  Kimber,  11.  318.) 

SHAW,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  July  30, 
1680.  Of  Shropshire.  S.  of  William.  School,  Audlem, 
Cheshire.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1697.  R-  of 
Lawton,  Cheshire,  1705-32.  Buried  there  June  24,  1732. 
(Ormerod,  iii.  12.) 

SHAWE,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  1533-4- 

SHAWE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec. 

SHAW,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
May  18,  1696.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Alford,  Lines.  School, 
Alford.  Matric.  1696.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1695). 

SHAWE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1624. 
Of  Lancashire.  Migrated  to  Queens',  1628.  B.A.  1628. 
Perhaps  C.  of  Rivington,  Lanes.,  c.  1635-9;  C.  of  Goosnargh. 
Buried  there  May  29,  1645.  (E.  Axon.) 

SHAW,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  13,  1620-1. 
Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1638;  priest.  Mar.  9,  1638-9. 

SHAW,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  27, 

1663.  S.  of  James,  of  Chesterfield,  Derbs. 
SHAW,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  6, 

1664.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Newsome,  Richmond.  B.  there. 
School,  Brignall  (Mr  Johnson).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8. 
Signs  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  May  28,  1670. 

SHAW,  EUSEBIUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May  27, 
1656.  S.  of  (?John  (1623)),  clerk,  of  Rotherham,  Yorks. 
(But  he  does  not  appear  in  the  pedigree,  F.M.G.,  328). 
School,  Rotherham.  Matric.  1656.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln). 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1679)- 

SHAW,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1676.  S.  of  George,  deceased,  of  Stainmore,  Westmorland. 
B.  there.  School,  Appleby.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80; 
M.A.  1683;  B.D.  1691.  Fellow,  1680-1700.  Junior  Proctor, 
1689-90.  V.  of  Hauxton  with  Newton,  Cambs.,  1687-96. 
R.  of  Souldeme,  Oxon.,  1698-1706.  Died  Nov.  17,  1706. 
{Coll.  Hist.,  210.) 

SHAW,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1575. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  12,  1583;  priest  (Win- 
chester) June  25,  1584.  V.  of  Risby,  Lines.,  1584;  'bred  in 
the  schools.'  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Ryarsh,  Kent,  1603; 
buried  Oct.  8,  1617. 

SHAWE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627; 
Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  FeUow,  1633, 
ejected.  Perhaps  R.  of  Dinsdale,  Durham,  1633.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Wath,  Yorks.,  1658;  buried  at  Kirklington, 
Jan.  30,  1658-9. 

SHAW,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  8, 
1650.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Bradfield,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Bramley,  Yorks.  (private).   Matric.  1650. 

SHAW,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  7, 
1658,  from  Queen's  College,  Oxford.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1622), 
clerk,  of  Cockerham,  Lanes.  B.  there.  School,  Rivington. 
B.A.  1659-60.  Minister  of  Cockerham,  in  1661.  V.  of 
Poulton-le-Fylde,  1662-74.  Buried  there  July  13,  1674- 
Brother  of  Laurence  (1656-7). 

SHAW,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  17, 
1740-1.  S.  of  WiUiara,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wake- 
field. Matric.  1741;  Scholar,  1743;  B.A.  i744-5-  Ord.  priest 
(York)  June,  1748.  C.  of  Felkirk.  R.  of  Kirk  Smeaton, 
1759-79.   V.  of  Womersley,  1768-79.  Died  i779- 

SHAWE,  GERARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  13, 
1647.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1614),  R.  of  Aldingham,  Lanes.  B. 
there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A. 

SHAW,  GILBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter  1544. 

SHAW,  GODFREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1615; 
B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Aug.  23,  1624. 

SCHAWE,  HARIE  (?  HENRY).  M.A.  from  Glasgow.  Fellow  of 
Peterhouse  (by  Royal  mandate) ;  adm.  there  as  probationer. 
May  11,  1611.  Probably  incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
T.A.  Walker.) 

SHAW,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1608;  B.A. 
1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22, 
1616.  Perhaps  Master  of  Rivington  School,  Lanes.,  1625. 
One  of  these  names  minister  of  Upholland,  1646.  But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.   (Peile,  i.  271.) 

Shaw,  John 

SHAW,  HUGH.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1583-4.  Perhaps  ord. 
priest   (Lincoln)    1587.    V.   of   Hemingford   Grey,   Hunts., 
1595-1602.  Died  1602. 
SHAWE,  HUGH.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1625.     Of  Nottinghamshire.    B.A.    1629-30.    Ord.   deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  21 ;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1628.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Belton,  Lines.,  c.  1650. 
SHAW,  HUGH.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  23, 
1677.    S.  of  Robert,  husbandman.    B.  at  Ravenstonedale, 
Westmorland.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim.  from  Durham)  May  29,  1681 ; 
priest  (Durham)  Sept.  23,  1683. 
SHAW,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  19,  1703. 
S.  of  William,  husbandman.    B.  at  Brooksbeck,  Westmor- 
land.   School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1707-8.    Ord. 
priest  (London)  Sept.  19,  1714-  Brother  of  Robert  (1696). 
SHAW,  HUMPHREY.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 
SHAW,  INGRAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  2,  1723- 
Of  Yorkshire.    Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8.    Lxtt.  dim.  from 
York,  May,   1729,  for  deacon's  orders,   i730-    V.  of  East 
Ardsley,  Yorks.,  1738-66.  Died  Sept.  27,  1766. 
SHAW,  JAMES.  B.A.  1506-7;  M.A.  1510. 

SHAW,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  22,  1671- 
2.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Turton,  in  Bolton  parish.  Lanes. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  Perhaps  minister  of  Hindley 
Chapel,  c.  1680-90.  Died  1690.  Admon.  (Chester)  1690. 
Possibly  father  of  John  (1702-3).  {Peile,  u.  40.) 
SHAW,  JOHN.  B.A.  1514-5;  M.A.  1518.  FeUow  cf  St  John's, 

SHAWE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  15,  1581. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Brampton,  Derbs.  School,  Mansfield, 
Notts.  Scholar,  1584-90;  B.A.  1588-9. 
SHAW,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595. 
SHAWE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  3,  1596. 
SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  24,  1623,  S.  of 
John.  B.  at  Sykhouse,  near  Bradfield,  Yorks.,  June  23,  1608. 
Schools,  Darwen  and  Rotherham.  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7; 
M.A.  1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  27;  priest,  Dec.  28, 
1629.  Minister  at  Brampton,  near  Chesterfield,  1630-3. 
Minister  of  Chulmleigh,  Devon,  1634-6.  Lecturer  at  All 
Hallows,  York,  1636-9.  Head  of  the  Puritan  party  in  York. 
V.  of  Rotherham,  1639-45.  R.  of  Lymm,  Cheshire,  1643. 
V.  of  Skerringham,  near  York,  1644.  Lecturer  at  Holy 
Trinity,  Hull,  1645-62,  ejected.  Chaplain  to  Philip  Herbert, 
Earl  of  Montgomery  and  Earl  of  Pembroke.  Chaplain  to 
Parliamentary  commissions,  1646.  Master  of  the  Charter- 
house, Hull,  1651-62.  Royal  chaplain,  1660-2.  Ejected  from 
all  his  prefeiments,  1662.  Returned  to  Rotherham,  in  1662, 
and  preached  there  as  curate.  Author,  reUgious.  Died  Apr. 
19,  1672,  aged  65.  Buried  at  Rotherham.  M.I.  WiU,  York. 
Father  of  John  (1679)  and  perhaps  of  Eusebius  (1656). 
{D.N.B.;  Calamy,  11.  588;  Peile,  i.  351;  Hunter,  11.  24.) 
SHAWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1639.  Of  Colchester.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Colchester,  gent. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  21,  1640.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1647.  Recorder  of  Colchester.  M.P.  for  Colchester,  1659, 
1660-79.  Knighted,  Sept.  24,  i66i.  Serjeant-at-law,  i677- 
King's  Serjeant,  1683.  Married  Thamar,  dau.  of  Samuel 
Lewis,  of  Roydon,  Sufiolk.  Died  1690.  Fatherof  John  (1665), 
Samuel  (1667-8)  and  Thomas  (1667-8).    (Morant,  1.  483; 

A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SHAWE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  26, 
1652.  S.  of  John,  of  Ferry-on-the-Hill,  Merrington,  Durham. 

B.  there.  Bapt.  Apr.  26,  1635,  at  Bishop  Middleham. 
School,  Houghton,  Durham.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  23, 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  6,  1665.  Of 
Colchester.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1639),  Knt.  B.  1648. 
Matric.  1665.  Married  three  wives.  Died  Jan.  13,  1681. 
Brother  of  Samuel  (1667-8)  and  Thomas  (1667-8).  {Morant, 
I.  118,  183.) 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  17,  1665-6,  from 
Trinity  College,  Dublin  (adm.  there,  May  21,  1660).  S.  of 
Peter  (?  1613),  clerk,  of  Standish,  Lanes.  B.  there.  B.A. 
1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  c.  1667;  priest,  May, 
1670.  Probably  buried  Mar.  11,  1688-9,  at  St  Nicholas, 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  June  3,  1668. 
S.  of  Richard,  farmer.  B.  at  Blechington,  Sussex.  Matnc. 
1669;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675. 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  19,  1672. 
S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Newsham,  near  Thirsk,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  School,  Brignall.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1676-7.  This, 
or  the  next,  ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1678-9;  priest, 
June,  1679.  Perhaps  R.  of  Erwarton,  Sufiolk,  1684. 


Shaw,  John 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  14, 1673- 
S.  of  John,  clerk,  of  Boughton  (?  Broughton,  near  Skipton), 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  'Morthale.'  Matric.  1673;  B.A. 
SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  27,  1673,  from 
Brasenose  College,  Oxford.  Matric.  there,  May  28,  1666, 
age  17.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Thornton,  Cheshire.  B.A.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  1669-70;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1673-  R-  of 
Swettenham,  Cheshire,  1677-1714.  Buried  there  Sept.  12, 
1714.  Father  of  Richard  (1705).  {Al.Oxon.;Ormerod,  111.44.) 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  15,  1674-  Of 
Durham.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  i68i.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  23,  1677,  'B.A.';  priest  (Carlisle, 
Ljtt.  dim.  from  Durham)  May  25,  1678.  Probably  C.  of 
Denton,  Durham,  1682-1740.  Died  Apr.  8,  1740. 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  18,  1675. 
S.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.  and  Bart.,  of  London,  and  of  Eltham, 
Kent.  Matric.  1675.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart., 
Mar.  T,  1679-80,  as  also  to  the  Collectorship  of  the  Customs 
of  London.  Of  Eltham  Lodge.  Married  (i)  Margaret,  dau. 
of  Sir  John  Peake,  mercer  of  London;  (2)  Sarah,  dau.  of 
William  Paggen,  of  London.  Died  Dec.  11,  1721.  Buried  at 
Eltham.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1722.   (Burke;  G.E.C.,  iv.  12.) 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Nov.  14,  1679.  S.  of 
John  (1623),  clerk,  V.  of  Rotherham  and  of  Hull  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Stillington,  of  Yorks.). 
Bapt.  Feb.  15,  1662-3,  at  Rotherham.  School,  Rotherham 
(Mr  Farrer).  Buried  at  Rotherham,  Jan.  i,  1682-3,  aged  20. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Eusebius  (1656).  {Peile,  11.  76;  F.M.G., 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  25, 
1702-3.  S.  of  James  (?  1671-2),  deceased.  B.  at  Fumess, 
Lanes.  School,  Kendal  (Mr  Lancaster).  Matric.  1702-3; 
B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710;  B.D.  1717.  Fellow,  1708-29.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  19, 1709;  priest  (Lincoln)  May  27,  1711. 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Incorp.  D.D.  1708,  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  Nov.  27,  1717.  (Not  found  in  Al.  Dublin.) 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  May  12,  1709. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Charles  (1679).  B.  in  London.  Matric. 
1709.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  4,  1713.  A  captain  in 
the  Guards.  Of  Besthorpe,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Died  s.p.,  1722. 
(Burke;  Kimber,  11.  319.) 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  13,  1736. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1693),  clerk,  R.  of  Wyberton,  Lines.  School, 
Lincoln.  Matrio.  1737;  LL.B.  1742;  LL.D.  1766.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  27,  1742-3;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1743. 
R.  of  Wyberton,  1743-88.  Died  Oct.  5,  1788,  aged  70. 
Buried  at  Wyberton.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  869.) 

SHAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  July  4,  1740. 
S.  of  John,  of  St  James',  London.  School,  King's,  Ely 
(Mr  Maule).  Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1741;  B.A.  1744-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.;  priest,  Dec.  1750.  R.  of  Brettenham, 
Sufiolk,  1752-98.  Died  1798. 

SHAW,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  14, 
1656-7.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1622),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Cockerham, 
Lanes.  B.  there,  Feb.  23,  1636-7.  School,  Blackrod,  Lanes. 
(Mr  Dilwoorth).  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1.  V.  of  Cocker- 
ham,  Lanes.,  1662-95.  Died  c.  1695.  Will  (Archd.  Rich- 
mond) 1696.  Brother  of  George  (1658).  (R.Stewart-Brown.) 

SHAWE,  LEONARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  R.  of  Radcliffe,  Lanes.,  c.  1584- 
1624.  Died  1624. 

SHAW,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  14, 
1664.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671-  Fellow,  1672. 
Buried  at  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  May  17,  1678. 

SHAW,  PERCIVAL.   Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1448. 

SHAW,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1560; 
Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1563-4;  M.A.  1567;  B.D.  1574;  D.D. 
1583.  Fellow,  1564.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1568. 
University  preacher,  1570-1.  Canon  of  Durham,  1572-1608. 
R.  of  Bury,  Lanes.,  1572-1608.  Buried  there,  July  11,  1608. 
Benefactor  to  Trinity  College.  Father  of  the  next.  [Cooper, 
"•  493-) 

SHAW,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1613. 
S.  of  Peter  (above).  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1620-1;  M.A. 
from  Magdalene,  1624.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1624.  Ord.  priest 
(York)  Sept.  1625.  Fellow  of  the  Collegiate  church  of 
Manchester,  1634-45,  ejected.  R.  of  Radcliffe,  Lanes., 
1638-52.  Died  before  Oct.  26,  1660.  Probably  father  of 
John  (1665-6).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SHAW,  RALPH.  B.A.  1459-60;  M.A.  1464-5.  Probably  feUow 
of  Queens',  1479.  R.  of  Harlton,  Cambs.,  1464.  Perhaps 
preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1477-84,  'S.T.B.'  V.  of  Stockton,  Wilts. 
Preb.  of  Sarum,  1477.    Went  to  London,  1470-1,  about  a 

~  gift  of  books  by  the  Eari  of  Worcester.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1484. 
Brother  of  Sir  Edmund,  sometime  mayor.  (Hennessy; 
Or.  Bk  A,  86.) 

Shaw,  Samuel 

SHAW,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  20, 
1646.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Downham,  Lanes. 
B.  there.   Matric.  1646. 

SHAWE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  23,  1666. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675.  R.  of  Stratford  St  Mary, 
Suffolk,  1677-1709. 

SHAW,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  May  3, 

1705.  S.   of  John   (1673),   R.   of    Swettenham,   Cheshire. 
B.  there.   Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9. 

SHAW,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  26,  1722. 
Of  Lancashire.  B.  1706.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6;  M.A. 
1729;  B.D.  1738.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  19,  1731; 
priest,  June  20,  1736.  V.  of  Foxton.  Cambs.,  1741-3.  V.  of 
Oakington,  1743. 

SHAWE  or  SHEWE,  ROBERT.  A  scribe  employed  by  the 
University,  c.  1456-7;  perhaps  a  graduate.   (Gr.  Bk  A,  10.) 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1513-4-  Of  Yorkshire.  M.A.  1517. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1516.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  28; 
priest,  Apr.  11,  1517;  'of  CoUingham.' 

SHAWE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1544;  B.A.  1547-8;  M.A.  1551;  B.D.  1555-6.  Fellow, 
1548-58.  Bursar,  1552-3.  University  preacher,  1555.  Preb. 
of  Dorchester,  1558-60.  A  recusant,  in  1561,  and  confined 
to  the  county  of  Salop.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

SHAWE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Nov.  1548. 
Of  Lincoln.  B.A.  1552-3;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1555.  FeUow 
of  Christ's,  1554-7.  Officiated  at  Bourn,  Cambs.,  1556-7. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Hawkedon,  Suffolk,  1560.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Stansfield;  will  (P.C.C.)  1584.   (Peile,  i.  43.) 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1570.  One  of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Coventry  and  Lich- 
field) June  18,  1570;  V.  of  Owston,  Lines.,  1577-8. 

SHAWE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1622; 
B.A.  1624-5 ;  M.A.  1628.  Doubtless  V.  of  Cockerham,  Lanes., 
1633-49-  Buried  there  Aug.  4,  1649.  Probably  father  of 
Laurence  (1656-7)  and  George  (1658). 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1629.  Of  London.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  St  Peter's, 
Comhill.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Sept.  20,  1632.  Married 
Hester,  dau.  of  Jefferies  Ayres,  Jan.  12,  1636-7.  Died  1662, 
aged  48.  (Clutterbuck,  11.  102.) 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  1671.  S.  of 
Robert.  B.  at  Knutsford.  School,  Tamworth.  Matric.  1671; 
B.A.  1674;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (Worcester)  Oct.;  priest, 
Dec.  1681.  Head  Master  of  Lichfield  Grammar  School,  c. 
1681.  Died  1704.  M.I.  in  St  Mary's  Church,  Lichfield. 
Father  of  Peter  (1752).   (Peile,  11.  37.) 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's,  June  23, 
1696.  S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Ravenstonedale, 
Westmorland.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699- 
1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  May  26,  1700;  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  20,  1702.  Master  of  Ravenstonedale  Grammar  School, 
1700-2.   C.  of  Sutton  St  Edmund's,  and  St  James',  Lines., 

1706.  Brother  of  Hugh  (1703).    (One  of  these  names  of 
Hugglescote,  Leics.,  clerk.   Will  (Leicester)  1732.) 

SHAW,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1700,  from  Brasenose 
College,  Oxford.  Matric.  there.  Mar.  29,  1693,  age  19;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1696.  Perhaps  R.  of  Handley,  Cheshire,  1703. 
(Peile,  II.  129,  149.) 

SHAW,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  23, 
1650.  S.  of  Thomas,  blacksmith,  of  Repton,  Derbs.  B.  there, 
1635.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1655-6.  Master 
of  Tamworth  Grammar  School,  Staffs.,  1656.  Ord.  at 
Wirksworth,  Derbs.,  by  the  classical  presbytery.  R.  of 
Long  Whatton,  Leics.,  1658-61,  ejected.  Intruding  R.  of 
East  Bamet,  Middlesex,  1658-61,  ejected.  Head  Master  of 
Ashby-de-la-Zouch  School,  1668.  Author,  miscellaneous. 
Died  Jan.  22,  1695-6.  Possibly  father  of  Samuel  (1684). 
(Calamy,  11.  132;  F.M.G.,  1.  377;  D.N.B.;  Nichols,  iii.  1110.) 

SHAW,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Jan.  9,  1667-8.   2nd 

s.  of  Sir  John  (1639),  Knt.,  of  Colchester  and  of  Lincoln's  Inn. 

Matric.   1667-8.    Adm.   at   Lincoln's   Inn,   Nov.   27,    1669. 

Died  Apr.  16,  1677.    Brother  of  John  (1665)  and  Thomas 

(1667-8).   (Morant,  1.  i.  118.) 
SHAW,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  5,  1670.    Of 

Cheshire.    Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.    Incorp. 

at  Oxford,  1677.    Probably  ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June  14; 

priest,  Sept.  20,   1674.    Schoolmaster  of  Wigan,  till  1686. 

Head  Master  of  Warrington  School,  1686.  R.  of  Warrington, 

1690-1718.    One  of  the  King's  preachers  in  Lanes.,  1682. 

Preb.  of  Chester,   1707.    Died   1718.    Will  (Chester)   1718. 

Benefactor  to  Queens'  library.   (E.  Axon.) 


Shaw,  Samuel 

SHAW,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  i6,  1684. 
Of  Leicestershire.   Possibly  s.  of  Samuel  (1650). 

SHAW,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  7,  I7i9.  Pre- 
viously matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Nov.  10,  1716,  age  17. 
S.  of  Samuel,  of  Tamworth,  Staffs.  B.  there.  Matric.  1719; 
B.A.  1721-2. 

SHAW,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  29, 
1744.  S.  of  Andrew  (1701),  R.  of  Heydon,  Norfolk.  Matric. 
1745;  B.A.  1747-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1748;  priest, 
June,  1753.  Probably  R.  of  Melton  Constable,  Norfolk, 
1754-64.  V.  of  Bemey,  1758-64.  Died  May  3,  1764.  Brother 
of  Andrew  (i737). 

SHAWE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1559; 
B.A.  1563-4. 

SHAWE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

SHAWE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1614; 
B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Probably  R.  of  Aldingham-m- 
Fumess,  Lanes.,  1625-67.  A  member  of  the  Ninth  Lanes. 
Classis,  1646.  Conformed  at  the  Restoration.  Died  Oct.  19, 
1667,  aged  70.  Buried  at  Aldingham.  M.I.  WiU,  Archd. 
Richmond.  Probably  father  of  Gerard  (1647).  {Petle,  1.  299.) 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  .-Vdm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  July  9, 
1645.   Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649. 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Jan.  9,  1667-8.  3rd 
s.  of  Sir  John  (1639),  Knt.,  of  Colchester.  Matric.  1667-8; 
Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  R.  of  Greenstead 
by  Colchester,  1676-92.  R.  of  Gt  Holland,  1678-92.  Died 
May  3,  1692,  aged  40.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1665) 
and  Samuel  (1667-8).   (A.  Gray.) 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Jesus,  June  10,  1675. 
Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9. 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1676.  Matric. 
1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1685. 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June  9, 
1693.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Wainfleet  All  Saints',  Lines.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 
Fellow,  1700.  R.  of  Wyberton,  Lines.,  1712-43-  Died  Sept.  9, 
1756,  aged  80.  Father  of  John  (1736).  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 
869;  G.  Mag.) 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  2, 
1695.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Alford,  Lines.  School,  Alford. 
Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1699-1700.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Galby,  Leics.,  1737-48.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1696). 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  30, 
1698.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Colchester.  School,  Brentwood. 
Matric.  1698;  Scholar,  1698;  LL.B.  1703.   [Peile,  11.  141.) 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  7,  1722. 
S.  of  William,  of  Cheshire.  School,  St  Paul's,  London. 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1734.  S.  of  James,  of  Lancashire.  Bapt.  July  16,  1715,  at 
Deane.  School,  Clitheroe.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1737-8.  Ord. 
priest  (Chester)  June  26,  1757-  Perhaps  Master  of  Bolton 
School,  1747,  'B.A.'  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Endfield, 
Stags.,  1765-70.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  459.) 

SHAW,  THOMAS.  D.D.  1736  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Gabriel,  of  Kendal,  Westmorland.  B.  there,  June  4,  1694. 
School,  Kendal.  Matric.  from  Queen's  CoUege  Oxford,  Dec.  5, 
1711,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1716;  M.A.  1719-20;  D.D.  1734. 
Fellow  of  Queen's,  1727.  Principal  of  St  Edmund  Hall, 
1740-51.  Regius  Proiessor  of  Greek  at  Oxford,  1741-51. 
F.R.S.,  1734.  Chaplain  to  the  English  Factory  at  Algiers, 
1720-33.  V.  of  GodshiU,  Isle  of  Wight,  i734-  V.  of  Bramley, 
Hants.,  1742-51.  Married  Joanna,  widow  of  Edward  Holden, 
sometime  Consul  in  Algiers,  Mar.  30,  1742,  at  St  George's, 
Queen  Square,  London.  A  noted  traveller  and  antiquary. 
Died  Aug.  15,  1751.  M.I.  at  Bramley.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

SHAW,  THURSTON.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1557.  Of  Saffron  Walden.  Matric.  1557-8. 
Name  off,  1559.  Ord.  priest,  July  27,  1560.  R.  of  Theydon 
Mount,  Essex,  1566-88.  V.  of  Stonehouse,  Gloucs.,  1574. 
Buried  there.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1610.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SHAW,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's,  June  27, 
1737.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Cheshire.  B.  at  Cherming- 
ham.  School,  Audlem  (Mr  Evans).  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  i740- 
i;  M.A.  1763.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  15,  1740-1;  priest. 
Mar.  25,  1741.  V.  of  Holbeach,  Lines.,  1741-50.  V.  of 
Bierton,  Bucks.,  1750-86,  where  he  kept  a  school.  V.  of 
Medmenham,  1759-81.  V.  of  St  Michael,  St  Albans,  Herts., 
1763-77.  Died  Sept.  17,  1786,  aged  72.  M.I.  at  Bierton. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  486;  Lipscomb,  11.  102.) 

SHAWE,  WILLIAM.  D.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1624  (Lit.  Reg.). 
One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  Master  of  Sherbum  Hospital, 
Durham,  1623-36,  and  R.  of  Egglescliffe,  'D.D.,'  1625-36. 

Shaxton,  William 

SHAWE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  11, 
1633.  S.  of  WUliam,  yeoman.  Bapt.  Dec.  21,  1614,  at  Bishop 
Middleham,  Durham.  Schools,  Durham  and  Kirk  Merring- 
ton.  Matric.  1633. 

SHAW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  12, 
1635.  S.  of  Ralph,  yeoman,  of  Sandbach,  Cheshire.  B.  there. 
School,  Sandbach  (private).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9; 
M.A.  1642.  R.  of  Mavesyn  Ridware,  Staffs.;  presented,  1648; 
instituted,  1660-72.  Probably  minister  of  Broughton  Chapel, 
c.  1652.  R.  of  Mucklestone,  1662-72.  Preb.  of  Lichfield, 
1663-72.  Died  Nov.  16,  1672,  aged  55.  Buried  at  Mavesyn 
Ridware.  M.I.  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  i.  309;  Wm.  Salt, 
Arch.  Soc,  1915;  Shaw,  i.  191.) 

SHAWE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  30,  1635.  Of 
Lincohishire.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Wyberton,  Lines., 
yeoman.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  23,  1640;  priest  (Lincohi)  June  5,  1642. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Firsby,  Lines.,  1641.  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SHAWE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  28,  1647. 
Of  Worcestershire.   Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1651-2. 

SHAW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  23, 
1680.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Rushock,  Worcs.  School,  Chaddesley. 
Matric.  i68i ;  B.A.  1683-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  May  21, 
1687.   C.  of  Enfield. 

SHAW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Jime  9,  1702.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Eton.  Matric.  1705;  M.A.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).  Probably  adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  25,  1701-2. 

SHAW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's,  May  24, 
1710.  S.  of  Samuel,  draper.  B.  at  Shelley,  near  Hudders- 
field,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4- 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  21,  1713-4;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1715. 
(One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1714,  B.A.) 
C.  of  Woodbridge,  Sufiolk.  R.  of  Akenham,  1720.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Bramford,  1723,  'M.A.' 

M.A.  1500.   University  preacher,  1507-8. 

Scholar  at  Christ's,  1550-1. 

SHAW, . 

SHAW, . 

SHAW, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1560. 

SHAW, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  15,  1679. 

SHAWBERY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1623-4. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Bury,  Suffolk,  gent.  Matric. 
Easter,  1624;  B.A.  1627-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14, 
1627-8.   Brother  of  the  next  and  Thomas  (1626-7J. 

SHAWBERY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1623-4. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Bury,  Sufiolk,  gent.  Matric. 
Easter,  1624.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  15,  1628.  Brother 
of  Edward  (above)  and  of  the  next. 

SHAWBERY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  F;b.  26, 
1626-7.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Bury,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1627.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Nov.  1628;  B.A.  1630-1; 
M.A.  1634.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10,  1633.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1623-4)  and  John  (1623-4). 

SHAXTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1584. 
B.  at  East  Walton,  Norfolk,  c.  1568.  Scholar,  1586;  B.A. 
1587-8;  M.A.  1591;  B.D.  1598.  Fellow,  1589.  Deputy 
Proctor,  1591.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  1594.  Licensed  preacher. 
R.  of  Hemingford  Abbots,  Hunts.,  1599-1600.  WiU  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1600.   (Cooper,  11.  272.) 

SHAXTON,  LEONARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1546.  Probably  of  West  Bilney,  Norfolk,  gent. 
Will  proved  (Norwich)  1621.   (Venn,  1.  34.) 

SHAXTON,  MARTIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Feb.  6, 
1626-7.  S.  of  Nicholas,  schoolmaster,  of  Norwich.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1631-2.  V.  of  East  Winch,  Norfolk, 
1645;  tutor  or  master  there,  in  1651.   (Venn,  1.  280.) 

SHAXTON,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  1506-7;  M.A.  1510;  B.D.  1520-1; 
D.D.  1531.  Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1510-34.  V.  of 
Mattishall,  Norfolk,  1516.  An  early  reformer.  University 
preacher,  1520.  Treasurer  of  Salisbury  Cathedral,  1533-5- 
Canon  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1534-5-  Bishop  of 
Salisbury,  1535-9.  Resigned  his  bishopric,  1539.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Sufiolk,  in  1546.  Master  of  St  Giles'  Hospital, 
Norwich,  1546.  Arraigned  for  heresy  and  condemned,  but 
recanted,  1546.  Suffragan  Bishop  of  Ely,  1555.  Retired  to 
GonviUeHail.  Died  there  Aug.  5, 1556.  (Venn,i.ig;D.N.B.; 
Cooper,  I.  158,  548.) 

SHAXTON,  NICHOLAS  (junior).  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall, 

SHAXTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  15, 
1630-1.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Baithley,  Norfolk.  School, 
Aylsham  (Mr  Knolles).   Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1632. 


Sheaf,  Edmund 

SHEAF,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  i8)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  24,  1580.  S.  of  Thomas,  clothier,  of  Cranbrook, 
Kent.  Matric.  1580.  Left  in  1583.  Of  Cranbrook.  Married 
Joan  Kitchen,  widow.  Will  dated,  Nov.  i,  1625;  proved 
(Canterbury,  Archd.  C.)  Dec.  11,  1626.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1580)  and  Herman  (1590),  father  of  the  next  and  of  John 
{1621).   {N.  and  Q.,  7th  S.,v.  395-) 

SHEAF,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  31,  1614.  Of  Marden,  Kent.  S.  of  Edmund 
(above).  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1623.  Fellow, 
1617-25.  Died  1625.   Brother  of  John  (1621). 

SHEAF,  GRINDALL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1626.  Of  Welford,  Berks.  S.  of  Thomas  (1580).  Matric. 
Lent,  1626-7;  B.A.  1630;  M.A.  1634;  B.D.  1641;  D.D.  1661 
{Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1629-50.  R.  of  Horstead  and  Coltishall, 
Norfolk,  1649.  V.  of  Westerham,  Kent,  ejected.  Archdeacon 
of  Wilts.,  1660-80.  Died  Apr.  28,  1680.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1680; 
of  Wells,  Somerset.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1621). 

SHEAF,  HERMAN  (?HARMAN).  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  24,  1590.  S.  of  Thomas,  clothier, 
of  Cranbrook,  Kent.  Matric.  c.  1590;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A. 
1598.  Fellow,  1593-1605.  R.  of  Goldhanger,  Essex,  1617-29. 
Licence  to  marry  Sarah  GyUibrand,  of  Cranbrook,  widow, 
July  6,  1608.  Died  1629.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  22, 
1629-30.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1580)  and  Thomas  (1580). 

SHEAF,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  II,  1621.  Name  off  same  year.  Of  Marden,  Kent. 
S.  of  Edmund  (1580).  Probably  died  as  scholar.  Brother  of 
Edmund  (1614). 

SHEAF,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1580. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cranbrook,  Kent.  Matric.  1580;  B.A.  1584- 
5;  M.A.  1588;  B.D.  1595;  D.D.  1606.  Fellow,  1583-97. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1606.  R.  of  Welford,  Berks.,  1597.  Canon 
of  Windsor,  1614-39.  Died  at  Wickhambrook,  Dec.  12,  1639. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  2,  1639-40.  Brother  of  Edmund 
(1580)  and  Herman,  father  of  the  next  andof  Grindall  (1626). 

SHEAFE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  (age  18)  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1621.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  of  Wickham,  near 
Welford,  Berks.,  priest.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628;  M.D.  1636. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628.  Granted  a  licence  to  go  to  Padua, 
Oct.  II,  1633.  F.R.C.P.,  1637.  Gulstonian  lecturer,  1641. 
Censor,  1643.  Died  Aug.  7,  1657,  aged  50  (sic).  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  1666;  of  Binfield,  Berks.   {Munk,  i.  222;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SHEAFE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1619. 

SHEARS  or  SHIERES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar 

from  Westminster,  1601;  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.    V.  of 

Gainsborough,  Lines.,  1610-37. 
SHIERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1618; 

B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  V.  of  Potton,  Beds.,  1629.  Perhaps 

V.  of  Friem  Bamet,  Middlesex,  1660. 

SHEARES, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 


SHEBEARE,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1699; 

B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1707. 
SHEBBEARE,  JOSEPH.    M.A.  from  King's,   1721.    S.  of  J., 

of  London.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  20,  1702-3, 

age  16;  B.A.   (Oxford)   1706.    R.  of  Moreton  Hampstead, 

Devon,  1721.   Will  (Exeter)  1735.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
SHEBBEARE,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  21,  i749- 

Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Witheridge,  Devon,  clerk.  B.  there. 

Matric.  1749. 
SHEDD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1619; 

B.A.  1622.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1624. 
SHEDD  or  SHEIDD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1619. 
SHENE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  scholar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  July 

2,  1618.   S.  of  Christopher,  of  Gressenhall,  Norfolk.   School, 

Little  Fransham  (Mr  Shene).    Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1620-1; 

M.A.  1625.    Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  17,  1621-2.    R.  of 

Cockley  Cley,  1626.   Will  proved,  Feb.  27,  1682-3.   Brother 

of  Edward  (1599),  father  of  Luke  (1640)  and  William  (1638). 

(Venn,  i.  240.) 
SHEENE,   EDMUND.    Adm.  sizar  at   Peterhouse,   Mar.   24, 

SHEENE  or  SHYNNE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 

May  1,   1599.    S.  of  Christopher,  of  Gressenhall,  Norfolk. 

School,  East  Dereham.   Matric.  1599;  Scholar,  1600-6;  B.A. 

1602-3;   M.A.   1606;  B.D.   1617.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(Norwich)  Sept.  21,   1607;  'C.  of  Clenchwarton,'  Norfolk. 

R.  of  Little  Fransham,  1610,  and  of  East  Lexham,  1614-49. 

Buried  at  Lexham,  Dec.  25,  1649.    Will  proved  (Norwich) 

1649.    Brother  of  Christopher  (1618)  and  father  of  John 

(1639-40).  (Venn,  i.  i68.) 

Sheffield,  George 

SHEENE,  ELIEZER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  13, 
1615.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Norwich.  School,  Norwich  (Mr 
Stonham).  Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1621.  C.  of  IBungay,  Suffolk,  in 
1627.  V.  of  Ilketshall  St  Margaret,  1631-79;  of  St  Margaret, 
South  Elmham,  1631-79.  WiU  proved  (Ipswich)  1679. 
(Venn,  1.  229.) 

SHENE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  25,  1639-40. 
S.  of  Edward  (1599),  R.  of  East  Lexham,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Westfield  (Mr  Chapman).  Probably  died  before 
Oct.  28,  1648.   (Venn,  i.  337.) 

SHENE,  LUKE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  18,  1640. 
S.  of  Christopher  (1618),  R.  of  Cockley  Cley,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
Dec.  4,  1623,  at  Little  Fransham.  School,  Westfield  (Mr 
Chapman).  Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1644;  'C.  of  Stanfleld,  Norfolk.'  V.  of 
Gooderstone,  1649-82.  R.  of  Shingham,  1650-62.  Brother 
of  the  next.   (Venn,  i.  339.) 

SHENE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  9, 
1638.  S.  of  Christopher  (1618),  R.  of  Cockley  Cley,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Lexham.  Schools,  Tittleshall  (Mr  Harris)  and  West- 
field  (Mr  Chapman).  Matric.  1638;  Scholar,  1639-44;  B.A. 
1642-3.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Joseph  Hall)  Apr.  5,  1651. 
R.  of  Little  Fransham,  Norfolk,  1652-67.  Buried  there 
Aug.  3,  1667.  Brother  of  Luke  (above).   (Venn,  i.  333.) 

SHEEPSHANKS,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  22,  1719.  S.  of  James,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire. 
Bapt.  Nov.  10,  1702,  at  Linton,  near  Skipton.  School, 
Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1724;  priest  (London)  May  28, 
1727.  V.  of  Mountnessing,  Essex,  1727-33.  V.  of  Little 
Wakering,  1733-44.  Died  1744.  Admon.,  Comm.  Essex. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  325.) 

SHEPSHANCK,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1596; 
B.A.  1600-1. 

SHEEPSHED  or  SHYPSHED,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Pembroke,  Michs.  1544. 

SHEEPSHEAD,  JOHN.  Grace  for  B.Can.L.  1478-9.  Student  at 

SHEPWRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1575. 

SHEEPY,  see  also  SHEPPY. 

SHEEPY,  WILLIAM  DE.  Scholar  of  Cambridge,  c.  1270-80. 
Clerk  of  Ely  diocese.  Used  to  hunt  hares  with  greyhounds  in 
Cambridge  Warren.  (Pleas  of  the  Forest,  see  Preface.) 


SHEFFYLDE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

SHEFFIELD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  8,  1583-4.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1584;  of  Ep- 
worth.  Lines.  Probably  knighted,  July  23,  1603. 

SHEFFIELD,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1594-5.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
John  (1549),  Baron  Sheffield,  of  Butterwick,  Lines.  Matric. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1574,  age  12.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Lord 
Sheffield  of  Butterwick,  1568.  A  volunteer  in  HoUand,  1585. 
Knighted,  June  25,  1588,  for  services  against  the  Spanish 
Armada.  K.G.,  1593.  Governor  of  Brill,  in  Holland,  1599. 
President  of  the  North  and  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Yorks., 
1603-19.  CreatedEarlofMulgrave,  Feb.  5,  1625-6.  Married 

(1)  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Tyrwhit,  of  Kettleby,  Lines.; 

(2)  Mariana,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Irwin,  alias  Erwin.  Died 
Oct.  6,  1646,  aged  83.  Buried  in  Fulham  Church.  M.I.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Father  of  James  (1636-7),  probably  of  Philip  (1611) 
and  William  (1608-9).  (D.N.B.;  G.E.C.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SHEFFIELD,  EDWARD.  B.Civ.L.;  D.Civ.L.  1504-5;  D.Can.L. 
1516-7.  Probablypreb.  of  Lichfield,  1506-25.  V.ofSawston, 
Cambs.,  1521-5.  Died  Dec.  1525-6.  Will  dated,  Dec.  5, 1525; 
proved,  Feb.  7,  1525-6. 

SHEFFEILD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5, 
1631.  Perhaps  V.  of  St  Just-in-Roseland,  Cornwall;  ejected, 
1662.   Perhaps  father  of  WiUiam  (1654).   (Calamy,  i.  278.) 

SHEFFYLDE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1551.  Possibly  s.  of  Edward,  of  Seaton,  Rutland.  If  so, 
Sheriff  of  Rutland,  1588.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert 
Harrison,  of  Stow,  Northants.  Buried  at  Seton,  Sept.  24, 
1618.   Possibly  father  of  Robert  (1571)  and  Sampson  (1575)- 

SHEFFIELD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  1662-3. 
Of  Rutland.  Perhaps  s.  of  Sampson  (1622).  Matric.  1663; 
B.A.  166&-7.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1667. 
V.  of  Hutton  Buscel,  Yorks.,  1674-1720.  Died  Aug.  30, 
1720.   Doubtless  father  of  John  (1730). 

SHEFFEILD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  24, 
1693-4.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May,  1700;  priest,  1701.  C.  of  Fylingdales,  near  Whitby, 
Yorks.,  1702.  V.  of  Seamcr,  1708-57. 


Sheffield,  Henry 

SHEFFYLD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1566.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Croxby,  Lines.  Probably 
brother  of  Vincent  (i559)  and  Philip  (1572). 

SHEFFIELD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

SHEFFEILD,  JAMES.  M.A.  1636-7  {fil.  nob.).  Doubtless  s.  of 
Edmund  (1594),  Earl  of  Mulgrave.  Captain  in  the  Par- 
liamentary army.  M.P.  for  St  Mawes,  1640.  Probably 
brother  of  Philip  (1611)  and  William  (1608-9). 

SHEFFIELD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1499.  One  of  these  names  s.  of 
Robert,  of  Belton,  Lines.,  Esq.  Buried  there  Nov.  6,  1526. 

SHEFFIELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 
1549.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  Baron  Sheffield,  of  Butterwicke, 
Lines.  Succeeded  his  father,  July  31,  1549,  as  2nd  Baron 
Sheffield.  K.B.,  1559.  Married  Douglas,  dau.  of  William, 
ist  Baron  Howard  of  Effingham.  Author,  Verses  on  the  death 
of  Bucer,  1550.  Died  Dec.  1568,  not  without  suspicion  of 
poison.  WiUproved(P.C.C.)  Jan.  1568-9.  Father  of  Edmund 
(1594-5),  Earl  of  Mulgrave.   {Cooper,  i.  263;  G.E.C.) 

SHEFFIELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec. 
22,  1622;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1628.  Perhaps  C.  of  Felmersham, 
Beds.,  1623.  R.  of  Caenby,  Lines.,  1629.  R.  of  St  Swithin, 
London,  1643-60.  Perhaps  V.  of  Tonbridge,  Kent,  in  1646. 
Afterwards  retired  to  Enfield.  Author,  religious.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1680.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next.  (D.N.B.;  Calamy, 
I.  148.) 

SHEFFEILD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1646.  S.  of  John  (?  above),  V.  of  Tonbridge,  Kent.  B.  at 
Careby,  Lines.  School,  Tonbridge.  Matric.  1646. 

SHEFFIELD,  JOHN.  M.A.  1653  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A. 
(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  1649;  M.A.  (New  College,  Oxford) 
1652.  Intrudedfellowof  New  College,  1649.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1661.  R.  of  Weston  Longueville, 
Norfolk,  1661.  R.  of  Intwood  and  Keswick,  1662.  R.  of 
Ringland,  1667.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHEFFIELD,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1730.  S.  of  George 
(1662-3),  of  Mutton  Buscel,  Yorks.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Trinity 
College,  Oxford)  May  8,  1703,  age  19;  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall, 
Oxford)  1707.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Southowram,  Yorks.,  1714; 
of  Sowerby,  i730-5-   Died  Nov.  23,  1735.   (AL  Oxon.) 

SHEFFIELD,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sx  Catharine's, 
Mar.  I,  1677-8.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  18,  1692;  priest  (Lincohi)  Feb.  12,  1692-3. 
R.  of  Rathby,  Lines. 

SHEFFIELD,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1572. 
Probably  5th  s.  of  John,  of  Croxby,  Lines.  Of  Fulstow. 
Buried  there  Nov.  5,  1592.  Will  proved,  Jan.  22,  1592-3. 
Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1566)  and  Vincent  (i559)- 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  870.) 

SHEFFIELD,  PHILIP.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  1, 
1611.  Perhaps  s.  of  Edmund  (1594).  If  so,  drowned  in 
crossing  the  Humber  at  Whitgift  Ferry,  Dec.  1614.  Probably 
brother  of  James  (1636-7),  etc. 

SHEFFIELD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1637.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Vincent, 
of  Croxby,  Lines.,  Esq.  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard 
Amcotts,  K.B.)  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Nov.  3,  1638.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  871.) 

SHEFFYLD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1571. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Seaton,  Rutland.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  12,  1577,  from  Barnard's  Inn.  Brother  of 
the  next.   (Peile,  i.  120.) 

SHEFFYLD,  SAMPSON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June, 
1575.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Seaton,  Rutland.  B.A. 
1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1584.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Apr.  11,  1583.  Preacher.  He  got  into  trouble  for 
a  sermon  at  Gt  St  Mary's,  in  1587.  Apparently  returned  to 
Seaton.  Buried  there  Dec.  12,  1619.  Brother  of  Robert 
(above)  and  doubtless  father  of  the  next.  (Peile,  1.  132; 
Vis.  of  Rutland,  1618;  Cooper,  in.  60.) 

SHEFFIELD,  SAMPSON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  i, 
1622.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sampson  (above),  of  Seaton, 
Rutland;  age  12  in  1618.  Matric.  1623.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
June  10,  1624,  'Samuel.'  Sold  Seaton  to  Lord  Montagu. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Reginald  (?  Reynold)  Greene,  of 
Navestocic,  Essex.  Buried  at  St  Clement  Danes,  Middlesex, 
Sept.  25,  1652.  (Vis.  of  Rutland,  16:8;  Coll.  Top.  et  Gen.,  iv. 

SHEFFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  5, 
1636.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  at  Liddington,  Rutland.  School, 
Uppingham.   Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643. 

SHEFFIELD,  VINCENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1559.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Croxby,  Lines.;  age  40  (sic) 

Sheild,  Theophilus 

in  1590.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1562;  of  Croxby,  Lines. 
Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Skegness,  of  Skendleby 
Thorpe;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Vincent  Fulnetby,  Knt., 
of  Fulnetby.  Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1566)  and  Philip 
(1572).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  870.) 

SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1456-7;  M.A.  1460;  D.Can.L. 
1467-8.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  22,  1459;  deacon. 
Mar.  13,  1461-2;  priest,  Apr.  3,  1462.  R.  of  Hogsthorpe, 
Lines.  R.  of  Epworth,  1463-82.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1463-77. 
Archdeacon  of  Stow,  1477-96.  Preb.  of  York,  1483-5. 
Treasurer  of  York,  1485-94.  Dean  of  York,  1494-6.  Died 
Dec.  8,  1496.  Buried  in  York  Minster. 

SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1500;  D.Civ.L.  1506-7. 

SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

1586.    Perhaps  4th  s.  of  George,  of  Seaton,  Rutland.    B.A. 

(?  1589-90).  Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Nov. 

25,  1593;  C.  at  Toft,  Cambs.,  1595-7,  and  probably  V.  of  Ely. 

Perhaps  hisadmon.  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  13, 1641-2.  Probably  father 

of  William  (1620),  perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1571)  and 

Sampson  (1575).   (Peile,  i.  187.) 
SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Feb.  24, 

1608-9.    Of  Lincohishire.    Perhaps  s.  of  Edmund  (i594-5)- 

Doubtless  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  12,  1612.    Knighted, 

Apr.  n,   1617.    DroviTied  in  France.    Probably  brother  of 

PhiUp  (1611)  and  James  (1636-7).   (Stonehouse,  Axhohne.) 
SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1620.  S.  of  William  (?  1586),  V.  of  Ely,  Cambs.  B.A.  1622-3. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1623.   P.C. 

of  Little  Raveley,  Hunts.,  1638-70.   Probably  died  c.  1670. 

SHEFFELD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1637; 
B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1642.  R.  of 
Bowden  Magna,  Leics.,  1644.  R.  of  Ibstock,  1648-62, 
ejected.  Retired  to  Kibworth.  Died  there  1673-  Father  of 
John,  nonconformist  divine,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.  (Calamy, 
II.  116;  Shaw,  I.  357;  Nicholls,  11.  562.) 

SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Pembroke, 
June  23,  1654.  S.  of  Edward  (?  1622),  clerk.  B.  at  Skage(?), 
Cornwall.  Matric.  1656-7;  B.A.  1657-8.  One  of  these  names 
of  Ashton,  Devon,  clerk.  Admon.  (Exeter)  1671. 

SHEFFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1660.  S.  of  George,  gent.  B.  at  Lyddington,  Rutland. 
School,  Uppingham.   Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1663-4. 


SHEFFORTH,  henry.  B.Can.L.  1503-4  (allowed  to  change 
from  arts  to  law) . 


SHIELD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  22, 
1747.  S.  of  John,  of  London.  B.  Aug.  21,  1728.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  i747;  Scholar,  1750;  B.A.  1750- 
1;  M.A.  1758.   Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  24,  1752. 

SHEILD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  26, 
i6io.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Preston,  Rutland. 
School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Burrowes).  Matric.  1610;  Scholar, 
1613-7;  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1620. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15;  priest,  June  16,  1617.  R-  of 
Hallaton  (South  mediety),  Leics.,  1627-43.  Buried  there 
Feb.  16,  1643-4.   (Venn,  i.  208;  Nicols,  11.  6oi.) 

SHEILD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  7, 
1709.  S.  of  Benjamin,  gent.  B.  at  Uppingham,  Rutland. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  21,  1713-4;  priest  (London)  Sept.  25,  1715- 

SHIELD  or  SHIELDS,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  14,  1740-1.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Durham.  Bapt.  Apr. 
16,  1722,  at  St  Nicholas,  Durham.  School,  Durham  (Mr 
Dongworth).  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5-  Ord.  deacon 
(Durham)  Sept.  1745;  priest,  Nov.  2,  1746.  C.  of  Ford, 
Durham.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1755. 

SHEELD,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  12,  1633. 
S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Wing,  Rutland.  School,  Upping- 
ham (Mr  Johnson).  Matric.  1633;  Scholar,  1635-9;  B.A. 
1636-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9.  Buried 
July  23,  1639,  at  Gt  St  Mary's,  Cambridge.   (Venn,  i.  309.) 

SHIELDS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1613; 
B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1618; 
priest,  Sept.  1619. 

SHEILD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  May  6, 
1677.  S.  of  WiUiam.  School,  Uppingham,  Rutland.  Matric. 
1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  Probably  brother  of  the  next 
and  of  WiUiam  (1668). 

SHEILD,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
July  5,  1678.  S.  of  William.  B.  in  Rutland.  School,  Upping- 
ham (Mr  Stockman).  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686. 
V.  of  Wilbarston,  Northants.,  1686-9.  V.  of  Weston-by- 
Welland,  1691-7.   Died  1697.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 


Sheild,  William 

SHEILD,  WILLIAM.  Adin.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Jesus,  June  i8, 
1668.  Of  Rutland.  Doubtless  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Preston, 
Rutland.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1668.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1668.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

SHEILD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.  26,  1710. 
Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above).  B.  at  Preston,  Rutland. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1717;  priest,  June  7,  1718; 
C.  of  Ayston,  Rutland,  1717.  R.  of  Saddington,  Leics., 
1724-32-  Buried  there  Aug.  14,  1732.  M.I.  {Niclwls,  11.  779.) 

SHELBERY,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  19,  1660. 
Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  St  Clement  Danes. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Jan.  21,  1662-3.  Signs  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Feb.  18, 
1664-5.  Probably  migrated  to  O.xford;  matric.  (Queen's 
College,  Oxford)  June  3,  1663,  age  18.  Brother  of  the  next. 
One  of  these  names  s.  of  Francis;  bapt.  at  Croydon,  July 
28,  1646.  {Vis.  of  Middlesex,  1664;  Coll.  Top.  et  Gen.,  iii. 

SHELBERRY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Nov.  9,  1654. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  St  Clement  Danes,  London.  Matric. 
1656;  B.A.  1658.  Cursitor  for  London  and  Middlesex.  Age 
26  in  1664.  Brother  of  Isaac  (above).  {Vis.  of  Middlesex, 

SHELDON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1697.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  York.  School, 
Threshfield  (Mr  Motley).   Matric.  1698. 

SHELDON,  DORMER.  LL.B.  1728  {Com.  Reg.).  Doubtless  s. 
of  Francis,  of  Abberton,  Worcs.,  gent.  Matric.  (Merton 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  28,  1718,  age  16.  Ord.  deacon 
(Worcester)  May  28,  1727;  priest,  June  16,  1728.  R.  of 
Church  Lench,  Worcs.,  1728-72.  R.  of  Shenington,  Oxon., 
1738-72.  Chaplain  to  Lady  Lechmere.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1772. 
(F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SHELDON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  lo, 
1724.  S.  of  William,  merchant,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1725;  B.A.  1727-8;  M.A.  1737.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln,  Lilt.  dim.  from  Rochester)  Mar.  2,  1728-9. 
V.  of  Edwardstone,  Suffolk,  1736-77.  Married,  at  Stanton, 
Suffolk,  Dec.  14,  1744,  Hester,  dau.  of  Gamaliel  Capell. 
Buried  at  Stanton,  Sept.  12,  1777.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1778. 
(T.  T.  Methold.) 

SHELDON,  GILBERT.  B.A.  1619  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Roger,  of  Stanton,  Staffs.  B.  1597.  Matric.  (Oxford)  1614; 
B.A.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1617;  M.A.  1620;  B.D.  1628; 
D.D.  1634.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  1622;  Warden,  1635-48, 
1660-1.  Chancellor  of  Oxford  University,  1667-9.  Built  the 
Sheldonian  Theatre  at  Oxford;  opened,  1669.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  7,  1663-4.  V.  of  Hackney,  1633-6.  Canon 
of  Gloucester,  1633-60.  R.  of  Oddington,  Oxon.,  1636.  R.  of 
Ickford,  Bucks.,  1636;  of  Newington,  Oxon.,  1639.  Dean  of 
the  Chapel  Royal,  1660-3.  Chaplain  to  the  King,  1660-3. 
Bishop  of  London,  1660-3.  Archbishop  of  Canterbury, 
1663-77.  F.R.S.,  1665.  Died  Nov.  9,  1677.  Buried  at 
Croydon,  Surrey.   M.I.   {D.N. B. ;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SHELDON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  3, 
1701-2.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman.  B.  at  Trysull,  near 
Wolverhampton,  Staffs.  School,  Pattingham  (Mr  Green). 

SHELDON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  12, 
1654.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Boningale,  Salop.  School,  Wolver- 
hampton. Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1663  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1671.  R.  of  Alphington,  Devon,  1669. 
Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1662. 

SHELDON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb. 
16,  1655-6.  S.  of  Edward,  ironmonger,  of  Wolverhampton, 
Staffs.  B.  there.  School,  Wolverhampton  (Mr  Rawlet). 
Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60.   Died  Feb.  1685-6. 

SHELDRAKE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1705. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  Michs.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715. 
Fellow,  1713-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  25,  1715;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1716.  R.  of  Little  Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  1718-51. 
V.  of  Grantchester,  1718-51.  Died  1751,  aged  59.  Buried  at 
Newton,  Isle  of  Ely.   {Masters.) 

SHELDRAKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  30, 
1665.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  citizen  of  Norwich.  School,  Baw- 
burgh,  Norfolk  (Mr  Tennison).  Matric.  1665;  Scholar,  1666. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  25,  1667.   {Venn,  i.  425.) 

SHELDRAKE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1654.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661;  B.D. 
1669.  Fellow,  1663,  till  his  death,  in  1720.  Signed  for 
deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  23,  1664. 

SHELDRAKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  5, 
1643.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Brisley,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1643;  Scholar,  1644-8; 
B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  1650.  Perhaps  R.  of  Reepham,  Norfolk, 
1653-62,  ejected.  Assistant  minister  at  Wisbech,  in  1657. 
Minister  of  Yarmouth,  1670-^.  85.  Probably  died  c.  1685. 
{Venn,  1.  349.) 

Shelmerdine,  John 

SHELDRAKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct.  31, 
1648.  S.  of  William,  druggist,  of  Fakenham,  Norfolk. 
Schools,  Fakenham  (Mr  Wells),  Sculthorpe  (Mr  Turner)  and 
Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1648;  Scholar,  1650-4; 
B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656.  Fellow,  1654-8.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Norwich)  Nov.  10,  1661.  R.  of  St  Mary's  and  All 
Saints',  Barton  Bendish,  Norfolk,  1658-98.  Father  of  the 
next.   (Venn,  i.  373.) 

SHELDRAKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov. 
26,  1679.  S.  of  William  (above),  R.  of  Barton  Bendish, 
Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  Thetford  (Mr  Keene).  Matric. 
1679;  Scholar,  1679-81.   (Venn,  i.  463.) 

SHELDRAKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  1696;  Scholar, 


SHELFORD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  30, 
1580.  Matric.  1580;  Scholar,  1581-6;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A. 
1587.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  6,  1587.  Per- 
haps V.  of  Berden,  Essex,  1592.  R.  of  Ringsfield  and  Little 
Redisham,  Suffolk,  1599-1627.  Died  1627,  aged  64.  Will, 

SHELFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  9, 
1740-1.  S.  of  Leonard,  brewer,  of  Thetford.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Thetford  (Mr  Price)  and  Bury.  Matric.  1741; 
Scholar,  1741-6;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1750.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Feb.  23,  1745-6;  priest  (Ely)  June  5,  1748.  R.  of 
North  and  West  Tuddenham,  Norfolk,  1750-95.  V.  of  Stow 
Bedon,  1750-95.  Lecturer  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Thetford, 
1769-95.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Heard,  of 
East  Lexham.  Died  June  29,  1795,  aged  72.  M.I.  at  North 
Tuddenham.   {Venn,  11.  48.) 

SHELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1579.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Frampton,  Lines.,  1591-1619. 

SHELLEY,  JAMES.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1590;  B.A.  1590-1; 
M.A.  1594.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1598.  R.  of  Shalden,  Hants., 

SHELLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Sept. 
17,  1748.  S.  of  Sir  John,  4th  Bart.,  of  Michelgrove,  Sussex. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1748.  M.P.  for  Retford,  1751- 
68;  for  Newark,  1768-74;  for  Shoreham,  1774-80.  Keeper 
of  the  Records  in  the  Tower,  1755-83.  Clerk  of  the  Pipe, 
1758-83.  Treasurer  of  the  Household,  1766-77,  and  Privy 
CounciUor,  1766.  Succeeded  as  5th  Bart.,  Sept.  6,  1771. 
Married  (1)  Wilhelmina,  dau.  of  John  NewTiham,  of  Mares- 
field  Park,  Sussex;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Woodcock, 
of  Lincoln's  Inn.  Died  Sept.  11,  1783.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Burke; 

SHELLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  11, 
i6i6.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Patcham,  Sussex.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  20,  1601.  Matric.  1616;  Scholar;  B.A.  1619-20; 
M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19;  priest,  Sept.  20, 
1624.  V.  of  Wolstanton,  Staffs.,  1643-5,  ejected.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1614).   (Horsfield,  Lewes,  180.) 

SHELEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1592.  Perhaps 
s.  of  John,  of  Exning,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598; 
B.D.  1605;  D.D.  1619.  Fellow,  1597-1614.  V.  of  All  Saints', 
Cambridge,  1606-12.  V.  of  Whittlesford,  Cambs.,  1611-2. 
R.  of  Barton  Mills,  Suffolk,  1611.  R.  of  Gt  Saxham,  1615-45. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1639).  (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  A. 

SHELLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  17, 
1614.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Patcham,  Sussex. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Stevens,  of  Lypcate,  Gloucs., 
Attorney-General  to  Prince  Henry.  Died  s.p.,  Dec.  2,  1620, 
aged  23.  M.I.  at  St  Alban's,  Wood  Street,  London.  (Hors- 
field, Lewes,  178.) 

SHELLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  i6, 
1639.  S.  of  Thomas  (c.  1592),  D.D.,  R.  of  Barton  Mills, 
Suffolk.  B.  there.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Dickeson). 
Matric.  1639.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Aug.  5,  1640.  Scholar, 
1640-2.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  18,  1641-2.  Of  Banstead 
and  Nether  Hall,  Tuddenham.  Died  Oct.  1680.  (Ffnn,  1.340; 
Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

SHELMERDINE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
May  22,  1652.  S.  of  Thomas  (1618),  V.  of  Crich,  Derbs. 
B.  there,  Jan.  1,  1636.  School,  Rcpton.  Matric.  1652;  B.A. 
1655-6;  M.A.  1659.  Ord.  presbyterian  at  Wirksworth,  May 
20,  1657.  Chaplain  to  Colonel  Green,  at  Moseley,  Worcs. 
Minister  of  Barrow  and  Twyford,  near  Derby,  till  1662, 
ejected;  often  imprisoned.  Died  at  Findem,  near  Derby, 
Oct.  22,  1699.   Buried  there.   (Peile,  i.  548.) 

SHELMERDINE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
May  19,  1675.  S.  of  William,  deceased.  B.  in  Lancashire. 
School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 
Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  19,  1686.  Head  Master  of  Bolton- 
le-Moors  Grammar  School,  1687-1705.   Died  1705. 


Shelmerdine,  Thomas 

SHELMARDINE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July, 
1618.  B.  in  Lancashire.  B.A.  1621-2.  V.  of  Crich,  Derbs., 
1629;  of  Matlock,  1650,  ejected.  Silenced,  in  1662.  Retired 
to  Wirksworth.  Married  Faith,  dau.  of  Richard  Wigley,  of 
Wigwall,  Feb.  17,  1633.  Died  c.  1662.  Father  of  Daniel 
(1652).   (Peile,  I.  325.) 

SHELMERDINE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  2, 
1670.  Of  Derbyshire. 

SHELTON,  see  also  SKELTON. 

SHELTON,  CHARLES.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1679. 

Of  Norfolk.   4th  s.  of  Maurice,  of  Bamingham,  Suffolk,  Esq. 

Died  s.p.  Buried  at  Shelton,  Norfolk,  Nov.  30,  1710.  Brother 

of  Maurice  (i666)  and  Robert  (1675).   (Vis.  ojf  Norfolk,  11. 

SHELTON,  GEORGE.   Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  4, 

1724-5.  Of  Westminster.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of 

St  James',  Westminster.   Matric.  1724.   Adm.  at  the  Inner 

Temple,  Jan.  21,  1726. 

SHELTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  6,  1703. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Bamingham,  Suffolk.  B.  c.  1686.  School, 
Bury.  Matric.  1703.  Went  into  the  army  and  died  young. 
Brother  of  Maurice  (1701).   {Bury  School;  S.H.A.H.) 

SHELTON,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  20,  1647. 
Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2. 

SHELTON,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1584-5.  Licensed  to  teach 
grammar  at  Long  Melford,  Suffolk;  perhaps  C.  there. 

SHELTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  23, 
1617.  S.  of  Edmund,  of  London.  Matric.  1618;  Scholar, 
1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1626.  Perhaps  V.  of  Stanford, 
Norfolk,  1628;  R.  of  Reade,  Suffolk,  1634-9.  One  of  these 
names,  'M.A.,'  R.  of  Kirby  Underdale,  Yorks.,  1639. 

SHELTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  30,  1674. 
Of  Staffordshire,  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  West  Bromwich, 
Staffs.;  age  3  in  1663.  Matric.  1675.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Richard  (1682).   {Staffs.  Pedigrees.) 

SHELTON,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  July, 
1695;  Scholar.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  West  Brom- 
wich, Staffs.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  11,  1695. 

SHELTON,  MAURICE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  11, 
1666.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Maurice,  of  Bamingham, 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1666-7.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  29,  1670. 
Of  Bamingham,  Esq.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of  Robert 
Appleton,  of  Gt  Waldingfield,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Died  Oct.  7, 
1680.  Buried  at  Shelton.  Brother  of  Charles  {1679)  and 
Robert  (1675). 

SHELTON,  MAURICE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
May  22,  1701.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Bamingham,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  Bapt.  Oct.  2,  1683.  School,  Bury  (Mr  Leeds). 
Matric.  1701.  Deputy-Lieutenant  for  Suffolk,  1727.  Of 
Bamingham  Holt,  Suffolk.  Married  three  wives.  Author, 
miscellaneous.  Died  at  Bury,  July  31,  1749.  M.I.  at  Shelton. 
Will  proved  (Bury)  Aug.  28,  1749.  Brother  of  Henry  (1703). 
(Venn,  1.  507;  Vis.  of  Norfolk,  11.  352.) 

SHELTON,  PETER.  Of  Trinity  Hall.  Proctor,  1391-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  18,  1400;  priest,  Apr.  2,  1401.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1436; '  Treasurer  of  Chichester  (sic);  of  Carlton  Rode, 
Norfolk.'  One  of  these  names,  LL.B.,  Commissary  of  Alex- 
ander, Bishop  of  Norwich,  in  1408. 

SHELTON  or  SHELDON,  RICHARD.  University  Counsel, 
1625-31.  S.  of  John,  mercer,  of  Birmingham,  Warws. 
Knighted,  Oct.  1625.  Solicitor-General,  1625-34.  M.P.  for 
Bridgnorth,  1626,  1628-9.  K.C.,  1634.  Married  Lettice, 
dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Fisher,  of  Packington,  Warws.  Died  Dec. 
1647.  {D.N.B.;  Staffs.  Pedigrees,  1664-1700;  Vis.  of  Norfolk, 
II.  354-) 

SHELTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  14,  1682. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  John,  late  of  Bromwich  Hall,  Staffs.,  Esq., 
deceased.  Matric.  1682;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A.  1685-6.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1684-5,  and  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
May  24,  1692.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1674). 

SHELTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Apr.  28,  1675.  3rd 
s.  of  Maurice,  Esq.,  of  Thetford,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Norton, 
Norfolk.  Schools,  Thetford  (Mr  Keene)  and  Norwich.  Matric. 
1675;  Scholar,  1675-80;  M.B.  i68o.  Died  in  College.  Buried 
at  St  Michael's,  May  12,  1682.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1683. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1679)  and  Maurice  (i666).  {Venn,  i. 

SHELTON,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Nov.  15,  1707. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Theophilus,  J. P.,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A. 
from  Magdalene,  1715.   Fellow  of  Magdalene,  1712. 

SHELTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1607-8.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1611-2. 

Shepherd,  Barnabas 

SHELTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1650. 
Of  Brentwood,  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1650;  B.A. 
1653-4;  Scholar,  1654;  M.A.  1657.  Fellow,  1655-63.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1660.  V.  of  Gt  Bursted,  Essex,  1661-70.  V.  of 
St  James',  Colchester,  1670-99.  V.  of  Stisted,  1691-9. 
Buried  at  St  James',  Colchester,  Oct.  23,  1699.  Father  of 
William  (1683).  (A.  Gray.) 

SHELTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  11,  1683. 
S.  of  William  (1650),  R.  of  St  James',  Colchester,  Essex. 
School,  Colchester.  Matric.  1683;  Exhibitioner,  1686.  Died 
in  College.   Buried  in  the  Chapel,  Nov.  24,  1686.   (A.  Gray.) 

SHELTON  or  SHECKLETON,  .    B.A.  1479-80,  'Skelton'; 

M.A.  1485. 

SHELTON, .  B.Can.L.  1481. 

SHELTON,  .    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  July  13, 

SHEMELD,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  21,  1647. 

Of  Yorkshire.    Matric.  1646.    For  a  pedigree  of  Shemeld  of 

Sheffield,  see  F.M.G.,  738. 

SHEMELD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  17,  1641- 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5. 

SHENK  or  SHENKIN,  ISAIAH.  Incorp.  from  Cologne,  1467-8; 
D.Can.L.  1470-1. 

SHENKIN  or  SHENKWYN,  THOMAS.  B.Civ.L.  1472-3; 
D.Can.L.  1480-1.  Probably  Master  of  St  Leonard's  Hospital, 
Bedford,  1485-93.  Chancellor  of  Norwich  diocese,  1491-5. 
Archdeacon  of  Sudbury,  1493-7.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1497;  'LL.D., 
of  St  Giles'  Hospital,  Norwich.'  Died  1497.  (H.  G.  Harrison; 

A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SHENKIN,  WILLIAM.   Com.  for  B.A.  1467-8. 

SHENTON,  PAUL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  28, 
1745.  S.  of  Samuel  (1708),  of  EweU,  Surrey.  Educated  at 
the  School  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford.  Matric.  1745-6;  B.A. 
1750-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1753;  priest,  Dec.  24, 
1758.  Brother  of  the  next. 

SHENTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  26, 
1745.  S.  of  Samuel  (1708),  of  Ewell,  Surrey.  School,  Christ 
Church  School,  Oxford.  Doubtless  matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  July  9,  1746;  'S.  of  Samuel,  of  Hagboume,  Berks., 
clerk';  B.A.  (Oxford)  1750.  Brother  of  Paul  (above).  {Al. 

SHENTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  2, 
1708.  S.of  Samuel,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1709;  Scholar,  1709;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.  Fellow,  1714. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  19,  1714;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1715. 
V.  of  Minehead,  Somerset,  1722-3.  V.  of  Ewell,  Surrey, 
1723-48.  R.  of  St  John's,  Wapping,  Middlesex,  1724-48. 
Died  1748.  Father  of  Robert  (1745)  and  Paul.  See  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary.   {Al.  Westmon.,  250;  Hennessy.) 

SHENTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  2,  1645. 
Of  Cheshire.  Possibly  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Croft,  Cheshire,  in 
1591.  Matric.  1645.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  John,  of 
Burland,  Leics.,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1647-8. 

SHEPHEARD,  ABEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  ly)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  30, 
1649.    S.  of  Richard   (1612-3),   R.  of  Bennington,   Lines. 

B.  there.  School,  Homcastle  (Mr  Nottingham).  Matric. 
1650;  B.A.  1653.  Perhaps  succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of 
Bennington,  1666.    {Peile,  1.  531.) 

SHEPPARD,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  5, 
1614.  2nd  s.  of  Owen,  Esq.,  of  Kirby  Bedon,  Norfolk. 
School,  Norwich  (Mr  Thorton).  Matric.  1614.  Chosen  register 
of  the  parish  of  Kirby  St  Andrew,  1653.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1612)  and  Bamey  (1622).   {Venn,  1.  227;  Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

SHEPHERD,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1662. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1662.  Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cambridge, 
July  23,  1663. 

SHEPHERD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1740.  S.  of  Arthur,  of  Westmorland.  B.  at  Kendal. 
School,  Kendal  (Mr  Towers).  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4; 
M.A.  from  Christ's,  1747;  B.D.  1761;  D.D.  1766.  FeUow  of 
Christ's,  1746-83.  Plumian  Professor  of  Astronomy,  1760-96. 
Ord.  priest  (London)  Feb.  23,  1745-6.  V.  of  Croxton, 
Norfolk,  1756-8;  of  Boum,  Cambs.,  1758-63.  R.  of  Barton 
Mills,  Suffolk,  1763-82.  F.R.S.,  1763.  Master  of  Mechanics 
to  George  III,  1768-96.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1777-96.  R.  of 
Eastling,  Kent,  1782-96.  R.  of  Hartley  Wespall,  Hants., 
1792-6.  Died  unmarried,  June  15,  1796.  Portrait  in  the 
University  Library.   WiU,  P.C.C.   {D.N. B.;  Peile,  u.  2^1.) 

SHEPPARD,  BARNABAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1564.  B.  in  London.  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571;  B.D.  1578. 
Fellow,  1573-80.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jan.  6,  1573-4; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  27,  1576-7.  R.  of  Ackworth,  Yorks., 
1578-85.  R.  of  Foston,  1583-7.  R.  of  Bulmer  1585-7. 
Died  1587. 



Shepherd,  Barney 

SHEPPARD,  BARNEY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  May  15, 
1622.  6th  s.  of  Owen,  gent.,  of  Buckenham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Thorton).  Matric.  1622;  Scholar,  1623-9;  B.A. 
1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  2,  1633-4; 
priest,  June  i,  1634.  C.  of  Whitlingham,  Norfolk,  in  1636. 
Sequestered  from  Ranworth,  in  1645.  V.  of  Upton  and  R.  of 
FJshley,  1647.  Buried  at  Fishley,  Feb.  26,  1656-7.  Will 
proved  (London)  Mar.  11,  1656-7.  Brother  of  Ambrose 
(1614)  and  Robert  (1612).   {Venn,  i.  256.) 

SHEPHARD,  benjamin.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c. 
1593.  Perhaps  s.  of  Nicholas  (1549).  Bapt.  Jan.  13,  1576-7, 
at  Peterborough.  B.A.  1596-7. 

SHEPHERD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Christ's, 
May  25,  1725.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Hill-upon-Coat,  Salop. 
School,  Mavesyn  Ridware  (Mr  Stephenson).  Matric.  1726; 
Scholar,  1727;  B.A.  1728-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford)  Oct. 
1729;  priest,  Aug.  1731.   (Peile,  11.  210.) 

SHEPPARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
July  I,  1664.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Hilton,  Hunts.  B.  there. 
School,  Huntingdon.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1667-8.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  16,  1665-6. 

SHEPPARD,   CHRISTOPHER.     Matric.   pens,   from  Christ's, 

Mar.  1580-1.  Of  Leicestershire. 
SHEPHERD,  EDMUND.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1566;    perhaps   scholar   from    Westminster,    'Giles';    B.A. 


SHEPHERD,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1622  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Cumberland,  pleb.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  July  3, 
1612,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Fellow  of 
Queen's  College,  Oxford.  Died  1625.  Will  proved  (Chan- 
cellor's Court,  Oxford)  Nov.  21,  1625.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SHEAPARD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  30,  1658.  Matric.  1658.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Shirley,  Derbs.;  R.  of  Seaton,  Rutland,  1674-82.   Died  1682. 

SHEPHERD,  EDMUND.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1659.    Of 

Suffolk.    S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Mendlesham,   Suffolk. 

B.  there,  June  23,   1641.    High  Sheriff  for  Suffolk,   1689. 

Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Coell,  Knt.,  Apr.  3,  1666. 

Died  July  20,  1708,  aged  66.   M.I.  at  Mendlesham.   Brother 

of  John  (1659)  and  probably  father  of  John  (1690).   (Vis.  of 

Suffolk,  1664;  G.  Mag.,  1830,  398.) 
SHEPPARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1607. 

Probably  s.'of  Stephen  (1571).   B.  at  Long  Melford,  Suffolk. 

B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  161 1; 

priest  (London)  Mar.  12,  1619-20,  age  28;  'C.  of  St  Laurence, 

Hertford.'   V.  of  Gt  Maplestead,  Essex,  1639. 
SHEPHERD,  EDWARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  10, 

1721.    B.  in  Lincolnshire.    Matric.  1723;  LL.B.  1727.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1724;  priest,  Dec.  i8,  1726. 

SHEPHEARD,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Apr.  12, 

1734.  B.  in  London.     . 
SHEPARD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1576; 

B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.    Under-usher  of  St  Paul's  School, 

SHEPHERD,  GEORGE.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June, 

1672.    S.   of   Hugh,   husbandman.    B.   at   Sutton,   Notts. 

School,  Sutton  (Mr  Rayner).   Matric.  1672;  Scholar,  1672-6; 

B.A.  1675-6. 
SHEPPARD,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Aug.  20,  1674. 

Of  Doncaster.   S.  of  Edward,  alderman.   Matric.  1674;  B.A. 

1678-9;  M.A.  1682.    Fellow,   1681-90.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1682.  Buried  at  Grantchester,  Cambs.,  Oct.  16,  1690.    M.I. 

Brother  of  James  (1666). 
SHEPHEARD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar. 

22,   1732-3.    S.  of  Samuel,  of  Springfield,  Essex.    School, 

Westminster.    Matric.   1733;  Scholar,   1733;  B.A.   1736-7; 

M.A.  1740.  Adm.  at  Lincoki's  Inn,  Mar.  28,  1735. 
SHEPHERD,  HENRY.   M.A.  from  King's,  1728.  S.  of  Richard, 

of  Clebbume,  Westmorland,  clerk,  Matric.  (Queen's  College, 

Oxford)  May  11,  1719,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1724-5.    [Al. 


SHEPPARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  9, 

1666.    S.   of  Edward,   alderman   of   Doncaster.    B.   there. 

School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1667,  'John';  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A. 

1674.    Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1675.    Brother  of  George 

SHEPPARD,   JOHN.    Adm.   pens,   at   Emmanuel,    Mar.    20, 

1592-3.   Matric.  c.  1593. 
SHEPPARD,   JOHN.    Adm.   pens,   at   Peterhouse,   Jan.    11, 

1594-5-  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Mendlesham,  Suffolk.  Matric. 

c.  1595.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  12,  1595-6.  One  of  these 

names  purchased  the  manor  of  Campsey  Ash,  1652.    Died 

Feb.  14,  1669.  M.I.  at  Ash.  Perhaps  father  of  John  (1623-4). 

(G.  Mag.,  1830,  399.) 

Shepherd,  Richard 

SHEPPARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1597-8; 

B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Calkwell, 

Lines.,   1618-21.    Perhaps  of  Panton,  Lines.,  clerk.    Will 

(Lincoln)  1631. 
SHEPPARD,    JOHN.     Matric.    pens,    from   Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1622.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1625-6. 
SHEPPARD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1623-4. 

Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1594-5),  of  Mendlesham,  Suffolk,  gent. 

B.  Mar.  25,  1607.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  19,  1626-7. 

One  of  these  names,  of  Ash,  died  unmarried,  June  11,  1671. 

M.I.  at  Ash.   (G.  Mag.,  1830,  399.) 
SHEPHEARD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,   at  Emmanuel,   Mar.  31, 

1629.    Of  Suffolk.    Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4,  1637. 
SHEPPARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1659.    Doubtless  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Mendlesham,  Suffolk. 

B.A.  1662-3.  Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  Oct.  20,  1664. 

Brother  of  Edmund  (1659). 
SHEPHARD,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  Pembroke,  June  16,  1659;  B.A. 

1662-3.   Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Bishop  of  Galloway)  Feb.  25, 

1661-2.    V.  of  Wood  Ditton,  Cambs.,  1662.    One  of  these 

names,  'B.A.,'  R.  of  Caterham,  Surrey,  1667-81. 
SHEPHEARD,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  25,  1664.   Of 

Lancashire.    Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  May  17,  1668;  priest  (London)  Sept.  1670; 

'C.  of  Epping.'  Perhaps  V.  of  Charing,  Kent,  1674-8,  'M.A.' 
SHEPARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  i,  i666.   Of 

Suffolk.     Matric.    1667;   B.A.    1669-70;   M.A.    1673.     Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1673;  priest,  Sept.  1677.    Perhaps 

R.  of  Sanderstead,  Surrey,  1679-1705.    R.  of  Wethersdale, 

Suffolk,  1681.  Buried  at  Sanderstead,  June  5,  1705. 

SHEPHEARD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1674. 

SHEPHERD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1690.  Of 
Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Edmund  (1659),  of  High  House, 
Campsey  Ash,  and  of  Mendlesham.  B.  1675.  School,  Bury. 
High  Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1709-14.  Married  (1)  Anne,  Dowager 
Countess  of  Leicester,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Reeve,  Bart.; 
(2)  Hannah  Wilmot.  Died  Oct.  18,  1747,  aged  72.  Buried 
at  Mendlesham.   M.I.   (G.  Mag.,  1830,  399.) 

SHEPHERD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

SHEPPARD,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1718.  1st  s. 
of  Joshua  (1664),  V.  of  Harrowden,  Northants.  Matric. 
(Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  16,  1694-5  (der.  fil.); 
B.A.  (O.xford)  1698.  Ord.  deacon,  Sept.  22,  1700;  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1702;  C.  of  Little  Harrowden,  1700.  V.  of 
Brockhall,  1722-53.  V.  of  Harrowden,  1722-53.  Died 
suddenly  whilst  playing  at  cards.  Buried  Jan.  5,  1753,  at 
BrockhaU.   {Baker,  1.  116;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SHEPHERD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1746.  Of  Kent. 
Matric.  Michs.  1747. 

SHEPHERD,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  29,  1664.  S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  Tilbrook,  Beds. 
B.  there.  School,  Kimbolton  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1664; 
B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1677.  Schoolinaster  of  Guils- 
borough,  Northants.,  1676.  C.  of  Higham  Ferrers,  1679-86. 
V.  of  Harrowden,  1686-1722.  R.  of  Brockhall,  1707-22. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Ward,  of  Brafield-on-the-Green. 
Buried  at  Gt  Harrowden,  Jan.  10,  1722-3.  Will  (Archd. 
Northants.)  1722-3.  Fatherof  John  (1718).  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

SHEPPARD,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1573;  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24, 

SHEPPARD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1549.  Of  Westmorland.  B.  1533.  B.A.  from  St 
John's,  1552-3;  M.A.  1559;  B.D.  from  Trinity,  1568.  Fellow 
of  St  John's,  1553;  reinstated,  1558.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1562. 
Vice-Master  of  Trinity,  1564-9.  Proctor,  1566-7.  Master 
of  St  John's,  1569-74.  Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1561-87. 
R.  of  Hartlebury,  Worcs.,  1561-87.  University  preacher, 
1561,  1566.  Archdeacon  of  Northampton,  1569-87.  R.  of 
Hougham  with  Marston,  Lines.,  till  1587.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1572-87.  Died  July,  1587.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  July  10, 
1587.  Perhaps  father  of  Benjamin  {c.  1593).  (Cooper,  11.  15; 

SHEPHERD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  from  King's,  Lent,  1638-9; 
B.A.  1640-1.  Perhaps  R.  of  Poringland,  Norfolk,  1647-72. 
Died  1672. 

SHEPHERD,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's, 
1665-6;  B.A.  1669-70.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669-70. 

SHEAPHEARD,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1629. 

SHEPPARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1579.  Of  Essex. 


Shepherd,  Richard 

SHEAPHERD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1583;  B.A.  1586-7.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Carlisle) 
Nov.  3,  1587;  priest,  Mar.  16,  1588. 

SHEPPARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1588;  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1595. 
Perhaps  P.C.  of  Northaw,  Herts.,  1604-29. 

SHEPHARD,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  c.  1596. 

SHEPARD,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1612-3 ;  M.A.  1616. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Simon,  yeoman  of  Bennington,  Lines.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1616.  R.  of 
Bennington,  1619;  still  there,  1641.  Licensed  (Lincoln) 
May  9,  1626,  to  marry  Mary  Westland,  of  Bennington, 
spinster.  Benefactor  to  Christ's.  Father  of  Abel  (1649). 
(Peile,  I.  277.) 

SHEPHEARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  6,  1701.  S.  of  Richard,  clerk.  B.  at  Thruxton,  Hants. 
School,  Salisbury  (Mr  Hardwyck).  Matric.  1702.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Feb.  16;  priest,  Feb.  19,  1706-7. 

SHEPHERD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
May  29,  1713.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Kendal,  Westmorland. 
B.  there.  School,  Kendal.  Matric.  1713;  M.B.  1719.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1709). 

SHEPPARD,  ROBERT.  Perhaps  B.A.  1457-8  (fined  for  non- 
determination).  Probably  a  member  of  Peterhouse.  V. 
of  Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.,  in  1450-61.  One  of  these  names, 
'  B.D.,'  R.  of  St  Stephen's,  Coleman  Street,  London,  1478-86. 
Died  Sept.  or  Oct.  i486.  Will,  Comm.  London. 

SHEPPARD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1579.  B.  at  Tenterden,  Kent.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  25,  1582,  from  Staple  Inn. 

SHEPERD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1611;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec. 
24,  1615.  R.  of  Hepworth,  Suffolk,  1618-42,  ejected;  re- 
stored, 1660-72.  Buried  there  Mar.  5,  1672-3.  Perhaps 
father  of  Robert  (1646).   {Peile,  i.  284.) 

SHEPPERD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
June  16,  1612.  S.  and  h.  of  Owen,  Esq.,  of  Kirby  Bedon, 
near  Norwich.  Schools,  Bramerton  and  Norwich  (Mr 
Thornton).  Matric.  1613;  B.A.  1614-5.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Ian,  Nov.  21,  1612.  Of  Kirby  Bedon,  Esq.  Brother  of 
Ambrose  (1614)  and  Barney  (1622).  [Venn,  1.  218;  Vis.  of 

SHEPHARD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1646.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (i6ii),  of 
Stanton,  Suffolk,  clerk.  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  24,  1648. 

SHEPHERD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  12,  1686. 
Of  Lancashire. 

SHEPHARD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  4, 
1701-2.   Matric.  1702. 

SHEPPARD,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 

SHEPARD,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1571;  B..\.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Perhaps  father  of  Edward 

SHEPHERD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1614;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar. 
17;  priest.  Mar.  18,  1621-2.  Perhaps  R.  of  Graffham,  Himts., 
1622-43,  deprived. 

SHEPPARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  10, 
1619-20.  S.  of  William,  grocer,  of  Towcester,  Northants. 
B.  there,  Nov.  5,  1605.  School,  Towcester.  Matric.  1620; 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  12; 
priest,  July  13,  1627.  Lecturer  at  Earls  Colne,  Essex. 
Reprimanded  by  Laud  for  his  Puritan  activities  and  pro- 
hibited from  exercising  as  a  minister  in  the  diocese  of  London. 
Became  chaplain  to  Sir  Richard  Darley,  Knt.,  of  Butter- 
crambe,  Yorks.;  preached  surreptitiously  in  that  region  till 
forced  by  persecution  to  flee  to  Heddon,  near  Newcastle-on- 
Tyne.  Emigrated  to  New  England.  Arrived  in  Boston, 
Oct.  3,  1635,  and  proceeded  to  NewtowTi  (aftenvaids  changed 
to  Cambridge  in  honour  of  Sheppard),  Mass.  Pastor  of  the 
Cambridge  Church,  1636-49.  Took  a  leading  part  in  es- 
tablishing Harvard  College.  Held  in  high  esteem  by  his 
contemporaries.  Author,  religious.  Died  Aug.  25,  1649. 
(J.  G.  Bartlett;  D.N.B.) 

SHEPARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1627;  Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1631-2. 

SHEPPARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  as  M.A.  at  Emmanuel,  1645. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  One  of  these  names  (Shepard),  B.A.  from 
St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford,  1633;  M.A.  1635-6;  but  possibly  same 
as  next. 

SHEPHEARD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1657  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  William,  of  Abbotscombe,  Somerset,  pleb.  Matric. 
(Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Sept.  26,  1634,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1636;  M.A.  1642.  Created  B.D.  (Oxford)  1661.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Mawgan  in  Meneage,  Cornwall,  in  1666.  i^Al.  Oxon.) 

Shepley,  John 

SHEPPARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  29,  1677.  Of  Bedfordshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Maulden,  Beds.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  24,  1660.  School,  Potton, 
Beds.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1680-1.  Probably  C.  of  MUlbrook, 
Beds.,  1684-8.  Buried  there  May  4, 1688.  {Geneal.  Bedford., 

SHEPHARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  7,  1680.  S.  of  WilUam  (1649),  clerk,  R.  of  Tilbrook, 
Beds.  B.  there.  School,  Oundle  (Mr  Speed).  Matric.  i68i; 
B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688.  V.  of  St  Neots,  Hunts.,  1690-1707; 
a  non-juror.  Followed  his  father's  example  in  seceding  from 
the  established  church.  Dissenting  minister  at  Bocking, 
Essex,  1700-38.  Author,  sermons.  Died  Jan.  29,  1738-9, 
aged  73.   (David's  Essex;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  vii.  155.) 

SHEPHERD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  2,  1709.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Sizergh-FeU-Side, 
Westmorland.  School,  Kendal  (Mr  More).  Matric.  1709. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1713). 

SHEPHERD,  THOMAS.  Student  of  Clare.  Buried  at  St 
Michael's,  Cambridge,  Apr.  28,  1751. 

SHEPPARDE,  W.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs.  1545. 

SHEPHERD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Sept.  1,  1582.  Of  Littlecote  (or  Lidcote),  Bucks. 
Matric.  1582;  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590;  M.D.  c.  1598.  Fellow, 
1585-99.   Practised  at  Leicester.   (Harwood.) 

SHEPARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1588.  Possibly  s.  of  Adam  (mentioned  in  the  will  (Cons.  C. 
London)  of  Wm.  Shepherd,  R.  of  Heydon,  Essex,  1590). 
Scholar,  1590;  B.A.  1591-2. 

SHEPPARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Lent,  1618-9;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  18,  1624;  priest.  May  9,  1625.  Perhaps  lecturer  in 
Peterborough  Cathedral.  Buried  May  8,  1630,  at  Peter- 

SHEPHARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Perhaps  V.  of  Buxton, 
Norfolk,  1637-42.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Waresley, 
Hunts.,  1663-77.  Died  1677. 

SHEPHEARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  1649.  Of 
Bedfordshire.  Matric.  Easter,  1650;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656. 
Doubtless  R.  of  Tilbrook,  Beds.,  1660-89;  registrar  there, 
in  1653.  Subsequently  became  the  minister  of  a  dissenting 
congregation  at  Oundle,  Northants.  Married  Hannah,  of 
Leonards,  Eastcheap,  London,  Feb.  4,  1657.  Doubtless 
father  of  Thomas  (1680).  (W.  M.  Noble;  Geneal.  Bedford., 
292;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  vii.  156.) 

SHEPHEARD,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Queens',  1691.  S.  of 
James,  of  Chudleigh,  Devon.  Matric.  (Wadham  College, 
O.xford)  Mar.  10,  1675-6,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1679.  R-  of 
West  Worlington,  Devon,  1683.  R.  of  Ashreigney,  1700-48. 
Died  1748.   Will  (Exeter)  1748. 

SHEPPHEARDSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i.:>)  at 
Peterhouse,  Aug.  26,  1697.  Of  Durham.  6th  s.  of  Edward. 
Bapt.  at  Pittington,  June  29,  1680.  School,  Durham.  Died 
unmarried,  Apr.  19,  1715.  Brother  of  Ralph  (1693).  (Surtees, 
I.  115.) 

SHEPPERDSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  17,  1725.  S.  of  Ralph  (1693),  of  Pittington  Hall, 
Durham.  Bapt.  Feb.  2,  1708-9,  at  Pittington.  School, 
Kirkleatham,  Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  George  Baker,  of  CrookhaU, 
June  27,  1738,  at  Pittington.  Buried  Aug.  19,  1776,  at 
Pittington.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SHEPPERDSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  16, 
1629.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  Bapt.  Dec.  27,  1611,  at  Abkettleby, 
Leics.  School,  Melton  (Mr  Humfrey).  Matric.  1629;  B.A. 
1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  R.  of  Broughton  Sulney,  Notts.,  1653- 
79,  and  of  Nether  Broughton,  Leics.  Buried  at  Upper 
Broughton,  Jan.  3,  1680-1.   (Venn,  i.  289.) 

SHIPPHARDSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  20,  1667.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  Apr.  16,  1651,  at  Bishop- 
Wearmouth.  Matric.  1667.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Ralph  Smith,  of  West  Rainton,  Durham,  Feb.  8,  1669,  in 
Durham  .4bbey.  Living,  1713.   (Peile,  n.  10;  Surtees,i.  m.) 

SHIPPERSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  3, 
1693.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Pittington  HaUgarth,  Durham.  Bapt. 
Sept.  10,  1676,  at  Pittington.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Rudd). 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  30,  1694.  Of  Pittington  Hallgarth, 
Esq.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Musgrave,  D.D., 
of  Salkeld,  Cumberland.  Buried  June  17,  1719,  at  Pittington. 
Will  proved  (Durham)  July  13,  1721.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1697),  father  of  Edward  (1725).    (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SHEPLEY,  see  also  SHIPLEY. 

SHEPLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  31 
1655.  S.  of  John,  carpenter,  of  Boston,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  Boston  (Mr  Morton). 


Shepley,  John 

SHEPLEY,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  i733.  S.  of  Samuel,  of 
Manchester.  Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  May  21, 
1726,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1729-30.  V.  of  Felsham,  Suffolk, 
1732-54.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHEPPY  or  SHEPY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7, 
1690.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  Lewisham, 
Kent.  Matric.  1690.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Feb.  i,  1691-2. 
Scholar,  1693;  B.A.  1693-4.  Perhaps  M.A.  1728  (Com.  Reg.). 
V.  of  Gt  Clacton,  Essex,  1703-5.  R.  of  St  Edward  and 
St  Julian,  Norwich,  1704.  R.  of  All  Saints',  1704-37.  R.  of 
Oxnead,  Norfolk,  1709. 

SHEPEI  or  SHEEPEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
Pembroke,  June  27,  1646.  S.  of  Henry,  husbandman.  B. 
in  Warwick.  Matric.  1646.  Buried  in  Little  St  Mary's,  Cam- 
bridge, Aug.  6,  1647,  Shippe.    {E.  Anglian,  11.  12.) 

SHEPPY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June  12, 
1658,  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  Thomas, 
grocer.  B.  at  Holbom,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1661-2. 


SHERBROOKE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1551;  B.A.  1555-6;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1558;  B.D. 
1565;  D.D.  from  Jesus,  1579.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1556-7. 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1557-67.  University  preacher,  1562; 
deprived,  1566.  R.  of  Ashdon,  Essex,  1565.  R.  of  Had- 
stock,  1570-89.  Died  1589.  Will  dated,  Sept.  23,  1589; 
proved  (P.C.C.)  1589-90 ;  mentions  a  brother  Michael  (?  1569) . 

Of  Essex.  M.A.  1499.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1495.  6rd. 
sub-deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  23;  deacon.  Mar.  16,  1498-9.  Preb. 
of  St  Paul's,  1509-30.  R.  of  Woodford,  Essex,  1510.  Of 
Wormley,  Herts.  Possibly  resident  at  King's  Hall,  Sham- 
borough,  1507-30.  Died  Dec.  23,  1530.  Will,  P.C.C. 

SHERBROOKE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1610.   Of  Nottinghamshire. 

SHERBROKE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1569  (adm.  1568).  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Wickers- 
ley,  Yorks.,  1567-1610.  Died  1610.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Edmund  (1551). 

SHERBROOKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  22,  1643-4.  S.  of  Richard,  shepherd,  deceased,  of 
Streatham,  Isle  of  Ely.  B.  there.  School,  West  Wickham, 
Cambs.  (private).   Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647-8. 

SHERBROOK, .  B.A.  1484. 

SHERBROOK, .  M.A.  1496-7. 

SHERBORNE  or  SHYRBORNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Pembroke,  Michs.  1545.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Gt 
Warley,  Essex,  1554-71.  Died  1571.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake.  (But  Foster  apparently  confuses 
two  men.) 

SHERBURN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  24,  1714. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  July,  1718;  priest,  1720-1. 

SHIRBORN,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  31,  1678,  from  Trinity  College  (sic),  Oxford.  Matric. 
(St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  24,  1676,  age  15.  S.  of  Essex, 
of  Pembridge,  Hereford,  gent.  B.  at  Chehvorth,  Somerset. 
School,  Monmouth  (Mr  Basset).  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1680-1; 
M.A.  1684.  R.  of  Pembridge,  Hereford,  1686.  Married  Mary 
van  Hugen  van  Menheid,  of  Stanton-in-Arrow.  Father  of 
William  (1703).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SHERBORNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  21,  1649. 
S.  of  Robert,  V.  of  Brayton,  nearSelby,  Yorks.,  and  grandson 
of  Thomas  (i579)-  Bapt.  May  7,  1635,  at  Barwick  in  Elmete, 
Yorks.  Schools,  Coxwold  (Mr  Smelt)  and  Selby.  Matric. 
1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656.  P.C.  of  Cawood,  Yorks., 
1659-64,  ejected.  Went  to  live  with  his  father  and  assisted 
him  at  Brayton.  Died  of  consumption,  1670-1.  Will  dated, 
Dec.  2,  1670;  proved  (Selby)  May  2,  1671.  Brother  of 
Sydrach  (1675)-   (Calamy,  11.  558;  J.  Parker.) 

SHERBURNE,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  15,  1596. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1596.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  26,  1601;  of  Ribbleton,  Lanes. 

SHEREBORNE,  SYDRACH  (or  SHADRACH).  Adm.  sizar  (age 
18)  at  St  John's,  June  22,  i675-  S.  of  Robert,  clerk,  of  Bray- 
ton, Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Selby.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678- 
9.  Ord. deacon  (York)  June,  i679;priest, June, 1680.  P.C.  of 
Cawood,  Yorks.,  1684,  and  minister  of  Selby,  1698-1701. 
Married  Ann  Rowden,  at  Wistow,  Mar.  10,  1680.  Died 
Nov.  29,  1717.  aged  60.  Buried  at  Cawood.  M.I.  Brother 
of  Robert  (1649).   (W.  Wheater,  Sherburn  and  Cawood,  300.) 

SHIRBURNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1579-  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Sir  Richard, 
of  Stonyhurst,  Lanes.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  1,  1584. 
Of  Eccleston,  Lanes.,  and  of  Twisleton,  Yorks.  Died  Sept.  14, 
1607.   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  J.  Parker.) 

Sherland,  Thomas 

SHERBORNE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sr  John's, 

June  7,  1703.  S.  of  Nicholas  (1678),  clerk.  B.  at  Pembridge, 

Hereford.  School,  Pembridge  (Mr  Graheame).  Matric.  1703. 

Agent  to  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  for  his  Hereford  estates. 

His  translation  of  Horace,  Ars  Poetica,  is  in  the  British 

Museum  (Add.  MSS.  33,498).  Died  insane.   (J.  Parker.) 

SHERBORNE, .   B.Can.L.  1497-8. 


SHERDLY,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  12,  1684.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  Farrington,  Lanes. 

School,  Leyland  (Mr  Wade).    Matric.   1684;  B.A.   1687-8. 

Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  June  10,  1688;  priest  (Chester)  June  15, 

1689.   C.  at  Blackburn,  Lanes.   Buried  there  Dec.  24,  1693. 

(E.  Axon.) 

SHERFIELD,  NICHOLAS.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  1448.   Of  Northamptonshire. 

SHERGOLD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  30,  1679. 
Of  Wiltshire.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  FeUow, 

SHERGOLD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  27,  1707. 
Of  London.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1714-5.  Probably  V.  of 
Preston,  Dorset,  1720-1;  afterwards  R.  of  Devises,  Sussex. 

SHERIFFE,  see  also  SHREVE. 

SHERIFFE  or  SHERIVE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16) 
at  Caius,  July  2,  1667.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Gt  Bradley, 
Suffolk.  IB.  there.  Matric.  1667, 'Shriner';  Scholar,  1668-70; 
B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders 
(Norwich)  Oct.  17,  1670;  ord.  priest,  Sept.  1674.  C.  of 
Kennet,  Suffolk.  R.  of  Hawkchurch,  Dorset,  1677-1727. 
Died  there  Jan.  4,  1727-8.   (Venn,  i.  432.) 

SHERIFFE,  EDMUND.  Master  of  Gonville  Hall,  1472-5. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1458-71.  R.  of  Little  Billing,  Northants., 
1467.  Archdeacon  of  Stow,  Lines.  A  carefiU  compiler  of 
the  College  records.   Died  Sept.  29,  1475.   (Venn,  1.  11.) 

SHERIFF  or  SHEREVE,  JOHN.   B.A.  1501-2. 

SHERIFFE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1655.   Of  Norfolk.   B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661. 

SHERIFF,  THOMAS.  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1461-2. 
Excused  from  congregations,  1473.  V.  of  Cherry  Hinton, 
Cambs.,  1461-4.   Died  1464.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

SHERINGHAM,  JASPER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SHERINGHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  20, 
1657.  S.  of  Christopher,  gent.,  of  Tunstead,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Tunstead  (Mr  Brigges  and  Mr  Hanes)  and 
Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1657;  Scholar,  1657-60. 
Licensed  as  a  literate  schoolmaster,  Aug.  14,  1662.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1662.  R.  of  Irstead, 
Norfolk,  1662-80.  V.  of  Homing,  1662.  C.  of  Hemblington, 
in  1674.  Father  of  the  next.   (Venn,  i.  398.) 

SHERINGHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  5, 
1679.  S.  of  John  (above),  R.  of  Irstead,  Norfolk.  B.  in 
Norwich.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Home  and  Mr  Burton)  and 
North  Walsham  (Mr  Harvey).  Scholar,  1679-87;  Matric. 
1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1687.  Master  at  Lynn  School,  1686. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1689;  'C.  of  East  Walton.' 
(Venn,  i.  463.) 

SHERINGHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  Catharine's, 
Aug.  20,  1730.  Of  Norwich.  Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1734-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1734;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1742. 

SHERINGHAM,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar. 
15,  1618-9.  S.  of  William,  of  Guestwick,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Briggs).  Matric.  1618-9;  Scholar,  1620-6; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Fellow,  1626-51;  ejected  but 
restored,  1660-78.  Proctor,  1644-5.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  28;  priest,  June  29,  1626. 
Retired  to  Holland.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Mar.  4,  1650. 
Taught  Hebrew  and  Arabic  at  Rotterdam  and  in  other  towns. 
Returned  to  England  at  the  Restoration.  Author,  De 
Anglorum  Geniis  Origine,  etc.  Buried  May  2,  1678,  at  St 
Michael's,  Cambridge.   (Venn,  I.  243;  D.N.B.) 

SHERINGHAM,  THOMAS.  ChanceUor  of  the  University, 
1286-7  and  1296-9. 

SHERISEW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  29,  1590. 

SHERLAND,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May, 

SHERLAND  or  SHERLONDE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em- 
manuel, Mar.  26,  1588.  Matric.  1588.  One  of  these  names, 
'of  Suffolk,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  3,  1590-1,  from  Staple 

SHERLAND,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1582. 

SHERLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 


Sherlock,  John 

SHERLOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  28, 
1697-8.  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1701-2.  One  of  these  names, 
F.R.S.,  1715- 

SHERLOCK,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1601-2;  M.A.  1605. 
Bapt.  Aug.  15,  1577,  at  Woodchurch,  Cheshire.  R.  of 
Woodchurch,  1616-43.  Buried  there  Aug.  30,  1643.  (E. 

SHERLOCKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  4, 
1622.  S.of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Haxby,Yorks.  Schools, 
York  (Mr  Johnson)  and  Pocklington  (Mr  Ellcocke).  Matric. 
1622;  B.A.  1630-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  18,  1625; 
'schoolmaster  at  Haxby.' 

SHERLOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1676.  R.  of  Eastry,  Kent, 
1695-8.   Buried  there  June  2,  1698. 

SHERLOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  11, 
1693-4.  S.  of  William  (1657),  Dean  of  St  Paul's.  B.  1678, 
in  London.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8;  M.A. 
1701;  D.D.  1714.  Fellow,  1698.  Master,  1714-9.  Vice- 
Chancellor,  1714-5.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  18, 
1695.  R.  of  Therfield,  Herts.,  1701-34.  Master  of  the 
Temple,  1705-53.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1713-31.  Dean  of 
Chichester,  1715-27.  Preb.  of  Norwich,  1719.  Bishop  of 
Bangor,  1728-34;  of  Salisbury,  1734-48;  of  London,  1748- 
61.  Lord  Chancellor,  1743-8.  Dean  of  the  Chapel  Royal, 
1748-61.  F.R.S.,  1749.  Took  part  in  the  Bangorian  con- 
troversy. Supported  Walpole  in  the  House  of  Lords.  Author, 
controversial.  Died  July  18,  1761.  Buried  at  Fulham. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Left  his  library  to  Cambridge.  His  portrait, 
and  that  of  Benjamin  Hoadley,  hang  together  in  the  Hall 
of  St  Catharine's.   {D.N.B.;  Cluticrbuck,  iii.  590.) 

SHERLOCK,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  Christ's,  1596-7.  B.  at 
Chester,  c.  1577.  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.  Ord.  priest 
(Colchester)  Sept.  21,  1606.  V.  of  Offley,  Herts.,  1608-14. 
R.  of  Lilley,  1614.   Father  of  the  next.   (Peile,  i.  223.) 

SHERLOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  25,  1628.  S.  of  William  (above),  V.  of  Lilley,  Herts. 
B.  there.  Matric.  1629.  C.  of  Lilley,  1638-50.  {Peile,  1.  393.) 

SHERLOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  19,  1657.  B.  at  Southwark,  Surrey.  Schools,  St  Mary- 
Overeyand  Eton.  Matric.  1657;  Scholar,  1658;  B.A.  1660-1; 
M.A.  1665;  D.D.  1680.  R.  of  St  George's,  Botolph  Lane,  and 
St  Botolph,  Billingsgate,  1669-91.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's, 
1681-1707.  President  of  Sion  CoUege,  1683.  Master  of  the 
Temple,  1685-1705.  Chaplain  to  the  King,  1686-90,  1690- 
1707.  A  leader  amongst  the  Non-Jurors,  in  1688-9,  but  took 
the  Oaths  in  1690.  Canon  Residentiary  of  St  Paul's,  1691- 
1707.  Dean  of  St  Paul's,  1691-1707.  R.  of  Therfield,  Herts., 
1697-1701.  Married  Elizabeth  Gardner,  Feb.  8,  1672-3. 
Author,  theological  and  controversial.  Died  June  19,  1707, 
aged  67.  Buried  in  St  Paul's  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Thomas  (1693-4).  {T.  A.  Walker,  111;  D.N.B.;  Clutter- 
buck,  III.  590.) 

SHERLOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Jesus,  July  3, 
1699.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Buntingford,  Herts.  School, 
Buntingford.  Matric.  1699.  Migrated  to  Christ's.  Adm. 
there  as  scholar,  Feb.  10,   1699-1700;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A. 

1707.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  8,  1707;  priest,  Sept.  19, 

1708.  C.  of  Deptford,  Kent,  1716.  R.  of  Little  Burstead, 
Essex,  1723-36.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Huntingdon.  R.  of 
St  George's,  Botolph  Lane  and  of  St  Botolph,  Billingsgate, 
London,  1725-36.  Died  unmarried,  1736.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{Peile,  II.  148.) 

SHERLYNCKE, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1465-6. 

SHERMAN,  ABRAHAM.  M.A.  1651  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Kent,  gent.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  19, 
1621,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1621-2;  M.A.  1624.  Chaplain 
of  Lincoln's  Inn,  1628-33.  R.  of  Lee,  Kent,  1633-54.  Died 
Oct.  5,  1654.  M.L  at  Lee.  WiU,  P.C.C.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHERMAN,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Lent,  1557-8. 

SHERMAN,  CHARLES.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1593. 

SHERMAN,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  May,  1644, 
and  at  Queens',  July  23,  1644.  Of  Dedham,  Essex.  S.  of 
Samuel,  clothier.  School,  Dedham.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1647. 
Master  of  Dedham  School,  1668-74.  WiU  dated,  Nov.  20, 
1674;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  3,  i674-5-  Brotherof  John  (1645) 
and  probably  of  Samuel  (1644). 

SHERMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Michs.  1554. 

SHERMAN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  9, 
1620.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1620;  LL.B.  from 
Trinity  Hall,  1626.  Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,  1626-34. 

SHERMAN,  HENRY.  LL.B.  Of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  diocese. 
Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  23,  1497;  deacon.  Mar.  10, 

Sherman,  Ralph 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1554- 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  25)  at  Caius,  Jan.  13, 
1560-1.  Of  Little  Moulton,  Norfolk.  S.  of  John,  of  Wacton, 
Norfolk,  gent.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  William  Drake,  of 
Hardley.  Will  dated,  Apr.  4;  proved  (Norwich  C.  C.)  May  26, 
1597.  Brother  of  Richard  (1556-7).   {Venn,  i.  44.) 

SHEREMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Nov.  26, 
1567.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Maldon,  Essex.   School,  Maldon. 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1576; 

B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Jan.  7, 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1584-5. 

Of  Yorkshire. 
SHERMAN,    JOHN.     Adm.    pens,    at   Trinity   Hall,    1597. 

Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  16,  1599;  of  Suffolk. 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1615.  Of  Suffolk. 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1621. 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1626. 
(Perhaps  s.  of  Daniel.  B.  at  Dedham,  Essex.  If  so.  Ex- 
hibitioner from  Charterhouse.)  Scholar,  1627;  B.A.  1629-30; 
M.A.  1633;  B.D.  1640;  D.D.  1660  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1632; 
ejected,  1644.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1637.  Died 
1663  (sic).  (But  if  he  be  the  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse, 
his  will  was  proved  (Norwich)  July  20,  1661 ;  described  as  of 
Norwich,  clerk.  Benefactor  to  the  Charterhouse.)  {Al. 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1631.  Of  Essex.  S.  of  Edmund.  B.  at  Dedham,  Essex, 
Dec.  26,  1613.  Declined  to  subscribe  for  his  degree.  Went 
to  New  England,  c.  1635.  Preacher  at  Watertown,  Mass., 
where  he  succeeded  the  Rev.  George  Phillips  as  pastor  in 
1647.  Overseer  of  Harvard  College,  1647-85.  Fellow  of 
Harvard,  1678-85.  Gave  fortnightly  lectures  at  Watertown 
to  the  students  of  the  College  who  walked  over  from  Cam- 
bridge to  attend  them.  One  of  the  joint  moderators  of  a 
general  reforming  synod  held  at  Boston,  1679.  A  distin- 
guished student  of  astronomy;  compiled  several  almanacs. 
Died  Aug.  8,  1685.   {FeU,  463;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1638. 
Matric.  1638;  B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1645;  D.D.  1661  {Lit.  Reg.). 
R.  of  Bradwell-on-Sea,  Essex,  1644-66.  Died  Nov.  13,  1666. 
M.L  at  Bradwell.  WiU  dated,  Oct.  31,  1666;  proved  (P.C.C.) 
May  24,  1667.  Father  of  John  (1665).  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary  namesake  to  whom  Foster  assigns  this 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  1645.  S.  of 
Samuel,  clothier.  B.  at  Dedham,  Essex.  Matric.  1647;  B.A. 
1649-50;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1653;  D.D.  1665  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1650-71.  Proctor,  1660-1.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1653.  R.  of  Graveley,  Cambs.,  1655.  R.  of  Harlton, 
1662-71.  Preb.  and  Archdeacon  of  Sarum,  1670-1.  Author, 
Historia  Collegii  Jesu,  Cantabrigiae.  Died  Mar.  27,  1671. 
Buried  in  the  chapel.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  1671;  mentions 
his  brother  Edmund  (1644).  Probably  brother  of  Samuel 
(1644).  (A.  Gray;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  the  parentage 
is  WTong.) 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  14,  1665.  1st  s. 
of  John  (1638),  D.D.,  R.  of  BradweU,  Essex.  School,  Ely. 
Matric.  1667;  Scholar,  1667.  Died  in  CoUege,  May  1,  1667. 
Buried  in  the  Chapel.   (A.  Gray.) 

SHERMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  23, 
1683-4.  Probably  of  Dedham,  Essex.  School,  Woodbridge. 
Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  20, 
1691;  priest  (Norsvich)  May,  1695.  C.  of  Milding,  Suffolk. 
Master  of  Dedham  School,  Essex,  1700-22.  Died  Mar.  25, 
1721-2,  aged  56.  Buried  at  Dedham.  WiU  (Comm.  Essex) 
1725.    (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SHERMAN,  MARK.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1618. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1625. 
FeUow  of  Queens',  1625-7.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  7, 1627. 
R.  of  Claydon,  Suffolk;  sequestered,  1644.  R.  of  Orlestone, 
Kent,  tiU  1665.   Died  1665. 

SHERMAN,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  19,  1669. 

SHERMAN,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28, 
1674.  Migrated  to  Pembroke.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1677-8; 
M.A.  1681. 

SHERMAN,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  c.  1584.  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Brinkley,  Cambs.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 
1584.  Migrated  pens,  to  Caius,  May  10,  1587,  age  19.  Scholar, 
1587-90;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Dec.  23,  1604;  priest,  June  15,  1606.  R.  of  Ickburgh,  Norfolk, 
1605-26.  R.  of  Lcmgford,  1605-26.  Kept  school  at  Cheveley, 
in  1606.  Buried  at  Langford,  Sept.  21,  1626.  Father  of  the 
next.   {Venn,  i.  129.) 


Sherman,  Ralph 

SHERMAN,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  26, 
1638.  S.  of  Ralph  (above),  late  R.  of  Ickburgh,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1638;  Scholar,  1641-3; 
B.A.  1641-2. 

SHERMAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1554. 

SHERMAN,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1556-7.  S.  of 
John,  of  Little  Moulton,  Norfolk.  M.A.  1560;  M.D.  from 
Caius,  1567.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1559.  Fellow  of  Caius, 
1560-2.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1558.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  Jan.  i,  1595-6.  R.  of  Stratton  St 
Michael  and  St  Peter,  Norfolk,  1596.  R.  of  Horham,  Suffolk, 
1599-1606.  Brother  of  John  (1560-1).   {Venn,  i.  44.) 

SHERMAN,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's,  Easter, 

SHERMAN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1575. 

Perhaps  s.   of   Henry,   of  Colchester   (will   (P.C  C.)    1590). 

B.A.   1579-80;   M.A.   1583.    F.R.C.P.  Sept.  7,   i599-    Will 

(Comm.  London)  1602-3;  of  St  Stephen's,  Coleman  Street, 

London.   (Cooper,  11.  285;  Munk,  i.  u6.) 

SHERMAN,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  ii,  1747-8. 

B.  in  London.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1753.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

July,  1754. 
SHERMAN,   SAMUEL.    Matric.   pens,  from   Queens',   Michs. 

1644.    Of  Essex.    Probably  s.  of  Samuel,   clothier.    B.A. 

1647-8;  M.A.  1651.    Fellow,  1649-50.    Probably  brother  of 

Edmund  (1644)  and  John  (1645). 

SHERMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1573-  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Yaxley,  Suffolk. 
Married  and  had  issue.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  1575,  from  Barnard's  Inn.   {Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619.) 

SHERMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  24, 
1596.  S.  of  Thomas,  druggist.  School,  Ipswich.  Matric.  c. 
1596;  Scholar,  1596-1603;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1609;  'title,  his  own 
estate.'  V.  of  Tuddenham  St  Martin,  Suffolk,  1609-10. 
R.  of  Hintlesham,  1611-46,  sequestered.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary  namesake,  with  whom  he  is  apparently 
confused.   {Venn,  i.  159.) 

SHERMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1618.   Of  Norfolk. 

SHERMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  30, 
1634.  Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1635;  B.A.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641.  Perhaps  V.  of  Silkstone,  Yorks.,  1666-77. 
Buried  there  Nov.  30,  1677.   {T.  A.  Walker,  52.) 

SHERMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  26, 
1650.  Of  Leicestershire.  Scholar,  1650;  Matric.  1651;  B.A. 
1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Anthony,  London, 
1662-4;  if  so,  ord.  priest  (Bishop  Brian  Duppa,  of  Sarum) 
July  19,  1658.   Father  of  the  next. 

SHERMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  22,  1692. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1650),  clerk,  deceased.  Matric.  1692;  B.A. 
1698-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  25,  1698;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1699.  C.  of  Croxdale,  Durham,  1700.  Minor  Canon 
of  Durham.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral,  Nov.  30,  1700.  (D.  S. 

SHERMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1604.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Newark,  near  Leicester. 
Age  34  in  1619.  Married  Maria  Lascells,  of  Nottinghamshire. 
{Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619.) 

SHERMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1639; 
Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647.  Perhaps  ord.  priest 
(Ardfert)  May  3,  1653.  Probably  R.  of  Higham,  Leics., 
1660-1719-  Died  Jan.  9,  1719,  aged  97.  Buried  at  Higham. 
M.I.  Will  (Leicester)  1719.   {Nichols,  iv.  641;  J.  C.  Dale.) 

SHERMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  17,  1671. 
Matric.  1671;  Scholar,  1674;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1679-80. 

SHERMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  3, 
1700.  B.  at  Felsted,  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Scholar,  1702- 
3;  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1704-5.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  6,  1702.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1704;  priest  (Ely) 
Dec.  21,  1707.  V.  of  Rushmere,  Suffolk,  1707.  {Peile,  11.  149.) 

SHERMAN, .   Pens,  at  Jesus,  1601-2. 

SHERMAN,  .    Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 


SHERRARD,  BENNET.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  6, 
1699.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Philip,  of 
Car  Colston,  Notts.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1705 
{Com.  Reg.).  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  21,  1707.  R.  of  Langar, 
Notts.,  1714-53-  R-  of  Aylestone,  Leics.,  1716.  Chaplain 
to  the  Duke  of  Rutland.  Preb.  of  Southwell,  1734-53.  Died 
May,  1753.  Doubtless  brother  of  Robert  (1693).  {Nichols,  u. 

Sherrard,  William 

SHERRARD,  Lord  (BENNET).  LL.D.  1705  {Com.  Reg.).  S.  of 
Bennet,  Baron  Sherard,  of  Leitrim.  Bapt.  at  Stapleford, 
Leics.,  Oct.  27,  1677.  Succeeded  to  the  Irish  peerage,  Jan.  30, 
1699-1700.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Rutland,  1700-12,  1715-31. 
M. P.  for  Leics.,  1701-2;  for  Rutland,  1713-4.  Created  Baron 
Harborough  of  Harborough,  Oct.  19,  1714,  and  Viscount 
Sherard  of  Stapleford,  Leics.,  Oct.  31,  1718,  and  finally  Earl 
of  Harborough,  June  18,  1719.  Died  s.p.s.  Oct.  16,  1732- 

SHERARD,  BENNET.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  28, 1717. 
Of  Middlesex.  B.A.  1720-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  18, 

SHERARD,  CASTLE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  3, 
1 75 1.  S.  of  Castle,  late  of  Glatton,  Hunts,  (and  Martha, 
dau.  of  Edward  Ferrar,  of  Little  Gidding).  School,  Oakham. 
Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1755;  M.A.  1759.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  23,  1759.  R.  of  Stainby  and  Gunby,  Lines.,  1776,  and 
of  Edmundthorpe,  Leics.,  1776.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Richard  Caryer,  Esq.,  of  Godmanchester,  Hunts.  Died  1803, 
aged  70.  (His  grandson  Philip  Castle,  succeeded  to  the 
peerage  as  9th  Baron  Sherard  of  Leitrim,  in  1859.)  {G.E.C; 
Nichols,  II.  353.) 

SHERRARD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Dec.  16,  1647.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Gautby,  Lines.  Matric.  1647, 
'Edward.'   Died  s. p.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  872.) 

SHERRARD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1571. 

SHERRARD  or  CHARADDE,  HENRY.  B.A.  1475-6;  M.A. 

SHERRARD,  HOPE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  10, 
1620-1.  Perhaps  B.A.  1631,  'Sperantius  Sherrard.'  Living 
as  Minister  at  Providence  Island,  West  Indies,  in  1640,  and 
at  Sandwich,  Cheshire,  in  1648.  Minister  of  Melcombe 
Bingham,  Dorset,  in  1650  and  1658.  {Shaw,  1.  251;  H.  B. 
Swanzy;  Al.  Dub.) 

SHERARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1570; 
B.A.  1574-5.   Brother  of  William  (1570). 

SHERRAD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 

SHERRARD,  JOHN.  M.B.  from  Emmanuel,  1691;  adm.  there. 
Mar.  21,  1690-1,  from  Oxford.  Of  Berkshire.  Probably  s.  of 
Richard,  of  Sutton,  Berks.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  10,  1685,  age  18,  'Sherwood';  B.A.  (Oxford)  1688. 

SHERARD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1738  (Incorp.  from  Merton  College 
{sic),  Oxford).  2nd  s.  of  Philip,  2nd  Earl  of  Harborough. 
Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Oct.  20,  1731,  age  18;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1734.  Lieutenant  of  the  Yeoman  of  the  Guard, 
1736.  Barrister-at-law,  1739.  Appointed  Lieut. -Colonel  of 
the  volunteers  raised  for  the  defence  of  his  Majesty's  person 
and  government  by  the  gentlemen  of  the  law.  Died  un- 
married, Apr.  25,  1745,  aged  33.  Brother  of  Robert  (i745)- 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols,  11.  335;  Collins,  iv.  187.) 

SHERRARD  (?  SHEWARD),  JOHN  CASTELL.  Adm.  pens,  at 
St  Catharine's,  1666. 

SHERRARD,  MANOAH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1619-20. 
Matric.  Easter,  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1632. 

SHERRARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  27,  1634.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Loppingthorpe, 
Lines.  School,  Stamford.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1637. 
Of  Lobthorpe,  Esq.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Lumley  Dewe, 
Esq.,  of  Bishop  Upton,  Herefords.  Died  Sept.  12,  1668. 
Buried  at  North  Witham.  M.I.  (His  son  John  was  created 
Bart,  in  1674.)    {Lines.  Pedigrees,  872;  Nicliols,  11.  354.) 

SHERARD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1693. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Philip,  of  Car 
Colston  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Thoroton,  M.D.,  of  Car 
Colston).  Matric.  1693.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  7,  1710; 
of  Car  Colston,  gent.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Reding,  of  Godeby,  Leics.  Buried  June  23,  1749.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Bennet  (1699).   (A.  B.  Beaven;  Nichols,  11.  346.) 

SHERARD,  Hon.  ROBERT.  M.A.  1745  (Incorp.  from  Merton 
College,  Oxford).  3rd  s.  of  Philip,  Earl  of  Harborough.  B. 
Oct.  1,  1719.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Dec.  13,  1737, 
age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1740;  M.A.  1743.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  27,  1742-3;  priest,  Nov.  13,  1743.  R-  of 
Teigh,  Rutland,  1743-73,  and  of  Wistow,  Hunts.,  1743-73- 
Canon  of  Salisbury,  1751-99.  Succeeded  as  4th  Earl  of 
Harborough,  Feb.  1770.  Married  (1)  Catherine,  dau.  of 
Edward  Hearst,  Esq.,  of  Salisbury;  (2)  Jane,  dau.  of  William 
Reeve,  of  Melton  Alowbray,  Leics.  Died  Apr.  21,  1799,  at 
Stapleford,  Leics.  Brother  of  John  (1738).  {Collins,  iv.  180; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SHERARDE,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  3, 
1572.  S.  of  Rowland,  gent.,  of  Lobthorpe,  Lincoln.  School, 
Grantham.   B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580.   Living,  1616. 

SHERARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov. 
1570;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  I577' 


Sherrard,  William 

SHERARDE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  27, 
1615-6.  S.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.  (by  his  2nd  wife  Bridget, 
dau.  of  Sir  Kenelm  Digby,  Knt.,  of  Stoke  Dry,  Rutland). 
B.  at  Stoke,  RuUand.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Wallis).  Matnc. 
1615-6.  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  872.) 
SHERARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Dec. 
6,  1653.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Glatton,  Hunts.  School, 
Huntingdon  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1653-4;  Scholar;  B.A. 
1657-8;  U.A.  1661.  R.  of  Glatton,  1661-90.  R.  of  Folks- 
worth,  1669-90.  Died  1690. 
SHERARD  or  SHERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  LL.B.  1685  (Incorp. 
from  St  John's  College,  Oxford).  S.  of  George,  of  Bushby, 
Leics.  B.  Feb.  27,  1659.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  July  3,  1677,  age  18;  B.C.L. 
1683;  D.C.L.  1694.  Travelled  abroad  and  studied  botany 
under  Toumefort  in  Paris,  c.  1686;  spent  some  time  at 
Leyden  with  Paul  Hermann,  1688.  Tutor  to  Sir  Arthur 
Rawdon,  1690-4;  tutor  to  Henry,  Duke  of  Beaufort,  c. 
1700-2.  English  Consul  at  Smyrna,  1703-17.  A  distin- 
guished botanist.  Died  Aug.  11,  1728.  Buried  at  Eltham. 
Will,  P.C.C;  of  All  Hallows,  Barking,  London.  Bequeathed 
^3000  to  found  a  chair  for  botany  at  Oxford.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
SHERRAT,    HENRY.    Matric.   pens,  from  St   Catharine's, 

Easter,  1649  (probably  adm.  1648). 
SHERRATT  or  SHARRAT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trikity, 
July  3,  1668.  Matric.  1669;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1671-2; 
M.A.  1675.  Fellow,  1674.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1676.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Oct.  3,  1675.  R.  of  Draycott-le-Moors,  Staffs., 
1678.  R.  of  Glenfield,  Leics.,  1701-22.  Canon  and  precentor 
of  Brecon,  1713. 
SHERRATT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  21, 
1703.  Only  s.  of  Thomas,  leather  merchant,  of  Newport, 
Salop.  School,  Newport  (Mr  Edwards).  Matric.  1703;  B.A. 
SHERRATT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  July  3, 
1728.  S.  of  Simeon.  B.  at  Park-lane,  Staffs.  School, 
Cheddleton  (Mr  Slade).  Matric.  1728;  Scholar,  1729;  B.A. 
1731-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  1732;  priest,  Sept.  1733. 
V.  of  Biddulph,  Stags.,  1733.  Buried  at  Endon,  1739. 
(Peile,  11.  218.) 

SHERSHAW, .   B.A.  1483-4- 

SHERSON    or    SHIERSON,    WILLIAM.     Matric.    sizar    from 
Christ's,  Lent,  1705-6;  B.A.  1708-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  24,  1710;  'C.  of  Ickleford  with  Pirton,  Herts.'    Signs 
as  minister  at  Holwell,  Beds.,  1711-20.   Master  of  Bunting- 
ford  School,   Herts.,   1728;   there  in   1740.    Father  of  the 
next.   {Peile,  11.  162.) 
SHERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  25, 
1739.    S.  of  William  (above).    B.  at  Bimtingford,   Herts. 
School,   Buntingford   (his  father).    Scholar,    1739;   Matric. 
1740;  B.A.  1743-4- 
SHERSTON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1573- 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1577-8;  M.A.  1581. 
Schoolmaster  at  Swavesey,  Cambs.,  i577-  V.  of  Lockington, 
Leics.,  1583. 
SHERSTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  23,   1700-1. 
B.  at  Yeovil,  Somerset.    Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1704;  M.A. 
1708.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jan.  6,  1705-6;  priest,  Dec.  19, 
SHERWELL  or  CHERWELL,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from 
St  John's,  Lent,  1580-1.  B.  at  St  Chad,  Salop.  B.A.  1584-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  3,  1586,  age  24. 
SHEHWELL  or  SHARWELL,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at 
Magdalene,   May  7,   1660.    S.  of  Nehemiah,  of  London. 
School,   Charterhouse.     Matric.   1660;   B.A.    1663-4;    M.A. 
1667.   Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Feb.  17,  1664-5. 
R.  of  Little  Hallingbury,  Essex,  1669-1710.    Buried  there 
Oct.  31,  1710.   Will,  Comm.  Essex.   Father  of  the  next. 
SHERWILL,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  8,  1690. 
S.   of  John   (above).    B.   at   Hallingbury,   Essex.    School, 
Felsted.    Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1690;  B.A.   1693-4;   M.A. 
1697;  D.D.  1717.  .Fellow,  1695-1712.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1700.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June,   1696;  priest,  June,   1698. 
V.  of  Madingley,  Cambs.,  1710.   R.  of  Anstey,  Herts.,  1711- 
40.   Author,  sermons.   Died  July  23,  1740,  aged  66.   M.I.  at 
Anstey.   {Peile,  11.  116.) 
SHERWIN,  HERBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (perhaps  age  16)  at  Peter- 
house,    Apr.    20,    1659.     Of    Hertford.     School,    Hitchin. 
Matric.  1659;  Scholar,  1662;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666. 
SHERWYN,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1583;  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.    R.  of  Ickburgh,  Norfolk, 
1604-5.     R.   of   Beachamwell,    1604-13.     R.   of   Oxburgh, 
1607-41.   V.  of  Stow  Bardolph,  1616.    Died  1641.    {Blome- 
field,  II.  238;  VI.  192.) 

Sherwood,  John 

SHERWIN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June 
29,  1698.  S.  of  Francis,  deceased,  of  Uttoxeter,  Staffs. 
School,  Uttoxeter  (Mr  Boquet).  Matric.  1699;  Scholar,  1702; 
B.A. 1702-3;  M.A.  1711. 
SHERWIN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  14, 
1699-1700.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Leicester.  School,  Leicester 
(Mr  Thomas). 
SHERWIN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  18, 
1672.  S.  of  Nicholas.  B.  at  Leicester.  School,  Leicester. 
Matric.  1672-3;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679-  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1677;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1680.  Perhaps 
schoolmaster  of  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants.,  1676.  R.  of 
Kettering,  1680-4.  V.  of  St  Margaret's,  Leicester,  1683-90. 
V.  of  Knighton,  1683-90.  Father  of  the  next. 
SHERWIN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  12,  1699.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  S.  of  Samuel  (above),  R.  of  Kettering. 
Matric.  1699-1700.  Probably  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1703-4 
(not  recorded  in  the  Trinity  Register).  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi) 
May  19,  1706.  V.  of  Sileby,  Leics.,  1707-30.  Died  Mar.  21, 
1730.  (A.  Gray;  Nichols,  Leics.,  iii.  424-) 
SHERWIN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1624.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.  1607.  Migrated  to  Queens', 
Apr.  1625.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  30;  priest.  May  31,  1630.  R.  of  Wallington,  Herts., 
1650-60,  ejected.  R.  of  Baldock.  Author,  theological.  Died 
at  Fowlmere,  Cambridge,  c.  1687.  Father  of  William,  the 
engraver  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.). 

SHERWIN, .   B.D.  1472-3.   A  friar.  D.D.  1474-5- 

SHERWIN, .  B.Can.L.  1476-7. 

SHERWIN, .   B.Can.L.  1482-3. 


SHERWOOD,  CHRISTIAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  27, 
1615.  B.  in  Thurlaston,  Leics.  Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1619-20; 
D.D.  (Oxford)  1642.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1620, 
age  25.  Schoolmaster  at  St  Antholin's,  London.  V.  of 
St  Oswald,  Durham,  1631.  R.  of  Bishop  Wearmouth,  1644-6, 
ejected.  Died  1652. 
SHERWOOD,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1622.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1625-6;  Scholar,  1626; 
M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1627;  priest  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  25,  1636  (not  the  Oxford  D.D.  as  supposed  in  Al. 
Oxon.).  Master  of  Beverley  School,  in  1652,  and  assistant  in 
the  Minster.  Buried  there  July  22,  1669.  Father  of  the 
next  and  of  Thomas  (1660). 
SHEREWOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  20,  1668.  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis  (above).  B.  at 
Beverley.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  V.  of  Waghen,  Yorks., 
1682-91.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1660). 
SHERWOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
July  I,  1730.  S.  of  James,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Beverley. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Jefferson).  Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1733-4- 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  i734;  priest,  Oct.  17:5.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Flowton,  Suffolk,  1758-69- 
SHERWOOD  or  SHIRWOOD,  JOHN.  Incorp.  1460-1.  Prob- 
ably the  '  M.A.  and  B.D.  of  Cambridge,'  who  was  incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1449-50  and  1454  {Oxford  Reg.,  i.  9),  now  reincorp. 
Perhaps  Proctor,  1450-1.  Edward  IV's  advocate  at  Rome. 
Chancellor  of  Exeter,  1460.  Archdeacon  of  Richmond, 
1465-84.  Master  of  St  Edmund's  Hospital,  Gateshead,  1467. 
Preb.  of  York,  1471-84.  Bishop  of  Durham,  1484-94. 
Partisan  of  Richard  III.  Visited  the  Court  of  Burgundy  to 
further  the  interests  of  the  House  of  York;  proceeded  thence 
to  Rome.  Died  there  Jan.  12,  1493-4-  Buried  in  the  English 
College.  {D.N. P.,  where  the  identification  with  the  Cam- 
bridge contemporary  is  considered  improbable.) 
SHERWOOD,    JOHN.     Matric.    pens,    from    St   Catharine's, 

Michs.  1587;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1588-9. 
SHERWOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  26,  1612. 

Matric.  1612. 
SHERWOOD,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Feb. 
20,  1621-2.    S.  of  John,  'medicus.'    B.  at  Brome,  Suffolk. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  June  22,  1633;  of  Norwich. 
SHERWOOD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  11, 
1641.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Hoxne,  Suffolk.    B. 
there.    School,  Hoxne   (Mr  Hall).    Matric.   1641;  Scholar, 
1643-6; B.A.  1644-5. 
SHERWOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  17, 
1656.    S.  of  Thomas.    Matric.   1656;  Scholar,   1659;  B.A. 
1659-60;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1663.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse, 
1663-5.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1680.    R.  of  St  Martin  Orgar, 
London,    1666-80.     R.    of    North    Repps,    Norfolk,    1669. 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Wotton.   Died  1680.   Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Dec.  20,  1680.   {Peile,  1.  572;  T.  A.  Walker.) 
SHERWOOD,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  16,  1660. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.   Matric.  1662. 


Sherwood,  Joseph 

SHERWOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Christ's, 
July  6,  1647.  S.  of  Joseph,  V.  of  St  Hilary,  Cornwall.  B.  at 
Truro.  School,  Plymouth  (Mr  Fowler).  B.A.  1650.  'V.  of 
St  Hilary,  1646;  ejected,  1660.  Afterwards  preacher  at 
St  Ives  and  Penzance.  Imprisoned  at  Launceston.  Died 
c.  1705.'  So  Peile,  i.  516,  who  apparently  confuses  the  son 
with  the  father.   (Calamy,  i.  276.) 

SHERWOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
May  19,  1710.  S.  of  Joseph,  gent.  B.  in  London.  Matric. 
1710.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  3,  1709-10.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1715. 

SHERWOOD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1610.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1613;  M.A.  1617.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  24;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1615.  R.  of  Earsham, 
Norfolk,  1618-43,  ejected,  but  restored.  Died  Apr.  19,  1671. 

SHERWOOD,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
July  6,  1633.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Massam,  Notts. 
B.  there.  School,  Hougham,  Lines,  (private). 

SHERWOOD,  PAUL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1620;  B.A.  1623-4.  V,  of  Raddjffe-on-Trent,  Notts.,  1633-8. 

SHERWOOD,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1554.  Of  Walkington,  Yorks.  B.A.  1557-8.  Fellow,  1558. 
Probably  arrived  at  Rheims,  1570;  'of  Yorks.'  Ord.  priest 
(R.C.)  before  1573.  Sent  to  England,  1575;  e.xiled  from 
Yorkshire.   (Douay  Diary.) 

SHERWOOD,  RALPH.  B.A.  1528-9;  M.A.  1532-  Fellow  of 
St  John's.  Will  (V.C.C.)  1550. 

SHERWOOD,  REUBEN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1558.  S.  of  William  (1521-2).  B.  at  Over,  Cambs.,  1542. 
Matric.  1558;  B.A,  1562-3;  M.A.  1566;  M.D.  1581.  Fellow, 
1561-71.  Proctor,  1569-70.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1566.  Head 
Master  of  Eton,  1571-80.  Candidate  R.C. P.,  1584;  after- 
wards Fellow.  Practised  as  a  physician  at  Bath.  Buried  in  the 
Abbey  Church,  July  24,  1599.  (Cooper,  u.  269;  Munk,  i.  98.) 

SHERWOOD,  RICHARD.   B.A.  1465-6. 

SHERWOOD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1581.  B.  at  Wiston,  Suffolk.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Feb.  24,  1585-6;  'B.A.';  age  24. 

SHERWOOD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Michs.  1683. 

SHERWOOD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1622.  B.  in  Norfolk.  B.A.  1625-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632.  Removed  to  London  where  he 
set  up  a  school  in  St  Sepulchre's  churchyard.  Compiled 
a  French-English  dictionary  to  be  appended  to  the  new 
English-French  dictionary  of  Handle  Cotgrave.  {D.N.B.) 

SHERWOOD,  SAMPSON.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  c.  May, 
1647.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Bushby,  Leics.  Schools,  Scraptoft 
(Mr  Jones)  and  Thumby  (Ferdinand  Burridge).  Matric. 
1647;  Scholar,  1650-2;  B.A.  1650-1. 

SHERWOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 

SHEREWOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  21,  1660.  S.  of  Francis  (1622),  of  Kirkby-Wharfe, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Beverley  (his  father).  Matric. 
1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1671.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.;  priest,  Nov.  1664.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Combe  St  Nicholas,  Somerset,  1671-8.  V.  of  Eccles,  Lanes., 
1671-8.  Brother  of  James  (1668). 

SHERWOOD,  TUTHILL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1684. 
Of  Norfolk.   Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691. 

SHERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1521-2.  Of  Durham.  M.A. 
1525.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1524.  Esquire  Bedell,  1529-49; 
retired  on  pension.   (Stokes,  Bedells,  76.) 

SHERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

SHERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c. 
1597;  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1609. 

SHERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

SHERWOOD, .  B.A.  1507-8;  M.A.  1511.  Preacher,  1514-5. 

Perhaps  Robert,  V.  of  Swavesey,  Cambs.,  1516.    One 

Sherwood  was  at  King's  Hall,  1525-8.  But  see  the  next. 

SHERWOOD,  .    Incorp.  D.D.   1525-6.    Possibly  Robert, 

a  student  at  Oxford  and  at  Loraine,  in  Brabant,  where  he 
read  the  Hebrew  lecture  in  1520.  One  Robert  Sherwood, 
D.D.,  was  R.  of  St  Mildred,  Bread  Street,  London,  1526-36. 
Another  of  these  names  (possibly  the  same)  was  R.  of 
Marston  Sicca,  Gloucs.,  1532-53,  but  was  not  resident  in 
Gloucester  diocese;  a  pluralist.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SHERWOOD, .   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1544. 

SHETHER,JOHN.  B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1525-  Fellow  of  Christ's, 
1526-30.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1539-40.  B.D.  (Oxford)  1539- 
40.  R.  of  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  London,  1538-49-    Died  1549. 

V.A.C.  IV.  65 

Shillitoe,  Benjamin 
shether,  robert.  b.a.  1512-3;  m.a.  1516-7;  b.d.  1524-5. 

FellowofPETERHOusE,  1517-29.  Bursar,  1522-8.  University 
preacher,  1521-2.  V.  of  Hendon,  Middlesex,  1528-57.  V.  of 
Henham,  Essex,  1531-2.  V.  of  Gt  Waltham,  1533-57.  V.  of 
Bumham,  1535-57.  Died  Feb.  i6,  1557.  M.l.  (now  lost). 
Will,  Comm.  Essex. 

SHETHER  or  SHEATHER,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1604- 
5.  B.  at  Lavenham,  Suffolk.  M.A.  1608,  Sheathey.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  22,  161 1,  age  26;  priest,  Mar.  8, 
1611-2.  C.  of  Frinton,  Essex,  1616. 


SHEVILLERE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  3, 
1579,  as  Chevalier.  S.  of  Anthony  Rodolph  (Chevalier). 
Matric.  1579;  Scholar,  1580-3;  B.A.  1582-3,  Cevalerius. 
See  Cevalerius,  Vol.  i. 



SHEWEL,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  26, 
1712.  S.  of  Abraham,  surgeon,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1715-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  25,  1716; 
priest  (Norwich)  July,  1718.  R.  of  Ashby,  Suffolk,  1726-57. 
R.  of  Gunton,  1729-57.   R.  of  Corton,  1745-57. 

SHEYN,  MATTHEW.  Educated  at  Peterhouse.  LL.B.  1556-7, 
as  Seyn.  Of  Ireland.  Bishop  of  Cork  and  Cloyne,  1572. 
Died  June  13,  1582.   {Cooper,  i.  455.) 


Trinity,  Mar.  21,  1667-8.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Whitley  Hall,  Ecclesfield,  Yorks.  B.  Sept.  i,  1650.  Matric. 
1668;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1671-2.  Of  Whitley  Hall,  M.D. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Ibbotson,  of  Bradfield.  Died 
Jan.  12,  1684-5.  Buried  at  Ecclesfield.  Probably  brother 
of  Samuel  (1672).   (Eastwood,  Ecclesfield,  422.) 

SHEIRCLIFFE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
July  2,  1708.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Thumscoe,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  June  24,  1689.  Matric.  1708.  Buried  Mar.  i,  1712. 
(Hunter,  Hallamshire,  447.) 

SHIERCLIFFE  or  SHERCLIFF,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17) 
at  St  John's,  June  10,  1672.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  deceased, 
of  Whitley  Hall,  Ecclesfield,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Manchester.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Prob- 
ably adm.  at  Leyden,  June  8,  1682;  of  Yorkshire.  Living, 
1685.  Dead  before  1696.  Probably  brother  of  Nicholas 
(1667-8).  (For  variations  in  the  spelling  of  the  name  Shier- 
cliffe,  see  Eastwood,  425.)  (Hunter,  Hallamshire,  446;  East- 
wood, Ecclesfield.) 

SHIERCLIFFE  or  SHERCLIFT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1625.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Eccles- 
field, Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  21,  1606.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A. 
1632.  Of  Whiteley  Hall,  Ecclesfield,  and  of  Creswick.  Died 
s.p.,  July  27,  1648.  Buried  at  Ecclesfield.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1648-9.   (Hunter,  Hallamshire,  446.) 


SHILLBORNE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  I,  1712.  S.  of  Anthony,  barber.  B.  at  Cambridge. 
School,  King's  (Mr  Baker).  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  from  King's, 
1716-7;  M.A.  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  17,  1716-7- 
Chaplain  at  King's. 

SHILBORNE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1618.  S.  of  Ralph,  yeoman.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  V.  of 
Grendon,  Northants.,  1625.  Buried  there  Feb.  16,  1655-6. 
M.I.   Will,  P.C.C. 

SHILBORNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1568;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575- 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1579.  V.  of  Cookham,  Berks.,  i575-  R- of 
Pangboume,  1578.  Admon.  (Archd.  Berks.)  1595.  {Al. 

SHILBORNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1623. 

SHILBORNE, -.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1629-30. 

SHILES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  16,  1629.  Of 
Devon.   Matric.  1629. 

SHILLING,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  22, 
1644.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Hoveton,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1644;  Scholar, 
1644-8;  B.A.  1647-8.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Down)  Mar.  20, 
1648-9.  R.  of  Smallburgh,  Norfolk,  1659-81.  V.  of  Stalham, 
1661-81.  C.  of  Ashmanhaugh,  1661.  Buried  Apr.  6,  1681, 
at  Smallburgh.   (Veftn,  i.  353.) 

SHILLITOE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  NUgdalene, 
May  ^8,  1675.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Whitwood,  Yorks.,  deceased. 
Bapt.  at  Featherstone,  July  13,  1657.  School,  Wakefield. 
Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  U.\.  1685.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  1679;  priest,  Dec.  1680.  C.  at  Methley,  Yorks.  Buried 
there  Feb.  15,  1708-9.  Admon.,  Feb.  21,  1708-9.  (M.  H. 

Shillitoe,  Edward 

SHILLETO,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1632;  B.A.  1637-8. 

SHILLETO,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Apr.  5,  1738.  S.  of 
John,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric. 
1738.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Jan.  19,  1738-9.  Scholar,  1741; 
B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14, 
1741-2;  priest  (York)  Sept.  25,  1743.  V.  of  Headon,  Notts., 
1744;  R.  there,  1760-92.  Died  Aug.  1792.  (G.  Mag.;  Peile,  n. 

SHILITOE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  20,  1677. 
Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1678. 

SHILLETO,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1552.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1555-6;  M.A.  1559.  Fellow,  1556. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  1556-7. 

SHILLITON,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 

SHILTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  26, 

1669.  S.  of  Joseph.  B.  at  Shustoke,  Warws.  School,  Burton- 
on-Trent  (Mr  Hazard).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672.  Probably 
Head  Master  of  Burton  School,  c.  1697.  (Peile,  11.  22- 

SHINCKFIELD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  c.  19)  at  Caius, 
July  8,  1622.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Methwold, 
Norfolk.  School,  Methwold  (Mr  Brundish). 

SHINE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

SHYNE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1562-3. 

SHIPPE,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Aug.  5,  1652. 
S.  and  h.  of  Matthew,  tailor,  of  London.  B.  in  the  parish 
of  St  Andrew,  Holbom.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1652; 
Scholar,  1653-4;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1656-7;  M.A.  1660. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  19,  1658.   {Venn,  1.  385.) 

SHIP,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  11,  1662- 
3.    Of  Cambridgeshire.    Matric.   1665;  B.A.   1666-7;  M.A. 

1670.  Fellow,  1670-85.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  May  29,  1670. 
V.  of  Wethersfield,  Essex,  1684-1700.  Died  1700.  Admon., 


SHIPDHAM,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1618.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A. 
1624.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1624. 
V.  of  Ilketshall  St  Margaret,  Suffolk,  1625;  perhaps  ejected 
during  the  troubles.  R.  of  Walsham  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1632. 
R.  of  Hainford,  1643.   R-  of  Blofield,  1646. 

SHIPDEN  or  SHIPDHAM,  ISRAEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
Caius,  Apr.  24,  1633.  S.  of  Richard,  goldsmith.  Bapt.  Sept. 
8,  1616,  at  St  Peter  Mancroft,  Norwich.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Brigges).  Scholar,  1633-40;  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1636-7; 
M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  12,  1642;  C.  of 
St  Lawrence,  Norwich.  V.  of  Swaffham  Bulbeck,  Cambs., 
1645-8.  V.  of  Swaffham  Market,  Norfolk,  1648-55.  Perhaps 
minister  at  Nayland,  Suffolk,  c.  1655.  V.  of  Foulden,  Norfolk, 
1660.  Licensed  to  teach  grammar  and  to  preach  at  Funden- 
hall  and  elsewhere  in  the  diocese,  June  13,  1661.  Licensed 
to  be  an  Independent  Trier  in  the  house  of  Matthias  Elsgood, 
at  O.xwick,  Norfolk,  June  29,  1672.  Buried  at  Beetley, 
Sept.  24,  1683.   {Venn,  1.  311.) 

SHIPDEM, .    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  1664.    Of 


SHIPDEN,  JOHN  DE.  M.A.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  Fellow  of 
Peterhouse,  in  1331.  Proctor,  1330-1.  Reservation  of  a 
benefice.   {Papal  Letters,  11.) 

SHIPLEY,  see  also  SHEPLEY. 

SHIPLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  16, 
1631.  S.  of  John,  embroiderer.  B.  Oct.  8,  1614,  in  London. 
Schools,  Merchant  Taylors'  and  Perse,  Cambridge.  Matric. 

SHIPLEY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  22 
1678.  S.  of  John,  clothier.  B.  Dec.  22,  1662,  at  Leeds 
Yorks.  School,  Leeds  (Mr  Gilbert).  Matric.  1678;  B.A 
i68i-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  4,  1682-3;  priest,  Dec 
1683.  C.  of  Wetherby  and  of  Spofforth,  Yorks.  C.  of  Hoi 
beck,  Leeds,  1686.  Died  in  Leeds,  Aug.  6,  1690.  (R.  J 

SHIPLEY,  LOVE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  10,  1723. 
S.  of  Francis,  of  Downham  Market,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Bexwell  (private).  Matric.  1723;  Scholar,  1724-30; 
B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  2, 
1728-9;  priest.  Mar.  5,  1731-2.  R.  of  Snoring,  Norfolk, 
1744-73-  V.  of  Stradset,  1745-73-  V.  of  Shouldham 
Thorpe.  Married  Penelope  Clarges.  Died  Oct.  30,  1773. 
WiU  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  1773.   {Venn,  11.  18.) 

Shipton,  John 

SHIPMAN,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
May  1,  1624,  after  travelling  three  years  in  France.  S.  of 
WiUiam,  gent.,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Probably 
identical  with  Sir  Abraham  Shipman.  If  so,  knighted  by 
Charles  I.  In  command  of  a  troop  sent  to  Edinburgh  Castle 
in  the  King's  service,  Jan.  1639-40.  At  Chester,  Sept.  1643; 
in  the  garrison  at  Pendennis  Castle,  Apr  .-June,  1644. 
Commodore  of  a  naval  force  despatched  to  Bombay  to  re- 
quire the  transfer  of  that  settlement  to  England  according 
to  the  terms  of  the  marriage  treaty  of  Charles  II,  1662. 
Named  in  the  King's  Commission  to  be  governor  of  Bombay. 
The  Portuguese  Governor  refused  to  surrender  and  the  troops 
were  eventually  landed  on  the  island  of  Anjadiva.  Married 
Marie,  dau.  of  Montagu,  afterwards  Earl  of  Lindsay.  Died 
Apr.  6,  1664,  soon  after  his  return  from  Anjadiva.  Will 
proved  (P.C.C.)  July  18,  1665.  {N.  and  Q.,  1st  S.,  vi.  419; 
10th  S.,  III.  197.) 

SHIPMAN,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1681.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Fairford,  Gloucs.,  clerk. 
B.  there.  Matric.  Easter,  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689. 
Fellow.  R.  of  Toft,  Norfolk,  1717-50.  R.  of  Haddiscoe, 
1739-50.  R.  of  Leasingham,  1739.  Died  1750,  aged  93  {sic). 
(Possibly  father  and  son  have  been  confused.)  {Harwood; 
Blomefield,  viii.  63.) 

SHIPMAN,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent, 
1718-9.  Doubtless  s.  of  Benjamin  (above).  B.A.  1722.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1722-3;  priest,  Sept.  1724. 

SHIPMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1726; 
B.A.  1729-30.   V.  of  Westleton,  Suffolk,  1737. 

SHIPMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1627. 
Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Scarrington,  Notts.  Bapt.  there, 
Apr.  24,  1608.  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1635.  R.  of  Treswell 
(W.  mediety),  Notts.,  1636.  Living,  1653.  {Genealogist, 
N.S.,iii.  156.) 

SHIPMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  i, 
1651.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Scarrington,  Notts.  Bapt. 
there,  Nov.  8,  1632.  School,  Sleaford.  Matric.  1651.  A 
captain  of  trained  bands  for  his  county.  A  friend  of  Abraham 
Cowley.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Trafford,  of  Dun  ton, 
Lines.  Royalist  poet.  Buried  at  Scarrington,  Oct.  15,  1680. 
(D.N.B.;  Godfrey,  Nottinghamshire  Churches,  350.) 

SHIPMAN,  TRAFFORD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  June  23, 
1736.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Scarrington,  Notts.  B.  Feb. 
28,  1718-9,  at  Warsop,  Notts.  Of  Mansfield.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Christopher  Reynoldson  of  Askrigg,  Yorks.,  Apr.  26, 
1739.  Living,  1742.   {Genealogist,  N.S.,  in.  158.) 

SHIPPEN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  26, 
1691,  from  Oxford.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
July  16,  1687.  S.  of  William,  clerk,  of  Stockport.  Bapt. 
July  30,  16/3,  at  Prestbury,  Cheshire.  Schools,  Stockport 
(Roger  Dale)  and  Westminster.  Matric.  1691-2;  Scholar, 
1692;  B.A.  1694-5.  Barrister,  Middle  Temple,  1693.  M.P. 
for  Bramber,  1707-9,  1710-13;  for  Saltash,  1713-5;  for 
Newton,  Lanes.,  1715-43.  Parliamentary  Jacobite.  Died 
May  I,  1743.  Buried  in  St  Andrew's,  Holbom.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{D.N.B.;  Al.  Westmon.,  220;  Al.  Oxon.) 


SHIPSEA,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1610; 
B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617;  D.D.  1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  4,  1615;  priest.  May  29,  1619.  R.  of  Saxby,  Lines., 
1619-35.  R.  of  Dunsfold,  Surrey,  1633-52.  Buried 
there  Feb.  24,  1651-2.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1652.  (H.  G. 

SHIPTON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  13,  1507.  Of  Nun  Monkton,  Yorks.  B.A.  1511-2; 
M.A.  1515.  Fellow,  1510-9.  Elected  Proctor,  but  died,  1519. 

SHIPTON,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  17, 
1665.  S.  of  Arthur,  yeoman,  of  Wilnecote,  Warws.  B.  there. 
School,  Tamworth.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672. 
R.  of  Drayton  Bassett,  Staffs.,  1673-1722.  Buried  there 
June  23,  1722.   {Shaw,  11.  10.) 

SHIPTON,  HARMAR.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  c.  1666-7. 

SHIPTON  or  SKIPTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  28, 
1619.  Possibly  s.  of  James,  of  Nackington,  Kent.  B.  in  Kent. 
Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  C.  of  Kingston,  Kent, 
1633-6.  C.  of  Adisham,  1636.  V.  of  Patrixboume,  1659. 
V.  of  St  Peter's,  Isle  of  Thanet,  1662-5.  Married  Joan,  dau. 
of  William  Master,  D.D.,  Preb.  of  Canterbury.  Died  1665, 
aged  63.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  113;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SHIPTON,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  7, 

1687.    S.  of  James,  of  London.    School,  St  Paul's.    Matric. 

1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694.    Brother  of 

Richard  (i686). 
SHIPTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  13, 

1604.  Matric.  1604;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 


Shipton,  Peter 

Shirley,  William 

SHIPTON,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Nov. 
15,  1728;  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  Of  Romford, 
Essex.  S.  of  Peter,  citizen  and  glazier.  Matric.  1728; 
Scholar,  1728;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736.  Fellow,  1734-42. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  22,  1734.  Under  master  at  Christ's 
Hospital,  1737-43- 

SHIPTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  12, 
1686.  S.  of  James,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1686-7;  Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1689-90.  Drowned  in  the  Cam, 
July  7,  1692.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge.  Brother  of 
James  (1687). 

SHIPTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1665.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Longdon.  B.  in  Stafford- 
shire. School,  Lichfield.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  i668-g;  M.A. 
1674.   Father  of  Thomas  (1701). 

SHIPTON,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  1632  (Incorp.  from  O.xford).  S.  of 
Edward,  R.  of  Alderley,  Cheshire.  Matric.  ^AI1  Souls, 
Oxford)  Oct.  31,  1623,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1626;  M.A. 
1629.  R.  of  Alderley,  Cheshire,  1630-43  and  1660-70.  Died 
Aug.  7,  1670,  aged  64.  Possibly  brother  of  the  next.  {Al. 
Oxon.;  Staffs.  Pedigrees.) 

SHIPTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  27,  1622. 
Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  R.  of  .\lderley,  Cheshire. 
Matric.  1622.  Perhaps  of  Ashley,  Staffs.  (Vis.  of  Staffs. 
1 664-1 700.) 

SHIPTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  21, 
1701.  S.  of  Robert  (1665),  clerk.  B.  at  Hamstall-Ridware, 
Staffs.  School,  Burton-on-Trent.  Matric.  1702-3;  B.A. 
1704-5; M.A.  1714. 

SHIPTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  30,  1710.  B.  in 
Derbyshire,  1691.  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Mar.  17,  1716-7. 

SHIPTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  28,  1657. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Lythe,  Yorks.,  gent.  Matric.  1657.  Migrated 
to  Magdalene,  Apr.  6,  1659.  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  May  27,  1661;  'C.  of  Lythe,  Yorks.'  V.  of 
Escrick,  1663-72.  V.  of  Lythe,  1664.  (Perhaps  identical 
with  the  poet  of  these  names  for  whom  see  D.N.B.) 

SHIPWARK,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1603. 

SHIPWRIGHT, .   M.Gram.  1502-3. 

SHIRLEY  or  SHYRLEY,  ED.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs. 
1566.  Perhaps  Edward,  3rd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Isfield,  Sussex. 
Probably  brother  of  John  (1562).  (Vis.  of  Sussex,  1530, 

SHEARLEY  or  SHEERLEY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Clare,  Michs.  1587.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (1561),  of 
Isfield,  Sussex,  and  nephew  of  John  (1562).  B.  1569.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  10,  1588.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1597. 
Autumn  reader,  1615.  Bencher,  1 615.  Serjeant-at-law,  1620. 
Lord  Chief  Justice  of  the  K.B.,  Ireland.  Knighted,  Mar.  2, 
1619-20.  Died  Oct.  15,  1647.  Buried  at  Isfield.  M.I.  Doubt- 
less father  of  Henry  (1631).  (Middle  Temple  Bench  Book; 
Vis.  of  Sussex.) 

SHERLEY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1623; 
Scholar,  1627;  B.A.  1627-8. 

SHERLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  16, 
1631.  S.  of  Sir  George  (1587),  Knt.,  Chief  Justice  of  Ireland. 
B.  at  BrightUng,  Sussex.  School,  Westminster.  Migrated 
to  Trinity.  Matric.  there  Michs.  1631;  Scholar,  1634;  B.A. 
1635-6;  M.A.  1639.   Fellow  of  Trinity,  1637. 

SHIRLEY,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1615.  Previously  adm.  at  St  John's  College,  Oxford.  Prob- 
ably s.  of  James  ('Sharhe'),  of  London.  Bapt.  Sept.  7,  1596, 
at  St  Mary  Woolchurch.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A. 
1617.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Sept.  19, 1619,  age  24. 
Master  of  St  Albans  School,  1623-5.  Afterwards  a  Romanist. 
Moved  to  London,  where  (according  to  Wood)  'he  lived  in 
Gray's  Inn  and  set  up  for  a  play-maker.'  Suffered  during 
the  Great  Fire  of  London,  privations  in  escaping  which  are 
said  to  have  caused  the  death  of  his  wife  and  himself.  They 
were  buried  Oct.  29,  i666,  at  St  Giles-in-the-Fields.  'The 
last  of  the  Elizabethan  dramatists.'  For  an  account  of  his 
works  see  D.N.B.  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

SHURLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1562.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Isfield,  Sussex,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  5,  1565,  from  Clifford's 
Inn.  Bencher,  1588.  Treasurer,  1601.  Serjeant,  1603.  Of 
Lewes,  Sussex.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Henry  CapeU,  of 
Hadham,  Herts.  Buried  at  Isfield,  Oct.  26,  1611  (?  1616). 
Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1561).  (Middle  Temple  Bench 
Book;  Horsfield,  Lewes.) 

SHIRLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  22, 
1709.  S.  of  Arthur,  of  Hilton,  Derbs.  School,  Uttoxetcr, 
Staffs.  (Mr  Burnet).  Matric.  1709.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel, 
May  7,  1711.  B.A.  1712-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim. 
from  Lichfield)  Dec.  20,  1713. 

SHIRLEY,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1576 
(impubes).  Probably  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Staunton  Harold, 
Leics.,  and  of  Astwell,  Northants.  B.A.  from  Christ's, 
1579-80;  sublector,  1580-1.  Visited  Rheims  College,  1580, 
and  the  English  College  at  Rome  in  1582.  Of  Stretton, 
Staffs.,  in  1594.  Intended  for  the  church,  but  died  without 
taking  orders.  (Peile,  1.  140;  Stem.  Shirl.,  79;  Nichols,  iii. 

SHIRLEY,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1612.  Doubtless  the  weU-known 
traveller  and  envoy.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Wistow, 
Sussex.  B.  there,  c.  1581.  Accompanied  his  brother  Sir 
Anthony  to  Persia,  in  1598.  Remained  there  after  his 
brother's  departure.  Employed  by  the  Shah  of  Persia  to 
negotiate  alliances  against  Turkey  with  European  princes. 
Entertained  by  Sigismund  111  of  Poland  and  created  Count 
Palatine  by  Emperor  Rudolph  II.  Well  received  by  Pope 
Paul  V.  Came  to  England,  1611,  but  was  opposed  by  the 
Levant  merchants.  Stayed  a  year  with  Emperor  Jehangir 
at  Surat.  Narrowly  escaped  being  poisoned  at  Ispahan,  1615. 
Left  Persia  on  a  second  mission  in  1615.  Stayed  in  Spain, 
1617-22.  VisitedGregory  XVat  Rome.  Received  by  James  I 
and  assigned  a  residence  on  Tower  Hill  in  1624.  The  arrival 
of  another  envoy  from  Persia  obliged  him  to  return  there, 
1627.  Subsequently  dismissed  from  the  Persian  Court. 
Married  Teresia,  dau.  of  Ismael  Khan,  a  Circassian  of  noble 
birth  and  a  christian.  Died  at  Kazveen  (Casbyn)  in  Persia, 
July  13,  1638.  Buried  there  under  the  threshold  of  his  own 
house.   (Stetn.  Shirl.;  D.N.B.) 

SHERLY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1613; 
B.A.  1615-6. 

SHIRLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  Aug.  12,  1645. 
2nd  s.  of  Sir  Henry,  of  Eatington,  Warws.,  and  Staunton 
Harold,  Leics.,  Bart,  (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Robert,  2nd 
Earl  of  Essex).  B.  1629.  Succeeded  his  brother  Charles  as 
4th  Bart.,  June  7,  1646.  On  the  death  of  his  uncle,  Robert, 
3rd  Earl  of  Essex,  he  succeeded  to  a  moiety  of  the  estates  of 
the  Devereux  family,  including  Chartley  Castle.  A  zealous 
royalist.  Several  times  imprisoned.  Married  Katherine,  dau. 
of  Humphrey  Okeover,  of  Staffordshire.  Died  Nov.  6  (?  28), 
1656,  in  the  Tower  of  London,  'not  without  suspicion  of 
poison.'  Buried  at  Staunton  Harold,  Leics.  M.I.  (According 
to  Smith's  Obituary  he  died  Nov.  28,  1656,  of  the  small-pox.) 
(Baker,  i.  733;  D.N.B.;  G.E.C.,  i.  5;  Nichols,  m.  718*. ) 

SHIRLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1561.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (?John),  of  Isfield, 
Sussex.  Of  Isfield,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas 
Pelham.  Died  Jan.  18,  1579.  Buried  at  Isfield.  M.l.  To  be 
distinguished  from  Sir  Thomas,  M.P.  of  Wistow,  Sussex, 
Knt.  and  father  of  Count  Robert  (1612).  (But  according  to 
Stemmata  Shirleiuna,  248,  he  is  our  man.  The  above  identifica- 
tion, however,  appears  more  likely.)  Probably  brother  of 
John  (1562)  and  father  of  George  (1587).  (Lewes,  Horsfield, 
n.  45;  Vis.  of  Sussex.) 

SHERLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1611. 
Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Fellow,  1618-44; 
ejected.  Tutor,  1635-9. 

SHIRLEY,  WALSINGHAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1609;  scholar  from  Westminster.  Doubtless  6th  s.  of 
Anthony,  of  Preston,  Sussex  (and  Barbara,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Walsingham,  Knt.,  of  Scanbury,  Kent).  Bapt, 
July  28,  1589,  at  Preston.  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Fellow, 
1614.  R.  of  Stepney,  Middlesex,  1618-28.  V.  of  Hawnes, 
Beds.,  1624-37.  Married  Constance  Grub,  Feb.  5,  1623-4. 
Buried  at  Hawnes,  June  15,  1637.  Will  proved  (Archd. 
Bedford)  July  6,  1637.   (Stemmata  Shirleiana.) 

SHIRLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  31,  1710.  S.  of  William,  of  London,  mercer  (and 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Godman,  of  Ote  Hall,  Wivelsfield, 
Sussex).  B.  Dec.  2,  1694.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A. 
1714-5-  Barrister.  Emigrated  to  Boston,  1731.  Captain- 
General  and  Governor  of  Massachusetts,  1741-56.  Directed 
the  capture  of  Louisburg,  1745.  General  and  Commander- 
in-Chief  of  the  forces  in  North  America,  1755.  Governor  of 
the  Bahamas,  1758-67.  Lieut. -General,  1759.  (Letters 
edited  by  C.  H.  Lincoln,  1912.)  Retired  to  Roxbury, 
Massachusetts,  1770.  Died  there  Mar.  24,  1771.  Buried  in 
the  King's  Chapel,  Boston.  (Robinson,  11.  6;  D.N.B.; 
E.  A.  Jones.) 

SHURLEY, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1531-2. 

SHURLEY, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  10,  1613. 

SHERLEY, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1644-5. 

SHIRLEY,  .    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  6, 

1716-7  (name  off,  1720).  Perhaps  the  Hon.  Robert,  s.  of 
Sir  Robert,  Knt.  and  ist  Earl  Ferrers  (by  his  2nd  wife  Sclina, 
dau.  of  George  Finch,  of  London).  B.  May  27,  1700.  M.P. 
for  Stamford,  1727-34.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Eatington, 
Warws.  Died  unmarried,  July,  1738.  (Baker,  1.  733;  Collins, 
IV.  99.) 



Shirt,  Matthew 

SHIRT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  7, 
1659.  S.  of  John,  currier,  of  Cawthorae,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3.  Ord.  priest 
(York)  June,  1667.  P.C.  of  Rastrick,  Yorks.,  1664.  V.  of 
WooUey,  1668.  V.  of  Garton,  1673-9.  Probably  V.  of 
Wetwang,  in  1677. 

SHIRT,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  7.  1636. 
Of  Cawthome,  Yorks.  Possibly  s.  of  John,  steward  to  God- 
frey Bosvile,  Esq.,  of  Gunthwaite  Hall.  B.  c.  1620,  at  Caw- 
thome. Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Minister 
of  Midhope  episcopal  chapel,  in  1647.  V.  of  Kirkburton, 
Yorks.,  1649-62.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Rev.  Nicholas 
Broadley,  P.C.  of  Cawthome.  Buried  at  Kirkburton,  May  3, 
1662.   (H.  J.  Morehouse,  Kirkburton.) 

SHIRTE,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1620; 
B.A.  1622-3. 


SHISTED,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  12, 
1705.   Matric.  1705. 

SHOARD,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1663.  Matric. 
(Oriel  CoUege,  Oxford)  July  25,  1655;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1659- 
60.  V.  of  ShephaU,  Herts.,  1665-79-  R-  of  Stevenage, 
1678-9.  Died  Nov.  17,  1679,  aged  40.  M.I.  at  Shephall. 
Will,  P.C.C. 

SHOCKLIDGE  or  STOCKLIDGE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Jesus,  July  5,  1714.  S.  of  John,  deceased,  V.  of  Ash,  Kent. 
Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721.  V.  of  Northboume, 
Kent,  1723-72.  Died  Feb.  8,  1772,  aged  yj.  (Halted,  iv. 

SHOLDERTON, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree.  Excused 

from  congregations,  1520. 

SHOLSHAM, .  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1472. 

SHOOSMITH,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1641.   Of  Kent.   B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648. 



Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  12,  1607-8.  S.  of  Thomas, 
deceased  (of  French  extraction),  of  Norwich.  School, 
Norwich  (MrBrigges).  Matric.  1608;  Scholar,  1608-13;  B.A. 
1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18,  1615-6; 
priest,  Feb.  18,  1626-7.  Schoolmaster  in  or  near  Stamford, 
about  1628.  Of  St  Martin's,  Stamford  Baron,  Northants. 
Will  proved,  1665.   {Venn,  i.  197;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SHORE,  see  also  SHAW. 

SHORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  20,  1646. 
S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Hull.  School,  Laughton  (Mr  West). 
Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Probably  head 
master  of  Hull  School,  1650-64.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lich- 
field) Mar.  i66i-2.  Probably  R.  of  Roos,  near  Hull,  1663-92. 
Died  1692.   Doubtless  father  of  John  (1674).   (Petle,i.  $oy.) 

SHORE,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1648.  S.  of  John,  of  Snit- 
terton,  Derbs.  B.  c.  i6i6.  B.A.  (Dublin)  1638.  Licensed  to 
practise  medicine,  1648.  M.D.  1656.  Probably  knighted, 
Jan.  16,  1667.  Of  Derby,  physician.  Married  Dorothy,  dau. 
of  John  Harper,  of  Birdsall,  Derbs.  Died  1680.  Will  (P.C.C.) 

1680.  (F.M.G.,  471;  Vis.  of  Derbs.,  1662;  Davy.) 
SHORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  29,  1674. 

S.  of  John  (1646),  clerk,  of  Hull,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Laughton-en-le-Morthen.    Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A. 

1681.  Perhaps  R.  of  Shamford,  Leics.,  1687-94.    (Nichols, 

IV.  920.) 
SHORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  i,  1692. 

S.  of  John,  clerk,  R.  of  Hamsey,  near  Lewes,  Sussex.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700;  M.D. 
1706.  Brother  of  the  next. 
SHORE,  PHILIP.  M.A.  1725  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of  John, 
of  Hamsey,  Sussex,  clerk.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  21,  1693-4,  age  i5;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1697;  M.A.  1701. 

V.  of  Wartling,  Sussex,  1705.  V.  of  Woodmancote,  1711. 
Brother  of  Jolm  (above).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHORE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1596;  B.A. 
1 600-1. 

SHORLEY,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1583. 


SHORT,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1602.  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Exeter;  age  35  in  1620.  B.A.  from 
Magdalene,  1605-6;  M.A.  1609;  D.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1623. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1609  and  1623.  R.  of  Ashreigney,  Devon, 
1619-46.  R.  of  Drewsteignton,  1625-46.  Sequestered  and 
died  before  the  Restoration.  (Walker,  Sujf.;  Vis.  of  Devon, 
1620;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SHORT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  20, 
1738.    ist  s.  of  George  (and  Penelope,  dau.  of  Sir  John 


Short,  William 

Tyrwhitt,  Bart.,  of  Stainfield,  Lines.).  Of  East  Keal,  Lines. 
Matric.  1738.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  23,  1737.  Died 
young.   (Burke,  L.G.,  Supp.;  F.M.G.,  1190.) 

SHORT,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1610-1; 
B.A.  1614-5.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

SHORT,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Lent,  1667-8; 

M.A.  1669  (LU.  Reg.). 
SHORT,  JAMES.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1612. 

Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  18,  1616;  of  Staple  Inn, 

SHORT,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1588 

SHORT,   PEREGRINE.    Adm.   pens,   (age   17)   at   Pembroke, 

July   7,    1619.    S.  of  Thomas  (?  1588-9),   of  Fomham  St 

Genevieve,  Suffolk,  medicus.    Bapt.  May  5,  1602.    Matric. 

1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.   Will  proved  (Bury)  Jan.  2, 

1679-80.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1618). 
SHORT,    RICHARD.     Matric.    pens,    from    Pembroke,    Lent, 

1618-9;  B.A.  1621-2;  M..\.  1625;  M.D.  1632.    Of  Bury  St 

Edmunds,  Suffolk.  Buried  at  St  James's,  Bury  St  Edmimds, 

May  II,  1668.   Father  of  the  next. 

SHORT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  24, 
1658-9.  S.  of  Richard  (above),  M.D.  Bapt.  Jan.  7,  1641, 
at  St  James's,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School,  Bury  (Mr  Stephens). 
Matric.  1659.  Migrated  to  Pembroke,  1660.  B.A.  1664-5. 
Living,  1674,  and  paying  hearth  tax. 

SHORT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1683.  Of 
Devon.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  East  Coker,  Somerset,  1698-1713.  Died  1713. 

SHORT,  ROBERT.  Of  Peterhouse.  (But  not  found  in  our 
records.)  Presbyter  of  Devon.  Donor  to  the  College  Chapel 
Building  Fund,  1632.   (Blomefield,  Collectanea,  185.) 

SHORT,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Peter,  of  Tenterden,  Kent,  Esq.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  26,  1596.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Henry 
Gibbon,  of  Benenden.   [Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

SHORT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  14,  1631. 
Of  Kent.  Probably  s.  of  Samuel  of  Tenterden,  Kent.  Matric. 
1631.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  3,  1633. 

SHORT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeO.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  16,  1667.  S.  of  Sir  Edward,  Knt.,  deceased,  of  Wad- 
hurst,  Sussex.  B.  in  Kent.  School,  Wadhurst  (private). 
Matric.  1667;  M.A.  1669  {Lit.  Reg.). 

SHORT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  1678. 

3rd  s.  of  John.    B.  at  Cranbury  (Canonbury),   IsUngton, 

Middlesex.   School,  Islington  (Mr  Singleton).    Matric.  1679; 

M.A.  1683  {Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Sept.  22, 

1681.   {Peile,  II.  70.) 
SHORT,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1588-9;  M.A.  1592. 

Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1607.    Probably  of  Fomham 

St  Genevieve,  Suffolk.    Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1618) 

and  Peregrine  (1619). 

SHORT,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1604-5. 

SHORT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Aug.  28, 
1618.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1588-9),  of  Fomham  St  Genevieve, 
Suffolk,  med.  Brother  of  Peregrine  (1619). 

SHORT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  7, 
1634.  S.  of  Thomas,  medicus.  B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
Suffolk.   Matric.  1634. 

SHORT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  25, 
1649-50.  S.  of  William  (1624),  clerk,  of  Euston,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.D. 
1668  {Lit.  Reg.).  F.R.C.P.,  1675.  Afterwards  became  a 
Roman  Catholic.  Died  Sept.  25  (?  28),  1685.  Buried  in 
St  James'  Chapel,  London.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  William 
(1686).   {D.N.B.;  Munk,  i.  377;  G.  Musgrave.) 

SHORTE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sr  John's, 
June  2,  1651.  3rd  s.  of  Peter,  gent.,  of  Tenterden,  Kent. 
Bapt.  there,  Mar.  17,  1632.  School,  Watlington,  Sussex 
(private).  Matric.  165 1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1652-3. 
Living,  1688.   (Burke,  L.G.,  Supp.) 

SHORT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1612;  B.A.;  M.A.  1627. 

SHORT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  July  7, 
1624.  S.  of  Thomas.  Bapt.  Oct.  2,  1606,  at  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  R.  of 
Euston,  Suffolk,  1630-45,  sequestered.  Father  of  Thomas 

SHORTE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  26,  1633. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  Scholar,  1637; 
M.A.  1640.  Fellow,  1639;  ejected,  1644.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  11,  1646.  Died  before  1660.  (A.  Gray.) 

Short,  Willtam 

SHORT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Apr.  28, 
1686.  S.  of  Thomas  (1649-50),  F.R.C.P.  B.  in  London. 
Schools,  in  Norfolk,  Douay  and  Paris.  (Venn,  i.  481.) 

SHORT,  .   B.Can.L.  1476-7- 

SHORT, -.   Adm.  pens,  at  St  Cath.^rine's,  1673- 

SHORTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fe!l.-Com.  at  Clare,  July  2,  1703- 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  London  (and  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Sir  Erasmus  Philips,  Bart.),  and  grandson  of  Sir 
John,  Knt.  and  Sheriff  of  London,  1675.  B.  in  London. 
Matric.  1703.  Living,  1718.  (Le  Neve,  Knights,  302;  N.  and 
Q.,  6th  S.,  X.  72.) 
SHORTHOSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 
1650.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Willington,  Derbs.,  deceased. 
B.  there,  1633.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1650.  Migrated  to 
St  Catharine's,  1651.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Edlington, 
Yorks.,  1667-70.  Died  July  26,  1670,  'aged  40.' 
SHORTHOSSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May 
27,  1678.  S.  of  John,  clerk,  deceased.  B.  at  Bottesford, 
Leics.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1682.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Stanton  St  Bernard,  Wilts.  Preb.  of 
Salisbury,  1712-21.  Died  Jan.  18,  1721-2.  (Genealogist, 
N.S.,i.x.  35.) 
SHORTHOWSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1583;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1583-4-  R-  of  St 
Michael's,  Stamford,  1588-1612. 
SHORTING,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  27,  1661. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1669;  D.D. 
from  King's,  1696.  Conduct  of  King's,  1672-93.  Signed 
for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  18,  1669.  Ord.  priest 
(Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670.  C.  of  Grantchester,  CambSj,  i6fi; 
V.  1678-1707.  Head  Master  of  Merchant  Taylors'  School, 
Sept.  25,  1691-1707.  Died  Apr.  1707.  Buried  in  St  Mary 
Abchurch,  London.  Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  (£400)  to 
King's  College.  (Robinson,  i.  xv.) 
SHORTING,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  14,  1723.  S.  of  Thomas,  Collector  of  Customs,  of  Cley- 
next-the-Sea,  Norfolk  (and  Anne,  widow  of  John  Shovel,  of 
Cockthorpe,  and  half-sister  of  Sir  Cloudesly  Shovel).  B. 
Jan.  17,  1704-5,  at  Morston,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Blakeney 
(Mr  Smithson)  and  Walsingham  (Mr  Harding).  Matric. 
1724;  Scholar,  1724-9;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1732.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  July  2,  1727;  C.  of  Blakeney.  R.  of 
Brinton,  Norfolk,  1729-58.  R.  of  Thomage,  1734-58.  Died 
Apr.  28,  1758.  M.I.  at  Thomage.  Brother  of  the  next. 
(Venn,  n.  18;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  5th  S.,  n.  299.) 
SHORTING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  10, 
1713.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Morston,  Norfolk,  gent.  B.  there. 
May  16,  1695.  School,  Walsingham  (Mr  Harding).  Scholar, 
1713-8;  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1716-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
July  13,  1718;  'C.  of  Cley.'  Buried  at  Morston,  Aug.  11, 
1718.  M.I.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (above).  (Venn,  1.  529.) 
SHORTLAND,   JOHN.    Adm.   pens,   at   Emmanuel,   Mar.   13, 

1664-5.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1665. 
SHORTLAND,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  June  13, 
1623.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Coggeshall,  Essex.  School, 
Colne  (Mr  Cosin).  Matric.  1623.  Buried  at  Coggeshall, 
Dec.  13,  1667.  Father  of  Thomas  (1689-90).  (Beaumont, 
Coggeshall,  227.) 
SHORTLAND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
Feb.  11,  1649-50.  S.  of  Richard,  wooUendraper.  B.  at 
Colchester.  Schools,  Colchester  and  Felsted.  Matric.  1650. 
SHORTLAND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Mar.  22,  1689-90.  S.  of  Richard  (1623).  B.  at  Coggeshall, 
Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1690;  B.A. 
1693-4.  P.C.  of  Havering,  Essex,  1717-20. 
SHORTON  or  SHIRTON,  ROBERT.  Of  Jesus.  B.A.  1500-1; 
M.A.  1503;  B.D.  1508-9;  D.D.  1511-2.  Fellow  of  Pembroke, 
1505;  Preacher,  1507.  First  Master  of  St  John's,  1511-6. 
Master  of  Pembroke,  1518-34.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1525. 
R.  of  Kettering,  Northants.,  1515-29.  Preb.  of  York, 
1517-25-  R-  oi  St  Nicholas,  London,  1517-23.  R.  of  Sedg- 
field,  Durham,  1518.  R.  of  Stackpole,  Pembroke,  1522. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1523.  Canonof  Windsor,  1527-35.  Almoner 
to  Queen  Catherine  of  Aragon,  and  supported  her  cause 
in  convocation.  Master  of  Stoke-by-Clare  College,  Suffolk, 
1529.  Archdeacon  of  Bath.  1534-5.  Died  Oct.  17,  1535- 
Buried  at  Stoke-by-Clare.  Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  several 
CoUeges.  (Cooper,  i.  ^y,  D.N. B.) 
SHORTRUDGE,  HUGH.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1675.  S.  of  Hugh, 
R.  of  Ashreigney,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  12,  1668-9,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1672;  B.D.  and  D.D. 
(Oxford)  1702.  R.  of  Fetcham,  Surrey,  1685.  Died  Mar.  28, 
1720.  Benefactor  to  Exeter  College,  Oxford.   (Al.Oxon.) 

SHORY  or  SHOREY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  May  9,  1706.  S.  of  John,  pewterer.  B.  in  London. 
School,  London  (private).  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A. 

Shouldham,  Francis 

1714.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1714;  priest,  June  16, 
1717-  R.  of  Layham,  Suffolk,  1729-54.  R.  of  Hadleigh. 
Lecturer  of  St  Lawrence  Jewry  with  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Milk 
Street,  London,  till  1754.  Died  1754,  at  Chelsea.  Will,  P.C.C. 
SHOTBOLT,  see  also  SHADBOLT. 

SHOTBOLT  or  SHADBOLT,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pem- 
broke, Easter,  1573.    Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Yardley, 
Herts,  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Boteler).  Probably  adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  12,  1579,  Sholtbolte;  of  Fumival's 
Inn.    Of  Yardley.    Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Tony,  Esq. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1573)  and  probably  father  of  Tony, 
Philip  (1602)  and  Ralph  (1602).   (Chauncy,  Herts.,  i.  123.) 
SHOTBOLT,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1605.  Of  Chalkestone  (orChalverstone),  Beds. 
Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.    Fellow,  1608-15. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4;  priest,  June  5,  1615.    Died 
in  College,  1615.   Admon.  in  King's.   (Harwood.) 
SHOTBOLT  or  SHADBOLT,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's, 
Easter,  1602.    Probably  2nd  s.  of  John  (1573).  of  Yardley, 
Herts.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Marsh,  of  Middle- 
sex.   Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Tony;  father  of  Thomas 
SHOTBOLT  or  SHADBOLT,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's, 
Easter,  1602.    Probably  4th  s.  of  John  (i573)-    Died  s.p. 
Brother  of  Philip  (above)  and  of  Tony. 
SHOTBOLT   or   SHADBOLT,    THOMAS.     Matric.   pens,   from 
Pembroke,  Easter,  1573.    Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Yardley,  Herts.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Nicasius  Yetesworth, 
Esq.    Brother  of  John  (1573)-    (Chauncy,  Herts.,  i.  123.) 
SHOTBOLT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  (age  20)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,   1632.    S.  of  Philip  (1602).    B.  at  Yardley,  Herts. 
B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1641.  (Chauncy, 
Herts.,  1.  123.) 
SHOTBOLT,  TONY.    Of  King's  CoUege.    S.  and  h.  of  John 
(?  1573).  of  Yardley,  Herts.  Buried  in  King's  College,  Oct.  15, 
1598.  Brother  of  Philip  (1602)  and  Ralph  (1602).  (Chauncy, 
Herts.,  I.  123;  Vis.  of  Herts.) 
SHOTTER,  ROGER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  i, 

1708.  B.  in  Surrey.  School,  Eton. 
SHOTTESHAM,  JOHN  DE.  Southern  student  who  received  a 
royal  pardon  in  1261  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against  the 
northern  students.  (Fuller,  29.) 
SHOTTISHAM,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Corpus  Christi,  1457; 
B.D.  1475-6.  Fellow,  1462.  Licensed,  by  the  Bishop  of 
Ely,  'to  preach  the  word  of  God,  both  to  the  clergy 
and  to  the  people  in  the  diocese  of  Ely,  July  17,  1469.' 

SHOTOVER, .  Dr  (Div.  or  Can.L.)  1462-3.  Canonicus. 

SHOTTON,    ROBERT.    B.A.    1484-5;    M.A.    1488.    Fellow  of 

Queens',  1492-3. 
SHOTTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Nov. 
22,  1623.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  'Crapson' 
(?Cropston  in  Thurcaston),  Leics.  School,  Sileby  (Mr 
Partridge).  Matric.  1623.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1632.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  May  31;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1629. 
SHOTWELL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July,  1668. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1682. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1682.  V.  of  North  Cave,  Yorks.,  1681. 
V.  of  Seighford,  Staffs.,  1694. 
SHOULDHAM,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct. 
13.  1595-  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Shouldham,  Norfolk. 
Schools,  Dunham  (Mr  Grenwood)  and  Lynn  (Mr  Roberts). 
Married,  at  Mileham,  to  Elizabeth  Lewis,  1609.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1590). 
SHULDHAM,  EDWARD.  B.Civ.L.  1465-6;  D.Civ.L.  1467-8. 
B.  in  Norfolk.  Master  of  Trinity  Hall,  1502-3.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  22,  1472;  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  17,  1473; 
'Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall.'  R.  of  Theriield,  Herts.,  1485-1503. 
Canon  of  Lincoln,  1488-90.  Died  1503.  Buried  at  Theriield. 
WiU  proved  (P.C.C).  (Clutterbuck,  iii.  587.) 
SHOULDHAM,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  13)  at  Caius,  c. 
June,  1589.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Shouldham  Hal),  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1589.  Probably  scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1592.  \Am. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  29,  1595-  Of  Kettlestone,  Esq. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Tavemer,  Lord  Kettlestone. 
Died  Apr.  4,  1655,  aged  84  (sic).  Buried  at  Kettlestone. 
Will,  Archd.  C.  Norwich.  Father  of  Nathaniel  (1641)  and 
Lemuel  (1642).  (tVnn,  i.  136;  Btowf^W,  vii.  114-) 
SCHOULDHAM,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
July  16,  1673;  re-adm.  sizar  Mar.  29,  1676.  S.  of  Nathaniel 
(1641),  Esq.,  deceased,  late  of  Kettlestone,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Croxton.  Schools,  Walsingham  (Mr  Pitts)  and  Seaming 
(Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1676;  Scholar,  1676-81;  LL.B.  1681. 
Fellow,  1682-3.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  St  Michael's, 
June  9,  1683.   Brother  of  Robert  (1670).   (Venn,  i.  449.) 


Shouldham,  Francis 

SCHULDHAM,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Mar.  6, 
1682-3.  S.  of  Lemuel  (1642),  of  Walsingham,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  May  3,  i657-  Schools,  Walsingham  and  Holt. 
Matric.  1683;  Scholar,  1683-7;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  22,  1687;  priest  (Norwich)  May  21,  1692; 
'C.  of  Horsham  St  Faith,  Norfolk.'  V.  of  Kildrumferton 
(Kilmore  diocese),  1701-30.  Married  and  had  issue.  Twin- 
brother  of  Lemuel  (1682-3).   {Venn,  I.  472;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SCHULDHAM,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  June  4,  1713- 
S.  of  Robert  (1670),  M.D.,  of  Kettlestone,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Fakenham.  School,  Holt  (Mr  Reynolds).  Matric.  1713; 
Scholar,  1713-9;  M.B.  1719;  M.D.  1725-  Fellow,  1720-76. 
Practised  at  Walsingham.  Donor  of  the  'Schuldam  plate 
prize.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  15,  1776.  M.I.  at  Kettlestone. 
WiU,  P.C.C.   {Venn,  1.  530;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SCHULDHAM,  JOHN.   B.A.  1486-7;  M.A.  1490. 

SHULDHAM,  LEMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Sept.  14, 
1642.  S.  of  Francis  (15S9),  gent.,  of  Croxton,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
Apr.  4,  1627,  at  Hingham.  School,  Lynn  (Mr  BeU).  Matric. 
1642;  Scholar,  1643-50;  B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  1650.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1651-2.  Steward  of  the  College  manor 
of  Bumham,  1673.  Of  Walsingham,  Esq.  Married  Eleanor, 
dau.  of  Francis  Jermy,  of  Gunton,  Sept.  20,  1664.  Died 
before  Feb.  4,  1688.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1641)  and  father 
of  the  next  and  Francis  (1682-3).   (K^nn,  i.  347;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SCHULDHAM,  LEMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  6, 
1682-3.  S.  of  Lemuel  (above),  of  Walsingham,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  (His  parentage  is  wrongly  given  in  Cotton's 
Fasti,  V.  :66;  other  authorities  have  made  a  similar  mistake.) 
Schools,  Walsingham  and  Holt.  Matric.  1683;  Scholar, 
1683-7;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1690.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
May  22,  1687;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1692.  C.  of  Offord 
D'Arcy,  Hunts.,  1687.  Preb.  of  Blackrath,  Ossory,  Ireland, 
1699-1719.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Daniel  Molyneux, 
of  Ballymulvey,  Co.  Longford,  and  widow  of  Bryan  KeUy, 
of  Ballyforan,"Co.  Roscommon,  Sept.  24,  1712.  Died  Feb. 
1719.  His  son  Molyneux  was  created  Baron  Schuldham, 
1776.  Twin  brother  of  Francis  (1682-3).  {Venn,  i.  472; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SHULDHAM,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
June  29,  1641.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis  (1589).  gent.,  of  Croxton, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Hingham.  School,  Ljmn  (Mr  Bell).  Matric. 
1641;  Scholar,  1641-5;  B.A.  1644-5.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
June  19,  1645.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1652.  Of  Kettlestone, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  Married  (1)  Catherine,  dau.  of  John  Thruston 
(? Thurston),  Esq.,  of  Hoxne,  Suffolk;  (2)  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
Robert  Kedington,  Esq.,  of  Hockham,  Norfolk.  Died  Nov. 
25,  1671.  Buried  at  Kettlestone.  Will,  Norwich  C.  C. 
Brother  of  Lemuel  (1642),  father  of  the  next  and  of  Francis 
(1673).   {Venn,  1.  344;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SHOULDHAM,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  May  10,  1670. 
S.  and  h.  of  Nathaniel  (above),  of  Kettlestone,  Norfolk,  Esq. 
B.  at  Croxton,  1653.  Schools,  Holt  (Mr  Mazey)  and  Lynn 
(Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1670;  Scholar,  1670-4;  LL.B.  1675;  M.D. 
1681.  FeUow,  1676-9.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Henry 
Brady,  of  Norwich,  Died  June  26,  1705.  Buried  at  Kettle- 
stone. M.I.  Will  proved  (Norwich  C.  C.)  Nov.  13,  1705. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1673)  and  father  of  Francis  (1713)- 
{Venn,  1.  441.) 

SCHULDHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Dec.  30, 
1590.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Shouldham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Dunham,  near  Swaffham  (Mr  Grenwood).  Scholar, 
1590-7;  Matric.  c.  1591;  B.A.  1594-5-  Brother  of  Charles 

SCHULDHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
June  24,  1706.  S.  of  John,  attorney,  of  Beccles,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  22,  1689.  School,  Beccles  (Mr  Leeds). 
Scholar,  1706-11;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Fellow,  1711-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Winchester)  Dec.  30,  1711;  priest  (Norwich) 
June  11,  1714.  R.  of  EUough  and  Willingham,  Suffolk,  1714- 
36.  Will  proved  (Ipswich)  1737;  of  EUough.  {Venn,  i.  515; 
Burke,  L.G.) 

SHULDHAM,  .   B.Civ.L.  1500-1.    One,  Robert  Shuldham, 

Benedictine,  B.D.  (Oxford)  1510;  Supp.  D.D.  June  28,  1515. 
Became  Lord  Abbot  of  St  Saviour's  or  St  Mary  Overy, 
Southwark,  Surrey.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHOVE,  BENJAMIN.  B.A.  from  King's,  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 
R.  of  Gatton,  Surrey,  c.  1648-66.  Buried  there  May  16,  1666. 
{Manning  and  Bray,  11.  238.) 

SHOVE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1622; 
B.A. 1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 

SHOVE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  15,  1713.  S.  of 
Edward,  of  Gatton,  Surrey.  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7; 
Scholar,  1717;  M.A.  1720.  V.  of  Rainham,  Kent,  1723-71. 
R.  of  St  Margaret's,  Canterbury,  1727-37.  V.  of  Doddington, 

Shropham,  John 

Kent,  1737-71.  V.  of  St  Mary  Bredin,  Canterbury,  i737- 
R.  of  Sutton,  Dover,  1766-71.  V.  of  Linsted,  1766-7.  R-  of 
Little  Mongeham,  1767-71-  Died  Dec.  8,  1771-  Will  (P.C.C.) 
SHOWELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1726. 
S.  of  John,  shipwright.  Bapt.  at  Rotherhithe,  Surrey, 
Sept.  19,  1707.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1730-1;  M.A.  i734- 
Fellow,  1729.  Vice-Provost  in  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
June,  1740;  priest.  May,  1744.  Had  an  estate  in  Hampshire. 
Died  in  College,  June  14,  1748.  {Harwood.) 
SHOWTE,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall.  Left,  May  12, 

SHRAWLEY,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  20,  i7i7-8. 

S.  of  John,  of  Kelham,  Notts.  Scholar,  1720;  B.A.  1721-2. 
SHRAWLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  5. 
1666.  S.  of  John,  clerk,  of  Kirtling,  Cambs.  B.  there.  School, 
Canterbury.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673- 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1673.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London) 
Sept.  20,  1673. 
SHREDE,   RICHARD.     Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1584.    Of  Norfolk. 
SHREVE,  see  also  SHERIFFE. 

SCHREVE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1571- 
SHREVE,  JOHN.    Student  at  Cambridge;  supp.  for  B.Can.L. 
(Oxford)  1532.   Perhaps  R.  of  Framingham  Earl  and  Pigot, 
Norfolk,  1541.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
SHREVE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1625. 

Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632. 
SHROWSBURY,   RICHARD   DE.    Scholar  at    King's   Hall, 

SHREWSBURY,  Abbot  of.    D.D.  1460-1.   Thomas  Mynde  was 
elected   abbot,   Jan.   8,    1460.    Died   1497-    He  succeeded 
Thomas  Ludlow,  D.D.,  who  died  Dec.  8,  1459;  m  1448,  he 
and    his    convent    conveyed    lands    in    Cambridgeshire    to 
Henry  VI  as  part  of  the  endowment  of   King's  College. 
(H.  E.  Forrest,  Churches  of  Shrewsbury,  12.) 
SHRIGLEY,  ALBION.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
24,1663-4.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Macclesfield,  Cheshire.  B.  there. 
School,    Macclesfield.     Matric.   1664.    V.   of   Shackerstone, 
Leics.,  1680.    Buried  there   May   11,    1713-    Father  of  the 
next.   {Nichols,  iv.  913.) 
SHRIGLEY,   ALBION.    Adm.  sizar   (age   19)   at   Pembroke, 
Jan.  9,  1706-7.    S.  of  Albion  (above),  V.  of  Shackerstone, 
Leics.   B.  there.   Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1711-2.   Under  master 
at  Market  Bosworth  School.    P.C.  of  Carlton  Chapel.    WiU 
(Leicester)  1729. 
SHRIGLEY,   JAMES.    Adm.   pens,   (age   16)   at   Magdalene, 
May  17,  1679.    S.  of  William,  gent.,  deceased.    B.  at  Ard- 
wick.  Lanes.   School,  Manchester.   Matric.  1679-  Brother  of 
John  (1679). 
SHRIGLEY,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  12,  1600. 

B.  at  Bollington,  near  Macclesfield,  Cheshire.   B.A.  1603-4; 
M.A.  1607.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25,  1609,  age  27. 

C.  of  St  Martin's,  Colchester.    C.  of  Stock,  Essex,  1621-5. 
V.  of  Margaretting,  1635-41. 

SHRIGLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  17, 
1679.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Ardwick,  Lanes. 
School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3.  Brother  of 
James  (1679). 

SHRIGLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  Easter,  i745;  M.A.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, 1745.  S.  of  William,  of  Manchester.  B.  there,  Oct.  24, 
1710.  CoUegerat  Eton,  1721-30.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 
Oxford)  Dec.  17,  1730;  B.A.  (Oxford)  i734-  R-  of  Bromfield, 
Essex,  1738-45.  R.  of  Chicknal,  i745-6i.  R-  of  Mashbury, 
1745-61.  Perhaps  R.  of  Alderley,  Cheshire,  1753-62  {sic). 
Died  1761.  Brother  of  William  (1741).  {Al.  Oxon.;  Morant, 
II.  81,  460.) 

SHRIGLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1695; 
B.A.  1697-8.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  19,  1698. 

SHRIGLEY,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1741-  S.  of 
William,  of  Manchester.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College.  Oxford) 
Feb.  6,  1720-1,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1724-  Brother  of 
John  (1745)-   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHRIMPTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SHRIMPTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1577; B.A.  1580-1. 

SHROPHAM,  JOHN.  Warden  of  King's  Hall,  1361-3.  Pre- 
viously a  scholar.  M.A.  Petitioned  the  Pope,  1363,  for  a 
benefice.  Perhaps  R.  of  RawTeth,  Essex,  1392.  Died  1393. 
{Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  405.) 


Shrubsall,  Charles 

SHRUBSALL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  4, 
1633.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Canter- 
bury (died  1634).  Age  2  in  1619.  Matric.  1633.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  13,  1635.   (Vis.  of  Kent;  Hasted,  iv.  435.) 

SHRUBSOLE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  5.  i7ii- 
S.  of  Kenn,  of  Canterbury,  Kent.    B.  at  Ashford.    Matric. 

1711.  Migrated  as  scholar  to  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  14,  1713-4. 
LL.B.  1717.  Proctor  in  the  Commons.  Died  Feb.  21,  1733. 
(A.  Gray;  G.  Mag.) 

SHRYNE, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1568. 

SHUCKBURGH  or  SHUGBOROW,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens, 
from  King's,  Michs.  1587.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Naseby, 
Northants.  If  so.  High  Sheriff  of  Northants.,  1625.  Died 
Apr.  25,  1658,  aged  86.  Buried  at  Naseby.  M.I.  Perhaps 
father  of  the  next.  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd.  S.,  iii.  319; 
Bridges,  1.  578.) 

SHUCKBURGH,  EUSEBIUS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's, 
July,  1614.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (?  above).  High 
Sheriff  of  Northants.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  17, 
i6i6.  Of  Naseby,  Northants.  Married  and  had  issue. 
(Peile,  I.  296;  Bridges,  i.  577-8.) 

SHUKBURGH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  26,  1695.  Of  London.  School,  Tonbridge.  Matric. 
1695;  Scholar,  1695.  Migrated  to  Trinity.  B.A.  1698-9; 
M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1702.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  6, 
1700-1.  R.  of  Caston,  Norfolk,  1720-33.  V.  of  East  Winch, 
1722-33.  Died  1733. 

SHUCKBOROWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1606.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Shuckburgh,  Warws. 
Died  Oct.  16,  1625,  aged  37.  Buried  at  Napton.  (Misc. 
Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iii.  353;  Baker,  i.  372.) 

SHUKBURGH,  JOHN  (RICHARD).  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  18) 
at  St  John's,  Apr.  14,  1712.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Bourton, 
Warws.  School,  Warwick  (Mr  Greenway).  Matric.  1712,  as 
Richard.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  17,  1712,  as 
Richard.  Lieut. -Colonel  of  the  3rd  Regiment  of  Horse.  Of 
Bourton,  Esq.  Died  May  14,  1762,  aged  67.  M.I.  at  Bourton. 
(Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iii.  353.) 

SHUCKBURGH,   .    B.Can.L.    1488-9.     Perhaps  John,   of 

Queens';  will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1502. 

SHUGBOROWTH  or  SOKBORU, .  Scholar  of  King's  Hall, 

until  1498;  afterwards  pens.  Died  1504.  Left  26s.  M.  to  King's 
Hall.   (Trin.  Coll.  Admissions,  i.  126.) 

SHUCKBORROW,  (junior).    Adm.    at    King's,    Michs. 

SHUCKFORD  or  SHUCKFORTH,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16) 

at  Caius,  Oct.  3,  1568.   S.  of  William,  of  Harling,  Norfolk. 

School,  Walden,  Essex.  Matric.  1568. 

SHUCKFORD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  8, 

1712.  S.  of  Samuel,  gent.,  of  Palgrave,  Suffolk.  B.  at 
Norwich.  Schools,  Norwich  and  Botesdale.  Scholar,  171 2-9; 
Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720;  D.D.  (Lambeth). 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  16,  1717;  priest  (Norwich)  Oct. 
28,  1718.  V.  of  Seething  and  Mundham,  Norfolk,  until  1746. 
R.  of  Hardwick,  1718-46;  of  Shelton,  1722-46.  Chaplain 
to  the  King,  1732-54.  R.  of  All  Hallows,  Lombard  Street, 
1747-54.  Canon  of  Canterbury,  1738-54.  Author,  Sacred 
and  Profane  History  of  the  World.  Died  July  14,  1754.  Buried 
in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Venn,  i.  527; 

SHUCKFORD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  28, 
1749.  S.  of  William,  glass  worker,  of  London.  B.  Oct.  18, 
1730,  at  Yarmouth.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Bullimer)  and 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Scholar,  1749-53;  Matric.  1750;  B.A. 
1753;  M.A.  1789.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Chichester)  Mar.  18;  priest  (Chichester)  Dec.  21,  1753.  V.  of 
Wamham,  Sussex,  1753.  V.  of  Eartham,  1788.  Chaplain  to 
the  Earl  of  Gainsborough.  Died  Dec.  5,  1799  (sic).  Buried 
at  Wamham.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  1798.   (Venn,  11.  62.) 

SHUCKFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1653.  Of 


SHUTE  or  SHUTTE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Pembroke,  Michs.  1561.  Doubtless  s.  of  Christopher,  of 
Oakington,  Cambs.  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568;  B.D.  1580. 
V.  of  Giggleswick,  1576-1626.  Head  Master  of  Giggleswick 
School,  1615-9.  Author,  religious.  Died  at  Giggleswick, 
1626.  Doubtless  brother  of  Robert  (1542),  father  of 
Nathaniel  (1603-4),  Josias  (1602),  Thomas  (1605)  and 
Timothy  (1609).  (D.N.B.;  Cooper,  11.  285;  Giggleswick 
School;  Peile,  1.  32.) 

SHUTE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1582.  One  of  these  names  of  Gargrave,  Yorks.,  in 

Shute,  Robert 

SHUTE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
May  4, 1584.  2nds.of  Robert  (1542),  Recorder  of  Cambridge. 
Bapt.  Feb.  7,  1565-6,  at  Oakington,  Cambs.  School, 
Oakington  (Mr  Longworth).  Married,  in  1588,  Joan  Hatton, 
of  Long  Stanton.  Buried  Nov.  27,  1611,  at  Oakington. 
(Venn,  1.  120;  Cambs.  Vis.) 

SHUTE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  2,  1627.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (1603-4).  B.  at  Sandon,  Herts. 
School,  London.  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634; 
B.D.  1642;  D.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1631.  Proctor, 
1640-1.  R.  of  Navenby,  Lines.,  1642-56.  R.  of  Watton, 
Herts.,  1656-71.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1660-3.  R.  of  St  Vedast, 
London,  1661-3.  President  of  Sion  College,  1663.  Preb.  of 
Rochester,  1664-71.  Archdeacon  of  St  Albans,  1664-71. 
Died  Apr.  24,  1671.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1673.  Father  of  Nathaniel 
(1665).   (Peile,  I.  381.) 

SHUTTE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1586; 
B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1588-9,  Shute. 

SHUTE,  HENRY.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1682.  S.  of  John,  of 
Kilmersdon,  Somerset,  clerk.  Matric.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  Dec.  4,  1674,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1678.  Chaplain 
to  Edward,  Earl  of  Oxford.  V.  of  Finborough,  and  of  Stow- 
market,  Suffolk,  1685-9.  C.  of  St  Andrew,  Holbom,  London. 
Died  Nov.  3,  1722.  Will  dated,  Sept.  21,  1719;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  1723;  mentions  a  charity  school  set  up  by  him  at 
Kilmersdon.   (A I.  Oxon.) 

SHUTE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1731.  Of 
Somerset.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1734-5;  M.A.  1738.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Peterb.)  Mar.  6,  1736-7. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Brancaster,  Norfolk,  1751.  One  of  these 
names  of  Stapleton,  Gloucs.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1785. 

SHUTE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 
1676.  S.  of  James,  deceased.  B.  at  Wisbech,  Cambs.  School, 
Wisbech.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683. 

SHUTE,  JOSEPH.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  161 1-2.  R.  of  Meavy, 
Devon,  c.  1614-74.  Suffered  during  the  rebellion ;  imprisoned 
at  Plymouth,  etc.  Father  of  Walter  (1641).  (Walker, 

SHUTE,  JOSIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1602. 
S.  of  Christopher  (1561),  V.  of  Giggleswick.  B.  in  Craven, 
Yorks.,  1588.  School,  Giggleswick.  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  4, 1609-10,  age  24;  priest,  June  3, 
1610.  C.  of  St  Michael  Queme,  London.  R.  of  St  Mary 
Woolnoth,  1611-43,  ejected.  Chaplain  to  the  East  India 
Company,  1632.  Archdeaconof  Colchester,  1642-3.  A  skilled 
Hebrew  scholar.  .Author,  sermons.  Buried  at  St  Mary 
Woolnoth,  June  14,  1643.  WiU  proved  (Cons.  C.  London) 
Aug.  1,  1643.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  Timothy  (1609)  and 
Thomas  (1605).   (D.N.B.;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SHUTE,  NATHANIEL.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1603-4.  S.  of 
Christopher  (1561).  M.A.  1607.  R.  of  St  Margaret  Moses, 
London,  1614-8.  R.  of  St  Mildred  Poultry,  1618-38.  A 
famous  preacher;  Fuller  caUs  him  another  Chrysostom. 
Buried  Aug.  11,  1638,  at  St  Mildred  Poultry.  Admon., 
Sept.  24,  1638,  to  his  son  Christopher  (1627).  Brother  of 
Josias  (above),  etc.   (Peile,  i.  235.) 

SHUTE,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
28,  1665.  S.  of  Christopher  (1627).  B.  at  Navenby,  Lines. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  from 
Queens',  1672;  B.D.  i68o.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1671-81. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1671; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1672.  V.  of  Honingham,  Norfolk, 
1673-80.  R.  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge,  1677-81.  R.  of  Gt 
ChevereU,  Wilts.,  1680.  Canon  of  Salisbury,  1704-12.  Died 
before  June,  1712.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1712.   (Peile,  i.  615.) 

SHUTE,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1576; 
B.A.  1579-80.   R.  of  St  Michael,  Nottingham,  1585-8. 

SHUTE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1653-4  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.  at 
Wolverton,  Somerset.  M.A.  1658;  D.D.  1661.  Matric.  (St 
John's  CoUege,  Oxford)  Feb.  27,  1650-1;  B.A.  (O.xford) 
1653-4.  Ord.  priest  (Caius)  June  12,  1668;  C.  of  Huntmgfield, 
Suffolk.  R.  of  St  Peter  and  St  Mary,  Stowmarket,  1674-86. 
Died  Feb.  1686,  aged  54.   (Venn,  i.  403;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SHUTE,  ROBERT.  Probably  adm.  at  Peterhouse,  1542  or 
1544.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Oakington,  Cambs.  B.  at  Gar- 
grave,  Yorks.  (sic).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1550.  Barrister, 
1552.  Reader,  1568.  Treasurer,  1576.  Serjeant-at-law,  1577- 
Recorder  of  Cambridge,  1558-90.  M. P.  for  Cambridge,  1571, 
1572-9.  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1579-86.  Judge,  Q.B., 
1586-go.  Married  Thora;fsine,  dau.  of  Christopher  BurgojTie, 
of  Long  Stanton,  Cambs.  Lived  at  Oakington,  Cambs.  Died 
Apr.  1590.  Will,  P.C.C.  Doubtless  brother  of  Christopher 
(1561),  father  of  Robert  (1598)  and  Christopher  (1584). 
(Cooper,  II.  92;  D.N.B.;  Peile,  i.  31.) 

SHUTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1575. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Yorkshire.  Bapt.  at  Gargrave, 
July  24,  1559.   B.A.  from  Christ's,  1579-80. 


Shute,  Robert 

SHUTE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Oct.  23,  1588. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596.  Perhaps  of 
King's  Lynn,  Norfolk,  clerk;  admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  2,  1621. 
Probably  brother  of  Thomas  {1588). 
SHUTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1598-9.  4th  s. 
of  Robert  (1542),  Justice  of  the  Queen's  Bench.  B.A.  1601-2; 
M.A.  1605.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1600.  Clerk  of  the 
Court  of  C.P.,  1616.  M.P.  for  St  Albans,  1620-1.  Recorder 
of  London,  1621  (Jan.-Feb.).  Died  Feb.  10,  1620-1.  Brother 
of  Christopher  (1584).   (D.N.B.;  Peile,  1.  229.) 

SHUTE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Christ's,  Dec.  12,  1683. 
S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Comhill,  London.  B.  1662.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Nov.  23,  1683.  Joined  the  army;  became 
Lieut. -Colonel;  served  under  Marlborough.  Governor  of 
Massachusetts,  1716-27.  His  administrative  responsibilities 
brought  him  into  conflict  with  the  Assembly.  Returned  to 
England  in  1723  to  consult  the  advisers  of  the  Crown. 
Pensioned  on  the  death  of  George  I  in  1727.  Died  Mar.  15, 
1742.   (D.N.B.;  Peile,  n.gi.) 

SHUTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1588.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Robert,  of  Oaking- 
ton,  Cambs.  (It  seems  more  likely  that  this  man  and 
Robert  (1588)  were  nephews  of  Robert.)   {Cambs.  Vis.) 

SHUTE  or  SHOOTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1605.  4th  s.  of  Christopher  (1561).  B.A.  from 
Peterhouse,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Chester)  Feb.  17,  1610-1.  Domestic  chaplain  to  the  Bishop 
of  Chester;  preached  his  funeral  sermon  in  1615-  Still  in 
Chester  in  i6i8  as  a  preacher  of  the  word  of  God.  Brother 
of  Josias  (1602),  etc.   (E.  Axon.) 

SHUTE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  4, 
1641.  S.  of  Timothy  (1609),  Preb.  of  E.xeter.  B.  at  Exeter. 
School,  Ottery  (Mr  Bame).  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincohi)  July  18,  1646.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  R.  of  Lawhitton,  Cornwall,  1662.   {Peile,  1.  477O 

SHUTE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  27,  1723.  Of 
Cornwall.   Matric.  1723-  Expelled,  1724- 

SHUTE,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1609.  S.  of  Christopher  (1561),  V.  of  Giggleswick,  Yorks. 
B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Preb.  of  Exeter,  1630-45,  ejected. 
R.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Exeter,  1635.  R.  of  Lawhitton, 
Cornwall,  1647.  One  of  these  names  of  Farway,  Devon, 
clerk;  \vill  (Exeter)  1668.  Brother  of  Josias  (1602),  etc.  and 
father  of  Thomas  (1641).  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contem- 
porary namesake. 

SHUTE,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  28,  1667. 
Of  Cornwall.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Lawhitton,  Cornwall,  1675;  will  (Exeter)  1722. 

SHUTE,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  27,  1685. 
Of  Devon.   Matric.  1685. 

SHUTE,  WALTER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  7, 
1641.  S.  of  Joseph  (1611-2),  R.  of  Meavy,  Devon.  B.  there. 
School,  Plymouth  (private).   Matric.  1642. 

SHUTTE, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1542.  This 

or  the  next  was  probably  Robert,  afterwards  Justice  of  the 
Q.B.  whom  see. 

SHUTTE, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Lent,  1543-4- 

SHOOT, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1558. 

SHUTE, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  26,  1578. 

Probably  Francis,  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  Serjeant-at-law. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  16,  1577-  Perhaps  brother  of  the 
next.  (r.  A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619.) 

SHUTE,  {senior).    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  26, 

1578.  Perhaps  John,  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Oakington,  Cambs. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  29,  1563.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  23, 
1579-80.   {Vis.  of  Cambs.) 

SHUTE,  {junior).   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  26, 

1578.  Possibly  Christopher,  3rd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Oakington, 
Cambs.,  who  was  adm.  at  Caius  in  1584  as  2nd  son.  But  he 
was  only  12  in  1578.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

SHUTE, .   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1590-1- 

SHUT, .  Matric.  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606  {absent). 

SHUTER,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  18,  1737-8. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  1745. 
Fellow,  1743-4-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  29,  1743;  priest 
(Nonvich)  May  20,  1744.  R.  of  Upper  Isham,  Northants., 
1744-9.  R-  of  Kibworth,  Leics.,  1741-69.  Died  Nov.  24, 
1769,  aged  50.  M.I.  at  Kibworth.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1769. 
{Nichols,  II.  649.) 

SHUTTLEWOODE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1650.  Of  Leicestershire.  Scholar,  1651.  Probably  identical 
with  the  Nonconformist  tutor  of  these  names.  B.  at  Wymes- 
wold,  Leics.,  Jan.  3,  1631-2.  Approved  by  the  Wirksworth 
Classis  and  ord.  Apr.  26,  1654.   Minister  of  Ravenstone  and 

SiBBALD,  James 

Hugglescote,  Leics.,  1654-62,  ejected.  Conducted  an  academy 
for  the  education  of  Nonconformist  ministers  at  Sulby,  near 
Welford,  Northants.  (A  Mr  Shuttlewood  of  Old  Sulby  was 
buried  at  Welford,  Sept.  20,  1678.)  Frequently  fined  and 
imprisoned  for  nonconformity.  Died  Mar.  17, 1688-9.  Buried 
at  Creaton  {sic),  Northants.  M.I.  Will  dated,  Dec.  28,  1687; 
proved  (Archd.  Northants.)  Nov.  29,  1690;  of  Little  Creaton. 
{D.N.B.;  Nichols,  in.  938.) 
SHUTLEWOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  I,  1675.  S.  of  Kenelm,  deceased,  of  Lowesby,  Leics. 
B.  there.  School,  Oakham.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1654-5). 
SHUTTLEWOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  8;  priest,  June  9,  1628. 
SHUTTLEWOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  i, 
1654-5.  Of  Leicestershire.  S.  and  h.  of  Kenelm,  of  Bramston, 
Rutland,  gent.  Matric.  1655.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  16, 
1656;  Shuttleworth,  alias  Shuttlewood.  Brother  of  Joseph 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  BARTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  28,  1741.  S.  of  Ralph,  vintner,  of  Middlesex  (afterwards 
settled  in  Rochdale).  B.  in  London.  School,  Rochdale, 
Lanes.  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5-  Perhaps  Head  Master 
of  Witton,  or  Northwich  Grammar  School,  Cheshire,  1748. 
Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Feb.  2,  1770;  priest,  July  28,  1771- 
P.C.  of  Littleborough,  Lanes.,  1770-93-  Buried  at  Rochdale, 
Oct.  31,  1793.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  515;  Fishwick,  Rochdale, 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  14,  1651.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Leonard, 
of  St  Martin's,  Lincoln.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  18,  1630.  Matric. 
1653;  B.A.  1654.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  from  Barnard's  Inn, 
June  19,  1656.  Probably  buried  at  North  Hickham,  Apr.  10, 
1711.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  874-) 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Mag- 
dalene, Oct.  8,  1709.  S.  of  Edmund  (?  above).  B.  at  North 
Hickham,  Lines.  School,  Heighington,  Lines.  Matric.  1710; 
.  B.A.  1713-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  15;  priest  (Norwich) 
Dec.  1714.  P.C.  of  Barlings,  Lines.  C.  of  St  Peter-at-Arches, 
Lincoln.  V.  of  Crowle.  Buried  at  St  Swithin's,  Lincoln,  May 
23,  1717.   Will  proved,  July  4,  i7i7-   (J-  Parker.) 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1714- 
S.  of  John,  of  Wimbledon,  Surrey.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
College,  Oxford)  Dec.  17,  1686,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1690. 
V.  of  Obome,  1695-1750,  and  R.  of  Lillington,  Dorset, 
1695-1711.  R.  of  Fifield  Bavant,  Wilts.,  i7«i-.5o.  Canon  of 
Sanim,  1721-50.  R.  of  Preston,  Wilts.,  1721-50.  Died 
before  June  13,  1750.  Will  Cons.  C.  Sarum.  Father  of  the 
next.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  JOHN  HANKINS.  M.A.  from  Caius,  1730. 
S.  of  John  (above),  clerk,  of  Lillington,  Dorset.  Matric. 
(Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  19,  1718-9;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1722.  V.  of  Preston,  Dorset,  1726-52.  Died  Feb.  18,  1752, 
aged  50.   M.I.  at  Preston.   {Venn,  11.  33.) 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  LAURENCE.  B.D.  1583  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  2nd  s.  of  Hugh,  of  Gawthorp,  Lanes.  B.A.  (Univer- 
sity CoUege,  Oxford)  1574-5;  M.A.  1575(?);  B.C.L.  1578; 
B.D.  1582-3.  R.  of  Workington,  Cumberland,  1577-  R-  of 
Whichford,  Warws.,  1583.  Buried  Feb.  22,  1607-8.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (Burke,  L.G  ;  Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Lanes.,  1567-) 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  LIONEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1610. 

SHUTTLEWORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pem- 
broke, Apr.  4,  1-37.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Gawthorp,  Lanes., 
Esq.  Matric.  1737.  Captain,  7th  Fusiliers.  Married 
Christiana,  dau.  of  William  Spencer,  of  Cannon  Hall,  Yorks. 
Died  Sept.  4,  1748.   (Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

SIBBALD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  al  Peterhouse, 
May  23,  1696.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Probably  s.  of  James 
(1646),  R.  of  Clothall,  Herts.  School,  Watton-at-Stone, 
Herts,  (private).  Scholar,  1696;  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1699- 
1700;  M.A.  1703.  Fellow,  1702.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1708. 
Ord.  priest  (Elv)  May  30,  1708.  R.  of  Hatfield,  Herts., 
1712-9.  Probably  brother  of  James  (1691).  {T.A.Walker, 

SIBBALD,  JAMES.  M.A.  1628  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  (Not  in 
Al.  Oxon.)  Probably  ord.  deacon,  June  11,  1620;  'C.  of 
Snaith,  and  master  of  the  Grammar  School.'  Perhaps  V.  of 
St  James,  Clerkenwell,  Middlesex,  1631-5  (M.A.),  and  again, 
1641-60  (D.D.);  also  P.C.  of  Norwood,  1650.  (According  to 
W.  J.  Pinks,  Clerkenwell,  James  Sibbald,  D.D.,  minister  of 
Clerkenwell,  1641,  was  the  Royalist  Divine  who  attended 
James  Hamilton,  Earl  of  Cambridge  on  the  scaffold,  164 1.) 
One  James  Chibald  or  Sibbald,  M.A.  (Oxford)  1633,  suc- 
ceeded his  father  William  Chibald,  as  R.  of  St  Nicholas, 
Cole  Abbey,  Middlesex,  1641-61.  {Hennessy;  Pinks,  Clerken- 
well; Al.  Oxon.) 

SiBBALD,  James 

SIBBALLS,  JAMES.  Incorp.  from  St  Andrews,  1637.  (Possibly 
identical  with  the  Scottish  royalist  divine,  for  whom  see 

SIBBALD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  15,  1646. 
Of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar, 
1647;  B..\.  1649-50.   Doubtless  R.  of  ClothaU,  Herts.,  1665- 

1708.  Buried  there,  1708.  M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Probably  father 
of  the  next  and  of  Charles  {1696).    (Clutterbuck,  iii.  506.) 

SIBBALD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  7, 
1691.  Doubtless  s.  of  James  (above),  D.D.  (sic).  B.  at 
ClothaU,  Herts.  School,  Berkhampstead  (Mr  Wren).  Matric. 
1695.   Probably  brother  of  Charles  (1696). 

SIBBS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs.  1632. 
S.  of  John,  of  Thurston,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1635-6.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  George  Hunt,  of  Saxham.  Will  proved 
(Bury)  July  16,  1673.  Father  of  Richard  (1661)  and  probably 
of  the  next  and  of  Robert  (1672).   [Vis.  of  Suff.,  1664.) 

SIBBS,  [JOHN].  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  i66o.  Doubt- 
less John,  s.  and  h.  of  John  (above).  Age  24  in  1664.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1661).   (Vis.  of  Suff.,  1664.) 

SIBBES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
ist  s.  of  Paul,  wheelwTight,  of  Suffolk.  B.  at  Tostock, 
Suffolk,  1577.  Bapt.  Jan.  6,  1579-80.  School,  Bury.  Scholar; 
B..A..  1598-9;  M.A.  1602;  B.D.  1610;  D.D.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, 1627.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1601.  Taxor,  1608.  Master 
of  St  Catharine's,  1626-35.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Nonvich) 
Feb.  21,  1607-8,  age  27.  Lecturer  at  Trinity  Church,  Cam- 
bridge, 1610-5.  Preacher  at  Gray's  Inn,  1617-35.  Offered 
the  Provostship  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1627,  but  declined 
it.  V^  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  1633-5.  Author,  religious. 
Died  unmarried,  July  5,  1635.  WiU  (V.C.C).  (Cath.  Hist.; 

SIBBS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1661.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  John  (1632),  of  Thurston,  Suffolk, 
gent.  School,  Bury.  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  C.  of  Gt 
Ashfield,  Suffolk,  1671.  R.  of  Gedding,  1672-1738.  Died 
1738.  Doubtless  brother  of  John  (1660)  and  Robert  (1672). 
(Vis.  of  Suff.,  1664.) 

SIBBS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  11, 
1711.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert  (below).  B.  in  Norfolk,  1693. 
Matric.  1711,  'Gibbs';  B.A.  1716-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  16,  1717;  priest  (Norwich)  July,  1718.  R.  of  Baming- 
ham  Northwood,  Norfolk,  1721.  R.  of  Mannington,  1730-61. 
P.C.  of  Sustead,  1738-61. 

SIBBS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  13,  1672. 
Probably  4th  s.  of  John  (1632).  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1678;  priest.  Mar.  1678-9.  R. 
of  Bamingham  Northwood,  Norfolk,  1680-97.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Richard  (1661)  and  father  of  Richard  (above). 

SIBERCH,  JOHN.  University  Printer,  c.  1520-2.  Lived  in  the 
house  with  the  sign  Arma  Regia  on  ground  now  occupied 
by  Tree  Court  in  Gonville  and  Caius  College.  Probably 
from  Cologne.  Set  up  the  first  printing-press  at  Cambridge, 
c.  1520.  Well  known  to  scholars  then  at  Cambridge.  Men- 
tioned as  an  old  friend  by  Erasmus  in  a  letter  written  from 
Basel  in  1525  to  Robert  Aldrich,  of  Cambridge,  afterwards 
Bishop  of  Carlisle.  Claimed  to  be  the  first  printer  of  Greek 
in  England.   (Robert  Bowes,  Siberch;  D.N.B.) 

SIBERY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  26, 
1678.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Wickersley,  Yorks. 
School,  Rotherham  (Mr  Farrer).  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1682-3. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1683. 

SIBESTON,  THOMAS  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1351-60. 

SIBILL  or  SYBYLL,  NICHOLAS.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1437- 

SIBLEY,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 

1709.  S.  of  Charles,  deceased.  B.  at  Derby.  School,  Horsley, 
Derbs.  (private).   Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1712-3. 

SIBLEY,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  26,  1631. 

Of   Hertfordshire.     Matric.    1631;    B.A.    1634.     Perhaps   a 

member  of  the  Sibley  family  of  Studham,  Herts,  (now  Beds.). 

Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1629).  (Victoria  Co.  Hist.  Herts., 

II.  277.) 
SIBLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1605.    Of  Cambridgeshire.    B.A.    1609;   M.A.    1612.    Ord. 

priest  (Peterb.)  July  5,  1611. 
SIBLEY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  8,  1629. 

Of  Bedfordshire.    Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.   1636. 

One  of  these  names  buried  atHarlington,Beds.,Oct.20, 1665. 

Perhaps  brother  of  Jeremiah  (1631). 
SYBYLEY,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1544; B.A.  1545-6. 

SIBNAM,  GEORGE.   Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1501. 
SIBRIE  or  SIBERIE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  23, 
1646.   Of  Yorkshire.   B.A.  1649-50. 

Sicklemore,  Richard 

SIBSEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1619.  Of  Norfolk.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mav  25,  1622; 
priest  (Norwich)  May  24,  1635,  'B.A.'  Perhaps  of  Wisbech, 
Cambs.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1656. 

SIBSY,  SIMON.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent,  1577-8. 

SIBSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1629. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  D.D.,  of  Cumberland.  B.A.  1632-3; 
M.A.  1636.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June  1,  1634;  priest, 
Sept.  20,  1635.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1633). 

SIBSON,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  Christ's,  1578-9. 

SIBSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  18, 

1633.   2nd  s.  of  Henry,  D.D.,  R.  of  Bewcastle,  Cumberland. 

B.  there.    School,  Blencow  (Mr  Wilkinson).    Matric.  1633. 

Adm.  at  Gray's   Inn,   Nov.   5,   1635.    Perhaps  brother  of 

Henry  (1629). 

SIBSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1635-6.  Probably 
matric.  sizar  Easter,  1632,  'Simpson.'  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle) 
June  4,  1637;  priest.  Mar.  i,  1639-40.  V.  of  Irthington, 
Cumberland,  1642-60,  and  V.  of  Troutbeck,  Westmorland, 
1656-9.  Died  1660.   (B.  Nightingale,  284,  1048.) 

SIBTHORPE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1578. 

SIBTHORPE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1580.  Perhaps  identical  with  the  pamphleteer  of  these 
names.  If  so,  Justice  of  the  King's  Bench  in  Ireland,  1607- 
32.  M.P.  for  Newtown,  Limavaddy,  1613-5.  Knighted  in 
Ireland,  May  3,  1618.  Died  1632.   (D.N.B.) 

SIBTHORPE,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  23,  1642. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Gervase,  of  Laneham,  Notts.  Bapt.  there, 
Apr.  1,  1624.  Matric.  1642.  Of  St  Mark's,  Lincoln.  Married 
Judith,  dau.  of  Mark  Riggall,  and  widow  of  Benjamin 
Marshall,  of  Lincoln.  WiU  dated,  Apr.  16,  1703;  proved. 
May  29,  1704.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  8yy;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SIBTHORPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  5, 
1642.  S.  of  John.  School,  Stamford  (Mr  Humphry). 
Matric.  1643;  B.A.  1645-6. 

SIBTHORPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1571;  Scholar,  1575;  B..^.  I57&-7;  M.A.  1580.  FeUow,  1579. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Nov,  21,  1582.  V.  of 
Trumpington,  Cambs.,  until  1584.  V.  of  Bampton,  Oxon., 
1591.  R.  of  North  Cadbury,  Somerset,  1593-1623.  Died 

SIBTHORPE,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1614; 
B..^.  16x5-6;  M.A.  1619;  B.D.  1627.  FeUow,  1617.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1619.  (There  is  considerable  difficulty  in  dis- 
tinguishing this  man  from  contemporary  namesakes.  Ap- 
parently he  is  not  identical  with  the  Northamptonshire 
divine,  who  was  already  B.A.  when  ordained  at  Peterborough 
in  1606.  The  M.I.  of  Robert  Sibthorpe,  D.D.,  at  Burton 
Latimer  (Bridges,  11.  225)  describes  him  as  of  Lincoln  CoUege, 
Oxford;  but  in  Al.  Oxon.  he  is  identified  with  the  bishop  of 
Limerick.  Possibly  our  man  is  the  son  of  Robert  (above). 
If  so,  previously  adm.  at  Balliol  CoUege,  Oxford.  Matric. 
there,  July  6,  1613,  agei8.  Fos/«',  however,  does  not  identify 
the  BaUiol  student  with  the  Cambridge  man,  incorporated 
in  1619,  but  assumes  that  two  men  are  involved.)  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Hammoon,  Dorset,  1629-31.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Bridges,  11.  225;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SIBTHORPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  i6o8;  B..A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  18,  1614.  R.  of  St  John,  Stamford,  Lines.,  1615-25. 
R.  of  Wilksby,  1631. 

SIBTHORPE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1582;  Scholar,  1584;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589. 

SICKELMORE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6. 

SICKLEMORE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1628. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Ipswich  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Fettiplace,  of  Berkshire).  B.A.  1631.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  14,  1633.  M.P.  forSuffolk,  1654-55,  1656-8; 
for  Harwich,  1659;  for  Ipswich,  1661-70.  Recorder  of 
Ipswich,  1660.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Philip  Bedingfield, 
of  Norfolk;  (2)  Martha,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Bacon,  of  Shrub- 
land,  Suffolk.  Died  1670.  Buried  at  Bramford.  Brother  of 
Jonathan  (1645)  and  Samuel  (1636-7).  (Vis.  of  Suffolk, 

SICLEMORE,  lOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  6,  1637-8. 
Of  Suffolk."  Matric.  1637-8. 

SICKLEMORE,  JONATHAN,  .^dm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Aug. 
9,  1645.  S.  of  John,  of  Tuddenham  St  Martin,  and  of 
Ipswich.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15,  1638-g. 

SICLAMORE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1549. 



SICKLEMORE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Clare, 
Feb.  15,  1636-7.  Of  Suffolk.  5th  s.  of  John,  of  Ipswich. 
Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Dec.  i, 
1641.  Scholar  there,  1641-2.  Brother  of  John  (1628)  and 
Jonathan  (1645).   (T.  A.  Walker,  73.) 

SICKLEMORE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1560;   B.A.    1563-4;   M.A.    1567.     Fellow,    1565-72.     Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  May  26, 1566.  R.  of  Slaidbum,  Yorks.,  1576-85. 

Died  1585. 
SICKLEMORE,   THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,   (age   15)   at  Sidney, 

Feb.  27,  1622-3.   S.  of  John,  clothier.   Bapt.  Nov.  15,  1609, 

at  St  Lawrence,  Ipswich.    School,  Ipswich.    Matric.   1623. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  10,  1626.    Married  Frances,  dau. 

of  Thomas  Whitcomb,  of  London,  linendraper. 

SICKLING,  JOHN.  B.A.  1481-2;  M.A.  1485.  FeUow  of  Corpus 
Christi,  1488-1505.  Proctor,  1491-2,  1500-1.  Last  Master 
of  God's  House,  1495,  and  first  Master  of  Christ's,  1506. 
Much  employed  in  University  business.  V.  of  Fen  Drayton, 
Cambs.,  1496.  Died  June  9,  1507.  WiU  (V.C.C).  {Peile, 
I-  4). 

SICKLING, .   M.Gram.  1481-2.   Perhaps  John  (above). 

SIDAY  or  SYDAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  1620-1. 
S.  of  William,  gent.  School,  Newport,  Essex  (Mr  Woode). 
Matric.  1620-1;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Probably  ord. 
priest  (Winchester)  Apr.  22,  1636.  R.  of  Lamarsh,  Esse.x, 
1637,  and  of  Beauchamp  Roding,  1642-89.  'A  godly 
preaching  minister,'  in  1650.  Died  Apr.  19,  1689,  aged  84. 
M.I.  at  Beauchamp  Roding.  Father  of  John  (1678-9). 
{Venn,  i.  252.) 

SIDAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  15,  1623.  Of  Esse.x. 
Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 

SYDAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23,  1677.  Of 
Suffolk.   Matric.  1677. 

SIDAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  11,  1679-80- 
S.  of  John  (1620-1),  R.  of  Beauchamp  Roding,  Essex.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Chipping  Ongar  and  Felsted.  Matric.  1680; 
Scholar,  1680-7;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1687.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1687;  priest,  June,  1688.  C.  of  Beau- 
champ Roding,  1687;  succeeded  his  father  as  R.  there, 
1689-1704.  Married  Mary  Peach,  of  High  Ongar,  June  8, 
1687.  Died  1704.  Will  (Archd.  Essex)  1705.  Father  of  John 
(1710).   (Venn,  i.  464.) 

SIDEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  13,  1682. 
Of  Deptford,  Kent.  Matric.  1685-6;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A. 
1690;  B.D.  1697.  Fellow,  1690-1709.  Junior  Proctor, 
1694-5.   Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14,  1702-3. 

SIDAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  16,  1710. 
S.  of  John  (1679-80),  R.  of  Beauchamp  Roding,  Essex. 
B.  there.  School,  Felsted.  Scholar,  1710-1;  Matric.  1711; 
LL.B.  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  23,  1716;  priest, 
Dec.  1720.  R.  of  Beauchamp  Roding,  Essex,  1720-52.  Died 
there  1752.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1753-   (Peile,  11.  i74-) 

SIDAY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  11,  1612.  Of 

SYDAY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1577-8. 
Of  Essex.  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  29;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1599,  age  30.  R.  of  Carlton-by- 
Langley,  Norfolk,  1599. 

SIDAY,  WILLIAM.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse  in  1406.  Perhaps 
R.  of  South  Shoebury,  Essex,  till  1390. 

SYDAY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1579. 

SIDDALL,  see  also  SYDALL. 

SIDDALL,  ADAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1589; 
B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  from  King's,  1596.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Oct.  18,  1594;  priest,  July  29,  1599.  R.  of  Knapwell,  Cambs., 
1605-13.   Buried  there  Oct.  21,  1613. 

SIDDALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1602. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Little  Peatling,  Leics.,  1574. 
B.  there.  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
June,  1612,  age  24;  priest  (York,  for  Lincoln)  May  26,  1616. 
V.  of  Kensworth,  Herts.,  1615-45,  ejected.  Died  same  year. 
Doubtless  brother  of  William  (1596-7).   (Peile,  i.  242.) 

SIDDALL,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  2, 
1630-1.  S.  of  WiUiam,  baker,  of  Micklegate,  York.  B.  at 
York.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  R.  of  Kirkling- 
ton,  Yorks.,  1644-9.  V.  of  Catterick,  1645-58.  Founded  the 
Free  School  at  Catterick.  Buried  there  Jan.  8,  1658-9. 
M.I.  (Peile,  1.  406;  H.  B.  McCall,  Richmondshire  Churches, 

SIDOLL,  RALPH.   M.Gram.  1458-9. 

SIDDALL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  1680-1. 

SIDDALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1596-7. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Little  Peatling, 

SiGNORET,  John 

Leics.,  1574.  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604;  B.D.  1612.  Fellow, 
1607.  C.  of  Toft,  Cambs.,  1604-7.  Resided  in  College  till 
the  beginning  of  the  Civil  War.  Disappeared  (perhaps  by 
death)  after  1642  and  before  1644.  Doubtless  brother  of 
John  (1602).   (Peile,  i.  223.) 

SYDALL, .   B.Civ.L.  1529-30. 



SIDEBOTTOM,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1718.  S.  of 
Samuel,  of  Oldham,  Lanes.,  gent.  Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  June  22,  1709,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1712-3.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar.  1713-4.  R.  of  Middleton, 
Lanes.,  1714-52.  Died  May  22,  1752.   (Al.  Oxon.) 


SIDLEY,  see  also  SEDLEY. 

SIDLEY,  Sir  CHARLES,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus, 
Aug.  31,  1714.  Of  Derbyshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Charles,  Knt., 
of  Southfleet,  Kent.  Matric.  1715.  Succeeded  his  grand- 
father Sir  Charles  Sedley  (the  dramatist)  in  the  family 
estates  in  Kent,  Aug.  20,  1701.  Created  Bart.,  July  10,  1702. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Frith.  Died  Feb.  18, 
1729-30,  at  Nuthall,  Notts.   (G.E.C.,  iv.  187.) 

SYDLEY  or  SIDAY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Jan.  16,  1591-2,  as  Sidley.  Matric.  c.  1592. 

SIDLEY,  ISAAC.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1655.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  Bart.,  of  Great  Chart,  Kent. 
M.A.  1635-6  (Lit.  Reg.).  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.  Nov.  1673. 
Knighted  Aug.  9,  1641.  Married  as  his  second  wife,  Cicely, 
dau.  of  John  Marsh,  of  Lincoln's  Inn.  Died  before  1695. 
(G.E.C.,  I.  173-) 

SIDLEY  or  SEDLEY,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1586  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  S.  of  John,  of  Southfleet,  Kent,  Esq.  Matric.  (Hart 
Hall,  Oxford)  1574,  age  16;  B.A.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
1574-5;  M.A.  1577.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  11,  1576. 
Barrister-at-law,  1584.  Treasurer,  1608.  Knighted,  July  30, 
1605.  Created  Bart.,  June  29,  1611.  Foimder  of  the  Sidleian 
professorship  of  Natural  Philosophy  at  Oxford.  Married 
Elizabeth,  Dowager  Baroness  Abergavenny.  Died  Feb.  27, 
1618.  Buried  at  Southfleet.  Will,  1619.  (Al.  Oxon.;  G.E.C., 
I-  73-) 


SIDNOR,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1595-6. 
2nd  s.  of  William  (1557-8),  of  Blundeston,  Suffolk.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  15,  1598,  late  of  Staple  Inn.  Living,  1613. 
Brother  of  William  and  Paul  (1595-6),  half-brother  of  the 
next.   (Suckling,  i.  311;  Peile,  i.  219.) 

SYDNOR,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1578. 
S.  and  h.  oi  William  (1557-8),  of  Blundeston,  Suffolk. 
Married  and  had  issue.  Died  Dec.  10,  1612  (?  1611).  Half- 
brother  of  the  next,  Francis  (above)  and  William  (1595-6). 
(Suckling,  I.  311.) 

SIDNOR  or  SYDNOR,  PAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
1595-6.  3rd  s.  of  William  (1557-8),  of  Blundeston,  Suffolk. 
Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  27,  1599,  Sydney; 
of  Staple  Inn.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1606,  Sydnor.  Brother  of 
William  (1595-6)  and  Francis  (1595-6).   (Suckling,  1.  311.) 

SIDNORE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1683. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Hempstead,  Norfolk,  and  also  V.  of  Honingham. 

SYDNOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Mar.  1557-8.  Owner  of  the  Manor  of  Blundeston,  Suffolk, 
in  1570.  Married  as  his  2nd  wife,  Bridget,  dau.  of  John 
Jemegan,  of  Belton,  Lines.,  Esq.  Died  Aug.  26,  1613. 
Buried  at  Blundeston.  Father  of  the  next,  Francis  (1595-6), 
Paul  (r595-6)  and  Henry  (1578).  (Copinger,  v.  11;  Suckling, 
I.  311.) 

SIDNOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1595-6. 
3rd  s.  of  William  (above),  of  Blundeston,  Suffolk.  Of  Belton, 
Lines.,  afterwards  of  Norwich.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Edward  Duke,  of  Kelsall,  Suffolk.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1595-6),  etc.  (Peile,  i.  219.) 

SIDWELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Feb.  23, 
1721-2; 'Grecian' from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  John.  B.  at 
Bampton,  Oxford.  (According  to  Christ's  Hospital  Register 
his  father,  John,  was  citizen  and  cooper,  of  St  Mary,  Rother- 
hithe.  B.  Nov.  12,  1705.)  Matric.  1721-2;  B.A.  1725-6; 
M.A.  1729.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  16;  priest,  Sept.  22, 
1728.  R.  of  Welton,  Lines.,  1728.  V.  of  South  Elkington, 
1728.   (A.  W.  Lockhart.) 

SIFFON(?),  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1571. 


SIGNORET,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr. 
28,  1712.  Of  Saffron  Walden,  Essex.  School,  Canterbury. 
Matric.  1712.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  27,  1716. 


SiGO,  William 

SIGO,  WILLIAM.  M.Gram.  1472-3-  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall, 
1506-9.  Founder  of  a  scholarship  at  Gonville  Hall.  (Cooper, 
I.  II.) 


SIKES,  see  SYKES. 

SILBY,  see  SELBY. 

SILKE,  ANGEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  7,  i746-  S.  of 
Angel.  B.  at  Sonning  Hill,  Berks.,  Feb.  1726-7.  Colleger 
at  Eton,  1736-44.  Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1749-50.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  June  2,  1751;  priest  (London)  June  9,  i754-  V.  of 
Good  Easter,  Essex,  1762.  R.  of  Assington,  1764.  One  of 
these  names  of  Stebbing,  Essex,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1796. 

SILK,  JAMES.  M.A.  1730.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cullompton, 
Devon.  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford)  May  17,  1708,  age 
21;  B..A.  (All  Souls,  Oxford)  1712.  V.  of  Bridgerule,  Devon, 
1713.  R.  of  Buckland  Filleigh,  1717.  R.  of  North  Lew, 
1737.   Will  (Exeter)  1755.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SILKE,  JOHN.  Entered  as  scholar  at  Caius  in  the  lists  Lady 
Day,  1582-Michs.  1584.  Janitor  {i.e.  porter)  of  the  College. 
He  brought  an  action  for  defamation  of  character  against 
one  R.  Woodhouse,  in  1587.  Buried  at  St  Michael's, 
Cambridge,  Feb.  23,  1607-8.   (Venn,  1.  113.) 

SILKE,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  8,  1591.  Of 

SILKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Dec.  13, 
1668.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cambridge,  carpenter.  Matric.  1669; 
B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1674; 
priest  (London)  Sept.  23,  1677.  V.  of  St  Ippolitt's,  Herts., 
1677-85.  Died  1685. 

SILL  or  SYLL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
May  II,  i68g.  ist  s.  of  Christopher,  R.  of  East  Donyland, 
Essex.  B.  there.  School,  Brentwood.  Matric.  1689;  B.A. 
1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  18,  1698; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1700. 

SILL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May  2, 
1691.  S.  of  Tobias.  B.  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wake- 
field. Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1698;  priest.  May  31,  1702.  C.  of  Bulwick, 
Northants.,  1698.  Lecturer  at  Wakefield  parish  church, 
1702-31.  Governor  of  the  school.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Rev.  William  Heron,  R.  of  Hoyland,  Yorks.,  Mar.  26,  1706. 
Died  Dec.  28,  1 73 1.  Buried  at  Horbury.  Father  of  the  next. 
(M.  H.  Peacock.) 

SILL,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  5,  1742.  S.  of 
Daniel  (above),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Yorkshire.  Bapt.  Aug.  i, 
1726,  at  Horbury.  School,  Wakefield.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

SILL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1658.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  EUell,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
Bapt.  Feb.  11,  1637-8.  School,  Ellell.  Adm.  at  Trinity 
CoUege,  Dublin,  Jan.  16,  1659-60,  'aged  22  more  or  less.' 
Nonconformist  preacher  at  Eccles,  Lanes.  Buried  June  10, 
1689.  Will  (Chester)  1689;  of  Salford,  clerk.   (E.  Axon.) 

SILL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1629;  B.A. 
1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Probably  minister  of  Cressingham, 
Lanes.,  1646-50.  Died  before  Jan.  1651-2. 

SILL,  MILES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1586.  Of 
Yorkshire.  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594;  B.D.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, 1601.  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Apr.  8,  1596.  R.  of  Wetherden,  Suffolk,  1600-4.  R-  of 
Wrestlingworth,  Beds.,  1607-32.  Buried  there  July  20,  1632. 

SILL  or  SILLS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  g, 
1653.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1653;  Scholar,  1655;  B.A. 
1656-7;  M.A.  1662.  V.  of  Addingham,  Cumberland,  1668-73. 
Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1668-81.  V.  of  Bromfield,  1673-81.  V.  of 
Torpenhow,  1673-81.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1678-81.  Arch- 
deacon of  Colchester,  1678-81.  R.  of  St  Augustine's, 
Watling  Street,  London,  1680-7.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop 
of  London.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1681-7.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  June,  1687.  Buried  in  St  .Augustine's.  Will  proved 
(P.C.C.)  July  7,  1687.  Father  of  the  next.  (B.  Nightingale, 
582;  Hennessy;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  in.  362,  where  the  date  of 
death  is  wrong.) 

SILL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Mar.  25, 
1700.  S.  of  William  (above),  late  Canon  of  Westminster. 
School,  Appleby.   Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4. 

SILLESBY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  22,  1633. 
S.  of  Matthew,  gent.  Bapt.  at  AU  Saints',  Northampton, 
Apr.  12,  1618.  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640;  B.D. 
1647.  Intruded  fellow  of  Queens',  1644-50.  Proctor,  1644-5. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1649.  Buried  at  St  Antholin's,  London, 
Oct.  21,  1650.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1650.  Benefactor  to  Queens' 
College.   Brother  of  the  next.   (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

SILLESBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  15,  1644. 
S.  of  Matthew,  of  Northampton,  gent.  Bapt.  at  All  Saints', 
Dec.  16,  1621.  B.A.  1648.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1648.  M.A. 
(Oxford)   1649-50.    Incorp.  at  Cambridge,   1652.    Died  at 

SiMcoTTs,  George 

West  Thurrock,  Essex,  Sept.  1653.  Nunc,  will  (P.C.C.)  1653. 
Brother  of  Samuel  (above).   (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
SILLET,  CHRISTOPHER.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1584.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591. 
SILLET,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Nov.  1589.  Of  Sufiolk. 

Matric.  c.  1591. 
SILLET,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  4, 
1669-70.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Horningsheath,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A. 
1677.  Died  July  10,  1687,  aged  34.  Buried  at  Hornings- 
heath. Will  proved  (Bury)  Sept.  9,  1687.  (Peile,  II.  27.) 
SILLET,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1597; 
B.A.  1600-1.  Perhaps  M.A.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  21,  1607,  'M.A.,'  age  30.  C.  of  Watlington. 

SILLITOE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  ptas.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
May  9,  1667.  S.  of  Randolph  (next),  deceased,  of  Church 
Lawton,  Cheshire.  B.  there.  School,  Broughton,  Cheshire. 
Matric.  1667. 

SILLITO,  RANDOLPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  25, 
1627-8.  S.  of  Andrew.  B.  at  Audley,  Staffs.  School,  Audley 
(Mr  Croxton  and  Mr  Dyke).  Matric.  1628.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lichfield)  Dec.  1630.  R.  of  Lawton,  Cheshire,  c.  1640-3; 
sequestered;  occurs  again,  1648.  Buried  there  Aug.  30,  1662, 
as  rector.  Will  (Chester)  1662.  Father  of  Matthew  (above). 
(Peile,  I.  389;  E.  Axon.) 

SILLOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  21, 
1640.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Bardwell,  Suffolk  (and 
Margaret,  sister  of  Sir  Charles  Crofts).  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  31, 
1621-2.  School,  Diss,  Norfolk  (private).  Matric.  1640. 
Migrated  to  Caius,  Feb.  17,  1640-1.  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647- 
Mentioned  in  the  will  of  his  uncle,  Sir  Charles  Crofts,  Aug.  31, 
1657.  One  of  these  names  M.P.  for  Bodmin,  1660.  Died 
Apr.  II,  1672.   (Venn,  i.  341.) 

SILLY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  Sept.  i, 
1729.  S.  of  John,  of  Helland,  Cornwall,  gent.  One  of  these 
names  of  Lanevir,  Cornwall,  clerk.  Admon.  (Exeter)  1739. 

SILVERLOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
May  18,  1658.  S.  of  James,  of  Stifford,  Essex,  gent.  School, 
Brentwood  (Mr  Bumhard).  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2; 
M.A.  1665.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Signed  for  deacon's 
orders  (London)  June  9;  priest's,  Dec.  22,  1666.  R.  of  West 
Tilbury,  Essex,  1669-81.  R.  of  Little  Thurrock,  1670-81. 
Buried  at  Stifford,  Nov.  1681. 

SILVERTOP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Sept. 
21,  1678.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Ely,  Cambs.  School,  Ely. 
Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Head  Master,  Ely 
Cathedral  School.  Minor  canon  of  Ely.  Died  Apr.  14,  1699, 
aged  38.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  v.  195.) 

SILVERWOOD,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July, 
1678;  B.A.  1681.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1681-2;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  15,  1684-5;  C.  of  Corringham,  Lines.  V.  of 
Upton,  1690.  V.  of  Stow;  'poeta  ebriosus.'  (Bishop's  Vis.; 
Peile,  II.  68.) 

SILVERWOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633;  B.A.  1637;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25, 
1642.  Sequestered  to  R.  of  Little  Burstead,  Essex,  1646; 
gone  by  1650.   V.  of  Codicote,  Herts.,  1654.   (H.  Smith.) 


SIM,  see  also  SIMMES. 

SIM,ICHABOD.  B.A.  of  Magdalene.  Willproved(V.C.C.)  1588. 

SYM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  14,  1642. 
S.  of  George,  Esq.  B.  at  Danby,  Yorks.  Schools,  .Allerton 
and  Coxwold.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1647-8.  M..A.  from 
Christ's,  1670.  Perhaps  R.  of  Goxhill-in-Holdemess,  1662- 
89.  Chaplain  to  Christopher,  Duke  of  Albemarle.  R.  of 
Langton,  near  New  Malton,  1670-90.   (Peile,  11.  27.) 

SIMCOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 
1717.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Cheshire.  B.  at  Middle- 
wich.   School,  Macclesfield  (Mr  Denham).   Matric.  1717. 

SYMCOCKS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John'.s,  Sept. 
12,  1687.  S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  at  Whitechurch, 
Salop.  School,  Oundlc  (Mr  Speed).   Matric.  1688. 

SIMCOE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  1713.  S.  of  William 
(?next).  Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1716;  B.A.  1716-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Carlisle)  Dec.  1717;  priest  (York)  Sept.  1719.  V.  of 
Tadcaster,  Yorks.,  1725-34.  Buried  there  Nov.  24,  1734. 
(Peile,  II.  181.) 

SIMCOE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  5, 
1672.  S.of  George,  of  Cheshire.  School,  Bunbury  (Mr  Hoole). 
Matric.  1674-5,  and  again,  as  pens,  soon  after;  B.A.  1675-6. 
V.  of  Long  Horsley,  Northumberland,  1692.  Died  June  i8, 
1714.   Perhaps  father  of  John  (above).   (Peile,  11.  41.) 

SYMCOTTS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1648.  B.  in  London,  1631.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A. 
1655.  Fellow,  1651-3.  Died  soon  after  1655. 


SiMcoTTs,  John 

SYMKOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  II,  1544.  Of  London.  Matric.  1544.  Off,  in  1546. 
Probably  brother  of  William  (i545)- 

SIMCOTES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  1608.  S.  of 
John,  of  Sutton,  Beds.  Matric.  1610;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A. 
1615;  M.D.  from  King's,  1636.   Brother  of  the  next. 

SIMCOTES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  i5o8. 
S.  of  John,  of  Sutton,  Beds.  Matric.  1610;  B.A.  1611-2; 
M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25;  priest,  Sept.  26, 
1614.  R.  of  Wicken,  Northants.,  1625-8.  R.  of  Sandy,  Beds., 
1628-39.  Buried  there  Feb.  5,  1638-9.  Will  proved,  Feb.  14, 
1638-9;  mentions  s.  William  (?  1649).  (Geneal.  Bedford, 

SYMKOTT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1545.  Of  London.  Matric.  1545.  OS,  in 
1547-8.   Probably  brother  of  John  (1544). 

SIMCOTS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1588.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Louth. 
Bapt.  there,  Jan.  5,  1569-70.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert 
Smith,  of  Lincohi.  Buried  July  9,  1621.  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SYMCOTTS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  21,  1649. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Robert  (i6o8),  R.  of  Sandy.  Of  Bedfordshire. 
Matric.  1650;  Scholar,  1651;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  Prob- 
ably father  of  the  next. 

SYMCOTTS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  3,  1683-4. 
Doubtless  s.  of  WiUiam  (above),  of  Clifton,  Beds.  Bapt.  there, 
Apr.  15,  1666.   Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1687-8. 

SIMEON  or  SYMEON,  AYMER.  '  King's  Scholar'  at  Cambridge, 
1326.   S.  of  Percival,  King's  Serjeant. 

SIMEON,  GEOFFREY.  B.D.  1504-5  (Incorp.  from  Oxford); 
D.D.  1504-5.  Proctor  (Oxford)  1478.  Dean  of  the  chapel 
royal.  Chancellor  of  Lincoln,  1 485-1 506.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's, 
1494-1508.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1501.  Dean  of  Chichester, 
1504-8.  Preb.  of  York,  1504-8.  Dean  of  Lincoln,  1506-8. 
R.  of  Wheathampstead,  Herts.  V.  of  Colerne,  Wilts.  Died 
Aug.  21,  1508.  Buried  in  Charterhouse,  London.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1508; 'of  Whethamstead,  Charterhouse,  etc'  (H.  G. 
Harrison;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SIMISTER,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Sept.  30, 
1742.   Of  Stockport,  Cheshire.  Matric.  i743;  B.A.  1746-7. 

SIMKIN,  CHARLES.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1637. 

Of   Leicestershire.     B.A.    1640-1.     Ord.    deacon    (Lincoln) 

June  5,  1642;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1643.    Doubtless  intruding 

V.  of  Yelvertoft,  Northants.,  1649-60.    R.  of  Waldringfield, 

Suffolk,  1660. 
SIMKIN,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1511-2;  M.A.  1514. 
SIMPKIN,  SIMON.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  i486. 

Ord.  acolyte  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1487. 
SIMKINS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1570. 
SIMKYNS,  WALTER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1565. 

SIMKINSON, .  B.A.  1478. 

SIMMS,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  i,  1646. 

Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  froip  King's,  1654.    V.  of 

Steeple  Bumpstead,  Essex,  1655-62,  ejected.    Died  before 

1678.   Father  of  the  next. 
SIMMS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 

1678.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  clerk,  deceased.   B.  at  Steeple 

Bumpstead,  Essex.   School,  Felsted. 
SIMES,   FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,   1746.    Of 

Mansfield,  Notts.   Matric.  1746;  Scholar,  1747;  LL.B.  1756. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  23,   1755.    V.  of  Ruddington, 

SYMNYS,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1545.   One  John 

Symes,  of  London  diocese,  clerk.   Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  28, 

SIMMS,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  25,  1711. 

B.  Feb.   13,   1695-6.    School,  Merchant  Taylors'.    Matric. 

1712;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A.  1718.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June 

15,  1717;  priest  (London)  Feb.  22,  1718-9.   P.C.  of  Bromley, 

Kent,  1739-44.    R.  of  Woolwich,  1739-42.    R.  of  Wimpole, 

Cambs.,   1740-3.    Chaplain  to  Bishop  Wilcocks,  whom  he 

succeeded  as  chaplain  to  the  British  Factory  at  Lisbon. 

Preb.  of  St  Paul's,   1748-76.    Preb.  of  Lincoln,   1748-66. 

V.  of  East  Ham,  Essex,  1756.   R.  of  St  John's,  Westminster. 

Author,  sermons.   Buried  May  4,  1776,  at  East  Ham.   Will, 

Apr.  1776.   (Cath.  Hist.,  11.  18;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
SYMMES,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

SYMMS  or  SYMME,   RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare, 

Easter,  1582;  B.A.  1585-6.   One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of 

Thomas,    of    Daventry,    Northants.     {Vis.    of  Northants., 


SiMONDs,  Henry 

SYMMES  or  SYM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1577;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  B.D.  1591.  FeUow.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  5,  1586-7.  Beneficed  in 
Kent.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next  and  Zechariah  (1617). 

SIMMES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1619. 
Doubtless  s.  of  William  (above).  Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1622-3; 
M.A.  1626.  V.  of  Harlington,  Beds.,  1627-38.  Married,  at 
Harlington,  Mary  Crawley,  May  17,  1627.  Brother  of 
Zechariah  (1617). 

SIMMES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1632;  B.A.  1634;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9, 
1639.  Perhaps  V.  of  Knighton,  Leics.  Died  Aug.  9,  1669. 
Admon.  (Leicester)  1669. 

SYMES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Queens',  Oct.  24, 
1677.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Dulwich.  Matric.  1677-8;  B.A. 
168 1-2;  M.A.  (BaUiol  CoUege,  Oxford)  1684.  Master  of 
Southwark  School,  c.  1700.  V.  of  Chislet,  Kent,  1686-91, 
deprived.  R.  of  Rand  with  Fulnetby,  Lines.,  1716.  Licensed 
Apr.  12,  1688,  to  marry  Beatrice  Hooker,  of  St  Giles-in-the- 
Fields,  London.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SYMMES,  ZECHARIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  25, 
1617.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (i577)-  B.  at  Canterbury, 
Apr.  5,  1599.  Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624. 
Lecturer  at  St  Antholin's,  London,  1621-5,  resigned  owing 
to  persecution  in  the  Bishops'  Courts.  R.  of  Dunstable, 
1625-32.  Went  to  New  England  with  his  wife  and  family, 
1634.  Settled  at  Charlestown,  Mass.  Ordained  there  as 
teacher  of  the  Church  and  Colleague  of  Rev.  Thomas  James, 
1634.  Disputes  arose  and  an  ecclesiastical  council  was  called 
to  settle  the  difficulty — and  Mr  James  departed.  Became 
pastor  of  the  Charlestown  Church,  1638-71.  Married,  at 
St  Saviour's,  Southwark,  Surrey,  to  Sarah  Baker,  Aug.  13, 
1622.  Died  Jan.  28,  1670-1,  aged  71.  Brother  of  William 
(1619).   (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

SIMES, .   B.Can.L.  1483-4- 

SIMONDS,  BARNABAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  5. 
1742.  S.of  Barnabas, scrivener,  of  Kelsale,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Kelsale  (his  father)  and  Bury  (Mr  Kynnesman). 
Scholar,  1742-7.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1745-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1746;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1748-  R-  of 
Thorington,  1758-82.  Master  of  Kelsale  School.  Married, 
at  Kelsale,  Elizabeth  Brown,  of  Benhall,  Oct.  11,  i753- 
Author.  Buried  June  20,  1782,  at  Kelsale.   {Venn,  11.  51.) 

SIMONDS,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Chrisit 
Easter,  1609.   Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1612-3. 

SIMONDS,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  14, 
1613-4.   Of  Norfolk.   (Perhaps  the  above.) 

SYMONDS,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  12, 
1607.  S.of  John,  gent.,  of  North  Walsham,  Norfolk.  School, 
North  Walsham  (MrTilles).  Matric.  1607;  Scholar,  1608-14; 
B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  6,  1616. 
R.  of  Sloley,  Norfolk,  1625-8.   {Venn,  i.  195.) 

SYMONDS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  12, 
1578-9.  2nd  s.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Suffield,  Norfolk. 
School,  Suffield  (Mr  Dawson).  Scholar,  till  1583.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  May  25,  1584.  Court-keeper  to  Sir  Edmund 
Bacon  and  Sir  Roger  Townshend.  Of  Stody,  Norfolk. 
Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Giles  Symonds,  of  Hindolveston, 
Norfolk.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  June  20,  1628.  {Venn,  1. 

SIMONS,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1621.  B.  at  Cottered,  Herts.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1626.  R.  of  Raine, 
Essex,  1630-43,  sequestered.  A  devoted  loyalist.  Author, 
Vindication  of  King  Charles.   (Walker,  Sufferings.) 

SIMONS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1646. 
Of  Kent.   Matric.  1646. 

SIMONS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  i745-  Of  Luton, 
Beds.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Caddington.  Migrated  to  Corpus 
Christi,  Oxford.  Matric.  there,  Dec.  11,  1747,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1751;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1753.  Perhaps  R.  of  Hulcote, 
Bucks.,  1768-79,  'Edmund.'  R.  of  Whipsnade,  Beds.,  1773- 
Died  at  Bath.   Will  (P.C.C.)  i779-   (^l-  Oxon.) 

SYMONDS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  3, 
1689.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Suffield,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Kensington  (Mr  Stevenson).  Matric.  1689;  Scholar, 

SYMONDS,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1607. 

SYMMONDS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  II,  1698.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Martell  (Martletwy),  Pem- 
broke. B.  there.  School,  Carmarthen  (Mr  Maddox).  Matric. 
1698.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  27,  1700-1,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1702.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SIMOND,  HENRY.   B.A.  1504-5- 


SiMONDS,  Henry 

SIMMONS,  HENRY.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 

1628.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1653.   R-  of  Southfleet,  Kent,  1653-62,  ejected. 
SYMOND  or  SYMONS,  HENRY.  LL.B.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp. 

at  Oxford,  1671.   Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Sept. 

28,  1671;  'of  London,  gent.' 
SIMONS,  HENRY.   Adm.  pens,  {age  18)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  14, 

1714-5.   S.  of  William,  of  Middlesex.   School,  Westminster. 

Matric.  1715.   Perhaps  M.A.  1728  {Com.  Reg.). 

SYMONDS  or  SIMOND,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Oct.  16,  1667.  S.  of  James,  of  Norwich.  B.  there. 
School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675. 
Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  May  31,  1672.  C.  of 
Havering,  Essex,  1675-9.  R-  of  Rochford,  i68o-gi.  R.  of 
Stapleford  Abbotts,  1691-1719.  V.  of  Dagenham,  1704-19. 
Died  Nov.  7,  1719.  Buried  at  Stapleford.   M.I.   (H.  Smith.) 

SIMONS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Chkisti,  c.  1590. 
Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  B.A.  1594-5.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Jan.  I,  1600-1,  'B.A.,'  age  30.  C.  of  Tharston.  One  of  these 
names  of  Tendring,  Essex,  clerk.   WiU  (Comm.  Essex)  161 7. 

SYMONS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Mar.  7,  1600-1. 
S.  of  John,  of  Cambridge.  Bapt.  Aug.  14,  1586,  at  Gt  St 
Mary's.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Roddeknight).  Matric. 
1600-1;  Scholar,  1602-8;  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.  Fellow, 
1612-4.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest.  May  3,  1610.  Precentor  of 
Armagh,  1617-27  and  1629-37;  R.,  1617-37.  R.  of  Bally- 
moyer,  1635.  Married  a  dau.  of  Sir  Marmaduke  Whitechurch, 
of  Co.  Down.  Died  June  23,  1637.  Will,  P.C.C.  Dublin. 
Donor  of  £40  to  College  Chapel.   {Venn,  i.  174.) 

SYMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  3,  1603. 
S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Suffield,  Norfolk,  and  nephew  of 
Edward  (1578-9).  Bapt.  there,  July  3,  1586.  School, 
Aylsham  (Mr  Eston).  Matric.  1603.  Father  of  John  (1660). 
{Bhmefield,  viii.  167.) 

SIMONDS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1606. 
S.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Hinderclay,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  Scholar; 
B.A.  (?  1609-10);  M.A.  1613;  B.D.  1620.  FeUow,  1613.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  June  15,  age  26;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  21, 
1617.  Perhaps  V.  of  Gt  Eversden,  Cambs.,  1617-23.  R.  of 
Stonham  parva,  Suffolk,  1623-4.  R.  of  Gislingham,  1628-75. 
Died  Dec.  22,  1675.  Father  of  John  (1648).  {Founders  and 
Benefactors,  58.) 

SYMONDS,  JOHN.  .\dm.  scholar  (age  14)  at  Caius,  July  23, 
1608.  S.  of  Ralph  (1583),  gent.,  of  Hindolveston,  Norfolk. 
School,  Lynu  (Mr  Wright).  Of  Hindolveston,  Esq.,  and  of 
Ross  Manor,  Whitwell.  Married  .'\nne,  dau.  of  Richard 
Toothby  (or  Tovvthby),  of  Lines.  (Blomefield,  viii.  294;  ix. 
378;  Venn,  i.  199.) 

SIMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  3,  1628. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3. 

SIMONDS,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1637.   Of  Norfolk. 

SIMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  3, 
1648.  S.  of  John  (1606),  R.  of  Gislingham,  Suffolk.  Schools, 
Bury  and  Norwich.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.  Died  unmarried,  1703,  at  Gisling- 
ham. Benefactor  to  St  John's.  {Founders  and  Benefactors, 

SIMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
1660.  S.  of  John  (1603),  Esq.,  of  SufSeld,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Swannington.  Schools,  Bungay  (Mr  Gill)  and  Seaming 
(Mr  Burton  and  Mr  Fermary).  Matric.  1660.  Married  Alice, 
dau.  of  Walter  Bridges,  V.  of  Enfield,  Middlesex.  {Venn,  i. 

SYMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  May  27, 
1710.  Of  Ireland.  School,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1710;  B.A. 
1713-4;  Scholar,  1714;  M.A.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept. 
25,  1715;  priest  (Norw-ich)  July  13,  1718.  V.  of  Dullingham, 
Cambs.,  1729-78.  V.  of  Stetchworth,  1744-78.  Chaplain  to 
John,  Earl  of  Sandwch,  in  1744.  Will,  Aug.  1778.  Father 
of  John  (1749)-   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  590.) 

SYMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  30, 
1712.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1713;  Scholar;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A. 
1720;  D.D.  1738.  FeUow,  1718-25.  Taxor,  1722.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  13,  1719-20;  priest.  Mar.  5,  1720-1. 
R.  of  Rushbrook,  Suffolk,  1724-6.  R.  of  Homingsheath, 
1725-57.  R.  of  Nowton,  1725-57.  Preacher  at  St  Mary's, 
Bury.  Married  Mary  Spring  (one  of  the  co-heirs  of  Sir 
William  Spring,  of  Pakenham).  Died  Oct.  1757,  aged  60. 
Buried  at  Pakenham.  Father  of  the  next.  (G.  Mag.;  L. 

SYMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  11, 
1747.  S.  of  John  (above),  D.D.,  of  Suffolk.  B.  at  Homings- 
heath. School,  Bury.  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1754; 
LL.D.  1772.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1753.  Regius  Professor  of 

SiMONDs,  Richard 

Modem  History,  1771-1807.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
May  4,  1747.  Barrister,  1756.  Recorder  of  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
1772.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  18,  1807.  Buried  at  Pakenham. 
M.I.   Will,  P.C.C.   {D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor,  iii.  569.) 

SYMONDS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1749.  S.  of  John  (1710),  clerk,  V.  of  DuUingham,  Cambs. 
B.  there.  School,  Ely.  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1753;  M.A.  1756. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  9,  1754;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  21, 
1755.  V.  of  Swaffham  Bulbeck,  Cambs.,  1773-1808.  V.  of 
Stetchworth,  1778-1808.  Chaplain  to  James,  Dukeof  Queens- 
berry.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  590.) 

SIMONDS,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
11;  priest,  Sept.  12,  1624.  R.  of  St  Martin's,  Iremonger  Lane, 
London,  1632-9,  deprived.  Minister  of  St  Mary  Abchurch, 
London,  1647.  Married  Elizabeth  Elton,  June  29,  1626. 
{Shaw,  I.  338.) 

SIMONDS,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Easter,  1601.  Of 
Essex.  Perhaps  B.A.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  1608-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  7;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1612.  C.  of 
Horsington,  Lines.,  in  1614.  Probably  of  Langton,  near 
V/ragby.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1620. 

SIMONDS,  LEE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1589. 
2nd  s.  of  Giles,  of  Cley,  Norfolk.  Brother  of  Ralph  (1583). 

SYMON,  MARTIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  161 1. 
B.  in  St  Nicholas  parish,  Thanet,  Kent.  Scholar,  1614; 
B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich);  priest 
(London)  Dec.  19,  1619,  age  25. 

SIMON,  MATTHEW.  M.A.  1520-1. 

SIMONDS,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1587.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1589;  of 
Middleton,  Kent. 

SYMONDS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
June,  1664.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  John,  alderman  and 
elder  of  Yarmouth.  Matric.  1664.  Died  1720,  aged  72. 
(Manship,  Yarmouth,  i.  250.) 

SYMONDS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 
1709.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  mercer,  of  Yarmouth.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Yarmouth  (Mr  Wellam)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Pate). 
Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1709-15;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  I7i7- 
Fellow,  1715-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July  12;  priest, 
July  13,  1718.  V.  of  Ormesby,  Norfolk,  1718-27.  Died  1727. 
M.I.  at  Yarmouth.   {Venn,  i.  520.) 

SIMONS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Feb.  23, 
I73&-7-  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Belgrave,  Leics.  Matric.  pens. 
1737;  LL.B.  1749  {Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  5,  1735.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1741;  priest, 
May  29,  1743.  Probably  R.  of  Isleham,  Cambs.,  1743-6. 
V.  of  Chislet,  Kent,  1748-76.  V.  of  Sarre,  1749-76.  Died 
Nov.  1776. 

SYMONDS  or  SIMON,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1577;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Aug.  1586.  R.  of  Morcott,  Rutland,  1589-94. 
V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Sandwich,  Kent,  1595-1616.  V.  of  St 
Clement's,  Sandwich,  1600-16.  Died  1616.  {Hasted,  iv.  308.) 

SIMON,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1615; 
B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624. 

SIMON,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  6,  1727- 
S.  of  Peter,  of  Sheffield.  School,  St  Paul's,  London.  Matric. 
1727;  Scholar,  1729;  B.A.  1730-1;  M.A.  1734.  FeUow,  1733. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1731.  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Invin.  V.  of  Whitkirk,  Leeds,  1743-79.  V.  of  Welton, 
Howden,  Yorks.,  1749-79.  Died  June  14,  1779.  Will,  P.C.C. 

SIMONDS,  RALPH.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1583.  S.  and  h.  of  Giles,  of  Cley,  Norfolk  (and 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Anthony  Lee,  of  Burston,  Bucks.). 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Jeffrey  Cobb,  of  Sandringham. 
Brother  of  Lee  (1589)  and  father  of  John  (1608).  {Blome- 
field, viii.  294.) 


SYMONS,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  June  2, 

1631.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Gt  Yeldham,  Essex.  B.  there, 
Oct.  13,  1616.  School,  Yeldham  (Mr  Cavell).  Matric.  1631. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  16,  1633.  Parliamentarian. 
Fell  at  Naseby  under  Fairfax,  1645.  The  two  following 
Richards  were  probably  his  cousins.  Brother  of  Samuel 
(1640).   {Peile,  I.  411;  Morant,  11.  303.) 

SYMONDS,  RICHARD,    .^dm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  10, 

1632.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  of  Topsfield, 
Essex,  Cursitor  of  Chancery.  Matric.  1632.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  6,  1635.  (The  next  man  rather  than  this  is  doubtless 
identical  with  the  royalist  and  antiquary  of  these  names.) 
(Richard  Symonds,  Diary  of  the  Marches  of  the  Royal  Army 
(Camden  Society).) 


SiMONDs,  Richard 

SYMONS,   RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,   at   Emmanuel,   Sept.   lo, 

1632.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  {or  Edmund), 
of  Black  Notley,  Essex,  and  grandson  of  Richard,  Cursitor 
in  Chancery.  Bapt.  June  12,  1617,  at  Black  Notley.  Matric. 

1633.  A  Cursitor  in  Chancery.  Imprisoned  as  a  delinquent, 
1642-3,  but  escaped  and  joined  the  royalist  army  under 
Lord  Bernard  Stuart,  afterwards  Earl  of  Lichfield.  Present 
at  the  battles  of  Copredy  bridge,  Newbury,  and  Naseby, 
also  at  the  relief  of  Chester.  Left  London,  1648,  and  travelled 
to  Paris  and  thence  to  Rome  and  Venice.  Returned  to 
England,  1652.  Implicated  in  a  Royalist  plot,  1655,  arrested 
but  subsequently  released.  His  Diary  of  the  Marches  of  the 
Royal  Army  during  the  Civil  War,  was  published  by  the 
Camden  Society  in  1859.  Also  left  memoranda  of  his  travels 
abroad  and  genealogical  and  archaeological  collections.  The 
latest  entry  in  a  commonplace  book  of  his,  is  an  account  of 
an  earthquake  which  was  felt  at  Witham,  Suffolk,  Sept.  8, 
1692.   Probably  died  c.  1692.   (Morant,  11.  30;  D.N.B.) 

SYMONDS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  29, 
1674.   S.  of  Henry,  of  SufiBeld,  Norfolk,  Esq.   Matric.  1674. 

SYMMONDS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Feb.  14,  1707-8.  S.  of  William  (1677),  of  Battle,  Sussex. 
School,  Battle  (Mr  Lord). 

SYMONDS,  RO.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1559; 
Scholar,  1560. 

SYMONDS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1571. 

SIMON  or  SIMONS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  14, 
1580.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  of 
Whittlesford,  Cambs.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1583-4; 
of  Whittlesford,  Cambs.  Doubtless  father  of  Robert  (1622). 
{Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619.) 

SYMOND,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1615. 
Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Elton,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  10, 
1598.  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  C.  of  Bury,  Lanes.,  1623. 
Master  of  Nantwich  School,  Cheshire,  before  1634;  of 
Manchester  School,  1637.  Chaplain  of  the  Collegiate  Church, 
Manchester,  c.  1638-42.  Preacher  at  Middleton,  Lanes.,  in 
1647-8.  Minister  at  Shaw  Chapel,  1648-50.  R.  of  Dalbury, 
Derbs.,  1652.  R.  of  Middleton,  Salford,  1661-81.  Died 
Mar.  23,  1681-2,  aged  84.  Buried  at  Middleton.  (Peile,  1. 
306;  Mumford,  Manchester  School.) 

SYMONS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  20, 
1622-3.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (1580),  Esq.  (by  his  2nd  wife 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wendy,  of  Haslingfield).  B.  at 
Whittlesford,  Cambs.  School,  Sutton,  Beds.  Matric.  1623. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1624-5.   (Cambs.  Vis.,  1619.) 

SYMON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28,  1642. 
Matric.  1642. 

SYMONDS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  2,  1717. 
B.  at  Exeter.  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  (0.xford)  1723.  Fellow  of 
Exeter,  172 1-7.   V.  of  St  Mary  Arches,  Exeter.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SYMON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 

1722.    Of  Durham.    School,   Houghton-le-Spring.    Matric. 

1723;    Scholar,    1724.     Probably    married    Mary    Rymer, 

Feb.  12,  1727-8,  at  St  Giles',  Durham.    (Probably  same  as 

the  next.) 
SYMON,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  June 

17,  1723.    Of  Durham.    School,  Houghton-le-Spring.    (See 

the  above.) 
SIMONDS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  13,  1640. 

3rd  s.  of  John.    B.  at  Yeldham,  Essex.    School,  Steeple 

Bumpstead  (Mr  Thomebeck).    Matric.   1640.    Migrated  to 

Christ's,  Oct.  29,  1642.   B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  from  Pembroke, 

1647.   Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1644.    Probably  R.  of  Ashen, 

Essex,    1654-60.     Perhaps   R.   of  Colne   Engaine,    1662-7. 

If  so,  died  1667.    One  of  these  names,  of  Yeldham,  Essex, 

died  Oct.  12,  1678.   Brother  of  Richard  (1631).   (H.  Smith; 

E.  Anglian,  11.  268.) 
SYMONDS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  27, 

1670;  B.A.   1673-4;  M.A.  1677.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1677. 

'  Of  Clapham,  Surrey,  clerk,'  when  his  son  Joshua  was  adm. 

at  the  Barber  Surgeon's  Hall,  in  1709. 
SYMONDS,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1699.  B.  in  London.   Matric.  1699-1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A. 

1707.    Fellow,  1702.   Assistant  Master  at  Eton.   Died  Nov. 

1 714.   (Harwood.) 
SIMON,  SIMEON.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1598.  Of  Suffolk.  B.  at  West  Wratting,  Cambs.  B.A.  1605-6; 

M.A.  1609.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  21,  1607-8,  age  23; 

'C.  of  Westham,   Essex';  priest,   Feb.    17,   1610-1;   C.  of 

Barking,  Essex. 
SIMONDS,  SIMON.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,   Aug.   15,   1505.    Of  Windsor,  Berks.    B.A.   1508-9; 

M.A.  1511.  Fellow,  1508-19.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  15, 

1510-1.    V.  of  Elmdon,  Essex,  1518.    V.  of  Bray,  Berks., 

1523-51.   Probably  V.  of  South  Petherton,  Somerset,  1533- 

SiMPsoN,  Edmund 

48.    Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1534-46.    Preb.  of  Sarum,  1534-51. 

Canon  of  Windsor,  1535-51.   King's  chaplain.  R.  of  Taplow, 

Bucks.,  1537-51.    Preb.  of  Lincoln,   1543-51.    Died  1551. 

(Cooper,  I.  107;  Lipscomb,  in.  298.) 
SYMON,  THOMAS.    Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1498-9.    One  Thos. 

Symond,  or  Symons,   R.  of  Greenford  Magna,  Middlesex. 

Died  July  12,  1518.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1521. 
SYMONDS,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 

1607;  B.-A..  1611-2. 
SYMONS  or  SIMON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.Com.  at  Jesus,  July 

8,  1619.    Of  Essex.    Matric.  1619.    Perhaps  s.  of  Richard, 

Cursitor  in  Chancery,  of  Yeldham,  Essex.    If  so,  died  s.p. 

June  5,   1625.    Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  Fitz-Simmons 

(1615).   (Morant,  11.  303;  A.  Gray.) 
SYMONDS  ('SIMONIDES'),  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at 

Christ's,   Feb.   4,    1628-9.    S.   of  Henry.    B.   at  Suffield, 

Norfolk.   School,  North  Walsham  (Mr  Agar).   Matric.  1629. 

Probably  R.  of  Suffield,  1637-84;  also  R.  of  Hackford,  1637; 

ejected,  then  restored  till  1684.   Died  1684.   (Peile,  i.  398.) 

SIMONS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633. 

SYMONDS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  10, 
1729.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  London.  B.  at  Moreton,  Berks. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1729;  Scholar,  1730;  B.A. 
1732-3;  M.A.  1736;  D.D.  1773.  Fellow,  1735.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Mar.  1733-4.  V.  of  Kendal,  Westmorland,  1745- 
89.  Died  Feb.  16,  1789,  aged  79.  Buried  at  Kendal.  M.I. 
Wm,  P.C.C.   (Al.  Westmon.,  300;  C.  Nicholson,  Kendal,  60.) 

SYMONDS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1744.  Probably  s.  of 
Thomas,  of  Elborough,  Somerset,  gent.  Matric.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  Nov.  4,  1727,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1731. 
Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1744.  Probably  R.  of  EUough, 
Suffolk,  1737-48.  Died  Oct.  12,  1748,  aged  38.  Buried  at 
EUough.   M.I.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Suckling,  i.  55.) 

SIMONS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1550. 

SYMONS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Michs.  1556;  B.A.  1559-60;  M.A.  1563,  Symon.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  Aug.  14,  1597,  age  56.  (Perhaps  R.  of 
Stock,  Essex,  1587.)  V.  of  Newton  by  Stowmarket,  Suffolk, 
1597-1609.   Perhaps  C.  of  Buttsbury,  Essex,  in  1598. 

SYMONDS,  WILLIAM.   Scholar  of  Trinity,  1560. 

SIMONDS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,   1655. 

S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Suffield,  Norfolk.   B.  at  HiUmorton, 

Warws.   School,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering). 
SIMMONDS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1677. 

Matric.    1677-8;    B.A.    from    King's,    1681-2;    M.A.    from 

St  Catharine's,  1685.    Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Coventry  and 

Lichfield)  June  11,  1682;  priest  (Chichester)  Sept.  23,  1683. 

R.  of  All  Saints',  Hastmgs,  1683.    Dean  of  Battle,   1689. 

Died  Dec.   10,    1730.    Father  of   Richard   (1708).    (W.   C. 

Renshaw;  Musgrave.) 
SIMON, .  Probably  fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1417.  Chaplain 

of  Little  St  Mary's. 

SIMON, .   M.A.  1460-1. 

SIMONDS, .   B.A.  1507-8. 

SIMONS, .   B.A.  1509-10;  M.A.  1513. 

SYMONS, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1531-4. 

SYMONDS, .   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

SIMONDSON,  LISTER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  23,  1696.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Star- 
botton  in  Kettlewell,  Yorks.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr 
Motley).  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  1701;  priest,  1703.  R.  of  Pannal,  Yorks.,  1707-50. 
Died  1750.  Buried  at  Kirkby  Overblow. 

SIMPSON  or  SYMSON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity 
Hall,  Apr.  8,  1731.   Of  Bardney,  Lines.   Matric.  1731. 

SYMPSON,  BARSABAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Dec.  17,  1689; 
exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of  Isaac,  of  Alrewas, 
Staffs.  B.  there,  Nov.  15,  1673.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  17,  1694-5;  priest.  Mar.  8, 
1695-6.  V.  of  Gt  Carlton,  Lines.,  1696-1717.  R.  ofOxcombe, 
1706-17.   (Al.  Carthus.) 

SYMSON,  CLEOPHAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs. 

SIMPSON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1560.  B.  in  London.  Scholar,  1561;  B.A.  1562-3;  M.A.  from 
Pembroke,  1568;  B.D.  1575.  FeUow  of  Pembroke,  1568. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1565.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  12, 

1569,  age  24.  R.  of  Hulcote,  Beds.,  1565.    University  preacher, 

1570.  R.  of  St  Peter  Cheap,  London,  1571-80.  R.  of  St 
Dunstan-in-the-East,  1574-80.  Died  1580.  Will  (P.C.C.) 


Simpson,  Edmund 

SIMPSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  4, 
1659.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Lancaster.  B.  there.  School, 
Warton  (Mr  Holden).  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3. 

SIMSON,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1576. 

SIMPSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar  from  West- 
minster, 1597.  S.  of  Edward,  R.  of  Tottenham,  Middlesex. 
B.  there.  May  9,  1578.  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604;  B.D.  1611; 
D.D.  1624.  Fellow,  1602-28.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Moylc  Finch, 
1611-4.  R-  of  Eastling,  Kent,  1617-52.  R.  of  Pluckley, 
1628-49.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1628.  A  learned  divine.  Author, 
Chronicon  Hisloriam  Catholicam  complectens.  Died  1652. 
Admon.,  P.C.C.   {Al.  Westmon.;  D.N.B.) 

SIMPSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  8, 
1717-8.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Fishlake,  Yorks.,  Esq.  LL.B.  1724; 
LL.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.;  adm.  1734).  Fellow,  1724-35. 
Master  of  Trinity  Hall,  1735-64.  Vice-Chancellor,  1740-1. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  9,  1719.  Judge  of  the  Consistory 
Court  of  London,  1747-58.  Dean  of  the  Arches,  1758-64. 
Judge  of  the  Prerogative  Court,  Canterbury,  1758-64.  M.P. 
for  Dover,  1759-64.  Knighted,  Dec.  1761.  Died  May  20, 
1764.   (Trin.  Hall.  Hist.,  190.) 

SIMPSON,  ESDRAS  (alias  THOMAS).  Matric.  pens,  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1576,  Symson.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  V. 
of  Brightlingsea,  Essex,  1559-84.  R.  of  Eastbridge,  Kent, 
1596-1604.  V.  of  Kelvedon,  Essex,  1604-9,  deprived. 
Appointed  chaplain  for  three  years  to  the  Hon.  East  India 
Company,  in  1609.  Doubtless  brother  of  John  (1576)  and 
Thomas  (1576).  (F.  Penny,  Church  in  Madras;  Newcourt; 
Hasted,  III.  435;  Cooper,  in.  19,  identifies  Esdras,  alias 
Thomas  with  Thomas  (1576),  of  Pembroke,  but  this  seems 

SIMPSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  21, 
1746.  Matric.  1747;  Scholar;  LL.B.  1753;  LL.D.  1758. 
Fellow,  1751-81.  Chancellor  of  Lincoln  diocese,  1779-81. 
Died  Nov.  ii,  1781.  WiU  (P.C.C);  of  St  Benet,  Paul's 
Wharf,  London.   (G.  Mag.) 

SIMPSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1569. 

SIMPSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1612. 

SYMSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  8,  1645.  Of 
Essex.   Matric.  1645-6;  Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1648-9. 

SYMSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  17, 
1631.  S.  and  h.  of  Ralph,  of  Pittington  Hall,  Durham. 
Bapt.  May  21,  1615,  at  Pittington.  School,  Durham  (Mr 
Harrison).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Aug.  12,  1631.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Belasyse, 
of  Murton,  Durham,  Knt.  Buried  Apr.  10,  1647,  at  Pitting- 
ton. Will  proved,  Apr.  30,  1647.  Father  of  William  (1663). 
(Peile,  J.  410;  Surtees,  1.  115.) 

SYMPSON,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1749.  S.  of  Thomas,  attomey-at-law,  of  Cumberland.  B.  at 
Penrith.  School,  Appleby  (Mr  Yates).  Matric.  1749.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  27,  1752.  Barrister,  1758.  Probably  of 
Carlton  Hall,  Cumberland.  Died  Mar.  1768. 

SIMPSON,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  27,  1664-5.  S.  of  Robert,  currier.  B.  at  York.  School, 
York.  B.A.  1668-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1669;  priest, 
May,  1670.  C.  of  Bishopthorpe,  York.   Dead  in  1674. 

SYMPSON,  ISAAC.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1664.  B.A.  (Trinity 
College,  Dublin).  Perhaps  R.  of  Coppenhall,  Cheshire,  till 
1676.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Lacock,  Wilts.  Admon. 
(Archd.  Wilts.)  1684. 

SIMSON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1519-20. 

SIMSON,  JOHN.   B.A.  1521-2. 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 
S.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Brightlingsea,  Essex.  B.  there.  B.A. 
1580-1 ;  M.A.  1584.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  May  27, 
1586,  age  25.  R.  of  St  Ethelburga,  Bishopsgate  Street, 
London,  1586.  R.  of  St  Olave,  Hart  Street,  1590-1633. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1605-33.  Built  the  libraryof  Sion  College, 
London.  Buried  Aug.  29  (or  30),  1633,  at  St  Olave. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1633  granted  to  son  Thomas  (1622). 
Father  of  John  (1620),  brother  of  Thomas  (1576),  and 
Esdras  (1576). 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1579; 
B.A.  1583-4.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Durham)  May  22,  1586; 
'of  York  diocese.'   Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  lo,  1587-8. 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1584; 
B.A.  1587-8. 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  10,  1596. 
Probably  s.  of  Lancelot  (1568),  of  Maidstone,  Kent.  B.  at 
East  Mailing,  Kent.  Matric.  1596;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A. 
1606.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Mar.  1,  1606-7, 
aged  27.  C.  of  Thumham.  Probably  R.  of  Mount  Bures, 
Essex,  1616-44.  Sequestered.  Died  unmarried  1648.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1606).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Hunter,  i.  184.) 

Simpson,  Joseph 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  i8,  1599- 
i5oo;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1608. 

SIMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1615.  Of  West- 
morland. Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  from  Christ's, 
1623.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1622-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  11;  priest.  May  12,  1623.  Probably  V.  of  Stukeley, 
Bucks.,  1629.   (Peile,  1.  312.) 

SIMSON  or  SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
May  2,  1620.  S.  of  John  (1576),  R.  of  St  Olave,  Hart  Street, 
London.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  4,  1605.  Matric.  1620;  B.A. 
1623-4;  M.A.  1627.   Brotherof  Thomas  (1622).   (H.Smith.) 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1631; 
B.A.  1634;  M.A.  1638. 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1631. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  10,  1638-9.  R.  of  Mount  Bures,  Essex,  1644.  Signed 
the  petition  for  Presbyterianism,  in  1646.  Probably  nephew 
and  executor  of  John  (1596).   (H.  Smith.) 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  18, 
1641 ;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of  John,  of  Bedford, 
deceased.  B.  there.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  from  Magdalene, 
1644;  M.A.  1648.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Sydserf, 
Bishop  of  Galloway)  Mar.  7,  1661-2.  R.  of  Trimley  St  Mary, 
Suffolk,  1662.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Dronfield,  Derbs., 
1666-9.   Died  1669. 

SYMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  15,  1647.  Of 
Hertfordshire.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  St  Albans.  Bapt.  Nov. 
1630,  at  the  Abbey.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1650-1.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1649.  Barrister,  1656.  Bencher,  1673. 
Judge  of  the  C.P.,  1659-71,  and  of  the  Sheriffs'  Court, 
1671-81.  Serjeant-at-law,  1677.  King's  Serjeant,  1678. 
Recorder  of  St  Albans,  1661-81.  Knighted,  Feb.  1678. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Twisden,  Jan.  25,  1661-2. 
Died  Dec.  12,  1681.  Buried  in  the  Temple  Church.  Perhaps 
father  of  Thomas  (1680). 

SIMSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June  26, 

1667.   S.  of  Francis,  of  Hatfield.   School,  Sedbergh.   Matric. 

1668;  B.A.  1670-1.  Signs  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Oct. 

14,  1672;  but  entry  erased.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1673; 

priest,  June,  1674. 
SIMPSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  17, 

1684.    S.  of  James,  husbandman.    B.  at  Knayton,  Yorks. 

School,   Ripon.    Matric.   1684;  B.A.   1688-9.    Ord.  deacon 

(London)  Dec.  20,  1691. 
SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  8,  1706. 

S.  of  Joseph,  of  London.   School,  St  Paul's.    Matric.  1707; 

B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1715.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  25, 

SIMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  12, 1708. 

S.  of  Robert,  of  Colchester.    School,  St  Paul's,   London. 

Matric.    1709;    Scholar,    1710;    B.A.    1712-3;    M.A.    1716. 

Fellow,  1715. 
SIMPSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  6,  1710. 

.S.  of  Thomas,  druggist,  of  Diss,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  Schools, 

Gissing  (Mr  Carver)  and  Beccles  (Mr  Leedes).   Matric.  1710; 

Scholar,  1710-4.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  6,  1712. 

Called  to  the  Bar,  1715.   (Venn,  1.  523.) 
SIMPSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  20, 

1717.    S.  of  John,  of  Eckington,  Derbs.,  and  of  Babworth, 

Notts.   B.  at  Babworth.   School,  Wakefield.    Matric.  1717; 

Scholar,  1718;  B.A.   1720-1;  M.A.   1724.    Fellow,   1725-8; 

Fellowship  declared  void  'by  reason  of  an  Estate.'    Ord. 

deacon   (Ely)   Jan.   i;   priest,  Jan.   6,    1724-5.    Of  Stoke, 

(?)  Derbs.,   clerk,   and   of  Stainford  and   Babworth,    1728. 

Died   Apr.   5,    1784.     Buried   at   Babworth.     Will,    P.C.C. 

Brother  of  William  (i7i5)-   (Peile,  11.  192;  G.  Mag.) 
SIMPSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  28, 

1732.    S.  of  WiUiam.    B.  at   Kimbolton,   Hunts.    School, 

Chesterfield.    Matric.    1732;   Scholar,    1733;   B.A.    1735-6; 

M.A.  1739.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  20,   1736;  priest, 

Sept.  25,  1737.   V.  of  Upton,  Lines.,  1740.  (Peile,  11.  226.) 
SYMPSON,  JOHN.    M.A.  from  Trinity,   1748.    S.  of  Eli,  of 

Lubsthorpe,  Leics.    Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Mar. 

18,  1724-5,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1728.  One  of  these  names 

R.  of  Desford,  Leics.,  i735-   (Al.  Oxon.) 
SIMPSON,  JOSEPH,    .^dm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  Aug.  31, 

1677.    S.  of  ,  clerk,  deceased,  of  Yorkshire.    Matric. 

1677;  Scholar,  1679;  B.A.  1681-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 

SIMPSON,  JOSEPH.    M.A.  1747  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).   S.  of 

John,  of  Redmayne,  Cumberland.   Matric.  (Queen's  College, 

Oxford)  Apr.  8,  1728,  age  18;  B.A.  (O.xford)  1732-3;  M.A. 

1736;  D.D.  1761.   Fellow  of  Queen's.   R.  of  Weyhill,  Hants., 

1756.    R.  of  Garsdon,  Wilts.,  1763-96.   Died  Aug.  17.  1796. 

Will,  P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.) 


Simpson,  Lancelot 

SIMSON,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1568. 
Perhaps  of  Kent.  Probably  father  of  John  (1596).  {Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665.) 

SIMPSON,  LEWIS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1497. 
Name  off,  1500. 

SYMSON,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1569.  Of  Essex.  B. A.  1573-4.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  22,  1574;  priest.  Mar.  26,  1575.  Of  Wickham  St  Paul's, 
Essex.  Patron  of  Nedging,  Suffolk;  living,  1628.  Probably 
brother  of  William  (1580)  and  father  of  William  {1601). 

SIMPSON,  MERCY  (MERRY).  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  Apr.  28,  1681.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  in  Barton 
Park,  Derbs.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1681.  Mendicant 
friar.   Died  in  France.   (Repton  School  Register.) 

SYMSON,  NAARIAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  25, 
1647.  S.  of  Robert,  clothier.  B.  at  Leeds,  Yorks.  Schools, 
Leeds  (private)  and  Batley  (Mr  Priest).  Matric.  1647;  B.A. 
1650;  M.A.  1654.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1654.  P.C.  of  .4rmley, 
Yorks.,  1660-72.   Died  1672. 

SYMPSON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
July,  1632.  S.  of  Robert,  'Dispensator'  of  Mr  Thomas 
Waterson.  B.  at  Darrington,  Yorks.  Matric.  1632;  B.A. 
1635-6;  M.A.  1639.   Perhaps  V.  of  Fishlake,  Yorks.,  1654. 

SIMPSON,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  1549-50;  M.A.  i553-  WiU  of  Nich. 
Simpson,  of  Trinity  (V.C.C.)  1593.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake. 

SIMSON,  OLIVER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1592;  B.A. 
1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  R.  of  Radwell,  Herts.,  1610-29,  'Samp- 
son.'  Died  1629. 

SIMPSON,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  30,  1729. 
Matric.  1729.  Off,  1732.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2, 
1734-5.  One  of  these  names  of  Aldborough,  Y'orks.  Died 
there  Apr.  10,  1780,  aged  70. 

SIMSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  30,  1670.  Of 

SIMPSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1569. 
One  of  these  names  ord.  at  Douay,  1577;  described  as  of 
Chester  diocese.  Sent  to  England,  1577.  E.xecuted  there  c. 
1586.   (Peile,  I.  112.) 

SYMSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1584. 

SIMSON,  ROBERT.   B.Can.L.  1482-3. 

SIMSON,  ROBERT.  M.A.  (Perhaps  the  above.)  R.  of  Layer 
Mamey,  Essex,  1488-1530,  and  of  Stanway  Magna,  1505-14. 
Benefactor  to  St  Catharine's  and  St  John's.   (Cooper,  i.  48.) 

SYMPSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1552; 
B.A.  1558-9;  M.A.  1562.   Fellow,  1560. 

SYMSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  3,  1575,  Sympson,  from 
Clifford's  Inn,  and  of  Yorkshire.  Barrister,  1584.  But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 

SYMSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  11,  1603. 
Of  Hutton,  Yorks.  S.  of  William.  School,  Hutton  (Mr  Price). 
Probably  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1608-9. 

SYMPSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Probably  V.  of  St  Michael,  Bongate, 
Westmorland,  1634-61;  R.  of  Ormside  (or  Ormeshed), 

SIMPSON,  ROBERT  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  19, 
1661.  S.  of  Rowland  (?  WiUiam),  wooUendraper,  of  Cam- 
bridgeshire. B.  there.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Griffith). 
Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1675.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  June  5,  1669.  C. 
of  Bocking,  Essex.  V.  of  Colyton,  Devon,  1676-85.  R.  of 
Feltwell  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1685.  V.  of  Little  Buckenham, 
1708.  Father  of  the  next  and  probably  of  Rowland  (1703). 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

SYMPSON,  ROBERT  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  July 
10,  1705.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  R.  of  Feltwell,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Bury  St  Edmimds.  Matric.  1705-6. 
Migrated  to  Caius,  Oct.  10,  1707.  Scholar,  1707;  B.A.  1709- 
10;  M.A.  1713.  Fellow  of  Caius,  1711-39.  Esquire  Bedell, 
1716-49.  Buried  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  Dec.  6,  1749. 
Probably  brother  of  Rowland  (1703).  (Venn,  i.  516;  Stokes, 
Bedells,  108.) 

SIMSON,  ROGER.  B.A.  1539-40.  Perhaps  scholar  of  Queens', 

SIMPSON,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  24,  1703.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1661),  clerk.  B.  at  Bath. 
Bapt.  Aug.  13,  1685,  at  the  Abbey.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds 
(Mr  Leedes).  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A.  1711;  B.D. 
1719.  Fellow,  1710-31.  Senior  Proctor,  1717-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  5;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1714.  R.  of 
Gaywood,  Norfolk,  1714-37.  R.  (sinecure)  of  Aberdaron, 
Carnarvon,  1728.  Died  1737.  Probably  brother  of  Robert 

Simpson,  Thomas 

SIMPSON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606. 
S.  of  Lancelot  (?  1568),  of  Kent.  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2; 
M.A.  1615.  Fellow,  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Jan.  4; 
priest,  Jan.  5,  1617-8.  V.  of  Blyth,  Notts.,  1622-33.  Buried 
there  Feb.  26,  1632-3.  Brother  of  John  (1596). 

SIMPSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  4,  1677. 
Of  Denbighshire.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1.  One  of  these 
names,  'B.A.,'  V.  of  Billingham,  Durham,  1703-15.  Died 

SIMPSON,  SIDRACH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
1616.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Apr.  2,  1617. 
B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Master  of  Pembroke,  1650-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7;  priest,  June  8,  1623.  C.  and 
lecturer  at  St  Margaret's,  Fish  Street,  London,  c.  1629-38. 
Migrated  to  Holland;  joined  the  independent  church  at 
Rotterdam,  1638.  Returned  to  England  and  resumed  his 
lectureship  at  St  Margaret's,  1641.  A  member  of  the  West- 
minster Assembly  of  Divines,  1643.  R.  of  St  Mary  Abchurch, 
London,  1650.  R.  of  St  Bartholomew,  E.xchange,  1654. 
One  of  the  Triers,  1654.  Imprisoned  for  a  short  time  in 
Windsor  Castle  for  preaching  against  Cromwell.  Author, 
controversial.  Buried  Apr.  18,  1655  (according  to  the 
Parish  Reg.)  in  St  Bartholomew's,  Exchange.  Will  dated, 
Apr.  2,  1655;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  15  (sic),  1655;  left  40s. 
to  the  poor  of  Black  Notley,  Essex,  where  he  'was  sometime 
preacher.'   Father  of  the  next.   (D.N.B.;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SIMPSON,  SIDRACH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  July  2,  1650. 
S.  of  Sidrach  (above).  Master  of  Pembroke.  Migrated  to 
Oxford.  Matric.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  1,  1656 
(sic);  B.A.  (Oxford)  1655-6;  M.A.  and  B.D.  (by  decree) 
1686-7;  D.D.  1691.  R.  of  Stoke  Newington,  Middlesex, 
1665-1704.  Licensed  to  preach  at  St  Bartholomew-by-the- 
Bank,  St  Christopher  and  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  Sept.  28,  1671. 
Died  Nov.  1704.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1704.  (Peile,  i.  538;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SIMPSON,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1611; 
B..\.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1618; 
priest.  Mar.  1619-20.  Licensed  to  serve  cure  in  the  church 
and  parish  of  Santon-on-the-Wolds,  Yorks.,  and  to  teach  in 
the  Free  Grammar  School  there.  Mar.  13,  1619-20. 

SIMPSON,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1638.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1641-2.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept. 
1663.   Perhaps  V.  of  Waghen,  Yorks.,  1665-79. 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1576.  S.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Brightlingsea,  Essex,  1559-84. 
B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1579-80.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
V.  of  Bricklesea  (or  Brightlingsea),  Essex,  1584-6.  V.  of 
Kelvedon,  1586-1609.  Became  R.C.  Begged  his  way  to 
Rome,  and  was  made  priest  at  Rheims.  Arrested  near 
Orford,  Suffolk,  1585,  and  imprisoned.  Afterwards  con- 
formed. (According  to  Cooper,  iii.  19,  the  convert  to 
Romanism  was  Esdras,  alias  Thomas,  of  Pembroke.)  R.  of 
Eastbridge,  Kent,  1604-12.  Died  1612.  Brother  of  John 
(1576)  and  Esdras  (1576).  (Hasted,  in.  435;  Nea^courtA 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1622  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
London,  cler.  fil.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1576).  Bapt.  Nov.  5, 
1601,  at  St  Olave,  Hart  Street.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  Mar.  14,  1616-7,  age  15;  B.A.  1620;  M.A.  1623; 
B.D.  and  M.D.  1632.  Proved  the  will  of  his  father,  Oct.  7, 
1633.  Died  before  Jan.  23,  1633-4.  Brother  of  John  (1620). 
(A!.  Oxon.) 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1653  (Incorp.  from  Edinburgh). 
Perhaps  R.  of  St  John-the-Evangelist,  Watling  Street, 
London,  1662.  Buried  there  Dec.  9,  1662.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Tottenham,  Middlesex,  1655. 

SYMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  Apr. 
22,1675.  S.  of  William,  of  York.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1678-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678;  priest.  Mar.  1684-5. 

SYMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  7,  i68o.  S.  of  Sir  John  (?  1647).  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1680. 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  31, 
1695-6.  S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  at  Clowbeck,  near 
Manfield,  near  Richmond,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric. 
1696;  B.A.  1699-1700.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  P.C.  of 
South  Shields,  Durham,  1721-47,  and  V.  of  Bywell  St 
Andrew,  Northumberland.  Died  1747. 

SYMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Pembroke,  July  2, 
1703.  S.  of  John,  of  Tarvin,  Cheshire,  shoemaker.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  21,  1707; 
priest  (Norwich)  May,  1708.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bale, 
Norfolk,  1743-9.  Died  Aug.  15,  1749.  Buried  at  Gunthorpe. 
M.I.;  'of  Tarvin,  Cheshire.' 


Simpson,  Thomas 

SIMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  2, 
1708-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Torrisholme,  near  Lan- 
caster. Bapt.  Nov.  22,  1688,  at  Lancaster.  School,  Lan- 
caster (Mr  Boardly).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  26, 
1708.   [Peile,  II.  172.) 

SYMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  5, 
1744.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Lincoln.  School,  Lincoln  (Mr  Rolt). 
Matric.  1744;  Scholar,  1748;  B.A.  1748-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Feb.  19,  1748-9;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1750. 
Vicar-choral,  Lincoln,  1750.  Probably  preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1759-86.   Died  1786. 

SIMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  25,  1580. 
Of  Suffolk.  B.  at  Wickham  St  Paul,  Esse.x.  B.A.  1583-4; 
M.A.  1588.   Probably  brother  of  Matthew  (1569). 

SYMSON,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1386. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  June  25,  1595. 
S.  of  William,  R.  of  East  Lexham,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School;  Dunham  (Mr  Bretten).  Matric.  c.  1595;  Scholar, 
1598-9;  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602;  B.D.  1609.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  26,  1603;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1604;  C.  of  Gt 
Dunham.  R.  of  Cockthorpe  and  Little  Langham,  Norfolk, 
1606-22.  C.  of  Little  Walsingham,  in  1617.  Probably  father 
of  William  (1639).   {Venn,  1.  156.) 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  20,  1601. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Matthew  (1569).  B.  at  Wickham  St  Paul, 
Essex.  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
June  3,  1610,  age  24.  C.  of  Mitcham,  Surrey.  R.  of  Nedging, 
Suffolk,  1628.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1650;  property  at  Wickham 
St  Paul. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1614;  B.A.  1617-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May;  priest,  Sept. 
1618.  Oneof  these  names  C.  of  St  Dionis,  London,  c.  1630-41. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  15,  1614. 
Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1627  (Incorp.  from  St  Andrews). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Wan- 
stead,  Essex,  1615,  and  V.  of  Gt  Bentley,  1631-42. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
May  15,  1639.  S.  of  William  (?  1595),  of  Walsingham, 
Norfolk,  clerk.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Ardfert)  May  21,  1647. 
R.  of  Irmingland,  Norfolk,  1661-1700.  Perhaps  R.  of  St 
Peter,  Heydon,  1662-70. 

SIMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  May  30,  1645.  S.  of 
William,  schoolmaster.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1645. 
Migrated  as  sizar  to  Trinity,  May  5,  1646. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
29,  1654.  S.  of  Christopher,  brewer,  of  York.  B.  there. 
School,  York  (Messrs  Young  and  Parish).  Migrated  to  Caius, 
Nov.  17,  1657.  Scholar,  1657-9;  B.A.  1657-8. 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  15, 
1663.  S.  of  Henry  (1631),  of  Pittington,  Durham.  B.  there. 
Bapt.  Dec.  6,  1645.  School,  Houghton.  Matric.  1663.  Died 
unmarried.  Buried  at  Pittington,  May  19,  1675.  {Surtees, 
I.  115;  Peile,  I.  203  is  wrong  as  to  parentage.) 

SYMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28,  1688. 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Shenley,  Bucks.  School,  Beachampton, 
Bucks.  (Mr  Abraham  Freeston).  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1693;  'C.  of  Shenley.' 

SIMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  25, 
1715.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Babworth,  Notts.  School,  Wake- 
field. Matric.  1715.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  24, 
1715.  Owned  property  at  Stainforth,  Yorks.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Fra.  Elwick,  widow  of  John  Eyre,  of 
Bramley  Hall.  Died  s.p.s.,  Jan.  15,  1768.  Will,  York. 
Brother  of  John  (1717).  (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  i.  184;  Peile,  u. 

SIMSON, .   B.A.  1466-7. 

SIMSON, .   B.A.  1468-9. 

SIMSON, .  B.A.  1480-1;  M.A.  1483. 

SIMSON, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1493-4. 

SIMSON, .  Sizar  of  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1543. 

SINCLARE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  16, 
1747.  S.  of  William,  of  Scarborough,  Yorks.  School,  Bever- 
ley (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1748;  B.A.  1750-1; 
M.A.  1756.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  2,  1751;  priest.  May, 
1752.  C.  of  Carnaby.  R.  of  Wilford,  Notts.,  till  1775.  Died 
June  12,  1775,  aged  46.  Buried  at  Wilford.  M.I.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  Sept.  1775.   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iii.  172.) 

SYNKLER,  GILES.   B.A.  1541-2. 

SYNCKLER,  HENOCH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Probably  R.  of  Slingsby, 
Yorks.,  c.  1650. 

V.A.C.  IV. 

SissoN,  John 

SINCLARE  or  SINKLER,  HENOCH  (ENOCH).  Adm.  sizar 
(age  14)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  26,  1671-2.  B.  at  Kilham,  Yorks. 
School,  Kilham.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  1680.  V.  of  Owthome,  Yorks., 
1680-1708.  Murdered  by  his  servant  Adam  Alvin  with  the 
connivance  of  his  two  nieces  who  lived  with  him,  in  1708. 
For  an  account  of  the  tragedy  see  Poulson,  Holderness,  11.  406. 

SINCLORE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1621;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 
1625;  priest,  Sept.  1626.  C.  of  Bilton  and  Wyton,  Yorks., 
1626-44.  R-  of  Huggate,  1644-54.  Buried  there  Jan.  11, 

SINCLAIR,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Edinburgh). 
M.A.  (Edinburgh)  1618. 

SINDERTON,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Lent,  1570-1. 

SINDERTON, .  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1547-8. 

SINDREY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  28,  1706. 
Of  (?  Oakington),  Cambs.   Matric.  1706. 

SING,  see  SYNGE. 

SINGLETON,  GEORGE.   B.A.  1505-6. 

SINGLETON,  ROBERT.   B.Can.L.  1521-2. 

SINGLETON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SYNGLETON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  1560. 

(Perhaps  same  as  the  last.) 

SINGLETON,  THOMAS.  Of  Clare  (see  his  wiU).  Spent  four 
years  in  Cambridge.  Of  Cheshire.  Perhaps  matric.  sizar 
from  Clare,  Michs.  1566,  as  Shynglynton.  Adm.  at  Brase- 
nose  College,  Oxford,  1573,  age  21;  B.A.  1574;  M.A.  1578; 
B.D.  1586;  D.D.  1597.  FeUow  of  Brasenose  College,  Oxford, 
1576.  Principal,  1595-1614.  Vice-Chancellor,  1598-9  and 
161 1-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14,  1608-9.  R.  of  Whit- 
church, Oxon.,  1596-1610.  Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1597-1614; 
of  Hereford,  1604-14.  R.  of  Whitchurch,  Salop,  1609-14. 
Died  Nov.  29,  1614.  Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Oxford.  WiU, 
P.C.C;  'to  Clare  HaU  in  Cambridge  where  I  had  my  first 
education  after  I  came  from  Chester,  five  poundes.'  (Al. 

SINGLETON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  22,  1689.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Leicester.  Matric. 
1689;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Medicus. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Abraham  Dawes,  merchant,  of 
London.  Died  Dec.  7,  1710,  aged  40  (sic).  Admon.  (P.C.C.) 
May,  1711.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.) 

SINGLETON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1724. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  July,  1728;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1730. 

SINGLETON, .  B.Civ.L.  1482-3. 

SINNETT, .  B.A.  1522-3. 

SISLEY  or  SYSLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse, 
July  22,  1581.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Clement,  of  Barton  Hall, 
Essex;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1592-3;  of  Barking, 
Essex.   (Vis.  of  Essex,  i^i2.) 

SISMEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1723.  S.  of  John,  of  Rutland.  B.  at  Thorpe,  near  Upping- 
ham. School,  Stamford  (Mr  Turner).  Matric.  1724;  B.A. 
1726-7;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1728; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1731.  C.  of  Cransley,  Northants., 
1731.  C.  of  Pytchley,  1735;  also  C.  of  Sibbertoft,  in  1745, 
Buried  July  23,  1745,  at  Marston  TrusseU.  (Scott-Mayor,  in. 

SISSISSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
24,  1685-6.  S.  of  George,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Beverley,  Yorks. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1689-go.  V.  of  Owthonic,  Yorks., 
1708-29.  Died  1729.   Father  of  the  next. 

SISSISSON,  SETH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1714.  S.  of  Richard  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  York.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1714;  B..\.  1717-8;  M.A. 
1721.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1720;  priest,  May,  1722. 
R.  of  Thwing,  Yorks.,  1722-47.   Died  1747. 

SISSON,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  20, 
1661.  S.  of  Cuthbert,  attorney.  Bapt.  Apr.  3,  1644,  at 
St  Mary-le-Bow,  Durham.  School,  Hough  ton-le-Spring 
(Mr  Cant).   B.A.  1664. 

SISSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  6, 
1669.  S.  of  John,  farmer,  of  Tinwell,  Rutland.  School, 
Stamford.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1676;  priest  (York)  June,  1680. 

SISSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 
1640.  S.  of  Cuthbert,  gent.,  of  Durham.  Bapt.  Mar.  30,  1623, 
at  St  Mary-le-Bow.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1640. 

81  0 

SissoN,  Lancelot 

SISSON,  LANCELOT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  28)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  7, 
1702.  S.  of  Lancelot,  husbandman.  B.  at  Garsdale,  Yorks. 
School,  Sedbergh.  C.  of  Sedgefield,  Durham,  1707.  V.  of 
Askham,  Westmorland,  1711-7.  V.  of  Startforth,  Yorks., 
1717-33-  Married  Margaret  Charge,  of  Cleasby,  Yorks.  Died 
1733.   Father  of  William  (1740). 

SISSON,  PERCIVAL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Caius,  May  10, 
1587  (previously  adm.  1582-3;  matric.  as  sizar,  Lent,  1582-3). 
S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Barton,  Westmorland.  School, 
Barton  (Mr  Wilkinson).  B.A.  1586-7;  Scholar,  1587-9; 
M. A.  1590.   (Venn,  1.  izg.) 

SISSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1538-9.   Perhaps  V.  of  Gt  Staughton, 

Hunts.,  1555-8. 
SISSONE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1560. 
SYSSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1572. 

SISSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  27, 
17:5.  S.  of  Jonathan, gent.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1715; 
B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1722.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  22,  1723. 
R.  of  Markshall,  Essex,  1723-46.  P.C.  of  Patswick.  V.  of 
Norton,  Durham,  1746-73.  Chaplain  to  the  Garrison  at 
Berwick-on-Tweed.  Died  Jan.  27,  1773,  aged  75.  Buried  at 
Darlington.  M.I.  (Scott-Mayor;  W.  H.  D.  Longstafie, 
D»rlington,  222.) 

SISSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  12, 
1740.  S.  of  Lancelot  (1702),  of  Cleasby,  Yorks.  School, 
Scorton  (Mr  Noble).  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4.  One  of 
these  names,  'M.A.,'  P.C.  of  Painshaw  Chapel,  Durham, 
1754-88.  Buried  there  Oct.  28,  1788.  (Surtees  (Reprint), 
I.  205.) 

SISSON, .  Pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1570-1. 

SISTON  or  SYSTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peter- 
house,  Oct.  12,  1657.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Possibly  s.  of 
Joshua,  R.  of  Adbolton,  Notts.  School,  Leicester.  Matric. 
1658.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1662.  Master  of 
Grantham  Grammar  School,  Lines.,  1663-70.  R.  of  Belton, 
1670-1710.  Died  1710.  Father  of  the  next.  (Tumor, 
Grantham,  41.) 

SISTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  7, 
1682.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Belton,  Lines. 
School,  Belton.   Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6. 

SITTISON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  July  7, 
1651.  S.  of  John,  of  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Louth.  Matric. 
1652;  B.A.  1655-6.  See  John  Citizen  (Vol.  i);  probably  R.  of 
Streat,  Sussex. 

SITWELL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1648.  Of 
Derbyshire.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (1619),  of  Renishaw,  Derbs., 
Esq.  Bapt.  Jan.  18,  1630-1,  at  Eckington.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  July  6,  1650.  High  Sheriff  of  Derbs.,  1671.  Of  Ecking- 
ton, Esq.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Henry  Sacheverel,  of 
Barton  and  Morley,  Esq.  Died  1671.  Buried  at  Eckington. 
Father  of  George  (1675).   (Vis.  of  Derbs.,  1662.) 

SITWELL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1700. 
Of  Derbyshire.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (1675),  of  Eckington, 
Derbs.,  Esq.  Matric.  Michs.  1700.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Iim,  Feb. 
2,1699-1700.  High  Sheriff  of  Derbs.,  1735.  Died  unmarried. 
May  20,  1753.  Buried  at  Eckington.  Brother  of  Thomas 

SITTWELL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1619.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Eckington,  Derbs.  Bapt.  there. 
Mar.  15,  1600-1.  Garrisoned  Renishaw  for  the  King;  fined 
and  decimated.  Served  as  Sheriff  of  Derbs.,  1653.  Of 
Renishaw,  Derbs.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Hugh  Childers, 
of  Car  House,  Doncaster,  in  1627.  Buried  Aug.  2,  1667, 
at  Eckington.  M.I.  Father  of  Francis  (1648).  (Hunter, 
Hallamshire,  373.) 

SITWELL,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Oct.  2, 
1675.  S.  of  Francis  (1648),  of  Derbyshire.  B.  Aug.  23,  1657. 
Matric.  1675-6.  Of  Eckington,  Derbs.,  Esq.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Kent,  of  Povey,  Dronfield,  May  20,  1680. 
Buried  Feb.  24,  1722-3,  at  Eckington.  Father  of  the  next 
and  of  Francis  (1700).  (Vis.  of  Derbs.,  1662;  Hunter,  Hallam- 
shire,  373.) 

SITWELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1705.  S.  of  George  (above),  of  Renishaw,  Eckington,  Derbs. 
B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1714.  Proctor, 
1727-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  1705.  R.  of  Caldecote, 
1731-  Of  Povey  Hall  (by  bequest  of  his  grandfather,  Thomas 
Kent).  Died  unmarried,  1737.  Buried  in  the  ante-chapel  of 
Christ's.  Will  proved,  June  10,  1737.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1700).   (Peile,  II.  161.) 

SIVEDALL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624. 
Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1627-8. 

SIVEDALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624. 
Matric.  1625. 

Skelton,  John 

SIX,  JAMES  DE  PREY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1728.  Of 
Canterbury.  Matric.  Michs.  1728;  B.A.  1732-3. 

SIXSMITH,  BRIAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27,  1694.  Of 
Lancashire.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8;  M.A.  1701.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Sept.  22,  1700.  R.  of  Magdeden  Laver, 
Essex,  1703-8. 


SKARPP,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595. 

SKEELER,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  King's,  1727.  S.  of  T.,  of 
Hartlebury,  Worcs.  Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  31,  1710,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1713.  Ord.  priest 
(Gloucester)  June  11,  1715.  V.  of  Winchcombe,  Gloucs., 
1726-57.   Wm  (P.C.C.)  1758.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SKEET,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  c.  May,  1671.  Of 
Norfolk.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  July  26,  1673.  B.A.  1675- 
6.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May  30,  1675.  R-  of  Fritton, 
Suffolk,  1675-1720.  R.  of  Flixton,  1703  (church  ruined;  the 
last  rector  appointed).  Died  Sept.  22,  1720,  aged  68.  M.I. 
at  Fritton.  One  of  these  names  chaplain  of  H.M.S.  Royal 
James,  in  1678.   (Venn,  i.  444.) 

SKETE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  12,  1524.  Of  Monxton,  Hants.  B.A.  1528-9; 
M.A.  1532;  B.D.  1539;  D.D.  1544.  Fellow  1527-44.  Lady 
Margaret  Professor,  1542-4.  V.  of  Ringwood,  Hjints. 
(Cooper,  I.  86.) 


SKEGGE  or  SKEGGS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1568.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (Skeggs),  of  Eynesbury, 
Hunts,  (and  Christiana,  dau.  of  John  Crolts).  Married 
Susanna,  dau.  of  John  Bamardiston,  of  Northiil,  Beds. 
Living,  1613.   (Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

SKEGGES,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1567.  One  of  these  names  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.,  s.  of  Richard, 
of  Eynesbury,  Hunts.   Received  Grant  of  Arms,  1568. 

SKEGG,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Sept.  1729.  S.  of 
John.  School,  Buntingford,  Herts.  (Mr  Sherson).  Scholar, 
1730;  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1744.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  9,  1734;  priest.  May,  1738.  Chaplain  to  the 
Earl  of  Marchmont.  R.  of  Chickney,  Essex,  1744.  R.  of 
Quendon,  1744.  Married  the  only  daughter  of  Lord  Herbert. 
Died  1764.   (Peile,  11.  219.) 

SKEGGS  or  SKIGGS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Mag- 
dalene, Easter,  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  V.  of 
Stixwold,  Lines.,  1635. 

SKEGGS,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1587. 

SKEGNES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1636. 
S.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  of  Alford,  Lines.,  gent.  Bapt.  there, 
May  17,  1619.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1639-40. 
Married  and  had  issue.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  880.) 

SKELLERN,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  25,  1690.  Of 
Cheshire.  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A. 
1697.  Incorp.  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1701.  R.  of 
Killeshandra,  diocese  of  Kilmore,  1705-29.  Married  Cathe- 
rine, dau.  of  Thomas  Hume,  of  Bawn,  Cavan.  Will  proved 
(Dublin)  1729.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SKELTON,  see  also  SHELTON. 

SKELTON,  BERNARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  13,  1650-1.  Of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 
1652;  Scholar,  1654;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Fellow,  1659- 
64.  Taxor,  1662.  R.  of  Cantley,  Norfolk,  1663-90.  A  friend 
of  Samuel  Pepys.   (T.  A.  Walker,  97.) 

SKELTON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595. 
Possibly  s.  of  William  (1563).  B.  at  East  Barkwith,  Lines., 
c.  1578.  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1602.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1602.  Preacher.  R.  of 
Coningsby,  Lines.,  1602-36.  Will  (Lincoln)  1636.  Possibly 
brother  of  Samuel  (i6o8)  and  father  of  William  (1627). 

SKELTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 
1733.  S.  of  G.,  of  Lincolnshire.  B.  in  Lincoln.  School, 
Lincoln  (Mr  Goodall).  Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  6,  1737;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1739.  V.  of 
Hanslope,  Bucks.,  1746-9.  V.  of  Owersby,  Lines.,  1749-58. 
R.  of  RothweU,  1753-8.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  447.) 

SKELTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  25,  1697. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Seth  (1669).  Bapt.  at  Leeds,  Aug.  25, 
1681.  Matric.  1698;  Scholar,  1698;  LL.B.  1702.  Of  Osmond- 
thorpe,  near  Leeds.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Slater.  Died  July,  1756.   (Geneal.,  N.S.,  19,  50.) 

SKELTON,  JOHN.  Laureated  from  Cambridge,  1493;  previously 
decorated  at  Oxford  and  abroad  (?Louvain).  Entertained 
by  the  University,  1495-6  and  1500-1  (Gr.  Bk,  B')-  Probably 
a  native  of  Diss,  Norfolk.  Perhaps  B.A.  1478-9;  M.A. 
1484-5,  'Shelton.'  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1504-5.  R.  of 
Diss,  Norfolk,  1498-1529.  Originally  under  Wolsey's  patron- 


Skelton,  John 

age,  but  having  violently  attacked  hitn,  he  retired  into  the 
Westminster  sanctuary,  where  he  died  June  21,  1529. 
Buried  in  St  Margaret's,  Westminster.  Admon.  granted  in 
the  peculiar  Court  of  Westminster,  1529,  to  William  Mott, 
C.  of  St  Margaret's,  Westmmster.  (For  an  account  of  his 
works  see  D.N.B.;  Cooper,  I.  38;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SKELTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  1594-  Of 
Cumberland.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Lancelot,  of  Arma- 
thwaite  (and  Catharine,  dau.  of  Thomas  Dalston,  of  Dalston 
Hall,  Cumberland).  Commissioner  of  the  peace  for  Cumber- 
land, 1625.  Married  (i)  Julian,  dau.  of  Christopher  Musgrave, 
Esq.,  of  Edenhall;  (2)  Barbara  Fletcher,  of  Cockermouth. 
Diedc.  1652.  Father  of  John  (1635),  Marmaduke  (1638)  and 
Richard  (i6i8).   {Whellan,  559.) 

SKELTON  or  SHELTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  29,  1609,  Skelton.  Matric.  1609;  Scholar,  1612-6; 
B.A.  1612-3,  'Skelton';  M.A.  i6i6. 

SKELTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1609. 
Of  Cumberland.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617;  B.D.  1624.  Fellow, 
1618.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9; 
priest.  Mar.  10,  1622-3.  R-  of  Hatley  St  George,  Cambs.,  c. 
1620-63.  Perhaps  R.  of  Goldsborough,  Yorks.,  1624.  (One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Kirby  Underdale,  Yorks.,  1639-47. 
Buried  there  June  6,  1647.) 

SKELTON,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  8, 
1635.  3rd  s.  of  John  (1594),  Esq.,  of  Armathwaite,  Cumber- 
land. B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638- 
9.   Perhaps  buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  June  12,  1639, 
'Jonah  Skilton.'    Brother  of  Marmaduke  (1638)  and  half- 
brother  of  Richard  (1618). 
SKELTON,  JOHN.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1642.  Of  Cumberland.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard  (1618). 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Gerard  Salvin,  Esq.,  of  Croxdale, 
Durham.   (Jefferson,  Leathward,  224.) 
SKELTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  28,  1660.    Of 
'Conesby'    (Coningsby),    Lines.     Doubtless   s.    of   William 
(1627),  R.  of  Coningsby,  Lines.   Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4. 
Brother  of  William  (1651). 
SKELTON,  JOHN.    M.A.  1662  (Incorp.  from  Queen's  College, 
0.xford).    Matric.  there,  June  24,  1653;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1656; 
M.A.  1659.    V.  of  Stixwold,  Lines.,  1666.    R.  of  Scrayfield, 
1671.     Archdeacon    of   Bedford,    1679-1704.     R.    of    East 
Wickham,  Lines.,  1680.    R.  of  Walgrave,  Northants.,  1681- 
1704.    Master  of  St  John's  Hospital,  Northampton,  1682- 
1704.    Canon  of  Lincoln,   1683-1704.    Died  Apr.  3,   1704. 
Buried  in  the  chapel  of  St  John's  Hospital.    (Al.  Oxon.; 
Serjeantson,  Hospital  of  St  John.) 
SKELTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  2,   1680.    Of 
Yorkshire.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Ossingthorpe  (or  Osmundthorpe), 
Mayor  of  Leeds.    B.  July  3,  1662.    School,  Leeds.    Matric. 
1681;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688;  M.D.  1720. 
Fellow,  1687-98.    Practised  in  Leeds.    Married  three  wives. 
Died  Feb.  28,  1736-7.    Brother  of  Seth  (1669).    (A.  Gray; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 
SKELTON,   JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,   Mar.   24,    1746-7- 
B.  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.   School,  Wakefield.   Scholar,  1748; 
B.A.   1750-1.    Assistant  master  at  Wakefield,   1751.    Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  24,   1752;  priest,  June,   i754-    V.  of 
Goxhill  and  Thomton-cum-Curtis,  Lines.,  1756-87.    C.  of 
Stockton,   York.    Died  at  York,   Aug.   13,   1791-     (M.   H. 
Peacock;  G.  Mag.) 
SKELTON,  MARMADUKE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  5, 1638.  sths.of  John  (1594), of  Armathwaite,  Cumber- 
land. B.  there.  School,  Gt  Blencow  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Matric. 
1638;  B.A.  1641-2.  Brother  of  John  (1635),  etc. 
SKELTON,  RICHARD.    Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1429.    Re- 
signed, July  31,  1437- 
SKELTON,    RICHARD.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    Queens', 
Easter,  1618.   Of  Cumberland.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John 
(1594),  of  Armathwaite,  Esq.    B.  c.  1605.    Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  July  3,  1620.    Built  a  mansion-house  on  his  father's 
estate  at  Southwaite,  in   1640.    Re-built  and  endowed  the 
chapel  of  Armathwaite  with  £100.   Married  Lettice  Burdett, 
of  Bramcote,  Warws.,  sister  of  Sir  Thomas  Burdett,  Bart. 
Will  dated,  1668.   Half-brother  of  John  (1635)  and  Marma- 
duke (1638),  father  of  John  (1642).    (Whellan,  Cumberland, 
SKELTON,   RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1628.    Of  Lincolnshire.    B.A.  1630-1.    V.  of  Humberston, 
Lines.,  1635. 
SKELTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.   1585-6.    One  of   these  names,  clerk,   married   Mary 
Saunderson,  at  Hargrave,  Northants.,  Apr.  25,  1595. 
SKELTON,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1608, 
'Shelton.'  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1563).  Bapt.  at  Conings- 
by, Lines.,  Feb.  26,  1592-3.  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  R.  of 

Skern,  William 

Sempringham,  Lines.,  c.  1615-20.  Probably  chaplain  to  the 
Earl  of  Lincoln,  c.  1622.  Silenced;  sailed  for  New  England, 
May  4,  1629.  Installed  as  pastor  of  the  church  at  Salem, 
Mass.,  Aug.  6,  1629.  Married  Susanna  Travis,  Apr.  27, 
1619,  at  Sempringham.  Died  at  Salem,  Aug.  2,  1634. 
Possibly  brother  of  George  (1595).  {Felt,  103;  J.G.Bartlett.) 

SKELTON  or  SHELTON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1612.   Of  London.   B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619. 

SKELTON,  SETH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1669.  S.  and 
h.  of  Henry,  of  Osmundthorpe,  Yorks.,  Esq.,  Mayor  of  Leeds. 
Bapt.  at  Leeds,  Feb.  21,  1649-50.  Matric.  i66g.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Adam  Baynes,  of  Knostrop,  Feb.  17, 
1679-80.  Died  Aug.  21,  1709.  Brother  of  John  (1680)  and 
father  of  Henry  (1697).  {Geneal.,  N.S.,  19,  50;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 

SKELTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1572. 

SKELTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

SKELTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  19, 
1668.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Pickering  Leith,  Yorks. 
School,  Pickering  (Mr  Nicholas  Grey).  Matric.  1668;  B.A. 
1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1673;  priest.  May,  1676. 
R.  of  Scawton,  Yorks.,  1676-1729. 

SKELTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1454.  Of  London.  M.A.  1456-7;  M.D.  1470-1.  Proctor, 
1460-1.  Ord.  acolyte  (Ely)  Apr.  17,  1462.  Died  1471- 
Benefactor  to  the  College  library.  (Harwood.) 

SKELTON,  WILLIAM.    Doubtless  of  Peterhouse,  in  1488-9. 

Grace  for  B.D.     1490-r.    Preb.   of  Southwell,    1488-1500. 

V.  of  Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.,  tiU  1533.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1538. 
SKELTON  or  SHELTON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St 

John's,  Easter,  1563;  B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1572. 

Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June   11,   1568.    R.  of  Coningsby, 

Lines.,  1582-1602.    Died  1602.   Doubtless  father  of  Samuel 

(1608)  and  possibly  of  George  (c.  1595). 
SKELTON,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1622; 

B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 
SKELTON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  May  19, 

1627.  Of  Lincolnshire.   Possibly  s.  of  George  (1595).  Matric. 

1627;  B.A.  1630-1;   M.A.   1634.   R.  of  Coningsby,  Lines., 

1636-60.   Died  1660.    Father  of  William  (1651)  and  John 

SKELTON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1639.   Of  Lincolnshire. 
SKELTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  13, 

1651.  S.of  William  (1627),  R- of  Coningsby,  Lines.  B.  there. 

School,  Tattersall  (Mr  Twisse).    B.A.   1654-5;  M.A.   1658. 

Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  1,  1662.    R.  of  Coningsby,  1664. 

Died   1679.    Will  dated,  Oct.  20;  proved,   Dec.   10,   1679. 

Brother  of  John  (1660).   (Peile,  i.  542.) 
SKELTON,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,   Mar.   6, 

1712-3.  Of  Leicestershire. 

SKELTON, .   M.A.  1462.   Perhaps  William;  see  the  next. 

SKELTON,    .     Probably    William    of    Michael    House. 

Fined  for  non-completion  of  B.D.  1467-8. 

SKELTON  or  SHELTON, .   B.A.  1480. 

SKELTON, .   B.D.  1492-3-   A  monk. 

SKEPE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  c. 

SKEPP,  see  SKIPP. 
SKEPPER,  see  also  SKIPPER. 
SKEPPER,  ANTHONY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 

Feb.  21,  1717-8.   B.atAslackby,  Lines.    Matric.  1718;  B.A. 

1721-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1722;  priest,  Dec.  20, 

1724.  V.  of  Helion  Bumpstead,  Essex,  1737. 
SKEPER,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  Fellow  of  Clare.  Ord.  priest  (Ely) 

June  13,  1495- 
SKEPPER  or  SKIPPER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney, 

July  8,  1612.  Probably  s.  of  Edward,  of  East  Kirkby,  Lines., 

gent.    Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8.    R.  of  Thorpe-by-Wain- 

fleet.  Lines.,  1630.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  884.) 
SKERNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1623. 
Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Bonby,  Lines.,  Esq.   Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  29,  1627.   (F.M.G.,  782.) 
SKEARN,  ROBERT.   Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1654.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Fockerby, 
Yorks.,  Esq.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  12,  1656. 
SKERN,  WILLIAM.    B.A.  1490-1;  M.A.  1493;  B.D.   1503-4. 
Fellow  of  Clare,  1494.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  14,  1494-5- 
R.  of  St  Margaret  Moses,  London,  1496-1505.    Died  June, 
1505.   Will  dated,  June  23;  proved  (P.C.C.)  June  28,  1505. 



Skerrit,  Augustine 

SKERN, .  M.A.  1490.  Will  of  Sir  Richard  Skem,  priest,  of 

St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  proved  (Cons.  C.  London)  1542. 

SKERN, .  B.A.  15 14. 

SKERRIT  or  SKYRRIT,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Christ's,  Feb.  15,  1579-80;  B.A.  1582-3. 

SKERRATT,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1727.  From  Brasenose 
College,  O.xford;  matric.  there,  Apr.  16,  1709,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1712.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Newall,  Cheshire.  V.  of 
Kingston-by-Taunton,  Somerset,  1716-31.  R.  of  Brereton, 
Cheshire,  1731.  V.  of  Biddulph,  Staffs.,  i733-  {Peile.u.  202; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SKERRETT,  RALPH.  M.A.  from  King's,  1706.  S.  of  John,  of 
Shavington,  Cheshire.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
Oct.  10,  1696,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1700;  D.D.  1720.  R.  of 
Oakley,  Suffolk,  1713-20.  R.  of  St  Peter-le-Poer,  London, 
1720.  Domestic  chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Grantham.  V.  of 
Greenwich,  1720-51.  President  of  Sion  College,  1738. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  May  6,  i75i-  Buried  at  Fam- 
borough.  Will,  P.C.C.   {Al.  Oxon.;  L.  Mag.) 

SKERROLL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SKERROW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1596; 
B.A.  1599-1600.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June  9,  1605. 

SKEVINGTON,  ANTHONY.  Of  St  Paul's  Hostel.  Perhaps 
2nd  s.  of  Sir  William,  of  Skefi&ngton,  Leics.,  and  Lord 
Deputy  of  Ireland.  (If  so,  one  of  his  father's  executors,  in 
1534.)  B.Civ.L.  1522-3.  Adm.  to  practise  in  the  V.C.  court. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Seaton,  Rutland,  and  R.  of  Glaston,  till  1554. 
Died  1554.   (Nichols,  in.  448;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619.) 

SKEFFINGTON,  CLOTWORTHY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at 
Magdalene,  Apr.  3,  1679.  S.  of  Sir  John  (1649),  Viscount 
Massareene.  B.  in  Antrim.  School  (private).  Succeeded  as 
3rd  Viscount,  June  21,  1695.  Commander-in-Chief  of  the 
Co.  of  Antrim;  aided  in  preserving  the  province  of  Ulster 
from  the  ravages  of  King  James's  army.  Married  Rachel, 
dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Hungerford,  K.B.,  of  Farley  Hungerford 
Castle,  Somerset.  Died  at  Antrim,  Mar.  1713-4- 

SKEVINTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  Caius, 
July  20,  1596.  S.  of  Nicholas,  innkeeper,  of  Brandon,  Suffolk. 
School,  Thetford.  Scholar,  1597-1601;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A. 
1603.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  21,  1601-2.  C.  of  Flitcham,  in 
1603.  R.  of  Hellington,  Norfolk,  1610-27.  Father  of  the 
next.   (Venn,  i.  159.) 

SKEVINGTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  c. 
Feb.  1630-1.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  R.  of  Hellington, 
Norfolk,  deceased.  B.  there.  School,  Hellington  (Mr  Paul 
Amirante).   Matric.  1631.    Probably  V.  of  Aylesford,  Kent, 

1650.  (Venn,  i.  296.) 

SKEFFINGTON  or  SHEVINGTON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Peterhouse,  Easter,  1550. 

SKEVINGTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Lent, 
1564-5.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  William  of  Skef&ngton,  Leics. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1564-5). 

SKEVINGTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1552.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Fisherwick,  Staffs. 
Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Cave,  of  Stanford, 
Northants.  Of  Fisherwick,  Esq.  Died  Nov.  7,  1604.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1565).   (Nichols,  iii.  449.) 

SKEFFINGTON  or  SCEVINGTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com. 
from  Jesus,  Easter,  1603.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William 
(1578),  of  Fisherwick,  Staffs.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Oct.  30,  1604.  Knighted,  Aug.  1624.  M.P.  for  Newcastle- 
under-Lyne,  1626.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Sept. 
1 63 5 .  Sheriff  of  Staffs. ,  1 637-8.  Married  Cicely  (?  Ursula) ,  sister 
and  co-heir  of  Sir  John  Skefi&ngton,  of  Leics.   Died  Nov.  20, 

1651,  aged  67.    Buried  at  Skeffington.    Brother  of  Richard 
(1615).   (A.  Gray;  G.E.C.,  11.  14;  Nichols,  m.  449.) 

SKEFFINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1649.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard  (next),  of  Coventry, 
Knt.  Bapt.  Dec.  27,  1632,  at  St  Michael's,  Lichfield.  Matric. 
1649.  Succeeded  his  cousin  William  as  4th  Bart.,  Apr.  1652. 
M.P.  for  Antrim,  1659;  for  Co.  Antrim,  1661-5.  Privy 
Councillor.  Governor  of  the  Co.  of  Derry  and  of  the  town  of 
Coleraine.  Suffered  as  a  Protestant  in  Ulster.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Clotworthy,  Viscount  Massereene,  and  became 
Viscount  Massereene  on  the  death  of  his  father-in-law,  Sept. 
23,  1665.  Died  June  21,  1695.  Buried  at  Antrim.  Father 
of  Clotworthy.   (Lodge,  11.  377;  Shaw,  i.  372;  D.N.B.) 

SKEFFINGTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Mag- 
dalene, Michs.  1615.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  William  (1578), 
Bart.,  of  Fisherwick,  Staffs.  Knighted,  Aug.  20,  1624.  M.P. 
for  Tamworth,  1625;  for  Staffs.,  1646-7.  Of  Coventry,  and 
of  Fisherwick.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Newdigate, 
of  Arbury,  Warws.  Died  June  2,  1647.  Buried  at  Brox- 
boume,  Herts.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1603)  and  father  of 
John  (above).   (Nichols,  in.  449;  Lodge,  11.  375.) 

Skingle,  Thomas 

SKEVYNGTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus, 
Lent,  1564-5.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Skefi&ngton, 
Leics.  Age  21  in  1571.  Sheriff  of  Leics.,  1576,  1588  and  1591. 
Of  Skefifington,  and  of  Ardey,  Warws.  Married  Isabella, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Byron,  of  Newsted,  Notts.  Died  May  11, 
1600.  Brother  of  Henry  (1564-5)  and  probably  father  of 
William  (1594-5).   (Nichols,  111.  448.) 

SKEVINGTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1565.  5th  s.  of  William,  of  Fisherwick,  Staffs.  Scholar,  1568; 
B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1572;  LL.D.  1579.  Fellow,  1571.  Adm. 
advocate,  May  5,  1582.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1592.  Benefactor  to 
Trinity.  Brother  of  John  (1552).  (Cooper,  u.  ^yg;  Middlesex 

SKEVINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1578.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1552),  of 
Fisherwick,  Staffs.  Created  Bart.,  May  8,  1627.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Dering,  of  Pluckley,  Kent. 
Died  Sept.  1635.  Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Lichfield.  Doubtless 
father  of  John  (1603)  and  Richard  (1615).  (Nichols,  in. 
449;  G.E.C.) 

SKEVINGTON,  .    Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1594-5-    Probably 

William,  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1564-5).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  7,  1595.  Knighted,  Apr.  23,  1603.  Of  Skeffington, 
Leics.  Married  Catherine  Chetwode.  Died  s.^.,  Dec.  19,  1605. 
(Nichols,  III.  448.) 

SKEY,  BOUGHY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1741.  S.  and 
h.  of  John,  of  Aldenham,  Herts.  Matric.  Easter,  1742. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  26,  1741.  Lieut.-Colonel. 
Died  Apr.  30,  1795,  aged  69.   (G.  Mag.) 

SKIDDY  or  SKYDDYE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Mag- 
dalene, Easter,  1548.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1551. 

SKIDDY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1750.  S.  of  Francis,  attorney,  of  Ireland.  B.  in  Dublin. 
School,  Sedbergh,  Yorks.  Matric.  1750-1;  B.A.  1754. 
Emigrated  to  America.  Living,  1761.  (Sedbergh  School 

SKYDMORE,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  10,  1543.    Of  Bumham,  Bucks.    Matric.  1544; 

B.A.  1544-5. 
SKIDMORE,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  23,  1538.  Of  Rowlstone,  Hereford.  Fellow  during 

SKIDMORE,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  King's,  1603-4.   Perhaps  adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  22,  1610-1;  of  Staple  Inn,  gent. 


SKIKELTHORP,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  3, 
1697;  scholar  from  St  Paul's.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1697; 
B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1707.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4, 
1704;  priest,  June  3,  1705.  Buried  at  St  Peter's,  Comhill, 
London,  Mar.  17,  1712-3;  'Lecturer.' 

SKINGLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  7,  1641. 
S.  of  Robert,  yeoman.  B.  at  Ware,  Herts.  School,  Ware 
(Mr  Roberts).  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5.  Brother  of  the 
next,  Robert  (1626)  and  William  (1646). 

SKINGLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
16,  1634-5.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Ware,  Herts. 
B.  there.  School,  Ware  (Mr  Robert  Skingle,  his  brother). 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Brother  of  John 
(above),  etc.  and  father  of  the  next. 

SKINGLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  22, 
1673.  S.  of  Richard  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Haddenham, 
Herts.  School,  Stansted  (private).  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  priest 
(London)  Feb.  26,  1677-8.  V.  of  Roydon,  Essex,  1682.  R. 
of  Lexden,  Colchester,  1706-29.  Died  1729.  (Morant,  i. 

SKINGLE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Master  of  Ware  Grammar 
School,  c.  1634.  Doubtless  of  Hackney,  Middlesex,  clerk. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1671.  Brother  of  John  (1641),  etc.  and  father 
of  Thomas  (1670). 

SKINGLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  9, 
1680.  3rd  s.  of  WiUiam  (1646),  V.  of  Stebbing,  Essex. 
Schools,  Billericay  (Mr  Skingle)  and  Felsted.  Matric.  1680; 
B.A.  1683-4.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  21,  1684;  priest, 
Feb.  28,  1685-6.  R.  of  Hawkwell,  Essex,  1695-36.  Died 
1736.   Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1736;  of  Stebbing. 

SKINGLE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  26, 
1670.  3rd  s.  of  Robert  (1626).  B.  at  Hackney,  Middlesex. 
School,  Hackney  (his  father).  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  11,  1676-7.  R.  of  Hadleigh, 
Essex,  1679.  Died  the  same  year  at  Rayleigh.  Admon. 
(Cons.  C,  London)  June  21,  1679. 


Skingle,  William 

SKINGLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1646.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman.  B.  at  Ware,  Herts.  Schools, 
Ware  (Mr  Robert  Skingle)  and  Hackney,  London  (Rob. 
Skingle,  his  half-brother).  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1649.  P.C. 
of  Little  Dunmow,  Essex,  1650-1700.  Ord.  priest  (Chichester) 
May  29,  1662.  V.  of  Stebbing,  Essex,  1662-1712.  Died  1712. 
Will,  Comm.  Essex.  Brother  of  John  (1641),  etc.  and  father 
of  Robert  (1680).   (H.  Smith;  Morant,  11.  416.) 

SKINN,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  i6i8;  priest.  May,  1619. 
V.  of  Sherbum,  Yorks.,  i6i9-c.  44,  deprived. 

SKYN,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 

SKINNER,  ALEXANDER.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1608-9.  One  of 
these  names  of  Gittisham,  Devon,  clerk.  Admon.  (Exeter) 

SKINNER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c. 

SKINNER,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  i,  1670. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1670;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A. 
1673-4;  M.A.  1677-   Fellow,  1674. 

SKINNER,  EDMUND.  'Of  Oxford;  perhaps  also  of  Cambridge'; 
Supp.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1575-6-  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Ledbury, 
Hereford.  Ord.  deacon  (Coventry  and  Lichfield)  Sept.  26, 
1574;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1575.  V.  of  St  Sepulchre,  Northamp- 
ton, 1582-94.  V.  of  St  Giles',  Northampton,  1587-96.  R.  of 
Pitsford,  1594-1628.  Married  Bridget,  dau.  of  Humphrey 
Radcliffe.  Buried  at  Pitsford,  May  21,  1628,  aged  74. 
Will  (Archd.  Northampton)  1628.  Father  of  Robert  (1615). 
(Serjeantson,  History  of  St  Sepulchre;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SKINNER,  EDWARD.  B.A.  (?  1594-5);  M.A.  from  Trinity, 
1598.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  8,  1611-2.  V.  of 
EweU,  Kent,  1626. 

SKINNER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1641.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Thornton  Curtis, 
Lines,  (and  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Coke,  Lord  Chief 
Justice),  and  grandson  of  Vincent  (1557).  Bapt.  June  24, 
1624,  at  St  Dunstan-in-the-West,  London.  Of  Thornton 
Curtis,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Wentworth, 
brother  of  Thomas,  Earl  of  Strafford.  Died  May  13,  1657, 
aged  33.  Buried  at  Goxhill.  Will  (London)  1657.  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  888.) 

SKINNER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1584.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Rede,  Suffolk,  1591. 

SKINNER,  GEORGE.  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1598.  Probably  of 
Devon,  pleb.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  14,  1597, 
age  i8. 

SKINNER,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  25,  1640. 

SKINNER,  HENRY.  B.A.  1499-1500.  Of  York  diocese.  M.A. 
1503.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1501.  Ord.  sub-deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  19,  1501-2.  Preacher,  1507-8.  WUl  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1514- 

SKINNER,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1597.  Of  Kent. 

SKINNER,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  7,  1682. 

S.  of  Richard,   attorney,   of  Sudbury,  Suffolk.    B.   there. 

School,   Eton;   Colleger,    1673-81.    Matric.    1682;   Scholar, 

1682-3.   Migrated  to  St  John's,  Jan.  17,  1682-3.   {Venn,  1. 

SKYNNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  16,  1579- 

80.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Boston,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  12, 

1563.     Matric.    1579-80;    Scholar,    1583-5;    B.A.    1583-4. 

Married  and  had  issue.    Died  1614.    Will  dated,  Sept.  23; 

proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  8,  1614,  and  at  Lincoln,  Apr.  15,  1615. 

{Lines.  Pedigrees,  886;  T.  A.  Walker.) 
SKINNER,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1584.  One  of  these  names  knighted,  July  23,  1603;  of  Essex. 

SKINNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  5,  1600. 

SKYNNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  2, 
1674-5.  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  grocer,  of  Foxearth,  Essex. 
Schools,  Liston  (private)  and  Felsted.  Matric.  1675;  B.A. 
1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1680; 
priest,  June,  1683.  R.  of  Wenham  Combust,  Suffoll<,  1684. 
V.  of  Nackington,  Kent,  1685.  V.  of  Chettisham,  Suffolk, 

SKYNNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  25, 
1740.  S.  of  John,  attomey-at-Iaw,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in 
London.  School,  Reading,  Berks.  (Mr  Hiley).  Matric.  1741; 
B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748;  B.D.  1756.  Fellow,  1747.  Public 
orator,  1752-62.  Ord.  deacon  (Bangor,  for  London)  Sept.  23, 
1750;  priest  (Ely)  May  24,  1752.  Sub-dean  of  York,  1762- 
1805.  R.  of  Easton-by-Stamford,  Northants.,  1764-1805. 
R.  of  Blatherwick,  1765-1805.  Died  May  25,  1805,  aged  81. 
Will,  P.C.C.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  511.) 

SKINNER,  JONATHAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1571;  B.A.  1575-6. 

Skins,  Henry 

SKINNER,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1618.  Matric.  1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  July  3;  priest,  July  4,  1625.  V.  of  Woolverstone, 
Suffolk,  1636. 

SKINNER,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  3,  1644.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651.  C.  of  Ashen, 
Essex,  in  1650.   (H.  Smith.) 

SKINNER,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1552. 

SKINNER,  ROBERT.    B.A.  1503-4;  M.A.  1507;  B.D.  1510-1. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Ockley,  Essex,  1520-32,  and  of  Gt 

Ockley,  1532-7. 

SKINNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
i6ii.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman,  of  Beeston,  Norfolk. 
School,  Tivetshall  (Mr  Collysson).  Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1615- 
6;  M.A.  1619.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  15,  1617.  C.  and 
schoolmaster  at  Mileham,  Norfolk,  in  161 7;  chaplain  there, 
in  1662.  R.  of  Little  Bittering,  1629-65.  C.  of  Longham,  in 
1636.  R.  of  Little  Bealings,  Suffolk.  Chaplain  to  Charles  I. 
Author,  Sermon.  Will  proved  (Norwich  Archd.  C.)  1665. 
{Venn,  i.  213.) 

SKINNER,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1615  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  re- 
incorp.  B.D.  1621  {do.).  2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  R.  of  Pitsford, 
Northants.  Bapt.  Feb.  12,  1590-1,  at  St  Sepulchre's, 
Northampton.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  July  ir, 
1606,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1610;  M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1621; 
D.D.  1636.  Fellowof  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  1613.  Preacher 
at  St  Gregory  by  St  Paul's,  London,  1621-30.  Chaplain  to 
Charles  I.  R.  of  Pitsford,  Northants.,  1628-35.  R.  of 
Launton,  Oxon.,  1631.  R.  of  Greens  Norton,  Northants., 
1636-43,  sequestered.  Sequestered  also  from  Cuddesdon, 
1646,  and  Beckenham,  1647.  Bishop  of  Bristol,  1637-41. 
Bishop  of  Oxford,  1641;  imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of  London; 
restored,  1660.  Bishopof  Worcester,  1663-70.  Died  June  14, 
1670.  Buried  in  Worcester  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  {A  I. 
Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

SKINNER,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1617. 

Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

July  3;  priest,  July  4,  1625. 
SKINNER,  STEPHEN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1591. 
SKINNER,  STEPHEN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  17,  1675. 

Scholar,    1676;    Matric.    1678;    B.A.    1678-9;    M.A.    1682. 

Fellow,  i68r.    Ord.  priest  (London)  Mar.  5,  1683-4.    R.  of 

Buckland,  Herts.,  1684-1712.    R.  of  Wyddial,  1693-1712. 

Chaplain   to   the   Duke  of   Richmond.     Author,   Christian 

Practice.  Died  1712. 
SKINNER,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,   Lent, 

SKINNER,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,   Lent, 

1582-3;  B.A.   1586-7.    Ord.  deacon  (Colchester)  May  13; 

priest.  May  14,  1596.  V.  of  Laxfield,  Suffolk,  1603. 
SKYNNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1588. 
SKINNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 

1646.   S.  of  Nicholas,  gent.,  of  Brentford,  Essex.    B.  there. 

School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Lee).    Matric.   1646;  B.A. 

1649.   Created  M.D.  (Oxford)  1672.   Practised  at  Colchester. 

Historian.    Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Colchester,  Aug.  8,  1670. 

SKINNER,   THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,   July  4,    1649. 

Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652.    Perhaps  V.  of  Willington,  Beds., 

1665-8.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Chevening,  Kent,  1686- 

1706.  Buried  there  Nov.  25,  1706. 
SKINNER,  VINCENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1557. 

S.  of  John,  of  Thorpe-by-Wainiieet,  Lines.    Scholar,  1560; 

B.A.  1560-1;  M.A.  1564.   Fellow,  1561.   Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1566.    M.P.  for  Truro,  1571;  for  Barnstaple,  1572-83;  for 

Boston,  1584-5,  1586-7,  1588-9;  for  Boroughbridge,  1592-3; 

for  St  Ives,  1597-8;  for  Preston,  1604-11.   Knighted,  May  7, 

1603.  Of  Thornton  College,  Lines.  Married  (i)  Audry,  dau. 

of  Richard  Ogle,  of  Pinchbeck,  Lines.;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau. 

of  William  (?  Robert)  Fowkes,  of  Enfield,  Middlesex.  Buried 

at  St  Andrew,  Holbom,  Feb.  29,  1615-6.    Admon.  (P.C.C.) 

1622.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  888;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 

N.S.,  I.  81.) 
SKINNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  12,  1513.   Of  Alcester,  Warws.   Name  off,  1516. 

Perhaps  B.A.  1516-7.   One  of  these  names  V.  of  St  Martin- 

in-the-Fields,  London,  1522-37. 
SKYNNER,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 

SKINNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  8,  1635. 

Of  Essex.    Matric.   1635;  B.A.   1639-40.    Died  in  College. 

Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Oct.  21,  1641. 
SKINNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  £m>ianuel,  Apr.  8,  1642. 

Of  Essex. 

SKINS,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1646-7. 


Skins,  Thomas 

SKINS,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

1639;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1647,  'Skinner.'    Perhaps  V.  of 

Thrybergh,  Yorks.,  1644-71.   Died  1671. 
SKIPP,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Gonville  Hall,  1513;  B.A.  1514-5; 

M.A.  1518;  B.D.  1533;  D.D.  1535.   Fellow,  1516-36.   Master, 

1536-40.    President  of  Physwick  Hostel,   1519-21.    V.  of 

Thaxted,    Essex,    1534-9.     Canon    of   Westminster,    1535. 

Chaplain   and   almoner   to   Anne   Boleyn.     Archdeacon   of 

Suffolk,  1536-9.  R.  of  Newington,  Surrey,  1538.  Archdeacon 

of  Dorset,  1538-9.  Bishop  of  Hereford,  1539-52.  Died  Mar. 

30,   1552.    Buried  in   St   Mary  Mounthaw,   London.    Will 

(P.C.C).   (Venn,  i.  20;  D.N.B.;  Cooper,  i.  109.) 
SKIPP  or  SKEPP,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1615.    2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  London.    B.A.  1617-8; 

M.A.   1621.    Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  22,   1617. 

Probably  R.  of  Helmdon,  Northants.,  1628-33.    Brother  of 

Thomas  (1615).   [Baker,  i.  631.) 
SKIPP,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  19,  1702. 

S.   of  John,   gent.,   of   Wymondham,   Norfolk.     B.    there. 

Schools,  Norwich  (private)  and  Bergh  Apton  (Mr  Connold). 

Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1702-8;  B.A.  1705-6.    Ord.  deacon 

(London)  Dec.  24,  1710;  priest.  May  14,  1713.  (Venn,  i.  509.) 
SKIPP,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1609.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1612-3.  V.  of  Horsey,  Norfolk,  1615. 
SKIPP,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  8,  1620. 

Of  London.    Probably  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  London.    Matric. 

1620.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  12,  1622. 
SKEPP,    THOMAS.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1615.   S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  London,  gent.   Adm. 

at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  25,  1615.  Brotherof  John  (1615). 
SKIPP,  THOMAS.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Caius,  May  1, 

1677.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  North  Tuddenham,  Norfolk  (and 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Spencer,  of  Rendlesham).   B.  at 

Rendlesham,  Suffolk.    School,  Norwich  (Mr  Cory).    Matric. 

1677.    Adm.   at  Gray's   Inn,  June  21,    1680.    Died   1681. 

(Venn,  i.  457.) 
SKIP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  17, 

1696.  S.  of  Martin,  Esq.  B.  at  Tuddenham,  Norfolk.  School, 

Wymondham.   Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1. 

SKIPPER,  see  also  SKEPPER. 

SKIPPER  or  SKEPPER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from 
St  John's,  Easter,  1615.  Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher  of 
Durham.  Bapt.  Feb.  14,  1596-7,  at  St  Margaret's,  Durham. 
Age  15  in  1615.  B.A.  1618-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1619. 
(Vis.  of  Durham.) 

SKIPPER,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1703.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  Easter,  1704.  Died  1706,  aged  20.  Buried 
at  St  Peter  Mancroft,  Norwich.   M.I.  there.   (H.  P.  Stokes.) 

SKIPPER  or  SKEPPER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619. 

SKIPPER,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1644.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1647-8.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Aug.  8,  1662.  R.  of  AU  Saints',  South  Elmham,  Suffolk, 

SKIPPON,  LUKE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  12,  1585. 
S.  of  Bartholomew,  gent.  B.  at  Weasenham,  Norfolk. 
Schools,  Dereham  and  Mileham  (Messrs  Paynter  and 
Jepsam).  Of  West  Lexham,  gent.  Died  there  Sept.  20,  1638. 
Father  of  Philip  the  Parliamentary  General  and  Luke  (1614) ; 
brother  of  William  (1584).  (Venn,  i.  125;  Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  N.S.,  i.  64.) 

SKIPPON,  LUKE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1614. 
S.  of  Luke  (1585),  of  West  Lexham,  gent.  B.A.  1617-8; 
M.A.  1621;  B.D.  1634;  D.D.  1660  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1619. 
Tutor.  Bursar,  1623-4,  1632-3.  Taxor,  1628.  Junior 
Proctor,  1633-4.  Nominated  for  the  Mastership  of  Peter- 
house, 1663,  but  not  appointed.  R.  of  Hingham,  Norfolk, 
1636-46.  R.  of  Tavistock,  Devon,  1637.  R.  of  Litcham, 
Norfolk,  1642.  R.  of  Wissingset,  1661-76.  R.  of  South 
Lynn.  V.  of  West  Bradenham,  1662.  R.  of  Mileham.  R.  of 
Tydd  St  Giles',  Cambs.,  1676.  Died  1676.  Will  dated,  Aug. 
3, 1674;  proved  (Archd.  C.  Norwich)  July  12, 1676.  (Carthew, 
Launditch,  in.  444;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  i.  64.) 

SKIPPON,  LUKE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1656.  2nd  s. 
of  Major-General  Philip  Skippon.  B.  Aug.  8,  1638,  at 
Foulsham  Hall,  Norfolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1656.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  22,  1655-6.  Probably  died  before  1660. 
Brother  of  Philip  (1660). 

SKIPPON,  PHILIP.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1660.  (Probably  adm. 
Fell.-Com.  in  1655.)  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Major-General 
Philip.  B.  Oct.  28,  1641,  at  Hackney,  Middlesex.  Probably 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1662-3.  Left  England  with  the 
Rev.  John  Ray,  the  naturalist,  and  travelled  abroad,  1663-6. 
F.R.S.,  1667.  Knighted,  Apr.  19,  1674.  Of  Foulsham, 
Norfolk,  and  of  Ketton,  Suffolk.    Married  (i)  Amy,  dau.  of 

Skipwith,  Gerard 

Francis  Brewster,  Esq.,  of  Wrentham,  Suffolk;  (2)  Ann,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Bamardiston,  of  Ketton.  Kept  a  journal  of 
his  travels.  Buried  at  Ketton,  Aug.  14,  1691.  Brother  of 
Luke  (1656)  and  father  of  Philip  (1692).  (Carthew,  Laun- 
.    ditch,  in.  444;  T.  Quarles,  Foulsham.) 

SKIPPON,  PHILIP.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  25,  1692. 
S.  of  Sir  Philip  (1660),  of  Foulsham,  Norfolk,  and  of  Ketton, 
Suffolk,  Knt.,  and  grandson  of  Major-General  Philip  Skippon. 
B.  July  12,  1675,  at  Wrentham.  Matric.  1692.  M.P.  for 
Sudbury,  1705-10.  Sold  the  Foulsham  estate,  in  1715- 
Died  unmarried,  1717.  Buried  at  Edwardstone,  Suffolk. 
(Le  Neve,  Knights,  299.) 

SKIPPON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Lent, 

SKIPPON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  10, 
1584.  S.  of  Bartholomew,  yeoman.  B.  at  Weasenham,  Nor- 
folk. School,  Dereham  (Mr  Penter).  Matric.  1584.  Lived 
at  Tawstock,  Devon,  where  he  was  secretary  or  agent  to 
Lord  Bath.  Died  there  Jan.  1,  1633-4.  WiU  (P.C.C);  of 
Tawstock;  proved  by  his  nephew  Luke  (1614).  Brother  of 
Luke  {1585).   (Venn,  i.  120.) 

SKIPTON,  see  also  SHIPTON. 

SKYPTON,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs.  1579- 

SKIPTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1619; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1623; 
priest.  May,  1624. 

SKIPTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  28, 
1635.  S.  of  Thomas,  Cwsfos  of  Londonderry.  School,  London- 
derry.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  19,  1638. 

SKIPTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1522.  Of  York.  B.A.  1526-7;  M.A.  1530;  B.D.  1536-7- 
Fellow,  i5?5-c.  1543.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  16;  priest, 
June  11,  1530. 

SKIPWITH,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1588.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Fordham,  Norfolk,'  adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  11,  1592-3.   (Peile,  i.  194.) 

SKIPWITH,  EDWARD.   B.D.  1465-6. 

SKYPWYTHE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1552. 

SKIPWITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1571.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  WiUiam,  Knt.,  of 
South  Ormsby,  Lines,  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Towthby). 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  13,  1575;  of  Lincokishire,  and 
of  Clement's  Inn.  Bencher,  1600.  Autumn  reader,  1601. 
M.P.  for  Grimsby,  1601.  WiU  dated,  Nov.  24,  1619;  proved, 
Apr.  3,  1620.   Father  of  the  next.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  892.) 

SKIPWITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Nov.  1,  1606. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Edward  Towthby  (above),  alias  Skipwith; 
age  26  in  1615.  Matric.  1606.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov. 
29,  1607.  Of  Gosberton  and  Grantham.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Hatcher,  Knt.,  of  Careby,  Lines.  Died 
May  4  (?  24),  1666.  M.I.  at  Grantham.  Father  of  Edward 
(1635)  and  Thomas  (1635).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  893;  Nichols, 
III.  371.) 

SKIPWITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1628;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18, 
1641.   R.  of  Boothby  and  Navenby,  Lines.,  1641. 

SKIPWITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

SKIPWITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  27, 
1635.  S.  of  Edward  (1606),  Esq.,  of  Gosberton  and  Grantham. 
B.  at  Langton,  Lines.  Schools,  Sleaford  (Mr  TreviUian)  and 
Grantham  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Matric.  1635.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  27,  1637.  Of  Gosberton  and  Quadring.  Manied 
Alice,  dau.  of  Marmaduke  Peckett,  of  London,  merchant. 
Died  Dec.  8,  1644.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1635).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  893.) 

SKIPWITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1584.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Keythorpe,  Leics.  Died 
at  Cambridge.  Brother  of  Henry  (c.  1591)  and  WiUiam 
(1579-80).   (Nichols,  III.  368.) 

SKIPWITH,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
July  5,  1724.  S.  of  Sir  Fulwar,  Bart.,  of  Newbold  HaU, 
Warws.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1724.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart., 
May  13,  1728.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cart-vright, 
of  Aynhoe,  Northants.  Died  Dec.  6,  1778.  (Vis.  of  Warws., 
1682;  G.E.C.,  IV.  48.) 

SKIPWITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Feb. 
1608-9.  Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  WiUiam 
(1579-80),  of  Cotes,  Leics.  B.  1591.  Died  s.p.  in  Denmark. 
Brotherof  Henry  (i6o6)  and  Thomas  (1612). 

SKIPWITH,  GERARD.  B.A.  1450.  Of  Yorkshire.  M.A.  1454; 
B.D.  1463-4.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1450.  Proctor,  1456-7. 
V.  of  Eltisley,  Cambs.,  1465.  Died  1502.  Benefactor  to 
Pembroke.  Brother  of  Nicholas,  B.D.  (Cooper,  1.  6.) 


Skipwith,  Henry 

SKIPWITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  c.  1591- 
Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Henry,  of  Keythorpe,  Leics.  (and  Jane, 
dau.  of  Francis  Hall,  of  Grantham,  Lines.).  Of  Tugby  and 
Knight  Thorpe.  Married  Joan,  dau.  of  Leonard  Aston,  of 
Longdon,  Staffs.  Brother  of  Francis  (1584)  and  William 
(1579-80).    (Nichols,  in.  368.) 

SKIPWITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr.  24, 
1606.  Of  Leicestershire.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1579-80), 
of  Cotes,  Leics.,  Knt.  B.  1589.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  17, 
1608.  Knighted,  July  19,  1609.  Created  Bart.,  Dec.  20,  1622. 
One  of  the  Commissioners  of  Array  for  Leicestershire. 
Sheriff  of  Leics.,  1636-7.  Gentleman  of  the  Privy  Chamber, 
1 64 1.  A  zealous  Royalist.  Of  Prestwold  and  of  Cotes. 
Entertained  Charles  I  at  his  house  at  Cotes.  His  expenditure 
in  the  royal  cause  obliged  him  to  sell  the  Prestwold  estate 
and  others.  Married  (i)  Tresham  (?Amy),  3rd  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Kemp,  of  Kent;  (2)  Blandina,  widow  of  John  Acton, 
citizen  of  London.  Died  c.  1658.  Brother  of  George  (1608-9) 
and  Thomas  (1612).   (G.E.C.,  \.  215;  Nichols,  in.  368.) 

SKIPWITH,  HUMBERSTON.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Apr. 
28,  1672.  S.  of  Sir  Fulwar,  Bart.,  of  Ketsby,  Lines.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Cony,  Knt.,  July  16,  1675. 
Died  v.p.,  June  14,  1677,  aged  22.  His  son  Fulwar  succeeded 
as  2nd  Bart.,  in  1678.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 
892;  Vis.  of  iVarws.,  1682.) 

SKIPWITH,  NICHOLAS.  B.D.  Fellow  and  benefactor  of 
Pembroke,  c.  1450.  Perhaps  of  Biddenham,  Beds.,  and  of 
Riccall,  Yorks.,  clerk.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1493-  Brother  of 
Gerard  (1450). 

SKIPWITH,  RALPH.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1623.  Of  Nor- 
folk. S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Fordham,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  21, 1626-7.  Perhaps  brother  of  William 
(1624).   {Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

SKIPWITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1612.  Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  William 
(1579-80),  of  Cotes,  Leics.  B.  1594.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Brother  of  George  (1608-9)  and  Henry  (1606).  {Nichols, 
III.  368.) 

SKIPWITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  May  27, 
1635.  S.  of  Edward  (1606),  Esq.,  of  Gosberton  and  Grant- 
ham, Lines.  B.  at  Langton.  .Schools,  Sleaford  and  Grantham. 
Matric.  1636.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  30,  1638.  Barrister. 
Reader,  1670.  Serjeant-at-law,  1675.  King's  Serjeant,  1684. 
M.P.  for  Grantham,  1659-60.  Knighted,  May  29,  1673. 
Created  Bart.,  July  27,  1678.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Ralph  Latham,  of  Upminster,  Essex;  (2)  Elizabeth,  widow 
of  Edward  Maddison,  of  Caistor,  Lines.  Died  June  2,  1694. 
Buried  at  Upminster.  Brother  of  Edward  (1635).  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  893.) 

SKYPWYTH,  W[ILLIAM].  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Jesus,  Lent, 
1579-80.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Keythorpe,  Leics. 
Knighted,  Apr.  23,  1603.  M.P.  for  Leicester,  1604.  Married 
(i)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Roger  Cave,  of  Stanford,  Northants.; 
(2)  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Roberts.  Died  1610.  Father  of 
Henry  (1606),  George  (1608-9)  and  Thomas  (1612). 

SKIPWITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1624.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Fordham,  Norfolk, 
Esq.  B.A.  1628-9.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  18,  1626. 
(One  of  these  names  s.and  h.of  William,  of  Utterby,  Lines.) 

SKIPWITH,  WILLOUGHBY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at 
Sidney,  July  13,  1631.  S.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of  South 
Ormesby,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  3,  1612-3.  School,  Otley, 
Yorks.  (Mr  Yonge).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  13,  1634. 
Married  Honora,  dau.  of  Patrick  Saunders,  of  London,  M.D. 
Died  1658.  Admon.,  1658;  to  his  widow.  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SKIPWITH, .    B.Civ.L.  1496-7.    Probably  Richard,  R.  of 

St  Alban's,  Wood  Street,  London,  1505-19.  Died  1519.  Will 
(P.C.C);  'CoUege  of  our  Lady,  Warwick.' 

SKIPWITH, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  1582. 


SKOPAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1552. 

SKOULDING,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  29, 
1703.  Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1712;  priest,  Feb.  1712-3.  R.  of  Bedfield  and  Beding- 
field,  Suffolk,  1720. 

SKOULDING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  9,  1687. 
Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  John,  of  Sibton.  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694. 
V.  of  Sibton  and  Peascnhall,  Suffolk,  1699.  R.  of  Kelsale 
and  Carlton,  1700.   Died  1712.   Buried  at  Peasenhall. 




SKUT,  ROBERT,  alias  EXWORTH,  see  SCUTT. 

Slader,  John 

SKYBY,  WILLIAM.    M.A.   145&-7-    Of  Essex.    B.D.   1460-1. 

FeUow  of  King's.   Proctor,  1460-r.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar. 

29;  priest,  Apr.  12,  1460.   Preb.  of  Hereford,  1481-8.   R.  of 

St  Vedast,  London,  1482-8.  Died  1488.   (A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SKYBY, .   B.D.  1479-80. 

SKYLLING,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  1453.   Of  Combe,  Hants.   One  of  these  names  was  of 

the  Inner  Temple.   Lent  reader,  1507.  Treasurer,  1515. 
SKYLLING,  MICHAEL.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

c.  1460.   Probably  M.P.  for  Heytesbury,  1477-8. 
SKYRME,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Mar.'a, 

1737-8.    S.  and  h.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Lanhaden,  Pembroke. 

B.   there.    School,   Westminster.    Matric.    1738.    Adm.  at 

Lincoln's  Inn,  May  i8,   1737.    High  Sheriff  of  Pembroke, 

1769-70;  of  Vaynor,  Esq. 
SKYRING,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1690. 

Of  Cambridgeshire.   Matric.  Michs.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A. 

1698.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1699;  priest  (London) 

July   14,    1705.     R.   of   Snargate,    Kent,    1708-53.     R.   of 

Knowlton,  1713-53.    R.  of  ChiUenden,  1721.   Died  Mar.  26, 

1753.   Admon.,  P.C.C. 
SLACKE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1618.   Of  Suffolk. 
SLACK,  JAMES.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  c.  1596;  B.A. 

from  St  Catharine's,  1598-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25; 

priest,  Nov.  13,  1603.  Doubtless  R.  of  EnniskiUen  (Clogher); 

of  Cleenish  and  of   Kinawley  (Kilmore),  1622-23.   Died  in 

Dublin  May  19,  1634;   buried  in  St  Catherine's.    (Dundas, 

EnniskiUen  Parish;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SLACKE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1585; 

B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.   V.  of  Cantley,  Yorks.,  1593-1636. 

Master  of  Bawtry  Hospital,  1610-43.  Died  1643. 
SLACKE,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1608. 
SLACK,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  27,  1706.   Of  York- 
shire. Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  Scholar,  1710;  M.A.  1737. 

Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1712;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18, 1715. 

V.  of  GoxhiU,  Lines.,  1715.    R.  of  Thornton  Curtis,  1715- 
SLACK,  JONATHAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1611. 

Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

Mar.  16;  priest.  Mar.  17,  1616-7. 
SLACK,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 

1669.  S.  of  Abraham,  of  Bradfield,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 

Wirksworth.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1677. 
SLACKE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Aug.  3,  1598.  S.  of 

Richard.    B.  at  Waltham,  near  Canterbury,  Kent.   School, 

Canterbury  (Mr  Roger  Raven).   B.A.  1601-2. 
SLADE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  23, 

1726-7.   S.  of  Edward,  of  Veryan,  ComwaU,  gent.   Matric. 

1727.  Brother  of  WiUiam  (1731). 
SLADE,  DIGGORY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  25, 

1686.   S.  of  William,  of  St  AusteU,  ComwaU,  gent.   Matric. 

1686;  B.A.  1689^0;  M.A.  1693.    Perhaps  of  Holsworthy, 

Devon,  clerk.   WiU  (Exeter)  1712. 
SLADE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1478-9- 
SLADE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  2,  1721. 

B.  at  MickleTrafford,  Cheshire.  Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1723; 

B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728.   Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June,  1725; 

priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1727-   V.  of  Biddulph,  Staffs.,  1732- 

Perhaps  master  of  Dilhome  School.    Master  of  Ashbourne, 

1751-2.   Master  of  Bosworth  School,  Leics.  before  1758-64. 

Translator  of  Musaeus.  Died  Mar.  22,  1787.  (Peile,  11.  203; 

G.  Mag.) 
SLADE,  JOSEPH.   M.A.  from  King's,  1713-   S.  of  George,  of 

St  Tew,   ComwaU.    Matric.   (All  Souls,   Oxford)   Mar.   20, 

1699-1700,  age   19;   B.A.  (Oxford)    1703.    R.  of  Edgcote, 

Bucks.,  1730-50.  R.  of  South  Moreton,  1744-50.  Died  1750. 

{Al.  Oxon.) 
SLADE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Oct.  15,  1573- 

Of  St  Neots,  Hunts.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  School,  Wmchester. 

Matric.   1573.    Of  EUington,  Hunts.    Unmarried  in   1613. 

Died  c.   1622.    Benefactor  to   Peterhouse.    Portrait  there. 

{Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613;  T.  A.  Walker.) 
SLADE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Feb.  6,   1684-5. 

S.  of  WiUiam.    B.  at  West  Chinnock,  Somerset.    School, 

Crewkeme  (Mr  Leaves).   B.A.  1689-90. 
SLADE,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1571- 
SLADE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  July  7. 
1731.    S.  of  Edward,  of  Veryan,  ComwaU,  gent.    One  of 

these  names  of  Warmington,  Wilts.,  clerk.    WUl  (P.C.C.) 
1783.  Brother  of  Charles  (1726-7). 
SLADOR,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Dec.  13, 

1658.  Of  Oxfordshire.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
SLADER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1648.    Of 

Warwickshire.    B.A.    1649;   M.A.    1653-    FeUow,    1650-89. 

Junior  Proctor,  1664-5. 


Slader,  Timothy 

SLADER,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  lo, 
1646.  S.  of  Josiah,  R.  of  Buntingford  Westmill,  Herts.  B. 
at  Birmingham,  Warws.  School,  London.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  20,  1656;  of  the  City  of  Westminster, 
Middlesex,  Esq. 

SLANEY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  1595-6- 
Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Stephen,  Mayor  of  London,  1595  (and 
Mary,  dau.  of  Jasper  Pheasant,  of  Tottenham,  Middlesex). 
Probably  brother  of  Jasper  (1590-1).  (F.  C.  Cass,  E. 

SLANY,  GILES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 
B.A.  1635-6. 

SLANY,  GRIFFITH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  5, 
1683.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Drayton,  Salop.  School,  Drayton. 
Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1686-7. 

SLANY,  JASPER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  1590-1. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Stephen,  of  London,  Knt.  (and  Mary, 
dau.  of  Jasper  Pheasant,  of  Tottenham,  Middlesex).  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Edward  (i595-6). 

SLANEY,  MORETON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  6, 
1670.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Hatton  Grange,  Cheshire,  gent. 
B.  at  Shifnal,  Salop.  School,  Shifnal  (Mr  Thos.  Barefoote). 
Matric.  1670.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  9,  1672.  Of 
Hayhall,  Yardley.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Aglionby, 
of  Warwickshire.   (Burke,  L.O.) 

SLANEY,  MORETON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  5, 
1718.  S.  of  Moreton,  of  Birmingham,  Warws.  School, 
Birmingham  (Mr  Parkinson).  Matric.  1718.  Probably  of 
Knowle,  Warws.  Died  1762.    (L.  Mag.) 

SLAYNE  or  SLEYNY,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1579;  B.A.  1582-3.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 

SLEYNY,    THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  BENJAMIN.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 

from  Eton,  1675.  B.  at  Coombe.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1; 

M.A.  1684.    Fellow,  1679.    P.C.  of  Teddington,  Middlesex, 

1685-92.   R.  of  Naunton  Beauchamp,  Worcs.,  1689-99. 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  CHRISTOPHER.    M.A.   1612  (Incorp. 

from  Oxford).    3rd  s.  of  Anthony,  V.  of  Leighton  Buzzard, 

Beds.   Bapt.  there,  Sept.  13,  1584.    Matric.  (Corpus  Christi 

College,  Oxford)  Jan.  20,  1597-8,  age  13;  B.A.  1603;  M.A. 

1607.  C.  to  his  father  at  Leighton  Buzzard,  1613-6;  V.,  1624. 

Died  1647,  aged  63.    Will  dated,  July  27,   1642;  proved, 

Aug.  21,  1646  (sic).   M.I.  at  Leighton  Buzzard.    Brother  of 

William  (1593)  and  John  (1598),  doubtless  father  of  William 

(1636).   (Al.  Oxon.;  Geneal.  Bedford,  405.) 
SLATER,   DANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  29,   1700. 

Of  Middlesex.   Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1725-   Ord. 

priest  (London)  Feb.  17,  1705-6.    R.  of  Aston-under-Edge, 

Gloucs.,  1724-50.  Died  1750. 
SCLATER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  11, 

1629.  S.  of  John  (1598),  B.D.,  R.  of  Church  Lawford,  Warws. 

B.   at  Clapton,   Beds.    Bapt.   July   5,    1612,   at   Leighton 

Buzzard.  School,  Rugby.  Matric.  1629.  Migrated  to  Queens', 

Mar.  2,  1632-3.   B.A.  1632-3. 
SLATER,  GEORGE.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1560; 

Scholar,  1563,  Sclater;  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568;  B.D.  1575; 

D.D.  1584.   Fellow,  1565.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July  29,  1565. 

University  preacher,  1570.   R.  of  Alderton,  Sufiolk,  1571-2. 

R.  of  Bulmer,  Yorks.,  1572-85.    R.  of  Bainton,   1573-90. 

Preb.    of    York,    1574-90.     Preb.    of   Southwell,    1586-90. 

Married  Thomasina,  dau.  of  Archbishop  Matthew  Hutton. 

Buried  at  Bainton,  Aug.  19,  1590.   (S.  L.  Ollard.) 
SCLATER,  GEORGE.    M.A.  from  Clare,  1696.    S.  of  Edward, 

of  Putney,  Surrey,  clerk.    Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford) 

Feb.  21,  1675-6,  age  15;  B.A.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  1684. 

R.  of  Hayes,  Kent,  1688.    R.  of  Westerham,  1696.    Died 

Feb.  1705-6.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
SLATER,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634. 

One  of  these  names,  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Keighley,  Yorks., 

adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1636. 
SLATER  or  SCLATER,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 

Easter,   1659.    Of  Lancashire.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir 

Henry,  of  Light  Oakes,  Lanes.    Age  22  in  1664.    Adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1659. 
SLATER  or  SCLATER,  JOHN.    Adm.  at   King's   (age   17)   a 

Scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  25,  1598.    Of  Leighton  Buzzard, 

Beds.    2nd  s.  of  Anthony,  V.  of  Leighton  Buzzard.    Bapt. 

there,  July  31,  1580.  Matric.  1598;  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1606; 

B.D.  1614.    Fellow,  1601-8.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1607  and 

1618.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1605.    V.  of  Holford, 

Somerset,  1610-1.    V.  of  St  Michael's,  Southampton,  1611. 

R.  of  Church  Lawford,  Warws.,  1612.   Married,  at  Leighton 

Buzzard,  Jone  Smith,  Apr.   11,   1611.    Father  of  Edward 

(1629),  brother  of  Christopher  (16x2)  and  William  (1593). 

Slater,  Thomas 

SLATER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  19, 1624-5. 
S.  of  John,  apothecary,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1625;  Scholar,  1625-8;  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1628-9; 
M.A.  1632.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Birmingham,  1661. 
(Venn,  i.  270.) 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Mag- 
dalene, June  10,  1653.  S.  of  John,  of  Hognaston,  Derbs. 
School,  Repton,  Derbs.   Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7. 

SLATER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  27,  1664. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1667-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1668;  priest,  Sept.  1669.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Chatteris,  Cambs.  Non-juror. 

SLATER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1672, 
'Salter';  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  18,  1681;  priest,  Feb.  24,  1683-4.  Perhaps  V.  of 
'Wrotton,'  Beds.,  1719.  R.  of  Sandy,  1722.  One  of  these 
names,  M.A.,  R.  of  Stibbington,  Hunts.,  1731-9-  Died  i739- 

SLATER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  15,  1675. 
2nd  s.  of  Jonathan,  butcher.  B.  at  Chesterfield,  Derbs. 
School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Thos.  Needham).  Matric.  1677; 
B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Probably  chaplain  to  Mr  Pole, 
of  Radbome.   (F.M.G.,  210.) 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  MARK.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  1626. 

SLATER,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 
1713.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  B.  at  York.  School;  Thresh- 
field.  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  2,  1717;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1720.  C.  of 
Mildenhall,  Sufiolk.   R.  of  Euston,  1722-8.   Died  i7i8. 

SLATER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jvme  30,  1590; 
B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597. 

SLATER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1592; 
B.A.  1594-5;  M..\.  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
May  25,  1596.  V.  of  Hampsthwaite,  Yorks.,  1604.  V.  of 
Normanton  (Trinity  College  living),  1615;  there  in  1619. 
V.  of  Kirkthorpe,  1619.  Buried  at  Hampsthwaite,  July  27, 

SCLATER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
22,  1706.  S.  of  Robert,  lawyer.  B.  at  Clitheroe,  Lanes. 
School,  Clitheroe  (Mr  Ascolm).  Matric.  1706.  Migrated  to 
Peterhouse,  Nov.  2,  1706.  Scholar,  1706;  B.A.  1709-10. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1716.  V.  of  Almondbury,  Yorks., 
1716-26.   Buried  Sept.  8,  1726. 

SLATER,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1607.   Of  Lincohishire. 

SLATER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  11,  1644. 
Of  Middlesex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas.  Bapt.  Mar.  3,  1628-9, 
at  St  Olave,  Hart  Street,  London.  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647. 
Perhaps  M.A.  1658;  but  see  the  next.  Probably  buried  July  6, 
1667,  at  St  Olave,  Hart  Street;  'minister.'  (The  name 
appears  in  the  register  both  as  Slater  and  Slaughter.) 

SLATER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  28,  1644-5. 
Of  Middlesex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Samuel,  minister  of  St  Kathe- 
rine-in-the-Tower,  London.  Matric.  1645;  Scholar;  B.A. 
1647-8;  M.A.  1658.  (It  is  uncertain  which  Samuel  (this  or 
the  one  above)  was  M.A.  and  Scholar,  and  also  which  was 
the  Bury  Lecturer.)  Minister  at  Nayland,  Suffolk,  1651-5; 
afterwards  lecturer  at  Bury;  ejected,  c.  1660.  Pastor  in  Lon- 
don, where  he  succeeded  Stephen  Chamock  as  minister  of  the 
congregation  in  Crosby  Square,  Bishopsgate  Street,  1680. 
Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Harman  Sheafe.  Author,  poetical. 
Died  May  22,  1704.   (Calamy,  11.  415;  D.N.B.) 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Dec.  1602.  B.  at  Whittington,  Lanes.  B..'^.  1605-6;  M.A. 
1609;  B.D.  1618.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618.  Fellow  of  Jesus, 
1613-28.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  1609-10,  age  24; 
priest,  Dec.  22,  1611.  V.  of  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  1620-8. 
Buried  in  the  College  Chapel,  Dec.  20,  1628.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1628.   (A.  Gray.) 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  7,  1631.  S.  of  William,  attorney,  deceased.  B.  at 
Halifax.  Bapt.  there,  July  4,  1615.  Schools,  Leigh,  Lanes. 
(Mr  Ja.  Gatcliffe)  and  Wakefield.  Matric.  1631.  Migrated 
to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Fellow 
of  Trinity,  1637,  ejected.  Created  M.D.  (Oxford)  1649. 
Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1649.  Practised  at  Cambridge,  1649. 
M.P.  for  Cambridge  University,  1659.  Created  Bart.,  1660. 
Purchased  the  Linton,  Cambs.,  estate,  including  Catley 
House,  in  1675.  Enlarged  Catley  House  and  laid  out  an 
elaborate  garden.  J. P.  Sheriff  of  Cambs.,  1680-1.  Died 
Dec.  16  (?  10),  1684,  aged  69.  M.I.  in  College  Chapel.  (Le 
Neve,  Mon.,  v.  60;  Genealogist,  in.  309.) 

SLATER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Aug.  11,  1648. 
Of  London.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  27,  1652;  of 
St  Bartholomew-the-Great,  London. 

Slater,  Thomas 

SCLATER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinitv,  June  13, 
1682.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Kingston-upon-Hull,  Yorks. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1682.  Inherited  the  estate  of  his 
great  uncle.  Sir  Thomas  Sclater  (1631)  in  1684.  Afterwards 
took  the  name  Bacon.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  27, 
1693-4.  M.P.  for  Bodmin,  1713-5;  for  Cambridge,  1715, 
1722-36.  Died  Aug.  23,  1736.   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

SCLATER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1747.  S.  of  Henry.  Bapt.  at  Bermondsey,  Surrey,  Apr.  i, 
1729.  Matric.  Michs.  1747;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755.  Fellow, 
1750.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  25,  1751;  priest  (Chester,  at 
Cambridge)  Feb.  10,  1754.   R.of  Bo.\worth,Cambs.,  1754-60. 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  .A.ug.  24,  1593.  S.  of  Anthony,  V.  of 
Leighton  Buzzard.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  25,  1575.  Matric. 
1593-4;  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601;  B.D.  1608;  D.D.  1617. 
Fellow,  1596-9.  Preacher  at  Walsall,  Staffs.  R.  of  Pit- 
minster,  Somerset,  1604-19.  R.  of  Lympsham,  1619-27. 
Preb.  of  Wells,  1619.  Author,  theological.  Died  at  Pit- 
minster,  1627.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1612)  and  father  of 
the  next.   {D.N.B.;  Harwood.) 

SLATER  or  SCLATER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1626.  Of  Pitminster,  Somerset.  S.  of  William 
(above).  Matric.  Easter,  1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633;  B.D. 
1640;  D.D.  1651.  Fellow,  1629-33.  Preb.of  Exeter,  1641-61. 
R.  of  St  Stephen's,  Exeter,  1636;  ejected,  1644.  V.  of 
Collumpton,  Devon,  1644.  R.  of  St  Peter-le-Poer,  London, 
1651-61  (sic).  (According  to  Hennessy  the  R.  of  St  Peter- 
le-Poer  died  1656.)  Author,  sermons.  Died  in  London,  1661. 
Admon.  (Exeter)  1662.  {D.N.B.;  Harwood  says  he  died 
before  the  Restoration.) 

SCLATER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar.  28,  1636. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Christopher  (1612),  and  grandson  of  Anthony. 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  D.D.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Perhaps 
ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  22,  1645-6.  Probably  Master  of 
Bamet  Grammar  School,  Middlesex,  1655-63;  V.  of  Monken 
Hadley,  1663.  R.  of  St  James',  Clerkenwell,  1666-91.  R.  of 
Clifton,  Beds.  Died  Mar.  3,  1690-1,  aged  68.  Buried  at 
Leighton  Buzzard;  'of  London,  D.D."  Will  (P.C.C.)  1690-1. 
(There  is  some  confusion  among  authorities  concerning  the 
identity  of  William  Sclater,  D.D.,  R.  of  St  James",  Clerken- 
well. Apparently  he  was  s.  of  Christopher  (1612),  but  that 
he  was  educated  at  Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford,  is  very 
doubtful,  there  being  no  record  of  him  in  Al.  Oxon.  The 
R.  of  St  James',  Clerkenwell,  was  the  author  of  a  sermon 
entitled.  The  Royal  Pay  and  Paymaster,  and  according  to 
D.N.B.  served  in  the  army  as  a  comet  during  the  Civil  War. 
Hennessy  wrongly  identifies  him  with  William  (1626),  of 
King's.)  (Genealog.  Bedford,  407;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S., 
III.  284;  F.  C.  Cass,  Monken  Hadley;  D.N.B.) 

SLATTER, .   M.Gram.  1502-3. 

SLATER, .   B.D.  1519-20.   Franciscan  friar. 

SLATHOLME,  SENOCK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  23, 
1661.  S.  of  William  (1632),  M.D.  B.  at  Buntingford,  Herts. 
Matric.  1662.  Died  1662.  Buried  in  Layston  Church. 

(age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  17,  1632.  B.  in  Yorkshire. 
Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639;  M.D.  1660.  Licensed 
to  practise  medicine,  1642.  Of  Buntingford,  Herts.  Died 
July  24,  1665.  Buried  in  Layston  Church.  M.I.  Father  of 
Senock  (above). 

SLATTER,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1706. 
B.  at  Eton.  Matric.  Michs.  1707;  B.A.  1711-2.  Fellow,  1710. 
Died  of  consumption.  Mar.  1712.  Buried  in  Eton  College 
Chapel.   (Harwood.) 

SLAUGHTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
Sept.  17,  1745.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric  1745;  Scholar, 
1746;  B.A.  1749-50;  M.A.  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Mar.  1750-1;  priest,  June,  1753.  C.  of  Snailwell,  Cambs., 
1753.  One  of  these  names  of  Warblington,  Hants.,  clerk; 
admon.  (P.C.C.)  July,  1764. 

SLEDALE, .   Perhaps  B.A.  1482-3;  M.A.  1485,  'Shedale.' 

SLEDD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1579. 
B.  in  St  Margaret's,  Fish  Street,  London.  Scholar,  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1588.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  30, 
1585,  age  26.  C.  of  Horsford,  Norfolk.  C.  of  Gt  Stambridge, 
Essex,  in  1586.  R.  of  St  Kathcrine  Coleman,  1587-90.  V.  of 
Westham,  1590-2.  V.  of  Eastwood,  till  1604.  Married 
Joanna,  dau.  of  John  Barrett,  of  Canewdon,  Essex,  Aug.  23, 

SLEDD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1568; 
Scholar,  1573;  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.  Fellow,  1576. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1579.  Proctor,  1590-1.  Perhaps  canon 
of  Lincoln,  1575.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1584-1610.  V.  of  Milton, 
Oxon.,  i6oi. 

Slegg,  John 

SLEE,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  23, 

1646.   Of  Lincolnshire.  S.  of  George,  of  Boston  (and  Hester, 

dau.  of  Andrew  Baron,  of  Boston).   School,  Boston.   Matric. 

1646;  B.A.  1650;  M.A.  1654.   Fellow,  1650-6.  Thrice  mayor 

of  Boston  (1662,  1664,  1675).    Judge  of  the  Admiralty  at 

Boston.    He  ultimately  became  the  possessor  of  the  Baron 

property  in   Boston.     (T.   A.   Walker,   87;   P.   Thompson, 

Boston,  434;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  104.) 

SLEECH,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1741. 

S.  of  Richard  (1693),  D.D.,  canon  of  Windsor.  Matric.  Michs. 

1741;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  1749.  Fellow,i744.  R.ofHitcham, 

Bucks.,  1771-84.    For  many  years  an  assistant  master  at 

Eton;  lower  master,  1767-75.  Fellow  of  Eton  College,  1775- 

84.    Died  Mar.  13,  1784.    Will,  P.C.C.   Brother  of  the  next 

and  Stephen  (1723).   (G.  Mag.;  Harwood.) 

SLEECH,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1729. 

S.  of  Richard,  D.D.    Bapt.  in  Eton  Chapel,  Aug.  16,  1711. 

Matric.  Easter,  1730;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1737.  Fellow,  1733. 

Assistant  master  at  Eton.    V.  of  Sidbury,  Devon,   1737. 

Preb.  of  Exeter,  1739-88.  Archdeacon  of  Cornwall,  1741-88. 

Canon  residentiary  of  Exeter,  1747-88.   Preb.  of  Gloucester, 

1769-88.    Died  Jan.  1788.    Brother  of  Henry  (above)  and 

Stephen  (1723).   (G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.;  Harwood.) 

SLEECH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1693.  S.  of  the  organist  of  Eton  College  Chapel.  B.  at  Eton. 

Matric.  Lent,   1694;  B.A.   1697-8;  M.A.  1701;  D.D.  1720. 

Fellow,  1697.    Assistant  master  at  Eton.    Fellow  of  Eton, 

1715-30.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  31;  priest  (Ely)  July  5, 

1702.    R.  of  Hitcham,  Bucks.,  1702-30.    Chaplain  to  the 

Bishop  of  Ely,  1721.  R.  of  Famham  Royal,  Bucks.,  1721-30. 

Canon  of  Windsor,  1722-30.   Died  Mar.  2,  1729-30.   Buried 

at  Windsor.    Father  of  John   (above),  Henry  (1741)  and 

Stephen  (1723).   (Harwood.) 

SLEECH,  STEPHEN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1723.  S.  of  Richard,  D.D.  (1693).  B.  at  Eton.  Matric.  Lent, 

1724;  B.A.  1727-8;  B.D.  ^.7^^(LU.Reg.);T>.V>.  1748.  FeUow, 

1726.    Fellow  of  Eton,   1729-46.    Provost,   1746-65.    M.A. 

(Lambeth)  1729.  R.  of  Famham  Royal,  1730-52.  Chaplain  to 

the  King,  1744-65.  R.  of  Worplesdon,  Surrey,  1752-65.  Died 

there  Oct.  8,  1765,  aged  60.    Will,  P.C.C.    Brother  of  John 

(1729)  and  Henry  (1741).   (Harwood;  Manning  and  Bray,  ni. 


SLEEP,  ANTHONY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1601; 

a  scholar  from  Westminster,  1602;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609; 

B.D.    1617.     Fellow,    1608-30.     Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1611. 

Deputy  Public  Orator.   King  James  said  that  '  at  Cambridge 

one  Sleep  made  him  wake,  and  at  Oxford  one  Wake  made 

him  sleep.'   R.  of  Gt  Wratting,  Suffolk,  i6i8.   Buried  in  the 

College  Chapel,  July  30,  1630. 

SLEIFORD,  HENRY.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June  i, 

1595,  Sliford.   Matric.  c.  1595. 
SLEFORD,  RICHARD.   B.D.  1517-8.   A  monk. 
SLEFORD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1582;  B.A.  1585-6. 

SLEFORD, .   B.Can.L.  1503-4. 

SLEEFORD, .   Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1587. 

SLEGGE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesos,  Michs.  1564. 
S.  of  Roger,  of  Cambridge  (mayor  of  Cambridge,  and  M.P. 
for  the  borough,  1558,  1563  and  1571-89;  the  bitter  opponent 
of  University  privileges).  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1572; 
of  Barnard's  Inn.  Probably  buried  at  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  Nov.  25,  i6ii.  Brother  of  Henry  (1581).  (£. 
Anglian,  11.  12.) 
SLEGGE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1618.  S.  of 
Roger,  V.  of  Litlington,  Cambs.,  and  probably  grandson  of 
Edward  (1564).  B.D.  1631  (Incorp.  from  St  Andrews).  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  6;  priest,  Aug.  7,  1620.  C.  at  Grant- 
chester,  Cambs.,  1620.  R.  of  Kirkland,  Cumberland,  1631. 
Probably  chancellor  of  Armagh,  1643;  R.  of  Killancoole, 
1643.  (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619;  E.  P.  Archer;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SLEGG,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1615. 
S.  of  Roger  ('of  Trinity'),  V.  of  Litlington,  Cambs.  Half- 
brother  of  Edward  (i6i8). 
SLEGG  or  SLEGE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent, 
1581-2.  3rd  s.  of  Roger,  Mayor  of  Cambridge  (by  his  2nd 
wife  Margaret,  dau.  of  Henry  Searle,  of  Cambs.).  B.A.  1581- 
2.  Brother  of  Roger  and  half-brother  of  Edward  (1564), 
Father  of  Thomas  (1620)  and  the  next.  (Vis.  of  Cambs.) 
SLEGG,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1617.  2nd 
s.  of  Henry  (above).  B.A.  1620-1;  M..A.  1624;  B.D.  1631-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4;  priest,  June  5,  1626.  V.  of 
Histon,  Cambs.;  ejected  before  1647.  'Never  served  the 
cure  himself,  since  he  killed  the  man  at  Chesterton:  takes 
all  the  profits  and  gets  young  scholars  to  read  prayers  and 
to  preach.  The  churchwarden  dare  not  displease  him'  (Laud's 
Visitation,  1638).  Died  1647.  Will  proved,  1648.  (E.  P. 
Archer;  Peile,  i.  314.) 


Slegg,  Roger 

SLEGG,  ROGER.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterh.)  May  25, 
1595;  'of  Trinity  College.'  4th  s.  of  Roger,  Mayor  of 
Cambridge.  V.  of  Litlington,  Cambs.,  until  1630-1.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Kippan,  of  Dale,  Beds.  Buried  at 
Litlington,  Feb.  10,  1630-1.  Brother  of  Henry  (1581-2) 
and  half-brother  of  Edward  (i564)>  father  of  Francis  (1615) 
and  Edward  (1618).   {Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619;  E.  P.  Archer.) 

SLEGGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1620. 
3rd  s.  of  Henry  (1581-2).   B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627. 

SLEIGH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  14)  at  Christ's, 
June  16,  1655.  S.  of  Sir  Samuel  (1621),  of  Ash,  Derbs. 
B.  there.  Matric.  1655.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  20,  1655. 
Barrister,  1664.  Died  1670.  Buried  at  Sutton-on-the-Hill, 
Derbs.  Brother  of  Gervase  (1644)  and  Samuel  (1655). 
{Peile,  I.  567.) 

SLEIGH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  May  17,  1625. 
S.  of  George.  B.  in  London.  School,  London  (private). 
Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1637.  C.  of  St  Bartholomew- 
the-Less,  London,  1634.  Will  {Archd.  London)  1643.  {Peile, 
I.  367-) 

SLEIGH,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  22, 
1623.  2nd  s.  of  Gervase,  of  Derbyshire.  School,  Repton. 
Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  6,  1627-8.  R.  of  Radbome,  Derbs.,  1634-41.  Married 
Eliza,  dau.  of  Edward  Boys,  of  Betteshanger.  Died  1641, 
aged  34.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1621).  {Peile,  1.  349;  F.M.G., 

SLEIGH,  GERVASE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Dec.  31,  1644.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Samuel  (1621),  of  Ash,  Derbs. 
(by  his  ist  wife  Judith  Boys).  B.  there.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  July  7,  1645.  Died  1649,  aged  20.  Buried  at  Sutton- 
on-the-Hill.  Brother  of  Edward  (1655)  and  Samuel  (1655). 
{Peile,  I.  490.) 

SLEIGH,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  20,  1705.  Of 
Staffordshire.   Matric.  1705;  B..^.  1708-9;  M.A.  1726. 

SLEIGH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June 
10,  1653.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Egginton,  Derbs.,  Esq.  School, 

SLEIGH,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  July, 
162 1.  S.  and  h.  of  Gervase,  of  Ash,  Derbs.,  barrister.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  20,  1623.  Knighted,  July,  1641.  Sherifi 
of  Derbs.,  1648  and  1666.  M.P.  for  Essex,  1654-5;  for 
Derbs.,  1656-8.  Bought  Pool  Hall,  1629  and  Etwall  Hall, 
1646.  Married  (1)  Judith,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Boys,  of 
Betteshanger;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Darcy,  of 
Dartford,  Kent.  Died  Apr.  1679,  aged  76.  Buried  at  Sutton- 
on-the-Hill.  Brother  of  Gervase  (1623),  father  of  the  next, 
Gervase  (1644)  and  Edward  (1655).  {Peile,  i.  338;  Vis.  of 
Derbs.,  1662.) 

SLEIGH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
June  16,  1655.  S.  of  Sir  Samuel  (above),  of  Ash,  Derbs.  (by 
his  2nd  wife  Margaret  Darcy).  B.  there,  Apr.  1638.  Matric. 
1655.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  20,  1655.  Married  Barbara, 
dau.  of  Archibald  Palmer,  of  Wanlip.  Died  s.p..  May,  1675. 
Brother  of  Edward  (1655)  and  Gervase  (1644).  {Peile,  i.  567; 
Vis.  of  Derbs.,  1662.) 

SLEIGHTON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1637;  B.A.  1640-1.  Probably  R.  of  Newchurch,  Kent, 
1665-86,  and  R.  of  Sevington,  1668-86.  Died  1686. 

SLEYTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs.  1569; 
B.A.  1573-4- 

SLEIGHTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  10,  1600. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1603-4. 

SLEIGHTON  or  SLEIDAN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1634.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641. 

SLEPER,  R.   B.Can.L.  1454-5- 

SLIGER  (?SLINGER),  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catha- 
rine's, June  28,  1717-   Of  Feliskirk,  Yorks. 

SLINGER,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  Christ's,  May  30,  1674-   Doubtless 

3rd  s.  of  Tempest,  of  Catlow-in-BoUand,  Yorks.   Age  10  in 

1665.   Brother  of  the  next. 
SLINGER,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Sept.  2,  1670. 

S.  and  h.  of  Tempest,  J. P.,  of  Catlow,  Yorks.  (and  Millicent, 

dau.  of  John  Bradhill,  of  Portfield,  Lanes.).  B.  in  Yorkshire. 

School,  Clitheroe.   Age  13  in  1665.   {Peile,  11.  31.) 
SLINGER,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  July  10,  1668. 

Matric.  1668;  B..-^.  1671. 
SLYNGER,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1544. 

Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1546). 

SLINGER,  STEPHEN.  Scholar  at  Jesus,  1546-7- 

SLYNGAR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1546. 
Of  Yorkshire. 

Sloper,  William 

SLINGER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
10,  1672.  S.  of  Francis,  yeoman,  of  Langstrothdale,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6; 
M.A.  1681.  Master  of  Colchester  Grammar  School,  1674-91. 
R.  of  East  Donyland,  Essex,  1686-1733.  R.  of  Layer  Breton, 
1692.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  London.  Died  Jan.  2,  1733- 
4.   (G.  Mag.;  Morant,  11.  187.) 

SLINGSBY,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1586  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  6th 
s.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Scriven,  Yorks.,  Knt.  Bapt.  Nov.  22, 
1561,  at  Knaresborough.  Matric.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford) 
Dec.  20,  1577,  age  16;  B.A.  from  Queen's,  1581;  M.A.  1583; 
B.D.  1591-2.  R.  of  Rothbury,  Northumberland,  1584-1628. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Ellis,  of  Bamburgh, 
Yorks.,  Jan.  10,  1586.  Died  1628,  aged  67.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1565).    {Al.Oxon.;  Burke,  Peerage;  Vis.  of  Yorks.) 

SLINGSBY,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1618-9.  Of  Scriven,  Yorks.  S.  of  Sir  Henry,  Knt.  B.  Jan.  14, 
1601-2.  Created  Bart.,  of  Nova  Scotia,  Mar.  2,  1637-8. 
M.P.  for  Knaresborough,  1625,  1640-2.  Married  Barbara, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Bellasyse,  Viscount  Fauconberg.  Present 
at  Naseby  and  at  the  surrender  of  Newark,  1646.  Deprived 
of  his  estates,  1651.  Imphcated  in  the  projected  Royalist 
rising  in  Yorkshire,  1655;  imprisoned  at  HuU.  Sentenced 
to  death  for  tampering  with  ofi&cers  of  the  Hull  garrison. 
Wrote  memoirs  of  the  war.  Executed  on  Tower  Hill,  Jime  8, 
1658.  Buried  in  the  Slingsby  Chapel,  at  Knaresborough. 
(G.E.C.,  11.  430;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  D.N.B.) 

SLINGSBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  6,  1672-3.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  at  Scarborough, 
Yorks.  School,  Brentwood,  Essex.   Matric.  1673. 

SLINGSBY,  HEZEKIAH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1625.  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Husbome  Crawley,  Beds.,  gent. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  21,  1608.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639.  R.  of  North  Crawley,  Bucks., 
1638.  Signed  as  minister  of  Husbome  Crawley,  1638-41. 
R.  (and  patron)  of  Hockcliffe,  1642-63.  Buried  there  July  15, 

SLINGSBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1565  {impubes).  S.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Scriven,  Yorks. 
Perhaps  B.A.  (Oxford)  1568.  Drowned  in  the  river  Nidd 
while  endeavouring  to  save  his  servant,  1581.  Buried  at 
Knaresborough,  Sept.  26,  1581,  aged  28.  Brother  of  Charles 
(1586).   (Burke,  L.G.; /I /.  O^ron.) 

SLINGSBY,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1634-5. 

SLINGSBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  25, 
1672.  S.of  Edmund,  gent.  Bapt.  Aug.  16,  1654,  at  Husbome 
Crawley,  Beds.  School,  Hockcliffe  (Mr  Stackhouse).  Matric. 
1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  C.  of  Milbrook,  Beds.,  in  1688.  Minister 
in  charge  of  Battlesden,  1690-1.  R.  of  Wrestlingworth, 
1693-7.   Buried  at  Husbome  Crawley,  Jan.  15,  1697-8. 

SLIPPER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  15,  1698-9. 
Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  Samuel  (below).  Matric.  1699; 
B..\.  1702-3.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  July,  1712.  Pr.>bably 
brother  of  Thomas  (1686-7J. 

SLIPPER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1659; 
B.A.  1662-3.  V.  of  Mettingham,  Sufiolk,  1663-81  (Slepper). 
R.  of  Wood  Rising,  Norfolk,  1664-5.  R-  of  Roydon,  near 
Lynn,  1664-5.  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Bungay,  1667-81. 
Probably  R.  of  Lopham,  Norfolk,  1681-1713.  Probably 
father  of  the  next  and  of  James  (above). 

SLIPPER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  5.  1686-7. 
Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  Samuel  (above).  Brother  of 
James  (1698-9). 

SLOANE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  July  4, 
1710.  S.  and  h.  of  James,  of  the  Inner  Temple.  B.  at 
Boswell  Court,  London.  School,  Cheam,  Surrey  (Mr  Lloyd). 
Matric.  1710-1;  Scholar,  1711-2;  B.A.  1714-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1715;  C.  of  Ashwell,  Beds.  Died  s.p. 
{Peile,  II.  176;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

SLONE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1665; 
B.A.  1668. 

SLOCUM, .   B.Can.L.  1529-30. 

SLOLEY,  JOHN.  D.D.  of  Cambridge.  Augustinian  friar.  Of 
Norwich.   Provincial  of  his  order.   Died  c.  1477.   {Pits,  666.) 

SLOMAN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  30,  1659. 
Of  Kent. 

SLOPER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  25,  1623.  Of  Norton,  Somerset.  Matric.  1623;  B.A. 
1627;  M.A.  1631;  M.L.  1646.  Fellow,  1626-46.  Junior 
Proctor,  1645-6.  V.  of  Broad  Chalke,  Wilts.,  1645-91. 
Buried  there  Oct.  18, 1691.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 

SLOPER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  6, 
1725.  Possibly  s.  of  William,  of  West  Woodhay,  Berks.,  M.P. 
(died  1743).  If  so,  of  West  Woodhay,  Berks.  Died  Sept. 
1789.   {Musgrave.) 


Sloswick,  Richard 

SLOSWICK,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1606;  B.A.  1609.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 

SLOSWICKE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1603;  B.A.  1606-7.    Probably  brother  of  Richard  (above). 

SLOUGH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9. 
Of  Yorkshire. 

SLOWE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1545. 

SLOW,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1584. 
B.  at  Cherry  Orton,  Hunts.,  1562.  B.A.  1588-9.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  28,  1589-90.  R.  of  Throcking,  Herts.,  1592. 
V.  of  Sandon,  1607-23.  Perhaps  R.  of  Rippingale,  Lines., 
1603-15.   Died  1623. 

SLOWLEY,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  sizar  (age  18)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1619.  S.  of  Robert,  of  the  Isle  of  Sark.  B.A.  1622-3. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  4,  1626. 

SLY,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  2,  1639.  Ex- 
hibitioner from  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3; 
M.A.  1646.  Usher  at  Charterhouse,  1650-5.  Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  London.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1661-77.  R.  of 
Upton  Lovell,  Wilts.,  1671;  also  R.  of  Sherrington.  Died 
Aug.  10,  1677. 

SLIE,  HENRY.   B.A.  from  Clare,  1597-8. 

SLYE,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1567. 

SLYE,  THOMAS.   B.A.  from  St  John's,  1613. 

SLYFELD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1561.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Slyfeld,  Surrey.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  23,  1566.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1574.  Died 
1598,  aged  56.  Buried  at  Gt  Bookham.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(H.  M.  Wood;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

SLYFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  May  20,  1684. 
S.  of  John,  citizen  of  London.  Matric.  1685.  Probably  of 
St  Benet,  Paul's  Wharf,  London.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
John  MicheU,  of  Field  Place,  Sussex,  July  9,  1691. 

SLYME,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1572. 
Of  Little  Thurlow,  Cambs.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1575-6,  as 
Slynne.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1578,  age  23.  R.  of 
Boyton,  Norfolk,  c.  1600. 

SLYN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1618-9.  Of  Norfolk.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10;  priest, 
Mar.  II,  1621-2.  V.  of  Binham,  Norfolk,  1628. 

SMALES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  3,  1718.   Of  Durham.  School,  Houghton-Ie-Spring. 

SMAYLES,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SMALES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  11, 
1696.  S.  of  Matthew,  gent.  B.  at  Gilling,  Yorks.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1703.  Fellow, 
1702-8.  R.  of  Kirkby  Stephen,  Yorks.  R.  of  Wycliffe, 
1706-30.  Y.  of  Brignal,  1707-30.  Buried  May  22,  1730  (sic). 
Will  dated,  Mar.  3,  1724,  at  Brignal;  proved  (York)  Jan.  20, 
1752.  Brother  of  Robert  (1703).  (ScoW-Mayor;  H.  M.  Wood; 
Sedbergh  School  Register.) 

SMAYLES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1582;  B.A.  1585-6.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1584; 
of  Beverley,  Yorks. 

SMALES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 
1703.  S.  of  Matthew,  deceased.  Bapt.  Dec.  25,  1685,  at 
Gilling,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7; 
M.A.  1710;  B.D.  1717.  Fellow,  1708-21.  Taxor,  1713.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  21,  1713-4;  priest  (London)  Apr.  25,  1716. 
V.  of  Sawston,  Cambs.,  1715-9.  Brother  of  Francis  (1696). 
(Sedbergh  School  Register.) 

SMALES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  24, 
1730.  S.  of  Matthew,  gent.,  of  Yorkshire.  Bapt.  Dec.  27, 
1710,  at  Gilling.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1731.  Buried 
June  19,  1742.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SMALHORN, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Oct.  13,  1669. 

SMALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  14,  1651;  ex- 
hibitioner from  Charterhouse.  Of  London.  Scholar,  1652. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  25;  priest.  Mar.  10, 
1660-1.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Knutsford,  Cheshire,  in 
1662;  died  before  July  3,  1663. 

SMALLEY,  ADAM.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  c.  1603;  Scholar;  B.A. 
1604-5;  M.A.  1608.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1608. 

SMALEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  23, 
1725.  S.  of  John,  of  Billington,  Lanes.  School,  Blackburn. 
Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1728;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24, 
1730.  R.  of  Aldingham,  Lanes.,  1759-60.  Brother  of  the 

SMALEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  3, 
171 7.  S.  of  John,  of  Billington,  Lanes.  School,  Clitheroe, 
Lanes.  B.A.  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4, 1721.  Brother 
of  Edward  (above). 

Smallwood,  George 

SMALLEY,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  31, 
1728.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Kirkham,  Lanes.  School,  Kirkham 
(Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1728;  Scholar,  1731;  B.A.  1731-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  8,  1733;  C.  of  Chfton,  Beds.  (Peile, 
II.  217.) 

SMALEY,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  29, 
1676.  Of  Nottinghamshire. 

SMALLEY,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  10, 
1723-  Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A. 
1730;  R-D.  1737-  Fellow,  1729.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept. 
21,  1729;  priest,  June  4,  1732.  R.  of  North  Luffenham, 
Rutland,  1742-76.  V.  of  Preston,  near  Lavenham,  Suffolk, 
1742-76.  Married  Elizabeth  Tomlin,  of  Kettlebaston, 
Suffolk,  Oct.  24,  1742.  Died  Dec.  22,  1776.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1777.   (G.Mag.) 

SMALLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  20,  1646. 
B.  at  Beeston,  Notts.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50.  V.  of 
Greasley,  Notts.,  ejected,  1662.  Probably  minister  of 
'Willowbie';  married  Susannah,  dau.  of  Richard  Haulkins, 
at  St  Mary's,  Nottingham,  June  2,  1652.  Died  Sept.  7,  1670. 
(Calamy,  11.  289;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SMALLEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  28, 
1681.  S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Beeston,  Notts. 
School,  Repton.  Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1686;  of  Mansfield  Woodhouse. 

SMALLPAGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1575;  B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1581.  Fellow,  c.  1580.  Perhaps 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  15,  1581.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1597. 

SMALEPAGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
Mar.  28,  1657.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Woodhouse  Carr,  Yorks. 
School,  Leeds  (Mr  Garnet).  Matric.  1657.  Died  at  Leeds, 
July  15,  1660.  Buried  there.  (Peile,  1.  576;  Due.  Leod. 

SMALLPIECE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1646.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1610-1),  deceased.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  4,  1646.  Died  1652.  M.I.  at  Metfield, 
Norfolk.   (Blomefield,  v.  385.) 

SMALLPIECE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Dec.  11, 
1700.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Worlingham,  Suffolk  (and 
Frances,  dau.  of  Thomas  Love,  of  Beccles).  B.  there,  Feb.  10, 
1683.  School,  Beccles  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1701;  Scholar) 
1701-9;  B.A.  1704-5.  Of  Worlingham,  gent.  Married  Mary 
Leigh,  of  Worlingham,  Feb.  17,  1727-8.  Buried  at  North 
Cove,  Aug.  1,  1760,  'aged  75.'   (Venn,  i.  506.) 

SMALLPEECE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar. 
1610-1.  Doubtless  s.  and  b.  of  Francis,  of  Norwich.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  4,  1613.  Admon.  Oct.  17,  1639;  of 
St  Sepulchre's,  London,  to  his  widow,  Ann.  Father  of 
Francis  (1646). 

SMALLSHANKS,  GILBERT.   B.A.  1514-5;  M.A.  1518. 

SMALEWOOD,  ALAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1624.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Egton,  Yorks.,  and  nephew  of  James 
(1607).  B.  1608.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1632;  D.D.  1661  (Lit. 
Reg.).  V.  of  Impington,  Cambs.,  1632.  V.  of  Marske,  Yorks., 
1638-62.  V.  of  Norton,  Durham,  1661-3.  R-  of  Greystoke 
Cumberland,  1663-86.  Died  Oct.  15,  1686.  Buried  at  Grey- 
stoke.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  B.  Nightingale.) 

SMALWOOD,  ALAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
1707.  S.  of  Charles  (next),  LL.B.  B.  at  Salkeld,  Cumberland! 
School,  Appleby  (Mr  Banks).  Matric.  1707.  Father  of  Charles 

SMALLWOOD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Feb.  13,  1664-5.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1665;  LL.B.  1669! 
Father  of  Alan  (1707). 

SMALLWOOD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
June  30,  1739-  S.  of  Alan  (1707),  of  Salkeld,  Cumberland, 
gent.  Matric.  1739;  B.A.  1743-4-  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle) 
June  8,  1745 ;  priest.  May  24,  1746.  V.  of  Ainstable,  Cumber- 
land, 1749-71.  V.  of  Kirkoswald,  1761-7.  Buried  there 
Mar.  7,  1771. 

SMALWOOD,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  16,  1668.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Westminster.  Scholar, 
1668;  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon 
(Carlisle)  Sept.  21,  1673.  V.  of  Wetheral,  Cumberland,  c. 
1674-81.  V.  of  St  Lawrence,  Appleby,  1681-98.  Died  Mar.  7, 
1698-9,  aged  48.  M.I.  at  Appleby.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1664), 
(r.  A.Walker,  136.) 

SMALLWOOD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1623.  S.  of  Randolph,  of  London,  mercer.  B.  Aug.  24,  1604. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1625-6;  M..^.  1629.  R.  of 
St  Mildred  Poultry,  London.  R.  of  St  Margaret,  Fish  Street, 
1660-2.  R.  of  St  Mary-lc-Bow,  1662-79.  Of  Chipping 
Barnet,  Herts.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  William  Fletcher, 
of  Chipping  Barnet.  Sept.  1634.  Buried  at  St  Mary-le-Bow| 
Sept.  16,  1679.  Father  of  Matthew  (1658).  (Hennessy.) 


Smallwood,  James 

SMALLWOOD,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1607.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Alan,  of  Egton, 
Yorks.  (died  1614).  Migrated  to  Queens'  Oct.  1609.  B.A. 
1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1613;  pnest, 
June,  1615.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 
SMALWOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  24,  1674. 
School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1675;  Matric.  1676;  B.A 
1677-8-  MA.  1681.  FeUow,  1680.  Chaplam  to  the  Earl  of 
Romney.  Chaplain  to  the  ist  Foot  Guards.  Author,  Sermons 
in  the  Camp  in  Flanders.  Died  Sept.  27,  17I9-  i^l-  Westmon., 
176;  Musgrave.) 
SMALLWOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
28  1728.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  of  Staffordshire.  B.  at  Mear. 
School,  Trentham  (Mr  Hargreaves).  Matric.  1728;  B.A. 
1731-2.  P.C.  of  Mere,  Staffs.,  i734- 
SMALLWOOD,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter  1658.  Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  George  (1623),  R.  of 
St  Mildred  Poultry,  London.  B.  at  Bamet,  Herts.,  Mar  3, 
1640-1.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A. 
1665- B  D.  1674.  Senior  Proctor,  1672-3.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1673'  R.  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge,  1668-72.  R.  of  Cookley, 
Suffolk,  1675-6,  and  of  Huntingfield,  1 675-95-  V.  of  Bram- 
field  1676.  To  be  distinguished  from  a  contemporary  name- 
sake'(dean  of  Lichfield  and  preb.  of  St  Paul's)  for  whom  see 
Al.  Oxon.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
SMALLWOOD,  OLIVER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  30, 

1624.   Of  Lincolnshire. 
SMALWOOD,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
Dec    16    1664.    Of  Yorkshire.    Schools,  Westminster  and 
Hertford.    Matric.  1665;  Scholar,  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A. 
1672.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1670;  priest,  June,  1671. 
V.  of  Ormesby,  Yorks.,  1673-6.   Brother  of  Gabriel  (1668). 
SMALLWOOD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr    17    1724.    S.  of  T.,  of  Derbyshire.    B.  at  Ashbourne. 
School,  Stockport,  Cheshire  (Mr  Dale).    Matric.  1724;  B.A. 
SMART,  ADAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1585-6. 
SMART,  ADRIAN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1587. 
SMART,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct    20    1739.    S.  of  Peter,  late  of  Barming,  Kent,  gent. 
B    Apr    II,  1722,  at  Shipboume,  Kent.   Schools,  Maidstone 
aiid  Durham  (Mr  Richard  Dongworth).    Matric.  1739;  B.A. 
1743-4-  M..^.  1747.  FeUow,  1745-   Won  the  Seatoman  prize, 
i75o-<i,'  and  again  in  i755-   The  well-known  poet.    Married 
Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  William  Carman,  a  printer,  of  Reading. 
Introduced   by  Dr  Bumey  to   John   Newbery,   the  book- 
seUer  for  whom  he  conducted  The  Midwife  or  Old  Woman  s 
Magazine,  175 1-3,  and  other  periodicals.    Fell  into  poverty 
and   ill-health    and   was   twice   confined   in   a   mad-house. 
Visited  by  Dr  Johnson.    Died  May  18,  1770,  in  the  King's 
Bench.    Buried  in  St  Paul's  churchyard.    (Surtees,  iv.  142; 
SMART    DANIEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1616. 
Of    Warwickshire.     Perhaps    R.   of   Axhill,    Warws.     WiU 
(P.C.C.)  1643. 
SMART,  DANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  4, 
1650.    S.  of  Nathaniel  (1608),  of  Ipswich,  clerk.   Bapt.  May 
31   1632,  at  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4; 
MA.  1657.   Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Brownrigg,  of  Exeter)  Sept. 
21   1659.  V.  of  Woolverstone,  Suffolk,  1660.  R.  of  Chehnon- 
dis'ton,  1662.  Half-brother  of  Nathaniel  (1633)  and  Ezechiel 
SMART,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1693.    S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of   Kibworth,   Leics.    School, 
Kibworth  (Mr  Dand).  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1709. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  24,  1699;  priest,  June  3,  1705. 
Probably  V.  of  Mucking,  Essex,  1706-11. 
SMART   EZECHIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  i,  1635. 
Of  Suffolk.   S.  of  Nathaniel  (1608).   Bapt.  Sept.  5,  1620,  at 
St  Nicholas,   Ipswich.    Matric.   1636;  B.A.   1639-40;  M.A. 
1643.    Minister  of  the  parish  of  Reade,  Suffolk,   1645-50. 
Died  there  1650.    Admon.  of  goods  to  brother  Nathaniel,  at 
Bury   Apr.  6,  1650.    Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1633)  and  half- 
brother  of  Daniel  (1650).   {Add.  MS.  Brit.  Mus.,  15,669.) 
SMART,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1573- 

Perhaps  brother  of  Peter  (i575)- 
SMART  ITHIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  8,  161&-7. 
S  of  Robert,  of  Preston,  Northants.  Matric.  1617;  B.A. 
1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  V.  of  Womboum,  Staffs.,  1632-52. 
Perhaps  sequestered  to  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  Fish  Street, 
1642.  V.  of  Ashby-de-la-Zouch,  Leics.,  1652-61.  Died 
Nov  22, 1661,  aged  62.  Father  of  the  next.  Probably  brother 
of  Nathaniel  (1608).  (Shaw,  i.  308;  Nichols,  iii.  619.) 
SMART,  ITHIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  20, 
1654.  S.  of  Ithiel  (above),  V.  of  Ashby-de-la-Zouch,  Leics. 
B.  at  Womboum,  Staffs.  School,  Birmingham  (Mr  Brooksby). 

Smear,  John 

Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661.   V.  of  Ashby-de-la- 
Zouch,    1676-92.     R.   of   Packington,    1690-2.    Buried   at 
Ashby,  Jan.  27,  1691-2.   (Nichols,  iii.  636.) 
SMART,  JOHN.   B.Civ.L.  1487-8. 

SMART,  JOHN.  M.A.  1655  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Sometime 
of  Merton  College,  Oxford.  Of  Evesham,  Worcs.  Scholar  of 
Trinity,  Oxford,  1648  by  the  Parliamentary  Visitors;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1651;  M.A.  1653;  B.D.  1662.  Died  Mar.  26,  i666. 
Buried  in  Trinity  College  Chapel,  Oxford.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
SMART,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  15,  1694.   Of 

Lincolnshire.   Perhaps  same  as  next. 
SMART,  JOHN.   M.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).   Of  Chelsea  Hospital. 

Died  Sept.  1740.  (Musgrave.) 
SMART,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  1608. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  of  Preston,  Northants.  (But  he  does 
not  appear  in  the  pedigree,  Nichols,  in.  619.)  B.  at  Preston, 
Northants.  Matric.  1608;  Scholar;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  18,  1614,  age  24.  C.  of  Braintree, 
Essex.  Minister  of  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  16x7-32- 
Buried  there  Feb.  28,  1632.  Doubtless  brother  of  Ithiel 
(i6i6-7),  father  of  the  next  and  Ezechiel  (1635)  and  Daniel 
SMART,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  30, 
1633.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Nathaniel  (above).  Bapt. 
July  26,  1618,  at  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A. 
1641.  Preacher  of  St  Mary  Tower,  Ipswich,  1639-43. 
Minister  of  St  Nicholas,  1642-6,  and  of  St  Lawrence,  1655. 
Probably  R.  of  Kimbolton,  Hunts.,  1658-9.  Buried  there 
Aug.  14,  1659.  Father  of  Samuel  (1672)  and  probably  of  the 
next,  brother  of  Ezechiel  (1635)  and  Daniel  (1650). 
SMART,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  May  1,  1661. 
Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  Nathaniel  (above).  Bapt.  Mar.  5, 
1644,  at  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1664-5; 
M.A.  1668.  R.  of  Bamardiston,  Suffolk,  1677-8.  Died  1678. 
Probably  half-brother  of  Samuel  (1672).  (J.  Nicholas, 
Ipswich  Parish  Register.) 
SMART,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1575; 
B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1573)- 
For  a  contemporary  namesake  see  D.N.B.  and  Al.  Oxon. 
SMART,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3,  1636. 

Of  Essex.   Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644. 
SMART,  ROLAND.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567. 

One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1571. 
SMARTE,  SAMSON.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar.  17,  1645-6. 
Perhaps  intruded  as  R.  of  Greatworth,  Northants.,  1648; 
conformed,  1660.   Buried  there  Aug.  23,  1674. 
SMART,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15  (sic))  at  Sidney,  June  5, 
1672.    S.  of  Nathaniel  (1633),  minister  of  St  Nicholas  and 
St  La^v^ence,  Ipswich,  deceased.   Bapt.  Dec.  (?)  13,  1654,  at 
St  Nicholas,  Ipswich.    School,  Ipswich.    Matric.  1672;  B.A. 
1675-6.    Ord.  priest  (London)  Mar.  16,  1678-9.    Probably 
half-brother  of  Nathaniel  (1661). 
SMART,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1611. 

SMART,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  4,  1667.  Of 
Grendon,  Northants.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674. 
Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  23,  1671.  Perhaps 
ord.  priest  (Oxford)  May  21,  1676.  Probably  V.  of  Eari's 
Barton,  Northants..  1676-8.  V.  of  Chalfont  St  Giles',  Bucks., 
1679.  R.  of  Byfleet,  Surrey,  1687-1710.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 

SMART,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1546;  B.A.  1551-2.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1552-4-  Perhaps 
master  at  Stratford-on-Avon  Grammar  School,  1554-65-  V. 
of  Stratford,  1565-7-  Living,  1588.  (E.  I.Fripp;  P«;«,  i.  41-) 

SMART, .   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  20,  1617-8. 

SMATHWAITE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SMEAR,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Jan.  11,  1662-3.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  WiUiam,  of 
Gislingham.  Matric.  1663;  LL.B.  1667.  R-  of  Wyverstone, 
1670-1718.  C.  of  Gt  Ashfield,  1671.  Died  1718.  Father  of 
Lynne  (1704)- 

SMEAR,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  1,  1719.  S.  of  Christopher,  gent.  B.  at  Norwich. 
School,  Botesdale,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1723-4-  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1724;  priest,  June,  1726.  V.  of 
Reydon  and  Southwold,  Suffolk,  1727.  V.  of  Mutford  and 
Bamby,  1730-81.  Admon.  Nov.  1781;  of  Frostenden, 

SMEAR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  4, 1672.  Probably 
s.  of  Christopher,  of  Gislingham,  Suffolk,  yeoman.  Scholar, 
1674;  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679-  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Mar.  1679-80;  priest,  Dec.  1683.  R.  of  Groton, 
Suffolk,  1689-1703.   Buried  there  July  12,  1703. 


Smear,  Lynne 

SMEAR,  LYNNE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  x,  1704.  S.  of 
Christopher  (1662-3),  of  Wyverstone,  Suffolk.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Scott).  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1727. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  27,  1711;  priest  (Norwich)  Jan. 
18,  1712-3.  R.  of  St  Augustine's,  Norwich,  till  1730.  Pre- 
centor of  Norwich  Cathedral,  1731.  V.  of  Eaton,  Norwich, 
1735-61-  V.  of  Bawburgh,  Norfolk,  1739.  R.  of  Alderford, 
and  V.  of  Attlebridge.  Died  Dec.  30,  1761,  aged  76.  (G.  Mag.) 


SMEATON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
25,1674.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  York.  School,  Sherbum.  Matric. 
1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  1678.  Probably  V.  of 
Nether-Wallop,  Hants.,  c.  1704. 

SMEATON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Dec.  26,  1707. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1718.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1713;  priest,  Sept.  1715.  V.  of  Melboum, 
Cambs.,  1716-22. 

SMETON, .  B.A.  1478-9;  M.A.  1482. 

SMEDLY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  St  John's, 
Aug.  21,  1663.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Howden,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Heydon  (aWas  Hedon),  Yorks.  B.A.  1667-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  c.  1666-7;  priest,  June,  1667. 

SMEDLEY,  CORNELIUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  15,  1665.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Caulk,  Derbyshire. 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9. 
Master  of  Osgathorpe  School,  Leics.,  1673-1714.  Died  1714. 
WiU  (Leicester)  1714. 

SMEE,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  4,   1718. 

Of  Cambridgeshire.     Matric.    1718-9;   B.A.    1721-2;    M.A. 

1725.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1724-5.  V.  of  St  Andrew, 

Ilketshall,  Suffolk,  1727-48. 
SMEE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  18,  1714.    Of 

Cambridgeshire.    Matric.    1714;   B.A.    1717-8;   M.A.    1721. 

Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1720;  priest  (London)  Feb.  18, 


SMEGREGYLL  or  SMYGRELL,  ADAM.  B.A.  1515-6. 

SMELT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1628;  B.A.  1631-2. 

SMELT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  11  (or 
May  u),  1639.  2nd  s.  of  Matthew  (1610),  gent.,  of  Kirkby 
Fleetham,  Richmonds., Yorks.  B.  there.  Bapt.  Nov.  15,  1622, 
at  Thornton  Watlass.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1639;  B.A. 
1644-5;  M.A.  1648;  B.D.  1655.  Fellow,  1647.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  July  1,  1644.  Probably  V.  of  Boynton  with 
Camaby,  Yorks.,  1663-7.  Brother  of  Leonard  (1637)  and 
Matthew  (1639),  father  of  Thomas  (1663).  {Vis.  of  Yorks., 

SMELT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  23, 
1674.  2nd  s.  of  Leonard  (1637).  B.  at  Kirkby  Fleetham. 
School,  Northallerton  (Mr  Thomas  Smelt).  Matric.  1674. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  6,  1675.  Brother  of  Leonard  (1674). 
{Peile,  u.  55-6.) 

SMELT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  May  26,  1744. 
S.  of  Luke  (1702),  V.  of  Lastingham,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Kirby,  Yorks.  and  Thornton.  Matric.  1744;  B.A. 
1747-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Lift.  dim.  from  London)  Mar. 
4;  priest,  Mar.  19,  1747-8. 

SMELT,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1614. 
Of  Richmondshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Kirkby 
Fleetham.  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Fellow,  1619-23. 
Buried  at  AU  Saints',  Cambridge,  Aug.  30,  1623.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1617)  and  Matthew  (1610).    {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMELT,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  6, 
1637.  S.  and  h.  of  Matthew  (1610),  Esq.  B.  at  Kirkby 
Fleetham,  Yorks.  Bapt.  July  i8,  1619,  at  Thornton  Watlass. 
School,  Ripon.  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  14, 
1639.  Of  Kirkby  Fleetham,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
John  WasteU,  of  Scorton,  Yorks.  Living,  1665.  Died  before 
May  6,  1675.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1674),  brother 
of  John  (1639)  and  Matthew  (1639).   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMELT,  LEONARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Sept. 
23,  1674.  S.  and  h.  of  Leonard  (above),  of  Kirkby  Fleetham. 
B.  there.  School,  Northallerton  (Mr  Thomas  Smelt).  Matric. 
1674.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  6,  1675.  Of  Kirkby  Fleetham. 
(Apparently  not  the  M.P.  for  Northallerton  as  stated  by 
Peile.)  Married  Grace,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Frankland,  of 
Thirkleby.  Died  1710.  Brother  of  John  (1674)  and  father 
of  the  next.  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Peile,  11.  55;  Genealogist, 
N.S.,  vii.  98.) 

SMELT,  LEONARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Aug.  27,  1700. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Leonard  (above),  of  Kirkby  Fleetham. 
M.P.  for  Thirsk,  1709-10;  for  Northallerton,  1713-40.  Clerk 
to  the  Ordnance,  1733-40.  Died  May  30,  1740.  (Ingledew, 
Northallerton,  138;  A.  Gray;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

Smethe,  Simon 

SMELT,  LUKE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  8,  1660. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1629),  schoolmaster.  B.  at  Danby,  Yorks. 
School,  Northallerton  (under  his  father).  Matric.  1660;  B.A. 
1663-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1664;  priest,  June,  1667. 
R.  of  Easingwold,  Yorks.,  1668-9.  R.  of  Welbury,  1669-90. 
R.  of  Burythorpe,  till  1720.  Died  Dec.  1720.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1664)  and  father  of  the  next.   {Peile,  l.  591.) 

SMELT,  LUKE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  23,  1702. 
S.  of  Luke  (above),  R.  of  Welbury,  Yorks.  School,  Coxwold. 
Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1705-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Jan.  1705-6; 
priest,  1708.  V.  of  Lastingham,  Yorks.,  1709.  Died  1770. 
Father  of  John  (1744). 

SMELT,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1610. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Leonard,  of  Kirkby  Fleetham,  Yorks., 
gent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  13,  1613.  Of  Kirkby  Fleet- 
ham, Esq.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  John  Dodsworth,  of 
Thornton  Watlass,  Dec.  9,  1617.  Died  Sept  22,  1652,  aged 
59.  M.I.  at  Kirkby  Fleetham.  Brotherof  Leonard  (1614)  and 
Richard  (1617),  father  of  Leonard  (1637),  Matthew  (1639) 
and  John  (1639).   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMELT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
or  May  ir,  1639.  3rds.  of  Matthew  (above),  gent.,  of  Kirkby 
Fleetham,  Richmonds.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric. 
1639;  B.A.  1646;  M.A.  1650.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  i, 
1644.  Died  unmarried.  Brother  of  John  (1639)  and  Leonard 
(1637).  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMELT,  MAURICE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  May  8, 
1732.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Coxwold.  Matric.  1732; 
Scholar,  1732;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1739.  V.  of  West  Wittering, 
Sussex,  1739-93.  V.  of  Donnington,  1751-93.  Died  1793. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1793. 

SMELT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  27,  1617. 
3rd  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Kirkby  Fleetham,  Yorks.  Matric.  1617; 
B.A.  1620;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1624;  priest, 
Mar.  1624-5.  Preb.  of  York,  1625-40.  R.  of  Easington-in- 
Cleveland,  1640-66.  Died  i666.  Brother  of  Matthew  (1610) 
and  Leonard  (1614),  father  of  William  (1648).  {T.  A .  Walker; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMELT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  c.  1589. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  6,  1594-5.  {Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxxiii.  27.) 

SMELT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Oct.  15,  1605. 
Probably  of  Ainderby  Myers,  Yorks.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Oct.  26,  1614,  from  Barnard's  Inn. 

SMELT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3.  Probably  master  of  Danby  Wiske  School, 
Yorks.;  afterwards  Head  Master  of  Northallerton  School, 
1652.  V.  of  North  Otterington,  i66i-86.  Buried  at  North- 
allerton, Nov.  19,  1686.  Father  of  Thomas  (1664)  and  Luke 
(1660).   (Ingledew,  Northallerton,  197;  Peile,  i.  610.) 

SMELT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  June  5, 

1663.  S.  of  John  (1639).  B.  at  Kirkby  Fleetham,  Yorks. 
School,  Northallerton  (Mr  Thos.  Smelt).  Matric.  1663;  B.A. 
1666.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  22;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1668. 
C.  at  Langton,  in  1691.   {Peile,  i.  604.) 

SMELT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  27, 

1664.  S.  of  Thomas  (1629),  schoolmaster.  B.  at  Richmond, 
Yorks.  School,  Northallerton  (under  his  father).  Matric. 
1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (York);  priest, 
Sept.  1669.  Brother  of  Luke  (1660).   {Peilt;  i.  610.) 

SMELT,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  June  24, 

1726.    S.  of  Thomas.    B.  at  Stockton,   Durham.    School, 

Kirk  Leatham  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1728;  M.B.  1731. 
SMELT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  15, 

1648.  S.  of  Richard  (1617),  R.  of  Easington,  Yorks.  B.  there. 

Matric.  1649. 
SMELT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  June  21, 

1 73 1.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Greengates,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh. 

Matric.  1731;  Scholar,  1734;  B.A.  1734-5;  M.A.  1738;  B.D. 

1750.    Fellow,   1737.    V.  of  Shudy  Camps,  Cambs.,  1752. 

V.  of  St  Andrew,  Enfield,  Middlesex,  1758-67.   Died  Apr.  8, 

1767.   (A.  B.  Beaven.) 
SMELTER  or  SMILTER,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)   at 

St  John's,  May  26,  1658.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Ecclesfield, 

Yorks.    B.  there.   School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Whitaker).    Matric. 

1658;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1669.   V.  of  St  Nicholas-at-Wade 

with  Sarre,  Kent,  1671-1700.   Died  Nov.  26,  1700,  aged  59. 

Buried  at  St  Nicholas-at-Wade,  Thanet.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
SMELTHE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1615; 

B.A. 1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 
SMETHE  or  SMEATH,  SIMON,    .^dm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse, 

May  27,  1617.    Of  Middlesex.    Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1620-1; 

M.A.  1624.  Fellow,  1623-36.  Perhaps  V.  of  Walkem,  Herts., 

1648;  deprived,  i66o.  Died  Jan.  6,  1679-80.   {T.  A.  Walker, 

6;  Cussans,  Herts.) 


Smethers,  Ralph 

SMETHERS  or  SMITHERS,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1578. 


SMETHURST,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  3, 
1672.  Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  C.  of 
Whetworth,  Lanes.  Buried  at  Rochdale,  Sept.  8,  1679. 
(E.  Axon.) 

SMETHURST,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  27,  1682. 
Of  Lancashire.  Malric.  1682;  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1685-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  19,  1686,  age  23.  Probably  buried 
at  Rochdale,  Apr.  2,  1691;  of  Balderston,  cleik. 

SMITH,  ABEL  B.A.  1563-4.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  M.A.  1567; 
B.D.  1574.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1567.  Senior  Fellow,  1580. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  22,  1573.  R.  of  Water 
Newton,  Hunts.,  1573-80.  R.  of  Knapton,  Norfolk,  during 
1573.  University  preacher,  1577.  R.  of  Glaston,  Rutland, 
1579-84.  R.  of  Thomhaugh,  Northants.,  1581-1616.  R.  of 
Stibbington,  Hunts.,  1589-C.  1612.  Deanof  Stamford,  Lines., 
1610.  Died  1616.  Benefactor  to  Stibbington  Church. 
Probably  brother  of  Christopher  (1555). 

SMITH,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  Dens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  1582. 
Matric.  1582;  Scholar,  1582-6;  B.A.  1585-6. 

SMITH,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's,  c.  1596. 
B.  c.  1579.  B.A.  1600-1 ;  M.A.  1604.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York)  Oct.  6,  1604.  V.  of  Winterton, 
Lines.,  1605-21.  R.  of  West  Halton,  1612-4,  ejected.  V.  of 
Burton  Stather,  1614-26.  R.  of  Gt  Coates,  1624.  V.  of 
Grasby,  1641.  Died  1651-2.  Will  proved  (Lincoln)  Apr.  6, 
1652.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Pembroke,  Jan.  23, 
i668-g.  S.  of  Henry,  weaver.  B.  at  Halifax,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1672;  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June,  1672;  priest 
(Norwich)  Feb.  1675-6.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  North 
Barsham,  Norfolk,  1686-g.   Buried  1689. 

SMITH,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's,  June  24, 

1670.  S.  of  Gabriel  (?  1646),  deceased,  of  Audlem,  Cheshire. 
B.  there.  School,  Audlem. 

SMYTH,  ABRAHAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  July  i, 

1671.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1676;  priest  (London)  Feb.  24, 

SMITH,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinixy,  May  27, 
1728.  S.  of  James,  of  Bishop  Auckland,  Durham.  School, 
Bishop  Auckland  (Mr  Emarson).  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1731-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  1734;  priest,  Sept.  1735.  P.C.  of 
Escomb,  Durham,  1736.  P.C.  of  St  Andrew's,  Auckland, 
1756.  Married,  at  Coniscliffe,  May  30,  1739,  Ann  Hilton,  of 
Barnard  Castle.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Auckland,  Mar.  18, 
1786.   (D.  S.  Boutflower;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SMYTHE,  ADAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pexerhouse,  Easter, 

SMITH,  ADAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  Catharine's,  c.  1593; 

B.A.  1596-7.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1605;  priest, 

Dec.  20,  1607.  C.  of  Kelmarsh,  Northants. 
SMITH,  AEMILIUS.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1634;  'B.A. 

from  Cambridge.'    Possibly  Miles  (1630-1). 
SMITH,    ALBAN.     Matric.    sizar   from    Jesus,    Miehs.    1550. 

Protsably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Welboum,  Lines.;  under  age, 

in  1541.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1550).  (Lines.  Pedigrees 


SMITH,  ALEXANDER.  Scholar  of  Sx  John's,  1550.  Of  York- 
shire. B.A.  1553-4.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1554,  when  he 
received  tonsure  (London).  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1555. 
Probably  R.  of  Ilketshall  St  John,  Suffolk,  1579-1608.  R. 
of  Bamaby,  1582-1613.  R.  of  Thorpe-by-Haddiscoe, 
Norfolk,  1591-1613. 

SMITH,  ALTHAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  3,  1667.  Of 
Essex.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1618-g),  of  Hill  Hall,  Essex,  Bart. 
Matric.  1667.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  8,  1670.  Barrister- 
at-law.  Married  (1)  Susannah  Gore;  (2)  Lucy  Garden, 
widow  of  Mark  Lane,  of  London.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount, 
Feb.  23,  1705-6.  Brother  of  Charles  (1659)  and  Edward 
(1654).   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  242.) 

SMITH,  AMBROSE.  B.A.  1585  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Rutland,  pleb.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Apr.  15, 
1580,  age  16;  B.A.  1583.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1588; 
'of  Withicote,  Leics.' 

SMITH,  AMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  19,  1693. 

SMITH,  ANDREW.   B.Civ.L.  1513-4. 

SMITH,  ANDREW.   B.A.  1520-1. 

SMITH,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinixv,  Michs.  1576; 
B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Perhaps  V.  of  Fulham,  Middlesex, 
1593-8,  deprived.   R.  of  Llanvyllin,  Montgomery,  1601-2. 

Smith,  Bernard 

SMITH,  ANDREW.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Beaumont,  Cumberland,  1634-63. 
Died  1663. 

SMITH,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sx  John's,  June  9, 
1669.  S.  of  Long,  vintner,  of  Bourne,  Lines.  B.  there.  School, 
Uppingham  (Mr  Stockman).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3; 
M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  25,  1673.  Perhaps 
V.  of  East  Tilbury,  Essex,  1696-1700.  Died  1700. 

SMITH,  ANDREW.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  i,   1691.    Of 

Newmarket  St  Mary,  Suffolk.   Doubtless  s.  of  James.  Bapt. 

Dec.  10,  1673,  at  Newmarket  St  Mary.   Matric.  1691;  B.A. 

1694-5;   M.A.    1698.    Ord.   deacon   (Norwich)   Sept.   1696; 

priest,  Feb.   1699-1700.    V.  of  Bumham   Overy,   Norfolk, 

1 701.    Probably  R.  of  Thundersley,  Essex,  1701-3.    Died 

SMITH,   ANTHONY.     B.A.    1536-7.     Perhaps   R.  of  Lyndon, 

Rutland,  1547-57.   Died  1557.   One  of  these  names  chantry 

priest  at  Hornby,  Richmondshire,  in  1548. 
SMITH,  ANTHONY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pexerhouse,  Michs. 

1552.    Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Withcote,  Leics.   Of  Kent,  in 

1568.   Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1550).   (Nichols,  11.  184; 

Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  i.  249.) 

SMITH,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  4, 
1673.  S.  of  Anthony,  doctor,  of  Kelthorp,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's, 
1676-7;  M.A.  1692.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  7,  1679-80. 
V.  of  Gainsborough,  1695-1719.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1697-1719. 
Died  1719. 

SMITH,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr. 
25,  1691.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  SnowhiU,  London.  School, 
Bedford.  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M..\.  from  Sidney, 
1698.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1695;  priest,  Sept.  20, 
1696.  C.  of  Wilden,  Beds.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Michael,  Wood 
Street,  London,  1717-21.  Died  at  Newport  Pagnell,  Bucks., 
Aug.  5,  1721.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1723.  Brother  of  John  (1697). 
(Musgrave,  Ob.;  Hennessy.) 

SMITH,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1605; 
B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  18; 
priest,  June  19,  1614.  V.  of  Oundle,  Northants.,  1621. 
Buried  there  Feb.  12,  1641-2.  Father  of  Samuel  (1629)  and 
Nathaniel  (1643). 

SMITH,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  2,  1658.  S.  of  Stephen.  B.  at  Blaekmore,  near  Ingate- 
stone,  Essex.  School,  Chelmsford  (Mr  Peake).  Matric.  1658. 
Brothei-  of  Stephen  (1668). 

SMITH,  BARNABAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Dec.  15,  1670.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  School,  Retford. 
Matric.  167T;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1675;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1676.  V.  of  Gt  Sturton, 
Lines.,  1679.  R.  of  Panton,  1681.  Brother  of  Henry  (1669) 
and  John  (1673).  For  his  son  Barnabas,  B.D.,  see  Al. 

SMITH,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1656. 
Matric.  Easter,  1657;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  8;  priest,  June  10,  1661. 

SMITH,  BENJAMIN.  \Am.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  15, 
1659.  S.  of  John  (?  i6i6),  clerk,  of  Dunmow,  Essex.  B.  there. 
School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  21;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1667.  V.  of  Gt 
Waltham,  Essex,  1670-80.  R.  of  Boxworth,  Cambs.,  1680. 
R.  of  Childerley,  1681.  V.  of  St  Peter's,  Colchester,  1698- 
1714.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  1714.  Brother  of  John 

SMITH,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  19,  1686-7. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1695.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  June  11,  1693. 

SMITH,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  24  (sic))  at  Pem- 
broke, July  18,  1733.  Of  Stamford,  Lines.,  clerk.  Doubtless 
s.  of  Benjamin  and  nephew  by  the  half-blood  to  Sir  Isaac 
Newton  (whose  mother,  Hannah  Newton,  married  as  her 
2nd  husband  the  Rev.  Barnabas  Smith,  R.  of  North  Witham, 
Lines.,  Jan.  27,  1645).  B.  c.  1700.  B.D.  1746  (10  year  man). 
Lived  with  his  uncle  Sir  Isaac  Newton,  c.  1718-27.  Left 
England,  c.  1727  and  resided  at  Paris  for  about  two  years; 
proceeded  thence  to  Rome.  Returned  to  England,  c.  1732. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1732;  'eruditus';  C.  of 
Stamford';  priest.  May  20,  1733.  R.  of  mediety  of  Linton, 
Yorks.,  1733-77.  Buried  there  Jan.  7,  1777.  AI.I.  Brother 
of  Newton  (1713).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  726;  Nichols,  Lit. 
History,  iv.  32;  G.  Mag.,  lxxv.  1144.) 

SMITH,  BERNARD.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  1625,  from  Exeter 
College,  Oxford.  Matric.  there,  Dec.  13,  1622,  age  16.  S.  of 
Bernard,  of  Shute,  Devon.  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1632.  R.  of 
Upper  Lyme,  Devon,  1645,  by  the  Westminster  Assembly. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1656.   (Al.  Oxon.) 


Smith,  Brian 

SMYTH,  BRIAN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  1,1519.  Of  Saltfleetby,  Lines.  B. A.  1522-3;  M. A.  1527; 
B.D.  1534.  Fellow,  1522-35.  On  the  Caput,  1531-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln). 

SMITH,  BRIAN.  Adna.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  15,  1596.  Of 
Suffolk.  S.  of  Thomas.  Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A. 
1604.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  17,  i6io-i.  V.  of  Cavendish, 
Suffolk,  1610-55.  V.  of  Bures,  1612-46,  ejected.  Died  1655. 
Will  (P.C.C);  of  Purleigh,  Essex.   {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

SMITH,  BRIAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1624.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  16,  1622.  C.  of  Whipsnade,  Beds., 
1622-3.  Perhaps  Naval  Chaplain,  1633.  R.  of  Yelford  St 
Nicholas,  Oxon.,  1637.  Licensed  to  marry  Ann,  dau.  of 
Rev.  Richard  Horsmonden,  late  of  Ulcombe,  Kent,  Apr.  i8, 

SMITH,  BRIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1633. 
S.  of  Brian,  of  Cavendish,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640; 
D.D.  1660  {Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Hall,  of  Norwich) 
July  7,  1648.  R.  of  North  Lynn,  Norfolk,  1648.  R.  of 
Rendlesham,  Suffolk,  1660.  R.  of  Little  Wacton,  Norfolk, 
1660-72.  R.  of  Stoke-Ash,  Suffolk.  Of  Wantisden.  {Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  1664.) 

SMITH,  BRIAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  27, 
1655.  S.  of  Brian,  of  Hibaldstow,  Lines.  School,  Lincoln. 
Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  2, 
1660.  V.  of  Hibaldstow,  1660.   V.  of  Bishop's  Norton,  1663. 

SMITH,  BROCKETT.  B.A.  from  King's,  1616-7.  B.  at  Ayott, 
Herts.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  23,  1621,  age  26;  priest. 
Mar.  17,  1621-2.  C.  of  Nasing,  Essex.  V.  of  Roydon,  in  1628; 
probably  there  till  1667.  Married,  at  Hiinsdon,  Herts., 
Isabella,  widow  of  Robert  Baines,  Feb.  20, 1622-3.  Inventory 
of  his  goods  filed  in  1667,  Cons.  C.  London.   (H.  Smith.) 

SMITH,  CALEB.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  6,  1719. 
S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Famdale, 
Kirkby  Moorside.  School,  Coxwold  (Mr  Midgeley).  Matric. 
1719;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
21,  1723;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1730.  Usher  of  the 
Grammar  School,  Northampton,  1723.  C.  of  St  Peter's, 
Northampton,  1733.  Buried  Apr.  3,  1736,  at  St  Peter's. 
{Scott-Mayor,  m.  326;  L.  Mag.) 

SMITH,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1578. 

SMITH,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Lent,  1597-8. 
Perhaps  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1606.  Probably 
V.  of  Litlington,  Cambs.  (Clare  living),  1603-9.  R-  of 
Southery,  Norfolk,  1608-25.   Died  1625. 

SMITH,  CHARLES.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

SMITH,  CHARLES.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  26,  1641; 

B.A.  1645-6.    Possibly  the  same  as  the  next,  but  another 

of  these  names,  s.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk, 

was  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  26,  1646. 

SMITH,  CHARLES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

1644.   S.  of  Sir  John,  of  Sutton,  Kent,  Knt.   B.  in  London. 

Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  May  24,  1639,  age  10.  Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  July  27,  1646.  M.P.  for  Lostwithiel,  1668-79; 

for  Penryn,  1679-81. 
SMITH,  CHARLES.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1659. 

Of  Essex.   S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  HiU  Hall.   B.A.  1662;  M.A. 

1666.     Fellow,    1663-73.     Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1672.    Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  19,  1670-1;  priest,  Mar.  3,  1671-2.   R.  of 

St  Martin's,  Ludgate,  1672-8.    Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1673-8. 

R.  of  Winnington,  Essex,  1675.    Archdeacon  of  Colchester, 

1675-8.  Buried  Sept.  12,  1678,  at  Theydon  Mount.  Brother 

of  Altham  (1667)  and  Edward  (1654).    {Al.  Oxon.;  Misc. 

Gen.  el  Her.,  2nci  S.,  iv.  243.) 
SMITH,   CHARLES.     Adm.   pens,    (age    16)    at    Peterhouse, 

Jan.  18,  1664-5.   Of  Sussex.   School,  Westminster.    Matric. 

1664-5;  Scholar,   1665;  B.A.  1668-9.    Signed  for  deacon's 

orders  (London)  Sept.  23,  1670.    Probably  V.  of  Sompting, 

Sussex,  1671-90;  a  non-juror;  R.  of  Coombe,  1677.   One  of 

these  names  of  Offington,  Broadwater,  Sussex,  clerk;  will 

(Chichester)  1725. 
SMYTHE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  June  29,  1668; 

B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.    Fellow,  1674-82.    Proctor,  1681. 

Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  9,  1672. 
SMITH,  CHARLES.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Queens',  Oct.  30, 

1689.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Stutton,  Suffolk.  School,  Felsted. 

Matric.  1690.    Migrated  pens,  to  Christ's,  Feb.  11,  1690-1. 

B.A.    1693-4.    Ord.   deacon   (London)    May,    1695;   priest, 

Dec.  20,  1696.    (Perhaps  V.  of  Gt  Bromley,  Essex,  1700-10. 

Died  1710.    One  of  these  names  schoolmaster  and  C.  of  St 

BarthoIomew-the-Great,  London,  1705.    Buried  there  Nov. 

20,  1727.)     Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1682).    {Peile,  11. 


Smith,  Desiderius 

SMITH,  CHARLES.  M.A.  from  King's,  1699.  S.  of  William,  of 
Worcester.  Matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  17, 
1687,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1691.  Ord.  priest  (Gloucester) 
June  3,  1694.  V.  of  Ashleworth,  Gloucs.,  1695-1716.  V.  of 
Corse,  1699-1716.   {Al.  Oxon.;  S.  F.  Hockaday.) 

SMYTH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  30)  at  Magdalene,  Oct. 
12,  1700.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Dagenham,  Essex.  School, 

SMYTH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  10,  1729. 
Of  Essex.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Edward  (1703),  of  HiU  Hall,  Essex, 
Bart.  Bapt.  Oct.  12,  1711,  at  St  James',  Westminster.  Adm. 
at  Lincohi's  Inn,  June  20,  1728.  High  Sheriff  for  Essex, 
1760.  Succeeded  as  5th  Bart.,  Mar.  4,  1760.  Married 
Ehzabeth,  dau.  of  John  Burgess,  of  London.  Died  s.p.m. 
Mar.  24,  1773.  aged  61.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1728)  and  WiUiam  (1737-8).  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 
2nd  S.,  IV.  243;  G.E.C.,  in.  235.) 

SMITH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  5,  1745. 
S.  of  William  (1711),  R.  of  Sandcroft  (South  Elmham)  and 
Homersfield,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Mendham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Harleston,  Norfolk  (under  his  father).  Scholar,  1745-53; 
Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1748-9;  M.A.  1753.  Fellow,  1753-74. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1749;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1751. 
V.  of  Weeting,  Norfolk,  1773-94.  Died  Mar.  31,  1794. 
Buried  at  Weeting.  Will  (P.C.C.)  June,  1795.  Brother  of 
John  (1751)  and  William  (1744).  {Venn,  11.  57;  G.  Mag.; 
E.  Mag.) 

SMITH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1555;  B.A.  1559-60;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1563. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1560;  of  Huntingdonshire.  Probably 
adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  1564;  of  Water  Newton, 
Hants,  {sic).   Probably  brother  of  Abel  (1563-4). 

SMYTH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May, 

SMITH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1569;  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar. 
31,  1579.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1619. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Snarford,  Lines.,  1618,  and  V.  of  Middle 
Rasen,  1622-32.  But  see  also  the  next. 

SMITH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  10, 
1590.  Matric.  c.  1591;  Scholar;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  29,  1601,  age  28;  'C.  of  Bungay 
St  Mary,  Suffolk.'  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Bungay,  1602-31. 

SMITH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1605. 

SMITH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1626-7;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  27;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1632.  Probably  C.  of  Whittlesford, 
Cambs.,  c.  1632.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  Master  of 
Aldenham  School,  Herts.,  1634-46.  Died  c.  1646. 

SMITH,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  29,  1715,  afterwards  pens.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  gent, 
(and  Margaret,  dau.  of  Christopher  Mickleton,  of  Crook  Hall, 
Durham).  B.  at  Morton  Grange,  Durham.  Bapt.  Apr.  5, 
1698,  at  Houghton-le-Spring.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Ross). 
Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9.  Brother  of  Robert  (1697). 
{Surtees,  i.  187.) 

SMITH,  CLEMENT.  Matric.  pons,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1572. 
Of  London.  S.  of  George,  of  Philpot  Lane,  London,  merchant 
and  nephew  of  Sir  Thomas  Smith  (1526).  B.A.  1575-6; 
M.A.  1579;  B.D.  1586;  D.D.  1609.  Fellow,  1576-1611.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  28;  priest  (Ely)  Nov.  17,  1577.  R.  of 
St  Botolph,  Cambridge,  1581-4.  R.  of  Skeyton,  Norfolk, 
1595-1611.  V.  of  Oakington,  Cambs.,  during  161 1.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Nottingham.  Died  1611.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1612. 
Brother  of  Edward  (1579).  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  I  v. 
241;  Cooper,  III.  57.) 

SMITH,  CORNELIUS.  B.Can.L.  1514-5.  (Six  years  study 
abroad,  four  at  Oxford  and  two  at  Cambridge.) 

SMITH,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1622. 
Of  Ely,  Cambs.  B.A.  1624-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norivich)  Sept. 
24;  priest,  Dec.  17,  1626.   C.  of  Ovington,  Norfolk,  in  1635. 

SMITH,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  13,  1648-9. 
Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1649.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Jan.  2, 
1651.  B.A.  1652.  Ord.  presbyter  (by  Manchester  Classis) 
Aug.  10,  1653.   Minister  of  Blackley,  1653-4. 

SMITH,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  3,  1693. 
S.  and  h.  of  Daniel,  attorney,  of  Harwich,  Essex.  B.  there. 
School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Stephenson).  Matric.  1693;  B..'^.  1696-7. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  3,  1694.  {Venn,  \.  492.) 

SMITH,    DAVID.     B.Can.L.    1467-8.     Perhaps   R.   of   Little 

Gransden,  Cambs.,  1466. 
SMITH,  DESIDERIUS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Oct.  22,  1605. 

Matric.   1606;  B..^.   1609-10;  M.A.  1613.    Probably  V.  of 

Hailsham,  Sussex,  1623-5. 


Smith,  Edmund 

SMYTHE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Sept.  12, 
1577.  Of  Burton-on-Trent,  Stags.  S.  of  Matthew,  merchant. 
School,  Burton.   Scholar,  until  1582. 

SMYTHE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Nov.  27, 
1579.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Harrow-on-the-Hill,  Middlesex. 
School,  Harrow.  Matric.  1580;  Scholar,  to  Lady  Day  1587; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1588.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593.  Under- 
master  of  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  1588-92;  Head  Master, 
1592-9.  Afterwards  R.  of  Tenby,  Pembroke.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1617;  R.  of  Tenby,  Pembroke.  Father  of  Edmund  (1614). 
{Venn,  1.  104;  Cooper,  11.  285.) 

SMITH,  EDMUND.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1582; 

B.A.  1585-6. 
SMITH,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1585. 

SMITH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  i,  1614. 
Of  London.  S.  of  Edmund  (1579),  minister.  Bapt.  Oct.  30, 
1597,  at  St  Lawrence  Pountney,  London.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  Matric.  1613;  Scholar,  1615-8;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A. 
1621;  M.D.  1627.  Fellow,  1621-7.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1623. 
F.R.C.P.,  1632;  Elect,  1650-4.  Of  St  Andrew's,  Holborn, 
1646.  Physician  in  ordinary  to  the  King.  Died  Feb.  15, 
1653-4.  Will' (P.C.C);  property  at  Tenby,  Pembroke. 
{Venn,  i.  224.) 

SMITH,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1632. 
Of  Essex.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  9,  1639;  probably  priest  (Winchester)  Dec.  20,  1640. 
R.  of  Great  and  Little  Bealings,  Suffolk. 

SMITH,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1644.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651;  M.D.  1658. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1681;  of  Little  Walsingham,  M.D. 

SMITH,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Lent, 

SMITH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  3,  1665.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Fellow, 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1583.  Fellow, 
1577.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1578.  Author, 
religious.  WUl  (P.C.C.)  1585.   {Cooper,  11.  148.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1576; 
B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Perhaps  V.  of  West  Haddon, 
Northants.,  1584-7.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hemington, 
Northants.,  1605-29. 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1579. 
5th  s.  of  George,  of  Philpot  Lane,  London.  B.  at  Theydon 
Mount,  Essex.  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Feb.  10,  1586-7,  age  26.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Swaffham  Bulbeck,  Cambs.,  1593-1638.  Buried  there  June  4, 
1638.  Brother  of  Clement  (1572).  {Misc.  Gen.  el  Her.,  2nd  S., 

IV.  241.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1597;  B.A. 

1598-9;  M.A.  1602;  B.D.  1609.   One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,' 

R.  of  Hargham,  Norfolk,  1616-47.   Perhaps  R.  of  Langford, 

SMITH,  EDWARD.    B.A.  from  Trinity,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20,  1612.    Perhaps 

V.  of  St  Martin  Palace,  Norwich,  1631. 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Perhaps  V.  of  Hackthom, 
Lines.,  1633.   Perhaps  father  of  Edward  (1657). 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1625.  Probably  B.A. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1622;  'B.A. 
of  King's.'  Possibly  his  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1655;  of  Icklingham, 
Suffolk,  clerk. 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1626.  Of  Kent.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Simon,  of  Chart  Sutton, 
Kent,  Esq.  Bapt.  Apr.  13,  1610,  at  Boughton  Monchelsea. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  25,  1629.  Died  unmarried.  Buried 
Mar.  2,  1631-2,  at  Chart  Sutton.  (But  Edward  (1630)  is  an 
equally  probable  identification.)  {Vis.  of  Kent;  H.  G. 

SMITH,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1627.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  the  Middle  Temple. 
If  so,  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  23,  1627.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1635.  Bencher,  1655.  Chief  Justice  of  C. P.,  Ireland, 
1665.   Knighted.   {Middle  Temple  Bench  Book.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  17,  1630.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1632;  B.A.  1633-4.  For  a 
possible  identification  see  also  Edward  (1626). 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  10,  1642. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649. 
Probably  R.  of  Rotherby,  Leics.,  1667-82.  Buried  there 
July  28,  1682,  aged  61.  Will  (Leicester)  1682.  Probably 
father  of  Edward  (1668).   {Nichols,  in.  399.) 

Smith,  Edward 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1645;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1657.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon 
(LiQCohi)  Nov.  16;  priest,  Nov.  17,  1660.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  St  Michael  Bassishaw,  London,  1674-1701.  Died  1701. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1701-2. 

SMYTH,  [?  EDWARD].  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Trinity,  Mar.  27, 
1648.  Of  Essex.  Probably  Edward,  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  WilUam 
(161S),  of  Hill  Hall,  Essex,  Knt.  If  so,  died  in  the  Civil 
Wars.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount,  Jan.  24,  1652,  aged  22. 
{Misc.  Gen.  el  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  243.) 

SMITH  or  SMYTH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  13, 
1654.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1618-9), 
of  HiU  Hall,  Essex,  Esq.  Bapt.  Sept.  28,  1637,  at  Thaxted. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1656-7.  Succeeded  his  father 
as  2nd  Bart.,  May  5,  1668.  High  Sheriff  of  Essex,  1680. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Peter  Vandeput,  of  St  Margaret 
Pattens,  London,  merchant.  Died  June  24,  1713-  aged  76. 
Buried  at  Theydon  Mount.  M.I.,  Smyth.  Brother  of 
Altbam  (1667)  and  Charles  (1659),  father  of  Edward  (1703)- 
{Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  243;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iii.  253; 
G.E.C.,  III.  235.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  26, 
1657.  S.  of  Edward  (?  1622),  clerk,  of  Beelsby,  Lines.  B.  at 
Wrangle,  Lines.  Schools,  Afford  (Mr  Wotton)  and  Rothwell 
(Mr  Carrington). 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  26, 
1668.  S.  of  Edward  (?  1642),  minister,  of  Rotherby,  Leics. 
B.  at  Hoby,  Leics.  Schools,  Loughborough  and  Melton 
Mowbray.  Matric.  1668;  Scholar,  1668-72;  B.A.  1671-2. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  June  11,  1682.   {Venn,  i.  434-) 

SMYTH,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1668.  S.  of 
Edward,  of  Womboum,  Staffs.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall, 
Oxford)  Mar.  22,  1660-1,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1663.  V.  of 
Penn,  Staffs.,  1669.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  3,  1668. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A. 
1675.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3,  1671-2;  priest,  Sept.  20, 
1674.  Perhaps  V.  of  East  Winch,  Norfolk,  1690-1715-  Died 
June  16,  1715,  aged  65.   {Blomefield,  iv.  745.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  13)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  29,  1669.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward,  Bart.,  of  Edmond- 
thorpe,  Leics.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1669.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  8,  1671.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
2nd  Bart.,  Sept.  6,  1707.  Married  Olivia,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Pepys,  of  Merton  Abbey,  Surrey,  June  14,  1683.  Died  s.p.s. 
Feb.  15,  1720-1.  WiU,  P.C.C.   {G.E.C.,m.  181.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  9, 
1682.  S.  of  Dillon.  B.  at  Bourne,  Lines.  School,  Uppingham 
(Mr  Stockman).  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Sleaford,  Lines.,  1691-1703;  M.A. 

SMYTH,  EDWARD.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  16, 

1703.  Of  London.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward  (1654),  B?rt.,  of 
Hill  Hall,  Essex.  B.  1686.  Matric.  1705;  M.A.  1705  {Com. 
Reg.).  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  June  24,  1713.  Of  Hill  Hall, 
Essex.  Married  (1)  Anne,  dau.  of  the  Rt  Hon.  Sir  Charles 
Hedges,  of  Compton  Basset,  Wilts.,  sometime  Secretary  of 
State;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Wood,  of  London.  Died 
Aug.  16,  1744.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount.  Father  of  Edward 
(1728),  Charles  (1729)  and  William  (i737-8).  {G.E.C.,  in. 

SMITH,  EDWARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  15, 

1704.  S.  of  George,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Scholar,  1705;  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A.  1711. 
Fellow,  1710.   Probably  brother  of  George  (1704). 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  18,  1722.  S.  and  h.  of  Roger  (1694),  clerk.  B.  at 
Husband  Bosworth,  Leics.  School,  Melton  Mowbray.  Matric. 
1722.  Probably  D.C.L.  (Oxford,  by  diploma)  1737-  M.P.  for 
Leics.,  1734-62.  Of  Edmondthorpe,  Esq.  Married  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Edward  Horsman,  of  Stretton,  Rutland.  Died  Feb. 
15,  1762,  aged  57.   M.I.  at  Edmondthorpe   {Nichols,  11.  185.) 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  28,  1722.  B.  at 
Coventry,  Warws.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  173°; 
D.D.  1762.  Fellow,  1727-48.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24, 
1732.  R.  of  Datchworth,  Herts.,  1748-85.  V.  of  St  Paul's, 
Walden,  1761-75.  Died  Feb.  22,  1785,  aged  85  {sic).  M.I.  at 
Datchworth.   {Clutterbuck,  11.  319.) 

SMYTH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  16, 
1728.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward  (1703),  Bart., 
of  Hill  Hall,  Essex.  B.  Nov.  12,  1710,  in  St  James'  Court. 
Matric.  1729.  Succeeded  as  4th  Bart.,  Aug.  16,  1744. 
Married  Elizabeth  Mayse,  presumably  illegitimate  dau.  of 
Joseph  Johnson,  of  Milton  Bryan,  Beds.  Died  s.p.  Mar.  4, 
1760.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount.  Brother  of  Charles  (1729J 
and  William  (1737-8).  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  243; 
G.E.C.,  III.  235.) 


Smith,  Edward 

SMITH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June 
18,  1736.  S.  of  John  (?  1701),  clerk.  B.  at  Halton,  Lines. 
School,  Boston.  Matric.  :738;  LL.B.  1742.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1741;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1743.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Milstead,  Kent,  1767,  'LL.B.'  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1786.  S«« /I /.  O.ron.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (1732). 

SMITH,  EDWIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1589.  S.  of 
Robert,  citizen  and  druggist,  of  London.  B.  1575.  B.A. 
1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Fellow,  1597-8.  Died  Aug.  24,  1598, 
aged  23.  M.I.  at  St  Olave's,  Jewry.  Possibly  brother  of 
Henry  (1587).   (A.  Gray;  Cooper,  n.  258.) 

SMITH,  ELIAS.  Matric.  sizar  (age  18)  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1623.  S.  of  Reginald,  of  Ollerton  (?  Northallerton),  Yorks. 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8, 
1628.  Precentor  of  Durham.  Head  Master  of  Durham 
Grammar  School,  1640-66.  V.  of  BedUngton,  Northumber- 
land, 1643,  ejected  soon  after.  Buried  in  Durham  Cathedral, 
Dec.  9,  1676.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SMITH,  ELIAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  7,  1666. 
S.  of  Elias,  deceased,  of  Thorpe,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Hull.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1693.  Master  of 
Halstead  School,  Essex,  1692-1734.  V.  of  Gosfield,  1700-34. 
Died  1734.  Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1735.  (Had  sons,  but 
apparently  no  Elias.) 

SMITH,  ELIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  12,  1690-1. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  25,  1698;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1700. 

SMITH,  ELIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  26,  1727. 
Matric.  1727. 

SMITH,  EMMANUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  6,  1614. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19;  priest, 
Dec.  20,  1 619.   Probably  R.  of  Hartlebury,  Worcs.,  1624. 

SMITH,  EPHRAIM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  17,  1646. 
Of  Surrey.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Chaplain 
of  Trinity,  1652-5. 

SMYTH,  EVERARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  15,  1653-4. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  B.  at  Wilbarston.  Matric.  1653-4; 
Scholar,  1657;  B.A.  1657;  M.A.  1661.  Intruded  R.of  Ayston, 
Rutland,  1659;  conformed,  1660.  R.  of  Hougham-c«»i- 
Marston,  Lines.,  1676.  Will,  1705;  benefactor  to  Wilbarston. 
Doubtless  father  of  the  next.   (Bridges,  11.  363.) 

SMITH,  EVERARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  5,  1682. 
Of  Rutland.  Doubtless  s.  of  Everard  (above).  Matric.  1683; 
B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1690. 

SMITH,  EYRE  FOSTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  5,  1731.  S.  of  Philip  Foster,  attorney,  of  Staffordshire. 
B.  at  Beamhurst.  School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrow).  Matric. 
1731;  B.A.  1735-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  20,  1741; 
priest,  May  20,  1744.  P.C.  of  Guilden  Sutton,  Cheshire,  1747. 
IScott-Mayor,  in.  437.) 

SMITH,  EZECHIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1607. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  19,  1611.  R.  of  Homfield, 
Rutland,  1642.  Probably  R.  of  Amesby,  Leics.,  1663-72. 
Admon.  (Leicester)  1672;  Hezechias,  of  Amesby,  clerk. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1544. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1555. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Crowle,  Lines.;  'Ord.  priest  (Suff.  of  York); 
aged  36;  not  married;  resides;  understands  Latin.'  {Lib. 
Cler.  Lincoln,  1576.) 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1559; 
•Scholar,  1560. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1584.  Probably  migrated  to  Queens',  Dec.  i';86;  'of  Yorks.' 
B.A.  1587-8. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1586. 
Possibly  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1587;  of  Hundon, 
Sufiolk.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  George,  of  Ashby  Folville, 
Leics.,  gent.  B.  1570.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1590.  Knighted, 
July  23,  1603.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Markham. 
Died  May,  1629.  His  son  Charles  was  created  Viscount 
Carington.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.  Perhaps 
brother  of  George  (1591)-  (Compton  Reade,  87;  Nichols,  iii. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1592;  B.A. 
from  St  John's,  1595-6. 

SMYTH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1592;  B.A. 
1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14, 
I59&-7.  Perhaps  V.  of  Fenstanton,  Hunts.,  1597-1630. 
Died  1630.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Gt  Houghton,  North- 
ants.,  1597-1605. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  B.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
William,  of  Stafford,  Warws.,  pleb.  Probably  bapt.  Jan.  19, 
1611-2,  at  Stratford-on-Avon.  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  Nov.  4,  1631,  age  19;  B.A.  1633.  R.  of  Bedworth, 
Warws.,  1648.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

V.  A.c.  IV.  97 

Smith,  George 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1669.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Barrade,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  Grantham  (Mr  Sisson).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3. 
Ord.  priest  (London)  June  6,  1680.  V.  of  Market  Rasen, 
Lines.,  1692.  R.  of  Croxby,  1693.  One  of  these  names  naval 
chaplain,  1689.   Father  of  the  next. 

SMYTH,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June  25, 
1702.  S.  of  Francis  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Market  Rasen, 
Lines.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1705-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21,  1707.   C.  of  Ridlington,  Rutland. 

SMYTH,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  5, 
1702.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  8,  1707;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1708. 

SMITH,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  24, 

1720-1.   S.  of  Thomas,  innkeeper,  of  Sussex.   B.  at  Battle. 

Schools,  Battle  and  Maidstone  (Mr  Walwyn).   Matric.  1721; 

B.A.  1724-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  LUt.  dim.  from  Chichester) 

Mar.  4,  1725-6. 
SMITH,   GABRIEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  29,   1646. 

Matric.   1647;  B.A.   1649.    Probably  minister  of  Audlem, 

Cheshire,   1661-2;  V.,  1662-4.    Died  1664.    Will  (Chester) 

1664.   Probably  father  of  Abraham  (1670). 

SMITH,  GE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1545 

SMITH,    GEORGE.     B.A.    1541-2.     Perhaps    R.   of   Coveney, 

Cambs.,  1548-65,  and  V.  of  Witchford,  1554;  'M.A.' 
SMITH,  GEORGE.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  16,  1553.  Of  Staverton,  Northants.  Matric.  1553; 
B.A.  1557-8.    Fellow,  1556-60.    Will  dated,  Aug.  5,  1560; 
proved  (King's  College)  Oct.  3. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1571. 

SMYTH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1579. 
Probably  s.  of  George.  B.  at  Gt  Waldingfield,  Suffolk.  B.A. 
1582-3.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1591.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1591.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  May,  1588.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Chipping  Warden,  Northants.,  1599-1625  (but  see  also  the 
next).  Died  1625.   (Peile,  i.  153;  Baker,  i.  528;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1581. 
Probably  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1586-7;  M.A.  1590. 

SMYTH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  13, 
1591.  Matric.  c.  1591.  Possibly  3rd  s.  of  George,  of  Ashby 
Folville,  Leics.,  and  grandson  of  Francis,  of  Wootton 
Wawen,  Warws.  B.  1577.  Perhaps  previously  adm.  at 
Oxford.  Matric.  (Gloucester  Hall)  Nov.  27,  1589,  age  13. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1594-5.  Of  Queniborough, 
Leics.,  1619.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Edward  Holt,  of 
Dudston,  Warws.  Died  1642.  Possibly  brother  of  Francis 
(1586).   (Nichols,  III.  29;  Compton  Reade,  87.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1598. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  25,  1599.  Of  Chelsfield,  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  of  George, 
R.  of  Chelsfield,  1576-1626  (died  1626,  aged  80).  B.A.  1603- 
4;  M.A.  1607;  B.D.  1613.  Fellow,  1602-16.  Preb.  of 
Rochester,  1615-46.  R.  of  Aylesford,  Kent,  1626.  V.  of 
Chelsfield  and  Famborough,  1626-46.  Died  Mar.  19,  1646. 
Buried  at  Chelsfield.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1647.  Probably 
father  of  George  (1637).   (Harwood.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE  (1600-1),  see  HOVELL. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr.  12,  1608. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  Lord  of  the 
Manor  of  Annablcs,  Herts.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Nov.  3,  1610.  Knighted,  July,  1616.  Married  Judith,  dau. 
of  Sir  Rowland  Lytton,  of  Knebworth.  Died  Nov.  17,  1620. 
Father  of  Roland  (1633)  and  George  (1634).  (Cussans,  Herts., 
III.  356.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  19,  1622. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  V.  of  Dedham,  Essex, 
1631-62,  ejected.  Died  soon  after.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1663. 
(Davids,  383.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Fellow.  Buried  at  St  Edward's, 
Cambridge,  Nov.  12,  1633.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1633. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1625. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1626. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  10,  1625. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1635.  Perhaps 
V.  of  St  Paul,  Bedford,  1634;  M.A.  Possibly  the  minister 
buried  at  Dunton,  Beds.,  Mar.  22,  1658,  but  other  identifica- 
tions equally  probable. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

Smith,  George 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1629;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept. 

21,  1634;  priest,  May  24,  1635. 
SMITH,  GEORGE.    Maine,  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 

B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.    Perliaps  ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 

Dec.  20,  1640;  'M.A.' 
SMITH,  GEORGE.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  3,  1632.    Of 

Bedfordshire.  Matric.  1632. 
SMITH,  GEORGE.  M.A.  1632  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Sussex, 

cler.  fil.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Binderton,  Sussex.  Matric. 

(Brasenose  College,   Oxford)   Nov.   2,    1621,   age   19;   B.A. 

1623-4;  M.A.  1626.  Probably  died  1659,  aged  57.  (Dallaway, 

I.  167,  where  he  is  styled  'B.D.') 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  25,  1634. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  George  (1608),  of 
Annables,  Herts.  Died  before  1639.  Probably  brother  of 
Roland  (1633).  {Cussans,  iii.  356.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1637.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Probably  s.  of  George  (1599). 
B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1645-6.  Probably  succeeded  his  father 
as  V.  of  Chelsfield  and  Famborough,  Kent,  1646-50.  Died 
July  20,  1650,  aged  32.  M.I.  at  Chelsfield. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, Easter,  1637; 
B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1640-1.  Probably  ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  11,  1641;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1642. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  6,  1649. 
Of  London.  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  B.A.  1652  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of  John, 
of  Nibley,  Gloucs.,  Esq.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  7,  1646-7,  age  17;  B.A.  1650;  M.D.  (Padua)  1658. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1661.  Candidate  R.C.P.,  1661.  F.R.S., 
1663.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  David  Offeley,  Apr.  26, 
1669-70;  (2)  Mrs  Anne  Hoste,  widow,  of  Thistleworth, 
Middlesex,  Oct.  4,  1678.  Died  at  Topcroft  HaU,  Norfolk, 
Aug.  15,  1702.  Will,  P.C.C.   {Munk,  i.  305;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672.  Ot 
Suffolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1674;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 
R.  of  Stoke  Ash,  Sufiolk,  1677-1710.  Probably  V.  of 
Swilland,  1679.   R.  of  Shotley,  1686.   Died  1710. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  King's,  1678.  S.  of  George,  of 
Exeter,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  3, 
1664-5,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1668.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  11, 
1689.  4th  s.  of  William  (?  1649-50),  R.  of  Lowther,  West- 
morland. Bapt.  there,  Mar.  5,  1667-8.  School,  Sedbergh. 
Matric.  1689;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696;  B.D.  1704.  Fellow, 
1694-1711.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  23,  1694.  V.  of 
Welton,  Lines.,  1694.  Chaplain-General  to  the  Forces.  V.  of 
Higham,  Kent,  1710-25.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Colonel 
John  Reddish,  of  Stainhall,  Kent.  Died  Apr.  17,  1725. 
Buried  at  Higham.  Brother  of  John  (1674)  and  father  of 
Richard  (1729-30).   {Scott-Mayor;  Surtees,  iv.  98.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  17, 
1700-1.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Richmond,  Yorks.  School, 
Richmond  (Mr  Will.  Thomson).  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bag  Enderby,  Lines.,  Feb.  20, 
171 1-2,  also  R.  of  Somersby.  Buried  there  June,  1729. 
{Peile,  II.  150.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  31, 
1704.  S.  of  George,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1705;  Scholar,  1705;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A.  1711.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Feb.  1707-8;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1709. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Braughing,  Herts.,  1714-61,  and  R.  of  Ayot 
St  Peter,  1728-33.  Died  1761.  Probably  brother  of  Edward 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  7, 
1709.  S.  of  John  (1674),  preb.  of  Durham,  D.D.  B.  there. 
May  7,  1693.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1709.  Migrated 
to  O.xford.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  18,  171 1, 
age  20.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple.  Ordained  in  the  non- 
juring  church,  and  consecrated  titular  Bishop  of  Durham, 
1728.  Purchased  New  Bum  Hall,  near  Durham,  1717. 
Resided  there.  Anglo-Saxon  scholar;  completed  his  father's 
Bede.  Died  Nov.  4,  1756,  aged  63.  M.I.  at  St  Oswald's. 
Brother  of  Joseph  (1718).   (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  July  9,  1715. 
Of  Suffolk. 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  26, 
1716.  S.  of  John,  clothier,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  'Back  o'  th 
HiU,'  near  Bradford.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1716;  B.A. 
1719-20.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4,  1721;  priest,  Sept.  15, 
1726.  P.C.  of  EUand,  Halifax,  in  1745.  Perhaps  V.  of  North 
Grimston,  near  Malton,  1745.  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  305.) 

Smith,  Henry 

SMITH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  21,  1720.  B.  at 
Wotton-under-Edge,  Gloucs.  Perhaps  s.  of  Offley,  and  grand- 
son of  George  (1652),  M.D.  If  so,  of  Topcroft  Hall,  Norfolk. 
Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  1735.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  WiUiam 
Churchman,  Esq.  Died  Dec.  10,  1745.  {Blomefield,  v.  408; 

SMITH,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 

1724.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Bank 
Newton.  School,  Bolton  (Mr  Carr).  Matric.  1724;  B.A. 
1727-8.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Aug.  16,  1730.  P.C.  of  Sherbum, 
Yorks.  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  367.) 

SMITH,  GERVASE.  M.A.  1622  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Herefordshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Miles  (1586),  D.D.  Matric. 
(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  June  16,  1610,  age  15;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1611;  M.A.  1614.  Of  the  Middle  Temple.  Of 
Burton  Court  in  Eardisland,  Hereford.  Adm.  a  freeman  of 
the  City  of  Gloucester,  Nov.  20,  1624.  Died  Jan.  1,  1625 
(?  1627),  aged  31.  (W.  H.  Cooke,  Grimsworth,  127;  Vis.  of 
Gloucs.;  Musgrave;  Al.  Oxofi.) 

SMITH,  GERVASE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633; 
B.A.  1636-7; M.A.  1640. 

SMITH,  GILBERT.  M.A.  1500-1.  Paid  as  'gardianus'  of  St 
Benedict's  for  the  use  of  the  bells  at  congregations,  1506-10. 
One  of  these  names,  D.D.,  preb.  of  Lincoln,  1498-1549. 
Archdeacon  of  Northampton,  1506-48,  resigned. 

SMITH,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Caius,  Mar.  20, 
1562-3.  S.  of  Gilbert,  of  Pidley,  Hunts.,  gent.  School, 
Godmanchester.   Matric.  1563. 

SMITH,  GILBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1579. 
B.  at  Ridge,  Herts.  B.A.  1582-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Apr.  15,  1584,  age  25.  V.  of  Ridge,  1587-9.  R.  of  Svvithland, 
Leics.,  1588. 

SMITH,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  5, 
1632.  S.  of  Gilbert.  B.  at  Netherdale,  Yorks.  School, 
Mansfield  (Mr  Poynton).  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A. 
1639.  Died  of  consumption,  July  9,  1674,  aged  60.  M.I.  at 
Wimbledon,  Surrey.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1674;  of  St  Dunstan-in- 
the-West.   {Peile,  1.  418;  Mantling  and  Bray,  in.  279.) 

SMITH,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  May  27, 

1725.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.  B.  at  Caythorpe,  Lines.  School, 
Haynton,  Lines.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732. 
Fellow,  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  1,  1729;  priest, 
Dec.  19,  1731.  V.  of  Digby,  Lines.,  1731-82.  R.  of  Blox- 
hohn,  1732-82.  Brother  of  William  (1732). 

SMITH,  GRIFFIN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1577-8.  V.  of  Ketton, 
Rutland,  1586-1602.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1586-1606.  R.  of 
Easton-by-Stamford,  Northants.,  1602-6.  Licensed  to  marry 
Dorcas  Parsons,  widow,  of  Colly  Weston,  Northants.,  Dec. 
10,  1603.  Will  dated,  Aug.  15,  1606;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  12, 

SMITH,  GRIMESHAW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  31,  1708. 
B.  in  London.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1701-7.  Matric.  1709;  B.A. 
1712-3;  M.A.  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23, 
1714;  priest.  Mar.  17,  1714-5.  V.  of  Codicote,  Herts., 

SMITH,  GUY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1683.  Of  Ely, 
Cambs.   Matric.  1683-4. 

SMITH,  HARRISON.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  10, 1693-4.  S.andh.of  George,  of  Osgodby  and  Heming- 
borough,  Yorks.,  Esq.  B.  Feb.  16,  1675-6.  School,  Beverley 
(Mr  Lambert).  Of  Osgodby,  Esq.  Known  as  'Mad  lame 
Smith.'  Buried  at  Hemingborough,  Mar.  15,  1696-7.  {Scott- 
Mayor;  Burton,  Hemingborough,  324.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  B.A.  1510-1;  M.A.  1513-4-  Perhaps  R.  of 
Bramston,  Northants.,  1524-39.  Buried  there  June  2,  1539. 
{Baker,  i.  272.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.   B.A.  1539-40;  M.A.  1542-3- 

SMITH,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1544; 

B.A.  1547-8.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Intwood,  Norfolk, 

SMITH,  HENRY.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

SMITH,    HENRY.     Scholar  of  Trinity,    1562;   B.A.    1564-5. 

Fellow,  1566.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  24,  1566. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

Aug.  24,  1570.   S.  of  Henry,  of  Conington,  Cambs.   Matric. 

1570;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578;  M.D.  1590.  Fellow,  1573-92. 

Taxor,  1582-3.  Adm.  licentiate  R.C.P.,  Dec.  3,  1613.  Buried 

at  Conington,  Cambs.,  Sept.  29,  1625.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan. 

4,   1625-6;  of  St  Michael  Bassishaw,  London,  to  nephew 

Simon  Watson. 
SMITH,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572, 


Smith,  Henry 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  July  17,  i573- 
S.  and  h.  of  Erasmus,  of  Somerby,  and  of  Husbands  Bosworth, 
Leics.  B.  c.  1560.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Lincoln 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  15,  1575-6,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1578-9;  M.A.  1583.  In  Holy  Orders.  Probably  R.  of 
Husbands  Bosworth.  Lecturer  at  St  Clenaent  Danes,  1587- 
90,  where  he  was  known  as  'silver-tongued  Smith.'  Author, 
sermons,  etc.  Buried  at  Husbands  Bosworth,  July  4,  1591. 
aged  34.  M.L  {Cooper,  \\.  \02 ;  N ichols,  w.  1^ \,  i,(A;  D.N. B.\ 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1575; 
B.A.  1579-80.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  17,  1580,  age  23; 
'C.  of  Emneth,  Cambs.' 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1577-8; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Chilton,  Suffolk,  1596-9. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1581.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Osterhanger,  Kent, 
Knt.,  and  Lessee  of  the  Customs.  If  so,  afterwards  of 
Corsham,  Wilts.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  31,  1585. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Owen,  serjeant-at-law. 
Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1607).  {Vis.  of  London,  1634; 
Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iv.  406.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1587. 
Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  London,  merchant.  Migrated  to 
Caius,  May  10,  1589,  age  18.  Scholar,  1589-93;  B.A.  1589- 
90;  M.A.  1593.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  5,  1597, 
as  inceptor  in  artibus  of  Trinity  College  (but  see  also  the 
next).  Probably  V.  of  Kellington,  Yorks.,  1597-1606,  and 
R.  of  Hemsworth,  1606-11.  Possibly  preb.  of  York,  1613-5. 
Probably  brother  of  Edwin  (1589). 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591;  Scholar, 
1593;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597;  D.D.  1612.  Perhaps  ord. 
priest  ( Peterb.)  Mar.  9,  1599-1 600,  as  M.A .  of  Trinity  College. 
Master  of  Magdalene,  1626-42.  Vice-Chancellor,  1626-7, 
1635-6.  Probably  R.  of  Hildersham,  Cambs.,  1614.  Preb. 
of  Lincoln,  1611-29.  Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1629-42.  Died 
before  Nov.  5,  1642.  Buried  at  Teversham,  Cambs.  M.I. 
Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1642.  Father  of  Henry  (1633).  (Magd. 
Coll.  Hist;  Cole.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1603-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1606;  C.  of  Welboum,  Lines.;  perhaps  ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  May  22,  1608;  B.A.  Perhaps  R.  of  Duxford 
St  Peter,  Cambs.,  1618;  there  in  1624.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Hildersham,  1630-55,  resigned.  {Ely  Epis.  Records, 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Nov.  r,  1606. 
Matric.  1606.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  Smyth,  alias 
Neville,  of  Holt,  Leics.  If  so,  of  Cressing  Temple,  Essex,  and 
of  Holt.  A  Colonel  in  the  Royal  army,  1644.  Died  1665. 
{Nichols,  II.  730;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  161 6. 
B.  at  Chalfont  St  Giles,  Bucks.,  1600.  Matric.  1616;  B.A. 
1619-20.  Fellow,  1619,  till  his  death,  1622-3.  Buried  in  the 
Chapel.   {Harwood.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  28,  1617.  B.  in 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  i6i8; 
B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7; 
priest,  June  8,  1623.  Probably  identical  with  the  man  of 
these  names  who  emigrated  to  New  England  to  escape  the 
persecution  of  Archbishop  Laud,  1636-7.  Settled  first  at 
Watertowne,  near  Boston;  afterwards  removed  to  Weathers- 
iield.  Pastor  there,  1641-8.  Died  there  1648.  Described  by 
his  son  Samuel  as  'an  ordained  minister  of  the  Gospelle, 
educated  at  Cambridge  in  England.'   (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1633. 
S.  of  Henry  (1591),  Master  of  Magdalene.  B.A.  1636-7; 
M.A.  1640.  Fellow,  1636.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20, 
1640;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  5,  1642.  R.  of  Hildersham, 
Cambs.,  till  1684.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Campdcn.  R.  of  Bridg- 
ford  and  V.  of  Newark,  Notts.,  1668.  Preb.  of  Southwell, 
1671-1702.  Died  Apr.  14,  1702,  aged  86.  Buried  at  Newark. 
Father  of  Henry  (1673).  (Le  Neve,  Fasti,  iii.  460;  A.  B. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  30,  1638. 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1647. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  June  19, 
1657.  S.  of  Nicholas,  gent.,  of  'Hatton  over  Homcastle,' 
Lines.  School,  Horncaslle.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1.  One 
of  these  names  C.  of  St  Gregory's,  London,  1662;  sub-dean 
of  St  Paul's,  and  one  of  the  Gentlemen  of  the  Chapel  Royal. 
Died  May  23,  1689.  P.C.C. 

Smith,  James 

SMITH,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

1662;  B.A.  1665-6.  One  of  these  names  chaplain  of  Chellas- 

ton,  Derbs.,  1670;  B.A. 
SMITH,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  May  8, 

1669.   Of  Nottinghamshire.   School,  Retford.   Matric.  1669; 

B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1676.   Perhaps 

V.  of  Wragby,  Lines.,  1677;  R.  of  East  Torrington,  1680; 

V.  of  Hainton,  1687,  and  R.  of  Holton  with  Beckering,  1690. 

Probably   brother  of   John    (1673)    and   Barnabas   (1670). 

{Al.  Oxon.) 
SMYTH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  15,  1669.  S.  and 

h.  of  John  (?  1627),  of  Snainton,  Yorks.,  Esq.    B.  Jan.  14, 

1653-4.    Matric.  1669;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1672-3.    Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  18,  1673.  Buried  at  Brompton,  Yorks., 

June  18,  1674.   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  11, 
1673.  S.  of  Henry  (1633),  R.  of  Hildersham.  School,  Hert- 
ford. Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Fellow,  1679. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Hildersham,  1684.  Father  of 
Henry  (1704-5). 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June  30, 
1677.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Waddington,  Lines.  School, 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  June  29, 
1682.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Louth. 
Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1684-5. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  Mar.  24, 
1704-5.  S.  of  Henry  (1673),  clerk.  B.  at  Hildersham,  Cambs. 
School,  Histon.   Matric.  1705. 

SMITH,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1709.  S.  of  William,  deceased.  B.  at  Stanton-on-the-Wolds, 
Notts.  School,  Grantham,  Lines.  Matric.  1709.  Buried  at 
All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Feb.  31,  1710-1. 

SMYTH,  HENRY.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1713.  S.  of  Henry,  of 
Hereford.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  8, 
1699-1700,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1703.  R.  of  Aylton, 
Hereford,  1709.  V.  of  Dormington,  1713-60.  Father  of  the 
next.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

SMYTH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  28, 
1732.  S.  of  Henry  (above),  V.  of  Dormington,  Hereford. 
B.  at  Dormington.  School,  Finchampstead,  Berks.  (Mr 
Rogers).  Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1738;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1740.  R.  of  Aylton, 
Hereford,  1745-79.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  445.) 

SMYTH,  HONORIUS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27, 
1671.  S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  brewer,  of  Leicester.  B.  there. 
School,  Leicester  (Mr  Thomas  and  Mr  Shaw).  Matric.  1671; 
B.A.  1674-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675. 

SMITH,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1544- 
One  of  these  names,  probably  vicar,  buried  at  Stanground, 
Hunts.,  Sept.  24,  1558. 

SMITH,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1564-5. 

SMITH,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  18, 
1636.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  at  Plumstead,  Kent.  Schools, 
Hatton,  Essex  (Mr  Denne)  and  Stortford  (Mr  Leigh). 

SMITH,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
25,  1641.  S.  of  Giles,  gent.,  of  Sevenoaks,  Kent,  deceased. 
B.  there.  School,  Kippington,  near  Sevenoaks,  Kent  (private). 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1645-6.  (Wrongly  identified  by  C.  H. 
Cooper,  with  the  quaker  of  these  names,  who  was  the  son 
of  Humphrey,  of  Stoke  Bliss,  Herefordshire;  bapt.  there, 
Feb.  21,  1624;  for  whom  see  D.N.B.) 

SMITH,  HURD.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1619;  B.A. 
1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Nov.  10,  1625; 
priest.  Mar.  5,  1625-6.  Probably  R.  of  Hitcham,  Suffolk, 
c.  1634-44.  R.  of  Cookley,  1647-50.  R.  of  Middleton, 
Essex,  1658;  re-adm.  1661.   Died  1669.   (H.  Smith.) 

SMITH,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Cars,  July  6,  1635. 
S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Leeds,  Yorks.  School  (private).  Matric. 
1635;  Scholar,  1636-42;  B..A..  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  V.  of 
Harewood,  Yorks.,  1650-73.  Died  1673.  Brother  of  John 
(1640).   {Venn,  i.  318.) 

SMITH,  ISAAC.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1638.    Of  Derbyshire.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Isaac,  late  of 

Padleyfield  Hall,  Derbs.,  deceased.   B.A.  1641-2.   Adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  i,  1640. 
SMITH,  ISAAC  NEWTON.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  29, 

1733-4.   Of  Lincolnshire. 
SMITH,  JAMES.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567. 

Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Fellow,  1573. 

R.  of  Cromwell,  Notts.  Died  1580. 
SMITH,  JAMES.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1581; 

B.A.  1583-4.  One  of  these  names  Master  of  the  Free  School, 

Buckingham,  1594. 



Smith,  James 

SMITH,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1592-3".  B.A. 
1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  V.  of  King's  Sutton,  Northants.,  1601. 
Buried  there  May  16,  1614. 

SMITH,  JAMES.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Ord. 
priest  (York)  May,  1613.  V.  of  Calverley,  Yorks.,  1612-27. 
Died  1627. 

SMITH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Lent,  1612-3. 

SMITH,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  20,  1623. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Licensed 
to  practise  medicine,  1637. 

SMITH,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  10,  1624. 
Of  Limehouse,  Middlesex.  S.  of  Oswald,  of  London,  grocer 
(and  Ann,  dau.  of  Edward  Dene,  of  Gt  Missenden,  Bucks.); 
School,  Limehouse  (Mr  Ambrose).  Matric.  1625;  Scholar, 
1627-31;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  {Vis.  of  London, 

SMITH,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  13,  1674-  Of 
Berkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  London  (and 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Wase,  of  Wmdsor,  Berks.).  B.  at 
Windsor.  Age  8  in  1663.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1669-73-  Matric. 
1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681;  B.D.  1690;  D.D.  1705  [Com. 
Reg.).  Fellow,  1680-90.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Feb.  7,  1680-1.  V.  of  Welford,  Gloucs.,  1689-92.  Chaplain 
to  Bishop  Patrick.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1691-1715.  R.  of 
Rettendon,  Essex,  1693-8.  R.  of  Cottenham,  Cambs.,  1698- 
1715.  '  Preb.  of  Ely,  1702-15.  Died  June  8,  1715.  Will, 
P.C.C.  {Hist,  of  Queens',  220;  Vis.  of  Berks.,  1665,  11. 

SMYTH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  16, 1684-5. 
S.  of  John  (?  1645),  clerk,  of  North  Tuddenham,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Reymerstone.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1685;  Scholar, 
1685-91;  B.A.  1688-9.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Oct.  12,  1693.  V.  of  Stow  Bedon,  Norfolk,  1693-1719;  R-  of 
Caston,  1705-20.  R.  of  Hardingham,  1719-20.  Died  before 
Apr.  20,  1720.  Brother  of  John  (1678-9),  father  of  the  next, 
of  William  (1714)  and  Peter  (1728).  {Venn,  1.  477;  Blomefield, 
II.  283.) 

SMYTH,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  3,  1714. 

5.  of  James  (above),  V.  of  Stow  Bedon,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Stow  Bedon  (Mr  Rudland)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Pate). 
Matric.  1714;  Scholar,  1714-20;  B.A.  1717-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Mar.  13,  1719-20;  priest  (Norwich)  June  12,  1720. 
V.  (and  patron)  of  Stow  Bedon,  1720-50.  C.  of  Breccles 
Magna,  in  1738.  Probably  V.  of  Cobham,  Surrey,  1745-50. 
Died  Aug.  1750.  Brother  of  William  (1714)  and  Peter  (1728). 
{Venn,  11.  11;  Manning  and  Bray,  ii.  739.) 

SMITH,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  King's,  1724.  S.  of  Joshua,  of 
Colne,  Lanes.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  24, 
1710-1,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1714.  Master  of  Stoke  Poges 
Hospital.  R.  of  Cottesford,  Oxon.  V.  of  Hurley,  Berks. 
Married  the  2nd  dau.  of  Henry  Dodwell.  {Al.  Oxon.,  but 
identification  erroneous;  H.  B.  Swanzy;  Hearne's  Diary.) 

SMYTH.  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  2,  1725- 

6.  S.  of  James,  of  Bradford,  Yorks.  B.  1707.  School,  Wake- 
field, Yorks.  Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1727;  B.A.  1729-30; 
M.A.  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1731.  V.  of 
Heversham,  Westmorland.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  George 
Wilson,  of  Kendal.  Died  Jan.  1757.  Buried  at  Heversham. 
Will  (at  Lancaster)  Archdeaconry  of  Richmond.  {Due.  Lead. 

SMITH,  JAMES.  B.A.  1728  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of  James, 
of  St  Andrew's,  Holbom,  London.  Matric.  (Balliol  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  18,  1719-20,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1723-4. 
Possibly  the  same  as  the  next. 

SMITH,  JAMES.    M.A.  1728  {Com.  Reg.). 

SMYTH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  July  1, 
1737;  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  James,  citizen 
and  fishmonger  of  London.  Matric.  1737;  B.A.  1740-1; 
M.A.  1744.  Fellow,  1743.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24, 
1741;  priest  (Ely)  Feb.  26,  1742-3.  R.  of  Orton  Waterville, 
Hunts.,  1751-99  (patron,  Pembroke  College).  Died  1799. 
Perhaps  of  Raunds,  Northants.;  wiU  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  1800. 

SMITH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  8, 
1740.  Of  Baldock,  Herts.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1695),  clerk. 
School,  Repton.   Matric.  1740. 

SMITH,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1671.  Of  Kent. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1440-4.  Canon  of 
St  Osyth,  Essex. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1448-69.  Proctor, 
1449-50.  Parochial  chaplain  of  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge, 
1451-61.  Perhaps  V.  of  Long  Stanton,  Cambs.;  if  so,  fined 
for  non-inception,  1456-7  and  1457-8;  also  for  non-com- 
pletion of  B.D.  degree,  1458-9.   {Gr.  Bk,  A,  268.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.   M.A.  1459-60. 

Smith,  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.   D.Can.L.  1462-3;  fined  for  non-inception.   One 

of   these   names,    'LL.D.,'    Master   of   St   Giles'    Hospital, 

Norwich;  also  R.  of  Coltishall,  1479-89.    Official  principal 

of  Norwich  diocese,  1485. 
SMITH,  JOHN.   B.A.  1464-5-   Possibly  M.A.  1468-9. 
SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1467. 

Of  Worcester.   B.A.  1470-1;  M.A.  1475;  B.D.  1483-4;  D.D. 

1495-6.   Proctor,  1483-4.  Vice-Chancellor,  1497,  1499.  1504- 

Incorp.  at  Oxford  as  D.D.,  1508.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  22, 

1487-8;  priest,  Apr.  5,  1488.   Probably  V.  of  St  Sepulchre's, 

London,  c.  1495-1509.  Head  Master  of  Eton,  1506-8.   Preb. 

of  Lincoln,  1507-9.    Died  1509.    WiU  dated,  May  1,  1509; 

proved  (P.C.C.)  May  8,  1509.    {Cooper,  i.  13,  who  says  he 

was  Vice-Chancellor  1499  and  1504.) 
SMITH,  JOHN.   B.A.  1474-5- 
SMITH,   JOHN.     FeUow  of   Pembroke,    1477.    Of  Yorkshire. 

B.A.  1475-6;  M.A.  1479;  B.D.  1485.    Had  the  CoUege  title 

for  orders,  1477.   According  to  Loder,  Vice-Chancellor,  1497, 

1499  and  1504,  but  see  John  (above). 
SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1481. 

Of  Cambridge.   B.A.  1484-5.   Fellow  and  Bursar  until  1502. 

Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  i,  1486-7. 
SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1491. 

Probably  B.A.  1493.    Perhaps  fellow.    One  of  these  names 

ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  1496-7;  'B.A.,  Fellow  of  King's.' 
SMITH,    JOHN.      Adm.    at    King's,    a    scholar    from    Eton, 

SMITH,  JOHN.  M.A.  1500-1;  B.A.  (Oxford).  Studied  two  years 

at  Oxford,  one  at  Paris  and  one  in  Cambridge. 
SMITH,  JOHN.    B.Can.L.  1503-4.    Perhaps  R.  of  Bilborough, 

Notts.,  1502-38,  and  first  Master  of  Nottingham  School,  c. 

1515-32.   Died  before  Aug.  20,  1538.   (Victoria  Hist.  Notts., 

II.  221-2.) 
SMITH,  JOHN.   B.A.  1505-6. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  B.A.  1511-2.  Perhaps  M.A.  1514-5.  and  B.D. 
1522-3.  Probably  fellow  of  St  John's,  1516.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  'vigil  of  Easter,  1518.'  R.  of  Thorington,  Essex, 
1521-31.  One  of  these  names,  'B.D.,'  R.  of  St  Mildred 
Poultry,  1523-7;  V.  of  Ardleigh,  Essex,  1527;  V.  of  Fulham, 
1545-50;  died  1550.   {Hennessy.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  13,  1525.  Of  Brasted,  Kent.  (A  farmer  at  Ruislip, 
Middlesex,  according  to  Harwood.)  Perhaps  B.A.  1529-30. 
FeUow,  1528-9. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1529-30.  Only  re- 
mained a  year. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  21,  1535.  Ofi  1537.   Of  Bray,  Berks. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Student  at  Jesus,  1536-7. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1550. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  (age  11)  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1552. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1559; 
B.A.  1561.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Norton,  Herts.,  1567. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1560. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1562. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1564-5. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571;  B.D.  1578. 
Fellow,  1568-82.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  July  18,  1571.  V.  of 
Gt  and  Little  Thurlow,  Sufiolk,  1578-9.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1622. 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake  (also  B.D.) 
to  whom  Foster  assigns  these  livings. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565; 
B.A.  1570-1.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Kedington,  Sufiolk; 
wiU  (P.C.C.)  1618. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1566. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1568. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1571;  B.A. 
1575-6;  M.A.  1579;  B.D.  1588;  D.D.  1594.  FeUow,  1578-91. 
Proctor,  1587-8.  Preacher,  1588-9.  V.  of  All  Saints', 
Cambridge,  1584-6.  R.  of  HUdersham,  Cambs.,  1591-1614. 
R.  of  Fen  Ditton,  1592-1614.  Buried  Apr.  12,  1614.  WiU 
(P.C.C.)  1614.  Probably  father  of  Roger  (1610)  and  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  24,  1571.  Of  Risborough,  Bucks.  Matric.  1571;  B.A. 
1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  FeUow,  1574-7.  '  Went  away,  and  lived 
on  his  estate  at  Little  Barfield,  Essex.'  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  29,  1577;  of  Buckinghamshire.  Brother 
of  WUliam  (1573).  {Harwood.) 


Smith,  John 

SMITH  or  SMYTHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov. 
1571;  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Not  the  "Se-baptist"  (as 
stated  by  Cooper,  in.  38  and  D.N.B.),  but  probably  the  man 
who  was  summoned  before  Dr  Peme,  Vice-Chancellor,  for 
a  sermon  preached  at  St  Mary's  on  Ash  Wednesday,  1586, 
in  which  he  declared  that  plays  acted  on  Saturday  and 
Sunday  nights  were  breaches  of  the  Christian  sabbath. 
Possibly  R.  of  Rickingale  Inferior,  Suffolk,  1587.  For  the 
Se-baptist  s«e  John  (1586).   (Peile,  1.  120.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1572; 
B.A.  from  Queens',  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Southacre,  Norfolk,  1581-1623.  Buried  there  Mar.  9,  1623-4. 
Will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  Apr.  21,  1624.  Perhaps  father 
of  Thomas  (1603). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1572.  Of 
Norfolk.  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579;  B.D.  1590.  Fellow,  1578- 
86.  Probably  Proctor,  1587-8.  R.  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge, 
1578-81.  One  of  these  names  Head  Master  of  Ipswich  School, 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  4,  1578. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1578. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9.  Of 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1580. 
B.  at  Stow-CMW-Quy,  Cambs.  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Aug.  5;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1589,  age  26.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Eydon,  Northants.,  1592.  Buried  there 
Apt.  18,  1 63 1. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1581; 
B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.   Fellow  until  1589. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1584; 
B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591. 

SMYTHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1586. 
4th  s.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Sturton-le-Steeple,  Notts.  Under 
age  in  1589  (date  of  father's  will).  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593. 
Fellow,  1594-8.  Ord.  (Lincoln)  1594  (so  he  says  in  his 
Parallels  and  Censures,  etc.,  11.  102;  this  proves  that  he 
was  not  the  preacher  of  the  sermon  at  St  Mary's,  Cambridge, 
in  1585-6,  for  whom  see  John  (1571)).  Preacher  to  the  city 
of  Lincoln,  1603-5.  Separated  from  the  Church  of  England, 
formed  a  congregation  at  Gainsborough,  in  1606,  and  another 
at  Scrooby.  Removed  with  his  family  and  congregation  to 
Amsterdam,  1608;  became  known  there  as  the  Se-Baptist 
(self-baptiser).  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  of  consumption 
at  Amsterdam  in  August.  Buried  at  Nieuwekerke,  Sept.  i, 
1612.   {Peile,  I.  185;  D.N.B.;  W.  T.  Whitley.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1586. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1587.  Of  Lincolnshire. 
B.  at  Sturton,  1571.  Wymondham  scholar.  B.A.  1590-1; 
M.A.  1594.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  22,  1595.  R.  of  Wilsford, 
Lines.,  1606-28.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1627-8. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1587. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1587  (entry 

distinct  from  above). 
SMYTH,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,   Dec.   5,    1590. 

Matric.  1590. 
SMITH,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,   1590-1;  B.A. 

1593;  M.A.  1597.    Possibly  V.  of  Haslingfield,  Cambs.,  1597- 

1612.    One  of   these  names   R.   of   EUesborough,   Bucks., 

1603-35.  Died  1635.  Will,  Archd.  Bucks.  (Peile,  1.  200.) 
SMITH,   JOHN.    Adm.   sizar  at   Emmanuel,    May   22,    1593- 

Matric.  1595;  Scholar;  B.A.  1598-9.   One  of  these  names  V. 

of   Arlesey,   Beds.,  in    1605;   B.A.    Buried   there  July  8, 

SMITH,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596;  Scholar, 

1599;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.    Probably  ord.  deacon 

(Peterb.)  Feb.  24,  1604-5;  priest,  June  15,  1606.    Perhaps 

R.  of  Woodford,  Thrapston,  Northants.,  1608;  R.  of  Sud- 

borough,  1617-21. 
SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  7,  1602. 

S.  of  William,  minister.    B.  at  Elsing,  Norfolk.    Died  in 

College.    Buried   at  Michael's,   Cambridge,   June  4,    1605. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1604)  and  WiUiam  (1609).    (Venn,  i. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

Aug.   25,    1603.    Of  Hunston,   near  Stowmarket,   Suffolk. 

B.  at  Badwell.    B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.    Fellow,  1606-22. 

Fellow  of  Eton,  1622.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Sept. 

19,  1619,  age  34.   V.  of  Broad  Chalk,  Wilts.,  1622;  resigned 

the  same  year.  V.  of  Mapledurham,  Oxon.,  1630.  Died  1635. 

Buried  in  Eton  College  Chapel.  Father  of  John  (1646),  alias 

Hovell.   (Harwood;  Suffolk  Manor  Fam.,  11.  52,  403.) 

Smith,  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611 
(probably  adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  4,  1604).  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1608;  'B.A.  of  St  John's";  priest,  Feb. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1609. 
Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard,  of  Leedes  Castle,  Kent, 
Knt.  Succeeded  his  father  in  1628.  Died  s.p.  Mar.  20,  1632, 
aged  40.  (Hasted,  11.  476.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  B.D.  1612-3  (Incorp.  from  Pont-k-Mousson). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1613;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1620.  Probably  ord.  priest  (Nor- 
wich) Mar.  1,  1617-8.  R.  of  Cockfield,  Suflolk,  1624.  Of 
the  Suffolk  Classis,  Nov.  5,  1645.  Buried  at  Cockfield,  Tune 
21,  1676.  Will  proved  (Bury)  July  20,  1676.  Father  of 
William  (1648). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  26;  priest, 
May  27,  1621. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616; 
B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Perhaps  R.  of  Shoebury,  Essex, 
1635;  V.  of  Gt  Dunmow,  1655-60.  Perhaps  father  of 
Benjamin  (1659)  and  John  (1651). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  27,  1616. 
Matric.  1616. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1620. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  John  (1571),  R-  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs. 
If  so,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  18,  1621-2.  Probably  brother 
of  Roger  (1610). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1622; 
B.A.  1625-6. 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  28,  1623. 
S.  of  WiUiam,  merchant,  of  London.  School,  Croydon, 
Surrey.  Matric.  1623.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Mar.  19,  1621-2;  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Peper  Harrow, 
Surrey.  (Venn,  i.  262.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  23,  1627.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  James,  of  Snainton  in 
Pickering  Lythe,  Yorks.  (and  Helen,  dau.  of  Francis  Sare 
(PSayer),  of  Worsall,  Cleveland).  Matric.  1627;  Scholar, 
1629.  Of  Snainton,  Esq.  Age  53  in  1665.  Married  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Christopher  Greene,  of  London.  Author  of  Cytherea, 
or  The  Enamouring  Girdle;  a  comedy.  Will  dated,  June  1, 
1681.  Probably  father  of  Henry  (1669).  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1665;  N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  iv.  112.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628. 
(See  the  next.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628. 
One  of  these  (if  two)  B.A.  1631-2. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Fellow  till  1638.  Taxor, 
1636.  Buried  at  St  Peter's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  23,  1638. 
Will  (V.C.C).  Benefactor  to  Magdalene  by  the  foundation 
of  scholarships  for  students  from  Manchester  School. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  5,  1629. 
Matric.  1629. 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  24, 
1630-1.  S.  of  Robert,  clothier,  of  Dedham,  Essex.  B.  there. 
School,  Dedham.   Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1631. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  20, 1631. 
S.  of  Richard,  draper,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Richmond.  Matric.  1632.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Mar. 
1634.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
24,  1637;  priest.  May  20,  1638. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  24, 
1631-2.  S.  of  Thomas,  mercer,  of  London.  B.  at  Alderman- 
bury,  London.    Matric.  1632.    Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln' 
Inn,  May  15,  1634. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  24,  1633. 
S.  of  Edmund,  attomey-at-law.  B.  at  Strumpshaw,  Norfolk. 
School,  Strumpshaw  (Mr  Hayward).  Matric.  1633.  Probably 
scholar,  1635-40;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1640  (one  of  these  names  ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9,  but  see  also  John  (1634)).  R.  of 
Rockland,  Norfolk,  tiU  1676.  V.  of  St  Michael  Coslany, 
Norwich,  1663-76.  Died  Apr.  12,  1676,  aged  59.  Perhaps 
father  of  John  (1661).  (Venn,  1.  318.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633;  B.A. 
1637;  M..\.  1641. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  2,  1634.  S.  of 
Thomas.  B.  at  Norwich.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1642. 

Smith,  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  3,  1634. 
S.  of  Charles,  husbandman,  of  Gargrave,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Earby  (?  Easby),  Yorks.  Matric.  1634.  Perhaps  B.A. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct.  25,  1634. 
Probably  7th  s.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Bacton,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
Oct.  25,  1614.  School,  Botesdale  (Mr  Eason).  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Possibly  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  10,  1638-9,  but  see  also  John  (1633),  of  Caius.  Probably 
of  Haughley,  Suffolk;  entered  his  pedigree  in  the  Suffolk 
Vis.  of  1664  (where  he  is  described  as  of  Haughley,  gent.). 
If  so,  married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Rysing,  of  Dereham, 
Norfolk;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Alden,  of  Gissing. 
{Venn,  i.  316,  318;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  i.  178.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  30,  1635. 
S.  of  Nicholas  (?  1606),  M.A.,  of  Halton-in-Amchffe,  Yorks. 
B.  at  Clapham,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1635; 
B.A.  1638-9. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  5,  1636. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  B.  at  Achurch,  near  Oundle,  1618. 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  Intruding  fellow  of 
Queens',  1644-52.  The  Cambridge  Platonist.  Author, 
Select  Discourses.  Died  Aug.  7,  1652,  aged  35.  Buried  in 
Queens'  College  Chapel.  ^X')11  proved  (V.C.C.)  1652;  'of 
Aychurch';  benefactor  to  Queens'.   {D.N.B.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  M.A.  1637  (Incorp.  from  0.\ford).  S.  of  Henry, 
of  Elberton,  Gloucs.,  pleb.  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford) 
Nov.  4,  1631,  age  18;  B.A.  1633;  M.A.  1635-6.  Perhaps 
P.C.  of  Westbury-on-Trym,  Gloucs.,  1638;  not  there  in  1650. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  12,  1637-8.  Matric. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   M.A.  from  Trinity,  1638. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  26,  1640. 
S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Leeds.  Bapt.  Apr.  11,  1624,  at  St 
Peter's.  School,  Leeds  (Mr  Pullein).  Matric.  1640.  Brother 
of  Isaac  (1635). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1644. 
B.  at  Bradfleld,  Berks.,  1629.  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647-8; 
M.A.  1651.  Fellow,  1647-57.  Perhaps  incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1654.  Presented  to  rectory  of  Dunton  Waylett,  1655,  but 
declined.  Beneficed  in  Warwickshire.   (Harwood') 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1645-6;  B..A..  1649-50.  Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  July,  1662;  B.A.  Perhaps  R.  of  Reymerstone, 
Norfolk,  c.  1662;  R.  of  North  Tuddenham,  1670-87.  Died 
there  Nov.  3,  1687,  aged  60.  M.I.  Perhaps  father  of  John 
(1678-9)  and  James  (1684-5).  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  v.  93; 
Blomefield,  x.  267.) 

SMITH,  alias  HOVELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1646.  S.  of  John  (1603).  B.  at  Eton,  1627.  Matric. 
1646;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Fellow,  1649-1706.  Proctor, 
1668-9.  Vice-Provost,  1694-1706.  Died  Aug.  23,  1706, 
aged  79.  Buried  in  the  CoUege  Chapel.  M.I.  (Probably  the 
'Jo.  Smith,  of  King's'  to  whom  his  god-father,  Thomas 
Weaver,  fellow  of  Eton,  left  the  advowson  of  Elvesham, 
Kent,  in  1651.)   {Suffolk  Manor  Fam.,  11.  51;  Harwood.) 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  10, 
1646.  S.  of  Thomas,  parish  clerk,  of  Eccles,  Lanes.  Bapt. 
there,  Nov.  10,  1622.  School,  Eccles  (Mr  Jones).  Matric. 
1646;  B.A.  1649-50.  Schoolmaster,  registrar,  and  parish 
clerk  at  Eccles.  As  a  '  hopeful  young  man '  he  was  appointed 
usher  at  Gt  Crosby  School,  Lanes.,  c.  1648.  Died  Nov.  16, 
1656.   Probably  buried  at  Eccles.   (Scott-Mayor,  i.  xxii.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  8,  1650. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Hardwick,  Cambs.  School,  Huntingdon 
(Mr  Taylor). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  15,  1651  Of 
Leicestershire.  Matric.  1651;  Scholar,  1652;  B.A.  1654-5; 
M.A.  1658.  One  of  these  names  of  Diseworth,  Leics.,  clerk; 
wiU  (Leicester)  1665. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  23, 
1651.  S.  of  John  (?  1616),  minister,  of  Dunmow,  Essex. 
B.  at  South  Shoebury.  School,  Bishop's  Stortford.  Matric. 
1651;  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659.  Perhaps  R.  of  Winwick, 
Hunts.,  c.  1660-96.  Buried  there  Nov.  17,  1696.  Brother 
of  Benjamin  (1659),  perhaps  father  of  John  (1677)  and  Lewis 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1655.  Of 
Staffordshire.   Matric.  1655. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1656. 
B.  at  Saling,  Essex,  1639.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1660.  Fellow, 
1650-62.  V.  of  Wadhurst,  Sussex,  1662-1714.  Buried  there 
Feb.  2,  1713-4.   Father  of  John  (1718). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke.  Matric.  1656-7; 
B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest 
(T.  Sydserf,  Bishop  of  Galloway)  Dec.  13,  1660;  R.  of  Barns- 
ton,  Essex,  1662.  Died  1699. 

Smith,  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  15,  1657. 
S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Belton,  Leics.  School,  Osgathorpe  (Mr 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  21,  1658.  Of  Suffolk. 
S.  of  John,  clerk.  Matric.  1658.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  17,  1660.  Scholar,  1660;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  c.  1665.  R.  of  Rollesby,  Norfolk,  1671-84 
(presented  by  his  father).  (T.  C.  Dale,  Lambeth  Act  Books; 
Blomefield,  xi.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1659.  Of  Kent. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  9,  1659- 
60.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663;  M.A.  1667.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  2,  1667.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  R.  of  Thorpe-by- 
Newark,  Notts.,  1675.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1660-1). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  4,  1660.  Of 
Essex.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  11,  1660-1.  Matric. 
1661;  B.A.  1663.  Fellow,  1664.  Buried  at  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  Nov.  16,  1664.   {Ely  Episc.  Records,  265.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1660. 
Matric.  1661. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1661.  Of 
Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1633).  Matric.  1661.  Probably 
B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1669.  Perhaps  R.  of  Rockland  and 
Holvestone  mediety,  Norfolk,  1676-84.  Possibly  father  of 
John  (1690). 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  23,  1662,  from 
Corpus  Christi  (in  residence  there  from  June  24,  1661). 
Probably  B.A.  1668-9. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  26,  1664.  Of 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  10,  1665. 
Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678; 
priest,  Feb.  16S0-1. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  28,  1666. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Milton,  Derhs.  School,  Repton.  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1669-70.  Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1671; 
priest  (Worcester)  Sept.  1676;  C.  of  Caulk.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Lowesby,  Leics.,  1672.  V.  of  Tilton  (adjacent),  1681-1712. 
Died  Aug.  9,  1712.  Buried  at  Tilton.  M.I.  Perhaps  father 
of  Thomas  (1691).   {Peile,  11.  4;  Nichols,  in.  471.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  15,  1666. 
S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Stansted,  Essex.  Schools, 
Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Thos.  Leigh)  and  Elmdon  (Mr 
Howard).  Matric.  1667.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge, 
Nov.  30,  1669. 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  19, 1669. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Canterbury.  B.  there.  School,  Canter- 
bury (Mr  Lovejoy).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676. 
Doubtless  fellow  of  Jesus,  1677-83  (vacant  by  nwriage). 
Probably  V.  of  Chart  Sutton,  Kent,  and  R.  of  Hastingleigh, 
1718-32.  (If  so,  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Chart,  Kent,  and  Mary 
Bargrave,  dau.  of  the  Dean  of  Canterbury;  bapt.  at  Eastry, 
Mar.  8,  1651).  Died  Dec.  7,  1732.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1732.  {Vis. 
of  Kent,  1663;  Hasted,  11.  406-9.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  2,  1670. 
S.  of  John,  scrivener,  of  Canterbury.  B.  there.  School, 
Canterbury  (Mr  Lovejoy).  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A. 
1677.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  6;  priest,  Apr.  8,  1678. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28,  1671.  Matric. 
1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M-A.  1678.  Probably  incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1682.  Perhaps  R.  of  Lea,  near  Gainsborough,  1679;  R-  ot 
Gate  Burton,  Lines.  Buried  at  Lea,  Dec.  28,  1710. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  26,  1672. 
4th  s.  of  Roger,  of  Frolesworth,  Leics.,  deceased.  B.  Jan.  6, 
1657,  at  Thumby,  Leics.  School,  Barwell.  Matric.  1672. 
Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Sept. 
12,  1676,  age  19.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  x,  1678.  Bar- 
rister, 1684.  Serjeant-at-law,  1700.  Puisne  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer.  Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer  in  Scotland. 
Died  unmarried,  June  24,  1726,  aged  70.  Buried  at  Froles- 
worth. M.I.  Brother  of  Roger  (1669).  (A'jctote,  11.  184,  846; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  9, 
1673.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  School,  Retford.  Probably 
brother  of  Henry  (1669). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  12, 1674- 
S.  and  h.  of  William  (?  1649-50),  clerk,  R.  of  Lowther, 
Westmorland.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  18,  1659.  School,  Appleby. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681;  D.D.  1696.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1679;  priest,  1681;  C.  of  Croxdale, 
Durham,  1682-4;  C.  of  Witton  Gilbert,  1684-95.  Canon 
of  Durham,  1683;  Sacrist,  1689.  Preb.  of  Durham,  1695- 
1715;  Treasurer,  1699.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Lansdowne  at 
Madrid,  1686-9.   R-  of  Gateshead,  1695-1704.  R.  of  Bishop 


Smith,  John 

Wearmouth,  1704-15.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Cooper, 
of  Scarborough.  Author,  Works  of  Bede,  etc.  Died  in  Cam- 
bridge, July  30,  1715,  aged  56.  M.I.  in  the  College  Chapel. 
Brother  of  George  (1689),  father  of  George  (1709)  and  Joseph 
(1718).   {D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  ill.  266.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  23,  1676-7.  Of 
Salop.   Matric.  1677. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1677;  B.A.  1677-8. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  7,  1677. 
S.  of  John  t?  1651),  R.  of  Winwick,  Hunts.  B.  at  Wilbarston, 
Northants.  School,  Harborough,  Leics.  (Mr  Berry).  Matric. 
1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684;  D.D.  1696.  Brother  of  Lewis 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Jan.  21,  1678-9. 
S.  of  John  (?  1645),  clerk,  of  North  Tuddenham,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Reymerstone.  Schools,  Wymondham  and  Seaming 
(Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1679;  Scholar,  1679-84;  LL.B.  1684. 
Licensed  by  the  bishop  to  practise  physic  in  the  diocese  of 
Norfolk,  Mar.  6,  1694-5.  Brother  of  James  (1684-5).  (Venn, 
I.  460.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  31, 
1679.  Of  Northamptonshire.  B.  1663.  School,  Market 
Harborough.   Matric.  i68i;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1683-4. 

SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  7,  1680. 

S.  of ,  deceased,  steward  to  Mr  Brownloe.  Matric.  i68i ; 

B.A.  1684-5. 
SMITH,   JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,   1690.    Of 

Norfolk.    Possibly  s.  of  John  (1661).    Matric.  1691;  B.A. 

1694-5.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1696;  priest,  Sept. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  25,  1690.  S.  of , 

clerk,  deceased.    Ot  Cambridgeshire.    Matric.  169 1.  Rustat 

Scholar,  1693;  B..A..  1694-5;  M.A.  1698. 
SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  July  8,  1692.   S.  of 

John,  clerk,  deceased.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Leedes). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  July  13, 
1692.  Resided  till  Lady  Day,  1694.  S.  of  John.  B.  at 
Barham,  Sufiolk.  School,  Bury.   {Peile,  ii.  126.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1693.  Of  Kent. 
School,  King's,  Canterbury.  Matric.  Lent,  1697;  B.A. 
1698-9;  M.A.  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  12,  1701; 
priest  (Lincoln,  Lift.  dim.  from  Canterbury)  Sept.  22,  1706. 
V.  of  Preston,  Kent,  1706-18.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Jersey. 
V.  of  Milton,  1711-4.  Head  Master  of  King's  School,  Canter- 
bury, 1714-8.  Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral,  Feb.  7, 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  5,  1697. 
2nd  s.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Snowhill,  London.  Matric.  1697. 
Brother  of  Anthony  (1691). 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1697.  Of  Sussex. 
Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1706.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chichester)  June  11,  1704;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1705.  R.  of 
Poynings,  Sussex,  in  1706,  and  V.  of  Framfield,  1706. 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Comwallis.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Oct.  15,  1701.  Of  Lincoln- 
shire. Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  19,  1706;  priest  (Carlisle)  Feb.  29,  1707-8. 
Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  AthoU.  R.  of  Raithby,  Lines., 
1707.  R.  of  Halton  Holgate,  1711.  Probably  father  of 
Edward  (1736)  and  John  (1732). 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1711,  from  Trinity  CoUege, 
Oxford.  Perhaps  s.  of  J.,  of  Cold  Newton,  Leics.,  clerk. 
Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  5,  1689-90,  age  16; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1693. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  4,  1712.  Of  Standish, 
Lanes.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6.  P.C.  of  Heapey,  Lanes., 

SMITH,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1714  (adm.  Nov.  3, 1713). 
from  Trinity  College,  Oxford.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of 
Chalbury,  Oxon.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  3, 
1694,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1698.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Dormer. 
R.  of  Teigh,  Rutland,  1704-37.  V.  of  Tilton,  Leics.,  i7i3-33- 
(T.  C.  Dale;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  apparently  confused  with 
John  (1711).) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  1715-6. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1718. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1656).  B.  at  Wadhurst,  Sussex.  Died 
in  College  of  small-pox,  July,  1719. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  20,  1718-9. 
S.  of  John,  of  Cambridge.  School,  Perse,  Cambridge  (Mr 
Sparkes).  Matric.  1718-9;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  i,  1723-4;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1725.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Carleton,  Norfolk,  1729;  died  Jan.  10, 1758. 

Smith,  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Mar.  1718-9; 
LL.B.  1725.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1719;  priest, 
Sept.  25,  1720.  Perhaps  R.  of  Faldingworth,  Lines.,  1720. 
Settled  in  Lincolnshire  and  devoted  himself  to  the  study  of 
the  development  of  the  woollen  industry.  Author,  Chronicon 
Rusticum-Commerciale.  (D.N.B.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  27,  1720. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1720; 
Scholar,  1723;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728.  Chaplain  of  Trinity, 
1727-58.  Ord.  priest  (Ely,  Lift.  dim.  from  Rochester)  June  i, 
1729.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Saviour's,  Southwark,  Surrey, 
1730-53-  Died  Jan.  30,  1794,  aged  89.   (G.  Mag.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  31,  1721. 
S.  of  George,  of  London.  School,  Maidstone,  Kent  (Mr 
Walwin).  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1725. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  1722-3. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1723. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Aldenham,  Herts.  Bapt.  Dec.  14,  1705. 
Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1727-8;  M.A.  1731.  Fellow,  1727. 
Proctor,  1742-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1733.  Learned  in  Civil 
Law  and  esteemed  an  excellent  Algebraist.  Succeeded  to 
an  estate.  Died  near  St  Albans,  Mar.  22,  1775,  aged  71.  M.I. 
at  St  Albans.   (Harwood,  310;  G.  Mag.;  Clutterbuck,  i.  61.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  26, 
1723-4.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Somerset.  B.  at 
Stogumber.  School,  Taunton  (Mr  Upton).  B.A.  1726-7. 

SMITH,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  12,  1725. 

S.  of  John,  of  Highgate,  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 

1726.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  1,  1729;  priest,  June  i, 

SMITH,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  12,  1727.    Of 

Hampshire.    Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1730-1;  M.A.  1734.    One 

of  these  names  R.  of  Hawstead,  Suffolk,   1737-62;  M.A. 

Died  Jan.  4,  1762.   Will  (Bury)  1762. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  July  i,  1729. 
S.  of  J.,  merchant,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Diss.  School,  Diss 
(Mr  Randal).  Matric.  1729-30. 

SMYTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1729. 
Probably  s.  of  Edward,  of  Worlaby,  Lines.  B.  at  Bonby, 
171 1.  Scholar,  1729;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  1735-6;  C.  of  Worlaby.  R.  of  Skirbeck, 
Lines.,  1736.  V.  of  Borden,  Kent,  1760-8.  Died  Nov.  11, 
1768,  aged  57.  Buried  at  Borden.  Will,  P.C.C.  (H.M.Wood; 
Peile,  II.  221.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  12,  1732. 
2nd  s.  of  William,  shoemaker,  of  Melton  Mowbray,  Leics. 
Matric.  1732-3;  B.A.  1735-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  21, 
1735-6;  priest,  June  5,  1737.  V.  of  Loddington,  Leics., 
1745-55.  Died  Dec.  23,  1755,  aged  44.  Buried  at  Melton 
Mowbray.  M.I.   (Nichols,  11.  257.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  30,  1732. 
S.  of  John  (?  1701),  clerk,  of  Lincolnshire.  B.  at  Spilsby. 
School,  Glamford-Brigg  (Mr  Waterworth).  Matric.  1732; 
B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  20, 
1736;  priest,  June  5,  1737.  C.  of  Halton  Holgate,  Lines., 
1736.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1736).  (Scott-Mayor,  lu. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  19,  1732. 
S.  of  Henry,  attorney,  of  Coltishall,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there, 
Oct.  14,  171 1.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Reddington)  and  Eton. 
Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1732-9;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1739; 
D.D.  1764.  Fellow,  1739-44.  Master,  1764-95.  Proctor, 
1755-6.  Vice-Chancellor,  1766-7.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
July  15,  1739;  'C.  of  Coltishall,  Norfolk.'  Lowndean  Pro- 
fessor of  Astronomy,  1771-95.  Chancellor  of  Lincoln.  Died 
June  17,  1795.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  Will  proved 
(P.C.C.)  1795.  Benefactor  to  the  College.   (Venn,  11.  35.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Feb.  18, 
1736-7.  S.  of  Richard  (?  1688),  of  Market  Bosworth,  Leics., 
clerk.  Matric.  1737;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1744.  Fellow,  1741. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1742;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1744- 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  28,  1739. 
S.  of  Kenelm.  B.  at  Barrowdon,  Rutland.  School,  Upping- 
ham. Matric.  1739;  B.A.  1742-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  23,  1744;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1746;  C.  of  Harrold,  Beds., 
1744.  Perhaps  V.  of  Ravensden,  1751-86,  and  V.  of  Willing- 
ton,  1751-86.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  503.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  July  2, 
1739.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Wath.  Scholar,  1739;  Matric. 
1740;  B.A.  1742-3. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  i,  1740. 
S.  of  John,  deceased,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Stanway.  School, 
Dedham  (Mr  Grimwood).  Matric.  1740-1;  B.A.  1744-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20,  1747.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk,  i75i-4- 


Smith,  John 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  7,  i744- 
S.  of  Richard  (1706),  R.  of  Alexton,  Leics.  B.  there.  School, 
Uppingham,  Rutland.  Matric.  i744;  B.A.  1748-9;  M.A. 
1752.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from  Lincoln)  Feb.  23, 
1752.  R.  of  Thistleton,  Rutland.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
R.  of  Alexton,  Leics.,  1762-70.  Died  Mar.  17,  1770-1.  M.I. 
at  Alexton.   {Nicliols,  in.  11.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Sx  John's,  Nov.  i,  1748. 
S.  of  George,  cutler,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  in  Sheffield.  School, 
Sheffield  (Mr  Marshal).  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1753;  MA.  1764. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Mar.  i8,  1753;  priest  (York)  Sept.  22, 
1754.  C.  of  Hooton  Roberts.  V.  of  AttercUffe,  175S-76. 
Head  Master  of  Sheffield  Grammar  School,  1758-76.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  in.  584.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  7, 
1 75 1.    S.  of  John,  of  Newland,  Yorks.    School,  Bradford, 

Yorks.  (Mr  Butler).   Matric.  1751. 

SMITH,  JOHN.  .\dm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  5,  1751- 
S.  of  John,  surgeon,  of  Wymondham.  Bapt.  there.  Mar.  8, 
1731-2.  School,  Wymondham  (Mr  Evans).  Scholar,  175 1-6; 
B.A.  1755.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  8,  1759;  C.  of  Brom- 
ham,  Beds.,  1759-69.   (Venn,  11.  66.) 

SMITH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  4,  1751. 
S.  of  William  (171 1),  R.  of  Homersfield  and  Sandcroft, 
Sufiolk.  B.  at  Mendham,  Norfolk.  School,  Harleston  (under 
his  father).  Scholar,  1751-9;  B.A.  1756;  M.A.  1759.  Fellow, 
1759-82.  Proctor,  1776-7.  University  Scrutator,  1778. 
V.  of  Bratton  Fleming,  Devon,  1780.  V.  of  Mattishall, 
Norfolk,  1781.  Died  Apr.  11,  1803.  Buried  at  Mattishall. 
M.I.  Brother  of  Charles  (1745)  and  William  (1744).  (Venn, 
II.  66.) 

SMYTH,  JONAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Jan.  28,  1622-3. 
Of  Radwinter,  Essex.  S.  of  George,  wooUendraper.  School, 
Perse,  Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1623;  Scholar, 
1625-30;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Licensed  schoolmaster 
at  Moulton,  Lines.,  1632.  Buried  there  Aug.  8,  1639.  Will, 
Lincoln.   (Venn,  i.  260.) 

SMITH,  JONATHAN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  11, 

1 63 1.   4th  s.  of  Richard,  advocate,  of  Cransley,  Northants. 

Bapt.  there,  Aug.  29,  1613.   School,  Broughton  (Mr  Ladd). 

Matric.  1631;  B..^.  1634-5. 
SMITH,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16  sic)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  4, 

1633.  S.  of  Robert  (1593),  V.  of  Weedon,  Northants.  Bapt. 

there,  Nov.  5,  1614.   School,  Daventry  (Mr  Simon  Wastell). 

Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Brother  of  Theophilus 

SMITH,  JONATHAN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Nov.  24,  1673. 

Matric.    1675;    Scholar,    1676;    B..-^.    1677-8;    M.A.    1681. 

Fellow,   1680.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1687.    Probably  of  the 

Inner  Temple;  licenced  to  marry  Sarah  EUiott,  of  Lambeth, 

Surrey,  widow,  Nov.  16,  1687.   V.  of  Bottisham,  Cambs.,  in 

1693.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
SMITH,  JORDAN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1584; 

B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1586-7. 
SMITH,  JOSEPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609. 

Of  Norfolk.    B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,   1612-3.    Perhaps 

R.  of  Smthland,  Leics.,  1623. 
SMITH,  JOSEPH.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616. 

Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1626; 

SMYTH,  JOSEPH.   'Of  Queens'  CoUege';  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

June  16;  priest,  June  17,  1622;  literate. 
SMITH,   JOSEPH.    M.A.   1640   (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

John,  of  Welton,  Northants.,  pleb.   Matric.  (Merton  College, 

Oxford)  June  13,  1634.  age  18;  B.A.  1634;  M.A.  1637.   Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5,  1642. 
SMITH,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1668.  Matric. 

Easter,  1672;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 

Dec.  24,  1676.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 

Leics.,  1716-20.    Buried  there  Mar.  21,   1720-1.    Admon. 

(Leicester)  1721.  (Nichols,  in.  619.) 
SMITH,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  7,  1714. 

S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Hanley,  in  the  parish  of  Staveley,  Derbs. 

School,  Tuxford  (Mr  Taylour).  Matric.  1714;  Scholar,  1715; 

B.A.  1718-9.    Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1722.    (Peile,  11. 

SMITH,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  31, 

1718.   S.  of  John  (1674),  D-D-,  preb.  of  Durham.    B.  May, 

1701.    School,  Westminster.    Scholar,   1719;  B.A.   1721-2; 

M.A.  1725.    Fellow,  1724.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  5, 

1726.    R.  of  Nowton,  Suffolk.    Died  1734.    Buried  at  All 

Saints',  Cambridge.   Brother  of  George  (1709).   (Surtees,iv. 

98 ;  Burke,  L.G.) 
SMITH,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  22, 

1722.  S.  of  John,  butcher,  of  Wiltshire.   B.  at  Marlborough. 

Smyth,  Matthew 

School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28,  1727;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1728.  C.  of 
Sutterton,  Lines.,  1728. 

SMYTH,  JOSHUA.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1582-3. 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  .\dm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1609.  Of  Norfolk. 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  27,  1647.  B.  at 
Leeds,  Yorks.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650;  M.A.  1654.  Ejected 
from  Kirby  Hill,  near  Boroughbridge,  Yorks.  Died  1662. 
(Calamy,  11.  565.) 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1664.  Of 
Staffordshire.  Matric.  Easter,  1665. 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June  5, 
1679.  S.  of  WiUiam,  mercer,  deceased.  B.  at  Louth.  School, 
Louth.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 
1701-15.   Perhaps  V.  of  SixhiUs,  Lines.,  1706. 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1690.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1698.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1698.  R.  of  St  Mary  Aldermanbury,  London, 
1717-31,  and  lecturer  at  St  Mary-le-Bow.  Died  May,  1731. 
Will,  P.C.C.   (Al.Oxon.;Hennessy.) 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Caius,  c.  Oct. 
1723.  S.  of  John,  mercer,  late  of  Yarmouth.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Yarmouth  (Mr  Welham),  Harleston,  Norfolk  and 
Smallburgh  (Mr  Oram).  Matric.  1723.  Lived  at  Thrigby 
Hall.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Burgh,  Suffolk.  Married  Judith, 
dau.  of  Major  Richard  Ferrier,  of  Yarmouth.  Obtained  a 
grant  of  Arms  in  1722.  Drowned  himself  in  the  North  River 
at  Yarmouth,  1744.  Buried  Aug.  22,  1744,  at  Yarmouth. 
(Venn,  11.  19.) 

SMITH,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
1744.  S.  of  Joshua,  grocer,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  Nov.  14,  1725, 
at  Bingley.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Butler).  Matric.  1744; 
B.A.  1747-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from  Nor.vich) 
June  5,  1748;  priest,  (Norwich)  Mar.  1749-50.  R.  of  Holt, 
Norfolk,  1750-1804.  V.  of  Gorleston,  Suffolk,  1777-1804. 
Died  Feb.  12,  1804.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  544.) 

SMITH,  LANCELOT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  15, 
1693.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Barton,  Westmorland.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700;  B.D.  1708. 
Fellow,  1700-20.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5,  1698-9; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1701.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  I7I7-37-  R-  of 
Ufford,  Northants.,  1718-37.   Buried  there  Aug.  21,  1737. 

SMITH,  LAWRENCE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May 
14,  1684.  S.  of  Kenelm,  citizen  and  leatherseller,  of  London. 
Matric.  1684.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Mar.  25,  1686. 
(Peile,  II.  96.) 

SMITH,  LAWRENCE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
23,  1738.  S.  of  James,  husbandman,  of  Bedfordshire.  B.  at 
Sharpinhoe.  School,  Houghton  Regis  (Mr  Bradshaw). 
Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1742-3;  M.A.  1746.  Ord.  deacon  (Lin- 
coln) Sept.  19,  1742.  V.  of  Southill,  Beds.,  1752-1800.  V. 
of  Old  Warden,  1770-1800.  Died  1800.  (Scott-Mayc-,  in. 

SMITH,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1569; 
B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
June  10,  1586.  R.  of  Stockerston,  Leics.,  1593.  But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

SMITH,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1592. 
B.  at  Loughborough,  Leics.  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Oct.  4;  priest,  Oct.  11,  1601,  age  28.  C.  of 
Fifield,  Essex.  V.  of  Braintree,  1608-10.  Married  Dorothy 
Riddesdale,  widow  of  Richard  Riddesdale,  late  of  Beaumont, 
Essex,  Sept.  16,  1608.  Died  1610.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake  with  whom  Foster  has  apparently 
confused  him. 

SMITH,  LEWIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  jy)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  4,  1685. 
S.  of  John  (?i65i),  clerk.  B.  at  Wilbarston,  Northants. 
School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9.  Probably  R.  of 
Wilsford,  Lines.,  1691.  Brother  of  John  (1677). 

SMITH,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  27,  1616.  B.  in 
Lincolnshire.   Matric.  i6i6. 

SMITH,  MARTIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1611.  Of  London.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  Martin,  of  London, 
gent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  28,  1612-3. 

SMITH,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1580. 

SMITH,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  5,  1651. 

Of  Warwickshire.  S.  of ,  of  Coventry.  School,  Coventry. 

B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1654-5;  M.A.  1660.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  24,  1682. 

SMYTH,  MATTHEW.  M.A.  1663  (Incorp.  from  Magdalen  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Perhaps  matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  May  9, 
1623,  age  16  (no  degree  assigned  in  Al.  Oxon.).  One  of  these 
names, '  M..\.,'  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  29;  priest,  Aug.  30, 
1661.  Perhaps  V.  of  Helion  Bumpstead,  Essex,  1667-94. 
Will  (Coram.  Essex)  1694. 


Smith,  Matthew 

SMITH,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  24, 
1680.  ists.  of  Michael,  draper.  B.  at  Hubey  (sic),  Easing- 
wold,  Yorks.  School,  private.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4; 
M.A.  1695.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1686. 
V.  of  Dorrington,  Lines.,  1686-98;  'non-resident;  blind.' 
Head  .Master  of  Sleaford  Grammar  School,  1691-1723-  R- 
of  North  Leasingham,  1694;  of  South  Leasingham,  1696- 
1709.  Father  of  William  (1707-8).   (TroUope,  S/«a/o;W.) 

SMITH,  MELCHIOR.    Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

161 1.  Of  Yorkshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Melchior,  lecturer  of 
Holy  Trinity,  Hull,  and  grandson  of  Melchior,  V.  of  Hessle, 
Yorks.  Migrated  to  Queens',  July,  1611.  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A. 
1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  26,  1616;  priest,  May,  i6i8. 
(Tickell,  Kingston-upon-Hull;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

SMITH,  MESHACH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  23,  1656.  B.  at 
Sible  Hedingham,  Esse.x.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1659-60; 
Scholar,  1660;  M.A.  1663.  C.  of  Lambourne,  Essex,  1664-71. 
R.  of  Chipping  Ongar,  1673-9.  V.  of  Hendon,  Middlesex, 
1679-1707.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1693-1707.  Lecturer  at  All 
Hallows,  Bread  Street,  London,  1697.  Married,  at  St  Giles', 
Cripplegate,  June  1,  1695,  to  Ann,  dau.  of  John  Worthington, 
D.D.  Died  1707.   Will  proved,  Oct.  24,  1707.   (A.  Gray.) 

SMITH,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  1588;  priest, 
July  25,  1599.  R.  of  Northborough,  Northants.,  1598-1640. 
Probably  buried  at  Hildersham,  Cambs.,  Jan.  13,  1639-40. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  19,  1639-40,  by  his  brother  Thomas 
(?  1576),  D.D. 

SMITH,  MICHAEL.   B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1608-9;  M.A. 

1612.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  17,  1609;  priest,  Sept.  23, 
1610;  'of  Clare.' 

SMITH,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  May  23,  1737. 
Of  Durham.  S.  of  Robert,  merchant.  Bapt.  July  27,  1719, 
at  St  Nicholas,  Durham.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1737; 
Scholar,  1737;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1744.  Fellow,  1743. 
Proctor,  1757.  Scrutator,  1759.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  13,  1742;  priest.  May  25,  1746.  V.  of  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  1759.  R-  of  Freckenham,  Suffolk,  1759-73. 
V.  of  South  Mimms,  Middlesex,  1770-3.  Died  May  7,  1773, 
aged  53.  Buried  in  the  cloister  of  Emmanuel  Chapel.  M.l. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  Emmanuel.  (T.  A.  Walker,  275; 
G.  Mag.) 

SMITH,  MILES.  B.D.  1586  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Hereford. 
School,  Hereford.  Of  Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford,  1568; 
B.A.  (O.xford)  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1584-5;  D.D.  (Brase- 
nose  College,  Oxford)  1594.  Chaplain  of  Christ  Church. 
Canon  of  Hereford,  1580.  V.  of  Bosbury,  1584.  R.  of 
Hampton  Bishop,  1587.  R.  of  Ledbury  (portion),  1587. 
Canon  of  Exeter,  1595.  R.  of  Hartlebury,  Worcs.,  1598-1624. 
R.  of  Upton-on-Sevem,  1604.  Fellow  of  Chelsea  College, 
1610.  Bishop  of  Gloucester,  1612-24.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  Oct.  20,  1624.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral.  Father  of 
Gervase  (1622).   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

SMITH,  MILES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  2,  1630-1. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Market  Harborough.  School,  Har- 
borough  (Mr  Orpin).  Matric.  1631.  Probably  B.A.  before 
1637.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  1637-8;  'B.A.  of  Christ's.' 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Intwood  and  Keswick,  Norfolk, 
1663-80.  Died  1680.   (Peile,  i.  406.) 

SMITH,  MILES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1636;  B.A.  1639-40. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  12,  1642,  age  23;  'C.  of  Post- 
wick.'  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Carleton,  Norfolk,  1651. 

SMITH,  MILLESENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SMITH,  MONTAGUE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
27,  1697.  5th  s.  of  Erasmus,  gent,  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.), 
of  South  Weald,  Essex,  and  of  Clerkenwell,  Middlesex  (and 
Mary,  dau.  of  Hugh  Hare,  Baron  of  Coleraine,  Ireland,  and 
Lady  Lucy  Montagu).  B.  in  London.  School,  Brentwood, 
Essex  (Mr  Bernard).  Matric.  1697.  Died  unmarried. 
(Morant,  I.  119;  Nichols,  11.  185.) 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1563;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1565. 

SMITHE,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  20)  at  Caius, 
Oct.  18,  1569.  S.  of  Ralph,  gent.,  deceased,  of  London.  At 
St  John's  three  years.   (Venn,  i.  65.) 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1618.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Migrated  to  Sidney,  Jan.  28,  1618-9. 
B.A.  1621-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  31,  1624;  priest, 
Mar.  9,  1627-8.   V.  of  Cammeringham,  Lines.,  1629. 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  19,  1643. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Arthur  (1605).  Bapt.  Sept.  3, 1626,  atOundle. 
School,  Oundle.   Brother  of  Samuel  (1629). 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  1,  1654. 
Matric.  1654;  B.-'V.  1657-8.   FeUow. 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1655. 

Smith,  Paul 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  13,  1663.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Feltham,  Essex  (sic).  Matric. 
1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1670.  Fellow  of  Jesus, 
1667-73.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670;  priest,  June  2, 
1672.  R.  of  Rettenden,  Essex,  1672-94.  R.  of  Woodham 
Mortimer,  1673-94.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely,  16-74. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1693-4. 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  11,  1672. 
Of  Lowick.   Matric.  1672. 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1674;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  21,  1676;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept. 

SMITH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  17, 
1745.  S.  of  William,  of  Grantham,  Lines.  School,  Grantham 
(Mr  Bacon).  Matric.  1745;  Scholar,  1747;  B.A.  1749-50; 
M.A.  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  10,  1750.  Probably 
R.  of  Aylestone,  Leics.,  1753-55,  and  R.  of  Thistleton, 
Rutland.  Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1755.  Perhaps 
preb.  of  York,  1774-1800.  Died  i8oo.  Will  (P.C.C.)  June, 
1800;  of  Boston,  Lines.   (Nichols,  iv.  30.) 

SMITH,  NEWTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 
1713.  S.  and  h.  of  Benjamin,  Esq.,  of  Northorpe,  Lines., 
and  nephew  by  the  half-blood  to  Sir  Isaac  Newton.  School, 
Oakham  (Mr  Wright).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  14,  1715. 
Of  Barrowby,  gent.  Brother  of  Benjamin  (1733).  (Nichols, 
Lit.  History,  iv.  38.) 

SMITH,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  1541-2;  M.A.  1545.  Fellow  of  St 
John's,  1542-3.  Probably  V.  of  Fulham,  Middlesex,  1550- 
89.  R.  of  St  Michael  and  St  Margaret,  South  Eknham, 
Suffolk,  1557-64.  R.  of  Thundersley,  Essex,  1566-9.  V.  of 
East  Ham,  1569-89.  Died  1589.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London) 
June  20,  1589.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Guilsborough, 
Northants.,  1560-79;  died  1579.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 

SMITH,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1575. 

SMITH,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1584. 

SMITH,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1604. 
One  of  these  names,  s.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  of  Theddlethorpe, 
Lines.,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  22,  1605-6.  Of  Theddle- 
thorpe and  Cawkwell.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard 
Pell,  Knt.,  of  Dembleby.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake.  Perhaps  father  of  Nicholas  (1634).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  905.) 

SMITH,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  24,  1606. 
Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1609-10.  Ord.  deacon  ^York)  Dec.  1611; 
priest,  June,  1612.  Licensed  to  preach.  Perhaps  of  Halton- 
in-Amcliffe,  Yorks.   If  so,  father  of  John  (1635). 

SMITH,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1609; 

B.A.  1612-3. 
SMITH,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1619 

Of  Essex.   B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 
SMITH,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1620.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 
SMITH,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  21,  1634. 

Of  Lincolnshire.    Possibly  2nd  s.  of  Nicholas  (?  1604),  of 

Theddlethorpe.   Bapt.  there,  Jan.  1,  1617-8.   Matric.  1634; 

Scholar,  1634;  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1641.   Of  Theddle- 
thorpe.   Buried  there  Dec.  3,   1673.    One  of  these  names 

V.   of   Braughing,    Herts.,    1660-80.     Died    1680.     (Lines. 

Pedigrees,  905.) 
SMITH,  NICHOLAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  21,   1668, 

'South.'    S.  of  Anthony,  of  Theddlethorpe,  Lines.    Bapt'. 

there,  Dec.  9,  1651.    Matric.  1668.    Migrated  to  Queens'  as 

sizar,  Aug.  8,  1669.  B.A.  1671-2.  One  of  these  names  naval 

chaplain,  1690-6.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  905.) 
SMITH,  OLIVER.   Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  6,  1596.   B.  at 

Wilden,  Beds.,  c.  1581.    Matric.  from  Christ's,  1596;  B.A. 

1599-1600.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1606;  'M.A.'; 

priest,  Sept.  20,  1607.    V.  of  Gt  Barford,  Beds.,  1607-34! 

Buried  there  Apr.  24,  1634.  (Peile,  i.  222;  Geneal.  Bedford 

SMITH,  OWEN.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1609. 

Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Burgh  Castle,  Suffolk  (and 

Dorothy,  dau.  of  Arthur  Hopton,  of  Witham,  Somerset). 

Adm.  at  Gray's   Inn,   Aug.   16,   1611.    Knighted,   Feb.  8, 

H616-7.  Of  Stiffkey,  Norfolk,  Esq. ;  afterwards  of  Irmingland. 

Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Crofts,  of  Saxham,  Suffolk. 

Buried  in  Oulton  Church,  Mar.  21,  1636,  aged  43.    Brother 

of  William  (1606).  (Blomefield,  vi.  325.) 
SMITH,    PAUL(?).     Matric.   pens,   from   St  John's,  c.    1595. 

Doubtless  Paul,  s.  of  Richard  (1553),  M.D'.;  by  whose  will 

property  was  devised  to  St  John's  if  Paul  died  without  heirs. 

Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,   1597,  'of  London.' 

(Founders  and  Benefactors,  18.) 


Smith,  Peter 

SMITH,  PETER.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.   1575; 
B.A.  1579-80.   Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  14,  1587. 
R.  of  Gayton  Thorpe,  Norfolk,  1599. 
SMITH,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1583. 
SMITH,  PETER.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1602; 
B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  from  King's,  i6n;  B.D.  1616;  D.D.  1630. 
Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1607.    V.   of  Barkway,   Herts.,   1610. 
R.  of  Widdial,  1616.   Buried  at  Barley,  Aug.  22,  1657  {sic). 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  28,  1653.    (A.  and  W.  H.  Frere, 
History  of  Barley,  gives  date  of  burial  as  above.) 
SMITH,  PETER.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1617;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec. 
24;  priest,  Dec.  25,  1620. 
SMITH,  PETER.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  26,  1728. 
S.  of  James  (1684-5),  clerk,  of  Stow,  Norfolk.    B.  there. 
School,   Wymondham   (Messrs  Sayer  and   Brett).    Matric. 
1728;  Scholar,  1728-34;  B.A.  1731-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  18,  1732-3;  priest  (Norwich)  June,  1734-   C.  of  Wood- 
walton,  Hunts.,  1733.    R.  of  East  Lexham,  Norfolk,  1742- 
89;   of  Litcham,   1744-89.    Died   Oct.   11,    1789.    M.I.   at 
Litcham.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  James  (1714)  and  William 
(1714).   {Venn,  11.  29.) 
SMITH,  PETER.    M.A.  from  King's,   1747-    S.  of  Peter,  of 
Melbury    Abbas,    Dorset,    clerk.     Matric.    (Corpus    Christi 
College,  Oxford)  May  6,  1736,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1740. 
Perhaps  died  Jan.  8,  1776;  of  Melbury.   One  of  these  names 
naval  chaplain,  1756.   {Al.  Oxon.;  L.  Mag.) 
SMITH,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Mar.  2,  1624-5.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Northamptonshire.  School,  Tichmarsh  (private). 
Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Occurs  at  Wollaston, 
Northants.,  1634,  and  at  Islip,   1640.    C.  of  St  Margaret, 
Stanstead,  Herts.,  1641. 
SMITH,  PHILIP.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  6,  1627. 
S.  of   Robert,   gent.,  of  Norfolk.    B.   at  Barton.    School, 
North  Walsham  (Messrs  Tills  and  Dakers).    Matric.  1627; 
Scholar,   1629-32;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.   1634.    Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Mar.  17,  1632-3;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1633.    One  of 
these  names   V.  of  Chobham,   Surrey,    1652.    Died   1665. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  July  5,  1665.   {Venn,  i.  281.) 
SMITH,  PHILOLOGUS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SMITH,  RALPH.  M.A.  1500-1. 

SMITH,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1581-2. 
Perhaps  C.  of  Gainford,  Durham;  C.  of  Denton,  1590; 
probably  buried  there  Feb.  7,  1614-5.  Perhaps  father  of 
Ralph  (1604). 
SMITH,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1585. 
SMITH,  RALPH.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1604.  Of  Yorkshire. 
S.  of  Ralph  (?  1581-2),  C.  of  Gainford,  and  Denton,  Durham. 
Bapt.  at  Gainford,  Apr.  5,  1590.  (A  note  in  Denton  Register 
says  sent  to  Cambridge,  May  9,  1609.)  Matric.  sizar  from 
St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1604. 
SMITH,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1610; 
Scholar,  i6io-i;  B.A.  1613-4.  Emigrated  with  his  wife 
and  children  to  New  England,  1629.  Minister  at  Plymouth, 
Mass.,  for  eight  years;  resigned  in  1636  on  finding  that  some 
'  apprehended  him  to  be  not  sufficiently  gifted,'  but  remained 
in  Plymouth  till  1645.  Removed  to  Manchester,  Mass.,  1645. 
Finally  went  to  live  with  his  stepson  Nathaniel  Masterson 
at  Boston.  Married,  as  his  2nd  wife,  Mary  Masterson, 
formerly  of  Leyden,  Holland.  Died  in  Boston,  Mar.  1,  1660-1. 
(Peile  is  wrong  in  identifying  him  with  Ralph  Smith  of 
Eastham.)  (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
SMITH,  RALPH.  M.A.  1615  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Cheshire, 
pleb.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  30,  1604, 
age  19;  B.A.  1608;  M.A.  1611.  Perhaps  V.  of  Stokesay, 
Salop,  1620.  One  of  these  names  vicar  choral  of  Lichfield. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1641. 
SMITH,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Sept.  25,  1627; 
afterwards  Fell. -Com.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  gent.,  of  Finchley, 
Middlesex.  B.  at  Brize-Norton,  Oxon.  School,  Chester 
(Mr  Williamson).  Matric.  1627.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct. 
19,  1631.  {Venn,  i.  281.) 
SMYTH,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1652.  Of 
Buckinghamshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Ralph,  of  Milton  (alias 
Middleton),  Keynes,  Bucks.  Matric.  1652.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  June  9,  1654.   Married  Mary  Sidley,  June  3,  1661. 

SMITH,  REGINALD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

SMITH,   REGINALD.    Matric.  sizar  from   Pembroke,   Michs. 

1588.    One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15, 

SMYTH  [?  RICHARD].  B.Can.L.  orB.Civ.L.  1458-9.  One  Richard 

Smyth,  LL.B.,  V.  of  Bierton,  Bucks.,  1468-87.    Another, 

LL.B.,  V.  of  Stapleford,  Cambs.,  1473-4;  died  1474. 

Smith,  Richard 
smith,  richard.   b.a.  1466-7;  m.a.  (?);  b.d.  1474-5- 

Proctor,  1474-5.   Master  of  Michael  House,  I477-93' 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  1502-3.  Of  Clement  Hostel; 
ten  years'  study. 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1513-4;  M.A.  1517-8.  Fellow  of 
St  John's,  1516. 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1518-9;  D.Can.L.  1528.  Fellow 
of  Trinity  Hall;  one  of  the  early  adherents  of  the  Reforma- 
tion; imprisoned  for  heresy.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1528-9; 
desired  to  be  buried  in  St  Edward's  Church.   (Cooper,  i.  37.) 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  Licenced  for  medical  and  surgical  practice, 
1520-1.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1550;  'Dr  of  Physic';  'of 
St  Olave  Old  Jewry,  and  Cambridge.' 

SMITH,  RICHARD.   B.Civ.L.  1523-4. 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1548-9;  M.A.  1552.   Proctor,  1558-9. 

SMITH,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1553- 

Of  Gloucestershire.    B.A.   1556-7;  M.A.  1560;  M.L.  1564; 

M.D.  1567.    Fellow,  1557;  'of  Gloucs.'    F.R.C.P.,  c.  1567; 

Censor,  and  President,   1585-8.    Physician  to  the  Queen. 

Died  July,  1599.    Will  (P.C.C);   of  St  Anne,  Blackfriars, 

London.  Fatherof  Paul  (1595)-  (Coo/>er,  11.  272;  Mtoi/t,  1.68.) 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1555- 

SMITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1559.   Probably  same  as  next  but  one. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1560; 
Scholar  from  Trinity,  1562;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1564-5;  M.A. 
1568;    B.D.    1575.     Fellow   of   Trinity,    1566.     University 
preacher,  1574.   Probably  R.  of  Bulwick,  Northants.,  1595- 
1615.    Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1573-1615.   Author,  poetical. 
Died  1615.    Will  proved  (Peterb.)  May  25,  1615.    (Cooper, 
II.  176;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
SMITH,    RICHARD.     B.A.   from   Trinity,    1563-4    (probably 
matric.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1559);  M.A.  1567.    Fellow  of 
Trinity,   1565.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)   Aug.  24,   1566;   priest, 
Apr.  16,  1568.    Will  proved  (P.C.C.)   1570;  'of  St  Steph., 
Coleman  St;  died  in  Cyprus.' 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1566. 
SMYTH,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1566; 
B.A.  1569-70.    Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  1568.    One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Bumham,  Essex,  1582;  died  before  Sept.  1583. 
(Peile,  I.  66.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1568. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1579. 

(See  the  next.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1581. 
This  man  or  Richard  (above)  probably  B.A.  from  Christ's, 
1583-4;  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  1585-6,  'B.A.';  priest,  Oct.  5, 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1582. 

Of  Nottinghamshire. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  17,  1584.   Of  Bottisham,  Cambs.   Matric.  1584; 
B.A.  (according  to  Hanaood).   Fellow,  1587. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1586  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Perhaps 
'of  Berks.';  matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1581,  age  15. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Brooksby,  Leics.,  1593-1610.   R.  of  Rotherby, 
1593.   Buried  there  Oct.  21,  1610.   (Nichols,  iii.  399.) 
SMITH,    RICHARD.     Adm.    at    Corpus    Christi,    1604.     Of 
SuSolk.   Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Thrandeston,  Suffolk 
and  Carlton  Road,  Norfolk.    Married  Susan  Rookwood,  of 
Norfolk.   Dead  by  1665.   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  i.  181.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Aug.  24,  1607. 

Of  Herefordshire.  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  10,  1615. 

Matric.  1615. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616. 
Perhaps  B.A.  from   King's,   1621-2;  M.A.   1625.    Perhaps 
R.  of  Stilton,  Hunts.,  1625-38;  M.A. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1622.    Of  Suffolk.    B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.    Buried  at  St 
Benet's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  20,  1628.   WiU,  V.C.C. 
SMETHE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  21, 

SMITH,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent,  1623-4. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1627; 

B.A.  1630;  M.A.  1634. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  10,  1634- 

Of  Chester.   Matric.  1634-5;  B.A.  1638-9. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1637.   Of  Lincohishire.   B.A.  1640-1. 


Smith,  Richard 

SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.   12, 

1640-1,  from  Oxford.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Bolingbroke  (Bulling- 

brooke).  Lines.   School,  Bullingbrooke  (Mr  Power).    Matric. 

(New  CoUege,  O.xford)  May  19,  1637,  age  15;  B.A.  (Cambridge) 

1640-1.    Apparently  incorp.  B.A.  at  Oxford,   1641;   M.A. 

(Pembroke  CoUege,  Oxford)  1649-50.    Perhaps  ord.  deacon 

and   priest    (Lincoln)    Mar.    17,    1643-4.     Probably   R.   of 

Hamstall  Ridware,  Staffs.,  c.  1652.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Liddington,  Wilts.;  admon.,  1690. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Aug.  9,  1645,  from 

Oxford.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Chard,  Somerset,  pleb.    Matric. 

(Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  26,  1641,  age  17. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Feb.  21,  1659-60. 

Matric.    1661;    Scholar,    1661;    B.A.    1663-4;    M.A.    1667. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  13,  1674. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  3, 

168S.  S.  of  John,  of  Loddington,  Northants.,  farmer.  Matric. 

1688;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.X.  1695.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  4, 

1693-4;  priest.  May  19,  1695.    Probably  Master  of  Market 

Bosworth  School,  Leics.,  1712-23.   Buried  there  1723.   M.I. 

Probably  father  of  John  (i73&-7)-   (Nichols,  iv.  503.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  27, 

1704.    S.  of  Hugh,  M.D.    B.  at  York.    School,  Sherborne 

(Mr  Baines).   Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1707.   Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  1708;  priest,  1710. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  17, 

1706.    S.   of   Thomas   (?  1677),    R.   of  Wardley,    Rutland. 

School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1710; 

priest,  Mar.  5,  1711-2.  C.  of  Wardley,  Rutland,  1710.   R.  of 

Allexton,   Leics.,   1713-62,   and   R.   of   Wardley,   1725-62. 

Died   Aug.   2,   1762,   aged   75.    Buried  at  Allexton.    M.I. 

Father  of  John  (1744).  {Nichols,  iii.  11.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Magdalene,   :7I4. 

Matric.  1714. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    M.A.  from  King's,  1716.    B.A.  (Trinity 

College,  Dublin).    Probably  the  man  of  these  names  adm. 

there,  June  i,  1708,  age  20.    S.  of  Robert,  farmer.    B.  at 

Garstang,  Lanes.   (Al.  Dublin.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  21,  1729-30. 

S.  of  George  (1689),  R.  of  Higham,  Kent.   B.  1712.  School, 

Sevenoaks.  Matric.  1730;  Rustat  Scholar,  1730;  B.A.  1733-4; 

M.A.  1737.  V.  of  Alkham,  Kent,  1747-72.   R.  of  Burmarsh, 

1754-72.    Died  May,   1772.    (To  be  distinguished  from  a 

contemporary  namesake,  R.  of  Islington,  Middlesex,  1768- 

72.)   (Biog.  Brit.  vi.  3725;  Surtees,  iv.  98.) 
SMITH,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  23, 

1731.  S.  of  Richard,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.   Matric. 

1731;  Scholar,  1732. 
SMITH,  RICHARD.    M.A.  1739  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

Richard,  of  Ely,  Cambs.    Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 

Oct.   30,    1732,   age   i8;   B.A.   (Oxford)    1736;   M.A.   1739. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Croft,  Hereford,  c.  1744-96;  V.  of  Eye.   Preb. 

of  Hereford.   Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Stamford.   Died  July, 

1796,  aged  82.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  1796.  (Al.Oxon.;G.  Mag., 

1796,  II.  621.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   B.A.  1465-6. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Comm.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1487-8. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Wendon,  Essex,  1504;  will  (P.C.C.) 
1527;  property  at  Walden  and  at  Gt  Abington,  Cambs. 

SMYTH,  ROBERT.  B.Civ.L.  1489-90. 

SMYTHES,  ROBERT.  M.A.  FeUow  of  St  John's.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1520. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1521-2.  A  priest  (perhaps  of  Christ's 
or  Jesus).  One  of  these  names  'chapleyne  of  the  chanterye 
of  our  blessed  ladye  in  the  parisshe  churche  of  Saincte 
Sepulchre'  in  Cambridge.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1531-2. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   B.A.  1522-3. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1550. 
S.  of  John  (alias  Heriz),  of  Withcote,  Leics.,  deceased.  Of 
Groby.  Died  1565.  Benefactor  to  Peterhouse.  Portrait  in 
the  College.  Probably  brother  of  Anthony  (1552).  (Nichols, 
11.  184;  T.A.  Walker.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1557-8. 
S.  of  William,  of  Thornton,  Yorks.  School,  Pocklington. 
B.A.  1560-1.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Feb.  i,  1560-1,  age  22. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1564. 
R.  of  Caldecot,  Herts.,  1572,  'B.A.'   (Venn,  i.  45.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1564. 

SMYTH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Oct.  1564. 
One  of  these  names,  'of  London,'  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
July  3,  1568. 

Smith,  Robert 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

Of   Yorkshire.     B.A.    1567-8;   M.A.    1571.     Fellow,    1568. 

Perhaps  will  (V.C.C.)  1571. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  1567. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1568.  Of  Norfolk. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 


SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1574.  Drowned  in  the  Cam,  May,  1574.  Buried  at  Grant- 
chester,  May  17. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1575. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 

1577-8.    Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  of  Saltfleetby,  Lines.    B.A. 

1581-2;  M.A.   1586.    Perhaps  of  Saltfleetby,   Lines.;   Will 

(Lincoln)   1616;  M.A.  (not  described  as  a  clerk).    (Lines. 

Pedigrees,  901.) 

SMYTHE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  scholar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Mar.  28, 
1578.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Occold,  Suffolk.  School, 
Sudbury  (Mr  White).  B.A.  1581-2.  One  of  these  names, 
adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  25,  1583,  2nd  s.  of  John, 
of  Hundon,  Suffolk. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  One  of  these  names 
R.ofHatley,  Cambs.,  1589.  Possibly  father  of  Robert  (1604). 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1583. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1590.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Beesby,  Lines.,  1591-1628;  M.A.  Died  1628. 
Will  (Lincoln)  1628. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1584-5; 
Scholar  of  Emmanuel,  1585-6;  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1588-9 ; 
M.A.  1592.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Helen's,  Ipswich, 
1595-1611; M.A. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1586. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1587; 
Scholar,  1590;  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1595.  Fellow,  1593.  R.  of 
.St  Nicholas  Aeon,  i6oo;  deprived,  1605.  Afterwards  C.  of 
Trinity  Minories,  1605-8.   (Cooper,  11.  479.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  B..\.  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  M.A.  1596. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1599. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1593. 

SMYTH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  13,  1593. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Fulboum,  Cambs.  Bapt.  Aug.  31,  1577, 
at  St  Vigor's.  School,  Fulboum  (Messrs  Streatly  and  Cat- 
telyn).  B.A.  1596-7.  Perhaps  R.  of  Hatley  St  George, 
Cambs.,  1600-19.  Buried  there  Dec.  27,  1619.  (Venn, 1.1^0.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  from  Trinity,  c.  1593;  B.A.  1596-7; 
M.A.  1600.  Probably  fellow  of  Sidney.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1604.  V.  of  Weedon,  Northants., 
1605-47;  ejected  by  the  Parliamentary  Committee.  Buried 
at  Weedon,  June  6,  165 1,  aged  75.  Father  of  Theophilus 
(1625)  and  Jonathan  (1633).   (Baker,  1.  454;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  24,  1594. 

Matric.  c.  1594. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  c.  1595. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1604. 

Of  Norfolk.    Possibly  s.  of  Robert  (1578-9).    B.A.  1607-8; 

M.A.  1612.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Whitton-with-Thurlton, 

Norfolk,  1611-25;  M.A.;  died  1625. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  21,  1607-8. 

Matric.  1608;  Scholar;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  i6i8.  Ord.  deacon 

(Peterb.)  Dec.  20,  1618. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  20,  1609-10. 

Matric.  1610;  Scholar;  B.A.  1613-4.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

Mar.  12;  priest.  Mar.  13,  1619-20. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1610. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  May  28,  1618. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1618.  Migrated  to  Caius, 
Sept.  16,  1619.  B.A.  1621-2;  M..-^.  1625.  Probably  ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  9,  1623.  R.  of  Honiingtoft,  Norfolk, 
1636-43.  C.  of  Norton  Subcourse,  in  1636.   (Venn,  i.  246.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1622. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628; 

B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23, 

1632;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1634. 
SMYTH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  ir, 

1630.  S.  of  William,  blacksmith,  of  Barleythorjje,  Rutland. 

B.  there.  School,  Oakham. 


Smith,  Robert 

SMITH,   ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,   Easter,   1631; 

B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  12,  1636. 

Perhaps    R.   of   Gt   Cressingham,    Norfolk,    1644,    ejected. 

Lecturer  at  Sudbury,  Suffolk.   One  of  these  names  minister 

of  Cransley,  Northants.,   1644-7;  of  Wilbarston,  1647-83- 

Died  1683. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  17, 

1631.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Stanground,  Hunts.  School,  Peter- 
borough (Mr  Dixon).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1642;  priest,  Feb.  26,  1642-3. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Somersham,  Hunts. ;  sequestered  thither,  165 1 ; 

there  in  1657.   Possibly  his  admon.  (P.C.C.).,  Feb.  1661-2;  of 

Hunts.,  clerk 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  21,  1632. 

Of  Middlesex. 
SMITH,   ROBERT.     Matric.  sizar  from  Trtnity,    1636;  B.A. 

1639-40;  M.A.  1643. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  15, 

1647.  S.  of  Richard,  deceased,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  School,  Richmond  (Mr  Ripley).  Matric.  1647. 
Possibly  V.  of  Fingall  in  Richmondshire,  1665-1 710. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1648.  Of  Suffolk.   B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  30,  1649. 

Of  Kent. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  16, 

1652.   Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.   One  of  these 

names  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1681;  'M.A.' 
SMITH,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Nov.  1668.   Of  West 

Rasen,  Lines.    Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1678.   Ord. 

deacon   (Peterb.)    Sept.    21,    1673;    priest,   May   2i,    1676. 

Master  of  Stamford  Grammar  School,  Lines.,  1681-91.   Died 

Feb.  6,   1691.    Buried  at  Gt  Gransden,  Hunts.    Probably 

father  of  Robert  (1695). 
SMYTH,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.   13,  1672. 

Matric.  1672. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  10, 

1677-8.    S.  of  William,  R.  of  Melton  Mowbray,  Leics.    B. 

there.    School,  Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Daffy).   Matric.  1678; 

B.A.  i68i-2.    R.  of  Gt  Addington,  Northants.,  1693-1728. 

Doubtless  father  of  Robert  (1718). 
SMITH,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  14, 

1678-9.   Of  Coventry. 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  .\dm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1686. 

B.  in  London.    Matric.  Easter,   1687;  B.A.   1690-1;  M.A. 

1694.  Fellow,  1690. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  27, 
1692.  Previously  at  Oxford.  Matric.  there  (University 
College)  Dec.  15,  1691,  age  17.  S.  of  Aquila,  M.D.,  of  Malmes- 
bury,  Wilts.  B.  at  Ross,  Hereford.  School,  London  (private) . 
Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  20, 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  22, 

1695.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1668),  clerk.  B.  in  Lincolnshire. 
School,  Lincoln.  Perhaps  V.  of  Helpringham,  Lines.,  1707- 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  17, 
1695.  S.  of  Roger  (?  1664),  clerk.  B.  at  Ewerby,  near 
Sleaford,  Lines.  School,  Sleaford  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1698. 
Perhaps  the  'B.A.  of  St  John's'  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June 
29,  1 701;  priest.  May  30,  1708. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  June  19, 
1697.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Durham.  Bapt.  Dec.  19, 
1682,  at  Houghton -le-Spring.  School,  Houghton -le-Spring 
(Mr  Nelson).  Matric.  1699.  Buried  May  17,  1760,  at  Hough- 
ton-le-Spring.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1715).  (H.M.Wood; 
Surtees,  i.  187.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1708.  S.  of  John  (?  1671),  R.  of  Gate  Burton,  Lines.  B.  1689. 
School,  Leicester  (Mr  Thomas).  Matric.  1708;  Scholar,  1709; 
B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715;  LL.D.  1723;  D.D.  1739  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  1714.  Tutor,  1715-34.  Plumian  Professor  of 
Astronomy,  1716-60,  succeeding  his  cousin  Roger  Cotes. 
Vice-Chancellor,  1742-3.  Master  of  Trinity  (succeeding 
Bentley),  1742-68.  F.R.S.,  1718.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.;  priest,  Oct.  1738.  Author,  mathematical.  Died  Feb. 
2,  1768.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Bene- 
factor to  the  University:  founder  of  the  'Smith's  Prize,'  etc. 
(D.N.B.;  Endowments,  94.) 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1716.  Of  London. 
B.A.  1720-1;  M..-^.  1724.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  18, 
1721-2.  Perhaps  V.  of  Stone,  Bucks.,  1723-83;  also  R.  of 
Hartwell,  1733-83.   Died  Nov.  1783. 

SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  26, 
1717.    S.  of  Robert,  grocer,  of  Northamptonshire.    B.  at 

Smith,  Roger 

Peterborough.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1717;  B.A. 
1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1722. 
Chaplain  to  Catherine,  relict  of  Sir  John  Leveson  Gower. 
R.  of  Woodstone,  Hunts.,  1730-61.  County  antiquary. 
Died  Sept.  15,  1761,  aged  62.  M.I.  at  Woodstone.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  in.  313;  Nichols,  Lit.  Anecdotes,  v.  47.) 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  8,  1718. 
3rd  s.  of  Robert  (1677-8),  R.  of  Gt  Addington,  Northampton- 
shire. B.  there,  Nov.  7,  1701.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric. 
1719;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725.  Fellow,  1724.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  31,  1724;  priest,  June  5,  1726.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  R.  (he  was  also  patron)  of  Gt  Addington,  1728-55. 
Buried  there  June  20,  1755.  (H.  I.  Longden.) 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1722.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Rutland.  B.  at  Liddington.  School, 
Uppingham  (Mr  Savage  and  Mr  ReddaU).  Matric.  1723; 
B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1727;  priest 
(Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1730.  C.  of 
Blatherwick,  Northants.,  1727.  Perhaps  V.  of  Harringworth, 
1752-79.  Died  1779.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  351.) 
SMITH  or  SMYTH,  Sir  ROBERT,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age 
17)  at  Trinity,  May  26,  1727.  S.  of  Sir  James,  Bart., 
of  Isfield,  Sussex,  deceased.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1727. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Feb.  28,  1716-7.  Married 
Louisa  Caroline  Isabella,  dau.  of  John  (Hervey),  Earl  of 
Bristol,  Sept.  23,  1731.  Died  Dec.  10,  1783,  aged  74.  Will, 
P.C.C.  (G.E.C.,  v.  25.) 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  30, 
1727.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Ashfield,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1728.  Died  unmarried,  Aug.  1733. 
Buried  at  Ashfield.  His  sister  was  mother  of  Lord  Thurlow. 
(Bury  School;  S.H.A.H.) 
SMYTH,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1730.  2nd  s.  of  Robert, 
of  Upton,  Essex,  gent,  (afterwards  Bart.).  Matric.  (Queen's 
College,  Oxford)  May  24,  1705,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1708-9. 
V.  of  Woolavington  and  East  Dean,  Sussex,  1730-74.  His 
son  Robert  succeeded  as  5th  Bart.,  in  1765.  Brother  of 
TraSord  (1703).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Berry,  Essex  Pedigrees,  713.) 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  June  22, 
1738.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs. 
B.  at  Whittlesey.  School,  Ely  (Mr  Gunning).  Matric.  1739; 
LL.B.  1744.  Died  Jan.  11,  1801,  aged  82.  M.I.  at  St  Mary's, 
Whittlesey,  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  494.) 
SMITH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  30,  i749- 
S.  of  Stephen,  grazier,  of  Worstead,  Norfolk.  B.  there, 
Aug.  14,  1732.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Timothy  Bullimer). 
Matric.  1750;  Scholar,  1750-5;  B.A.  1754;  M.A.  1769. 
Fellow,  1755-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  7;  priest,  Dec.  21, 
1756.  Went  to  Charleston,  New  England,  1757-  R-  of 
St  Philip's  Church,  1759.  Returned  to  England,  1768-70. 
Took  an  active  part  on  the  Colonial  side  and  was  chaplain 
to  their  forces.  Banished  to  Philadelphia,  after  the  capture 
of  Charleston,  1780.  D.D.  (Pennsylvania)  1789.  First  Lishop 
of  South  Carolina,  1795-1801.  Married  three  wives.  Died 
at  Charleston,  Oct.  28,  1801.  (Venn,  11.  63;  McCrady,  South 
Carolina;  Sprague,  Annals  of  the  American  Pulpit.) 
SMITH,  ROGER.    B.A.  1472-3.    Perhaps  R.  of  Boriey,  Essex, 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1548. 

SMYTH,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  3,  1577-8. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  Greyfriars.  B.A.  from 
Peterhouse,  1581-2.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1585.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Nov.  30;  priest,  Dec.  12,  1585.  Probably  V.  of 
St  Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  1586.  Perhaps  V.  of  Saxelby, 
Lines.,  1588-92.  R.  of  Tothill,  1591-1607. 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1581. 
Adm.  at  Christ's  Hospital,  May  23,  1573,  age  13.  Sent  to 
Cambridge  by  the  Haberdashers'  Company,  in  1578.  There 
is  a  quaint  account  in  the  Register  of  Christ's  Hospital  of 
his  running  away  from  Cambridge,  Feb.  1580-1.  He  re- 
turned to  Cambridge  and  was  there  in  Aug.  1584.  (A.  W. 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1610. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1571),  R.  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs. 
B.A.  1613-4.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  27,  1615-6. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1623.   Probably  brother  of  John  (1620). 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  17,  1645. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Edward,  of  Husbands 
Bosworth  (and  Ehzabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Heron,  K.B.). 
If  so,  died  1646,  aged  19.  His  brother  Edward  was  created 
Bart.,  1660-1.   (Nichols,  11.  185.) 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  23,  1664. 
3rd  s.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Thuming,  Northants.  School, 
Oundle.  Matric.  1664;  B..A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Signed  for 
priest's  orders  (London)  Sept.  8,  1669.  V.  of  Ewerby, 
Lines.,  1669-77.  Buried  there  1677.  M.I.  Probably  father 
of  Robert  (1695).  (TroUope,  Sleaford.) 


Smith,  Roger 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1669.  S.  of  Roger,  gent.,  of  Frolesworth  and  of  Lawton, 
Leics.  (and  Anna,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cotton,  of  Lawton)  and 
grandson  of  Sir  Roger  Smith,  of  Edmundthorpe,  Knt. 
B.  there.  School,  Leicester.  Matric.  1669.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  June  21,  1669.  Of  Frolesworth.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bradgate,  of  Ullesthorpe.  Living, 
1723.  Brother  of  John  (1672),  father  of  the  next.  {Nichols, 
u.  185;  IV.  184.) 

SMITH,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  8, 
1694.  S.  of  Roger  (above),  gent.  B.  at  Frolesworth,  Leics. 
School,  Leicester  (Mr  Thomas).  Matric.  1695.  B.A.  1697-8; 
M.A.  1701.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5,  1698-9;  priest, 
May  26,  1700.  R.  of  Husbands  Bosworth,  Leics.,  1700-36. 
R.  of  Narborough,  1719-36.  Died  Feb.  7,  1736,  aged  63  {sic). 
M.I.  at  Husbands  Bosworth.  Admon.  (Leicester)  1737. 
Father  of  Edward  (1722).   {Nichols,  11.  468.) 

SMITH,  ROLAND.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  George  (1608),  of  Annables, 
Herts.,  deceased.  B.  June  26,  1615.  M.A.  1635-6  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Died  May  20,  1639.   Probably  brother  of  George  (1634). 

SMITH,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  14, 
1700.  S.of  Thomas  (?  1654),  clerk.  B.  at  Dallinghoe,  Suffolk. 
School,  Sudbury  (Mr  Maboum).   Matric.  1700. 

SMYTHE,  SABINE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall,  May, 
1545;  Scholar,  1551-3;  B.A.  1553-4;  M.A.  1558.  Fellow 
(by  charter),  1557.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Apr. 
9,  1558.  R.  of  Worlingworth,  Suffolk,  1573-99.  {Venn,  i.  33.) 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1612; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620,  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15, 
1617.   Perhaps  R.  of  Aisthorpe,  Lines.,  1621. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1618; 
B.A.  1621-2.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  June;  priest,  Sept.  1622. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  21,  1627.  Matric. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629; 

B.A.  1631-2; M.A.  1635. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  10, 
1629.  S.  of  Arthur  (1605),  V.  of  Oundle,  Northants.  Bapt. 
Apr.  17,  1614,  at  Aldwincle  St  Peter's,  Northants.  School, 
Oundle  (Mr  Richard  Pemberton).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4; 
M.A.  1637.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4,  1637;  priest, 
Feb.  i8,  1637-8.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1643). 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1629-30;  B.A. 
1632;  M.A.  1636. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Sept.  17,  1634. 
S.  of  Samuel.  Bapt.  Sept.  23,  1615,  at  Gt  St  Mary's,  Cam- 
bridge. School,  Perse  (Mr  Loveringe).  Matric.  1634. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Lent, 
1634-5;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  20,  1638.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Crostwick,  Norfolk, 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1636.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1639-40.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  5,  1642.  One  of  these  names,  B.A.,  P.C.  of 
Blackley,  Lanes.,  1652. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  30,  1650.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1650;  Scholar,  1652;  B.A.  1653- 
4;  M.A.  1657.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Hunsdon.  Probably  R.  of 
Saddington,  Leics.,  1650-71;  R.of  Pilton,  Northants.,  1666- 
71.   Died  1671.   Admon.  (Leicester)  1671. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  21,  1654. 
Of  Staffordshire.   Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 
1654.  S.  of  Robert,  deceased,  of  York.  B.  there.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1662. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Jan.  31,  1656-7. 
Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  of  Colkirk, 
Norfolk,  bencher,  of  Gray's  Inn.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1660-1. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  30,  1657.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  1700.   (Carthew,  Launditch,  iii.  205.) 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  14,  1664. 
Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders 
(London)  Sept.  18,  1668.  C.  of  St  James',  Colchester.  One 
of  these  names  of  St  Giles',  Cripplegate,  London,  clerk;  will 
(P.C.C.)  1698. 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  May  30, 

1665.    Of  Suffolk.    School,  Hadleigh.    Scholar,  1665;  B.A. 

1668-9;    M.A.    1674.     Perhaps   V.   of   Stapleford,   Cambs., 

1676-83.  Buried  there  Aug.  8,  1683. 
SMITH,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  24,   1674. 

Matric.    1674;    B.A.    1677-8;    M.A.    i68i.     Perhaps   V.   of 

Henham,  Essex,  1685-1737.  Died  1737. 

Smith,  Stephen 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  5. 
1719-20.  Of  London.  B.  Jan.  3,  1701.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  Matric.  1717;  LL.B.  1727.  R-  of  All  HaUows, 
London  Wall,  1736-58.  President  of  Sion  College,  1755. 
Died  July  3,  1758.   (A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  King's,  1748.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of 
Kidderminster.  Matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  8, 
1727,  age  18;  B.A.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  1731-  i.^^- 

SMITH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  14, 
1750.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1751;  Scholar,  1751;  B.A.  i754;  M.A.  1757; 
LL.D.  1764.  Fellow,  1756.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  21; 
priest,  Dec.  21,  1755.  R.  of  Walpole  St  Andrew,  Norfolk, 
1762-1808;  of  St  Peter's,  West  Lynn,  1762-85.  Head  Master 
of  Westminster,  1764-88.  R.  (and  patron)  of  Dry  Drayton, 
Cambs.,  1785.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1787-1808.  Preb.  of 
Peterborough,  1787-1808.  R.  of  Daventry,  Northants., 
1795-1808.  Died  Mar.  23,  1808,  aged  77-  Buried  in  West- 
minster Abbey.  {Al.  Westtnon.,  353;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 
N.S.,iv.  61.) 

SMITH,  SAWYER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
1738.  S.  of  Edward,  M.D.  (druggist),  of  Kytes  Hardwick 
and  of  White  Friars  House,  Coventry,  Warws.  B.  in 
Coventry.  School,  Coventry  (Mr  Jackson).  Matric.  1738. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2,  1739-40;  priest,  Mar.  14,  1741- 
2.  R.  of  Rodmarton,  Gloucs.,  1743-56.  Married  Diana, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Orlebar,  of  Podington,  Beds.  Died  1756. 
{Scott-Mayor,  in.  495;  Compton  Reade,  120;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SMYTHE,  SIDNEY  STAFFORD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at 
St  John's,  July  i,  1721.   S.  of  Henry,  of  Gt  Bounds,  Kent. 

B.  in  London.  School,  Kensington.  Matric.  1721;  B.A. 
1724-5.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  5,  1724-  Barrister, 
1729.  K.C.  and  Bencher,  1747.  Steward  and  Judge  of  the 
Palace  Court,  Westminster,  1740-50.  F.R.S.,  1741-2.  M.P. 
for  East  Grinstead,  1747.  Knighted,  Nov.  7,  1750.  Puisne 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1750-72.  Commissioner  of  the 
Great  Seal,  1756-7,  1770-1.  Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer, 
1772-7-  Privy  Councillor,  1777.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Sir  Charles  Farnaby,  Bart.,  of  Kippington,  Kent.  Died  s.p., 
Nov.  2,  1778.  Buried  Nov.  10,  at  Sutton-at-Hone,  Kent. 
Will,  P.C.C.  {D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor,  iii.  343;  Burke,  Extinct 
Peerage;  N.  and  Q.,  8th  S.,  ix.  417.) 

SMYTH,  SIDRACH  (SYDAY).  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  20,  1629.  S.  of  Thomas  (1603),  R.  of  Gt  Massingham, 
Norfolk,  deceased.  B.  there.  School,  Lynn.  Matric.  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.    Ord.  priest  (Ely)  May  24,  1635. 

C.  of  Fairstead,  Essex,  1637.  V.  of  Messing,  c.  1657.  Elder 
of  10th  Classis  of  Essex,  c.  1648.  Died  1668.  {Venn,  i.  288; 
Cooper,  I.  44.) 

SMITH,  SIMON.  B.A.  1518-9  (1st  in  the  ordo);  M.A.  1522. 
Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1519.  An  early  reformer;  friend 
of  Latimer  and  others  of  that  party.  C.  of  Much  Hadham, 
Herts.,  to  Thomas  Patmore,  whose  servant,  Joan  Bennore, 
he  married;  compelled  to  abjure  and  suffer  penance  and 
condemned  to  perpetual  imprisonment.   {Vetm,  1.  24.) 

SMITH,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1560; 
B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568;  LL.D.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1578. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1566-7.  Adm.  advocate,  Apr.  25,  1582. 
Preb.  of  Hereford,  1561  (iic)-i6o6.  Archdeacon  of  Hereford, 
1578-1606.  R.  of  Credenhill,  Hereford.  Died  c.  July,  1606. 
Will,  P.C.C.   {Peile,  i.  7s;  Al.  Oxon.;  Cooper,  11.  441.) 

SMITH,  SIMON.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  10, 
1631.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Radwinter,  Essex,  farmer.  B.  there. 
School,  Newport  Pond  (Mr  Lee).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  from 
Peterhouse,  1634;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec. 
1637.  Perhaps  V.  of  Weston,  Herts.,  1642.  {T.  A.  Walker, 
51;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

SMITH,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1655;  B.A. 
1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1661.  R. 
of  Alpheton,  Suffolk,  1667-1704.  Buried  Mar.  17,  1703-4. 
Will  proved  (Bury)  May  24,  1704.  Father  of  the  next. 

SMITH,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1689.  Of 
Suffolk.  S.  of  Simon  (above),  R.  of  Alpheton.  B.  1673. 
Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1696;  priest,  Sept.  1698.  R.  of  Alpheton, 
1704-23.  Buried  Nov.  19,  1723. 

SMITH,  SOLOMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  23, 
1670.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Coventry.  School,  Coventry 
(Mr  Franklin).  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lichffeld)  Oct.  1676;  priest,  Oct.  1079.  (Peile,  11.  30.) 

SMITH,  SOPHONIUS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1569.  B.  at  Ipswich.  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  1575.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1577-86.  Proctor, 
1585-6.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1582,  age  30. 

SMITH,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1570; 
B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1578. 


Smith,  Stephen 

SMITH,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  1, 
l568.  Of  Essex.  S.  of  Stephen,  of  Blackinore,  Essex.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jime  6,  1671.  Brother  of  Arthur 

SMITH,  THEOPHILUS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1625.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert  (1593),  V.  of  Weedon,  North- 
ants.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  29,  1608.  Buried  at  Weedon, 
Jan.  27,  1647-8,  aged  40.   Brother  of  Jonathan  (1633). 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1465-6. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1506-7.  Of  Clare.  Probably  B.D. 
1533-4-  Perhaps  preacher,  1512-3.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.) 
1540;  'B.D.;  Clare;  R.  of  Hethersett,  Norfolk.' 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1507-8. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  'B.K.  from  Christ's,  1519-20;  M.A.  1523. 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1521.  Bursar,  1526-7.  Proctor, 
1528-g.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  21,  1522-3;  priest, 
Apr.  4,  1523.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Yardley  Hastings, 
Northants.,  1531-57;  R.  of  Weekley,  1546;  of  Warkton, 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Queens',  1526.  S.  of  John,  of 
Saffron  Walden,  Herts.,  Sheriff  of  Herts.  B.  there,  Dec.  23, 
1513  (?  Mar.  28,  1514,  according  to  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S., 
iv).  B.A.  1529-30;  M.A.  1533.  Fellow,  1530-47.  Public 
Orator,  1538-42.  Regius  Professor  of  Civil  Law,  1542. 
Vice-Chancellor,  1543-5.  Incorp.  LL.D.  from  Padua,  1541-2. 
R.  of  Leveringtcn,  Cambs.,  1545-9.  Chancellor  and  vicar- 
general  of  Ely,  1545.  Provost  of  Eton,  1547-54.  Dean  of 
Carlisle,  1547-53,  1559-77.  Privy  Councillor,  1548-9,  1570. 
Secretary  of  State,  1548-9,  1573-7.  Knighted,  1548.  M.P. 
for  Grampound,  1553;  for  Liverpool,  1559;  for  Essex,  1571, 
1572-7.  Well  known  in  Cambridge  in  the  revival  of  Greek. 
Frequently  employed  in  embassies  abroad.  Of  Hill  Hall, 
Essex.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Karkeck,  of 
London;  (2)  Philippa,  dau.  of  John  Wilford,  of  London. 
Author,  De  Republica  Anglorum,  etc.  Died  s.p.,  Aug.  12, 
1577.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount,  Essex.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Benefactor  to  Queens'.  {D.N.B.;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S., 
IV.  24;  Cooper,  i.  368.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1526-7. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1530-1  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1530-1;  M.A.  1534;  B.D.  from  Peter- 
house,  1544. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1550. 
Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Welboum,  Lines.;  under  age 
in  1541.  Perhaps  brother  of  Alban  (1550).  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SMITH,  THOM.^S.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1554.  Of  Kingsbury,  Middlesex.  Matric. 
1554;  B.A.  1558-9;  M..^.  1562.  FeUow,  1557-63.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  22,  1561-2;  priest,  Mar.  23,  1566-7. 
Fellow  of  Eton,  1563;  Vice-Provost.  Probably  V.  of  Isle- 
worth,  Middlesex,  1570-2.  Died  at  Eton,  Aug.  18,  1572. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  18,  1556.  Of  Chesterton,  Cambs.  Matric.  1556. 
Fellow,  1559-60,  but  did  not  graduate. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1557.  Of 
Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1561-2;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1565; 
B.D.  1573.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1563.  Ord.  priest  (Ely) 
Mar.  23,  1566-7.  R.  of  Stibbington,  Hunts.,  1572-c.  85. 
University  preacher,  1576. 

SMYTHE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall,  Mar. 
1557-8;  B.A.  1560-1.  FeUow  and  tutor,  in  1561.  Died  in 
College.  Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Mar.  23,  1561-2.  (Venn, 
I.  40.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's,  Easter,  1562. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1563-4. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  1571-2. 

SMYTH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1573. 
B.  at  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  1580, 
age  24.  'Of  Waltham  Cross,'  Essex,  priest,  1581.  (Peile, 
I.  128.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1574. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1575. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  B.A.  1578-9.  Probably  ord.  priest 
(London)  Sept.  29, 1579.  Perhaps  R.  of  Coney  Weston,  Suffolk, 
1581-1614;  if  so,  died  1614.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1614. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1579-80;  M.A. 
1583.  FeUow  of  St  John's,  1580.  Esquire  Bedell,  1585-92. 
Registrary,  c.  1591-1600.  His  term  of  of&ce  was  one  of 
disastrous  neglect,  so  far  as  the  records  are  concerned. 
Auditor  of  his  College,  1605.  Perhaps  brother  of  Michael 
(1582).  (Cooper,  II.  309;  H.  P.  Stokes,  Esquire  Bedells.) 

Smith,  Thomas 

SMITH,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1579- 

Perhaps  migrated  to  Caius,  1583. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  24,  1580.    Of  Buckinghamshire.    Matric.  1580; 

B.A.    1584-5.    FeUow,    1583-8.    Incorp.   at  Oxford,   1589. 

M.A.  (Oxford)  1589.  Masterof  St  Anthony's  School,  London. 

Licenced  to  marry  Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  Samuel  Fulke,  R.  of 

Barton-in-Clay,  Beds.,  Sept.  17,  1597.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Harwood.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1583. 
SMYTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Dec.  4,  1583. 

Of  Norwich.  S.  of  Richard.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Limberte). 

Perhaps  scholar,  1582-6.  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.   Perhaps 

V.  of  North  Elmham,  1585-1631.  Buried  there  Sept.  9,  1631. 

Will,  Nonvich. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1585. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1586. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  8,  1595-6. 

Matric.  1596. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  i,  1598-9- 

Matric.  c.  1598-9. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1601. 

Of  Cambridgeshire.    B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609;  B.D.  1617. 

Fellow,  1606-40.    Junior  Proctor,  1615-6.    V.  of  Ospringe, 

Kent,  1623-5.  Buried  in  the  CoUege  Chapel,  Feb.  24, 1639-40. 
SMYTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  5,  1603. 

S.  of  John  (?  1572),   R.  of  Southacre,   Norfolk.    Schools, 

Southacrg  and  Lynn.    Scholar,  1604-5;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A. 

1610.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  2,  1610.  R.  of  Gt  Massing- 

ham,  Norfolk.    Died  before  Nov.  11,  1623.  Father  of  Sidrach 

(1629).   (Venn,  i.  182.) 
SMYTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  2,  1604. 

Of  Elsing,  Norfolk.    S.  of  WiUiam,  minister.    Brother  of 

John  (1602)  and  WiUiam  (1609). 
SMITH,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1606. 

Of  Suffolk.    B.A.  1609;  M.A.  1613.    Ord.  deacon  (Oxford) 

May  9;  priest,  June  11,  1611.  Perhaps  V.  of  Glynde  Sussex, 

1613.  (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  (perhaps  from  Peter- 
house) Easter,  1607.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry  (?  1581),  of  Corsham, 
Wilts.,  and  grandson  of  Sir  Thomas,  Lessee  of  Customs. 
If  so,  Receiver-General  for  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster,  1634. 
One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bacton,  Suffolk. 
B.  Nov.  19,  1592.  Married  and  had  issue.  (Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  N.S.,  in.  406;  3rd  S.,  i.  179;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1609  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Probably 
s.  of  WUliam,  LL.D.  (1583).  Matric.  (New  CoUege,  Oxford) 
Oct.  23,  1601,  age  19;  B.A.  1605;  M.A.  1608-9.  Perhaps 
preb.  of  Lincoln,  1613-8.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612; 
B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  i; 
priest.  Mar.  2,  1617-8. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1614.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1618-9. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1617; 
B.A.  1621-2. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  16,  1618. 
Matric.  1619;  B..^.  1621-2;  M.A.  1626.  Perhaps  ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Feb.  1623-4.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Lakenham, 
Norfolk,  1626-66;  died  1666. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Feb.  25, 
1618-9.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Hill 
HaU,  Theydon,  Essex,  Knt.  B.  c.  1602.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Feb.  5,  1619-20.  Created  Bart.,  Nov.  28,  1661.  High 
Sheriff  of  Essex,  1663.  Succeeded  his  nephew  Edward  in 
the  estate  of  HiU  Hall.  Lord  of  the  Manor  of  Thaxted,  and 
owner  of  Horham  HaU.  Married  (i)  Joan,  dau.  of  Sir 
Edward  Altham,  of  Mark  HaU,  Latton,  Essex;  (2)  Beatrice, 
widow  of  Sir  John  Lloyd,  Bart.  Died  May  5,  1668,  aged  66. 
Buried  at  Theydon  Mount.  M.I.,  Smyth.  Father  of  Edward 
(1654),  Altham  (1667)  and  Charles  (1659).  (Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  242;  G.E.C.,  in.  234.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  1620;  exhibitioner 
from  Tonbridge  School.  Of  Sussex.  Matric.  1621;  B.A. 
1623-4; M.A.  1627. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  June  29, 
1622.  S.  of  Thomas,  carpenter.  B.  at  Upton  Badsworth, 
Yorks.  School,  Pontefract  (WiUiam  Hartley,  B.A.).  Matric. 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1627-8;  priest 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  i,  1639-40. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  28,  1627. 
Of  London.  B.A.  1627.  Possibly  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Holbom 
London;  matric.  (Oxford)  Dec.  5,  1623,  age  17. 

Smith,  Thomas 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1628. 
Matric.  1629. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Of  St  Catharine's.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's, 
Cambridge,  Aug.  7,  1633.   (Ely  Epis.  Records,  265.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  4.  1638-9.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1639;  Scholar,  1640;  B.A.  1642-3. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20;  priest,  Sept.  21, 1645. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  26, 
1640.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647;  B.D.  1654.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1661.  V.  of  Caldecote,  Cambs.,  1650.  University 
librarian,  1659-61.  A  learned  and  pugnacious  man.  Dis- 
puted publicly  in  Cambridge  against  George  Fox  the  Quaker, 
Aug.  29,  1659.  Collaborator  in  Walton's  Polyglot.  Author 
of  the  Life  and  Death  of  William  More,  of  Caius.  Buried  at 
Kingston,  Sept.  27,  i66i.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1661.  (Pei/e,  i.  468.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1647.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Alexander,  of  Stutton,  Suffolk; 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  i,  1647.  Knighted.  One  of  these 
names  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  16,  1648;  s.  and  h. 
of  Thomas,  of  London.  Barrister,  1656.  Bencher,  1673.  Died 
1681.    Possibly  father  of  Thomas  (1682)  and  Charles  (1689). 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Feb.  5,  1648-9. 
S.  of  John.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656.  Ord. 
(byWirksworthC/assis,  Derbs.),Dec.  17,  1656.  Possibly  the 
Thomas  Smith,  'of  good  parentage,'  bom  at  Kegworth, 
Leics.,  and  minister  of  Castle  Donington,  c.  1657-62,  ejected. 
Died  soon  afterwards.   {Peile,  i.  524;  Nichols,  11.  782.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  2,  1649. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.D.  1652  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Bedfordshire,  cler.  fil.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  23,  1619,  age  17:  B.A.  1622;  M.A.  1625;  M.B.  1633,  and 
licenced  to  practise  medicine.  Perhaps  created  M.D. 
(0.xford)  1642.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  al  Queens',  May  13,  1652. 
Of  Essex.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1618-9).  Bapt. 
Dec.  12,  1633.  Died  young  (the  date  given  is  1634,  possibly 
an  error  for  1654).  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1654),  etc. 
(Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  243.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  25, 

1653.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Castle  Hedingham.  School, 
Chesterford  (Mr  Burroughes).  Matric.  1653-4;  B.A.  1655-6; 
M.A.  1660.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Hacheston,  Suffolk, 
1673;  R.  of  Shottisham,  1679;  died  before  Mar.  1683.  (Peile, 
I- 555-) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  26, 

1654.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Chichester.  School, 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1654;  B.A.  1657;  M.A.  1662.  Probably  'ord.  priest  by 
Bishop  of  Durham,  Oct.  23,  1658';  R.  of  Easton,  Suffolk, 
1661.  Perhaps  R.  of  DaUinghoe,  1675;  if  so,  father  of 
Rowland  (1700). 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  21, 
1660.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Sherewood).  Matric.  1660. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  29, 
1660-1.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  School, 
Bury.  Matric.  1 66 1.  Brother  of  John  (1659-60). 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1663.  Of 
Ely,  Cambs. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1664.  Of 
Durham.  Matric.  Easter,  1665;  B.A.  1668-9. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  27,  1671.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1678;  'C.  of  Frostenden,  Suffolk';  priest, 
Mar.  1678-9.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of 
Thrandeston,  Suffolk,  gent.,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  1, 
1669.  Buried  June  22,  1716,  at  Thrandeston. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
1672.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk. 

B.  there.    School,  Bury.    Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A. 

1679.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1679-80;  priest,  June, 

1680.  R.  of  Horringer  (or  Homingsheath),  Suffolk,  1683- 
1725.  R.  of  Nowton,  1685-1725.  Died  Apr.  1725,  aged  68. 
Buried  at  Horringer.  Father  of  Thomas  (1703-4). 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  chorister  at  Trinity,  July  11,  1672. 
Matric.  1674-5;  Scholar,  1676;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  i68o; 
B.D.  1703;  D.D.  1708.   Fellow,  1679.   Vice-Master,  1712-4. 

C.  of  Wilburton,  Cambs.,  1692.  V.  of  Chesterton,  1696-1714. 
Buried  in  Trinity  College,  Mar.  9,  1713-4,  aged  57.  M.I.  in 
the  Chapel.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1714.  (Le  Neve,  Man.,  11. 

Smith,  Thomas 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1673  (Incorp.  from  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford).  S.  of  John,  of  All  Hallows,  Barking.  B.  there, 
June  3,  1638.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  29, 
1657;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1660-1;  M.A.  1663;  B.D.  1674; 
D.D.  1683.  Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1666-92. 
Chaplain  at  Constantinople,  1668-71.  F.R.S.,  1677.  R.  of 
Standlake,  Oxon.,  1684.  An  oriental  scholar.  Died  May  ii, 
1710.  (Left  his  MS.  collection  to  T.  Heame;  they  are  now 
in  the  Rawlinson  Collection.)  (Al.  Oxon.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  8,  1674-5. 
Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Marlesford, 
Suffolk;  age  7  in  1664.  B.A.  1678-9.  One  of  these  names 
2nd  s.  of  Brian  (1633),  D.D.  (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS  (senior).    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 

Mar.  1674-5.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 
SMITH,  THOMAS  (junior).    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 

Apr.  13,  1675.   Matric.  1675. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  24,   1675. 

Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  16,  1675-6. 

Of  Derbyshire.  B.A.  1680-1. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May,  1677. 
S.   of    Richard,   iron-monger.     B.   at   Langham,    Rutland. 
School,  Oakham.    Matric.  1677.    Probably  R.  of  Wardley, 
Rutland,  1690-1724.   Probably  father  of  Richard  (1706). 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  8, 
1679.   S.  of  John,  silk  merchant,  citizen  of  London.   B.  at 
Enfield,    Middlesex.     Schools,    Harrow,    Tottenham    and 
Grantham.    Migrated  to  Caius,  Feb.  13,  1679-80.    Matric. 
1680;  Scholar,  1680.  (Venn,  i.  464.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  25,  1682.  Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas 
(?  1647),  of  Stutton,  Suffolk,  Knt.   School,  Felsted,  Essex. 
Matric.  1682.    Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  27,  1683. 
Probably  brother  of  Charles  (1689). 
SMITH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  30,   1682. 

Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1685-6. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 
1685.  S.  of  William,  vintner.  B.  at  Beverley,  Yorks.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1689;  priest,  1690-1.  C.  of  Flam- 
borough  and  Bempton,  Yorks.  Perhaps  V.  of  Brignall, 
1695-1707; M.A. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  15,  1691. 

Of  Derbyshire. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  9, 
1691-2.  S.  of  John  (?  1666).  B.  at  Tilton,  Leics.  School, 
Leicester  (Mr  William  Thomas).  Matric.  1691-2;  Scholar, 
1695;  B.A.  1695-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  7,  1696; 
'C.  of  Tilton';  priest,  May  30,  1697.  R.  of  Clay  Colon, 
Northants.,  1698-1715.  Buried  there  Jan.  2,  1715-6. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  2,  1694-5. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Echilhampton,  Wilts.  Matric.  (St  John's 
College,  Oxford)  Dec.  11,  1668,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1672; 
M.A.  from  Queens',  1695.  (A!.  Oxon.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Oct.  17,  1695.  Matric. 
1697;  B.A.  1699-1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  26,  1700; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1701.  C.  of  Clolhall,  Herts.  R.  of  Baldock, 
1709-61;  'B.A.'  Buried  there  Jan.  22,  1761,  aged  87. 
Perhaps  father  of  James  (1740).  (Clutterbuck,  11.  272.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  10, 
1697.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Pipe-wood-houses,  Staffs.  Matric. 
1697;  Scholar,  1698;  B.A.  1701-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  14,  1702-3;  priest  (Peterb.)  May  19,  1706;  C.  of 
Helpston,  Northants.,  1703;  V.,  1706-26.  Buried  there  1726. 
(Peile,  II.  140.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1701.  2nd  s.  of 
Edmund,  of  Annables,  Herts.,  gent.  B.  Sept.  12,  1675. 
Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  8,  1692,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1698.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  28,  1692-3. 
Died  vit.  pat.  Brother  of  William  (1702).  (Al.  Oxon.,  in- 
correct identification  there;  Cussans,  iii.  357.) 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  12, 
1702-3.  S.  of  John,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  School,  Richmond 
(Mr Thompson).  Matric.  1702-3;  Scholar,  1706;  B.A.  1706-7; 
M.A.  1711.  Chaplain  of  Trinity,  1714-23. 
SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  8, 
1703-4.  S.  of  Thomas  (1672).  B.  at  Homingsheath,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury.  Scholar,  1704;  Matric.  1705-6;  B..\.  1707-8; 
M.A.  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  19,  1709;  priest,  June  4, 
1710.  R.  of  Rougham,  Suffolk,  1710-23.  Died  1723. 
SMYTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  24,  1706-7.  Of  Sussex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George, 
R.  of  Binderton.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1707.  Of 
Binderton,  Esq.  Died  Feb.  11,  1720,  aged  30.  Buried  at 
Westdean.   M.I.   (Topographer,  iv.  269.) 


Smith,  Thomas 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1708.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Witney,  Oxon.,  gent.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  30,  1699,  age  i6;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1702.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1709.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1712-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  May,  171 3. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  21,  T712-3. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1713. 

SMYTH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1713.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Hereford.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  18, 
1688-9,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1692.   {Al.  Oxon.,  incorrect.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  14,  i730-i- 
Of  .Sussex.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1734-5;  M.A.  1738.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Nov.  1735.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,' 
V.  of  Pakenham,  .Suffolk,  1742-63.  R.  of  Stowlangtoft, 
1748-63.  Died  1763. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1735.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Stondon,  Essex,  clerk.  B.  there,  1710.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford)  Apr.  11,  1727,  age  15  (sic);  B.A.  (Magdalen 
College,  Oxford)  1731.  R.  of  Stondon,  and  of  Aythorp 
Roding,  Essex,  1735-91.  Died  Jan.  19,  1791.  aged  81. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  17, 
1742.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Worcester.  School,  Worcester 
(Mr  Miles).  Matric.  1742;  Scholar,  1743;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A. 

1749.  Fellow,  1748. 

SMITH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  9,  1742;  Smyth. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Wakefield.  B.  July 
9,  1724.    Matric.  1742;  Scholar,  1742;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A. 

1750.  Ord.  deacon  (Elv)  Oct.  29,  i749-  Probably  R.  of 
Hemsworth,  Yorks.  Died  Dec.  23,  1763,  aged  39.  Buried 
at  Wakefield.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Snaith,  in  1746. 
Buried  there,  May  7,  i75i. 

SMYTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Oct.  5,  1748. 
B.  at  Cork,  Ireland.  Matric.  1748. 

SMITH,  THURSTON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  9, 1602-3. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Cratfield,  Suffolk.  Matric. 
1603.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1613,  as  M.A.  of  Cambridge. 
Knighted,  May  26,  1625.  Married  Willoughby,  dau.  of 
Edward  Brewse,  of  Warham.  Buried  at  Cratfield,  Jan.  26, 
1649.   {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1663;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SMITH,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  22,  1646. 
S.  ot  William,  gent.,  of  Sutton  Bassett,  Northants.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Ashley  St  Mary,  near  Harborough  (Mr  Withers)  and 
Uppingham  (Mr  Meeres).  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1650-2; 
B.A.  1650-1.  Intruded  R.  of  Stoke  Albany,  Northants., 
1657,  conformed.  Buried  there  Jan.  19,  1683-4.  {Venn,  i. 

SMITH  or  SMYTH,  TRAFFORD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
King's,  Easter,  1703.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert, 
Bart.,  of  Upton,  Essex.  Barrister-at-law.  Died  in  London, 
Jan.  6,  1731-2.  Brother  of  Robert  (1730)  and  father  of  the 

SMITH,  TRAFFORD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Caius,  Lent, 
1727.  S.  of  Trafford  (above).  Succeeded  his  grandfather. 
Sir  Robert,  as  4th  Bart.,  Jan.  27,  1744-5.  Died  unmarried, 
Dec.  8,  1765.   {Venn,  11.  26;  G.  Mag.;  G.E.C.,  iv.  10.) 

SMITH,  W.  M.A.  1498-9. 

SMITH,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 

SMITH,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1572. 

SMITH,  WALTER.  B.D.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1425. 
Probably  of  Diss,  Norfolk.  Master  of  Corpus  Christi,  1474-7, 
resigned.  R.  of  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  1446-88.  One  of 
the  syndics  for  building  the  University  Library.  Died  1488. 

SMITH,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1559. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Comm.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1483-4. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1484-5;  M.A.  1488. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1489-90.  Of  Yorkshire.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  i486.  R.  of  Helmdon,  Northants.,  1494.  R.  of 
Orton  Waterville,  Hunts.,  1500-32.  Died  1532. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1491-2  (?  1493-4);  D.Civ.L. 
1498-9.   Probably  R.  of  Elsworth,  Cambs.,  1498-1516. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Incorp.  1496.  4th  s.  of  Robert,  of  Widnes, 
Lanes.  Studied  at  Oxford.  Clerk  of  the  Hanaper,  1485. 
Preb.  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1485.  Dean  of  Stephen's, 
1491-3.  R.  of  Cheshunt,  Herts.,  1492-4  (styled  LL.B.). 
Bishop  of  Lichfield,  1492-6.  Archdeacon  of  Surrey,  till  1493. 
Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1496-1514.  Chancellor  of  Oxford,  1500-2. 
President  of  Wales,  1501-14.  Founder,  with  Sir  R.  Sutton, 
of  Brasenose  College,  and  benefactor  elsewhere.  Died  Jan.  2, 
1513-4.  Buried  in  Lincoln  Minster.  Will  (P.C.C).  {Cooper, 
I.  523;  A  I.  Oxon.) 

Smith,  William 

SMYTHE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1499.   Fellow  of  Eton,  1521.   {Harwood,  57.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1503-4- 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  LL.D.  1504-5  (Incorp.  from  Ferrara).  S.  of 
Richard,  and  nephew  of  William  (1496),  bishop  of  Lincoln. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1506.  Archdeacon  of  Northampton, 
1500-6.  V.  of  Bugbrooke,  Northants.,  1501-8.  Archdeacon 
and  preb.  of  Lincoln,  1506-28.  R.  of  Yelvertoft,  1507-10. 
Archdeacon  of  Stow,  1507-8.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1508-28. 
V.  of  Earls  Barton,  1525-28.  Died  June,  1528.  {Cooper,  i. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Of  Clare.  Probably  B.A.  1504;  M.A. 
1506-7.  Fellow,  1505.  Perhaps  sup.  for  incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1508.  See  also  William,  B.D.,  1520-1.  Possibly  the  same 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  12,  1513.  Of  St  GiJes-in-the-Fields,  Middlesex. 
Fellow,  1516-7.  One  of  the  musicians  at  Willingham, 
Cambs.  Probably  R.  of  Everdon,  Northants.,  1529-73- 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1516-7;  M.A.  1519-20. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1519-20. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Of  Clare.  B.D.  1520-1.  Proctor,  1519-20. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Cromer,  Norfolk,  1521;  B.D. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1554; 
Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1560-1;  M.A.  1564. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1554- 
Of  Louth,  Lines.  B.A.  1557-8.  Fellow,  1558.  Probably 
the  same  who  was  ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  8,  1561-2; 
'Fellow  of  Clare;  M.A,,  of  Lincoln  diocese.'  Probably  of 
Upper  Toynton,  Lines.;  will  (Lincoln)  1609-10. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  18,  1556.  Of  Northchurch,  Herts.  Died  as  a 
scholar,  1556. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1556-7. 
Fellow,  1557-64. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1557-8.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Braunston,  Northants., 
1562-4;  also  R.  of  Pilton.  Died  1564.   {Baker,  i.  273.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1559. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1562;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569;  B.D.  1579.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1576. 

SMITH,  V.^LLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  (age  10)  from  Magd.\.lene, 
Michs.  1567. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1571; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579- 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  24,  1573.  Of  London.  B.  at  Princes  Risborough 
Bucks,  (according  to  Harwood).  Matric.  1573;  B.A.  1577-8 
M.A.  1581;  D.D.  1594.  Fellow,  1576-86.  Master  of  Clare 
1601-12.  Vice-Chancellor,  1602.  Provost  of  King's,  1612-15 
Chaplain  to  Queen  Elizabeth  and  James  I.  R.  of  Willingham 
Cambs.,  1586-1601.  Canon  of  Peterborough,  1595-1602 
R.  of  Kingston,  Cambs.,  1596-1601.  R.  of  Little  Barfield 
and  V.  of  Halstead,  Essex.  R.  of  Toppesfield,  1601-3.  Died 
Mar.  26,  1615.  Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  of  King's.  Brother 
of  John  (1571).   (Harwood.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1575;  B.A.  1575-6; 
M.A.  1579.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1580.  Ord.  priest  (by  WiUiam, 
Bishop  of  Lincoln).  Probably  R.  of  Blisworth,  Northants., 
1579-95-   Buried  Jan.  8,  1593-4- 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1575; 
B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  Oct.  1583.  Possibly  V.  of  Brightlingsea,  Essex, 
1609.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Feb.  12,  1624-5. 

SMYTH,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1577-8. 

SMYTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  2, 1579. 
Of  Alderton,  Suffolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Randolph,  yeoman. 
School,  Ipswich.  Of  Walton,  Suffolk,  gent.  Inherited  lands 
in  Bawdsey  and  Alderton  from  his  father,  1588.  WiU  proved 
(Archd.  Suffolk)  Apr.  11,  1617.   (Venn,  i.  102.) 

SMYTHE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  25, 
1579.  S.  of  Andrew,  burgess  of  Cambridge.  School,  King's, 
Cambridge  (Mr  Watts).  Scholar  until  1586;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A. 
1586.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1599.  Probably  subscribed  for 
priest's  orders  (Lincoln)  May  13,  1586;  M.A.  Perhaps 
minister  of  Elsing,  Norfolk,  and  of  Monk  Soham,  Suffolk. 
If  so,  will  proved,  Feb.  10,  1631,  by  his  son  WiUiam  (1609). 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1602)  and  Thomas  (1604). 


Smith,  William 

SMITH,  WILLIAM     Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1582. 

Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1585-6. 
SMITH,   WILLIAM.    LL.D.   1583   (Incorp.  from   Oxford).    Of 

Worlaby,  Lines.    Fellow  of  New  College,  Oxford,  1558-71. 

LL.B.    1565;    LL.D.    1573.     Adm.    advocate    of    Doctors' 

Commons,  May  4,  1577.   Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1581-1614.  V.  of 

Buckden,    Hunts.,    1585-91.     One   of   these   names   R.   of 

Mursley,    Bucks.,    1580-1621.     Buried    there,    July    1621. 

Father  of  Thomas  (1609).   {Lipscomb,  iii.  478.) 
SMITH,    WILLIAM.     Adm.   sizar   at    Peterhouse,    Feb.    18, 

1593-4-   Matric.  c.  1594;  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.   Perhaps 

ord.   deacon   (Colchester)   Aug.   9;   priest,   Aug.   16,    1601; 

'M.A.'    R.  of  Ore,  Sussex,  1602-38.    Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 

1639.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  15, 

1594-5-   S.  of  Adrian,  gent.   Bapt.  Nov.  23,  1578,  at  Brum- 

stead,  Norfolk.    School,   Norwich  (Mr  Limberd).    Scholar, 

1595-7-    Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  14,   1595; 

of  Norfolk.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1603 ;  Smythe.  Inherited  lands 

in  Skottowe  from  his  father,  Jan.  1616-7.  Married  and  had 

issue.   {Venn,  i.  154.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at   Peterhouse,  Mar.  i,   1594-5. 

Matric.  c.  1595.    Probably  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1605. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595.    One 

of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  29,  1603;  priest. 

Mar.  II,  1604;  'B.A.  of  Trinity.' 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Easter,  1602. 

Of  Yorkshire.   B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609;  B.D.  1616.   Fellow. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1613.   Will 

proved  (V.C.C.)  1621. 
SMYTH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  C.\ius,  Apr.  21, 

1604;  afterwards  Fell. -Com.   S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of 

Gt  Massingham,  Norfolk.   School,  Lynn  (Mr  Man).   Matric. 

1604;  Scholar,  1606-9;  B.A.  1607-8.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

Feb.  10,  1608-9.   {Venn,  i.  184.) 
SMITH,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1606;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  8, 

1 614;  priest  (York)  Mar.  1617-8.    Perhaps  R.  of  Keyworth, 

Notts.,  1619;  will  (P.C.C.)  1653. 
SMITH,    WILLIAM    [ROBERTS].     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from 

Trinity,  Easter,  1606.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of 

Burgh  Castle,  Suffolk,  and  of  Great  Cressingham,  Norfolk. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  30,  1608;  of  Stiffkey,  Norfolk, 

Esq.   Died  unmarried,  1609.   Brother  of  Owen  (1609). 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  scholar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  30, 

1609.  S.of  William  (?  1579),  R.  of  Elsing,  Norfolk.  Executor 

to  his  father's  will,  Feb.  lo,  1631,  at  Norwich.   Probably  of 

Metfield,  gent.;  will  dated,  Feb.  20,  1653;  proved,  May  7, 

1658.    Brother  of  John  (1602)  and  Thomas  (1604).    {Venn, 

I.  202.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609 ; 

B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19, 

1613;  priest.  Mar.  20,  1613-4. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1609.   Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1612-3. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612; 

B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1615; 

B.A.   1620-1;   M.A.   1624.    Perhaps  ord.  priest   (Norwich) 

Sept.  24,  1626;  'M.A.' 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1617. 

One  of  these  names,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  1,  1618;  s.  of 

Sir  William  Smyth,  of  London,  Knt. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Sidney,  Easter,  1617. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
i6t8.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Hill  Hall,  Essex. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  15,  1618-9.  Knighted, 
Dec.  2,  1623.  Married  (i)  Helegenwagh,  dau.  of  Edward, 
Ix)rd  Conway,  Baron  of  Ragley;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward 
Croft,  of  Herefordshire.  Buried  at  Theydon  Mount,  Mar.  7, 
i63i,aged32.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1618-9).  {Misc. 
Gen.  ct  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  242.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1618; 
B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1622; 
priest,  Dec.  1623.  Head  Master  of  Otley  Grammar  School, 
Yorks.,  1622-38. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1622. 

SMYTH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  13, 

1622-3.  S.  of  Anthony,  gent.,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School, 

Bury  (Mr  Dickinson).    Matric.  1623;  Scholar,  1625-9;  B.A. 

1626-7;   M.A.    1630.^    R.  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk,   1631-65. 

Buried  there  Jan.  4,'i665-6.   (Venn,  i.  261.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1628. 

Of  Lincolnshire.   B.A.  1631-2. 

Smith,  William 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Chrjsti,  Michs. 
1632.  B.  at  Paston,  Norfolk.  B.A.  1635-6;  M..'\.  1639; 
D.D.  1665.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln);  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  18, 
1642,  age  26.  R.of  Cotton,  Suffolk,  1645.  V.  of  Mendlesham, 

1661.  Preb.  of  Norwich,  1670.  Author,  religious.  (Probably 
R.  of  Hintlesham,  1646.   Perhaps  R.  of  Pettaugh,  1655-64.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  26,  1634. 
S.  of  Josiah.  B.  at  Hull,  Yorks.  School,  Hull  (Mr  Bumey). 
Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1637-41;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1635. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  7,  1635. 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  10,  1640. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1641.  Doubtless  identical 
with  the  Quaker  of  these  names.  Son  of  a  yeoman  of  good 
estate.  B.  at  Besthorpe,  Notts.  Served  as  Chief  Constable 
and  became  a  pastor  of  the  Independents.  Joined  the 
Quakers  in  1658.  Imprisoned  for  non-pajnnent  of  tithes, 
1658,  and  again  in  1660  while  preaching  at  Worcester,  for 
refusing  to  take  the  oath  of  allegiance.  Several  times  in 
confinement  at  Nottingham,  1662-5.  Wrote  voluminous 
tracts.  His  collected  works  published  under  the  title  of 
Balm  from  Gilead.  Died  Nov.  9,  1672  (Jan.  1673  N.S.). 
(P.  J.  Cropper,  Sufferings  of  the  Quakers;  Norman  Penney, 
George  Fox,  11.  406;  D.N.B.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1644.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651;  B.D.  1659. 
Fellow,  1650-63.  Taxor,  1654.  Buried  at  St  Benet's, 
Cambridge,  Mar.  16,  1662-3.   Will  proved  (V.C.C). 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  10,  1645. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Suffolk.  B.  at  Thrandeston.  School, 
Thetford.  Matric.  1645.  Living,  1651.  Died  unmarried. 
{Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  i.  182.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1646. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1649-50.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Brafleld,  Northants.,  1664.  Buried  there  Feb.  11, 
1685-6.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  11,  1647. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  3, 
1648.  S.  of  John  (1613),  R.  of  Cockfield,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
there,  Nov.  12,  1631.  Matric.  1648-9;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A. 
1656.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  23,  i66r- 
2;  'M.A.,'  and  R.  of  Coddenham,  Suffolk,  1664. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  15,  1649-50. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Matthew,  of  Knaresborough,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Mar.  30,  1630.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Lowther,  Westmorland,  1657-76,  and  R.  of  Ingleton,  Yorks. 
Buried  at  Lowther,  Dec.  i,  1676.  Perhaps  father  of  George 
(1689)  and  John  (1674).  {Compton  Reade,  171;  Nightingale, 
1236;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  July  7, 
1652.  S.  of  William,  clerk,  of  Lancaster.  B.  there.  School, 
Giggleswick.  Three  years  at  Glasgow  University. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  r, 
1656.  S.  of  John,  R.  of  Enniskillen,  Co.  Fermanagh  (for  an 
account  of  whom  see  N.  and  Q.,  nth  S.,  vii.  509).  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1660-1.  Ord.  priest, 
Oct.  30,  1661.  R.  of  Tedavnet,  Clogher,  1661.  R.  of  Kilmore, 
1664.  R.  of  Drumsnat,  i665.  Archdeacon  of  Armagh,  in 
1669.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  William  Rowley,  of 
Tobermore,  Derry.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas,  Dublin,  Feb.  ir, 
1672-3.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  4,  1657.  Matric. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  12, 

1662.  S.  of  William,  farmer.  B.  at  Bamby-Moor,  near 
Pocklington,  Yorks.  School,  York  (Mr  Bankes).  Matric. 
1662;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  2, 
1667;  priest,  Sept.  1669. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  20, 

1664.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Blyth,  Notts.  B.  there.  School, 

Rotherham  (Mr  Thomas  Barton).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8; 

M.A.  1671.    Perhaps  ord  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  1668,  and 

priest   (London)   June,   1669.    C.  of  All  Saints',  Barking. 

Win  (P.C.C.)  1688;  of  AH  Hallows,  Barking,  and  of  Blyth, 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  .'Vdm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 

1664.    S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  Oakham,  Rutland.    B. 

there.    School,   Oakham   (Mr  Love).     Matric.    1664;   B..\. 

1667-8;  M.A.  1671.    Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20, 

1668;  'Chaplain  in  the  house  of  Mr  Hatcher.'   One  of  these 

names  R.  of  Wadenhoe,  Northants.,  1671-4. 



Smith,  William 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  23,  1667. 

Of   Leicestershire.     Matric.    1667-8.     Migrated    to   Jesus, 

Dec.   20,    1671.    B.A.   1671-2;   Scholar,   1672;   M.A.   1675. 

Litt.  dim.  (Lambeth)  to  receive  deacon's  and  priest's  orders, 

Feb.  27,  1674-5;   probably  V.  of  Aston  Cantlow,  Wanvs., 

c.  1675.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Cadeby,  Leics.,  1679-80. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jime  16,  1674- 

Of  Surrey.  B.  at  Godstone.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1671-2. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Nov.  15,  1675- 

Of  Wiltshire.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683;  B.D. 

1690.   Fellow,  1680-1703.    R.  of  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge, 

1697-1713.     Probably   V.   of   Barley,    Herts.,    1699-1718. 

Died  Jan.  12,  1718,  aged  60.   M.I.  at  Barley.  {CluUerbuck, 

in.  388.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  21, 

1675-6.   S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Kirtling,  Cambs.   B.  there. 

School,  Bradley.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Aug.  14,  i677-  Matric. 

1678;  B.A.  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  27,  1680-1; 

priest  (Norwich)  Dec.   1685.    One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Momingthorpe,  Norfolk,  1692-1708. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  1678  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

William,  of  Easby,  Yorks.,  gent.  Matric.  (University  College, 

Oxford)  May  28,  1668,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1672;  M.A. 

1675.   Fellow  of  University  College,  Oxford,  1675-1705.   R. 

of  Goodmanham,  Yorks.,  1673.    R.  of  Melsonby,  1704-35. 

Died  Dec.  19,  i735-   (Al.  Oxon.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  29, 

1682.    S.  of  John,  of  Ipswich,  baker.    Matric.  1683;  B.A. 

1685-6;  M.A.  1690.  Fellow,  1686-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 

Mar.  1687-8.   Minor  Canon  of  Norwich. 
SMITH,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.   8,    1687. 

Scholar  from  St   Paul's,   1687.    Of  Durham.    Migrated  to 

Jesus,  Oct.  11,  1687.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1702. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lines.)  Mar.  8,  1690;  priest  (Norwich)  July  14, 

1692.    Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Carlisle.    R.  of  Camborne, 

Cornwall,  1709,  and  R.  of  Illogan.    Preacher  at  St  Clement 

Danes.   (T.  C.  Dale;  St  Paul's  School  Register.) 
SMYTH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens'.  Apr.  11,  1690, 

from  Trinity  College,  Dublin.    Of  Ireland.    Probably  s.  of 

George,  of  Sligo.  B.  at  Sligo.   Adm.  at  Trin.  CoU.,  Dublin, 

Nov.  5,  1687,  aged  18.    (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Al.  Dub.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  24,  1696.    Of 

Ely,  Cambs.   Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  1699-1700. 

S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Ipswich.  B.  at  Kilverstone,  Norfolk. 

School,  Bury  (Mr  Leeds).   Matric.  1699-1700.   Adm.  at  the 

Middle  Temple,  Dec.  i,  1701.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1715. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  20, 

1702.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Hatton  Garden,  London.  School, 

Charterhouse.  Scholar,  1702-3. 
SMYTH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  July  7, 

1702.    4th  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Harding,  Herts.    B.  Sept.  26, 

1686.     School,   Bovingdon    (Mr   Crowfoot).    Matric.    1702; 

Scholar,  1703;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 

Sept.  25,  1709;  priest  (London)  Dec.  24,  1710.   Chaplain  of 

Trinity,  1709-24.    R.  of  Emberton,  Bucks.,  1714-41.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1742 ;  to  be  buried  in  the  family  vault  at  Harpenden. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1701).   (Cussans,  Herts.,  in.  356.) 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  23, 

1705-6.     S.   of    Richard,   of   London.    School,    St    Paul's. 

Matric.  1706;  Scholar,  1707;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1712;  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  i,  1712-3. 

Chaplain  of  Trinity,  1712-4.  C.  of  Barking,  Suffolk,  1712. 
SMITH,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,   Jan.   2,    1707-8. 

Doubtless  s.   of  Matthew   (1680).    B.   at  Sleaford,   Lines. 

Matric.  1708.    Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  May  3,  1710.   B.A. 

1711-2.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  July  5,  1713;  priest.  Mar.  9, 

1717-8.  C.  to  his  father  at  Dorrington,  Lines.,  1713. 
SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  July  17, 

1708.  S.  of  John,  dyer.   B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Louth. 

Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1712-3.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19, 

1713;  priest,  Aug.  15,  1714.   R.  of  Grimoldby,  Lines.,  1714. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  13, 

1710.  S.  of  Thomas,  B.D.,  V.  of  Chirk,  Denbigh,  deceased. 
B.  there.  School,  Oswestry  (Mr  Poole).  Matric.  1710.  Died 
in  College.   Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  May  28,  1711. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 

1711.  S.  of  William,  chandler.  B.  at  Medboume,  Leics. 
School,  Easton  (Mr  Atton).  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5; 
M.A.  1718.  Fellow,  1717-25.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11, 
1715;  priest  (Lincoln)  May  27,  1716;  C.  of  Cottingham, 
Northants.,  1715.  C.  of  Medboume,  Leics.,  1716.  Probably 
R.  of  Harston,  1719-21.  R.  of  Homersfield  (alias  St  Mary, 
South  Elmham)  and  St  Cross,  Sufiolk,  1722-67 ;  also  chaplain 
of  Hjirleston,  Norfolk,  and  sometime  schoolmaster  there. 
Assisted  Sir  Thomas  Harrison  in  his  edition  of  Shakespeare, 

Smith,  Wolfran 

and  Dr  Grey  in  his  notes  on  Butler's  Hudibras.  Died  Mar.  2 
(?Apr.  22),  1767,  aged  77  (stc).  Father  of  Charles  (1745), 
John  (1751)  and  William  (1744).  {Scott-Mayor,  11;  Suckling, 
1.  217;  Blomefield,  v.  357.) 

SMYTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  3, 1714. 
S.  of  James  (1684-5),  V.  of  Stow  Bedon.  B.  there.  Schools, 
Stow  Bedon  (Mr  Rudland)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Pate).  Matric. 
1714;  Scholar,  1714-20;  B..'\.  1717-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  25,  1720;  priest,  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  C.  of  Hockwold, 
Norfolk,  1720.  Brother  of  James  (1714)  and  Peter  (1728). 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  23, 
1714.  S.  of  William,  grocer.  B.  at  Bingley,  Yorks.  School, 
Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A. 

1743.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  9,  1717-8. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1715.  Of 
London.  B.  1696.  Matric.  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  19; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1731.  V.  of  Codicote,  Herts.,  1731-3.  Died 

SMITH,  WILLIAM  (JAMES).  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  27,  1721.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  York.  B.  at  Cawood. 
Schools,  York  (Mr  Herbert)  and  Sherbum  (Mr  Moseley). 
Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  'WiUiam  James.'  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  6,  1725-6.   R.  of  Ryther,  Yorks. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  18, 
1722.  Of  London.  Matric.  1722.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  25,  1726. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  July  4, 
1732.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.  B.  at  Caythorpe,  Lines.  School, 
Haynton,  Lines.  Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  6, 1736-7;  priest,  Dec.  24, 1738.  Perhaps  V. of 
Haugh,Lincs.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1765.   Brotherof  Gilbert  (1725). 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  16, 
1733-4.  Of  Norwich.  Matric.  1734;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740. 
Fellow,  1740-53.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1738-g; 
priest,  May,  1741.  Minor  canon  of  Norwich.  P.C.  of  Martin- 
at-Palace,  Norwich.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1776;  of 
Norwich,  clerk. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1735; 
B.A.  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  18,  1738-9;  priest, 
June  1,  1740.  Conduct  of  King's,  1739.  Probably  V.  of 
Docking,  Norfolk  (King's  College  living),  1750.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Bumham  Ulph,  Norfolk,  1742. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  7, 
1737-8.  Of  London.  5th  s.  of  Sir  Edward  (1703),  Bart.,  of 
HiU  Hall,  Essex.  B.  c.  1719.  LL.B.  1754.  R-  of  Theydon 
Mount  and  Stapleford  Tawney,  Essex,  1755.  Succeeded  his 
brother  Charles  (1729)  as  6th  Bart.,  Mar.  24,  1773.  Of 
Horham  Hall,  Essex.  Married  Abigail,  dau.  of  Andrew  Wood, 
of  Shrewsbury.  Died  Jan.  25,  1777,  aged  57.  Buried  at 
Theydon  Mount.  Brother  of  Edward  (1728)  and  Charles 
(1729).  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  244;  G.E.C.,  iii.  235.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's   July  2, 

1744.  S.of  William  (1711),  clerk,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Harleston. 
School,  Bury,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1744;  B.A.  1747-8;  M.A.  1751. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich)  Feb.  19,  1748-9; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1749.  V.  of  St  Paul's,  Bedford, 
1749-82.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1749-82.  R.  of  Barton-in-the- 
Clay,  Beds.,  1757-82.  Died  1782.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Charles  (1745)  and  John  (1751).  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  546.) 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28, 
1747.  S.  of  John,  of  Kirkham,  Lanes.,  yeoman.  School, 
Kirkham.  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1750-1.  P.C.  of  Penwortham, 
Lanes.,  1751. 

SMITH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  23, 
1747.  S.  of  William,  grocer,  of  London.  Bapt.  at  St  Alban's, 
Wood  Street,  London.  School,  Eton;  colleger,  1742-7. 
Matric.  1747.  Became  an  actor  of  some  celebrity,  principally 
at  Covent  Garden.  With  Garrick  at  Drury  Lane.  Unsur- 
passed as  Charles  Surface.  Retired,  1788.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Edward  Richard  Montagu,  Viscount  Hinchingbrooke. 
Died  Sept.  13,  1819,  aged  88.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  570;  D.N.B.) 

SMITH,  WOULFRAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

SMITH,  WOLFRAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624. 
S.  of  Wolfran,  of  Parkfield,  Laxfield,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1624. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14,  1624-5.  Probably  adm.  at 
Leyden,  May  11,  1633;  of  London. 

SMYTH, .   M.A.  1455-6. 

SMYTH,  .    B.A.    1464-5;   M.A.    1468-9.    Possibly  John 

(1464-5)  whom  see. 

SMYTH, .   B.A.  1473-4;  M.A.  1476-7. 

SMYTH, .  B.Can.L.  1475-6. 

SMYTH, .  B.A.  1476-7;  M.A.  1481  (?).  Perhaps  Nicholas; 

ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  12, 1484;  'M.A.';  priest,  May  20, 


Smithers,  Ralph 

B.A. 1477-8. 

B.A. 1479-80. 

B.Can.L.  1481-2. 

M.Gram.  1483-4. 
.  B.A.  1484-5;  M.A.  1489. 
.  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1489-90. 
.  B.A.  1489-90. 
.  B.D.  1489-90. 
Of  St  William's  Hostel.  CaMd'o  for  degree,  1493. 

Incorp.  1499-1500.  R.  of  Burwell,  Cambs. 

B.D.  1502. 

Of  God's  House.  B.A.  1502-3. 

Incorp.  B.A.  1510-1. 

M.A.  1510-1. 

D.Civ.L.  1511-2. 

Of  Christ's.  B.A.  1520-1. 

SMITH, .  Of  Christ's.  B.A.  1521-2. 

SMITH, .  Of  Jesus.  B.A.  1521-2. 

SMITH, .  Of  St  Thomas'  Hostel.  B.A.  1521-2. 

SMITH, .  B.A.  1523-4.  Conduct  of  King's. 

SMITH, .  Of  GoNviLLE  Hall.  Cautio  for  degree,  1523-4. 

SMITH, .  M.A.  1524-5- 

SMITH, .  B.Can.L.  1524-5. 

B.Civ.L.  1529-30. 

Of  Trinity  Hall.   Perhaps  B.A.  1530-1;  M.A. 

M.A.  1534-5- 
B.D.  1543-4- 

Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 
Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1546. 
-.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  6,  1583. 
{junior).  Adm. sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  5, 1584. 
.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1620. 
.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1629-30. 
Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1666. 
Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Sept.  13,  1675. 

SMITHIES,  FERDINANDO.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  15, 
1666-7.  Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Arthur,  Sheriff  of 
Worcestershire,  1631-2.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A. 
1674;  B.D.  1681.  Fellow,  1673-1725.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  21,  1676;  priest  (London)  Sept.  21,  1679.  Died  Nov.  4, 
1725,  aged  72.  (Smythies  Family.) 
SMYTHV{?),  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 

Michs.  1556. 
SMYTHIES,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Emmanuel, 
June  6,  1740.  Of  Colchester.  S.  of  Palmer  (1709),  clerk, 
Master  of  Colchester  School.  School,  Colchester.  Matric. 
1740;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  1782.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May, 
1746;  priest  (London)  Sept.  23, 1750.  V.  of  Blewbury,  Berks., 
1759-81.  R.  of  Alpheton,  Suffolk,  1781-1806.  R.  of  Little 
Staughton,  Beds.,  1782-1806.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Clarendon.  Died  May  30,  1806.  M.I.  at  Alpheton.  Brother 
of  John  (1752)  and  William  (1740).  (Smythies  Family.) 
SMITHIES,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1639.  S.  of 
William  (1617),  V.  of  Walter  Belchamp,  Essex.  Matric.  1639; 
B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  V.  of  Bradwell-by-Coggeshall, 
Essex,  1654.  R.  of  Little  Bromley,  1663-4.  V.  of  Dagenham, 
1663-74.  Buried  there  May  30,  1674,  aged  52.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  William  (1651)  and  father  of  Richard  (1671-2). 
SMITHIES,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  3,  1686. 
Matric.  1686.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1651),  R.  of  Tacol- 
neston,  Norfolk.  Died  young.  One  of  these  names  Naval 
chaplain  in  1694.  Brother  of  Robert  (1684)  and  William 
SMYTHIES,  PALMER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  28, 
1709.  ist  s.  of  William  (1678),  R.  of  St  Michael's,  Colchester. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  23,  1691.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric. 
1710;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1716.  Fellow,  1714.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Feb.  21,  1713-4;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1716.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  R.  of  St  Michael's,  Mile  End,  Essex,  1720.  R.  of 
St  Mary  Magdalene,  Colchester,  and  Master  of  the  Hospital, 
1721-73.  Master  of  the  Grammar  School,  1727-76.  Adm. 
to  the  Freedom  of  Colchester,  Dec.  9,  1728.    Died  Dec.  25, 

1776.  Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Mile  End.   M.I.   Will  (P.C.C.) 

1777.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1721-2),  father  of  Humphrey 
(1740),  John  (1752)  and  WiUiam  (1740).  {Al.  Carthus.) 


Smithson,  Christopher 

SMITHIES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  5, 
1671-2.  Of  Essex.  S.  of  Isaac  (1639),  V.  of  Dagenham. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  21, 

SMITHIES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  17, 
1640.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  York.  School,  York  (Mr  Garth- 
waite  and  afterwards  Mr  Wallis).  Matric.  1640;  B.A. 

SMITHIES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  26, 1684. 
Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  William  (1651),  R.  of  Tacolneston.  B. 
there.  Matric.  1685.  Brother  of  James  (1686)  and  William 

SMYTHES,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1646. 
Of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar, 
1647;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Fellow,  1650.  Chaplain, 
East  India  Company,  1663-8,  at  Fort  St  George. 

SMYTHIES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  20, 
1721-2.  S.  of  William  (1678),  R.  of  Mile  End,  Colchester. 
B.  there.  School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1723;  B.A. 
1725-6;  M.A.  1729.  Fellow,  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  22,  1728;  'of  Witnesham.'  Patron  of  Alpheton,  Suffolk. 
Died  Nov.  6,  1746,  aged  40.  M.I.  at  Lavenham.  Brother  of 
Palmer  (1709). 

SMITHIES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  14, 
1617.  Matric.  1617;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1620;  M.A.  1624. 
V.  of  Walter  Belchamp,  Essex,  1623-43.  R.  of  Rayne,  in 
1649,  and  Gosfield,  in  1650.  Buried  Sept.  13,  1652.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1653.  Father  of  the  next  and  Isaac  (1639).  (H. 

SMITHIES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  r,  1651. 
Of  Essex.  S.  of  William  (above).  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1659- 
60.  R.  of  Tacolneston,  Norfolk,  1660-71.  C.  of  St  Giles", 
Cripplegate,  1673-1704.  Married  Hepzibah,  dau.  of  James 
Palmer,  of  Grundisburgh,  Suffolk.  Buried  at  Witnesham, 
Suffolk,  June  29,  1715.  Brother  of  Isaac  (1639),  father  of 
the  next,  and  of  James  (1686)  and  Robert  (1684). 

SMYTHYS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  27, 
1678.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  William  (1651),  R.  of  Tacolneston. 
Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1682-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  ir, 
1685.  R.  of  Mile  End,  Essex,  1687-1719-  D'ed  Mar.  7,  1719. 
M.I.  there.  Will,  Comm.  Essex.  Brother  of  James  (1686)  and 
Robert  (1684),  father  of  Thomas  (1721-2)  and  Palmer(i709). 

SMYTHIES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June 
lo,  1740.  S.  and  h.  of  Palmer  (1709),  M.A.,  of  St  Michael's, 
Mile  End,  Colchester.  B.  there.  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4; 
M.A.  1761.  Fellow,  1746.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1746-7. 
R.  of  Alpheton,  Suffolk,  1746-80.  V.  of  St  Peter's,  Col- 
chester, 1759-80.  Chaplain,  4th  Dragoons.  Buried  at 
Colchester,  Nov.  5,  1780.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother  of 
Humphrey  (1740)  and  John  (1752). 

SMITHEMAN,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Lent,  1615-6;  B.A.  1616-7. 

SMITHMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June 
12,  1656.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Pocklington,  Yorks.  School, 
Pocklington.  Matric.  1656.  C.  of  Chapel  Egton,  Yorks.,  1661. 

SMITHSBY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  8, 
1646.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  at  Berkhampsted,  Herts. 
Schools,  'Grantford,'  Middlesex  and  Croydon,  Surrey  (Mr 
Burton).  Matric.  1647.  Migrated  to  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 
Matric.  there,  Apr.  9,  1647,  age  21. 

SMITHSBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  May  8,  1646.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  St  Dunstan's,  Middle- 
sex, Esq.  School,  Epping  (Mr  Wroth).  Matric.  c.  1646; 
B.A.  1648-9.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1648-9.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1651. 
Fellow  of  All  Souls  College,  Oxford,  1648.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1648.  Died  1655.   (Vis.  of  London,  16^4.) 

SMITHSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  28,  1651.  S.  of  Hugh,  of  London.  B.  there.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Matric.  1651.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug. 
2,  1652.  Of  Tottenham,  Middlesex.  Died  Mar.  26,  1722. 
Father  of  Hugh  (1680).  (Musgrave.) 
SMITHSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
June  1,  1659.  S.  of  Huntingdon,  architect.  Bapt.  July  15, 
1642,  at  Bolsover,  Derbs.  School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Stokes). 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1662;  M..A.  1666.  Fellow,  1667.  Taxor, 
1668.  Junior  Proctor,  1676-7.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1669. 
Ord.  priest,  1668.  R.  of  Toft,  Cambs.,  1691.  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1700-14.  Died  1714.  Doubtless  brother  of  Hunting- 
don (1670).  (Peile,  1.  586;  F.M.G.,  912.) 
SMITHSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  9, 
1617.  B.  in  Yorkshire.  Matric.  i6i7;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A. 
from  Christ's,  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1622.  A 
prisoner  in  the  Marshalsea,  in  1638,  when  he  petitioned  the 
Commissioners  for  exacted  fees  in  prison.  Said  that  he  was 
an  M.A.  of  Cambridge,  had  been  ten  years  in  Holy  Orders 
and  had  twice  served  his  Majesty  in  the  Fleet.  Probably 
Naval  chaplain,  1648.  (PeiU,  i.  323.) 


Smithson,  Cuthbert 

SMITHSON,  CUTHBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1596-7. 

Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Moulton,  Yorks.   B.A.  1599- 

1600;   M.A.   1603.    Physician  at  Richmond,  Yorks.    Gave 

£10  to  the  New  Building.  Buried  at  Middleton  Tyas,  Yorks. 

Will  dated,  Dec.  10,  1650;  proved.  May  13,  1651.   {PeiU,  1. 

223;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 
SMITHSON,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

Mar.  29,  1642.  S.  of  Francis,  merchant,  of  Richmond,  Yorks. 

B.  there.   School,  Richmond  (Mr  Brockhill).    Matric.  1642. 

Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Mar.  2,  1645;  Smitsson. 

SMITHSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1670. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Moulton,  Yorks.  (and  Eleanor, 
dau.  of  Colonel  Charles  Fairfax);  age  12  in  1665.  Married 
Elizabeth  Danby,  of  York,  Aug.  28,  1683,  at  York  Minster. 
(Fts.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SMITHSON,  HUGH.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  29, 1680.  S.  and  h.  of  Anthony  (1651),  Esq.,  of  Armin, 
Yorks.  B.  at  Tottenham,  Middlesex.  School,  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  i68r.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  12,  1681.  M.P.  for 
Middlesex,  1701,  1702-5,  1710-22.  Married  (i)  Hester 
Godfrey,  of  Woodford,  Middlesex,  Apr.  16,  1691;  (2)  Con- 
stantia  Hare,  Dec.  26,  1717,  at  St  Anthohn's,  London. 
Died  Sept.  4,  1740,  aged  79.  Father  of  Michael  Godfrey 
(1713).   {ScoU-Mayor,  u.  xliii;  G.  Mag.) 

SMITHSON,  HUNTINGTON.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  7, 
1670.  Doubtless  s.  of  Huntingdon,  of  Bolsover,  Derbs.  (but 
he  does  not  occur  in  the  pedigree,  F.M.G.).  Matric.  1670; 
Scholar,  1674;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Doubtless  brother  of 
Charles  (1659). 

SMITHSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  29,  1597.  Of  London.  Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A. 
1601-2;  M.A.  1605;  LL.D.  1630.  Fellow,  1600-31.  Vice- 
Provost,  1626-30;  Taxor,  I0i4.  Senior  Proctor,  1617-8. 
Commissary,  1625.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1635;  'of  Trinity 
Hall';  P.C.C. 

SMITHSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 
B.A.  1636-7. 

SMITHSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1636.  Of 
Derbyshire.  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  22,  1644.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Berwick-on-Tweed. 
Hanged  for  the  murder  of  his  wife.  Buried  Sept.  24,  1672. 
(Sykes,  Local  Records.) 

SMITHSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1642.  Of  Middlesex.  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649. 

SMITHSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  18, 

1659.    S.  of  Anthony.    B.  at  Bothel,  Cumberland.    School, 

St  Bees  (Mr  Ratcliffe).   Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662;  M.A.  1670. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Carlisle)  Feb.  1,  1662-3.    Perhaps 

V.  of  Paull,  near  HuU,  Yorks.,  1662-80.   Died  before  Oct. 

1680.  {Peile,  1.  587.) 
SMITHSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May  5, 

1670.   S.  of  John,  clerk,  of  Imham,  Lines.   School,  Corby 

(private).   Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4. 
SMITHSON,  MICHAEL  GODFREY.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18) 

at  St  John's,  Sept.  26,  1713.  S.  of  Hugh  (1680),  of  Middlesex. 

Matric.  1713.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  7,  1709-10. 
SMITHSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

1606;  B.A.  1610.    Licensed  to  cure  of  Yarm,  Yorks.,  Dec. 

SMITHSON,  ROBERT    Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1620; 

B.A.  1623-4. 
SMITHSON,   THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar   (age   18)   at   Pembroke, 

July  1,  1707.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.    Matric. 

1707;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1724.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept. 

21,    1712;   priest   (Norwich)    Dec.    1715.     R.   of   Bumham 

Thorpe,  Norfolk,  1720-55.   R.  of  Bumham  Sutton,  1729-55. 

Died  1755- 
SMYTHESON,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1555.   Perhaps  scholar  of  Christ's,  1557-8. 
SMITHSON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age   18)  at  St  John's, 

.\pr.  16,  1687.    S.  of  Richard,  deceased.    B.  at  Methley, 

Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1687. 
SMITHSON,  .    Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1473-4. 

Perhaps  Richard,  R.  of  Carlton  an^d  WiUingham,  Cambs., 

until  1523. 
SMITHURST,  WILLIAM.    B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1580-1.    R. 

of  Sherington,  Bucks.,  1594;  deprived  for  non-conformity,  c. 

1595.   {Cooper,  II.  179.) 
SMITHWICK  or  SMETHWICK,  FRANCIS.    M.A.  1671  (Incorp. 

from  Oxford).  Created  M.A.  at  Oxford,  1642.   F.R.S.,  1667. 

Died  1682.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Musgrave.) 

SMORTHET, .  Adm,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1570. 

Snagg,  Thomas 

SMORTHWAITE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  28,  1625. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Westmorland.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric. 
1625.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Apr.  3,  1626.  B.A.  1629-30. 
R.  of  Warton,  near  Camforth,  Lanes.,  1632-44,  ejected. 
Died  Aug.  1644.   (Peile,  i.  373;  Sedbergh  School  Register,  97.) 

SMOULT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  19, 
1651.  S.  of  Edward  (Edmund),  of  Lathom,  Lanes.,  gent. 
B.  there.  School,  Winwick  (Mr  Gosse).  Matric.  1651;  B.A. 
1654-5;  M.A.  1659;  B.D.  1666;  D.D.  1684.  FeUow,  1664 
(by  mandate).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1663.  First  Professor  of 
Moral  Theology,  1683-1707.  R.  of  Northchurch,  Herts. 
V.  of  Bexley,  Kent,  1659-65.  V.  of  Barkway,  Herts.,  1666- 
94.  R.  of  Berkhampsted,  1693.  Chaplain  to  the  King,  c. 
1697-1707.  Died  July  9,  1707,  aged  74.  M.I.  in  Barkway 
Church.  Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  St  John's.  [Founders 
and  Benefactors,  65;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  131.) 


SMYTH,  see  SMITH. 

SNAGGE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1563-4. 

SNAGGE,  EDWARD.  FeU.-Com.  at  Caius,  1572.  4th  s.  of 
Thomas,  of  Letchworth,  Herts.,  and  Hollwellbury,  Beds. 
R.of  Marston  Morteyne,  Beds.,  1575-98.  Died  Junes,  1598. 
{Vis.  of  Herts.,  1572;  Beds.  N.  and  Q.,  11.  14.) 

SNAGG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  1691-2. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bedfordshire  (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir 
Edward  NichoUs).  B.  Aug.  2,  1675,  at  AmpthiU.  School, 
St  Albans.  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6.  High  Sheriff  of 
Beds.,  1705.  Of  Marston  Morteyne,  Esq.,  and  of  Fen  Ditton, 
Cambs.  Married  (i)  Ann,  dau.  of  George  Snagg,  R.  of 
Marston,  Beds.,  July  10,  1699;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Willys,  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.,  Bart.  Died  Dec.  12,  1715, 
aged  41.  Buried  at  Marston  Morteyne.  M.I.  Will  dated, 
June  30,  1715;  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  7,  1716.  Father  of  the 
next  and  probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1688).  {Beds.  N, 
and  Q.,  in.  364;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

SNAGG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
July  4,  1719.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward  (above),  Esq.,  of  Fen 
Ditton,  Cambs.  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Willys).  Bapt. 
Aug.  19,  1702,  at  Ditton.  School,  Carrington,  Beds.  (Mr 
Biby).  Matric.  1719.  Deputy-Lieutenant  for  Cambs.,  1738. 
Of  AmpthiU,  Beds.  Died  s.pl  Buried  at  Chesterton,  Cambs., 
Apr.  5,  1739.  Will,  P.C.C.  {G.  Mag.;  Scott-Mayor,  111.  S2».) 

SNAGG,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  17,  1664.  S.  of 
Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Millbrook,  Beds.  Matric.  1664.  Migrated 
to  Sidney,  July  4,  1667.  B.A.  1667-8;  M..A.  1671.  Fellow  of 
Sidney,  1670.  Signs  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  23, 
1670.  R.  of  Marston  Morteyne,  Beds.,  1683-99.  R.  of 
Hulcote,  Bucks.,  1687.  Buried  at  AmpthiU,  Beds.,  July  2, 
1699.  (But  his  burial  is  also  recorded  at  Marston  on  July  io, 
1699.)   (Genealog.  Bedford,  v.  193.) 

SNAGG,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  28,  1700. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  Probably  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.  Buried 
at  Maulden,  Beds.,  July  6,  1756;  of  Chesterton,  Cambs. 
(G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  Beds.  N.  and  Q.,  11.  277.) 

SNAGGE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  10, 
1641.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (next)  (styled  knight  in  the  CoUege 
Register).  B.  at  Marston,  Beds.  School,  Houghton  Conquest 
(Mr  Taylour).  Matric.  1641;  B..\.  1645-6.  Perhaps  V.  of  Gt 
Missenden,  Bucks.,  1660-8.  Died  1668.  One  of  thSse  names 
buried  at  Lidlington,  Beds.,  July  24,  1666.  Doubtless  brother 
of  Thomas  (1639).  {Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Genealog.  Beds.,  40S.) 

SNAGGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Dec. 
1607.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Marston  Morteyne,  Beds., 
Knt.  Of  Marston  Morteyne,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Edmund  Mordaunt,  of  Oakley,  Beds.  Died  Apr.  20,  1642. 
Buried  at  Marston.  M.I.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Richard 
(above).  {Peile,  i.  266;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Victoria  Co. 
Hist.  Beds.,  in.  13.) 

SNAGG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June 
30, 1635.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  of  Marston  Morteyne, 
near  AmpthiU,  Beds.  B.  at  Brampton,  Hunts.  Bapt.  Jan.  14, 
1623,  at  St  Paul's,  Bedford.  School,  Mulsoe,  Bucks.  Matric. 
1640.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  1,  1641.  Sheriff  of  Beds., 
1665.  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried  Nov.  27,  1675,  at 
Marston  (burial  also  recorded  in  the  MUlbrook  Par.  Reg.). 
WiU  proved,  Dec.  8,  1675;  of  .MUlbrook,  Esq.  (There 
appears  to  be  some  confusion  among  authorities  as  to  the 
identity  of  this  man  and  that  of  his  namesake — probably 
a  cousin — who  married  Dorothy  NichoUs,  and  died  July  23, 
aged42.)  Doubtlessbrotherof  Richard  (1641).  {Peile, 1.  462; 
Genealog.  Beds.,  417;  Via.  Hist.  Beds.,  in.  309;  Beds.  N. 
and  Q.,  11.  14.) 

SNAGG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  26,  1688. 
Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bedford- 
shire (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  NichoUs).  Matric. 
1688.  Died  at  Paris,  Aug.  28,  1698,  aged  26.  M.I.  at  Marston 
Morteyne,  Beds.  Probably  brother  of  Edward  (1691-2). 
{Beds.  N.  and  Q.,  iii.  364.) 


Snagg,  W. 

SNAGGE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1580. 

SNALEWELL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Apr.  18;  priest,  Apr.  19,  1630.  V.  of  Ormesby,  Norfolk, 

SNAILWELL,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1376.  Of 
Norwich  diocese.   R.  of  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  1376. 

SNAPE,  ANDREW.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1689. 
S.  of  Andrew,  Serjeant  farrier  to  Charles  II.  B.  at  Hampton 
Court,  Middlesex,  1675.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A. 
1697;  p.D.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1693.  Provost,  1719- 
42.  Vice-Chancellor,  1721-24.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1709. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  28,  1696-7;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1697. 
Lecturer  of  St  Martin's,  London.  Chaplain  in  ordinary  to 
Queen  Anne  and  George  I.  R.  of  St  Mary-at-Hill,  London, 
1706-37.  Head  Master  of  Eton,  1712-20.  Canon  of  Windsor, 
1713.  R.  of  Knebworth,  Herts.,  1730-7.  R.  of  West  Ilsley, 
Berks.,  1737.  One  of  the  principal  disputants  in  the 
Bangorian  controversy.  Author,  sermons.  Died  Dec.  30, 
1742-  Buried  in  St  George's  Chapel,  Windsor.  Brother  of 
the  next.   (D.N.B.;  Harwood;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SNAPE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1708. 
S.  of  Andrew,  Serjeant  farrier  to  Charles  II.  B.  at  Hampton 
Court,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1716. 
Fellow,  1712.  Assistant  Master  at  Eton.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  23,  1714;  priest  (York)  May,  1719.  R.  of 
Wootton  Courtenay,  Somerset,  1720-9.  Died  at  Bristol, 
Sept.  1729.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Andrew  (above). 

SNAPE,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1586  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A. 
(St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford)  1581-2;  M.A.  (Merton  CoUege, 
Oxford)  1584.  Went  to  Jersey  with  Thomas  Cartwright  and 
framed  a  Calvinistic  discipline  for  the  Huguenot  ministers 
there,  1576.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  25,  1583.  Minister 
of  St  Peter's,  Northampton,  c.  1586.  A  Puritan;  engaged 
in  the  Marprelate  controversy.  Imprisoned  for  attempting 
to  introduce  presbyterian  usages  into  England,  1590.  Again 
visited  the  Channel  Islands,  1595;  attended  a  synod  at 
Guernsey,  1597.  Finally  of  St  Saviour's,  Southwark,  Surrey. 
WiU,  1608.   (Cooper,  11.  285;  D.N.B.) 

SNAPE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1611. 
B.  at  Ruislip,  Middlesex.  B.A.  1614-5.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1622.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24, 
1615,  age  24;  priest.  Mar.  16,  1616-7.  Schoolmaster  at 
Ruislip.  C.  of  Idlestree,  Herts. 

SNAPE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1636  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  London, 
cler.  fil.  Matric.  (St  John's  CoUege,  Oxford)  Nov.  15,  1616, 
aged  18;  B.A.  1620;  M.A.  (Broadgate  Hall,  Oxford)  1622-3. 
V.  of  Stannington,  Northumberland,  1629.  V.  of  Hartbum, 
1636-45,  ejected.   Restored,  1660.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SNAPE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  23, 
1677.  S.  of  Leonard,  of  Staffordshire.  School,  Staffordshire. 
Matric.  1677;  B.A.  i68o-i. 

SNAPE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1608. 

SNATT,  EDWARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  28,  1615. 
•      Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 

SNATT,  SAFONEY.  Matrio.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1603; 
B.A.  1606-7; M.A.  1610. 

SNATT,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1573;  B..A.  1576-7;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1580. 

SNAIT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1591.  Buried 
at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  22,  1594-5. 


SNAWSDELL,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1597. 
2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Bilton,  Yorks.  B.  c.  1582.  B.A.  1601-2, 
'Snosdell';  M.A.  1605.  Of  Bilton,  Esq.  Married  Isabel,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Beaumont,  of  Stoughton,  Leics.  Died  Aug. 
29,  1 661.  Brother  of  the  next  and  father  of  Thomas  (1636). 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584,  1665.) 

SNAWSELL,  SETH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  c.  1593. 
S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Bilton,  Yorks.  B.  c.  1574.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1594.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584.) 

SNAWSELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  July  4, 
1636.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1636.  S.  and  h.  of  Hugh  (1597), 
of  Bilton,  Yorks.,  Esq.  B.  i6i8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May 
14,  1639.  Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Francis  Staresmore,  of 
Frolesworth,  Leics.,  1652.  (Nichols,  11.  861;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 

SNEAD,  see  also  SNEYD. 

SNEAD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  i8, 
1730-1.  S.  of  William  (1698),  clerk.  B.  at  Ludlow,  Salop. 
Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1734-5;  M.A.  1738. 

SNEAD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1626; 
Scholar  from  Westminster,  1627;  B.A.  1630-1, 

Snell,  John 

SNEAD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Feb. 
14,  1698-9.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Wentnor,  Salop.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1699.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  21, 
1701-2.  Father  of  Samuel  (1730-1). 

SNEATH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  25,  1647. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1647-8.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  Nov.  24,  1648. 

SNELGRAVE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jan.  11, 

SNELL,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Oct.  26,  1593. 
S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Colebrook,  Devon.  School,  Crediton 
(Mr  Tayler).  Matric.  c.  1593;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  i6oi.  Probably  C.  of  Anstey,  Herts.,  in 
1598.  R.  of  Lezant,  Cornwall,  1607.  Father  of  Thomas 
(1634)  and  John  (1626).   (Venn,  i.  150.) 

SNELL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July,  1641. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1644-5.  V.  of  East  Grinstead, 
Sussex,  ejected,  1662. 

SNELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  28, 
1709.  S.  of  Robert  (1677),  attorney,  of  Norwich.  B.  there. 
School,  Norwich  (Mr  Pate).  Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1709-15; 
B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1717;  M.D.  1724.  Fellow,  1715-33. 
Died  Sept.  27,  1733.  Buried  in  St  Giles',  Norwich.  (Venn, 
I.  521.) 

SNELL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1569. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577;  B.D.  1584.  FeUow, 
1577.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1586.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Ely) 
Dec.  21,  1578.  V.  of  Histon  St  Andrew  and  St  Etheldred, 
Cambs.,  1579.  R.  of  Walsoken,  Norfolk,  1588.  V.  of  Swaff- 
ham,  1591.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1619.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SNELL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1611; 
B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22; 
priest,  Dec.  23,  1616.  C.  of  Terrington  St  Clement's,  Norfolk, 

SNELL,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Jan.  31, 
1599-1600.  S.  of  WiUiam,  gent.  B.  at  Fremington,  Devon. 
School,  Chulmleigh  (Mr  Henry  HatsweU).  B.A.  from  St 
John's,  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Fellow  of  St  John's.  D.D. 
(St  Andrews)  1620.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621.  Archdeacon 
of  Chester,  1619-55.  Preb.  of  Chester,  1621-55.  R.  of 
WaUasey,  Cheshire,  1619-45;  of  Gt  Smeaton,  1622-45;  of 
Waverton,  1633-45.  Compoimded  for  his  estates  in  1645. 
Married  Lydia,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bridgman,  of  Devon  (and 
aunt  to  Sir  Orlando  Bridgman,  Lord  Keeper  of  the  Great 
Seal).  Author,  A  Looking-glass  for  England.  Died  Feb.  5, 
1655-6.  M.I.  at  St  Mary's,  Chester.  Doubtless  father  of 
Orlando  (1640).  (Venn,  i.  171;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SNELL,  HENRY.  Scholar  (age  14)  of  Clare,  1470;  B.A.  1477-8; 
M.A.  1481-2.  FeUow,  1480.  V.  of  Gt  Gransden,  Hunts., 
1485-94.  Died  1494. 

SNELL,  HUGH.  M.A.  1460.  (See  Gr.  Bk,  A,  35.)  Perhaps  R.  of 
Haughton-le-Skeme,  Durham,  1470,  and  V.  of  St  Oswald's 
Durham,  i486. 

SNELL,  HUGH.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1472-9. 

SNELL,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Dec.  18,  1640.  Matric. 
1641; B.A.  1644-5. 

SNELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1568. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  13,  1579-80;  M.A.; 
R.  of  Clifton,  Beds.,  in  1585.  Probably  R.  of  Streat,  Sussex, 
1589-93,  and  R.  of  Hurstpierpoint,  1593-1607.  Died  1607. 

SNELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 

SNELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596.  Of  York- 
shire. B.A.  from  St  John's,  1600-1;  M.A.  1604;  B.D.  1612. 
FeUow  of  St  John's,  1607.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1612.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1606.  V.  of  Isleham,  Cambs., 
1612.  V.  of  Ospringe,  Kent,  1617-23.  Died  1623. 

SNELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  30,  1626. 
S.of  Arthur  (1593),  R.  of  Lezant,  ComwaU.  B.  there.  School, 
Tiverton,  Devon.  Matric.  1626;  Scholar,  1628-33;  B.A. 
1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  R.  of  South  HiU,  ComwaU,  1634.  R. 
of  Thurlestone,  Devon,  1635-46,  sequestered,  but  restored. 
R.  of  Lezant,  Cornwall,  1638.  Preb.  of  Exeter,  1662-79. 
Buried  in  the  Cathedral,  Apr.  17,  1679.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1634)  and  father  of  Thomas  (1675).   (Venn,  i.  276.) 

SNELL,  JOHN.  M.A.  1675  (Lit.  Reg.).  Doubtless  the  founder 
of  the  Snell  exhibitions  at  BaUiol  CoUege,  Oxford.  If  so, 
s.  of  Andrew,  of  ColmoneU,  Ayrshire.  B.  c.  1629.  A  student 
at  Glasgow  University,  1642-4.  Fought  on  the  Royalist 
side  at  Worcester.  Became  clerk  to  Sir  Orlando  Bridgman. 
Created  Seal  Bearer,  1667.  Secretary  to  the  Duke  of  Mon- 
mouth, and  Commissioner  for  the  management  of  his  estate 
in  Scotland.  Died  at  Holywell,  near  Oxford,  Aug.  6,  1679. 
Possibly  a  nephew  of  George  (1599-1600).  (W.  Innes  Addison, 
The  Snell  Exhibitiotis ;  D.N.B.) 


Snell,  John 

SNELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  i,  1690.  Of  Hether- 
sett,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5  ;M.A.  1698.  Fellow, 
1697.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1699;  priest,  Sept.  22, 
1700.  R.  of  Cawston,  Norfolk,  1704.  R.  of  Salle,  1708-11. 
Chaplain  to  Sarah,  Countess  Dowager  of  Radnor. 

SNELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  2,  i739-  B.  at 
Ashreigney  (Ringsash),  Devon.  Matric.  i739;  B.A.  1742-3- 
R.  of  Alwington,  Devon,  1763-7.  V.  of  Huntshaw,  1768-89. 
Died  1789.  [Notes  and  Gleanings,  Exeter,  v.  116;  H.  B. 

SNELL,  ORLANDO.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  12,  1640. 
Doubtless  s.  of  George  (1599-1600),  Archdeacon  of  Chester 
(and  Lydia,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bridgeman).  Matric.  1640. 

SNELL,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1542-3.  Of  Yorkshire.  FeUow  of  St 
Catharine's,  c.  1540.  Perhaps  preb.  of  Southwell,  i559~72- 

SNELL,  ROBERT.  .A.dm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Dec.  8,  1596. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Colebrooke,  Devon.  School,  Lanreath 
(private).  Matric.  c.  1596;  Scholar,  1596-9;  B.A.  1599-1600. 
Incorp.  (M.A.)  at  Oxford,  July  4,  1600.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (London)  May  2,  1602.  V.  of  Mucking,  Essex,  1608-43 ; 
of  Matching,  1608-43,  sequestered  from  both.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry  Wither,  D.D.,  R.  of  Theydon 
Gamon,  Jan.  31,  1608-9.   {Venn,  i.  161;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SNELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  25,  1648. 
S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Denton,  Norfolk.  School,  Mendles- 
ham  (Mr  Mosse).  Matric.  1648.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  9, 
1654.  Owner  of  the  great  tithes  of  Kessingland,  Suffolk,  in 
1662.    Brother  of  Tobias  (1649)  and  father  of  the  next. 

SNELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1677.  Of 
Norfolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Denton,  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1677.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  29,  1680.  Attorney 
of  Norwich.  Died  Oct.  4,  1720,  aged  59.  M.I.  al  St  Giles'. 
Benefactor  to  the  parish  of  St  Giles',  Norwich.  Father  of 
Edward  (1709).   (Blomefleld,  Norwich,  659.) 

SNELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 
1744.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Vyner  (1702),  B.D., 
R.  of  March  and  Doddington.  School,  Highgate.  Matric.  1744 ; 
Scholar,  1744.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  n,  1745. 
Of  Mortimer  Street,  London.  Died  s. p.,  1751.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

SNELL,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1633; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M..\.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18, 
1641.   Perhaps  C.  of  Kelvedon  Hatch,  Essex,  1642. 

SNELL,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  6,  1579-80. 
B.  at  Royston,  Herts.  Matric.  1579-80;  B.A.  from  St 
John's,  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  21, 
1607-8,  age  42;  'C.  of  Little  Hadham,  Herts.';  priest,  Mar. 
19,  1608-g.  V.  of  Henham,  Essex,  1609-44.  Died  1644. 

SNELL,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1542-3.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,' 
age  36  in  1548,  was  Master  of  Rotherham  School,  Yorks., 

SNELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 

SNELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  King's,  May  30,  1634. 
S.of  Arthur  (1593),  R.  of  Lezant,  Cornwall.  B.  there.  School, 
Lezant  (Mr  Bates).  Migrated  to  Sidney,  Feb.  11,  1634-5. 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Probably  V.  of  North  Otterington, 
Yorks.,  1661.   Brother  of  John  (1626). 

SNELL,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1675  (Incorp.  from  All  Souls,  Oxford). 
S.  of  John  (1626),  R.  of  Thurlestone,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter 
College,  Oxford)  June  28,  1662,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1666; 
M.A.  1669;  B.D.  1676.  V.  of  Bampton,  Oxon.,  1677  (his 
son  Thomas  was  vicar  there,  1715-58).  Canon  of  Exeter, 
1679-84.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SNELL,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  c.  June,  1649. 
S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Denton,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Mendlesham,  Suffolk  (Mr  Mose)  and  Moulton,  Norfolk  (Mr 
Lancetter).  Matric.  1650;  Scholar,  1652-4;  B.A.  1652-3. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1648). 

SNELL,  VYNER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  6,  1702. 
S.  of  John,  of  Woodford,  Essex  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Vy-ner,  D.D.,  Dean  of  Gloucester).  .School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1702-3;  Scholar,  1703;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A. 
1709;  B.D.  1716.  Fellow,  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb. 
25,  1710-1;  priest.  Mar.  16,  1711-2.  R.  of  Doddington-c«>n- 
March,  Cambs.,  1719-50.  Author,  Sermons.  Father  of 
Robert  (1744).   {Al.  Westmon.,  240.) 

SNELLING,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1575. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  5, 1581-2,  from 
Barnard's  Inn. 

SNELLING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  8,  1630. 
S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  burgess  of  Thetford,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Thetford  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1631-7; 
B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.   {Venn,  i.  294.) 

SNELLING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  Trinity,  June  1, 
1744.  S.  of  John,  of  Fingringhoe,  Essex.  School,  Earls 
Colne  (Mr  Stringer).  Matric.  1744.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dee. 
21,  1748. 

Snow,  Jonathan 

SNELLING,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1573. 

SNELLING,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1647; 

B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  i66i. 

V.  of  Earlham,  Norwich,  1662-79.    V.  of  Denham,  Suffolk, 

1664.   R.  of  Blundeston,  1668-90. 
SNELLING,  THOMAS.     Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  11, 

1633-4;  afterwards  FeU.-Com.   Of  Norfolk. 
SNELSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  4,  1709.     Of 

Staffordshire.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3. 

SNEYD,  see  also  SNEAD. 

SNEYD,  BOWYER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  9, 
1719.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Staffordshire,  and  of  the  Middle  Temple 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Bowyer).  B.  at  Bishton,  near 
Stafford  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Lichfield  (Mr  Hunter). 
Matric.  1719.  Died  s.p.  Buried  at  Colwich.  Brother  of 
William  (1710).   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  329;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SNEYD,  HUGH.  B.A.  1507-8.  Of  Coventry  and  Lichfield 
diocese.  M.A.  1511;  B.D.  1518-9;  D.D.  1529-30.  FeUow 
of  Clare,  1509.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  5,  1511. 

SNEYD,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  21, 
1697.  3rd  s.  of  Ralph  (1656-7),  Esq.  B.  at  Keele,  Staffs. 
School,  Shrewsbury  (Mr  Lloyd).  Matric.  1697.  Died  Mar.  23, 
1710-1,  aged  32.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  193;  Staffs.  Pedigrees, 

SNEYD,  RALPH.  B.Civ.L.  1504-5.  S.  of  William,  of  Bradwell 
Hall,  Staffs.  D.Civ.L.  1511-2.  Advocate,  Doctors' Commons, 
Dec.  1,  1514.  R.  of  Tatenhill,  Staffs.,  in  1528.  Preb.  of 
Lichfield,  1529.   R.  of  Higham,  Leics.,  1535-53- 

SNEYD  or  SNEAD,  RALPH.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's, 
Lent,  1656-7.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (next),  of  Keele,  Staffs.; 
age  22  in  1663.  M.P.  for  Newcastle-under-Lyme,  1681.  Of 
Keele,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Dryden,  of 
Cannons  Ashby,  Northants.  Died  Mar.  9,  1703-4,  aged  64. 
M.I.  at  Keele.  Father  of  John  (1697).  {Staffs.  Pedigrees; 
Burke,  L.G.;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  59.) 

SNEYD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  7, 
1632.  Of  Keele,  Staffs.  2nd  s.  of  Ralph,  Esq.  School, 
Chell  (Mr  Stevenson).  Matric.  1632.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  9,  1634.  Succeeded  his  brother  Ralph  in  1650.  M.P. 
for  Staffs.,  1660.  J. P.  Sheriff  of  Staffs.,  1663-4.  Of  Sneyd, 
Keele,  etc.,  Esq.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Audley, 
of  Gransden,  Hunts.  Buried  at  Wolstanton,  Jan.  17,  1694-5. 
Father  of  Ralph  (above).    (Venn,  1.  306;  Staffs.  Pedigrees.) 

SNEYD,   WILLIAM.     Adm.   pens,   at   Clare,   July   i,    1710. 

Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Bishton,  Staffs.  Matric. 

1710.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Sept.  7,  1710.    M.P.  for 

Lichfield,  1718  (Apr.-Dec).  Succeeded  his  father  at  Bishton, 

1729.    Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  John  Edmonds,  Esq.,  of 

London,   Oct.   8,   1724.    Died  Feb.   11,   1745-     Brother  of 

Bowyer  (1719)-   (Burke,  L.G.) 
SNODHAM,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

SNODIE  or  SNODE,  JOHN.    Scholar  of  Trinity,  1571;  B.A. 

SNOW,  CLEMENT  BOLSWORTH.     Adm.  pens,   (age   19)   at 

Trinity,  June  16, 1715.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Clipsham,  Rutland. 

School,  Westminster.    Scholar,  1716.    Brother  of  Matthew 

(1704)  and  perhaps  of  John  (1720). 
SNOWE,    DANIEL.     Matric.   Fell.-Com.   from   King's,   Lent, 

1557-8.   Perhaps  brother  of  the  next. 
SNOWE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Michs.  1562. 

SNOW,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  29, 
1748.  S.  of  Matthew  (1704),  of  Clipsham,  Rutland.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1748;  Scholar,  i749;  B.A.  1752;  M.A. 
1755.  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford)  Apr.  27;  priest  (Rochester) 
May  25,  1755.  Chaplain  to  Edward,  Bishop  of  Bath.  Preb. 
of  Wells,  1758-96;  Chancellor,  1761-3;  Treasurer,  1763-96. 
R.  of  Horn  {alias  Homfield),  Rutland,  1761.  R.  of  Stonton 
Wyville,  Leics.,  1761.  R.  of  Clipsham,  Rutland,  1764.  Died 
Aug.  27,  1796. 

SNOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  9, 1719-20. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1720;  Scholar,  1721;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727.  One  of  these 
names  preb.  of  Exeter,  1741-72;  precentor,  1762-72.  Died 
Mar.  1,  1772.   (Le  Neve,  Fasti,  i.  413,  428.) 

SNOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  30, 
1748.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bengal,  India.  School,  Bury,  Suffolk 
(Mr  Gamham).  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Dec.  16,  1748.  Matric. 
1748;  Scholar,  1749;  B.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1754.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1756-60.  (Peile, 
II-  253-) 

SNOW,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  30,  1683.  Of  Somerset.  School,  Bruton,  Somerset. 
Matric.  1683;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1686-7. 


Snow,  Matthew 

SNOW,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  29, 

1704.   S.  of  Richard,  of  Clipsham,  Rutland.   School,  Eton. 

Matric.    1704;    Scholar,    1705;    B.A.    1707-8;    M.A.    1711. 

Fellow,  1710.  Adm,  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  lo,  1706. 

Perhaps  died  May  13,  1757;  of  Lidton,  Rutland.  Father  of 

George  (1748).   (G.Mag.) 
SNOW,  MOSES.    Adm.  Mus.Bac.  at  St  Catharine's,  July  8, 

1696.    A  gentleman  of  the  Chapel  Royal  and  lay  vicar  of 

Westminster  Abbey.   Died  1702.    (Abdy  Williams,  Degrees 

in  Music.) 
SNOW,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  17,  1647. 

Of  London.  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  Ord.  priest  (Bath  and 

WeUs)  Sept.  23,  1660.    C.  at  Kersey,  Suffolk,  1662.    R.  of 

Doddinghurst,  Essex,  1666-83. 
SNOW,  alias  SEWELL,  ROBERT.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 

1471 ;  B.A.  1473-4.   Probably  M.A.  1478-9  and  B.D.  1491-2. 

V.  of  Grantchester,  Cambs.,  1483-7,  resigned. 
SNOW,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  11, 

1595.   Matric.  1595.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1596;  'of 

London.'  Barrister,  1606. 

SNOW, .  B.Can.L.  1481-2. 

SNOW  or  SNAW, .  B.Can.L.  1488-9. 

SNOWDON  or  SNODEN,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1575;  Snodowne.  Perhaps  s.  of  Ralph,  of 
Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1579-80,  as 
Syddon.  Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1575)  and  Robert 

SNOWDEN,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  29, 
1641.  B.  at  Norwich.  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645-6.  Ord. 
(by  Bishop  Hall).  R.  of  St  Giles",  Norwich,  till  1662,  ejected. 
V.  of  St  Saviour's.  Died  Apr.  28,  1696.  (Calamy,  ii.  201.) 

SNOWDEN  or  SNAWDEN,  JAMES.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  Mag- 
dalene, July  17,  1685,  from  St  John's,  where  he  had  been 
adm.  sizar,  1685.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  B.  at  Famley,  Yorks. 
School,  Otiey.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  i688. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1689;  'C.  of  Bolton.'  R.  of  Bolton 
Abbey,  Yorks.,  1697.  Died  1722  (sic).  (His  successor  was 
instituted  Oct.  11,  1726.)   (Whitaker,  Craven,  494.) 

SNODEN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1566. 
One  of  these  names  B.A.  (Oxford)  1572-3;  R.  of  Outwell 
St  Clement's,  Norfolk,  1580-3.  Died  1583. 

SNOWDEN,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1627-8. 

SNOWDEN,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  27, 

1640.    S.  of  William,  deceased,  late  R.  of  Leeke,  Yorks. 

B.  there.   Schools,  Leeke  (his  father)  and  Ripon.    Matric. 

SNOWDEN,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  31, 

1669.    S.  of  Geofirey,  yeoman,  of  Cuckney  Norton,  Notts. 

B.    there.     School,    Laughton-en-le-Morthen,    Yorks.    (Mr 

Brownehead).   Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.   Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  June  14,  1674;  priest,  Sept.  1685.    C.  of 

West  Retford,  Notts.,  1685. 
SNODEN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  June,  1575. 

Doubtless  s.   of   Ralph,   of   Mansfield   Woodhouse,   Notts. 

B.  there.   B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(London)   Apr.   1584;   'licensed   to   the   cure  of  Althome, 

Lines.'   Probably  V.  of  St  Oswald,  Durham,  1602-20;  preb. 

of  Carlisle,  1617-9.  Buried  at  Brancepeth,  Durham,  Oct.  13, 

1620.  Brother  of  Robert  (1580).  (P«7e,  i.  132;  H.  M.  Wood.) 
SNODEN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1587; 

B.A.  (?i59i-2);  M.A.  1595,  as  'Snoring.'  Probably  ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1604,  age  37;  C.  of 
Hickling,  Notts.  R.  of  Irmingland,  Norfolk,  also  V.  of 
Corpusty,  1615.  One  of  these  names  was  Master  of  Holt 
School,  Norfolk,  1602-3.   (Peile,  1.  191.) 

SNODEN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1580. 
3rd  s.  of  Ralph,  of  Mansfield  Woodhouse,  Notts.  B.A.  1582- 
3;  M.A.  1586;  B.D.  1593;  D.D.  1598.  Fellow,  1589-99.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  21,  1588-9.  R.  of  Harby, 
Leics.,  1596-1616.  R.  of  Hickling,  Notts.,  1598-1616.  Preb. 
of  Southwell,  1599-1616.  Chaplain  to  James  I,  1614.  Bishop 
of  Carlisle,  i6i6-2i.  Died  in  London,  May  15, 1621.  Admon., 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  Richard  (1575)  and  father  of  the  next. 
(Peile,  I.  159;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  905.) 

SNODEN,  RUTLAND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1615. 
S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (above).  Bishop  of  Carlisle.  Bapt.  Nov.  9, 
1600,  at  Southwell,  Notts.  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  from  St  John's, 

1621.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1620.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1623. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  24,  1623.  Joined  King  Charles 
in  the  Civil  War.  Married  Frances,  widow  of  George 
Townshend,  Dec.  25,  1628.  Benefactor  to  the  poor  of 
Homcastle,  where  he  lived.  Buried  there  Aug.  28,  1655. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  906;  Peile,  i.  305.) 

SNOWDEN,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1653.   Of  Norwich.   B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.   R.  of 

SoAME,  Roger 

Fritton,  Norfolk,  1661-8.  R.  of  Framingham  Pigot,  1669- 
73.  R.  of  Swainsthorpe,  1671.  R.  of  Newton  Flotman, 
1672.  Chaplain  to  Elizabeth,  Dowager  Countess  of  Norfolk. 
Author  of  a  treatise  on  divinity.   (Masters.) 

SNOWDON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  6,  1694. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1695. 

SNYDALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1573. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  same  year.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Wadworth,  Yorks.,  1574-1620. 

SOAME,  see  also  SOANE. 

SOAME,  BARNHAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June 
14,  1678.  S.  of  Bamham,  gent.  B.  at  Little  Thurlow, 
Suffolk.  School,  Gt  Bradley  (private).  Matric.  1681;  B.A. 
1681-2;  M.A.  1685;  M.D.  1692.  Fellow,  1693.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1695.  Licentiate  R.C.P.,  1687.  Gulstonian  lecturer, 
1695.  Probably  admon.  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  15,  1700;  of  St 
Clement  Danes,  M.D.  (But  according  to  Foster  a  Dr  Soames 
died  Jan.  20,  1737-8  at  Hampstead.)  (Munk,  1.  502;  Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  1664;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  his  parentage  is  wrongly 

SOAME,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  19, 
1619-20;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1632.  R.  of  Thorley,  Herts., 
in  1664;  probably  there  till  1680.  Died  before  Nov.  4,  1680. 
Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1680.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1604). 

SOAMES  or  SOME,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  25,  1646.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas  (1604), 
D.D.  B.  at  Staines,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1650-1; 
M.A.  1654.  Fellow,  1649-58.  Died  1658,  in  Lincolnshire  of 
small-pox.  (Harwood.) 

SOME,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1639. 
Of  Suffolk.  Probably  4th  s.  of  Sir  William  (1597).  B.A. 
1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Probably  brother  of  William  (1638) 
and  Stephen  (1633).  (Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

SOME,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1640.  Of 

SOAME  or  SOAMES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  6,  1654.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Stephen,  Knt.,  of  Heydon,  Essex. 
B.  there.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1654.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  20,  1657.  Died  s.p.  (Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.) 

SOAME  or  SOANE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  June  24,  1673.  S.  of  William  (1638),  Esq.,  of 
Haughley,  Suffolk.  B.  there,  1656.  Matric.  1673.  (Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

SOME,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  8,  1691. 
2nd  s.  of  Moses  (1664).  Bapt.  May  13,  1677,  at  Draughton, 
near  Northampton. 

SOME,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1563  4; 
B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1570.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  21,  1568,  age  22.  R.  of  Norton,  Essex,  1571.  R.  of 
Stow  Maries,  1571-1613.  R.  of  Sheering,  1573-1613-  Died 
1613.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Mar.  7,  1613-4,  to  relict 
Elizabeth.  (Peile,  i.  83.) 

SOAMES  or  SOME,  MOSES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June  23,  1664.  3rd  s.  of  David,  R.  of  Draughton,  Northants., 
deceased.  B.  Dec.  23,  1647,  at  Orlingbury,  Northants. 
Schools,  Harrowden  (Mr  Underwood),  Rushden  (Mr  Dicken- 
son) and  Oundle.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  29,  1670;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24, 
1670.  R.  of  Draughton,  Northants.,  1670-91.  Non-juror. 
Married  Sarah  Blackerby,  Apr.  27,  1674.  at  Loddington. 
Father  of  John  (1691). 

SOME,  RALPH.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  9,  1700-1. 
Matric.  1699;  LL.B.  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  10, 
1704;  priest  (Peterb.)  May  19,  1706.  R.  of  Braunston, 
Northants.,  1724-7.  Buried  there  Jan.  29,  1727-8. 

SOME,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567, 
as  'Sonne.'  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Betley 
(or  Botley),  Norfolk.  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574-  FeUow,  1571. 
Probably  brother  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1552)- 

SOAME  or  SOME,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1559.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Betley,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Lynn, 
1542.  B.A.  1561-2;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1565;  B.D.  1571-2; 
D.D.  1580.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1562.  University  preacher, 
1567.  Master  of  Peterhouse,  1589-1609.  Vice-Chancellor, 
1590-2,  1599-1600.  R.  of  Girton,  Cambs.,  1573-1609.  He 
■  turned  the  chancel  into  a  schoolroom.  Author,  theological. 
Died  s.p.  Jan.  14,  1608-9.  Buried  in  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1552)  and  probably  of 
Richard  (above).  (Cooper,  11.  510;  D.N.B.;  Burke,  Ext. 

SOME,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

SOME,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595- 


SoAME,  Samuel 

SOAME  or  SOAMES,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  June  29,  1654.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Throcking, 
Herts.    Bapt.  there,  Dec.   6,   1636.    School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8.    Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  4,  1660.  Buried  at  Little  Thurlow,  Aug.  20,  1714-  (But 
according  to  Burke,  Ext.  Bart,  he  died  young.)   Brother  of 
William  (1637).  {Cussans,  1.  100.) 
SOAME  or  SOAMES,  STEPHEN.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  May  23,  1633.   S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William  (i597), 
Knt.,   of   Thurlow,    Suffolk.     B.    there.     School,   Thurlow 
(Mr  Moore).    Of  Little  Thurlow,  Esq.    Married  (i)  Mary, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Dynham,  of  Bourstalk,  Bucks.;  (2)  .-^nne, 
dau.  of  Ambrose  Coppinger,  D.D.  Will  dated,  Nov.  15,  1657; 
proved,  Feb.  22,  1658-9.    Probably  brother  of  John  (1639) 
and  William  (1638),  father  of  William  (1660).   (Burke,  Ext. 
Bart.;  Vis.  of  London,  1634;  G.E.C.,  iv.  136.J 
SOAME,   STEPHEN.    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   (age    15)    at   Sidney, 
Jan.  8,  1724-5.  S.  and  h.  of  Stephen,  Esq.,  of  Little  Thurlow, 
Suffolk.    Bapt.  Feb.  12,  1709.    Matric.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728 
{Com.  Reg.).    Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  26,  1727. 
Married    Anne,    dau.   of   Joseph   Alston   of   Edwardstone, 
Suffolk.    Died  Nov.  3,  1764,  aged  56,  at  Reading.    {Davy; 
G.  Mag.) 
SOME,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  (age  11)  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1552.   Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Betley  (or  Botley), 
Norfolk.  'Aged  26  in  1569.'  Of  Bradley,  Suffolk,  and  Bentley, 
Norfolk.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Alington,  of 
Horseheath,  Cambs.    Died  Oct.  12,  1606.    Buried  at  Little 
Bradley.    Brother  of  Robert  (i559).  D.D.  and  probably  of 
Richard  (1567).   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Cussans,  i.  100.) 
SOAME,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1604.  B.  in  Yarmouth  (s.  of  a  fisherman,  but  descended  from 
an  ancient  family).    Scholar,   1604-8;  B.A.   1607-8;   M.A. 
161 1 ;  D.D.  1627.    Fellow,  1609.    Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1645. 
R.  of  Stawley,  Somerset,  1609-16.    V.  of  Staines,  1616-43. 
Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1616-49;  of  Windsor,  1622-49.    V.  of 
Twickenham,    1640-3,   sequestered.     Died    May,    1649,   at 
Staines.   Admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  19,  to  son  Henry.   Probably 
fatherof  Henry  (1646).  (T.A.  Walker,  27;  Shaw,  1.^07,  315; 
Al.  Oxon.) 
SOAME,   WILLIAM.     Adm.   at   Corpus   Christi,    1597.    Of 
Suffolk.    Doubtless   s.   of   Sir   Stephen,    Knt.,   of   Betley, 
Norfolk,  and  of  London  (Lord  Mayor  in  1598)  and  after- 
wards of  Brickendon,  Herts.,  etc.   Knighted,  Nov.  21,  1614. 
Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1632-3.    Of  Thurlow,  Suffolk.    Married 
Bridget,  dau.  of  Benedict  Bamham,  alderman  of  London. 
Died  1655.   Probably  father  of  William  (1638),  John  (1639) 
and  Stephen  (1633).    (Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Burke,  Ext. 
Bart.;  Cussans,  i.  100;  11.  67,  where  his  son  William  is  con- 
fused with  William  (i66o),  created  Bart.  1684-5.) 
SOAME,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1637. 
Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Throcking, 
Herts.,  Knt.,  and  alderman  of  London  (M.P.  for  London, 
1640;  died   1670).    Adm.   at  Gray's   Inn,   June  26,    1640. 
Died  v.p.   Buried  at  Throcking,  Herts.    Brother  of  Samuel 
(1654).   (Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  in.  464.) 
SOAME,   WILLIAM.     Adm.   at   Corpus   Christi,    1638.    Of 
Suffolk.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  WiUiam  (1597).  of  Thurlow, 
Knt.  Of  Haughley,  Suffolk,  gent.  Perhaps  knighted,  Feb.  21, 
1673-4  (according  to  Le  Neve,  Knts.  and  Burke).   Married 
Katherine,  dau.  of  William  Wilson,  of  London,  merchant. 
One  of  these  names  buried  at  Thurlow,   Apr.   24,    1684. 
Brother  of  John  (1639)  and  Stephen  (1633);  father  of  John 
(1673).   (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  Le  Neve,  Knts.,  290.) 
SOAME,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  21,  1660.   S.  and  h.  of  Stephen  (1633),  Esq.,  deceased, 
of  Little  Thurlow,  Suffolk  (and  his  ist  wife  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Dynham).    B.  there.    School,  Little  Thurlow  (Mr 
Billingsley).   Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1672-3.   Knighted,  Feb.  21, 
1673-4  (according  to  G.E.C.).  Created  Bart.,  Feb.  5,  1684-5. 
Ambassador  to  Turkey,  1685-6.    Married  (1)  Lady  Beata 
Pope,  dau.  of  Thomas,   3rd   Earl  of  Downe,  in   Ireland; 
(2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Gabriel  Howe,  of  Wotton-under-Edge, 
Gloucs.  Author,  literary.  Died  s.p.,  at  Malta,  June  2,  1686. 
Will  proved,  Dec.  ii,  1686.  (Scott-Mayor,  xxviii.  i;  G.E.C., 
IV.  136.) 

SOME, .   Probably  of  Gonville  Hall.  B.A.  1507-8;  M.A. 

151Q-1.  Preacher,  1514-5. 

SOME, .   B.A.  1508-9.   Perhaps  the  above. 

SOANE  or  SONE,  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Easter,  1551.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1555,  as  Soone. 
SONE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1561.  Of 
Kent.  B.A.  1563-4;  M.A.  1567.  Fellow,  1565.  Probably 
adm.  into  Orders,  Apr.  22,  1570.  R.  of  Snodland,  Kent,  1571. 
Chaplain  to  Bishop  Gheast.  R.  of  Milton,  Gravesend,  1576- 
89.  Died  1631.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
SOONE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571. 

Sole,  "William 

SOANE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1623-4.  Matric. 
Easter,  1625;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  One  of  these  names, 
'of  Maldon,  Essex,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14,  1621-2. 
SOANE  or  SONE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  2, 
1664;  exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Matric.  1664; 
B.A.  1667-8.  Schoolmaster  of  Ninfield,  Sussex,  1671. 
(Sussex  Archaeol.  Coll.,  xvii.  63.) 
SONE  or  SOME,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4, 
1629.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  from 
Queens',  1636.  V.  of  Aldenham,  Herts.,  164 1-3;  sequestered; 
restored,  1660-83  (Some).  Died  before  Sept,  12,  1683. 
(Clutterbuck,  i.  136.) 
SOANE,  LAURENCE  DE.  Of  Cambridge  University.  Minorite. 
Author,  Rhetorica  Nova,  'compilata  in  Alma  Univ.  Cantab. 
Mar.  1478.'  The  volume  was  in  Sir  Thomas  More's  library. 
(Cole,  183.) 

SONE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  27,  1702.  B.  at 
Orton  (? Overton),  Hants,  (sic).  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  17,  1705-6.  Probably  father  of 
the  next. 

SONE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  3.  1732-  S.  of 
Thomas  (?  above),  of  St  Cross,  Hants.,  clerk.  Matnc.  1732. 
Matric.  (Trinity  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  26,  i734>  age  19;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1735.   (Al.Oxon.) 

SONE  or  ZOONE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Michael- 
house,  Easter,  1544;  B.A.  1546-7;  M.A.  1549;  LL.D. 
(abroad).  Probably  fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1548-55,  and 
of  Trinity  HaU,  1 561-4.  Regius  Professor  of  Civil  Law, 
1561-3,  retired  abroad.  Professor  of  Law  at  Louvain. 
Assistant  to  Ortelius  at  Cologne,  1575-  Aftervards  an 
official  at  the  Papal  Court.  Cartographer;  published  maps 
at  Cologne,  based  mainly  on  Ortelius;  also  copied  the  map 
of  Cambridge  which  Richard  Lyne  had  drawn  for  Caius' 
History  of  the  University  (1574),  and  published  his  copy  in 
Braun  and  Hogenberg's  Civitates  orbis  terrarum.  (Cooper,  1. 
350;  Venn,  1.  35;  D.N.B.) 

SOANE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  (?  1589-90);  M.A.  from  St  John's, 

SOBER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Christ's,  1683.  S.  of 
Thomas.  B.  at  Richmond,  Yorks.  School,  Richmond. 
Matric.  Easter,  1684.   Resided  till  Michs.  1686. 

SOBAR, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  c.  1649. 

SODDEBYE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SOGARYM, .   B.A.  1461-2;  M.A.  1464-5. 

SOGRYM,  .    Fee  for  B.A.  1469-70. 

SOKBURN  (?  STOCKBURN),  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1466-7.  Of 
York  diocese.  D.Can.L.  1472-3  (?  i47o,  Loder);  M.A.  1472. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1466  (Stockbum).  V.  of  Soham, 
Cambs.  V.  of  St  Mary-de-Bemgham,  Norwich,  1487.  Also 
presented  to  Sudborne  with  the  chapel  of  Orford,  Suffolk. 
Died  1502.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1502;  Richard  Sokboume,  clerk, 
of  Soham.  (There  seems  to  be  some  confusion  here.  Loder 
identifies  the  fellow  of  Pembroke  with  the  V.  of  Soham  who 
died  1502.  But  in  1503-4  tithes  were  paid  to  Peterhouse  by 
Mr  Palmerfor  Dr  Sokbome.  Possibly  two  men  are  involved.) 
(T.  A.  Walker;  Loder;  Gr.  Bk,  A.) 

SOKBORN,  .   Scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1487-8.   A  scholar 

until  1497-8,  after  which  he  remained  in  residence  as  a 
pensioner.  Gave  a  cup  to  the  College,  1499-1500.  (Trinity 
College  Admissions,  i.  127.) 

SOLDEN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  1, 
1682-3.  S.  of  Isaac,  clerk,  assistant  master  at  Shrewsbury. 
B.  at  Albrightlee,  near  Shrewsbury,  Salop.  School,  Shrews- 
bury. Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester, 
Litt.  dim.  from  Lichfield)  Feb.  20,  1686-7. 

SOLE,  see  also  SALL. 

SOLE,  JOHN  COCKIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1749.  S.  of  Cockin,  barrister,  of  Bobbing,  Kent.  B.  there. 
School,  Canterbury  (private).  Migrated  to  Clare,  Oct.  13, 
1749.  Matric.  1750.  High  Sheriff  of  Kent,  1756-7.  Of 
Bobbing,  Esq.;  removed  to  Norton  Court,  c.  1765.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Godfrey  Lushington,  of  Sittingboume, 
Aug.  3,  1754.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  592;  Hasted,  11.  741-) 

SOLE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1561. 

SOLE,  MILES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1567. 

SOLE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1560; 
B.A.  1563-4. 

SOULE  or  SOWELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus, 
Easter,  1614;  B.A.  1617-8.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York) 
Sept.  1622. 

SOLE  or  SOOLE,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  ap- 
parently 1437-49.  (Trin.  Coll.  Adm.,  i.  119.) 


Sole,  William 

SOLE  or  SOOLE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Lent, 
1557-8;  B.A.  1561-2;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1565.  Fellow  of 
Queens',  1562-72. 

SOLLY,  see  also  SULLEY. 

SOLY,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  (age  16)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1640.  S.  of  Humphrey.  B.  at  Orleton,  Worcs.  Bapt. 
Dec.  17,  1622,  at  Eastham.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A. 
(Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1643.   (Jewitt,  Reliq.  xviii.  208.) 

SOLLY,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1587. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1394.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1594- 
V.  of  Bekesboume,  Kent,  1597-1607. 

SOLLY,  BENJAMIN.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1623.  Of  Kent. 

SOLLEY,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  5,  1657.  S.  of  Benjamin,  schoolmaster.  Bapt.  Apr.  12, 
1640,  at  Debenham,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660.  Ord. 
priest  (Chichester)  Dec.  18,  1660.  R.  of  Little  Glemham, 
Suffolk,  1662.  R.  of  Hemley,  1662.  R.  of  Barsham,  1673- 
1714.  Died  Dec.  6,  1714.  M.I.  at  Barsham.  Will  proved 
(Norwich  Cons.  C.)  Jan.  27,  1714-5.  Father  of  John  (1692). 
{Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxiii.  16.) 

SOLLY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent, 
1623-4;  B.A.  from  Queens',  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9;  priest.  Mar.  10,  1627-8.  R.  of 
Thorpe  Morieux,  Suffolk,  1638-41.   Died  1641. 

SOLLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1692.  Of 
Suffolk.  S.  of  Benjamin  (1657),  R.  of  Barsham.  B.  there. 
Mar.  16,  1675.  Matric.  Lent,  1694;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1701.  R.  of  Long  Stratton, 
Norfolk,  1701,  and  of  Wacton  Magna,  1715.  Married  Mary 
Ward,  of  Chester,  June  6,  1699.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
William  (1721).  (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxiii.  16.) 

SOLLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1720.  Of 
Norfolk.  S.  of  John  (above),  R.  of  Long  Stratton.  Matric. 
1720;  'Soley';  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June,  1725;  priest,  Sept.  1726.  R.  of  Little 
Cressingham,  Norfolk,  1732.  R.  of  Threxton,  1736-79. 
Brother  of  William  (1721). 

SOLEY,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1718.  S.  of 
J.,  of  Steeple  Hall,  Salop,  gent.  Matric.  (Balliol  CoUege, 
Oxford)  Mar.  16,  1705-6,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1709. 
Chaplain  to  the  English  merchants  at  Aleppo.  R.  of  Chetton, 
Salop,  1715.  V.  of  Preshute,  Wilts.,  1723.  Canon  of  Win- 
chester, 1724-37.  R.  of  Houghton  and  Alresford,  Hants., 
1727.  Died  Nov.  25,  1737.  M.I.  in  Winchester  Cathedral. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 

SOLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Pembroke,  June  29, 

1721.    S.  of  John   (1692),   R.  of  Long  Stratton,  Norfolk. 

Matric.  1721.    Buried  at  Wacton  Magna,  1725.    Brother  of 

John  (1720).   {Blomefield,  v.  301.) 
SOLIT,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  15,  1669. 

Of  Scarborough,  Yorks.   Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1680.   V. 

of  Humbleton,  Yorks.,  1686-96. 
SOLLOM,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  12,  1688. 

Of  Lancashire.   Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2.   P.C.  of  Heapey, 

Lanes.,  1692-1706.    C.  of  Bispham,  1692.    Chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1693. 
SOLME,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1605;  Scholar,  1607-n;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 
SOLYFORD,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SOME,  see  SOAME. 
SOMER,  see  also  SUMMERS. 
SOMER  or  SOMMER,  EDMUND.   Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's, 

Michs.  1581. 
SOMER,  HENRY.   Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  May  7,  1421; 

gone  by  Dec.  21,  1422.   Possibly  a  son  or  kinsman  of  Henry, 

Baron  of  the  Exchequer  for  whom  see  D.N.B. 
SOMERS,  HENRY.    Resident  pens,  at  Peterhouse,   1438-g. 

Pays  20s.  for  his  chamber.    Possibly  identical  with  Henry 

(above).   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

SOMMER,  PHILIP.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1580. 

SOMER, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544. 


SOMERCROFT,  JOHN.   WiU  proved  (Lambeth);  'of  Cambridge 

University.'    '  Capellanus,  of  Heydon,  Norfolk.'    Leaves  a 

copy  of  Jerome  super  psalterium  to  the  University  Library. 

(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
SOMERSKALES,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Michs.  1583.   V.  of  Gargrave,  Yorks.,  1600-32.  Died  1632. 
SOMERSCALES,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  24,  1673. 

S.  of  John  (1634),  R.  of  Croxton,  Lines.    Matric.  1673;  B.A. 

1676-7;  M.A.  1680.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1680. 

V.  of  Hinxton,  Cambs.,  1682-94.   V.  of  Doddington,  and  of 

Sondes,  Edward 

Newnham,  Kent,  1694-1737.  Died  June  30,  1737,  aged  78. 
Buried  at  Doddington.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  908, 
SOMERSCALES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1565. 
S.  of  William,  of  Lincolnshire  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  John 
Salter,  of  East  Keal).  B.A.  1569-70.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
July  14,  1574.  R.  of  Beelsby,  Lines.,  1574;  'aged  28; 
married;  resides;  well  versed  in  sacred  learning;  preacher' 
(Lib.  Cler.,  Lincoln,  1576).  Will  dated,  Nov.  20,  1590; 
proved  (Lincoln)  Apr.  13,  1591.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  907.) 

SOMERSCALE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1634.  S.  of  Daniel,  of  Grimsby.  Bapt.  at  Grimsby,  Sept.  8, 
1605  (sic)  (but  another  son  John  by  a  2nd  wife  was  bapt. 
Mar.  21,  1615-6;  this  was  probably  our  man).  B.A.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  lo,  1638-9;  priest, 
Dec.  22,  1639.  R.  of  Croxton,  Lines.  Died  1672-3.  Will 
proved,  Feb.  3,  1672-3.  Father  of  Daniel  (1673).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  908,  1303,  where  John  Somerscales,  R.  of  Croxton, 
occurs  as  son  of  Daniel,  by  his  first  wife,  who  died  in  1605.) 

SOMERSCALE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  28,  1727.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  at  Silsden.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric. 
1728; B.A.  1731-2. 

SOMERSETT,  CHARLES.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1548.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Henry,  2nd  Earl  of  Worcester. 
Knighted,  Jan.  1572-3.  Standard  bearer  to  the  band  of 
gentlemen  pensioners  in  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth. 
Died  at  Chepstow,  Monmouth,  Mar.  2,  1598-9.  (Jacob, 
Peerage,  i.  77.) 

SOMERSET,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1627  (fil-  nob.). 

SOMERSET,  JOHN.  M.D.  Fellow  of  Pembroke  Hall,  c.  1410. 
Previously  at  Oxford.  Studied  medicine  in  London  and 
Paris.  Physician  to  Henry  VI.  Chancellor  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, 1441-6.  Keeper  of  the  Exchange  and  King's  Mint, 
1443.  Framer  of  the  statutes  of  Queens'  and  King's  Colleges. 
Died  c.  1455.  Benefactor  to  Pembroke  and  to  other  colleges. 
(D.N.B.;  Loder.) 

SOMERSHALL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1567;  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574.  Fellow;  resigned,  1574. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  1586-7;  priest,  1587.  R.of  Billinghay, 
Lines.,  1587-96.   R.  of  Aunsby,  1588-99.  Died  1599. 

SOMERSHALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1578-9.   Of  Nottinghamshire. 

SOMERSHALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 


SOMERSHAM,  WILLIAM.  D.D.  1412.  FeUow  of  Gonville 
Hall,  in  1376;  Master,  1412-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20; 
priest,  Dec.  20,  1376.  V.  of  Wilton,  Norfolk,  1386-93.  R.  of 
Hevingham,  Suffolk,  1393-1416.  Died  1416.  WUl  dated, 
Oct.  6;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  27,  1416.   (Venn,  i.  3.) 

SOMERSHAM, .  B.D.  1477-8.  A  monk. 

SOMERVILE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  29,  1639.  Of 
Leicestershire.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3.  Perhaps  ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1661.  Master  of  Loughborough 
Grammar  School,  Leics.,  1648-82.  Buried  Jan.  10,  1682-3, 
at  Loughborough.  Will  proved  (Leicester)  1683;  Sumerfield. 
Left  lands  to  found  scholarships  at  Jesus  from  Loughborough 
School.   (A.  Gray;  Nichols,  in.  896.) 

SOMMER,  see  SOMER  and  SUMMER. 

SOMMERTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Jesvs,  June  27, 
1672.  Of  Whalley,  Lanes.   Matric.  1672. 

SOMERTON, .  B.D.  1467-8.  Dominican  friar.  D.D.  1468-9. 

SONDE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  12,  1618-9. 
Of  Salop.  Matric.  1618-9;  B.A.  1622-3.  Minister  of  Shifnal, 
Salop,  in  1647.  P.C.  of  Stoke-on-Trent,  Staffs.,  1650-4; 
of  Newcastle-under-Lyme,  1650-4.  R.  of  Swynnerton, 
1654-62,  ejected.   (Calamy,  11.  403.) 

SOND  or  SOUND,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1609 
(Incorp.  from  Oxford).  M.A.  (Pembroke)  1609.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1622.  One  of  these  names  sur-master  of  St  Paul's 
School,  1604-37.  Died  Feb.  21,  1637.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SONDELIN,  Sir  JAMES.   M.A.  1635-6  (Lit.  Reg.). 

SONDES  or  SANDES,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from 
Queens',  Michs.  1620.  Of  Kent.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Richard  (1587), 
of  Throwley,  Knt.  B..\.  1624-5.  Buried  at  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  Nov.  20,  1625.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  George 
(1615)  and  perhaps  of  Robert  (1615).  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

SONDES  or  SANDES,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Queens',  Michs.  1620.  Of  Kent.  2nds.of  Sir  Richard  (1587), 
of  Throwley,  Kent,  Knt.  B.A.  1624-5.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  10,  1626.  Brother  of  .Anthony  (above),  etc.  (Vis.  ojf 
Kent,  1619.) 

Sondes,  Freeman 

SONDES,  FREEMAN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  c.  14)  at  Sidkey, 
Oct.  12,  1649.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  George  (below),  afterwards  Earl 
of  Feversham.  B.  in  London.  Schools,  Bromley  (Mr  Brookes) 
and  Wye  (Mr  Bradshaw).  Matric.  1649.  Hanged  at  Maid- 
stone for  the  murder  of  his  brother  George,  Aug.  21,  1655. 
{Hasted,  11.  783.) 

SONDES,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1615.  Of  Lees  Court,  Sheldwich,  Kent.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard 
(1587),  of  Throwley.  B.  1600.  K.B.,  1626.  M.P.  forHigham 
Ferrers,  1628-9;  for  Ashburton,  1661-76.  Sheriff  of  Kent, 
1637-8.  Suffered  as  a  Royalist;  imprisoned,  1645-50. 
Created  Baron  of  Throwley,  Viscount  Sondes  and  Earl  of 
Feversham,  Apr.  8,  1676.  Married  (i)  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir 
Ralph  Freeman,  of  Aspeden,  Herts.,  Knt.;  (2)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Sir  William  Villiers,  Bart.  Died  at  Lees  Court,  Apr.  16, 
1677.  Buried  at  Throwley.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother  of 
Anthony  (1620),  etc.,  father  of  Freeman  (above)  and  George 
(next).   {D.N.B.-.G.E.C.) 

SONDES,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
May  14,  1649.  S.  of  Sir  George  (above).  B.  at  Comhill, 
London.  Schools,  Bromley  (Mr  Brookes)  and  Wye  (Mr 
Bradshaw).  Matric.  1649; 'Sands.'  Murdered  by  his  brother 
Freeman  (1649),  Aug.  7,  1655.  {Hasted,  11.  783.) 

SONDES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1587.  Of  Kent.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Throwley,  Kent. 
Knighted,  May  11,  1603.  Of  Throwley,  Kent.  Married 
(1)  Susan,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Montagu,  Knt.;  (2)  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Sir  Rowland  Hayward,  of  London,  Knt.  Died  1633. 
Father  of  George  (1615),  Anthony  (1620),  Edward  (1620)  and 
possibly  of  the  ne.tt;  probably  brother  of  William  (1596). 
{Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Hasted,  11.  764.) 

SONDES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1615.  Of  Kent.  Possibly  s.  of  Sir  Richard  (above),  but  not 
mentioned  in  the  Visitation  of  Kent,  1619. 

SONDES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c.  1596.  Of  Kent.  Probably  5th  s.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Throwley, 
Kent,  Knt.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1587).  {Hasted, 
11.  764.) 

SONE,  see  SOANE. 

SONGAR,  RALPH.  M.A.  1467-8.  Probably  of  Clavering, 
Essex.  B.D.  1476-7.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1484.  Proctor, 
1473-4-  Capellanus  of  Richard  III.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr. 
I7>  1473-  Compiler,  with  Richard  Cockerham,  of  a  catalogue 
of  the  Library.  See  also  Gr.  Bk,  A,  107. 

SOONYERD,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1566. 


SOPYTH,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1516-7. 

SORBY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1564;  B.A. 

SORE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  2, 

1649-50.    S.  of  William,  yeoman.    B.  at  Spondon,  Derbs. 

School,   Repton.    Matric.   1650;   B.A.   1655-6;   M.A.   1662. 

Master  of  Ashbourne  School,  Derbs.,  1662. 

SORE, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1651. 


SORRATT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  May,  1558. 

SORRATT,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1572;  Sarrot. 

SORRELL,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  3,  1649. 
S.  and  h.  of  Manuel,  of  Ipswich,  gent.  Matric.  1649.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1650.  Bailiff  of  Ipswich,  1671-4. 
Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Luke  Jowers;  (2)  Margaret,  dau. 
of  William  Blundeville,  of  Little  Stonham,  Suffolk.  Died 
July  4,  1674,  aged  44.  M.I.  at  St  Peter's,  Ipswich.  Father 
of  Emanuel  (1682).  (Le  Neve,  Knights,  78;  Vis.  of  Suffolk, 

SORRELL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  5, 
1621-2.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6.  Buried  in 
the  College  Chapel,  Nov.  29,  1628. 

SORRELL,  EMANUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
July  I,  1682.  S.  of  Andrew  (1649),  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at 
Ipswich.  Died  Aug.  5,  1707,  aged  43.  Buried  at  St  Peter's, 
Ipswich.   M.I. ;  Manuel.  {East  Anglian,  ^n.  \i&.) 

SORRELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  24, 
1706.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Cavenham,  Suffolk.  School,  St 
Paul's.  Matric.  1706;  Scholar,  1706-7;  M.B.  1711;  M.D. 
1717  {Com.  Reg.).  Practised  at  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Gage,  of  Hengrave,  Suffolk, 
Dec.  1,  1730.   {Peile,  11.  164;  Gage,  210,  501.) 

SORELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  c.  1597; 
B.A.  1600-1.  One  of  these  names  Notary  Public  of  Pleshey, 
Essex.  Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1637. 

SoTHEBY,  John 

SORELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  23)  at  Caius,  Sept.  18, 
1571.  Of  Gt  Waltham,  Essex.  S.  of  William.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1571. 

SORSBIE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21  sic)  at  St  John's, 
June  20,  1730.  S.  of  Malin  (1655),  clerk,  R.  of  Ryton, 
Durham.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  18,  1705.  School,  Sedbergh. 
Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1733-4-  Brother  of  John  (1712). 

SORSBYE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1544. 

SORSBIE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1571. 

SORSBIE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  19, 
1712.  S.of  Malin  (1655),  R.  of  Ryton,  Durham.  Bapt.  there, 
Nov.  30,  1693.  School,  Newcastle  (Mr  Jurin).  Matric.  1712; 
Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1720.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  1716;  priest  (St  Davids)  Mar.  5,  1720-1. 
R.  of  Penhurst,  Sussex,  1721-64.  R.  of  Crowhurst,  1730-64. 
Died  unmarried.  Buried  at  Penhurst,  Apr.  25, 1764.  Admon., 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  Benjamin  {1730).  (W.  C.  Renshaw; 
Peile,  II.  179.) 

SORSBY,  MALIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 
1655.  S.  of  Malin,  cutler,  of  Sheffield,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Whitaker).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9; 
M.A.  1662;  B.D.  1669.  Fellow,  1660.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  20,  1662;  priest,  June  13,  1663.  V.  of  Swaffham 
Bulbeck,  Cambs.,  1675-9.  R-  of  Ryton,  Durham,  1679-1706. 
Buried  there  Nov.  24,  1706.  Father  of  Benjamin  (1730)  and 
John  (1712).   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  427.) 

SORSBY,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1519-20.  V.  of  Takeley,  Essex, 
1524-30.  Died  1530. 

SORSBY  or  SORESBY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1625.  Of  Sheffield,  Yorks.  S.of  Robert,  First  Master 
of  the  Cutlers'  Company.  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A. 
1632;  B.D.  1639;  D.D.  1663  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1632-44, 
ejected.  Precentor  of  York,  1660-83.  R.  of  Birkin,  1662-83. 
Died  Aug.  15,  1683,  aged  73. 

SORSBY,  ROGER.  B.A.  1537-8;  M.A.  1541.  FeUow  of  Peter- 
house,  1540-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  8,  1543-4; 
priest,  Apr.  8,  1544.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1546. 

SORTES, .   Perhaps  B.D.  1496-7. 

SORY,  see  SAWREY  and  SOWRAY. 

SOTELL, .  B.A.  1496.  Perhaps  John  Suttell,  whom  see. 

SOTHEBY,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1564-5;  B.-A..  1567-8.  R.  of  Richmond,  Yorks.,  1582-5. 
Buried  there  Apr.  24,  1585. 

SOUTHBEY,  EDWARD.  'M.A.  of  Cambridge';  incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1611.   (Not  found  in  our  records.)   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SOTHOWBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  13, 
1632.  5th  s.  of  Robert  (1595),  deceased,  of  Birdsall,  Yorks. 
School,  Bumsall  (Mr  Thos.  Wilkinson,  B.A.).  B.A.  1635-6. 
Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Simon  Buckton,  tailor,  of  York. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1619)  and  perhaps  of  Thomas  (1627). 
{F.M.G.,  953;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

SOTHEBY,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1617; 
B.A.  from  St  John's,  1620-1 ;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  8,  1623;  priest  (York)  Mar.  1624-5.  Head  Master  of 
Pocklington  School,  Yorks.,  1624-30.  V.  of  PockUngton, 
1624-30.  Buried  there  Aug.  12,  1630. 

SOTHEBY,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  18,  1671.  S.  and  h.  of  James,  of  Hackney,  Middlesex, 
gent.  Bapt.  Mar.  4,  1655-6,  at  St  Benet,  Gracechurch, 
London.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1670-1.  Of  Seward- 
stone,  Essex.  Married  Anne  Robinson.  Buried  at  Hackney, 
Nov.  25,  1720.  Father  of  the  next,  John  (1719)  and  Thomas 

SOTHEBY,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  May 
24,  1700.  S.  and  h.  of  James  (above),  of  Gray's  Inn.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1699-1700.  Died  unmarried,  Nov.  25, 
1742.  Buried  at  Hackney.  Brother  of  John  (1719)  and 
Thomas  (1706-7). 

SOTHEBY,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1609.  Possibly  s,  and 
h.  of  John,  late  of  Caswall  (Buckland),  Berks.;  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  10,  1608-9.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary; Southby. 

SOTHEBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  6,  1630-1; 
Sothbye.  Of  Suffolk.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas  (1601),  of  Combes, 
Suffolk,  clerk.  Matric.  1631.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  13, 
1637.  Bairister-at-law.  Recorder  of  Bury.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Castleton,  Knt.  Father  of 
the  next.  {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SOTHEBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Aug.  29,  1674- 
S.  of  John  (above),  barrister,  of  Bury,  Suffolk.  Bapt.  Mar.  2, 
1654-5.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1674;  Scholar,  1674-6. 
Probably  died  young;  not  mentioned  in  his  father's  will, 
dated,  1683.   {Venn,  i.  451;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 


SoTHEBY,  John 

SOTHEBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  2,  1719. 
Of  London.  5th  s.  of  James  (1671),  of  Gray's  Inn.  Matric. 
1721;  M.B.  1724.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  26,  1718-9. 
Brother  of  James  (1700)  and  Thomas  (1706-7). 

SOTHEBY,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1505-6.  Of  Homcastle,  Lines. 
M.A.  1509;  B.D.  1517-8.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1506.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  27,  1506-7;  priest,  Apr.  3,  1507. 

SOTHEBYE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1560.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Birdsall,  Yorks.  Student 
of  the  Inner  Temple,  1584.  Afterwards  of  Worcestershire. 
Died  s.p.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1560)  and  Roger  (1572). 
{Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584;  Yorks.  Archaeol.  and  Top.  Journal, 
XIV.  106.) 

SOTHEBY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1595.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1560),  of 
Birdsall,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Nov.  23,  1580.  Succeeded  his  father. 
Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  William  Payler,  of  York,  Esq. 
Died  Nov.  16,  1626.  Father  of  the  next,  of  Henry  (1632)  and 
perhaps  of  Thomas  (1627).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584,  1666; 
F.M.G.,  952.) 

SOTHEBY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1619.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Birdsall. 
B.  c.  1603.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Thomas  Moseley,  alderman 
of  York,  Aug.  7,  1621.  Died  Dec.  24,  1636.  Admon.,  Feb.  i, 
1636-7.  Brother  of  Henry  (1632)  and  father  of  the  next. 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612,  1666.) 

SOWTHEBY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  25,  1647.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  gent.,  of  'Birstall' 
(Birdsall),  Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  June  17,  1630.  School, 
Kirby  Underdale  (Mr  Shelton).  Matric.  1647.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  26,  1646.  Of  Birdsall,  Esq.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Lyster,  of  Linton,  Yorks.,  Feb.  13, 
1649-50.  Will  dated,  Jan.  25,  1708-9;  proved  (York)  Apr.  14, 
1710.  Father  of  Thomas  (1673).  (F.M.G.,  954;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1666;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxvi.  35.) 

SOTHEBE,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1572. 
Probably  4th  s.  of  Robert,  of  Birdsall,  Yorks.  Of  Pockiing- 
ton,  Esq.  Married  EHzabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Hungate,  of 
Saxton,  Apr.  1582.  Buried  at  Pocklington,  Feb.  25,  1632-3. 
Will  proved,  Feb.  1632-3.  Brother  of  Robert  (1560)  and 
Thomas  (1560).   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584.) 

SOTHEBY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20,  1591. 
Matric.  c.  1591.  One  of  these  names  beneficed  at  Bury'St 
Edmunds,  in  1605.  Perhaps  R.  of  Stanton  AU  Saints', 
Suffolk,  1613,  and  of  Stanton  St  John,  1615.  V.  of  Outragh, 
Kilmore,  1638.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SOTHEBY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1518-9. 

SOTHEBYE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1560.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Birdsall,  Yorks. 

Married  Isabel  Bird,  of  Newcastle,  Apr.  10,  1569.    Brother 

of  Robert  (1560)  and  Roger  (1572),  father  of  Robert  (1595). 

(F.M.G.,  953;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1563-4.) 
SUTHOBEY,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1601.    Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Bishop  Wilton,  Yorks., 

and  grandson  of  Thomas  (above).    B.A.  1605-6;   Sotheby. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10,  1606.   R.  of  Combes,  Suffolk, 

1616-47.    Died  1647,  aged  63.    M.I.  at  Combes.    Father  of 

John    (1630-1).     (Cooper,    11.    447;    Burke,    L.G.;    Vis.   of 

Suffolk,  1664-8.) 
SOTHEBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11,  1627. 

Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Robert  (1595).  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1 ; 

M.A.  1634.    One  of  these  names  4th  s.  of  Thomas  (above); 

b.  1611.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1632)  and  Robert  (1619). 

(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1563-4.) 

SOWTHEBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  19,  1673-  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1647),  Esq.,  of  Birdsall, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Pickering.  Matric.  1673.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  June  23,  1675.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Edward  Pegge,  of  Beauchieff  Abbey,  Derbs.;  (2)  Anthonina, 
dau.  of  Tobias  Wickham,  Dean  of  York,  at  York  Minster, 
July  6,  1693.  Died  Nov.  11,  1729.  (F.M.G.,  054;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1666;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SOTHEBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  21, 
1706-7.  S.  of  James  (1671),  of  Gray's  Inn,  Esq.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  2,  1707.  Brother  of  James  (1700)  and 
John  (1719). 

SOTHERNE,  AMBROSE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1588;  Scholar,  1590-3;  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595. 
V.  of  Kilnsea,  Yorks.,  1605-18. 

SOTHERON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June 
25,  1747-  Of  Wadworth,  near  Doncaster,  Yorks.  2nd  s.  of 
William  (1709).  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1750-1;  M.A.  1754. 
Died  unmarried,  1760,  in  St  Catharine's.  Brother  of  William 

SOTHERNE,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

South,  Francis 

SOTHORON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  24,  1678.  S.  and  h.  of  Matthew,  deceased.  B.  at  Holme- 
on-Spalding-Moor.  Bapt.  Dec.  18,  1659,  at  Holme.  School, 
Pocklington  (Mr  Ellyson).  Matric.  1678.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  12,  1680.  Married  Dorothy  Mitchell,  of  Hook, 
Yorks.  Will  dated,  Jan.  9,  1722.  Father  of  the  next. 

SOUTHERON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  28,  1709.  S.  of  William  (above),  gent.  B.  Nov.  22,  1692, 
at  Hook,  Yorks.  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Pocklington 
(Mr  Foulkes).  Matric.  1709.  Of  Hook,  and  Settrington. 
Married  Lucy,  dau.  of  Edward  Thompson,  of  Marston, 
Yorks.,  Esq.,  July  29,  1725.  Died  Aug.  1762.  Buried  at 
Pontefract.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Edward  (1747). 
(Sotheran  Family,  30.) 

SOTHERAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
Mar.  20,  1746.  Of  Wadworth,  Yorks.  S.  of  William  (above). 
Bapt.  Sept.  13,  1727,  at  Wadworth.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  June  19,  1744.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel 
Savile,  of  Darrington,  Esq.  Died  Dec.  29,  1789.  Buried  at 
Darrington.  Brother  of  Edward  (1747).  (H.  M.  Wood; 
Hunter,  Hallamshire,  421.) 

SOTHERTON,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1608.  Doubtless  s.  of  Augustine,  of  Hellesdon, 
Norfolk.  Knighted,  Aug.  8,  1623. 

SOUTHERTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Lent,  1577-8.  Fellow-Commoner,  1580.  Probably 
s.  of  John,  Baron  of  the  Exchequer  (by  his  1st  wife  Frances 
Smyth,  of  Cromer,  Norfolk).  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
B.A.  1580-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  9,  1582.  Half- 
brother  of  John  (1583).  (Vis.  of  London,  1568.) 

SUTHERTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1555. 

SUTHERTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1571 ;  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.  V.  of  West  Harptree, 
Somerset,  1580-1620. 

SOTHERTON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1583  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Middlesex,  gent.  S.  of  John,  Baron  of  the  Exchequer.  B. 
1562.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Nov.  20,  1580,  age  18; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Nov.  1587.  Barrister-at-law,  1597.  Bencher,  1610.  Re- 
ceiver-General of  Beds,  and  Bucks.,  1604.  Cursitor  Baron 
of  the  Exchequer,  1610.  Married  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Sir 
John  Morgan,  of  Chilworth,  Surrey.  Died  1631.  Half- 
brother  of  Christopher  (1577-8)  and  father  of  Valentine 
(1631).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  London,  1568;  D.N.B.;  Inner 
Temple,  Masters  of  the  Bench.) 

SUTHERTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  25, 
1659.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  late 
of  Gray's  Inn,  Esq.,  deceased.  Matric.  1660.  Perhaps  adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  12,  1659. 

SOTHERTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1620.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1623;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1627; 
'Sotheron.'  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  19,  1630. 
(Peile,  I.  337.) 

SOTHERTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1696. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1696. 

SOTHERTON,  VALENTINE.  B.D.  1631  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  John  (1583),  Baron  of  the  Exchequer.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  Nov.  3,  1615,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1618; 
M.A.  1621;  B.D.  1629.  V.  of  Spilsbury,  O.xon.,  1636.  R.  of 
Fleet  Marston,  Bucks.  Buried  in  Christ  Church  Cathedral, 
Mar.  6,  1641-2.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1641-2.  (Vis.  of  London,  1568; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SUTHERTON, .    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 


SOTHEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1619; 
B.A.  1623-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11;  priest,  June  12, 
1625.  Perhaps  C.  of  Langley,  Essex,  in  1650  (Southey). 

SOTHYK, .  B.Can.L.  1502-3. 

SOUCH,  see  ZOUCH. 

SOULDEN  or  SOLDEN,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Lent,  1647-8.  Of  Salop.  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655. 


SOUTH,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1629.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Fotherby  and 
Kelstem,  Lines.  Bapt.  Feb.  11,  1611-2,  at  Kelstcni.  Scholar 
of  Trinity  HaU,  1633;  LL.B.  1635;  LL.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  26,  1642.  Living,  1654.  Brother 
of  the  next  and  of  John  (1627),  probably  father  of  Nicholas 
(1668).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  912.) 

SOUTH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Fotherby  and  Kelstem, 
Lines.  Bapt.  Nov.  4,  1610,  at  Kelstem.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A. 
1635.  Will  of  one  of  these  names  (P.C.C.)  1651  of  St  Clement 
Danes,  London,  Esq.  Brother  of  Anthony  (above)  and  John 


South,  Francis 

SOUTH,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Tune  20  1655.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1627),  of  Kelstern, 
Lines.  Bapt  there,  Sept.  3,  1639.  School,  Blankney  (Mr 
Hutton).  Matric.  1655.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn  Nov.  27,1656. 
Brother  of  John  (1659-60).   {Peile,  1.  567;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 

SOUTH  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  10,  1642. 
School  Westminster.  Matric.  1642;  Scholar,  1643;  B.A. 
1645-6-  M  A.  1649.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1657.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  26  and  28,  1660.  R.  of  Wymond- 
ham  Leics.,  1660.  R.  of  Thomby,  Northants.,  1663-79- 
Married  Rachel,  dau.  of  Edward  Langham,  R.  of  Thomby. 
Died  May  8,  1679.  M.I.  at  Thomby.  (Northamptonshire 
Families,  213;  Al.  Oxon.) 
SOUTH,  JAMES.   M.D.  from  Jesus,  1697. 

SOWTHE  or  SOUTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  St 
John's  Michs.  1560.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Keelby 
and  Croxton,  Lines.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1566.  Of 
Keelby  and  of  Fotherby.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Twidale,  of  Ludborough.  Died  Apr.  17,  i59i-  Buned  at 
Keelby.  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  911.) 
SOUTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1583-  Of 
Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591-  Probably  R.  of 
Teversham,  Cambs.,  till  i594- 
SOUTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  161 5;  B.A. 
1618-9-  M.A.  1622.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1624.  V.  of  Lelant 
St  Uni,  ComwaU,  1623.  R.  of  Ludgvan,  1627-36.  Died 
Oct.  6,  1636.  M.I.  at  Ludgvan.  Will  (Exeter)  1637.  {Petle, 
I.  303;  Al.  Oxon.) 
SOUTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Kelstem,  Lines.,  Knt. 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Anthony  Irby,  of  Whaplode). 
Bapt.  Aug.  8,  1609,  at  Kelstem.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn, 
Nov.  22,  1628.  Knighted,  Nov.  27,  1636.  Of  Kelstem,  Knt. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Gervase  Clifton,  of  Clifton, 
Notts.  Will  dated,  Oct.  30,  1648;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  i, 
1648-9.  Brother  of  Francis  (1628)  and  Anthony  (1629), 
father  of  Francis  (1655)  and  John  (1659-60).  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  912.) 
SOUTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1632. 
Perhaps  matric.  again  as  sizar  Michs.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7; 
M..^.  1640. 
SOUTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Jan.  14,  1659-60. 
Of  Kelstem,  Lines.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John  (1627),  of  Kelstem. 
Knight  of  the  Royal  Oak,  1660.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1655).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  912.) 
SOUTH,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  12,  1679.    Of 

Oxon.   Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1705. 
SOUTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  3,  1742-3- 
S.   of   John,   of   Newmarket,   Suffolk.    School,   Bury   (Mr 
Kynnesman).   Matric.  1742-3. 
SOUTH,  NICHOLAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  21,  1668. 

Of  Lincohishire.  S.  of  Anthony  (?  1629). 
SOUTH,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1659  and  D.D.  1664  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  S.  of  Robert,  merchant,  of  London.  B.  at  Hackney, 
Sept.  4,  1634.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  Dec.  11,  1651;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1654-5;  M.A.  1657; 
B.D.  and  D.D.  1663.  Public  Orator  (Oxford)  1660-77. 
Preb.  of  Westminster,  1663-1716.  R.  of  Llanrhaiadr-yn- 
Mochnant,  Denbigh,  1667.  Travelled  to  Poland  as  chaplain 
to  Laurence  Hyde,  1676.  R.  of  Islip,  Oxon.,  1678.  Chaplain 
to  Charles  II.  A  noted  preacher.  Author,  sermons,  etc. 
Died  July  8,  1716.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Will 
proved  (Oxford)  Sept.  3,  1716.  {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
SOUTH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Lent,  1563-4. 
B.  1545.  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1571-  Ord.  priest 
(LincoUi)  May  13,  1569.  R.  of  Gt  Coates,  Lincoln,  1569-93- 
Preacher.  WiU  dated,  Oct.  2,  1592;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  8, 
1592-3.  Probably  father  of  the  next.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  gio.) 
SOUTH,  ZACCHAEUS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  e.  1597. 
S.  of  Thomas  (above).  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried  at 
South  Somercotes,  May  14,  1624.  Admon.,  Lincoln.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  910.) 
from  Trinity,  Easter,  1567;  Scholar,  1570;  B.A.  1570-1; 
M.A.  1574;  B.D.  1581.  FeUow,  1573.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincohi)  Apr.  17,  1579-  R-  oi  Waddington,  Lines., 
1588.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1585-1606.  Died  1606.  Admon. 
(Lincoln)  1615.  (Le  Neve,  Fasti,  iii.  397-) 
SOUTHAL,  MILWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Nov.  25, 
1749.  Of  Pedmore,  Worcs.  Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1754.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1754;  priest  (Ely,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Norwich)  Mar.  6,  1757- 

SOUTHCHERE,  NICHOLAS  DE.   Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1338. 
S.  of  John  atte  Multe  de  Southcherde. 

SouTHHOusE,  Christopher 

SOUTHCOMB,  LEWIS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  15,  1671. 

S.  of  Lewis,  of  Roseash,  Devon,  a  devoted  royalist  (and 

Jane  Spuril,  of  Honiton  House).    B.  1653.    Matric.  1671; 

B.A.  1674-5.    R-  of  Roseash,  Devon;  deprived  for  refusing 

the  oaths  of  allegiance,  but  apparently  reinstated,   1682. 

Author,  Penitent  Christian,  etc.  Father  of  the  next.  (Burke, 


SOUTHCOMB,  LEWIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  28,  1701. 

Of  Devon.    S.  of  Lewis  (above).    B.  1684.    Matric.  1701. 

R.  of   Roseash,  Devon.    Married  (1)  Elizabeth  Tucker,  of 

North  Molton;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry  Dodwell,  the 

famous  non-jurist  Camden  Professor  of  History  at  Oxford. 

Died  June  11,  1754.  Will  (Exeter)  1754.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

SOUTHCOTE,    EDWARD.     M.A.   from    King's,    i733-     S.   of 

Henry,  of  Stoke,  Devon.    Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 

Apr.   1,   1712,  age   16;   B.A.   (Oxford)   i7i5-    Ord.  deacon 

(Exeter)  Feb.  26,  1715;  priest,  June  28,  1719.   Chaplain  to 

the  Earl  of  Islay.    V.  of  Littleham,  Devon,   1722.    V.  of 

Colyton  Rawleigh,  1733.   (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

SOUTHCOT,  GEORGE.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.   (age   14)  at  Caius, 

Oct.  19,  1611.  Of  Buckland,  Devon.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  George, 

Knt.,  of  Shillingford.    Bapt.  July  4,   1596,  at  Cof&nswell. 

School,  Staines,  Middlesex  (Mr  Evans).  Matric.  1612.  Adm. 

at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  11,  1614.  Of  Buckland,  Esq.  Married 

Frances   Brabam.     Will   proved   (P.C.C.)    Sept.   29,    1654. 

(Venn,  i.  214.) 

SOUTHCOAT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  July  5, 

1631.    S.  and  h.   of  Richard,   Esq.,  of  Caverley,   Devon. 

School,   Tiverton.     Matric.    1631.     Died   unmarried.     Will 

(P.C.C.)  1655- 

SOUTHCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  21, 

1637-8.  2nd  s.  of  John.   B.  at  Shillingford,  Devon.   School, 

Islington.  Adm.  as  physic  student  at  Leyden,  Aug.  6,  1649, 

age   28.    Adm.  extra-licentiate,   R.C.P.,  Jan.   14,   1658-9. 

(Munk,  I.  292;  Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

SOUTHDEN,  THOMAS.    B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1603-4  (in 

SOUTHELD,   NICHOLAS.    Adm.  pens,   (age   19)   at  Sidney, 
June  29,  1674.   4th  s.  of  Richard,  gent.   B.  at  Clayhanger, 
Devon.  School,  Tiverton. 
SOUTHEN,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,   1617; 
B.A.   1620-1;   M.A.   1627.    V.  of  King's  Langley,   Herts., 
1627-34.   Died  1634.  Admon.,  Mar.  1634. 
SOUTHEN,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1616; 
B.A.   1619-20;  M.A.   1623.    V.  of  Manuden,  Essex,   1630, 
sequestered.     Probably   appointed    to    Henham,    in    1653. 
Charged  with  intmsion  into  Manuden,  in  1655.    (Cal.  State 
SOUTHERNWOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1724.   S.  of  John.    Bapt.  at  Melksham,  Wilts.,  Sept. 
12,  1705.    Matric.  Easter,  1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732. 
Fellow,   1728.    Proctor,  1747-8.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1733. 
Fellow  of  Eton,  1752.   Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  6,  1736-7- 
R.  of  Walkem,  Herts.,  1750.  Died  Mar.  25,  1776.  Buried  at 
Walkem.   WiU,  P.C.C.   (Harwood.) 
SOUTHFOLK,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1459-60. 
SOUTHGATE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  2, 
1705.    Of  Huntingdonshire.    Matric.  1705-6;  B.A.  1708-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1710;  priest,  Sept.  18,  1714. 
C.  of  St  Martin's,  Stamford,  Northants.,  1710.   C.  of  Tydd 
St  Giles',  Cambs.,   1711.    R.  of  Water  Newton,  Himts., 
1719-32.  Buried  June  5,  1732. 
SOUTHGATE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  21, 1745-6.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Huntingdon- 
shire.    B.    at    Alwalton.     Schools,    Uppingham    (private), 
Fotheringay  (private)  and  Peterborough.  Matric.  1746;  B.A. 
1749-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Sept.  24,  1752;  priest,  Sept. 
22,   1754.    R.  of  Woolley,  Hunts.,  1754-9-    F.S.A.,  1763. 
C.  of  St  James',  Westminster,  1763-5.  C.  of  St  Giles-in-the- 
Fields,    1765-95.    R.  of  Little  Steeping,   Lines.,   1782-90. 
Assistant  librarian  at  the  British  Museum,  1784-95.    R.  of 
Warsop,  Notts.,  1790-5.   Numismatist.    Assisted  Pinkerton 
in  his  Essay  on  Medals.    Died  Jan.  25,   1795-    Buried  in 
St  Giles'  Church.    Admon.,  P.C.C.    (Seott-Mayor,  iii.  556; 
G.  Mag.;  D.N. B.) 
SOWTHILL,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581. 
SOUTHHILL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  e.  1595 ; 
B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602.    Fellow,  i6oi.     Buried  at  Little 
St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Apr.  19,  1605. 
SOUTHHOUSE,  CHRISTOPHER.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Easter,  1552.    One  'Christopher  Suthesus,  Anglus,' 
adm.  at  Basel  University,  Dec.  10,  1557-    Possibly  preb.  of 
Luicoln,    1560-79,    deprived    for   not    paying    his    tenths. 
Will  of  Christopher  Southhouse,  of  London,  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Jan.  1591-2;  mentions  his  nephew  John  (?  1576),  clerk. 


SouTHHOusE,  Henry 

SOUTHHOUSE,  HENRY  [?  KYNASTON].  Adm.  Fell.-Com. 
(age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  25,  1745-  S.  of  Henry,  deceased, 
of  London  (probably  of  St  Giles',  Cripplegate).  School, 
Wormley  (Mr  Murdin).  Matric.  1745:  B.A.  1748-9-  Prob- 
ably of  Epsom,  Surrey;  will  dated,  Feb.  24,  1769;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  Jan.  7,  1773- 

SOUTHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  10, 
1576.  Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1576;  B.A.  from  St  John's, 
1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1581.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  22,  1589.  Perhaps  preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1579-1613.  V.  of  Cavenham,  Suffolk,  1590.  Will  (P.C.C.) 

SOUTHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1627.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Selling, 
Kent.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  4,  1612-3. 

SOUTHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Trinity,  Apr. 
8,  1687.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  London,  gent.  B.  in  London. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1687-8.  Of  the  Inner  Temple. 
Counsellor-at-law.  Died  Mar.  30,  1716-7,  aged  47.  Buried 
in  Bath  Abbey.  M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.   (Parker.) 

SOUTHOWSE  or  SOUTHIS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16) 
at  Caius,  Mar.  20,  1598-9.  Of  Elsing,  Norfolk.  S.  of  John. 
Matric.  1597-8.  Probably  B.A.  1602-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May  22,  1608;  'C.  of  Houghton.'  C.  of  Ovington, 
in  1617.   {Venn,  i.  167.) 

SOUTHHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  June  8,  1641.   Of  Norfolk.  School,  Brandon. 

SOUTHWARK,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1613-4. 

SUTHWERK,  PHILIP  DE.  '  King's  Scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1327. 

SOUTHWYK,  RICHARD  DE.   '  King's  Scholar,'  1327-31- 

SOUTHWELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Mag- 
dalene, Mar.  29,  1712.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  barrister-at- 
law,  deceased.  B.  Nov.  18,  1694,  at  Wisbech,  Isle  of  Ely. 
School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1712.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Dec.  22,  1713.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Edward  Dymoke,  Esq. 
Died  1748,  aged  54.  M.I.  at  Wisbech.  Brother  of  Henry 
(1712),  father  of  the  next  and  of  Henry  (1748).  (Watson, 

SOUTHWELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Nov.  6,  i744- 
(Apparently  re-adm.  as  Fell.-Com.  Aug.  1746,  and  matric. 
again  Michs.  1747.)  S.  and  h.  of  Edward  (above).  B.  at 
Wisbech,  Cambs.  Matric.  i744;  B.A.  1748-9;  M.A.  175-2- 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jime  10,  i747.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Feb.  25;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  11,  1752.  R.  of  Carlby, 
Lines.,  1752.  Died  unmarried,  1787,  aged  59.  M.I.  at 
Wisbech.  Brother  of  Henry  (1748).  (Burke,  L.G.  Supp.,  383 ; 
William  Watson,  Wisbech,  265.) 

SOUTHWELL.  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1568.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Sir  Robert,  of  Mereworth,  Kent. 
Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1560)- 

SOUTHWELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  10, 
1582-3.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1580). 

SOTHELL,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1620. 

SOUTHWELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  29,  1712.  S.  of  Edward,  pleader.  B.  at  Wisbech. 
School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1712.  High  Sheriff  of  Cambs. 
and  Hunts.,  1754.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  John  Wyldbore, 
Esq.  Died  1762,  aged  67.  M.I.  at  Wisbech.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1712).  (Watson,  Wisbech,  265;  Burke,  L.G.  Supp., 

SOUTHWELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  I,  1748.  S.  of  Edward  (1712),  Esq.  B.  at  Wisbech, 
Cambs.  School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1748-9;  B.A.  1752;  M.A. 
1755;  LL.D.  1763.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1752;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1754.  R.  of  Outwell,  Cambs.,  1758-60.  R.  of 
Asterby,  Lines.,  till  1779.  Reputed  author  of  Dr  Southwell's 
Bible  (for  an  account  of  the  real  author,  Robert  Sanders,  see 
G.  Mag.,  Liii.  311).  Died  unmarried,  Oct.  18,  i779-  M.I.  at 
Emneth,  Norfolk.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  1781.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1744).  (Musgrave;  Watson,  Wisbech,  512,  where 
the  date  of  death  is  wrong.) 

SOUTHWELL,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1598;  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Jan.  30,  1613-4;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1614.  C.  of  Achurch, 
Northants.,  1614.  V.  of  Denford-c«m-Ringstead,  1617; 
occurs,  1635;  perhaps  there  till  1648. 

SOUTHWELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1554.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Barham, 
Suffolk.  B.  1538.  Buried  at  Barham,  Oct.  15,  1612.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Ancestor  of  the  Viscounts  Southwell.  (Venn,  i.  37; 
Lodge,  VI.  9.) 

SOUTHWELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Dec.  i, 
1638.  S.  of  'Donsan'  (PDensany),  gent.,  of  Morton,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Kingston-on-Thames.  School,  Aylsham  (Mr  Clare). 
Matric.  1638;  Scholar,  1639-42.    Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden 


Aug.  3,  1643;  if  so,  probably  M.D.,  of  St  Dimstan-in-the 
West,  London,  1650.  {Venn,  i.  333.) 
SOUTHWELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
CnRiSTi,  Michs.  1545;  perhaps  matric.  pens,  at  the  same  time. 
(But  there  are  two  entries.)  Possibly  ist  s.  of  Sir  Richard, 
of  Wood  Rising,  Norfolk,  Knt.,  Master  of  the  Ordnance  and 
Armoury  in  1558  (and  Mary  Darcy  (afterwards  his  2nd  wife), 
of  Danbury,  Essex).  B.  out  of  wedlock.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  9,  1546-7.  Of  Horsham  St  Faith,  and  of  Spix- 
worth,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Married  (i)  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  Roger 
Copley;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Styles,  of  Norfolk. 
(Robert  the  Jesuit  martyr  and  poet  was  hisson.)  It  is  difificult 
to  distinguish  between  this  and  the  next,  who  may  have  been 
his  son.  {Blomefield,  x.  277, 455 ;  Masters,  where  he  is  confused 
with  his  father.) 
SOUTHWELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1561.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Richard  (above),  of 
Horsham  St  Faith,  Norfolk.  If  so,  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  11,1566.  Of  Spix worth,  Esq.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Comwallis,  of  Bromhall,  Suffolk.  Died  v.p.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1561).  {Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1563;  Lodge,  vi.  7.) 
SOUTHWELL,  RICHARD.   Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  Apr.  19, 

1595.   Probably  from  Norwich.  LL.B.  1600. 
SOTHELL,  RICHARD.   'Of  St  John's,  Cambridge.*  Subs,  for 

deacon's  orders  (Bristol)  Sept.  23,  1627. 
SOUTHWELL,   RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.   12, 
1678.    Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.    Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  2,  1686.    V.  of  Evington,  Leics.,  1686-1732- 
Died  Jan.  21,  1732-3.  {Nichols,  11.  559.) 
SOUTHWELL,   ROBERT.    Matric.   Fell.-Com.   from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1560.    Probably  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Robert,  of  Mereworth, 
and  of  Hoxne,  Kent,  Master  of  the  Rolls.     Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1564.   Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1568). 
SOUTHWELL,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  I2, 
1587.    Matric.  1587.    Afterwards  Fell.-Com.    Perhaps  adm. 
at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Apr.  27,  1591;  of  Suffolk,  gent. 
SOUTHWELL,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SOUTHWELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1561.  Possibly  2nd  s.  of  Richard  (i545),  of  Horsham 
St  Faith,  Norfolk.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  18, 
1574;  of  Norfolk;  late  of  Fumival's  Inn.  Of  Morton,  Esq. 
M.I.  at  Morton  to  'Thomas,  son  of  Sir  Richard,  Knt., 
Apr.  18,  1609,  aged  60.'  Brother  of  Richard  (1561). 
{Blomefield,  x.  275;  Lodge,  vi.  6.) 
SOUTHWELL   or  SOUTHWORTH,    THOMAS.     Matric.   pens. 

from  Queens',  Easter,  1582.  Of  London.   B.A.  1585-6. 
SOUTHWELL,   THOMAS.    Matric.   Fell.-Com.   from  Trinity, 

Michs.  1609.   One  of  these  names  knighted,  July  21,  i6i5- 
SOUTHWELL,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1580.   Of  Lincohishire.   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1582-3). 

SOTHEWELL, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  16, 


SOTHELL   (SUTTELL),   .    Adm.  sizar  at   Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1544. 

SOUTHWOOD  or  SUTHWOOD,  ALEXANDER.    Matric.  sizar 

from   Magdalene,    Easter,    1607.     Perhaps   b.   in   Devon. 

Lived  in  London  for  many  years.    Retired  to  Eton.    Died 

Mar.  27, 1657.  M.I.  in  College  Chapel.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  49.) 

SOUTHWOOD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  28, 

1646.    S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  St  Martin's,  Ironmonger 

Lane,    Middlesex.     B.    there.     School,    Friday    Street    (Mr 

Perkins).    Matric.   1646;  B.A.   1649-50;   M.A.    1653;   B.D. 

1660.    Fellow,  1650.    V.  of  Trumpington,  Cambs.,  1654-74- 

Ejected  from  Kimcote,  Leics.,  in  1662.    C.  of  Doddington, 

Northants.,  1666;  V.,  1667.   Buried  there  Feb.  28,  1688-9, 

aged  66  {sic).  M.I.   (H.  I.  Longden;  Bridges,  11.  141.) 

SOUTHWOOD,  EDMUND.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 

1637; B.A.  1640-1. 
SOUTHWOOD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct. 

10,  1672.   Matric.  1672-3. 
SOUTHWOOD,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  29,  i677. 

Of  Somerset.  B.A.  1680-1. 
SOUTHWORTH,  PAUL.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1735  (adm. 
June  27,  1735).  S.  of  Richard,  of  Wigan,  Lanes.  Matric. 
(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  30,  1716,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1719-20.  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Feb.  21,  1724-5; 
C.  of  Langton,  Leics.  R.  of  Burton  Ovcry,  1743-  Died 
Mar.  14,  1768,  aged  69.  M.I.  at  Burton.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1768. 
{Nichols,  II.  534;  Al.  Oxon.) 
SOUTHWORT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586. 
SOUTHWORTH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
1658.     S.    of    Richard,    of    Mansfield    (?Manfield),    Yorks. 
School, 'Mansfield.'  Matric.  1660.  Ord.  priest  (York)  c.  1667. 



SOUTHWORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  i, 

1639.  Of  Lancashire.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Saintes- 
bury,  Lanes,  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Tildersley). 
Died  unmarried,  Apr.  i,  1641.  (Abram,  Blackburn,  662; 
Chetham  Soc,  lxxxviii.  278.) 

SOWDAN,  ABRAHAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SOWDEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  31, 

1654.    Of  London.    School,  St  Paul's.     Matnc.  1654;  B.A. 

1657;   M.A.  1664.    Preb.  of  Kilpeacon  (Limerick),  1663-6; 

Preb.  of  TuUybrackey  (Limerick)  1666-8.  Vicar-choral  of 

Limerick,  1673.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SOWDEN,  ROGER.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1562, 

'Sowdey.'   Resident,  Aug.  1564. 
SOUDON,  ROGER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  23, 

1640.  S.  of  Roger,  of  Broad  Clist,  Devon,  lately  deceased. 
B.  at  Sowton,  near  Exeter.  School,  Exeter.  Matric.  1640. 
Presented  to  Portbury,  Somerset,  1706  (not  instituted). 
Died  1706. 

SOWELL  or  SEWELL,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1510-1. 

Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1582-3;  Scholar,  1583-4; 
M.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590. 

SOWELL,  ROBERT  (1614),  see  SOLE. 

SOWERBIE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SOWODE  or  SAWODE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1520-1. 

SOWODE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1507-8.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  M.A. 
1511;  B.D.  1522-3;  D.D.  1525-6.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi, 
1508.'  Master,  1523-44.  V.  of  Madingley,  Cambs.,  1525. 
R.  of  Landbeach,  1528.  Died  Nov.  29,  1544.  Buried  in 
St  Benet's  Church.  Will  proved  (V.C.C).  (Masters;  Cooper,  i. 
85;  Cole,  5881,  105.) 

SOWRAY,  see  also  SAWREY. 

SOWRAY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  scholar  (age  21)  at  Sidney,  1690, 
from  St  John's.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  York.  Schools, 
Appleton  (Mr  Jackson),  Yorks.  and  Thornton  (Mr  Hunter). 
Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May  2,  1692;  priest,  1693.  R.  of  St  Denys,  York.  Died 
July  25, 1707.  Buried  at  St  Mary  Castlegate,  York.  Brother 
of  the  next.   Father  of  Richard  (1716). 

SOWRAY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  3, 
1682.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  Bapt.  July  3,  1664,  at  York. 
School,  Pocklington  (Mr  Ettetson),  Matric.  1682;  B.A. 
1685-6.  Adm.  extra-licentiate,  R.C.P.,  Jan.  16,  1690-1. 
Practised  in  York.  Died  Feb.  17,  1708-9,  aged  45.  Buried 
at  St  Mary  Castlegate,  York.  M.I.  Brother  of  Joseph 
(above).   (Munk,  i.  483.) 

SOWRAY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  25,  1716. 
S.  of  Joseph  (1690),  clerk,  of  York.  Matric.  1716;  Scholar; 
B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1721; 
priest,  Sept.  1723.  V.  of  Askham  Richard  and  Bilbrough, 
Yorks.,  1736-55.  R.  of  Catton,  1737-55.  Buried  at  Askham, 
Oct.  27,  1755.   (A.  Gray;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SOURBUTS,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1591-2; 

B.A.  1595-6. 
SOWRBUTTS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June 
16,  1620.   Of  Lancaster.   S.  of  Richard.   School,  Blackburn 
(Mr  Collinson).   Matric.  1620;  B.A  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.   Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1624.   C.  of  Wiveton, 
Norfolk,  in  1627  and  1636,  and  of  Blakeney,  in  1627  and  1640. 
V.  of  Briston,  1643-61.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1661.  {Venn, 
I.  250.) 
SOWTER,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1565. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Long  Sutton,  Lines.    Migrated  to  Caius, 
Dec.  8,  1568,  age  22;  B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1572. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)   Feb.   2,    1573-4-    V.  of 
Wiggenhall  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  I577-91.    Will  proved  (Nor- 
wich) 1591.  (Venn,  i.  63.) 
SOWTHOE,  JOHN.    Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1400.    R.  of  All 
Hallows-in-the-Wall,  London,  1392-7;  of  Langford,  Essex, 
'South.'   R.  of  Fomcett,  Norfolk,  1419,  'D.D.'  Died  1446. 
SOWTON,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  from   Peterhouse,   1674.    S.  of 
William,  of  Chichester,  Sussex.    Matric.  (St  Edmund  Hall, 
Oxford)  Nov.  11,  1664,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1669.  Licensed 
Feb.  1679-80,  to  marry  Anne  Ingoldsby,  of  Stepney,  Middle- 
sex.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
SPACKMAN,  CHENEY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Lent, 
1618-9;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(London)  Sept.  23,  1627,  age  24.  V.  of  Tottington,  Norfolk, 
1638-9.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
SPACKMAN,  CHENEY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1640.    Perhaps  s.  of  Cheney  (above).    B.A.  1643-4;  M.A. 

Sparhawke,  John 

SPACKMAN,  JOSHUA.   Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  21,  1621. 

S.  of ,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Northfleet,  Kent.  School, 

Ipswich  (private).    Matric.   1621.  Will  (P.C.C.)   1622;  of 
Rotherhithe,  Surrey. 
SPACKMAN,  NORWICH.    M.A.  1604  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of   Worcestershire,   gent.    S.   of  Thomas   (next).    Matric. 
(Christ  Church.  Oxford)  Nov.  8,  1594,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1599;  M.A.  1602.   Proctor  at  Oxford,  1611.  Canon  of  Wells, 
1610.    R.  of  Merstham,  Surrey,  1610.    V.  of  Mitcham,  till 
1617.   Buried  July,  1617.   (Wood's  Fasti;  Al.  Oxon.;  Man- 
ning and  Bray,  n.  264,  504.) 
SPAKEMAN    or   SPECMAN,    THOMAS.     Matric.    pens,    from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1568:  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  M.D.  1603. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  July  5,  1611.  Probably  of  Worcestershire. 
Father  of  Norwich  (above). 

SPALDING,  EZECHIEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2, 

1634.   Of  Sufiolk.   S.  and  h.  of  John  (?  1603-4),  of  Nowton, 

Suffolk,  clerk.   Matric.  1636.  B.A.  1637-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's 

Inn,  Apr.  20,  1638. 

SPALDING,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  165 1. 

Of  London.  Matric.  1651. 
SPALDING,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  St  John's,  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 
Perhaps  of  Nowton,  Sufiolk,  clerk.    Died  before  Apr.  20, 
1638.   Perhaps  father  of  Ezechiel  (1634). 
SPALDINGE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  17, 
1628.  S.  of  Daniel,  gent.  B.  at  Brockdish..  Norfolk.  School, 
Brockdish  (Messrs  Godfrey  and  Say).  Matric.  1628;  Scholar, 
1629-34;  B.A.  1631-2.    Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)   1640-1; 
of  St  Augustine,  Paul's  Gate,  London.  (Venn,  i.  285.) 
SPALDING,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 
One  of  these  names  of  Beswick,  Yorks.,  clerk;  will  dated, 
1638;  proved  (P.C.C.)  1660. 
SPALDING,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1660. 
Of   Cambridgeshire.    Matric.  Easter,    1661;   B.A.    1666-7; 
M.A.  1670.  Ord.priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670.  C.  of  Raveusden, 
Beds.,  1671.  R.  of  East  Bradenham,  Norfolk,  1683.   R.  of 
Ovington,  1702-6. 
SPALDING,  RALPH  DE.    'D.D.  from  Cambridge.'    Carmelite 
friar  at  Stamford,  Lines.  Died  at  Stamford,  1390.  (Pt'ts,  550.) 
SPALDING,  ROBERT.   Fellow  of  Clare;  previously  of  Univer- 
sity Hall  (the  original  foundation),  c.  1330.    Ord.  acolyte 
(Ely);  sub-deacon,  Oct.   1337;  priest,  Apr.  1338.    Ejected 
from  Clare  for  selling  the  hostel,  'then  called  Spaldyn  In, 
but  now  Borden  Hostele.'    Possibly  Principal  of  this  hostel 
which  was  named  after  him.    He  apparently  sold  it  to  the 
Prior  of  Ely.   (Clare  College  Hist.,  14,  169.) 
SPALDING,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1585.    Of  Holdemess,  Yorks.    Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1588-9; 
M.A.  1592;  B.D.  1600.    Fellow,  1593.    Regius  Professor  of 
Hebrew,  1605-7.    R.  of  Edburton,  Sussex,  1606-26.    R.  of 
Slaugham,  1616-26.   One  of  those  employed  in  the  transla- 
tion of  the  Bible.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1626.   (Cooper,  11.  479-) 
SPALDING,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1623-4;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Dec.  3,  1627.    Probably  lecturer  at  Safiron  Walden,  Essex, 
1643,   'M.A.'    Perhaps  intruder  at   Rothwell,  Northants., 
1647,  and  at  Kettering,  1649,  'Spaulden.'   (Shaw,  i.  305.) 
SPALDING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  4,  1667-8. 

Of  Sufiolk.   Matric.  1667-8;  B.A.  1671-2. 
SPALDWICK,   RICHARD.  FeUow  of  Peterhouse,   1374-85; 
inceptor  in  Arts. 

SPANEY, .  D.D.  1495-6- 

SPANHEIM  (Monsieur).  D.D.  1689  (on  King's  visit). 
SPARHAKE  or  SPARAUKE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Em- 
manuel, 1618.  Matric.  1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  C. 
of  St  Mary  Woolchurch,  London,  in  1635.  Sequestered  to 
Stisted,  Essex,  1643,  and  to  Black  Notley,  Oct.  9,  1643; 
ejected,  i66o.  Living  at  Boreham,  Essex,  when  his  son 
Samuel  (1669)  was  bom.  Died  near  Colchester,  Sept.  9, 
1678.  (Davids,  432;  H.  Smith.) 
SPARHAWK,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  2, 

1671.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678. 
SPARHAWK,  JOHN.  D.D.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1420.  V.  of 
Abington-by-Shingay,  Cambs.,  till  1473.  V.  of  Hitchin, 
Herts.,  1453-74.  Canon  of  Wells.  Gave  books  to  Pembroke. 
Died  Sept.  11,  1474.  Buried  at  Hitchin.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1474,  'Sperhauke.'  (Clulterbuck,  in.  47.) 
SPARHAWKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  25, 
1737.  S.  of  Samuel  (1669),  R.  of  Radwell,  Herts.  Bapt. 
there,  Apr.  30,  1720.  Matric.  i737;  Scholar,  i737;  B.A. 
1740-1.  Fellow,  1742.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  29,  i743; 
priest,  May  25,  1746.  R.  of  Radwell,  Herts.,  1750-77- 
Buried  there  July  23,  i777-  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  1778. 
(Clutterbuck,  11.  302.) 


Sparhawke,  Nathaniel 

SPARROWHAWKE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pem- 
broke, Easter,  1582. 

SPARHAWK,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  28, 
1669.  S.  of  Edward  (r6i8),  clerk,  of  Boreham,  Essex.  B.  at 
Black  Notley.  School,  Pels  ted.  Matric.  1669;  Scholar, 
1669-76;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
May  21,  1676.  V.  of  Newnham,  Herts.,  1676-80;  of  Norton, 
1679-39.  R.  of  Radwell,  1679-1733.  Buried  there  Sept.  27, 
1738,  aged  88.  Father  of  John  (1737).  (Venn,  1.  438;  Clutter- 
buck,  II.  302.) 

SPARKE,  see  also  SPARKES. 

SPARKE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  c.  1598.  Of 
Buckinghamshire.  S.  of  Thomas,  D.D.,  Canon  of  Lincoln 
(for  whom  see  Al.  Oxon.).  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1604-5; 
M.A.  1608.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1606.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  i,  1606-7;  priest.  May  31,  1607.  R.  of  West 
Barkwith,  Lines.,  1613. 

SPARK,  ARCHIBALD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  29, 
1634.  Of  Scotland.  M.A.  1634  (Incorp.  from  King's  College, 
Aberdeen);  student  there,  1624-8.  B.D.  (Cambridge)  1637. 
Vicar-choral,  St  Asaph,  1632 ;  ejected,  c.  1645.  V.  of  Corwen, 
1637-9.  R.  of  Himant,  Montgomery,  1637.  Preb.  of  St 
Asaph,  1637;  deprived,  but  restored,  1661-70.  V.  of  North 
Hope,  Flint,  1639.  Buried  there.  Mar.  1669-70.   (A.  Gray.) 

SPARKE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  1,  1665. 
Of  Somerset.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9.  R-  of  South 
Tidworth,  Hants.  R.  of  Hurstboume  Tanant,  Southampton, 
1682.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Stanford.  Died  May  8,  1703. 
Buried  at  Collingboume-Ducis,  Wilts.  (T.  C.  Dale;  Coll. 
Top.  et  Gen.,  vii.  76.) 

SPARKE  or  SPARKES,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1584.  Of  Leicestershire.  Perhaps  s.  of 
Robert  (1557).  Scholar,  1584;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591. 
Fellow,  1590.  Author,  Latin  verses.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Robert  (1581).   (Cooper,  in.  19.) 

SPARKE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1626. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633;  B.D.  1640;  D.D.  1660 
(Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1653.  R.  of  St  Martin, 
Ironmonger  Lane,  1639;  ejected,  1645.  V.  of  Isle  of  Grayne, 
Kent,  1650-61.  Chaplain  to  Charles  II.  V.  of  Clerkenwell, 
1660-5.  V.  of  Walthamstow,  Essex,  1662-6.  V.  of  Totten- 
ham, Middlesex,  1666-93.  Author,  Scintillula  A  Itaris.  Died 
1692-3.   Will,  P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Hennessy.) 

SPARKE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

SPARKE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  12,  1679. 
SPARK,  GEOFFREY.  Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1426-7. 

SPARKE,   JOHN.     Matric.   sizar  from   Christ's,   July,    1681. 

Perhaps  usher  at  Giggleswick  School,  Yorks.,  c.  1683.   Ord. 

deacon  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim.  from  Chester)  Feb.  28,  1685-6; 

'B.A.,  Cambridge.'    Perhaps  V.  of  Bolton-le-Sands,  Lanes., 

1690-1703,  and  V.  of  Long  Preston,  1703.   (Peile,  11.  85.) 
SPARKE,  JOHN.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  20,  1689. 

Of  Devon.  Matric.  1689.  Perhaps  M. P.  for  Newport,  1701-7. 

Died  Jan.  2,  1706-7. 

SPARKE,  NATHANIEL.     B.A.  from  St  John's,  1607-8;  M.A. 

1611.  Probably  R.  of  Effingham,  Surrey,  1611.  V.  ofGraine, 

Kent,  1619-28.    R.  of   Cowling,  c.  1630-41.    Probably  his 

will  (P.C.C.)  1655.  Father  of  the  next. 
SPARKE,  NATHANIEL.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Mar.  14,  1630-1.    S.  of  Nathaniel  (above),  R.  of  Cowling, 

Kent.    B.  at  Faversham.    School,  Rochester  (Mr  Selbye). 

Matric.    1631;   B.A.    1634-5;   M.A.    1638.     R.  of  Cowling, 

1642-60.   Died  1660.   (Fielding,  Rochester,  585.) 
SPARKE,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

SPARKE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1575. 

Of  Sufiolk.    B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582;  B.D.  1588.    Fellow, 


SPARK,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  22, 
1668-9,  from  Trinity  College,  Oxford.  Matric.  there,  June  22, 
1666.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Blackawton,  Devon. 
School,  Exeter  (Mr  Witnall).  B.A.  (Cambridge)  1669-70; 
M.A.  1673.  R.  of  North  Leigh,  Devon,  1676-1700.  Died 
1700.   Will,  Exeter.   (Peile,  11.  18.) 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1551. 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1557.  B.  at  Fhtton,  Beds.,  1540.  Matric.  1557-8;  B.A. 
1561-2;  M.A.  1565  (according  to  Cooper).  Fellow,  1560-2 
Probably  ord.  priest  (Peterborough)  Sept.  21,  1564.  R.  of 
Aston  Flamville,  Leics.,  1557  (sic).  R.  of  Burbage  (and  B.D. 
according  to  Harwood).  An  eloquent  preacher.  Died  c.  1590. 
Perhaps  father  of  the  next  and  of  Edward  (1584  .  iCoober 
II.  loo;  III.  116.)  \  J  ■*!     \      y    , 

Sparks,  John 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1581.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (above).  B.  at  Stamford,  Lines., 
1563.  Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  FeUow,  1584- 
93.  Was  admonished,  Oct.  17,  1592,  for  light  disobedience 
to  the  Provost,  strife  with  the  dean  of  Arts,  and  for  using 
unseemly  and  unclerical  apparel,  namely,  russet  boots. 
'  Went  away  discontented  and  lived  poor  a  long  time  after- 
wards.' Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1584).  (Harwood: 
Cooper,  II.  100.) 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1585.  Ten  years  study  in  theology. 
Possibly  Robert  (1557).  ^' 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  8, 
1615.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Widdington  Essex 
School,  Newport  (Mr  Woode).  Matric.  1615;  Scholar,  1617- 
22;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19, 
1624.  R.  of  Little  Wendon,  Essex,  1628.  V.  of  South 
Benfleet,  in  1650.   (Venn,  i.  228.) 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  24,  1642-^ 
Matric.  1644.  -K       t     J 

SPARKE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  1,  1663.  Of 
Suffolk.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1675. 

SPARKE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  4,  1594 
Matric.  c.  1594;  Scholar;  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  Incorp'. 
at  Oxford,  1602.  One  of  these  names  of  Barnes.  Surrev 
clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1609.  ^' 

SPARKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter 
1573;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1576-7;  M.A.  from  St  John's' 
1580.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1578;  priest,  Apr.  17,  1580. 
R.  of  Little  Buckenham,  Norfolk,  1581-97.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Thumscoe,  Yorks.,  1583-1629.  Buried  there 
June  4,  1629. 

SPARKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1615-6;  B.A.  1619-20.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  5', 
1619-20;  priest,  June  11, 1620.  Perhaps  V.  of  Grayne,  Kent' 

SPARKE,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  8.  is88. 
Matric.  1588.  ^      .    3  "• 

SPARKE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1505-6  (Incorp.  from  Oxford)- 
M.A.  (Cambridge)  1506-7.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1512.  Perhaps 
fellow  of  Oriel  College,  Oxford,  1503;  of  the  diocese  of 
Sarum.   Possibly  R.  of  Farthinghoe,  Northants.,  1518. 

SPARK, .  B.A.  1513-4;  M.A.  1517. 

SPARKES,  see  also  SPARKE. 

SPARKES,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter 
1647.  Of  London.  ' 

SPARKES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Dec.  13, 
1670.  S.  of  John,  baker,  of  Cambridge.  B.  in  the  parish  of 
St  Edward.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Griflin).  Matric.  1670- 
Scholar,  1671-6;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  i68o.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  24,  1676.  V.  of 
Shepreth,  Cambs.,  1686.  Head  Master  of  the  Perse  School 
Cambridge,  1687-1727.  Father  of  the  next  and  perhaps  of 
Stuart  (1703).   (Venn,  i.  442.) 

SPARKES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  i, 
1697-8.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  schoolmaster,  of  Cambridge! 

B.  there.  School,  Perse  (under  his  father).  Matric.  1698- 
Scholar,  1698-1705;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1705.  Usher  of  the 
Perse  School,  1704-22.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1705- 
priest.  May  30,  1708.   C.  of  Deene,  Northants,  1705.  Perhaps 

C.  of  Great  Eversden,  Cambs,  1712.  V.  of  King's  Langley 
Herts.,  1719-39;  V.  of  Ugley  (Ukeley  or  Oakley),  Essex! 
1721-39.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Kinnoul.  Died  befoie 
June  1,  1739.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1739).  (Venn 
I,  500;  where  the  date  of  death  is  wrong.)  ' 

SPARKS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton 
1735-  S.  of  Edward  (above),  clerk.  Bapt.  at  St  Edward's' 
Cambridge,  July  27,  1717.  Matric.  1736;  B.A.  1740-1-  M  a! 
1744.  Fellow,  1739.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  Sept.  21  1740- 
pnest,  Aug.  15,  1742.  Usher  of  Gloucester  CoUege,  1739-42  • 
Head  Master,  1742-77.  V.  of  Hartpury,  Gloucs.,  1742-85' 
V.  of  Churcham,  1753-78.  Commissary  of  the  Bishop  of 
Gloucester,  1761-72.  Rural  dean  of  Forest,  1770-7.  V.  of 
Fairford,  1778-85.  Chaplain  to  Elizabeth,  Dowager  Countess 
Deloraine.  Died  before  May,  1785.  Brother  of  John  (17^0). 
(F.S.Hockaday;  Harwood.)  ^^7391- 

SPARKES,  HAVEY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  6,  1734-5- 
afterwards  Fell.-Com.  Of  Wellingborough,  Northants' 
Probably  s.  of  Havey.  Matric.  1736;  B.A.  1738-9;  M.A.  1742! 

SPARKES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629. 

SPARKES  or  SPARKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Apr.  24,  1730.  S.  of  Joseph  (1699),  clerk,  of  North- 
amptonshire. Bapt.  Jan.  9,  1712-3,  at  St  John  Baptist 
Peterborough.  School,  Peterborough.  Matric.  1730-  BA 
1733-4-  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  16,  1737-8;  "priest" 
Apr.  16,  1738.  R.  of  Newton  Bromswold,  Northants.,  1746* 
Died  before  Mar.  11,  1746-7.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  426  ) 


Sparks,  John 

SPARKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  27,  i739-  Of 
Oakeley,  Essex.  S.  of  Edward  (1697-8),  clerk,  deceased. 
Matric.  1740;  Rustat  Scholar,  1740;  B.A.  1742-3-  D'ed  i743- 
Brother  of  Edward  (i735)-  (A.  Gray.) 
SPARKS,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  4,  i674-5- 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1674-5;  B.A.  1678-9.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1681.  V.  of  Breedon  with  Worthington, 
Leics.,  1689.  Will  (Leicester)  1720. 
SPARKES,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  u, 
1699  S  of  John,  gent.  Bapt.  Dec.  16,  1682,  at  St  Baptist, 
Peterborough.  School,  Peterborough  (Mr  Warren).  Matric. 
1700-  B.A.  1703-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1705; 
priest,  Sept.  23,  1710.  Registrar  of  Peterborough  Cathedral. 
Joint  founder,  with  his  friend  Timothy  Neve,  of  the  Gentle- 
men's Societv  of  Peterborough.  Antiquary.  Married  Mrs 
Rebecca  Wigmore,  June  29,  1710.  Edited  in  two  foho 
volumes  Hisloriae  Anglicanae  Scriptores  varii,  1723.  Died 
July  20  1740,  aged  56.  Buried  in  Peterborough  Cathedral. 
MI.  where  he  is  styled  M.A.  Father  of  John  (1730). 
SPARKES,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SPARKES,  ROGER.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  22,  1653; 
Scholar  from  Westminster.    Of  Middlesex.    B.A.   1656-7; 
M.A.    1660.     Fellow,    1658;    ejected,    but    restored,    1660 
Perhaps    of    Felpham,    Sussex,     clerk;    wiU     (Chichester) 
SPARKS,  STUART.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  9, 
1703-4     Of  Cambridgeshire.    Possibly  s.  of  Edward  (1670). 
Matric.  1703;  LL.B.  1708.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  24, 
I7I0-  priest,  Sept.  21,  1712.    R.  of  Theydon  Mount   Essex 
1728-55.    Will  (P.C.C.)   1755-    Perhaps  brother  of  Edward 
SPARPOYNTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1561.   Resident  at  Queens',  Aug.  1504-  B.A.  from  St  John  s, 
SPARREY  or  SPAREY,  AMBROSE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare, 
Easter,   1631;  B.A.   1633-4;   M.A.   1637.    Schoolmaster  at 
Stourbridge.    'Minister  and  register'   at  Wolverhampton, 
1648-58.  Minister  of  Martley,  Worcs.,  m  1656;  ejected,  1662. 
{Calamy,  11.  543;  Wm.  Salt  Arch.  Soc,  1915,  347-) 
SPARREY,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1614; 

B.A.  1618-9.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1619. 
SPARRY,  JAMES.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1716.  Of  Salop. 

SPARREY,  .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  3, 

1721.  Off,  1724- 
SPARROW,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1625  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Samuel.  B.  at  Depden,  Suffolk,  1612. 
Bapt  May  7,  1612,  at  Wickhambrook.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A. 
1632-  B.D.  1639;  D.D.  1661  {Lit.  Reg.).  FeUow,  1633-44, 
ejected.  President,  1662-7.  Vice-Chancellor,  1664-5-  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Feb.  22,  1634-5-  R-  of  Hawkedon  Suffolk, 
1647-  ejected,  but  reinstated,  1660.  Archdeacon  of  Sudbury, 
1660.  Preb.  of  Ely,  1661-7.  Bishop  of  Exeter,  1667-76. 
Bishop  of  Norwich,  1676-85.  Author,  A  Rationale  upon  the 
Book  of  Common  Prayer.  Died  May  19,  1685.  Buried  at 
Norwich.  {D.N.B.;  East  Anglian,  N.S.,  iv.  210.) 
SPARROW,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  27,  1750.  S.  of  Charles,  grocer,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in 
London!  School,  Bury  (Mr  Gamham).  Matric.  1 750-1. 
SPARROW,  DRUGO  (DREW).  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peter- 
house,  Sept.  12,  1648.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of 
StamDoume,  Essex.  School,  Maidstone.  Probably  brother 
of  John  (1631)  and  perhaps  of  Robert  (1644).  (Vts.  of  Essex, 
SPARROW,    HENRY.     Matric.   sizar   from    Corpus   Christi, 

Michs.  1575;  B.A.  1578-9. 
SPARROW,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1481-2;  LL.B.    V.  of  Caldecote, 
Cambs     until  1497.    Canon  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster, 
till,  1511.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1511;  to  be  buried  in  the  churchyard 
of  St  Stephen's. 
SPARROW,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1562. 
B  at  Stansfield,  Suffolk.  Scholar,  1563.  Ord.  pnest  (London) 
Apr  23    1568,  age  25.   R.  of  Salcott-Virley,  Essex,  1568-87. 
R.  of  Little  ChishaU,  1587-1620.  Died  1620.  Admon.  (Cons. 
C.  London)  Oct.  24,  1620. 
SPARROWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1584-5; 
B  A.    1589-90;    M.A.    1593.     Fellow  of   Peterhouse,    1597. 
Chaplain  of  Trinity,  1596-7-    V.  of  Shudy  Camps,  Cambs., 
until  1649.  Buried  there  Sept.  24,  1649.  Will,  P.C.C. 
SPARROWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606; 
B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.    One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h. 
of  John,  of  Dunton,  Beds.,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  5, 

Sparrow,  William 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1631. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Stamboume,  Essex.  B.  May  12, 
1615.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1634.  Barrister.  Astudent 
of  Jacob  Boehme;  co-operated  with  John  Ellistone  in 
bringing  out  an  English  version  of  his  works.  One  of  these 
names  knighted,  Jan.  6,  1667;  of  Corbet's  Tey,  Essex. 
Probably  brother  of  Drugo  (1648)  and  perhaps  of  Robert 
(1644).  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  D.N.B.) 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  4,  1659. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1657;  of  Havermg, 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  29,  1670. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Lawshall,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1670;  B.A. 
1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Aug.  1677; 
priest,  Apr.  1678.  V.  of  Swaffham,  Norfolk,  1678.  Perhaps 
brother  of  William  (1672-3). 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  16, 
1679.  S.  of  John,  of  Sible  Hedingham,  Essex.  B.  there, 
July,  1662.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1679.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  27,  1680.  Barrister,  1686.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Samuel  Clarkson,  of  Langham  Lodge,  Esq.  Died 
Mar.  27,  1720-1.   {Essex  Pedigrees;  Peile,  11.  74.) 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  20, 
1681.  Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1685-6. 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  12, 
1710-1.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A.  1718.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1716;  priest  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Norwich)  Mar.  5,  1720-1.  R.  of  Stowlangtoft,  Suffolk,  1721- 
2.  Died  May  8,  1722,  aged  29.  Buried  at  Westley.  M.I. 
Probably  brother  of  Joseph  (1702-3).   {Gage,  97.) 

SPARROW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Oct.  13, 
1726.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Kettleburgh,  Suffolk,  gent.  Bapt. 
there,  Jan.  13,  1707.  School,  Woodbridge.  Matric.  1726; 
B.A.  1730-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1731;  priest, 
Dec.  24,  1738.  R.  of  Kettleburgh.  Died  Mar.  i,  1786,  aged 
80.  Buried  at  Kettleburgh.  {Davy,  19,  149,  335.) 

SPARROW,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct.  22, 
1664.   Matric.  1664.   Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1664). 

SPARROW,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  12, 
1673-4.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Feb.  1680-1;  priest,  July,  1681.  R.  of  Gt  Barton, 
Suffolk,  1681-1701.  R.  of  Thorpe  Morieux,  1701-19.  Died 
1719.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
SPARROW,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  22, 
1702-3.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Joseph  (above).  Matric. 
1704;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710.  Fellow,  1710.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1712.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1709;  priest, 
Sept.  1710.  R.  of  Westley,  Suffolk,  1719-48.  R.  of  Stowlang- 
toft, 1722-48.  Died  Dec.  23,  1748,  aged  64.  M.I.  at  Westley. 
{Gage,  g7;  Al.  Oxon.) 
SPARROWE,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SPARROW,  MICHAEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

SPARROW,  RANDOLPH.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  5, 

1635.   Matric.  1636. 
SPAROWE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1576.    Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  30,   1579;  of 
Fumival's  Inn. 
SPARROW,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  (age  14)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1620.    S.  of  Robert,  of  Cambridge.    B.A.  1623-4; 
M.A.  1627;  B.D.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1627; 
priest.  Mar.  9,  1627-8. 
SPARROW,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1620.   Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1623;  M.A.  1627. 
SPARROW,  ROBERT.   B.A.  from  Trinity,  1644.   Perhaps  2nd 
s.  of  John,  of  Stamboume,  Essex.    Perhaps  brother  of  John 
(1631)  and  Drugo  (1648).   {Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 
SPARROW,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct.  22, 

1664.   Perhaps  brother  of  Joseph  (1664). 
SPARROW,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1549. 
SPARROW,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1629-30;  B.A.  1632-3.    One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h.  of 
Thomas,  of  St  Botolph's,  Aldersgate,  Esq.,'  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  14,  1635. 
SPARROW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  26,  1670; 
B.A.   1673-4;   M.A.   1677.    Ord.   deacon    (Norwich)    Dec. 
SPARROW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  16,  1596- 
Of  Essex.   Matric.  1596;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.   Ord. 
priest  (London)  1606.    R.  of  Lammas,  Norfolk,  in  1618-45. 
Buried  there.  Will  proved,  1646.  Father  of  the  next. 


Sparrow,  William 

SPARROW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  r, 
1640.  S.  of  William  (above),  R.  of  Lammas,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Levering).  Matric.  1640; 
Scholar,  1641-6;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Halstead,  Essex,  1650-62,  ejected.  Afterwards  a  non- 
conformist minister.  Died  in  Norwich.  Buried  1679. 
{Calamy,  i.  506;  Venn,  i.  337.) 

SPARROW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1646.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Perhaps  ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Bishop  of  Galloway)  Dec.  13,  1660.  R.  of 
Naughton,  Suffolk,  1660-2.  R.  of  Bildeston,  1670-85.  Died 
1685.   Will  proved  (Bury)  May  7,  1685. 

SPARROW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  11, 
1672-3.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  John,  of  Lawshall.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1677. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1670). 

SPARROW, .  B.A.  1475-6- 

SPARROW, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544. 

SPARROW, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  1577. 

SPATEMAN  or  SPADEMAN,  JOB.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
June  22,  1661.  Of  Derbyshire,  and  s.  of  John,  of  Roadnook, 
Derbs.,  Esq.  Matric.  1661.  Died  unmarried.  Brother  of 
the  next.   {F.M.G.,  1058.) 

SPATEMAN  or  SPADEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
June  22,  1661.  Of  Derbyshire.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Road- 
nook,  Esq.  Matric.  1661.  Married  Ann  Palmer.  Died  Dec. 
30,1707.   Brother  of  Job  (above).  (F.M.G.,  1058.) 

SPADEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May 
27,  1665.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  of  Althorpe,  Lines.  School, 
Sheffield.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1674.  Sub.  for 
deacon's  orders  (Bristol)  Nov.  24,  1673.  V.  of  Swaton, 
Lines.,  1673.  R.  of  Llandynam  (of  a  moiety),  Montgomery, 
1674.  Resigned,  and  went  as  pastor  of  the  English  Church 
at  Rotterdam.  Afterwards  nonconformist  minister  in 
England.  Died  Sept.  4,  1708,  aged  60.  {Calamy,  11.  163; 
H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SPATEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  15, 
1668-9.  S.  of  Samuel.  B.  at  St  Werbergh,  Derby.  School, 
Derby  (Mr  Stones).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1673;  priest,  June,  1674-  At 
Burton-on-Trent  (date  unknown).  R.  of  YoxaU,  Staffs., 
1683-1728.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Noble,  of  Chorley, 
Lanes.  Died  at  Yoxall,  Aug.  16,  1728,  aged  75-  M.I.  Will 
proved,  Nov.  13,  1728.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1676)  and  father 
of  Thomas  (1713).   [Peile,  11.  18;  Shaw,  i.  loi.) 

SPATEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  7, 
1714.  Of  London.  B.  Jan.  18,  1696-7.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1734.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1719;  priest  (Ely)  Feb.  8,  1721-2. 
R.  of  Whilton,  Northants.,  1722-49.  Author,  poetical. 
Died  at  Whilton,  June  20,  1749,  aged  53.  Buried  there.  M.I. 
(Baker,  1.  235.) 
SPATEMAN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  5, 1676; 
exhibitioner  from  Derby  School.  S.  of  Samuel  (Mayor  of 
Derby,  1667).  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1679-80.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Aston  Abbots,  Bucks.,  1705-27.  Died  Nov.  5, 
1727.  Buried  at  Aston.  Brother  of  John  (1668-9).  {Derby 
School  Register;  Lipscomb,  iii.  308.) 
SPATEMAN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  3, 1696. 
Of  Staffordshire.  School,  Derby.  Matric.  1696;  Scholar; 
B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1703.  Probably  R.  of  Leyboume, 
Kent,  1706-20.  Buried  there  Oct.  r,  1720. 
SPATEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  10, 
1713.  Of  Staffordshire.  S.  of  John  (1668-9),  R.  of  Yoxall. 
B.  Aug.  9,  1694.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1713-4; 
B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  July  20; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1718.  R.  of  St  Bartholomew-the-Great, 
Smithfield,  London,  1719-38.  Perhaps  chaplain  13th  Foot, 
1720.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1728-61.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1731- 
61.  V.  of  Chiswick,  Middlesex,  1732-61.  President  of  Sion 
College,  1732.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1734-61.  Chaplain  to 
the  Bishop  of  Chichester.  Died  unmarried,  Jan.  19,  1761. 
M.I.  at  Chiswick.   WiU,  P.C.C.   {G.  Mag.;  Al.  Carthus.) 

SPA  VAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  i,  1709;  'C.  of 
St  Clement  Danes,  London.'  S.  of  Martin,  of  York.  B.  there, 
Dec.  26,  1685.  Matric.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford)  May  31, 
1701,  age  15;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1709.  V.  of 
Gt  .Maplestead,  Essex,  1713-8.  Reader  of  St  Clement  Danes, 
London.  Died  July  5,  1718.  Buried  at  Maplestead.  {Al. 
Oxon.;  Musgrave.) 

SPEAR  or  SPEERE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1582. 

SPEARE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1658  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  20,  1650-1;  B.A.  1653;  M.A. 
1656.  Exercised  his  ministry  at  Port  Royal,  Jamaica. 
{Calamy,  i.  236.) 

V.A.C.  IV.  129 

Speight,  James 

SPEARMAN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  30,  1723.  S.  and  h.  of  Gilbert,  barrister-at-law,  of  the 
Middle  Temple;  of  Durham.  Bapt.  Jan.  15,  1706-7,  at 
St  Mary-le-Bow.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1723.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  25,  1722.  Died  June  20,  1725. 
aged  19.  Buried  at  White  Westham,  Essex.  Brother  of  the 
next.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

SPEARMAN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  Dec.  11,  1731.  S.  of  Gilbert,  of  Bishop  Middleham, 
Durham,  Esq.  Bapt.  Apr.  23,  1714,  at  St  Mary-le-Bow. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  27,  1730.  Of  Bishop  Middleham, 
Durham,  J. P.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Ralph  Sneyd,  of 
Bishton,  Staffs.  Buried  at  Bishop  Middleham,  .Apr.  23,  1761. 
Brother  of  Charies  (above).  (Burke,  L.G.;  T.A.  Walker,  263.) 

SPEARMAN,  JAQUES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  3,  1731.  S.  of  Philip,  yeoman,  of  Birtley,  Durham. 
Bapt.  June  14,  1713,  at  Newcastle.  School,  Houghton-le- 
Spring.  Matric.  1731;  Scholar,  1731;  B.A.  1734-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Ely)  Dec.  21,  1735;  priest 
(Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from  Ely)  Dec.  1741.  Died  i745-  Will 
(Comm.  Essex)  1746;  of  Royston,  Herts.  {T.  A .  Walker,  263.) 

SPERMAN,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall.  Left,  Apr.  25, 

SPEARMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  i, 
1715.  S.of  John,  of  Hetton-le-Hole,  Durham.  Bapt.  Feb.  16, 
1696-7,  at  Houghton-le-Spring.  School,  Newcastle-on-Tyne 
(Mr  Jurin).  Scholar,  1716.  Sold  the  Hetton  estate  (where 
one  of  the  most  extensive  collieries  in  the  north  of  England 
was  afterwards  opened).  Died  s./>.  1746.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

SPECCOTT,  EDMUND.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Emmanuel, 
Michs.  1586.  2nd  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Thombury,  Devon. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1590.  Purchased  Anderton  in 
Launcells.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Stroude, 
of  Newingham,  Knt.  Died  May  6,  1620.  Brother  of  the  next. 
{Vis.  of  Devon,  1620;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iv.  88.) 

SPECCOTT,  ROGER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Emmanuel, 
Michs.  1588.  3rd  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Thombury,  Devon. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1592.  Of  Thorverton,  1620. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edmund  Reynell,  of  Malston, 
Devon,  Esq.  Brother  of  Edmund  (above).  {Vis.  of  Devon, 

SPEED,  JOHN.  M.A.  1627;  M.D.  1629  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  John,  merchant  taylor,  of  London,  the  historian  and 
geographer.  B.  Jan.  1595.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  30,  1612,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1616;  M.A.  1620;  M.B.  and  M.D.  1628. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  21,  1632-3.  Married  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Dr  Edward  Warner,  of  Oxford.  Author,  Stonehenge, 
a  pastoral.  Died  May,  1640,  aged  45.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Al.Oxon.; 
Vis.  of  London,  1634;  D.N.B.) 

SPEED,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  17,  1718.  Of 
Dorset.  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1721-2. 

SPEED,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  3,  1651.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  Scholar,  1655.  Perhaps 
V.  of  South  Bersted,  Sussex,  1650  {sic)-78.  Buried  there 
Nov.  25,  1678.   {Sussex  Archaeol.  Coll.,  xxiv.  174.) 

SPEED,  OSWALD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1572; 
B.A.  1575-6. 


SPEERING,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1647. 
(Previously  adm.  at  St  Catharine's.)  Of  Dorset.  B.A.  1647-8; 
M.A.  1651;  B.D.  1659;  D.D.  1666.  Fellow  of  Queens', 
1649-63.  Senior  Proctor,  1657-8.  Ord.  priest  (Jos.  Hall, 
Bishop  of  Norwich)  Apr.  15,  1654.  R.  of  Colne  Engaine, 
Essex.  R.  of  St  Martin  Vintry,  London,  1661-71.  Died  1671. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  5,  1671;  to  his  widow. 

SPERING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Jan.  27, 
1639-40.  S.  and  h.  of  Cornelius,  Esq.,  deceased,  of  Stifford, 
Essex.  B.  in  the  parish  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Milk  Street, 
London.  School,  Brentwood.  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1640-5; 
B.A.  1643-4.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  14,  1644.  Prob- 
ably buried  at  Stifford,  Nov.  18,  1654-   {Venn,  i.  337.) 

SPYGHT  or  SPEIGHT,  JAMES  (?JOHN).  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity,  Michs.  1549;  Scholar,  1550;  B.A.  i55-2-3i  as  John 
Spithe;  M.A.  1556,  as  John  Spyght.  FeUow,  1553- 

SPEIGHT  or  SPEGHT,  JAMES.  B.D.  from  Christ's,  1596; 
II  years  from  his  first  admission,  probably  therefore  a 
'  10  year  man."  S.  of  John,  of  Horbury,  Wakefield,  Vorks. 
D.D.  1623.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1597.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
1590-1,  age  26;  priest.  May,  1591.  R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalen, 
Milk  Street,  London,  1592-1637.  R.  of  St  Clement's,  East- 
cheap,  1611-37.  He  witnessed  the  nuncupative  will  of 
William  (1577).  Author,  religious.  Died  before  May  2,  1637. 
Will,  P.C.C;  of  Deptford,  Kent.  Possibly  father  of  John 
(1621)  and  Nathaniel  (1621-2).  {Peile,  i.  172.) 

Speight,  John 

SPEGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1604; 
B.A.  1608-9. 

SPEIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1621. 
Possibly  s.  of  James  (1596).  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next. 

SPEIGHT,  NATHANIEL.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  162 1-2.  Possibly 
s.  of  James  (1596).  Ord.  priest  (London)  1624.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (above). 

SPEGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1566.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1569-70;  M.A.  1573.  Doubtless 
canon  of  Ely,  and  the  famous  Head  Master  of  Ely  Grammar 
School;  'Who  unto  Cambridge,  Oxford,  Inns  of  Court,  sent 
near  a  thousand  youths  of  good  report.'  Edited  the  Works 
of  Chancer,  etc.  M.I.  to  his  son  Laurence,  at  Clop  ton, 
Northants.   {Cooper,  n.  352;  D.N.B.) 

SPEIGHT,  THOMAS.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5,  1631 
(literate);  priest,  Sept.  20,  1635,  'B.A.  of  Pembroke  Hall.' 

SPIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Jime  17, 
1671.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  William,  Colonel  in  the 
Army.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  1674;  priest.  May,  1676.  V.  of  Orston,  Notts.,  till  1702. 
Died  Apr.  27,  1702.  (Godfrey,  Notts.) 

SPEGHTE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1563; 
B.A.  1566-7.  Fellow.  Buried  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge, 
Oct.  28,  1568. 

SPIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1577. 
Probably  s.  of  James,  and  kinsman  of  James  (1596),  B.D. 
Scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  1580;  LL.B.  1583.  Proctor  in  the 
Court  of  Arches.   Will  (nuncup.)  (P.C.C.)  1593. 

SPEIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  13,  1687.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  ThomhiU.  Matric. 
1687;  Scholar,  1687.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Mar.  31,  1688. 
B.A.  1691-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar  12,  1692-3;  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  30,  1697.  P.C.  of  Whaplode  Chapel,  Lines., 
1698.   Peiliaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1703-5. 

SPEKE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1608;  B.A. 

SPEKE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1646.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Whitelackington, 
Somerset.  Of  Jordans,  Somerset.  Married  Anne  Roynon. 
Died  Feb.  8,  1680.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

SPELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3. 

SPELL,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1602-3.  Of  Rutland.  M.A.  from  St 
John's,  1606;  B.D.  1614.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1605-40. 
Taxor,  1612.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  7,  1612. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Scraptoft,  Leics.,  1639.  Buried  in  the  College 
Chapel,  Dec.  13,  1640.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  and  (P.C.C.) 
Dec.  29, 1640,  by  his  nephew  Richard  Spell  (possibly  Richard 

SPELLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  ig, 
1686.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Boulstrode,  Bucks.  School,  Romford, 
Essex.  Matric.  i685-7;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1691-2. 

SPILMAN,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  froip  Trinity,  Easter, 
1588.  Perhaps  of  HiUington,  Norfolk;  if  so,  father  of  Jere- 
miah (1616). 

SPELMAN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Nov.  9, 
1644.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John  (1609),  Knt.,  of  Heydon,  Norfolk, 
deceased.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  3,  1626.  Schools,  Botesdale 
(Mr  Easton)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1645. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  16,  1633  {sic).  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1683,  aged  55.  R.  of  Congham, 
Norfolk,  1684-1706.  Brother  of  Roger  (1644).  (K^nn,  i.  355; 
Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

SPELMAN,  CLEMENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent,  1579- 
80.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Narborough,  Norfolk 
(by  his  ist  wife,  Judith,  dau.  of  Sir  Clement  Higham,  of 
SuSolk).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  24,  1581.  Sherili  of 
Norfolk,  1598-9.  Knighted,  July  23,  1603.  Of  Narborough, 
Knt.  Married  (1)  Anne  (?  Alice),  dau.  of  Edmund  Kervile, 
Esq.  (?Carvill);  (2)  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Willoughby, 
of  Derbyshire.  Died  Sept.  24,  1607.  M.I.  at  Narborough. 
Brother  of  William  (1579-80)  and  perhaps  of  Francis  {c.  1592). 
{Vis.  of  Norfolk;  Le  Neve,  Mon.;  Blomefield,  vi.  153,  163.) 

SPELMAN,  CLEMENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1616.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Henry  (1580-1),  of  Congham,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  at  Sedgeford,  Norfolk,  Oct.  4,  1598.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Mar.  20,  1613.  Barrister,  1624.  Bencher,  1660.  Cursitor 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1663-79.  Married  Mary  Mason,  of 
St  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  July  16,  1628.  Died  June,  1679. 
Buried  at  St  Dunstan's,  Fleet  Street,  London.  Brother  of 
John  (1609)  and  probably  father  of  Henry  (1671).  {Vis.  of 
J^ndon,  1634;  D.N.B.) 

SPILMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1571. 

SPILMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Narborough,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Adm.  at 

Spelman,  Mundeford 

Gray's  Inn,  May  30,  1595;  of  Northborrow  (Narborough), 
Norfolk.  Perhaps  brother  of  Clement  (1579-80)  and  WiUiam 

SPELMAN,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1580-1. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Congham,  Norfolk.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1582-3.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  14,  1585-6.  M.P.  for 
Castle  Rising,  Norfolk,  1593,  1597-8;  for  Worcester,  1625. 
Knighted,  Mar.  14,  1603-4.  High  Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  1604-6. 
Settled  in  London  for  study,  1612.  Married  Eleanor,  dau. 
of  John  L'Estrange,  of  Hunstanton.  Author,  History  of 
Sacrilage,  etc.  Historian  and  antiquary.  Founded  an  Anglo- 
Saxon  readership  at  Cambridge,  1635.  Buried  in  West- 
minster Abbey,  Oct.  14,  1641,  aged  80.  Father  of  Clement 
(above)  and  of  John  (1609).  {Vis.  of  London,  1634;  D.N.B.) 

SPILMAN,  HENRY.  M.A.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.).  Doubtless  s.  of 
Clement  (i6i6).  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  and  grandson  of 
Henry  (above).  Of  Wickmere,  Norfolk.  Died  Nov.  19,  1698, 
aged  68.  M.I.  at  Wickmere.  {Blomefield,  \J.  4$g;  N.  and  Q., 
3rd  S.,  V.  523.) 

SPELMAN,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  r8)  at  Caius,  Nov.  4, 
1718.  3rd  s.  of  Mundeford,  Esq.,  of  Narborough,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  12,  1701-2.  School,  Lynn  (Mr  Horn). 
Matric.  1718-9;  Scholar,  1719-26;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726. 
One  of  these  names  died  May  29,  1755 ;  of  Peckham.  Brother 
of  John  (1710)  and  Mundeford  (1712).    (Venn,\i.  10;  G.Mag.) 

SPELMAN,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Dec.  28, 
1746.  S.  of  John  (1710),  of  Narborough,  Norfolk,  Esq.  B.  in 
London.  Schools,  Bury  (Mr  Kynnesraan)  and  Fulham, 
Middlesex  (private).  Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1747-51;  B.A. 
1750-1;  M.A.  1754.  Fellow,  1751-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
May  24,  1752;  priest,  Mar.  18,  1753.  V.  of  Narborough  with 
Narford,  1753-99.  R.of  Downham,  1779-1804.  Died  Aug.  30, 
1810.  Buried  at  Narborough.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Venn,  11.  59.) 

SPILMAN,  J.  B.A.  1467-8;  M.A.  1471. 

SPELMAN,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  16,  1616. 
Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Alexander  (1588),  of 
HiUington,  Norfolk,  gent.  B.A.  1618;  M.A.  1622.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  11,  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7; 
priest,  June  8,  1623.  R.  of  West  Newton,  Norfolk,  1636-51. 
R.  of  Congham  St  Mary,  till  1643.  R.  of  HiUington,  1651-70. 

SPILMAN,  JOHN.  Canonicus.  Obtained  leave  to  enter  the 
Library,  1507-8. 

SPELMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1609.  Said  to  have  studied  also  at  Brasenose  College, 
Oxford.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Henry  (1580-1),  of  Norfolk,  Knt. 
B.  at  Hunstanton,  1594.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  16, 
1607-8.  M.P.  for  Worcester,  1626.  TraveUed  on  the  Con- 
tinent, 1628.  Gained  the  favour  of  Charles  I.  Knighted, 
Dec.  18,  1641.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Townshend. 
Compiled  a  Life  of  King  Alfred.  Died  July  25,  1643.  Brother 
of  Clement  (1616),  father  of  Roger  (1644)  and  Charles  (1644). 
{Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

SPILMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  11, 
1622.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Clement,  of  Narborough, 
Norfolk.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  7,  1624-5. 
M.P.  for  Castle  Rising,  1645-8.  Of  Narborough,  Norfolk, 
Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Heveningham,  Knt. 
Died  Jan.  31,  1662,  aged  56.  Buried  at  Narborough.  M.I. 
Father  of  the  next.   {Blomefield,  vi.  164.) 

SPELMAN  or  SPILMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at 
Caius,  July  1,  1651.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (above),  Esq.,  of 
Narborough,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Mannington.  School,  Gunners- 
bury,  Middlesex  (Mr  Blackman).  Matric.  1652.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  June  ii,  1647.  Buried  July  3,  1680. 
{Venn,  i.  383.) 

SPELMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  5,  1668. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Roger  (1644),  of  Congham,  Norfolk, 
Esq.   Matric.  1668.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  15,  1670-1. 

SPELMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  19,  1710; 
afterwards  FeU.-Com.  S.  and  h.  of  Mundeford,  Esq.,  of 
Narborough,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  Mar.  3,  1692.  School, 
Eton.  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1710-4.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  June  14,  1710.  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1718;  Bencher, 
1745;  Reader,  1753;  Treasurer,  1756.  Of  Narborough,  Esq. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Charles  Le  Groos,  Nov.  9,  1719. 
Died  Dec.  3,  1768.  Brother  of  Mundeford  (1712)  emd  Henry 
(1718).   {Venn,  1.  523;  Middle  Temple  Bench  Book.) 

SPELMAN,  MUNDEFORD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov. 
10,  1712.  S.  of  Mundeford,  Esq.,  of  Narborough,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Sept.  7,  1694.  School,  Eton.  Scholar,  1712-4; 
Matric.  1713.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  26,  1712. 
Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Oriel  CoUege,  Oxford)  Feb.  11, 
1715-6;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1718;  M.A.  1723.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June  12;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1720.  V.  of  Crostwick, 
Norfolk,  1720-36.  R.  of  Sloley,  1720.  V.  of  Narborough, 
and  of  Narford,  1736.  Died  Mar.  25,  1751.  WiU  proved 
(Norwich)  1751.  Brother  of  John  (1710)  and  Henry  (1718). 
{Venn,  1.  528.) 



Spelman,  Roger 

SPELMAN,  ROGER.  Adm.  at  Sidney,  Nov.  9,  1644.  S.  and 
h.  of  Sir  John  (1609),  Knt.  Bapt.  May  6,  1625,  at  Heydon, 
Norfolk.  Migrated  to  Caius  as  Fell.-Com.  Mar.  22,  1644-5. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  12,  1633.  Of  Holme-by-Sea,  Esq. 
Married  a  daughter  of  Robert  Strutt,  of  Lincoln's  Inn. 
Gave  MSS.  and  books  to  the  College  Library.  Died  Nov.  27, 
1678.  Buried  at  Congham  St  Andrew.  M.I.  Brother  of 
Charles  (1644)  and  probably  father  of  John  {1668).  {Venn, 
I.  356;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

SPILMAN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  5,  1659. 
Of  Norfolk.   Matric.  1659. 

SPILLMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  24, 
1595-6.   Matric.  c.  1596.   Afterwards  Fell.-Com. 

SPELMAN,  WILLIAM.  Educated  at  Magdalene,  c.  1570. 
7th  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Narborough,  Norfolk.  Travelled 
abroad  and  fought  in  Flanders,  1575.  Married  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Cornelius  van  Stonhove,  a  judge  in  Holland.  Author, 
Dialogue.  {Cooper,  11.  496;  Mag.  Coll.  Hist.,  59;  D.N.B.; 
Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1563;  Blomefield,  vi.  152-3.) 

SPELMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent,  1579- 
80.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Narborough,  Norfolk. 
Brother  of  Clement  (1579-80)  and  perhaps  of  Francis  (c. 
1592).   {Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1563.) 

SPYLMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

SPILMAN,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1585;  Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593. 

SPELLMAN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SPELMAN, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1531. 

SPENCE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  i,  1675.  S.  of 
Abraham,  R.  of  Market  Bosworth,  Leics.,  deceased.  Matric. 
1675;  Rustat  Scholar,  1675;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683. 
Fellow,  1681-1735.  Became  insane.  Died  1735.  Perhaps 
brother  of  the  next.   {Jesus  Coll.  Hist.,  137.) 

SPENCE,  FERRAND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  16,  1669. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Abraham,  R.  of  Market 
Bosworth.  Matric.  1669.  Founded  a  Hospital  for  12  widows 
at  Carlton-in-Craven,  Yorks.,  1698.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Edward  (above). 

SPENS,  GILBERT  DEL  (DEL  DESPENS).  'King's  Scholar'  at 
Cambridge,  1328-32. 

SPENCE,  JAMES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

SPENCE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1602. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Leyden,  Dec.  6,  1603. 

SPENCE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  23,  1640. 
3rd  s,  of  Robert,  Esq.  B.  at  Balcombe,  Sussex.  Schools, 
Balcombe  (Mr  Jno.  Browne),  Grinstead  and  Cuckfield. 
Matric.  1640.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  30,  1642.  Married 
Ruth  Stapley.  Died  at  South  Mailing,  Sussex,  1691,  aged  67. 
Brother  of  William  (1635).   (Horsfield,  Lewes,  11.  172.) 

SPENCE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sx  John's,  July  14, 
1677.  S.  of  Joseph,  cook.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  St 
Paul's,  London.  Matric.  1677-8;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685. 
FeUow,  1685-94.  Precentor  of  Winchester  Cathedral,  1693. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Winnall,  Hants.,  in  1699.  If  so,  father  of 
Joseph  Spence,  the  well-known  anecdotist,  for  whom  see 

SPENCE,  LUKE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  12,  1734.  Probably 
s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  South  Mailing,  Sussex,  Esq.,  and  great- 
grandson  of  John  (1640).  B.  in  London.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  9,  1732-3.  Married  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Frederick,  Knt.,  of  South  Mailing.  {Horsfield,  11.  172.) 

SPENS,    ROBERT.      Matric.     pens,     from     Christ's,     May, 

SPENS,   ROBERT.     Matric.    pens,    from   St   John's,    Michs. 


SPENCE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1734  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Dublin).  S.  of  John,  of  Co.  Tyrone.  B.  there.  Adm. 
at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  May  7,  1723,  age  18;  B.A. 
(Dublin)  1727;  M.A.  1730.  R.  of  Donaghmore  (Derry), 
1731-64-  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Forster,  Lord 
Chief  Justice  of  C.P.   Died  Dec.  3,  1764.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SPENCE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  7, 
1690-1.  S.  of  Samuel,  (?)  shoemaker,  of  Cambridge.  B.  there. 
School,  Perse  (Mr  Sparks).  Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1691-6; 
B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1707.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  30, 
1697;  priest,  June  19,  1698;  C.  of  Wrestlingworth,  Beds., 
1697.  C.  of  Denham,  Bucks.,  1698.  V.  of  Hayes,  Middlesex, 
1723-30.  R.  of  Hayes,  1727-30.  Died  1730.  {Venn,  1.  489; 
T.  C.  Dale;  Hennessy.) 

Spencer,  Brockett 

SPENCE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1689.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1689;  B.A.  1692-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  May  19,  1695;  priest  (London)  Mar.  20,  1697-8. 
Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1703-6. 

SPENS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

SPENCE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  29, 
1635.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Balcombe,  Sussex.  B.  at 
Tandridge,  Surrey.  Schools,  Bow,  Middlesex  (Mr  Gibbs) 
and  Balcombe  (Mr  Browne).  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1638-9. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  14,  1636-7.   Called  to  the  Bar, 

1644.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Samuel  Short,  of  Tenterden, 
Kent.  Died  July  i6,  1671.  Brother  of  John  (1640).  (Hors- 
field, Lewes,  11.  172;  Vis.  of  Sussex.) 

SPENCE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June 
28,1707.  2nds.of  John,  of  Lichfield,  Staffs.  School,  Charter- 
house. Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1.  Ord.  Driest  (London) 
Mar.  17,  1716-7. 

SPENS, .  B.A.  1477-8. 

SPENCELY,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

1586.   Perhaps  V.  of  Caistor,  Lines.,  'B.A.,'  1593-1627. 
SPENSLY,  GREGORY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1634.    Of  Norfolk.    B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.    Ord.  deacon 

(Norwich)  Feb.  25,  1642-3,  age  27;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1644. 

R.  of  Waxham,  Norfolk,  1644. 

SPENSLEY,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1621; 
B.A.  1624-5.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1623;  priest,  Mar. 
1624-5.  V.  of  Little  Cotes,  Lines.,  1628. 

SPENCELY,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  25, 
1659.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Thorp- 
land.  School,  Lynn.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Sept.  13,  1662. 
Died  before  Oct.  5,  1673.  M.I.  at  All  Saints',  Lynn.  Brother 
of  the  next.   {Venn,  i.  407.) 

SPENSLEY  or  SPENCELEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16) 
at  Caius,  Apr.  25,  1649.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Lynn, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Runcton  Holme.  School,  Tottenhill  (Mr 
Armstronge).  Matric.  1649;  Scholar,  1650-4;  B.A.  1652-3. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1653-4.  Died  before  Oct.  5, 
1673.  M.I.  at  AU  Saints',  Lynn.  Brother  of  Roger  (above). 
{Venn,  1.  375;  Le  Neve,  Man.,  v.  100.) 

SPENSLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  26,  1708-9. 
B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1714-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich)  June  12, 
1715;  priest  (Norwich)  July,  1718.  C.  of  Nowton,  1715. 
Died  Dec.  1718,  aged  27.  M.I.  at  Homingsheath. 

SPENSER,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May, 
1569;  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1583.  Fellow,  1573-87. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1577.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  19,  1573.  R.  of  Ringstead  St  Andrew's,  Norfolk, 
1586-7.  V.  of  Gt  Clacton,  Essex,  1586.  Died  there  before 
May,  1587.   {Peile,  i.  no.) 

SPENSER,  ANDREW.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1645.  B.  at  Cambridge,  1628.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1649; 
M.A.  1653.  Fellow,  1648-67.  Senior  Proctor,  1663-4. 

SPENCER,  ARNOLD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1645;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1653.  V.  of  South  Mimms,  Middlesex,  c.  1654-63,  deprived. 
R.  of  Elstree,  Herts.,  1663-1706.  Buried  in  St  Albans 
Abbey,  June  18,  1706.   (F.  C.  Cass,  South  Mimms.) 

SPENSER,  AUGUSTINE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Dec.  i, 
1569.  S.  of  Nicholas,  citizen  and  merchant  taylor.  B.  in 
London.  Schools,  St  Antholin  and  St  Lawrence  and  Merchant 
Taylors'.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1578;  'of  London.' 

SPENCER,  BECKWITH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1698. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1704.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Mar.  1701-2;  priest  (Chester)  Dec.  20,  1702. 
R.  of  North  Claypole,  Lines.,  1717-21. 

SPENCER,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  9, 1614. 
B.  in  St  John  Zachary,  London.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8; 
M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Nonvich) ;  priest  (London)  Sept.  19, 
1619,  age  24.  P.C.  of  Northaw,  Herts.,  1619.  V.  of  Alden- 
ham,  1633-41.  Sequestered  from  St  Thomas'  Hospital, 
London,  1643,  to  St  Leonard's,  Bromley,  1645.  R.  of  West 
Wickham,  Kent,  1657. 

SPENCER,  BROCKETT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
May  9,  1622.  S.  of  Sir  Richard  (1575),  Knt.,  late  of  Ofiiey, 
Herts.,  'deceased.'  B.  there.  School,  Ridge  (Mr  Plumtre). 
Matric.  1623.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  8,  1624-5. 
Succeeded  his  brother,  Sir  John,  of  Offley,  Bart.,  in  the 
family  estate,  Sept.  1633.  Created  Bart.,  Sept.  26,  1642. 
Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas  Caicw,  of  Beddington, 
Surrey.  Died  July  3,  i658,  aged  63.  Buried  at  Offley.  M.I. 
Father  of  Richard  (1666-7)  and  William  (1675).  {G.E.C.,  11. 



Spencer,  Charles 

SPENCER,  CHARLES,  Earl  of  Sunderland.  LL.D.  1705.  2nd  s. 
of  Robert,  Earl  of  Sunderland  and  Baron  Spencer  of  Wonn- 
leighton.  B.  1674.  M. P.  for  Tiverton,  1695-1702.  Succeeded 
to  the  peerage,  Sept.  28,  1702.  Envoy  to  Vienna,  1705. 
P.C.,  1706  and  1714.  Secretary  of  State  for  the  South,  1706- 
10.  Lord  Privy  Seal,  1715-6.  Vice-Treasurer  of  Ireland  for 
life,  1716.  Secretary  of  State  for  the  North,  1717-8.  Lord- 
President  of  the  Council,  1718-9.  First  Lord  of  the  Treasury 
(Prime  Minister),  1718-21.  K.G.,  1719.  Involved  in  the 
disgrace  attending  the  South  Sea  scheme  in  1721.  Married 
three  wives.  Died  Apr.  19,  1722.  Buried  at  Brington, 
Northants.  (G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

SPENCER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  4, 
1707-8.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Hanwell,  Oxon.  School, 
HanweU  (Mr  Wright).  Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1713-4. 

SPENCER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  30,  1665.  S.  of  John,  of  London.  B.  there.  School, 
Tinwell,  Rutland  (private).  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1668-9. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  31,  1670-1. 
V.  of  Sidlesham,  Sussex,  1671-80.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1675- 
1705.  V.  of  Westboume,  1679-1705.  Died  Oct.  22,  1705. 
Buried  at  Westboume.  M.I.  Will  (Chichester)  1705. 
(Sussex  Archaeol.  Coll.,  xxii.  110;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SPENCER,  DEVEREUX.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22,  1646. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1649;  B.A.  1649- 
50;  M.A.  1653.  Fellow,  1650.  R.  of  Lowther,  Westmorland, 
in  1657.  R.  of  Cheadle,  Staffs.,  1659-73.  Preb.  of  Lichfield, 
1668-73.  Father  of  the  next.  Died  1673. 

SPENCER,  DEVEREUX.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  11,  1683.  S.  of  Devereux  (above),  R.  of  Cheadle,  Stags. 
School,  Stafford.  Matric.  1683;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A.  1686-7; 
M.A.  1690.  V.  of  Cardington,  Beds.,  1690-1701.  V.  of  Gt 
Barford,  1692-9.  Buried  Feb.  10,  1700-1. 

SPENSER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  May  20, 
1569.  Probably  s.  of  John,  clothmaker,  of  East  Smithfield, 
London.  B.  there,  c.  1552.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
B.A.  1572-3:  M.A.  1576.  The  Poet.  College  friend  of  Gabriel 
Harvey  and  Edward  Kirke.  Entered  the  household  of  Robert 
Dudley,  Earl  of  Leicester,  1578.  Became  acquainted  with 
Sir  Philip  Sidney  and  others.  Published  The  Shepheard's 
Calendar,  1579,  and  began  the  Faerie  Queene  before  1580. 
Appointed  Secretary  to  Arthur  Grey,  Lord  Grey  de  Wilton 
and  accompanied  him  to  Ireland,  1580.  Settled  at  Kilcolman 
Castle,  near  Cork,  1588.  Sheriff  of  Cork,  1598.  Married 
Elizabeth  Boyle,  June  it,  1594.  His  castle  of  Kilcolman 
burned  in  a  sudden  insurrection  of  the  natives,  Oct.  1598. 
Fled  to  London  with  his  family.  Died  in  distress  in  a 
lodging  in  King  Street,  Westminster,  Jan.  16,  1598-9. 
Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  For  an  account  of  his  works 
see  D.N.B.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1575).  (Coo/)£r,  11.  258: 

SPENCER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1612; 

B.A.  1615-6; M.A.  1619. 
SPENCER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Aug.  14, 


SPENCER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Nov.  15,  1575. 
5th  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  Althorpe,  Brington,  Northants. 
Bapt.  Aug.  14,  1561.  Matric.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford) 
1571.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  18,  1576-7.  Died  s.p. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1575)  and  probably  of  John  (1561)  and 
Thomas  (1561).   (Venn,  i.  84;  Baker,  i.  109.) 

SPENCER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  (age  19)  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1621.  S.  of  Richard  (1583),  of  Oundle,  Northants., 
Master  of  Oundle  School.  B.A.  1624-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  1;  priest.  Mar.  2,  1628-9. 

SPENSER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Oct.  4, 
1649.  Of  Kent.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard,  of 
Orpington,  Kent,  and  grandson  of  Robert,  Baron  Spencer, 
of  Wonnleighton,  Warws.  Matric.  1649.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  May  14,  1655.  Died  s.p.  probably  before  Nov.  i,  1661. 
(Baker,  i.  109.  According  to  Hasted,  i.  137,  Sir  Richard  was 
succeeded  at  Orpmgton  by  his  dau.  Mary  (the  wife  of  William 
Gee,  Esq.)  and  co-heir  with  her  sister  Margaret.) 

SPENCER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  29, 
1651.  Of  Cheshire. 

SPENCER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1697.  Of 
Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1657),  of  Rendlesham,  Suffolk, 
Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  8,  1698. 

SPENCER,  ETHELBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1582.  S.  of  John,  of  Chart,  Sutton,  Kent.  B.A.  from  Jesus, 
1585-6;  M.A.  1589;  M.D.  1598.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1598. 
(Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SPENCER,  EXUPERIUS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  R.  of  Kedleston, 
Derbs.,  in  1650.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1656;  of  Asklehay,  Wirks- 
worth,  Derbs.  (Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.,  iii.  174.) 

Spencer,  John 

SPENCER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1583 ; 

B.A.  from  Jesus,  1587-8;  M.A.  1596.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 

Oct.    7,    1597.     R.   of    Fen   Ditton,   Cambs.,  1599-1602. 

V.   of  Flempton  and  Hengrave,  Suffolk,   1602-31.     Died 

SPENSER,  GEOFFREY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1555  (imputes). 
SPENCER,  GEORGE.   Matric.  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1693; 

probably  adm.  May  1,  1693,  2is  Thomas,  whom  see. 

SPENSER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  8,  1635. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  of  William  (1607-8),  R.  of  Scald- 
well.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  10,  1619.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9; 
M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22;  priest,  Dec.  22, 
1644.  Intruded  R.  of  Wadenhoe,  Northants.;  there,  in  1648; 
conformed,  1662.  R.  of  Woolley,  Hunts.,  1668-70.  Married 
Katherine,  dau.  of  Michael  Wright,  of  Brixworth,  Northants., 
Sept.  8,  1646.  Buried  at  Wadenhoe,  Oct.  11,  1670.  Brother 
of  Nathaniel  (1648-9)  and  father  of  John  (1667). 

SPENSER,  J.   B.A.  1465-6. 

SPENCER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  30, 
1660.  S.  of  Richard,  deceased,  of  Worksop,  Notts.  B.  there. 
School,  Worksop.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667. 
Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester,  at  Holbom)  Feb.  27,  1669-70. 

SPENCER,  JEREMY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  July  29, 
1639.  S.  of  Miles  (1590),  R.  of  Worlingworth,  Suffolk.  B. 
there.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering).  Brother  of  Thomas 

SPENCER,  JEROME.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1583. 
Of  Hertfordshire. 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1380.  Presented  by 
the  College  to  Tilney,  Norfolk,  1409. 

SPENSER,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  (age  12)  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1561.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  of  Althorpe, 
Northants.,  Knt.  Created  M.A.  (Oxford)  Sept.  17,  1589. 
M.P.  for  Northampton,  1572-83.  Knighted,  1588.  Sheriff 
of  Northants.,  1591.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert 
CateUn,  Lord  Chief  Justice  of  England.  Died  Jan.  9,  1599. 
Buried  at  Brington.  M.I.  Ancestorof  the  Earls  of  Sunderland. 
Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1561)  and  Edward  (1575), 
etc.   (Baker,  1.  108;  Collins,  i.  389;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1570; 
B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577. 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571; 
B.A.  1575-6.  Perhapsord.  priest  (Norwich).  R.  of  Wadding- 
worth,  Lines.,  1578-83,  'B.A.'  Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Frans- 
ham,  Norfolk,  1578-83. 

SPENSER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1575. 
Of  London. 

SPENSER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1575; 
B.A.  1577-8.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edmimd,  the  poet. 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1578.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  St  Albans,  Herts.;  age  10 
in  1572.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1580.  Died  Jan.  6,  1622  s.p. 
(Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  196;  Peile,  i.  147.) 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1596-7; 
Scholar,  1597;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1605.  Probably  R.  of  Gt  Musgrave,  Westmorland,  1612-34. 
V.  of  St  Michael's,  Appleby,  1614-34.  Buried  at  Gt  Musgrave, 
Mar.  7,  1633-4. 

SPENSER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1605. 
S.  of  Stephen.  B.  at  Boughton-under-Blean.  Bapt.  there, 
Feb.  1,  1589-90.  B.A.  1608-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  4, 
1609-10,  age  23;  'C.  of  Gt  Badow,  Essex';  priest,  Dec.  22, 
1611.  Probably  V.  of  Stoke,  Kent,  1624-37.  Buried  Jan.  17, 
1637-8.  Will,  P.C.C. 

SPENSER,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1609. 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1618. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Converted  to  Romanism  when  a  student. 
Entered  the  Society  of  Jesus,  1627,  age  26.  Professor  of 
Moral  Theology  at  Li6ge,  in  1642.  An  eminent  contro- 
versialist. Died  Jan.  17,  1670-1,  in  the  family  of  the  Earl 
of  Shrewsbury.  (D.N.B.;  Records  S.J.,  11.  194;  Peile,  1.  324.) 


SPENCER,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1629. 

Of  Lincolnshire. 
SPENCER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  12, 

1634.  S.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Gt  Staughton,  Hunts.  Schools, 

Orlingbury  and  Oundle  (Mr  Sam.  Cobbe).    Matric.   1634; 

B.A.  1637-8;  M.B.  1640;  M.D.  1650. 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  13,  1642. 
Matric.  1644. 


Spencer,  John 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1645-6.  Of  Boughton-under-Blean,  Kent.  Perhaps  s.  of 
Adam,  felmonger,  of  Boughton-under-Blean.  B.  Oct.  1630. 
School,  Canterbury.  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652;  B.D.  1659; 
D.D.  1665.  Fellow,  1655.  Master,  1667-93.  Vice-Chancellor, 
1673-4.  University  preacher.  V.  of  St  Benet,  Cambridge, 
1662.  R.  of  Landbeach,  Cambs.,  1667-83.  Archdeacon  of 
Sudbury,  1667-93.  Preb.  of  Ely,  1672-7.  Dean  of  Ely,  1677. 
Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Isaac  Puller,  of  Hertford.  A  learned 
Hebraist.  Author,  theological.  Died  May  27,  1693,  aged  63. 
Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  M.I.   WiU  (V.C.C.  and  P.C.C.) 

1693.  Benefactor  to  the  College.  {Masters;  Hasted,  in.  g.) 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1657.  Of 
Suffolk.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Rendlesham, 
Suffolk,  Esq.;  age  26  in  1664.  Matric.  1659.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  29,  1659.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Renett, 
of  Brandeston;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Frederic  Ievt(?),  of 
Campsey  Ash.  Died  1709,  aged  76  (sic).  Buried  at  Rendles- 
ham. Perhaps  father  of  Edward  (1697).  {Vis.  of  Suffolk, 
1664;  Davy.) 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  19,  1667.  Of 
■  Wadenhoe,  Northants.  S.  of  Henry  (1635),  clerk.  School, 
Oundle.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Fellow, 
1672.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  25,  1673;  priest  (London) 
June,  1674-  Probably  R.  of  Gt  Ryburgh,  Norfolk,  1687- 
1720,  and  father  of  Robert  (1712). 

SPENCER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  24,  1670. 
Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1674-5.  One  of  these  names  signed  for 
priest's  orders  (London)  June  3,  1694;  'B.A.  of  Clare.' 

SPENCER,  Sir  JOHN,  Bart.   Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct.  17, 

1694.  S.  of  Sir  Richard  (1666-7),  of  Offley,  Herts.  Bapt. 
there,  Feb.  27,  1677-8.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  Feb.  21, 
1687-8.  Died  unmarried  Aug.  6,  1699.  M.I.  at  Offley. 
(G.E.C.,  II.  200.) 

SPENSER,  LEONARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1546. 
SPENSER,  LEONARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1576. 

One  of  these  names  of  Rendlesham,  Suffolk;  married  Anne, 

sister  to  Sir  Henry  Lee.   {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664-5.) 
SPENCER,  LUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1636.    Of  Bedfordshire.    B.A.    1638-9;   M.A.    1642.    Ord. 

deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  30,  1645.    R.  of  Maulden, 

Beds.,  1668-83.   Buried  there  Sept.  2,  1683.  Father  of  the 

next.  (W.  M.  Noble.) 
SPENCER,  LUKE.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  June 

29,  1677-   Of  Bedfordshire.   S.  of  Luke  (above).  Bapt.  Dec. 

25.  1659,  at  Maulden.  School,  Potton,  Beds. 
SPENSER,  MILES.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  2,  1590. 

S.  of  John,  gent.    B.  at  Colton,  Norfolk.    School,  Colton. 

Scholar,    1592-8;    B.A.    1594-5;    M.A.    1598.     Incorp.    at 

Oxford,  1601.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  24,  1598-9;  priest, 

Feb.  24,   1599-1600.    R.  of  Worlingworth,  Suffolk,   1599. 

WiU  proved  (Norwich)  1627.   Father  of  Jeremy  (1639)  and 

Thomas  (1618).   {Venn,  i.  141.) 
SPENSER,  NATHANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

Jan.  17,  1648-9.  5th  s.  of  William  (1607-8),  R.  of  Scaldwell, 

Northants.     Bapt.    there,    Aug.    3,    1631.     Matric.    1649, 

'Spinster.'   Migrated  to  Clare,  Jime  10,  1652.  B.A.  1652-3; 

M..\.  1656.  Brother  of  Henry  (1635). 
SPENCER,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1589.    S.  of  Robert,  of  Cople,  Beds.    Bapt.  there, 

Mar.  28, 1573.  Of  Cople,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas 

Elmes,  of  Lilford,  Northants.  Buried  at  Cople,  Jan.  19,1625-6. 

WiU  proved,  Apr.  3, 1626.  Father  of  the  next.  {Vis.  of  Beds., 

1634;  Genealog.  Bedf.,  367.) 
SPENCER,    NICHOLAS.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    Queens', 

Easter,  1628.   S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas  (above),  late  of  Cople, 

Beds.,  Esq.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  15,  i6n.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's 

Inn,  Aug.   14,   1629.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward 

Gostwicke,   Knt.  and  Bart.,  Jan.  20,   1629.    Died  1643-4. 

{Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Victoria  Co.  Hist.,  iii.  240;  Genealog. 

Bedf,  368.) 
SPENCER,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  23,  1657. 

Matric.  1660;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666;  B.D. 

1694.    FeUow,  1664.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  i668. 

R.  of  Hilgay,  Norfolk,   1679-1705.    Died  June  15,   1705, 

aged  62.   M.I.  at  Hilgay. 

SPENSER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Michael  House, 
Michs.  1546. 

SPENSER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  May  2, 
1563.  Of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.  S.  of  Richard,  gent. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1563. 

SPENCER,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1575  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  (Adm. 
at  Caius,  Nov.  15,  1575,  age  22.)  4th  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt., 
of  Althorp,  Brington,  Northants.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1572.  M.P. 
for  East  Looe,  1584-6;  for  BereAlstone,  1588-9;  for  Brackley, 

Spencer,  Sampson 

1604-11.  Knighted,  May  7,  1603.  Of  OfHey,  Herts.,  Knt. 
Married  Helen,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Brocket,  of  Brocket  HaU, 
Knt.  Died  Nov.  1624.  Brother  of  Edward  (1575)  and 
probably  of  John  (1561)  and  Thomas  (1561),  father  of 
Brocket  (1622).  {Venn,  1.  84;  Cussans,  11;  Clutterbuck,  in. 

SPENCER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1583; 
B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1592.  Master  of  Oundle  School,  North- 
ants., 1597-1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19;  priest, 
Sept.  20,  1613.  Father  of  Edward  (1621). 

SPENCER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  May  5, 

1662.  S.  of ,  late  of  Wirksworth,  Derbs.  School,  Wirks- 

worth.  B.A.  1665-6.  One  of  these  names  of  Goring,  Sussex, 
clerk;  wiU  (Chichester)  1690. 

SPENCER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Feb.  8,  1666-7.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Brockett  (1622),  Bart.  B.  at 
Offley,  Herts.  Schools,  Hitchin  and  Elmden.  Matric.  1667. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  26,  i668.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  2nd  Bart.,  July  3,  1668.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Musters,  of  Colwick,  Notts.  Died  Feb.  21,  1687-8, 
aged  41.  Buried  at  OiBey.  Brother  of  WiUiam  (1675)  and 
father  of  Sir  John  (1694).   (Le  Neve,  Mon.;  G.E.C.,  11.  200.) 

SPENCER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1693; 
B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1714.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  nly  4, 
1710.  V.  of  Cobham,  Kent,  1710-9.  R.ofAUington,  1714-45. 
Head  Master  of  Tonbridge  School,  1714-43.  Author,  Bellum 
Granmaiicule.  Died  Aug.  1746.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
Skinner  (1733).   (Musgrave.) 

SPENCER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
28,1730.  S.  of  Richard  (above).  School,  Tonbridge.  Matric. 
1730;  B.A.  1736-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Peterborough)  June  5,  1737.  Died  1739.  Brother  of  Skinner 
(1733).   {Scott-Mayor,  111.  425.) 

SPENSER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  30, 
1746.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Kirkby  Stephen,  Westmorland. 
School,  Durham  (Mr  Dongworth).  Matric.  1746;  Scholar, 
1749;  B.A.  1750;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1753.  FeUow  of 
Pembroke,  1750.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  11,  1749-50; 
priest,  June  2,  1751.  R.  of  Rawreth,  Essex,  1755-62.  Died 
before  July  22,  1762. 

SPENSER,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1459-60.  R.  of  Homsey, 
Middlesex,  1447-63.  R.  of  St  Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe, 
1463-9.  WiU  proved  (Com.  C.)  July  4,  1469;  to  be  buried  in 
the  high  chancel  of  St  Andrew's. 

SPENSER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  Michs.  1559; 
B.A.  1562-3.  FeUow,  1562-5.  ExpeUed  by  Dr  Caius,  during 
the  quarrels  in  CoUege.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Rittenden, 
Kent,  1574.  {Venn,  i.  42.) 

SPENSER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  1578-9;  B.A.  1581- 
2.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  3,  1582.  R.  of 
Ingrave,  Essex,  1589-1638.  R.  of  West  Homdon,  1630-8. 
Died  Sept.  26,  1638.  M.I.  at  Ingrave  (not  extant).  (A.  Gray.) 

SPENCER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1613;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
20,  1618.  Probably  V.  of  Kirkby  Green,  Lines.,  1627. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  5,  1613;  s.  and 
h.  of  Robert,  of  West  Deeping,  Lines. 

SPENCER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  1646. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  WiUiam,  K.B.,  2nd  Baron  Spencer,  of 
Wormleighton,  Warws.  Bapt.  Feb.  2,  1628-9.  (Studied  at 
Christ  Church,  Oxford,  according  to  Al.  Oxon.)  M.P.  for 
Brackley,  1661-78.  Created  Viscount  Teviot,  in  Scotland, 
Oct.  10,  1685.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Spencer, 
of  Yamton,  Oxon.  Died  s.p..  May  20,  1694.  Doubtless 
brother  of  William  (1651).  {Baker,  1. 109;  The  Scots  Peerage, 
VIII.  366.) 

SPENCER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  4,  1712. 
Probably  s.  of  John  (1667).  B.  at  Gt  Ryburgh,  Norfolk, 
1695.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1721.  Ord.  priest 
(Ely)  Dec.  18,  1720.  R.  of  Stibbard,  Norfolk,  1720-1, 
resigned.  V.  of  East  and  West  Rudham,  1721-62.  R.  of 
Bagthorpe,  1736. 

SPENSER,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  Oct.  20, 
1568.  Of  Newton,  Staffs.  S.  of  Richard.  School,  Repton. 
Scholar,  1572;  B.A.  1573-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21, 
1576;  priest  (Lincoln)  1578.  V.  of  Overton-under-Arden, 
Leics.  {alias  Orton-on-the-HiU)  1577-85.  Buried  there  Dec. 
27,  1607.  (Venn,  i.  63;  Nichols,  iv.  849.) 

SPENCER,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1575, 
Of  Norfolk. 

SPENCER,    ROGER.     Matric.    pens,   from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1655.   Of  Norfolk. 
SPENCER,   ROWLAND.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,   Mar. 

SPENSER,  SAMPSON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Quseks',  Apr.  12,  1636. 

Of  Stafiordshire. 


Spencer,  Samuel 

SPENCER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  14,  1666.  3rd  s.  of  William  (1627-8),  gent.,  of  Atter- 
cliffe,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Jan.  1649.  School,  Rochdale,  Lanes. 
Probably  settled  at  Worksop.  Brother  of  William  (1657). 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xvii.  127.) 

SPENCER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  21,  1737. 
Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  i737;  B.A.  1740-1. 

SPENCER,  SEXTUS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  17, 
1722.  Doubtless  6th  s.  of  William  (1657).  Bapt.  July  26, 
1680,  at  Sheffield.  Lieut,  in  the  Earl  of  Inchiquin's  Foot, 
1704.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  'C  of  Lilley, 
Herts.'  (Hunter,  Hallamshire;  Dalton's  Army  Lists,  v.  260; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SPENCER,  SKINNER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  30,  1733- 
Of  Kent.  S.  of  Richard  (1693),  Head  Master  of  Tonbridge 
School.  School,  Tonbridge;  exhibitioner  from  there.  Matric. 
1738;  LL.B.  1742.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1742; 
priest,  June  9,  1745.  P.C.  of  Ramsey,  Hunts.,  1742-5.  R. 
of  WooUey,  1746-54.  Died  1754.  Brother  of  Richard  (1730). 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1499.   Left,  1502. 

SPENSER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1561.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Althorpe,  Northants. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  1559-60.  Custos 
brevium  of  Beds.  Of  Claverdon,  Warws.,Esq.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Henry  Cheke,  Esq.  Died  Nov.  8,  1580.  Buried  at 
Claverdon.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1561).  (Vis.  of  Warws., 
1619;  Baker,  i.  109.) 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Resident  student  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Aug.  1564.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  11,  1564; 
of  Northants. ;  if  so,  died  1629,  aged  82.  (Lincoln's  Inn  Adm.) 

SPENSER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Michs.  1566. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  D.D.  1567.  B.  at  Wroughton,  Wilts. 
After  some  education  at  Cambridge  removed  to  Oxford 
(according  to  Cooper,  iii.  296).  Of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford. 
Adm.  there,  1540-1,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1544;  M.A.  1547. 
Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1544-7.  After^vards 
of  Christ  Church,  Oxford.  Proctor,  1552-7.  University 
preacher,  1566.  An  exile  under  Mary,  at  Zurich,  1554;  at 
Geneva,  1556.  Archdeacon  of  Chichester,  1560-71.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  1560-71.  Married,  at  Geneva,  Alice  Agar, 
widow,  of  Colchester.  Buried  at  Hadleigh,  July  10,  1571. 
M.I.   (Cooper,  i.  296,  558;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1576. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1578; 
Scholar,  1582;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  8, 
1618.  Of  WorUngworth,  Suffolk.  S.  of  Miles  (1590),  R.  of 
Worlingworth.  Schools,  Southwold  (Mr  Clayton)  and 
Ipswich  (Mr  Eston).  Brother  of  Jeremy  (1639). 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1642;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648.  One  of  these  names 
subs,  as  deacon  (Yorli)  Aug.  17,  1662.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Dinnington,  Yorks.;  died  there  1679.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.   M.D.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.). 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1672.  S.  of  George,  husbandman,  of  Laughton-en-le- 
Morthen,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Laughton-en-le-Morthen. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1676; 
priest,  June,  1680.  V.  of  Maltby,  Yorks.,  1680. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1675.  B.  at  Keynton  (?  Kington),  Hereford.  Matric.  Michs. 
1676;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  Fellow,  1679.  Chaplain  in 
the  Navy,  and  afterwards  to  the  East  India  Company.  Died 
in  India.   (Harwood.) 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  16,  1691.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  New- 
castle, Northumberland  (private).  Matric.  1692;  B.A. 
1695-6.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  20,  1702. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS  (?  GEORGE).  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Magdalene,  May  i,  1693.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Charterhouse.   Probably  matric.  1693,  George. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  30,  1696.  Of 
Cheshire.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1704. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  18, 
1728-9.  S.  of  William,  of  Congleton,  Cheshire.  School, 
Lymm,  Cheshire  (Mr  Spencer).  Matric.  1729. 

SPENCER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  31, 
1 75 1.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  York.  School,  Beverley,  Yorks. 
(Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1751;  Scholar,  1752;  B.A.  i755;  M.A. 
1758.  Fellow,  1756.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  21,  1758; 
priest,  June  10,  1759. 

SPENCER,  WALTER.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1560. 

Spencer,  William 

SPENSER,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1560;  B.A.  1563-4. 

SPENCER,  V/ILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  25,  1602;  'B.A.' 

SPENSER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  16,  1611.  V.  of 
Weekley,  Northants.,  1614-7.  R.  of  Scaldwell,  1617-74. 
Licence  (Peterb.)  to  marry  Jane,  dau.  of  Henry  Freeman, 
of  Cranford,  Jan.  13,  1617-8.  Buried  at  Scaldwell,  Jan.  28, 
1674-5.  Father  of  Henry  (1635)  and  Nathaniel  (1648-9). 
(Peile,  I.  250;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  i6i8. 
Of  London. 

SPENCER,  Sir  WILLIAM,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at 
Caius,  Oct.  29,  1623.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.  and 
Bart.,  of  Yamton,  Oxon.,  deceased.  Bapt.  July  24,  1608, 
at  Yamton.  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1625-6.  Suc- 
ceeded as  2nd  Bart.,  Aug.  17,  1622.  Knighted,  Aug.  27,  1629. 
Succeeded  to  the  estate  of  his  great-uncle,  Thomas  Spencer, 
of  Claverdon,  Warws.,  Esq.  Married  Constance,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Lucy,  of  Charlecote,  Warws.  Died  May,  1647.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1651.   (Venn,  i.  264;  G.E.C.,  i.  69.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1627-8. 
Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Atterdiffe,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Jan.  31, 
1612-3.  Matric.  Easter,  1628;  B.A.  1631.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  3,  1631-2.  J. P.  and  Lieut. -Colonel  in  the 
Parliamentary  Army.  Buried  at  Sheffield,  Dec.  28,  1667, 
Father  of  William  (1657)  and  Samuel  (1666). 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  15, 
1629-30.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1629-30. 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  13, 
1634.  3rd  s.  of  Robert,  Esq.,  of  Rendlesham,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Rendlesham  (Mr  Holt).  Matric.  1635; 
Scholar,  1636-42;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Fellow,  1647-51 
and  1660-82.  Died  in  College.  Buried  Sept.  19,  1682,  at 
St  Michael's.  Will  proved  (V.C.C).   (Venn,  1.  315.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  ix,  1647. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1650;  B.A.  1650-1; 
M.A.  1654;  B.D.  1661;  D.D.  1666.  Fellow,  1651.  R.  of 
Thumscoe,  Yorks.,  1663-1713.  Edited,  Origen  against 
Celsus,  1658.  Buried  Feb.  4,  1713-4.  Benefactor  to  Thums- 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  19,  1648-9. 
Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656. 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1651;  M.A.  1653.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  WiUiam,  K.B.,  2nd 
Baron  Spencer.  Bapt.  Apr.  30,  1630,  at  Brington,  Northants. 
Of  Ashton  Hall,  Lanes.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Dutton, 
3rd  Baron  Gerard,  of  Staffs.  Buried  Mar.  24,  1687-8. 
Doubtless  brother  of  Robert  (1646),  perhaps  father  of 
William  (1672).  (According  to  Collins,  i.  394,  he  died  s.p.; 
Baker,  i.  109;  Chetham  Soc.  lxxxviii.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  24,  1657;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.  S.  and  h.  of  William 
(1627-8),  of  Atterchffe,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  Jan.  20,  1641, 
at  BraithweU.  School,  Sheffield.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1659-60. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  i,  1661.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Buried  at  Sheffield,  Aug.  19,  1686.  M.I.  Brother  of  Samuel 
(1666)  and  probably  father  of  Sextus  (1722).  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1665;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xvii.  127.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  7, 
1672.  Of  Lancashire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam  (1651), 
of  Ashton  HaU,  Lanes.,  Esq.;  age  9  in  1664.  Matric.  1672-3. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1672-3.  High  Sheriff  of 
Lanes.,  1686-7.   Doubtless  M.P.  for  Lancaster,  1679-81. 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  10,  1675.  Of  Hertfordshire.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Brockett 
(1622),  Bart.,  of  Offley.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  10,  1656.  School, 
Hertford.  Matric.  1675;  Scholar,  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A. 
1682.  FeUow,  1680-8.  Bursar.  Buried  at  Offley,  July  3, 
1688.  Brotherof  Richard  (1666-7).   (Clutterbuck,  in.  g7.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1676. 
Of  Kent.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  FeUow, 
1680-3.  R.  of  Landbeach,  Cambs.,  1683-8.  Died  1688. 
Nephew  of  John  (1645-6),  Master  of  Corpus  Christi. 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  16,  1684; 
afterwards  FeU.-Com.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Cople,  Beds,  (who 
settled  in  Westmorlcmd,  Virginia,  and  was  Secretary  of 
State  for  Virginia,  1679-89);  probably  grandson  of  Nicholas 
(1628).  B.  in  Virginia.  School,  NorthiU,  Beds.  Matric.  1685. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  22,  1685.  Of  Cople,  Beds. 
M.P.  for  Beds.,  1698-1705.  Buried  at  Cople,  Oct.  20,  1705. 
(Peile,  II.  95;  Beds.  N.  and  Q.,  11.  263;  E.  Alf.  Jones.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  30,  1700.  (Previously  adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  19, 
1700.)  S.  of  Samuel,  gent.  B.  at  Bedford.  Matric.  1700; 
B.A.  1703-4. 


Spencer,  William 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  5, 
1706.  S.  of  John,  of  Cannon  Hall,  Cawthome,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  School,  Wakefield  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1706;  Scholar, 
1706-7.  Of  Cannon  Hall,  Esq.  Married  Christiana,  dau.  of 
Benjamin  .\shton,  of  Hathersedge,  Derbs.,  Esq.  Died  Jan. 
30,  1756,  aged  65.  Buried  at  Cawthome.  M.I.  (Peile,  11. 165; 
Hunter,  11.  232.) 

SPENCER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  4,  lyig.  Of  York.  School,  Doncaster.  Matric.  1719; 
Scholar,  1719. 

SPENSER, .  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1461-2. 

SPENSER, .  B.Can.L.  1481-2. 

SPENSER, .  M.Gram.  1525-6.  Priest;  schoolmaster. 

SPENSER,  .   Adm.  scholar  at  Sidney,  Oct.  1600.    B.  in 


SPENDELOWE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Trinity, 
May  13,  1712.  S,  of  John,  chemist,  of  Lichfield.  School, 
Lichfield.  Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1715;  B.A.  1715;  M.A. 
1719.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jan.  10,  1719-20;  priest 
(Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Canterbury)  Sept.  22,  1734.  R.  of 
Farmington,  Gloucs.,  1734-73.  Buried  at  St  James',  Bath, 
Apr.  4,  1773. 

SPENDLOVE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1613.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620. 
Fellow,  1618-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1619.  V.  of  Beddingham, 
Norfolk,  1621-65.  R-  of  Wootton,  1624-65.  Lecturer 
of  Yarmouth.  Buried  there  Dec.  10,  1665,  aged  69.  M.I. 
Father  of  the  next.  (Blomefield,  xi.  392 ;  Al.  Oxon. ;  Masters.) 

SPENDLOVE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  19,  1643.  S.  of  Christopher  (above),  R.  of  Wootton, 
Norfolk.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1643; 
Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1646-7.  Ord.  priest  (Ard.  and  Aghad.) 
Apr.  25,  1651.  V.  of  Brooke,  Norfolk,  1651.  R.  of  Thinne 
with  Ashby  and  Oby,  1652.  R.  of  Eccles,  1661-79.  R.  of 
Hempstead,  1661.  C.  of  Ingham,  1664.  Minister  of  St 
Nicholas,  Yarmouth,  1665-78.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1678. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1638).  (Venn,  i.  349.) 

SPENDLOVE  or  SPENDLOW,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
Caius,  June  21,  1631.  S.  of  John  (1602),  preb.  of  Norwich. 
Bapt.  Sept.  26,  1613,  at  Blofield.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Ston- 
ham).  Scholar,  1632-7;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  C.  of 
St  Augustine,  Norwich,  1637.  V.  of  St  Saviour,  1638.  V.  of 
Wighton,  Norfolk,  1638.  V.  of  Binham,  1639.  V.  of  St 
Martin-at-Oak,  Norwich,  1640.  Brother  of  John  (1634). 
{Venn,  i.  301.) 

SPENDLOVE,  JOHN.  Student  at  Jesus,  1537-8.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Little  Baddow,  and  of  Finchley,  Essex,  1535-54;  deprived, 
but  restored,  1558-81.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1536-54  and 
1560-81.  R.  of  Hackney,  Middlesex,  1537-54,  deprived. 
R.  of  St  Andrew  Undershaft,  1555-6.  Died  Sept.  4,  1581. 
(A.  Gray;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SPENDLOVE  or  SPENDLO,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Caius,  July  7,  1602.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  B.  at  Wroxham, 
Norfolk.  School,  Wymondham.  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  20,  1612.  R.  of  Skeyton,  1612. 
Preb.  of  Norwich,  1616.  R.  of  Stratton  Strawless,  Norfolk, 
1618.  Ejected  from  his  preferments.  Imprisoned  for  debt 
contracted  during  the  usurpation.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Dean  Suckling.  Buried  in  Norwich  Cathedral,  July  8, 
1666.  Fatherofthenext  and  of  Henry  (1631).  {Venn,i.  lyg.) 

SPENDLOVE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  10, 
1634.  S.  of  John  (above),  preb.  of  Norwich  (of  Caius,  1602). 
B.  at  Blofield.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Stonham).  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Nov.  13, 
1641.  V.  of  Martham,  Norfolk,  in  1662.  Brother  of  Henry 
(1631).  {Venn,  1.  315.) 

SPENDLOVE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1638.   Of  Norfolk.    Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher  (1613). 

B.A.  1641-2.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  28,  1643,  age  23; 

'  C.  of  Beddingham,  Norfolk.*  Perhaps  brother  of  Christopher 

SPENLEY,  JOHN.     B.A.  (1602-3);    M.A.  from  Magdalene, 

1606.   Fellow. 
SPENLEY  or  SPENDLOF,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare, 

Lent,  1564-5;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1568-9.  Schoolmaster 

at  Alford,  Lines.,  1577.  Perhaps  R.  of  Moor  Monkton,  Yorks. 

SPENSEFYLD,    THOMAS.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.   from   Clare, 

Easter,  1563. 

SPERINKE, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544. 

SPICE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  Apr.  2,  1602. 

S.  of  John.  B.  at  Stoke,  Norfolk.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 

Matric.  1602,  Spicer. 

Spinedge,  Anthony 

SPICE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1580; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1583-4. 

SPICER,  ALEXANDER.  M.A.  1608  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Somerset,  cler.  fit.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  July  8, 
1591,  age  16;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1597.  Fellow  of  Exeter 
College,  1596-1609.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Arthur  Chichester, 
Lord-Lieut,  of  Ireland.  Dean  of  Killaloe,  1628-37.  'An 
able  scholar  and  a  learned  divine'  (Cotton,  Fasti,  1.  477; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

SPICER,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  24, 1643- 

4.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1644. 
SPICER,  CHARLES.    Adm.  sizar  (age   15)   at   Peterhouse, 

Sept.   9,    1657.     Of  Northampton.     School,    Market   Har- 

borough.   Matric.  1658.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Melton 

Constable,  Norfolk,  1671. 
SPICER,  DIONYSIUS.    Probably  B.A.   1470-1;  M.A.   1478-9. 

Bursar  of  Queens',  1485-8.   R.  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge, 

1479-92.  Died  1500. 

SPICER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608. 
SPICER,  HENRY.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1377-86. 

SPICER,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1452. 

Of  Bungay,  Suffolk.  M.A.  1459-60.  Conduct  of  the  College, 

1460-70.  (Harwood;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 
SPICER,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593; 

B.A.    1596-7;   M.A.    1600.     Probably   R.   of   Kirk   Ireton, 

Derbs.,  1605-47.  Buried  there  Jan.  19,  1647.  {Con,  Churches 

of  Derbs.,  11.  500.) 
SPICER,  RICHARD  (1675),  see  HELDER. 
SPICER,  ROBERT.  Studied  at  Cambridge.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1455. 

Principal  of  Sheld  Hall  Garden.  {Anstey,  676.) 
SPICER,   THOMAS.    Adm.   pens,  at   Peterhouse,  Jan.   11, 

1616-7.   Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1617. 
SPICER,  WILLIAM.    LL.D.   V.   of  Litlington,  Cambs.  (Clare 

living),  1483.  V.  of  Clopton,  Northants.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1536. 

Large  benefactor  to  Clare  and  to  Trinity  Hall. 
SPICER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

SPICER,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1589; 

Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598. 
SPICER,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  21)  at  Caius,  Oct. 

30,  1604,  from  New  College,  Oxford.   S.  and  h.  of  William, 

gent.,  deceased,  of  Clist  St  George,  Devon.    Bapt.  Feb.  11, 

1581-2,  at  St  Kerrian,  Exeter.  School,  Winchester.  Matric. 

(New  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  22,  1602,  age  19.    Incorp.  at 

Oxford;  'LL.B.  Camb.'  in  1615.    D.C.L.  (Leyden)  Sept.  7, 

1616.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  17,  1606-7.  {Venn, 

I.  187.) 
SPICER, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degrees,  1468-9.   One 

Spicer,  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1469-72. 
SPICER, .  B.A.  1477-8;  M.A.  1481-2.   Probably  William 


SPICER, .  B.A.  1485-6. 

SPICER,  .   B.Can.L.  1494-5.    One  WiUiam  Spicer,  LL.D., 

R.  of  Balcombe,  Sussex,  1505-36;  of  St  Catharine's;  one  of 

the  founders  of  Cuckfield  Grammar  School.    {Vict.  Hist,  of 

Sussex,  II.  416.) 
SPIER,   ROGER.    M.A.   1628   (Incorp.  from   Oxford).    M.A. 

(Edinburgh),  1625;  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627. 
SPILLET,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May 

13,   1665.    S.  of  Edward,  maltster,  of  Faversham,   Kent. 

B.  there.  School,  Faversham  (Mr  Reeder).   Matric.  1665. 
SPILWATER,   HENRY.    Of  St  Catharine's  (literate);  ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1619;  priest,  Mar.  12,  1619-20. 

V.   of  Thurleigh,   Beds.,   1629.    Probably  married   there, 

Dec.  18,  1620,  Anna  St  John. 

SPILLWATER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1637.  One  of  these  names  buried  at  Thurleigh,  Beds., 
Jan.  10,  1645. 

SPILLY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  1590;  a  'Ten  year 
man.'  Of  Yorkshire. 

SPINE  or  SPYNNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1455.  Of  Taunton,  Somerset.  B.A.  1461-2;  M.A. 

SPINEDGE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Jesus,  Feb.  4, 
1666-7;  scholar  from  St  Paul's  School,  1667.  Of  Wiltshire. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674;  B.D.  i68i.  Fellow, 
1671-80.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1675.  V.  of  Impington,  Cambs.', 
1677.  V.  of  Guilden  Morden,  1677.  R.  of  St  Mary  Aldermary, 
and  of  St  Thomas  the  Apostle,  1679-94.  Buried  Sept.  3, 
1694,  at  St  Mary  Aldermary.  Brother  of  the  next.  (A.  Gray' 
Al.Oxott.)  " 


Spinedge,  Joseph 

SPINEDGE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  25,  1675-6; 
Scholarfrom  St  Paul's  School.  OfWUtshire.  Rustat  Scholar, 
1676;  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683. 
SPINKE,  see  also  SPINKES. 
SPINKE,  JEREMIAH.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  24, 

1641.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1641,  as  Jerome. 
SPINKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  24, 1674- 

Perhaps  of  RingshaU,  Suffolk.  School,  Woodbridge. 
SPINKE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1620.  Doubtlesss.of  William,  of  Driffield,  Yorks.  B.  Dec.  7, 
1605.    B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628. 
Died  Oct.  9,  1634,  aged  29.    Buried  at  Gt  Driffield.    M.I. 
Brother  of  the  next  and  of  William  (1620).    (G.  Mag.,  lv. 
SPINCK,  SILVESTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  19, 
1632.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Driffield,  Yorks.  Schools,  Bever- 
ley (Mr  Pomeray)  and  BridUngton  (Mr  Wallis).  Matric.  1632. 
Brother  of  William  (1620)  and  Richard  (1620). 
SPINKE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  26, 
1647.  S.  of  Thomas,  farmer.   B.  at  Hillam,  Yorks.  Schools, 
Monk  Fryston  (Mr  Greenewood)  and  Coxwold.  Matric.  1647; 
B.A.  1650-1. 
SPINK,  WILLIAM.   B.D.  1458-9.   A  monk  of  Norwich.   Prior 
of  Norwich,  1488-1502.    Died  Nov.  8,  1502.     (Blomefield, 
Norwich,  435.) 
SPINKE   or  SPINCKES,    WILLIAM.     Matric.   pens,   from   St 
John's,  Easter,  1620.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of 
Driffield,   Yorks.,  gent.,  deceased.    Adm.   at  Gray's   Inn, 
Feb.  23,  1623-4,  Spinke.   Brother  of  Silvester  {1632)  and 
Richard  (1620). 

SPINK, .  B.A.  1478. 

SPINK, .   D.D.  1479-80.   Prior  of  Lynn. 

SPYNKES,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  i575- 
Resided  four  years.  B.  at  Hatton,  Lines.,  c.  i555-  After- 
wards at  Belchford,  Lines.  Ord.  priest  (Chichester)  Sept.  2, 
1578.  Presented  to  Little  Ponton,  Lines.,  1579-  V.  of 
Appleby,  Leics.,  1587-1627.  R.  of  Walesby,  Lines.,  1601-23. 
Admon.  (Lincoln)  1623. 
SPINCKES,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  25, 1627. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
Chaplain  to  Thomas  Elmes,  of  Warmington,  Northants. 
Intruded  R.  of  Castor,  1646.  C.  of  Warmington,  1648.  R.  of 
Orton  Longueville,  Hunts.,  1661-3.  Married  Martha,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Elmes,  of  Warmington,  Esq.  Retired  to  Warm- 
ington. Died  there  1671.  Buried  May  9,  1671.  Father  of 
Nathaniel  (1669-70).  (Calamy,  11.  52;  E.  H.  Elmes;  H.  I. 
SPINKES,  ELMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1714- 
S.  of  Elmes,  Sheriff  of  Northants.,  1707,  and  grandson  of 
Edmund  (1627).  Married  his  cousin  Jemima,  dau.  of  Elmes 
Steward,  of  Pattishall  and  Cotterstock,  Northants.  (they 
were  both  cousins  of  the  poet  Dryden).  Died  May,  1749, 
aged  54.  Buried  at  Aldwincle  All  Saints'.  (E.  H.  Ehnes.) 
SPINCKS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Mar.  22. 
1669-70.  S.  of  Edmund  (1627),  of  Northants.,  clerk, 
deceased.  B.  at  Castor,  1653.  Matric.  1670-1.  Migrated  to 
Jesus,  Oct.  12,  1672,  age  18.  Rustat  Scholar,  1672;  B.A. 
1673-4,  'Spinches';  M.A.  i677-  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May 
21,  1676;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1678.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of 
Lauderdale,  1681.  C.  of  St  Stephen  Wallbrook,  Northants., 
1683-5.  R.  of  Peakirk,  1685-7.  R.  of  St  Martin's,  Salisbury, 
1687.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1687-90.  Deprived  as  a  non-juror, 
1690.  Consecrated  bishop  in  Dr  George  Hicks'  oratory, 
Holbom,June3, 1713.  Author,  religious.  Died  July  28, 1727, 
aged  74.   (D.AT.B.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

SPINNYTHORNE, .  B.A.  1474-5;  M.A.  1478-9^ 

SPITHE,  JAMES  (1549),  see  SPEIGHT,  JOHN. 
SPITTY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1629.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Broomfield, 
Essex,  gent.  B.A.  1632-3.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  2, 
1631-2.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Gregory,  of  St 
Andrew  Holbom,  London.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  16, 
SPIVY  or  SPYWAY,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 

Christi,  Michs.  1621.  Of  Nottinghamshire. 
SPIEVIE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 
Perhaps  of  Stainford,  Hathfield,  Yorks.,  in  1600.  If  so, 
married  Anne,  dau.  of  Jasper  Justice,  alderman  of  Doncaster. 
SPOFFORD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1614.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Wistow,  Yorks.  B.A.  1616-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1616-7;  priest,  Dec.  1617.  V.  of 
Sutton-in-Holdemess,  in  1626.  V.  of  Silkstone,  1643; 
ejected,  1662.  Died  1668,  aged  80.  His  son  John  emigrated 
to  America  and  was  the  founder  of  an  influential  family  in 
Massachusetts.   (Calamy,  11.  575;  Burke,  L.G.) 

Spottiswood,  John 

SPOFFORTH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs. 
1606;  B.A.  1610-1 ;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  20, 
1613-4.  R.  of  Barton-le-Street,  Yorks.,  1613. 
SPONG,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1606. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1613;  priest, 
Mar.  13,  1613-4.  Married  Anne,  widow,  of  Richard  Smith, 
R.  of  Rotherby,  Leics.,  Jan.  8,  1615.  Probably  brother  of 
the  next. 
SPONGE,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  11,  1612. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1615-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June 
15,  1617;  priest.  May  31, 1618.  Perhaps  his  admon.  (Lincoln) 
1625 ;  of  Stickford,  Lines.,  clerk.  Probably  brother  of  Joshua 
SPONNE,  WILLIAM.  Pens,  of  Gonville  Hall,  1434-47. 
R.  of  Blofield,  Norfolk,  1418.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1419- 
48.  R.  of  Hevingham,  1419.  Chancellor  of  Norwich  diocese, 
1419.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1419-22.  R.  of  Towcester, 
Northants.,  1422-47.  Donor  of  window  to  Gonville  Hall. 
Founded  a  charity  for  two  priests  in  Towcester  Church. 
Buried  there  1448.  M.I.  {Venn,  I.  8;  Baker,  11.  333-4; 
Bridges,  i.  575-6.) 
SPOONER,  EDWARD.   B.A.  1509-10;  M.A.  1519-20.   Perhaps 

R.  of  St  Swithin,  London,  1548-9. 
SPOONER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  22, 1567.  OfLondon.  Matric.  1567;  B.A.  1571-2; 
M.A.  1575.    Fellow,  1570-81.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21, 
1576;  priest,  Apr.  17,  1580.   R.  of  Kingston,  Cambs.,  1581- 
91.  Chaplain  to  the  Archbishop  of  Armagh.   Archdeacon  of 
Ossory,  1586-91.  Died  1591.   {Cooper,  n.  27^;  Harwood.) 
SPOONER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  28,   1577.    Of  London.    Matric.  1577-8;  B.A. 
1581-2.  Fellow,  1580-2.  R.  of  Lessingham,  Norfolk,  1582. 
SPOONER,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
26,  1632.   S.  of  Nicholas  (1613),  V.  of  Manfield,  Richmonds. 
B.  there.   School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  c.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7; 
M.A.  1640.  Fellow,  1638-44,  ejected.  V.  of  AycUfie,  Durham, 
c.   1652.    Married  Nov.  30,   1654,  Elizabeth  Hawksworth. 
Died  1679.   Father  of  Nathaniel  (1679).   (Surtees,  in.  327.) 
SPONER,  GREGORY.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1561. 
SPOONER  or  SPONER,  JAMES.  B.A.  1506-7;  M.A.  1510;  B.D. 
1518-9;  D.D.   1528.    Fellow  of  St  John's,   1511.    V.  of 
Stansted  Mountfitchet,  Essex,  1519-51.    Died  1551.    (J.  C. 
SPONER,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

SPOONER,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  20, 
1653.    S.  of  John,  farmer,  of  Thetford,  Norfolk.    B.  there. 
School,  Thetford  (Mr  Ward).    Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7; 
M.A.  1660.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  18;  priest.  May  20, 
1661.   Probably  R.  of  East  Down,  Devon,  1663. 
SPONER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  22,  1678. 
S.  of  Peter,  grocer,  of  Yarmouth.    Bapt.  there  Jan.  o,  1661, 
at  St  Nicholas.     Schools,  Yarmouth  (Mr  Barrington)  and 
Walpole   (Mr  Manning).    Matric.   1678;  Scholar,   1678-85; 
B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1686.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1684; 
priest,  May  30,  1686.    R.  of  Aldham,  Suffolk,  1693-1736. 
Died  Aug.  17,  1736.  Buried  at  Aldham.  {Venn,  i.  460.) 
SPOONER,    LAURENCE.     B.Can.L.    1534-5.     Prior    of    the 
Dominican  friars  at  Derby;  surrendered,   1539.    {Cooper, 
I.  69.) 
SPOONER,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  24,  1679.   S.  of  George  (1632),  clerk,  deceased.   B.  at 
Aycliffe,  Durham.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Battersby).  Matric. 
1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.    Ord.  priest  (Carlisle,  Litt. 
dim.  from  Durham)  Sept.  29,  1686.    R.  of  Clibum,  1687-8. 
V.  of  Stanwix,  Cumberland,   1688-1703.    R.  of  Kirkland, 
1694-1703.  Died  1703. 
SPOONER,  NICHOLAS.    M.A.  1613  (Incorp.  from  Edinburgh). 
Doubtless  V.  of  Manfield,  Richmonds.,  Yorks.  and  father  of 
George  (1632). 
SPOONER,  ROGER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  25, 
1631.    S.  of  William,  gent.    B.  at  Saxlingham,  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1634-9;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639. 
SPOONER,  SIMON.   Matric.  sizar  (age  15)  from  Christ's,  1602; 
B.A.    1605-6;    M.A.    1609.     Probably   the   'Jefferies   alias 
Sponer,  Simon;  M.A.'    B.  at  Crowfield,  Suffolk,   and  ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  1609-10.  (Peile,  i.  243.) 

SPOONER, .  B.A.  1514-5. 


SPOTSWORTH,  JOHN.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1632. 
SPOTTISWOOD,  JOHN.   D.D.  1615.   S.  of  John,  V.  of  Calder, 
Midlothian.   B.  1565.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Calder, 
1583.    Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Lennox.    Archbishop  of 
Glasgow,  1603-15;  of  St  Andrews,  1615.    Crowned  King 


Sprakelinge,  Adam 

Charles  I  at  Holyrood.  Chancellor  of  Scotland,  1635-9. 
Sold  the  barony  of  Spottiswoode,  Co.  Berwick,  in  1620. 
Retired  to  London  on  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  Married 
Rachel,  dau.  of  Dr  David  Lindsay,  Bishop  of  Ross.  Author, 
The  History  of  the  Church  of  Scotland.  Died  Nov.  26,  1639, 
aged  73.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  {Westminster 
Abbey  Register;  Burke,  L.G.;  D.N.B.) 

SPRAKELINGE,  ADAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  19,  1622.  S.  of  Robert,  Esq.  Bapt.  Mar.  20,  1605-6, 
at  St  Laurence,  Isle  of  Thanet.  School,  Wye,  Kent.  Matric. 
1622.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Lewkner,  Knt. 
of  Acrise,  1631.  Hanged  at  Sandwich,  Apr.  27,  1653,  for 
having  murdered  his  wife.  Father  of  Robert  (1649).  (Vis. 
Kent,  1 619;  Hasted,  iv.  37;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

SPRAKLING,  LEONARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1632.  Of  Kent.  S.  of  Leonard,  Esq.,  of 
Canterbury.  Bapt.  May  13,  1615,  at  St  Dunst<-m's,  Canter- 
bury. Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  24,  1633-4.  Married  Chiristian, 
dau.  of  James  Wood,  of  Harbledown,  Dec.  9,  1641.  Of 
Canterbury,  Esq.,  1663.   {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619,  1663.) 

SPRACKLING,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1649.  Of  Kent.  S.  of  Adam  (1622),  of 
St  Laurence,  Isle  of  Thanet.  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  from  Peter- 
house,  1655.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1653-60.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1658.  M.D.  (Anjou)  1661.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge, 
1662.  Candidate  of  R.C.P.,  1662.  Became  a  Roman  Catholic, 
but  subsequently  rejoined  the  Church  of  England.  Author, 
medical.  Died  at  Preston,  Lanes.,  1670.  (Munk,  i.  306; 
Hasted,  iv.  37.) 

Christi,  1708.  Previously  matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
May  17,  1708,  age  16.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Stodmarsh,  Kent. 
Matric.  Easter,  1709;  B.A.  1711-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June 
12,  1715;  priest  (Lincoln)  May  27,  1716.  V.  of  Elmsted, 
Kent,  1716-36.  Died  1736.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SPRAGG,  HARVEY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  16, 
1740.  2nd  s.  of  Harvey,  of  St  Laurence's,  Middlesex, 
deceased.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1741; 
B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748.  Fellow,  1747.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  June  23,  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  21,  1749. 
Received  Litt.  dim.  for  priest's  orders  (to  London)  Feb. 
1749-50.  R.ofPulborough,  Sussex,  1759-96.  R.ofStopham, 
1795-6.  Died  1796.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1796. 

SPRAGG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  18, 1662.  Matric. 
1662;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Fellow,  1668. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1675. 

SPRAGUE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  II,  1672.  S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  lawyer,  of  Si:  Bride's, 
London,  and  of  King's  Langley,  Herts.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Harding  (Mr  Plummer).  Matric.  1672,  'Spragg.' 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  17,  1673,  'Sprange.'  Died 
Nov.  30,  1679,  aged  23.  Buried  at  King's  Langley.  M.I. 
(Chauncy,  Herts.,  11.  470.) 

SPRANGER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1607-8.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1610-1;  M..A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  4;  priest,  June  5,  1615.  V.  of  Harlow,  Essex, 
1617-79.  Died  1679.  Probably  father  of  the  next. 

SPRANGER,  EDWARD  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1636.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  of  Edward  (above). 
B.A.  1639-40. 

SPRANGER  or  SPRAINGER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Christ's,  May  31,  1642.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  North  Weald, 
near  Epping,  Essex.  School,  Shenley,  Herts.  (Mr  Harper). 
Matric.  1642;  M.B.  from  Caius,  1649  (adm.  Fell.-Com.  there, 
Apr.  II,  1648).  [Adm.atLeyden,  July  3, 1656;  M.D.  (Leyden). 
Of  Haley  Hall,  Amwell,  Herts.,  in  1660.  Died  Sept.  1685. 
Father  of  the  next.   {Peile,  i.  481;  Chauncy,  Herts.,  i.  555.) 

SPRANGER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  2,  1664.  S. 
and  h.  of  John  (above),  M.D.,  of  Amwell,  Herts.  Matric. 
1665;  Scholar,  1665;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Signs  for 
deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  23,  1671. 

SPRANGER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Mar.  9, 
1658-^.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  North  Weald, 
Essex,  gent.,  deceased.  Matric.  1659.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Oct.  14,  1661.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1669. 

SPRANGER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  8,  1674.  Of  Hertfordshire.  School,  Hertford.  Scholar, 
1674;  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1682-3.  Of  Berkhampstead,  Herts., 
gent.  Married  Elizabeth  Adams,  Jan.  8,  1678-9.  {T.  A. 
Walker,  151.) 

SPRATFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Dec.  27, 
1657.  S.  of  John,  shoemaker.  B.  in  Cambridge.  School, 
Perse  (Mr  Griffith).  Matric.  1658. 

SPRAT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  ao,  1594.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  c.  1594. 

Spring,  Samuel 

SPRAT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  9, 1736. 
S.  of  Harflete,  surgeon-doctor,  of  Kent.  B.  in  Sandwich. 
School,  Sandwich  (Mr  Rutton).  Matric.  1736. 

SPRATT,  THOMAS.  D.D.  1671  (Incorp.  from  Wadham  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Nov.  12,  1651,  age  17;  Scholar,  1652, 
from  Tallaton,  Devon;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1657;  D.D.  1669. 
Fellow  of  Wadham,  1657-70.  Canon  of  Lincoln,  1660-9. 
F.R.S.,  1663.  Canon  of  Westminster,  1669-83.  R.  of 
Uffington,  Lines.,  1670.  Chaplain  to  the  King,  1676-88. 
Minister  of  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  1679-83.  Canon  of 
Windsor,  1681-4.  Dean  of  Westminster,  1683-1713.  Bishop 
of  Rochester,  1684-1713.  Died  May  20,  1713.  Buried  in 
Westminster  Abbey.  Father  of  the  next.  (D.N.B.;  Al. 

SPRATT,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1715  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  and 

h.  of  Thomas  (above).  Bishop  of  Rochester.   Matric.  (Christ 

Church,  Oxford)  July  10,  1697,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1701; 

M.A.  1704.    Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  13,  1700. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest,  1704.   Chaplain  to  his  father,  1704. 

Preb.  and  Archdeacon  of  Rochester,  1704-20.  V.  of  Boxley, 

Kent,  1705-20.  R.  of  Stone,  1707-20.  F.R.S.,1712.  Chaplain 

to  Queen  Anne,   1712-4,  and  to  King  George  I,   1714-7. 

Canon  of  Winchester,  1712-20,  and  of  Westminster,  1713-20. 

Died  May  10,  1720.    Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.    Will, 

P.C.C.   {Al.Oxon.)  ^ 

SPRATT,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  14,  1682. 

Of  Kent.   Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1686-7. 
SPREAT,  TRISTRAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1620;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1623-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

May  23,  1624. 

SPRENGHUSE,  ROBERT.  '  King's  Scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1332. 

SPRIGG,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  Feb.  27,  1645-6.  B.A. 
1646.  Previously  matric.  (New  College,  Oxford)  July  17, 
1640,  age  16.  S.  of  Thom2is,  of  Harrington,  Northants.  B.  at 
Little  Bowden,  Northants.  Perhaps  intruding  minister  at 
Walford,  Northants.,  1646,  and  at  Wardley-CMw-Belton, 
Rutland,  in  1650.   {Peile,  i.  503;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SPRIGG,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
William,  of  Banbury,  Oxon.,  gent.  Bapt.  there,  July  9,  1633. 
Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  2,  1652;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1652;  M.A.  1655.  One  of  the  original  fellows  of  Durham 
College,  1657-9.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  27,  1657. 
Barrister-at-law,  1664.  Of  Crayford,  Kent,  1684.  Settled 
in  Ireland.  Perhaps  of  Cloonivoe,  King's  Co.  M.P.  for 
Banagher,  1692-5  and  1695-9.  {Al.  Oxon!) 

SPRIGGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  13,  1673.  Of 
Shearsby,  Leics.  Probably  s.  of  Edward,  of  Shearsby,  Leics. 
(who  died  1708,  aged  83.  M.I.  at  Shearsby).  Matric.  1674; 
B.A.  1676-7.   {Nichols,  iv.  234.) 

SPRIGG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  i,  1732.  B.  at 
Oundle,  Northants.  Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1735-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Jime  20, 1736;  priest,  Dec.  18, 1737.  V.  of  Gedding- 
ton,  Northants.,  1742-54.  R.  of  Luddington,  1742-54. 
Died  Sept.  28,  1754. 

SPRIGNELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  25, 
1646.  Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Richaird,  of  Coppen- 
thorpe,  Yorks.,  Bart.,  and  of  Highgate,  Middlesex.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Jan.  1658-9.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Sir  Michael  Livesey,  Bart.  Died  before  Nov.  1688  (but 
according  to  Burke,  Ext.  Bart,  he  died  1690).  {Middlesex 
Pedigrees;  G.E.C.,  11.  140.) 

SPRYNGE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Edmund  Hostel, 
Michs.  1544.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Icklingham,  Cambs. 
Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1549. 

SPRINGE,  JEROME.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1584. 
Possibly  4th  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Lavenham,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
there,  Nov.  15,  1562.  Died  s.p.  (J.  J.  Howard,  Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  I.  168.) 

SPRINGE,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Caius.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  1580, 
age  23.  One  of  these  naimes  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  21, 
1576;  of  Suffolk. 

SPRING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  16,  1595. 
Matric.  c.  1595.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  21,  1597- 
8;  of  London,  gent. 

SPRING,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1603;  M.A.  1607;  B.D. 
1614.  Probably  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  1610-1.  R.  of 
erecting  All  Saints',  Suffolk,  i6ii-6i  {sic),  resigned,  'after 
holding  it  for  50  years.'  One  of  these  names  of  Beling  Castle, 
Suffolk,  clerk;  will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1653,  ^Y  his  son  Samuel. 
Father  of  the  next.   {Peile,  1.  234.) 

SPRING,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  1, 
1635-6.  S.  of  Samuel  (above),  R.  of  Creeting  All  Saints', 
Suffolk.  B.  there.  School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Clark).  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  R.  of  Creeting  St  Mary, 
1649.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  All  Saints',  Creeting, 
1661-4,  deprived.  Died  1673.  Buried  at  Creeting.  {Peile, 
I.  441.) 


Spring,  Thomas 

SPRYNGE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SPRINGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  13, 
1663.  S.  of  Sir  William  (1631),  Bart.,  of  Pakenham,  Suffolk. 
B  there.  Schools,  Pakenham  (private)  and  Bury  (Dr 
Stephens).  Scholar,  1663-70;  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1666-7; 
M  A.  1670.  Fellow,  1670-7.  Buried  May  18,  i677-  M.I.  at 
Pakenham.  Brother  of  WiUiam  (1657-8).  {Venn,  1.  418.) 
SPRING,  Sir  THOMAS,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  24,  1690.  Resided  till  Lady  Day,  1691.  S.  of  Sir 
William  (1657-8),  of  Pakenham,  Suffolk.  Bapt.  there,  Dec. 
12,  1672.  Succeeded  his  father  as  3rd  Bart.,  Apr.  30,  1684. 
Married  Merolina,  dau.  of  Thomas  (Jermyn),  Baron  Jermyn 
of  Edmondsbury.  Died  Apr.  5,  1704,  aged  32.  Buried  m 
Pakenham  Church.  M.I.  Father  of  William  (1713-4). 
(Le  Neve,  Mon.;  Peile,  11.  116;  G.E.C.,  u.  130.) 
SPRINGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  24, 
1603  (impubes).  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Pakenham, 
Suffolk,  and  grandson  of  Sir  William,  Knt.  Matric.  1603. 
Knighted,  Feb.  12,  1610-1.  Sherifi  of  Sufiolk,  1620-1.  M.P. 
for  Suffolk,  1624-5,  1628-9;  for  Bury  St  Edmunds,  1625. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Smith,  of  Mount  Hall, 
Essex,  Nov.  i,  1610.  Died  1637-8.  Buried  at  Pakenham. 
Father  of  the  next.  (J.  J.  Howard,  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  i.  202.) 
SPRING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  F^ll.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  29, 
1630-1.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  William  (above), 
Knt.,  of  Pakenham.  Bapt.  Mar.  13,  1613,  at  Stanton  AU 
Saints'.  Knighted.  Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1640-1.  Created 
Bart.,  Aug.  11,  1641.  A  Parliamentarian,  serving  on  im- 
portant committees,  1643-6.  M.P.  for  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
1645-8;  for  Suffolk,  1654.  Married  Elizabeth,  sister  of  Sir 
Nicholas  L'Estrange,  Bart.  Died  Dec.  17,  1654.  Buried  at 
Pakenham.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1663). 
(G.E.C.  II.  129.) 
SPRING,  Sir  WILLIAM,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at 
Christ's,  Mar.  13,  1657-8.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  WiUiam  (above), 
of  Pakenham,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  May,  1642.  School, 
Bury.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  Dec.  17,  1654-  Sheriff  of 
Suffolk,  1674-5.  M.P.  for  Suffolk,  1679-81.  Married 
(i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Dudley  (North).  4th  Lord  North  De 
Kirtling;  (2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Cordell,  Bart.  Died 
Apr.  30,  1684.  M.I.  in  Pakenham  Church.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1663)  and  father  of  Thomas  (1690).  (Peile,  i.  580; 
G.E.C,  II.  129.) 
SPRING,  Sir  WILLIAM,   Bart.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.   (age   17)  at 

Pembroke,  Jan.  22,  1713-4-  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1690), 
of  Pakenham  Hall,  Suffolk,  Bart.    Bapt.  Jan.  1696-7,  at 

Pakenham.  Matric.  1714.  Succeeded  his  father  as  4th  Bart., 

Apr.  5,  1704.   Died  unmarried.   Buried  Mar.  22,  1735-6,  at 

Pakenham.   (G.E.C,  11.  130.) 
SPRINGALL,  GREGORY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  7, 

1624.    S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Norfolk.    School,  Lynn  (Mr 

Rawlinson).    Matric.  1625;  Scholar,  1627-30;  B.A.  1627-8; 

M.A.  1 63 1.    Fellow,  1630-6.    Ord.  priest  (St  Davids)  Dec. 

18,    1631.    V.  of  Wiggenhall  St  Mary,  Norfolk,   1635-53, 

perhaps  longer.   (Venn,  i.  268.) 
SPRINGALL,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  28, 

1633.   S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Blakeney,  Norfolk.  School, 

Holt   (Mr  Tallis).    Matric.   1633;   Scholar,    1636-40;   B.A. 

1636-7;  M.A.   1640.    Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Edward 

Cooke,  of  Sustead,   gent.    Father  of   Richard   (1682)   and 

Thomas  (1675).   (Venn,  i.  310.) 
SPRINGALL  or  SPRINGOLD,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 

Caius,  Apr.  11,  1705.  S.  of  John,  gent.,of  Blakeney,  Norfolk. 

B.  there.  School,  Holt  (Mr  Reynolds).  Matric.  1705;  Scholar, 

1705-9;  B.A.  1708-Q.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  27,  1711; 

priest  (Ely)  Sept.   1713.    R-  of  Wiveton,   1717-58.    V.  of 

Gt   Langham,    1727-58.     Died   Apr.   2,    1758.     Buried   at 

Blakeney.  M.I.   (Venn,  I.  513.) 
SPRINGALL,   RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  31, 

1672.    S.  of  Richard,  of  Thame,  Oxon.,  clerk.    Of  Oxon. 

Matric.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  3,  1665,  age  18;  B.A. 

(Oxford)  1669.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
SPRINGALL  or  SPRINGOLD,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19) 

at  Caius,  Oct.  4,  1682.  S.  of  John  (1633),  gent.,  of  Blakeney, 

Norfolk.    B.  there.   School,  Holt.   Scholar,  1682-7;  Matric. 

1683;  B.A.  1686-7.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1687; 

priest,   Sept.   24,    1693.    V.  of  Holkham  with   Waterden, 

Norfolk,    1696.     Will   proved    (Norwich   Archd.   C.)    1741. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1675).  (Venn,  i.  472.) 

SPRINGALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  8, 
1628.  S.  of  John,  mariner.  B.  at  Sheringham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Holt  (Mr  TaUis).  Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1632-3;  Scholar, 
1633-6;  M.A.  1636.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1637; 
'C.  of  Sidestrand.'  R.  of  Overstrand,  Norfolk,  1639-40. 
Will  proved  (Norwich  C.  C.)  1640.  (Venn,  1.  285.) 

Spurlyng,  James 

SPRINGALL  or  SPRINGOLD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19) 
at  Caius,  1675.  S.  of  John  (1633),  gent.,  of  Blakeney, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Sheringham.  Schools,  Blakeney  (Mr  Wells) 
and  Holt  (Mr  Bainbrigg).  Matric.  1675;  Scholar,  1675-82; 
B.A.  1678-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May;  priest,  Sept.  1681. 
R.  of  Strumpshaw  and  Bradeston,  Norfolk,  1681-1718. 
Will  proved  (Norwich  C.  C.)  1718.  (Venn,  1.  453.) 
SPRINGER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
1636;  see  also  Springett,  William  (1637);  possibly  the  same. 
SPRINGETT,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  24, 
1681.  S.  of  Anthony  (and  Dorothy  Moore),  of  Sussex.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1685.  Ord.  deacon  (age  54), 
June  10;  priest  (by  Bishop  of  Chichester)  June  11,  1716. 
V.  of  Westmerton  and  Plumpton,  Sussex,  1716-35.  Buried 
at  Plumpton,  Oct.  11,  i735.  aged  73.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart., 
Ed.  1844;  Horsfield,  Lewes,  11.  194.) 
SPRINGET,  HERBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
July  3,  1628.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Broyle  Place, 
Ringmer,  Sussex,  Knt.  B.  at  Lewes  (?  Lewisham),  Kent. 
School,  Hawkhurst  (Mr  Godwin).  Matric.  1629.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  8,  1630.  M.P.  for  New  Shoreham, 
1644-8,  1660-2;  for  Sussex,  1654-5.  Created  Bart.,  Jan.  8, 
1 660-1.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Sir  WiUiam  Campion,  of 
CombweU,  Kent.  Died  s.p.m.,  Jan.  5,  1661-2.  Buried  at 
Ringmer.  (Peile,  i.  394;  Vis.  of  Sussex;  G.E.C,  iii.  153.) 
SPRINGETT,  HERBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, Michs.  1639.  S.  of  Herbert,  of  Ringmer,  Sussex  (and 
Catherine  Partridge,  of  Bridge,  Kent).  B.  in  Kent.  Married 
EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  TufneU.  Buried  at  St  Mary, 
Lewes,  Dec.  7,  1690.  Brother  of  William  {1637).  (Vis.  of 
SPRINGITT,  JAMES.    Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

SPRINGET,  THOMAS.   '  King's  Scholar,'  1337-49-   Died  June 

30,  1349- 
SPRINGETT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1637.  S.  and  h.  of  Herbert,  of  Ringmer,  Sussex  (and 
Catherine,  sister  of  Sir  Edward  Partridge).  B.  162:.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1640.  Colonel  in  the  ParUa- 
mentary  Army.  Present  at  EdgehiU,  at  Newbury  and  at 
the  siege  of  Arundel.  Knighted,  Feb.  164 1-2.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Proude,  Knt.  Died  at  Arundel  Castle,  Feb.  3, 
1643-4,  aged  23.  Buried  at  Ringmer.  M.I.  His  daughter, 
Guliehna  Maria,  married  WiUiam  Penn,  founder  of  Penn- 
sylvania. Brother  of  Herbert  (1639).  (Suss.  Arch.  Coll., 
V.  68;  XX.  34.) 

SPRYNGATT, .  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1544. 

SPRINGWELL,  .    B.D.  1505-6.    Franciscan  friar.    D.D. 

SPRINTE,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Jan.  16,  1645-6. 
S.  of  John,  V.  of  Thombury,  Gloucs.,  and  grandson  of  Dr 
John   Sprint,   Dean   of  Bristol.    Matric.   1647.    Master  of 
Newbury  School,  Berks.    R.  of  South  Tidworth,  Hants.; 
ejected,  1662.   Lived  near  Andover.   Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  c.  1695.   (Calamy,  11.  23;  F.M.G.,  1.  3.) 
SPROT,  ROGER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1559. 
One  Robert  Sprott,  V.  of  Thorpe-le-Soken,  Essex,  1560-1. 
Died  1561.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
SPROT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1559. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Boughton  Aleph,  Kent,  1567-1611, 
Died  1 61 1.   Probably  brother  of  Roger  (above). 
SPROTT  or  SPROUGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 
1588.   Matric.  1588-9.   Probably  migrated  to  Queens'  Nov. 
30,  1589,  Sprou^ht;  of  Westmorland. 
SPROT,   WILLIAM.    Scholar  at   King's   Hall,    1393.    Clerk. 

Resigned,  1405.   Perhaps  R.  of  AUington,  Kent,  1422-30. 
SPURDANCE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1627-8. 
Matric.  1628.  Perhaps  B.A.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  16, 
1633;  priest.  May  24,  1635,  'B.A.'  R.  of  Rushmere,  Suffolk, 
during  the  troubles. 
SPURFORTH,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1578. 
Perhaps  the  same  as  'Spurfur'  who  was  adm.  at  Corpus 
Christi,  in  1578. 
SPURLING,  HENRY.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  7, 1662-3.  Of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1663; 
Scholar,  1666;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  20,  1668.   R.  of  Bumham  Deepdale,  Norfolk,  1672-86, 
also  R.  of  Bumham  Norton,  tiU  1724-  R-  of  Bumham  West- 
gate  St  Edmund  (holding  it  with  St  Mary,  mediety  of  St 
Margaret's  and  the  Church  of  AU  Saints',  Ulph),  1685-1724, 
Died  1724.    Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1654)  and  father  of 
John  (1708).   (Blomefield,  vil.  39.) 
SPURLYNG,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1582. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  23,  1584;  of  Barnard's 



Spurlyng,  John 

SPURLYNGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinitv,  Easter,  1560. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1562-3.  Serjeant-at-law.  li 
so,  died  before  Feb.  7,  1603-4.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next 
and  of  Philip  (c.  1596). 

SPURLINGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John  (above).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  6, 
1593-41  as  s.  and  h.  (sic).  Probably  brother  of  Philip 
(c.  1596). 

SPURLIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1644. 

SPURLING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  30,  1654.  Of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1655; 
Scholar,  1655;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661.  Fellow,  1662. 
Taxor,  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  8,  1661;  priest 
(Ely)  Sept.  19,  1662.  V.  of  Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.,  1663-6. 
V.  of  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  1670-6.  Buried  at  Little 
St  Mary's,  Jan.  31,  1679-80.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1680. 
(T.  A .  Walker.) 

SPURLING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  11, 
1708.  S.  of  Henry  (1662-3),  R-  of  Bumham  Market,  Norfolk. 
School,  Holt  (Mr  Reynolds).  Matric.  1708;  Scholar,  1708-9; 
B.A.  1711-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1714.  C.  of 
Bradfield,  Norfolk,  171 5. 

SPURLINGE,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1560).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  7, 
1603-4;  s.  and  h.  {sic)  of  John,  serjeant-at-law;  of  Edworth, 
Beds.  Probably  brother  of  John  (c.  1596). 

SPURRE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1579; 
B.A.  1582-3.   Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  1585-6. 

SPURRE  or  SPOORE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1623,  Spurre.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Newcastle.  Bapt. 
at  St  Nicholas,  Dec.  5,  1606.  Schools,  Alnwick  and  New- 
castle. (Peile,  1.  351.) 

SPURRE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1550. 

SPURR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1580-1; 

Scholar,   1584;  B.A.   1584-5;   M.A.   1588.    R.  of  Warsop, 

Notts.,  1589. 
SPURRET,  ANTHONY.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1565.    One  of  these  names  of  Iccomb,  Worcs.,  clerk;  will 

(P.C.C.)  1616. 

SPURRIER,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  7,  1716. 

B.  in  Lincolnshire. 

SPURSTOE,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1589; 
B.A.  1593-4.  'Accidence  master'  at  Shrewsbury  School, 
1612-36.  Died  Oct.  19,  1636.   (G.  W.  Fisher,  Shrewsbury.) 

SPURSTO,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Lent,  1634-5.  Of  London.  4th  s.  of  William,  of  St  Stephen's 
Coleman,  London,  merchant.  B.A.  1637-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  June  3,  1635.  Brother  of  William  (1623).  (Vis.  of 
London,  1634.) 

SPURSTOWE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sx  Catharine's, 
June  II,  1664.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  the  City  of 
London,  gent.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  25,  1666. 

SPURSTOWE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel, 
Michs.  1623.  S.  of  William,  citizen  and  mercer,  of  London. 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1630;  D.D.  1649. 
Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  1638.  Master  of  St  Catharine's, 
1645-50.  Nominated  Master  of  Clare,  Apr.  22,  1645.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1628.  R.  of  Gt  Hampden,  Bucks.,  1638-43. 
Chaplain  in  the  Parliamentary  Army.  V.  of  Hackney, 
1643-62,  ejected.  One  of  the  authors  of  Smectymnus,  and 
a  member  of  the  Westminster  Assembly  of  divines.  Buried 
at  Hackney,  Feb.  8,  1665-6.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  1665-6. 
Benefactor  to  Hackney.  Brother  of  Joseph  (1634-5). 
(D.N.B.;  Calamy,  11.  173;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

SPURWAY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  July  18, 
1637.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1641.  (Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

SQUIB,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  14,  1659. 
3rd  s.  of  Richard,  R.  of  Babcary,  Somerset.  B.  at  Symonds- 
bury,  Dorset.  Schools,  Tiverton  and  Winchester.  Matric. 
1660.  Brother  of  the  next. 

SQUIBB,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  11, 
1656.  S.  of  Richard,  clerk,  R.  of  Babcary,  Somerset.  B.  at 
Marshwood,  Dorset.  School,  Tiverton.  Matric.  1656;  B.A. 
i66o-i.  R.  of  West  Coker,  Somerset,  1663-92.  Died  1692. 
Brother  of  Henry  (above). 

SQUIRE,  see  also  SWYRE. 

SQUIRE,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 
17,  1650.  S.  of  Thomas  (1605),  clerk,  of  Escrick,  Yorks. 
School,  York.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653;  M.A.  1657.  Took 
Presbyterian  Orders.  Conformed,  1660.  V.  of  Hcighington, 
Durham,  1660.  R.  of  Hemingborough,  Yorks.,  1664-7.  V.  of 
Selby,  1666-98.  R.  of  Elvington,  1669-82.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Sutton  Oglethorpe,  of  Escrick,  Yorks.,  Feb.  22, 

Squire,  John 

1655.  Buried  at  Selby,  Jan.  i,  1697-8.  M.I.  there.  Brother 
of  Philip  (1659)  and  Thomas  (1659),  father  of  Sutton  (1676) 
and  Thomas  (1682).   (Burton,  Hemingborough.) 

SQUIRE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
May  29,  1678.  S.  of  James  (?  1632),  clerk,  deceased.  B.  at 
Hoby,  Leics.  School,  Leicester.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1681-2; 
M.A.  1687.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1681-2;  priest, 
Dec.  22, 1683.  C.ofGtMassingham,  Norfolk.  R.ofLangham 
St  Mary,  1723.   Father  of  Charles  (1712)  and  John  (1715). 

SQUIRE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  II,  1685.  Of  Staffordshire.  Probably  s.  of  William 
(1650).  School,  Loughton.  Matric.  1685;  Scholar,  1685; 
B.A.  1688-9;  M.A.  1692.  Fellow,  1690-9,  ejected  for 
scandalous  conduct.  Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
July  2,  1691.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  clerk,  late  of  RoUeston, 
Staffs.   Called  to  the  Bar,  1705.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

SQUIRE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  10. 
1712.  S.  of  Benjamin  (1678),  of  Massingham,  Norfolk,  clerk. 
School,  Lynn  (Mr  Home).  Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1715; 
B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June, 
1720;  priest,  Sept.  1722.  Head  Master  of  Lynn  School  for 
nine  years.  R.  of  Congham,  Norfolk,  till  1752.  R.  of  Little 
Massingham,  1725-52.  Died  Aug.  20, 1752.  M.I.  at  Congham. 
(Blomefield,  viii.  387.) 

SQUIRE,  DIONYSIUS  or  DENNIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Em- 
manuel, Michs.  1613  (adm.  Nov.  15);  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A. 
1621;  B.D.  1628.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1620. 

SQUIRE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1544; 
Scholar,  1544-6;  B.A.  1546-7;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1549. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1547. 

SQUIRE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  13, 
1715.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Hertford.  School,  Buntingford 
(Mr  England).  Matric.  1715;  Scholar,  1717;  B.A.  1718-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1721;  priest.  May  20,  1722. 
R.of  Swalechffe,  Kent,  1733-60.  Died  1760.    (Peile,  11.  187.) 

SQUIRE,  EDWARDS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  21,  1696. 
S.  of  Samuel,  clerk.  B.  at  Gt  Dumford,  Wilts.  School, 
Salisbury.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  Nov.  2,  1697,  age  18. 
Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1699-1700.  R.  of  Oakford,  Devon, 
1710-42.  Brother  of  Francis  (1715)  and  John  (1721),  father 
of  Samuel  (1726). 

SQUIRE,  EDWARDS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Jan. 
10,  1751.  S.  of  Samuel  (1726),  clerk,  of  Somerset.  B.  at 
Cutcombe,  near  Minehead.  School,  Brampton  (Mr  Wood). 
Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1755.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  All 
Saints',  Cambridge,  Dec.  1,  1757.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  603.) 

SQUIRE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1589. 
Of  Leicestershire.  B.  c.  1570;  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  25,  1595.  V.  of 
Queniborough,  Leics.,  1599.  R.  of  Reresby,  1618-33. 
Doubtless  father  of  the  next. 

SQUIRE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1635. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Francis  (above).  B.A.  1638-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-^9;  priest  (Lincoln)  Jan.  18,  1644-5. 
V.  of  Queniborough,  Leics.,  1640.  Admon.  (Leicester)  1680. 
(Nichols,  III.  378.) 

SQUIRE,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1715.  S.  of  Samuel, 
of  Dumford,  Wilts.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  31,  1699,  age  17.  R.  of  Exford,  Somerset,  1706.  Chap- 
lain to  Lord  Rosse.  V.  of  Cutcombe  and  Luxborough,  1716. 
Preb.  of  Wells,  1731;  Chancellor,  1739-50.  Died  1750. 
Brother  of  Edwards  (1696)  and  John  (1721).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SQUIRE,  GAIUS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  6,  1624. 
S.  of  Roland,  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.,  Esq.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1624.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Aug.  8,  1626.  J. P.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Spencer, 
of  Cople,  Beds.,  Aug.  19,  1629.  Buried  at  Eaton  Socon, 
Apr.  22,  1691.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  4,  1691.  (Peile,  1.  359; 
Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634.) 

SQUIRE,  HENRY.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  29, 
1662.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1662;  LL.B.  1666.  Perhaps 
3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Yorkshire;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  30, 
1674.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

SQUIRE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  7, 
1706-7.  Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (above).  Matric. 
1707.  Migrated  to  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  8,  1707-8.  Scholar; 
LL.B.  1712;  LL.D.  1718.  Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,  1711-34- 

SQUIRE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 
B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10, 
1638-9.   Perhaps  father  of  Benjamin  (1678). 

SQUIER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1537-8. 

SQUIRE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Feb.  6,  1580-1.  School, 
Gisbum  (Mr  Gibson).  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1584-5;  M.A. 
1588.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  July  7,  1588.  R.  of 
Saltfleetby  St  Peter's,  Lines.,  1589.  Perhaps  V.  of  Myton, 
Yorks.,  c.  1595-1616. 


Squire,  John 

SQUIER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  1600-1.  Of  Middlesex. 
S.  of  Adam,  Master  of  Balliol  College,  Oxford,  and  grandson 
of  Bishop  Aykner.  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.  Fellow,  1606- 
12.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1608.  V.  of  St  Leonard's,  Shoreditch, 
Middlesex,  1612-43,  sequestered  and  imprisoned.  Kept 
school  at  Richmond,  Surrey.  Author,  Sermons.  Died  Oct.  28, 
1653.  Father  of  the  next.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Newcourt,  i.  687; 
A.  Gray.) 

SQUIRE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Jan.  31,  1637-8.  Of 
Middlesex.  S.  of  John  (above),  V.  of  St  Leonard's,  Shore- 
ditch.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  14,  1620-1.  Scholar,  1638;  B.A. 
1641-2.  R.  of  Barnes,  Surrey,  1660-2.  Died  Jan.  9,  1662-3, 
aged  42.  M.I.  at  Barnes.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Confused  in /4i.  0;iron. 
with  a  contemporary  namesake.)  (Manning  and  Bray,  in. 

SQUIRE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  7,  1715. 
S.  of  Benjamin  (1678),  C.  of  Massingham,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Walsingham  (Mr  Harding)  and  Lynn  (Mr  Horn). 
Scholar,  1715-22;  Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723. 
Fellow,  1722-3.  Subs,  for  priest's  orders  (Norwich)  Sept.  20, 
1724.  R.  of  Lavenham,  Suffolk,  1730-63.  Married  Ann, 
sister  of  John  Booty,  of  Fomham  AH  Saints',  Suffolk. 
Buried  at  Lavenham,  Oct.  28,  1763.  Will  (Burj')  1764. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1712).   (Venn,  n.  4.) 

SQUIRE,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1721.  S.  of  Samuel,  of 
Dumford,  Wilts.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  24,  1710-r,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  i7i4-5-  Ord.  deacon 
(Sarum)  Sept.  25,  1715;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1718.  Chaplain  to 
the  Bishop  of  Sarum.  Canon  of  Sarum,  1721-59.  V.  of 
Wilsford,  Wilts.,  1722.  R.  of  Poulshot,  1730-59-  Died  July 
2,  1759.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Edwards  (1696),  etc. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

SQUIRE,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Roger,  of  Helland,  Cornwall,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  May  28,  1624,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1626;  M.A. 
1629;  B.D.  1640.  Fellow  of  Exeter  College,  1628-47.  R.  of 
Lifton,  Devon,  1645.  Will  (Exeter)  1672.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

SQUIRE,  LOFTUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  June 
29,  1659.  S.  of  Samson,  farmer,  of  Thrintoft,  near  North- 
allerton, Yorks.  School,  York.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  15, 1662-3;  priest  (Chichester)  May 
11,1664.  R.  of  Melsonby,  Yorks.,  1671-1704-  Died  1704. 

SQUIRE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Magdalene,  June  29, 
1659.  S.  of  Thomas  (1605),  clerk,  of  Escrick,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Nov.  24,  1642.  School,  York.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3. 
R.  of  Fledburgh,  Notts.,  1668.  Brother  of  Arthur  (1650) 
and  Thomas  (1659). 

SQUIRE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  i,  1640.  Of 
Devon.   Matric.  1640. 

SQUIRE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1668.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  i675-  Ord- 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1672;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1673. 

SQUIRE,  SAMPSON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  B..A. 
i.'>96-7;  M.A.  1602.  V.  of  Ainderby  Steeple,  Yorks.,  1598- 

SQUIRE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sx  John's,  June  16, 
1726.  S.  of  Edward  (1696),  clerk,  R.  of  Oakford,  Devon. 
B.  at  Oakford.  School,  Tiverton  (Mr  Reyner).  Matric.  1726; 
B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1754.  Ord.  deacon  (Bath  and  Wells) 
Sept.  20,  1730;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1733.  V.  of  Winscombe, 
Somerset,  1746-50.  V.  of  Cutcombe,  1750-63.  P.C.  of 
Luxborough,  1750.  V.  of  Carhampton,  1754-63.  Died  1763. 
Admon.,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Edwards  (1751)-  (Scott-Mayor, 
in.  399.) 

SQUIRE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  23, 
1730.  S.  of  S.,  druggist,  of  Wiltshire.  B.  at  Warminster. 
School,  Warminster.  Matric.  1730;  Scholar;  B.A.  1733-4; 
M.A.  1737;  D.D.  1749-  Fellow,  1735-44-  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  17,  1739;  priest  (Norwich)  May  31,  1741. 
Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Newcastle.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1743-61. 
Archdeacon  of  Bath,  1743-61.  V.  of  Minting,  Lines., 
1741.  F.R.S.,  1746.  R.  of  Toppesfield,  Essex,  1749-50. 
R.  of  St  Anne's,  Dean  Street,  Soho,  London,  1750-66.  V.  of 
Greenwich,  1751-66.  Dean  of  Bristol,  1760.  Bishop  of 
St  David's,  1761-6.  Anglo-Saxon  scholar,  etc.  Died  May  7, 
1766.  Admon.,  P.C.C.   (D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor,  in.  427.) 

SQUIRE,  SUTTON.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May  20, 
1676.  S.  of  Arthur  (1650),  clerk.  B.  at  Selby,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Dec.  7,  1658,  at  Heighington.  School,  Selby.  Matric.  1676; 
B.A.  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  7,  1679-80;  priest, 
May  29,  1681.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Elvington, 
Yorks.,  1682-1728.  Buried  there  Apr.  10,  1728.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1682).  (Burton,  Hemingborough.) 

SQUIRE,  THEODORE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1610;  B.A.  1613-4.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1615. 

Stable,  Samuel 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1598  (adm.  1598-9,  Swyre);  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605;  B.D. 
1614.  Licensed  to  preach  (York)  June,  1608.  R.  of  Linton- 
in-Craven,  Yorks.,  1607-8.  Perhaps  V.  of  Ainderby  Steeple, 
i6ii-£.  25. 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1605; 
B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1613.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  i6n.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Dec.  1609;  priest,  1610.  V.  of  North  Ottring- 
ton,  Yorks.,  1610.  V.  of  Escrick,  1613.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John  Scott,  Dean  of  York.  Buried  at  Escrick,  Mar. 
19,  1662-3.  Father  of  the  next,  Arthur  (1650)  and  Philip 
(1659),  perhaps  brother  of  William  (1602-3).  (Peile,  1.  253; 
Burton,  Hemingborough,  no.) 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June 

29,  1659.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  clerk,  of  Escrick,  Yorks. 
School,  York.  Matric.  1659.  Brother  of  Arthur  (1651)  and 
Philip  (1659)- 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June 

30,  1682.  S.  of  Arthur  (1650),  clerk.  B.  at  Selby,  Yorks. 
School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1692. 
Fellow,  1687.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1689-90;  priest. 
Mar.  18,  1690-1.  V.  of  Eagle,  Lines.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Orrery.  R.  of  North  Scarle,  1690.  V.  of  South  Scarle. 
Brother  of  Sutton  (1676)  and  doubtless  father  of  Thomas 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1714- 
Perhaps  the  same  as  the  next. 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  1714- 
S.  of  Thomas  (1682),  R.  of  Northcastle  (?  North  Scarle), 
Lines.  B.  there.  School,  Thomey,  Notts,  (private).  Matric. 
1714;  B.A.  1717-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1718;  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  12,  1720.  V.  of  Kirkby  Green,  Lines.,  1720. 
V.  of  Billinghay,  1721. 

SQUIRE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  7, 
1746-7.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Quendon,  Leics.  School,  Nuneaton. 
Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1750-1 ;  M.A.  1759.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  24,  1752;  priest,  June  9,  1754.  Died  Apr.  21,  1768, 
aged  38.  Buried  at  Barrow-upon-Soar.  M.I.;  late  of  Quen- 
don.  (Nichols,  III.  75.) 

SQUIRE,  WILLIAM  (1471),  see  SWYER. 

SQUIRE,    WILLIAM.     Adm.    pens,    at    Emmanuel,    Oct.    1, 

SQUIRE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Dec.  i, 

1601.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Devon.  School,  'Lyle,'  Dorset 
(Mr  CoUard). 

SQUIRE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1602-3,  as 
Swyre.  Matric.  1602;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  i6i6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Feb.  23;  priest,  Feb.  25,  1615-6.  Probably  V.  of 
Skipwith,  Yorks.,  i6i8.  Buried  at  Escrick,  Apr.  5,  1619. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1595).  (Thos.  Burton,  Heming- 

SQUIRE  or  SWIER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1610;  B.A.  1613-4.  Perhaps  V.  of  Bubwith,  Yorks., 

SQUIRE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1650.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1652.  M.A.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  1653. 
Fellow  of  University  College,  Oxford.  Chaplain  of  All  Souls. 
R.  of  Rolleston,  Staffs.,  1675-7-  Canon  of  Lichfield,  1675-7. 
Author,  theological.  Buried  at  Rolleston,  Sept.  4,  1677. 
(D.N.B.\Al.  Oxon.) 

SQUIRE  or  SQWERE,  .    Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree, 

1468-9;  B.D.  1475-6.  Admon.  granted  in  1500,  in  respect 
of  the  estate  of  John  Sqwyer,  R.  of  Eyke,  Suffolk. 

SQUIRS, .  B.A.  1469-70. 

STABLE,  JOHN.  Of  Trinity.  B.  at  Idle,  Yorks.  B.A.  (?  1602- 
3) ;  M.A.  1606.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  9;  priest.  May  16, 

1602,  age  24.  V.  of  Hatfield  Peveril,  Essex,  1605.  R.  of 
Roding  Margaret,  1635-60.  Died  1660.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Samuel  (1640)  and  Thomas  (1632). 

STABLE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1491-2. 

STABLE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1639; 
Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1643. 

STABLE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  6, 
1640.  S.  of  John  (1602-3),  R.  of  Margaret  Roding.  B.  at 
Hatfield  Peveril.  School,  Maldon  (Mr  Danes).  Matric.  1640; 
B.A.  1643-4.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1632). 

STABLE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  24, 
1648.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Leeds,  Yorks.  School, 
Leeds.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1653. 
Perhaps  intruder  at  Holdenby,  Northants.,  1655-70.  Signed 
for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Dec.  18,  1663;  for  priest's. 
Mar.  5,  1663-4,  R.  of  Goldsborough,  Yorks.,  1670-1707. 
Died  before  Nov.  1707. 

Stable,  Thomas 

STABLE  or  STABLES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
1632.  S.  of  John  (1602-3).  B.  at  Hatfield  Peveril,  Essex. 
Matric.  1632.  Migrated  toClirist's,  1635,  age  I9;B.A.  1635-6; 
M. A.  1639.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18, 1641.  V.ofMunden, 
Essex,  1 641-3.  V.  of  Gt  Saling,  1646.  R.  of  Margaret 
Roding,  1660-74.  Died  there  before  Apr.  1674.  Brother  of 
Samuel  (1640).  (Peile,  i.  439.) 

STABLES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
May  12,  1716.  S.  and  h.  of  Leonard,  gent.  B.  at  Pontefract, 
Yorks.  School,  Hipperholme.  Matric.  1716;  LL.B.  from 
Trinity  Hall,  1721.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  15,  1719,  and 
afterwards  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  20,  1724.  Probably 
commissary  for  the  chapter  of  York.  Died  Sept.  30,  1774. 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  G.  Mag.) 

STABLE, .  B.Can.L.  1492-3. 

STABLER,  EMMANUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Mar.  24, 1736-7.  S.of  Emmanuel,  of  York.  School,  Beverley, 
Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1737;  Scholar,  1740;  B.A.  1740-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1741. 

STAGE,  see  also  STAGEY. 

STAGE  (?  STARE),  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c.  1594.  Perhaps  'Staie';  if  so,  probably  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A. 
from  Clare,  1599. 

STAGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  2,  1636. 
Of  Kent.   Matric.  1637. 

STAGEY  or  STAGE,  FRANGIS.  B.A.  1538-9 ;  Scholar  of  Christ's, 

STAGEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1611; 
scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  R.  of 
Hartley,  Kent,  1617-42.  R.  of  Ridley,  in  1627,  and  till  1647. 
Buried  there,  Aug.  8,  1648.  Probably  father  of  John  (1631) 
or  John  (1647).   (Fielding,  Rochester;  Hasted,  i.  281.) 

STAGYE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1568;  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  6, 
1576-7.  R.  of  Cole-Orton,  Leics.,  1583.  Will  (Leicester) 

STAGYE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1571. 

STAGEY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1509-10.  Perhaps  R.  of  Lackford,  Suffolk, 

STAGEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1631. 
Possibly  s.  of  Henry  (1611).  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1635-6; 
M.A.  1639.  Perhaps  R.  of  Ridley,  Kent,  1647-80;  R.  of 
Ifield,  1666-7;  R.  of  Hartley,  1667-80.  Chaplain  to  the 
Duke  of  Richmond  and  Lennox.  Buried  at  Hartley,  Dec.  5, 
1680.  (But  see  also  the  next,  to  whom  the  above  .suggested 
identification  may  apply.)   (Fielding,  Rochester.) 

STAGEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  5,  1647.  Of 
Kent.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (i6ii).  B.  in  Westminster 
(according  to  Al.  Westmon.).  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1646;  Scholar,  1648;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Said  to  have 
been  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1651,  but  dispossessed.  (According 
to  dates,  this  man,  rather  than  John  (above)  was  probably 
son  of  Henry  (1611).   (Al,  Westmon.) 

STAGEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Dec.  15, 
1671.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  London.  School,  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Fellow,  1676.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Dec.  19,  1680.  C.  of  Sawston,  Cambs.,  1680. 
R.  of  Dunsby,  Lines.,  1701-24.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Richard 
Quincey,  of  Rippingale,  Lines.,  July  6,  1703.  Died  1724. 
To  be  buried  in  Dunsby  Church.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  9, 
1724.  (Al.  Carthus.) 

STAGY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Nov.  18,  1674.  Of 
Essex.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Newport,  Essex.  Matric. 
1674-5;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Ord.  priest  (London)  May 
29,  1681.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1671). 

STAGY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  27, 
1712.  2nd  s.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Ballifield,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
at  Hansworth,  July  18,  1694.  School,  Ballifield  (Mr  Drake). 
Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6.  (F.M.G.,  1210;  Hunter,  Hallam- 
shire,  488.) 

STAGYE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  13, 
1741-  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Ballifield,  Yorks.  B.  at 
Ballifield,  near  Sheffield.  Bapt.  Aug.  13,  1722,  at  Hansworth. 
School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrow).  Matric.  1744;  B.A.  1744-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  14,  1747;  'C.  of  Mansfield  Wood- 
house,  Notts.'  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Jessop,  of 
Waterthorpe,  Derbs.  Died  July  3,  1791.  Buried  at  Hans- 
worth.  (F.M.G.,  1210.) 

STAGYE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1578. 
Probably  s.  of  Francis,  of  Castle  Bytham,  Lines.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  31,  1581,  from  Barnard's  Inn.  Of  Castle 
Bytham.  Married  Bethelina,  dau.  of  John  Shawredine,  of 
Essex.  Buried  in  London,  May  18,  1617.  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

Stackhouse,  Roger 

STAGYE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

STAGEY  or  STAGE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 

May  4,  1631.    Of  Leicestershire.   Matric.  1631,  as  Stacey; 

B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1634-5. 
STAGYE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

STAGY,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1629. 

Of  Hertfordshire.    Probably  s.  of  William.    B.A.  1632-3; 

M.A.  1636.    Doubtless  R.  of  Datchworth,  Herte.,  till  1650. 

Admon.,  Oct.  15,  1650;  to  his  father.   (Clutterbuck,  11.  318.) 
STAGEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1632.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639. 
STAGYE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  12, 

1632-3.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Osmundthorpe,  Yorks.    Matric. 

1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 
STAGIE,  THOMAS.   Scholar  of  Emmanuel.    Buried  at  Gt  St 

Andrew's,  Cambridge,  June  29,  1639. 

STAGY,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

1544  (impubes). 

STACY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1578. 
Of  Essex.  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  Probably  V.  of  West 
Hythe,  Kent,  1586-95;  R.  of  Hardres,  1597-1632.  Perhaps 
also  R.  of  Bennington,  till  1615,  and  of  Sevington,  1623-4. 
Died  1632. 

STAGY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 
1671.  S.  of  William,  of  Newport,  Essex.  B.  there.  School, 
Newport.  Matric.  1671 ;  B.A.  from  Queens',  1674-5.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Stunner,  Essex,  1677.  Died  same  year.  Perhaps  brother 
of  John  (1674). 

STAGEY,  .   B.A.  1496-7;  M.A.  1500-1.   Perhaps  William, 

Litt.  dim.  from  the  Bishop  of  Ely  for  his  ordination  as  sub- 
deacon,  Sept.  19,  1499. 

STAGEY, .  B.A.  1513-4. 

STACKHOUSE,  AMBROSE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 

Mar.  4,   1666-7.    S.  of  Hugh.    B.  at  Giggleswick,  Yorks. 

School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674. 

Ord.  priest  (Worcester)  1676.   R.  of  Quatt,  1677-95.  Buried 

there  Sept.  16,  1695.   (Peile,  11.  8.) 
STACKHOUSE,   ANTHONY.     Matric.   sizar   from   St   John's, 

Easter,  1579;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1582-3.  Ord.  deacon 

(Lincoln)    1586-7;   priest,    1587.    Perhaps   C.  of  Stanion, 

Northants.,  in  1614. 

STACKHOUSE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus, 
Michs.  i6i8;  B.A.  1621-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9, 
1627-8;  priest.  Mar.  i,  1628-9. 

STACKHOUSE,  GERSON  (?  GERSHAM).  Adm.  sizar  (age  15) 
at  Christ's,  Nov.  2,  1630.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Austwick, 
near  Settle,  Yorks.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Stackhouse). 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5. 

STACKHOUSE,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene, 
June  9,  1672.  S.  of  Oliver,  of  Giggleswick,  Yorks.  School, 
Giggleswick.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1675. 

STACKHOUSE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  28,  1621. 
Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  24;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1626.  Master  of  Oakham  Grammar 
School,  Rutland,  1629-42.  Buried  at  Oakham,  Aug.  4,  1642. 

STACKHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May 
13,  1672.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Thornton,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Clapham.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 
V.  of  Coniscliffe,  Durham,  1712-8.  R.  of  Boldon,  1718-34. 
Buried  there  Dec.  9,  1734.  Father  of  Thomas  (1699).  (H.  M. 

STACKHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  5, 
1713-4.  S.  of  Samuel,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Giggleswick,  Yorks. 
School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1713-4. 

STACKHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1551.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1554-5;  M.A.  from  St 
John's,  1557.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1557.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1558. 

STACKHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 

STACKHOUSE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  10, 
H656.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Austwick,  Yorks.  School,  Giggles- 
wick. Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  22;  priest,  Feb.  23,  1661-2.  V.  of  Husbome 
Crawley,  Beds.,  1661-5.  R-  of  Hocklifife,  1666-87.  Married 
Catherine  Slingsby,  at  Houghton  Conquest,  July  6,  1670. 
Buried  at  Hockliffe,  Apr.  11,  1687.  (Peile,  I.  57a;  W.  M. 

STACKHOUSE,  ROGER.    Matric.  siear  from  Queens',  Lent, 



Stackhouse,  Thomas 

stackhouse,  thomas.   b.a.  1496-7;  m.a.  1500;  b.d. 

1514-5- D.D.  1516-7.  FeUow  of  Queens',  1501-9.  Pnncipal 
of  St  Augustine's  Hostel.  Trotter's  priest  at  Queens  . 
Master  of  Michael  House,  1520-33-  Vice-Chancellor,  1521-2. 
Chaplain  to  Henry  VIII.  R.  of  Kirby  Sigston,  Yorks.,  1523- 
Died  1533.  (Cooper,  i.  48.) 
STACKHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
May  19,  1645.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Stackhouse,  near  Giggles- 
wick,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1647- 
8.  R.  of  Tickencote,  Rutland,  1661-3.  V.  of  St  John's, 
Stamford,  1663.  (Peile,  i.  495.) 
STACKHOUSE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

1655.   Of  Rutland.   Matric.  1655, 'Staghouse.' 
STACKHOUSE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1699.  S.  of  John  (1672),  clerk.  B.  at  Witton-le-Wear, 
Durham.     School,    Sedbergh.     Matric.    1699.     Master    of 
Hexham  Grammar  School,   1701-4.    Ord.  priest  (London) 
Dec.  24,  1704,  'B.A.'    Held  curacies  at  Richmond,  Eahng 
and  Finchley,  and  for  some  time  lived  in  extreme  poverty. 
Minister  of  the  English  Church  at  Amsterdam,  1713-   V.  of 
Beenham  Valence,   Berks.,   I733-    Author,   History  of  the 
Bible,  etc.   Died  Oct.  11,  1752.   M.I.  at  Beenham  Valence. 
(H.  M.  Wood;  G.  Mag.;  D.N.B.) 
STACKHOUSE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
Mar.  26,  1717.   S.  of  William.   B.  at  Hartington  (?  HartUng- 
ton),  Yorks.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Clapham).  Scholar,  1 718; 
B.A.  1720-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1720-1;  pnest,  June, 
1723.   V.  of  Sowerby  Bridge,  Yorks.,  1732-46.    {See  a  con- 
temporary namesake  in  Al.  Oxon.;  Peile,  11.  191.) 
STADDERD  or  STODDARD,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at 
Trinity,  Mar.  19,  1735-6.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  St  Ives,  Hunts. 
School,  Ely.    Matric.   i737;  Scholar,   1739;  B.A.   1739-40. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2,  1739-40. 
STADLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Apr.  23,  1631. 
S.  of  Robert,  shoemaker.  Of  Devon.    B.  at  Combe  Martin. 
School,  Ilfracombe  (Mr  Morgan  Mathewes).  Matric.  1631. 
STAFFORD,  ANTHONY.     Adm.   pens,   (age    18)    at  Trinity, 
June  17,  1700.    S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Shaw,  Derbs.,  Esq. 
School,  Chester  (Mr  Harpur).   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  5, 
1700.   Perhaps  father  of  James  (1738). 
STAFFORD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
May  23,  1684.    S.  of  Robert,  of  Yorkshire.    Matric.  1684; 
B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincota)  Sept.  1691; 
'C.   of   Godmanchester.'     R.   of   Bothal,   Northumberland, 
1691-1736.  Buried  there,  Apr.  11,  1736.  (Peile,  11.  96.) 
STAFFORD,  EDWARD.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1559  (im/>M6es).  Of  Pembroke  in  Aug.  1564.  Probably 
s.  of  Sir  WiUiam,  of  Chebsey,  Stags.    M.A.  (Oxford)  1592. 
Knighted,   1583.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.   13,   1594. 
Bencher  of  Gray's  Inn,  1592.  M.P.  for  Heytesbury,  1572-83 ; 
for   Winchester,    1593;    for   Stafford,    1597-93.    1601;    for 
Queenborough,    1604-5.    Buried   at   St   Margaret's,   West- 
minster, Feb.  5,  1604-5.   (Cooper,  in.  9;  Al.  Oxon.) 
STAFFORD,    GEORGE.     B.A.    i5i4-5-     Of   Durham   diocese. 
M.A.    1517;    B.D.    1523-4.     Fellow   of    Pembroke,    1515. 
Proctor,    1522-3.     Reader   of    Divinity,    1524.     An    early 
reformer.    Died  1529.    Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1529.    (Cooper, 
1.  39;  Loder.) 
STAFFORD,   HENRY.    Educated  at  Cambridge  and  Oxford. 
S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  Duke  of  Buckingham  (executed  for 
treason.  May  17,  1521).    B.  Sept.  18,   1501,  at  Penshurst, 
Kent.  Styled  Eari  of  Stafford.  Constable  of  Stafford  Castle, 
1532.    M.P.  for  Salop,  1535;  for  Stafford,  1547.    Restored 
in  blood  and  declared  to  be  Baron  Stafford,  1547.  Chamber- 
lain of  the  Exchequer,  1554.    Lord-Lieut,  of  Staffs.,  1559- 
Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Pole,  K.G.  Scholar  and 
translator.     Died   Apr.   30,    1563,   at   Cans   Castle,   Salop. 
(G.E.C.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Cooper,  i.  216.) 
STAFFORD,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  July  8, 
1664.    S.  of  John,  deceased,  of  Barkby  Thorp,  in  Barkby, 
Leics.    B.  there.    School,  Uppingham.    Matric.  1664;  B.A. 
1668-9;  M.A.  1682.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  29,  1670; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1671.   Died  July  4,  1686,  aged  42. 
M.I.  at  Barkby.   (Nichols,  iii.  49.) 
STAFFORD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  12, 
1708.   S.  of  John,  husbandman.   B.  at  Little  Ponton,  Lines. 
School,  Burton  (Mr  Cockayne).   Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2; 
M.A.  1717.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,   1713;  priest, 
Sept.  24,   1715.    C.  of  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants.,  1713- 
Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Oxford.   R.  of  Newton,  Lines.,  1726. 
R.  of  Staunton  Wyvile,  Leics.,  1726-36. 
STAFFORD,  JAMES.   Adm.  sizar  (age  23)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 
1738.    S.  of  Anthony  (?  1700),  gent.,  of  Derbyshire.    B.  at 
Strand.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A. 
1762.   Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  Dec.  18,  1743;  priest  (York) 
Feb.  19,  1743-4.    R.  of  Farthinghoe,  Northants.,  i77o-94- 

Staggins,  Nicholas 

V.  of  Penkridge,  Staffs.,  till  1794.  Died  July  30  (?Aug.  6), 
1794,  aged  79.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Scott-Mayor,  m.  ^g6;G.  Mag.; 
Baker,  1.  624.) 
STAFFORD,  JOHN  DE.  '  King's  Scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1327-9- 
STAFFORD,  JOHN.    B.A.  1519-20.    FeUow  of  Clare,  1520. 
Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1521-2.    One  of   these  names  R.  of 
Tadworth,  Berks.,  1559.  Died  1576. 
STAFFORD,  JOHN.   Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1569.    Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1572.    Perhaps 
of  Huncote,  Leics.  (Nichols,  iv.  760.) 
STAFFORD,   JOHN.    B.D.   from   Sidney,    1604.    FeUow   of 

STAFFORD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Apr.   1663. 
S.  of  John.    B.  at  Garboldisham,  Norfolk.    Matric.  1663; 
B.A.  1666-7. 
STAFFORD,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1667.   Of 
Derbyshire.     Matric.    1669;    B.A.    1670-1.     Ord.    deacon 
(Lichfield)  Jan.  1,  1672-3.  V.  of  Duffield,  1672-80. 
STAFFORD,  MATTHEW.   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  8, 
1608.    S.  of  Thomas  (1571),  R.  of  Filby,  Norfolk.    School, 
Eton.    Matric.  1608.    Migrated  to  Caius,  as  pens.,  Aug.  4, 
1609;  Scholar,  1609-13;  B.A.  1612-3. 
STAFFORD,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  1, 
1716-7.   Previously  matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Nov. 
18,  1712.  S.  of  Jonathan,  of  Wilson,  V/arws.,  clerk.  Matric. 
1716-7;  B.A.  1716-7.   Old.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1718; 
priest  (Ely)  May  24,  1719;  C.  of  New  Romney,  Kent,  i7i9- 
V.  of  Gooderstone,  Norfolk,  1719.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1729. 
STAFFORD,    RICHARD.     Matric.    pens,    from    Clare,    Lent, 

1577-8;  B.. A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584. 

STAFFORD,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1581.   Of  Suffolk.   B.A.  1585-6.   Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Jan. 

16,  1587-8.    V.  of  Gt  Whehietham,  Suffolk,   1588.    R.  of 

Woolverstone,  1588.  Father  of  the  next. 

STAFFORD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  10, 

1618-9.  S.  of  Richard  (above).  School,  Bury  (Mr  Dickenson). 

Matric.   1619;  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,   1622-3;  M.A.   1626. 

Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  19,  1629.    R.  of  Ampton,  Suffolk, 

1624-c.  44  (last  signed  the  register  after  May,  1644,  but  his 

successor  was  not  instituted  till  Mar.  3,  1647).   R.  of  Euston, 

1647,   and  minister  of  the  Ixworth  Classis,   1647-    V.  of 

Pakenham,  1648-61.    Died  July  31,  1661.    (Venn,  1.  242; 

W.  A.  Wickham.) 

STAFFORD,  STEPHEN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 

Feb.  14,  1636-7.  S.  of  Jeremiah.  B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds. 

Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664O 

STAFFORD,  THOMAS.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1439-41- 

STAFFORD   or  STAVER,   THOMAS.    Matric.   sizar  from   St 

John's,  Easter,  1571;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Ord.  deacon 

(Peterb.)  May  19,  1581;  priest.  Mar.  31, 1582.  V.  of  Slawston, 

Leics.,  1583.    V.  of  Shropham,  Norfolk,  till  1587.    R.  of 

Bumham  Thorpe,  1586-7.   R.  of  Filby,  c.  1600-20.  Father 

of  Matthew  (1608). 

STAFFORD,  THURLOW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 

June  15,  1739.   S.  of ,  Esq.   B.  at  Downham,  Norfolk. 

School,  Downham.  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  1746. 
Fellow,  1744.  Captain,  Norfolk  Militia.  Died  Jan.  29,  1760. 
(G.  Mag.) 
STAFFORD,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1536-7.  Dominican  friar.  Prior 
of  the  house  at  Stamford;  surrendered,  1538.  (Cooper,  i.  69.) 
STAFFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  2, 
1739.  S.  of  Francis,  stonemason,  of  Norwich.  B.  there. 
School,  Norwich  iMr  Reddington  and  Mr  Bullimer).  Matric. 
1739;  Scholar,  1739-44;  B.A.  i743-  Ord.  deacon  (Win- 
chester, Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1743.  as  C.  of 
BurUngham,  Norfolk.  Died  Aug.  21,  1744-  Buried  in 
Norwich  Cathedral.   (Venn,  11.  47.) 

STAFFORD, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1582. 

STAFFORD, .  B.D.  1592  (in  ordo). 

STAGGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  10, 
1691-2.  S.  of  John,  butcher,  of  Shipdham,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Shipdham  (Mr  Newson)  and  Wymondham  (Mr 
Clarke).  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6;  Scholar,  1696-9.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  4,  1698-9;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1703. 
Master  of  Saham  Toney  School,  in  1701.  R.  of  Garveston, 
Norfolk,  1703-40.  R.  of  Welbome,  1722-34.  Will  proved 
(Norwich  C.  C.)  1740;  of  Shipdham,  clerk.  (Venn,  1.  490.) 
STAGG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  17,  1694- 
S.  of  John,  manciple  of  the  College.  B.  at  Cambridge. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Scholar,  1697;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14,  1702-3. 
STAGGINS,  NICHOLAS.  Mus.Doc.  1682  (Com.  Reg.).  First 
Professor  of  Music,  1684-1704.  Master  of  Charles  IPs  band 
of  music,  1676.  Died  June  13, 1704.  (D.N.B.;  Abdy  Williams, 


Staige,  Theodosius 

STAIGE,  THEODOSIUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  17,  1715.  S.  of  William,  clerk,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in 
London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1715-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Feb.  21,  1724-5;  priest.  May  23,  1725. 

STAINES,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1628; 
B.A.  1632-3. 

STAYN,  JOHN.   Com.  for  B.A.  1476-7. 

STEINS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1604. 

STAYNES,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1586.  Probably  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  St  Mary  Wool- 
church,  London,  mercer.  Bapt.  Dec.  9,  1571.  Doubtless 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  14,  1591,  from  Barnard's  Inn. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1608. 

STAYNES,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  22, 
1612.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Surlingham,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Bramerton  and  Norwich.  Matric.  1612;  Scholar,  1612-9; 
B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  11; 
priest,  Feb.  12,  1619-20.  R.  of  Filby,  Norfolk,  1620.  (Venn, 

STAYNES  or  STAENS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Miehs.  1578.  S.  of  Richard,  of  High  Ongar,  Essex.  B.A. 
from  Corpus  Christi,  1581-2;  M.A.  1585;  LL.D.  1611.  Of 
High  Ongar.  Died  Jan.  7,  1614.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
William  (1629).   (Morant,  1.  130.) 

STANES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1624.  S.  of  Richard  (above).  B.  at  High  Ongar,  Essex. 
School,  Brentwood.  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1634. 
Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1637;  M.D.  1645.  Brother  of 
William  (1629). 

STANE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  15, 
1649.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  late  of 
Stapleford  Abbot,  gent.,  deceased.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  II,  1651.  Of  High  Ongar,  Essex.  Died  Jan.  15,  1714, 
aged  84.   {Morant,  i.  130.) 

STAINE  or  STANE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May 
25,  1659.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1662,  Stane;  M.B.  1665;  M.D. 

STAYNES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  30, 
1667.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Thirsk,  Yorks.  School,  Thirsk 
(Messrs  Buck  and  Parkes).  Matric.  1667;  Scholar,  1667-9. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  12,  1669-70.   {Venn,  1.  429.) 

STAYNES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1551. 

STAYNES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  14, 
1672.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Essex.  B.  there.  School,  Huntingdon. 
Matric.  1672-3;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  23,  1677.  R.  of  Langdon  Hills,  Essex,  1680- 
94.  V.  of  Homdon-on-the-Hill,  1690-4.  Died  1694.  Admon. 
(Cons.  C.  London)  to  his  widow  Margaret. 

STAINES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Dec.  28, 
1725.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Cheshunt,  Herts.  Matric.  1726;  B.A. 
1729-30.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  14,  1730-1;  priest  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  5,  1731-2.  One  of  these  names  of  Winfrith,  Newburgh, 
Dorset,  clerk.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1766. 

STAYNES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

STANES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

STAINES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  c.  Apr. 
1695.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  Sowerby,  Yorks. 
School,  Coxwold.  Of  Sowerby  and  Newby.  Married  Grace, 
dau.  of  Sir  Matthew  Wentworth,  of  Bretton,  Yorks.,  Dec.  22, 

STANES  or  STANE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
June,  1629.  Of  Essex.  S.  of  Richard  (1578),  LL.D.  Matric. 
1629;  M.B.  1635;  M.D.  1639.  Candidate,  R.C.P.,  1639; 
Fellow,  1641;  Elect,  1658-80;  Censor,  etc.;  Registrar,  1670-4. 
M.P.  for  Thetford,  1659.  Died  Feb.  11,  1679-80,  aged  70. 
Buried  at  Waterbeach,  Cambs.  Will  (P.C.C.) ;  of  St  Catherine 
Creechurch,  London.  Brother  of  Richard  (1624).  {Munk, 
I.  231.) 

(age  18)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  19,  1645,  from  Magdalene.  S.  of 
Richard  (1585),  V.  of  Owston,  Yorks.  B.  at  Bredsall,  near 
Derby.  School,  Derby  (Mr  Stainforth).  Matric.  1645;  B.A. 
1649;  M.A.  1654.  R. of  Hognaston,  near  Wirksworth; ejected, 
1662.  Preacher  in  Derbyshire.  Brother  of  Timothy  (1648). 
{Peile,  I.  499;  F.M.G.,  735.) 

STANEFORTH,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
July  14,  1681.  S.  of  Jonathan,  deceased  (by  his  2nd  wife 
Anne,  dau.  of  John  Spateman,  of  Rodenook,  Derbs.).  Bapt. 
at  Rotherham,  Yorks.,  June  22,  1666.  School,  Rotherham 
(Mr  Farrer).  Matric.  1683.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  25, 
1682-3.   Died  young.   {F.M.G.,  734;  Hunter,  i.  301.) 

STANEFORTH,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1633;  B.A.  1634-5. 

Stallard,  John 

STAINFORTH,  PETER.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  8, 

1635.  Of  Durham.  Matric.  1635. 
STAINFORTH,    RICHARD.    Matric.   sizar  from   St   John's, 

Michs.  1585;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 

June   2,    1597.    V.  of  Owston,  Vorks.,   1598-1604.    R.  of 

Bredsall,  Derbs.,  1604-31.  Father  of  Jonathan  (1645)  and 

Timothy  (1648). 
STANFORTH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  3, 

1745-  S.  of  Henry,  maltster,  of  Salthouse,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 

School,  Holt  (Mr  Holmes).    Matric.  1745-6;  Scholar,  1745- 

52;  B.A.  1748-9.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  11,  1749-50; 

C.  of  Wiveton.    Died  Nov.  22,  1751.    M.I.  at  Salthouse. 

{Venn,  11.  57.) 

STANFORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  24, 
1620.  Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  23,  1624;  priest,  June  12,  1625. 

STANIFORTH,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  28,  1648.  S.  of  Richard  (1585),  V.  of  Owston,  Yorks. 
B.  at  Derby.  School,  Derby.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651.  V.  of 
Allestree,  Derbs.;  ejected,  1662.  Afterwards  preacher  in 
Derbyshire.  Brother  of  Jonathan  (1645).  {Peile,  1.  518; 
F.M.G.,  735.) 

STAINFORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  8, 
1663.  Of  York.  S.  of  John,  of  York  (and  Mary,  dau.  of 
Marmaduke  Blakeston,  Esq.).  Matric.  1663,  Stanford;  B.A. 
1666-7;  M.A.  1670;  D.D.  1694.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  2, 
1667;  priest,  June  21,  1668.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Bishophill 
Senior,  York,  1668-1705.  V.  of  St  Martin,  Coney  Street, 
York,  1675.  Preb.  of  Southwell,  1679-1713.  Preb.  of  York, 
1680-1713.  R.  of  Bamborough,  Yorks.,  1704-13.  Chaplain 
to  Elizabeth,  Viscountess  Purbeck.  Buried  Aug.  16,  1713, 
in  York  Minster.  Will  dated.  May  26,  1712;  proved,  Oct.  2, 
1714.  Father  of  the  next.  (According  to  the  Register  of 
St  Martin's,  Coney  Street,  York,  the  Rev.  William  Stain- 
forth  was  buried  there  Aug.  20,  1719.)  {Yorks.  Arch,  and 
Top.  Journal,  i.  275;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

STAINFORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  12, 
1686.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (above),  D.D. 
Bapt.  Nov.  18,  1669,  at  St  Michael  Belfrey,  York.  Matric. 
1686,  Standford;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1693. 
FeUow  of  Queens',  1693-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle,  Litt.  dim. 
from  York)  June  7;  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  20,  1691.  R.  of 
Simonbum,  Northumberland,  1697-1723  (presented  by  the 
University).  Married,  at  York  Minster,  Aug.  21,  1699, 
Frances,  dau.  of  George  Prickett,  Recorder  of  York.  Died 
at  York,  1746.   Probably  father  of  William  (1722). 

STANIFORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
Nov.  9,  1721.  School,  Rotherham.  Matric.  1723;  Scholar, 
1723;  B.A.  1725-6;  M.A.  1730.  Fellow,  1734-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  26,  1726;  priest,  May  28,  1727.  Buried  at 
Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  12,  1738.   {Peile,  11.  204.) 

STAINFORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  27, 
1722.  Of  Northumberland.  Probably  s.  of  William  (1686). 
Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1726-7. 

STAINFORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  29, 
1728.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1732-3.  Perhaps 
of  Stillington,  Yorks.;  died  Mar.  12,  1784.   (G.  Mag.) 

STAKAR, .  B.A.  1474-5. 

STALE,  JOHN.   M.B.  1473-4. 

STALHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616; 
B.A.  1618-9; M.A.  1623. 

STALHAM  or  STALLAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Apr.  1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
1626.  Doubtless  identical  with  the  Puritan  divine.  If  so, 
V.  of  TerUng,  Essex,  1632-62;  ejected  (though  the  vicar  is 
said  in  D.N.B.  to  'have  been  educated  at  Oxford').  Pastor 
of  a  Congregational  Chapel  at  Terling,  till  1681.  Wrote 
against  the  Quakers.  Died  1681.  Father  of  John  (1667-8). 
{PeiU,  I.  314;  D.N.B.) 

STALLAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1618.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Licensed  to 
practise  medicine,  1627.  M.D.  1632. 

STALHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  21, 
1667-8.  S.  of  John  (1617),  V.  of  Terling,  Essex.  B.  there. 
School,  Felsted. 

STALHAM,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  162 1 ; 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  24,  1626.  R.  of  Newton  Flotman,  Norfolk,  until  1672. 
Died  1672. 

STALLARD  or  STALLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
Oct.  7,  1561.  S.  of  John,  of  Norwich.  School,  Norwich. 
Scholar,  1564;  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568.  Fellow  and  tutor, 
1567-72.  Ord.  priest  (Norivich)  Apr.  28,  1564.  R.  of  St 
Michael  Coslany,  Norwich,  1572-80;  of  Drayton,  Norfolk, 
1576-1617;  of  St  Augustine's,  Norwich,  1590-1617.  Chaplain 
to  Lord  Montagu.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1618.  {Vetin,  i.  46.) 


Stallard,  Thomas 

STALLARD  or  STALLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1562;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569;  B.D.  1585. 
Fellow,    1567-70.     Incorp.    at    Oxford,    1572.     R.   of    All 
Hallows,  Lombard  Street,  1573-1605,  and  of  St  Mary-at- 
Hill,   1574-1605.    Preb.  of  Hereford,   1574-5-    Archdeacon 
of   Rochester,    1593-1605.    Died    1605-6.    Buried   at   All 
Hallows.  WiU,  P.C.C.   {Cooper,  11.  4^8;  Masters.) 
STALLEBRAS,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  May  29,  1634. 
S.  of  Edmund,  weaver  and  draper,  of  Watton,  Herts.  School, 
Bennington  (MrWiborowe).  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1637-41; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.    Ord.  deacon  (Bishop  of  Lincohi) 
Sept.  19,  1641.  V.  of  Essendon,  Herts.,  in  1646-60,  ejected. 
V.   of   Northaw,    1662-76.    Licensed  schoolmaster  there, 
Aug.  21,  1662.    R.  of  Warboys,  Hunts.,  1668.    Buried  at 
Northaw,  June  6,  1676.  {Venn,  1.  315.) 
STALLON,  ADAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  5, 
1655.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Feltwell,  Norfolk.  School,  Felt- 
well  (Mr  Ward).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9. 
STALLON,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1590;  B.A. 
1593-4;  M.A.  1597.    Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1599. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Sharrington,  Norfolk,  1601-12. 
STALLON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1646. 
STOLION  (?  STALLON),   RICHARD.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
St  John's,  c.  1594.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (c.  1594). 
STALON,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1558. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Litlington,  Cambs.  Admon.,  1573. 
STALLON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1567; 
Scholar,    1573;    B.A.    1573-4;    M.A.    i577.     FeUow,    1576. 
R.   of   North   Barsham,    Norfolk,    1589-1613.    Died  1613. 
(Wrongly  called  Stephen  in  Cooper,  iii.  60.) 
STALON,    THOMAS.     Fellow    of    King's.     Ord.   sub-deacon 

(Lincoln)  Apr.  i,  1503. 
STOLION  (?  STALLON),   THOMAS.    Matric.   Fell.-Com.  from 
St  John's,  c.  1594.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (c.  1594). 

STALON,  -.    B.A.  1472-3;  M.A.  1476.    Perhaps  Gregory; 

V.  of  Wood-DaUing,  Norfolk,  1485-1531. 
STALMAN,  LEONARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1604. 
B.  in  Craven,  Yorks.  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June,  1610,  age  25.  R.  of  Southover,  Sussex,  1624- 
30.  V.  of  Steyning,  1630-9.  Will  (Chichester)  1643.  Prob- 
ably father  of  the  next.  {Peile,  i.  249.) 
STALMAN,  LEONARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1637. 

Of  Sussex.  Probably  s.  of  Leonard  (above). 
STALMAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
161 1.  B.  at  Clapham,  Yorks.  B.A.  1614-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Nov.  1615,  age  24;  licensed  to  Ringmer,  Sussex. 
{Peile,  I.  284.) 
STALWORTH,  AMOS.  At  St  John's  two  years.  C.  of  Blofield, 
Norfolk,  in  1576.  R.  of  Gillingham,  in  1603.  R.  of  Stockton, 
c.  1603-11.  Died  1611.  {Norwich  Deposition  Book,  95; 
Blomefield,  viii.  12,  44.) 

STALWORTHAM,  .    B.Civ.L.  1520-1.    A  priest.    Perhaps 

V.  of  Gt  Chesterford,  Essex,  1505-50.  Died  1550. 

STALYS, .   M.A.  1478-9. 

STAMFORD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent,  1581-2; 

B.A.  1585-6. 
STAMPE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Peasemore,  Berks.,  gent.  Matric.  (Pembroke 
College,  Oxford)  May  25,  1627,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1629; 
M.A.  1632.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  7,  1629.  Died  1662. 
{Vis.  of  Berks.,  1665.) 
STAMPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  i,  1664-5. 
Matric.  1664-5;  B.A.  1668-9.  R.  of  Langley,  Wilte.  Non- 
juror; took  the  oath  of  Abjuration  but  afterwards  recanted. 
One  of  these  names  of  Islington,  Middlesex,  clerk;  will 
(P.C.C.)  1714-5-  {Overton,  493.) 
STAMP,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1640  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Timothy,  of  Brewem  Abbey,  Oxon.,  gent.  Matric.  (Pem- 
broke College,  Oxford)  Apr.  20,  1627,  age  16;  B.A.  1630-1; 
M.A.  1633;  D.D.  1643.  R.  of  St  Aldate's,  Oxford,  1637- 
V.  of  Stepney,  Middlesex,  1641-5,  sequestered.  Imprisoned, 
but  subsequently  released.  Followed  the  Prince  of  Wales 
into  exile.  Chaplain  to  Elizabeth,  Queen  of  Bohemia. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  at  The  Hague,  c.  1653.  Buried  in 
the  church  of  Loesdune.  {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 
STAMPER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1570;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1579-80-  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
.•^pr.  17,  1580,  age  25. 
STAMPER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  10, 
1707-8.  S.  of  Francis,  of  London.  School,  Eton.  Matric. 
1708;  Scholar,  1709;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  i7i5-  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  16,  1711-2.  R.  of  Stevenage,  Herts.,  1725-33- 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1729-33-  Died  Oct.  17,  i733-  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1733-  (G.  Mag.) 

Standish,  Alexander 

STANBANK,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1497-8;  M.A.  1501.  Fellow  of 
Queens',  1500-18.  Proctor,  1512-3.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.) 
STANBANKE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1605.  Buried  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  5, 
1606;  'Scholar  of  Clare.' 

STAYNBANK  or  STONBANK,   .    B.A.    1523-4-    Perhaps 

Thomas  Stanbank,  R.  of  Layer  Alta,  Essex,  1542-66.  Died 
1566.   WiU,  Cons.  C.  London. 
STANBRIDGE,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1581;  B.A.  1583-4.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  1585-6.    R.  of 
Campton  with  Shefford,  Beds.,  1586. 
STANBRIDGE,  THOMAS.    B.A.   1486-7.    Probably  adm.  at 

King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  c.  1484. 
STANBRIDGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  16, 

1630-1.  Of  Leicester.  B.A.  1634. 
STANBURY,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  25, 1633. 
Of  Devon.  Matric.  1633. 

STANCAKE,  .   Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Sept.  11, 

STANCLYFFE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1618;  Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.;  priest,  Dec.  1625.    Married  Rachel  Grice,  at 
St  Michael  Belfreys,  York,  July  21,  1629. 
STANCLIFFE,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  7,  1648.  S.  of  John,  draper,  of  South  Owram,  Halifax, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Halifax  (Mr  Wood).  Matric.  1648; 
B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.    R.  of 
Gt    Stanmore,    Middlesex,    1658-62,    ejected.     Pastor    at 
Rotherhithe,  Surrey.   Died  at  Hoxton,  Middlesex,  Dec.  12, 
1705,  aged  75.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1706.    {Calamy,  11.  184;  Al. 
STANDARD,  HENRY.    M.A.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S. 
of  Thomas,  of  Middleton  Stoney,  Oxon.,  Esq.  Matric.  (Onel 
CoUege,   Oxford)   Feb.  8,   1638-9,  age   16.    Created  M.A. 
(Oxford)  Nov.  1,  1642. 
STANDARD,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  1653  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).   S. 
of  John,  of  Whitehill,  Oxon.,  D.D.    Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  Dec.  16,  1641,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1647;  M.A. 
1650;    B.D.    1660.     Fellow    of    Exeter    College,    1644-65. 
Praelector  in  Hebrew,  1650.  {Al.  Oxon.) 
STANDERWICK,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1742. 
Of  Norwich.    Matric.  Michs.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1758. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1747;  priest,  May,  1749.  V.  of 
Shropham,  Norfolk,  1753-1801.   R.  of  Catfield,  1773-1801. 
STANDEVEN,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 
1562;  LL.B.  1563.    Notary  public  at  York,  in  1587.    Will 
(York)  1587.   One  of  these  names  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1582. 
Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
STANDEVEN,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs. 

1576;  LL.B.  1582. 
STANDFAST,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney, 
June  18, 1622.  S.  of  William,  clothier.  B.  at  Kilve,  Somerset. 
Schools,  Holford,  Somerset  (Mr  Jno.  Friar)  and  Tiverton. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Chaplain  to  King 
Charles  I.  R.  of  Christ  Church,  Bristol,  c.  1633-46;  se- 
questered and  imprisoned  in  Bristol  Castle,  1646.  Rein- 
stated, 1660.  Preb.  of  Bristol,  1660-84.  A  popular  preacher; 
blind  for  more  than  20  years.  Died  Aug.  24,  1684.  (F.  S. 
STANDFAST,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1705  (Incorp.  from  University 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Apr.  7,  1698,  age  15.  S.  of 
Nicholas,  of  Bristol.  B.A.  (0.xford)  1701;  M.A.  1704;  M.B. 
1707;  M.D.  1729.  V.  of  Carlton-in-Moorland,  Lines.,  1716. 
V.  of  North  Wheatley,  Notts.,  1720.  R.  of  Chfton,  1721. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 
STANDISH,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1584.  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas, 
of  Duxb'ury,  Esq.  (and  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Hoghton,  of  Hoghton  Tower).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  i, 
1586.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Ralph  Assheton,  of 
Whalley  Abbey,  Bart.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next  and  of 
Thomas  (1607-8). 
STANDISH,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1620-1.  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Alexander 
(above),  of  Duxbury,  Lanes.  B.A.  1624.  Probably  brother 
of  Thomas  (1607).  (Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 
STANDISH,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20, 
1674.  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of 
Duxbury,  Lanes.,  Esq.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1677-8.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  26,  1674.  Brother  of  Ralph  (1674)  and 
of  Richard  (1669).  (Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 
STANDISH,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  16,  1684-5.  S.  of  Edward,  woollendraper.  B.  at 
Chorley,  Lanes.  School,  Lancaster  (Mr  Lodge).  Matric. 


Standish,  Charles 

STANDISH,  CHARLES.  B.A.  1684  (Incorp.  from  Wadham 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Dec.  17,  1680,  age  19.  S.  of 
Hugh,  of  London.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1684.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

STANDISH,  DAVID.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1656.  Of  Northamptonshire.  4th  s.  of  David,  minor  canon 
and  organist  of  Peterborough  Cathedral.  Bapt.  there,  June  7, 
1640.  School,  Peterborough.  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663. 
Fellow,  1666-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  i7,  1662;  priest 
(Ely)  Sept.  24,  1664.  V.  of  Barton  Stacey,  Hants. 
Probably  precentor  of  Winchester  Cathedral,  1679.  Married 
Lydia,  dau.  of  George  Beaumont,  D.D.,  preb.  of  Winchester, 
Mar.  12,  1673-9.  Brother  of  Francis  (1644),  etc. 

STANDISH,  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Nov. 
3,  1682.  Of  Northamptonshire.  5th  s.  of  Francis  (1644). 
Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Jan.  10,  1682-3.  Matric.  1686; 
B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1690.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  11,  1693. 
Minor  canon  of  Peterborough  Cathedral.  R.  of  Woodston, 
Hunts.,  1702-20.  Master  of  Peterborough  Grammar  School, 
1707-20.  Married  Mrs  Rebecca  Dunstan,  of  Peterborough, 
Aug.  13,  1693.  Buried  Oct.  25,  1720,  in  Peterborough 
Cathedral.  Brother  of  William  (1679)  and  father  of  the  next. 

STANDISH,  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1717.  S.  of  David  (above),  clerk,  of  Northamptonshire. 
B.  at  Peterborough.  School,  Peterborough.  B.A.  1721-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1721;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
23,  1722.  Master  of  Peterborough  Grammar  School,  1722. 
Minor  canon  of  Peterborough,  1722.  P.C.  of  Eye,  Northants., 
1723.  Afterwards  R.  of  St  Paul,  Stonor,  South  Carolina, 
1724-8.  Died  1728.   (Scott-Mayor,  m.  S14;  S.P.G.  Records.) 

STANDISH,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  23,  1644.  Of  Peterborough,  ist  s.  of  David,  minor 
canon  and  organist  of  Peterborough  Cathedral.  Bapt.  there, 
July  18,  1627.  School,  Peterborough.  Matric.  1644;  B.A. 
1647-8;  M.A.  1651.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1654.  Master  of 
Peterborough  Grammar  School  during  the  Interregnum. 
R.  of  Etton,  Northants.,  1656-97.  Precentor  of  Peter- 
borough Cathedral.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert 
Carrier,  of  Peterborough;  (2)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  William 
Wightman,  of  Stoke-on-Trent,  Notts.  Buried  Nov.  25,  1697, 
in  the  Cathedral.  Brother  of  John  (1650)  and  David  (1656), 
father  of  William  (1679)  and  David  (1682).  (T.  A.  Walker; 
H,  I.  Longden.) 

STANDISH,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
July  4,  1640.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Newark,  Notts. 
B.  there.  School,  Newark  (Mr  Gambell).  Matric.  1640, 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Palmer,  of  Leadenham,  Lines., 
July  27,  1654.  Buried  at  Newark,  Nov.  28,  1688.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1648).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  920.) 

STANDISH,  HENRY.  Studied  at  Cambridge  and  Oxford.  B.  at 
Standish,  Lanes.  A  Franciscan  friar.  D.D.  (Oxford). 
Provincial  of  the  Franciscans,  c.  1509-18.  Bishop  of  St 
Asaph,  1518-35.  Ambassador  to  Denmark,  1526.  Assistant 
to  Queen  Catherine,  1530;  spoke  against  the  divorce.  R.  of 
Standish,  Lanes.,  1535.  One  of  Wolsey's  examiners  of  heretics. 
Died  July  9,  1535,  in  London.  Buried  in  the  Grey  Friars, 
London.  Will  proved  (P.C.C).  Benefactor  to  the  Franciscans 
at  Oxford  and  to  the  Cathedral  of  St  Asaph.  (Browne 
WiUis,  St  Asaph;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Cooper,  i.  55.) 

STANDISH,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1567; 

B.A.  1571-2.    Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  22,  1579.    V.  of 

Baston,  Lines. 
STANDISH,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591;  B.A. 

from  Christ's,  1596-7. 
STANDISH,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  26,  1614. 

Ord.   deacon   (Peterb.)    Mar.    1,    1617-8;   priest,   Feb.   21, 

STANDISH,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1650.     2nd    s.    of    David,    vicar-choral    of    Peterborough 

Cathedral.    Bapt.  Oct.   14,   1634,  in  the  Cathedral.    B.A. 

1652-3;  M.A.  1656;  B.D.  1664;  D.D.  1680.    Fellow,  1656. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1654  and  1669.  R.  of  Conington,  Cambs., 

1664.    Chaplain  to  Charles  11,   1674-86.    R.  of  Therfield, 

Herts.,  1683-6.  Author,  Sermons.    Died  Dec.  1686.  Brother 

of  David  (1656),  etc.   (Al.Oxon.) 
STANDYCH,  LAURENCE.  B.A.  1522-3. 

STANDISH,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  20,  1592. 
Of  Lancashire.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Duxbury, 
Lanes.  Matric.  1592.  Perhaps  brother  of  Alexander  (1584). 
(Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

STANDISH,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Nicholas  Hostel, 
Michs.  1544;  B.A.  1542-3;  M.A.  1547;  M.D.  1553.  Proctor, 
1551-2.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1548.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1544. 
Registrar  of  the  Court  of  Chancery,  1549.  In  1557  visited 
Russia  with  the  Czar's  ambassador.  Probably  practised 
physic  in  London.  Died  abroad.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1559.  (Cooper, 
I.  174;  Munk,  I.  56.) 

V.A.C.  IV.  145 

Stands,  William 

STANDISH,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20,  1674. 
Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Richard,  of  Duxbury. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681.  R.  of  Claughton, 
Lanes.,  1684-91,  deprived  as  a  non-juror.  Brother  of 
Alexander  (1674)  and  Richard  (1669).  (Foster,  Lanes. 

STANDISH,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1526-7.  B.  in  Lancashire.  M.A. 
1529;  LL.D.  1541-2.  Proctor,  1537-8.  Vice-Chancellor, 
1541-2.  R.  of  Standish,  Lanes.  Chancellor  and  preb. 
of  St  Asaph,  1534.  Adm.  advocate,  1543.  Died  1552,  in 
Paternoster  Row,  London.  Buried  at  St  Faith's.  Will 
(P.C.C.);  'of  St  Faith,  London;  St  Andrew,  Cambridge;  and 
Standish,  Lanes."  (Cooper,  i.  111,  542;  Browne  Willis, 
St  Asaph.) 

STANDISH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  5, 
1669.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Duxbury,  Lanes, 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Piers  Legh,  of  Lyme,  Cheshire). 
If  so,  created  Bart.,  Feb.  8,  1676-7.  M.P.  for  Wigan,  1690-3. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Holcroft,  of  Holcroft, 
Lanes.  Died  1693.  Doubtless  brother  of  Alexander  (1674) 
and  Ralph  (1674),  father  of  Thomas  (1695-6).  (G.E.C.,  iv. 

STANDISH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Mar.  19, 
1679-80.  S.  of  Robert.  School,  Lenton,  Lines.  Matric.  1680; 
B.A.  1683-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  1685;  'C.  of 
Ruskington.'   (Peile,  11.  yy.) 

STANDISH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Nicholas  Hostel, 
Michs.  1545. 

STANDISH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Feb.  7, 
1607-8.  Of  Lancashire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Alexander 
(1584),  of  Duxbury,  Lanes.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Feb.  3,  1613-4.  M.P.  for  Liverpool,  1626;  for  Preston, 
1640-2.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Wingfield,  of 
Letheringham,  Suffolk,  Knt.;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Christopher 
Whittingham,  Esq.,  of  Suffolk.  Died  1642. 

STANDISH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Aug. 
29,  1640.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman,  of  Kingsbury,  Warws. 

B.  there.  School,  Kingsbury  (private).  Matric.  1640. 
STANDISH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June 

26,  1648.  3rd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Newark.  B.  there.  School, 
Newark.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  Fellow, 
1653-1714.  Died  May  5,  1714.  Buried  in  the  ante-chapel. 
M.I.  Brother  of  Gilbert  (1640).  (Peile,  i.  522;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  920.) 

STANDISH,  Sir  THOMAS,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
Peterhouse,  Mar.  4, 1695-6.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard  (1669), 
of  Duxbury,  Lanes.,  Bart.  School,  Eton.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  2nd  Bart.,  1693.  Sheriff  of  Lanes.,  1711-2.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  Charles  Tumor,  of  Cleveland,  Yorks.  Died 
Dec.  13  (or  21),  1756.  Father  of  Thomas  (1723).  (G.  Mag.; 
L.  Mag.;  T.  A.  Walker,  197;  G.E.C.,  iv.  81.) 

STANDISH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July, 
1715.  S.  of  Francis,  deceased.  Bapt.  Aug.  11,  1696,  at 
St  John  Baptist,  Peterborough,  Northants.  School,  Peter- 
borough. Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln, 
Liu.  dim.  from  Peterb.)  May  24,  1719;  priest,  Sept.  10,  1721. 

C.  of  Northborough,  Northants.,  1719. 
STANDISH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Mar.  14, 

1722-3.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1695-6),  Bcirt., 
of  Duxbury,  Lanes.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Robert 
Frank,  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.  Died  v.p.,  Dec.  23,  1746. 
His  son  Frank  succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  in  1756.  (G.E.C., 
IV.  81.) 

STANDISH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Mar. 
3,  1679-80.  S.  of  Francis  (1644),  precentor  of  Peterborough 
Cathedral.  B.  at  Peterborough.  School,  Peterborough. 
Matric.  1680.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Sept.  27,  1682.  B.A. 
1683-4;  M.A.  1687.  Minor  canon  of  St  Paul's,  1687-9. 
R.  of  Uppingham,  Rutland,  1689-1743.  Married  (2)  Mary 
Horton  of  Gumley,  Leics.,  spinster.  May  24,  1692.  Died  1743. 
Will  proved  (Northants.  C.C.)  Apr.  27,  1744.  Brother  of 
David  (1682)  and  fatherof  the  next.  (L.  G.H.  Horton-Smith.) 

STANDISH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  2, 
1713.  S.  of  William  (above),  R.  of  Uppingham,  Rutland. 
School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7,  1718;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25, 
1720.  C.  of  Uppingham,  Rutland,  1718.  Usher  at  Upping- 
ham School,  172 1.  R.  of  Pilton,  1722-62.  C.of  Glaston,  1725. 
R.  of  Saddington,  Leics.,  1732-62.  Buried  there  Jan.  28, 1762. 
M.I.   (Nichols,  II.  780.) 

STANDISH,  — -.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1513. 

STANDYCHE,   .     Matric.    pens,    from    Christ's,    Easter, 


STANDS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  29,  1711. 



Stanfield,  Benjamin 

STANFIELD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  20,  1749-50.  S.  of  Samuel,  o{  London.  School,  Brox- 
boume,  Herts.  Matric.  1750;  Scholar,  1753;  B.A.  1754; 
M.A.  1757.  Fellow,  1756.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18, 1756. 
One  of  these  names  of  St  Matthew's,  Bethnal  Green,  Middle- 
sex, clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  1766. 

STANFIELD,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  27,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Chilwell,  Notts. 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1668.  Bmied  at  All 
Saints',  Cambridge,  Apr.  9,  1669. 


STANFORD,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan. 
24i  1653-4.  S.  of  Seth,  of  Surrey.  School,  Southwark 
(private).  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661.  Fellow, 
1659-73.  Taxor,  1663.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1664.  V.  of 
Bolton-le-Moors,  Lanes.,  1671-3.  R.  of  Aldingham,  1673-83. 
V.  of  Kendal,  Westmorland,  1674-83.  Died  Mar.  3,  1682-3. 
M.I.  Kendal.  {Peile,  i.  558.) 

STANFORD,  THOMAS.  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  from  King's, 

STANIFORD,  WALTER.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1675.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Castle  Eaton,  Wilts.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  Apr.  10,  1663,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1666. 
R.  of  Congerston,  Leics.,  1674.  (^^-  Oxon.) 

STANFORD, .  B.Can.L.  1481-2. 

STANGER  or  STRANGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at 
St  John's,  Mar.  26,  1632.  S.  of  John,  of  Urswick,  Cumber- 
land. B.  there.  School,  St  Bees  (Mr  Ratliff).  Matric.  1632. 


STANHOPE,  ARTHUR.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1648-9. 
2nd  s.  of  George  (1602),  D.D.,  deceased.  One  of  the  first 
Craven  Scholars.  M.A.  1652.  M.A.  {ad  eund.)  from  Trinity 
CoUege,  DubUn,  1661.  Archdeacon  of  Lismore  (LL.D.), 
1663-84.  V.  of  Killaloan,  1663-75.  V.  of  Kilcash,  1663-75, 
etc.  Preb.  of  Corbally  (Waterford),  1663-78.  Dean  of 
Waterford,  1678-85.  Married  Maria,  dau.  of  Sir  Percy 
Smyth,  of  Ballynatray,  Co.  Waterford.  Will  proved  (Water- 
ford diocese)  1685.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1653).  (H.  B.  Swanzy; 
W.  H.  Rennison,  Waterford  and  Lismore.) 

STANHOPE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  2, 
1608.  Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Baron 
Stanhope,  of  Harrington.  Bapt.  Apr.  27,  1595,  at  Chelsea. 
M.A.  1612.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1622.  K.B.,  1610.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  13, 1611.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Lord  Stanhope, 
Mar.  9,  1620-1.  Of  Harrington,  Northants.  Lived  abroad 
during  the  civil  weirs.  Married  Dorothy,  sister  of  James, 
ist  Earl  of  Newburgh,  and  dau.  of  Sir  John  Livingstone, 
Bart.  Died  s.p.,  1675,  aged  80.  Buried  at  Nocton,  Lines. 
M.I.  (Burke,  Ext.  Peerage;  G.E.C.) 

STANHOPE,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1635  (fil.  nob.).  Doubtless  3rd 
s.  of  Philip,  ist  Earl  of  Chesterfield.  Married  a  daughter  of 
Dr  Bayley.  Died  s.p.  Buried  Oct.  4,  1635,  at  Shelford, 
Notts.  (According  to  Godfrey,  Notts.,  but  elsewhere  the 
date  of  death  is  1645.)  Probably  brother  of  Ferdinando 
(1635-6).  (Jacobs,  Peerage,  i.  543;  Collins,  in.  433.) 

STANHOPE,  CROMWELL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  John's, 
Jime  13,  1646.  S.  of  Sir  John,  of  Elvaston,  Derbs.,  Knt. 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1645-6.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1647.  Brotherof  John  (1646).  (Cox,  Churches 
of  Derbyshire,  iv.  203.) 

STANHOPE,  DARCEY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  13,  1671.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Melwood,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  Belton  (Mr  Baldwin).  Matric.  1671.  Married 
Elizabeth  Robinson.  Buried  at  Owston,  1681.  Father  of 
John  (1692).  (F.M.G.,  989;  Stonehouse,  Axholme,  260.) 

STANHOPE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1554.   Perhaps  Edward  (1563). 

STANHOPE,  EDWARD.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1560.  DoubUess 
4th  s.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Shelford,  Notts.,  Knt.  B.  c.  1546. 
B.A.  1562-3;  M.A.  1566;  LL.D.  1575.  Fellow,  1564.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1566  (apparently  re-incorp.  LL.D.  1578;  as  of 
Grimston  Park,  Yorks.,  but  Foster  is  here  confusing  him 
with  his  brother).  Preb.  of  York,  1572.  Adm.  advocate, 
Jan.  15,  1575-6.  Master  in  Chancery,  1577.  Vicar-General 
of  Canterbury,  c.  1583.  M.P.  for  Marlborough,  1584,  1586. 
R.  of  Terrington,  Norfolk,  1589.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1591. 
Chancellor  of  London  diocese,  1591-1608.  Knighted,  July  25, 
1603.  Received  a  grant  from  the  Crown  (together  with  his 
brother  Michael)  of  the  Manor  of  HucknaU  Torkard,  Notts., 
1600.  Died  Mar.  16,  1607-8.  Buried  in  St  Paul's  Cathedral. 
M.I.  in  Old  St  Paul's.  Benefactor  of  Trinity  College.  (There 
is  considerable  confusion  among  authorities  concerning  the 
two  Edwards,  both  sons  of  Sir  Michael.)  Doubtless  brother 
of  the  next,  of  Michael  (1561)  smd  perhaps  of  John  (1556). 
{Cooper,  II.  470;  Coote;  D.N.B.) 

Stanhope,  John 

STANHOPE,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1563  {fil.  nob.).  DoubUess  2nd 
s.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Shelford,  Notts.,  Knt.  Recorder  of 
Doncaster;  member  of  the  Council  of  the  North.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  1579;  Treasurer.  M.P.  for  Notts.,  1572;  for 
Yorks.,  1601.  Knighted.  Of  EdUngton,  and  of  Grimston, 
Yorks.,  Esq.,  J. P.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Thomas  ColeshuU, 
of  Chigwell,  Essex,  Esq.  Buried  Apr.  24,  1603,  at  Kirkby 
Wharf e.  Confused  by  authorities  with  his  brother  Edward 
(above) .  Doubtless  brother  of  Edward  (above)  and  of  Michael 
(1561),  father  of  George  (1602)  and  Michael  {c.  1597). 
{Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiii.  107;  F.M.G.,  986;  Vis.  of  Notts., 

STANHOPE,  EDWARD,  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1624.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Stotfold,  and 
of  Melwood,  Lines.,  Knt.  Bapt.  Mar.  8,  1606.  Living,  1666. 
Dieds.^.  Perhaps  brother  of  Michael  (1636).  (F.M.G.,  988.) 

STANHOPE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1625;  B.A.  162S. 

STANHOPE,  FERDINANDO.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney, 
Jan.  11,  1635-6.  4th  s.  of  Philip,  1st  Earl  of  Chesterfield. 
School,  Repton.  M.A.  1635-6  {Lit.  Reg.).  Created  D.C.L. 
(Oxford)  Nov.  I,  1642.  M.P.  for  Tamworth,  1640-3.  Colonel 
of  horse  in  the  King's  army.  Married  Lettice,  dau.  of  Sir 
Humphrey  Ferrars,  of  Tamworth  Castle,  Knt.  Killed  at 
Brid^ord,  Notts.,  1643.  Buried  at  Shelford.  M.I.  Probably 
brother  of  Charles  (1635).  (Burke,  Peerage;  Collins,  iii.  423,) 

STANHOP,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28,  1670; 
M.B.  1673.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (?  1628),  of  Guiseley,  Yorks,, 
gent.  Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  May  23,  1667, 
age  17.  Of  Leeds,  M.D.  Died  1688.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

STANHOPE,  GEORGE,  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1602.  4th  s.  of 
Sir  Edward  (1563),  of  Grimston,  Yorks.  B.A,  1603-4; 
M.A.  1607;  B.D.  1614;  D.D.  1620.  Fellow,  1606.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  161 1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  17,  1610-1.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  27;  priest,  Feb.  28,  1613-4.  Presented 
to  Trumpington,  Cambs.,  1616-7.  V.  of  Flintham,  Notts., 
1617-20.  V.  of  Burton  Agnes,  Yorks.,  1619.  R.  of  Whel- 
drake,  1628.  Canon  and  precentor  of  York,  1631-44.  R.  of 
Bolton  Percy,  1641.  Buried  in  York  Minster,  July  26,  1644. 
Probably  brother  of  Michael  ( i597)  •  Father  of  Thomas  ( 1 653) 
and  Arthur  (1648-9).  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  F.M.G.,  987; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiii.  107.) 

STANHOPE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1631.  Of  Surrey.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Incorp.  from 

STANHOPE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1677;  previously  at  Uppingham  and  Leicester.  S.  of  Thomas 
{1653),  R.  of  Hartshorn,  Derbs.  B.  there,  Mar.  5,  1660. 
Matric.  1677-8;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685;  D.D.  1697.  Fellow, 
1680.  Incorp,  at  Oxford,  1696.  V.  of  Quy,  Cambs.,  1687-8. 
R.  of  Tewin,  Herts.,  1689-1702.  V.  of  Lewisham,  Kent, 
1689-1728.  V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Deptford,  Kent,  1702.  Dean 
of  Canterbury,  1704-28.  Chaplam  to  WiUiam  and  Mary, 
Queen  Anne,  and  to  George  I,  1694-1728.  A  famous  preacher. 
Author,  theological  and  translator.  Died  Mar.  18,  1728. 
Buried  at  Lewisham.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next. 
(Harwood;  D.N.B. ;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STANHOPE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  10,  1713.  S.  of  George  (above).  Dean  of  Canterbury. 
B.  at  Lewisham,  Kent.  Matric.  1713-4.  Captain  in  General 
Egerton's  Regiment  of  Foot.  Died  June  1,  1725.  Buried  at 
Lewisham.   {F.M.G.,  987.) 

STANHOPE,  HENRY,  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1706.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Derby.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1706;  Scholar,  1707;  B.A.  1709-10.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Feb.  25,  i7io-i;priest,  Apr.  27, 171 1.  R.of  Bingham,  Notts., 
1711-64.  Married,  at  St  Peter's,  Nottingham,  Jane  ViUers, 
Dec.  7,  1714.  Shortly  after  his  institution  he  became  insane. 
Buried  at  Bingham,  Apr.  28,  1764.  (Godfrey,  Notts.) 

SPANHOPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Mich.  1556. 
Possibly  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Shelford,  Notts.  B.  c.  1545. 
If  so.  Gentleman  of  the  Privy  Chamber  to  Queen  Elizabeth. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1556.  M.P.  for  Marlborough, 
1572;  for  Truro,  1586;  and  for  Rochester,  1588.  Knighted,  c. 
1601.  Created  Baron  Stanhope  of  Harrington,  May  4,  1605. 
Died  Mar.  9,  1620.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1560),  etc. 
and  father  of  Charles  (1608).  {Collins,  in.  417.) 

STANHOPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1628. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1626;  s.  and  h.  of 
Walter,  of  Hosforth,  Yorks.  If  so,  matric.  (Brasenose  College, 
Oxford)  Nov.  26,  1624.  Buried  at  Guiseley,  June  10,  1675. 
Perhaps  father  of  Francis  (1670).  {Al.  Oxon.) 

STANHOPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  John's,  June  13, 
1646.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  Elvaston,  Derbs.  B.  there. 
School,  Repton.  Matric.  1645-6.  Of  Elvaston,  Esq.  Married 
and  had  issue.  Died  Mar.  30,  1661-2,  aged  34.  Brother  of 
CromweU  (1646).  (G.E.C;  Repton  School  Register;  Vis.  of 
Notts.,  1569,  1614.) 


Stanhope,  John 

STANHOPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Aug. 
5,  1654.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Ecdeshill,  Yorks.  School,  Leeds. 
Matric.  1654.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  16,  1654.  Father  of 
John  (1697). 

STANHOPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  July  6,  1692. 
S.  of  Darcy  (1671),  of  High  Melwood,  Isle  of  Axholme. 
Matric.  1692.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  2, 1693.  Of  Melwood, 
Esq.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  Oct.  i,  1705,  aged  29. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  921;  F.M.G.,  989.) 

STANHOPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  14,  1697;  M.B. 
1699;  from  Oxford.  S.  of  John  (1654),  of  Eccleshill,  Yorks. 
gent.  Bapt.  June  3,  1675,  at  Calverley.  Matric.  (University 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  28,  1694,  age  18.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STANHOPE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1561.  Probably  s.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Shelford,  Notts.  Created 
M.A.  (Oxford)  Sept.  27,  1592.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1568. 
M.P.  for  Castle  Rising,  1584-5;  for  Ipswich,  1597,  1601;  for 
Orford,  1604-11.  Knighted,  May  7,  1603.  Of  Sudbury, 
Suffolk.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Reade.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1560)  and  Edward  (1563)  and  perhaps  of  John 
(1556).  {Al.  Oxon.;  Collins,  in.  416.) 

STANHOPE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1597. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Edward  (1563),  of  Grimston,  Yorks. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  28,  1593-4.  Of  York,  M.D.;  of 
Edlington,  in  1620.  Married  and  had  issue.  Living,  1639. 
Probably  brother  of  George  (1602).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiii.  107.) 

STANHOPE,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  4,  1636. 
Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Stotfold,  Knt.,  and  of  Melwood 
Park,  Isle  of  Axholme,  Lines.  Matric.  1637.  Perhaps  brother 
of  Edward  (1624).  {F.M.G.,  989;  Vis.  of  Notts.,  1611.) 

STANHOPE,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  15,  1641.  S.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  Esq.,  of  Linby,  Notts. 
B.  at  Elvaston,  Derbs.  School,  Mansfield  (Mr  Hallowell). 
Matric.  1641.  Died  unmarried.   (Venn,  i.  345.) 

STANHOP,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  26,  1664. 
S.  of  John,  of  Melwood,  Isle  of  Axholme.  Bapt.  Sept.  23, 
1646,  at  Kirkby  Wharfe.  Matric.  1664;  Scholar,  1668;  B.A. 
1668-9.  Chaplain  to  the  Marquis  of  Winchester.  R.  of 
Boughton  Malherbe,  Kent,  1674-1724.  R.  of  East  Langton, 
Yorks.,  1675-1724.  Buried  there,  Sept.  1724,  age  78.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  921;  F.M.G.,  989.) 

STANHOPE,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1698. 
S.  of  Charles,  of  Mansfield  Woodhouse,  Notts.  Bapt.  there, 
Dec.  20,  1681.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1705;  D.D. 
1717.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1702.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1711-37. 
R.  of  East  Leake,  Notts.,  1717.  Preb.  of  Windsor,  1730-7. 
Married  Penelope,  dau.  of  Sir  Salathiel  Lovell,  Knt.,  Baron 
of  the  Exchequer.  Buried  at  Shelford,  July  20,  1737.  Will, 
P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Burke,  Peerage;  G.  Mag.;  Godfrey, 
Churches  of  Notts.,  421.) 

STANHOPE,  PHILIP  DORMER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity 
Hall,  Aug.  8,  1712.  S.  and  h.  of  Philip,  3rd  Earl  of  Chester- 
field. B.  Sept.  22,  1695,  in  London.  Matric.  1712;  M.A.  1714. 
M.P.  for  St  Germans,  1715;  for  Lostwithiel,  1722-5.  Captain 
of  the  Yeoman  of  the  Guard,  1723-5.  Succeeded  as  4th  Earl 
of  Chesterfield,  Jan.  27,  1726.  P.C.,  1727.  Ambassador  at 
The  Hague,  1728-32.  K.G.,  1730.  Lord  Steward,  1730-3. 
F.R.S.,  1735.  Offended  George  II  by  marrying  Petronilla 
Melusina  von  der  Schulenburg,  dau.  of  the  Duchess  of 
Kendal,  1733.  Visited  Voltaire  at  Brussels,  1741 ;  frequented 
the  society  of  men  of  letters  in  Paris.  Contributed  to  the 
fall  of  Walpole.  Entered  the  Pelham  ministry  on  the  retire- 
ment of  Carteret,  1744.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  1745-6; 
encouraged  national  industries.  As  Envoy  to  The  Hague, 
induced  HoUand  to  take  part  in  the  war  of  the  Austrian 
Succession,  1745.  Secretary  of  State,  1746-8.  Declined  a 
dukedom.  Elected  to  the  Academic  des  Inscriptions,  1755. 
Patronised  men  of  letters.  Built  Chesterfield  House,  South 
Audley  Street,  London;  formed  picture  galleries  there  and 
at  Blackheath.  Author  of  the  Letters,  etc.  Died  Mar.  24, 
1773.   Buried  at  Shelford,  Notts.  (D.N.B.;  G.E.C.) 

STANHOPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

STANHOP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sx  John's,  June 
25.  1653.  3rd  s.  of  George  (1602),  D.D.,  deceased,  of  York. 
Bapt.  Apr.  23,  1638,  at  Belfreys,  York.  School,  York 
(MrWallis).  Matric.  1653;  Craven  Scholar,  1654;  B.A.  1656- 
7;  M.A.  1660.  Ord.  presbyter  (Wirksworth  Classis)  Nov.  17, 
1658.  V.  of  Preston,  Lanes.,  1662-3.  Chaplain  to  the  Earls 
of  Chesterfield  and  Clare.  R.  of  Hartshorn,  Derbs.,  1663. 
V.  of  St  Mary's,  Leicester,  1669.  V.  of  Knighton,  1669-70. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1669-75.  Died  1674-5.  Brother  of  Arthur 
(1648-9),  father  of  George  (1677).  (F.M.G.,  987;  Baker,  i. 
697;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiii.  107.) 
STANHOPE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1468-9;  M.A.  1471.  V.  of 
Rattlesden,  Suffolk,  1471.  His  servant  ('famulus')  was  fined 
2oi.  for  breach  of  the  peace,  1472-3.  (Gr.  Bk,  A,  937.) 

Stanley,  John 


STANIERE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  23,  1619.  S.  of  David,  a  Belgian  merchant.  Matric. 
1619;  B.A.  1622.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  24, 


STANLEY  or  STANLIE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1583.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of 
Little  Hall,  Aughton,  and  of  Cross  Hall,  Lathom,  Lanes,  (and 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Peter  Stanley,  of  Hooton,  Cheshire,  and 
Bickerstaffe,  Lanes.).  Succeeded  his  father,  July  23,  1538. 
Sheriff  of  Lanes.,  1614-5,  1626-7,  1638-9;  of  Cheshire, 
1627-8.  Created  Bart.,  June  26,  1627.  Of  Bickerstaffe, 
Lanes.  Married  (1)  Katherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Randal  Manwaring, 
of  OverPeover,  Cheshire;  (2)  Isabel, dau. of  PeterWarburton, 
of  Warburton  and  Arley,  Cheshire.  Buried  at  Ormskirk, 
Lanes.,  May  4,  1640.  (G.E.C. ,  11.  27;  Victoria  Hist.  Lanes., 
III.  278.) 

STANLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  23,  1707.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.,  of  Bicker- 
staffe, Lanes.  B.  Sept.  17,  1689,  at  Knowsley-in-Hayton. 
School,  Macclesfield,  Cheshire.  Matric.  1707.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  5th  Bart.,  May  7,  1714.  High  Sheriff  of  Lanes., 
1722-3.  M.P.  1727-36.  Succeeded  his  cousin  James  Stanley 
as  Earl  of  Derby,  Feb.  i,  1735-6.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Lanes., 
1742-57,  1771-6.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert 
Hesketh,  of  Rufford,  Lanes.  Died  Feb.  22,  1776,  aged  86. 
Buried  at  Ormskirk.  Brother  of  John  (1710).  (G.E.C.) 

STANLEY,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1544.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  Lord  Monteagle. 
Died  before  1560.  Doubtless  brother  of  WiUiam  (1544). 
(Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees;  Collins,  iii.  64.) 

STANLEY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1711. 
S.  of  wmiam  (1663),  D.D.  Matric.  Easter,  1712;  B.A.  1715- 
6;  M.A.  1719.  FeUow,  1717-22.  Taxor,  1721.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  20,  1719;  priest,  Oct.  9,  1720.  V.  of  St 
Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  Middlesex,  1721-3.  R.  of  Much 
Hadham,  Herts.,  1723-75-  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  i73i-75. 
V.  of  Dagenham,  Essex,  1736-9.  Buried  Sept.  18,  1775. 
Admon.  Dec.  1775.  Brother  of  William  (1711)  and  Thomas 

STANLEY,  GE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

STANLEY  or  STANDLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens', 
June  6,  1591.  Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1591. 

STANLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  July  8,  1710. 
Doubtless  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Paultons.  B.  at  '  Paulston,' 
Hants.  Died  Jan.  31,  1733-4.  One  of  these  names  F.R.S., 
1719.   (Victoria  Co.  Hist.  Hants.,  iv.;  Musgrave.) 

STANLEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

STANLEY,  JAMES.  Educated  at  Cambridge  and  Oxford.  6th 
s.  of  Thomas,  1st  Earl  of  Derby.  D.Can.L.  1506.  (Confused 
by  Cooper  and  others  with  his  uncle  James  Stanley,  Warden 
of  Manchester,  1462-85.)  Dean  of  St  Martin-le-Grand, 
London,  1485-1505.  Warden  of  the  CoUegiate  Church  of 
Manchester,  1485-1506.  R.  of  Winwick,  Lanes.,  1494-1515; 
of  Walton-on-the-HUl,  and  of  Rostheme.  Archdeacon  of 
Richmond,  1500-6.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1505-6.  Bishop  of 
Ely,  1506-15.  Compiled  statutes  for  Jesus  CoUege,  to  which 
he  appropriated  the  rectory  of  Great  Shelford.  In  the 
Stanley  Family  poem  he  is  caUed  '  a  proper  man '  but  regret 
is  expressed  that  he  became  a  priest  instead  of  a  soldier, 
not  having  the  gift  of  continence;  he  was  also  particularly 
fond  of  cock-fighting.  Died  Mar.  22,  1514-5.  Buried  in  the 
CoUegiate  Church  at  Manchester.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Cooper,  i.  16; 
Lanes.  Co.  Hist.,  vi.  127;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STANLEY,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  23,  1655. 
3rd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Alderley,  Cheshire,  Bart.  Bapt. 
there,  June  10,  1634.  Matric.  (Magdalen  CoUege,  Oxford) 
Dec.  9,  1653.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A. 
1659.  FeUow  of  Jesus,  1656-66.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Oct.  i;  priest  (London)  Dec.  1663.  V.  of  Madingley,  Cambs., 
1664.  R.  of  Mobberley,  Cheshire,  1664-74-  R-  of  -•Mderley, 
1670-4.  Died  Apr.  8,  1674.  M.I.  at  Mobberley.  (Ormerod, 
III.  569;  Kimber,  11.  45;  A.  Gray;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STANLEY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1525-6. 

STANLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Mar.  12, 
1619-20.  Matric.  1620.  Buried  Nov.  3,  1622,  at  Little 
St  Mary's,  Cambridge. 

STANLEY  or  STANDELEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1623;  B.A.  1626-7.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1629.  M.A.  (St  Alban  HaU,  Oxford)  1629.  Chaplain  of 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1630-47,  ejected.  Preacher  at 
Horspath,  1631-3.  V.  of  HuUavington,  WUts.,  1636.  R.  of 
Kirkby  Overblow,  Yorks.,  1646-8.  (Al.  Oxon.) 


10 — 2 

Stanley,  John 

STANLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  13, 
1658.  S.  of  Thomas  (1624),  clerk,  of  Eyam,  Derbs.  B.  there. 
School,  Tideswell.  Matric.  1659.  Perhaps  Master  of  Tides- 
well  School,  c.  1678. 

STANLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  26,  1660.  Of 
Leicestershire.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  9, 
1653,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1656-7;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1660, 
R.  of  Corby,  Northants.,  1657.  R.  of  Cottesbach,  Leics., 
1663.  Buried  there  Aug.  1701.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols,  iv.  150.) 

STANLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  6, 
1 710.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.,  of  Bickerstaffe,  Lanes. 
B.  1692,  at  Preston,  Lanes.  School,  Macclesfield,  Cheshire 
(Mr  Denham).  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717. 
(Styled  D.D.  in  Burke  and  elsewhere.)  Fellow,  1715.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1718.  R.  of  Lavant,  Sussex.  R.  of 
Liverpool,  1726-40.  R.  of  Wiawick,  Lanes.,  1740-2,  and 
1764-81.  R.  of  Bury,  1743-78.  R.  of  Halsall,  1750-7. 
Died  May  16,  1781.  M.L  at  Winwick.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1707).   [Lanes.  Pedigrees;  Collins,  iii.  98.) 

STANLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1732.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1732-3;  B.A.  173&-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  6,  1736-7.  Perhaps  V.  of  Linby;  died 
Jan.  29,  1794,  aged  8r.  (G.  Mag.) 

STANLEY,  ROBERT  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity, 
1671.  2nd  s.  of  Charles,  Earl  of  Derby.  B.  Apr.  10,  1656. 
M.A.  1672.  Died  unmarried.  Killed  in  a  duel  by  Henry 
Fitzroy,  Duke  of  Grafton,  Feb.  19,  1686.  (Collins,  iii.  94; 
P.  Draper,  House  of  Stanley,  251.) 

STANLEY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1532-3;  M.A.  1535-6.  FeUow  of 
St  John's,  1532-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  20;  priest, 
June  14,  1538.  Died  1539. 

STANLY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1624. 
B.  at  Duckmanton,  Derbs.  Schools,  Staveley  and  Chester- 
field. B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  C.  of  Hansworth,  Derbs.; 
of  Dore;  of  Ashford.  R.  of  Eyam,  1644;  ejected,  1662.  Died 
1670.  Father  of  John  (1658).  (Calamy,  i.  317.) 

STANLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1639.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Cumberlow  Green,  Herts., 
Knt.  (by  his  2nd  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Hammond, 
of  St  Albans,  near  Dover).  B.  1625.  M.A.  1641-2.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1640.  A  well-known  classical  scholar  and  poet. 
Intimate  with  Sir  Edward  Sherburne,  John  Hall,  of  Durham, 
and  James  Shirley,  the  dramatist.  Some  of  his  MS.  notes 
on  classical  authors  are  in  the  University  Library.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  James  Enyon,  Bart.,  of  Flower, 
Northants.  Author,  History  of  Philosophy,  etc.  Published 
translations,  including  versions  of  Tasso,  Petrarch  and  Lope 
de  Vega,  and  also  of  Greek  and  of  Latin  poets.  His  edition 
of  Mschylus  remains  'a  great  monument  of  critical  learning.' 
Died  in  London,  Apr.  12,  1678.  Buried  at  St  Martin-in-the- 
Fields.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next.  {D.N.B.;  Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STANLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  6,  1665.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  Esq.  B.  1650,  in  North- 
amptonshire. Living,  1678,  when  he  sold  the  manor  of 
Cumberlow  Green,  Herts.  {Victoria  Hist.  Herts.,  iii.  267.) 

STANLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Feb.  7,  1669- 
70.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  Alderley,  Cheshire,  Bart.  B. 
Mar.  25,  1652.  Matric.  1670.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  13, 
1673.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  1683.  Sold  the  estate  of 
Wever,  c.  1710.  Married  Christiana,  dau.  of  Sir  Stephen 
Lennard,  of  West  Wickham,  Bart.  Died  1721,  at  West 
Wickham.  {G.E.C.,  in.  61.) 

STANLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1671;  M.A. 

1672.    Probably  the  same  as  Robert  (1671),  whose  second 

name  was  Thomas. 
STANLEY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1713.   S.  of 

William  (1663),  D.D.,  Dean  of  St  Asaph.  Of  Hertfordshire. 

Matric.  Easter,  1714;  B.A.  1717;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1721. 

Died  before  Dec.  1749.  Brother  of  Francis  (1711)  and  William 

STANLEY,   THOMAS.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   at  Trinity  Hall, 

June  24,  1738.    2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Cross  Hall,  Lanes. 

Bapt.  Jan.  2,  1717.   Matric.  1739;  LL.B.  1744;  LL.D.  1757. 

R.  of  Winwick,  Lanes.,  1742-64.    Married  Betty,  dau.  of 

John  Shaw,  of  York.  Died  June,  1764,  aged  47.  Buried  at 

Ormskirk.  (Burke,  L.G.;  G.  Mag.;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

STANDLEY,  WASHINGTON.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1584-5. 
STANLEY,  WILLIAM.    B.A.  1503-4.    Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  John, 

of  York  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Talbot,  Knt.). 

M.A.  1507;  B.D.  1521-2;  D.D.  1523-4.    R.  of  Ellington, 

Hunts.,  1517-36.    Perhaps  V.  of  Otley,  Yorks.,  1532-6. 

Died  1536.  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1563.) 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1509-10.  One  of  these  names  V, 
of  Rede,  Suffolk,  1571;  buried  there.  Mar.  4,  1584-5. 

Stannard,  John 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1544.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (Stanley),  2nd 
Lord  Monteagle  (by  his  1st  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Charles 
Brandon,  Duke  of  Suffolk).  Knighted,  Feb.  22,  1546-7. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  3rd  Lord  Monteagle,  Aug.  25,  1560 
(when  according  to  G.E.C.  he  was  a  minor;  Victoria  Co. 
Hist.  Lanes.,  viii.  195,  says  he  was  33  in  1560).  Summoned 
to  Parliament,  1561-81.  Married  (i)  Ann,  dau.  of  James 
Leyboume,  of  Conswyke,  Westmorland;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Spencer,  of  Althorpe,  Northants.  Died  Nov.  10, 
1581,  s.p.m.  Probably  brother  of  Francis  (1544).  {G.E.C; 
Collins,  III.  64.) 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1589.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.,  and  grandson 
of  Sir  Rowland,  of  Hooton  and  Storeton,  Cheshire.  If  so, 
married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Herbert,  Knt.,  of  Red 
Castle,  Montgomery.  Buried  Jan.  4,  1612,  at  Eastham, 
Cheshire.  {Ormerod,  11.  230.) 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1627.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  R.  of  Ripple, 
Kent,  1648-80.  V.  of  Walmer,  1648-80.  Buried  at  Ripple, 
Dec.  4,  1680.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  July  4,  1663. 
S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Hinckley,  Leics.,  deceased.  School,  Ashley, 
Lanes.  (Jeremy  Crompton).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1666-7; 
M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1670;  B.D.  1678;  D.D.  (Lambeth) 
1685.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1694.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi, 
1669-82.  Master,  1693-8.  Vice-Chancellor,  1693-4.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Sept.  22,  1672.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Essex.  University  preacher,  1676.  R.  of  Rayne,  Essex,  1681-3. 
R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  Fish  Street,  London,  1682-90. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1684-1731;  Canon  Residentiary,  1689- 
1731.  F.R.S.,  1689.  Clerk  of  the  Closet  to  the  Queen,  1689-94. 
R.  of  Much  Hadham,  Herts.,  1690-1723.  Archdeacon  of 
London,  1692-1731.  Dean  of  St  Asaph,  1706-31.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Pemberton,  Lord  Chief  Justice.  The 
Stentor  of  The  Toiler.  Author,  theological.  Died  at  Much 
Hadham,  Oct.  9,  1731,  aged  85.  Buried  at  St  Paul's.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Father  of  Francis  (1711),  Thomas  (1713)  and  William 
(1711).  {Masters;  D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor.) 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
May  22,  1703.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  citizen  of  Lincoln. 
B.  there.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A. 
1710.  Fellow,  1709.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1711. 
R.  of  Broxholme,  Lines.,  1715. 

STANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1711.  Of 
Hertfordshire.  S.  of  William  (1663),  D.D.  Matric.  1712; 
LL.B.  1717.  Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  17,  1717. 
Official  of  the  archdeaconry  of  London.  Afterwards  settled 
at  Warwick.  Brother  of  Francis  (1711)  and  Thomas  (1713). 


M.Gram.  1477-8. 

STANLEY,  .    B.D.   1506-7.    A  monk.    Possibly  Ralph, 

5th  s.  of  John,  of  York  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Talbot,  Knt.).  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1503-4).  {Vis. 
of  Yorks.,  1563.) 

STANLEY, .  B.A.  1529-30. 

STANLEY, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1544. 

STANLEY, .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  30,  1645. 

Of  Oxford. 

STANLEY,  .  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1648.  Of  Wor- 

STANMORE  or  STANMER,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1601-2; 
M.A.  1605.  Fellow,  1603-11.  V.  of  St  Giles',  Cambridge, 
1605-11.  V.  of  Worlaby,  Lines.,  1618.  V.  of  Quy,  Cambs. 
Licensed,  Aug.  15,  1620,  to  marry  Margaret  Goodman,  of 
Tealby,  Lines.,  widow. 

STANNARD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June 
23,1687.  S.  of  John  (1659).  B.  at  Simpson,  Bucks.  School, 
Courteenhall  (Mr  Ashbridge).  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1690-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  1691;  priest  (London)  June  3, 
1694.  Probably  R.  of  Stourmouth,  Kent,  1720-6.  Died 
1726.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  John  Peter  (1719).  {Peile,  11. 
105,  106;  Hasted,  in.  643.) 

STANNARD,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  18,  1666-7.  4th  s.  of  Jeremiah,  mercer.  B.  at  Bury 
St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1675-6;  priest,  Sept.  1677.  R.  of 
Lackford,  Suffolk,  1677-87.  Died  1687. 

STANNARD,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1593-4;  M.A.  1597. 

STANNARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  July  1,  1659. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  ri,  1665.  R.  of  Simpson,  Bucks.,  1668-1719.  Died 
1719.  Will,  Archd.  Bucks.;  of  Stone.  Father  of  Francis 


Stannard,  John  Peter 

STANNARD,  JOHN  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 

May  28,  1719.   S.  of  Francis  (1687),  of  St  Bride's,  London, 

clerk.    School,  Westminster.    Matric.  1720;  Scholar,  1720; 

B.A.  1722-3.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  9,   1723.    C.  of 

St  Bride's,  Fleet  Street.  Died  Feb.  21,  1728.   {Musgrave.) 
STANNARD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

STANNARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Caius,  Oct.  27, 

1630.    S.  of  WUliam,  gent.    B.  at  Laxfield,  Suffolk.    Ord. 

priest  (Ely)  May  7,  1634.    R.  of  Stockton,  Norfolk,  1634; 

there  in  1654.   (Venn,  i.  295.) 
STANNARD,    WILLIAM.     M.A.    1631    {LU.    Reg.).     Perhaps 

William  (above). 
STANNILAND,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c. 

1594;  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  i6o2.    V.  of  Foxton,  Cambs.,  in 

1616.  Buried  there  Apr.  23,  1628.  Will  (Ely). 
STANNOW    or   STANHAW,    EDMUND.     Matric.    pens,    from 

Corpus  Christi,  Easter,  1579.  B.  at  Harwich,  Essex.  B.A. 

1582-3;  M.A.  1586.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1583, 

age24;priest(Peterb.)Mar.  5, 1586-7.  R.  of  Frenze,  Norfolk, 

1597-8.  V.  of  Wheatacre  St  Peter's,  1602. 
STANNOWE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1561. 

STANNOWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1557. 

STANNOWE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  16,  1609. 
Possibly  s.  of  William  (Stanhawe).  Bapt.  Mar.  15,  1589,  at 
Bedingham,  Norfolk.  B.A.  1613-4.   {East  Anglian,  iv.  370.) 

STANNOWE,  RALPH.  B.A.  1531-2.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  M.A. 
1534.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1532. 

STANHOW,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Easter,  1591. 

STANHAW  or  STANHOW,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus 
Christi,  1660.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663;  M.A.  1667.  R.  of 
Bracon  Ash,  Norfolk,  1671-83. 

STANNY,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1596. 

STANSBY  or  STANDESBY,  HENRY.  B.A.  1523-4;  M.A.  1527; 
M.D.  1539-40.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  c.  1530.  Fellow  of  Michael- 
house.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1550-7.  F.R.C.P.,  1553.  (Munk, 
I.  53;  Cooper,  I.  545.) 

STANSBY,  ROBERT.  B.A.  (?  1602-3) ;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1606. 
R.  of  Westhorpe,  Suffolk,  1630-6,  deprived.  Perhaps  his  will, 
(P.C.C.)  1653;  of  St  Helen,  Ipswich,  clerk. 

STANESBY, .  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1539-45. 


STANSFIELD,  ELY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  30, 
1671.  S.  of  Josias,  of  Breck-in-Sowerby,  near  Halifax.  B. 
at  Halifax.  School,  Birstall  (Mr  Noble).  Matric.  1672;  B.A. 
1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  July,  1689; 
priest,  Dec.  (?)  1689.  R.  of  Newark,  1702.  Preb.  of  South- 
well, 1702-19.  Died  1719.  (Burke,  L.G.;  Peile,  11.  38; 
Loidis  Elmete,  202-3.) 

STANSFIELD,  JAMES.  B.A.  1628  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  M.A. 
1633  (do.).  S.  of  Abraham,  of  Hamer,  Lanes.  Matric, 
(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  26,  1624,  age  19;  B.A. 
1627-8;  M.A.  1630.  Sequestered  to  Anstey,  Herts.,  1643. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

STANSFIELD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  2,  1669-70. 
S.  of  Abraham,  of  Rochdale,  Lanes.,  Esq.  Matric.  1670. 
Previously  matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  July  13,  1666, 
age  18.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

STANTLOND  (?),  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1560. 

STANTON,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1565. 

STANTON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1603.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (and  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Daniel  Disney,  of  Norton-Disney).  If  so,  married 
Frances,  sister  of  Sir  Matthew  Palmer,  of  Southwell.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (1618).   (F.M.G.,  981.) 

STANTON,  BRIAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4. 

STANTON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizai  from  St  John's,  Easter,i573. 

STANTON  or  STAUNTON,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1624  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  S.  of  Sir  Francis  (c.  1597),  of  Birchmore,  Beds., 
Knt.  B.  Oct.  20, 1600,  at  Wobum.  Matric.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  June  9,  1615,  age  i8  (sic);  B.A.  (Corpus  Christi 
College,  Oxford)  16x9-20;  M.A.  1623;  B.D.  and  D.D.  1634. 
Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  Oxford,  1616.  President,  1648-60. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  8,  1620.  R.  of  Bushey,  Herts., 
1627-31.  R.  of  Kingston,  Surrey,  1631.  V.  of  Rickmans- 
worth,  Herts.,  1660-2,  ejected.  One  of  the  Westminster 
Assembly  of  Divines.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  at 
Bovingdon,  Herts.,  July  14,  1671.  Buried  there.  M.I.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1669).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Calamy,  i.  221;  Beds.  N.  and  Q.,  iii.  288;  D.N.B.) 

Stanton,  Laurence 

STANTON,  EDWARD.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1645.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Wobum,  Beds.,  1625.  Matric. 
1645;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652.  Fellow,  1648-52.  R.  of 
Kingston,  Cambs.,  1652-74.  Will  (C.  C.  Ely)  1674.  Father 
of  William  (1687). 

STANTON  or  STAUNTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
Magdalene,  June  29,  1717.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  S.  of 
Edward,  clerk,  deceased.  B.  in  Lincolnshire.  School, 
Moulton,  Lines.  Matric.  1717.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Mar.  26, 
1719-  Rustat  Scholar,  1719;  B.A.  1720-1.  Perhaps  his  will 
(P.C.C.)  1764;  of  St  Mary,  Bennondsey,  clerk. 

STANTON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  c, 
1597;  B.A.  1597-8.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Wobum,  Beds., 
if  so,  married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edmund  Staunton. 
Knighted,  July  24,  1621.  Sheriff  of  Beds.,  1621.  Of  Birch- 
more,  Beds.  Buried  at  Wobum,  Mar.  30,  1639.  Doubtless 
father  of  Edmund  (1624).  (Geneal.  Bedford,  324;  Beds.  N. 
and  Q.,  11.  286.) 

STANTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens*,  Sept.  24,  1620. 
Of  Salop.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

STANTON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1641.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  of  Bedfordshire.  Bapt. 
July  26,  1625,  at  Wobum.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  18, 
1640-1.  Probably  buried  at  Wobum,  Mar.  14,  i6f6;  of 
Milton  Bryant,  gent.   Probably  father  of  William  (1678). 

STANTON,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1613-4.  B.  at  Bury, 
Suffolk.  M.A.  1617.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1619.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  1,  1617,  age  24;  'C.  of  Kensington';  priest, 
May  31,  1618.   R.  of  Icklingham  All  Saints',  Suffolk,  1621. 

STANTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  June  26, 

1646.  S.  of  Henry,  R.  of  Charleton,  Devon.  B.  there. 
School,  Exeter  (Mr  Hyter).  Matric.  1646. 

STANTON,  HERVEY  [AUNGER]  DE.  Founder  of  Michael- 
house.  S.  of  Nicholas  Aunger,  of  Stanton,  Suffolk.  B.  c. 
1265.  Probably  educated  at  Cambridge.  Ord.  sub-deacon 
(Canterbury)  Dec.  1288.  R.  of  Gt  Saxham,  Suffolk,  1289-93. 
V.  of  Thurston,  1293-1318.  R.  of  Warkton,  Northants., 
1295-1303.  Went  to  Rome,  1300.  R.  of  East  Dereham, 
Norfolk,  1301-27;  of  North  Creake,  1316-27.  R.  of  Elm, 
Cambs.,  1311.  Canon  of  Wells,  1313.  Preb.  of  Lichfield, 
1316;  of  York,  1319.  Justice  itinerant  in  Cornwall,  1302;  in 
Durham,  1303.  Judge  of  C. P.,  1306.  Baron  of  the  Exchequer, 
1314-6.  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer,  1316-23,  1324-6. 
Chief  Justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  1323,  and  of  C.P.,  1326-7. 
Fovmded  Michaelhouse,  1324.  V.  of  Barton  St  David, 
Somerset,  1325.  Died  at  York,  Oct.  18,  1327.  Buried  in 
St  Michael's  Church,  Cambridge.  (On  repairing  the  Church, 
after  the  fire,  the  coffin  was  found,  Mar.  ii,  1849.)  Bene- 
factor to  the  Hospital  of  St  Nicholas,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
{S.H.A.H.,  Suffolk  Green  Books;  D.N.B. ,  where  his  parentage 
is  wrongly  given.) 

STANTON,  HERVEY  DE,  Probably  educated  at  Cambridge, 
S.  of  Walter.  B.  c.  1270-80,  in  Suffolk.  Perhaps  M.A. 
An  acolyte  in  1303,  and  a  presbyter  in  1312.  V.  of  Warkton, 
Northants.,  1304.  R.  of  Thomdon,  Suffolk,  1311-7;  of 
Mellis,  1312-7.  R.  of  Elm,  Cambs.,  c.  1317-49.  Died  1349. 
(S.H.A.H.,  Suffolk  Green  Books,  No.  xix.) 

STANTON,  JOHN  DE.  Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  May  i, 
1351.  Promoted  to  a  benefice,  1361.  Perhaps  the  same  who 
resigned  the  Mastership  of  St  John's  Hostel,  Jan.  17,  1400-1, 

STANTON,  JOHN,  B.A.  1455-6;  M.A.  1459. 

STANTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel.  Michs.  i6i8. 
Possibly  s.  of  WUliam,  of  Nottinghamshire.  Scholar;  B.A. 
1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D.  1632.  Ord. priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  13, 
1624-5.  R.  of  Knapwell,  Cambs.,  1627.  R.  of  Longstowe, 
1634-74.   Perhaps  brotherof  Anthony  (1603).  (F.A/.G.,98i.) 

STANTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

STAUNTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1649. 
Of  Yorkshire.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of 
Longbridge,  Warws.;  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1651. 

STANTON,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595; 
B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1604,  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19; 
priest,  Sept.  20,  1619. 

STAYNTON,  LAURENCE,  B.Can.L.  1459.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Simpson,  Bucks.,  1488-92;  Staunton.  Died  1492.  (Lips- 
comb, IV.  343.) 

STANTON,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1566.  B.  at  Lambrick,  Westmorland.  B.A.  1569-70;  M.A. 
1573;  B.D.  1579-80;  D.D.  1591.  Fellow,  1572.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1586.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1571,  age  24. 
R.  of  Redmile,  Leics.,  1582.  V.  of  Newark,  Notts.,  until  1588. 
R.  of  Uffington,  Lines.,  1587.  R.  of  Gretford,  1589-1601. 
Canon  of  Norwich,  1589-1613.  R.  of  Castor,  Northants., 
1600-13.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1601-13;  Dean,  1601-13. 
Died  Sept.  17, 1613,  aged  62.  M.I.  at  Uflington.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Father  of  the  next.  (Al.  Oxon.) 


Stanton,  Laurence 

STANTON,  LAURENCE.   B.A.  from  St  John's,  1610-1;  M.A. 

1614.  Doubtless  s.  of  Laurence  (above).  Living,  1623,  when 

he  proved  the  will  of  his  brother  Roger. 
STANTON,  MATTHEW.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1619.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon 

(York)  Dec.  1625;  priest,  May,  1627. 
STANTON,  MILES.    M.A.  from  King's,   1705.    S.  of  M.,  of 

Oxford.   Matric.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  May  28,  1691, 

age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1696-7.   Minor  canon  of  St  George's 

Chapel,  Windsor.    R.  of  Hartley  Wespall,  Hants.,  1721. 

Buried  there  Mar.  12,  1753.  (^'-  Oxon.) 
STANTON,  NICHOLAS.   B.A.  1521-2.    Perhaps  R.  of  Witters- 

ham,  Kent,  1541. 
STANTON,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Lent,  1618-9.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Perhaps 

of  Ipswich  Classis,  1645.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1649-50;  of  St  Mary's, 

STAUNTON,  RALPH.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  31,  1666. 

S.  of  Colonel  William,  of  Staunton,  Notts.,  and  probably 

grandson  of  Anthony  (1603).  Matric.  1666-7;  Scholar,  1668; 

B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.    Fellow,  1672.    Tutor,  1675-9. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1677.  Ord.  priest  (London)  May  21,  1676. 

R.  of  HoUingboume,  Kent,  1677-94.  V.  of  Ickleton,  Cambs., 

1678-84.  R.  of  Avington,  Hants.,  1684.  R.  of  Wilford,  1685. 

Died  1694.  {Al.  Oxon.;  F.M.G.,  981.) 

STANTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1586. 

STANTON,    ROBERT   DE.     Fellow   of    Pembroke,    c.    1380. 

Franciscan  frisir. 
STANTON  or  STEINTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 

Mar.  23,  1595-6.  Matric.  c.  1596. 
STANTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1625 ; 

B.A.  1628-9. 
STAUNTON,  ROBERT.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 

June  17,  1708.  S.  of  William,  clerk,  of  Fumival's  Inn.  B.  in 

London.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1708. 
STANTON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  6,  1640-1. 

Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Homingsheath,  mercer. 
STAUNTON,  THOMAS.    M.A.  from  Clare,  1669.    Probably  s. 

of  Edmund  (1624).  Matric.  (All  Souls,  Oxford)  Mar.  26, 1659; 

B.A.  (St  Alban's  Hall,  Oxford)  1662.    V.  of  Famborough, 

1664.  V.  of  Avon  Dassett,  Wcirws.,  1669.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

STAUNTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  c.  1675. 

STANTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  17,  1683.  Of  Suffolk.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1687. 
Probably  V.  of  Teynham,  Kent,  1688-1708;  B.A.  {T.  A. 
Walker,  173.) 

STANTON,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs.  1569. 

STANTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1561.  Of  Surrey.  Scholar,  1564-7;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
1564;  M.A.  1568;  B.D.  from  St  Catharine's,  1574-5.  Fellow 
of  St  Catharine's,  1566.  University  preacher,  1572.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Apr.  15,  1576;  'C.  of  Barley,  Herts.'  Chaplain 
to  Bishop  Coxe.  R.  of  Outwell,  Norfolk,  1578-80.  Died  1580. 
M.I.  at  Outwell.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1580;  'of  Outwell, 

STANTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  28, 
1584.  Matric.  1584;  Scholar,  1586-91;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A. 
1591;  B.D.  1600.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  19, 
1591-2.  R.  of  Longstowe,  Cambs.,  1605-34.  R-  of  Knap- 
well,  1613-26.  R.  of  Borough  Green,  1631-4.  R.  of  Bourn, 
1631-4.  Buried  at  Longstowe,  Oct.  30,  1634.  Will,  Ely. 

STANTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1591. 

STANNTON,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 

May  13,   1678.    Probably  s.  of  Francis  (1641),  of  Milton 

Bryant,  Beds.  B.  there,  Jan.  25,  1657. 
STAUNTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17I  at  Trinity,  July 

26,  1687.    S.  of  Edward  (1645).    B.  at  Kingston,  Cambs. 

Colleger  at  Eton,  1682-6.    Migrated  as  scholar  to  Trinity 

Hall.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Probably  ord. 

priest  (Peterb.)   June   10,  1693.    Perhaps  C.  of  Husbome 

Crawley,  Beds.,  in  1720. 
STANTON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1736  (adm.  there, 

July  5.  1736).  S.  of  John,  V.  of  OSchurch,  Warws.  B.  there. 

Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  27,  1724,  age  17; 

B.A.  (Oxford)  1728.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1728; 

priest  (Lincoln)   Dec.   19,   1731.    V.  of  Ketton,   Rutland, 

1731-57.  V.  of  Moulton,  Northants.,  1737-62.  V.  of  Bittes- 

well,  Leics.,  1757-62.    Buried  at  Moulton,  June  9,  1762. 

{Al.  Oxon.;  Baker,  Northants.,  1.  50.) 
STANWIX,  RICHARD.  B.D.  1640  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 

James,  of  Carlisle,  pleb.  School,  Carlisle.  Matric.  (Queen's 

College,  Oxford)  Nov.  21,  1628,  age  20;  B.A.  1629;  M.A. 

Stapleton,  John 

1631-2;  B.D.  1639.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Coventry  and  Lord 
Finch,  Lord  Keepers.  R.  of  Chipping  Warden,  Northants., 
1643-56.  Author,  religious.  Buried  Apr.  10,  1656,  at  Chip- 
ping. M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  (^f.  0;iro>t.;  H.I.  Longden;  D.iV.B.) 

STANYNOUGH,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1622.  Of  London.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Fellow,  1628-35. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1633.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's, 
Cambridge,  Mar.  5,  1634-5.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1635. 

STAPERS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1595-6. 
Matric.  c.  1596.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10, 1600; 
of  London. 

STAPLES,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1694.  Probably  s.  of  Alexander,  of  Hanwell,  Middlesex, 
B.  at  Maidenhead,  Berks.,  1675.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9; 
M.A.  1702.  Fellow,  1698.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1704; 
priest.  Mar.  9, 1706-7.  Chaplain  to  Admiral  Rook.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1702).  (Harwood.) 

STAPLES,  EDWARD.  Resident  at  Peterhouse,  1510-1  and 
1513-4.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1510-1;  M.A.  1514.  Said  to 
have  studied  for  a  time  at  Oxford.  Incorp.  there,  1525. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  (Oxford)  1525-6.  Canon  of  Cardinal  College. 
Chaplcdn  to  Henry  VIII.  Master  of  the  Hospital  of  St 
Bartholomew,  1528-32.  Went  to  Ireland.  Became,  with 
Archbishop  Browne,  Henry  VIII's  principal  instruments  in 
Introducing  the  Reformation  into  Ireland.  Bishop  of  Meath, 
1530.  V.  of  Thaxted,  Essex,  1532.  Compelled  to  flee  to 
England  on  Kildare's  rebellion,  1534.  Returned  to  Ireland 
but  subsequently  deprived  by  Queen  Mary  on  account  of 
hismarriage.  Probably  died  c.  1558.  {Cooper, i.ii}o;D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

STAPLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  i,  1627.  Matric. 
1628; B.A.  1630-1. 

STAPLES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  17,  1680-1. 
Of  Berkshire.  Matric.  1681. 

STAPLES,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1702.  S.  of  Alex- 
ander, of  HanweU,  Middlesex,  gent.  B.  at  Maidenhead. 
Colleger  at  Eton,  1674-80.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  4,  1683-4,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1687.  V.  of  East 
Grinstead,  Sussex,  1690-1731.  R.  of  Brede,  1702-31. 
Probably  brother  of  Edmund  (1694),  father  of  Robert  (1724). 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

STAPLES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1544.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Papworth  Everard,  Cambs., 

STAPLES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  6, 
1724.  S.  of  John  (1702).  School,  East  Grinstead,  Sussex 
(Dr  Gurnet).  Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1725.  Died  in  College. 
Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  Dec.  19,  1725. 

STAPLES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Christ's,  June  13, 
1649.  S.  of  Alexander.  B.  at  Nottingham.  School,  Ashby 
(Mr  Porter)  and  Measham,  Leics.  (Mr  Houlton).  Matric. 
1649.  Of  Nottingham.  Father  of  the  next. 

STAPLES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  29,  1673.  S.  and  h.  of  Samuel  (above).  B.  at  Willesley, 
Derbs.  School,  Ashby-de-la-Zouch  (Mr  Shaw).  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  23,  1675.   {Peile,  11.  48.) 

STAPLETON,  BRYAN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius, 
Dec.  12,  1587.  6th  s.  of  Bryan,  Esq.  B.  at  Carlton,  Yorks. 
School,  York  (Mr  PuUan).  'Well  known  to  the  Master  to 
be  corrupt  in  religion,  and  to  have  been  free  of  speech 
therein  to  others.'  Perhaps  of  Altofts,  Norfolk;  returned  as 
a  popish  recusant,  in  1603.  One  of  these  names  ord.  at 
Douay  College,  in  1599.  Brother  of  Richard  (1578).  {Venn, 
I.  132.) 

STAPLETON,  BRIAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  14, 
1634.  4th  s.  of  Henry,  Esq.  B.  at  Wighill,  Yorks.  Schools, 
York  (private)  and  Epping,  Essex.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637- 
8;  M.A.  1641.  M.P.  for  Aid  borough,  1645-8.  Commissioner 
to  Scotland  for  Cromwell,  1648.  Married  Anne  Brainton. 
Died  1658.  Brother  of  Philip  (1617)  and  Robert  (1617). 
(Burke,  L.G.;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xvii.  132.) 

STAPLETON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  15,  1649-50.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (1617),  Esq.,  of  Wighill, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  17,  1631.  School,  Coxwold. 
Matric.  1650.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1652.  Succeeded 
his  brother  Sir  Miles,  of  Wighill,  Knt.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Sir  Arthur  Ingram,  Knt.,  Apr.  18,  1663.  Buried  at 
Wighill,  Feb.  18,  1673-4.  (Burke,  L.G.;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1666;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xvii.  133.) 

STAPLETON,  JEREMY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Edmund's 
Hostel,  Michs.  1545. 

STAPLETON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1519-20.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Brian,  of 
Carlton,  Yorks.  R.  of  Bingham,  Notts.,  1522-37.  Kept  a 
school  there.  Died  1537.  (Cranmer's  Letters  {Parker  Soc), 
262;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xii.  127.) 


Stapleton,  John 

STAPLETON,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Sept.  8,  1647.  S.  of  Sir  Philip  (next),  of  Warter  Priory,  near 
Pocklington,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Epping.  J. P.  for 
East  Riding,  1688.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Wilfred 
Lawson,  Knt.  and  Bart.,  of  Isell,  Cumberland.  Buried  at 
Warter,  May  3,  1697.  Brother  of  Robert  (1653).  (Peile,  i. 
516;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

STAPLETON,  PHILIP.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1617.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Wighill,  Yorks.  (and  Mary, 
illegitimate  dau.  of  Sir  John  Foster,  of  Alnwick).  B.  1603. 
Adtn.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1620.  Knighted,  May  25,  1630. 
Parliamentarian  and  Presbyterian.  M.P.  for  Boroughbridge, 
1640-7.    With  Hampden,  attended  Charles  I  in  Scotland, 

1 64 1.  Parliamentary  Commissioner  in  Yorkshire,  1642. 
Commander  of  Essex's  body-guard  and  Colonel  of  Horse, 

1642.  Fought  at  Edgehill,  1642;  Chalgrove  Field,  1643,  and 
Newbury,  1643.  A  Member  of  the  Committee  of  Safety,  1642. 
Opposed  the  Self-denying  Ordinance,  and  planned  the 
accusation  of  Cromwell.  Impeached  by  the  Army,  1647. 
Escaped  to  Calais.  Married  (i)  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Hotham,  of  Scarborough,  Yorks.;  (2)  Barbara  Leonard,  dau. 
of  Lord  Dacres,  of  Hurstmonceaux,  Sussex.  Died  at  Calais, 
Aug.  18,  1647.  Buried  there  in  the  protestant  burying- 
ground.  Brother  of  Robert  (1617)  and  Brian  (1634),  father 
of  John  (above)  and  Robert  (1653).  (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xii. 

STAPILTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius, 
May  7,  1578.  Of  Carlton,  Yorks.  2nd  s.  of  Brian.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  25,  1582.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
Henry  Pierpont,  of  Holme  Pierpont.  Died  1612  (given 
elsewhere  as  c.  1614).  Brotherof  Bryan  (1587).  (Venn, 1.^7; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

STAPLETON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  2,  1579.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Carlton,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.  at 
Kirkby,  Yorks.  Schools,  Carleton  (sic)  and  Ely.  Resident, 
1581.   (Venn,  1.  104.) 

STAPLETON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1587;  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1590-1.  Author,  verses,  etc. 
(Cooper,  II.  179.) 

STAPLETON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1617.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  WighiU.  B.  1601. 
M.P.  for  Aldborough,  1627.  Of  WighiU,  Esq.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax,  of  Walton,  Yorks., 
Knt.  Died  Mar.  12,  1634-5,  aged  33.  Brother  of  PhiUp 
(1617)  and  father  of  Henry  (1649-50).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

STAPVLTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  10,  1653. 
Of  Yorkshire.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  PhiUp  (1617),  of  Warter,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1656.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  18,  1657.  CaUed  to 
the  Bar,  1664.  Inherited  WighiU  on  the  death  of  his  cousin 
Henry.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Henry,  4th  Lord  Fairfax. 
Died  s.p.,  1675.  Brother  of  John  (1647).  (Burke,  L.G.;  Vis. 
of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

STAPLETON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
June  23,  1655.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Macclesfield,  Cheshire. 

STAPLETON,  THOMAS.  'Of  Queens'  CoUege,  Cambridge'; 
died  Feb.  1739  (Rev.).   (Musgrave.) 

STAPLETON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 

STAPLETON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  28,  1650.  S.  of  WiUiam,  husbandman.  B.  at  Kirton, 
near  Boston,  Lines.  School,  Kirton  (Mr  Nayler).  Matric. 
1650;  B.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.);  D.D.  1673.  Temporary  Head 
Master  of  Wakefield  School,  in  1663.  V.  of  Hunslet,  Yorks., 
1664-74.  Probably  C.  of  Wakefield,  1691-3.  Buried  there 
July  19,  1693. 

STAPYLTON,  alias  KERMOND,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14) 
at  Magdalene,  Apr.  14,  1673.  S.  of  John  Kermond,  of 
Stamford  Bridge,  Yorks.  B.A.  1676-7. 

STAPLETON, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  10,  1645. 

STAPLEY  or  STAPELEY,  ANTHONY.  Probably  member  of 
Christ's:  donor  to  the  new  buUdings.  S.  of  Anthony,  of 
Framfield,  Sussex.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  30,  1590.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  5, 1608-9.  M.P.  for  New  Shoreham,  1624-5; 
for  Lewes,  1628-9;  for  Sussex,  1640-53,  1654-5.  Colonel  in 
the  Parliamentary  Army.  Governor  of  Chichester,  1642-5. 
Signed  the  death  warrant  of  Charles  I.  A  Member  of  the 
Council  of  State,  1649-53.  Vice-Admiral  of  Sussex,  1650. 
Purchased  the  estate  of  Patcham,  c.  1625  and  removed 
there  from  Framfield.  Married  (1)  Anne,  dau.  of  George 
Goring,  of  Danny,  Sussex;  (2)  Dame  Anne  Clarke.  Died 
Jan.  31,  1654-5.  Buried  at  Patcham.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  the  next  and  of  John  (1646).  (Peile,  1.  26a;  D.N.B.; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xvni.  146.) 

STAPLEY,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June 
II,  1646.  3rd  s.  of  Anthony  (above),  of  Patcham,  Sussex, 
Esq.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  31,  1629-30.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  6,   1647,  and  at  the  Inner  Temple,   1648.    Married 

Starkey,  George 

Douglas,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Holcroft,  of  Long  Acre,  Middle- 
sex, and  of  East  Ham,  Essex,  Knt.  Died  s.p.,  Mar.  7, 1671-2. 
Buried  at  Patcham.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1646). 

STAPLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1694; 
exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Of  Sussex.  Matric. 
Easter,  1695;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1707.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  31,  1702.  C.  of  Uppingham,  Rutland,  1702.  R.  of  Pen- 
hurst,  near  Battle,  Sussex,  1707-21.  R.  of  Catsfield,  1708-21. 

STAPLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June  11, 

1646.  S.  and  h.  of  Anthony,  of  Patcham,  Sussex.  Bapt. 
there,  June  29,  1628.  M.P.  for  Sussex,  1654-5,  1656-8;  for 
Lewes,  1660,  1661-79.  Entered  into  a  Royalist  plot  which 
he  betrayed  to  CromweU,  in  1658.  Created  Bart.,  July  28, 
1660.  Knighted,  Aug.  6,  foUowing.  Surveyor  to  the  Customs. 
Sold  the  Patcham  estate  and  removed  to  Ringmer,  1700. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Herbert  Springett,  Bart.,  of  Broyle 
Place,  Ringmer,  Sussex.  Buried  at  Ringmer,  Aug.  24,  1701. 
M.I.  Brother  of  Anthony  (1646).   (G.E.C.,  lii.  97;  D.N.B.) 

STAPLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1546.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1549. 

STAPLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1579. 

STAPLIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  20, 
1734.  S.  of  James,  fuUer,  of  Tiverton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.   Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741.   FeUow, 

1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1738;  priest,  Nov.  8, 

1741.  PerhapsofChudleigh,  Devon,  clerk.  Admon.  (Exeter) 

STAR,  BAPTIST.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

STARRE,  GEOFFREY.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

STARR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1588;  B.A. 

1593-4;  M.A.  1597.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  24,  1597; 

priest,  Mar.  16,  1599-1600.   C.  of  Harden  Chapel,  Herts., 

1608.  V.  of  St  Stephen's,  St  Albans,  1617.  P.C.  of  Northaw, 


STARE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1595.  Of  Kent. 


STAR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1585. 

STARRE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1633.  Matric. 

STARBRUGHT, .  B.D.  1472-3.  A  friar. 

STARESMORE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent, 
1557-8.  Probably  6th  s.  of  John,  of  Frowlesworth,  Leics. 
(by  his  3rd  wife,  Joan,  dau.  of  John  Purefoy,  of  Drayton). 
B.  1540.  Of  Somerby.  (Nichols,  iv.  190;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619.) 

STARESMORE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July, 
1617.  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis,  of  Frowlesworth,  Leics.  (emd 
Christiana,  dau.  of  John  Chippendale,  LL.D.)  Bapt.  Aug. 
1601.  B.A.  1620-1.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  16, 
1622.  Died  unmarried.  Half-brother  of  the  next.  (Peile, 
1.  318.) 

STARESMORE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  i)ens.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
July  27,  1639.  5th  s.  of  Francis,  of  Frowlesworth,  Leics. 
(and  his  2nd  wife  Frances,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Brocas,  of 
Theddingworth) .  B.  at  Coventry.  School,  Frowlesworth. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Dec.  9,  1639.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Leyden,  May  i8,  1644;  Starsmoer.  Probably  knighted,  1650. 
Half-brother  of  Henry  (above).  (Peile,  i.  463;  Nichols,  iv. 

STARESMORE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  1644; 
B.A.  1647-8.  Migrated  to  King's.  M.A.  1653.  Ord.  priest 
(R.  Brownrigg,  Bishop  of  Exeter)  May  22,  1654.  V.  of 
Hendon,  Middlesex,  1662-80.  V.  of  Edmonton,  1679-1706. 
Died  before  July  24,  1706. 

STARESMORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  16, 
1685-6.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Frowlesworth,  Leics.  B.  1669. 
Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90.  V.  of  Hill  Morton,  Warws., 
1699.  Died  Dec.  10,  1747,  aged  79.  Buried  at  Swinford, 
Leics.  M.I.  (Nichols,  iv.  190,  366.) 

STARESMORE  or  STASEMORE,  .    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   at 

Emmanuel,  Easter,  1628.  Possibly  William  (Staresmore), 
s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Frowlesworth,  Leics.  B.  i6ri.  Of 
Frowlesworth,  1650.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  WiUiam 
Roberts,  of  Sutton.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1639). 
(Nichols,  IV.  190.) 

STARKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1645.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1649-50.  V.  of  Stradbroke,  Suffolk, 
1654-62.  Died  Jan.  17,  1701,  aged  about  70.  (Calatny,  11. 

STARKEY,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1572; B.A.  1575-6. 

STARKEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  3, 

1647.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Thome,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Doncaster  (Mr  Beningley).  Matric.  1647. 


Starkey,  Henry 

STARKEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  26,  1634. 
Of  Cheshire.  Probably  s.  of  Henry,  of  Darley.  Matric.  1634. 
{Vis.  of  Cheshire,  1613;  Ormerod,  11.  105.) 

STARKYE  or  STARKCHIE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1584;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  R.  of  Brindle, 
Lanes.,  1594-1603.  Died  1603. 

STARKIE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1618; 
B.A.  162 1-2.  Master  of  Heskin  Grammar  School,  Lanes., 
1623-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June  12,  1625;  priest,  Sept. 
24,  1626.  V.  of  Preston,  Lanes.,  1630-9.  R.  of  North  Meols, 
1639-84.  Afterwards  presbyterian,  but  conformed,  1662. 
Died  May  3,  1684.  Buried  at  North  Meols.  (R.  Stewart- 

STARCHIE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1581. 
One  of  the  original  scholars  of  Emmanuel,  1584;  B.A.  from 
Emmanuel,  1584-5;  M.A.  1588. 

STARKYE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1584. 
B.  in  London.  B.A.  (?  1589-90);  M.A.  1592.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  28,  age  25;  'C.  of  Heston,  Middlesex';  priest, 
Oct.  8,  1591.  V.  of  Hadlow,  Kent,  1596-1628.  Buried  Mar. 
28,1628.  Will,  P.C.C.   Father  of  the  next. 

STARKEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  June  7, 
1645;  exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Of  Kent.  S.  of 
John  (above),  of  Hadlow,  clerk,  deceased.  Matric.  1645-6; 
Scholar,  1645;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1652. 
Lecturer  at  Grantham,  Lines.;  ejected,  1662.  Licensed 
presbyterian  teacher  at  Ormskirk,  Lanes.,  1672.  Died  at 
Newington  Green,  London.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1694.  (Calamy, 
II.  I45-) 

STARKEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  July  18, 
1669.  S.  of  William  (1634),  D.D.  B.  at  Antingham,  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Schoolmaster  at 
Pulham  St  Mary,  1674.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1677- 
V.  of  Roudham,  Norfolk,  1677-99.  R-  of  Momingthorpe, 
1681-92.  Brother  of  William  (1665). 

STARKY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1733.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Heywood,  Rochdale,  Lanes. 

B.  at  Rochdale.  School,  Bury,  Lanes.  (Mr  Lister).  Matric. 
1733.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  12,  1733.  Barrister, 
1740.  Brother  of  Joseph  (1735). 

STARKEY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  1599. 

STARKY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  29, 
1735-  3rd  s.  of  John,  attomey-at-law,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at 
Rochdale.  School,  Rivington  (Mr  Norcross).  Matric.  1735; 
B.A.  1739-40.  Brother  of  John  (1733). 

STARKEY,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Lawrence,  of  Wrenbury,  Cheshire.  B.A. 
1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  Probably  C.  of  Sefton,  Lanes,  (said  to 
be  an  Oxford  man,  but  not  in  Al.  Oxon.),  in  1614;  V.  of 
Huyton,  Lanes.,  1615-52.  Buried  there  Mar.  10,  1652-3. 
(E.  Axon;  Ormerod,  11.  205.) 

STARKEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Magdalene, 
Feb.  9,  1690-1.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Leigh,  Lanes.  School, 
Leigh.  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5. 

STARKEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 
1593.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Fellow,  1601-5. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  21,  1603.  R.  of 
Antingham,  Norfolk,  1604.  R.  of  Fehningham,  1604.  R.  of 
Oxnead,  1617-45.  Probably  father  of  the  next.  (Masters.) 

STARKEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1634.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  William  (above). 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641;  D.D.  1662.  Elected  fellow  but  not 
admitted.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  25,  1642-3,  age  22; 

C.  of  Oxnead,  Norfolk;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1644.  R.  of  Oxnead, 
1645.  R.  of  Antingnam,  1651.  R.  of  Pulham,  1660-84. 
R.  of  Earsham.  R.  of  Hockering,  1678.  Died  1684; 
Buried  at  Pulham.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1669). 

STARKEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1665. 
Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  WiUiam  (above),  D.D.,  preacher  at  St 
Mary's,  Bury,  and  R.  of  Earsham.  School,  Bury.  Matric. 
Lent,  1667-8;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Jan.  1672-3;  priest,  Feb.  1674-5.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Stetchworth,  Cambs.,  1675.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of 
Pulham,  Norfolk,  1684.  R.  of  Earsham.  Died  Oct.  13,  1717, 
aged  66.  Brother  of  John  (1669).  {Masters.) 

STARKY, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Feb.  1598-9. 

STARLING,  see  also  STERLING. 

STARLING,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  162 1. 
B.A.  1629-30.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4,  1626,  age  23. 
C.  of  Gt  Holland,  Essex,  1637.  V.  of  Walton-le-Soken,  1641. 
R.  of  Beamont,  1650-69.  Died  May  9,  1669.   (H.  Smith.) 

STARLYNGE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

Staveley,  William 

STARLING,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1602.  S.  of 

Thomas,  of  Sporle,  Norfolk.    Bapt.  Sept.  22,  1582.  School, 

Swafiham  (Mr  Kittleby).    Matric.  1602.    Migrated  to  Caius, 

Oct.  31,  1608;  aged  24.   {Venn,  1.  200.) 
STARLING,    ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at   Emmanuel,   1623-4. 

Matric.  Easter,  1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon 

(Peterb.)  Jime  5,  1631. 
STARLING,    SAMUEL.     Adm.    pens,    at    Emmanuel,    1589. 

Matric.  c.   1590;  Scholar;  B.A.   1593-4;  M.A.   1597;  B.D. 

1603-4.  Fellow,  c.  1596.  Ord.  deacon  (Colchester)  Aug.  23; 

priest,  Aug.  30,  1601.  V.  of  Stanground,  Hunts.,  1603-31. 

STARNELL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  14, 
1638-9.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3. 

STARTAR, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1475-6. 


STATERS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1576. 

STATHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  27,  1725. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Tideswell, 
Derbs.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9.  Died  Feb.  20,  1785. 
{F.M.G.,  655-) 

STATON,  RICHARD.   B.A.  1528-9;  M.A.  1532- 


STAUTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  16, 
1620-1.  S.  of  Philip,  cabinet-maker,  of  London.  School, 
London.  Matric.  1620-1;  B.A.  1624-5.  One  Joseph  Stoulton, 
minister,  buried  Nov.  2,  1655;  'from  the  country  gaol.' 
{Venn,  i.  252.) 

STAVELEY,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  7,  1641. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  from  Pembroke, 
1644-5.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1645;  expelled,  1646. 

STAVELY,  EUSEBIUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Nov.  4,  1609. 
3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  West  Langton,  Leics.;  age  26  in  1619. 
Matric.  1609.  Went  to  Ireland;  there  in  1629.  Brother  of 
William  (1615-6).  {Vis.  0/  Leics.,  1619;  Nichols,  11. 

STAVELY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Dec.  24,  1670. 
S.  of  John,  yeoman.  B.  at  Pocklington,  Yorks.  School, 
Pocklington.  Of  Seaton,  Yorks.  Married  Barbara  Pratt,  of 
York,  in  1673. 

STAVELEY,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1692.  S.  of 
Thomas  (1644),  of  Belgrave,  Leics.,  gent.  Bapt.  there, 
Aug.  8,  1665.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  28, 
1682-3,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1686.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  25,  1692.  R.  of  Medboume,  Leics.,  1696-1709.  Buried 
there  Aug.  1,  1709.  Brother  of  William  (1678)  and  Thomas 
(1675).   {Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols,  11.  721;  iii.  i77.) 

STAVELEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1471. 

STAVELEY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1508-9. 

STAVELEY,  MILES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  25,  1734. 
S.  and  h.  of  Miles,  of  Stainley,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Mar.  20,  1714. 
at  Lawnwith,  Yorks.  School,  Shipton,  Yorks.  (Mr  Clarke). 
Matric.  1734;  Scholar,  1735.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  30, 
1734.  Of  Stainley  Hall,  Esq.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Dobson,  of  The  Vicarage,  Bingley.  Buried  at  Ripon, 
June  13,  1752.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

STAVELEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  10, 1736. 
Of  Dorset.  Matric.  1737;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1747.  Ord. 
deacon  (Bath  and  Wells)  1741.  Master  of  Whitgift  School, 
Croydon,  c.  1742.  Chaplain  to  the  East  India  Company  at 
Fort  St  George  and  Calcutta.  Died  at  Calcutta,  Oct.  1762. 
(F.  Penny.) 

STAVELEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  14, 
1644.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1615-6),  R.  of  Cossington,  Leics. 
B.  1626,  at  East  Langton.  (Apparently  also  of  Peterhouse.) 
Matric.  1644.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  July  2,  1647. 
Barrister,  1654.  Steward  of  the  Records  at  Leicester,  1672- 
83.  Resided  chiefly  at  Belgrave,  Leics.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  John  Onebye,  of  Hinckley.  Ajitiquary.  Known  as  a  local 
historian.  (His  Leicester  collections  were  printed  by  Nichols 
in  his  History  of  Leicestershire.)  Author,  The  Romish  Horse- 
leech, etc.  Died  Jan.  2,  1683-4.  Buried  at  St  Mary's, 
Leicester.  M.I.  Brother  of  William  (1646-7),  father  of  the 
next,  of  George  (1692)  and  William  (1678).  {T.  A.  Walker, 
87;  Nichols,  III.  230;  D.N.B.) 

STAVELEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  20, 
1675.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  of  Warwickshire.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  14,  1674.  Died  in  College.  Buried 
at  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  July  27,  1676.  Brother  of 
George  (1692)  and  William  (1678).  {Nichols,  11.  677.) 

STAVELEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  16,  1607. 
Perhaps  migrated  to  Oxford,  and  B.A.  from  Exeter  College, 
1610.  R.  of  West  Buckland,  Devon,  1625.  {Al.  Oxon.) 


Staveley,  William 

STAVELEV,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1615-6.  Of  Leicestershire.  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  West 
Langton;  age  23  in  1619.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  23;  priest,  Oct.  24,  1625.  R.  of 
Cossington,  Leics.,  1625-52.  V.  of  Rothley,  1626.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Babington,  of  Rothley  Temple,  Esq. 
Died  Aug.  14,  1652,  aged  55.  Buried  at  Cossington.  M.I. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1653.  Brother  of  Eusebius  (1609),  father  of 
the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1644).  {Nichols,  in.  229;  Vis.  of 
Leics.,  1619.) 

STAVELY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Peterhouse, 
Jan.  22,  1646-7.  S.  of  William  (above),  R.  of  Cossington, 
Leics.  School,  Leicester.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A. 
1654.  Fellow,  1651-3.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Cossing- 
ton, 1652-1703.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  13,  1703-4,  aged  76. 
Buried  at  Cossington.  M.I.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1644). 
{T.A.  Walker,  87;  Nichols,  iii.  229.) 

STAVELEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  17, 
1678.  Of  Leicestershire.  S.  of  Thomas  (1644),  of  Belgrave, 
Leics.  Bapt.  there.  May  7,  1662.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Nov.  30,  1678.  A  captain  in  the  Army.  Became  a  Roman 
Catholic.  Resided  at  Medboume,  in  17 10.  Buried  at  Holt, 
Apr.  18,  1723.  Brother  of  George  (1692)  and  Thomas  (1675). 
{Nichols,  II.  677;  "I.  177') 

STAVELEY, .  B.D.  1507-8.   A  monk. 

3TAVER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1571. 

STAVERTON  or  STAFFERTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17) 
at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  31,  1638-9.  Of  Hampshire.  Matric. 

STAWELL  or  STOWELL,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1564;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571;  StoweU. 
Will  of  one  Nicholas  StoweU,  clerk,  parson  of  Blisland  and 
Lauretho,  Bodmin,  East  Lowe,  Cornwall,  and  of  Thornton, 
Skipton  and  Marten-in-Craven,  Yorks.,  proved  (P.C.C.) 

STAWELL  or  STOWELL,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1639  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  S.  of  William,  of  Hearebeare,  Devon,  gent.  B. 
1619.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  17,  1635,  age 
16.  B.A.  1639.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Dec.  i,  1635. 
Buried  Jan.  25,  1640,  at  Bickington.   (G.  D.  Stawell.) 

STAWELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Sept.  6,  1686, 
from  Trinity  College,  Dublin;  adm.  there,  Apr.  24,  1685, 
age  18.    S.  of  Anthony,  gent.,  of  Kinsale,  Cork.    B.  there, 

1666.  School,  Charleville.  Matric.  1686;  M.A.  (Dublin)  1692. 
(B.A.  unrecorded.)  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard 
Ruth,  Knt.,  and  Deputy  Vice-Admiral  of  Co.  Cork.  Buried 
at  Kinsale,  Nov.  4,  1701.  Will  proved  (Exeter)  1702;  of 
Bovey  Tracey.   {Venn,  i.  481;  Stawell  Family.) 


STAWLEY,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Michael  House, 

Easter,  1544. 
STAYNOE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1674  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 

Oxford).   Matric.  there,  July  19,  1659;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1663; 

M.A.  1667;  B.D.  1677.    Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford, 

1667.  Canon  of  Brecon,  1674.  Canon  of  St  David's,  1675. 
Chaplain  to  the  King,  1676-1702;  to  the  Queen,  1702-8. 
Archdeacon  of  Carmarthen,  1677-1707.  V.  of  Much  Walt- 
ham,  Essex,  1680-3.  V.  of  St  Ethelburga,  London,  1685-91. 
V.of  Christ  Church,  Newgate,  1690-1708.  R.of  St  Leonard's, 
Foster  Lane,  1691.  Married  Mary  Haslewood,  of  Oxford, 
Dec.  6,  1680.  Died  Feb.  27,  1707-8.  Buried  at  Newgate. 
Will,  P.C.C.    {Al.  Oxon.) 

STAYNYNGS,   PHILIP.    Matric.   pens,   from   Trinity   Hall, 

Easter,  1545  {impubes). 

STAYNOR, .  B.A.  FeUow  of  Jesus,  in  1547. 

STAYR  (?), .  Scholar  at  Christ's,  1551-2- 

STEAD  or  STEDE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 

Mar.  24,  1658-9.    S.  of  Edmund,  of  Biddenden,  Kent.    B. 

there.    School,  Biddenden.    Matric.  1659.    Adm.  at  Gray's 

Inn,  June  9,  1659. 
STEAD,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  18,  1671.    Of 

Halifax,  Yorks.  Matric.  1671. 
STEED,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  1598-9- 
STEAD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  16,  1633.  Of 

Middlesex.   Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641. 
STEAD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  16,  1687. 

S.  of  Robert,  of  Hickleton,  York  (so  described  in  the  Middle 

Temple  registers),  gent.    B.  at  Hilton  or  Hooton,  Yorks. 

School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.    1687.    Adm.   at  Trinity  Hall, 

Jan.  6,  1691-2;  LL.B.  1692.   Elected  fellow  of  Trinity  Hall, 

Jan.  2,   1694-5,  but  refused  admission;  resigned,  Apr.   i, 

1695.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  25,  1696.  {Warren, 


Stebbing,  Henry 

STEAD,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Jesus,  Aug.  20,  1716. 

Of    Stubbs,    Yorks.     School,    Doncaster.     Scholar,    1717. 

Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Jan.  4,  1717-8.  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A. 

STEAD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 

1627;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May 

24,  1635;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1636.  C.  of  Hedenham,  Norfolk. 

V.  of  Hopton,  Suffolk,  1639. 
STEED,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Sx  John's,  June  25,  1736. 

S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Launceston,  Cornwall,  gent.   M.A.  1736. 

Matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  May  14,  1719,  age  17; 

B.A.  (Oxford)  1723.   One  of  these  names  V.  of  Barnstaple, 

Devon;  will  (P.C.C.)  1765.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
STEAD,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1571; 

B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1581.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May  3,  1584. 

Perhaps   P.C.  of  Wis,   Essex,   1592-8.    V.  of  Rishangles, 

Suffolk,  1593. 
STEAD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  12, 

1629-30.    S.  of  William,  of  Yorkshire.    B.  there.    Matric. 

1631;  B.A.  1633-4.   V.  of  Well,  Yorks.,  1638-54;  deprived; 

reinstated,    1662-82.     Perhaps    Naval    chaplain,    in    1656. 

Buried  at   Well,  Sept.  37,  1682.    (T.  Horsfall,  Well  and 

STEAD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May  3, 

1669.    S.  of  William,  of  BaUdon,  Otley,  Yorks.    School, 

Baildon  (private).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3. 

STEAD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  4, 
1731.  S.  of  Jonathan,  merchant,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Halifax.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1734-5; 
M.A.  1746.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  2,  1 734-5;  priest 
(London)  May  28,  1738.  V.  of  Reigate,  Surrey,  1741-81. 
R.  of  Woodmansteme,  1751-75.  R.  of  Lympsfield,  1775-81. 
Died  Apr.  4,  1781.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Scott- Mayor,  iii.  437; 
G.  Mag.) 

STEBBING,  see  also  STUBBING. 

STEBBING,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  14, 
1693.   Of  Essex. 

STEBBING,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1555. 
Probably  resident  at  Christ's,  1557-8.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1568-9;  'of  London.'  Will  (P.C.C.)  1614;  of 
the  Inner  Temple,  and  St  Giles-in-the-Fields. 

STEBBING,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1613.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Earl  Soham,  Suffolk. 
Probably  brother  of  the  next. 

STEBBING,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1614.  Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Earl 
Soham,  Suffolk,  gent.  B.A.  1614-5.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Aug.  8,  1623.  Held  the  manor  of  Swefling,  in  1654.  Of 
Wissett,  Suffolk,  gent.,  in  1664.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Cyprian  Sallowes,  of  Wissett.  Died  1680.  Brother  of  William 
(1613)  and  probably  of  George  (above).  Probably  father  of 
the  next.  {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  Manors  of  Suffolk,  vi. 

STEBBING,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Dec.  8, 
1658.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Henry  (above),  of  Wissett, 
Suffolk,  gent.;  age  22  in  1664.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  27, 
1661.   Probably  died  before  1 680.   {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  i6b^.) 

STEBBING,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  20, 
1683-4.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Brandeston,  Suffolk  (and 
Anne  Smithier,  of  Ipswich).  Bapt.  July,  1667,  at  Brandeston. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1683-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  20, 
1684-5.  Of  Brandeston,  Suffolk,  gent.  Died  Mar.  1721, 
aged  54.  Buried  at  Brandeston. 

STEBBING,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  24, 
1704-5.  Of  Suffolk.  4th  s.  of  John,  grocer,  of  Malton.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  19,  1687.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
1705;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712;  D.D.  1730.  Fellow,  1710-3. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1710; 
priest  (Chester)  Nov.  4,  1711.  R.  of  Rickinghall  Inferior, 
Suffolk,  1712-63.  R.of  Wortham,  1718-26.  R.  of  Garboldis- 
ham,  Norfolk,  1726.  Preacher  at  Gray's  Inn,  1731-49. 
Chaplain  to  George  II,  1733-57-  Archdeacon  of  Wiltshire, 
1735-63.  Chancellorof  the  diocese  of  Sarum,  1739-63.  Boyle 
lecturer,  1747-9.  R.  of  Redenhall  and  Harlaston,  Norfolk, 
1748-63.  Author,  theological.  Died  Jan.  2,  1763,  aged  76. 
Buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of 
the  next.   {Robinson,  11.  11;  G.  Mag.;  D.N.B.) 

STEBBING,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  17, 
1734-5-  S.  of  Henry  (above),  R.  of  Rickinghall,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1738-9;  M.A.  1742;  D.D.  1759-  Fellow, 
1739.  Taxor,  1743.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  2,  1734; 
preacher  there,  1749.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  i739; 
priest,  Dec.  1741.  V.  of  Coton,  Cambs.,  1744-8.  R.  of 
Gimmingham  and  Trunch,  Norfolk,  1748-87-  F.R.S.,  1765. 
F.S.A.,  1769.  Lecturer  at  St  Catherine  Cree,  and  St  Lawrence 
Jewry.  Author,  sermons.  Died  Nov.  13,  1787.  (D.N.B.) 


Stebbing,  James 

STEBBING,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i?)  at  Christ's,  June  19, 
1712.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Castle  Hedingham,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1712;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1715-6; 
M.A.  1719.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1718;  priest,  Feb. 
1721-2.  R.  of  Nacton,  Sufiolk,  1734.  Died  in  parts  beyond 
seas.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  May,  1752.  (Peile,  n.  180.) 

STEBBING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  26, 
1659.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Soame  (?  Saham  Toney,  near 
Watton),  Norfolk.  School,  Buckenham  (Mr  Rouse).  Matric. 
1660;  B.A.  1663-4.   {Peile,  1.  588.) 

STEBBING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  i,  1682. 
Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693. 

STEBBING,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Easter,   1613.    Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Earl  Soham, 

Suffolk.  B.A.  1614-5.  Brotherof  Henry  (1614)  and  probably 

of  George  (1613).   {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 
STECKLES  or  STEGGLES,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare, 

June  24, 1724;  exhibitioner  from  Bury  School.  S.of  William 

Steggles,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.    B.  there.    Matric.  1724; 

B.A.  1727-8. 
STEEDMAN,  EDMUND.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

1613;  B.A.  i6i6;  M.A.  1620.  R.  of  Onehouse,  Suffolk,  1623. 
STEDMAN,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  4,  1685. 

Of  Cardiganshire.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9;  M.A.  1692. 
STEDMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1494. 
STEDMAN,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  20,   1672. 

Matric.  1672;  B.A.   1675-6.    Perhaps  R.  of  Gt  Wareley, 

Essex,  1687-93.    Died  1693.    Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London) 

Sept.  14,  1693,  to  Thomas,  his  father. 
STEDMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  23,  1682. 

Matric.  1682. 
STEDMAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  16,  1645, 

from  Oxford.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Stanford,  Worcs.    Matric. 

(All  Souls,  Oxford)  Dec.  10,  1641,  age  18;  B.A.  (Cambridge) 

1647-8;  M.A.  1650;  B.D.  1660.  Fellow,  1649.  Junior  Bursar, 

1659-60;  Senior  Bursar,  1681-4.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655 

R.  of  Cheadle,  Staffs.,  1682. 
STEDMAN,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Aug.  14, 

1719.   S.  of  Thomas,  innkeeper,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.   B. 

there.  School,  Bury.  Scholar,  1719-25;  Matric.  1720;  B.A. 

1723-4;  M.A.  1727;  D.D.  1739.   Fellow,  1725-38.   Bursar, 

1735-7-  Proctor,  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1726; 

priest,  Dec.  24,  1727.    R.  of  Gaywood,  Norfolk,  1737-68. 

R.   of   Denver,    1738-68.     Preb.   of   Canterbury,    1738-68. 

Chaplain  to  Dr  Gooch,  Bishop  of  Bristol,  and  to  the  King, 

1747-68.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1756-68.   Married,  at  Ely 

Chapel,  Holbom,  London,  Jan.  i,  1737-8,  Martha  Butts,  of 

St  Andrew's,  Holbom.  Died  May  14,  1768.    M.I.  at  Denver. 

Will,  P.C.C.  {Venn,  11.  12.) 
STEDMAN,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  4, 

1711.  S.  of  James,  clothier,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  B.  there. 

School,  Bury.  Matric.  1710-1;  Scholar,  1711-5;  B.A.  1714-5; 

M.A.    1720.     Fellow,    1720-3.    Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1737. 

{Venn,  i.  525.) 
STEEL,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  26,  1706. 

S.  of  Thomas,  of  Millom  Castle,  Cumberland.   School,  St 

Paul's,  London.    Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1720. 

Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  24,  1710;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1711. 

Sur-master,  St  Paul's  School,  1719-21.  Died  July  13,  1721. 

STELE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1552. 
STEELE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  25, 

1640.  S.  of  Edmund,  husbandman,  of  Crofeild,  Cumberland, 

lately  deceased.    B.  there.    School,  St  Bees  (Mr  Radliff). 

Matric.  1640. 
STEELE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  28, 

i65o-i.    S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Rotherham,  Yorks. 

B.  there    School,  Rotherham.    Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5. 

Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1667;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  17, 

1667-8.  V.  of  Blyth,  Notts.,  1667-75.  Buried  there  Jan.  2, 

STEELE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July  5, 

1664.    S.  of   Robert,  of  Stockport  (?),  Cheshire.    School, 

Westminster.    Matric.    1664;   B.A.    1667-8.    Ord.   deacon 

(York)  Dec.  1668. 
STEELE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  2, 1673. 

S.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of  Leicestershire.  B.  there.  School, 

Little  Dalby.   Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1714.   Ord. 

priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  1681.    R.  of  Rotherby,  Leics.,  1691- 

1715.  DiedDec.  3i(?2i),  I7i5,aged59.  Buried  at  Rotherby. 

M.I.  {Nichols,  HI.  399.) 
STEEL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  18,  1687.  Of 

STEELE,  MOSES.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  15, 

1668-9.   Matric.  1672. 

Steer,  John 

STEELE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  i, 
1642.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Barthoinley,  Cheshire.  B.  May  10, 
1629.  School,  Northwich  (Mr  Piggot).  Matric.  1642;  B.A. 
1649-50;  M.A.  1656.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1656.  Chaplain  of 
Corpus  Christi,  Oxford.  V.  of  Hanmer,  Flintshire,  1650-62, 
ejected.  A  member  of  the  4th  Shropshire  Classis;  ordainer 
of  Philip  Henry,  1657,  and  afterwards  of  his  son  Matthew 
Henry,  1687.  Afterwards  nonconformist  minister  in  London. 
Author,  religious.  Died  Nov.  16,  1692.  Buried  at  St 
Bartholomew- the-Great,  London.  {D.N.B.;  Calamy,  11.  606; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

STEELE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  17, 
1640.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Harpham,  near  Driffield,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Harpham  (Mr  Mihier)  and  York  (Mr  Wallis). 
Matric.  1640;  B.A  1645-6;  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1649. 
Head  Master  of  Beverley  School.  1645-7.  Master  of  Hull 
School,  1647-50.  V.  of  Scarborough,  c.  1650-60.  R.  of 
Catwick,  near  Beverley,  and  afterwards  R.  of  Brandes- 
burton,  near  Catwick,  1661-88.  Died  1688.  Father  of  the 
next.  {Peile,  i.  469.) 

STEEL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27, 
1698.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (above),  deceased,  R.  of  Brandes- 
burton,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Beverley.  Migrated  to 
Jesus,  June  25,  1698.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1702-3.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1705;  priest,  1708.  V.  of  Withemsea 
and  Hollym,  Yorks.,  1709-18.  Died  1718. 

STEEL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct.  11, 1672. 

STEELE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Sept.  25, 
1627.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Giddy  Hall,  Cheshire.  B.  at  Sand- 
bach.  School,  Chester  (Mr  Williamson).  Matric.  1627; 
Scholar,  1629-31.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  13,  1631. 
Barrister,  1637.  Attorney-General,  1649.  Recorder  of 
London,  1649-55.  Serjeant-at-law,  1654-60.  M.P.  for  the 
City  of  London,  1654-5.  Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer, 
1655-8.  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland,  1656-60.  Fled  to 
Holland  at  the  Restoration,  but  returned  to  Ireland. 
Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Godfrey,  of  Wye, 
Kent;  (2)  Mary,  widow  of  Michael  Harvey.  Died  1680,  in 
Dublin.  Buried  in  St  Werburgh's  churchyard.  {Venn,  I.  282 ; 
Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  11.  37;  D.N.B.) 

STEELE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  ii, 
1744-5.  S.  of  William,  of  Bedale,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley 
(Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1745;  B.A.  1748-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May  28,  1749;  priest.  May,  1752.  C.  of  Harewood. 

STEEL  or  STEYL, .   B.Can.L.  1503-4. 

STEEPLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  4,  1751. 

S.  of  John,  of  Aldwick,  Derbs.   School,  Wirksworth,  Derbs. 

(Mr  Hanson).  Matric.  1751;  Scholar,  1754;  B.A.  1756. 
STEER,  CHARLES.   Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Sept.  10,  1718. 

6th  s.  of  William,   cutler,  of  Sheffield,   Yorks.    B.  there. 

Bapt.  Feb.  23,  1698-9.   School,  Beighton  (Mr  Drake).   B.A. 

1722-3.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9,  1723;  priest    Jime  4, 

1732.   V.  of  Bradfield,  Yorks.,  1725-41.   R.  of  Handsworth, 

1741-52.   Died  Feb.  2,  1752,  aged  54.   M.I.  at  Handsworth. 

Brother  of  William  (1701).    {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  321;  F.M.G., 

STERE,  CHRISTOPHER.  M.A.  1635-6  {Lit.  Reg.). 
STEYR,  ED.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1568. 

STEER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Easter,  1600. 
(Perhaps  previously  adm.  at  Trinity,  June,  1599,  but  no 
record  of  his  being  a  Fellow,  as  stated  in  Surrey  Arch.  Coll.) 
Of  Suffolk;  probably  of  Bures  St  Mary.  B.A.  (?  1602-3); 
M.A.  1606.  R.  of  Newdegate,  Surrey,  1610-56.  Married 
(1)  Joane,  dau.  of  Thomas  Smallpeece,  at  St  Saviour's, 
Southwark,  Apr.  17,  1611 ;  (2)  Sarah,  widow  of  John  Bristow. 
Buried  at  Newdegate,  Jan.  15,  1662.  Will  dated,  Nov.  i, 
1661;  proved,  Aug.  19,  1662.  Benefactor  to  the  parish  of 
Newdegate.  {Surrey  Arch.  Coll.,  vi.  283 ;  Manning  and  Bray, 
II.  178.) 

STEER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  13, 
1740.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  mercer,  deceased,  of  Yorkshire, 
andnephewof  Charles  (1718).  B.  at  Sheffield.  Bapt.  May  27, 
1720.  School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Cliffe).  Matric.  1740;  B.D.  1785 
{LU.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1742;  priest, 
Dec.  24,  1749.  C.  of  Ruskington,  Lines.,  1742.  V.  oflsleham, 
Cambs.,  1757-99.  Died  Dec.  31,  1799,  aged  81.  M.I.  at 
Weedon  Pinckney,  Northants.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1800;  of 
Weedon-Loys,  Northants.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  510;  F.M.G., 

STEERE  or  STEARES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1592 ; 
B.A.  from  St  John's,  1595-6;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1599.  Doubt- 
less Archdeacon  of  Emly,  1612.  Treasurer  of  Ardfert,  1612. 
Bishop  of  Kilfenora,  1617-21.  Bishop  of  Ardfert,  1621-8. 
Died  May,  1628.   (H.  B.  Swanzy ;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  297.) 

STEARES,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 
Probably  R.  of  Bircham-Newton,  Norfolk,  till  1669. 


Steer,  John 

STEERE  orSTEERES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Christ's, 
July  15,  1635.  S.  of  Nicholas  (1602).  B.  at  South  Creake, 
Norfolk.  School, Bircham-Newton(MrSteere).  Matric.  1635; 
B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  R.  of  Necton,  near  Swaffham, 
1662-93.  V.  of  Wighton,  near  Walsingham,  1665-c.  69. 
R.  of  Bircham-Newton,  1669-72.  R.  of  Gt  Bircham,  1672. 
Brother  of  Nicholas  (1635).  {Peile,  i.  439.) 

STERE,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  1527-8;  M.A.  1531-  Fellow  of 
Peterhouse,  1529.  Mentioned  as  having  University  letters, 
1556-7.   {Grace  Bk,  A,  123.) 

STEARE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  29, 
1566-7.  Matric.  1567;  Scholar,  till  1572;  B.A.  1569-70; 
M.A.  from  Clare,  1573;  B.D.  1579.  Proctor,  1577-8.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  3,  1574.  R.  of  Bumham 
Norton,  Norfolk,  1580.  R.  of  Bumham  Sutton,  1603.  R.  of 
Bumham  Westgate,  1603-33(7). 

STEERES,  STUERS  or  STERES,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Christ's,  June,  1602.  Of  South.  Creake,  Norfolk.  B.A. 
1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1635). 
{Peile,  I.  241,  who  apparently  confuses  him  with  the  above.) 

STEERE  or  STEERES,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at 
Christ's,  July  17,  1635.  S.  of  Nicholas  (above).  B.  at  South 
Creake.  School,  Bircham-Newton.  Matric.  1635;  B.A. 
1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  1642.  C.  of 
Bircham-Newton,  1642.  One  of  these  names  minister  at 
Newdegate  in  Dorlung  Classis,  Surrey,  1645.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Sibton,  Suffolk,  1650.  Brotherof  John  (1635).  (P«7e,  i.  439.) 

STEARE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1586.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  B.A.  1590. 

STEERE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1566; 
B.A.  1569-70.   Perhaps  V.  of  Wrotham,  Kent,  1576-93. 

STEER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  14, 
1701.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  cutler.  B.  at  Damall,  near 
Sheffield,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Dec.  13,  1681.  School,  Sheffield 
(Mr  Drake).  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1705;  priest, 
1706.  V.  of  Ecclesfield,  Yorks.,  1708-45.  Preb.  of  York, 
1713-46.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Rev.  Robert  Bankes,  V.  of 
Hull.  Died  Jan.  2,  1745-6.  Buried  at  Ecclesfield.  Brother 
of  Charles  (1718)  and  father  of  the  next.  {F.M.G.,  817; 
N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  219.) 

STEER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1729.  S.  of  William  (above),  V.  of  Ecclesfield,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
there.  May  4,  1710.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1729;  B.A. 
1732-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22, 1734.  R.ofWhiston, 
Yorks.,  1738-48.  V.  of  Wath  and  Swinton.  Buried  at  Wath, 
Dec.  29,  1769  {Par.  Reg.).  {F.M.G.,  818,  where  he  is  said 
to  have  died  unmarried  in  1771.) 

STEFF  or  STIFFE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  25, 
1670.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  John  (next),  R.  of  Martlesham, 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Mar.  16,  1673-4;  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  16,  1674.  R.  of 
Bucklesham,  Suffolk,  1674-91.  Admon.  granted  to  relict 
Susan,  Feb.  28,  1691-2.   Father  of  John  (1686). 

STEFFE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  23,  1633. 
S.  of  Robert  (1597),  V.  of  Tuddenham  St  Martin,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Ipswich  (Messrs  Easton  and  Clarke). 
Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  22, 1638.  R.  of  Newboum,  Suffolk.  R.  of  Martlesham, 
1639.  Will  proved  (Ipswich)  1698;  of  Martlesham.  Brother 
of  Robert  (1635)  and  Thomas  (1634).  {Venn,  i.  308.) 

STEFF,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  1688.  S.  of 
George  (1670),  R.  of  Bucklesham,  Suffolk.  School,  Wood- 
bridge.  Matnc.  1690;  B.A.  1692-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
June,  1694;  priest.  Mar.  1696-7.  R.  of  Wrentham,  Suffolk, 
1697-1737-  Died  Aug.  8,  1737,  aged  66.  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 
2nd  S.,  IV.  224.) 

STEFFE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  1597.  S.  of 
John.  B.  at  Tuddenham,  Norfolk.  School,  Elsing  (Mr 
Smith).  Scholar,  1599-1605;  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  i6o6.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  June  11,  1609.  V.  of  Tudden- 
ham St  Martin,  Suffolk,  i6io-(?)  70.  Reported,  in  1629, 
'he  doth  sometimes  omit  to  wear  the  surplice.'  Signed  the 
petition  of  Suffolk  ministers  in  favour  of  Presbyterianism, 
1646.  Will  of  one  of  these  names  proved  (Norwich)  1670, 
but  possibly  the  next.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1633) 
and  Thomas  (1634).   {Venn,  i.  164.) 

STEFFE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  14, 
1635-6.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  V.  of  Tuddenham  St  Martin, 
Suffolk.  B.  there.  School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1633). 

STEFFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  22, 
1634.  S.  of  Robert  (1597).  V.  of  Tuddenham  St  Martin, 
Suffolk.  B.  there.  School,  Cockfield  (Mr  Silkemore).  Matric. 
1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Probably  usher  of  Ipswich 
School,    1641-5.    R.  of  Little  Fakenham,  Suffolk,   1651; 

? resented  by  the  Parliamentary  Committee.    Brother  of 
ohn  (1633)  and  Robert  (1635).  {Venn,  i.  31a.) 

Stephens,  Henry 

STEGGALL,  WILLAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  June  1 1, 
1735-  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Troston,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1735;  Scholar,  1735;  B.A.  1738^;  M.A.  1753.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  18,  1738-9;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec. 
1739-  R-  of  Wyverstone,  Suffolk,  1739-94.  Chaplain  to 
Dowager  Countess  Comwallis.  R.  of  Little  Oakley,  Essex, 
1764.  R.  of  Hessett  St  Ethelbert,  Suffolk,  1778-86.  R.  of 
Hawsted,  1786-94.  Died  Feb.  28,  1794,  aged  78.  Buried  at 
Wyverstone.  {Peile,  11.  231;  G.  Mag.) 


STEGNEV, .  B.A.  1505-6. 

STEKE, .  Com.  for  B.A.  1468-9. 

STELLINGE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  scholar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct. 
6,  1585.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Newton,  Durham. 
School,  Houghton-le-Spring  (Mr  Ranson,  of  Oxford). 
Resident,  1589.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  30,  1589-90.  Of 
Newton  Ketton,  Aycliffe.  {Venn,  i.  126.) 

STEMPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1611;  B.A. 
1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  R.  of  Ovingdean,  Sussex,  1619-45, 
sequestered.  Will  proved  (Lewes)  1671.  (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

STENIS,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1547-8  (1st  in  the  ordo);  M.A.  1551. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  20;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1551. 

STENNEHOSIM  (?),  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Mag- 
dalene, Lent,  1564-5. 


STEP, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1552. 

STEPER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1569. 

STEPHEN,  ALAN.  B.A.  1468-9;  M.A.  1471. 

STEPHENS,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  16, 
1657.  S.  of  Arthur,  maltster,  of  Nottingham.  School, 
Nottingham  (Mr  Leeke).  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A. 
1664.  Incorj).  at  Oxford,  1664.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec. 
21,  1661;  priest  (London)  Sept.  18,  1663.  Chaplain  to  Sir 
George  Villiers,  Bart.  Brother  of  John  (1660). 

STEPHENS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June 
26,  1690.  S.  of  Jonas.  B.  at  Bestbrook,  Radnor.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1691.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Dec.  6,  1692. 

STEPHENS,  CHARLES.  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1699.  S. 
of  William,  of  Monmouth.  Matric.  (St  Mary  HalJ,  Oxford) 
May  5,  1676,  age  14;  B.A.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  1681. 
R.  of  Wolford,  Warws.,  1686.  R.  of  Hampton  Lovett, 
Worcs.,  1699-1717.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

STEPHENS,  DAVID.  M.A.  1622  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Hampshire,  pleb.  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford)  June  15, 
1604,  age  15;  B.A.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  1609;  M.A. 
1613.  Probably  R.  of  Little  Gidding,  Hunts.,  1625. 

STEPHENS,  FLOWERS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  21,  1707.  Of  Somerset.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1707; 
B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714;  William  Flower. 

STEVENS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  19, 
1691-2.  Of  Bedfordshire.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1695-6;  M.A. 
1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  20,  1697-8. 

STEPHENS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  23, 
1699-1700.  From  Oxford.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford) 
July  5,  1699,  age  14.  S.  of  Henry  (1657),  of  Overton,  Wilts. 
School,  Salisbury  (Mr  Hard  wick).  Matric.  1700;  Scholar, 
1701;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1710.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec. 
19,  1706.  R.  of  Waddesdon,  Bucks.,  1727-33;  died  1733 
(according  to  Lipscomb,  i.  427).  Perhaps  also  preb.  of  Sanim, 
1708-33.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  West  Clandon,  Surrey, 
1725-50,  and  canon  of  Windsor,  1735-51 ;  died  Jan.  ig,  1751. 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.  {Manning  and  Bray, 
III.  58.) 

STEVENS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1579.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  25,  1580-1;  of 
Lyon's  Inn,  and  of  Cornwall. 

STEVENS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar  30,  1627. 
Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  V.  of  Chalgrave, 

STEPHENS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  13, 
1657.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Quinton,  Gloucs.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Migrated  to  Oxford,  June  15,  1657.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1657-60; 
M.A.  1662.  V.  of  Overton,  Wilts.,  1668.  Married,  Aug.  4, 
1668,  at  Faccombe,  Wilts.,  to  Mrs  Martha  Jacob.  Admon. 
(Archd.  Wilts.)  1691.  Father  of  George  (1699-1700).  {Peile, 
I.  577;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STEPHENS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  iS)  at  Magdalene,  July 
3,  1738.  S.  of  George,  Canon  of  Windsor.  School,  Guildford, 
Surrey.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  1745.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Burford  {sic),  Wilts.,  and  of  the  City  of 
Rochester;  admon.  (P.C.C.)  1789.  But  set  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake.  Brother  of  Richard  (1743). 


Stephens,  Humphrey 

STEPHENS,  HUMPHREY.    M.A.  1606  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
B.A.  (Magdalen  CoUege,  Oxford)  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.    Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  24,  1602-3.   Master  of  the 
Free  School  at  Burton  Latimer,  Northants.,  1602.    R.  of 
Stoke  Dry,  Rutland,  1615.   Buried  there  Mar.  19,  1641-2. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
STEVEN,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1571. 
STEVENS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  23)  at  Caius,  Nov.  10,  1562. 
Of  Teffont  ('Tevent'),  V^ilts.   S.  of  John.   School,  Norwich. 
Matric.  1562.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4;  pnest, 
Oct   18,  1560.    R.  of  Long  Stratton,  Norfolk,  1562-96.   Re- 
adm.  'Stephens,  alias  Baberstocke,'  Nov.  28,  1569.   (Venn, 
I.  49-) 
STEVENS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  28,  1578. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Colchester,  Essex.    Matric.  1578. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1580-1;  of  Essex    Called  to 
the  Bar,  1589.   Counsellor-at-law.    J. P.    Mamed  and  had 
issue    Died  Feb.  10,  1620.    M.I.  at  St  Mary's,  Colchester. 
Probably  brother  of  Matthew  (1567)  and  father  of  the  next. 
(Morant,  1.  109.) 
STEPHENS   JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  4,  1609. 
Probably  s.  of  John  (above),  of  Colchester,  Essex.    Matnc. 
1600.  CounseUor-at-law.  Died  Apr.  28,  1625,  aged  31.  M.I. 
at  St  Mary's,  Colchester.  Possibly  identical  with  the  satinst 
of  these  names,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.  {Morant,  1.  109.) 
STEVENS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1613. 
STEVENS   ('STEVENSON'),   JOHN.    Adm.   sizar   (age    16)   at 
Caius    Sept.  22,   1618.    S.  of  Thomas,  minister,  of  Long 
Melford,   Suffolk.    School,   Melford   (Mr  Nayer).    Matric. 
1618-9;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  {Venn,  i.  241.) 
STEVENS  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1629; 
B  A    from  Magdalene,  1632;  M.A.  1636.    Perhaps  R.  of  St 
Mary,  Colchester,  1641-44.  ejected.    One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Kemsing,  Kent,  1654-68. 
STEVENS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1638. 
STEVENS,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1645-6. 
Of  Hampshire.    Migrated  to  Oxford.    B.A.  (New  Inn  HaU, 
Oxford)  1649;  M.A.  (New  CoUege,  Oxford)  1652.    Perhaps 
V.  of  Forthnnton  (?  Fordington),  Dorset,  1663. 
STEVENS   JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  25,  1658. 
Of  Essex     Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Colchester,  gent. 
Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1661.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  24,  1661. 
STEPHENS,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  5, 
1660.    S.   of   Arthur,   of  Nottingham.    B.   there.    School, 
Nottmgham  (Mr  Pitts).    Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A. 
1668.  Perhaps  V.  of  Wymondham,  Leics.,  1665.  Brother  of 
Arthur  (1657). 
STEPHENS,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20,  1715- 

Of  Suffolk. 
STEPHENS,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  19,  1738-9- 

B.  at  Canterbury. 
STEEVENS,  JONATHAN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Tune  5    1731.    S.  of  Jonathan,  grocer,  of  Sussex.    B.  at 
Rothersbridge.    School,  Battle  (Mr  Sorsbie).    Matnc.  1731; 
B  A   1734-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  Dec.  21,  1735;  pnest 
(Chichester)  Nov.  i,  1746.    R.  of  Hever,  Kent,  1748-53- 
Buried  there  Oct.  i,  i753-  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  437-) 
STEPHENS,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  24    1683.    Of  Middlesex.    School,  Hertford.    Matnc. 
1683;  Scholar,   1683;  B.A.  1686-7.    Perhaps  of  St  Giles', 
Cripplegate,  London,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1698. 
STEPHENS,   LANCELOT.    Adm.   pens,   at   Sidney,   Jan.    14, 
1717-8     S.  of  Michael,  of  Atcham,  Salop,  clerk.    Matnc. 
(BaUiol  CoUege,  Oxford)  Mar.  31,  1696,  age  17;  B.A.  1699; 
M.A.  (Cambridge)  1718.   V.  of  Leominster,  Hereford,  1714. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 
STEPHENS,  LEWIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  6, 
1671.    S.  of  Lewis,  gent.,  of  Braunton,  Devon.    B.  there. 
School,  Barnstaple.    Matric.   1671;  Scholar,   1672-8;  B.A. 
1675-6.     Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1678.     M.A.   (Oxford)    1678. 
FeUow  of  Exeter  CoUege,  Oxford,  1678-80.   Subscribed  for 
deacon's  and  priest's  orders  (Exeter)  Sept.  22,  i677-   V.  of 
Treneglosand  Warbstow,  Cornwall,  1678-85;  of  Menhemot, 
1685-1724.    A  famous  botanist.    Married  Rachel,  dau.  of 
Rev.  OUver  Naylor,  preb.  of  Exeter.   Died  Jan.  1,  1724-5- 
Buried  at  Menheniot.  {Venn,  i.  445;  Al.  Oxon.) 
STEVENS,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  18, 
1567     Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Colchester,  Essex. 
B  A    1570-1.    Of  Colchester,  Esq.    Married  Alice,  dau.  of 
Wmiam  Chambers,  of  Harleston,  Norfolk.  Probably  brother 
of  John  (1578).  {Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 
STEVENS  or  STIVANS,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's, 
Lent,  1645-6. 

Stephens,  Thomas 

STEVENS,  PETER.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1665-6; 

B.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1672. 
STEPHENS,  PHILIP.  Incorp.  B.A.  at  Trinity,  1645.  S.  of 
John,  of  Devizes,  Wilts.  Matric.  (St  Alban  HaU,  Oxford) 
Mar.  24,  1636-7,  age  17;  B.A.  1640;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1645; 
M.D.  (Oxford)  1655-6.  FeUow  of  New  CoUege,  Oxford,  1649. 
Proctor,  1650.  Principal  of  Hart  HaU,  1653-60.  Candidate, 
R.C.P.,  1659.  WiU  dated  Oct.  17;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  31, 
1661.  (According  to  Foster,  he  died  in  London,  Feb.  4, 
1679,  and  was  buried  in  the  Church  of  St  Peter-in-the-East, 
Oxford,  but  the  registers  contain  no  such  entry.)  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Munk,  1.  296;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 
STEPHENS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1477;  B.A.  1481-2;  M.A.  1485;  B.D.  1495-6.  FeUow,  until 
1506.  Vice-Provost.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  15, 
1482-3.  {Harwood.) 
STEPHENS,    RICHARD.     Student    at    Cambridge,    c.    1565. 

Author,  Greek  and  Latin  verses,  etc.   {Cooper,  i.  384.) 
STEVEN,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  5, 
1576.    S.  of  Francis,  of  Clare,  Suffolk.    Schools,  Clare  and 
Stoke,  Suffolk.    B.A.   1579-80;  M.A.   1583-    One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Shipham,  Somerset,  1596.    V.  of  Stanton  St 
Bernard,  Wilts.,  1604.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 
{Venn,  i.  85.) 
STEVENS,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1679.    B.  at  Truro,  ComwaU.    Matric.  Michs.  1680;  B.A. 
1684-5;  M.A.  1688.   FeUow,  1683.   Senior  Proctor,  1705-6. 
Vice-Provost,  1706.    R.  of  Milton,  Cambs.,  1712-27.    Died 
Aug.  1727.  M.I.  at  King's.  Benefactor  to  King's.  {Harwood, 
STEVENS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
17,  1735-    S.  of  Thomas,  grocer,  of  Grantham,  Lines.    B. 
there.    School,  Grantham  (Mr  Bacon).    Matric.  i735;  B.A. 
1738-9;  M.A.  1749.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1740-1; 
priest  (York)  Mar.  6,  1747-8.    R.  of  Weston,  Notts.,  1748. 
R.  of  Harby,  Leics.,  1749-51.    R.  of  Bottesford,  1752-71. 
Preb.  of  Lincohi,  1767-71-     Died  Mar.  13,  i77i,  aged  53. 
Buried  at  Grantham.    M.I.    WiU,  P.C.C.    {Scott-Mayor,  in. 
465;  Nichols,  II.  97-) 
STEPHENS,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  5,  i743- 
S.  of  George,  clerk.  Bapt.  at  Holy  Trinity,  Guildford,  Surrey, 
Mar.  9,  1724.  CoUeger  at  Eton.   Matric.  i744;  B.A.  1747-8; 
M.A.    1751.     Perhaps    chaplain    of    Lincoln's    Inn,    1757; 
Reader,  in  1761.   Probably  V.  of  Nether  Stowey,  Somerset; 
wiU  (P.C.C.)  1790.  Brother  of  Henry  (1738). 
STEPHENS,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Easter,  1663;  B.A.  1665-6. 
STEPHENS,  ROBERT.    M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S. 
of  Jeremiah,    R.   of  Wootton,   Northants.   (for  whom  see 
D.N.B.).  Matric.  (Brasenose  CoUege,  Oxford)  July  12,  1661, 
age   18;  B.A.  and  M.A.  (Oxford,  by  accumulati'^n)   1669. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1664;  priest.  May  3,  1667. 
C.  of  Wootton,  1665.    R.  of  Wootton,  Northants.,  1667-77. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 
STEPHENS,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  18, 
1725.  S.  of  Roger,  R.  of  Barkstone,  Lines.  B.  there.  School, 
Corby,  Lines.  (Mr  Bradfield).    Matric.  1725-    Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1726;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1728.   C.  of  Cherry 
Orton,    Hunts.,    1728.     R.    of    Partney,    Lines.,    1732-80. 
{Scott-Mayor,  in.  386.) 
STEVENS,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  at   Peterhouse,    1605-6. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1566),  R.  of  Liston,  Essex.    B.  at 
Maldon,  Essex.   B.A.  1610.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  26, 
age25;priest,  Dec.  22,  1616.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Roger  Vaughan. 
C.  of  Adisham,  Kent.   Perhaps  P.C.  of  Wingham,  1618. 
STEPHENS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  26, 
1746;  afterwards  FeU.-Com.  S.  of  John,  of  St  Ives,  ComwaU. 
School,  Helston  (Mr  White).    Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1749-50. 
Perhaps  M.P.  for  St  Ives,  1751-4-   One  of  these  names,  'of 
St  Ives,'  died  Mar.  2,  1794-   {G-  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 
STEPHENS  or  STEVENS,  SHELDON.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at 
Trinity,  Apr.  17,  1731.   S.  of  Charles,  of  Droitwich,  Worcs. 
School,  Hartlebury,  Worcs.  (Mr  Broughton).   Matric.  1731; 
Scholar,    1734;    B.A.    1734-5;    M-A.    i740.     R.   of   Martin 
Hussingtree,  Worcs.,  1746.  R.of  North  Piddle,  1756-7-  R-of 
Hindlip,  1761-79. 
STEPHEN,  SIMON.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1592;  B.A. 

STEVENS,  SOLOMON.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Michs.  1579;  B.A.  1582-3. 
STEVYNS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1496.  Of  Cambridge.  B.A.  1500-1;  M.A.  1504;  B.D.  1511-2; 
D.D.  1517-8.  Vice-Provost.  Preacher,  1507-8.  Chaplain  to 
Wolsey.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  23,  1503-4-  Perhaps 
R.  of  Peakirk,  Northants.,  1506-17- 


Stephens,  Thomas 

STEVENS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  8, 1566. 

Matric.  1566;  B.A.  1569-70;  M.A.  1575-    R-  of  St  Peter, 

Molesworth,  Hunts.,  1572-5.    Perhaps  R.  of  Listen,  Essex. 

If  so,  will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1636.  Perhaps  father  of  Samuel 

STEVENS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1608. 
STEVENS,  THOMAS.   B.A.  from  Trinity,  1621-2;  M.A.  1625; 

B.D.   1631-2  {Lit.  Reg.).    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)   May  27; 

priest,  Sept.  23,  162 1.  V.  of  St  Peter's,  Isle  of  Thanet,  Kent, 

1634-58,  deprived.  V.  of  St  John's,  Thanet,  1660-2  and  1660. 

Buried  there  Jan.  2,  1661-2.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

STEPHENS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  24,  1623. 
S.  of  William,  of  Essex.  School,  Colne  (Mr  Cosen).  Matric. 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  V.  of  Shoplands,  Essex, 
1632-8.  R.  of  South  Hanningfield,  1638-45;  sequestered  but 
reinstated,  1660-72.  Died  1672.  Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1672. 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  {Peile,  i. 

STEVENS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  14,  1629.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  1629;  Scholar,  1633;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A. 
1637;  D.D.  1661  {Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  20, 
1640.  Master  of  Bury  St  Edmunds  Grammar  School,  1638- 
45  and  1647-63.  R.  of  Lackford,  Suffolk,  1662-77.  R.  of 
Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.,  1665-77.  Author,  classical.  Died  in 
Cambridge,  July  2, 1677.  (A.  Gray;  Bury  St  Edmunds  School.) 

STEPHENS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1660; 

B.A.  i66o-r. 
STEPHENS,  THOMAS.    M.A.   1664  (Incorp.  from  Pembroke 

College,  Oxford).  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Winslow,  Berks. 

Matric.   (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)   Mar.  31,   1637;  B.A. 

(Oxford)     1640.     Perhaps    created    M.A.    (Oxford)     1642. 

{AL  Oxon.) 
STEPHENS,  THOMAS.    M.A.  1681  (Incorp.  from  New  College, 

Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Sept.  23,  1671,  age  17.  S.  of  William, 

of  the  Isle  of  Wight.    B.A.   (Oxford)   1675;  M.A.  1678-9. 

Fellow  of  New  College.    Died  Mar.  17,  1681-2.    Buried  in 

New  College  Chapel.    Probably  brother  of  WiUiam  (1689). 

{Al.  Oxon.) 
STEPHENS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,   1715.    Of 

London.  B.  1699.  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723.  Fellow,  1722-9. 

Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  10,  1722-3;  priest,  June  14,  1724. 

R.  of  Sherfield-on-Loddon,  Hants.,  1730.    Lecturer  of  the 

New  Church  in  the  Strand,  London.    Died  1747.    Perhaps 

father  of  Thomas  (1747).   {Masters.) 
STEPHENS,   THOMAS.     Adm.    Fell.-Com.   at   Christ's,   Jan. 

1715-6.  Of  Cornwall.   Matric.  1715;  M.A.  1717  {Com.  Reg.). 

Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1719-40;  fellowship  declared  vnid,  by 

long  absence  and  failure  to  appear  when  cited.   Adm.  at  the 

Inner  Temple,  Nov.  28,  1716.   {Peile,  11.  188;  T.A.  Walker.) 

STEPHENS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1719.  S.  of  James,  of  Cornwall.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1719;  Scholar,  1720;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  One 
of  these  names  Master  of  Ripon  Grammar  School,  1731. 

STEPHENS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1747.  Of 
London.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1715).  Matric.  Easter,  1750. 

STEPHENS,  THOMAS  HIGHMORE.  M.A.  from  King's,  1736. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Pimpeme,  Dorset,  clerk.  Matric.  (BalUol 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  28,  1726-7,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1731. 
R.  of  Burleston  with  Athelhampton,  Dorset,  1737-44.  R.  of 
Melcombe  Bingham,  1744-81.  Died  Jan.  28,  1781,  aged  70. 
M.I.   (^Z.  O^ron.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

STEPHENS,  WILLIAM.  LL.B.  1493  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
R.  of  Ripton  Abbots,  Hunts.,  1481-97.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1492-8.  R.  of  Girton,  Cambs.,  1493.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1498. 

STEVENS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  28,  1600. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 

STEEVENS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  4,  1650.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Barkston,  Lines. 
School,  Honnington.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Harby,  Leics.,  1659.  Possibly  R.  of  Sutton, 
Beds.,  c.  1666-72.  Buried  there  Apr.  18,  1721.  Perhaps 
father  of  William  (1682). 

STEVENS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1651.  B.  at  Eton,  c.  1635.  Matric.  Michs.  1650-1;  B.A. 
1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Fellow,  1654-99.  Died  May  10,  1699. 
Will  proved  (King's  College).  {Harwood.) 

STEPHENS,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1671  (Incorp.  from  St  Edmund 
Hall,  Oxford,  and  perhaps  again,  1675).  S.  of  Richard,  of 
Worcester.  Matric.  (St  Edmund  Hall,  Oxford)  July  1,  1664, 
age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1668;  M.A.  1670-1;  B.D.  1678.  R.  of 
Sutton,  Surrey,  1690-1718.  Archdeacon  of  Surrey.  Preached 
a  strong  Whig  sermon  before  the  House  of  Commons,  Jan.  30, 
1700.  Wrongly  sentenced  for  libel,  1706.  Author,  Account 
of  the  growth  of  Deism  in  England.  Died  Jan.  30,  1717-8. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  Manning  and  Bray,  11.  457;  D.N.B.) 

Stephenson,  Christopher 

STEPHENS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  30,  1682. 
Perhaps  s.  of  William  (?  1650),  R.  of  Sutton,  Beds.  Bapt. 
there,  Sept.  lo,  1662.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689. 
Probably  V.  of  Linton,  Cambs.,  16194.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Warwick.  R.  of  Hadstock,  Essex,  1696-1720.  Died  there 
Oct.  14,  1720,  aged  56.   M.I.   WiU,  P.C.C. 

STEPHENS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 
1689.  S.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.,  Lieutenant-Governor  of  the 
Isle  of  Wight.  B.  at  Bowcombe,  Isle  of  Wight,  Jan.  28,  1671. 
School,  Winchester.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  25, 
1691.  Colonel  of  Militia.  M.P.  for  Newport,  Isle  of  Wight, 
1702-22;  for  Newtown,  1722-7.  Went  to  South  Carolina, 
1736;  became  acquainted  with  James  Edward  Oglethorpe. 
Settled  in  Georgia,  1737;  successful  as  a  planter  and  fruit 
cultivator.  Secretary  to  the  Trustees  of  Georgia,  1737. 
President  of  the  Colony  of  Georgia,  1743-51.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Newdigate,  Bart.,  of  Arbury.  Died  Aug. 
1753.  His  journal  is  printed  in  the  Colonial  Records  of 
Georgia.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1681).  (Stevens, 
Hist,  of  Georgia;  E.  A.  Jones;  D.N.B.) 

STEPHENS,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  King's,  1720.  S.  of  Nicholas, 
of  Holmer,  Hereford.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford) 
Oct.  20,  17x0,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1714.  R.  of  Putley, 
Hereford,  1723.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Clyro,  Radnor; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1764.  {Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  confused  with  a 

STEPHENS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  5,  1749-50.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Dedham. 
School,  Dedham  (Mr  Grimwood),  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1754; 
M.A.  1757;  B.D.  1765;  D.D.  1782.  Fellow,  1756-77.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  24,  1755;  priest  (London)  Dec.  18, 
1757.  C.  of  Haddon,  Hunts.,  1755.  R.  of  Gt  Snoring  and 
Thursford,  Norfolk,  1775-1800.  R.  of  Walpole  St  Peter, 
1780-1800.  Chaplain  to  His  Majesty's  Dockyard  at  Ports- 
mouth, 1787.  Lecturer  of  St  George's,  Hanover  Square, 
London,  and  Morning  Preacher  at  Grosvenor  Chaj>el. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  Sept.  28,  1800,  aged  69.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  594.) 

STEPHENS, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1471. 

STEPHEN, .  B.D.  1472-3.  Franciscan  friar. 

STEPHEN, .  B.Can.L.  1478. 

STEPHENS  or  STEWYNS, .   Incorp.  1496. 

STEVYNS, .   M.A.  1502-3;  B.D.  1510-1. 

STEVYNS, .   Perhaps  D.Civ.L.  1520. 

STEVENS, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1661. 

STEPHENSON,  ALEN.  B.A.  1492-3.  Of  York  diocese.  M.A. 
1498;  B.D.  1504-5.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1494.  Ord.  sub- 
deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  23;  deacon,  Mar.  16,  1498-9.  Died  in 
London,  c.  1505.  Will  (V.C.C.)  c.  1505. 

STEPHENSON,  ALEXANDER.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 

Michs.  1569. 

STEPHENSON,  ANDREW.   Incorp.  1490-1. 

STEVENSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1597; 
B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1597-8. 

STEVENSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric  sizar,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb. 
1626-7.  Master  of  Hull  Grammar  School,  1633-46.  V.  of 
Roos,  Yorks.,  1635-62.   Died  1662.   (Calamy,  11.  594.) 

STEPHENSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  1,  1731.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  Westmorland.  B.  at  Selside, 
Kendal.  School,  Kendal  (Mr  Towers).  Matric.  1731;  B.A. 
1734-5;  M-A.  1747-  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  21,  1735; 
priest  (London)  Sept.  24,  1738.  Master  of  Saffron  Walden 
School,  Essex,  1741-58.  R.  of  Fowlmere,  Cambs.,  1757-88. 
V.  of  Wimbish  and  Thundersley,  Essex,  1769-88.  Chaplain 
to  Patrick,  Earl  of  Dumfries,  in  1769.  Married,  at  Saffron 
Walden,  May  23,  1744,  Mary  Kilbome.  Died  Aug.  23,  1788. 
WiU,  P.C.C.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  437.) 

STEVYNSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  1508-9;  M.A.  1516-7- 

STEPHENSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1578;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  C.  of 
Calthorpe,  Lines.,  in  1611;  'stipend  about  5  marks.*  C.  of 

STEPHENSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  19, 
1720.  S.  of  William  (1681-2),  R.  of  Rawmarsh,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1721;  Scholar;  B.A.  1723-4-  Ord.  deacon  (Litt. 
dim.  from  York)  Sept.  1727;  priest,  Aug.  16,  1730.  C.  of 
Hoyland  Chapel,  Yorks.,  till  1747-  R-  of  Rawmarsh,  1747-62. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Daniel  Hoare,  of  Hull.  Died 
Mar.  28,  1762,  aged  57. 


Stephenson,  Florence 

STEVENSON,  FLORENCE.  Ma  trie,  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1556;  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1561-2;  M.A.  1565.   Ord.  priest 

(Ely)  July  7,  1560.   V.  of  Royston,  Herts.,  1563-7-    R-  of 

Aldwincle  St  Peter,  Northants.,  1564-8.    R.  of  Cottered, 

Herts.,  1567.   {Peile,  i.  64.) 
STEVENSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June 

10,  1704.   S.  of  John,  of  Pancras,  Staffs.   School,  Pancras 

(Mr  Peple).  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1707-8. 
STEVENSON,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 

Jan.  22,  1710-1.    Of  Nottinghamshire.   School,  Mansfield. 

Matric.  1711;  B.A.  i7i4-5-   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1717; 

priest,  Nov.  1718.  V.  of  Orston,  Notts.,  1736-43- 
STEVENSON,  GEORGE.  Student  of  Pembroke.  Of  Yorkshire. 

Ord.  priest  (Lincoto)  Sept.  22,  1537;  title,  'monastery  of 

Byland,  Yorks.' 
STEPHENSON,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  May 

25,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Hutton,  Cumberland.  School, 

Blencowe.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle) 

Sept.  21,  1673;  priest.  Mar.  15,  1673-4.    V.  of  Brigham, 

Cumberland,  1674-1705.  Married,  at  Hutton,  June  10,  1677, 

Letitia  Harrington.    Buried  at  Brigham,  Jan.  21,  1704-5- 

M.I.   (B.  Nightingale;  Peile,  11.  16.) 
STEPHENSON,   HENRY.    Adm.   pens,   (age   18)   at  Trinity, 

June  18,  1743.    S.  of  John,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne.    Bapt. 

July  27,  1725,  at  St  Nicholas.    School,  Durham.    Matric. 

1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 

Oct.  21,  1744.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1753. 
STEVYNSON,  JAMES.  University  preacher,  1514-5-  Fellow  of 

Pembroke,  1519. 
STEVENSON,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  29, 

1614.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1618-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1619;  priest,  Sept.  1621. 
STEVENSON,  JAMES.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1617-    Of 

Norfolk.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  23;  priest.  Sept-  19, 

1619.  C.  of  Tilney  St  Lawrence,  Lynn,  Norfolk,  1622. 
STEPHENSON,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Pembroke, 

Oct.  20,  1668.  S.  of  John,  of  Healaugh,  Yorks.,  clerk. 
STEVINSON,  JOHN.   B.A.  1527-8;  M.A.  1544.   Probably  fellow 

of  St  John's,  1554;  'of  Derbs.'   Perhaps  V.  of  South  Win- 
field,  Derbs.,  1558-70.  Died  1570. 
STEVENSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

STEPHENSON,   JOHN.    Matric.   pens,   from   Trinity   Hall, 

Michs.  1610;  Scholar,  1610;  LL.B.  1617. 
STEVENSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1620; 

B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1627; 

priest,  Dec.  21,  1628.  C.  of  Burslem  Chapel,  Staffs.,  1645-73- 

Buried  there  Jan.  2,  1672-3.    {Wm  Salt  Ant.  Soc,  1915; 

Peile,  1-335-) 
STEPHENSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June 

10,  1667.    S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Bampton,  near  Penrith, 

Westmorland.     B.   there.     School,    Kendal    (Mr   Jackson). 

Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1671; 

priest,  Sept.  1672.  Probably  brother  of  William  (1668). 
STEPHENSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 

22,  1671.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Royston,  Cambs.  B.  there. 

School,  Ipswich.    Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1675-6.   Ord.  deacon 

(Norwich)  Dec.  1677. 
STEVENSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  1677. 

S.   of   Richard,   of  Norwich.    B.   there.    School,   Norwich 

(Mr  Mazey).   Matric.  1677;  Scholar,  1677-82;  B.A.  1680-1; 

M.A.  1684.  Fellow,  1682-91.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23, 

1688.   R.  of  Bincombe,  Dorset,  1690-1732.  R.  of  Broadway, 

1697-1732.    Chaplain   to   Lady   Arran,   Baroness  Weston. 

A  celebrated  preacher.  Buried  Jan.  19, 1731-2.  at  Bincombe. 

{Venn,  i.  457;  Hutchins,  11.  490.) 
STEPHENSON,  JOHN.  Adm  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 

16,1683.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Whitgift,  Yorks.  School, 

Pocklington  (Mr  EUinson).   Matric.  1683. 
STEPHENSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June 

24,  1706.  S.  of  John,  baker  of  the  college.  B.  at  Cambridge. 

School,  Stafford  (Mr  Took).    Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10; 

M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1711. 
STEVENSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 

June    27,    1715.     Of   Cambridgeshire.     School,    Newport. 

Matric.    1715;   Scholar,    1716;   B.A.    1718-9;   M.A.    1722. 

Fellow,  1720-31,  resigned. 
STEPHENSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 

May   22,    1750.    Of  Cumberland.    Matric.   1751.    Died  in 

College.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Apr.  5,  1754. 
STEPHENSON,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.   24,   1693.    S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Penrith, 

Cumberland.  School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7. 

V.  of  Tinsley,  Yorks.,  1700-48.  Died  Feb.  28,  1748-9. 

Stephenson,  Thomas 

STEVYNSON,  LEONARD.  B.A.  1519-20;  M.A.  1523.  Fellow  of 
St  John's,  1523. 

STEVENSON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1562.  'Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Nov.  30,  1565;  aged  32; 
married;  resides;  does  not  know  Latin'  {Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln, 
1576).  V.  of  Stickford,  Lines.,  1565.  Perhaps  V.  of  Aldring- 
ham  and  Thorpe,  Suffolk,  1593-1604.  Perhaps  father  of 
the  next.  {Peile,  1.  78.) 

STEPHENSON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1591- 
2.   Perhaps  s.  of  Nicholas  (above). 

STEVENSON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1629;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Alderley,  Cheshire,  1648-60,  and  R.  of  St 
Mary's,  Chester,  till  1673.  Admon.  (Chester)  1673.  (E.  Axon.) 

STEPHENSON,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1613 ;  Scholar.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  July  8, 
1616.  {Peile,  I.  290.) 

STEVYNSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1507-8.  Perhaps  R.  of  North- 
borough,  Northants.,  1509. 

STEVYNSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1548  {imputes);  B.A.  1557-8;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1561. 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1558-61.   Probably  died  1561.   (A.  Gray.) 

STEVENSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1555.  Migrated  to  Queens',  1555-8.  One  of  these  names  R. 
of  Buckenham  Ferry,  Norfolk,  1562. 

STEVENSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1608; 

B.A.  1611-2.   One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  P.C.  of  Alnwick, 

Northumberland,  1616-38;  previously  schoolmaster  there. 

Died  1638. 
STEPHENSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 

June  8,  1655.    S.  of  William,  of  Burrough  Green,  Cambs. 

School,   Sudbury.     Matric.    1655;   B.A.    1658;    M.A.    1662. 

Head  Master,  Woodbridge  School,  1662-3,  and  of  Ipswich, 

i664-;95.    Died  June  10,  1695.   Buried  in  St  Mary  Quay, 

Ipswich.   M.I. 
STEVENSON,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  23,  1684. 

S.  of  Samuel,  of  Sufiolk,  Esq.    Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8; 

M.A.  1693.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1692;  priest,  Sept. 

1696.  Probably  R.  of  Pettaugh,  Suffolk,  1707. 
STEPHENSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  3,  1686. 

Of  Yorkshire.    Matric.   1686;  B.A.  1689-90.    Ord.  deacon 

(York)  Mar.  1689-90;  priest,  June,  1694.    Perhaps  V.  of 

Nafferton,  Yorks.,  and  father  of  Samuel  (i7i5)- 
STEPHENSON,   SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,   Jan.   2, 

1647-8.    Of  Salop.    Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655. 

Ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Ardfert)  Aug.  25,  1660.   R.  of  Bur- 
rough  Green,  Cambs.,  1656.   V.  of  Winston,  Suffolk,  1660. 

Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
STEVENSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  2, 

1673.    Perhaps  s.  of  Samuel  (above).    Matric.  1673;  B.A. 

1676-7;  M.A.  1680.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1677-8; 

priest,  June,   1683.    R.  of  Bradwell,  Suffolk,   1683-1717. 

V.  of  Winston,  1683.   R.  of  Timworth,  1692-1717. 
STEPHENSON,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  7,  I7i5. 

S.   of   Robert   (?  1686),   V.   of  Nafferton,   Yorks.    Matric. 

STEPHENSON,  SETH  [ELLIS].  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peter- 
house, Jan.  27,  1743-4.  S.  of  Henry,  V.  of  Elkersley,  Notts. 

School,  Retford.   Matric.  1744;  Scholar,  1744;  B.A.  1747-8; 

M.A.   1774,   Seth  Ellis.    Ord.  deacon   (York)   June,   1748; 

priest,  Sept.  1751.  R.  of  Waddingworth,  Lines.,  for  39  years; 

and  of  Treswell,   Notts.,   32   years.    Head   Master  of  the 

Grammar  School,  East  Retford,  1748-93.  Died  July  19,  i793- 

{F.M.G.,  827;  T.  A.  Walker,  283.) 
STEVENSON,  STEPHEN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June, 

STEPHENSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1454-5;  M.A.  1456 (?). 
STEPHENSON,  THOMAS.    Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree, 

1466-7.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  AU  Saints',  Fulboum, 

Cambs.,  1478.  Bishop's  chaplain. 

STEVYNSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1504-5.  Perhaps  M.A.  1508. 

STEVYNSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clement  Hostel, 

Easter,  1545. 
STEVENSON,    THOMAS.     Matric.    sizar   from    Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1575;  Scholar,  1578-9;  B.A.  1578-9. 
STEVENSON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens    from  Christ's,  Dec. 

1582;   B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,   1585-6;   probably  M.A. 

from  Peterhouse,  1589.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1608. 
STEVENSON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,    1603.    Of   Lincolnshire.     Probably  B.A.   from  St 

John's,  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.    One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,' 

V.  of  Stamfordham,  Northumberland,  1635. 


Stephenson,  Thomas 

STEPHENSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  26,  1645-6.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Fencote-in-Scniton, 
Richmonds.  B.  there.  School,  Danby  Wiske,  Yorks.  (Mr 
Smelt).  Matric.  1645-6.  'A  student  in  Edinburgh  for  the 
space  of  two  years.'   {Scott-Mayor.) 

STEVYNSON,  W.  B.Civ.L.  1488-9. 

STEVENSON,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1558. 

STEVYNSON,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1448,  age  13. 

STEVENSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov. 
1546.  B.  at  Hunwick,  Durham.  B.A.  1549-50;  M.A.  1553; 
B.D.  1560.  Fellow,  1551-4.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May, 
1552.  Preacher  at  Benvick  and  of&cial  to  the  Dean  and 
Chapter  of  Northumberland,  1561.  Preb.  of  Durham, 
1561-75.  V.  of  Gainford,  Durham,  1562-75.  R.of  Hartbum, 
Northumberland,  1569-75.  Died  1575.  Buried  in  Durham 
Cathedral.   (Peile,  i.  40.) 

STEPHENSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  27, 
1577.   Matric.  1577-8. 

STEVENSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1580.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  5, 
1583;  of  Northamptonshire,  and  of  Thavies'  Inn. 

STEPHENSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1598.  Probably  B.A.  1602-3.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  21,  1606,  'B.A.,'  age  25.  C.  of  Wiveton,  Norfolk. 

STEVENSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  May  i,  1609. 
Matric.  1609;  B.A.  1617;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  1617;  priest.  Mar.  1617-8. 

STEVENSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  July  7,  1614. 
Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621;  B.D.  1631. 

STEPHENSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  St  John's, 
July  1,  1668.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Bampton,  Westmor- 
land. B.  there.  School,  Bampton.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1671- 
2;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1672.  Perhaps  V. 
of  Laxton,  Notts.,  1675-94.  V.  of  Walesby,  1675.  But  see 
A  I.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake  to  whom  Foster 
assigns  these  livings.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Rudstone, 
Yorks.,  1717-20.  Died  1720.  Probably  brother  of  John 

STEPHENSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Mar.  i, 
1681-2.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Rotherham,  Yorks.  School, 
Rotherham  (Mr  Farrer).  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A. 
1689.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1689;  priest.  Mar.  1690-1. 
R.  of  Rawmarsh,  Yorks.,  1 693-1747.  Died  1747,  aged  83. 
Father  of  Christopher  (1720).   (Peile,  11.  86.) 

STEYNSON, .   M.A.  1498-9. 

STEVYNSONE, .  B.A.  1527-8. 

STEVINSON, .  B.A.  1543-4- 

STEVYNSON, .  M.A.  i544- 

STEPHENSON,   .    Matric.   pens,   from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1602. 

STEPKIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  10, 

STEPNEY  or  STEPNETH,  ALBAN.  Matric.  scholar  from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1562.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  St 
Albans,  Herts.  Registrar  of  St  David's.  Married  (i)  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  Thomas  Catham,  Esq.,  of  Prendergast, 
Pembroke;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Philipps,  of  Picton 
Castle.  Doubtless  father  of  Thomas  (1612-3).  (Peile,  i.  51; 
Essex  Pedigrees,  603;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

STEPNEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  28,  1682. 
S.  of  George,  Groom  of  the  Chamber  to  Charles  II,  and 
grandson  of  SirThomas(i6i2-3),  Knt.,  cup-bearer  to  Charles 
I.  B.  in  Westminster,  1663.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1682;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689.  Fellow,  1689. 
Envoy  to  Brandenburg,  Vienna,  the  Hague,  etc.  Friend  of 
Charles  Montagu,  afterwards  Earl  of  Halifax.  Commissioner 
of  trade,  1697-1707.  F.R.S.,  1697.  Author,  poetical,  etc. 
Died  unmarried  at  Chelsea,  Sept.  15,  1707.  Buried  in  West- 
minster Abbey.  M.I.  there.  (D.N.B.;  Al.  Westmon.,  197; 
Westminster  Abbey  Register;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

STEPNEY  or  STEPNETT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1612-3  (on  King's 
visit).  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Alban  (1562).  Knighted,  Apr.  18, 
1618.  Cup-bearer  to  Charles  I.  A  great  courtier.  Married 
(i)  Mrs  Wallop;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Bernard  Whetstone, 
of  Woodford,  Essex.   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

STEPNEY  or  STEPNETH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peter- 
house,  1603-4;  Scholar,  1604-8.   Fellow,  1608. 

STEPPING,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan. 
24,  1664-5.  S.  of  Daniel,  Merchant  Taylor.  B.  in  St  Giles', 
Cripplegate,  London,  Dec.  25,  1644.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Signed  for 
deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  19,  1668.  C.  of  Ongar,  Essex. 

STERKEBYN,  ROBERT.   B.Can.L.  1528-9. 

STERLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

Sterne,  John 

STERLING,  see  also  STARLING. 

STERLING,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  24)  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  10,  1676.  S.  of  James,  gent.  B.  at  Flushing,  Holland. 
Schools,  Hulst,  Flanders,  Newport,  Isle  of  Wight,  and 
Barwell.  M.A.  (Edinburgh)  1671.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge, 
1676.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1687-92.  Served  in  the  war  in 
Flanders  under  King  William.  Killed  there,  1692.  He  left 
his  library,  and  the  profits  of  his  fellowship  during  his 
absence  to  the  College.  (A.  Gray.) 

STERLING,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1629.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps 's.  and  h.  of  George, 
of  Charsfield,  Suffolk,  gent.,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  13, 
1634;  entry  erased.   Probably  father  of  the  next. 

STERLING,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  14,  1669.  S.  of  George  (?  above),  gent.  B.  at  Churs- 
field  (stc),  Suffolk. 

STIRLING,  GEORGE.  Incorp.  (degree  not  specified)  from 
Glasgow,  1688.  One  of  these  names  (M.A.),  V.  of  Hatfield 
Broad  Oak,  by  sequestration,  till  1728;  died  1728.  (Morant, 
II.  511-) 

STERLINGE  or  STARLING,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Caius,  July  3,  1624.  S.  of  Peter  (?  next).  Bapt.  Oct.  16,  1605. 
B. at  Starston,  Norfolk.  School,  Raveningham  (Mr  Rogerson), 
Matric.  1625;  Scholar,  1625-9;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 
(Venn,  i.  267.) 

STERLYNG,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1561; 
Scholar,  1565;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569,  'Starling.'  Fellow, 
1566.  Perhaps  father  of  Henry  (above). 

STERLING,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1567.  B.  at  Wymondham,  Norfolk.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  8,  1568,  age  24. 

STIRLING, .  B.A.  1462-3.  Perhaps  B.D.  1482-3. 

STERNDALL,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  15, 
1676.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Hartington,  Derbs.  B. 
there.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80. 

STERNE,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1582.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Malton,  Cambs.  Died 
s.p.  Brother  of  Robert  (1575).  (Peile,  1.  171;  Vis.  of  Cambs., 
1575  and  1619.) 

STERNE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1584;  B.A.  1588-9.  One  of  these  names  of  Stow- 
cum-Quy,  Cambs.;  buried  there  Feb.  4,  1641.  (Ely  Episc. 
Records,  360.) 

STERNE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  (age  16)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1635.  4th  s.  of  George.  B.  at  Kirtling,  Cambs. 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Fellow,  1635  (sic);  ejected,  1650; 
restored,  1660-4.  V.  of  Barton,  Cambs.,  1660-2.  R.  of 
Teversham,  1662-4.  V.  of  Trumpington,  1663.  Buried  at 
Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  5,  1663-4.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C).  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1629-30).  (Vis. 
of  Cambs.,  1575  and  1619;  Loder,  271.) 

STEARNE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  8,  1626. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Kirtling,  Cambs.  Matric. 
1627;  Scholar,  1628;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Fellow, 
1631-8.  V.  of  Guilden  Morden,  Cambs.,  1637.  Presented 
to  St  Clement's,  Cambridge,  May  16,  1638,  two  days  before 
his  death  of  plague.  Buried  in  Jesus  Chapel,  May  18,  1638. 
Wm  proved  (V.C.C.)  1638.  Brother  of  Edward  (above)  and 
John  (1629-30).  (Cambs.  Vis.;  A.  Gray.) 

STERNE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  3,  1645. 
S.  of  John,  barrister,  of  Tredah,  Ireland.  Schools,  Tredah 
and  Perse,  Cambridge.  Matric.  1645.  Migrated  to  St  John's, 
Mar.  30,  1646.  Possibly  M..A..  (DubUu)  1654;  B.D.  1661; 
LL.D.  (or  perhaps  D.D.)  1665.  Chancellor  of  Cloyne,  1665. 
Died  1668.  (A  Visitation  book  of  i66g  refers  to  him  as  John.) 
Brother  of  John  (1642).   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

STERNE,  JAQUES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  29,  171 1.  S.  of 
Simon  (1669),  of  Elvington,  Yorks.  B.  at  Woodhouse,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1711;  Scholar,  1712;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A.  1718; 
LL.D.  1725.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1717;  priest 
(York)  Dec.  18,  1720.  R.  of  Rise,  Yorks.,  1722-59.  V.  of 
Hornsea,  1729-59.  Preb.  of  York,  1729-30.  Preb.  of  South- 
well, 1734-5-  J-P-.  1745-  Precentor  of  York,  1735-59- 
Archdeacon  of  Cleveland,  1735-55.  Archdeacon  of 
the  East  Riding,  1750-5.  Preb.  of  Durham,  1755-9. 
A  well  known  and  eccentric  figure  in  York;  a  violent  Whig 
politician.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Goodrick, 
Bart.,  of  Ribston,  Jan.  12,  1719-20.  Died  June  9,  1759, 
aged  63.  Buried  at  Rise.  M.I.  there.  (F.M  .G.,  $i6;G.  Mag.; 
A.  B.  Beaven;  Yorks.  Archaeol.  Journal,  xxi.  91.) 

STERN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1521-2.  Perhaps  of  Stapleford,  Cambs., 
clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1533.   (But  see Sterne  (1493-4).) 

STERNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1554.  Of 


Sterne,  John 

STERNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinitv,  Michs.  1560; 
Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1564-5;  M.A.  1568;  B.D. 
from  Peterhouse,  1575;  Grace  for  D.D.  1600.  Under  Master 
of  Ely  School,  Cambs.,  1568.  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Jan.  11, 
1573-4.  R.  of  Bygrave,  Herts.,  1573-1607.  R.  of  Stevenage, 
1577.  V.  of  Rickmansworth,  1584-7-  V.  of  Witham,  Essex, 
1588-1607.  Suffragan  Bishop  of  Colchester,  1592-1608. 
Licence  (London)  Feb.  18,  1598-9,  to  marry  Mary,  widow  of 
Thomas  Gee,  of  St  Martin,  Ludgate.  Died  c.  Feb.  1607-8. 
{Peile,  I.  74.) 

STEARNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595;  B.A. 
1598-9;  M.A.  1602.  Perhaps  V.  of  Castle  Acre,  Norfolk,  in 

STERNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1608. 

STERNE,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1617-8. 

STEARNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  17,  1629-30. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  George,  of  Kirtling. 
Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.  One 
of  these  names  V.  of  Greenwich,  Kent,  in  1650-2.  Brother 
of  George  (1626)  and  Edward  (1635). 

STERNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Sidney,  1642.  S.  of  John,  barrister, 
of  Tredah,  Ireland.  B.  Nov  26,  1624,  at  Ardbraccan,  the 
episcopal  palace  of  his  great-uncle  James  Ussher,  Bishop  of 
Meath.  (Scholar  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1641.)  Matric. 
1642;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Fellow  of  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  1643.  Came  to  Cambridge  to  study  medicine. 
Resided  seven  years;  afterwards  at  Oxford.  Hebrew 
lecturer  at  Dublin,  1656.  M.D.  (Dublin)  1658;  LL.D.  1660. 
Professor  of  Law,  1660,  and  of  Medicine,  i662-;-9.  Foimder 
and  first  President  of  the  Irish  College  of  Physicians,  1667-9. 
Died  Nov.  18,  1669,  aged  46.  Brother  of  James  (1645). 

STERNE,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  6,  1733. 
S.  of  Roger,  Lieutenant  in  the  Army,  and  grandson  of  Simon 
(1669).  B.  at  Clonmell,  Ireland,  Nov.  24,  1713.  School, 
Heath  (or  Hipperholme),  near  Halifax.  Matric.  1734-5; 
B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  6, 
1736-7;  priest  (Chester,  Litt.  dim.  from  York)  Aug.  1738. 
C.  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.,  1737.  V.  of  Sutton-on-the-Forest, 
Yorks.,  1738-68.  Preb.  of  York,  1741-68.  V.  of  Stillington, 
1744-68.  Chaplain  to  the  4th  Earl  of  Aboyne.  P.C.  of  Cox- 
wold,  1750-8.  Went  abroad  for  his  health,  1762.  Well 
received  in  Paris  salons.  Entertained  by  Fox  at  St  Germain. 
Lived  at  Toulouse,  till  1764.  Began  the  Seven  Months'  tour 
described  in  the  Sentimental  Journey,  Oct.  1765.  Returned 
to  Yorkshire,  1766.  Met  Mrs  Eliza  Draper  at  the  house  of 
Sir  William  James,  Dec.  1766.  (Called  his  house  there 
Shandy  Hall.)  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Lumley, 
R.  of  Bedale,  Mar.  30,  1741.  Author,  Tristram  Shandy,  etc. 
Died  Mar.  18,  1768,  in  his  lodgings  in  Bond  Street,  London. 
{D.N.B.;  P.M. G.,  516.) 

STERNE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1606.  S.  of  John.  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Mar.  26,  1613-4.  V.  of  Bramford,  Suffolk,  1616- 
23.  R.  of  Bradfield  Combust,  1623;  there  in  1627.  Perhaps 
father  of  Nathaniel  (1647).   (Peile,  i.  258.) 

STERNE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  of 
KUmore)  Oct.  28,  1649.  R.  of  Ampton,  Suffolk,  1649.  R. 
of  Stuston,  1662-73.  Died  1673.  WUl  proved  (Bury  St 
Edmunds)  Dec.  22,  1673. 

STERNE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1647.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Nathaniel  (1606). 

STERNE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1611. 
S.  of  Simon,  of  Mansfield,  Notts.  B.  there.  Schools,  Mansfield 
and  Nottingham.  Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618; 
B.D.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1625;  D.D.  from  Jesus,  1635. 
Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1623-33.  Mcister  of  Jesus,  1633; 
ejected,  1644;  restored,  1660.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627. 
Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Laud,  c.  1633;  allowed  to  attend 
him  in  the  Tower  of  London,  1644.  R.  of  Yeovilton,  Somer- 
set, 1634.  R.  of  Harlton,  Cambs.,  1642;  sequestered,  1645. 
Royalist;  arrested  and  imprisoned  in  London,  1642.  School 
Master  at  Stevenage  during  the  Interregnum.  Bishop  of 
Carlisle,  1660-4.  Archbishopof  York,  1664-83.  F.R.S.,  1665. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Dickenson,  of  Fam- 
borough,  Hants.  Assisted  Brian  Walton  with  his  Polyglot 
Bible.  Author,  Summa  Logicae,  etc.  Died  June  18,  1683, 
aged  87.  Buried  in  York  Minster.  M.I.  Benefactor  to 
Corpus  Christi,  and  to  Jesus;  founded  scholarships  at  both 
colleges.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Simon  (1669).  (F.M.G., 
516;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Yorks.  Archaeol.  Journal,  xx.  192.) 

STERNE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1661.  S.  and 
h.  of  Richard  (above).  M.P.  for  Ripon,  1679-81.  Commissary 
of  the  Exchequer,  and  Judge  of  the  Prerogative  Court  of 
York.  Of  Kilvington,  Yorks.  Married  Mary  dau.  of  Joseph 
Lovelands,  Canon  of  York.  Buried  at  York  Minster,  Jan.  29, 
1715-6.  Brother  of  Simon  (1669). 

Steward,  Augustine 

STERNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  21,  1725. 
S.  of  Richard,  Esq.,  of  Woodhouse  and  Elvington,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1727.  Of  Woodhouse  and  Elvington, 
Esq.  Married  Ann  (?  Mary)  Thompson,  of  Bradford.  Died 
Nov.  13,  1744,  aged  37.  Buried  in  York  Minster.  (F.M.G., 

STERNE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1575. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Malton,  Cambs.  B.A. 
1578-9-  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried  Jan.  17,  1615-6. 
(One  of  these  names  R.  of  Wyddial,  Herts.,  1591-1611, 
'M.A.'  Died  1611.  Will,  Cons.  C.  London.)  Brother  of 
Alexander  (1582).  {Peile,  1.  130;  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575  and 
1619;  Ely  Episcopal  Records,  344.) 

STERNE,  SIMON.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Dec.  13,  1669. 
3rd  s.  of  Richard  (1611),  Archbishop  of  York.  Matric.  1670. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  9,  1672.  Of  Elvington  and 
Woodhouse,  near  Halifax,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Roger  Jaques,  of  Elvington,  Esq.  Buried  at  Halifax,  Apr.  17, 
1703.  Brother  of  Richard  (1661)  and  father  of  Jaques  (1711). 
(F.M.G.,  516.) 

STERNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1582; 
B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1588-9.  R.  of  Salcott  Virley, 
Essex,  1598.  V.  of  Cressing,  1602-3.  V.  of  Feering,  1603-5. 
Buried  there  Apr.  9,  1605.  Will,  Cons.  C.  London. 

STERNE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1554;  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1560;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1561-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  22,  1561-2.  Perhaps  R.  of  Syresham, 
Northants.,  1574-8;  R.  of  Queen's  Norton,  1584-9. 

STERNE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608; 
B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24; 
priest,  Dec.  17,  1615.  Perhaps  V.  of  Little  Horwood,  Bucks., 
1621.  V.  of  Trumpington,  Cambs.,  1625-32. 

STERNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1690.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698; 
B.D.  from  St  John's,  1706.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1700-13. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Oct.  1697;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1700. 
R.  of  Hatley  Cockayne,  Beds.,  1701-11.  R.  of  Averham, 
Notts.,  1713;  there  in  1724. 

STERN, .   B.Civ.L.  1493-4.   Probably  John,  LL.B.,  V.  of 

Stapleford,  Cambs.,  1510-32.  Died  1532. 

STERN, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  8,  1574-5. 

STERNEWHEAT,    RICHARD.    Matric.   sizar  from   Trinity, 

Michs.  1567. 
STERR,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  God's  House,  i486. 

STERRY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Aug.  20,  1664.  S.  of  Peter  (1629).  B.  in  London.  School, 

STERRY,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  19, 
1644.  Of  Surrey.  Doubtless  s.  of  Anthony,  of  Southwark. 
Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1651;  B.D. 
(Oxford)  1674-5.  Fellow  of  Merton  College  Oxford,  1649. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  22,  1657-8.  R.  of  Stuston, 
Suffolk,  1662.  Dean  and  R.  of  Bocking,  Essex,  1674.  An 
ardent  Cromwellian.  Died  Nov.  10,  1698.  Brother  of  the 
next.   (D.N.B.;  AL  Oxon.) 

STERRY  or  STIRRY,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept 
7,  1629.  Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Anthony,  of  South- 
wark, Surrey.  B.  in  Surrey.  Matric.  1629-30;  B.A.  1633-4 
M.A.  1637.  Fellow,  1636.  Intimate  with  Sir  Henry  Vane 
Chaplain  to  Cromwell.  A  Platonist.  Member  of  the  West 
minster  Assembly,  1642.  Preacher  to  the  Council  of  State 
1649.  Afterwards  held  a  conventicle.  Author,  sermons,  etc. 
Died  Nov.  19,  1672.  Father  of  Christopher  (1664).  (D.N.B 
Emmanuel  College  History,  79.) 

STERT,  see  also  STURT. 

STERT,  WALTER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  22,  1700.  B.  at 
Yealmpton,  Devon.   Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707. 


STEVSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

STUART,  ALEXANDER.  M.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Adm.  at 
Leyden,  Dec.  14,  1709,  age  36;  M.D.  there,  1711.  F.R.S., 
1714.  Licentiate,  R.C.P.,  1720;  Fellow,  1728.  Censor. 
Physician  to  the  Queen.  Physician  to  Westminster  and 
St  George's  Hospital.  Copley  medallist,  1740.  Died  Sept.  15, 
1742.   (Munk,  II.  109.) 

STEWARD,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1557-8-  Probably  5th  s.  of  Simeon,  of  Lakenheath,  Suffolk. 
Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1561-2.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
1364.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  ArgaU.  Died  1597. 
M.I.  at  Braughing,  Herts.  Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1544) , 
Edward  (1546),  Nicholas  (1560)  and  John  (1551).  (Genealogist, 
N.S.,  11.  37;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  151.) 


Steward,  Augustine 

STEWARD  or  STYWARD,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Pembroke,  Lent,  1579-80.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of 
Goldthorpe  Hall,  Swardeston,  Norfolk  (and  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Christopher  Jenny,  of  Norfolk,  Knt.).  If  so,  a  physician 
practising  at  Lynn,  in  1591.  Perhaps  half-brother  of  Thomas 

STEWARD,  BERNARD.  M.A.  1637  (fil- nob.).  7th  s.  of  Esmi, 
3rd  Duke  of  Lenno.x.  B.  c.  1623.  Knighted,  Apr.  18,  1642. 
Designated  Baron  Stuart  of  Newbury,  Berks.,  and  Earl  of 
Lichfield,  1645.  Greatly  distinguished  himself  in  the  royal 
cause.  Slain  at  the  Battle  of  Rowton  Heath,  near  Chester, 
Sept.  26,  1645.  Buried  in  Christchurch  Cathedral,  Oxford. 
Brother  of  James,  Duke  of  Lennox,  John  (1637)  and  Lewis 
(1638).   {The  Scots  Peerage,  v.  358;  G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

STUART,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Pembroke,  Feb. 
II,  1716-7.  S.  of  Charles,  of  London.  B.  July  10,  1698. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Fellow, 
1726.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  I,  1723-4.  V.  of  the  moiety 
of  Pattishall,  Northants.,  1729. 

STUART,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  II,  1734-5.  Of  Sussex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edward,  of 
Wiggenholt,  Sussex,  clerk.  Matric.  1735;  Scholar,  1735; 
B.A.  1738-9;  M.A.  1742.  Fellow,  1740.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May,  1741;  priest,  Apr.  1745.  V.  of  Sawston, 
Cambs.,  1742-55.  R.  of  Ashen  and  V.  of  Bumpstead,  Essex, 
1753.  i>ied  Dec.  16,  1803,  aged  85.  Doubtless  brother  of 
Edward  (1735).    {T.  A.  Walker,  269.) 

STEWARD,  EDMUND.  B.Civ.L.  1514;  D.Civ.L.  1541.  Prob- 
ably s.  of  Simeon,  of  Norfolk.  V.  of  Dedham,  Essex,  1523-34. 
R.  of  Laxfield,  Suffolk.  Chancellor  of  the  diocese  of  Norwich, 
till  1528;  Archdeacon,  1527-8.  Chancellor  and  dean  of 
Winchester,  1553;  deprived,  1559.  Died  1559.  Brother  of 
Robert  and  Thomas  (1513-4).  (Cooper,  i.  205;  Blomefield, 
Norwich,  471.) 

STEWARDE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1546.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Simeon,  of  Lakenheath,  Suffolk. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1549.  Perhaps  of  Teversham, 
Cambs.;  if  so,  Serjeant  of  the  Mace.  Died  1596.  Probably 
brother  of  Robert  (1544)  and  perhaps  of  John  (1551),  etc. 
(Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xii.  161.) 

STEWARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

STEWARD,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1601-2. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  23,  1605;  of  Norfolk. 

STUART,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  27,  1735.  Of  Sussex.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Wiggenholt, 
Sussex,  clerk.  Matric.  1736.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric. 
(Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  May  6,  1737,  age  20  (sic);  B.A.  (St 
Edmund  Hall,  Oxford);  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1741.  Probably 
V.  of  Goring,  Sussex,  1746.  Doubtless  brother  of  Charles 
(1734-5)-    (Al.  Oxon.) 

STEWARD,  HOO.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  24, 
1638.  S.  of  Francis,  Esq.  (and  Roberta,  dau.  of  Robert  Hoo, 
of  Scarning,  Norfolk).  Bapt.  Mar.  7,  1621,  at  Braughing, 
Herts.  Schools,  Stanford  (Mr  Thos.  Leigh),  Charterhouse, 
Newport,  Essex,  and  Westminster.  Matric.  1638.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  26,  1629-30.  Bencher.  Living,  1673. 
Married  three  wives.   (Clutterbuck,  iii.  150.) 

STUARDE,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1651;  B.A.  1654.  Perhaps  's.  of  Humphrey,  of 
Trotton,  Sussex,  Esq.,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1654. 

STEWARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  July  4,  1584. 
Of  Essex. 

STEWART,  JAMES,  4th  Duke  of  Lennox.  Studied  at  Cambridge. 
Created  M.A.  1624;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1636.  S.  and  h.  of  Esm6, 
3rd  Duke  of  Lennox.  B.  Apr.  6,  1612,  at  Blackfriars,  London. 
A  godson  of  King  James  VI.  Succeeded  to  the  peerage, 
July  30,  1624.  Gentleman  of  the  Bedchamber,  1625.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  12,  1628.  Knighted,  June  29,  1630. 
Made  a  Grandee  of  Spain  of  the  first  class,  1632.  K.G.,  1633. 
P.C.,  1633.  Lord  Warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports,  1640.  Created 
Duke  of  Richmond,  Aug.  8,  1641.  Spent  large  sums  of  money 
in  the  service  of  King  Charles.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  George 
Villiers,  Duke  of  Buckingham.  Died  Mar.  30,  1655.  Buried 
in  Westminster  Abbey.  Brother  of  Bernard  (1637),  etc. 
(G.E.C.;  D.N.B. ■,Al.  Oxon.) 

STEWART,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  30,  1668. 
Previously  matric.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  17,  1664-5, 
age  17.  S.  of  Simon,  of  Mobberley,  Cheshire.  Matric.  1668; 
Scholar,  1668;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  V.  of  Dodford, 
Northants.,  1679-1707.  Buried  there  June  19,  1707,  aged  59. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

STUARDE,  JOHN.   Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1550-1. 

STUARDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Nicholas  Hostel, 
Easter,  1551.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Simeon,  of  Lakenheath, 
Suffolk.  If  so,  of  Marham,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau. 

V.  A.  C.  IV. 

Steward,  Robert 

of  Humphrey  Shouldham,  Esq.  Died  Feb.  16,  1604.  Buried 
at  Marham.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1546),  etc.  (Blome- 
field, VII.  381;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  150.) 

STUERDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1552. 

STEWARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  25, 
1632.  S.  of  Zachary  (1577),  D.D.,  deceased,  preb.  of  York. 
Bapt.  Apr.  10,  1615,  at  Easington,  Yorks.  Schools,  Coxwold, 
Hutton  Buscel,  Sledmere  and  Westerdale.  Matric.  1632. 
Buried  at  Easington,  Sept.  4,  1634. 

STEWARD,  JOHN.  M.A.  1637  (fil.  nob.).  6th  s.  of  Esm6, 
3rd  Duke  of  Lennox.  B.  Oct.  23,  1621.  A  General  of  Horse 
in  the  service  of  Charles  I.  Present  at  Edgehill,  1642.  Killed 
at  Alresford,  Mar.  29, 1644.  Buried  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 
Brother  of  Bernard  (1637),  etc.  (The  Scots  Peerage,  v.  359.) 

STEWARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  10, 
1702.  S.  of  John,  vintner.  B.  at  Ipswich,  Suffolk.  School, 
Ipswich  (Mr  Conninsby).  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A. 
1710.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  30,  1708;  priest.  Mar. 
1708-9.  R.  of  Nettlestead,  Suffolk,  1709.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Nowton,  1723-8.  Perhaps  R.  of  Middleton, 
Sussex,  1720-68.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporjiry. 
Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

STUART,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  26, 
1740.  S.  of  John  (?  above),  clerk,  of  Sussex.  B.  at  Chichester. 
School,  Southampton  (Mr  Scott).  Matric.  1740.  One  of 
these  names  preb.  of  Chichester,  1746-53;  died  1753.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  508.) 

STEWARD,  JONAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1582. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1585-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Aug.  5, 1589.  R.  of  Southery,  Norfolk,  1589-1608.  Died  1608. 

STUART,  LEWIS.  M.A.  1638  (fil.  nob.).  5th  s.  of  Esme,  3rd 
Duke  of  Lennox.  B.  Oct.  14,  1619,  at  March  House,  Drury 
Lane,  London,  loth  Seigneur  D'Aubigny.  Became  a  priest; 
canon  of  Notre-Dame.  Grand  Almoner  to  the  Queen 
Dowager  Henrietta  Maria.  Nominated  a  Cardinal.  Died  in 
Paris,  Nov.  3,  1665,  shortly  after  the  arrival  of  the  courier 
bearing  the  cardinal's  hat.  Buried  in  the  church  of  Chartreux, 
Paris.  Brother  of  Bernard  (1637),  etc.  (The  Scots  Peerage, 
V.  359-) 

STEWART,  [LUDOVICK],  Duke  of  Lennox.  M.A.  1612  (Com. 
Reg.).  S.  and  h.  of  Esm6,  1st  Duke  of  Lennox.  B.  Sept.  29, 
1574.  Succeededas2ndDukeof  Lennox,  May  26,  1583.  Joint 
Lieutenant  of  Scotland,  1589-90.  President  of  the  Privy 
Council,  1589.  Chamberlain  of  the  Household,  1590.  High 
Admiral,  1591.  Ambassador  to  England,  1601.  Attended  the 
King  to  England  on  his  accession  as  James  I,  in  1 603 .  Gentle- 
man of  the  Bedchamber  and  P. C,  1603.  K.G.,  1603.  Created 
M.A.  (Oxford)  1605.  Created  Baron  Setrington,  of  York, 
and  Earl  of  Richmond,  Oct.  6,  1613,  and  Earl  of  Newcastle- 
on-Tyne,  and  Duke  of  Richmond,  May  17,  1623.  Deputy 
Earl  Marshal,  1614.  Steward  of  the  Household,  1615-24. 
Joint  Commissioner  of  the  Great  Seal,  1621.  Died  Feb.  16, 
1623-4.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.   (G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

STUARDE,  MARMADUKE  (MAR.).  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Michs.  1544  (irnpubes);  B.A.  1547-8;  M.A.  1551.  Fellow 
of  Trinity,  1548.   (Trinity  College  Admissions.) 

STEWARD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1560.  7th  s.  of  Simeon,  of  Lakenheath,  Suffolk.  Of  Trinity 
Hall,  in  Aug.  1564;  LL.B.  1568;  LL.D.  1574-  Adm.  advocate, 
Oct.  29,  1573.  M.P.  for  Cambridge  University,  1604-11. 
Purchased  the  manor  of  Hartley  Maudit,  Hants.,  in  1614. 
Died  1634.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  June  6,  1634.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1546),  etc.  and  father  of  Simeon  (1588).  (Vis.  nf 
Herts.,  1634;  Vict.  Hist.  Hants.) 

STEWARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1584. 

STEWARD  or  STYWARD,  ROBERT.  Resident  graduate,  c.  1448. 
Will  of  Robert  Styward,  of  Ely,  dated  Sept.  29,  1456;  proved, 
Dec.  27,  1456.   (Fenland  N.  and  Q.,  v.  90.) 

STEWARD  or  STYWARD,  ROBERT,  alias  WELLS  (where  he 
is  said  to  have  been  boni;  a  pedigree  of  Styward  of  Wells, 
Norfolk,  is  in  the  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575).  Of  Gonville  Hall; 
pens.  1518-25.  A  monk  of  Ely.  B.A.  1516-7;  M.A.  1520. 
Prior  of  Ely,  1522-39,  when  he  surrendered  and  received  a 
pension  of  £120.  First  Dean  of  Ely,  1541-57.  Continued  the 
Historta£/ttfnsis,  i486  to  1554.  Died  Sept.  22,  1557.  Buried 
in  Ely  Cathedral.  M.I.  there.  WiU  (P.C.C).  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1513-4)  and  Edmund  (1514).  (Venn,\.  23;  D.N.B., 
where  the  parentage  is  wrong;  Cooper,  i.  170.) 

STUARDE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1544.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Simeon,  of  Lakenheath, 
Suffolk  (and  Joan,  dau.  of  Edward  Bestney,  of  Cambs.). 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  3,  1547;  Steward. 
Buried  in  Ely  Cathedral,  1570.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward 
(1546),  etc.  (Genealogist,  N.S.,  11.  37;  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575.) 

STUARDE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1550; 
Scholar,  1552;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1554-5, 

l6l  II 

Steward,  Robert 

STEWARD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Simeon  (Trinity  Hall). 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Reresby,  of  Yorkshire. 
Died  May  17,  1634.  Buried  at  St  Clement  Danes,  London. 
Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1640).  (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575 
and  1619.) 

STEWARD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  8, 
1633.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas  (1604),  Esq.  Bapt.  Apr.  6,  1617,  at 
Denham,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Mildenhall  and  Bury  St  Ed- 
munds. Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1641.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1626).   {Bury  School  Register.) 

STEWART,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  June  7,  1658. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1659.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Jan.  24, 
1660-1.  Scholar,  i66o-i;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Fellow 
of  Peterhouse,  1664-5.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London) 
June  4,  1664.  R.  of  Hardingham  and  Flockthorpe,  Norfolk, 

STEWARD,  ROWLAND.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1608. 
S.  of  John,  of  London.  M.A.  1612.  Fellow,  1609.  R.  of 
Alphamstone,  Essex,  1613-43,  sequestered.  Probably  died 
before  1660.  His  son  Tobias  was  adm.  at  Colchester  School 
in  1639.  {Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Essex  Arch.  Soc,  N.S.,  11. 

STEWARD,  SIMEON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Sept.  18,  1588. 
S.  of  Nicholas  (1560),  LL.D.  B.  at  Lakenheath,  Suffolk. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1588.  Resident  student,  1589. 
Previously  at  Oxford.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  Dec.  8, 
1587,  age  13.  Apparently  returned  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1590-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1589-90.  Of  Hartley 
Maudit,  Hants.,  Esq.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert 
Ingoldsby,  of  Lethenborough,  Bucks.  His  son  Nicholas  was 
created  Bart.,  1660.  Will  dated,  Apr.  18;  proved  (P.C.C.) 
May  I,  1629.  To  be  distinguished  from  the  next  with  whom 
he  has  been  confused  in  Al.  Oxon.  and  Venn,  1.  134. 

STEWART,  SIMEON.  Educated  at  Trinity  Hall.  S.  and  h.  of 
Mark,  of  Stuntney,  Cambs.  (and  Anna,  dau.  of  Robert 
Huick,  physician).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1592-3' 
Knighted,  July  23,  1603  (at  that  time  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity 
Hall).  A  friend  of  Robert  Herrick.  M.P.  for  Shaftesbury, 
1614;  for  Cambs.,  1624  (unseated,  Mar.  5,  1625);  for  Alde- 
burgh,  1628-9.  Sheriff  of  Cambs.  Married  Grace,  dau.  of 
Edward  St  Barbe,  of  Ashington,  Somerset.  Poet.  Father  of 
Robert  (1615).  {Vis,  of  Cambs.;  D.N.B.;  Fuller's  Worthies, 
I-  259-) 

STEWARD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  (?  15 13-4).  An  exile  at  Frankfort, 
under  Queen  Mary,  and  pastor  of  the  English  church  there. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1518)  and  Edmund  (1514)-  {Cooper, 
I.  263.) 

STUARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1547.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July  7;  priest,  Nov.  24, 
1560,  age  34;  'M.A.  of  Cambridge.'  Perhaps  canon  of  Ely, 
1560-8.  R.  of  Downham,  Cambs.,  1566.  Buried  at  Ely, 
Dec.  2,  1568. 

STEWARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1587. 

STEWARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1589.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  the  Isle  of 
Ely,  Knt.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  2,  1590-1.  High  Sheriff 
of  Cambs.,  and  of  Hunts.  Knighted,  Aug.  20,  1604.  Married 
Bridget,  dau.  of  John  Poole,  of  York.  Died  s.p.  Buried  in 
Ely  Cathedral.  {T.  A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575  and 

STEWARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1593. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Swardeston,  Norfolk  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Grisell,  dau.  of  Thomas  Eden,  of  Sudbury).  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  9,  1596;  of  Norfolk.  Of  Swardeston, 
Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry,  Lord  Grey  of  Groby, 
Leics.  Died  1637.  Perhaps  half-brother  of  Augustine 
(1579-80).   {T.A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1563.) 

STEWART,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1604.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Milden- 
hall and  Barton  Mills,  Suffolk.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir 
Edward  Lewkenor,  of  Denham,  Suffolk.  Father  of  the  next 
and  of  Robert  (1633).  {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  Vis.  of  Cambs., 

STEWART,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1626.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  of 
Barton  Mills,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2, 
1629-30.  Of  Haslingfield,  Cambs.,  and  of  Barton  Mills,  Esq. 
Married  (i)  Susan,  sister  of  Sir  Thomas  Wendy,  of  Hasling- 
field, Cambs.;  (2)  Susan,  dau.  of  Sir  Martin  Steffield,  Knt. 
Died  c.  1676.  Brother  of  Robert  (1633).  {Vis.  of  Suffolk, 
1664;  Manors  of  Suffolk,  iv.  137.) 

STUART,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Jan.  16, 1640-1. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1615).  Bapt.  June  27,  1625, 
at  Stuntney,  Cambs.  Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1668). 
{Ely  Episc.  Records;  Vis.  of  Cambs.) 

Still,  George 

STEWARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  ly)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  23,  1658.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1626),  Esq.,  of  Barton 
Mills,  and  of  Lackford,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Lackford.  School, 
Bury  St  Edmunds.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  12,  i66o-r. 
Married  Lucy  Hulton,  of  London.  Died  s.^.  (Vis.  of  Suffolk, 
1664;  Bury  School  Register;  Manors  of  Suffolk,  iv.  137.) 

STEWARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 

30,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1640-1),  Esq.,  of  Stuntney,  Cambs. 

B.  there. 
STEWARD,  WALTER.   M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit).   3rd  s.  of 

Walter,  Lord  Blantire,  'Gentleman  of  the  Privy  Chamber.' 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  9,  1619-20.   M.P.  for  Monmouth, 

1624,  1625.    A  doctor  of  medicine.    Of  Westminster,  Esq. 

Took  refuge  in  France  after  1649.   (The  Scots  Peerage,  n.  85.) 
STEWARD,    WILLIAM.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    Corpus 

Christi,  Easter,  1612.   Of  Norfolk.   Perhaps  4th  s.  of  John 

(?i55i),  of  Marham,  Norfolk,  gent.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

Aug.  4,  1614.   (Clutterbuck,  in.  150.) 
STUART,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July,  1617.  Of 

Suffolk.  Matric.  1618. 
STEWARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Aug.  4,  1674. 

Of  Surrey.   Matric.  1674-5;  B.A.  1678-9. 
STEWARD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 

Dec.   15,    1674.    S.  of  Thomas,   geat.    B.  at  Whepstead, 

Suffolk.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1678-9. 
STEWARD,   ZACHARY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 

1577-8.   Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  B.D. 

1591;   D.D.    1609.    FeUow,    1582-1600.     R.   of  Easington, 

Yorks.,  1599-1618.    Preb.  of  York,  1600-17.    Chaplain  to 

the   Archbishop.     Married   Elizabeth   Watson,   of   Hutton 

Buscel.  Buried  at  Easington,  Jan.  15,  1617-8.   Will  (York) 

1618.  Fatherof  John  (1632). 
STEWARD, .  B.A.  1510-1;  M.A.  1514.  A  priest.   Possibly 

George  'Stawert';  ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  7,   1516-7; 

on  title  Pembroke  Hall.   (Grace  Bk,  V.) 
STEWARDE, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

Possibly  Mark,  s.  of  Simeon,  of  Lakenheath,  Suffolk.   M.P. 

for  St  Ives,   1588-9;  for  Stockbridge,   1597-8.    Knighted, 

July,    1603.    Of  Stuntney,   Cambs.    Died   1603,  aged   97. 

Buried  in  Ely  Cathedral.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1544), 

etc.  and  father  of  Simeon,  of  Trinity  Hall.   (Bentham,  Ely; 

Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575-) 
STUART,  .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  18, 

1733  (off,  1742)- 
STEWARDSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  18, 

STEWARDSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 

May  3,  1705.   S.  of  William,  schoolmaster.   B.  at  Kendal, 

Westmorland.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1705. 

STEWKIN  or  STOWKIN,  JOHN.   B.A.  1520-1. 

STEWKIN,  ROBERT.  M.A.  Of  Ely  diocese.  B.D.  1463-4. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1450.  Proctor,  1458-9-  Chantry 
priest  at  Eltisley,  Cambs.  R.  of  Elsworth,  1463-8.  Died 

STEWKIN,  THOMAS.  M.A.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  23, 1452-3- 

STIBBS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  20, 

1707,  from  St  John's  College,  Oxford.   S.  of  John,  maltster. 

B.  at  Bath,  Somerset.    School,  Marlborough.    Matric.  (St 

John's  College,  Oxford)  Oct.   10,   1705,  age   15.    Matric. 

(Cambridge)  1707;  B.C.L.  (Oxford)  1712. 
STIBYNG,  JOHN  DE.  '  King's  scholar,'  1332. 
STICHELL  or  SICHELL,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 

Michs.  1591.  Of  Wiltshire. 
STICKLAND,  NEGUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Feb.  25, 1639-40. 

S.  of  Thomas,  deceased.    B.  at  Shelton,  Beds.    Schools, 
•    Shelton  and  Lincoln. 
STIESTON,  (?)  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec. 

STIGANT,  ISAAC.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  11,  1705. 

Of  Hampshire.  B.  at  Portsmouth.  Colleger  at  Eton.  Matric. 


STILL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1568. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York)  July,  1573-  V.  of  Felmersham, 
with  Pavenham,  Beds.,  1579-80.  Perhaps  R.  of  Ecton, 
Northants.,  1591-2. 

STYLL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1563-4. 
4th  s.  of  William,  of  Grantham,  Lines.  Scholar,  1564;  B.A. 
1567-8;  M.A.  1571;  B.D.  1578.  FeUow  of  St  John's,  1568, 
till  death,  1585.  R.  of  Whatfield,  Suffolk,  1574-81-  University 
preacher,  1577.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1585.  Brother  of 
John  (1559)-  (Peilf,  i-  81.) 


Still,  John 

STILL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1559.  S.  of 
William,  of  Grantham.  B.  there.  B.A.  1561-2;  M.A.  1565; 
B.D.  1570;  D.D.  1575.  Fellow,  1562-72.  Lady  Margaret 
preacher,  1570.  Lady  Margaret  Professor,  1570-3.  Master 
of  St  John's,  1574-7.  Master  of  Trinity,  1577-93.  Vice- 
Chancellor,  1575-6,  1592.  Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Parker. 
R.  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  1571-92.  Dean  of  Booking,  1572. 
V.  of  East  Markham,  Notts.,  1573.  Canon  of  Westminster, 
1573-93-  Archdeacon  of  Sudbury,  1577-93.  Bishop  of 
Bath  and  Wells,  1593-1608.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  8, 
1606-7.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Alabaster,  of 
Hadleigh;  (2)  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Homer,  of  Cloford, 
Somerset.  Authorship  of  Gammer  Gurton's  Needle,  a  comedy 
played  at  Christ's  College,  attributed  to  him  on  inconclusive 
evidence  by  Isaac  Reed.  Buried  in  Wells  Cathedral,  Apr.  4, 
1608.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1608.  Father  of  John  (1604)  and 
Nathaniel  (e.  1595).  (Peile,  i.  70;  Cooper,  11.  467;  D.N.B.) 

STILL,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  S.  of 
William,  of  Grantham,  Lines.  Perhaps  incorp.  at  Oxford, 
r6ii.  R.  of  Christian  Malford,  Wilts.  Canon  of  Salisbury, 
1611-39,  snd  of  Wells,  1623-39.  Chaplain  to  his  uncle  John 
(above).  Bishop  Still.  Died  1639.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Suffolk  Man. 
Fam.,  I.  74.) 

STILL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1604. 
2nd  s.  of  John  (1559),  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells  (by  his  ist 
wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Alabaster,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk). 
Bapt.  at  Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  Feb.  12,  1587.  Scholar,  1605; 
B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  i5ii.  Of  Dursley,  Somerset.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Baynard,  Esq.,  of  Wajmstraw, 
Somerset.  Will  dated,  Nov.  21,  1633;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb. 
10,  1633-4.  Brother  of  the  next.  {Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  i.  76; 
G.  Mag.,  1840,  II.  496;  Hutchins,  iii.  73.) 

STILL,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 
S.andh.  of  John  (1559),  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells.  Bapt.  at 
Hadleigh,  Oct.  18,  1579.  Scholar,  1596;  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A. 
1602.  Fellow,  1599.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1602.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  1606-7.  Of  Hutton  Court,  Somei-set.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  William  Whitmore,  merchant,  of  London, 
Apr.  14,  1610.  Died  Feb.  2,  1625-6.  Buried  at  Hutton.  M.I. 
Brother  of  John  (above).  (N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  vi.  346;  Al. 

STILLING,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1662. 
Perhaps  s.  of  David,  of  Canterbury.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College, 
Oxford)  Dec.  9,  1664,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1669-70. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

STILLING,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1613; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628.  V.  of 
Gt  Gaddesden,  Herts.,  1620. 

STILLINGFLEET,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  14,  1720.  S.  of  Edward  (1677-8),  R.  of  Wood-Norton, 
Norfolk,  and  grandson  of  the  next.  B.  1702.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Reddington).  Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1723;  B.A.  1723-4. 
Settled  at  Felbrig,  Norfolk,  as  tutor  to  Ashe-Windham's  son, 
William,  1724-38.  Travelled  abroad,  1741.  Made  the 
acquaintance  of  Robert  Price,  of  Foxley,  Herefordshire; 
afterwards  made  his  chief  home  there.  Attended  the 
assemblies  of  Mrs  Agmondesham  Vesey  at  Bath,  c.  1748; 
the  term  Blue-stocking  probably  originated  from  the  grey 
or  blue  stockings  he  wore  at  these  meetings.  Became 
acquainted  with  Linnean  system;  proposed  English  names 
for  grasses.  Botanist  and  miscellaneous  writer.  His  preface 
to  Miscellaneous^  Tracts  introduced  Linnean  principles  into 
England.  Musician;  wrote  librettos  for  oratorios.  Died  at 
his  lodgings  in  Piccadilly,  London,  Dec.  15,  1771.  Buried 
in  St  James',  PiccadiUy.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  (D.N.B. ;  Le 
Neve,  Mon.) 

STILLINGFLEET,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  29,  1648.  7th  s.  of  Samuel,  of  Cranbome,  Dorset. 
B.  there,  Apr.  17,  1635.  Schools,  Cranbome  (Mr  Thomas 
Garden)  and  Ringwood.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A. 
1656;  B.D.  1663;  D.D.  1668.  Fellow,  1653.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1657.  R.  of  Sutton,  Beds.,  1658.  Preacher  at  the 
Rolls  Chapel,  1665,  and  Reader  of  the  Temple.  R.  of  St 
Andrew's,  Holbom,  1665-89.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1667-89. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1668-9.  Chaplain  to  the  King, 
1668-89.  Canon  of  Canterbury,  1669-89.  Archdeacon  of 
London,  1677-89.  Dean  of  St  Paul's,  1678.  Bishop  of 
Worcester,  1689-99.  A  friend  of  Sir  Matthew  Hale,  and 
Chief  Justice  Vaughan.  A  popular  preacher.  Married 
(i)  Andrea,  dau.  of  William  Dobyns,  of  Wormington, 
Gloucs.;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas  Pedley.  Author, 
controversial.  Died  Mar.  28,  1699.  Buried  in  Worcester 
Cathedral.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1647)  and  father  of  the 
next.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Hutchins,  in.  404.) 

STILLINGFLEET,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  19,  1677-8.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  D.D.,  Dean  of  St 
Paul's,  London.  Bapt.  Feb.  24,  1660-1,  at  Sutton,  Beds. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1677-8;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685; 

Stinnet,  John 

M.D.  1692.  Fellow,  1683.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1690.  Pro- 
fessor of  Physic  at  Gresham  College,  1689-92.  Practised  at 
Lynn,  Norfolk.  F.R.S.,  1688.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Oct. 
1697;  priest,  July,  1698.  Presented  to  the  rectory  of  Newing- 
ton  Butts,  Surrey,  but  not  instituted.  R.  of  Wood  Norton 
and  Swanton  Novers,  Norfolk,  1698-1708.  Died  June,  1708. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1709.  Father  of  Benjamin  (1720).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Manning  and  Bray,  in.  453;  Hutchins,  m.  404.) 

STILLINGFLEET,  FAIRFAX.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  21,  1720.  S.  of  John  (1679),  clerk,  of  Lincoln.  B.  at 
Beckingham.  Schools,  Lincoln  and  Hough,  near  Grantham 
(private).  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727.  Fellow, 
1724-31-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1725;  priest,  June 
I,  1729.  R.  of  Alburgh,  Norfolk,  1729-55.  Died  1755. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  334.) 

STILLINGFLEETE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  11, 
1646.  Of  Dorset.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  of  Cran- 
bome, Dorset.  Bapt.  Sept.  17,  1626.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  Aug.  11,  1691.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Edward 
(1648),  probably  father  of  Robert  (1683).  (Hutchins,  in.  404.) 

STILLINGFLEET,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  23,  1647.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Cranbome,  Dorset.  Bapt. 
Mar.  27, 1631.  School,  Cranbome  (Mr  Sharpe).  Matric.  1647; 
B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655;  D.D.  1668.  Fellow,  1652.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1657.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  25, 

1661.  R.  of  Beckingham,  Lines.,  1661.  R.  of  South  Hyke- 
ham,  1673.  Canon  of  Lincoln,  1675-87.  Died  1687.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1648)  and  father  of  the  next.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

STILLINGFLEET,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  19,  1679.  S.  of  John  (above),  D.D.,  R.  of  Beckingham, 
Lines.  B.  there.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1687. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Jan.  1,  1687-8.  R.  of  Beckingham, 
1690-1721.  Father  of  Fairfax  (1720). 

STILLINGFLEET,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  24,  1698. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1701-2. 

STILLINGFLEET,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct. 
29,  1683;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Of  Dorset.  S.  and 
h.  of  George  (?  1646),  of  Cranbome.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  Oct.  29,  1680,  age  17;  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1684-5. 
Married  and  had  issue.  Died  1761.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Hutchins,  ni. 
404,  where  he  wrongly  appears  as  grandson  of  George  (1646).) 

STILLINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  30, 

1662.  5th  s.  of  John,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Kelfield,  Yorks. 
School,  Thirsk  (Mr  Buck).  Matric.  1663.  Of  Kelfield,  Esq. 
Admon.  Oct.  2,  1678,  to  his  sisters  Margaret  Shaw  and  Olive 
Garforth.   (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxxii.  250.) 

STILLINGTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Jesus, 
Mar.  18,  1685-6.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Kelfield,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
Matric.  1686;  Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693. 
Fellow,  1694-1707.  V.  of  Hinxton,  Cambs.,  1695-1707. 
Buried  there  Mar.  13,  1706-7.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1707. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1681). 

STILLINGTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  Dec.  7, 
1721.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (next),  of  Kelfield,  Vorks.  School, 
Wakefield.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  21,  1719. 
(Peile,  II.  204.) 

STILLINGTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  30, 
1681.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Kelfield,  Yorks.  (and  Dorothy,  dau. 
of  Jos.  Micklethwayte,  M.D.,  of  York).  B.  there,  Oct.  1664. 
School,  Rotherham  (Mr  Farrer).  M.A.  1683  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Brother  of  Joseph  (1685-6)  and  father  of  Joseph  (above). 
(Peile,  II.  83.) 

STILLOMAN, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  1669-70. 

STILOND,  HENRY.   B.A.  1541-2. 

STILTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  19,  1596. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  25,  1602;  'of  Em.,  literate'; 
priest,  Nov.  13,  1603.  Probably  R.  of  Foscott,  Bucks.,  1612; 
there  in  1630.  (Lipscomb,  in.  14,  26.) 

STINNET  or  STENNET,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
Magdalene,  Mar.  20,  1687-8.  S.  of  Anthony,  gent.  B.  at 
Bisbrooke,  Rutland.  School,  Uppingham.   Matric.  i688. 

STINNET,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Nov.  26,  1640.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Cambridge.  Schools, 
Perse  (Mr  Lovering)  and  Norwich.  Matric.  1640;  B.A. 
1644-5.  V.  of  Easton,  Norfolk,  1650.  R.  of  St  Clement, 
Norwich,  1663.  R.  of  St  Augustine,  1664-8.  Died  1668. 
(Peile,  I.  473.) 

STINNET,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  25, 
1648.  S.  of  William  (1603),  of  St  John  Maddermarket, 
Norwich.  B.  at  Norwich.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1648; 
B.A.  1651.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Hall  of  Norwich)  Apr.  13, 
1655.  V.  of  Wickh.ini-Skeith,  Suffolk,  1657-63.  R.  of 
Bacton,  1663-95.  Will  proved  (Bury  St  Edmunds)  July  26, 
1695.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1643).  (Peile,  1.  518.) 



SxiNNET,  John 

STINNET  or  STENNET,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
May  I,  1718.  S.  of  William  (1678),  of  Bacton,  Suffolk,  clerk. 
School,  Botesdale  (Mr  Mayboume).  Matric.  1718;  B.A. 
1 72 1-2. 

STINNET  or  STENNET,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
Christ's,  July  4,  1643.  S.  of  William  (1603),  clerk.  B.  at 
Norwich.  Matric.  1643;  B.A.  1646;  M.A.  1650.  R.ofThorpe- 
by-Haddiscoe,  Norfolk,  1661.  Brother  of  John  (1648). 
(Peile,  I.  485.) 

STINNET,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1603 ; 
B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610;  B.D.  1631.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
1611.  R.  of  St  John  Maddermarket,  Norwich,  1614;  there  in 
1638.  Benefactor  to  the  new  buildings  at  Christ's.  Father 
of  Samuel  (above)  and  of  John  (1648).   {Peile,  i.  245.) 

STINNETT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1678. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1681;  B.A.  1682-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1686;  priest,  Sept.  1695.    Father  of  John 


STIRKE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  29, 
1638.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  New-Towne-Linford,  Leics.  B.  there. 
School,  Sileby,  Leics.  (private).  Matric.  1639. 


STYRROPP,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1618;  B.A.  1620.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  the 
Close,  Lincoln,  gent,  (by  his  ist  wife  Susan,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Harris,  of  the  Close,  Lincoln).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14, 
1624-5.  Of  the  Close,  Lincoln.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
Sir  Thomas  Dalyson,  Knt.,  of  GreetweU.  Died  v. p.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1615).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  936.) 

STIRROP,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  2,  1652. 
Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  29,  1648;  of  Wood  Street,  London, 

STIRROP,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  29,  1614; 
B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  R.  of  Ashton-on-Mersey,  Cheshire, 
1632-40.  Buried  there  Mar.  10,  1639-40.  (E.  Axon.) 

STIRROPPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  the  Close,  Lincoln, 
gent.  (But  he  does  not  appear  in  the  pedigree.)  M.A.  (?  mis- 
take for  B.A.)  from  St  Catharine's,  1618.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  26,  i6i8.  Brother  of  Lawrence  (1618).  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  936.) 

STISTED,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1671  {LU.  Reg.).  Incorp.  M.A.  from 
Aberdeen,  1670. 

STISTED,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
1729.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  attorney,  of  Ipswich.  B.  there. 
School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Took).  Matric.  1729 ;  Scholar, 
1729-37;  B.A.  1733;  M.A.  1737.  Fellow,  1737-82.  Died  at 
Ipswich,  Oct.  2,  1782.  Buried  at  St  Lawrence's,  Ipswich. 
{Venn,  11.  31.) 

STOBART,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  1670.  Of  Durham.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1671. 
Doubtless  Master  of  Kepier  School,  Houghton-le-Spring, 
1686.  Married  (1)  Jane  Brough,  of  East  Rain  ton;  (2)  Dorothy 
Richardson.  Buried  at  Houghton-le-Spring,  Jan.  4,  1694-5. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 

STOCK,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625. 
S.  of  Alexander,  R.  of  Kirkheaton,  Yorks.  Matric.  1625; 
B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  R.  of  Smeaton,  Yorks.,  1635-40. 
R.  of  Kirkheaton,  1638-41.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1616). 

STOCK,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Jesus,  Jime  27,  1672. 
Of  Elsenham,  Essex. 

STOCKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1569. 
Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1569). 

STOCKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  15, 
1596  {sic).  S.  of  Miles.  B.  at  Ledbury,  Hereford.  School, 
Ledbury  (Mr  Richard  Jaunsey).  Scholar,  1596-7;  B.A. 
1599-1600;  M.A.  1618.  R.  of  Bromsberrow,  GIoucs.,  1601-20. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Lowdham,  Notts.,  1625.   {Venn,  i.  163.) 

STOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1642.  Of  Suffolk. 

STOCKS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  July  4,  1741. 
S.  of  William,  of  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Glamford  Bridge 
(Mr  Waterworth).  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoki)  June  9,  1745;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1746. 

STOCK,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  1623  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Probably 
s.  of  Alexander,  R.  of  Kirkheaton,  Yorks.  Matric.  (Univer- 
sity College,  Oxford)  June  18,  1613;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1617; 
M.A.  1620.  V.  of  Gt  Sandall,  Yorks.,  1625.  R.  of  Shirland, 
Derbs.,  1656-66;  formerly  minister  of  Otley,  Yorks.  A 
Royalist.  Married  Judith  Power,  of  Wakefield.  Died  1666. 
Probably  brother  of  the  next  and  of  Alexander  (1625). 
(Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.,  i.  341;  Al.  Oxon.) 

Stockdale,  Robert 

STOCK,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1616.  S.  of  Alexander,  R.  of  Kirkheaton,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1621; 
priest  (London)  June  18,  1623,  age  24.  C.  of  All  Hallows, 
Bread  Street,  London.  Buried  there  Dec.  5,  1623.  Brother 
of  Alexander  (1625)  and  probably  of  Joseph  (above). 

STOCK,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1590-1.  B.  in  York. 
M.A.  1594.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1595.  R.  of  Standlake,  Oxon., 
1596.  Lecturer  at  St  Augustine's,  Watling  Street,  London. 
C.  of  All  Hallows,  Bread  Street,  1604-10;  R.  there,  1610-26. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  Apr.  20, 1626.  Will,  P.C.C.  {D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

STOCK,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  28,  1646. 

STOCKE,  STEPHEN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1590. 

STOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621. 
Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.;  priest,  Dec.  1624. 

STOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1709.  Of  Essex. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Gt  Hallingbury,  gent.  Matric.  Easter,  1711 ; 
B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  16, 
1717;  priest,  June  8,  1718.  R.  of  Chignal,  Essex,  1726-45. 
R.  of  Mashbury,  1726-45.  Died  Feb.  7,  1744-5,  aged  51. 
M.I.  at  Chignal.   (G.  Mag.;  Morant,  11.  81.) 

STOCK,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1569. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1569). 

STOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  July  5,  1664.  S.  of 
John,  of  Chrishall,  Essex.  B.  there.  School,  Elmdon. 
Matric.  1664-5.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  Apr.  27,  1666,  age  17. 
B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1672.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London) 
Sept.  23,  1671.  C.  of  Strethall,  Herts. 

STOCKAR,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  29, 
1704.  S.  of  James  (?  John),  R.  of  St  Alphage,  Canterbury, 
Kent.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  19,  1688.  School,  Canterbury 
(Mr  Jones).  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1705;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A. 
1714.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from  Canterbury) 
Dec.  1711. 

STOCKDALL,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  20, 
1572-3;  Stockdale.  Matric.  1573.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  21,  1576. 

STOCKDALE,  GILBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Green  Hamerton,  Yorks.  B.A.  from 
Caius,  1600-1.  R.  of  Whalton,  Northumberland,  1606-15. 
Perhaps  brother  of  the  next  and  of  William  (1601).  {Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1585,  1665.) 

STOCKDALE,  JEREMY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1602.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Green  Hamerton,  Yorks. 
Scholar,  1605;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  24,  1609;  priest,  Feb.  17,  1610-1.  V.  of  Frodingham, 
Lines.,  1614-5.  V.  of  North  Wheatley,  Notts.,  1617-20. 
V.  of  Wressel,  Yorks.,  1626-31.  {Vis.  of  Yorks.) 

STOCKDAILE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1606. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Staindrop,  Durham,  1617.  V.  of 
South  Church,  1638.  Buried  at  Staindrop,  Apr.  28,  1648. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 

STOCKDALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
15,  1726-7.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at 
Greenham,  near  Dalton.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1727; 
B.A.  1730-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  June  19,  1736. 

STOCKDALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  21, 
1737-8.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Grassington.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric. 
1738;  B.A.  1745-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1742; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  1745.  V.  of  Rushall,  Norfolk,  1764-78.  V. 
of  Mendham,  Suffolk,  1771-8.  V.  of  Bedingham,  Norfolk, 
1774-8.   {Seott-Mayor,  iii.  491.) 

STOCKDALE,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1554;  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1559-60;  M.A.  1563.  Fellow  of  Jesus, 
1560-71.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1570.  {Peile,  i.  59; 
A.  Gray.) 

STOCKDALL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1577;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  B.D.  from  Caius,  1591. 
Fellow  of  Caius,  1587-1601.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
July  16,  1587.  R.  of  St  Michael  Coslany,  Norwich,  1600-1. 
{Venn,  1.  130.) 

STOCKDALE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  22,  1637. 
Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1647. 

STOCKDALE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  7, 
1746-7.  S.  of  William,  of  Scarborough.  B.  there.  School, 
Thornton.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1750-1;  M.A.  1754.  Fellow, 
1755.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  2,  1751;  priest,  Sept.  1752. 
C.  of  Kirkby  Moorside,  Yorks.  Perhaps  R.  of  Arthingworth, 
Northants.,  1767-75.  Possibly  V.  of  St  Mary,  Bishophill, 
York,  c.  1775;  died  1780. 


Stockdale,  William 

STOCKDALE,  WILLIAM.  Of  Peterhouse.  B.A.  (?)  1473-4; 
M.A.  (?);  B.D.  1485;  D.D.  1488.  FeUow  of  Peterhouse,  1474. 
Proctor,  1478-9.  Vice-Chancellor,  1494.  V.  of  West  Mersea, 
Essex,  1480.  R.  of  St  Leonard's,  Colchester,  1488.  Dean  of 
St  Mary,  Warwick,  1498,  resigned  the  same  year.  Dean  of 
theCollegeof  Leicester,  1499.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1500.  Benefactor 
to  St  Catharine's.   {Cooper,  i.  11.) 

STOCKDALE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1601.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  William,  of  Green  Hammerton, 

STOCKDALE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  June  23,  1652.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Bilton  Park, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  Bapt.  Jan.  3,  1634-5,  at  Knaresborough. 
School,  Knaresborough  (Mr  Bateson).  M.P.  for  Knares- 
borough, 1660-81,  1685-7,  1689-93.  Of  Bilton  Park,  Esq. 
Buried  at  Knaresborough,  Mar.  22,  1692-3.  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 

STOCKDEN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1615. 

STOCKELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1641.   Of  Yorkshire. 

STOCKET,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

STOCKHAM,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Easter,    1573;    B.A.    from    Tnnity,    1576-7.     Ord.    priest 

(Lincoln)  Feb.  7,  1583-4.   R.  of  West  Rasen,  Lines.,  1583. 

Admon.  (Lincoln)  1617. 
STOCKHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1662.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670. 

Fellow.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1666.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(London)  Oct.  25,  1673.   R.  of  Stour  Provost,  Dorset,  1678- 

STOCKHAM,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 

1653-4.    Of  Nottinghamshire.    M.D.  (Padua)   1671.    Hon. 

Fellow,  R.C.P.,  1680.   Fellow  (by  the  charter  of  James  II), 

1687.  Physician  to  Charles  II.  Died  Apr.  15,  1698,  aged  63. 

Buried  at  St  Paul's,  Covent  Garden,  London.    M.I.    Will, 

P.C.C.   (Munk,  I.  447.) 


STOCKMAN,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  15,  1657;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1661;  M.A.  1664.  R.  of  Wardley  and  Belton,  Rutland, 
1667-82.  Head  Master  of  Uppingham  School,  1668-84. 
R.  of  Uppingham,  1682-4.  Died  1684.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

STOCKTON,  ELIEZAR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  II,  1657-8.  S.  of  Gilbert,  gent.,  of  Kimcote,  Leics. 
B.  there.  School,  Warwick.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1661-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  21,  1662;  priest,  Aug.  10,  1668. 
V.  of  Dunton  Bassett,  Leics.,  1670-90. 

STOCKTON,  HENRY.  Vice-Chancellor  in  1417.  A  friar. 

STOCKTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 
3,  1652.  S.  of  John,  of  Hull,  Yorks.  School,  Leeds.  Matric. 
1652;  B.A.  1655-6.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  July  2; 
'M.A.';  priest,  July  4,  1661.  V.  of  South  Ferriby,  Lines., 

STOCKTON,  JOHN  DE.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse  in  1339. 
Subsequently  appears  as  '  Doctor  in  medicena,  de  Bryngton, 
Lyncoln  dioc'   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

STOCKTON,  JOHN.  M.A.  1627  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Leicestershire,  cler.  fit.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
May  19,  1615,  age  20;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Mar.  1621-2. 

STOCKTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1641. 
Migrated  to  Caius.  B.A.  1644-5.  Probably  C.  of  Egton 
Chapelry,  Yorks.,  1661. 

STOCKTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  23)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  12, 
1677.  S.  of  John,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Hull.  School,  HuU. 

STOCKTON,  OWEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  c.  1596. 
2nd  s.  of  Owen,  of  Cuddington,  Cheshire.  B.A.  1599-1600; 
M.A.  1603.  Fellow,  i6oi.  R.  of  St  Mary's,  Lavant,  Sussex, 
1612-35.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1614-35.  Died  1635,  aged  58. 
M.I.  at  Lavant.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1635;  of  East  Lavant,  Sussex. 
Father  of  the  next.  [Vis.  of  Cheshire,  1613;  Dallaway,  i.  118.) 

STOCKTON,  OWEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  2, 
1645-6.  S.  of  Owen  (above),  preb.  of  Chichester  (not  Chester 
as  stated  in  D.N.B.).  B.  there.  May  31,  1630.  School,  Ely 
(Mr  Hitches).  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  from  Caius, 
1653.  Fellow  of  Caius,  1651-8.  Received  presbyterian 
ordination,  Feb.  20,  1655,  in  London.  Minister  of  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  1655.  Lecturer  at  Colchester,  1657.  Removed 
to  Chattisham,  Suffolk,  where  he  took  pupils,  1665.  Preacher 
in  various  towns.  Married  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Roger  Rant,  of 
Swafiham  Prior,  Cambs.  Author,  religious.  Died  Sept.  10 
(?  Aug.  31),  1680.  Buried  at  Chattisham.  M.I.  Benefactor 
to  Caius.  {PeiU,  i.  508;  D.N.B.;  Venn,  i.  381.) 

Stoddart,  John 

STOCKTON,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  161 1-2;  M.A. 
1617.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May;  priest,  Sept.  1613.  R.  of 
Levisham,  Yorks.,  1617-20. 

STOCKTON,  THOMAS.  Malric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1572;  B.A.  1576-7.  Apparently  fellow  of  Queens',  1579, 
'Stockden';  but  see  also  Stoughton,  Thomas,  with  whom  he 
may  have  been  confused. 

STOCKTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  19, 
1 67 1.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Chowbent-in-Atherton,  Lanes. 
School,  Atherton  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1671:  B.A.  1674-5: 
M.A.  1678.   {Peile,  11.  35.)  ^  ^' 

STOCKTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  3,  1672. 
Matric.  1672.  Re-adm.  Fell.-Com.  Aug.  10,  1674.  M.A.  1675 
{Lit.  Reg.). 

STOCKTON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  i6,  1700. 

Possibly  s.  of  Eliezar  (1657-8),  V.  of  Dunton  Bassett,  Leics. 

Matric.   1700;   Rustat  Scholar,    1701;   B.A.    1703-4.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1706.  V.  of  Glen  Magna,  Leics., 

STOCKWAYE,   THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from   Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1546. 

STOCKEWELL,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

1558.  Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
STOCKEWELL,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

STOKWELL,  THOMAS.    Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1433.   Had 

a  grant  of  St  Margaret's  Hospital,  Huntingdon,  Mar.  17, 1441. 

Died  Nov.  20,  1441. 
STOCKWITH,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1511-2;  M.A.  1515.  V.  of  Holy 

Trinity,  Cambridge,  1518-43.    R.  of  Upton,  Hunts.,  1549- 

STOCKWOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1564.    Of   Kent.    Scholar;   B.A.   (Heidelberg)    1567;   M.A. 

(Oxford)   1575.    Incorp.  at  Cambridge,   1580.    Minister  of 

Battle,  Sussex,   1571.    Head  Master  of  Tonbridge  School, 

1574-86.  V.of  Tonbridge,  1585-1610.  A  celebrated  preacher. 

Author,  school  manuals  and  translations  of  devotional  works. 

Buried  at  Tonbridge,  July  27,  1610.   Probably  father  of  the 

next.   (Cooper,  iii.  24;  D.N.B.) 

STOCKWOOD,  JONATHAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1602;  exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Probably 
s.  of  John  (above).  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609. 

STOCKWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Dec.  3,  1708 
(previously  adm.  at  Pembroke,  June  28).  S.  of  John,  of 
Bewdley,  Worcs.,  gent.  B.  at  Peterborough.  Matric.  1709; 
B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1716;  D.D.  (?  Lambeth).  Fellow,  1718. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  22,  1712-3;  priest,  July  31,  1715. 
Preb.  of  Worcester,  1767-8.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1768-84. 
R.  of  East  Langdon,  Kent,  1724-38;  'D.D.'  P.C.  of  Fair- 
field. R.  of  Ockley,  Surrey,  1725-84.  R.  of  Henley-on- 
Thames,  1737-84.  Died  Feb.  5,  1784,  'aged  loo.'  (G.  Mag.; 
Manning  and  Bray,  11.  167.) 

STODDART,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
June  28,  1690.  S.  of  Charles.  Bapt.  Feb.  4,  1673-4,  at 
Morpeth.  School,  Morpeth.  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1690; 
B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  30, 
1694;  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  22,  1695.  C.  of  St  .\ndrew, 
Newcastle,  1696-1702.  P.C.  of  Souls,  Bamburgh,  North- 
umberland, 1702-12.  V.  of  Chillingham,  1704-12.  V.  of 
Eglingham,  1712-58.  Died  Aug.  29, 1758,  aged  90  (sic).  Buried 
at  Morpeth.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Robert  (1730). 
(D.  S.  Boutflower;  Peile,  11.  117.) 

STODDART,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  May  4, 
1726.  S.  of  Charles  (above).  Bapt.  July  22,  1707,  at  Bam- 
burgh, Northumberland.  School,  Morpeth.  Matric.  1726; 
Scholar,  1727;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733.  Ord.  priest 
(Durham)  1731.  V.of  Chollerton,  Northumberland,  1733-90; 
built  the  new  Vicarage  House,  1734.  R.  of  Whalton,  1748-60. 
V.of  Brampton,  Cumberland,  1773-90.  Buried  at  Chollerton, 
June  16,  1790.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1793.  Brother  of  Robert  (1730). 
(H.  M.  Wood;  G.  B.  Routledge;  Peile,  11.  212.) 

STODARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1590-1; 
B.A.  1595-6.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (c.  1596). 

STODART,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
28,  1659.  S.  of  Matthew,  gent.,  of  Barnard  Castle,  Durham. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  20,  1641-2.  School,  Barnard  Castle. 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3. 

STODART,  JOHN.   B.A.  1516-7.  A  priest. 

STODART,  JOHN.   B.Ov.L.  1525-6. 

STODART,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1573.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  All  Saints',  York,  1593-1627. 

STODDART,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1623. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1625-6;  priest,  Dec.  1626. 


Stoddart,  John 

STUDDERT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June  21, 

1655.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Braithwaite,  Cumberland.  B.A. 
1657-8;  M.A.  1661.  V.  of  Crosthwaite,  Cumberland,  1660-1. 
(B.  Nightingale,  655.) 

STODDART,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  May  12,  1730. 
S.  of  Charles  (1690).  Bapt.  Mar.  18,  1711-2,  at  Bamburgh, 
Northumberland.  School,  Morpeth.  Matric.  1730;  Scholar, 
1731.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  5,  1732-3. 
aged  20.  Brotherof  Charles  (1726).   (Peile,  u.  222.) 

STODART,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1596. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1590-1). 

STODDART,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  July  3. 
1657.  Possibly  migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  July  31,  1658.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
July  17,  1660;  of  Muckingham,  Kent. 

STODDART,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sr  John's, 
May  17,  1737.  S.  of  John,  attomey-at-law,  of  Northumber- 
land. Bapt.  Sept.  21,  1718,  at  Morpeth.  School,  Morpeth 
(MrHolden).  Matric.  i737;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1750.  Ord. 
deacon  (Carlisle)  May  24,  1741;  priest  (Durham)  Oct.  16, 
1743.  P-C-  of  Alnwick,  Northumberland,  1745-82.  V.  of 
Chatton,  1775-82.  Died  at  Alnwick,  May  7,  1782.  {Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  485.) 

STOGDELL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  12,  1672. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept. 
1678;  priest,  Sept.  1679.  V.  of  Ofiton  and  Little  Bricett, 
Suffolk,  1679. 

STOKE,  PHILIP  DE.  'King's  scholar,'  1337.  Joined  the  Friars 
Minors  at  Cambridge,  July  7,  1342. 

STOKENHAM,  JOHN  DE.  1261.  Southern  student  who  received 
a  royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against  the  Northern 
students.   {Fuller,  29.) 

STOKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1563. 

STOKES,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1673.  Doubtless  s.  of  Alexander,  R.  of  Arboriield,  and  of 
Barkham,  Berks.  B.  at  Arborfield.  Matric.  Easter,  1674. 
Died  as  student,  of  small-pox,  Apr.  22,  1676.  Brother  of 
Nathaniel  (1666).   {Harwood.) 

STOKES,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  i,  1701. 
B.  at  Melton,  Leics.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  19,  1706;  priest.  May  30,  1708.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Edward  (1689). 

STOKES,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1661.  S.  of  David  (1611).  B.  at  Sutton,  Berks.  Matric. 
Easter,  1662.  Died  whilst  a  student,  1664.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1649).   {Harwood.) 

STOAKES,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  14, 1667-8. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  i675- 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1675.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London) 
May  30,  1672.  V.  of  St  Mary,  Bedford,  i675-  R-  of  Cranford 
St  John,  Northants.,  1681.  Married  Susanna  Perritt,  of 
St  Mary's,  Bedford,  May  28,  1675.  Buried  there,  July  27, 
1681.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STOKES,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Dec.  13,  1722.  Of  Leicestershire.  School,  Melton  Mowbray. 
Matric.  1723;  Scholar,  1725;  B.A.  1726-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)  May  28,  1727.  R.  of  Knaptoft,  Leics.,  1737-  Died 
Mar.  1776.  Buried  in  St  John's  Church,  Stamford.  Probably 
brotherof  John  (1724-5)  and  Nicholas  (1730).  {T.  A .  Walker; 
Nichols,  IV.  222.) 

STOKES,  DAVID.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1611; 
Scholar  from  Westminster.  Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1614-5; 
M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1618;  D.D.  1630.  Fellow  of  Peter- 
house,  1618-24.  Fellow  of  Eton  College,  1624.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1645.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  17;  priest. 
Mar.  18,  1621-2.  R.  of  Brinklow,  Warws.,  1625.  Canon 
of  Windsor,  1628-43,  1660-9.  Precentor  of  Chichester, 
1629-31.  R.  of  Binfield,  Berks.,  1631.  R.  of  Everdon, 
Northants.,  1638.  V.  of  Urchfont,  Wilts.,  1644.  Dispossessed 
during  the  rebellion,  but  restored,  1660.  Author,  theological. 
Died  May  10,  1669,  aged  78.  Buried  in  St  George's  Chapel, 
Windsor.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Richard  (1649)  and  Charles 
(1661).   {Al.  Oxon.;  Walker,  Sufferings;  D.N.B.) 

STOKES,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 
B.  at  Ab-Kettleby,  Leics.,  1562.  B.A.  1580-1.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  30,  1587.  V.  of  Baston,  Lines., 
1602.  Will  (Lincoln)  1638. 

STOAKES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  June  13, 
1657,  from  Oxford.  S.  of  Anthony,  blacksmith.  B.  at  Melton 
Mowbray,  Leics.  Matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  i, 

1656.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  Matric.  1657.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1661-2;  'literate';  priest,  Sept.  2,  1662. 
Probably  R.  of  Ruskington,  Lines.,  1668.  Brother  of  Henry 

STOKES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  9,  1689.  Of 
Thorpe  Arnold,  Leics.    Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A. 

Stokes,  John 

1697.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1697;  priest  (London) 
Mar.  9,  1698-9.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Stamford.  R.  of 
Willoughby  Waterless,  Leics.,  1710.  R.  of  Blaby,  1711-24. 
Died  1724,  aged  52.  Perhaps  brother  of  Benjamin  (1701). 
Father  of  the  next.   {Nichols,  in.  53.) 

STOKES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Nov.  27,  1723. 
S.  of  Edward  (above).  B.  Feb.  18,  1706,  at  Bradgate,  Leics. 
Lost  his  sight  through  an  accident  at  school,  in  1714.  R.  of 
Wymondham,  Leics.,  1737-48.  R.  of  Blaby,  1748-98.  Died 
Mar.  20,  1798.  {Nichols,  in.  53.) 

STOKES,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1680.  S.  of  Anthony, 
of  Rocke,  Pembroke,  clerk.  Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford) 
Dec.  12,  1661,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1665.  Ord.  deacon 
(Gloucester)  Apr.  2,  1665;  priest  (Oxford)  Mar.  11,  1665-6. 
V.  of  Stanmer  with  Falmer,  Sussex,  1670-1724.  R.  of 
Ovingdean,  1680-1724.  R.  of  Playden,  1705-14.  Chaplain 
to  Lord  Howard  of  Escrick.  Buried  Mar.  9,  1723-4-  (•^^• 
Oxon.;  W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

STOKES,  GILBERT.  M.A.  1620  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Devon,  gent.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  22,  1605, 
age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1608;  M.A.  1611.  Created  B.D. 
(Oxford)  1646.  Chaplain  to  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1613. 
R.  of  Chilton  Cantelo,  Somerset,  1645.  Died  Oct.  16,  1654, 
aged  71.  Buried  in  Wadham  College  Chapel.  Will  (Oxford) 
1654.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STOKES,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16,  sic)  at  Pembroke,  Dec. 15, 
1638.  S.  of  Anthony,  blacksmith.  Bapt.  Oct.  10,  1619,  at 
Melton  Mowbray,  Leics.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3.  Master 
of  Melton  School,  c.  1647-50,  and  again,  1663-73.  Master 
of  Grantham  School,  Lines.,  1650-63.  Buried  at  Melton, 
May  6,  1673.  Brother  of  Edward  (1657)  and  father  of 
Samuel  (1671).   {Cambridge  Aniiq.  Comm.,  1862,  161.) 

STOKES  or  STOCK,  JOHN.  D.D.  Dominican  friar.  Of  Suffolk. 
Fl.  c.  1374-   {Pits,  514.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  LL.D.  Principal  of  St  Edmund's  Hospital; 
license  for  Chapel,  Jan.  18,  1405-6.  Chancellor  of  Ely 
diocese.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1431-40.  Preb.  of  St  Stephen's, 
Westminster,  1441.  R.  of  Stow  and  Quy,  Cambs.,  1444-52. 
Archdeacon  of  Ely,  1445-66.  Vicar-General,  1445.  V.  of 
Tring,  Herts.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1446-66.  Precentor  of 
Salisbury,  1457-66.  Died  1466.   (Bentham,  Ely.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  D.D.  1501-2.  Augustinian  friar.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1512.  Provincial  of  his  order,  and  Prior  of  the  house 
at  Cambridge,  1521.  Prior  at  Norwich.  Afterwards  resided 
at  Clare,  Suffolk;  petitions,  1536,  for  release  from  imprison- 
ment for  preaching  in  Suffolk.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Draughton,  Northants,  1509-27;  V.  of  Gt  Doddington, 
1509-15;  V.  of  WoUaston,  1515-20;  V.  of  Hardingstone, 
1520-7.   {Cooper,  J.  65;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  B.D.  1517-8.  Augustinian  friar.  D.D,  1522-3. 
{Cooper,  I.  28,  identifies  him  with  John  Stoke,  Benedictine 
Abbot  of  Colchester,  1517-23.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1538-41.  School,  King's, 
Canterbury.  B.A.  1540-r;  M.A.  1544;  B.D.  1549;  D.D.  1564. 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1543-60.  One  of  the  original  fellows  of 
Trinity,  1546.  University  chaplain,  1556-68.  University 
librarian,  1556-68.  President  of  Queens',  1560-8.  Vice- 
Chancellor,  1565-6.  Archdeacon  of  York,  1560-8.  Preb.  of 
Southwell,  1564-8.  V.  of  Mexborough,  Yorks.  Died  Apr.  29, 
1568.  Buried  in  the  CoUege  Chapel.  M.I.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1568. 
Benefactor  to  Queens'  College.  {Cooper,  i.  252;  Stokes, 
Chaplains,  19.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  LL.B.  1543-4.  R-  of  Downham,  Norfolk, 
1558-87.  Buried  there  Oct.  15,  1587.   {Blomefield,  vn.  343.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1544. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Eton.  Matric.  1544;  B.A.  1548-9;  M.A.  1554. 
Fellow,  1547-50.  PubUc  orator,  1557-9.  Afterwards  of 
Clare  Hall;  licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1558.  Died  July  17, 
1559.  M.I.  in  King's  College  Chapel.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1559- 
Brotherof  Matthew  (1531).  {Cooper,  i.  197.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.  1590;  B.A. 
(?  1602-3);  M.A.  i6o6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  5,  1597; 
priest.  Mar.  20,  1602-3.  Perhaps  V.  of  Bromham,  Beds., 
1609-33,  and  V.  of  Biddenham,  1614. 

STOKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  1626-7. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Ewell,  East  Kent.  Schools, 
Canterbury  and  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1626-7;  B.A. 
1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  18,  1664; 
signed  for  priest's  orders,  Sept.  18,  1669.  R.  of  Brook,  Kent, 
1669-72.  Died  1672.   {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

STOKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  10,  1724-5.  Of 
Leicestershire.  B.  at  Melton  Mowbray.  School,  Grantham. 
Matric.  1724-5.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse  as  pens.  May  13, 
1727,  age  20;  Scholar,  1727;  B.A.  1728-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1729;  priest,  Sept.  19,  i73i-  Probably 
brother  of  Charles  (1722)  and  of  Nicholas  (1730).  (One  of 
these  names,  a  clergyman,  buried  at  Grantham,  Lines.,  1734.) 


Stokes,  Matthew 

STOKES,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1531-  S.  of  Robert,  of  Eton.  B.  there,  1514-  B.A.  1535-6; 
M.A.  1539.  Fellow,  1534-48.  Esquire  Bedell,  1557-85- 
Registrary,  1558-91.  Steward  to  William,  Lord  Paget. 
A  notary  public.  Benefactor  by  foundation  of  almshouses 
in  Cambridge,  and  in  other  ways.  Died  Nov.  16,  1591.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1544)  and  probably  father  of  the 
next.   {Cooper,  11.  109;  Stokes,  Bedells;  Vis.  of  Cambs.) 

STOKYS,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1569. 
Probably  s.  of  Matthew  (above),  Esquire  Bedell. 

STOKES,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  19, 
1585.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Norwich  (Sherifif,  1570).  Bapt.  Oct. 
9,  1569,  at  St  Clement's,  Norwich.  School,  Norwich.  Matric. 
1585;  Scholar,  1585-92;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  Fellow, 
1592-1635.  Dean,  1600-3.  Taxor,  1605.  Withdrew  to  Coton, 
1630,  'when  the  towne  of  Cambridge  was  visited  with  the 
plague  of  pestilence.'  Died  May  25,  1635.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  June  13,  1635.  Benefactor  by  foundation  of  scholar- 
ships.  {Venn,  i.  124.) 

STOKES,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1666  (probably  adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  2r,  1666-7;  of 
Berkshire).  Doubtless  s.  of  Alexander,  R.  of  Arborfield, 
Berks.  B.  there.  Matric.  Lent,  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  FeOow 
of  King's,  1670.  Died  in  College,  of  small-pox.  Brother  of 
Alexander  (1673).  {Harwood.) 

STOKES,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Nicholas  Hostel, 
Michs.  1544;  LL.B.  1545-6.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  St 
Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  1539;  there  in  1543. 

STOKES,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  10,  1730.  Of  Leicestershire.  School,  Melton  Mowbray. 
Scholar,  1730-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1732; 
priest,  Dec.  23,  1733.  C.  of  Sproxton,  Leics.,  B.A.  Died 
[c.  1784],  aged  70.  M.I.  at  Sproxton.  Probably  brother  of 
Charles  (1722),  etc.  {Nichols,  11.  330.) 

STOKES,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1605. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1613.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  i6io;  priest,  Feb.  i,  1613-4.  C.  of 
Chetwood,  Bucks.,  1613.  Buried  at  Litlington,  Beds.,  1658. 
(W.  M.  Noble.) 

STOKES,  RICHARD.   B.Can.L.  1480-r. 

STOKES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1613. 

Of  Norfolk.   Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk. 

B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Possibly  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr. 

28,  1619. 
STOKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Mar. 

23,  1637-8.    S.  of  Thomas  (?  i6o8),  of  Heigham,  Norfolk. 

Matric.  1638;  B.A.  1641-2. 

STOKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1649.  S.  of  David  (1611),  D.D.,  Fellow  of  Eton,  and  grandson 
of  Bishop  Montagu  (1594).  B.  at  Aldingboume,  Sussex,  1634. 
Matric.  Michs.  1650;  B.A.  1654;  M.A.  1658;  M.L.  1658;  M.D. 
1663  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1653-7.  Brother  of  Charles  (i66i). 

STOKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  5, 
1685.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  Felsted.  Matric. 
1685;  Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1688-9;  M.A.  1692.  Fellow,  1691. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1707.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  20, 
1695 ;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  ig,  1697.  R.  of  Wyddial,  Herts., 
1712-8.  R.  of  Bennington,  1718-36.  Died  Oct.  8,  1736. 
M.I.  at  Bennington. 

STOKES,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1529.  Probably  of 
Hanley,  Worcs.  B.A.  1530-1;  M.A.  1534;  B.D.  1544.  Fellow 
of  Queens',  1531-51.  Proctor,  1536-7.  V.  of  Hackney, 
Middlesex,  1549-70.  R.  of  Woodford,  Essex,  1555.  Died 
Mar.  25,  1570.  M.I.  at  Hackney.  Will,  Cons.  C.  London. 
Perhaps  father  of  Robert  (1570).   {Cooper,  i.  283.) 

STOKES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1566. 

STOKES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1570. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (1529).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1574. 
B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Puritan  associate  of  Barrow  and 
Greenwood.  Indicted  with  them,  but  his  life  was  spared. 
Perhaps  of  St  Albans,  Herts.  Buried  there  Aug.  5,  1578. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1578;  of  St  Albans;  M.A.  {Cooper,  11.  166; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

STOAKES,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  7,  1730. 

Of  Bedfordshire.    Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1733-4.    Ord.  deacon 

(Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1735;  priest,  June  17,  1739. 
STOKES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  19, 

1671.  S.  of  Henry  (1638),  of  Grantham,  Lines.  Matric.  1674; 

B.A.  1674-5; M.A.  1678. 
STOKES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1447; 

M.-A.  Ord.  acolyte  (Ely)  Dec.  18,  1456;  sub-deacon,  Mar.  12, 

1456-7;  deacon,  Apr.  16,  1457.  Of  Warmington,  Northants. 

Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1444). 

Stone,  Bartholomew 

STOKES  or  STOCKS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Easter, 
1608;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  R.of  Carleton  Rode,  Norfolk, 
1619-44,  'LL.B.'  R.  of  Newton  Flotman,  1626.  R.  of 
Heigham,  1630-44,  ejected.  Probably  father  of  Richard 

STOKES,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1617-8  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Devon,  cler.  fit.  Matric.  (Broadgate  Hall,  Oxford)  Apr.  27, 
1604,  age  18;  B.A.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  1607;  M.A. 
(Gloucester  Hall,  Oxford)  1610.  R.  of  Willand,  Devon,  1618. 
V.  of  Aylesbeare,  1623.  Will  (Exeter)  1629. 

STOKES,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567. 

STOKE  or  STOKKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1444.  B.  at  Warmington,  Northants.  Elected 
to  King's,  1445,  age  19.  Afterwards  in  the  army.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1447). 

STOKES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  27,  1599. 

STOKES, .  B.D.  1479-80.  A  friar.  D.D.  1481. 

STOKES, .  B.D.  1482-3.  A  friar. 

STOKES, .  B.A.  1489-90;  M.A.  1493. 

STOKES, .  M.A.  1496-7. 

STOKYS, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1560. 

STOKOE,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July, 
1719.  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis,  of  Lough.  Bapt.  July  6,  1704, 
at  Haydon  Bridge.  Scholar,  1720-6.  Master  of  Hexham 
School,  1723-30.  P.C.  of  St  John  Lee,  near  Hexham,  1734. 
Married  (1)  Isabel  Surtees;  (2)  Thomasine  Wilkinson,  widow, 
June  2,  1756,  at  St  John's,  Newcastle.  Buried  Feb.  22, 1766, 
at  St  John  Lee.  {Peile,  11.  195;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

STOLES,  ROGER  DE.  Studied  at  Cambridge.  Clerk,  of  Lich- 
field diocese.   (Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  1398.) 

STOLYE(?),  CHALICE.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

STONA,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  12, 

1715.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Whittlesey,  Isle  of  Ely.  School, 
Wisbech.  Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1719-20.  Fellow,  1720.  R.  of 
Clench  Warton,  Norfolk,  c.  1743.  Father  of  Thomas  (1744). 

STONA,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  29, 
1710.  S.  of  George,  farmer,  deceased.  B.  at  Whittlesey, 
Isle  of  Ely.  School,  Whittlesey  (private).  Matric.  1710-1; 
B.A.  1714-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  26;  priest,  Sept.  22, 

1716.  C.  of  St  John's,  Peterborough,  1716. 

STONA,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  22, 
1744.  Of  Clenchwarton,  Norfolk.  S.  of  Robert  (1715),  clerk. 
School,  Lynn.  Matric.  1745;  B.A.  1749-50;  M.A.  1758.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  2,  1751.  R.  of  Warboys,  Hunts., 
1772-92.  Died  Sept.  1792.  Will,  P.C.C.  (G.  Mag.) 

STONARD  or  STONER,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
Sept.  10,  1670;  M.A.  1675  (Lit.  Reg.). 

STONARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Sept. 
28,  1637.  S.  of  Francis  (next).  B.  at  Stapleford  Abbotts, 
Essex.  Matric.  1637-8.  Probably  died  before  1664.  (Peile, 
1.  450;  Morant,  i.  178.) 

STONERD  or  STONER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1606.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Clement,  of  Stapleford 
Abbotts,  Essex.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  6,  1608.  Of 
Stapleford  Abbotts  in  1634.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Edward 
Bacon,  of  Shrubland,  Suffolk.  Father  of  Edward  (above). 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

STONNARD,  THOMAS.  Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1569-70. 
B.  at  Masebury,  Essex.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1571 ; 
'aged  26;  student  of  Jesus  College.'  V.  of  Gt  Maplestead, 
Essex,  1571-3. 

STONNARD  or  STONER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1586;  B.A.  1592-3. 

STONDON,  NICHOLAS.  Student  of  Trinity.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Aug.  24,  1563,  age  22. 

STONDON,  .    B.Civ.L.   or  B.Can.L.  1490-1.    R.  of  Toft, 

Cambs.,  1487.  V.  of  Gamlingay,  1487. 

STONE,  ANDREW.  M.A.  1749  (Incorp.  from  Christ  Church, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  6,  1722,  age  19.  S.  of  Andrew, 
goldsmith,  of  Lombard  Street,  London.  Bapt.  Feb.  1702-3, 
at  St  Mary  Woolnoth.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1726;  M.A.  1728. 
,  Undersecretary  of  State  (South),  1734-48;  (North),  1748-9. 
M. P.  for  Hastings,  1741-61.  Registrarof  Chancery,  Jamaica, 
1747.  A  Lord  of  Trade,  1749-61.  Sub-Governor  to  Prince 
George,  1751;  treasurer  to  Queen  Caroline,  1761.  Died  Dec. 
X9.  1773-   (-41.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

STONE,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  18,  1684.  S.  of  Bartholomew,  gent.,  of  Wicklewood, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Hardingham.  Schools,  Hingham  and 
Wymondham.  Matric.  1685. 


Stone,  Benjamin 

STONE,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1597-8.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606;  (D.D.  1660, 
according  to  Masters).  Fellow,  1605-13.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1606.  R.  of  St  Mary  Abchurch,  1613-43  and  1660-2.  V.  of 
Leyton,  Essex,  1624-8.  R.  of  St  Clement's,  Eastcheap, 
1637-43;  sequestered;  reinstated,  1660-5.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's, 
1639-42,  ejected.  Chaplain  to  Bishop  Juxon;  ejected  from 
his  preferments,  1643,  and  sent  prisoner  to  Plymouth,  by  sea. 
Reinstated,  1660.  Died  Nov.  6,  1666.  (Al.Oxon.;  Walker, 
Sufferings,  53;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 
STONE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1662.  Of  Suffolk. 

Matric.  1662. 
STONE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1597- 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1600-1.  Perhaps  C.  of  Wittersham,  Kent,  in 
STONE,  HENRY  MYNN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,   1695.    S.  of 

Henry,  attorney,  of  Woodton,  Norfolk.  Scholar,  1695-6. 
STONE,  JAMES.    B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,   1606-7.    Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  1, 1606-7;  'of  Trinity  College.'  Perhaps 
R.  of  Shelley,  Essex,  tiU  1621.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1621. 
STONE,  JAMES.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  July  4.  1670. 
S.  of  Thomas,  carpenter.    B.  at  Sheffield.   School,  Sheffield 
(Mr  Balgway).   Matric.  1670. 
STONE,    JOHN.     Warden   of    King's   Hall,    1413-5-     King's 
secretary.    Archdeacon   of  Norfolk.    One  of  these  names 
Archdeacon  of  Northampton,   1414-9;   Preb.  of  Lichfield, 
1414;  Dean  of  St  Martin-le-Grand,  London,  1414-9- 
STONE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1557-8- 
STONE,    JOHN.     Matric.    pens,    from    King's,    Michs.    1584- 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Segenhoe,  Beds.   Adm.  at  the 
Inner    Temple,    1585.     Barrister,    1595.     Bencher,    1611. 
Serjeant-at-law,  1640.    Purchased  Risden,  Herts.    Author, 
Reading  upon  the  Statute  of  Bankrupts.   Died  Aug.  6,  1640. 
WiU,  P.C.C.    Probably  brother  of  Richard  (i575)-    (Inner 
Temple;  Vis.  of  Beds.) 
STONE,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1621. 
STONE,   JOHN.    Adm.   pens,  at   Emmanuel,   Apr.   29,    1622. 
Matric.  1622.  One  of  these  names,  's.  of  William,  of  London,' 
adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1623. 
STONE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  1630.   Of  London. 

Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633;  M.A.  1637. 
STONE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  15,  1630-1. 
S.   of  Timothy,  of  Sevenoaks,   Kent.    School,  Sevenoaks 
(Mr  Fowler).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 
STONE,  JOHN.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Aug.  2, 
1643.   S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard,  Knt.  (by  his  1st  wife  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Thomas  Bennett,  alderman  of  London).  B.  at 
Stukeley,  Hunts.    School,  Oundle.    Matric.  1644-    Married 
(1)  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Carleton,  of  Brightwell  Park, 
Oxon.;  (2)  Frances  Glanville,  of  Broad  Hinton,  Wilts.   Died 
1704.  Buried  at  Brightwell.  Half-brother  of  Thomas  (1663). 
(Peile,  I.  486;  Cussans,  i.  166.) 
STONE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  5,   i647-    Of 
London.  School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1648;  B.A.  1650-1. 
STONE,   JOHN.-  Adm.   at    Pembroke,    1654,   from   Harvard 
College,  New  England.    S.  of  Samuel  (1620),  clerk.    B.  at 
Cambridge,  New  England,  c.  1626.    B.A.  (Harvard)  1653; 
B.A.  1655  (Incorp.  from  Cambridge,  New  England);  M.A. 
1657.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1655.   (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
STONE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Aug.  9,   1670.    Of 
Bedfordshire.  B.  at  Steppingley.   Colleger  at  Eton,  1663-9. 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.    Fellow.    Chaplain 
to  the  Duke  of  St  Albans.  V.  of  Layston,  Herts.,  1681-1703. 
R.  of  Lilley,  1 684-1 706.    R.  of  Houghton  Conquest,  Beds., 
1703.  Died  1706.   (T  C.  Dale.) 
STONE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20,  1710. 
S.  of  Thomas,  grocer,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School,  Irstead 
(private).    Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A. 
1717.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  21,  1713-4;  priest,  Dec. 
11,  1715;  'C.  of  St  Nicholas,  Yarmouth.'    V.  of  Langham, 
Norfolk,  1722-7.   R.  of  Tattersett  with  Tatterford,  1727-57. 
Buried  at  Tatterford,  Nov.  7,  1757-   (Venn,  i.  522.) 
STONE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  9,  1736.  Of  Sussex. 
Matric.  1736;  B.A.  1739-40.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim. 
from  Chichester)  Mar.  1749-50.   Probably  V.  of  HeUingly, 
Sussex,  1754-60. 
STONE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June 
lo,  1738.   S.  of  James,  of  Bradbury,  Durham,  Esq.   Matric. 
1738.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  21,  1737- 
STONE,  JOHN  MAXWELL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Oct.  28,  1751- 
STONE,  MICHAEL.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1613-4.  Possibly  s.  of 
Christopher,  of  Bath;  age  11  in  1605.   School,  Winchester. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  12,  1614.    Perhaps  V.  of 
Brenzett,    Kent,    1623;    'B.A.'    Will    (Canterbury)    1646. 
{Peile,  I.  282.) 

Stone,  Thomas 

1573-4;  M.A.  1577.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  6, 1580.  R.  of 
Bramfield,  Herts.,  1580.  R.  of  Digswell,  till  1592.  Died  1592. 
STONE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  16, 
1575.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  citizen  of  London,  and  of  Segen- 
hoe, Beds.  School,  Saffron  Walden,  Essex.  Matric.  1575- 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  16,  1578,  from  Clifford's 
Inn.  SucceededhisfatheratSegenhoe,  Beds.,  1593.  Married 
KatherineCobb,  of  Adderbury,  Oxon.,Nov.  10, 1611.  Buried 
at  Ridgmont.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  23,  1611.  Doubtless 
father  of  the  next  and  brother  of  John  (1584).  (Beds.,  N. 
and  Q.,  11.  33;  Vis.  of  Beds.;  Vict.  Hist.  Beds.,  in.  322.) 
STONE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1614.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard  (above).  Bapt.  Apr.  27, 
1598,  at  Ridgmont,  Beds.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1614; 
of  Segenhoe,  Ridgmont,  Beds.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Cheney,  of  Sundon,  Beds.,  Knt.,  Aug.  11,  1625. 
Living,  1634.  (One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  John  (?  1584) ; 
adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1612-3;  of  Stukeley,  Hunts.,  Knt. 
Diedi66i.  Hewasfatherof  John(i643)andThomas  (1663).) 
(Beds.,  N.  and  Q.,  11.  32;  Cussans,  1.  57;  Geneal.  Bedford.) 
STONE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  18, 
1634;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.  S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  St 
Dunstan's  East  by  the  Tower.  B.  there.  School,  Brentwood, 
Essex  (Mr  Cartwright).  Matric.  1634.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  19,  1637. 
STONE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  30,  1687. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  B.  at  Pirton,  1673-  Colleger  at  Eton, 
1682-5.  Matric.  1687. 
STONE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1575;  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  One  of  these  names  Master 
of  Faversham  School,  Kent,  till  1604.  Will,  1604.  (Hasted-, 
II.  718.) 
STONE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1635-6  (Lit.  Reg.).  One  of  these  names 

adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  4,  1635. 
STONE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1649.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  Wymondham, 
Norfolk,  and  of  Burgh-le-Marsh,  Lines.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  George  Christopher,  of  Heckington,  1663.  Buried  at 
Burgh,  July  7,  1729,  aged  94.  (Lines.  Pedigrees.) 
STONE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1671-  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1675;  pnest, 
Sept.  1677.  R.  of  Irstead,  Norfolk,  1680. 
STONE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1691.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1692;  B.A.  1695-6.  Buried  at 
St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  15,  1695-6. 
STONE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  31, 
1700.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Wymondham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Wymondham  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  22,  1706;  priest  (Norwich)  May  8,  1709. 
R.  of  Bittering,  Norfolk,  1709-11.  R.  of  Little  Brandon, 
1710.  R.  of  Hackford,  1710. 
STONE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1620. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  at  Hertford,  July  30, 
1602.  School,  Hertford.  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  July  7;  priest,  July  8,  1626.  C.  at  Stisted, 
Essex,  1627-30;  suspended  for  non-conformity.  Lecturer 
at  Towcester,  1630.  Went  with  the  Rev.  Thomas  Hooker 
and  his  party  to  New  England,  1633.  Settled  at  Cambridge, 
Mass.,  1633-6.  Afterwards  emigrated  to  the  Connecticut 
valley  with  Mr  Hooker  and  founded  the  settlement  of 
Hartford.  Teacher  of  the  Hartford  Church,  1636.  Chaplain 
in  Major  John  Mason's  expedition  against  the  Pequot 
Indians,  1637.  On  the  death  of  Mr  Hooker  continued  alone 
in  the  charge  of  the  Hartford  Church  as  teacher,  1647-63. 
Author,  theological.  Died  at  Hartford,  July  20,  1663. 
Father  of  John  (1654)-  (J-  G-  Bartlett;  D.N.B.) 
STONE,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1629-30;  M.A. 

STONE,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1656.   Of  Derbyshire.   B.A.  1659;  M.A.  1663.   One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Berwick  St  Leonard's,  Wilts.,  1661. 
STONE,  THOMAS.    M.A.   1581   (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    B.A. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1571-2 ;  M.A.  1575-  Proctor  (Oxford) 
1580.  PerhapsR.ofAcle,  Norfolk,  1583.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  East  Dereham,  1597- 
STONE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1659.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1667. 
STONE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Dec.  9,  1663.  S.  of  Sir  Richard,  of  Gt  Stukeley,  Hunts.,  Knt. 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Gery,  of  Bush- 
mead,  Beds.,  Esq.).  School,  Bishop's  Stortford.  Matric. 
1663.  Inherited  Julians,  in  Rushden,  Herts.  Married 
Penelope,  dau.  of  Stephen  Soame,  of  Thurlow,  Suffolk. 
Died  Nov.  1696,  s.p.m.  Half-brother  of  John  (1643). 
(Cussans,  i.  166;  Victoria  Hist.  Herts.,  iii.  267.) 


Stone,  William 

STONE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1566.  B.  at 
Holme,  Norfolk,  c.  1545.  B.A.  (?);  M.A.  1569.  Fellow,  1569. 
Ord.  priest  (Sufi.  Dover)  Feb.  5,  1574-5.  R.  of  Radwell, 
Herts.,  1575-82.  V.  of  Aspley  Guise,  Beds.,  1582-98.  R.  of 
Wavendon,  Bucks.,  1598-1608.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1617. 

STONE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  from  Queens',  1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D.  1582;  D.D. 
1589-  Fellow  of  Queens',  1572-85.  Taxor,  1581-2.  R.  of 
Chelmsford,  Essex,  1583-6.  R.  of  Little  Thurrock,  1586. 
Archdeacon  and  preb.  of  Chichester,  1586-96.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1597-  (One  of  these  names  R.  of  Marsham,  Norfolk,  1576-7, 
and  R.  of  Ashill,  1583.)   (Peile,  i.  102.) 

STONE,  WILLIAM.  LL.B.  1640  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
John,  of  Hampstead,  Herts.,  pleb.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  Oct.  10,  1623,  age  17;  B.A.  (Magdalen  College, 
Oxford)  1626;  B.C.L.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford)  1633. 
Principal,  New  Inn  HaU,  1663-84.  Perhaps  R.  of  Shadox- 
hurst,  Kent,  1626.  R.  of  Chelmondiston,  Sufiolk,  1631. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

STONE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1649-50;  M.A.  1653. 

STONE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  13,  1665. 

STONE  or  STOWNE, .  B.A.  1517-8. 

STONE, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Lent,  1623-4. 

STONE,  .   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  29,  1745; 

Scholar,  1746;  off,  1747. 

STONEHEWER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
May  3r,  1711.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Durham.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1711;  Scholar,  1712;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A. 
1718;  LL.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  R.  of  Washington,  Durham, 
1719-22.  R.  of  Houghton-le-Spring,  1727-69.  Married 
(1)  Ann  Hendry,  at  Washington,  Aug.  13,  1719;  (2)  Margery, 
dau.  of  John  Hall,  of  Durham.  Buried  Oct.  26,  1769.  Father 
of  the  next.   (Al.  Westmon.,  256;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

STONHEWER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  4,  1745.  S.  of  Richard  (above),  R.  of  Houghton-le- 
Spring,  Durham.  Bapt.  there,  June  12,  1728.  School, 
Houghton.  Matric.  1745-6;  Scholar,  1747;  B.A.  1749-50; 
M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1753.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1751. 
Under  Secretary  of  State  (North),  1765-6;  (South),  1766. 
Auditor  of  Excise,  1772-89.  F.S.A.,  1787.  A  friend  of  the 
poet  Gray.  Died  Jan.  30,  1809.  Bequeathed  to  Pembroke 
Gray's  Commonplace  book  and  holograph;  copies  of  most 
of  his  poems.  (D.N.B.;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

STONEHOUSE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1567.  S.  of  George,  of  Bersted,  Kent,  Esq.,  clerk  of 
the  Green  Cloth  to  Queen  Elizabeth.  B.A.  1571-2.  Migrated 
to  Caius,  June  i,  1572,  age  22.  Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
(Venn,  i.  70.) 

STONEHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1567.  Probablys.of  George,  of  Bersted,  Kent.  B.A.  1571-2. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  13,  1574;  late  of  Clifford's  Inn. 
Probably  brother  of  Edward  (above). 

STONEHOUSE,  WALTER.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Scholar  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1613-7;  subscribed 
(Oxford)  June  3,  1614;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1616-7;  M.A.  (Mag- 
dalen College,  Oxford)  1619;  B.D.  1629.  R.  of  Darfield, 
Yorks.,  1631-60.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

STONELY,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1567. 


STONES,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1602;  B.A.  1606-7. 

STONES,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
May  23,  1629.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  York.  School,  York. 
Migrated  to  Trinity,  1631.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4; 
M.A.  1637;  D.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  priest,  1637.  R.  of 
Dalby,  Yorks.,  1640-66.  R.  of  Sigston,  1660-9.  Preb.  and 
Chancellor  of  York,  1660-86.  R.  of  Scrayingham,  1660.  R. 
of  Beeford,  1669.  Died  Nov.  26,  1686.   (Peile,  1.  400.) 

STONES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  21,  1657.  Matric. 
1661;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Perhaps  R.  of  Barnardiston, 
Suffolk,  1678. 

STONES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  11,  1699. 
S.  of  Richard  (next),  clerk,  deceased.  Bapt.  Feb.  10,  x68o-i, 
at  Bebington,  Cheshire.  School,  Manchester  (Mr  Barrow). 
Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  23,  1705.  C.  of  St  Mary,  Chester,  1708.  Married  there, 
Oct.  27,  1709,  to  Margaret  Heele.  Cheshire  antiquary.  Died 
Feb.  23,  1735-6.  Buried  in  Chester  Cathedral. 

STONES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1655.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  R.  of 
Bebington,  Cheshire,  1662-88.  Buried  there  Oct.  12,  1688. 
Father  of  John  (above).   (E.  Axon.) 

STONES  or  STONE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1636;  B.A.  1639-40.  Perhaps  M.A.  from  St  John's, 
1662.    Possibly  incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669,  as  'Robert  Stone, 

Stonham,  Ralph  de 

of  Trinity  Hall."  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  29,  1661.  Perhaps  R.  of  Carsington,  Derbs., 

STONES,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1561. 

STONES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Jesus,  July  13, 
1674.  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Adam,  of  Bolton, 
Lanes.  Matric.  1674.  Matric.  (Corpus  Christi  College, 
Oxford)  Sept.  12,  1676,  age  20.  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
Darwen  and  Tockholes,  Blackburn,  1688-1720.  Died  1720. 
(A I.  Oxon.;  A.  Gray.) 

STONES, .  B.D.  1463-4. 

STONESTRATTorSTANSTREAT,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16) 
at  Pembroke,  May  31,  1619.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Lewes,  Sussex, 
mercer.  Matric.  1619;  Scholar,  1621;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A. 
1626.  Doubtless  R.  of  South  Heighton,  Sussex,  1627-40. 

STONESTREET,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  30,  1687.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  B.  1669.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A. 
1694.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1693;  priest,  Dec.  23, 
1694.  V.  of  Eaton  Bray,  Beds.,  1697-1713.  V.  of  Tottemhoe, 
Beds.,  1706.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Manchester.  Buried 
Feb.  14,  1712-3.  Brother  of  the  next.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

STONESTREET,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
June  24,  1689.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Brother  of  Henry  (above). 

STONESTREET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  8, 
1674.  Matric.  1675;  Scholar,  1676;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 
Fellow,  i68o.  R.  of  St  Stephen  Wallbrook,  London,  1689- 
1716.  Lecturer  at  St  Mary-le-Bow,  1699.  President  of  Sion 
College,  1710.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1712-6.  Died  1716. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  July  24,  1716. 

STONEY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  10, 
1746.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Pateley  Bridge,  Ripon.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Knowles). 
Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1749-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford)  Mar.  11, 
1749-50.  One  of  these  names  of  Trelawny,  Jamaica;  died 
July,  1789.   (Scott-Mayor,  in;  G.  Mag.) 

STONHAM,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Feb.  14, 
1595-6.  S.  of  Richard,  of  King's  Lynn,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich.  Scholar,  1598-1601.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
27,  1612;  priest,  June  14,  1615.  Brother  of  John  (1593). 

STONHAM,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Ant. 
Irby  in  Lincolnshire.  R.  of  Oakley,  Suffolk,  1644;  there  in 
1650.  Minister  in  Ipswich;  silenced,  1662.  Died  in  London, 
Mar.  30,  1676,  aged  c.  64.  Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel 
(1629-30).   (Calamy,  11.  428.) 

STONHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  23,  1593. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  Schools,  Norwich  and 
King's  Lynn.  Matric.  c.  1593;  Scholar,  1593-1600;  B.A. 
1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Fellow,  1601-7.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1603. 
Ord.  deacon  (Suffragan  Bishop  of  Colchester)  Sept.  18,  1602; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1603.  R.  of  Welboum,  Lines.,  1606.  Will 
(Lincoln)  1616.  Brother  of  Abraham  (1595-6).  (Venn,  i. 

STONHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May 
23;  priest.  May  24,  1630.  V.  of  Naseby,  Northants.,  1640-61, 
resigned.  Perhaps  afterwards  of  St  Sepulchre,  Northampton ; 
if  so,  married  there,  Oct.  23,  1674,  to  Sara  Stanhust. 

STONHAM,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov.  7, 
1587.  S.  of  Robert,  citizen,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Limbert).  Scholar,  1587-92;  B.A.  1591-2; 
M.A.  1595.  V.  of  St  Stephen's,  Norwich,  1602-37.  Chaplain 
of  St  Gregory,  Norwich,  1623.  Kept  a  private  school  at 
Norwich  for  many  years.  Author,  Treatise  on  the  1st  Psalm. 
Buried  Jan.  10,  1636-7,  at  St  Stephen's,  Norwich.  Father 
of  the  next  and  of  Nicholas  (1617).   (Venn,  i.  132.) 

STONHAM,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  6, 
1624.  S.  of  Matthew  (above),  clerk,  of  Norwich.  School, 
Norwich  (private,  under  his  father).  Matric.  1624;  B.A. 
1630-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1628;  priest,  Dec. 
23,  1632.  C.  of  Barford,  Norfolk,  1638.  V.  of  St  Benedict, 
Norwich,  1641-58.  V.  of  Brandeston,  Suffolk,  1646.  R.  of 
Swainsthorpe,  Norfolk.  Died  Apr.  17,  1659.  Buried  at 
Swainsthorpe.  M.I.   Brother  of  the  next.   (Venn,  i.  267.) 

STONHAM,  NICHOLAS.  Mm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  28, 
1617.  S.  of  Matthew  (1587),  minister.  School,  Norwich, 
under  his  father.  Matric.  i6i7;Scholar,  1617-9:6. .\.  1620-1. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  17,  1621-2.  R.  of  St  Margaret's, 
Norwich,  1623-8.  R.  of  Eyke,  Suffolk,  1638-44,  sequestered. 
Brother  of  Matthew  (above).   (Venn,  i.  235.) 

STONHAM,  RALPH  DE.  'King's  scholar,'  1342.  Died  May  7, 


Stonham,  Samuel 

STONHAM,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Lent,  1629-30.  Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1633;  M.A.  1638. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1634.  R.  of  Brockdish, 
Norfolk,  1648.  Perhapsbrotherof  Benjamin  (1633).  {Shaw, 
I.  356.) 

STONYER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Jesus,  Mar.  27,  1658.  Of 
Cheshire.  Matric.  1658;  Scholar,  1660. 

STONYNG,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1573- 

STOODLEY,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  5,  1683. 
Of  Dorchester.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Feb.  24,  1688-9. 

STOPES,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1604-5.  B.  in  All 
Saints',  Dowgate,  London.  M.A.  1608.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1609.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  17,  1608;  priest.  Mar.  19, 
i6o8-g,  age  24.  C.  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  Fish  Street. 
R.  of  Crowell,  Oxon.,  1621.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STOPFORD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16,  sic)  at  Jesus,  May  25, 
1688.  Of  Yorkshire.  Probably  s.  of  Joshua,  V.  of  St  Martm, 
Coney  Street,  York.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  12,  1668-9.  Matric. 
1688;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1696.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  22, 
1692;  priest.  May,  1700.  V.  of  Wadworth,  Yorks.,  1702-3. 
Died  unmarried  Dec.  2,  1703,  aged  35  {sic).  Buried  at 
Doncaster.  M.I.  {Hutiter,  1.  45.) 

STOPFORD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  25, 
1681.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  James  (ancestor  of  the  Earl  of 
Courtown),  of  Tarah-hill,  Meath,  Ireland  (by  his  2nd  wife 
Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Forth,  Knt.).  Attainted  by  King 
James's  Parliament.  Died  s.p.  Buried  at  St  Audeon's 
Church,  Dublin.   {Lodge,  in.  118.) 

STORAR,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1544;  B.A.  1545-6. 

STORER,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1586; 
B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  C.  of  Newcastle  Chapel,  Stoke- 
on-Trent,  Staffs.,  c.  1602.  Probably  preacher  or  lecturer  at 
Stockport,  Cheshire,  1596-1630.  Died  Mar.  28,  1630. 
{Wm  Salt  Arch.  Soc,  1915;  E.  Axon.) 

STORER,  BENNET.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  25, 
1744.  S.  of  Francis  (1709-10),  V.  of  Stapleford,  Leics.  Bapt. 
there, Nov.  21,  1726.  School,  Grantham,  Lines.  Matric.  1744; 
Scholar,  1746;  B.A.  1748^;  M.A.  1763.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1749;  priest,  Dec.  2,  1750.  R.  of  Harby, 
Leics.,  1763;  D.D.  Preb.  of  Canterbury,  1769-1804.  Had 
the  misfortune  to  kill  a  man  in  self-defence;  tried  at  the 
Old  Bailey,  Jan.  17,  1777,  and  honourably  acquitted.  Died 
June  9,  1804,  aged  78.   {Nichols,  11.  213.) 

STORER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  7, 
1692.  S.  of  Edward,  M.B.,  of  Buckminster,  Leics.  B.  there. 
School,  Oakham,  Rutland.  Matric.  1692;  Scholar,  1695; 
B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas 

STORER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  22, 
1709-10.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Buckminster,  Leics.  School, 
Loughborough  (Mr  Martin).  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1711; 
B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  23; 
priest.  May  12,  1717.  V.  of  Stapleford,  Leics.,  1717-45. 
R.  of  Saxby,  1728-45.  Brother  of  Edward  (above)  and  of 
Thomas  (1700),  father  of  Bennet  (1744). 

STORER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1674.  S.  of  Thomas,  brazier,  of  Melton,  Leics.  B.  there. 
School,  Melton.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  i68r. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1681.  V.  of  Frisby,  Leics., 
1691-1703  and  again,  1703-22.   R.  of  Brooksby,  1698. 

STORER,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  22,   1633. 

B.  in  Northamptonshire,  c.  1611.  School,  Northampton. 
Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  EpiscopaUy  ordained. 
Lecturer  at  St  Giles',  Cripplegate,  London.  R.  of  Beckenham, 
Kent,  in  1650.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Martin  Vintry,  1658.  V.  of 
Stow  St  Mary,  Suffolk,  1660-2,  ejected.  Afterwards  kept 
a  school  at  Highgate.  Father  of  the  next.  {Calamy,  11.  437.) 

STORER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  8,  1668. 

S.   of   John    (above).    B.   at   Beckenham,    Kent.     School, 

Beckeniam  (private).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  2, 

1671.   {Peile,  11.  17.) 
STORER,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  9, 

1700.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Buckminster,  Leics.  School,  Oakham 

(Mr  Love).   Matric.  1700;  Scholar,  1703;  B.A.  1704-5.  Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  19,  1708;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1710. 

Brother  of  Edward  (1692)  and  Francis  (1710). 

STORAR, .  B.A.  1513-4. 

STORKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1580. 
STORKE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

STORKER,  ANTHONY.   M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit). 
STAUKAR, .   B.A.  1541-2;  M.A.  1545.    Probably  Roland, 

C.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  in  1543. 

Story,  Edward 

STORR,  BENJAMIN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25;  priest,  Sept.  26,  1614- 
Schoolmaster  at  Alford,  Lines.,  in  1614.  R.  of  Wainfleet 
All  Saints'.  R.  of  Langton  by  Partney,  1619.  R.  of  Saus- 
thorpe,  1627-41.  Licensed  (Lincoln)  Jan.  21,  1618-9,  to 
marry  Rebecca  Clarkson,  of  Wainfleet  St  Mary. 

STORRE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595;  B.A. 
1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.  Perhaps  R.  of  New  Malton,  Yorks., 
1604-6.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Appleton,  1618.  Perhaps 
father  of  John  (1618). 

STOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1603;  B.A. 

STORR,  JOHN.  Matric.sizarfromCLARE,  Easter,  1618.  Perhaps 
s.  of  John  (1595).  B.A.  1621-2,  'Story';  M.A.  1625.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Mar.  1621-2;  priest,  Sept.  1622.  V.  of  Helper- 
thorpe,  Yorks.,  in  1629.  Married  Elizabeth  Gibson,  of 
Bugthorpe,  in  1629. 

STORR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1625. 

STORR  or  STOR,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  13,  1724-5.  S.  of  Joseph,  of  HUston,  Yorks.,  gent. 
B.  there.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Tatham).  Matnc.  1725- 
Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  23,  1726-7;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1728.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Dec.  4  1724.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  20,  1730;  pnest 
{Liu.  dim.  from  York)  Dec.  29,  i735-  R-  of  Easington,  Yorks., 
1736-44.  Died  Mar.  3,  1744.  Buried  at  Hilston.  {Al.Oxon.; 
Scott-Mayor,  in.  381;  Poulson,  Holderness,  11.  80.) 

STORR,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  20,  1670. 
S.'of  Christopher,  woollendraper.  B.  at  Middleton,  Yorks. 
School,  Pickering  (Mr  Grey).  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1673-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1674;  priest,  Feb.  1675-6.  R.  of 
Nunnington,  Yorks.,  1678-98.  R.  of  Sutton  Derwent,  1698. 
Father  of  William  (1700). 

STORR  or  STORLL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1644;  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651. 

STORR,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1587  {sic)  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Lincohishire,  pleb.  Matric.  (Corpus  Christi  College, 
Oxford)  Nov.  28,  1581,  age  17;  B.A.  1584;  M.A.  1588. 
Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  Oxford.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln). 
Preacher.  V.  of  Market  Rasen,  Lines.,  1597-  R-  of  Ais- 
thorpe,  1599-1603.  Murdered  at  Market  Rasen,  1613.  {Al. 

STORRES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1607.  S.  of  Henry,  of  the  Storrs,  Arkhohne,  Lanes.  Scholar, 
1609-10;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1616.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Hauxwell,  Yorks.,  1620-40.   (W.  H.  Chippendall.) 

STORRE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  24,  1643. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1643. 

STOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  20, 
1692.  S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  at  Hutton  Buscel, 
Yorks.  School,  Wykeham  Abbey.  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695- 
6.  Ord.  deacon  (Y'ork)  June,  1698;  priest,  Sept.  2',  1699. 
R.  of  Worlaby,  Lines.,  1704-22.   R.  of  Croxton,  1704. 

STORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  13, 
1700.  Only  s.  of  Roger  (1670),  R.  of  Sutton  Derwent,  Yorks. 
B.  at  Nunnington,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Jos. 
Lambert).  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4-  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June,  1705;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1706.  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
Ellerton,  Yorks.;  C.  of  Catton,  and  V.  of  Aughton,  c.  i745- 
Died  1746-7. 

STORRS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  26, 
1733.  S.  of  Cordal,  of  Gainsborough,  Lines.  School,  Gams- 
borough  (Mr  Simpson).  Matric.  1733;  Scholar,  1735;  B.A. 
1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Feb.  26,  1737-8. 
R.  of  Beby,  Leics.,  1742-67.  Died  June  11,  1767.  aged  52- 
Buried  at  Beeby.   M.I.   {Nichols,  iii.  171.) 

STORTHE,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1568. 

STORWHAT, .  B.A.  1483-4- 

STOREY,  BRIAN.   B.A.  1544-5. 

STORY,  DIXON.  Adm  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1735.  6th  s.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Lincolnshire.  B.  at 
Gautby.  School,  Lincoki  (Mr  GoodaU).  Matric.  i735;  B.A. 
1738-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Sept.  23,  1739;  priest,  June 
13,1742.  C.  of  Wragby,  Lines.,  1742.  R.  of  Martin,  1753-4. 
V.  of  Langton-by-Wragby,  1755-69.  R.  of  East  Barkwith, 
1760-9.  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  470.) 
STORY,  EDWARD.  D.D.  Of  Yorkshire.  Fellow  of  Pembroke, 
1444.  Proctor,  1447.  Master  of  Michaelhouse,  1450.  Chan- 
ceUor  of  the  University,  1468-69,  1471-2.  R.  of  All  Hallows- 
the-Great,  London,  1460-5.  Bishop  of  Carlisle,  1468-78. 
Bishop  of  Chichester,  1478-1503;  founded  the  Grammar 
School  there,  and  built  the  Cross  on  the  market-place.  Died 
Jan.  29,  1502-3.  Buried  in  Chichester  Cathedral.  Will 
proved  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  27,  1503.  Benefactor  to  Pembroke 
and  Michaelhouse.  {Cooper,  i.  5;  D.N.B.;  Loder,  214; 
Sussex  Arch.  Coll.,  xxix.  17.) 


Story,  Edward 

STORYE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1368. 

STORY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  17,  1644- 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  Esq. 
Matric.  1644.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  10,  1648-9; 
of  Barnard's  Inn.   Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1640). 

STOREY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Feb.  24,  1703-4.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at 
Cambridge.  School,  Histon  (private).  Matric.  1704;  M.B. 
1709.  Fellow,  1709.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1710. 

STORY,  FARGUS.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  Apr.  3,  1652.  Of  North- 
umberland. Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655.  Petitioned  the  King 
for  the  rectory  of  Rothbury,  Northumberland,  Nov.  9,  1660, 
but  failed  to  obtain  it.  Of  Beanley,  near  Alnwick.  Died 
Feb.  7,  1669-70.   {Peile,  i.  546;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

STORY,  GEORGE.  Incorp.  1555.  Of  Durham.  FeUow  of  St 
John's,  1554;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1548;  M.A.  1553.  Fellow  of 
Oriel  College,  Oxford,  1549.  R.  of  Gt  Weldon,  Northants., 
1553.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STOREY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

STORY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  June 
19,  1699.  Of  Northumberland.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of 
Beanley.  If  so,  bapt.  Aug.  9,  1681,  at  Eglingham.  School, 
Durham.  Matric.  1699;  Scholar,  1699;  B.A.  1702-3.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Apr.  26,  1708.  Chaplain  to  Colonel  Alexander 
Grant's  Regiment  of  Foot,  1708.  Perhaps  R.  of  Higham 
Gobion,  Beds.,  1728,  and  R,  of  Lower  Gravenhurst,  i739- 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1765. 

STORY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  19, 
1725.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  Bishop  Wearmouth,  Durham. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  19,  1705.  School,  Kirkleatham,  Yorks. 
(Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1726.  Probably  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  16,  1725.  Buried  at  Bishop  Wearmouth, 
Sept.  14,  1728,  aged  23.  M.I.  {Surtees,  i.  37  (Ed.  1898).) 

STORY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  5, 
1725.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Abberwick,  Northumberland. 
Bapt.  Mar.  i,  1703-4,  at  Edlingham.  M.A.  (Edinburgh). 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1726;  priest.  Mar.  5,  1726-7. 
V.  of  Lanercost  Priory,  near  Carlisle,  1746-61.  (This  agrees 
with  the  Lanercost  Par.  Reg.,  but  according  to  Peile  he  held 
the  living  for  37  years  and  died  in  1765,  aged  63;  M.I.  in 
the  South  wall  of  the  Church.)  G.  Mag.  records  the  death 
of  Rev.  Mr  Storey,  minister  of  Abbey  Lanercost,  Apr.  1773. 
{Peile,  II.  211;  G.  Mag.,  1773;  T.  W.  Willis.) 

STORY,  JOHN.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  15,  1584;  'aged  26; 
late  student  of  Pembroke  College.'  B.  at  Havpr,  Lines. 
C.  of  Gestingthorpe,  Essex.  Perhaps  his  will  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1610-1;  R.  of  Yeldham  Magna. 

STORY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1596  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Somerset, 
pleb.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  5,  1590,  age  18; 
B.A.  (Broadgate  Hall,  Oxford)  1591-2. 

STORY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1627.  Of 

STORIE,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1724.  S.  of  J.,  of  Crow- 
marsh,  Oxon.,  clerk.  Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  5,  1690-1,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1694.  Ord.  deacon 
(Salisbury)  May  19,  1695;  priest  (Chichester)  Sept.  20,  1696. 
V.  of  Burpham,  Sussex,  1702-56.  V.  of  Poling,  1723-56. 
Chaplain  to  James,  Lord  SomerviUe.  {A I.  Oxon.;  Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  366.) 

STORY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  i8,  1743. 
S.  of  John,  of  Whitby,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clark). 
Matric.  1743;  Scholar,  1746;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1762. 
Fellow  of  Magdalene. 

STORY,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  12,  1652. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1652.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  8,  1655,  as  's.  and  h.  of  Philip,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs., 

STORY,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1486-7.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Eastbourne,  Sussex,  1490;  M.A.;  will  dated,  Mar.  21,  1494; 
'  to  be  buried  within  the  chapel  of  St  Margaret  and  Bartholo- 
mew, in  the  church  of  Estbome.  {Sussex  Arch.  Coll.,  xiv. 
129;  xLii.  105.) 

STORY,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1501-2;  studied  eight  terms  at  Oxford. 
Of  Canterbury  diocese.  M.A.  1506.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  27,  1506-7;  'Fellow  of  Christ's.' 

STOREY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent, 
1637-8.  Of  London.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  London,  cloth- 
worker.   {Vis.  of  London,  i6i4.) 

STORY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  26,  1662. 

STORY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  29,  1750. 
S.  of  John,  of  Yarmouth.  B.  there.  Schools,  Yarmouth 
(Mr  Turner),  Heath,  Yorks.  (private)  and  Seaming.  Matric. 
1751;   Scholar,   1750-5;    B.A.  1754;    M.A.   1757.    Fellow, 

Stoughton,  John 

1755-75-  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  6,  1757.  Master  of  the  Perse 
School,  Cambridge,  1760-5.    R.  of  Gt  Melton,  Norfolk,  and 
St  Michael  Coslany,  Norwich,  1774-1803.  Died  Dec.  3,  1803. 
{Venn,  11.  64.) 
STORY,  SHELLY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1611. 

STORY,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  c.  1537-40;  B.A.  153?- 
40.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Findon,  Sussex,  till  1576;  w-ill 
proved  (Canterbury)  1576.  {Peile,  1.  23.) 
STORY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1566; 
B.A.  1570-1.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1575-.  R-  °^ 
Addlethorpe,  Lines.;  'does  not  reside;  dwells  within  the 
diocese  of  Chichester.'  {Peile,  i.  95.) 
STORYE,  THOMAS.    Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1602;  B.A. 

1604-5;  M.A.  i6o8. 
STORY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  3,  1640. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  Esq. 
Matric.  1640.   Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1644). 
STORY,   THOMAS.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,   1670.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  20,   1674,  from 
Barnard's  Inn,  as  'of  Guilden  Morden,  Cambs.,  gent.' 
STOREY,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1597-8.  One 
of  these  names  signed  as  V.  of  Westoning,  Beds.,  1602-14. 
Buried  there  July  11,  1614.   (W.  M.  Noble.) 
STORY,  WILLIAM  ARMINE.    Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius, 
May  23,  1741.   S.  of  James,  grazier,  of  Kimberley,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.   Schools,  Wymondham  (Mr  Evans)  and  Seaming 
(Mr  Brett).    Scholar,   1741-8;  Matric.  1742;  B.A.   1744-5- 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1744;  'C.  of  Kimberley'; 
priest,   Dec.    18,    1748.    V.   of  Wickham  Skeith,   Norfolk, 
1748-64.    R.  of  Carleton  Forehoe,  1749-95-    V.  of  Runhall, 
1756-95-    R-  of  Bamham  Broom  and  Kimberley,  till  1769- 
R.  of  Chilton,  Suffolk,  1775.   Chaplain  to  Lord  Wodehouse. 
Died  Apr.  1795-   {Venn,  11.  49.) 

STOREY, .   B.A.  1476-7;  M.A.  1480. 

STORY, .  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Easter,  1544. 

STORY, .   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

STORZAKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  22,  1669. 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1673; 
priest,  Dec.  1674. 
STOTE,  see  also  STOYTE. 

STOTE,  BERTRAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  17, 
1693.  S.  of  Sir  Richard  (1635),  Knt.,  serjeant-at-law.  Bapt. 
Feb.  8,  1674-5,  at  St  John's,  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1693.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  27, 
1691.  M.P.  for  Northumberland,  1702.  Died  July  22,  1707. 
Buried  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle.  {At.  Westmon.,  213;  N. 
and  Q.,  7th  S.,  x.  365.) 
STOTE,  CUTHBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1637.  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  B.A.  1639- 
40.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  8,  1641.  Intruded  R.  of 
Whickham,  Durham,  1656-60.  Ord.  (by  Bishop  Cosin), 
1660;  'C.  of  St  Nich.,  Newcastle.'  R.  of  Tollerton,  Notts., 
1662-9.  Buried  there  Jan.  10,  1669-70.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1635)-  (A.  W.  Stote.) 
STOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  June  30, 
1718.  Of  Northumberland.  School,  Hough ton-le-Spring. 
Matric.  1718;  Scholar,  1718-9;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23,  1725- 
STOTE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  4, 
1659.  S.  of  Edward,  merchant,  of  Newcastle.  Bapt.  Sept.  29, 
1641,  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle.  School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale 
(Mr  Garthwaite).  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1666. 
STOTE  or  STOT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1635.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Newcastle-on-T>-ne, 
gent.  Bapt.  Apr.  12,  1621.  B.A.  1638-9.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  July  13,  1640.  Barrister,  1647-  Bencher,  1667.  Reader, 
1671.  Serjeant-at-law,  1675-  Knighted,  Feb.  29,  1671-2. 
Of  Stotes  Hall,  Jesmond,  Northumberiaud.  J. P.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Henry  Holmes,  Jan.  24,  1653-4,  at  St 
John's,  Newcastle.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  Dec. 
25,  1682.  Brother  of  Cuthbert  (1637)  and  father  of  Bertram 
(1691).  (Le  Neve,  Knights,  274;  A.  W.  Stote.) 
STOTHER,  see  also  STROTHER. 
STOTHER,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  16,  1668.    Of 

Yorkshire.  Matric.  1668;  M.B.  1673- 
STOUGHTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23,  1607- 
Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Thomas  and  Katherine.  Bapt.atNaughton, 
Jan.  23,  1592-3.  Matric.  1607;  Scholar;  B..\.  1610-1;  M.A. 
1614;  B.D.  1621;  D.D.  1626.  Fellow,  i6i6.  R.  of  Aller, 
Somerset,  1624-32.  P.C.  of  St  Mary,  Aldermanbury,  London, 
1632-9.  Died  May  4,  1639.  Will,  P.C.C.  {N.  and  Q.,  1919.) 
STOUGHTON,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1607-8.  One  of 
these  names  was  a  minister  in  the  Godalming  Ciassis. 
{Shaw,  II.  433-) 


Stoughton,  John 

STOUGHTON,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1613; B.A.  1616-7. 
STOUGHTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  26, 

1650.    S.   of   Thomas   (1613),    R.   of   Hockenng,   Norfolk. 

Schools,   Hading   (Mr   Ruse)    and   Elsing   (Mr   Robinson). 

Matric.   1650;   Scholar,    1651-4;   B.A.   1653-4;   M.A.  from 

Pembroke,   1657.    Perhaps  intruded   R.  of  Northborough, 

Northants.,  1659;  conformed,  1662;  died  Mar.  15,  1695-6. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Ashington  with  Buncton,  Sussex, 

1663.   (Venn,  I.  378;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
STOUGHTON,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  28,  1682. 

Matric.  1682-3;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1690. 
STOUGHTON,  NICHOLAS.   LL.D.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 

2nd  s.  of  Anthony,  of  Stoughton,  Surrey.    Bapt.  Feb.  8, 

1634-5,  at  Stoke.    Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1648. 

Matric.   (Exeter  College,   Oxford)   July  21,    1653.    B.C.L. 

1656-7;    D.C.L.,    1659.     Created   Bart.,   Jan.   29,    1660-1. 

Sheriff  of  Surrey,  1662-3.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 

Henry  Massingberd,  May  30,   1662.    Died  June  30,  1686. 

WUl,  P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Surrey;  G.E.C.,  in.  154.) 
STOUGHTON,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Aug.  11, 

1698.  Chemist,  of  London. 
STOUGHTON  or  STAUGHTON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from 

Trinity,    Michs.    1573;    B.A.    from    Queens',    1576-7,    as 

Stockden;    M.A.    1580.     Fellow  of   Queens'    (but   see  also 

Stockton,  Thomas  (1572)).   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 

Feb.  13,  1581-2.    V.  of  Coggeshall,  Essex  ('Stoughton'), 

1600-6,  deprived. 
STOUGHTON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1613.    Of  Cambridgeshire.   B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.    R.  of 

Honington,  Suffolk,  1619.    R.  of  Hockering,  Norfolk,  1621. 

R.  of  Helmington  and  Morton,  1631.    Died  Mar.  13,  1677. 

Father  of  John  (1650).  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iii.  127.) 


STOUTE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1560. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Gunton,  Norfolk,  1563-76. 

STOVING  or  STOVEN,  BARNABAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1609.  B.  at  Caton,  Lanes.  B.A.  1612-3; 
M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept  19,  1613,  age  23; 
priest,  Mar.  16,  1616-7.  C.  of  Bumham,  Essex.  R.  of  South 
Fambridge,  1622-40.  Licence  (Bishop  of  London)  May  7, 
1622,  to  marry  Mercy,  dau.  of  John  Francis,  late  R.  of 
Southminster.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  June  23,  1640, 
to  relict  Mercy. 

STOW,  DARWIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 
28,  1679.  S.  of  Darwin,  gent.  B.  at  Fenton-in-Lindsey, 
Lines.  Bapt.  at  Kettlethorpe,  Dec.  8,  1661.  School,  Hat- 
field, West  Riding.  Matric.  1679.  Of  Kettlethorpe.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  George  Neville,  of  Thomey,  Notts.  Died  Apr. 
16,  1724.  Buried  at  Kettlethorpe.  M.I.  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

STOWE,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1603. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  30,  1613;  literate. 

STOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  1658;  afterwards 
Fell. -Com.  Of  Lincolnshire.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Lutton- 
by-Trent,  Lines.,  gent.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1661-2.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Sept.  16,  1658.  Of  Newton,  Lines.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Molineux  Disney,  Nov.  2,  1663  (who  after- 
wards married  Robert  Heron,  of  Newark,  Notts.).  Died  v.p. 
Will  dated  Mar.  10,  1669-70;  proved,  June  27, 1670.  Brother 
of  William  (1666)  and  father  of  the  next.  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

STOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  7,  1684.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  John  (above),  of 
Newton,  Lines.  School,  Newark.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Gilbert  Standish,  of  Newark;  (2)  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Burton,  Bart.  Buried  at  Newton,  Jan.  27,  1718-9. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  930.) 

STOWE,  ST  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  21,  1746. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Newton,  Lines.  Bapt.  Feb.  i,  1728-9,  at 
Newark,  Notts.  Matric.  1746;  Scholar,  1747;  LL.B.  1752. 
Died  Jan.  26,  1762.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  930;  A.  Gray.) 

STOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  i,  1677. 
Only  s.  of  William,  clothier,  deceased.  B.  at  Kildwicke, 
Yorks.  School,  Earby.  Migrated  to  Magdalene,  June  5, 
1677.  B.A.  1680-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  19,  1680. 

STOW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1658.  S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  Swinethorpe,  Lines.  B. 
there.  School,  Lincoln.  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1663. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1659. 

STOW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  30, 
1666.  S.  of  William,  of  Newton,  Lines.,  gent.  Matric.  1667. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  21,  1669-70.  Brother  of  John 
(1658).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  929.) 

Strahan,  William 

STOWE,  .   B.Can.L.  1465-6.   A  monk.   Doubtless  Roger, 

Benedictine  monk;  licensed  by  the  Bishop  to  preach, 

STOWE, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1489-91. 


STOWERS,  MARTIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Probably  R.  of  Milton-next- 
Gravesend,  Kent,  1626-31. 

STOWRS  or  STOVERS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
Oct.  16,  1580.  Of  Essex.  Perhaps  matric.  as  Stowers,  and 
migrated  to  Caius,  1581-2. 

STOWPE,  ROBERT.    Matric.   pens,   from   Trinity,    Easter, 

STOYLE,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1509; 

M.A.  R.  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.  (Harwood.) 

STOYLE,  THOMAS.  D.D.  c.  1457.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse  (but 
does  not  appear  in  the  College  Records).  Fellow  of  Clare. 
Proctor,  1441-2,  1443-4,  1444-5.  Master  of  Clare,  1466-70. 
Vice-Chancellor,  1467-8,  1472-5.  Commissioner  for  building 
the  New  Schools,  1457.  University  Auditor,  1459-60.  Donor 
to  the  Library.  {Clare  College  History,  26;  Stokes,  Chaplains, 
82;  Grace  Book,  A.) 

STOYTE,  see  also  STOTE. 

STOYTE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  12, 
1637.  S.  of  Tobias,  late  R.  of  Lambeth,  and  V.  of  Wirks- 
worth,  Derbs.,  1608-30.  B.  at  Wirksworth.  School,  Stam- 
ford, Lines.  (Mr  Dugard).  Matric.  1638;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A. 
1644;  M.D.  1651.  Fellow,  1643.  Taxor,  1648.  J. P.  for  the 
County,  Town  and  University  of  Cambridge.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)  June  16;  priest,  June  17,  1644.  Will  (V.C.C.)  1703. 
{Scott-Mayor;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  932.) 

STOIT,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1581. 
2nd  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Uf&ngton,  Lines.  Of  Caistor,  Northants. 
Married  Mary  Stanton,  of  Lambrigg,  Westmorland.  Living, 
1616.  Brother  of  the  next.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  932.) 

STOYT,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1581. 
3rd  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Uf&ngton,  Lines.  Of  Ufl5ngton.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  John  Roe,  of  Ufifington.  Died  1613.  Will 
dated,  June  22,  i6ii;  proved  (Lincoln)  Apr.  22,  1613. 
Brother  of  Henry  (above)  and  perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  933.) 

STOYTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1615.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Nicholas  (above),  of  Uflangton, 
Lines.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  19,  1619;  priest.  Mar.  12,  1619-20.  R.  of  Wakerley, 
Northants.,  1624-52.  Buried  there  Nov.  3,  1652.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  933.) 

STRACHEY,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15, 
1682.  S.  of  Robert  (1640),  M.D.,  of  Bishop's  Stortford, 
Herts.  B.  there.  School,  Bishop's  Stortford.  Matric.  1682; 
Scholar,  1682-7;  M.B.  1687.  Died  Feb.  23,  1687-8.  Buried 
at  All  Saints',  Cambridge.  M.I.   (Venn,  i.  469.) 

STRACHEY,  ELIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June, 

STRACHYE,  ELIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

STRACY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  13, 
1628-9.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  B.  at 'Nettswald,' Essex.  School, 
Latton  (Mr  Thos.  Denne).  Matric.  1629. 

STRACHEY,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1564. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1566. 

STRATCHEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  27, 
1640.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Ashdon,  Essex.  B.  there. 
School,  Mercers'.  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1641-4;  B.A. 
1643-4;  M.A.  1647;  M.D.  1658.  Candidate,  R.C.P.,  1659. 
Died  Dec.  8,  1704.  Buried  at  Bishop's  Stortford.  M.I. 
Father  of  Charles  (1682).   (Venn,  i.  339.) 

STRACHE  or  STRACHYS,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1508-9. 

STRACHEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  14, 
1587-8.   Matric.  1588. 

M.A.  1474.  V.  of  Milton,  Cambs.,  1493. 

STRADLYNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  25)  at  Caius,  Aug. 
9,  1560.  Of  Donington,  Lines.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Edward,  of 
St  Donats',  Glamorgan.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London) 
Mar.  25,  1558;  title,  'V.  of  Donington."  (Venn,  i.  44;  Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.) 

STRAHERNE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1621-2.  Perhaps  R.  of  Stapleford,  Herts., 

STRAHAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  8, 
1736-7.  Of  London.  S.  of  William,  LL.D.,  Advocate-General, 


Straight,  George 

of  Doctors'  Commons.  Matric.  1736;  LL.B.  1742-  Fellow, 
1741-53-  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  17, 173°.  and  a*  Lincoln's 
Inn,  May  20,  1742.  Died  Apr.  19,  1781. 

STRAHERNE,  .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Dec.  20, 


STRAIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  8,  1678.  S.  of  John  (1621),  clerk.  B.  at  Tumworth, 
Dorset.  School,  Blandford.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2; 
M.A.  1685.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bishopstow,  Wilts. 
Will  (Archd.  Sarum)  1729. 

STRAIGHT  or  STREIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1621.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  V.  of 
Tumworth,  Dorset,  1638-80.  V.  of  Stower  Paine,  1650-4, 
1670-80.  Chaplain  to  John  Erie,  Bishop  of  Salisbury. 
Author,  sermons.  Buried  at  Tumworth,  1680,  aged  75. 
Father  of  George  (above).   {Hulchins,  in.  472.) 

STRAKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  1, 
1733.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cambridge.  School,  Ely  (Mr  Gun- 
ning). Matric.  1733;  Scholar,  1734;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741- 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July,  1739. 

STRANGE,  see  also  LE  STRANGE. 

STRAUNGE,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse, 
1588-9.  B.  in  St  Faith's,  London.  Matric.  c.  1590;  Scholar, 
1590-4;  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596;  B.D.  1603.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  25,  1594,  age  24;  'C.  of  Bishop's  Stortford'; 
priest,  Mar.  i,  1596-7;  'C.  of  Thorley,  Notts.'  R.  of  White 
Roothing,  Essex,  until  1617.  V.  of  Layston,  Herts.,  1604-50. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1637-50.  Built  the  chapel  in  Buntingford. 
Died  Dec.  8, 1650,  aged  80.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Newcourt;  Cussans, 

STRANGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Oct.  11,  1751. 
S.  of  Sir  John,  Master  of  the  Rolls.  B.  1732.  at  Baraet, 
Middlesex.  Matric.  1751;  M.A.  1755;  D.C.L.  (Oxford)  i793- 
F.R.S.,  1766.  F.S.A.,  1766.  British  resident  at  Venice, 
1773-88.  Travelled  extensively  in  the  South  of  France  and 
Italy.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Davidge  Gould,  of  Sharpham 
Park,  Somerset.  Diplomatist  and  author.  Died  Mar.  19, 
1799.   {D.N.B.) 

STRANGE,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  6, 
1672.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  and  merchant,  of  Hamburg, 
deceased.  B.  there.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1672;  B.A. 
1675-6;  M.A.  1679;  B.D.  1686.  Fellow,  1679.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May,  1678. 

STRANGE  or  STRAWNGE, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 

Easter,  1546. 


STRANGHAM, .  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

STRANGMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1545.   Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1550. 

STRANGEMAN,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  31, 
1572.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Hadleigh  Castle,  Essex. 
Matric.  1572.  Antiquary.  A  member  of  the  Society  of 
Antiquaries  which  included  Sir  Robert  Cotton,  Sir  Henry 
Spelman  and  John  Stow.  Mentioned  by  Morant  as  'a  great 
collector  of  antiquities  for  this  county'  (Essex).  His  MSS. 
used  by  Dr  Salmon  in  his  Essex  History.  Died  1595-6, 
aged  c.  40.  {Vis.  of  Essex,  1558;  Ph.  Benton,  Hadleigh; 
Essex  Arch.  Soc,  11.  139.) 

STRANGMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

STRANGMAN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
c.  1591.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Bartholomew,  of  Hadleigh 
Castle,  Essex  (and  Maria,  dau.  of  Robert  Crane),  and  nephew 
of  James  (1572).  Age  6  in  1580.  Died  s.p.  before  1604. 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1558;  Morant,  i.  280;  Ph.  Benton,  Had- 

STRANGWAYS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Nov.  i, 
1678.  Of  Sneaton,  Yorks.  Probably  s.  of  Henry.  Bapt. 
Dec.  31,  1660.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686. 
Subscribed  for  deacon's  and  priest's  orders  (Bristol)  Mar.  23, 
1683-4.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Bristol.  R.  of  Melbury 
Osmvmd  and  Melbury  Sampford,  Dorset,  1684-94.  V.  of 
Stinsford,  1690-4.  R.  of  Maiden  Newton,  1693-1731.  R.  of 
Frome  Vanchurch,  1713-31.  Buried  Apr.  19,  1731,  at  Maiden 
Newton.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

STRANGEWAYS,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare, 
Easter,  1616;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623. 

STRANGEWAYS,  NICHOLAS.  M.A.  1663  (Incorp.  from  Wad- 
ham  College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  22,  1638,  age  16. 
S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Abbotsbury,  Dorset,  gent.  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1642;  M.A.  1647.  Fellow  of  Wadham,  1644-8,  1660-76. 
Died  Oct.  15,  1676.  Buried  in  the  outer  chapel  of  Wadham 
College.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

Stratton,  Joseph 

STRANGWAYES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  29, 
1674.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Pickering,  Yorks., 
Esq.  B.  Jan.  19,  1656.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  17,  1676. 
Of  Pickering,  Esq.  Buried  Nov.  20,  1702,  aged  55,  at 
Pickering.   Father  of  the  next.   (F.M.G.,  628.) 

STRANGWAYS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
Feb.  26, 1695-6.  Doubtlesss.  of  Thomas  (above),  of  Rckering, 
Vorks.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  22,  1677.  Matric.  1696;  B.A. 
1699-1700.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  18,  1700-r.  Took  the 
name  of  Robinson.  Buried  at  Pickering,  July  3,  I75i- 
(F.M.G.,  629.) 

STRANGWAYS,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1517-8;  B.Can.L.  1521-2. 
Perhaps  D.Civ.L.   Perhaps  preb.  of  York,  1532-41. 

STRANGWAYS,  WILLIAM.   Of  Christ's.  B.A.  1538-9. 

STRANSHAM  or  STRENSHAM,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Peterhouse,  Sept.  8,  1576.  Matric.  1576;  B.A.  1579-80, 
'Stremsham.'  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  12,  1580;  of 
Kent,  and  of  Clifford's  Inn.  Became  a  Roman  priest.  Ord. 
sub-deacon  at  Rheims,  Apr.  6;  deacon,  Apr.  20;  priest, 
Sept.  21,  1585.  Sent  on  the  English  Mission.  (T.  A. 

STRENSHAM  or  STRETSHAM,  HENRY.  Studied  at  Oxford 
and  Cambridge.  Franciscan  friar.  Supp.  for  B.D.  (Oxford) 
1538.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  George's,  Botolph  Lane,  London, 
1542-4,  Steynsham.  V.  of  Benenden,  Kent,  1543.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  Hennessy.) 

STRANSHAM  or  STRANSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's, 
1586.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1589.  Perhaps  M.A.  (Oxford) 

STRANSHAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov. 

Peterhouse,  1606-7.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of 
Chiddingstone,  Kent.  Matric.  1607;  M.A.  1614-5  (on  King's 
visit).  An  official  of  the  superior  courts  at  Westminster. 
{Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Hasted,  i.  403.) 

STRATFORD  or  STRETFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Pembroke,  Mar.  15,  1646-7.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.  B.  at 
Nuneaton,  Warws.  Matric.  1647.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Sept.  3,  1649.  Of  Atherstone,  Warws.  High  Sheriff,  1667. 
Married  and  had  issue.   {Vis.  of  Warws.,  1682-3.) 

STRATFORD,  NICHOLAS.  U.\.  1663  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  Nicholas,  tailor.  Bapt.  at  Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts., 
Sept.  8,  1633.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  July  29, 
1651;  Scholar,  1650;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1653-4;  M.A.  1656;  B.D. 
1664;  D.D.  1673.  Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  1656. 
Warden  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  Manchester,  1667-84. 
Canon  of  Lincoln,  1670.  V.  of  Knighton,  Leics.,  1670-4. 
R.  of  Llansantffraid-yn-Mechain,  Montgomery,  1671.  Dean 
of  St  Asaph,  1674-89.  P.C.  of  St  Mary  Aldermary,  London, 
1683-1707.  R.  of  Wigan,  Lanes.,  1689.  R.  of  Llanrwst, 
Denbigh  (sinecure).  Bishop  of  Chester,  1689-1707.  Died 
Feb.  12,  1706-7.  M.I.  at  Chester.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols,  iv. 
239;  D.N.B.) 

STRETFORD,  SIMON  DE.    'King's  Scholar,'  1337-49-    Died 

May  24,  1349. 

STRATFORD,  WILLIAM.  Incorp.  D.D.  1480-1.  B.D.  (Oxford). 

Cistercian  monk. 

STRATFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  16,  1721.  Matric.  sizar  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  July  14, 
1 71 6;  's.  of  WiUiam,  shoemaker,  of  All  Saints',  Northants., 
gent.'  Bapt.  there.  May  11,  1679.  LL.B.  1722;  LL.D.  1727. 
Advocate,  Doctors'  Commons.  Commissary  of  Richmond. 
Died  Sept.  1753,  aged  75.  Will  (Chester)  1753-  Benefactor 
to  Northampton.  {Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 

STRATTON  or  STRETTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
St  John's,  May  9, 1667.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Tenterden, 
Kent.  B.  there.  School,  Wye,  Kent.  Matric.  1667;  B.A. 
1670-1;  M.A.  1674;  B.D.  1682.  Fellow,  1672-95-  Signs  for 
deacon's  Orders  (London)  Sept.  20,  1673.  R.  of  Newenden, 
Kent,  1686-94.  Presented  to  R.  of  Freshwater,  Isle  of 
Wight,  1694-5,  but  died  very  soon  after.  {Vis.  of  Kent, 

STRATON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  ir, 
1601-2.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Suffolk.  School,  Worling- 
worth  (Mr  Gmndy).  Of  Shotley,  gent.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
May  31,  1627.   {Venn,  1.  178.) 

STRATTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1620. 

Of  Suffolk. 

STRATTON  or  STRETTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus, 
May  25,  1639.  Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3. 


Stratton,  Robert  (Eyrick)  de 

STRETTON,  ROBERT  (EYRICK)  DE.  First  Master  of  Trinity 
Hall,  1350-5.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  Eyryk,  or  De  Stretton.  B. 
at  Stretton  Magna,  Leics.  LL.D.  [sic).  Took  Holy  Orders. 
R.  of  Blofield,  Norfolk,  1349-52  (presented  by  William 
Bateman,  Bishop  of  Norwich,  who  set  aside  the  profits  of 
the  rectory  for  the  support  of  the  CoDege).  Chaplain  to  the 
Black  Prince.  Became  one  of  the  auditors  of  the  roia  at 
Rome.  Canonof  Chichester,  1343.  Canon  of  Salisbury,  1349. 
Canon  of  Lincoln,  1353.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1358.  Bishop  of 
Coventry  and  of  Lichfield,  1360-85.  Said  to  be  so  illiterate 
that  a  complaint  was  made  to  Pope  Innocent  VI  of  his 
unfitness  for  the  bishopric.  (For  the  story  of  his  being 
'  plucked '  by  the  Pope  for  ignorance  of  Latin  see  the  College 
History,  44.)  The  King,  however,  refused  to  have  any  other 
candidate  chosen.  Founded  and  endowed  a  chantry  in  the 
chapel  of  St  Giles'  at  Gt  Stretton;  also  endowed  a  chantry 
at  Stretton-super-Dunsmore,  Warws.  Died  Mar.  28,  1385, 
at  his  manor  house  at  Haywood,  Staffs.  Buried  in  Lichfield 
Cathedral.  Will  (Lambeth)  1385.  {College  History;  Nichols, 
II.  580;  D.N.B.,  where  his  connection  with  Cambridge  is  not 

STRATON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1547. 

STRATOR  or  STREATOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  R.  of 
Whipsnade,  Beds.,  1623-8.   R.  of  Sevington,  Kent,  1629. 

STRAWSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  19,  1642. 
One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  ord  deacon  (Lincoln)  Nov.  16; 
priest,  Nov.  17,  1660.   V.  of  East  Kirkby,  Lines.,  1660. 

STRAY  or  STREY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Aug. 
12,1620.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1623;  M.A.  1627. 

STREANE,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1561. 


STREE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1717.  (Not 
in  College  Register.) 

STREET,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1608. 
Probably  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Longset,  Yorks.  B.A.  1611-2; 
M.A.  1615.  Doubtless  V.  of  Preston,  Sussex,  1619. 

STRETE,  JOHN  DE.  M.A.  Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  benefice, 
1363.   {Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  405.) 

STREET  or  STREAT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar. 
15.  1590-1.  Matric.  c.  1591;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  V.  of 
Wonersh,  Surrey,  1614-29.  R.  of  East  Clandon,  1629-40. 
Died  June,  1640. 

STREET,  NICHOLAS.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1636.  S.  of 
Nicholas.  Bapt.  at  Bridgwater,  Somerset,  Jan.  29,  1602-3. 
Matric.  (Broadgates  Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  2,  1621,  age  18; 
B.A.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  1624-5.  Emigrated  to 
New  England,  1637.  Appointed  teacher  of  the  Church  at 
Taunton,  Mass.,  joint  minister  there  with  William  Hooke, 
until  1644;  sole  minister  at  Taunton,  1644-59.  Assistant 
minister  at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  1659-67;  remained  as  sole 
pastor  of  the  New  Haven  Church,  1667-74.  Married,  as  his 
2nd  wife,  Mrs  Mary  Newman,  widow  of  Governor  Francis 
Newman,  of  the  New  Haven  Colony.  Died  Apr.  22,  1674. 
(J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

STREET,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Fellow,  c.  1583-8.  Buried 
at  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  Oct.  28,  1588.  WiU  (V.C.C.) 

STREET,  ROBERT.  Student  at  Cambridge  for  one  year. 
Chaplain.  B.Can.L.  (Oxford)  1510.  Perhaps  V.  of  Ashton 
Keynes,  Wilts.,  1514. 

STREET,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Michaelhouse,  Michs. 
1546;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1548-9. 

STREETE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  8,  1667. 
Matric.  1667-8;  Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675. 
Fellow,  1674.  Tutor,  1677. 

STREET,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Thorpe  Langton, 
and  of  Hallaton,  Leics.,  Esq.  (and  Jane,  dau.  of  Valentine 
Hartopp).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1616-7.  Of 
Hallaton,  Esq.  Married,  as  his  2nd  wife,  Katherine  Berkeley, 
of  Bridcomb,  Gloucs.  Buried  at  Hallaton,  Dec.  25,  1638. 
Father  of  the  next.   {Nichols,  11.  597,  602.) 

STREET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  9, 
1650.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (above),  of  Hallaton,  Leics. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  14,  1634-5.  School,  Uppingham  (Mr 
Meares).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  21,  1653.  Of 
Hallaton,  Esq.  J. P.  Married  (i)  Jane  Elliot,  of  Godalming, 
Surrey;  (2)  Sarah  Arnold.  Died  1684.  Father  of  William 
(i68o).  (Peile,  i.  539;  Nichols,  11.  602.) 

STREAT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1665. 
B.  in  London.  Matric.  1667.  One  of  these  names,  3rd  s.  of 
Wooddall,  of  Kidlington,  Oxon.,  gent.,  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Jan.  22,  1668-9. 

Strickland,  Walter 

STREET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  21,  1680. 
S.  and  h.  of  William  (1650).  B.  at  Hallaton,  Leics.  School, 
Harborough  (Mr  Berry).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  a,  1681. 
Buried  at  Hallaton,  Apr.  26,  1696.  {Peile,  11.  78;  Nichols, 
II.  601.) 

STREAT, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1573. 

STRENGTHFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Feb.  6,  1672-3.  S.  of  Thomas,  citizen  of  London.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Matric.  1672-3;  Scholar,  1673-4.  Perhaps  father 
of  the  next.   {Venn,  1.  448.) 

STRENGTHFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
July  7,  1698.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  above),  of  London.  School, 
Eton;  Colleger,  1695-8. 

STRENSON,  WILLIAM.   Fellow  of  Jesus,  c.  1546. 

STRETCH,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Balliol  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Mar.  21,  1650-1;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1654; 
M.A.  1658.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STRETHAY,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1509-10,  'Stretor';  M.A.  1512-3. 
Proctor,  1525-6. 

STRETLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June,  1587. 
S.  of  Paul.  B.  at  Brocket  Hall,  Herts.  School,  St  Albans 
(Mr  John  Thomas).  Migrated  to  Caius,  Jan.  28,  1587-8; 
Scholar,  1588-92;  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1591,  and  again  in  1596.  Head  Master  of  St  Albans 
School,  1595-1601.   {Venn,  i.  133;  Peile,  1.  189;  Al.  Oxon.) 


STRYCKLAND,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1566.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  2i,  1569,  age  23;  priest,  Sept. 
21,  1570. 

STRICKELAND,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1589. 

STRICKLAND,  Sir  GEORGE,  Bart.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 
1747.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  Bart.,  of 
Bo>Titon.  B.  Mar.  1729.  Succeeded  as  5th  Bart.,  Sept.  i, 
1735.  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1768-9.  Married  Elizabeth  Loetitia, 
dau.  of  Sir  Rowland  Winn,  of  Nostell,  Yorks.  Died  Jan.  13, 
1808.   {G.E.C.,  II.  115.) 

STRICKLAND,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1580), 
K.B.  M.P.  for  Westmorland,  1624.  Knighted.  A  Colonel 
in  the  army  of  Charles  I.  Commanded  a  troop  of  horse  at 
Edgehill.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Alford,  of 
Bylton,  Yorks.  Died  1670.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 
(1620).   (Burke,  L.G.) 

STRICKLAND,  ROGER.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1592-3. 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1565  (impubes).   Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Boynton,  Yorks. 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586;  B.D.  1593;  D.D.  1598.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  4,  1586.  R.  of  King's 
CliSe,  Northants.,  1589-1640.  Died  1640. 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1580.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Walter,  of  Sizergh,  and 
Thornton  Briggs,  Westmorland.  M.P.  for  Westmorland, 
1601,  1603.  K.B.,  1603.  Married  (1)  Elizabeth  Symon,  of 
Bristol;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas  Curwen,  Knt.,  of 
Workington.  Died  1615.  Father  of  Robert  (1615)  and  prob- 
ably of  Thomas  (1620).   (Burke,  L.G.) 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  23, 
1606-7.  Matric.  1607;  Scholar. 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1619.  Of  Yorkshire.  3rd  s.  of  Walter  (1563),  of 
Boynton,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10,  1618. 
Brother  of  Walter  (1619)  and  William  (1614). 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1620.  Of  Westmorland.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas 
(1580),  K.B.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Buried  at  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  Dec.  7,  1628.  Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1615). 

STRICKLAND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
June  21,  1651.   Of  Essex. 

STRICKLAND,  WALTER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1563.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of  Boynton, 
Yorks.,  the  navigator.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1565.  Of 
Boynton,  Esq.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Peter  Wentworth, 
of  LiUington,  Oxon.  Buried  Apr.  29,  1636,  at  Wintringham. 
Father  of  the  next,  of  Thomas  (1619)  and  of  William  (1614). 
{Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxii.  27.) 

STRICKLAND,  WALTER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1619.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Walter  (above),  of  Boyn- 
ton, Yorks.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10,  1618.  Agent 
of  the  Long  Parliament  to  the  States-General  of  the  United 
Provinces,  1640.  M.P.  for  Minehead,  1645-53;  for  Yorks., 
1653;  for  West  Riding,  1654-6;  for  Newark,  1656-8;  for 
Thirsk,  1661-70.   A  member  of  several  CouncUs  under  the 


Strickland,  William 

Commonwealth.  Married  Dame  Anne  Morgan,  said  to  be 
a  dau.  of  Sir  Charles  Morgan,  Governor  of  Bergen-op-Zoom. 
Died  Nov.  1670.  Buried  at  Flamborough.  M.I.  Brother  of 
the  ne.xt  and  of  Thomas  (1619).   {D.N.B.) 

STRICKLAND,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1614.  S.  and  h.  of  Walter  (1563),  of  Boynton,  Yorks. 
B.  c.  1596.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  21,  1617.  Knighted, 
June  24,  1630.  M.P.  for  Hedon,  1640-53;  for  the  East 
Riding  (Yorks.),  1654-55  and  1656.  Created  Bart.,  July  30, 
1641.  An  ardent  Parliamentarian.  Served  on  nearly  every 
Committee,  1641-59,  save  that  of  the  King's  trial.  In  com- 
mand at  HuU,  1643.  P.C,  1659.  Married  (1)  Margaret,  dau. 
of  Sir  Richard  Cholmley,  of  Whitby,  Yorks.;  (2)  Frances, 
dau.  of  Thomas  (Finch),  Earl  of  Winchelsea.  Buried  at 
Boynton,  Sept.  16,  1673.  Will,  York.  Brother  of  the  above, 
etc.    (G.£.C.,  II.  115;  D.N.B.) 

STRICKLAND, .  B.Can.L.  or  B.Civ.L.  1500. 

STRYKELAND, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1554. 

STRIMESIUS,  SAMUEL.  Resided  a  year  at  Magdalene,  c.  1660. 
Apparently  of  Frankfort-on-Oder,  in  1708.  {Mag.  Coll. 
Hist.,  140.) 

STRINGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  28,  1575. 
Of  Harrow,  Middlesex.  S.  of  Thomas.  School,  Harrow. 
Matric.  1575;  Scholar,  till  1581;  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583. 
Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  20,  1589.  C.  of  South  Mimms, 
Herts.  R.  of  Elstree,  Herts.,  1590-1612.  Father  of  the  next. 
{Venn,  1.  83.) 

STRINGE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1612.  S.  of  John  (above).  B.  at  Elstree,  Herts.  Scholar, 
1614;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1619. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  20,  1618;  priest,  Feb.  21,  1618-9. 
V.  of  Ridge,  Herts.,  1618-27.  R.  of  Chelmondiston,  Suffolk, 
1627-31.  V.  of  Tirley,  Gloucs.,  1631. 

STRINGER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1651.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  of  Sutton-upon- 
Lound,  Notts.,  Esq.  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  South,  of 
Fotherby,  Lines.).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  15,  i6s7. 
{Vis.  of  Notts.,  1614.) 

STRINGER,  GEORGE.  Of  Pembroke.  Buried  at  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  May  11,  1625. 

STRINGER,  HENRY.  M.A.  1627  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  School, 
Winchester.  Fellow  (New  College,  Oxford)  1614.  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1617-8;  M.A.  1621;  B.D.  1631-2;  D.D.  1642. 
Proctor,  1630-1.  Warden  of  New  College,  1647-8,  ejected. 
Regius  Professor  of  Greek  at  Oxford,  1625-42.  R.  of 
Waddesdon  (portion),  Bucks.,  1638,  and  of  HardwicI",  1641; 
sequestered,  1644.  Perhaps  preb.  of  Chichester.  Buried  at 
Blackfriars  Church,  London,  Feb.  1657.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STRINGAR,  JOHN.  B.A.  1514-5;  M.A.  1517-8.  FeUow  of 
St  John's,  1516.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1520.  Almoner  to  the 
Duke  of  Richmond,  1536.  Probably  R.  of  Warton,  Lanes., 
1540-8.  One  of  these  names  held  a  prebend  in  Pontefract 
Castle,  1535.  V.  of  Topcliffe.  {Vict.  Hist.  Lanes.,  viii. 

STRINGER,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  4, 
1668.  Of  Kent.  Matric.  1668.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
July  2,  1670. 

STRINGER,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Jan.  16, 1679-80. 
B.  at  Hilton,  Staffs. 

STRINGER,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1565.  Of  Buckinghamshire.  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571. 
Fellow,  1568.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1572.  Esquire  Bedell,  c. 
1579-92.  Registrar  of  Peterborough  diocese,  1601.  Solicitor 
to  the  University,  and  J. P.  for  Cambridge.  Wrote  accounts 
of  the  Queen's  visits  to  Oxford.  Buried  at  St  Edward's, 
Cambridge,  Oct.  27,  1605.  {Cooper,  11.  438;  Stokes,  Bedells; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

STRINGER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
B.  at  Langford,  Beds.,  c.  1572;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1605. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  1598.  V.  of  Biggleswade,  Beds., 

STRINGER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Trinity,  Apr. 
7,  1716.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School, 
Wakefield  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1719-20.  Usher  of 
Wakefield  School,  1720-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4, 
1721;  priest  (London)  June  9,  1723.  Head  Master  of  Hems- 
worth  School,  Yorks.,  1749-86.  Died  Apr.  1786,  aged  89. 
(M.  H.  Peacock;  G.Mag.) 

STRINGER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr. 
22,  1740.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Earls  Colne,  Essex.  School, 
Earls  Colne  (Mr  Stringer).  Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1740;  B.A. 

STRYNGAR,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Lent, 

Strode,  George 

STRINGER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  July  5, 
1710.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  London.  B.  Aug.  14,  1693.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors',  London.  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1712. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Sept.  22,  1718;  will  (P.C.C.)  1736; 
of  Epsom,  Surrey;  M.D. 

STRINGAR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  26, 
1602-3.  Probably  s.  of  Francis,  of  Sharlston,  Yorks.  Age 
i6  in  1602.  Matric.  1603.  Executor  of  his  father's  will, 
1637.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Cuthbert  Fleming,  of 
Sharlston.  Died  s.p.  1651.  WiU,  P.C.C.  {Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612,  1666;  Hunter,  11.  182.) 

STRINGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Dec.  17, 
1641.  S.  of  Thomas,  late  of  St  Sepulchre's,  London,  gent. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  10,  1645.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1652. 
Serjeant-at-law,  i677-  King's  Serjeant,  1679-87.  Justice 
of  King's  Bench,  1688-^.  Knighted  at  Whitehall,  Dec.  6, 
1669.  M.P.  for  Chtheroe,  1675-81.  Recorder  of  Clitheroe. 
Of  Durants,  Middlesex.  Died  Oct.  2,  1689,  aged  63.  Buried 
at  Enfield,  Middlesex.  Father  of  Thomas  (1678).  {F.M.G., 
1069;  J.  Parker.) 

STRINGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  7, 
1653-4.  Of  Lincolnshire.  School,  Peterborough.  Matric. 
1654;  B.A.  1657;  M.A.  1662.  V.  of  Yaxley,  Hunts.,  1662-4. 
R.  of  Babingley,  Norfolk,  1664-96.  R.  of  Sandringham, 
1664-96.  R.  of  Wolferton,  1673-96.  Died  1696,  at  Sand- 

STRINGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  18,  1675,  'Slinger.'  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Sharlston, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  Bapt.at  Kirkthorpe,Nov.  18,  1658.  School, 
Wakefield.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Welbury  Norton,  of 
Sawley,  Esq.  Buried  at  Kirkthorpe,  May  12,  1681.  M.I. 
(M.  H.  Peacock;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  F.M.G.,  1069.) 

STRINGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June 
21,1678.  Of  Kent.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1641),  Knt.  School, 
Burwash,  Sussex  (Mr  Goldham).  Previously  at  Oxford. 
Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Mar.  26,  1675,  age  14.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  1,  1675-6.  M.P.  for  Clitheroe,  1698-1706. 
Colonel  in  the  Army.  Died  unmarried  at  Bruges,  in  Flanders, 
Sept.  17,  1706,  aged  47.  Buried  at  Enfield,  Middlesex.  M.I. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  F.M.G.,  1069;  Le  Neve,  Knights,  228.) 

STRINGER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1509-10.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Feb. 
16,  1515-6. 

STRINGER,  WILLIAM  Adm.  pens,  (age  if)  at  Pembroke, 
July  2,  1622.  S.  of  Nicholas.  B.  at  Burton,  Leics.  Matric. 

STRIPLING  or  STRIBLING,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
Caius,  Apr.  13,  1610.  Of  Tawstock,  Devon.  S.  of  Richard, 
R.  of  Ashford,  Devon.  Bapt.  July  23,  1592,  at  Tawstock. 
School,  Barnstaple  (Mr  Wilson).  Matric.  1610;  Scholar, 
1610-4;  B.A.  1613-4.   {Venn,  i.  207.) 

STRODE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1647;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  V.  of  Guilden  Morden, 
Cambs.,  1662.   WiU  (C.  C.  Ely)  1672. 

STRODE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  15,  1645. 
Of  Somerset.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Barrington, 
Somerset  (and  Joanna,  dau.  of  Edward  Barnard,  of  Shepton 
Mallet).  B.  1630.  Matric.  1645.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Apr.  12,  1645.  Married  Joan,  dau.  of  Alderman  John 
Gunning,  of  Bristol.  Died  Oct.  28,  1703,  aged  73.  Buried 
at  Shepton  MaUet.  M.I.  Brother  of  WUliam  (1639).  {Collin- 
son,  III.  464;  Somerset  Arch.  Proc,  xxx;  Burke,  L.G.,  where 
the  date  of  birth  is  wrong.) 

STRODE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1699.  Of 
Somei-set.  2nd  s.  of  Carew,  of  Cranmore,  Somerset.  Matric. 
(Hart  HaU,  Oxford)  May  7,  1701,  age  17.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  July  2,  1700.  Of  SouthiU,  Somerset.  Esq.  Married  Mary 
Simpson.  Buried  Jan.  12,  1768.  A  nephew  of  Edward  Strode, 
M.P.  for  Ilchester,  1705-8,  with  whom  he  is  confused  in 
Al.  Oxon.  {Burke,  L.G.;  Somerset  Arch.  Proc.  xxx.) 

STRODE,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1680  (Incorp.  from  Exeter  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there.  May  25,  1666,  age  19.  S.  of  John,' 
of  Bickley,  Devon.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1669-70;  M.A.  1672. 
R.  of  Ideford,  Devon,  1674.  R-  of  Haccombe,  1684.  Died 
1709.   WiU,  Exeter.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STRODE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1639.  Of  Kent.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Westerham, 
Kent.  B.  c.  1622.  M.A.  1646,  according  to  Masters.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  1638.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 
(1633)  and  Nicholas  (1642).  {Somerset  Arch.  Proc,  xxx.  72; 
Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  184.) 

STROADE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse 
May  25,  1658.  Of  Devon.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.a! 
1665.  Licensed  to  teach  grammar  at  Whepstead,  Suffolk, 


Strode,  George 

STRODE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr. 
12,  1678.  S.  of  Sir  Nicholas  (1642),  Knt.,  of  Chipstead, 
Kent  and  Etchingham,  Sussex  (and  Judith,  dau.  of  Sir 
Rowland  Lytton).  B.  in  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields.  School, 
Newington  (Mr  Singleton).  Matric.  1678.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  May  4,  1680.  Knighted,  Sept.  7,  1685.  Married, 
as  his  2nd  wife,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Robinson,  of  Denbigh. 
Died  June  9,  1707.  Buried  at  Etchingham.  M.I.  at  Kneb- 
worth,  Herts.  (To  be  distinguished  from  Sir  George  Strode, 
of  Dorset,  Knt.,  serjeant-at-law,  who  died  1701,  aged  75.) 
{Venn,  i.  459;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  n.  125;  Clutterbuck,  11.  377.) 

STROUD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1678; 
B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  1684-5; 
priest,  Sept.  1685.  C.  of  St  Michael's,  Stamford,  Lines. 
C.  of  Easton-on-the-Hill,  Northants.,  1685.  C.  of  Ufford 
with  Sainton,  1697.   {Peile,  11.  68;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

STROWDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

STRODE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1642.  Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  George,  of 
Westerham,  Kent,  Knt.  B.  Oct.  8,  1624.  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A. 
1649.  Fellow  (by  the  Parliamentary  Visitors)  1651-4, 
ejected.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1648.  Barrister,  1655. 
Knighted,  June  27,  1660.  Bought  Chipstead,  Kent,  1665. 
Married  (1)  Judith,  dau.  of  Sir  Rowland  Lytton,  of  Kneb- 
worth,  Herts.;  (2)  Catherine,  dau.  of  John  Sairle,  of  Methley, 
Yorks.  Will  proved,  Aug.  30,  1683.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1633)  and  father  of  George  (1678).  (Somerset  and  Dorset 
N.  and  Q.,  1.  236;  Somerset  Arch.  Proc.,  xxx.  72.) 

STROWDE,  PEREGRINE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 

STRODE  or  STROD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St 
John's,  Lent,  1597-8.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William, 
of  Newnham,  Devon,  Knt.  Bapt.  July  1,  1584,  at  Bovey 
Tracey.  Knighted,  July  23.  1603.  M.P.  for  Beeralston, 
1604-11;  for  Bridport,  1625-6;  for  Plympton,  1640.  Married 
three  wives.  An  inmate  of  Fleet  prison,  in  1652;  petitions 
to  regain  his  liberty.  Published  an  annotated  Almanack, 
1652.  Buried  Oct.  9,  1669,  at  Plympton  St  Mary.  {Somerset 
and  Dorset  N.  and  Q.,  viii.  201;  Burke,  L.G.) 

STRODE,  SAMPSON.  M.A.  1578  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
William,  of  Newnham,  Devon.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1573;  M.A. 
1577.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  1572.  Preb.  of  Exeter,  1583-1631. 
R.  of  Dittisham,  Devon,  1583.  R.  of  Little  Hempston,  1589. 
Died  1 63 1  (sic).  Admon.  granted  (Exeter)  1638.  {Al.Oxon.; 
Burke,  L.G.) 

STRODE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  2,  1733.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Samuel,  Esq.  School, 

STRODE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1633.  Of  Kent.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  George, 
of  Squeries  Court,  Westerham,  Kent,  Knt.  (and  Rebecca, 
dau.  of  Nicholas  Crispe,  of  London).  B.  Feb.  3,  1618.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1637.  Brother  of  Nicholas  (1642) 
and  probably  of  George  (1639).  {Somerset  and  Dorset  N.  and 

STRODE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

STRODE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1628  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Philip,  of  Newnham,  Devon,  gent.  Bapt.  Jan.  11,  1602-3, 
at  Shaugh  Prior.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  June  i, 
1621,  age  19;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1621; 
M.A.  1624;  B.D.  1631;  D.D.  1638.  Proctor  (Oxford)  1629. 
Public  Orator  (Oxford)  1629-45.  R.  of  East  Bradenham, 
Norfolk,  1633.  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  1638-44.  V.  of 
Black  Bourton,  Oxon.,  1638.  V.  of  Badley,  Northants., 
1639-42.  Died  Mir.  10,  1644-5.  Buried  in  Christ  Church 
Cathedral.  {Al.  Oxon.,  where  his  incorporation  at  Cambridge 
is  not  mentioned.) 

STRODE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June  29, 
1639.  Of  Somerset.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of 
Barrington,  Somerset.  Matric.  1639.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth 
Rivett,  of  King's  Sombome,  Hants.;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Osborne,  Bart.;  (3)  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  EUys, 
Bart.  Buried  Feb.  19,  1694-5,  at  Barrington.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1645).   {Somerset  Arch.  Proc,  xxx.  69.) 

STRODE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  14,  1656. 
Of  Middlesex.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1656-7; 
Scholar,  1656;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1661. 

STRODE,   WILLIAM.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.  at   King's,   1701-2. 

Perhaps  s.  of  William  (1639)  (by  his  3rd  wife  Jane,  dau.  of 

Sir  Thomas  EUys).   If  so,  died  s.p.  1745-6. 
STRODE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  22)  at  Christ's, 

Apr.  4,  1733.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Dittisham,  Devon.  School, 

Totnes.    One  of  these  names  of  Newnham  Park,  Devon; 

died  Aug.  27,  1767.  {Peile,  11.  228;  Burke,  L.G.) 

Strother,  William 

STRONG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  6,  i7i8. 
B.  in  London.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Greenwich, 
Kent  (and  possibly  grandson  of  Edward  Strong,  citizen  and 
mason,  of  London,  see  Clutterbuck,  1.  69);  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  July  10,  1717. 

STRONG,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  14,  1680.  S.  of 
William,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1680-1; 
Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1688. 

STRONG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  25,  1683. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Sutton  Bonington,  Notts.  School, 
Nottingham.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1704. 

STRONG,  RICHARD.  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  from  St  John's, 
1606.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1607. 

STRONG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  4, 
1735.  2nd  s.  of  Isaac,  attorney,  of  Chatteris,  Cambs.  Bapt. 
there.  May  19,  1717.  Schools,  Stamford  (Mr  Reid)  and 
Peterborough  (Mr  Bradfield).  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1739-40. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  1,  1740;  priest,  May  i,  1741. 
R.  of  Ingoldmells,  Lines.,  1742-Q.  R.  of  Hargrave,  North- 
ants., 1749-97.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Bunbury, 
R.  of  Gt  Catworth,  Hunts.  Died  Jan.  23,  1797.  Buried  at 
Hargrave.  Will,  P.C.C.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  471.) 

STRONG,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1630-1.  Of 
Dorset.  M.A.  1634.  Fellow,  1631-4,  suspended.  R.  of  Moor 
Cri;hel,  Dorset,  1640-8.  Member  of  the  Westminster 
Assembly,  1645.  Minister  of  St  Dunstan-in-the-West,  1648. 
Pastor  of  an  Independent  congregation.  A  famous  preacher. 
Author,  theological.  Buried  July  4,  1654,  in  Westminster 
Abbey.  His  remains  were  disinterred  after  the  Restoration. 
Admon.  granted  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  22,  1654,  to  widow  Damaris. 
{Cath.  Hist.,  122;  D.N.B.;  Burke,  L.G.) 

STRONG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3,  1652; 
exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Of  Dorset.  Probably  s.  of 
William  (above).  Matric.  1653-4;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1655.  Probably  V.  of  Chatteris,  Cambs.,  1666-87.  Buried 
there  Nov.  21,  1689.  Will  (Cons.  C.  Ely)  1689.  (H.  I. 

STROTHER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Christ's, 
Aug.  24,  1695.  S.  of  Edward,  physician,  of  Alnwick,  North- 
umberland (adm.  extra-licentiate  of  the  R.C.P.,  Oct.  i,  1700; 
Munk,  I.  520,  where,  however,  he  is  apparently  confused  with 
his  son).  B.  1675,  at  Alnwick.  School,  Alnwick  (Mr  Chess- 
man). M.D.  (Utrecht)  1720.  Adm.  licentiate  of  the  C.P., 
Apr.  3,  1721.  .Author,  medical.  Died  Apr.  13,  1737.  at  his 
house  near  Soho  Square,  London.  One  of  these  names,  'of 
Alnwick,'  married,  at  Durham,  Jan.  15,  1697,  Mary  AUenton. 
The  Registers  of  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  record  the  burial 
of  four  children  of  a  Dr  Edward  Strothers  between  1700-7. 
{Peile,  II.  135;  Munk,  11.  77;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.; 

STROTHER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  30, 
1730;  exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Of  Kent.  Matric. 
1731;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1737.  One  of  these  names  of 
Penton  Mewsey,  Hants.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1764. 

STROTHER,  HENRY.  M.A.  (Probably  of  Cambridge.)  Chap- 
lain to  Bishop  of  Ely.  R.  of  Rattlesden,  Suffolk,  1460-1. 
R.  of  Hardwick,  Cambs.,  1472-3.  R.  of  Brandon  Ferry,  1473. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Baddow,  Essex,  1495-1512,  Stroder; 
died  1512. 

STROTHER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Kino's,  Michs.  1611. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Lancelot,  of  Langton  and  Kirk-newton, 
Northumberland;  age  16  in  1611.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct. 
26, 1614.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Roger  Selby,  of  Grindon, 
Aug.  1,  1617.  Died  Feb.  2,  1631.  Probably  brother  of 
William  (1611).   (H.  M.  Wood;  Genealogist,  i.  384.) 

STROTHER,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  3, 
1690-1.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Ripon,  Yorks.  School,  Ripon 
(Mr  Thomas  Thompson).  Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1693;  B.A. 
1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1706.  V.  of  Brading, 
Isle  of  Wight,  1703.  V.  of  Brenchley,  Kent,  1709-44.  Died 
Mar.  1,  1743-4.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STROTHER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1621; 
B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1629.  C.  of  Little  Easton,  Essex,  in  1637. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Kirby  Moorside,  Yorks.,  1638-60. 

STROOTHER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  23,  1718.  S.  of  Wilfrid,  barrister,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Boroughbridge.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1717;  B.A. 
1721-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  20,  1722;  priest,  Sept.  22, 
1723.  V.  of  Armley,  Leeds,  1727-61.  Died  Apr.  25,  1761. 
{Scott-Mayor,  iii.  317.) 

STROTHER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs. 
1611.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Lancelot,  of  Langton  and  Kirk- 
newton,  Northumberland.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1614-5,  Stothier. 
Probably  brother  of  John  (1611).  (Genealogist,  l.  384.) 


Strother,  William 

STROTHER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  18,  1671.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Newcastle,  North- 
umberland. Bapt.  there,  Nov.  i,  1653.  School,  Morpeth. 
Matric.  1671.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  13,  1672. 
Married  Margaret,  dan.  of  Sir  Ralph  Delaval,  Bart.,  Jan.  14, 
1675-6,  at  Gersdon.  Died  Feb.  1708.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

STROTT  (?  SCROTT),  TH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

STROWDYLL  or  STRUDDIL,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1517-8.  Domini- 
can friar.  D.D.  1520-r.  Prior  of  the  Black  friars,  London, 
in  1531.  V.  of  Sutton-at-Hone,  Kent,  in  1553.  Will  (P.C.C.) 

STROWGER,  GEORGE.  B.A.  1505-6.  C.  of  St  Mildred  Poultry, 

London,  in  1531.  C.  of  St  Martin  Vintry,  1539;  M.A.   R.  of 

St  Mary  Abchurch,  1556. 
STROWGER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1649.    Of  Suffolk.    B..A..   1652-3.    Ejected  from  Ilketshall 

St  Margaret,  Suffolk,   1662.    R.  of  Frostenden  during  the 

STROWTING,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1597; 

B.A.  1600-1; M.A.  1605. 
STRUDWICK,  HENRY.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  Mar.  6, 

1733-4.  Matric.  1734.  Perhaps  of  Jamaica.  If  so,  died  1761. 

But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  (Musgrave.) 

STRUGGLIS  or  STRUGGLE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1611.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  3,  1614; 
of  Canterbury,  gent.  Licence  (Canterbury)  Sept.  21,  1615, 
to  marry  Rhoda  Hamon,  of  Canterbury,  spinster. 
STRUTT,  DENNER.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1634.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk, 
gent,  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Denner,  of  Little 
Warley  Hall,  Essex).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  6,  1627-8. 
Created  Bart.,  Mar.  5,  1641-2.  Adhered  loyally  to  the  Royal 
cause.  Distinguished  at  the  defence  of  Colchester,  Aug.  1648. 
A  compounder,  being  fined  £1350  in  1648.  Married  four 
wives.  Died  s.p.tn.s.  Sept.  1661.  Buried  at  Little  Warley. 
(G. B.C. ,11.  161.) 
STRUTT,  EDWARD.  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1606. 
R.  of  Faulkboume,  Essex,  1617-44,  sequestered.  Buried 
there  Nov.  19,  1646.  Perhaps  father  of  Richard  (1633). 
STRUTT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1607. 
3rd  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1610.  Died 
before  1614.  Buried  at  Hadleigh.  Brother  of  Robert  (1613). 
{Essex  Archaeol.  Soc,  v.  146.) 
STRUT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  5,  i673-  Of  Suffolk. 

Matric.  1673. 
STRUTT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Edward  (?  1602-3).    B.A.  1636-7.    Probably 
R.  of  Faulkboume,  Essex,  1646-74.  R.  of  Rivenhall,  1670-5. 
Died  1675. 
STRUTT,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1613. 
Of  Suffolk.    Probably  4th  s.  of  Nicholas,  late  of  Hadleigh, 
Suffolk,  deceased.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  11,  1617. 
Married  and  had  issue.    Will  dated,  Nov.  13,  1639;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  Feb.  17,  1639-40.   (Essex  Arch.  Soc,  v.  146.) 
STRUTT,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  12,  1666. 
S.  of  George,  of  Thomham  Parva,  Suffolk,  farmer.   Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June 
18,  1671;  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  16,  1673-4.   V.  of  Yardley, 
Herts.,  1681-1718.  Died  1718-9. 
STRUTT,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.   1633-4.    Probably  ord.  deacon   (Ely)   1637-8;  C.  of 
Shelley,  Suffolk.   Probably  sequestered  to  Dalham,  1647. 
STRUTT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1635. 

Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641. 
STRUTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June  3, 
1635.  S.  of  Thomas,  attorney,  of  Maplestead,  Essex,  Esq. 
B.  there.  Matric.  1635.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  27, 
1637.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1645. 
STRUTT,  THOMAS  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's,  Apr.  21, 
1696.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Maplestead,  Essex.  B.  at 
Bury  St  Edmunds.  School,  Bury  (private).  Matric.  1699; 
B.A.  1699-1700.  Buried  Nov.  25,  1700,  aged  21,  at  St  James', 
Bury.  M.I. 
STRYPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Jesus,  Mar.  29,  1662. 
S.  of  John  van  Stryp  (and  Hester,  dau.  of  Daniel  Bonnell, 
of  Norwich).  B.  Nov.  i,  1643,  '"  Houndsditch,  London. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Migrated  to  St  Catharine's.  Matric.  1662; 
B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1671.  Signed 
for  priest's  orders  (London)  Dec.  21,  1666;  P.C.  of  Theydon 
Bois,  Essex.  V.  of  Low  Leyton,  1669-1727.  Dean  of  Bock- 
ing.  Lecturer  at  Hackney,  Middlesex,  1689-1724.  R.  of 
West  Tarring,  Sussex,  1711-37  (sinecure).  Ralph  Thoresby 
was  one  of  his  numerous  correspondents.  The  ecclesiastical 
historian  and  biographer.   Formed  a  magnificent  collection 

Stubbing,  Thomas 

of  original  documents,  mostly  of  the  Tudor  period  (now  in 
the  Harleian  and  Lansdowne  MSS.).  Author,  Annals  of  the 
Reformation,  etc.  Died  Dec.  13,  1737.  aged  94-  Buried  at 
Leyton.  M.I.   {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 


STUBBER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  31, 
1658-9.  S.  of  Peter,  gent.,  of  Jewry,  London.  B.  there. 
School,  Derby  (Mr  HiU).  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662,  Stub- 

STUBBYN,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1578.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Stansfield,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Nov.  5,  1562.  R.  of  Naughton,  Suffolk,  1594- 
Buried  there.  Will  proved  (Sudbury)  Sept.  19,  1638.  Prob- 
ably father  of  Samuel  (1606).   {Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  11.  349.) 

STUBBING,   EDMUND.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,   Michs. 

1606;  Scholar,  1608;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1626; 

D.D.  1635.    FeUow,  1612.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1614.    Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  May  3;  priest,  May  4,  1621.    R.  of  Datch- 

worth,  Herts.,   1622.    V.  of  Barrington,  Cambs.,  1629-37. 

V.  of  Marsworth,  Bucks.,  1631.    Buried  in  Trinity  College 

Chapel,  Aug.  27,  1637.  Will  proved  (V.C.C).   (Al.Oxon.) 
STUBBING,   EDMUND.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1614.    Of   Essex.    B.A.    1617-8;    M.A.    1622;    B.D.    1629. 

Fellow,  1625-33.    Minister  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge,  1632. 

Probably  R.  of  Rampton,  1633.  Buried  there  Jan.  11,  1658- 

9.  (J.Crosby.) 
STUBBING,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  30,  1643- 

Of  Essex.   Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  WilUam,  of  Bumpstead  Hall, 

Essex;  age  9  in  1638.   {Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  11.  348.) 

STUBBINGS,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  22,  1671. 

Of  Essex. 
STUBBIN  or  STUBBINS,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 

Pembroke,  Feb.  4,   1656-7.    S.  of  John.    B.  at  Ipswich, 

Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Apr.  3,  1657. 

Matric.  1657,  Stubbin.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1653). 

STUBBING,  HENRY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1598. 

STUBBIN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1614  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Hert- 
fordshire, c/«>-.  yi/.  Perhapss.  of  Mark  (1577).  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  Nov.  14,  1609;  scholar  from  Westminster, 
age  18;  B.A.  1613;  M.A.  1616;  B.D.  and  D.D.  1630.  Sub- 
scribed for  deacon's  orders  (Bristol)  Sept.  19,  1619.  V.  of 
Ambrosden,  Oxon.,  1635-55.  Died  July  18,  1655.  (Al.Oxon.) 

STUBBINGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  30, 

1722.  S.  of  Godfrey,  gent.,  of  Derbyshire.  B.at  Whittington, 
near    Chesterfield.     School,    Chesterfield    (Mr    Burrough). 

Matric.  1722;  M.B.  1728.   Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  4,  1728,  as 

medical  student;  a  pupil  of  Boerhave. 
STUBBIN,  LEWIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1594.  Probably 

S.  of  WiUiam,  of  the  Ivytode,  in  Bumpstead,  Essex.   Living, 

1609.   (Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  11.  350.) 
STUBBING,  MARK.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 

Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  14,  1583.  R.  of  Wheathampstead, 

Herts.,    1586-1637.    Died   1637.    Perhaps  father  of  John 

STUBBING,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

June  3,  1663.   S.  oi  Thomas  (?  1625),  deceased,  of  Marston- 

Montgomery    or    Marston-upon-Dove,    Derbs.     B.    there. 

School,  Repton.   Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670. 
STUBBIN,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1606.   Probably  s.  of  Edmund  (1578),  R.  of  Naughton.  B.  at 

Hunston,  Suffolk.   Scholar  at  Emmanuel,  1608;  B.A.  from 

Emmanuel,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely);  priest 

(London)  Dec.  22,  1616,  age  26.   C.  of  Goldhanger,  Essex. 

Buried   at   Naughton,    1669,   where   he   had   been   curate. 

(Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  11.  349.) 
STUBBIN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  9, 

1653.   S.  of  John,  of  Ipswich.    Matric.  1653-4;  B.A.  1656; 

M.A.    from    Peterhouse,    1660.     Ord.    deacon    and    priest 

(Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1662.   R.  of  Hasketon,  Suffolk,  1658-78. 

R.  of  Campsay  Ashe,  1674.   Died  1678.   Brother  of  Edward 

(1656-7).   (r.  A.  Walker,  in.) 
STUBBINGE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1625;  B.A.  1628-9.    Probably  R.  of  Cubley-cwm-Marston- 

Montgomery,   Derbs.,   in    1650;   there   in    1654.     Probably 

father  of  Richard  (1663). 
STUBBING  or  STEBBEN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 

Trinity,  Mar.  27,  1703.   S.  of  Richard,  of  West  Broughton, 

Derbs.   School,  Uttoxeter,  Staffs.  (Mr  Ray).    Matric.  1703. 

Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  12,  1706.    One  of  these 

names  Sheriff  of  Derbs.,  1711. 
STUBBINGS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  29, 

1719.    Of  Essex.    Matric.   1720.    One  of  these  names  of 

Bumpstead  Helion,  Essex;  died  Sept.  29,  1744.  {Morant,  11. 


V.A.C.  IV. 


Stubbing,  William 

STUBBIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  26, 1668. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  25,  1673;  C.  of  Mablethorpe,  Lines. 

STUBBING, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  Dec.  24, 1705 ; 

name  oS,  Dec.  1706. 

STUBBS,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1709; B.A.  1712-3. 

STUBBS  or  STUBBE,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1474-5-  S.  of  John,  of 
Scottowe.  Norfolk.  M.A.  1478;  B.D.  1501;  D.D.  1507.  Fellow 
of  GoNViLLE  Hall,  1480.  Master,  1504-13.  R.  of  St  Michael 
Coslany,  Norwich,  1504-13.  Benefactor  to  Gonville  Hall 
and  the  University.  Died  1514.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1514;  to  be 
buried  at  St  Michael  Coslany.  Brother  of  Walter  (1484-5). 
(Venn,  i.  12;  Cooper,  i.  16,  525.) 

STUBBES  orSTUBBEY,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1568.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Buxton,  Norfolk. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1568)  and  of  John  (i555)-  {Vis.  of 
Norfolk,  1563;  Blomefield,  vi.  446.) 

STUBBS  or  STUBBE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1611;  scholar  from  Westminster.  S.  of  Francis 
(?  1568),  of  Scottowe,  Norfolk  (according  to  Cooper,  11,  11 1, 
he  was  a  grandson  of  John  (1555),  but  it  seems  more  likely 
that  he  was  a  nephew).  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618;  B.D.  1631. 
Fellow,  1616.  R.  of  Huntingfield,  Suffolk,  1621-59.  R-  of 
Longford,  Derbs.,  1630;  stiU  there,  1650.  R.  of  Cookley, 
Suffolk,  1635.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Wolfran  Smith,  of 
Lackfield,  Suffolk.  Died  Apr.  q,  1659.  Father  of  Edward 
(1646),  Robert  (1651)  and  Wolfran  (1657).  (Vis.  of  Suffolk, 
1664;  Cox,  Derbs.,  iii.  188.) 

STUBBE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Feb.  21,  1661-2. 
Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669. 
Fellow,  1668.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1674.  R.  of  Rendlesham, 
Suffolk,  1672.  R.  of  Tunstall,  1675.  Father  of  the  next. 

STUBBE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 
1700.  S.of  Edmund  (above),  of  Rendlesham,  Suffolk.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1700;  Scholar,  1701;  B.A.  1703-4; 
M.A.  1707.  Fellow,  1706.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21; 
priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1707.  V.  of  Eaton  Bray,  Beds.,  1714-31. 
V.  of  Marsworth,  Bucks.,  1734-c.  49.  Will,  Archd.  Bucks. 
(Al.  Weslmon.,  237;  Lipscomb,  iii.  412,  where  he  is  said  to 
be  still  living  in  1754.) 

STUBBE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  27,  1646. 
Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Edmund  (1611),  B.D.  Matric.  1647;  M.B. 
1652;  M.D.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  1657.  Died  Oct.  5, 
1659,  aged  30.  M.I.  at  Huntingfield.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1651)  and  Wolfran  (1657). 

STUBBES,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1568. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Buxton,  Norfolk.  Of  Scottowe, 
Norfolk.  If  so,  married  Anne  Cooke,  sister  to  Lord  Cooke, 
Chief  Justice  of  England.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1568)  and 
of  John  (1555),  probably  father  of  Edmund  (1611).  {Vis.  of 
Norfolk,  1562;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

STUBBES,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  20, 1617.  Of  Wath,  Yorks.  Probablys.  of  Henry, 
R.  of  Wath  (1570-1614).  Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1620-1.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Mar.  1621-2;  priest,  June,  1622. 

STUBBS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22,  1675. 
Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 

STUBS,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  16, 
1742-3.  S.  of  John,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  B.  at  Middleham. 
School,  Threslifield.  Matric.  1743;  B-A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750. 
Fellow,  1751-1804.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  25,  1749; 
priest.  Mar.  3,  1750-1.  Became  insane.  Died  at  Hackney, 
Middlesex,  Jan.  1804.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  534.) 

STUBBYS,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1463-4.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of 
Scottowe,  Norfolk,  and  of  Laxfield,  Suffolk.  Probably 
scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1457-61.  Of  Scottowe.  Buried  at 
Norwich,  1525.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edmund  (1474-5)  and 
Walter  (1484-5).   {Blomefield,  vi.  344.) 

STUBBS,  JOHN.  B.D.  Prior  of  the  Cambridge  House  of  Austin 
friars  in  April,  1522.   {Cooper,  i.  28.) 

STUBBS,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Gonville  Hall,  1526;  B.A.  1526-7 
or  1527-8  (there  are  two  entries  but  they  may  refer  to  one 
and  the  same  degree).  Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb. 
22,  1533-4- 

STUBBE  or  STUBBES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1555  {imputes).  S.  of  John,  of  Buxton,  Norfolk. 
B.  c.  1543.  B.A.  1560-1,  Stubbis.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  7,  1562.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1572.  A  zealous  Puritan. 
Held  the  manor  of  Thelveton  and  had  also  asi  estate  at 
Buxton,  Norfolk.  Suffered  the  loss  of  his  right  hand  for  a 
pamphlet  against  the  proposed  marriage  of  the  Queen,  1579. 
Under-steward  of  Yarmouth,  1588.  M.P.  for  Yarmouth, 
1588-9.  Accompanied  the  army  despatched  to  France  to 
aid  Henry  IV  against  the  Spaniards.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Aubrey  de  Vere,  and  widow  of  Christopher  Shambome, 

Stubbs,  William 

Esq.  (who  died  July  ?,  i575)-  Died  at  Havre,  1592.  Buried 
there  with  military  honours.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1568)  and 
Francis  (1568).  {Cooper,  11.  111;  C.  J.  Palmer,  Perlustration 
of  Great  Yarmouth,  11.  92;  Blomefield,  x.  358;  D.N.B., 
following  Cooper,  makes  Edmund  (1611)  and  also  Wolfran 
(1657)  his  grandsons;  whereas  the  former  was  probably  his 
nephew  and  the  latter  his  grandson.) 

STUBS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1558; 
B.A.  1561-2.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Martin,  Canterbury,  Kent, 
1587-92;  'B.A.'  But  see  also  the  next. 

STUBBS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1575; 
Scholar,  1575-7.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept.  9, 
1581;  priest.  Mar.  4,  1582-3.  R.  of  Little  Steeping,  Lines., 
1592-1618,  'B.A.'  Will  (P.C.C.)  1618.  One  of  these  names 
(B.A.),  R.  of  North  Coates,  Lines.,  1591-1600. 

STUBBS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  20,  1664. 
S.  of  Justinian  (1623),  clerk,  of  Ryhall,  Rutland.  B,  there. 
School,  Stamford.  Matric.  1665;  Scholar,  1666-9;  M.B.  1670. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3,  1671-2.  Died  before  1684,  s.p. 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  {Venn,  i.  422; 
Lines.  Pedigrees,  933;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxv.  157.) 

STUBBS,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  12,  1647. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654. 
R.  of  Blore  Ray,  Staffs.,  c.  1651-7.  R.  of  Kingsley,  c.  1658- 
66.   {Wm  Salt  Arch.  Soc,  1915.) 

STUBBS,  JUSTINIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1623.  S.  of  Joseph,  of  Stamford,  Lines.,  V.  of  Ryhall, 
Rutland.  B.  at  Kimpton,  Leics.  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  8,  1628,  age  23.  Intruded  as 
V.  of  Ryh2dl-CMm-Essendine,  1656;  conformed  at  the 
Restoration.  Died  1681.  Father  of  John  (1664).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  933;  Lambeth  MSS.) 

STUBBS  or  STUBBES,  PHILIP.  Studied  at  Cambridge  (accord- 
ing to  Wood,  Athenae.,  i.  645).  Afterwards  at  Oxford; 
probably  at  Gloucester  Hall.  Travelled  abroad.  Puritan 
pamphleteer.  Said  to  have  been  a  kinsman  of  John  (1555). 
Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  William  Emmes,  late  of  St 
Dunstan-in-the-West,  London,  Sept.  6,  1586.  Wrote  a  life 
of  his  wife  (who  died  at  Burton-on-Trent,  Dec.  14,  1590) 
entitled,  A  Chrystal  Glasse  for  Christian  Women,  1591.  His 
other  works  include  Anatomic  of  Abuses  and  Puritanical 
ballads.   (D.N. B. ;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STUBBS,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1465-6;  M.A.  1468;  B.D.  1471-2; 
D.D.  1480.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1467.  Master  of  Clare, 
1470-96.  Had  orders,  1467,  by  a  title  from  the  monastery 
of  Tupham,  Norfolk.  V.  of  Tiiiey,  Norfolk,  till  1496.  Died 
1496.   (Loder,  218.) 

STUBBES  or  STUBBE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  Apr.  3, 
1651.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Edmund  (1611),  of 
Huntingfield,  Suffolk.  Scholar,  1652;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A. 
1658.  V.  of  Mendham,  Suffolk,  1661.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Bishop's  Cleeve,  Gloucester,  1662-5.  But  see  A'..  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  Brother  of  Edward  {1646) 
and  Wolfran  (1657)-   {Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

STUBBS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  22,  1658. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Northamptonshire.  School,  Oundle.  Matric. 

STUBBS,  SHEFFIELD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  25, 
1697.  S.  of  Sheffield,  of  Ely,  Camljs.  School,  Bury  St 
Edmunds  (Mr  Leeds).  Scholar,  1699.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  gss; 
Vis.  ofCambs.,  1684.) 

STUBBS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  2,  1719. 
S.  of  Thomas,  brasier  (aerarius),  of  Beccles,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Beccles  (MrScoulding).  Matric.  1719;  Scholar,  1719- 
25;  B.A.  1722-3.  Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Norwich) 
June  6,  1725;  'C.  of  Heckingham  and  Hales,  Norfolk.'  V.  of 
Yoxford,  Suffolk,  1730-53.  Died  unmarried,  Nov.  16,  1753. 
Buried  at  Yoxford.   M.I.   (Venn,  11.  12.) 

STUBBS,  WALTER.  B.A.  1484-5.  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Scottowe, 
Norfolk.  M.A.  1489.  FeUow  of  Gonville  Hall.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  July  10,  1492.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1506. 
Meirried  Audry,  dau.  of  John  Peirs,  of  Northwold.  Died 
1514.  Buried  in  Gonville  Chapel.  M.I.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
July  10, 1514.  Left  much  property  in  Scottowe.  Brother  of 
Edmund  (1474-5)  and  John  (1463-4).  (Venn,  i.  22;  Blome- 
field, VI.  344.) 

STUBBS  or  STUBS,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1477-8;  B.Can.L. 
1483-4,  'Stubbys.'  V.  of  Swafiham  St  Cyriac,  Cambs., 
1492-7.  V.  of  Stapleford,  1498-1510.  Died  1510.  (Crosby.) 

STUBBS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1589.  Of  London. 

STUBBS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 
Migrated  to  Oxford  after  three  years.  B.A.  (St  Alban  Hall, 
Oxford)  1599-1600.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  20,  1607; 
priest,  Feb.  17,  1610-1.  C.  of  Pately  Bridge,  Yorks. 
Licensed  to  serve  cure  in  Baildon  Chapel,  Oct.  26,  1619. 


Stubbs,  Wolfran 

STUBBS,  WOLFRAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  13,  1657; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  1658.  S.  of  Edmund  (1611),  of 
Huntingfield,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A. 
1664;  D.D.  1681  {Lit.  Reg.).  FeUow,  i66r.  Vice-Master, 
1703-12.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1674.  Regius  Professor  of 
Hebrew,  1688-99.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Dec. 
16,  1664.  R.  of  TunstaU,  Suffolk,  1679.  R.  of  Guiseley, 
Yorks.,  1702.  R.  of  Orwell,  Cambs.,  1703-19.  He  was 
involved  in  the  disputes  isath  Dr  Bentley  who  succeeded  in 
removing  him  from  the  Vice-Mastership.  Died  in  London, 
Oct.  1719.  Buried  at  Orwell.  M.L  Brotherof  Edward  (1646) 
and  Robert  (1651).  {Al.  Westmon.;  Vis.  of  Suffolk.) 

STUDD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  7,  1661. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Little  Stonham,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Clopton. 
Schools,  Earl  Stonham  (Mr  Gooding)  and  Stowmarket  (Mr 
Colson).  Matric.  1661;  Scholar,  1661-5;  B.A.  1664-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  May  19,  1665;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1670.  C.  of 
Earl  Stonham,  1665.  R.  of  Gt  Waldingfield,  Suffolk,  1670. 
Afterwards  in  Norwich.  R.  of  Borough,  Norfolk,  in  1671. 
C.  of  St  Martin  and  St  Mary,  Coslany,  1673.   (Venn,  1.  412.) 

STUDLEY,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  13, 
i668.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Salop.  School,  Harrow.  B.A. 
1676-7;  M.A.  1680. 

STUDLEY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  16,  1731. 
Of  Salop.  Possibly  s.  of  Peter  (1703).  Matric.  1732;  B.A. 
1735-6; M.A.  1739. 

STUDLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1563; 
scholar  from  Westminster  (one  of  the  earliest  scholars  to  be 
elected  to  Cambridge);  B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  1570.  Fellow, 
1567-73,  when  he  was  charged  with  nonconformity.  A  good 
classical  scholar.  Poet  and  translator.  Probably  V.  of 
Westerham,  Kent,  1580-1606.  Died  c.  1606.  (Cooper,  11. 
100;  D.N.B.)  (For  an  account  of  the  Studley  family  of  Kent, 
see  Halted,  i.  416;  also  Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

STUDLEY,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  25, 
1703.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1703;  B.A. 
1706-7;  M.A.  1712.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1712.  R.  of  Acton 
Bumell,  Salop,  1713-58.  Died  May  15,  1758.  Brother  of 
the  ne.xt  and  possibly  father  of  Francis  (1731).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

STUDLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  15,  1695.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Shrewsbury.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1701;  priest,  May  31,  1702.  C.  of 
Hannington,  Northants.,  1701.  Brother  of  Peter  (above). 

STUFFIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  i6, 
1659.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Sherbrook,  near  Buxton, 
Derbs.  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Feme,  of  Hopton,  Derbs.). 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1659.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  June  18,  1659.  Of  Sherbrook,  and  of  Hopton.  Died 
Nov.  23,  1696.  M.L  at  Wirksworth.   (Cox,  Derfis.,  i.  316-8.) 

STUKE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Caius,  July  4,  1613. 
S.  of  John  Stuke  (or  Stukeley),  R.  of  Stapleford,  Herts. 
Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  R.  of  Watton,  Herts., 
1624-35.  Buried  there  Oct.  12,  1635.  (Venn,  i.  222.) 

STUKE  or  STUKES,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1608-9; 
M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1609;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1610.  P.C.  of  Ramsey,  Hunts.,  1609-17,  and  school- 
master. Father  of  the  next. 

STUKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Apr.  21,  1630.  Of 
Derbyshire.  S.  of  George  (above)  clerk.  B.  at  Derby.  School, 
Bandon  Bridge,  Ireland  (Mr  Hollyday).  Matric.  1631, 

STEWKS  or  STUKES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648.    R.  of  Molesworth, 

Hunts.,  1667-81.  Died  1 68 1.  Father  of  the  next. 
STUKES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  26,  1685.  S.  of 

Thomas  (above),  clerk,  of  Huntingdonshire.    Matric.  1686; 

Rustat  scholar;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1693. 

Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1694.  V.  of  Foxton,  Cambs.,  1698-1722. 
STUKELY,   EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar   (age   15)   at   Pembroke, 

May  23,  1679-   S.  of  John,  cook.   B.  at  Cambridge.   Matric. 

1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  R.  of  Middleton,  Essex,  1700. 

R.  of  Stansted,   1720-32.     R.  of  Little  Comard,  Suffolk, 

1720-32.   Died  1732.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1683-4;). 
STUCKLY  or  STEWKLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)   at 

Trinity,  Jan.  2,  1683-4.  S.  of  John,  of  Cambridge.  School, 

Ely  (Mr  Richard  Peachey).    Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1687-8. 

Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1679). 
STUCKLEY  or  STEWKLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 

Magdalene,  May  12,   1694.    S.  of  William  (1657),  clerk. 

B.   at    Bradford    (?Bradfield),   Suffolk.     School,    Bury   St 

Edmunds.    Matric.   1695;  B.A.   1697-8;  M.A.   1715.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  24,  1699;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1706.   R. 

of  EUough,  Suffolk,  1706-n.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of 

Carlton-by-Willingham,   Cambs.,   1711-5.    R.   of  Eriswell, 

1715-  Brother  of  William  (1691). 

Sturdve,  Roger 

STUKELEY,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  18, 
1653.  Of  King's  Lynn,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7; 
M.A.  1660;  B.D.  1667.  Fellow,  1660.  R.  of  Preston,  Suflolk, 
1673-1719.  Died  1719. 

STUKELEY,  NICHOLAS.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1461.  V.  of 
Whitton,  Norfolk,  1471. 

STEWKLEY  or  STUCLE,  PETER.    Scholar  at  King's  Hall, 

1394.    LL.B.    'Bachelor,'  in  1409.    Resigned,  Oct.  8,  14x1. 

Ord.  acolyte  (Ely)  June  13,  1405;  R.  of  Walsoken,  Norfolk, 

140 1-5. 
STUKELY,  PETER.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  26, 

1703.    2nd  s.   of  George,   attorney,  of  Tiverton.    School, 

Tiverton.    Matric.  1703;  Scholar,  1705;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A. 

1710.    Fellow,  17x1.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1708-9. 

R.  of  Widworthy,  Devon,  1728-36.    Buried  Aug.  xi,  1736. 

Admon.  (Exeter)  1736. 

STEWKLEY,  THOMAS  DE.  ChanceUor  of  the  University,  1369. 
Abbot  of  Colchester,  X368-9.  Died  Oct.  9,  1369.  (Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  III.  598;  Mon.  Angl.,  i.  296.) 

STUKLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
X5861  Probably  s.  of  Hugh,  of  Marsh,  Somerset.  B.  Apr.  4, 
1569.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1587.  Knighted,  May  ix, 
X603.  Of  Marsh,  and  of  Hinton,  Hants.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John  Goodwin,  of  Over  Wichingdon,  Bucks.  Died 
Apr.  12,  X639.    M.L  at  Bray,  Berks.    Admon.,  P.C.C. 

STUKLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  May  2, 
16x9.  Of  West  Worlington,  Devon.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent., 
deceased.  School,  Tiverton  (Mr  Samuel  Butler).  Matric. 
x6x9;  Scholar,  x620-x.  Of  West  Worlington,  Esq.  (Venn,  i. 
247,  where  he  is  confused  with  an  Oxford  contemporary.) 

STUKELEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1582; B.A.  1586-7. 

STUKELEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  23,  X657.  S.  of  John,  of  Sulgrave,  Northants.  Matric. 
X657;  B.A.  1660;  M.A.  1664.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  x662.  V.  of  Sawston,  Cambs.,  1662. 
R.  of  Rattlesden,  Suffolk,  X672-5.  R.  of  Carlton-by-Willing- 
ham, Cambs.,  1679-X710.  R.  of  Bradfield  St  George,  Suffolk, 
1693-17x0.  Died  before  Oct.  x6,  17x1.  Fatherof  John  (1694) 
and  William  (1691). 

STEWKELEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  6,  1691.  S.  of  William  (1657),  clerk.  B.  at  Long  Melford, 
Suffolk.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  169X;  B.A. 
1694-5.  Brother  of  John  (1694). 

STUKELEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  Nov.  7, 1703. 
S.  of  John,  of  Holbeck,  Lines,  (and  Frances,  dau.  of  Robert 
(?John)  Bullen,  of  Weston).  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  7,  1687. 
School,  Holbeck.  Matric.  1704;  M.B.  1708;  M.D.  17x9. 
F.R.S.,  lyiy.  Secretary  to  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  of 
which  he  was  one  of  the  founders,  1717-26.  F.R.C.P.,  1720. 
Gulstonian  lecturer,  1722.  Ord.  deacon  (Archbishop  of 
Canterbury)  July  20,  1729;  priest  (Lincoln)  Nov.  g,  1729. 
V.  of  All  Saints',  Stamford,  1729-47.  R.  of  St  George-the- 
Martyr,  London,  1747-65.  Friend  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton,  and 
of  Warburton.  The  well-known  antiquary.  Married 
(x)  Frances,  dau.  of  Robert  Williamson,  of  Allington,  Lines.; 
(2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Gale,  Dean  of  York.  Author, 
medical  and  antiquarian.  Died  Mar.  3,  1765.  (D.N.B.; 
Munk,  II.  71;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  935;  W.  Stukeley,  Diaries 
and  Letters.) 

STUMPE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3.  Fellow.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1622. 
Subscribed  for  priest's  orders  (Bristol)  Dec.  21,  162 1.  R.  of 
Yatton  Keynell,  Wilts.,  x62x. 

STUNETT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1590. 

STUPPE,  JOHN.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  15,  1577,  age  24; 
'scholar  of  Clare  College';  priest,  Oct.  6,  1577.  B.  at  Ware, 

STURDY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  x6)  at  Christ's,  May  9,  1648, 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Halifax.  School,  Halifax.  Matric.  1648; 
B.A.  X65X-2;  M.A.  1656.  Usher  of  Pocklington  School, 
Yorks.,  1652-4.  R.  of  Hapton,  Norfolk,  1656-8.  Probably 
Head  Masterof  Bradford  School,  c.  1658-71;  resigned,  having 
been  'seduced  to  the  Romish  Church,'  according  to  Thoresby, 
his  friend.  Lived  at  Bradford;  aftenvards  went  to  Fumess, 
wherp  he  wrote  on  the  Ironstone  of  the  District.  (Pcilc,  i.  5 19.) 

STURDY,  JOHN.  Adxn.  sizar  (age  x8)  at  Trinity,  June  29, 
1738.  S.  of  William,  of  Leeds.  School,  Leeds  (Mr  Barnard). 
Matric.  1738;  B.A.  X74X-2.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  1744. 
V.  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.,  1744-77.  Died  June  4,  1777. 

STURDY,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1467-8. 

STURDYE,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581. 

STURDY, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1473-4. 


12 — 2 

Sturgeon,  Clopton 

STURGEON,  CLOPTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
1732.  3rd  s.  of  James,  surgeon,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  4,  1715.  Schools,  Bury  (Mr  Kynnesman)  and 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1732-6;  B.A.  1735-6. 
Died  Dec.  21,  1736.  Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
M.I.  there.     (Venn,  n.  36;  Gage,  Suffolk,  385.) 

STURGEON,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  16, 
1736.  S.  of  Robert,  carpenter,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  B.  there. 
School,  Bury.  Scholar,  1736-43;  Matric.  i737;  B.A.  1739-40; 
M.A.  1744.  Fellow,  1744-51.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  r, 
1740;  'C.  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk';  priest,  Sept.  19,  1742- 
C.  of  Homingsheath,  1747.  V.  of  Waterbeach,  Cambs., 
1749-59'  R-  of  Hardmead,  Bucks.,  1750-9.  Master  of  the 
Perse  School,  Cambridge,  1751-9.  Died  Apr.  13,  1759. 
Buried  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge.   {Venn,  11.  42.) 

STURGEON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar. 
27,  1716.  S.  of  Trevick,  of  Chappie  Lane,  London.  School, 
Charterhouse,  London.  Scholar,  1717;  B-A.  1722-3.  Ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1722-3.  R.  of  Larling,  Norfolk,  1722. 
{Al.  Carthus.,  where  he  is  confused  with  Roger  (above).) 

STURGES,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  24,  1708. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1667).  Matric. 
1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1716;  B.D.  1725.  Fellow,  i7i7-27- 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  27,  1716;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec. 
22,  1717.  V.  of  Linstead,  Kent,  1718-26.  R.  of  Orlingbury, 
Northants.,  1726-46.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1727-46.  R.  of 
Conington,  Cambs.,  1732.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Isted,  of  Ecton,  Northants.,  Esq.  Died  Feb.  5,  i745-6,  aged 
52.  M.I.  at  Orlingbury.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1701),  etc. 
{L.  Mag.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

STURGES,  EVERARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1714.  Doubtlesss.of  Samuel  (1678).  B.  at  Billericay,  Essex. 
Matric.  Easter,  1715;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1722.  Fellow,  1717. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  24,  1719.  R.  of  Walkera,  Herts., 
1731-50.  Died  1750.   Brother  of  Samuel  (1719).   [Harwood.) 

STURGES,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1582; 
B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1592.  Licensed  to  teach  Latin  in  Norwich 
diocese,  1587. 

STURGES,  GILES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  B.A. 
1596-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  1;  priest,  Nov.  25,  1599. 
C.  of  Oxendon,  Northants.,  in  1600.  R.  of  Clipston,  1601. 
Living,  1632. 

STURGES,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  4,  1660. 
Matric.  1660;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667. 
Fellow,  1664.  (One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h.  of  Henry, 
of  Bristol,  gent.,  deceased,'  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  26, 
1661.)  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  June  9,  1666; 
for  priest's,  June  i,  1667. 

STURGES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  9, 
1667.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Leicester.  School,  Leicester 
(Mr  Thomas).  Matric.  1667-8;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674. 
Incorp.  at  0.xford,  1682.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  20, 
1675-6.  V.  of  Kimbolton,  Hunts.,  1684-5.  V.  of  Hartford, 
1684-9.  R-  of  Ripton  Regis,  1690-1725.  R.  of  Glatton, 
1691-1725.  Archdeacon  of  Huntingdon,  1720-5.  Died  Dec. 
31,  1725.  Probably  brother  of  Samuel  (1681-2),  father  of 
the  next,  of  Thomas  (1715)  and  perhaps  of  Charles  (1708). 
(Peile,  II.  11;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STURGES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  July  4,  1701. 
S.  of  John  (above),  V.  of  Hartford,  Hunts.  B.  there.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1702-3;  B.A.  1705-6; 
M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July,  1710;  priest  (Lin- 
coln) June  11,  1711.  R.  of  Halton,  Lines.,  1711-22.  Preb. 
of  Winchester,  1721-40.  R.  of  Chilbolton,  Hants.,  1722-3. 
R.  of  Wonston  with  Sutton,  Hants.,  1723.  Died  Oct.  11, 
1740.  Buried  in  Winchester  Cathedral.  M.I.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1715)  and  perhaps  of  Charles  (1708).  (Peile,  11.  151; 
G.  Mag. ;  L.  Mag.) 

STURGES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  23, 
1742.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1742;  Scholar,  1743;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  1749.  Fellow, 
1748.  Usher  of  Westminster  School,  1747-56.  Lecturer  at 
St  George's,  Bloomsbury.  Died  Apr.  29,  1756.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Al.  Westmon.,  326;  G.  Mag.) 

STURGES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  7, 
1584.  S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Cranworth,  Norfolk.  School, 
Cranworth  (Mr  Turner).   Matric.  1584. 

STURGES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  27,  1674. 
Probably  s.  of  Nathaniel,  R.  of  Sudbury,  Derbs.  Matric. 
1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1682.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May 
26,  1678.  Probably  R.  of  Belton,  Leics.,  1679-84;  R.  of 
Sudbury,  Derbs.,  1684-1736.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1700-36. 
(Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  i.  588.) 

STURGIS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.  11,  1678.  Of 
Sibbertoft,  Northants.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686. 
Fellow,  1684.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Fitzwalter.  V.  ofGtBurstead, 
Essex,  1692-1719.  R.  of  Laingdon,  1701-19.  Died  1719. 
Father  of  Everard  (1714)  and  Samuel  (1719).  (T.  C.  Dale.) 

Sturton,  Erasmus 

STURGES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  26, 
1681-2.  S.  of  Thomas,  mercer,  deceased.  B.  at  Leicester. 
School,  Leicester  (Mr  Thomas).  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6; 
M.A.  1689.  Probably  P.C.  of  Little  Raveley,  Hunts.,  1687- 
1703.  V.  of  Hartford,  1690-1706.  Buried  there  Jan.  6,  1706. 
Probably  brother  of  John  (1667). 

STURGES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1719.  Doubtless s.  of  Samuel  (1678).  B.  at  Burstead  Magna, 
Essex.  Matric.  Easter,  1720;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727. 
Fellow,  1723.  Registrar  of  Warrants  in  the  Customs,  1724- 
38.  'Travelled  abroad  with  the  Lady  of  his  School-fellow, 
Walpole,  and  was  found  dead  in  the  street  at  Rome,  1738.' 
Brother  of  Everard  (1714).   (Harwood.) 

STURGES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1608; 
B.A.  1611-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  19;  priest,  Sept.  25, 
1614.  Minister  of  Theddingworth,  Leics.,  in  1619.  Probably 
R.  of  Higham-on-the-Hill,  Leics.,  1623.  Living,  1647. 
(Peile,  I.  270.) 

STURGES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1715.  S.  of  John  (1667),  R.  of  Glatton,  Hunts.  B.  there, 
1696.  Matric.  1715-6;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723.  Fellow, 
1719.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1723.  Secretary  to  Bishop  Green, 
of  Ely.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1724.  R.  of  Hadstock, 
Essex,  1724.  R.  of  Teversham,  Cambs.,  1725-52.  R.  of 
Littlebury,  Essex,  1727.  R.  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs., 
1730-52.  Fellow  of  Eton,  1746.  Died  1752.  (Harwood; 

STURLEY,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1569.   Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1564). 

STURLEY  [?  STRELLEY],  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  22,  1551.  Of  London.  Perhaps  s. 
of  John  [Strelley],  citizen  and  vintner,  of  London  (mentions 
son  Nicholas  in  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1559).  Matric.  1551;  B.A. 
1555-6;  M.A.  1559.   Fellow,  1554-9- 

STURLEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1564.   Probably  brother  of  Abraham  (1569). 

STURMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1564-5. 

STURMY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  30, 
1692.  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1702.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  June  24,  1696; 
priest.  Mar.  5,  1698.  R.  of  Snoreham,  Essex,  1701-22.  V.  of 
Tadlow,  Cambs.,  1706.  R.  of  East  Hatley,  1709.  Died  1722. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

STURMY,  GEORGE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1359.  Died 
Oct.  I,  1363. 


STURT,  see  also  STERT. 

STURT,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

STURTEVANT,  FRANCIS.   Scholar  at  Trinity,  Easter,  1588; 

B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  Fellow,  1591.  Usher  at  Aldenham 

Grammar  School,  Herts.,  1614-6. 

STURTIVANT,  LAURENCE  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  5,  1660.  S.  of  William,  of  NorweU,  Notts.  B.  there. 
School,  Lincoln.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  22,  1670.  Buried 
Feb.  21,  1693-4,  at  Norwell.  Father  of  the  next. 

STURTIVART,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  7, 1700. 
S.  of  Laurence  (above),  of  Nottinghamshire,  Esq.  Matric. 
1700;  Scholar,  1701. 

STURTEVANT,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June, 
1586;  B.A.  (?  1589-90);  M.A.  1593.  R.  of  Hemingby,  Lines., 
1594-7-  Probably  R.  of  Compton  Martin,  Somerset,  1605-13, 
deprived.  Author,  Hebrew  Dictionarie,  1602;  Treatise  of 
New  Metallic  Inventions,  1612.   (N.  and  Q.,  6th  S.,  i.  213.) 

STURDIVANT,  TRISTRAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
July  4,  1701.  S.  of  Tristram,  deceased.  B.  at  Homcastle, 
Lines.  School,  Boston.  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Feb.  17,  1705-6;  priest,  Feb.  1707-8.  V. 
of  Edhngton,  Lines.,  1709.  C.  of  Thimbleby. 

STURTON  or  STOURTON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity  Hall,  Easter,  1640.  S.  and  h.  of  Erasmus  (next), 
R.  of  Walesby,  Lines.  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Licensed 
to  practise  medicine,  1654.  M.D.  1660.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1655.  J. P.  for  Lines.,  1680.  Of  Spalding,  Lines.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  William  Slater,  of  Spalding,  June  11,  1658. 
Brother  of  Erasmus  (1661)  and  of  Thomas  (1654).  (Lirics, 
Pedigrees,  927;  Al.  Oxon.) 

STURTON,  ERASMUS.  Matric.  pens,  (age  i6)  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1619.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Narborough,  Leics.  B.A. 
1622-3;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  17;  priest, 
Sept.  18,  1625.  R.  of  Walesby,  Lines.,  1631-58.  Buried 
there  Nov.  8,  1658.  Father  of  Edward  (above),  of  Thomas 
(1654)  and  of  the  next.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  927.) 


Sturton,  Erasmus 

STURTON,  ERASMUS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1661. 

5th  s.  of  Erasmus  (above),  R.  of  Walesby,  Lines.    Bapt. 

there,  June  3,  1641.    Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1663-4.    Brother 

of  Edward  (1640)  and  Thomas  (1654).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  928.) 
STURTON  or  STORETON,  JOHN  DE.    'King's  scholar,"  1346. 

Entered  religion,  Jan.  13,  1349-50. 
STURTON  or  STOURTON,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17) 

at  Magdalene,  July  7,  1691.  4th  s.  of  Thomas  (next),  R.  of 

Walesby,  Lines.    B.  there.    Bapt.  Feb.  5,  1673-4.    School, 

Lincoln.   Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1694-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 

June  19,  1698.    Married  and  had  issue.   Buried  at  Tealby, 

Mar.  29,  1737.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  927.) 
STURTON,    THOMAS.     Matric.    pens,    from    Trinity    Hall, 

Easter,  1654.   S.  of  Erasmus  (1619),  R.  of  Walesby,  Lines. 

Bapt.Oct.  12,  1634.  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  R.  of  Walesby, 

1658-77.   Buried  May  17,  1677.   Brother  of  Edward  (1640), 

etc.  and  father  of  Matthew  (above).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  927.) 
STERTON   or  STERTOUR,   WILLIAM.    Adm.   at    King's,   a 

scholar  from  Eton,  1468.    B.  at  Madingley,  Cambs.    M.A. 

Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21, 1493;  priest,  Feb.  22, 

1493-4.  V.  of  Madingley,  1493.  {Harwood.) 
STURTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  20,  1526.  Of  Dunmow,  Essex.  Fellow,  1529-30. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  16,  1530;  priest.  Mar.  30,  1532. 

Conduct  of  King's,  1530.  Precentor,  1541-9. 

STURTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  King's,  Easter,  1545. 

STOORTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  20,  1564. 
S.  of  Alexander.  B.  at  Dunmow,  Essex.  School,  Sampford. 

STUTFYLD,  CHARLES.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

STUTEVILE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

July  4,  1657.  S.  of  Thomas  (1615),  Esq.,  of  Dalham,  Suffolk. 

B.  there.    Matric.  1657  {7impubes);  M.A.  1662  {Lit.  Reg.). 

Buried  at  Dalham,  June  3,  1700.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1653). 

STOUTEVILL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June  10,  1681.  ist  s.  of  Robert  (1650),  gent.  Bapt.  May  16, 
1664,  at  Hunmanby,  Yorks.  Schools,  Muston,  Thornton  and 
Hunmanby.  Matric.  1681.  Buried  at  Hunmanby,  Jan.  26, 

STUTEVILLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  25,  1625. 
and  s.  of  Martin  (next),  of  Dsdham,  Suffolk  (by  his  2nd  wife 
Susan,  dau.  of  Thomas  Isham,  of  Lamport,  Northants.,  Esq.). 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1625.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Apr.  26,  1626.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1635.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1615).  {Peile,  i.  366.) 

STUTFIELD  or  STUTVILLE,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's, 
Easter,  1585.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Dalham, 
Suffolk.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  4,  1587.  M.P.  for 
Aldburgh,  1601.  Knighted,  July,  1604.  Of  Dalham,  and  of 
Southwood  Park.  Went  to  America  with  Sir  Francis  Drake. 
Died  June,  1631,  aged  62.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  July  7,  1631. 
Father  of  John  (above)  and  of  Thomas  (1615).   (Gage,  344.) 

STUTFELD,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1559.  Perhaps  ist  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Brinkley,  Cambs. 
B.  there.  (He  does  not  occur  in  the  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575  and 
1619.)  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jan.  24,  1559-60,  age  23.  V.  of 
Wormingford,  Essex,  1577-9-  Died  1579-  Perhaps  brother 
of  Thomas  (1568). 

STUTFYLDE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1547  (impubes) ;  Scholar,  1548.  Probably  brother  of  William 

STOUTVILL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  2, 
1650.  S.  of  Charles,  Esq.,  deceased.  Bapt.  Nov.  10,  1633, 
at  Hunmanby,  Yorks.  School,  Bridlington  (Mr  Wm  Dove). 
Matric.  1650.  Buried  at  Hunmanby,  June  13,  1691.  Father 
of  Charles  (1681). 

STUTFYLD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Brinkley  Hall,  Cambs. 
B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1571-2.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Sir  Thomas  North.  Perhaps  brother  of  Matthew  (1559). 
{Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1557,  1619.) 

from  Christ's,  Dec.  1615.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Martin  (1585), 
of  Dalham,  Suffolk.  B.  Feb.  22,  1599.  Probably  in  Paris, 
c.  1631.  Strong  Royalist.  Married  Judith,  dau.  of  Matthew 
Robinson,  of  Thorpe,  Northants.  Died  Aug.  23,  1649  (1656, 
according  to  Peile).  Brother  of  John  (1625),  father  of  the 
next  and  of  Charles  (1657).   (Peile,  i.  303;  Gage,  345;  Davy.) 

STUTEVILE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  6,  1653.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  Esq.,  of  Dalham, 
Suffolk.  B.  there.  Matric.  1653.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June 
2,  1656.  Brother  of  Charles  (1657). 

STUTFYLDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1547;  Scholar,  1548.  Probably  brother  of  Nicholas  (1547). 

Style,  John 

STUTEVILLE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1639  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  John,  of  London,  pleb.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
Oct.  19,  1627,  age  18;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  1630; 
M.A.  1633;  B.D.  1642;  D.D.  1646.  Canon  of  Chichester, 
ejected.  V.  of  Harringworth,  Northants.,  1640-2.  One  of 
the  Council  of  War  at  Oxford,  1642.  Will  dated,  Dec.  7, 
1647;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  6,  1650.  Probably  brother  of 
Nicholas  (1547).   (Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

STOTEVILLE,    .     In   residence   at   Christ's,   in    1557-9. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Dalham,  Suffolk. 

STUTSBERYE,  BENEDICT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius, 
Oct.  22,  1568.  S.  of  William,  of  Northamptonshire  (probably 
of  Evenley).  School,  Brackley. 

STUTESBURY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1496. 

STYBURD,  WILLIAM.  FeUow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1360.  Of 
Norwich  diocese.  Ord.  priest,  1351.  R.  of  Llandemaylock, 

STYCHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1619. 
STYKNELL,  CUTHBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec. 

1572;  B.A.  1575-6.    One  'Dr  Sticknell'  was  buried  at  St 

Nicholas,  Newcastle,  Apr.  19,  1614. 
STYKNEY,    WILLIAM.     B.A.    1504-5.     Probably    feUow    of 

Michaelhouse;  ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Mar.  21,  1506-7;   of 

York  diocese. 

STYLE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1582.   Perhaps  M.A.  1584. 

STYLE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  2, 
1577;  LL.B.  1582.  Probably  of  Bungay,  Suffolk.  Held  the 
advowsons  of  Rockland  St  Peter,  Norfolk,  and  Stow  Bedon. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  16,  1619.  Doubtless  father  of  John 
(1616).  /  .        y  J 

STYLES,  ARTHUR  ABRAHAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 

Apr.  19,  1718.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1718-9. 
STILES,  BARTHOLOMEW.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar. 

30,  1616.   Probably  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1623;  M.A.  1629. 
STYLES,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  Dec.  1560. 

R.  of  St  Nicholas  Aeon,  London,  1573-9,  and  of  St  Nicholas 

Cole-Abbey,  1582-9.  Father  of  the  next.   (Venn,  i.  44.) 
STYLE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  7, 

1597-8.   S.  of  Christopher  (above),  minister.   B.  in  London. 

School,  Thetford.    Scholar,  1598-1602;  B.A.  1601-2.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)   Dec.   21,   1603;   C.  of  West  Somerton, 

Norfolk.   R.  of  Crostwick,  1616.   (Venn,  i.  164.) 
STYLES,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1626.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632;  D.D.  1660  (Lit. 


STYLES,  EDWARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1617. 
STYLES  or  STILE,  EDWARD.    Adm.  at  King's  (age   16)  a 

scholar  from  Eton,  Jan.   18,   1636-7.    Of  Marlow,  Bucks. 

Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644;  D.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.). 

Fellow,  1640-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1642.  R.  of 

Monxton,  Hants.,  1650-76.  Died  1676. 

STILE,  GILBERT.  B.A.  1518-g. 

STYLE,  HENRY.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1548.  Matric.  Easter, 
1549;  B.A.  1550-1;  M.A.  1554.  Fellow,  1551.  Adm.  at 
Caius,  Feb.  12,  1561-2;  of  Enfield,  Middlesex;  age  40.  For 
some  time  a  monk  of  the  restored  monastery  at  Westminster. 
Afterwards  took  refuge  in  the  Low  Countries.  Adm.  at 
Douay,  May  18,  1579.  Held  in  great  repute  for  his  learning 
and  piety.  Died  at  St  Ghislain,  Flanders,  Oct.  17,  1588; 
'had  long  been  blind.'  (Venn,  i.  48;  Gasquet,  Eng.  Mon., 
II-  475-) 

STILES  or  STYLE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1609.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616. 

STYLES,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1702.  S.  of  Samuel  (i666),R.ofDingley,  Northants.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Uppingham  (Mr  Savage)  and  Oundle.  Matric.  1702; 
B.A.  1705-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  17,  1705-6;  priest, 
June  19,  1709.  C.  of  Braybrooke,  Northants.,  1706.  V.  of 
Dallington,  1718-9.  R.  of  Dingley,  1719-21.  Buried  there 
May  9,  1721.   (Scott-Mayor,  11.) 

STYLE,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1717. 
B.  at  Sunbury,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721.  Fellow, 
1720^6,  vacates  on  marriage.  Probably  R.  of  Haverford, 
Sussex;  died  Sept.  26,  1774,  at  Enfield,  Middlesex.  (G.  Mag.) 

STYLES,  JEREMY.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1576-7. 

STYLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  13)  at  Caius,  May  12,  1616. 
Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Anthony  (1577),  Proctor,  of  Bungay, 
Suffolk.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Stoneham).  Matric.  1616; 
Scholar,  1617-20.  Inherited  from  his  father  the  advowsons 
of  Rockland  St  Peter,  Norfolk,  and  Stow  Bedon,  1619. 
(Venn,  i.  232.) 


Style,  John 

STYLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  May  23,  1666. 
S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Edlington,  Doncaster,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  School,  Snaith.  Matric.  1667. 

STYLES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  5,  1687. 
S.  of  William  (1651),  of  Hemingstone,  Suffolk.  School, 
Bonwick.  Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A. 
1694.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1696. 

STYLES,  JONAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  3,  1621. 
R.  of  Wyham,  Lines.,  1629-32.  V.  of  Stokenham  with 
Chivelstone,  Devon,  1632;  sequestered,  but  restored,  1660-3. 
Said  to  have  been  M.D.  of  Padua  during  the  rebellion.  Died 
before  July  7,  1663.  (Walker,  Sufferings;  Peile,  i.  299.) 

STYLES,  JONATHAN.  M.A.  1694,  from  Sidney.  S.  of  Samuel, 
of  Whiston,  Northants.,  clerk.  B.  there.  Matric.  (Lincoln 
College,  Oxford)  Dec.  11,  1685,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1689. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  3,  1694.  C.  of  Famdish,  Beds., 
1691-7.  V.  of  Puddington,  1697.  V.  of  Yaxley,  Hunts., 
1714-22.  Died  1722.   {A I.  Oxon.) 

STILES,  MATTHIAS.  M.A.  1614  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Alphington,  Devon,  gent.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
June  27,  1606,  age  15;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1612;  B.D.  1623; 
D.D.  1638.  FeUow  of  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  1610-28. 
Proctor  (Oxford)  162 1.   Chaplain  to  the  embassy  at  Venice, 

1624.  R.  of  St  George's,  Botolph  Lane,  1630-45,  sequestered. 
Canon  of  Lincoln,  1631-48.  R.  of  Orsett,  Essex,  1640. 
President  of  Sion  College,  1642.  Died  Aug.  10,  1652.  M.I. 
at  Orsett.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

STILES,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1618.  Matric. 

STILE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1624-5.  S.  of  William, 

of  Langley,  Kent.   B.  June  28,  1603.   Died  at  Cambridge, 

1625.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Vis.  of  London,  1568.) 

STYLES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Sept.  11,  1682. 
Of  Buckinghamshire.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7;  M..\.  1690. 
Master  of  the  Free  School,  Buckingham,  1692-6.  Master  of 
Northampton  School,  1698-1719.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1699.  R.  of  Tyringham  with 
Filgrave,  Bucks.,  1699-1736.  R.  of  Preston  Bissett,  1724-36. 
Died  Mar.  22,  1735-6,  aged  74.  Buried  at  Syresham, 
Northants.  M.I.  Father  of  the  next.  {Baker,  i.  680;  Lips- 
comb, IV.  379.) 

STYLES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  3,  1711.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (above).  Matric. 
1711;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A.  1718.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1720. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  9, 1717-8;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  8, 
1718.  R.  of  Little  Billing,  Northants.,  1718-37.  R.  of 
Stevenage,  Herts.,  1734-7.  Died  Sept.  12,  1737,  aged  44. 
Buried  at  Syresham.  M.I.  (Baker,  1.  680.) 

STILES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621. 
Matric.  1621. 

STYLES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  20,  1650.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4.  R-  of  Little 
Ashby,  Leics.,  1653;  there  in  1661.  Died  May  22,  1705. 
Will  (Leicester)  1705.  (Nichols,  iv.  22.) 

STYLES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  5, 
1666.  S.  of  John,  of  Bermondsey,  Surrey.  B.  there.  School, 
Shilton,  Oxon.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1676,  'M.A.'  R.  of 
Dingley,  Northants.,  1683-1718.  R.  of  Braybrooke,  1690- 
1718.  Died  Sept.  23,  1718.  Buried  at  Dingley.  Father  of 
James  (1702).  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

STYLES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1674.  Of  Nor- 
wich. Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
May,  1678;  priest.  Mar.  1678-9.  Perhaps  C.  of  Ecton, 
Northants.  Buried  there  May  2,  1690. 

STILES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1591. 

STYLES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1611. 

STYLES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1623-4.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Edmonton,  Middle- 
sex, Esq.;  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  7,  1626;  Style.  (Vis. 
of  London,  1634.) 

STILES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  6, 
1648.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  gent.,  of  Walton,  Northants.  School, 
Botolph  Bridge.  Matric.  1648. 

STILES  or  STYLE,  Sir  THOMAS,  Bart.  Adm.  nobleman  (age  19 
at  Trinity,  Sept.  13,  1704.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.,  of 
Wateringbury,  Kent  (by  his  2nd  wife,  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Twisden,  Bart.).  School,  Enfield,  Middlesex  (Mr 
Uvedale).  Succeeded  his  half-brother  Oliver  as  4th  Bart., 
Feb.  12, 1702-3.  Sheriffof  Kent,  1709-10.  M.P.  forBramber, 
1715.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Charles  Hotham,  Bart. 
Died  Jan.  11,  1769.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Burke,  Peerage;  G.E.C., 
II.  12.) 

Styleman,  Robert 

STYLES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1614.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of  Gosbeck,  Suffolk,  Esq. 
B.A.  1615-6.   Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  29,  1618. 

STILES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1615. 
B.  at  Doncaster,  Yorks.  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1626.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1619-20;  priest, 
Sept.  1620.  V.  of  Ledsham,  Yorks.,  1621.  V.  of  Pontefract, 
1624-42.  V.  of  Hessle,  1641-3;  joined  the  Puritans  in  the 
Rebellion.  Preached  in  Ironmonger  Lane,  London,  c.  1645. 
V.  of  Leeds,  1652-60.  Buried  Mar.  19,  1659-60. 

STYLES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  27; 
priest,  Sept.  23,  1632.  Perhaps  R.  of  Croyland,  Lines.,  1640. 
Chaplain  in  the  King's  army,  1648.  Warden  of  Browne's 
Hospital,  Stamford. 

STYLES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  16,  1651. 
Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Hemingstone.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  27,  1633.  Matric.  1652.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
July  3,  1656.  Buried  at  Hemingstone,  May  31,  1707,  Father 
of  John  (1687).   (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

STYLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  to  the  Bachelor's  Table  at  Trinity, 
June  23,  1656.  Of  Surrey.  Matric.  1656-7. 

STILES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  21, 
1718.  S.  of  Robert,  of  London.  School,  Bishop's  Stortford, 
Herts.  (Dr  Tooke).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  30, 

STYLE,  — -.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1558. 

STILES, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Feb.  19,  1651-2. 

STILES, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1654. 

STYLES, .    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hail,  Mar.  22, 

1694-5.  Name  off,  1698. 

STYLEMAN,  ARMINE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  17, 
1743.  4th  s.  of  Nicholas  (1701),  of  Snettisham,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  May  25,  1726.  School,  Bury,  Suffolk  (Mr  Kynnesman). 
Matric.  1743;  Scholar,  1746;  B.A.  1747-8;  M.A.  1751.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  June  5,  1748;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1750.  R. 
of  Little  Massingham,  Norfolk,  1752-60.  R.  of  Ringstead 
St  Peter,  1754.  V.  of  Snettisham,  1761-70.  V.  of  East 
Barsham,  1770-91.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  James  Blakeway, 
Esq.,  R.N.  Died  Apr.  3,  1803.  Brother  of  Nicholas  (1740) 
and  Robert  (1743-4).  (Burke,  L.G.;  Carthew,  Launditch,  11. 

STILEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1640.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647.  V.  of  Tonbridge, 
Kent,  1649-85.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Rochester.  R.  of 
Woolwich,  1664-70.  R.  of  East  Banning,  1670-85.  Died 

STILEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  12,  1684; 
exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Of  Bidborough,  Kent. 
Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691.  Fellow,  1691.  See 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

STYLEMAN,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
1632.  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Field  Dalling,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  July,  1614.  School,  Holt  (Mr  Tallis).  Matric. 
1632.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  13,  1635.  Of  Snettisham, 
Esq.  J. P.  Captain  of  the  militia.  Married  Margaret,  dau. 
of  Edward  Ward,  alderman  of  Norwich.  Buried  June  11, 
1683,  at  Snettisham.  M.I.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next  and 
of  Robert  (1669).   (Venn,  1.  306;  Blomefield,  x.  378.) 

STYLEMAN,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  21,  1671. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Nicholas  (above).  Matric.  1671;  Scholar, 
1674;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  M.I.  at  Snettisham  to 
Nicholas  Styleman,  M.A. ,  Trinity,  died  Oct.  13,  1706,  aged  72 
(sic).  Doubtlessbrotherof  Robert  (1669).  (Blomefield,  x.^^yS.) 

STYLEMAN,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Dec.  18,  1701.  S.  of  Robert  (1669),  of  Snettisham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1704;  B.A.  1705-6; 
M.A.  1709.  Of  Snettisham,  Esq.  Married  Armine,  dau.  of 
Sir  Nicholas  L'Estrange,  3rd  Bart.,  of  Hunstanton,  Feb.  16, 
1720.  Died  Jan.  6,  1746.  Buried  at  Snettisham.  M.I.  Father 
of  the  next  and  of  Armine  (1743),  etc.  (Carthew,  Launditch, 
II.  448.) 

STYLEMAN,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  17,  1740.  S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas  (above),  of  Snettisham, 
Norfolk.  Bapt.  Apr.  3,  1722.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
Suffolk  (Mr  Kynnesman).  Matric.  1740-1;  Scholar,  1742; 
B.A.  1743-4.  Deputy-Lieutenant  for  Norfolk,  1759.  High 
Sheriff,  1776.  Of  Snettisham  and  Hunstanton,  Norfolk.  Died 
s.p.,  Dec.  26,  1787  (?  Jan.  1788).  Will  proved  Apr.  11,  1788. 
Brother  of  Armine  (1743)  and  Robert  (1743-4).  (G.  Mag.; 
L.  Mag.;  Burke,  L.G.;  Carthew,  Launditch,  ii.  448.) 

STYLEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  25,  1669. 
Doubtlesss.of  Nicholas  (1632).  Matric.  1669.  Of  Snettisham, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  Died  June  19,  1720,  aged  72.  Buried  at 
Snettisham.  M.I.  Doubtless  father  of  Nicholas  (1701). 
(Blomefield,  x.  378.) 


Styleman,  Robert 

STYLEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  2, 
1708.  S.  of  Weston.  B.  at  Beadles  Hall,  Essex.  School, 
Felsted.  Scholar,  1708-9;  Matric.  1709;  LL.B.  1713.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  19,  1714;  priest,  June  12,  1720.  V.  of 
St  Michael,  Bishop's  Stortford,  Herts.,  1722.  Died  Dec.  7, 
1749.   (Peile,  II.  170.) 

STILEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1743.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  June,  1748;  priest  (Norwich)  June,  1753.  P-C. 
of  St  Peter  Mancroft,  Norwich,  1753.  V.  of  Calthorpe, 
Norfolk,  1755-73-  R-  of  Thwaite,  1755-73.  V.  of  Bumham 
Overy,  1758-73-  R-  of  Bowthorpe,  1763.  Died  Apr.  24, 
1773-   (G.  Mag.;  L.Mag.) 

STYLEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Jan. 
1743-4-  3rd  s.  of  Nicholas  (1701),  Esq.,  of  Snettisham, 
Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  26,  1724.  Schools,  Lynn  (Mr 
Squire)  and  Seaming  (Mr  Brett).  Matric.  1743-4.  Died  an 
imbecile.  Brother  of  Armine  (1743)  a°d  Nicholas  (1740). 
(Venn,  11.  54;  Carthew,  Launditch,  11.  448.) 

STILEMAN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1643; 
B.A.  1646;  M.A.  1652.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1657.  R.  of  West 
Hanningfield,  Essex,  1650-5.  V.  of  Famham,  Surrey,  1656; 
ejected,  1662.  Died  1663.  (Calamy,  11.  448;  H.  Smith; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

STYRING,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1581;  B.A.  1584-5  [Stiking]. 
STYRING,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Sidney, 

July  5,  1647.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  Bessingby,  Vorks. 

School,   BridUngton    (Mr   Bradley).    Adm.   at   the   Inner 

Temple,  1647.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
STYRING,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  r6)  at  Pembroke,  Sept.  30, 

1678.  S.  of  Francis  (?  above),  of  Rilston.Yorks.,  gent.  Matric. 


STYRMIN,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Gonville  Hall;  B.A.  1525-6; 
M.A.  1529;  B.D.  1540.  Fellow,  1528.  Master  of  Gonville 
HaU,  1540-52.  Archdeacon  of  Hereford,  1542-52.  Preb.  of 
Hereford,  1545-52.  Died  Feb.  1551-2.  Will  dated,  Feb.  i, 
1551-2;  proved  (P.C.C.)  June  2,  1552.  (Venn,  i.  27.) 


SUBDON,  LEWIS.  Student  at  Cambridge.  Supp.  for  B.Civ.L. 
(Oxford)  1457-8. 

SUCKERMAN,  ARNOLD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1601;  Scholar,  1605;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  3;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1610.  Minister  at  Parson 
Drove,  Cambs.,  in  1611.  V.  of  Dilham,  Norfolk,  1612.  V.  of 
Witton,  1615. 

SUCKERMAN,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1603-4;  M.A. 
1608.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  12,  1608-9, 
age  25.  C.  of  Wyttlesham,  1612.  R.  of  Akenham,  Suffolk, 

SUCKERMAN,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1571; 
B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Probably  R.  of  Leverington, 
Cambs.,  in  1600.  (Lines.  Fenland  N.  and  Q.,  vii.  302.) 

SUCKLEY,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634. 
Perhaps  M.P.  for  Higham  Ferrers,  1659. 

SUCKLY,  RALPH.  M.A.  1675  (LU.  Reg.).  Possibly  the  above. 

SUCKLING,  see  also  SICKLING. 

SUCKLING,  DENZIL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  9, 
1720.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1690),  of  Woodton, 
Norfolk,  and  Barsham,  Suffolk.  Bapt.May  23, 1703.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  19,  1721-2.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1729. 
Of  Woodton,  Esq.  Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Richard  Tubby, 
of  Redenhall.  Buried  at  Woodton,  1744.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1725).  (Suffolk  Man.  Fant.,  11.  204.) 

SUCKLING,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1577.  S.of  Robert,  Mayor  of  Norwich.  Bapt.  at  St  Andrew's, 
1560.  Scholar,  1580;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  B.D.  1591. 
Precentor  of  Norwich,  1586.  R.  of  Ashill,  Norfolk,  1586-7. 
R.  of  Larling,  1592-1608.  R.  of  Blofield,  and  of  Heylestone, 
in  1603.  Dean  of  Norwich,  1614-28.  Married  three  wives. 
Buried  in  the  Cathedral,  May,  1628.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1575)-  (Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  11.  202;  Blomefield,  Norwich, 

SUCKLING,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1623.  S.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  Barsham,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
Feb.  10,  1608-9,  at  Whitton,  Twickenham,  Middlesex.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  23,  1626-7.  Travelled  in  France  and 
Italy.  Inherited  large  estates  on  the  death  of  his  father,  in 
1627.  Knighted,  Sept.  (?  Dec.)  19,  1630.  Said  to  have  joined 
Hamilton's  force  and  to  have  taken  part  in  the  defeat  of 
Tilly  before  Leipzig,  1631.  Accompanied  Charles  I  to 
Scotland  with  a  contingent,  1639;  ridiculed  for  the  gorgeous 
clothes  with  which  he  bedecked  his  troopers.  Set  on  foot 
'the  first  army  plot,' 1640-1.  Fled  to  France,  1641.  Fashion- 
able courtier.   M.P.  for  Bramber,  1640.   Royalist  poet  and 

SuDELL,  John 

writer  of  plays.  A  friend  of  Davenant,  who  describes  him 
as  the  greatest  gallant  and  gamester  of  his  day.  Invented 
the  game  of  cribbage.  Died  unmarried,  at  Paris,  in  May  or 
June,  1641,  aged  33.  Buried  there  in  the  protestant  cemetery. 
(D.N.B.;  Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  11.  202;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SUCKLING,  MAURICE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Oct. 
12,  1691.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Woodton,  Norfolk.  School,  Bergh 
Apton  (Mr  Robert  Connold).  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1695; 
B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1699;  D.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May,  1700.  R.  of  Wootton,  Norfolk,  1701-30. 
R.  of  Coney  Weston,  Suffolk,  1705-8.  R.  of  Barsham,  1714- 
30.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1725-30.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  Charles  Turner,  of  Warham.  Grandfatherof  Lord  Nelson. 
Buried  at  Barsham,  Sept.  23,  1730.  M.I. 

SUCKLING,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1575.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  Mayor  of  Norwich. 
Buried  Dec.  27,  1580.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1577).  (G.  B. 

SUCKLING,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
May  14,  1690.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Woodton,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  June  10,  1673,  at  Barsham.  School,  Norwich  (Mr 
Burton).  Matric.  1690.  Of  Woodton,  Esq.  Married  Dorothy, 
dau.  of  John  Bemey,  of  Swardeston,  Norfolk.  Died  Mar.  23, 
1734-  Buried  at  Woodton.  Will  (Norvidch).  Brother  of 
Maurice  (1691),  father  of  Denzil  (1720)  and  of  the  next. 
(Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  11.  204.) 

SUCKLING,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  2,  1725. 
Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Woodton  and  Barsham. 
B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1733; 
priest  (Lincohi)  Sept.  25,  1737.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  Denzil 
(1720).  (Burke,  L.G.) 

SUCKLIN, .   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1660.   Perhaps 

Robert  Suckling,  s.  of  Robert,  of  Woodton,  Norfolk,  and 
Barsham,  Suffolk.  B.  1641.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Maurice 
Shelton,  of  Bamingham,  Suffolk.  Will  proved  (Norwich) 
Apr.  18,  1709.  Perhaps  father  of  Maurice  (1691)  and  Robert 

SUDALFE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1548. 

SUDALL,  WILLIAM.  Graduate;  absent  from  processions,  1454. 

SUDBURY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1614;  B.A.  1619-20. 

SUDBURY,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Pembroke.  M.A.  and  LL.B.  by 
1390.  Master  of  Pembroke,  1406-28.  Canon  of  Chichester. 
Resigned  the  Mastership  and  lived  for  some  years  in  College. 
R.  of  St  Andrew  Undershaft,  London,  1410-30.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1418.  R.  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.  Died  c.  1435. 
One  of  these  names  mentioned  as  Warden  of  hall  of  Valence 
Marie,  Cambridge,  c.  1410.  (Loder,  Framlingham;  Patent 

SUDBURY,  JOHN  (1460),  see  CRALL. 

SUDBURY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  12,  1620-1. 
B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk,  1604.  Matric.  1621;  B.A. 
1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Perhaps  D.D.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  31;  priest,  June  i,  1629.  Probably  V.  of  Leigh,  Kent, 
1639;  sequestered,  1642.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1660-1. 
Dean  of  Durham,  1661-84.  Buried  in  Durham  Cathedral, 
Dec.  3,  1684.  M.I.  Benefactor  to  Emmanuel.  (Le  Neve, 
Mon.,  v.  65;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

SUDBURY,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 

Easter,  1677.   Of  Essex.  S.  of ,  of  Coggeshall,  clothier, 

and  nephew  of  John  (above).  LL.B.  1682.  Fellow,  1680-4. 
Created  Bart.,  June  25,  1685.  Married  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir 
Thomas  Exton,  LL.D.,  Dean  of  the  Arches  Court.  Died 
s.p.m..  Mar.  27,  1691.  Buried  at  Honichurch,  Essex. 
(G.E.C.,  IV.  137.) 

SUDBURY,  ROBERT.  Fined  for  not  proceeding  to  B.D.  after 
admission.   (Gr.  Bk,  A,  22.) 

SUDBURY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1618.  (Per- 
haps previously  adm.  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  18,  1617-8.)  Of 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  priest  (Bangor) 
Mar.  3,  1625-6.  R.  of  Ickworth,  Suffolk,  1636-47.  R.  of 
Benacre,  1646.  R.  of  Bradwell,  1658. 

SUDELL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  25, 
1689.  Of  Lancashire.  S.  of  Nicholas,  glover  and  alderman  of 
Preston.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  R.  of 
Aughton,  Lanes.,  1700;  ejected  for  simony.  V.  of  Huyton, 
1705-6.  R.of  Holy  Trinity,  Chester,  1707-35.  V.ofLeyland, 
Lanes.,  1720-33.  Preb.  of  Chester,  1730-5.  R.  of  North 
Meols,  1733-5.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Derby.  Died  Aug.  3, 
1735,  aged  63.  Buried  at  Ormskirk.  Will,  Chester.  Brother 
of  William  (1670). 

SUDELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  19,  1649. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652-3. 

SUDELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  18, 
1668.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Forcett,  Richmonds.,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Northallerton  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1668. 


SuDELL,  Thomas 

SUDELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  2,  1656. 
SUDELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  17, 

1670-1.  S.  of  Nicholas,  draper,  of  Preston,  Lanes.  B.  there. 

School,  Blackburn.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678. 

Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1676.   Brother  of  Christopher 

SUERSBYE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

SUFFOLK,  Dukes  of,  see  BRANDON. 
SUGDEN,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  May  21, 

1667.    S.  of  Robert  (1623),   clerk.    B.   at   Coney  Weston, 

Suffolk.    Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674-    Signs  for 

deacon's  orders  (London)  May  31,  1672 ;  ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

May,  1673;  C.  of  Campsea  Ashe,  Suffolk.  R.of  Boyton,  1674. 
SUGDEN,  GAMALIEL.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  11, 

1725.  S.  of  Robert,  druggist,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 

Norwich  (Mr  Reddington).    Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1725-9; 

B.A.  1728-9. 
SUGDEN  or  SUGDAME,   ISAAC.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare, 

Easter,  1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.   Ord.  deacon  (York) 

May;  priest,  Sept.  1618. 
SUGDEN,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  22, 1725. 

Of  Brampton,  Yorks.    Matric.  1725;  B.A.   1728-9.    V.  of 

Oldham,  Lanes.,  1730-2;  P.C.  of  Heapey,  1736. 
SUGDEN,  JOHN.  M.A.   R.  of  Willingham,  Cambs.,  1447.  R-  of 

'Hatfeld'  (?  Bishop's  Hatfield,  Herts.),  1452. 
SUGDEN,   JOHN.    B.A.   from   Christ's,    1607-8;   M.A.   1611. 

Probably  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1605-6.    V.  of  Rushmere  St 

Andrew,  Suffolk,  1618-27. 
SUGDEN,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  Christ's,  1611-2. 
SUGDEN,  JOSHUA.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  27, 

1699-1700.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Shelf,  Yorks.  School,  Hipper- 
holme.    Matric.  1699-1700;  Scholar,  1700-1;  B.A.  1703-4; 

M.A.  1707.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1705.   {Peile,  11.  146.) 
SUGDEN,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  15,  1689. 

Of  Hampsthwaite,  Yorks.    Doubtless  s.  of  Samuel  (1660). 

Bapt.  Aug.  I,  1672,  at  Hampsthwaite.    Matric.  1689;  B.A. 

1692-3;  M.A.  1696.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Nov.  1694.    V.  of 

Oldham,  Lanes.,  1696-1712.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1691). 
SUGDEN,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1621. 

Of  Yorkshire.    B.A.   1625-6.    Ord.  deacon   (York)   Sept.; 

priest,  Dec.  1626.  C.  of  North  Dalton,  Yorks.,  1627. 
SUGDEN,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1623. 

Of  Suffolk.    B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1626-7;  M.A.  1630. 

V.  of  Benhall,  Suffolk,   1631-44,  ejected.    V.  of  Laxfield, 

1636.  R.  of  Coney  Weston,  1645.  Father  of  Edmund  (1667). 
SUGDEN,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  19,  1660.   Of 

Yorkshire.    Matric.  1660;  B.A.   1663-4;  M.A.   1667.    Ord. 

priest  (York)  1665.   V.  of  Hampsthwaite,  Yorks.,  1670-86. 

Buried  there  June  11,   1686.    Father  of  the  next  and  of 

Richard  (1689). 
SUGDEN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 

1691.    S.  of  Samuel  (above),  clerk.    Bapt.  July  13,  1671, 

at  Hampsthwaite,  Yorks.   School,  Sedbergh.   B.A.  1694-5. 

Perhaps  C.  of  Bury,  Lanes.,  in  1708.    Brother  of  Richard 

SUGDEN,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Lent,  1599- 

1600;    B.A.    1603-4;   M.A.    1607.    Sequestration   fruits   of 

Bainton  Chapel,  Yorks.,  granted  to  Thomas  Sugden,  clerk, 

Dec.  14,  1619. 
SUGDEN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1624; 

B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 
SUGDEN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1625; 

B.A.  from  Trinity,  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.    Perhaps  of  Castley, 

Yorks.,  clerk;  will  (York)  1669. 

SUGDEN, .   M.A.  1546. 

SUGER,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  15,  i673-    Of 

Lincolnshire.    Matric.   1674;  Scholar,   1674;  B.A.   1677-8; 

M.A.  1681.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678;  priest,  Dec.  1680. 

R.  of  Manby,  Lines.,  in  1696.  Father  of  Richard  (1703). 
SUGER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  21, 

1742-3.    S.  of  John.    B.  at  Afford,  Lines.    School,  Alford. 

Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  14, 

1747;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1748. 
SUGER,  GEORGE.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1623; 

B.A.    from    Magdalene,    1627;    M.A.    1631.     Ord.    deacon 

(Peterb.)  June  8;  priest,  June  9,  1628. 
SUGAR,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1583.    B.  at  Walsingham,  Norfolk,  c.   1565.    Migrated  to 

Trinity.  Scholar,  1586;  B.A.  1587-8;  M..\.  1591;  B.D.  1598. 

Fellow  of  Trinity,  1589.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 

July  2,  1596.    R.  of  Ashby,  Lines.,  1599.    Mairied  Martha, 

dau.  of  George  Huddlestone,  preb.  of  Lincoln,  May  9,  1604, 

at  St  Margaret's-in-the-Close. 


SUGER,  PHINEAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  25, 1678. 
S.  of  Tristram  (1626),  R.  of  Bamoldby,  Lines.  Matric.  1678; 
B.A.  1681-2;  Scholar,  1682;  M.A.  1685. 

SUGER,  PHINEAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June 
25,  1717.  B.  at  Alford,  Lines.  School,  Alford.  Matric.  1717; 
B.A.  1720-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1721;  priest, 
Sept.  19,  1725.  C.  of  Skremby,  Lines.,  1721. 

SUGAR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  22, 
1703.  S.  of  Francis  (1673),  clerk.  B.  at  Manby,  Lines. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  19,  1709;  priest.  May  27,  1711. 
R.  of  Gunby,  Lines.,  1717-  R.  of  Skremby,  1718-75.  School- 
master at  Alford.  Died  before  Oct.  25,  1775.  (Lines.  N.  and 
Q;  VI.  184.) 

SUGAR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  6,  1601. 
S.  of  William,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Norwich.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Perse).  Scholar,  1602-4. 

SUGAR,  TRISTRAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1626; 
Scholar,  1627;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Jime  1,  1634.  R.  of  Bamoldby,  Lines.  Father  of 
Phineas  (1678). 

SUGAR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1576; 
B.A.  1578-9. 

SUGER,  ZACHARIAH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  4,  1686-7. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  York,  gent.  Matric.  1687; 
B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1694.  Fellow  of  Peter- 
bouse, -1692-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  24,  1693;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1694.  V.  of  Felixkirk,  Yorks.,  1695-1720.  Married 
Judith,  dau.  of  William  Stainforth,  D.D.,  May  26,  1700,  at 
York  Minster.   (F.M.G.,  880.) 

SUGER,  ZACHARV.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  3, 
1734.  S.  of  Nicholas,  gent.,  and  nephew  of  Zachariah  (above). 
B.  at  York.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Stephens).  Matric.  1734; 
B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1742.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23, 
1739;  priest  (York)  May  20,  1744.  R.  of  Bamoldby-le-Beck, 
Lines.,  1744-64.  R.  of  Hatcliffe,  1744-55-  R.  of  StCuthbert's, 
York,  1744.  R.  of  Hotham,  1755-70.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  Dec.  8,  1770.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  455;  F.M.G.,  880; 
G.  Mag.) 

SULLEY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  24,  1660. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Daniel,  of 
Nottingham,  gent.  Matric.  1660.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  7, 

SULLFORD, .  B.D.  from  St  John's,  1595  (in  ordo). 

SUMMERFIELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  20;  priest. 
May  21,  1627.  V.  of  Thornton,  Leics.,  1642,  sequestered. 
Living  at  Rakedale,  in  1654.   (Nichols,  iv.  983.) 

SUMMERFORIH,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1494-5.  V.  of  Hinxton, 
Cambs.,  1499-1506. 

SUMMERS,  see  also  SOMER  and  SUMNER. 

SUMMERS,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  1,  1665. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  i673-  Ord. 
deacon  (Gloucester,  at  Holbom)  Feb.  27,  1669-70;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1670.  R.  of  Stunner,  Essex,  1677-92- 
Died  1692. 

SUMMER  or  SOMER,  CONAND.  B.Can.L.  1470-1;  D.C.L. 
1479-80.  Scholar  and  fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1473-81. 
Gave  40S.  to  the  buildings,  1504. 

SUMMERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  23, 
1730.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Sible  Hedingham. 
School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1730;  M.B.  1736;  M.D.  1741- 
Succeeded  to  the  family  estate  at  Sible  Hedingham,  1738- 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Bakewell,  of  Cheapside, 
London.  Died  c.  1748,  aged  36.  Brother  of  Sparrow  (1741)- 
One  of  these  names  of  Bath,  M.D.,  admon.  (P.C.C.)  May,  1752. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  427;  Morant,  11.  290.) 

SOMMERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22, 
1736.  S.  of  William,  of  Ashby  Puerorum,  Lines.  School, 
Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Westmorland  (Mr  Noble).  Matric.  1736; 
Scholar,  1738;  B.A.  1739-40;  M.A.  1743.  Fellow,  1742- 
Junior  Dean,  1756-60.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1740- 
i;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1742.  V.  of  Over,  Cambs.,  1758-60.  Died 
1760.   (J.  Crosby.) 

SUMMERS,  SPARROW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  9,  1741.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Essex  (and  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John  Sparrow,  Esq.,  of  Sible  Hedingham).  B.  at 
Sible  Hedingham.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1742.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  10,  1744-5;  priest.  Mar.  15,  1746-7. 
Admon.  (Comm.  Essex)  1782;  of  Kelvedon,  Essex.  Brother 
of  John  (1730).   (Morant,  11.  289;  Scott-Mayor,  111.  516.) 

SUMMERS, .   M.A.  1499-1500. 

SUMMERSBY,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1631;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
20,  1635;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1636.  ■ 



SUMMERBY,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1464-5;  B.Can.L.  1476-7.  FeUow 
of  Pembroke,  1463.  Perhaps  V.  of  Kingston-on-Thames, 
Surrey,  1478-1501.  Will  dated.  Mar.  12,  1501;  proved, 
May  II,  1502.   (Alf.  Healers,  Kingston-on-Thames.) 

SUMMERBY, .  B.Can.L.  1468-9. 

SUMMERBY, .   B.A.  1481-2;  M.A.  1485. 

SUMMYNG,  JOHN.  'M.A.  Camb.'  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1533-4; 
perhaps  Symming. 

SUMNER  or  SUMPNER,  ANDREW.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  23,  1552,  Sumpner.  Of  Harlow, 
Essex.  Matric.  1552;  B.A.  1556-7.  Fellow,  1555-9.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  1560. 

SUMNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  19,  1683.  Of 
Lancashire.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Master  at  Wigan 
School,  1687.   Probably  ord.  priest  (London)  May  23,  1714. 

SUMNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1723. 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Windsor.  Matric.  Michs.  1724;  B.A. 
1728-9;  M.A.  1732;  D.D.  1744.  Fellow,  1727.  Provost, 
1756-72.  Vice-Chancellor,  1756-7,  1770-1.  Assistant,  and 
afterwards  under  master  at  Eton,  1734-45;  Head  Master, 
1745-54.  R-  of  Barwick-in-Elmet,  Yorks.,  1750-72.  R.  of 
Castleford,  1753-72.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1751-72.  Died 
Feb.  26,  1772.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1772-  (Harwood.) 

SUMNER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  161 1. 
Migrated  to  Sidney,  June  8,  1613.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  15;  priest,  Aug.  16,  1630.  Preb, 
of  Peterborough,  1630-2,  ejected.  R.  of  Northborough, 
Northants.,  1640.  Died  Aug.  7,  1659.   (H.  L  Longden.) 

SUMNER,  ROBERT  CAREY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Dec.  i8,  1747.  S.  of  William,  and  nephew  of  John 
(above).  Bapt.  at  Windsor,  Mar.  9,  1728-9.  Matric.  1748; 
B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755;  D.D.  1768.  Fellow,  1750.  Assistant 
Master  at  Eton,  1751-60.  Head  Master  of  Harrow,  1760-71. 
Married  a  sister  of  WiUiam  Arden,  of  Eton,  Aug.  3,  1760. 
Author,  Concio  ad  Clerum.  Died  Sept.  12,  1771.  Buried  in 
Harrow  Church.  M.L  Will,  P.C.C.  (G.  Mag-  L.  Mag.- 

SUMNER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1622; 
B.A. 1625-6; M.A.  1629. 

SUMPNER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  16, 
1674.  B.  at  Black  Notley,  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric. 
1674;  B.A.  1677-8. 

SUMNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  29,  1642.  Of  Peterborough.  S.  of  Thomas.  Bapt.  June 
30,  1624,  at  St  John  Baptist,  Peterborough.  School,  Peter- 
borough. Matric.  1642;  Scholar,  1642;  B.A.  1645-6.  R.  of 
Folksworth,  Hunts.,  till  1666.  Died  1666. 

SUMPNER,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  13)  at  St  John's, 
June  7,  1631.  S.  of  John,  of  Chorley,  Lanes.  Bapt.  Nov. 
1617,  at  Deene,  Lanes.  School,  Chorley  (private).  Matric. 
1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Married,  Sept.  9,  1638,  to 
Jane  Southworth. 

SOMNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  5,  1693. 
Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7. 

SOMNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1710.  Of 
Kent.  Probably  s.  of  William,  V.  of  Lyminge,  Kent.  Bapt. 
there,  Nov.  27,  1692.  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1718. 
Ord.  deacon  (Bristol)  Sept.  9,  1716.  C.  of  Lytchet  Minster, 
Dorset,  1716.  R.  of  St  Michael  Warsham,  1718-50.  R.  of 
Holy  Trinity,  Warsham,  1724-44.  R.  of  St  Peter,  Warsham, 
1727-50.  R.ofOkefordFitzpaine,  1744-50.  Died  at  Okeford, 
Feb.  3,  1749-50.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SOUMNER, .  B.A.  1521-2. 

SUMPTER  or  SUMPTNER,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  i6,  1518.  Of  Epping,  Essex. 
Incorp.  B.A.  at  Oxford,  1525,  Sumner;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1526. 
One  of  the  King's  men  sent  to  Wolsey's  New  College  at 
Oxford;  probably  chosen  on  account  of  his  Lutheran 
sympathies.  Suffered  great  persecution,  being  thrown  into 
a  cave  under  the  College,  where  the  salt  fish  was  kept.  Died 
1527  from  bad  food  and  foul  air.  (King's  College  History,  47; 
Harwood;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SUMPTER,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1617; 
Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624;  B.D.  from  Clare, 
1631-2  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow  of  Clare.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1626;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1627. 
R.  of  Badingham,  Suffolk,  1630-44,  sequestered.  Minister 
at  St  Peter  Mancroft,  Norwich,  1632.  V.  of  Ubbeston,  1640-4, 
sequestered  by  the  Westminster  Assembly.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SUMPTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  23, 
1656.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Thorpe  Langton,  Leics. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Church  Langton  (Mr  Green),  Glooston 
(Mr  Lightfoot)  and  Market  Harborough  (Mr  Berry).  Matric. 
1656-7;  Scholar,  1656-62;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.    Ord. 

SuRFLEET,  William  de 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1663;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1664;  C.  of 
Brock,  Rutland.  Usher  at  Oakham  School,  1664.  Buried 
at  Oakham,  1671-   (Venn,  i.  396;  W.  L.  Sargant.) 

SUNBURY,  see  also  MOUNTAGU. 

SUNBURY,  GEORGE  (Lord),  and  Earl  of  Halifax.  LL.D.  1717. 
S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Horton,  Northants.,  and  nephew  of 
Charles  [Montagu],  Earl  of  Halifax  [for  whom  see  Mon- 
tagu]. B.  c.  1685.  M.P.  for  Northampton,  1705-15.  An 
Auditor  of  the  Exchequer,  1714.  Succeeded  to  the  peerage 
(Barony),  May  19,  1715.  Created  Viscount  Sunbury  and 
Earl  of  Halifax,  June  14,  1715.    Ranger  of  Bushey  Park, 

1715.  P.C.,i7i8.  K.B.  1725.  Married  (i)  RicardaPosthuma, 
dau.  of  Richard  Saltonstall,  of  Chipping  Warden,  Northants.; 
(2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Richard  (Lumley),  ist  Earl  of  Scarborough. 
Died  May  9,  1739.   Father  of  the  next.   (G.E.C.) 

SUNBURY,  GEORGE  (Lord).  Adm.  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  4, 
1733-4-  S.  of  George  [Montagu],  Eari  of  Halifax.  B.  Oct.  6, 

1716.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1735.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
2nd  Earl  of  Halifax,  May  9,  1739.  Ranger  of  Bushey  Park, 
1739.  Colonel  in  the  Army,  1745;  Lieutenant-General,  1759. 
Chief  Justice  in  Eyre,  South  of  Trent,  1746-8.  President  of 
theBoardof  Trade,  1748-61.  P.C,  1749.  Viceroy  of  Ireland, 
1761-3.  First  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  1762.  Secretary  of 
State  for  the  North,  1762-5  and  1771.  K.G.,  1764.  Lord 
Privy  Seal,  1770-1.  Aided  foundation  of  the  Colony  of 
Nova  Scotia;  the  town  Halifax  being  named  after  him,  1749. 
Styled  the  Father  of  the  Colonies.  Married  Miss  Ann  Dunk, 
dau.  of  WiUiam  Richards  (afterwards  Dunk),  of  Tongues, 
Hawkhurst,  Kent,  1741,  and  thereupon  assumed  the  ad- 
ditional name  of  Dunk.  Died  June  8,  1771.  Buried  at 
Horton,  Northants.   (G.E.C;  D.N.B.) 

SUNDERLAND,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1606.  S.  of  Richard  (1582-3),  of  High  Sunderland,  and 
Coley,  Yorks.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  22,  1608. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1617.  J. P.  for  West  Riding.  Of  High 
Sunderland,  Acton  and  Coley,  Esq.  Royalist.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Peter  Langdale,  of  Beverley,  Esq.  Died 
during  the  siege  of  Pontefract  Castle,  Mar.  25,  1644.  Buried 
at  Pontefract.  Brother  of  Richard  (1620)  and  father  of 
Joseph  (1653).   (Yorks.  Genealog.,  1.,  208.) 


SUNDERLAND,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1591. 
4th  s.  of  Robert,  of  Shelfe,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Aug.  24,  1559,  at 
Halifax.  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  P.C.  of  Elland,  Yorks., 
1601-32.  Died  Jan.  29,  1632-3,  aged  74.  Buried  at  Elland. 
M.I.  Will  dated,  Feb.  22,  1625;  proved  (York)  May  3,  1633. 
(Watson,  Halifax,  406.) 

SUNDERLAND,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  12,  1735. 
Probably  s.  of  William,  P.C.  of  Ripponden-in-Barkisland, 
Yorks.  (buried  there  Mar.  1,  1749).  B.  at  Barkisland,  Yorks- 
Matric.  1735.  One  of  these  names  formerly  chaplain  of 
H.M.S.  Orion,  and  late  of  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  Middlesex; 
admon.,  Jan.  1791.   (Watson,  Halifax,  428.) 

SUNDERLAND,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  27,  1653.  S.  of  Abraham  (1606),  deceased,  of  Halifax, 
Yorks.  School,  Thomhill  (Mr  Wigleswoorth).  Matric.  1653. 
Migrated  to  Clare,  June  28,  1655.  B.A.  1658.  Will  dated, 
June  19,  1658;  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  25,  1659.  (Yorks. 
Archaeol.  Soc.  Records,  ix.,  where  his  father's  name  appears 
as  Adam.) 

SUNDERLAND,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1582-3.  Of 
High  Sunderland,  Halifax,  Yorks.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard, 
of  High  Sunderland  (by  his  2nd  wife  Agnes,  dau.  of  John 
Rishworth,  of  Riddlesden).  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and 
Treasurer  of  the  Lamed  Soldiers,  1620.  Married  Susan,  dau. 
of  Sir  Richard  Saltonstall,  Lord  Mayor  of  London.  Buried 
at  Halifax,  June  25,  1634.  Father  of  Abraham  (1606)  and 
of  the  next.   (F.M.G.,  636.) 

SUNDERLAND,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1620.  4th  s.  of  Richard  (above),of  High  Sunderland,  Halifax. 
Bapt.  Dec.  4,  1603,  at  Halifax.  B.A.  1623-4;  M.. A.  1627.  In 
Holy  Orders.  Buried  at  Halifax,  June  5,  1629.  Brother  of 
Abraham  (i6o6).   (F.M.G.,  637;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SUNDERLAND, .   B.Can.L.  1472-3. 

SUNDREY,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Feb.  2,  1636-7. 

SUNNYNGE,  W.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Queens',  Michs.  1560. 

SUPPLE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1616. 
Of  Ireland.   B.A.  1620-1. 

SURCOATE  or  SYRCOATE,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from 
St  John's,  Michs.  1606;  B..A.  1610-1 ;  M..\.  1614.  Of  Muston, 
Leics.,  clerk;  licence  to  Marry  Mary  Hurst,  of  Holwell,  1629. 

SURFLET,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1576. 

SURFLEET,  THOMAS.   Licensed  to  practise  surgery,  1559. 

SURFLEET,  WILLIAM  DE.  D.D.  Carmelite  friar  of  St  Botolph, 
Lines.  Author,  Sermons.  Buried  at  St  Botolph  Monastery, 
1466.   {Pits,  657;  Monasticon  Angl,,  11.  173.) 


SuRRADGE,  Isaac 

SURRADGE  or  SERIDGE,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  30,  1596.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  Seredge  or  Surridge; 
mentioned  in  his  will  (Consist.  C.  London)  1600.  Matric. 
1596;  B.A.  1599-1600.  C.  of  Stanningfield,  Essex,  1637. 
Sequestered  to  Mundon  by  1645;  gone  by  1650.  (H.  Smith.) 


SURREY,  Earl  of,  see  HOWARD,  THOMAS. 

SURTEYS  or  SURTEIS,  STEPHEN.  M.A.  1482.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  c.  1481.  Principal  of  St  Thomas'  Hostel,  1491, 
where  he  paid  tithes  to  Peterhouse.  Probably  V.  of  Ash- 
bourne, Derbs.,  1497-1500;  R.  of  Darley  Dale  (North 
mediety),  1497-1508,  Surtas.  (Loder;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

SURYGOIN, .  D.Can.L.  1475-6. 

SUSAN, .  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1614. 

Probably  John;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  22,  1618-9;  of 

London,  gent. 

SUSSEX,  Earl  of,  see  RADCLIFFE. 

SUTCH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  4,  1687.  Of  Lan- 
cashire.  M.B.  1692;  M.D.  1697. 

SUTCLYFFE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 
Probably  5th  s.  of  John,  of  Grimsby,  Lines.  Married  Bridget, 
dau.  of  William  Kirton,  of  Leadenham.  Buried  at  Grimsby, 
May  25,  1627.  Probably  brother  of  Luke  (1573),  Matthew 
(1565)  and  Solomon  (1577)  and  father  of  William  (1607). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  938.) 

SUTTCLIFFE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  31, 
1715.  S.  of  Jonathan,  draper.  B.  at  Heptonstall,  near 
Halifax,  Yorks.  School,  Threshfield.  Matric.  1715;  B.A. 
1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1719;  priest,  Sept.  1720. 
V.  of  Slaithwaite,  Yorks.,  1724-7.  Buried  Apr.  8,  1727. 
Brother  of  Joseph  (1722). 

SUTCLIFFE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan. 
19,  1632-3;  LL.B.  1639. 

SUTCLIFFE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Jime 
12,  1722.  S.  of  Jonathan,  draper,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Stansfield,  near  Halifax.  Schools,  Heptonstall,  near  Halifax, 
and  Burnley,  Lanes.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  priest 
(Chester)  Jan.  12,  1728-9.  Licensed  to  teach  grammar,  etc., 
1731.  P.C.  of  Littleborough,  Lanes.,  1730-45.  P.C.  of 
Milnrow,  1745-59.  Brother  of  John  (1715).  [ScoU-Mayor, 
III.  350.) 

SUTLYFFE,  LUKE.  Matric.  pens,  (age  11)  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1567. 

SUTCLIFFE,  LUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1573. 
4th  s.  of  John,  of  Grimsby.  Scholar,  1575;  B.A.  1576-7. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  16,  1577-8;  of  Lines.  Died 
unmarried.  Admon.  granted,  Aug.  30,  1587,  to  brother 
Solomon.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Solomon  (1577). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  386.) 

SUTCLIFFE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  10, 
1565.  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Melroyd,  Yorks.,  and  of  Grimsby, 
Lines.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1568;  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574; 
LL.D.  1580.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1572.  Adm.  advocate,  May 
I,  1582.  Archdeacon  of  Taunton,  1587-8.  Preb.  of  Exeter, 
1588-1629.  Dean  of  Exeter,  1588-1629.  Preb.  of  WeUs, 
1592-1629.  V.  of  West  Alvington,  Devon,  and  V.  of  Harber- 
ton,  1590.  R.  of  Newton  Ferrers,  1591.  R.  of  Lezant,  1594. 
Provost  of  the  intended  College  of  King  James  at  Chelsea, 
1610-29.  A  member  of  the  Council  for  New  England,  1620. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Bradley,  of  Louth,  Lines. 
Author,  controversial.  Died  1629.  Will  proved,  Nov.  24, 
1629  by  his  widow  Anne.  Brother  of  Luke  (above)  and  of 
Solomon  (i577).  (D.N.B.;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  937;  F.M.G., 

SUTLIFFE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
May  19,  1654.  S.  of  William,  of  Halifax.  School,  Halifax. 
Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1659.  V.  of  CampsaU,  Yorks.,  1662-82 
(presented  by  the  University).  R.  of  Everingham,  1681- 
1707.  Buried  Sept.  29,  1707. 

SUTCLIFFE,  SOLOMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1577.  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Grimsby,  Lines.  B.A.  1581-2. 
Mayor  of  Grimsby,  1598,  1599,  1603  and  1608.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Bradley,  of  Louth.  Died  1609. 
Brother  of  Matthew  (1565)  and  Luke  (1573).  (F.M.G.,  541; 
Lines.  Pedigrees,  937.) 

SUTCLIFFE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1607.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1577),  of  Grimsby.  Bapt.  there. 
Mar.  1,  1589-90.  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 
R.  of  North  Fambridge,  Essex,  1628-30.  Married  Alice,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Harris,  Knt.,  Sept.  2,  1629,  Died  1630. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  938.) 

SUTCLIFFE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  17,  1658. 
Of  Sowerby,  Halifax,  Yorks.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (and 
Susanna,  dau.  of  Robert  Thomas,  of  Wadsworth).  Matric. 
1658;  B.A.  1661.  Married  and  had  issue.  (F.M.G.,  541.) 

Sutton,  Henry 

SUTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1609.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1612-3. 

SUTHERLAND,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Trinity, 
June  5,  1724.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  School,  West- 

SUTFYLDE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1549  (imputes). 

SUTHY  or  SOTHY, .  B.Mus.  1489-90. 

SUTTLE,  GER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1550. 

SUTTELL,  HENRY.  B.A.  1504-5.  Perhaps  V.  of  Kirkburton, 
Yorks.,  1506,  Suthill. 

SUTTELL,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Nicholas  Hostel.  Perhaps  B.A. 
1496,  Sotell.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1506;  in  Holy  Orders. 

SUTEL, .  B.A.  1479. 

SUTTELL  or  SOOTELL, .  M.Gram.  1508-9. 


SUTTON,  ALEXANDER.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1635  (Incorp. 
from  Dublin).  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  V.  of  Lisdery,  Cork. 
Adm.  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  Feb.  2,  1627-8.  (Degrees 
there  unrecorded.)   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

SUTTON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Sept.  12,  1705.  Of  Dorset.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (?i635), 
of  Ibberton,  Dorset,  clerk.  School,  Winchester.  Matric. 
1705-6;  Scholar,  1705;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Previously 
at  Oxford.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  22, 1704-5, 
age  20  (sic).  Ord.  deacon  (Sarum)  May  30;  priest,  Aug.  17, 
1708;  chaplain  to  Viscoimt  Cobham.  R.  of  Sherfield-on- 
Loddon,  Hants.,  1708-30.   R.  of  Abbots  Anne,  1728.  Died 

1730.  Perhaps   brother  of   William   (1709).     (Winchester 
School  Register;  A  I.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

SUTTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  7, 
1669.  Matric.  1669,  'Thomas';  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  25,  1673;  C.  of  Thurston,  Leics.  R.  ofSapcote, 
1681-5.  Will  (Leicester)  1685. 

SUTTON,  CORNELIUS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  14,  1700. 
Of  Stafiordshire.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708. 
Usher  of  Repton  School,  1708-11.  R.  of  Dalbury,  Derbs., 
1711-31.  V.  of  Melbourne,  1718-31.  Buried  there  Nov.  12, 

1731.  Father  of  John  Cooke  (i737).    (J-  J-  Briggs,  Mel- 

SUTTON,  DANIEL.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1628-9;  M.A.  1632. 
Perhaps  C.  of  Wethersfield,  Essex,  in  1637.  (H.  Smith.) 

SUTTON,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  14,  1655. 
Of  Essex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Daniel  (above).  Matric.  1656;  B.A. 
1659-60;  M.A.  1668.  Signed  for  deacon's  Orders  (London) 
Feb.  17,  1664-5;  'C.  of  Langenhoe,  Essex.* 

SUTTON,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  25,  1696. 
S.  of  John,  of  Newton,  Cheshire.  M.A.  1696  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  May  10,  1678, 
age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1681-2.  P.C.  of  Betley,  Staffs.,  1690- 
4.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

SUTTON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  i, 
1696.  S.  of  George,  merchant.  B.  in  the  Barbadoes.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Matric.  1696. 

SUTTON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1571.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1571;  of  Colwicb, 

SUTTON,  EDWARD.  B.A.fromST  John's,  1604-5.  Of  Norfolk. 
M.A.  1608;  B.D.  1616.  Fellow,  1606.  One  of  these  names 
minister  at  Tamworth,  Stafis.,  1625-6. 

SUTTON,  GEORGE.  B.Can.L.  1527-8.  Canonicus.  One  of  these 
names,  'B.D.,'  R.  of  Brantham,  Sufiolk,  1536.  Perhaps 
preb.  of  Chichester,  1535-58. 

SUTTON,  GEORGE.  B.A.  1542-3. 

SUTTON,  GIBBONS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 
1692.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Byfleet,  Surrey.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1693;  Scholar,  1693;  B.A. 
1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  Fellow,  1698.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
June  14,  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1699.  Lecturer 
at  St  Benet,  Gracechurch  Street,  London.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  before  1718.   (Al.  Westmon.,  222.) 

SUTTON,  HARRINGTON.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1575.  Of  Islington,  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Henry, 
of  Averham,  Notts,  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Harrington). 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1580.  (Vis.  of  Notts.,  1569.) 

SUTTON,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1609.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  8,  1611-2.  R.  of  Brauncewell  with 
Dunsby,  Lines.,  1614.  Licence  (Archd.  of  Leicester)  1616, 
to  marry  Jane  Cotton,  of  Laughton. 


Sutton,  Henry 

SUTTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Peteriiouse,  June 
22,1714.  Of  Hampshire.  School,  Blandford.  Matric.  1714; 
B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1723.  Ord.  deacon  (Lambeth)  Mar.  9, 
1717;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1719.  Chaplain  to  the  Dowager 
Duchess  of  Bolton.  R.  of  Boconnoc,  Cornwall,  in  1726; 
also  V.  of  Lanteglos-by-Fowey.  Perhaps  Naval  chaplain, 
1728-31.  (T.  C.  Dale.) 

SUTTON,  HUGH  DE.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1319. 
Joined  the  Friars  Minor,  June  i,  1321. 

SUTTON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1620. 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Jime  12; 
priest,  June  13,  1625.  Sequestered  to  Henney,  Essex,  1643. 

SUTTON,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1424;  resigned,  Nov. 
28,  1429 ; '  LL.B.'  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Harmondsworth, 
1435-6;  M.A.  R.  of  Leaveland,  Kent,  1436.  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1447-60.  R.  of  Shepperton,  Middlesex,  1448-51. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1452-79.  R.  of  St  Michael,  Crooked  Lane, 
London,  1474-9.  Died  before  Mar.  8,  1479-80.   (Hennessy.) 

SUTTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene.  Michs.  16x9; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M-A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21; 
priest,  Dec.  22,  1623. 

SUTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  2,  1630-1. 
S.  of  John,  R.  of  Caston,  and  of  Wood  Rising,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Wood  Rising.  Schools,  Westminster  and  Griston 
(Mr  Dockerell).  Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1633-4. 

SUTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  lo, 
1668.  S.  of  Ellis,  husbandman,  of  Denbigh.  B.  there.  School, 
Wrexham.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2. 

SUTTON  or  SYRTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  Jan.  4,  1668-9.  Of  Cambridge.  School,  Cambridge. 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  1673;  'C.  of  Hingham';  priest,  Dec.  1674. 
Probably  R.  of  Hardinghara,  Norfolk,  1675-81. 

SUTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  June  22,  171 7, 
from  Brasenose  CoUege,  Oxford.  S.  of  J.,  of  Grappenhall, 
Cheshire.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  28, 
1709-10,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1713;  M.A.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, 1717.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  9,  1717-8;  priest, 
Dec.  20,  1719.  V.  of  Ampney  Crucis,  Gloucs.,  1719-23. 
Canon  of  Bristol,  1723-45.  V.  of  St  Leonard,  Bristol,  1731-4. 
V.  of  Portbury,  Somerset,  1734.  V.  of  St  Augustine,  Bristol, 
1734-45.  Died  Dec.  30,  1745.  {Ai.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday; 
Le  Neve,  Fasti,  i.  227.) 

SUTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  14,  1730. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Newton-in-the-Fylde,  Lanes.  School, 
Winwick,  Lanes.  (Mr  Wright).  Matric.  1730;  Scholar,  1733; 
B.A.  1733-4.  Master  at  Daresbury  Grammar  School.  C.  at 
Garstang,  1736.   (R.  Stewart-Brown.) 

SUTTON,  JOHN  COOKE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  11,  1737. 
Of  Melbourne,  Derbs.  S.  of  Cornelius  (1700).  School, 
Repton.  Matric.  1737;  Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1740-1. 

SUTTON,  LUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1616;  B.A. 
1619-20;  M.A.  1623. 

SUTTON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  21,  1672.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Pontefract.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A. 
(Oxford)  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678.  R.  of 
Burghwallis,  Yorks.,  1680-1701.  V.  of  Aberford,  1690. 
Died  Jan.  25,  1701.   M.I.  at  Burghwallis.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SUTTON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1574.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Hamon,  of  Washing- 
borough,  Lines.,  Esq.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1577. 
{Vis.  of  Lines.,  1592.) 

SUTTON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1578. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Averham,  Notts.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  18,  1580;  of  Notts.,  barrister,  Fumival's 
Inn.  Married  Helen,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  MoUineux,  of 
Sephton,  Lanes.  Brother  of  William  (1578).  (Vis.  of  Notts., 

SUTTON,  OLIVER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  29,  1614; 
B.A.  1617-8. 

SUTTON,  RICHARD.  M.A.  FeUow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1420. 

SUTTON,  RICHARD.  D.D.  1480-1.   A  friar. 

SUTTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  4,  1581.  Of  London.  Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1585-6; 
M.A.  1589;  B.D.  1599.  Fellow,  1584-1608.  Vice-Provost, 
1607.  Proctor,  1597-8.  R.  of  Horstead,  Norfolk,  1608; 
also  R.of  Coltishall.  Died  Apr.  16, 1619.  Buried  at  Horstead. 

SUTTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1620. 
Probably  s.  of  Sir  William  (1578),  of  Aram  (or  Averham), 
Notts.,  Knt.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14, 1624-5.  Probably 
brother  of  Robert  (i6ii).  {Vis.  of  Notts.,  1569,  1614.) 

SUTTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  25, 
1749-50  (re-adm.  Fell.-Com.  Nov.  11,  1751).   and  s.  of  Sir 

SuTTON,  Thomas 

Robert,  K.B.,  of  London  (and  Judith,  Dowager  Countess  of 
Sunderland).  B.July 31, 1733.  School, Westminster.  Matric. 
1750;  Scholar,  1750;  M.A.  1753.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Aug.  21,  1754.  Under  Secretary  of  State,  1766-72.  Com- 
missioner of  the  Privy  Seal,  1768.  M.P.  for  St  Albans,  1768- 
80;  for  Sandwich,  1780-4;  for  Boroughbridge,  1784-96. 
Created  Bart.,  Oct.  14,  1772.  A  Lord  of  the  Treasury, 
1780-2.  OfNorwood  Park,  Notts.  Married  three  wives.  Died 
Jan.  10,  1802,  aged  68.  {G.E.C.,  v.  162.) 

SUTTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1569. 
Probably  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  July,  1574;  priest,  Oct.  21, 
1575;  'bred  in  the  schools.'  V.  of  Milton  Ernest,  Beds., 

SUTTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1611.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William  (1578),  of  Averham, 
Notts.,  Knt.  B.  1594.  M.P.  for  Notts.,  1624-5,  1640-3. 
A  zealous  Royalist;  contributed  largely  to  the  garrisoning 
of  Newark-upon-Trent.  Created  Baron  Le.xinton  of  Aram 
(or  Averham),  Notts.,  Nov.  21,  1645.  Married  three  wives. 
Died  Oct.  13,  1668,  aged  74.  Buried  at  Averham.  Probably 
brother  of  Richard  (1620).  {G.E.C.;  Thoroton,  111.  112; 

SUTTON,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  19,  1717.   S. 

of  Richard,  Esq.,  of  Edwinstow,  Notts.    Of  Scofton,  Esq. 

Died  Nov.  13,  1776.   Father  of  the  next.  (Burke.) 
SUTTON,   ROBERT.    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   (age   18)  at  Trinity, 

Dec.  30,   1743.    S.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Scofton,  Notts. 

School,  Westminster.  Succeeded  his  father,  1776. 
SUTTON,    ROGER    DE.     FeUow   of    Peterhouse,    1352.     Of 

Lincoln    diocese.     M.A.;    D.C.L.     V.    of    Stokehampton. 

Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  benefice,  1363,  and  for  canonry  at 

Hereford.  Canon  of  Hereford,  1368.   R.  of  Glatton,  Hunts., 

1366-76.  R.  of  Newton,  Cambs.,  1394.  R.  of  Gwnicham  (sic), 

Durham,  1394.  {Cat.  of  Pap.  Pet.,  1.  405;  Crosby.) 
SUTTON,    SAMUEL.     Adm.    pens,    at    Peterhouse,    1602-3. 

Probablys.of  Thomas(i56i).  Matric.  Easter,  1603;  Scholar, 

1605-10;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  i6io.    Probably  succeeded  his 

father  as   R.   of   Eriswell,   Suffolk,    1614-49-    D'ed    1649. 

Admon.,  June  18,  1649,  to  relict  Mary;  Bury  St  Edmunds. 

Father  of  Thomas  (1633). 
SUTTON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1626.     Of    Huntingdonshire.     B.A.    1629-30;    M.A.    1635. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Asgarby,  Lines.,  1663-81. 

SUTTON,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1638. 

SUTTON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  2, 
1717.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Aldborough,  near  Boroughbridge.  School,  Coxwold  (Mr 
Midgeley).  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May  20,  1722;  'C.  of  Whixley,  Yorks.';  priest  {Litt.dim.irom 
York)  May,  1737.  C.  of  Levisham. 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  D.D.  FeUow  of  University  Hall  (after- 
wards Clare).  Chancellor  of  the  University,  1359-60.  Ord. 
sub-deacon  (Ely)  1344;  priest,  1345.  V.  of  Walesby,  Lines. 
Petitioned  the  Pope,  1363,  for  a  canonry  at  Lincoln.  {Cal. 
Pap.  Pet.,  I.  435-) 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1449-1502. 
Probably  B.Can.L.  1460-1;  D.Can.L.  1464-5-  V.  of  Clare, 
Suffolk,  1482-1502;  styled  Doctor.  Died  1502.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Clenchwarton,  Norfolk,  1456.  {Suffolk  Archaeol. 
Proc,  VIII.  235.) 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1551. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  St  Swithin,  Lincoln.  B.  1532,  at  Snaith, 
Lines.  School,  Eton.  Said  to  have  studied  law  at  Lincoln's 
Inn.  Travelled  abroad.  Served  in  the  army  at  Berwick  and 
elsewhere.  Surveyor  of  the  ordnance  in  the  northern  parts, 
1570.  Made  a  vast  fortune  by  obtaining  leases  of  coal- 
land  in  Durham.  Settled  in  London,  1580.  Bought  the 
Charterhouse,  May  9,  1611,  and  founded  the  school  and 
hospital.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Gardiner,  Esq., 
and  widow  of  John  Dudley,  of  Stoke  Newington,  Esq.,  Sept. 
17,  1582.  Purchased  the  manor  of  Castle  Camps,  Cambs., 
1607.  Estimated  the  richest  commoner  in  England;  his  real 
estate  was  computed  at  £5000  per  annum,  and  his  personalty 
at  £60,410.  9$.  <)d.  Died  Dec.  12,  1611,  aged  79.  Buried  in 
the  Chapel  of  Charterhouse.  M.I.  {Cooper,  iii.  49;  E.  S. 
Creasy,  Eminent  Etonians,  45;  D.N.B.  (re-issue),  where 
identification  with  the  student  of  St  John's  is  considered 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  8,  1561. 
Of  Nonvich.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  School,  Norwich.  Matric. 
156 1 ;. Scholar, in  1564;  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568.  Ord. deacon 
(Lincoln)  1565;  priest  (Norivich)  Sept.  27,  1570.  R.  of 
Eriswell,  Suffolk,  1571-1614.  Licence  at  Bury,  July  11, 
1585,  to  marry  Elizabeth  Hunt,  of  Bury.  Probably  father 
of  Samuel  (1602-3).  (Venn,  i.  45.) 


Sutton,  Thomas 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  (age  i6)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1633.  S.  of  Samuel  (1602-3),  clerk.  B.  at  Eriswell, 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Dec.  20,  1640.  Perhaps  R.  of  Aveley,  Essex,  1653.  One  of 
these  names  (M.A.),  chaplain  to  Lord  Craven;  V.  of  Skipton, 
Vorks.,  and  V.  of  Carleton,  1674- 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  30, 
1635-6.  S.  of  John.  B.  in  London.  School,  London.  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  (Corpus  Christi,  Oxford)  1640-1;  M.A.  {do)  1644; 
D.D.  from  Christ's,  1666  {Lit.  Reg.).  R.  of  Woiverton, 
Hants.,  i66i.  Preb.  of  Winchester,  1673-96.  Died  c.  1696. 
Perhaps  father  of  William  (1709)  and  of  Charles  (1705). 
(Peile,  I.  440.) 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  17,  1647. 
Of  Lancashire.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  20,  1648-9;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1650-1. 
(Foster's  suggestion  that  he  was  R.  of  Woiverton  seems 
unlikely,  as  he  was  not  D.D.)  {Al.  Oxon.) 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  16,  1665. 
Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19, 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  7, 
1673-4.  S.  of  Cleer,  husbandman,  of  Wilton,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Feltwell  (Mr  Fish  and  Mr  Parseley)  and 
Thetford  (Mr  Keen). 

SUTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  27, 
1743.  S.  of  William,  of  Carkries  (sic),  (?  Carhayes),  Cornwall, 
clerk.  School,  Truro  (Mr  Conon).  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7. 
Previously  at  Oxford.  Matric.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  May 
16,  1743,  3ge  19.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1432.  D.Can.L. 
1432.  V.  of  Haslingfield,  Cambs.,  1445-8-  Chaplain  of 
WhitUesford  Bridge.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1454:  of  the  College 
(i.e.  Hospital)  of  St  John,  Cambridge:  to  be  buried  there  in 
the  Chapel  of  St  Mary.  Money  to  Haslingfield  and  East 
Lavant,  Sussex.  A  book  to  the  University  Library.  Ap- 
parently of  Sutton-by-Risworth,  Notts.,  to  which  he  leaves 
a  chalice  and  provides  for  his  own  soul  and  those  of  his 
parents.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  'Of  King's'  {Pits,  642).  Pupil  of  Thomas 
Stacey.  Mathematician  and  astrologer.  Fl.  c.  1450.  {Fuller, 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1460-1  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Perhaps  R.  of  St  Stephen  Wallbrook,  London,  1479-1503. 
'B.D.'  Died  1503.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1503.  (One  of  these  names, 
M..\.,  R.  of  Galby,  Leics.,  1469-85,  resigned.) 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1578. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Averham  (or  Aram),  Notts. ; 
age  14  in  1575.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn  Jan.  24,  1579-80; 
of  Notts.  Knighted  Apr.  22,  1603.  Of  Averham,  Notts. 
Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cony,  of  Basingthorpe,  Lines. 
Buriedat  Averham,  Oct.  1611,  aged  52.  M.I.  Will  (Lincohi). 
Brother  of  Nicholas  (1578)  and  probably  father  of  Robert 
(1611)  and  of  Richard  (1620).   {Vis.  of  Notts.,  1569,  1614.) 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1627.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Detling,  Kent,  in  1643.  V.  of  Thomham, 
1661-73.  Died  Nov.  28,  1673. 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1695.  S. 
of  Robert,  of  Canterbury,  gent.  Matric.  1695.  Migrated  to 
Pembroke,  Dec.  16,  1698.  B..-^.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Fellow, 
1703-9-  C.  at  Framlingham,  Suffolk,  1706.  V.  of  Saxthorpe, 
Norfolk,  1708-27.  R.  of  Hunworth,  1710.  R.  of  Gt  Cressing- 
ham,  1719-25.  R.  of  Salle,  1725-31.  Author,  sermons.  Died 

SUTTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Nov.  8,  1709.  Of  Hampshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (?  1635- 
6),  canon  of  Winchester.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1710; 
Scholar,  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717-  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Mar.  1,  1712-3.  One  of  these  names  schoolmaster  of  Marl- 
borough; admon.  (P.C.C.)  i753-  Perhaps  brother  of  Charles 

Resident  in  1431.  Carmelite  friar. 
Scholar  of  Queens',  1551-2- 
TRISTRAM.     Matric-    Fell.-Com.    from    Jesus, 
Easter,  1560.  Perhaps  s.  of  Tristram,  R.  of  Stepney,  Middle- 
sex, and  preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1560. 

SWADEL,  WILLIAM.  Resident  graduate,  1448.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Gt  Lees,  Essex,  1465-93. 

SWADOCK  or  SWATTOCK,  ROBERT.  B.A.  V.  of  Whittles- 
ford,  Cambs.,  1564-7  (presented  by  Jesus  College).  V.  of 
Duxford  St  John,  1567-70  (presented  by  Clare).  Died  before 
Feb.  21,  1570-1.   (Crosby.) 

SWAFFHAM,  JOHN.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1330. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Cheshunt,  Herts.,  1332-7-  One  of  these  names 
prior  of  Dunmow,  Essex,  1370;  died  1390. 

SwALE,  George 

SWAFFHAM,  JOHN.  D.D.  Carmelite  friar,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk. 
Bishop  of  Cloyne,  till  1376.  Bishop  of  Bangor,  1376-98. 
'  A  vigorous  opposer  of  Wickliffe's  Errors.'  Author,  Sermons. 
{Pits,  559;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  i.  100;  Monasticon  Angl.,  11. 

SWAFFHAM,  NICHOLAS  DE.  Vice-Chancellor  in  1418. 
Carmelite  friar.  Prior  of  the  Cambridge  House.  Author, 
theological.  Died  1449.   {Pits,  641;  Man.  Angl.,  11.  172.) 

SWAFFHAM,  RICHARD.  B.D.  1479-80.  A  monk.  D.D.  1482-3. 

SWAFFIELD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  July 
20,  1644.  S.  of  Matthew.  B.  at  Dorchester.  School,  Dor- 
chester (Mr  William  Reve).  Matric.  1645,  'Swasfield.' 
Chaplain  to  Sir  Thomas  Trenchard,  in  Dorset.  R.  of  Odstock, 
Wilts.,  1649-62,  silenced.  Imprisoned,  1674-5.  Wandered 
to  many  places,  but  chiefly  resident  at  Salisbury.  Died  Sept. 
1681,  at  Salisbury,  aged  56.   {Peile,  1.  488;  Calamy,  11.  508.) 

SWAFFIELD  or  SWEFFIELD, .  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catha- 
rine's, 1673. 


SWAINSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1740.  3rd  s. 
of  John,  of  Skipton,  Yorks.,  gent.  B.  Jan.  29,  1714-  Matric- 
(University  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  12,  1732-3,  age  18;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1736.  Ord.  priest  {Litt.  dim.  from  York)  July,  1738; 
C.  of  Gisbum,  Yorks.  V.  of  Giggleswick,  1738-41.  V.  of 
Goosnargh,  Lanes.,  1740-70.  R.  of  Staveley,  Yorks.,  1765. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Anthony  Lister,  of  Newsom, 
Yorks.  Died  Feb.  26,  1775,  aged  61.  Buried  at  St  Michael's- 
in-Wyre,  Lanes.   {Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Parker;  Burke,  L.G.) 

SWAINSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June 
13,  1737.  S.  of  Laurence,  of  Otley,  Yorks.  B.  in  Yorkshire. 
School,  Skipton  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Matric.  1737;  Scholar, 
1740;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1744.  FeUow,  1746.  Bunting, 
Walkhampton  and  KnapweU,  Preacher,  and  Steward,  1750- 
V.  of  Bourn,  Cambs.,  1754-5-  Died  Dec.  1755,  at  Otley,  Yorks. 
Will  proved  (York)  May,  1756.   {Peile  n.  234;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SWAINSTON,  CUTHBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  25,  1677.  S.  of  Richard,  currier,  of  Gainford,  Durham. 
Bapt.  there,  Apr.  5,  1660.  School,  Coniscliffe  (private). 
Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1 ;  M.A.  1684.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle, 
Litt.  dim.  from  Durham)  Sept.  24,  1682.  V.  of  Bishop 
Middleham,  Durham,  1683-1740-  Married  Apr.  30,  1695, 
Elizabeth  Tonge.  Buried  June  3,  1740,  at  Bishop  Middleham. 
(H.  M.  Wood;  J.  R-  Wallran,  Gainford.) 

SWAINSTON,  GABRIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1678;  LL.B.  1678.  Died  Feb.  22,  1711-2,  aged  63. 
M.I.  at  St  Margaret  Crosgate,  Durham. 

SWAINSTONE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
May  9,  1668.  S.  of  John,  of  Gainford,  Durham.  Bapt.  there, 
Dec.  30,  1648.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  167T-2. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  24,  1671.  C.  at  Eryholme,  Yorks., 
in  1691.  V.  of  Urswick,  Lanes.,  1696-1714,  afterwards  at 
Hawkeshead.  Will  (Richmond)  1719.   (E.  Axon.) 

SWAINSTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  20,  1709.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Yarm,  Yorks.  School, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne  (Mr  Rudd).  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3; 
M.A.  1716.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1716.  Doubtless  C.  of 
St  Hilda's,  South  Shields,  Durham,  1717-39;  R-  of  Sunder- 
land, 1739-58.  Buried  there  Aug.  3,  1758.  (H.  M.  Wood; 
G.  Mag.) 

SWALCLYF, .  Scholar  at  King's,  1458-61.  One  Edmund 

Swalclyffe  R.  of  Shering,  Essex,  1461;  died  1467. 

SWALDEN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  17,  1655.  S.  of  Richard,  citizen  of  London.  B.  Nov.  20, 

1636.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1656.  V.  of 
Codicote,  Herts.,  1675-1703.   Died  1703. 

SWALE,  CHRISTOPHER.  B..\.  (?  1594-5);  M.A.  from  Trinity, 
1598;  B.D.  from  Sidney,  1605;  D.D.  1612.  Fellow  of  Sidney. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1607.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
July  30,  1598.  V.  of  St  Clement's,  Cambridge,  1603-7.  R.  of 
Hurstpierpoint,  Sussex,  1607-45-  V.  of  Westboume,  1614-44, 
sequestered.  Died  Sept.  5,  1645.  Buried  at  Hurstpierpoint. 
Father  of  George  (1637)  and  perhaps  of  the  next-  (W.  C. 
Renshaw;  Al.  Oxon.) 

SWALE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  7,  1638. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher  (above).  Matric.  1639;  Scholar, 
1641;  B..\.  1643-4.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  21, 
1645-6;  of  Hurstpierpoint,  Sussex,  Esq.  Perhaps  brother 
of  the  next. 

SWALE,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  28, 

1637.  S.  and  h.  of  Christopher  (1594-5).  D.D.  School, 
Croydon  (Mr  Webb).  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1639.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (above). 


Swale,  Humphrey 

SWALE,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1592-3.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  June  8,  1593.  Married  Jane  Canmer,  Nov.  25, 
1595,  at  St  Michael-le-Belfrey,  York. 

SWALE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1588. 

SWAYLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Apr.  16, 1610.  Matric. 
1611;  B.A.  1613-4. 

SWAILE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Peter- 
borough, Liu.  dim.  from  York),  Sept.  22,  1728;  priest,  Aug. 
16,  1730.  C.  of  Sneinton,  Notts.,  1728.  Probably  V.  of 
Radford,  173 1.  V.  of  Car  Colston,  1731.  Master  of  Notting- 
ham Grammar  School.  Buried  at  Sneinton,  Dec.  17,  i73i- 
(Godfrey,  Notts.) 

SWALE,  REGINALD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  1629. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1650 ;  clerk,  in  the  service  of  the  East  India  Company. 

SWALE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1566. 
S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Askham-Richard,  Yorks.  B.A. 
1568-9;  M.A.  1572;  LL.D.  from  Caius,  1587.  Fellow  of 
Jesus,  1571-6.  Fellow  and  tutor  of  Caius,  1576-89.  Pre- 
sident, 1582.  Bursar,  1585.  Accused  of  perverting  the  youth 
to  popery.  Master  in  Chancery,  1587-1608.  M.P.  for  Higham 
Ferrers,  1588-9.  R.  of  Elm  and  Emneth,  Norfolk,  1588. 
Chancellor  for  Ely  diocese,  1588-1606.  Preb.  (layman)  of 
York,  1589-1608.  Knighted,  July  23,  1603.  Said  to  have 
been  the  intimate  friend  and  adviser  of  the  Lord  Chancellor, 
Sir  Christopher  Hatton.  Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  James 
Rolfe,  of  St  Albans,  Herts.  Died  May  20,  1608.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Venn,  i.  85;  D.N.B.;  Cooper,  11.  492.) 

SWALE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct.  6, 
1580.  S.  of  Gilbert,  of  Green  Hamerton,  Yorks.  School, 
Allerton,  Yorks.  Scholar,  1583-8;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587. 
Of  Thorpe  Underwood,  Esq.  Signs  the  pedigree  in  the  Vis. 
of  Yorks.,  1612.    (Venn,  i.  107.) 

SWALE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  6, 
1721-2.  S.  of  John,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  in  York.  School, 
Sherbum  (Mr  Moseley).  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1725-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (Chester)  1726;  priest,  Aug.  25,  1728;  C.  of  Golds- 
borough,  Yorks.,  1728.  P.C.  of  Arkendale,  1737-89-  V.  of 
Nidd,  1763-89.  Died  June,  1789,  aged  85.  (Scott-Mayor, 
III.  347;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

SWALE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  7, 
1659.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Solomon,  of  Swale  Hall,  Yorks.,  Bart. 
B.  in  London.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Holmes).  Of  London; 
doctor  of  physic.  Married  Isabel,  dau.  of  Thomas  Mitchell, 
of  London.  WiU  dated,  Apr.  i;  proved  (London)  Apr.  21, 
1684;  of  Cripplegate,  London.  (Peile,  1.  586;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1665;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxii.  122.) 

SWAILE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3. 

SWALE,  .    B.Can.L.  1493-4.    Reginald  Swale  was  V.  of 

Croydon,  Cambs.,  1499-1506. 

SWALE, .  B.A.  1523-4- 

SWALKE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1404. 

SWALLDALE   (?  SMALLSALE),   JAMES.     Matric.   sizar  from 

Trinity,  c.  1593. 
SWALLMAN,  GEOFFREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

c.  1593.    Of  Kent.    B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  from  Sidney,  i6oo; 

LL.D.  1613.   Fellow  of  Sidney.   Father  of  the  next.  ' 
SWALMAN  or  SWALIMAN,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at 

Sidney,  Sept.  11,  1622.  S.  of  Geoffrey  (above),  LL.D.  B.  at 

Cambridge.     School,    'Boughton,    Mount    Chessey,'    Kent. 

Matric.   1622.    One  of  these  names  died   1628;  buried  at 

Doddington,  Kent.   (Hasted,  11.  664.) 
SWALLOW,  ABRAHAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  9, 

1596.   Matric.  1596;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.   Ord.  deacon 

(Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1604,  age  25.    C.  of  Westhall.    R.  of 

llketshaU  St  John,  Sufiolk,  1609-26. 
SWALLOW,  BERNARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 

Nov.  15,  1726.    Of  Essex.   School,  Felsted.   Scholar,  1726; 

Matric.    1727;    B.A.    1730-1;    M.A.    1734.     Fellow,    1732. 

Proctor,  1749.   Old.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1733;  priest. 

Mar.  21,  1735-6.    Minister  of  Little  St  Mary,  Cambridge, 

1740-1.    R.  of    Exford,  Somerset,   1 750-1.     WiU   (P.C.C.) 

SWALLOWE,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1587;   B.A.   1591-2;   M.A.   1595.    Ord.  deacon   and  priest 

(Norwich)  Apr.  25,  i6oo,  age  31 ;  C.  of  Ixworth,  Suffolk.  R.  of 

Elmswell,  1612-26. 
SWALLOWE,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1585;   B.A.  1588-9;   M.A.   1592.    Ord.  deacon   (Norwich) 

June  24;  priest,  Oct.  3,  1596. 

SWALLOWE,  J.  B.Can.L.  1488-9. 

Swan,  George 

SWALLOW,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Jan.  6,  1657-8.  S.  of  Martin,  of  Wisbech,  Cambs.  Matric. 

SWALLOW,  MATTHIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1618.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1626.  C.  of  St  Margaret's, 
Lynn,  in  1635.  One  of  these  names  of  St  Bride's,  London; 
preacher  of  God's  word;  will  (P.C.C.)  1642. 

SWALLOW,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 

SWALLOW,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  i, 

1661.  S.  of  William  (1629),  of  Chelmsford,  M.D.  B.  in  Essex. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  i,  1662.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1662). 

SWALLOWE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1607;  B.A.  1610-1. 

SWALLOW,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  R.  of  Cockthorpe  and 
Langham,  Norfolk,  1646. 

SWALLOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  12,  1662.  S.  of  WUlJam  (1629),  M.D.  B.  at  Dunmow, 
Essex.  Matric.  1664-5;  B.A.  1665-6.  Brother  of  Samuel 
(1661)  and  perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1702). 

SWALLOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  29, 
1685.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Bayfield,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Bumham  Market.  School,  Holt.  Matric.  1685;  Scholar, 
1685-8.  Buried  Jan.  10,  1687-8,  at  Dalham,  Suffolk.  (Venn, 

I.  479-) 

SWALLOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  6,  1702.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1662),  of  Chelmsford,  F^sex, 
gent.  B.  at  Chelmsford.  Matric.  1703;  M.B.  1708.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Barnard,  V.  of  Thaxted.  Died  at 
Thaxted,  Essex,  Apr.  4,  1712.   M.I.  there.   (Le  Neve,  Mon., 

II.  248.) 

SWALLOW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636;  M.D.  1655.  Licensed  to 
practise  medicine,  1641.  Of  Chelrnsford,  Essex.  WiU  (Comm. 
Essex)  1694.  Father  of  Samuel  (1661)  and  Thomas  (1662). 

SWALLOWE, .  B.A.  1497-8;  M.A.  1501. 

SWALSALL,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1629. 
SWAN,  see  also  SWAYNE. 
SWAN,  ALDRICH.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  21, 

1662.  S.  of  John  (?i627),  R.  of  Denton,  Kent.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  2,  1667.  R.  of  Gt  Kington,  Dorset, 
1669-1714.  Chaplain  to  Viscount  Kilsyth.  R.  of  Langton 
Long,  Blandford,  1712-4.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Francis 
(1694).   (Vis.  of  Kent,  166s.) 

SWAN,  ALDRICH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Nov. 
12,1691.  Of  Dorset.  S.  of  Aldrich  (above).  School,  Norwich. 
Scholar,  1691;  Matric.  1694;  B.A.  1695-6.  R.  of  Gt  Kington, 
Dorset,  1715-27,  and  again,  1741-9.  Died  before  July  13, 
1749.  Brother  of  Francis  (1694).  (T.  A.  Walker,  190; 
Hutchins,  iv.  72.) 

SWANN,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  4, 
1649.  S.  of  John,  of  Cheshire. 

SWANNE,  DANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Lent, 

SWANNE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  i6, 
1618.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Francis  (next),  of  Denton,  Kent, 
Knt.  Matric.  1619.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  12,  1622. 
Living,  1638,  when  he  presented  John  Swan,  M.A.,  to  the 
Uving  of  Denton.   (Vis.  of  Kent;  Hasted,  in.  761.) 

SWANNE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  c.  1589. 
Doubtless  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Wye,  Kent,  and  nephew  of  John 
(1569).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  6,  1592-3.  Knighted, 
May  8,  1608.  Of  Denton  Court.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
Sir  Edward  Boys,  of  Kent.  WiU,  1623.  Father  of  Edward 
(above)  and  probably  of  John  (1627).  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619; 
Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

SWAN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  1694. 
S.  of  Aldrich  (1662),  R.  of  Kington,  Dorset.  B.  there.  School, 
Wimbome,  Dorset.  B.A.  1697-8;  M.A.  1701.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  16,  1700-1;  priest,  June  15,  1701.  R.  of 
Langton  Long,  Blandford,  Dorset,  1714-22.  R.  of  Silton, 
\  1726-40.  Chaplain  to  Earl  Graham.  R.  of  Gt  Kington, 
1727-40.  Died  before  July  31,  1740.  Brother  of  Aldrich 
(1691).  (F.  S.  Hockaday;  Hutchins,  iv.  72.) 

SWAN,  GEOFFREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1598; 
B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1605.  V.  of  Didlington,  Hunts.,  1611-26. 

SWANNE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625. 
Matric.  1625.  Probably  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Southfleet,  Kent, 
Knt.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  9,  16.38. 


Swan,  George 

SWANN,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Trinity,  May  30, 

1712.  S.  of  George,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 

1713-4;  B.A.  1716-7.   Ord.  priest  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from 

Peterb.)  May  24,  I7i9- 
SWANNE,  GREGORY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  26)  at  Caius,  June  4, 

1599,  from  St  Catharine's.  S.  of  John,  of  Norfolk,  deceased. 

B.A.  1600-1.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  28;  priest,  Dec. 

21,1601.  C.  of  Caistor-by-Norwich,  1601.  Licensed  to  teach 

alphabet  and  writing  at  Cley,  Jan.  13,  1595-6.    R.  of  All 

Saints',  Norwich,  1602-14.   (Venn,  i.  169.) 

SWANNE,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1522-3.  B.A.  (Paris). 

SWANNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1565. 

SWAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1569; 
B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1583.  Fellow  of  Magdalene, 
1579.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1577.  Of  South  Hanningfield, 
Essex.  Author,  religious.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1616-7;  mentions 
nephew.  Sir  Francis  (c.  15S9).  {Peile,  i.  no;  Cooper,  11.  85.) 

SWANNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinitv,  Michs.  1587; 
Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  V.  of  Sawston, 
Cambs.,  1600-39.  Married  Sarah  Adams,  of  Gt  Shelford,  in 
1604.  Buried  Nov.  19,  1639,  at  Sawston.  Probably  father 
of  John  (1622)  and  perhaps  of  Thomas  (1622).  (J.  Crosby.) 

SWAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

SWANN,   JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   Easter,   1622. 

Probably  s.  of  John  (1587).   B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.   Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  2;  priest,  Dec.  3,  1629.    Minister  of 

Duxford  St  Peter,  Cambs.,  1630.   V.  of  Sawston,  1641-60; 

again    presented,    1664-9.     V.    of    Whittlesford,    1647-69. 

Buried  at  Sawston,  Mar.  17,  1670-1.   Will  (C.  C.  Ely)  1671. 

(J.  Crosby.) 
SWAN,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',   Easter,   1627. 

Of  Kent.    Probably  5th  s.  of  Sir  Francis  (1589).  of  Denton 

Court,  Kent,   Kut.    B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.    Ord.  priest 

(Norwich)  June  6,  1633.   Doubtless  R.  of  Denton,  1638-44. 

See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a   contemporary  namesake.    Probably 

brother  of  Edward  (1618)  and  father  of  Aldrich  (1662).  (Vis. 

of  Kent,  1619,  1663;  Hasted,  iii.  761.) 
SWANN,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  12,  1700-1.    Of 

Leicestershire.      School,     Loughborough.      Matric.     1701; 

Scholar,  1702;  B.A.  1704-5.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  9,  1709. 

V.  of  Diseworth,   Leics.,   1712-24.    V.  of  Thorpe  Arnold, 

1724-40.  Died  Mar.  29,  1740,  aged  58.  Admon.,  Leicester. 

(Nichols,  II.  371.) 
SWANNE,  JOHN.   M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1714.  S.  of  J., 

of  Burland,  Cheshire,  clerk.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 

Mar.  28,  1683,  age  19;  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  1689. 

V.  of  Anstey,  Warws.,  1699-1712.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Fairfax. 

V.  of  Sittingboume,  Kent,  1710-21.    V.  of  Rodmersham, 

1715-22.    (Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  confounded  with  John 

SWAN,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1547. 

SWANN,  PHILIP.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1601-2;  M.A.  1605. 
Ord.  deacon  (Colchester)  May  13;  priest,  May  20,  1604; 
licenced  to  serve  the  cure  of  Fulboum  All  Saints',  Cambs., 
and  to  teach,  Sept.  4,  1604.   R.  of  Stoke  St  Mary,  Ipswich, 

1607,  resigned  the  Scime  year.  R.  of  Barton  Mills,  Suffolk, 
1608-12.  R.  of  Fiskerton,  Lines.,  1612-5.  R-  of  Tydd  St 
Mary,  Lines.,  1615-41.  Licence  (Lincoln)  to  marry  Anne 
Halhouse,  of  Tydd  St  Mary,  spinster,  Sept.  13,  1623.  [Peile, 
I.  229;  Crosby.) 

SWANNE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1568. 

SWAN,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1572. 

One  of  these  names  V.  of  RyhaU,  Rutland,   1583-1617. 

Died  1617. 
SWANN,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1598.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard  (?  above),  V.  of  Ryhall,  Rutland. 

B.A.  1601-2.    Head  Master  of  Starnford  School,  Lines.,  in 

1608.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  2;  priest,  June  7,  1612. 
R.  of  Stamford  St  Michael's,  1612-5,  'M.A.'  R.  of  Preston, 
Rutland,  1617-45  (sic).  Buried  at  Oakham,  Feb.  28,  1645 
(sic).  Will  of  one  of  these  names,  of  Oakham,  clerk,  dated, 
Nov.  16,  1648;  proved  (P.C.C.)  1649;  mentions  grand- 
children. Perhaps  father  of  Richard  (1636).  (Thos.  Sandall, 
Stamford  School.) 

SWAN,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1627. 

Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Andrew,  of  London,  gent.;  adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  5,  1628-9. 
SWAN,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  1636.    Of 

Rutland.   Perhaps  s.  of  Richard  (1598).   Matric.  1637;  B.A. 

1639;  M.A.  1643.   Ord.  deacon  Emd  priest  (Lincoln)  May  24, 

SWANN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  28, 

1699.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  in  London.  School,  Perse,  Cambridge 

(Mr  Sparkes).   Matric.  1699;  Scholar,  1700-1;  B.A.  1702-3; 


M.A.  1707.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1705;  priest,  June 
19,  1709.  C.  of  Lutton,  Northants.,  1707.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Isleham,  Cambs.,  1710-24.  (Peile,  u.  145.) 

SWAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1499. 

SWAN,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June,  1595.    Of 

Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  c.  1596. 
SWANNE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

1637;  B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20;  priest, 

Sept.  21,  1645. 
SWAN  or  SWAYNE,  ROGER.   Student  at  Cambridge.   Supp. 

for  B.Can.L.  (Oxford)  1516-7;  chaplain.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

SWAN,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1635. 

SWANN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1549. 
B.  in  London  diocese.  B.A.  1553-4;  M.A.  1561.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  21,  1561,  age  28;  'of  Trinity  College.'  R.  of 
Sutton,  Beds.,  1561. 

SWAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1622; 
Scholar,  1625;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1629.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1622). 

SWAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1622 ; 
B.A.  1626-7. 

SWANNE,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs.  1560. 

SWANNE  or  SWAINE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  May  8,  1503.  Of  Denham,  Bucks.  Left, 
c.  1505. 

SWAN,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1603;  M.A.  1607. 
Perhaps  R.  of  RidgweU,  Essex,  till  1615.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary  namesake. 

SWAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Nov.  29,  1648. 
Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Southfleet, 
Kent,  Knt.  (and  Cecilia,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Gierke,  of  Forde, 
in  Wrotham,  Kent).  Bapt.  Dec.  6,  1631,  at  Southfleet. 
Knighted,  May  28,  1660.  Created  Bart.,  Mar.  i,  1665-6. 
Married  Utricia  (Hester),  dau.  of  John  Ogle,  of  Pinchbeck, 
Lines.  Buried  at  Southfleet,  Oct.  9.  1680,  aged  49.  M.I. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1680-1.   (G.E.C.,  IV.  26.) 

SWAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  18,  1651. 
Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  of  Francis,  of  Southweald  (and  Mary, 
dau.  of  Dr  Barker,  Chancellor  of  Wales),  nephew  of  Edward 
(1618).  Adm.  extra-licentiate,  R.C.P.  Sept.  6,  1664;  B.A.; 
practising  at  Chadwell,  Essex.  Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1679;  of 
Oi-sett.   (Munk,  1.  315;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

SWAN,  .    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,   1546 


SWAN, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1629. 

SWAN, .  Adm.  at  Sidney,  Sept.  1636. 

SWANE, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1658. 

SWANBOROUGH,  HENRY.  B.A.  1492-3;  M.A.  1496;  B.D. 
1504-5.  Fellow  of  Clare,  1492.  V.  of  Campsall,  Yorks., 
1507  (presented  by  the  University). 

SWANLAND,  ROBERT.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1436-44. 

SWANSON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1575.  S.  of  James,  of  Ashby-de-la-Zouch,  Leics.  School, 
Ashby.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Oct.  2,  1575,  age  19;  previously 
also  at  Jesus.  B.A.  1577-8,  Swenson.   (Venn,  i.  83.) 

SWANSON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1488-9;  M.A.  1492-3;  B.D.  1499-1500. 

SWANSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1638.   Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1641-2. 

SW ANTON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Feb.  15, 
1647-8.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Feltwell,  Norfolk.  School, 
Feltwell  (Messrs  Taylor  and  Miredith).  Matric.  1647-8; 
Scholar,  1651-4;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  Ord.  priest 
(Bishop  Joseph  Hall)  June  20,  1654.  V.  of  Lakenheath, 
Suffolk,  1662-83.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1684.  (Venn,  i. 

SWANTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

SWANTON,  WILLIAM.   B.D.  1465-6.  A  friar. 

SWANWICKE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1602.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Allen,  of  Swan  wick,  Cheshire. 
(Vis.  of  Cheshire,  1613.) 

SWARE,  CORNELIUS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SWARLAND,  JOHN.  Matric.  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1581-2. 
S.  of  Richard,  citizen  and  Merchant  Taylor,  of  London. 
Bapt.  Aug.  24,  1565,  at  St  Christopher-le-Stocks,  London. 
Migrated  to  Caius,  July  23,  1584,  age  18.  Scholar,  1584-5. 
Probably  V.  of  Horton-Kirby,  Kent,  1597;  died  1627. 
Admon.  granted  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  13,  1628,  to  son  John.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  the  next.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

I  go 

SwARLAND,  George 

SWARLAND  or  SWARNELAND,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Pembroke,  c.  1593.  Probably  s.  of  Richard,  citizen  and 
Merchant  Taylor,  of  London.  Bapt.  June  10,  1570,  at  St 
Christopher-le-Stocks,  London.  B.A.  {?);  M.A.  1600,  Swar- 
land.  Perhaps  usher  of  the  Free  Grammar  School,  Man- 
chester; buried  there  Nov.  25,  1619.  Probably  brother  of 
John  (above). 

SWASAM,  GEOFFREY.  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1478-9. 

SWATHE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Perhaps  V.  of  Hatfield 
Peveril,  Essex,  1661-4,  Swarth. 

SWAINE,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7,  I7i8. 
Of  York.   Matric.  1718;  Scholar,  1720. 

SWAYNE,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1639.  S.  of  Robert  (1609),  of  Amport,  Hants.  Matric.  1639; 
[B.A.  1643].  Fellow,  1642-4.  Joined  the  Royalist  Army. 
Colonel  of  a  regiment  in  the  West.  Killed  by  accident  at 
Oxford,  c.  1644  by  his  servant,  whilst  teaching  him  to  use 
a  musket.  Buried  in  Christ  Church  Cathedral.  {King's 
Hist.,  125;  Harwood.) 

SWAYNE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1606.  'Of  Sarson,  Hants.'  Doubtless  s.  of 
Arthur,  of  Sarson.  Matric.  1606.  Left  in  1609;  'being  heir 
to  a  large  estate."  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  14,  1609. 
Succeeded  to  the  manor  of  Sarson  (alias  Ann  Savage).  Died 
1615.  Brother  of  Robert  (1609).  {Harwood;  Victoria  Hist. 
Hants.,  IV.  342,  363.) 

SWAINE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 
1636.  S.  of  James  (?  c.  1592),  V.  of  Hollym,  Yorks.,  deceased. 
B.  there.  School,  Bridlington.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1639-40. 
Probably  barrister,  of  York;  buried  at  St  Olave's,  York, 
Aug.  10,  1697. 

SWAYNE,  GEOFFREY.  Of  Clare.  B.A.  1504-5;  M.A.  1508. 
Admon.  (V.C.C.)  1509. 

SWAINE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1629.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1632-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
1633;  priest,  June  i,  1634.  Perhaps  R.  of  Sutton  Montis, 
Somerset,  1671-91.  Died  1691. 

SWAINE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1725; 
B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1735.  Old.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  22, 
1729-30;  priest  (Bath  and  Wells)  Sept.  9,  1731-  V.  of  East 
Harptree,  Somerset.  V.  of  Pucklechurch,  Gloucs.,  1768-71. 
(F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

SWAYNE  or  SWAN,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c. 
1592;  Scholar,  1593,  Swaynne;  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599. 
Doubtless  V.  of  HoUyin,  Yorks.,  till  1632.  Died  1632. 
Probably  father  of  Francis  (1636). 

SWEYN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1504-5.  Probably  V.  of  Madingley, 
Cambs.,  c.  1506-26,  and  R.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Colchester, 
Essex,  1518-26.  Died  1526.  (J.  Crosby.) 

SWAYNE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1522-3.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Church  Stanton,  Devon;  will  (P.C.C.)  1570. 

SWAYNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1617.  B. 
at  Thorpe,  Yorks.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  priest 
(London)  Dec.  23,  162 1,  age  23.  C.  of  Gt  Bentley,  Essex. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Westleton,  Suffolk,  1627-41.  See  also  the  next. 

SWAIN  or  SWAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  21, 
1626-7.  Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Cransford,  Suffolk,  1645;  of  Stonham 
Aspal,  1646  (Suffolk  Classis);  R.  (by  sequestration)  of  Hales- 
worth,  and  of  Holton,  1650.  Will  proved  (Norwich  Cons.  C.) 
1653;  'of  Walton,  alias  Holton.' 

SWAINE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  2,  1685.  Of 
Warwickshire.  Possibly  s.  of  William,  V.  of  Withybrook, 
Warws.;  ejected,  1663.  Matric.  1686.  Probably  brother  of 
WiUiam  (1684)  and  perhaps  of  Peter  (1663). 

SWAYNE  or  SWANE,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Pem- 
broke, June  5,  1663.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Withybrook, 
Warws.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1685)  and  William  (1684). 

SWAIN,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1477-8;  M.A.  1481.  One  Richard 
Swane,  of  Birkin,  Yorks.,  chaplain;  admon.  (York)  1520. 

SWAYNE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1533-4.  B.  at  Chesterton,  Cambs. 
M.A.  1537.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1534.  One  of  these  names 
of  Hallaton,  Leics.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1593. 

SWAYNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  1640-1,  from 
Oxford.  S.  of  John,  of  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  Nov.  4,  1639,  age  21. 

SWAYNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  15)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  July  18,  1609.  'Of  Sarson,  Hants.'  Doubtless  s.  of 
Arthur,  of  Sarson,  Hants.  Matric.  1609.  Fellow,  1612,  but 
left  without  a  degree,  1613.  Succeeded  his  brother  Edward, 
1615.  Held  the  manor  of  Sarson,  till  1641.  Captain  in  the 
Isle  of  Rh6  Expedition.  Afterwards  a  sea-captain;  did  good 
service  in  capturing  a  pirate.  Died  1648.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1606)  and  father  of  Arthur  (1639).  {Victoria  Hist.  Hants., 
IV.  342) 

SwEOPER,  Walter 

SWAINE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  May  17, 

1693.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Leverington,  Cambs.,  gent.  Matric. 

1693;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 

21,  1701. 
SWAIN,  THOMAS.   B.A.  1468-9;  M.A.  (?I473);  B.D.  1479-80. 

Probably  scholar  and  fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1476-1501. 

Proctor,  1477-8.    Canon  of  Lincoln,   1516-9.    Died  1519. 

Will  (V.C.C). 
SWAIN,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sx  John's,  July  i, 

1727.  S.  of  S.,  gent.,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Bradford.  School, 

Bradford  (Mr  Hill).  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1731-2.  Ord.  deacon 

(Liu.  dim.  from  York)  Feb.  1734-5;  'C.  of  Bradford';  priest 

(York)Sept.  22, 1745.  C.  of  Bardsey,  Yorks.  V.  ofBramham, 

SWEYN,  WALTER.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1351.  Promoted 

to  a  benefice,  1358. 
SWAIN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.  1592;  B.A. 

SWAYNE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May 

19,  1669.  S.  of  WiUiam,  clerk,  deceased,  of  the  Isle  of  Wight. 

B.  there.  School,  Newport.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A. 

1686.    Master  of  Aldenham  School,  Herts.,   1673-8.    Ord. 

deacon    (London)    May   21,    1676;   priest,   June    10,    1677. 

Probably  V.  of  Charing,  Kent,  1678-81.    V.  of  Ticehurst, 

Sussex,  1681-1718.   Buried  there  Jan.  28,  1717-8.   (W.  C. 

SWAINE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  16,  1684. 

Of  Warwickshire.   Possibly  s.  of  William,  V.  of  Withybrook, 

Warws.  (for  whom  sec  ^ ;.  Oxon.).  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1687-8. 

Probably  brother  of  John  (1685)  and  perhaps  of  Peter  (1663). 

SWAINE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1709.  S.  of  Henry, 
of  Sheepy  Magna,  Leics.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 
May  9,  1702,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1705-6.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

SWAIN, .  M.A.  1479-80. 

SWAYNES, .  B.A.  1490. 

SWEETE,  ADRIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1588; 
Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1593-4.  Of  Modbury,  Devon.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1605.  Married  Honor,  dau.  of  Richard 
Fownes,  of  Ugborough,  Nov.  9,  1595. 

SWETE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1553 
(imputes) ;  B.A.  1558-9.   Perhaps  fellow,  1559-60. 

SWEETE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1587; 
Scholar,  1590;  B.A.  1590-1. 

SWETE  or  SWETT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1561.  B.  at  Cambridge,  c.  1548.  Scholar,  1564;  B.A. 
1565-6;  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1571.  Fellow  of  Corpus 
Christi,  1571-g.  Bursar,  1572.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21, 
1574.  V.  of  Weybread  St  Andrew,  Suffolk,  1580-1606. 
(Peile,  I.  76.) 

SWEETE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Fellow.  One  of  these  names 
of  Rutland  (alias  Ruckland),  Lines.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1652. 

SWETE  or  SWETT, .  Scholar  at  Christ's,  1570-1.  Prob- 
ably akin  to  Robert  (1561). 

SWEETAPLE,   .    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   at  Sx  Catharine's, 

June  3,  1696.  Possibly  a  son  of  Sir  John  Sweetaple,  of 
London,  Knt.,  and  Sheriff  of  London,  1694. 

SWEETING,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  AUgdalene, 
June  13,  1692.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Ripon,  Yorks.  School, 
Ripon.  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  7,  1696;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1697.  Perhaps  father  of 
Richard  (1726). 

SWEETING,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  18. 
1622.  S.  of  Henry,  clothier.  B.  at  Lydeard  St  Lawrence, 
Somerset.  School,  Holford  (Mr  Friar).  Matric.  1622. 

SWEETING,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  23,  1726.  Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  George  (1692). 
School,  Ripon.   Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1726;  B.A.  1729-30. 

SWEETING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  24, 1707-8. 
Of  London.  B.  Dec.  14,  1690.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1711-2. 

SWEETSER,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1620,  'Swithson';  B.A.  1623-4.  Master  and  fellow  of  Dul- 
wich  College,  Surrey;  left  in  1627.  V.  of  Tintagel,  Cornwall, 
1629;  sequestered,  c.  1646;  restored,  1660-8.  Died  July  28, 
1668.  Buried  at  Tintagel.  M.I.  Will,  Exeter.  (Walker, 
Sufferings;  Camberwell,  App.  xxxix.;  Victoria  Co.  Hist. 
Surrey,  ii.  204;  Maclean,  Trigg  Minor,  in.  225.) 


SWEOPER,  WALTER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 


SwETNAM,  Joseph 

SWERDARS,  .    Incorp.  from  Oxford,   1495-6.    Perhaps 

John  Swerder,  'M.A.,'  V.  of  Harlow,  Essex,  1493-1510.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1510. 

SWETNAM,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1619.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  minister  of  St  Alkmund's,  Derby, 
1586.  B.A.  1623;  M.A.  1627.  V.  of  Dalbury,  Derbs.,  1624; 
ejected,  1650.  V.  of  All  Saints',  Derby,  1643;  ejected,  1662. 
R.  of  Whitwell,  1658-62.  Father  of  the  next.  {Calamy,  i. 
315;  Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.,  iii.  no.) 

SWETNAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June 
20,  1656.  S.  of  Joseph  (above),  clerk,  of  Derby.  B.  there. 
School,  Derby.  Matric.  1656-7.  V.  of  Tumditch,  Derbs., 
till  1662,  ejected.   Author,  sermons.   {Calamy,  1.  335.) 

SWETTENHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  8,  1695.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  'Hearily'  (?  Heaviley, 
Stockport),  Cheshire.  B.  there.  School,  Macclesfield  (Mr 
Dobson).  Matric.  1695.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb. 
II,  1695-6.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1702. 

SWIFT,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  7,  1670. 
Matric.  1670. 

SWIFT,  DANIEL.  .\dm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1623.  Of  Leicester- 
shire. B.A.  1626-7.  Ord.  priest  (St  David's)  1628.  C.  of 
West  Walton,  Norfolk,  1633.  Perhaps  intruding  minister  at 
Uppingham,  Rutland,  in  1650. 

SWYFT,  ED.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1547. 

SWYFTE,  EDMUND.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1564; 

B.A.  1568-9. 
SWIFT,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1655.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb. 

22;  priest,  Feb.  24,  1661-2. 
SWIFT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  5,  1671. 

S.  of  William  (1624),  clerk,  of  Mileham,  Norfolk.    Schools, 

Seaming  (Mr  Burton)  and  Walsingham  (Mr  Pitts).   Matric. 

1671;  Scholar,  1671-5;  B.A.  1674-5. 
SWIFTE,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  7,  1627.    Of 

Essex.   Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Roydon,  Esiex, 

Knt.,  and  perhaps  grandson  of  Richard  (1564).  Matric.  1627. 

Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  7,  1631.   {Essex  Pedigrees, 

SWIFT,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  7, 1729. 

Of  Ashbourne,  Derbs.   Matric.  1729. 
SWIFT,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1468. 

Of  Newnham,  Northants.   B.A.  1470-1;  M.A.  1476-7. 
SWIFTE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1639;  B.A.  1648. 

Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Silkstone,  Yorks.    If  so,  minister  of 

Penistone,  Yorks.,  1649-62,  ejected.   Preacher  in  Yorkshire. 

Died  Oct.  31,  1689,  aged  68.    Perhaps  brother  of  William 

(1639).   {Calamy,  11.  569.) 

SWIFTE  or  SWYTE,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1528-9. 

SWYFT,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1631. 

SWIFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  16,  1706. 
S.  of  Robert,  husbandman.  B.  at  Kimberly,  Norfolk.  School, 
Wymondham.  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich)  Feb.  25,  1710-1;  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1712.  V.  of  Swerdeston,  Norfolk,  1726. 
R.  of  Swainsthorpe.  Died  Mar.  1766. 

SWIFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  30,  1735. 
S.  of  George,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at  Chesterfield.  School, 
Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrow).  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1738-9.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1738;  'C.  of  Dunton,  Beds.' 

SWIFT,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June  21, 
1656.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Walkley,  near  Sheffield,  Yorks. 
School,  Sheffield.   Matric.  1656. 

SWIFT,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 
1663.  S.  of  Edmund,  husbandman,  of  Darnall-in-Shefiield, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Potts).  Matric.  1663; 
B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  6,  1669. 

SWYFTE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1564.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Roydon,  Essex,  auditor. 
Married  Frances,  dau.  of  John  Duckett.  {Essex  Pedigrees, 

SWIFT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1576. 
Probably  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  30,  1583;  'B.A.';  priest, 
Dec.  31,1584.  R.ofBiscathorpe,  Lines.,  1584.  Will  (Lincoln) 

SWIFT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  St  John's,  July  4,  1549.  Probably 
s.  of  Robert,  of  Rotherham,  Yorks.,  Esq.  B.  there.  B.A. 
1552-3.  Fellow,  1553.  LL.B.  (Louvain).  Chancellor  of 
Durham,  1561-77.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Oct.  5,  1563. 
Canon  of  Durham,  1562  (stc)-99.  R.  of  Sedgefield,  Durham, 
1562-99.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lever,  Master  of 
St  John's.  Author,  ecclesiastical.  Died  1599.  Buried  in 
Durham  Cathedral.  M.I.   {Cooper,  11.  282;  D.N.B.) 

SwiNBURN,  John 

SWYFTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1566.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Rotherham,  Yorks.  B. 
1550.  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1599-1600,  1617-8.  Knighted, 
Apr.  17,  1603.  Of  Doncaster  and  Streethorpe.  Married 
(1)  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Hastings;  (2)  Ursula,  dau.  of 
Stephen  Barnham,  of  Lewes,  Sussex,  Esq.  Died  Mar.  14, 
1625  {sic).  Admon.  (York)  Jan.  1628-9.  (Hunter,  South 
Yorks.,  I.  206.) 

SWIFT,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1584-5. 

SWYFT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1587. 
Migrated  to  Clare.  B.A.  1592-3.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Aug.  19,  1587;  of  Durham,  and  of  New  Inn.  CeJled  to 
the  Bar,  1596. 

SWYFTE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1585. 

SWYFT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1544. 

SWYFT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1595-6. 

SWIFT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1598.  S.  of 
Thomas,  citizen  of  Lincoln.  Scholar,  1599;  B.A.  1601-2; 
M.A.  1605;  D.D.  from  St  John's,  1612.  Fellow  of  St  John's, 
1606  (by  royal  mandate).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1605.  R.  of 
Waddington,  Lines.,  i6io.  Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1622-46. 
Died  1646.  Will,  Lincoln.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Northants.  N.  and  Q., 
HI.  155.) 

SWIFTE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1611. 

5.  of  William  (1584),  R.  of  Harbledown,  Kent.  B.  in  St 
Andrew's,  Canterbury.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1614-5;  M.A. 
1619.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  19;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1619, 
age  24.  C.  of  Harbledown,  Kent.  V.  of  Goodrich  and 
Bridstow,  Hereford;  ejected,  1646.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1645- 

6.  Devoted  Royalist;  suffered  great  persecution.  Married 
Elizabeth  Dryden,  sister  of  the  poet.  Died  1658,  aged  63. 
(His  son  Jonathan  was  father  of  Dean  Swift.)  (Burke,  L.G.; 
W.  M.  Mason,  History  of  St  Patrick's,  227.) 

SWIFT,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  26, 
1658.  S.  of  John,  of  Shafton-in-Felkirk,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Hemsworth  (Mr  Wood).  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2; 
M.A.  1665.  Ord.  deacon  (Nonvich)  July  13,  1662;  priest, 
Mar.  15,  1662-3.   K.  of  St  Peter,  Ringstead,  Norfolk,  1674. 

SWYFT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1584.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  of  Canterbury.  B.  1566.  B.A. 
from  Clare,  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  R.  of  St  Andrew's,  Canter- 
bury, Kent,  1592-1624.  R.  of  Harbledown,  1601-24.  Died 
Oct.  24,  1624,  aged  58.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake.  Father  of  Thomas  (1611).  (Burke,  L.G.;  Hasted, 
IV.  469.) 

SWIFTE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595; 
B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,' 
licensed  to  preach  (York)  1613.  R.  of  South  Dalton,  Yorks., 

SWIFT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1624; 
B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1627-8; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25, 1631.  R.  of  Stanfield,  Norfolk,  1637. 
R.  of  Mileham,  1641.  Probably  R.  of  Little  Fransham,  1668. 
Married  Mary  Shene,  Aug.  20,  1639,  at  East  Lexham, 
Norfolk.   Father  of  Edward  (1671). 

SWIFTE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1639; 
B.A.  1642.   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1639). 

SWIFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  4,  1690.  Of 
Ireland.  Matric.  1690.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  William, 
of  Carlow  and  Kilkenny.  Of  Dublin.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  William  Longfield.  Died  1769. 

SWIFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  16,  1714. 
Matric.  17^:4;  B.A.  1717-8.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  20, 

SWYFTE, .  B.Can.L.  1496-7. 


SWILLINGTON,  THOMAS.  B.D.  1518-9.  A  friar.  Prior  of  the 
Augustinians  at  Cambridge,  1520.  Sufit.  to  Longland. 
Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1533,  by  the  title  of  Bishop  of  Phila- 
delphia, but  his  jurisdiction  was  restricted  to  the  Arch- 
deaconries of  Lincoln  and  Leicester.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1544-6.  Died  1546.   {Cooper,  i.  90.) 

SWINBANKE,  ROGER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  30,  1527.  Off,  1530.  Of  Nun  Monkton,  Yorks. 

SWYNBOURNE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 

SWYNBORNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

SWINBURN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  8, 
1649.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Barmston,  and  of  Butterby, 
Durham.  B.  at  Northallerton,  Yorks.,  1632.  School, 
Northallerton  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  from  Jesus,  1649.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  June  6,  1649.  Barrister.  Probably  Recorder 
of  Hartlepool,  1667-9.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  George 
Tonge,  of  Denton,  Durham.  Died  1686.  {Vis.  of  Durham, 
1666;  Peile,  1.  527;  Surtees,  n.  279.) 


SwiNBURN,  Lancelot 

SWYNBORNE,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1549. 

SWINBURNE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1564;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1571-2;  M.A.  1575-  Adm.  at  Douay 
College,  July  20,  1577,  '  M.A.'  Probably  brother  of  Robert 
(1568)  and  Simon  (1577).   {Douay  Diary.) 

SWYBORNE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1507-8.  Of  Newerton  (?  Naffer- 
ton),  Northumberland.  M.A.  1511;  B.D.  1530-1.  Fellow  of 
St  Catharine's.  Master  of  Pembroke,  1534-7.  V.  of  Tilney, 
Norfolk,  1537.  Died  1540.  Will  dated,  Jan.  20,  i539-4o; 
proved  (V.C.C.)  May  17,  1540.  Benefactor  to  Pembroke. 
{Cooper,  I.  72;  in.  117.) 

SWINBURNE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1568.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576.  Fellow, 
1576-80.  Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Douay)  Apr.  7, 
1583,  '  Lincolniensis.'  Probably  brother  of  Nicholas  (1564) 
and  Simon  (1577). 

SWINBURNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  22,  1714. 
B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  21,  1718.  One  of  these  names  of  Mercers'  Chapel, 
St  Olave  Jewry,  London,  clerk;  admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  21,1739. 

SWYNBORNE,  ROLAND.  B.A.  1516-7  (ist  in  the  ordo).  S.  of 
John,  of  Chopwell,  Durham,  and  of  Yorkshire.  M.A.  1520; 
B.D.  1544-5.  Fellow  of  Clare.  Proctor,  1529-30.  Master 
of  Clare,  1539-49,  and  again,  1553-7.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
June  15,  1527.  Master  of  the  Hospital  of  St  Mary,  Newcastle- 
on-Tyne,  1528-9.  Preb.  of  Durham,  1529.  R.  of  Little 
Shelford,  Cambs.,  1539.  Preb.  of  Sarum,  1544-57.  Died 
1557.  Will  dated,  Dec.  16,  1556;  proved  (P.C.C.  and  V.C.C.) 
Nov.  1557;  'of  Clare  Hall,  and  Harston.'  {Cooper,  i.  172; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1564;  Surtees,  11.  278;  College  Hist.,  428.) 

SWINBORNE,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1577. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Jan.  1578-9. 
Probably  brother  of  Nicholas  (1564)  and  Robert  (1568). 

SWINBURNE,  SYRTES  or  SURTEES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
St  John's,  Apr.  15,  1676.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  deceased, 
of  Winlaton,  Durham,  and  great-grandson  of  Thomas 
Surtees,  of  Newcastle.  B.  there,  1658.  School,  Newcastle. 
Matric.  1676.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  26,  1677. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Cuthbert  Ellison,  of  Hebbum,  June  18, 
1691.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  Jan.  13,  1717-8. 
(H.  M.  Wood;  Surtees,  i.  71.) 

SWINBORNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  1,  1659. 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3.  Perhaps  V.  of  Preston  and 
Hedon-in-Holdeniess,  Yorks.,  1676-86,  M.A.  Died  1686. 

SWINEBURN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  27,  1671.  S.  of  Nicholas,  clerk.  B.  at  Ounsley  {sic), 
(?  Cunsley,  old  form  of  Conisclifie),  Durham.  Matric.  1671. 

SWYNBORNE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1571. 

SWINBORNE.  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1598.  Of 

SWINBURNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  15,  1631.  S.  of  Anthony,  gent.,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
Bapt.  Apr.  27,  1612,  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle.  School, 
Giggleswick.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Eden,  of  West 
Auckland.   Inventory  dated,  Apr.  20,  1668.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SWINBURNE, .  B.Can.L.  1483-4. 

SWYNBORNE, .    B.D.   1514-5-    Franciscan  friar.    D.D. 


SWINDELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  I,  1745.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1745;  Scholar, 
1745;  B.A.  1748-9;  M.A.  1752.  Clerk  in  Holy  Orders. 
Impropriator  of  all  the  great  tithes  of  and  in  Wilson  (Wirel- 
stone),  Leics.  in  1759  and  owner  of  land  there.  Died  May  29, 
i8oi,  aged  74,  at  Borrowash,  Derby.  Buried  at  Ockbrook. 
M.I.  (Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.,  iv.  208;  Nichols,  in.  686,  730.) 

SWINDALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
July  1,  1672.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Weston-on-Trent,  Derbs. 
School,  Ashby-de-la-Zouch.  Matric.  1674;  B..\.  1675-6. 

SWINDELS,  WILLIAM.  Adm  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  July  2, 
1667.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Stockport.  School,  Manchester. 
B.A.  1670. 

SWINDEN,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  3,  1674.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Probably  s.  of  Tobias,  Canon  of  York. 
B.  Dec.  3,  1659.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1674; 
Rustat  Scholar,  1674;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  V.  of 
Cuxton,  Kent,  1688-1719.  V.  of  Shome,  1689-1719.  Author, 
theological.  Buried  at  Cuxton,  Dec.  2,  1719.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1720.  Father  of  the  next.  {D.N.B.;  Fielding,  Rochester; 
A.  Gray.) 

SWINDEN,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  3,  1714. 
Of  Kent.  S.  of  Tobias  (above).  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8; 
M.A.  1721.    Ord.  priest  (London)  Feb.  27,  1719-20.    V.  of 

V.A.C.IV.  193 

SwiNNOw,  James 

Shome,  Kent,  1719-33.  (According  to  Fielding,  Tobias 
Clifton  Swinden  was  V.  of  Shome,  1719-32;  buried  there 
Nov.  20  1732.)  One  of  these  names  R.of  Kingsdown,  1733-54. 
V.  of  Lamberhurst,  1733-54.  Died  Mar.  1754.  Admon., 
P.C.C.   (Fielding,  Rochester;  Hasted,  11.  593.) 

SWINESHEAD,    JOHN    DE.     M.A.;    B.Can.    and    Civ.L.     Of 

Lincoln  diocese.    Apparently  also  of  Oxford.    R.  of  Hag- 

worthingham,  Lines.,  1353.    R.  of  Wetheringsett,  Suffolk, 

1361.   {Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  405.) 
SWYNSHEADE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 

SWINEY,  SIDNEY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Clare,  Jan.  26, 

1740-1.    S.  of  Matthew,  Esq.    B.  at  Pontefract,  Yorks. 

Colleger  at  Eton.    Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1749; 

D.D.    1763.    Ord.   deacon   (Norwich)   June;   priest   (York) 

Sept.  22,  1745.  C.  of  SwiUington,  Yorks.,  1745.  F.R.S.,  1764. 

R.  of  Barton-le-Street,  c.  1775.  Died  at  Scarborough,  Nov. 

12,  17S3.   (G.  Mag.) 

SWINFENN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1628. 
Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Swynfen,  Staffs.  Bapt.  Mar.  28, 
1612-3,  at  Weeford.  B.A.  1631-2.  On  the  side  of  the  parlia- 
ment during  the  civil  wars,  but  confined  his  activities  to 
civil  affairs.  M.P.  for  Staffs.,  1645-8,  1660;  for  Tamworth, 
1659,  1661-79,  1679-81;  for  Beeralston,  1690-4.  Excluded 
by  Pride's  Purge,  1648;  restored  by  Monck,  1660.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  John  Brandreth.  Died  Apr.  12,  1694.  Buried 
at  Weeford.  (A.  B.  Beaven;  Shaw,  11.  29;  D.N.B.) 

SWINFEN  or  SWYNFEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
May  25,  1681.  Of  Staffordshire.  B.  Aug.  15,  1662.  B.D. 
1697  {Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1704.  R.  of  Eaton 
Constantine,  Salop,  1689-99.  R.  of  Avening,  Gloucs.,  1705- 
28.  R.  of  Beverston  and  Kingscote,  1711-28.  Died  Apr.  29, 
1728,  at  Avening.   (F.  S.  Hockaday;  At.  Oxon.) 

SWINFINorSWYFEN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Pem- 
broke, June  23, 1650.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Swinfen,  Staffs. (CaJamy 
wrongly  makes  him  s.  of  John.)  Bapt.  Oct.  21, 1630.  Schools, 
Tamworth,  Sutton  Coldfield  and  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1650; 
B.A.  1653-4.  Ord.  by  the  Wirksworth  Presbytery,  Mar.  18, 
1655-6;  minister  of  Sandiacre,  Notts.  R.  of  Mavesin  Rid- 
ware.  Staffs.,  1657;  ejected,  1660.  His  house  at  Barton- 
under-Needwood,  reported  the  meeting-place  of  a  Conven- 
ticle, 1669.  Died  at  Burton,  1691.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake  and  kinsman.  {Calamy,  11.  397; 
Shaw,  Staffs.,  11.  29.) 

SWINFORD,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1626.  Of  Kent. 

SWINGFIELD,  JOHN  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1628. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Peckham,  Surrey.  Bapt.  there, 
Apr.  25,  1609.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
(W.  H.  Blanch,  Parish  of  Camberwell,  62.) 

SWINGLEHIRST,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1614.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Edward,  citizen  and  Merchant 
Taylor.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Migrated  to  Queens', 
1616.  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Clerk  to  the  East  India 
Company.  Died  June  13,  1654.  (Robinson,  i.  55.) 

SWINKFEN, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1608-9. 

SWINNERTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Aug.  22,  1678. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Butterton, 
Staffs.,  Esq.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3. 

SWINERTON,  THOMAS,  alias  ROBERTS.  Educated  at  Cam- 
bridge and  Oxford.  Of  Staffordshire.  S.  of  Robert,  of 
Staffordshire.  An  early  reformer  and  preacher.  Adopted 
the  alias  John  Roberts  to  screen  himself  from  persecution, 
1519.  Preached  at  Sandwich  and  Ipswich.  A  fugitive  under 
Queen  Mary.  Author,  A  Mustre  of  Scismatyhe  Bysshoppes 
of  Rome,  1534.  Died  at  Emden,  in  East  Friesland,  1554. 
Buried  there.  {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Cooper,  i.  124,  but  the 
suggestion  that  he  graduated  as  Roberts  is  incorrect.) 

SWYNNOW,  ANDREW.  B.D.  1502-3.  Probably  s.  of  Ralph. 
Doubtless  preb.  of  Chichester,  1529.  {Vis.  of  Yorks., 

SWINOW,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  4, 
1630-1.  S.  of  James  (next),  R.  of  Kelshall,  Herts.  School, 
London.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Intmding 
minister  of  St  Martin's,  Ludgate,  London,  1643.  R.  of 
Kelshall,  Herts.,  1644.  R.  of  Langton-by-Spilsby,  Lines., 
1648.  Probably  minister  at  St  Leonard's  Chapel,  Aston 
Clinton,  Bucks,  in  1655.  Afterwards  a  minister  at  Princes 
Risborough.  {Calamy,  i.  242 ;  Lipscomb,  11. 95,  who  apparently 
confuses  him  with  George  Swinnock  {zchom  see).) 

SWINNOW,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  c.  1593. 
B.  at  Woodworth  (?  Wadworth),  Yorks.  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A. 
1600.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1607;  priest,  Feb.  21, 
1607-8.  V.  of  Chalfont  St  Peter,  Bucks.,  1609.  R.  of  Kels- 
hall, Herts.,  1617-44.  Died  1644.  Father  of  George  (above), 


SwiNNOw,  William 

SWINNOW  or  SWEENOW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1587.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598. 
R.  of  Salcott  Virley,  Essex,  1599-1633.  Probably  father  of 
William  (1619). 

SWINNOW  or  SWINHOE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Easter,  1613. 

SWINNOWE  or  SWENO,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1619.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  of  William 
(1587).  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  R.  of  Goldhanger,  Essex, 
1629;  sequestered,  but  restored,  1660.  Died  1678.  Will 
(Comm.  Essex)  1678.  (Davids,  231.) 

SWINNOW  or  SWENO,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens', 
May  30,  1661.  Of  Essex.   Matric.  1662. 

SWINNOCK  or  SWINOCK,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em- 
manuel, May  28,  1644.   S.  of  George,  of  Maidstone,  Kent. 

B.  there.  Migrated  to  Jesus.  Matric.  1645-6;  Scholar;  B.A. 
1647-8.  Fellow  of  Balliol  College,  Oxford,  1649-50,  by  the 
visitors.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1650.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1650.  V. 
of  Rickmansworth,  Herts.,  1650.  V.  of  Gt  Kemble,  Bucks., 
1661-2,  ejected.  Chaplain  to  Richard  Hampden,  in  1661. 
Took  up  his  abode  with  the  Hampden  family  at  Gt  Hampden. 
Afterwards  retired  to  Maidstone ;  minister  of  a  large  congrega- 
tion there.  Axiihoi,  Life  of  Thomas  Wilson,  etc.  Died  Nov.  10, 
1673,  aged  46.  Buried  at  Maidstone.  See  also  George  Swinnow 
(1630-1)  (Al.  Oxon.;  Calamy,  i.  239;  Lipscomb,  11.  348; 

SWINNOCKE,   JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1620.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627;  B.D.  1634. 

R.  of  Nurstead,  Kent,  1631-7.    R.  of  Old  Romney,  1634. 

Died  1637.   {Hasted,  iii.  521.) 
SWINSCO,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,   (age  20)   at  Caius,  Feb.   10, 

1576-7.    S.   of   Nicholas,   of  Bassingham,   Lines.    School, 

Tuxford,  Notts.    Matric.  from  Jesus,   1575;  B.A.   1578-9. 

Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  1580;  priest  (Lincoln)  July  26,  1581. 

R.  of  Swinhope,  Lines.,  in  1586;  also  C.  of  Washingborough. 

C.  of  Beckingham.   V.  of  Swinderby.   (Venn,  i.  go.) 

SWYNSCO,  SWYNSTO  or  SWYNESTO,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar 
from  Christ's,  Mar.  1577-8;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1585. 

SWINTON,   THOMAS.    Adm.   pens,   at  Emmanuel,   Jan.    14, 

1653-4.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1653-4. 
SWIRE,  see  also  SQUIRE. 
SWYRE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  26,  1671.   S.  of 

Samuel.  B.  at  Skipton,  Yorks.  Bapt.  July  2,  1651.  School, 

Giggleswick.    B.A.  1674-5.    Died  Feb.   1675-6.    Buried  at 

Skipton.   (Peile,  11.  37.) 

SWIRE,  SAMUEL  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
May  27,  1720.  S.of  John,  gent.,  of  .Skipton,  Yorks.  B.  there! 
Bapt.  Apr.  3,  1701,  at  Kildwick.  School,  Skipton  (Mr 
Leadall).  Matric.  1720.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Matthew 
Wilson,  of  Eshton,  near  Skipton.  Died  Mar.  26,  1735, 
aged  35.  Buried  at  Skipton.   (Scott-Mayor,  ni.  334.) ' 

SWYRE  or  SQWYER,  WILLIAM.  Of  Corpus  Christi,  in  1471. 
University  'stationer.'   (Gr.  Bk,  A,  171.) 

SWITZER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  30, 
1741.  S.  of  Stephen,  of  Wiltshire  (doubtless  the  agricultural 
writer,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  B.  at  Pewsey.  School 
Westminster.  Matric.  1742;  LL.B.  1753.  ' 

SWORDER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Sept.  14,  1686. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
Dec.  22,  1700.  V.  of  Hempstead,  Essex,  1701-26.  Author 
sermons,  etc.   (Morant,  n.  527.)  ' 

SWORTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 
1659.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Witton,  Cheshire,  b! 
there.  School,  Witton  (Mr  Colton).  Matric.  1660. 

SWOTSOM, .   M.A.  1461-2. 

SWYMMER,  ANTHONY  LANGLEY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16) 
at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  7,  1741.  Of  Jamaica.  Doubtless  s.  of 
Anthony,  of  Jamaica,  Esq.  School,  Winchester.  Matric. 
1741.  M.P.  for  Southampton,  1747-60.  Married  Arabella' 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Astley,  of  PatshuU,  Stags.,  Bart.  Died 
Feb.  26,  1760,  in  Jamaica.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Jamaica 
M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  (G.Mag.:  T.  A.  Walker,  27g;  Laurence 
Archer,  Mon.  in  the  West  Indies.) 


SYDALL,  see  also  SIDDALL. 

SYDALL,  ELIAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1688.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1695;  D.D.  1705 
(Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1696-1703.  Taxor,  1698.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  May,  1697.  P.C.  of  St  Benet,  Cambridge,  1699- 
1702.  Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Tenison,  1702.  R.  of  Bidden- 
den,  Kent,  1702-4.  R.  of  Ivychurch,  1705-31.  Preb.  of 
Canterbury,  1707-28.  R.  of  Gt  Mongeham,  1707-30.  Master 
of  Harbledown  Hospital,  1711.  Chaplain  to  the  King,  1716- 

Sye,  Nicholas 

28.  Dean  of  Canterbury,  1728-33.  Bishop  of  St  David's, 
1731.  Bishop  of  Gloucester,  1731-3.  Author,  Sermons. 
Died  Dec.  24,  1733.  Buried  in  St  James',  Westminster. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1734-   (Masters;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 

SYDDALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  I,  1685.  S.  of  Arnold,  mercer.  B.  at  Manchester. 
School,  Manchester.   Matric.  1685. 

SYDAY,  see  SIDAY. 

SIDENHAM,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June  6, 
1639.  Of  Somerset.  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Brimpton,  deceased. 
Matric.  1639.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1641.  Major  in 
the  army.  Died  1664-5.  Brother  of  John  (1638-9). 

SYDENHAM,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  18,  1700-1.  S.  of  Walter,  gent.  B.  at  Lydeard  St 
Lawrence,  Somerset.  School,  Tiverton  (Mr  Saunders). 

SYDENHAM,  HUMPHREY.  M.A.  1625  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  Humphrey,  of  Dulverton,  Somerset.  B.  there,  1591. 
Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Lent,  1606;  B.A.  1610-1; 
M.A.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  1613.  Fellow  of  Wadham, 
1613-28.  Chaplain  to  Edward,  Lord  Howard  of  Escrick. 
V.  of  Ashbrittle,  Somerset,  1627-45.  V.  of  Puckington,  1629. 
Canon  of  Wells,  1642-5.  R.  of  Odcombe,  1644.  Deprived 
of  his  benefices,  1645.  An  eloquent  preacher,  commonly 
called  Silver-tongued  Sydenham.  Author,  sermons.  Died 
1650.  Buried  at  Dulverton.  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Hutchins, 
II.  705.) 

SYDENHAM,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  7,  1713;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.  S.  and  h.  of  Humphrey, 
Esq.,  of  Combe,  Somerset.  B.  there.  Schools,  Exeter  and 
Ufifcolme.  Matric.  1714;  M.B.  1719.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  May  13,  1712.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1728.  One  of  these 
names  M.P.  for  Exeter,  1741-54;  died  Aug.  12,  1757. 
(A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SYDENHAM  or  SIDENHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at 
Emmanuel,  Jan.  16,  1638-9.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John, 
of  Brimpton,  Somerset,  Esq.  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  William 
Hoby,  of  Hales,  Gloucs.).  B.  c.  1620.  Matric.  1639.  Created 
Bart.,  July  28,  1641.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Hare, 
of  Stow  Bardolph,  Norfolk.  Died  1643.  Buried  at  Stow 
Bardolph.  Brother  of  George  (1639).  (G.£.C.,  11.  113.) 

SYDENHAM,  PHILIP.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
May  6,  1695.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  of  Brimpton, 
Somerset,  Bart,  (by  his  2nd  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Philip 
[Herbert],  5th  Earl  of  Pembroke).  B.  c.  1676.  Matric.  1696; 
M.A.  1696.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  in  1696.  M.P.  for 
llchester,  1701;  for  Somerset,  1701-5.  Wasted  his  estate 
and  sold  Brimpton  to  his  cousin  Humphrey  Sydenham.  Died 
unmarried,  Oct.  10, 1739.  Buried  at  Barnes,  Surrey.  (G.E.C., 
II.  113;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

SYDENHAM,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Dec. 
1704;  Scholar,  1707. 

SYDENHAM,  THOMAS.  M.B.  1676  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  M.D. 
from  Pembroke,  1676.  S.  of  William,  of  Wyaford  Eagle, 
Dorset.  B.  there,  Sept.  10,  1624.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall, 
Oxford)  July  1,  1643,  age  17.  Created  B.Med.  1648.  Fellow 
of  AH  Souls,  Oxford,  1648-55  (by  the  ParUamentary  visitors). 
Studied  medicine  at  Montpellier,  1659.  Licentiate,  R.C.P., 
1663.  Practised  in  King  Street,  Westminster,  afterwards 
moved  to  Pall  Mall.  Married  Mary  Gee,  of  Wynford  Eagle, 
1655.  Author,  medical.  Died  Dec.  29,  1689.  Buried  in 
St  James',  Westminster.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1690.  Father  of  the 
next.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Hutchins,  11.  703.) 

SYDENHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  18,  1674-5.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  M.D.  B.  in 
London.  Matric.  1677.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  13, 
1677.  Studied  and  graduated  M.D.  at  a  foreign  University. 
Licentiate  R.C.P.,  Nov.  29,  1687.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  1738.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  June,  1738.   (Munk,  i.  475.) 

SYDES  or  SYDIS,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1511-2. 

SYDNEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1572.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  Customer  of  Lynn,  Norfolk 
(and  Barbara,  dau.  of  William  Walsingham,  of  Chiselhurst, 
Kent).  B.  1553.  B.A.  1575-6.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Apr.  14,  1576;  of  Norfolk,  late  of  Fumival's  Inn.  Knighted, 
May  II,  1603.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Francis  Jenny,  of 
Brightwell,  Suffolk.  Died  s.p.,  1612.  Brother  of  the  next. 
(Norfolk  Archaeology,  vi.  203.) 

SYDNEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1575.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  Customer,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Southwell.  Died  s.p. 
Brother  of  Henry  (above). 

SYE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  25, 
1667-8.  S.  of  Nicholas.  B.  at  Newark.  School,  Newark 
(Mr  Parr).  Matric.  1667-8;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1694.  Ord. 
priest  (York)  Sept.  19,  1675.  R.  of  Laceby,  Lines.,  1677. 
R.  of  Wintringham,  1681-1723.  Buried  there  Sept.  29,  1723. 
(Peile,  II.  13.) 


Syer,  Dey 

SYER,  DEV.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Caius,  Mar.  26,  1739. 
S.  of  Dey,  Esq.,  of  Little  VValdingfield,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Lavenham  (Mr  Brownsmith)  and  Bury  (Mr  Kynnes- 
man).  Matric.  1739;  Scholar,  1739-45;  B.A.  1742-3;  M.A. 
1746;  D.D.  1767.  Fellow,  1745-51.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
June  26,  1743;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1744.  C.  of  Stansted,  Suffolk, 
1743-  V.  of  Foulden,  Norfolk,  1750-60.  V.  of  Little  VValding- 
field, and  R.  of  Badingham,  1760-2,  and  again,  1762-1800. 
R.  of  Kedington,  Suffolk,  1762.  R.  of  Gt  Wratting,  1762. 
J. P.  for  Suffolk.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Dr  Blomefield. 
Died  Sept.  i,  1800.  Buried  at  Waldingfield.  (Venn,  11.  45.) 
SYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  1622.  Matric. 
1622;  B.A.  1625;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  May  20,  1627. 
SYER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  r8)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  i8, 
1692.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Badwell  Ash,  Suffolk.  School, 
Bury.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
May,  1697;  priest,  Aug.  7,  1698.  R.  of  Tuddenham  St  Martin, 
Suffolk,  1709.  R.  of  Heniley,  1731. 
SYKES,  ARTHUR  ASHLEY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  Apr.  15, 
1701.  Of  London.  S.  of  (John  1639).  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708;  D.D.  1726.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1705;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1707. 
V.  of  Godmersham,    Kent,   1713-4.    R.  of  Dry  Drayton, 

Cambs.,  1714-8.    R.  of  Rayleigh,  Essex,  1718-56.   Preb.  of 

Salisbury,  1724-56.   Precentor  of  Salisbury,  1726-56.   Preb. 

of  Winchester,  1740-56.   Author,  controversial.   Died  Nov. 

23,    1756,   aged   73.    Buried   at  St  James',   Westminster. 

WiU,   P.C.C.    Brother  of  George  (1708)  and  John  (1696). 

{St  Paul's  School  Register;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  D.N.B.  following 

J.  Disney,  Memoirs  of  A.  A.  Sykes,  makes  him  s.  of  Arthur, 

but  this  is  apparently  an  error.) 
SYKES,  GEORGE.    M.A.   1645  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

George,  of  Lutterworth,  Leics.,  pleb.    Matric.  (St  John's 

College,  Oxford)  Oct.  24,  1634,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1638; 

M.A.  1641.    Grace  for  B.D.  (Oxford)   1649.    Fellow  of  St 

John's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  17,  1644-5  (by  mandate  of  Earl  of 

Manchester).  Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1648  (by 

the  visitors).  (Al.  Oxon.) 
SYKES,  GEORGE.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  9, 

1708.    S.  of  John  (1639),  of  London.    School,  St  Paul's. 

Matric.  1708;  Scholar,  1711;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.   Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  i,  1712-3;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  13,  1713. 

C.  of  East  Cliurch,  Kent.  V.of  Selling,  1714-5.  V.  of  Preston, 

Faversham,    1715-66.     R.   of   HawkweU,   Essex,    1716-57. 

R.  of  Rayleigh,  1757.  Six  preacher  at  Canterbury  Cathedral. 

Founder  of  the  Sykes  Exhibitions  at  Corpus  Christi.   Died 

June  9,  1766,  aged  81.  Buried  at  Preston.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 

Brother  of  Arthur  Ashley  (1701)  and  of  John  (1696).    (St 

Paul's  School  Register;  J.  Disney;  Masters,  252.) 
SYKES,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  6,  1645. 

S.  of  Robert  (1603-4),  minister,  of  Yardley,  Herts.    Bapt. 

Oct.  3,  1630.  School,  Stevenage  (Mr  Pierson).  Matric.  1646; 

B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1660.  V.of  St  Ippolyts,  Herts.,  1650-63. 

R.  of  Ayot  St  Lawrence,  1661-97;  rebuilt  the  chancel  and 

parsonage  house  of  Ayot,  in  1694.   Died  1697.    Brother  of 

John  (1639).  (Venn,  i.  364.) 
SYKES,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  17,  1674.  Of 

Leicestershire.   Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  apothecary,  of  London, 

and  of  Ashby-de-la-Zouch,  Leics.    School,  Ashby.    Matric. 

1674;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1G84.  R.ofChelmondiston,  Suffolk, 

1701-23.   P.C.  of  Havering,  Essex,  1701-8;  of  East  Mersey, 

1706;  of  Peering,  1707-17.   Died  1717.   (H.  Smith;  Nichols, 

in.  616,  626.) 
SYKES  or  SIKE,  HENRY.    LL.D.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).    Regius 

Professor  of  Hebrew,  1705-12.    A  famous  Oriental  scholar 

from  Bremen.    Hanged  himself  in  his  rooms  at  Trinity. 

Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  May  28,  1712. 
SYKES,  JAMES.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  28, 

1740-1.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Drighlington.   Matric.  1741; 

B.A.    1744-5;    M.A.    1752.     Ord.   deacon    (Norwich)    Mar. 

1744-5;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,   1748.    V.  of  Bradford, 

Yorks.,  1752-83.  Died  Aug.  7,  1783. 
SYKES,  JOHN.  B.A.  1498-9. 
SYKES,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1571;  B.A. 

1574-5;  M.A.  1578.   Ord.  deacon  (York);  priest  (Ely)  Sept. 

29,  1575.  age  25.   V.  of  West  Wratting,  Cambs.,  1577-1603. 

R.  of  Kirton,  Notts.,  1603-22.  Died  1622.  Buried  at  Kirton. 

Benefactor  to  Jesus  College.   (A.  Gray.) 
SYKES,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  23,  1639.    S.  of 

Robert  (1603-4),  V.  of  Yardley  (Ardeley),  Herts.  B.  May  8, 

1622.    Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  from  Caius,  1660. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1644;  perhaps  priest,  Sept. 

14,  1645.    Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Yardley,  Herts., 

1645-53;  ejected,  but  reinstated,  1657-81.    R.  of  Cottered, 

1681-95.    Died  1695.    Brother  of  Henry  (1645),  father  of 

John    (1696),    Arthur   Ashley  (1701)   and    George    (1708). 

(Cussans,  i;  Venn,  i.  407,  where  the  date  of  death  is  wrong.) 

Sylvester,  Constantius 

SIKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  28,  i68i. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1684-5.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1686.  V.  of  Bametby,  Lines.,  1699-1718. 
P.C.  of  Melton  Ross,  1700. 

SYKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  24,  1696. 
S.  of  John  (1639),  R.  of  Yardley,  Herts.  B.  there.  School, 
Buntingford  (Mr  England).  Matric.  1696;  Scholar,  1697; 
B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec. 
1701;  priest.  Mar.  14,  1702-3.  R.  of  Cottered,  Herts.,  1703- 
23.  Died  Sept.  18,  1723,  aged  45.  M.I.  at  Yardley.  Brother 
of  Arthur  Ashley  (1701)  and  of  George  (1708).  (Peile,  11. 136; 
Clutterbuck,  in.  520.) 

SYKES,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  g, 
1729-30.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Hull,  merchant  (and  Mary,  dau. 
of  Mark  Kirkby,  of  Sledmere,  Yorks.).  Bapt.  May  9,  1711, 
at  Hull.  School,  York.  Scholar,  1730-1;  Matric.  1731;  B.A. 
1733-4;  M.A.  1749;  D-D.  1761.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  June  i, 
1735.  R.  of  Roos,  York,  1735-83.  Proctor  in  convocation 
for  York  diocese.  Created  Bart.,  Mar.  28,  1783.  Of  Sledmere. 
Married  Decima,  dau.  of  Twyford  Woodham,  of  Ely,  Cambs. 
Died  Sept.  14,  1783.  Buried  at  Roos.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1784. 
(T.  A.  Walker,  260;  G.E.C.,  v.  232.) 

SYKES,  MICKLETHWAITE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Mar.  27,  i68o.  3rd  s.  of  Richard  (1645),  deceased,  R.  of 
Spofforth,  Yorks.  B.  there.  Schools,  Marston,  Ripley,  York, 
and  Leeds,  Yorks.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4.  OfSheepscar, 
Leeds,  and  Lord  of  the  Manor  of  Shelley,  Yorks.  Died  s.p., 
Feb.  1697.  Brother  of  Richard  (1671).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

SYKES,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1614. 
B.A.  1617-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1619-20;  priest,  Jime, 

SYKES  or  SICKS,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1606;  B.A.  1609-10.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  19;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  8,  i6ii.  C.  of  Fiskerton,  Lines.,  1611.  C.  of 
Washingborough,  in  1614.  V.  of  Utterby,  1615.  Will 
(Lincoln)  1617. 

SYKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Apr.  12,  1619. 
3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Leeds,  merchant.  Bapt.  there,  July  24, 
1603.  Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1626,  priest,  Sept.  1627.  R.  of  Kirkheaton, 
Yorks.,  1626,  ejected  as  a  Royalist.  Married  Grace,  dau.  of 
Alexander  Stock,  R.  of  Kirkheaton.  Died  at  Islington, 
Middlesex,  Jan.  10,  1652-3.  Buried  at  St  James',  Clerken- 
well.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next.  (P.M. G.;  Genealogist, 
N.S.,  XXIII.  161.) 

SYKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Apr.  14,  1645. 
S.  of  Richard  (1619),  R.  of  Kirkheaton,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there, 
Oct.  16,  1628.  Schools,  Leeds,  Almondbury,  and  Kirkby. 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648;  M.A.  1652.  Fellow.  R.  of  Spofforth, 
Yorks.,  1661-70.  Preb.  of  York,  1662-70.  V.  of  Thockring- 
ton,  Northumberland,  1662-70.  Married  Anna,  dau.  of  Mark 
Micklethwaite,  R.  of  Long  Marston,  Yorks.,  Dec.  23,  1651. 
Died  Feb.  8,  1669-70.  Buried  at  Leeds.  M.I.  Father  of  the 
next  and  of  Micklethwaite  (1680).   (F.M.G.,  i.  152.) 

SYKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  1, 
1671.  1st  s.  of  Richard  (above),  deceased,  R.  of  Spofforth, 
Yorks.  B.  at  York.  Schools,  Shrewsbury  and  Beverley. 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1678.  Of  Sheepscar  Hall,  Leeds.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
Sir  Francis  Cavendish  Burton,  Knt.,  of  St  Helen's,  Derby. 
Died  Oct.  10,  1686.  Buried  at  Leeds.  M.I.  Brother  of 
Micklethwaite  (1680).  (F.M.G.,  i.  152;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
xxiii.  161;  Dickenson,  Newark,  221.) 

SYKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Apr.  17,  1680  (M.A. 

1679,  from  Edinburgh  University).  2nd  s.  of  John,  gent., 
deceased  (and  Mary  Casse,  of  Coats  and  Fordel,  in  Scotland). 
B.  at  Knottingley,  Yorks.  School,  Leeds.  LL.B.  1681.  K.  of 
RothweU,  and  V.  of  Grasby,  Lines.,  1684.  Died  Oct.  28, 1688. 
Buried  at  RothweU.  (F.M.G.,  i.  154.) 

SYKES,  ROBERT.    B.A.  from  Trinity,  1603-4,  M.A.  1607. 

Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May  22,  1608,  age  26.  C.  of  Lavenham, 

Suffolk.  V.  of  Yardley,  Herts.,  1614-45.  Died  1645.  Father 

of  Henry  (1645)  and  John  (1639). 
SYKES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1591.  Ord. 

deacon  (Colchester)  Aug.  7,   1603;  'Scholar  of  St  John's.' 

P.C.  of  Blythford,  Suffolk,  1603-20. 
SIKES,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  June  14, 

1660.    S.  of  Nicholas,  husbandman,  of  BradweU-in-Hope, 

near  Castleton,   Derbs.    B.   there.    School,  Dronfield   (Mr 

Whitaker).  Matric.  1660. 
SYLBURN,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  8, 

1676.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Thornton,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 

SYLVESTER,  CONSTANTIUS.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   (age   18)   at 

St  John's,  Apr.  9,  1681.   S.  of  Constantius,  Esq.,  of  Bar- 

badoes.    B.  in  London.    School,  St  Paul's.    Matric.   i68i. 

.\dm./at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  16,  1682. 

195  13—2 

Sylvester,  Edmund 

SYLVESTER,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1658  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Burford,  Oxon.,  pleb.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  26,  1647,  age  16;  Scholar,  1648;  B.A.  1651;  M.A.  1654; 
B.D.  1663.  Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  1655.  V.  of 
Chieveley,  Berks.,  1666.  R.  of  Avington,  1672.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

SYLVESTER,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1622  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Nottinghamshire,  pleb.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  22,  1604-5,  age  17;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1619.  Created 
B.D.  1642.  Died  Dec.  1, 1653,  aged  67.  Buried  in  the  Chancel 
of  AH  Saints'  Church,  Oxford.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

SILVESTER,  GABRIEL.  B.A.  1479-80;  M.A.  1483-4;  B.D. 
1491-2;  D.D.  1500.  Fellow  of  Clare,  1489.  Master  of  Clare, 
1496-1506.  Acting  Vice-Chancellor,  1500-1  (Gr  .Bk,  B,  145). 
Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1506-12.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1508-12. 
Died  Oct.  4,  1512.  M.I.  at  Croydon,  Surrey.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1512;  'of  Wyberton,  Lincoln,  etc'  {Cooper,  i.  17;  Clare 
College  History.) 

SILVESTER,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1498-9.  V.  of  Swinestead,  Lines., 
until  1518.  Perhaps  of  Weedon,  Northants.,  1520;  died  1542. 

SYLVESTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  3, 
1654-5.  S.  of  Robert,  citizen  of  London.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Christ's  Hospital. 

SYLVESTER.  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  28,  1634-5. 
(Previously  matric.  (St  Alban  HaU,  Oxford)  June  6,  1634, 
age  17.)  Probably  s.  of  Gregory,  of  Mansfield,  Notts.  Matric. 
1634-5;  Scholar,  1635;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639. 

SYLVESTER,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  4,  1654.  S.  of  Robert,  mercer,  of  Southwell,  Notts. 
B.  there.  School,  Southwell  (Mr  Henry  Moore).  Matric. 
1654;  B.A.  1658.  Doubtless  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln).  V.  of 
Gt  Gonerby,  Lines.,  1659-62,  ejected.  Domestic  chaplain  to 
Sir  John  Bright.  Became  pastor  of  a  congregation  at  Rutland 
House,  Charterhouse  Lane,  London,  1667.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Leyden,  May  24,  1699.  Assisted  at  Rutland  House  by  Baxter. 
Nonconformist  divine.  Author,  sermons  and  prefaces.  Died 
Jan.  25,  1708.   (D.N.B.;  Calamy,  11.  146.) 

SYLVESTER,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  10,  1674.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Twyford,  Staffs.  School, 
Tamworth  (Mr  Antrobus).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1680;  priest.  May,  1681.  R.  of  Shirland, 
Derbs.,  1681-8.   {Peile,  n.  54.) 

SILVESTER,  R.   B.A.  1473-4;  M.A.  1476.  One Sylvester 

scholar  of  King's,  1473-1504. 

SYLVESTER,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1513-4-  Of  Norwich  diocese. 
M.A.  1517.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1518.  Proctor,  in 
1526  (according  to  Masters). 

SYLVESTER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1564;  B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1572. 

Tabor,  Richard 

SILVESTER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  e.  1595. 

SYMBARNE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1461.  Age  13. 




SYMNELL,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 


SYNDERCOMBE,  GREGORY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Mar.  7,  1716-7.  S.  of  Gregory.  B.  at  Stowey,  Somerset. 
School,  Taunton  (Mr  Upton).  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  priest  (Oxford)  Sept. 
23,  1722.  R.  of  Askerwell,  Dorset,  1722-82.  R.  of  Simonds- 
biury,  1739-82.  Chaplain  to  John,  Lord  Gray.  Died  June  14, 

1782,  aged  90  (sic).   Buried  at  Simondsbury.    Will  (P.C.C.) 

1783.  (He  occurs  in  Vol.  iii  as  Lyndercomb;  G.  Mag.;  F.  S. 

SYNGE  or  SING,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sx  Caxharine's, 
July  3,  1671.   Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1674-5. 

SYNGE,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1620.  2nd  s.  of 
Richard,  of  Bridgenorth,  Salop,  gent,  (and  Alice,  dau.  of 
Roger  Rowley,  of  Salop).  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
May  II,  1615,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1617.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1620.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Shropshire,  1623.) 


SYNSERFE  or  SYDERFF,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peter- 
house,  May  29,  1638.  S.  of  Thomas,  Bishop  of  Galloway 
(for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  Incorp.  M.A.  1638,  from  Edinburgh. 
FeUow,  1639,  ejected.  Brother  of  the  next.  (T.  A.  Walker, 

SYNSERF,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pexerhouse,  Oct.  30, 
1639.  S.  of  Thomas,  Bishop  of  Galloway.  Educated  at 
Edinburgh.   Matric.  1639.   Brother  of  James  (above). 

SYRED,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  26,  1694. 

SYRRAH  or  SURRAH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 
Oct.  28,  1691.  Of  Essex.   Matric.  1691. 



SYSTERTON  or  SYSTERSON, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse, 

Mar.  19,  1658-9.   Of  Yorkshire.  School,  York  (private). 

SYTERNE  or  SITTERNE,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Sept.  1,  1572.  Of  Ditton,  Surrey. 
Matric.  1572;  B.A.  1576-7.  Fellow,  1575-7.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Nov.  5,  1576.  Beneficed  in  Surrey.  {Harwood.) 


TABEROR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  15, 
1653-4.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Derby.  School,  Derby  (Mr 
Brandreth).   Matric.  1653-4;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.B.  1659. 

TABOR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  8,  1663.  Of 
Essex.   Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671. 

TABOR  or  TALBOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  c.  1593.  Of  Essex.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Ramsden 
Belhouse,  and  nephew  of  William  (1560-1),  D.D.  B.A. 
1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1600.  Notary  Pubhc. 
University  Registrary,  1600-45.  Clerk  of  the  Sewers  for 
the  town  of  Cambridge.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
William  Gery,  of  Bushmead  Abbey,  Beds.;  (2)  Susan,  dau. 
of  John  Maltwade,  of  Rougham,  Suffolk.  Died  July  16,  1645. 
Buried  in  Trinity  Church,  Cambridge.  M.I.  Father  of  the 
next,  of  John  (1622)  and  probably  of  William  (1640).  (Le 
Neve,  Mon.,  v.  27;  Cambs.  Vis.;  Masters,  386.) 

TABOR,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  9,  1634. 
4th  s.  of  James  (above).  University  Registrary.  B.  in 
Cambridge.  Bapt.  Feb.  28,  1618,  at  St  Clement's.  School, 
Perse  (Mr  Loveringe).  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1634-40;  B.A. 
1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Fellow,  1641-9.  Half-brother  of  the 
next  and  probably  brother  of  William  (1640).  {Venn,  i.  312.) 

TABOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1622.  S.  and  h.  of  James  (1593),  the  Registrary.  B.  1607, 
at  Cambridge.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1626;  B.A.  1626; 
M.A.  1630.  Notary  Public.  Registrar  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely, 
1638.  Died  Apr.  10,  1645.  Father  of  Robert  (1663),  (Le 
Neve,  Mon.,  v.  27.)  _* 

TABOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent,  1645- 
6;  B.A.  1649-50.  Probably  R.  of  Faccombe  with  Tangley, 
Hants.,  1656.  Author,  poetical.  Probably  father  of  Richard 
(1680-1).   {Venn,  1.  376.) 

TABOR  or  TALBOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1650  {impubes);  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Probably 
D.D.  1703,  Talbor.  R.  of  Kelvedon,  Essex,  1660-1706.  R.  of 
Abberton,  1671-1707.  Married,  at  Gt  Tothara,  Essex,  to 
Elizabeth  Andrews,  of  Kelvedon,  widow,  1692.  Died  1706-7. 
{Morant,  11.  154;  Lambeth  Act  Bk.) 

TABOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Dec.  5,  1664.  S.  of 
William  (?  1640),  minister,  of  Stoke  Brueme,  Northants.  B. 
there,  Dec.  21,  1649.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders 
(London)  Dec.  20,  1672.  R.  of  South  Hanningfield,  Essex, 
1672.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Randolph  Croxall,  V.  of 
Tollesburv,  Essex,  Oct.  2,  1679.  Died  Feb.  1709,  aged  60. 
Buried  at  South  Hanningfield.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C;  of 
Ramsden  Belhouse. 

TABOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  15.  1680-1. 
Of  Hampshire.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1645-6),  R.  of  Faccombe, 
Hants.  Matric.  1 680-1.  Probably  migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A. 
(Merton  College,  Oxford)  1684;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1687.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Kirtlington,  Oxon.,  1688.  R.  of  Begbrooke, 
1698-1703;  died  Mar.  24,  1703-4,  aged  47-  M.I.  at  Beg- 
brooke. But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  another  contemporary  of  these 
names.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Oxford  Hist.  Soc,  xxiv.) 


Tabor,  Robert 

TABOR  or  TALBOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St 
John's,  May  19,  1663.  S.  of  John  (1622),  deceased,  of 
Cambridge,  and  grandson  of  James  (1593).  B.  there.  School, 
Cambridge  (Mr  Griffith).  Apprenticed  to  Mr  Dent  an 
apothecary  of  Cambridge.  Perfected  the  cure  of  ague  by 
quinine.  Knighted,  July  27,  1678.  Physician  to  Charles  II, 
and  to  the  French  Dauphin;  proceeded  to  Spain  to  attend 
the  queen  Louisa  Maria,  1679.  Married  Elizabeth  Aylet,  of 
RivenhaU,  Essex.  Author,  medical.  Buried  in  Trinity 
Church,  Cambridge,  Nov.  17  {sic),  1681.  M.I.  there.  Perhaps 
brother  of  the  next.  (D.N.B.;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  26; 
Masters,  387,  App.  109.) 

TABOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1667.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1622),  Registrar  of  the  Bishop  of 
Ely. '  First  a  parson ;  missing  of  preferment  turned  physician,' 
1704.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (above).  (Le  Neve, 
Knights,  327.) 

TABOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Apr.  12, 
1680.  Matric.  i68o;  LL.B.  1685. 

TABOR,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1560-1.  S.  of  John, 
of  Margaretting,  Essex.  M.A.  1564;  B.D.  1568;  D.D.  1597. 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1561-4.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1564-70.  Lady 
Margaret  preacher,  1568.  R.  of  Widdington,  Essex,  1570-4; 
of  High  Ongar,  1572-1611;  of  Willingale  Spain,  1576-82. 
Archdeacon  of  Essex,  1585-1602.  R.  of  Bradwell-on-the- 
Sea,  1602-11.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Alresford  and  Easthall. 
Author,  Died  Apr.  1611.  Buried  at  High  Ongar.  M.I.  WiU, 
P.C.C.  (Peile,  i.  64;  Cooper,  iii.  40.) 

TABOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1640. 
Of  Essex.  Probably  5th  s.  of  James  (1593).  Matric.  1640; 
B.A.  1644.  Perhai»  intruding  minister  of  Stoke  Brueme, 
Northants.,  subscribed  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant, 
in  1648.  Died  Jan.  5,  1655-6,  at  Stoke  Brueme.  M.I. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1664).  (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575  and 

TACKNER  (?  TICKNER,  WILLIAM).  Matric.  sizar  from  King's, 
Michs.  1589. 

TACY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1588. 
Perhaps  one  of  the  chaplains  of  the  Collegiate  Church, 
Manchester.  Buried  there  Aug.  20,  1632. 

TAINTER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1637.  Of  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Rochford. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  13,  1640. 

TALAM, .  B.A.  I496-7. 


TALBOTT,  ALLEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  15,  1674.  Of 
St  Andrew's,  Holbom,  London.  Matric.  1674;  B-A.  1677-8. 

TALBOT,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  14,  1617. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Thomton-le-Street,  Yorks.  B.  in 
Yorkshire.  Bapt.  Sept.  i,  1599.  Matric.  1617.  Died  un- 
married. Buried  June  28,  1652,  at  Thornton.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (1614).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TALBOT,  CLERE.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1608.  Doubtless 
s.  of  Thomas  (i577).  LL.B.  1614;  LL.D.  1619.  Admitted 
advocate,  Jan.  18,  1622-3.  Official  to  the  Archdeacon  of 
Norwich,  1628.  Of  Dunston,  Norfolk.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1654. 
Doubtless  brother  of  Thomas  (i6oi)  and  father  of  Thomas 

TALBOT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1582. 

TALBOT,  GEORGE.  M.A.  1724  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Dublin);  B.A.  (Dublin)  1717;  M.A.  1720.  Perhaps  ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1722.  C.  of  Bamet,  Herts.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Burghfield,  Berks.;  will  (P.C.C.)  1768. 

TALBOT,  GILBERT,  Earl  of  Shrewsbury.  M.A.  1594-5.  2nd 
s.  of  George  (Talbot),  Earl  of  Shrewsbury.  B.  Nov.  20,  1552. 
Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  1566.  Studied  at  Padua. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  12,  1577-8.  M.P.  for  Derbyshire, 
1572-83.  Succeeded  his  father  as  Earl  of  Shrewsbury,  Nov. 
18,  1590.  K.G.,  1592.  Ambassador  to  France,  1596.  P.C, 
1601.  Chief  Justice  in  Eyre  (north  of  Trent),  1603.  Lord- 
Lieutenant  of  Derbyshire,  1605.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir 
Wilham  Cavendish,  of  Chatsworth.  Buried  Aug.  13,  1616, 
at  Sheffield.  WiU,  P.C.C.   (Al.  Oxon.;  G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

TALBOT,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1744. 
S.  of  George.  B.  July,  1726,  at  Chipping  Bamet,  Herts. 
Matric.  1744;  B.A.  1748-9;  M.A.  1752.  Fellow,  1747. 
Proctor,  1766-7.  C.  of  Milton,  Cambs.  R.  of  Stour  Provost, 
with  Todbere,  Dorset,  1767.  Died  there  Nov.  23,  1790.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1791.  (Harwood.) 

TALBOT,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1626. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  Perhaps  5th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Risley,  Beds. 
B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  29, 
1629.  Probably  R.  of  Hinderwell,  Yorks.,  1633-70.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Richard  (1619)  and  probably  father  of  John  (1655). 
(Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

Talbot,  Robert 

TALBOT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  17,  1657. 
Of  Salop.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  21,  1661.  Perhaps  minister  of  Arkholme,  Lanes.,  in 
1660;  buried  at  Melling,  Jan.  2,  1666-7. 

TALBOT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  26, 
1683.  S.  of  James,  of  Westminster,  London.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1683;  Scholar,  1684;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A. 
1690;  D.D.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1689.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1691.  Regius  Professor  of  Hebrew,  1699-1704. 
Faculty  (Lambeth)  to  receive  priest's  orders,  Apr.  5,  1695, 
from  the  Bishop  of  Rochester.  R.  of  Sutton,  near  Shrews- 
bury, Salop,  1692-1705.  R.  of  Spofforth,  Yorks.,  1700-8. 
Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Somerset.  Author,  sermons,  etc. 
Editor  of  Horace.  Died  Oct.  28,  1708.  Buried  at  Spofiorth. 
(Al.  Westmon.,  200.) 

TALBOT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1569; 
Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1571;  LL.B.  1579.  Probably  adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  1569,  from  Barnard's  Inn. 

TALBOTT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1614. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Thomton-le-Street,  Yorks.; 
age  14  in  1612.  Colonel  in  the  Royal  Army.  Deputy 
Governor  of  Helmsley  Castle.  A  compounder;  fined  £574  in 
1646.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Roger  Southaby,  of  Pocklington, 
Yorks.  Buried  at  Thornton,  Aug.  19,  1658.  Admon.  (York) 
1659.  Perhaps  brother  of  Charles  (1617).  (Genealogist,  U.S., 
XXIII.  230.) 

TALBOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  10, 
1655.  S.  of  James  (?  1626),  clerk,  of  Hinderwell- in-Cleveland, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  July  20,  1637.  School,  Easington 
(Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1655.  Perhaps C.  of  Skelton  and  Brotton, 
Yorks.,  1661,  'B.A.'  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Cranwick 
St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1667-89,  B.A.  Died  1689-90. 

TALBOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  17, 
1659-60.  S.  of  Thomas  (and  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Mede, 
of  Lofts,  Essex,  Knt.),  and  perhaps  grandson  of  Thomas 
(i6oi).  B.  at  Gonville  Hall,  Wymondham,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
Nov.  6,  1645,  at  Lofts,  Essex  (his  mother's  home).  School, 
Elmdon,  Essex  (Mr  Howorth).  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4; 
M.A.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1664-8.  R.  of 
Icklingham  St  James,  Suffolk,  1673-89.  R.  of  Fretheme, 
Gloucs.,  1695-1701.  Went  to  America  with  George  Keith, 
the  first  S.P.G.  missionary  to  America,  as  chaplain  of  H.M.S. 
Centurian.  Arrived  at  Boston,  1702.  Laboured  at  Burling- 
ton, New  Jersey,  for  many  years ;  R.  of  St  Mary's,  Burlington, 
1704.  Consecrated  non-juror  bishop  in  1722,  when  on  a  visit 
to  England.  Died  at  Burhngton,  Nov.  29,  1727.  (S.P.G. 
Record^;  G.  M.  Hills,  Burlington;  Blomefield,  11.  503;  T.  A. 
Walker,  125,  where  he  is  called  s.  of  Thomas  (1636)  and  grand- 
son of  Clere  (1608),  but  this  is  apparently  an  error  and  not 
in  agreement  with  Blomefield.) 

TALBOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  27,  1673.  Of 
Carleton,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1678; 
priest,  Feb.  1680-1.  R.  of  Brampton,  Norfolk,  1681-1728. 
R.  of  Shadingfield,  Suffolk,  1689-1728. 

TALBOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  22, 
1687.  S.  of  Clere,  gent.  B.  at  Croydon.  School,  Wymondham 
(Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1687.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Oct.  17; 
priest,  Oct.  18,  1691,  B.A.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

TALBOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  9,  1748.  B.  at 
Streatham,  Surrey.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755. 
R.  of  Kirklington,  Yorks.,  1758-73.  Died  at  Ripon,  June  18, 
1773.  aged  66  (sic).  (G.  Mag.;  H.  B.  McCall,  Churches  of 
Richmondshire,  103,  states  that  he  was  of  Clare  College.) 

TALBOTT,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1554.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  5,  1559. 

TALBOT,  MATTHEW.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  Of  Ireland. 
Master  of  the  Grammar  School  of  St  Patrick,  Dublin.  Died 
1550.   (Cooper,  1.  539.) 

TALBOT,  RICHARD.   B.A.  1518-9;  M.A.  1522. 

TALBOT,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1619.   4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Risely,  Beds.  Scholar,  1619-20; 

B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23; 

priest,  Sept.  24,  1626.  Probably  V.  of  Cromer,  Norfolk,  1626. 

Perhaps  brother  of  James  (1626).   (Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 
TALBOTT,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  i6og-io;  M.A.  1613. 

Ord\  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18;  priest,  Dec.  19, 1614.  Licensed 

to  preach  (York)  Aug.  1615.   Probably  R.  of  Eyam,  Derbs., 

1617.  Died  1630.   Will,  P.C.C.   (PeiU,  1.  261.) 
TALBOT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1 62 1.  Of  Yorkshire. 
TALBOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  17, 

1641.   S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Spaldwicke,  Hunts.   B.  there. 

School,  Kimbolton  (Mr  William  Rugby).  Matric.  1641;  B.A. 



Talbot,  Robert 

Tamp  AM.  Richard 

TALBOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  21,  1679.  Of 
Groton,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686. 
Old.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1682-3;  priest,  Dec.  1683. 
R.  of  Wickhampton,  Norfolk,  1684-92.  V.  of  Freethorpe, 
1685-92.  R.  of  Welford,  Gloucs.,  1692-1712;  sequestered 
for  debts,  1709-12;  resigned,  1712. 

TALBOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  26,  1712.  B. 
at  Greenwich,  Kent.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719. 
Fellow,  1718-28.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1720.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  9,  1717-8;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1719.  R.  of 
Swalecliffe,  Kent,  1727-33.  V.  of  Ringmer,  Sussex,  1733-6. 
R.  of  Stone,  Kent,  1736-54.  Head  Master  of  King's  School, 
Canterbury,  1747-50.  Married  Anne,  sister  of  Dr  John 
Lynch,  Dean  of  Canterbury.  Died  May  12,  1754,  aged  59. 
Buried  at  Stone.   M.L  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  1755. 

TALBOT,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  9,  1626. 
S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Knayton,  Yorks.,  gent.  B.  at 
Otterington,  Yorks.  Schools,  Knayton  (Mr  Smith)  and 
Otterington  (Mr  Thos.  Harwood).  Matric.  1626.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1626.  Of  Knayton.  Married  Jane 
Redmaine,  1642.  Buried  at  Leake,  Dec.  3,  1662.  (Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxiii.  229.) 

TALBOTT,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  10, 
1676.  S.  of  Roger,  of  Thomton-le-Street,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
there,  Dec.  17,  1658.  School,  Brignall.  Matric.  1676.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1677-8.  Of  Wood  End,  Thirsk. 
Buried  at  Thornton,  July  20,  1717.  Father  of  the  next. 
{Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TALBOTT,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  26, 
1701.  2nd  s.  of  Roger  (above),  gent.  B.  at  Howden,  Thirsk, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Feb.  13,  1685,  at  Thornton.  School,  York. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  24,  1702-3.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Frankland,  Bart.,  June  17, 
1712.  Admon.,  May  13,  1723.  Father  of  the  next.  (H.  M. 
Wood;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxiii.) 

TALBOT,  ROGER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  15, 
1729.  S.  and  h.  of  Roger  (above),  Esq.,  deceased,  of  Wood 
End,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Aug.  14,  1713,  at  St  Saviour's,  York. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1729.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Dec.18,  1731.  M.P.  for  Thirsk,  1754-61.  Of  Wood  End,  Esq. 
Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  William  Ward.  Died  s.p.,  Mar.  1777. 
Buried  at  Thornton.   M.I.   (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxiii.  231.) 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1553; 
Scholar,  1554;  B.A.  1557-8.  Fellow,  1555.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  1555. 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  2, 
1577;  LL.B.  1581;  LL.D.  1588.  Adm.  advocate,  Oct.  11, 
1608.  OfScial  to  the  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1619.  Of 
Wymondham,  Norfolk.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1628.  Doubtless  father 
of  Clere  (1608)  and  of  Thomas  (1601).   (Blomefield,  11.  503.) 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1590;  B.A. 
(?  1594-5).  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  30,  1599.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Hexton,  Herts.,  1607-9,  M.A. 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  1601. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas  (1577).  Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  19,  1604-5;  of  Norfolk,  gent.,  and  of  Thavies  Inn. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1612.  Doubtless  brother  of  Clere  (i6o8). 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  30, 
1636.  S.  of  Clere  (1608),  D.C.L.,  of  Dunston,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
Mar.  30,  1620,  at  Wymondham.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Stone- 
ham).  Matric.  1636;  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1639;  LL.B. 
1641.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1641-2.  Inherited 
property  in  Wymondham,  in  1654.  Married  Abigail,  dau.  of 
Martin  Sedley,  of  Burford,  gent.  Died  Jan.  2,  1657.  M.I. 
at  Carleton-Rode.  (Venn,  1.  322,  where  he  is  said  to  have 
married  Joan,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Mede,  of  Lofts,  Essex, 
Knt.,  but  this  is  apparently  an  error;  see  Blomefield,  11. 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  15,  1651. 
Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654. 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  9, 
1700.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Wymondham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Wymondham (MrClarke) . Matric.  1700 ;  B.A.  1 704-5. 

TALBOT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  King's,  1736.  S.  of  Giles,  of 
Leominster,  Hereford,  gent.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxlord) 
Nov.  27,  1728,  age  20;  B.A.  (O.xford)  1732;  D.D.  from  Peter- 
house,  1764.  R.  of  Ullingswick,  Hereford,  till  1788.  Died 
Feb.  18,  1788.  Wm  (P.C.C.)  1788.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TALBOT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  8,  1738.  B. 
at  OdeU,  Beds.  School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1742-3; 
M.A.  1746.  Fellow,  1744-66.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  21, 
1749.  R.ofElmsett,  Suffolk,  1766-1811.  Preb.  of  Salisbury, 
1767-71-  R-  of  Teversham,  Cambs.,  1768-1811.  Chancellor 
of  Salisbury,  1771-1811.  Died  Nov.  24,  1811.  M.I.  at 
Elmsett.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

TALfiOT, (rector).  B.Can.L.  1470-1;  Dr  1475-6.  Probably 

William,  'D.Can.L.,'  R.  of  Ribchester,  Lanes.,  1468.  Preb. 
of  York,  1480.  Preb.  of  Southwell,  1485.  Buried  there  1498. 

TALBOT,  .   B.D.  1500.    A  friar.   D.D.  1503.    One  Robert 

Talbot,  s.  of  Myles.  A  priest  in  Norwich.  (Vis.  of  Norfolk, 

TALBOT,  .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  23, 

1729.  Name  off,  1733. 

TALBOyS,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570. 
Probably  s.  of  Robert,  goldsmith.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Scholar,  1573;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578; 
B.D.  1585.  Fellow,  1577.  Taxor,  1583-4.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (London)  June  2,  1584,  age  30.  V.  of  Trumpington, 
Cambs.,  1586-8.  V.  of  Sutton,  1588-92.  R.  of  Saltwood, 
Kent,  1592-6.  Preb.  of  Canterbury,  1594-6.  V.  of  Monkton 
and  Birchington,  till  1596.  Died  1596. 

TALBUS,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

TALCOTT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  3,  1619. 

5.  of  Robert,  alderman,  of  Colchester,  Essex.  Matric.  1619; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M..^.  1626.  Married  Mary  Parkinson.  (Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634;  H.  F.  Waters,  Geneal.  Gleanings,  11.  1126.) 

TALCOTT  or  TAILCOTE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
St  John's,  Apr.  5,  1642.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Colchester, 
Essex  (and  Thamer,  dau.  of  John  Ball,  of  Horksley,  Essex), 
and  nephew  of  Robert  (above).  B.  at  Horksley.  Bapt.  Feb.  3, 
1625-6.  School,  Colchester  (Mr  Dugard).  B.A.  1645-6. 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

TALCOTT  or  TAYLCOTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pem- 
broke, Michs.  1588.  S.  of  John,  of  Colchester,  Essex  (by 
his  2nd  wife  Mary  Pullen).  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596.  Fellow, 
1599.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Sept.  2,  1598.  R.  of 
St  Mary's,  Colchester,  Essex,  1603-41.  R.  of  All  Saints', 
1609.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  Marshal,  1634.  Married  Mar- 
garet, daul  of  Jeremy  Bigg,  of  Suffolk.  Buried  at  St  Mary's, 
Colchester,  Sept.  17,  1641.  Will,  Cons.  C.  London.  (Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634.) 

TALL  or  TAULE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1578;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585. 


TALLENTS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  14,  1636.  S.  of  Philip.  B.  at  Pilsley,  North  Wingfield, 
Derbs.  Schools,  Mansfield  and  Newark.  Matric.  1637;  B.A. 
from  Magdalene,  1640-1;  M.A.  1645.  Fellow  and  tutor  of 
Magdalene.  Received  presbyterian  ordination,  Nov.  29, 
1648,  at  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  London.  V.  of  St  Mary, 
Lichfield,  c.  1649-53.  C.  of  St  Mary's,  Shrewsbury,  1653; 
ejected,  1662.  Several  times  imprisoned  in  Shrewsbury 
Castle.  Jointly  with  John  Bryan,  ministered  to  the  presby- 
terian congregation  at  Shrewsbury,  c.  1672-90;  afterwards 
minister  at  Oliver  Chapel,  High  Street,  Shrewsbury.  Under 
suspicion  after  Monmouth's  rebellion;  confined  in  Chester 
Castle,  1685.  Joined  in  thanks  to  James  II  for  the  Declara- 
tion of  Indulgence,  1686.  Married  four  wives.  Author, 
sermons.  Died  Apr.  11,  1708.  Buried  in  St  Mary's  Church, 
Shrewsbury.  Brother  of  Philip  (1647)  and  father  of  the  next. 
(Calamy,  11.  332;  D.N.B.) 

TALLENTS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  June  3, 
1672.  S.  of  Francis  (above).  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric. 
1673;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Chaplain  to  Sir  D.  Gauden, 
Sheriff  of  London.  Acquainted  with  Pepys.  Died  in  early  life. 

TALLENTS,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene,  July 

6,  1647.  S.  of  Philip,  of  Pilsley,  Derbs.  School,  Stamford. 
Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Fellow.  Intruding 
minister  of  Lilford-cuw-Wigsthorpe,  Northants.,  1654-62, 
ejected.  Afterwards  conformed.  V.  of  Moulton,  Lines., 
1678-1705.  Involved  in  famous  case  of  the  "Moulton 
images."  Buried  at  Moulton,  Apr.  1705.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1636).  (A.  J.Matthev^ iFenlandN.  and  G.;  Bridges,  n.  243.) 

TALLYS,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1486-7;  M.A.  1489. 

TALLYS,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1583-4.  Head 
Master  of  Holt  School,  Norfolk,  1606-40,  from  whence  he 
sent  many  scholars  to  Cambridge.  Buried  at  Holt,  Aug.  20, 
1640.  By  his  will  (Norwich  Cons.  Court)  1640,  he  seems  to 
have  been  of  Tugby,  Leics.   (L.  B.  Radford,  Holt.) 

TALMAGE,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1508-9. 

TALWEN,  JOHN.  'B.A.  of  Cambridge.'  Incorp.at  Oxford,  1457. 

TALYARD, .  B.Can.L.  1511-2. 

TAMPAM,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TAMPION,  ROWLAND.  Oneof  these  names 'B.A.  of  Emmanuel 
College';  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3;  priest,  June  4,  1626. 
V.  of  Desborough,  Northants.,  1626-42  (so  Vis.  of  Northants. 
and  Bridges,  11.  27,  but  see  Campion,  Rowland  (1604)  with 
whom  he  is  perhaps  confused;  or  this  may  be  a  son). 


Tampon,  Thomas 

TAMPON  or  TAMPION,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at 
St  John's,  May  20,  1645.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Dudding- 
ton,  Northants.  School,  Colley  Weston  (Mr  Marshall,  the 
rector).  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9.  Probably  of  Easton, 
Stamford.  Buried  there  Oct.  5,  1667  (but  %ee  date  of  will). 
Will  dated,  Aug.  5,  1667;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  14,  1667  (stc). 
{Scott-Mayor,  i,  xix.) 

TAMWORTH,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  1504-5-  Of  Boston, 
Lines.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas  (?  John),  of  Halsted,  Leics.  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Katherine  Dandelewe).  M.A.  1508.  Fellow  of 
Christ's,  1506.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  i,  1506-7; 
priest,  Apr.  3,  1507.  R.  of  Paglesham,  Essex,  1523-45.  R. 
of  Leverton  (South  mediety),  Lines.,  1532-42.  V.  of  Frieston, 
1535-  Precentor  and  prelj.  of  Lincoln,  1538-46.  V.  of 
Wellingborough,  Northants.,  1539-46.  R.  of  Sandon,  Essex, 
1545.  Died  Jan.  13,  1545-6.  Buried  in  Lincoln  Cathedral. 
M.I.  Will,  Lincoln.  {Peile,  i.  5;  Nichols,  iii.  477;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  947.) 

Christ's,  1576-7.  Possibly  a  grandson  of  the  above. 

TAMWORTH,  JOHN  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1367-9. 
S.  of  John  de  Tamworth. 

TANDE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1551. 

TANDY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  31, 
1670.  S.  of  Philip,  clerk,  deceased,  of  Lisbum,  Ulster. 
Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4. 

TANFYLD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Copfold  Hall,  Margaretting, 
Essex,  and  of  Northamptonshire.  B.  Jan.  25,  1547-8.  Of 
Copfold  Hall,  J. P.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  George  Combe 
(?  Conye,  or  Comey),  of  Chichester,  Sussex.  Died  Oct.  6, 
1625.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake,  but  the 
dates  make  Foster's  identification  improbable.  {Vis.  of 
Essex,  1639;  Morant,  11.  54.) 

TANFIELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  July  7,  1603. 

TANFIELD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  14, 
1599.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Gayton,  Northants. 
Bapt.  there,  Nov.  22,  1584.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Mar.  8,  1599.  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1607.  Bencher,  1624. 
Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  Godfrey  Chybnale,  of  Orlingbury, 
Northants.,  Feb.  16,  1612-3.  Buried  Mar.  25,  1639,  at 
Loddington.  {Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618;  Middle  Temple 
Bench  Bk;  Baker,  11.  275;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

TANFYLD,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564.  Probably 
William,  2nd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Copfold  Hall,  Margaretting, 
Essex.  Probablybrotherof  John  (1564).  {Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

TANKARD  or  TANCRED,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pe.is.  from 
St  John's,  Easter,  1579.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Borough- 
bridge,  Yorks.  Of  Whixley,  Esq.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of 
WiUiam  Wyvell,  of  Osgardby,  Yorks.  Died  Aug.  31,  1644. 
Probably  father  of  Richard  (1625).  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  166.) 

TANKARD  or  TANCRED,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15) 
at  Christ's,  Feb.  20,  1650-1.  S.  and  h.  of  Charles.  B.  at 
.\rden  Grange,  Yorks.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Palmes).  Matric. 
1650-1.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  John  Dalton,  of  Hawks- 
well,  Yorks.  {Peile,  i.  540.) 

TANKARD  or  TANCRED,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1579.  Doubtlesss.  of  Ralph  (1549).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  21,  1581-2;  of  Yorkshire,  and  of  Fumival's  Inn. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1589.  Perhaps  knighted,  Jan.  26,  1609-10. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1579)  and  probably  of  William  (1579). 

TANKARD,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1565. 
Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Boroughbridge,  Yorks.  Died 
unmarried.  Buried  at  Aldborough,  Nov.  11,  1598.  Brother 
of  the  next,  of  Ralph  (1549),  Thomas  (1547)  and  William 

TANKARDE,  NINI  (NINIAN).  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1555.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Boroughbridge, 
Yorks.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  7,  1559.  Married 
Thomasine,  dau.  of  Thomas  de  la  River,  of  Brandsby,  Yorks. 
Buried  June  3,  1593.  Brother  of  James  (above),  etc. 
{Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  163.) 

TANKARD,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1549. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Boroughbridge,  Yorks.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  1552.  Of  Arden,  Yorks.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  WilUam  Lawson,  of  Cramlington,  Northumberland. 
Brother  of  Ninian  (above),  etc.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
Henry  (1579)- 

TANKARD  or  TANCRED,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Easter,  1579.  Doubtless  s.  of  Ralph  (above),  of 
Arden,  Yorks.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  1581-2,  and  Gray's 
Inn,  Feb.  8,  1581-2;  of  Barnard's  Inn.  Married  Jane,  dau. 
of  Christopher  Chaytor,  of  Butterby,  Durham,  Oct.  i,  1592. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1579).  (Peile,  1.  149;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 

Tanner,  Stephen 

TANKRED  or  TANCRED,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Magdalene,  Easter,  1625.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Charles 
(1579),  of  Whixley,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  Apr.  10,  1608,  at 
Aldborough.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  21,  1626.  J.P 
for  the  West  Riding.  Colonel  of  Foot  Regiment.  Knighted, 
May  21,  1642.  Compounded  and  fined  £346,  in  1645.  Of 
Whixley.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Nevile,  of 
Chevet,  Yorks.;  (2)  Ann,  dau.  of  John  Robinson,  of  Hack- 
forth,  Yorks.  Buried  at  Whixley,  Oct.  22,  1668.  Admon., 
York.  Father  of  the  next.   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TANCRED,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  23, 
1655-6.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Richard  (above),  Knt.  Bapt.  Feb.  11, 
1639,  at  Whixley,  Yorks.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Holmes). 
Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  17, 
1660.   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TANKERDE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1547.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Boroughbridge, 
Yorks.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  20,  1548-9,  Tanckerd. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Bernard  Pever,  of  Micklethwaite, 
Yorks.  Buried  at  Aldborough,  Feb.  20,  1596-7-  Brother  of 
the  next,  etc. 

TANKARDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1550.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  William,  of  Boroughbridge,  Yorks. 
Died  unmarried.  Brother  of  Thomas  (above),  Ralph  (1549), 

TANKARDE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  2, 
1579.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.  Of  Pannal,  Yorks.  Married  Grace, 
dau.  of  William  Danby,  of  Gt  Langton,  Yorks. 

TANKARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1579.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Ralph  (1549),  of  Arden,  Yorks.; 
age  23  in  1584.  Married  Ehzabeth,  dau.  of  Roger  Mennell, 
of  Hawnby,  Yorks.  Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1579)- 
{Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584.) 

TANKERVILLE,  Earl  of.  LL.D.  1749.  Charles  [Bennet]  s.  and 
h.  of  Charles,  Earl  of  Tankerville.  Bapt.  Dec.  21,  1697,  at 
Harlington,  Middlesex.  Schools,  Eton  and  Winchester. 
Succeeded  to  the  peerage,  May  21,  1722.  Colonel  of  the 
Middlesex  Militia,  1723.  Lord  of  the  Bedchamber  to  the 
Prince  of  Wales,  1729-33.  K.T.,  1730.  Captain  of  the 
Yeomen  of  the  Guard,  1731-33.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  North- 
umberland, 1740.  Married  Camilla,  dau.  of  Edward  Colville, 
of  Whitehouse,  Durham.  Buried  Mar.  30,  1753,  at  HarUng- 
ton.  {G.E.C.) 

TANNE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall,  Easter, 

TANNER,  CULPEPPER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's 
Mar.  15,  1688-9.  S.  of  Culpepper,  gent.  B.  in  London 
School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Savage).  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1692-3; 
M.A.  1696.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1695.  R.  of 
Easton-on-the-Hill,  Northants.,  1695-1725-  R-  ot  Pickwell, 
Leics.,  1700-6.  R.  of  Ridlington,  Rutland,  1710-25.  Chap- 
lain to  the  Earl  of  Gainsborough.  Buried  at  Easton,  Nov.  27, 
1725.   Father  of  the  next. 

TANNER,  CULPEPPER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  n, 
1720.  S.  of  Culpepper  (above).  B.  at  Easton,  Northants.,  c. 
1701.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1723-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1724;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1726;  title,  'Easton  by 
Stamford  (sequestration).'  C.  of  Ridlington,  1724.  Probably 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1730;  of  Oakham,  Rutland, 
gent.   Usher  of  Oakham  School,  1734.   (W.  M.  Noble.) 

TANNER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.  1585-6. 

TANNER,  EZEKIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June 
29,1646.  S.  of  Ezekiel,  currier.  B.  in  Hertfordshire.  Matric. 

TANNER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jan.  6,  1658-9. 
4th  s.  of  Barnard,  of  Branwel,  Cornwall.  Matric.  1660;  M.A. 
1668  {Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  1658.  V.  of  Caerhayes  St  Michael,  Cornwall, 
1676-1704,  and  of  St  Stephen's  by  Saltash,  1692-1705.  Died 
Sept.  20,  1705.  Buried  at  St  Stephen's.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

TANNER,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec. 
23;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1627.  V.  of  Wiston,  Suffolk,  1630.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1648. 

TANNER  or  TANNE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1499;  B.D.  1506.  FeUow  of 
Gonville  Hall,  1499-1510.  Bursar,  1509.  Ord.  sub-deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  6,  i5oo-i,on  the  titleof  theColIege.  Preacher, 
1507.  R.  of  All  Hallows,  Honey  Lane,  London,  1510.  Died 
1510-1.   {Venn,  i.  14.) 

TANNER,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  11,  1634. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642;  M.D. 


Tanner,  Thomas 

TANNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  (age  15)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1646.  S.  of  Daniel,  citizen  of  London.  B.  in  St 
Matthew's,  Friday  Street,  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  B.A. 
1649.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1651.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1652.  Fellow 
of  New  College,  Oxford,  1651.  Proctor  (Oxford)  1660.  M.A. 
(Edinburgh)  1652.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  12,  1658;  of 
Godmanchester,  Hunts.  Barrister-at-law,  Gray's  Inn,  1663. 
Travelled  in  Italy  and  Flanders.  V.  of  Colyton,  Devon, 
1666-76-  R.  of  Rimpton,  Somerset,  1676  (May-June).  R.  of 
Brightstone  (or  Brixton),  Isle  of  Wight,  1676-9.  R.  of  North 
Waltham,  Essex,  1679.  R.  of  Winchfield,  Hants.,  1679782. 
Author,  The  Entrance  of  Mazzarini,  etc.  Died  Oct.  1682. 
Buried  at  Winchfield.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

TANNER,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1700  (Incorp.  from  All  Souls,  Oxford). 
S.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Market  Lavington,  Wilts.  B.  there, 
Jan.  25,  1673-4.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  17, 
1689,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1693;  M.A.  1696;  B.D.  and 
D.D.  1710.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1696.  Chancellor 
of  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  1700-32.  R.  of  Thorpe  Bishops, 
Norfolk,  1706.  Canon  of  Ely,  1713.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk, 
1721-32.  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  1724-35.  Bishop 
of  St  Asaph,  1732-5.  R.  (sinecure)  of  Llandrillo,  Merioneth, 
1733.  Antiquary.  Author,  Notitia  Monastica,  Bibliotheca 
Britannico-Hibernica.  Died  Dec.  14,  1735.  (D.N.B.;  Al. 
Oxon. ;  G.  Mag.) 

TANNER,  .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Oct.  26,  1647. 

Of  Cornwall. 

TANTRELL, .   Incorp.  1482-3. 

TAPERALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  7.  1738 
(did  not  reside).  S.  of  John,  of  Bodmin,  Cornwall.  'B.  in 
Cornwall,  an  exciseman.'  Previously  adm.  at  Exeter  College, 
Oxford,  Apr.  12,  1728,  age  18. 

TAPITER,  JAMES.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1514-7. 

TAPLERD, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1464-5. 

TAPPE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  14,  1568. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Felmersham,  Beds.  School,  Felmersham. 

TAPP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  5,  1590.  Of 
Bedfordshire.  Matric.  c.  1591;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  11;  priest,  Apr.  12,  1627,  'M.A. 
of  Queens'.'  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Clapham,  Beds.,  1613; 
also  schoolmcister;  R.  of  Souldrop,  1615. 

TAPP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  30,  1654-5, 
from  Peterhouse.  Of  Northampton.  Matric.  1655;  B.A. 
1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1661.  V.  of  Podington,  Beds., 

TAPPER,  HENRY.  Student  at  Cambridge  and  Oxford;  sup.  for 
M.Gram.  (Oxford)  1529. 

TAPPER,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  26, 
1661.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A. 
from  King's,  1668.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1667. 
Chaplain  at  King's,  1667.  V.  of  Pampisford,  Cambs.,  1672- 
c.  80.  Surrogate  of  Groby,  Leics.,  1682,  B.D.  Admon. 
(Leicester)  1683.   (Nichols,  iv.  632.) 

TAPPS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15, 
1728.  S.  of  Joseph,  mercer,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Reddington).  Matric.  1728;  Scholar,  1728-35; 
B.A.  1731-2;  M.A.  1735.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  May  14,  1739. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  2,  1734-5;  priest,  Oct.  19,  1735. 
R.  of  Potter  Heigham,  Norfolk,  1736-7.  V.  of  Ludham, 
1736-7.  R.  of  Seaming.  V.  of  St  Benedict,  Norwich,  1741- 
89.  P.C.  of  St  George  Colgate,  Norwich,  1752-89.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  George  Jenney,  of  Hethersett,  Esq.  Died 
Oct.  21,  1789.   {Venn,  11.  29.) 

TAPRELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1585. 
Matric.  1585. 

TAPTON,  HUGH.  Grace  for  degree,  1460-1.  Chancellor  and 
canon  of  Lincoln,  1451-81.  Died  July  15,  1481. 

TAPTON,  JOHN.  M.A.  Of  Rutland.  Master  of  St  Catharine's, 
1480-7.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1460-3;  of  York,  1467-85;  of 
St  Paul's,  1471-85.  Dean  of  St  Asaph,  1463-92.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  dated  Mar.  13,  1492-3.  To  be  buried  in  Stoke 
CoUege,  Clare,  Sufiolk.  (Cath.  Coll.  Hist.,  47-8;  Br.  Willis 
St  Asaph.) 

TARBOCKE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Michs.  1562. 

TARBOR,  HENRY.  B.Can.L.  1516-7. 

TARKETS, .  M.A.  1483-4. 

TARPLEi^,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1712.  Of  Virginia. 

TARPULL,  RICHARD.  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1480-1. 

TARRAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  12,  1703. 
2nd  s.  of  John,  grazier.  School,  Buraiston  (Mr  Dawson). 
Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June,  1707.  R.  of  DanbyWiske.Yorks.,  1721-61.  Died  1761. 

TARREY,  see  also  TERRY. 

Tate,  Bartholomew 

TARREY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  19,  1649. 
S.  of  TTiomas  (1612),  clerk,  of  Mereworth,  Kent.  B.  at 
Tudeley,  near  Stoke,  Kent.  School,  Kingsdown  (private). 
Matric.  1650.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  May  2,  1651.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1644). 

TARREY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  7,  1683. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas  (1644),  R.  of  Thrapston,  Northants. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  16,  1663-4. 

TARRY,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  1714.  B.  in 

TARRIE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1612; 
B.A.  1615-6;  Scholar,  1617-9;  M.A.  1619.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Oct.  1620;  priest,  Apr.  1621.  R.  of  Albourne, 
Sussex,  1621-2.  V.  of  Tudeley,  Kent,  1624-39.  R.  of  Mere- 
worth,  1638-60.  Will,  1660-1.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
John  (1649).  {Peile,  1.  288.) 

TARREY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  12, 
1644.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  R.  of  Mereworth,  Kent.  School, 
Canterbury  (Mr  Ludd).  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A. 
1652.  FeUow,  1650.  Intruded  as  R.  of  Thrapston,  North- 
ants., 1659-62,  ejected.  Afterwards  Master  of  the  Gram- 
mar School,  Higham  Ferrers.  Lived  latterly  near  London. 
Brother  of  John  (1649)  and  father  of  John  (1683).  (Calamy, 
"•  233) 

TASBOROUGH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's, 
May  25,  1626.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1588),  Knt.,  of  Flixton 
Abbey,  Suffolk.  School,  Eye  (Mr  Dormond).  Matric.  1626. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  19,  1628.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Sir  Richard  Tychbume,  of  Tichburne,  Knt.  and  Bart.,  Hants. 
Died  Aug.  11,  1657,  aged  49.  Brother  of  the  next.  (Peile, 
I-  374;  Vis.  of  Suff.,  1664;  Suckling,  i.  198.) 

TASBOROUGH,  CRESSY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  May  25, 
1626.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John  (next),  Knt.,  of  Flixton  Abbey, 
Suffolk.  School,  Eye.  Matric.  1626.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  19,  1628.  Of  Bodney,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Married  Grace, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Barlee,  of  Elsenham,  Essex.  Living,  1650, 
when  he  suffered  sequestration  as  a  recusant.  Brother  of 
Charles  (above).  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1663;  Peile,  i.  374;  Victoria 
Hist.  Herts.,  11.  307;  in.  31.) 

TASBURGHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1588.  S.  of  Sir  John,  of  Flixton  Abbey,  Suffolk.  Knighted, 
May  11,  1603.  Of  Flixton  Abbey,  Knt.  Married  Lettice, 
dau.  of  Sir  James  Cressy,  Knt.  Died  1629.  Will  proved 
(P.C.C.)  Feb.  10,  1629-30.  Father  of  Charles  (1626)  and  of 
Cressy  (above).  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
(Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

TASBOROUGH, .  B.D.  1468-9.  A  friar.  D.D.  1472-3. 

TASBOROUGH, .  B.Can.L.  1477-8. 

TASK,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Feb.  20, 
1729-30.  Matric.  1729-30. 

TASKER,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  King's,  1735.  S.  of  John,  of 
Steepleton,  Dorset,  clerk.  B.  June  7,  1708.  Matric.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  May  13,  1727,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1730-1. 
R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon,  1738.  Buried  Sept.  23,  1772.  Will 
(Exeter)  1773.   (^l-  Oxon.) 

TASKER,  .    B.Civ.L.   1514-5.    Perhaps  Thomas  Taske, 

LL.D.,  V.  of  Beeford,  Vorks.,  1539;  died  1539. 

TASSELL,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1619.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1628.  V.  of  Chilton-upon- 
Polden,  Somerset,  1645-65,  M.A.  Minister  of  East  Chinnock, 
in  1645. 

TASWELL,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1685  (Incorp.  from  Christ  Church, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  July  8,  1670,  age  i8.  S.  of  James, 
of  the  Isle  of  Wight,  gent.  B.A.  (O-xford)  1674;  M.A.  1677; 
B.D.  1685;  D.D.  1698.  R.  of  Swanton  Novers  and  Wood 
Norton,  Norfolk,  1692-8.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Newington  Butts, 
Surrey,  1698-1731.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Bermondsey,  1724-7. 
Died  June  16,  1731.  Buried  at  Newington.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  Manning  and  Bray,  in.  453.) 

TATCHELL,  CHRISTOPHER.  M.A.  from  King's,  1744.  S.  of 
John,  of  Stoke-under-Hamden,  Somerset.  Matric.  (Wadham 
College,  Oxford)  Apr.  i,  1732,  age  18;  B.A.  (Pembroke 
College,  Oxford)  1735.  R.  of  Stockley  English,  Devon.  R. 
of  Combe  St  Nicholas,  Somerset,  1743-93.  Died  at  Combe, 
Feb.  22,  1793,  aged  80.   (Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

TATE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  23,  1679. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686. 

TATE,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  6,  1716.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Bartholomew,  of  Delapre  Abbey,  Northampton.  Bapt. 
June  2,  1699,  at  Hardington,  Northants.  Matric.  1716. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  14,  1716.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1728.  Married  Arundel,  dau.  of  Henry  Stratford,  of  Over- 
stone,  Northants.  Buried  Sept.  5,  1776.  (Nichols,  iii.  1146.) 


Tate,  B[enjamin] 

TATE,  B[ENJ  AMIN].  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  i8, 
1733.  Doubtless  Benjamin,  4th  s.  of  William  (?  1708-9),  of 
Thames  Street,  London.  Matric.  1734.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  June  15,  1734.    Brother  of  the  next. 

TATE,  GEORGE.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  2, 

1732.  3rd  s.  of  William  (?  1708-9),  innkeeper,  of  London. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Cheam,  Surrey  (Mr  Sankay)  and  Eton. 
Matric.  1732.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Mar.  21,  1732-3. 
Brother  of  'Benjamin'  (above).   {Venn,  11.  36.) 

TATE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  29, 
1665.  S.  of  Rudolph,  of  Layton,  Yorks.  School,  Brignall, 
Yorks.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  c. 
1670-1;  priest,  Sept.  1671.  Perhaps  V.  of  Bishopton, 
Durham,  1686-7. 

TAIT,  JAMES.  M.A.  1733  {Lit.  Reg.).  'Ord.  priest  by  Bishop 
of  London.'  Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Chesterford,  Essex,  1728- 
47;  R.  of  Gt  Chesterford,  1732-47,  M.A.  Died  1747.  Will 
{Comm.  Essex)  1748;  of  Gt  Chesterford,  Essex,  clerk. 

TATE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinitv,  Feb.  28,  1650-1.  Of 
Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1651.  One  of  these  names  knighted, 
May  12,  1687;  Recorder  of  London. 

TATE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  27, 
1680.  S.  of  Richard  (?  1640),  V.  of  Bilton,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Sherbum  (Mr  Wright).  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4; 
M.A.  from  King's,  171 1.  Ord.  priest  (Winchester)  Sept.  27, 
1687.  V.  of  Bumham,  Bucks.,  1707-59.  R.  of  Englefield, 
Berks.,  1711.  Di»d  Mar.  i,  1759,  aged  98.  Perhaps  father  of 
the  next.   (G.  Mag.) 

TATE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1715. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Matthew  (above).  B.  at  Laycock,  Wilts. 
Matric.  1715-6;  B.A.  1719.  Fellow,  1719.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  12,  1720.  Died  at  Walthamstow,  Essex, 
Oct.  1720,  of  small-pox.   {Harwood.) 

TATE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1640; 
B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1649.  Licensed  as 
schoolmaster  at  Kirkby  Misperton,  Yorks.,  1661.  Probably 
V.  of  Bilton,  Yorks.,  c.  1662.  Probably  father  of  Matthew 

TATE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1621;  B.A. 
1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June;  priest,  Sept. 
1625.   Perhaps  of  Wressle,  Yorks.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1656. 

TATEorTAYTT,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1489-90;  M.A.  1493.  Proctor, 
1496-7.  According  to  Dr  Caius  {Annals)  he  was  Principal 
of  Gerrard's  Hostel,  and  the  chief  instigator  of  the  Northern 
versus  Southern  riot  and  attack  on  GonviUe  Hall,  in  1521. 
He  gave  books  to  the  College  by  way  of  recompense.  Prob- 
ably V.  of  Everingham,  Yorks.,  1508-24;  R.  of  Thwing, 
1509-28;  Treasurer  of  Beverley  Minster,  1520-c.  38;  Preb. 
of  York,  1522-40;  Canon  of  Windsor,  1523-40,  LL.D.  Died 
1540.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1544;  'Canon  of  Windsor;  of  Chelms- 
ford.'  (Le  Neve,  in.  392.) 

TATE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  i,  1708-9. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1709.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Mar.  1,  1708-9;  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Burley,  Leics. 
Perhaps  father  of  George  (1732)  and  Benjamin  (1733). 

TATHAM,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1544.  Of  Richmondshire.  B.A.  1546-7;  M.A.  1550. 
Fellow,  1549.   R.  of  Thorley,  Herts.,  1573-94. 

TATHAM,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  22, 
1654.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Tunstall,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there, 
Apr.  30,  1637.  School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale  (Mr  Jackson). 
Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657;  M.A.  1661.  R.  of  Kirkby  Lonsdale, 
1661-4.  V.  of  Tunstall,  1664-99;  probably  reinstated,  1699- 
1718.  Married  Agnes,  dau.  of  Bryan  Carter,  of  Tunstall, 
Jan.  17,  1670-1.  Buried  at  Tunstall,  Oct.  18,  1718,  aged  81. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1645),  father  of  Richard  (1691)  and 
John  (1692).  (W.  H.  ChippindaU;  Victoria  Hist.  Lanes., 
viii.  229.) 

TATHAM,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  June  18,  1680. 
S.  of  John,  of  Nether  Burrow,  Lanes.  Bapt.  at  Tunstall, 
Oct.  31,  1662.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1694.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Dec.  1684;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1689.  C.  of 
Kirklington;   V.   there,   1698-1705.    Buried  there  June   1, 

1733.  (W.  H.  ChippindaU;  McCall,  Churches  of  Richmond- 
shire, 103.) 

TATHAM,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  6, 

1692.    S.  of  James,  husbandman.   B.  at  Sedbergh.   School, 

Sedbergh.     Matric.    1692;   B.A.   1696-7;   M.A.   1700.    Ord. 

deacon   (London)   Sept.   20,   1696;   priest,  Sept.   25,    1698. 

Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Bindon.    V.  of  Newport,  Essex, 

1703-35.   V.  of  Ridding,  1704-22.   R.  of  Quendon,  1707-35. 

Died   1735.    Father  of  James   (1719).    {Lambeth  Act   Bk; 

T.  C.  Dale;  Sedbergh  School  Register,  where  he  is  confused 

with  Edmund  (1654).) 
TATHAM,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1551;  B.A.  1553-4.  Received  tonsure  (London)  1554.  V.  of 

Hauxton,  Cambs.,  1554. 

Tatham,  William 

TATHAM,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  July  9, 
1719-  S.  of  Edmund  (1692),  clerk,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Newport. 
Schools,  Newport  (Mr  Allen)  and  Boxford,  Suffolk  (Mr 
Tatham).  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1723-4. 

TATHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  13  or 
14.  1633.  S.  of  Edmimd,  husbandman,  of  Burrow-in-Scot- 
forth,  Lancaster,  Lanes.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric. 
1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Head  Master  of  Kirkby 
Lonsdale  School.  Married  Alice  Rigg.  Dead  by  1649. 
(W.  H.  ChippindaU.) 

TATUM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  1,  1650-1.  Matric. 
1650-1;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Usher  of  Repton  School, 
Derbs.,  1654-9.  V.  of  Sutton-on-the-HiU,  1662-89.  Buried 
there  Feb.  13,  1689.  Father  of  the  next.  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

TATHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  24,  1682. 
Of  Derbyshire.  S.  of  John  (above),  V.  of  Sutton-on-the-HiU. 
Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689.  V.  of  Sutton-on-the 
HiU,  1689-1733.  R.  of  BonsaU.  Buried  at  Sutton-on-the- 
HiU,  July  4,  1733.  M.I.  Father  of  John  (1714).  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1307.) 

TATHAM.  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Sept.  10,  1692. 
2nd  s.  of  Edmvmd  (1654),  V.  of  TunstaU.  Bapt.  there,  Nov. 
12,  1676.  Matric.  1694;  B.A.  1696-7.  Buried  at  Tunstall, 
Ftb.  22,  1701-2.  Brother  of  Richard  (1691).  (W.  H. 
ChippindaU;  Henry  Curtis,  The  Taihams.) 

TATAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  25,  1714.  S. 
of  John  (1682),  V.  of  Sutton-on-the-HiU,  Derbs.  Matric. 
1715;  B.A.  1717-8.  Ord.  deacon  (YorK)  May,  1719;  priest, 
Dec.  1720.  V.  of  Whaplode,  Lines.,  1725-68.  Died  Aug.  30, 
1768.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1307;  G.  Mag.) 

TATHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  10, 
1744.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Cantsfield,  Lanes.  Bapt.  at  TunstaU, 
May  10,  1726.  School,  Bentham,  York>.  (Mr  Bennison). 
Matric.  1744;  B.A.  1747-8.  V.  of  Melling-in-Lonsdale, 
Lanes.,  1750-94.  R.  of  Tatham,  1794-1809.  Died  1809. 
{Victoria  Hist.  Lanes.,  viii.  224;  Peile,  11.  246.) 

TATAM,  LEONARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

TATHAM,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  21, 
1722.  S.  of  Ralph,  gent.,  of  Durham.  B.  at  Bishopton,  near 
Stockton.  School,  Darlington  (Mr  Richardson).  Matric. 
1723;  M.B.  1727;  M.D.  (Leipsic).  Physician  at  Sunderland. 
Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Ralph  Robinson,  of  Houghton-le- 
Spring;  (2)  EUzabeth  Yellowlee,  at  Sunderland.  May  3,  1748. 
Buried  at  Sunderland,  Sept.  20,  1752.  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  348.) 

TATHAM,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1586;  B.A  from  St  Catharine's,  1590-1.  Ord.  priest  (Nor- 
wich) Mar.  25,  1596.' 

TATHAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  9, 
1645.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Tunstall,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there,  Nov. 
29,  1628.  School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale  (Mr  Tatham).  Matric. 
1645;  B.A.  1649;  M.A.  1654.  Probably  V.  of  Heversham, 
Westmorland,  1654-7.  V.  of  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  1657-61. 
R.  of  Kirklington,  Yorks.,  1662-98.  Buried  at  TunstaU, 
July  13,  1698.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1654).  {Peile,  1.  499; 
W.  H.  ChippindaU.) 

TATHAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  27, 
1691.  S.  of  Edmund  (1654),  V.  of  TunstaU,  Lanes.  Bapt. 
there,  July  17,  1672.  School,  Bingley,  Yorks.  (Mr  Marshall). 
Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1693;  B.A.  1694-5.  Buried  at 
TunstaU,  July  5,  1708.  Brother  of  John  (1692).  (W.  H. 

TATAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1564-5. 

TATHAM,  SANDFORD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  27,  1740.  S.  of  WiUiam,  Esq.,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at 
OveraU,  in  the  parish  of  Thornton.  School,  Scorton,  Yorks. 
(Mr  Noble).  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1750.  Ord. 
deacon  (Chester)  May  20,  1750;  priest,  June  2,  1751.  R.  of 
Hutton-in-the-Forest,  Cumberland,  1752-77.  V.  of  St 
Laurence,  Appleby,  1758-77.  Chaplain  to  PhUip,  Earl 
Stanhope.  Married  a  dau.  of  Henry  Marsden,  of  Gisbome 
HaU,  Yorks.  Died  1777.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  512.) 

TATHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Apr.  28,  1684. 
S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  RathmeU,  near  Settle,  Yorks. 
School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1684.  One  of  these  names  P.C. 
of  Colne,  Lanes.,  1694-1708,  and  V.  of  Almondbury,  Yorks., 
1706-16.   Buried  May  18,  1716.  {Peile,  11.  95.) 

TATHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  17, 
1711.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk.  B.  at  Lancaster.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719;  B.D.  1733. 
Fellow,  1717-35.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Oct.  1717.  V.  of  Lund, 
Yorks.,  1719.  Licensed  to  teach  at  Beverley  Grammar 
School,  1721.  R.  of  Moreton,  Essex,  1733-7.  Buried  there 
Dec.  16,  1737.   M.I.   {Scott-Mayor.) 

TATAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  i6,  1641. 
Matric.  1641. 


Tatham,  William 

TATHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
25,  1676.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  B.  at  Pontefract,  Yorks. 
School,  Pontefract.  Matric.  1676.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Apr.  23,  1678. 

TATHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  28, 
1700.  S.  of  John.  B.  in  the  parish  of  Thorn ton-in-Lonsdale, 
Yorks.  School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale  (Mr  Firbank).  Scholar, 
1700;  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  1706;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1707.  R-  of 
Wormingford,  Essex,  1709-60.  R.  of  Polstead,  Suffolk,  1717. 
R.  of  VViston  (or  Wissington),  1720.  Died  1760.  (Peile,  n. 

TATHAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1729;  Scholar,  1729. 

TATNALL  or  TOTNALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
May  20,  1648.  Of  Lincolnshire.  School,  Westminster. 
Scholar,  1649;  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655. 
Fellow,  1653.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.  Minister  of  St  John 
the  Evangelist,  Westminster,  London,  1651-62,  ejected. 
(Calamy,  i.  lis;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TATNALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  R.  of  St  Mary  North- 
gate,  Canterbury,  1612. 

TATTERSALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Sept.  20, 
1658.  S.  of  John,  deceased,  of  Rossendale,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Burnley  (Mr  Aspden).  Matric.  1658.  Usher  of 
Wisbech  Grammar  School,  1662.   {Ely  Register.) 

TATTERSALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  5, 
1731.  S.  of  John  (1692),  R.  of  Chipstead,  Surrey.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  i733;  B-A-  1735-6; 
M.A.  1742.  V.  of  Charing,  Kent,  1746-55-  R-  of  St  Paul, 
Covent  Garden,  London,  1754-5,  and  again,  1758-84.  R.  of 
Streatham,  Surrey,  1755-  Died  Sept.  12,  1784,  aged  72. 
M.I.  at  Chipstead.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1724). 
(G.  Mag.;  Manning  and  Bray,  11.  248.) 

TATTERSAL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  24,  1661. 
Of  Lancashire,  Matric.  i66i;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  May  17,  i668;  'C. 
of  Melboum,  Cambs.'  V.  of  Kemsing  with  Scale,  Kent,  1668. 
V.  of  Waldron,  Sussex,  1671-1707.  Buried  there  May  15, 
1707.  See  ^  i.  0«o».  for  a  contemporary.  Father  of  the  next. 

TATTERSALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  23,  1692; 
scholar  from  St  Paul's  School.  S.  of  John  (above),  clerk,  of 
Sussex.  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  R.  of 
Chipstead,  Surrey,  1718-40;  also  R.  of  Hangleton,  Sussex. 
Died  Sept.  3,  1740.  Buried  at  Chipstead.  M.I.  Father  of 
the  next  and  of  James  (1731)-  (Manning  and  Bray,  11.  248.) 

TATTERSALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Sept. 
7,  1724.  S.  of  John  (above),  R.  of  Chipstead,  Surrey.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1726;  B.A.  1728-9; 
M.A.  1732.  Fellow,  1731.  R-  of  Depden,  Suffolk,  1740-69. 
Died  Sept.  23,  1769.  M.I.  at  Chipstead.  Brother  of  James 
(1731).  {Manning  and  Bray,  11.  249.) 

TATTERSHALL,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1588.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Dec. 
1590.  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595. 

TATTERSALL  or  TETERSAL,  RICHARD.  M.Gram.  1495-6. 

TATTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  8,  1686. 
S.  of  William,  of  Wythenshaw,  Cheshire.  Bapt.  there,  June 
30,  1668.  Matric.  1686.  Of  Wythenshaw,  Esq.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Richard  Legh,  of  Lyme.  Died  Feb.  21, 
1689-90,  aged  21.  M.I.  at  Northenden  Church.  (Burke, 
L.G.;  A.  Gray;  Ormerod,  iii.  315.) 

TATTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  26, 
1678.  S.  of  George,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1679;  Scholar,  1679;  B.A.  1683-4. 

TAULKS, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1576. 

TAVAN  or  TAWANE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Aug.  2, 
1624.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633. 

TAVERNER,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  17,  1725-6. 
B.  at  Maiden,  Essex.  Matric.  1726;  M.B.  1733.  Adm.  extra- 
licentiate  R.C.P.,  1732.  Practised  at  Sudbury  and  at 
Witham.   {Munk,  11.  118.) 

TAVERNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1578. 
B.  at  Barking,  Essex.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1584-5;  M.A.  1588. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1589,  age  26;  '  R.  of  St  Peter, 
Colchester';  priest,  July  31,  1591;  'C.  of  St  Magnus  Martyr, 
London.'  Probably  R.  of  Diss,  Norfolk,  1596-1613.  Buried 
Dec.  22,  1613.  [To  be  distinguished  from  John  Tavemer, 
R.  of  Woodeaton,  Oxon.,  1575,  and  son  of  Richard,  of 
Corpus  Christi.] 
TAVERNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1597. 
2nd  s.  of  Peter,  of  Hexton,  Herts.,  and  grandson  of  Richard, 
clerk  of  the  Signet  to  Henry  VIII,  and  of  Woodeaton, 
Oxon.   School,  Westminster.   Scholar,  1599;  B.A.  1601-2; 

Tawyer,  William 

M.A.  1605.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1606.  Secretary  to  Dr  King, 
Bishop  of  London.  Professor  of  Music  at  Gresham  College, 
1610-38.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1620;  priest.  Mar. 
13,  1624-5.  V.  of  Tillingham,  Essex,  1624-9.  V.  of  Hexton, 
Herts.,  1629-38.  R.  of  Stoke  Newington,  Middlesex,  1629- 
38.  Died  Aug.  1638.  Buried  at  Stoke  Newington.  M.l. 
Win  dated,  Aug.  26;  proved,  Aug.  29,  1638.  {Vis.  of  Herts., 
1634;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Clutterbuck,  in.  10.) 
TAVERNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1603. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Hackington,  Kent,  1613-5.  Died  Nov.  19,  1615. 

TAVERNER,  RICHARD.  LL.B.  1496-7.  Of  Yorkshire.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  31;  priest,  Apr.  14,  1498. 

TAVERNER,  RICHARD.  Educated  at  Corpus  Christi;  after- 
wards at  Cardinal's  College,  Oxford;  junior  canon  there. 
S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  North  Elmham,  Norfolk  (and  Alice, 
dau.  of  Robert  Sylvester,  Esq.,  of  Norfolk).  B.  c.  1505. 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1527.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1529.  M.A. 
(Cambridge)  1530.  A  member  of  Gonville  Hall,  1530-4; 
probably  Fellow.  Studied  law  in  London;  afterwards  a 
student  at  the  Inner  Temple.  Introduced  at  Court  and  taken 
under  the  especial  patronage  of  Thomas  Cromwell,  1534. 
Clerk  of  the  Signet,  1534-53.  Encouraged  to  produce  works 
in  support  of  the  Reformation.  His  position  endangered  by 
the  fall  of  Cromwell  in  1540;  sent  to  the  Tower,  but  soon 
released  and  granted  various  estates.  M.P.  for  Liverpool, 
1545.  Licensed  to  preach,  though  a  layman,  1552.  High 
Sheriff  of  Oxon.,  1569,  also  J. P.  Of  Norbiton  HaU,  Surrey; 
afterwards  removed  to  Woodeaton,  Oxon.  Married  (1)  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  Walter  Lambert,  of  Carshalton,  Surrey; 
(2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Harcourt,  of  Stanton-Harcourt, 
Oxon.  Author  of  many  works  including  a  translation  of  the 
Bible.  An  eccentric  character  of  varied  experience.  Died 
July  14,  1575.  Buried  at  Woodeaton.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Aug.  3,  1575.  Brother  of  Roger  and  Silvester  (1541)  and 
probably  hali-brother  of  Thomas  (i554)-  {Cooper,  i.  338; 
Masters,  389;  Venn,  1.  28;  Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634; 

TAVERNER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1602. 
Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1602). 

TAVERNER,  ROGER.  Student  at  Cambridge.  Of  Norfolk. 
2nd  s.  of  John,  of  North  Elmham.  Surveyor-General  of 
the  King's  woods.  South  of  Trent,  c.  1540.  M.P.  for  Laun- 
ceston,  1554.  Married  and  had  issue.  Author,  Dearth  of 
Victuals,  etc.  Died  at  Upminster,  Essex,  1582.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Richard,  of  Corpus.  {Masters, 
391;  Cooper,  I.  461;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  D.N.B.) 

TAVERNER,  SILVANUS  (?  SILVESTER).  Scholar  of  Gonville 
Hall,  1541;  afterwards  Fellow;  B.A.  1543-4-  Doubtless 
4th  s.  of  John,  of  North  Elmham,  Norfolk  (and  Alice,  dau. 
of  Robert  Silvester,  of  Brisley,  Norfolk).  R.  of  Marston, 
Beds.,  1562.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  22,  1564,  to  relict  Joyce; 
of  Ely.  Brother  of  Roger  (above)  and  Richard,  of  Corpus 
Christi  and  probably  half-brother  of  the  next.  {Vis.  of  Beds., 
1634,  196;  Clutterbuck,  in.  8;  Venn,  1.  31.) 

TAVERNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1554.  Probably  6th  s.  of  John,  of  North  Elmham, 
Norfolk  (by  his  2nd  wife  Anne  Crane,  of  Norfolk).  Of 
Kettlestone,  Norfolk.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Bartholomew 
Skippon.  Buried  at  Homingtoft,  June  12,  1604.  Probably 
half-brother  of  Silvanus  (above),  etc.  (Carthew,  Launditch, 
n.  579) 

TAVERNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1602. 
Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1602). 

TAVERNER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1627;  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1630-1;  M.A.  from 
Magdalene,  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1631; 
priest,  Feb.  26,  1631-2.   Perhaps  will  (Lincoln)  1638;  clerk. 

TAVERNER, .  B.A.  1476-7. 

TAVERNER, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  29,  1616. 

TAWKE,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  June  16,  1645,  from 
Oxford.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Petersfield,  Hants.  B.A.  1646-7. 
Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  May  20,  1642,  age  16. 
Fellow  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  1648,  by  the  Parliamentary 
visitors.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1649,  according  to  Burrows,  504. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

TAWYER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Dec.  19,  1648. 
S.  of  William,  deceased.  B.  at  Ely,  Cambs.  School,  Perse, 
Cambridge.  Matric.  1648-9;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656. 
Fellow.   Brother  of  William  (1641). 

TAWYER,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1546. 

TAWYER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  3, 
1641.  S.  of  William,  deceased.  B.  at  Ware,  Herts.  School, 
Perse,  Cambridge.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649. 
Brother  of  John  (1648). 


Taylebutt,  Thomas 

TAYLEBUTT,  iu  also  TALBOT. 

TAYLEBUTT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 


TAYLOR,  see  also  TYLER. 

TAYLER,  ABDIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  17,  1698. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1699.  Perhaps  V.  of  St  John's,  Wor- 
cester, 1708-46,  B.A.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1724-46.  Died 
1746.   Perhaps  father  of  Samuel  (1738). 

TAYLOR,  ADAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1566; 
B.-'i.  1569-70;  M.A.  1573. 

TAYLOR,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

TAYLOR,  ANDREW.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  10,  1652.  Of  Wem,  Salop.  Matric.  1654;  B.A. 
1657-8;  M.A.  1661.  Fellow,  1656-71.  Head  Master  of 
Shrewsbury,  1664-87.  Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Shrewsbury, 
Jan.  26,  1687-8.   (G.  W.  Fisher,  Shrewsbury;  Harwood.) 

TAYLOR,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  15, 
1672.  S.  of  Leonard,  yeoman.  B.  at  Thirsk,  Yorks.  School, 
Thirsk  (Mr  Wildman).  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1675-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  May,  1676;  priest,  Sept.  1678. 

TAYLOR,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  18, 
1648.  S.  of  Brian.  B.  at  Horton-in-Ribblesdale,  Yorks. 
School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Datchet,  Bucks.,  1664-73,  M.A.   (Peile,  i.  520.) 

TAYLOR,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1 72 1.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  Bridgwater,  Somerset.  B.  there. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1721;  M.B.  1726;  M.D.  1728  (Com. 
Reg.).  Brother  of  John  (1714). 

TAYLOR,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Feb.  2, 
1725-6.  Of  Lincolnshire.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  Heckington, 
Lines.,  deceased.  Matric.  1726.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of 
John  Lawrence,  of  Bam  Elros,  Surrey.  Died  Nov.  25,  1773, 
aged  66.  Buried  at  Heckington.  (A.  Gray;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 

TAYLOR,  ARTHUR.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1637-8;  M.A.  1641; 
M.D.  1657.  Hon.  Fellow  R.C.P.,  1664.  Practised  at  Win- 
chester. Buried  Aug.  10, 1674,  in  Winchester  Cathedral.  M.I. 
(Munk,  1.  342.) 

TAYLOR,  AUSTIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1639.   Of  Norfolk. 

TAILOR,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  24, 
1622-3.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Perse 
(Mr  Levering).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630. 
Probably  R.  of  Tyringham,  Bucks.,  1660-75.  Buried  there 
Sept.  1675.   (Peile,  i.  349;  Lipscomb,  iv.  380.) 

TAYLOUR,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  8,  1660.  S.  of  Matthew,  gent.,  of  Richmond,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Richmond  (Mr  Parvin).  Matric.  1660; 
M.B.  1671.  Died  Dec.  10,  1679.  Buried  at  Hull.  M.I.  at 
Holy  Trinity  Church.   (Gent's  Hull,  43,  51.) 

TAYLOR,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  17, 
1710.  S.  of  Peter,  citizen  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Hoadley  and  Mr  Pate).  Matric.  1710;  Scholar, 
1710-5;  B.A.  1713-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1716; 
priest,  July  13,  1718;  C.  of  Wroxham,  Norfolk.  V.  of 
Darsham,  Suffolk,  1720-48;  of  Bramfield,  1730-7.  R.  of 
Theberton,  1737-48.  Died  June  19,  1748.  M.I.  at  ThebertOD. 
WiU  proved  (Archd.  Suffolk)  1748.   (Venn,  i.  522.) 

TAYLOR,  BRIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1576. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583;  B.D.  1590. 
Fellow,  1582-3.  R.  of  Thorrington,  Essex,  1589-1610. 
Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  William  Langley,  R.  of  Prestwich, 
Lanes.  Died  1610.  WiU  (Cons.  C.  London);  property  in 

TAYLOR,  BROOK.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1701.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (and  Olivia,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Tempest,  Bart.,  of  Durham),  merchant.  B.  Aug.  18,  1685, 
at  Edmonton,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1709;  LL.B.  1709;  LL.D. 
1714.  F.R.S.,  1712.  Secretary  of  the  Royal  Society,  1714-8. 
Adm.  advocate  in  the  Court  of  Arches,  1714.  Succeeded  to 
his  father's  estate  of  Bifrons,  Kent,  1729.  Married  (1)  Miss 
Brydges,  of  Wallington,  Surrey;  (2)  Sabetta,  dau.  of  John 
Sawbridge,  of  Kent.  Distinguished  mathematician,  and  a 
skilled  musician.  Author,  mathematical;  published  a  re- 
markable solution  of  the  problem  of  the  Centre  of  Oscillation. 
Died  Nov.  30,  1731.  Buried  at  St  Ann's,  Soho.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(According  to  G.  Mag.,  1793,  i.  439,  and  other  authorities, 
he  died  Dec.  29,  1731,  but  this  is  probably  an  error,  as  his 
death  occurs  in  the  obituary  notices  for  November  in  G. 
Mag.,  1731,  500.)  Brother  of  Herbert  (1714).  (Burke,  L.G.: 
D.N.B.;G.  Mag.) 

TAYLOR,  CALEB.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  29,  1597.  Of  Godalming,  Surrey.  Probably  s.  of 

Taylor,  Edward 

Francis  (1363),  V.  of  Godalming.  Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A. 
l6or-2;  M.A.  1605.  Fellow,  1600-4.  V.  of  Godalming, 
Surrey,  till  1631.  Died  Dec.  14,  1631.  Will,  Archd.  Surrey, 
June  2,  1632. 

TAYLOR,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  21, 
1606.  Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1609-10.  Perhaps  of  Ripon,  in 
1611;  married  Grace  Fairfax,  of  All  Saints',  North  Street, 
York,  Aug.  6,  i6ii.  One  ot  these  names  of  Kirkdale,  Yorks., 
clerk;  will  (Yorks.)  1663. 

TAYLOR,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  28, 1682. 
Of  London  (parish  of  St  Mary-at-Hill).  Matric.  1682;  B.A. 
1685-6;  Scholar,  1686;  M.A.  1689.  FeUow,  1688-96.  V.  of 
Whittlesford,  Cambs.,  1694-6.  Died  Sept.  14,  1696.  Buried 
in  the  College  Chapel.   (A.  Gray.) 

TAYLOR,  CLEMENS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  27)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1729.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at 
Roger-Ridding,  near  Hawkshead.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric. 

TAYLOR,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1530.   Of  Cranbrook,  Kent. 

TAYLOR,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  30,  1632. 
Of  Middlesex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  citizen  and 
haberdasher,  of  London.  B.  c.  1614.  Matric.  1632.  A  Com- 
missioner of  Customs,  1651.  Married  (1)  Rebecca  Marsh, 
July  25,  1637,  at  Hackney;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  William 
Lock,  of  Wimbledon,  Surrey,  Aug.  8,  1654.  Buried  at 
St  Stephen's,  Coleman  Street,  London,  Apr.  20,  1655. 
Probably  half-brother  of  Edmund  (1644).  (P.  A.  Taylor, 
Pedigree  of  Taylor,  690.) 

TAYLOR,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  17, 
1723.  S.  of  Daniel,  minister  of  Blisland  parish.  New  Kent  Co., 
Virginia,  America.  B.  there.  Educated  at  the  College  of 
William  and  Mary,  Virginia  (Mr  Frye).  Migrated  to  Trinity, 
Oct.  14,  1724.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Feb.  6,  1726-7;  priest.  May  7,  1727.  Returned  to 
Virginia.  Minister  of  St  John's  parish  in  the  County  of  King 
William.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Richard  Littlepage,  of  New 
Kent  County,  gent.  Died  Sept.  9,  1742,  aged  38.  Buried  at 
Ferry  Farm,  King  William  County,  Virginia.  M.I.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  364.) 

TAYLOR,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1730; 
M.B.  1735.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  30,  1732. 

TAYLOR,  DUEL.  M.A.  from  King's,  1736.  S.  of  Walter,  of 
Bath,  Somerset.  Bapt.  Mar.  10,  1710-r,  at  the  Abbey. 
Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  24,  1728-9,  age  i8; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1732-3.  R.  of  Bath.  Buried  at  St  Michael's, 
Bath,  May  14,  1767.   (G.  Mag.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLOR,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1569.  V.  of  Evenley,  Northants.,  1579-90. 

TAYLOR,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  ii,  1644. 
Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  William,  citizen  of  London 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Margaret,  dau.  of  Rev.  William  Wilson,  D.D., 
Canon  of  Windsor).  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1644;  B.A. 
1647;  M.A.  1651.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1657.  R.  of  Littleton, 
Middlesex  (appointed  by  Oliver  Cromwell),  1655-60,  ejected. 
Licensed  to  be  Presbyterian  teacher  in  his  house  at  Witham, 
Essex,  May  29,  1672.  Involved  in  the  Duke  of  Monmouth's 
rebellion,  and  imprisoned  for  some  time  in  Tilbury  Fort. 
Returned  to  Witham  and  continued  to  reside  and  probably 
to  preach  there.  Buried  at  Witham,  Feb.  9,  1692.  Half- 
brother  of  Daniel  (1632).  (A.  G.  Matthews;  P.  A.  Taylor; 
Palmer,  Nonconf.  Memor.) 

TAYLOR,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1546;  probably  Scholar,  1545;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1547-8; 
M.A.  1551.  Scholar  of  Trinity.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1546, 
nominated  by  King  Henry  VIII.  Junior  Bursar,  1556-7. 
Ord.  acolyte  (London)  1557.  Perhaps  V.  of  St  Paul's, 
Bedford,  1555;  R.  of  St  Mary,  1559. 

TAYLOR,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1573. 

TAYLOR,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1579 
(probably  adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1579) ;  B.A.  from  Christ's, 
1582-3;  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1586. 

TAYLOR  (?THARLER),  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity,  c.  1597.  Probably  the  'student  of  Cambridge' 
(one  term)  who  migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (from  Merton 
CoUege,  Oxford)  June  30,  1601;  M.A.  (St  Alban  Hall, 
Oxford)  1604.  R.  of  Bigby,  Lines.,  1609.  Will  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  12,  1616-7.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

TALOR,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  i6oi. 
Of  Staffordshire. 

TAYLER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Kino's,  Michs.  1601. 
This  or  the  above  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1604-5. 

TAYLOR,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1626;  priest, 
Feb.  1626-7. 


Taylor,  Edward 

TAYLOR    EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.    Perhaps  R.  of  Bletchley, 
Bucks.,  1641-93.  Died  1693,  aged  83. 
TAYLOR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  30, 1632. 
S    of  Edward,  of  London,  gent,   (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Arthur  Bray,  of  London).  B.  Aug.  4,  1617.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.   Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.    Probably 
R    of  Finchley,   Middlesex,   1642.    Married  Jane,  dau.  ot 
Thomas  Stretfield,  late  of  Shoreham,  Kent,  May  16,  1642 
(being  then  aged  about  26).  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  15,  1657. 
(Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 
TAYLOR,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age   18)   at  Magdalene, 
Mar  2   1645-6.  S.  of  Edward,  citizen  of  London.  B.  June  24, 
1627.    School,   Merchant  Taylors'.    Matric.   1645-6;  B.A. 
TAYLOR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  25, 
1674.    Only  s.  of  Edward,  gent.    B.  at  Tadcaster,  Yorks. 
School,  Tadcaster  (Mr  Bennington).    Matric.   1674;  LL.B. 
1680    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  27,  1680-1.   Probably  his 
will  (P.C.C.)   1692-3;  of  BridesweU,  London.    Bequest  to 
the  poor  of  Tadcaster. 
TAYLOR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1691     S.  of  John  (1662),  V.  of  Harlow,  Essex,  clerk.   B.  at 
Therfield,  Herts.   School,  Peterborough  (Mr  Wanng).    B.A. 
1694-5.    Died  1695,  aged  20.    M.L  at  Harlow.    Brother  of 
John  (1700-1).   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
TAYLOR  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1710.  S.  of  Abraham, 
of  Lichfield,  Staffs.   Matric.  (Oriel  CoUege,  Oxford)  June  30, 
1703,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)   1707.    Perhaps  R.  of  North 
Wraxall    Wilts.,   1720;   R.  of  Woodborough,   1729;   R-  of 
Sutton  Veney,  1731.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1764;  of  Sutton  Veney, 
clerk.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
TAYLOR,  EDWARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
24   1751.   and  s.  of  Herbert  (1714),  clerk,  of  Kent.   B.  Aug. 
26    1734.    School,  Ashford.    B.A.   i755;   M-A.   1758.    Ord. 
deacon  (Hereford)  Feb.  19, 1758;  priest  (Canterbury)  Mar.  11, 
1759.    V.  of  Patrixboume,   Kent,   1763-98.    Succeeded  to 
the  Bifrons  property  in  1767.    Married  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Turner  (afterwards  Tayler),  in  1769.  Died  Dec.  1798. 
Brother  of  Herbert  (1748).    (Scott-Mayor,  in.  607;  Burke, 
TAYLOR,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1563; 
B.A.   i';66-7;   M.A.   1570.    Master  of  Guildford  Grammar 
SchooU'Surrey,  1570-8.   V.  of  Godalming,  1578.    Proctor  in 
Convocation  for  the  diocese  of  Winchester,    1586.     R.  of 
Lambeth,  Surrey,  1611-8.    Died  Oct.  1618.   Father  of  Caleb 
(1597)  and  probably  grandfather  of  Francis  (1605).  Manning 
and  Bray,  iii.  51;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
TAYLOR,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  5,  i599- 
S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Newland,  Yorks.    School,  York 
(Mr  John  Thomes).  Migrated  to  Caius,  Oct.  26,  1599.  age  16. 
Admon.  granted  of  Francis  Taylor,  of  York,  Feb.  17,  1633-4. 
TAYLOR,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1605; 
B.A.  1609;  M.A.  1612;  B.D.  1636.    V.  of  Yalding,  Kent, 
1 639-48, deprived.  R.ofClapham, Surrey,  1615-42, resigned. 
Six   preacher    at    Canterbury    Cathedral.    Member  of   the 
Assembly  of  Divines.  Author,  classical.  Died  Apr.  15,  1656, 
aged  66.  Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Francis  (1639).    (Peile,  i.  253;  H.  G.  Harrison;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
TAYLOR,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Sept.  11, 
1629.    S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Sandcroft,  Suffolk.    Matric. 
TAYLOR,    FRANCIS.     Matric.    pens,    from    Corpus    Christi, 
Easter,  1639.  Of  Surrey.  S.  of  Francis  (1605).  B.  in  Canter- 
bury   (according   to    Calamy).     B.A.    1642-3;    M.A.    1646. 
Became  blind  whilst  a  student.    R.  of  St  Alphage,  Canter- 
bury; ejected,  1662.   {Calamy,  11.  57.) 
TAYLOR,  GEORGE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1550; 

Scholar,  1550. 
TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1582-3. 

TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  c.  15^3.  Of 
Staffordshire.   B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.   Fellow,  1599-1608. 

TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  i  599-1 600. 
B.  at  Elvington,  Yorks.  B.A.  1603-4.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  25,  1608,  age  26;  priest,  Mar.  19,  1608-9.  Chaplain  to 
Sir  Hen.  Hublierd.   Perhaps  R.  of  Beeston,  Norfolk,  1609. 

TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1603-4.  B.  at 
Highgate,  Middlesex.  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  20,  1607;  priest,  Feb.  21,  1607-8,  age  24.  C.  of  Homsey, 
Middlesex.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1637-8.  One  of  these  names  incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1621;  R.  of  Bloxholme,  Lines.,  1617. 

TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

Taylor,  Hugh 

TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1647.  B.  at  Whidsor,  Berks.,  1631.  Matric.  1647.  Lett  in 
1650.  Clerk  to  an  attorney.  Died  in  Loudon,  1656.  {Huf- 
TAYLOR,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  15,  1667. 
Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674. 
Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Dec.  21,  1672.  Probably 
R.  of  Leaden  Roding,  Essex,  1683-99;  R.  of  St  Clement's, 
Ipswich,  1683.  Married  Anne  Bacon,  of  St  Laurence  Jewry, 
London,  spinster,  Sept.  5,  1687  (he  being  then  aged  38). 
Died  May  31,  1699,  aged  49. 

TAYLER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1689.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
May  26,  1695;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1696.  V.  of  Wymondham, 
Norfolk,  1701-37.  R.  of  Rockland  St  Peter,  1703.  Died 
Feb.  14,  1737,  aged  62.  Buried  at  Wymondham.  M.I. 
(Blomefield,  11.  532.) 

TAYLER,  GUY.  Adm.  scholar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  27, 1577-8- 
S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Drax,  Yorks.  School,  York 
(Mr  PuUane).   B.A.  1581-2. 

TAYLOR,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Lent, 

TAYLOR,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1585. 
B.  at  Sedbergh.  Perhaps  B.A.  1589-90.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  29,  1591,  age  24;  'C.  of  Bedfont,  Middlesex  ; 

v.,  1591-5. 

TAYLOR,  HENRY.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1586. 

Matric.  1586. 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595.    Of 
Lincohishire.    B.A.   1599-1600;  M.A.   1603.    Fellow,   1601. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1613. 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609; 

B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1612-3.   Doubtless  4th  s . 
of  James  (1562).    B.  at  Westmill,  Herts.    M.A.  1616;  B.D. 
1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  14,  1617-8;  priest  (London) 
Dec.  20,  1618,  age  24.    V.  of  Stapleford,  Cambs.,  1618-61. 
Buried  there  Apr.  26,  1661.   Brother  of  Richard  (1601)  and 
probably  of  John  (1611).   (Vis.  of  Herts.,  1572  and  1634.) 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 
1639.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Denton,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Otley  (Mr  Belwood).   Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3. 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  1640. 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  24,  1653. 
S.  of  Walter,  of  Ashton,  Lanes.  School,  Winwick  (Mr  Gorst). 
Scholar,  1653-7;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1675.    Perhaps  chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Devon;  if  so,  R.  of 
Alverdiscote,  Devon;  R.  of  Littleham,  1676. 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',   Apr.   ix,   1727. 
Of  Essex.  3rd  s.  of  William,  merchant,  of  London  (and  Anne, 
dau.  of  Edward  Crispe).    B.  May,   1711,  at  South  Weald, 
Essex.   School,  Hackney.   Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1731-2;  M.A. 
1735.   FeUow,  1734-40.   Ord.  deacon,  1733;  priest  (by  Benj. 
Hoadly)  1735.    R.  of  Wheatfield,  Oxford,  1737-53-     K-  °i 
Baughurst,  Hants.,  1744-5-   V.  of  Portsmouth,  1745.    R.  of 
Ovington,     1753-5.      V.    of    Crawley,     1755-85-     Married 
Christian,  dau.  of  Francis  Fox,  V.  of  St  Mary's,  Reading, 
Berks.  Author,  theological;  espoused  the  Apollinarian  heresy 
in  The  Apology  of  Ben  Mordecai.  Died  Apr.  27,  1785.  Buried 
at  Crawley.   (D.N.B.;  A.  B.  Beaven;  P.  A.  Taylor.) 
TAYLOR,  HENRY.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  29, 
1746.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Harraton,  Durham.  School,  Hough- 
ton-le-Spring  (Mr  Griffiths). 
TAYLOR,   HERBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  7,  1714.    2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Patrixboume,  Kent,  Esq. 
Bapt.  there.  May  15,  1698.    School,  Westminster.    Matric. 
1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721.  FeUow,  1720-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  24,  1721;  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  10,  1722-3. 
C.  of  St  Margaret's,  Canterbury,  1726.  R.  of  St  Alphage  with 
St  Mary  Northgate,  Canterbury,  1726-53.    Six  preacher  of 
Canterbury,   1726.    R.  of  Hunton,   Kent,   1728-63.    V.  of 
Patrixboume,  1753-63.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Dr  Edward 
Wake,  preb.  of  Canterbury.    Died  Sept.  29,  1763.    Brother 
of  Brook  (1701),  father  of  the  next  and  of  Edward  (i75i)- 
(Burke,  L.G.) 
TAYLOR,  HERBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  30,  1748. 
S.  of  Herbert  (above),  of  Kent.  B.  at  Bifrons,  Patrixboume. 
Matric.  1749.    Died  unmarried  in  London,  Nov.  19,  1767, 
aged  36.   Brother  of  Edward  (1751)-   (Burke,  L.G.) 
TAYLER,   HUGH.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   (age   19)   at  Sx  John's, 
June  24,  1672.   S.  of  Hugh,  gent.,  of  Coates,  Yorks.    B.  at 
Barlby    (his    mother's    home).     School,    Pocklington    (Mr 
Ellison).    Matric.  1672.    Married  and  had  issue.    Buried  at 
Carlton,    Yorks.,   May   27,    i7ii-     (Vis.   of   Yorks.,    1666; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxx.) 


Taylor,  Hugh 

TAYLER,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  17,  1698.  Of 
London.   Matric.  1698. 

TAYLOR,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

TAYLOR,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  Aug.  27, 
1713-  S.  of  Richard,  V.  of  Darenth,  Kent.  B.  Oct.  14,  1696. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1714;  B. A.  1717-8;  M.A. 
1721.  R.  of  Ifield,  Kent,  1720-30.  R.  of  Nutstead,  1720-30. 
Died  Oct.  21,  1730,  aged  33.  Buried  at  Darenth.  M.I. 
Brother  of  John  (1707).   (Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TAYLOR,  ISAAC.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  32,  1653.   Of 


TAYLOR,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Jime  2, 1680. 
S.  and  h.  of  Isaac,  M.D.,  deceased.  B.  at  Old  Bailey,  London. 
School,  Newport,  Salop  (Mr  Edwards).  Matric.  i68o;  B.A. 
1683-4.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1710.  Of  Newport, 
Salop,  clerk.  Married  Margaret  Sansom,  of  Bildas,  Salop, 
spinster,  July  22,  1686. 

TAYLER,  ISRAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1592-3.  B. 
at  Haxey,  Lines.,  c.  1574-  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600;  D.D. 
1628.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  25,  1602.  V.  of  Thornton 
Curtis,  Lines.,  1602-9.  R-  of  Ballymacelligott,  and  V.  of 
Kilcummin  and  Molahifie,  Co.  Kerry,  1611.  Precentor  of 
Cork,  1613-52.  R.  of  Rathclairin  and  Insula  Parva,  Co.  Cork, 
1614.  V.  of  Clonmel,  1615-8.  V.  of  Clonfert,  1615-30. 
Suffered  greatly  in  the  rebellion  of  1641.  WiU  proved  (Cork) 
June  23,  1652.   {Peile,  i.  209;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1544.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1549-50;  M.A.  1553.  Fellow,  c. 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1562. 
Of  Gomersal,  Yorks.  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569;  B.D.  1576. 
FeUow,  1566.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  24,  1566.  University 
preacher,  1573.  R.  of  Cottered,  Herts.,  1576-88.  R.  of 
Sutton,  Cambs.,  1578-88.  R.  of  Yelling,  Hunts.,  1580-5. 
Preb.  of  Ely,  1584-1622.  R.  of  Aspden,  Herts.  R.  of  West 
Mill,  Herts.,  tUl  1622.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  John  Cutler, 
of  Springhall-in-Stanstead,  Suffolk.  Died  Mar.  19,  1622-3. 
Buried  at  West  Mill.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1623.  Father  of  Henry 
(1612-3),  Richard  (1601)  and  probably  of  John  (1611). 
(Bentham,  Ely;  Vis.  of  Herts.,  1572.) 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1593-4; 
B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
May  18,  1600.  Probably  R.  of  Mundford,  Norfolk,  1608,  and 
father  of  Thomas  (1626). 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  2,  1619. 
Matric.  1619. 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1626;  priest,  Jan.  4,  1628-9. 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  May  i,  1661.  Of 
Middlesex.   Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5. 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent,  1716-7; 
LL.B.  1717. 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs.  1719. 

TAYLOR,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  8,  1724. 
S.  of  John,  druggist,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School,  Norwich. 
Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1724-9;  B.A.  1727-8;  M.A.  1738. 
Chaplain  of  St  Benedict's,  Norwich,  1735.  V.  of  Stalham, 
Norfolk,  1736-8.  R.ofBincombe,  Dorset,  1738-53.  Chaplain 
to  the  King's  Regiment  of  Horse.  Married  Penelope,  dau.  of 
Reginald  Ryley,  of  Norfolk.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died 
1753.   {Venn,  11.  20;  Norfolk  Archaeol.,  viii.  317.) 

TAYLOUR,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Mar.  30, 
1665.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Golbome,  Lanes.  B.  there.  School, 
Winwick  (MrGorse).  Matric.  1665.  Probably  Scholar,  1666- 
72;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  1671; 
priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1672;  C.  of  Runcton,  Norfolk.  Prob- 
ably V.  of  Teynham,  Kent,  1681-8,  and  R.  of  Buckland, 
1686-8.  Died  i688.   (Venn,  i.  425.) 

TAILOR,  JEREMY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15  sic)  at  Caius,  Aug.  18, 
1626.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  barber.  B.  at  Cambridge.  Bapt. 
Aug.  15,  1613,  at  Trinity  Church.  School  (private).  Matric. 
1626-7;  Scholar,  1628-33;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Fellow, 
1633-6.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1635.  D.D.  (Oxford)  1642. 
Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1635.  R.  of  Uppingham, 
Rutland,  1638-44.  R.  of  Overstone,  Northants.,  1643-4. 
Chaplain  to  the  King,  and  to  Archbishop  Laud.  Taken 
prisoner  in  the  Royalist  defeat  before  Cardigan  Castle,  1645. 
Retired  to  Golden  Grove,  Carmarthenshire,  where  some  of 
his  best  work  was  done.  Preached  in  London  occasionally. 
Went  to  Ireland,  1658-60.  Vice-Chancellor  of  Dublin 
University,  1661.  Bishop  of  Down  and  Connor,  1661-7; 
involved  in  disputes  with  the  independent  clergy.    Bishop 

Taylor,  John 

of  Dromore,  X661-7.  P.C.  (Ireland),  1661.  Knihor,  Liberty  of 
Prophesying,  Holy  Living  and  Holy  Dying.  Died  at  Lisbum, 
Aug.  13,  1667.  Buried  in  Dromore  Cathedral.  WiU,  Dublin. 
(Venn,  i.  278;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLER,  JEREMY.    Adm.  sirar  at  Christ's,  May  28,  1722. 

S.  of  Jeremy.   School,  King's  College,  Cambridge.   Matric. 

1722;  Scholar,   1722.    Resided  three  years.    Ord.  deacon 

(Lincoln)  Sept.  21,   1729;  priest  (?  Lincoln)  June  5,   1748. 

Licensed  to  Firsby,  Lines.,   1729.    V.  of  Easton,  Hunts., 

1749-79-   Died  1779.   (Peile,  11.  206.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.   B.A.  1508-9. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  B.A.  1510-1. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1511-2. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1520;  at  Oxford,  1522. 

B.  at  Barton,  Tatenhill,  Staffs,  (s.  of  a  tailor  and  one  of  three 
sons  bom  at  one  birth).  D.Can.L.  (abroad).  R.  of  Bishop's 
Hatfield,  Herts.,  in  1503.  R.  of  Sutton  Coldfield,  Warws.,  c. 
1504.  Clerkof  the  Parliaments,  1509-23.  Master  in  Chancery, 
1509.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1509.  R.  of  All  Hallows-the-Great, 
London,  1510-34.  Archdeacon  of  Derby,  1515;  of  Bucking- 
ham, 1516-34.  Preb.  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1518. 
Chaplain  to  Henry  VIII,  whom  he  accompanied  to  France, 
1520.  V.  of  Halifax,  1521-34.  Ambassador  to  France,  1526, 
1531-3.  Master  of  the  Rolls,  1527-34.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1534. 
(Cooper,  I.  49;  D.N.B.;  A.  B.  Beaven;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  B.A.  1523-4;  M.A.  1527;  B.D.  1535-6;  D.D. 
1537-8.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1523-37.  Proctor,  1532-3. 
Master  of  St  John's,  1538-46,  resigned  owing  to  dissensions. 
R.  of  St  Peter,  Comhill,  London,  1536-52.  R.  of  Tatenhill, 
Staffs.,  1537-52.  Dean  of  Lincoln,  1544-52.  Imprisoned  for 
holding  reformed  opinions,  1546,  but  soon  retracted.  One 
of  the  commissioners  appointed  to  draw  up  the  first  Prayer 
Book,  1548.  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1552;  deprived,  1554.  Died 
Dec.  1554.   (Cooper,  i.  121;  D.N.B.) 

TAYLER,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1544. 

TAYLER,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1544. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  23,  1552.  Of  Amberley,  Sussex.  Matric.  1552;  B.A. 
1556-7;  M.A.  1560.  Fellow,  1555-69.  Practised  the  law  at 
Lichfield.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1561.  Translated 
Valerius  Maximus.  Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1592). 
(Cooper,  I.  294;  Harwood.) 

TAYLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1553. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1559. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Wickford,  Essex,  1572;  will  (Cons. 

C.  London)  1591. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1570. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570. 

Doubtless  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1574-5.    Ord.  deacon 

(Peterb.)  Sept.  15,  1575;  'recommended  by  Trinity  College'; 

priest,  Sept.  21,  1576;  'of  Cath.  Hall.'    V.  of  Stratton  St 

Mary,  Norfolk,  1576.  Died  1636. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1575. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1583. 
TAYLER,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.   1589; 

B.A.   1593-4;   M.A.   1597.    Probably  B.D.   (Oxford)    1614. 

Probably  V.  of  St  Mary  Bredin,  Canterbury,   1599-1601; 

R.  of  Hastingleigh,  1601-47;  V.  of  Elmsted,  1629  (then  B.D.). 

(But  see  also  the  next,  who  may  have  been  the  B.D.  of 

Oxford  and   the  holder  of  the  above  livings.)     Probably 

father  of  John  (1623). 

TAYLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1591;  B.A. 
1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Butsbury, 
Essex,  1615.   Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1625-6. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1607.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1614.  FeUow,  1613-8. 
Taxor,  1618.  V.  of  Cringleford,  and  of  Heylesdon,  Norfolk, 
till  1662.  Probably  R.  of  Thurgarton,  1617-28,  and  R.  of 
Talconeston,  1618-43.  Died  Dec.  13,  1662.  Buried  at 
Cringleford.  M.I.  Probably  father  of  jfohn  (1639).  (Blome- 
field,  V.  38,  170.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1611. 
Probably  3rd  s.  of  James  (1562).  B.A.  1614.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Bragg,  of  Stratford,  Suffolk.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Henry  (1612-3)  and  Richard  (1601).  (Vis. 
of  Herts.,  1572  and  1634.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Dec.  1614; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Perhajjs  V.  of 
Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts.,  1628-42,  ejected.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Duffield,  Derbs.,  1650.   (Peile,  1.  307.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  16,  1615. 

TAYLOR  or  TAYLARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhousb, 
June  23,  1617.   Matric.  1617. 


Taylor,  John 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  1620;  scholar 
from  Westminster;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May,  1623. 
S.  of  John  (?  1589),  V.  of  Hastingleigh,  Kent.  B.  at  Hide, 
East  Kent.  School,  King's,  Canterbury.  Matric.  1623. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1624; 

B.A.  1627-8.   Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1629. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  4,  1625-6. 

Of  Hertfordshire. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628; 

B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1630-1. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  6,  1631.   S.  of 

Richard    (i6oi).     B.   at   Westioill,   Herts.    Scholar,    1631; 

B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.   Fellow,  1638;  ejected,  1644.  Preb. 

of  St  Paul's,  ejected.   Fought  in  the  King's  army;  captain  at 

the  siege  of  Colchester.    R.  of  Westmill,  Herts.,  i669-(?)  84. 

Brother  of  Richard  (1631).    {Cussans,  1.  i.  206;  Clutterbuck, 

III.  32I-) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  12, 1639.  Matric. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

16^9.    Probably  s.  of  John  (1607).    B.A.  1640;  M.A.  1644. 

Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1642,  age  23;  'C.  of  Tacol- 

neston,  Norfolk';  probably  R.  there,  1643-60.   (Blomefield, 

V.  170.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  161  at  Christ's,  May  4, 1640. 

S.  of  Thomas,  of  Wilsborough,  Kent.   B.  1623,  at  Elmsted, 

Kent.  School,  Wye.  Matric.  1640.  Died  s.p.  1642.   (Peile,  i. 

470;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Feb.  r,  1645-6.   S. 

of  John.    B.  at  Walton-on-Trent,  Notts.    School,  Repton. 

Matric.   1647;   B.A.   (Magdalen   College,  Oxford)    1649-50; 

M.A.  1652.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tiberton,  (?)  Salop, 

1663.   (Peile,\.  s^i;  Al.Oxon.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  June  21, 

1652.    S.  of  John,  of  Morwick  (?  Barwick),  Yorks.    School, 

Barwick.   Matric.  1652. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  3, 

1654.   S.  of  Matthew,  Esq.,  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.   School, 

Huntingdon.  Matric.  1655.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1657. 

Barrister,  1664.  Married  Hannah  Osborne,  spinster,  July  14, 

TAYLEUR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 

1656.    S.  of  Creswell,  Esq.    B.   1639,  at  Longdon,  Salop. 

School,    Harlaston,   Staffs,    (private).     Matric.    1656;   B.A. 

1658-9.    Sheriff  of  Shropshire,   1691.    Of  Rodington,  Esq. 

Married  and  had  issue.    (Scott-Mayor,  xxviii;  Burke,  L.G.; 

Vis.  of  Salop,  1623.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  14,  1658.  Matric. 

1658;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1661-2.   One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Covington,  Hunts.,  1674-6. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  28)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  8, 

1658-9.   Previously  at  Oxford.  S.  of  Michael,  of  Middleton, 

Lanes.  Bapt.  there.  May  i,  1629.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 

Oxford)  Mar.  9,  1648-9.    3rd  Master  at  Shrewsbury  School, 

1659-88,  B.A.  (afterwards  styled  M.A.,  but  no  record  of 

graduation).    Buried  at  Shrewsbury,  Aug.  1,  1688.    (Scott- 
Mayor,  139;  G.  W.  Fisher,  179.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Mar.  25, 

1660.    S.  of  William,  of  York.    School,  Sherbum.    Matric. 

1660.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1661. 
TAYLER,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1662;  B.A. 

1665-6;    M.A.    1669.     Perhaps    V.    of   Hungerton,    Leics., 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 1662. 

S.  of  John,  of  Chelmsford,  Essex.    B.  there.    Matric.  1663; 

B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1668. 

V.  of  Harlow,  Essex,  1679.    Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1685- 

1726.  R.  of  Irthlingborough  All  Saints',  Northants.,  1707-26. 

Died  May  26,  1726,  aged  85.  Buried  at  Harlow.  M.I.  Father 

of  Edward  (1691)  and  John  (1700-1).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  8, 

1667.    S.  of  Ralph,  tailor.    B.  at  York.    School,  York  (Mr 

Preston).    Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.    Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  1672;  priest,  Feb.  1675-6.    Perhaps  R.  of  Sparham, 

Norfolk,  1688-1708. 
TAYLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  19,  1673. 

S.  of  John,  of  WhaUey,  Lanes.   Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7. 

Probably  C.  of  Altham,  Lanes.,  1676-1705;  C.  of  Churchkirk, 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Embjanuel,  Aug.  8,  1675, 

Of  Derbyshire.   Matric.  1678. 
TAYLOR,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  26,  1677. 

Of  Lancashire. 

Taylor,  John 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  27, 
1679.  S.  of  Samuel  (1637-8),  R.  of  Deene,  Northants.  B. 
there.  School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Stockman).  Matric.  1679; 
B.A.  1682-3.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1663-4). 

TAYLOUR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  15, 
1681  (from  New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford;  matric.  there,  Dec.  5, 
1670,  age  15).  S.  of  Nicholas,  clerk,  of  Wimbome,  Dorset. 
School,  Wimbome.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1691. 
V.  of  Hougham  St  Lawrence,  Kent,  in  1708.  C.  of  St  James', 
Dover,  1708. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  15,  1687.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Gate  Fulford, 
Yorks.,  Esq.   If  so,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  22,  1687. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  30, 
1687.  S.  of  John,  of  Barwick,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield. 
Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1710.  Ord, 
deacon  (York)  May  22,  1692;  priest,  Sept.  1693.  V.  of 
Tuxford,  Notts.,  1693-c.  1716.  Father  of  Walter  (1716). 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  12, 
1700-1.  S.  of  John  (1662),  clerk.  B.  at  Harlow,  Essex. 
School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Took).  Matric.  1701;  B.A. 
1704-5;  M.A.  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  8,  1707; 
priest,  Sept.  19,  1708.  Probably  R.  of  Orton  LonguevLUe 
with-BotoIphbridge,  Himts.,  1718-21.  Died  1721.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1691). 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  July  1, 
1707.  S.  of  Richard,  V.  of  Darenth,  Kent,  1685-1712  (died 
Aug.  1712,  aged  57).  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1712;  priest  (Rochester) 
Sept.  19,  1714.  V.  of  Darenth,  Kent,  1714-58.  R.  of 
Fawkham,  1726-58.  Buried  at  D2irenth,  Apr.  21,  1758. 
Brother  of  Humphrey  (1713)  and  father  of  John  ^1740). 
(Lambeth  AU  Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  4,  1714. 
S.  of  Anthony,  of  Bridgwater,  Somerset.  B.  there.  School, 
Tiverton.  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721;  B.D.  1728 
(Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1723.  R.  of  Swanscombe,  Kent,  1737- 
57.  Buried  there,  Sept.  17,  1757,  aged  60.  M.I.  Brother  of 
Anthony  (1721).   (Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
May  10,  1717.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Yorks.  B.  at  Beverley. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Johnstone).  Matric.  1717.  One  of  these 
names  knighted,  Oct.  11,  1727;  gentleman  pensioner. 

TAYLEURE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  May  25, 
1721.  S.  of  John,  of  London,  Esq.  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5; 
M.A.  1728.  Perhaps  R.  of  Alburgh,  Norfolk,  1730-8.  One 
of  these  names  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1732-4. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  7, 
1721.  S.  of  John,  barber-surgeon,  of  Shrewsbury,  and 
grandson  of  John  (1658-9).  B.  there,  June  22,  1704.  School, 
Shrewsbury  (Mr  Lloyd).  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A. 
1728;  LL.D.  1741.  Fellow,  1726-52.  Incorp.  at  Oxford. 
1731.  University  librarian,  1732-4.  Registrary,  1734-51. 
Adm.  advocate  in  Doctors'  Commons,  1741;  advocate  in 
the  Court  of  Arches,  1741.  Chancellor  of  the  diocese  of 
Lincoln,  1744-66.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20;  priest, 
Sept.  21,  1747.  R.  of  Lawford,  Essex,  1751-66.  Archdeacon 
of  Buckingham,  1753-66.  Preb.  and  canon  residentiary 
of  St  Paul's,  1757-66.  F.S.A.,  1759;  Director  of  the  Society, 
1769-66.  Classical  scholar.  Edited  Demosthenes,  etc.  Died 
Apr.  4,  1766,  aged  63.  Buried  in  St  Paul's  Cathedral.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  St  John's  and  to  Shrewsbury  School. 
(D.N.B.;  Scott-Mayor,  in.  339;  G.  W.  Fisher,  179  and  208.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  9, 
1724.  S.  of  Robert,  blacksmith,  of  Cockerham,  near  Lan- 
caster. B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1724;  B.A. 
1727-8;  M.A.  1731;  B.D.  1738;  D.D.  1760.  Fellow,  1729-61. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1731;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1732. 
V.  of  Littlebury,  Essex,  1743-59.  R.  of  Staplehurst,  Kent, 
1759-84.  Died  Dec.  30,  1784,  aged  77.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1785. 
Benefactor  to  St  John's.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  369;  G.  Mag.) 

TAILER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Jime  24, 
1728.  S.  of  J.,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at  Dronfield.  School, 
Sheffield,  Yorks.  (Mr  Robinson).  Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1731-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1732;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1736; 
C.  of  Roxby,  Lines.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  417.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Jime  23, 
1730;  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  Samuel,  wig- 
maJ:er  and  barber-surgeon,  of  St  Michael,  Bassishaw,  London. 
Bapt.  Mar.  13, 1711.    Matric.  1730;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1737. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  5,  1733.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1733;  Scholar,  1734. 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  i, 
1740.  S.  of  John  (1707),  clerk,  V.  of  Darenth,  Kent.  B.  there. 
School,  Bishop's  Stortford,  Herts.  (Mr  Mall).  Matric.  1740; 
B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  1747-  Fellow,  1746-52.  Ord.  deacon 
(Rochester)  Oct.  24,  1746;  priest,  June  5,  1748. 


Taylor,  John 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1742- 
S.  of  John.  Bapt.  at  St  James',  Bath,  Jan.  8,  1723.  Matric. 
Lent,  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750.  Fellow,  1746.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1749;  priest,  June  10,  1750.  V.  of 
Combe,  near  Bath.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1780.  One  of  these  names, 
R.  of  Bath,  died  Aug.  1768.  (G.  Mag.  also  records  the  death 
of  Duel  Taylor,  R.  of  Bath,  in  the  year  1767,  whom  see.) 

TAYLOR,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1749.  S.  of  John,  of 
Courton,  Staffs.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Worcester  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  8,  1731,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1734.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TALER,  JONAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1560 

TAYLOR,  JONAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1588; 
B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  V.  of  Lyminge,  Kent,  1621-32. 
Died  1632. 

TAYLOR,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1613; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  23; 
priest.  May  24,  1619.  Perhaps  lecturer  and  schoolmaster  of 
Ashbourne,  Derbs.  One  of  these  names  of  Ashbourne,  Derbs.; 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1633.   {F.M.G.,  235,  579-) 

TAYLOR,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  2,  1644.  Of 

TAYLER,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1738;  M.B.  1743;  M-D.  1748. 

TAYLOR,  LAURENCE.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1535;  B.A.  1537-8; 
M.A.  1546.  Fellow  of  Pembroke.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Bradford,  Yorks.,  1563-8.  Died  1568. 

TAYLER,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1556. 

TAYLOR,  Lj^URENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1587.  B.  1569,  at  Carleton-in-Craven,  Yorks.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Dec.  1617;  priest.  May,  1618;  'B.A.  of  Trinity.' 
Probably  Master  of  Bumsall  Grammar  School,  Yorks., 
1602-7;  Master  of  Skipton  Granamar  School,  1615-9.  Ap- 
parently lived  at  Carleton,  1608-13.  Died  July  24,  1623. 
(T.  W.  Edmondson.) 

TAYLOR,  MASCIE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  4,  1749; 
Fell.-Com.  1752.  Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William, 
of  London,  Esq.,  solicitor  (nephew  of  William  Massey,  of 
Lyme,  Cheshire).  Matric.  1749.  Of  Lyme,  Esq.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  George  Mainwaring,  of  Bromborough,  Cheshire. 
Died  Jan.  i,  1769.  Buried  at  Lyme.  {Ormerod,  i.  437; 
G.  Mag.) 

TAYLOR,  MATTHEW  or  MATTHIAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Christ's,  June  17,  1645.  S.  of  Arthur.  B.  at  Wisbech, 
Cambs.  School,  Wisbech  (Mr  Frisney).  Matric.  1645;  B.A. 
1648-g;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1653.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse, 
1651.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  26,  1655.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1662.   (T.  A.  Walker,  98;  Peile,  i.  497.) 

TAYLER,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs.  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7,  'Miles';  M.A.  1631.  Perhaps  minister  of 
Stradset,  Norfolk,  in  1651. 

TAYLOR,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  i, 
1647.  S.  of  Roger,  farmer.  B.  at  Silverton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1 650-1.  Held  the  sequestered 
living  of  Pyeworthy,  Devon,  till  about  1661.  Afterwards 
a  preacher  in  Devon.  Died  at  Holsworthy,  May  26,  1705. 
{Calamy,  i.  396.) 

TAYLOR,  MOSES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June,  ^614.  Of 
Ireland.  Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1617-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  31;  priest,  June  i,  i6i8. 

TAILOR,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595; 
Scholar,  1599;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603;  B.D.  1617. 
Fellow,  1602.  Senior  Dean,  1622-5  and  1626-30.  R.  of 
Hatfield  Broad  Oak,  Essex,  1616-7.  V.  of  Barrington, 
Cambs.,  1618-20.  V.  of  Whitkirk,  Yorks.,  1619-28.  R.  of 
Cheadle,  Cheshire,  1628-30.  Died  1630. 

TAYLOR,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  19, 
1635.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1637.  Perhaps  's.  of  John,  of 
Eastcheap,  London,  gent.';  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15, 
1638-9.  Barrister-at-law.  If  so,  probably  Recorder  of 
Colchester,  and  M.P.  for  Beds.,  1653.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  John  Bridges,  Counsellor  of  Hackney,  London.  (According 
to  Burke,  L.G.,  his  wife  was  the  dau.  of  Colonel  John  Bridges, 
s.  and  h.  of  John,  Counsellor  of  Hackney.)  Ancestor  of  the 
Taylors  of  Bifrons,  Kent.  Died  1684.  (Kimber,  in.  54; 
Burke,  L.G.) 

TAYLOR,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1654;  B..\.  1657;  M.A.  1662.  One  of  these  names  R. 
of  Checkley,  Staffs.,  1662,  'M.A.' 

TAYLER,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  3,  1667. 
Matric.  1667-8;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  19,  1670-1;  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3,  1671-2. 
One  of  these  names  of  Nicholas  Lane,  London,  clerk;  died 
May,  1702;  will  (P.C.C.)  1702. 

Taylor,  Richard 

TAYLOR,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  2, 
1673.  One  of  these  names,  's.  of  Samuel,  of  Stafford,'  matric. 
(Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  26,  1675,  age  i8.  {Al. 

TAYLOR,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581. 
Migrated  to  Queens',  Jan.  1582-3.  B.A.  1584-5,  'Tayle- 
worth.'  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  16, 
1587;  s.  of  Richard.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 

TAYLOR,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1604-5;  M.A.  1608. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1609;  'of 
Oundle.'  Usher  at  Oundle  School,  1605.  V.  of  Warmington, 
Northants.,  1609-54.  Buried  there  Mar.  12,  1654-5.  Father 
of  Nicholas  (1644)  and  of  William  (1636). 

TAYLER,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Feb.  1605-6. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  St  Albans,  Herts.  School,  St  Albans. 
Matric.  i6o6.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Nov.  25,  1607,  age  18. 
Scholar,  1608;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  4,  1615.  Probably  V.  of  Bametby-le-wold, 
Lines.,  1617.   (Venn,  i.  196.) 

TAYLOR,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  July  2, 
1644.  4th  s.  of  Nicholas  (1604-5),  V.  of  Warmington,  North- 
ants. Bapt.  there,  Sept.  4,  1628.  School,  Oundle.  Brother 
of  WiUiam  {1636). 

TAYLOR,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  4, 
1715-6.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Shaddingfield,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Beccles  (Mr  Skoolding).  Matric.  1715-6; 
Scholar,  1716-21;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1728.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May  20,  1722;  priest,  June  29,  1723.  R.  of 
Sotterley,  Suffolk,  1727-58.  R.  of  Shipmeadow,  1733-58. 
Will  proved  (Ipswich)  1759.   (Venn,  11.  5.) 

TAYLOR,  OLIVER.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1619. 
One  of  these  names  married,  at  St  Paul's,  Bedford,  to 
Ursula  Taylor,  July  30,  1621. 

TAYLOR,  PAUL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1580. 

TAYLER,  PETER.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1549. 

TAYLOR,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1567. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  East  Cowton,  Richmonds.,  Yorks., 
1607-18;  died  i6i3. 

TAYLER,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  23,  1621-2. 
S.  of  John,  of  Exeter.  Matric.  1622.  Migrated  to  Caius, 
June  24,  1625,  age  21.  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  (Venn,  1. 

TAYLOR,  PHILIP.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  7, 

1633.  S.  of  William.    B.  at  Mallow,  near  Cork.    Schools, 
Impington  and  Perse,  Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering).    Matric. 

1634.  Perhaps  scholar  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  Oct.  7, 
1636;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1637.   (Peile,  i.  429;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

TAILOR,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  21, 
1633-4.  S.  of  Thomas,  attorney.  B.  in  Thames  Street, 
London.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1634. 

TAYLER,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1571 ; 
B.A.  1575-6;  (no  record  of  M.A.);  D.D.  1594. 

TAYLOR  or  TAILOUR,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  13,  1631-2.  Matric.  1632.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake. 

TAYLOR,  RALPH.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  5,  1640.  Of  Westmyre  (sic)  [?  WestmiU],  Herts. 
Possibly  s.  of  Richard  (1601),  R.  of  Westmill.  Matric.  1640; 
B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1648.   Fellow,  1640-3. 

TAYLOR,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  20,  1651. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1655. 

TAYLOR,  RALPH.  M.A.  1681  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Mar.  22,  1666-7,  age  18.  S.  of  William, 
of  Norton,  Worcs.,  clerk.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1670;  M.A.  1673; 
B.D.  1682;  D.D.  1686.  R.  of  Grafton  Flyfield,  Worcs.,  1678. 
R.  of  Seveme  Stoke,  1684-9.  Chaplain  at  St  Germains. 
Consecrated  non-juror  bishop,  Jan.  25,  1720-1.  Died  Dec.  26, 
1722.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  1723.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLOR,  REYNOLD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Jan.  4,  1675-6.  Of  Cambridge.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Gt  Faken- 
ham,  Sufiolk.  School,  Newport,  Essex.  Scholar,  1675; 
Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  Of  Gt  Fakenham, 
Suffolk.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Christopher  Turner,  of 
Whittlesey,  Cambs.  Died  May  10,  1692.  M.I.  at  Fakenham. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1710).  (Bury  School,  S.H. A. H.;  Le  Neve, 
Mon.,  III.  168.) 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1499-1500.  Perhaps  will 
proved  (P.C.C.)  1508;  'of  Over  Wytley,  Worcs.'  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  St  Mary,  Feltwell,  Norfolk,  1527. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1565.  One  of  these  three  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1568-9. 


Taylor,  Richard 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Micbs.  1567. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1573;  B.A.  1576-7.  Perhaps  V.  of  Thomey,  Notts., 
1579-91;  died  1591. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1576; 
B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar!  7,  1581-2.  Perhaps  V.  of  Corringham,  Linos.,  1587- 
1610.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Greetham-cMm-Homfield, 
Rutland,  1601-9. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1577-8;  B.A.  1581-2.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Nov.  7,  1585.  V.  of  Aspall,  Suffolk,  'B.A.' 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1590. 
Of  Yorkshire.   B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597;  B.D.  1605.   Fellow, 

1599.  R.  of  Vange,  Essex,  1609-26.  Died  1626.  Will,  Cons. 
C.  London.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake, 
B.D.,  who  died  1613. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  5,  1596. 
Of  Bedfordshire.   Possibly  the  same  as  the  next. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1596-7. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Grimesbury-in-Boinhuist,  Beds. 
B.A.  1599-1600.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  24,  1600;  of 
Beds.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1607.  Bencher,  1623.  Autumn 
Reader,  1626-7.  Serjeant-at-law.  J.P.  for  Beds.  Of  Grimes- 
bury-in-Bolnhurst,  and  of  Clapham,  Beds.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  William  Boteler,  of  Biddenham,  Beds.,  Aug.  12, 
1613.  Diedi64i.  Will  dated,  May  8,  164 1.  Doubtless  father 
of  William  (1640-1).  (Peile,  i.  220;  Vis.  of  Beds.;  Viaoria 
Hist.  Beds.,  in.  130.) 

TAYLER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  20, 

1600.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Nabum. 
Perhaps  same  as  the  next. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1601.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  James  (1562).  B.A.  1604-5; 
M.A.  from  Jesus,  1608.  Perhaps  D.D.  (so  styled  by  Cussans,  i.). 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1606-11.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
Jan.  19,  1609-10.  R.  of  Aspeden,  Herts.,  1610-44;  restored, 
1660-9.  R.  of  Buntingford;  ejected,  1642.  R.  of  Westmill, 
1623-43;  sequestered;  restored,  1660-9.  Buried  at  Aspeden, 
Nov.  13,  1669.  Brother  of  Henry  (1612-3)  and  probably  of 
John  (1611),  father  of  John  (1631),  Richard  (1631)  and 
perhaps  of  Ralph  (1640).  (Walker,  Sufferings,  51;  A.  Gray; 
Vis.  of  Herts.,  1572;  CluUerbuck,  in.  353.) 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1607.  B.  at  Mildenhall,  Sufiolk.  B.A.  1610-1;  Scholar,  1611; 
M.A.  1614.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi) 
priest  (London)  June  4,  1615.  C.  of  St  Benet,  Paul's  Wharf. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Bethersden,  Kent,  1622-6.  R.  of  High 
Haldon,  1626-45,  sequestered.  Buried  at  High  Haldon,  Mar. 
12,  1650-1.  {Al.  Oxon.) 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608; 

B.A.  1610-1. 
TAILOUR,   RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   Michs. 
1623;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1633.   One  of  these  names  (M.A.), 
V.  of  Ramsey,  near  Harwich,  Essex,  1638.    Died  before 
Jan.  13,  1661.   {Newport,  11.  485.) 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Dec.  15,  1624. 

S.  of  Richard,  doctor,  of  Thaxted,  Essex. 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1628. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  22,  1638;  priest,  Mar.  9,  1638-9.    Perhaps  R.  of  West 
Lyim,  Norfolk,  1664-95.   One  of  these  names  V.  of  South- 
minster,  Essex,  1658-71 ;  will  (Comm.  Essex)  1672-3. 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  13, 
1631.   S.  of  Richard  (:6oi),  R.  of  Westmill,  Herts.   School, 
Hertford  (Mr  Minors).  Matric.  1631.  Brotherof  John  (1631). 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  7, 
1641.    S.  of  Richard,  maltster,  of  York.    B.  there.   School, 
York.   Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1649.   One  of  these 
names  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,   1660,  M.A.;   R.  of 
Toft,  Lines.,  1660. 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May 
15,  1654.   S.  of  Richard,  of  Shefi&eld,  Yorks.    Matric.  1654; 
B.A.   1657-8.    Ejected  from  Gt  Houghton,   Yorks.,   1662. 
Died  at  Sheffield,  Mar.  1681.   {Calamy,  ji.  568.) 
TAYLER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  25,  1667. 

Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1. 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1671.  S.  of  John,  of 
Waddington,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there.  Mar.  15,  1645-6.  Matric. 
(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  1,  1664,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1667.  Probably  R.  of  Heysham,  Lanes.,  1674-98. 
Buried  there  Dec.  23,  1698.  {Al.  Oxon.;  E.  Axon.) 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  26,  1682.  Of  Norfolk.  School,  Lynn.  Matric.  1682; 
Scholar,  1683. 

Taylor,  Robert 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  from  Christ's,  1692;  B.A.  1695. 

Perhaps  adm.  as  'WUliam.' 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May 

26,  1697.    S.  of  William,  husbandman.    B.  at  Hartsthom, 

Derbs.    School,   Walton   (Mr  Waite).     Matric.   1697;   B.A. 

1700-1;  M.A.  1704.   Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June,  1704. 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17  sic)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  26,  1703.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  Bapt.  July  1, 
1683,  at  Waddington,  Vorks.  School,  Clitheroe.  Matric. 
1703;  B.A.  1707-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Oct.  1707;  priest, 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD  [ITCHINGHAM].  Adm.  sizar  at  Em- 
manuel, June  20,  1722;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhoiise. 
Of  Middlesex.   Matric.  1723.   {Al.  Carthus.) 

TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  17,  1728. 

Of  Lincolnshire.   Matric.  1728. 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  24, 

1740-1.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Lancashire.   B.  at  Clitheroe. 

School,   Threshfield,   Yorks.    (Mr   Knowls).     Matric.    1741; 

B.A.  1744-5.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  9,  i745;  priest 

(Hereford,  for  Norwich)  Mar.  15,  1746-7.    Probably  R.  of 

Saxmundham,  Suffolk,  1762-98.    R.  of  Blaxhall,  1762-98. 

Died  Aug.  10,  1798,  aged  77-    Will,  P.C.C.    See  Al.  Oxon. 

for  a  contemporary    to  whom  Foster  assigns  these  livings. 

{Scott-Mayor,  iii.  514.) 
TAYLOR,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  3, 

1742.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Wisbech,  Cambs.  School,  King's 

Lynn  (Mr  Pigg).  Matric.  1742;  Scholar,  1744.  {Peile,  11.2^3.) 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1533-4- 

TAYLOR,   ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from   Pembroke,  Easter, 

1546.  Of  Northumberland.   B.A.  1555-6-   Fellow,  1555. 
TAYLOR,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.   1546 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

TAYLOR,    ROBERT.    Matric.   sizar  from    Pembroke,    Lent, 

1607-8;  B.A.  1611-2.    Probably  ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec. 

20,  1612;  priest.  Mar.  1612-3. 
TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  Aug.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8; 

M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1621.    Fellow  of  St  Catharine's. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  3;  priest.  May  4,  1621.    R.  of 

Finningham,  Suffolk,  1621-32.   Buried  there  July  12,  1632. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1618).   {Peile,  1.  300.) 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1619. 
TAYLOR,    ROBERT.     Matric.    sizar   from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1620.    B.  at  Maidstone,  Kent.    B.A.  1623-4.    Ord. 

deacon  (London)  Sept.  i8,  1624,  age  24.    Probably  V.  of 

Watton,  Norfolk,  1626-32.  Died  1632. 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1639.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Probably  s.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of 
Benefield;  age  11  in  1631.  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1639; 
B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22, 
1644;  priest.  Mar.  3,  1644-5.  V.  of  St  BarthoIomew-the-Less, 
1654-6.  R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Milk  Street,  London, 
1662-6.  Probably  buried  at  Benefield,  Aug.  8,  1667.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1667. 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  3,  1641-2. 
Of  Essex.   Matric.  1642. 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  19,  1649-50. 
Matric.  1650;  B.A  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Whipsnade,  Beds.,  1678-81;  but  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake. 

TAYLER  or  TAYLOUR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catha- 
rine's, June  23,  1685.  Of  Coventry,  Warws.  Matric.  1687; 
B.A.  1688-9. 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  3, 
1694.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Hallingbury,  Essex.  School, 
Bishop's  Stortford  (MrTooke).  Scholar,  1695;  Matric.  1696; 
B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702. 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  June  12, 
1703.  S.  of  Robert,  farmer,  of  Sutton,  Yorks.  Matric.  1703; 
B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1707;  priest,  May, 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  15, 
1707-S.  S.  of  Henry,  husbandman.  B.  at  Culcheth,  in 
Winwick  parish.  Lanes.  School,  Winwick  (Mr  Wright). 
Matric.  1708.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Jan.  9, 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  17, 
1727.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Durham.  B.  at  Kibblesworth. 
School,  Sheffield.  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  i73<>-i-  FeUow,  1732- 
45.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Bubwith,  Yorks.,  c.  1745- 


Taylor,  Robert 

TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  23, 
1727.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Newark,  Notts.  B.  there,  Apr. 
1710.  School,  Newark.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Oct.  27,  1727. 
Matric.  1727;  Scholar,  1729;  M.B.  1732;  M.D.  1737. 
Practised  at  first  at  Newark.  F.R.S.,  1737.  F.R.C.P.,  1749. 
Gulstonian  lecturer,  1750.  Harveian  Orator,  1755.  Physician 
to  the  King,  1752-62.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.of  John  Heron; 
(2)  Elizabeth  Mainwaring,  of  Lincoln.  Author,  medical. 
Died  May  15,  1762.  M.L  at  Winthorpe,  Lines.  (D.N.B.; 
Munk,  II.  167.) 

TAYLOR,  ROWLAND.  B.Civ.L.  1529-30;  D.Civ.L.  1533-4- 
B.  at  Rothbury,  Northumberland.  Ord.  acolyte  at  Norwich, 
Dec.  20,  1528.  Principal  of  Burden  Hostel  in  1532-3  and 
for  some  time  later  (tenant  of  Peterhouse).  An  advocate, 
1539.  Domestic  chaplain  to  Archbishop  Cranmer.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  1544.  Canon  of  Rochester,  1547-54. 
Archdeacon  of  Exeter,  1551.  Appointed  Chancellor  to  Bishop 
Ridley,  1551.  Six  preacher,  Canterbury,  1551.  Chancellor 
of  London  diocese,  155 1-3.  Arrested  and  examined  before 
Gardiner,  1554.  Convicted  of  heresy,  and  burnt  on  Aldham 
Common,  near  Hadleigh,  Feb.  9,  1554-5.  {Cooper,  1.  123; 

TAYLOR,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1571. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  9,  1574-5.  One  of  these 
names  C.  of  Sutterton,  Lines.,  in  1575. 

TAYLOR,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  27, 
1677.  S.  of  John,  of  Stafiordshire.  School,  Stafford  (Mr 
Taylor).  Matric.  1677. 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1603; 
B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Wenham, 
Suffolk,  1616;  assessed  there  in  1640  for  ship-money  'on  his 
temporjd  estate.'  (PeiU,  i.  244.) 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  20, 
1637-8.  S.  of  Adam,  gent.  B.  at  Denethorpe,  Northants. 
Schools,  Bulkewell  (Mr  Welles)  and  Oundle.  Matric.  1638; 
B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1645.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  i,  1645; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  27,  1646.  Intruded  as  V.  of  Deene  and 
Denethorpe,  1648-71;  conformed.  Died  1671.  Father  of 
John  (1679)  and  Samuel  (1663-4).  (Shaw,  i.  350.) 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  3, 
1644-5.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Morton  Corbet,  Salop,  clerk. 
School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9.  Ejected 
from  Edsteiston,  Salop,  1662.  Died  June  26,  1695.  (Calamy, 
n.  326.) 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1653. 
Of  Lancashire.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  1654.  Matric.  1654; 
B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  ?.i,  1676. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Covington,  Hunts.,  1676-88.  V.  of  St  Ives, 
c.  1676-88.  Died  1688.  Will  proved  (Archd.  Hunts.)  Sept.  5, 
1688.  But  see  also  Samuel  (1667),  to  whom  Foster  assigns 
this  living.  Perhaps  father  of  Samuel  (1691).  (W.M.Noble.) 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  14, 

1655.    S.   of    Walter  (1616),    clerk,  of    Kedleston,  Derbs. 

B.  there.  School,  Repton.   Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A. 

TAYLER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  11, 

1663-4.   S.  of  Samuel  (1637-8),  clerk,  of  Deene,  Northants. 

B.  there.   School,  Uppingham.   Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8; 

M.A.  1671.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

June  18,  1671;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1672;  'C.  of  Colster- 

worth.  Lines.'  Brother  of  John  (1679). 

TAYLOUR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  June  12,  1667, 
from  Balliol  College,  Oxford.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of 
London,  clerk.  Matric.  (Magdalen  HaU,  Oxford)  June  19, 
1662,  age  16;  B.A.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  i666;  M.A.  from 
St  Catharine's,  1669.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Covington, 
Hunts.,  1676-88;  but  see  also  Samuel  (1653)  to  whom  it 
may  refer.   (Al.Oxon.) 

TAILOUR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Nov.  i,  1687. 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  July  2, 
1688.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Dudley,  Worcs.  School, 
Swinford  Regis,  Staffs.  (Mr  Edward  Molineux).  Matric.  1691 ; 
LL.B.  1704.  Died  1732.  Benefactor  to  the  College:  founder 
of  the  Taylorian  Lectureship  in  mathematics.  {Sidney  Coll, 
Hist.,  153,  174.) 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  30,  1691.  S. 
of  Samuel  (1653  or  1667),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Huntingdon- 
shire. Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  28,  1696-7;  priest,  June  19,  1698.  R.  of  Covington, 
Hunts.,  1698-1738.  Died  1738. 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  25,  1692. 
S.  of  Edward,  of  Gorton,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  26,  1675. 
Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  P.C.  of  St  James", 
Birch,  Lanes.,  1699-1707.  C.  of  Macclesfield,  1711-9.  Died 
1 719.  (R.  Stewart-Brown;  E.  A.xon.) 

V.  A.C.  IV.  2.Q9 

Taylor,  Thomas 

TAYLOR,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1738.  Probably  s.  of 
Abdias  (?  1698),  V.  of  St  John's,  Worcester.  Matric.  (Merton 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  3,  1728-9,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1732. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Gt  Hautbois,  Norfolk,  1737-83.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLOR,  SHADRACH.  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1683.  S.  of 
Shadrach,  of  Bell-Broughton,  Worcs.  Matric.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  Apr.  3,  1674,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1677. 
R.  of  Eastergate,  Sussex,  1682.  V.  of  Felpham,  1690. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLOR,  SILVANUS.  M.A.  1658  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Silvanus,  a  member  of  the  High  Court  of  Justice.  Matric. 
(Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  14,  1650;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1657-75. 
Perhaps  Provost  of  Tuam,  1669-73.  (Al.  Oxon.;  H.  B. 

TAYLOR,  SIMON.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1714.  Of  Norfolk. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  Simon,   Knt.,  of  King's  Lynn.    Matric. 

Easter,  1715.   One  of  these  names,  Esq.,  presented  Thomas 

Whaite  to  the  living  of  Hemsby,  Norfolk,  in  1728.   (Blome- 

field,  XI.  168.) 
TAYLOR  or  TAILER,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse, 

Feb.  14, 1633-4.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1634;  Scholar, 

1635;  B.A.  1637-8. 
TAYLOR,  THEOPHILUS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.   Ord.  priest  (London)  1616. 

Pastor  of  St   Lawrence,    Reading,   Berks.,   1617-40.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1640.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1592).   {Peile,  i.  256.) 
TAYLOR  or  TAYLARD,  THOMAS.    B.A.   1460-1.    Doubtless 

s.  of  Walter,  of  Doddington,  Cambs.,  and  of  the  Inner  Temple. 

M.A.;    B.D.    1472-3.     Fellow    of    Peterhouse,    1465-73. 

Proctor,  1470-1.    Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  14,  1466-7; 

deacon,  Mar.  28;  priest,  Sept.   19,  1467.    R.  of  Warboys. 

Hunts.,    1475-85.     Living,    1491.     (T.  A.    Walker;    P.   A. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1520-1. 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1537-8. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1551  (impubes). 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1555. 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1563; 

B.A.  1566-7  (but  see  also  the  next;  uncertain  which  of  these 

graduated).  Perhaps  fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1567-70.  One 

of  these  names  R.  of  Langton-on-Swale,  Yorks.,  1573-86; 

died  1586.  (Peile,  i.  79.) 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1563-4. 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,   Lent, 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  LL.B.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1579. 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1584. 

See  also  the  next;  uncertain  which  of  these  graduated. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1584.  Perhaps  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1588-9.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Marton,  Homcastle,  Lines.,  1592-1612. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1592.  B.  at 
Richmond,  Yorks.,  1576.  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598;  D.D. 
1628.  Fellow,  1599-1604.  Sm/)/).  for  incorporation  at  Oxford, 
1630.  Wentworth  Hebrew  lecturer,  1601-4.  Chaplain  to 
secretary  Conway.  Minister  of  St  Mary  Aldermanbury, 
London,  1625-32.  Author,  religious.  Died  1632,  aged  56. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  15,  1632.  Brother  of  Theophilus 
(1606).  (For  the  circumstances  of  his  degree,  by  mandate, 
see  Cal.  of  S.P.  for  1628.)   (Peile,  i.  205;  D.N.B. ;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  1,  1592.  Of  Lichlield,  Staffs.  Perhaps  s.  of  John 
(1552).  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Fellow,  1595-1604.  Preb. 
of  Lichfield  (according  to  Harwood).  Official  to  the  Arch- 
deaconry of  Stafford,  and  the  Peculiar  of  Aldenvas.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Gt  Hormead,  Herts.,  1595-1618.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Bradfield,  Essex,  1606-17.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1617-8.   (Harwood.) 

TAYLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  30, 1593. 
Matric.  c.  1593;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1596-7. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  c.  1593 ; 
Scholar,  Dec.  7,  1592;  LL.B.  1600. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1594.  Of  Kent. 
Perhaps  the  same,  who  after  eight  terms  at  Cambridge, 
graduated  B.A.  (New  College,  Oxford)  1599;  M.A.  1601-2. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts.,  1605- 
28,  and  of  Sawbridge,  1627  (Mar.-May). 


Taylor,  Thomas 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1597;  B.A. 
I 600-1. 

TAILLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  2, 
1599.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  Registrar  to  the  Bishop 
of  Lincxjln.  Bapt.  Feb.  18,  1580-1,  at  St  Martin's,  Lincoln. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  29,  1599.  High  Sheriff  of  Lines., 
1620.  Of  Doddington,  Cambs.  Died  s.p.  1652.  Admon., 
Sept.  30,  1653,  to  Dame  Elizabeth  Hussey.  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1605;  B.A.  1609;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
May  10,  1612.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  Oct.  24, 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1612; 

B.A.  X613-4;  M.A.  1617. 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1618; 

B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1620-1;  M.A.  1625.   Licensed  to 

practise  medicine,  1626.  Brother  of  Robert  (1614). 
TAYLOR,  THOMAS.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  12,  1619-20; 

'late  of  Trinity  College,  literate.' 
TAILOR,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  22, 

1626.  S.  of  James  (?  1593-4).  minister  of  Mundford,  Norfolk. 
B.  in  Cambridge.  School,  Perse.  Matric.  1626-7;  Scholar, 
1626-31;  B.A.  1629-30.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  6, 
1630-1;  priest,  Feb.  25,  1642-3;  'C.  of  Weeting,  Norfolk.' 
(Venn,  i.  278.) 

TAYLOR  or  TAILOUR,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke, 

1627.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1631;  M.A. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  15, 

1627.  S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Richmond 
(Mr  Comforth,  Mr  Lambert  and  Mr  Bathurst).  Matric.  1627; 
B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  'Sutton- 
in-the-Dale,'  1650.   (Peile,  i.  385.) 

TAYLEUR,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  May  10, 

1628.  Of  Lancashire. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1628. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Head  Master  of 
Huntingdon  Grammar  School,  1641-79.  Died  Aug.  1679, 
aged  70.  M.I.  at  All  Hallows,  Huntingdon.  (Le  Neve,  Mon 
IV.  196.) 

TAILOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter 
1629; B.A.  1632-3.  ' 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  22, 1631-2 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6. 

TAILOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  23,  1641. 
S.  of  Stephen,  gent.,  of  Kimberley,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Shering- 
ham.  School,  Wymondham  (Mr  Locke).  Matric.  1642;  B.A. 
1645-6.  Probably  the  Puritan,  described  by  Calamy.  Tutor 
to  the  family  of  Mr  Ripps,  of  Mattishall;  afterwards  master 
at  a  school.  Minister  at  Norwich  and  at  Swaffham,  where  he 
taught  in  the  Free  School.  Ord.  Jan.  3,  1655-6  to  the  Church 
at  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Imprisoned  for  a  year  at  Bury,  after 
1662.  Preacher  in  London  and  at  Croydon;  finally  minister 
in  Cambridge,  where  he  succeeded  Mr  Holcroft  in  Green 
Street.  Author,  religious.  Died  Nov.  1700.  Buried  at 
Cambridge.  (Venn,  1.  345;  Calamy,  11.  415.) 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  Dec.  17,  1653. 

TAILOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  30, 
1658.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Croydon,  Surrey.  B.  in 
London.  Schools,  Westminster  and  Camberwell  (Mr  New- 
man).  Matric.  1658.   (Venn,  i.  403.) 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  May 
22,  1669.  S.  of  George,  schoolmaster,  of  Barton,  Staffs. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  5,  1673.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Downham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1676-7. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  28  i67q 
Of  Esse.x.  Matric.  1680. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  May  13 
1692.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Barwick-in-Elmet,  Yorks.  School' 
Pontefract  (Mr  Atkinson).  Matric.  1692.  Died  in  College. 
Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  June  9,  1694. 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1697.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  West  Bradford-in- 
Waddington,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Apr.  7,  1678,  at  Waddington. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  July,  1701.  Perhaps  C.  of  Clitheroe,  Lanes..  i7oi-^8. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1703).  .    /       J  • 

TAYLOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Trinity 
Aug.  2,  1710.  S.  of  Reynold  (1675-6),  of  Fakenham,  Suffolk! 
School,  Bury.  Sold  Fakenham,  and  bought  Westhorpe. 
Died  there,  c.  1730,   (S, H. A. H.,  Bury  School.) 

Taylor,  William 

TAYLOR,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564. 

TAYLOR,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1598; 

B.A.   1601-2.    Perhaps  V.  of  Scarborough,  Yorks.,  i6o8, 

TAYLOR,  TIMOTHY.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27,  1694.   Of 

Lancashire.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8. 

TAYLOR,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1646.  Of  Kent. 

TAYLOR,  TRISTRAM.  Adm.  sizar  from  Queens',  Jan.  1594-5. 
Matric.  c.  1595.    V.  of  Crjinswick,  Yorks.,  in  1603.    V.  of 
Hutton  Wansley,  in  1607. 
TAYLOR,  VALENTINE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1544.  Of  Durham.  B.A.  1550-1;  M.A.  1554.  Fellow,  1554. 
TAYLOR,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1561. 
TAYLOR,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1566. 
TAYLOR,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 
TAYLER,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1546. 
TAYLOR,  WALTER.   Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

1567; B.A.  1571-2. 
TAYLOR,  WALTER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1616. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1620;  M.A.  1623.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1621.  Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Bristol)  June 
4;  for  priest's,  Sept.  24,  1625.  R.  of  Boylstone,  Derbs.,  1634. 
R.  of  Kedleston,  1634;  there  in  1644.  R.  of  Water  Stratford, 
Bucks.,  1642.  R.  of  Hutton,  Essex,  1647-54.  V.  of  St  Peter's, 
Derby,  till  1656.  Died  c.  1656.  Father  of  Samuel  (1655). 
(Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.,  iv.  148.) 
TAYLOR,  WALTER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  6, 
1647.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman.  B.  at  Cranbrooke,  Kent. 
Schools,  Cranbrooke  (Mr  Elmeston)  and  Westminster. 
Matric.  1647. 
TAYLOR,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  7, 
1716.  S.  of  John  (1687),  V.  of  Tuxford,  Notts.  School, 
Wakefield,  Yorks.  Matric.  1716;  Scholar,  1717;  B.A. 
1719-20;  M.A.  1723;  B.D.  1736.  FeUow,  1722.  Regius 
Professor  of  Greek,  1726-44.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23, 
1725;  priest,  Feb.  26,  1726-7.  Died  Feb.  25,  1743-4.  Buried 
at  Tuxford. 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

TAYLOR  or  TAYLARD,  WILLIAM.  D.Can.L.  1498-9.  Doubt- 
less s.  of  William,  of  Doddington,  Cambs.,  and  grandson  of 
Walter,  of  the  Inner  Temple.  Chaplain  of  St  Thomas-the- 
Martyr,  Eynesbury,  Hunts.,  1488-1504.  R.  of  Abbots 
Ripton,  1499-1532.  R.  of  Offord  D'Arcy,  1502-4;  re- 
appointed, 1504-32.  Dean  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of 
St  Peter,  Irthlingborough,  Northants.,  1518-9.  Master  of 
the  Hospital  of  St  John,  Huntingdon,  1521-32.  R.  of  All 
Saints',  Huntingdon,  1524-32.  R.  of  Statham,  Leics.,  in 
1526.  Died  1532.  (Bridges,  11.  238;  P.  A.  Taylor.) 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1538-9.  Perhaps 
b.  at  Walton-on-Trent,  Derbs.;  ord.  deacon  (London)  1552. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tatenhill,  Staffs.,  1552-8.  Died 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1543-4;  M.A.  1546.  Perhaps  fellow 

of  Pembroke,  c.  1545;  fellow  of  Christ's,  1547-8. 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1544-5;  M.A.  1548;  B.D.  1554. 
FeUow  of  Christ's,  1547-56.  Lady  Margaret  preacher,  1554. 
Master  of  Christ's,  1556-9.  Received  the  tonsure  (London) 
1553-  Preb.  of  York,  1558,  and  of  Southwell,  1559.  De- 
prived of  his  preferments  in  1559,  and  fled  the  country. 
(Cooper,  I.  214.) 
TAYLER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

TAYLOR,    WILLIAM.     Matric.   sizar   from   Christ's,    Easter, 
1567.  S.  of  John,  of  Chelmsford,  Essex.  School,  Chelmsford. 
Migrated  to  Caius,  Aug.  24,  1571,  age  24.    Probably  V.  of 
Aveley,  Essex,  1573-89;  R.  of  Springfield  Boswell,  1581-9. 
Died  1589.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Knapton,  Norfollc, 
1573-81.   (Venn,  i.  68;  Peile,  i.  100.) 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1595.    Of  London.    Matric.  c.  1595;  B.A. 
1599-1600.     Fellow,    1598-9.     'A   Counsellor   in   London.' 
Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  5,  1599;  of  London, 
gent.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1606.   (Harwood.) 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.    B.A.   1597  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    Of 
Lincolnshire,    pleb.     Matric.    (Magdalen    College,    Oxford) 
Feb.  4,  1591-2,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1597.    Perhaps  C.  of 
Irby-in-Candleshoe,    Lines.,    1601.     One    of    these    names 
minister  of  St  Peter-at-Gowts,  Lincoln,  and  of  Canwick, 
Lines.;  admon.  (P.C.C.)  1609. 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1606. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  3,  1607-8 
s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Brixworth,  Northants.,  Esq. 


Taylor,  William 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  8,  i5i6. 
Matric.  1616;  B.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  1623.   V.  of  Riby,  Lines.,  1623. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  14,  1616. 
Matric.  1616;  B.A.  1619.  Perhaps  M.A.  1623  (but  possibly 
William  (above)).  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Apr.  8,  1616;  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  London. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

TAILOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Mar.  24,  1622-3. 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Cambridge.  Schools,  St  Michael, 
Cambridge  (Mr  Smith)  and  Perse  (Mr  Levering).  Matric. 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Perhaps  V.  of  Southill,  Beds., 
1641;  there  in  1656.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Mary 
Calendar,  Winchester,  Hants.,  1635-74.   (Peile,  i.  349.) 

TAILOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Sidney,  June  3, 
1634.  S.  of  Thomas,  clothier,  of  York.  B.  at  Giggleswick. 
School,  Giggleswick.   Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637;  M.A.  1641. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  25, 
1636.  S.  of  Nicholas  (1604-5),  V.  of  Warmington,  Northants. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  17,  1619.  School,  Oundle,  1632-6.  Matric. 
1637;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1644.  Faculty  (Lambeth)  to  be 
ordained  deacon  and  priest  at  any  time  by  any  bishop, 
Nov.  14,  1670.  R.  of  WooUey,  Hunts.,  1670-9.  Died  1679. 
Brother  of  Nicholas  (1644).   (Peile,  i.  444.) 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1637.  Of  Suffolk. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1639. 

TAILOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  15, 
1640-1.  3rd  s.  of  Richard  (1596-7),  of  Clapham,  Beds., 
Serjeant-at-law.  Bapt.  Sept.  14,  1624,  at  St  Paul's,  Bedford. 
School,  Bedford  (Mr  Vamey).  Matric.  1641.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1641-2.  A  Royalist;  captured  near 
Chester  fighting  for  the  King.  (Peile,  1.  374;  Vis.  of  Beds.; 
Victoria  Hist.  Beds.,  iii.  130.) 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1652. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sx  Catharine's,  1665-6. 

TAYLOUR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
May  30,  1667.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Hokne,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  School,  Moulton,  Lines.  Matric.  1667;  M.A.  1669 
(Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  3,  1670.  Gave  the 
works  of  Charles  I  to  the  College  library.   (Venn,  i.  430.) 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 

1682.    S.  of  William,  husbandman.    B.  at  Audley,  Staffs. 

School,  Newcastle-under-Lyne  (Mr  Pots).  Matric.  1682;  B.A. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  May  17, 

1686.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.  B.  at  St  Martin's,  London.  Matric. 

1686.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  9,  1687. 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Feb.  12,  1686-7. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Pinder  Oak,  Worsborough,  Yorks.,  husband- 
man. B.  there.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1687;  B.A. 
1690-1;  M.A.  1694.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1695.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  22,  1692;  priest,  June  7,  1696.  Non-juror; 
resigned  his  benefices.    Buried  at  Worsborough,  Aug.  21, 

1725,  aged  55.   M.I.    (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

TAILOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  15, 

1691-2.   S.  of  William.   B.  at  Barrel-Sikes,  Yorks.   School, 

TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 

1694.    S.  of  John,  of  Newland,  Yorks.   B.  there.   School, 

Selby  (Mr  Henry  Allan). 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  18,  1706. 

Probably  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Colton  (1682-1701),  Staffs.    B. 

there,  1689.   Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714.  Fellow, 

1715.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  17,  1716-7. 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Oct.  30, 1718. 

B.  at  Wisbech,  Isle  of  Ely. 
TAYLOR,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 

Mar.    7,    1718-9.     Of    Cambridgeshire.     School,    Bishop's 

Stortford.    Scholar,    1719;   B.A.    1722-3.    Fellow,   1724-6. 

(See  At.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.) 
TAYLEURE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  3, 

1 72 1.   S.  of  John,  attorney,  of  London.   B.  there.   Schools, 

London  and  Felsted.   Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1721-6;  LL.B. 

1726.  Fellow,  1726-37.  SurrogateofSnaith,  Yorks.  Peculiar 
Court,  1749.  First  Lay  Commissary  of  Exchequer  Court, 
York,  1752-6.  Resided  at  York.  Married  Lellissa,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Brearey,  D.D.,  preb.  of  York.   (Venn,  11.  16.) 

TAYLOR,  ZACHARY.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1600-1.  B.  at 
Bradford,  Yorks.  M.A.  1604.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  3; 
priest,  Sept.  23,  1610,  age  30.  C.  of  Sanderstead,  Surrey. 
R.  of  Lce-by-Tonbridgc,  Kent,  1622. 

Tedstill,  Humphrey 

TAYLOUR,  ZACHARY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  19, 
1671.  S.  of  Zachary,  C.  of  Rochdale,  Lanes.  Bapt.  Mar.  27, 
1653-4,  at  Bolton-le-Moors.  Matric.  1671;  Scholar,  1674; 
B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1678.  V.  of 
Ormskirk,  Lanes.,  1680-92.  C.  at  Wigan,  1693.  V.  of 
Croston,  1695-6.  One  of  the  King's  preachers  for  Lanes. 
A  staunch  Whig.  Author,  Submission  and  Obedience  to  the 
present  Government,  etc.  Died  1705.  Will  dated,  Apr.  30; 
proved  (Chester)  June  19,  1705.   (E.  Axon;  D.N.B.) 

TAYLER, .  M.A.  (?  B.A.)  1501-2. 

TAYLOR, .  B.Can.L.  1523-4.  A  priest. 

TAYLOR, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1666. 

TEAL,  MUSHEY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  11,  1716.  Of 
Middlesex.  M.B.  1722.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  27,  1719- 
Licentiate  R.C.P.,  Dee.  22,  1722.  Practised  at  Maidstone  and 
elsewhere.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  George  Poole,  Esq.,  of 
Charing,  Kent.  Died  June  6,  1760.  M.I.  at  Charing,  Kent. 
Will,  P.C.C.  (Munk,  II.  82.) 
TEASDALE,  see  also  TISDALL. 

TEASDALE  or  TESDALE,  AMBROSE.  B.Can.L.  1527-8. 
TEASDALL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  27,  1676-7.  B.  at  Sedbergh,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh. 
TEESDALE,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Michaelhouse.  Ord.  priest 
(Ely)  Mar.  19,  1389-90.  Gave  five  medical  MSS.  to  the 
University;  they  appear  in  the  catalogue  of  1424.  (Brad- 
shaw.  Collected  Papers.) 
TESEDALE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1464-5;  M.A.  1469-70.  Fellow  of 
Peterhouse,  1469-90;  D.D.  1479-80  or  1486-7.  (T.  A. 
TEESDALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  8, 
1695.  S.  of  John  (?  V.  of  Wallsend).  B.  at  Durham.  School, 
Durham  (Mr  Patrick  Rosse).  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1697; 
B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  24, 
1699.  V.  of  Stannington,  Durham,  1699.  Perhaps  R.  of 
St  Mary-the-Less,  Durham,  1705-12.  (D.  S.  Boutflower.) 
TEASDALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 
1725.  S.  of  Mcirmaduke  (1701),  clerk,  of  Yorkshire.  Bapt. 
Dec.  10,  1706,  at  Hemingbrough.  School,  Drax,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  22, 
1729-30;  priest  (York)  July  18,  1731.  C.  of  Hemingbrough, 
Yorks.,  1730;  of  Thorganby,  1731-7;  of  Drax,  1743-64. 
Master  of  Drax  Grammar  School,  1742-64.  Died  Dee.  13, 
1764.  Buried  in  Drax  Church.  Brotherof  Marmaduke  (1734). 
(Th.  Burton,  Hemingbrough,  115.) 
TEASDALE,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's, 
June  13,  1701.  S.  of  Marmaduke,  Master  of  Pocklington 
Grammar  School,  Yorks.,  deceased.  B.  at  Pocklington, 
Yorks.  School,  Pocklington.  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1706-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  2;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1706.  C.  of 
Hemingbrough,  Yorks.,  1706;  V.,  1708-41.  C.  of  Barmby 
Chapel,  1706;  of  Drax,  1722.  Usher  of  Howden  Grammar 
School,  1706.  Died  Nov.  i,  1741.  Buried  at  Hemingbrough. 
Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1725)- 
TEASDALE,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's, 
June  I,  1734.  3rd  s.  of  Marmaduke  (above),  clerk,  of  York- 
shire. Bapt.  May  4,  1714,  at  Hemingbrough.  Educated  by 
his  father.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1737-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  15,  1738-9;  priest.  May  24,  1740.  V.  of  Brayton, 
Yorks.,  1748-73.  V.  of  Selby,  1748-73.  Died  1773.  Brother 
of  John  (1725).  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  455;  Burton,  Heming- 
TEASDALE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
May  19,  1677.  S.  of  William,  tailor.  B.  at  Alston,  Cumber- 
land. School,  Durham.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A. 
1684.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Carlisle,  Lilt.  dim.  from 
Durham)  Sept.  25,  1681. 
TEATE,  FAITHFULL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1646.  Perhaps  s.  of  Dr  Teate,  surgeon,  of  Ireland.  B.  at 
Balliheas.  B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  1650.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  Nov.  4,  1641,  age  19.  Minister  of  Castle  Camps, 
Cambs.,  1650.  Probably  V.  of  Greenwich,  Kent,  1651-3; 
Minister  at  Sudbury,  1654-8.  Married,  at  Castle  Camps, 
May  15,  1649,  Mrs  Kath.  Kinetic.  Author,  religious.  (Calamy, 
II.  28.) 
TEHEES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Miehs.  1582. 
TEDNAM    or    TEDMAN,    THOMAS.     D.D.    1540.     Canon    of 

Norwich,  1540.   R.  of  .Acle,  Norfolk,  1543.   Died  1558. 
TEDSTELL,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  10, 

1680.  Of  Nottinghamshire. 
TEDSTILL,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1717, 
Previously  matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  June  27,  1716, 
age  17.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Tedstill,  Salop.  Matric.  1717; 
B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1734.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Nov.  1722. 
V.  of  Shrewton,  Wilts.,  1722.  (Al.  Oxon.) 



Tedyngworth,  Henry 

TEDYNGWORTH,  HENRY,  seeTethingworth. 

TEETON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  6,  1693. 

Of  Northamptonshire. 
TEFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizjir  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  May  26, 1716. 

S.  of  Samuel.  B.  at  Tealby,  Lines.  School,  Lincoln.  Maine. 

1716;  B.A.  1719-20.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1720; 

priest,  Sept.  20,  1724.        , 
TEIGH,  LISTER.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1657.   Of 

Lincolnshire.    School,   Westminster.    Scholar,    1658;   B.A. 

TELE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1586. 
TEMPEST,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  19, 

1680.   S.  of  Robert,  of  Marton,  Yorks.   Bapt.  there,  Dec.  1, 

1663.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1680;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A. 
1683-4.  Ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  Mar.  11,  1687-8.  P.C.  of 
Ravenstondale,  Westmorland,  1692-3.  C.  of  Gt  Harwood, 
Lanes.,  1707.  V.  of  Bracewell,  Yorks.,  1717-50.  V.  of  Gill 
Kirk,  Bamoldswick,  1717-50.  Died  1750.   (J.  Parker.) 

TEMPEST,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1589. 
2nd  s.  of  Arthur,  of  Marton,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  1568. 

TEMPEST,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TEMPEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1580. 

TEMPEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1725.  5th  s.  of  William,  Prothonotary  of  Common  Pleas. 
B.  1693.  M.D.  1726-7  [Lit.  Reg.).  Died  unmarried,  Dec.  8, 
1729.  Buried  at  St  Dunstan's-in-the-West,  London.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  1729.  Brother  of  WiUiam  (1699-1700).  (Surtees, 
II.  328;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  11.  237.) 

TEMPEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's. 
Apr.  13,  1728.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Durham,  M.P.  Bapt. 
Apr.  28,  1710,  at  St  Nicholas,  Durham.  School,  Durham. 
Matric.  1728.  M.P.  for  Durham,  1742-68.  Mayor  of  Hartle- 
pool. Married  Frances  Shuttleworth,  of  Forcet-in-Gawthorpe, 
May  9,  1738.  Buried  May  17,  1776,  at  St  Giles',  Durham. 
Brother  of  William  (1728).   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  413;  G.  Mag.) 

TEMPEST,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  18, 

1664.  4th  s.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  parliamentarian,  deceased. 
Bapt.  June  r,  1647,  at  Tong,  Yorks.  Schools,  Bradford 
(Mr  Cotes)  and  Coxwold  (Mr  Littleton).  Matric.  1664;  B.A. 
1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Died  Dec.  5,  1677,  in  London.  Buried 
at  St  PancrEis.   (Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  55.) 

TEMPEST,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Jan.  29,  1719-20.  S.  of  Sir  George,  Bart.,  of  Tong  Hall, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Feb.  1,  1702,  at  BeQreys.  School,  Bradford. 
Matric.  1720;  Scholar,  1720;  B.A.  1723-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Sept.  25,  1726;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1727.  Assisteint 
minister  of  Sheffield,  1731-55.  P.C.  of  Atterdiffe,  Yorks., 
1731-55.  Died  1755.  Will  dated,  Apr.  24,  1755;  proved, 
Feb.  20,  1756.  [T.  A.  Walker,  242;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  57.) 

TEMPEST,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1493.  4th  s.  of  Roland,  of  Hohnside, 
Durham.  Fellow  of  Clare,  1494.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
June  10,  1496.  One  of  the  Council  of  the  North.  Succeeded 
his  brother  at  Holmside.  Perhaps  knighted,  Sept.  25,  1523. 
Married  and  had  issue.  Died  Sept.  1544.   (J.  Parker.) 

TEMPEST,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Lent, 
1699-1700.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  Prothonotary  of  the  Court 
of  Common  Pleas  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Cooke,  of 
Cranbrook,  Kent).  B.  Apr.  16,  1682.  School,  Eton.  Became, 
like  his  father,  a  Prothonotary  of  C.P.  F.R.S.,  1712.  Of 
Shepherds,  Cranbrook.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Samuel 
Hyland,  of  Bodiam,  Sussex,  June  6,  1707.  Died  Aug.  15, 
1761.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1725).  {Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  3rd  S.,  II.  238;  G.  Mag.) 

TEMPEST,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  13,  1728.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  Oct.  7,  1713,  at  St  Nicholas, 
Durham.  School,  Durham.   Brother  of  John  (1728). 

TEMPLE,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  1529-30;  M.A.  1533.  FeUow  of 
Clare.  Probably  of  Eglingham,  Northumberland.  Scholar. 
Litt.  dim.  from  Durham,  Aug.  11,  1532.  (Register  of  Bishop 

TEMPLE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  July  5, 
1742.  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Crake,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Feb.  8, 
1723-4.  School,  Coxwold.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A. 
1770.  Master  of  Richmond  School,  1750-95.  V.  of  Easby, 
Yorks.,  1770-95.  Married  (1)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Andrew  Layton, 
of  Coxwold,  May,  1750;  (2)  Arabella,  dau.  of  Rev.  Joseph 
Beckett,  of  York,  1767.  Died  Apr.  30,  1795.  Buried  at 
Easby.  Will,  P.C.C.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

TEMPLE,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1693.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1646-7),  Speaker  of 
the  Irish  House  of  Commons.  B.  c.  1673.  Appointed  with 
Luke  King,  Chief  Rembrancer  of  the  Court  of  Exchequer  in 
Ireland,  i68o.  Created  Viscount  Palmerston,  of  Palmerston, 

Temple,  Richard 

Co.  Dublin,  Mar.  12,  1722-3.  M.P.  for  East  Grinstead,  1727- 
34;  for  Bossiney,  1734-41 ;  for  Weobley,  i74i-7-  A  supporter 
of  Walpole.  Helped  Bishop  Berkeley  in  his  scheme  concern- 
ing the  island  of  St  Christopher.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Abraham  Houblon,  Governor  of  the  Bank  of  England; 
(2)  Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Gerard,  Bart.,  of  Harrow- 
on-the-Hill,  Middlesex.  Died  June  10,  1757,  aged  84. 
Father  of  Richard  (1743).   {D.N.B.;  Lodge,  v.  241.) 

TEMPLE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  Feb.  10, 
1699-1700.  Matric.  1700. 

TEMPLE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent,  1702-3; 
B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  19, 
1709;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1710. 

TEMPLE,  JOHN  (1506),  see  HOLLAND. 

TEMPLE,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1515-6. 

TEMPLE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1573;  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580. 

TEMPLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Jan.  30,  1646-7. 
S.  of  Sir  John,  of  London,  Knt.,  Master  of  the  Rolls  (for 
whom  see  D.N.B.).  B.  1632,  in  London.  Matric.  1647. 
Student  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford  (by  the  visitors),  1648. 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1649;  M.A.  1652.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn, 
May  4,  1650.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1657.  Solicitor-General  in 
Ireland,  1660-88.  M.P.  for  Carlow,  1661-6.  Speaker  of 
the  Irish  House  of  Commons,  1661.  Knighted,  Aug.  15,  1663. 
Attorney-General  of  Ireland,  1690-5.  Purchased  a  home  at 
East  Sheen,  Surrey.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Abraham 
Yamer,  of  Ireland,  Knt.  Died  Mar.  10,  1704-5,  aged  72. 
Buried  in  Mortlake  Church,  Surrey.  Brother  of  William 
(1644)  and  doubtless  father  of  Henry  (1693).  Mt.  Oxon. ;  A.  B. 
Beaven;  Lodge,  v.  240;  Manning  and  Bray,  iii.  139;  D.N.B.) 

TEMPLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  July  6, 
1654.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Merchant  Taylor.  B.  Feb.  12,  1636, 
at  Yarmouth,  Isle  of  Wight.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1657-8;  Scholar,  1658.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Hangleton,  Sussex,  1660,  and  of  Portslade,  1669. 

TEMPLE,  JONATHAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1613.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Temple  HaU,  Sibbes- 
den,  Leics.  Living,  1619,  age  21.  Brother  of  the  next. 

TEMPLE,  PAUL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Feb.  19,  1607-8. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Temple  Hall,  Sibbesden, 
Leics.  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Burgoine,  of  Wroxhall, 
Warws.).  Matric.  1607-8.  Living,  1619,  age  29.  Brother 
of  Peter  the  regicide,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.  and  of  Jonathan 
(above).  {Vis.  of  Leics.,  i6ig.) 

TEMPLE,  PETER.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1651. 
B.  in  Surrey.  Possibly  s.  of  Peter,  the  regicide,  of  Temple 
Hall,  Leics.  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  If  so,  b.  1635.  B.A. 
1654-5;  M.A.  1659.  Fellow,  till  1661.  'Went  into  Virginia.' 
Afterwards  V.  of  Sible  Hedingham,  Essex,  1672-90.  (Har- 

TEMPLE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1575. 

TEMPLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  23, 
1648.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  Stowe,  Bucks.,  Knt.  and 
Bart,  (by  his  2nd  wife  Christian,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Leveson, 
of  Haling,  Kent).  B.  1634.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  6, 
1648.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  Sept.  1653.  M.P.  for  Warws., 
1654-5;  for  Buckingham,  1659  and  1660-97.  K.B.,  i66r. 
Took  a  leading  part  against  the  Popish  Plot,  also  for  the 
exclusion  of  James,  Duke  of  York  from  the  crown.  One  of 
the  Council  for  foreign  plantations,  1671.  Commissioner  of 
Customs,  1672-94.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Knapp,  of 
Weston,  Oxon.  Buried  at  Stowe,  May  15,  1697.  Father  of 
the  next.   (D.N.B.;  G.E.C.,  1.  83;  Vis.  of  Bucks.,  1634.) 

TEMPLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
Oct.  31,  1694.  S.  of  Sir  Richard  (above),  Bart.,  of  Stowe, 
Bucks.  B.  Oct.  24,  1675,  in  London.  Succeeded  as  4th  Bart., 
May,  1697.  M.P.  for  Buckingham,  1697-1702  and  1708-13; 
for  Bucks.,  1704-8.  Served  in  the  Army;  distinguished 
himself  at  the  siege  of  Lille,  1708.  Captured  Vigo,  1719. 
Field  Marshal,  1742.  Created  Baron  Cobham,  of  Cobham, 
Kent,  Oct.  19,  1714,  and  Viscount  Cobham,  May  23,  1718. 
Envoy  to  Vienna,  1714-5.  P.C,  1716.  Governor  of  Jersey, 
1723-49.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Bucks.,  1728-38.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Edmund  Halsey,  of  Stoke  Poges,  Bucks. 
Rebuilt  the  house  at  Stowe  and  laid  out  the  famous  gardens. 
Intimate  with  Pope,  who  often  visited  him  at  Stowe.  A 
friend  and  patron  of  literary  men.  A  member  of  the  Kit-Cat 
Club.  Died  Sept.  13,  1749.  Buried  at  Stowe.  (G.£.C.,  i.  83; 
Peile,  II.  132;  D.N.B. 

TEMPLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  May  14,  i743- 
2nd  s.  of  Henry  (1693),  Viscount  Palmerston.  Matric. 
1743-4;  M.A.  1746.  M.P.  for  Downton,  1747-9-  Married 
Henrietta,  dau.  of  Thomas  Pelham,  of  Stanmer,  Sussex. 
Died  Aug.  8,  1749,  of  small-pox.  (Herald  and  Geneal.,  iii. 
401 ;  Lodge,  v.  244.) 


Temple,  Robert 

TEMPLE,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1600  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A. 
(Magdalen  CoUege,  Oxford)  1570;  M.A.  1573;  B.D.  1588. 
V.  of  Burford,  Oxon.,  1571.  Chaplain  to  Dr  Aylmer,  Bishop 
of  London.  V.  of  Tickenham,  Somerset,  1574-6.  V.  of 
Lacock,  Wilts.,  1575;  of  Coleme,  1576;  of  Wilsford,  1582, 
and  of  Bremhill,  1583.  Canon  of  Bristol,  1584-1611.  R.  of 
St  Nicholas  Aeon,  London,  1589-92.  R.  of  St  Michael's, 
Queenhithe,  1591-5.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1592-8.  R.  of 
Dowdeswell,  Gloucs.,  1598-1611.  Died  1611.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

TEMPLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  9, 
1623-4.  S.  of  Robert,  chandler,  of  Berwick-on-Tweed. 
Bapt.  there,  1604.  School,  Berwick  (Mr  Knowsley).  Matric. 
1623-4;  B.A.  1627-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21;  priest, 
Dec.  22, 1628.  Perhaps  V.  of  Wyrardisbury,  Bucks.,  1647-56. 
(Peile,  I.  355,  where  date  of  ordination  is  wrongly  given.) 

TEMPLE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23,  1609. 
Matric.  1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Petagdj.)  Sept.  22;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1616. 
Probably  R.  of  Etton,  Northants.,  1627-50.  Buried  there 
Mar.  I,  1650-1.  One  of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Gloucester) 
Mar.  9,  1614-5,  as  of  Balliol  College,  Oxford;  R.  of  Shipton 
OUfie,  Gloucs.;  living,  1665.  (F.  S.  Hockaday;  Al.  Oxon., 
where  two  men  are  apparently  confused.) 

TEMPLE,  SIMON.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Dec.  10,  1580.  Of  Heytesbury,  Wilts.  Matric.  1581; 
B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588.   FeUow,  1584-9,  'expelled.' 

TEMPLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1568. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  the  Priory,  Leicester.  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A. 
from  Caius,  1576.  Fellow  of  Csiius,  1575-6.   {Venn,  1.  73.) 

TEMPLE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1627  (Incorp.  from  Dublin.  2nd  s. 
of  Sir  WiUiam  (1573),  Knt.  Scholar  of  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  Oct.  17,  1615;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1620;  M.A.  1623. 
Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1620.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1628,  and  again  as  B.D.  1638-9.  D.D.  (Oxford)  1639.  R.  of 
Old  Ross,  Ferns,  1626.  V.  of  Battersea,  Surrey,  1634. 
A  member  of  the  Westminster  Assembly.  Achieved  a 
reputation  as  a  puritan  preacher  in  London.  Probably 
intruded  R.  of  Braunston,  Northants.,  1657-61.  Died  1661. 
Admon.  granted  (Archd.  Northants.)  Sept.  3,  1661,  to  widow 
Anne.  (H.  I.  Longden;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  wrongly 
identified  with  a  contemporary  namesake,  R.  of  Bourton- 
on-the-Water,  Gloucs.,  LL.D.) 

TEMPLE  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1545.  Of  Stower  Provost,  Dorset.  Matric. 
1545:  B.A.  1549-50;  M.A.  1553.  Fellow,  1548-57-  'An 
excellent  mathematician,  and  travelled  beyond  the  Sea.' 
Doubtless  adm.  at  Basle,  1555.  (Harwood.) 

TEMPLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  28,  1573.  Of  Stower,  Dorset.  S.  of  Anthony,  of 
Coughton,  Warws.  Matric.  1573;  B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1581. 
Fellow,  1576-83.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1581.  Master  of  Lincoln 
Grammar  School,  c.  1583.  Secretary  to  Sir  PhUip  Sidney, 
1585;  and  after  his  death  to  the  Earl  of  Essex.  M.P.  for 
Tamworth,  1597.  Provost  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1609. 
Master  in  Chancery  (Ireland),  1609-10.  M.P.  for  Dublin 
University,  in  the  Irish  Parliament,  1613-5.  Knighted,  May 
4,  1622.  Married  Mairtha  Harrington.  Author,  philosophical; 
a  champion  of  the  Ramist  system  of  logic.  Died  Jan.  15, 
1626-7.  Buried  in  the  Chapel  of  Trinity  College,  DubUn. 
Will,  Dublin.  Father  of  Thomas  (1627).  (Harwood;  Lips- 
comb, III.  85;  Nichols,  IV.  959;  Al.  Oxon.;  Al.  Dublin.) 

TEMPLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  31, 
1644.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  Master  of  the  Rolls  (and  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Hammond,  of  Chertsey,  Surrey).  Bapt.  Apr.  30, 
1628,  at  St  Anne's,  Blackfriars,  London.  School,  Bishop's 
Stortford.  Travelled  abroad  and  studied  foreign  languages. 
Went  to  Ireland.  M.P.  for  Carlow,  1660;  for  Co.  Carlow, 
1661-6.  Settled  at  East  Sheen,  Surrey,  1663.  Employed  on 
missions  abroad.  Envoy  to  Brussels,  1665-7.  Created  Bart., 
Jan.  31,  1665-6.  Ambassador  at  the  Hague,  1667-71,  and 
again,  1674-9.  Succeeded  his  father  as  Master  of  the  Rolls, 
1677-96.  M.P.  for  Northampton,  1678;  for  Cambridge 
University,  1679-81.  P.C.,  1679-81.  His  opposition  to 
Charles  II's  arbitrary  government  caused  his  exclusion  from 
the  King's  counsels  and  subsequent  retirement.  Purchased 
Moor  Park,  in  Famham,  Surrey,  1680.  Married  Dorothy 
Osborne  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.),  dau.  of  Sir  Peter  Osborne, 
of  Chicksands,  Beds.,  Jan.  16,  1654-5.  Received  Jonathan 
Swift  into  his  house  as  secretary,  1689;  aided  by  him  in 
editing  his  Memoirs.  Author,  literary  and  critical.  Died 
Jan.  27,  1698-9.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Brother  of 
John  (1646-7).   (G.E.C,  IV.  25;  D.N.B.) 

TEMPLE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

TEMPLE, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1579. 

Templer,  Thomas 

TEMPLEMAN,  GILES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Feb. 
20,  1731-2.  S.  of  Giles,  of  Dorchester.  School,  Tiverton, 
Devon  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1734;  B.A.  1735-6; 
M.A.  1739.  Fellow,  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  17, 
1739;  priest  (Bristol)  Mar.  2,  1739-40.  R.  of  Pentridge, 
Dorset,  1740-50.  R.  of  Gussage  St  Michael,  1744-53.  R-  of 
ChesUboume,  1750-90;  of  Wimbome  St  Giles',  1753.  Died 
Aug.  23,  1790,  at  Wimbome.  Will,  P.C.C.  (F.  S.  Hockaday; 
G.  Mag.) 

TEMPLEMAN,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  14,  1746.  S.  of  William,  of  Dorchester.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1747;  B.A.  1749-50;  M.A.  1753.  Ord. 
deacon  (Bangor)  Sept.  23,  1750;  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  23, 
1752.  Chaplain  to  Viscount  Leinster.  R.  of  Aimer,  Dorset, 
1753-97.  V.  of  Loders,  1754-81.  R.  of  Holy  Trinity  with 
St  Peter,  Dorchester,  1781-1813.  R.  of  Winterbome- 
Anderson,  1791-1813.  R.  of  Long  Brady  with  Little  Brady, 
1797-1813.  Died  Jan.  8,  1813.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

TEMPLEMAN,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June 
15,  1728.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  solicitor,  of  Dorchester.  B. 
Mar.  u,  1711.  School,  Charterhouse,  London.  Matric.  1728; 
Scholar,  1729;  B.A.  1731-2;  M.D.  (Leyden)  1737.  Keeper 
of  the  Readuag  Room  of  the  British  Museum,  London, 
1758-60.  Secretaryof  the  Society  of  Arts,  1760-9.  A  member 
of  the  Royal  Academy  of  Sciences  at  Paris,  1762,  and  of 
the  Economical  Society  at  Berne.  Author,  miscellaneous. 
Died  Aug.  23,  1769.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1769.  (A.  B.  Beaven; 

TEMPLER,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  7,  1650. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1651;  Scholar,  1652;  B.A. 
1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Fellow,  1656.  Intruded  R.  of  Ashley, 
Northants.,  1657;  conformed  and  reinstituted,  1661-87. 
Died  July  7,  1687,  aged  53.  Buried  at  Ashley.  M.I.  (H.  I. 

TEMPLER  or  TEMPLAR,  DUDLEY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
1645.  Of  Himtingdonshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Staughton,  Hunts,  (and  Lettice,  dau.  of  Thomas  Dudley, 
of  Harrold,  Beds.).  Bapt.  July  27, 1627,  at  Harrold.  {Bedford 
Geneal.,  388.) 

TEMPLER,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  11, 
1692.  6th  s.  of  John  (1641),  D.D.,  R.  of  Balsham,  Cambs. 
School,  Felsted,  Essex.  Matric.  1693.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1680).   {Genealogist,  iil.  312.) 

TEMPLAR,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1584;  B.A.  1587-8.  V.  of  Weston-by-WeUand,  Northants., 
1598-1634.  R.  of  Rockingham,  1617-60.  Married  Alice 
Edgeley,  widow,  June  5,  1600.  Died  1660.  Perhaps  father 
of  Thomas  (1615).   {Peile,  1.  180.) 

TEMPLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28,  1641. 
S.  of  John,  of  Ashley,  Northants.,  gent.  Matric.  1641;  B.A. 
1644-5;  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1648;  B.D.  1655;  D.D.  1666. 
Fellow  of  Trinity,  1645.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1664.  Intruded 
as  R.  of  Ashley,  Northants.,  1650  (patron,  Mr  John  Templer 
the  elder).  R.  of  Balsham,  Cambs.,  1654-93.  Mcirried 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lathom,  of  Balsham.  Buried 
there  Sept.  24,  1693.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Gervase  (1692) 
and  Thomas  (1680).  {Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1684;  Genealogist,  iii. 
312;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  confused  with  the  next.) 

TEMPLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  30,  1651. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (1615),  V.  of 
Weston-by-Welland.  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658; 
B.D.  1665.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  17,  1662. 
Intruded  R.  of  Braybrooke,  Northants.,  1659;  conformed, 
1662.  Buried  Apr.  26,  1678,  at  Weston-by-Welland.  Will 
proved  (Archd.  Northants.)  May  18,  1678,  by  Elizabeth,  his 
widow.  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

TEMPLER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1637-8. 
Matric.  Michs.  1638. 

TEMPLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1615. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Humphrey  (1584);  bapt.  Jan.  1,  1603-4,  at 
Weston-by-Welland,  Northants.  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628.  V.  of  Weston  Favell,  Northants., 
1634.  V.  of  Weston-by-Welland,  1634-73.  Will  proved 
(Archd.  Northants.)  Mar.  16,  1673-4,  by  Frances,  his  widow. 
Father  of  John  (1651).   {Peile,  i.  306;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

TEMPLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  1,  1622. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  23,  1627,  age  24.  Probably  licensed  to  teach  grammar 
at  Braintree,  Essex,  1627.  Perhaps  minister  of  Stisted,  1646. 
One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Market  Harborough,  1-eics., 

TEMPLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  5,  1680. 
S.  and  h.  of  John  (1641),  D.D.,  R.  of  Balsham,  Cambs. 
B.  at  Balsham.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  i68i;  Scholar, 
1683;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1688.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Aug.  10,  1681.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  26, 
1687.  Brother  of  Gervase  (1692). 


Templer,  William 

TEMPLER,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1539;  B.A.  1542-3- 

TEMPLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July, 
1641.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  deceased.  B.  at  Laxton, 
Northants.  Schools,  Uppingham,  Broughton,  Oundle  and 
Laxton.  Matric.  1641.   Perhaps  C.  of  Laxton,  in  1662. 

TENCH,  FISHER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  22, 
1690.  S.  and  h.  of  Nathaniel,  Esq.,  of  Low  Leyton,  Essex 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Fisher,  alderman  of 
London).  B.  at  Newington  Green,  London.  Matric.  1691. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  30,  1690.  Sheriff  of  Essex, 
1711-2.  M.P.  for  Southwark,  1713-22.  Created  Bart.,  Aug. 
8,  1715.  Of  Low  Leyton,  Essex.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau.  of 
Robert  Bird,  of  Herts.  Died  Oct.  31,  1736,  aged  64.  Buried 
at  Leyton.  M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  G.E.C., 
V.  29.) 

TENCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  19,  1740. 
S.  of  John,  of  Nantwich,  Cheshire.  School,  Newport, 
Shropshire  (Mr  Lea).  Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1743;  B.A. 
1743-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1744;  priest.  Mar. 
1750-1.  C.  of  Risby,  Suffolk.  One  of  these  names  preb.  of 
Chichester,  1770-1.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1772;  of  Chichester,  clerk. 
But  see  At.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 

TENCH,  RANDOLPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
14,  1656.  S.  of  J.,  of  Nantwich,  Cheshire.  B.  there.  School, 
Nantwich.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.  V.  of 
Seaming,  Norfolk,  1662.  R.  of  Brampton,  SuSolk,  1662- 

TENCH,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1668.  Matric.  (Jesus 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  21,  1658-9;  B.A.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford) 
1665.  R.  of  Llanwrin,  Montgomery,  1676.  Canon  of  St 
Asaph,  1693-1701.  Died  1701.  Buried  at  Llanwrin.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  Peile,  11.  16.) 

TENCH,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  19, 
1697.  S.  of  Richard,  alehouse-keeper.  B.  at  Shrewsbury. 
School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1710. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  29,  1701.  3rd  Master  at  Shrews- 
bury, 1702-15;  2nd  Master,  1715-28.  P.C.  of  Astley,  Salop, 
1714-28.  R.  of  Church  Stretton,  1728-48.  Died  1748. 
(G,  W.  Fisher,  Shreivsbury.) 

TENDERING,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1459-60. 

TENTERING  or  SENDERYNG,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1524-5-  V.  of 
South  Bemfieet,  Essex,  1529-34.  R.  of  Stanford-le-Hope, 
1531;  of  Rawreth,  1534;  of  Wickford,  1546.  Died  1548. 

TENDRYNG,  ROGER  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1346-59; 
removed,  Sept.  25,  1359. 

TENDRING  or  TENRING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17) 
at  Peterhouse,  July  6,  1696.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and 
h.  of  John,  of  Brent  Hall,  Boreham.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Smyth,  of  Smyth's  Hall,  Blackmore.  (MoratU,  11. 16.) 

TENISON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  Feb.  19, 
1690-1.  S.  of  Joseph  (and  Margaret,  dau.  of  Edward 
Mileham,  of  Norfolk)  and  grandson  of  Philip  (1631).  B. 
Apr.  3,  1673,  at  Norwich.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1691; 
B.A.  1694-5;  LL.B.  (Lambeth)  1697.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge, 
1697.  D.D.  (Lambeth)  1714.  Licensed  to  receive  priest's 
orders  from  the  Bishop  of  Rochester,  May  4,  1697.  R-  of 
Wittersham,  Kent,  1697.  R-  of  Sundridge,  1698-1722. 
R.  of  Chiddingstone,  1705-27.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1705-8. 
Preb.  of  Canterbury,  1708-31.  Archdeacon  of  Carmarthen, 
1708-27.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Dorset,  Lord  Lieutenant 
of  Ireland,  1730.  Bishop  of  Ossory,  i73i-5-  Married  Anne 
Searle,  of  Cambridgeshire.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Nov. 
29,  1735.  Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Dublin.  M.I.  Father  of  Thomas 
(1711).  (Masters,  400;  Burke,  L.G.;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S., 
II.  144;  D.N.B.) 

TENISON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  7,  1578. 
S.  of  Christopher,  of  RyhUl,  Holdemess,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1578;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585;  B.D.  1594.  FeUow,  1589-98. 
Bursar,  1595.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Nov.  25,  1593. 
R.  of  Downham,  Cambs.,  1596-1640.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Philip  Haldenby,  Esq.  Buried  at  Trinity  Church,  Ely, 
Sept.  25,  1644.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Philip  (1631). 
{T.  A.  Walker,  23;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  11.  142.) 

TENISON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  2,  1614. 
S.  of  John  (above).  Matric.  1614;  Scholar,  1614-21;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621;  B.D.  1630.  Fellow,  1621-31.  C.  of 
Cottenham,  Cambs.  R.  of  Topcroft,  Norfolk,  1640.  R.  of 
Mundesley,  1640,  ejected.  R.  of  Braconash,  1662.  Died 
June  25,  1671,  aged  72.  Buried  at  Topcroft.  M.I.  Brother 
of  the  next  and  father  of  Thomas  (1653).  {T.  A.  Walker,  22 ; 

TENISON,  PHILIP.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1631.  3rd  s.  of 
John  (1578),  R.  of  Downham,  Cambs.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  26, 
1612.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635;  D.D.  1660-1  {Litt.  Reg.). 
V.  of  Barton,  Cambs.,  1637-41.  V.  of  Wethersfield,  Essex, 
1642.    R.  of  Hethersett,  Norfolk,  1647,  ejected.    Set  up  a 

Tennant,  James 

school  at  Bawburgh.  R.  of  Foulsham,  1660.  Archdeacon  of 
Norfolk,  1660.  Buried  Jan.  15, 1660-1,  aged  48,  at  Bawburgh, 
Norfolk.  M.I.  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  11.  33  and  145.) 
TENNISON,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

TENISON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1653.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  S.  of  John  (1614).  R-  of 
Topcroft,  Norfolk.  B.  Sept.  29,  1636,  at  Cottenham,  Cambs. 
School,  Norwich.  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660;  B.D.  1667;  D.D. 
1680.  FeUow,  1662.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1664.  Chaplam  to 
Charles  II.  R.  of  Bracon  Ash,  Norfolk,  1660.  V.  of  St 
Andrew-the-Great,  Cambridge,  1665;  gained  credit  for  his 
continued  residence  and  ministrations  during  the  plague. 
R.  of  HolyweU,  Hunts.,  1667-81.  Minister  of  St  Peter 
Mancroft,  Norwich,  1671-8.  Chaplain  to  the  Kmg,  1676-91- 
R.  of  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  London,  1680-92.  R.  of  St 
James's,  Piccadilly,  1686-92.  Joined  the  seven  bishops  in 
their  famous  declaration,  1688.  Archdeacon  of  London, 
1689-91.  Bishop  of  Lincohi,  16^-4-  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury, 1694-1715.  P.C,  1695.  ^Established  the  first  pubUc 
library  in  London,  in  Castle  Street,  Leicester  Square;  en- 
dowed a  school  there.  One  of  the  founders  of  the  Society 
for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel.  Won  fame  by  his  con- 
troversy with  the  Jesuits.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Richard 
Love,  D.D.,  Master  of  Corpus  Christi.  Author,  controversial. 
Died  s.p.,  Dec.  14,  I7i5-  Buried  at  Lambeth.  M.I.  Bene- 
factor to  Corpus  Christi.   (Masters,  362;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

TENISON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  i7n  (impubes). 
S.  of  Edward  (1690),  ot  Sundridge,  Kent.  Schools,  Croydon 
and  Sevenoaks.  Migrated  to  Clare,  Mar.  31,  I7i5-  LL.B. 
1721 ;  LL.D.  from  Trinity  HaU,  1726.  FeUow  of  Trimty  HaU, 
1725-8.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1729-  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Nov.  22,  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Oxford)  Sept.  25,  1726; 
priest  (Ely)  Feb.  26,  1727-8.  Succeeded  his  father  as  Arch- 
deacon of  Carmarthen,  1727-42-  V.  of  Lydd,  Kent,  1727-42- 
R.  of  Chiddingstone,  1727-42.  ChanceUor  of  the  diocese  of 
Oxford,  1734-42.  Preb.  and  commissary  of  Canterbury, 
1739-42.  Died  May  7,  1742,  aged  41.  Buried  in  Canterbury 
Cathedral.  (Masters,  403;  Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  Misc.  Gen. 
et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  11.  i47-) 

TENNANT,  CALVERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June 
28,  1736.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Mount-Parke,  in  Wensley,  Richmonds.,  Yorks.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Matric.  1736;  B.A.  1739-40;  M.A.  17431  B.D. 
1751.  FeUow,  1743-59.  Junior  Proctor,  1749-50.  Ord. 
priest  (Litt.  dim.  from  York)  May,  1741-  C.  of  Castleford. 
R.  of  Gt  Warley,  Essex,  1758-72.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  477-) 

TENNANT,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  1527-8.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Melsonby,  Yorks.,  1546;  there,  1554. 

TENANT,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  i, 
1691.  S.  of  John,  taUor.  B.  at  York.  School,  York.  Matric. 
1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  from  King's,  1698.  Ord.  deaion 
(London)  Mar.  8,  1695-6.   Lay  clerk  at  King's. 

TENNANT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  May  3, 
1636.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Bentham,  Yorks.  School,  Kirkby 
Lonsdale  (MrCarr).  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Oct.  22,  1643;  priest,  S«pt.  20,  1646. 
(Peile,  I.  441.) 

TENNANT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
15,  1721-2.  S.  of  Richard,  barrister,  of  Yorks.  B.  at  MUbeck, 
m  the  parish  of  Sedbergh.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1722; 
LL.B.  1736.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  London)  Sept.  24,  z.727- 
R.  of  Ah-esford,  Essex,  1731-64,  B.A.  Died  Oct.  3,  1764. 
Wm  (Comm.  Essex)  1764.   (Henry  Curtis.) 

TENANT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1584-5; 
B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592. 

TENNANT,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  18, 
1629.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Scotton,  Richmonds.,  Yorks. 
School,  Bedale  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1629.  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612;  Peile,  I.  400.) 

TENANT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  Caius,  May  5,  1626. 
S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Malham-Waterhouses,  Yorks.  School, 
Gisbum  (Mr  (?)  Richard  Tenant).  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  20, 
1627;  'schoolmaster  at  North  Cave,  Yorks.'  R.  of  mediety 
of  BumsaU,  Yorks.,  c.  1650-86.  Master  of  BumsaU  Grammar 
School  during  vacancies.  Buried  there  Sept.  4,  1686.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1609)  and  perhaps  father  of  Richard  (1664). 
(Venn,  i.  275;  W.  J.  Stavert.) 

TENNANT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  22, 
1657.  S.  of  James,  gent.,  of  Roughton,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Norwich.  Schools,  Roughton  (private),  Bassingham  (Mr 
Johnson)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Scholar,  1657-60; 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  26,  1660.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Jenny, 
of  Bayfield.   (Venn,  i.  397.) 

TENNANT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  16,  1662. 



Tennant,  John 

TENNANT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  1598;  B.A. 

from  Christ's,  1601-2;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1605. 
TENANT,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1620-1; 

B.A.  1623-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May;  priest,  Sept.  1627. 
TENANT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  29,  1661.  Matric. 

1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1671.   Ord.  priest  (York)  c.  1665. 

Probably  R.  of  Linton,  Yorks.,  1674-1715-  Died  1715. 
TENANT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Feb.  25,  1674-5- 

TENNANT,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  30, 

1739.  2nd  s.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Chapel  House,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Apr.  6,   1722,  at  Conistone.    School,  Threshfield.    Matric. 

1740.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  2,  1739.  Barrister, 
1745.  Bencher,  1779.  Lent  Reader,  1786.  Buried  at 
Conistone,  June  i,  1790.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  504;  Middle 
Temple  Bench  Book.) 

TENANT,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Apr.  13, 
1624.  S.  of  John,  of  Starbottom,  in  Kettlewell-in-Craven, 
Yorks.  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  Marmaduke  Fawcett,  of  Over- 
hessledon-in -Craven).  B.  in  Craven.  School,  Giggleswick. 
Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
May  23,  1630;  minister  of  Therfield,  Herts.,  1643-62,  ejected. 
(Peile,  I.  357;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

TENNANT,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  13,  1726. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.  1708.  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1731-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  19,  1731.  R.  of  St  Laurence,  Win- 

TENNANT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  6, 
1609.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Craven,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick. 
Matric.  1609;  Scholar,  1612-5;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  19,  1619.  R.  of  mediety  of  Bumsall, 
1618-53.  V.  of  Kettlewell,  1632.  A  Royalist;  fined  £70  for 
assisting  forces  raised  against  Parliament,  1649.  School- 
master at  Bumsall,  1652.  Buried  there  May  15,  1653. 
Brother  of  James  (1626).   (Venn,  i.  201;  W.  J.  Stavert.) 

TENNANT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  June  i, 

1660.   S.  of  William.   Bapt.  Dec.  25,  1640,  at  Conistone,  in 

Bumsall.    School,  Giggleswick.    Matric.  1661.   Ord.  deacon 

(York)  Sept.  1662;  priest  ,Sept.  1664.  C.  of  St  Michael,  York. 

Perhaps  V.  of  Camaby,  Yorks.,  1665-82.  Died  1682.   {Peile, 

I.  591;  Burke,  L.G.) 
TENNANT,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  ?,  1664. 

Perhaps  s.  of  James  (1626).    Matric.   1667;  B.A.  1667-8; 

M.A.  1671.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  c.  1667;  priest,  Sept.  1671. 

One  of  these  names,  clerk,  died  1675-6,  at  Bumsall,  Yorks. 

(W.  J.  Stavert.) 
TENNANT,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 

Apr.   11,   1730.    Of  Yorkshire.    School,  Durham.    Matric. 

1730;  Scholar,  1730.    Migrated  to  Queens',  Feb.  8,  1732-3. 

B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1737.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22, 

1734.  Probably  R.  of  Rye,  Sussex.  Died  Feb.  1795,  aged  84. 

(G.  Mag.) 
TENANT,  STEPHEN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  19,  1662-3. 

Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.   Ord.  deacon  (York) 

June;  priest,  Sept.  1671.    V.  of  Stranton,  Durham,  1671- 

1710.   Died  1710. 
TENNANT,   THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from   Queens',   Easter, 

1579.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1582-3.  Licensed  to  teach  grammar 

at  Reepham,  Norfolk,   1583.    Probably  V.  of  Wiggenhall 

St  Mary,  1592-9. 
TENANT,   THOMAS.    Matric.    pens,    from    Trinity,    Easter, 

TENNANT,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Feb.  16, 

1636-7.    S.  of  William,  gent.    B.  at  Saham  Tony,  Norfolk. 

School,  Saham  Tony  (Mr  Gilbert).    Scholar,  1639-41;  B.A. 

TENAUND,  WILLIAM.   B.Can.L.  1506-7- 
TENAUND,    WILLIAM.     B.A.    1515-6   (Incorp.   from    Paris); 

M.A.  1516-7. 
TENANT,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  28,  1695. 

Of  Yorkshire. 

TENANT, .   B.A.  1529-30;  perhaps  M.A.  1538-9. 

TENNVE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  6,  1612. 

TENNY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1624. 

TENNY  or  TINNEY, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi, 


TERNE  or  TEARNE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at 
St  John's,  Apr.  4,  1636.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  gent.,  of  Chatham, 
Kent.  B.  at  Rochester.  School,  Rochester  (Mr  Chapman). 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Physic  student  at 
Leyden;  adm.  there,  July  22,  1647.  M.D.  (Leyden).  Incorp. 

Terry,  Thomas 

at  Oxford,  1650.  F.R.C.P.,  1655.  Assistant  Physidan  at 
St  Bartholomew's  Hospital,  till  1669.  One  of  the  original 
Fellows  of  the  Royal  Society,  1663.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of 
Henry  Bome.  Died  Dec.  31  (?),  1673.  Buried  in  St  Andrew 
Undershaft.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1673-4.  {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.; 
Scott-Mayor,  i.  30.) 

TEROLD,  see  also  THOROLD,  and  TYRRELL. 

TEROLD,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1635.  Probably  brother  of  the  next  and  of  William  (1638-9). 

TEROLD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  26,  1635.  Of 


TEROLD,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1638-9. 

TERRICK,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  30,  1726. 
S.  of  Samuel,  preb.  of  York.  Bapt.  in  York  Minster,  July  20, 
1710.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733;  D.D.  1747. 
Fellow,  1731-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  24,  1732;  priest, 
Dec.  1734-  Preacher  at  the  Rolls  Chapel,  1736-57.  Chaplain 
to  the  Speaker,  1741-2.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1742-9.  Chaplain 
to  the  King,  1745-57-  Master  of  the  Temple,  1748-53.  V. 
of  Twickenham,  Middlesex,  1749-64.  Canon  residentiary  of 
St  Paul's,  1749-57.  Bishop  of  Peterborough,  1757-64. 
Bishop  of  London,  1764-77.  P.C.,  1764.  Died  Mar.  29, 
1777.  Buried  at  Fulham.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  the  next. 

TERRICK,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  13,  1724. 
S.  of  Samuel,  preb.  of  York.  B.  at  York.  Matric.  1724; 
B.A.  1727;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1731.  Fellow  of  Queens'. 
R.  of  Broadwater,  Sussex,  1745-61.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1759. 
Preb.  of  Durham,  1759-61.  Died  Aug.  6,  1761,  aged  53. 
Buried  in  Peterborough  Cathedral.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Richard  (above).   (G.  Mag.) 


TERRINGTON,  JOHN  (1348),  see  COLTON. 

TERRINGTON,  JOHN.  Original  feUow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1349. 
R.  of  Scole,  Norfolk,  1354-61.   Donor  to  the  College  hbrary. 

TIRINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  May  21, 
1392;  M.A.  Fellow;  resigned,  1426.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept. 
24,  1412;  priest.  Mar.  18,  1412-3. 

TERRINGTON  or  TIRINGTON,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Corpus 
Christi,  1401.  R.  of  Lolworth,  Cambs.,  in  1433.  Died  1444. 
(Masters;  Crosby.) 

TERROUR,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611, 

TERRY,  see  also  TARRY. 

TERRY,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  16,  1645-6. 

Of  Kent.  B.A.  1649. 
TERRIE,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

TERRY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1573. 

TERRY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1610.  B.  at  Reculver,  Kent.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  i;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1617,  age  24.  C.  of 
Linton,  Kent.  C.  of  St  Mary,  Sandwich,  in  1622.  Perhaps 
his  will  (P.C.C.)  1650;  of  Grey  Friars,  Canterbiuy,  clerk. 

TERRY,  MOSES.  LL.B.  1721  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Apr.  14,  1698,  age  16.  S.  of  Matthew, 
of  Crondal,  Hants.,  gent.  B.C.L.  1705-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  1;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1729.  R.  of  Long  Leaden- 
ham,  Lines.,  1729.  V.  of  Wellingore,  1742.  Canon  of  Lincoln, 
1751-7-  Died  1757.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

TERRY,  NATHANIEL.  M.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Wiltshire, cler.fil.  Matric.  (ExeterCollege,  Oxford)  May  9, 1617, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1620;  M.A.  1623;  B.D.  1630.  Fellow 
of  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  1625-40.  R.  of  Thombury, 
Devon,  1641.   V.  of  Paignton.  Died  1668.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TERREY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

TERREY,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  over  15)  at  Caius,  June  4, 
i6i8.  S.  of  John,  goldsmith,  of  St  Botolph's,  Aldersgate, 
London.  Schools,  Saham  Toney,  Norfolk  (Mr  Southis)  and 
Hardingham  (Mr  Tylney).  Matric.  1618,  'Terrill';  Scholar, 
1618-25;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Sept.  7,  1626;  Thierrey,  of  London. 
(Venn,  i.  239;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TERRY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  Oct.  3,  1622.  S.  of  Thomas, 
gent.,  of  Long  Sutton,  Hants.  School,  Winchester  (Mr 
Robinson).  Matric.  1623.  Migrated  to  Caius,  May  28,  1625; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Probably  V.  of  Immingham,  Lines., 
1637.   (Venn,  i.  273.) 

TERREY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  25, 
1679.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  Cambridge.  School,  Ainsbury  (?) 
(Mr  Matthews).  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4. 


Terry,  Thomas 

TERRY,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1707  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Isaac,  of  Canterbury,  gent.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
July  4,  1696,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1700;  M.A.  1703;  B.D. 
171 1;  D.D.  1713.  Proctor  (Oxford)  1708-9.  Regius  Pro- 
fessor of  Greek  at  Oxford,  1712-35.  Canon  of  Christ  Church, 
1713-35-  R.  of  Chalfont  St  Giles",  Bucks.,  1723-35.  Chaplain 
to  the  King,  1725-35.  Died  Sept.  15,  1735-  Buried  in  Christ 
Church  Cathedral.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  as  of  Walcot,  Bath. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

TESARD, .  D.D.  1475-6-  A  friar. 

TESHMAKER,  MERRY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.   19,  1714.    S.  of  John  William,  deceased.    B.  at  Ed- 
monton, Middlesex.   School,  Edmonton.   Migrated  to  Clare, 
Oct.  22,  1714.  Matric.  1714;  M.B.  1720. 
TESMONDE,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1554;  B.A.  1558-9. 
TETHINGWORTH,  HENRY.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 

Eton  1455.   B.A.  1460,  as  Tedyngworth.  Of  Dunstable. 
TETLAW,  see  also  TITLOW. 

TETLAW,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1566. 
TETLOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  7, 
17x5.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Skirden,  Yorks.  School,  Conistone.  Matric.  1715-6;  B.A. 
1720-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  24,  1721.  P.C.  of  Birch 
Chapel,  Manchester,  1736-42.   (Scott-Mayor,  111.  298.) 

TETLOWE, .  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Lent,  1589-90. 

TETTERBORNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
June  20,  1666.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Broughton,  Northants. 
School,  Kettering  (private). 
TETWORTH,  JOHN.  Of  Clement  Hostel.  B.Civ.L.  1510-1; 
D.Civ.L.  1517-8;  D.Can.L.  1531-2.  V.  of  Gt  Wilbraham, 
Cambs.,  1517.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1535. 
TEUBLEY,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  (age   17)  at  Peterhouse, 

May  2,  1651.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Luton. 
TEVERELL,  GERVASE.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Emmanuel, 

c.  1591. 
TEVERSHAM,  JOHN.    Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1358;  prob- 
ably identical  with  John  Atte  Church,  of  Teversham,  who 
was  R.  of  Landbeach,  Cambs.,  in  1371.   (Masters,  304.) 
TEVERSHAM,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  6, 

1609.   Matric.  1609;  B.A.  1612-3. 
TEVERSHAM,    THOMAS.    Matric.   pens,   from   Magdalene, 

Michs.  1611;  B.A.  1615-6. 
TEVIOT,  Viscount,  see  SPENCER,  ROBERT  (1646). 
TEW,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  30,  1714. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  3rd  s.  of  George  (1677),  R.  of 
Loddington,  deceased.  Bapt.  there.  May  25,  1697.  Matric. 
1714.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Mar.  10,  1714-5.  Rustat  Scholar, 
1715;  B.A.  1717-8.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  10,  1719. 
Brother  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1703). 
TEW,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  18,  1715-6.  4th 
s.  of  George  (1677),  R.  of  Loddington,  Northants.  Bapt. 
there,  Jan.  10,  1699-1700.  School,  Christ's  Hospital.  Matric. 
1715-6;  Rustat  Scholar,  1716;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723; 
D.D.  1736.  FeUow,  1722-30.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1753.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  10,  1722-3;  priest,  June  14,  1724.  V.  of 
Fordham,  Cambs.,  1725-35.  R.  of  Boldon,  Durham,  1735-70. 
P.C.  of  Elmdon,  Essex,  1762-5.  Died  July  3,  1770,  aged  70. 
Buried  at  Boldon.  Benefactor  to  Jesus  and  to  Christ's 
Hospital.  Brother  of  Benjamin  (above)  and  of  John  (1703). 
(A.  Gray;  G.  Mag.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
TEW,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  19,  1677. 
S.  of  John,  of  Towcester,  Northants.  B.  Nov.  9,  1661. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  from  Clare, 
1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  R.  of  Loddington,  Northants.,  1693- 
1702.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Edmund  Massey,  V.  of  Loys 
Weedon,  Northants.,  Nov.  25,  1684.  Buried  at  Loddington 
Jan.  3,  1702-3.  M.I.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Benjamin 
(1714)  and  Edmund  (1715-6).  (H.  I.  Longden.) 
TEW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  28,  1703.  Of  North- 
amptonshire. S.  of  George  (above),  R.  of  Loddington.  Bapt. 
June  7,  1686,  at  Lois  Weedon  (his  mother's  home).  Matric. 
1703;  Rustat  Scholar,  1704;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Feb.  29,  1707-8;  C.  of  Hardingston,  Northants., 
1708.  Brother  of  Benjamin  (1714)  and  Edmund  (1715-6). 
TEWER,  see  TUER. 

TEXEDA,  FERDINAND.  B.D.  1624  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
B.D.  of  Salamanca.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1623.  Formerly  a 
Spanish  monk.  Canon  of  Hereford,  1623.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1536-7.  Probably 
s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Botingham  Hall,  Essex.  Succeeded 

Thackeray,  Thomas 

his  father  in  his  Essex  estates,  Apr.  20,  i543i  being  then 
aged  22.   Died  May  29,  1568.   Probably  father  of  the  next 
and  of  William  (1561).   (Morant,  11.  196.) 
TEY,  THOMAS.   Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1559- 
Probably  s.  of  John  (above).   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
TEY  or  TEYZE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1561.   Probably  s.  of  John  (1536-7)-  B.  at  Layer-de-la-Hay, 
Essex.  Scholar,  1567;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571-  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  2,  1569,  age  23.    R.  of  Rougham,  Suffolk, 
1572-83,  'Teyzum.*    Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (above). 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1558.) 
TEYTIE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1582-3. 
TEYZI,  THOMAS.   Student  in  1560.   Author  of  verses  on  the 
restoration  of  Bucer  and  Fagius.  (Possibly  T.  Teyze,  above.) 
THACKER,  EDWARD.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1493;  B.A.    Fellow.    Died  fellow  of  the  College.    Buried  m 
the  Chapel.   (Harwood.) 
THACKER,  GILBERT.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June 
29,  1677.  S.  of  Gilbert,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Westminster.    Scholar,    1677-     See  Al.   Oxon.   for   a   con- 
temporary of  Repton  Hall,  Derbs. 
THACKER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1631 ; 
B.A.  1634-5.    Perhaps  V.  of  Bolsterstone,  Yorks.,  1646-53. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Gratwich,  Staffs.,  c.  1652,  B.A. 
THACKER,  PETER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  14, 
1704.   S.  of  Peter,  attorney,  of  Norwich.   B.  there.   School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Hoadley).   Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1704-9;  B.A. 
1708-9.    Adm.   at   the   Middle  Temple,   Feb.    18,    1707-8. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1715.   Probably  died  before  1722.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1691-2).   (Venn,  1.  512.) 
THACKER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  9,  1662.  S.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of  Norwich.  B.  there. 
School,  Norwich.    Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669. 
Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Dec.  31,  1669.  Will  proved 
THACKER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  al  Corpus  Christi,  1556.  Possibly 
a  mistake  for  Thomas  (1556)  whom  see,  or  perhaps  a  brother. 
THACKER,   ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,   from  Trinity,   Easter, 
1560;  Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1563-4;  M.A.  1567;  B.D.  1576. 
Fellow,  1564.   Senior  Bursar,  1582.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  6,  1574.    University  preacher,  1575.    V.  of 
Enfield,   Middlesex,    157&-9.    R.  of  Benefield,   Northants., 
1578-1606.    Buried  Oct.  20,  1606,  at  All  Saints',  North- 
THACKER,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1556.  See  also  Robert  (1556)- 
THACKER,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  1691-2. 
S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  gent.,  of  Norwich.    B.  there.    Schools. 
Eye  and  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  2, 
1698-9.  Brother  of  Peter  (1704)- 
THACKER,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1564. 

THACKER,  .    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1548.  Possibly  Gilbert,  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Repton 
Priory,  Derbs.    Married  and  had  issue.    Died  1563.    (Cox, 
Churches  of  Derbs.,  iii.  431.) 
THACKERAY,  ELIAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Mar.  27,  1682. 
S.  of  Thomas.    Bapt.  Jan.  18,  1665-6,  at  Hampsthwaite, 
near    Knaresborough.     School,    Horton,    near    Bradford. 
Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1709.    Ord. 
deacon   (London)  Jnne  15;  priest,  Sept.  21,   1712.    R.  of 
HawksweU,  Yorks.,  1711-    Died  there  June  4,  1737-    M.I. 
(Peile,  II.  86;  Her.  and  Geneal..  11.  319.) 
TH.\CKERAY,  ELIAS.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1697-8. 
THACKERAY,  ELIAS.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1750.  S.  of  Thomas  (1711),  of  Eton,  clerk.  B.  Oct.  17,  i732- 
Matric.   Lent,    1751;   B.A.    1755;    M.A.   1758;   D.D.    1772, 
Fellow,  1754.    Proctor,  1770-1.    Vice-Provost.    Ord.  priest 
(Ely)  Dec.  21,  1756;  C.  of  Chipstead,  Surrey.    Minister  of 
Sawston,  Cambs.,  1761-70;  of  Trinity  Church,  Cambridge, 
1770.   R.  of  Walkem,  Herts.,  1776-81.   Died  Aug.  25,  1781, 
aged  49.  Buried  there.   M.I.   (G.  Mag.;  Her  and  Geneal.,  11. 
327;  Harwood.) 
THACKERY,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1669; 
B.A.  1677-8.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1677;  priest,  May  29, 
i68r.  C.  of  Haddlesey,  Yorks.,  in  1682.  V.  of  Ferry  Fryston, 
1690-1732.  Died  Feb.  28,  1732-3. 
THACKERY,  LEONARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1580.    Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Oct.  20,  1589.    R.  of 
Felsham,  Suffolk,  1589,  'M.A.' 
THACKEREY,  LEONARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

1613;  B.A.  1615-6,  'Thackwer.' 
THACKERYE,    THOMAS.     Matric.    pens,    from    Pembroke, 
Michs.  1567.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Langham,  Suffolk, 

Thackeray,  Thomas 

THACKERAY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1711.  S.  of  Timothy,  parish  clerk  of  Hampsthwaite,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  there,  Dec.  8,  1693.  Matric.  Michs.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6; 
M.A.  1719;  B.D.  1728  {Coin.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1715.  Assistant 
Master  at  Eton.  R.  of  Little  Chishall,  Essex,  1728-60. 
R.  of  Heydon,  1728.  Head  Master  of  Harrow,  1746-60. 
Chaplain  to  the  Prince  of  Wales,  1748.  Archdeacon  of  Surrey, 
1753-60.  Married,  at  St  Bartholomew-the-Great,  London, 
to  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Woodward,  of  Butlers  Marsdon, 
Warws.,  July  26,  1729.  Died  Sept.  25,  1760.  Buried  at 
Harrow.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Elias  (1750).  (G.  Mag.; 
Her.  and  Geneal.,  :i.  320.) 

THACKEREY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1573.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  6,  1580. 
C.  at  Gedney,  Lines.,  1580.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Aldby, 
Norfolk,  also  R.  of  Itteringham,  1605. 

THACKHAM,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1708.  B.  in  Westminster,  i6go.  Matric.  Easter,  1709;  B.A. 
1712-3;  M.A.  1716.  Fellow,  1712.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept. 
20,  1713;  priest  (London)  Sept.  25,  1715.  C.  of  Bricett, 
Suffolk.  Died  of  consumption,  Feb.  20,  1725.  Buried  in  the 
College  chapel.  Brother  of  Wilham  (1691).   (Harwood.) 

THACKHAM,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1652  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Reading,  Berks.,  gent.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford)  Oct.  23,  1635,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1639; 
M.A.  1642.  Fellow  of  Magdalen,  1648,  by  the  Parliamentary 
Visitors.  V.  of  Sydling  St  Nicholas,  Dorset,  1663-5.  R.  of 
Nuffield,  Oxon.,  1668.  V.  of  Bradwell,  1668.  Will  (C.  C. 
O.xford)  1691.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THACKHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1601.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  Lent,  1694;  B.A.  1695-6; 
M.A.  1700;  B.D.  1708;  D.D.  1713.  FeUow,  1695.  Vice- 
Provost,  1720.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1712.  Usher  at  Ely 
School.  Minor  canon  of  Ely.  Master  of  King's  College  School, 
Cambridge,  and  preacher  at  Trinity  Church,  Cambridge. 
Died  in  College  of  consimiption.  Buried  in  the  inner  library. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1708).   (Harwood,  277;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THAMAR,  JOHN.  Adm.  chorister  at  Trinity,  Mar.  12,  1665-6. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Peterborough.  Schools,  Peterborough  and 
Cambridge.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  May  5,  1666;  Scholar, 
1666;  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1673. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1672-1700. 

THATCHER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1581.  Possibly  one  of  the  Thatchers  of  Frinsted,  Kent,  for 
whom  see  Hasted,  11.  514. 

THATCHER  or  THECHER, .   B.Can.L.  1495-6.   Probably 

D.Can.L.  1502-3  (Incorp.  from  Rome). 

THAWRYE,  MILES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

THAXTED,  WALTER  DE.  First  Master  of  University  Hall 
(afterwards  Clare),  1326-42. 

THAXTED, .  B.Can.L.  1496-7. 

THAXTER,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1601;  B.A.  1604-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25, 
age  23;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1608.   C.  of  Shadingfield,  Suffolk. 

THAXTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1569.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1583. 
Fellow,  1576-80.  R.  of  Bridgham  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1584- 
1601.  R.  of  Santon,  1587.  Died  1601.  Buried  at  Bridgham 
St  Mary.   (Masters,  326.) 

THAXTER,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1579-80;  B.A.  1583-4.  C.  and  schoolmaster  at  Stalham, 
Norfolk,  1586.   R.  of  Wickhampton,  1595. 

THAYER  or  THEYER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
Trinity,  June  18,  1701.  S.  of  Charles,  of  Gloucester.  B.  in 
St  Andrew's,  Holbom,  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1701;  Scholar,  1702;  LL.B.  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  19,  1703;  priest  (London)  May  19,  1706,  'B.A.'  R.  of 
Abington,  Northants.,  1710-68.  Married  Lucia  Susanna, 
dau.  of  Michael  Hickey,  of  Gt  Billing  Hall,  Northants., 
May  9,  1721.  Buried  July  16,  1768,  at  Abington.  M.I. 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 

THAYRE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
May  17,  1639.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  London,  and  of  Essex,  linen 
merchant  (by  his  2nd  wife  Bridgett,  dau.  of  William  Archpole, 
D.D.).  Matric.  1639.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  18,  1641-2. 
(Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

THAYER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1622. 

THAYER  or  THEYER,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1627.   Of  Essex.   B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 

THAYER, .   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  7,  1664. 

THAYNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  2,  1670.  Matric, 
1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677;  D.D.  1703.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1682.  Ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph)  Apr.  12;  priest, 
Apr.   18,   1686.    Canon  of  Chester,   1686-94;  Archdeacon, 

Thelwall,  James 

1707-27.  R.  of  Northenden,  Cheshire,  1690-1727.  Died 
June  30,  1727,  aged  73.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral.  (To  be 
distinguished  from  a  contemporary  namesake  for  whom  see 
Al.  Oxon.)  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  assigned  the  living  of 
Kirby  Underdale,  Yorks.,  1681,  but  this  is  apparently 

THAYNE,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  15, 
1637-8.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at  Cowesfield,  Wilts. 
School,  Winchester.   Matric.  1637-8. 

THAYNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  10, 
1630-1.  S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  at  Attleborough, 
Norfolk.  School,  Buckenham  (Mr  Harrison).  Matric.  1632; 
Scholar,  1633-7;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638;  M.D.  1656. 
(Venn,  1.  396.) 


THEDAM,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  30, 
1592-3.  Matric.  c.  1593;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1596-7;  M.A.  1600. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  5;  priest,  Jvme  12,  1603.  R.  of 
Layer  Mamey,  Essex,  1604-28.  Died  1628.  Will  (C.  C. 
London)  1629.   Father  of  the  next. 

THEDAM,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1619. 
Of  Essex.  S.  of  Edward  (above).  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Sept.  23,  1627.  P.C.  of 
St  Osyth,  Essex,  1628.  R.  of  Layer  Breton,  Essex,  1632. 

THEDWARD, .  Granted  leave  of  absence,  on  due  perform- 
ance of  his  acts,  1475-6.  A  friar.  From  Ireland. 

THEED,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  16,  1690.  Of 
Buckinghamshire.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Horton,  Bucks., 
gent.,  deceased  (and  Margaret,  dau.  of  William  Pym,  citizen 
of  London).  Matric.  1690.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric. 
(Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  16,  1690,  age  17.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1690  (sic).  Of  Horton  Hall,  Bucks.  Died 
May  24,  1695.  Buried  at  Edlesborough.  M.I.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1694).   (Al.  Oxon.;  Lipscomb,  iii.  350-4.) 

THEEDE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1611. 

THEED,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  13, 
1694.  3rd  s.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Horton,  Bucks.  School, 
Bovingdon,  Herts,  (private).  Brother  of  John  (1690). 

THELWELL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  20,  1651.  S.  of  Daniel,  of  Woodford,  Essex,  and  grand- 
son of  Simon,  Registrar  of  Bangor.  B.  at  Woodford.  School, 
Chigwell,  Essex.  Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  28, 
1649.   (R.  Newcome,  Gabriel  Goodman,  App.) 

THELWELL,  EUBULE.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1573,  from  West- 
minster. 5th  s.  of  John,  of  Batharvan,  Denbigh,  Esq. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1573,  as  John;  B.A.  1576-7. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1579.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1580.  Mncipal  of 
Jesus  College,  Oxford,  1621-30.  Master  in  the  Alienation 
Office,  1579.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  20,  1590.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1599.  Master  in  Chancery,  1617.  Knighted,  June  29, 
1619.  Treasurer  of  Gray's  Inn,  1625.  M.P.  for  Co.  Denbigh, 
1624-5,  1626,  1628-9.  Died  unmarried,  Oct.  8,  1630,  aged  68. 
Buried  in  the  Chapel  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford.  M.I.  Will 
proved  (P.C.C.)  1630.  Great  benefactor  to  Jesus  College 
OxioTd.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N. B.) 

THELWALL,  EUBULE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1584;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1584;  B.A.  1587-8.  First 
warden  of  Ruthin  Hospital,  1590-4.  Buried  in  Ruthin 
Church,  Oct.  27,  1594.  (Al.  Westmon.;  R.  Newcome,  Gabriel 

THELWALL,  EUBULE.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar  from  West- 
minster, 1609.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Batharvan,  Denbigh, 
Esq.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  16,  1612. 

THELWALL,  EUBULUS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  31,  1637.  3rd  s.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Plas  Goch,  Denbigh. 
B.  there.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10,  1633.  Counsellor-at-law. 
Vice-Chamberlain  of  Chester.  Of  Nant  Clwyd.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  William  Parry,  of  Nant  Clwyd,  Esq.  Died 
Feb.  4,  1694,  aged  74.  M.I.  at  Llauelidan.  Father  of  the 
next  and  of  Orlando  (1682).  (R.  Newcome,  Gabriel 
Goodman,  App.) 

THELWALL,  EUBULUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  27, 
1679.  2nd  s.  of  Eubulus  (above),  of  Nant  Clwyd,  Denbigh. 
School,  Chester  (Mr  Harper).  Matric.  1681.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  June  23,  1682.  Perhaps  High  Sheriff  of  Denbigh,  1702. 
Brother  of  Orlando  (1682). 

THELWALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  20,  1636.  3rd  s.  of  Simon,  Esq.,  of  Llan->Tays,  and  of 
Plas-y-Wand,  Denbigh  (by  his  2nd  wife  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
John  Vaughan,  of  Llwydiarth,  Montgomery).  B.  there. 
School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Robinson,  of  Pwersyllt. 
Ejected  from  Whiston,  Yorks.  1662.  Died  1684.  Brother  of 
Owen  (1634).  (Scott-Mayor,  i.;  Archaeol.  Camb.,  3rd  S.,  xv. 


Thelwall,  John 

THELWALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1628;  B.A.  from  King's,  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 

THELWALL,  ORLANDO.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jime  19, 
1682.  3rd  s.  of  Eubulus  {1637),  of  Nant  Clwyd,  Denbigh. 
Matric.  1682;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1689.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Sept.  21,  1690.  R.  of  Aber-Havesp,  Mont- 
gomery, 1690-7.  V.  of  Guilsfield,  1694-1701.  Canon  of 
St  Asaph,  1697-1701.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  St  Asaph. 
Died  May  31,  1701.  Buried  at  Guilsfield.  Brother  of 
Eubulus  (1679).   {Archaeol.  Camb.,  3rd  S.,  xv.  no.) 

THELWALE,  OWEN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Jesus,  May  17,  1634. 
Of  Wales.  Doubtless  s.  of  Simon,  of  Plas-y-Wand,  Denbigh, 
Esq.  (by  his  2nd  wife  Dorothy,  dau.  of  John  Vaughan,  of 
Montgomery).  Matric.  1634.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Edward 
Lloyd,  of  Blaen  Tal.  Brother  of  James  (1636).  {Archaeol. 
Camb.,  3rd  S.,  xv.  loi.) 


THEOBALD  or  TEBALD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em- 
manuel, Feb.  28,  158&-7.  Doubtless  s.  of  Anthony,  of 
Rushall,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  26,  1570,  Tebold.  Matric. 
1587;  B.A.  1590-1.  Perhaps  the  practitioner  in  Physic  who 
sued  Anthony  Coxon  for  £io  for  advice  and  physic,  Aug. 
1 61 6.  Of  St  Mary-le-Bow,  Durham.  Buried  at  St  Nicholas, 
Diu-ham,  Jan.  16,  1634-5.  Brother  of  the  next.  {P.R.O. 
Durham;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1581.  Doubtless  s.  of  Anthony, 
of  Rushall,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  19,  1563.  Brother 
of  Anthony  (above).   (£.  Anglian,  iv.  284.) 

THEOBALD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
June  6,  1637.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Gray's  Inn, 
and  of  Barking,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  3,  1637.  Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1664.  Knighted,  May 
11,1669.  Of  Barking  St  Mary,  Suffolk.  Married  three  wives. 
Will  proved,  1670.  Father  of  the  next.  (Le  Neve,  222;  Vis. 
of  Suffolk,  1664;  East  Anglian,  N.S.,  iv.  158.) 

THEOBALD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  26,  1670.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis  (above),  of  Barking 
St  Mary,  Suffolk,  Knt.  (by  his  2nd  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert 
Nightingale,  of  Newport,  Essex).  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  7,  1654- 
School.  Thetford  (Mr  Keen).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  26, 
1670.  Buried  at  Barking,  Sept.  19,  1676.  (Le  Neve,  Knights, 
222;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  Peile,  n.  29;  East  Anglian,  N.S., 
IV.  158.) 

THEOBALD,  JAMES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1572,  Tyball.  Of  Kent.  S.  of  John,  of  Seal,  Kent.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  1576-7. 

THEOBALD,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  15)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  31,  1614.  Of  Seal,  Kent.  Matric.  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1623.  Fellow,  1617.  Died  1625.  Buried  at 
Spaldwick,  Hunts.  (Harwood.) 
THEOBALD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1607-8. 
Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Seal,  Kent,  Esq.;  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  26,  1608-9,  from  Thavies  Inn.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1616.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward 
Culpeper,  of  Wakehurst,  Sussex,  Bart.  (Vis.  of  Kent, 
THEOBALD,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  23,   1707. 

School,  Sevenoaks,  Kent.  Matric.  1707;  Scholar,  1707. 
THEOBALD,  MICHAEL.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May   19,   1683.    S.  of  William,  attorney.    Bapt.  Feb.   13, 
1666-7,  at  Eaglescliffe,  Durham.   School,  Brignall  (private). 
Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.   1690.    Fellow,   1688-98. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1690. 
THEOBALD,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1613; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1622.    R.  of 
Pett,  Sussex,  1623.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
THEOBALD,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Kino's,  Easter, 

THEOBALD,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1590-1; 

B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597. 
THEOBALD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1601; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  1602;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  19;  priest,  June  20,  1614.  Head 
Master  of  Nottingham  Grammar  School,  1616-28.  R.  of 
Colwick,  Notts.,  1627.  Buried  there  June  23,  1643. 

THEOBALD  or  TYBOLL,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1569. 

TYBBOLDE, .  B.A.  1527-8. 

THEODOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  11,  1621-2. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1622,  'Tedder';  Scholar,  1624; 
B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629,  'Tedder.'  R.  of  Garvestone,  Norfolk, 
1635.   R.  of  Whinburgh,  1636-8.   R.  of  Wootton,  1638. 

Thexton,  Robert 

THEODRICK,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  23, 

1638-9.    Of  Norfolk.    Matric.   1639.    Perhaps  B.A.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1644,  age  24; 

'V.  of  Hillington,  Norfolk.'    Nominated  to  Rockland  All 

Saints',  May  6,  1648.   (Shaw,  i.  356.) 
THEOPHIL,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  Of  St  Michael  Hostel;  license 

for  an  oratory,  1392. 
THETFORD,    JOHN.     B.Can.L.    1512-3.     Augustinian   canon. 

Studied   12   years  in  Cambridge.     Prior  of  the  House  at 

Thetford,  1 5 19.   Prior  of  Holy  Trinity,  Ipswich.   Benefactor 

to  Butley  priory.   (Cooper,  i.  60.) 
THETFORD,    JOHN.     Matric.    pens,   from   Corpus   Christi, 

Easter,    1607.     Perhaps   s.   of  Thomas   (1564)-     Probably 

brother  of  Thomas  (1601). 
THETFORD,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  2, 

1603.   S.  of  Roger,  merchant,  of  Norwich.   School,  Norwich 

(Mr  Briggs).    Matric.  1603;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  12,  1608-9;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1609; 

X.  of  Hethel;  C.  of  Westhall.'    V.  of  Wenhaston,  Suffolk, 

1611-31.   (Venn,  i.  181.) 
THETFORD,    ROBERT.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    Queens', 

Michs.  1638.    Of  Norfolk.    Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  of  Little 

Dunham,  in  1626.    Living,  1658.    (Carthew,  Launditch,  11. 

678;  in.  97.) 
THETFORD,    THOMAS.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from    Corpus 

Christi,   Michs.   1564.    Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Andrew,  of 

Norfolk.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  25,  1568;  of  Norfolk. 

(Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1563.) 
THETFORD,    THOMAS.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from    Copjus 

Christi,  Michs.  1601.    Of  Norfolk.    Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas 

(above).   Probably  brother  of  John  (1607). 
THETFORD,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  8, 

1649.    Of  Suffolk.    Matric.  1650.    Perhaps  R.  of  Downham 

Market,  Norfolk,  1656-88. 
THEW,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July  3, 

1689.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman.  B.  at  Tetford,  Lines.  School, 

Lincoln.  Matric.  1689. 
THEW,  .    B.A.  1529-30;  M.A.  1533-4.    One  John  Thewe, 

R.  of  Market  Overton,  Rutland;  died  1551. 
THEWLES,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  30,  1608; 

B.A.  1611-2.    One  of  these  names  C.  at  Stanley  Pontlarge, 

Gloucs.,  and  Gretton,  1634-42,  as  Thules.  (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

THEWLES  or  THEULAYS,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1538-9;  M.A.  from 
Trinity,  1547;  B.D.  1552-3.  One  of  the  original  fellows  of 
Trinity,  1546. 

THEXTON  or  THEAKSTON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  at  St 
Catharine's,  Apr.  21,  1675.  Probably  s.  of  Robert  (1639). 
Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  V.  of  Staiham, 
Norfolk,  1681.  R.  of  Little  Bentley,  Essex,  1712-21.  Died 
1721.   Father  of  Robert  (1720).   (Morant,  1.  448.) 

THEXTON  or  THEAKSTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  scholar  at 
Trinity  Hall,  July  13,  1694.   Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8. 

THEXTON  or  THEAKSTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Christ's,  Apr.  21,  1655.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Farleton,  near 
Milnthorpe,  Westmoreland.  School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale  (Mr 
Jackson).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  1660-1.  V.  of  Crosby-on-Eden,  Cumberland, 
and  V.  of  Irthington,  1661-6.  Died  1666.  Perhaps  father  of 
John  (1677)-    (Peile,  i.  566.) 

THEXTON  or  THEAKSTONE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's, 
July  4,  1677,  Theckstone.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1655).  Matric. 
1682;  B.A.  1682.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1682.  V.  of 
Bramham,  near  Tadcaster,  Yorks.,  c.  1688-1717.  Died  1717. 
(Peile,  II.  66.) 

THEXTON,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1544.  B.  at  Bawtry,  Richmond,  Yorks.  B.A.  from  St  John's, 
1544-5;  M.A.  1548;  B.D.  1569.  FeUow  of  St  John's,  1547. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  June,  1550.  Preacher  and  Royal 
chaplain.  R.  of  Gt  Bircham,  Norfolk,  1551-6,  deprived; 
of  Anmer,  1552-4.  R.  of  Tnmch,  1572-89.  V.  of  Aylsham, 
1574-81.  Probably  R.  of  Hartest  and  Boxted,  Suffolk. 
Preb.  of  Norwich,  1577-89.  Died  Feb.  25,  1588-9.  Buried 
at  Trunch.  M.I.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1590.  Father  of  the  next. 
(Cooper,  II.  38;  Peile,  i.  33.) 

THEXTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1575.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  Lancelot  (above),  R.  of 
Trunch.  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Fellow,  1581-4.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  R.  of  Trunch,  1589-1619.  Buried  there  Jan.  22, 
1624.   Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1608). 

THEXTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  i59r-2- 
R.  of  Thexton,  Norfolk,  1610-28.  R.  of  Trunch,  1619-60. 
Died  c.  1660.  (Peile,  i.  204.) 


Thexton,  Robert 

THEXTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1639.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1608). 
B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Fellow.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Hall 
of  Norwich)  Aug.  7,  1649.  R.  of  Gimingham,  Norfolk,  1650- 
1709.  R.  of  Trunch,  1660-1709.  Father  of  the  next  and 
probably  of  Andrew  (1675). 

THEXTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Peterhouse,  May 

16,  1683.    2nd  s.  of  Robert  (above),  R.  of  Trunch,  Norfolk. 

School,  North  Walsham.   Matric.  1684;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A. 

1686-7.  Probably  brother  of  Andrew  (1675).   {T.  A.  Walker, 

THEXTON,  ROBERT.    Adtn.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  9, 

1720-1.    S.  of  Andrew  (1675),  R.  of  Little  Bentley,  Essex. 

B.  at  Smallburgh,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Newport,  Essex,  and 
Ipswich.  Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1721-8;  B.A.  1724-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Carlisle)  Nov.  21,  1725;  priest  (Ely)  Feb.  26,  1726-7. 

C.  of  Ashdon,  Essex,  1725.  C.  of  Barnes,  Surrey,  1727. 
[Venn,  11.  15.) 

THEXTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi. 
Michs.  1608.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  Robert  (1575). 
B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  R.  of  Gimingham,  Norfolk,  1623- 
50.  Perhaps  father  of  Robert  (1639). 


THICKETT  or  THIRKIT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  13,  1541,  Thirkit.  Of  Bray,  Bucks. 
Matric.  1544.   Fellow,  1545-6.  OS,  1546. 

THICKNESSE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's, 
Michs.  1738. 

THICKNESSE,  RALPH.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1726.  3rd  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Farthinghoe,  Northants.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  i,  1709.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1730-1;  M.A.  1736. 
Fellow,  1729.  Assistant  Master  at  Eton.  Intended  to  join 
the  army;  obtained  a  commission  through  his  friend  Sir 
Edward  Walpole,  and  was  appointed  lieutenant  of  an 
independent  Company  at  Jamaica,  May,  1741.  Author  of 
an  edition  of  Phaedrus  with  English  notes,  1741.  A  skilled 
musician.  Died  suddenly  at  Bath  while  playing  a  composition 
of  his  own  at  a  morning  concert.  Buried  in  Bath  Abbey, 
May  18,  1741.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  To  be  distinguished  from 
Ralph  Thicknesse,  M.D.,  of  Wigan,  Lanes.,  with  whom  he 
has  been  confused.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  William 
(1730).  (Harwood,  316;  G.  Mag.,  1790,  i.  521;  D.N.B.,  where 
the  date  of  death  is  wrong.) 

THICKNESSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1724.  S.  of  John,  R.  of  Farthinghoe,  Northants. 
B.  there,  Feb.  22,  1706-7.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  172S-9;  M.A. 
1732.  Fellow,  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Nov.  9,  1729; 
priest  (Oxford)  July  15,  1733.  Whitehall  preacher.  V.  of 
Sawston,  Cambs.,  1737-42.  Died  Oct.  11,  1742.  Brother  of 
Ralph  (above)  and  of  the  next.   {Harwood.) 

THICKNESSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity  Hall,  July 
10,  1730;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  4th  s.  of  John, 
R.  of  Farthinghoe,  Northants.  B.  there.  Mar.  8,  1710-1. 
Matric.  1730;  Scholar,  1731;  LL.B.  1739.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  10,  1733-4.  V.  of  Wood  Dalling,  and  R.  of 
Swannington,  Norfolk,  1739-50.  Died  at  Bath,  Nov.  1750. 
Buried  at  St  James's,  Bath.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  20, 
1750.  Brother  of  Ralph  (1726)  and  of  Thomas  (above). 
(Al.  Carthus.;  G.  Mag.) 

THICKNESSE,  .    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  Apr.  2, 

1737-  Possibly  Philip,  7th  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Farthinghoe, 
Northants.  B.  there,  Aug.  10,  1719.  If  so,  became  Governor 
of  Landguard  Fort. 

THICKPENNY,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

THICKSTON,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  c. 

THYMBLE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1579- 


THIMBLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  6,  1590. 
Matric.  c.  1592. 

THIMBLEBY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1550.  Doubtless  s.  of  Matthew,  of  Poolam-in- 
Edlington,  Lines,  (by  his  2nd  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert 
Hussey,  Knt.,  of  Linwood).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  10, 
1559-  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Gascoigne,  Knt. 
Brother  of  the  next.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  957.) 

THIMBLEBY,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1554.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Matthew,  of  Poolam-in-Edlington, 
Lines.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  12,  1557-8.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1565.  Bencher,  1573.  M.P.  for  Boston,  1572-83; 
for  Lincoln,  1584-6.  Recorder  of  Lincoln,  1572.  Died  s.p., 
Aug.  21, 1587.  Brotherof  Richard  (above).  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 

Thirlby,  John 

THIMBLEBY,  THOMAS.  Of  St  Hugh  Hostel.  B.A.  1495-6. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Poolam,  Lines. 
B.Can.L.  1502-3;  D.Can.L.  1516-7.  Member  of  the  college 
of  Tatteshall,  Lines.  R.  of  Tetford,  1495-1526.  Lord  of  the 
manors  of  Poolam,  Tetford,  etc.  Died  c.  1546.  Benefactor 
to  St  Catharine's,  and  St  John's.  (Cooper,  i.  51;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  957.) 

THYMELTHORPE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Michs.  1570.  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Foulsham,  Norfolk.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  1576.  Brother  of  Robert  (1570).  (Vis.  0/ 

THYMELTHORPE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Easter,  1584.  Probably  s.  of  Bertram,  of  Worsted,  Norfolk. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  17,  1588;  b.  at  Foulsham,  Norfolk. 
(Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1589,  1613,  where  he  does  not  occur  as 
s.  of  George,  of  Foulsham.) 

THIMBLETHORPE,   NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus, 

Easter,  1573. 
THEMYLTHORPE,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  8, 

1714.  B.  at  Norwich. 
THYMELTHORPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

1570.    S.   and   h.   of  George,   of   Foulsham,   Norfolk.    Of 

Hingham,  Esq.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Bassett, 

of  Aram,  Notts.    Brother  of  Christopher  (1570).    (Vis.  of 

THEMYLTHORPE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 

July,  1612. 
THURKYLBY,  ROBERT  DE.  Proctor,  1373-4. 
THURKILBY,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1458-9.  A  monk.   D.D.  1466-7. 
THIRKILBY,  ROBERT.  B.A.  V.  of  Pampisford,  Cambs.,  1472- 

1500.  Died  there,  1506.  (J.  Crosby.) 

THURKILBY, .  D.D.  1476-7. 

THYRKILL,  ANTHONY.    Adm.  sizar  (age   19)  at  Christ's, 

Apr.  16,  1668.  S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Ryhall,  Rutland.  School, 

Knotting,  Beds,  (private).    Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671.    Ord. 

deacon   (Peterb.)   Dec.   24,    1671;   priest,   Sept.   22,    1678. 

V.  of  Mundon,  near  Maldon,  Essex,  1691-1703.  Died  1703. 

(Peile,  II.  14.) 
THIRKYLL,  JOHN.  B.A.  1509-10. 
THIRKYLL,  JOHN.  B.A.  1518-9;  M.A.  1521. 
THURKILL,  THOMAS.    Proctor,  1417-8.   Early  donor  to  the 

University  Library. 

THIRLBY,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1641.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert  (1597-8),  V.  of 
Peterborough.  Bapt.  Apr.  4, 1625,  in  Peterborough  Cathedral. 
Matric.  1641.  R.  of  Withycombe,  Somerset,  1662-83;  V.  of 
Wells,  1662-83,  M.A.  (his  mother  married,  as  her  2nd 
husband,  Francis  Standish,  V.  of  Wells,  which  makes  the 
identification  probable);  Canon  of  WeUs,  1662-80;  V.  of 
East  Brent,  1663-70;  Archdeacon  of  Wells,  1680-3;  R.  of 
Stratton-on-the-Fosse,  1680-4.  Died  1683-4.  Will  dated, 
Oct.  23,  1683;  proved,  Jan.  18,  1683-4.  Brother  of  Robert 

THIRLBY,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  5,  1667.  S.  of  Robert  (1623),  of  Clifton,  near  Notting- 
ham. B.  there.  School,  Nottingham  (Mr  Birch).  Matric. 
1668;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Ely) 
Sept.  24,  1676.  Brother  of  the  next. 

THIRLBY,  CLIFFORD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  14,  1666.  S.  of  Robert  (1623),  clerk,  of  Clifton,  Notts. 
B.  there.  School,  Carlton  (Mr  Phillips).  Matric.  1667; 
Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.  Fellow,  1671. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24, 1670.  R.  of  Clifton,  Notts.,  1675. 
Brother  of  Charles  (above). 

THURLEBY,  CLIFFORD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  3,  1701. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704;  M.A.  1720. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1707;  priest,  1712.  V.  of  Hutton 
Bushel,  Vorks.,  1720-2.  R.  of  Thumsco,  1722-34.  Died 
Aug.  28,  1734,  aged  50. 

THURLEBY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1612.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  WiUiam  (?  1583),  of  Little  Dunham, 
Norfolk,  gent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  4,  1614.  Succeeded 
at  Wendling  and  Gt  Fransham,  in  1638;  sold  it  in  1645. 
Brother  of  William  (1612).  (Carthew,  Launditch,  iii.  94,  463.) 

THIRLBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  19,  1719-20. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1669),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Leicestershire. 
B.  1702.  Matric.  1721;  Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A. 
1727.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  26,  1726-7;  priest,  June  11, 
1727.  V.  of  Pytchley,  Northants.,  1735.  Buried  May  6,  1740, 
at  Walgrove,  Northants.  Brother  of  Styan  (1707). 

THIRLBY  or  THORLEBY,  JOHN.  FeUow  of  Corpus  Christi, 



Thirlby,  John 

THURLBY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1609.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  V.  of  Weybread, 
Suffolk,  1623.   Probably  sequestered  to  Orford,  1647. 

THURLBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  3,  1613. 
Matric.  1613;  Scholar,  1614-8;  B.A.  1616-7. 

THURLBY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Lent,  1597-8.  Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A. 
1606.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1604. 
Master  of  Peterborough  School,  1614.  V.  of  St  John  Baptist, 
Peterborough,  1619.  Died  Dec.  29,  1628.  Buried  in  Peter- 
borough Cathedral.  Father  of  the  next  and  Charles  (1641). 

THIRLBY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1623.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert 
(above).  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  9,  1629;  priest,  Aug.  9,  1630.  R.  of  Clifton,  Notts.,  in 
1635.  Licensed  to  marry  Susan  Leake,  of  Nottingham,  Mar. 
24,  1634-5.  Brother  of  Charles  (1641),  father  of  Charles 
(1667)  and  Clifford  (1666). 

THIRLBY,  STYAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  lo,  1707.  S.  of 
Thomas  {1669),  V.  of  St  Margaret's,  Leicester  (and  Mary, 
dau.  of  Henry  Styan,  of  Kirby  Frith).  B.  c.  1692.  School, 
Leicester  (Rev.  John  Kilby).  Matric.  1707;  Rustat  Scholar; 
B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714;  LL.D.  1728  (Lit.  Reg.).  FeUow, 
1712-53.  Discontinued  his  study  of  theology  and  devoted 
himself  successively  to  medicine  and  civil  law.  'Railed 
against  classical  studies  and  Dr  Bentley.'  Lived  in  London 
for  many  years.  Author,  theological.  Died  Dec.  19,  1753- 
(A.  Gray;  G.  Mag.,  590,  liv.  260;  D.N.B.) 

THIRLEBY,  THOMAS.  Of  Trinity  Hall.  S.  of  John,  town 
clerk  of  Cambridge  (s.  of  Thomas,  of  Norfolk,  according  to 
Carthew,  Launditch,  111.  93).  B.  1506.  B.Civ.L.  1520-1; 
D.Civ.L.  1527-8;  D.Can.L.  1529-30.  Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1555-6.  R.  of  Ribchester,  Lanes.,  1532- 
42.  Chaplain  to  the  King,  1533.  Provost  of  the  Collegiate 
Church  of  St  Edmund,  at  Salisbury,  1534.  Patronised  by 
Cranmer  and  commended  by  him  to  Henry  VIII. 
Archdeacon  of  Ely,  1534-40.  Dean  of  the  Chapel  Royal, 
c.  1535.  A  member  of  the  Council  of  the  North,  1536.  Preb. 
of  Salisbury,  1537-40.  Bishop  of  Westminster,  1540-50. 
As  prolocutor  of  the  Canterbury  Convocation,  signed  decree 
annulling  Henry  VIlI's  marriage  with  Anne  of  Cleves,  1540. 
P.C,  1542.  Bishop  of  Norwich,  1550-4.  Bishop  of  Ely, 
1554-9,  deprived.  Much  employed  in  embassies  abroad,  and 
state  affairs  at  home.  Presided  at  the  trial  of  Bishop  Hooper 
and  others;  assisted  at  the  degradation  of  Cranmer,  1556. 
Preached  against  the  Reformation ;  imprisoned  in  the  Tower, 
1560;  afterwards  removed  to  Lambeth  Palace  and  committed 
to  the  keeping  of  Archbishop  Parker.  Died  Aug.  26,  1570. 
Buried  at  Lambeth.  M.I.  Benefactor  to  Jesus  College  and 
Trinity  Hall.  {Cooper,  i.  287;  D.N.B. ;  Blomefield,  ni.  550; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

THURLBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1669; 
B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  V.  of  St  Margaret's,  Leicester, 
1690.  V.  of  Knighton,  1690.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry 
Styan,  of  Kirby  Frith,  Leics.  Father  of  Styan  (1707)  and  of 
Henry  (1719-20).   {Nichols,  iv.  238.) 

THURLBIE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1583. 
Perhaps  William,  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  East  Derham  Park, 
Norfolk.  If  so,  of  East  Derham  Park,  and  of  Little  Dunham, 
gent.  Died  c.  1638.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next  and  of  Henry 
(1612).   (Carthew,  Launditch,  in.  93-4.) 

THURLEBY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1612.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (?  above),  of  Little 
Dunham,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  13,  1613. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1612). 

THIRLING,  see  also  THURLIN. 

THIRLING,  JOHN.   B.Civ.L.  1504-5- 

THIRLING, .   B.A.  1505;  M.A.  1508-9. 

THISTLEWASTE,     CYPRIAN.     Adm.   at    King's    (age   17)    a 

scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  12,   1528.    Of  Aylesbury,  Bucks. 

Fellow,  1531-2.    V.  of  Sunbury,  Middlesex,  1557-63.    Died 

1563.   {Hennessy.) 
THISTLETHWAITE,  GABRIEL.    Incorp.  LL.D.   1670.    S.  of 

Alexander,  of  Winterslow,  Wilts,  (and  Cecilia,  dau.  of  Sir 

Anthony  Hungerford).    B.  1636.    Of  New  College,  Oxford. 

Matric.  there,  Nov.   14,   1651;  B.C.L.   1659;  D.C.L.   1669. 

Fellow  of  Winchester  CoUege,  1661.   Chaplain  to  the  King, 

1662-82.    R.  of  Huish,  Wilts.,  1662.    Canon  of  Salisbury, 

1666-82.   Preb.  of  Wells,  1670-82.   R.  of  Winterslow,  1671. 

R.  of  West  Dean,  1672-82.    Died  Jan.  23,  1681-2.    (Al. 

Oxon.;  Hoare,  Wilts.,  v.  46.) 
THISTLEWAIT,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 

June  8,   1741.    S.  of  Joseph,  shoemaker,  of  Dent,  Yorks. 

B.  there.    School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.   1741;   B.A.   1744-5; 

M.A.  1748.  V.  of  Sunninghill,  Berks.,  1748-1807.  (Sedbergh 

School  Register,  172.) 

Thomas,  Edward 

THISTLETHWAITE,  MILES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Sept.  4, 
1626.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric. 
1626;  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  R.  of 
Wrestlingworth,  Beds.,  1632-81.  Married  Susanna  Sill, 
Mar.  7,  1629-30.  Buried  at  Wrestlingworth,  Mar.  11,  1680-1. 
Will  dated,  Feb.  26,  1680-1;  proved  (Archd.  Bedford)  1681. 

THISTLETHWAIT,  MILES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1666.  S.  of  Geoffrey,  husbandman,  of  Dent,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1669-70. 
Master  of  Dent  Grammar  School. 

THISTLETHWAITE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Lent,  1579-80.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  5,  1590.  C.  of  Sutton  St  James',  Lines.,  in  1614. 

THISTLETWAITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St 
John's,  May  31,  1653.  S.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of  Dent, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1656;  B.A. 
1656-7.  Nominated  Head  Master  of  Pocklington  School, 
Aug.  5,  1657,  but  apparently  decUned  the  appointment. 

THISTLEWAIT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  11,  1749.  Previously  matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
Dec.  17,  1748.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman,  of  Hallbeck, 
Yorks.  B.  at  Sedbergh.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  i749; 
B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1774.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  27;  priest, 
Dec.  21,  1758.  Chaplain  to  George,  Earl  of  Enrol.  V.  of 
Kirkby  Fleetham,  Yorks.,  1763-90.  V.  of  Well,  1781-90. 
Died  Oct.  17,  1790,  aged  59.  M.I.  at  Kirkby  Fleetham. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  593;  Thos.  Horsfall,  Well  and  Stiape,  114; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

THISLWAIT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  6,  1663-4.  S.  of  Thomas,  saddler,  of  Stamford,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Stamford.  Matric.  1664.  Probably  V.  of 
Westbury,  Bucks.,  1670.  Married  Elizabeth  Whately,  of 
Daventry.  Buried  June  23,  1691,  at  Westbury.  (H.  I. 

THISTLWHAITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  5,  1671.  S.  of  Alexander,  of  Dent,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Dent.  Matric.  1671. 

THIXTILL,  JOHN.  B.A.  1514-5.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  M.A. 
1518;  B.D.  1523-4;  D.D.  1537-8.  Fellow  of  Pembroke, 
1515.  University  preacher,  1522.  R.  of  Saltwood,  Kent, 
1538-40.  V.  of  Lydd,  1538-40.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1541;  'of 
Newport  Pond,  Essex,  and  St  Botolph,  Cambridge.'  (Cooper, 
I.  65;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

THIXTYLL,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1517-8.  A  Franciscan  friar.  D.D. 

THOBIE, .  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1603  (in  ordo). 

THODY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1652.  Of 
Essex.  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Thomas  (1655). 

THODEY,  JONAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  25,  1592- 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.  School,  St  Neots 
(Mr  White). 

THODAY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

THODY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  30,  1655. 
Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1658-9.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1652). 

THOMAS  [alias  TRETHWELL],  ABIEL  or  ABDIEL.  Adm.  sizar 
at  Trinity,  Mar.  31,  1665.  Matric.  1666-7;  B.A.  1668-9;- 
M.A.  1672.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1677.  R.  of 
Yelvertoft,  Northants.,  1687-91.  Buried  there  Feb.  19, 
1691-2.  Admon.  granted  (Archd.  Northants.)  to  Susanna 
Thomas,  alias  TreshweU  (sic),  his  widow,  Feb.  26,  1691-2. 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 

THOMAS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  6,  i666" 
Matric.  1667.  One  of  these  names,  's.  of  David,  of  Leicester,' 
matric.  (Gloucester  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  12,  1667-8,  age  20; 
B.A.  1670.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMAS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1712.  Of  London. 
St  Paul's  Exhibitioner.    Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A. 

1721.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1718;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept. 

1722.  V.  of  Barton  Turf,  Norfolk,  1722-7.    R.  of  Streatham, 
Cambs.,  1727-71.  Died  Jan.  2.  1771.  Will  (P.C.C.)  i77i- 

THOMAS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Jan.  20,  1640-1, 
from  St  John's.  Matric.  1642.  Perhaps  R.  of  Belchamp 
Otton,  Essex,  in  1648.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Bishop 
of  Galloway)  Apr.  30,  1662,  'B.A.'  C.  of  Denham,  Suffolk. 
Perhaps  father  of  Samuel  (1664). 

THOMAS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  27,  1678. 
Of  Anglesey.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Feb.  24,  1683-4.  Perhaps  V.  of  Alderminster, 
Worcs.,  1689-98. 

THOMAS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  3,  1684. 
Of  St  Asaph  diocese.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8. 



Thomas,  Edward 

THOMAS,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1749  (Incorp.  from  Wadham 
CoUege,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Mar.  2,  1742-3.  age  16. 
S.  of  John,  of  Boxford,  Sufiolk,  dark.  B.A.  (03^ord)  1746; 
M.A.  1749.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMAS,  ELIAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Pembroke,  June  23, 
1679.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Thorverton,  Devon.  Matric.  1679; 
B.A.  1682-3; M.A.  1686. 

THOMAS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1606; 
B.A.  1608-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Oxford)  1613.  C.  of  Scotter, 
Lines.,  1613. 

THOMAS,  GEORGE.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  July  8,  1748. 

S.  of  ,  tax  gatherer,  of  Llandaff.    School,  Ruthin  (Mr 

Hughes).  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1752.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Whxnburgh,  and  Westfield,  Norfolk,  1753- 

THOMAS,  HABAKKUK.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1571;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1574-5- 

THOMAS,  HENRY.  M.A.  1668  (Incorp.  from  University  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Jan.  5,  1648-9;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1652; 
M.A.  1655.  Fellow  of  University  CoUege.  Died  May  5,  1673. 
aged  45.  Buried  in  the  Chapel  of  University  CoUege,  Oxford. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMAS,  HOPKINS.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1694,  from  All 
Souls,  Oxford.  S.  of  Edward,  of  St  Bride's  Major,  Glamorgan, 
clerk.  Matric.  (AU  Souls,  Oxford)  Mar.  7,  1672-3,  age  19; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1676.  V.  of  Enderby,  Leics.,  1678-81.  R.  of 
Kirkby  Malory,  1681-1728.  Died  Feb.  28,  1727-8.  WUl 
(P.C.C.)  1728.  Father  of  WUliam  (1706).  {Nichols,  iv.  771; 
A  I.  Oxon.,  where  two  men  are  confused.) 

THOMAS,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

THOMAS,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  2, 1724. 
B.  at  Landshipping,  Pembroke.  School,  Pembroke  (Mr 
Rice  Evans).  Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1725;  B.A.  1727-8; 
M.A.  1731;  D.D.  1753.  FeUow,  1731.  Taxor,  1736.  Master, 
1754-80.  Vice-ChanceUor,  1754-5;  elected,  1777;  decUned 
to  serve  on  the  ground  of  health.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1741. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  3,  1730;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  13, 
1731.  R.  of  Gateley,  Norfolk,  1740-50-  V.  of  RoUeston, 
Notts.,  1747.  Archdeacon  of  Nottingham,  1748-80.  Preb. 
of  SouthweU,  1749-80.  Preb.  of  York,  1749-50.  ChanceUor 
of  York,  1750.  R.  of  Wheldrake,  Yorks.,  1750-80.  Preb.  of 
Ripon,  1752-80.  R.  of  Etton,  1752-80.  Dean  of  Ely,  1758- 
80.  Died  July  11,  1780,  at  the  Lodge.  Buried  in  the  Ante- 
Chapel.   Wm,  P.C.C.   {Peile,  11.  208.) 

THOMAS,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  7,  1720. 
Of  ComwaU.  Matric.  1720;  LL.B.  1725- 

THOMAS,  J.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent,  1578-9.  Perhaps 
buried  at  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  Dec.  14,  1586. 

THOMAS,  JACOB.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  30,  i735-  B.  at 
Dewsbury,  Yorks.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1738-9-  Perhaps  V. 
of  Bramley,  near  Leeds.  One  James  Thomas,  B.A.,  V.  of 
Bolton-on-Sands,  Richmonds.,  i749- 

THOMAS,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  13,  1662; 
exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Matric.  1662;  B.A. 

THOMAYS,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  King's  Hall.  Of  Lincohi  dio- 
cese.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  1402-3;  priest,  Mar.  31,  1403. 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  B.A.  151 1-2. 

THOMAS,  JOHN.   Licensed  to  practise  surgery,  i5i3-4-   WiU 

proved  (V.C.C.)  1545. 
THOMAS,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1517-8. 
THOMAS,  JOHN.    B.A.  15 18-9.    One  of  these  names  V.  of 

PrittleweU,  Essex,  1539-54,  deprived;  afterwards  reinstated. 

Died  1569.   (Essex  Arch.  Soc,  iv.  232.) 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1574. 
Probably  s.  of  Ralph,  Merchant  Taylor,  of  London. 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1612; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23; 
priest,  Sept.  24,  1621. 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  11,  1644. 
S.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Beckbury,  Salop.  B.  there.  Schools, 
Warwick  (Mr  White)  and  Bridgnorth,  Salop.  Matric.  1645-6; 
B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1661.  Probably  R.  of  Ovington,  Essex, 
1655-84;  licensed  as  preacher,  at  Ovington,  by  the  Bishop 
of  London,  in  1662,  also  V.  of  Belchamp  Walter,  i58o.  Died 
1684.  Probably  father  of  John  (1674)  and  Timothy  (1683-4). 
{Venn,  i.  353;  Newcourt,  11.  45,  457.) 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1654.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  Probably 
ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  July  25;  priest,  July  28,  1661.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Whaplode,  Lines.,  1662-88,  M.A.  Died  Oct.  7,  1688. 
M.I.  at  Whaplode. 

Thomas,  Richard 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1674.  S.  of  John  (?  1644),  R.  of  Ovington,  Essex.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Feb.  27,  1680-1.  V.  of  St  Mary's,  Sandwich,  Kent,  1689- 
(?)  1713,  and  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Sandwich,  i690-(?)  1713. 
Died  1706  {sic).  One  of  these  names  V.  of  New  Romney, 
1680-1709,  M.A.  Died  1709.  Brother  of  Timothy  (1683-4). 
{Hasted,  iv.  276,  where  he  is  said  to  have  died  in  1706,  but 
his  successor  both  at  St  Mary's  and  at  St  Peter's,  was 
instituted  in  1713.  His  brother  Timothy  died  in  1706  with 
whom  he  may  have  been  confused.) 
THOMAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1699.  S.  of  David,  clerk.  B.  at  Southstoke,  Oxon.  School, 
Abingdon,  Berks.  (Mr  PledweU).  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3; 
M.A.  1711.  Doubtless  V.  of  SunninghiU,  Berks,  (patron, 
St  John's  CoUege),  and  father  of  John  (1727). 

THOMAS,   JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.   22, 

1709-10.   S.  of ,  a  drayman,  of  AU  HaUows-the-Great, 

London.  B.  Jime  23,  1691.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717;  D.D.  1729.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1714;  priest, 
Feb.  26,  1715-6.  Chaplain  to  the  EngUsh  factory  at  Ham- 
burg. Chaplain  to  the  King,  1733-40.  R.  of  St  Vedast, 
London,  1736-44.  Dean  of  Peterborough,  1740-4-  Chosen 
Bishop  of  St  Asaph,  1743,  but  before  consecration  elected  to 
Lincohi,  1744-61.  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  1761-6.  A  favourite 
of  George  II  on  account  of  his  knowledge  of  German.  Author, 
sermons.  Died  July  19,  1766.  Buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral. 
M.I.  (wrongly  gives  age  as  85).  (To  be  distinguished  from 
John  Thomas,  D.D.,  successively  Bishop  of  Peterborough, 
Salisbury  and  Winchester,  1761-81,  with  whom  Foster 
confuses  him.)   {D.N. B. ;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1721.  S.  of  John, 
saddler,  of  St  Bridget's,  Chester.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  29,  1692. 
Matric.  (Brasenose  CoUege,  Oxford)  Apr.  19,  1711,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  23,  1714;  C.  of 
Christleton,  Cheshire;  taught  a  school  there.  V.  of  Ince,  1724- 
Naval  chaplain,  1733.  Buried  at  St  Catherine's-in-the-Tower, 
London,  May  10,  1744-   (•^'-  Oxon.) 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  6, 
1727.  S.  of  J.,  clerk,  of  Berkshire  (doubtless  John  (1699). 
B.  at  'Suning.'  Educated  by  his  father.  Matric.  1727;  B.A. 
1730-1;  M.A.  1744. 

THOMAS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  18,  1733. 
S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1733;  LL.B.  1743. 
Ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph)  Sept.  25,  1743;  pnest  (Rochester) 
Feb.  19,  1744-5.  R.  of  Notgrove,  Gloucs.,  1748-70.  Died 
Nov.  4,  1770.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

THOMAS,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Peterhouse,  Mar. 
19,  1719-20.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Drighlington.  Matric. 
1720.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4,  1721.  Perhaps  C.  of 
Bramley,  near  Leeds,  1745. 

1670  (Incorp.  from  Franeker).  V.  of  Pevensey,  Sussex, 
1642-72.  ChanceUor  of  Chichester,  1660-72.  Dean  of 
Chichester,  1672.  Died  Nov.  27,  1672.  WUl  (P.C.C.)  1673- 

THOMAS,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  27,  1633. 
Of  Sussex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Mark,  of  Rye.  Matric. 
1633.  Migrated  to  Trinity.  B.A.  1635-6.  Adm .  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Nov.  12,  1634.   Probably  M.P.  for  Rye,  1659. 

THOMAS,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1629;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1628;  B.A.  1632-3.  R.  of 
St  Stephen  Walbrook,  London,  1641-2,  M.A. 

THOMAS,  MOSES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  2,  1726.  Of 
Staffordshire.  Matric.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Mar.  2, 
1728-9,  'B.A.';  priest,  Feb.  18,  1732-3- 

THOMAS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1634. 
Of  London. 

THOMAS,  NOAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  18, 
1738.  S.  of  Hophni,  master  of  a  merchant-vessel.  B.  at 
Neath,  Glamorgan,  1720.  School,  Oakham,  Rutland  (Mr 
Adcock).  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1742-3;  M-A-  1746;  M.D.  1753- 
F.R.S.,  1753.  F.R.C.P.,  1757-  Gulstonian  lecturer,  i759- 
Censor.  Physician  extraordinary  to  George  III,  1763,  and 
physician  in  ordinary,  1755-92-  Knighted,  Mar.  1775.  Died 
at  Bath,  May  17,  1792.   {D.N.B.;  Munk,  11.  218.) 

THOMAS,  OLIVER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  1610-1;  B.A.;  M.A. 
1 61 6.  One  of  these  names  of  West  Felton,  Salop,  clerk; 
wiU  (P.C.C.)  1652.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 

THOMAS,  RICE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  12,  1631. 
Of  Denbigh.  Matric.  1632;  Scholar,  1635;  B.A.  1635-6; 
M.A.  1640.   FeUow,  1644-51-   {T.  A.  Walker,  44.) 

THOMAS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1618-9;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Perhaps  R.  of  AUington, 
near  Maidstone,  Kent,  1636;  died  there  Feb.  8,  1656-7.  M.I. 
{Peile,  I.  327.) 


Thomas,  Richard 

THOMAS,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1721.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Mydrim,  Carmarth.  Matric.  (Jesus  College, 
Oxford)  Apr.  6,  1709,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1712.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Llanvigan,  Brecon,  1724.  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
St  Peter's,  Comhill,  London,  c.  1737-44-  Died  Dec.  12,  1750. 

THOMAS,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1621. 

THOMAS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  2,  1685. 
S.  of  Robert,  (?)  R.  of  Gelligalt,  Glamorgan,  1662.  B.  at 
Kellygare  (?  Gellygaer).  School,  St  Paul's.   Matric.  1685. 

THOMAS,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1639;  Scholar,  1641. 

THOMAS,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Lent, 
1645-6.  S.  of  William,  R.  of  Ubley,  Somerset  (for  whom  see 
D.N.B.).  B.  there,  1627.  B.A.  1648-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1651.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1651.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1663. 
Fellow  of  St  John's  College,  Oxford.  Chaplain  of  Christ 
Church.  Oxford,  1672.  V.  of  St  Thomas,  Oxford,  and  after- 
wards C.  of  Holywell,  Oxon.  V.  of  Compton  Bishop,  1681. 
V.  of  Chard,  Somerset,  1681-92.  Canon  of  Wells,  1681-91. 
Deprived  as  a  non-juror.  Author,  controversial.  Died  at 
Chard,  Nov.  4,  1693,  aged  66.    Buried  there.    (Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMAS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  12,  1649.  Of  Helston,  Cornwall.  Perhaps  s.  of 
John,  of  Tremayne.  B.  at  St  Martin's,  Cornwall.  Matric. 
1650;  B.A.  1654;  M.A.  1658.  Fellow,  1653-84.  Proctor, 
1677-8.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1671.  R-  of  St  Mary,  Truro, 
1667-91.  R.  of  Milton,  Cambs.,  1683-^)1.  Died  s.p.,  Nov 
3,1691.  Buried  at  Truro.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Harwood.) 

THOMAS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1664.  Of 
Essex.  S.  of  Edward  (?  1640-1),  clerk.  Matric.  1664-5; 
Scholar,  1667;  B.A.  1667-8. 

THOMAS,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1621; 
B.A.  1624-s;  M.A.  1628.  R.  of  Crundal,  Kent,  1632-50. 
Married,  at  St  Alphage,  Canterbury,  Catherine  Scott,  Sept. 
29,  1635.  Buried  Mar.  4,  1650. 

THOMAS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  24,  1571.  B.  in  London,  Dec.  25,  1553.  Matric.  1571; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Fellow,  1574-81.  First  printer  to 
the  University,  1583-88.  His  press  seized  by  the  Stationers' 
Company  of  London,  but  his  rights  upheld  by  Lord  Burghley. 
Author  of  a  Latin  dictionary.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  Aug.  9,  1588.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1588. 
{Harwood;  Cooper,  11.  29;  D.N.B.) 

THOMAS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  Dec.  23, 
1687.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  Cornwall.  Matric.  1688;  B.A. 
1691-2;  M.A.  1695.  Fellow,  1693-1708.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1700.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Jime  7,  1696.  R.  of  Orton  Waterville, 
Hunts.,  1706-16.  Died  1716. 

THOMAS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  13, 
1733-4.  S.  of  David,  collector  of  taxes,  of  Carnarvonshire. 
B.  at  Conway.  School,  Denbigh.   Matric.  i734- 

THOMAS,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  28, 
1683-4.  S.  of  John  (?  1644),  R.  of  Ovington,  Essex.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Denham  and  Bury,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1684;  B.A. 
1687-8;  M.A.  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  16,  1689- 
90.  Master  of  the  Free  School  of  Sandwich,  Kent,  1689-1706. 
V.  of  Preston,  Kent,  1691.  Died  1706.  Buried  in  St  Mary's, 
Sandwich.   Brother  of  John  (1674).   (Hasted,  iv.  276.) 

THOMAS,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1561. 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1588.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  26,  1589; 
of  Co.  Glamorgan.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1597.  Bencher,  1613. 
One  of  these  names  knighted,  July  23,  1603. 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Pembroke. 
June  28,  1623.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Lewes,  Sussex. 
Matric.  1623.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1626-7; 
of  West  Deane,  Sussex.  If  so,  married  Katharine,  dau.  of 
George  Rose,  of  Estergate,  near  Chichester.  Their  son 
WiUiam  was  created  Bart,  in  1660.   (G.E.C.) 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Michs.  1633. 
S.  of  John,  of  Wellington,  Somerset,  pleb.  Schools,  Welling- 
ton and  Tiverton.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Feb.  24, 
1631-2,  age  19.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  One  of  these  names  nominated  to  Plaxtol,  Kent, 
May  6,  1648-56.    {Shaw,  i.  356.) 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  3,  1645. 
Of  Hereford. 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1675. 
B.  at  Greenwich,  Kent.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A. 
1682.  Fellow,  1682-8.  Probably  V.  of  All  Saints',  Leicester, 
1685.  V.  of  Brompton  Regis,  Somerset,  1687-90  (patron, 
Emmanuel  College).  V.  of  St  Martin's,  Leicester,  1702-13 
Master  of  the  Free  School,  Leicester  for  34  years.  Die  I 
Dec.  6,  1713.  Buried  at  Leicester.  Probably  father  of 
William  (1715).  (Nichols,  iv.  552,  App.) 

Thompson,  Anthony 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Aug. 
14,  1677.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.  B.  at  Llangefelach,  near 
Swansea,  Glamorgan.  School,  Llandilotalybont  (private). 
Matric.  1677.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Aug.  11,  i677- 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  25, 
1688.  S.  of  John,  and  grandson  of  William,  Bishop  of 
Worcester.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1688;  Scholar, 
1689;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1695;  B.D.  1723;  D.D.  1729. 
Fellow,  1694.  R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Worcester,  1723-38,  and 
R.  of  Exhall,  Warws.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George 
Carter,  Esq.,  of  Brill,  Bucks.  Author,  antiquarian;  edited 
Dugdale's  Warwickshire.  His  collections  for  a  history  of 
Worcestershire  used  by  Nash,  who  acknowledges  his  obliga- 
tions to  them.  Died  July  26,  1738.  Buried  in  Worcester 
CathedraL  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1738.  (D.N.B.;  Al.  Westmon.,  212.) 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  26,  1692. 
Ot  Wiltshire.  Matric.  Dens.  Lent,  1698-9;  B.A.  1698-9. 
Schoolmaster  at  Hitchin,  Herts.,  1698.  Ord.  deacon  (Lin- 
coln) Mar.  5,  1698-9;  priest,  June  4,  1699.  V.  of  Offley, 
Herts.,  1699-1719.  Died  before  Feb.  26,  1719-20. 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1706. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Hopkins  (1694),  R.  of  Kirkby  Mallory,  Leics. 
B.  there.  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1713-  Dixie 
FeUow  of  Emmanuel,  1712.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20, 
1712;  priest,  Sept.  19,  I7i3- 

THOMAS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  7, 
1715,  from  Emmanuel  (adm.  there.  Mar.  4,  1713-4).  S.  of 
William  (?  1675),  schoolmaster,  of  Leicester.  B.  there. 
School,  Leicester  (under  his  father).  Matric.  1714;  B.A. 
from  St  John's,  1717-8;  M.A.  1721;  B.D.  1729-  Fellow, 
1722-37.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1721. 
V.  of  North  Stoke,  Oxon.,  1736-66.  Died  1766.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  298.) 

THOMAS  LE  BEDEL.    University  Bedell,  c.  1270. 

THOMAS, .  Scholar  at  Cambridge,  c.  1270-80.   S.  of  Alan 

Clerk,  of  Durham  diocese.  Used  to  hunt  hares  with  his  grey 
hounds  in  the  Cambridge  warren.    {Pleas  of  the  Forest.) 

THOMAS,  of  Portugal.  Chosen  by  his  order  to  lecture  in  the 
University  for  the  D.D.  A  Franciscan  friar.  Papal  mandate, 
1371.  Had  studied  in  England  arts  and  theology;  lectured 
in  Portugal  and  elsewhere.  Disputed  and  lectured  in  Sala- 
manca, Toulouse  and  Paris.  (Papal  Letters,  iv;  G.  R.  Potter.) 

THOMAS,  .     Scholar  at  King's   Hall,   1349;    'nominated 

tor  the  good  service  of  his  father  Walter,  the  King's 
smith.'  Removed  May  4,  1360,  'having  gone  abroad  to  the 
wars  without  the  Warden's  leave.'   (Trin.  Coll.  Adm.,  1.  98.) 

THOMAS, .    Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Feb.  27,  1358.    S.  of 

Walter  the  clerk.    (Trin.  Coll.  Adm.,  i.  100.) 
THOMAS,  of  Newmarket.    M.A.  (Cambridge).    Arithmetician; 

fl.  c.  1410.  Author,  Commentum  in  Computum  Ecclesiasticum 

Dionysii  (Exigui).  (D.N.B.) 

THOMAS, .  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1592-3- 

THOMAS, .  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  1594. 

THOMAS,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  27,  1666.    Of 

THOMPSON,  AMBROSE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1616.  Buried  at  St  Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  13,  1617-8. 
THOMSON,  AMBROSE.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)   at  Pembroke, 

Feb.  16,  1726-7.   S.  of  Ambrose,  of  Penryn,  Cornwall,  gent. 

Matric.  1727;  LL.B.  1732.  V.  of  Mevagissey,  Cornwall,  M.A. 

Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Pound,  Esq.   (Burke,  L.G.) 
THOMSON,  ANTHONY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

THOMPSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1596; 

B.A.    160C-1;   M.A.   1604.    Fellow,   1603.    Probably  V.  of 

Hundon,  Suffolk,  1620. 

THOMPSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1612.  Doubtless  s.  of  Anthony,  of  Cambridge.  Scholar,  1614; 
B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619;  D.D.  1635.  Fellow,  1618.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  5;  priest, 
Aug.  7,  1624.  R.  of  West  Rasen,  Lines.,  1624.  V.  of  Long 
Sutton,  1637.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1644-5.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  964; 
Genealogist,  iii.  313;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMPSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  4, 
1656-7  (impubes).  Of  Cambridgeshire.  S.  of  James  (?  1624), 
of  Trumpington.  B.  1644.  Matric.  1657.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Nov.  24,  1659.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1668.  Of  Trump- 
ington, gent.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Lambert,  of 
London.  Father  of  James  (1698-9)  and  of  George  (1700-1). 
(Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1684;  Genealogist,  iii.  313.) 

THOMPSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  24)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  7,  1694.  S.  of  James,  husbandman.  B.  at  Dent,  Yorks. 
School,  Dent.   Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8. 


Thompson,  Anthony 

THOMPSON,  ANTHONY.   M.A.  from  Trinity,  1737-   Probably 

s.  of  Edward,  of  Shap,  Westmoreland.  If  so,  matric.  (Queen's 

College,   Oxford)   May   19,    1721,   age   16.     Probably  B.A. 

(Queen's  College,  Oxford),  but  no  degree  recorded  in  A  I. 

Oxon.    Perhaps  dean  of   Raphoe,   1744-57.    One  of  these 

names  V.  of  Hutton  Bonville,  Yorks.,  c.  1775.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
THOMPSON,  ARTHUR.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  26, 

1624.  Of  London.  B.A.  1628-9;  Scholar,  1630;  M.A.  1632. 
THOMPSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 

1,1704.  S.  of  Richard,  P.C.  of  Gressingham,  Lanes.  B.  there. 

School,    Kirkby    Lonsdale    (Mr    Firbank).     Matric.    1704; 

Scholar,   1704-5;  B.A.  1707-8.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1709;  priest,  Sept.  1712.  Master  of  Kirkburton  School,  1709. 

V.  of  Bradfield,  near  SheflSeld,  1710-21.   (Peile,  11.  159.) 

THOMPSON,  CARRIER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1712.  S.  of  Robert,  deceased.  B.  at  Farcet,  Hunts. 
School,  Spalding  (Mr  Warring).  Father  of  Isaac  Newton 
(1744)  and  James  (1751)- 

THOMPSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  10, 
1680.   Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5. 

THOMPSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  Sept.  16,  1707.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  School, 
'Highdowns.'  Matric.  1707. 

THOMPSON,  CHARLES  EGERTON.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
St  John's,  c.  1596. 

THOMPSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  23,  1552.  Of  London.  Matric.  1552; 
B.A.  1556-7;  M.A.  1560.  FeUow,  1555-69.  Perhaps  identical 
with  the  papist  of  these  names.  If  so,  ord.  acolyte  at  Chester, 
June,  1557;  subsequently  received  AngUcan  orders.  V.  of 
Winwick,  Lanes.,  1569-75.  At  the  English  college  at  Douay, 
1577;  ord.  priest  at  Cambrai,  Apr.  6,  1577.  Sent  to  England. 
Arrested  and  committed  to  the  Marshalsea,  1579.  Banished 
to  France,  1585.  At  Paris  in  1587.  (Douay  Diary;  N.  &  Q. 
loth  S.,  X.  170.) 

TOMSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

TOMPSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  priest  (Durham) 
Sept.  14,  1630.  C.  of  Washington,  Durham,  1636-40. 

THOMPSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June  13,  1635.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Shildon, 
Durham.  School,  Ackliff  (Mr  Kirton).  Matric.  1635;  B.A. 
1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Perhaps  R.  of  Yarm,  Yorks.,  1653-8. 
V.  of  Pittington,  Durham,  1662-90.  Buried  there  Apr.  8, 
1690.  Father  of  the  next,  of  Robert  (1671-2),  Wiiliam  (1667) 
and  Ralph  (1663).   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

THOMPSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1678.  S.  of  Christopher  (above).  Bapt.  at  Pittington, 
Oct.  6, 1660.  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1686.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham) 
June  3,  1683;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1684.  V.  of  Pittington,  Durham, 
1690-1716.  Married  Anne  Newby,  widow,  at  Pittington, 
July  16,  1696.  Buried  at  Pittington,  1716.  Brother  of 
Robert  (1671-2),  Ralph  (1663)  and  William  (1667),  father  of 
William  (1712).   (D.  S.  Boutflower.) 

THOMSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  10, 
1694-5.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1695;  B.A. 
1698-9;  M.A.  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1700;  priest, 
1702.   R.  of  Escrigg,  Yorks.,  170&-8.   Died  1708.   (A.  Gray.) 

THOMSON,  CUTHBERT.  B.A.  1527-8. 

TOMPSON,  CUTHBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1545.  B.  at  Barnard  Castle,  Durham.  B.A.  1548-9.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (London)  Oct.  1562,  age  36.  Perhaps  V. 
of  Gilling,  Yorks.,  1562-73.   (Peile,  i.  38.) 

THOMPSON,  DANIEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1610;  B.A.  1613-4.   Perhaps  V.  of  Alciston,  Sussex,  1620-7. 

One  of  these  names  of  Aldingbome,  Sussex,  clerk;  will 

(P.C.C.)  1654. 
TOMSON,  DRUGO.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  30,  1652.  S.  of 

Marmaduke    (1612).     Bapt.    at    Harlton,    Cambs.,    1634. 

Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6;  Scholar,  1656. 

THOMPSON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1580;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  3, 
1585.  Perhaps  R.  of  Belchamp  Otton,  Essex,  1591-1633. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1634. 

THOMPSON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  20,  1628.  R.  of  West  Barkwith,  Lines.,  1642. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Lading,  Norfolk,  till  1673;  died  1673. 

TOMPSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TOMSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's,  c.  1594. 

Thompson,  George 

THOMPSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  2,  1637.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis  (1612),  Esq.,  of  Somerton 
Castle,  near  Lincoln.  B.  at  Boothby.  School,  Newark. 
Matric.  1637.  Probably  brother  of  Francis  (1640).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  961.) 

TOMPSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  14, 
1682.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1685-6.  Ord. 
priest  (York)  June  15,  1690.  Probably  V.  of  Rushmere 
St  Andrew,  Suffolk,  1696.  Perhaps  of  Gt  Coates,  Lines., 
clerk.   If  so,  father  of  William  (1721). 

THOMSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  20,  1689.  5th  s.  of  William,  of  Humbleton,  and  of 
Scarborough,  Yorks.,  gent.  B.  at  Scarborough.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1693-4.  A  captain  in  the 
army.  Married  Margaret,  widow  of  John  Avery.  Of  the 
Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.;  living  there  in  1706.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1671),  etc.  (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxiv.  124;  Sedbergh  School 
Register,  135.) 

THOMPSON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1552. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Boothby  Graffoe,  Lines.  If  so, 
married  Eleanor,  dau.  of  William  Broxholme,  of  Kirby-cwm- 
Osgodby,  June  19,  1564.  Died  Oct.  11,  1601.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  961.) 

THOMSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  ly)  at  Caius, 
June  27,  1612.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Boothby,  Lines., 
deceased.  School,  Navenby  (Mr  Houlker).  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Daniel  Hardeby,  of  Evedon.  Living,  1627.  Father 
of  Edward  (1637)  and  probably  of  the  next.  (Venn,  i.  218; 
Lines.  Pedigrees,  961.) 

THOMPSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Dec.  17,  1640. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Francis  (above).  Probably  brother  of 
Edward  (1637). 

THOMPSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov.  30, 
1655.  S.  of  James,  merchant,  of  London,  and  afterwards 
of  Amsterdam.  B.  in  London.  Schools,  Wellingborough, 
Northants.  and  Cambridge.  Matric.  1656;  Scholar,  1656-63; 
B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663;  B.D.  1670;  D.D.  1680.  Fellow, 
1663-73.  Ethical  lecturer,  1669-72.  University  preacher, 
1669.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1664;  re-incorp.  1676.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1662;  priest  (London)  Apr.  i,  1666.  R. 
of  St  Matthew,  Friday  Street,  and  St  Peter  Cheap,  London, 
1666-1715-  President  of  Sion  College,  1695.  Died  Dec.  13, 
1715.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London);  mentions  nephew  Francis 
(?  1694),  schoolmaster  at  Maldon.   (Venn,  i.  392;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMPSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  16,  1671.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Humbleton,  and  of 
Scarborough,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Brentwood.  Matric. 
1671.  M.P.  for  Scarborough,  1679-81,  1688-93.  Married 
Arabella,  dau.  of  Sir  Edmund  AUeyn,  Bart.,  ot  Essex.  Died 
Oct.  27,  1693.  Brother  of  Stephen  (1684),  Edward  (1689) 
and  Henry  (1671).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
XXIV.  122.) 

THOMPSON,  alias  FREEMAN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14) 
at  St  John's,  Oct.  31,  1694.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Worm- 
ley,  near  Cheshunt,  Herts.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1695;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May 
27,  1716;  priest,  Feb.  24,  1716-7.  Probably  V.  of  Steeple, 
Essex,  1716-42. 

THOMSON,  GEORGE.  B.A.  1500-1.  Of  Northumberland.  U.A. 
1503-4;  B.D.  1514-5.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1501.  Proctor, 
1511-2.   Preacher,  1519.   V.  of  Tilney,  1524. 

TOMPSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1580.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1583-4.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Carlisle,  Litt.  dint.)  Mar.  31,  1588;  of  Whitby,  Yorks. 
Perhaps  V.  of  North  Ferriby,  Yorks.,  1589-1608.  Died  1608. 

TOMSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1583;  B.A.  1586-7.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  St  Margaret's, 
York,  1591-1615.  Died  1615. 

TOMPSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1605. 
Of  Yorkshire.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Aberford,  Yorks., 
1620-50.   Buried  Nov.  18,  1650. 

TOMPSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Probably  P.C.  of  Sowerby 
Bridge,  Yorks.,  1652-5;  V.  of  Preston,  Lanes.,  1657;  C.  of 
Heysvood,  ejected,  1662.  Died  Sept.  20,  1674.  Buried  at 
Bury,  Lanes. ;  Mr  George  Tomson,  minister,  noncon.  (E.  Axon). 

THOMPSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  25, 
1640-1.  S.  of  Edmund,  farmer.  B.  at  Kilbum,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Kilbum  (Mr  Raper)  and  Coxwold.   Matric.  1641. 

THOMPSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  18,  1666.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Lee,  Kent,  Esq.  Bapt. 
there,  Jan.  29,  1649-50.  School,  Lee  (Mr  Watkins).  Matric. 
1667.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  8,  1667.  (Vis.  of  Kent 
1663;  PeiU,  II.  6.) 


Thompson,  George 

THOMPSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i7)  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  3,  1700-1.  S.  of  Anthony  (1656-7),  of  Trumpington, 
Cambs.,  Esq.  B.  at  Cambridge.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5; 
M.A.  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  19,  1708;  pnest  (Nor- 
wich) Dec.  1710;  'of  Trinity  Hall.'  R.  of  Hmderclay, 
Sufiolk,  1710-1.  Died  1711-  Brother  of  James  (1698-9). 

THOMSON,  GEORGE.  LL.B.  from  Peterhouse,  1733-4-  S.  of 
George,  of  Fremington,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  Feb.  23,  1715-6,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1719- 
Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1725. 

THOMPSON,  GILES.  M.A.  1581  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Giles,  of  London,  grocer,  deceased.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  Jan.  10, 
1574-5,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1575;  M.A.  1578;  B.D.  1589- 
90;  D.D.  1602.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1580.  Proctor 
(Oxford)  1586.  Chaplain  to  the  Queen.  R.  of  Pembridge. 
Hereford,  1592.  Canon  residentiary  of  Hereford,  1594-1612. 
Dean  of  Windsor,  and  Wolverhampton,  1603-12.  Registrar 
of  the  Garter.  Bishop  of  Gloucester,  161 1-2.  One  of  the 
translators  of  the  Bible,  Died  June  13,  1612,  at  Windsor. 
Buried  there.  WiU,  P.C.C.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMPSON,  GUSTAVUS.  Matric.  from  King's,  Easter,  1686. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Kilham,  Yorks.,  Esq.  School,  Nafferton 
(Mr  Robinson).  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Apr.  2,  1687,  age  16. 
Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1702.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  23,  1692;  priest,  May,  1696.  V.  of  Hatfield 
Peverel,  Essex,  1696-1702.  Chaplain  to  Anne,  Dowager 
Countess  of  Carlisle.  R.  of  Plumbland,  Cumberland,  1702. 
R.  of  Bolton,  1702  (presented  by  his  father). 

THOMSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1579.  Perhaps  B.A.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Oct.  31,  1583. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.);  'preacher.'  V.  of  Threckingham, 
Lines.,  1597. 

THOMSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1602.  Of  Kent.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Petham,  Kent  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Levison, 
Knt.).  If  so,  married  Mary  Sadler,  of  Sopwell,  Herts. 
Perhaps  father  ot  John  (1648).  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1663;  Archaeol. 
Cantiana.  iv.  263.) 

TOMPSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1605.  B.  at  North  Mimms,  Herts.  Went  with  his 
brother  John  (1605)  to  Venice,  c.  1608.  Entered  the  English 
College  at  Rome,  Oct.  12,  1613.  Left  for  England,  1620. 
{Records  S.J.,  i.  198;  Peile,  i.  252.) 

THOMSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  9,  . 
1616.  S.  of  John,  of  Smallburgh,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  Mar.  9, 
1599-1600.  School,  North  Walsham  (Mr  Tills).  Matric.  1617; 
B^.  1619-20;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  27, 
1621.  V.  of  Attlebridge,  Norfolk,  1625-70.  R.  of  Alderford, 
1640.  Perhaps  V.  of  St  Martin's  Coslany,  Norwich.  Died 
July,  1677.   (Venn,  i.  234.) 

TOMPSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

TOMPSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22,  1651. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  late  of  York, 
gent.;  age  31  in  1665.  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  23,  1653.  Utter  barrister  of  Gray's  Inn, 
1665.  Knighted,  Oct.  16,  1668.  Of  Middlethorpe,  York, 
Knt.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Dobson,  of  Kingston- 
upon-HuU.  Buried  Aug.  27,  1692,  at  St  Mary's,  Castlegate, 
York.  [To  be  distinguished  from  Sir  Henry  Thompson,  of 
Kilham,  Yorks.,  Knt.,  mayor  of  York  in  1653  and  M.P.  for 
York,  1673-81.]  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  i.  204;  N.  and 
Q.,  9th  S.,  VIII.  68.) 

THOMSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  i,  1653. 
Matric.  1653-4. 

THOMPSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 
19,  1671.  2nd  s.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Scarborough,  and  of 
Humbleton,  Yorks.  B.  at  Kilham.  School,  Pocklington. 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  29;  priest  (London)  Nov.  8,  1681.  R.  of  Birdbrook, 
Essex,  1681-91.  R.  of  Little  Waltham,  1687;  there  in  1700. 
Lord  of  the  manor  of  Thomthorpe.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1671)  and  Stephen  (1684).  (Newcourt;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
XXIV.  124,  where  he  is  said  to  be  of  Lincoln's  Inn.) 

THOMPSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  26,  1671-2.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Henry,  Knt.,  of  Kilham, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  June  7,  1659.  Matric.  1672;  M.A.  1675 
(Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  15,  i675-  M.P.  for 
York,  1689-95.  Lord  Mayor  of  York,  1699.  Of  Escrick, 
Yorks.  Married  (1)  Frances,  dau.  of  Alderman  Swann,  of 
Hull;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Beilby,  of  Micklethwaite 
Grange.  Buried  at  Escrick.  Brother  of  Richard  (1671-2). 
(Le  Neve,  Knights,  189;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TOMSON  or  THOMPSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
King's,  Easter,  1695.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Stephen,  of 

Thompson,  John 

Kirby  Hall,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.  1677.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Feb.  21,  1694-5.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Rev.  J.  Maw- 
hood,  D.D.,  of  Doncaster.   (Burke,  L.G.;  F.M.G.,  533.) 

THOMSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1706; 
Scholar,  1706-7;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1718.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June,  1712;  priest,  1713.  V.  of  Coxwold,  Yorks., 
1713-53-  R-  of  Holy  Trinity,  Holtby,  1716-c.  45.  (Peile, 
II.  165.) 

THOMSON,  HUGH.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1469. 

THOMPSON,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1581;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1585-6.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Apr.  3,  1590.  V.  of  Gt  Berwick,  Norfolk,  1599. 
R.  of  Bircham  Tofts,  1612. 

THOMPSON,  ISAAC  NEWTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sx 
John's,  May  29,  1744.  S.  of  Carrier  (1712),  gent.,  of  Hunt- 
ingdonshire. B.  at  Stanground,  near  Peterborough.  School, 
Market  Street,  Herts.  Matric.  1744-  Brother  of  James 

TOMSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1577-8. 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1599-1600; 
B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  15, 
1606;  (?)  priest  (Peterb.)  May  22,  1608.  Perhaps  V.  of  West 
Haddon,  Northants.,  1608-41.  Buried  there  July  30,  1641. 

TOMSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1624. 
Possibly  s.  of  Anthony,  of  Cambridge.  If  so,  of  Tnimpington, 
Cambs.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  George  Greenwood,  of 
Chastleton,  Oxon.  Died  1670.  Perhaps  father  of  Anthony 
(1656-7).   (Genealogist,  lii.  312.) 

TOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 
1630.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  'Coesyde,'  Westmore- 
land. B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Malric.  1631;  B.A.  1633- 
4;  M.A.  1637.  Ord  deacon  (Carlisle)  Mar.  5,  1636-7.  V.  of 
Merrington,  Durham,  1660-73.  V.  of  Heighington,  till 
1684.   Buried  there  Apr.  23,  1684.   Father  of  James  (1690). 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Dec.  17,  1634. 
Matric.  1634-5;  B.A.  1638-9. 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1644.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1652.  Perhaps 
V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Chiswick,  Middlesex,  1658-62.  (Hennessy.) 

THOMSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  11, 
1664-5,  from  St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford.  Matric.  there,  1661. 
S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Tarieton,  Lanes.  Bapt.  at  Croston, 
July  28,  1641.  School,  Wigan  (Mr  Barrow).  Matric.  1664; 
B.A.  1664-5.  Doubtless  ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  16, 
1664-5.  C.  of  Rufford,  Lanes.  Married  Jane  Mellinge,  of 
Rufford,  Dec.  10,  1666.  Probably  buried  at  Croston,  Lanes., 
Apr.  10,  1676.   (Peile,  i.  615.) 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  May  14,  1690. 
S.  of  James  (1630),  deceased.  B.  at  Merrington,  Durham. 
Bapt.  Nov.  21,  1671,  at  Kirkmerrington.  School,  Sedtsrgh. 
Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4.  Perhaps  R.  of  Lymm,  Cheshire, 
1698-1714;  probably  also  R.  of  St  Bridget's,  Chester,  1717; 
R.  of  Pulford,  1717. 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  24, 
1698-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Anthony  (1656-7),  of  Trumpington, 
Cambs.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Leeds).  Scholar, 
1701.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  4,  1700.  Brother  of 
George  (1700). 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
18,  1713-4.  S.  of  William,  grazier.  B.  at  Surfleet,  near 
Spalding,  Lines.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1713-4;  B.A. 
1717-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  9,  1723;  priest,  Dec.  zo, 
1724.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Thomey,  Lines.;  R.  of 
Croyland,  1762-6.   Buried  there  Nov.  10,  1766. 

THOMSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1714; 
Scholar,  1716;  B.A.  1717-8.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Cartmell-in- 
Fumess,  1732-40.   Died  1740-   (Peile,  11.  184.) 

THOMPSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Emmanuel, 
Mar.  26,  1751.  Of  Stanground,  Hunts.  S.  of  Carrier  (1712), 
Esq.  School,  Moulton.  Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1755;  M.A.  1758. 
Brother  of  Isaac  Newton  (i744)- 

THOMSON  or  THOMSTON,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall, 
in  1423.  Probably  R.  of  Ingworth,  Norfolk,  until  1416. 
V.  of  Leeds,  Yorks.,  until  1430.  Donor  of  books  to  the 
College  library. 

THOMASON,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1483-4  (?  1487-8);  D.Civ.L. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1538-9-  B.  at  Pocklington,  Yorks. 
M.A.  1541;  B.D.  1551.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1540.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  13,  1540-1;  priest,  Apr.  16,  1541. 
Lady  Margaret  preacher,  1552-4.  Canon  of  Gloucester, 
1552-9.  Chaplain  to  Queen  Elizabeth.  Canon  of  Windsor, 
1563-71.  Preb.  of  SaUsbury,  1563-71.  Died  Apr.  23,  1571. 
Will,  P.C.C.  (Cooper,  1.  295.) 


Thompson,  John 

TOMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1552; 

B.A.    1554-5;   M.A.    1558.    Fellow,   in    1557.    Ord.   priest 

(Suff.  Bishop  of  Hull)  Aug.  24,  1556;  'not  married;  aged  44; 

well  versed  in  sacred  learning'  (Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln,  1576). 

V.  o£  Wrawby,  Lines,  (presented  by  Clare).   Witness  of  the 

will  of  Wm.  Masterson,  R.  of  Horseheath,  Cambs.,  1556; 

who  leaves  him  books.   (C.  E.  Parsons,  Horseheath.) 
TOMSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  (age  12)  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

1559  (impubes).   Possibly  s.  of  William,  of  Egleston,  Lanes. 

Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  7,  1559-60.   {Peile,  i.  71.) 
TOMSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1560. 
TOMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1565. 
TOMSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1566. 
TOMSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.   1572. 

One  of  these  names  'ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,   1576; 

bred  in  the  schools';  V.  of  Riseley,  Beds.    Buried  there 

Dec.  1619.   Will  proved,  Dec.  19,  1619;  to  be  buried  in  the 

Chancel.   {Geneal.  Bedford.  428.) 
TOMSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1573. 

One  of  these  names,  'of  Jesus,'  age  24,  ord.  deacon  (Ely) 

Dec.  21,  1578;  priest,  1580,  age  26,  rejected.   Schoolmaster 

at  Little  Bradley,  Suffolk. 
TOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  May  10,  1584. 

S.  of  John,   yeoman.    B.  at  Mileham,  Norfolk.    School, 

TOMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1584. 
THOMSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595;  B.A. 

from  Jesus,  1598-9. 
TOMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

1605.    B.  at  North  Mimms,  Herts.    Went  with  his  brother 

Henry  (1605)   to  Venice,   1608,   and   thence  to   Germany. 

{Records  S.J.,  1.  199.) 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sr  John's,  Easter,  1607; 

B.A.  i6io-i;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1614.    Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  1614;  priest.  Mar.  1616-7.  R-  of  St  Dionysius  and  V.  of 

St  George,  York,  1615-20. 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  6,  1608.   Of 

Suffolk.  B.A.  1611-2.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19, 

1619,  'B.A.'   V.  of  Bawdsey,  Suffolk,  1620-4. 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1610. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Ingram,  Northumberland,  1637, 

ejected;  afterwards  V.  of  Stannington,  1663-5.  {Peile,  i.  277.) 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Maine,  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1612. 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1613.    Of  Essex.    B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.    Fellow,   1617. 

Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1621.     M.P.    for  Cambridge,    1625-6; 

student  of  Civ.  Law;  allowed  to  retain  his  fellowship. 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Mar.  i,  1614-5. 

Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.   Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Dec.  1620;  priest,  Sept.  1622. 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1617; 

B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1621. 

Perhaps  minister  at  Howden,  Yorks.;  buried  there  Apr.  5, 

1659;  wiU  (York)  1662.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1619; 

B.A.  from  Trinity,  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.   Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  1626;  priest,  Feb.  1626-7. 
TOMPSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1622; 

B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Buckland, 

Kent,  1636-42.   {Peile,  i.  344.) 

THOMSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jfune  17,  1639.  S.  of 
Robert.  B.  at  Bishop  Auckland.  Migrated  to  Christ's, 
Oct.  8,  1641,  age  18.  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1658.  Ord.  by  4th 
London  Classis,  Apr.  20,  1647,  to  Melford,  Northumberland. 
R.  of  Bothal,  1648-62,  ejected. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  July  24, 
1648.  S.  of  Henry  (?  1602).  B.  at  Petham,  Kent.  School, 
Wye  (Mr  Bradshaw).  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Robert 
Thomson,  of  Roydon  Chappel,  Kent.  {Peile,  1.  523;  Vis.  of 
Kent,  1663.) 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1648-9.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1648-9. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  30, 
1653.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Boardly-in-Bumsall,  Yorks. 
B.  there.   School,  Giggleswick. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1662.  Of  Kent. 
B.A.  1662. 

THOMSON  or  THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15) 
at  Sidney,  July  2,  1664.  S.  and  h.  of  Maurice,  merchant, 
of  London,  and  of  Lee,  Kent  (a  prominent  member  of 
Cromwell's  government).  B.  at  Stepney,  London,  c.  1647. 
School,  Lee  (Mr  Watkin).    Matric;  B.A.  1666-7.    Adm.  at 

V.A.C.IV.  225 

Thompson,  Joshua 

Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  3,  1663-4.  Sheriff  of  Bucks.,  1669-70. 
Created  Bart.,  Dec.  12,  1673.  M.P.  for  Gatton,  1685-7, 
1689-96.  A  Commissioner  of  Public  Accounts,  1695.  One 
of  the  earliest  supporters  of  William  IIL  Created  Baron 
Haversham,  May  4,  1696.  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  1699- 
1701;  resigned  and  joined  the  Tories.  Married  (1)  Frances, 
dau.  of  Arthur  [Annesley],  1st  Earl  of  Anglesey;  (2)  Martha 
Graham,  widow.  Died  Nov.  i,  1710.  Buried  at  Haversham. 
{D.N.B.;  G.E.C.) 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  M.A.  1671  (Incorp.  from  St  Edmund  HaU, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there.  Mar.  10,  1664-5,  age  i6.  S.  of  Samuel, 
of  London,  gent.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1668;  M.A.  1671.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

TOMSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  13,  1675. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June 
26,  1676.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Boardley,  Yorks.,  gent.  B.A. 
1683-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  19,  1686.  C.  of  Hardrow, 
in  Aysgarth. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  21, 
1691.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Wainflete,  Lines.  Matric.  1691; 
Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  1696-7;  priest,  June  19,  1698.  R.  of  Pick- 
worth,  Lines.,  1698-1721.  R.  of  Boothby  Graffoe,  1702-9. 
{Peile,  II.  121.) 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  16, 
1710.  S.  of  Richard,  glazier.  Bapt.  May  17,  1693,  at  Hexham, 
Northumberland.  School,  Hexham.  Matric.  1710;  B.A. 
1713-4;  M.A.  1720.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  12,  1720.  V.  of 
St  John's,  Newcastle,  1736-61.  Preacher  at  St  Ann's.  R.  of 
Elsdon,  Northumberland,  1739-61.  Died  Nov.  10,  1761. 

THOMSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  14,  1716. 
S.  of  Richard,  R.  of  Milton,  Hants.  B.  at  Alton.  School, 
Holt  (Mr  Reynolds).  Matric.  1716;  Scholar,  1716-20;  B.A. 
1719-20.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  20,  1722;  'C.  of 
Thomage  and  Melton,  Norfolk';  priest,  June  29,  1723; 
C.  of  Melton  Constable.  R.  of  Saxlingham,  1724-33.  Married 
Eleanor,  dau.  of  Samuel  Thornton,  former  R.  of  Saxlingham. 
Died  Apr.  18,  1733.  M.I.  at  Saxlingham.  {Venn,  11.  5.) 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 
14,  1722.  B.  in  Lincolnshire.  School,  Brigg.  Matric.  1722; 
B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1726;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1727.  R.  of  Gayton,  Northants.,  1741-53.  Lecturer 
of  Boston,  Lines.  Died  Feb.  1753.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  William  (1750).   {Baker,  11.  280.) 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  2,  1732.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Bradford.  Matric. 
1732;  Scholar,  1732;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1739.   Fellow,  1738. 

THOMPSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  29, 
1739-40.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Settle,  Yorks.  School,  Giggles- 
wick. Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1742;  B.-i^.  1743-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  23,  1744;  'C.  of  Bolton-on-Deame';  priest, 
Sept.  25,  1748.  Probably  V.  of  Giggleswick,  1756-82.  Died 

THOMPSON,  JONAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  14, 
1636.  S.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of  Scarborough.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Pomroy).  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
June  18,  1639.  Of  Kilham,  near  Scarborough.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  William  Beilby,  of  Ki'lerby  and  Mickle- 
thwaite  Grange,  Yorks.  Died  1648.  Will  dated,  Aug.  28; 
proved,  Oct.  25,  1648.  Father  of  Richard  (1660).  {Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665;  Burke,  L.G.) 

TOMPSON,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1622; 
B.A.  from  St  John's,  1625-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  29; 
priest.  Mar.  30,  1629.  Probably  C.  of  Hole,  Lanes.,  1640-1. 
Minister  of  Liverpool,  in  1643-4.  R.  of  Sephton  (a  seques- 
trated rectory),  1645-60,  ejected;  C.  there,  1660-9.  Buried 
at  Ormskirk,  1671.  One  of  these  names  chaplain  to  the 
East  India  Company  at  Bantam  and  Fort  St  George,  c.  1658. 
(E.  Axon;  F.  Penny.) 

TOMPSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
10,  1635.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Famham,  Suffolk.  B.  at 
Worlingworth,  Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich  (private).  Matric. 
1636.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  St  Dunstan-in-the-West, 
London,  1662-78;  V.  of  Mortlake,  Surrey,  1671-8.  R.  of 
Putney.  Buried  there  May  21,  1678.   Will,  P.C.C. 

THOMPSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Jesus,  Nov.  2, 
1671.  Of  Bedfordshire.  Matric.  1672.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  North  Barsham,  Norfolk,  1689-1722  (according  to 
Blomefteld,  vii.  52,  but  possibly  a  mistake  for  Joshua;  see 
the  next). 

THOMPSON,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  28,  1677.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Holbeck,  Yorks.  Sciool, 
Leeds.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  i68o-i;  M.A.  1684.  Ord.  pri8st 
(Norwich)  June,  1683.  Probably  R.  of  North  Barsham, 
Norfolk,  1689-1722,  'Joseph'  (according  to  BlomefieU,  vii. 
32).  V.  of  Hindringham,  1697-1722.  Died  1722.  Father  of 
the  next.  {Bhmefield,  ix.  230.) 


Thompson,  Joshua 

THOMPSON,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at.  Pembroke, 
Feb.  7,  1709-10.  S.  of  Joshua  (above),  R.  of  North  Barsham, 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  July,  1716;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  8,  1717.  C. 
of  Hindringham,  Norfolk.  Probably  R.  of  All  Saints', 
Warham,  1731-62.   Died  Feb.  5,  1762.   (G.  Mag.) 

THOMSON,  LAWRENCE.   B.Can.L.  1503-4. 

THOMPSON,  LAWRENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  7, 
1607.   Matric.  1607.   Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  1625. 

THOMPSON,  LAWRENCE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  18,  1681.   Of  Salop. 

THOMPSON,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 

THOMPSON,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  15,  1692.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward  (Lord  Mayor  of  York, 
1683).  B.  at  York,  1674.  School,  Westminster.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  6,  1691.  Of  Sheriff  Hutton,  Yorks.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Henry  Thompson,  of  Escrick,  Sept.  30, 

1700,  at  St  Olave's,  York.  Died  1744.  Will  proved,  Oct.  30, 
1744.   Brother  of  Luke  (1698).   (Burke,  L.G.;  F.A/.G.,  532.) 

THOMSON,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  8, 
1710.  S.  of  Leonard,  of  Stony  Stratford,  Bucks.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1711;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1717.  FeUow,  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  24,  1719; 
priest,  Dec.  23,  1722.  R.  of  Loughton,  Bucks.,  1722-52. 
Died  1752.   Brother  of  WiUiam  (1721). 

THOMPSON,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  20,  1725-6.  S.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of  York.  School, 
Kirkleatham,  Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1726;  Scholar, 
1727;  LL.B.  1731.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4,  173-1  priest, 
1733-S3.  R-  of  Bransby,  Yorks.,  1733-  R-  of  Terrington, 
1734-C.  45.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

THOMSON,  LUKE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  25, 
1698.  3rd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Sheriff  Hutton,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Oct.  7,  1679.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1698;  Scholar, 
1699;  B.A.  1701-2.    Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  17, 

1701.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1706.  Married  Grace,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Bawtry,  of  Foston,  Yorks.,  Aug.  19,  I73i-  Died 
June  12,  1743,  at  Acomb.  Brother  of  Leonard  (1692). 

THOMPSON,  M.    Principal  of  St  Barnard's  Hostel,  1500-1. 

(Stokes,  Mediaeval  Hostels.) 
THOMPSON,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

1612.    B.  at  Benningholme  Grange,  near  Beverley,  Yorks. 

B.A.    1614-5;    M.A.    1618;    B.D.    1627.     FeUow,    1619-29. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1618.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23, 

1619,  age  25.    V.  of  Comberton,  Cambs.,  1619-25.    R.  of 

Wimpole,  1625;  there  in  1635.    R.  of  Guilden  Morden,  c. 

1626.    R.  of  Harlton,   1628-40.    Died  c.  1640.    Father  of 

Drugo  (1652).   (A.  Gray;  J.  Crosby.) 
THOMPSON,  MATTHEW.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1576; 

'late  of  St  John's  College';  priest.  Mar.  2,  1576-7.    V.  of 

Anwick,  Lines. 
THOMPSON,   MATTHEW.    Adm.  pens,   (age  15)   at  Sidney, 

May  9,   1632.    S.  of  Richard.    B.  at  Roxholme,  Sleaford. 

Lines.   School,  Sleaford  (Edward  Trevilian,  M.A.).    Matric. 

1632;  B.A.  1636-7.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639. 

R.  of  Eakring,  Notts.;  ejected,  1662. 

THOMPSON,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  30,  1632. 
Of  Yorkshire. 

THOMPSON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  9,  1702.  S.  of  William,  'pictor,'  of  London.  B.  Apr.  24, 
1682,  in  London.  Perhaps  matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford) 
July  10,  1702,  age  18;  's.  of  William,  of  London.'  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  B.C.L.  1709-10;  D.C.L.  1715-  R-  of 
Radley,  Berks.,  1716.  R.  of  Sunningwell,  1730.  V.  of 
Dunstew,  Oxon.,  1734.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMSON,  PAUL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 
B.  at  Stamford,  Northants.,  c.  1563.  Scholar,  1582;  B.A. 
1582-3;  M.A.  1586;  B.D.  1593.  FeUow,  1585.  Senior  Bursar, 
1611-4.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln).  R.  of  Wilford,  Notts.,  1592-9. 
R.  of  Brant  Broughton,  Lines.,  1598-1600.  R.  of  Houghton, 
Hunts.,  1599-1617.   Died  1617. 

TOMSON,  PETER.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1609;  B.A. 

1612-3.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1614;  priest.  Mar.  1616-7. 

TOMSON,  PHILIP.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1571. 

THOMPSON,  PORTER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Apr.  14, 
1725.  Matric.  1725;  M..'\.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Perhaps  of 
Trumpington,  Cambs.  Died  Dec.  14,  1741.   (G.  Mag.) 

THOMPSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  15, 
1663.  S.  of  Christopher  (?  1635),  of  Durham.  School, 
Houghton-le-Spring  (Mr  Caunt).  Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666; 
M.A.  1670.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  2,  1667;  priest 
(Durham)  June  6,  1669;  C.  of  Pittington.  Brother  of 
Christopher  (1678),  etc. 

Thompson,  Robert 
thomson,  reginald.  b.a.  1511-2. 

THOMSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1541-2.  Perhaps 
M.A.  1545.  Probably  V.  of  Elmsted,  Essex,  1546-63;  V.  of 
Shopland,  1555-63;  R.  of  St  Leonard,  Eastcheap,  London, 
till  1563.   Died  1563. 

TOMPSON,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  3, 

1567.  S.  of  John,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.  School,  Hadleigh. 
Matric.  1567;  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1575. 
Fellow  of  Caius,  in  1572.  Perhaps  R.  of  Naughton,  Suffolk, 
1583,  and  V.  of  Wiggenhall  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  in  1599. 
[Venn,  i.  60.) 

TOMSONE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1568.  Probably  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1574-5.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  29,  1574,  'literate.' 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1583.  B.  in  Holland.  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.  Fellow. 
Senior  Proctor,  1612-3.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1596.  Biblical 
scholar.  One  of  the  translators  of  the  Old  Testament. 
Commonly  called  'Dutch  Thompson.'  R.  of  SnailweU, 
Cambs.,  1612-3.  Author,  religious.  Described  by  Richard 
Montague  as  a  most  admirable  philologer,  '  better  known  in 
Italy,  France  and  Germany  than  at  home.'  Buried  at  St 
Edward's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  8,  1612-3.   (D.N.B.) 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1587-8;  M.A. 
1591.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593. 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Si  John's,  Michs. 
1613;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Dur- 
ham) Sept.  23,  1621;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1622.  (But  this  may 
refer  to  the  next,  also  M.A.) 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Matric.  (Oxford)  1614;  B.A.  (Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford) 
1616;  M.A.  1620. 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1628. 
Of  London.  Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  London,  clothworker. 
Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631;  M.A.  1635.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at 
Peterhouse,  May  2,  1636.  One  ot  these  names  R.  of  Lethering- 
sett,  Norfolk,  1645,  M.A. 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  26,  1646. 
Of  London. 

THOMSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  16, 
1660.  S.  of  Jonas  (1636),  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at  Scawby, 
Yorks.  Schools,  Pocklington  (Mr  Llewellin)  and  York 
(Mr  Matthew  Banks).  Matric.  1660.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Sir  John  Buck;  (2)  Isabel  (?  Tabitha)  Thompson. 
{Genealogist,  x.xvi.  167.) 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1670.  S.  of 
Robert,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric. 
(University  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  11,  1663-4,  age  16;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1667;  D.D.  (Cambridge)  1684.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  14,  1670-1.  C.  of  Brington,  Northants.,  1672.  V.  of 
Duston,  1673-8.  Canon  of  Sarum,  1676.  V.  of  Bedminster, 
Somerset,  and  of  Redcliffe,  Bristol,  1678-85.  Canon  of 
Bristol,  1683-4.  Dean  of  Bristol,  1684-5.  Died  Nov.  29, 
1685.  Buried  in  Bristol  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1686. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  12)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  26,  1671-2.  S.  of  Sir  Henry,  Knt.,  of  Kilham,  and  of 
Marston,  Yorks.  B.  there.  Matric.  1672;  M.A.  1675  {Lit. 
Reg.).  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1679-84.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May 
15,  1675;  'of  Escrig,  Yorks.'  Styled  the  Varro  of  his  age. 
Died  vmmarried.  Buried  at  Escrick,  July  21,  i743-  M.I. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1671-2).  (Le  Neve,  Knights,  189;  A.  Gray; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

THOMPSON,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  22,  1673.    S.  of  Nathaniel,  drysalter.    B.  in  London. 

School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1683. 

Ord.    deacon    (London)    Sept.    21,    1684;    (perhaps    priest 

(Lincoln)  May  19,  1706).    R.  of  Hawerby,  Lines.,  1707-19. 

R.  of  Newton-le-Wold,  1708-19.  R.  of  North  Thoresby,  1719. 
THOMPSON,  RICHARD  NICHOL.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18) 

at  Christ's,  Dec.  22,  1733.    S.  of  Richard.    B.  at  Cowley, 

Bucks.   School,  Eton.   Matric.  1734. 

THOMSON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1495-6;  M.A.  1499;  B.D.  1509; 
D.D.  1516-7.  FeUow  of  Queens',  1497-8.  V.  of  Alconbury, 
Hunts.,  1515-33-   Died  1533. 

THOMSON,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1496-7.  A  friar.  Possibly  prior  of 
the  Blackfriars,  London,  in  1517-8. 

TOMSON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1527-8.  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
Bolton-on-Swale,  Yorks.,  1548-54. 

THOMPSON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1538-9;  M.A.  1541;  B.D.  from 
Clare,  1549.  FeUow  of  Clare,  1539.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Frostenden,  Suffolk,  1554-61. 


Thompson,  Robert 

TOMSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1561. 

THOMPSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1572.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1578,  age  24;  'schoolmaster 
at  Fordham,  Cambs.;  priest,  Apr.  1580;  'C.  of  Wicken." 

TOMSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1584; 
B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  One  of  these 
names,  'B.A.,'  R.  of  Withcote,  Leics.,  1592. 

TOMPSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1611.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Rayton,  in  Lenham, 
Kent  (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Robert  Honywood,  of  Charing, 
Esq.  Adra.at  the  Inner  Temple,  1612;  'of  Bayton  (sic),  Kent.' 
Married  (i)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Swann,  of  Wye,  Kent; 
(2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  George  Tucker,  of  Milton,  Gravesend.  Died 
Sept.  5,  1642,  aged  47.  Buried  in  Lenham  Church.  M.I. 
Probably  father  of  Robert  (1652).  (Archaeol.  Cantiana,  iv. 

THOMPSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1619.  Of  London.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1622-3; 
M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  21;  priest,  Feb.  22, 
1629-30.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1631.  Perhaps  R.  of  Bumham 
Norton,  Norfolk,  1633.  R.  of  Copford,  Essex,  1638-62, 
ejected.  Died  1662. 

THOMPSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June 
7,  1633.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Doncaster.  School,  Doncaster. 
Matric.  1633. 

TOMPSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1633;  B.A.  1636-7. 
TOMSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1644.    Of  Norfolk.    B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651.    Ord.  priest 

(Bishop  of  Kilmore)   Sept.   21,   1649.    R-  of  Aldborough, 

Norfolk.   R.  of  Matlask,  1660. 
THOMPSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  4,  1652. 

Of  Kent.   Probably  s.  of  Robert  (1611). 
THOMPSON,  ROBERT.    LL.D.  1670.    LL.B.  (Lambeth)  1663. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1673.    Scribe  of  the  Acts  with  custody 

of  the  books  of  the  Court  of  Arches,  1672.    Advocate  of 

Doctors'   Commons,    1673.    Secretary   to   the   Archbishop. 

Died  Feb.  3,  1683,  aged  42.   Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  1683-4. 

(Al.  Oxon.;  Musgrave.) 
THOMSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  29, 

1671-2.   S.  of  Christopher  (?  1635).   B.  at  Shildon,  Durham. 

School,  Houghton-le-Spring  (Mr  Caunt).   Matric.  1672;  B.A. 

1675;  M.A.  1679.    Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  23,   1677; 

priest,  Sept.  20,  1679.    P-C.  of  Croxdale,  Durham,  1681-2. 

Brother  of  Christopher  (1678),  etc.   (Peile,  n.  40.) 
THOMPSON,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 

June  17,   1723.    Of  Durham.    School,  Houghton-Ie-Spring. 

Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18, 

1726.   Perhaps  C.  of  I3ishopwearmouth,  Durham,  1727-8. 
THOMSON,  ROGER.    B.A.  1490-1;  M.A.  1493.    Perhaps  B.D. 

1500-1;  D.D.  1505. 

TOMSON,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

THOMSON,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  21, 
1647-  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Perse  (Mr 
Crabbe).  Matric.  1647.  Apparently  lived  in  Cambridge. 
(Peile,  I.  514.) 


THOMSON,  ST  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
July  2,  1627.  S.  of  Sir  John,  of  Husbome-Crawley,  Beds. 
Bapt.  Jan.  27,  1610,  at  Bletsoe.  Schools,  Crawley  and 
Pitston,  Bucks.  (Mr  Harrison).  Matric.  1627.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  5,  1620.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of 
Richard  Stone,  of  Ridgmont.  Buried  at  Husbome-Crawley, 
Sept.  19,  1686.   (Bedford  Geneal.,  400.) 

TOMPSON,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1612. 

THOMPSON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1688;  B.A.  1688-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  1690; 
priest,  Dec.  1696.  R.  of  Kettleborough,  Suffolk,  1696. 
Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Charles  Smyth,  Esq.  Buried  at 
Kettleburgh,  Feb.  21,  1738.   Father  of  the  next. 

THOMPSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
July  5,  1715.  S.  of  Samuel  (above),  R.  of  Kettleborough, 
Suffolk.  B.  at  Alderton,  Suffolk.  School,  Woodbridge. 
Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Charles 
Blois,  of  Grundisburgh. 

TOMSON,  SETH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1589. 
Probably  R.  of  Kirk  EUa,  Yorks.,  i.'i95-8;  V.  of  Paull, 
1598-1613.  Married  Catherine  Robinson,  of  Hornsea,  in 

THOMPSON,  SETH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Dec.  13,  1751.  B. 
at  Surfleet,  near  Spalding,  Lines.  B.A.  1756;  M.A.  1759. 
Fellow,  1759-68.  Afternoon  preacher  at  Brompton  Chapel, 
Kensington,  London,  1769,  D.D.    (Lysons,  in.  195.) 

Thompson,  Thomas 

THOMPSON,  SIMON.   B.A.  from  Trinity,  1603-4;  M.A.  1609. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  May  26,   1605,  age  24. 

C.  of  Scarning,  Norfolk.    R.  of  North   Pickenham,   1613. 

R.  of  Houghton,  1613-37. 
THOMPSON,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1584.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.  Fellow,  1590. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  of  Lund-on-the-Wold;  age  18  in  1584. 

If  so,  will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1598.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584.) 
TOMPSON,   STEPHEN.    Matric.   pens,   from  Trinity,    Michs. 

1621.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Humbleton,  and 

Scarborough,   Yorks.    B.    1602.    A   Royalist  compounder; 

fined  ^400  in  1645-6;  owner  of  Scarborough  Castle.   Married 

Mary,   dau.  of  Henry  Blakeston,   of  Archdeacon -Newton. 

Durham.   Buried  Sept.  i,  1675,  at  Humbleton.   Will  dated, 

Nov.  17,  1675;  proved,  July  14,   1677.    (Genealogist,  N.S. 

XXIV.   t23.) 

THOMSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Jvme  30,  1684.  3rd  s.  of  William,  of  Scarborough,  and  of 
Humbleton,  Yorks.  B.  in  Paris.  School,  Beverley.  Matric. 
1685;  B.A.  1688-9.  Probably  M.A.  1696.  V.  of  Welton, 
near  Brough,  Yorks.,  c.  1691-1739.  Lord  of  the  manor  of 
Thomthorpe.  Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Rev.  Stephen 
Clarke.  Will  dated,  Sept.  3,  1736;  proved  (York)  Nov,  3, 
1744.  Brother  of  Francis  (1671),  etc.  (Genealogist,  N.S., 
XXIV.  124.) 

THOMPSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
July  2,  1685.  S.  of  Stephen,  gent.  B.  at  Leyton,  Essex. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9;  M.A.  1692. 
Licensed,  Feb.  19,  1691-2,  to  receive  ord.  as  deacon  and 
priest  from  the  Bishop  of  Winchester  or  any  bishop.  R.  of 
Birdbrook,  Essex,  1691-1719.   Died  Aug.  14,  1719. 

THOMPSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
Mar.  28,  1690.  S.  of  Sir  William,  Serjeant-at-law.  B.  in 
London.  School,  Brentwood,  Essex  (Mr  Daniel  Barnard). 
Matric.  1690.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  12,  1688. 
Attorney-General  of  Virginia.  Died  in  Virginia,  1739. 
Brother  of  William  (1691).   (E.  Alf.  Jones.) 

THOMPSON,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1702.  B.  in  the  Tower  of  London.  Matric  Easter, 
1703.  Left  as  Scholar. 

THOMSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1463-4. 

THOMSON,  THOMAS.  B.D.  1501-2.  Of  Durham  diocese.  D.D. 
1506-7.  (Probably  B.A.  1489;  M.A.  1492.)  Master  of 
Christ's,  1510-7.  Vice-Chancellor,  1510-2.  V.  of  Enfield, 
Middlesex,  1505-40.  V.  of  Gateley,  Norfolk,  1520-30.  Died 
Mar.  1539-40.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1540;  of  Enfield,  Welwyn, 
Herts.,  St  John's,  Cambridge,  Malton,  Yorks.;  to  be  buried 
'at  Seynt  Johnes  College  in  Cambridge  in  a  lytill  chappell 
whiche  I  did  there  lately  edifie.'  (Cooper,  i.  76;  Peile,  1.  7; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

THOMSON,  THOMAS.  Studied  15  years  at  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge. Franciscan  friar.  B.D.  (Oxford)  1534-5.  (^^-  Oxon.) 

TOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1546; 
1548-9;  M.A.  1552.  Probably  fellow,  1554.  Apparently 
fellow  of  Jesus,  in  1553,  when  he  received  the  tonsure 
(London);  'of  Carlisle.'  Fellow  of  Jesus,  in  1564.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  July,  1553.  V.  of  Sutton  Bonnington,  Notts., 
1554-79.  Perhaps  V.  of  BUlesdon,  Leics.,  1567.  Died  1579. 
(Peile,  I.  39.) 

TOMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1582; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1585-6;  B.D.  from  Jesus,  1595.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Higham,  Leics.,  1588-95.  Died  1595. 
(Nichols,  IV.  641.) 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 
1582-3;  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1596-7. 
B.D.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  1596-7.  Probably  ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  16,  1590-1.  R.  of  Croxton,  Lines., 
1597.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1596; 
B.A.  1600-1;  M..^.  1604. 

TOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  May  28, 
1608.  Matric.  1608;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Probably 
R.  of  Hurworth,  Durham,  1617.  Buried  there  July  18,  1645, 
by  his  son  Richard. 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1621. 

TOMSON,  THOMAS.  Student  of  Queens'.  S.  of  Marmaduke. 
Buried  at  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  May  26,  1626. 

TOMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Cranworth,  Norfolk, 

TOMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1634. 
Of  Cambridge.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Probably  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1644.  Doubtless  R.  of  St  Mary 
Magdalene,  Milk  Street,  London,  1662-6;  of  Sion  College. 
Died  1666.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1666;  bequeaths  Persian  MSS.  to 
Queens'.   (A.  B.  Beaven;  Heiinessy.) 



Thompson,  Thomas 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Jan.  i6,  1654-5, 
from  Pembroke  (adm.  there,  June  28,  1654).  S.  of  Edward, 
of  Sudbury,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Sudbury  (Mr  Brocket)  and 
Halstead,  Essex  (Mr  Ed.  CoviU).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1657-8; 
M  A.  1661.  Probably  V.  of  St  Peter's,  Colchester,  Essex, 
1672-82;  R.  of  Roydon,  Suffolk,  in  1672;  Chaplain  to  the 
Earl  of  'Oxford.  Died  1682.  Probably  father  of  Thomas 
(1684).   {Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale;  NewcouH,  11.  179.) 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  15, 
i66o-i.  S.  of  Thomas,  farmer.  B.  at  Giggleswick,  Yorks. 
School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Skegness,  Lines.,  in  1672-1719.  If  so,  licensed 
to  marry  Mary  Parish,  of  Fishtoft,  Lines.,  Oct.  29,  1672. 

THOMSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May 
16,  1662.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Lawkland-in-Clapham,  Yorks. 
B.  there.   School,  Giggleswick.   B.A.  1674-5- 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
12,  1676-7.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Sockbridge,  near  Penrith, 
Westmorland.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Battersby).  (Peile,  11. 

THOMSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  18, 
1684.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1654-5),  clerk.  B.  at  Roydon,  Suffolk. 
School,  Colchester.  Matric.  1684.  Migrated  to  St  John's, 
June  29,  1686,  age  18.  B.A.  1687.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
June  15,  1690.  V.  of  Shalford,  Essex,  1690-3.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Humbleton,  Yorks.,  c.  1695-1725.  Buried  there  Mar.  15, 
1725-6,  'after  serving  the  cure  30  years.'  (Poulson,  Holder- 
ness,  II.  66.) 

THOMSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  29, 
1695.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  York.  School,  York  (Mr  Tomlin- 
son).  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1696-7;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A. 
1702.  Fellow,  1700-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1701;  priest 
(Lincohi)  May  31,  1702.  Probably  R.  of  Coxwold,  Yorks., 
1705.  Perhaps  C.  of  Halton  Gill,  171  r-4.  and  V.  of  Aid- 
borough,  1714-23.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake.    (Peile,  11.  133.) 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Jan.  3,  1723-4.  S.  of  William  (?  1693),  clerk.  B.  at  Well, 
Lines.  School,  Alford.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8;  M.A. 
1731.  Fellow,  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1729-30; 
priest,  Sept.  19,  1731.  C.  of  Chapel  AUerton,  near  Leeds. 
Died  May,  1734. 

THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Feb. 
29,  1727-8.  S.  of  William  (?  1695).  B.  at  Gilling,  Richmonds., 
Yorks.  School,  Richmond  (Mr  Close).  Matric.  1728;  Scholar, 
1728;  B.A.  1731-2;  M.A.  1735-  Fellow,  1738-46.  Bunting 
and  Walkhampton  preacher,  1741;  Knapwell  preacher,  1742. 
Senior  Dean,  1744.  C.  of  Fen  Drayton,  Cambs.,  1744- 
S.P.G.  missionary  to  New  Jersey,  1745-5°,  and  to  West 
Africa,  1751-6.  V.  of  Reculver,  Kent,  1757-61.  V.  of  Elham, 
1761-3.  Apologist  for  the  African  slave  trade.  Author,  The 
African  Trade  for  Negro  Slaves.  Died  June  5,  i773-  {Peile, 
11.215;  G.Mag.;  D.N. B.) 
THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  June 
29,  1742.  B.  at  Wigton,  Cumberland.  Schools,  Wigton 
(Mr  Birkbeck)  and  Sebergham  (Mr  Relf).  Matric.  1742; 
Scholar,  1742;  B.A.  1745.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June,  i747; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  4,  1747-8.  C.  of  Medboume  and  Holt, 
Leics.  Perhaps  R.  of  Foulness,  Essex,  1757-71.  Died  1771. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Patterdale,  Westmorland,  1765- 
1800.  {Peile,  II.  243.) 
THOMPSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  9,  1748.  S.  of  Thomas,  furrier,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Beverley.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1749;  B.A. 
1755;  M.A.  1758;  B.D.  1766.  Fellow,  1757-86.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  July  13,  1755;  priest  (Rochester)  Mar.  6,  1757. 
Head  Master  of  Rochester  School,  1755-86.  V.  of  Darenth, 
Kent,  1758-Q.  V.  of  Hoo  St  Werburgh,  1759-86.  R.  of 
Staplehurst,  "1785-6.  Died  Mar.  28,  1786.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  579;  Fielding,  Rochester,  550.) 
TOMPSON,  W.  B.Can.L.  1503-4- 
THOMPSON,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 

TOMPSON,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

THOMSON,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1483-4;  D.D.  1492-3.  FeUow  of 
Michaelhouse.  Proctor,  1480-1.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  1473.  Probably  V.  of  Atwick,  Yorks.,  1475.  Chaplain 
of  the  University,  1484.  Dean  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of 
Auckland.  Of  Durham  diocese,  1498.  Died  1511. 
Benefactor.   (Cooper,  1.  15;  Stokes,  Chaplains,  82.) 

THOMSON,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1512-3.  Of  St  Clement 
Hostel.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Langton,  Yorks.,  1525. 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1555.  One  of  these  names  licensed  to  practise  surgery,  1560. 

TOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1564-5.  Perhaps  C.  of  Denton, 
Durham,  1572-6. 

Thompson,  William 

THOMPSON,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.   1595. 
Ord.  deacon  (Colchester)  June  24;  priest,  Aug.   10,   1600; 
'B.A.  of  Jesus  College."    V.  of  Castle  Acre,  Norfolk,  1606. 
V.  of  Thomham,  1631. 
THOMSON,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1598; 
B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  4,  1603-4.  V.  of  Ranby,  Lines.,  1604-7.   Perhaps  R.  of 
Barby,  Northants.,  1606-49.    Buried  there  Apr.  27,  1649- 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
THOMPSON,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar   (age    17)   from   Mag- 
dalene, Easter,  1621.    S.  of  Richard,  of  Stoke  Rochford, 
Lines.   B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1624-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  12,  1625;  priest,  June  8,  1628;  'M.A.'    One  of  these 
names  V.  of  BraceweU,  Yorks.,  1637-60. 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Lent, 
1626-7.   Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)   May  22;   priest.  May  23,   1630.    Perhaps  V.  of 
Newton,  Norfolk,  1630. 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1629;  Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.   One  of  these 
names  chaplain.  East  India  Company,  1668-70;  M.A.;  R. 
of  Lee,  Essex,  1681-99.   Died  May  26,  1699.   Will,  Cons.  C. 
London.   (F.  Penny.) 
TOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

TOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  10,  1645-6. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1649-50. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Monken  Hadley,  Middlesex,  1663-6. 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  14,  1648; 
'of  Hunts.'  Matric.  1648-9;  B.A.  1651-2;  Scholar,  1652; 
M.A.  1655.  Probably  R.  of  Stilton,  Hunts.,  1658-86.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Stamboume,  Essex,  1667-86.  Died  1686.  Probably 
father  of  William  (1682-3).  (Identified  by  Robinson, 
Merchant  Taylors'  School,  i.  i77,  with  William  Thompson, 
s.  of  Stephen  (?  1621),  of  Humbleton,  Yorks.  B.  1630.  M.P. 
for  Scarborough.  But  the  above  identification  appears  more 
THOMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  8, 
1656.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Burrow  (in  Tunstall  parish).  Lanes. 
Bapt.  Feb.  20,  1639-40.  School,  Giggleswick.  B.A.  1659-60. 
One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Chester,  1663; 
V.  of  Childwall,  Lanes.,  1664;  Preb.  of  Chester,  1675;  R-  of 
Thurstaston,  Cheshire,  1679-82;  V.  of  Aldingham-in- 
Fumess,  Lanes.,  1683-93.  Buried  in  Chester  Cathedral, 
Jan.  9,  1693.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 
sake. (Peile,  I.  571-) 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1661.  Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  13, 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May 
16,1667.  S.  of  Christopher  (1635).  B.  at  Pittington,  Durham. 
School,  Houghton-le-Spring.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670;  M.A. 
1674.  Ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  23,  1677.  V.  of  Grindon, 
Durham,  1678-99.  Buried  there  Feb.  8,  1698-9.  Brother 
of  Christopher  (1678),  etc.  (Peile,  11.  11;  H.  M.  Wood.) 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
May  3,  1669.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School, 
Horbury  (private).  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1674;  priest,  Feb.  1675-6.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Laugh  ton,  Yorks.,  1675-86. 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  17, 
1682-3.  S.  of  William,  butcher,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Lynn.  Matric.  1683;  Scholar,  1683-7.  (Venn,  1. 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  6,  1682-3. 
S.  of  William  (?  1648),  R.  of  Stilton,  Hunts.  Matric.  1683; 
Scholar,  1684;  B.A.  1686-7. 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Trinity,  Apr. 
25,  1691.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.,  Serjeant-at-law.  B. 
1678,  in  London.  School,  Brentwood,  Essex.  Matric.  1691; 
B.A.  1694-5.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  1688.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1698;  afterwards  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  31, 
1718-9.  M.P.  for  Oxford,  1709-10;  for  Ipswich,  1713-4,  and 
1715-29.  Recorder  of  London,  1714-39.  Solicitor-General, 
1717-26;  dismissed  for  bringing  an  unfounded  charge  of 
corrupt  practices  against  Nicholas  Lechmere,  the  Attorney- 
General.  Knighted,  July  15,  1718.  Cursitor  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer,  1726-9;  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1729-30. 
Serjeant-at-law,  1729.  Married  (1)  Joyce  Brent,  widow; 
(2)  Julia,  dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Conyers,  Bart.  Died  at 
Bath,  Oct.  27,  1739.  {Foss;  D.N.B.) 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan. 
28,  1692-3.  Matric.  c.  1693;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Sept.  4,  1696.  R.  of  Inworth,  Essex,  1696. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Dovercourt,  1703-6.  One  of  these  names  P.C. 
of  Holmfirth,  Yorks.,  1711-43. 


Thompson,  William 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's, 
May  19,  1693.  S.  of  Geoffrey,  of  Kirkby  Stephen,  Westmor- 
land. School,  Kirkby  Stephen  (Mr  Antony  Procter).  Matric. 
1693;  B.A.  1696-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  May  20,  1697; 
priest,  June  19,  1698.  C.  and  schoolmaster  of  Kirkby 
Stephen,  1697.  One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Farlsthorpe, 
Lines.,  1699;  R.  of  Ulceby,  1702;  R.  of  Well  with  Dexthorpe, 
1702.  (But  he  was  probably  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24, 
1699.)  See  also  Al.  Oxon.  for  contemporary  namesakes. 
Possibly  father  of  Thomas  (1723-4). 

THOMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Aug.  30,  1695. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1703.  Ord. 
priest  (Carlisle)  Mar.  16,  1700-1.  Probably  V.  of  Gilling, 
Yorks.,  1705-42;  probably  also  Head  Master  of  Richmond 
Grammar  School,  1706-22.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  con- 
temporary namesakes.   Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1727-8). 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  19,  1711-2.  S.  of  Christopher  (1678),  V.  of  Pittington, 
Durham.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  16,  1694.  School,  Durham 
(Mr  Rudd).  Matric.  1714;  Scholar,  1714;  B.A.  1715-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Dec.  i7i6;  priest,  Sept.  1718.  V.  of  Pittington, 
1718-30.  Buried  there  Oct.  1,  1730.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

THOMSON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1721  (Incorp.  from  Christ  Church, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  7,  1708,  age  19.  S.  of  Leonard, 
of  Stony  Stratford,  Bucks.,  gent.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1712;  M.A. 
1715.  C.  of  Hannington,  Northants.,  in  1720.  Preb.  of 
Ripon,  1729-52.  R.  of  Cosgrave  (or  Cosgrove),  Northants., 
1730-52.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  William  Goodday,  Apr.  17, 
1720.  Buried  Apr.  2,  1752,  at  Cosgrove.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Leonard  (1710).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
June  I,  1721.  S.  of  Edward  (?  1682),  of  Great  Coates,  Lines., 
clerk.  School,  Glamford  Bridge,  Lines.  (Mr  Waterworth). 
Matric.  1721;  Scholar,  1723;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1740. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1725;  priest,  Mar.  5, 
1726-7.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Sturmer,  Essex,  1746-50; 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20  sic)  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  3,  1721.  S.  of  Henry.  Bapt.  Nov.  13,  1698,  at  Escrick. 
School,  Wakefield,  Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1724;  B.A. 
1725-6;  M.A.  1729.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1726-7; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  1728.  R.  of  Escrick,  Yorks.,  1728-52.  Preb. 
of  Ripon,  1729.  Buried  at  Escrick,  Feb.  3,  1752.  (M.  H. 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  6, 

1725-6.   Of  Welton,  Yorks.   Doubtless  s.  of  Stephen  (1684), 

of  Walton,  and  of  Humbleton,  Yorks.   Matric.  T725.   Adm. 

at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  18,  1724.   Married  and  had  issue. 

Buried  at  Humbleton,  May  20,  1756.    (Poulson,  Holderness, 

n.  64.) 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's, 

Jime  27,  1728.    S.  of  Samuel,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire. 

B.  at  Middleton,  near  Leeds.    School,  Wakefield.    Matric. 

1728;    B.A.    1731-2;    M.A.    1735.     Ord.    deacon    (Chester) 

Mar.  5,  1731-2;  priest,  Dec.  10,  1732.  Master  of  the  Grammar 

School    at    Bumsall-in-Craven,    1734-46.     C.    of    Bumsall, 

1734-42.   R.  of  Addingham,  1745-82.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  ^17; 

M.  H.  Peacock,  Wakefield  School.) 
THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  23, 

1750.    S.  of  John  (1722),  R.  of  Gayton,  Northants.    B.  at 

Boston.   Schools,  Boston  and  Oakham.   Matric.  1751.   R.  of 

Harleston,    Northants.,    1759-62;    LL.B.     V.    of   Moulton, 

1762-8.  Died  Apr.  12,  1768. 
THOMSON,  .    B.D.   1500-1;  D.D.   1505;  possibly  Roger, 

M.A.  1493,  ivhom  see. 

THOMSON, .   M.A.  1502-3. 

THOMSON, .   D.D.  1519-20.   Carmelite  friar. 

THOMSON,  .    B.A.  1541-2;  M.A.  1545;  perhaps  Richard, 

B.A.  1541-2,  whom  see. 

THOMPSON, .   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1544. 

THOMPSON, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1563. 

THOMSON, .   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July,  1563. 

THOMPSON,    .     Adm.   sizar   at   Queens',    Easter,    1607. 

Possibly  Jo'hn  (1608). 

TOMSON, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  June  23,  1653. 

THOMPSON, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  28, 

THOMPSON,  .   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  6, 

THOMS,    JOHN.     Adm.    Fell. -Com.    (age    23)    at    Pembroke, 

May  20,  1718.   S.  of  William,  of  Tremain,  Cornwall.   Matric. 

1718-9;  LL.B.  1720.  Adm.  at  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  c.  1716. 
THOMS,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  21,  1610-1. 

Of  Denbighshire. 

Thornberv,  ThOmas 

THOMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1683-4. 
Matric.  Easter,  1684. 

THONG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  15,  1715. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  from 
Peterhouse,  1723. 

THORESBY,  see  also  THURSBY. 

THORESBY  or  THORRISBY,  EDMUND.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at 
Emmanuel,  Aug.  7,  1597.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Gay- 
wood,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Matric.  c.  1597.  Of  Haviless  HaU, 
Mintlyn.  Married  three  wives.  WUl  (P.C.C.)  1651-2;  of 
Mintlyn,  Esq.   (Blomefteld,  viii.  422.) 

THOURSBEY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630. 

THORRISBIE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare, 
Easter,  1573.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  8,  1576; 
Thuresby;  of  Norfolk,  barrister  of  Clifford's  Inn. 

THORESBY,  JOHN  DE.  Of  King's  Hall,  in  1344;  M.A. 
Licence  on  supplication  of  Master  John  de  Thoresby,  King's 
clerk,  to  St  Michael  HaU,  Cambridge,  to  acquire  lands  in 
Mortmain.   {Patent  Rolls.) 

THORESBY,  JOHN.  Aam.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  30, 
1688.  .S.  of  Jeremy.  Bapt.  Sept.  8,  1672,  at  Leeds.  School, 
Durham  (Mr  Thomas  Battersby).  Migrated  to  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  3,  1691.  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  1695.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  4,  1693-4;  priest 
(Durham)  Sept.  20,  1696.  R.  of  St  Mary-the-Less,  Durham, 

THORESBY,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  31,  1715 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Ralph,  the  antiquary.  B.  Mar.  24, 
1697-8.  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1724.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  12,  1720;  priest.  May  20,  1722.  V.  of  Rick 
mansworth,  Herts.,  1723-8.  R.  of  Stoke  Newington,  Middle 
sex,  1728-63.  Married  Rhoda  Stafford,  of  London.  Dieds./>. 
Apr.  24,  1763,  aged  65.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  the  next 
{F.M.G.,  867;  G.  Mag.;  Due.  Lead..  70.) 

THORESBY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Nov 
13,  1 72 1.  Of  Leeds.  2nd  s.  of  Ralph,  the  antiquary.  B 
Jan.  25,  1703-4.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  5,  1726;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  22,  1728.  C.  of 
Wittersham,  Kent,  1728;  V.  of  SmaU  Hythe,  1736.  R.  of  St 
Catherine's,  Coleman  Street,  London,  1745-74.  Died  1774. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  1774.  (Two  of  his  sons  were  in  the  Black 
Hole  of  Calcutta  where  one  of  them  died.)  {F.M.G.,  867; 
G.  Mag.,  1753,  I-  172.) 

THORISBY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  20, 
1656.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Mintlyn,  near  Gaywood, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Leziate.  Schools,  Pedders  (or  East)  Winch 
(MrShackestone)  and  Lynn  (MrBaU).  Matric.  1656.  Brother 
of  the  next.   {Venn,  1.  395.) 

THORESBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  Oct.  26, 
1653.  Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Gaywood,  Esq., 
and  grandson  of  Edmund  (1597).  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
George  Fowler,  Esq.,  of  Weeting.  Died  1680.  Brother  of 
Robert  (above).   {Peile,  1.  556;  Blomefteld,  viii.  423.) 

THORRISBY,  WINKEFIELD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May 

12,  1599. 
THORGANBY,  alias  DYNIS,  NICHOLAS  DE.    Scholar  of  Civil 

Law  and  Theology;   M.A.    FeUow  of  Peterhouse,   1352. 

Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  benefice,  1363.   Held  a  4th  part  of 

the  Church  of  Thorganby,  Lines.   Of  Lincoln  diocese.    {Cal. 

Pap.  Pet.,  I.  405.) 
THORLEBY,  JOHN  (1507),  see  THIRLBY. 
THORLEY,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1614.    B.   June,    1597.    School,   Merchant  Taylors'.    B.A. 

1617-8;  M.A.  1621.    Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar  13,  1624-5. 

R.  of  WiUian,  Herts.,  1625-34.   Died  Dec.  21,  1634.   Buried 

at  Wmian.  M.I.   {Clutterbuck,  11.  535.) 
THORLEY,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1578; 

B.A.  1582-3.    Probably  M.A.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1586. 

Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1587;  'Thomeley  or  Thomey.' 
THORLEY,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  4,  1734.   Of 

'Merton'  (sic),  Cheshire.    M.I.  at  .■\udlem,  Cheshire,  to  one 

of  these  names,  'many  years  master  of  the  Grammar  School 

there;  'M..-\.';  buried  June  23,  1758;  aged  48.'   (\.  Gray.) 
THORNABY,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1614;  B.A.  i6i7-8;  M.A.  1621.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb. 

1618-9;  priest,  Sept.  1619. 
THORNBURY,  DANIEL.    Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Sept.  17, 

1664;  B.A.  1668;  M.A.  1669  (LU.  Reg.), 
THORNEBURY,   EDMUND.    Matric.   sizar  from   Pembroke, 

Michs.  1609. 
THORNBERY,  THOMAS.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1717.   Of 



Thornburv,  William 

THORNBURY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr. 
25,  1695.   Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9.   Ord.  priest  (London) 
Mar.  12,  1703-4. 
THORNBOROUGH,  EDWARD.  B.Civ.L.  1518-9- 
THORNBURGH,  GILES.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  17,  1670.   Of  Wiltshire.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Giles, 
of  Slyfield  Green,  and  R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Guildford,  Surrey. 
School,   Westminster.    Matric.    1670;   Scholar,   1670;   B.A. 
1673-4;  M.A.  1677.    Fellow,  1675-85-    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1680.    Minister  of  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  1677-c-  83. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Guildford,  1679-92- 
Buried  there  Mar.  23,  1692-3.   One  of  these  names  chaplain 
in  the  Navy,  1689-1711.    (See  Al.  Oxon.  for  contemporary 
namesakes,  but  Foster  has  apparently  confused  them.)   (Vis. 
of  Surrey,  1662;  T.  A.  Walker,  142;  Manningand  Bray,  1.  68, 
where  he  is  wrongly  identified  with  the  preb.  of  Winchester, 
who  died  in  1687;  see  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  iii.  34.) 
THORNBORGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  26,  1640. 
THORNBOROUGH,    THOMAS.     D.Can.L.     1492-3-     Perhaps 
B.Can.L.    1486-7;    ' Thurborough.'     V.    of   Shudy   Camps, 
Cambs.,  i498-(?j  1523. 
THORNBOROUGH,    WILLIAM.     B.Civ.L.    1484-5;    D.Civ.L. 
1494-5.    Principal  of  Burden  Hostel,  in  1492.    Commissary 
to  the  Bishop  of  Ely,  1494.   R.  of  KelshaU,  Herts.,  1494-9- 
R.  of  Newton,  Cambs.,  1498-1525.  Chancellor  of  Ely  diocese, 
1503.   R.  of  Walpole,  Norfolk,  till  1525.   R.  of  Over,  Cambs., 
in  1506.   Died  1525.  Buried  at  Newton.  Will,  Aug.  4,  1525- 
(Cooper,  I.  33;  r.  .^.  Walker.) 

THORNBOROW, .•Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1544. 

THORNCOMBE,  FREDERICK.   Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  9, 

1593.  Of  Cambridgeshire.   Matric.  c.  1593. 
THORNEDYCKE,  CHARLES.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Michs.  1566. 
THORNDIKE,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1581.  Doubtless  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Great  Carlton,  and  Green- 
field, Lines.    Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  16,  1586; 
of  Lincohishire;  late  of  Staple  Inn.    Married  (i)  Alice,  dau. 
of  Edward  Coleman,  of  Waldingfield,  Suffolk;  (2)  Elizabeth 
Prigion,  widow.    Of  Scamblesby,  in    1634.    Buried   there 
Mar.  10,  1644-5.   Doubtless  father  of  Herbert  (1613).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  968.) 
THORNDIKE,    FRANCIS.     Adm.   scholar   at   Trinity   Hall, 
Mar.  26,  1606;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.   Fellow,  1609-15. 
Taxor,  1614. 
THORNDIKE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  13,  1614. 
Probably  3rd  s.  of  Herbert,  of  Greenfield,  Lines.    Matric. 
1614.    Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward  Stainton,  of  Louth. 
Living,  1634.    Probably  brother  of  Nicholas  (1611).   (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  967.) 
THORNDIKE,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  14, 
1635.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Scamblesby,  Lines., 
Esq.,  and  nephew  of  Herbert  (1613).   Bapt.  Mar.  25,  1620, 
at  Homcastle.    Matric.  1637;  Scholar,  1638;  B.A.  1639-40. 
Probably  died  c.  1655.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1656;  of  Scamblesby, 
Lines.   (Lines,  Pedigrees,  968.) 
THORNDICK,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  23,  1655. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Paul,  of  Sausthorpe,  Lines., 
Esq.,  and  nephew  of  Herbert  (below).  School,  Westminster. 
Scholar,  1655;  Matric.  1656.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  968.) 
THORNDIKE,  HERBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1613.    S.  of  Francis  (1581),  of  Scamblesby,  Lines.    Scholar, 
1614;   B.A.    1616-7;    M.A.    1620;   D.D.    1663    (Lit.    Reg.). 
Fellow,    1618.     Hebrew   lecturer,    1640.     Proctor,    1638-9. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620     Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1636-40.    V.  of 
Claybrook,  Leics.,  1639.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Richmond. 
R.  of  Barley,  Herts.,  1642-5,  sequestered.   In  1643  he  would 
have  been  elected  Master  of  Sidney  if  Cromwell  had  not 
caused  one  of  his  supporters  to  be  arrested.   Assisted  at  the 
Savoy  Conference,  1661.    A  member  of  Convocation;  took 
part  in  the  revision  of  the  Prayer  Book.    Preb.  of  West- 
minster,   1661-72.     Author,    theological;    contributed    the 
Syriac  portion  to  Walton's  Polyglot.     Died    at    Chiswick, 
July  11,  1672,  aged  74.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Will, 
Dean    and    Chapter   of   Westminster   and    P.C.C.     (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  968;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
THORNEDICK,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sidney,  Easter, 
161 1.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Herbert,  of  East  Greenfield, 
Lines.  Bapt.  at  Homcastle,  Dec.  7,  1592.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  May  15,  1613.   Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Mosely 
(sic),  of  York,  May  3,  1617,  at  St  John's,  Micldegate,  York. 
Died   before    1634.     Probably   brother   of   Francis   (1614). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  967.) 
THORNE,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1591;  B.A. 
1594-5;  M.A.  1598.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug. 
29,    1595.    Probably  his  will   (Leicester)   1622;  of  Nether 
Broughton,  clerk. 

Thornell,  Richard 

THORNE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  19, 
1711.  S.  of  John  (1670),  R.  of  Wootton,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Snettisham.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Hoadley)  and  Lynn 
(Mr  Home).  Scholar,  1711-2.   (Venn,  i.  525.) 

THORNE,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  11, 
1718.  S.  of  Gabriel,  of  Leatherhead,  Surrey.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1718;  Scholar,  1719;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A. 
1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1721-2;  'C.  of  Bookham, 
Surrey';  priest  (Chichester)  Sept.  28,  1722.  V.  of  Ninfield, 
Sussex,  1730-68.  Buried  at  Burwash,  Jan.  28,  1768.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

THORNE,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  7. 
1640.   S.  of  George,  woollen-dealer.   B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon. 
School,  Tiverton.    Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647. 
Fellow,  1644. 
THORNE,    HENRY.     Resided   at  Clare   three   years.     B.    at 
Geddington,   Northants.,   c.    1571.    Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 
Oct.  31,  1587;  priest,  Aug.  29,  1595;  C.  of  Peterborough, 
1587;  still  there,  1600.   R.  of  Botolph  Bridge,  Hunts.,  1599- 
Licence,  Aug.  6, 1600,  to  marry  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Barnwell, 
of  Rutland. 
THORNE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18, 
1636;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1637. 
THORN,   JOHN.     B.A.    1478-9;    M.A.    1487-8.     Perhaps   wiU 
(P.C.C.)  1499  of  'John  Thomes,  M.D.,  of  St  Martin  Orgar, 
THORNE,   JOHN.    Adm.   pens,  at  Queens',  June  8,    1670; 
exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1673; 
B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1678; 
priest.  Mar.  1687-8.    R.  of  North  Wootton,  Norfolk,  1688. 
V.  of  Heacham,  1694-9.   Father  of  Francis  (1711)- 
THORN,  OLIVER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  July  16, 
1685.    S.  of  William  (1658),   R.  of  Hemingstone,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1694.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
Dec.  18,  1692.  R.  of  Belstead,  Suffolk,  1694.  R.  of  Akenham, 
1711-20.   Died  1720.   Father  of  the  next. 
THORNE,  OLIVER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  23, 
1726-7.  S.  of  Oliver  (above),  R.  of  Akenham,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
at  Wherstead,  Jan.  27,  1708-9.  School,  Woodbridge. 
THORNE,   RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1621.  Of  Essex.   B.A.  1624-5. 
THORNE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  North  Willing- 
ham,  Lines.,  1641. 
THORNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1577.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Feltwell,  Norfolk,  1585;  there  in  1603;  and  also  R.  of 
Hemingstone,  and  of  Cleydon,  Suffolk.   One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Leaden  Roding,  Essex,  1596.   (Blomefield,  11.  195;  ^«- 
of  Suffolk,  1664.) 
THORNE,  W.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1561. 
One  William  Thome,  R.  of  Charlton,  Kent,  1570;  buried 
Oct.  18,  1590. 
THORNE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1614; 

B.A.  1616-7. 
THORNE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  13,  1658. 
Of  Suffolk.    S.   of  Oliver,   of  Hemingstone,   and   perhaps 
grandson  of  Thomas  (i577).    Matric.  1658;  Scholar,  1661; 
B.A.  1661;  M.A.  1665.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July,  1662; 
priest,  June  14,  1663.   V.  of  Wherstead,  Suffolk,  1663-1718. 
R.  of  Hemingstone.   (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 
THORNEBACKE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  21,  1628. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.    Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1632;  M.A.  1636; 
Thombeck.   P.C.  of  St  Andrew,  Norwich,  c.  1643-7.   Buried 
there  Mar.  13,  1647.    WiU  (P.C.C.)   1648.    (Blomefield,  iv. 
THORNEFFE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1566.  Perhaps  R.  of  Ingoldsby,  Lines.,  until  1580,  deprived; 
'Does  not  reside;  dwells  in  Cambridge.' 

THORNELL,  CHARLES.  D.Civ.L.  1475-6;  D.Can.L.  1476-7. 
THORNELL,  CUTHBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Mar. 

22,  1571-2.   Matric.  1572. 
THORNELL,  JOHN.   Fellow  of  Pembroke.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely); 
priest,  Dec.  1408.    Early  donor  to  the  University  Library. 
(Loder,  212.) 
THORNELL,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1560;  B.A.  1563-4;  M.A.  1567.    Ord.  priest  (Ely)  July  29, 
THORNELL,    RICHARD.     Matric.   sizar  from    Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1561.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  27,  1577;  priest, 
July  30,  1579.    V.  of  East  Wykeham,  Lines.,  1580.    R.  of 
Calcethorpe,  1580.  Will  (Lincoln)  1610.  Father  of  Richard 


Thornell,  Richard 

THORNELL  or  THORNEHILL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from 
St  John's,  Michs.  1587;  B.A.  (  —  );  M.A.  1595;  ThomehiU. 
Probably  licensed  to  teach  at  Swafiham  Bulbeck,  Cambs., 
1592.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  8,  1597;  M.A. 
of  Cambridge. 
THORNELL  or  THORNHILL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Sidney,  June  23,  1604.  S.  of  Richard  (1561).  c'erk,  of 
Calcethorpe,  Lines.  Matric.  1604;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1613. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  8,  1611;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24, 
i6i5;Thomhill.  C.  of  Wilton,  Lines.,  in  1614.  R.  of  Kennet, 
Suffolk,  r6i5-34. 
THORNELL,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1609.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  of  Bromley,  Kent. 
Knighted,  May  3,  1614.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1615-6. 
Of  OUantighe,  Kent.  Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
Richard  Smith,  Knt.,  of  Leeds  Castle,  Kent;  (3)  Jane,  dau. 
of  Sir  Richard  Monins,  Knt.  Brotherof  JohnThomhill(i6i3). 
(Hasted,  iii.  170;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  973.) 
THORNELEY,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  19, 
1671.  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Bury, 
Lanes.  B.  there,  Dec.  18,  1655.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  i674-5- 
Minister  of  Layland,  Lanes.,  1676-83.  C.  of  Bury,  m  1690; 
a  non-juror.  P.C.  of  Littleborough,  1692-1727.  Buried 
there  Dec.  8,  1727.  Will  (Chester)  1727.  (E.  Axon.) 
THORNLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
25,  1630-1.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cheshire.  School,  Repton. 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1635-6.  Author,  Translation  of  Daphnis 
and  Chloe,  1657. 
THORNELY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Lent,  1582-3. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Denton,  Lanes.  School,  Stockport, 
Cheshire.  Scholar,  1585-9;  B.A.  1586-7,  ThomeU;  M.A. 
THORNER,  JOHN.  B.D.  Proctor,  1451-2.  Perhaps  V.  of  Great 

Bardfield,  Essex,  1459-66. 
THORNES,  HIPPOLITUS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1580-1.    Perhaps  of  Market  Deeping,  Lines.,  gent.;  admon. 
(Lincoln)  1612. 
THORNS,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  June  18, 
1722.  S.  of  Joseph,  of  Dewsbury,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield, 
Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1723;  Scholar,  1725;  B.A.  1725-6; 
M.A.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1726;  priest  (York) 
July  21,  1728.    V.  of  Slaithwaite,  Yorks.,   1727-58.    Died 
Sept.  13,  1760. 
THORNES,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 

THORNES,   NICHOLAS.     Matric.    pens,    from   Jesus,   Lent, 

THORNESSE,    SIMON.     Matric.   sizar   from    King's,    Michs. 

THORNS,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1519-20. 
THORNEY,  see  also  THORNHAGH. 

THORNEY  or  THORNELY,  ROBERT.    M.A.  1587,  see  Thorley. 
THORNEY,    SAMUEL.     Matric.   Fell.-Com.   from    Pembroke, 
Michs.  1585. 

THORNEY, .  B.Can.L.  1470-1;  D.Can.L.  1475-6-  A  monk. 

THORNEY, .  Adm.  at  King's,  1598-9- 

THORNHAGH,  see  also  THORNEY. 

THORNHAGH  or  THORNEY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at 
Emmanuel,  Feb.  2,  1605-6.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (next), 
of  Fenton,  Notts.,  Knt.  School,  Bilsdon  (Mr  Cade).  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  30,  1608-9.  Knighted,  Sept.  14,  1615. 
Deputy-Lieutenant  for  Notts.,  1627.  High  Sheriff  for  Notts., 
1637.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Jackson,  of  Edderthorp 
and  Hickleton,  Yorks.  Died  Apr.  28,  1643.  Buried  at 
Sturton.  M.I.  Father  of  John  (1642).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  970; 
Jewitt,  Reliq.  xvi.  200.) 
THORNHAGH  or  THORNEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
King's,  Easter,  1581.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Fenton, 
Notts.,  Esq.  B.  1567.  J. P.,  1600.  Knighted,  Apr.  23,  1603. 
High  Sheriff  for  Notts.,  1617.  Deputy-Lieutenant  of  Notts. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Rodes,  Justice  of  C.P. 
Died  e.  1627.  Father  of  Francis  (above).  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 
THORNAIGH  or  THORNEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Sidney,  Mar.  28,  1642.  3rd  s.  of  Francis  (1605-6),  Knt. 
B.  at  Fenton,  Notts.  School,  Retford  (Mr  Stacy).  Matric. 
1642;  B.A.  1645.  Ord.  by  4th  London  C/assis,  Nov.  29,  1649. 
Styled  clerk  in  a  deed  of  settlement  of  Oswaldbeck  Soke 
and  Arley  Estate,  dated,  Sept.  29,  1655.  Died  unmarried. 
Buried  at  Sturton,  Mar.  26,  1660.  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  gyi; 
Jewitt,  Reliq.  xvi.  202.) 
THORNHAGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  1,  1664. 
S.  and  h.  of  Francis,  Esq.,  of  Fenton,  Notts.  Bapt.  Jan.  27, 

Thornhold,  Richard 

1647-8,  at  St  Mary's,  Nottingham.  Matric.  1664.  Sherifi 
of  Notts.,  1688-9.  M.P.  for  East  Retford,  1689-1701;  for 
Notts.,  1704-10.  Of  Osberton,  Lines.,  Esq.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Earle,  of  Stragglethorpe,  Lines., 
Bart.  Buried  at  Sturton,  May  17,  1723-  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 
THORNHAGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  3, 
1739.  Of  Ollerton,  Notts.  S.  and  h.  of  St  Andrew  (below), 
of  Osberton  and  Fenton,  Notts.  High  Sheriff  of  Notts.,  1746. 
M.P.  for  Notts.,  1747-74.  Married  Arabella,  dau.  of  Sir 
George  Savile.  Took  the  name  of  Hewet  on  succeeding  to 
the  estates  of  fiis  godfather.  Sir  Thomas  Hewet,  at  Shireoaks, 
1748.  Buried  at  Sturton.  M.I.  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  972; 
Jewitt,  Reliq.,  xvii.  236.) 
THORNHAGH,  ST  ANDREW.  'Educated  at  Cambridge.'  S. 
and  h.  of  John  (1664).  B.  Mar.  31,  1674-  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  6,  1691.  M.P.  for  Notts.,  1717.  Of  Fenton  and 
Osberton,  Notts.,  Esq.  Married  Letitia,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward 
Ayscough,  of  South  Kelsey,  Lines.  Buried  at  Sturton, 
Dec.  24,  1742.  Father  of  John  (above).  (Jewitt,  Reliq.,  xvii. 
235;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  971.) 
THORNHAM,  HUGH  DE.  1261.  Southern  student  who  re- 
ceived a  royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against  the 
northern  students.  {Fuller,  29.) 
THORNHAM,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1463-4. 
THORNHAM,  ROBERT.    B.A.  1517-8;  M.A.  1521.    FeDow  of 

St  John's,  1524. 
THORNHAM,  SIMON.  D.Civ.L.  1462-3.  Master  of  Trinity 
Hall,  1453-71.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1433; 
priest,  Feb.  20,  1433-4;  'LL.B.'  R.  of  Weston,  Norfolk, 
1440-58.  R.  of  Swannington,  1449-53.  R.  of  Stokesby,  1455- 
R.  of  Hingham,  1469.  {College  History,  64.) 
THORNHAM,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1511-2;  M.A.  1515.  R.  of  Fob- 
bing, Essex,  1536-48.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1536-48.  Died 
before  Mar.  8,  1547-8. 

THORNHAM,    .     Pens,    at    Gonville    Hall,    1518-20; 

apparently    a    monk.     Perhaps    Walter,    who    signed    the 
surrender  at  St  Faith's,  Norwich. 

THORNHILL,    CHARLES.     Adm.    Fell.-Com.    at   Emmanuel, 

Mar.  1,  1653-4.   Of  Kent.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John 

(1613),  of  Bromley,  Kent,  Knt.  Died  Mar.  25,  1687.  Buried 

at  AH  Hallows,  Barking.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  973-) 

THORNHILL,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  26, 

1686.   Of  Barbadoes. 
THORNHILL  or  THORNELL,   ISRAEL.    M.A.  from   King's, 
1611;  'Thombill.'    B.A.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)   1607-8. 
V.  of  Ugley,  Essex,   1615-9.    V.  of  Manewdon,   1619-30; 
ThomeU.    Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1635.    {Al.  Oxon.;  New- 
court,  11.  404,  where  the  date  of  death  is  wrongly  given.) 
THORNHILL,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  19, 
1613.  Doubtless2nds.  of  Samuel,  of  Bromley,  Kent.  Matric. 
1613.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1615.   Knighted,  Nov.  10, 
1619.     Of   Woodstock   {alias   Pistock),    Kent.     Brother  of 
Timothy  ThomeU   (1609)  and  doubtless  father  of  Charles 
(1653-4).    {Hasted,  11.  580;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  973.) 
THORNHILL,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)  at  Christ's- 
Sept.  9,  1650.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (?  Richard),  of  Mareham- 
le-Fen,  Lines.    B.  there.    School,  Asterby  (Mr  Sibthorp). 
Matric.  1651.   Of  Mareham-le-Fen.   Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Timothy  Thorold,   of   Fulbeck,   M.D.,  Sept.    14,    1656. 
{Peile,  I.  539;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  973-) 
THORNHILL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Sept.  13, 
1698.    S.  of  Robert,  Esq.,  of  London.    B.  there.    Schools, 
London  (private)  and  Oxford  (Mr  Badger).    Matric.  1698. 
Probably  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  8,  1693;  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  May  15,  i7i3-   Knighted,  Apr.  9,  i7i5-   Died 
Jan.  17,  1715-6.   {Venn,  i.  501;  A.  B.  Beaven;  Musgrave.) 
THORNEHILL,  THOMAS.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9;  priest. 

Mar.  10,  1627-8;  'B.A.  of  Trinity  College.' 
THORNHILL,    TIMOTHY.     Adm.    pens,    at   St   Catharine's, 
Feb    12,    1673-4.    S.  of  Colonel  Timothy,   of  Barbadoes. 
Created  Bart.,  Dec.  24,  1682.    Of  Barbadoes  and  of  Kent. 
Died  s.p.,  1693.    Buried  at  St  Thomas',  Barbadoes.    M.I. 
{G.E.C.,  IV.  130;  Oliver,  Barbadoes,  176.) 
THORNHILL,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1567.  S.  of  John,  of  Fixby,  Yorks.,  Esq.  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A. 
1574.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1594-     Probably   R.  of  Hanley 
Castle,  Worcs.,  1578;  R.  of  Halford,  Warws.,  i579;  Canon 
of  Worcester,  1584-1626,  and  R.  of  Warmington,  Worcs., 
1585.    R.  of  Alvechurch,  1589-1626.   {Genealogist,  N.S.,  x. 
THORNHOLD,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Mjchs. 


Thornicroft,  John 

THORNICROFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  15,  1674.  2nd  s.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  St  Andrew's,  London, 
and  of  Bloxham,  Oxon.  (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Howel,  Recorder  of  London).  B.  Nov.  16,  1659,  in  London. 
School,  Brentwood,  Essex.  Matric.  1674.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  16,  1675.  Barrister,  1686.  Created  Bart.,  Aug.  12, 
1701.  Sheriff  of  Oxon.,  1701-2.  Of  Milcomb,  Esq.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Josiah  Key,  of  Milcomb,  Oxon.  Died 
Dec.  8,  1725.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Holbom.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{G.E.C.,  IV.  186.) 

THORNTON,  ABURNE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June 
16,  1750.  S.  of  Richard.  Bapt.  Apr.  13,  1732,  at  WartUng, 
Sussex.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1750;  Scholar,  1750; 
B.A.  1754;  M.A.  1759.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  July,  i754; 
priest  (Norwich)  May,  1758.  R.  of  Shimpling,  Suffolk,  1767- 
72.  Died  Dec.  1772.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  18,  1773.  {Peile, 
II.  255;  Al.  Carthus.,  109.) 

THORNTON,  ADAM.  B.D.  1538-9.   A  monk. 

THORNETON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  12, 
1628-9.  S.  of  Gregory,  gent.  B.  at  Norton,  Notts.  School, 
Perse,  Cambriage  (Mr  Loveringe).  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3. 
Probably  V.  of  Scrivelsby,  Lines.,  1651.   (Venn,  1.  287.) 

THORNTON,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June 
24,  1667.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1636),  deceased.  B.  at 
Ellingthorpe,  Yorks.  School.  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1667;  LL.B. 
1675.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  12,  1673-4.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1683.   Father  of  William  {1695). 

THORNTON,  BENJAMIN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1631.  S.  of  Roger  (1584),  of  Snailwell,  Cambs.,  gent. 

Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,   1634;  B.A.   1633-4;   M.A.   1637. 

Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,  1635-48.  Gresham  Professor  of  Law, 

1640-4.   Travelled  abroad,  1644-5.    Re-appointed  Professor 

1660.    Died  Oct.  1667.    Brother  of  Isaac  (1631).    (Ward's 

THORNTON,  CHRISTOPHER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Michs.  1572. 
THORNTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

1615.    B.  in  Craven,  Yorks.    Scholar,  1618;  B.A.  1618-9; 

M.A.  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  12,  1619-20,  age  22; 

'C.  of  Aston,  Herts.'  R.  of  Knebworth,  1629-49.  Died  1649. 

THORNTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  2,  1658.  S.  of  Christopher,  yeoman,  of  Langton,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Northallerton.   Matric.  1658. 

THORNTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Mag- 
dalene, June  16,  1672.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Dent,  Yorks. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1675-6;  M..\.  1679- 
R.  of  Great  Musgrave,  Westmorland,  1684-1720.  Buried 
there  Feb.  5,  1719-20.  Father  of  Jonathan  (1718).  (B. 

THORNTON,  CIPRIAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June 
20,1664.  2nd  s.  of  William.  B.  at  Grantham,  Lines.  School, 
Grantham  (Mr  Stokes).  Matric.  1664;  B..\.  1667-8.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  22,  1667.  Brother  of  George  (1662). 

THORNTON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

THORNETON,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  3,  1620. 

Matric.  1620-1.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel,  May  26,  1622. 

THORNTON,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1624-5. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Roger,  of  Wratting,  Suffolk.    B.A.   1628-9; 

M.A.  1632.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  16,  1635,  by  his  brother 

Samuel  (?  1619). 
THORNTON,  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Lent,  1564-5. 
THORNTON,  GEORGE.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Sept. 

6,  1662.    S.  of  William.    B.  at  Grantham,  Lines.    School, 

Grantham  (Mr  Stokes).   Matric.  1663.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

May  4,  1665.  Brother  of  Ciprian  (1664). 

THORNTON,  ISAAC.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1631.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  5th  s.  of  Sir  Roger(i584), 
of  Soeme,  Cambs.,  Knt.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  20, 
1632.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1640.  M.P.  for  Cambs.,  1660. 
Knighted,  Mar.  19,  i66o-i.  Of  Snailwell,  Cambs.  Brother 
of  Benjamin  (1631). 

THORNTON,  JAMES.  Conduct  of  King's.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  18,  1568;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1569,  age  27.  Of  Little  Shel- 
ford,  Cambs. 

THORNTON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1578;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  Perhaps  R.  of  Wilsthorpe, 
Lines.,  1592.  R.  of  Barrowby,  1595-1620.  Admon.  (Lincoln) 
1620.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  1591-1605. 
Buried  there  Dec.  27,  1605. 

THORNETON,  JOHN  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1362.  Left, 
Nov.  24,  1372. 

Thornton,  Roger  de 

THORNTON,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1541-2.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Twickenham,  Middlesex,  1549;  deprived,  1562. 

THORNTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  6,  1641. 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1654.  Probably  the  non- 
conformist. Tutor  and  chaplain  in  the  family  of  the  Duke  of 
Bedford.  One  of  these  names  of  St  Giles-in-the-Fields, 
Middlesex,  clerk.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1704-5-   {Calamy,  1.  224.) 

THORNTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  14,  1645. 

THORNTON,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
May  10,  1718.  S.  of  Christopher  (1672),  of  Musgrave,  West- 
morland, clerk.  School,  Kendal  (Mr  Towers).  Matric.  1718; 
Scholar,  1721;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725-  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi,  LiU.  dim.  from  Carlisle)  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1723.  V.  of  Earlham,  Norwich,  1723-58. 
R.  of  Morton  and  Helmington,  Norfolk,  1724-53. 

THORNTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  16, 
1602.   Matric.  1602. 

THORNTON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  27, 
1621.  Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  R.  of  Bumham 
Westgate,  Norfolk,  1633. 

THORNTON,  NIGEL  DE.  M.D.  University  Benefactor.  Founder 
of  the  University  Chaplaincy.  Owned  property  in  and  about 
Cambridge.  Probably  died  before  1279.  (Stokes,  Chaplains, 

THORNTON,  OWEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  20, 
1626.  S.  of  Henry,  schoolmaster  of  Bramerton,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Norwich.  School,  Bramerton  (under  his  father). 
Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632;  priest.  May  24,  1635.  R.  of  Calde- 
cote,  Norfolk,  1646-88.  V.  of  Thrigby,  1652-77.  V.  of 
Runham,  till  1677.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Mattishall,  in  1680. 
Died  Apr.  7,  1688.  M.I.  at  Mattishall  Burgh.  {Venn,  1.  276; 
Le  Neve,  Mon.,  v.  95.) 

THORNTON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1494-5. 

THORNTON,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1557;  Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1560-1. 
THORNTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

THORNTON,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1622;  Scholar,  1625. 

THORNTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  3,  1682.  S.  of  Richard,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Tonbridge, 
Kent.  S"hool,  Tonbridge  (Mr  Wood).  Matric.  1682;  B.A. 
1685-6;  M.A.  1689.  Ord.  priest  (London)  May  26,  1689. 
Probably  father  of  the  next. 

THORNETON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  13,  1711-2.  S.  of  Richard  (?  above),  clerk.  B.  at  Mount- 
field,  near  Hurstgreen,  Sussex.  School,  Sevenoaks,  Kent 
(Mr  Fenton).  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Feb.  26,  1715-6;  priest,  June  4,  1721. 
V.  of  Wartling,  Sussex,  1721.  V.  of  Hoo,  1721.  Chaplain 
to  the  Bishop  of  Chichester.  Died  1758.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1758. 
(T.  C.  Dale.) 

THORNTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 
1597-8;  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606.  Licensed  to  preach  (York) 
1607.  R.  of  Birkin,  Yorks.,  1612;  ejected  by  the  Parliament; 
reinducted,  1664.  R.  of  Garforth,  1615-44.  Buried  at  Birkin, 
1665.  M.I.  Father  of  Robert  (1641).  {F.M.G.,  i.  139; 
Cussans,  11.) 

THORNTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

THORNTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
May  5,  1641.  S.  of  Robert  (1597-8),  R.  of  Birkin,  Yorks. 
B.  Feb.  9,  1623,  at  Coxwold.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5; 
M.A.  from  Sidney,  1648.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Nov.  6,  1662;  'M.A.'  R.  of  Birkin,  1665-98.  Died  Jan.  29, 
1697-8.  Buried  at  Birkin.  Father  of  William  (1687).  {F.M.G., 
1.  139;  Cussans,  11.) 

THORNTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  2,  1664. 
Matric.  1664. 

THORNTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  24, 
1680.  2nd  s.  of  William  (1641),  Esq.  Bapt.  Sept.  30,  1662, 
at  East  Newton,  Yorks.  School  (private).  Matric.  1680. 
Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  June  1,  1682,  age  19; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1683;  M.A.  1686.  Fellow  of  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1689.  R.  of  Boldon, 
Durham,  1691.  Buried  in  Durham  Cathedral,  Jime  6,  1692. 
M.I.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

THORNTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  28,  1718. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  WiUiam  (1687),  R.  of  Birkin, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Dec.  26,  1698.  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1721-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1722. 

THORNTON,  ROGER  DE.  Capellanus  of  the  University,  1278. 
Died  c.  1298. 


Thornton,  Roger 

THORNTON,  ROGER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1584.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Soane,  Cambs.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  28,  1588;  of  Cambridge  town. 
Knighted,  Feb.  24,  1624-5.  Of  Snailwell,  Cambs.  Died 
1631.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1631.  Father  of  Benjamin  ( 1 631)  and 
Isaac  (1631).   {Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575.) 

THORNTON,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  12)  at  St  John's, 
June  22,  1658.  S.  of  Isaac,  Esq.,  of  Bristol.  Matric.  1659, 
'Ralph';  B.A.  1661.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  27, 
1662-3.  One  of  these  names,  'minister,'  buried  at  Saffron 
Walden,  Essex,  Feb.  25,  1665-6.  Brother  of  Samuel 

THORNTON,  SAMUEL  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1601; 
B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  22, 
1608,  age  24;  'C.  of  Felsham';  priest,  June  11,  1609.  R.  of 
Wyville  with  Hungerton,  Lines.,  1612-32.  R.  of  Barningham 
Winter,  Norfolk,  1614.   V.  of  Erisby,  Lines.,  1632. 

THORNTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  June 
19,  1619.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Roger,  of  Wratting,  Suffolk, 
Esq.  Matric.  1619.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  4,  1620. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1624-5). 

THORNTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
June  22,  1658.  S.  of  Isaac,  Esq.,  of  Bristol.  B.  there.  Matric. 
1659.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  27,  1662-3.  Brother 
of  Roger  (1658). 

THORNTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July 
3,  1674.  S.  of  Augustine,  attorney,  of  Barningham,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Holt.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1678;  priest,  July,  1681.  Probably 
R.  of  Sa.^lingham,  Norfolk,  till  1723-4.  Died  Feb.  14,  1723-4. 
M.I.  at  Saxlingham.   (H.  G.  Harrison;  Blomefield,  ix.) 

THORNTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  5, 
1711.  S.  and  h.  of  Stephen  (next),  R.  of  Luddesdown,  Kent. 
Matric.  171 1-2;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A.  1718.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1718.   C.  of  Luddesdown.   Died  Sept.  5, 

1722.  M.I.  at  Luddesdown.  Brother  of  Stephen  (1718). 

THORNETON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr. 
24,  1674.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Manchester.  Schools, 
Atherstone,  Warws.  (Mr  Perkins)  and  Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
June  6,  1680.  Kept  a  school  at  Luddesdown,  Kent.  R.  of 
Warehome,  1680.  R.  of  Luddesdown,  1681-1744.  Died 
Aug.  27,  1744.  Father  of  Samuel  (above)  and  of  the  next. 

THORNTON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  5, 
1718.  2nd  s.  of  Stephen  (above),  R.  of  Luddesdown,  Kent. 
School  (private).    Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3.   Died  May  26, 

1723.  M.I.  at  Luddesdown.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1711). 

THORNETON,  TEMPEST.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
i6i8.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Tyersall,  Yorks.  Bapt.  May  18, 
1601,  at  Calverley.  Fellow,  1623  (the  first  and  last  fellow  on 
the  private  foundation  of  Ri.  Carr).  Of  Tyersall,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Lockwood,  of  Linthwaite, 
Yorks.,  Feb.  12,  1620.  Died  1630-1.  Will  proved  (York) 
July,  1 63 1.  Buried  at  Calverley.  (Peile.i.^z^;  Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612,  1665;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xi.  213;  Due.  Lead.,  70.) 

THORNTON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1514-5. 

THORNTON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1522-3.  One  of  these  names  V. 
of  Elsenham,  Essex,  1526.   Died  1549. 

THORNTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1569;  B.A.  1572-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  26, 
1574;  priest.  Mar.  11,  1574-5.  V.  of  Great  Wigston,  Leics., 

THORNTON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1611-2.  Of 
Lancashire.  M.A.  1615;  B.D.  1636.  Fellow  of  St  John's, 
1614-44,  ejected.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1615.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Apr.  22;  priest,  Apr.  23,  1617.  V.  of  Babraham, 
Cambs.,  1617-51.  Buried  there  Aug.  14,  1651. 

THORNTON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1619;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A. 

1627.   Fellow,  1624.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627. 
THORNTON,   WILLIAM.    Student  at  Cambridge.    Supp.  for 

B.Can.L.  (Oxford)  1450-1. 
THORNTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

THORNTON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 


THORNTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  28, 
1636.  S.  of  Richard,  yeoman.  B.  at  Ellingthorpe,  Ripon. 
Schools,  York  and  Coxwold.  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40. 
Father  of  Arthur  (1667). 

THORNTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1641.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  of  East  Newton, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  June  9,  1624,  at  Stonegrave.  Matric.  1642. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  3,  1645.   Married  Alice,  dau.  of 

Thorold,  Forman 

Sir  Christopher  Wandesford,  of  Kirklington,  Yorks.  Buried 

at  Stonegrave,   Sept.   i8,    1668.    Father  of   Robert  (1680). 

(F.M.G.,  768.) 
THORNTON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

June   21,    1651.    S.  of  William,   clothier,   of   Knottingley, 

Pontefract,   Yorks.    B.  at  Beckfoot,  in   Kirkby  Lonsdale, 

Westmorland.  School,  Bingley  (Mr  Watkins).   Matric.  1651. 
THORNETON,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 

May  3,   1687.    S.  of  Robert  (1641),   R.  of  Birkin,  Yorks. 

Bapt.  there,  July  6,  1669.   Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A. 

1695.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1692;  priest,  Sept.  1693. 

C.  of  Birkin,   1693;   R.   1698-1718.    Died  Sept.   10,   1718. 

Buried  at  Birkin.    M.I.    Perhaps  father  of  Robert  (1718). 

(Cussans,  11.) 
THORNTON,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age   18)   at  Trinity, 

May  13,  1692.  S.  of  William.   B.  at  Ilkley,  Yorks.    School, 

Ilkley  (Mr  William  Thornton).   Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1696-7. 
THORNTON,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr. 

20,  1695.  S.  and  h.  of  Arthur  (1667),  Esq.,  of  York.  B.  there. 

School,  Coxwold.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  9,  1695. 

Called  to  the  Bar,  1703.    Probably  knighted,  May  11,  1707; 

of  the  City  of  York.   Probably  father  of  William  (1731). 
THORNTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  June  16, 

1711.  B.  at  Balbrough,  Derbs. 
THORNTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

Mar.  27,  1731.  S.  of  Sir  William  (?  1695),  Knt.,  of  Yorkshire. 

B.  at  Netherton.  School,  York  (Mr  Jackson).  Matric.  1731- 
M.P.  for  York,  1747-54,  1758-61.  Active  in  the  suppression 
of  the  rebellion  in  1745.  Accompanied  the  King  to  Hanover; 
refused  the  offer  of  a  baronetcy.  A  magistrate  for  the  West 
Riding.   Died  July  10,  1769.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  433.) 

THORNTON, .  B.Can.L.  1521-2.  Of  St  Nicholas  Hostel. 


THORNTON, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1624.   Possibly 

Edward  (1624-5),  whom  see. 

THOROLD,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1586. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Hough,  Lines.,  Esq.  (afterwards 
Knt.).  Matric.  1586.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1589-90. 
Of  the  High  Hall,  Hough.  Married  (1)  Christian,  dau.  of 
Robert  Brudenell,  of  Deene,  Northants.;  (2)  Bridget,  dau. 
of  John  Reade,  of  Cottesbrooke,  Rutland.  Died  1616. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1586).  (Cambs.  Vis.,  1619;  Lines 
Pedigrees,  980;  Herald  and  Geneal.,  iii.  421.) 

THOROLD,  Sir  ANTHONY,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  Mar.  16,  1680-1.  2nd  s.  of  Anthony,  Esq.,  of 
Marston,  and  of  CranweU,  Lines,  (and  Grisel,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  Wray,  Bart.,  of  Glentworth).  B.  in  London.  School, 
Lovington,  Somerset  (private).  Matric.  1681.  Succeeded  his 
brother  William  (1676)  as  3rd  Bart.,  1680-1.  Married  Aima 
Maria,  dau.  of  Thomas  Harrington,  of  Boothby  PanneD, 
Lines.,  Aug.  20,  1683,  at  St  Giles-in-the-Fields,  London. 
Died  in  France,  1685.  Admon.  Dec.  19,  1685,  to  his  widow. 
Brother  of  John  (1680),  Robert  (1684)  and  William  (1676). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  984;  G.E.C.,  11.  192.) 

THOROWLDE,  DANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent, 
1577-8.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Marston,  Lines. 
B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  5,  1585. 

THOROLD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  2, 
1587-8.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  late  of  Hough,  Lines.,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1589-90.  Perhaps  brother  of 
William  (1588-9).  (Cambs.  Vis.,  i6ig;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  981.) 

THOROLD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  21, 
1626-7.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Newark,  Notts.  School,  Perse, 
Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A. 
1634;  B.D.  from  St  John's,  1642.  Fellow  of  St  Jolm's,  1634. 

C.  of  Kingston,  Cambs.,  1642.  R.  of  Evedon,  Lines.,  1647; 
probably  ejected;  reinstated,  1664-70.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1660-6.  R.  of  Boothby,  1663.  Father  of  the  next.  (Peile, 
I.  380;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  980;  Trollope,  Sleaford.) 

THORROLD,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

July  10,   1669.    S.  of  Edmund  (above),  clerk,  of  Evedon, 

Lines.    B.  there.    School,  Grantham.    Matric.   1669;  B.A. 

1673-4; M.A.  1677. 
THORALD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1614.   Perhaps  s.  of  Anthony,  of  Hough,  Lines.,  Esq.  Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  June  12,  1616.    Of  Kelby-in-Haydor,  Lines. 

Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Emery,  of  Arlesey,  Beds. 

WiU   dated,   July    12,    1643.     {Cambs.    I'ts.,    1619;   Lines. 

Pedigrees,  981.) 
THOROLD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  AUgdalene,  Easter, 

1629.   S.  of  John,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A. 

1636.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1637-   {Vis.  of  Cambs., 

1619;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  980,  where  he  is  called  V.  of  Evedon, 

Lines.,  but  see  Edmund  (1626-7).) 
THOROLD,  FORMAN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 



Thorold,  George 

THEROLD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1593. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Boston,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  May  15, 
1575.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Henry  Cust,  of  Pinchbeck, 
Nov.  26,  1604.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next.  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

THOROLD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  5,  1629. 
Of  Lincohishire.  Perhaps  s.  of  George  (above),  of  Boston, 
Lines.  Matric.  1629-30.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  976.) 

THOROLD,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  Jan. 
27,  1728-9.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at  Cuxwold, 
Lines.  School,  Brigg.  Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736. 
Fellow,  1736.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  9,  1734;  priest, 
Sept.  21,  1735.  R.  of  Cuxwold,  Lines.  R.  of  Ludborough, 
and  R.  of  Swallow.  Died  May  30,  1798.  Brother  of  John 
(1732)  and  William  (1713)-   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  977.) 

THOROLD,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June 
22,  1648.  S.  of  Edward,  late  of  North  Thoresby,  Lines. 
Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2. 

THOROULD,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1579.  Probably  4th  s.  of  Sir  Anthony,  of  Marston,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1580.  Knighted,  Apr.  23, 
1603.  Sheriffof  Lines.,  1615.  Of  Corringham,  Lines.  Married 
Alice,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cranmer,  of  Aslacton,  Notts.  Probably 
brother  of  Thomas  (1570).    (Lines.  Pedigrees,  983.) 

THOROLD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.  1585-6; M.A.  1590. 

THOROLD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Morton,  Lines.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  20,  1595.  Of  Morton,  Esq.,  J.P.  Married 
(i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Burgh  ot  Saltfleetby,  Lints., 
(2)  Jane,  dau.  of  Edward  Ellis,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.  Died 
Dec.  3,  1628.  Will  proved  Jan.  10,  1628-9,  P.C.C.  Probably 
father  of  Nathaniel  (1610-1).  (Linee.  Pedigrees,  985;  Misc. 
Gen.  et  Her.  2nd  S.,  11.  289). 

THOROLD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1680.  3rd  s.  of  Anthony,  Esq.,  of  Marston,  and  Cranwell, 
Lines.  B.  at  Hough-on-the-Hill,  Lines.  School,  Lenton 
(alias  Lavington),  South  Lines,  (private).  Matric.  1680. 
Adm.  at  Lincoki's  Inn,  Nov.  28,  1682.  Succeeded  his  brother 
Anthony  (1680-1)  as  4th  Bart.,  in  1685.  M.P.  for  Grantham, 
1685-7,  1697-1700,  and  again,  1711-5;  for  Lines.,  1701-8. 
Married  Margaret,  widow  of  the  Hon.  Francis  Coventry,  at 
Westminster  Abbey,  Aug.  7,  1701.  Died  s.^.,  Jan.  14, 1716-7, 
aged  54.  Buried  at  Syston.  Brother  of  Anthony  (1680-1), 
etc.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  984;  G.E.C.,  11.  192.) 

THOROLD  or  TOROLD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
June  1,  1693.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  and 
grandson  of  William,  ist  Bart.  Bapt.  Dec.  8,  1675,  at  Grant- 
ham. Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  11,  1695.  Succeeded 
as  7th  Bart.,  Aug.  25,  172 1.  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1722-3. 
Married  (i)  Alice,  dau.  of  William  Sampson,  of  Gainsborough; 
(2)  Shortdift,  dau.  of  William  Langley.  Died  Jan.  1748. 
(G.E.C.,  n.  193.) 

THOROLD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Dec.  6, 
1732.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.  B.  at  Cuxwold,  Lines.  School, 
Brigg.  Matric.  1733;  M.B.  1740.  Of  Homcastle,  physician. 
Died  Aug.  29,  1794.  Will,  1794;  to  be  buried  in  Cuxwold 
Church.  Brother  of  Henry  (1728-9)  and  William  (1713). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  976;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

THOROLD,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  8,  1675; 
M.B.  1080. 

THOROLD,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  3, 
1721.  S.  of  John,  of  Cambridge.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds, 
Suffolk  (Mr  Kynnesman).  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1725. 

THOROLD,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  11, 
1610-1.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John  (e.  1594),  of  Morton, 
Lines.,  Esq.  Matric.  1611.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  21, 
1617.  Of  Grantham,  Lines.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  George 
LasceUes,  of  Elston,  Notts.,  1622.  Died  1655.  Father  of 
Richard  (1640-1).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  985.) 

THOROLD,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's, 
May  15,  1696.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  26;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1700.  V.  of  Stapleford, 

THOROLD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1575;  Scholar,  1580;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Fellow,  1583. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  2,  1587. 

THOROLD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Feb. 
22,  1640-1.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (1610-1),  of  Grantham.  B.  at 
Elston,  Notts,  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Stroxton,  Lines. 
(Mr  Briggs).  Matric.  1641.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died 
1655  (sic).  (According  to  Burke  father  and  son  died  in  the 
same  year.)  (Peile,  i.  475;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  986;  Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.) 

Thorold,  William 

THORALD,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

1586.    Doubtless  s.   of  Edmund,   of  Hough,   Lines.,   Esq. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1589-90.  Brother  of  Alexander 

(1586).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  979;  Vts.  of  Cambs.,  1575  and  1619.) 

THOROLD,    ROBERT.     Matric.   pens,    from   Trinity,    Lent, 

THORALD,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  Johm's,  Easter, 

THOROLD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
15,  1684.    S.  of  Anthony,  Esq.    B.  at  Holt,  Lines.    School, 
Newark,  Lines.  Matric.  1684.  Brother  of  Anthony  (1680-1), 
THOROLD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1570.   Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Anthony,  of  Marston,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1571.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  George 
Pierpoint,   of   Hokne    Pierpoint,   Notts.     Died   s.p.,    1574- 
Probably  brother  of   John  (1579).     (Peile,   i.    114;    Lines. 
Pedigrees,  983.) 
THOROLD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1583. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Morton  and  Harmston,  Lines.  B.A.  1586-7. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  i,  1594.   R.  of  Cay- 
thorpe.   Lines.,   1596;   'M.A.'    Father  of  Timothy   (1615). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  986.) 
THOROLD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  161 1 ; 
B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  31; 
priest,  Jime,  1618.   V.  of  Ickleton,  Cambs..  1618-40.    R.  of 
Stanbridge,  Essex,  1642.    Will  (P.C.C.)   1654;  of  Pleasley, 
Derbs.   (Peile,  i.  284.) 
THOROLD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 
26,  1637.   S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Harmston,  Lines.    B.  at 
Coleby,  Lines.    School,  Thomey,  Notts,  (private).    (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  978.) 
THOROLD,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov. 
II,  1686.    S.  of  Joseph,  gent.,  of  Helpringham,  Lines.    B. 
there.  School,  Boston  (Mr  Ball).  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  22,  1692;  priest,  June  11,  1693. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  976.) 
THOROLD,  TIMOTHY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',   Michs. 
1615.  Of  Lincohishire.  S.  of  Thomas  (1583),  R.  of  Caythorpe, 
Lines.    B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622;  M.D.  1630.    Of  Fulbeck, 
M.D.   Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Gabriel  SavUe,  of  Newton. 
Father  of  William  (1649).   (Litus.  Pedigrees,  986.) 
THOROLD,  W.  (senior).  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter.  1576. 

One  William  Thorold,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1577. 
THOROLD,  W.  (junior).    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 


THEROLD,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1581. 

THOROLD    or    THEROLD,    WILLIAM.     Matric.    pens,    from 

Emmanuel,  Lent,  1588-9.   Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  the  Low 

Hall,  Hough,  Lines,  (and  Agnes,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Audley, 

of  Hough).    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  24,   1592;  late  of 

Barnard's  Inn.  Knighted,  Mar.  14, 1603-4.  Of  Little  Ponton. 

Married  Isabel,  dau.  of  Thomas  Thorold,  ot  Marston,  Lines. 

Nuncupative  will,  dated,  Jan.  4,  1610-1;  proved,  Apr.  14, 

1611.     Perhaps    brother    of    Edmund    (1587-8).     (Lines. 

Pedigrees,  981.) 

THOROLD,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)   at  Pembroke, 

June  2,  1631.    S.  of  Paul,  farmer.    B.  at  Thoresby,  Lines. 

Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  987.) 

THOROLD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Feb.  7,  1636-7.   S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.  (afterwards 

Bart.),  of  Marston,  Lines.    B.  at  Blankney,  Lines.    School, 

Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Humphrey).  Matric.  1637.  A  Royalist. 

Married   Elizabeth,    dau.   of   Sir   Robert   Carre,   Bart.,   of 

Sleaford,  Lines.   Died  s.p.,  Nov.  7,  1649.    (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

984;  Seott-Mayor,  xxi.) 

THOROLD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Dec. 

14,  1649.    S.  of  Timothy  (1615),  M.D.,  of  Fulbeck,  Lines. 

B.   there.    School,   Grantham   (Mr  Birket).    Matric.   1650. 

Died  1663,  s.p.   (Peile,  i.  531;  Lijies.  Pedigrees,  986.) 

THOROLD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

July  4,  1676.    S.  of  Anthony,  Esq.,  deceased,  of  Marston, 

Lines.    B.  there,  e.  1659.    School,  Lenton,  Lines.    Matric. 

1677.  Succeeded  his  grandfather.  Sir  WiUiam,  as  2nd  Bart., 

1677.     Of   Marston,   and   of   Cranwell.     Married    Rebecca 

Garrett,  of  St  Matthew,  Friday  Street,  London.    Died  s.p., 

1680-1.    Will  proved,  1681.    Brother  of  Anthony  (1680-1), 

etc.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  984;  G.E.C.,  11.  192.) 

THOROLD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  8,  1688. 

Of  Lincolnshire.    Matric.  1688.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

1707;  'alumnus  of  Queens'.' 

THOROLD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  19, 

1690.   S.  of  Samuel.  B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  School,  St  Paul's. 

Matric.  i69o;Scholar,  1693;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697.  Incorp. 

at  Oxford,  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  30;  priest,  Sept. 


Thorold,  William 

19,1697.  R.  of  St  Martin,  Ludgate,  London,  1717-41.   Died 
1741.    Will  proved,  Oct.   i,   1741.    (One  of  these  names 
chaplain  in  the  38th  Foot,  1715.)  [Al.  Oxon.;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 
THOROLD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  7,   1713.    S.  of  Henry,  Esq.    B.  at  Cuxwold,  Lines. 
School,  Lincoln.   Matric.  1714.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Apr.   14,    1715.    Called   to   the  Bar,    1722.    Living,    1742- 
Brother  of  Henry  (1728-9)  and  John  (1732)-  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 
THOROTON,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June 
30,  1639.    S.  of  Robert.    B.  at  Car-Colston,  Notts.    School, 
Car-Colston  (Mr  Stacy).    Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A. 
1646.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1646.   M.D.  (Lambeth) 
1663.    Practised  at  Car-Colston.    Royalist.    J. P.  for  Notts. 
The  well-known  Antiquary.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Gilbert 
Bonn,  Serjeant-at-law  and  Recorder  of  Newark.   Author, 
Antiquities  of  Notts.   Buried  Nov.  21,  1678,  at  Car-Colston. 
M.I.   {Peile,  1.  462;  D.N.B.;  Godfrey,  Notts.) 
THOROTON,  ROBERT.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1710.    Of 
Nottinghamshire.   Matric.  Easter,  1711;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A. 
THOROTON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Dec. 
30,  1741.  Of  Lincolnshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Screveton, 
Notts.,  Esq.  Matric.  1743-4.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  22, 
1745.  Political  agent  to  John  Manners,  3rd  Duke  of  Rutland. 
M.P.  for  Boroughbridge,  1757-61;  for  Newark,  1761-8;  for 
Bramber,   1769-92.    Secretary  to  the  Board  of  Ordnance, 
1763-70.  Had  a  large  share  in  the  management  of  the  affairs 
of  Charles,  4th  Duke  of  Rutland.   Displayed  great  activity 
during  the  Gordon  riots  in  1780,  and  rescued  several  victims 
from  the  mob.    Of  Screveton   Hall.    Died   May  9,    1794, 
aged  71.  Buried  at  Screveton.   (D.N.B.) 
THOROWGOOD,  BENET.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1576;  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,   1583.    FeUow  of  Trinity 
Hall,  1585-96.   Surrogate  to  Rich.  Swale,  the  Chancellor  of 
Ely.    Died  June,   1596.    WiU  proved  (V.C.C.  and  P.C.C). 
Benefactor  to  Trinity  HaU.   (Cooper,  11.  208.) 
THOROWGOOD,  EDWARD.    B.A.  from  St  John's,   1607-8; 
M.A.  1611.    Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  William  (1571),  of  Grim- 
stone,  Norfolk.   (Vis.  of  Middlesex,  1664.) 
THOROGOOD  or  THURGOOD,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  pens,  from 
Clare,  Michs.  1612.   S.  of  Thomas.   Bapt.  Apr.  3,  1597,  at 
Stibbington,  Hunts.   B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.   Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)   Mar.  9,   1620-1.    R.  of  Thomhaugh, 
Northants.,  1621-42.  Died  1642.  Admon.  (Peterb.)  Nov.  29, 
1642,  to  his  widow  Frances. 
THOROGOOD,   GEOFFREY.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1584.    One  of  these  names  V.  of  Eltisley,  Cambs., 
1599-1630.  Buried  there  May,  1630.   (Crosby.) 
THURGOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1575. 
THOROWGOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1576. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  12,  1579;  of  Essex; 
formerly  of  Fumival's  Inn.    One  of  these  names  knighted, 
Sept.  4,  1630;  of  London. 
THOROWGOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

THOROWGOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 

1579-80.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587. 
THOROGOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  4,  1621. 
Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624.   One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h.  of 
John,  of  Wormingford,  Essex,'  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
THOROWGOOD,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1647.    Of 

THOROUGHGOOD,    JOHN.     Matric.    pens,    from    Queens', 
Easter,  1659.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (161 1). 
(Vis.  of  Middlesex,  1664.) 
THOROWGOOD,  MORDAST  (MORDAUNT).    Adm.  sizar  (age 
16)  at  Caius,  June  13,  1617.    S.  of  William  (1571).  V.  of 
Grimston,  Norfolk.   Schools,  Creak    (Mr  Sturges)  and  Lynn 
(Mr  Armitage).    Matric.  1617;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1620-1. 
Killed  at  the  siege  of  Breda,  1625.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1611). 
(Venn,  i.  236;  Vis.  of  Middlesex,  1664.) 
THURGOOD,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

THOROWGOOD,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
1644-5.  S.  of  John,  of  Deal,  Kent.  Matric.  (New  Inn  HaU, 
Oxford)  Dec.  10,  1641,  age  20.  When  about  16  he  travelled 
abroad,  and  studied  at  Padua.  For  a  time  chaplain  in  the 
Navy.  R.  of  Hawkhurst,  Kent,  1647-51.  V.  of  Moncktou, 
1651-62.  Afterwards  a  nonconformist  preacher  in  Kent. 
Died  at  Godalming,  Surrey,  Nov.  17,  1691.  (Calamy,  11.  76; 
Al.  Oxon.) 
THOROGOOD,  OLIVER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhousk, 
Easter,  1586. 

Thorpe,  Edmund 

THURGOOD,  OLIVER.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1618-9.  B.  at 
Southill,  Beds.  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  1624, 
age  26.  Apparently  minister  of  Melboum,  Cambs.,  1653. 
P.C.  of  North  Marston,  Bucks.,  1661-3.  R-  of  Bow  Brickhill, 

1663.  (Peile,  I.  308.) 

THOROGOOD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  Easter, 

1612-3;  B.A.  1615-6. 
THOROGOOD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  14, 

1664.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1668-9.  Expelled, 
Apr.  28,  1669.  'Whilst  an  undergraduate  whipped  in  the 
butteries  for  foul  miscarriage.'   (Contemporary  note.) 

THOROWGOOD,    THOMAS.     Matric.    pens,    from    Christ's, 

Easter,  1579.   Of  Norfolk.  Scholar  of  Christ's;  B.A.  1582-3- 

THOROWGOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

THOROGOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1605;  B.A.  1608-9,  Thurgood;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1612;  priest.  May  30,  1613.  V.  of  Cherry 
Willingham,  Lines.,  1612-25. 
THURGOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1611.  Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  WiUiam  (1571),  V.  of  Grimston, 
Norfolk.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617;  B.D.  1624.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1622.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  1618.  R.  of  Little 
Massingham,  Norfolk,  1620-43.  R.  of  Grimston,  1625;  still 
there,  1650.  R.  of  Gt  Cressingham,  c.  1661-9.  One  of  the 
Westminster  Assembly  of  divines.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Wyndham,  of  Pentney,  Norfolk.  Died  c.  1669. 
Brother  of  Mordaunt  (1617)  and  perhaps  father  of  John 
(1659).  (Vis.  of  Middlesex,  1664;  Al.  Oxon.;  Bhmefield,  viii. 
452;  III.  106.) 
THOROGOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Mchs.  1623;  Scholar;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Crayford,  Kent,  1648. 
THOROUGHGOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity;,  May  7, 
1667;  exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Matric.  1667; 
B.A.  1670-1.  Signs  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  June  17, 
1671.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1672.  Probably  V.  of 
Buckden,  Hunts.,  1672-4.  Rof  Hargrave,  Northants.,  1674- 
84.  Married  Elizabeth  Barker,  at  Hargrave,  Mar.  i,  1673-4. 
THORROWGOOD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 

June  25,  1706.  Matric.  1707- 
THOROWGOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
May  19,  1737;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of 
Higham,  SuSolk.  B.  in  London.  Schools,  Highgate,  Middle- 
sex (Mr  Higham  and  Mr  Alham)  and  Ipswich  (Mr  Leeds). 
Matric.  1737.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  12,  1741. 
Sherifi  of  Suffolk,  1760.  Knighted,  Feb.  9,  1761.  Of  Kersey. 
Suffolk.  Died  Dec.  18,  i794-  (Venn,  11.  43.) 
THOROGOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1571.  S.  of  John,  of  Felsted,  Essex.  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579- 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  17,  1577;  priest,  Apr.  i,  1578.  V.  of 
Grimston,  Norfolk,  1581.  Commissary  to  Bishop  of  Norwich. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Lyndon,  Rutland,  1583-6.  Married  three  wives. 
Father  of  Mordaunt  (1617)  and  Thomas  (1611).  (Vis.  of 
Middlesex,  1664;  Essex  Pedigrees,  608.) 

THOROGOOD, .   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Lent,  1573-4- 

THOROGOOD, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  Easter,  1607 

THOROGOOD, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1639. 

THORPE,  ADLARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  28,  1693.  S.  of  Adlard,  farmer.  B.  at  Wainflete,  Lines. 
School,  Wainflete.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1696-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1698;  'C.  of  Friskney';  priest.  May  23, 
1703.  Perhaps  R.  of  Bolingbroke,  Lines.  If  so,  buried  at 
Sibsey,  July  18,  1704.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  988,  where  he  is 
apparently  confused  with  his  father.) 
THORPE,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1638.  Of  Sussex.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1638). 
THORPE,  ARTHUR.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1549. 
THORPE,  AUGUSTINE.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  26,  1620. 
Matric.  1622;  B..\.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.   Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  1625;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  8,  1628.   V.  of  Hunmanby, 
Yorks.,  1634-44.  Died  1644. 
THORPE,  EDMUND.   Grace  for  B.D.  1482-3.    Abbot  of  Crow 

land,  1487-97. 
THORP,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  7, 
1636.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Westerham,  Kent.  School, 
Westerham  (Mr  Walter).  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A. 
1645.  Minister  of  Leybourn,  Kent,  1647;  then  of  Pembury; 
afterwards  of  Sedloscombe,  Sussex;  deprived,  1662.  Kept 
a  school  in  Sussex;  Titus  Oates  was  one  of  his  pupils.  Re- 
moved to  Brenchley,  Kent.  Author,  Some  Thoughts  on 
Toleration.  Died  Mar.  17,  1678,  age  57-  Father  of  Thomas 
(1661)  and  perhaps  of  the  next.  (Peile,  i.  442;  Calamy, 


Thorpe,  Edmund 

THORP,   EDMUND.    Adm.   sizar  at  St   Catharine's,    1666. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Edmund  (above).    Matric.  Easter,  x667;  B.A. 

1670-1.    Licence  (Lambeth)  to  practise  medicine,  June  ir, 

1677.   Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1661). 
THORPE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Easter,  1617; 

B.A.  1619.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1619.    One  of 

these  names  P.C.  of  Butsbury,  Essex,  1638. 

THORPE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  (age  15)  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1610.  S.  and  h.  of  Roger,  of  Birdsall,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
B.A.  1613-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  12,  1610-1;  Bar- 
rister, 1621;  Bencher,  1632.  Recorder  of  Beverley,  1623-49, 
and  of  Hull,  1639-48.  Colonel  in  the  Parliamentary  Army. 
Serjeant-at-law,  1648.  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1649. 
Judge  for  Northern  circuit,  1649.  Justified  Charles  I's 
execution  in  his  'Charge  delivered  at  York,'  Mar.  20,  1649, 
and  afterwards  published.  M.P.  for  Richmond,  1645-53; 
for  Beverley,  1654-55,  and  for  the  West  Riding,  1656-8. 
Became  eventually  a  pronounced  anti-Oliverian.  Refused  to 
try  the  northern  insurgents,  1655.  Excluded  from  Parlia- 
ment, 1656.  Pardoned  at  the  Restoration.  Of  Bardsey 
Grange,  near  Leeds.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William 
Oglethorpe,  of  Rawden.  Buried  June  7,  1665,  at  Bardsey. 
(D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1662.) 

THORP,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  10,  1641. 
Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1645-6.  Perhaps  R.  of  Greswell  (mediety), 
Notts.,  1661;  if  so,  died  1662. 

THORP,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  11, 
1630.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Brook,  Rutland.  School, 
Oakham  (Mr  Stackhouse).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9;  priest,  June  9, 

THORP,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  28, 
1637.   S.  of  George,  Esq.,  of  Lincoln.   School,  Westminster. 

THORPE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  17, 
1653.  S.  of  George,  cook.  B.  in  London.  School,  Felsted, 
Essex.  Matric.  1653;  Scholar,  1653-9;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A. 
1660;  B.D.  1667.  Created  D.D.  (Lambeth)  1678.  Fellov/, 
1659-63  and  1667-78.  Fellow  of  Emmanuel,  1663-7.  C.  of 
All  Saints',  Cambridge,  1662.  V.  of  Babraham,  Cambs., 
1669;  signed  for  1675.  Master  of  Harbledown  Hospital, 
Kent.  Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Sancroft.  R.  of  Bishops- 
bourne,  with  chapel  of  Barham,  Kent,  1679-1719.  Preb.  of 
Canterbury,  1680-1719.  R.  of  Ickham,  1687-1719.  Author, 
theological.  Died  Nov.  21,  1719.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral. 
Benefactor  to  Caius  and  Emmanuel.  (Venn,  1.  387;  Hasted, 
IV.  611.) 

THORP,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  20, 
1667.  S.  of  Edward,  tailor,  of  Chesterfield,  Derbs.  B.  there. 
School,  Derby.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  Subscribed 
(Lambeth)  Aug.  3,  1672;  C.  of  Amport,  Southampon. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Antholin's,  London,  1676-8; 
will  proved,  Aug.  30,  1678.  (Hennessy,  where  he  is  styled 

THORPE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  30,  1726. 
Of  London.   Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733. 

THORPE,  GERVASE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1614; 
B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1623;  M.A.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 

1623.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  15,  1624.  V.  of  Marske, 
Yorks.,  1623-38.  Master  of  the  Hospital  of  St  John,  Ripon, 
1634.  R.  of  Youghal,  Co.  Cork,  Ireland,  1638.  Dean  of 
Waterford,  1640.  Preb.  of  St  Patrick's,  Dublin,  1640. 
Admon.  (York)  1642.  (H.  B.  Swanzy;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Al. 

THORPE,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  16, 

1624.  6th  s.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  King's  Clifie,  Northants. 
School,  Thuming,  Hunts.  (Mr  Foster). 

THORP,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Magdalene,  June  26, 
1672.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Nidd,  Yorks.  School,  Stainby 
(private).  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1691.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1676;  priest, 
Dec.  1677.  V.  of  Ripon,  1684-91.  R.  of  Thornton  Watlass, 
1696-1703.  Died  Feb.  9,  1702-3.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

THORPE,  JOHN.  D.D.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1399. 
Carmelite  friar  of  Norwich.  A  famous  Sophist.  Stirred  up 
a  persecution  against  the  Wiclifites.  Obtained  the  name  of 
the  'Ingenious  Doctor.'  Early  donor  to  the  University 
Library.  Author,  Lectura  in  Apocalypsin  Joannis,  etc.  Died 
Aug.  12,  1440.  Buried  in  the  Church  of  the  White  Friars, 
Norwich.   {Masters,  306;  Pits,  627.) 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Of  God's  House.  R.ofHelpstone,  Northants., 
1457.  Perhaps  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1487;  'of  Ashridge,  Herts.,  and 
Pychla,  Northants.' 

THORPE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1516-7.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Gt 
Clacton,  Essex.   Will  (Comm.  Essex)  1557. 

THORPE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1519-20;  M.A.  1523.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Stowmarket,  Suffolk,  1545-54. 

Thorpe,  Richard 

THORPE,  JOHN  (senior).  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent, 
1563-4-  Perhaps  this  or  the  next  ord.  deacon  (London) 
Apr.  1579,  age  25 ;  '  M.A.  of  Christ's;  bom  in  Calais.'  Perhaps 
V.  of  HucknaU  Torkard,  Notts.,  1584-1617;  died  1617. 
Probably  brother  of  the  next  and  of  Richard  (1563-4). 
(Peile,  I.  82.) 

THORPE,  JOHN  (junior).  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Lent, 
1563-4.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1563-4)  and  of  John 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1571; 
B.A.  from  Queens',  1574-5;  M.A.  1579.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (London)  Sept.  29,  1574,  age  24.  Probably  V.  of 
Newport,  Essex,  1579-81.  R.  of  St  Ethelbert's,  London, 
1580-0.  R.  of  Beaumont,  Essex,  1586.  R.  of  St  Christopher- 
le-Stock,  1587-96.  Buried  there  Aug.  27,  1596.  (Newcourt; 
Hennessy,  282.) 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1576. 
Of  Derbyshire. 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  24,  1581. 
Matric.  1581. 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  19,  1611.  Of 
Sussex.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Lingfield,  Surrey,'  adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  161 2. 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1611.  Of 
Yorkshire.  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618;  B.D.  1627.  Fellow, 
1619-30.  Taxor,  1625.  Probably  R.  of  Boscombe,  Wilts. 
Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1629-32.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  3, 
1632.   Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1600).   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  16, 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1628. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  WilUam,  of  Danthorpe,  Yorks. 
B.  1614.  Captain  in  the  service  of  Charles  I  during  the 
Rebellion.  Of  Danthorpe,  Esq.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Beckwith,  at  Wragby,  Aug.  31,  1635.  Living,  1665. 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxxn.  115.) 

THORPE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1638. 

Of  Sussex.    B.A.   1641-2;   M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,   1646. 

Perhaps  R.  of  St  Michael,  Queenhithe,  Middlesex,  1662-9. 

Died  1668-9,  at  Upton,  Notts.   Will  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  1668-9. 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's.  June  17, 

1664.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  St  Martin's,  Middlesex.  B.  there. 

School,  Richmond,  Surrey.   Matric.  1664. 

THORPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  10,  1689.  Of 
Wiltshire.   Matric.  1690. 

THORP,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  2,  1737- 
Of  Ashton-under-Lyne,  Lanes.  Matric.  i737;  B.A.  1740-1; 
M.A.  1744;  B.D.  1764.  Fellow,  1741-75.  Junior  Proctor, 
1756-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1740-1;  priest  (Ely) 
Sept.  1743.  V.  of  Harston,  Cambs.,  1745-75-  Whitehall 
Preacher,  1753-75.  Died  unmarried.  Mar.  19,  1775-  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  May,  1775- 

THORP,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  May  3, 
1727.  Of  Worcestershire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Stour- 
bridge, gent.  School,  Stourbridge.  Matric.  1729-30;  M.B. 
1731;  M.D.  1741.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  10, 
1725,  age  19.  One  of  these  names  of  Stroud,  Gloucs.,  clerk. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1748.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THORPE,  MILES.   Com.  for  B.A.  1481-2. 

THORPE,  OTHO.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  16,  1624. 

Of  London.   Matric.  1625. 
THORPE,    RICHARD.     Scholar   of    Queens',    1547-5o;    B.A. 

1549-50;    M.A.    1553.     Fellow,    1550-8.     Bursar,    1555-6. 

Ord.  sub-deacon  (London)  1557.   Author  of  a  tragedy  acted 

by  the  scholars  of  Queens'  at  Christmas,  1552-3-    (Cooper, 

I-  552-) 
THORPE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  (age  11)  from  Christ's, 

Feb.  1563-4.   Probably  brother  of  John  (1563-4). 
THORPE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1574. 

THORPE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  8,  1600. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  'of  Little  Coldon  or  Cowden  in 
Holdemess,  Yorks.,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  17,  1602. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1611). 

THORPE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  8,  1620. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Aldwinkle  All  Saints',  Northants.  Matric.  1622;  B.A. 
1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  25;  priest, 
Feb.  26,  1626-7.  Intruded  R.  of  Barby,  Northants.,  1649-62; 
resigned,  but  continued  to  reside  there.  Married  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Gregory  Isham,  of  Barby.  Buried  at  Barby,  May  21, 
1671,  aged  70.  Benefactor  to  Aldwinkle.  (Baker,  i.  264-5; 
H.  I.  Longden.) 


Thorpe,  Richard 

THORPE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  2, 
1654.  S.  of  Samuel,  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at  York.  School, 
Leeds  (Mr  Garnet).   Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661. 

THORP,  ROBERT.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  A  native  of  Thorpe, 
near  Norwich.  Advocate  in  1340.  King's  Serjeant,  1345. 
Sat  as  a  judge  to  try  felonies  in  Oxfordshire  and  other 
counties,  1355  and  1359.  Chief  Justice  of  C.P.,  1356. 
Knighted.  Succeeded  William  of  Wykeham  as  Lord  Chan- 
cellor, 1371.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  William  Deyncourt. 
Benefactor  to  Pembroke;  laid  the  foundations  of  the  Divinity 
Schools  with  the  Chapel  over  them.  (Identified  by  Masters 
and  other  authorities  with  Robert  de  Thorpe,  Fellow  and 
2ad  Master  of  Pembroke  (1373-89,  according  to  Loder),  but 
the  dates  make  this  impossible.  Doubtless  he  has  been  con- 
fused with  the  next.)  Died  June  29,  1372.  (Masters,  37; 
Foss,  III.  517;  D.N.B.;  Dyer,  i.  247;  11.  98;  Loder.) 

THORPE,  ROBERT  DE.  M.A.  Doubtless  Fellow  of  Pembroke 
and  2nd  Master,  1373-89  (see  Robert  (above)).  V.  of  Thurs- 
ton, Suffolk,  which  he  had  in  exchsmge  for  Little  Hormead, 
Herts.  Petitioned  the  Pope,  1363  for  Canonry  at  St  David's. 
(Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  i;  Loder;  Dyer,  n.  38.) 

THORP,  ROBERT.   Cautio  for  degree,  1480-1. 

THORPE,    ROBERT.    Matric.   pens,   from   St   John's,    Lent, 

THORPE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

THORP,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  8,  1641.    Of 

Lincolnshire.    Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648.    Ord. 

deacon  and  priest  (Lincolji)  May  24,  1646.   Perhaps  preb.  of 

Lincoln,  1671-83. 

THORPE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1605. 

THORPE,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  21, 
1700.  S.  of  Stephen,  of  Exeter.  School,  Exeter  (Mr  Thorpe). 
Matric.  1700;  Scholar,  1703;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1724.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  16,  1706-7. 

THORPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1561. 
B.  at  Heveringham,  Notts.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  23; 
'B.A.';  priest.  Mar.  16,  1566-7.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Heysham,  Lanes.,  1583. 

THORP,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Apr.  18,  1616. 

THORPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

THORPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1620; 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  18; 
priest,  July  19,  1624. 

THORPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  18,  1661. 
Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edmund  (1636).  Matric.  i66r. 
Probably  migrated  to  St  Catharine's;  adm.  there,  1661. 
M.B.  from  St  Catharine's,  1666.  Intended  for  the  ministry, 
but  took  to  medicine.  Practised  at  Ashford,  Kent.  (Calamy, 
11.  473) 

THORPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11,  1699. 
Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  cutler. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1703-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June,  1704. 

THORPE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1729-  B.A.  (Edin- 
burgh). S.  of  Michael,  of  Yarm,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Jan.  i, 
1699.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Queen's  College,  Oxford,  1724; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1724,  by  decree  (wrongly  identified  by 
Peile,  II.  202).  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  19;  priest, 
Sept.  29,  1725.  V.  of  Chillingham,  Northumberland,  1725-67. 
Admitted  to  the  freedom  of  York,  Feb.  3,  1738-9-  V.  of 
Berwick-on-Tweed,  1747-67.  Died  at  Berwick,  Dec.  12, 
1767,  aged  71.  Buried  there.  (Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith; 
Burke,  L.G.) 

THORPE,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  4,  1673.  S.  of  William  (?  1623),  of  Gt  Wigston,  Leics. 
School,  Leicester.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincota)  June  11,  1682.  R.  of  Coston,  Leics.,  1689-1735. 
Will  (Lincoln)  1736. 

THORPE,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1561.  One 
William  Thorpe  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1563.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Costock,  Notts.,  1570-95-  Died  1595. 

THORPE,  WILLIAM.  Of  Pembroke.  Apparently  Fellow  of 
Clare,  1331-55.  University  chaplain,  1343.  (Stokes,  Chap- 
lains, 81.) 

THORPE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1492-3- 

THRUPE,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  or  Fellow  of  King's  Hall, 

THORPE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1534-5;  M.A.  of  Christ's.  Ord. 
by  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  age  68.  R.  of  Cottesmore,  Rutland, 
1561.  R.  of  Rotherby,  Leics.,  1562;  B.A.  (Lib.  Cleri, 

Threlfall,  Thomas 

THORPE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  V.  of  Gt  Wigston,  Leics.,  1658-64. 
Buried  there  Jan.  10,  1664-5,  aged  60.  Will  (Leicester)  1665. 
Probably  father  of  Timothy  (1673).   (Nichols,  iv.  383.) 

THORP,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 

27,  1668.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Nottingham.  Bapt.  Dec.  31, 
1651,  at  St  Mary's,  Nottingham.  School,  Nottingham. 
Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.;  priest,  Nov.  1678.  V.  of  Blidworth,  Notts.  Married 
at  Kirby-in-Ashfield,  to  Jane  Ellis,  Aug.  5,  1707.  Buried 
Dec.  8,  1721,  at  Blidworth.  Will  proved  (York)  May  2,  1723. 
(W.  P.  W.  PhiUimore,  Co.  Pedigrees.) 

THORPE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  Apr-  16, 
1674.  S.  of  John,  clothier.  B.  at  Westerham,  Kent.  Schools, 
Sedlescombe,  Sussex  (Mr  Edm.  Thorpe)  and  Lee,  Kent 
(Mr  Watkins).  Matric.  1674-5. 

THORPE, .  B.A.  1494-5;  M-A.  1498. 

THORPE, .   B.Can.L.  1521-2. 

THORTON,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1553;  Scholar,  1555. 

THORTON, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1580-1. 

THORY,  see  also  TORY. 

THORY,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  18,  1662. 
Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1665-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  7,  1668-9;  priest.  May  29,  1670. 

THORY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Magdalene,  June  5, 
1651.  S.  of  John,  R.  of  North  Reston,  Lines.  School,  Louth. 
Matric.  1651.  Probably  died  before  his  father,  1670.  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  990.) 

THORY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  6,  1700.  Of  Cam- 
bridgeshire. S.  of  Thomas  (1670),  V.  of  Caxton,  Cambs. 
Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1710. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  19,  1706;  priest,  June  19,  1709.  V. 
of  Caxton,  Cambs.,  1709-28.   R.  of  Hatley  St  George,  1710- 

28.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Loraine.   Died  1728. 
THORY,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  30, 

1628.  S.  of  Robert,  miller.  School,  Fotheringay,  Northants. 

(MrBriggs).  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
THORY,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  14,  1615. 

Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Boston,  Lines.   Matric.  1615;  B..A. 

1618.    Created   D.C.L.    (Oxford)    1642.     M.P.   for   Boston, 

1661-3.    Will  dated,  Sept.  4,  1669;  proved,  Apr.  24,  1672. 

(Lines.  Pedigrees,  991;  Al.  Oxon.) 
THORY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  May  14,  1670. 

S.  of  William,  of  Wisbech,  Cambs.  B.  there.  School,  Wisbech. 

Migrated  to  St  John's,  Oct.  27,  1671,  age  18.   Matric.  1671; 

B.A.  1673-4.    R.  of  Hatley  St  George,  Cambs.,  1677-1709. 

V.  of  Caxton,  1693-1709.   Father  of  John  (1700). 
THORYTON  or  TORYNTON,  PHILIP.   Had  studied  many  years 

at  Cambridge  and  Oxford,  and  lectured  on  the  Sentences,  as 

bachelor.     A    friar   minor.     Granted   indulgence   given    to 

Masters  in   Theology,   May,    1364.     (Cal.   of  Pap.   Pet.,  i. 

THRALE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1592. 

Of  London. 
THRAYLL,    MICHAEL.     Resident    sizar    at    Queens',    1528. 

Perhaps  M.P.  for  Bedford,  1542-4. 
THRALE,  .    Com.  for  B.A.  1493-4.    Probably  Edward,  of 

Luton;  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  31,  1487. 

THRAMSE, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1569. 

THRAPLAND  or  THREAPLAND,  SAMUEL.   M.A.  from  Peter 

house,   1675.    S.  of  Samuel,  of  Bradford,  Yorks.    Matric 

(University  College,  Oxford)  June  30,   1665,  age  18;  B.A 

(Oxford)  1669;  M.D.  1682.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19 

i66g.   (A  I.  Oxon.) 
THREAVES,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  27,  i677- 

Of  Lincolnshire.   B..\.  1680-1. 
THREAVES,  RICHARD.   Adm.  at  Christ's,  May  19,  1716.  Of 

Lincolnshire.    Matric.   1716;  Scholar,   1717;  B.A.   1719-20. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  12,  1720;  priest,  June  4,  1721. 

C.  of  Ingoldsby;  signed  till  1724.   (Peile,  11.  189.) 
THREELE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

1613.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Loxwood,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Adm. 

at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  27,  1615-6.    Married  Mary  Lock,  of 

Merton  Abbey,  Surrey.    Living,   1634.    (Dallaway,  Sussex, 

II.  I.  377-) 
THRELCAT,   HUMPHREY.    Matric.   pens,   from   St  John's, 

Michs.  1560. 
THRELCAT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1568; 

THRELFALL,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
i6i6.   Of  Lincolnshire. 


Threlkeld,  Edward 

THRELKELD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1544.  B.  at  Burgh-by-Sands,  Cumberland,  1526. 
Matric.  1544;  B.A.  1548-9;  M.A.  1552;  LL.D.  1561-2. 
Fellow,  1547-54.  Archdeaconof  Carlisle,  1568.  R.  ofSalkeld, 
1568-88.  V.  of  South  Cheriton,  Somerset,  1570-88.  Preb. 
of  Hereford,  1571-89.  V.  of  Tenbury,  Herefords.,  1573- 
V  of  Much-Marcle,  1574-5.  Chancellor  of  Hereford  diocese, 
£.1583.  Died  1588-9.  Will  dated,  June  22,  1588;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  Nov.  15,  1589.  (Cooper,  11.  42;  Wm.  Jackson, 
Cumberland  and  Westmorland  Papers,  11.  286,  298;  B. 
Nightingale,  358.) 

THRELKELD,  J.  Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1564. 

THRELLKELL,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

1554.  {See  also  the  next.) 

THRELKELDE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

1555.  One  of  these  (if  two)  ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  22, 
1561-2.  R.  of  Beeston,  Norfolk,  1563-95-  Died  Apr.  11, 
1602.  Buried  at  Beeston.  Another,  R.  of  Otley,  Suffolk, 
1572-1606.   {Peile,  I.  61;  Carthew,  Launditch,  11.  382.) 

THRELKELD,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1608; 
B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19; 
priest,  Dec.  20,  1613.  C.  of  Biddenham,  Beds.,  c.  1615. 
THREMYNGHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 


THRESHER,  DANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  3,  1662. 

Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1670.   Signed  for  deacon's 

orders  (London)  June  i,  1667;  'C.  of  Leighton  Buzzard,  Beds.' 

THRESHER,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  18, 

1652.  S.  of  Nicholas,  Esq.  B.  at  Childworth,  Essex.  Matric. 

1652,  'Threshaw';  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659.    Ord.  deacon 

(Lincoln)  June  15;  priest,  June  16,  1661.    R.  of  Twywell, 

Northants.,    1661-5.     Licence,    May    28,    1662,    to    marry 

Katherine  Mayow,  of  St  Michael,  Queenhithe,  London. 

THRIFFORD,    alias   LENNE,    WILLIAM.     Resident   pens,   at 

Peterhouse,  until  1396.  R.  of  Gt  Shelford,  Cambs.,  1392-6. 

Died  Aug.  6,  1396.   Buried  at  Shelford. 

THROCKMORTON,  ALBION.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 

May  21,  1651.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1626),  Esq.,  of  Ellington, 

Hunts.    B.  there.    School,  Grendon,  Northants.  (Mr  Shel- 

bome).  Matric.  1651.  Died  unmarried  1680.  (Venn,  i.  382.) 

THROCKMORTON,  ALBION.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June, 

21,  1737.  Of  Hemingford,  Hunts. 
THROGMORTON,  ALEXANDER.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Easter,  1560.    Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Apr.  20,  1563.    R.  of 
Little  Steeping,  Lines.,  1563,  and  V.  of  Gt  Steeping,  1565. 
'Aged  36;  married;  resides;  competently  skilled  in  Latin.' 
{Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln.,  1576.) 
THROCKMORTON,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June 
25,  1596.   S.  and  h.  of  Job,  of  Haseley,  Warws.,  Esq.,  the 
Puritan   controversialist.    Migrated  to  Oxford  after  eight 
terms.    B.A.  (Queen's  CoUege,  Oxford)  1599.    Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  1600.    M.P.  for  Warwickshire,  1624,  1625, 
1626.  Knighted.  Of  Haseley,  Warws.  Married  Lettitia,  dau. 
of  Clement  Fisher,  of  Packington,  Warws.   'Eminent  for  his 
learning  and  eloquence.'   {Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  iii;  Dugdale, 
457;  Vis.  of  Warws.) 
THROCKMORTON,   CLEMENT.    Adm.   pens,   at  Emmanuel, 
May  7,   1647.    Of  Warwickshire.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Clement,   of   Haseley,   and  grandson   of  Clement   (above). 
[According  to  D.N.B.  his  father  was  the  Knt.  and  M.P.  who 
died  in  1664,  but  see  Kimber,  i.  481.]    Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  May  15,  1647.   Called  to  the  Bar,  1654.   Knighted, 
Sept.  II,  1660.   M.P.  for  Warwick,  1660,  1661-4.   Died  5.^?., 
1664.   {Vis.  of  Warws.;  Kimber,  i.  481;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 
THROCKMORTON,   GABRIEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
c.  1594.    S.  of  Robert  (1564),  of  Ellington  and  Warboys, 
Hunts.   B.  Apr.  9,  1577.   Succeeded  his  father  at  Warboys. 
Married  Alicia,  dau.  of  William  Bedles,  of  Bedfordshire. 
Died  Feb.   1,   1626-7.    Father  of  Robert  (1626).    {Vis.  of 
Hunts.,  1613.) 
THROCKMORTON,  RAPHAEL.  D.D.  1662  (Incorp.  from  Christ 
Church,  Oxford).    S.  of  Raphael,  minister  of  Bolingbroke, 
Lines.   Bapt.  there,  Feb.  9,  1600-1.   Created  M.A.  (Oxford) 
Mar.  6,  1629-30,  and  D.D.  Aug.  7,  i65o.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  27;   priest,  Sept.   23,   1621;   B.A.  of  Christ  Church, 
Oxford.    R.  of  Swaby,  Lines.,  1624.    R.  of  South  Ormsby, 
1629;  sequestered,  1646.    Archdeacon  of  Lincoln,  1645-67; 
installed,  1660.    Canon  of  Lincoln,  1660-7.    Married  Alice, 
dau.  of   William    Pigge,  of  Wisbech  and  Tydd  St  Mary. 
Died   Feb.   2,    1666-7.    Buried   in  St  Andrew's,   Holbom, 
London.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Thomas  (1652).   {Al.Oxon.; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  992.) 
THROCKMORTON,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  12)  at  Caius, 
June  24,  1564.    S.  of  Gabriel,  of  Ellington,  and  Warboys, 
Hunts.    Bapt.  there,  Oct.  i,  1551.    Scholar;  Matric.  1564. 
Succeeded  his  father  at  Warboys.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 

Thurland,  Thomas 

of  John  Pickering,  of  Tichmarsh,  Northants.,  Oct.  21,  1571. 
Died  Jan.  1,  1633-4.  Will,  P.C.C.  Fatherof  Gabriel  (c.  1594). 
{Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1623;  Venn,  i.  53.) 
THROCKMORTON,  ROBERT  (senior).  Matric.  pens,  from 
Peterhouse,  Easter,  1569.  Of  Cambridge.  Probably  ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Durham)  June  8,  1584.  V.  of  Aycliffe, 
Durham,  1584-1618.  Buried  there  Feb.  27,  1618-9.  (H.  M. 
Wood;  Surtees,  iii.  327.) 
THROCKMORTON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Jesus, 

Lent,  1577-8.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1584)- 
THROGMORTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peter- 
house, Mar.  25,  1626.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  S.  of  Gabriel 
(c.  1594).  Of  Ellington,  Hunts.,  in  1651.  Married  Ann,  dau. 
of  Robert  Chaset,  and  widow  of  Richard  Dorington,  of 
London.  Father  of  Albion  (1651).  (T.  A.  Walker,  33;  Vis. 
of  Hunts.,  1613.) 
THROGMORTON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus, 

Easter,  1584.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1577-8). 
THROCKMORTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  14,  1652.  S.  of  Raphael  (1662),  R.  of  South  Ormsby, 
Lines.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  20,  1635.  School,  Westminster. 
LL.B.  1664  (Lit.  Reg.).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  992.) 
THROGMORTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c. 

THROGMORTON, (junior).   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse, 

July  II,  1574.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1569)- 
THROSBY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1455-6. 
THROWER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

THROWER  or  THROWE,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1522-3. 
THROWLAND,  alias  MARKHAM,  THOMAS.  Fellow  of  Peter- 
house, 1460-6.    R.  of  Elm,  Cambs.,  c.  1464-7.    Domestic 
chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely.    Perhaps  R.  of  Wootton, 
Northants.,  1474-6.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 
THROWN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1643.  Of  Suffolk. 
THRUSHEWS,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1593-4- 
THRUSTON,  JOHN  (1716),  see  MOTT,  JOHN. 

THUBS, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1468-9. 

THURBURNE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1580. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  New  Romney,  Kent,  gent.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  10,  1584-5.  M.P.  for  New  Romsey,  1597-8. 
Married  Mary  Escourt,  of  Gloucestershire.  (Vis.  of  London, 
THURGER,  BENEDICT.   Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  May 

22,  1581. 

THURGAR,    WILLIAM.     Adm.    pens,    at    Emmanuel,    1586. 

Matric.  1586,  'Thurgalle';  B.A.  from  Clare,  1590-1;  M.A. 

1594.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  May  2,  1590.   V.  of 

Bleane,  Kent,  1609-32.   Died  May,  1632. 

THURGARTON,  ROBERT.  B.D.  from  Cambridge.  Of  Grundis- 

burgh,  Suffolk.  Preb.of  Lincoln,  1417-37.  Canon  of  Windsor, 

1437.   (Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  1408.) 

THURGOLAND,  AVERY.   B.A.  from  Clare,  1623-4.   3rd  s.  of 

George,  of  Lilley,  near  Mirfield,  Yorks.   Bapt.  Dec.  i,  1603, 

at  Mirfield.    Matric.  (University  College,  Oxford)  June  17, 

1621,  age  17.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1624.    Died  s.p. 

(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612,  1665;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THURKETTLE,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 

June  3,  1663.    S.  of  Robert  (and  Abigail,  dau.  of  Andrew 

Hawes,  of  London).   B.  at  Kelvedon,  Essex.    Matric.  1663; 

B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670; 

priest  (Peterb.)  June  18,  1671.    R.  of  Littleton,  Middlesex, 

1673-90.    A  non-juror  (so  recorded  in   Kettlewell's  Life). 

Died    1690-1.     M.I.    at   Littleton.     Will    (P.C.C.)    1690-1. 

(Peile,  I.  603.) 

THURLAND,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 

1624.    S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Reigate,  Surrey.    B.  1606. 

Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  20,  1625.  Called  to  the  Bar, 

1634.    Bencher,  1652.    M.P.  for  Reigate,  1640  (Mar. -May), 

1659,  1660-73.  Recorder  of  Reigate,  and  of  Guildford,  1661. 

Knighted,  Apr.  22,  1665.    K.C.,  1668.    Solicitor-General  to 

James,  Duke  of  York.   Serjeant-at-law,  1672.   Ba.'-on  of  the 

Exchequer,  1673-9.  An  intimate  friend  of  John  Evelyn  and 

Jeremy  Taylor.    Married  Elizabeth  Wright,  of  Buckland, 

Surrey.   Died  Jan.  14,  1682-3,  aged  76.   Buried  at  Reigate. 

M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Foss,  660;  Vis.  of  Surrey;  LeNeve,  Mon., 

v.  38;  D.N.B.) 

THURLAND,  THOMAS.  B.D.  1548.   Preb.  of  Beverley,  Yorks., 

1546.  R.  of  Allcannings,  Wilts.,  1554-  Master  of  the  Hospital 

of  the  Savoy,  London,  1557-70;  removed  for  having  wasted 

the  goods  and  alienated  the  estates  of  the  hospital.    Preb. 

of  Lincohi,  1560-74.   Engaged  under  licence  from  the  crown 

in  (unsuccessful)  mining  operations  in  Cumberland.    Died 


Thurland,  Thomas 

before  Oct.  7,  1574.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  28,  1574;  of  the 
Savoy,  to  his  sister  Katherine  Catesbye.  {Cooper,  1.  324; 
Le  Neve,  Fasti,  u.  128.) 

THURLAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  c.  1593. 

THURLOND,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1514-5;  M.A.  1518. 

THURLIN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  3, 
1650-1.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk,  merchant.  Matric. 
1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658;  B.D.  1665;  D.D.  i68x. 
Fellow,  1657.  President  for  30  years.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1669.  R.  of  Gaywood,  Norfolk,  1 664-1714.  Author,  Sermon. 
Died  Aug.  11,  1714.  Buried  at  Gaywood.  M.I.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.  and  P.C.C.)  1714.  Benefactor  to  St  John's.  (Blome- 
field,  VIII.  423;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THURLOWE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr. 
17,1580.  Of  Bumham  Ulph,  Norfolk.  S.  of  Richard.  School, 
Bumham  Ulph.  B.A.  1583-4;  Scholar,  1587;  M.A.  1587. 
Living,  1619.  Died  before  Sept.  5,  1623.   (Venn,  i.  106.) 

THURLOW,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  5, 
1748.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1713),  R.  of  Ashfleld,  Suffolk,  etc. 
B.  c.  1730,  at  Bracon  Ash.  Schools,  Seaming  (Mr  Brett)  and 
Canterbury  (Mr  Talbot).  Matric.  1748;  Scholar,  1748-51. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  29,  1752.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1754.  Bencher,  1762.  K.C  ,  1762.  Reader,  1769.  Treasurer, 
1770.  M.P.  for  Tamworth,  1765-78.  Solicitor-General,  1770- 
I.  Attorney-General,  1770-8.  P.C,  1778.  Lord  Chancellor, 
1778-92.  Created  Baron  Thurlow  of  Ashfield,  Suffolk, 
Jime  3,  1778,  and  Baron  Thurlow  of  Thurlow,  June  11,  1792. 
Teller  of  the  Exchequer,  1786-1806.  Presided  as  Lord  High 
Steward,  at  the  trial  of  Warren  Hastings,  1788.  Died  un- 
married, Sept.  12,  1806.  Buried  in  the  Temple  Church. 
(Venn,  11.  62;  G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

THURLOE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
22,  1686.  S.  of  WUliam,  baker.  B.  at  Gravesend,  Kent. 
School,  Lewisham  (Mr  Newman). 

THURLOE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1569. 

THURLOE,  JOHN.  M.P.  for  the  University,  1659  (apparently 
no  other  connexion  with  the  University).  S.  of  Thomas 
(c.  1593),  R.  of  Abbot's  Roding,  Essex.  Bapt.  June  12,  1616. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  1647.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1653. 
Bencher,  1654.  Entered  the  service  of  Oliver  St  John. 
Secretary  of  State,  1652;  took  an  important  part  in  raising 
CromweU  to  the  Protectorate.  Given  charge  of  the  intelligence 
and  postal  departments.  P.C.  to  the  Protector,  1653-59. 
M.P.  for  the  Isle  of  Ely,  1654-6.  Opposed  to  the  military 
faction.  Governor  of  the  Charterhouse,  1657.  Chancellor  of 
Glasgow  University,  1658.  Accused  of  high  treason  at  the 
Restoration,  but  liberated.  His  vast  correspondence  is  the 
chief  authority  for  the  history  of  the  Protectorate.  Died 
Feb.  21,  1667-8.  Buried  in  the  Chapel  of  Lincoln's  Inn. 

THURLO,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  28, 
1666.  S.  of  Nicholas,  carpenter.  B.  at  Cambridge.  Schools, 
Perse,  Cambridge  and  Uppingham.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669- 
70;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  19,  1670-1;  priest. 
Mar.  3,  1671-2.  R.  of  Brent  Eleigh,  Suffolk,  1678-1766. 
Died  July,  1706.  M.I.  at  Brent  Eleigh.   Father  of  the  next. 

THURLOE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
May  25,  1699.  S.  of  Nicholas  (above),  R.  of  Brent  Eleigh, 
Suffolk.  School,  Lavenham;  also  colleger  at  Eton,  1696-7. 
Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1706.  Fellow,  1705.  R.  of 
Brent  Eleigh,  1706  (probably  succeeded  his  father). 
Died  Nov.  1732.  Buried  at  Brent  Eleigh.  (S.  H.  A.  H., 
Bury  School  Register.) 

THURLOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  9,  1590-1. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.   Perhaps  same  as  next. 

THURLOW,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 
1593.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1610.  R.  of 
Abbots  Roothing,  Essex,  1612-33.  Died  1633.  Admon. 
(Cons.  C.  London)  Jan.  27,  1633-4.  Father  of  John,  M.P.  for 
the  University,  1659. 

THURLOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1666. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  Lent,  1667-8;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673. 
Perhaps  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1673.  R.  of 
Wortham,  Suffolk,  1680-1718.   Father  of  the  next. 

THURLOW,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  9, 
1713.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above),  R.  of  Wortham,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  21,  1695.  School,  Botesdale  (Mr  May- 
bourn).  Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1713-8;  B.A.  1716-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Oct.  28,  1718;  'C.  of  Harstead,  Suffolk'; 
priest,  June,  1723.  R.  of  Tharston,  Norfolk,  1729.  V.  of 
Gt  Ashfield,  Suffolk.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert 
Hovell,  alias  Smith,  of  Ashfield,  Suffolk,  Dec.  10,  1730.  Died 
June  12,  1762.  Father  of  Edward  (1748).    (Venn,  i.  529.) 

THURLOE,  .    M.Gram.  1472-3  (cautio  for  non-inception). 

One  William  Thurlow,  M.A.,  R.  of  Leigh,  Essex,  1480-8. 

THURMAN,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1631  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
London.   Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Apr.  13,  1612,  age 

Thurston,  Adam  de 

14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1615;  M.A.  1618.  P.C.  of  St  Mary,  Savoy, 
Middlesex,  in  1627.  R.  of  Gt  Hallingbury,  Essex,  1630.  V.  of 
Goudhurst,  Kent,  1662-76.   Died  1676.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

THURNALL,  [RICHARD].  M.A.  from  Clare,  1595  (in  the  ordo). 
Doubtless  Richard  ThumaU,  'M.A.';  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  May  2,  1596;  of  Clare  Hall,  Cambridge.  V.  of 
Swaffham  Prior  (St  Mary),  Cambs.,  1598-1616.  R.  of  Ken- 
nett,  1615-34.   Died  1634.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  1634. 

THURSey,  see  also  THORESBY. 

THURSBY,  CHARLES.    Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.   1641.    See  THIRLBY. 

from  Jesus,  Michs.  1567.  Probably  s.  of  Edward,  of  Dore- 
wards  Hall,  Booking,  Essex.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  1579.  Married  Etheldred,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Timperley,  of  Hintlesham,  Suffolk.  Died  Oct.  23,  1628. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1628.  (Baker's  Northants.,  I.  11;  Morant,  11. 
385;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

THURSBY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  16, 
1627.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Aycliffe,  Durham.  Schools, 
Heighington  (Mr  Jo.  Robinson)  and  Gt  Stainton  (Mr  Ingle- 
thorpe).   Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 

THURSBYE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1567. 
Possibly  s.  of  William  (Thoresby),  of  Leeds,  Yorks.  If  so, 
adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  26,  1573;  of  Yorkshire.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1581.  Bencher,  1595.  Treasurer,  1608-9. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Palmer,  of  Clerkenwell,  Middle- 
sex. Died  May  n,  1615.  Buried  at  Hackney.  M.I.  (He 
may  have  been  a  brother  of  Christopher  (1567),  but  his 
name  does  not  occur  in  the  Vis.  of  Essex,  or  in  Baker's 
Pedigree.)   (Due.  Leod.,  69,  71.) 

THURSBY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1607;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  May 
31;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1618.  R.  of  Elton,  Durham,  1619-21. 
V.  of  Pittington,  1621-31.  R.  of  Winston,  1631-51.  Buried 
there,  July  8,  1651.   (Peile,  i.  265.) 

THURSBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  19,  1690. 
Of  Middlesex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  London, 
merchant,  and  nephew  of  William  (next).  B.  c.  1671. 
Matric.  1690.   Died  before  1700.   (Baker,  1.  11.) 

THURSBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  25,  1645. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  of  Castor,  Northants., 
Esq.  B.  1629.  Matric.  1646.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
May  4,  1649.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1656.  Bencher,  1673. 
Treasurer,  1684.  University  Counsel,  1663-5.  Custos 
Brevium  of  C.P.  Judge  of  the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.  M.P.  for 
Northampton,  1698-1701.  Of  Abington,  Northants.  Lord 
of  the  manors  of  Abington,  Little  Billing,  and  Weston. 
Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau.  of  Thomas  Fleming,  of  Fothering- 
hay  Park;  (2)  Audrey,  dau.  of  William  Brownlow,  of  Humby, 
Lines.  Died  in  London,  Feb.  4,  1700-1.  Buried  at  Abington. 
M.I.  (Baker,  i.  15;  Middle  Temple  Bench  Book;  Le  Neve, 

THURSCROSS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1584;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1610.  V.  of  Withemwick,  Vorks.,  1592-5.  V.  of 
Catterick,  1594-1603.  R.  of  Winston,  Durham,  1602-8. 
Canon  of  York,  1608-22.  R.  of  Gt  Langton,  Yorks.,  i6n. 
R.  of  Stokesley,  1615.  V.  of  Kirkby  Moorside,  1619-25. 
Archdeacon  of  Cleveland,  1619-35.  WiU  dated,  June  20, 
1642;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  27,  1649,  by  his  son  Tobias  (161 4). 
Father  of  the  next. 

THURSCROSS,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Lent,  1615-6.  S.  of  Henry  (above).  B.A.  1618;  M.A.  1622; 
B.D.  1629;  D.D.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1622.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1622.  Fellowof  Eton,  1670-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Nov.  28,  1622;  priest  (York)  Sept.  1625.  Preb.  of  York, 
1622-71.  V.  of  Kirkby  Moorside,  Yorks.,  1625-38.  Arch- 
deacon of  Cleveland,  1635-8.  Minister  of  the  Charterhouse. 
Died  in  London,  Nov.  1671.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  the 
next.   (Magdalene  College  History,  95;  Al.  Oxon.) 

THURSCROSSE,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1614.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry  (1584),  of  Kirkby  Moorside, 
Yorks.  B.A.  1617-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  i,  1619. 
Of  Kirkby  Moorside,  Esq.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of  Sir 
WiUiam  Belt,  Recorder  of  York.  Living,  1649.  Brother  of 
Timothy  (above). 

THURSKE,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1585  (perhaps  adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  13,  1586;  Thirske). 
Probably  his  will  (York)  1626;  of  Skidby,  Yorks.,  clerk. 

THURSTON,  ADAM  DE.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  in  1339. 
Perhaps  identical  with  'Thurstan,  Bedell  of  Cambridge'; 
ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Jan.  8,  1348-9. 


Thurston,  Clement 

THURSTON,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Caius,  May  ig, 
1636.  S.  of  John  (1602).  B.  at  Hoxne,  Suffolk.  School, 
Aylsham  (Messrs  Knowles  and  Clare).  Matric.  1636;  Scholar, 
1638-42;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1643.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  24,  1643;  priest,  June  16,  1644.  R.of 
Worlingworth,  Suffolk,  1645-60.  R.  of  Toppesfield,  Essex, 
1660  (not  inducted).  Married  Rose,  dau.  of  John  Redgrave, 
of  Woodbridge.  Probably  died  1660.  Brother  of  Frederick 
(1645)  and  Nathaniel  (1632).   (Venn,  1.  322.) 

THURSTONE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1571.  Of  Norwich. 

THURSTON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1580;  B.A.  1584-5. 

THURSTON,  FREDERICK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Jime  30,  1645.  S.  of  John  (1602),  gent.,  of  Hoxne,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  9,  1627.  School,  Hoxne  (Mr  Hall).  Matric. 
1645;  B.A.  1648-9.  Buried  Sept.  12,  1658;  described  in  a 
deed,  1659  {Suffolk  Records,  1.  12)  as  'late  of  Pulham,  Nor- 
folk.' Half-brother  of  Clement  (1636)  and  Nathaniel  (1632). 
{Venn,  i.  358.) 

THURSTONE,  HAMMOND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  23,  1645-6.  S.  of  Alexander,  gent.,  of  St  Michael-le- 
Queme,  London.  B.  there.  School,  Isleworth  (Mr  Willis). 
Matric.  1646. 

THRUSTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1563-4. 

THURSTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Mar.  11, 
1601-2.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Ho.xne,  Suffolk.  School, 
Worlingworth  (Mr  Grundy).  J. P.  for  Suffolk.  Succeeded  his 
father  in  the  manor  of  Worlingworth,  the  priory  of  Hoxne, 
etc.  Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Godbold,  of 
Lopham,  Norfolk;  (2)  Katherine,  dau.  of  John  Fincham,  of 
Outwell.  Died  Apr.  1,  1640.  Buried  at  Hoxne.  Father  of 
Clement  (1636),  Frederick  (1645)  and  Nathaniel  (1632). 
{Venn,  1.  177.) 

THURSTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  15,  1646. 
S.  of  Edmund,  mercer,  of  Colchester,  Essex.  B.  there,  July  1, 
1631.  Schools,  Colchester  (Mr  Dugard)  and  Merchant 
Taylors'.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  V.  of 
Flempton  and  Hengrave,  Suffolk,  1667-82. 

THURSTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  June  27,  1704- 
B.  at  Bumham  Market,  Norfolk. 

THURSTON,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1611.  Of  Essex.  Scholar;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619;  B.D. 
1627.  Fellow,  1617  (by  royal  mandate).  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  May  15;  priest,  May  16,  1625.  R.  of  Alresford, 
Essex,  till  1639.  R.  of  Beckingham,  Lines.,  till  1658.  Died 
Feb.  14,  1657-8. 

THURSTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  20, 
1689.  S.  and  h.  of  Joseph.  B.  at  Colchester.  School,  Brent- 
wood (Mr  Barnard).  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1692-3.  Adm.  at 
Lincohi's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1687-8.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1696.  Of 
Colchester,  Essex,  and  afterwards  of  Little  Wenham,  Suffolk, 
Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Isaac  Rebow,  of  Colchester, 
Knt.  Recorder  of  Colchester.  Died  at  Colchester,  Oct.  16, 
1714.  Buried  at  Little  Wenham.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1691),  father  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1725-6). 
(Peile,  11.  113.) 

THURSTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr. 
13,  1720.  S.  of  Joseph  (above),  Esq.,  of  Colchester,  deceased. 
B.  there,  June  i6,  1704.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1720. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  July  25,  1719.  Died  s.p.,  Dec.  22, 
1732.  Buried  at  Little  Wenham.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1725- 
6).   {Venn,  11.  13.) 

THRUSTONE,  MALACHIAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Nov.  10,  1645.  S.  of  Edward,  of  West  Buckland,  Somerset. 
B.  there.  School,  Tiverton.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1649-50; 
M.A.  1653;  M.D.  from  Caius,  1665  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow  of 
Sidney,  1651-5;  of  Caius,  1655-1701.  Hebrew  lecturer,  1655, 
1662;  Registrar,  1659;  Greek  lecturer,  1664.  FR.S.,  1665. 
Practised  at  Exeter.  His  raind  failed,  and  he  spent  his  latter 
years  with  relations  in  Somerset.  Author,  medical.  Died 
June  3,  1 701.  Buried  at  West  Buckland.  Admon.  (P.C.C.) 
May,  1702.   {Venn,  1.  393.) 

THURSTON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  13,  1632.  S.  of  John  (1602),  gent.  B.  at  Hoxne,  Suffolk. 
School,  Aylsham  (Mr  Knowles).  Matric.  1633.  Of  Hoxne 
Abbey,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Trench,  of 
Tilney,  Norfolk.  Buried  Sept.  3,  1658,  at  Hoxne.  M.I. 
Brother  of  Clement  (1636)  and  Frederick  (1645).  {Venn,  I. 
308;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

THURSTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

THURSTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  8, 
1691.  2nd  s.  of  Joseph.  B.  at  Colchester.  School,  Brentwood 
(Mr Bernard).  Matric.  1696;  M.B.  1697:  M.D.  1701.  Migrated 

Thwaites,  Mark 

to  Caius,  Feb.  2,  1702-3;  resided  for  some  time  as  a  Fell.- 
Com.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  May  21,  1691.  Will  (P.CC). 
Nov.  8,  1708;  bequests  of  books  etc.  to  Christ's  and  Caius. 
Brother  of  Joseph  (1689).   {Peile,  11.  123;  Venn,  i.  510.) 

THURSTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June 
27,1718.  Of  Bramford,  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John, 
ofBramford.  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725  Fellow, 
1724-6.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jime  15,  1716;  afterwards  adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  30,  1728.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1729. 
Bencher,  1750.  Died  Apr.  8,  1751.  {Middle  Temple  Bench 
Book;  G.  Mag.) 

THURSTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  15, 
1725-6.  S.  of  Joseph  (1689),  Esq.,  of  Wenham,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there,  May  17,  1708.  Schools,  Westminster  (private). 
Bury  (Mr  Kynnesman)  and  Colchester  (Mr  Turner).  Scholar, 
1726-9;  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1730-1.  Sold  Little  Wenham,  in 
1765.  Buried  Jan.  16,  1774,  at  Little  Wenham.  Brother  of 
Joseph  (1720).   {Venn,  11.  24.) 

THURSTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1548.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Wrotham,  Kent,  1558-63. 

THURSTON,  W[ILLIAM].  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  May  26, 
1576.   Matric.  1576. 

THURSTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1611,  as  Thuriton.  Of  Norwich. 

THURSTON,  DE  HUNINGHAM.  Bedell,  c.  13 15,  University 
chaplain.  Benefactor.  One  'Thurstan  le  Bedell'  mentioned 
in  1335  {Calendar  of  Close  Rolls),  but  this  was  probably  an- 
other man;  possibly  Adam  (1339),  whom  sec.  (H.  P.  Stokes, 
Esquire  Bedells.) 

THURSTON, .  Scholar  of  Gonville  Hall,  1541. 

THURSWELL,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

THURTYLBY,   .     Degree   in    1465-6.     Probably   Thomas 

Thorlby;  'M.A.';  R.  of  Brinkley,  Cambs.,  1465-9- 
THURWELL,  HUGH.    Adm,  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  21,   1625. 

Matric.  1625. 

THWAYTS,  ANTHONY.   Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 

1570.    Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Reymerston,  Norfolk,  Esq. 

Of  Reymerston.    Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Fulwood, 

of  Eastwood,  Notts.   {Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
THWAYTES,   EDWARD.     B.A.    1542-3.     S,   of   Anthony,    of 

Hardingham,  Norfolk,  Esq.    M.A.   1546;  B.D.   1553.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  27,  1547-8.  V.  of  Hardingham,  1553; 

still  there  in  1603.    R.  of  Hingham,  1553.    Brother  of  the 

next.   (Km.  of  Norfolk;  Blomefield,  x.  227.) 

THWAYTES,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1544.  Doubtlesssths.  of  Anthony,  of  Hardingham.  {Vis.  of 

THWAYTES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  4, 
1666.  Of  Yorkshire.  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  1671;  priest,  Sept.  1675.  V.  of  Corringham,  Lines., 
1680-7.  R.  of  Stanford,  Notts.,  1686.  R.  of  Seagrave,  Leics., 
1715.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Yarmouth.  Father  of  John 

THWAYTES,  JAMES.  Scholar  of  St  John's,  1557.  Of  West- 
morland.  B.A.  1560-1.   Fellow,  1561. 

THWAYTES,  JOHN.  M.A.  and  D.D.  Proctor,  1449-50.  Perhaps 
Fellow  of  Clare,  in  1455.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1459.  R.  of 
Little  Gransden,  Cambs.,  1459-66  R.  of  All  Hallows,  Bread 
Street,  London,  1467-80.  R.  of  St  Leonard's,  Foster  Lane, 

THWAYTES,  JOHN.   B.Civ.L.  1506-7. 

THWAYTES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

THWAITES,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1669.  Matric.  (New 
College,  Oxford)  July  31,  1658;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1662.  R.  of 
Cromwell,  Notts.,  1669.  R.  of  Kirkby,  1700.  Licensed  to 
marry  Anne  Birkhead,  of  Haughton,  Aug.  19,  1670.  {Al. 
Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

THWAITS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  22.  1708.  Of 
Stanford,  Notts.  S.  of  Francis  (1666).  School,  Lough- 
borough.  Matric.  1708. 

THWAYTES,  LANCELOT.  B.Civ.L.  1527-8.  Ord.  priest 
(Durham)  Sept.  9,  1534;  'on  the  title  of  his  benefice  of 
St  Oswald.'  V.  of  St  Oswald,  Durham,  1534-50.  R.  of 
Egglescliffe,  1541-55.  V.  of  Aycliffe,  1550-4.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

THWAYTES,  LIONEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  1618.  S.  of 
Richard  (1577),  of  Hardingham,  Norfolk.  Buried  Aug.  4, 
1618.   {Venn,  i.  238.) 

THWAYTS,  MARK.   B.A.  from  Trinity,  1603-4;  M.A.  160;. 


Thwaites,  Richard 

THWAITES  or  THAYTES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at 
Caius,  June  23,  1577.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Hardingham, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  Schools,  Brandon,  Suffolk,  and  Ely,  Cambs. 
Matric.  1577.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  8,  1575;  of 
Fumival's  Inn.  Of  Hardingham.  Will  proved  (Norwich) 
Feb.  27,  1616-7.  Brother  of  William  (1583)  and  father  of 
Lionel  (1618).   {Venn,  i.  92.) 

THWAYTES,  ROBERT.  D.D.  Probably  V.  of  Masham,  Yorks., 
1448-57;  Dean  of  Auckland,  Durham.  R.  of  Cottenham, 
Cambs.,  1456-8.  Chancellor  of  Ely.  R.  of  Terrington, 
Norfolk,  tiU  1458.  Died  1458.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1458;  of  St 
Andrew,  Auckland,  Durham.  One  of  these  names  preb.  of 
Southwell,  1438;  Vice-Chancellor  of  Oxford  University,  1441 
and  1453;  Master  of  Balliol  College,  Oxford,  1450.  (J. 
Crosby;  Fisher,  Masham,  332.) 

THWAYTES,  ROBERT.   B.Can.L.  1532-3. 

TWAYTES,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TWAYTES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1564-5. 

TWAYTS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  1591. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Norwich.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Lym- 
bert).  Matric.  c.  1590;  Scholar,  1592-8;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A. 
1598.  Fellow,  1600-13.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1602.  Obtained 
the  college  testimonial  for  orders,  Dec.  20,  1604.  R.  of 
MattishaU,  Norfolk,  1609.  R.  of  Claxby  Pluckacre,  Lines., 
1611.  R.  of  Miningsby,  1620.  Will  (Lincoln)  1638.  (Venn, 
I.  143-) 

THWAYTES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  27, 
1746-7.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1751;  M.A. 
1754;  B.D.  1763.  Fellow,  1751-74.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar. 
18,  1753.  R-  ot  Cheverell,  Wilts.  V.  of  Oakington,  Cambs., 
1764-73.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Wortley  Chapel,  South  Yorkshire.; 
B.D.   If  so,  died  1802. 

THWAYTS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1558;  B.A.  1561-2. 

THWAYTES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  19, 
1583.  Of  Hardingham,  Norfolk.  S.  of  Thoracis,  Esq.  Scholar, 
1583-7.  Probably  married  Anne,  dau.  of  Henry  Richers, 
Esq.,  of  Swannington.  Died  s.p.,  1606.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1577).   (Venn,  1.  119.) 

THWAITES, .   D.D.  1479-80. 

THWAITES, .   B.A.  1481-2;  M.A.  (?)  1484. 

THWAITES, .   B.D.  1489-90. 

THWAYTES, .  B.Can.L.  1517-8. 

THWAYTES, .   B.A.  1518-9. 

THWAYTES, .   B.Can.L.  1529-30.   A  priest. 

THWAYTES, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

THWENG  or  THWING,   ANTHONY.    B.A.   from  St  John's, 

1592-3;  M.A.  1596. 
TWENG,  JOHN  DE.    Scholar  at  King's  Hall,   1346.    Died 

Aug.  6,  1349. 
THWYNGE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Nicholas  Hostel, 

Michs.  1548;  LL.B.  1554-5;  Twhenge. 
THYRNEBECK,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1504-5. 
TIBSHALL,  TIMOTHY.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1635.   Buned  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Feb.  11,  1636-7. 
TICE,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1629. 

Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  minister  of  Ware,  Herts. 
TISE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1627.   Of  London. 
TICHBORNE,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1584. 

Migrated  to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592; 

B.D.  1599;  D.D.  1605.    Fellow  of  Trinity,  1591.    R.  of  St 

Michael-le-Quem,  1604-8.    R.  of  Thakeham,  Sussex,  1607. 

R.   of  Buxted,    1620.    Author,   A    Triple  Antidote  against 

certaine  very  Cmntnon  Scandals  of  this  Time.   Died  Aug.  18, 

1638.   Buried  at  Buxted.    (Cooper,  11.  530.) 
TICHBORNE,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23, 

1607.   Matric.  1607. 
TICHBORNE  or  TUCHBURNE,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Peter- 
house,  Michs.  1582. 
TICKHELL,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

TICKILL,  DANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1646- 

Of  Devon. 
TICLE  or  TYCKULL, .   B.Can.L.  1510-1. 

TICKNER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  4,  1644,  from  Magdalen  College,  Oxford.  Of  Surrey. 
Matric.  1644;  Scholar,  1645-6;  B.A.  1645-6.  Ejected  from 
Alcester,  Warws.,  1662.   Died  soon  after.   (Calamy,  11.  479.) 

Till,  Thomas 

TIDBOALD,  ALEXANDER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 

May   15,    1671.    S.   of  Walter.    B.  at  Stockleigh,   Devon. 

School,    Tiverton    (Mr   Humes).     Matric.    1671,    'Titbull'; 

Scholar,  1671-5;  B.A.  1674-5.    Will  proved  (Exeter)  1682. 

(Venn,  i.  444.) 
TIDCOMBE,  TOBIAS.   M.A.  1650  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    B.A. 

(St  Edmund's  HaU,  Oxford)   1647;  M.A.  (New  Inn  HaU), 

1648.  Fellowof  Corpus  Christi,  Oxford,  1648.  R.  of  Ditcheat, 

Somerset,  1656-62,  ejected.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TIDD,  see  TYDD. 

TIDSWELL,  EDWARD.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1599;  B.A.  1599- 
1600;  M.A.  1603;  B.D.  i6io.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22; 
priest,  Dec.  23,  1604.  Chaplain  of  Trinity,  1606-18.  V.  of 
St  Clement's,  Cambridge,  1607-16.  R.  of  Colney,  Norfolk, 
1616-47.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1654. 

TIFFIN,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1631. 
Of  London.   B.A.  1634-5;  M-A.  1638. 

TYFFEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  5, 
1660-1.  S.  of  John,  bookseller,  of  Godmanchester,  Hunts. 
B.  there.  School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1661; 
B.A.  1664-5.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Dec.  22, 
1666.  R.  of  Souldrop,  Beds.,  1666-1720.  Buried  there 
Sept.  II,  1720.  Brother  of  William  (1669)  and  father  of  the 

TIFFIN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  July  14,  1685. 
S.  of  John  (above).  Bapt.  Apr.  20,  1669,  at  Souldrop,  Beds. 
School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Matthews).  Matric.  1685;  Scholar, 
1689;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693.  College  lecturer  on  Rhetoric, 
1694-1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1692;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1694.   C.  of  Woodhill,  Beds.   (Peile,  11.  101.) 

TIFFYN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Queens',  Feb.  15, 
1644-5.  Of  Surrey.  S.  of  William  (probably  of  Egham, 
Surrey).  B.  at  St  Ives,  Hunts.  School,  Ockham,  Surrey. 
Migrated  to  Christ's,  June  23,  1645.  Probably  adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  June  26,  1650.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1659. 

TYFFYN,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1552. 

TYFFEN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  8, 
1669.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Godmanchester,  Hunts.  School, 
Huntingdon  (Mr  Tayler).  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A. 
1677.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675;  priest,  Sept.  23, 
1677.  V.  of  Shambrook,  Beds.,  1677-1706.  Buried  there 
Apr.  11,  1706.  Brother  of  John  (1660-1).    (Peile,  11.  26,  33.) 

TIFFIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  11, 
1712-3.  S.  of  Roger,  gent.,  of  Crimplesham,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Downham  Market  (Mr  Robinson)  and  Nor- 
wich (Mr  Pate).  Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1713-8;  B.A.  i7i6-7- 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1718;  C.  of  Wereham  and 
Wretton,  Norfolk.  Chaplain  of  Wigston's  Hospital,  Leicester. 
Stenographer.  Author,  A  New  Help  and  Improvement  of 
the  Art  of  Swift-Writing.  Died  Dec.  1759-  Buried  in  St 
Martin's  Church,  Leicester.   (Venn,  i.  528;  D.N.B.) 

TIFFORD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1576;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Minister  at  Thetford  Chapel, 
Stretham,  Cambs.,  1618-23.   Buried  there  July  4,  1623. 

TIFFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  28, 
1636.  S.  of  Thomas,  butcher,  of  the  parish  of  Holy  Sepulchre, 
Cambridge.  B.  there.  School,  Cambridge  (.Mr  Lovering). 
Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1645-6.  R.  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs., 
1650.  R.  of  Kirtling,  1657.  R.  of  Tostock,  Suffolk,  1661. 
V.  of  Pakenham,  1664-73.   Buried  there  Mar.  8,  1672-3. 

TIGHE,  see  TYGHE. 

TILBURG,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  11, 
1707.  S.  of  Cornelius,  M.D.,  of  St  Giles-in-the-Fields, 
London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1707;  M.B.  1712.  Living, 

TILBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1702.  Of  Kent. 
S.  of  Henry.  Matric.  1702.  Buried  in  St  Benet's  Church, 
1702,  aged  16.   (Masters.) 

TILCOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  29, 
1695.   Of  Middlesex. 


TILGHSMAN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  30,  1693.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  Nov.  1,  1676,  at  Rugby, 
Warws.  School,  Rugby. 

TYLL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1578;  B.A.  1581-2. 

TILL,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  7,  1657.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  V.  of  Wester- 
ham,  Kent,  1667-73.  I^-  of  Warlingham,  Surrey,  1673-89. 
Chaplain  to  James,  Earl  of  Northampton.  Died  1689. 
(Manning  and  Bray,  11.  432.) 

TYLL,  THOMAS    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1580. 

V.  A.C.  IV. 



Till,  Thomas 

TILL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Caius,  Apr.  21,  1629. 
S.  of  Edward,  gent.  B.  at  Little  Cornard,  Suffolk,  Matric. 
1629; B.A.  1632-3. 

TYLLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1470.   Of  St  Magnus,  London. 

TYLL, .  M.A.;  excused  from  congregations,  etc.,  1518-9. 

TILLAM,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  22, 

1696.  S.  of  Joshua,  gent.  B.  at  Richmond.  School,  Sedbergh. 

Matric.  1696;  LL.B.  1707.    Ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  May  26, 

1700.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  V.  of  Wedmore,  Somerset, 

1707-21.  Died  1721. 
TILLARD,  see  also  TILLIER. 

TILLARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  24,  1735. 
Of  London.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Norton  Folgate, 
Middlesex.  Matric.  1735.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  11, 
1737.  Brother  of  William  (1735). 

TYLLIARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  21,  1535.  Of  Drayton,  Middlesex.  Off  before 

TILLARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  28,  1750. 
Of  London.  S.  and  h.  of  Joas,  of  the  Inner  Temple.  B.  Oct. 
19,  1732.  Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1757;  M.A.  1760.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  i,  1747-8.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  18,  1757.  V.  of  Wirksworth,  Derbs.,  1778-86.  Died 
Nov.  28,  1786.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

TILLARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  24, 
1735-  Of  London.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Norton 
Folgate,  Middlesex.   Matric.  1735.  Brother  of  James  (1735). 


TILLEY,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emm.\nuel,  May  18,  1681. 

Of  Salop.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688. 
TILLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  18,  1683. 

S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  farmer.  B.  at  Hobolder,  Salop.  School, 

Newport,  Salop  (Mr  Edwards).    Matric.  1683.   Adm.  at  the 

Inner  Temple,  May  9,  1687. 
TILLIE,  PETER.   B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1603-4.   Doubtless 

'of  Leics.,  pleb.';  matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Jan.  19, 

1598-9,  age  15.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  1,  1606-7. 
TILLIER,  see  also  TILLARD. 
TILLIER  or  TILLYAR,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19) 

at  Pembroke,  Mar.  21,  1664-5.  S.  of  Christopher,  citizen  of 

London.  B.  in  London.  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.). 

Probably  R.  of  East  Angmering,  Sussex,  1679.    Doubtless 

father  of  the  next. 
TILLIER,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  1704.   Doubtless  s.  of  Christopher  (above),  R.  of  East 

Angmering,  Sussex.    B.  there,  1685.    Matric.  Easter,  1705; 

B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712.  Fellow,  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 

Sept.  25,  1709;  priest  (Chichester)  Sept.  21,  1712.    V.  of 

Clymping,  Sussex.    V.  of  Goring.    R.  of  Patching,  1740-6. 

Died  June,  1746.   M.I.  at  Arundel. 
TILLINGHAM,  EDMUND.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall, 

Mar.  26,  1606;  LL.B.  1610. 
TILLINGHAM,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Feb.  22,  1630-1.   S.  of  Edmund,  gent.,  of  Dunmow,  Essex. 

B.  there.    School,  Halstead.    Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1635-6; 

M.A.  1639. 

TYLLINGHAST,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1578; 
B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  5,  1590. 
R.  of  Street,  Sussex,  1593-1624.  Buried  there  Mar.  16,  1624. 
Will  (Lewes)  1624.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Robert  (162&-7). 

TILLINGHAST,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  24, 
1620-1.  S.of  John  (above),  R.  of  Street,  Sussex.  Bapt.  there, 
Sept.  25,  1604.  School,  Newport,  Essex  (Mr  Woode). 
Scholar,  1621-5;  B.A.  1624-5.  Subscribed  for  deacon  and 
priest  (Bristol)  Apr.  2,  1625.  R.  of  Tarring  Neville,  Sussex, 
1636.  R.  of  Street,  i637-?54.  Became  an  independent, 
c.  1650;  assisted  WiUiam  Bridge  at  Gt  Yarmouth,  Norfolk, 
1651-2.  Minister  of  Trunch,  1652-5.  A  resolute  Fifth 
Monarchy  man.  Author,  religious.  Died  June,  1655.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1655.   Brother  of  Robert  (1626-7).   (Venn,  1.  25^; 

TILLINGHAST,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  3,  1645. 

Of  Sussex.     Perhaps  s.  of   Pardon,   of  Alfriston,   Sussex; 

matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  July  14,  1642,  age  17. 
TILLINGHAST,   ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Christ's, 

Feb.  27,  1626-7.    S.  of  John  (1578).    B.  at  Street,  Sussex. 

Schools,  Newport,  Essex  (Mr  Wood  and  Mr  Hobmann)  and 

Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Leigh).  Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1630-1. 

Brother  of  John  {1620-1).   (Peile,  i.  380.) 
TILLOT  or  TILLET,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 

July  7,  1699.   S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cambridge.   School,  King's 

College  School  (Mr  Roswell).   Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1703-4; 

TiLNEY,  Emery 

M.A.  1707.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1723.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1706;  priest,  June,  1707.  R.  of  Bittering,  Norfolk, 
1711-30.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

TILLOTT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  162 1; 
B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1623-4. 

TILLOT,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1665;  ex- 
hibitioner from  Bury  School.  Of  Suffolk.  Buried  at  St 
Benet,  Cambridge,  Dec.  13,  1669. 

TYLLOT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1555. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  3,  1559-60;  Tillat. 

TILLET,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1588.  Possibly  of  Wrotham,  Suffolk.  (Vis.  of  Suffolk, 

TILLETT  or  TILLOTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pem- 
broke, Apr.  13,  1625.  S.  of  Reginald,  farmer.  B.  at  Bury 
St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Per- 
haps ord.  priest  (St  David's)  Feb.  16,  1632-3.  R.  of  Depden, 
Suffolk,  1632.  R.  of  Stansfield.  R.  of  Shimpling  (alias 
Shimplingthome),  1664. 

TILLOT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1627.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Rougham.  B.A. 
1630-1.   (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  166^.) 

TILLET,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  3,  1663. 
S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Pulham  St  Mary,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Rougham,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Rougham  (private)  and  Bury 
St  Edmunds  (Dr  Stephens).  Matric.  1663;  Scholar,  1663-4. 
(Venn,  i.  417.) 

TILLOT, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1556. 

TILLOTSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  23,  1647.  S.  of 
Robert,  clothier,  of  Halifax.  B.  1630,  at  Old  Haugh  End, 
Halifax.  School,  Colne,  Lanes.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650; 
M.A.  1654;  D.D.  1666.  Fellow,  1651-61,  deprived.  Ord.  c. 
1661.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Edm.  Prideaux.  R.  of  Kedington, 
Sufiolk,  1663-4.  Preacher  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  1663-91. 
Lecturer  at  St  Laurence  Jewry,  London,  1664.  Chaplain 
to  the  King,  1666-91.  Preb.  of  Canterbury,  1670-2.  Preb. 
of  Chichester,  1670.  F.R.S.,  1671.  Dean  of  Canterbury, 
1672-89.  Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1675-91;  Dean,  1689;  P.C, 
1691.  Clerk  of  the  Closet,  1689-91.  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury, 1691-4.  Author,  sermons.  Died  Nov.  22, 1694.  Buried 
at  St  Laurence  Jewry.  (D.N.B.) 

TILLOTSON,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1732. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Dec.  7,  1734;  B.A. 
1735-6;  M.A.  1745.  Sur-master,  St  Paul's  School,  1748-63. 
Died  Aug.  18,  1763.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1763. 

TILLOTSON,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Aug.  23,  1693. 

Of  London.    Nephew  of  John  (1647).    Matric.  1694;  B.A. 

1697-8;  M.A.  1701.   Fellow,  1699-1701.   Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1712.  Sinecure  R.  of  Elm  and  Emneth,  Cambs.,  1700.  Lived 

in  Cambridge.  Died  1739. 
TILLOTSON,  STEPHEN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

May  10,  1725.    S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire. 

B.  at  Cononley.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric. 
1725;  B.A.  1728-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1730; 
priest  (York)  June  4,  1732.  C.  of  Skipton,  Yorks.,  1731. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  386.) 

TILLS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter,  1585. 

TILLS,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1576;  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582. 
TILLS,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1626.    Of  Norfolk.    B.A.   1628-9.    Buried  at  St  Benet's, 

Cambridge,  Nov.  4,  1629. 
TILMAN,  ABRAHAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.    1581;   B.A.    1583-4;    M.A.    1587.    Fellow,    158&-9. 

Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1589. 
TILMAN,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616;  B.D.  1623.    Fellow,  1613. 

Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20, 1618;  priest.  Mar.  12,  1619-20. 

C.  of  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  1622.  R.  of  Rickinghall 
Superior,  Sufiolk,  1624-5.  R-  of  Stowlangtoft,  1624-5.  R-  of 
Rettenden,  Essex,  till  1641.  Died  1641-2.  Will  (Cons.  C. 
London)  1641-2. 

TILNEY,  CHARLES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1576.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Philip,  of  Shelley,  Suffolk.  B. 
Sept.  23,  1561.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1579.  Gentle- 
man pensioner.  Executed  with  Babington  and  others  for 
treason,  Sept.  20,  1586.   (D.N.B.;  Thompson,  Boston.) 

TILNEY,  EMERY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1543. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Shelley,  Suffolk.  Pupil  of  George 
Wishart  of  whom  he  wrote  an  account.  Succeeded  to  Monk's 
Hall,  Syleham,  1565,  and  to  Shelley,  1601-2.  Married 
Winifred  Davis.  Died  1606.  (Cooper,  i.  559;  iii.  119;  Copinger, 
Manors  of  Suffolk,  iv.  92;  vi.  81.) 



TiLsoN.  Thomas 

TILNEY,  FIRMVAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent 

1577-8.   Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  East  Tuddenham,  Norfolk. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  12,  1581.    Probably  brother  of 

Richard  (i577-8). 
TILNEY,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  18, 

1607.    S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  East  Tuddenham,  Norfolk. 

School,  Hardingham  (Messrs  Gould  and  Philipps).    Matric. 

1608;  Scholar,  1608-13;  BA.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  priest 

(Norwich)   June  15,   1617.    V.  of  Denham,  Sufiolk,   1617. 

Subscribed  ifao  for  the  defence  of  the  Parliament,   1642. 

WiO  proved   (Norwich  C.C.)   Sept.   28,    1663.    Brother  of 

Nathaniel  (1609-10)  and  probably  father  of  the  next.  {Venn, 

I-  195.) 
TILNEY,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1658.  Of  Suffolk.  Probablys.  of  Francis  (above).  B. A.  1659; 

M.A.  1663.    V.  of  Offton,  Sufiolk,  1660.    R.  of  Brisingham, 

Norfolk,   1667-1715.    Married   Elizabeth,   dau.  of  Thomas 

Rode,  of  North  Cove,  Suffolk,  Esq.    Died  Sept.  13,  1715. 

aged  81.    Buried  at  Brisingham.    M.I.    (Blomefield,  I.  66 ; 

P.  Thompson,  Boston,  372.) 

TILNEY,  FREDERICK.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1635.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  from  Jesus, 
1644.  FeUow  of  Jesus,  1644-50,  ejected.  V.  of  Dagenham, 
Essex,  1654-63.  Buried  Aug.  i,  1663. 

TYLNEY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

TILNEY,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  7,  1715.  Of 
Norfolk,  B.A.  1718. 

TYLNEYE,  JOHN  DE.  King's  Scholar  at  Cambridge,  1337. 
Died  Jan.  13,  1340-1. 

TILNEY,  JOHN.  D.D.  of  Cambridge.  Of  Yarmouth,  Norfolk. 
Carmelite  friar.  Prior  at  Yarmouth,  1435,  1437,  and  1455. 
Attained  distinction  as  an  exponent  of  the  scriptures.  Author, 
An  Exposition  of  the  Apocalypse,  Sermons,  etc.  (Pits,  621; 
D.N.B.;  C.  J.  Palmer,  Yarmouth,  i.  231.) 

TILNEY,  JOHN.  D.Can.L.  and  FeUow  of  Clare,  c.  1450.  One 
of  those  nominated  to  assist  William  Bingham  in  founding 
God's  House,  afterwards  Christ's  College.  {College  History, 

TILNEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1571;  B.A.  1576-7; 
M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1580.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Jan.  15, 
1580-1.  V.  of  Santon,  Suffolk.   R.  of  Helton,  1589-1600. 

TILNEY,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Jan.  17, 
1609-10.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Hardingham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Reymerstone  (Mr  Gould,  B.A.  and  Mr  Graver). 
Matric.  1610;  Scholar,  1610-6;  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  13,  1619-20.  V.  of  Hemsby, 
Norfolk,  1624-43.  Buried  there  May  4,  1643.  Brother  of 
Francis  (1607).   {Venn,  1.  206.) 

TILNEY,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1550; 
B.A.  1556-7.  R.  of  Swefling,  Suffolk,  1569-73.  V.  of  Rauce- 
by,  Lines.,  1574-6.  Died  c.  1576.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1550). 

TYLNEY,  PHILIP.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Caius,  June  15,  1614. 
S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Ipswich.  Bapt.  Jan.  29,  1598-9,  at 
St  Clement's,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1613.  Of  Shelley  Hall,  Suffolk. 
Succeeded  his  father,  1620.  Sold  the  Shelley  estate  in 
1627.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Needham,  of 
Barking,  Knt.  Father  of  the  next.  {Venn,  i.  22$;  Copinger, 
VI.  81.) 

TILNEY,  PHILIP.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  ii, 
1635.  S.  of  Philip  (above),  gent.  B.  at  Barking  Hall,  Suffolk 
(his  mother's  home).  Matric.  1635.  Living  in  London,  1656. 
{Venn,  i.  318.) 

TYLNEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1563. 

TILNEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1577-8.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  East  Tuddenham,  Norfolk. 
B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Fellow  of  Pem- 
broke, 1583.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  15,  1585. 
Probably  brother  of  Firmyan  (1577-8). 

TILNEY,  ROBERT.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  c.  1418. 

TYLNEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1579. 

TILNEY,  STEPHEN.  B.A.  1518-9. 

TILLNEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1550; 
Scholar,  1554.    Perhaps  of  SheUey,  Suffolk.    Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1556.  Brother  of  Philip  (1550). 
TILNEY,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1611; 
B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1614-5;  M.A.  1618. 

TILNEY, .  B.A.  1529-30- 

TYLNEY, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

TILNEY, .  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1564-5. 

TILSON,  BUCKLEY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  2, 
1731-2.    3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin,  Esq.    School,  Eton. 


Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1732.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Sept.  16, 
1732.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  Henry  (1726),  George  (1734), 
Oliver  (1734)  and  James  (1726). 

TILSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
Mar.  17,  1738-9.  6th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin,  Esq.  School, 
Tonbridge,  Kent.  Matric.  1739;  Scholar,  1739;  B.A.  1742-3. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  22,  1738-9.  To  be  distinguished 
from  his  relative  and  namesake,  chief  clerk  of  the  Treasury. 
Brother  of  Buckley  (above),  etc.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

TILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Oct.  13,  1655. 
Matric.  1655.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Clarborough,  Notts; 
died  before  Sept.  1696.  {Peile,  i.  570.) 
TILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  29,  1665.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert 
(1638).  School,  Carlton,  Notts.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1668-9;  priest  (Gloucester,  at 
Holbom)  Feb.  27, 1669-70.  R.of  Eynesford,Kent,  1670-1726. 
R.  of  Lullingstone,  1671-1726.  Buried  at  Eynesford,  1726. 
Father  of  the  next  and  of  Robert  {1721-2).  {T.  A.  Walker, 
TILSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1717. 
S.  of  Edward  (above).  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725.  Taxor,  1725. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincolii)  Dec.  20,  1724;  priest,  June  5,  1726. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Lullingstone,  Kent,  1726-48. 
V.  of  Eynesford,  1726-48.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Townshend. 
Died  1748.  Brotherof  Robert  (1721-2).  (Hasiei,  i.  310,  315.) 
TILSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1628. 

Of  Lincolnshire. 
TILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  2, 
1689.  S.  of  Nathaniel.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1689;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696. 
FeUow,  1695.  Under-Secretary  of  State  (North),  1708-38. 
F.R.S.,  1735.  Died  Nov.  17,  1738.   (A.  B.  Beaven.) 

TILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  9, 
1733-4.  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin,  Esq,  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1734;  Scholar,  1735;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741- 
FeUow,  1740.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Sept.  16,  1732.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1739;  priest,  Dec.  1740.  Chaplain 
at  Hampton  Court;  resided  at  Richmond.  Died  Sept.  8, 
1778.  Buried  at  Petersham,  Surrey.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1778. 
Brother  of  Buckley  (1732),  etc.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

TILSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  17, 
1726.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin,  Esq.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1727;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733. 
FeUow,  1732.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  16,  1725-  Re- 
sided at  Eagle  Hill,  Co.  Kildare.  Wharfinger  of  the  port  of 
Dublin  with  his  brother  James,  1744-64,  and  solely,  1764-91. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Bushe.  Died  Oct.  19,  1791. 
WiU  (Dublin)  1791.  Brother  of  Buckley  (1732).  etc.  (H.  B. 
Swanzy.  T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

TILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  17,  1726. 
S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  DubUn,  Esq.  School,  Eton.  Matric. 
1726;  Scholar,  1728;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  i744-  Adm.  at 
Lincohi's  Inn,  May  16,  1723.  Adm.  at  King's  Inn,  Dublin, 
and  caL'«d  to  the  Irish  Bar,  1739-  Resided  at  PaUas,  King's 
County,  .-nd  Bolesworth  Castle,  Cheshire.  Afterwards  Consul 
at  Cadiz.  Married  (i)  Jane  Tilson,  Dec.  26,  1742;  (2)  July  7, 
1750,  Gertrude,  Countess  of  Kerry.  Died  June  20, 1764.  WiU, 
P.C.C.  Brotherof  Buckley  (1732).  etc.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

TILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1738.  Of  Westmor- 
land.  Matric.  Michs.  1738. 

TILSON,  OLIVER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  9, 
1733-4.  5th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin,  Esq.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1734;  Scholar,  1735;  B..\.  1738-9;  M.A.  1742. 
FeUow,  1741.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Sept.  16,  1732.  Ot 
Hill  St,  Berkeley  Square.  Commissioner  of  the  Salt  Duties, 
1766.  Died  Dec.  23,  1788.  Brother  of  Buckley  (1732)1  etc. 
(T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

TILSON,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1638.  Of  Lincoln- 
shire. B.A.  (Oxford)  1633-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10, 
1638-9;  priest,  June  9,  1639.  R.  of  South  Wheatley,  Notts., 
1640.   Perhaps  father  of  Edward  (1665). 

TILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Feb.  23, 
1721-2;  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  Edward 
(1665),  V.  of  Eynesford,  Kent.  Matric.  1721-2;  B.A.  1725-6; 
M.A.  1729.  FeUow,  1731.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1733-  OrA. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1726-7;  priest.  Mar.  2,  1728-9. 
V.  of  Ugley,  Essex,  1729.  Admon.  Jan.  29,  1729-30,  to 
brother  Edward  (i7i7). 

TILSON,  ROGER.  B.A.  1510-1.  Of  Lincolnshire.  A  priest. 
M.A.  1513-4.  FeUow  of  St  Catharine's. 

TILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1657. 
Matric.  Easter,  1658;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1665.  FeUow. 
Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  June  7,  i666.  R.  of  Ditton, 
Kent,  1679-1702.  V.  of  Aylesford,  1691-1702.  Buried  at 
Ditton,  July  26,  1702,  aged  61.   M.I.   Father  of  the  next. 

16 — 2 

TiLsoN,  Thomas 

TILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  g, 
1691.  Of  Kent.  S.  of  Thomas  (above).  Matric.  1691;  B.A. 
1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Fellow,  1695.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  24,  1699.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Aylesford,  Kent, 
1702-50.  R.  of  Ditton,  1702-50.  Buried  there  Feb.  17, 
1749-50.  aged  76.   M.I.   {M.H.  Peacock;  Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TYLSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568; 
B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575. 

TILSON,   .    B.A.    1463-4.     Perhaps   M.A.    1468-9.    John 

Tilson,  B.Can.L.,  was  presented  to  Fulboume,  Cambs.,  1470. 

TILSON, .   Non  incepit,  1472-3. 

TIMBERLAKE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  29,  1625. 

TIMBERLAKE,  LUKE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  i,  1675. 
Of  Middlesex. 

TIMBLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  c.  1590; 
B.A.  1593-4. 

TIMES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Mar. 
19,  1651-2.  S.  of  Richard,  alderman,  of  Cambridge.  School, 
Perse.   Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6. 

TIMCOCK  (?  TUNCOCK),  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  c.  1596.   Of  Northamptonshire. 


TIMPERLY,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1544.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Hintlesham,  Suffolk. 

TIMPERLEY,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July 
7,  1602.  2nd  s.  of  Nicholas  (will  (P.C.C.)  1623-4;  a  family  of 
popish  recusants),  of  Icklesham,  Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich 
(Mr  George  Downing).  Purchased  lands  in  Hadleigh. 
Living,  165 1 ;  mentioned  in  the  will  of  his  brother  Sir  Thomas. 
Probably  died  Sept.  24,  1664,  at  Colkirk.   (Venn,  i.  179.) 


TIMWORTH,  ROBERT.  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree, 
1478-9;  again,  1484-5.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  Resident  in 
St  Benet's  parish,  Cambridge,  in  1487;  'B.D.' 


TINGCOMB,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Nov.  3,  1654.  S.  of  Phihp,  R.  of  Launcells,  Cornwall.  B.  at 
Lansallos,  Cornwall.  B.A.  1658. 

TINGEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  June  15, 
1710;  never  resided.  S.  of  John.   B.  at  Shelton,  Hunts. 

TINGGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  6,  1674-5. 
Of  the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.  Matric.  1674-5;  B.A.  1679-80. 
Ord.  priest  (London)  June  11,  1693.  V.  of  Brent  Pelham, 
Herts.,  1693-1724.   Died  1724-5. 

TINKE  or  TYNCKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1620;  Scholar,  1624;  B.A.  1624-5. 

TINCKE,  PHILLIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1614; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  1621.  R.  of 
Withersdale,  Suffolk,  1625-8.  V.  of  Worlingworth,  1628.  Of 
Southolt,  near  Withersdale,  in  1640,  when  he  was  assessed 
for  ship-money.   (Peile,  i.  2g$.) 

TINKLER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1668.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1680.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1672;  priest,  Feb.  1680-1.  R.  of  North 
Pickenham,  Norfolk,  1687;  also  R.  of  Houghton,  1687-1715. 

TINKLER,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  30,  1637. 
S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Melton  Mowbray,  Leics.  Migrated 
to  Peterhouse.  Matric.  there,  Easter,  1637;  Scholar  of  Caius, 
1 640-1.  Author,  English  verses  before  J.  Gower's  Translation 
of  Ovid's  Fasti,  1640.   (Venn,  i.  325.) 

TINMOUTH  or  TINMEW,  JOHN.  M.A.  4th  Master  of  Pembroke, 
1400-6.  Probably  identical  with  John  Tynmewe,  B.A.,  who 
petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  benefice,  1363.  Styled  Presbyter 
of  the  diocese  of  London  and  M.A.  before  the  year  1380. 
(Loder,  212;  Cal.  of  Papal  Pet.,  1.  404.) 

TYNMOUTH,  JOHN,  alias  MAYNELYN.  Educated  at  the  house 
of  his  order  at  Cambridge  and  Oxford.  Franciscan  friar  of 
Lynn,  Norwich.  R.  of  Ludgershall,  Bucks.,  till  1511.  Prob- 
ably preb.  of  Sarum,  1510-24  (according  to  Stubbs).  V.  of 
Boston,  Lines.,  c.  1515.  Suffragan  Bishop  (styled  Bishop  of 
Argos).  Died  1524.  Buried  at  Boston.  Will  (P.C.C). 
(Cooper,  I.  31;  Thompson,  Boston,  170.) 


TIPLIN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  10, 
1653-4.  S.  of  George,  citizen,  of  York.  Matric.  1657;  B.A. 
1657-8.  Doubtless  V.  of  St  Lawrence,  York,  1661-79;  R-  of 
St  Denis,  1667-79.  Died  1679. 

TIPLIN,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  2,  1690.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1690;  Rustat  Scholar,  1692;  B.A.  1693-4; 
M.A.  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1604;  priest,  i6q8. 
V.  of  Kirk  Ella,  Yorks.  Died  1705. 

TiTE,  Robert 

TIPPINGE,  EDWARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  2 
1577-  S.  of  Rodolph,  yeoman,  of  Hoxton,  Middlesex.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Scholar,  till  Michs.  1584;  B.A.  1580-1; 
M.A.  1584. 

TIPPING,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  19,  1594. 
Matric.  c.  1594;  Scholar;  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1602.  R.  of 
Ashton-on-Mersey,  Cheshire,  i6i3-(?)  19.  Inventory  at 
Chester,  1619.   (E.  Axon.) 

TIPPING,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  7, 
1700-1.  S.  of  John,  joiner.  B.  at  Stamford,  Lines.  School, 
Stamford  (Mr  Turner).  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A. 
1708.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  4,  1704-5;  priest  (York) 
June,  1707.  C  of  St  Martin's,  Stamford,  1705.  V.  of  Well, 
Yorks.,  1705-13.  V.  of  Ryhall,  Rutland,  1711-27.  Died 
May  4,  1727,  aged  44.  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

TIPPING,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1681  (Incorp.  from  Hart  Hall, 
Oxford).  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Oxford.  Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  Oct.  24,  1673,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1677; 
M.A.  1680.  R.  of  Weston  Colville,  Cambs.,  1680-1732.  Died 
1732.  Father  of  WiUiam  (1715)  jmd  perhaps  of  the  next. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Crosby.) 

TIPPING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  July  29, 
1701.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  above),  clerk.  B.  at  Thurlow,  Suffolk. 
School,  Saffron  Walden,  Essex  (Mr  Kilbom).  Matric.  1701-2 ; 
B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8, 
1707;  priest  (London)  May  23,  1714.  C.  of  Little  Hadham, 
Herts.,  1713-9,  where  he  inserts  polyglottic  notes  in  the 
register.  V.  of  Yardley,  1719-52.  V.  of  Sandoii,  1731-52. 
Died  Oct.  23,  1752.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1715). 
(G.  Mag.;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  583,  606.) 

TIPPING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  24,  1713-4.  Of  Surrey.  S.  of  Ichabod,  V.  of  Camber- 
well,  Surrey.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  25,  1695.  School,  Charter- 
house. Matric.  1714;  Scholar,  1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1722.  Perhaps  V.  of  Stagsden, 
Beds.,  1723-31.  (But  this  may  refer  to  Thomas  (above).) 

TIPPING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  May  14,  1717. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Wheatfield,  Oxon., 
Bart,  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cheeke,  of  Essex,  and  some- 
time Lieutenant  of  the  Tower  of  London).  B.  in  London. 
Bapt.  Mar.  6,  1699-1700,  at  St  Paul's,  Covent  Garden.  M.A. 
1717  (Com.  Reg.).  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  July  1, 
1718.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Lear,  Bart.,  of  Lind- 
ridge,  Devon.  Died  s.p.,  Feb.  20,  1724-5,  aged  24.  (G.E.C., 
IV.  173-) 

TIPPING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  29,  1715.  S.  of  Thomas  (1681),  clerk.  B.  at  Weston, 
Cambs.  School,  Histon,  Cambs.  Matric.  1715.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1701). 

TYPTON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

TIPTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 
1732.  S.  of  E.,  clothier,  of  Salop.  13.  at  Wortham.  School, 
Shrewsbury  (Dr  Phillips).  Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1735-6.  R.  of 
Eaton  Constantine,  Salop,  1739-49. 




TISDALL,  see  also  TEASDALE. 

TISDALL,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  25, 
1689,  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  Adm.  there,  July  30, 
1687,  age  16.  2nd  s.  of  Michael.  Bapt.  Nov.  29,  1672,  at 
Dublin.  Matric.  1689;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1691.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Feb.  13,  1690-1.  Barrister-at-law.  Military 
advocate  and  General  Commissioner  for  Appeals  in  Ireland. 
Married  and  had  issue.   (Burke,  L.G.  Ireland.) 

TISDALE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  28,  1682. 
Of  Salop.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Aug.  1688;  'B.A.  of  Trinity  Hall.' 

TISE,  JOHN,  sec  TICE. 

TISSER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1693  (Incorp.  from  Merton  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Apr.  6,  1682,  age  16.  S.  of  James,  of 
London,  gent.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1686;  M.A.  1691.  Fellow  of 
Merton  College,  Oxford,  1688-1719.  Preacher  to  the  mer- 
chants at  SmjTna  for  nine  years.  R.  of  Kedington,  Suffolk, 
1711-50.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TITE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1631.  (See 
the  next.) 

TITE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  24,  1629-30. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  (sizar)  Easter,  1631.  One  of  these  B.A. 
from  Magdalene,  1633;  M.A.  1637.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  25,  1636;  'C.  of  Tibenham,  Norfolk';  priest,  Sept.  22, 
1638.  R.  of  St  Edward  and  St  Julian,  Norwich,  1642, 
sequestered,  but  restored. 



TITERINGTON,  DANIEL.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1579.   V.  of  Levington,  Suffolk,  1619.   Will  (Comm. 

Essex)  1639;  of  West  Hanningfield,  Essex. 
TIDERINGTON,   EDMUND.    Matric.   from   Christ's,   1593-4; 

B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  1602.  C.  of 

Tilney,  Norfolk,  in  1604.  Probably  buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 

Cambridge,  Feb.  2,  1605-6.  {Peile,  i.  213.) 
TITFORD,  WALTER.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 

May  24,  1711;  aftenvards  pens.    Of  Bedfordshire.    School, 

Roxton,  Beds.  Scholar,  1 713. 


TITLEV,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  1 1, 
1698.  S.  of  Charles,  deceased.  B.  at  Easton,  near  Stamford, 
Northants.  School,  Stamford  (Mr  Turner).  Matric.  1698; 
B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1705  {Com.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  3,  1705;  priest.  May  19,  1706.  R.  of  South  Luffenham, 
Rutland,  1707-24.  V.  of  Lavendon,  Bucks.,  1721-c.  27. 
R.  of  Cottesmore,  Rutland,  1725-49.  Died  1749.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1749- 

TITLEY,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1575; 
B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  20, 
1582-3;  priest,  Apr.  8,  1583.  R.  of  Wilby,  Norfolk,  1586. 
R.  of  Ufiord,  Northants.,  1586-1641.  Died  164 1.  Father  of 
Richard  (1615)  and  perhaps  of  the  next.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

TITLEY,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1612. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Peter  (above).  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619;  B.D. 
1626.  V.  of  Tuxford,  Notts.,  1620-6.  V.  of  South  Grantham, 
Lines.,  1626.  Preb.  of  Southwell,  1632-3.  Buried  at 
Grantham,  Dec.  31, 1633.  Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1615). 

TITLEY,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1641 ; 
B.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  26,  1642-3. 

TITLEY,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  May  28, 

1650.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtlesss.  of  Richard  (next). 
Bapt.  Oct.  15,  1631,  at  Ufford.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric. 

1651,  'Fetley';    B.A.    1653-4.     Subs,    for   priest's   orders 
(Bristol)  May  24,  1662;  'M.A.' 

TITLEY,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1615. 

Doubtless  s.  of  Peter  (1575),  R.  of  Ufford,  Northants.  Bapt. 

there,  Dec.  9,  1599.  Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1623.   V.  of 

Bourne,   Lines.,   1632-42.    Succeeded  his  father  as   R.  of 

Ufiord,  Northants.,  1641.  Probably  brother  of  Peter  (1612). 

(H.  I.  Longden.) 
TITLEY,  WALTER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 

1719.  S.  of  Abraham,  of  Hopton,  Staffs.  School,  Westminster. 

Matric.    1720;    Scholar,    1720;    B.A.    1722-3;    M.A.    1726. 

Fellow,  1725.  Envoy  Extraordinary  to  the  Court  of  Denmark, 

1730-68.  Wrote  an  'Imitation'  in  English  of  the  second  ode 

of  the  3rd  book  of  Horace.  Died  at  Copenhagen,  Feb.  1768. 

WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  21,  1768.   Benefactor  of  £1000  to 

Trinity  College,  and  of  £500  to  the  University.    (D.N.B.; 

Al.  Westmon.,  273.) 
TITLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1606.    Of  Norwich.    B.A.  1609;  M.A.  1613.    R.  of  Irstead, 

Norfolk,  1612-3.   R.  of  Oulton,  1613-47. 
TITLOW,  see  also  TETLOW. 
TITLOW  or  TYTLAW,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1534-5. 
TITLOE,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1609. 
TITTLESHALL,  JOHN.  D.D.   Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1407. 

Sixth  Master  of  the  College,  1432-43,  resigned.    R.  of  St 

Benet,  Cambridge,  1417-46.   Died  1446.   Benefactor  to  the 

College  Library.   (Masters.) 
TITTLESHALL,  RICHARD.   Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1379. 

R.  of  Grantchester,  Cambs.,  till  1380.   Died  before  1383. 
TIVILL,  see  also  TURVILE. 
TIVILL,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Sidney,  Oct.  12,  1694.  Of  Greenwich, 

Kent.    School,  St  Paul's.    Adm.  extra-licentiate  of  R.C.P., 

in   1686;   Licentiate,  Dec.  21,   1688.    Father  of  the  next. 

(Munk,  I.  479.) 
TIVILL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  13,  1694. 

Only  s.  of  John  (above).  B.  in  London.  School  (private). 
TIXON,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1568; 

B.A.  1571-2;  'Tickson.' 

TOCHE, .  B.A.  1473-4. 

TOCKYTS,   JAMES.    Matric.   sizar  from   Nicholas   Hostel, 

Easter,  1544. 
TOCKETS,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1602.  S.  of  George,  of  Tockets.  "Of  Tockets.  Yorks.,gent.'; 

adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  14,  1608.  Dieds.p.  (Vis.ofYorks., 

TODD,  ABRAHAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  May 

26,    1718.    Of   Yorkshire.    School,   Northallerton.    Matric. 

1717;  B..-^.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb. 

ToDD,  John 

18,  1721-2;  priest  (York)  Sept.  22,  1723.    R.  of  Welbury, 
Yorks.,    1730-47.    Probably   brother   of   Thomas    (1715); 
father  of  John  (1744). 
TODD,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  ii,  1623- 

4.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  South  Cave,  Yorks. 
School,  Whitgift  (Mr  Robert  Todd).  Matric.  1623-4;  B.A. 
1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  23,  1627; 
priest.  Mar.  9,  1627-8;  'C.  of  Ledsham,  near  Leeds,  Yorks. 
R.  of  Scotton,  Lines.,  1639.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1620-1). 
(Venn,  i.  264.) 

TODD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572. 
TOD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1628. 
TOD,  ANTHONY.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Mar.  2, 

1663-4.   S.  of  Thomas,  of  Grimsby,  Lines.    School,  Alford. 

Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  6, 

1669;  priest  (Peterb.)  May  29,  1670.    V.  of  Cameringham, 


TODD,  CORNELIUS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  27,  1647.  S. 
of  Robert  (1614),  clerk,  of  Leeds.  B.  at  Ledsham,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  July  28,  1631.  School,  Leeds.  Matric.  1647;  B.A. 
1650;  M.A.  1654.  Ordained  at  Adel,  1655.  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Fairfax.  V.  of  Bilbrough,  Yorks.,  c.  1650.  V.  of  Bilton, 
West  Riding;  ejected,  1662.  Preacher  in  Yorkshire.  Died 
June  29,  1696.  Buried  at  Alne,  near  York.  Brother  of 
Robert  (1655-6).   (Calamy,  11.  556.) 

TODD,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  1571-2.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  29, 
1581.  R.  of  Pertenhall,  Beds.,  1581;  signed  there,  till  Aug.  7, 

TOD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1607;  B.A. 
1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1611;  priest, 
Sept.  1612.  R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Beverley,  Yorks.,  1617-39. 
Married  Mary  Nelson,  of  Welwick,  Yorks.,  1617. 

TODD,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1638. 

TODDE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Caius,  Oct.  20,  1580. 

5.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Newton,  Cumberland. 
School,  Blencow.  Matric.  1580;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587. 
Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Mar.  31,  1588.  R.  of  Scorborough, 
Yorks.,  c.  1592;  there  in  1601.   (Venn,  i.  108.) 

TODD,  JEREMY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  ChriSti,  Easter, 

TODD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1544. 
Probably  scholar,  1543-4;  B.A.  1544-5. 

TODD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1552;  B.A. 
1556-7;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1560.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1557- 
61.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1561.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  1558. 
V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  1565-6.  Chaplain  to  the  Countess 
of  Rutland.  R.  of  Hougham,  Lines.,  1566.  R.  of  Washing- 
borough,  1571.  R.  of  Waltham,  1580.  R.  of  Holdenby, 
Northants.,  1580-2.  V.  of  Hough-on-the-Hill,  Lines.  Preb. 
of  SouthweU,  1572-88.  Died  1588. 

TOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1608;  B.A. 
1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1618;  priest, 
Mar.  1627-8. 

TODD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  7,  1640. 
S.  of  Andrew,  merchant,  of  Hexham,  Northumberland. 
School,  Hexham.  Matric.  1640. 

TOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  7,  1657. 
S.  of  Robert,  attorney.  B.  at  Westminster.  School,  Charter- 
house. Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1. 

TODD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  June  8,  1660. 
S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Yafiforth,  Yorks.  School,  Northallerton. 
Matric.  1660. 

TODD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  10,  1669. 
S.  of  John,  citizen  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School,  Norwich 
(Messrs  Lovering  and  Mazy).  Scholar,  1669-75;  Matric. 
1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept. 
1675;  'C.  of  Reepham';  priest,  Aug.  1677.  V.  of  St  Mary, 
South  Walsham,  Norfolk,  1677.   (Venn,  i.  439.) 

TODD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  28,  1684.  Of  Leeds, 
Yorks.  Doubtless  s.  of  Arthur.  B.  Aug.  28,  1666.  Matric. 
1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Aug. 
28,  1689;  priest.  Mar.  16,  1689-90.  Lecturer  of  the  united 
parishes  of  St  Austin  and  St  Faith,  London.  R.  of  Llanfaur, 
Merioneth,  1708.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Salter, 
of  Stoke  Pogcs,  Bucks.,  Esq.  Died  .^ug.  31,  1710,  aged  44. 
Buried  at  Stoke  Poges.  M.I.  (Due.  Leod.;  Lipscotnb,  iv.  567, 
where  he  is  called  M.D.) 

TODD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  6, 
1744.  S.  of  Abraham  (1718),  clerk,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Fishlake,  near  Doncastcr.  School,  Scorton.  Matric.  1745. 
Migrated  to  St  John's,  June  21,  1745.  B.A.  1749-50.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June  10,  1750;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1751.  P.C. 
of  Castle  Eden,  Durham,  1763-86.  Buried  Mar.  13,  1786. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 


Todd,  Joseph 

TODD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  ii,  1673-4.  Of 
Ipswich.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1678. 
TODD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  1 1,1751. 
S.  of  David,  farmer,  of  Cumberland.  B.  at  Newbiggin. 
School,  Blencow  (Mr  Richardson).  B.A.  i757-  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoki)  Mar.  6,  I757;  priest  (Canterbury)  Sept.  24,  1758. 
V.  of  HoUingboume,  Kent,  1770-3.  Died  May  30,  i773- 
Buried  at  HoUingboume. 
TODDE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Feb.  1563-4; 

Scholar,  in  1564;  B.A.  1566-7. 
TODD,  RADCLIFFE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1620. 
Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Stunner,  Essex. 
Bapt.  there,  Apr.  i,  1603.   B.A.  1624-5.    Married  and  had 
issue.    Died    1663.    Probably   brother  of  Thomas   (1631), 
father  of  the  next.   (Morant,  n.  347.) 
TODD,  RADCLYFF.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  27, 
1660.   S.  of  RadclifEe  (above),  of  Cowlinge.   B.  at  Stunner, 
Essex.   School,  Bury  (Mr  Stephens).    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
July  2,  1663,  from  Barnard's  Inn.   Married  Martha  Unwin. 
Died  July  29,   1675,  aged  32.    Buried  at  Sturmer.    M.I. 
(Peile,  I.  590.) 
TODD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 
TODD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Sidney,  June  11, 
1626.   S.  of  Thomas  (?  1583),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  there.  School,  Thirsk.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A. 
1633.   Perhaps  C.  of  Little  Stanmore,  Middlesex,  1636. 
TODD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1 614.  S.  of 
Thomas  (?  John,  according  to  Due.  Lead.,  29),  of  South  Cave, 
Yorks.   B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1627.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 
1618;  priest,  Sept.  2,  1621.  V.  of  Ledsham,  Yorks.,  1625-35. 
V.  of  St  John's,  Leeds,  1634-62,  ejected.  Preacher  in  York- 
shire.   Died  Jan.  16,  1664,  aged  67.    Father  of  Cornelius 
(1647)  and  Robert  (1655-6).   (Calamy,  11.  565;  Due.  Lead., 
TODD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  Petkrhouse,  June  23,  1629 
Of  Yorkshire.    Matric.   1629.    Perhaps  brother  of   Roger 
TOD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  25, 
1655-6.    S.  of  Robert  (1614),  clerk,  of  Leeds,  Yorkshire. 
School,  Leeds.    Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659;  M.A.  1663.    Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Mar.  15,  1662-3.    C.  of  Westerdale,  Yorks., 
1660.   V.  of  Snaith,  1663.    Married  Mrs  Elizabeth  Newton, 
at  St  Cuthberfs,  York,  Sept.  18,  1664.    Will  (York)  1692. 
Brother  of  Cornelius  (1647).  (Robinson,  Snaith.) 
TODD,  ROGER,  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  26,  1622.  Of 
Yorkshire.    Matric.   1622.    Perhaps  ord.  deacon   (Carlisle) 
May  27,  1632;  B.A.   Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1629). 
TODD,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1566. 
Of  Hertfordshire.   B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574.    FeUow,  1572. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1572-92.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  27; 
priest,  June  2,   1581   {sic).    One  of  these  names  of  East 
Wittering,  Sussex,  clerk.    Will  (Chichester)  1612.    Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1566).   (Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  131.) 
TODD,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1566; 
B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1574.   Fellow  of  Christ's, 
1574-9-   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  24,  1573-4- 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1578-80.  Died  1580.  (Peile,  i.  96.) 
TOD,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1566. 

Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel  (1566). 
TODD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  Oct.  26,  1583;  B.A. 
1587-8.    Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Apr.  26,  1589;  of  Beswick, 
Yorks.    Probably  V.  of  Thirsk,  Yorks.,  from  1600.   Probably 
father  of  Richard  (1626). 
TODD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  19, 1620-1. 
S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.    B.  at  South  Cave,   Yorks. 
School,  South  Cave  (Mr  Thomas  Flint).    Matric.  1620-1; 
B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.    V.  of  Luddington,  Lines.,  1631. 
One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Hutton,  Cumberland,   1646. 
Brother  of  Andrew  (1623-4).   (Venn,  i.  252.) 
TODD,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1631. 
Of  Essex.    Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Sturmer,  Essex.   B.A. 
1634;   M.A.   1638.    Probably  brother  of  RadclifEe  (1620). 
[Morant,  11.  347.) 
TODD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  22, 
1715.    Of  Yorkshire.    School,  Northallerton.    Matric.  1715; 
B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1724.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1719; 
priest,  June,  1721.  Probably  brother  of  Abraham  (1718). 
TODDE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1581. 
TODD  or  TODE,   [WILLIAM].    B.A.   1481-2;  M.A.   1489-90. 
FeUow  of  Queens',  1494-5.   R.  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge, 
TODDE,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1532-3;  M.A.  1536.   Probably  R.  of 
Waresley,  Hunts.,  1536-46  (presented  by  Pembroke  College). 


TODD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1564. 
Perhaps  B..'^.  1570-1.  (But  this  may  equally  well  refer  to 
the  next.)  This  man  (or  the  next)  nephew  of  Dr  William 
Tod,  V.  of  Northallerton  and  preb.  of  Durham.  Made 
executor  of  his  uncle's  will,  Jan.  6,  1567-8,  while  a  scholar 
at  Cambridge.  (Surtees,  11.  269.) 
TODD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1566; 
Scholar,  1567-9;  B.A.  1570-1.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  22, 
1570;  'aged  28;  married;  resides;  B.A.  (Cambridge);  under- 
stands Latin.'  R.  of  Bamoldby,  Lines.  Probably  his  will 
(Lincoln)  1601.  (Peile,  i.  96;  Lib.  Cler.  Line.,  1576.) 
TODDE  or  TODS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
c.  1590;  B.A.  1595-6- 

TODD, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1561. 

TODENHAM, .  Rector.  Degree,  1468-9. 

TODINGTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.sizaratSi  John's,  Apr.  12,  1751- 
S.  of  Thomas,  farmer,  of  Leicestershire.   School,  Southwell, 
Notts  (Mr  Bugg).    Matric.   1751;  B.A.   1755;  M.A.   1758; 
B.D.  1765.  Fellow,  1757-74.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  25, 
1755;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1756.   R.  of  Thomton-le-Moor,  Lines., 
1764-73.  R.  of  Medboume  with  Holt,  Leics.,  1773-87.  V.  of 
Stapleford,  1774-87.   Died  Mar.  29,  1787,  aged  55.   Buned 
at  Medboume.  M.I.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  606;  Nichols,  11.  340.) 
TOFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  8, 
1747.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Wilsick,  Tickhill,  Y'orks.  B.  Dec.  18, 
1730.   School,  Chesterfield,  Derbs.  (Mr  Bunoughs).   Matric. 
1747;    Scholar,    1747;  B.A.    1751-    Adm.    at    the    Middle 
Temple,  Feb.  16,  1748-9.    Married  Aim,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Smith,  of  Bally,  Yorks.,  1761.  Died  Aug.  18,  1779-  M.I.  at 
TOFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  2,  1660. 
S.  of  John,  grocer.    B.  at  Norwich.    Matric.  1661;  B.A. 
TOFT,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  13,  1665. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1628),  R.  of  St  Michael-at-Plea,  Norwich. 
Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1673.   Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Apr.  1673. 
TOFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1679.  Of  Derby- 
shire. Matric.  1679. 
TOFT,  THOMAS.   Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  e.  1385.   Ord.  sub- 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  14,  1387-8;  deacon,  May,  1388.   One  of 
these  names,  D.D.,  V.  of  Walthamstow,  Essex,  till  1423. 
TOFT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  i457; 

B.A.  1460-1. 
TOFT,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1628;  B.A.   1628-9;   M.A.   1632.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632.  R.  of  St  Michael-at-Plea,  Norwich, 
1642.  Father  of  John  (1665). 

TOFTE, .  B.A.  1489. 

TOKE,  see  TOOKE,  TUCK  and  TUKE. 

TOKLAR, .  B.A.  1520-1. 

TOLL,  see  aUo  TULL. 

TOLLE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1562. 
TOLL,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1579- 
TOLL,  JOHN.  Adm.sizaratCAius,  C.June,  1679.  S.  of  Thomas, 
gent.    B.  at  Lytm,  Norfolk.    School,  Lynn.    Migrated  to 
St  John's,  Feb.  16,  1679-80,  age  15.    Matric.  1680;  B.A. 
1684-5.  (Venn,  i.  462.) 
TOLL,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  May  21,  1681. 
S.  of  Thomas.   B.  at  Penzance,  Cornwall.   School,  Gerrans 
(Mr  John  Bedford).    Matric.  1681;  B.A.  from  Pembroke, 
1 685-6.  One  of  these  names, '  M.A.,'  V.  of  Combe  St  Nicholas, 
Somerset,  1694-5.  Died  1695. 
TOLL  or  TALL,  MICHAEL.  B.A.  1512-3- 

TOLL,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  May  24,  1619. 
S.  of  William  (1569),  R.  of  Wells,  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich. 
Matric.  1620;  Scholar  at  Caius,  Oct.  22,  1621,  age  20.   R.  of 
St  Julian,  St  Edward,  and  St  Clement,  Norwich,  1624-34. 
C.  of  St  Nicholas,  Lynn,  1633-51;  rector  there,  till  1657. 
Died  Dec.  16,  1657-   (Venn,  i.  255.) 
TOLL,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1531-4- 
TOLLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564. 
TOLLE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1569; 
Scholar  of  Trinity,  1573;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1573-4;  M.A. 
1577.   Fellow  of  Trinity,  1576.   R.  of  Wells,  Norfolk,  1580. 
R.  of  Pudding  Norton,  before  1603.    Will  (P.C.C.)   1604. 
Father  of  Nicholas  (1619). 
TOLLEMACHE,  LIONEL.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1576.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Lionel,  of  Helmingham, 
SuSolk.  Baot.  there,  Dec.  14,  1562.  High  Sheriff  of  Suffolk, 
1592-3, 1608-9,  and  1616-7  (sic).  Created  Bart.,  May  22,161 1. 
Knighted,  May  24,  1612.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Henry, 



Baron  Cromwell,  Feb.  lo,  1580-1,  at  North  Elmham.  Died 
Sept.  5,  1612,  aged  50.  Buried  at  Helmingham.  M.I.  Inq. 
p.m.,  1613-4.  (According  to  G.E.C.  he  was  living  in  1617, 
but  this  is  apparently  an  error.)  Father  of  Robert  (i6ii). 
{T.  A.  Walker;  Copinger,  11.  309;  Manning  and  Bray,  i.  368; 
G.E.C,  I.  i8.) 

Fell. -Com.  at  Queens',  Mar.  28,  1665.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir 
Lionel,  Bart.,  of  Helmingham,  Suffolk  (and  Elizabeth,  suo 
jure.  Countess  of  Dysart).  B.  Jan.  30,  1648-9,  at  Helming- 
ham. Succeeded  his  father  as  4th  Bart.,  Mar.  1669.  M.P. 
for  Suffolk,  1673-4,  1698-1707;  for  Orford,  1678-9  and 
1685-7.  Succeeded  as  Earl  of  Dysart,  June  5,  1698.  High 
Steward  of  Ipswich.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Suffolk.  Married 
Grace,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Wilbraham,  Bart.  Died  Feb.  23, 
1726-7.  Buried  at  Helmingham.  M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1668).   (G.E.C.) 

TOLLEMACH,  PTOLOMEUS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
June  12,  1638.  S.  of  Robert  (next),  Esq.  B.  at  Helmingham, 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1641-2. 

TOLLEMACHE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1611.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of 
Lionel  (1576)  Bapt.  Dec.  10,  1592,  at  Helmingham.  Married 
Dorothy  Lane,  of  Staffordshire.  Buried  Jan.  17,  1626,  at 
Helmingham.  Father  of  Ptolomeus  (above).  (Manning  and 
Bray,  1.  368.) 

TOLLEMACHE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  May 
22,  1668.  Of  Surrey.  S.  of  Sir  Lionel,  Bart.,  of  Helmingham, 
Suffolk.  B.  c.  1651.  M.A.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Probably  adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  i,  1668.  Lieutenant-General. 
Served  in  Flanders  and  Tangiers,  etc.  M.P.  for  Malmesbury, 
1689-90;  for  Chippenham,  1692-4.  Wounded  at  Brest, 
June  8, 1694.  Buried  June  30, 1694,  at  Helmingham.  Brother 
of  Lionel  (1665).  (D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

TOLLER,  see  also  TOWLER. 

TOLLER,  BOSTOCK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Sept.  14,  1709.  Of  Hertfordshire.  School,  Westminster. 
Clerk  of  the  peace  for  Hertfordshire.  Mayor  of  Hertford, 
1734.  Died  Sept.  i,  1761.  (L.  Mag.;  T.  A.  Walker,  223.) 

TOLLER,  BROWNLOW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  7,  1748. 
S.  of  John  (1702),  of  Billingborough,  Lines.,  and  Ryhall, 
Rutland.  B.  at  Ryhall,  July  17,  1730.  School,  Oakham. 
Matric.  1748;  LL.B.  1754.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  9; 
priest,  Aug.  24,  1754.  Of  Billingborough  Hall.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Hyde,  V.  of  Long  Sutton,  Lines., 
Dec.  26, 1754.  Died  Sept.  4, 1791.  Buried  at  Billingborough. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  995;  G.  Mag.;  Genealogist,  i.  188.) 

TOLLAR,  HENRY.  B.A.  1520-1. 

TOLLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1611;  B.A. 
1619-20;  M.A.  1623.   R.  of  Otley,  Suffolk,  1631-43. 

TOLLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  16, 
1679.  Of  Lincolnshire.  S.  of  John,  of  Billingborough.  B. 
May  24,  1662.  School,  Oundle.  M.A.  1682  (Com.  Reg.). 
High  Sheriff  of  Lincolnshire,  1707.  Of  Billingborough  and 
Ryhall.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Nethercotes,  of 
Nettleham.  Buried  at  Billingborough,  May  11,  1732.  Father 
of  the  next  and  of  Richard  (1706).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  994.) 

TOLLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  15,  1702. 
S.  and  h.  of  John  (above),  of  HorbUng,  Lines.  Bapt.  Apr.  22, 
1685.  Matric.  1702.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  10,  1705. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1712.  Serjeant-at-law,  1736.  Recorder 
of  Stamford.  Of  Billingborough  and  Ryhall.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Chester,  Bart.,  of  Chicheley, 
Bucks.  Died  Nov.  14,  1737.  Brother  of  the  next  and  father 
of  Brownlow  (1748).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  995;  Genealogist,  1. 

TOLLER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  8,  1706. 
S.  of  John  (1679),  oi  Billingborough  and  Ryhall.  Bapt. 
Aug.  31,  1688.  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1715. 
Fellow,  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  21,  1713-4;  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1714.  R.  of  Folkingham,  Lines.,  1721-52. 
R.  of  South  Ormsby,  1726.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  North- 
ampton. Died  unmarried,  Jan.  11,  1752.  Buried  at  Folking- 
ham. (Lines.  Pedigrees,  995.) 

TOLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  15,  1741.  Of 
CoUingham,  Notts.  Probably  died  Jan.  24,  1791,  aged  68; 
of  BenhaU.  (G.  Mag.) 

TOLLETT,  COOKE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1716.  S.  uf  George,  gent.,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Westminster. 

TOLLET,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  3, 
1702.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London.  B.  at  Dublin.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1703;  B.A.  1705-6; 
M.A.  1709.  Fellow,  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  19,  1708. 
Under-master  at  Westminster,  1711-4.  Perhaps  F.R.S., 
1713.  Died  Nov.  30,  1714.  Buried  in  the  Abbey. 

ToMKiNs,  John 

TOLLET,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 
1744.  Perhaps  identical  with  the  Shakespearean  critic.  If 
so,  s.  of  George,  Commissioner  of  the  Navy.  B.  1725.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  2,  1745.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1751.  Of 
Betley  Hall,  Staffs.  Contributed  notes  to  Johnson's  and 
Steevens's  edition  of  Shakespeare.  Died  Oct.  22,  1770. 
(D.N.B.;  Musgrave.) 

TOLLETT,  MARK.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July  24, 
1689,  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin ;  adm.  there,  Nov.  5,  1688. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Dublin.  School,  Dublin.  Matric.  1689; 
B.A.  1691-2.  Returned  to  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  Scholar, 
1692;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1692;  M.A.  1695.  (Al.  Dub.) 

TOLLETT,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1502-3  (Incorp.  from  Oxford); 
D.Civ.L.  1503-4.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1511.  Canon  of  Lich- 
field, 1501-28.  Sub-dean  of  Exeter,  1515-8.  Archdeacon 
of  Barnstaple,  1518-28.  Died  Apr.  26,  1528.  Will  (P.C.C.) 

TOLL WYN,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1519-20.  Of  Norwich.  M.A.  1524. 

Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1523.  Imprisoned,  in  1540,  upon 

the  Act  of  the  Six  Articles.    R.  of  St  Anthony,  London,  in 

1559.  Buried  Sept.  1,1562.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London).  (Cooper, 

1.  203;  Masters,  314.) 
TOLLY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  8,  1629. 

S.  of  John.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A. 
.1636.  Scholar  of  Peterhouse.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1633-44, 

ejected.    R.  of  Tattingstone,  Suffolk,   1641.    R.  of  Little 

Gransden,  Cambs.,in  1643;  ejected,  1645.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1655. 

(Peile,  1.  399.) 
TOLY,  THOMAS.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1453-61 ;  M.A.  1459- 

60.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  8,  1459-60;  deacon,  Apr.  12, 


TOLY,  THOMAS.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1465-70. 

TOLY, (junior).  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1467-73. 

TOLNER, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  21,  1629. 

TOLSON  or  TOULSON,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
St  John's,  June  11,  1661.  2nd  s.  of  Clement,  gent.,  of 
Stokes-in-BoUand,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1664; 
B.A.  1664-5. 

TOLSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  July  26, 
1710.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  lawyer,  of  Lincoln's  Inn,  London. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  11,  1709. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jime  12;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1720.  C.  of 
Easton,  Northants.,  1732.  V.  of  Easton  Maudit,  1737-46. 
V.  of  Grendon,  1737-46.  V.  of  Market  Harborough,  Leics. 
(Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  68.) 

TOLSON  or  TOULSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1621.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1626;  'B.A.' 

TOLUNSBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  25,  1612; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1615-6. 

TOM,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1674.  S.  of  Richard, 
of  Slimbridge,  Gloucs.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
May  25, 1666,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1669.  V.  of  Ballymodan, 
Co.  Cork,  1680-1.  R.  of  Ardnageehy,  1681-6.  V.  of  Kinsale, 
1681-1717.  Preb.  of  Effin  (Limerick),  1682-3.  Preb.  of 
Iniskenny  (Cork),  1688-93;  of  Desertmore,  1693-1717.  Died 
Nov.  17, 1717.  Buried  at  Kinsale.  (^4/.  0.to«.;  H.  B.Swanzy.) 

TOMBE,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 

TOMBE, .  Graduate,  excused  from  congregations,  1476-7. 

TOMES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1621.  Of 

TOMISON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  28, 
1703.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Histon  (Mr 
Scaife).  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1704-5;  B.A.  1707-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1712;  priest,  Dec.  1713.  C.  of 
Whinbergh,  Norfolk,  1712.  R.  of  Swanton  Abbot,  1713. 
(Peile,  II.  158.) 

TOMKINS,  BENJAMIN.  M.A.  1623  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Northamptonshire.  6th  s.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Harpole,  North- 
ants. Bapt.  there,  Apr.  14,  1594.  Matric.  (Magdalen  College, 
Oxford)  June  22,  1610,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1615;  M.A. 
1618.  R.  of  Harpole,  Northants.,  1628-70.  Married  four 
wives.  Buried  at  Harpole,  Nov.  21,  1670.  Will  proved 
(Archd.  Northampton)  Dec.  6,  1670.  (Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I. 
Longden;  Baker,  1.  179.) 

TOMKINS,  JOHN.  Mus.Bac.  from  King's,  1608.  S.  of  Thomas, 
minor  canon  and  precentor  of  Gloucester  Cathedral.  Organist 
of  King's,  1606-19.  Organistof  St  Paul's  Cathedral,  1622-38. 
Gentleman  of  the  Chapel  Royal.  Composer  of  anthems, 
etc.  Died  Sept.  27,  1638,  aged  51.  M.I.  in  Old  St  Paul's. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1664).  (To  be  distinguished  from  his 
brother  Thomas,  Mus.Bac.  (Oxford)  1607,  with  whom  he  is 
confused  in  Al.  Oxon.)  (D.N.B.;  J.  E.  West,  Organists.) 

TOMPKINS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1617; 
B.A. 1620-1. 


ToMKiNS,  John 

TOMKINS,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1707.  S.  of  J.,  of  St 
Leonards,  Bucks.  Matric.  (Trinity  CoUege,  Oxford)  Mar.  30, 
1683,  age  i8;  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  1686.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  15,  1690.  R.  of  Little  Wolston,  Bucks.,  1690. 
V.  of  Stantonbury,  1707-34-  Drovmed  himself,  Dec.  2,  1734. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Lipscomb,  iv.  348.) 
TOMKYNS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  16, 1640. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Nathaniel,  of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks. 
If  so,  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  13,  1647.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1654. 
TOMKINS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  28,  1645. 

Of  Devon. 
TOMKYNS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1664  (Incorp.  from  AU  Souls 
College,  Oxford).  S.  of  John  (1608),  organist  of  St  Paul's 
Cathedral,  London.  B.  e.  1637,  in  Aldersgate  Street.  Matric. 
(Balliol  College,  Oxford)  May  12,  1651;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1654-5;  M.A.  1658;  B.D.  (Oxford)  1665;  D.D.  i673-  Fellow 
of  AU  Souls,  Oxford,  1657.  Proctor  (Oxford),  1663-4.  R.of 
St  Mary  Aldermary,  London,  1665-9.  R-  o^  Gt  Chart,  Kent, 
1667.  R.  of  Lambeth,  Surrey,  1669-75.  Canon,  Chan- 
ceUor  and  preb.  of  Exeter,  1669-75-  R-  o^  Monks  Ris- 
borough,  Bucks.,  1672-5.  A  zealous  royalist  and  churchman 
Author,  The  Rebel's  Plea,  etc.  Died  Aug.  20,  1675.  Buried 
at  Marton-Hussingtree,  Worcs.  {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 
TOMKINSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  24,  1677.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Staffordshire.  School, 
TOMKINSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  May,  1631; 
B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639-  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639- 
V.  of  Hatfield,  Yorks.,  1639-69.  Died  1669.  M.I.  at  Hatfield. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1668). 
TOMKINSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 


TOMKINSON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 

May  I,  1668.  S.  of  Thomas  (1631),  clerk,  of  Hatfield,  Yorks. 

B.  there.   School,  Belton  (Mr  Balden).   Matnc.  1668;  B.A. 

1671-2-  M.A.  1675;  B.D.  1682.   FeUow,  1676-1717,  ejected 

as  non-juror.    V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  1683.   Died 

May  9,  1724-5.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  (Scott-Mayor.) 

TOMKYS,   BENJAMIN.    B.A.  from  Trinity,   1597-8.    B.   at 

Wolverhampton,  Staffs.   M.A.  1601.   Ord.  deacon  (Oxford); 

priest  (London)  Mar.  16,  1605-6,  age  28. 

TOMKYS,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1668.  Of  Bilstone,  Staffs. 

Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford)  June  14,  1661,  age  18;  B.A. 

(Oxford)  1664.  V.  of  Snitterfield,Warws.,  1682-1703.  Preb. 

of    Wolverhampton,    1695-1702.     Buried    at    Snitterfield, 

June,  1703.  (Al.Oxon.) 

TOMKYS,  THOMAS.    Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1599;  B.A. 

1600-1;    M.A.    1604.     FeUow,    1602.     Dramatist;    wrote 

Albumazar,  a  comedy,  on  the  visit  of  James  I  to  Cambridge, 

1614,  probably  also  the  author  of  Lingua.  {N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S., 

XII.  155;  D.N.B.) 

THOMLINS,  GILES.   Adm.pens.at  Jesus,  Junes,  1619.  Matric. 

1619.    Perhaps  of  Brantingham,  Yorks.,  if  so,  licence  to 

marry  Elizabeth  EUerker,  of  York,  1630. 

TOMLIN,  HENEAGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  26,  1736- 

Of  Yorkshire.    S.  of  William  (1689).    Matric.  1736.    Ord. 

deacon  (York)  Apr.;  priest,  1740.    V.  of  Atwick,  Yorks., 

1740-56.    V.  of  Skipsea,  c.  1742-    Died  1756-    Buried  at 

Ulrome.  M.I.  Brother  of  William  (1727)- 

TOMLIN,  JAMES.    Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Michs.   1598. 

Of  Weekley,  Northants.   B.A.  (?  1604-5);  M.A.  1608.    Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20,  1607;  priest,  Dec.  28,  1608.   R.  of 

ScaldweU,  Northants.,  161 1-7.    Married  Margaret  Stevens, 

at  Weekly,  Apr.  23, 1612.  Buried  at  ScaldweU,  June  4,  1617. 

(H.  I.  Longden.) 

TOMLINS,    MARMADUKE.     Matric.    pens,    from    Queens', 

Easter,  1631.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Cotness, 

Yorks.,   gent.    Adm.   at   Gray's   Inn,   May   17,    1633-    Of 

Redbum,  Lines.,  1654;  of  Manton,  1676,  Esq.  Bought  Riby 

from  Sir  Edward  Hussey,  Bart.  Buried  there  Sept.  6,  1691. 

[Lines.  Pedigrees,  996.) 

TOMLIN,  MARMADUKE.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 

July  3,  1680.  S.  of  Marmaduke,  gent.  B.  at  Manton,  Lines. 

School,  Kirton.   Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1683-4. 

TOMLIN,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  June  21, 

1701.  S.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  gent.  B.  at  Riby,  Lines.  School, 

Beverley,  Yorks.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.   18,   1701-2. 

Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Martin  Browne,  of  Louth,  Oct.  8,1713- 

Buried  at  Riby,  Jan.  22,  1729-30.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  996.) 

TOMLYN,   RALPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.   1566. 

Ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  July  24,  1574;  'bred  in  the  schools.' 

R.  of  Aspenden,  Herts.,  1575.  R.  of  Little  Thurrock,  Essex, 

tiU  1597. 

THOMLYN,  ROGER.  FeUow  of  St  John's,  1517-8. 

ToMLiNsoN,  John 

TOMLINS-,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  29,  1622. 
Of  Gloucestershire.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  June 
23,  1621,  age  19.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  B.A.  1623-4; 
M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1627.  Doubtless  P.C.  of  Northaw, 
Herts.,  1637.  Will  dated,  July  23,  1661;  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Oct.  11,  1661.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
TOMLINS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Nov.  9,  1647. 
Of  Berkshire.  B.  at  Newbury.  B.A.  1651 ;  M.A.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  1655.  R.  of  Crawley,  Hants.,  1655-62,  ejected. 
Head  of  a  presbyterian  congregation  which  met  at  a  private 
house  in  the  Soke  of  Winchester,  1669;  excommunicated, 
1671.  Licensed  to  be  a  Presbyterian  teacher  at  Winchester, 
Apr.  13, 1672;  again  excommunicated  and  imprisoned,  1679. 
Went  to  Andover,  1687;  there,  preaching  and  teaching,  in 
1692.  Author.  Died  June  18,  1700,  aged  67.  WUl  proved 
(Con.  C.  Winchester)  Nov.  8, 1700;  of  Hulcot,  WUts.  {Calamy, 
1.  8;  H.  G.  Matthews.) 
TOMLYN,  WILLIAM.  Master  of  the  Hospital  of  St  John  (after- 
wards St  John's  CoUege)  1498.  Surrendered,  for  the  founda- 
tion of  the  CoUege.  (Cooper,  i.  16.) 
TOMLIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  iS)  at  Sidney,  June  21, 
1689.  S.  and  h.  of  WilUam,  farmer.  B.  at  EUerker,  Yorks. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1689.  Perhaps  V. 
of  Withemwick,  Yorks.,  1716-21.  V.  of  Mappleton,  1720-45. 
V.  of  Skipsea,  1721-42.  V.  of  Ukome,  East  Riding,  1721-45. 
Died  1745.  M.I.  at  Ulrome.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
Heneage  (1736). 
TOMLIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  5, 
1727.  S.  of  Wmiam  (above),  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  EUerker, 
near  Beverley.  Matric.  1727. 
TOMLINS,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  King's,  1747;  afterwards  of 
St  John's.  S.  of  John,  of  WUtshire.  Matric.  (St  Mary  HaU, 
Oxford)  Mar.  2,  1730-1,  age  22;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1733-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (Winchester)  Dec.  20,  1741;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1744- 
R.  of  Upham,  Hants.,  1756-88.  R.  of  CoUingboume  Ducis, 
Wilts.,  1756-88.  Chaplain  to  Thomas,  Lord  Bruce.  Died 
1788.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Scott-Mayor,  m.  568;  Al.Oxon.) 

TOMLIN, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  12,  1563. 

TOMLINSON,  BOULTER.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Sept. 

1720.    Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1688),  M.D.,  of  Leeds  (and 

Susanna  Boulter,  of  London).   M.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Will 

(P.C.C.)  1766;  of  Cheltenham,  Gloucs. 

TOMLYNSON,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse, 

Feb.  2,  1582-3.  Matric.  1583. 
TOMLINSON,    CHRISTOPHER.     Matric.   pens,    from   Clare, 

Easter,  1620;  B.A.  1621-2. 
TOMBLINSON,  GABRIEL.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  Cath- 
arine's, Easter,  1631.    Perhaps  s.  of  Gabriel,  of  St  Mary 
Somerset,  London,  citizen  and  draper. 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,   Lent, 
1597-8;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.   1607-    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  I,  1606-7;  priest,  Oct.  2,  1608.  C.  and  Schoolmaster  of 
AU  Saints',  Huntingdon,  1610.  R.of  Benedict's,  Huntingdon, 
1616-30;  of  St  John  Baptist,  1619-41.  Died  1641. 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  4, 
1653.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Dalton-in-Fumess,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660; 
B.D.  1667.    FeUow,  1657.    R.  of  Paulerspury,  Northants., 
1675-87.  Buried  there  Apr.  1,  1687. 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  24,  1669-70. 

Of  Arkesey,  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1670. 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  26,  1671. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Blencogo  in  Bromfield 
parish,  Cumberland.  B.  1651.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5; 
M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  1674-5;  priest,  Sept. 
1677  C.  of  Poole,  near  Otley,  Yorks.,  1675.  V.  of 
Homcastle,  Lines.,  1678;  R.  of  Rothbury,  Northumberland, 
1678-1720,  M.A.;  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Micklegate,  York, 
1681.  R.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Goodramgate,  York,  1684;  Vicar- 
Choral  of  York,  1692.  Buried  Mav26, 1720.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1719).  (M.  H.  Peacock;  T.  C.  Dale;  F.  C.  Beazley.) 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 
1675.  S.  of  Peter,  yeoman,  of  Bum,  near  Selby,  Yorks. 
B.  there,  1656.  School,  Pontefract.  Matric.  1675.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  16,  1676.  Married  and  had  issue. 
(Genealogist,  N.S.,  xii.  263.) 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.  M.A.  1676  (Incorp.  from  Glasgow). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (?  Carlisle)  Sept.  24, 
1671;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1673.  V.  of  Stanwix,  Cumberland, 
1676-85.  Died  1685.  (Al.  Oxon.;  B.  Nightingale,  197.) 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Nov.  7,  1688.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Thorgamby,  Yorks. 
If  so  bapt.there,  Apr.  7,  1663.  Matric.  1688.  Probably  M.A. 
itgo  (Lit.  Reg.).  Of  Leeds,  M.D.  Married  Susannah,  dau.  of 
Robert  Boulter,  of  London  (styled  Poulter  in  Due.  Lead.). 
Died  1745.  Doubtless  father  of  Boulter  (1720).  (Genealogist, 
N.S.,  xii.  264.) 


ToMLiNsoN,  John 

THOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 
29,  1709.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  Sept.  19,  1692,  at  Blencogo, 
in  Bromfield  parish,  Cumberland.  School,  Appleby  (Mr 
Banks).  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  16,  1717;  priest  (Derry),  Dec.  21,  1718.  C.  of 
Rothbury,  Northumberland,  1717.  R.  of  Glenfield,  Leics., 
1722-61.  R.  of  Gt  Peatling,  1742.  R.  of  Willoughby  Water- 
less, 1742.  Chaplain  to  the  Countess  of  Orkuey.  Died  Feb.  5, 
1761,  aged  69.  WiU,  P.C.C.   (Nichols,  iv.  613.) 

TOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  8, 
1714.  S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  AJntigua,  West  Indies.  School, 
Newington,  London  (Mr  Price).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
May  8,  1714.  Joins  the  Troop,  1717-8.  Chief  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer,  1744.  Member  of  the  Council,  1745.  President 
and  Colonel  of  Militia,  1753.  Of  Antigua,  Esq.  Married  Jane, 
dau.  of  Daniel  Mackinen,  surgeon.  Buried  at  St  John's, 
Antigua,  June  11,  1753.   (Oliver,  Antigua,  iii.  139.) 

THOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
July  2,  1750.  S.  of  John,  of  East  Bamet.  B.  in  London. 
School,  in  Essex.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  19,  1752. 
M.P.  forSte>'ning,  176 1-7.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Sergison,  of  Cuckfield,  Sussex,  Esq.;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Martin  Blake,  Esq.  Died  Feb.  i,  1767,  aged  35.  Buried  at 
East  Bamet.   (Peile,  11.  255;  Cass,  East  Bamet,  43.) 

THOMLINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
July  1,  1751.  Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
B.  in  Essex.  School,  Beverley.  Matric.  1751;  B.A.  1756; 
M.A.  1759.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  19,  1752.  Lord  of 
the  Manor  of  Cley-next-the-Sea,  Norfolk.  Gentleman  of  the 
Privy  Chamber.  Of  Hertford  Street,  Mayfair,  London. 
Died  unmarried  Dec.  17,  1792,  aged  59.  Buried  at  East 
Bamet.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1792.  (Peile,  11.  256;  Cass,  East 
Bamet,  40.) 

TOMLINSON,  JOSIAH.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613;  B.D.  1620.    R.  of  High 

Ongar,  Essex,  1623-43,  sequestered.    Died  Aug.  27,  1651. 

Will  (P.C.C.)  1651-2.  Benefactor  to  Christ's.   (Peile,  i.  260; 

H.  Smith.) 
TOMLINSON,   JOSIAH    (JOSHUA).    Adm.   sizar   (age    17)   at 

Christ's,  July  5,  1692.  S.  of  Tristram.  B.  at  Poole,  Yorks. 

School,  Leeds  (Mr  Clark).    Matric.  1692;  Scholar,  1695-6; 

B.A.  1695-6:  M.A.  1699.   Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  May  28, 

1705;  priest  (Chichester)  Dec.  1706.   C.  of  Bucknall,  Lines. 

At  St  Helena,  in  the  East  India  Company's  service,  1707-19. 

Died  at  Calcutta,  May  30,  1720.  (Peile,  11.  126;  H.  B.  Hyde.) 

TOMLINSON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Nov.  28,  1604. 
S.  of  Francis,  of  Poole,  Yorks.  School,  Halifax  (Mr  Burron). 
Scholar,  i6o8-io;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  4,  1609;  priest.  Mar.  8, 1611.  C.of  Harlington, 
Middlesex,  1609.  C.  of  Uxbridge,  1611.  V.  of  Whaddon, 
Ceunbs.,  1618-24.  Buried  there  Aug.  26,  1624.  (Kenn,  1. 189.) 

TOMLINSON,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
May  14,  1723.  S.  of  John,  of  Lancashire.  School,  Kirk- 
leatham,  Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1723;  Scholar,  1726; 
B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5, 
1726-7;  priest,  Jvme  1,  1729.  V.  of  Blythe,  Notts.,  1729-63. 
V.  of  Harworth,  1739. 

TOMLYNSON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

THOMLINSON,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  24, 
1684.  B.  at  Thriplands,  Westmorland.  M.A.  (Glasgow). 
R  of  Hutton,  Cumberland,  1689-95.  V.  of  Warkworth, 
Northumberland,  1694.  Buried  there  Aug.  28,  1696. 

TOMLINSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  1, 
1639.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Bessingby,  near  Bridlington, 
Yorks.  School,  Bridlington  (private).  Matric.  1639;  B.A. 

TOMLINSON,   RICHARD.    B.Can.L.    Excused  from  reading, 

TOMLINSON,    RICHARD.     Matric.   sizar   from    Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1582;  B.A.  1586-7.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 

Sept.  21,  1591.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Dembleby,  Lines., 

in  1611.  Died  1614.  Admon.,  Lincoln. 

TOMLINSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

THOMLINSON,  RICHARD.   M.A.  1694  (Incorp.  from  Glasgow). 

THOMLVNSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

THOMLYNSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  14, 
1590.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  School,  London.  Scholar, 
1591-7;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1607. 
Probably  ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  26, 1607;  priest,  Feb.  21, 
1607-8.  R.  of  Trotton,  Sussex,  1609-45,  sequestered.  Living, 
in  1660.   (Venn,  i.  142.) 

TOMLINSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  c.  1596. 

ToNGE,  Henry 

THOMLINSON,  ROBERT.  D.D.  from  Kino's,  1719.  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Aikhead,  Cumberland,  clerk.  Matric.  (Queen's 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  22,  1685-6,  age  17;  B.A.  (St  Edmund 
Hall,  Oxford)  1689;  M.A.  1692.  Incorp.  D.D.  at  Oxford,  1721. 
R.  of  Brockley,  Somerset,  1695-1709.  Lecturerof  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle-on-Tyne,  1695;  there  in  1722.  V.  of  EgUngham, 
Northumberland,  1709-12.  R.of  Whickham,  Durham,  1712- 
48.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1719-48.  Died  Mar.  24,  1747-8. 
Brother  of  John  (1671).  (Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 

THOMLINSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Mar.  6,  1732-3.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1733;  Scholar,  1733;  M.B.  1740;  M.D.  1766. 
Physician  to  Guy's  Hospital,  1764.  F.R.C.P.,  1767.  Censor; 
Treasurer,  1780-8;  Elect,  1784.  Died  June  5,  1788.  Will, 
P.C.C.  (Munk,  II.  280;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

TOMLINSON,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1491-2. 

TOMLINSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1525-6.  Fellow  of 
St  John's,  1528.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Peter-le-Poer,  London, 
until  1557.   Died  1557.    WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  1557. 

TOMLINSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  from  Sidney, 
1606;  licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1620. 

TOMLINSON,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1609.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  1611.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Mar.  1613-4;  priest,  Dec.  1614;  'B.A.'  Licensed  by  Arch- 
bishop of  York,  schoolmaster  at  Acaster-Malbis,  1614. 

TOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Alichs.  1589. 

TOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  15,  1606. 

TOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1632;  B.A.  1636-7. 

THOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
1671.  S.  of  Thomas,  mercer.  B.  at  York.  Matric.  1671;  B.A. 
1674-5;  M.A.  1678.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1678.  (Al.Oxon.) 

TOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  19,  1677. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  S.  of  William  of  Blencogo,  Cumber- 
land. B.  1657.  Died  1743,  aged  86.  M.I.  at  Bromfield. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1671)  etc.  Arch.  Ael.  2nd  s.  xv.  340; 
F.  C.  Beazley). 

THOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  4,  1711. 
S.  of  John,  of  Newark,  Notts.  Matric.  171 1;  Scholar,  1713; 
B.A.  1714-5.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1716;  priest,  1717. 
Probably  V.  of  Mamham,  Notts.,  1721.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Auburn,  Lines.,  1720. 

TOMLINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  12,  1725. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1727;  B.A.  1728-9; 
M.A.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1731;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1732.  R.  of  Sigglesthome,  Yorks.,  1735-66.  Died 
1766.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

THOMLINSON,  WILLIAM  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens', 
July  8,  1709.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.  1693.  Matric.  1710;  B.A. 
1713-4;  M.A.  1717.  Fellow,  1717-24.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1723.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  6;  priest.  Mar.  10,  1722-3. 
V.  of  Rattingden,  Essex,  1723.  R.  of  Rochford,  1735. 
Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Winchester.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1775. 

TOMLINSON, .  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1608. 

Perhaps  also  Easter,  1609. 

TONGE,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1573-4;  M.A. 
1577.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  West  Thickley,  Durham. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1580,  age  29.  (Vis.  of  Durham, 
1615;  Surtees,  iv.  4.) 

TONGE,  BARN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1555. 

TONG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  July  7, 
1683.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Durham.  School, 
Durham.  Scholar,  1683.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  14,  1685. 
Ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  Mar.  5,  1698-9.  R.  of  Bewcastle, 
Cumberland,  1701-13.  P.C.  of  Wetheral,  1714.  Buried  at 
Brancepeth,  Jan.  i8, 1739-40.  Brotherof  John  (1683).  (T.A. 
Walker,  175;  Surtees,  iv.  4.) 

TONGE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1615; 
B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1619. 
V.  of  Tickhill,  Yorks.,  1619-24.  R.  of  Holtby,  1624. 

TEONGE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Christ's,  June  28, 
1639.  S.  of  George.  B.  Mar.  18,  1621,  at  Wolverton.  School, 
Warwick  (Mr  Dugard).  Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1642-3.  R.  of 
Sleaford,  Lines.,  1648.  R.  of  Alcester,  Warws.,  till  i675- 
R.  of  Spemall,  1670.  R.  of  Coughton,  1682.  Chaplain  of 
H.M.S.  Assistance,  1675;  of  H.M.S.  Bristol,  1678,  and  of 
Royal  Oak,  1679.  Diarist.  Died  Mar.  21,  1690.  Father  of 
the  next.   (Peile,  i.  462;  D.N.B.;  A.  G.  Kealy.) 

TEONGE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  23, 
S.  of  Henry  (above),  R.  of  Alcester,  War\vs.  B.  there.  Matric. 
1671;  B.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (Oxford)  Dec.  1673;  priest 
(Worcester)  1676.  V.  of  Congleton,  Warws.,  1675-83;  took 
thedutyatSpemall  while  his  fatherwasabroad.  (Peile,  11.  30. » 


ToNGE,  James 

TONGE,  JAMES.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1S90-1; 

B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1600.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  May  31,  1607.  Licensed  to  teach  at  Wobum 

Grammar  School,  Beds.,  Aug.  7, 1604.  Probably  C.  of  Milton 

Bryant,  c.  1615. 
TONGE,   JAMES.    B.A.   from  Christ's,   1604-5;   M.A.  from 

Trinity,  1609.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1606;  priest, 

Dec.  24,  1609.  V.  of  Sibsey,  Lines.,  1613-32.  Will  (Lincoln) 

TONGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  7, 1642. 

S.  of  James,  yeoman,  of  Bredgar,  Kent.  B.  there.  School, 

Bredgar    (private).     Of    Tunstall,    Kent,    gent.,    in    1663. 

Married  Elinor,  dau.  of  Edward  Osborne,  of  Hartlipp,  Kent. 

{Vis.  of  Kent,  1663.) 
TONG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Jan.  17,  1617- 

8.    S.  of  James,  of  Famworth,  Lanes.,  husbandman.    B.A. 

1620-1;  Scholar,  1621;  M.A.  1625.    Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

1621.    R.  of  Bintree,  Norfolk,  1625.    Perhaps  also  V.  of 

Guestwick,  1625-7. 
TONGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter,  1680. 
TONG,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  July  7, 

1683.    2nd  s.   of  John,   of   Luttrington,   Durham.    Bapt. 

July   19,   1666.    School,  Durham.    Scholar,   1683;   Matric. 

1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691.    Fellow,  1688-93.    P.C.  of 

St  Andrew,  Auckland,  1689-95.    R.  and  patron  of  Brance- 

peth,  Durham,  1695-1727.    Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir 

Richard  Stote,  of  Stotes  Hall,  Newcastle,  Oct.  29,  1709. 

Buried  at  Brancepeth,  July  4,  1727.    Brother  of  Edward 

(1683).  {T.  A.  Walker,  175;  Surlees,  iv.  4.) 
TONGE,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June  4, 

1728.    S.  of  William,  mercer.    B.  at  Gainsborough,  Lines. 

School,  Kirton,  Lines.  Matric.  1728.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 

Feb.  26,  1737-8;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1740. 
TONGE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  20, 

1733.  S.  of  James,  merchant,  of  Kent.  B.  at  Sittingboume. 

School,  Sutton,  Kent  (Mr  Savage).  Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736- 

7.  Probably  C.  and  schoolmaster  at  Sibsey,  Lines.,  1742-5. 

(But  see  the  above.)   Perhaps  V.  of  Stickford,  1750-62.   R. 

of  Langton,  1761-2.  R.  of  Oxcombe,  1 761-2.  {Scott-Mayor, 

III.  448.) 
TONGE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  May  31, 

1703.    S.   of  John,   mercer.    B.   at   Gainsborough,   Lines. 

School,  Kirton,  Lines.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1707;  priest,  May  30,  1708. 

V.  of  Moreton,  Lines.,  1708.   V.  of  Haconby,  1709.    R.  of 

Belleau-cuw-Aby,  1732-8.  Died  Feb.  28,  1738.  {Musgrave; 

T.  C.  Dale.) 

TONGE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1609. 

TONGE,  ROGER.    B.A.  1533-4  (ist  in  the  ordo);  M.A.  1537; 

B.D.  1543;  D.D.  1547.  Fellowof  St  John's,  1534.  Chaplain 

to  Edward  VI.  Buried  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  Sept. 

2,  1549.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1549. 
TONGE,  SIMSON.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 

1675.  S.of  Israel,  D.D..  of  Pluckley,  Kent.  B.  there.  School, 

Leintwardine,  near  LudJow.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  June  7, 

TONG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  12, 

1657.   S.  of  Joseph,  deceased,  of  Skipton,  Yorks.   B.  there. 

School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23,  1661.   V.  of  Crowle,  Lines., 

1664-8.     Buried     there     Aug.     28,     1668.      {Scott-Mayor, 

1,  xxxiv.) 

TONG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  19, 
1742-3.  S.  of  William,  fuller,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Beverley. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1747-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  6,  1747-8;  C.  of  St  Matthew, 
Ipswich.  R.  of  Brauncewell,  Lines.,  1760-9.  V.  of  Anwick, 
1760-9.  R.  of  Westerfield,  Suffolk,  1768-88.  Died  Aug.  29, 
1788,  aged  66.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  1789.  {Scott-Mayor, 
I"-  533) 

TONKEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  25, 
1707.  S.  of  Hugh,  of  Mullion,  Cornwall,  gent.  Matric.  1707. 
See  At.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

TONKINGHAM,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1637. 

TONNES, .  B.Civ.L.;  D.Civ.L.  1506-7. 

TONNYSorTONEY.JOHN.  D.D.  1501-2.  Of  Norwich ;  educated 
at  the  Austin  friary.  Augustinian  friar.  Prior  of  the  Norwich 
House.  Provincial  of  his  order  in  England.  Author,  Rudi- 
nienta  Grammalices,  etc.  Died  1510.  Buried  in  London. 
One  Toneys  was  scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1492-4.  {Cooper, 
I.  14;  D.N.B.) 

TONSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1565. 


TooKE,  Nicholas 

TOO8V,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  17, 
1680.  S.  of  George,  husbandman.  B.  at  Hilton,  Derbs. 
School,  Repton.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4. 

TOOBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  6, 
1710.  S.  of  Arthur,  of  Barton-under-Needwood,  Staffs. 
School,  Appleby,  Westmorland  (Mr  Wait).  Matric.  1710; 
Scholar,  1712;  B.A.  1713-4. 

TOOES,  see  also  TOWES. 

TOOES,  DANIEL.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595;  B.A. 

TOOGOOD  or  TOWGOODE,  EDWARD.    M.A.  1631  (Incorp. 

from  Oxford).  S.  of  Edward,  of  Ilfracombe,  Devon.  Matric. 

(Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  5,  1623-4,  age  17;  B.A. 

(Oxford)    1627;    M.A.    1630.     R.    of   Tiverton    (Tidcombe 

portion),  Devon,  1637.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1639.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

TOOGOODE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  Easter,  1545.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Little  Parndon,  Essex,  1556. 

TOOGOOD,  Rector.  Cautio  for  degree,  1483-4.  One  Thomas 
Toogood  was  V.  of  Stow-c«w-Quy,  Cambs.,  in  1526. 

TOOKE,  see  also  TUCK  and  TUKE. 

TOOKE,  ANDREW.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  22,  1690.   Of 

London.  2nd  s.  of  Benjamin,  citizen  and  stationer.  B.  1673. 

School,   Charterhouse.    Matric.    1692;   B.A.   1693-4;   M.A. 

1697.   Usher  at  Charterhouse,  1695;  Master,  1728-32.   Ord. 

deacon   (London)    Dec.    13,    1698.     Gresbam    Professor  of 

Geometry,  1704-29.    F.R.S.,  1704.    Author,  The  Pantheon, 

etc.   Buried  in  Charterhouse  Chapel,  Jan.  27,  1731-2.  WUl, 

P.C.C.  {D.N.B.;Al.CaHhus.) 

TOOKE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1695.  Of 
Kent.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Thomas  (1662).  B.  1678-9,  at 
Hougham,  Lines.  Matric.  Easter,  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Sept.  8, 1698.  Brother  of  John  (1696). 
(Burke,  L.G.) 

TOOKE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  25, 
1639.  3rds.of  James,  of  London.  B.  there.  School,  Hertford 
(Mr  Minors).  Matric.  1639.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Apr.  29,  1639.  Barrister,  1648.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1668.  Brother 
of  John  (1634).  {Peile,  i.  460;  Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Clutter- 
buck,  II.  351.) 

TOOKE,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1612-3. 

TOOKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1574. 

TOOKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  14)  at  Pembroke,  Apr. 
27,  1633.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Wormley,  Herts. 
B.  at  Colney  Hatch,  Middlesex  (his  mother's  home).  Matric. 

1633.  Perhaps  B.A.  1635-6.  (But  see  also  the  next.)  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  24,  1637-8.  Of  Wormley,  Esq. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Dacres,  of  Cheshunt, 
Knt.,  July  5,  1638.  Living,  1655.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 
(1639).    {Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  11.  352.) 

TOOKE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Oct.  22, 

1634.  S.  of  James,  Esq.,  Auditor  of  the  Court  of  Wards  and 
Liveries.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1634-5.  Perhaps  B.A. 
1635-6.  (Se«  the  above.)  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1635-6. 
Barrister,  1644.  Brother  of  Edward  (1639).  {Vis.  of  London, 
1634;  Clutterbuck,  11.  351.) 

TOOKE,  JOHN.  Adm.sizarat  Corpus  Christi,  1696.  Of  Kent. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1662),  of  Beere,  Kent.  Matric.  Michs.  1697; 
B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20, 
1702;  priest,  June  4,  1704.  Perhaps  R.  of  Chignal  Smely, 
Essex,  1704-14;  R.of  Lambome,  1721.  Succeeded  his  brother 
Thomas  (1685)  as  Master  of  Bishop's  Stortford  School,  1721. 
Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  Rev.  Robert  Taylor,  of  Little 
Hallingbury,  Essex.  Brother  of  Charles  (1695),  father  of  the 
next  and  of  Robert  (i73i).  (Morant,  1.  174;  Masters.) 

TOOKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4,  1724.  Of 
Bishop's  Stortford,  Herts.  S.  of  John  (above).  Matric.  1724 ; 
B.A.  1727-8;  M.A.  1731;  B.D.  1738.  Fellow,  1732.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28,  1738;  priest.  May  20,  1744. 
Probably  R.  of  Lambome,  Essex,  till  1764.  Admon.  (P.C.C.) 
1764.  Brother  of  Robert  (1731).  (Moran*,  11.  620,  where  he 
is  apparently  confused  with  his  father.) 

TOKE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  9, 
1632.  S.of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Linton,  Kent.  B.  there.  School, 
Westerham,  Kent  (private).  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6; 
M.A.  1639.  R.  of  Eastwell,  Kent,  1644-70.  Buried  June  i, 

TOKE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  30,  1654.  S.  of  Henry,  M.D.,  of  Otham,  Kent.  B.  there. 
School,  Wye,  Kent  (Mr  Bradshaw).  Succeeded  his  uncle 
Nicholas  Toke,  at  Codington,  1680.  Knighted,  Nov.  21, 1681. 
Sheriff  of  Kent,  1693.  Married  (i)  Joane,  dau.  of  Charles 
Toke,  of  Beere,  Kent;  (2)  Katherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Dyke,  of  Sussex,  Knt.  Died  1725.  (Burke,  L.G.) 


TooKE,  Ralph 

TOOKE,  RALPH.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1628. 

3rd  s.  of  WUliatn,  ol  Essendon,  Herts.   Adm.  at  the  Inner 

Temple,  Feb.  10,  1629-30.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1637.  Bencher, 

1652.   Brother  of  Walter  (1622).   (Peile.i.igs;  Inner  Temple 

Masters  of  the  Bench.) 
TOOKE  or  TOCHE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 

from  Eton,  Aug.  14,  1504.    Of  Willingham,  Cambs.    B.A. 

1508-9;  M.A.  1512.    Fellow,  1507-29.    Bursar.    Ord.  priest 

(Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1513. 

TOOK,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  24,  I73i- 
Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  John  (1696).  Matric.  1731;  B.A. 
1734-5;  M.A.  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  17,  i739; 
priest  (London)  June  9,  1754.  R.  of  Childerley,  Cambs., 
1762-76.  R.  of  Lambome,  Essex,  1764-76.  (According  to 
Morant,  11.  620,  he  succeeded  his  father  John,  as  R.  of 
Lambome,  in  1764,  but  see  John  (1724).)  Admon.  (P.C.C.) 
1776.  Brotherof  John  (1724). 

TOOKE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 

1639    ('Robert'    in    College    Register).     Of    Hertfordshire. 

Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Wormley  and  brother  of  John 

(1633).  {Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634.) 
TOOKE  or  TOKE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi, 

1662.    Of  Kent.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Beere 

(and  Bridget,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Toke,  of  Codington,  Kent). 

B.  1644.    Matric.  1662.    Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir 

Robert  Hales,  Bart.,  of  Howlets,  1665;  (2)  Ehzabeth,  dau. 

of  Matthew  Babington,  of  Rothley  Temple,  Leics.  Doubtless 

father  of  Charles   (1695),   John   (1696)   and  of  the  next. 

{Hasted,  iv.  30;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1663;  Burke,  L.G.) 

TOOKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1685. 
Pauline  Exhibitioner  at  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1686-91, 
and  of  Merton  College,  Oxford,  1687.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless 
s.  of  Thomas  (above).  {Masters  wrongly  calls  him  s.  of 
Thomas  (Tuke),  V.  of  St  Olave's,  Jewry,  London,  for  whom 
see  D.N. B.)  Matric.  Easter,  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693; 
D.D.  1712.  Fellow  1690-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1706.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  12,  1692-3.  Head  Master  of  Bishop's 
Stortford  School,  Herts.,  1693-1721.  V.  of  Chesterton,  Oxon., 
1705-7.  R.  of  Lambome,  Essex,  1707-21.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Richard  Lydal,  RI.D.,  Warden  of  Merton  College, 
Oxford.  Died  s.p..  May  24,  1721,  aged  54.  Buried  at  Lam- 
bome. M.L  Brother  of  John  (1696)  and  Charles  (1695). 
{Masters,  375;  Morant,  i.  174;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TOOKE,  WALTER,  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1622. 
2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Essendon,  Herts.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A. 
1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Nov.  1629.  R.  of  Essendon, 
1629-42.  Died  1642.  Brotherof  Ralph  (1628).  (P«7^,  1.342.) 

TOKE, .  Fellow  of  Clare,  1461. 

TOOKER  or  TUCKER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May 
26, 1646.  Of  Devon.  B.  at  Milton  Abbot,  1627.  Matric.  1646. 
Ordained  {sic)  May  24,  1654.  Sequestered  to  Dittisham, 
Devon,  c.  1651;  ejected,  1662.  Suffered  as  a  preacher.  Died 
July  5,  1702.  {Calamy,  i.  356.) 

TOKER,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609. 

TOOKER,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  June  21,  1693. 
S.  of  Gabriel,  of  Farringdon,  Berks.,  gent.  Matric.  (Mag- 
dalen Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  26,  1686,  age  17;  M.B.  from  St 
Catharine's,  1693;  M.D.  1712.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

TOOKER,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  2, 
1685-6.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Midsummer-Norton,  Somerset. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1685-6.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Dec.  15,  1682. 

TOOKER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1629  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  London, 
pleb.  Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  June  18,  1619, 
age  19;  B.A.  1621;  M.A.  (Oriel  CoUege,  Oxford)  1624.  V.  of 
Hambledon,  Hants.,  1632. 

TOOKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  18, 
1674-5.  S.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Rotherham,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Rotherham.  Matric.  1674-5;  B.A.  1678-9.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  12,  1680-1.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1682  {sic).  Bencher,  1707.  Reader,  1714.  Treasurer,  1720. 
Of  Moor-Gate,  Esq.  Died  unmarried  1728.  {Inner  Temple, 
Masters  of  the  Bench;  Hunter,  Hallamshire,  390.) 

TOOKER,  NICHOLAS.  M.A.  1612-3  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  John,  merchant,  Exeter.  Of  Devon,  pleb.  Matric. 
(Exeter  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  12,  1599,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1603;  M.A.  1607.  V.  of  Sherbome,  Gloucs.,  i6i6;  Tucker. 
{Vis.  of  Berks.,  1665.) 

TOOKER,  TOOKER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  July  13, 
1728.  Of  Rotherham,  Yorks.  S.  of  Matthew  Biggs  (and 
Catherine  Tooker)  and  nephew  of  John  (1675).  Assumed  the 
name  of  Tooker  on  becoming  heir  to  his  uncle.  Of  Moor- 
Gate,  Rotherham,  Esq.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Samuel 
Buck,  of  Rotherham,  Apr.  7,  1731.  (M.  H.  Peacock;Hunter, 
Hallamshire,  390.) 

TooLEY,  Francis 

TOOKEY,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  12, 
1697.  S.  of  Clement,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 
1697;  Scholar,  1701;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1708;  LL.D.  1728 
{Com.  Reg.).  2nd  Master  at  St  Paul's,  1714-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  23,  1716;  priest,  June  16, 1717.  V.  of  Chippen- 
ham, Cambs.,  1719-48.  R.  of  Worlington,  Suffolk,  1719-48. 
Preb.  of  Ely,  1724-48.  Died  June,  1748.  Buried  at  Chippen- 
ham. Will,  P.C.C.   Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1733). 

TOOKEY,  JOB.  M.A.  1612  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Leicester- 
shire, cler.  fil.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  June  15, 
1604,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1604-5;  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon 
(Oxford)  Dec.  18,  1608;  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  19,  1611-2. 
V.  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.,  1612-31.  V.  of  Mortlake,  Surrey, 
1633-8.  Buried  there  May  12,  1638.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1638. 
Father  of  the  next. 

TOOKEY,  JOB.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1631.  S.  of 
Job.  (above),  V.  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.  B.  there,  Dec.  11,  1616. 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Sequestered  to  St 
Ives,  Hunts.,  1643-c.  51.  Minister  at  St  Martin's,  Vintry, 
London.  Preacher  at  St  Albans,  Herts.,  c.  1651;  afterwards 
at  Yarmouth;  silenced,  1662.  Died  in  London,  Nov.  20, 1674. 
Father  of  the  next.  {Calamy,  11.  212;  Shaw,  i.  311.) 

TOOKEY  or  TOOKIE,  JOB.  Adm.  (age  13)  at  Emmanuel,  c. 
1658.  (No  College  record.)  1st  s.  of  Job  (above).  B.  c.  1646. 
Removed  from  Cambridge  after  a  fortnight  and  apprenticed 
to  a  grocer  in  Cheapside,  London.  Sent  to  sea,  c.  i56o. 
Subsequently  in  New  England;  imprisoned  at  Salem  for 
debt,  1682.  Presented  a  petition  to  the  Essex  County  Court, 
U.S.A.,  dated  June,  1682,  in  which  he  makes  the  above- 
mentioned  statements  respecting  his  parentage  and  career. 
(H.  G.  Harrison.) 

TOOKEY,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  7 
1599-1600;  Scholar;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1608.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11;  priest,  Sept.  24, 
1609.  C.  of  North  Luffenham,  Rutland,  1623;  R.  1625-41; 
Tooqu6.  Buried  there  Jan.  29,  1640-1. 

TOOKEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627; 
B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5, 
1631;  priest  (Lincoln)  1632.  C.  of  North  Luffenham,  Rut- 
land, 1633.  V.  of  Dovercourt  and  Harwich,  Essex,  in  1650. 
Died  c.  Dec.  1656.  (H.  Smith.) 

TOOKEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1661.  S.  of  Henry,  V.  of  Galby,  Leics.  B.  there.  School, 
Uppingham  (Mr  Meeres).  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A. 
1668.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
19,  1669.  V.  of  Norton-by-Galby,  Leics.,  1671  (held  it  only 
a  few  months) . 

TOOKEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  July  6,  1671.  S.  of 
Clement.  B.  at  South  Luffenham,  Rutland.  School,  Upping- 
ham. Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 

TOOKIE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Nov.  9,  1733.  Of  Middlesex.  Probably  s.  of  Clement  (1697). 
School,  Ely.  Scholar,  1733;  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1737-8. 
FeUow,  1738-40.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28,  1738; 
priest,  Mar.  18,  1738-9.  V.  of  Hauxton,  Cambs.,  1739-43- 
Minor  canon  of  Ely,  and  C.  of  Chettisham,  1743-4.  V.  of 
Meldreth,  1744-6.  V.  of  Winston,  Suffolk.  R.  of  Pettaugh. 
Died  1790.   {T.  A.  Walker,  266.) 

TOOKEY,  WATSON.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  18,  1716. 
B.  at  Uppingham,  Rutland.  B.A.  1719-2°:  M.A.  1723.  Ord. 
deacon  (Carlisle)  May  27,  1722;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19, 
1725;  C.  of  Uppingham,  1723.  C.  of  Lutton,  Northants., 
1725.  Chaplain  to  Baptist,  Earl  of  Gainsborough.  V.  of 
Gt  Gidding,  Hunts.,  1725-7.  R.  of  Rockingham,  Northants., 
1727-55.  R.  of  Wilsford,  Lines.,  i73i-4-  Chaplain  to  the 
Earl  of  Rockingham.  R.  of  Lutton-CKW-Washingley, 
Northants.,  1733-63.  R.  of  Stoke  Albany,  1755-63.  Married 
Judith,  dau.  of  William  Baker,  R.  of  Hardwick  and  Lutton, 
Dec.  17,  1723.  Father  of  the  next.  (W.  M.  Noble;  H.  I. 

TOOKEY,  WATSON.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Emmanuel,  June 
27,  1747.  S.  of  Watson  (above),  b.  at  Lutton,  Northants. 
School,  Leicester.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1751;  M.A.  1754; 
B.D.  1761.  Fellow,  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  24, 
1752;  priest  (Chester)  Nov.  ii,  1753.  R.  of  Lutton  and 
Washingley,  Northants.,  1767-84.  V.  of  Twyford.  V.  of 
Exning,  Suffolk,  1768.  Died  May  1784.  {G.  Mag.;  T.  C. 

TOOKYNG,  CLEMENT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

TOKING,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1610. 

TOOLEY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  7,  1617. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1586),  of  Southousc  Grange,  Lines. 
Matric.  1617.  Of  the  Inner  Temple  {sic).  Married  and  had 
issue.  Died  1648-9.  Will  dated,  June  6,  1648;  proved, 
Jan.  19,  1648-9.  Perhaps  father  of  Robert  (1638).  (Lines, 
Pedigrees,  999.) 


TooLEY,  George 

TOOLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  14, 
1690.  S.  of  Henry  (next).  B.  at  Watton,  Norfolk.  School, 
Botesdale,  Suffolk  (Mr  Samuel  Leeds).  Matric.  1690;  B.A. 
1693-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Nonvich)  June,  1696;  priest,  Dec.  19, 
1697.  V.  of  Ke>-soe,  Beds.,  1697-1719-  Minister  of  Little 
Staughton,  1705-18.  Buried  at  Keysoe,  Beds.,  Oct.  22,  1719- 

TOOLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse,  May  17, 
1654.  Of  London.  Matric.  1654;  Scholar,  1654;  B.A.  1657-8; 
M.A.  1661.  Fellow,  1659-63.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Ardfert) 
Jan.  19,  1659-60.  V.  of  Watton,  Norfolk,  1660-81.  R.  of 
Threxton,  1666-81.  Died  1681.  Father  of  George  (above). 
{T.A.  Walker,  105.) 

TOOLY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1638.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Francis  (?  1617),  of 
Southouse  Grange,  Lines.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  999.) 

TOOLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 
1646.  S.of  Edmund,  citizen  of  London.  School,  Camberwell, 
Surrey.   Matric.  1647. 

TOOLY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  19, 
1671-2.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  St  Botolph,  Lines.  Matnc. 
1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  6,  1680.   R.  of  Wyberton,  Lines.,  1681.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

TOOLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1571;  also  at  Trinity  Hall.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Norwich. 
School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1572.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Aug.  12, 
1573,  age  19;  B.A.  1575-6. 

TOOLEY  or  TOWLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1586.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of 
Wood  Enderby.  If  so,  of  Southouse  Grange,  in  Legboum, 
and  of  Clement's  Inn,  London,  1602.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Anderson,  of  Castlethorpe,  in  Broughton.  Buried 
in  St  Clement  Danes,  London.  Will  dated.  May  17;  proved, 
July  15,  1617.  Perhaps  father  of  Francis  (1617).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  999.) 

TOOLY, .  D.D.  1480-1.  A  friar. 

TOOLEY, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1583-5. 

TOON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  15,  i739-  Of 
Melton  Mowbray,  Leics. 

TOTHEBY,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1607-8.  4th  s. 
of  John,  of  Towthby  (or  Tothby),  Lines.  Bapt.  at  Afford, 
Oct.  17,  1583.  M.A.  1611.  Fellow.  Buried  at  Safiron 
Walden,  Essex,  May  4,  161 5.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of 
William  (1589).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  ion ;  Vis.  of  Lines.,  1592-) 

TOWTHBY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  c.  1596. 
3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Towthby,  Lines.  Bapt.  at  Afford,  Dec.  11, 
1576.  B.A.  from  Caius,  1598-9.  FeUow  of  Magdalene,  1602. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1601;  'Tathbie.'  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(York,  Liu.  dim.  from  Canterbury)  June,  1607;  'Talsby.' 
Buried  at  Rigsby,  Lines.,  Oct.  29,  1638.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1607-8)  and  William  (1589).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  ion;  Vis. 
of  Lines.,  1592.) 

TOWTHBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  18, 
1654.  S.  of  Richard,  Esq.,  of  Towthby-in-AJford,  Lines. 
Bapt.  there,  Dec.  26,  1636.  School,  Witham,  Lines.  (Mr 
Morton).  Matric.  1654; 'George.'  Probably  buried  at  Alford, 
July  9,  1664.   (Alford  Parish  Register.) 

TOOTHBYE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec. 
1589.  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Towthby-in-Alford,  Lines.  Bapt. 
at  Alford,  June  5,  1575.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  George  (1596) 
and  Edward  (1607-8).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  ion.) 

TOPCLIFFE,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1580-1;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1582-3;  M.A.  from  Trinity, 
1586.  V.  of  Willington,  Beds.,  1588-1610.  R.  of  Shelton. 
Will  (Lincoln)  1611. 


TOPCLYFF,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  25,  1604. 
Of  Norfolk.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Horstead.  B.A. 
1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  FeUow,  1613-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  9,  1609-10;  of  Horstead,  Norfolk.  C.  of  St  Andrew-the- 
Great,  Cambridge,  1614.  R.  of  Morley,  Norfolk,  1616-31. 
Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1613).  (Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

TOPCLIFF,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Mar.  20, 
1632-3;  afterwards  Fell. -Com.  2nd  s.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at 
Horstead,  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Brigge).  Matric. 
1633.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  Oct.  31,  1638.  Of 
Horstead,  Esq.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of  Christopher 
BaUestone,  R.  of  Bodham,  Norfolk.  Will  dated,  Aug.  30, 
1658.   (Venn,  l.  307.) 

TOPCLIFFE,  LANCASTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Mar.  31,  1664.  S.  of  Andrew,  gent.,  of  Hoveton  St  John, 
Norfolk.  Schools,  Hoveton  (Mr  Cheyner),  Sco  Ruston 
(Mr  Martyn)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1664; 
Scholar,  1664-9;  LL.B.  1669.  Fellow,  1671-81.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  13;  priest.  May  26,  1678.    R.  of  Hockwold 

ToPHAM,  Francis 

and  Wilton,  Norfolk,  1681-1720.  A  violent  opponent  of  the 
Quakers.  Died  1720.  Will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  1720, 
(Venn,  1.  420.) 

TOPCLIFFE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1565;  B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1575.  Probably  R.  of 
Blackmanstone,  Kent,  1582-9;  R.  of  Cheriton,  1584-1602. 
Died  before  Mar.  24,  1602.  (Wrongly  identified  by  Cooper 
and  other  authorities  with  Richard  Topcliffe  (1532-1604), 
the  notorious  persecutor  of  Seminary  priests.)  Probably 
father  of  the  next.   (Hasted,  iii.  390.) 

TOPCLIFFE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1604.  Of 
Kent.  Probably  s.  of  Richard  (above),  R.  of  Cheriton,  Kent. 
B.A.  1607-8:  M..\.i6ii.  V.  of  Aldborough,  Suffolk,  1619-44, 
sequestered.  (Patron,  Goodwin  Topcliffe,  of  Cheriton,  Kent, 
probably  his  brother;  see  Hasted,  iii.)   (Hasted,  in.  390.) 

TOPCLIFFE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1613.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  4th  s.  of  John,  of  Horstead, 
Norfolk.  B.A.  1615-6.  Probably  brother  of  Edmund  (1604). 
(Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

TOPCLIFFE  or  TOPHILL,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1511-2  ;D.Can.L. 
1519-20.  One  Thomas  Topcliffe,  D.D.,  s.  of  Richard,  of 
Somerby,  Lines.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1000.) 

TOPCLIFFE,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1581-2;  Toplishe. 

TOPCLIFFE  or  TOPLIEFF,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Em- 
manuel, May  25,  1588;  TopliSe.  Matric.  1588;  Scholar; 
B.A.  1591-2. 

TOPHAM,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John'j,  Apr. 
8,  1715.  S.  of  Abraham,  husbandman.  B.  at  Kettlewell, 
near  Skipton,  Yorks.  School,  Threshfield.  Matric.  I7x5; 
B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1719. 

TOPHAM,  ANTHONY.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1605;  B.A.  1605-6; 
M.A.  1609;  B.D.  1616;  D.D.  1624  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  i6o8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  25;  priest,  Apr.  26,  1613.  V.  of 
Trumpington,  Cambs.,  1616-8.  V.  of  Bottisham,  1619.  V.  of 
Barrington,  1620-9.  V.  of  Chesterton,  1629-30.  R.  of 
Waddingworth,  Lines.,  1629.  Dean  of  Lincoln,  1629-55. 
R.  of  North  Wingfield,  Derbs.,  1630.  R.  of  Kettlethorpe, 
1631.  R.  of  Chislehurst,  Kent,  1630-6.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  George  Drywood,  B.D.  Died  Oct.  22,  1655.  (Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  II.  35.) 

TOPHAM,  ASH  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  2,  1735.  S.  of  William  (1707),  V.  of  Gt  Givendale,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  York.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1739-40.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2,  1739-40.  Brother  of  WiUiam 

TOPHAM,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  II,  1730-1.  S.  of  Christopher,  husbandman,  of  York- 
shire. B.  at  Grassington,  in  the  parish  of  Linton.  Bapt. 
Nov.  14,  1712.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric. 
1731;  B.A.  1734-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1734-5; 
priest  (Lincoln)  June  17,  1739;  'C.  of  Kensworth,  Herts.' 
R.  of  Dunnington,  Yorks.,  1754-75.  Died  Dec.  8,  1775. 
Brother  of  Matthew  (1724).  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  432;  G.  Mag.) 

TOPHAM,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  8,  1687. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  Feb.  6,  1672.  Matric. 
1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1690-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham) 
Sept.  20,  1691 ;  priest  (York)  Sept.  1692.  V.  of  Lund,  Yorks., 
1692-4.  Died  1694.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

TOPHAN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  16, 
1648.  S.of  Francis,  Esq., deceased.  B.  at  Aglethorpe,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Ripon  and  York.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  10, 
1648-9.  Of  Aglethorpe,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir 
Peter  Middleton,  of  Stockeld,  Yorks.,  Knt.  Died  s.p.,  1651. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1648).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Genealogist, 


TOPHAM,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  4, 
1726.  S.  of  Joshua.  B.  at  Selby,  Yorks.  School,  York 
(Mr  Herbert).  Matric.  1726.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  1728. 
Scholar,  1729;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733.  Fellow  of  Trinity, 
1732.  Master  of  Halifax  Grammar  School,  1731-3.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1733.  V.  of  Over,  Cambs.,  1748-50. 
Died  1750.   (Peile,  n.  212;  J.  Crosby.) 

TOPHAM,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1625; 
B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18, 
1631.   Probably  R.  of  Thorpe,  Derbs.,  1633;  there  in  1650. 

TOPHAN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  16, 
1648.  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Aglethorpe,  Yorks.,  Esq.,  de- 
ceased. B.  at  Thoraldby,  Yorks.  (his  mother's  home). 
Schools,  Ripon  and  York.  Matric.  1648.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Mar.  10,  1648-9.  Of  Aglethorpe,  Esq.  Married  Clara, 
dau.  of  Lionel  Robinson,  of  the  Middle  Temple.  Will  dated, 
Apr.  24;  proved  (York)  May  23,  1669;  to  be  buried  at 
Coverham.  Brother  of  Edward  (1648).  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1665;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxxii.  112.) 


ToPHAM,  Francis 

TOPHAM,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  June  24, 
1729.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.  B.  at  Cowton  Grange,  Richmond, 
Yorks.  School,  Richmond  (Mr  Close).  Matric.  1729;  LL.B. 
1734;  LL.D.  1739.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Dec.  9,  1734- 
Adm.  advocate  in  the  Court  of  Arches,  1747.  Master  of  the 
Faculties,  1747.  Judge  of  the  Prerogative  Court,  York. 
Died  Oct.  17,  i77o.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  i773-   (G.  Mag.) 

TOPHAM,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  23, 
1729-30.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Hebden,  Yorks.  School,  Kirk- 
leatham,  Yorks.  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1730;  Scholar,  i733; 
B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  10, 
1733-4;  priest  (Chester)  Dec.  18,  1737.  C.  of  Rowley.  V.  of 
Yetminster  with  Leigh  and  Chetnole,  Dorset,  1738-77.  R.  of 
Shaftesbury,  1776-7.  Died  1777.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

TOPHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Lent, 
1597-8.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Cracoe,  near  Skipton, 
Yorks.,  yeoman.  Scholar,  1600-2;  B.A.  1601-2.  R.  of  Bum- 
sail  (mediety)  till  1618.  Died  1618-9.  Probably  brother  of 
Thomas  (1602).   (Whittaker,  Craven,  507.) 

TOPHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  18, 
1628.  S.  of  Matthew,  of  York,  merchzmt.  Bapt.  Dec.  31, 
1 61 2,  at  St  Martin's,  York.  School,  York  (Mr  Garthwaite). 
Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Married  Anne  Salt- 
marsh,  of  Thorgaaby.  One  of  these  names,  'a  prisoner  for 
debt  on  Ousebridge,'  buried  May  19,  1657,  in  St  Martin's, 
York.   {Peile,  i.  392;  Burton,  Hemingborough.) 

TOPHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  6,  1652. 
S.  of  Christopher,  merchant,  of  Hull.  B.  at  Dantzig.  School, 
Leeds  (Mr  Jo.  Garnet).  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6.  Migrated 
to  Caius,  Mar.  21,  1655-6.  M.A.  1659.  Fellow  of  Caius, 
1656-61.   Logic  lecturer,  1659-66.   (Venn,  1.  393.) 

TOPHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  13, 
1683.  S.  of  Josiah,  grocer,  deceased.  B.  at  York.  School, 
Sherbum,  Yorks.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1687-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1690;  priest,  1705.  Perhaps  V.  of  Kildwick-in- 
Craven,  1705-34;  M.A.   Died  1734. 

TOPHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  28,  1689. 
B.  at  Boston,  Lines.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1685-8.  Matric.  1690; 
B.A.  1692-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1694;  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  19,  1695.   V.  of  Baston,  Lines.,  1695. 

TOPHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  22, 
1690.  S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Grassington,  near 
Threshfield,  Yorks.  School,  Threshfield  (Mr  Motlay).  Matric. 
1690;  B.A.  1694-5.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Flamborough, 
Yorks.,  1710-40. 

TOPHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1745.  Of  York- 
shire. B.A.  1748-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  19,  1748-9; 
priest,  June,  1751.  C.  of  Basford,  Notts. 

TOPHAM,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  6, 
1668.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1671-2.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
June  2,  1672.   Probably  V.  of  Crich,  Derbs.,  c.  1672. 

TOPHAM,  MARTIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1638;  B.A. 
1641-2.   V.  of  Wirksworth,  Derbs.,  1650-60. 

TOPHAM,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  18,  1724.  S.  of  Christopher,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  at  Grassington,  near  Skipton.  School,  Threshfield.  Matric. 
1724;  B.A.  1727-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Aug.  16,  1730; 
priest,  Aug.  5,  1733.  V.  of  Withemwick  and  Mappleton, 
Yorks.,  1754-73.  Died  Dec.  24,  1773,  aged  67.  Buried  at 
Withemwick.  Brother  of  Benjamin  (1730-1).  {Scott-Mayor, 
III.  366;  Burke,  L.G.) 

TOPHAM,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1649;  B.A.  1650.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1652.  M.A. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  1652. 

TOPHAM,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Queens',  May  15,  1597.  Matric, 
pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1598.  Of  Derbyshire.  B.A. 
1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  V.  of  Dronfield,  Derbs.,  c.  1606-16.  Prob- 
ably V.  of  Wirksworth,  i633-(?)  50.  Licensed  to  marry 
Isabel  Stringer,  of  Egmanton,  Notts.,  May  22,  1606.  (J.  Ch. 

TOPHAM,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  c.  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  19,  1680.  S.  of  William,  of  Hebden,  Yorks.,  gent. 
Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4.  R'  of  mediety  of  Bumsall, 
Yorks.,  1689-90.  Buried  there  Apr.  9,  1690.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1682). 

TOPHAM,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1637.  Of  Yorkshire.  Probably  s.  of  Christopher,  of 
York,  merchant.  Bapt.  July  14,  1620,  at  St  Martin's,  York. 
Buried  Mar.  17,  1640-1,  in  St  Martin's.  (Burton,  Heming- 

TOPHAM  or  TOPHAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peter- 
house,  Michs.  1602.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cracoe,  Yorks., 
yeoman.  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec. 
i8,  i6o8;  priest,  Dec.  1612.  C.  of  Bumsall,  1608.  Master  of 
Bumsall  Grammar  School,  till  1615.  R.  of  Linton  (mediety). 

ToppiN,  Richard 

1615-51.  R.  of  Bumsall  (mediety),  1619-51.  Died  Jan.  11, 
1651-2.  Buried  at  Linton.  Will,  1654.  Probably  brother  of 
John  (1597-8).   (W.  J.  Stavert.) 

TOPHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  27, 
i682;*Toxham.'  S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Hebden, 
Yorks.  School,  Linton  (Mr  Motley).  Matric.  1682.  Brother 
of  Robert  (1680). 

TOPHAM,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  12,  1654. 
Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8. 

TOPHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  15, 
1652.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  York.  School,  York  (private). 
Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659.  Perhaps  R.  of  Ask- 
ham  Richard,  Yorks.,  1669,  and  R.  of  Hemsworth,  1681. 
Probably  father  of  the  next.   {Peile,  i.  547.) 

TOPHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  23,  1686. 
S.  of  William  (?  above),  clerk.  B.  at  Steeton,  Yorks.  School, 
Leeds  (Mr  Gilbert).  Matric.  1686.  Migrated  to  Sidney, 
Oct.  10,  1686.  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June  15;  priest,  Dec.  1690.   {Peile,  11.  102.) 

TOPHAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1707; 

B.A.   1712-3.    Ord.  deacon  (York)   Sept.   1713.    V.  of  Gt 

Givendale,  Yorks.,  1716-49.   Father  of  the  next  and  of  Ash 

Robert  (i735). 
TOPHAM,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  18, 

1736-7-   S.  of  William  (above),  V.  of  Gt  Givendale,  Yorks. 

B.  there.  School,  York.  Matric.  1737;  B.A.  1740-1.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1741;  priest  (Norwich)  June,  1743. 

C.  of  Stowmarket,  Suffolk.  Perhaps  C.  of  Wilberfoss,  Yorks., 
c.  1745.   Brother  of  Ash  Robert  (1735). 

TOPHAM, .   Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  July  5,  1745. 

TOPP,  Sir  JOHN,  Bart.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1678.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Tormarton, 
Gloucs.,  Bart.  B.  c.  1663.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart., 
1676.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Sir  Walter  St  John,  at  St 
Margaret's,  Westminster,  Mar.  31,  1684.  Living  'distract,' 
1703.  Died  s.p.m.,  c.  1720.   {G.E.C.,  iv.  44.) 

TOPP,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1681.  S.  of  Lingen,  of 
Wotton,  Salop,  gent.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
May  10,  1667,  age  18.  Perhaps  B..\.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford). 
Minor  canon  of  Rochester,  1671-6.  V.  of  All  Hallows,  Hoo, 
Kent,  1672-5.  R.  of  Addington,  1675-87.  Master  of  Chi- 
chester Grammar  School,  Sussex,  1685-1701.  V.  of  Donning- 
ton,  1687-1701.  Died  1701.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Fielding,  Rochester; 
Burke,  L.G.) 

TOPP,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  25,  1731.  B.  at 
Leicester.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1734-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  21, 1735;  priest,  June  5,  1737.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.) 
1762;  of  Leicester,  clerk. 

TOPPIN,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Jesus,  June  11,  1624. 
Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5. 

TOPPYN,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's,  Easter,  1573. 
B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580. 

TOPPING,  HENRY.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1712.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Chester.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  June  1,  1704,  age 
20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1708.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Max.  15, 
•  1711-2.  R.  of  Llanvetherine,  Mon.,  1712-4.  Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  Lincoln,  and  to  the  Bishop  of  London.  Lecturer 
at  St  Paul's,  Coven t  Garden.  V.  of  East  Ham,  Essex,  1716- 
27.  V.  of  Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts.,  1722-7.  R.  of  Nursling, 
Hants.,  1727-33.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

TOPPING,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  June 
24,  1717.  S.  of  Thomas  (1690),  clerk.  B.  at  Whittlesey, 
Cambs.  School,  Whittlesey.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1722;  priest,  June  9,  1723. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  West  Bradenham,  Norfolk, 
1724-65.  R.  of  Cockley  Cley,  1735-79.  Buried  May  31,  1779, 
at  West  Bradenham.   (Carthew,  Bradenham,  78.) 

TOPPYNG,  JOHN.  B.A.  1490-1 ;  M.A.  1494. 

TOPPING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  2, 
1631.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Quarrington,  Lines.  B.  there.  School, 
Sleaford  (Mr  Trivillian).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  Fellow,  1637-50,  ejected.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  18,  1641.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Westminster.  A 
convert  to  popery.  One  of  these  names  of  Stansted,  Kent, 
clerk;  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1656.   {Cole,  5882,  88.) 

TOPPIN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1616; 
B.A.  1619-20.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  26;  priest,  June  23, 
1621.  One  of  these  names  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1627,  but  this 
probably  refers  to  the  next,  though  not  so  identified  in 
Al.  Oxon. 

TOPPIN,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1627.  Of  Yorkshire. 
Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Jan.  21,  1619-20,  age  18; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1622-3.  V.  of  Middle  Rasen,  Drax,  Lines., 


ToppiN,  Thomas 

TOPPIN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1592.  Of 
Westmorland.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Aug.  15,  1593. 

TOPPING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  19, 
1690.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Clitheroe,  Lanes.  School,  Clitheroe 
(Mr  Cockroft).  Matric.  1690.  Migrated  to  Magdalene,  June 
12,  1690.  B.A.  1693-4;  ^I..\.  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  4,  1693-4;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  6,  1696.  C.  of  Boln- 
hvttst,  Beds.,  1694.  Probably  C.  of  Brampton,  Northants., 
1696,  and  V.  of  PattishaU  (Dunstable  moiety),  1701-35.  V. 
of  Whittlesea  St  Mary  and  St  Andrew,  Cambs.,  1703-42; 
V.  of  West  Bradenham,  Norfolk,  1718-24.  Died  1742.  (The 
identification  of  the  V.  of  PattishaU  with  the  V.  of  Whittle- 
sea St  Mary  and  St  Andrew,  Cambridge,  appears  doubtful, 
and  possibly  two  men  are  involved.  But  it  seems  clear  that 
our  man  was  father  of  Henry  (1717)  and  therefore  V.  of 
Whittlesea,  Cambs.,  etc.)  {PeiU,  11.  116;  Blomefield,  vi.  147; 
Carthew,  Bradenham;  H.  L  Longden.) 

TOPPING,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  18, 

1712.  S.  of  Timothy,  R.  of  Chilton,  Wilts.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A. 
1719.  One  of  these  names  of  Fyfield,  Hants.,  clerk,  1742, 
when  his  son  Samuel  was  adm.  at  Merton  College,  Oxford. 

TOPPYN, .   M.A.  1454-5. 

TOPSELL,  ABEL.  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1622.  S.  of 
Edward  (next),  R.  of  Syresham,  Northants.  Matric.  (Trinity 
College,  O.xford)  Mar.  21,  1616-7,  age  15.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Dec.  21;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1623.  R.  of  Desertoghill, 
Co.  Derry,  Ireland,  1633.    (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

TOPSELL  or  TOPSYLL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1587;  [B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595;  so  styled  on  the  title- 
page  of  his  publications;  record  of  degrees  probably  lost]. 
V.  of  Framfield,  Sussex,  1593-6.  R.  of  East  Hoathly,  1596- 
8;  of  Datchworth,  Herts.,  1598-1601.  R.  of  Syresham, 
Northants.,  1602.  P.C.  of  St  Botolph,  Aldersgate,  London, 
1604-12.  V.  of  Mayfield,  Sussex,  1605-6.  V.  of  East  Grin- 
stead,  1610-5.  R.  of  Little  Bytham,  Lines.,  1618-24.  Author, 
religious;  but  best  known  by  his  adaptation  from  Conrad 
Gesner's  works.  The  Historie  of  foure-footed  Beastes,  and  The 
HistorU  of  Serpents.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1625.  Father  of  Abel  (above).  (PeiU,  i.  191;  D.N.B.;  Vis. 
of  Northants.) 

TORBOCKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  25, 
1656.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Torbock  and  Sutton,  Lanes.  B.  at 
Eccleston,  Lanes,  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Prescot  (Mr 
Ashworth).  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60;  M..A.  1663.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1663.  Probably  C.  of  Sephton,  Lanes.,  till  1675. 
Presented  to  Tattenhall,  1675,  but  not  inducted.  Married 
a  dau.  of  Edward  Moreton,  D.D.,  R.  of  Tattenhall,  Cheshire. 
Died  June  12,  1675.  Buried  at  Sephton.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary  namesake.  (Peile,  i.  571;  Jewitt,  Reliq.,  xi. 
97;  E.  Axon.) 

TORKINGTON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1576;  Scholar,  1577-83;  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1591.  R.  of  Ringmore,  Devon,  1585.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1638.    (Peile,  I.  137;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TURKINGTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1682. 
Of  Ely,  Cambs.   Matric.  16S2;  B.A.  1685-6. 

TURKINGTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  8, 
I593-4-  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  c.  1594.  Probably 
brother  of  Robert  (1593). 

TORKINGTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  23,  1675.  S.  of  Laurence  (1640),  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at 
Huntingdon.  School,  Huntingdon.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1679- 
80;  M.A.  1683.   Brother  of  John  (1670),  etc. 

TORKINGTON,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Dec.  23, 

1713.  S.  of  James,  geut.  B.  at  Stukeley,  Hunts.  School, 
Bishop's Stortford  (DrTooke).  Matric.  1713-4;  B.A.  1717-8; 
M.A.  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Peterb.) 
May  24,  1719;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1720.  C.  of  Guils- 
borough,  Northants.,  1719.  R.  of  Swineshead,  Hunts., 
1722-37.  R.  of  Kings  Ripton,  1726-58.  R.  of  Little  Stukeley, 
1737-67.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Philip  Sherard,  Feb.  4, 
1731-2.  Died  Sept.  6,  1767.  Brother  of  Laurence  (1711). 
(G.  Mag.;  Genealogist,  vii.  45.) 

TURKINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  fcige  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  i, 
1653.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Northampton 
(Mr  Archer).  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  R.  of 
Gateley,  Norfolk,  1661.  R.  of  Homingtoft,  1671.  (Peile,  l. 

TORKINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
26,  1670.  S.  of  Laurence,  Esq.  B.  at  Huntingdon.  School, 
Huntingdon  (Mr  Thomas).  Matric.  1670;  M.B.  1676.  Brother 
of  James  (1675),  etc. 

TURKYNTON,  LAU.  (?).  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1571. 
Doubtless  Laurence,  s.  of  Laurence,  of  Stukeley,  Hunts. 
Of  Stukeley,  Esq.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Mark  Brough- 
ton.  Living,  1613.   (Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

ToRRE,  James 

TORKINGTON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  9,  1640.  S.  of  Laurence,  gent.,  of  Stukeley,  Hunts. 
B.  there.  School,  Sutton  (private).  Matric.  1641.  Doubtless 
father  of  the  next,  of  Robert  (1662),  John  (1670),  Thomas 
(1671)  and  James  (1675). 

TORKINGTON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
May  4,  1665.  S.  of  Laurence  (above),  Esq.  B.  at  Hunting- 
don. School,  Huntingdon.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1668-9. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1662),  John  (1670),  Thomas  (1671) 
and  James  (1675). 

TORKINGTON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  8,  1695-6.  S.  of  Laurence,  silk-mercer.  B.  at  Hunting- 
don. School,  Eton;  colleger,  1691-6.  Matric.  1696;  B.A. 
1699-1700.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1703;  priest, 
Mar.  12,  1703-4.  Probably  R.  of  Shottesbrooke,  Berks., 
c.  1723-7,  and  V.  of  White  Waltham,  1725.  Buried  at 
Shottesbrooke,  Mar.  24,  1727.   (Genealogist,  vii.  14.) 

TORKINGTON,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's, 
Oct.  6,  1711.  S.  of  James,  gent.  B.  at  Stukeley,  Hunts. 
School,  Lavenham,  Suffolk  (Mr  Drift).  Matric.  1711.  Fell.- 
Com.  at  Christ's,  1719-23.  Probably  LL.B.  from  St  John's, 
1725.  Brother  of  James  (1713)-   (Peile,  u.  igf>.) 

TURKINGTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  2, 
1593.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Probably  brother  of  Henry 

TORKINGTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  22,  1662.  S.  of  Laurence  (1640),  Esq.,  of  Himtingdon. 
B.  there.  School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1663. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  21,  1664.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1671.   Brother  of  Laurence  (1665),  etc. 

TORKINGTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  6,  1671.  S.  of  Laurence  (1640),  Esq.,  of  Huntingdon. 
B.  there.  School,  Huntingdon.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1675-6. 
Brother  of  Laurence  (1665)  Robert  (1662),  etc. 

TORKINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  14,  1548.  Of  Stukeley,  Hunts.  Perhaps 
s.  of  Henry,  of  Stukeley.  Matric.  1548.  Left  in  1549.  (Vis. 
of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

TORKINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  28,  1684.  S.  of  Laurence,  gent.  B.  at  Huntingdon. 
School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Mathews).  Matric.  1684;  B.A. 
1687-8;  M.A.  1698.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  19,  1695. 
P.  C.  of  Bury,  Hunts.,  1695-9.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Kent. 
V.  of  Sunninghill,  Berks.,  1701-2.  V.  of  Chatteris,  Cambs., 
1702.  R.  of  Wistow,  Hunts.,  1705-37.  Died  1737.  WUl 
dated,  June  20,  1737;  proved  (Archd.  Hunts.)  Oct.  27,  1737. 

TORKSEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  20, 
1630-1.  Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  John  (next). 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  6, 
1636-7;  'of  Coventry.'   Brother  of  Samuel  (1623-4). 

TORKSEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1578. 
B.  at  East  Ferry,  Lines.,  1561;  B.A.  from  Queens',  1581-2; 
M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1585;  B.D.  1594.  Probably  Fellow 
of  Magdalene,  in  1586.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  5,  1586-7. 
Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Bedford.  Preacher.  Preb.  of  Salis- 
bury, 1600-13.  R.  of  Barwell,  Leics.,  1601-13.  Died  Jan.  lo, 

1613.  M.I.  at  Barwell.    Will  (Leicester)  1613,  and  (P.C.C.) 

1614.  Father  of   Edward   (above)   and   Samuel   (1623-4). 
(Nichols,  IV.  479-) 

TORKSIE(?),  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1603. 

TORKSEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

TORKSEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em.manuel,  1623-4. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1578).  Matric.  1624; 
B.A.  1627-8.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  July  5,  1628.  M.A. 
1631.  V.  of  Leyton,  Essex,  1644.  R.  of  Chingford,  1645-6. 
R.  of  Scotter,  Lines.,  1646.   Brother  of  Edward  (1630-1). 

TORKESAY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  3,  1690.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  Owston,  Lines. 
School,  Kirton,  Lines.   Matric.  1690. 

TORNER, .   M.A.  1511-2. 

TORPORLEY,  THOMAS.  Of  St  Benet's  Hostel;  B.A.  1500; 
M.A.  1503. 

TORRE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June  11, 
1666.  S.  of  Gregory,  of  Bourne,  Lines.  Bapt.  Apr.  30,  1649, 
at  Haxey.  School,  Belton.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669  accord- 
ing to  D.N.B.).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  1,  1668. 
Devoted  himself  to  research  into  the  ecclesiastical  antiquities 
of  Yorkshire;  also  a  noted  genealogist.  Sold  his  lands  in 
Lincolnshire,  and  settled  at  Snydale,  near  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
Author,  Antiquities  Ecclesiastical  of  the  City  of  York;  English 
Nobility  and  Gentry.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William 
Lincoln,  D.D.;  (2)  Anna,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Lister,  of  Leeds, 
Apr.  24,  1694.  Died  July  31,  1699.  Buried  at  Normanton. 
M.I.  Fatherof  Nicholas  (1712-3).  (D.N. B. ;  F.M.G.,  i.  254; 
Stonehouse,  Axholme,  304.) 


Torre,  James 

TORRE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  8, 
1741.  S.  of  Nicholas  (ne.xt),  lawyer,  of  Normanton,  Yorks. 
B.  Feb.  6,  1722-3,  at  Poutefract.  School,  Beverley  (Mr 
Clarke).  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Feb.  23,  1745-6;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1748.  V.  of  Roth- 
well,  Yorks.,  1749-57.  P.C.  of  Snydall,  near  Wakefield. 
Died  Sept.  i,  1788.  Buried  at  Normanton.  (Scott-Mayor, 
m.  519;  F.M.G.,  I.  254;  G.  Mag.) 

TORRE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  28, 
1712-3.  S.  and  h.  of  James  (i666),  deceased.  B.  Jan.  24, 
1694-5,  at  York.  School,  York.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Dec.  16,  1713.  Of  Snydale,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Married  Jane,  dau. 
of  Richard  Mann,  of  York,  Sept.  8,  1720.  Died  Mar.  5  (?  4), 
1749.  Buried  at  Normanton.  M.I.  Father  of  James  (above). 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  519;  Burke,  L.G.) 

TORRE  or  TORE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs 


TORRENT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1702.  B.  at  Westwell,  Oxon.  Matric.  Lent,  1702-3;  B.A. 
1706-7;  M.A.  1710.  Fellow,  1705.  Assistant  Master  at  Eton. 
Ord.  priest  (London)  Nov.  12,  1712.  V.  of  St  Giles',  Reading, 
Berks.,  1713.  Died  there  Apr.  5,  1730.  WiU,  P.C.C. 

TORREY,  ROGER.  B.A.  1518-9. 

TORRIANO,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June 
12,  1745.  S.  of  John,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1745;  Scholar,  1746;  B.A.  1748-9;  M.A.  1752. 
Fellow,  1751.  Regius  Professor  of  Hebrew,  1753-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  June  10,  1750.  R.  of  Chingford,  Essex, 
1757-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1778. 

TORRIANO,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  7,  1733.  S.  of 
Nathaniel,  citizen  of  London,  merchant  taylor.  B.  May  21, 
1715.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1735;  Scholar; 
B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5, 
1737.  C.  of  Whittlesford,  Cambs.,  1737.  Died  in  Jamaica. 
(Merchant  Taylors'  School  Register.) 

TORRINGTON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  27,  1655.  S.  of  John,  clothier,  of  Dorchester.  B.  there. 
School,  Dorchester  (Mr  Crumlum).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658- 
9;  M.A.  1662. 

TORSHEL,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1620-1.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  merchant  taylor,  of  St 
Clement  Danes,  London.  B.  July,  1604.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Subs,  for  priest's  orders 
(Bristol)  Jan.  27,  1628-9.  C.  of  St  Bartholomew-by-the- 
Exchange,  London,  1629.  V.  of  Bunbury,  Cheshire,  1629- 
c.  44.  Tutor  to  the  two  youngest  children  of  Charles  I,  1644. 
Preacher  at  Cripplegate,  London;  to  the  House  of  Commons, 
1646.  Author,  religious.  Died  Mar.  22,  1649-50.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
(Peile,  I.  338;D.Ar.B.) 

TORTE,  H.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1567.  Henry 
Torte  was  V.  of  Bassingboum,  Cambs.,  1598-1613.  Buried 
Mar.  7,  1612-3. 

TORTHORALD,  JAMES.  One  of  the  first  'King's  Scholars,' 
Mar.  27,  1318.  S.  of  James.  Received  a  gown,  Easter,  1321. 
(Exchequer  Accounts.)   Brother  of  the  next. 

TORTHORALD,  JOHN.  'King's  Scholar,'  Mar.  27,  1318.  S.  of 
James.  Brother  of  James  (above).  Received  a  gown,  Easter, 
1321.   (Exchequer  Accounts.) 

TORWAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  12,  1671.  One 
of  these  names,  bom  in  Devon;  adm.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  May  5,  1671,  age  19;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1675;  M.A.  1678. 
Beneficed  in  Ireland.  Died  1689.  (Cotton,  11.  178;  H.  B. 

TORY,  see  also  THORY. 

TORY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  8,  1653. 
Of  Rutland.  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8.  Lecturer  at  St 
Mary  Magdalene,  Bermondsey,  Surrey;  ejected,  1662.  Pastor 
of  the  English  Church  at  Middleburgh,  Holland,  1683.  Died 
1691.   (Calamy,  i.  127.) 

TOSTICK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1668.  Of 
Norfolk.   Matric.  1668. 

TOSTOCK,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  16,  1612-3. 
Of  Suffolk. 

TOSTOCKE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  21, 
1636-7.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Hockham  Parva,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Rockland  St  Andrew.  School,  Thetford  (Mr  Ward). 


TOTHALL,  see  also  TUTHILL. 

TOTHALL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  25,  1667.  S.  of  Thomas  (1606),  clerk,  deceased,  of 
Romaldkirk,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Brignall  (Mr  Johnson). 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1671. 
WiU  (York)  1672;  late  chaplain  of  H.M.S.  Croivne,  frigate. 

TouNDRow,  Henry 

TOTHALL  or  TUTTALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx 
John's,  Michs.  1606.  B.  in  Richmondshire,  Yorks.  School, 
Sedbergh.  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  V.  of  Romaldkirk, 
Yorks.,  1621;  stiU  there,  1654.  Died  before  Mar.  25,  1667. 
Father  of  Richard  (above).   (Sedbergh  School  Register.) 

TOTILL,  HENRY.  FeUow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1427-34-  V.  of 
Capel  St  Mary,  Suffolk,  1433-9;  afterwards  V.  of  Ellingham. 


TOTNAY,  RALPH.  FeUow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1447. 

TOTOFT,   JOHN).    B.A.     1477-8.    Probably  B.Civ.L.    1481-2; 

D.Civ.L.  1486-7.    Doubtless  John  Tototh,  LL.B. ,  FeUow  of 

King's  HaU.   Scholar,  1481.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  3; 

priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  17,  1484.    R.  of   Abington   Pigotts, 

Cambs.,  1487-92. 
TOTOFT,  LAURENCE.  B.A.  1481-2. 

TOTT,  ANDREW.  B.A.  1476-7.  WiU  of  one  of  these  names 
(P.C.C.)  1492;  'of  St  Botolph,  Aldgate,  London.' 

TOTTENHAM,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1583.  S.  of  John,  of  Barrington,  Cambs.  B.  c.  1569. 
Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  May  9,  1592.  Preacher.  V.  of  Shillington, 
Beds.,  1592.  V.  of  Felmersham,  1599.  V.  of  Wootton, 
1600-38.  Buried  there  June  16,  1638.  (Burke,  L.G.; 
Geneal.  Bedford.) 

TOTTENHAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1629.   Of  Essex.   B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 

TOTTINGHAM,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
Mar.  18,  1699-1700.  S.  of  Isaac,  of  Cambridge.  Matric.  1700; 
B.A.  1703-4.  Schoolmaster  at  Debenham,  Suffolk,  in  1714. 
V.  of  Kenton,  1730. 

TOTTINGTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  22,  1674. 
Matric.  1674.  Perhaps  previously  at  Oxford.  If  so,  s.  of 
Richard,  of  York.  Matric.  (Queen's  CoUege,  Oxford)  Apr.  7, 
1671,  age  17.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TOTTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 
1742.  S.  of  Stephen,  merchant,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London. 
Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  1749.  FeUow,  1748-55. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  5,  1748;  priest  (London)  Dec.  23, 
1749.  Lecturer  at  Hexham,  Northumberland,  1758-65.  P.C. 
of  Edgeware,  Middlesex,  1764-87.  Died  Dec.  24,  1787. 
WUl  (P.C.C.)  1788.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  528;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

TOTTY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  12, 
1681.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Wigan,  Lanes.  School,  Manchester. 
Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1703.  V.  of  TidesweU, 
Derbs.,  1691-5.  V.  of  EccleshaU,  Staffs.,  and  R.  of  Hawford, 
Warws.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1705-16.  Died  1716.  Buried  at 
Hartlebury,  Worcs.  Father  of  the  next.  (Harwood,  Lich- 
field, 218.) 

TOTTIE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  July  6,  1720. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Daniel  (above),  of  Eccles- 
haU, Staffs.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Worcester  CoUege, 
Oxford)  Julys,  1721,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1725;  M.A.  1728; 
D.D.  1760.  Archdeacon  of  Worcester,  1742-74.  Chaplain 
to  the  King,  1742-70.  R.  of  St  Martin's,  Worcester,  1751-74. 
Canon  of  Christ  Church,  1760-74.  Died  Nov.  21,  1774-  WiU, 
P.C.C.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TOTTY  or  TOTAY,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1502-3;  M.A.  1506. 

TOTTY, .  D.Can.L.  1512-3. 

TOUGH,  CHARLES,  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  23,  1700. 
Of  Middlesex.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Feb.  22,  1718-9.  Perhaps 
lecturer  at  Berwick-on-Tweed.   Buried  there  May  7,  1728. 

TOUGH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  12, 
1709.  S.  of  Charles,  schoolmaster.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Woodford  (under  his  father).  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1718.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  19,  1714;  priest 
(Ely)  June  4,  1721.  R.  of  Stibbington,  Hunts.,  1722-31. 
Probably  R.  of  Streatham,  Surrey,  1723-5-  R-  of  St  Paul's, 
Covent  Garden,  London,  1730-54.  R.  of  Little  Gaddesden, 
Herts.,  1743-54.  F.R.S.,  i749-  Died  June  21,  1754-  WiU, 
P.C.C.   (Manning  and  Bray,  ni.  395;  Hennessy.) 


TOUNDROW,  see  also  TOWNEROE. 

TOUNDROW,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27,  1719- 

Of  Staffordshire.   Matric.  1719;  Scholar,  1721;  B.A.  1722-3; 

M.A.    1726;    D.D.    1751.     Fellow,    1725-48.     Ord.    deacon 

(Lincoln)  July  10,  1726.   V.  of  AU  Saints',  Cambridge,  1741. 

R.  of  Cavendish,  Suffolk,  1748-66.    R.  of  Belchamp  Otter, 

Essex,  1751.    R.  of  Pentlow,   1751-    Died  Sept.  25,   1766, 

aged  65.   M.I.  at  Cavendish.   (A.  Gray.) 
TOUNDROW,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  5, 

1751.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Burton,  Staffs.  School,  Westminster. 

Matric.  1751;  Scholar,  1752. 


TouRNAY,  Edward 

TOURNAY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene, 
May  20,  1648.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  of  Caenby,  Lines.  School, 
Kirton.  Of  Caenby,  Esq.  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried 
at  Glentham,  Apr.  13,  1704.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1003.) 

TOURNAY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Mag- 
dalene, May  29,  1690.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  Esq.  B.  at 
Caenby,  Lines.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1690.  Of  the  Close, 
Lincoln.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  John  Booth,  of  Harpwell. 
Buried  at  Glentham.  Will  dated,  Feb.  26,  1722-3;  proved, 
Apr.  13,  1723.    {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1004.) 

TOURNEY  or  TURNEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1620.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627;  B.D.  1634. 
Fellow,  1627;  Tourney.  Had  the  College  title  for  Orders  in 
1627.  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  1635.  (Loder,  250; 
J.  Crosby.) 

TOURNAY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1655.  Of  Kent.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1653, 
from  Clifiord's  Inn. 

TOURNAY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1622. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629;  Tumey.  V.  of  Betch- 
worth,  Surrey,  1631-9.  R.  of  Springfield  Richards,  Essex, 
1638-61.   R.  of  South  Fambridge,  1655-61.  Died  i66r. 

TURNEY,  THOMAS.  D.Civ.L.  c.  1453.  Probably  M.A.  (Gr.  Bk, 

A,  30-) 

TURNEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  11,  1604. 
Matric.  1604.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  BrockhiU,  Kent. 
If  so,  married  and  had  issue.   (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 

TURNAY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1614; 
B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  23;  priest.  May  24,  1624;  Toumay.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Yalding,  Kent,  1628-40;  of  Wittersham,  Oxney,  1640. 
(Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TURNEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
21;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1617.   V.  of  Corby,  Lines.,  i6i8. 

TOVEY,  HUMPHREY.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1610-1;  M.A.  1614; 
B.D.  1626.  Fellow,  1612.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1616.  V.  of 
St  Giles',  Cambridge,  1614-27.  R.  of  Banham,  Norfolk, 
1628-40.  Died  May  21,  1640.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.;  Al.  Oxon.; 
J.  Crosby.) 

TOVEY,  JOHN.  M.A.  1607  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  1594-5;  M.A.  1599.  Master  of  Coventry 
Grammar  School,  Warws.,  1599-1602.  Chaplain  to  John, 
Lord  Harrington,  of  Exton;  assisted  in  the  tuition  of  Princess 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  James  I.  Attended  her  to  Germany,  in 
1613.  Father  of  Nathaniel  (1612).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols,  iv. 

TOVEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke,  June  18, 

TOVEY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  29,  1718. 
S.  of  John,  of  Northwich,  Cheshire.  School,  Peover  (Mr  Allen). 
Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1722-3.  C.  of  Standish.  Will  (Chester) 

TOVY,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  23,  1612. 
S.  of  John  (1607),  Master  of  Coventry  Free  School,  Warws. 

B.  at  Coventry.  Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619; 
B.D.  from  Christ's,  1627.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1621-34. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  1621, 
age  24.  Tutor  at  Cambridge  to  John  Milton.  R.  of  Lutter- 
worth, Leics.,  1634-47,  ejected.  Canon  of  Southwell,  1642. 
R.  of  Ayleston,  Leics.,  1654-8.  Buried  there  Sept.  9,  1658. 
M.I.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  Christ's.  (Peile,  i.  289; 
Nichols,  IV.  299.) 

TOVEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  4,  1645.  Of 
London.  School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1645;  Matric.  1646; 
B.A.  1648-9. 

TOWELL  or  TOWILL,  JAMES.  Matric.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1706;  B.A.  1709-10. 

TOWELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
29,  1709.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Sandford,  near  Ax- 
bridge,  Somerset.  School,  Tiverton  (Mr  Raynor).  Matric. 

TOWERS  or  TOWER,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  22,  1636-7.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Haddenham, 
Cambs.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  Ord.  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1642.  R.  of  Hilgay,  Norfolk,  1650.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  John  (1621-2)  and  William  (1626).  (Cambs. 
Vis.,  1619;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1006.) 

TOWERS,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  5,  1693. 
Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  North  Runcton. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  3,  1697. 

TOWERS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1724.  S.  of  Samuel.  B.  in  London,  1706.  Matric.  Lent, 
1724-5;    B.A.    1728-9;    M.A.    1732.    Fellow,    1728.     Ord. 

Towers,  William 

deacon   (Ely)  Aug.  3,   1730;  priest  (Norwich)  June,   1731. 

Minister  of  >Iilton,  Cambs.,  in  1742.    V.  of  Fordingbridge, 

Hants.,  till  1762.  Died  there  July,  1762.   (Harwood;  Crosby.) 
TOWER,  GREGORY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  20, 

1635.  S.  of  James.  B.  at 'Eastland' (?  Easton),  Lines.  B.A. 

TOWERS,   HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,   Apr.  22,    1665. 

Matric.  1665.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1660). 
TOWERS,  JAMES.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June 

19.  1739-  S.  of  James,  gent.  B.  at  Towsey  HaU,  Westmor- 
land. School,  Heversham.  Matric.  1739;  B.A.  1742-3.  V. 
of  Melling-in-Lonsdale,  Lanes.,  1744-50.   Died  c.  1750. 

TOWERS  or  TOWER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  c. 
1595.  Of  Norfolk.  Migrated  to  Queens',  June  12,  1599. 
B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1606;  B.D.  1615;  D.D.  1624  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1608-17.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611.  R. 
of  Castle  Ashby,  Northants.,  1617-38.  R.  of  Yardley- 
Hastings,  1623-38.  V.  of  Halifax,  Vorks.,  1628.  Dean  of 
Peterborough,  1630-8.  Dean  of  Westminster,  1634-8;  Preb., 
1634.  R.  of  Castor,  Northants.,  1638-46,  sequestered. 
Bishop  of  Peterborough,  1638-48.  Chaplain  to  Charles  I. 
An  ardent  supporter  of  the  royal  prerogative.  A  supporter 
of  Laud;  signed  the  bishops'  protest,  1641.  Committed  to 
the  Tower,  1642.  Afterwards  with  the  King  at  Oxford; 
remained  there  till  its  surrender,  in  1646.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  at  Peterborough,  Jan.  10,  1648-9.  Buried  in  the 
Cathedral.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

TOWERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  5,  1621-2. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Haddenham,  Cambs.; 
age  14  in  1619.  Matric.  1622.  Probably  brother  of  William 
(1626)  and  Arthur  (1636).  Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1648). 
(Vis.  of  Cambs.) 

TOWERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Jan.  9,  1632-3. 
S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Lyim,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  July  2, 
1618.  School,  Lynn  (Mr  Woodmansey).  Matric.  1633;  B.A. 
1637-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1640.  (Venn,  i.  308.) 

TOWERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Jan.  29, 
1671-2.  S.  of  William,  preb.  of  Peterborough.  School, 
Peterborough.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 
Fellow,  1678.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  22,  1678.  V.  of  Swaffham  Bulbeck,  Cambs.,  1680. 
Died  1683. 

TOWERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  6, 
1739.  S.  of  James,  husbandman,  of  Lancashire.  B.  in  the 
Isle  of  Walney.  Schools,  Kendal  and  Urswick,  Lanes. 
Matric.  1739;  B.A.  1743-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25, 
1743;  priest,  June  9,  1745.  V.  of  Billingborough,  Lines., 
1752-1802.  V.  of  Threckingham,  1759-1802.  Died  Nov.  3, 
1802.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  504.) 

TOWER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  1560.  S.  of  Anthony. 
B.A.  1560-1;  M.A.  1564;  B.D.  1569.  Fellow,  1561-72. 
University  preacher,  1566.  Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1571-85. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1571.  V.  of  Northall,  Middlesex,  1571-5. 
R.  of  Gt  Leighs,  Essex,  1576.  Preb.  of  York,  1577-85.  Died 
1585.   Win,  P.C.C.   (Litws.  Pedigrees,  1006.) 

TOWER,  ROBERT.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1566. 

TOWERS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  4, 
1707.  S.  of  Thomas  (1670),  clerk.  B.  at  Monks  Kirby, 
Warws.  School,  Monks  Kirby  (his  father).  Matric.  1708; 
B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1720.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1721.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich,  Lilt.  dim.  from  Lichfield)  Mar.  1711-2; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  13,  1714-5. 

TOWERS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  1, 
1730.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  The  Haber- 
dashers'. Matric.  1731;  Scholar,  1731;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A. 
1739.  Probably  died  Jan.  9,  1757,  aged  45.  Buried  at 
Homsey,  Middlesex,  clerk.   (Peile,  11.  222;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

TOWERS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1616. 

TOWERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1634. 
Of  Buckinghamshire.  B.A.  1637-8.  Probably  of  Tatham, 
Lanes.  If  so,  married  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Procter,  of 
Lancaster.  Buried  July  13,  1659.  (Burke,  L.G.;  Lipscomb, 
IV.  530.) 

TOWERS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May 

20,  1648.  S.  of  John  (?  1621-2),  Esq.,  of  Haddenham,  Cambs. 
School,  Ely.   Matric.  1648. 

TOWRES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 

1670.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Broughton,  Lanes.  B.  there. 

School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.   1670.    Migrated  to  Trinity,  Mar. 

16,  1670-1.   Doubtless  V.  of  Monks  Kirby,  Warws.,  c.  1690. 

R.  of  Martinthorp,  Rutland,   1694.    Died  1696.    Father  of 

Samuel  (1707).   (Sedbergh  School  Register.) 
TOWERS,   WILLIAM.    Matric.   pens,   from  Queens',   Easter, 

1626.    Of  Cambridgeshire.    Probably  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of 

Haddenham,  Cambs.    Probably  brother  of  John  (1621-2). 

(Cambs.  Vis.) 


Towers,  William 

TOWERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  29,  i66o. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1664-5.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1665). 

TOWERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  20, 
1696-7.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Gaywood,  Norfolk.  School, 
Lynn  (Mr  Home).  Scholar,  1696-7;  Matric.  1697;  B.A. 
1700-1;  M.A.  1704;  D.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1702-24. 
Master,  1723-45.  Taxor,  1708.  Proctor,  1718-9.  Vice- 
ChanceUor,  1734-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  21,  1702-3; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14,  1703-4.  V.  of  Caldecote,  Cambs., 
1716-24.  R.  of  Snailwell,  1723-45.  Chaplain  to  the  King, 
1727-32.  Died  Mar.  i,  1744-5.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel. 
(Peile,  II.  137;  J.  Crosby.) 

TOWERS  or  TOWRYS, .   B.A.  1493-4. 

TOWERS, .  D.Civ.L.  1493-4. 

TOWERSEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  i, 
1696.  S.  of  John,  of  Smithfield,  London.  B.  there.  School, 
St  Paul's  (exhibitioner).  Matric.  1696;  Scholar,  1699;  B.A. 
1699-1700;  M.A.  1703;  B.D.  1710.  Fellow,  1702.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23,  1703.  Signs  as  minister  of  Elstow, 
Beds.,  1701-13.  R.  of  St  John's,  Bedford,  c.  1714-41.  Died 
Mar.  27,  1741.  Buried  at  St  John's,  Bedford.  M.I.  Father 
of  the  next  and  of  Samuel  (1746).  (W.  M.  Noble;  Beds. 
N.  and  Q.,  in.  108.) 

TOWERSEY,  JOHN  [?  EDWARD].  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
Trinity,  Jan.  25,  1737-8.  S.  of  John  (above).  School, 
Bedford  (Mr  Priaux).   Matric.  1738.   Brother  of  the  next. 

TOWERSEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Emmanuel, 
June  10,  1746.  S.  of  John  (1696),  clerk,  of  Bedford.  School, 
Beverley.  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1749-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Lin- 
coln) Sept.  23,  1750;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1751.  Brother  of  John 

TOWERSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1577-8.  Of  Middlesex. 

TOWES,  see  also  TOOES  and  TOWSE. 

TOWES,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1567. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1572.  Bencher, 
1594.  Treasurer,  1607.  Lent  Reader,  1610.  Sergeant-at- 
law,  1614.  Town  clerk  of  Colchester.  M.P.  for  Bramber, 
1586;  for  Colchester,  1620-22, 1624-5  and  1626.  Married  Joan 
French.  Died  Oct.  22,  1634,  aged  83.  {Peile,  i.  100;  Inner 


TOWINGS,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1614. 

at  Corpus  Christi,  1611.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John, 
of  Ashen,  Essex,  Knt.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1628.  Probably  brother 
of  the  next.   {Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

TOLCARNE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Sept.  17,  1614. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Ashen,  Essex,  Knt. 

TOWLE,  see  also  TOLLE  and  TOWELL. 

TOWLE,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1608-9.  B.  c.  1586. 
M.A.  i6i6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1610;  priest. 
May  19,  1611.  V.  of  Barkby,  Leics.,  1612.  Will  (Leicester) 
1616;  Tole. 

TOWLER,  see  also  TOLLER. 

TOWLER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  29,  1655-6.  S.  of  Henry,  weaver,  of  Settle,  Yorks. 
B.  there.   School,  Giggleswick.   Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60. 

TOWLER  or  TOLLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1576.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  25;  priest,  Aug.  1, 
1586.   Perhaps  V.  of  Sheffield,  Yorks.,  1597-1635. 

TOWLYE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

TOWNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1579-80; 
B.A.  1582-3. 

TOWNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1597-8; 
B.A.  1601-2.  Perhaps  C.  of  Clitheroe,  Lanes.,  1608,  sus- 
pended. Probably  C.  of  Chesterfield,  Derbs.,  1615,  and 
assistant  minister  at  Sheffield,  Yorks.,  1618-28.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Harleston,  SuSoIk,  1613-5.  {Peile,  i.  158.) 

TOWNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Jan.  18,  1687-8. 
4th  s.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Sudbrooke,  Lines.  B.  there.  School, 
Newark  (Mr  Twells).  Matric.  1688;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A. 
1691-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  22,  1692;  priest,  June  3, 
1694.  R.  of  Grayingham,  Lines.,  1694,  and  P.C.  of  HemsweU. 
Probably  brother  of  William  (1684-5),  of  Leonard  (1701)  and 
Richard  (1701).   {Peile,  11.  107.) 

TOWNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  26,  1729.  B.  at 
Boothby,  Lines.  Perhaps  s.  of  Leonard  (1701),  R.  of  Boothby 
Graffoe.  Matric.  1729;  B..\.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1734;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1735.  R.  of 
Little  Paunton,  Lines.,  1735.    V.  of  Thorp-Amald,  Leics., 

V.A.C.  IV. 


TowNLEY,  Bernard 

1740-91.  Archdeacon  of  Stow,  1765-91.  A  friend  of  Bishop 
Warburton.  Author,  theological.  Died  Mar.  15,  1791, 
aged  80.  M.I.  at  Thorp-Amald.  Will,  P.C.C.  See  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  {G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.;  D.N.B.; 
Nichols,  II.  371.) 

TOWNE,  LEONARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  26, 
1701.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Sudbrooke,  Lines.  School,  Grantham 
(Mr  Burnet).  Scholar,  1702-3;  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1706-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  18,  1708-9;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1709. 
R.  of  Boothby  Graffoe,  Lines.,  1709.  Perhaps  father  of  John 
(1729)  and  probably  brother  of  John  (1687-8),  etc.  {PeiU, 
II.  151;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1310.) 

TOWNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June 
25,  1701.  S.  of  John,  of  Grantham,  Lines.  B.  at  Sudbrooke, 
Lines.  School,  Grantham.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincota)  May  19,  1706.  Probably  brother  of  John 
(1687-8),  etc. 

TOWNE,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  6, 

1706.   S.  of  Richard,  of  York  (Mayor,  1716).    School,  York 

(Dr  Tomlinson).    Matric.  1706;  Scholar,  1708;  B.A.  1710-1. 

Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  5,  1711. 
TOWNES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1565. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bedfield,  Suffolk,  1580-4. 
TOWNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  20, 

1664.    S.  of  Giles,  deceased,  of  Tunstall,  Lanes.    B.  there. 

School,  Lancaster.    Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671. 

Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  29,  1670.  V.  of  Swinestead,  Lines., 


TOWNES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  30, 
1664.  S.  of  James,  of  Lancashire.  B.  in  the  Barbadoes. 
School,  Barbadoes  (Mr  Brook).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8; 
M.B.  1669;  M.D.  1674.   (Peile,  i.  611.) 

TOWNE,  WILLIAM.  One  of  the  original  Fellows  of  King's, 
1441;  M.A.  Proctor,  1448-9.  B.D.  (Oxford)  1449-50;  D.D. 
(Oxford)  1454.  Appointed  Warden  of  King's  Hall,  1457,  but 
did  not  act.  Vice-Chancellor,  1475-6.  R.  of  Kingston, 
Cambs.,  1458-86.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1460-71,  1473-96  {sic). 
Precentor  of  Lincoln,  1471-3.  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge, 
1487.  V.  of  Melbourne,  1488-9.  Died  Mar.  11,  1494  (accord- 
ing to  Harwood,  but  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  gives  Mar.  2,  1496-7). 
Buried  in  King's  College  Chapel.  M.I.  {Harwood;  Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  II.  144;  Musgrave.) 

TOWNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb. 
1684-5.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Lincoln.  School,  Newark  (Mr 
Twells).  Matric.  1685.  Probably  brother  of  John  (1687-8). 
{Peile,  II.  98;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1310.) 

TOWNE, .  Scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1485-96. 


TOWNEROE,  see  also  TOUNDROW. 

TOWNEROE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1582-3;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591. 

TOWNEROWE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  17, 
1605-6.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Ralph  (1578),  of  Ashby-by- 
Homcastle,  Lines.  B.  Feb.  24,  1588-9.  Matric.  1606.  Died 
June  17,  1621.  Buried  in  St  Mary  Axe,  London.  Probably 
brother  of  Henry  (1618).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1008.) 

TOWNEROWE,  H.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1567. 
One  Henry  Townrowe  V.  of  Parham,  Suffolk,  1578-89; 
R.  of  Campsey  Ash,  1584-1607. 

TOWNERAWE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  1618.  Prob- 
ably 4th  s.  of  Ralph  (1578).  B.  Dec.  23,  1599.  Matric.  Easter, 
1618;  Scholar,  1621;  B.A.  1621-2.  Died  at  Ashby,  Lines., 
Mar.  14,  1624-5.  Probably  brother  of  George  (i 606).  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1008.) 

TOWNRAW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June  5, 
1684.  S.  of  Ralph,  deceased.  B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  School, 
Louth.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1702.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  15,  1690.  P.C.  of  Granthorpe,  Lines.;  of 
Fotherby,  and  R.  of  Yarborough,  1704-22.  Brother  of 
Ralph  (1675)- 

TOWNEROWE,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1578.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry,  of  Ashby-by-Homcastle,  Lines. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  George  Hartprave,  of  Revesby,  June 
17,  1585.  Living,  1624.  Father  of  George  (1606)  and  prob- 
ably of  Henry  (1618).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1007.) 

TOWNRAW,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Aug.  15,  1675.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  School, 
Louth.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1679-80.  Brother  of  John  (1684). 

TOWNROE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1531-2. 

TOWNELY,  BERNARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1617.  S.  of  John,  of  Hurstwood,  Lanes.,  gent.  Bapt.  at 
Burnley,  Feb.  17,  1600-1.  B.A.  1619-20.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  10,  1618. 


TowNLEY,  Henry 

TOWNLEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1589. 
Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Jan.  9,  1602-3.  Probably  R.  of  West  Winch, 
Norfolk,  1611-2;  R.  of  Hethel,  Norfolk,  1618-9.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1627;  R.  of  Hethel.  But  according  to  Blomefield,  v. 
109,  he  died  in  1619. 

TOWNELY,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1627;  e.\hibitioner  from  Charterhouse.   S.  of Townley, 

late  CounciUor-at-law.  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Litlington,  Cambs.,  1656-62,  ejected.  {Calamy,  1.  249; 
Al.  Carthus.) 

TOWNLEY,  JAMES.  B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1525;  B.D.  1538. 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1523-8.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1532-9. 
Preached  at  Fen  Drayton,  Cambs.,  1534.  Had  charge  of  the 
plays  in  the  College,  1534-5.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1543. 
{Peile,  I.  15.) 

TOWNLEY,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept. 
24,  1626.  V.  of  St  Etheldred,  Norwich,  1627-36.  R.  of  St 
Edward's  and  St  Julian,  1634-42.  P.C.  of  St  Benet,  1637-41. 
Minor  canon  of  Norwich.  Died  May  24,  1642.  Buried  in 
Norwich  Cathedral.   (Blomefield,  iv.  32,  81.) 

TOWNLEY,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  c. 
1596.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (?  Edmond),  of  Royle, 
Lanes.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  9,  1599.  Sheriff  of 
Lanes.,  1633.  Of  Royle,  Esq.  Married  Isabel,  dau.  of 
J.  Woodroof,  of  Banktop.  Died  1645.  (Middlesex  Pedigrees; 
Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

TOWNLEY,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
May  7,  1715.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Preston,  Lanes. 
B.  1697,  at  Chorley,  Lanes,  (his  mother's  home).  School, 
Burnley  (Mr  Ben.  Robertshaw).  Matric.  1715.  Died  s.p. 
(Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

TOWNLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  19,  1707. 
Of  Lancashire.  School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1707;  Scholar, 
1709.  Of  Townley;  M.D.  Buried  at  Manchester,  Feb.  10, 
1718-9.  (A.  Gray.) 

TOWNLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  15,  1743.  S.  of  Richard,  Esq.,  mercer,  of  Rochdale, 
Lanes,  (and  Jane,  dau.  of  William  Greaves,  of  Gartside  Hall), 
Bapt.  Dec.  31,  1726,  at  Rochdale.  School,  Rochdale. 
Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7.  High  Sheriff  of  Lanes.,  1752. 
Colonel  of  Lanes,  militia.  Inherited  Fulboum  HaU,  Cambs. 
from  his  mother's  family.  Married  (i)  Ann,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Western,  of  Abington  Hall,  Cambs.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  James 
Penny,  of  Penny  Bridge,  Lanes.  Author,  Journal  kept  in  the 
Isle  of  Man.  Died  at  Ambleside,  1802.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii. 
536;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

TOWNLEY,  ROBERT.  Probably  scholar  at  Christ's,  1542-3; 
B.A.  1543-4;  M.A.  1547.  Fellowof  Peterhouse,  1547.  Bursar, 
1547-9-   (Peile,  I.  27.) 

TOWNLEY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1608-9. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Bamside,  Colne,  Lanes.  B.  at  Colne.  M.A. 
1612.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25,  1609,  age  23.  C.  of 
Thundridge,  Herts.  R.  of  St  Peter  Hungate,  Norwich, 

TOWNLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1620.  Of  London.  Perhaps  s.  of  Francis,  of  Litleton,  Middle- 
sex.  (Middlesex  Pedigrees.) 

TOWNLEY,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1545. 

Perhaps  afterwards  resident  at  Christ's,  1546-7  (not  B.A.). 
(Peile,  I.  27.) 

TOWNSHEND,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1670.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Wor- 
cester. Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  1, 1664,  age  15; 
B.A.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  1667.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1669. 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1668-74.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3, 
1671-2.  R.  of  Acton  Beauchamp,  Worcs.,  1672-81.  V.  of 
Ledbury,  Hereford,  1676-81.  Buried  there  Dec.  14,  1681. 
(F.  S.  Hockaday;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TOWNSHEND,  CHARLES.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1691.  S.  and  h.  of  Horatio  (1644),  Viscount  Towns- 
hend,  of  Raynham,  Norfolk.  B  1674.  School,  Eton.  Suc- 
ceeded his  father  as  2nd  Viscount,  Dec.  1687.  Travelled 
abroad.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Norfolk,  1701-13  and  1714-30. 
F.R.S.,  1706.  Captain  of  the  Yeoman  of  the  Guard,  1707-ir. 
P.C,  1707.  Early  seceded  to  the  Whigs.  Joint  Ambassador  to 
the  Congress  at  the  Hague,  1709-11;  recalled  on  a  charge 
of  administration  and  for  having  exceeded  his  instructions 
in  negotiating  the  barrier  treaty.  Secretary  of  State  rSouth), 
1714-6;  for  the  North,  1721-30.  Co-operated  with  Stanhope 
in  making  the  definitive  barrier  treaty,  1715.  Accused  of 
obstructing  a  French  alliance  and  of  a  design  to  place  George, 
Prince  of  Wales  on  the  throne.  Lost  power  by  not  accom- 
panying George  I  to  Hanover,  1716.  Nominated  Viceroy  of 
Ireland,  1717,  but  resigned  two  months  later.  Lord-President 

TowNSHEND,  George 

of  the  Council,  1720-1.  K.G.,  1724.  Became  involved  in 
differences  with  Walpole.  Dissatisfied  with  Austria  and  the 
Triple  Alliance ;  effected  treaty  of  Hanover  with  France  and 
Russia,  1725.  Brought  over  the  Hanoverian  League  to  the 
side  of  Spain  and  agreed  to  the  Treaty  of  Seville,  1729. 
Opposed  by  Walpole  and  Queen  Caroline.  Resigned,  1730; 
retired  to  Raynham  and  devoted  himself  to  agriculture. 
Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lord  Pelham; 
(2)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Robert  Walpole,  of  Houghton,  Norfolk. 
Died  June  21,  1738.  Brother  of  Roger  (1695),  father  of  the 
next,  of  Thomas  (1720),  Edward  (1738)  and  Horatio  (1749). 
(G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

TOWNSHEND,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  1718. 
S.  of  Charles  (above).  Viscount  Townshend.  B.  June  11, 
1700.  Styled  Lord  Lynn.  M.P.  for  Gt  Yarmouth,  1722-3. 
Lord  of  the  Bedchamber,  1723-7.  Master  of  the  Jewel  Office, 
1730-9.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Norfolk,  1730-8.  Succeeded  as 
3rd  Viscount,  June  21,  1738.  Married  Etheldreda,  dau.  of 
Edward  Harrison,  of  Balls  Park,  Herts.  Died  Mar.  12,  1764. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1720),  etc.,  father  of  George  (1740)  and 
Charles  (i747).   (G.E.C.;  A.  B.  Beaven;  D.N.B.) 

TOWNSEND,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  7, 
1731.  Of  Lincohishire.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas  (1704),  V.  of 
Pinchbeck,  Lines.  Matric.  1732;  M.B.  1737.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1737;  priest,  Mar.  11,  1749-50.  R.  of 
Pickwell,  Leics.,  1750-79;  also  R.  of  Pinchbeck,  Lines.,  till 
1779-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1779.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 
(1744).   (Nichols,  II.  771.) 

TOWNSHEND,  CHARLES.  Adm.  nobleman  at  Clare,  July  23, 
1742.  S.  of  William,  and  grandson  of  Charles,  2nd  Viscount 
Townshend.  B.  Aug.  27,  1728.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1742; 
M.A.  1749.  Secretary  to  the  British  Embassy  at  Madrid, 
1 751;  remained  in  Spain  for  five  years.  M.P.  for  Yarmouth, 
1756-84,  1790-6.  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  1765-70.  D.C.L. 
(Oxford)  1773.  Joint  Vice-Treasurer  of  Ireland,  1777-82. 
P.C,  1777-82.  Treasurer  of  the  Navy,  1783.  Created  Baron 
Bayning,  of  Foxley,  Oct.  20,  1797.  High  Steward  of  Yar- 
mouth, 1807-10.  Of  Honingham,  Norfolk,  and  of  Foxley, 
Berks.  Married  Annabella,  dau.  of  Rev.  Richard  Smith. 
Died  May  16,  1810.   (G.E.C.;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TOWNSHEND,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  June  10, 
1747.  2nd  s.  of  Charles  (1718),  3rd  Viscount  Townshend. 
B.  Aug.  27,  1725,  at  Twickenham,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1748; 
M.A.  1749.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1741-2.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1747.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  27,  1745.  MP.  for 
Yarmouth,  1747-56;  for  Saltash,  1756-61;  for  Harwich, 
1761-7.  Secretary-at-War,  1761-2.  A  Lord  of  Trade,  1749- 
54.  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  1754.  Treasurer  of  the  Chamber, 
1756-61.  First  Lord  of  Trade,  1763-5.  P.C,  1757.  Pay- 
master, 1765-6.  Chancellor  of  Exchequer,  1766-7.  Opposed 
Chatham's  India  policy  and  pledged  himself  to  find  a  revenue 
in  America,  1767.  Suspended  the  legislative  functions  of 
the  New  York  Assembly,  1767;  established  Commissioners 
of  Customs  in  America,  and  port  duties.  A  brilliant  orator, 
but  his  political  career  spoilt  by  instability  and  lack  of 
principle.  Married  Caroline,  dau.  of  John  Campbell,  Duke 
of  Argyle  and  Greenwich,  Aug.  15,  1755.  Died  Sept.  4, 
1767.  Brother  of  George  (1740).  (D.N.B.;  Clutterbuck,  11. 

TOWNSHEND,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  July  5, 
1751.  Doubtless  s.  of  Hon  Thomas  (1720).  B.  in  London. 
Matric.  1751;  M.A.  1752  (Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  7,  1752.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1750). 

TOWNSEND,  CLEMENT.  M.D.  from  St  Catharine's,  1669. 
Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  9,  1653;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1657;  M.A.  1660.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Aug.  28,  1663.  Perhaps 
his  will  (P.C.C.)  1669;  of  St  Peter-le-Poer,  London,  clerk. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

TOWNSHEND,  The  Hon.  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19) 
at  Trinity,  Oct.  4,  1738.  S.  of  Charles  (1691),  2nd  Viscount 
Townshend,  of  Raynham,  Norfolk.  School,  Eton.  Matric. 
1738;  M.A.  1742;  D.D.  1761.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.; 
priest,  Nov.  6,  1743.  R.  of  Pulham,  Norfolk,  1745.  Deputy 
Clerk  of  the  Closet,  1746-58.  Preb.  of  WeUs,  1747-65.  R.  of 
Okeley,  Suffolk,  1748-50.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1749-61. 
Dean  of  Norwich,  1761-5.  Died  Jan.  27,  1765.  Buried  in 
Bath  Abbey.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Charles  (1718),  etc. 
(G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  Collins,  11.  472.) 

TOUNSHENDE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Apr. 
24,  1576.  S.  of  George,  of  Walsingham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  14,  1579. 

TOWNSHEND,  GEORGE,  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Feb.  21,  1740-1.  S.  of  Charles  (1718),  3rd  Viscount 
Townshend,  of  Raynham,  Norfolk.  B.  Feb.  28,  1723-4,  in 
London.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1740-1;  M.A.  1749.  Aide- 
de-Camp  to  the  Duke  of  Cumberland,  1747-50;  served  at 
Dettingen,   Fontenoy,  CuUoden,   etc.    Chief  in   command. 



after  the  death  of  Wolfe,  at  the  siege  of  Quebec,  1759;  Field- 
Marshal,  1796.  M.P.  for  Norfolk,  1747-64.  P.C,  1760. 
Lieutenant-General  of  Ordnance,  1763-7.  Succeeded  as 
4th  Viscount,  Mar.  12,  1764.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Ireland, 
1767-72.  Created  Marquis  Townshend  of  Raynham,  Norfolk, 
Oct.  31,  1787.  High  Steward  of  Yarmouth,  1791-1807. 
Lord-Lieutenant  of  Norfolk,  1792.  Governor  of  Hull,  1792, 
and  of  Jersey,  1796.  Manied  (i)  Charlotte,  dau.  of  James 
(Compton),  Earl  of  Northampton;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir 
William  Montgomery',  Bart.,  of  Magbie  Hill,  Tweeddale. 
Died  Sept.  14,  1807.  Buried  at  Raynham.  Brother  of 
Charles  (i747).   (G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

TOWNSEND,  GERRARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  30,  1725.  S.  of  G.,  Esq.,  of  Cheshire.  B.  at  Christleton. 
School,  Chester  (Mr  Henchman).   Matric.  1725. 

TOWNSEND,  HORATIO.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  9,  1644.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Roger,  of  Raynham,  Norfolk, 
Bart.  B.  at  Stiffkey,  1630.  M.A.  1646  (fil.  nob.).  Succeeded 
his  brother  Roger  (1644)  as  3rd  Bart.,  c.  1648.  M.P.  for 
Norfolk,  1656-8,  1659,  1660.  One  of  the  twelve  commission- 
ers deputed  to  invite  the  return  of  Charles  II,  1660.  Created 
Baron  Townshend,  Apr.  20,  1661,  and  Viscount  Townshend 
of  Raynham,  Dec.  2,  1682.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Norfolk, 
1661-76.  Vice-Admiral  of  Norfolk,  1662-76.  High  Steward 
of  Lynn,  1664-84.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Edward 
Lewknor,  of  Denham,  Suffolk;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Joseph 
Ashe,  Bart.,  of  Twickenham,  Middlesex.  Died  Dec.  1687. 
Brother  of  Roger  (1644),  father  of  Charles  (1691)  and  of  Roger 
(1695).   (G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

TOWNSEND,  HORATIO.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  18,  1697.  S.  of  George,  gent.  B.  at  Wretham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1705.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1704.  R.  of  Tacolneston,  Norfolk, 
1705.  Buried  there  Mar.  2,  1705-6.  Brother  of  Thomas 

TOWNSHEND,  HORATIO.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1749.  7th  s.  of 
Charles  (1691),  2nd  Viscount  Townshend.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Jan.  13,  i735;  afterwards  adm.  at  Lincohi's 
Inn,  Jan.  20,  1741-2.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1742.  A  Com- 
missioner for  victualling  the  Royal  Navy.  Died  unmarried, 
Feb.  1764,  at  Lisbon.  Half-brother  of  Charles  (1718)  and 
Thomas  (1720).   (Clutterbuck,  11.  316;  Collins,  11.  472.) 

TOV/NSEND,  JOHN.   B.A.  1520-1. 

TOWNESENDE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 

Easter,  1545. 

TOWNSEND,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1559; 
Scholar,  1562;  B.A.  1562-3;  'Thomas.'  Probably  R.  of 
Eriswell,  Suffolk,  1566-70. 

TOWNSHEND,  JOHN.  Educated  at  Trinity.  S.  of  Sir  Roger 
(1553),  of  Raynham,  Norfolk.  B.  1564.  Also  at  Oxford. 
Matric.  (Magdalen  CoUege,  Oxford)  Nov.  24,  1581,  age  13 
(sic),  of  Raynham,  Norfolk.  Inherited  his  father's  estates, 
1590.  M.P.  for  Castle  Rising,  1592;  for  Norfolk,  1597-8; 
for  Orford,  1601.  Served  in  the  expedition  against  Cadiz 
where  he  was  knighted,  1596.  Possessed  of  great  estates  in 
Norfolk.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Nathaniel  Bacon,  K.B., 
of  Stiffkey,  Norfolk.  Died  from  wounds  received  in  a  duel 
with  Sir  Matthew  Brown,  of  Beachworth  Castle,  Surrey, 
Aug.  2,  1603.  He  gave  a  staff  for  the  use  of  the  senior  proctor 
at  Cambridge,  in  1591.  Father  of  Stanhope  (1612).  (Cooper, 
II.  355;  D.N.B.;  Blomefield,  vii.  134;  Collins,  11.  460;  Al. 

TOWNSEND,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1610;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept 
22;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1616.  V.  of  Oundle,  Northants.,  1617-21. 
Died  1621.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

TOUNSHEND,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1627.   Probably  brother  of  Roger  (1627). 

TOWNSHEND,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1722.  S.  of  John,  of 
Tibshelf,  Derbs.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  13, 
1711,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1714-5.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TOWNENDE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1614;  B..\.  1617-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1618;  priest. 
May,  1619.  R.  of  Darfield,  Yorks.,  1624-60.  Licensed  to 
marry  Dorothy  Lomb,  of  Ruiston,  Yorks.,  Dec.  22,  1618; 

TOWNSEND,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
June  28,  1698.  S.  of  Robert,  draper.  B.  at  Coggleshall, 
Essex.    Matric.  1699. 

TOWNSEND,  ROGER.  D.Can.L.  1532-3.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Roger, 
Knt.,  of  Raynham,  Norfolk.  Adm.  advocate,  1533.  Chan- 
cellor of  Sarum,  1538,  and  V.  of  Lydd,  Kent.  R.  of  North 
Creake,  Sale  and  Heydon,  Norfolk.  Died  1538.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{T.  A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 

Townshend,  Thomas 

TOWNSHEND,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1553-  S.  of  Richard,  of  Brampton,  Norfolk  (and  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Sir  Humphrey  Browne,  Judge  of  C.P.).  Officer  in  the 
Queen's  household.  Commanded  in  the  fleet  against  the 
Armada,  1588.  Knighted,  1588,  for  his  services  against  the 
Armada.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Michael  Stanhope,  of 
Shelford,  Notts.  Buried  June  30,  1590,  at  St  Giles",  Cripple- 
gate,  London.  Father  of  John  (Trinity).  (Cooper.  11.  gi; 
Collins,  II.  460;  D.N.B.)  //     v       /-    .        yj. 

TOWNSHEND,  ROGER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 

Easter,  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Migrated  to  St  John's, 
1636.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1638.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1627). 

TOWNSHEND,  Sir  ROGER,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at 
St  John's,  Nov.  9,  1644.  S.  of  Sir  Roger,  Bart.,  deceased,  of 
Raynham,  Norfolk.  B.  Dec.  21,  1628.  M.A.  1646  (fil.  nob.). 
Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Jan.  i,  163&-7.  Died 
abroad,  c.  1648.  Admon.,  July  13  and  Oct.  11, 1648.  Brother 
of  Horatio  (1644).   (G.E.C.,  i.  iii.) 

TOWNSHEND,  ROGER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1695.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Horatio  (1644).  M.P. 
for  Norfolk,  1707;  for  Yarmouth,  1708.  Died  unmarried, 
May  22,  1709.  Buried  at  Raynham.  Brother  of  Charles 
(1691).   (Clutterbuck,  11.  316;  Collins,  11.  464.) 

TOWNSEND,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Dec.  18,  1693. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Scholar,  1694;  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697-8; 
M.A.  1701;  B.D.  1710.  Fellow,  1707-16,  deprived  as  a  non- 

TOWNESHEND,  STANHOPE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at 
Caius,  1612.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John  (Trinity),  Knt.,  of  Raynham, 
Norfolk,  and  grandson  of  Sir  Roger  (1553).  Matric.  1612. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1615.  Died  of  wounds  received 
in  a  duel  in  the  Low  countries.  (Venn,  1.  219;  Collins,  11.  461.) 

TOWNSEND,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1471-2. 

TOWNSEND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 

TOWNSEND,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  c.  1592. 

Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Braconash,  Norfolk.   Adm. 

at  the  Inner  Temple,  1596;  'of  Raynham,  Norfolk.' 
TOWNSHEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1611.   Of 


TOWNSHEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Jan. 
20,  1623-4.  Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of 
Cranworth,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  9,  1624. 

TOWNSENDE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
June  4,  1651.  S.  of  Alan,  college  butler.  School,  Perse. 
Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  M-A.  1658.  R.  of  Mepal,  Cambs., 
1661-7.  Buried  there  Feb.  15,  1677-8.   Will  (C.C.  Ely)  1678. 

TOWNSEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Jesus,  May  16,  1665.  S.  of 
Edmund,  of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9; 
Scholar,  1669;  M.A.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670.' 
Probably  R.  of  Costock,  Notts.,  1672. 

TOWNSEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  20,  i68x. 
Of  Staffordshire.   Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1684-5. 

TOWNESHENDE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
July  1,  1701.  S.  of  George,  Esq.,  of  Wretham,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Stratton  (Mr  Vynne),  Bury  and  Eton. 
Matric.  1701;  Scholar,  1701-7;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1706.  R.  of  Tacolneston, 
Norfolk,  1706-64;  of  Shipdham,  1707-54.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Rev.  Samuel  Needham,  D.D.  Died  Feb.  23,  1764, 
aged  82.  Brother  of  Horatio  (1697).  (Venn,  i.  507;  Burke, 
Commoners,  iv.  131.) 

TOWNSEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  31,  1704. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1706;  B.A.  1707-8; 
U..\.  1731.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  19,  1708;  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  23,  1711.  C.  of  Surileet,  Lines.,  1711.  V.  of  Heckington, 
17I2-7.  V.  of  Pinchbeck  and  Gosperton,  Lines.,  1716.  Died 
1751-  Father  of  Thomas  (1744)  and  probably  of  Charles 

TOWNSHEND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1720.  2nd  s.  of  Charles  (1691),  V'iscount  Townshend. 
B.June  2,  1701.  School,  Eton.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1727.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1720.  M.P.  for  VVinchclsea,  1722-7; 
for  the  University,  1727-74-  Under-Secretary  of  State 
(North),  1724-9-  Teller  of  the  Exchequer,  1727-80.  Married 
Albinia,  dau.  of  John  Selwyn,  of  Gloucestershire,  and  of 
Chislehurst,  Kent.  Died  May  21,  1780.  Benefactor  to  Clare. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1718),  etc.,  father  of  Thomas  (1750)  and 
Charles  (1751)-  (Collins,  vi.  319;  Clutterbuck,  11.  316;  D.N.B.; 

A.  B.  Beaven.) 

TOWNSHEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's, 
May  9,  1744.    S.  of  Thomas  (1704),  clerk,  of  Lincolnshire. 

B.  m  Pinchbeck.  School,  Spalding  (Mr  Whiting).  Probablv 
brother  of  Chailes  (1731). 


TowNSHEND,  Thomas 

TOWNSHEND,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  July  2, 
1750.  S.  of  Thomas  (1720).  B.  Feb.  24,  1732-3.  m  London. 
Matric.  1750;  M.A.  1753.  M.P.  for  Whitchurch,  Hants., 
1754-83.  Clerk  of  the  Board  of  Green  Cloth,  1760-2.  A 
Lord  of  the  Treasury,  1765.  Joint-paymaster,  1767-8.  P.C, 
1768.  Home  Secretary  under  Shelbume  and  Pitt.  Secretary 
of  Wcir,  1782.  Created  Baron  Sydney,  Mar.  6, 1783;  Viscount, 
1789.  Disagreed  with  Pitt's  India  Bill  and  Slave  Regiilation 
Bill;  resigned,  1789.  Chief  Justice  in  Eyre  (South  of  Trent), 
1789-1800.  Deputy-Lieutenant  of  Kent,  1793-1800.  Sup- 
ported the  proposal  for  forming  a  Settlement  in  New  South 
Wales;  the  town  Sydney  named  after  him.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Richard  Powys.  Died  June  13,  1800.  Buried  at 
Chislehurst,  Kent.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Charles  (1751)- 
{G.E.C.;  D.N.B.;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

TOWNESEND,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1452-69- 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  24,  1458-9;  priest.  May  19,  i459- 
Perhaps  V.  of  Ugley,  Essex,  1507-14.  Died  1514.  Will, 
Cons.  C.  London. 

TOWNEND, .  B.A.  1483-4. 

TOWNHEND, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1563. 

TOWNSEND, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1590-1;  Fell.-Com.  1591-2. 

TOWNSIN,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Peterhouse,  May 
25,  1723.   Of  Lincolnshire. 

TOWNSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Feb. 
15.  1633-4.  S.  of  WUliam  (?i594),  clerk.  B.  at  Shelton, 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8.  Perhaps  brother  of 
William  (1634). 

TOWNSON  or  TOUNSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1588.  S.  of  Reynold.  Bapt.  at  St  Botolph,  Cambridge, 
June  8,  1575-6.  B.A.  1591-2;  M..A.  1595;  B.D.  1602; 
Toulson;  D.D.  1612-3.  Fellow,  1597-1603.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1599.  V.  of  WeUingborough,  Northants.,  1604-7. 
R.  of  Wold,  1607-20.  Dean  of  Westminster,  1617-20. 
Chaplain  to  the  King,  1617-20.  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  1620-4. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Davenant,  merchant,  of 
London.  Died  May  15,  1621.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey. 
Father  of  Robert  (1620).  {Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden;  D.Mfi.) 

TOWNSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Iim,  Mar.  5,  1601-2;  of  Westmor- 
land, gent. 

TOWNSON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  14;  priest,  June  15,  1617.  Prob- 
ably V.  of  Elvaston,  Derbs.,  1621-5. 

TOWNSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1620. 
S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1588).  Bapt.  May  18,  1606,  at  Welling- 
borough, Northants.  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Fellow,  1625- 
33.  Taxor,  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1629. 
Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1632-3.   Died  1633. 

TOWNSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 
1594;  B.A.  1600-1  ('Gamaliel'  in  College  Register).  R.  of 
Shelton,  Norfolk,  1606;  M.A.  Perhaps  father  of  Ralph 
(1633-4)  and  of  the  next. 

TOWNSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  1634.  Perhaps  s. 
of  William  (above). 

TOWRY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June 
11,  1647.  S.  of  George,  of  Kirby  Grindalith,  gent.,  and 
perhaps  nephew  of  Robert  (1629).  School,  Alnwick.  Matric. 
1647.  Of  Croglin  Hall,  Cumberland;  living  there,  1688. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  William  James,  of  Carlisle.  (Vis.  of 
Cumberland,  1664;  Parker;  Jefferson,  i.  295.) 

TOWRY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Sidney,  May  15, 
1671.  2nd  s.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Kirkby  Grindalith,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Langton  (Mr  Hixon)  and  PockUngton  (Mr  Ellison). 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1676-7. 

TOWRY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  3,  1629. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  George,  of  Dunnington,  Yorks. 
B.  c.  1614.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  {T.  A. 
Walker,  39;  Poulson,  1.  371.) 
TOWSAN,  ALLAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  3,  1697.  S.  of 
Allan,  of  Strickland,  Westmorland.  B.  at  Kendal.  M.A. 
1697.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  July  5,  1678, 
age  19;  B.A.  (?  Oxford).  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  the  B.A.  degree 
is  not  given.) 

TOWSE,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  1689.  Probably  s.  of 
Stephen,  of  Co.  Cork,  Ireland.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  Mar.  29,  1684,  age  19;  Scholar,  1686;  B.A.  (Dublin) 
1688;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1691.   (Peile,  11.  115;  Al.  Dublin.) 

TOWSEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1733.  Of  London. 
Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740;  'La  Tousy.'  R.  of 
Hetheringsett  and  Erwarton,  Suffolk.   (Masters.) 

TOWTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  13,  1404; 
B.A.   Fellow,  1404.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar,  26;  priest,  May 

21,  1407;  M.A. 

Trafford,  Thomas 

TOWTSAM,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TOYE,  GRIFFIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1567. 
Of  Wales.  Migrated  to  Queens',  1571;  B.A.  1571-2  (ist  in 
the  ordo);  M.A.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  1574.  Canon  of  St 
David's,  1567.  Treasurer  of  Brecon,  1570.  Preb.  of  Norwich, 
1576-7.  R.  of  St  Florence,  Pembroke,  1577.  R.  of  Llangwm, 
1583.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TOYE,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1551. 
S.  of  Robert,  printer  and  citizen  of  London.  Made  free  of 
the  Stationers'  Company,  1558.  Publisher  in  St  Paul's 
Churchyard,  1560-76.  Warden  of  the  Stationers'  Company, 
1570-3.  Printed  Grafton's  Chronicle  and  other  works.  Died 
Oct.  16,  1577.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Bristol.  M.I.  (Cooper, 
II.  4;  D.N.B.) 

TOYE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1570. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1575.   Of  London. 

TOY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  24,  1674. 
S.  of  Thomas,  currier.  B.  at  Newport,  Salop.  School,  New- 
port (Mr  Edwards).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May,  1678;  priest,  June,  1679.  R.  of  Buxlow, 
Suffolk,  1680. 

TOYTNON  or  TAYNTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pem- 
broke, Easter,  1588;  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1595. 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1595-1606.  Taxor,  1600.  University  preadier, 
1603.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel,  Mar.  21,  1605-6.  Will 
proved  (V.C.C).   (A.  Gray.) 

TRACY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1604.  Of 
Norfolk.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  age  24;  'B.A.'; 
priest,  Dec.  18,  1608.  C.  of  Antingham  St  Margaret,  Norfolk. 

TRACY,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1612.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1615-6. 

TRACY,  GILES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625. 

TRACY,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1609.  Of  Norfolk. 

TRACY,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  19, 
1659.  S.  of  John  (1625).  Bapt.  Jan.  29,  1641-2,  at  Moulton, 
Suffolk.  School,  Eton.   Matric.  1660.   (Peile,  i.  588.) 

TRACY,  JOHN  (senior).  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1562.  Resided  until  1564.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct. 
28,  1566.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1577.  Perhaps  knighted,  Sept. 
1591.   Brother  of  the  next. 

TRACY,  JOHN  (junior).  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1562;  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568;  M.D.  from  Caius,  1580. 
Fellow  of  Caius,  1569-73.  Bursar.  President,  etc.  Proctor, 
1572-3.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  Aug.  7,  1580.  Brother  of  John 
(above).  (Venn,  1.  65,  but  the  reference  to  'his  sister'  refers 
to  that  of  Dr  Caius.) 

TRACY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  June  14,  1625.  S.  of 
George,  attorney,  of  Suffolk.  School,  Bury  (Mr  Dickinson). 
Matric.  1626.  Of  Moulton,  Esq.  Buried  there.  Mar.  7,  i66i-2. 
Father  of  James  (1659). 

TRACEY,  PAUL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  2, 
1688.  S.  of  Paul.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 
1688.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  Jan.  31,  1689-90.  B.A.  1692-3; 
M.A.  1696. 

TRACEY, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1658. 

TRAFFORD  or  TRAYFORD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com. 
from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1581.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of 
Richard,  of  St  Peter's-in-Cheap,  London,  citizen  and  Salter. 
(If  so,  afterwards  of  Low  Ley  ton,  Essex).  Migrated  to 
Oxford.  Matric.  (St  Alban  HaU,  Oxford)  May  18,  1582, 
age  16;  of  London,  gent.;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1584;  M.A.  1590; 
B.C.L.  and  D.C.L.  1603.  FeUow  of  Merton  CoUege,  Oxford, 
1586.  Proctor  (O.xford)  1597.  Perhaps  afterwards  of  Low 
Leyton,  Essex,  Esq.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Johnson, 
of  London.  Died  1613.  WiU  dated  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  13,  1613. 
(But  this  identification  appears  doubtful.)  (Genealogist,  11. 
156;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TRAFFORD,  SIGISMUND.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  1663. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Walthamstow,  Essex,  and  of 
Dunton  HaU,  Tydd  St  Mary,  Lines.,  Esq.  B.  1653  (sic). 
High  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1674.  M.P.  for  Lynn,  1689-90. 
Married  (1)  Susanna  Orme,  widow,  at  St  Bride's,  London, 
April  30,  1679  [marriage  licence  dated  Jan.  30,  1678-9 
(Faculty  Ofi&ce,  London),  he  being  age  35];  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Sir  Edmund  Monius,  Knt.  and  Bart.  Died  July  11,  1723 
aged  70  (sic).  Buried  at  Walthamstow.  M.I.  [His  age  is 
apparently  wrongly  given ;  he  was  executor  to  his  father  in 
1667.]   (Genealogist,  11.  156.) 

TRAFFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  20,  1654.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Burton,  Cheshire.  School, 
Chester  (.Mr  Grenehalgh).  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A. 
1 661;  D.D.  1679.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1664.  R.  of  HeswaU, 
Cheshire,  1661-6.  R.  of  Pembridge,  Hereford,  1667.  Canon 
of  Hereford,  1676-85.  Died  Dec.  20,  1685.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1685.   (Al.  0.xon.) 



Trafford,  William 

TRAYFORD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1573.  B.  at  Writtle,  Essex.  B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1583.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Nov.  5,  1585,  age  30.  C.  of  Thorington. 
V.  of  Mayland,  Essex,  till  1593.  Died  1593. 

TRAFFORD, .  B.A.  1510-1. 

Studied  at  Oxford,  c.  1527.  Afterwards  a  Franciscan  friar. 
Travelled  in  Germany  and  Italy;  living  at  Strasburg,  in  1538. 
Entered  the  service  of  Thomas  Cromwell,  1539;  escaped 
from  court  after  Cromwell's  fall.  With  Calvin  at  Geneva, 
1546;  adopted  Calvinism.  Returned  to  England,  1548.  M.P. 
for  Barnstaple,  1547-52.  Keeper  of  the  King's  library  at 
Westminster,  1549-53.  Residing  at  Oxford  in  June,  1550. 
Nominated  tutor  at  Cambridge  to  the  young  Duke  of  Suffolk, 
1549-50-  Dean  of  Chichester,  1552,  for  some  months; 
received  a  canonry  at  Windsor,  1552.  In  exile  under  Queen 
Mary.  At  Frankfurt  in  1555;  afterwards  at  Wesel,  there  in 
1558.  Author,  controversial.  (Cooper,  1.  180;  Al.  Oxon.; 

TRAHERNE  or  TRAHERON,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1568.  B.  at  Kew,  Surrey.  Migrated  to  St 
John's.  B.A.  1572-3.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Apr.  16,  1579. 
V.  of  Tottenham,  Gloucs.,  1579.   (Peile,  i.  106.) 

TRAHERNE  or  TRAHERON,  PHILIP.  B.D.  1670.  Preacher 
at  Smyrma,  to  the  Turkey  Co.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  St  Botolph, 
Aldersgate,  London,  1666^85.  R.  of  Hinton  Martel,  Dorset, 
1675-1725;  minister  of  Wimbome,  1684-99.  Buried  there 
c.  1725.   Father  of  the  next.   [Hutckins,  in.  143.) 

TRAHERON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1700.  Doubtless  s.  of  Philip  (above).  B.  at  Hinton  Martel, 
Dorset.  Matric.  Easter,  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708. 
Fellow,  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  19,  1706;  priest, 
Jime  8,  1707.  Master  of  King's  College  School,  till  1710. 
Died  of  small-pox,  Dec.  3, 1710.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel. 



TRANSOME,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TRANT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  29,  1722.  Of 
Westmorland.  S.  of  Gabriel,  R.  of  Lowther,  deceased. 
Matric.  1722;  Rustat  Scholar,  1723;  B.A.  1725-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Jime  9,  1723;  priest,  Sept.  17,  1725.  Brother 
of  the  next. 

TRANT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  21,  1715.  S.  of 
Gabriel,  late  R.  of  Lowther,  Westmorland.  Matric.  1715; 
Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9, 
1723;  priest,  Sept.  17,  1725.  Master  of  Hemsworth  School, 
Yorks.,  1732.  R.  of  Holdenby,  Northants.,  1739-59.  Died 
1759.   Brother  of  John  (above). 

TRANT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1718-9. 
Of  Westmorland.  Scholar,  1719;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726. 
Fellow,  1726-41.  Proctor,  1735-6.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  25,  1726.  V.  of  Foxton,  Cambs.,  1734-7;  of  Caldecot, 
1737-41.  R.  of  Anstye,  Herts.,  1740-84.  Died  there  Jan.  3, 
1784,  aged  82.  M.I.  at  Braughing.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Peile,  11. 
195;  Clutterbuck,  in.  159.) 

TRANTER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TRAPNELL, .  B.A.  1515-6. 

TRAPP,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  1714  (Incorp.  from  Wadham  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  July  14,  1695,  age  15.  S.  of  Joseph, 
of  Cherrington,  Gloucs.,  clerk.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1699;  M.A. 
1702;  D.D.  1728.  Fellow  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1703. 
Professor  of  Poetry  at  Oxford,  1708-18.  R.  of  Dauntsey, 
Wilts.,  1714-22.  Lecturer  of  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  London, 
1715.  R.  of  Christ  Church,  Newgate,  and  St  Leonard's, 
Foster  Lane,  1722-47.  R.  of  Harlington,  Middlesex,  1733-47. 
President  of  Sion  College,  1742.  Poet  and  pamphleteer. 
Died  Nov.  22,  1747.  Buried  at  Harlington.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Al.Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

TRAPPES,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1548.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  London, 
goldsmith,  and  of  Theydon  Bois,  Essex.  Living,  1562. 
(J.  Parker.) 

THRAPPES,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
1587.  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis,  of  London  (by  his  2nd  wife, 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Blount,  Esq.,  of  London).  B.  1570. 
Knighted,  July  9,  1603.  Of  Harrowgate  and  Nidd,  Yorks. 
Married  Mary  Atkinson,  of  Stowell,  Gloucester.  Assumed 
the  surname  of  Bymand.  Died  Feb.  1642.  Buried  in  St 
Martin's,  Coney  Street,  York.  (Vis.  of  London,  1568;  Foster, 
Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

TRAPPET,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  7, 
1667-8.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1672;  priest,  July,  1673.  C.  of  Cretingham, 
Suffolk,  1673. 

Travers,  Samuel 

TRASKBOROWE,  OWEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1587. 

TRATTLE,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  29,  1661.  S.  of 
WilUam,  Merchant  Taylor.  B.  in  the  Barbadoes,  Aug.  10, 
1645.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1661;  Scholar, 
1662;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  V.  of  LitUe  Waldingfield, 
Suffolk,  1674-9. 

TRAVALL  or  TRAVELL,  EMANUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Jvme  9,  1619.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  R.  of  Weston 
Favell,  Northants.  Bapt.  there,  June  13,  1602.  Matric. 
1619;  'Travels.'  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9,  1622-3. 
Probably  C.  of  Weston  Favell,  c.  1636-41. 

TRAVERS  or  TREVERS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at 
Pembroke,  Apr.  14,  1678.  S.  of  John  (?  1647),  gent.  B.  in 

TRAVERS,  ELIAS.  Scholar  of  Emmanuel,  1603.  S.  and  h.  of 
John,  R.  of  Faringdon,  Devon  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  John 
Hooker,  of  Exeter).  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608;  B.D.  1615; 
D.D.  1620.  Fellow,  1609-21.  Ord.  priest  (York,  for  Lincoln) 
Sept.  1616.  R.  of  Thurcaston,  Leics.,  1621-41.  Died  Oct.  6, 
1641.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1610),  Samuel  (1602-3) 
and  Walter  (1616).  (Nichols,  iii.  1059;  N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S., 
V.  28.) 

TRAVERS,  ELIAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19,  sic)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  7, 
1670.  S.  of  Thomas  (i637)-  Bapt.  Dec.  15,  1648,  at  St 
Andrew's,  Plymouth.  School,  Penzance,  Cornwall  (Mr 
Welstead).  M.A.  1675  (Lit.  Reg.).  Went  to  Ireland  in  1669 
with  the  Earl  of  Radnor.  Returned  to  England  with  Lord 
Roberts,  1670.  Studied  medicine  and  divinity.  Resisted  the 
persuasions  of  his  friends  to  enter  the  church,  and  became  a 
nonconformist  minister.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Roberts.  Re- 
turned to  Ireland  and  became  chaplain  to  Lord  Massereene 
at  Antrim;  minister  there  for  several  years.  Arrested  by 
the  popish  party  and  sent  to  Dublin  c.  1689;  acquitted. 
Pastor  to  the  Cork  Street  congregation,  Dublin,  1690-1705. 
Died  May  5,  1705,  aged  55  (sic).  (Peile,  11.  32;  Herald  and 
Genealogist,  iv.  378.) 

TRAVERS,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1637.  Doubtless  s.  of  Samuel  (1602-3).  Perhaps  vicar-choral 
of  Exeter.  If  so,  died  Feb.  2,  1674.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral. 
M.I.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Loxhore,  Devon.  Will  (Exeter) 
1666.    Brother  of  Thomas  (1637).    (Polwhele,  Dwon,  37.) 

TRAVERS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  13,  1719. 
Of  Devon.  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1736.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1724-5;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19, 
1731.  V.  of  Ilkley,  Yorks.,  1734,  resigned.  V.  of  Nunbum- 
holme,  1735-54.  Author  and  poet.  Buried  Oct.  20,  1754, 
at  Kilnwick  Percy. 

TRAVERS,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1567.  Doubtless  s.  of  Walter,  goldsmith,  of  Nottingham. 
B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1570-1;  M.A.  1574.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1577.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1579.  V.  of 
North  Grantham,  Lines.,  1580,  and  of  South  Grantham,  1581. 
Admon.  (Lincoln)  1585.  Brother  of  Walter  (1560)  and  per- 
haps of  Robert  (1561). 

TRAVERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidnev,  Apr.  27,  1610. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Farringdon,  Devon.  B.A.  1613-4. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1614.  V.  of  Brixham,  Devon,  1617; 
ejected,  c.  1648.  Afterwards  C.  of  St  Helen's,  Isle  of  Wight. 
Died  1659.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1602-3),  etc.  (Walker, 
Sufferings;  Al.  Oxon.;  N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  v.  28.) 

TRAVERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June  26, 
1647.  S.  of  John,  of  Horton,  Cheshire.  Matric.  1647.  Prob- 
ably father  of  Charles  (1678). 

TRAVERS,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  i6i8; 
scholar  from  Westminster;  B.D.  1631-2  (Lit.  Reg.).  Chaplain 
to  James,  Earl  of  Derby.  C.  of  Billinge,  Lanes.,  1626.  R.  of 
Bury,  Lanes.,  1633-54.  R.  of  Halsall,  1634-c.  45,  ejected. 
Died  c.  1654.   (Victoria  Hist.  Lanes.,  v.  126.) 

TRAVERS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1561 
Perhaps  s.  of  Walter,  of  Nottingham.  Migrated  to  Trinity, 
Scholar,  1563;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569.  Fellow  of  Trinity, 
1567.  Lived  probably  for  some  time  in  Ireland,  and  after 
wards  settled  at  Kendal.  Author,  theological  and  contro 
vcrsial.  Perhaps  brother  of  Humphrey  (1567)  and  Walter 
(1560).   (Cooper,  II.  351;  Peile,  i.  77.) 

TRAVERS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  scholar  at  Sidney,  Feb.  1602-3. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Farringdon,  Devon,  and  nephew 
of  Walter  (1560).  Matric.  1604;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  from 
Magdalene,  1610.  V.  of  Thorverton,  Devon,  1616-46, 
sequestered.  Preb.  of  Exeter,  1629-42.  Died  1648.  Will 
(Exeter)  1648.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Henry  (1637), 
brother  of  Elias  (1603),  etc.  (Walker,  Sufferings;  Her.  and 
Geneal.,  iv.  110.) 


Travers,  Thomas 

TRAVERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1637.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Samuel  (above).  B.A.  1640-1; 
M.A.  1644.  Lecturer  at  St  Andrew,  Plyniouth,  Devon.  R. 
of  St  Columb  Major,  Cornwall,  1652-62,  ejected.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Henry  (1637)  and  father  of  Elias  (1670).  (Calamy, 
1.  275,  who  calls  him  Fellow  of  Magdalene;  Her.  and  Geneal., 
'V.  379,  where  he  is  called  s.  of  Samuel,  V.  of  Thorverton, 
Devon,  but  in  an  earlier  article  by  the  same  writer  (H.  J. 
Sides,  of  Oxford),  he  appears  as  s.  of  Walter  (1616).  See 
N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  v.) 

TRAVERS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1676  (Incorp.  from  Brasenose 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  May  20,  1653;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1656-7;  M.A.  1659.  Perhaps  C.  of  Little  Budworth,  Cheshire, 
1661-4.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

TRAVERS,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1560.  S.  and  h.  of  Walter,  of  Nottingham,  goldsmith. 
Migrated  to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1565;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569. 
Fellow  of  Trinity,  1567.  Went  to  Geneva.  On  returning  he 
probably  became  B.D.  at  Cambridge.  Incorp.  B.D.  at 
Oxford,  1576.  Went  to  Antwerp  to  form  an  English  service 
for  the  merchants  there.  Ord.  at  Antwerp,  May  14,  1578,  by 
Cartwright,  Villiers,  and  others.  Returned  to  England,  c. 
1580.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Burleigh  and  tutor  to  his  son  Robert 
Cecil.  Lecturer  at  the  Temple,  1581-6.  Provost  of  Trinitv 
College,  DubUn,  1594-8.  Preacher  at  All  Saints',  Hertford, 
in  1613.  Author,  Ecclesiasticae  DiscipUnae,  etc.  Died  Jan. 
1624-5.  WUl,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Humphrey  (1567)  and 
perhaps  of  Robert  (1561).   (Peile,  i.  7y,  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TRAVERS,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidnev,  May  19,  1615. 
Doubtless  4th  s.  of  John,  R.  of  Farringdon,  Devon.  Matric. 
1615.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Sept.  27,  1616.  B.A.  1618-9. 
Chaplain  to  Charies  L  R.  of  Steeple  Ashton,  WilU.  V.  of 
Pitminster,  Somerset,  1627-46.  V.  of  Wellington,  1635. 
DiedApr.  7,  1646.  Buried  in  Exeter  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1647.  Brother  of  Elias  (1603),  etc.  (Polwhele,  Devon,  37; 
N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  v.  28,  where  he  is  apparently  wrongly 
called  father  of  Thomas  (1637).) 

TRAVIS,  see  also  TREVIS. 

TRAVIS,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  15, 
1745.  B.  at  Royton,  Lanes.  Matric.  1745;  B.A.  1748-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  19,  1748-9;  priest,  June,  1753.  C. 
of  Lightcliff,  Yorks.,  1749-52.  V.  of  Luddenden,  1750-61. 

TRAVEIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  23, 
1679-  S.  and  h.  of  James,  druggist.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Cheam,  Surrey  (private).  Matric.  1679.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Feb.  16,  1680-1.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1687. 

TRAVIS,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9. 
Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585. 

TRAVIS  or  TREVIS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1635;  Scholar,  1638;  B.A.  1638-9,  Trevis;  M.A.  1642. 
Fellow,  1640,  ejected.  Will  dated,  Feb.  20,  1694;  of  Nuneaton, 
Warws.,  leaves  £50  to  Trinity  Library.   (T.  A .  Walker.) 

TRAY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1625. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Richard  (next).  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632. 
R.  of  Murston,  Kent,  1630-40.  R.  of  Swaycliflf,  till  1640. 
Died  1640.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Richard  (1636).  (Hasted, 
III.  563.) 

TRAY,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1600-1;  M.A.  1604. 
V.  of  Bredhurst,  Kent,  1606-57;  perhaps  also  R.  of  Murston, 
and  of  St  Mary  Hoo.  Died  June  19,  1657.  Father  of  the  next 
and  the  above.  (Hasted,  11.  529,  but,  under  Murston,  and 
St  Mary  Hoo,  the  date  of  death  is  variously  given.) 

TRAY,  RICHARD.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1634,  from  Westminster. 
S.  of  Richard  (above).  Matric.  Easter,  1636;  B.A.  1636-7; 
M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1638.  R.  of 
Murston,  Kent,  till  1664.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of 
Bredhurst,  1657.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Mary  Hoo.  Died  1664 
(?  1679).  (Hasted,  11.  611;  i.  572,  where  the  name  appears  as 
Tracy;  possibly  two  men  have  been  confused.) 

TREASAUROR,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
Lent,  1557-8.  Received  a  grant  from  the  Queen  (4th  Eliz.) 
of  the  Mastership  of  St  John's  Hospital,  Barnard  Castle, 
Durham.  In  depositions  of  1593  he  is  called  'alias  Gillow.' 
(P.R.O.  Exchequer  Dep.) 

TREBECK,  ANDREW.  Incorp.  M.A.  1710,  and  B.D.  1714,  from 
Christ  Church,  Oxford.  S.  of  Andrew,  of  Worcester,  clerk. 
Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  Dec.  21,  1699,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1703;  M.A. 
1706;  B.D.  1714;  D.D.  1740.  V.  of  Croydon,  Surrey,  1720-7. 
R.  of  St  George's,  Hanover  Square,  1725-58.  R.  of  Shelley, 
Essex.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Hadesley  Greene,  of  Gt  Can- 
field,  Essex.  Buried  at  Shelley,  1758,  aged  79.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  Al.  Oxon.;  E.  Anglian,  in.  88.) 

TREBELL,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1706.  S.  of  Joseph,  citizen,  of  London.  B.  there,  Nov.  3, 
1688.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709- 
10;  M.A.  1713.   Fellow,  1712-6.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  May 

Treguran,  John 

31;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  1713.  Head  Master  of  Pocklington 
School,   1714-6.    Died    June    25,    1716,    aged    27.     (Scott- 
TREDCROFT,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1643;  B.A.  1646-7. 

TREDENHAM,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  24)  at  Pembroke, 
June  26,  1684.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8. 

TREDRORA,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke, 
June  9,  1693.   S.  of  John,  of  London. 

TREDWAY,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1609. 
2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Easton-on-the-Hill,  Northants.  Bapt. 
there,  1595.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  .^ug.  12,  1614.  Of  Ketton, 
Rutland.  Will  proved,  June  13,  1617.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1609).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1012;  Blore,  175.) 

TREDWAY,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1584.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Easton-on-the- 
Hill,  Northants.  B.  there,  Feb.  2,  1568-9.  Matric.  1584; 
B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592;  B.D.  1601.  Fellow,  1587-1613. 
Vice-Provost.  University  preacher,  1604.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1593.  R.  of  Offord  D'Arcy,  Hunts.,  1614-41.  Died  1641. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1641.  (Cooper,  11.  530;  Blore,  175;  Harwood;  Al. 

TREDWAY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1609. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Easton,  Northants,  and  nephew  of 
Humphrey  (above),  of  Ketton,  Rutland,  and  of  Hough, 
Lines.  Knighted,  July  15,  1642.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of 
Anthony  Thorold,  of  Hough,  July  12,  1615.  Died  .\pr.  28, 
1655.  Buried  at  Hough.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1609).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1012.) 

TREFFREY,  JUSTIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  9, 
1662.  S.  of  Henry,  soldier,  of  Zutphen,  Holland.  B.  there. 
School,  Comewell,  Oxon.  (Mr  Dinham).  Matric.  1662;  B.A. 
1665-6.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1667.  Probably  of  Fowey, 
Cornwall,  clerk;  if  so,  married  there,  Feb.  14,  1669,  to 
Susanna  George.   (Vis.  of  Cornwall.) 

TREFUSIS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Feb.  13, 
1667-8.  S.  of  John,  of  St  Mabyn,  Cornwall.  B.  July,  1650. 
Matric.  1667-8;  M.A.  1669  (Lii.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1669.  M.P.  for  Penryn,  1678-9.  Died  Nov.  5,  1680.  Buried 
at  Mylor.   M.I.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TREFUSIS,  NICHOLAS.  M.A.  1598  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Trefusis,  Cornwall,  Esq.  Matric.  (Broadgate 
Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  21,  1589,  age  21;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1593; 
M.A.  1596.  Died  at  Oxford.  Admon.,  July  16,  1599.  (Al. 

TREFUSIS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
July  6,  1724.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Trefusis,  Cornwall.  B.  at 
Hatley  St  George,  Cambs.  Bapt.  Apr.  1,  1708,  at  St  Mary 
Woolnoth,  London.  Matric.  1724;  M.A.  1728  (Com.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  1733.  M.P.  for  Truro,  1734-41.  Buried  \ug.  28, 
1742,  at  Mylor,  Cornwall.   Will,  P.C.C.   (J.  C.  Smith.) 

TREGAGLE  or  TREGEGLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17) 
at  St  John's,  June  9,  1662.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Trevorder, 
Cornwall,  and  of  St  Martin's,  Middlesex.  B.  there.  School, 
Comewell,  Oxon.  (Mr  Bedford).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
June  11,  1662.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1677.  Receiver-General  of 
the  Duchy  of  Cornwall.  M.P.  for  Bossiney,  1679.  O^  Tre- 
vorder. Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Hooker, 
Buried  Feb.  7,  1679-80,  at  St  Breoke.  M.I.  Will  dated, 
July,  1679;  proved.  Mar.  1679-80.  (A.  B.  Beaven;  Maclean, 
u.  177.) 

TREGENNA,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  June  2,  1682. 
S.  of  John,  of  Mawgan,  Cornwall,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter 
College,  0.xford)  Dec.  15,  1676,  age  16;  B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  1680;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1683.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
July  26,  1683.  R.  of  Whitstone,  Cornwall,  1685.  R.  of  South 
Mawgan,  1704-24.  Will  (Exeter)  1724.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

TREGIAN,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Mar.  3,  1692-3.  S.  of  Alexander,  of  Helston,  Cornwall. 
Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7.  Probably  R.  of  Lesnewth, 
Cornwall.  Married  Cordelia,  dau.  of  John  Trewren,  of 
Constantine,  Apr.  22,  1708. 

(?  c.  1541) ;  of  St  Clement's  Hostel  ;  LL.D.  from  Jesus,  1552. 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1562-3.  V.  of  Haslingiield,  Cambs.,  c.  1544- 
64;  'not  competent  to  preach,  but  reads  Book  of  HomiUes.' 
R.  of  Hilgay,  Norfolk,  1554.  A  learned  lawyer;  took  part 
in  the  disputation  with  George  Throckmorton  and  John 
Ashwell  from  Oxford  in  1533.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel, 
Mar.  21,  1605-6.  (A.  Gray;  Churches  of  Cambs.,  109;  Cooper, 
I.  218.) 

TREGURAN,  JOHN.  Excused  from  regency,  1497-8.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1499-1532;  Treguran  or  Tygram.  [See  also 
Trigram;  possibly  the  same.]  R.  of  Cottenham,  Cambs., 
1506-32.   Preb.  of  Penkridge,  Staffs.,  1533-6.   (Hennessy.) 


Tregurtha,  William 

TREGURTHA,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Pembroke, 
Jan.  10,  1726-7.  S.  of  Gregory,  currier.  B.  at  Penzance, 
Cornwall.   Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1730-1. 


TRELAWNEY,  FRANCIS.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1601-2. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Plymouth  and  Venn,  Devon,  gent. 
Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  10,  1598,  age  17. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Fortescue,  Dec.  24,  1612,  at 
Weare  Gifford.  Living,  1620.  {Vis.  of  Cornwall,  1620;  Al. 

TRELAWNEY,  .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  1584-5. 

Perhaps  Jonathan,  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Fowey,  Cornwall. 
Bapt.  there,  Dec.  19,  1568.  Knighted,  Feb.  1597-8.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Killigrewe,  Knt.  (Vis.  of 

TREMAYNE,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
May  29,  1719.  [Perhaps  previously  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford; 
matric.  there,  Mar.  14,  1718-9,  age  18.]  S.  of  Arthur,  of 
Sydenham,  Devon.  Bapt.  Mar.  6,  1700-1.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1721.  Sheriff  of  Devon,  1739.  Of  Sydenham, 
Esq.  Married  Miss  Hammond,  of  Wiltshire.  Died  1796. 
(Burke,  L.G.;  B.  H.  Williams,  West  Country  Fam.,  257.) 

TREMAIN,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1668.  Doubtless  s.  of  Lewis,  of  Cornwall.  B.  1650.  B.A. 
1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  v.  of  St  Austell,  Cornwall.  Will  (Exeter) 
1696.  Father  of  the  next. 

TREMAYN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
Jan.  3,  1704-5.  S.  of  Charles  (above),  late  V.  of  St  Austell, 
Cornwall.  B.  there.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712. 
Fellow,  1711.  Taxor,  1716.  Died  1718. 

TREMAN,  JOHN.  B  A.  1490-1;  M.A.  1494;  B.D.  1503-4;  D.D. 
1508-9.  R.  of  Hasketon,  Suffolk,  1507-10.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1514,  of  'John  Treman,  of  St  Mich.,  Cambridge';  also 
admon.,  V.C.C. 

TREMAYN  or  TRYMAYNE,  JOHN.  Matrir.  Fell.-Com.  from 
Clare,  Easter,  1554. 

TREMILL  or  TREMYLL,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peter- 
house,  Michs.  1580.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Bedford- 
shire. Of  Kelvedon,  Essex.  Married  Joyce,  dau.  of  WUliam 
Gifford,  of  Steyne  (Steane),  Northants.  Probably  brother  of 
the  next.   {Essex  Pedigrees,  608.) 

TREMEL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1590-1 
(perhaps  adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1593;  'of  Notts.').  Prob- 
ably 3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Bedfordshire.  Matric.  c.  1593; 
B.A.  1594-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1594;  priest, 
Aug.  25,  1595;  'B.A.'  Probably  brother  of  Henry  (above) 
and  of  the  next.   {Essex  Pedigrees,  608.) 

TREMILL  or  TREMYLL, {senior).   Pens,  at  Peterhouse, 

in  1581.  Probably  Richard,  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Bedford- 
shire. Of  Wrawby,  Lines.  Married  Helen,  dau.  of  William 
Thorley,  of  Northamptonshire.  Probably  brother  of  Henry 
(1580)  and  of  James  (above).   {Essex  Pedigrees,  608.) 

TREMELLIUS,  JOHN  EMMANUEL.  Hebrew  lecturer,  1550-3. 
A  Jew.  B.  at  Ferrara,  1510.  Studied  at  Padua  between 
1530  and  1540.  Converted  to  Christianity  by  Cardinal  Pole, 
his  godfather,  1540.  Teacher  of  Hebrew  at  Lucca,  where  he 
imbibed  the  opinions  of  the  reformers  chiefly  through  the 
influence  of  Peter  Martyr.  Came  to  England;  resided  with 
Archbishop  Cranmer  at  Lambeth  Palace,  1547.  Preb.  of 
Carlisle,  1552.  Left  England  on  the  accession  of  Queen  Mary, 
1553.  Head  of  the  gymnasium  at  Hombach,  1559.  Imprisoned 
for  his  Calvinistic  views;  released,  1560.  Professor  of  Old 
Testament  studies  at  Heidelberg,  1561.  D.D.  (Heidelberg), 
1561.  Sent  to  England  as  Envoy  of  the  Elector;  resided  with 
Archbishop  Parker,  c.  1565.  Expelled  from  Heidelberg,  1576. 
Appointed  teacher  of  Hebrew  at  Sedan.  Translated  the 
Bible  from  Hebrew  and  Syriac  into  Latin.  Author,  mis- 
cellaneous. Died  at  Sedan,  Oct.  9,  1580.  {Cooper,  i.  425; 

TREMLETT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Dec.  21, 
1630.  S.  of  Matthew,  clothier.  B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon. 
School,  Tiverton.   Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5. 

TREMLETT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  2,  1681.  S.  of  George,  citizen  and  vintner,  of  Exeter. 
Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1685-6. 

TRENCH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  22, 
1626.  S.  of  Edmund,  mercer,  of  London.  B.  in  Norwich 
(his  mother's  home).  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
1626-7;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633;  M.D.  (Bourges),  1638. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  Apr.  14,  1648.  Candidate,  R.C.P.,  1643; 
Fellow,  1648;  Censor.  Gulstonian  lecturer,  1650.  Buried  at 
All  Hallows,  Staining,  Jan.  5,  1669-70.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1670. 
Father  of  the  next.   {Munk,  i.  245;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

TRENCH,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1658. 
S.  of  Edmund  (above),  M.D.  B.  Oct.  6,  1643,  in  All  Hallows, 

Tresham,  Henry 

Staining,  Middlesex.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Migrated 
to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Feb.  14,  i66o-i; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1660-1.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  July  13,  1663. 
Nonconformist  minister  at  Glassenbury,  Kent,  1675-83;  at 
Brenchley,  1684-8,  and  at  Cranbrook,  1688.  Married  Bridget, 
dau.  of  Sir  Howland  Roberts,  Oct.  5,  1675.  Died  Mar.  30, 
1689,  aged  46.  Buried  at  Cranbrook.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Calamy,  11. 
174;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

TRENCH,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1617.  S.  of  John,  of  Gressenhall,  Norfolk,  and  Warden  of 
the  Fleet.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  21,  1623;  priest,  Feb.  29,  1623-4.  V.  of  Sandon,  Herts., 
1623-68.  Died  before  Oct.  20,  1668.  Father  of  the  next. 
{Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

TRENCH,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  7,  1647.  S.  of  Nicholas  (above),  V.  of  Sandon,  Herts. 
School,  Buntingford.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2.  Signed 
for  priest's  orders  (London)  Dec.  22,  1666.  R.  of  Holdenby, 
Northants.,  1670-85.  Died  Aug.  24,  1685.  Buried  at 
Holdenby.  M.I.   {Baker,  1.  208,  210.) 

TRENCH,  THOMAS.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1400. 

TRENCH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1476;  Trend. 

TRENCHARD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Apr. 

4,  1627;  probably  adm.  pens.  1626.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of 
Normanton,  Wilts.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1629. 
Barrister,  1637. 

TRENCHARD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  May  12, 
1705.  S.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  Bloxworth,  Dorset.  Matric. 
1705.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  21,  1702.  M.P.  for 
Poole,  1713-41  and  1747-54.  Married  his  cousin  Mary,  dau. 
of  Colonel  Thomas  Trenchard,  of  Wolveton.  Died  Mar.  30, 
1758.   {Hutchins,  iii.  327;  Burke,  L.G.) 

TRENCHARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  10,  1675. 
Matric.  1675.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  St  Michael's, 
Aug.  25,  1675. 

TRENCHARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Dec. 
1745.  Probably  s.  of  George,  of  Lytchett  Mattravers,  Dorset, 
Esq.  Bapt.  May  22,  1736  {sic).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Dec.  18,  1742.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1750.  Commissioner  of 
taxes.  Of  Sturminster  Marshal,  and  of  Welbeck  Street, 
London,  Esq.  Died  Dec.  26,  1819.   {Hutchins,  iii.  327.) 

TRENCHARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1606. 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake,  afterwardsKnt. 
and  M.P, 

TRENCHARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sr 
John's,  Mar.  25,  1657.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Wolveton, 
Dorset.  Bapt,  1640,  at  Charminster.  Matric.  1657.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  26,  1659.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Erie,  of  Charborough,  Esq.  Died  1694.  Buried  at 
Charminster.   {Hutchins,  iii.  327.) 

TRENCHFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, Easter,  1637.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  St 
Mary  Cray,  Kent.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  13,  1641. 

TRENDEL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  29, 
1573.  S.  of  William,  of  Saham  Tony,  Norfolk.  School,  Saham 
Tony  and  Shipdham.  V.  of  Mendham,  Sufiolk,  till  1631. 
Buried  June  18,  1631.  Will  (Norwich)  1631.   {Venn,  i.  72.) 

TRENNICK,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  i,  1714. 

5.  of  Benjamin,  of  Exeter,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter  CoUege, 
Oxford)  Mar.  14,  1703-4,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1707;  M.A. 
from  Sidney,  1714.  C.  of  Whimple,  Devon,  in  1714.  (Al. 

TRENT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1693.  Of 
London.  Matric.  Lent,  1694;  B..\.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  14,  1699.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
Aug.  23,  1700.  V.  of  Chislet,  Kent,  1700-5.  R.  of  Biddenden, 
1704-40.  Died  Jan.  15,  1740,  aged  64. 

TRENTHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  21,  1661; 
Tranham.  Of  Suffolk.   Matric.  1661. 

TRESCOTT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Robert,  of  Exeter,  pleb.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
June  9,  1626,  age  14;  B.A.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  1629-30; 
M.A.  1632.  R.  of  Inwardleigh,  Devon,  1638.  R.  of  Wool- 
wich, Kent,  in  1645.  R.  of  Shobrooke,  Devon,  1660-2, 
ejected.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Calamy,  1.  398.) 

TRESHAM,  ADAM.   M.B.  1462-3. 

TRESHAM,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  16,  1646. 
Of  London.   Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1646). 

TRESHAM,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  161 1-2.  Possibly 
s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Newton,  Northants.,  Knt. 
Living,  1618.  Married  Abigail,  dau.  of  Cecil  Cave,  of  Stanford. 
Probably  died  before  Jan.  22,  1635-6.  {Northants,  N.  and  Q., 
II.  40,  142.) 


Tresham,  Maurice 

TRESHAM,  MAURICE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney  Apr  i,  1618. 
Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Wold  Northants.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  31.  1600.  Matric.  1618;  B.A.  (?)  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar  13,  1623-4;  'B.A.';  pnest  June  4,  1626.  C.  of 
Pitsford  Northants.,  c.  1628-36.  Buned  there  Apr.  3,  1636. 
(Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618;  Bridges,  i.  462;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
TRESHAM,  MAURICE.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1637.  Probably 
s.  of  Maurice,  of  Geddington,  Northants.  B.  Aug.  12,  1618. 
(Northants.  N.  and  Q.,  11.  40-) 
TRESHAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  24,  1702. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1702-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  10,  1708;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1709.  V.  of  Barkston,  Leics., 
1708-17.  C.  of  Bottesford,  in  1711.  Perhaps  emigrated  to 
Jamaica,  Mar.  1717-8.  (Nichols,  11.  20,  99;  Gerald  Fothergill.) 
TRESHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  29,  163?- 
S  of  Thomas,  of  Pilketon  (Pilton),  Northants.,  Esq.  Matnc. 
1640;  Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse, 
1647.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1646-50.  Adm.  at  Gray  s  Inn, 
June  26,  1648.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1642).  (T.  A. 
Walker,  86.) 
TRESHAM,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  16,  1646. 

Of  London.   Probably  brother  of  George  (1646). 
TRESHAM,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  6,  1642. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Pilton,  Northants.    B.A.  1646. 
One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  died  Oct.   12,   1696,  aged  69. 
Buried  at  Bottesford,  Leics.  M.I.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 
(1639).   (Nichols,  u.  99.) 
TRESSE,  see  also  TRACY. 
TRESSE,  FRANCIS.    B.A.  from  Clare,  1604-5.    Perhaps  s.  of 

WiUiam  (1574-5).   Possibly  same  as  next. 
TRESSE,  FRANCIS.    M.A.   1614-5   (on   King's  visit).    One  of 
these  names  of  Town  Mailing,  Kent.  Benefactor  to  the  Free 
School  there.   Died  1632.   (For  a  pedigree  of  Tresse,  of  West 
MaUing  see  Vis.  of  Kent,  1663-8.)    (Hasted,  11.  219,  225.) 
TRESSE,   FRANCIS.     Adm.   sizar  at   Clare,    May   24,    1639; 
exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  West 
MaUing,  Kent,  mercer.  Matric.  1639.  Buried  at  St  Edward  s, 
Cambridge,  Jan.  19,  1639-40. 
TRESSE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625; 
afterwards  FeU.-Com.  Matric.  1625.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray  s 
Inn,  Feb.  8,  1625-6;  of  Tenterden,  Kent,  gent.    Knighted, 
July  16,  1633. 
TRESSE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1554-  „   ^  , 

TRESSE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  17,  i577;  'of  Biggleswade;  aged  24.    R.  of 
Clopton-CMm-Croydon,  Cambs.,  1581;  therein  i593-  Perhaps 
V.  of  East  Tilbury,  Essex.   If  so,  admon.  (Cons.  C.  London) 
Sept.  13,  1603. 
TRETON  RICHARD.  B.D.  Second  Master  of  Corpus  Christi, 
i376.'Of  Salisbury  diocese.   R.  of  Tindel.  Executor  of  Lord 
ChanceUor   Thorpe,    the    University    benefactor,    in    1372. 
'     Died  c.  1379.   (Masters.) 

TREVENEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June  14, 
1729.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Clowance,  Cornwall.  Matric.  1731; 
LL.B.  1734. 
TREVIGAR,  LUKE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  4,  1723-  S.  of 
Luke  (next),  M.D.  B.  at  Sunbury,  Middlesex,  1705.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730- 
FeUow,  1728-38.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1729;  pnest, 
June  20,  1730.  V.  of  Sawston,  Cambs.,  i73i-4-  V.  of 
Harston,  1735-8.  R.  of  Hurstmonceux,  Sussex,  1743-72. 
Canon  of  Chichester,  1753-72.  ChanceUor  of  Chichester 
diocese,  1772  (Mar.-Apr.).  Died  Apr.  18,  1772.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
(Al.  Carthus.;  G.  Mag.) 
TREVIGAR,  LUKE.    M.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Died  Sept.  1746, 

aged  81.  Father  of  the  above.   (L.  Mag.) 
TREVILAN,  EDMUND.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 
TREVILLIAN,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  June  20, 

1740.    S.  of ,  of  Fowey,  ComwaU.    Matric.  1740;  B.A. 

1743-4.    Perhaps  of  NorthiU,  ComwaU,  clerk.    If  so,  died 
Jan.  9,  1767.   Admon.  (Exeter);  as  of  Stoke  Gabriel,  Devon. 
(G.  Mag.) 
TREVILYVAN,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Nov.  3,  1654.  S.  of  WUliam.  B.  at  Merrin  (alias  St  Merryn), 
TRIVILIAN,  WALTER.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  25)  at  Caius, 
Mar.  15,  1561-2.   S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Churchdown,  near 
Moulton,  Devon.   Ord.  deacon  (Canterbury)  Feb.  7,  1562-3; 
of  Exeter  diocese,  Feb.  1563.   (Venn,  i.  49.) 
TREVILL,  LETHBRIDGE.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr. 
ri,  1695.   Of  Devon. 

Trevor,  Thomas 

TREVIS,  see  also  TRAVIS. 

TREVIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Jan.  18,  1668-9. 
S.  of  Richard,  lawyer,  of  Salop.  B.  there.  School,  Shrews- 
bury. Brother  of  the  next. 
TREVIS  or  TREVES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Nov.  2,  1668.  S.  of  Richard,  lawyer,  of  Salop.  B. 
there.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1672-3. 
Brother  of  John  (above). 

TREVISA, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1584. 

TREVISHAM,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

1657;  B.A.  1658;  ' Trevithvan.' 
TREVOR,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1588. 

Of  Denbighshire. 
TREVOR,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1584-5.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1598.   M.A.  (Oriel  CoUege,  Oxford)  1598. 
TREVOR,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  i59i-2-    Of 

Salop.   Matric.  c.  1592. 
TREVOR,  JOHN.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  13,  1612. 
Of  Surrey.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  of  Oatlands,  Surrey,  Knt., 
and  of  Trevalyn,  Denbigh   (and  Margaret,  dau.  of   Hugh 
Trevanion,  of  ComwaU).    Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov. 
1613.    Knighted,  July  7,  1619-    M.P.  for  Denbigh.,  1620; 
for  Co.  Flint,  1624;  for  Gt  Bedwin,  1628;  for  Grampound, 
1640.   A  moderate  parliamentarian.    Member  of  the  Council 
of  State,  1651.   Sat  on  various  Committees.   Married  Anne, 
dau.   of   Edmund   Hampden,   Esq.,   of  Wendover,   Bucks. 
Died  July  17,  1673.   (Confused  by  Collins,  D.N.B.  and  other 
authorities  with   his   father  who  died   Feb.    20,    1629-30, 
aged  57;  M.I.  at  Llanestyn,  and  who  was  married  to  Margaret 
Trevanion,  at  Chelsea,  May  24,  1592.)    Brother  of  William 
(1623)   and  Richard   (1607);  doubtless   father  of   Richard 
(1645).    (Arch.  Cambr.,  4ths.  vi.  334;   Surrey  Arch.  Coll., 
XVII.  47;  Lipscomb,  11.  297,  where  the  pedigree  contains  many 
TREVOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  1691-2.  Doubt- 
less 3rd  s.  of  Sir  John,  Master  of  the  RoUs  (for  whom  see 
D.N.B.).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  27,  1691.   Master 
of  the  Examiners  Office  in  the  Chancery.   Usher  of  the  RoUs. 
KiUed   himself,   Jan.   25,    1726.     (Le  Neve,   Knights,   245; 
TREVOR,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1711.    2nd  s.  of 
Thomas,  Baron  Trevor  of  Bromham.    Bapt.  Aug.  27,  1695. 
at  CamberweU,  Middlesex.    Matric.  Easter,  1712.    Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  9,  1712.    CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1718. 
Bencher,   1725.    Treasurer,   1738.    F.R.S.,  1728.    A  Welsh 
Judge   and    King's   Counsel,    173°-     M-P-   for   Woodstock, 
1746-53-  Succeeded  his  brother  Thomas  (1708)  as  3rd  Baron, 
Mar.  23,  1753.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Steele, 
May  31,  1731.   Died  s.p.m.,  Sept.  27,  1764,  at  Bath.   Buried 
at  Bromham,  Beds.   (Lipscomb,  Pedigrees,  11.  297;  G.E.C.) 
TREVOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1577. 
Of  Wales.    S.  of  Edward,  of  Denbighshire.    B.A.  1580-1; 
M.A.  1584;  LL.D.  from  Trinity  HaU,  1591.   Adm.  advocate, 
Feb.    18,    1597-8.     Knighted,   May  8,    1597;   of  Trevalyn, 
Denbigh.    M.P.  for  Blechingley,  1597-8.    (Vis.  of  Wales,  11. 
TREVOR,  RICHARD.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  20, 
1607.   Of  Surrey.   Doubtless  ist  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Oatlands, 
Surrey,  Knt.   Died  before  1613. 
TREVOR,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  21,   1645. 
Of  Buckinghamshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  John  (1612),  of 
TrevaUyn,  Denbigh.,Knt.  Matric.  1645-6.  Migrated  to  Oxford. 
Matric.  (Merton    CoUege,  Oxford)    Feb.   12,   1648-9;    B.A. 
(Oxford)  Oct.  21,  1648;  M.A.  1651.   Incorp.  at  Cambridge, 
1652,  M.D.  (Padua)  1658.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1661.  Candidate, 
R.C.P.,  1663.    Died  July  17,  1676.    Buried  at  St  Dunstan- 
in-the-West,  London.    (Al.  Oxon.;  Munk,  1.  308;  Lipscomb, 
II.  297,  where  he  appears  as  s.  of  Sir  John  who  died  1629, 
but  according  to  the  M.I.  at  Llanestyn  he  left  only  two  sons, 
John  and  Charles.) 
TREVOR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  25,  1720. 
Of  Surrey.    Perhaps  s.   and  h.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of 
London.   Matric.  1720.    Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Oct.  25,  1721.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
TREVOR,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1725.    S.  and  h.  of  Roger,  of  Bodynfol,  Montgomery,  Esq. 
B.  at  Bodynfol.  School,  Wem,  Salop  (Mr  Edwards).   Matnc. 
1725.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  28,  1727.  High  Sheriff 
of  Montgomeryshire,   1732-3.    Brother  of  Thomas  (1725)- 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  389.) 
TREVOR,  THOMAS.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   (age   16)   at  Trinity, 
June  19,   1708.    S.  and  h.  of  Rt  Hon.  Sir  Thomas,  Chief 
Justice  of  the  Common  Pleas  (afterwards  Baron  Trevor  of 
Bromham,  Beds.).    B.  c.  1692.    School,  Bishop's  Stortford 
(Mr  Tooke).    Matric.   1708;   M.A.    1712.    F.R.S.,    1716-7. 


Trevor,  Thomas 

Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Baron  Trevor  of  Bromham, 
June  19,  1730.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Timothy  BurrelJ, 
of  Cuckfield,  Sussex.  Died  Mar.  23,  1753.  Buried  at  Brom- 
ham. Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1711).  (Lipscomb, 
11.  297;  G.E.C.) 

TREVOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1725.  S.  of  Roger,  of  Bodynfol,  Montgomery,  Esq.  Matric. 
1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1745.  Ord.  deacon  {St  Asaph) 
Sept.  19,  1731 ;  priest  (Chester)  Dec.  24,  1732.  V.  of  Oswestry, 
Salop,  1736-84.  V.  of  Ruabon,  Denbigh,  1770-84.  Chaplain 
to  Sir  Watkin  Williams  Wynne,  Bart.  J. P.  for  Salop  and 
Denbigh.  Died  Feb.  29,  1784.  M.I.  at  Oswestry.  Brother 
of  Roger  (1725).   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  389.) 

TREVOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Nov.  26, 
1623.  Of  Surrey.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Oatlands,  Surrey. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1625.  Probably  died  before 
Feb.  20,  1629-30.  (According  to  the  M.I.  at  Llanestyn  his 
father  left  only  two  surviving  sons,  John  and  Charles.) 
Brother  of  John  (1612).  {Arch.  Camb.,  4th  S.,  vi.  334; 
Surrey  Arch.  Coll.,  xiv.  27.) 

TREVOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July 
I,  1707.  S.  of  Jonathan,  druggist.  B.  at  Newark,  Notts. 
School,  Newark.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25;  priest, 
Dec.  18,  1715. 

TREVOR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  24,  1741. 
Of  London.  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  1755.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  25,  1746.  Perhaps  R.  of  Wadenhoe, 
Northants.,  1747-9.  One  of  these  names,  of  Barrow,  Lines., 
died  Feb.  28,  1794.   (G.  Mag.) 

TREW,  see  also  TROWE. 

TREW,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Magdalene,  June  24, 

1668.  S.  of  Gilbert,  gent.,  of  Thame,  Oxon.  School,  Thame. 
TREWE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Oct.  6, 

1393;  resigned,  Jan.  20,  1414. 
TREWE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1582-3. 

Perhaps    V.   of   Over,    Cambs.,    1597-1605.     Buried    there 

Aug.  13,  1605.   (J.  Crosby.) 

TRUE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1589. 
TREWE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 

TREW,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Feb.  26,  1638-9. 
S.  of  Robert,  salt-fishmonger,  of  parish  of  St  Simon,  Norwich. 
B.  there.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  24,  1643.  Perhaps 
minister  of  St  Simon  and  St  Jude,  Norwich;  buried  there 
1655.   (Venn,  i.  334.) 

TREWBODY,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  King's,  172 1.  S.  01  Charles, 
of  St  Austell,  Cornwall,  gent.  Bapt.  Dec.  12,  1689,  at 
Lanlivery.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  13,  1709, 
age  18;  B.A.  (O.xford)  1713.  R.  of  Jacobstow,  Cornwall, 
1719-41.  Chaplain  in  the  Army,  1721.  V.  of  St  Eval,  1728- 
41.  R.  of  St  Germans,  in  1729.  R.  of  Stoke  Climsland, 
1741-68.  Married  Mrs  Elizabeth  Hancock,  widow,  Apr.  8, 
1729.   Died  Jan.  18,  1768.   Will,  Exeter.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TREWICK  or  TREVEEKE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  1689.  B.  at  Penzance,  Cornwall.  Matric. 
Easter,  1690;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697.  Fellow,  1693.  Went 
as  a  private  soldier  to  Portugal  in  Queen  Anne's  army. 
Died  in  Spain.   (Harwood,  274.) 

TREWINNARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
June  1,  1693.  S.  of  James,  R.  of  Mawgan-in-Meneage, 
Cornwall.   Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 

TREWTHAIT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June 
28,  1673.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Alne,  Yorks. 
B.  there.   School,  Thornton.   Matric.  1673. 

TREYNAM  or  TRAINAM,  W.  Adm.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Sept.  13,  1567.   Matric.  1567. 

TRICE,  see  TRYCE. 

TRICKETT,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  May  5,  1654. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Sheffield,  Yorks.  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657. 
R.  of  Gate  Burton,  near  Gainsborough,  Lines.;  ejected,  1662. 
Imprisoned  in  York.   (Calamy,  11.  144.) 

TRICKETT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  20, 
1652.  S.  of  Mark.  B.  at  Kingston,  Derbs.  School,  Chester- 
field (Mr  Stone).  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659. 
Ord.  minister  by  the  Wirksworth  Classis,  Dec.  17,  1656; 
conformed  at  the  Restoration.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lichfield)  Feb.  1,  1661-2.  V.  of  Bradboume,  near  Ash- 
bourne, Derbs.,  1662-7.  R-  of  Norton-in-Scarsdale,  1667- 
1710.   Father  of  the  next.   (Peile,  i.  549.) 

TRICKETT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  15, 
1680.  S.  of  Samuel  (above),  V.  of  Norton-in-Scarsdale, 
Derbs.  B.  there.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1687. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June,  1688.  C.  of  Norton,  Derbs.,  in 
1688.  R.  of  Nuttall,  Notts.,  till  1694.  R.  of  Aston,  near 
Sheffield,  Yorks.,  1694-1712.  (Peile,  11.  77.) 

Trimnell,  Charles 

TRICKHEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1626-7. 

TRIGG,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  14,  1625-6. 
S.  of  George,  husbandman,  of  Somerby,  Leics.  School, 
Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Simon  Humphrey).  Matric.  1626; 
Scholar,  1629-34;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1636.  V.  of  Somerby,  1647-9.  Will 
(Leicester)  1669.   (Venn,  1.  274;  Nichols,  11.  320.) 

TRIGGE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  Dec.  1633.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639;  B.A. 

TRIGG,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  24, 
1687-8.  Of  Hertfordshire.  School,  Hitchin.  Matric.  1688; 
Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1695.  Fellow,  1694. 
Moderator,  1698.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1700.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Feb.  17,  1705-6;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1708.  V.  of 
Whaddon,  Cambs.,  1710-45.  Died  1745.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TRIGGE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  20, 
1635.  S.  of  WiUiam,  husbandman,  of  Melton  Mowbray, 
Leics.  B.  there.  School,  Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Humfireyes). 
Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  25,  1642.   R.  of  Gisleham,  Sufiolk,  1661-3. 

TRIGGE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  20, 
1627-8.  S.  of  Thomas,  grocer,  of  Leicestershire.  B.  at 
Somerby.  School,  Melton  (Mr  Humfrey).  Matric.  1628; 
Scholar,  1631-2;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1632;  priest,  June  12,  1636.  C.  of  March, 
Cambs.,  1635.  R.  of  Stretton-en-le-Field,  Leics.,  1642-76. 
Buried  there  Oct.  17,  1676.  Father  of  the  next.  (Venn,  i. 
282;  Nichols,  III.  1030.) 

TRIGG,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  18, 
1669.  S.  of  Matthew  (above),  R.  of  Stretton-en-le-Field, 
Leics.  B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3; 
M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4,  1674.  R.  of 
Hathem,  Leics.,  1682-91.  Died  May  6,  1691,  aged  39.  M.I. 
at  Hathem.  Will  (Leicester)  1691.  (Peile,  11.  24;  Nichols,  iii. 

TRIGG,  REGINALD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  1598;  B.A. 
1601-2.  R.  of  Wyddial,  Herts.,  1611-6.  Probably  V.  of 
Clavering,  Essex,  in  1620. 

TRIGGS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  2,  1673-4. 
Previously  matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  4,  1669-70, 
age  17.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Chittlehampton,  Devon,  clerk. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1674-5.  R-  of  Ermington,  Devon,  1684- 
1722.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TRIGG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  8, 
1691.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Stevenage,  Herts.  School,  Bunting- 
ford  (Mr  England).  Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A. 
1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1700.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  4,  1694-5;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  29,  1701. 
R.  of  Letchworth,  Herts.,  1701-49.  C.  of  Wymondley,  1709. 
Died  before  Mar.  17, 1749.  (Peile,  11. 122;  Clutterbuck,  11. 387.) 

TRIGG,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  9, 
1713.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London,  citizen  and  clothworker. 
School,  Christ's  Hospital.  Matric.  1713-4;  Scholar,  1715; 
B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21, 
1717;  priest  (London)  Sept.  20,  1719.  C.  of  Sywell,  North- 
ants., 1717.  Lecturer  of  St  Michael  Royal,  London,  1720. 
V.  of  Horley,  Surrey,  1725-67.  V.  of  Layslon,  Sufiolk,  1725. 
Died  Oct.  1767.  Perhaps  buried  at  Houghton-le-Spring, 
Durham,  Oct.  10,  1767.  Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  Christ's 
Hospital.   (A.  W.  Lockhart;  Manning  and  Bray,  11.  204.) 

TRIGG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1671.  S.  of  Henry,  deceased,  of  Warrington,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Melton  Mowbray.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 

TRIGG,  ZACHARY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1628;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21; 
priest,  Dec.  22,  1628.  Of  Thurgarton,  Notts.,  clerk.  Licensed 
Apr.  15,  1643,  to  marry  Cordelia  Grundy,  of  Thurgarton. 
Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1653;  clerk;  lands  at  Somerby, 
Leics.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

TRIGG, .  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Lent,  1588-9. 

TRIGRAM  or  TRYGEAN, .   M.A.  1489.   Perhaps  scholar  or 

fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1496-1532;  Tygrahan  or  Trigram. 
Possibly  identical  with  John  Tregurau,  whom  see. 

TRIMBLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1530.  Of  Hever,  Kent.  Name  ofi  before  1534. 
A  man  of  great  humour;  called  'Mad  Trimble.'   (Harwood.) 

TRIMNELL,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1651.  Of  Bremhill,  Wilts.  4th  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Bremhill. 
School,  Winchester.  Scholar  (New  College,  Oxford)  1647; 
expelled,  1648,  by  the  parliamentary  commissioners;  B.A. 
(Cambridge)  1651-2;  M..^.  1655.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1653-8. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1655.  R.  of  Abbots  Ripton,  Hunts., 
1656-1702.  Died  1702,  aged  77.  Father  of  Charles  (1695), 
WiUiam  (1690)  and  David  (1693). 


Trimnell,  Charles 

TRIMNELL,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1695  (Incorp.  from  New  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  July  26,  1681,  age  17.  S.  of  Charles 
(1651),  of  Abbots  Ripton,  clerk.  School,  Winchester.  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1685;  M.A.  1689;  B.D.  and  D.D.  1699.  Preb.  of 
Norwich,  1691-1707.  R.  of  Boddington,  Northants.,  1694-6. 
R.  of  Brington,  1696-8.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1698-1708. 
Chaplain  to  the  King,  1700-2;  to  the  Queen,  1702-8.  R.  of 
Southmere,  1705.  R.  of  St  Janies',  Westminster,  London, 
1706-8.  Bishop  of  Norwich,  1708-21.  Clerk  of  the  Closet, 
1714-23.  Bishop  of  Winchester,  1721-3.  Married  Maria, 
dau.  of  William  Talbot,  Bishop  of  Durham.  Died  Aug.  15, 
1723.  Buried  in  Winchester  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  David  (1693)  and  William  (1690).   {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B. 

TRIMNELL,  CHARLES.  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1712.  S.  of 
William,  of  Christian  Malford,  Wilts.,  gent.  Matric.  (Hart 
Hall,  O.xford)  Nov.  24,  1703,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1707. 
Ord.  deacon  (Oxford)  May  30,  1708;  priest  (Lincoln)  July  25, 
1710.  V.  of  Docking,  Norfolk,  171X.  V.  of  Ludham,  1714-8. 
V.  of  Potter  Heigham,  1714.  R.  of  Ashby  and  of  Clippesby, 
1721-3.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TRIMNELL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1723.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1690),  D.D.  B.  May  28,  1705, 
at  Hackney,  Middlesex.  Matric.  Michs.  1724.  Died  Oct.  21, 
1726,  of  small-pox,  at  Ely  House,  Holborn.  Buried  in  Win- 
chester Cathedral.  M.I.  Brother  of  Edward  (1733).  (Har- 
wood,  310.) 

TRIMNELL,  DAVID.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  7,  1693, 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  S.  of  Charles  (1651),  of  .4.bbots  Ripton, 
clerk.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford) 
Sept.  15,  1693,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1697;  M.A.  1701;  D.D. 
(Lambeth)  1716.  R.  of  Stoke  Hammond,  Bucks.,  1708. 
Canon  of  Lincoln,  1710.  Archdeacon  of  Leicester,  1715-56. 
Died  May  18,  1756.  Brother  of  Charles  (1695)  and  William 
(1690).   {A  I.  Oxon.) 

TRIMNELL,  EDWARD.  Feuow  of  St  John's,  May  31,  1733-6. 
S.  of  William  (next).  Bapt.  July  23,  1711,  at  Wicken,  North- 
ants. Matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  13,  1728-9, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1732.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1732. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1735.  V.  of  Little  Abingdon, 
Cambs.,  1735-6.  Died  Mar.  9,  1736.  Brother  of  Charles 
(1723).   (/4/.  0;iron.;  J.  Crosby.) 

TRIMNELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1690.  S.  of  Charles  (1651).  B.  at  Abbots  Ripton,  Hunts. 
Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698;  D.D.  1717  {Com. 
Reg.).  Fellow,  1693.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1699  and  1726. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  21,  1695;  priest,  Oct.  8,  1697. 
R.  of  Wicken,  Northants.,  1703-21.  R.  of  Brington,  1717-21. 
Chaplain  to  the  King,  1718-27.  Archdeacon  of  Norwich, 
1720-2.  R.  of  Cheriton,  Hants.,  1721.  Dean  of  Winchester, 
1722-9.  Died  at  Ely  House,  Holborn,  of  small-pox,  Apr.  15, 
1729.  Buried  in  Winchester  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Charles  (1695)  and  David  (1693),  father  of  Charles  (1723) 
and  Edward  (above).   (Harwood,  274;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TRIMNELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  23, 
1718-9.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Hugh.  Bapt.  at  St  James', 
Westminster,  Oct.  23,  1701.  Colleger  at  Eton.  Matric.  1720; 
B.A.  1723-4- 

TRINDER,  MARK.  Adm.  sizar  (age  23)  at  Trinity,  June  27, 
1676.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Cricklade,  Wilts.  School,  Cricklade. 
Matric.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  July  19,  1679;  priest, 
Aug.  28,  1680;  'B.A.'  V.  of  Badgeworth,  Gloucs.,  1689-1720. 
Died  Oct.  29,  1720. 

TRING,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1479. 

TRINGHAM,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  King's,  1723.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  All  Saints',  Hereford.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
May  2,  1710,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1713-4.  Master  of  Lucton 
School,  Hereford.   Died  Mar.  30,  1759-   (^'-  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

TRIOCHE,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1639.  Secretary 
successively  to  James,  Earl  of  Derby,  Charlotte  de  la 
Tremouille,  Countess  of  Derby,  and  William,  Earl  of  Straf- 
ford. Died  July  4,  1667.  Buried  at  Wentworth,  Yorks.  M.I. 
(Hunter,  11.  99.) 

TRION,  see  TRYON. 

TRIPE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  25, 
1731.  S.  of  Anthony.  B.  at  Exeter,  Devon.  School,  Exeter 
(Mr  Reynolds).  Matric.  1731;  Scholar,  i733;  B-A.  1734-5- 
Admon.,  July,  1777;  bachelor  of  St  Sidwell,  Exeter.  (Peile, 
II.  224.) 

TRIPPE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1562; 
B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1571.  R-  of  North  Ockendon, 
Essex,  1570-82.  R.  of  St  Stephen's,  Walbrook,  London, 
1572-1601.  R.  of  St  Faith's,  1583-1612.  Author,  Brief 
Answer  to  Maister  Pownd's  Six  Reasons.  Died  1612.  (Cooper, 
II.  329;  D.N.B.) 

TRIPP,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1640. 

TRIP,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  May  i,  1676. 
S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Barton-on-Humber,  Lines.  School, 
Cottingham,  Yorks.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1679-80. 

Trollope,  Thomas 

TRIPLETT,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1649;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653;  M.D.  1661.  Of 
Salop,  gent.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  before  Sept.  7, 
1701.  (His  son  Ralph  buried  at  Tamworth,  Staffs.,  i7oif 
aged  36.)   (Shaw,  1.  428.) 

TRIPPET  {?),  FRANCIS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 

TRIPPET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Mar.  27,  1512.  Of  Sheffield,  Yorks.  B.A.  1516-7; 
'Trepete.'   Fellow,  1515-7-  Died  1517. 

TRISTRAM,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  19, 
1646.  Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1647.  V.  of  Clent,  Staffs., 
1649-55.  Minister  of  Bridgnorth,  Salop,  in  1655,  ejected, 
1662.  Adm.  extra-licentiate,  R.C. P.,  Nov.  5, 1667.  Licensed  to 
be  a  presbyterian  teacher  at  his  house  at  Bridgnorth,  Sept.  5, 
1672.  (Calamy,  11.  324;  Wm.  Salt  Arch.  Soc,  1915;  H.  G. 

TRISTRAM,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  26,  1674- 
Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 
Probably  R.  of  Belbroughton,  Worcs.,  1697-1701.  Married 
Bridget  Whyte,  of  Elmley  Lovett,  Worcs.,  spinster,  July  15, 
1686.   Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1674).   (Nash,  1.  60.) 

TRISTRAM,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Oct.  3,  1707.   S.  of 

,    clerk,    deceased    (perhaps   Thomas,    R.   of   Allesley, 

Warws.,    1692),   'of  Ansley,   Warws.'    Matric.   1708;   B.A. 
1711-2.   Probably  R.  of  Bellbroughton,  Worcs.,  1727-31. 

TRISTRAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  30, 
1678.  S.  of  John,  doctor,  of  Worcestershire.  School,  Worcs. 
Matric.  1679. 

TRISTRAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  Feb. 
1,  1688-9.  Of  Hertfordshire.  School,  Hitchin.  Scholar, 
1688;  Matric.  1689;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1697.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1697;  priest,  Sept.  25, 1698.  C.of  Willian, 
Herts.,  1697.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Tonbridge,  Kent, 
1705-12.  Died  Oct.  29,  1712.  Will,  P.C.C.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary. 

TRISTRAM,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1716.  S.  of  R.,  of 
Worcester,  clerk.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  June  18, 
1701,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1705.  Ord.  deacon  (Worcester) 
June  9,  1706;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1710.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Suffolk.  V.  of  Peering,  Essex,  1715-29.  R.  of  Wakes  Colne, 
1723-9.   Died  1729.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Lambeth  Act  Book,  7.) 

TRISTRAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  26,  1674- 

Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1675.  Probably  brother  of  Henry 

TRISTRAM,  WILLIAM.   B.Can.L.  1521-2.  One  of  these  names, 

priest,  buried  at  St  Bartholomew-the-Less,  London,  July  6, 

TROBRIDGE,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  9, 

1645.    Of  Trobridge,  Crediton,  Devon.    Adm.  at  thr  Inner 

Temple,  1646. 

TROLLUP,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1623.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  William,  of  Thurlby,  Lines.  Bapt. 
Mar.  31,  1605,  at  Bourne.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Anthony 
Oldfield,  of  Spalding.  Buried  at  Thurlby,  June  14,  1649. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  the  next  and  doubtless  father  of 
William  (1655).   (Blore,  95.) 

TROLLAPP,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Case- 
wick,  Bourne  and  Thurlby,  Lines.  Bapt.  Feb.  26,  1595-6, 
at  Bourne.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  21,  1615.  Created 
Bart.,  Feb.  5,  1641-2.  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1641-2.  Married 
(i)  Hester,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Street  or  Sturt,  of  Hadleigh, 
Suffolk ;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Clitheroe,  of  London, 
Nov.  16,  1635.  Died  c.  1654.  Will  dated,  Mar.  20,  1651-2; 
proved,  Mar.  7,  1654-5.  Doubtless  father  of  William  (1639). 
(Bhre,  94;  G.E.C.,  11.  158.) 

TROLLOPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Mar.  10,  1709-10.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  3rd  Bart.,  of 
Casewick,  Lines.  Bapt.  Dec.  21,  1691,  at  Uffington.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Matric.  1710.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov. 
13,  1716;  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  15,  1716.  Succeeded  as  4th 
Bart.,  Nov.  22,  1729.  Married  Diana,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Middleton,  of  Stansted,  Essex.  Died  Oct.  7,  1784,  aged  93. 
Brother  of  William  (1722)  and  father  of  Thomas  Middleton 
(1738-9).   (Burke,  Peerage;  G.E.C.,  11.  158.) 

TROLLOPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  23,  1723.  (Perhaps  migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Sept.  16, 
1723;  see  the  next.)  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bourne,  Lines.,  Esq., 
and  grandson  of  WiUiam  (1655).  B.July  25, 1705,  at  Thurlby. 
Died  unmarried,  Feb.  20,  1761.  Buried  at  Bourne.  (Blore,  95 ; 
G.  Mag.) 

TROLLOPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Sept. 
16,  1723.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1724.  Perhaps  Thomas 


Trollope,  Thomas  Middleton 

TROLLOPE,  THOMAS  MIDDLETON.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17) 
at  Pembroke,  Jan.  31,  1738-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas 
(1710),  of  Casewick,  Lines.,  Bart.  B.  July  31,  1721.  Married 
Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Thorold,  Bart.  Died  before  his 
father.  Buried  at  U£&ngton,  Apr.  27,  1779.  (Buike,  Peerage; 
G.E.C.,  11.  159.) 

TROLLOPE,  WILLIAM.   D.D.  1471. 

TROLLOPPE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FcU.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1639.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1609),  of  Casewicke, 
Lines.,  Esq.  B.  Jan.  3,  1621.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  10, 
1640-1.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  c.  1654.  Sheriff 
of  Lincolnshire,  1659-60.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
Rober:  Carr,  Bart,  and  widow  of  William  Thorold,  of 
Marston,  Lines.  Died  s.p.nt.,  May  16,  1678.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{G.E.C.,  II.  158.) 

TROLLOPE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May 
28,  1655.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  James 
(1623),  of  Thurlby,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  July  27,  1636. 
Married  Leventhorpe,  dau.  of  Thomas  Pochin,  of  Barkby, 
Leics.   Buried  June  8,  1718,  at  Thurlby.   (Blore,  95.) 

TROLLOPE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Feb.  i, 
1722.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Casewick,  Lines.,  Bart.  Bapt. 
Jan.  23,  1706-7,  at  Uffington.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1726-7; 
M.A.  1730.  Fellow,  1731-49.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1733. 
Died  unmarried,  May  3,  1749.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1710). 
(Blore,  94;  G.  Mag.) 

TRONE, .   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

TROOPE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 
1661.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Stamford,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  Stamford.  Matrie.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
Ord. deacon  (Peterb.)  May2i,  1665.  C.of Clopton, Northants. 

TROSSE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  3, 
1618.  Matrie.  1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  5;  priest,  Mar.  6,  1625-6. 

TROSSE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar.  13, 
1653-4.   Matric.  1653-4;  B.A.  1657-8. 

TROSSE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1596-7.  Prob- 
ably s.  of  Thomas,  of  Exwick,  Devon.  Bapt.  Apr.  7,  1578, 
at  St  Martin's,  Exeter.  Matric.  c.  1597.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Nov.  11,  1597;  of  Devon.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1606. 
Living,  1620.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1642;  of  Exeter. 
(Vivian,  Vis.  of  Cornwall.) 

TROSSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  14, 
1653-4.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Plymtree,  near  Collumpton, 
Devon.  School,  Torrington  (Mr  Knaplock).  Matric.  1653-4. 
(Peilc,  I.  558.) 

TROSTE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1580.   Probably  migrated  to  Corpus  Christi,  1581. 

TROTMAN,  FIENNES.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  3, 
1740-1.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Shelswell,  Oxon.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  May  20,  1739.  Of  Shelswell,  Oxon.,  Esq. 
Died  Dec.  2,  1782.   (G.  Mag.) 

TROTT,  BAPTIST.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Miehs.  1571; 
Scholar,  1575;  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579;  M.D.  1587-8. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1578  and  1580.  Perhaps  of  Tissington, 
Derbs.;  will  (P.C.C.)  1624. 

TROTTE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  20,  1658. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1663-4. 

TROTT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22,  1650.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edward,  barber,  of  Cam- 
bridge. Schools,  Oundle  and  Perse  (Mr  Crabbe).  Matric. 
1650;  Scholar,  1651;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  Intruded  R.  of 
Draughton,  Northants.,  1657-62,  ejected.  Afterwards  con- 
formed. R.  of  Newton  Bromswold,  Northants.  (having 
bought  the  living),  1664-89.  R.  of  Odell,  Beds.,  1689-1703. 
Buried  there  Mar.  9,  1702-3.  Father  of  the  next.  (H.  I. 

TROTT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  12, 
1682.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  R.  of  Newton  Bromswold, 
Northants.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  24,  1666.  School,  Newton 
Bromswold  (under  his  father).  Matrie.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6. 
Buried  at  Newton  Bromswold,  Feb.  16,  1686-7. 

TROT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 
1734.  S.  of  John,  druggist  and  surgeon,  of  Huntingdonshire. 
B.  at  St  Neots.  School,  Bury,  Sufiolk.  Matric.  1735.  [Bury 
School  Register.) 
TROTT,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629. 
Probably  5th  s.  of  James,  deputy-alderman  of  London. 
Bapt.  Dec.  22,  i6ir,  at  St  Mary-le-Bow.  B.A.  1632-3; 
M.A.  1636.   Fellow,  1633.   (Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

TROTT,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1596;    B.A. 

i6oo-i;  M.A.  1604.   R.  of  Shottesham,  Suffolk,  1615-7. 
TROTT,  JOHN.    Adm.   Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,   Apr.   26,    1632. 
Matric.   1632.    Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  St   Peter-le-Poer, 
London;    aged    19   in    1634.     Sheriff   of   Hants.,    1651-52. 

Trotter,  George 

Created  Bart.,  Oct.  12,  1660.  M.P.  for  Andover,  1660  and 
1661-72.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Edmund  Wright, 
of  London,  Feb.  6,  1637-8.  Died  s.p.m.,  July  14,  1672, 
aged  57.   (Vis.  of  London;  G.E.C.,1  11.  125.) 

TROTTE,  MARTIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1560. 
Probably  brother  of  Nicholas  (1560). 

TROTT,  MARTIN,  Matric.  peas,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1603. 
Probably  s.  of  Martin,  of  Langridge,  Essex.  Of  Langridge, 
Esq.  Married  (ij  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Perient,  of  Ayot, 
Herts.,  Knt.;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George  Blincoe,  late  of 
Weeke,  Sussex,  July  22,  1625.  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Geneal. 
Bedford,  372.) 

TROTT,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1555; 
B.A.  1559-60;  M.A.  1563.  Fellow  and  tutor  of  Caius,  1563-7. 
Patron  of  Hingham  rectory,  Norfolk,  in  1584.   (Venn,  1.  50.) 

TROTT,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity,  1560.  S.  of 
John,  of  Stoke,  near  Clare,  Suffolk.  Migrated  to  Caius  as 
Fell.-Com.  May  i,  1563,  age  21.  Perhaps  buried  Apr.  11, 
1624,  at  Hargrave,  Suffolk.  Probably  brother  of  Martin 
(1560).   (Venn,  1.  51.) 

TROTTE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  13, 
1567.  Perhaps  s.  of  Edward,  of  York.  Matric.  1567;  B.A. 
from  Clare,  1570-1.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1573. 
M.P.  for  Bramber,  1597-8.  Sheriff  of  Herts.,  1608;  of 
Quickword,  Herts.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Perient, 
of  Ayot,  Herts.,  Knt.  Perhaps  knighted,  July  19,  1619;  if 
so,  buried  Nov.  19,  1636,  at  Eaton  Bray,  Beds.  [The  identi- 
fication of  this  man  with  the  knight  (who  according  to 
the  Vis.  of  London,  was  s.  of  Edward,  of  York)  is  uncertain; 
possibly  two  men  are  involved.]  (Genealog.  Bedford,  98; 
Clutterbuck,  11.  322;  iii.  503.) 

TROTT,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Oct.  6,  1634. 
S.  of  Edward,  of  Beceles,  Suffolk,  gent.  Matric.  1634;  B.A. 
1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  13;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1644,  age  24;  'C.  of  Aldeby,  Norfolk.'  R.  of  Rings- 
field,  Suffolk,  1663-76. 

TROT,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1615.  C.  of 
Hessle,  near  Hull,  Yorks.,  1623.  Licence  to  Marry  Elizabeth 
Session,  of  Hessle,  1623. 

TROTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  t,  1644. 
S.  of  Thomas,  barber,  of  Cambridge.  Bapt.  Dec.  4,  1627,  at 
St  Sepulchre's.  Matric.  1644;  Scholar,  1644-9;  B.A.  1647-8; 
M.A.  1651.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  7;  priest,  Sept.  21, 
1662.  R.  of  Barkstone,  Lines.,  1676-91.  R.  of  Tetford, 
1677-91.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Hatton.  Died  1691.  Will  proved 
(Lincoln)  Apr.  28,  1691.  Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1670). 
(Venn,  i.  352.) 

TROTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Jan.  23, 
1659-60.  S.  of  Ezekiel,  blacksmith.  B.  at  Maiden,  Essex. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.  Signed  for  deacon's 
orders  (London)  June  4,  1664;  for  priest's,  Sept.  21,  1666. 
C.  of  Little  Bardfield,  Essex.  Probably  schoolmaster  at 
Arkesden,  in  1664.  V.  of  Gt  Saling,  1674-1732.   Died  1732- 

TROTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  16,  1670.  Perhaps 
s.  of  Thomas  (1644),  of  Lincolnshire.   Matric.  1670;  Scholar, 
1673;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677-   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  < 
19.  1675- 

TROTTE,  WARIN.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1321. 

TROTTER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Lent,  1577-8.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  12,  1580; 
of  Co.  Durham;  barrister,  Thavies  Inn. 

TROTTER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  10,  1655.  S.  of  George  (1625),  Esq.,  deceased,  of  Skelton 
Castle,  Yorks.  (and  Mar>',  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Boyse,  of  Kent). 
B.  there.  Mar.  19,  1637.  School,  Easington  (Mr  Smelt).  .\Jm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  21,  1657.  Of  Skelton  Castle,  Esq.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Lowther,  Bart.  Died  Feb.  8,  1708-9. 
Buried  at  Skelton.  M.I.  Brother  of  George  (1661)  and 
probably  half-brother  of  Henry  (1647),  father  of  John  (1676-7). 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TROTTER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  12,  1701. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Skelton  Castle. 
Bapt.  Aug.  18,  1684,  at  Skelton.  Matric.  1701;  LL.B.  1706. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  May;  priest,  1708.  R.  of  Kirkby  Sigston, 
1708-29.  Preb.  of  Ripon,  1715.  Buried  at  Kirkby  Sigston, 
July  8,  1729. 

TROTTER,  EMANUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1608.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  the  Ashes,  Durham.  B.A.  i6ii-a. 
V.  of  Kirk  Newton,  Northumberland,  1614.  Father  of 
Thomas  (1656).   (Vis.  of  Durham,  1615.) 

TROTTER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Jan.  14, 
1625-6.  Of  Yorkshire.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Henry,  Knt.,  of  Skelton 
Castle.  Bapt.  July  23,  1609,  at  Skelton.  Matric.  1626. 
Succeeded  to  the  estate.  Died  Apr.  5,  1647.  Buried  at 
St  Mary's,  Beverley.  Will,  York.  Father  of  Edward  (1655) 
and  of  the  next.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612,  1665.) 


Trotter,  GEORofi 

TROTTER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  5, 
1661.  S.  of  George  (above),  Esq.  (by  his  2nd  wife  Mary, 
dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Boyse,  of  Fredville,  Kent).  B.  at  Dover. 
School,  Allerton  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1661.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  9,  1664.  Brotherof  Edward  (1655).  [Vis.ofYorks., 

TROTTER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  27,  1686.  Of  Durham.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1686; 
B.A.  1689-90.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  15,  1690;  priest 
(Durham)  Sept.  20,  1691.  At  Hawes  in  1691.  Probably  R.  of 
Little  Wigborough,  Essex,  1708-21.  Died  1721.  {Morant, 
I.  423-) 

TROTTER,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1647.  Doubtless  s.  of  George  (1625-6),  of  Skelton 
Castle,  Yorks.  (by  his  1st  wife  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard 
Chomeley,  of  Whitby,  Knt.)  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  i, 
1646-7.  Died  unmarried.  Probably  half-brother  of  George 
(1661),  etc.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

TROTTER,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  3,  1708. 
5th  s.  of  John,  of  Skelton  Castle,  Yorks.  B.  there,  June  20, 
1689.  Matric.  1708;  Scholar;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715. 
Fellow,  1715-25.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  2,  1715;  priest, 
Jan.  1,  1717-8.  V.  of  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  1721-3-  R-  of 
Graveley,  1723-66.  Died  June  2,  1766.  M.I.  at  Graveley. 
Will,  P.C.C.   (A.  Gray.) 

TROTTER,  HUGH.  B.A.  1469-70;  M.A.  1474;  D-D.  1488-9. 
FeUow  of  Queens',  1489-90.  R.  of  Wilford,  Notts.,  148&-93. 
Surveyor  of  the  works  at  Gt  St  Mary's  Church,  Cambridge, 
1487.  President  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  Beverley,  1490- 
1503.  Preb.  of  York,  1490-4,  and  of  Southwell,  1491-3- 
Treasurer  of  York,  1494-1503.  Died  1503.  Will  1503. 
Benefactor,  to  Queens'.   {Cooper,  1.  7.) 

TROTTER,  HUGH.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1511. 

TROTTER,  JOHN.  B.D.  1474-5-  Probably  M.A.  1468-9. 
Probably  Fellow  of  Clare,  1470.  Proctor,  1474-5-  Chaplain 
of  the  University.    Benefactor. 

TROTTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  7,  1676-7.  S.  of  Edward  (1655),  Esq.,  of  Skelton  Castle, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Feb.  4,  1659,  at  Skelton.  School,  Coxwold. 
Matric.  1677.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Godfrey  Lawson, 
of  Leeds.  Buried  at  Skelton,  Dec.  23,  1701.  M.I.  (Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665.) 

TROTTER,  ROBERT.    B.Can.L.  1510-1.    Probably  s.  of , 

grocer,  of  London.  If  so,  R.  of  St  Anne  and  St  Agnes, 
London,  1518.  Died  1518.  Buried  at  St  Alban's,  Wood 
Street.   (Hennessy.) 

TROTTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 

27,  1656.  S.  of  Emanuel  (1608),  clerk,  of  Newton,  North- 
umberland. B.  there.  School,  Barwick.  Matric.  1656;  B.A. 
1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Ord.  priest  (Durham)  June  29,  1662. 
C.  of  Escomb,  Durham,  1662.  V.  of  Eglingham,  Northumber- 
land, 1662-85.   Died  there  Sept.  26,  1685. 

TROTTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  9, 
1683.  S.  of  Gilbert.  B.  1667,  at  Helmeden,  Durham.  School, 
Kirkby  Ravensworth  (Mr  Coates).  Matric.  1683;  B.A. 
1686-7;  M.A.  1693.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1692; 
priest  (Durham)  Sept.  24,  1693.  P.C.  of  Kelloe,  Durham, 
1694.  V.  of  Kirkby  Fleetham,  Yorks.,  1700-6.  {Peile,  11.  93.) 

TROTTER,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May 

28,  1670.  S.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of  Dent,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1670;  M.B.  i675- 

TROTTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  30,  1685. 
Of  Kent.  S.  of  Edward,  deceased,  late  of  Lewisham.  Schools, 
Lewisham  and  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1685;  Rustat  Scholar, 
1686;  B.A.  1688-9.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Dec.  20, 
1689.  Buried  at  Lewisham,  Nov.  3,  1690.   (Al.  Carthus.) 

TROTTER,  .    Com.  for  M.A.   or  higher  degree,   1468-9. 

Probably  John  (above). 

TROUGHTON,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  17, 
1634.  Of  Northampton.   Matric.  1634-5;  Traughton. 

TRAUTON  or  THOROTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1619.  Of  Northamptonshire. 

TROUGHTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  25,  1687. 
Of  North  Witham,  Lines.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A. 
1694.  Fellow,  1692-9.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  3,  1694;  priest  (Lincohi)  Sept.  20,  1696.  Master  of 
Lowestoft  School,  1702.  R-  of  Barkston,  Lines.,  1713-36. 
Died  1736. 

TROUGHTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1593. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Hanslope,  Bucks.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  31,  1595-   {Peik,  i-  214.) 

TROUGHTON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Jan.  5,  1635-6.  Of  London.  School,  Peterborough.  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1640-1. 

TROUGHTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1589; 
B.A.  1592-3.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

'         Truman,  Josiah 

TROUTBECKE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  July  i, 
1634.  S.  of  Robert,  V.  of  Newton  Reigny,  Cumberland.  B. 
at  Blencowe.  School,  Blencowe  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Migrated 
to  Christ's,  Dec.  5,  1634,  age  18.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8. 
V.  of  Alston  Moor,  Cumberland,  1638.  R.  of  Bowness, 
1660-91.  Buried  there  Apr.  6,  1691.  Brother  of  William 
(1628)  and  father  of  Robert  (1664).   (B.  Nightingale.) 

TROUTBECK,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1631 ; 
M.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.).  Of  Cambridge.  Doubtless  identical 
with  Dr  John  Troutbeck,  Serjeant  and  surgeon  to  his  Majesty 
in  the  Northern  parts.  Of  Hope  Hall,  Bramham,  Yorks.,  in 
1665,  when  he  had  a  licence,  as  widower,  to  marry  Frances, 
dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Foljambe,  Bart.,  and  widow  of  Sir 
Christopher  Wray,  Bart.  (Lady  Wray  died  1667).  Sent  as 
a  negotiator  to  General  Monk  in  Oct.  1659.  Served  with 
the  Fleet  as  naval  doctor  and  saw  active  service  with  General 
Monk.  Granted  a  pension  in  1667.  Married  Francis,  dau.  of 
Francis  Gawdy,  of  Norfolk,  Nov.  16,  1668.  Translated  The 
Nullity  of  Church  Censures  by  Thos.  Erastus,  Professor  of 
Heidelberg.  Died  July  19,  1684.  Will  (P.C.C.) ;  of  St  Martin's- 
in-the-Fields,  London.  (Musgrave  ;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  iv. 
460;  loth  S.,  VI.  314;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

TROUTBECK,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July  11, 
1664.  S.  of  George  (1634),  R.  of  Bowness,  Cumberland.  B. 
atDacre.  B.A.  1667-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  20, 1668; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1670.  P.C.  of  Newton,  Cumberland.  V.  of 
Corbridge,  Northumberland,  1685.  Buried  there  May  19, 
1706.  Will,  1706.  Benefactor  to  the  poor  of  Corbridge  and 
Dacre.   (H.  M.  Wood;  Peile,  1.  614.) 

TROWTBECK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jan.  14, 
1660-1.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Yorkshire.  If  so. 
School,  Pocklington  (adm.  there,  Nov.  5,  1656,  age  14). 

TROUTBECK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Jan.  7,  1736-7.  S.  of  John,  V.  of  Irthlingborough  St  Peter's, 
Northants.  School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1740-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1740-1.  R.  of  Woughton, 
Bucks.,  1746-82.  Died  1782,  at  Wellingborough.  Will, 

TROUTBECK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
June  19,  1628.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Blencow,  Cumberland. 
School,  Blencow  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631-2; 
M.A.  1635.  Ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  Sept.  20,  1635.  Brother  of 
George  (1634).   (Peile,  1.  392.) 

TROUTE,  WALTER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Nov.  10,  1670. 

TROWE,  see  also  TREW. 

TROWE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27,  1626.  Of 
London.  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633. 

TROWELL,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1510-1;  M.A.  1514;  B.D.  1521-2. 
FeUow  of  Peterhouse,  1512.   University  preacher,  1520-1. 

TROWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
20,  1695  (wrongly  entered  as  Frowell  in  St  John's  Adm.  Reg.). 
S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Eaton,  Derbs.  School, 
Sawley,  Yorks.  (Mr  Jaquis).  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1698-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1705;  priest,  Dec.  1711.  V.  of 
Beeston,  Notts.,  1711. 

TROYTE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  10,  1701. 
Of  Somerset.   Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709. 

TRUBSHAW,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 
May  11,  1678.  Of  Worcestershire.  S.  of  James,  of  Birming- 
ham, Warws.  School,  Birmingham.  Matric.  1678;  B.A. 
1681-2.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  26,  1683. 

TRUBSHAW,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1640; 
B.A.  1645-6. 

TRUELOVE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  28, 

TRUEMAN  or  TREWMAN,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1616;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1623.  V.  of 
Walesby,  Notts.,  1624.  R.  of  Cromwell,  1635.  (Perhaps  V.  of 
Newark  during  the  Interregnum.)  Buried  at  Cromwell, 
Dec.  4,  1656. 

TRUMAN,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  15,  1659-60. 
Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667-  Ord.  priest  (York) 
Mar.  1668-9.  R.  of  Garthorpe,  Leics.,  1671-97-  Buried  there 
June  19,  1697.   (Nichols,  11.  191.) 

TRUMAN,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  9,  1647. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  of  Gedling,  Notts.  Bapt.  there, 
Feb.  2,  1630-1.  School,  Nottingham.  Matric.  1647;  B.A. 
1650;  M.A.  1654.  R.  of  Cromwell,  Notts.,  c.  1656;  ejected, 
1662.  Resided  afterwards  at  Mansfield.  Author,  The  Great 
Propitiation,  etc.  Died  July  19,  1671-  Buried  at  Sutton, 
Beds.   (Calamy,  II.  285;  D.N. B.) 

TRUMAN,  JOSIAH.  M.A.  1645.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Hucknoll, 
Notts.  Matric.  (Oxford)  Mar.  24,  1636-7,  age  16;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1640. 


Truman,  Ri. 

TRUMAN,  RI.  'Scholerof  Xt.  CoU.'  Buried  atGt.  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  Jan.  21,  1622-3.  {P^le,  1.  307,  where  he  is 
apparently  wrongly  identified  with  the  next.) 

TRUMAN,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1618-9.  Probably 
s.  of  Richard,  of  All  Saints',  Northampton,  saddler.  Bapt. 
there,  Nov.  27,  1597.  M.A.  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  23;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1621.  Probably  C.  of  All  Saints', 
Northampton.  V.  of  Dallington,  1625;  intruded  at  Church 
Brampton,  1644;  at  St  Sepulchre's,  Northampton,  1651-7. 
Married  Abigail  Hills,  Apr.  8,  1624,  at  East  Haddon, 
Northants.  Retired  to  Godmanchester,  Hunts.,  at  the 
Restoration.  Died  there  (according  to  Baker,  i.  86).  (H.  I. 

TRUMAN  or  TREWMAN,  SIMON.  Adm.  peas,  (age  15)  at 
Christ's,  June  5,  1654.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Thirsk,  Yorks. 
School,  York  (Mr  Young).   Matric.  1654. 

TRUMAN,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1621. 

TRUMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  June  12, 
1665.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Halifax.  School,  Hsdifax  (Mr 
Greenwood).   Matric.  1665. 

TRUMBULL,  CHARLES.  LL.D.  1679  (Incorp.  from  AU  Souls, 
Oxford).  S.  of  William,  of  East  Hampstead,  Berks.,  Esq. 
Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Apr.  i,  1664,  age  18;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1667;  B.C.L.  1670;  D.C.L.  1677.  R.  of  Merstham, 
Surrey,  1678-9.  R.  of  Stisted,  Essex,  1679-91.  R.  of 
Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  1679-91.  Died  Jan.  3,  1723-4.  Buried 
at  Hadleigh.   {Al.  Oxon.;  he  Neve,  Knights,  391;  D.N.B.) 

TRUMBULL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 
May  12,  1726.  S.  of  Sir  William,  D.C.L.,  Secretary  of  State 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Judith,  dau.  of  Henry  Alexander,  4th  Earl 
of  Stirling),  and  nephew  of  Charles  (above).  Matric.  1726; 
M.A.  1727.   Died  Apr.  24,  1760.   (G.  Mag.) 

TRUNDLE  or  TRUNDELL,  JOEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  24,  1635.   Matric.  1635. 

TRUSBOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1445. 
Of  Akelone,  Yorks.  B.A.  1449.  Ord.  acolyte  (Ely)  Dec.  21, 
1454;  deacon,  Mar.  1,  1454-5;  priest.  May  31,  1455. 

TRUSDALE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  24,  1665. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9. 

TRUSLOVE,  MAINE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  12,  1628.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Holdemess,  Yorks.  (and 
Alice,  dau.  cf  Thomas  Mayne,  of  RoUston).  Matric.  1628; 
B.A.  1631-2.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Rolleston-in-Holdemess. 
Married  Ester  Spink.  Died  1670.  Nuncupative  will,  dated 
Sept.  2,  1670.  (r.  A.  Walker,  37;  Poulson,  Holderness,  i.  365.) 

TRUSTLOVE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1513-4;  M.A.  1517-8;  B.D. 
1522-3.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1520.  R.  of  Elsworth,  Cambs., 

TRUSTLOVE  or  TRUSLOO,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Sept.  18,  1556.  Of  Wyton-in-Holder- 
ness,  Yorks.   Matric.  1556.   FeUow,  1559-60. 

TRUSSE,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

TRUSSEL,  RALPH.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1327. 

TRUST,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  1691-2.  S.  and 
h.  of  John.  B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon.  School,  Tiverton.  Matric. 
Easter,  1692;  B.A.  1695-6. 

TRY,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1640.  Of  Gloucestershire.  B.A.  1644;  M.A.  1648.  R.  of 
Passenham,  Northants.,  1657;  conformed  and  re-instituted, 
1660-1701.  Died  Aug.  31,  1701,  aged  79.  M.I.  at  Passenham. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  27,  1701,  by  Judith  his  widow. 
[Vis.  of  Gloucs.,  1623;  Baker,  11.  192.) 

TRYE,  GERARD.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1531-2.  B.  at  Hard- 
wicke,  Gloucs.  R.  of  Aston  SomerviJIe,  1562-c.  80.  Died  c. 
1580.   (Peile,  I.  18;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

TRICE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  4,  1667.  Matric. 

TRICE,  JASPER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  5, 
1709.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  School,  Huntingdon.  Matric. 
1709;  Scholar,  1709.  One  of  these  names  Ensign  of  the 
Coldstream  Guards,  1715.   (T.  A.  Walker,  222.) 

TRYCE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  17,  1650. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at  Godmanchester. 
Schools,  Clifton,  Beds.,  Hitchin  and  Huntingdon  (Mr 
Taylour).  Matric.  1650-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  12, 

TRICE,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1555. 

TRYSE  or  TRICE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  i6oi.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.  1585.  B.A. 
from  Jesus,  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  2;  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  11,  1613. 
R.  of  Kirkby-on-Bain,  Lines.,  1613-8.  Canon  of  Lincoln, 
1614.  Will  (Lincoln)  1624. 

Tubman,  William 

TRICE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Godmanchester,  Hunts,  (and 
Maria,  dau.  of  William  Judde,  of  London).  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  7,  i6io.  WUl  (P.C.C.)  1635.   (Vis.  of  Hunts.) 

TRYCE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 
1672.  Of  Bedfordshire.  School,  Potton.  Scholar,  1672; 
Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.   Fellow,  1677-82. 

TRYSE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1571. 


TRYMME,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  28, 
1581;  Scholar,  1584-7;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  Fellow, 
1588-1633.  Bursar,  1592-3.  Junior  Proctor,  1602-3.  Had 
leave  of  absence  for  travel  beyond  the  seas,  May  16,  1601; 
again,  1607,  and  in  1609.  Evidently  employed  in  some 
public  service,   (r.  A .  Walker.) 

TRYON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  24, 
1709.  2ad  s.  of  Samuel,  Esq.  B.  at  Collyweston,  Northants. 
Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1714.  Perhaps  buried  at  Harringworth, 
Northants.,  Dec.  8,  1768.   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iv.  52.) 

TRYUN,  RICHARD.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1543.  Of  Dusford, 

TRION,  Sir  SAMUEL,  Bart.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Apr.  26,  1634.  S.  of  Sir  Samuel,  Knt.  and  Bart.,  of 
Boyse  HaU,  Halstead,  Essex.  B.  1615,  in  London.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Mar.  8,  1626-7.  Sheriff  of  Essex, 
1649-50.  Of  Boyse  Hall.  Married  (i)  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Sir 
Henry  Lee,  Bart.,  of  Quarendon;  (2)  Susan,  dau.  of  John 
Harvey,  of  Newton,  Suffolk.  Died  1665.  Father  of  the  next. 
(G.E.C.,  I.  141;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

TRION,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  John's,  Sept.  13, 
1660.  S.  and  h.  of  Samuel  (above),  Bart.,  of  Boyse  HaU, 
Halstead.  Matric.  1661.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  c.  1665. 
Died  unmarried,  c.  1672.  Admon.,  Oct.  2,  1672.  (G.E.C., 
I.  141.) 

TRYON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Jan. 
24,  1672-3.  2nd  s.  of  Peter,  Esq.  B.  at  Edmonton,  Essex. 
Schools,  Luffenham,  Rutland  (Mr  Tuson  Wells)  and  Leicester 
(Mr  T.  Wells). 

TUBBE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  3, 
1635.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Southampton.  School,  Croydon, 
Surrey  (Mr  Webbe).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 
Residing  at  Hothfield,  Kent,  1652-4.  Poet  and  miscellaneous 
writer.   (A^.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  xii.  346.) 

TUBBIN  or  TUBBING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pem- 
broke, Jan.  26,  1630-1.  S.  of  John,  mercer.  B.  at  Bumham 
Thorpe,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 
Probably  R.  of  Lound,  Suffolk,  1648. 

TUBBING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  24, 
1679.  S.  of  Philip.  B.  at  Hindringham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Bumham  Thorpe  (Mr  Tubbing).  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1682-3. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1683;  priest,  Dec.  1685.  Per- 
haps brother  of  the  next.   (Peile,  11.  71.) 

TUBBIN,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  19, 
1666-7.  S.  of  Philip,  husbandman,  of  Thorpe,  Suffolk 
(?  Norifolk).  B.  there.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1667; 
Scholar  at  Trinity  HaU,  1669;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1679. 
R.  of  Eccles,  Norfolk,  1679.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (above). 

TUBBIN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1621; 
B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Nov.  20;  priest,  Nov.  21,  1628.  R.  of  Bayfield, 
Norfolk,  1634. 

TUBBING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June 
i5i  1657.  S.  of  SpeUer,  farmer,  of  Stiffkey,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1657. 

TUBBS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  13, 1629. 
S.  of  WiUiam,  gent.,  of  Sutton,  Isle  of  Ely.  School,  Sutton 
(Mr  Weatherheard).  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M..-\.  1636. 
Ord.  priest  (Nor\vich)  Sept.  25,  1636;  C.  of  BadweU  Ash, 
Suffolk.   (Venn,  i.  290.) 

TUBMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1617. 
Probably  s.  of  WiUiam  (i579)-  B.A.  1619.  Ord.  priest 
(London)  Jan.  2,  1620-1.  R.  of  Whicham,  Cumberland, 
1620-80.  Buried  there  Aug.  3,  1680.  Admon.,  Archd. 
Richmond.   (B.  Nightingale.) 

TUBMAN,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  .\ug.  13,  1533.  Of  Eton.  Name  off,  1536.  Rouge- 
Croix  pursuivant,  1550.  Lancaster  herald,  1553.  Died  Jan.  8, 
1558-9.   (Cooper,  I.  191.) 

TUBMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1579; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1586.  FeUow  of  Pem- 
broke, 1585.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  17,  I59i- 
R.  of  Whicham,  Cumberland,  1592-1620.  Died  1620 
Probably  father  of  John  (1617). 

TUCK,  see  also  TOOKE  attd  TUKE. 


Tuck,  Charles 

TUCK,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  23,  1720. 

S.  of  Charles,  clothier,  of  Beccles,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  School, 

Beccles   (Mr   Scoulding).     Matric.    1720;    Scholar,    1720-6; 

B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1728.   Fellow,  1726-41.  Bursar,  1738-40. 

University  scrutator,  i739-  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  July  12,  1737. 
•     Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1727-  R-  of  St  Michael  Coslany, 

Norwich,  and  Gt  Melton,  Norfolk,  1740-74-    Died  Apr.  23, 

1774.   WUl   (Norwich  Archd.  C.)  1774-   Brother  of  Thomas 

(1715)-   {Venn,  n.  14.) 
TUCKE,  CHRISTOPHER.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1585.   Fellow,  1586-8. 
TUCKE  or  TOOKE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1582;  B.A.  1585-6. 
TUCK,  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  c.  1596. 
TUCK  or  TUKE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1556;  Scholar,  1560;  Tuke. 
TUCK,  PHILIP.   Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  18,  1731-2.   B.  at 

East  Tytherley,  Hants.    Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A. 

1739.  Fellow,  1738-54.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  i,  1735; 

priest,  June  i,  1740. 
TUCKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1611;  B.A. 

1614-5.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterborough)  Sept.  11;  priest,  Sept. 

12,  1617. 
TUCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  25,  1715. 

S.  of  Charles,  clothier,  of  Beccles,  Suffolk.   B.  there.  School, 

Beccles  (Mr  Jessop).    Matric.  1715;  Scholar,  1715-22;  B.A. 

1718-9;  M.A.  1722.    Fellow,   1722-32.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1729.  Brother  of  Charles  (1720).   {Venn,  11.  3.) 
TUCK,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1555. 
TUCKE  or  TUKE,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1581-2. 
TUCKE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1584. 

TUCKE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  17, 

1682.    S.  of  Robert,  shoemaker,  of  Runhall,  Norfolk.    B. 

there.  School,  Wymondham.  Matric.  1682;  Scholar,  1682-7; 

M.B.  1687.   {Venn,  i.  470.) 
TUCK  or  TUKE,  .   B.Can.L.  1484-5.    Probably  William, 

V.  of  Cromer,  Norfolk,  1497-1521. 

TUCK  or  TUKE, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1531-3- 

TUCKER,  ARTHUR.    Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,   1670. 

Of  Suffolk.    Probably  s.  of  Isaac  (1653).    Matric.  Easter, 

1671;  B.A.  1674-5.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1679-80. 

V.  of  Liddon,  Kent,  1704.   Probably  brother  of  Isaac  (1669). 

TUCKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  13, 
1641.  S.  of  John,  woollen-draper.  B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon. 
School,  Blundell's,  Tiverton.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644-5. 

TUCKER,  HENRY,  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Pembroke,  May  10, 
1634.  S.  of  George,  Esq.  B.  at  Milton-next-Gravesend, 
Kent.  Matric.  1634.  PerhapsscholaratTrinity  Hall,  1635-6; 
Tooker.   Brother  of  John  (1617).   {Vis.  of  Keni,  i6ig.) 

TUCKER,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  9,  1739.  Of 
Devon.   Matric.  1739;  B.A.  1743-4-  ' 

TUCKER,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  21,  1669.  S.  of  Joshua,  Archdeacon  of  Barnstaple. 
B.  at  Bickington,  Devon.  School,  Barnstaple.  Matric.  1669; 
B.A.  1672-3.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1672-3.  Brother  of  Joshua 

TUCKER,  ISAAC.  M.A.  1653  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Arthur,  of  Lyme,  Dorset,  pleb.  Matric.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  May  16,  1640,  age  18;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1649.  Perhaps 
usher  of  Bury  St  Edmunds  School,  Suffolk,  1646.  Probably 
R.  of  Gt  Wratting,  Suffolk,  1663-1709.  Probably  father  of 
the  next  and  of  Arthur  (1670). 

TUCKER,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1669.  Of 
Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  Isaac  (above).  Matric.  Easter,  1671; 
B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Feb.  24, 
1677-8.   Probably  brother  of  Arthur  (1670). 

TUCKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  18, 
1617;  Fell. -Com.  Jan.  21,  1617-8.  2nd  s.  of  George,  of 
Milton,  Kent,  Esq.  Matric.  1617.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Proud,  of  Egerton.  Brother  of  Henry  (1634)  and 
father  of  the  next.  {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Archaeol.  Cantiana, 
IV.  248.) 
TUCKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  3,  1645. 
S.  of  John  (above),  of  Milton,  Gravesend,  Kent.  B.  at 
Egerton  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Wye  (Mr  Bradshaw). 
Matric.  1645-6.  (Peile,  i.  501.) 
TUCKER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  6,  1731-   B.  at 

Saltash,  Cornwall.   Matric.  1732. 
TUCKER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  19, 
1739.    S.  of  Stephen,  of  Dover,  Kent.    School,  Dover  (Mr 
Monins).    Matric.  1739;  Scholar,  1740;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A. 
1751.    R.  of  Charlton,  Kent,  1755-8.    R.  of  Ringwould, 

TuDOR,  Hugh 

1755-8,  and  1770-6.  2nd  Master,  King's  School,  Canterbury, 
1755-76.  V.  of  Sheldwich,  1757-76.  V.  of  Thanington, 
1764-76.  R.  of  Milton,  1764-70.  Died  Dec.  12  (?  18),  1776, 
aged  53.  Buried  at  Westwell.  M.I.  {Hasted,  111.  210; 

TUCKER,  JOHN  CARTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  28,  1736.  S.  of  Francis,  clerk,  of  Devon.  B.  at  Landkey. 
School,  Barnstaple  (Mr  Luck).  Matric.  1736;  B.A.  1739-40; 
M.A.  1744-  R-  of  Arlington,  Devon,  1745-70.  {Scott-Mayor, 
III.  477-) 

TUCKER,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1669.  S.  of  Joshua,  clerk,  of  Bickington,  Devon.  B.  there 
School,  Westminster.  Probably  of  Tawstock,  gent.;  will 
dated,  Jan.  6,  1719;  proved  (Archd.  Barnstaple)  May,  1722; 
desires  to  be  buried  in  High  Bickington  Church.  Brother  of 
Humphrey  (1669).    (Devonshire  Wills,  70.) 

TUCKER  or  TOKER,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar. 
21,  1602-3.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Stephen,  of  Helland,  near 
Bodmin,  ComwaU.  Matric.  1603;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610. 
R.  of  Cardynham,  Cornwall,  in  1626.  Married  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Maurice  HiU,  of  HeUigan,  Esq.  Died  1671.  Will 
(Exeter)  1671.   {Maclean,  11.  54;  Devonshire  Wills,  128.) 

TUCKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  12,  1673- 
Of  Walton-on-Thames,  Surrey.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1666-73. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1680.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  11,  1676-7;  priest,  June  10, 
1677.  C.  at  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.,  1681.  V.  of  Bromham,  1684. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Cobham,  Surrey,  1700-10.  See 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
TUCKERS,   NICHOLAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 

Lent,  1614-5. 
TUCKFIELD,  CHARLES.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1571-2- 
TUCKFIELD    or   TOKEFYLD,    HENRY.     Matric.    sizar   from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1577;  Scholar,   1582;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A. 
TUCKFIELD,  ROBERT.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar 
from   Eton,   Aug.    29,    1529.     Of  Chittlehampton,   Devon. 
Cautio  for  B.A.  1533-4-   Fellow,  1532-3- 
TOCKFYLD,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1572;  Scholar,   1575,  Tuckfyld;   B.A.   1576-7;   M.A.   1580. 
Fellow,  1579.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  5,  1586;  'of  Baldock, 
TUCKFIELD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  6, 

1645.  Of  Devon. 
TUCKFIELD,  WALTER.  M.A.  1634  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Devon,  gent.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  May  3, 
1621,  age  18,  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1626.  R.  of  Bishops 
Morchard,  Devon,  1637.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1639.  {Al.  Oxon.) 
TUCKNEY,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  4, 
1613.  Doubtless  s.  of  WiUiam  (1576).  B.  Sept.  1599,  at 
Kirton-in-Holland,  Lines.  Matric.  1613;  Scholar;  B.A. 
i6i6-7;  M.A.  1620;  B.D.  1627;  D.D.  1649.  Fellow,  1619-30. 
Master,  1645-53.  Vice-Chancellor,  1648-9;  'very  zealous  for 
the  conversion  of  the  Indians  and  propagating  the  Gospel 
in  America,  and  promoted  that  design  very  vigorously.' 
Master  of  St  John's,  1653-61.  Regius  Professor  of  Divinity, 
1656-61.  Town  preacher,  Boston,  Lines.,  1629;  V.,  1633. 
Member  of  Westminster  Assembly.  R.  of  St  Michael-le- 
Queme,  London,  during  the  Commonwealth.  Lost  his 
appointments  at  the  Restoration.  Author,  sermons.  Died 
Feb.  1670,  aged  71.  Buried  Mar.  1,  at  St  Andrew's  Under- 
shaft.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Jonathan  (1651).  {D.N.B.) 
TUCKNEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  7, 
1698.  S.  of  Jonathan  (next).  B.  at  Hackney,  Middlesex. 
School,  Grantham  (Mr  Burnett).  Matric.  1698. 
TUCKNEY,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  4,  1651 
(impubes).  S.  of  Anthony  (1613),  D.D.  B.  in  Lincolnshire. 
School,  St  Paul's,  London.  Matric.  1651.  Migrated  to  St 
John's,  Jan.  21,  1653-4,  age  15.  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1657-62,  ejected.  Died  1693.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  July,  1694.  Father  of  John  (above).  {Calamy,  i. 
208;  Scott-Mayor.) 
TUCKNEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1576;  B.A.  1580-1.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  M.A.  (Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford)  1584.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1585.  Ord.  priest 
(Peterb.)  Nov.  12,  1584.  V.  of  Kirton-in-Holland,  Lines., 
1589-1610.  Will  (Lincoln)  1610.  Father  of  Anthony  (1613). 
TUCKNEY,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1608;  scholar  from  Westminster. 
TUDDENHAM,    THOMAS    DE.     University    Bedell,    c.    1270. 
Living,  1296,  when  he  and  his  wife  Margaret  were  parties 
to  a  deed.   Benefactor.   (Stokes,  Bedells,  50.) 
TUDOR,   HUGH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,   May   16,   1687.    Of 
Merioneth.   Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1. 


Tudor,  John 

TUDOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Aug.  2,  1660. 
Matric.  1660;  LL.B.  1665.  V.  of  Leysdown,  Kent,  1670. 
R.  of  Warden,  1674-89.   Died  1689. 

TUDWAY,  THOMAS.  Mus.Bac.  from  King's,  1681;  Mus.Doc. 
1705.  Choir-boy  at  the  Chapel  Royal,  and  St  George's, 
Windsor.  Organist  at  King's,  Pembroke  and  Gt  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge.  Professor  of  Music,  1704-26.  Composer  and 
organist  to  Queen  Anne.  In  1706  he  was  deprived  for  making 
puns  on  the  Queen,  but  restored  on  recantation,  1707. 
Composer,  anthems,  etc.  Compiled  for  Lord  Harley  the 
well-known  collection  of  compositions  by  English  musicians. 
Died  Nov.  23,  1726,  aged  70.   (D.N.B.;  Musgrave.) 

TUER  or  TEWER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1598  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  London,  pleb.  Scholar  from  Westminster.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  June  12,  1584,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1587; 
M.A.  1590.  V.  of  Elsenham,  Essex,  1592.  Will  (Cons.  C. 
London)  1621;  LL.D.;  proved  by  his  brother  Abdias. 

TUER,  STEPHEN.  M.A.  1608  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  (Not  in 
Al.  Oxon.) 

TUER,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1632  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  M.A. 
1640  (do.).  S.  of  Abdy,  V.  of  Sawbridgeworth,  Herts.,  and 
nephew  of  John  (above).  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  13,  1629,  age  19;  B.A.  1632 ; 
M.A.  1636.  V.  of  St  Laurence,  Reading,  1643,  ejected.  V.  of 
Black  Bourton,  Oxon.  Died  1671.  Will  (Cons.  C.  Sarum) 
1671;  of  Reading.   {AL  Oxon.) 


TUFFNEL,  JOHN  JOLLIFFE.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1738. 
Of  London.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Monken  Hadley,  Middlesex. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Mar.  8,  1736-7.  M.P.  for 
Beverley,  1754-61.  Of  Langleys,  Essex,  Esq.  Married  Anna, 
dau.  of  William  Meeke,  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  Died  Sept.  23, 
1794.   Brother  of  the  next.   (Essex  Pedigrees;  Bnrke,  L.G.) 

TUFNELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Sept.  10,  1747.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Samuel,  of  Monken 
Hadley,  Middlesex.  Migrated  to  Sidney,  Oct.  1748.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  7,  1741.  Took  the  name  Jolliffe. 
Died  Apr.  21,  1797.   {Essex  Pedigrees.) 

TUFTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  9,  1723-4.  S.  of  the  Hon.  Sackville,  of  Northampton- 
shire (brother  of  Thomas,  6th  Earl  of  Thanet).  B.  at  New- 
bottle.  Matric.  1724;  M.A.  1725.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Nov.  28,  1720.  Died  Dec.  9,  1733.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  365; 
G.  Mag.) 

TUHAGS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  c.  1566.  S.  of  John 
Thuages  {sic),  of  Letchworth,  Herts.  Migrated  to  Caius  as 
Fell. -Com.  Oct.  23,  1569,  age  20.   {Venn,  i.  65.) 

TUKE,  see  also  TUCK  and  TOOKE. 

TUKE,  DAVID.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  Mar.  31,  1581.  Of  Essex. 
B.  at  Rode,  Essex,  c.  1564.  Scholar,  1581.  Migrated  to 
Pembroke,  c.  1582.  Matric.  1582;  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York)  Oct.  20,  1593.  V.  of  Walesby, 
Notts.,  1593-4.  V.  of  Hillingdon,  Middlesex,  1599-1600. 
R.  of  Sibstone,  Leics.,  1600.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1624-37. 
Father  of  John  (1624).   {Peile,  i.  162.) 

TUKE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1606. 
Of  Essex. 

TUKE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1615. 

TUKE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  16, 
1633.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (1598),  clerk.  B.  at  Evedon,  Lines. 
Matric.  1634.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Eastbridge,  Kent, 
1646;  perhaps  also  R.  of  Monks  Horton,  1647;  'M.A.'  {Peile, 
1.  430.) 

TUKE,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1580-1.  B.  at  Layer 
Mamey,  Essex.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1581,  age  24. 
Preacher  at  Chesterfield,  Derbs.,  1595. 

TUKE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1601.  Of  Essex. 

TUKE,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575-  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  19, 
1577-8.  R.  of  Silk  Willoughby,  Lines.,  1577;  'unconform- 
able' in  1611.   Will  (Lincoln)  1627. 

TUKE  or  TOOKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1612;  B.A.   1615-6;  M.A.  1619.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620; 

Tooke.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  27;  priest,  Oct.  28,  1619. 
TUKE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  July  5,  1624. 

S.  of  David  (1582),  R.  of  Sibstone,  Leics.   B.  there.   Matric. 

1626;  B.A.  1627;  M.A.  1631. 
TUKE,   NATHANIEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   c.   1598. 

Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Nov.  to,  1598.   B.A.  1601-2;  M.A. 

1605;  B.D.  1612.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  17,  1609.    R. 

of  Evedon,  Lines.,  1610-31.   R.  of  North  Thoresby,  1623-42. 

Father  of  Edward  (1633). 


TUKE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603. 
Minister  of  St  Giles-in-the-Fields,  London,  1616.  V.  of 
St  Olave,  Jewry,  1617-57,  ejected.  Preaching  at  Tattershall, 
Lines.,  in  1651.  Author,  religious.  Buried  Sept.  13,  1657, 
at  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields,  London.   (Peile,  i.  222;  D.N.B.) 

TUKE,  VINCENT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1556.  S. 
of  Adam,  of  Kirby  Malzeard,  Yorks.  B.A.  from  Pembroke, 
1561-2.  Migrated  to  Caius.  Adm.  there,  Sept.  28,  1563, 
age  30.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  14, 1562-3.  C.  of  Sonning, 
Berks.,  1567-92.  V.  of  Mentmore  with  Ledbume,  Bucks., 
1567-9.  R.  of  Milton  Bryant,  Beds.,  1572.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1592.    (Venn,  i.  52.) 

TUKE,  VINCENT.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595. 

TULL,  see  also  TOLL. 

TULL,  JOHN  GODFREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Nov.  11,  1743. 
B.  at  Ash,  Kent.   Died  Feb.  15,  1764.   (L.  Mag.) 

TULL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  19,  1674-5.  Of 
London.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Fellow, 

TULLEY,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  18, 
1669.  2nd  s.  of  Gilbert.  B.  at  Paignton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3.  Signed  for  deacon's 
orders  (London)  Sept.  19,  1673. 

TULLIE,  TIMOTHY.  B.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Cumberland,  pleb.  S.  of  George,  of  Carlisle.  Matric.  (Queen's 
College,  Oxford)  Nov.  21,  1628,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1632; 
M.A.  1635.  Ord.  priest  (Carlisle)  Dec.  28,  1638.  R.  of 
Clibum,  Westmorland,  1639-56.  Minister  at  St  Mary's, 
Carlisle,  1656.  Canon  of  York,  1660-1700.  R.  of  Middleton- 
in-Teesdale,  Durham,  1660-1700.  Chaplain  to  the  King, 
1691-1700.  Buried  Mar.  9,  1699-1700.  (H.  M.  Wood; 
B.  Nightingale;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TULLY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  29, 
1685.  S.  and  h.  of  Isaac,  of  Lincoln,  and  perhaps  grandson 
of  Timothy  (above).  B.  at  Danby,  Yorks.  School,  Blankney, 
Lines.  Matric.  1685.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  2, 
1685.  Perhaps  of  Kilton  Castle,  Yorks.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Thwing,  of  Kilton  Castle.  Died  May  27, 1741, 
aged  72.   (Peile,  11.  98;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

King's  Hall,  1503-10;  B.A.  1507-8. 

TUMMEL,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1504-5. 

TUNBIE,  JOHN  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1582. 
B.  in  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1585-6,  'Timbe';  M.A.  1589, 

TUNBRIDGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1631. 

TUNDELEEFE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1554.   Perhaps  Cundeleefe. 

TUNNE,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1576; 
B.A.  1579-80.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  July  15,  1580.  V.  of 
Bitchfield,  near  Corby,  Lines.,  i6o6.  Will  (Lincoln)  1630. 

TUNNYS,  ROBERT.   B.Civ.L.  1480-1. 

TUNSLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

TUNSTALL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
1592-3;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1605.  R.  of  Peperharrow, 
Surrey,  1606-16.  Died  Feb.  i,  1616.  Buried  at  Peper- 
harrow.  M.I.   (Manning  and  Bray,  11.  36.) 

TUNSTAL,  CUTHBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  Hall,  from  Oxford. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Thurland  Castle,  Yorks.  B.  1475.  at  Hack- 
forth.  (Said  to  be  illegitimate,  but  Surtees  and  Whittaker 
(Richmondshire,  11.  274)  think  not.)  Of  Balliol  College, 
Oxford,  1491;  removed  to  Cambridge  on  account  of  the 
plague.  Went  to  Padua.  LL.D.  (Padua).  R.  of  Bameston, 
Yorks.,  1506.  R.  of  Stanhope,  Durham,  1508.  R.  of  Steeple 
Langford,  Wilts.,  1509.  Chancellor  to  Archbishop  Warham, 
1511.  R.  of  Harrow-on-the-Hill,  Middlesex,  1511-22.  Preb. 
of  Lincoln,  1514-20.  Archdeacon  of  Chester,  1515-22. 
Master  of  the  Rolls,  1516-22.  Sent  wath  Sir  Thomas  More 
on  an  embassy  to  Brussels,  1516;  lodged  in  the  same  house 
as  Erasmus,  with  whom  he  formed  a  friendship.  Preb.  of 
York,  1519-22.  Ambassador  at  Cologne,  1520;  at  the  Diet 
of  Worms,  1521.  Dean  of  Salisbury,  1521-2.  Bishop  of 
London,  1522.  Lord  Privy  Seal,  1523-30.  Prohibited 
Tyndall's  translation  of  the  New  Testament.  Accompanied 
Wolsey  to  France,  1527.  Helped  to  negotiate  the  Treaty  of 
Cambray.  Bishop  of  Durham,  1530-52;  deprived,  but  re- 
stored, 1553-8.  President  of  the  Council  of  the  North,  1537. 
Voted  against  the  Act  of  Uniformity,  1549:  but  subsequently 
enforced  its  provisions  in  his  diocese.  Took  part  in  the 
reception  of  Cardinal  Pole,  1554.  Refrained  from  persecuting 
Protestants.  Refused  to  take  the  Oath  of  Supremacy,  1559. 
Committed  to  the  custody  of  Archbishop  Parker.  Author, 
religious.  Died  Nov.  18,  1559.  Buried  in  Lambeth  Church. 
M.I.   Will,  P.C.C.   (Cooper,  1.  198;  Poulson,  11.  2^7;  D.N.B.) 



TUNSTALL,  CUTHBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1546;  B.A.  1549-50. 

TONSTALL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  3, 
1631-2.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Cotham  Mandeville,  Dm-ham 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Mark  Rawson).  B.  at 
Durham.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Harrison).  Matric.  1632; 
B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1641.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1641. 
Married  and  had  issue.  Will  proved  (London)  Mar.  11,  1649- 
50.  Half-brother  of  Ralph  (1607-8).  {Peile,  i.  416;  Surtees, 
III.  273.) 

TONSTALL,  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 
1684.  S.  of  Ralph,  pleader.  B.  at  Preston,  Lanes.  School, 
Sedbergh.   Matric.  1684. 

TUNSTALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1724.  S.  of  James,  attorney,  of  Richmondshire.  B.  1708, 
at  Aysgarth,  Yorks.  School,  Slaidbum.  Matric.  1724;  B.A. 
1727-8;  M.A.  1731;  B.D.  1738;  D.D.  1744.  Fellow,  1729-48. 
Public  orator,  1741-6.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1742.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  5,  1731-2.  R-  of  Sturmer,  Essex,  1739-46. 
Domestic  chaplain  to  Archbishop  Potter,  1743.  Canon  and 
treasurer  of  St  David's,  1746.  V.  of  Minster,  Thanet,  Kent, 
1747.  R.  of  Gt  Chart,  1747-57.  V.  of  Rochdale,  Lanes., 
1757-62.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Dodsworth,  of 
Thornton  Watlass,  Sept.  6,  1750.  Classical  scholar.  Author, 
miscellaneous.  Died  Mar.  28,  1762.  Buried  at  St  Peter's, 
Comhill,  London.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1763.   (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TUNSTALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1549. 
One  of  these  names  'ord.  by  Bishop  Wm.  Overton,  of 
Lichfield';  P.C.  of  Whitmore  Chapel,  Stoke-on-Trent,  1593-7. 
Died  1597.  'Scholaris  ruralis,  in  sacris  Uteris  bene  exercita- 
tus.'  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1549).  (Wm.  Salt  Arch. 
Soc,  1915.) 

TUNSTALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1581. 
B.  at  Kendal,  Westmorland,  c.  1563.  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A. 
1588.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln).  R.  of  Shamford,  Leics.,  1595. 
R.  of  Gretford,  Lines.,  1601-6. 

TUNSTALL,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1586.  Probably  of  Durham. 

TUNSTALL,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1555. 
S.  of  Anthony,  of  Stockton,  Durham.  Scholar;  B.A.  1559-60; 
M.A.  1563;  B.D.  1569.  Fellow,  1561.  University  preacher, 
1568.  R.  of  Croft,  Yorks.,  1569-83.  Preb.  of  York,  1571. 
Preb.  of  Durham,  1580-1618.  R.  of  West  Tanfield,  Yorks., 
1580-2.  R.  of  Howick,  c.  1583-1618.  Chaplain  to  Arch- 
bishop Grindal.  Archdeacon  of  Northumberland,  1583-1610. 
Buried  at  Croft,  Mar.  1,  1618-9.  Father  of  Tobias  (1589). 
(Hutchinson,  Durham,  iii.  128.) 

TONSTALL,  RALPH.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 
S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Cotham  Mandeville,  Durham,  and 
grandson  of  Ralph  (above).  V.  of  Long  Newton,  Durham, 
1616-59.  Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau.  of  William  Mauleverer, 
of  Amcliffe;  (2)  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Aldborough,  of  Aid- 
borough,  Yorks.  Buried  Apr.  22,  1659,  at  Long  Newton. 
Benefactor  to  Christ's.  Half-brother  of  Daniel  (1631-2)  and 
father  of  the  next.  (Peile,  i.  251;  H.  M.  Wood;  M.  H. 

TONSTALL,  RALPH.  Adm.  fage  17)  at  Corpus  Christi,  June 
25,  1636.  S.  of  Ralph  (above).  Bapt.  Mar.  7,  1618-9,  at 
Long  Newton,  Durham.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Smelt). 
Migrated  to  Christ's,  Nov.  29,  1637.  Scholar,  1637;  B.A. 
1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Fellow,  1642.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  18,  1641.  Subscribed  to  the  restoration  of  the  Chapel 
in  1702.  Perhaps  beneficed  in  Lincolnshire.  (Peile,  i.  251, 
451;  Surtees,  iii.  273.) 

TONSTALL,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  24, 
1679.  S.  of  William,  M.D.  B.  at  Gt  Stanton,  Durham.  Bapt. 
Sept.  14,  1660,  at  Sedgefield.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Batters- 
by).  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham) 
June  3,  1683;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1684.  Brother  of  Thomas 

TUNSTALL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1556. 
Probably  of  Durham. 

TUNSTALL,  ROBERT.  Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1380.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  1381.  Preb.  of  Tamworth  Collegiate 
Church,  1401.  R.  of  Gt  Dunmow,  Essex,  1406-19.  Dean  of 
the  King's  free  chapel  at  StaSord.  Died  1419.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Venn,  i.  3.) 

TUNSTALL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1555.  Perhaps  s.  oi  Anthony,  of  Stockton,  Durham.  Deputy 
Sherifi  of  Durham,  1575.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Apr.  18,  1561.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Cuthbert  Brackenbury, 
of  Sellaby.  Buried  July  13,  1583,  at  Stockton.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Ralph  (1555).   (Jos.  Foster,  Durham  Pedigrees.) 

TONSTALL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1613.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620; 
B.D.  1628.  Fellow,  1620-44;  ejected,  but  reinstated,  1660- 
79.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21, 

TuRBRiDGE,  Roger 

1623;  prie-st,  Sept.  25,  1626.  V.  of  Hougham-cum-Marston, 
Lines.,  1640;  there  in  1660.   Died  1679.   (Masters,  346.) 

TUNSTALL,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1586.   Of  Westmorland. 

TONSTALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1549.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1549). 

TUNSTALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1579.  Perhaps  R.  of  Shipmeadow,  Sufiolk,  1587.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Alexton,  Leics.,  1578.  Admon.  (Leicester) 

TONSTALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhousk, 
Nov.  16,  1661.  Of  Cambridge.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1665-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (London,  Lit.  dim.)  June,  1666;  'C.  of  Eythome, 
Kent';  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1675. 

TONSTALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May 
24,  1679.  S.  of  WiUiam,  M.D.  B.  Mar.  16,  1663,  at  Gt 
Stainton,  Durham.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  21,  1684.  V.  of  Ketteringham, 
Norfolk,  1716-28.   Brother  of  Ralph  (1679). 

TUNSTALL,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1589. 
S.  of  Ralph  (1555),  of  Croft  Bridge,  Yorks.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Apr.  23,  1594.  Of  Cleasby,  Yorks.  Married  Priscilla 
Hopwood,  at  Denton,  Durham,  Nov.  26,  1611.  Living,  1619. 
(Surtees,  iii.  273.) 

TUNSTALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  (age  18)  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1576.  B.  at  Durham.  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Dec.  1583.  C.  of  Gt  Totham,  Essex.  V.  of 
Mayland,  1592-8.  V.  of  Gt  Totham,  1598-1608;  of  Little 
Totham  and  of  Goldhanger,  1608-17.  Preb.  ot  Canterbury, 
1613-22.  V.  of  Halstow,  Kent,  1617-9.  V.  of  Chislet,  1619- 
22.  R.  of  Sturry,  1619-22.  Buried  Nov.  8,  1622,  in  Canter- 
bury Cathedral.  Will  (Cons.  C.  Canterbury)  1622.  (Peile, 
1.  138.) 

TUNSTALL  or  TONSTALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peter- 
house,  May  29,  1632.  Of  London.  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1640 
(College  records).  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Orgarswike, 
Kent,  1635. 

TUNSDALL, .  B.A.  1480-1.  --O  j.  2  7  ( 

TUNSTALL, .  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1496-g.  / 

TUNSTALL, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1570-1. 

TUNSTED,  ROBERT  DE.  M.A.  D.D.  FeUow  of  Peterhouse, 
1352.  Rural  dean  of  Hingham,  Norfolk,  in  1376;  exchanged 
for  Colney  Deanery,  in  1382.   (Blomefield,  11.  422.) 

TUNSTEAD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

TUPHOLME,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
May  27,  1668.  S.  of  George.  School,  Gt  Kirton,  Lines. 
Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  11, 
1676-7;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1677.  R.  of  Welton-le-Wold,  Lines. 
Buried  there  Feb.  19,  1695-6.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1015.) 

TUPHOLME,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1545.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Ashby-by-Homcastle,  Lines. 
Married  and  had  issue.  Supervisor  to  his  father,  1551.  Will 
dated,  Aug.  11;  proved,  Oct.  5,  1575.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1311.) 

TUPHOLME,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1616.  Of  Lincolnshire.  3rd  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Boston.  B.A. 
1619-20;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  16;  priest, 
June  17,  1622.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1015.) 

TUPMAN,  THOMAS.   B.A.  1531-2;  M.A.  1535. 

TUPPING,  JOHN.  M.A.  1495-6. 

TUPPING,  THOMAS.  D.D.  Excused  from  congregations, 
1483-4.  Vice-Chancellor,  1485.  R.  of  Feltwell,  Norfolk,  and 
V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1492;  'of  Feltwell, 
Norfolk,  and  Chesterton,  Cambs.' 

TURBERVILLE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1629, 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

TURBERVILLE,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1633-4;  M.A. 

from  St  John's,  Michs.  1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  One 
Wm.  Turberville,  s.  of  William,  of  Graffham,  Hunts.,  age  11 
in  1613.   (Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

TURBILL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Sept.  5,  1689.  Of  London.  School,  Eton  (colleger,  1684-9). 
Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1690;  B.A.  1693-4. 

TURBILLY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  2,  1686.  Of 
London.   Matric.  1687. 

TURBRYGE,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1546. 

TURBRIDGE,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
30,  1655.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Llanbedr-Dyffryn-Clwyd, 
Denbigh.  B.  there.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1655; 
B.A.  1658-9;  M..\.  1662.  Ord.  priest  (Oxford)  Mar.  3,  1662-3. 
R.  of  Little  Wigborough,  Essex,  1663-86.  Buried  there 
Sept.  6,  1686.    (Al.  Carthus.) 


TuRBRiDGE,  William 

TURBRIDGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  i8,  1667. 
Of  Anglesey.   Matric.  1667. 

TURBUTT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  3, 
1687.  and  s.  of  WiUiam  (1663),  of  Mount  St  John,  near 
Thirsk,  Yorks.  B.  at  Shipton,  Yorks.  School,  Coxwold. 
Matric.  1687;  Scholai-,  1687-9.  Migrated  to  Sidney,  Oct.  11, 
1689.  Scholar  there;  B.A.  1690-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  24,  1693;  priest,  Sept.  1696.  Lecturer  at  Doncaster, 
1698.  R.  of  Warmsworth,  Yorks.,  1710-6.  V.  of  North 
Wheatley,  Notts.,  1710-20.  R.of  Saundby,  1716.  Died  1720. 
Brother  of  William  (1685-6).   (R.  J.  Wood.) 

TURBUTT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  20, 
1663.   Of  Durham.   Perhaps  same  as  next. 

TURBUTT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  15, 
1663.  S.  of  Richard,  of  York.  Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  July  20,  1666;  of  York;  Turburt.  Of  Mount  St 
John,  near  Thirsk.  Died  Apr.  13,  1673,  aged  26.  Buried  at 
Feliskirk.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Richard  (above). 
{Peile,  I.  605;  Burka,  L.G.) 

TURBUTT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  i, 
1685-6;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (above), 
gent.,  of  Mount  St  John,  Yorks.  B.  1668.  Schools,  Feliskirk 
(Mr  Shaxton)  and  Coxwold.  High  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1710. 
Married  Miss  Drif&eld,  of  Easingwold.  Died  Sept.  13,  1727. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1687).   (Burke,  L.G.) 

TURCOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  7,  1607. 
Matric.  1607. 

TURFETT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  24, 
1640-1.  S.  of  Edward,  Proctor  in  the  Episcopal  Court  of 
Norwich.  B.  in  the  parish  of  St  Stephen,  Norwich.  Matric. 
1641;  Scholar,  1641-3.   {Venn,  i.  341.) 

TURFORD,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1728.  S.  of 
Edward,  of  Ludlow,  Salop.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  9,  1715,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1718.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

TURGES,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1523.  Of  Petworth,  Sussex.  B.  1506.  B.A.  1527-8;  M.A. 
1530-1.  Fellow,  1526-35.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine, 
1532-3.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  1550. 

TURGES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1513.  B.  at  Petworth,  Sussex,  1495.  B.A.  1516-7;  M.A. 
1520;  B.D.  1531-2.  Fellow,  1516-9.  Fellow  of  Anmdel 
College,  Sussex.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Lincoln)  1518.  V.  of 
Stepney,  Middlesex,  1540-5.  Died  1544-5. 

TURGES,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1657  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Uphaven,  Wilts.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  14, 
1650,  age  19;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1655;  M.B.  1658.  Fellow 
of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1654.   {A  I.  Oxon.) 

TURGES, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1532-4. 

TURING,  JOHN.  M.A.  1620-1  (Incorp.  from  Aberdeen). 
Student  there,  1610-4. 


TURLAND,  FRANCIS.    B.A.  from  Sidney,  1603;  M.A.  1607. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21,  1606;  priest,  Feb.  21,  1607-8. 

Perhaps  brother  of  the  next. 
TURLAND,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney",   Oct.   1599.    Of 

Northamptonshire.     One   of    these   names,    B.A.    from   St 

Alban  Hall,  Oxford,  1615.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15; 

priest,  June  16,  1617.   C.  of  Helmarsh,  Northants.,  in  1624. 

R.  of  MaidweU  St  Peter,  1625. 

TURLE,  JOHN.  Adm.sizarat  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1628.  Matric. 

TURNBULL,  GEORGE.  B.A.  1604-5.  Of  Littlehampton, 
Sussex.  B.  in  St  Pancras  parish,  London.  M.A.  1611.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  1609-10;  priest,  June,  1610,  age  25. 
R.  of  Creeling  St  Mary,  Suffolk,  1611.  R.  of  Easton,  1633. 
(Peile,  I.  237.) 


TURNELL,  LAURENCE.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1613.   S.  of  Richard.    Bapt.  at  Maxey,  Northants.,  Oct.  24, 

1596.   B.A.  i6i7-8;  M.A.  1621.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 

17;  priest,  Dec.  17,  1620.    V.  of  Hominghold,  Leics.,  1631. 

V.  of  Maxey,  Northants.,  1644. 
TURNELL,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1588;  B.A.  1 50 1-2;  M.A.  1595.    R.  of  Fenningley,  Notts., 

1602-19.   Died  1619. 

TURNER,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  15.  1649-50. 

Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653;  M.A.  1657.    R.  of  Gt  EUingham, 

Norfolk,  till  1674-    Died  before  Jan.  29,  1674.    (Blomefield, 

I.  487.) 
TURNER,  ANDREW.    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  22, 

1577-8.     Matric.    1577-8;    B.A.    1380-1;   Scholar,    1581-4; 

M.A.  1584. 

V.A.C. IV 


Turner,  Christopher 

TURNER,  ANDREW.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi.  1631.  Of 

TURNER,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1582. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Gt  Clacton,  Essex,  c.  1596-1610.  Died  1610-1. 
Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Jan.  31,  1610-1,  to  widow, 

TURNER,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  15 
1644.  S.  of  Toby  (1604),  R.  of  Little  Dalby,  Leics.  Bapt! 
there.  May  15,  1628.  School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Meers). 
Migrated  to  St  John's,  May  6,  1645,  age  17.  Matric.  1645; 
B.A.  1647-8.  Jesuit  priest.  Executed  at  Tyburn,  June  30, 
1679.   Brother  of  Edward  (1642).   (Records,  S.J. ,n.  ^oH.) 

TURNER  or  TURNOR,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1603.  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Gt  Pamdon,  Essex. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  22,  1606,  from  New  Inn. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1613.  Bencher,  1634.  Serjeant-at-law, 
1636.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Jenny,  of  Gun  ton,  Norfolk, 
Esq.  Died  July  1,  1651.  Buried  in  the  Temple  Church. 
Father  of  John  (1633).  (Middle  Temple  Bench  Book;  Morant 
I.  496.) 

TURNER,  BENJAMIN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1596. 

TURNER,  BRYAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  16, 
1650.  S.  of  William,  of  MeUing,  Lanes.,  husbandman. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658; 
B.D.  1665;  D.D.  1692.  Fellow.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669! 
R.  of  St  Faith-under-St  Paul's,  London,  1662-4.  R.  of 
Chillesford,  Suffolk,  1662-4.  R-  of  Souldeme,  Oxon.,  1665. 
Chaplain  to  Charles,  Earl  of  Carlisle;  accompanied  him  on 
an  embassy  to  Russia.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1692-8;  nominated 
dean,  Feb.  1697-8,  but  not  installed.  Author,  sermon,  etc. 
Died  Feb.  20,  1697-8,  aged  65.  M.I.  at  Souldeme.  Admon. 
Archd.  Oxford.   (Scott-Mayor,  Pt  1,  xxv;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNOR,  CECIL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  4,  1715.  Doubt- 
less s.  of  John  (1674-5).  B.  in  London.  Adm.  at  Leyden, 
Apr.  12,  1717.   (Tumour,  Grantham,  147.) 

TURNER,  CHARLES.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Kino's,  Michs. 
1667.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1629-30),  of  Kirkleatham, 
Yorks.  B.  c.  1652.  Of  Kirkleatham,  Esq.  Married  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Sir  William  Cholmley,  Bart.,  at  St  Paul's,  Covent 
Garden,  London,  June  29,  1676.  Died  Aug.  2,  1719.  Buried 
at  Kirkleatham.   (Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  103.) 

TURNER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  29, 
1681.  S.  of  William,  attorney,  of  North  Elmham,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  June  11,  i666.  Schools,  Seaming  and  Norwich. 
Matric.  1681.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  22,  1684. 
M.P.  for  King's  Lynn,  1695-1738.  Knighted,  Mar.  22, 
1695-6.  A  Commissioner  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  1707-14. 
Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  1714-7.  A  Lord  of  the  Treasury, 
1720-30.  Created  Bart.,  Apr.  27,  1727.  Teller  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, 1729-38.  Resided  at  Warham,  Norfolk.  Married 
(1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Walpole,  of  Houghton,  Norfolk, 
Esq.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Blois,  of  Grundisburgh, 
Suffolk.  Died  Nov.  24,  1738.  Buried  at  Warham.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1738.  Brother  of  William  (1685).  (Venn,  i.  467: 
G.fi.C. ;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

TURNER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1693. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1693. 

TURNER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  24, 
1700.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Rougham,  Suffolk.  School, 
Lavenham  (Mr  Drift).  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1703-4.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  4,  1704-5;  priest,  June,  1707.  Prob- 
ably R.  of  Sapcote,  Leics.,  1712-30.   (Peile,  11.  147.) 

TURNER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  5, 
1745-  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Kirkleatham.  Yorks.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Clark).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  20, 
1744-  High  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1759-60.  M.P.  for  York, 
1768-83.  Created  Bart..  Mav  8,  1782.  Of  Kirkleatham  Hall, 
Yorks.,  Esq.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Womb- 
well,  of  Wombwell,  Esq.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  James  Shuttle- 
worth,  of  Forcet,  Esq.  Died  Oct.  26,  1783,  aged  57.  (Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  104.) 

TURNER  or  TURNOR,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Emmanuel,  Michs.  1623.  (The  degrees  assigned  to  him  in 
D.N.B.  belong  to  the  next  man.)  S.  and  h.  of  Christopher, 
of  Milton  Emest,  Beds.  B.  Dec.  6,  1607.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  June  27,  1626.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1633.  Bencher, 
1654.  Serjeant-at-law,  1660.  Knighted,  July  16.  1660. 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1660-75.  Served  on  the  commission 
for  the  trial  of  regicides.  Married  Joyce,  dau.  of  Sir  Philip 
Warwick.  Died  May  ig,  1675.  Buried  at  Milton  Ernest, 
May  22,  1675.  Will,  P.C.C.  Probably  father  of  Christopher 
(1657).  (Vis.  0}  Beds.,  1624;  Middle  TempU  Bench  Book; 

TURNER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1626;  B.A,  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  C.  of  Cheadle,  Staffs.,  1636. 
R.  of  Grindon,  1646-66.  Father  of  Philip  (1666-7).  (Wm. 
Salt.  Arch.  Sec,  1915.) 


Turner,  Christopher 

TURNER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Sept.  15,  1657.  S.  and  h.  of  Christopher  (?  1623),  Esq.  B.  at 
St  Andrew,  London.  Schools,  Melton,  Suffolk  (Mr  Gierke) 
and  Westminster.  Matric.  1658.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Feb.  20,  1657-8.   Called  to  the  Bar,  1663. 

TURNER,  DAVID.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  27, 
1720.  S.  of  David,  Esq.,  of  Margate,  Kent.  B.  there.  School, 
Canterbury  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A. 
1728.  Jncorp.  at  Oxford,  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  22, 
1728;  priest,  June  i,  1729.  R.  of  Elmstone,  Kent,  1745-65. 
Died  Sept.  24,  1765.  Buried  at  Margate.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{Scott-Mayor,  in.  336;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

TURNER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1562. 

TURNER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  6,  1636.  Of 
Norfolk.  Perhaps  matric.  1637,  'Thomas';  Scholar,  1638; 
B.A.  1639-40.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1642,  age  25; 
priest,  Mar.  17,  1643-4;  C.  of  West  Basham.  V.  of  Castle- 
acre,  1644-69.  R.  of  Egmere,  1664-70.  R.  of  Hillington  and 
South  Creak,  1668. 

TURNER  or  TURNOR,  EDMUND.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Em- 
manuel, May  10,  1733.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of 
Stoke  Rochford,  Lines.,  and  grandson  of  John  (1674-5). 
Of  Panton  House.  Died  Jan.  22,  1805,  aged  89.  M.I.  at 
Stoke  Rochford  {Lines.  Pedigrees  gives  1809).  One  of  these 
names,  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  Captain  in  the  Guards.  Buried 
at  Grantham,  May  16,  1764,  aged  48.  (Tumour,  Graniham, 
136;  Burke,  L.G.;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1016.) 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1589.  Probably  s.  of  John,  V.  of  Harringworth,  Northants. 
B.  at  Harmsworth  (?  Harringworth),  Northants.,  1571.  B.A. 
1596-7.  Ord.  priest  (Colchester)  Feb.  17,  1594-5.  Preacher 
(Canterbury).  V.  of  Edlington,  Lines.,  1599.  Will  (Lincoln) 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627. 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  4, 
1642.  S.  of  Toby  (1604),  V.  of  Little  Dalby,  Leics.  Bapt. 
there,  Feb.  2,  1625.  School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Francis  Meeres). 
Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1662. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1663.  Became  a  Jesuit.  Died  in  prison. 
Mar.  19,  1680-1.   Brother  of  Anthony  (1644).   {Scott-Mayor, 

Pt  I,  XXIII.) 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  17,  1661-2.  S.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Little  Pamdon,  Essex, 
Knt.,  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Commons.  B.  in  London. 
Matric.  1661-2.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  24,  1661. 
CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1672.  Knighted,  Feb.  6,  1663-4.  M.P.  for 
Orford,  1701-9,  1710-21.  Of  Hallingbury,  Essex.  Married 
Isabella,  dau.  of  William,  Earl  Marischal  of  Scotland.  Died 
Dec.  3,  1721.  Buried  at  Hallingbury.  (Peile,  1.  598;  Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  1664;  Morant,  11.  496.) 

TURNER,   EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,   (age  25)   at  Magdalene, 

Feb.  20,  1663-4.  S.  of ,  Head  Master  of  Stepney  School, 


TURNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  28, 
1673-4.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1639),  R.  of  Eynesbury,  Hunts. 
B.  there.  Schools,  St  Neots  (Mr  Jo.  Michel)  and  Islington, 
London  (Mr  Jo.  Matthews).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8; 
M.A.  1681;  B.D.  1688.  FeUow,  1680.  Succeeded  his  father 
as  R.  of  Eynesbury,  1689-1714.  Brother  of  John  (1681). 
Died  1714. 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Jesus,  Apr.  13, 
1681.  S.  of  William  (?  1629),  R.  of  Throcking,  Herts.  Matric. 
1681;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688.  A  non-juror. 
Died  Dec.  6,  1755,  aged  92.  Buried  at  Therfield,  Herts.  M.I. 
Probably  father  of  Sackvil  (1707).   (Clutterbuck,  iii.  592.) 

TURNOUR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  23,  1690.  S.  of  Arthur,  Esq.  B.  in  Middlesex.  Matric. 

TURNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  13,  1691.  Of  Kent.  School,  Rochester.  Matric.  1691; 
Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1714.  Ord.  deacon 
(Rochester)  May  19,  1695;  priest  (London)  July  4,  1710. 
V.  of  Stoke,  Kent,  1710-53.  V.  of  Graine,  1716-53.  Buried 
at  Stoke,  Jan.  28,  1753.   (Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TURNER,  EXUPER  (EXUPERIUS).  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  Dec.  22,  1742.  S.  of  William,  attomey-at-law, 
of  Derby.  B.  at  Derby.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1743. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  7,  1742.  Barrister,  1748. 
Adm.  at  Levden,  Nov.  2,  1757.  Brother  of  William  (1738). 
{Scott-Mayor,  m.  533.) 

TURNER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  161 1; 
B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  priest  (York)  May,  1619. 

Turner,  Henry 

TURNER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1641. 
Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1646. 

TURNER,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1664-5  (Incorp.  from  Oxford); 
D.D.  (do.)  1669.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1670),  Dean  of  Canter- 
bury. School,  Winchester.  Fellow  of  New  College,  Oxford, 
1655  (subscribed  Nov.  7,  1655).  B.A.  (Oxford)  1659;  M.A. 
1662-3;  D.D.  1669.  Master  of  St  John's,  Cambridge,  1670-9. 
Vice-ChanceUor,  1678-9.  R.  of  Therfield,  Herts.,  1664-83. 
Chaplain  to  James,  Duke  of  York.  Canon  residentiary  of 
St  Paul's,  1669-83.  R.  of  Gt  Haseley,  Oxon.,  1683.  Dean  of 
Windsor,  1683-4.  Bishop  of  Rochester,  1683-4.  Bishop  of 
Ely,  1684-91.  Joined  in  the  Bishops'  petition,  1688.  De- 
prived as  a  non-juror;  imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  1691. 
Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Nov.  2,  1700.  Buried  at  Ther- 
field. M.I.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1670)  and  William  (1670). 
{D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1663.) 

TURNER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  16, 
1733.  S.  of  Francis,  attorney,  late  of  Yarmouth,  Norfolk. 
B.  there,  Aug.  21,  1716.  Schools,  Yarmouth  (Mr  Pitcame) 
and  Wymondham  (Mr  Brett).  Matric.  1734;  Scholar,  1733-8; 
B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  18, 
1738-9;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1740.  C.  of  Thurlton,  Norifolk,  1739. 
R.  of  Bayfield,  1741-4.  Minister  of  St  George,  Yarmouth, 
1742-90.  Master  of  Yarmouth  School,  1742-58.  R.  of  South 
Elmham,  St  James,  St  Michael,  smd  All  Saints',  1743-90. 
Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  James  Dawson.  Author,  Sermon. 
Died  Feb.  5,  1790,  aged  73.  Buried  at  Yarmouth.  {Venn, 
11-  37.) 

TURNER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1569. 
Of  Derbyshire.  (B.  in  Suffolk,  according  to  Munk.)  B.A. 
1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  M.D.  (abroad).  Adm.  a  candidate  of  the 
R.C.P.,  Sept.  4,  1584;  Fellow,  1587-8;  Censor,  1591,  1592, 
1597, 1606  and  1607;  Elect,  1602;  Treasurer,  1609.  His  widow 
Anne,  was  hanged  at  Tyburn,  in  1615,  for  having  abetted 
the  Countess  of  Essex  in  her  plot  to  poison  Sir  Thomas 
Overbury.  Died  Mar.  1,  1609-10.  Will  (P.C.C.) ;  of  St  Faith's, 
London.   {Cooper,  11.  526;  Munk,  i.  89;  D.N.B.) 

TURNER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1682.  S.  of  George,  husbandman.  B.  at  Cound,  Salop. 
School,  Drayton  (Mr  Saxon).   Matric.  1682. 

TURNER,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1735.  S.  of  George, 
of  Buckland  Brewer,  Devon,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  Apr.  8,  1712,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1715.  Ord. 
deacon  (Exeter)  Dec.  1715;  priest,  June,  1719.  V.  of  St  Eval, 
Cornwall,  1741.  V.  of  Mylor,  1742.  Buried  at  Mylor,  Nov.  3, 
1761.  Will,  Exeter.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Peile,  11.  219.) 

TURNER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  17, 
1742-3.  S.  and  h.  of  James,  R.  of  Danby,  Yorks.  B.  at 
Whitby,  Yorks.  School,  Thornton  (Mr  Ward).  Matric.  1743; 
B.A.  1746-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  22,  1751;  priest, 
Sept.  1753.  C.  of  Kirky  Grindalythe. 

TURNER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  26, 
1743.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman,  of  Leicestershire.  B.  at 
Harston.  School,  Peterborough,  Northants  (Mr  Marshall). 
Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1771.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  20,  1747;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1748.  R.  of  Knipton,  Leics., 
1751-86.  R.  of  Bottesford,  1771-82.  Died  Apr.  8,  1786, 
aged  62.  M.I.  at  Knipton.  {Scott-Mayor,  ill.  535;  Nichols, 
II.  238.) 

TURNER,  GERVASE  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  JJohn's,  June  9, 
1679.  S.  of  William  (?  1650),  clerk.  B.  at  WiUingham,  Lines. 
School,  Grantham  (Mr  Walker).  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  25,  1684. 

TURNER,  GREGORY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1584;  B.A.  1585-6.  Probably  matric.  (University  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  i,  1582-3,  age  16.  Schoolmaster  at  Wigan, 
Lanes.  R.  of  Sefton,  1602-33.  Died  1633.  {Victoria  Hist. 
Lanes.,  in.  63.) 

TURNER,  HAMMOND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May 
17,1722.  S.  of  William,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Wendling.  Schools, 
Loughton  (Mr  Browne)  and  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrough). 
Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6;  M.A.  1729.  Fellow,  1728-36. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  20,  1728;  priest  (Ely)  Aug.  3, 
1730.  R.  of  Hawksworth,  Notts.,  1734-75.  R.  of  Todwick, 
Yorks.,  1736-75.  Chaplain  to  John,  Earl  Rothes,  in  1736. 
Of  Treeton,  Yorks.  Married,  at  Wollaton,  Notts.,  Jan.  15, 
1746-7,  Elizabeth  Creed.  Died  1775.  Buried  at  Treeton. 
{Scott-Mayor,  in.  348.) 

TURNER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1576. 

TURNER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  July  1,  1624.  S.  of 
Henry.  B.  at  Giggleswick,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick. 
Matric.  1624. 

TURNER,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  6,  1709.  S.  of 
William  (1684),  alderman  of  Bury,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Bury.  Matric.  1709.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  7, 
1711.  Succeeded  to  Horsecroft,  Suffolk.  Died  1764,  aged  70. 
M.I.  at  St  Mary's,  Bury.   {Bury  School;  S.H.A.H.) 


Turner,  Hugh 

TURNER,  HUGH.   B.A.  i5i4-5- 

TURNER,  JAMES.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1595-6. 

TURNER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  2, 
1657.  S.  of  James,  draper,  of  Stowmarket,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Cotton  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1661. 

TURNER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  27,  1692.  S.  of 
Robert,  of  Garthorpe,  Leics.  Matric.  1694;  B.A.  1696-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  30;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19, 
1697.  C.  of  St  Martin's,  Stamford,  Lines.,  1697.  V.  of 
Garthorpe,  Leics.,  1697-1730.  Died  Apr.  12,  1730,  aged 
52  {sic).  Bviried  at  St  Pancras,  London.  M.L  Brother  of 
William  (1676),  father  of  James  (1728)  and  John  (1721). 
(Nichols,  n.  192.) 

TURNER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  22,  1728-9. 
S.  of  James  (above).  B.  at  Garthorpe,  Leics.  Matric.  1729; 
B.A.  1732-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  20,  1733;  priest 
{Litt.  dim.  from  Peterb.)  June  20,  1736.  V.  of  Exton,  Rut- 
land, 1738-50.  R.  of  Wing,  1749-71,  R.  of  Manton,  1772-4. 
Died  1774,  aged  64.  Brotherof  John  (1721).  (H.  L  Longden.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1569. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  24,  1571.  Of  Charlton,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1571;  B.A. 
1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Fellow,  1574-86.  Vice-Provost.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  6,  1581.  R.  of  Slower 
Provost,  Dorset,  1585-1621.  Died  1621.   (Harwood.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1579;  B.A. 
1582-3.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  15,  1585;  of 
Therfield,  Herts. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  4,  1582. 
Matric.  1582.  Perhaps  scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  23,  1584, 
and  LL.B.  Perhaps  domestic  chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of 
Peterborough,  1599;  B.C.L.  Licence  to  preach,  Apr.  29,  1599. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Swannington,  Norfolk,  till  1609;  LL.B. 
(presented  by  Trinity  Hall). 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1588-9.  Matric. 
Easter,  1589. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  c.  1592. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1592-3. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599;  B.D.  1605.  Fellow, 
1599-1624.  Taxor,  1600.  R.  of  Little  Eversden,  Cambs., 
1625-30.   Buried  there  Oct.  9,  1630. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1596.  One  of 
these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  25,  1599;  cf  Surrey, 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1603; 
B.A.  1604-5. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Probably  V.  of  Treneglos,  Cornwall, 
1635;  sequestered,  c.  1648.  Perhaps  reinstated,  1660.  Will 
(Exeter)  1679. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1615. 
Of  Bedfordshire.   B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1617-8. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1617. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1619. 
B.  at  Hempstead,  Herts.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Probably 
V.  of  Layston,  Herts.  Died  1663.  Buried  at  Layston.  M.I. 
(where  the  date  of  his  birth  is  given  as  Mar.  1,  1603).  (Clutter- 
buck,  in.  432.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  27,  1620. 
Matric.  1620. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1626. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1626. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1628  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Perhaps 
of  Wiltshire.  Matric.  (Magdalen  HaU,  Oxford)  Jan.  23,  1621; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1623;  M.A.  1626.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for 
another  contemporary  namesake. 

TURNOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  11, 
1629-30.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Garton,  Yorks.  B.  Aug. 
27,  1613,  at  Kirk  Leatham,  Cleveland,  Yorks.  Schools,  York 
and  Durham  (private).  Matric.  1631.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  May  8,  1629.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1639.  Bencher, 
1661.  Serjeant-at-law,  1669.  Recorder  of  York.  Of  Kirk 
Leatham,  Esq.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Pepys,  of  Creake, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  Died  Mar.  15, 1688.  Buried  at  Kirk  Leatham. 
M.I.  Doubtless  father  of  Charles  (1667).  (F.M.G.,  924; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  x.  102.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Cora.  (age  13)  at  Christ's,  Sept. 
17.  1633-  S.  of  Arthur  (1603),  of  Little  Pamdon,  Essex.  B.  in 
London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1633.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Jan.  28,  1635-6.  Killed  in  the  Civil  War. 
(Peile,  I.  429;  Manning  and  Bray,  11.  7.) 

TcRNER,  John 

TURNER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  (not  found  in  ^4/.  Oxon.).  One  of  these  names 
licensed  schoolmaster  at  Sevenoaks,  Kent,  Feb.  7,  1661-2; 
M.A.  of  Cambridge;  of  Maidstone.   (Lambeth  Act  Book.) 

TURNER,   JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from   King's,   Easter,   1639; 

B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1646;  B.D.  1654.   R.  of 

Eynesbury,   Hunts.,    1649-89.     R.  of   Wistow,    1687-1705. 

Died  1705.   Father  of  Edward  (1673-4)  and  John  (i68i). 
TURNER,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1646.    Of 

Kent.   Matric.  1646.   Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1648;  of 

Mareston,  Kent. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Easter,  1648.  Of 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  6, 
1649.  S.  of  John,  of  Oxenparke,  'North  of  Colton,  Lanes.' 
School,  Sedbergh. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse,  July  i, 
1654.   Of  Hereford.  School,  Coventry. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  21,  1663.  Matric. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  18, 
1666.  S.  of  Methusaleh.  B.  in  Cheapside,  London.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  from  St  John's, 
1673.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1673-81.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1675. 
Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Dec.  19,  1673.  Hospitaller 
of  St  Thomas,  Southwark,  in  1684.  Lecturer  of  Christ 
Church,  London,  in  1698.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Postling,  Kent,  1687.   (Peile,  11.  6.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  July  8,  1668. 
S.  of  Gregory.  B.  at  Brockford,  near  Wetheringsett,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Jan.  1672-3;  priest,  1679-80.  'Licensed  to 
Wherstead,  Sufiolk,'  1673.  Probably  R.  of  Flowton,  1695; 
V.  of  St  Matthew,  Ipswich,  1697.   (Peile,  11.  17.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  23, 
1669.  3rd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Canterbury',  alderman  and  some- 
time Mayor.  School,  Canterbury.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3; 
M.A.  1676.  Fellow,  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1676; 
priest  (London)  Mar.  11,  1676-7.  R.  of  Middleton  and 
Felpham,  Sussex.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward  Cubberley, 
of  Chichester.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  V.  of  Nasing, 
Essex,  1689-1701.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1659). 
(Vis.  of  Kent,  1663;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iv.  159.) 

TURNOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Feb.  5, 
1674-5.  S.  of  Sir  Edmund,  Knt.,  of  Stoke  Rochford,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Stoke  Rochford.  Matric.  1675.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  4,  1675-6.  F.R.S.,  1702.  Devoted 
to  the  study  of  mechanics.  Married  Diana,  dau.  of  the  Hon. 
Algernon  Cecil.  Died  July  10,  1719.  Buried  in  Bath  Abbey. 
M.I.  Father  of  Cecil  (1715).  (Venn,  i.  ^$2;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 
1015;  Tumour,  Grantham,  135.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  19, 
1676.  S.  of  Richard.  Bapt.  Dec.  ir,  1660,  at  Uttoxeter, 
Staffs.  School,  Uttoxeter.  Matric.  1676;  Scholar,  1679;  B.A. 
1679-80;  M.A.  1683;  D.D.  1706.  Head  Master  of  Colfe's 
Grammar  School,  Lewisham,  Middlesex,  1687-1704.  V.  of 
Greenwich,  1704-20.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1713-20.  Preb.  of 
Canterbury,  1717.  Chaplain  to  George  I,  1717-20.  Died 
Dec.  7,  1720.  Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  21, 
1681.  S.  of  John,  R.  of  Gt  Bolas,  Salop.  B.  there.  School, 
Wellington  (Mr  Binnell).  Matric.  1681.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall, 
Oxford)  July  10,  1685,  age  18.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1681. 
Doubtlesss.of  John  (1639).  B.  at  Eynesbury,  Hunts.  Matric. 
1681;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1690.  Fellow,  1684.  Senior 
Proctor,  1710-1.  Went  to  Holland  with  Crew,  Bishop  of 
Durham,  1689.  Died  of  small-pox,  Feb.  22,  1710-1.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1673-4).   (Harwood,  267.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  23,  1686.  2nd  s. 
of  Henry,  alderman  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School,  Bury  St 
Edmunds.  Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1688;  B.A.  1690-1. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  6,  1691-2.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  May  19,  1699.  Recorder  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  1725-40. 
Married  Isabella,  dau.  of  Baptist  May.  Died  Feb.  19,  1739- 
40.  Brother  of  William  (1684)  and  father  of  John  (1724). 
(G.  Mag.;  Bury  School  Register,  where  the  date  of  death  is 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1603.  S.  of  Anthony,  clerk,  of  Dalton-in-Fumess,  Lanes. 
School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1693. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1705-6.  B. 
Sept.  9,  1687,  at  Caton,  near  Lancaster.  B.A.  1708-9.  Ord. 
priest  (York)  June,  1712.  V.  of  Bmithwell,  near  Rofherham, 
1716-66.  Died  1766,  aged  79.   (Peile,  11.  162.) 



Turner,  John 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  28, 
1720-1.  B.  at  Shrewsbury.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric. 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  31, 1721. 
S.  of  James  (1692),  V.  of  Garthorpe,  Leics.  School,  Stamford, 
Lines.  (Mr  Turner).  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1724-5-  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Nov.  28,  1725;  priest,  Mar.  17,  1727-8;  C.  of 
Garthorpe.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Garthorpe,  Leics,, 
1730-85.  V.  of  Exton,  Northants.,  1730-1.  R.  of  Stretton, 
1742-85.  Died  Mar.  1785,  aged  81.  Buried  at  Garthorpe. 
M.L  Will  (P.C.C.)  1785-  Brother  of  James  (1728-9). 
(Nichols,  II.  193.) 

TURNOR,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Oct.  20,  1724. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1686),  Recorder  of  Bury.  B.  at  Bury, 
Sufiolk.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  19,  1724.  Married 
Bridget  Gery.  Died  at  Livermere,  Sufiolk,  Feb.  1766,  aged 
60.   M.L  there.    {Bury  School;  S.H. A. H.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Jan.  9,  1729-30. 
S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Norfolk,  Collector  of  Customs  (succeeded 
as  2nd  Bart.)  and  nephew  of  Charles  (1681).  Bapt.  June  19, 
1712,  at  Lynn.  School,  Greenwich.  Matric.  1729-30.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  20,  1728-9.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1736.  Bencher,  1766.  Treasurer,  1774.  Succeeded  his  father 
as  3rd  Bart.,  June  6,  1738-9.  M.P.  for  Lynn,  1739-74-  A 
Lord  of  the  Treasury,  1762-5.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of 
John  Neale,  of  Allesley,  Warws.,  Esq.  Died  s.p.m.,  June  25, 
1780.  Buried  at  Warham.  (Peile,  11.  221;  Carthew,  Launditch, 
in.  130.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  LL.B.  1730  (Incorp.  from  Merton  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Mar.  24,  1711-2,  age  16;  B.C.L. 
(Oxford)  1718.   S.  of  John,  of  London,  M.D.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  2, 
1732.  S.  of  John,  of  Stainsby,  Yorks.  Bapt.  July  31,  1714- 
School,  Sigston  (Mr  Oaldey).  Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  i733i 
B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1742.  Brother  of  William  (1730). 

TURNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  3,  i735. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Landinner,  Montgomery.  School,  Shrews- 
bury.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1744. 

TURNER,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  15,  1727.  S.  of  J.,  smith,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Sheffield. 
School,  ShefiSeld  (Mr  Robinson).  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1730-1; 
M.A.  1736.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5,  1731-2;  priest, 
Dec.  24,  1732.  C.  of  Ofiord  Cluny,  Hunts.,  1732.  R.  of 
Dinnington,  Yorks.,  1738-46.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  402.) 

TURNER,  JONATHAN  HARRIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus, 
Julv  22,  1732.  Of  Stoke,  Surrey.  S.  of  Nicholas,  Esq.  In- 
herited the  manor  of  Stoke-by-Guildford  from  his  father. 
Died  unmarried,  Jan.  17,  1746-7.  (A.  Gray;  Manning  and 
Bray,  1.  118.) 

TURNER,  KETTLEBY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  21,  1661. 
Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1661-2;  Scholar,  1663;  B.A.  1664. 
C.  of  Knutsford,  Cheshire,  c.  1670-86.  Buried  there  Aug.  17, 
1686.   (E.  Axon.) 

TURNER,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

TURNER,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
19,  1725-6.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Eaton  {sic),}  Caton,  Lanes. 
School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale.  Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1727;  B.A. 
1729-30.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  19, 1731.  Died  of  small-pox. 
Buried  Jan.  24,  1731-2,  at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge. 
{Peile,  II.  211.) 

TURNER,  MARTIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1584; 
Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1588-9. 

TURNER,  MARTIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  9, 
1666.  S.  of  Martin,  yeoman,  of  Gt  Bradley,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  West  Wratting  (Mr  Tucker).  Matric.  1667;  B.A. 

TURNER,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1563-4. 
S.  of  William  (1529-30).  B.  1542.  M.D.  (Heidelberg)  1571; 
M.D.  (Cambridge)  1575  (Incorp.  from  Heidelberg).  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1599  (styled  M.A.,  Cambridge,  in  Al.  Oxon.). 
Licentiate,  R.C.P.,  1582.  Physician  to  St  Bartholomew's 
Hospital,  imtil  1584.  M.P.  for  Bridport,  1584-5  and  1586-7. 
Attended  Sir  Walter  Raleigh  in  the  Tower,  1606.  A  zealous 
advocate  of  the  puritan  cause.  Married  Pascha,  dau.  of 
Henry  Parry,  Chancellor  of  Salisbury  Cathedral.  Died 
May  27,  1614,  aged  72.  Buried  at  St  Olave.  Hart  Street, 
London.  M.L  WiU,  P.C.C.  {Munk,  i.  84;  Ward,  Gresham; 
&.N.B:;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNER,  PETER.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jan.  19,  1590-1, 
age  26;  'of  Corpus.'  B.  at  Worcester.  C.  of  Little  Wendon, 

TURNER,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John'.s,  Feb.  8, 
1666-7.  S.  of  Christopher  (1626),  clerk,  of  Grindon,  Staffs. 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A. 
1674;  B.D.  1682.  Fellow,  1671-85.  Taxor,  1680.  Incorp. 
at   Oxford,    1675.     Ord.   deacon   (Peterb.)    Dec,   26,    1676; 

Turner,  Shallet 

priest  (London)  Feb.  24,  1677-S.  C.  of  Whittlesford,  Cambs., 
1679.  V.  of  Stow-c«w-Quy,  1681.  Buried  in  the  College 
Chapel,  Jan.  30,  1684-5.  Will  proved,  V.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Scott-Mayor;  J.  Crosby.) 

TURNER,  PURBECK.  Adm.  chorister  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  6,  1712.  S.  of  William  (1696),  Mus.Doc.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1712.   Brother  of  WiUijim  (1713). 

TURNER,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  11,  1683. 
Of  Kent.  Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1690.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  28,  1696.  C.  of  Claypole,  Lines. 

TURNER,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1493.  Of  York  diocese.  M.A.  1496. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  29,  1494. 

TURNER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1506-7. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1564. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1567. 
B.  at  Barnstaple,  Devon.  Sometime  of  Exeter  College, 
Oxford.  Went  to  the  English  College  at  Douay,  1572;  pro- 
fessor of  rhetoric  there.  Ord.  priest  at  Douay  in  1574.  Went 
to  Rome  and  taught  classics  in  the  German  College  for 
several  years.  Studied  theology  in  Germany,  1576.  Prefect 
of  Studies  at  the  College  of  Eichstadt  in  Bavaria.  Professor 
and  afterwards  rector  of  Ingoldstadt  University.  Created 
D.D.  there.  Canon  of  Breslau  in  Silesia.  Latin  secretary  to 
Archduke  Ferdinand.  Author,  Latin  sermons.  Died  at 
Gratz  in  Styria,  Nov.  28,  1599.  (Peile,  1.  99;  D.N.B.;  Al. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  June  10,  1571; 
LL.B.  1578.  Fellow,  1577-1634.  Buried  at  St  Edward's, 
Cambridge,  Feb.  7,  1633-4.   WiU  proved  (V.C.C.) 

TURNER,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1575. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1596. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  17, 
1636.  3rd  s.  of  Edmund  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry 
Marsh,  of  Barnard's  Inn).  B.  at  Saffron  Walden,  Essex. 
School,  Newport  (Mr  Lee).  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  9,  1637,  and  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  2,  1639.  Astrologer  and  botanist.  Author,  astrological, 
etc.   (Peile,  i.  444;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1534.) 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1658;  B.A.  1661. 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June 
I5i  1693.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Thaxted,  Essex,  gent.  Matric. 
1694;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700.  Fellow,  1701-10.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1699;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1700.  C.  of 
Marham,  Northants.,  1699.  R.  of  Tenterden,  Kent,  1709-23. 
Died  1723.   (Lambeth  Act  Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

TURNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  14, 
1701.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  B.  at  Millington,  Yorks.  School, 
Pocklington  (Mr  Farrar).  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A. 
1708.  Fellow,  1708-16.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  29,  1707-8; 
priest,  Dec.  19,  1708. 

TURNER,  SACKVIL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  10,  1707.  S. 
of  Edward  (?  1681),  of  Therfleld,  Herts.,  Esq.  B.  1689. 
Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Mar.  16,  1711-2;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1713.  V.  of  Sandon,  Herts., 
1727-31.  V.  of  Bures,  Essex,  1731-4.  V.  of  West  Bergholt, 
1734.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1751-2.  Died  1752.  (Hennessy; 
A.  Gray.) 

TURNER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  29,  1642.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Coxwold.  Matric. 
1642.  V.  of  Gt  Givendale,  Yorks.,  1666-74.  Died  Mar.  29, 

TURNER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Mar.  27,  1669. 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1676.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Feb.  1674-5.  V.  of  Blyth,  Notts., 
1675-94.   Buried  there  Aug.  24,  1694.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  3, 
1716-7.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bawtry,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield. 
Scholar,  1718;  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Ord. 
priest  (York)  Sept.  15,  1726.  Died  Feb.  9,  1733.  Buried  in 
Bawtry  Church.   M.L   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 

TURNER,  SETH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  21,  1679.  Of 
Lancashire.  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Oct.  1682;  priest,  May,  168+.  V.  of 
Mendham,  Suffolk,  1685,  'for  above  50  years.'  Buned  there. 
(E.  Anglian,  11.  322;  Blomefield,  v.  385.) 

TURNER,  SHALLET.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  29,  1710.  Of  Northumberland.  Doubtless  s.  of  John. 
Bapt.  Sept.  27,  1692,  at  Tynemouth.  School,  Houghton-Ie- 
Spring,  Durham.  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1710;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1717;  LL.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  FeUow,  1715-48. 
Regius  Professor  of  Modem  History,  1735-62.  F.R.S.,  1741. 
Died  Nov.  13,  1762.  Will  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  1762.  (T.A.  Walker; 
H.  M.  Wood;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 


Turner,  Stephen 

TURNER,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1613.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Bartholomew,  of  Northampton- 
shire. If  so,  of  Sawtry,  Hunts.  Married  and  had  issue. 
{Vis,  of  Essex,  1634.) 

TURNER,  T.   B.A.  1470-1;  M.A.  1473. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1549;  B.A.  1551-2;  M.A.  1555;  D.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1583. 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1555-62.  Bursar,  1559-60.  R.  of 
Bishop's  Cleeve,  Gloucs.,  1564-93.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1569- 
93.  R.  of  Dorsington,  Gloucs.,  1571-93.  Buried  there  Feb. 
21,  1592-3.   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1550. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1552. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1587. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594.  Fellow,  1593.  This  man 
or  the  next  probably  beneficed  in  Kent. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1588-9.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Hougham,  Kent,  1600-14;  V.  of  St  Laurence, 
Thanet,  1614-29;  R.  of  Stonar,  1617-29.  V.  of  St  Nicholas- 
at-Wade,  1629.  Died  there,  1630.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1589. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1604; 
'B.A.  of  St  John's.' 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  15,  1591, 
and  Fell. -Com.  in  Oct. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1592.  B.  at 
Bamby,  Yorks.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Oct.  2,  1592. 
Scholar,  1595-8;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600;  B.D.  1609;  D.D. 
1615.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1599-1612.  Master,  1615-7. 
V.  of  Ousden,  Suffolk,  1600.  Minister  at  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  1605;  there  in  1608.  V.  of  Waterbeach,  Cambs., 
1610-2.  R.  of  Stoke  Hammond,  Bucks.,  1610-7.  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1612-7.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge, 
Oct.  18,  1617.  Will  proved,  V.C.C. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595;  B.A. 
from  St  Catharine's,  1598-9. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1615; 
B.A.  1618-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620.  M.A.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  1622.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1623.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  July  12,  1624;  priest,  July  14,  1625.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Ashwell,  Herts.,  1631-2.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Hook 
Norton,  Oxon.,  1638.   (Peile,  i.  305;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1633;  B.A.  1636-7. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  15,  1634.  Of 
London.  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1637;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A. 
1641.  Probably  incorp.  at  Oxford,  1642  (but  Foster  ap- 
parently confuses  him  with  the  next). 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  25,  1634-5. 
Of  Essex.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  William,  late  of  Thaxted, 
Essex,  gent.  Matric.  1635.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  5,  1640. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22,  1635. 
Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1637. 
Perhaps  a  mistake  for  Edmund. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  16,  1643. 
Matric.  1647-8;  B.A.  1647-8. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  6, 
1647.  S.  of  Thomcis,  gent.,  of  Norwich.  Bapt.  Apr.  1,  1631, 
at  St  Peter  Mancroft.  Schools,  Eaton,  Norfolk,  and  Norwich 
(Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1647;  Scholar,  1647-9.  Perhaps  his 
will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  Oct.  4,  1703.   (Venn,  i.  369.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  30,  1651. 
Of  Norfolk.  School,  Moulton,  Norfolk. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  25,  1656-7.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Saffron  Walden, 
Essex.   School,  Thurlow  (Mr  Billingley).   Matric.  1657. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  22,  1661. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  i66i;  Scholar,  1662;  B.A. 
1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  Perhaps  V.  of  Boxted,  Essex,  1684-7. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1687. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  11, 
1663.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  gent.  B.  at  Marks  Tey,  Essex. 
Schools,  Hertford  (Mr  Battersby)  and  Felsted. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Corpus  Christi 
College,  Oxford).  S.  of  Thomas  (1670),  D.D.,  Dean  of  Canter- 
bury. B.  Sept.  1645,  at  Bristol.  Matric.  (Hart  HaU,  Oxford) 
May  10,  1662,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1665-6;  M.A.  1669; 
B.D.  1677;  D.D.  1683.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  Oxford, 
1672;  President,  1687-1714.  V.  of  Milton,  Kent,  1672-95. 
R.  of  Thorley,  Herts.,  1680-9.  Archdeacon  of  Essex,  1680-9. 

Turner,  William 

Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1682-1714;  of  Ely,  1686.  R.  of  Fulham, 
Middlesex,  1688-1714.  Precentor  of  St  Paul's,  1690.  Chaplain 
to  Compton,  Bishop  of  London.  Died  Apr.  30  (?  29),  1714. 
Buried  m  Corpus  Christi  Chapel,  Oxford.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Francis  (1664-5)  and  William  (1670).  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  D.D.  1670  (Incorp.  from  St  John's  CoUege, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  26,  1610,  age  17.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Heckfleld,  Hants,  (sometime  Mayor  of  Reading).  B.  1591, 
at  Reading.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1614;  M.A.  i6i8;  B.D.  1624; 
D.D.  1633.  V.  of  St  Giles',  Oxford,  1623-9.  Canon  and 
Chancellor  of  St  Paul's,  1629-72.  R.  of  St  Augustine-at-the- 
Gate,  London,  1631  (May-Nov.).  R.  of  St  Olave,  Southwark, 
1631.  R.  of  Fetcham,  Surrey,  1634-43;  ejected;  reinstated, 
1660-72.  Dean  of  Rochester,  1642-4;  of  Canterbury,  1644; 
ejected,  but  restored,  1660-72.  Chaplain  to  Charles  I. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Winchbank,  Knt. 
Died  Oct.  8,  1672,  aged  80.  Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral. 
Will  (Cons.  C.  Canterbury)  1672.  Father  of  Francis  (1664-5), 
William  (1670)  and  Thomas  (1670).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Manning 
and  Bray,  1.  486;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1663-8.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  7,  1674. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1684. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1684.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Nov.;  priest, 
Dec.  1679. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  14, 
1694-5.  S.  and  h.  of  Bernard,  of  Little  Court,  Hertford, 
Esq.  B.  at  Buntingford.  School,  Enfield  (Dr  Udall).  Matric. 
1696;  B.A.  1698-9.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  25, 
1698.   (Peile,  II.  132-3.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  7, 
1697-8.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1705.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1705.  R.  of  Bonnington,  Kent,  1709-42. 
Died  Aug.  1742.   (Lambeth  Aa  Book;  Hasted,  iii.  464.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1700.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  Scholar,  1704;  M.A. 
1714.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Nov.  1704;  priest  (Norwich)  May, 
1708.  C.  of  WeUs,  Norfolk. 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  9, 
1711.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  Oct.  9,  1693,  at  Keymer, 
Sussex.  School,  Tonbridge.  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5- 
M.A.  1741.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  June  12,  1715;  priest' 
Sept.  21,  1718.  V.  of  West  Hoathley,  Sussex,  1721-50' 
Buried  there  June  29,  1750.  (W.  C.  Renshaw;  Sussex  Arch. 
Coll.  XXV.  217.) 

TURNER  or  TURNOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St 
John's,  May  11,  1719.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in 
London.  School,  Charterhouse.  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1729. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  6,  1725-6;  probably  ord.  priest 
(London)  July  25,  1728.  C.  of  Ufford,  Northants.,  1726.  V. 
of  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  1728-60.  Author, 
sermons.  Died  June  1,  1760,  aged  56.  Buried  in  the  chancel 
of  St  Nicholas.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  324.) 

TURNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1743.  S.  of  Thomas,  bailiff,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Laughton. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June  14,  1747;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1748.  C.  of  Sherbum, 
near  Leeds,  1747.  C.  of  Bradford,  1765.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  538.) 

TURNER,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1604; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1608;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1612.  V.  of  Little  Dalby,  Leics.,  1613-48.  Licence 
(Peterb.)  June  27,  1620,  to  marry  Elizabeth  Chesildine,  of 
Uppingham,  Rutland,  at  Ayston.  Died  July  27,  1648,  aged 
63.  Buried  at  Dalby.  M.I.  Father  of  Anthony  (1644)  and 
Edward  (1642).   (Records  S.J.,  11.  308;  Nichols,  11.  164.) 

TURNER,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1561.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Bolton-on-the-Ellen,  Cumberland,  1567-92. 

TURNER,  W.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  30,  1579-80. 
Matric.  1579-80. 

TURNER,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1585. 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1529-30.  Of  Morpeth,  Northumber- 
land. Perhaps  s.  of  William,  a  tanner.  M.A.  1533.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  1530.  Had  a  title  for  orders  from  the  College  in 
1537.  Intimate  with  Ridley  and  Latimer.  An  early  reformer. 
Travelled  widely  on  the  Continent.  M.D.  (Ferrara  or  Bologna).' 
Incorp.  at  Oxford.  Went  to  Zurich,  where  he  became  in- 
timate with  Conrad  Gesner.  Physician  and  chaplain  to  the 
Protector  Somerset.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Easter  eve,  1536. 
Preb.  of  York,  1550.  Dean  of  Wells,  1550-3;  deprived;  re- 
instated, 1560-8.  R.  of  Wedmore,  Somerset,  1564.  In  exile 
under  Queen  Mary.  Returned  to  England,  1559.  Opp<Ked 
all  ceremonial;  suspended,  1564.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
George  Auder,  alderman  of  Cambridge.  A  learned  man 
especially  distinguished  in  Botany;  the  first  Englishman 
who  studied  plants  scientifically.  His  Herbal  marks  the  start 
of  scientific  botany  in  England.  Author,  miscellaneous. 
Died  July  7,  1568,  in  Crutched  Friars,  London.  Buried  at 
St  Olave,  Hart  Street,  London.  Father  of  Peter  (is6^-j) 
(Cooper,  1.  25C;  D.N.B.i  Al.  Oxon.)  >  J  J  •»/• 


Turner,  William 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1557; 
B.A.  1560-1. 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  12,  1597. 
Matric.  c.  1597. 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  M.D.  1609  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
John,  of  London.  Matric.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  16, 
1584,  age  14.  Incorp.  M.A.  at  Oxford,  1602  ('M.A.  of  Christ's 
College,  Cambridge,  1589  or  1590').  M.B.  (BaUiol  College, 
Oxford)  1604  (having  studied  ten  years  in  foreign  Univer- 
sities); M.D.  (Oxford)  1608.  Practised  in  London;  lived  in 
Fetter  Lane.  V.  of  TUmanstone,  Kent,  1618-38;  'M.D.' 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Sevenoaks,  1614-44.  Buried  there 
Apr.  5,  1644.  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Al.  Oxon.;  Fielding, 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  18, 
1616.  Matric.  1616.  Perhaps  's.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Layer- 
de-la-Hay,  Essex,  Esq.,'  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  26, 1617. 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  17, 
1629.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Therfield,  Herts.  School,  Hertford 
(Mr  Minors).  Matric.  1631 ;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Throcking,  Herts.,  1663.  Died  there  before  Sept.  1684. 
If  so,  father  of  Edward  (1681).   (Peile,  i.  403.) 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  3,  1633. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  One  of 
these  names  of  Harlow,  Essex,  clerk.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1695-6. 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  21, 

1650.  S.  of  Christopher,  gent.,  of  Tupholme,  Lines.  B.  there. 

School,  Navenby,  Lines,  (private).  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1657- 

8;  M.A.  1667.    Perhaps  chaplain  to  Lord  Willoughby,  and 

R.   of  WiUingham-by-Stowe,   Lines.,  in    1670;   also   R.  of 

Houghton   Beckering.    Perhaps  father  of  Gervase  (1679). 

(Manning  and  Bray,  in.  34.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  14, 

1657.    S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Lancaster.    B.  there.    School,  Sed- 

bergh.    Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1665. 

Fellow  of  Jesus,    1662-8.    Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders 

(Ely)  June  13;  for  priest's  (London)  Dec.  19,  1663.  Chaplain 

in   the  Fleet.    Died   before  Mar.   6,   1667-8.    Will  proved 

(V.C.C.)  1668.   (A.  Gray.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  i,  1659. 

Of  Kent.    Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Canterbury. 

Matric.   1660.    Died  unmarried.    Perhaps  brother  of  John 

(1669).   (Vis.  of  Kent,  1663-8.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Sept.  12,  1664. 

Of  Suffolk.    Matric.   1664-5;  B.A.   1668-9.    One  of  these 

names  R.  of  East  Horsley,  Surrey,  1669-82. 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  2,  1667. 

Of  Hertfordshire.   Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2. 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  9, 

1669.    S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Winwick,  Lanes.    B.  there. 

School,  Ringley  (Mr  Taylor).   Matric.  1669. 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  CoUege, 

Oxford).  S.  of  Thomas  (1670),  Dean  of  Canterbury.   Matric. 

(Hart  Hall,  O.xford)  May  10,  1662,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford) 

1665-6;  M.A.  1668;  B.D.  1676;  D.D.  1683.    Archdeacon  of 

Northumberland,    1676.     R.   of  Stanhope,   Durham,    1676. 

Died  at  Oxford,  Apr.  20,  1685.   Brother  of  Francis  (1664-5) 

and  Thomas  (1670).   (Al.  Oxon.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Dec.  22,   1676. 

S.  of  Robert,  of  Garthorpe,  Leics.    B.  there,  Oct.  4,  1658. 

School,    Merchant   Taylors'.     Matric.    1680;    B.A.    1680-1; 

M.A.  1684.  Master  of  Stamford  School,  1693-1723.  Master  of 

Colchester  School,  1723-6.  Author,  Exercises  to  the  Accidence 

and  Grammar,  etc.    Died  Jan.  24,  1725-6  (sic).   M.I.  at  All 

Saints',    Colchester.     Admon.    (P.C.C.)    Feb.    14,    1726-7. 

Brother  of  James  (1692).  (Nichols,  11.  193;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S., 

xii.  321.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  7,  1684. 

S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.   B.  there. 

School,  Bury.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  3,  1684.  In  business 

at   Bury;   alderman,    1709-23.     Bought   Horsecroft,    1706. 

Died  Nov.  1734,  aged  67.    M.I.  in  St  Mary's  Church,  Bury. 

Brother  of  John  (1686)  and  father  of  Henry  (1709).    (Peile, 

II.  96.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  July  10,  1685. 

2nd  s.  of  William,  attorney,  of  Elmham,  Norfolk.    Bapt. 

there,  Dec.  24,  1667.  Schools,  Seaming,  Lynn  and  Norwich. 

Matric.  1686;  Scholar,  1686-93;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693. 

Fellow,    1693-1702.     Purchased    the    manor    of    Ingham, 

Norfolk.    Of  Crostwight,   Esq.     Died  s.p.,  June   2,    1735. 

Buried  at  Warham.  Brother  of  Charles  (1681).  (Fenn,  1.479; 

Carthew,  Launditck,  iii.  129.) 
TURNER,  WILLIAM.    Mus.Doc.  1696.    S.  of  Charles,  cook,  of 

Pembroke   College,    Oxford.     Chorister   at   Christ   Church, 

Oxford,  and  afterwards  at  the  Chapel  Royal.   Part-composer 

with  John  Blow  and  Pelham  Humfrey  of  the  '  Club  Anthem.' 


Tenor  singer  at  Lincoln  Cathedral.  Gentleman  of  the  Chapel 
Royal,  1669.  Vicar-choral  of  St  Paul's.  Lay  vicar  of  West- 
minster Abbey.  Composer,  anthems,  etc.  Died  Jan.  13, 
1739-40,  aged  88.  Buried  in  the  Abbey.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Purbeck  and  William  (1713).  (Westminster  Abbey  Register; 

TURNER,  WILLIAM  [PARTHERICK].  M.A.  from  Trinity, 
1713.  S.  of  William  (1696),  of  London,  doctor.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  June  8,  1703,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1707. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  24,  1710;  B.A.  V.  of 
Hesilden,  Durham,  1713;  'WilUam  Parthesicus,'  M.A. 
Brother  of  Purbeck  (1712).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
Sept.  20,  1730.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Stainsby,  Yorks. 
School,  Kirk  Leatham  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1731.  Brother  of 
John  (1732). 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May 
29,  1738.  S.  of  William,  attomey-at-law,  of  Derby.  B.  at 
Derby.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1738.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Feb.  10,  1736-7.  Brother  of  Exuper  (1742). 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  June  30,  1739. 
2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Keymer,  Sussex,  gent.,  and  nephew  of 
Thomas  (1711).  Bapt.  Aug.  4,  1720.  Matric.  1739.  Married 
Sarah,  dau.  of  Rev.  E.  Wilson,  R.  of  Westmeston.  Died 
June  26,  1786.  Buried  at  Ditchling.  (Sussex  Archaeol.  Coll., 
XXV.  217.) 

TURNER, .  M.A.  1456. 

TURNER, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1468-9. 

TURNER, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1484-5. 

TURNER, .  B.D.  1486-7;  D.D.  1490-1. 

TURNER, .  D.Can.L.  1498-9. 

TURNER, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1498-9. 

TURNER, .  B.A.  1518-9;  M.A.  1522. 

TURNER,  .    B.A.   1541-2.    Doubtless  William;  of  York 

diocese;  B.A.;  ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Apr.  1544. 

TURNER, .  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1565. 

TURNER, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  30,  1645. 

TURNER, .   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  May  13,  1719. 

(Name  off,  Sept.  1719.) 


TURNOCK,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  26, 
1706.  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10. 

TURNPENNY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Lent, 
1623-4;  B.A.  1627.  Married  Elizabeth  Chode,  at  East  Stoke, 
Notts.,  Nov.  16,  1637;  described  as  clerk.  One  of  these  names 
sub-chanter  at  Lichfield;  ejected. 

TURPIN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  23, 
1636.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Bassingboume,  Cambs. 
School,  Buntingford  (Mr  Meriton).  Matric.  1636.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  6,  1638.   (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619.) 

TURPIN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  2,  1677.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  25,  1684.  V.  of  Messingham,  Lines.,  1699. 
V.  of  Bottesford,  1708. 

TURPIN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  July  1,  1603. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of 
Knaptoft,  Leics.  (and  Elizabeth  Fienes,  sister  of  Richard, 
Baron  Say  and  Sele).  Of  Knaptoft.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
John  Quarles,  merchant,  of  London.  Died  s.p.m.  (Nichols, 
IV.  225.) 

TURPIN,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1581-2. 
Of  Huntingdonshire. 

TURPINE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  c.  1611-2.    S.  of 

Richard,  Esq.,  of  Friskney,  Lines.   School,  Ketton,  Rutland 

(Mr  Little).  Matric.  1612.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Jan.  29,  1615-6, 

aged  21. 
TURPIN,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  9,  1652.   Of 

TURPYN,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1580.   B.  in  London.   B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.   Ord.  deacon 

(London)  Nov.  11,  1590,  age  26;  'C.  of  Middleton,  Essex'; 

priest,  Jan.  11,  1590-1. 
TURPIN,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1576 

B.A.  1579-80. 
TURPYN,  THOMAS.    M.A.   (?  Cambridge).    V.  of  Chesterton, 

Cambs.,  1472-92.   Died  1492.   (J.  Crossby.) 

TURRIANUS,  JOHN.   M.A.  1641  (Incorp.  from  St  Andrews). 
TURROLD,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1559. 
TURSWELL,  ELIAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1618. 

Buried  in  the  College  Chapel,  Oct.  6,  1619. 


TuRSWELL,  Richard 

TURSWELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1569.  Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D.  1582. 
Fellow,  1572-82.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  n, 
1573.  R.  of  Wadingham  St  Mary,  Lines.,  1577-  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1582.  R.  of  Manton,  1588-1612.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1612. 

TURSWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1566.  B.  at  Bishop's  Norton,  Lines.,  1548.  Matric.  1566; 
B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574;  licensed  to  practise  medicine  and 
surgery,  1578;  M.D.  1583.  Fellow,  1569-77-  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1579.  'Good  surgeon  and  physician.  Steward  to 
Bishop  Whitgift,  of  Worcester.'  Committed  to  the  Gate- 
house, Westminster  for  false  accusations  against  Provost 
Goad.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1580-4.  Author,  A  View  of  certain 
Wonderfull  Effects  of  late  Dayes.  Died  1584-5-  (Cooper, 
II.  loi;  Harwood;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TURTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  6,  1676. 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Bromwich,  Staffs.  School,  Birmingham 
(Mr  Brokesby).  Probably  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May 
16,  1681.   (Vis.  of  Wanvs.,  1682;  Staffs.  Pedigrees.) 

TURTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  2,  1683. 
Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1683-4. 

TURTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Mar.  17,  1704-5. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Alrewas, 
Stags.,  and  grandson  of  Sir  John,  Knt.  and  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer.  Bapt.  Jan.  17,  1688.  Matric.  1705.  Perhaps 
M.A.  1706  (Lit.  Reg.).  Sheriff  of  Staffs.,  1722.  Of  Akewas, 
Esq.,  J. P.  Married  three  wives.  Died  Aug.  18,  1771.  aged  84. 
Buried  at  Alrewas.  M.I.  Father  of  William  (1730).  (Shaw, 
1-  I35-) 

TURTON,  JOHN.  M.B.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Probably  adm.  at 
Leyden,  Sept.  19,  1726.  Physician  of  Wolverhampton, 
Staffs.,  and  of  Adelphi  Street,  London.  Married  Dorothy, 
dau.  of  Gregory  Hickman.  Died  1754.  To  be  distinguished 
from  his  son  John  Turton,  F.R.C.P.  and  F.R.S.  for  whom 
see  D.N.B. 

TURTON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sx  John's,  Mar.  22, 
1668-9.  S.  of  Joseph,  deceased,  of  Hull,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Hull.  Matric.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  July  30; 
'B.A.';  priest,  Sept.  3,  1679.  R.  of  St  Clement's,  Hastings, 

TURTON,  RICHARD.  'Late  student  of  St  John's';  ord.  deacon 
(York)  May,  1627. 

TURTON,  SEPTIMUS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  5, 
1713.  S.  of  William.  B.  in  London.  School,  Uxbridge, 
Middlesex  (Mr  Jaques).   Matric.  1713;  LL.B.  1719. 

TURTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  17,  1706.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1706; 
B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714.  Fellow,  1711-4-  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  12,  1712;  priest,  Apr.  25,  1713. 

TURTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  9,  1730. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1704-5),  of 
Orgreave,  Staffs.  Matric.  1730.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Dec.  14,  1731.  Living,  1771.  Died  s./>.   (Shaw,  i.  135.) 

TURVER, .   B.A.  1478-9. 

TURVILE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  28,  1665. 
Matric.  1666-7;  Turrell. 

TURVELL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1563-4. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Thurlaston  and  Normanton 
Tumle,  Leics.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1574;  of 
Croft,  Leics.  Of  Thurlaston,  Esq.,  i6oi.  Married  (i)  Ellen, 
dau.  of  Hugh  Armstrong,  of  Northamptonshire;  (2)  Jane, 
dau.  of  John  Hanslope,  of  Stonythorpe,  Warws.  Died  Feb. 
15,  1619,  aged  67.  Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1595-6)  and 
Henry  (1604-5).  (Nichols,  iv.  1004.) 

TURVILE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1633.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Henry  (1604-5),  of  Newhall  Park, 
Leics.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Probably  R.  of  Thurlaston, 
Leics.,  1662.  Buried  there  Mar.  22,  1665.  Will  (Leicester) 
1665.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.  Brother  of  John 
(1631)  and  William  (1631).   (Nichols,  iv.  998,  1004.) 

TURVYLE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  i,  1713- 
S.  of  Edward,  of  Newhall  Park,  Leics.  Matric.  1713;  LL-B. 
1718;  LL.D.  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  12;  priest, 
Sept.  19,  1725.  R.  of  Thurlaston,  Leics.,  1725-58.  Buried 
there  Apr.  16,  1758.   (Nichols,  iv.  998.) 

TURVILE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  28,  1713; 
afterwards  Fell.-Com.  Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h. 
of  George,  of  Bromley,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1713-  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  i,  1713.  One  of  these  names  died  at 
Bath,  Mar.  14,  1735.   Probably  brother  of  William  (1718). 

TURVVLL,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 
1563-4-  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Aston  Flamville, 
Leics.  (by  his  2nd  wife  Margaret  Hinde,  sister  of  Sir  John 
Hinde,  of  Madingley,  Cambs.).  Of  Aston  Flamville,  Esq. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Cooke,  of  London.  Buried 
Feb.  16,  1615-6.  (Nichols,  11.  465;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  where  the 
children  occur  by  the  ist  wife  Auue  Sheldon.) 

TuTHiLL,  Francis 

TURVILL,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1604-5.  Prob- 
ably 3rd  s.  of  Edward  (1563-4),  of  Thurlaston,  Leics.  If  so, 
married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir  Euseby  Isham,  of  Lamport, 
Northants.  Of  Thurlaston,  1622.  Died  Aug.  1635.  Doubt- 
less brother  of  Thomas  (1595-6),  father  of  the  next,  of 
William  (1631)  and  Edward  (1633).   (Nichols,  iv.  1004.) 

TURVILE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1631. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Henry  (above),  of  Newhall  Park,  Leics., 
Esq.  (and  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir  Euseby  Isham,  of  Lamport, 
Northants.,  Knt.).  B.  c.  1614.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  4, 
1633.  Probably  his  will  (Leicester)  1669.  Brother  of  William 
(1631)  and  Edward  (1633).   (Nichols,  iv.  1004.) 

TURVILLE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1595-6. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (1563-4),  of  Thurlaston,  Leics. 
Died  s.p.  Doubtless  brother  of  Henry  (1604-5). 

TURVILL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1631.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry  (1604-5),  of  Newhall  Park, 
Leics.  B.  c.  1617.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  28,  1641;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1642.  R.  of  Croft, 
Leics.,  1 64 1.  Buried  there  Sept.  20, 1669.  Admon.  (Leicester) 
1669.   Brother  of  John  (1631)  and  Edward  (1633).   (Nichols, 

IV.  585.) 

TURVILE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  12, 
1718.  Of  Middlesex.  Probably  s.  of  George,  of  Bromley, 
Middlesex.  B.  July  1,  1701.  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1721-2; 
M.A.  1725.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  25,  1726.  V.  of  Claxton,  Leics.,  1729-39.  R.  of  Harby, 
1739-40.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Rutland.  Died  Jan.  21, 
1740.  Buried  at  Claxton.  M.I.  Probably  brother  of  George 
(1713).   (Nichols,  II.  135.) 

TURWYN  or  TURVYN,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Lent,  1580-1;  B.A.  1584-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  26; 
priest,  June  12,  1588.  V.  of  Radford,  Notts.,  1588-95.  Died 

TUSHINGHAM,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  28, 
1715 ;  scholar  from  Sevenoaks.  S.  of  George,  gent.,  of  London. 
B.  1696.  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1722.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Feb.  18;  priest.  Mar.  14,  1721-2.  R.  of  Porlock,  Somer- 
set, 1723-34.  Died  1734.   (A.  Gray.) 

TUSLOVE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  Aug. 
30,  1700,  from  the  University  of  Glasgow.  S.  of  Edward, 
deceased.  B.  at  Beverley,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley  (Mr 

TUSSER  or  TUSHER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1543.  4th  s.  of  William,  of  Rivenhall,  Essex.  Chorister 
in  St  Paul's  Cathedral.  Migrated  to  Trinity  Hall.  For  ten 
years  at  court  as  a  retainer  of  William,  Lord  Paget.  Married 
and  settled  as  a  farmer  at  Cattiwade,  Brantham,  Suffolk. 
Removed  to  West  Dereham,  Norfolk,  and  subsequently  to 
Norwich.  Lay-clerk  at  Norwich  Cathedral.  Went  to  London; 
living  in  St  Giles's,  Cripplegate,  in  1572;  forced  to  leave  on 
account  of  the  plague.  Retired  to  Cambridge.  Matric.  as 
famulus  from  Trinity,  Dec.  5,  1573-  Presumably  employed 
in  the  choir  of  Trinity  in  1573.  Finally  returned  to  London. 
A  prisoner  for  debt  in  the  Poultry  counter.  Agricultural 
vmter  and  poet.  His  Hundred  Good  Pointes  of  Husbandrie, 
published,  1557  (amplified  in  the  editions  of  1570  and  1573)- 
Died  May  3,  1580.  Buried  in  St  Mildred,  Poultry.  Brother 
of  William  (1543).  (Cooper,  i.  422;  D.N.B.;  College  History, 
Trinity  Hall;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1558.) 

TUSSER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1583. 

TUSSER  or  TUSHER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  10,  1543.  S.  of  William,  of  Riven- 
hall,  Essex.  Matric.  1544.  Fellow,  1546-7.  (Hani'ood,  who 
seems  to  confound  him  with  his  brother  (above).  Vis.  of 
Essex,  1558,  1612.) 

TUSTIAN,  PETER.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1735.  S.  of  Peter, 
of  Hartwick,  Warws.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  May  5, 
1710,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1713-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1718.  C.  of  Lowick,  Northants.,  1718.  V.  of 
St  George,  South  Carolina,  1719-21.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

TUTCHIN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1637.  Of  Dorset.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Newport,  Isle  of  Wight, 
clerk.  School,  Dorchester.  B.A.  1641.  Engaged  in  the  wars. 

V.  of  Fowey,  Cornwall;  ejected,  1662.   (Calamy,  1.  275,  who 
says  he  was  specially  created  M.A.) 

TUTE,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 
1658.  S.  of  Ralph,  shoemaker,  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Beverley.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Ottringham,  Yorks.,  c.  1660-1718.  Died  1718. 


TUTHILL,  see  also  TOTHALL  and  TWOTEL. 

TUTTHILL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clark,  c.  1592. 

TUTHILL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caivs,  July  31, 
1598.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Cranwcll,  Norfolk.  School,  Ely 
(Mr  Lucke).  Scholar,  1598-1602.  Brother  of  the  next. 


TuTHiLL,  Geoffrey 

TUTHILL,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15, 
1600.    S.  of  Henry,  of  Saxlingham,  Norfolk.    School,  Ely 
(Mr  Holdritch).    Scholar,  1600-5;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 
Brother  of  Francis  (above). 
TUTHILL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  May 
8,    1740.     Of   Middlesex.    School,    Felsted.     Matric.    1740; 
Scholar;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1747.    Fellow 
of  Pembroke,  1749.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1744; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1748. 
TUTHILL,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1629-30;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.   1636.    Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  24,  1637;  C.  of  Cookley,  Suffolk.  V.  of  South  Walsham 
St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1647.   Probably  brother  of  WiUiam  (1628) 
and  father  of  the  next. 
TUTHILL,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  15, 
1668.  S.  of  John  (?  above),  clerk.  B.  at  Saxlingham,  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.    One  of  these  names  buried  at 
Saxlingham,  1684.   (Blomefield,  v.  500.) 
TUTHILL,    ROGER.    M.A.    1625    (Incorp.   from   Oxford).     Of 
Somerset,  pleb.     Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of   West  Monkton, 
Somerset  (whose  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1637-8;  executor,  son  Roger). 
Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  May  30,  1617,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Probably  V.  of  Barford,  Beds., 
1644.   V.  of  Norton-by-Baldock,  Herts.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1668. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 
TUTTELL,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
TUTHILL,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1628.    Of  Norfolk.    B.A.  1630-1.    Probably  brother 
of  John  (1629-30). 
TUTHILL,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  26, 
1652.   S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Saxlingham,  Norfolk.   B. 
at    Upminster,    Essex.     School,    Cantley    (Mr    Chapman). 
Matric.  1652;  Scholar,  1652-6.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May 
13,  1656.   (Venn,  1.  386.) 
TUTING,  WILLBORE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  21, 
1751.   S.  of  George,  of  Newmarket,  Suflolk.  School,  Market 
Street,    Beds.    (Dr  Pitman).    Matric.   1751;  Scholar,   1751. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14,  1756;  priest.  May  17,  1761; 
•LL.B.'   Will  (P.C.C.)  1784;  of  Newmarket. 

TUTOFF, .  Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1598-9. 

TUTTE  or  TUTTfe,  RANDOLPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Peter- 
house,  Mar.  1,  1698-9.  Of  Sussex.  Perhaps  s.  of  William, 
of  Chichester.  School,  Eton.  Scholar,  1698;  Matric.  1699. 
Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Apr.  8,  1700.  (T.  A.  Walker,  202.) 
TUTTY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  9, 
1632.  S.  of  William,  attorney.  B.  at  St  Stephen's,  Coleman 
Street,  London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1632;  B.A. 
1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  (by  Bishop  Curie  of  Winchester), 
(?)  1639.  C.  of  Famham,  Essex,  1639.  V.  of  South  Mimms, 
Middlesex,  1643.  R-  of  St  Martin  Orgar,  1645.  V.  of  Totte- 
ridge,  Herts.,  1646-61;  ejected,  1662.  Chaplain  to  Colonel 
Markham.  Died  1678.  Will  (P.C.C);  of  Cheshunt.  (Calamy, 
11.  50;  Hennessy;  CluUerbuck,  11.  455.) 
TUTTY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  18,  1732. 
Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1741.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
*  Dec.  18,  1748.  Perhaps  of  Hertford,  clerk;  admon.  (P.C.C.) 
TUVELL  or  TUVYLL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Sept. 
1598.  B.  in  London.  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1607.  V.  of  St 
Bartholomew-the-Less,  London,  1620-31.  Preacher  of 
Sutton's  Hospital,  1635  (TuSeild,  alias  Tutevile).  Said  to 
be  the  author  of  Vade-Mecum,  or  Essayes  Morall  and 
Theological.  (For  a  discussion  of  the  authorship  see  N.  and  Q., 
loth  S.,  V.  461,  and  cp.  Tovey,  John  (1607).)  Buried  Sept.  13, 
1660,  at  St  Bartholomew-the-Less.  (Shaw,  1.  316;  J.  Ch. 
TWEDY  or  TWIDDAY,   GEORGE.    Matric.   FeU.-Com.  from 

King's,  Michs.  1635. 
TWIDDY  or  TWEDY,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus, 
c.  1593.    Probably  2nd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Little   Sampford, 
Essex  (by  his  2nd  wife  Margaret,  dau.  of  Roche   Green,  of 
Little  Sampford).   Bapt.  1575.   Died  1623.    (M.  F.  Tweedie, 
Tweedie  Family;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 
TWEDY,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at   Caius,  June  5, 
1572.    S.  of  William,   gent.,  of  Workington,  Cumberland. 
Schools,  Twyford,  Hants,  and  Maldon,  Essex. 
TWEADY,  TITUS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June  5, 
1700.  S.  of  William,  cellarer.  B.  at  Ipswich.  School,  Ipswich. 
Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707.    Fellow,  1705.    Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  21,  1707;  priest,  (Norwich)  Aug.  29, 
1708.    Reader  at  FramUngham,  Suffolk,  and  C.  at  Saxted, 
1710.   R.  of  Trimley  St  Mary,  and  St  Martin,  1712.   (Loder.) 
TWEED,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  18,  1658. 
S.  of  John,  weaver,  of  Stoke,  Suffolk.    B.  there.    School, 
Stoke  (Mr  Milles).    Matric.  1659;  Scholar,  1659-61.    (Venn, 
I.  404-) 

TwEMLOW,  Joseph 

TWEED,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  29,  1741- 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Halstead,  Essex.  School,  Earls  Colne 
(Mr  Stringer).  Matric.  1742;  Scholar,  1742;  B.A.  1745-6. 
Died  Nov.  4,  1766.  (G.  Mag.) 
TWELLS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  30, 
1726-7.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert, 
of  Wisbech,  Cambs.,  and  grandson  of  Robert  (1647).  Matric. 
1727;  B.A.  1730-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  24,  1730-1. 
Barrister-at-law.  Sometime  of  Royston,  Herts.,  afterwards 
of  Cambridge,  Esq.  Married  Sarah  Glenister,  widow  of 
Edmund  Glenister,  of  Royston.  Died  Oct.  15,  1765,  at 
Cambridge.  (E.  Anglian,  iv.  34;  G.  Mag.) 
TWELLS,  GODFREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1637.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Probably  s.  of  Godfrey, 
of  Haverhill,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1640-1.  Licensed  to  practise 
medicine  at  Haverhill  by  the  Bishop,  1662.  (Genealogist, 
I-  35-) 
TWELLS  or  TWELVES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June 
16,  1627.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's, 
1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639; 
priest  (Lincoln)  June  5, 1642.  V.  of  Weston,  Spalding,  Lines., 
TWELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Dec.  17, 
1650.  2nd  s.  of  WiUiam,  gent.,  of  Wisbech,  Isle  of  Ely. 
School,  Godmanchester.  Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1653.  Died  unmarried.  Brother  of  Robert  (1647). 
(Genealogist,  i.  35.) 
TWELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  11,  1676.  Of  the  Isle  of  Ely.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Robert  (1647),  of  Wisbech.  School,  Stamford.  BaUiff  of 
Wisbech,  1694.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Ezekiel  Wright, 
B.D.,  of  Thurcaston,  Leics.,  May  31,  1680.  Died  Sept.  6, 
1721.  Buried  at  Broughton  Astley,  Leics.  M.I.  Father  of 
John  (1705).  (E.  Anglian,  iv.  34.) 
TWELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  16, 
1690.  S.  of  John,  Master  of  Newark  School,  Notts.  B.  at 
Pytchley,  Northants.  School,  Newark  (his  father).  Matric. 
1691;  B.A.  1694-5.  Brother  of  Leonard  (1700). 
TWELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  12,  1705.  S.  and 
h.  of  John  (1676).  B.  at  Walsoken,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1705; 
B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1713.  R.  of  Brooksby,  Leics.,  1713- 
V.  of  Broughton  Astley,  1714-27.  Buried  there  Oct.  28,1727, 
aged  38.  WiU  (Leicester)  1727.  (E.  Anglian,  iv.  34;  Nichols, 
IV.  61.) 
TWELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  15, 
1738-9.  S.  of  Leonard  (next),  R.  of  Nether  WaUop,  Hants. 
B.  there.  School,  Marlborough.  Matric.  1739.  Died  in 
CoUege.  Buried  at  AU  Saints',  Cambridge,  Nov.  17,  1741. 
TWELLS,  LEONARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  27,  1700.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  John,  Master  of  Newark  School. 
Bapt.  Jan.  3,  1683-4,  at  Newark.  Matric.  1701;  Scholar, 
1703;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  (Oxford,  by  diploma)  1738;  D.D. 
(Oxford)  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1708;  priest,  1709. 
R.  of  Nether  WaUop,  Hants.,  1711-22.  V.  of  St  Mary's, 
Marlborough,  1722-37.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1736-42.  R.  of 
St  Matthew,  Friday  Street,  and  St  Peter's,  Cheapside, 
London,  1737-42.  Lecturer  at  St  Dunstan-in-the-West. 
Author,  theological.  Died  Feb.  19,  1741-2.  Buried  at 
St  Matthew,  Friday  Street.  Brother  of  John  (1690)  and 
father  of  John  (above).  (D.N.B.;  Genealogist,  vi.  46.) 
TWELLS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1634.  S.  of  Robert,  sometime  mayor  and  alderman  of  Cam- 
bridge (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Vepin,  of  Cambridge). 
Scholar,  1634;  LL.B.  1641;  LL.D.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.).  FeUow, 
1644-51.  Commissary  of  the  University,  1656.  Married 
(i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  CasteU,  of  Glatton,  Hunts.; 
(2)  Elizabeth  Coleman,  of  Brent  Eleigh,  Suffolk.  WiU  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1696.  (Genealogist,  i.  36.) 
TWELLS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June 
19, 1647.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Wisbech,  Cambs.  School,  Wisbech. 
Matric.  1647.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1650.  Of  Wisbech, 
gent.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Baldwer,  of  Long 
Sutton,  Lines.  WiU  dated,  Apr.  3,  1667.  Brother  of  John 
(1650)  and  father  of  John  (1676).  (Genealogist,  vi.  37.) 
TWELLS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 
1741.  S.  of  T.,  apothecary,  of  SouthweU,  Notts.  B.  there. 
School,  SouthweU.  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748; 
B.D.  1756.  FeUow,  1745-64.  Proctor,  1753-4-  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June  9,  1745 ;  priest.  May  25,  1746.  R.  of  Sedgebrook, 
Lines.,  1762-90.  Died  Aug.  5,  1790.  WUl,  P.C.C.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  in.  518.) 
TWEMLOW,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  16,  1727-8. 
Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1731-2.  Brother  of  the  next. 

TWEMLOW,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  12,  1726. 
Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30.  V.  of  WiUington, 
Derbs.,  1748.   R.  of  Morley,  1772-7-  Died  s.p.,  1778. 




TWENTYMAN,  CHILDERS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's, 

Oct.  19,  1737.    S.  of  John,  wooUen-draper.    B.  at  Newark. 

School,  Newark  (Mr  Broughton).  Matric.  1737;  B.A.  1741-2; 

M.A.   1745.    Ord.  deacon   (Lincohi)   Dec.   20,   1741;  priest 

(London)  Feb.  19,  1743-4.   V.  of  Rolleston,  Notts.,  1752-9. 

Priest-vicar,  Lincohi,  1753;  preb.,  1758-81;  succentor,  1759. 

R.  of  Thorpe-on-the-HiU,  1759-81.    V.  of  Welton,  1764-81. 

Married,  at  Lincoln,  to  Ann  Loyde,  Aug.  13,  1754.  Died  1781. 

Admon.,  Dec.  4,  1781.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  488.) 
TWENTYMAN,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  Mar.    27, 

1646.    S.  of  William,  of  Homcastle,  Lines.    School,  Alford. 

Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1659.   Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1669.   V.  of  Tibshelf,  Derbs.,  tiU  1683.    Died  Feb.  7,  1683. 

M.I.  at  Tibshelf.    Father  of  the  next.    {F.M.G.,  984;  Cox, 

Churches  of  Derbs.,  iv.  482.) 
TWENTIMAN,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 

May  26, 1677.  S.  of  John  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Tibshelf,  Derbs. 

School,  Southwell.    Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1686.  V.  of  Rolleston,  Notts. 

Died  before  July  3,  1708.   Father  of  the  next. 
TWENTYMAN,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  3,  1708. 

S.  of  John,  V.  of  Rolleston,  Notts.,  deceased.   Matric.  1708; 

Scholar,  1710;  B.A.  1711-2.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Aug.  20, 

TWIGDEN,  BENJAMIN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,   June  i6, 

1699.   Of  Northamptonshire.   Doubtless  5th  s.  of  Benjamin, 

R.  of  Milton  Malsor,  Northants.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  27,  1681. 

Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1702-3.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11, 

1704;  priest  (London)  Sept.  22,  1706.   C.  of  Milton  Malsor, 

TWIGDEN,   CHARLES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,   Feb.   9, 

1652-3.  Of  Rutland.  Matric.  1653.  Probably  V.  of  Emping- 

ham,  Rutland,  in  1660;  reinstituted,  1664-c.  70. 
TWIGDEN  or  TWICTEN,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 

Easter,   1603.    Of  Lincolnshire.    B.A.   1606-7;  M.A.   1610; 

D.D.    1622.     Fellow,    1608-14.     R-   of   Corby,   Northants., 

1614-57.   Died  Apr.  21,  1657.   M.I.  at  Corby.   Will  (P.C.C.) 

1658.   Father  of  the  next.   (A.  Gray;  Bridges,  11.  297,  298.) 
TWICKDEN,  JOHN.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  29,  1635. 

Of  Northamptonshire.    S.  of  John  (above).    Matric.  1635; 

B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Died  Apr.  19,  1655.  M.I.  at  Corby, 

TWIGDEN,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1603. 
TWICKTON,  SOLOMON.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  14;  priest, 

Oct.  15,  1624;  'B.A.  of  Trinity  College.' 
TWIGGE,  JONATHAN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  10,  1657. 

Of  Derbyshire.   Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
TWIGG,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  12,  1654.    Of 

Derbyshire.     Matric.    1656;    Scholar,    1657;    B.A.    1657-8. 

Probably  brother  of  Jonathan  (above). 
TWINBURY,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  26, 

1676.   S.  of  John,  of  Bunney,  Notts.  School,  Loughborough 

(Mr  John  Summervile).   Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80. 
TWINE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  i,  1624.  Of 

TWYN,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1588. 
TWYN,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1544. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hopton,  Suffolk,  1569-94. 
TWINE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  16,  1685.    Of 

London.   Matric.  1686.   Rusticated,  Nov.  19,  1686. 
TWYNE,  THOMAS.    M.A.  1580  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

John,  of  Canterbury.  Scholar  (Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford) 

July  6,  1560;  of  Kent;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1564;  M.A.  1568;  M.B. 
{sic)    1593;    M.D.    (Cambridge)    1580.     Fellow    of    Corpus 

Christi,  Oxford,  1564.   Licentiate  of  R.C.P.,  1596.   Practised 

at  Lewes,  Sussex.  Died  there  Aug.  i,  1613.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
{Munk,  I.  108;  Al.  Oxon.) 
TWYNE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1612  (on  King's  visit). 
TWYNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  26, 
1646.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  Walton,  Surrey,  deceased.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653;  B.D. 
1660.  Fellow.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1658  and  1664.  R.  of 
Souldem,  Oxon.,  1664-6.  Died  Jan.  31,  1665-6,  aged  41. 
{Scott-Mayor,  Pt  i,  xxi;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TWISDEN  or  TWYSDEN,  ROGER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Em- 
manuel, Nov.  8,  1614.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William  (1580), 
Knt.  and  Bart.  B.  Aug.  21,  1597.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 
1614.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1622-3.  Knighted,  June  i, 
1620.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  Jan.  8,  1627-8.  M.P.  for 
Winchelsea,  1625-6;  for  Kent,  1640  (Short  Parliament). 
Refused  to  pay  ship-money;  but  alienated  from  Parliament 
by  cause  of  its  subsequent  proceedings.  Imprisoned  and 
sequestered,  i6.|3-  Of  Roydon  Hall,  East  Porkham,  Kent. 
Married  Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas  Saunders,  of  Ewell, 

TwisLETON,  John 

Surrey.  Author,  historical  and  antiquarian.  Died  June  27, 
1672.   Buried  at  Peckham.    M.I.    Brother  of  Thomas  (1614) 
and  probably  of  Wilham  (1619).   {D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1619; 
Burke,  Peerage;  G.E.C.,  1.  74.) 
TWYSDEN,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1586.   2nd  s.  of  Roger,  of  East  Peckham,  Kent.   B.  July  i, 
1572.   Migrated  to  Queen's  College,  Oxford;  B.A.  1589-90. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  12,  1593.  Resided  at  Wye. 
J. P.  for  Kent.    Married  (i)  Anna,  dau.  of  Thomas  Pigott; 
(2)   Anna  Lovelace,  widow  of   Richard  Broughton.    Died 
Mar.  18,  1619-20.  Will  proved  (P.C.C).  Brother  of  William 
(1580).   {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  A  I.  Oxon.) 
TWISDEN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  8, 
1614.    2nd  s.  of  Sir  William  (1580),  of  Roydon  Hall,  East 
Peckham,  Kent.  B.  Jan.  2,  1601-2.   Matric.  1614.   Perhaps 
subscribed  at  Oxford,  Nov.  11,  1614.    Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Nov.    161 7.    Called  to   the  Bar,    1626.    Bencher, 
1646.  Serjeant-at-law,  1654.   Justice,  K.B.,  1660.   M.P.  for 
Maidstone,  1647-8,  1660.    Knighted,  July  2,  1660.   Created 
Bart.,  June  13,  1666.    Of  Bradbume,  East  Mailing,  Kent. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  ThomUnson,  of  St  Michael's-le- 
Belfry,  York.  Died  Jan.  2,  1682-3.  Buried  at  East  Mailing. 
M.I.  there  and  at  East  Peckham.    Will,  P.C.C.   Benefactor 
to  Emmanuel.    Brother  of  Roger  (1614)  and  probably  of 
William  (1619).   {D.N.B.;  G.E.C.,  iv.  31;  Al.  Oxon.) 
TWISDEN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Feb.  17, 
1693-4.  Of  Kent.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Roydon  Hall, 
Kent.    B.  c.  1676.   Succeeded  as  4th  Bart.,  Nov.  27,  1697. 
Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Wythens,  of  South- 
end in  Eltham,  Kent.    Died  s.p.m.  Oct.  10,  1712.    Brother 
of  William  (1693-4).   {G.E.C.,  i.  75;  Le  Neve,  Mon.) 
TWYSDEN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1580.   S.  and  h.  of  Roger,  of  Roydon  Hall,  East  Peckham, 
Kent.  B.  1566.  B.A.  1583-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  28, 
1584.     M.P.   for  Clitheroe,    1593;   for  Helston,    1601;   for 
Thetford,    1606-11    and    1614;    for    Winchelsea,    1628-9. 
Knighted,  May   11,   1603.    Created  Bart.,  June  29,   i6ii. 
Gentleman  Usher  of  the  Privy  Chamber.   A  classical  scholar 
and  a  great  collector  of  MSS.    Of  Roydon  Hall.    Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Moyle  Finch,  Bart.   Died  Jan.  8,  1627-8, 
aged  63.  Buried  at  East  Peckham.  M.I.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1586),  father  of  Roger  (1614)  and  Thomas  (1614).   {G.E.C., 
I.  74;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 
TWISDIN,    WILLIAM.     Matric.   sizar   from   Clare,   c.    1597. 
Perhaps  s.   of   Robert,   C.   of  Staplehurst,   Kent,   1580-6. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  16,  1580.   B.A.  1600-1. 
TWISDEN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1619.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  Sir  William  (1580),  of  Roydon  Hall, 

Kent,  Bart.  B.  1605.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Travelled 
in  France  and  Italy.  Died  unmarried,  July  30,  1641,  aged  36. 
Buried  in  Bath  Abbey.   There  are  letters  from  him  among 

the  Twysden  papers  at  the  British  Museum.    Will  (P.C.C.) 

1641-2.     Probably  brother  of  Roger  (1614)   and  Thomas 

(1614).   (Sir  J.  R.  Twisden;  Hasted,  11.  275.) 
TWISDEN,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,   (age   18)   at  St  John's, 

Jime  17,  1693.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Roger,  Bart.  B.  at  East  Mailing, 

Kent.   School,  Eton.    Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  17, 

1693.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1700.  Bencher,  1725. 
TWISDEN,    WILLIAM.     Adm.    pens,    at    Queens',    Feb.    17, 

1693-4.    Of  Kent.    2nd  s.  of  Sir  William,  of  Roydon  Hall, 

Bart.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  23,  1693-4.  Succeeded 

his  brother  Thomas  (1693-4)  as  5th  Bart.,  Oct.  10,  1712. 

Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Francis  Twisden  (5th  s.  of  Sir  Thomas, 

istBart.).  Died  Aug.  20,  1751-  Brotherof  Thomas  (1693-4). 

{G.E.C.,  I.  75;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 
TWISLETON,  BRIAN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  2, 

1575.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Barlow  Hall,  Vorks. 

Matric.  1575.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1578.   Married  Ann,  dau. 

of  George  Lawson.   {F.M.G.,  922;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612.) 
TWISLETON,  GEORGE.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Nov.  25,  1664. 

Of  Womersley,  Yorks.    S.  and  h.  of  George,  Esq.    Matric. 

1664.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  5,  1664.   See  Al.  Oxon.  for 

a  contemporary  namesake  and  kinsman.   {F.M.G.,  924.) 
TWISLETON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  18, 

1683-4;    exhibitioner   from    Charterhouse.     Of    Yorkshire. 

Doubtless  5th  s.  of  Sir  Philip,  of  Drax.   Matric.  1683-4;  B.A. 

1687-8;   M.A.   1691.    Ord.  priest  (London)  June  7,    1691. 

R.  of  Quendon,  Essex,  1691-1706.    R.  of  WestmiU,  Herts., 

1706.     R.    of    Widdington,    Essex,    1717-25.     Died    1725. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1678).  {Nichols,  iv.  524;  Morant,  11.  567.) 
TWISTLETON,  JAMES.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  16:0-1 ;  M.A.  1614. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  8,  1611-2;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1612. 

C.  of  Minsden  Chapel,  Herts.,  1612. 
TWISLETON,  JOHN.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 

June  30,  1632.   S.  of  John,  of  Drax  and  of  Barlow,  Yorks. 

(and    Margaret,   dau.   of   Marmaduke   Constable,   of   Drax 

Abbey).   B.  c.  1614,  at  Dr.ix.  School,  Yodi  (Mr  G.irthwaite). 

Matric.  1632.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  3,  1629.  Colonel  of 

TwisLETON,  John 

a  Parliamentary  regiment.  Created  Bart,  by  the  Lord 
Protector  Cromwell,  Mar.  24,  1656-7;  so  designated  till 
May,  1660.  Sheriff  of  Kent,  1671-2.  Of  Horsman's  Place, 
Dartford,  Kent  Married  four  wives.  Died  s.p.m.s.,  Dec.  4, 
1682.  Buried  at  Dartford.  M.I.  Ancestor  of  Viscount  Saye 
and  Sele.   (Peile,  i.  423;  F.M.G.,  923;  G.E.C.,  ill.  5.) 

TWISLETON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  31, 
1712-3.  S.  of  Thomas  (1678),  R.  of  Widdington,  Essex. 
B.  1696.  Matric.  1713.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  11,  1714. 
Of  Horsman's  Place  and  Barlow,  Yorks.  Married  Judith, 
dau.  of  Boynton  Boynton,  of  Rawclifie,  Yorks.,  May  5,  1726, 
at  Snaith,  Yorks.  Dieds./).  Apr.  14, 1757,  aged  61.  (J.  Parker.) 

TWISLETON,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov. 
21,  1686.  S.  of  George,  gent.,  of  Lleiar,  Co.  Carnarvon.  B.  at 
Carnarvon.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1690- 
1;  M.A.  1694.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  20,  1691;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  12,  1692-3. 

TWISLETON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May 
10,  1678.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Sir  Philip,  of  Drax,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685.  Licence  (Lambeth) 
to  receive  holy  orders  (deacon  and  priest)  Mar.  19,  1683-4. 
R.  of  Widdington,  Essex,  1684-1717.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Charles  Glascock,  of  London.  Died  1717.  Brother  of 
Henry  (1683-4)  and  father  of  John  (1712). 

TWISTLETON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
May  16,  1715.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Brother- 
ton  (Mr  Daubny).  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Nov.  7,  1716. 
Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  12, 
1720;  priest,  June,  1721. 

TWISTLETON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July, 
1729;  Scholar,  1731;  B.A.  1732-3.  C.  of  Tatham  Fell  Chapel, 
Lanes.,  1733.  Probably  P.C.  of  East  Ardsley,  Wakefield, 
Yorks.,  1746. 

TWISSE,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  16, 
1648.  S.  of  Thoma";.  B.  at  Kenyon,  near  Warrington,  Lanes. 
School,  Winwick  (Mr  Pickering).  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651. 
Migrated  to  Brasenose  College,  Oxford,  1651.  M.A.  (Oxford) 
1654.  V.  of  Gillingham,  Kent,  1660-76.  Buried  there 
May  9,  1676.   (Peile,  i.  521;  Al.  Oxon.;  Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TWISSE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  12,  1640. 
S.  of  William,  D.D.  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1643- 
4;  M.A.  1647;  D.D.  1668.  Fellow,  1645.  Tutor,  1647-54. 
Ordained  by  the  4th  London  CUissis,  Sept.  4, 1656,  to  Buscot, 
Berks.  Moderator  of  the  Assembly  of  Divines.  Minister  of 
Tuttlefields  Chapel,  Westminster,  London.  Died  1674. 

TWIST,  CHARLES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1626; 
B.A.  1630-1.  V.  of  Mettingham,  Suffolk,  1634-43. 

TWIST,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  6, 
1638-9.  S.  of  James  (1607),  R.  of  Harston,  Leics.  B.  there. 
School,  Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Humphreyes).  Matric.  1639; 
B.A.  1642-3. 

TWIST,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1569; 
B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  12,  1580.  V.  of  Hainton,  Lines.,  1580.  V.  of  Gt  Lud- 
ford,  1582.  Perhaps  V.  of  Eltham,  Kent,  1585-97.  Buried 
there  Feb.  18,  1597-8.   Will,  P.C.C.   (Fielding,  Rochester.) 

TWIST,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1607;  B.A. 
1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  R.  of  Kirkby-on-Bain,  Lines.,  1618. 
R.  of  Harston,  Leics.,  1618.  Father  of  George  (1638-9). 

TWIST,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  8,  1636.  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  19,  1641;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  19,  1644-5. 

TWIST,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  24,  1667.  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  29,  1670; 
priest  (York)  June,  1671.   V.  of  Owston,  Yorks.,  1671-8. 

TWIST,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar  from  West- 
minster, 1599. 

TWISTE  or  TWESTE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1587;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1588. 

TWITCHETT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
i6i8.    B.  at  Watford,  Herts.    Scholar;  B.A.  1622-3;  M-A. 

1626.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Mar.  13,  1624-5,  age  23.  R.  of 
Haddon,  Hunts.,  1639-i:.  1652.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1660;  of  Rick- 
mansworth,  Herts. 

TWOTEL,  see  also  TUTHILL. 

TWOTEL,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  28;  priest,  Apr.  30, 

1627,  'Twotle.' 

TWVDELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1546 
(impubes).  B.  at  Shentam,  Lines.  Migrated  to  Queens'. 
B.A.  1554-5;  M.A.  1559;  B.D.  from  St  John's,  1565.  Fellow 
of  Queens',  1560-3.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1562.  Proctor, 
1567.  University  preacher,  1565.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
Dec.  27,  1559.  R.  of  Thorington,  Essex,  1565-85.  R.  of 
St  Martin's,  Ludgate,  London,  1567-85.  Died  1585. 

Tydworth,  Thomas 

TWYER,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  1505-6.  Of  Yorkshire.  M.A.  1509. 
Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  c.  1507.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.) 

TWVFORD,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clark,  Lent,  1577-8. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel  (1571). 

TWYFORD,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1628. 
Of  Cambridgeshire. 

TWYFORD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1571 ; 
B.A.  1574-5.   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1577-8). 

TWYFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  10,  1740.  S.  of  Robert,  clerk,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at 
Glossop.  School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5. 
Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Feb.  23,  1745-6.  P.C.  of  Birch,  Lanes., 
1746-52-  P.C.  of  Slade,  1746-52.  P.C.  of  Didsbury,  1752-95. 
Died  1795.    (Scott-Mayor,  in.  509.) 

TWYMAN,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  9,  1693.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  B.  in  Kent.  School,  Wye 
(Mr  Wrentmore).  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 
Fellow,  1701-7.  Master  of  the  Revels  in  Ireland.  Tutor  to 
Lord  Hinchinbrook  and  to  Lord  Finch.  Travelled  with  Lord 
Finch  to  Germany,  France,  Italy  and  Holland.  Greatly 
esteemed  abroad  for  his  learning.  Died  Sept.  18,  1722, 
aged  42  (sic).  Buried  at  Westbere,  Kent.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

TWYMAN,  WHELER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  ii, 
1741-2.  S.  of  Peter.  B.  in  Mincing  Lane,  London.  School, 
Canterbury  (Mr  Monins).  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745;  M.A. 
1756.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  19,  1748-9;  priest  (Here- 
ford) Mar.  30,  1750.  C.  of  Chislet,  Kent,  1749.  I^-  o^  Ludden- 
ham,  1755-79.  V.  of  Sturry,  1757.  Died  Nov.  23,  1779, 
aged  55.  Buried  at  Westbere.   (Peile,  u.  2^2•,  G.  Mag.) 

TWYNE,  see  TWINE. 


TWYNYHO,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 
1569;  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1572-3.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  May  19,  1576;  of  Hertfordshire. 

TWYSELL,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1576;  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1579-80,  Treisell.  Ord.  deacon 
(Salisbury)  July  25,  1592;  priest,  Jan.  28,  1592-3.  R.  of 
Whipsnade,  Beds.,  1593-1622.  Buried  there  May  25,  1622. 
(W.  M.  Noble.) 

TYARD  or  THYARDE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1461-2;  M.A.  1465-6; 
B.D.  1476-7. 

TYARD,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1478-9;  M.A.  1482.  Fellow  of  Corpus 
Christi,  1478.  V.  of  Bawbergh,  Norfolk,  1493-1505.  Died 

TYAS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1577-8; 
B.A.  1582-3. 

TIAS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Apr.  26,  1622.  S.  of 
William,  Esq.  B.  at  Battersea,  Surrey.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1622. 

TYBENHAM,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1494-5;  M.A.  1497.  R.  of  Bart- 
low,  Cambs.,  1506-26. 


TYD,  JOHN  DE.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1342-9;  also  Fellow 
of  University  Hall.   Died  before  Mar.  27,  1349.  Benefactor. 

TYDDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1551. 

TIDD,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Oct.  11, 
1721.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Wells-next-the-Sea,  Norfolk.  Lord 
of  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Brandon,  Norfolk.  (Blome- 
field,  II.  468.) 

TIDDE,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  V.  of  Papworth  St  Agnes,  Cambs., 
1457.  One  of  these  names  of  Leverton,  Lines.,  clerk;  will 
(P.C.C.)  1466. 

TIDD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  20,  1616-7. 
S.  of  John,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  24,  1600. 
School,  Lynn  (Mr  Armitage).  Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1620-1; 
M.A.  1624.    (Venn,  1.  235.) 

TYDD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1580. 

TID,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  9,  1662. 
S.  of  Richard,  D.D.  B.  at  Hambleton,  Rutland.  School, 
Oakham  (Dr  Freer).  Matric.  1663.  Buried  at  All  Saints', 
Cambridge,  Tedde,  Aug.  4,  1663. 

TYDDE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1568. 

TYDDER,  DAVID.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sr  John's,  Easter,  1579. 

TYDDER  or  TUDOR,  FULKE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  21,  1639.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Hatfield,  Herts.  B. 
there.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3; 
M.A.  1646;  D.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.).  R.  of  Tewin,  Herts.,  till 
1688.   Died  Oct.  22,  1688.   M.I.  at  Tewin. 

TIDDAR,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1589. 

TYDWORTH,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1501-2  (Incorp.  from  Oxford) 
D.Can.L.  1502-3. 


Tye,  Alexander 

TYE,  see  also  THY. 

TYE,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

TYE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Mus.Bac.  1536-7;  Mus.Doc.  1545. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1548.  Organist  of  Ely  Cathedral,  1541; 
master  of  the  choir  boys  at  Ely,  1543.  Gentleman  of  the 
Chapel  to  Henry  VIII.  Organist  of  the  Chapel  Royal,  c.  1561. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July  7;  priest,  Nov.  24,  1560.  R.  of 
Doddington,  Cambs.,  1560-73.  R.  of  Newton,  Isle  of  Ely, 
1560-70.  R.  of  Little  Wilbraham,  1564-7.  R.  of  Bluntisham, 
Hunts.,  1570-3.  Composer,  anthems,  etc.  Died  1572-3. 
(Cooper,  I.  309;  D.N.B.;  Abdy  Williams.) 

TYE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1585-6.  Grandson  of 
Christopher  (above);  perhaps  s.  of  Peter,  minister  of  Ely 
Cathedral.  V.  of  Swafiharn  St  Cyriac,  Cambs.,  1591-3. 
Perhaps  P.C.  of  Birchington,  Kent,  1600-3;  V.  of  Whitfield, 
1603-8.  Author,  A  matter  of  moment,  or  a  Case  of  Waight. 
(Peile,  I.  172.) 

TYERS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  6,  1742.  B.  at 
Wilsthorpe,  Lines.  Matric.  1742. 

TYGAR, .   M.A.  1612  (on  King's  visit). 

TYGHE  or  TIGHE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Lent,  1577-8.  Of  Deeping,  Lines.  Scholar,  1580;  B.A.  1581- 
2;  M.A.  1585.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1596.  B.D.  (Magdalen 
College,  Oxford)  1596.  Incorp.  B.D.  at  Cambridge,  1603. 
D.D.  1603.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1610.  V.  of  AH  Hallows, 
Barking,  Middlesex,  1598-1616.  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex, 
1601-16.  One  of  the  translators  of  the  Bible.  Died  Aug.  31, 
1616.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  22,  1617.  {Al.Oxon.;Hennessy.) 

TYKE  (?).  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1675. 

TYKERYDGE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1551. 

TILDEN,  FREEGIFT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  18,  1618. 
Matric.  i6i8;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625. 

TILDEN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1620.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1623;  M.A.  1627. 

TYLDEN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
24,  1652.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Milstead,  Kent.  B.  at 
Gt  Chart,  Kent.  School,  Wye.  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6. 
Probably  R.  of  Kingsdown,  Kent,  i66i.  R.  and  patron  of 
Milstead,  1668-88.  Died  1688.  Brother  of  William  (1652). 
(Burke,  L.G  ;  Hasted,  11.  591.) 

TYLDEN,  RICHARD  OSBORN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St 
John's,  June  24,  1741.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of 
Milstead,  Kent.  B.  there.  School,  Canterbury.  Maine.  1741; 
B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1750.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim, 
from  Canterbury)  May  5,  1746;  priest.  Mar.  15,  1746-7. 
R.  (and  patron)  of  Milstead,  1748-66.  Married  Deborah,  dau. 
of  Daniel  May,  of  Milstead.  Died  1766.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1767. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  521;  Burke,  L.G.;  Hasted,  11.  590.) 

TILDEN,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1636-7;  M.A. 
1640.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1638.  R.  of  North 
Fambridge,  Essex,  1647;  gone  by  1650.  (' Yilden'  in  Davids, 

TYLDEN  ('GODDEN'),  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St 
John's,  July  3,  1639.  (Previously  adm.  at  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  July  3,  1638.)  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Dartford, 
Kent.  B.  1624,  at  Addington.  School,  Holbume  (private). 
B.A.  1641-2.  Formed  an  acquaintance  at  Cambridge  with 
John  Serjeant  and  through  his  influence  became  a  Roman 
Catholic;  afterwards  known  under  the  name  Godden.  Pro- 
ceeded to  the  English  CoUege  at  Lisbon,  Nov.  4,  1643; 
ordained  priest  there;  lectured  on  philosophy  in  the  college, 
1650-2;  appointed  President,  1655;  created  D.D.  1660. 
Appointed  chaplain  and  preceptor  to  Princess  Catherina  of 
Braganza,  1661;  accompanied  her  to  England,  1662.  En- 
gaged in  a  theological  controversy  with  Stillingfleet,  1671. 
Charged  with  complicity  in  the  murder  of  Sir  Edmund  Berry 
Godfrey,  1678.  Escaped  to  the  Continent.  Returned  to 
England  under  James  II;  reinstated  in  Somerset  House  as 
chaplain  to  the  queen  dowager.  Author,  theological.  Buried 
Dec.  I,  1688,  under  the  Royal  Chapel  in  Somerset  House. 

TYLDEN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John  s,  Apr.  24, 
1652.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Milstead,  Kent.  B.  at 
Wormsell,  Kent.  School,  Wye,  Kent.  Of  Milstead,  Esq. 
Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Francis  Manly,  of  Lines.,  and 
Merchant  Taylor,  of  London,  Nov.  1663.  Died  1708.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1652).  (Hasted,  11;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  632;  Burke, 
L.G.,  where  his  wife  is  wrongly  called  the  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 


TYLER,  see  also  TAYLOR. 

TYLER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1605-6. 
Scholar,  1609-13;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613. 

Tymperon,  Henry 

TYLER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  5, 
1714.  S.  of  John,  of  Shropshire.  B.  in  Middlesex.  School, 
Wem  (Mr  Edwards).  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  May  24,  1719. 

TILER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  c.  1593. 

TILER,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1575. 

TYLER,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1529-30. 

TYLER  or  TAYLOR,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at 
Peterhouse,  June  19,  1657.  Of  Norfolk.  School,  Lynn. 

TYLER,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  Caius,  1724,  from  Jesus  College, 
Oxford.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Henley,  Oxon.  Matric. 
(Oxford)  Mar.  8,  1714-5,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1718.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  June  12,  1720;  priest  (Chichester)  June  9, 
1723.  V.  of  Sittingboume,  Kent,  1723-40.  V.  of  Newington, 
1726-40.  V.  of  St  Lawrence,  near  Ramsgate,  1740-66.  R.  of 
Tunstall,  1740-66.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Lynn.  Died  June  10, 
1766.  M.I.  at  St  Lawrence.  Will,  P.C.C.   (l^enn,  11.  21.) 

TYLER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1586; 
B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594.  Probably  R.  of  Lee,  Kent,  1600-32. 
Buried  there  Mar.  13,  1632-3.  Will,  P.C.C. 

TILER, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1552. 

TYLLOTT,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1518-9  ('Gillott'). 

TYLSLAY  or  TYLDESLEY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1544.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thurstan,  of 
Wardley,  Lanes.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1544.  Married  Arm, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Leyland,  of  Morleys,  Lanes.  Probably 
brother  of  Thurstan  (1544).   (Peile,  1.  37.) 

TYLSLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1577.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thurstan  (1544),  of  Wardley, 
Lanes.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1577;  of  Staple  Inn. 
Knighted,  June  16,  1616.  Attorney-General  for  Co.  Palatine, 
Lanes.,  and  one  of  the  Council  of  the  North.  Died  1635. 
(J.  Parker.) 

TILLESLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  10,  1640. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1641. 

TYLSLAY,  THURSTON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1544  (imputes).  Probably  s.  of  Thurston,  of  Wardley,  Lanes. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1577).  (Peile,  1.  37;  Vis.  of  Lanes.,  1567.) 

TYLSLEY,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

TYLTON  or  YLTON,  WILLIAM,  B.A.  1512-3. 
TYME,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1516-7. 

TYM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1562. 
Resident,  as  Scholar,  Aug.  1564.  Perhaps  identicaJ  with 
the  translator  and  author.  If  so,  probably  ord.  priest 
(London)  Jan.  20,  1565-6.  R.  of  St  Antholin,  Budge  Row, 
London,  1566-92;  R.  of  Hasketon,  Suffolk,  1575-1620,  'M.A.' 
Married  there,  July  17,  1615,  to  Mary  Hendy.  Author, 
theological,  and  translator.  Buried  at  Hasketon,  Apr.  29, 
1620.  Father  of  Thomas  (1635-6).   (D.N.B.) 

TIMME,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  26,  1635-6. 
Of  Sufiolk.  S.  of  Thomas  (1562),  R.  of  Hasketon.  Matric. 
1636;  M.B.  1642;  M.D.  1647.  Adm.  Hon.  Fellow,  R.C.P., 
Dec.  1664.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1687;  of  St  Mary  Aldermanburj-, 

TYMMS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  29)  at  Sidney,  May  6, 1728. 
S.  of  John,  saddle-maker.  B.  at  Doncaster,  Yorks.  School, 
Rotherham  (Mr  Withers).  Matric.  1728;  LL.B.  1733.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  July  29,  1729;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19, 
1731.  V.  of  Raunds,  Northants.,  1731-55.  V.  of  Higham 
Ferrers,  1735-40.  R.  of  Harpole,  1740-59.  R.  of  Cottes- 
brooke,  1755-81.  V.  of  Dallington,  1759-69.  R.  of  Harleston, 
1769-71.  Married  Rachel,  dau.  of  Henry  Stevens,  Esq., 
Serjeant-at-law.  Died  Sept.  10,  1781.  Buried  at  Dallington. 
M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.   (Baker,  i.  134;  G.  Mag.) 

TYMMES,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  St  John's.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Nov.  24,  1560.  Perhaps  R.  of  Whiston,  Northants.,  1572-90. 
WiU  proved  (Archd.  Northampton)  Dec.  4,  1590. 

TIMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Apr.  17,  1732. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Wood  Street,  London. 
Matric.  1732.  Off,  1735.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  4, 
1731.  Of  London;  afterwards  of  Dedham.  Died  Apr.  29, 
1790,  aged  76.   M.I.  at  Dedham.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

TIMMYS, .  B.D.  1499-1500.  A  friar. 

TYMPERON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  29, 
1690.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Camaby,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Jos.  Lambert).  Matric.  1690.  Migrated 
to  Clare,  Apr.  15,  1691;  'of  Burton  Pidsea,  Yorks.'  B.A. 
1695-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  15;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1700. 
R.  of  Market  Overton,  Rutland,  1700-25.  Died  c.  Feb.  1724- 
5.  Probably  brother  of  John  (1690)  and  Robert  (1710). 
(H.  L  Longden.) 


Tymperon,  John 

TIMPERON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Caius,  Nov.  30, 
1579.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Pocklington,  Yorks.  School, 
Pocklington.  B.A.  1582-3. 
TIMPERON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  25,  1690.  Of 
Burton  Pidsea,  Yorks.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Camaby, 
Yorks.  Matric.  1690.  Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1690)  and 
of  the  next. 
TYMPERON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  i, 
1710.  3rd  s.  of  John,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Hilderthorpe,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Bridlington  (Mr  Fides).  Matric.  1710; 
B.A.  1713-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  18,  1714;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1716;  C.  of  Market  Overton,  Rutland.  R.  of 
Stretton,  1719-41.  Died  c.  Feb.  i74i-2.  Probably  brother 
of  Henry  (1690)  and  of  John  (above). 
TYNDALL,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1606.  S.  of  Sir  John  (1553),  of  Maplestead,  Essex.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  i,  1608.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1615.  Ac- 
companied his  brother-in-law  John  Winthrop  to  Mas- 
sachusetts, in  1630 ;  returned  the  same  year.  Died  unmarried. 
Buried  at  Gt  Maplestead,  Oct.  3,  1633.  Brother  of  Deane 
(1601).  {Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  i.  153;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 
TYNDALL,  BRADWARDINE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at 
Christ's,  June  5,  1656.  S.  of  Henry  (1626).  B.  1640,  at 
Pontefract,  Yorks.  School,  Pontefract  (Mr  Elliott).  Matric. 
1656.  Of  Brotherton,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Francis  Bayldon,  of  Bayldon,  Yorks.,  Sept.  21,  1665; 
(2)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Anthony  Brierley.  Died  Mar.  12, 
1686-7.  Buried  at  Brotherton.  M.I.  (Peile,  i.  572;  Genealogist, 
N.S.,  xxiii.  233.) 
TINDALL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  30,  1674. 

Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1675;  M.B.  i679- 
TYNDALL,  DEANE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1601.  Of  Maplestead,  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John 
(1553),  Knt.,  Master  in  Chancery.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn, 
Jan.  29,  1603-4.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1611.  J.P.  for  Essex, 
in  1634.  Married  Amy,  dau.  of  Robert  Weston,  of  Prested 
Hall,  Feering.  Buried  at  Gt  Maplestead,  Apr.  25,  1678, 
aged  92.  Brother  of  Arthur  (1606)  and  father  of  Francis 
(1631)  and  John  (1632).  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 
TYNDALL,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1541-2;  M.A.  1545. 
TYNDALL,  FELIX.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1607. 
Of  Norfolk.  S.  of  William  (1553),  of  Hockwold.  B.A.  1612-3; 
M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  18;  priest,  June  19, 
1614.  V.  of  St  Andrew-the-Great,  Cambridge,  1616-9.  V. 
of  Plumstead,  Kent,  1 619-31.  Inherited  the  Oakington 
estate  from  his  uncle  Francis  (1561),  1631.  Married  Susan 
Bradshawe,  widow,  of  St  Stephen's,  Coleman  Street,  London, 
Apr.  22,  1619.  Died  1631-2.  Admon.,  Feb.  2,  1631-2;  to 
Susan,  his  widow.  (Chesters  of  Chicheley,  275.) 
TYNDALL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  14, 
1561.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Bumham  Market,  Norfolk.  School,  East  Barsham  (private). 
Matric.  1561.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  14,  1585.  Lived 
at  Cambridge;  purchased  an  estate  at  Oakington,  in  1596. 
Subsequently  removed  to  Pinner,  Middlesex.  Died  unmarried 
Sept.  7,1631.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Henry  (1553),  William 

(1553),  Jolin  (1553).  Humphrey  (i555)  and  half-brother  of 
WiUiam  (1545)-   (Venn,  1.  47.) 
TYNDALL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1631.  Of  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Deane  (1601),  of  Gt  Maplestead, 
Essex,  Esq.   Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Oct.  30,  1633.   Died  c. 

1634.  Brother  of  John  (1632).   (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Morant, 
II.  281.) 
TYNDALL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1623. 
TYNDALL,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  (age  8)  from  Gonville  Hall, 

Easter,  1553.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk,  Knt. 

B.A.   1562-3.    Of  Buckenham,  Norfolk.    Married  Dorothy 

Fox.    Died  May  30,  1592.    Apparently  he  and  his  brothers 

John  and  WiUiam  entered  together  at  Basel  University,  in 

1560.    Brother  of  Francis  (1561),  etc.  and  probably  father 

of  Simon  (1596-7)-   (Venn,  i.  37.) 
TYNDALL,  HENRY.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  May  22,  1626. 

Of  Yorkshire.    S.  of  Francis,  of  Brotherton,  Yorks.    Bapt. 

Mar.  I,  1608-9,  at  St  Michael-le-Beltrey,  York.    B.A.  1628-9. 

Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1628.   Of  Brotherton,  Esq. 

Married  (i)  Lucy,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Jackson,  of  Edderthorpe, 

Yorks.;  (2)  Bridget  Aston.   Died  v.p.,  June  8,  1651.   Buried 

at  Pontefract.    Brother  of  Leonard   (1629)   and  father  of 

Bradwardine  (1656).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Genealogist,  N.S., 

TYNDALL,  HUMPHREY.  B.A.  1542-3.  Of  Doddington,  Lines. ; 

ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  i545-   Fellow  of  Christ's. 
TYNDALL,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  from  Gonville  Hall,  Michs. 

1555.    4th  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk. 

B.  1549.    Scholar  of  Christ's,  c.  1563;  B.A.   1566-7;  M.A. 

1570;  B.D.  1577;  D.D.  1582.    Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1567. 

President  of  Queens',  1579-1614.   Vice-Chancellor,  1585-6. 

Tyndall,  William 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1576.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
July  31,  1572.  Preacher,  1576.  V.  of  Soham,  Cambs.,  1577- 
1614.  Chancellor  and  preb.  of  Lichfield,  1586-1614.  Arch- 
deacon of  Stafford,  1586-1614.  Preb.  of  Southwell,  1588-99. 
R.  of  Wentworth,  Cambs.,  1591-1610.  Dean  of  Ely,  1591- 
1614.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  20,  1593-4.  Died  Oct.  12, 
1614,  aged  65.  Buried  in  Ely  Cathedral.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1614;  left  bequests  of  books,  etc.  to  Queens'.  Brother  of 
Fremcis  (1561),  etc.  (Venn,  1.  39;  Searle;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

TYNDALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

TYNDALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  (age  10)  at  Gonville  Hall,  1553. 
Of  Gt  Maplestead,  Essex.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of 
Hockwold,  Norfolk  (by  his  2nd  wife  Amy,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry 
Fermor,  of  East  Barsham).  Adm.  at  Lmcoln's  Inn,  Dec.  8, 
1562.  Called  to  the  Bar,  subsequently  Bencher  and  Treasurer, 
1590.  Master  in  Chancery,  1598.  Knighted,  July  23,  1603. 
Stewcird  of  Queens'  College;  held  their  manorial  courts  till 
1614.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Egerton,  of  Cheshire 
and  widow  of  William  Deane,  Esq.  Murdered  Nov.  12,  1616, 
by  John  Bertram,  for  giving  judgment  in  a  cause  against 
him.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1616.  Brother  of  Francis  (1561),  etc., 
father  of  Arthur  (1606)  and  Deane  (1601).  (Venn,  i.  37;  Vis. 
of  Essex,  1634;  Morant,  11.  280.) 

TYNDALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1622.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629;  B.D.  1639.  Fellow, 
1633-47.  Junior  Proctor,  1637-8.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Howard 
of  Escrick.  R.  of  Bere  Ferrers,  Devon,  1635.  Married,  at 
Egg  Buckland,  Oct.  18,  1655,  Anne,  dau.  of  Matthew  Halse, 
of  Efford,  Devon.  Buried  at  Bere  Ferrers,  Jan.  25,  1673-4. 
Will  (Exeter)  1674.  (Masters;  T.  T.  Methold;  Chesters  of 
Chicheley,  280.) 

TYNDAL,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Queens',  Easter,  1632.  Of  Essex. 
2nd  s.  of  Deane  (1601),  of  Gt  Maplestead,  Essex,  Esq.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  2,  1635.  Of  Gt  Maplestead,  Esq. 
Married  Elizabetli,  dau.  of  Sir  Drue  Deane,  Esq.,  of  Dyne's 
Hall,  Maplestead.  Buried  June  11,  1706,  at  Gt  Maplestead, 
aged  90.  Brotherof  Francis  ( 1 631).  (Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  i.  153; 
Vis  .of  Essex,  1634;  Chesters  of  Chicheley,  284.) 

TINDALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  5,  1659. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Dickleburgh,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Starston. 
School,  Buckenham  (private).   Scholar,  1659-62. 

TINDAL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  9,  1729; 
Fell.-Com.,  Feb.  15,  1737.  S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  V.  of  Gt 
Waltham,  Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1731.  Ord. 
deacon  (Sarum)  Dec.  23,  1733;  priest  (London)  Feb.  11,  1738. 
R.  of  Chelmsford,  1739-74;  LL.B.  R.of  Alphamstone,  1756. 
(Lambeth  Aa  Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

TINDALL,  LEONARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27, 
1629.  Of  Yorkshire.  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Brotherton,  Yorks., 
Esq.  Matric.  1629.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  28  1631. 
Lieut. -Colonel  in  the  King's  army;  at  the  siege  of  Pontefract. 
Compounded  for  his  estates,  £340.  Brother  of  Henry  (1626). 
(A.  Gray;  Genealogist,  xxiii.) 

TYNDALL  or  TYDALL,  MARTIN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  20,  1526;  Tydall.  Of  St  Mary 
Overy,  Surrey.  B.A.  1530-1;  M.A.  1534.  Fellow,  1529-c.  39. 
Master  of  St  Albans  School,  Herts.   (Harwood.) 

TINDALL,  SIMON.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1596-7.  Of  Norfolk. 
Probably  s.  of  Henry  (1553),  of  Old  Buckenham.  M.A.  1600; 
B.D.  1608.  Fellow,  1599-1612.  Junior  Proctor,  1606-7. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1606.  V.  of  St  Andrew-the-Great,  Cam- 
bridge, 1605-8.  Chaplain  in  the  East  India  Company's 
service.   (Chesters  of  Chicheley,  277.) 

TYNDALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1559. 

TYNDALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  1603-4. 
Of  Norfolk. 

TYNDALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  26, 
1654.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Banham,  Norfolk.  School,  Old 
Buckenham  (Mr  Rous).  Matric.  1654.   (Peile,  i.  562.) 

TINDAL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1707; 
M.B.  1712. 

TYNDAL,  WILLIAM.  Resided  at  Cambridge  for  several  years; 
attained  much  proficiency  in  Greek.  Previously  at  Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1512;  M.A.  (do.)  1515-  Canon  of 
Cardinal  College,  Oxford,  1525.  Preached  in  Gloucestershire 
and  introduced  the  new  learning  before  1522.  Involved  in 
disputes  with  the  clergy.  Translated  Erasmus's  Enchiridion 
militis  christiani.  Determined  to  translate  the  New  Testa- 
ment into  the  vernacular.  Left  England  for  Hamburg,  1524; 
visited  Luther  at  Wittenberg.  Subsequently  at  Cologne, 
Worms,  Marburg,  Antwerp,  etc.  Completed  his  translation 
of  the  New  Testament,  1525;  copies  of  which  were  smuggled 
into  England,  1526.  Renounced  by  the  bishops  as  heretical 
and  copies  destroyed.  Escaped  arrest  at  Worms  and  retired 


Tyndall,  William 

to  Marburg  under  the  protection  of  Philip,  Landgrave  of 
Hesse.  One  of  the  most  remarkable  of  the  Reformation 
leaders.  Also  translated  the  Pentateuch  and  the  Book  of 
Jonah.  Engaged  in  literary  warfare  with  Sir  Thomas  More. 
Author,  controversial.  Treacherously  seized  at  Antwerp  and 
burnt  as  a  heretic  at  Vilvorde,  Oct.  6,  1536.  (Cooper,  1.  59; 
Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

TYNDALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  (age  12)  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1545.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Hockwold, 
Norfolk  (by  his  ist  wife,  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Paston, 
Knt.).  Of  Hockwold.  Sold  the  Norfolk  estates,  1583-4, 
Settled  at  Boston,  Lines.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir 
Ambrose  Jermyn,  Knt.,  Nov.  1556;  (2)  Anne  Hunt.  Died 
at  Boston,  Oct.  1591.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  8,  1591. 
Half-brother  of  Francis  (1561),  etc.  (Chesters  of  Chicheley, 

TYNDALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  Gonvillh 
Hall,  Easter,  1553.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Hockwold 
(by  his  and  wife  Amy,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Fermor,  Knt.). 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  8,  1562.  Became  the  head  of 
the  family  in  1591,  on  the  death  of  his  brother  William  (above). 
Died  before  Apr.  11,  1626.  Father  of  Felix  (1607)  and  brother 
of  Francis  (1561),  etc.  (E.  C.  Waters,  Chester  Family,  274, 
where  the  generally  accepted  statement  that  Felix  and  his 
sisters  were  the  children  of  William  (1545),  of  Boston,  Lines., 
by  his  2nd  wife,  is  refuted.) 

TYNDALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572. 

TYNDALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  25,  1594. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Brotherton,  Yorks. 
Matric.  c.  1595;  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602. 

TINDALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Feb.  13, 
1670-r.  Of  Gloucestershire.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Stinch- 
combe,  Gloucs.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677;  LL.D. 
1711.  Fellow,  1678-1712.  Senior  Proctor,  1696-7.  Held  the 
College  living  of  Gazeley,  Suffolk,  for  one  year.  Minister  of 
St  Edward's,  Cambridge.  Died  May,  1712.  {Genealogist,  11. 

TYNDALL,  .    M.A.  1500.    A  Robert  Tyndall,  'LL.B.,'  V. 

of  Bassingboume,  Cambs.,  1499. 

TYNDALL,  .    B.Civ.L.  1525-6.    Possibly  Henry  Tyndall, 

V.  of  Gamlingay,  Cambs.,  1544. 

TENDELL,  .    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1548. 

Possibly  William  (1545)  whom  see. 

TYNDALE, .   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1548. 

TYNGBETON,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs. 

TYNGET,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1586,  'Tingate.' 

TYNKELL,  WILLIAM.  D.Can.L.andD.Civ.L.  Chancellor  of  the 
University,  1352-9.  Preb.  of  Wells.  Dean  of  the  Peculiars, 
1361,  Tynghull.  Preb.  of  St  Davids.  Preb.  of  Exeter.  P.C. 
of  Bishopsboume,  Kent.  (Cal.  of  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  469;  Hennessy.) 


TYNTE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1749  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Dublin).  S.  and  h.  of  James  Worth  Tynte  (or  Tynte-Worth), 
M.P.  of  Ballycrenan,  Co.  Cork.  B.  in  Dublin.  Adm.  at 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  Mar.  17,  1741-2,  age  14;  B.A. 
(Dublin)  1745;  M.A.  1748.  Irish  barrister,  1753;  of  Old 
Bawn,  Co.  Dublin,  and  Dunlavan,  Co.  Wicklow.  High 
Sheriii  of  Co.  Dublin,  1759.  Married  Lady  EUzabeth  Strat- 
ford, dau.  of  John,  Earl  of  Aldborough.  Died  June,  1760. 
(Al.  Dublin;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

TYNTON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1486-7. 

TYPLER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1565;  B.A.  1568-9.  R.  of  Sahnonby,  Lines.,  1588.  Admon. 
(Lincoln)  1590. 

TIREMAN,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 

1691-2.    3rd  s.  of  John  (?  1651),  V.  of  Felixkirk,  Yorks. 

B.  there.  Schools,  Thirsk  (Mr  Midgley)  and  Coxwold.  Matric. 

1692.  Brother  of  the  next. 
TYREMAN,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  i,  1685-6. 

S.  of  John   (?  1651),   clerk.    Of  Yorkshire.    Matric.   1686; 

Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1689-90.  Brotherof  Christopher  (above). 
TYERMAN,  JACOB.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  4, 

1698.    S.   of  Toby,   husbandman.    B.   at   Hewick,   Ripon, 

Yorks.    School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1698.    B.A.  1701.    Ord. 

deacon  (York)  Mar.  1701-2;  priest,  1703.   V.  of  All  Saints,' 

Pickhill,    Yorks.,    1722-6.     Died    1726.     (Sedbergh   School 


TIREMAN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  York- 
shire. Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  5,  1617,  age  15  ; 
B.A.  1621;  M.A.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  1624;  B.D.  1633. 
R.  of  Grandborough,  Bucks.,  1628-39.  R-  of  Gt  Ellingham, 
Norfolk,  1639-41.  Canon  of  Lincoln,  1641.  R.  of  St  Mary 
Woolchurch,  1641-5.  R.ofSwayfield,  Lines.,  1652.  (Al.Oxon.) 

Tyrrell,  George 

TYREMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  la, 
1651.  S.  of  Francis,  citizen  of  York.  School,  York.  Matric. 
1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  MjV.  1658.  Perhaps  V.  of  FeUxkirk, 
Yorks.  If  so,  father  of  Christopher  (1691-2)  and  Henry 

TYREMAN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  30,  1658.  S.  of  Henry,  of  York.  School,  Easington 
(private).  Matric.  1658,  'Tryeman';  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665. 
R.  of  Easington,  Yorks.,  166&-79.  Died  1679. 

TYRER,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572; 
Scholar  from  Westminster,  1573;  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580; 
B.D.  1587.  Fellow,  1579.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1580.  Ord. 
priest  (Lmcohj)  May,  1586.  V.  of  Exton,  Bucks.,  1586.  V.  of 
Eaton  Bray,  Beds.,  1587.  V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  1590-3. 
V.  of  Kendal,  Westmorland,  1592-1627.  Died  there  June  4, 
1627.  M.I.  Will,  Archd.  of  Richmond.  Founded  (by  will) 
a  scholarship  at  Trinity  for  scholars  from  St  Paul's  or  West- 
minster.  (R.  Stewart -Brown;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TYRER,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1720.  S.  of 
Christopher,  R.  of  Hope  Mansell,  Hereford.  Matric.  (All 
Souls,  Oxford)  Mar.  13,  1705-6,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1709. 
R.  of  Hope  Mansell,  1721-42.  Perhaps  died  Nov.  26,  1757. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  G.  M-ag.) 

TYRINGHAM,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  Michs. 
1565.  (Previously  at  Magdalen  College,  Oxford.)  S.  and  h. 
of  Thomas,  of  T3Tingham,  Bucks.,  gent.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  1567.  Knighted,  July  28,  1603.  M.P.  for  Bucks., 
1607-11.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Throck- 
morton. Died  Dec.  22,  1614.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Vis.  of  Bucks., 
1634;  Lipscotnb,  iv.  374;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TYRINGHAM  or  TERRINGHAM,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Christ's,  June  18,  1629.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Weston  Favell, 
Northants.  B.  at  Barkby,  Leics.  School,  Oakham  (Mr 
Whitaker).  Matric.  1629.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Dec.  9, 
1631.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse, 
1636-44,  ejected,  and  1660-6.  Junior  Proctor,  1661-2. 
Died  1666.  (Vis.  of  Northants.,  i6i8;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634; 
T.A.  Walker,  46.) 

TYRINGHAM  or  TERRINGHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from 
St  John's,  Easter,  1573. 

TYRLING,  NATHANIEL.  LL.B.  from  St  Catharine's,  1642. 

TYROE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1619  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Surrey,  gent.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  28, 
1615,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1618;  M.A.  (St  Edmund  HaU, 
Oxford)  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  24,  1620;  priest 
(Llandaff)  Dec.  19,  1624.  V.  of  Alfriston,  Sussex,  1626.  V. 
of  Ringmer,  1641-52.  Buried  at  Ringmer,  Aug.  26,  1652. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1653.   (W.  C.  Renshaw;  Al.  Oxon.) 

TYRO, .  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  c.  July,  1675. 

TYRELL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  11, 
1658.  S.  of  George,  farmer,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.  B.  there. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2.  R.  of  Sutton, 
Essex,  1665-96.  V.  of  Canewdon,  1692-6.  Chaplain  to  the 
King.  Died  1696.  Buried  at  Shopland.  M.I.  Father  of 
Charles  (1681). 

TYRRIL,  Sir  CHARLES,  Bart.  Adm.  nobleman  at  Trinity, 
Feb.  6,  1676-7.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  of  Springfield  Barney, 
Essex,  Bart.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  Mar.  30,  1673.  Sherifi 
of  Essex,  1695-6.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of  Charles  .Mildmay, 
of  Woodham  Mortimer,  Essex.  Died  Feb.  3,  1714,  aged  54. 
Buried  at  East  Homdon.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  John 
(1703).  (Essex  Pedigrees;  G.E.C.,  iv.  37.) 

TYRRELL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Nov. 
23,1681.  S.  of  Charles  (1658).  B.  at  Shoebury,  Essex.  School, 
Felsted.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Oct.  30,  1685.   (Peile,  11.  85.) 

TYRRELL,  ED.   Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1568. 

TYRRELL,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1616. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  i6i6;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1619-20; 
M.A.  1623.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1624-7.  Buried  in 
St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  13,  1626-7.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C).   (Masters.) 

TIRRELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  fiom 
Eton.Aug.  1, 1519.  Left  before  1524.  Of 'Hoch^•n'(?  Hitchin), 
Herts.  R.  of  Henstead,  Suffolk,  1552-4.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Bergholt,  Essex,  1531-59;  of  Tendring,  1554-9.  R-  of  Bures 
Mount,  1558-9.  R.  of  Ewhurst,  Sussex  (according  to  Har- 
wood,  who  calls  him  'Torrel').   Died  1559. 

TYRRELL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1573. 

TYRELL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  4,  1713. 
TYRELL  or  TIRRILL,  GEORGE.    .\dm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  I,  1606    Matric.  1606. 


Tyrrell,  Henry 

TYRELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  2r, 
1610.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  of  Brinkley,  Cambs.  School, 
Withersfield,  Suffolk  (Mr  Cozens).   Matric.  1612. 

TIRRELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Jan.  27, 
1625-6.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  Feltwell,  Norfolk. 
School,  Norwich  (Messrs  Townley  and  Hacon).  Matric.  1626, 
Brother  of  Robert  (1625-6)  and  probably  of  Richard  (1635-6). 

TYRRELL  or  TERRELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
Peterhouse,  May  28,  1659.  Of  Norfolk.  School,  Thetford. 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1662;  M.A.  1666. 

TYRRELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Mar.  3,  1663-4. 
S.  of  Robert  (1625-6).  B.  at  Wilton,  Norfolk.  School, 
Brandon.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Licensed 
to  practise  medicine,  1671.  Probably  R.  of  East  Lexham, 
Norfolk,  1672-3.  R.  of  Litcham,  1681-4.  R.  of  Mattishall 
Burgh,  1689.   Brother  of  James  (1664).   (Peile,  i.  608.) 

TYRRELL,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1497.  Of  Thomdon,  Essex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam, 
of  South  Ockenden,  Essex.  If  so,  married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Robert  de  Ingleton,  of  Thornton,  Bucks.  Died  Jan.  15, 
1548-9.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1549;  of  'Southwokyndon  Rockell,' 
Essex.   (A^.  and  Q.,  6th  S.,  in.  423.) 

TYRELL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  17,  1590-1- 
Matric.  c.  1592.  Perhaps  of  Sufiolk,  gent.;  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Mar.  12,  1595-6.  If  so,  of  Gipping,  Suffolk.  Perhaps 
father  of  James  (1627)  and  Robert  (1627). 

TIRRELL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  27, 
1625-6.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  B.  at  MildenhaU,  Suffolk.  School, 
Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1626;  Scholar,  1626-9.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  16,  1627.  Died  May  22,  1656.  M.I. 
at  Mendham.   (Venn,  1.  274.) 

TYRRELL,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1627.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  's.  and  h.  of  James  (?  1590-1), 
of  Gipping,  Suffolk,  and  of  Gray's  Inn';  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Feb.  2,  1622-3.  Brother  of  Robert  (1627). 

TYRRELL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Apr.  9, 
1664.  4th  s.  of  Robert  (1625),  of  Wilton,  Norfolk.  School, 
Brandon  (Mr  Crambom).  Matric.  1664;  Scholar,  1664-71; 
B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Fellow,  1671-7.  Ethical  lecturer, 
1673-5.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1674.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
July,  1673.  Died  1677.  Brother  of  Henry  (1663-4).  {Venn, 
I.  421.) 

TYRRELL,  JOHN.  Member  of  the  University  and  servant  to 
the  Dukes  of  Suffolk,  1551;  wrote  verses  to  their  memory. 
Perhaps  of  Warley,  Essex,  in  1571.   {Coop^,  1.  302.) 

TIRRILL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1613.  Of  Suffolk. 

TYRRELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1622. 
Of  Cambridge.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 

TYRRELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  12, 
1683-4.  S.  of  William,  of  Thetford,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1683-4; 
B.A.  1687-8.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1689.  R.  of 
Santon,  Norfolk,  1692-1713.  Schoolmaster  at  Thetford. 

TYRRELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  Catharine's, 
Apr.  2,  1703.  S.  of  Sir  Charles  (1676-7),  Bart.  School, 
Felsted.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  Feb.  3,  1714-5.  Of  Heron 
and  Woodham  Mortimer.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir 
James  DoUiffe,  of  Mitcham,  Surrey;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
John  Cotton,  of  East  Bamet,  Middlesex.  Died  s.^.m.  June  21, 
1729.   (Essex  Pedigrees;  G.E.C.,  iv.  37.) 

TYRRELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  May  i, 
1722.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Lavenham,  Suffolk.  School,  Laven- 
ham.  Matric.  1724. 

TYRRILL,  JONAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  1712.  Matric. 
Easter,  1713;  M.B.  1718. 

TYRRILL,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1646.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Hanslape,  Bucks., 
Knt.  (a  Colonel  in  the  Parliamentary  army,  and  afterwards 
Judge  of  C.P.).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1645.  Barrister, 
1652.  Created  Bart.,  July  20,  1665.  M.P.  for  Buckingham, 
1679.  Married  (i)  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Altham,  of 
Markhall,  Essex;  (2)  .\nne,  dau.  of  Carew  Raleigh  (s.  of  the 
lamous  Sir  Walter  Raleigh).  Buried  at  Castlethorpe,  Mar.  11, 
i;io-i.  (G.£.C.,  IV.  21.) 

TYRRELL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  24, 
1635-6.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  Wilton,  Norfolk.  School, 
Thetford  (Mr  Ward).  Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1625-6) 
and  Robert  (1625-6). 

TERELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1545. 
Possibly  s.  of  Sir  Harry  and  grandson  of  Sir  Thomas,  of 
Heron,  Essex. 

TIRRELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  25, 
1598-9.  (Previously  at  Oxford;  matric.  (Magdalen  College, 
Oxford)   Nov.  28,   1595,  age  13.)    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 

Tyrwhit,  Marmaduke 

Edward,  Warden  of  the  Fleet,  and  of  Ashdon-Place,  Essex 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Valentine  Brown).  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  17,  1602-3.  Knighted,  Apr.  14,  1607. 
Warden  of  the  Fleet.  Of  Ashdon,  Essex,  gent.  Married 
Susanna,  dau.  of  Robert  Millicent,  Esq.  Will  dated,  Apr. 
1645;  proved,  July,  1648.  (A.  B.  Beaven;  Morant,  11.  541; 
Al.  Oxon.) 
TIRRELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  27, 
1625-6.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  FeltweU,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich  (Messrs  Townely  and  Hacon).  Matric.  1626.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  11,  1627-8.  Of  Wilton,  Esq. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1625-6)  and  probably  of  Richard  (1635-6), 
father  of  James  (1664)  and  Henry  (1663-4).   [Venn,  1.  274.) 

TYRRELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1627.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  James  (?  1590-1),  of 
Gray's  Inn,  'of  Gipping,  Suffolk,  gent.'  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Feb.  II,  1632-3.  Brother  of  James  (1627). 

TYRELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Gonville  Hall, 

Michs.  1546. 
TYRRELL,   THOMAS.    Matric.   pens,  from  Queens',   Easter, 

1569;    B.A.   from    Pembroke,    1573-4;   M.A.   from   Corpus 

Christi,    1577.     Perhaps   of   Eastwood,   Essex,    clerk;    will 

(Comm.  Essex)  1630. 

TIRRELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  May,  1615. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Fulboume,  Cambs.  B. 
there.  Matric.  1615.  .'Vdm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  17,  1618. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1626. 

TYRRELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  3, 
1684-5.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmund.  B.  at  Gipping,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1685.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Feb.  3,  1687-8. 

TYRRELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Mar.  1557-8. 

TYRRELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1609.  Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (and 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Keble,  of  Gipping,  Suffolk),  of  Gipping, 
Suffolk,  Esq.  B.A.  1612-3.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2, 
1613-4.  Perhaps  of  Bury  (?  Butley)  Abbey.  Married  (i)  Lady 
Dorothy  Forthe,  widow;  (2)  Anne  Forthe,  widow.  Died 
s.p.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1657.  (J.  Muskett,  Suffolk  Man.  Fam., 
I.  118;  II.  277.) 

TYRRELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  24, 
1635-6.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Thetford,  Norfolk.  School, 
Thetford  (Mr  Ward).  Matric.  1636.  Perhaps  of  Sotterley, 
Suffolk,  in  1654.   (Venn,  1.  320.) 

TYRELL  or  TEREEL, .  Of  Peterhouse,  in  1500-1.   'Mag. 

Tyrell,  Comptroller  of  the  Household  of  the  Earl  of  Oxford, 
entertained  by  the  University,  1495-6.  Probably  a  friend  of 
the  Master.'   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

TYRRELL, .  B.A.  1508-9;  M.A.  1513-4.  One Tyrrell 

Scholar  or  Fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1506-25. 

TIRRELL, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Nov.  10,  1645. 

TYRRINTE  or  TIRRINTE,  ANDREW.  'Of  Christ's  CoUege, 
when  ord.  deacon  (London),  Dec.  17;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1595. 
B.  in  the  Isle  of  Wight,  and  lived  at  Carshjilton  for  three 
years.  C.  of  St  Ann's,  Blackfriars,  London. 

TIRWHITT,  CECIL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  2, 1640.  S.  of  Marmaduke  (1605),  Esq.,lateof  Camering- 
ham,  Lines.  School,  Westminster.  Matric  1640;  M.A.  1641-2 
(Lit.  Reg.).  Of  Cameringham,  Esq.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  1694.  Father  of  Marmaduke  (1675)  and  Robert  (1672). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1018.) 

TYRWHIT,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct.  3, 
1748.  S.  of  Robert  (1714),  of  St  James',  Westminster.  Matric. 
1749;  B.A.  1753;  M.A.  1756.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21, 
1753;  priest,  Oct.  12,  1755.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1756-88.  R. 
of  Wickham  Bishop,  Essex.  Died  Jan.  6,  1788.  Will,  P.C.C. 

TYRWHITT  or  TURRET,  GODARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
Peterhouse,  Michs.  1570.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Robert,  of 
Kettleby,  Lines.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  19,  1571-2. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees.) 

TYRWHITT,  Sir  JOHN,  Bart.  LL.D.  1705  (Com.  J?«g.).  Doubtless 
s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Philip,  of  Stainfleld,  Bart.,  and  grandson  of 
Philip  (1614).  Succeeded  his  father  as  5th  Bart.,  July  15, 
1688.  M.P.  for  Lincoln,  1715-22,  1722-7,  1728-34.  Married 
(1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Francis  Philips,  of  Kempton  Park, 
Middlesex;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Drake,  Knt.,  of 
Shardloes,  Bucks.  Died  Nov.  1741.  (G.E.C.,  l.  58;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1022.) 

TYRWHYT,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1605.  S.  of  Robert  (1579),  of  Cameringham,  Lines. 
B.  1588.  Of  Cameringham,  Elsq.  Died  1629.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1617)  and  father  of  Cecil  (1640).  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 
ioi8;  Vis.  of  Lines.,  i$g2.) 


Tyrwhit,  Marmaduke 

TIRWHIT  or  TYRWHITT,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17) 
at  Pembroke,  July  9,  1675.  S.  of  Cecil  (1640),  of  Camering- 
ham,  Lines.,  Esq.  Matric.  1678;  B..\.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683. 
Fellow,  1683.  Died  1702.  Brother  of  Robert  (1672).  {Loder.) 

TYRWHYTTE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare, 
Michs.  1566.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1569.  Perhaps  the  same 
who  went  to  Douay  and  was  sent  to  England  in  1575; 
'nobilis  et  sacerdos.'   {Douay  Diary.) 

TURWHYTE,  PHILIP.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1569.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Stainfield,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  23,  1572.  High  Sheriff  of  Lines., 
1595-6.  Knighted,  Apr.  23,  1603.  Created  Bart.,  June  29, 
i6ii.  Of  Stainfield.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of  Sir  Anthony 
Thorold,  of  Marston,  Lines.  Died  Feb.  5,  1624-5.  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1022;  G.E.C.,  i.  57.) 

TIRWHITT,  PHILIP.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1614.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Stainfield,  Lines.,  Bart., 
and  grandson  of  Philip  (above).  Bapt.  Sept.  23,  1598,  at 
St  Mark's,  Lincoln.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  1628.  Royalist, 
and  a  great  suflferer  during  the  Civil  Wars.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Nicholas  (Saunderson),  Viscount  Castleton.  Died 
1667.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  2,  1667.  Benefactor  to  Christ's. 
{Peile,  I.  295;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1022;  G.E.C.,  i.  58.) 

THIRWYTT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1579.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Marmaduke,  of  Camering- 
ham  and  Scotter,  Lines.  Bapt.  Sept.  2,  1562,  at  Scotter. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  8,  1581-2.  High  Sheriff  of  Lines., 
1611.  Of  Scoulton,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward 
Bassett,  of  Fledborough,  Notts.  Buried  Dec.  24,  1626,  at 
Cameringham.  Brother  of  Tristram  (1579),  father  of  Marma- 
duke (1605)  and  Thomas  (1617).   (Vis.  of  Lines.,  1592.) 

TIRWITT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  21,  1672.  S.  and  h.  of  Cecil  (1640),  of  Cameringham, 
Lines.,  Esq.  School,  Laughton,  Yorks.  (private).  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  1,  1673.  High  Sheriff  of  Lines., 
i7or.  Of  Cameringham,  Esq.  Married  Eleanor,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Lister,  of  Coleby,  Dec.  30,  1690.  Buried  Nov.  2, 
1703,  at  Cameringham.  Brother  of  Marmaduke  (1675)  and 
father  of  the  next.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1018.) 

TYRWHIT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  20,  1714.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (above),  Esq.  B.  1698,  at 
Cameringham,  Lines.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1715;  B.A. 
1718-9;  M.A.  1722;  D.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.).  FeUow,  1720. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  4,  1721;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23, 
1722.  R.  of  Welton,  Louth,  Lines.,  1722.  Chaplain  to  the 
King,  1727-42.  R.  of  All  Hallows-the-Great,  London, 
1727-30.  V.  of  Kensington,  1728-31.  Minister  of  St  James', 
PiccadiUy,  1729-33.  Preb.  of  Windsor,  1730-42.  Arch- 
deacon of  London,  1731-42.  Canon  residentiary  and  preb. 
of  St  Paul's,  1732-42.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edmund 
Gibson,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  London.  Died  June  15,  1742. 
Buried  in  St  George's  Chapel,  Windsor.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Edmund  (1748).  (Burke,  Peerage;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.; 
A.  B.  Beaven.) 

TURWHYT,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1548.  Matric. 
Easter,  1549. 

TIRWHIT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  c.  1591  (no  CoUege  indicated). 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  19,  1593-4;  of  Lincoln- 
shire, gent.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1602.  Bencher,  1617. 

TIRWHITTE  or  TURWHIT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from 
St  John's,  Michs.  1617.  Of  Lincolnshire.  7th  s.  of  Robert 
(1579).  oi  Cameringham.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  3,  1601.  B.A. 
1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D.  1633.  FeUow,  1622-44,  ejected. 
Senior    Proctor,    1631-2.     Perhaps   intruded    minister   of 

Ufflet,  John 

Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  1647-60.  R.  of  Thorington,  Essex, 
1661-6.  Died  1666.  Buried  at  Cameringham.  Brother  of 
Marmaduke  (1605).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1017.) 

TIRWHITT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  4, 
1635.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Chelmsford.  School,  Chelmsford 
(MrPeake).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1639-40.  One  of  these  names 
chaplain  to  the  Regiment  of  the  Guards,  1660.  (Peile,  i.  436.) 

THIRWYTT,  TRISTRAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1579.  S.  of  Marmaduke,  of  Scotter,  Lines.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1581-2.  M.P.  for  Grimsby,  1586-7, 
1588-9.  Brother  of  Robert  (1579).   {Vis.  of  Lines.,  1^92.) 

TURWHITT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Lent, 
1557-8  (imputes). 

TERWIT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Aug.  17,  1598;  of  Lincoln- 
shire, gent. 

TYSOE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  24,  1712.  B.  in 
London,  Sept.  19,  1693.  School,  Merchant  Taylors.  Matric. 
1712;  Scholar,  1714;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Dec.  23,  1716;  priest  (Canterbury)  May  24,  1719.  R.  of 
Kennardington,  Kent,  1721-44.  R.  of  Bredgar,  1722-44. 
R.  of  Luddesdon,  1744-6.   Died  June  6,  1746.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

TYSON,  EDWARD.  M.D.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1680.  S.  of 
Edward,  of  Clevedon,  Somerset,  gent.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
HaU,  Oxford)  May  10,  1667,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1670-1; 
M.A.  1673.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1680.  F.R.S.,  1679. 
F.R.C.P.,  1683.  Professor  of  Physic  in  Gresham  CoUege. 
Physician  to  BrideweU  and  Bethlehem  Hospitals.  Lectured 
on  anatomy  to  the  Barber-Surgeons.  Author,  medical,  etc. 
Died  Aug.  1,  1708.  Buried  in  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London. 
M.I.  at  All  Hallows,  Lombard  Street.  Father  of  Richard 
(1707).  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  154;  Munk,  i.  426;  Al.  Oxon.; 
D.N.B.;  Masters,  407.) 

TYSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567. 

TYSON,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  25, 
1728.  S.  of  M.,  gent.,  of  Westmorland.  B.  at  Martindale. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736. 
FeUow,  1735-9-  Old.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1733;  priest, 
Sept.  21,  1735.  C.  of  Ufford,  Northants.,  1733.  R-  of  St 
George,  Stamford,  Lines.,  1743.  R-  ot  Wittering,  Northants., 
1744-94.  R.  of  Gretford,  Lines.,  1753.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Exeter.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1771-4.  Archdeacon  of  Hunting- 
don, 1774.  Dean  of  Stamford.  Died  Feb.  22,  1794.  Buried 
at  St  Martin's,  Stamford.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  418.) 

TYSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  Oct.  31,  1707.  S.  of 
Edward  (1680).  Matric.  1709;  M.B.  1710;  M.D.  1715. 
Fellow,  1711.  F.R.C.P.,  1718;  Censor;  Registrar,  1723-37; 
Treasurer,  1739-46,  etc.;  President,  1746-50.  Ph>'sician  to 
St  Bartholomew's  Hospital,  1725.  Married  Elizabeth  Hale, 
of  St  Mary-at-HiU,  June  2,  1720,  at  Kensington.  Died  Jan.  3, 
1749-50.  Buried  at  Walton,  Essex.  WiU,  P.C.C.  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  (D.N.B.;  Munk,  11.  59.) 

TYSSEN,  FRANCIS  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  8,  1734-  3rd  s.  of  Francis,  Esq.,  late  of  Shacklewell, 
Hackney,  Middlesex.  B.  there,  Nov.  1717.  Educated  at 
home.  Matric.  1734.  Purchased  the  manor  of  Foulden, 
Norfolk,  c.  1757.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Joseph  Dickinson, 
Esq.,  of  Philadelphia,  North  America.  Died  Sept.  9,  1781. 
M.I.  at  St  Augustine's,  Hackney.  WUl,  P.C.C.  .\ncestor  of 
Lord  Amherst  of  Hackney.  (Venn,  11.  38;  Essex  Pedigrees, 

TYTHER  or  TITHER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St 
John's,  Nov.  3,  1670.  S.  of  John,  clothier.  B.  at  Shrewsbury. 
School,  Shrewsbury.   Matric.  1670;  B.A..  1674-5. 


UBLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  6,  1540.  Of  Petworth,  Sussex.  'Died  whUst  a  student, 
about  1543-4.' 

UDALL,  see  also  UVEDALE. 

UDALL,  EPHRAIM.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1606.  S.  of 
John  (next).  Matric.  1606,  'Veal';  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1614. 
P.C.  of  Teddington,  Middlesex,  1615-26.  R.of  St  Augustine's, 
Watling  Street,  London,  1634-43,  sequestered  for  defending 
episcopacy.  Author,  religious.  Died  May  24,  1647.  WiU, 
P.C.C;  to  be  buried  at  AU  Hallows,  Honey  Lane,  unless  the 
parishioners  of  St  Augustine's  claim  the  disposition  of  his 
body.   (Shaw,  i.  313;  D.N.B.) 

UDALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1577-8; 
B.A.  from  Trinity,  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Friend  and  feUow- 
student  of  John  Penry.  V.  of  Kingston-on-Thames,  Surrey, 

158X-8,  ejected.  Removed  to  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  where 
he  preached  for  a  year  during  a  severe  attack  of  the  plague. 
Brought  before  the  Court  of  High  Commission,  Jan.  13, 
1589-90,  and  accused  of  being  concerned  in  writing  Ihe 
Marprelate  tracts  and  other  works;  found  guilty  on  the 
second  charge,  and  sentenced  to  death.  The  sentence  was 
not  carried  out  and  he  was  kept  in  the  Marshalse.i,  till  1592. 
Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  1592.  Buried  at  St  George's, 
Southwark.  Father  of  Ephraim  (above).  (Peile,  i.  145; 
D.N.B.;  Cooper,  11.  149.) 

UFFLET,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Cars,  June  20, 
1620.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Suffolk.  School,  Norwich. 
Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1622-3.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15, 
1619-20.   (Venn,  i.  250;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1612.) 

UFFORD,  JOHN  DE  (1334),  see  OFFORD. 


Ufford,  John 

UFFORD,  JOHN.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  c.  1350.  4th  s.  of 
Robert,  ist  Earl  of  Sufiolk.  R.  of  Hingham,  Norfolk.  Preb. 
of  Lincoln,  and  Salisbury-.  Archdeacon  of  Sufiolk,  1366-8. 
Donor  of  window  in  Gonville  Chapel.  University  benefactor. 
Died  1375.  Will  dated,  Aug.  10,  1375;  proved,  Dec.  5,  1375. 
{Venn,  1.  1.) 

UGDEN,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1605. 

UGDON,  ROBERT  (1634),  see  OGDON. 


ULDALL,  .   B.A.  1482-3.   Of  Queens';  probably  Fellow, 


ULFE,  JOHN.   B.A.  1484-5. 

ULLITHORNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney, 
Meir.  8,  1638-9.  S.  of  John,  farmer,  deceased.  B.  at  Slening- 
ford,  Ripon,  Yorks.  Schools,  Kirkby  Malzeard,  Ripon  and 
Coxwold.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1647.  Schoolmaster  at  Gam- 
lingay  ('Gamgie'),  Cambs.,  1669. 

ULLOCK,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  12, 
1658.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Blackfordby,  Leics.  School, 
Repton.  Matric.  1658;  B..\.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665;  D.D.  1681. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1662;  priest  (London)  Feb. 
1664-5.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Heneage  Finch.  R.  of  Gt  Mongeham, 
Kent,  1665-89.  Six-preacher,  Canterbury,  1670.  Preb.  of 
Rochester,  1675-89.  Rural  dean  of  Sandwich,  1682.  Dean 
of  Rochester,  1689-1706.  R.  of  Leyboume,  1690-1706. 
Died  June  20,  1706,  aged  66.  Buried  at  Leyboume.  M.I. 
(Peile,  I.  581;  Fielding,  Rochester.) 

ULLOCKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  29,  1635.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman,  of  TaUantire, 
near  Cockermouth,  Cumberland.  B.  there.  School,  Repton. 
Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Usher  of  Repton 
School,  1639-42;  Head  Master,  1642-67.  Died  May  13,  1667. 
Buried  at  Repton.   Father  of  the  next. 

ULLOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  21, 
1667.  S.  of  William  (above),  deceased.  Master  of  Repton 
School,  Derbyshire.  B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric. 
1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (Londou) 
Mar.  14,  1673-4;  'C.  of  Sandwich,  Kent.' 

ULSTER,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  Apr.  4,  1584. 
Adm.  at  Queens',  Michs.  1584. 

UMBLE,  THOMAS.  Resident  student  at  Trinity  Hall,  Aug. 

UMFREVILLE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's, 
July  2,  1720.  S.  of  WiUiam  (1669-70),  D.D.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Newcastle  (Mr  Lodge).  Matric.  1720;  Scholar,  1721; 
LL.B.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  22,  1723;  priest, 
Sept.  20,  1724.  V.  of  Bradfield,  Essex,  in  1729.  V.  of  Acton, 
Suffolk,  1729-74.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Gilbert  (1721). 
(Peile,  II.  200.) 

UMPERFIELD  (?  UMFREVILLE),  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar 
from  King's,  Michs.  1624.   Brother  of  William  (1620). 

UMFREVILLE,  GILBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1721.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1669-70),  D.D.  (Peile's 
suggestion  is  unUkely.)  Scholar,  1722;  off,  1723.  Brother 
of  Charles  (above).   (Peile,  11.  206;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  26,  1621.  Matric.  1621.  B'oried 
at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Mar.  27,  1623,  '  OmfreviUe.' 

UMFREVILE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  16,  1654.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Stanway, 
Essex.  B.  there,  Apr.  25,  1638.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  17,  1654-5. 

UMFREVILLE,  WILLIAM  DE.  Scholar  at  Cambridge,  some 
time  between  1270  and  1282.  Clerk  of  Durham  diocese. 
(Pleas  of  the  Forest,  Selden  Soc.) 

UMPHRIFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs. 
1620;  B.A.  1624-5.  Brother  of  Edward  (1624). 

UMFREVILL  or  UMFERIE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Pembroke, 
June  17,  1626.  2nd  s.  of  Andrew,  of  Famham  Royal,  Bucks. 
Living,  1651.   (Surtees,  11.  394.) 

UMFREVILL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Jan.  21,  1669-70.  S.  of  William,  of  Langham,  Essex.  B. 
there.  School,  Dedham.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A. 
1677;  D.D.  1690.  R.  of  Bawdsey,  Suffolk,  1677.  Lecturer 
of  St  Andrew's,  Holbom,  Middlesex.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Nathaniel  Brackenbury,  and  widow  of  John  Marr, 
of  Boxted,  Essex.  Died  Apr.  15,  1706.  Admon.,  P.C.C, 
mentions  sons  Charles  (1720)  and  Gilbert  (1721).  (Peile,  11. 


UMMANT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1628;  B.A.  1631-2.  Head  Master,  Buckingham  Grammar 
School,  1638.  V.  of  Padbury,  1644. 

Underwood,  Augustine 

UMMANT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1619. 

UMPTON,  HU.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1545.  Doubt- 
less Hugh,  s.  of  Hugh,  citizen  and  merchant,  of  London. 
Died  Nov.  1562.  Brother  of  the  next. 

UMPTON,  PAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1545. 
Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Caius,  Jan.  29,  1571-2,  age  41,  Unton. 
S.  of  Hugh,  merchant  and  citizen,  of  London.  B.  there. 
Formerly  bencher  of  the  Middle  Temple.  Brother  of  Hugh 
(above).  (Venn,  1.  69.) 

UMPTON, .  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1547.   Possibly 

this  man  and  the  next  identical  with  the  brothers  at  Christ's; 
or  perhaps  younger  sons  of  Hugh,  citizen  of  London. 

UMPTON, .  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1547. 

UMWELL,  FEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

UNDAIE,  SAMUEL.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  24,  1620, 
age  26;  'B.A.,  late  of  Trinity  College.'  B.  in  St  Bride's, 
Fleet  Street,  London.  Schoolmaster  at  Chelsea. 

UNDAYE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1618. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  citizen  and  baker,  of  London.  B.  June, 
1597  (or  1598).  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Ord.  priest 
(St  Davids)  i53i.  Schoolmaster  at  Guist,  Norfolk,  1634. 

UNDERDOWNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1561.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Sussex.  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568. 
Adm.  at  Caius,  Aug.  6,  1564,  age  21.  Ord.  deacon  (Arch- 
bishop of  Dublin)  Jan.  13,  1571-2.  Preb.  of  St  Patrick's, 
1572.  R.  of  St  Peter  and  St  Mary,  Lewes,  Sussex,  1580. 
R.  of  St  John's-sub-Castro,  Lewes,  1580;  suspended,  1584. 
Perhaps  his  will  proved  (Chichester)  Dec.  22,  1593;  of 
Chiddingley,  Sussex,  clerk.  (Apparently  not  identical  with 
the  author  and  translator  of  these  names  as  suggested  by 
Cooper,  I.  490.)   (Venn,  1.  55.) 

UNDERHILL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  17, 
1671.  Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M-A. 
1678.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1678.  R.  of  Broadwas,  Worcs., 

UNDERHILL,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1503-4.  Perhaps  preb.  of  St 
Paul's,  1506-19.  Preb.  of  Sarum,  1506-37.  Preb.  of  St 
Stephen's,  Westminster,  1506-19;  B.D.  R.  of  Harlington, 
Middlesex,  1510-3.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1538.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Harpole,  Northants.,  1529-31.   (Hennessy.) 

UNDERHILL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1625. 
Of  Cambridgeshire. 

UNDERHILL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 

UNDERNE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1548.  R.  of  East  Bamet,  Herts.,  1568-91.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Boultham,  Lines.,  until  1577,  deprived.  A  governor  of  the 
new  Grammar  School  at  Bamet,  1573-97;  active  in  procuring 
its  foundation.  Probably  died  before  Sept.  8,  1598.  (Cass, 
East  Barnet,  210.) 

UNDERWOOD,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house, Oct.  22,  1667.  S.  of  Robert  (1619),  R.  of  Chevington, 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1674;  priest,  Aug.  1675.  R.  of 
Ickworth,  Suffolk,  1675-92.  R.  of  Chevington,  1691.  (T.  A. 
Walker,  135.) 

UNDERWOOD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Dec.  6,  1 619.  S.  of  Augustine,  R.  of  Chevington,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19, 1624.  C.  of  Homingtoft, 
Norfolk,  in  1636;  of  Raynham  St  Mary,  1640.  V.  of  Hough- 
ton, 1640-53.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  Feb.  15,  1653-4,  and 
(P.C.C.)  1655.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  John  (1600)  and  twin 
of  Robert  (1619).   (Venn,  i.  247.) 

UNDERWOOD,  AUGUSTINE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Mar.  15,  1596-7.  S.  of  Augustine,  minister.  B.  at  Preston, 
Suffolk.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1598;  B.A. 
1600-1;  M.A.  1606.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  26,  1605; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1608.  R.  of  Thomage,  Norfolk,  1620-c.  56. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Hasketon,  Suffolk,  c.  1620.  Will  dated,  1656; 
proved,  1658;  of  Thomage,  clerk.  Brother  of  Anthony 
(above),  etc.,  father  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1637). 
(Venn,  i.  162.) 

UNDERWOOD,  AUGUSTINE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Feb.  22,  1633-4.  S.  of  Augustine  (above),  R.  of  Thomage, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Little  Glemham,  Suffolk.  School,  Holt 
(Mr  Tallis).  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1638;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1640. 
R.  of  Prating,  Essex,  1658-71.  C.  and  preacher  at  Gt 
Bentley,  1662.  Died  1671.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1637). 
(Venn,  i.  313.) 

Underwood,  Edmund 

UNDERWOOD,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs. 
1637;  B.A.  1641-2. 

UNDERWOOD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  8,  1625. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Hugh  (1585),  of  Whittlesey,  Cambs.,  Lieut. - 
Colonel  in  the  Parliamentary  Army.  Matric.  1626;  B.A. 
1628-9;  M-A.  1632.  Doubtless  father  of  Hugh  (1651). 

UNDERWOOD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Aug.  3, 
1689.  Of  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Hugh 
( 1 651),  of  Whittlesey,  Esq.  Matric.  1689.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  July  2,  1692. 

UNDERWOOD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  June 
23,  1654.  Of  London.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  Alderman  of 
London.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  27,  1657.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1666.  Married  Joyce,  dau.  of  Sir  Rob.  Joscelyn, 
Bart.  Died  Oct.  29,  1678,  'aged  30.'  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv. 

UNDERWOOD,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1738.  S.  of 
Matthew,  of  Burford,  Oxon.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
May  30,  1723,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1726-7.  Perhaps 
chaplain  to  the  King,  1738.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

UNDERWODDE,  GREGORY.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  27, 
1603.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Aldeby,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there, 
Feb.  26,  1586-7.  Matric.  1603;  Scholar,  1605-7.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  22,  1611.  Of  Beccles,  gent.,  in  1613. 
Married  Elizabeth  Vynier,  of  Beccles,  spinster,  1613.  {Venn, 
1.  182;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664.) 

UNDERWOOD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  9, 
1564.   Matric.  1564. 

UNDERWOOD,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1585. 
Doubtless  of  Whittlesey,  Cambs.  One  of  these  names  buried 
at  Whittlesey  St  Mary,  Dec.  2,  1635,  but  see  Francis  (1625). 
{Ely  Epis.  Rec,  377.) 

UNDERWOOD,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  22, 
1651.  S.  of  Francis  (1625),  Esq.,  of  Whittlesey,  Cambs. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Peterborough  (Mr  Wright)  and  Lynn 
(Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  16, 
1654-5.  Of  Whittlesey,  Esq.,  J.P.  and  D.L.  for  Isle  of  Ely. 
Married  (i)  Jane  Mackworth;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis 
Russell,  Bart.   Father  of  Francis  (1689).   (Venn,  i.  381.) 

UNDERWOOD,  JOHN.  B.D.  1499-1500.  S.  of  WilUam,  of 
Norwich.  Franciscan  friar  at  the  house  in  Norwich.  D.D. 
1500-1.  SuSragan  to  the  Bishop  of  Norwich,  as  Bishop  of 
■  Chalcedon,  1531.  Prior  of  Bromholm.  (So  Cooper,  but 
Bromholm  was  a  Cluniac  Priory.)  R.  of  St  Simon  and  St 
Jude,  and  of  St  Swithin,  Norwich.  R.  of  North  Creake  and 
Eccles,  Norfolk.  Died  May  17, 1541.  M.L  Norwich  Cathedral. 
{Cooper,  I.  78.) 

UNDERWOOD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1503-4.  One  of  these  names, 
'B.A.,'  R.  of  Raydon  with  Southwold,  Suffolk,  1551-5. 

UNDERWOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1595.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  24,  1598.  R.  of  Fritton, 
Suffolk,  1598-1600.  Probably  R.  of  Blimdeston,  Sufiolk, 

UNDERWODDE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Nov.  2, 
1600.  S.  of  Augustine,  R.  of  Chevington,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Scholar,  1602-3,  £^nd  again, 
1605-7;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord.  priest  (Coventry  and 
Lichfield)  May  22,  1608.  Licensed  to  preach  in  dioceses  of 
London,  Ely  and  Norwich,  1610.  R.  of  Stody,  Norfolk,  1619. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Fritton,  Suffolk,  1624-40.  V.  of  Hockham, 
Norfolk,  1636-61.  Brother  of  Augustine  (1596-7),  etc. 
{Venn,  i.  173.) 

UNDERWOOD,  JOHN,   Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Oct.  7,  1609. 

Matric.  1609. 

UNDERWOOD,  JOHN  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  28, 
1642.  Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649. 

UNDERWOOD,  LUKE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1715:  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1719; 
'of  Corpus  Christi  College';  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1722. 
One  of  these  names  of  Denham,  Suffolk;  died  there  May  3, 
1753.   {PeiU,  II.  185.) 

UNDERWOOD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Magdalene,  June  14, 
1672.   Perhaps  a  mistake  for  William  (1672). 

UNDERWOOD,  ROBERT.   B.A.  1515-6. 

UNDERWOOD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Lent,  1557-8;  Scholar,  1560.  Perhaps  'of  Bixley,  Norfolk'; 
adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1562. 

UNDERWOOD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Dec.  9,  1619. 
S.  of  Augustine,  R.  of  Chevington,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  24,  1626.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
R.  of  Chevington,  1630-90.  Signed  the  petition  of  the  Suffolk 

V.  A.C.  IV.  289 

Unwin,  Matthias 

ministers  in  favour  of  Presbyterianism,  1646.  Chosen  as 
minister  of  the  Classis.  Died  Jan.  24,  1690.  Buried  at 
Chevington.  Brother  of  Augustine  (1596-7),  etc.  and  father 
of  Abraham  (1667).   (Venn,  i.  247.) 

UNDERWOOD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1675. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1676;  B.A.  1679-80. 

UNDERWOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1579;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1582-3. 

UNDERWOOD,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1581. 

UNDERWOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric  .pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1628.  Of  Berkshire. 

UNDERWOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov. 
14,  1637.  S.  of  Augustine  (1597),  R.  of  Thomage,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Sept.  30,  1621.  Schools,  Holt  (Mr  Tallis), 
Norfolk,  and  Felsted,  Essex.  Matric.  1637;  Scholar,  1641-2; 
B.A.  1641-2.  Referred  to  the  Assembly  of  Divines  for 
Binham,  Norfolk,  Aug.  14,  1646;  subscribes  the  bishop's 
book,  Sept.  7,  1647.  R.  of  Gt  Ryburgh,  1647-87.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  July  13,  1662.  R.  of  Holt,  1663- 
87.  Died  1687.  Brother  of  Augustine  (1633-4).  {Venn,  i. 

UNDERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  29,  1636.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Legsby,  Lines.  B.  at 
Holton.  School,  Market-Rasen  (Mr  John  Fish).  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1644; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1645.  Sequestered  from  Hareby,  Lines. 

UNDERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1672;  B.A.  1675. 

UNDERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  22, 
1672-3.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1675-6;  B.A.  1676-7. 

UNDERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Jime  13,  1683.  S.  of  William,  of  Gumley,  Leics.  Matric. 
1683-4;  B.A.  1686-7.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22, 
1689.  R.  of  Clifton  Reynes,  Bucks.,  1704-23.  Buried  there 
Feb.  11,  1723-4. 

UNDERWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  20, 
1725.  Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Enfield, 
Middlesex.  Matric.  1725;  LL.B.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  25,  1729.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1733. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  7,  1738-9;  of  Enfield,  Middlesex. 

UNDERWOOD, .  B.A.  1481-2. 

UNETT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  5, 1747- 
Of  Stafford.   Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755. 

UNET,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  24,  1560.  Of  Hereford.  Doubtless  s.  of  Roland,  of 
Castle  Frome,  Hereford.  Matric.  1560.  Fellow,  1563.  Lawyer 
in  Clement's  Inn  and  the  Temple.  Probably  adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1566-7.   (Harwood.) 

UNETT,  LINGEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  26, 
1710.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Sutton  Freen,  Hereford. 
School,  Hereford  (Mr  Trahem).  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4. 
(Burke,  L.G.) 

UNETT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 
1681.  S.  of  Richard,  bookseller.  B.  at  Hamstall-Ridware, 
Staffs.  School,  Alrewas  (Mr  Unett).  Matric.  1681;  B.A. 
1684-5.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Barford,  Warws.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1728. 

UNETT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  ig)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
1751.  S.  of  Richard,  bookseller,  of  Staffordshire.  B.  at 
Stafford.  Schools,  Brewood  and  Repton.  Matric.  1751;  B.A. 
1755;  M.A.  1770.  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford)  Mar.  14,  1756. 
Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1770-85.  V.  of  Tachbrook,  Warws., 
1772-85.  R.  of  Coppenhall,  Cheshire,  1784-5.  Died  Mar.  15, 
1785.  M.I.  at  Stafford.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1786.  (Scott-Mayor, 
III.  608;  Shaw,  II.  149.) 


UNWIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Mar.  25, 
1660.  S.  of  William,  of  Graystones,  Sheffield,  Yorks.  School, 
Dronfield.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667;  B.D.  1674. 
Fellow,  1664.  Taxor,  1671.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1668. 

UNWYN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  May  18, 
1676.  S.  of  William,  of 'Hulleston,' Cheshire,  farmer.  Matric. 
1676;  B.A.  1679-80.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Gt  Glen,  Leics.,  1703-7. 

UNWIN,  MATTHIAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  21,  1738-9. 
Of  London.  Matric.  1740.  Probably  a  ten-year-man.  One 
of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  18,  1738-9.  V. 
of  Claxton,  Leics.,  1739-53.  R.  of  Bonnington,  Kent,  1753. 
R.  of  Buckland,  1754.  R-  o*  Midley,  1754-75-  DifA  Nov.  27, 
1775,  aged  64.  M.I.  at  Claxton.  (Nichols,  11.  135;  Hasted, 


Unwin,  Morley 

UNWIN,  MORLEY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  12,  1722. 
Of  London.  S.  of  Thomas.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6; 
M.A.  1729;  B.D.  1738.  Fellow,  1727-44.  Ord.  deacon  (Lin- 
coln) June  16,  1728;  priest,  June  i,  1729.  Master  of  the 
Free  School  at  Huntingdon,  1729-42.  V.  of  Oakington, 
Cambs.,  1736-43.  R.  of  Wistow,  Hunts.,  1737-43.  Chaplain 
to  the  Eari  of  Harborough,  in  1737.  R.  of  Grimston,  Norfolk, 
1743-  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1751.  Returned  to  Huntingdon, 
in  1748;  lived  in  the  High  Street;  prepared  pupils  for  the 
University.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Cawthome,  of 
Ely,  Cambs.  (For  Mary  Unwin  and  hersubsequent  connection 
with  the  poet  William  Cowper,  see  D.N.B.)  Died  July  2, 
1767,  of  a  fall  from  his  horse.  Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Hunting- 
don. Father  of  William  Cawthome,  the  friend  of  William 
Cowi>er,  the  poet,  who  resided  with  the  Unwins  at  Hunting- 
don, 1765-7. 

UNWIN,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  9,  1673-4. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1674.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge, 
Nov.  30,  1677. 

UNWIN,  STEPHEN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1706. 

Of  Essex.    Matric.  1708.    Afterwards  pens.    B.A.  1709-10; 

M.A.  1713.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1712.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 

June  15,  1712;  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1716.    V.  of  Bures 

St  Mary,  Suffolk,  1716.    R.  of  West  Meon,  Hants.,  1721. 

Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1728-72.    Died  Jan.  13,  1772.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1772.   {Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 
UNWIN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  2,  1659.    Of 

Essex.    Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666.    Signed  for 

deacon's  orders  (London)  Dec.  18,  1663;  for  priest's,  Sept.  23, 

1664.  V.  of  Belchamp  St  Paul,  Essex,  1668. 
UPCHER,  ABBOT.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  30, 

1741-    S.   and   h.  of   Peter,   of  Sudbury,   apothecary.    B. 

there,  Sept.  28,  1722.    School,  Bury.    Matric.  1741;  B.A. 

1745-6.     Ord.   deacon    (Norwich)    June,    1745.     R.   of   St 

Gregory's,  and  St  Peter's,  Sudbury.    Died  Apr.   6,   1770. 

Buned  at   St   Gregory's.    Admon.,   P.C.C.    (Bury  School, 

S.H.A.H.;  Burke;  L.  Mag.;  G.  Mag.) 
UPCHER,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1573-    Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  of  the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs. 

B.A.  1577-8.   Of  Sutton,  Ely.   Buried  Feb.  25,  1614.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1615.   Brother  of  the  next,  father  of  Richard  (1605) 

and  James  (1612).   (T.  H.  Kmg;  Ely  Episc.  Records,  363.) 
UPSHARE,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1585.   2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Sutton,  Cambs.   Livmg,  1613. 

Brother  of  Edward  (above). 
UPCHER,  ISAAC.    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  3,  1578. 

Matric.  1578.  One  of  these  names  of  East  Bergholt,  Suffolk; 

admon.  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  23,  1588. 

UPSHER,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1612. 
Of  Ely,  Cambs.  S.  of  Edward  (1573).  B.A.  from  Peterhouse, 
1614-5.  Buried  in  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  12, 
1615-6.  Brother  of  Richard  (1605). 

UPSHER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1582. 
Of  Essex. 

UPSHER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1605. 
S.  and  h.  of  Edward  (1573),  of  Soham,  Cambs.,  Esq.  B.A. 
1608.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  from  Thavies'  Inn,  Nov.  9, 
1612.  Brother  of  James  (1612). 

UPSHERE,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1581.  S.  of  Steven  (or  Stephen),  of  Dedham,  Essex,  clothier. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  6,  1566.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1585-6;  M.A. 
1589.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  July  21,  1598.   (T.  H.  King.) 

UPCHURCH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

UPCOTT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  7, 
1717.  S.ofWilliam.  B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon.  School,  Tiverton. 
B.A.  1721-2. 

UPGATE, .  B.Can.L.  1484-5. 

UPKOBERTS  (?  UPROBERTS),  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Gonville  Hall,  Easter,  1554.  Will  of  John  Uproberde,  of 
Ingoldsby,  proved  (Lincoln)  1563  and  1593. 

UPMAN,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1715-  S.  of  Stephen  (next).  M.A.  1717  (Com.  Reg.).  Buried 
at  Eton,  Sept.  16,  1723.   (R.  A.  Austen-Leigh.) 

UPMAN,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1661.  S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  of  Westminster,  London.  Bapt. 
Dec.  15,  1643,  at  St  Margaret's.  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669. 
Fellow,  1655-77.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1673.  Fellow  of  Eton, 
1677-1707-  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  22,  1670.  Secretary 
to  Earl  of  Aylesbury.  Ord.  priest  (London)  June  28,  1676. 
R.  of  Stamford  Rivers,  Essex,  1681-1707.  Preb.  of  West- 
minster, 1691-1707.  Buried  in  Eton  College  Chapel.  Died 
1707-  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Henry  (above).  (Called 
'Joseph'  in  the  College  Books.)  (Haru'ood;  Al.  Oxon.;  Le 
Neve,  Mon.) 

Upwood,  Thomas 

UPNOR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1467; 
B.A.  1469-70. 

UPSALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  16,  1665.  Of 
Darlton, Notts.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1671. 
V.  of  Belton,  Lines.,  1679-95.  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

UPSHAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  18,  1660.  S.  of  Humphrey,  of  Coventry,  Warws.  B.  at 
Coventry.  Matric.  1660.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Lawton, 
Cheshire,  1663-74;  V.  of  Acton  (possibly  another  man), 
1673-5.  Buried  at  Acton,  Apr.  19,  1675,  aged  31. 

UPTON,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  i,  1644. 
5th  s.  of  John,  of  Lupton,  Devon.  Sometime  of  New  Inn 
Hall,  0.xford.  Created  M.A.  (Oxford)  1648.  FeUow  of  All 
Souls,  Oxford,  1648.  Canon  of  Christ  Church,  1651-9.  Had 
a  place  in  the  Irish  Customs.  Of  Hendon,  Middlesex,  1667. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Charleton,  of  Apley  Castle, 
Salop.  Died  1686.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Misc.  Gen.  el  Her.,  2nd  S., 
II.  163;  IV.  73.) 

UPTON,  AMBROSE.  M.A.  of  Magdalen  College,  Cambridge; 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1713.  (So  described  in  ^Z.  Oxon.,  but  not 
found  in  our  records.)  S.  and  h.  of  Ambrose,  of  Dublin,  Esq., 
and  Deputy-Consul  of  Andalusia.  R.  and  V.  of  KiUeneboy, 
c.  1714.  R.  of  Kilfenora,  Co.  Clare,  1741.  R.  of  Corrofin. 
Died  1752.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  11.  163.) 

UPTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 
1578.  3rd  s.  of  Hamond,  of  Northolme-by-Wainfleet,  Lines. 
Matric.  1578.  Brother  of  John  (1578).  (A/Jsc.  Gen.  et  Her., 
2nd  S.,  II.  67.) 

UPTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  15, 1637.  Doubt- 
less s.  of  John  (1597),  of  Faversham,  Kent.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1637;  Scholar,  1638;  B.A.  1641-2. 

UPTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1693. 
B.  Dec.  10,  1670,  at  WUmslow,  Cheshire.  Matric.  Lent,  1694; 
B.A.  1697-8;  M.A.  1701.  Fellow,  1696.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
May  30,  1697;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  29,  1701.  Assistant 
Master  at  Eton.  V.  of  Brimpton,  1701-11.  Master  of 
Ilminster  School,  1704-23,  and  of  the  Free  Grammar  School, 
Taunton,  1739-49.  R.  of  Monksilver,  1712.  R.  of  Plympton, 
Devon,  till  1749.  An  eminent  grammarian.  Author,  classical. 
Died  Aug.  13,  1749,  aged  79.  [Confused  in  Al.  Oxon.  with 
his  son  James.]  (Harwood,  278;  Earwaker,  East  Cheshire, 
I.  ^si;  D.N.B.) 

UPTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 
1578.  2nd  s.  of  Hammond,  of  Northolme,  Lines,  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Francis  Sutton,  of  Collingham, 
Notts.).  Brother  of  Francis  (1578). 

UPTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  Apr.  24,  1597. 
Of  Faversham,  Kent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  20,  1599. 
Died  May  24,  1635,  aged  53.  M.I.  at  Faversham;  mentions 
two  sons,  John  and  James.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1635;  refers  to  his 
son  James  (1637)  to  whom  he  leaves  an  annuity  of  £30  to 
maintain  him  at  College:  refers  to  Faversham  as  'the  place 
of  my  birth  and  longest  habitation.'  Father  of  James  (1637) 
and  perhaps  of  the  next.  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  J.  Ch.  Smith; 
Masters,  409-10.) 

UPTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1626.  Of  Nottingham- 
shire. Perhaps  s.  of  John  (above). 

UPTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1737. 
S.  of  John,  of  St  George's,  Hanover  Square,  London,  Esq. 
Matric.  1737;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A,  1745.  Fellow,  1740.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  1741.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1746. 
Perhaps  F.R.S.,  1757-  Probably  M.P.  for  Westmorland, 
1761-7.  Of  Ingmire  Hall,  Westmorland.  Died  Oct.  22,  1767. 
(Harwood,  326;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  75;  Musgrave.) 

UPTON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1560.  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Lupton,  Devon.  Married  and  had 
issue.  Buried  Nov.  15,  1580  (sic),  at  Brixham,  Devon. 
Admon.  (Consist.  C.  London)  of  a  Nicholas  Upton,  May  31, 
1580;  of  St  Clement  Danes,  London,  to  reUct  Catherine. 
Possibly  the  same.  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2ndS.,  11.  319;  iv.  45.) 

UPTON,  VALENTINE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1605.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Hamon,  of 
Northolme,  Lines.,  and  nephew  of  John  (1578).  Of  Northoline. 
Married  Bridget  Reade,  of  Norfolk.  Died  1616.  Will  dated 
Dec.  1,  1616;  proved  (Lincoln)  Dec.  31,  1616.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1026.) 

UPWILLIAM,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  Jesus, 
Michs.  1559. 

UPWOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  27,  1690.  S.  of  Thorowgood,  of  SouthiU,  Beds.,  and  of 
Soham,  Cambs.  Bapt.  Aug.  22,  1672,  at  Southill.  School, 
Eton;  Colleger,  1687-9.  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1690.  Of 
Tilney  St  Lawrence,  Norfolk.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died 
Aug.  1738.   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  249.) 


Uridge,  Richard 

URIDGE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Sidney,  1616-7;  M.A.  1620. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Falkenham,  Suffolk,  1660;  M.A. 

URIDGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  23,  1649. 
Of  Sussex.   Matric.  1649. 

URLIN,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  1654. 
S.  of  John,  of  Stoke  Poges,  Bucks.  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661. 
Fellow,  1660.  Taxor,  1664.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  16, 
1654-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  29;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1670. 
R.  of  Hardwick,  Cambs.,  1671-8.  R.  of  Soham,  1677. 
Chaplain  to  the  King.   Died  1678, 

URMSTON,  see  also  ORMSTON. 

URMSTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  27, 
1738.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Hertingfordbury,  Herts.  School,  Hertford.  Scholar,  1738. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  12,  1738. 

URMSTON,  GILBERT.  B.A.  1477-8.  Of  Lichfield  diocese. 
M.A.  (?);  B.D.  1483-4.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1478.  Proctor, 
1484-5.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  6,  1478-9.  R.  of 
St  Leonard's,  Foster  Lane,  London,  1493-4.  Died  1494- 

URMSTON,  JAMES.  B.A.  1517-8;  M.A.  1521-2.  FeUow  of 
St  John's,  1523.  University  Bedell,  c.  1529.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1531.   (H.  P.  Stokes,  Esquire  Bedells.) 

URMESTONE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

URMSTONE,  ROGER.  Adm.  scholar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr. 
17,  1624.  S.  of  Roger,  attorney.  B.  at  Edmonton,  Middlesex. 
Schools,  Perse,  Cambridge,  and  Tortworth,  Gloucs.  Matric. 
1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.   R.  of  Otley,  Suffolk,  1644. 

URMSTON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1489-90.  R.  of  Lolworth,  Cambs., 
1495.  Perhaps  V.  of  Brington,  Hunts.,  1499-1504.  Died 

URMSTON,   .     B.D.    1489-90.     Possibly   William;   if  so, 

perhaps  V.  of  Walden,  Essex,  1521-4;  B.D.  Died  1524. 

UROINE,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  Feb.  29, 1667-8. 
S.  of  Grace,  widow,  of  Nottingham.  School,  Nottingham. 
Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1673. 

URPITH,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1605; 
B.A.  1608-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1611.   (Peile,  i.  253.) 

URPITH  or  URPITCHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Lent,  1581-2;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585. 

URRING,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1632.  Of  Gloucestershire.  B.A.  1635-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  4;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1637. 

URRY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Jiily,  1621; 
B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  One  of  these  names  of  Gatcombe, 
Isle  of  Wight;  living,  1656.   {Peile,  1.  341.) 

URSWICK,  CHRISTOPHER.  Of  King's  Hall,  1470-1.  S.  of 
John.  B.  1448,  in  Fumess,  Lanes.  Graduated  (?  Dr  in  Law) 
1478-9.  Warden  of  King's  HaU,  1485-8.  Confessor  to  Lady 
Margaret  Beaufort  and  to  Henry  VII.  Negotiated  the 
marriage  treaty  between  Henry  and  Elizabeth  of  York, 
1484;  accompanied  Henry  to  England,  1485.  Employed  on 
various  missions  of  importance.  King's  almoner,  appointed 
for  life,  Nov.  26,  1485.  R.  of  BradweU-by-Sea,  Essex, 
1488-96.  Preb.  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1485;  of  St 
Paul's,  1486-1521;  of  Lincoln,  1488-95;  of  Windsor,  1492; 
of  York,  1502-21;  of  Beverley  and  Southwell,  1509-21. 
Dean  of  York,  1488-95.  Archdeacon  of  Richmond,  1494- 
1500;  of  Huntingdon,  1496;  of  Wiltshire,  1496-1501;  of 
Norfolk,  1501-21;  of  Surrey,  1501;  of  Oxford,  1504-21. 
Chancellor  of  Exeter,  1493-1521.  Dean  of  Windsor,  1496. 
Elected  Bishop  of  Norwich,  1499,  declined.  R.  of  Hackney, 
Middlesex,  1502-21.  Friend  and  patron  of  Erasmus.  Died 
Mar.  24,  1521-2.  Buried  at  Hackney.  M.I.,  and  also  M.I. 
at  Badsworth,  Yorks.  WiU  (P.C.C).  {Cooper,  1.  24;  D.N.B.) 

URSWICK,  NICHOLAS.  B.Can.L.  1504-5.  R.  of  St  Nicholas 
Aeon,  London,  1497-1506. 

URVES,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1589. 

URWEN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  23 
1668.  S.  and  h.  of  William.  Bapt.  Dec.  2,  1650,  at  Morpeth, 
Northumberland.  School,  Morpeth  (Mr  Lumsdaile,  ?  Lums 
den).  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  May  4,  i668.  Ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  24 
1699.  V.  of  Warden,  Northumberland,  1704-30.  Died  Mar, 
17,  1730,  aged  80.  Buried  at  Warden.   {Peile,  11.  15.) 

USBORNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  7,  1661-2 
Of  London.   Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6. 

USGATE,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1732.  S.  of  T.,  of  Hunger- 
ford,  Salop.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  31,  1691 
age  18;  B.A.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  1694-5.  Ord.  deacon 
(Hereford)  June  7,  1696;  priest,  Oct.  18,  1696.  R.  of  Sil 
vington,  Salop,  1696.  V.  of  West  Wycombe,  Bucks.,  1715-8 
R.  of  Little  Thurrock,  Essex,  1718-34.  V.  of  West  Thurrock 
1732.  Died  1734.   (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

Utting,  Edward 

USHER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  siiar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  6, 1627.  Matric. 
1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  Scholar,  1631;  M.A.  1635.  Ord.  priest 
(Carlisle)  Dec.  24,  1637.  R.  of  Kirkandrew-on-Esk,  Cumber- 
land, 1637-50,  and  1660-82.  Buried  there  Jan.  16,  1681-2. 
Father  of  George  (1655).   (B.  Nightingale.) 

USHER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1579-  S.  of  Thomas.  B.A.  from  Trinity  HaU,  1582-3; 
LL.B.  1585.  Ulster  King-at-Arms,  1588.  Archdeacon  of 
Armagh.  Died  unmarried  June  25,  1597.  Buried  at  St  John's, 
Dublin.  Will,  Dublin.  Brother  of  Henry  (1567).  {Cooper,  11. 
225;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

USHER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  6,  1655.  Of 
Kirkandrew-on-Esk,  Cumberland.  S.  of  Charles  (1627). 
Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663;  B.D.  1670.  Fellow, 
1662-70.  R.  of  Bewcastle,  Cumberland,  1673-88.  R.  of 
Arthuret,  1673-88.  Died  Sept.  4,  1688.  M.I.  at  Arthuret. 
(Le  Neve,  Mon.,  v.  99;  B.  Nightingale.) 

USSHER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1567.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  Dublin,  1550.  B.A.  1569-70; 
M.A.  (University  College,  Oxford)  1572.  Original  FeUow  of 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1591.  Vice-Ptovost,  1594.  Treasurer, 
Christ  Church,  Dublin,  1573.  Archdeacon  of  Dublin,  1580. 
Sent  to  London  to  solicit  the  foundation  of  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  1591;  obtained  the  Charter,  1592.  Archbishop  of 
Armagh,  1595-1613.  Died  Apr.  2,  1613.  Buried  at  Drogheda. 
Will,  Dublin.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1579),  father  of  the 
next  and  of  Mark  (1593).   {D.N.B.) 

USHER  or  USSHER,  LUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c. 
1593.  2nd  s.  of  Henry  (above).  At  Trinity  College,  Dublin, 
in  1595.  R.  of  Clonmore,  Armagh,  1604.  V.  of  Termonfeckin, 
1620.  Archdeacon  of  Armagh  (M.A.),  1622-32.  Died  Nov.  6, 
1632,  at  Termonfeckin.  Will,  1632.  Brother  of  the  next. 
(H.  B.  Swanzy;  Al.  Dub.,  where  date  of  death  is  wTong.) 

USHER  or  USSHER,  MARK.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c. 
1593.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry  (1567).  Donor  of  a  silver  bowl  to 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  before  1605.  M.P.  for  Armagh,  1613. 
Of  Balsoon,  Co.  Meath.  Died  Jan.  1632.  Brother  of  Luke 
(above).   {Al.  Dub.;  Ball-Wright,  Ussher  Memoirs.) 

USSHER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1572. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Featherstone,  Yorks.  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A. 
1580.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York)  May  19,  1583.  V.  of 
Wickham  Skeith,  Suffolk,  1594-1630.  {Vis.  of  Yorks.; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

USHER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1575. 


USHERWOOD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall, 
July,  1709;  Scholar,  1709. 

USHERWOOD  or  ISHERWOOD,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1693. 
S.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Eccles,  Lanes.  Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  Apr.  10,  1685,  age  18,  Usherwood;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1688.  Ord.  deacon  (Sodor  and  Man)  May  26,  1689; 
priest  (Chester)  June  15,  1690.  V.  of  Burton,  Westmorland, 
1691-2.  R.  of  Wilmslow,  Cheshire,  1699-1705.  Married 
Eudosia  Belgrave,  of  Kilworth,  Leics.,  Sept.  9,  1702.  Died 
Oct.  3,  1705,  aged  39.  Buried  at  Wilmslow.  M.I.  {Al.Oxon.; 
Earwaker,  Ea^t  Cheshire,  11.  94.) 


USTWAITE,  WILLIAM.  FeUow  of  Queens'  (by  mandate),  1483. 
Perhaps  B.A.  1483-4. 

UTBER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  18,  1692.  Of 
Langham,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6. 

UTBER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  25,  1626. 
S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Hoo,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  July  24, 
1609.  School,  Elsing  (Mr  Robison).  Matric.  1626.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  21,  1628.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1637.  Of  Hoo,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Corde- 
roy,  of  Ripley,  Hunts.  Buried  at  Hoo,  Oct.  4,  1679.  {Venn, 
I.  279.) 

UTLEY,  see  also  OTTLEY  and  HUTLEY. 

UTTLEY,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1578. 
B.  at  Ely,  Cambs.  B.A.  1581-2.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
May  22,  1584,  age  26;  'C.  of  Wimpole,  Cambs.'  V.  of 
Arrington,  'M.A.,'  1587-1609.  V.  of  Kellington,  Yorks., 

UTRED,  see  aUo  OUGHTRED. 

UTRED,  GEORGE.  Grace  for  B.Can.L.  1466-7. 

UTTEREDGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1547. 

UTTING,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Queens',  June  16,  1603; 
migrated  to  Caius,  Feb.  6,  1603-4.  S.  of  John,  minister,  of 
Weston,  Suffolk.  School,  Beccles.  Scholar,  1605-11;  B.A. 
1606-7;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  22,  1611. 
R.  of  Lound,  Suffolk,  1613.  R.  of  Henstead,  1620-45, 
sequestered.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  Thomas  {1609)  and 
John  (1615).  {Venn,  i.  183.) 


19 — 2 

UxTiNG,  Hammond 

UTTING,  HAMMOND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Caius,  Oct.  i8, 
1626.  S.  of  John,  minister,  of  Weston,  Suffolk.  E.  there. 
School,  Beccles  (Mr  Rainer).  Matric.  1626.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1636,  'M.A.'  C.  of  Peakirk,  Northants., 
in  1654.  IVobably  V.  of  Baston,  Lines.,  1664.  Brother  of 
Edward  (above),  etc.   (Venn,  1.  279.) 

UTTING,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1645. 
Of  Norfolk. 

UTTING,  JOHN.  B.A.  1454-5:  (?)  M.A.  1461-2.  One  of  these 
names,  D.D.,  R.  of  Chartham,  Kent,  1468-71.  Perhaps 
brother  of  William  (1452-3).   (Hasted,  m.  156.) 

UTTING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  May  21,  1615. 
S.  of  John,  clerk,  of  Weston,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Beccles 
(Mr  West)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Thorton).  Matric.  1616;  B.A. 
1618-9.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  12,  1619-20.  V.  of 
Corton,  Suffolk,  1623-42,  sequestered.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1603),  etc.   (Venn,  i.  229.) 

UTTINGE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1583. 

UTTING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  21, 
1609.  S.  of  John,  R.  of  Weston,  Suffolk.  School,  Shading- 
field  (Mr  Thaxter).  Matric.  1609;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1616;  M.A.  from  Caius,  1620.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  12, 
1619-20.  R.  of  Weston,  Suffolk,  1623;  apparently  sequestered; 
petitioned  for  restitution  of  tithes,  June  23,  1660.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1603),  etc.   (Venn,  i.  203.) 

UTTING,  WILLIAM.  Proctor,  1452-3.  Vice-Chancellor,  1467-8. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Chartham,  Kent,  1471-81;  D.D.  Chaplain 
to  Archbishop  Bourchier.  Died  Feb.  10,  1481-2.  Buried  in 
Lambeth  Church.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1454-5).  (Gr. 
Bk,  A,  32,  40;  Hasted,  iii.  156.) 

UTTON,  JAMES.   D.Civ.L.  1479-80. 

UTWARE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1460-1;  see  Otware,  Thomas; 
probably  the  same  man. 

UTYE,  EMMANUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1602. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610;  B.D.  1618;  D.D. 
1628.  Fellow,  1607.  V.  of  ChigweU,  Essex,  1615-43; 
sequestered;  reinstated,  1660-1.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1660-1.  V. 
of  Stepney,  London,  1660-1.  Buried  there  Sept.  2,  1661. 
Win,  Cons.  C.  London.  Perhaps  brother  of  Nathaniel  (1602) 
and  father  of  the  next. 

UTY,  JONAS  (or  JONAH).  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  19, 
1635.  Of  Essex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Emmanuel  (above).  Matric. 
1637;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  R.  of  Braybrooke,  North- 
ants., 1644-7.  Minister  of  AH  Saints',  Northampton,  in  1645. 

UTY,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1602. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Emmanuel  (1602). 

UTEY,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1584-5. 
B.  c.  1567.  B.A.  from  St  John's  (according  to  Lincoln 
Register)  probably  in  1589-90.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.). Oct. 
16,  1588;  priest  (Chester)  July  28,  1589.  C.  of  Algarkirk. 
V.  of  Kilnsea,  Yorks.,  1599-1605.  R.  of  Careby,  Lines.,  1612. 

UTY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1571.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Aug.  1574;  priest.  Mar.  1575-6-  V.  of  Ottring- 
ham,  Yorks.,  1579-90. 

UVEDALE,  see  also  UDALL. 

Vale,  Willlam 

UVEDALE,  ALVERY.  B.A.  i539-4o;  M.A.  1540-1.  Perhaps 
of  Marrick,  Yorks.,  Esq.,  in  1576;  held  a  third  part  of  the 
manor.  Probably  his  wiil  (P.C.C.)  1586;  'Averie'  Uvedale, 
of  Marrick,  Yorks.,  Esq.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

UVEDALE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  May  27, 
1697.  S.  of  Robert  (1659),  of  Enfield,  Middlesex,  LL.D. 
School,  Enfield  (his  father).  Matric.  1699-1700;  Scholar, 
1701;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1705.  Fellow,  1704.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  3,  1701.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  Sept.  10,  1708; 
priest,  Mar.  30,  1709.  R.  of  Bishop's  Cleeve,  Gloucs.,  1709- 
37.  Died  Mar.  27,  1737.  Brother  of  Robert  (1696)  and 
Samuel  (1717).   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

UVEDALL  or  UDALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
May  10,  1659.  Of  Warwickshire.  S.  of  Robert,  of  West- 
minster, London.  B.  May  25,  1642,  in  the  parish  of  St 
Margaret's.  School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1659;  Matric. 
1660;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666;  LL.D.  1682  (Cotn.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  1664.  An  eminent  schoolmaster  at  Enfield,  Middle- 
sex, 1664.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  1665-6;  priest,  Jan.  9, 
1691-2.  R.  of  Orpington,  Kent,  1692-1722.  R.  of  Barking 
and  Needham,  Suffolk,  1700.  A  famous  horticulturist; 
cultivated  exotic  plants.  His  herbarium  forms  vols.  302-15 
of  the  Sloane  collection.  Died  Aug.  17,  1722,  aged  81. 
Buried  at  Enfield.  Father  of  James  (above),  of  the  next  and 
Samuel  (1717).   (Hutckins,  iii.  148;  D.N.B.) 

UVEDALE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  July  6, 
1696.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  LL.D.,  of  Enfield,  Middlesex. 
Educated  under  his  father.  Scholar,  1697;  Matric.  1699; 
B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704;  B.D.  1712;  D.D.  1717.  Fellow, 
1703.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  19,  1708;  priest.  Mar.  5, 
1709-10.  V.  of  Enfield,  1721-31.  Died  1731.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1731.  Brother  of  James  (1697)  and  Samuel  {1717),  father 
of  the  next. 

UVEDALE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  27, 
1748.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Enfield,  Middlesex.  Bapt. 
Nov.  22,  1728.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1748;  Scholar, 
1751;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755;  D.D.  1772.  Fellow,  1753.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  23,  1752;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  17,  1753. 
Chaplain  to  the  Marquis  of  Rockingham.  V.  of  Swineshead, 
Lincoln,  in  1762.  R.  of  Langton-by-Partney,  1762.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1800;  of  Langton,  Lines.,  clerk.  (Lambeth  Act 

UVEDALE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June 
29,  1717.  S.  of  Robert  (1659),  LL.D.,  schoolmaster,  of 
Enfield,  Middlesex.  School,  Enfield.  Matric.  1719;  Scholar, 
1720;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June;  priest, 
July,  1723.  R.  of  Barking,  Suffolk,  1723-75.  R.  of  Flowton, 
1727.  R.  of  Combes,  1735-75.  Died  Sept.  28,  1775.  Brother 
of  Robert  (1696)  and  James  (1697). 

UVEDALE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1654  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  lo,  1651;  B.A.  1654; 
M.A.  (Oxford)  1660. 

UVEDALE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
Feb.  18,  1687-8.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  gent.  B.  1668,  at 
Horton,  Dorset.  Schools,  Wimbome,  Dorset  (Mr  Moyle)  and 
Winchester.  Matric.  1688.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  7, 
1687.  Living,  1712.  (Hutchins,  iii.  144.) 


VACHE,  RICHARD  DE  LA.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1369. 

VADE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  4,  1739.  S.  of 
William,  of  Bromley,  Kent,  apothecary.  B.  at  Bromley. 
Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  1747.  Ord.  deacon 
(Rochester)  Sept.  23,  1744;  priest,  Oct.  5,  1746.  R.  of 
isleham,  Cambs.,  1746-51.  V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Rochester, 
Kent,  1751-65.  V.  of  Croydon,  Surrey,  1755-65.  Chaplain 
to  the  Bishop  of  Rochester.  Died  June  9,  1765,  aged  42. 
M.I.  at  Croydon.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Surrey  Archaeol.  Soc.,  vii. 

VADES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  17, 
1748-9.  S.  of  Abraham,  of  Ireland.  B.  at  Edenderry,  King's 
Co.  School,  Dublin.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  May  11, 
1749,  age  17;  of  Mount  Melick,  Queen's  County.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VAILES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  19, 
1701.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  B.  at  HuU,  Yorks.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1701,  'Wailes.'  Buried  at 
All  Saints',  Cambridge,  May  9,  1703. 

VALAVIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  18, 
1692.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Ibberton,  Dorset.  School,  Blandford 
(Mr  George  Gerrard).   Matric.  1693.    ' 

VALLAVINE,  PETER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  24)  at  Peter- 
house,  July  3,  1722.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  School,  King's 
College  School.  Matric.  1723;  LL.B.  1728.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1723;  priest,  Feb.  21,  1724-5-  Minor 
Canon  of  Canterbury.  R.  of  Reculver,  Kent,  1726-9.  R.  of 
Monkton  and  Birchington,  1729-65.  V.  of  Preston,  near 
Wingham,  1743-67.  Died  Jan.  11,  1767,  aged  69.  Buried 
at  Preston.   (T.  A.  Walker,  247.) 

VALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  29,  1615;  B.A. 
1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Perhaps  of  Cowden,  Kent,  clerk.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1633. 

VALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  15, 
1659.  Of  Warwick.  School,  Coventry.  Possibly  s.  of  William, 
of  Coventry,  Warws.  If  so  migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric. 
(Gloucester  Hall,  Oxford)  Dec.  14,  1660,  age  19  (sic).  Per- 
haps V.  of  Wolfhamcote,  Warws.,  1666,  and  of  Napton-on- 
the-Hill,  1676.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VALE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1465-6.  V.  of  Histon  St  Etheldreda, 
Cambs.,  1459-72.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1491- 

VALE  ROYAL,  Abbot  of.  Incorp.  1488-9. 


Valence,  John 

VALENCE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1617; 
Scholar,  1619. 

VALENCE  or  VALENTIUS,  PETER.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Haxl, 
152 1-4.  A  Norman.  Chaplain  and  almoner  to  Goodrich, 
Bishop  of  Ely.  An  early  reformer.  Distinguished  himself 
in  1517  by  a  bold  attack  on  the  Proclamation  of  Indulgences. 
Like  Luther,  he  posted  a  notice  on  the  copy  afi&xed  over  the 
gate  of  the  schools  at  Cambridge.  Visited  the  martyrs, 
Wolsey  and  Pigot  in  prison,  1555.  {Venn,  i.  25;  Cooper,  i. 

VALENCIENS,  SAER  DE.  'King's  Scholar'  at  Cambridge, 

VALENGER,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  ?i)  at  Caius, 
May  II,  1562.  Of  Watlington,  Norfolk.  S.  of  Robert,  gent. 
School,  Aylsham.  B.A.  1559-60;  M.A.  1562.  Fellow,  1562-8. 
Tutor  till  about  1568.  Doubtless  the  recusant,  fined  and 
imprisoned  for  his  support  of  Campian,  the  Jesuit  Martyr, 
c.  1582;  reported  as  a  recusant,  1587.  Bcdlad  writer.  (Venn, 
I-  49-) 

VALLENGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct.  11, 
1593.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Watlington,  Norfolk.  School, 
Lynn  (Mr  Roberts).  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  St  Michael's, 
Cambridge,  June  14,  1595.   (Venn,  i.  150.) 

VALENTINE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1593. 

VALENTINE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1616; 
B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628.  D.D. 
(Oxford)  1636.  R.  of  Deptford,  Kent,  1630-43.  Buried 
Jan.  18,  1643,  at  Deptford.  Benefactor  to  Christ's.  (Peile, 
I.  312.) 

VALENTINE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  2,  1645. 
Of  Lancashire.  S.  of  William,  V.  of  Roe  Green.  Bapt. 
Oct.  29,  1626,  at  Eccles.  Matric.  1645;  Scholar,  1646;  B.A. 
1648-9;  M.A.  1652;  B.D.  1662.  Fellow,  1649.  Regius 
Professor  of  Greek,  1663-6.  Probably  P.C.  of  Ellen  brook 
Chapel,  Lanes.,  1650-4.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel, 
Nov.  9,  1666.  Wm  proved  (V.C.C.)  1667. 

VALENTINE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Nov.  17, 
1576.  S.  of  Roger,  yeoman,  of  Wootton  Courtenay,  Somerset. 
School,  Selworthy.  Matric.  1576.  Afterwards  matric. 
(Alban  Hall,  Oxford)  Dec.  i,  1581,  age  21;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
Dec.  7,  1582.   (Venn,  i.  88;  Al.  Oxon.) 

VALENTINE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1603.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  BentdifEe,  Lanes.,  gent.  Bapt. 
July  15,  1588,  at  Eccles,  Lanes.  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  1610,  age  24.  Lecturer  at 
Watford,  Herts.,  1613.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  6,  1615. 
R.  of  Aldingham,  Lanes.,  1623-5.  R-  oi  ChaUont  St  Giles', 
Bucks.,  1625-60.  Chaplain  of  the  Almshouse,  Watford; 
deprived,  1661.  Author,  sermon,  etc.  Died  c.  1665.  (Peile, 
I.  245;  Lipscomb,  ni.  228.) 

VALENTINE, .  Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1564-5. 

VALERA,  CYPRIAN  DE.  B.A.  1559-60  (Incorp.  from  Seville). 
B.  at  Seville,  1532.  M.A.  1563.  Fellow  of  Magdalene,  c. 
1560.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1566.  Translated  the  Bible  into 
Spanish,  etc.   (Cooper,  11.  353;  Mag.  Coll.  Hist.,  61.) 

VALLETE,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  2i)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  25, 
1735.  S.  of  Peter,  Esq.  B.  at  Port  Royal,  Jamaica.  School, 
Buntinglbrd,  Herts.  Died  in  Jamaica,  1761.  (G.  Mag.; 
L.  Mag.) 

VANBRUGH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  17,  1747-8.  S.  of  George,  gent.,  of  Middlesex.  Bapt. 
at  St  Dimstan-in-the-West,  London,  Aug.  19,  1728.  School, 
Sedbergh.  Colleger  at  Eton,  1742-6.  Matric.  1748;  B.A. 
1753;  M.A.  1770.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Norwich)  Feb.  23;  priest  (Canterbury)  Sept.  23,  1752. 
Master  at  Dent  School,  Yorks.  Head  Master  of  King's 
School,  Chester.  R.  of  Buckland,  Gloucs.,  1776-84.  Minor 
Canon  of  Chester,  1780.  Died  Feb.  1784.  (Scott-Mayor,  in. 
575;  G.  Mag.) 

VANBROUGH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Sept. 
14,  1674.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  merchant,  of  St  Stephen's, 
Walbrook,  London,  and  of  Walton-on-Thames,  Surrey. 
Bapt.  Jan.  i,  1657,  at  Walbrook.  M.A.  1675  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  31,  1676.  Of  Whitehall, 
and  of  Walton-on-Thames.  One  of  these  names  Secretary 
to  the  Commissioners  of  Greenwich  Hospital  and  Comptroller 
of  the  Treasury  Chamber.  Died  Nov.  20,  1716.  (If  the 
suggested  identification  is  correct,  he  was  a  cousin  of  Sir 
John  Vanbrugh,  the  celebrated  dramatist  and  architect.) 
(Le  Neve,  Knts.,  512;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  i.  8;  4th  S.,  ix. 

VAN  DE  BEMDE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Mar.  lo, 
1672-3;  re-adm.  FeU.-Com.  June  27,  1673.  S.  of  Abraham, 
Esq.,    of    Westminster,    London.     Schools,    Westminster, 

Vane,  Henry 

(?)  Henndorf,  Transylvania,  Walsingham,  Norfolk  (Mr  Pitts) 
and  Chelsea  (Mr  Swondam).  Matric.  1672-3.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  6,  1670.   (Venn,  1.  448.) 

VANDELURE  or  VANDELOUR,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16) 
at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  28,  1625.  2nd  s.  of  Peter,  merchant, 
of  Boston,  Lines,  (and  Katherine,  dau.  of  Peter  Baron,  D.D.). 
Bapt.  July  9,  1609,  at  Boston.  Matric.  1625;  Scholar,  i62fr- 
30;  B.A.  1628-9.  Customer  of  Boston,  1634.  Buried  Jan.  16, 
1638-9,  at  Boston.  Brother  of  the  next.  (T.  A.  Walker,  31; 
Lines.  Pedigrees,  1027.) 

VANDELURE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  23, 
1638-9.  Of  Lincolnshire.  5th  s.  of  Peter,  merchant,  of 
Boston.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  29,  1621.  Matric.  1639;  B.A. 
1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  V.  of  Tudeley,  Kent,  1649  and  1660-9. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1663-1700.  Died  Feb.  21,  1699-1700, 
aged  79.  Brother  of  the  above.   (Fielding,  Rochester.) 


VANDEPUT,  PETER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi, 
1731.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  London,  Bart.,  and  of  Stand- 
lynch,  WUts.  Matric.  1731.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Feb.  I,  1724-5.  Died  v. p.  and  unmarried  at  Groningen, 
Holland.  Admon.,  June  21,  1734.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.; 
G.E.C.,  V.  59;  Masters.) 

VANDERNAM,  FRETWELL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1735.  S.  of  FretweU,  of  SouthweU,  Notts.  B.  there. 
School,  SouthweU.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1738-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1739;  priest  (Norwich)  May  24,  1741. 
V.  of  Woolavington,  Somerset,  1757-63.  V.  of  Wraysbury, 
Bucks.,  1763-1803.  Died  Jan.  24,  1803.  Buried  at  Wrays- 
bury. (Scott-Mayor,  in.  469.) 

VANDON,  VINCENT.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1611; 
'of  Trinity  CoUege.' 

VANDRUN,  FREDERICK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  29, 

VANE,  see  also  FANE. 

VANE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 
1719.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  Viscount  Vane  of  Ireland. 
Died  July  19,  1721,  age  17.   (Musgrave.) 

VANE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  14, 
1699.  S.  of  George  (1665).  B.  in  London.  School,  Sedbergh. 
Matric.  1699.  Of  London,  merchant.  Died  s.p.  WUl  dated, 
Dec.  13,  1710;  proved  (London)  May  15,  1714.  Brother  of 
Guy  (1699).  (Surtees,  in.  214.) 

VANE,  FREDERICK.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  Jan.  30,  1749-50.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  3rd  Bjiron 
Barnard,  of  Barnard  Castle.  B.  June  26,  1732.  Matric.  1750. 
Deputy  Treasurer  of  Chelsea  Hospital.  M.P.  for  Co.  Durham, 
1761-74.  Of  SeUaby,  Durham.  Married  (i)  Henrietta,  sister 
to  Sir  WiUiam  Meredith,  Bart.;  (2)  Grace,  dau.  of  Arthur 
Lysaght.  Died  Apr.  28,  1801.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Collins,  iv. 

VANE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  26, 
1665.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  George,  Knt.  B.  at  Rogerley  HaU, 
Durham.  Bapt.  Feb.  22,  1647-8,  at  Long  Newton.  School, 
Morpeth,  Northumberland  (Mr  Thos.  Spink).  Matric.  1665. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  16,  1665.  Of  Richmond,  Yorks. 
Married  Hester,  dau.  of  Guy  Carleton,  LL.D.,  Bishop  of 
Chichester.  Buried  May  4,  1719,  at  Shipbume,  Kent.  Will 
(London)  1720.  Brother  of  Lionel  (1665),  father  of  Guy 
(1699)  and  Edward  (1699)-  (Burke,  Ext.  Bari. iH.  M.  Wood.) 

VANE,  GODFREY  WOODWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Clare,  Michs.  1751.  S.  of  Walter  (by  his  2nd  wife  Mary- 
Anne,  dau.  of  Godfrey  Woodward,  of  Putney,  Surrey,  Esq.). 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  26,  1750.  Of  Twyford, 
Hants.,  Esq.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  James  Birch,  of 
Coventry,  Wanvs.,  Esq.  Died  before  1787.  (Surtees,  in. 

VANE,  GUY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  14,  1699. 
S.  of  George  (1665),  Esq.,  of  St  Andrew,  Holbom,  London. 
Bapt.  May  26,  1681,  at  St  Peter-the-Great,  Chichester, 
Sussex.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1699.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Jan.  27,  1704-5.  Will  dated,  July  2,  1729;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  July  19,  1730.  Brother  of  Edward  (1699).  (Surtees, 
in.  214.) 

VANE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  26,  1746. 
S.  of  George,  of  Long  Newton,  Durham.  Bapt.  there,  Feb.  26, 
1728-9.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Dongworth).  Matric.  1746; 
Scholar,  1747;  B.A.  1750;  M.A.  1753;  LL.D.  1761.  FeUow, 
1752.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  12,  1744.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Nov.  26,  1752;  priest  (Durham)  Mar.  18,  1754. 
R.  of  Gt  Stainton,  Durham,  1754-60.  Preb.  of  Durham, 
1758-94.  Created  Bart.,  July  13,  1782.  R.  of  Long  Newton. 
Married  Frances,  dau.  of  John  Tempest,  of  Sherburne, 
Durham.  Died  June  7,  1794.  Buried  at  Long  Newton. 
WUl  (P.C.C.)  1795.   (G.  Mag.;  G.E.C.,  v.  224.) 


Vane,  Henry 

VANE,  HENRY.  M.A.  1749.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  West- 
minster, Esq.  (afterwards  Earl  of  Darlington).  Matric. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  May  28,  1744,  age  17-  M.P.  for 
Downton,  1749-53;  for  Co.  Durham,  1753-8-  Created 
Viscount  Somerset,  1754-  Succeeded  as  2nd  Earl  of 
Darlington,  Mar.  6,  1758.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Durham, 
1758-92.  Master  of  the  Jewel  Office,  1763.  Governor  of 
Carlisle,  1763-92.  Died  Sept.  8,  1792.  Buried  at  Raby, 
Durham.  Will,  P.C.C.  (A.  B.  Beaven;  Al.  Oxon.;  Collins, 
IV.  526.) 

VANE,  LIONEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  26, 
1665.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  George,  Knt.  B.  at  Rogerley  Hall, 
Durham.  Bapt.  July  25,  1646,  at  Stanhope.  School,  Mor- 
peth, Northumberland  (Mr  Thos.  Spink).  Matric.  1665. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  16,  1665.  Of  Long  Newton, 
Durham.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Fletcher, 
of  Hutton,  Cumberland.  Will  dated.  Mar.  3,  1709.  Admon., 
May26,  1711.  Brother  of  George  (1665).  (Burke,  £;rt.  Bart. ; 
H.  M.  Wood.) 

VANE,  THOMAS  (i6i8),  see  FANE. 

VANE, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Dec.  6,  1742- 

Possibly  Lionel,  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Long  Newton,  Durham. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  4,  1724.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  20,  1793. 
If  so,  brother  of  Henry  (1746).   (SuHees,  in.  214.) 

VANHAM  or  VANNAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1655.  Of  London.  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A.  1662;  D.D. 
1674 (Lit.  ifeg.).  R.  of  West  Camel,  Somerset,  1665.  Chaplain- 
in-ordinary  to  the  King,  1673-1721.  V.  of  Bibury,  Gloucs., 
1673-1721.  Died  July  14,  1721,  aged  84.  M.I.  at  Bibury. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1721. 

VANHUCKE,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Easter,  1568.  A  Fleming  from  Ghent. 

VANN,  JOHN  (1721),  see  VENN. 

VANNES,  PETER.  B.D.  (according  to  Cooper);  incorp.  from 
abroad.  A  friar.  S.  of  Stephen,  of  Lucca,  Italy.  Latin 
Secretary  to  Henry  VIII,  1513,  and  to  Wolsey,  1514.  Ac- 
companied Wolsey  to  France,  1527.  Resident  in  Rome, 
vainly  soliciting  Henry  VIII's  divorce,  1529.  R.  of  Wheat- 
hampstead,  Herts.,  1529.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1529-63. 
King's  orator  at  Rome,  1533.  Preb.  of  York,  1534.  Arch- 
deacon of  Worcester,  1534-63.  Dean  of  Sarum,  1540-63. 
R.  of  Tredington,  Worcs.,  1541.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1542. 
Ambassador  at  Venice,  1550-6.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1554-63. 
Preb.  of  Wells,  1557-63.  Buried  May,  1563,  at  St  Paul's. 
(Cooper,  I.  220;  D.N.B.) 


(age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Oct.  14,  1647.  S.  of  Timothy,  clerk, 
late  of  London,  minister  of  the  Dutch  Church.  Bapt.  Mar.  17, 
1631,  at  Austin  Friars.  School,  Albury.  Matric.  1647;  B.A. 
1650-1;  M.D.  (Caen),  1664.  Hon.  Fellow  R.C.P.,  1664. 
(Munk,  I.  344.) 

VAN  WHYLDER,  W.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Michs. 


VAREY,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  May  20, 
1705;  afterwards  sizar.  Of  Durham.  School,  Houghton-le- 
Spring.  Matric. i7o7;Scholar; B.A. i7io-i.(r.i4.WaZAw, 213.) 

VASEY,  see  VESEY. 

VASIN,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1595. 

VASIN,  JEREMY.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1623.    Matric. 

1623;  B.A.   1627-8;  M.A.   1631.    Usher  of  Boston  School, 

Lines.,  1628-33.  R-  of  Skirbeck,  till  1679.  Died  Jan.  7,  1679. 

Brother  of  the  next.   (Thompson,  Boston,  286.) 
VASIN,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1623;  B.A.  1626-7. 

Brother  of  Jeremy  (above). 
VASSALL,  ASSER.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  i,  1687.   Of 

Essex.  Matric.  1687. 
VASSAL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 

1653.     S.   of   Samuel,    parliamentarian   and   merchant,   of 

London  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.).   B.  there.    Matric.  1653-4; 

B.A.  1658. 
VASSALL,  STEPHEN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1616.   S.  of  John,  of  Cocksey  Hurst,  Essex,  colonial  pioneer 

(for  whom  see  D.N.B.).    B.A.   1619-20;  M.A.   1623.    Ord. 

deacon  (London)  July  16,  1623;  priest.  May  23,  1624.   R.  of 

Rayleigh,  Essex,   1628-43.    Died  1643.    {Vis.  of  London, 

VASSALL,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  10,  1718. 

and  s.  of  John,  of  Jamaica.    Matric.  1718.    Adm.  at  the 

Middle  Temple,  Feb.  21,  1717-8. 
VATHELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sr  John's,  c.  1592. 
VAUGHAN,  AMIAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  10,  1656. 

Of  Cheshire.  C.  of  Bunbury,  Cheshire,  in  1663. 

Vaughan,  Griffith 

VAUGHAN,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May 
25,  1732.  S.  of  Richard,  saddler.  B.  at  Shrewsbury.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1743.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1736.  3rd  Master  at  Shrewsbury, 
1737-40.  Ord.  priest  (Hereford)  Sept.  20,  1741.  Vicar- 
choral  of  Hereford,  1740.  Died  Aug.  12,  1749,  aged  36. 
(Scott-Mayor,  in.  442 ;  Shrewsbury  School.) 

VAUGHAN,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene^ 
Easter,  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb. 
June  9,  1639. 

VAUGHAN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  13, 
1620-1.  Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628. 

VAUGHAN,  DOMINIC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1558.  Matric.  c.  1558.  Probably  s.  of  Edward.  Doubtless 
adm.  at  Douay,  in  1576;  received  priest's  orders.  Despatched 
to  England,  Oct.  12,  1576.  Arrested  but  released  owing 
to  the  exertions  of  his  brother  (?John  (1558))-  (T.  A. 

VAUGHAN  or  WAGHAM,  EDWARD.  D.Can.L.  and  D.Civ.L. 
1481-2.  R.  of  St  Matthew's,  Friday  Street,  London,  1487. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1493-1509.  V.  of  Islington,  Middlesex, 
1499-1509.  Treasurer  of  St  Paul's,  1503-9.  Archdeacon  of 
Lewes,  1509.  Bishop  of  St  David's,  1509-22.  Died  Nov. 
1522.  Buried  in  St  David's  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C).  Great 
benefactor  to  St  David's  Cathedral.  (Cooper,  i.  26;  Br. 
Willis,  St  Davids;  D.N.B.) 

VAGHAN  or  VAUGHAN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1645.  Of  London.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward, 
goldsmith.  Bapt.  July  20,  1628,  at  St  Vedast's.  Adm.  at 
New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford,  July  15,  1648;  'B.A.  from  Cambridge' ; 
M.A.  (Oxford)  1651.  Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford, 
1649.  R-  of  Slymbridge,  Gloucs.,  1652-4.  P.C.  of  Romford, 
Essex,  1659-62.  Buried  at  Stoke  Newington.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1663;  a  bequest  to  Slymbridge.  (H.  Smith;  J.  Ch.  Smith; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

VAUGHAM,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  22,  1668-9.  S.  of  Owen,  gent.,  of  Bala,  Merioneth. 
B.  there.   Matric.  1669. 

VAUGHAN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Jan.  21,  1688-9.  S.  of  Richard,  Esq.;  of  Wales.  Matric. 

VAUGHAN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1695.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (and  Mary 
Purcell),  of  Glanllyntegid,  Wales.  If  so,  died  1700.  (Arch. 
Cambr.  5th  S.,  viii.  195.) 

VAUGHAN,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1729.  S.  of 
Meredith,  of  Woodstock,  Oxon.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Trinity 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  6,  1710-1,  age  14;  B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  1714.  R.  of  Nuffield,  Surrey,  i73i-59-  Died  Feb.  3, 
1759.   (^'-  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

VAUGHAN,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1744.  S.  of  Row- 
land, of  MaUwhite  (Mallwyd),  Montgomery,  clerk.  B.  there. 
Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  21,  1721-2,  age  19; 
B.A.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  1725.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  6,  1725-6;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1727.  C.  of  Kelmarsh, 
Northants.,  1726.  R.  of  Papworth  St  Agnes,  Cambs.,  1744- 
87.  Died  Oct.  1787,  aged  86.   (Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

VAUGHAN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Emmanuel, 
Mar.  20,  1746-7.  S.  of  Abraham,  saddler,  of  Birmingham. 
School,  Birmingham.  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1751;  M.A. 
1754;  B.D.  1761.  Fellow,  1753.  Taxor,  1756.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chester)  Dec.  25,  1753.  V.  of  Fressingfield,  Suffolk,  1776-97. 
Died  Mar.  17,  1797.   M.I.  at  Fressingfield.  Will,  P.C.C. 

VAUGHAN,  ELLIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  25, 
1664.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Bala,  Merioneth.  B.  there. 
School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1668-9. 

VAUGHAN,  EVANS  (EVAN  LLOYD).  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
St  John's,  Feb.  6,  1727-8.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  Esq., 
of  Cors-y-gedol,  Merioneth.  B.atCors-y-gedol.  School,  Eton, 
Constable  of  Harlech  Castle,  1754  and  1761.  High  Sheriff  for 
Co.  Denbigh,  1766-7.  M.P.  for  Co.  Merioneth,  1774-91. 
Died  Dec.  4,  1791.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1792.  Brother  of  William 
(1726).   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  411.) 

VAGHAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1549.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

VAUGHAN,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  18,  1641.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Sutton-on-Derwent, 
Yorks.  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Pickering).  B. 
there.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Palmes).  Married  Ann,  dau.  of 
Sir  Thomas  Boynton.   (F.M.G.,  993.) 

VAUGHAN,  GRIFFITH.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1681.  S.  of 
Edmund,  R.  of  Pitsford,  Northants.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
CoUege,  Oxford)  May  3,  1672,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1676 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.   10,   1679-80.    Archdeacon  0 


Vaughan,  Henry 

Salop,  1681-1726.  V.  of  Alrewas,  Stafford,  1681.  R.  of 
Coppenhall,  Cheshire,  1681-1721.  Chancellor  and  preb.  of 
Lichfield,  1690-1726.  R.  of  Hinstock,  Salop,  1705-  R.  of 
Sarthomley,  Cheshire,  1721-6.  Died  1726.  Father  of  Thomas 
(T719).  {Al.  Oxon.) 
VAUGHAN  or  WAWEN,  HENRY.  B.A.  1493-4- 
VAUGH/UiJ,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  16, 
1580.  2nd  s.  of  Stephen  (?  1554),  gent.  B.  at  Hutton,  Essex. 
School,  Hutton.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1582. 
Brother  of  Stephen  (1580).   (Venn,  1.  108.) 

VAUGHAN,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1674.  Of 

VAUGHAN,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  27,  1706. 
Of  Essex.  Ptibably  s.  of  William  (1674).  Matric.  1706;  B.A. 
1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  23;  priest 
(Winchester)  D»c.  30,  1711.  V.  of  Leominster,  Hereford,  c. 
1711.   V.  of  Ayitestrey,  1724. 

VAUGHAN  or  VAWCHAN,  HUGH.  B.Can.L.  1525-6.  Doubt- 
less V.  of  Melboun,  Cambs.,  in  1528.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1534; 
'of  St  Martin's,  Worcester,  and  Melboum,  Cambs.'  (C.C. 
Ely)  1533.  One  of  faese  names  V.  of  Gt  Bardfield,  Essex, 
1533;  R-  of  Gestingthirpe,  1537;  V.  of  Halstead,  1537-40; 
V.  of  Coggeshall,  1545-58.  (J.  Crosby;  G.  F.  Beaumont, 

VAUGHAN,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  24,  1631.  S.  of  Fuike,  Esq.,  of  Llanvaire  Talehaem, 
Denbigh.  B.  there.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering) 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1635-t;  M.A.  1639. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1495-1500;  M.A.  1503;  B.D.  1511-2. 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1504-19.  Principal  of  Garret  Hostel, 
1503,  and  of  St  William's  Hostel,  1504.  Perhaps  his  will 
(P.C.C.)  1519;  'of  Datchet  Bucks.'  John  Vaghan,  B.D., 
claimed  the  vicarage  of  Eartlow,  Cambs.,  in  1526,  but 
apparently  unsuccessfully. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  i!o6-7.  One  of  these  names  R. 
of  Rettenden,  Essex,  1541-57  Died  1557.  But  see  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  {Cooper,  i.  549,  who  seems 
to  confound  him  with  John  (aoove).) 

VACHAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  frcm  Magdalene,  Easter,  1545. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1558. 
S.  of  Edward.  Matric.  1558;  E.A.  1560-1  (ist  in  the  ordo). 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1562.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Kingsley,  Staffs.,  c.  1577-9;  B.A.  Probably  brother 
of  Dominic  (1558). 

VAUGHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1570. 

VAHON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1589. 

VOUGHAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1604. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1605; 
B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1617.  R.  of 
Beccles,  Suffolk,  1613-38.  Perhaps  V.  of  Butterwick,  Lines., 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr.  18,  1605. 
Of  Montgomery.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Owen,  of  Llwydiarth, 
Montgomery.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1606.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Richard  Herbert,  of  Montgomery,  Esq. 
Living,  1642.   (Vis.  of  Wales,  1.  294.) 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1620.  Of  London.  B.  Oct.  26,  1602.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627;  B.D.  1635.  Fellow, 
1627;  ejected,  1644.  V.  of  Comberton,  Cambs.,  1639-41. 
R.  of  Waresley,  Hunts.,  1641-2.  V.  of  Saxthorpe,  Norfolk, 
1642,  ejected.  Benefactor  to  the  College  Library.  (Loder.) 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1627. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  7,  1632.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  1632.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Appledore, 
Kent,  1651-5.   Buried  there  1655. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  19, 
1632-3  S.  of  Theophilus  (1607),  of  Beccles,  Suffolk,  attomey- 
at-law.  B.  in  London.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1633. 
Migrated  to  St  John's,  Nov.  22,  1633.  Brother  of  Nicholas 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  24, 
1641.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Meivod,  Montgomery.  B.  there. 
School,  Shrewsbury.   Matric.  1641. 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  10,  1649. 
Of  Merioneth.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Foston,  Leics.,  1671-6. 

VAUGHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  23, 
1673-4.  S.  of  Howel,  gent.,  of  St  Asaph.  B.  there.  School, 
Wem.  Matric.  1674.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Feb.  10,  1674-5;  of  Llwydiarth,  Montgomery.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Maurice  (1677). 

Vaughan,  Thomas 

VAUGHAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  23, 
1677.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman.  B.  at  Kinton,  Salop. 
School,  Bridgnorth  (Mr  Comes).   Matric.  1677. 

VAUGHAN,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept,  26, 
1642.  Perhaps  migrated  to  Oxford;  if  so,  of  St  Botolph's, 
Aldersgate,  London.  Scholar  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford, 
1646,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1648;  M.A.  1649.  Fellow  of 
Wadham,  1650.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VAUGHAN,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  24,  1648. 

Of  London.   Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Joseph,  of  London.  Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  May  3,  1651. 
VAUGHAN,  MAURICE.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

July  4,  1677.  S.  of  Howell,  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  at  Llanfyllin, 

Montgomery.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A. 

1684.     Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,    1685-94.    Ord.   priest   (St 

Asaph)  Jan.  i8,  1690-1.    R.  of  Yelling,  Hunts.,  1692-1722. 

Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1692-1722.   Preb.  of  Windsor,  1695-1722. 

Died  Apr.  27,  1722.   Will,  P.C.C.   Perhaps  brother  of  John 

(1673-4).   (Musgrave.) 
VAUGHAN,   NICHOLAS.    Adm.   pens,   (age   17)   at  Christ's, 

Apr.   28,    1640.    S.   of  Theophilus   (1607).    B.   at  Beccles, 

Suffolk.    Schools,   Beccles   (Mr  Neeve)   and  Norwich   (Mr 

Lovering).   Matric.  1640.  Brother  of  John  (1632-3).   (PeiU, 

I.  470.) 
VAUGHAN,  OLIVER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1588. 

Of  Huntingdonshire. 
VAGHAN,  PHILIP.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1631. 

Of  Salop.   B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 
VAUHAN,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

VAGHAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1562. 

VAUGHAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1569.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas.  B.  c.  1550,  at  Nyffryn,  Carnarvon. 
B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577;  D.D.  1588-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1584.  Chaplain  to  the  Queen  and  to  Dr  Aylmer,  Bishop  of 
London  (his  uncle).  R.  of  Chipping  Ongar,  Essex,  1578-81, 
and  of  Little  Canfield,  1580-91.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1583-95. 
Archdeacon  of  Middlesex,  1588-96.  R.  of  Moreton,  Essex, 
1591.  V.  of  Gt  Dunmow,  1592.  Canon  of  Wells,  1593. 
R.  of  Lutterworth.  R.  of  Stanford  Rivers,  1594.  Bishop 
of  Bangor,  1595-7;  of  Chester,  1597-1604;  of  London, 
1604-7.  Archdeacon  of  Anglesey,  1596.  R.  of  Bangor- 
ys-coed,  Flintshire,  1597-1604.  Assisted  William  Morgan  in 
his  translation  of  the  Bible  into  Welsh.  Died  Mar.  30,  1607. 
Buried  in  St  Paul's.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Cooper,  11.  450;  DM.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

VAUGHAN,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1571-2.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1573.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1573-4.  One  of  these  names 
C.  of  East  Bamet,  Herts.,  1578.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Cass,  210.) 

VAUGHAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Nov.  22,  1664.  S.  of  Richard.  Probably  the  'Student  in 
Civil  Law';  LL.B.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  If  so,  R.  of  Arlington, 
Sussex,  in  1677;  V.  of  Steyning,  1677.  (Lambeth  Act  Book; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

VAUGHAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1736; 
B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1754.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Plymouth. 
V.  of  Kingston,  Hereford.  V.  of  Leominster,  1762. 

VAUGHAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  31,  1744.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Shenfield,  Essex.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Brentwood  and  London.  Matric.  1744.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Mar.  4,  1740-1.  Barrister,  1746. 

VAUGHAN  or  VAHAN,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clark, 
Michs.  1584.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Stephen  (next),  of  St  Mary 
Spital,  Bishopsgate,  London.  Knighted,  Jan.  10,  1617-8. 
Of  St  Mary  Spital,  1633.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir 
Edward  Watson,  of  Rockingham  Castle,  Northampton,  Knt. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1580)  and  Stephen  (1580).  (Vis. 
of  London,  1634.) 

VAUGHAN  or  VAGHAN,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gon- 
viLLE  Hall,  Easter,  1554.  Probably  s.  of  Steven.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  21,  1564;  'of  London.'  Of  St  Mary 
Spital,  Bishopsgate,  London.  Married  Joan,  dau.  of  Richard 
Stroud,  of  Newnam  Court,  Devon.  Probably  father  of  the 
next,  of  Henry  (1580)  and  perhaps  of  Rowland  (above). 
(Venn,  1.  37;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

VAUGHAN,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  16. 
1580.  S.  and  h.  of  Stephen  (?  above),  gent.  B.  at  Hutton, 
Essex.  School,  Hutton  (Mr  Crosbie).  Matric.  1580.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1582.  Brother  of  Henry  (1580). 

VAUGHAN,  THEOPHILUS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1607.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1611-2.  Fellow,  1612.  Registrar 
of  Norwich  diocese,  1616.  Father  of  John  (1632-3)  and 
Nicholas  (1640). 

VAGHAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 


Vaughan,  Thomas 

VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens*,  Oct.  i6,  1596. 

Of  Wales.  Matric.  1596. 
VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  20, 

1643-4.  Of  Ixjndon.  Matric.  1644. 
VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 

30,  1650.   S.  of  Tliomas.   B.  at  Burton-on-Stather,  lines. 

Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Helpston, 

in  1663.   (Peile,  i.  533.) 
VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1657.    Of  Wales.    B.A.  i66o-i;  M.A.  1664.    One  of  these 

names,  'M.A.,'  Chancellor  of  Bangor,  1699.    Died  c.  1705. 

Buried  at  Beaumaris.   (Br.  Willis,  Bangor,  163.) 
VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  2,  1712-3; 

exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's  School.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London, 

Esq.    Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720.    Ord.  priest 

(London)  Dec.  20,  1719. 
VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.   M.A.  from  Sidney,  1714.   S.  of  John, 

of  Exeter,  gent.    Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  30, 

1705,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1709-10.    V.  of  Branscombe, 

Devon,  1713.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
VAUGHAN,  THOMAS.    M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1719.   S. 

of  Griffith  (i68i),  of  Coppenhall,  Cheshire,  clerk.    Matric. 

(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  June  14,   1708,  age  18;  B.A. 

(Oxford)    1712.    V.  of  Pawlett,  Somerset,   1723-6.    V.  of 

Eccles,  Lanes.,  1726-48.  Died  1748.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
VAGHAN,  W.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1562. 

(Possibly  adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  2,  1562;  Vawgham.) 
VAGHAN,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1506-10. 
VAUGHAN,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent, 

1563-4.  Resident,  Aug.  1564. 
VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1579.   Of  Wales.   Migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (Balliol  College, 

Oxford)  1582.    Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1583.    M.A.  (Oxford) 

1584;  B.D.  1591;  D.D.  1597.    R.  of  Cerrig-y-Druidion,  Den- 
bigh, 1587-97.  R.  of  LlangwmdymeU,  1593.  R.  of  Llansan- 

nan  (portion),  1594-8.    Canon  of  St  Asaph,  1596.    V.  of 

Rhuddlan,  FUntshire,  1597-8.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
VAUGHAN  or  VAHAN,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St 

John's,  Easter,  1616;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623;  BJD.  1633. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  17,  1621-2;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1622. 

Perhaps  V.  of  Foxton,  Cambs.,  1630-49.  One  of  these  names, 

'B.D.,'     R.    of    Llanfairfechan,    Carnarvon.    R.  of  Aber. 

Chancellor  of  Bangor,    1636.    Sequestered,  c.  1644.    Died 

before  1660.  (Br.  Willis,  Bangor.) 
VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1623.  B.  at  Kimbolton,  Hunts.  B.A.  1626;  M.A.  1630.  Ord. 

deacon  (London)  June  8,  1628,  age  24.   One  of  these  names 

C.  of  Linslade,  Bucks.,  c.  1635,  and  R.  of  Potsgrove,  Beds. 

Buried  there  Sept.  10,  1684.   (Genealog.  Bedford.) 
VAUGHAN,   WILLIAM.    M.D.    1674    (Incorp.   from   Leyden). 

Adm.  at  Leyden,  July  17,  1668,  age  20.    M.D.  there,  1671. 

F.R.C.P.,  1678;  Censor,   1704;  Elect,   1707.    Married  Arm 

Newton,  of  Romford,  Essex,  Aug.  11,  1676.    Died  July  4, 

1712.    Probably  father  of  Henry  (1706).    {Munk,  i.  397; 

N.  and  Q.,  4th  S.,  iii.  579.) 
VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  13, 

1696-7.  Matric.  1698. 
VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 

June  II,  1711.    S.  of  Richard,  of  Shenfield,  Essex,  Esq. 

Matric.  1711. 
VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  2, 

1723-4.  Of  Llcmgemiew,  Denbigh.  Matric.  c.  1723.  Perhaps 

adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  17,  1721;  of  Bronhilog,  Denbigh, 

VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 

Dec.  22, 1726.  S.  of  Richard,  E^q.,  of  Cors-y-gedol,  Merioneth. 

B.  there.  Schools,  Chester  and  Mortlake  (Mr  Ellis).   Matric. 

1727.   Succeeded  his  father,  1734.   M.P.  for  Co.  Merioneth, 

1734-68.   Lord-Lieutenant  of  the  County,  1762.   Died  Apr. 

12,1775.  Brother  of  Evan  (1727-8).  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  402.) 
VAUGHAN  or  WAGHAM,   .     Com.   for   M.A.   or  higher 

degree,  1474-5- 

VAUGHAN  or  WAWYN, .  B.Can.L.  1498-9. 

VAUGHAN, .  Ssholar  at  Christ's,  1547-8. 

VAUGHAN,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  1712  (did  not 


VAUGHAN, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1745-6. 

VAUTROLLER  or  VAUTROLLIER,  SIMEON.    Adm.  pens,  at 

Peterhouse,    Mar.    31,    1582,    'GalJus.'     Doubtless   s.    of 

Thomas,    Huguenot   refugee,    and    printer   of   Blackfriars, 

London  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.).   Matric.  1582;  B.A.  1586-7. 
VAUX  or  VAUSE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1613. 

Vavasour,  Peter 

VAUX  or  VAUSE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalehe, 
Michs.  1567;  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1578.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11,  1574.  R.  of  South 
Hykeham,  Lines.,  1579-92.  R.  of  Bassingham,  1581-92. 
C^on  of  Lincoln,  1587-92. 

VAUX,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1604-5.  One  of  these 
names  C.  of  St  Helen's,  Auckland,  Durham,  1016-33; 
perhaps  V.  there,  1637;  accused  of  dabbling  in  m»gic  and 
selling  strange  books  at  the  altar  of  his  church. 

VAUX  or  VAUSE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Jon's,  Easter, 
1624;  BJi..  1627-S;  M.A.  1631.  R.  of  Gt  Mus/rave,  West- 
morland, 1637-70.  V.  of  Warcop,  in  1643.  Buried  at  Gt 
Musgrave,  Jan.  21,  1670-1. 

VAUX,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidne\,  June  15,  1637. 
S.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Whipsnade,  Beds.  School,  St  Albans. 
Matric.  1637.   (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634.) 

VAUX,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Jchn's,  Easter,  1585; 
B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  from  Trinity  HaJ,  1592-  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1594.  B.D.  (Exeter  College,  O'xford)  1594.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Willingale  Doe,  Essex,  1587.  JViU  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1604-5.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

VAUX  or  VAUSE,  ROBERT.  Mafic,  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1610.  Perhaps  s.  of  Rot^rt  (above).  B.A.  1613-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  20,  1613-4;  priest.  Mar.  16, 
1616-7.  One  of  these  names  X.  of  CarrigaUen  (Kilmore), 
Ireland,  1634-9.  Died  1639. 

VAUX,  THOMAS.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  S.  of  Nicholas, 
Lord  Vaux,  of  Harrowden,  Northants.  B.  c.  1509.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  2nd  Baron,  May  i4i  1523.  Accompanied  Wolsey 
abroad,  in  1527.  Created  KB.,  1533.  Present  at  the  dis- 
putation at  Cambridge  befoie  Edward  VI,  June  24,  1549. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Cheyne,  of  Fen 
Ditton,  Cambs.,  and  of  Irthlingborough,  Northants.  Poet. 
Died  1556.  (Buried  Oct.  1556,  according  to  Machyn's 
Diary.)  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  20,  1574.  (Cooper,  i.  161; 
G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

VAUX,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pers.  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628; 
B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Perhaps  R.  of  Caldecot,  Herts., 
1666-80.  Died  1680. 

VAUX,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  15, 
1745-6.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Whipsnade,  Beds. 
B.  there.  School,  Hardin,  Herts.  Matric.  1745-6-  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nay  26,  1737-  Perhaps  High  Sheriff 
of  Beds.,  1755-6.   (Scott-Hayor,  in.  555.) 

VAUX,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  siiar  (age  24)  at  Pembroke,  June  30, 
1676.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Coppull,  Lanes. 

VAVISER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1558.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Waltham,  Essex.  One  of 
these  names  s.  of  John,  of  Spaldington,  Yorks.;  diec"  im- 
married,  1607.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1553)-  (I^**-  of 
Essex,  1558.) 

VAVISORE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1564. 
Of  Spaldington,  Yorks.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  South  Cave, 
Yorks.  Migrated  to  Caius,  June  13,  1566,  age  20.  Married 
Katherine,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Babthorpe,  1574.  Brother 
of  Ralph  (1566).  (Venn,  1.  58.) 

VAVASER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592. 
One  of  these  names,  'of  Rushton,  Northants.,'  adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1596.  Accused  of  complicity  in  the  Gun- 
powder Plot. 

VAVYSOR  or  WAVYCER,  HENRY.  B.Civ.L.  1476-7;  perhaps 
Com.  for  B.Can.L.  1478-9,  Vanesur. 

VAVYSOR,  HENRY.  B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1524.  FeUow  of 
Queens',  1523-9.  Died  1529. 

VAVASER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1553. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Waltham,  Essex.  One  of  these 
names,  s.  of  John,  of  Spaldington,  Yorks.,  died  s.p.,  1567. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1558).   (Vis.  of  Essex,  1558.) 

VAVASOUR,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  i, 
1578.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Copmanthorpe,  Yorks.  School, 
Greenwich.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1576).  (Venn, 
I-  97.) 

VAVASOUR,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  27,  1607. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  of  Waltham  Cross,  Essex, 
Esq.  Matric.  1607.  Adm.  at  Gray'',  Inn,  Nov.  20,  1610. 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

VAVASOR,  'MAJOR'  (MAUGER).  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1622.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (i595).  oi 
Weston,  Yorks.,  Esq.  B.  1603.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  12, 
1623.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Piers  Leghe,  Esq.,  of  Lyme, 
Cheshire.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.;  Wheater,  Sherburn,  175;  Loidis 
et  Elmete,  206.) 

VAVASER,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent,  1564-5- 
Probably  s.  of  George,  of  Bubwith,  Yorks.,  Esq. 


Vavasour,  Ralph 

VAVISORE,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  June  13, 
1566.  S,  of  John,  Esq.,  of  South  Cave,  Yorks.  School, 
South  Cave.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Adam  Darnell,  of 
Thomhohne,  Yorks.  Brother  of  George  (1564)-  (Venn,  i. 

VAVISOR,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

VAVYSOR,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1535-6  (?  from  St  John's).  S.  of 
Sir  Peter,  of  Spaldington,  Yorks.,  Knt.  M.A.  1538;  M.D. 
(Venice).  Probably  Fellow  of  Clare,  c.  1539.  Licensed  by 
the  R.C.P.,  1556.  A  romanist;  charged  with  harbouring  the 
Jesuit  Campion.  Imprisoned  at  Hull.  Living,  1574.  {Cooper, 
I.  327;  Gr.  Bk,  B,  294;  Munk,  1.  56;  Vis.  oj  York,  1563.) 

VAVASOUR,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  21,  1576.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Copmanthorpe, 
Yorks.  School,  Eton.  Knighted,  1597.  Of  Skellingthorpe 
and  of  Copmanthorpe.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Dodges, 
of  Cope,  Yorks.  Died  Nov.  1620.  Will  dated,  Oct.  21; 
proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  27,  1620.  Brother  of  Henry  (1378). 
{G.E.C.,  II.  212;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1028.) 

VAVESOR,   WILLIAM.     Matric.  sizar   from    King's,    Easter, 

VAVASOURS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Caius, 

Dec.  31,   1580.    S.  of  Rodolph,  gent.,  of  Kippax,  Yorks. 

Schools,  Newton  and  Otley,  Yorks.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

Feb.   7,   1588-9.    Probably  the  recusant  of  these  names; 

imprisoned  five  years  in  Newgate.   If  so,  married  Anne,  dau. 

of  Sir  Thomas  Manners.  A  tertiary  of  the  Order  of  St  Francis. 

Inherited  the  estate  of  Hazlewood,   1609.    Died  Nov.  26, 

1637,  aged  70.  Admon.  (York)  Dec.  11,  1637;  of  Leadhall. 

(Venn,  1.  io8.) 

VAVASOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  c. 
1595-  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Mauger,  of  Weston,  Yorks., 
age  4  in  1585.  Succeeded  his  father.  Treasurer  for  lame 
soldiers  for  the  West  Riding,  1630.  J. P.,  1634.  Royalist. 
Of  Weston.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Vaughan,  of 
Sutton-in-Derwent,  Mar.  28,  1598;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Richard 
Tolson,  of  Bridekirk,  Cumberland,  and  widow  of  Edward 
Savile,  at  St  Helen's,  York,  June  2,  1625.  Father  of  Mauger 
(1622).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.;  Wheater,  Sherburn  and  Cawood, 

VAVISOR,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1614.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Mar.  7,  1616-7. 

VAVYSOUR, .  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1487-91. 

B.Can.L.  1516-7. 

Matric.  sizar   from   Magdalene,   Easter, 

.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1566. 

VAWDREY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  7,  1713.  S.  of  William,  clerk  (probably  C.  of  Mobberley, 
Cheshire,  in  1680).  B.  at  Bowdon,  Altrincham,  Cheshire. 
School,  Thometon,  Cheshire.   Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8. 

VEALE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  12, 
1679.  S.  of  Walter,  R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon.  B.  there. 
School,  Meeth,  North  Devon  (private).  Matric.  1679;  LL.B. 
1685.  R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon.  Brother  of  Walter  (1674-5), 
father  of  the  next  and  of  Walter  (1710). 

VEALE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1725.  S.  of  Charles  (above),  R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon. 
Matric.  (Oxford)  Apr.  5,  1718,  age  18;  B.A.  (Balliol  College, 
Oxford)  1721-2.  R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon,  1725-37.  Will 
(Exeter)  1737.   Brother  of  Walter  (1710).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VEALE  (?),  EDWARD.  Matric.  from  St  John's,  c.  1592. 

VEALE,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612. 

VEALE,  SAMUEL.  B.A.  1649  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  M.A. 
from  Queens',  1649.  S.  of  Walter,  R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon. 
Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  6,  1639,  age  17;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1643.   V.  of  St  Teath,  ComwaU,  1661.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VEALE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1678. 
Possibly  s.  of  Samuel  (above),  V.  of  St  Teath,  Comwcdi. 
B.A.  1681-2.   (Peile,  11.  69.) 

VEALE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1586  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Lincolnshire,  pleb.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Dec.  22, 
1576,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1582;  M.A.  1584.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  5,  1586;  priest.  May  3,  1587.  R.  of  St  Mary, 
Mablethorpe,  Lines.,  1586-1623.   Admon.  (Lincoln)  1623. 

VEALE,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  6,  1674-5, 
'William.'  S.  of  Walter,  clerk,  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon.  Bapt. 
there,  July  22,  1651.  School,  Torrington.  Matric.  1674-5; 
LL.B.  1680.  R.  of  Monk  Okebampton,  Devon.  Married 
Wilmot  Paddon,  Oct.  18,  1680.  Buried  Sept.  24,  1724,  at 
Iddesleigh.   Brother  of  Charles  (1679).   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

Venn,  Richard 

VEALE,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  3, 

1710.   S.  of  Charles  (1679),  R.  of  Iddesleigh,  Devon.    Bapt. 

there,  May  3,   1693.    School,  Oakhampton.    Matric.   1710; 

B.A.  1713-4.   Brother  of  Charles  (1725) • 
VEALE,  WILLIAM.    B.A.  1738  (Incorp.  from  Exeter  College, 

Oxford).   Matric.  there.  May  8,  1733,  age  17.   S.  of  George, 

of   Gulval,   ComwaU,    Esq.     B.A.    (Oxford)    1736-7;    M.A. 

(Oxford)  1739.  One  of  these  names  of  Trevular,  Penzance; 

died  Aug.  8,  1789.   (AL  Oxon.) 

VEEL, .  B.A.  1500-1. 

VELLEY,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  25,  1662-3. 

Matric.  1663;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1666-7. 
VENABLES,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  June  2,  1658. 

S.  of  George,  Esq.  B.  at  Agden,  Cheshire.  Brother  of  Richard 

VENABLES,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Pembroke, 

June  3,  1654.    S.  of  George.  Esq.    B.  at  Agden,  Cheshire. 

B.A.  1656-7.  Brother  of  John  (1658). 

VENABLES,  SION.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1620. 
Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Nantwich,  Cheshire,  yeoman. 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  R.  of  Thurstaston,  Cheshire,  1634- 
5.  Died  Jan.  1635-6.  Buried  at  Nantwich,  Jan.  20,  1635-6. 
Admon.  (Chester)  to  widow  Elizabeth,  Mar.  29,  1636.  (Hall, 
Nantwich;  E.  Axon.) 

VENABLES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  2, 
1650.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Chester.  B.  at  Northwich, 
Cheshire.  School,  Chester  (Mr  Greenhalgh).  Matric.  1650. 
(Peile,  I.  533.) 

VENETUS,  JOHN.  B.D.  1514-5;  D.D.  1517-8.  Licensed  to 
practise  medicine,  1530-1.  A  learned  Italian.  Deputy  Vice- 
ChanceUor,  1529.   (Cooper,  i.  40.) 

VENETUS,  PHILIP.  D.D.  1501-2;  B.D.  (Paris). 

VENN,  see  also  FENN. 

VENN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  9, 
1737.  S.  of  Richard  (1709),  R.  of  St  Antholin's,  London. 
B.  1717,  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  i737;  B.A. 
1740-1;  M.A.  1744.  Chapel-clerk,  1737-44.  Studied  medicine 
at  Leyden.  M.D.  there.  Practised  physic  at  Ipswich. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Beaumont,  R.  of  Witnesham. 
Died  at  Ipswich,  Feb.  13,  1780,  aged  61.  Buried  in  St  Mary- 
le-Tower.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Henry  (1742). 

VENN,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  2,  1632.  S.  of 
John,  of  Cuckfield,  Sussex,  yeoman.  Matric.  1632;  B.A. 
1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  of  Henry  Venn,  of  Cuckfield, 
proved,  1640-1,  by  his  nephew  Henry,  who  deceased  prior 
to  May  20,  1653.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

VENN,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 1742. 
S.  of  Richard  (1709),  R.  of  St  Antholin's,  London.  B.  Mar.  2, 
1724-5,  at  Barnes,  Surrey.  Schools,  Bristol  (Mr  A.  S.  Catcott) 
and  Market  Street,  Herts.  (Dr  WiUiam  Pitman).  Migrated  to 
Jesus,  Aug.  24,  1742.  Matric.  1742;  Rustat  Scholar,  1742; 
B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1749.  FeUow  of  Queens', 
1749-57-  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  17,  1747;  priest  (Ely) 
June  18,  1749.  C.  of  Barton,  Cambs.,  1749-  Lecturer  of 
St  Swithin's,  London,  in  1753.  C.  of  West  Horsley,  Surrey; 
of  Clapham,  1754-9.  V.  of  Huddersfield,  Yorks.,  1759-72. 
R.  of  Yelling,  Hunts.,  1770-97.  A  prominent  leader  of  the 
EvangeUcal  revival  in   the  Church  of  England.    Married 

(1)  EUng,  dau.  of  Rev.  Thos.  Bishop,  D.D.,  May  10,  1757; 

(2)  Katherine,  dau.  of  Rev.  James  Ayscough,  July  15,  1771. 
Author,  religious.  Died  at  Clapham,  June  24,  1797.  Buried 
there.  Brother  of  Edward  (i737).  (D.N.B.;  Venn  Family 

VENN  or  VANN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  13, 
1721.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1721,  Vann;  B.A.  1724-5; 
M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Feb.  21,  1724;  priest 
(Lincohi)  Sept.  24,  1727.  Chaplain  to  Dowager  Lady 
Mordington.  V.  of  Norton,  near  Galby,  Leics.,  1737-49- 
R.  of  Peckleton,  Leics.,  1744.   (Lambeth  Act  Book.) 

VENN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  2,  i734- 
S.  of  John,  of  Cambridge.  Matric.  1734;  Scholar,  1737;  B.A. 
1737-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1739;  'C  of  St 
IppoUt's,  Herts.'  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1748  and 
1749,  but  this  may  refer  to  John  (above). 

VENN,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1624  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
William,  V.  of  Otterton,  Devon.  Bapt.  there.  May  17,  1601. 
Matric.  (Exeter  CoUege,  Oxford),  Apr.  16,  1619,  age  i8; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1621;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  Cambridge,  1624. 
V.  of  Otterton,  1625-44.  A  staunch  Royalist;  ejected  and 
imprisoned  at  Exeter.  After  years  of  wandering  he  was 
reinstated,  in  1660.  Died  June  28,  1662.  Buried  at  Otterton. 
WUl,  Exeter.  (Venn  Family  Annals;  .41.  Oxon.;  Walker, 


Venn,  Richard 

VENN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Sidney,  June,  1709.  S.  of  Dennis, 
V.  of  Holbeton,  Devon,  and  grandson  of  Richard  (above). 

B.  there,  Jan.  7,  1690-1.  Schools,  Modbury  and  Tiverton 
(Mr  Rayner).  BlundeU  Scholar;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1716. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  23,  1716;  priest,  Dec.  2,  1717. 

C.  of  St  Giles',  Cripplegate,  London.  R.  of  St  Antholin's, 
Watling  Street,  London,  1725-39-  Preacher  at  St  Paul's 
Cross.  Intimate  friend  of  Henry  Temple,  ist  Lord  Palmer- 
ston.  Opposed  the  appointment  of  Thomas  Rundle  to  the 
see  of  Gloucester,  1754,  and  thus  became  involved  in  a  storm 
of  pamphlets,  laudatory  and  denunciatory.  Author,  sermons. 
Buried  at  St  Antholin's,  Feb.  20,  1738-9-  Father  of  Edward 
(1737)  and  Henry  (1742).  [Venn  Family  Annals;  D.N.B.) 

VENNER,  see  also  FENNER. 

VENNER,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 
1600.    S.  of  William,  gent.    B.  at  Chittlehampton,  Devon. 
School,  Chumleigh  (Mr  Hatswell).   Perhaps  Scholar,  1602-6. 
Of  Chittlehampton,   Esq.    Married   (i)   Elizabeth,   dau.  of 
Richard  Farwell,  of  Somerset;  (2)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Francis 
Whiddon,  of  Chagford,  Devon.    VVUl  proved  (P.C.C.)  1647. 
[Venn,  i.  172;  Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 
VENNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  May  20, 
1703.    Of  Middlesex.   School,  Eton.    Matric.  1703;  Scholar, 
1703;  B.A.  1706-7  (ist  in  Tripos).  Perhaps  V.  of  Stevington, 
Beds.,  1722.  One  of  these  names  of  Brentford,  Middlesex; 
died  Oct.  1743- 
VENNER,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 
1600.    S.  of  Thomas,  gent.    B.  at  Chittlehampton,  Devon. 
School,  Chumleigh,  Devon.    Perhaps  Scholar,  1602-6.   (But 
see  also  Humphrey  (1600).) 
VENNING,  EDMUND.   Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  7, 
1686-7.  (Previously  matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  July  5, 
1681,  age  18.    Of  Devon.   S.  of  Nic,  of  Lamerton.    Matric. 
1687;  LL.B.  1693.    R.  of  Trevalga,  Cornwall,  1702.   Buried 
Sept.  18,  1704.  Admon.  (Exeter)  1704.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
VENNING,  RALPH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  i,  1643. 
Of  Devon.    S.  of  Francis.    B.A.  1646;  M.A.  1650.  Lecturer 
at    St    Olave's,    Southwark;    ejected,    1662.     Preacher    at 
Pewterers'  Hall,  Lime  Street,  London,   1663-74-    Author, 
religious.   Died  Mar.  10,  1673-4.   Buried  in  Bunhill  Fields. 
VENTRISSE,   CHARLES.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.   from   Trinity, 
Lent,  1615-6.   Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Campton, 
Beds.,   Knt.    Bapt.   there,   July   25,   1599.    Succeeded   his 
brother  Francis  at  Campton,  in  1631.   Fought  for  the  King 
in  the  Civil  Wars.    Knighted,  1645.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  Lewis  Pemberton,  of  Rushden,  Northants.   Died  before 
1651.    Brother  of  Francis   (1615-6)   and  Henry   (1615-6). 
{Victoria  Hist.  Beds.,  11.  268.) 
VENTRIS,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  10,  1679- 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Campton,  Beds.    Matric. 
1679.    Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  3,  1680. 
Died  1719.   {Victoria  Hist.  Beds.,  11.  268.) 
VENTRIS,   EDWARD.     Adm.   Fell.-Com.    (age   17)   at   Caius, 
Apr.  23, 1636.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  late  of  Gt  Shelford,  Cambs. 
B.  at  Oakington.    Bapt.  Feb.  10,  1619,  at  Little  Shelford. 
School,  Grendon,  Northants.  (Mr  Shilboume).   Matric.  1636. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  1638.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Brewse,  Knt.,  at  Little  Wenham,  Suffolk.    Died 
before  July  23,  1649.   Brother  of  Francis  (1634)  and  father 
of  Peyton  (1660).  {Venn,  1.  320.). 
VENTRIS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1604,  Vestris.   Of  Chesterton,  Cambs.   Prob- 
ably s.  of  Thomas,  of  Chesterton.    B.A.  i6o8.    Fellow,  1607- 
10.  Died  in  College.   {Harwood.) 
VENTRIS,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1 61 5-6.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Campton, 
Beds.,  Knt.    Bapt.  there,  Dec.  29,  1597.    Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,   May   15,   1618.    Of  Campton,  Esq.    Died  s.p.,  1631. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1615-6)  and  Henry  (1615-6).    {Vis.  of 
Beds.,  1634;  Victoria  Hist.  Beds.,  in.  268.) 
VENTRIS,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  9, 
1634.   S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  Esq.   B.  at  Chesterton,  Cambs. 
Bapt.  July  20,  1618,  at  Oakington.    School,  Grendon  (Mr 
Shilboume).   Matric.  1634.   Buried  at  Gt  Shelford,  Apr.  16, 
1636.  Brotherof  Edward  (1636).  (Fenn,  i.  312;  CamAs.  Kw., 
VENTRISSE,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1615-6.    4th  s.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Campton,  Beds.,  Knt. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  2,  1601.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15, 
1619-20.  Brother  of  Charles  (1615-6)  and  Francis  (1615-6). 
{Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634-) 
VENTRIS,   JOHN.    Matric.  pens,   from  Clare,   Easter,    1643- 
(Adm.  at  Queens',  1644.)   Of  Northamptonshire.   B.A.  from 
Clare,  1646.   Probably  intruding  minister  at  Church  Bramp- 
ton, Northants.,  and  at  Pitsford,  in   1655;  ejected,   1660. 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 

Vere,  William 

VENTRIS,  PEYTON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1660. 
Of  Sufiolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (1636).  B.  Nov. 
1645,  at  Wenham  Hall,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1 661; 
Scholar,  1662.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  3,  1663-4. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1671.  Serjeant-at-law,  1689.  M.P.  for 
Ipswich,  1689.  Justice  C.P.,  1689-91.  Knighted,  Oct.  31, 
1689.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Henry  Whiting,  of  Cogges- 
hall,  Essex.  Died  Apr.  6,  1691,  aged  45.  Buried  at  St 
Nicholas,  Ipswich.   Father  of  Robert  (1696).   (D.N.B.) 

VENTRIS,  PEYTON.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Nov.  8, 
1735;  afterwards  Fell.-Com.   Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1735. 

VENTRIS  or  WENTRES,  ROBERT.  Licensed  to  practise  surgery, 
1514-5.   Perhaps  will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1541. 

VENTRIS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  30, 
1696.  S.  of  Peyton  (1660).  B.  at  Ipswich,  Suffolk.  School, 
Copford,  near  Colchester  (private).  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699- 
1700.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  19,  1702. 

VENTRIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  May  28, 
1628.  Of  Kent.  B.  in  the  parish  of  St  Alphage's,  Canter- 
bury. School,  Canterbury.  Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1630-1; 
M.A.  1634.  C.  to  Archdeacon  Kingsley.  R,  of  St  Margaret's, 
Canterbury;  ejected,  1662.  Continued  to  preach  privately; 
Sir  Robert  Hales  and  his  family  at  Bekesboume  being  his 
constant  hearers.  Died  c.  1685,  aged  about  73.  (Calamy,  11. 
56;  Masters,  408-9.) 

VENTRIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  9,  1683-4. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A. 
1691.  Fellow,  1689.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1692. 
R.  of  Earl  Stonham,  Suffolk,  1696.  R.  of  Little  Stonham, 

VERCHILD,  JASPER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  16,  1724. 
Of  St  Kitts,  West  Indies. 

VERCORAN,  DOMINUS  DE.    M.A.  1615  {Lit.  Reg.). 

VERDON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  15, 
1670.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Mutford,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Eye  (Mr  Browne).  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A. 
1677.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1675;  priest  (London) 
Mar.  II,  1676-7.  R.  of  East  Dereham,  Norfolk,  1677-1741; 
V.  1681-1741.  Died  1741,  aged  89.   {Blomefield,  x.  210.) 

VERDON,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1625. 

VERDON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  July  7,  1713. 
S.  of  John,  of  Methwold,  Norfolk,  husbandman.  B.  at 
Feltwell.  Schools,  Wymondham  (Mr  Clarke)  and  Norwich 
(Mr  Pate).  Matric.  1713-4;  Scholar,  1713-7;  B.A.  1716-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  16,  1717;  priest  (Norwich)  July  13, 
1718.  V.  of  Tottington,  Norfolk,  1724-c.  50;  held  by 
sequestration.  V.  of  Hockham,  1724.   (Venn,  1.  530.) 

VERDON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  May  18,  1666. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Suffolk.  B.  there.  School,  Sudbury. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673;  B.D.  1681.  Fellow, 
1671-1717;  ejected  as  non-juror.  Junior  Proctor,  1679-80. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  19,  1674.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1678-9.  R.  of  Gt  Snoring, 
Norfolk.  V.  of  East  Dereham,  1680-1.  Lived  and  died  in 
St  Clement's  parish,  Cambridge.   (Cole,  5884,  38.) 

VERDON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1596. 

VERDON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June,  1631. 
Of  Suffolk.   Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5,  Vardon. 

VERDON  or  VARDON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  9, 
1705.  Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-0,  Vardon. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1713.  Officiated  at  Wolverhampton, 
in  1724.  R.  of  Darlaston,  Staffs.,  in  1741,  and  imtil  1752. 
(G.  P.  Mander.) 

VERE,  EDWARD,  Earl  of  Oxford,  M.A.  1564;  see  BULBECK. 

VERE,  GEORGE  DE.  Special  grace  for  M.A.  1458-9-  3rd  s.  of 
John,  i2th  Earl  of  Oxford.  Knighted.  Married  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Sir  William  Stafford,  Knt.  Died  1503.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Richard  (1469-70).   (Burke,  Ext.  Peerage.) 

VERE  or  VEAR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1568. 
Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1570. 

VEAR,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1593. 

VERE,  RICHARD.  Grace  concerning  degree,  1469-70.  Perhaps 
4th  s.  of  John,  12th  Earl  of  Oxford.  If  so,  married  Margaret 
Percy.   Perhaps  brother  of  George  (1458-9). 

VEARE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  22,  1657. 
Matric.  1657.  Perhaps  's.  and  h.  of  John,  late  of  Henley, 
Suffolk,  gent.';  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  6,  1662.  One  of 
these  names  buried  at  Henley,  July  17,  1700. 

VERE,  .    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  Aug.  24,  1726. 

Possibly  William,  3rd  s.  of  William,  late  citizen  and  Merchant 
Taylor,  of  London.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  1, 


Verman,  George 

VERMAN,  GEORGE.   M.A.  1664  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).   S.  o£ 

John,  of  Lamorran,  Cornwall.   Matric.  from  Exeter  College, 

O.xford,  May  31,  1655;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1660;  M.A.  1662-3; 

B.D.  1674.    Fellow  of  Exeter  College,  Oxford,   1657-1718. 

Proctor  (Oxford)   1672-3.    Perhaps  R.  of  Mells,  Somerset, 

1693.   Died  Mar.  29,  1718.  Buried  in  Exeter  College  Chapel. 

WiU  (V.C.C.  Oxford).   (Al.  Oxan.) 
VERNER,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1582-3. 
VERNY,  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608; 

B..A.    (not    recorded);    M.A.    1615.     Probably    brother    of 

Richard  (1608). 
VERNEY,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  30,   1640. 

Of  Warwickshire.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  GreviJJe,  of  Compton  Vemey. 

Matric.   1640.    Died   unmarried,   Feb.   20,    1649,   aged   23. 

Buried  at  Compton.    Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Richard 

(1640).   (A.  Gray.) 

VERNEY,  GREVILLE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Sept.  13, 
1637.  Of  London.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  GreviUe,  of  Compton 
Verney,  Warws.,  Knt.  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Apr.  13,  1641.  Succeeded  his  father,  1642.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Viscount  Wenman,  of  Tuam, 
Ireland.  Died  Dec.  9,  1648.  M.I.  at  Compton.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1650.  Brother  of  Richard  (1640)  and  George  (above). 
(A.  Gray;  Le  Neve,  Knights,  37;  Nichols,  iii.  12.) 

VERNY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1668. 
S.  and  h.  of  Richard  (1640),  of  Alexton,  Leics.,  Esq.  (after- 
wards Lord  Wnioughby  de  Broke).  Matric.  1669.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Jan.  24,  1669-70.  CaUed  to  the  Bar, 
1677.  M.P.  for  Co.  Leics.,  1685-7,  1695-1701,  1702-7. 
Died  v.p.,  Oct.  31,  1707.  (A.  Gray;  Le  Neve,  Mon.;  A.  B. 

VERNEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  nobleman  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  19, 
1728.  S.  of  Ralph,  2nd  Viscount  Fermanagh  (and  afterwards 
created  Earl  Vemey).  School,  Fulham,  London  (Mr  Vaslett). 
Matric.  1729.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Josias  (?  Jonas)  Nichol- 
son, of  Clapham,  Surrey.  Died  v.p.  and  s.p.m.,  June  3,  i737- 
Brother  of  the  next.   (Burke,  Dormant  and  Ext.  Peerage.) 

VERNEY,  RALPH.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  Apr.  20,  i733- 
and  s.  of  Ralph,  Viscount  Fermanagh.  Matric.  1733;  M.A. 
1736.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  16,  1729.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  2nd  Earl  Vemey,  Oct.  4,  1752-  F.R.S.,  1758. 
P.C.,  1765.  M.P.  for  Wendover,  1753-61;  for  Carmarthen, 
1761-8;  for  Bucks.,  1768-84  and  1790-1.  His  extravagance 
ruined  his  large  fortune.  Lived  much  at  Calais.  A  patron 
of  Edmund  Burke.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Herring, 
Esq.,  of  Egham,  Surrey.  Died  s.p..  Mar.  31,  1791,  in  Curzon 
Street.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (above).  (D.N.B.; 
Peile,  II.  228.) 

VERNY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608. 
Probably  brother  of  George  (1608). 

VERNEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  30,  1640. 
Of  Warwickshire.  3rd  s.  of  GreviUe,  of  Compton  Vemey, 
Warws.  B.  there,  Jan.  28,  1621.  Matric.  1640.  Sheriff  of 
Rutland,  1682.  Knighted,  Apr.  i,  1685.  M.P.  for  Warwick- 
shire, 1685-7,  1689-90.  Claimed  successfuUy  the  title  of 
Baron  WiUoughby  de  Broke,  Feb.  1694-5.  Married  (i)  Mary, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Pretyman,  of  Lodington,  Knt.  and  Bart.; 
(2)  Frances,  dau.  of  Thomas  Dove,  of  Upton,  Northants. 
Died  July  18,  1711,  aged  90.  Father  of  John  (1668),  brother 
of  GreviUe  (1637)  and  George  (1640).  (A.  Gray;  A.  B. 
Beaven;  Nichols,  iii.  12.) 

VERNEY, .   B.A.  1492-3;  M.A.  1496-7. 

VERNIER,  JOHN.  Licenced  to  practise  medicine,  1633,  by 
incorporation  from  Leyden. 

VERNON,  ARTHUR.  B.A.  1512-3;  M.A.  1516-7.  Perhaps  his 
wiU  (P.C.C.)  15 17;  'of  Bogeston,  Derbs.' 

VERNON,  EDWARD.  B.D.  1612  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Cheshire,  pUb.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  23, 
1593,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1597;  M.A.  1600;  B.D.  1609. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Oxford)  Dec.  29,  1606.  R.  of  West 
Deeping,  Lines.,  1610-2.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1611-21.  R.  of 
Fleet,  Lines.,  1612-22.  V.  and  R.  of  Gedney,  1617.  {Al. 

VERNON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  13, 
1685-6.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Sudbury,  Derbs.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1686;  M.A.  (Lambeth)  1698.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Rutland.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake  to  whom  the  M.A.  degree  is  wrongly  assigned. 
(Lambeth  Act  Book.) 

VERNON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  i, 
1713.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Redmile,  Leics.,  clerk.  School, 
Uttoxeter,  Staffs.  (Mr  Bumet).  Matric.  1713-4;  Scholar, 
1715;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720;  D.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.). 
FeUow,  1719.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1723.  F.R.S.,  1723.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  22,  1718;  priest,  May  31,  1724-  R-  of 

Vernon,  Thomas 

St  George's,  Bloomsbury,  London,  1731-61.  R.  of  Orwell, 
Cambs.  (sinecure),  1748-61.  Antiquary.  Died  Mar.  16,  1761. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1761.  (Hennessy;  Burke,  L.G.,  where  the  date 
of  death  is  wrongly  given.) 

VERNON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  4, 
1741.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Staffordshire.  B.  at  Lees  Hill. 
School,  Brewood  (Mj  Budworth).  Matric.  1742;  M.B.,  I747. 
Adm.  at  Leyden,  Aug.  6,  1745. 

VERNON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  jEsus,  July  5,  1623. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  of  Aldersgate,  London. 
Matric.  1624.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1626.  Barrister, 
1634.   (Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634.) 

VERNON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  21, 
1731-2.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Thurlow,  Suffolk.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1732.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  June  20,  1732.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at 
Leyden,  Sept.  27,  1737. 

VERNON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1607; 
B.A.  i6ii-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1613.   Usher  at  Oundle  School,  1613. 

VERNON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1686.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694. 
FeUow,  1690.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1695-1701.  R.  of 
Buckland,  Herts.,  1712-22.  Died  Nov.  1722.  Will,  Comm 
Essex.    (Harwood.) 

VERNON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  18, 
1740.  S.  of  John,  of  Agerly  Park,  Staffs.  School,  Dublin 
(Mr  Young).  Matric.  1740.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  20, 
1741-2.  Barrister-at-law  (Irish  Bar),  1747.  Of  Clontarf 
Castle,  Co.  Dublin.  Married  Elizabeth  Hughes.  WiU  dated. 
May  1,  1785;  proved.  May  5,  1787.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

VERNON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  26,  1670; 
B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Gloucester)  May  30, 
1675.  V.  of  West  Hoathley,  Sussex,  1678.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

VERNON,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May 
17>  1735-  S.  of  Henry,  of  HUton,  Staffs.  B.  Sept.  13,  1718. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1735.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Jan.  4,  1738-9.  M.P.  for  Lichfield,  1755-61;  for  Newcastle- 
under-Lyne,  1761-2.  Commissioner  of  Excise,  1763-5. 
Married  Lady  Henrietta  Wentworth,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Earl 
of  Strafford.   Died  May  25,  1765.   (A.  B.  Beaven.) 

VERNON,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  12, 
1637-8.  Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1637-8;  B.A.  1641-2; 
M.A.  1645.  FeUow,  1645.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Kilmore) 
Feb.  5,  1650-1.  P.C.  of  Highgate,  Middlesex,  in  1664. 
Probably  R.  and  V.  of  Preston  Capes,  Northants.,  1667-77. 
Buried  there  June  30,  1677. 

VERNON,  JAMES.  M.A.  1676  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Adm. 
FeU.-Com.  at  St  John's,  Cambridge,  Feb.  10,  1678-^. 
S.  of  Francis,  of  London.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  July  19,  1662,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1666;  M.A.  1669.  M.P.  for  the  University,  1679;  for  Penryn, 
1695-8,  1705-10;  for  Westminster,  1698-1702.  Secretary  to 
the  Duke  of  Monmouth.  Under-Secretary  of  State  (North), 
1693-4;  (South),  1694-7.  Commissioner  of  Prizes,  1693-1705. 
Secretary  of  State  (North),  1697-1700  and  1692;  (South), 
1700-2.  P.C,  1697.  Teller  of  the  Exchequer,  1702-10. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Buck,  Bart.  Died  Jan.  31, 
1726-7.  Buried  at  Watford,  Herts.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.;  Scott-Mayor,  11.  72;  A.  B.  Beaven.) 

VERNON,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  5, 
1749-50.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Nacton,  Suffolk.  School,  West- 

VERNON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1620; 
exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  Matric.  1620;  B.A. 

VERNON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  (age  16)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1626.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Margaretting,  Essex.  B. 
Jan.  19,  1608.  Perhaps  of  Merchant  Taylors'  School.  Prob- 
ably adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  lo,  1628-9.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1636.  Died  Jan.  28,  1653,  aged  44.  Buried  at  Maldon, 
Essex.   (Morant,  i.  336.) 

VERNON,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1614; 
B.A.  i6i6-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19; 
priest,  Dec.  20,  1624.   (Peile,  i.  296.) 

VERNON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  24, 
1643-4.  Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1644.  Died  in  CoUege, 
Aug.  15,  1644. 

VERNON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June 
14,  1639.  S.  of  Walter,  lawyer.  B.  at  Sudbury,  Derbs. 
Matric.  1639. 

VERNON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  6,  1700-1. 
B.  at  Gravenhanger,  Salop.  Matric.  1701. 

VERNON,  THOMAS.  M.D.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Leyden,  July  i,  1704- 


Vernon,  Walter 

VERNON,  WALTER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1567.    One  of  these  names  s.  of  John,  of  Hodnet,  Salop. 

{Vis.  of  Shropshire,  1623.) 
VERNON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1581. 
VERNON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

VERNON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Peterhouse, 

Apr.  20,  1685.   Of  Hertfordshire.   School,  Hertford.   Matric. 

1685;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A.  1688-9;  M.A.  1692.   Fellow,  1692. 

Obtained  leave,  Dec.  23,  1697,  for  four  years'  absence  for 

study  in  the  West  Indies.  A  distinguished  botanist.   (T.  A. 

Walker,  177.) 
VERNON, .  'Compositor.'   Placed  first  in  the  ordo,  1508-9. 

VERO,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1609; 
B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Schoolmaster  at  St  Ives,  Hunts., 
1613.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1613.  V.  of  Gt  Chester- 
ford,  Essex,  c.  161 5-8.  R.  of  Hareby,  Lines.,  1618.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Braine,  late  V.  of  Chesterford, 
deceased,  Nov.  161 5. 

VERO,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1604;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  May  26;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1611.  R.  of  Hartest  and 
Boxted,  Suffolk,  1615-27. 

VERON,  JOHN.  Studied  at  Cambridge,  Protestant  contro- 
versialist. B.  near  Sens.  Studied  at  Orleans,  in  1534. 
Settled  in  England,  1544.  (letters  of  denisation,  July  2,  1544, 
state  that  he  had  been  eight  years  in  England  and  a  student 
at  Cambridge).  R.  of  St  Alphage,  Cripplegate,  London, 
1552-4.  Imprisoned  for  seditious  preaching,  1553-8.  F>reb. 
of  St  Paul's,  1559-63.  R.  of  St  Martin's,  Ludgate,  1559. 
V.  of  Sepulchre's,  1560.  Author,  controversial,  etc.  Died 
Apr.  9,  1563.   Buried  in  St  Paul's.   (D.N.B.) 

VERSELYN,  BAPTIST.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

VERTUE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1608. 
B.  in  St  Gabriel,  Fenchurch,  London.  Migrated  to  Em- 
manuel, 1611.  Scholar  there;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  16,  1616-7;  C.  of  Dartford,  Kent,  1617. 
R.  of  All  Hallows,  Honey  Lane,  London,  1628-60.  Author, 
theological.  Died  1660.  WiU  (P.C.C);  of  Richmond,  Surrey; 
to  be  buried  at  All  Hallows,  Honey  Lane.   (Peile,  1.  271.) 

VERTUE,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1711.  Of  Norwich. 
S.  of  George,  alderman,  of  Norwich.  Matric.  1711;  B.A. 
1714-5;  M.A.  1718.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July  13,  1718; 
priest  (Norwich)  June  12,  1720.  R.  of  West  Halton,  Lines., 
1722.  R.  of  Catfield,  Norfolk,  1723-32.  R.  of  St  Nicholas, 
Feltwell,  1732.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely,  1736.  R.  of 
Glemsford,  Suffolk,  1736.   [Masters.) 

VERYARD,  ELLIS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  July  21, 
1676.  Matric.  1676.  Probably  adm.  at  Leyden,  July  9, 
1678,  Vergard. 

VERYARD,  ELLIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  27, 
1717.  S.  of  Elisha.  B.  at  CuUompton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.  M.B.  1722.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Nov.  6,  1720.  Per- 
haps his  will  1755,  Exeter;  of  Colyton. 

VERIARD,  NATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Pembroke, 
Jan.  29,  1671-2.  S.  of  William,  of  St  Eval,  Cornwall,  clerk. 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Deo.  24,  1676.  R.  of  Ayot  St  Peter,  Herts.,  1682-5.  Died 

VEYSEY,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1575- 
Probably  s.  of  Arthur,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.  Bapt.  there, 
1558.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1578-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
May  20;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1605.  R.  of  Ramsden  Belhouse, 
Essex,  1606-16.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Francis  Jenney, 
of  Knodishall,  Suffolk.  Died  1616.  (Suffolk  Man.  Fam.,  1.63.) 

VESEY,  DENNIS  (DENNY).  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peter- 
house,  Mar.  28,  1693.  Of  Limerick.  S.  of  John  (1664), 
Archbishop  of  Tuam.  School,  Hertford.  Scholar,  1693; 
Matric.  1694.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  Dec.  14,  1694,  age  17,  Denny;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1696-7. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  1698.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

VESEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1549. 
Probably  brother  of  John  (1549)  and  Robert  (i549). 

VESEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1585.  B.  at 
Isleham,  Cambs.,  c.  1564.  B.A.  (?  1589-90);  M.A.  1593.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  May  1,  1591,  age  24;  priest.  May  22,  1594; 
preacher  (Ely).  V.  of  Little  Grimsby,  Lines.,  1600.  V.  of 
Thorpe-in-the-Marsh,  1600-11.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1611. 
Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (of  Clare).   (Cambs.  Vis.) 

VESEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  14,  1612. 
4th  s.  of  William,  of  Bedingham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1612, 
'Very';  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  July  11,  1622.  Brother  oi  Philip  (1612)  and 
Robert  (1610). 

Vesey,  Thomas 

VESEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1618-9. 

VESEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  Oct.  1620.  Resided  two 
or  three  years.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  10,  1624;  priest 
(London)  Sept.  1626.  V.  of  Boreham,  Essex,  1643-8.  Died 
1648.  (Peiie,  I.  337;  H.  Smith.) 

VESEY,  ISAAC.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1564; 
B.A.  1568-9, 

VASEY,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  28, 
1663-4.  Of  Durham.  School  (private).  Matric.  1665; 
Scholar,  1665;  B.A.  1667-8.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

VASEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1549  (impubes). 
Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1549)  and  Henry  (1549). 

VESA  YE,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs.  1566. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1570. 

VESEY  or  VESCY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1624.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Brampton-en-le- 
Morthen,  Yorks.  Age  5  in  1612.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  15,  1626.  Of  Brampton,  Esq.  Married  Alice  Trubshaw, 
of  Bawtry.  Buried  at  Treeton,  Nov.  11,  1629  (or  1639). 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.;  F.M.G.,  1207;  Hunter,  11.  180.) 

VEZEY,  JOHN.  M.A.  1664  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Dublin).  S.  of  Thomas,  Archdeacon  of  Armagh.  B.  Mar.  10, 
1638,  at  Coleraine.  School,  Westminster.  D.D.  (Dublin) 
1672;  Vice-chancellor,  1713.  Chaplain  of  the  Irish  House 
of  Commons,  1661.  Archdeacon  of  Armagh,  1662-3.  Dean 
of  Cork,  1667-72.  Treasurer  of  Clo>Tie,  1667-73.  Preb.  of 
Lisclery  (Cork),  1667-9;  of  Ballyhea  (Cloype),  c.  1669;  of 
Kilpeacon  (Limerick),  1667-73.  Bishop  of  Limerick,  1673-9. 
Archbishop  of  Tuam,  1679-1716.  Warden  of  Galway,  1684. 
Fled  from  Ireland  during  the  Revolution,  1688-9;  lecturer 
for  some  time  in  a  London  church.  Author,  sermons,  etc. 
Died  Mair.  28,  1716,  aged  79.  Buried  at  Holly  Mount,  Co. 
Mayo.  Ancestor  of  Viscount  de  Vesci.  Father  of  Dennis 
(1693).  (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Al.  Dublin;  Leslie,  Armagh  Clergy, 
151;  D.N.B.) 

VEISEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  21, 
1691.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  John,  of  Hintlesham,  Suffolk,  gent. 
Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Fellow,  1698.  Died 
in  College,  Oct.  1700. 

VESSEY,  KENELM  (?  GENAVIN).  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1617,  Genavin  Vessey.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20, 
1629;  'of  Trinity  College.' 

VESEY,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  14,  1612. 
3rd  s.  of  William,  of  Bedingham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1612; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  12; 
priest,  June  13,  1625.  R.  of  Beaumont,  Essex,  in  1637. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1612)  and  Robert  (1610). 

VESEY,  REVELL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1626-7. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Michael,  of  Brinsworth,  Yorks.  (and  Elizabeth 
Revel;  married  at  Laughton,  Oct.  28,  1602).  B.A.  1625-30. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1631.  Licensed,  Sept.  i,  1634 
('clerk  of  Kirkby-in-Ashfield,  Notts.')  to  marry  Anne 
HoUingworth.   (F.M.G.,  1208;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

VEYSEY  or  VASEY,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1532-3.  Of  Durham 
diocese.  M.A.  1536;  B.D.  1543-4.  Fellow  of  Pembroke, 
1532.   R.  of  Orton  Waterville,  Hunts.,  1551-67.  Died  1567. 

VESEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  15,  1650. 
Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Bradwell.  Matric. 
1650.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Hobland  Hall.  Married  and  had 
issue.  Buried  at  Whatfield,  Suffolk,  July  23,  1684.  M.I.  in 
Bradwell  Church.  Brother  of  William  (1663).  (Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  1664;  Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  1.  61-2.) 

VASEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1549- 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1553.  One  of  these  names 
living  at  Manor  House,  BurweU,  Cambs.,  1594.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1549)  and  Henry  (1549). 

VEAZY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1610.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Bedingham,  Norfolk,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  26,  1613-4;  of  Fumival's  Inn. 
Of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Philip 
Forthe,  Esq.,  of  Hadleigh.  Living,  1634.  Brother  of  Henry 
(1612)  and  Philip  (1612).   (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

VEYSY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1551- 
VESEY,  THOMAS.  Of  Clare,  where  he  resided  one  year.  B. 
at  Isleham,  Cambs.,  c.  1564.  Probably  brother  of  Henry 
VEISEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
July  4,  1622.  S.  of  Charles,  Esq.,  of  Hintlesham,  Suffolk 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edmund  Doyley).  B.  at  Shottesham, 
Norfolk  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Ipswich.  Matric. 
1623.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1624-5.  Of  Hintlesham, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bull,  of 
Flowton,  Suffolk.  WiU  dated,  Feb.  2,  1678;  proved  (Archd. 
Suffolk)  Nov.  20,  1679.  {Suff.  Man.  Fam.,  i.  62;  Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  1664.) 


Vesey,  Thomas 

VESEY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  20,  1660. 

Matric.  1661;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.   Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  18,  1669.    R.  of  Shipmeadow,  Suffolk, 

VESA  YE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1579. 
VESEY,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hali.,  1663.  Doubtless 

s.  of.William,  of  BradwelJ,  Suffolk.   M.A.  1667-8  {Lit.  Reg.). 

Faculty   (Lambeth)    to  receive  Holy  Orders   (deacon   and 

priest)  Oct.  29,  1668.   R.  of  Little  Waltham,  Essex,  1668-70. 

Licensed  to  marry  Mary  Johnson,  of  Whitechapel,  May  10, 

1666,  then  age  23.   Died  1670.   Will  (P.C.C.)  July  28,  1670, 

clerk;    property   in    Suffolk.     Brother   of    Richard    (1650). 

{Suckling,   I.  322;  Chester,  Marriage  Licences;  Suff.  Man. 

Fam.,  I.  60-2.) 

VESCIE, .  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 

VEVERS,  WILLIAMS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Mar.  24,  1721-2. 

S.  of  Richard,  tanner,  of  Potterton,  Yorks.   B.  at  Barwick- 

in-Elmet,  Yorks.   School,  Penistone  (Mr  Ramsden).   Matric. 

1722;  Scholar,  1723;  B.A.  1725-6;  M.A.  1729.    Ord.  priest 

(York)  July  21,  1728;  C.  of  Skelbrooke.  C.  of  Chapelthorpe, 

near  Sheffield,  c.  1745.   {PHle,  11.  206.) 
VIELL  or  VYALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  26, 

1622.   S.  of  AlDraham,  oilman,  of  London.   School,  Croydon, 

Surrey   (Mr  Nicholson).    Matric.    1623;    Scholar,     1623-9; 

B.A.    1625-6;   M.A.    1629.    Fellow  and   Master,   Dulwich 

College,  1628-31.   {Venn,  i.  258;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 
VIALL,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  2,  1683. 

Of  Coventry,  Warws.    Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1686-7.    Ord. 

priest  (Lincoln)  June  15,  1689.    P.C.  of  Coton,  Warws.,  in 

1703.    R.  of  Snelland,   Lines.,   1705.    Married,   at   Galby, 

Leics.,  Anne  Parker,  Dec.  8,  1703;  then  of  Chilvers  Coton, 

clerk.   {Nichols,  11.  570.) 
VIALL,  JONATHAN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  5,  1621. 

Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628. 
VILE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  16, 

1663-4.   Of  Middlesex.   School,  St  Paul's.   Scholar,  1663-4; 

B.A.  1668.  Signed  for  deacon's  and  priest's  orders  (London) 

July  12, 1669;  'about  to  set  forth  for  the  colony  of  Virginia.* 
VIAL,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  13,  1674. 

Of  Essex. 
VIALL,  STRANGFORD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  20,  1666, 

from  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford  (three  years'  residence  there). 

Of  Kent.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Ashford,  gent.  Scholar,  1667;  B.A. 

1666-7;  M.A.  1670.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1674.   Head  Master 

of  Ashford  Grammar  School,  Kent,  c.  1673-9.    R-  of  Up- 

minster,  Essex,  1679-86.    Died  1685-6.    Admon.,  Mar.  17, 

1685-6.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
VICARIS,  ROBERT.    M.A.  1668  (Incorp.  from  St  Alban  Hall, 

Oxford).    Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  July  2,   1658; 

B.A.  (Oxford)  1661-2;  M.A.  1664.    R.  of  Heythrop,  Oxon., 

1675.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
VICARMAN,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1591. 

2nd  s.  of  Ralph,  of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1595-6. 

Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  r,  1598;  late  New  Inn. 
VICKERMAN,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1614;  B.A.   1617-8.    One  of  these  names  of  Fraysthorpe, 

Yorks.,  Esq.,  c.  1622. 
VICARMAN,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

VICARS,  BARNABAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  11, 

1662-3.    Oi  Nottinghamshire.    Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1666-7. 

Buried  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  Mar.  23,  1666-7. 
VICARS,  CHARLES.   Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Aug.  lo,  1687, 

from  Trinity  Hall;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.   Matric. 

1688.   Resided  till  Michs.  1688.   {Peile,  11.  106.) 
VICARS,   EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,   Easter, 

1609;  B.A.  1612-3.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1613. 
VICARS,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  3,  1577. 

S.    of    Henry,    deceased,    of    Leicester.     School,    Leicester 

(Mr  Bishoppe).    Matric.  1577;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1580-1; 

M.A.  from  Clare,  1584.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5,  1586. 

Schoolmaster  at  Higham   Ferrers,   Northants.,   1585;  still 

there,  Aug.  22,  1592,  when  he  witnessed  a  will. 
VICARS,  JOHN.  M.A.  161 5  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of  WiUiam, 

citizen  and  girdler,  of  London.    Bapt.   Sept.   3,    1564,  at 

Christ  Church,  London.    Matric.  (Broadgate  Hall,  Oxford) 

Nov.  24,  1581,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1583-4;  M.A.  1587. 

Perhaps    C.    of    St    Michael's,    Comhill,    1593.     R.    of    St 

Augustine-at-the-Gate,  London,  1600-33.   Licence  (London) 

to  marry  Agnes  Fesse,  Feb.  12,  1589-90.    Died  Nov.  1633. 

Will,  P.C.C.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Ath.  Oxon.) 
VICCARS,   JOHN.    Matric.   pens,   from  Christ's,   July,    1618. 

S.  of  Gregory,  of  Treswell,  Notts.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  30,  1604. 

B.A.    1621-2.     Incorp.  at  Oxford,    1624-5;   M.A.   (Lincoln 

College,  Oxford)  1625.    Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1625.    Ord. 

ViGORYs,  Robert 

deacon  (Peterb.)  July  23;  priest,  July  24,  1624.  R.  of 
Battlesden,  Beds.,  1626-46;  of  South  Fambridge,  Essex, 
1640-6.  An  admirable  linguist.  Author,  Decapla  in  Psalmos; 
drawn  from  ten  languages.  Died  1660.  (Not  to  be  confused 
with  John  Vicars,  the  Puritan  author.)  Perhaps  brother  of 
Samuel  (1625).   {PeiU,  i.  324;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

VICARS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  24, 
1638.  S.  of  James.  B.  in  London.  School,  Mercers'.  Matric. 

VICKARS,  JOHN.  Adm,  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  18, 
1670.  Of  Derbyshire.  S.of  James,  R.  of  Melbourne,  deceased. 
Matric.  1670.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Sept.  27,  1672.  Rustat 
Scholar;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 
1676.  One  of  these  names  Head  Master  of  Loughborough 
School,  1682-6. 

VICARS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1624. 

VYCARS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1556. 

VICARS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

VICARS,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  7,  1641. 

VICKARS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  May  11,  1625. 
(Probably  adm.  at  Queen's  earlier  in  1625.)  S.  of  George,  of 
Nottinghamshire.  School,  Lincoln  (Mr  Gierke).  Matric. 
1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Perhaps  brother  of  John 
(1618).   {Peile,  I.  367.) 

VICARS,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1658. 
V.  of  Bedfont,  Middlesex,  1660-88.  V.  of  Stanwell,  1662-71. 
V.  of  Staines,  1671-88.  Married  (i)  Anne  Monger,  of  Stan- 
well,  Sept.  4,  1662;  (2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Edward  Rickard,  of 
Latham,  Middlesex,  Nov.  20,  1686.  Died  before  Oct.  11, 
1688.   Will,  Cons.  C.  London.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

VICARS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1558. 

VICARS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1585. 
Probably  V.  of  Walkringham,  Notts.,  1589-1637;  V.  of 
Beckingham,  in  1619.  Buried  at  Walkringham,  Aug.  17, 

VICKERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1604;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  V.  of  Shilbotel,  North- 
umberland, 1610-36.  V.  of  Felton,  1616.  Died  at  Shilbotel, 
1636.  Will  dated,  July  12,  1636. 

VICARS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1609. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1613-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  19,  1613;  priest,  Sept.  1616. 

VICKERS,  THOMAS.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  16,  1621; 
priest,  Sept.  21,  1623;  'literate  of  Jesus  College.' 

VICARS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1554. 

VICARS,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1604. 

VICARS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1627-8. 
Matric.  Easter,  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Perhaps  his 
wiU  (Exeter)  1673;  of  Coleridge,  clerk. 

VICARS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  28, 
1645.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman.  B.  at  Quamdon,  Derbs. 
School,  Repton.  Migrated  to  Queens'.  Matric.  1645;  B.A. 

VICARY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  5, 
1707.  S.  of  Lewis,  clerk.  B.  at  Atherington,  Devon.  School, 
Barnstaple.  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1711-2. 

VICARY,  LUDOVIC.  Adm.  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  19,  1618. 
S.  of  John,  minister,  of  Braunton,  Devon.  Bapt.  Mar.  9, 
1599-1600.  School, Torrington  (Mr  Salisbury).  Matric.  i6i8; 
Scholar,  1620-1;  B.A.  1620-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Exeter)  Sept.  21, 
1623.  R.  of  Atherington,  Devon,  1634-63;  of  Landkey,  1659. 
Buried  at  Atherington,  Feb.  5,  1662-3.   {Venn,  i.  239.) 

VIKARY,  THOMAS.   B.D.  1503-4. 

VIDAL,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  30, 
1719.  S.  of  Peter,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1729.  In 
Holy  Orders. 

VIEVAR,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  25)  at  Peter- 
house, Nov.  17,  1713.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1714;  LL.B.  1719. 
V.  of  Halstead,  Essex,  in  1725.  R.  of  Peldon,  1725-44.  Died 
1744.  Will,  Comm.  Essex. 

VIGANI,  JOHN  FRANCIS.  Teacher  at  Cambridge  from  1683. 
B.  in  Verona.  Appointed  honorary  Professor  of  Chemistry, 
1703-13.  Travelled  in  Spain,  France  and  Holland,  and  studied 
mining,  metallurgy  and  pharmacy.  Author,  Medulla 
Chvmiae,  published  at  Dantzig,  1682.  Died  Feb.  1712-3. 
Buried  at  Newark.   {D.N.B.) 

VIGNIER,  Baron  CLAUDIUS  DE.  M.A.  1624  (on  King's  visit). 

VIGORYS,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1571. 



Villa,  John 

VILLA,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Trinity,  June  5,  1687. 
S  of  Peter,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1687; 
Scholar,  1688;  B.A.  1690-1.  Preceptor  to  the  Princess  Royal 
of  Prussia.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  22,  1692;  priest, 
June  4,  1699.  V.  of  Sundon,  Beds.,  1692-8.  R.  of  St  John's, 
Westminster,  London,  i730-5-  Died  c.  1735-6.  Admon. 
1736;  Dean  and  Chapter  of  Westminster. 

VILLIERS,  CHARLES,  Earl  of  Anglesey.  Adm.  Fell.-Com. 
(age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  13,  1644.  S.  and  h.  of 
Christopher,  ist  Earl  of  Anglesey,  of  Ashley  Park,  Walton, 
Surrey,  and  nephew  of  George  (1626),  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
Married  Mary,  Dowager  Viscountess  Grandison,  and  dau.  of 
Paul,  Viscount  Bayning.  Died  s.p.  Buried  Feb.  4,  1660-1, 
at  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  Middlesex.   (G.E.C.) 

VILLIERS,  EDWARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1601.  and  s.  of  Sir  George  (?  1565),  of  Brokesby, 
Leics.,  Knt.  B.  c.  1585.  Knighted,  Sept.  7,  1616.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Mar.  i,  1617-8.  Master  of  the  Mint, 
1617-22  and  1624-6.  Comptroller  of  the  Court  of  Wards, 
i6i8.  M.P.  for  Westminster,  1620-2,  1624-5.  Envoy  to 
the  Elector  Palatine,  1620.  President  of  Munster,  1625. 
Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Sir  John  St  John,  of  Lidiard 
Tregoze,  Wilts.  Died  in  Ireland,  Sept.  7,  1626.  Buried  at 
St  Mary's,  Youghal.  M.I.  Ancestor  of  the  Earls  of  Jersey. 
Half-brother  of  George  (1628-9)  and  John  (1620),  doubtless 
father  of  George  (1633),  John  (1633)  and  of  William  (1625). 

VILLIERS,  The  Hon.  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity, 
Aug.  30,  1667.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (1633),  4th  Viscount 
Grandison  (by  his  ist  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  (Leigh), 
Eari  of  Chichester).  Matric.  1667-8;  M.A.  1668.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  John  FitzGerald,  of  Dromana,  Co. 
Waterford,  Mar.  1676-7.  Assumed  her  name  of  FitzGerald 
on  coming  into  possession  of  her  large  estate.  Died  v.p.,  1693. 
Will  proved  (Dublin)  Feb.  15,  1693.  Half-brother  of  William 
(1683-4)  and  father  of  John  (1700).   (G.E.C.) 

VILLIERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  17,  1670-1.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  of  Bartlow,  Cambs., 
and  of  Richmond,  Surrey  (afterwards  Knight-Marshal  of 
the  Household),  and  grandson  of  Edward  (1601).  B.  at 
Bartlow.  School,  Richmond,  Surrey.  Matric.  1671;  M.A. 
1672.  Knighted,  Apr.  7,  1680.  Master  of  the  Horse,  1689-95. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  Knight-Marshal  of  the  Household, 
1689-99.  Created  Baron  Villiers  of  Hoo,  Kent,  and  Viscount 
Villiers,  of  Dartford,  Mar.  20,  1 690-1.  Minister  to  the  Hague, 

1695.  Joint  plenipotentiary  to  the  Congress  of  Ryswick, 

1696.  Created  Earl  of  Jersey,  Oct.  13,  1697.  Envoy  to 
Holland,  1695-8,  and  to  Paris,  1698-9.  P.C.  1697,  and  1702 
(to  Queen  Anne).  A  Lord  Justice  of  Ireland,  1697-8.  A 
Lord  Justice  of  England,  1699.  Secretary  of  State  (South), 
1699-1700.  Lord  Chamberlain,  1700-4.  D.C.L.  (Oxford) 
1702.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  William  ChiflSnch,  of 
Fibbers,  in  Bray,  Berks.  Died  Aug.  25,  1711.  Buried  in 
Westminster  Abbey.  Father  of  William  (1698-9)  and  Henry 
(1733)-   (D.N. B.;  G.E.C.) 

VILLIERS,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1641-2  (fil.  noh.).  Doubtless  3rd 
s.  of  George  (1626-8),  Duke  of  Buckingham.  B.  Apr.  2,  1629 
(posthumous).  Called  'the  beautiful  Francis  Villiers.'  Died 
unmarried.  Killed  in  a  skirmish  with  the  Parliamentarians, 
near  Kingston,  July  7,  1648,  after  a  most  gallant  resistance. 
Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Brother  of  George  (1641-2). 
(Burke,  Exl.  Peerage,  G.E.C.) 

VILLIERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1565.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Brokesby 
and  of  Howby,  Leics.  B.  c.  i545-  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1566. 
Sheriff  of  Leics.,  1591.  Knighted,  June  17,  i593-  Married 
(i)  Audrey,  dau.  of  William  Sanders,  of  Harrington,  North- 
ants.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Anthony  Beaumont,  of  Glenfield, 
Leics.,  Esq.  (afterwards  created  Countess  of  Buckingham). 
Died  Jan.  4,  1605-6.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  M.I. 
Probably  father  of  Edward  (1601),  George  (1628-9)  and 
doubtless  of  John  (1620).  (Nichols,  iii.  197;  Collins,  iii.  768; 
Lodge,  IV.  82.) 

VILLIERS,  GEORGE.  Chancellor  of  the  University,  1628-9. 
4th  s.  of  Sir  George  (1565),  of  Brokesby,  Leics.  The  well- 
known  Court  favourite.  B.  Aug.  28,  1592,  at  Brokesby. 
School,  BiUesden.  Sent  to  Paris  where  he  attained  perfection 
in  aU  polite  accomplishments.  Came  to  Court  where  he 
succeeded  Robert  Carr,  Earl  of  Somerset  as  the  King's 
favourite.  Cup-bearer,  1613.  Gentleman  of  the  Bedchamber, 
1615.  Knighted,  Apr.  24,  1615.  Master  of  the  Horse,  1616. 
K.G.,  1616.  Chief  Justice  in  Eyre,  North  of  Trent,  1616-9. 
Created  Baron  Whaddon  of  Whaddon,  Bucks,  and  Viscount 
Villiers,  Aug.  27,  1616.  Created  Earl  of  Buckingham,  Jan.  5, 
1616-7;  Marquis,  Jan.  i,  1617-8.  P.C,  1617.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Mar.  i,  1617-8.  Lord  Warden  of  the  Cinque 
Ports  and  Constable  of  Dover,  1618.  Lord  High  Admiral 
of  England,  1619.  Lord-Lieut,  of  Kent,  1620;  of  Middlesex, 

Villiers,  John 

1622.  Created  Earl  of  Coventry  and  Duke  of  Buckingham, 
May  i8,  1623.  Sent  to  Spain  with  Charles,  Prince  of  Wales, 
to  arrange  a  Spanish  alliance  for  that  prince.  Chief  com- 
missioner of  War  and  General  of  the  Fleet  and  Army,  in 
1625.  Ambassador  to  Paris,  1625-6,  and  to  the  Hague,  1625, 
His  unbounded  influence  at  Court  made  him  unpopular  and 
the  failure  of  an  expedition  to  the  Isle  of  Rh6  for  the  relief 
of  the  Rochellers,  increased  his  unpopularity.  Married 
Katherine,  dau.  of  Francis  (Manners),  Earl  of  Rutland. 
Assassinated  by  John  Felton,  Aug.  23,  1628.  Buried  in 
Westminster  Abbey.  Hailf -brother  of  Edward  (1601)  and  John 
(1620),  father  of  George  (1641-2)  and  of  Francis  (1641-2). 
(G.E.C;  D.N.B.) 

VILLIERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Edward  (1601),  Knt.  Knighted, 
Apr.  24,  1644.  Succeeded  his  brother  John  (1633)  as  4th 
Viscount  Grandison,  c.  1661.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of 
Francis  (Leigh),  Earl  of  Chichester;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Richard 
Garford,  of  London  and  widow  of  Sir  Samuel  Sterling. 
Died  Dec.  16,  1699,  aged  c.  82.  Buried  at  Brantfield,  Herts. 
Brother  of  John  (1633)  and  William  (1625);  father  of 
Edward  (1667)  and  William  (1683-4)  (G.E.C;  Clutterbuck, 
1-  259) 

VILLIERS,  GEORGE.  M.A.  1641-2  (fil.  nob.).  S.  of  George 
(1628-9),  Duke  of  Buckingham.  B.  Jan.  30,  1627-8,  at 
Wallingford  House,  Westminster,  London.  Said  to  have 
studied  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford  and  at  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Duke  of  Bucking- 
bam,  Aug.  1628.  Joined  Charles  I  at  Oxford,  1642;  served 
under  Rupert,  1643.  Joined  the  Surrey  insurgents;  routed 
at  St  Neots;  fled  to  Holland,  1648.  P.C.,  1650.  Gentleman 
of  the  Bedchamber,  1650-7,  1661-7.  Accompanied  Charles  II 
to  Scotland,  1650;  fought  at  Worcester,  1651.  Escaped  to 
Holland,  1651.  Returned  to  England,  1657.  Prisoner  in 
the  Tower  of  London,  1658-9.  K.G.,  1661.  P.C,  1662-7. 
His  right  to  the  Barony  of  Ross  Jure  Matris,  admitted, 
Feb.  5,  1667.  Lord-Lieut,  of  West  Riding,  Vorks.,  1661-7. 
Master  of  the  Horse,  1668-74.  High  Steward  of  Oxford, 
1669.  Ambassador  to  Paris,  1670,  1671  and  1672.  Chancellor 
of  the  University,   1671-4.    Lieut. -General  of  the  Forces, 

1673.  A  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  1673-4.  One  of  the  five 
ministers  for  foreign  aSairs  who  formed  the  unpopular  Cabal. 
Quarrelled  with  Arlington,  1673.  Dismissed  from  his  of&ce^, 

1674.  Joined  the  Country  party.  Opposed  the  non-resistance 
Oath,  1675.  Intrigued  against  Charles  II  getting  supplies, 
1678-9.  Disapproved  of  the  Exclusion  Bill,  1680-1.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Baron  Fairfax.  The  Zimri  of  Dryden's 
Absalom  and  Achitophel.  A  patron  of  men  of  letters.  Author, 
verses,  satires,  etc.  Died  s.p.,  Apr.  16,  1687,  at  Kirkby  Moor- 
side,  Yorks.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Brother  of 
Francis  (1641-2).   (G.E.C;  D.N.B.) 

VILLIERS,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  6, 1674.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  of  Sussex.  B.  there.  Sciiool, 
Bradley  (Mr  BUlingsley).  Matric.  1675.  Governor  of  Tyne- 
mouth  Castle,  Northumberland,  1689-1707.  Died  Aug.  11, 
1707,  aged  49.  M.I.  at  Tynemouth.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  133; 

VILLIERS,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
June,  1733. 

VILLIERS,  The  Hon.  HENRY.  Adm.  nobleman  at  Trinity. 
May  28, 1733.  2nd  s.  of  Edward  (1670-1),  1st  Earl  of  Jersey. 
Matric.  1733;  M.A.  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Bath  and  Wells) 
Oct.  3;  priest,  Oct.  10,  1731.  V.  of  Frome  Selwood,  Somerset, 
c.  1731.  R.  of  Marston  Bigott,  1733.  Died  s.p.,  May,  1743. 
Brother  of  William  (1698).  (Collins,  iil.  792;  Lambeth  Act 

VILLIERS,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  10, 
1671-2.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Barnes,  Surrey.  School, 
Repton.  Matric.  1672. 

VILLIERS,  JOHN.  M.A.  1620  (fil.  nob.).  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir 
George  (1565),  of  Brokesby,  Leics.  B.  c.  1591.  Knighted, 
June  30,  1616.  Groom  of  the  Bedchamber  and  Master  of  the 
Robes,  1616.  Created  Baron  ViUiers  of  Stoke,  and  Viscount 
Purbeck,  July  19,  1619.  Lost  his  reason.  Died  Feb.  18, 
1656-7.  Brother  of  Edward  (1601),  etc.   (G.E.C;  D.N.B.) 

VILLIERS,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633;  B.A.  1634-5.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Edward 
(1601),  President  of  Munster.  Succeeded  his  brother  WiUiam 
(1625),  as  3rd  Viscount  Grandison,  Oct.  2,  1643.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  John  Clarke,  of  Ardington,  Berks.  Died 
s.p.,  c.  1661.  Brother  of  George  (1633).  (G.E.C;  Clutterbuck, 
I-  259) 

VILLIERS,  JOHN  (Viscount  GRANDISON).  Adm.  nobleman 
(age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  19,  1700.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward 
(1667),  and  grandson  of  George,  4th  Viscovmt  Grandison. 
School,  Eton.  Succeeded  to  the  peerage,  1699.  Created  Earl 
Grandison  of  Limerick,  Sept.   11,  1721.    Governor  of  Co. 


ViLLiERs,  Thomas 

Waterford.  P.C,  1733.  Married  Hon.  Frances  Gary,  dau.  of 
Anthony,  Viscount  Falkland.  Died  s.p.m.s.,  May  14,  1766. 
Buried  at  Youghal,  Co.  Cork.  Father  of  William  (i73i). 

VILLIERS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr.  5, 
1728.  2nd  s.  of  William  (1698-9),  2nd  Earl  of  Jersey.  B. 
1709.  Envoy  to  Warsaw,  1737.  Minister  plenipotentiary  to 
Dresden,  1740-7;  to  Vienna,  1742-3;  to  Berlin,  1746-8. 
M.P.  for  Tamworth,  1747-56.  A  Lord  of  the  Admiralty, 
1748.  Created  Baron  Hyde  of  Hindon,  Wilts.,  June  3,  1756. 
P.C,  1763.  Joint  Postmaster-General,  1763-5.  Chancellor 
of  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster,  1771-82  and  1783.  Created  Earl 
of  Clarendon,  June  14,  1776.  Married  Charlotte,  dau.  of 
William  (Capel),  Earl  of  Essex,  Mar.  30,  1752.  Died  Dec.  ir, 
1786.  Buried  at  Watford,  Herts.  Brotherof  William  (1727-8). 

VILLIERS  or  VYLERES,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1484-5;  D.Civ.L. 

VILLIERS,    WILLIAM.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    Trinity, 

Easter,  1625.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward  (?  1601). 

B.    1614.    Succeeded    as    2nd   Viscount    Grandison,    1630. 

Knighted,   May   20,    1638.     Married   Mary,   dau.   of   Paul, 

Viscount  Bayning,  Oct.  31,  1639.    Distinguished  himself  in 

the  royal  cause.    Mortally  wounded  at  the  siege  of  Bristol. 

Buried  Oct.  2,  1643,  in  Christ  Church  Cathedral,  Oxford. 

M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1633)  and  George  (1633).  (G.E.C,) 

VILLIERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  nobleman  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  6,  1683-4.  2nd  s.  of  George  (1633),  4th  Viscount 
Grandison.  Matric.  1684.  Fell. -Com.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  in  1699.  Colonel  of  a  regiment.  Married  Catherine, 
dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Villiers.  Died  Sept.  7,  1723.  Half- 
brother  of  Edward  (1667).   (Collins,  in.  788.) 

VILLIERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Jan.  19, 
1698-9.  S.  of  Edward  (1670-1),  1st  Earl  of  Jersey.  Matric. 
1699;  M.A.  1700.  A  Teller  of  the  Exchequer,  1701-2.  M.P. 
for  Kent,  1705-8.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Earl,  Aug.  26,  1711. 
Favoured  the  Jacobite  cause;  created  an  Earl  in  1716  by 
the  Pretender.  Married  Judith,  dau.  of  Frederick  Heme, 
of  London,  Mar.  24,  1704-5.  Died  July  13,  1721.  Buried  at 
Westerham,  Kent.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Henry  (1733), 
father  of  Thomas  (1728)  and  William  (1727-8).  (G.E.C. ; 

VILLIERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1727-8. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William  (1698-9).  Succeeded  his 
father  as  3rd  Earl  of  Jersey,  July  13,  1721.  Lord  of  the 
Bedchamber  to  the  Prince  of  Wales,  1733-8;  to  the  King, 
1738.  Chief  Justice  in  Eyre  (South  of  Trent),  1746.  P.C, 
1747.  Succeeded  his  cousin  John  (1700)  as  Viscount  Grandi- 
son, May  14,  1766.  Married  Anne,  Dowager  Duchess  of 
Bedford,  June  23,  1733.  Died  Aug.  28,  1769.  Buried  at 
Middleton  Stoney,  Oxon.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1728). 

Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Apr.  21,  1731.  2nd  s.  of  John  (1700). 
B.  Jan.  10,  1715.  Matric.  1731.  Styled  Lord  Villiers.  A 
young  man  of  great  promise,  skilled  'in  many  branches  of 
useful  and  curious  literature.'  Died  v.p.  and  unmarried, 
at  Waterford,  Dec.  16,  1739.  Buried  at  Youghal.  M.I. 

VILVAINE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1608  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Peter,  of  Exeter,  pleb.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  22,  1593-4,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1597;  M.A.  1600; 
M.B.  and  M.D.  (Oxford)  1611.  Fellow  of  Exeter  College, 
Oxford,  1599-1611.  Physician  at  Exeter.  Died  Feb.  21, 
1662-3.  Buried  in  Exeter  Cathedral;  founded  the  Lady 
Chapel  library.   WiU,  P.C.C.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VINALL,  AIDONIUS  (Aid-on-High).  Matric.  sizar  from  Pem- 
broke, Easter,  1612.  S.  of  Stephen  (1575).  B.  at  Isfield, 
Sussex.  Bapt.  there,  1596.  B.A.  1615-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  19,  1619.  WiU  proved  (Lewes)  1623;  'of 
Lewes,  Sussex,  clerk.'  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

VYNALL,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1575;  B.A.  1579-80.  Of  Isfield,  Sussex,  clerk.  Father  of 
Aid-on-High  (above). 

VINCENT,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  (age  i6)  at  Cxius,  June  23,  1611. 
S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Worlingham,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Honing- 
ham,  Norfolk.  School,  Southwold,  Suffolk  (Mr  Claydon). 
Matric.  i6ii;  Scholar,  1613-7;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618. 
R.  of  Danbury,  Essex,  c.  1628-44,  sequestered.  Licensed  to 
preach  there  in  1636.  Died  1652.  Probably  brother  of 
John  (1625).   (Venn,  i.  213.) 

VINCENT,  DANIEL.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
i6i6.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry,  merchant,  of  London.  If  so, 
leatherseUer  and  merchant  adventurer,  of  London.  WiU 
(P.C.C.)  1636;  of  St  Martin's,  Ironmonger  Lane.  Brother 
of  Isaiah  (1624).  (Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

VINSANT,  EDWARD.   B.A.  from  Trinity,  1631-2. 

Vincent,  Nathaniel 

VINCENT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1679. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  Michs.  1681;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  i686. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1686. 

VINCENT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  26,  1747-8.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  of  London,  and  of 
Coney  Hatch,  Herts.  School,  Hadley,  Middlesex  (Mr 
Hodson).  Matric.  1748.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  5, 
1748.  Barrister-at-law.  Died  Dec.  20,  1766,  aged '40.'  M.I. 
at  Weddington,  Warws.  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv  104.) 

VINCENT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  19,  1677. 
Of  Leicestershire.  S.  of  George,  of  BittesweU.  Matric.  1677; 
B.A.  1680-1 ;  M.A.  1684.  R.  of  the  South  mediety  of  Sheepy, 
Leics.,  i686.  R.  of  Laughton,  1693-7.  Chaplain  to  the 
King.  Died  1704.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  June  12,  1704. 
Brother  of  WiUiam  (1689),  father  of  Richard  (1713)  and 
WiUiam  (1703).   (Nichols,  iv.  934.) 

VINCENT,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Mar.  29,  1704. 
S.  of  Henry,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Hoadley).  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1704-6.  Migrated  to 
St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford,  Mar.  4,  1706-7,  age  20.  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1707-8.  Ord.  priest  (Winchester)  Dec.  30,  1711. 
(Venn,  1.  511.) 

VINCENT,  ISAIAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  10, 
1624.  S.  of  Henry,  merchant.  B.  in  London.  School,  Epping 
(private).  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1627-8; 
M.A.  1631.   Brotherof  Daniel  (i6i6).   (Peile,  1.  358.) 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Gonville  Hal^, 
Michs.  1545;  M.A.  1546  (after seven  years'  study);  B.D.  1556. 
FeUow  (by  Dr  Caius'  charter),  1555.  Preacher  at  Paul's  Cross, 
in  1557.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C)  Jan.  10,  1557-8.  (Venn,  i.  31.) 

VINCENT,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1577-8. 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1590-1.  Perhaps  s.  of 
Robert,  yeoman.  B.  at  Bottesford,  Leics.,  c.  1560.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  11,  1594.  V.  of  Harmston,  Lines., 
1600-24;  previously  at  Waddington,  for  five  years  (perhaps 
as  curate).   Perhaps  brother  of  WiUiam  (1594-5). 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1620-1; 
Scholar,  1625;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  FeUow,  1627. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  18,  1631.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  proved  May  15,  1632,  by  his 
brother  Thomas.  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  wrongly  identified 
with  the  R.  of  Helmingham,  Sufiolk.) 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  (age  16)  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1625.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Worlingworth,  SuSolk. 
B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  FeUow.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Mar.  2,  1633-4.  Doubtless  R.  of  Helmingham,  Suffolk, 
1633-9;  V.  of  Framsden,  1635.  Probably  brother  of  Clement 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  22,  1639- 
40.  S.  of  George,  gent.,  of  Stow,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Wisbech  (Mr  Frisby).  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1641-7;  B.A. 
1643-4;  M.A.  1647.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Jime  24,  1665. 
R.  of  Bittering,  Norfolk,  1665-1709.  R.  of  East  Bilney, 
1665-81 ;  sequestered  by  the  bishop  on  account  of  his  absence. 
(Venn,  i.  337.) 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  10,  1642. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bamborough,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  Aug.  16,  1625,  at  Conisborough.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1645.  Barrister,  1655.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John 
Griffith,  of  Co.  Carnarvon,  Aug.  26,  1650.  Died  July  17, 
1676.  Buried  at  Bamborough.  M.I.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Apr.  4,  1643. 
S.  of  John,  tailor,  of  Dovmham,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  July 
13,  1628.  School,  Downham.  Matric.  1643;  B.A.  1646-7; 
Scholar,  1647-50.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Jos.  Hall)  Oct.  17,' 
1649.  Probably  R.  of  Downham  Market,  Norfolk,  1650-6. 
R.  of  East  Bilney,  1661-5.   (Venn,  i.  349.) 

VINCENT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  3,  1696. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1703. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1701;  priest.  Mar.  14,  1702-3. 
V.  of  Croxton,  Leics.,  1703-13.  Died  Sept.  26,  1713.  Buried 
at  Croxton.   M.I.   (Nichols,  11.  149.) 

VINCENT,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  26,  1612.  B.  at  Linkinhome,  ComwaU,  1593.  Matric. 
1611;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619;  B.D.  1629.  Fellow,  1615-34. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  24,  1621-2;  priest,  Mar.  25,  1622. 
R.  of  Lessingham,  Norfolk,  1634.  V.  of  Happisburgh,  1640. 

VINCENT,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  18,  1652-3. 
Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660;  D.D.  1679  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  tiU  1722.  Senior  Proctor,  1676-7.  Obtained  a  mandate 
for  the  Mastership  of  Clare,  1678,  but  too  late.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  10,  1660-1;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1667. 
R.  of  Bio  Norton,  Norfolk,  1660-1722.  Preached  before  the 
King  at  Newmarket,  Cambs.,  1674.  F.R.S.,  1683.  Author, 
sermon.  Died  May,  1722.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (To  be  distinguished 
from  his  contemporary  namesake,  the  nonconformist  divine.) 
(Clare  College  History.) 


Vincent,  Nicholas 

VINCENT,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

VINCENT,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1618. 
Of  Leicestershire.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1626.  V.  of  Burstock,  Dorset,  1631-4.  R.  of 
Writhlington,  Somerset,  1634-9.  Died  1639.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

VINCENT,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1617.  S.  of  Richard  (1578-9),  of  Firsby,  near  Braywell, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Nov.  23,  1600,  at  Frisby,  in  the  parish  of 
Conisborough.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  13,  1624-5,  age  24.  R.  of  Stoke  Dabemon, 
Surrey,  1625-9.  Travelled  in  New  England,  and  in  Germany. 
Married  Francis,  dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Heydon,  of  Bacon- 
thorpe,  Norfolk,  Knt.  Author,  A  True  Relation  of  the  late 
Battell  fought  in  New  England  between  the  English  and  the 
Pequet  Salvages.  (D.N.B.) 

VINCENT,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1569. 
Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Smeaton,  Yorks.  R.  of  Gt 
Smeaton,  1575-1622.  Died  Aug.  16,  1622,  aged  c.  77.  (Add. 
Pedigrees,  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  i6i2.) 

VINCENT,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1620-1; 
B.A.  1624-5; M.A.  1628. 

VINCENT,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1621; 
B.\.  from  Magdalene,  1624-5.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 
1624-5;  priest,  June,  1625.  Probably  R.  of  All  Saints',  York, 

VINCENT,  RICHARD.  Scholar  (age  13)  of  Clare,  1478. 

VINCENT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1578-9.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of 
Conisborough,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there.  May  27,  1560.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  25,  1582,  from  Staple  Inn.  Of  Firsby, 
near  Braywell.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Rokeby, 
of  Hotham,  Yorks.,  Sept.  23,  1595.  Buried  July  19,  1617, 
at  Conisborough.  Will,  York.  Father  of  Philip  (1617). 

VINCENT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 
1713.  S.  of  George  (1677),  R.  of  Sheepy,  Leics.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1713-4;  Scholar,  1714;  B.A.  1716-7; 
M.A.  1720.  Fellow,  1719.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  13, 
1719-20;  priest.  May  31,  1724.  R.  of  Church  Langton,  Leics., 
tiU  1734.  R.  of  Castle  Caulfield,  Ireland;  benefactor  to  the 
school  there.  R.  of  Donamore,  Co.  Tyrone.  Will  proved, 
Oct.  17,  1774.  Brother  of  William  (1703).  (Al.  Westmon., 
261;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  iv.  200;  Nichols,  11.  667.) 

VINCENT,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1739-  S.  of 
William  (1689),  of  Kibworth,  Leics.,  clerk.  Bapt.  Jime  26, 
1712.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  May  8,  1730,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1733-4-  R-  of  Kibworth,  1741.  Died  Feb.  15, 
1748-9.  Brother  of  Silvester  (i733-4)-  {Al.  Oxon.;  Misc. 
Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  t.  12;  Nichols,  iv.  952.) 

VINCENT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1567.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  licensed  to  teach 
grammar  at  Withersfield,  Suffolk,  1583.  Perhaps  curate 

VINCENT,  SILVESTER.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  19, 
1733-4.  S.  of  William  (1689),  of  Kibworth,  Leics.,  clerk. 
Bapt.  Jan.  1714-5.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
Dec.  7,  1732.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A. 
1741.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1744.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  19,  1736;  priest.  Mar.  18,  1738-9.  R.  of  North  and 
South  mediety  of  Sheepy,  Leics.,  1741.  Chaplain  to  the 
Earl  of  Sutherland.  Buried  at  Sheepy,  Aug.  9,  1758.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1739).  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  l.  12;  Al. 
Oxon.;  Nichols,  iv.  930,  952.) 

VINCENT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  17,  1584.  Of  Pinner,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1584; 
B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  Fellow,  1587-94.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  July  9, 1594.  R.  of  Denham,  Bucks.,  1613-43. 
Died  1643.   [Harwood.) 

VINCENT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1618; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D. 
1632.  Fellow,  1624.  Minister  at  St  Edward's,  Cambridge, 
1631.  V.  of  Blyth,  Notts.,  1633.  Buried  there  Sept.  28,  1633. 
(One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  Sup.  for  B.D.  at  Oxford,  May  9, 
1643.)   ('^i.  Westmon.;  J.  Raine,  Blyth.) 

VINCENT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1656  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  2nd 
s.  of  John,  R.  of  Sedgefield,  Durham  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.). 
B.  May,  1634,  at  Hertford.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
Feb.  27,  1650-1,  from  Westminster  School;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1651-2;  M.A.  1654.  Chaplain  to  Robert,  Earl  of  Leicester. 
R.  of  Ickenham,  Middlesex.  R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalene,  Milk 
Street,  London,  1657;  ejected,  1662.  Preached  privately  at 
Hoxton;  assisted  Thomas  Doolittle  in  his  school  at  Bunhill 
Fields.  Author,  sermons.  Buried  at  Cripplegate,  Oct.  27, 
1678.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  the  nonconformist  divine. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Hennessy;  F.M.G.,  930;  D.N.B.) 

ViNER,  Nathaniel 

VINCENT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  7, 
1681.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1681;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1688. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1690.  Clerk  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford, 
1690-3;  Chaplain,  1693-1700.  Perhaps  R.  of  Hanwell, 
Middlesex,  1717-42;  died  1742. 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  King's,  1445.  Of  Sarum 
diocese.  B.A.  1449;  M.A.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21, 
1454;  deacon.  Mar.  1,  1454-5;  priest,  Apr.  5,  1455.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  All  HaUows-in-the-Wall,  London,  1458. 
Died  1474-S- 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  1594- 
5.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman.  B.  at  Bottesford,  Leics.  School, 
Bottesford  (Mr  Woodhall).  Matric.  1595;  B.A.  1598-9; 
M.A.  from  Clare,  1605.  Ord.  deacon  (Suffragan  Bishop  of 
Colchester)  Feb.  15;  priest,  Feb.  22,  1600-1.  V.  of  Linsey, 
Suffolk,  in  1603.  Afterwards  in  Ireland.  Minister  of  Cole- 
raine.  Preb.  of  Derry,  1628-40.  Perhaps  brother  of  John 
(1590-1).  (Venn,  i.  155.) 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1613. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Gt  Sheppey,  Leics.  B.  1598. 
If  so,  a  freeholder  in  Bitteswell,  1630.  Married  Anne  Carter, 
of  Bitteswell.    Died  1680,  aged  82.    {Peile,  1.  291;  Nichols, 

IV.  933.) 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1619; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1628. 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
June  22,  1650.  S.  of  Spencer,  of  London,  silk-v/eaver. 
Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lichfield) 
July  13,  1662.    P.C.  of  Acton  Trussell,  Staffs.,  c.  1661-78. 

V.  of  Bednall,  c.  1661-78.   Died  1678,  in  prison.    {Wm  Salt 
Arch.  Soc,  1915.) 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  18,  1671. 

Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 
VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  21,  1681. 

Of  Northamptonshire.   S.  of  William,  of  Thornton.    Matric. 

1681;  B.A.  1684-5.   R-  of  Ibstock,  Leics.,  c.  1699,  ejected  as 

non-juror.  His  cousin  at  Sheepy  afforded  him  an  asylum. 

Married  Mary  Twinbury,  Aug.   24,   1714,   at   Ravenstone. 

Died  at  Sheepy,  Dec.  1740  {sit),  aged  76.    (William  (1703), 

R.  of  Sheepy,  died  in  the  same  month).   (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 

3rd  S.,  I.  11;  Nichols,  IV.  933.) 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  29,  1689. 
Of  Leicestershire.  5th  s.  of  George,  of  Sheepy.  B.  there, 
1671.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1699.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  19,  1695;  priest, 
Sept.  19,  1697.  R.  of  Laughton,  Leics.,  1697-1740-  R-  (and 
patron)  of  Kibworth  Beauchamp,  1704.  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Willoughby  de  Broke.  Died  Jan.  12,  1740-1,  aged  70. 
Buried  at  Kibworth.  Will,  Leicester.  Brother  of  George 
(1677),  father  of  Richard  (i739)  and  Silvester  (i733-4)- 
{Nichols,  IV.  952.) 

VINCENT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3,  1703. 
Of  Leicestershire.  S.  of  George  (1677),  clerk.  Matric.  1704; 
LL.B.  1709.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4;  priest,  Sept.  4, 
1710.  R.  of  North  and  South  mediety  of  Sheepy  and  of 
Radclifie,  1712-40.  Buried  Dec.  27,  1740,  at  Sheepy.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  Richard  (1713).  {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 
3rd  S.,  I.  12;  Nichols,  IV.  930.) 


-.  B.A.  1500. 

VINCENT, .  B.A.  1514-5- 

VINCENT, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1548. 

VINE,  see  VYNNE. 

VINER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  7,  1656.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  goldsmith  and 
alderman  of  London  (created  Bart.,  1660).  B.  Feb.  14,  1638- 
9,  in  the  parish  of  St  Mary  Woolnoth.  Schools,  Merchant 
Taylors'  and  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1658.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  24,  1656,  and  subsequently  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Apr.  29,  1659.  Knighted,  June  24,  1663.  Succeeded 
as  2nd  Bart.,  May  11,  1665.  Married  Abigail,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  Laurence,  of  Putney,  Surrey.  Died  July  5,  1673- 
Buried  at  St  Mary  Woolnoth.  Benefactor  to  St  John's. 
(Scott-Mayor,  i.  xxxii;  G.E.C.,  iii-  216.) 

VINER,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1554.  Of  Norfolk. 

VINER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1638  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A.  (Mag- 
dalen Hall,  Oxford)  1620-1;  M.A.  1625.  R.  of  Kinnersley, 
Hereford,  1626-45,  sequestered.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

VINER  or  VINIER,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
July  4,  1663.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1663;  Scholar, 
1664;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Fellow,  1668.  Perhaps  of 
Martinhoe,  Devon,  clerk.   Admon.  (Exeter)  1680. 


ViNER,  Robert 

VYNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1738.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  Esq.,  of  Middlesex,  and 
of  Gautby,  Lines.  (M. P.  for  Lines.).  B.  in  London.  Educated 
at  home.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  18,  I74i-  M-P- 
for  Okehampton,  Devon,  1754;  for  Lincoln,  1774,  1780,  and 
for  Thirsk,  1785,  1790.  Died  June  19,  i799-  (Scott-Mayor, 
III.  491.) 

VYNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1646.  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Eathorpe,  Warws.  B.A.  1649-50; 
M.A.  1653;  B.D.  1662;  D.D.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1655.  R.  of  Stanton  with  Snowshill,  Gloucs.,  1652- 
c.  65.  Rural  dean  of  Campden.  R.  of  Paulersbury,  North- 
ants.,  1660-3.  Preb.  of  Gloucester,  1665-71.  R.  of  Bradwell- 
by-Sea,  Essex,  1667-73.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1670-3.  Arch- 
deacon of  Gloucester,  1671-3.  Dean  of  Gloucester,  1671-3. 
Died  Apr.  ir,  1673,  aged  44.  Buried  in  the  Cathedral.  M.I. 
there.   Will,  P.C.C.   (Le  Neve,  A/on.,  iv.  156;  ^i.  Oj;on.) 

VINEROLE,  Marquis  of.  M.A.  1624. 

VYNES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1586. 

VINES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1619.  B.  at  Blaston,  Leics.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1627.  Master 
of  Pembroke,  1644-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  23; 
priest,  May  24,  1624.  Schoolmaster  at  Hinckley,  Leics., 
1624-42.  R.  of  Weddington,  Warws.,  1628-44,  and  of 
Caldecote,  1630.  Preacher  at  Nuneaton.  Member  of  the 
Westminster  Assembly,  1643.  R.  of  St  Clement  Danes, 
London,  1643-5.  Master  of  the  Temple,  1644-7.  R.  of 
Watton,  Herts.,  1645-50.  Minister  of  St  Lawrence  Jewry, 
London,  1650-6.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Humphrey 
Adderley,  of  Weddington.  Author,  sermons.  Died  Feb.  4, 
1655-6,  aged  56.  Buried  at  St  Lawrence  Jewry.  (Loder; 

VINES,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(St  Alban  Hall)  Dec.  1633,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1633. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Combe,  Hants.,  1663. 

VINEV,  DAVID.   Adm.  pens,  (age  14  sic)  at  Sidney,  June  12, 

1672.  4th  s.  of  Robert,  R.  of  Bamack,  Northants.  Bapt. 
July  12,  1652,  at  Barton-le-Cley,  Beds.  Schools,  Bamack 
(Mr  Dan.  Pepys)  and  Strixton,  Northants.  (Mr  William 
Farrow).  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  May  21, 1676;  priest,  Sept.  22, 1678.  Doubtless  C.  of 
Ufford,  Northants.,  1690-6.  R.  of  Little  Casterton,  Rutland, 
1701-20.   Died  1720.  Brother  of  John  (1664). 

VINEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1594;  B.A. 
1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  R.  of  Hothfield,  Kent,  1607.  V.  of 
Westwell,  1619.  Licence  (Canterbury)  to  mairy  Lydia 
Banks,  of  Hothfield,  spinster,  May  20,  1608,  and  Oct.  25, 
1613,  to  marry  Mary  Hogben,  widow.  Father  of  William 

VINEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  July  6,  1664. 
2nd  s.  of  Robert,  R.  of  Bamack,  Northants.  Bapt.  Feb.  27, 
1648-9,  at  Barton -le-CIey,  Beds.  School,  Peterborough 
(Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  FeUow, 
1670.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3,  1671-2;  priest,  May  25, 

1673.  Brother  of  David  (1672). 
VINEY,  WESTERDALE.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)   at    Christ's, 

Sept.  23,  1700.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Colchester,  Essex.  School, 
Gloucester  (Mr  Wheeler).  Scholar,  1700-1;  Matric.  1701. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  6,  1702.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1708.   (Peile,  11.  149.) 

VINEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1632.  S.  of  John  (1594),  R.  of  Hothfield,  Kent.  B.  there. 
School,  Canterbury  (Mr  Ludd).  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1636; 
M.A.  1642.  V.  of  WestweU,  Kent,  1670. 

VINICOMBE,  CHARLES.  M.A.  from  King's,  1730.  S.  of  John, 
of  St  Peter's,  Exeter,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
July  2,  1722,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1726.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

VINICOMBE,  GENTILE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  30,  1709. 
S.  of  Roger,  of  Exeter,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  13,  1700-1,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1704;  M.A.  (Cam- 
bridge) 1709.  Will  (Exeter)  172 1;  of  Exeter,  clerk.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

VINKE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1641.  Of  a  Norwich  refugee  family.  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A. 
from  Pembroke,  1647;  B.D.  1654.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c. 
1645.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  June  22,  1648.  Ordained  by  the 
4th  London  Classis,  Nov.  29,  1649.  R.  of  St  Michael's, 
Comhill,  London.  Afterwards  P.C.  of  St  Catharine  Cree- 
church,  1661;  ejected,  1662.  Died  in  Dalston,  Hackney, 
Sept.  6,  1702.  Will,  P.C.C.   (Calatny,  i.  131;  H.  P.  Stokes.) 

VINTER,  see  also  WINTER. 

VINTNER  or  WINTENER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Sept.  5,  1640.  Of  Weston,  Bucks. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1588).  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1644;  M.A. 
1648;  M.D.  1655.  Fellow,  1643-89.  Vice-Provost,  1655. 
Benefactor  to  King's.  Brother  of  Henry  (1623).   (Harwood.) 

V.A.C.IV.  305 

VoKEs,  John 

VINTER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  22,  1639;  priest.  Mar.  1,  1639-40.  V.  of  Cowfold, 
Sussex,  1652-91.  R.  of  Rotherfield,  1673-91.  Buried  there 
Feb.  2,  1691-2.   (W.  C.  Renshaw;  Fielding,  Rochester.) 

VINTNER,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1623.  Of  Weston,  Bucks.  Doubtless  s.  of 
John  (1588).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1627;  M.A.  1631;  B.D. 
1638;  D.D.  1660  (Lit.  /?«g.).  Fellow,  1626-49.  R.  of  Stam- 
ford Courtney,  Devon.  R.  of  Weston  Turville,  Bucks., 
1650-78.  Died  1678.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1679.  Brother  of  Edmund 
(1640).   (Harwood;  Lipscomb,  11.  498.) 

VINTNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1588. 
B.  at  Edwardston,  Suffolk,  c.  1574.  B.A.  from  Trinity, 
1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1605.  Ord:  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  29,  1598.  R.  of  Weston  Turville, 
Bucks.,  1598-1645,  sequestered.  R.  of  Flempton,  Suffolk, 
1598.  R.  of  Flowton,  1598-9.  Father  of  Henry  (1623)  and 
Edmund  (1640).   (Lipscomb,  n.  498.) 

VINTER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1655. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A. 
1663.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23. 

VINTER  or  VINTNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  9, 
1666.  Of  Godmanchester,  Hunts.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669- 
70;  M.A.  1673.  Licence  (Lambeth)  to  practise  medicine, 
Jan.  26,  1673-4- 

VINTER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1598.  B.  at  South  Somercotes,  Lines.,  c.  1581.  B.A.  1601-2; 
M.A.  1605.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  15,  1606;  priest, 
May  31,  1607.  V.  of  Redboume,  Linos.,  1608. 

VINTER  or  WINTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  9,  1635.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 

VINTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1734.  Of 

VIOLETT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  9, 
1662.  Of  Essex.  School,  Buntingford.  Matric.  1662. 

VIOLET  or  VILLET,  GRAVE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens', 
c.  1594.  Of  NoriEolk.  Doubtless  ('Gervase')  s.  and  h.  of 
Henry,  of  Pinkney  Hall,  Esq.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  William 
Butts,  of  Shouldham  Thorpe,  Esq.   (Blomefield,  vii.  194.) 

VIOLET,  GRAVE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Of  Norfolk. 

VIOLET,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1573. 

VIOLET,  MAPTID.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1620.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8, 
1623;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1624.  R.  of  Beachamwell, 
Norfolk,  1655-76.  Died  1676.   (Blomfield.) 

VILETT,  NICHOLAS.  B.D.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Wiltshire,  gent.  Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  13, 
1615,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1619;  M.A.  1623;  B.D.  1630. 
V.  of  West  AJvington,  Devon,  1635.  R.  of  Islip,  Oxon., 
1639.  Will  (Consist.  Oxford)  1646.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

VIPENT,  GILBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1584. 

VITTY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  12,  1670. 
Of  Bumestone,  Yorks.  Migrated  to  Clare,  Dec.  20,  1670, 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1684. 
Headmaster  of  Otley  Grammar  School,  Yorks.,  1686-1703. 


VIVIAN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 

1681.   S.  of  John,  M.D.   B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk. 

School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (private).    Matric.  1681;  M.B. 

VIVIAN,  JOHN.    B.D.  1620  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    3rd  s.  of 

Hannibal,  of  Trelowarren,  Cornwall,  Esq.    Matric.  (Exeter 

College,  Oxford)  Feb.  4,  1596-7,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1600; 

M.A.  1603;  B.D.  1614.    FeUow  of  E.xeter  College,  Oxford, 

1606-29.    V.  of  BanweU,  Somerset,   1628-38.    Died   1638. 

(Al.  Oxon.) 
VIVIAN,  PETER.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  7,  1649.    Of 

Cornwall.    Matric.  1649;  Scholar,  1650;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A. 

1656.  Fellow,  1656.  Oneof  these  names  preb.  of  Ripon,  1660. 

VIVIAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  22, 
1731.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1731 ;  Scholar,  1732.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  27, 
1727.  Barrister-at-law.  Recorder  of  Lincoln.  Died  Aug.  2, 
1770.   ( A  I.  Westmon.,  303.) 

VOBAN,  JOHN.   M.A.  1502-3. 

VOKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  2, 
1653.  S.  of  John,  baker.  B.  at  Stamford,  Lines.  School, 
Stamford  (Mr  Humphrys).  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A. 
1661.  R.  of  Woodston,  Hunts.,  1661-1702.  Married,  at 
St  Mary's,  Stamford,  Sept.  18,  1661,  Mrs  Anne  Dexter. 
Buried  June  27,  1702.   (Scott-Mayor.) 


VoKES,  John 

VOAKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  20,  1712. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1716;  priest,  June  12,  1720. 

VOSSIUS,  JOHN.  LL.B.  from  Jesus,  1629  (Incorp.  from  Leyden). 
S.  of  Gerhard  John,  the  eminent  scholar.  Fellow  of  Jesus 
by  Royal  mandate,  1629-35.  Brother  of  Isaac,  for  whom  see 
D.N.B.  (A.  Gray.) 

VOTIER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Sept.  24, 
1729.  S.  of  James,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Redington).  Matric.  1729;  Scholar,  1729-36;  B.A. 
1733-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July  18, 1736;  priest,  Sept.  25, 
1743;  'C.  of  Bungay,  Suffolk.'  R.  of  Bedingfield,  1762;  of 
Thwaite  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1767.  One  of  T.  Duckett's  friends 
alluded  to  by  him  in  a  letter  as  '  a  hero  in  the  cause  of  truth.' 
Died  Jan.  31,  1769.  M.I.  at  St  Helen's,  Norwich.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  Mar.  1769.   (Venn,  n.  31.) 

VOTIER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1677.  School,  Woodbridge.  B.A.  1681-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June,  1683;  priest,  May,  1684.  R.  of  Burgh, 
Suffolk,  1701-35.  Died  Mar.  31,  1735.  Buried  at  Rumburgh. 

VOWE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  8,  1717. 
3rd  s.  of  Leonard,  gent.,  of  Hallaton,  Leics.,  and  grandson 
of  Thomas  (1648).  B.  at  HaUaton.  School,  Carleton  Curlew 
(MrSalter).  Matric.  1717.  Buried  Aug.  22,  1720,  at  HaUaton. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  310;  Nichols,  11.  601.) 

VOWE,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1621.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Hallaton,  Leics.  Of 
Hallaton.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  William  Cotton,  of 
Laughton.  Buried  at  Hallaton,  Mar.  29,  1645.  Doubtless 
father  of  the  next.   (Nichols,  11.  602.) 

VOWE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  16,  1648. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Leonard  (above),  of 
Hallaton,  Leics.,  gent.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Robert 
Dowley,  R.  of  Elford,  Staffs.,  May  19,  1652.  Died  Feb.  7, 
1691,  aged  63.  Buried  at  Hallaton.   M.I.   (Nichols,  n.  605.) 

VOWELL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1555.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1555). 

VOWELL,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  30,  1622.  Matric. 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1630.  Master  of  Islington  Grammar 
School,  Middlesex.  Executed  July  10,  1654,  for  complicity 
in  Gerard's  plot  against  the  Protector.   (Smith's  Ob.) 

VOWELL,  RICHARD.  D.D.  1539-40.  Supp.  for  B.D.  (Oxford) 
Mar.  30,  1507.  Prior  of  the  Austin  canons  at  Lees,  Essex, 
1510-4.  R.  of  Belchamp  Otton,  1513-8.  Last  prior  of  the 
house  of  Aug.  canons  at  Walsingham,  Norfolk,  1519.  R.  of 
Egmere,  1519.   (Cooper,  i.  77;  Al.  Oxon.) 

VOWELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1555  (impubes).  Perhaps  brother  of  George  (1555). 
(Venn,  1.  39.) 

VOYCE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1619. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  11;  priest.  Mar.  12,  1622-3.  R-  of  West  Stow, 
Suffolk.  Father  of  the  next. 

Wage,  Francis 

VOYCE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1651.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  R.  of  West  Stow. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.   Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Oct.  18, 

1652.  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Brown- 
rigg,  of  Exeter)  Nov.  22,  1658.  R.  of  Oakley,  Suffolk,  1661. 
V.  of  Hindolvestone,  Norfolk,  1662-3.   Died  1713,  aged  80. 

VOYCE,  HENRY.    .\dm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  31 

1709.    S.  of  William  (next),  deceased.    B.  at  Ely,  Cambs. 

School,  Ely  (Mr  Tenant).    Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A. 

1719.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.   10,   1715;  priest  (Lincoln) 

July  14,   1717.    R.  of  Broughton,  Bucks.,   1717-45.    Died 

VOICE,   WILLIAM.    Adm.   pens,   at   Jesus,   Jan.    i,    1674-5. 

Of  the  Isle  of  Ely.  Matric.  1675;  Scholar,  1677;  B.A.  1678-9; 

M.A.  1682.  Will  (C.C.  Ely)  1696;  'curate  of  Ely.'  Doubtless 

father  of  Henry  (above). 
VULPE  or  VOULPE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  37)  at  Caius, 

Feb.   II,    1561-2.    B.   at   Fiinfkirchen,   Hungary.    Matric. 

1562;  M.D.  1569,  after  10  years'  study  at  Cambridge  and 

abroad.    Physician  to  the  Earl  of  Sussex.    Archdeacon  of 

Glendaloch,  Ireland,  1569-72.   Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  14, 

1589-90; 'of  London.'   (F^nn,  i.  48.) 

VUYERE, .  B.A.  1543-4- 

VYNDE,  JOHN.    Provincial  of  the  Carmelites;  Incorp.  1482-3. 

(See  B.  Zimmerman,  Acta  Capitt.) 
VYNN,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  22)  at  St  John's, 

June   9,    1663.    S.   of  Christopher,   deceased,   of  Stratton, 

Norfolk.   B.  there.  School,  Colchester. 
VYNNE,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 

Jan.  17,  1682-3.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Long  Stratton,  Norfolk. 

Brother  of  George  (1682-3). 
VYNNE,   CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.   at  Corpus   Christi,    1718. 

Of  Norfolk.   Matric.  Easter,  1719;  B.A.  1722-3. 
VYNNE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Jan.  17, 

1682-3.     S.    of    Christopher,    of   Long   Stratton,    Norfolk. 

Brother  of  Christopher  (1682-3). 
VINE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1647.    Of 

Sussex.  B.A.  1650-1. 
VYNNE,  LAYER.    Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1679.    Of 

Norfolk.    Matric.  Easter,   1680;  B.A.   1682-3;   M.A.   1686. 

Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June;  priest,  Dec.  1683.    R.  of  Gt 

Wacton,  Norfolk,  1697.   Died  1702.   (Masters.) 
VYNNE,    RICHARD.    Adm.   pens,   at   Emmanuel,    Feb.    28, 

1647-8.   Of  Norfolk. 
VINN,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 

VYZE,  ANDREW.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  27,  1708.    Of 

Standen,  Staffs.    Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2.    Ord.  deacon 

(Norwich)  Mar.  171 1-2. 
VISE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  28,  1690.  Of  Stafford- 
shire.   Matric.   1690.    Ord.  deacon   (Cork)  Sept.  20,   1696; 

priest.  Mar.  20,   1697.    Vicar-choral  of  Cork,   1699.    V.  of 

Kilmoe  and  Scull,  1699-1704.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 


WABRED,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1623.  Of  York.  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1627. 

WABURNE,  WILLIAM  DE.  1261.  Southern  student  who 
received  a  Royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against  the 
Northern  students.   (Fuller,  29.) 

WASE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  8, 
1723.  S.  of  John,  barrister.  B.  at  Stoke -on -Tern,  Salop. 
Schools,  Shrewsbury  and  Wem.   Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8. 

WACE,  BUD.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from   King's,  Michs.   1649. 

Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Petworth,  Sussex   (and , 

sister  of  Richard  Budd,  whose  will  (P.C.C.)  1630).  Perhaps 
his  will  (P.C.C.)  1704;  of  Datchet,  Bucks. 

WASE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1606.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  14,  1608. 

WASE  or  WASSE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1645.  S.of  John,  of  London.  B.  in  Hackney,  1627. 
Matric.  Michs.  1645;  B.A.  1649;  M.A.  1655.  Fellow,  1648-50, 
ejected  as  a  Royalist.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  Oct.  19,  1671,  age 
46.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  i,  1646-7.  Captured  at  sea, 
carrying  letters  to  France.  Returned  to  England  and  be- 
came tutor  to  the  eldest  son  of  Philip  Herbert,  Earl  of 
Montgomery.  Afterwards  Master  of  Dedham  School,  Essex, 
1656-61.     Master    of    Tonbridge    School,    Kent,    1662-8. 

Architypographus,  and  Esquire  Bedell  in  Civil  Law,  Oxford, 
1671-90.  Author,  miscellaneous;  published  a  dictionary. 
Died  Aug.  29,  1690.   (Harwood;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WACE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  31,  1667. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Feltwell,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Feltwell.  Matric.  1667;  Scholar,  1670-4;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A. 
1674.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1674;  'C.  of  Hockwold'; 
priest,  Feb.  1675-6.  R.  of  Bodney,  Norfolk,  1681;  of  Hill- 
borough,  1682-1734.  Died  Jan.  16,  1734.  Will  (Norwich 
C.C.)  1734.   Brother  of  John  (1662).   (Venn,  i.  431.) 

WACE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  26)  at  Pembroke,  June  24, 
1678.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.  B.  at  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  Matric. 
1678;  B.A.  i68i-2;  M.A.  1709.  Ord.  priest  (Gloucester)  May 
30,1686.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Mary's,  Kent,  1700-23;  died  1723. 

WAISE,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1579. 

WACE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Sept.  11,  1677. 
S.  of  Francis,  grocer,  of  Wilton,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  Bapt. 
Nov.  3,  1659.  School,  Feltwell  (Mr  Parseley).  Matric.  1677; 
Scholar,  1677-85;  B.A.  1681-2;  U.A.  1685.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Aug.;  priest,  Sept.  1683.  R.  of  Blakeney,  Norfolk. 
A  non-juror.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Clement  Heigham, 
R.  of  Sculthorpe,  July  18,  1706,  at  Barrow.  Died  Nov.  6, 
1721.  M.I.  at  Blakeney.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1721.  (Venn, 
I.  457;  Overton,  History  of  Non-Jurors,  494.) 


Wage,  Henry 

WAGE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  'i'S<)^. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  R.  of  Wivenhoe, 
Essex,  1603-7.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (e.  1594)  and  of 
Richard  (c.  1594). 

WAGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  14,  1635. 
S.  of  Francis,  gent.  B.  at  GtCressingham,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Saham  Tony  (Mr  Gilbert)  andThetford.  Matric.  1635;  B.A. 
1638-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  17,  1643-4;  'C.  of 
Dunwich.'  Probably  of  Burlingham,  Norfolk;  buried  there 
Sept.  2,  1656.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next.  (F<;«n,  i.  317.) 

WAGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  28,  1673. 
S.  of  James  (above),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Burlingham,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Nov.  24,  1655.  School,  Walsingham  (Air  Pitts). 
Matric.  1673;  Scholar,  1674-8;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich);  'C.  of  Thurton,  Norfolk,  1678';  priest,  Dec.  1679. 
R.  of  Filby,  Norfolk,  1682-1722.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Weld,  gent.  Died  May  25,  1722.  M.I.  at  Filby. 
(Venn,  i.  448.) 

WAGE,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Clare.  Proctor,  1388-9.  Ord.  sub- 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  2,  1386-7.  Perhaps  V.  of  Finchingfield, 
Essex,  until  1405;  V.  of  South  Weald,  1405. 

WAGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  7,  1662. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  FeltweU,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School, 
FeltweU  (Mr  Ward).  Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1662-8;  B.A. 
1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Nov.  30;  priest, 
Dec.  19,  1669.  R.  of  Stokesby,  Norfolk,  1669-1729.  R.  of 
Runham,  1700-22.  R.  of  Herringby.  R.  of  Billockby,  1701- 
29.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Robert  Freeman,  Esq.  Died  Jan. 
23,  1729-30.  Will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  1730.  Brother  of 
Edmund  (1667)  and  father  of  Robert  (1694-5).  {Venn,  i. 

WASSE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  3,  1691.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1691;  B..^.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698;  B.D. 
1707.  Fellow,  1698-1713.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5, 
1698-9.  V.  of  Swavesey,  Cambs.,  1701-5.  Chaplain  to  the 
Duke  of  Kent.  R.  of  Aynhoe,  Northants.,  1711-38.  Classical 
scholar.  Died  Nov.  19,  1738,  aged  66.  M.I.  at  Aynhoe. 
(D.N.B.;  Baker,  i.  551.) 

WAGE,   RIGHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 

1594.  Of  Norfolk.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  Feb.  26,  1595-6; 

LL.B.  1601;  (?  M.A.  1601;  according  to  Masters).    Perhaps 

brother  of  Henry  (c.  1593)  and  of  the  next.   (Warren's  Book, 

WAGE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1594. 

Of   Norfolk.     B.A.    1597-8;    M.A.    1601.     Fellow,    1602-5. 

Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (c.  1593)  and  of  Richard  (above). 

WASSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1602; 

B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1612. 

WASSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1641-2;  B.A. 
1641-2,  Waste.  Perhaps  V.  of  Rossinver  with  Cionclare  and 
Kiilasnet  (Kilmore),  1661.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WAGE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Jan.  25, 1694-5. 
S.  of  John  (1662),  clerk,  of  Stokesby,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Robinson),  Hilborough  (private)  and 
Bury  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1695-1702;  B.A. 
1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Fellow,  1702-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1702;  priest,  June,  1704.  R.  of  Fulmodeston,  Norfolk, 
1704-40;  of  Thuming,  1706.  Died  1740.  M.I.  at  Fulmode- 
ston.  (Venn,  i.  496.) 

WAGE  or  WASE,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs. 

1695;  B.A.  1699-1700.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1701-2; 

priest,   1703.    V.   of  Wadsworth,   Yorks.,   1703-11.    C.   of 

Loversal,    near   Doncaster,   1704.    Buried    at    Wadsworth, 

Nov.  29,  1711. 
WAGE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1642.   Of  Norfolk.   B.A.  1644-5. 

WAGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  19, 
1665.  Of  Norfolk.  School,  FeltweU.  Matric.  1667;  B.A. 
1668-9;  M.A.  1672.   Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1672. 

WAGEY  or  WASEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  2,  1708.  S.  of  William,  attorney,  of  Brunstead,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Pate  and  Mr  Purt).  Scholar, 
1708-15;  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712;  M.A.  1716;  M.D.  1723. 
Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  i,  1716.  F.R.C.P.,  1724;  Censor  and 
Consiliarius;  President,  1750-4.  Physician  to  Westminster 
Hospital,  1719-33;  to  St  George's,  1733-57.  Died  Apr.  1757. 
Wm,  P.C.C.   (Munks  Roll,  u.  89;  Venn,  i.  519;  D.N.B.) 

WASEY,  WILLIAM  JOHN  SPEARMAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare, 
Jan.  9,  1751.   B.  in  London.   Matric.  1751. 

WAGKHAM  or  WAKEHAM,  ANDREW.  Adm.  at  King's 
(age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  13,  1525.  Of  Modbury, 
Devon.  B.A.  1529-30,  'Wacham.'  Fellow,  1528-30, 

WADDELL,  see  also  WEDDELL. 

Waddon,  Nathaniel 

WADDELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1704.  Of  Kent. 
B.if)88.  Matric.  Easter,  1704;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A.  1711.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1710;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1712. 
V.  of  Preston,  near  Wingham,  Kent,  1718-29.  Died  July  16, 
1729,  aged  41.   Buried  there.   (H.  G.  Harrison;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WADDEL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  July  25, 
1729.  S.  of  William,  of  Canterbury,  Kent,  brewer.  Matric. 
1729;  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1737. 

WADDELL,  JOHN.   Student  of  St  Catharine's.  Ord.  deacon 

(Ely)  Apr.  17,  1575,  age  24. 

WADDELOW,  RIGHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  22,  1651. 
Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.-A.  1658.  Fellow,  1656-7. 
R.  of  Wilby,  Norfolk,  1657.   R-  of  Bracon-Ash,  1660-2. 

WADDELOW,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1631.  Of  Norwich.  B.A.  1634-5. 

WADDINGHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1573-  Probably  V.  of  Sibertswold  with  Coldred,  Kent,  1585. 
One  of  these  names  C.  of  Monkton,  Kent;  buried  there 
Nov.  24,  1611. 

WADDINGTON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1606.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Grindleston, 
Yorks.  B.A.  1609-10.  Buried  at  Waddington,  Jan.  27, 
1616-7.   (J.  Parker.) 

WADDINGTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7,  1667. 
S.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  of  Otterbume,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt. 
May  12,  1649,  at  Leeds.  Matric.  1667.  Buried  at  Leeds, 
Jan.  2,  1674-5.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1667)  and  Samuel 
(1667).   (J.  Ch.  Smith;  Whitaker,  i.  42.) 

WADDINGTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1687.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  Easter,  1688;  B.A.  1691- 
2;  M..\.  1695;  D.D.  1710.  Fellow,  1691.  Fellow  of  Eton, 
1720.  Chaplain  to  Dr  Compton,  Bishop  of  London.  R.  of 
Wexham,  Bucks.,  1702-5.  R.  of  All  Hallows-the-Great, 
Thames  Street,  London,  1712-26.  Chaplain  to  the  King, 
1716.  Bishop  of  Chichester,  1724-31.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  Sept.  7,  1731.  Buried  in  Chichester  Cathedral.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  Eton  College.  (Harwood,  85;  G.  Mag.; 

WADDINGTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1569.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Grindleton,  Yorks. 
B.A.  1572-3;  M..'^.  1576.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  21,  1577. 
V.  of  Bumeston,  Yorks.,  1582-92.  (J.  Parker.) 

WADDINGTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1618;  B..\.  1621-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1622;  priest, 
June,  1623.  V.  of  .'\ldborough,  Yorks.,  1623-9.  Died  1629. 

WADDINGTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7,  1667. 

S.  of  Edward,  of  Bramhope,  Yorks.,  Esq.    Matric.   1667. 

Either  this  or  the  next  B..\.  1670-1. 

WADDINGTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7,  1667. 

S.  of  Samuel,  of  Otterbume,  Yorks.,  Esq.    Matric.   1667. 

Perhaps  B.A.   1670-1   (see  the  above).    Buried  at  Leeds, 

Nov.  5,  1681.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1667)  and  Edward  (1667). 

(J.  Parker.) 

WADDINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  26, 

1724.   S.  of  Alexander,  of  Chamock,  Lanes.   School,  Colne 

(Mr    Bibby).     Matric.    1724;    B.A.    1727-8.     Ord.    deacon 

(Lincohi)  May  20,  i733- 

WADDINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Jan. 

22,1746-7.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Doddington,  Cambs.  School, 

Ely  (Mr  Gunning).    Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1751;  M.A.   1754- 

(Peile,  II.  250.) 

WADDINGTON,  JOSHUA.    .■Xdm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity. 

June   24,   1728.    S.   of   Joseph,  of    North   Bierley,   Yorks. 

School,  Bradford  (Mr  Hill).    Matric.   1728;  Scholar,   1731; 

B.A.  1731-2;  M.A.  1752.  V.  of  Walkeringham,  Notts.,  I735- 

WADDINGTON,  RALPH.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  15)  a  scholar 

from  Eton,  Aug.  14,  1548.   Of  London.   Matric.  1548;  B..\. 

1552-3;   U.A.   1566.    Fellow,    1551-4.    Master  of  Christ's 

Hospital,  1564-1612.  Donor  of  books  to  Eton  College  Library. 

Died  Aug.  14,  1614,  aged  84.   (Harwood;  Musgrave,  Ob.) 

WADDINGTON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WADDINGTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  7,  1667. 
2nd  s.  of  Samuel,  of  Otterbume,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  Jan.  25, 
1650-1,  at  Leeds.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  Scholar,  1671; 
M.A.  1674.  Of  Allerton  Gleadow,  Yorks.  Buried  Mar.  28, 
1681,  at  Leeds.  M.I.  Brother  of  Edward  {1667)  and  John 
(1667).  (A.  Gray.) 
WADDON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  2,  165a; 
a  scholar  from  Westminster.  Of  Devon.  S.  of  John  of 
Plymouth.   Bapt.  there,  Dec.  11,  1633.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WADE,  see  also  WADY. 


?0 — 2 

Wade,  Andrew 

WADE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1607. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June;  priest,  Sept.  1617.  Doubtless  Master  of  Whiston 
School,  Yorks.  Probably  Master  of  the  Free  School  of 
SheflSeld;  will  (York)  1632.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 

WADE,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1577-8.  School- 
master at  Waterbeach,  Cambs.,  1579.   {PeiU,  i.  132.) 

WADE,  AUGUSTINE.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,   1698. 

Of  the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.    B.  i68o.    Matric.  1698;  B.A. 

1701-2;    Scholar,    1702;    M.A.    from    King's,    1705.     Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  June  11,  1704;  priest,  Mar.  5,  1704-5.  Chaplain 

at  King's,  1704.    V.  of  West  Wratting,  Cambs.,  1707-35. 

V.  of  Wilbraham,    1724-35.    Died  Oct.    1735.    (C   Afag.; 

H.  P.  Stokes.) 
WADE,    BENJAMIN.     Adm.   pens,    at   Emmanuel,    Feb.    14, 

i6io-i.    Doubtless  s.   of   Anthony,   of   Kingcross,   Yorks. 

Matric.  1611.   Mayor  of  Leeds,  1663.  Of  Newgrange,  Yorks., 

Esq.   Married  Edith,  dau.  of  John  Shaune,  Esq.,  of  Leeds. 

Died  s.p.,  Feb.  5,  1671-2,  aged  81.    Buried  at  Headingley. 

M.I.    Admon.,  York.    Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1625). 

{Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Due.  Leod.  154.) 

WADE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  May  4,  1704. 
S.  of  Benjamin.  Bapt.  May  25,  1686,  at  Otley,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1704.  (?)  Mayor  of  Leeds,  1718.  Of  Newgrange, 
Yorks.,  Esq.  Died  June  30,  1719.  (A.  Gray;  Due.  Leod., 
154;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiii.  114.) 

WADE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emm-Inuel,  Apr.  1607. 
Matric.  1607;  B.A.  1610-1. 

WADE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
May  8,  1657.  S.  and  h.  of  Cuthbert  (next),  gent.,  of  Kilnsay, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Sept.  2r,  1641,  at  Conistone.  Matric.  1657. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  4,  1657.  Died  v.p.  unmarried. 
HaU-brother  of  Cuthbert  (1680).  (VU.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xi.  161.) 

WADE,  CUTHBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  3,  1635. 
S.  of  Christopher,  of  Kilnsay,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Nov.  17,  1619, 
at  Conistone.  Succeeded  his  father.  Captain  of  Horse  in  the 
Royal  army.  J. P.  for  Yorkshire.  Mairied  three  wives. 
Buried  Sept.  11,  1688,  at  Conistone.  Father  of  the  next  and 
of  Christopher  (above).   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WADE,  CUTHBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May 
27,  1680.  3rd  s.  of  Cuthbert  (above),  of  Kilnsay,  Yorks., 
Esq.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Thomas  Heber,  of  Marton, 
Esq.,  Jan.  28,  1691.  Buried  Jan.  19,  1693-4,  at  Conistone. 
Half-brother  of  Christopher  (1657).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
J.  Parker.) 

WADE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  9, 
1658-9.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Earls  Barton,  Northants. 
B.  there.  School,  Strixton  (Mr  Farrow).  Matric.  1659;  B.A. 
1662.   V.  of  Rothwell,  Northants.,  1665-73. 

WADE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  May  19, 
1664.  S.  of  Edward,  of  London.  Matric.  1664-5;  B.A.  1667-8. 

WADE,  EZECHIEL.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  18,  1613, 
age  35;  'of  King's  College.'  B.  at  Clipston,  Northants. 
V.  of  Hartford,  Hunts.,  1619. 

WADE,  GABRIEL.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 

WADE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  18, 
1710.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Richmond,  Yorks.  School,  Rich- 
mond (Mr  Thomson).  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1710-1;  B.A. 
1713-4;  M.A.  1717;  D.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1716-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  1714-5;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26, 
1715-6.  V.  of  Gainsborough,  1719-38.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1719.  Author,  sermon.  Died  Jan.  1738.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Peile,  II.  175;  L.  Mag.) 

WADE,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Emmanuel,  June  5, 
1739.  Of  Corby,  Lines.  S.  of  John.  School,  Corby.  Matric. 
1739;  B.A.  1742-3;  M.A.  1766.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May 
29,  1743;  priest.  May  25,  1746.  V.  of  Newark,  Notts.,  1772-6. 

WADE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1613; 
Ji..\.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15; 
priest,  June  16,  1617.  Perhaps  his  will  (York)  1645;  of 
Campsall,  Yorks.,  clerk. 

WADE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1584.  Of 
London.  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  July  31,  1591;  of  London,  gent. 

WADE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1607; 
Scholar,  1611,  Waad;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 

WADE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Pembroke,  June  27, 
1646.  S.  of  John,  of  London.  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Ardfert)  Aug.  i,  1660;  C.  of 
Hammersmith,  in  1664. 

WADE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  22,  1666. 
S.  of  George,  of  Topcliffe,  Yorks.    B.  there.    School,  York 

Wade,  Willl\m 

(Mr   Langley).     Matric.    1667;    B.A.    1669-70.    Subscribed 
(Lambeth)  for  deacon's  and  priest's  orders,  Oct.  15,  1670. 
V.  of  Standon,  Herts.,  1670-1719.    Died  1719-    Doubtless 
father  of  William  (1710).   (T.  C.  Dale.) 
WAID,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  9,  1673- 
S.  of  Matthew,  yeoman,  of  Bishop  Monkton,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1682. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  11,  1676-7. 
WADE,  PETER.    Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  1729-3°-    Adm.  sizar 
at  Clare,  Dec.  11,  1730.    B.  at  Ely,  Cambs.    Matric.  1730; 
B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  1748.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23, 
1733;  priest  (Rochester)  Sept.  19,   1736.    Minor  Canon  of 
Rochester,  1737-83.  V.  of  Strood,  1747-55-   V.  of  Boughton 
Monchelsea,  Kent,  1755-83.   R.  of  Cowling,  1768-83.   V.  of 
West  Peckham,   1783.    Buried  Oct.  4,  1783,  in  Rochester 
Cathedral.    Will,  P.C.C.    (G.  Mag.;  H.  G.  Harrison,  J.  Ch. 
WADES  or  WADYS,  RICHARD.    B.A.  1525-6;  M.A.  1528-g. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1528.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19, 
1528.     Perhaps    beneficed    at   Sampford  and    North  Lew, 
Devon,  and  sub-dean  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster;  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1546. 
WADE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625. 
Probably   s.    of    Anthony,    of    Kingcrosse,    Yorks.     Bapt. 
Mar.  25,  1607,  at  Halifax.   Matric.  1625.    Probably  brother 
of  Benjamin  (1610-1). 
WADE  or  WAID,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  May  12, 
1670.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 
WAYDE,    ROBERT.     B.A.    1501-2;    M.A.    1505;    B.D.    1511. 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1503-c.  10.    Probably  V.  of  Low- 
thorpe,  Yorks..  1520-36;  V.  of  North  Cave,  1521-31.  Master 
of  Lowthorpe  Hospital,  in   1531  and   1537.    Precentor  of 
WADE,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  20,  1657.    Of 

Yorkshire.   Matric.  1657;  Scholar,  1658. 
WADE,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  5,  1664. 
S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Lopham,  Norfolk.   School,  Botesdale 
(Mr  Ives).    Matric.  1664.    Perhaps  died  Jan.  9,  1708;  M.I. 
at  New  Buckenham  Church,  Norfolk.   (Venn,  i.  421.) 
WADE  or  WADYS,  ROGER.   B.Civ.L.  1540-1.    Perhaps  R.  of 
CUpston,  Northants.,  1535-53,  deprived  but  afterwards  re- 
instated; R.  of  Bamston,  Essex,  1557-79- 
WADE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1571. 
Possibly  V.  of  Gt  Barford,  Beds.  (pres.  by  Trinity  College), 
1573-5,  deprived.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
June  22,  1581;  V.  of  Abdy,  Lines.,  1582. 
WADE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  9, 
1621.    B.  at  Whiston,  Yorks.    School,  Whiston  (under  his 
brother  .\ndrew  (?  1607)).   Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A. 
1629.    Perhaps  V.  of  Chislet,  Kent,  1629-33.   Buried  there 
June  29,  1633. 
WADE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  13,  1637.    Of 

WADE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Aug.  8, 
1701.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  New  Buckenham,  Norfolk,  grocer. 
School,  Buckenham.  Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1706-7. 
WADE,  TIMOTHY.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1644-5.  FeUow  of 
Pembroke  College,  1653.  S.  of  Timothy,  of  London.  B.  in 
Essex.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  July  3,  1640,  age  15. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 
WADE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Nov. 
1656.  Of  Northamptonshire.  School,  Market  Harborough. 
Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1668.  Probably  V.  of 
Barkby  Thorpe,  Leics.,  1662;  V.  of  Loddington,  1667-9; 
R.  of  Broadwater,  Sussex,  in  1669;  licensed  to  marry  Eliza- 
beth Gilboume,  of  Loddington,  Leics.,  widow,  July  19,  1669. 
(T.  A.  Walker,  m;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WADE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 
1690.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Tangier,  Africa.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A. 
1697.  Fellow,  1696.  Preb.  of  Windsor,  1720-32.  Died  at 
Bath,  Feb.  i,  1732-3.  Brother  of  General  George  Wade. 
(Al.  Westmon.,  215;  G.  Mag.;  L.  .Mag.) 
WADE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  June 
26,  1710.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1666). 
Educated  at  home.  Scholar,  1711;  Matric.  1712;  LL.B. 
1716.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  2,  1717:  priest.  Mar.  13, 
1719-20.  V.  of  Standon,  Herts.,  1719-28.  Died  1728. 
Doubtless  father  of  William  (i743)-  (Clutterbuch,  in.  232.) 
WADE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  29,  1721.  B.  at 
Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1721;  B.A. 
1724-5;  M.A.  1731.  Perhaps  Master  of  Chichester  Grammar 
School,  Sussex,  1730-69. 


Wade,  William 

WADE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  9, 
1743.  S.  of  William  (1710).  B.  at  Standon,  Herts.  School, 
Bishop's Stortford  (Mr  MaU).  Scholar,  1744;  Matric.  1745-6; 
B.A.  1746-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  14,  i747;  priest, 
Dec.  24, 1749.  V.  of  Kittling,  Suffolk,  1750.  and  R.  of  Ashley 
with  Silverley,  i75i-(?)  91.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Braughing,  Herts.,  1761-80.  Died  1780,  aged  51.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1782.    (Peile,  u.  244;  CluUerbuch,  in.  159) 

WADE, .   B.A.  1507-8;  M.A.  1511. 

WADE, .  B.A.  1542-3.  The  'Sir  Wade'  scholar  from  King's 

School,  Canterbury. 

WADE, .  Fell. -Com.  at  Jesus,  1596-7- 

Catharine's,  1597-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22, 
1605;  priest,  Aug.  5,  1607.  C.  of  Beckingham,  Lines.,  in 

WADSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1578; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1570. 
R.  of  Colsterworth,  Lines.,  'age  34;  married;  understands 
Latin  competently.'  Probably  Master  of  Oakham  School, 
Rutland,  1585-1610.  Buried  1610.  (Lib.  Cler.  Lines., 

WADESON,  LEONARD.  B.A.  (?  1594-5).  B.  at  Sedbergh, 
Yorks.,  c.  1573.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1598.  Ord.  priest 
(Peterb.).  V.  of  Barton-on-Humber,  Lines.,  1598-1602. 
Died  1602.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1602. 

WADSON,  PETER.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 
Perhaps  matric.  sizar  from  St  Jolin's,  c.  1594. 

WADSON,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1561; 
B.A.  1564-5. 

WADESON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1628.  Of  Richmondshire,  Yorks.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of 
Yafiorth.  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1639;  M.D.  1647.  Fellow,  1639. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1648.  Candidate,  R.C.P.,  1647.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1654;  of  Gray's  Inn,  London.  {Munk,  1.  245;  Vis. 
of  Yorks.,  1612;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WADSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1582;  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1589.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  30,  1587.  R.  of  Wicken 
Bonant,  Essex,  1598.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1634;  of 
Newport  Pond,  Essex,  clerk. 


WADSLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  22,  1655.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1656;  Scholar,  1657;  B.A.  1658-9; 
M.A.  1662.  Fellow,  1661. 


WADESWORTH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  29,  1720.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (1685),  clerk,  R.  of  Howe, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Brooke,  Norwich.  Schools,  Sherborne  (Mr 
Moseley)  and  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1721.  Migrated  to  Christ's. 
B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1728.  FeUow  of  Clare,  1726. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  6,  1725;  priest  (York)  Sept.  15, 
1726.  R.  of  Sizeland,  Norfolk,  1728-33.  R.  of  Howe,  1729- 
67.  R.  of  Yelverton,  1733-67.  R.  of  Little  Poringland,  1734- 
67.  Died  July,  1767.  Father  of  the  next.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii. 
336;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  Peile,  11.  201.) 

WADSWORTH,  GEORGE  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
Caius,  Mar.  23,  1747-8.  S.  of  Charles  (above),  R.  of  Howe 
and  Yelverton,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Howe.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Bullimer).  Matric.  1748;  Scholar,  1748-54;  B.A.  1752; 
M.A.  1756.  Fellow,  1754-68.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  17, 
1753;  'C.  of  Braiseworth,  Suffolk';  priest,  Sept.  22,  i754- 
R.  of  Howe  with  Little  Poringland,  Norfolk,  1767-92,  and 
of  Kirkstead  and  Langhale,  1778-92.  Died  Aug.  23,  1792. 
(Venn,  n.  61.) 

WADSWORTH,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1586. 
Matric.  1586;  Scholar;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593;  B.D.  1600. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Oct.  13,  1593;  priest,  June  24,  1596. 
V.  of  Tharston,  1596.  R.  of  Pakefield,  Suffolk,  1598-1603. 
V.  of  Cotton  and  Gt  Thomham,  1600-7.  Embassy  Chaplain 
at  Madrid,  1605.  Became  a  Jesuit.  Official  of  the  Inquisition 
at  Seville.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  of  consumption,  at 
Madrid,  Nov.  30,  1623.  Buried  there.   (D.N.B.) 

WADSWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1583.  B.  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1595,  age  29. 
C.  of  Dagenham,  Essex.  R.  of  Hadleigh,  Essex,  till  1609. 
Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  June  18,  i6io. 

WADSWORTH,  JOHN.  Adra.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  13, 
1742.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Holdsworth,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley 
(Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  29,  1759.  C.  of  Keighley,  Yorks. 

John's,  1630-1;  M..\.  1636.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1632. 

Wagener,  Peter 

WADSWORTH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 
May  2,  1600;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Dec.  22,  1605;  priest,  Jan.  25,  1605-6,  age  24.  C.  of 
Corton,  Suffolk.  V.  of  Yaxley,  1608-20.  R.  of  Bunwell, 
Norfolk,  1610-38.  Died  1638.  (Bhmefield,  v.  133-4.) 

WADSWORTH,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St 
John's,  July  10,  1685.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  gent.  B.  at  Intwood, 
Norfolk.  School,  Wymondham  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1685-6; 
B.A.  1689-90.  Ord.  deacon  (St  David's)  June  15,  1690.  R. 
of  Brooke,  Norfolk.  R.  of  Hassingham,  1690-2.  R.  of  Howe, 
till  1728.  Father  of  Charles  (1720). 

WADSWORTH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1565.  B.  at  Bury,  Lanes.  One  of  these  names  ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  May  26;  'of  Jesus  College';  priest  (London) 
Aug.  1566,  age  26.   (Peile,  1.  92.) 

WADSWORTH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  II,  1740.  S.  of  Richard,  schoolmaster,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  at  Sowerby,  in  the  parish  of  HaUfax.  School,  Rishworth 
(his  father).  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1746;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20, 
1747.  R.  of  Little  Wolston,  Bucks.,  1765-81.  Died  Mar.  23, 
1781.   WiU,  P.C.C.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  509;  G.  Mag.) 

WADSWORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
June  22, 1647.  S.of  Thomas  (William,  according  to  D.N.B.). 

B.  Dec.  15,  1630,  in  Southwark,  Surrey.  School,  Southwark 
(Mr  Woodward).  Matric.  1647-8;  B..A..  1650-1;  M.A.  1654. 
Fellow,  1652-4.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Newington  Butts,  Surrey, 
1654-60.  Lecturer  at  St  Antholin's  and  St  Margaret's,  Fish 
Street,  London.  P.C.  of  St  Lawrence  Pountney,  1660-2. 
Removed  to  Theobald's,  Cheshunt,  Herts.,  preached 
privately  there;  took  out  a  license,  May  1,  1672,  as  'a 
presbyterian  teacher  in  the  house  of  Jonathan  Pritman.' 
Married  three  wives.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Oct.  29, 
1676,  aged  46.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next.  (Peile,  i.  515; 

WADSWORTH,  THOMAS.  M.D.  1717  (Com.  Reg.).  Perhaps 
s.  of  Thomas  (above).  B.  in  Hertfordshire.  Adm.  at  Leyden, 
Apr.  I,  1699.  M.D.  there,  1699.  F.R.C.P.,  1718.  Censor. 
Physician  to  St  Thomas'  Hospital.  Died  June  23,  1733. 
Will,  P.C.C;  of  St  Mary  Aldermanbury,  London.  (Munk, 
n.  63;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 

WADSWORTH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1608;  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2. 

WADY,  see  also  WADE. 

WADDIE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Sept.  30,  1579- 
S.  of  Nicholas.  B.  in  Colchester.  School,  Colchester  (Mr 
Bartlett).  Matric.  1580;  Resident,  1581.  One  of  these  names 

C.  of  Frinton,  in  1598. 

WADY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1578.  Of  Sussex.  Scholar,  1578-85;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586; 
B.D.  1595.  Fellow,  1586-92.  V.  of  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge, 
1586-95.  V.  of  Pampisford,  Cambs.,  1589-93.  Perhaps  his 
will  (P.C.C.)  1624;  of  Sullington,  Sussex,  clerk.  Probably 
father  of  the  next. 

WADYE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  3,  1612. 
Probably  s.  of  William  (above).  Matric.  1612. 

WAFRE,  NICHOLAS.  LL.B.  V.  of  Sureen,  Meath.  Licensed, 
1401,  to  study  for  a  year  at  Oxford  and  Cambridge. 

WAFER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1619.  Matric. 
Michs.  1619. 

WAFERER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1551  (imputes);  Scholar,  1554-7;  B.A.  1554-5.  'Arden.' 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1566;  of  London.  Will 
of  Arden  Waferer,  of  St  Clement  Danes,  Esq.  (P.C.C.)  1610. 

WAFERER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1569. 

WAFERER,  MYRTH.  M.A.  1637  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Richard  Myrth  Waferer,  of  Buckinghamshire,  gent.  Matric. 
(Merton  College,  Oxford)  May  9,  1628,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1628-9;  M.A.  (StAlban's  Hall,  Oxford)  1631;  D.D.  1660. 
R.  of  Compton,  Surrey,  1636-40,  ejected.  R.  of  Uphani, 
Hants.,  1639.  Canon  of  Winchester,  1660.  Licence  (Vic. 
Gen.  Abp.  Cant.)  Oct.  31,  1667,  to  marry  Elizabeth  Wroth, 
of  Blendon  Hall,  Be.vley,  Kent.  Died  Nov.  5,  1680.  Buried 
in  the  Cathedral.   M.I.   Will,  Winchester.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WAFERER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  3, 
1568-9.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Calais.  School,  Sandwich, 
Matric.  1569. 

WEYFERER, .  Resident  at  Peterhouse,  1388-9.  Perhaps 

B.A.    Scholar. 

WAGENER,  PETER.  .\dm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  27, 
1698.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Middlesex.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1698;  Scholar,  1699;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A.  1710.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Oct.  25;  priest,  Oct.  28,  1702.  R.  of 
Stisted,  Essex,  1707-42.  Died  1742.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1742. 


Wager,  Edward 

WAGER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1581.  Possibly  s.  of  Lewis,  R.  of  St  James's,  Garlickhithe, 
1560  (for  whom,  see  D.N.B.).  B.  in  London,  1562.  B.A. 
1584-5;  M.A.  1588.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  25, 
1589.  Preacher.  V.  of  St  John,  Peterborough,  1594-1618. 
Master  of  Peterborough  School,  1596-1600.  R.  of  Orton 
Longueville,  Hvmts.,  1606-i;.  37.  Probably  buried  at  Cold 
Ashby,  Northants.,  Nov.  22,  1637.  (He  was  not  V.  of  Cold 
Ashby  as  stated  by  Bridges,  11.  544.)  (H.  I.  Longden.) 
WAGGETT,  RALPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WAGMER    (PWAGENER),    'FRIDER.'     Matric.    sizar    from 

Magdalene,  Easter,  1627. 

WAGGSTAFFE,  AVERY.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 

June  30,  1671.   S.  of  Thomas,  of  Stoke,  Warws.  (and  Anne 

Avery,  of  Itchington).  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678. 

Fellow,  1678.   Probably  C.  at  St  Mary,  Huntingdon,  c.  1696. 

V.  of  Gt  Stukeley,  Hunts.,  1690-1701.   Died  June  12,  1701. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1660)  and  William  (1659). 

WAGSTAFF,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  c.  Apr. 

1727.   S.  of  William,  barber,  of  London.   B.  there.   Schools, 

Hatton  Garden  (private),  and  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1727;  Scholar, 

1727-32;  B.A.  1730-1;  M.A.  1735.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 

June  4, 1732.  V.  of  Banstead,  Surrey,  1754-89.  Died  Oct.  13, 

1789.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Venn,  11.  27.) 

WAGSTAFF,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1617. 

Ord.   deacon   (Peterb.)    Mar.   5,    1625-6;   priest,   Feb.    18, 

1626-7.    Perhaps  R.  of  WoUaton,  near  Nottingham,  1628; 

also  held  Bilborough  St  Martin,  c.  1641.   Living,  1650.  One 

of  these  names  s.  of  Antony,  of  Hasland,  Derbs.,  age  12  in 

1611.   {Peile,  I.  317;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  vm.  177.) 

WAGSTAFF,  JOHN.    M.A.   1668   (Incorp.  from  Oriel  College, 

Oxford).   Matric.  there,  Nov.  22,  1650.   Of  Hasland,  Derbs. 

S.  of  John,  of  London.   B.  1633,  in  Cheapside.  Exhibitioner 

from  St  Paul's.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1653;  M.A.  1656.   Succeeded 

to  his  uncle's  estate  at  Hasland,  Derbs.   Author,  Witchcraft 

Debated,  etc.    Died  unmarried  in  London,  Sept.  2,   1677. 

Buried  in  GuildhaU  Chapel.   {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

WAGSTAFFE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  27, 

1670.    Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1677.    Incorp.  at 

Oxford,  1677.  R.  of  Little  Wenlock,  Salop,  1678.  (Al.Oxon.) 

WAGSTAFFE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  May  30, 

1678.    Of  Derbyshire.    Matric.   1678;   B.A.   1681-2.    Ord. 

deacon  (York)  June,  1683;  priest,  Dec.  1684.  C.  of  Rossing- 


WAGSTAFF,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  29,  1661. 

Matric.  i66i. 
WAGSTAFFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14  sic)  at  Pembroke, 
May  14,  1660.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bishop's  Itchington,  Warws. 
B.  Feb.  13,  1645,  at  Bixley.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric. 
1661.  Migrated  to  New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford.  Matric.  there. 
Mar.  14,  1662-3,  age  19  (sic);  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664;  M.A.  1667. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Nov.  19,  1669.  R.  of  Martinthorpe, 
Rutland,  1669-91.  Chancellor  of  Lichfield,  and  Canon, 
1684-9.  K.  of  St  Margaret  Pattens,  and  St  Gabriel  Fen- 
church,  London,  1685-90;  deprived  as  non-juror,  1690. 
Practised  as  a  physician.  Consecrated  suffragan  Bishop  of 
Norwich,  Feb.  23,  1693-4.  Published  pamphlets.  Died 
Oct.  17,  1712.  Buried  at  Bixley.  Will,  P.C.C;  of  Charter- 
house. Brotherof  William  (1659)  and  Avery  (1671).  (D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 
WAGSTAFFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Sept. 

II,  1674.   (See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.) 
WAGSTAFF,  WILLIAM    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  21,  1653. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Scholar,  1655;  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1657- 
8;  M.A.  1661.     One   of   these  names  of  St  Martin-in-the- 
Fields,  clerk,  age  40,  licensed  (Bishop  of  London)  to  marry 
Anna    Fincham,   of   St    Margaret's,    Westminster,    widow, 
Sept.  10,  1681. 
WAGSTAFF,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
June   25,    1659.    S.  of  Thomas.    B.  at   Long   Itchington, 
Warws.    Matric.   1660.    One  of  these  names  adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,   1661;  called  to  the  Bar,   1668.    But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.    Brother  of  Thomas  (i66o) 
and  Avery  (1671). 
WAGSTAFFE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  II,  1667.   S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Glossop,  Derbs. 
B.   there.    School,    Rochdale   (Mr  Taylor).     Matric.    1667; 
B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1675.    Probably  V.  of  Glossop,  Derbs., 
1673-82;  R.  of  Whiston,  Yorks.,  1681-9.    Buried  Mar.  31, 
1689,  at  Glossop. 
WAINDE,  see  also  WANDE. 

WAIND  or  WAYND,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  30, 
1724.  Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  Kirkby  of  Moor- 
side.  B.  1704.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8;  M.A.  1731.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  16,  1728;  priest,  June  29,  1729. 
Perhaps  buried  Apr.  9,  1750,  at  Kirkby  Moorside.  (A.  Gray.) 

Waite,  George 

WAINDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1625;  B.A.  1628-9. 

WAINE,  LAWRENCE.  'Of  St  John's,  Cambridge';  ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (London)  Feb.  4,  1661-2.  (Lambeth  Act 
Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WAINE  or  WAYNE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1532-3.  Perhaps  R. 
of  Hadley  Camps,  Essex,  1535-46. 

WAINEHOUSE,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  30,  1685.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9; 
M.A.  1692.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1696.  V.  of  Silkstone, 
Yorks.,  1699-1708.  Preb.  of  York,  1702-8.  Died  1708. 
Father  of  the  next. 

WAINHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  11,  1719.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (above),  clerk,  deceased,  of 
Yorkshire.  B.  at  Bradford.  School,  Bradford.  Matric. 
1719;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9, 
1723;  priest,  Aug.  15,  1725.  C.  of  Rothbury,  Northumber- 
land, 1726.  V.  of  Sturton,  Notts.,  1730-4.  V.  of  Nether- 
WaUop,  Hants.,  1734-61.  V.  of  Keevil,  Wilts.,  1735-61. 
Died  Nov.  13,  1762,  at  Bath.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1762.  (ScoU- 
Mayor,  iii.  326.) 

WAINFLEET,  JOHN.    D.D.  from  Cambridge.   Carmelite  friar 

at  Lincoln.   Fl.  c.  1418.   (Pits,  599.) 
WAYNFLETE,  WILLIAM.    Scholar  at   King's   Hall,   1428; 
LL.B.  in  1429.  Left,  1434. 

WAINMAN,  see  also  WENMAN. 

Fell. -Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h. 
of  Francis  [Wenman],  of  Carswell,  Oxon.  Knighted,  June  8, 
1618,  Wayneman.  M.P.  for  Oxfordshire,  1628-9  and  1640; 
Wenman.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Samuel  Sandys,  Knt. 
of  Worcestershire.  Died  1640,  aged  40.  Buried  at  Witney, 
Oxon.   (F.  C.  Lee,  Thame;  Lipscomb,  in.  132.) 

WAINMAN  or  WAYNMAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Corpus  Christi,  1594.  Of  Lincolnshire. 

WAINMAN,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1678-9. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Draughton,  Yorks.  Matric. 
(Queen's  College,  Oxford)  July  2,  1675.  age  17,  Wenman. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678;  priest,  June,  1679-  R-  of 
Burythorpe,  Yorks.,  1686.  R.  of  Thomton-in-Craven, 
1699-1708.   Died  1708.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WAINWRIGHT,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1607;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  One  of  these  names 
scholar  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1613;  M.A.  1615;  Fellow, 
1615.   Perhaps  father  of  Samuel  (1648). 

WAINWRIGHT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  28,  1674.  S.  of  James,  of  Southwark,  London.  School, 
St  Mary  Overy. 

WAINWRIGHT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  3,  1742- 
3.   Of  Lancashire. 

WAINWRIGHT,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1742.  S.  of  John,  of 
Laughton  Gate,  Cheshire,  gent.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 
Oxford)  Feb.  21,  1723-4,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1727.  V.  of 
Welton,  Northants.,  1748-78.  Buried  there  May  21,  1778. 
[Al.  Oxon.;  Baker,  i.  463.) 

WAINWRIGHT,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1668.  S. 
of  Zachary,  of  Stourbridge,  Worcs.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  May  24,  1661,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664-5;  B.D. 
(Oxford)  1697.  R.  of  Thorpe  Mandeville,  Northants., 
1668-1711.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Wappenham,  Northants., 
and  patron  of  Thorpe  Mandeville.  Married  (i)  Jane,  dau.  of 
John  Wilson,  V.  of  Fawsley;  (2)  Katherine,  dau.  of  Edmund 
Kirton,  of  Thorpe  Mandeville,  Esq.  Buried  June  9,  171 1,  at 
Thorpe  Mandeville.  M.I.  (H.  I.  Longdieii;  Al.Oxon.;  Baker, 
1.  719-26.) 

WAINRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  7,  1648.  S.  of  Anthony  (?  1607),  preacher,  of  Chester- 
field, Derbs.  B.  there.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A. 
1655.  Fellow,  1652.  Lived  at  the  Upper  Hagh,  Rawmarsh, 
Yorks.  Buried  there  .'^pr.  23,  i677-  M.I.  (Scott-Mayor; 
Hunter,  11.  49.) 


WAITE,  see  also  WATHE  and  yf/AVET. 

WAITE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  17,  1579-  R-  of  Wittering, 
Northants.,  1586-1605.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Aslackby, 
Lines.,  in  1611-4;  'B.A.';  'Resident;  no  preacher.' 

WAITE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  26, 
1680.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Milton,  near  Repton,  Derbs. 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A. 
1693.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  1684;  C.  of  Blackfordby, 
Leics.  Master  of  the  School  of  Little  Appleby,  Leics.,  1705- 
25.  Died  July  22,  1725,  aged  65.  M.I.  at  Gt  Appleby. 
(Peile,  II.  78;  Nichols,  iv.  438.) 


Waite,  George 

WAITE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  Catharine's, 
Jan.  30,  1716-7.  Of  Richmond,  Yorks.  B.  Nov.  24,  1700. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Feb.  21,  1724-5.  One  of  these  names 
lecturer  at  Islington,  Middlesex.  Died  June  ig,  173 1.  A 
contemporary  was  at  Oxford.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 
(1734).   {G.Mag.) 

WAITE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  19,  1618. 
Of  London.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  July  5,  1619.  Scholar,  1622; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4; 
priest,  June  5,  1626.  V.  of  Elmstead,  Essex,  1630-42.  V.  of 
Little  Clacton,  1642-50.  Perhaps  V.  of  Tunstead,  Norfolk, 

WAYT,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  Dec.  12,  1373. 
Of  Warefeld.   Left,  1378.   Perhaps  brother  of  Walter  (1375). 

WAYTE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1608; 
B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lichfield)  May,  161 7.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Berden,  Essex,  1631- 
50.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Meesden,  Herts.,  1654-62; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1669.   {Peile,  1.  267.) 

WAYTE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1615. 
Probably   s.    of   John.      B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.    1623;    B.D. 

1632.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  24,  1620;  priest  (Chester) 
Sept.  23,  1621.  C.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  1627.  V.  of  Gargrave, 
Yorks.,  1632-43;  'absent  from  his  cure,  in  1643';  remained 
at  Manchester  with  the  rebels.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  George 
Tempest,  of  Gargrave,  Esq.  Buried  July  27,  1660,  at  Gar- 
grave.   {Peile,  I.  303;  E.  Axon.) 

WATE  or  WAYTE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1636.  Perhaps  matric.  again  Easter,  1637,  Wayte;  B.A. 
1640-1;  M.A.  1666.  Possibly  R.  of  Thundersley,  Essex, 
1681-9;  died  1689.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  24,  1637;  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Keythorpe,  Leics.,  Esq. 

WAITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July  11,  1664; 
B.A.  1667-8.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1668;  'C.  of  Fosdike';  priest,  June  6, 

WAITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  May  5, 
1673.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Pocklington.  Matric.  1673; 
B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1679;  priest,  Sept. 
1681.  P.C.  of  Gate  Helmsley,  Yorks.,  1687.  R.  of  Over 
Helmsley,  1688-1725.   Buried  Dec.  11,  1725. 

WAIGHT,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent, 
1637-8.  Of  Essex.  B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1645.  Fellow,  1643. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Nov.  24,  1639,  Wait.  Probably 
R.  of  Sproughton,  Suffolk;  ejected,  1662,  Waite.  Died  July  1, 
1670;  'after  15  years  discharge  of  his  ministry.'  M.I.  Will 
proved  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  11,  1671.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  in.  86.) 

WAITE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  14, 
1660-1.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1661-2;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668. 
Signs  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Sept.  21;  priest's,  Dec. 
21,  1672.   V.  of  Little  Baddow,  Essex,  1672-8. 

WEIGHT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1672. 
Of  London. 

WAITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  1, 
I73&-7-  S.  of  Joseph.  B.  at  Bolton,  Yorks.  School,  Bolton 
(Mr  Carr).  Matric.  1737;  Scholar,  1738;  B.A.  1740-1.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1741.  V.  of  Kirkby  Malham, 
Yorks.,  1747-74.   Died  Nov.  1774.   (G.  Mag.;  Peile,  11.  233.) 

WAYTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1624. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1633.  Perhaps  his  will 
(Lincoln)  1649;  of  Sutterton,  Lines.,  clerk.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Wetwang,  Yorks.,  c.  1650. 

WAITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  21,  1631. 
Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 

WAITE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  20, 

1633.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Haxby,  Yorks.  Schools, 
Haxby  and  Coxwold.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  25,  1634. 

WAYTE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  1,  1669.    Of 

Stillington,  Yorks.   Matric.  1669. 
WAYTE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  14, 

1672.    S.  of  Laurence,  husbandman,  of  Millington,  Yorks. 

B.  there.  School,  Ilkley  (Mr  Hustler).  Matric.  1672;  Scholar, 

1672-4;  B.A.  1675-6.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  24,  1676. 

V.  of  Weston,  Yorks.,  1677.   {Venn,  1.  446.) 
WAIT,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  45)  at  St  John's,  July  17, 

1701.  B.  at  Ripon,  Yorks.  A  lawyer. 
WAITE,  THOMAS.  .'Vdm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1701.  Of  Cheshire. 
WAITE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  25, 

1707-8.   Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715. 
WHAITES,   THOMAS.    Adm.   at  Corpus   Christi,    1712.    Of 

Norfolk.    Matric.  Lent,  1713-4;  B.A.  1715-6.   Ord.  deacon 

(Norwich)  July,  1718;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  17:9.   R.  of 

Filby,   Norfolk,   1722-70.    V.  of  Hemsby,   1728-70.    Died 

Apr.  25,  1770,  aged  75. 

Wakefield,  John 

WAITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  July  4, 
1734.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1734.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  i,  1736-7.  Perhaps  brother 
of  George  (1716-7). 

WAYT,  WALTER.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall.  Died  Feb.  13, 
1374-5.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1373). 

WAYTE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  20, 
1687.  B.  at  Hampsthwaite,  near  Leeds,  Yorks.  School, 
Wakefield  (Mr  Armitage).  Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A. 
1690-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  22,  1692.   (Peile,  11.  105.) 

WAITE  or  WAITES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
June  6,  1693.  Of  Leicestershire.  Probably  adm.  at  Leyden, 
Apr.  6,  1703,  Waite.  Perhaps  buried  at  Melton  Mowbray, 
Leics.,  July  22,  1719;  'M.D.'   M.I.   (Nichols,  11.  255.) 

WAKE  or  WAKE-JONES,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16) 
at  Trinity,  June  29,  1717.  S.  of  Sir  Bald\vin,  Bart.,  of 
Northants.  (by  his  2nd  wife,  Mary  Hart).  Bapt.  Jan.  19, 
1700-1,  at  Preston  Deanery.  School,  Enfield,  Middlesex 
(Dr  Uvedale).  Heir  to  his  uncle  Samuel  (Wake)  Jones. 
Took  the  name  and  arms  of  Jones.  Of  Waltham  Abbey, 
Essex.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Samuel  Vanacker 
Sambrooke,  Bart.  Died  Mar.  22,  1739-40.  (Northants.  F am.) 

WAKE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1563-4;  B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1570.  Ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  27,  1570.  R.  of  Tydd  St  Mary,  Lines., 
1571.  Preacher  (Peterborough  and  Lincoln).  'Aged  30; 
married;  resides'  (i576). 

WAKE,  JAMES.   Grammarian :  fined  pro  non  legendo,  1444. 

WAKE,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1495-6.  R.  of  CoUingtree,  Northants., 
c.  1500.   Died  1505.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  1505.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WAKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  31,  1683.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1691. 

WAKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  18,  1709-10.  Of 
the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.  Matric.  1711;  Rustat  Scholar,  1712; 
B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717. 

WAKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  3,  1599. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  London.  School,  Westminster.  Scholar, 
1599-1605;  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1610.  Fellow,  1610-30.  Proctor,  1626.  University  preacher, 
1619,  and  examiner,  1626-7.  R.  of  Bincombe,  Dorset, 
1623-4  and  1629-34.  R.  of  Borough  Green,  Cambs.,  1634-41, 
ejected  for  'swearing,  drinking,  quarreUing....'  Donor  to 
the  College  library.  Died  Nov.  11,  1658.  Buried  in  the 
CoUege  Chapel.  M.I.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1658.  (Venn,  i.  169; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WAKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  i,  1617. 
Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1625. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Nov.  27;  priest,  Nov.  28,  1622.  R.  of 
Holy  Trinity,  Wareham,  Dorset,  1625-61.  Buried  there 
May  8,  1661.  Grandfather  of  Archbishop  Wake.  (F.  S. 

WAKEorWAYKE, .   Sizar  of  Peterhouse;  enrolled  May 

3.  1572. 

WAKEFIELD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1634.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Joshua  (1587),  of  Pontefract,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  Sept.  II,  1614.  Scholar,  1638;  B.A.  1638-9.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Richard  (1626),  Thomas  (1624)  and  William  (1624). 

WAKEFIELD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  20,  1737.  S.  of  William,  of  West  Drayton,  Notts. 
School,  Wakefield,  Yorks.  (Mr  Wilson).  Matric.  1737;  B.A. 
1740-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  22,  1740-1;  priest 
(York)  May  20,  1744.  R.  of  West  Keal,  Lines.,  and  V.  of 
FUntham,  Notts.,  1744-85.  Married,  at  Orston,  Notts., 
Sept.  4,  1746,  Jane  Warburton,  of  Newark.  Died  Oct.  8, 
1785.  M.I.  at  FUntham.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1786.  (Godfrey, 

WAKEFIELD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1739. 
Of  RoUeston,  Staffs.  Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1741;  'B.k. 
1742-3;  M.A.  1746.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  29,  1743; 
priest  (York)  1744.  P.C.  of  Penkridge,  Stalls.,  1744.  Chaplain 
to  the  Countess  of  Coningsby.  R.  of  Claifpole,  Lines.,  1748- 
66.  R.  of  St  Nichohis,  Nottingham,  1749-66.  V.  of  Kingston 
and  Richmond,  Surrey,  1766-76.  Died  Feb.  10,  1776,  aged 
56.  Buried  in  Richmond  Church.  M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Gilbert  Wakefield.   (A.  Gray.) 

WAKFYLDE,  HENRY.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Michs.  1552  (imputes). 

WAKEFIELD,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1607-8.  Of  Westmorland.  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  V.  of 
Heversham,  Westmorland,  1621-6.  V.  of  Windermere, 
1627-44.   Died  c.  Sept.  1644.   (B.  Nightingale.) 

WAKEFIELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1544;  U.A.  1545-6. 


Wakefield,  John 

WAKEFIELD,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  6,  1688. 

Of  Yorkshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Sessay.    Bapt. 

Oct.  28,  1673,  at  Thonnanby.   Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1691-2; 

M.A.  1695.    Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  23,   1693;  pnest 

(York)  Nov.  1697.   R.  of  Sessay,  Yorks.,  1697-1749.    Preb. 

of  Ripon,   1723.    Died  Oct.  6,   i749,  aged  76.    Buried  at 

Sessay.     Brother   of   Joshua    (1692J    and   William    (1688). 


WAKEFIELD,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1587.    Probably  s.  of  Edward,  of  Hull,  Yorks.,  Mayor  of 

Hull.    Age  14  in   1584.    Of  Pontefract,  Yorks.    Mayor  of 

Pontefract,  1604  and  1613.    Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Robert 

Legard,  of  Hull.    Buried  Mar.   10,    1650-1,  at  Pontefract. 

Father  of  Richard  (1626),  Thomas  (1624)  and  perhaps  of 

Edward  (1634).   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584,  1665.) 

WAKEFIELD,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  2,  1692. 

Of  Yorkshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Sessay.     Bapt. 

Apr.  25,  1678,  at  Thormanby.   Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1695-6; 

M.A.  1699.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Jan.  1700-1.    P.C.  of  Dids- 

bury  Chapel,  Lanes.,   1700-5.    R.  of  Wihnslow,  Cheshire, 

1705-13.     Brother   of   John    (1688)    and    William    (1688). 

(R.  Stewart-Brown.) 

WAKEFIELD,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  i, 

1652.    Of   Cambridgeshire.    S.   of   Thomas   (1617),    R.   of 

Horseheath.    B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 

Sept.   20,    1662;   priest,   Mar.   1662-3.    V.  of  Pampisford, 

Cambs.,  1662-70.    V.  of  Wendens  Ambo,  Essex,  1665-78. 

Died  1678.   (C.  E.  Parsons,  Horseheath,  82.) 

WAKEFIELD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,   1626.    Of  Yorkshire.    3rd  s.  of  Joshua  (1587),  of 

Pontefract.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  11,  1608.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A. 

1632.  Perhaps  V.  of  Kildale,  Yorks.,  c.  1652-67.  Died  1667. 

Brother  of  William  (1624)  and  Thomas  (1624).    (Vis.  of 

Yorks.,  1612.) 

WAKEFIELD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  7,  1644. 

Matric.  1644. 
WAKEFIELD,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1513-4;  M.A.  1518-9  (Incorp. 
from  Louvain);  B.D.  (Cambridge)  1525.  Fellow  of  Clare, 
1516.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1520.  Incorp.  at  O.^ord,  1532- 
Studied  at  Paris  and  Louvain.  A  learned  Hebraist.  Pro- 
fessor of  Hebrew  at  Louvain,  1519,  and  at  Tubingen,  1520-3. 
Returned  to  England.  Hebrew  lecturer  at  Cambridge,  1524, 
and  at  Oxford,  1530.  Chaplain  to  the  King.  Canon  of  King's 
College,  Oxford,  1532.  Wrote  in  favour  of  Henry  VIII's 
divorce,  1528.  Author,  treatises;  the  first  m  England  to 
employ  Hebrew  and  Arabic  type.  Died  in  London,  Oct.  8, 
1537-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1538.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1522-3). 
{Cooper,  I.  63;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WAKEFIELD,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  7, 
1624.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Wigan,  Lanes.  School,  Wigan 
(Mr  Evans).  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8.  (Peile,  i.  360.) 
WAKEFYLDE,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1549  (impubes).  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  8,  1562. 
R.  of  Wistow,  Hunts.,  1559-87-  Perhaps  R.  of  Panfield, 
Essex,  1575-7-  Died  1587- 
WAKEFIELD,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1522-3.  B.  at  Pontefract, 
Yorks.  First  Regius  Professor  of  Hebrew,  1540;  taught, 
1540-9  and  again,  1553-69.  Probably  rejected  protestantism 
and  on  that  account  others  were  appointed  readers  of  Hebrew 
whilst  he  held  the  professorship.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Buried  at  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  Apr.  24,  1575-  Brother  of 
Robert  (1513-4)  and  perhaps  father  of  the  next.  (Cooper, 
I.  337;  D.N.B.) 
WAKEFIELD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

1556.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (above). 
WAKEFYLD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1576.  B.  at  Radwinter,  Essex,  June  16,  1560.  B.A.  1580-1; 
MA.  1584;  B.D.  1600.  R.  of  Horseheath,  Cambs.,  1589- 
1626.  BuriedDec.  16,  1626.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next. 
(C.  E.  Parsons,  Horseheath.) 
WAKEFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1617,  'Wallfield.'  S.  of  Thomas  (above).  Bapt.  at  Horse- 
heath, Cambs.,  Oct.  28,  1600.  Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1620-1; 
M  A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  4;  priest,  Mar.  5, 
1625-6.  R.  of  Horseheath,  1626-69.  Buried  there  Feb.  4, 
1668-9.  Father  of  Nathaniel  (1652).  (C.  E.  Parsons,  Horse- 
WAKEFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1624.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Joshua 
(1587),  of  Pontefract.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  13,  1607.  B.A. 
1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Of  Sessay,  Yorks.,  in  1658;  styled 
'minister.'  Buried  there  July  7,  1663.  Will  (York)  1663. 
Brother  of  William  (1624),  Richard  (1626)  and  perhaps  of 
Edward  (1634).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 
WAKEFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  26,  1724.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Durham.  Matric. 
1724;    B..\.    1727-8;   1A..\.    1731-    Fellow,    1728-35.     Ord. 

Wakeman,  John 

deacon  (Lincoln)  June  1,  1729;  priest,  June  13,  1731-  Chap- 
lain to  the  Earl  of  Harrington.  V.  of  Rowley,  Yorks.,  i734- 
87.  R.  of  Goxhill,  1754-87.  Buried  Dec.  5,  1787- 
WAKEFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  28,  1732.  S.  of  George,  of  Ingham,  Lines.  School, 
Lincohi  (Dr  Goodall).  Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1735-6-  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincohi)  Mar.  21,  1735-6;  priest.  May  28,  1738. 
V.  of  Orston,  Notts.,  1 743-51- 
WAKEFIELD,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1524-5-  Perhaps  mistake  for 
Robert  (1513-4).  One  William  W.  was  R.  of  Chartham, 
Kent,  in  1544. 
WAKEFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1624.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Joshua  (1587). 
of  Pontefract.  Bapt.  there,  Feb.  16,  1605-6.  B.A.  1627-8; 
M.A.  1631.  R.  of  Sessay,  Yorks.,  1632-65.  Buried  there 
June  12,  1665.  Admon.,  York.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1624), 
etc.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612.) 
WAKEFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1676.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  Easter,  1676.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Oct.  3,  1677. 
Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  Fellow  of  Jesus, 
1680-7.  V.  of  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  1684.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1687. 
WAKEFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  6, 
1688.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Sessay. 
Bapt.  Aug.  21,  1672.  Matric.  1688.  Buried  Apr.  28,  1730, 
at  Belfreys.  Brother  of  John  (1688)  and  Joshua  (1692). 

WAKEFIELD,   .    Graduate;   fined  pro   non   convivendo, 

1456-7.  A  friar. 

WAKEFIELD, .  B.Can.L.  1515-6. 

WAKEHAM,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1740.  S.  of  Ralph.  Bapt.  at  Modbury,  Devon.  Matric. 
Easter,  1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748;  D.D.  (Lambeth). 
FeUow,  1744.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Oct.  23,  1748.  R.  of  Brome 
with  Oakley,  Sufiolk,  I750-74-  Dean  of  Bocking,  Essex. 
R.  of  Culford  with  Ingham  and  Tunworth,  1755-90.  (Har- 
WAKELIN  or  WHEKLYNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's, 
Mar.  31,  1581.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1585-6.  Per- 
haps ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Colchester)  Jan.  6,  1600-1. 
C.  of  Twyford,  Bucks.,  1609.  Probably  V.  of  Mark's  Tey, 
Essex,  1610-30.  Died  1630-1.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1630-1.  (Peile,  I.  165.) 
WAKELYN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  July 
31,  1716.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Whittlesey,  Cambs.  School, 
Wisbech.  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1725-  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1723- 
C-  of  St  John's,  Peterborough,  1721.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Westmorland.  R.  of  Fletton,  Hunts.,  1730-60.  V.  of 
Yaxley,  1745-60.  Died  1760.  (T.  C.  Dale.) 
WAKELIN,  RALPH.  M.A.  1641-2  (Lit.  Reg.). 
WAKELYN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  X7)  at  St  John's, 
May  3,  1631.  S.  of  Richard,  blacksmith,  of  Gt  Thurlow, 
Suffolk  B.  there.  School,  Little  Thurlow  (Mr  More). 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  20, 1638;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1639.  Minor  Canon  of  Durham. 
R.  of  St  Mary-le-Bow,  Durham,  1646-55-  P-C.  of  Whit- 
worth,  Durham,  1661.  Married,  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham, 
Feb.  13, 1642-3,  Jane  Sheffield.  Buried  at  Durham  Cathedral, 
Oct.  30,  1661. 
WAKELIN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
May  28,  1733.  S.  of  Framcis.  B.  at  Reach,  Cambs.  School, 
Ely  (Mr  Gunning).  Matrie.  i734;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Mar.  6,  1736-7;  priest,  May  28,  1738. 
V.  of  Meldreth,  Cambs.,  1738-44-  R-  of  Wentworth,  Isle 
of  Ely,  1743-98.  Died  1798,  aged  85.  Buried  in  Wentworth 
Churchyard.  M.I.  (Peile,  11.  229.) 
WAKELIN,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  11, 
1678.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Uttoxeter,  Staffs.  School, 
Uttoxeter.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1686. 
WAKELYNN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3, 

1619.  Matric.  1619. 
WAKELING,   WILLIAM.     B.A.    1532-3;    M.A.    1536-7;   B.D. 
1547.     Fellow    of    Peterhouse,    1536.     Bursar,    1541-2- 
Proctor,  1543-4.  Chaplain  of  Lane's  Chantry,  1544-6- 
WAKELYNN,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3, 

1619.  Matric.  1619. 
WAKEMAN,    GREGORY.     Matric.   pens,   from    Peterhouse, 

Easter,  1606-7.   Resided,  1607-9. 
WAKEMAN,    JOHN.     Adm.    at   Corpus    Christi,    1728.     Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1728.   R.  of  Crostwick  and  Sloley,  Norfolk, 
1736-53-   (Masters.) 


Wakeman,  Robert 

WAKEMAN,  ROBERT.  M.A.  1598  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S. 
of  Thomas,  V.  of  Flyford  Flavel,  Worcs.  Matric.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  July  24,  1590,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1593-4; 
M.A.  1597;  B.D.  1604-5;  D.D.  1608.  Fellow  of  Balliol,  1596. 
R.of  Here  Ferrers,  Devon,  1603.  R.of  Charlton,  i5io.  Canon 
of  E.xeter,  1616.  Buried  at  Bere  Ferrers,  Sept.  19,  1629. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

WAKEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  14, 
1631-2.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Yarmouth.  Bapt.  Feb.  5,  1616-7, 
at  St  Nicholas,  Yarmouth.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Stonham) . 
Scholar,  1631-9.  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639. 
Fellow,  i%o-5i.  Morning  lecturer,  1641-3.  Greek  lecturer, 
1643-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  22,  1639.  R.  of  Gar- 
boldjsham,  Norfolk,  1651-5.   (Venn,  i.  303.) 

WAKEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Nov.  14,  1656. 

Of  Gloucestershire.  B.A.  1660-1. 
WAKEMAN,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  1675  (L-it.  Reg.). 

WAKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  22,  1648. 
Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (next).  Matric.  1648;  B.A. 
1651-2;  M..\.  1655.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1648). 

WAKER,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1614;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  11,  1620;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1621.  R.  of 
Lavendon,  Bucks.,  1633-54.  Died  Aug.  19,  1654,  aged  56. 
Buried  at  Lavendon.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  John  (above) 
and  of  the  next.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  in.  57.) 

WAKER,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  22, 
1648.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (above).  Matric.  1648; 
B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Catherine  Cole- 
man, London,  1662-4.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1664.  Brother  of  John 

Fell. -Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  14,  1633.  S.  of  John, 
of  Lincoln's  Inn,  and  of  Kelvedon,  Essex  (and  Mary,  dau. 
of  Dionis  Palmer).  B.  at  Kelvedon.  School,  Kelvedon 
(Mr  White).  Matric.  1633.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  6, 
1633-4.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1641.  M.P.  for  Essex,  1654  and 
1656.   (Peile,  I.  426;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WALBANKE,  AUGUSTINE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Oct.  7, 
1662.   Matric.  1662,  Walby. 

WALBANKE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Apr.  24,  1649.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Boulton- 
in-Craven,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Boulton-in-Craven 
(Mr  Lancaster).  P.C.  of  Cawthome  Chapel,  Yorks.,  1662- 
1708.  Buried  there  Mar.  16,  1708. 

WALBANKES,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28, 
1593.  Matric.  c.  1593;  Scholar;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600; 
B.D.  1607.  Fellow,  1600-11.  R.  of  Greatworth,  Northants., 
1610-47.  Died  Feb.  7,  1647-8.  Buried  at  Greatworth.  M.I. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1648. 

WALBANK  or  WELBANK,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St 
Catharine's,  Michs.  1654.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  farmer. 
School,  Pockllng.  B.A.  1657-8.  R.  of  Flixborough,  Lines., 

WELBANCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Ji«ie  10, 
1678.  S.  of  George,  husbandman.  B.  at  North  Cowton, 
Yorks.  School,  Northallerton.  Matric.  1678. 

WALLBLANK,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1728;  Scholar,  Jan.  3,  1728-9.  Of  Bedale,  Yorks. 
Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1741. 

WALBOTT,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1502-3.  Probably  of  St  Neots, 
Hunts.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1528. 

WALBRON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  3,  1727. 
S.  of  Francis,  of  Ripon,  'i'orks.,  pleb.  Matric.  (Queen's 
College,  Oxford)  Nov.  7,  1718,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1722; 
M.A.  1727.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  F^b.  21,  1724-5.  (Al. 

WALBURGE,  LIONEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  24, 
1668.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.  10,  1668.  Of  Stamford, 
Lines.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1674. 

WALBURGE,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
15,  1716-7.  S.  of  Richard,  grocer,  and  alderman,  of  Stam- 
ford, Lines.  Bapt.  Oct.  20,  1699,  at  All  Saints',  Stamford. 
School,  Rugby.  M.B.  1722.  Buried  at  Barholm,  Lines., 
Aug.  19,  1734.   Will,  P.C.C.   [Scott-Mayor,  in.  308.) 

WALBV,  see  also  WOOLBY. 

WALBY  or  WALDEBY,  MARMADUKE.  B.A.  1504-5.  Perhaps 
Marm.  Walby,  'D.D.,'  R.  of  Vange,  Essex,  1526-9.  R.  of 
Swaby,  Lines.,  res.  1531. 

WALLBYE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1564. 

WALBYE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

Walcot,  William 

WALCHER,  WILLIAM.  Of  King's.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  30, 
1703;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  10,  1704.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop 
of  Ely.  R.  of  Teversham,  Cambs.;  R.  of  Haverstock,  Essex, 
1720.   (Lambeth  Act  Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WALCOTT,  BARNARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Lent, 
1623-4.  Probably  s.  of  John.  High  Sheriff  of  Rutland. 
Of  Cranford  St  John,  Northants.,  Esq.  Died  c.  1670,  aged  64. 
Father  of  the  next  and  probably  of  John  (1662).  (Vis.  of 
Northants.,  1682;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WALCOT,  BARNARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1660.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Barnard  (above),  of  Walcot, 
Esq.  Matric.  Easter,  1660.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  8, 
1662.  Of  Cranford  and  afterwards  of  Oundle,  Northants.  A 
captain  of  the  trained  bands.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Edward  Page,  of  Oundle.   Probably  brother  of  John  (1662). 

WALCOTT,  EDWARD  (?  EDMUND).  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  20,  1606.  Matric.  1606.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  2; 
priest.  Mar.  9,  1622-3. 

WALKOTT,  GODFREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1556.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Walcot,  Lines.  Scholar, 
1560.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1032.) 

WALCOTT,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1604.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Humphrey,  of  Walcot,  Salop. 
B.  1586.  Succeeded  his  father,  1 61 6.  Receiver  of  the  County 
of  Salop,  1625.  Sheriff  of  Salop,  1631.  Distinguished  for 
his  loyalty  to  Charles  I  and  made  many  sacrifices  in  the 
royal  cause.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Docwra,  of 
Poderich,  Herts.  Buried  at  Lydbury,  June  8,  1650.  Brother 
of  John  (1609)  and  father  of  Thomas  (1646).  (Vis.  ofShrops., 
1623;  Burke,  L.G.;  D.N.B.) 

WALCOTT,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  3, 

1613.  Doubtless  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Walcot,  Lines.,  Esq. 
Bapt.  Apr.  12,  1596.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1616-7.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  21,  1617.  M.P.  for  Lines., 
1653.  Purchased  the  franchise  of  the  City  of  Lincoln,  1654. 
Married  (1)  Elizabeth  Pury,  widow,  dau.  of  Robert  Millet, 
of  Hayes,  Middlesex;  (2)  Katherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward 
Fynes,  Knt.  A  staunch  Parliamentarian;  a  member  of  the 
Lincoljishire  Committee  for  dealing  with  'scamdalous 
ministers.'  Living,  1666.  Perhapsbrotherof  Thomas  (1616). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1033;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

WALCOTT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1609. 
3rd  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Walcot,  Salop,  and  London  (and 
Alice,  dau.  of  Richard  Hale,  of  London,  Esq.).  Scholar,  1611 ; 
B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616;  B.D.  1631-2  (Lit.  Reg.).    Fellow, 

1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  15,  1617.  Preb.  of  Lin- 
coln, 1618.  R.  of  Yelling,  Hunts.,  1619-22.  R.  of  Keystone, 
1624-42,  ejected.  Died  c.  1660.  Brother  of  Humphrey  (1604) 
and  probably  father  of  the  next.  (Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

WALCOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  2, 
1645-6.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Probably  s.  of  John  (above). 
School,  Bedford. 

WALCOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Aug.  13,  1662.  Prob- 
ably s.  of  Barnard  (1623-4).  B-  1646.  School,  Oundle, 
whence  he  is  said  to  have  gone  to  Cambridge.  Died  un- 
married. Probably  brother  of  Barnard  (1660).  (Vis.  of 
Northants.,  1682.) 

WALCOTT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Emmanuel, 
Michs.  1637.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  London, 
merchant,  and  nephew  of  John  (1609).  (Vis.  of  London, 

WALCOTS,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1502-3. 

WALCOTT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1616.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Walcot,  Lines.  Bapt. 
May  8,  1598.  B.A.  1619-20.  Of  Algarkirk,  Lines.,  1634. 
Married  Bridget,  dau.  of  John  (?  Thomas)  Littlebury,  of 
Hagworthingham.  Living,  1640.  Perhaps  brother  of  Hum- 
phrey (1613).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1033.) 

WALCOTT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  16,  1646. 
Of  Salop.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Humphrey  (1604),  of  Walcot, 
Salop.  Bapt.  Aug.  6,  1629,  at  Lydbury.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Nov.  12,  1647.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1653.  Bencher, 
1671.  Recorder  of  Bewdley,  1671.  Chief  Justice  of  .Anglesey 
circuit,  1676-81.  Serjeant-at-law,  1679.  Justice  of  K.B., 
1683.  M.P.  for  Ludlow,  1679.  Knighted,  Nov.  21,  1681. 
Of  Bitterley  Court,  Salop.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Adam 
Lyttelton,  Bart.,  Dec.  10,  1663.  Buried  at  Bitterley,  Sept.  8, 
1685.   (Middle  Temple  Bench  Book;  D.N.B.) 

WALCOTE,  WILLIAM  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1350. 
Became  a  Friar  Minor,  1352.  Perhaps  preb.  of  St  Stephen's, 
Westminster,  London,  till  1363. 

WALCOT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Jan.  9,  1735-6. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of 
Oundle.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  6,  1719.  Matric.  1736;  Scholar, 
1736;  M.B.  1742;  M.D.  1747.  Eteputy-Lieut.  for  Northants. 
Of  Oundle.  Married  Mary  Creed.  Buried  at  Oundle,  Mar.  29, 


Walden,  George 


WALDEN,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1569. 

WALDEN,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  30, 

1627.  S.  of  Gilbert.  B.  at  Coventry,  Warws.  School,  Coventry. 

B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.   One  of  these  names  V.  of  Willey, 

Salop,  1639.  Minister  of  Bridgnorth,  in  1645;  V.  of  Leaming- 
ton-Hastings, Warwick.   (Peile,  1.  386.) 
WALDEN,  JOHN.   M.Gram.  1511-2. 
WALDEN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1530-1.  Of  Christ's.  R.  of  Newmarket, 

Cambs.,  1538-51.  Probably  R.  of  Weeting  St  Mary,  Norfolk, 

1541-54.   R.  of  Worlington,  Suffolk,  1551-4,  deprived. 
WALDEN,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1635.  Of  Norfolk. 

B.A.  1638-9. 
WALDEN,   LIONEL.    Adm.  pens,   at  Sidney,  July  4,   1613. 

S.  and  h.  of  William  (?  1570),  of  Buckworth,  Hunts.   Matric. 

1613.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Morris  Bawde,  of  Somerby, 

Lines.,  May  19,   1616.    Perhaps  father  of  Maurice  (1648). 

(Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 
WALDEN,  LIONEL.    M.A.  1671  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    (No 

such  graduate  recorded  in  Al.  Oxon.)   Probably  the  same  as 

the  next. 
WALDEN,    LIONEL.    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   at   Trinity,   July   3, 

1671.    Probably  s.  of  Sir  Lionel,  of  Huntingdonshire,  Knt. 

Migrated  to  Corpus  Christi.  Matric.  1671.  Probably  adm.  at 

the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  27,  1675. 
WALDEN,  MAURICE.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 

13,  1648.    S.  of  Lionel  (?  1613),  gent.,  of  Huntingdon.    B. 

there.  School,  Hitchin.   Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2. 
WALDEN,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1570.     Possibly  s.  of  William,   of  St   Ives,   Hunts.    B.A. 

1574-5.    Married   Rebecca,  dau.  of  Thomas  Goodrick,   of 

Ely,  Cambs.  Perhaps  father  of  Lionel  (1613).  (Vis.  of  Hunts., 

WALDEN,  Abbot  of.  B.D.  1467-8;  fine  for  non-entrance.  John 

Halsted,  Abbot,  1462-84. 

WALDEN,  Vicar  of.  B.D.  (Oxford);  D.D.  1486-7. 

WALDEN, •.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1544. 

WALDER,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter,  1690. 

WALDO,  BRIAN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

Perhaps  King's  scholar  at  Durham  School,  in  1558. 
WALDO,  PETER.   M.A.  1706  (Incorp.  from  All  Souls,  Oxford). 

S.  of  Daniel,  of  Harrow,  Middlesex.   Matric.  (Exeter  College, 

Oxford)  Mar.  18,  1688-9,  age  i7;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1692;  M.A. 

1695;  B.D.  and  D.D.  1720.    R.  of  Aston  Clinton,  1716-45. 

Died  Jan.  25,  1745-6.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WALDRAM,  see  also  WALDRON  and  WALROND. 

WALDRAM,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

WALDRAM,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1612. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.   Probably  brother  of  William  (1612). 

WALDRAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WALDRAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1612.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Probably  brother  of  Roger 

WALDRON,  see  also  WALROND. 

WALDRON,  DAVID.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
15,  1674.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Hampshire.  B.  there.  School, 
Winchester.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  V.  of 
St  John  the  Baptist,  Peterborough,  in  1685.  Buried  there 
Nov.  3,  1687.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WALDRON,  FRANCIS  STONARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's, 
Nov.  16,  1681.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Knowls  HUl,  Essex. 
School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1682.  Perhaps  migrated  to  St 
John's,  Jan.  16,  1681-2  for  a  time.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  26,  1687.  Brother  of  John  (1680).   (Peile,  11.  85.) 

WALDRON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1657. 
Of  Worcestershire.  B.A.  1661;  M.A.  1668.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1669.  V.  of  Arley,  Staffs.,  1666-83.  Canon  of  Lich- 
field, 1671-88.   R.  of  Rushock,  Worcs.,  1683.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WALDRON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  3, 
1680.  S.  of  George,  of  Stapleford  Abbotts,  Essex.  B.  at 
Warenstown,  Co.  Louth,  Ireland.  School,  Felsted.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  13,  1680.  Died  in  College,  May  15,  1681. 
Buried  at  Stapleford  Abbotts.  M.I.  Brother  of  Francis  (1681). 
(Peile,  II.  80;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  iv.  io6.) 

WALDRON  or  WALDRAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Michs.  1615.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard, 
of  Charley,  Essex,  Knt.,  afterwards  of  Dromclean  Castle, 
Cavan,  Ireland;  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  10,  1616-7. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Viscount  Beaumont.  (Peile,  i. 
304;  Nichols,  IV.  325;  Burke,  L.G.) 

Wale,  William 

WALDRON,  THOMAS.  M.D.  1668  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Tenbury,  Worcs.  Matric.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  14,  1634,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1638;  M.A.  1641;  M.D. 
1653.  F.R.C.P.,  1665.  Physician  to  Charles  II.  Died  Feb.  5, 
1676-7.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Father  of  the  next. 
(Munk,  1.  351;  ^^  Oxon.) 
WALDRON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
July  5,  1683.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  M.D.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1693.  R.  of  Saltfleetby 
St  Clement,  Lines.,  1693. 

WALDRON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  20, 
1660;  Fell.-Com.  Mar.  23,  1660-1.  Of  Warwickshire.  Perhaps 
s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Harborough,  Warws.  (aud  Dorothy, 
dau.  of  William  Ripplingham,  of  Harborough).  Matric.  1660. 
(Nichols,  IV.  325.) 

WALE,  see  also  WALL  and  WHALE. 

WALES,  ELKANAH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1605. 
S.  of  John,  of  Idle,  Yorks.  B.  there,  1588.  B.A.  1608-9; 
M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  1610-1;  priest.  May, 
1611.  V.  of  Pudsey  Chapel,  Yorks.,  c.  1612;  ejected,  1662. 
Minister  at  Lastington,  near  Barnard  Castle,  in  1667.  After- 
wards preacher  at  Leeds.  Died  there  May  11,  1669.  Will, 
York,  July  28,  1669.  Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel  (1607). 
(Calamy,  11.  569;  Loidis  Elmete,  94.) 

WALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  16,  1640. 
4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Bardfield,  near  Thaxted,  Essex.  B. 
1622.  Schools,  Bardfield  (Mr  Clayton)  and  Bishop's  Stort- 
ford  (Mr  Leigh).  Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647. 
Probably  R.  of  Little  Sampford,  Essex,  1654;  ejected  before 
1660.  Perhaps  his  will  (Comm.  Essex)  1664;  of  Gt  Bardfield, 
clerk.  Brother  of  Robert  (1635)  and  Thomas  (1635).  (Peile, 
I.  469;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Burke,  L.G.) 

WALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  24,  1672. 
S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Gracechurch  Street, 
London.  School,  Saffron  Walden.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 

WALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Sept.  10, 
1684.  S.  of  Charles,  Esq.  B.  at  Saffron  Walden,  Essex. 
School,  Saffron  Walden.  Matric.  1685.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Apr.  21,  1687.  Father  of  the  next.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

WALE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  8, 
1718.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (above),  Esq.  B.  at  Saffron  Walden, 
Essex.  School,  Safiron  Walden.  Matric.  1718.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  12,  1718-9.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1724. 
Bencher,  1754.  Died  1761.   (Inner  Temple.) 

WALE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  13,  1678-9. 
Of  Leicestershire.   Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1687. 

WALE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  9,  1699. 
S.  of  Philip,  grazier.  B.  at  Little  Ashby,  Leics.  School, 
Leicester  (private).   Matric.  1699. 

WALES,  ROBERT.   Proctor,  1399-1400. 

WALEYS,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1459.  Perhaps  V.  of  Barking,  Essex, 
1462-86;  V.  of  East  Ham,  1473-86.  Died  i486. 

WALE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1571. 

WALE  or  WALL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1624.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1633. 

WALE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1635.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bardfield,  Essex, 
age  18  in  1634.  Died  before  May  11,  1659.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1635)  and  John  (1640).  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634; 
Moratit,  II.  523.) 

WALES,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1607; 
B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1612. 
Perhaps  P.C.  of  Morley,  Yorks.,  1626.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Elkanah  (1605). 

WALE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1614. 

WALE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1635.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Bardfield,  Essex. 
B.A.  1637-8.  Died  v.p.  Brother  of  Robert  (1635)  and  John 
(1640).   (Vis.  of  Essex,  i^n.) 

WALE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1661.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1661.  Perhaps  one  of  the  Wales  of  Risby. 
(Vis.  of  Suff.,  1664.) 

WALES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  i.  i66i. 
S.  of  Thomas,  baker,  of  Eye,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Eye  (Mr  Browne).  Matric.  1661;  Scholar,  1661-3;  B.A. 
1664-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  11,  1665-6;  'C.  of 
Dickleburgh';  priest,  Sept.  21,  1673.  R.  of  Frenze,  Norfolk, 
1673-1702;  of  Shimpling,  1679-1702.  Admon.  (Norwich 
C.C.)  1702.   (Venn,  1.  414.) 

WAILES  or  WALES,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  27, 
1647.  Matric.  1647. 

WALE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  21,  1626. 
Of  Somerset.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  V. 
of  Weston-in-Gordano,  Somerset,  1631.  One  of  these  names 
of  Narborough,  Leics.,  clerk;  will  (P. C.C.)  1651. 


Walford,  Edwin 

WALFORD,  EDWIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  1665.  Of  Essex. 
Matric.  1665,  'Edmund';  B.A.  1668-9. 

WALFORD,  EDWIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  9, 
1737-8.  S.  of  Edwin,  gent.,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Coggeshall. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1738.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cam- 
bridge, Aug.  10,  1739.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  490.) 

WALFORD,  GILES.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1583-4.  [War- 
ford  in  ordo.] 

WALFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  15,  1728. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1728;  LL.B.  1734.  R.  of  Gt  Bardfield, 
Essex,  1734. 

WALFORD,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  8, 
1620.  S.  of  John,  woollen-draper,  of  Warwickshire.  School, 
Warwick  (Mr  Biker).  Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1630. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627.  V.  of  Charlecote,  Warws.,  1626. 
R.  of  Wishaw,  1629.  V.  of  Shenstone,  Staffs.,  1662-5.  Buried 
there,  Sept.  14,  1665.   {Venn,  1.  249;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WAULFORD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3. 

WALFORD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3. 

WALFORD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

WALFORD,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  23,  1708,  from  Oxford.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Sibford,  Oxon., 
gent.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  11,  1703-4, 
age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1707-8.  Perhaps  the  Rev. Wal- 
ford, of  Sibford,  who  died  Dec.  12,  1767.  (At.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

WALFORD,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1622-3. 

WALFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11, 
1634.  Of  Essex.   Matric.  1635;  M.B.  1640. 

WALFORD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 

Jan.  29,  1 741-2.   S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Birdbrook,  Essex. 

School,  Felsted. 
WALFURDE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1561.  S.  of  William,  of  Essex.  B.A.  1565-6.  Migrated  pens. 

to  Caius,  Mar.  11,  1566-7,  age  25. 

WALFORD, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1581. 

WALDEGRAVE,  Earl.  LL.D.  1749.  James,  s.  and  h.  of  James, 
ist  Earl  Waldegrave.  B.  Mar.  4,  1714-5.  School,  Eton. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Earl  Waldegrave,  Apr.  11,  1741. 
Lord  of  the  Bedchamber,  1743-52.  F.R.S.,  1749.  Lord 
Warden  of  the  Stannaries,  1751-62.  P.C,  175;.  Governor 
and  Keeper  of  the  Privy  Purse  to  George,  Prince  of  Wales, 
and  to  Prince  Edward,  1752-6.  Teller  of  the  Exchequer, 
1757.  K.G.,  1757.  Premier,  June  8-i2,  1757.  Died  s.p.m. 
of  the  small-pox,  Apr.  28,  1763.  Buried  at  Navestock,  Essex. 
{G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

WALGRAVE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Caius,  May  4, 
1598.  S.  of  Charles,  Esq.  B.  at  Cossey,  Norfolk.  School, 
Cran worth,  Norfolk  (private).  Went  to  Flanders,  1600; 
converted  to  Romanism  by  Father  Floyd.  Entered  the 
English  College  at  Rome,  where  he  took  minor  orders. 
Returned  to  England  and  lived  at  Stanninghall  and  Beeston, 
Norfolk.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  1658.  Will  proved 
(P.C.C.)  Sept.  8,  1658.   (Venn,  i.  165.) 

WALGRAVE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 

WALGRAVE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  II,  1567.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Lawford, 
Essex.  Matric.  1567.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1570.  Married 
(i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Bartholomew  Averill,  of  South- 
minster;  (2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  (?  Clement)  Higham,  of 
Suffolk.  Died  Feb.  12,  1621,  aged  68.  Buried  at  Lawford. 
(Morant,  i.  436;  T.  A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

WALDEGRAVE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  26,  1591.  Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  William,  of  Smallbridge, 
Suffolk,  Knt.  Matric.  1591.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 

Com.  from  Christ's,  Feb.  1579-80.  S.  of  Anthony  (and 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Ralph  Graye,  of  Burnt  Pelham,  Herts.). 
Of  Essex,  and  of  Burnt  Pelham,  Herts.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Robery  Gurdon,  of  Assington,  Suffolk.  Brother  of 
William  (1579-80)  and  perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1626). 
(Peile,  I.  157;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

WALDEGRAVE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  17, 
1588.  Matric.  1588.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  2,  1590. 
Perhaps  'of  Bures,  Suffolk,  gent.'  If  so,  probably  s.  of  Sir 
William,  of  Smallbridge,  Knt.  Perhaps  brother  of  Francis 
(1591).   (Suffolk  Arch.  Proc,  iv.  367.) 

WALGRAVE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1626.  Of  Essex.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas 
(1579-80).   (Vis.  of  Essex,  i6iz.) 

Walker,  Anthony 

WALGRAVE  or  WALGREWE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1569. 

Com.  from  Christ's,  Feb.  1579-80.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Anthony,  of  Essex,  and  of  Burnt  Pelham,  Herts.  Of  Ilford, 
Essex.  Married  and  had  issue.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1579-80). 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Peile,  i.  157.) 

WALDEGRAVE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
May  II,  1619.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  WiUiam,  Knt., 
deceased.  Matric.  1619.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1618-9. 
Of  SmaUbridge,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  May  9,  1648.  Buried  at  Bures.  (Vis.  of  Essex;  Suffolk 
Arch.  Proc,  iv.  367.) 

WALKED,  HUGH.   B.A.  1488-9;  M.A.  1492. 

WALHED,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1529.  Of  Knesall, 
Yorks.  B.A.  1531-2;  M.A.  1535;  B.D.  1545.  FeUow  of 
Queens',  1531-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  27;  priest, 
Sept.  18,  1535. 


WALHOUSE,  MORETON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Emmanuel, 
Jan.  26,  1748-9.  Of  Atherton,  Staffs.  S.  of  John,  gent. 
School,  Brewood.   Matric.  1748-g. 

WALHOUSE  or  WOOLHOUSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Corpus  Christi,  Easter,  1586. 

M.A.  1507;  B.D.  1516-7;  D.D.  1519-20.  FeUowof  Queens', 

WALKDEN,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  9,  1659. 
Matric.  1659. 

WALKDEN,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1617-8;  M.A.  1621. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (1579);  bapt.  July  27,  1593,  at  Middle- 
ton,  Lanes.  If  so,  lecturer  at  Churchkirk,  Lanes.,  in  1622; 
C.  of  Middleton,  Lanes.,  occurs  1636-41.   (E.  Axon.) 

WALKDEN,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  28)  at  St  John's,  May  26, 
1713.  S.  of  Thomas  (1674),  clerk.  B.  Oct.  i6,  1684,  at 
Standish,  Lanes.  (?  Flixton,  near  Manchester,  according  to 
D.N.B.).  School,  Standish  (his  father).  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  23,  1714.  Previously  presbyterian  minister 
at  Garsdale,  Yorks.,  1709-11.  Minister  at  Hesketh,  tiU  1738. 
Minister  at  Stockport,  1738-69.  Diarist.  Died  Nov.  5,  1769. 
Buried  at  Stockport.  (J.  Parker;  D.N.B.,  where  he  is  said- 
to  have  graduated  M.A.  at  a  Scottish  University.) 

WALKDEN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Feb. 
24,  1600-1.  Schoolmaster  of  Middleton,  Lanes.,  in  1599,  and 
C.  there.  R.  of  Radcliffe,  Lanes.,  1624-37.  Died  1637. 
(E.  A.xon.) 

WALKDEN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Jesus,  June  8, 
1674.  Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1677-8.  Probably 
schoolmaster  at  Standish,  Lanes.,  c.  1676,  and  C.  of  CoppuU, 
in  1688.   Father  of  Peter  (1713). 

WALKDEN, .  M.Gram.  1511-2. 

WALKELATE,  WILLIAM.  Nominated  scholar  at  King's 
Hall,  1350;  'for  the  good  service  of  WiUiam  Walkelate,  the 
King's  Serjeant  at  Arms.'  S.  of  WiUiam.  Left,  1358. 

WALKER,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  15, 
1681.  Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Samuel,  of  Scoles,  Yorks. 
If  so,  migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (University  CoUege, 
Oxford),  Dec.  16,  1681,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1685.  One 
of  these  names  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1704-7.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WALKER,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Oct.  5,  i733-  Of 
East  Retford,  Notts.  Matric.  1735;  B..\.  1737-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1737-8. 

WALKER,  ADRIAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  23,  1634.  Of 
Leicestershire.   Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8. 

WALKER,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  4,  1740.  S.  of  George,  of  Bridgetown,  Barbados. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1740;  Scholar,  1741;  B.-A. 
1743-4;  M.A.  1747.  One  of  these  names,  of  Barbados,  died 
May  27,  1757.   (G.  Mag.) 

WALKER,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  M.A. 

WALKER,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  3,  1638.  S.  of  WiUiara  (?  1610),  V.  of  Winston,  Suffolk. 
B.  at  Conington,  Cambs.  School,  Ely  (Mr  Hitch).  Matric. 
1639;  B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1645:  D.D.  1663  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1657.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22, 
1644.  C.  of  Booking,  Essex,  1648.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Warwick.  R.  of  Fyfleld,  1650  and  1662-92.  Chaplain  to 
Charles  II.  P.C.  of  St  Mary  Aldcrmanbury,  London,  1664-6 
and  1690-2.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Sadler, 
of  St  Stephen  Walbrook,  London,  July  22,  1650;  (2)  Mar- 
garet Mabham,  Sept.  21,  1691,  at  St  Martin  Outwich. 
Died  1692. 


Walker,  Augustine 

WALKER,  AUGUSTINE.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  8,  1680. 
Of  Claverdon,  Warws.  S.  of  John.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4. 
R.  of  Yelvertoft,  Northants.,  1692-1700.    Married  Hester, 
dau.  of  Samuel  Theed,  of  Daventry,  June  i,  1692,  at  St 
Sepulchre's,  Northampton.    Buried  at  Yelvertoft,  Apr.  30, 
1700.   WiU  (Archd.  North.)  1700.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 
WALKER,  BENJAMIN.    Adm.  sizar  (age   19)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  3,   1692-3.    S.  of  John,  deceased.    B.  at  Grantham, 
Lines,  'school,  Lincoln  (Mr  Garmston).    Migrated  to  Mag- 
dalene, May  12,  1693.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1697;  priest,  June  19,  1698. 
WALKER,  CHARLES.    Adm.   pens,   (age   18)   at  St  John's, 
May  28,  1658.    S.  of  George,  gent.,  of  Lincoln.    B.  there. 
School,  Lincoln  (Mr  Umfrevile).   Matric.  1658. 
WALKER,  CHRISTOPHER.   B.A.  1547-8.   One  of  these  names 

R.  of  Harmondsworth,  Middlesex,  1554. 
WALKER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  23,  1552.    Of  Southwell,  Notts.    Matric. 
1552.   Left,  1552-3. 
WALKER,  CHRISTOPHER.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Jime  29,  1721.    S.  of  Christopher,  husbandman,  of  York- 
shire.  B.  at  Hedon.   School,  Beverley.    Matric.  1721;  B.A. 
1724-5.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1727;  priest  (York) 
Julyi8, 1731.  C.  of  Barmston,  Yorks.  (Scott-A/ayor,  in.  342.) 
WALKER,  CHRISTOPHER  HATTON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
Apr.  I,  1749.    Of  Leicestershire.    S.  of  Richard,  of  Market 
Harborough.    School,   Bury   St   Edmunds.    Matric.    1749; 
B.A.  1753;  M.A.  1756.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  25,  1755; 
priest,  June  13,  1756.   R.  of  Harrington,  Northants.,  1757- 
79.     R.  of  Warmington,  Warws.,  1769.     R.  of   Kibworth 
Beauchamp,  Leics.,  1769-79-   Died  Sept.  28,  i779.  aged  48. 
M.I.  at  St  Mary-in-Arden.   WiU  (P.C.C.)  1779-    {Nichols,  11. 
WALKER,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's,  May 
28    1730.  S.  of  Edmvmd,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.   B.  at 
Huddeisfield.    School,   Huddersfield   (Mr  Smith).     Matric. 
1730;  B.A.  1734-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoki)  Mar.  21,  1735-6; 
'C.  of  Withem,  Lines.'   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  426.) 
WALKER,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1571. 
Perhaps  Head  Master  of  Acaster  Grammar  School,  Yorks., 
WALKER,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  16,  1663. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Hungerhill,  Yorks.   Bapt.  Sept.  22, 
1644,  at  Bolton-by-BoUand.   Matric.  1663.   Perhaps  brother 
of  John  (1656).   (J.  Parker.) 
WALKER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May 
2,  1685.    S.  of  John  (1656),  gent.,  of  Hungerhill,  Yorks., 
deceased.  Bapt.  July  29,  1667,  at  Bolton-by-Bolland,  Yorks. 
School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1685.    Buried  Oct.  21,  1700,  at 
Bolton-by-Bolland.   Father  of  John  (1702-3). 
WALKER,  EDWARD.   M.A.  from  King's,  1713-   S.  of  George, 
of  Glaseley,  Salop,  clerk.    Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
Feb.  I,  1705-6,  age  16;  B..\.  (Oxford)  1710-1.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
WALKER,   EDWARD.    M.A.   from  St  John's,    1736.    S.   of 
Thomas,   of   Tidmington,    Worcs.,   gent.     Matnc.    (BaUiol 
CoUege,  Oxford)  Mar.  27,  1727,  age  i7;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1730. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Barcheston,  Warws.,  1746-77. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  1777-    (Al.  Oxon.;  Scott-Mayor,  in. 
WALKER,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593; 

B.A.  1597-8. 
WALKER,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Sx  Catharine's,  July  3, 

1703.  Of  Cambridge.  Matric.  1705. 
WALKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1549.  S.  of  Henry  (1524-5),  M.D.  B.  at  Cambridge,  1533. 
B.A.  1553-4;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1557;  M.D.  1563-4. 
Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  c.  1557.  F.R.C.P.,  c.  1567.  Died 
Nov.  1597.  Brother  of  Henry  (1546).  {Cooper,  11.  230.) 
WALKER,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1608-9.  B.  at 
Hawkshead-in-Fumess  Fells,  Lanes.  School,  Hawkshead. 
M.A.  1612;  B.D.  1619.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  22,  i6ii,age28;  'C.  of  Ware,  Herts.'; 
priest,  June  7,  1612.  Chaplain  to  Nicholas  Felton,  Bishop 
of  Ely.  R.  of  St  John  the  Evangelist,  Watling  Street, 
London,  1614-51.  Engaged  in  controversies  with  Socinians, 
1614,  and  with  Romanists,  1623.  Censured  by  Laud,  1635. 
Imprisoned  for  factious  preaching,  1638-41.  Member  of  the 
Westminster  Assembly,  1643.  Author,  controversial.  Died 
1651.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1651-2.  {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WALKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  8,  1642. 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1645-6.  One  of  these  names,  s.of  Matthew, 
of  Doncaster,  Yorks.,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  11,  1641. 
WALKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Apr.  n, 
1656.   Of  Hertfordshire.   S.  and  h.  of  Walter  (1624),  LL.D. 

Walker,  James 

Matric.  1656.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1655-6.  Barrister, 
1662.  Knighted,  Nov.  22,  1676.  Created  Bart.,  Jan.  28, 
1679-80.  Of  Bushey  Hall,  Herts.  Married  Susanna,  dau.  of 
John  Byne,  of  Rowdell-in-Washington,  Sussex.  Wasted  his 
fortune  and  alienated  his  estate.  Died  in  the  King's  Bench 
Prison,  in  1690.  Buried  Oct.  5,  1690,  at  St  George's, 
Southwark.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  29, 1690,  to  a  creditor,  and 
Mar.  12, 1690-1.  Brotherof  William  (1668).  (G.E.C.,  iv.  114.) 

WALKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sx  John's,  May  13, 
1671.  S.  of  George,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Wakefield  (Mr  Hall).  Matric.  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Dec.  1680,  'M.A.' 

WALKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  27,  1688. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)  May  22,  1692;  'C.  of  Offord  Cluny,  Hunts.';  priest, 
June  3,  1694. 

WALKER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
15,  1693.  S.  of  Thomas,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
School,  Wakefield  (Mr  Armitage).  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7; 
M.A.  1706.  V.  of  Stockton,  Durham,  1715-42.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Craike,  1716.  Died  May  6,  1742,  aged  65.   M.I.  at  Stockton. 

WALKER,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1728.  S.  of 
George,  of  Barton,  Westmorland.  Matric.  (Queen's  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  22,  1720-1,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1724-5- 
Ord.  deacon  (Sarum)  June  13,  1725 ;  priest  (London)  Sept.  24, 
1727.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  London.  V.  of  Canewdon, 
Essex.  R.  of  Little  Bursted,  1736.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Lambeth  Act 
Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WALKER,  GERVASE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Jan.  3, 
1584-5.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Ruddington,  Notts.  School, 
Nottingham  (Mr  Smith).  B.A.  1588-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Mar.  29,  1591;  priest,  1592.  C.  of  All  Saints',  Steyning, 
London.  V.  of  Gt  Staughton,  Hunts.,  1594-1615.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Cappagh  and  Badony,  Derry,  in  1622. 
{Venn,  i.  123.) 

WALKER,  GREGORY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1632.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  John  (?  Gregory), 
of  Mansfield.  B.  1616.  B.A.  1635-6.  Migrated  to  Jesus, 
Jan.  11,  1638-9;  M.A.  1639.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1642-4, 
ejected.  Extra-licentiate,  R.C.P.,  Dec.  22,  1653.  Died  c. 
1655.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1629).  {Munk,  i.  268; 
Genealogist,  in.  314,  where  he  is  called  s.  of  John,  of  Mans- 

WALKER,  HENEAGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  May  9, 
1710.  S.  of  John,  of  Hadley,  Middlesex  (and  Cecil,  dau.  of 
Sir  Michael  Heneage).  B.  in  London.  Chief  Usher  of  the 
Exchequer.  Died  s.p..  May  15,  1731-   (Burke,  L.G.) 

WALKER,  HENRY.  B.A.  1524-5;  M.A.  1528;  M.D.  1531-2 
(Incorp.  from  Angers).  Regius  Professor  of  Physic,  i555- 
Probably  of  Gonville  Hall.  A  zealous  Catholic.  D.ed 
Apr.  1564.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  June  i,  1564.  Benefactor 
to  Caius  CoUege.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  George  (i549)- 
(Venn,  1.  27;  Cooper,  i.  231.) 

WALKER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall,  Michs. 
1546.  S.of  Henry  (above),  M.D.  Inherited  lands  at  Langham, 
Norfolk,  under  his  father's  wUl,  1564.  Brother  of  George 
(1549)-   {Venn,  i.  34.) 

WALKER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1576. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Datchet,  Bucks.,  1592. 

WALKER,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28,  1636. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Prob- 
ably ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Ardfert)  Aug.  25,  1660.  C.  of 
Hounslow,  in  1664. 

WALKER,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  28,  1639. 
Of  Derbyshire. 

WALKER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  29, 
1670.  S.  of  Henry,  yeoman,  of  Hunmanby,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Pocklington  (Mr  ElUson).  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1674;  priest,  Dec.  1677.  P-C.  of 
Bridlington,  Yorks.,  1677-1704-  Died  1704-  One  of  these 
names  C.  of  Speeton,  1691-1707.   (Yorks.  Arch.  J.,  xxv.  66.) 

WALKER,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Sx  John's,  Apr.  7, 
1703.  S.  of  Dudlev,  clerk.  B.  at  Grasmere,  Westmorland. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7. 

WALKER,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs.  1576. 

WALKER,  JAMES.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1582. 

WALKER,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  9,  1585-  Of 
Essex.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  July  25,  1602;  'B.A.*; 
age  36.  C.  of  Tilney  St  Laurence. 
WALKER,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  3,  1596-7; 
B..^.  1600-1;  M..\.  1604.  R.  of  Woodham  Mortimer,  Essex, 
1611-3.  R.  of  Gt  Oakley,  1613-7.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
Humphrey  Cole  (1589).  Died  Jan.  30,  i6i7-8,aged  35.  WiU 
(Consist.  C.  Essex)  1618.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 


Walker,  James 

WALKER,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Nov.  28,  1667.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Southwark.  School, 
Shenley  (Mr  Cudworth).  Matric.  1667-8;  M.A.  1669  {Lit. 
Reg.).  .Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  9,  1669.  (Peile, 
II-  I3-) 

WALKER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  8,  1671.  Of 
Derbyshire.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  V.  of 
St  Michael  and  St  Werburgh,  Derby,  1689-1710.  Died 

WALKER,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  4,  1741; 
M.B.  1742.  Previously  at  O.xford.  Of  Lancashire.  S.  of 
James,  of  Manchester.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  22,  1733-4.  age  14.  F.R.S.,  1774.  Of  Ardwick  Green, 
Manchester,  and  Springhead,  Hull.  Mamed  three  wives. 
Died  Feb.  22,  1789.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1483-4. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1513-4;  M.A.  1520-1;  B.D.  1535-6; 
D.D.  1541-2. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1532-3.  Probably  scholar  of  Christ's. 
Will  of  one  of  these  names,  M.A.,  of  Magdalene,  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1551. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1538.  Of  Boston,  Lines.  Left,  c.  1540-1. 
See  also  the  next.   (Harwood.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Probably  M.D.  1541-2.  Identified  with  the 
above  by  Harwood,  and  termed  '  Physician  to  the  Duke  of 
Somerset.'   (Gr.  Bk,  i.  367.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1547-8;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1551; 
B.D.  1562;  D.D.  1568.  Fellow,  1550-5.  University  preacher, 
1562.  Parish  chaplain  of  St  Peter's,  Norwich,  1564.  R.  of 
Little  Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  1567-70,  deprived.  R.  of 
Alderton,  Suffolk,  1568-71.  Preb.  of  Norwich,  1569-75. 
Archdeacon  of  Essex,  1571-85.  R.  of  Langdon,  Essex, 
1573-88.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1574-88.  R.  of  St  Botolph's, 
Billingsgate,  London,  1574-88.  Author,  theological.  Died 
1588.   {Cooper,u.s7;  D.N.B.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  ig)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1552.  Of  Wichnor,  Staffs.  Matric.  1552. 
Fellow,  1555-6.  Left  without  a  degree.  'A  proficient  in  the 
black  art';  and  intimate  with  John  Heron.   {Harwood.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Aug.  30,  1610. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  7, 
1620.  S.  of  Richard,  grocer.  B.  at  Sneaton,  Yorks.  School, 
York  Cathedral.  Matric.  1621 ;  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1625-6; 
M.A.  1629.  Perhaps  V.  of  Sixhills,  Lines.,  1630.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Withem,  1632. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  13)  at  Caius,  Mar.  10, 
1623-4.  S.  of  Ralph  (1591),  minister,  of  Ramsey,  Essex. 
School,  Ramsey  (Mr  Swane).  Matric.  1624.   {Venn,  i.  264.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1629.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Gregory,  of 
Mansfield.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1638.  Prob- 
ably adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  i,  1633. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1634; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  20, 
1638;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1641.  One  of  these  names,  V.  of 
Pirton,  Herts.,  1642. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  16, 
1646.  S.  of  Michael.  B.  at  Hexham.  School,  Hexham 
(Mr  Leach).  Matric.  1646.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Dalston, 
Cumberland,  1664;  buried  there  Aug.  15,  1714.  But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  19,  1654.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1657-8.  One  of  these 
names  ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  1662;  C.  of  Hathersage,  Derbs.; 
V.  there,  1663.   Perhaps  father  of  Matthew  (1682). 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  8, 
1656.  S.  of  John,  of  HungerhiU,  Yorks.  B.  at  Bolton,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  Apr.  6,  1640,  at  Bolton-by-BoUand.  School,  Giggles- 
wick.  Matric.  1656.  Buried  Dec.  12,  1682,  at  Bolton-by- 
Bolland.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1663),  father  of 
Edward  (1685). 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  9,  1660.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1660.   Ord.  (York)  Sept.  1663,  'B.A.' 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  21,  1669.  Of 
Leeds,  Yorks.   Matric.  1669. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1669.  Matric. 
(Queen's  College,  Oxford)  July  25,  1655;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1660. 
C.  of  Didsl)ury  Chapel,  1678-85.   (R.  Stewart-Brown.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  29,  1682. 
S.  and  h.  of  William.  B.  at  Kirkham,  Lanes.  School, 
Kirkham.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1685-6.  'Of  Priest- 
hall,  near  Kirkham.'  {Peile,  11.  88.) 

Walker,  Joshua 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  8,  1685.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Headingley,  Leeds, 
Esq.  Scholar,  1686;  Matric.  1688.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  30,  1686.  Perhaps  Recorder  of  Leeds.  Died  Nov.  21, 
1729;  Bencher  of  Gray's  Inn.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  7, 
1694.  S.  of  Edmund,  gent.  B.  at  Ratley,  near  Kineton, 
Warws.  School,  Winchester. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  M.A.  1702  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Endymion,  of  Exeter,  gent.  Bapt.  Jan.  21,  1673-4,  at 
St  Kerrian's.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  19, 
1691-2,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1698;  M.A.  1699;  D.D.  1714. 
Fellow  of  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  1696-1700.  R.  of  St  Mary 
Major,  Exeter,  1698.  Canon  of  Exeter,  1714-47.  R.  of 
Upton  Pyne,  Devon,  1720-47.  Author,  Sufferings  of  the 
Clergy.  His  manuscript  collections  in  the  Bodleian  Library. 
Buried  June  20,  1747,  at  Upton  Pyne.  {D.N.B.;  Al. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  i, 
1702-3.  S.  of  Edward  (1685),  deceased.  B.  at  HoUin  How 
or  Hollin  Hall,  near  Ripon,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh. 
Matric.  1702-3.  Of  HungerhiU,  Yorks.  Buried  Sept.  8, 
1730,  at  Bolton-by-BoUand.   (J.  Parker). 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  15, 
1706-7.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Shenstone,  Stafis.  School,  Ut- 
toxeter  (Mr  Parran).   Matric.  1707. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  24, 
1710.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Huddersfield,  Yorks.  School,  Wake- 
field (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1711;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1717;  B.D.  (Lambeth)  1725;  D.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  1716.  Craven  Scholar,  1712.  Went  to  Paris  as 
emissary  of  Bentley,  1719,  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining 
various  readings  for  the  proposed  Graeco-Latin  New  Testa- 
ment; collated  numerous  mss.  at  Paris,  Brussels  and  else- 
where. Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5,  1720-1 ;  priest  (London) 
July  8,  1722.  Dean  and  R.  of  Bocking,  1725.  Chaplain  to 
George  11.  Chaplain  to  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  1725. 
R.  of  Gt  Easton,  Essex,  1726-30.  ChanceUor  of  St  Davids, 
1727-41.  Archdeacon  of  Hereford,  1729.  R.  of  St  Mary 
Aldermary,  1730-41.  V.  of  St  Thomas  the  Apostle,  1730-41. 
Died  Nov.  9,  1741,  at  Bocking.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Perhaps  father 
of  John  (1747).   {D.N.B.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  20,  1713.  S.  of 
Joseph,  of  Leeds,  Yorks.  Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1715;  B.A. 
1716-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1718;  priest,  Oct.  1719. 

WALKER,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1718-9. 

Left,  1724.   One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Sept. 
1727;  V.  of  Crich,  Derbs.,  1731.  (Peile,  11.  195.) 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  29,  1720.  S.  of 
Williarn,  gent.,  of  Halifax,  Yorks.  Matric.  1721;  Scholar, 
1722;  LL.B.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9,  1727;  priest, 
July,  1728.  C.  of  Thornton. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1730.  S.  of  WUliam,  of 
Litton,  Somerset,  gent.  Matric.  (Balliol  CoUege,  Oxford) 
Feb.  13,  1711-2,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1715.  V.  of  Clevedon, 
Somerset,  1725-71.  V.  of  Easton-in-Gordano,  1729-71. 
Died  1771.  Probably  his  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1771 ;  of  East  Harptree. 
{Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  apparently  confused  with  a  contem- 
porary namesake.) 

WALKER,  J[OHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  7,  1731.  B.  at 
Kidderminster,  Worcs.  Matric.  1731;  M.B.  1739.  One  of 
these  names  of  the  City  of  Gloucester,  M.D.,  s.  of  John; 
died  unmarried;  admon.  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  1774. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  30, 
1746.  S.  of  James,  attomey-at-law,  of  Yorkshire,  and 
nephew  of  John  (?  1685),  late  bencher  of  Gray's  Inn.  B.  at 
Moortown.  School,  Leeds.  Matric.  1746.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Jan.  12,  1747-8.  Of  Headingley,  Leeds. 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hall,  Oct. 
10,  1747.  Matric.  1747.  Perhaps  's.  of  John  (?  1710),  late 
dean  of  Bocking,  deceased';  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  7, 

WALKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  4,  1751. 
S.  of  WiUiam,  publican,  of  Cheshunt,  Herts.  B.  at  Harleston, 
Norfolk.  School,  Harleston  (Mr  Smith).  Scholar,  1751-9; 
B.A.  1756.  CoUege  testimoni.il  for  deacon's  orders,  July  6, 
1757.  Perhaps  V.  of  Sproxton,  Leics.,  1763-87;  died  1787. 
One  of  these  names  of  Sawbridgcworth,  Herts.,  clerk; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1787.   {Vettn,  11.  66;  Nichols,  11.  330.) 

WALKER,  JONATHAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1613;  B.A.  1615-6.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1617-8. 

WALKER,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  i,  1707.  S. 
and  h.  of  Joshua,  D.D.,  R.  of  Gt  Billing,  Northants.,  de- 
ceased. Bapt.  there,  Oct.  12,  1690.  Matric.  1707;  Rustat 
Scholar,  1708;  B.A.  1710-1.  (A.Gray.) 


Walker,  Leonard 

WALKER,  LEONARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  19, 
1664.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Ingleton,  Yorks.  School,  Kirkby 
Lonsdale.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1668.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar. 

WALKER,  LUKE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20,  1664. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.;  priest,  Dec.  1672.  R.  of  Kirby- 
in-Cleveland,  Yorks.,  1673-9.  R-  of  Stokesley.  A  non- 
juror.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1692. 

WALKER,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  30,  1682.  S.  of  John  (?  1654),  clerk.  B.  at  Hathersage, 
Derbs.  School,  Sheffield.   Matric.  1682. 

WALKER,  MILES.   B.A.  1464-5. 

WALKER,  MILES.  Scholar  and  Fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1488- 
95.  Perhaps  his  will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1495;  'of  South  Walsham, 

WALKER,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1617.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1621;  priest, 
June  16,  1622.   R.  of  Stainton-le-Vale,  Lines.,  1625. 

WALKER,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  16, 
1651.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Apr.  27,  1653.   Of  Harborough,  Leics.,  Esq. 

WALKER,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1655. 

WALKER,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1583-4.  B. 
at  Harborough,  Leics.,  c.  1561.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1589; 
B.D.  1596;  D.D.  1610.  Incorp.  at  0.\ford,  1593.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Suffragan  Bishop  of  Dover)  Dec.  i,  1584.  C.  of 
Harborough.  R.  of  North  Stoke,  Lines.,  1588.  V.  of  South 
Grantham,  1601-7.  R-  of  Colsterworth,  1607-41.  Arch- 
deacon of  Stowe,  1629-41.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1632-41. 
Donor  to  the  'New  Building.'  Buried  Apr.  13,  1641,  at 
Colsterworth.  Will,  Lincoln.  Perhaps  brother  of  Rowland 
(1588).   {Peile,  I.  172;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WALKER,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  June  2,  1588,  'Watker.'  Perhaps  R.  of  Fladbury, 
Worcs.,  1592-7. 

WALKER,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1577.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  July  31,  1572. 

WALKER,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  19,  1591. 
Matric.  1591;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  23,  1599-1600.  V.  of  Ramsey,  near 
Harwich,  Essex,  1601.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1623.  Father 
of  John  (1623-4). 

WALKER,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  3,  1658.  Of 
Yorkshire.   Matric.  1658. 

WALKER,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1522-3. 

WALKER,  RICHARD.  Of  Jesus.  B..'^.  1527-8.  B.  at  Lichfield, 
Staffs.,  c.  1501.  Educated  there.  Master  of  Lichfield 
Grammar  School,  1540.  R.  of  West  Kirby,  Cheshire,  1542. 
Dean  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  St  John,  Chester;  re- 
appointed, 1558.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1542.  R.  of  Gotham 
and  Leake,  Notts.,  1547.  Archdeacon  of  Stafford,  1547. 
Died  1567;  to  be  buried  at  Lichfield.  Will  dated,  Sept.  4, 
1567;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  11,  1567.  (Cooper,  1.  250; 
R.  Stewart-Brown.) 
WALKER,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1549-50.  B.  at 
Gargrave,  Yorks.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June,  1550.  Per- 
haps V.  of  Kirkby  MaJham,  Yorks.,  1550-85  ('B.A.'),  and 
V.  of  Long  Preston. 
WALKER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1551;  B.A.  1555-6.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Birch- 
anger,  Essex,  1560-6;  V.  of  Gt  Saling,  1573;  will  (Cons.  C. 
London)  1591. 
WALKER,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1604-5;  M.A.  1608; 
B.D.  1616.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Cricksea,  Essex,  1613- 
20;  admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  June  13,  1620. 
WALKER,   RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   Easter, 

1628;  B.A.  1631-2. 
WALKER,   RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   Easter, 
1633;  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.    Perhaps  R. 
of  Stanford-on-Soar,  Notts.,  1640.    One  of  these  names  R. 
of  Boughton  Aluph,  Kent,  1644. 
WALKER,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 
27,  1637.    2nd  s.  of  Rowland   (?  1588),  of  Husbands   Bos- 
worth,    Leics.     B.    at    Howthorpe,    Northants.     Bapt.    at 
Husbands  Bosworth,  Nov.  24,  1620.    Schools,  Harborough 
(Mr   Orpin),    Lutterworth    (Mr   Coxe)    and   Coventry    (Mr 
wiiite).   Matric.  1637.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  18,  1639. 
(Peile,  1.  448;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
WALKER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  26, 

Walker,  Thomas 

WALKER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  27)  at  Trinity,  May  18, 
1703.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Tanfield,  Yorks.  School,  Tanfield 
(Mr  Hutchinson).  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1706;  B.A.  1706-7; 
M.A.  1710;  B.D.  1724;  D.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  FeUow, 
1 709.  Vice-Master  of  Trinity,  1 734-64 ;  supported  the  Master, 
Richard  Bentley,  throughout  his  quarrel  with  the  Fellows. 
Knightbridge  Professor  of  Moral  Philosophy,  1744-64.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1707;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1713- 
C.  of  Upwell,  Norfolk,  1708.  V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  1728. 
R.  of  Fakenham,  Norfolk,  1745-58.  R.  of  Upwell  and  Out- 
well,  Norfolk,  until  1764.  Devoted  to  horticulture.  Founder 
of  the  Cambridge  Botanic  Garden,  1762.  Died  unmarried, 
Dec.  15,  1764.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1765.  (Endowments,  468; 

WALKER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1446.    M.A.   Of  Uttoxeter,  Staffs. 

WALKER,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1464-5;  M.A.  1468;  B.D.  1474-5- 
One  of  these  names  chantry  priest  at  Aldborough,  Yorks., 
1474-83;  died  1483. 

WALKER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  i553- 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  23,  i557- 

WALKER,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1554-5-  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  25,  1566.  'Age  41;  resides;  ignorant  of  Latin.' 
Perhaps  V.  of  Metheringham,  Lines.  (Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln, 

WALKER,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1564. 

WALKER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1606.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1609-10;  Warner 
(in  ordo). 

WALKER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1629;  B.A.  1632. 

WALKER,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1588;  B.A.  (?  1591-2);  M.A.  1595.  Perhaps  of  Harborough, 
Leics.  One  of  these  names  licensed  (as  of  Mansfield,  Notts.) 
May  14,  1625,  to  marry  Margerie  Hibberd,  of  Mansfield, 
widow.  Perhaps  brother  of  Nicholas  (1583-4)  and  father  of 
Richard  (1637).   (J-  Ch.  Smith.) 

WALKER,  SAMUEL.  B..\.  from  Trinity,  1606-7.  B.  at 
Yeadon,  Yorks.  M.A.  1610.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1617.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  23,  1610,  age  24.  C.  of  Godalming. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1624;  C.  of  Southchurch,  Essex,  'where  I  have 
lived  above  thirtene  years ' ;  mentions  Yeadon  in  the  parish 
of  Guiseley,  Yorks.  as  his  birthplace.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WALKER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  29,  1693.  S.  of  John, 'artifex.'  B.  at  Grantham,  Lines. 
School,  Louth,  Lines.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1699;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1700. 
R.  of  Biscathorpe,  Lines.,  1703.  V.  of  Croft,  1704-19.  See 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake  with  whom  he  is 

WALKER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  10, 
1708.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Stafford.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1709; 
Scholar.  1710;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1716.  FeUow,  1715. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Whitchurch,  Oxon.,  1723-8- 

WALKER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  4, 
1724-5.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Stapelton  Hall,  Yorks.  School, 
Kirkleatham  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1724-5;  Scholar,  1726; 
M.B.  1731. 

WALKER,  STEPHEN.  B.A.  1528-9. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  i549- 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1573.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1589;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  Apr.  9,  1595.  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge,  1598. 
Perhaps  V.  of  West  Wratting,  Cambs.,  1603-14.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Caldecote,  Hunts.,  1614-7. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1606.  Probably  buried  at  St  Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  Sept.  8, 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1607. 
B.  at  Austwick,  near  Giggleswick.  B.A.  1610-1.  Ord. 
(Chichester)  between  1609-19.  Kept  a  school  in  Yorkshire, 
with  his  father  for  five  or  six  years.  Sailed  for  Newfound- 
land, Apr.  1629,  returning  thence  in  August.   (PeiU,  i.  264.) 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1612; 
B.A.  1615-6. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630. 


Walker,  Thomas 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1623-4.  Of 
Lynn,  Norfolk.  School,  Lynn.  Matric.  Easter,  1624;  B.A. 
1627-8;  .M.A.  1631.  C.  in  Norwich.  V.  of  Assington,  Suffolk, 
1636-62,  ejected.  Died  1683.  Father  of  Thomas  (1665). 
(Calamy,  11.  408.) 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John'.s,  Easter, 
1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  25,  1631.   Perhaps  V.  of  Sixhills,  Lines.,  1632. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  5, 
1632-3.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Leyland,  Lanes.  School, 
Leyland  (Mr  .Sheereboume).  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (York)  Aug.  1662;  'B.A.  of  Christ's 
College';  C.  of  Slaidbum,  1662.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Bolton-by-BoUand,  Vorks.,  1666-78;  buried  there  Aug.  4, 
1678.   (Peile,  1.  424.) 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Nov.  12,  1641. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649.  Fellow, 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  25,  1660.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Leeds,  Yorks.  School, 
Bradford.  Matric.  1660.  Perhaps  R.  of  Smeaton,  Yorks., 
1667-72.  Died  there  May  10,  1672.  M.L  there.  (Hunter,  11. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  5, 
1665.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1623-4),  clerk.  B.  Mar.  8, 
1647-8,  at  Assington,  Suffolk.  School,  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672;  LL.D.  1700.  Usher 
of  Charterhouse,  1674;  Master,  1679-1728.  Married  (i)  Alice, 
dau.  of  William  Brewse,  of  Little  Wenham,  Suffolk;  (2)  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  WiUiam  Berry,  of  Chichester,  Esq.  Died  July 
12,  1728.  Buried  in  the  Chapel.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Thomas  (1718).   (Musgrave,  Ob.;  Al.  Carthus.,  26.) 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1670.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1671;  priest,  June,  1679. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  27, 
1674.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  yeoman.  B.  at  Yearsley,  Yorks. 
School,  Coxwold.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681; 
B.D.  1688.  Fellow,  1681.  R.  of  Aston  Clinton,  Bucks., 
1706-16.  Died  Nov.  14,  1716.  M.L 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  8, 
1697-8.  ist  s.  of  Thomas,  of  York.  B.  there.  School, 
Coxwold.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1701-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May,  1702;  priest,  1705.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Bridlington,  Yorks., 
1704-15.  (But  according  to  Yorks.  Arch.  J.,  xxv.  66,  this 
man  was  son  of  Henry  (1670).) 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  30,  1718; 
exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Of  London.  Doubtless 
s.  of  Thomas  (1665).  Bapt.  at  Charterhouse,  Sept.  9,  1702. 
Matric.  1718-9;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725;  LL.D.  1734. 
Fellow,  1722-40.  F.R.S.,  1729.  Advocate,  Doctors'  Com- 
mons, 1734.  Died  at  Putney,  Sept.  17,  1764.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(G.  Mag.;  Al.  Carthus.,  where  he  is  confused  with  the  next.) 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  29,  1719.  Of  Durham.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Durham, 
attomey-at-law.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1719;  Scholar, 
1719;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1727.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  22, 
1723;  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  19,  1725;  'C.  of  Washington, 
Durham.'  Buried  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham,  Oct.  2,  1729. 

WALKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  20,  1744-5- 

Of  Middlesex. 
WALKER,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 

20,  1745-6.   S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  freeholder,  of  Intax,  near 

Bradford,    Yorks.     B.    near    Guiseley.     School,    Skipton. 

Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1749-50.    Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 

Nov.  28,  1746.  Barrister,  1754.   K.C.  Serjeant-at-law,  1772. 

Accountant-General,  Court  of  Chancery,   1787.    Died  Jan. 

29,  1802.   Buried  in  the  Temple  Church.    M.I.  at  Guiseley. 

WiU,  P.C.C.   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  556.) 

WALKER,  W.  Scholar  at  King's,  1446;  'M.A.' 
WALKER,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1584. 
WALKER,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1586. 

WALKER,  WALTER.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  1624,  from  Oriel 
College,  Oxford  (matric.  there,  June  16,  1615,  age  15).  Of 
Staffordshire.  B.  at  Barton -under-Needwood.  LL.B.  1628; 
LL.D.  1640.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1642.  Advocate 
of  Doctors'  Commons,  1657.  Advocate  to  Queen  Catherine. 
Judge  of  the  Admiralty  and  Prerogative  Court  of  Canter- 
bury. Knighted,  Apr.  18,  1661.  Of  Bushey  Hall,  Herts., 
and  of  Strctham,  Isle  of  Ely.  Died  1674.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1674. 
Father  of  George  (1656)  and  William  (1668).  (Peile,  i.  363; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1539-40.  V.  of  Bottisham,  Cambs., 
1542-52;  presented  by  King's  Hall. 

Walker,  William 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1589.   B.  at  Furness,  Lanes.   B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  i597;  B.D. 

1612.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1600.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Aug. 

18,   1597,  age  27.    V.  of  Chiswick,  Middlesex,   1597-1642. 

R.  of  Corringhara,  Essex,  1620-42.   Married  (i)  Mary,  dau. 

of  Robert  Kaye,  V.  of  Ware,  Herts.,  ,\pr.  26,  1604;  (2)  Martha 

dau.  of  Sir  John  Allott,  Lord  Mayor  of  London.   Died  1642. 

(Al.  Oxon.) 
WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  c.  1596; 

B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1598-9. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1607;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1610;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  26; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1616.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Caxton,  Cambs.,  1626.  Perhaps  V.  of  Winston,  Suffolk, 
1635-44.  ejected.   If  so,  father  of  Anthony  (1638). 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1625. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Perhaps  C.  of  Standish, 
Lanes.,  1628-35;  V.  of  Whalley,  1646-50;  R.  of  Brindle, 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1624;  B.A.  1627-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  29; 
priest,  Apr.  30,  1630. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  8,  1640.  Of  London.  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1643-4; 
B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  1647.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1645.  R.  of  Borough  Green, 
Cambs.,  c.  1641-61.  Buried  there  Sept.  7,  1662.  Will 
(C.C.  Ely)  1662.   (Ely  Episc.  Records,  249.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1640.  B. 
1623,  at  Lincoln.  School,  Lincoln.  B.A.  1643-4;  B.D.  1666 
(Lit.  Reg.).  Usher  of  Louth  School,  1646;  Head  Master, 
1651-7.  Preb.  of  Lincohi,  1665-84.  Master  of  Grantham 
Grammar  School,  1671-84.  V.  of  Colsterworth,  till  1681. 
Author,  grammatical.  Died  Aug.  1,  1684,  aged  61.  Father 
of  WiUiam  (1679).   (Tumor's  Grantham;  D.N.B.;  Musgrave.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  29, 
1643.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Giggleswick.  School,  Giggleswick. 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  1650.  Master  of  Giggles- 
wick School,  1648-56.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Carlisle. 
R.  of  Kirkby  Thore,  Westmoriand,  1654-77-  R-  of  Uldale, 
Cumberland,  1665-77.  Buried  at  Kirkby,  May  26,  1677. 
(Peile,  I.  485;  B.  Nightingale.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  27,  1656.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Kirkham,  Lanes. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1656.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  20,  1657.   Perhaps  father  of  John  (1682). 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  19,  1658. 
Of  Lancashire.  Probably  s.  of  Roger.  Bapt.  Mar.  28,  1641, 
at  Prestwich.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1661-2. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Nov.  12,  1659. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  31,  1667.  S.  of  William,  merchant,  of  St  Michael's, 
Middlesex.  B.  there.  School,  Dronfield,  Derbs.  Matric. 
1668;  LL.B.  1674.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  24,  1668. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  3,  1668. 
3rd  s.  of  Sir  Walter  (1624),  of  London,  Bushey  Hall,  Herts., 
and  Stretham,  Isle  of  Ely.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1672-3- 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Mar.  1,  1668-9.  Married  and  living 
1692.   Brother  of  George  (1656).   (A.  Gray.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  .'Vdm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23,  1670. 
Of  Staffordshire.   Matric.  1670. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  .\dm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney.  May  26, 
1671.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Helperby,  Yorks. 
School,  Coxwold.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5-  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1677;  priest,  Sept.  1678.  C.  of  Bridlington, 
Yorks.  One  of  these  names  minister  of  Stannington  Chapel, 
Sheffield,  1679-83. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  13, 
1679.  S.  of  William  (1640),  clerk.  B.  at  Welton,  Lines. 
School,  Grantham  (his  father).  Matric.  1680;  Scholar,  1681; 
B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1688.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Tingrith,  Beds.,  1692.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  4, 
1687-8.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Burton-on-Trent,  Staffs. 
School,  Burton-on-Trent.  Matric.  1689;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A. 
1691-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  22;  priest  (Lichfield) 
Sept.  1692.  C.  of  Wymeswold,  Leics.,  i68g.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Limpsfield,  Surrey,  1700;  R.  of  Tatsfield,  1721. 
(Peile,  II.  107.) 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  M.D.  i688  (LU.  Reg.). 


Walker,  William 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i7)  at  Magdalene, 
May  lo,  1708.  S.  of  John,  hostler.  B.  at  Langworth,  Lines. 
School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1708. 

WALKER,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,   May  24, 

1717.  Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1720-1;  LL.D. 
1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  20, 
1722.  Vicar-General  to  Bishop  of  Sodor  and  Man. 

WALKER,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  July  4, 

1718.  S.  of  William.  School,  Uttoxeter,  Staffs.  (Mr  Phillips). 
Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  5, 

WALKER  or  WALCOR, .   D.D.  1490-1- 

WALKER, .   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544. 

WALKER,  .    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 

Perhaps  Christopher  or  John. 

WALKER, .    Pens,  of  Peterhouse,  1552.   Possibly  John; 

will  proved  in  1559.   {Cambridge  Wills,  69.) 

WALKER,  .    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1609. 

WALKEWYDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WALKIN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  11, 1681. 
Of  Rampton,  Notts. 

WALKINGTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1569.  B.  at  Barrow,  Lines.,  c.  1548.  Resided  two 
years:  since  at  Thornton.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  July  29, 
1573.  V.  of  Thornton  Curtis,  Lines.,  1576.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Barrow;  if  so,  will  (Lincoln)  1620.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

WALKINGTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
c.  1593.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (above). 
B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600;  B.D.  1608;  D.D.  1613.  FeUow, 
1602.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1612.  V.  of  North  Kelsey,  Lines., 
1602.  V.  of  Raunds,  Northants.,  1608-9.  R.  of  Wadding- 
ham  St  Mary,  Lines.,  1610-5.  V.  of  Fulham,  Middlesex, 
1615.  Author,  The  OptickGlasse  of  Humors,  etc.  Died,  1621. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  29, 1621.  {D.N.B.;  Hennessy;Al.Oxon.) 

WALKLY,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
May  19,  1684.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  merchant.  B.  in  London. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1685.  Adm.at  Gray's  Inn,  July  15, 

WALKWOOD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1563;  M.A.  1568  (eight  years'  study:  clerk).  R.  of 
Hutton-in-the-Forest,  Cumberland,  1569-1612.  V.  of 
Torpienhow,  1576-1612.  Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1577-1612.  Died 

WALKWOOD,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1584;  B.A.  1588-9. 

WALKWOOD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

WALKWOOD,  TOBIAS.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1570; 
B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  20, 
1577.  R.  of  Beckington,  Somerset,  1588-1625.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1626.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WALKWOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1608;  B.A.  1611.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  3,  1609;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1610.  C.  of  St  Peter-at-Gowts,  Lincoln,  1609. 
Usher  at  Lincoln  Grammar  School.  Perhaps  admon. 
(Lincoln)  1623;  of  Ashby-by-Partney,  clerk. 

WALL,  see  also  WALE. 

WALL,  ADAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  8,  1746. 
S.  of  Gilman,  apothecary.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School, 
Giggleswick.  Scholar,  1746-7;  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1751; 
M.A.  1754.  Fellow,  1756-98.  Taxor,  1759.  Senior  Proctor, 
1778-9.  Greek  lecturer,  Hebrew  lecturer  and  Mildmay 
preacher,  1766.  Hebrew  lecturer,  1788-90.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  2,  1751;  priest,  June  17,  i753.  C.  of  Temps- 
ford,  Beds.,  1751.  Lecturer  at  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge, 
1757.  Bunting,  Walkhampton  and  Knapwell  preacher,  1761. 
V.  of  Meldreth,  Cambs.,  1767-74.  Made  copious  extracts 
from  the  College  muniments  relating  to  Malton  and  Meldreth. 
Edited  the  University  Statutes,  and  Ceremonies  of  the  Univer- 
sity. Died  in  College,  June  18,  1798.  M.I.  in  Gt  St  Andrew's. 
Will,  P.C.C.   (Peile,  11.  249;  W.  M.  Palmer.) 

WALL,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  15,  1644-5. 
Of  Suffolk.  S.  of  Daniel,  of  Stratford,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1645 ; 
B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652.  R.  of  Hintlesham,  Suffolk;  ejected, 
1662.  R.  of  Stratford  St  Mary,  Suffolk,  1660.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Bromfield,  Essex,  1663-85;  will  (Comm.  Essex)  1686.  {Vis. 
ofSuff.,  1664.) 

WALL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1563-4; 
Scholar,  1565;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  15^1.  Fellow,  1570.  R. 
of  Earl  Soham,  Suffolk,  1581. 

WALL,  GILMAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke,  July  4, 
1707.  S.  of  Geoffrey,  V.  of  Chedworth,  Gloucs.  Matric. 
1708;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.    Fellow,  1717.    Incorp.  at 

Waller,  Edmund 

Oxford,  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  25,  1715;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1717- 

WALL,  JAMES.  B.A.  1489-90. 

WALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  5,  1704.  S.  of 
Humphrey,  of  Marlborough,  Wilts.  Matric.  1705.  (Matric. 
(Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  Jan.  14,  1702-3,  age  17.)  B.A.  1706-7; 
M.A.  1710.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  1707-8;  priest, 
Mar.  5,  1709-10.  R.  of  Woodborough,  Wilts.,  1710-28. 
V.  of  Stanton  St  Bernard,  1722.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  Sarum) 
1729;  of  Woodborough,  clerk.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WALL,  JOHN.  B.A.  (?  1594-5).  (Perhaps  matric.  from  Trinity, 
as  Wale,  c.  1589.)  Of  Cheshire.  M.A.  from  Queens',  1598; 
B.D.  from  Clare,  1608.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1600. 

WALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  29,  1615. 
Matric.  1615;  Scholar;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622;  B.D.  1629. 
R.  of  Eastleach  Martin,  Gloucs.,  1622-42.  See  Al.  Oxon. 
for  contemporary  namesakes. 

WALL,  MOSES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  11,  1627. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 

WALL,  NICHOLAS.   B.A.  1491-2- 

WALL,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1478-9;  M.A.  1479-80.  Proctor, 
1487-8.  Probably  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  c.  1485  (of 
Yorkshire).  One  of  these  names  of  Famham,  Surrey,  clerk; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1494- 

WALL  or  VALL,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  1488-9.  One  of  these 
names,  'bachelor  in  the  holy  decreys,'  parish  priest  at  St 
Mary-le-Bow,  London,  1505-10.  Will,  P.C.C. 

WALL,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1639.  Of  Gloucester- 
shire, gent  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  24,  1618, 
age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1620-1.  Perhaps  minister  of  Murston 
Chapel,  Kent,  1638.  R.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Guildford,  Surrey, 
1642-5,  sequestered.  One  of  these  names,  'a  divine,'  buried 
at  St  James. 

WHALLE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1586.  Probably  scholar  of  Peterhouse,  in  1589.  B..^.  1589- 
90;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1593. 

WALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4,  1599. 

WALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1659.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Andrew,  of  Ludshott, 
Hants.,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  5,  1656-7,  and  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  14,  1662-3. 

WALL,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1676  (Incorp.  from  Queen's  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  Apr.  i,  1664,  age  17.  S.  of  William, 
of  Sevenoaks,  Kent.  B.  Jan.  6,  1646-7,  at  Maranto  Court 
Farm,  Chevington.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1667;  M.A.  1670;  D.D. 
1720.  V.  of  Shoreham,  Kent,  1674-1727.  R-  of  Milton, 
1708-27.  A  staunch  supporter  of  infant  baptism.  Author, 
theological  and  controversial.  Died  Jan.  13,  1727-8.  Buried 
at  Shoreham.   M.l.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1728.   {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N. B.) 

WALLE  or  WAKELEY, .  M.A.  1482.   Perhaps  John  WaU, 

proctor,  1491-2. 

WALL, .  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  1618. 


WALLAN, .  B.A.  1478-9- 


WALLER,  APOLLO.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1593-4-  S.  and  h.  of 
George,  of  Donwick,  Suffolk.  Treasurer  of  Ferns,  1610-38. 
Canon  of  Kildare,  1610-6.  Preb.  of  St  Patrick's  Cathedral, 
1615-38.  R.  of  Hollywood,  Co.  Wicklow,  1630.  Died 
Dec.  27,  1638,  at  Came,  Co.  Wexford.  {Cotton,  11.  and  v.; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WALLER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1621.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1578),  of  Chalfont,  Bucks.,  Esq. 
B.  Mar.  3,  1605-6.  Schools,  High  Wycombe  and  Eton. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  3,  1622.  M.P.  for  Ilchester, 
1624;  for  Chipping  Wycombe,  1626;  for  Amersham,  1628, 
1640;  for  St  Ives,  1640;  for  Hastings,  1661.  F.R.S.,  1663. 
Of  Hall  Bam,  Beaconsfield.  Paid  poetic  court  to '  Sacharissa ' 
(Dorothy  Spencer),  1635;  his  verses  circulated  in  manuscript. 
Defended  Episcopacy,  1641.  Conducted  the  impeachment 
of  Sir  Francis  Crawley,  1641.  Opposed  the  raising  of  troops 
by  Parliament,  1642.  Leader  in  a  plot  (Waller's  plot)  to 
seize  London  for  Charles  I.  Expelled  from  Parliament,  1643; 
imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of  London,  1643-4.  Fined  and 
banished;  withdrew  to  Paris.  Pardoned  through  Cromwell's 
influence  and  returned  to  England,  1651.  Commissioner  of 
Trade,  1655.  Constantly  advocated  toleration,  particularly 
for  the  Quakers.  The  well-known  poet.  Married  (1)  Ann,  dau. 
of  Edmund  (?  John)  Banks,  of  London,  July  5,  1631; 
(2)  Mary  Bracey  (Bressy),  of  Thame,  Oxon.  Died  Oct.  21, 
1687.  Buried  at  Beaconsfield.  M.I.  Brother  of  Griffon  (1623). 
(Burke,  L.G.;  Lipscomb,  m.  187;  King's  Coll.  Hist.,  139; 


Waller,  Edmund 

WALLER,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  June 

12,  i668.    S.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of  Pirbanke,  in  Kirkby 

Lonsdale,  Westmorland.    B.  there.    School,  Sedbergh.    See 

Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
WALLER,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 

30,  1698.   S.  of  John  (1664),  M.D.   B.  at  Newport  Pagnell, 

Bucks.  School,  Newport  Pagnell  (Dr  Banks).  Matric.  1698; 

B.A.    1701-2;    M.A.    1705;    M.D.    1712.     Fellow,    1705-45. 

Died  1745.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1746. 

Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1697).   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  403.) 
WALLER,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1579. 

B.  at  York.    Scholar,  1584;  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588.    Ord. 

deacon  (London)  Feb.  11,  1588-9,  age  28.    R.  of  Acworth, 

WALLER,  GRIFFON.   Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 

1623.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (1578),  of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks.,  Esq. 

Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  11,  1625.    Adm.  at  Leyden, 

July  17,  1629,  Waler.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1621). 
WALLER,  H.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  4,  1716-7. 
WALLER,  HENRY.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 

1618,  'Walter.'    Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Gregories-in- 

Beaconsfield,  Bucks.,  prothonotary.    Married  and  had  issue. 

(Vis.  of  Bucks.,  1624.) 
WALLER,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1617; 

B.A.  1620-1. 
WALLER,   JAMES.     Adm.   pens,   at   Corpus   Christi,    1652. 

Of  Suffolk.   Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659.   Ejected 

from  Hunston,  Suffolk,  1662.    Died  at  Rattlesden,  Suffolk, 

Mar.  1697.  (Calamy,  11.  427.) 

WALLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1563. 

WALLER,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1608; 
B.A.  1612. 

WALLER,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs.  161 1. 

WALLER,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1621. 

WALLER,  JOHN.    Adm.  (age  15)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  23,  1631.  Of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks.  Matric.  1631; 

B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.    Fellow,  1634-51.    Died  Nov.  15, 

1 65 1.  Buried  in  the  Chapel.   (Harwood.) 
WALLER,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  10, 

1664.   S.  of  John,  clothier,  of  Braintree,  Essex.  M.B.  1667. 

Buried  at  Newport  PagncU,  Bucks.,  Aug.   6,   1723.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1723.    Father  of  Edmund  (1698)  and  possibly  of 

William  (1697).   (J.  R.  Glencross.) 
WALLER,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1689.   Of  Suffolk. 

Matric.  Easter,  1691;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697;  B.D.  1705. 

Fellow,  1695-1717.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  28,  1696-7; 

priest,  Sept.  25,  1698.  R.  of  St  Benedict,  Cambridge,  1702-7. 

Professor  of  Chemistry,  1713-7.    R.  of  Little  Wilbraham, 

Cambs.,  1716-8.   V.  of  Grantchester,  1716-8.   Died  July  7, 

1718.   (Masters.) 
WALLER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1708.  Of  Norfolk. 

Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1712-3. 
WALLER,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  9, 

1727.    S.  of  William   (1697),   R.  of  Walton,   Bucks.,  and 

nephew  of  Edmund  (1698).  B.  at  Newport  Pagnell.  School, 

Abington.    Matric.   1727;  B.A.   1730-1;   M.A.   1742.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1731;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1734-    R- 

of   Little   Wolston,   Bucks.,    1735-42.    V.   of  Ravenstone, 

1742-6.    Died  Dec.  15,  1746.    Buried  at  Ravenstone.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1747.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  403;  Lipscomb,  iv.  319.) 
WALLER,  JOSHUA.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  4,  1621. 

Of  Hertfordshire.    B.A.  from  Trinity,  1624-5;  M.A.  1629. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1626.    Probably  brother  of 

the  next.  C.  of  Bygrave,  Herts.,  1632-6.    (R.  A.  Ledgard.) 
WALLER,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

1618.    Of  Cambridgeshire.    S.  of  ,  of  Ashwell,  Herts. 

Migrated  to  Queens',  Oct.  1621.    B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  5,  1625-6;  priest,  Mar.  9,  1627-8. 

R.  of  Little  Buckenham,  Norfolk,  1638.    Probably  brother 

of  Joshua  (above). 
WALLER,    NICHOLAS.     B.A.    1524-5.     Fellow    of    Corpus 

Christi,  1528.    Ord.  sub-deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  7,  1527-8. 

Died  1528.    (One  of  these  names  adm.  as  Mr  of  Grammar, 

WALLER,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  11, 

1629.    S.  and  h.  of  Nicholas,  of  Sykehouse,  Yorks.,  Esq. 

B.   at   Beverley,   Yorks.    School,   Beverley   (Mr   Pomray). 

Matric.    1629.     Adm.   at   Gray's   Inn,    Nov.    1,    1631    (sic). 

Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Feb.  24,  1630-1.   Brother 

of  Thomas  (1635).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 
WALLER,  RALPH.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Dec.  14,  1541.    Of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks.    Perhaps  s. 

of    Robert.     Matric.    1544.     Fellow,    1544-6.     No   degree. 

(Lipscomb  Pedigree,  iii.  182.) 

V.  A.C.  IV. 


Waller,  William 

WALLER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Michael  House, 
Michs.  1544.    One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1546. 

WALLER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  8, 
1662.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Horsham,  Sussex.  School,  Horsham. 
Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7. 

WALLER,  ROBERT.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1502-6;  B.A. 
1504-5.  Perhaps  M.A.  1511-2.  Will  of  Robert  Waller,  clerk, 
of  Chichester  (P.C.C.)  1541. 

WALLER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1564. 

WALLER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1578.  S.  of  Edmund,  of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks. 
Bapt.  Dec.  2,  1560.  Matric.  1578.  Left  in  1581.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1581.  Of  Coleshill,  Herts.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Griffin  Hampden,  of  Hampden,  Bucks.,  and  sister 
of  John  Hampden.  Buried  Sept.  2,  1616,  at  Beaconsfield. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Edmund  (1621),  the  Poet,  and  Griffon 
(1623).   (Lipscomb  Pedigree,  ni.  183;  Ctutterbuck,  I.  351.) 

WALLER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  3,  1623. 
Of  Buckinghamshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Beacons- 
field, prothonotary.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake.  (Lipscomb,  iii.  182.) 

WALLER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct.  4, 
1637.  S.  of  Andrew,  gent.,  of  St  Albans,  Herts.  B.  at 
Shenley.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1637;  Scholar, 
1639-44;  B.A.  1641-2.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Aug.  18,  1650. 
M.D.  there.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1652;  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  1664.  Candidate  of  R.C.P.,  1653.  F.R.C.P.,  1662. 
(Venn,  1.  329.) 

WALLER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
18,  1635.  2nd  s.  of  Nicolas,  gent.  (Mayor,  1624),  of  Beverley, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Pomory).  Matric. 
1635,  'Walter.'  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  4,  1638.  Comet 
in  the  Royal  Army,  under  Prince  Rupert.  Of  Bentley, 
Yorks.  Compounded  and  fined  £122,  in  1647.  Married 
Hannah,  dau.  of  Gervase  Hamerton,  of  Lincolnshire.  Buried 
Jan.  2,  1678-9,  at  Rowley.  Brother  of  Nicholas  (1629). 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxx.  160.) 

WALLER,  WALTER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1605.  Of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks.  Matric.  1606; 
B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613;  B.D.  1623.  Fellow,  1608-22. 
R.  of  Broad  Chalke,  Wilts.,  1622.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  John  Saint-Lowe,  Apr.  30,  1627,  at  Broad  Chalke.  Buried 
May  14,  1629.   Will,  P.C.C.  (J.  Ch.  Smith;  Harwood.) 

WALLER,  WALTER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1614.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Dover,  Kent, 
deceased.  Matric.  1614.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  5,  1614-5. 
Knighted,  Dec.  18,  1622.  'Dyed  in  Ireland  coming  from 
Cales  voyage.'  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1612-3).  (Vis.  of 
Kent,  1619;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WALLER,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  21,  1647-8. 
Of  Ireland.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Hardres,  Knt.,  of  Dublin  (by 
his  1st  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Dowdall,  of  Ireland, 
Knt.).  B.A.  1651.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  10,  1648-9. 
Brother  of  William  (1647-8).   (Hasted,  i.  421.) 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1548. 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1612-3  (on  King's  visit).  One  of 
these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of  Dover  Castle, 
Kent.  Knighted,  June  20,  1622;  of  Brenchley,  Kent. 
Serjeant-Major-General  in  1643.  Married  and  had  issue. 
Died  1668.  Perhaps  brother  of  Walter  (1614).  (Hasted,  i. 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  Adra.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  18,  1615. 
Matric.  1615;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Probably  of  Wake- 
field, Yorks.,  and  Governor  of  Wakefield  School,  1635-62. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Savile,  of  Stanley,  near 
Wakefield.  Died  Feb.  1662-3.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1627;  B.A.  1630-1. 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  21,  1647-8. 
(Fell.-Com.  Jan.  12,  1650.)  Of  Ireland.  Doubtless  s.  and  h. 
ofSirHardres.of  Dublin,  Knt.  B.A.  1650-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Mar.  10,  1648-9.  Brother  of  Walter  (1647-8). 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  23,  1660; 
B.A.  1670-1. 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1697.  S.  of 
W.  (?  John),  of  Newport  Pagnell,  Bucks.  (According  to 
Foster,  but  John  (1727)  was  a  nephew  of  Edmund  (1698) 
who  was  the  son  of  John  (1664),  M.D.  of  Newport  Pagnell.) 
Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  .\pr.  5,  1688,  age  16; 
B.A.  (O.xford)  i6gi.  Ord.  priest  (Nonvich)  Sept.  1697.  R. 
of  Gressenhall,  Norfolk,  1700-4.  R.  of  Brisley,  1704.  R.  of 
Walton,  Bucks.,  1711-51.  Buried  there  Feb.  25,  1750-1- 
M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edmund  (1698), 
father  of  John  (1727).   (Al.  Oxon.;  Scott-Mayor,  iii.  403.) 


Waller,  William 

WALLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  13, 
1748.  S.  of  Charles,  of  London,  of  Lincoln's  Inn.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1748;  Scholar,  1749;  B-A.  i752- 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  8,  1748.  Barrister-at-law,  1754- 
Commissioner  of  the  Stamp  Office.  Died  Dec.  13,  1786. 
{Al.  Westmon.,  348;  G.  Mag.) 

WALLER, .  B.A.  1469-70;  M.A.  1475-6. 

WALLET,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  8,  1701.  B.  at 
Stamford,  Lines.  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  18,  1708-9;  priest,  June  19,  1709.  V.  of 
Donington,  Lines.,  1709. 

WALLET,  PEREGRINE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  26,  1679.  S.  of  John  (?  Thomas,  next),  clerk,  deceased. 
B.  at  Lutton.  School,  Grantham,  Lines.  Matric.  1680;  B.A. 
1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  R.  of  Hemingby,  Lines.,  in  1699.  R.  of 
Asterby,  1699.  Chaplain  to  Arabella,  Dowager  Countess 
Rivers.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WALLETT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
July  I,  1636.  S.  of  John,  shopkeeper,  of  Grentenson,  Leics. 
B.  there.  School,  Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Umphray).  Matric. 
1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  18,  1642;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  i,  1645.  R.  of  Rocking- 
ham, Northants.,  1661.  R.  of  Lutton,  and  of  Washingley, 
Hunts.,  i66i-6. 

WALLET,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
July  5,  1647.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Weston,  Lines.,  gent.  School, 
Moulton.  Matric.  1647,  'WaUes.' 

WALLEY,  see  also  WHALLEY. 

WALLEY,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  14,  1702.  S.  of  Humphrey,  shopkeeper.  B.  at  Chester. 
School,  Chester  (Mr  Harper).  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1707. 

WALLEY,  PETER.  M.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.).  Perhaps  s.  of 
Thomas,  of  Middlewich,  Cheshire.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 
Oxford)  Nov.  12,  1716,  age  15.  Died  in  Hatton  Garden, 
London,  July  20,  1743.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Al.  Oxon.;  O.  Mag.; 
L.  Mag.) 

WALLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  3,  i744- 
B.  at  Hertford.  Matric.  1745;  M.B.  1751.  Probably  his  will 
(P.C.C.)  1793;  of  Little  Amwell,  Herts.,  M.D. 

WALLINGER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1607.  B.  at  Colton,  Norfolk.  (?  B.A.  1609-10,)  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  19;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1619,  age  24.  C.  of 
Widdial,  Herts. 

WALLINGTON,  HUGH.  M.A.  from  Caius,  1727.  S.  of  William, 
of  Watton,  Gloucs.  Matric.  (Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  27,  1707,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1710-1.  R.  of  Litch- 
field, Hants.,  1719-27.  Treasurer  of  Waterford,  Ireland, 
1727-42.  Preb.  of  Lismore,  1727-42.  Died  1742.  Buried 
in  Waterford  Cathedral.  {Venn,  11.  28;  H.  B.  Swanzy; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WALLIS,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Mar.  1625-6;  priest,  Feb.  1626-7.  Master  of  St  Peter's 
School,  York,  1637-60.  R.  of  Harthill,  Yorks.,  1639-49. 
Father  of  Timothy  (1649-50)  and  John  (1671). 

WALLIS,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  27, 1706.  S.  of  John  (1671),  clerk.  B.  at  Friesthorpe, 
Lines.  School,  Beverley,  Yorks.  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  23,  1710. 

WALLIS,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1626.  S.  of  Christine,  widow,  of  Gipping,  Suffolk.  B.A. 
1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1637. 
Probably  R.  of  Little  Gidding,  Hunts.,  1647-8-59.  R.  of 
Sawtry  All  Saints',  1658-87.  Buried  May  16,  1687.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Tudeley  with  Capel,  Kent,  1638-60. 
{Shazv,  II.  350.) 

WALLIS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  II,  1662;  afterwards  Fell. -Com.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent., 
of  Nun  Ormsby,  Lines.  School,  Ludbrooke.  Matric.  1663. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  25,  1662.  Of  Humberstone. 
Buried  at  Nun  Ormsby.  Will  dated.  May  29,  1695;  proved, 
June  26,  1704.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1034.) 

WALLIS,  GARRET.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1575; 
scholar  from  Eton;  B.A.  1577-8.  Recommended  by  the 
Queen  for  a  fellowship;  none  suitable  vacant.   {Searle,  332.) 

WALLS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1553; 
Scholar,  1555. 

WALLIS,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

WALLIS,  HENRY.  B.  (or  D.)  Can.  L.  1475-6.  Perhaps  Henry 
Walls,  LL.B.,  R.  of  Shepreth,  Cambs.,  1500. 

WALLIS,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  June,  1572; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1575-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln);  priest, 
Apr.  29,  1580.  R.  of  Gunby,  Leics.,  1579.  R.  of  Creeton, 
Lines.,  1581. 

Wallis,  Newcomen 

WALLES,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1575. 

WHALLES,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581; 
B.A.  1584-5,  Wals. 

WALLIS,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  May  4, 
1672.  Of  Hertford.  School,  King's  College  Choir  School. 
Matric.  1672;  Scholar,  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  C.  of  Allerton, 
Northumberland,  1683.  V.  of  Holystone,  1683-97.  V.  of 
Mitford,  imtil  1698.  Married,  at  Mitford,  July  28,  1692, 
Elizabeth  Young.  Buried  at  Mitford,  Nov.  2i,  1698.  (H.  M. 

WALLYS,  JAMES.  B.  at  Colchester.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Jan.  6,  1573-4,  'aged  23;  late  Scholar  of  Magdalene;  of 
Foxearth,  Essex';  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1576.  R.  of  Stow- 
langtoft,  Suffolk,  1586. 

WALLIS,  J.  B.A.  1470-1;  M.A.  1473- 

WALLACE,  JOB.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Pembroke,  May  30, 
1738.  S.  of  Thomas,  M.A.,  of  Boxted,  Essex,  medicus.  B.  at 
Boreham,  Essex.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  1761. 
Ord.  priest  (London)  Sept.  23,  1744.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Roseberry.  V.  of  Messing,  Essex,  1760.  R.  of  Leyston, 
1761.  Buried  at  Messing,  Apr.  7,  1783.  (J.  Ch.  Smith;  T.  C. 

WALLIS,  JOHN.   (?  J.  above.)   B.D.  1486-7. 

WALLS,  JOHN.   B.A.  1486-7. 

WALLIS,  JOHN.  B.A.  1534-5;  M.A.  1538.  Ord.  deacon  (Dur- 
ham) Sept.  15;  priest,  Dec.  i,  1535;  title  from  St  John's 
College.  Probably  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's.  Of  Northumber- 
land. Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1540. 

WALLYS,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Michs.  1548. 

WALLIS  or  WHALLES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1586.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  Finedon,  Northants. 
If  so,  b.  1567.  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1596.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Ashford,  Kent,  1602-22.  Died  Nov.  30,  1622.  (But  see  also 
the  next  to  whom  this  may  refer.)  Perhaps  father  of  John 

WALLES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1588; 
B.A.  1592-3,  Wallis;  M.A.  1596. 

WALLYS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1632-3.  S.  of 
John  (?  1586),  V.  of  Ashford,  Kent.  (According  to  D.N.B. 
he  graduated  B.A.  and  M.A.  from  Trinity,  and  is  therefore 
probably  identical  with  one  or  other  of  the  two  preceding 
men.)  B.  Nov.  25,  i6i6,  at  Ashford.  School,  Felsted. 
Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1649.  D.D.  (Oxford)  1654;  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1656. 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1644-5.  Savilian  Professor  of  Geometry 
at  Oxford,  1649-1703.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Richard  Darley  and 
afterwards  to  Mary,  baroness  Vere.  An  adept  at  the  crypto- 
logic  art ;  employed  by  the  Parliament  to  decipher  intercepted 
dispatches,  1642-5.  Secretary  of  the  Westminster  Assembly, 
1644.  Keeper  of  the  Archives  at  Oxford,  1654-1703.  R.  of 
St  Gabriel,  Fenchurch  Street,  London,  1645-7.  Minister  of 
St  Martin's,  Ironmonger  Lane,  1647.  Associated  with  Robert 
Boyle  and  other  reformers  of  scientific  method,  whose  v/eekly 
meetings  led  to  the  incorporation  of  the  Royal  Society  in 
1663.  F.R.S.,  1663.  Succeeded  to  an  estate  in  Kent. 
Opposed  the  adoption  of  the  Gregorian  calendar,  1692. 
Author,  mathematical  and  theological.  Died  at  Oxford, 
Oct.  28,  1703.  Buried  in  St  Mary's  Church.  (D.N.B.;  Vis. 
of  Kent,  1663;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WALLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  24, 
1636.  S.  of  Richard,  maltster,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.  B. 
there.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1637; 
B.A.  1640-1. 

WALLACE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  5, 
1667.  S.  of  John,  doctor,  of  Debenham,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Woodbridge  (Mr  Broome).  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1670- 
1;  M.A.  1674;  M.D.  1683.   Father  of  Thomas  (1696-7). 

WALLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  May  13, 
1671.  S.  of  Christopher  (1621),  schoolmaster,  of  York. 
School,  York.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Dec.  1674;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1678.  C.  of 
Buslingthorpe,  Lines.  R.  of  Friesthorpe,  1682.  Brother  of 
Timothy  (1649-50)  and  father  of  Christopher  (1706). 

WALLIS,  LANCELOT.   B.A.  1540-1;  M.A.  1544,  Walles. 

WALLIS,  MARK.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1611. 

WALLIS,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1597-8.  Of  Huntingdonshire. 

WALLIS,  NEWCOMEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  27,  1714.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Alford,  Lines,  (and  Frances, 
dau.  of  Nicholas  Newcomen,  of  TheddJethorpe),  and  grand- 
son of  Edward  (1662).  B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Louth. 
Matric.  1715.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  24,  1715-6; 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  24,  1718-9.  Married  Catherine  CoUing- 
wood.  Died  Dec.  31, 1731,  aged  34.  M.I.  in  Lincoln  Cathedral. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1714-5).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1035.) 


Wallis,  Nicholas 

WALLIS,  NICHOLAS.   B.A.  1508-9.    WiU  (P.C.C.)  of  Nicholas 

WaUis,  1548;  'of  Bury  St  Edmunds.' 
WALLIS  or  WHALLEYS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peter- 

HOUSE,  Nov.  25,  1564;  B.A.  1567-8.    Applied  for  orders  (Ely) 

Apr.  1568,  rejected  (being  age  20).    V.  of  Cavendish,  Suffolk, 

1570.   V.  of  Pentlow,  Essex,  1571. 
WALLYS  or  WALLS,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare, 

Michs.  1581.   B.  at  Biggleswade,  Beds.   B.A.  1584-5;  M.A. 

1592,  Wallys.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  15,  1590,  age  25. 

C.  of  Gt  Baling,  Essex.  Probably  R.  of  Peperharow,  Surrey, 

1600-6.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1606;  to  be  buried  at  Shelley,  Essex. 

WALLIS  or  WALLS,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  1483-4. 

WALEYS,  ROBERT.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1456,  M.A. 
WALLIS,  ROBERT.   B.A.  1532-3;  M.A.  1536. 
WALLIS,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1540-1.   Of  Christ's,  1542. 

WALLIS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1613; 

B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19; 

priest,  Sept.  20,  1619.    See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 

namesake.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WALLIS,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  12, 

1616-7.    S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.    Bapt. 

there,  Jan.  24,   1599-1600.    School,  Lynn  (Mr  Armitage). 

Matric.  i6i7;  Scholar,  1617-24;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1625.    Probably 

R.  of  St  Peter,  Denver,  Norfolk,  1626-7.    V.  of  Harston, 

Cambs.,  1626-86.    Married  there,  Apr.  29,  1632,  to  Lydia 

Chapman.   Buried  at  Harston,  Feb.  14,  1686-7.    (Venn,  i. 

WALLIS,    ROBERT.     Adm.    at   Sidney,    1620,   from   Trinity 

College,    Dublin.     B.A.    1620;    M.A.    1624.     Ord.    deacon 

(Peterb.)  June  7,  1623;  priest,  June  5,  1631. 
WALLIS,   ROBERT.    B.D.   1675   (LU.   Reg.).    Probably  s.   of 

Robert,  R.  of  Ellesborough,  Bucks.  V.  of  Bradwell,  1657-65. 

Succeeded  his  father  as  patron  and   R.  of  Ellesborough, 

1665-86.  Died  1686.   (Lipscomb,  11.  181;  iv.  46.) 

WHALLYS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1565. 

WALLIS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  2, 

1623.  S.  of  Robert,  chandler,  of  Huntingdon.  B.  there. 
School,  Huntingdon  (Dr  Beard).  Matric.  1623-4;  B.A.  1627; 
M.A.  1631.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  25,  1633.  R.  of  Had- 
stock,  Essex,  1645.  V.  of  Stansted  Mountfitchet,  1664-7. 
Died  1667.  (One  of  these  names  V.  of  Swaton,  Lines., 

WALLACE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Feb. 
12,  1696-7.  S.  of  John  (1667),  M.D.  B.  at  Hadleigh,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704;  M.D.  1716.  Fellow, 
1701.   Died  Feb.  6,  1763,  aged  82,  at  Wheatfield. 

WALLIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Mar. 
23,  1714-5.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Alford,  Lines.,  attomey-at- 
law,  and  grandson  of  Edward  (1662).  Matric.  1715;  M.B. 
1720;  M.D.  1725.  Fellow,  1721.  Of  Stamford,  Lines.  Died 
Feb.  6,  1753.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1753.  Brother  of  Newcomen 
(1714).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1035;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WALLES,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1613. 

WALLIS,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Mar. 
18,  1649-50.  S.  of  Christopher  (1621),  clerk,  of  York. 
School,  York.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653;  M.A.  1657.  R.  of 
Edlington,  Yorks.,  c.  1652-67.  Perhaps  R.  of  Swaby,  Lines., 
1667.  R.  of  Leven,  Yorks.,  1673-1704.  Brother  of  John 
(1671)  and  father  of  the  next. 

WALLIS,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
21,  1693.  S.  of  Timothy  (above),  clerk,  of  Beverley.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A. 
1700.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1700;  priest,  1701.  R.  of 
Leven,  Yorks.,  1704-10.   Died  1710. 

WALLES,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1564. 

WALLACE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  7, 

1624.  S.  of  John,  doctor.  B.  at  Melton  Mowbray.  School, 
Oakham.  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631;  B.D.  1638. 
Fellow.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Mar.  18,  1640-1. 
Will,  P.C.C. 

WALLIS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  18, 
1646.  S.  of  Gilbert,  of  Markeaton,  near  Derby.  B.  there. 
School,  Repton.   Matric.  1646. 

WALLIS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  27,  1682. 
S.  of  William,  merchant.  Bapt.  Mar.  13,  1664-5,  at  New- 
castle. School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1683.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Feb.  11,  1681-2;  'of  River  Green,  Northumberland, 
gent.'  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May,  1687.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  St  Mildred  Poultry,  London,  1726-48.  Buried 
there  Mar.  13, 1747-8.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  (Peile,  11.  87;  J.  Ch. 

Walmesley,  William 

WALLIS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Oct.  27,  1682. 
Of  Thingdon  (i.e.  Finedon),  Northants.  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A. 
1692.  C.  of  Stoke  Albany,  Northants.,  in  1692.  Doubtless 
R.  of  Wistow,  Leics.,  1695-1714;  V.  of  Norton,  1714-25; 
M.A.  Died  Jan.  11,  1725,  aged  62.  M.I.  at  Norton.  Will, 
Leicester.   (Nichols,  11.  734,  872.) 

WALLYS, .  B.D.  1474-5. 

WALLS, .  B.A.  1480. 

WALLS, .   Catiiio  for  degree,  1488. 

WALLIS  or  WALLYAS, .  B.A.  1493-4;  M.A.  1497. 

WALLIS, .   B.A.  1517-8. 

WALLIS, .  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Easter,  1599. 

WALLES, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  May  10,  1689. 

WALLIS,  .    Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  July  4, 

1741.  Possibly  Thomas,  s.  and  h.  of  Newcomen  (1714).  If 
so,  died  Apr.  13,  1761,  aged  37.  M.I.  in  Lincohi  Cathedral. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1035.) 
WALLOP,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1740.  Of 
Hampshire.  3rd  s.  of  John,  Earl  of  Portsmouth  (for  whom 
see  D.N.B.).  Matric.  Easter,  1742;  M.A.  1743.  M.P.  for 
Whitchurch,  Hants.,  1747.  Died  June  6,  1749,  aged  23, 
(G.  Mag.;  Masters.) 
WALLOP,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  2, 
1644.  Of  Hampshire.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Farleigh-Wallop, 
Hants.,  the  regicide  (and  Ann,  dau.  of  Hen.  Wriothesley, 
Earl  of  Southampton).  Age  16  in  1646.  M.A.  1646  (fil.  nob.). 
Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  John  Bluet,  of  Holcombe  Regis, 
Devon.  Died  1673.  Buried  at  Farleigh.  (Vis.  of  Shropshire, 
WALLOP,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1456.   Died  1458. 
WALLPLATE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  22,  1642. 
WALLPLAT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  11, 

1594-5;  Scholar,  1596-1600;  B.A.  1598-9. 
WALLWORTH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1624.  Mentioned  in  the  books  of  the  Fishmongers'  Company 
as  applying  for  a  scholarship.   (W.  P.  Haskett  Smith.) 
WALLWORTH,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 


WALMESLY,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1602.  Of  Lancashire.  B.  at  Bolton.  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A. 
1609.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25,  1609,  age  26;  'C.  of 
WiUingale  Doe,  Essex';  priest,  June  3,  1610.  P.C.  of  Black- 
more,  Essex,  1615-37.  Died  1637.  Will,  Cons.  C.  London. 
(Bramston's  Autobiography.) 
WALMSLEY,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  Kino's,  1730.  S.  of  Roger, 
of  Bolton,  Lanes.,  gent.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford) 
Oct.  30,  1722,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1726.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
WALMSLEY,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
May  13,  1743.  S.  of  Geoffrey,  deceased,  V.  of  Braffertou 
with  Helperby,  Yorks.  B.  at  Brafferton.  School,  Thornton. 
Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  10,  1750. 
V.  of  Malton,  Yorks.,  1757-73.  R.  of  Bulmer.  Died  Feb. 
WALMESLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  29,  1672. 
S.  of  Charles,  of  Bury,  Lanes.  B.  there,  Feb.  11,  1654-5. 
Matric.  1672;  Scholar,  1675;  B.A.  1675-6;  M..\.  1679. 
Master  of  Preston  Grammar  School,  1677-8.  R.  of  Leyland, 
Lanes.,  1685-9.  Buried  there  Sept.  10,  1689.  M.I.  (Victoria 
Hist.  Lanes.,  vi.  7.) 
WALMESLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  17, 
1676,  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin;  adm.  there.  May  8, 
1669,  age  17.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Mellor,  Lanes.  Matric. 
1676;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  23,  1677; 
priest,  Feb.  29,  1679-80.  C.  of  Blackburn,  Lanes.,  in  1689. 
R.  of  Grappenhall,  Cheshire,  1690-6.  V.  of  Malton,  Yorks., 
1707-23.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
WALMESLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  scholar  at  Christ's,  May  14, 
1719.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  Richard,  of  Sholley  (?  Showley), 
Lanes.  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1722-3.  P.C.  of  Heapey,  Lanes., 
1723-g.  Died  at  Ormskirk,  May  5,  1735.  Buried  there. 
(Peile,  II.  195;  Burke,  L.G.;  Whitaker,  Whalley,  11.  406.) 
WALMSLEY,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  27,  1667. 

Matric.  1667. 
WALMISLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  5,  1704.  S.  of  William,  of  Lichfield,  Staffs.  School, 
.\shbourne,  Derbs.  (Mr  Hardert).  Matric.  1704;  Scholar, 
1705;  B.A.  1707-8;  M.A.  1711.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1711. 
D.D.  (Lambeth)  1720.  Ord.  priest  (Worcester)  June  4,  1707. 
Canon  of  Lichfield,  1718-20;  Dean,  1720-30.  R.  of  Mavesyn 
Kidwarc,  Staffs.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Jersey.  V.  of 
Packington,  Leics.,  1729-30.  Died  Sept,  18,  1730.  (Lambeth 
Act  Book;  T.  C.  Dale;  Al.  Oxon.) 


31 — 2 

Walne,  John 

WALNE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,   1676.    Of 
Norfolk.    Matric.  1675-6;  B.A.  1678-9.    Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) June,  1680. 
WALNESFORTH,  GEORGE.  D.Can.L.  1471-2. 
WALPOLE,    ALEXANDER.     Matric.    pens,    from    Chrisf's, 

Easter,  1555,  'Wapoole.' 
WALPOLE,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1548.    Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Pinchbeck,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1553,  also  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1556. 
Married    (i)    Elizabeth,    dau.    of    Anthony    Staunton,    of 
Staunton,  Notts.;  (2)  Susan,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Dymock, 
of  Scrivelsby,  Lines.,  Knt.   Buried  at  All  Saints',  Stamford, 
Aug.  12,  1585.  Will  (Lincoln)  1585.  Half-brother  of  Theodore 
(1566).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1040.) 
WALPOLE,  ARTHUR.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1629.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Dymock,  of  Pirch- 
beck  and  Spalding,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of  Arthur  (above). 
Bapt.  Aug.  5,  1613,  at  Pinchbeck.    (But  he  was  buried  at 
Pinchbeck,  May  23,   1634,  according  to  Lines.  Pedigrees.) 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636;  M.D.  1661  {Lii.  Reg.).  Fellow,  tiU 
1644,  ejected.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1642.    Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (1627). 
WALPOLE,  BACON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  16x5. 
4th  s.  of  Calibut  (1579),  of  Houghton,  Norfolk.    Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  10,  1617;  migrated  to  Gray's  Inn,  Aug. 
II,  1619.  Brother  of  John  (1610)  and  Robert  (1610).   {Peile, 
I.  302;  Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
WALPOLE,  CAESAR.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1573.  B.  in  St  Helen's  parish,  London,  c.  1557.  B.A.  1576-7; 
M.A.   1580.    Ord.  deacon   (Peterb.)   Dec.   12,   1583;  priest 
(Norwich)  Jan.  19,  1583-4.   R.  of  Wormley,  Herts.,  1587-98. 
R.  of  Foston,  Leics.,  1598.    R.  of  Wobum,  Beds.,  1604-7. 
R.  of  Covington,  Hunts.,  1608-13.    R-  of  St  Thomas-the- 
Apostle,  London,  1612.   Buried  there  Dec.  26,  1627.   Will, 
Cons.  C.  London. 
WALPOLE,  CALIBUT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1579.   2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Houghton,  Norfolk  (and  Catherine, 
dau.  of  William  Calibut,  of  Coxford).    Of  Houghton,  Esq. 
Married  Elizabeth,    dau.  of   Edmund    Bacon,  of   Hessett, 
Suffolk.    Died  May  4,  1646.    Brother  of  Edward  (1575-6), 
father  of  Bacon  (1615),  John  (1610)  and  Robert  (1610). 
(Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
WALPOOLE,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Caius, 
Oct.   25,   1587.     6th  s.  of  Christopher,  gent.,   of    Anmer, 
Norfolk.    Bapt.  Oct.  23,   1568,  at  Docking.     School,  Ely 
(MrSpyght).   Matric.  1587;  Scholar,  1588-90.  Afterwards  a 
Jesuit  priest.   Entered  the  English  College  at  Rome,  1592. 
Sent  to  Spain  where  he  was  confessor  and  spiritual  father  of 
Valladolid  College.  Died  in  Spain,  1606.   Brother  of  Henry 
(1575)  and  Richard  (i579)-   {Venn,  i.  131.) 
WALPOLE,  EDWARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  12)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  3,  1575-6.   S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Houghton,  Norfolk, 
Esq.    B.  there,  Jan.  28,  1559-60.    Matric.  1576.    Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn  from  Fumival's  Inn,  Jan.  21,  1580-1.    Em- 
braced Romanism;  disinherited  and  took  the  name  of  Poor. 
Entered  the  English  College  at  Rome,  Oct.  23,  1590.    Ord. 
priest  at  Rome,  1592.    Adm.  to  the  Society  of  Jesus,  at 
Toumai,  July  1,  1593.    On  the  English  mission  40  years. 
Assumed  the  name  of  Rich.    Granted  a  pardon,  1605,  but 
did  not  claim  his  estates.    Died  in  London,  Nov.  3,  1637. 
Brother  of  Calibut  (1579).   (Records  S.J.,  11.  235;  D.N.B.) 
WALPOLE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  6, 
1680.  S.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Houghton,  Norfolk,  Knt.  School, 
Woodbridge  (Mr  Cradock).    Matric.   1683;  Scholar,   1683; 
B.A.   1683-4;   M.A.    1687.    Died   at  Cambridge,   Jan.    28, 
1688-9,  aged  25.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  M.I.  Brother 
of  Robert  (1667).    (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  v.  103;  Blomefleld,  vii. 
109,  where  he  is  styled  Fellow  of  Trinity.) 
WALPOLE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Lent, 
1724-5.   2nd  s.  of  Sir  Robert  (1695),  K.B.,  K.G.   M.A.  1725. 
LL.D.  (Dublin)  1738.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  29,  1723. 
M.P.    for   BaUyshannon,    1736;    for   Yarmouth,    1734-68. 
K.B.,  1753.    Chief  Secretary  of  Ireland.    Died  unmarried, 
Jan.  12,  1784.  Brother  of  Horace  (1735). 
WALPOOLE,    GEORGE.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from    Corpus 

Christi,  Easter,  1574. 
WALPOLE,  HENRY.   B.A.  1525-6. 

WALPOLE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  11, 
1575.  (Said  to  have  studied  at  Oxford.)  S.  and  h.  of  Christo- 
pher, of  Docking,  and  of  Anmer  Hall,  Norfolk.  B.  1558. 
School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1575.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1578. 
Published  a  eulogy  of  Edmund  Campion  after  being  present 
at  his  execution,  1581.  Went  to  Rheims,  1582,  and  thence 
to  Rome;  received  into  the  English  College  there,  Apr.  28, 
1583.  Joined  the  Jesuits,  1584.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Paris)  1588.  Chaplain  in  the  Spanish  army  in  Flanders, 
1589-91.  Translated  Robert  Parsons'  Responsio  ad  edictum, 

Walpole,  Richard 

1592.  Vice-rector  of  the  College  at  Valladolid.  Sent  to 
England  in  1593.  Landed  in  Yorkshire;  apprehended  at 
once.  Imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of  London,  1594-5.  Executed 
at  York,  Apr.  17,  1595-  Brother  of  Richard  (1579)  and 
Christopher  (1587).   (Cooper,  11.  179;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WALPOLE,  HORACE  (HORATIO).   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1698.    5th  s.  of  Robert  (1667),  of  Houghton, 
Norfolk.   B.  there,  Dec.  8,  1678.    B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1713. 
Fellow,  1702.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  2,  1700.   M.P.  for 
Lostwithiel,  1710;  for  Castle  Rising,  1710-5;  for  Beeralston, 
1715-7;  for  East  Looe,  1718-22;  for  Gt  Yarmouth,  1722-34; 
and  for  Norwich,  1734-56.   Secretary  to  the  Chancellor  of 
the  Exchequer,  1707;  to  the  Embassy  of  Spain,  1708;  to 
France,    1709-10;    to    the   States    General,    1714;    to    the 
Treasury,  1715-7  and  1721.    Envoy  to  the  States  General, 
1716.  Surveyor  of  the  Revenue  in  America,  1717.  Secretary 
of  State,  and  P.C,  1720;  ambassador  to  The  Hague,  1722 
and  1733-40;  at  Paris,  1724-8.   Cofferer  of  the  Household, 
1730-41.    Teller  of   the   Exchequer,    1741.    F.R.S.,    1746. 
Advocated  an  alliance  with  Prussia,  1747.    Created  Baron 
Walpole,    of    Wolterton,    June    4,    1756.     Married    Mary 
Magdalen,  dau.  of  Peter  Lombard.   Author,  political.   Died 
Feb.  5,  1757.  Brother  of  Robert  (1695)  and  father  of  Horace 
(1741).   (D.N.B.;  G.E.C.;  Harwood.) 
WALPOLE,  HORACE  (HORATIO).  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's, 
Mar.    II,    1734-5.     3rd    s.   of    Sir    Robert    (1695),    K.G. 
B.  Sept.  24,  1717.    School,  Eton.    Matric.  i735-    Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  May  27,  1731.    Resided  in  College  till  about 
1738-9.   Inspector  at  the  Custom  House.  Chief  usher  of  the 
Exchequer,  1738-97.    Travelled  in  France  and  Italy  with 
the   poet   Gray,    1739-41.     M.P.  for  CaUington,    1741-54; 
for  Castle    Rising,    1754-7;    for    Lynn,  1757-68.     F  S.A., 
1753.     Succeeded  as   4th  Earl   of    Orford,   Dec.  5,    1791- 
Settled  at  Strawberry  HiU,  Twickenham;  transformed  the 
house  into  'a  little  Gothic  Castle';  established  a  private 
press  there,  1757-89.   Made  a  great  collection  of  articles  of 
virtu.   Distinguished  as  a  wit,  a  connoisseur,  and  a  man  of 
quality.    Author,  miscellaneous.    Died  unmarried.  Mar.  2, 
1797.    Buried  at  Houghton.    Brother  of  Edward  (1724-5). 
(D.N.B.;  G.E.C.  (Peerage),  vi.  131.) 
WALPOLE,  HORACE.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1741-    S.  of 
Horace  (1698),  Baron  Walpole.    B.  June  12,  1723.    Matric. 
1741.    Succeeded  as  2nd  Baron,  Feb.   5,   1757-    Adm.  at 
Lincoln's   Inn,   Jan.   24,    1735-6.     M.P.   for  King's  Lynn, 
1747-57.    Created  Earl  of  Orford,  Apr.  10,  1806.    Married 
Rachel,  dau.  of  William  (Cavendish),  Duke  of  Devonshire, 
May  12,  1748.  Died  Feb.  24,  1809.  Will,  P.C.C.   (G.E.C.) 
WALPOLE,   JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,   Michs.   1559. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Whaplode,  Lines.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Aug.  II,  1565.    Succeeded  to  the  estates  of  his  elder 
brother.    Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Roberts.    Buried  at 
Sleaford,  1590.   M.I.   (Venn,  i.  41.) 
WALPOLE,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1610.    2nd  s.  of  Calibut  (1579),  of  Houghton,  Norfolk,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  3,  1612.   Married  Abigail,  dau. 
of    Froximer    Crocket,    of    Bromesthorpe,    Norfolk.     Died 
Dec.  8,  1654.  Brother  of  Bacon  (1615)  and  Robert  (1610). 
WALPOLE,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  2,  1619. 
Of  Lincolnshire.    Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1623-4.    Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1624.    One  of  these  names  V.  of  Chalk, 
Kent,  1647-50.    (T.  A.  Walker,  12;  Vis.  of  Norfolk;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1039.) 
WALPOLE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  29,  1627. 
Of  Lincolnshire.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Dymock,  of  Pinch- 
beck, Lines.,  Esq.    Bapt.  there,  July  15,   1612.    Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  11,  1630.    Standard  Bearer  to  Charles  I 
and  Charles   II.     Knighted,  July  31,    1645.    Of  Dunston, 
Lines.  Buried  at  Windsor  Castle,  Aug.  17, 1672.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1672.    Perhaps  brother  of  Arthur  (1629).   (Lines.  Pedigrees, 
WALPOLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1728.  Of  Norfolk. 
Matric.   1728;   B.A.   173 1-2.    Ord.  priest   (Norwich)   July, 
1739.  C.  of  Old  Buckenham,  Norfolk. 
WALPOLE,  NICHOLAS.   M.A.  1527-8.   R.  of  Newton,  Cambs., 

1537.  R.  of  Elm,  1540. 
WALPOLE,  RALPH  DE.  D.D.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  John,  of 
Houghton,  Norfolk.  R.  of  Somersham,  Cambs.  Archdeacon 
of  Ely,  c.  1268-88.  Bishop  of  Norwich,  1288-99;  of  Ely, 
1299-1302.  Opposed  Edward  I's  taxation  of  the  clergy, 
1297.  Benefactor  of  Peterhouse,  1290.  Died  Mar.  22, 
1301-2.  Buried  in  Ely  Cathedral.  (D.N.B.) 
WALPOLE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  17, 
1578-9.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Docking,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there, 
Oct.  8,  1564.  Scholar,  1579;  Matric.  1579.  Withdrew  to 
Rheims,  1584 ;  thence  to  Rome.  Adm.  at  the  English  College 
at  Rome,  Apr.  25,  1585.  Ord.  deacon,  Nov.  3;  priest,  Dec.  3, 
1589.  With  Robert  Parsons  at  Seville,  1592.  First  Rector 
of  the  College  of  Valladolid,  1592;  also  rector  of  the  College 


Walpole,  Richard 

of  Seville.  Joined  the  Society  of  Jesus,  Feb.  1593.  Charged 
with  devising  Edward  Squire's  plot  against  the  life  of  Queen 
Elizabeth,  1598.  In  constant  attendance  on  Father  Parsons 
till  1607.  Died  at  Valladolid,  1607.  Brother  of  Henry  (1575) 
and  Christopher  (1587).  (Cooper,  iii.  12;  D.N.B.;  A.  Jessop.) 

WALPOOLE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1613. 

WALPOOLE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  i6io.  S.  and  h.  of  Calibut  (1579),  of  Houghton, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  B.  Dec.  23,  1593.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  3,  1612.  Of  Houghton,  Esq.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of 
Sir  Edward  Barkham,  Knt.,  of  Southacre.  Died  1663. 
Buried  at  Houghton.  M.I.  Brother  of  Bacon  (1615)  and 
John  (1610).  {Vis.  of  Norfolk;  Blomefield,  vii.  no.) 

WALPOOLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Feb.  3,  1647-8.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Winnington,  Hunts. 
School,  Peterborough.   Matric.  1648. 

WALPOLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May,  1667. 
S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Houghton,  Knt.  B.  Nov.  18, 
1650.  Matric.  1667;  M.A.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1669.  Colonel  of  militia.  M.P.  for  Castle  Rising, 
1689-1700.  Of  Houghton,  Norfolk,  D.L.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  Sir  Jeffrey  Burwell,  Knt.,  of  Rougham,  Norfolk.  Died 
Nov.  18, 1700.  M.I.  at  Houghton.  Brotherof  Edward  (i 680), 
father  of  the  next  and  of  Horace  (1698).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WALPOLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  5, 1695.  3rd  s.  of  Robert  (above),  of  Houghton,  Norfolk. 
B.  Aug.  26,  1676.  Matric.  1696.  Resigned  his  scholarship. 
May  25,  1698.  LL.D.  1728.  Succeeded  his  father,  Nov.  18, 
1700.  M.P.  for  Castle  Rising,  1700-2;  for  Lynn,  1702-12  and 
1713-42.  Recognised  as  a  leader  of  the  Whig  party,  1703. 
Secretary  of  War,  1708-10.  Treasurer  of  the  Navy,  1710-1. 
Recognised  as  a  great  financier,  1711.  Leader  of  the  opposi- 
tion against  Harley,  1 7 11 .  Committed  prisoner  on  a  charge  of 
notorious  corruption,  Dec.  12,  and  expelled  the  House  of  Com- 
mons, till  1713.  P.C.,  1714.  Prime  Minister,  and  Chancellor 
of  the  Exchequer,  1715-7,  1721-42.  Devised  the  first  general 
sinking  fund,  1717.  Driven  from  office  by  the  intrigues  of 
Stanhope  and  Sunderland,  1717.  Opposed  the  Government's 
encouragement  of  the  South  Sea  Company,  1720.  Made 
money  by  prudent  speculation  in  South  Sea  Stock,  1720. 
Encouraged  trade  by  removing  duties  on  imported  raw 
materials  and  on  many  exports,  1721.  K.B.,  1725.  K.G., 
1726.  Steadily  cultivated  friendship  with  France,  1726. 
Quarrelled  definitely  with  Townshend,  1730.  Excise  pro- 
posals rejected  through  popular  clamour,  1733.  Secured 
peace  through  the  Treaty  of  Vienna,  1735.  Lost  favour  with 
the  dissenters  through  opposing  repeal  of  the  Test  Act. 
Lost  favour  in  Scotland  by  repressive  measures  due  to  the 
Porteous  Riot,  1736.  Opposed  war  with  Spain,  1738-9. 
Opposed  by  Newcastle  and  others.  Resigned  all  his  offices, 
1742.  Created  Baron  of  Houghton,  Norfolk,  Viscount 
Walpole,  and  Earl  of  Orford,  Feb.  6,  1742.  Retired  to 
Houghton.  The  first  minister,  since  the  Restoration,  who 
made  a  special  study  of  finance  and  commerce  and  laid  the 
foundations  of  free  trade  and  modern  Colonial  policy. 
Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau.  of  John  Shorter,  of  Bybrook, 
Kent;  (2)  Maria,  dau.  of  Thomas  Skerret.  Died  Mar.  18, 
1744-5.  Buried  at  Houghton.  Brother  of  Horace  (1698), 
father  of  Horace  (1735)  and  Edward  (1724-5).  (D.N.B.; 
G.E.C.;  Harwood.) 

WALPOLE,  SIMON  DE.  Mentioned  in  the  Patent  Rolls,  to- 
gether with  Stephen  de  Haslingfield,  Chancellor,  as  appointed 
to  audit  pavage  accounts,  1303.  He  was  probably,  but  not 
necessarily,  a  member  of  the  University.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

WALPOLE,  THEODORE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1566.  S.  (illegitimate)  of  Robert,  of  Pinchbeck,  Lines. 
Probably  B.A.  'Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Nov.  30,  1568;  aged 
34;  married;  knows  Latin  moderately'  (Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln, 
1576).  V.  of  Pinchbeck,  Lines.,  1568-92.  R.  of  Lea  from 
1592.  R.  of  Burton  Gate  (called  'M.A.').  Half-brother  of 
Arthur  (1548).  (Lines,  Pedigrees,  1039.) 

WALPOLE,   W.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,   Easter,    1560 

.  B.Civ.L.  1502-3. 

Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall,  Easter, 
1544.  One  Thomas  Walpole,  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Pinch- 
beck, Lines.,  V.  of  Pinchbeck.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1039.) 

WALPOLE, .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1583. 

WALPOLE, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  1718-9. 

WALPOLE, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1747-8. 


WALROND,  see  also  WALDRON. 

WALROND  or  WALDRON,  AMOS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  18,  1637,  Amias.   Probably  4th  s.  of  William,  of  Wells, 

Walsingham,  Andrew 

Somerset.  Matric.  1637,  Amos;  Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1641-2. 
Created  M.A.  (Oxford)  July  17,  1647.  V.  of  Martock, 
Somerset,  1645,  ejected.  Secretary  to  the  Marquis  of  Hert- 
ford. Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  14,  1656.  M.P.  for 
Tamworth,  1661-9.   Died  1669.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WALROND,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1681. 

WALRONDE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WALSALL,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1622.  Of  Middlesex.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 
Fellow,  1627-36.  Taxor,  1635.  D.D.  (Oxford)  1642-3. 
R.  of  Gt  Wigborough,  Essex,  1636.  R.  of  Sandy,  Beds., 
1639.  Archdeacon  of  Coventry,  1642.  Ejected  from  his 
livings;  restored  to  Sandy,  1660.  Preb.  of  Westminster, 
1660-1.  Died  Sept.  6,  1661,  at  Sandy.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1661. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel  (1629),  father  of  the  next.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  Masters.) 

WALSALL,  FRANCIS.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  i66o-i;  M.A. 
1661  (Lit.  Reg.).  S.  of  Francis  (above).  Matric.  (Magdalen, 
Oxford)  Apr.  1,  1656;  exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse. 
Chorister  at  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1655-8.  V.  of 
Lavendon  and  Brayfield,  Bucks.,  1670-93.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Al.  Carthus.,  23.) 

WALSALL,  GODWIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1598.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,' 
1605.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1605-8.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.) 

WALSALL,  JOHN.  M.A.  16x4-5  (on  King's  visit).  One  of 
these  names  Notary  Public  and  Proctor  of  the  Arches; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1628;  of  Cambridge,  and  of  St  Gregory's' 
London.  ' 

WALSALL,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  29,  1666. 
Matric.  1667. 

WALSALL,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  (age  14)  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1589.  S.  of  John,  D.D.,  R.  of  Eastling, 
Kent.  B.  there,  1575.  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596;  B.D.  1604; 
D.D.  1609.  Fellow,  1596.  Masterof  Corpus  Christi,  1618-26'. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1606.  V.  of  Alkham,  Kent,  1608-1 1. 
V.  of  Appledore,  1609-11.  R.  of  St  Mary  Abchurch,  London^ 
1611-3.  R.  of  Little  Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  1613-26.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  14,  1624-5.  Died  July  31,  1626.  Buried  at 
St  Bene't,  Cambridge.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  and  admon. 
(P.C.C).  Brother  of  Thomas  (1585-6).  (Masters;  H.  G. 

WALSALL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1629.  Of 
Middlesex.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Francis  (1622). 

WALSALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Jan.  17, 
1585-6.  S.  of  John,  D.D.  B.  at  Canterbury.  School,  Canter- 
bury (Messrs  Goldesborow,  Arnold  and  Short).  Scholar, 
1585-93;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  Probably  preb.  of  WeUs] 
1590.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1589).   (Venn,  i.  126.) 

WALLSALL,  Rector  of.  B.Can.L.  1490-1. 

WALSH,  see  also  WELCH. 

WALSH,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1675  (Lit.  Reg.).  One  of  these  names, 
M.D.,  of  Stockton,  Worcs.  Created  Fellow  of  the  R.C.P.  by 
charter  of  James  II,  1687.  Will,  1728. 

WALSHAM,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  Lent, 
1657-8.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3;  MA.  1666.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1664;  priest,  June  2,  1667. 

WALSHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Dec.  12,  1678.  S.  of 
John,  of  March,  Isle  of  Ely,  Esq.  Matric.  1679.  Of  March, 
Esq.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next. 

WALSHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  3,  1705.  Of 
March,  Isle  of  Ely.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (above).  Bapt. 
June  19,  1689,  at  March.  Matric.  1706. 

WALSHAM,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter 

WALSHAM,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1613.  Of  Nottinghamshire. 

WALSHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1638. 

WALSAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WALSHAM,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1579-80.   Of  Nottinghamshire. 

WALSHAM, .  .-V  friar:  excused  regency,  1459-60. 

WALSHAM  or  WALSAM, .  Doctor,  1461-2. 

WALSHYNGHAM,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent 


Walsingham,  Francis 

WALSINGHAM,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs. 
1548  (FeU.-Com.  in  College).  S.  of  William,  of  Chislehurst, 
Kent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1552.  Brought  up  as  a  zealous 
Protestant.  Travelled  abroad  under  Queen  Mary;  studied 
the  laws  languages  and  politics  of  the  chief  states  of  Europe. 
Adm.  at  Basel  University,  1555-  M.P.  for  Banbury,  1559; 
for  Lyme  Regis,  1563-7;  for  Surrey,  1 574-90-  Chief  of  the 
Secret  Service  in  London,  1569.  Ambassador  at  Paris  to 
negotiate  a  French  alliance,  1570-3-  Protected  English 
Protestants  during  the  St  Bartholomew  Massacre,  1572. 
Secretary  of  State,  1573-90.  Knighted,  Dec.  1,  i577. 
Settled  at  Bam  Elms,  Surrey,  1579-  Much  employed  m 
foreign  negotiations,  but  his  advice  neglected  by  Elizabeth. 
An  unwilling  envoy  to  the  Netherlands,  1578.  Organised 
at  his  own  expense  a  secret  service  to  discover  the  plans  of 
Spain  and  the  Jesuits.  Encouraged  colonial  enterprises. 
Sat  in  the  Commission  that  tried  and  convicted  Mary  Queen 
of  Scots,  1586.  Involved  in  debt  through  being  security  for 
his  son-in-law,  Sir  Philip  Sidney,  1586.  Chancellor  of  the 
duchy  of  Lancaster,  1587.  Vainly  urged  Elizabeth  to  make 
preparations  for  the  Armada,  1587.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau. 
of  Sir  George  Barnes  (Lord  Mayor  of  London,  1552);  (2)  Ur- 
sula dau.  of  Henry  St  Barbe.  Died  Apr.  6,  1590.  Buned 
in  Old  St  Paul's.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.   (D.N.B.) 

WALSINGHAM,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1628.  Married  Hester  Appleford,  of  Deptford,  Kent, 
widow,  Feb.  15,  1639-40. 

WALSINGHAM,  JAMES  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm. 
Oct.  14,  1386;  LL.B.   Resigned,  Oct.  4,  1404. 

WALSINGHAM,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Mag- 
dalene, May  13,  1663.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  and  grandson 
of  Sir  Thomas  (1606),  Knt.,  of  Chislehurst,  Kent.  B.  1646, 
in  London.  School,  Gt  Chesterford,  Essex.  Matric.  1663; 
MA  1665.  Of  Little  Chesterford.  Master  of  the  Buck- 
houiids  to  the  Duke  of  York,  1670.  Master  of  the  Beagles 
to  WiUiam  III,  1693.  Died  s.p.,  Oct.  30,  1728,  aged  81. 
Buried  at  Little  Chesterford.  Will  proved  m  the  Court  of 
Delegates.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1670).   (H.G.Harrison.) 

WALSINGHAM,  THOMAS.   Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1428. 

WALSINGHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's, 
Michs  1606.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Chisle- 
hurst, Kent,  Knt.  (for  whom  see  D.N. B.).  Knighted,  Nov.  26, 
1613.'  M.P.  for  Poole,  1621,  1628  and  1640.  Vice-Admiral 
of  Kent,  1627.  Sold  the  family  property  of  Scadbury,  c.  1655. 
Buried  Apr.  10,  1669,  at  Chislehurst.   {D.N.B.) 

WALSINGHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  22, 
1670.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  Feb.  165 1-2.  School,  Parson's 
Green,  Fulham,  private.  Gen tleman-in- waiting  to  Princess 
Mary,'  1679.  Died  s.p.,  Nov.  22,  1691.  Buried  at  Saffron 
Wald'en,  Essex.  Brother  of  James  (1663). 

WALSON,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1536-7-  A  friar.  Prior  of  the  house 
at  Lynn. 

WALTER,  see  also  WALTERS  and  WARTER. 

WALTER,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  26,  1667. 
Of  Kent.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674-  Signed 
for  deacon's  and  priest's  orders  (London)  Sept.  19,  1673; 
C.  of  Cranbrook,  Kent.  R.  of  High  Halden,  Kent,  1689-1712. 
Married  Mary  King,  of  Udimore,  Sussex,  Sept.  24,  1675. 
Buried  at  High  Halden,  June  17,  1712,  aged  63.  (H.  G. 

WALTER,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  19,  1738. 
S  of  Daniel,  M.A.,  preb.  of  Chichester.  B.  there.  Matric. 
1738-  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  i745-  FeUow  of 
Peterhouse,  1744.  Ord.  priest  (London)  June  i,  1746. 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Grantham.  V.  of  Oving,  Sussex.  Preb. 
of  Chichester,  1746-81.  V.  of  Wisborough  Green,  1761. 
Died  1781.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1781.  (T.  A.  Walker;  W.  C. 
Renshaw;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WALTER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1616. 

WALTER,  EDMUND.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  ii,  1661. 

Matric.   1661;  Scholar,   1664;   B.A.    1665-6.    Ord.   deacon 

(Lincohi)  Aug.  7,  1670;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1671.   V.  of  Long 

Owersby,  Lines.,  1671. 
WALTER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  16, 

1640.    S.   of  Edward.    B.   at  Westerham,   Kent.    School, 

Westerham  (his  father).    Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4;  M.A. 

1647.  One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Yarm-in-Cleveland,  Yorks., 

1669^6;  died  1696.  (Peile,  i.  469.) 
WALTER  or  WALTERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 

May  17,  1665.  Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A. 

WALTER,    GEORGE.     Adm.   sizar   at    Emmanuel,    Jan.    24, 

1596-7.   Matric.  1596;  Scholar;  B.A.  1600-1.   Perhaps  C.  of 

Colnbrook  Chapel,  Bucks.,  in  1613. 

Walter,  Le  Bedel 

WALTER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1654. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1661.  FeUow  of 
Queens',  1659-69.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London)  Mar.  i, 
1666-7.  V.  of  Loose,  Kent,  1666. 

WALTER,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  4,  1640-1. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Welton,  Lines.,  1663;  M.A.  V.  of 
St  Mary-in-Wigford,  1663. 

WALTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Clare,  June  20,  1643. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  '  Ivesham,'  Kent.  Migrated  to  Christ's, 
Mar.  31,  1645.   Matric.  1645. 

WALTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  3, 
1649.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Fawkham,  Kent.  B.  there. 
School,  Hadlow  (Mr  Grimes).  Matric.  1649.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  6,  1651. 

WALTER,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1586; 
scholar  from  Westminster.  B.  at  Burton,  Staffs.,  1566. 
B.A.  {?  1589-90);  M.A.  1593;  B.D.  i6o2.  FeUow,  1591-6. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  13,  1593.  R.  of 
Woodwalton,  Hunts.,  1596.  V.  of  Alconbury  and  Weston, 
1606-52.  Died  1652. 

WALTER,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1618; 
B..\.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  22;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1622.  One  of  these  names  6th  s.  of 
John,  of  Croydon,  Cambs.  Probably  the  clerk  of  these  names 
who  married  at  Marston  Mortaine,  Beds.,  Mar.  27,  1627, 
Jane  Gostwick.  {Cambs.  Vis.,  1619.) 

WALTER,  LEWIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  17,  1634. 
Of  Devon.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Ashbury.  B.A,  1637; 
M.A.  1641.   {Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

WALTER,  MAXFIELD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 

WALTER,  PETER.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  21,  1607-8; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1608;  'late  of  Queens'  CoUege, 
Cambridge.*   R.  of  Newton,  Lines.,  1619. 

WALTER,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  29,  i749-  B.  at 
Moreton  Hampstead,  Devon.  Matric.  1749;  B.A.  1753. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  18,  1753;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1754- 
R.  of  Crayford,  Kent,  1758-1806.  Probably  chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1759.   Died  Oct.  5,  1806,  aged  78.   M.I.  at  Crayford. 

WALTER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  25, 
1630-1.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5; 
M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  12,  1636;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1637.   Probably  R.  of  PickweU,  Leics.,  1660. 

WALTER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1735.  S.  of  Arthur,  mercer,  of  London.  School,  Okenham, 
Berks.  (Mentioned  in  the  books  of  the  Fishmongers'  Com- 
pany as  applying  for  a  scholarship.)  Matric.  1736;  B.A. 
1738-9;  M.A.  1744.  FeUow,  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
June,  1740;  priest  (LincoUi)  Sept.  25,  1743.  Chapb'n  of 
H.M.S.  Centurion,  1740  (then  fitting  for  her  celebrated 
voyage  round  the  world  under  Commodore  Anson).  Chaplain 
at  Portsmouth  Docks,  1745-85-  Married,  at  Gray's  Inn 
Chapel,  to  Jane  Saberthwaite,  of  St  Margaret's,  Lothbury, 
May  5,  1748.  Author,  A  Voyage  round  the  World.  Died 
Mar.  10,  1785.  Buried  at  Gt  Staughton,  Hunts.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
(G.  Mag.;  W.  P.  Haskett  Smith;  D.N.B.) 

WALTER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1615; 
B.A.  1618-9;  M..^.  1622. 

WALTER  or  WAULTIER,  SIMON.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall, 

WALTER,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  c.  1590. 

WALTER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1603; 

B.A.  1606-7. 
WALTER,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  26,  1707. 

S.  of ,  clerk,  deceased  (probably  Thomas,  R.  of  Blym- 

hUl),  of  Staffordshire.    Matric.   1707;  Scholar,   1709;  B.A. 

1710-1.    One  of  these  names,  R.  of  Bletsoe,  Beds.,  buried 

at  Wymington,  1730.  (W.  M.  Noble.) 
WALTER,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1571. 

Matric.  'Gualter,'  1571- 
WALTER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1592.  One 

of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam,  of  Wimbledon,  Surrey, 

and  of  the  Middle  Temple;  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 

May  26,  1592. 
WALTER,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1635-6  {Lti.  Reg.). 
WALTER,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1641. 
WALTER,  LE  BEDEL.    University  BedeU,  c.   1279.   (Stokes, 

Bedells,  59.) 
WALTER  or  WALTON, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1440; 

M.A.    Perhaps  FeUow.    R.  of  St  Bene't,  Cambridge,  1457. 

WALTER, .   B.D.  1474-5-  A  monk. 


Walters,  Edmund 

WALTER, .   Scholar  or  Fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1500-17. 

Gave  ^4  towards  building  the  tower,  1526. 

WALTERS,  see  also  WARTERS  and  WATERS. 

WALTERS  or  WATERS,  EDMUND.  M.A.  1672  (Incorp.  from 
Jesus  College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there.  Mar.  16,  1665-6, 
age  17.  S.  of  David,  of  Pile,  Glamorgan.  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1669;  M.A.  1672.  Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Llandaff) 
May  28;  for  priest's,  July  2,  1670.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Conway.  R.  of  Llantrithyd,  Glamorgan,  1671.  R.  of 
Llangan,  1671-1704.  Diedi704.  (/I/. 0.):on.;F.S.Hockaday.) 

WALTERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  4,  1604. 
S.  of  Daniel,  gent.,  of  Norwich.  School,  Norwich  (Mr 
Brigges).  Scholar,  1605-11;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  6,  1611.  Died  Oct.  22,  1619.  M.L  at 
St  Simon  and  St  Jude,  Norwich.  Brother  of  the  next.  (Venn, 
I.  186.) 

WALTERS,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  7, 
1618.  S.  of  Daniel,  gent.,  of  Barton,  Norfolk.  School,  North 
Walsham  (Mr  Tilles).  Matric.  1618;  Scholar,  1618-25;  B.A. 
1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627.  Licensed  to 
teach  at  Broxbounie,  Herts.,  Nov.  i,  1635.  Brother  of 
John  (above). 

WALTERS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  July  i,  1580. 

WOLTERS,  STEPHEN.  D.D.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.).  Died  1718,  aged 
73.   (Musgrave,  Ob.) 

WALTERS,  V/ILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Perhaps  V.  of  Raynham,  Kent, 
1665,  Walter. 


WALTERTON, .  B.Can.L.  1484-5. 

WALTERTON,  — .   M.A.  1500. 

WALTHALL,  PETER.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  17,  1720-1. 

Of  Staffordshire.    4th  s.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Leek,  deceased. 

Matric.  1721;  Rustat  Scholar,  1721;  B.A.  1724-5.    P.C.  of 

Sheen,  Staffs.,  1733-6.   R.  of  Wistaston,  Cheshire,  1737-61. 

Died  Dec.  13,  1761.    (Burke,  L.G.;  A.  Gray;  Ormerod,  iii. 

WALTHAL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 

21,   1652.    S.  of  John,  mercer,  of  Shrewsbury.    B.  there. 

School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659; 

B.D.  1667.  Fellow,  1656.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London) 

Mar.  5,  1663-4.   WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1673. 
WALTHALL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 


WALTHALL,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1620  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).   Of 

Middlesex,  gent.   Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  citizen  and  mercer, 

of  London.    Bapt.  Jan.  6,  1596-7,  at  St  Peter's,  Comhill. 

Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)   Nov.  22,   1616,  age   19; 

B.A.  (0.xford)  1616-7;  M.A.  1619.    Will  (P.C.C.)   1649;  of 

St  Martin  Outwich.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 
WALTHAM,  THOMAS,  Abbot  of.  D.D.  1474-5.  Probably  John 

WALTHAM,  WILLIAM.    Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  Nov. 

30,  1377.   Left,  Oct.  20,  1388. 
WALTHEW,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  4,  1668. 

Of   Kensington,   Middlesex.    Perhaps  s.   of  Henry  (next). 

Matric.    1668;    B.A.    1671-2;    M.A.    1675.     Fellow,    1678. 

Taxor,  1686.  V.  of  Isleham,  Cambs.,  1686-1704. 

WALTHEWE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1618.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  East  Greenwich,  Kent,  Esq. 
B.A.  1621-2.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628.  ('M.A.  from  Trinity 
Hall,  1624.')  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  31,  1621. 
Perhaps  father  of  Edmund  (above).  (Vis.  of  Kent;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WALTON,  BANASTRE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  9,  1747-  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Marsden,  Lanes. 
B.  at  Marsden,  near  Colne.  School,  Chesterfield,  Derbs. 
(Mr  Burrow).  Matric.  1747.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Nov.  13,  1749.  Migrated  to  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  30,  1752. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George  Toulson,  of  Skipwith. 
Died  s.p.,  at  Skipwith,  Yorks.,  Apr.  13,  1784.  (G.  Mag.; 
J.  Parker.) 

WALTON,  BRIAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1616.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.  1600,  in  Cleveland.  Migrated  to 
Peterhouse,  Dec.  4,  i6i8,  age  18.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623; 
D.D.  1639.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1645.  R.  of  St  Martin  Orgar, 
London,  1628.  R.  of  Sandon,  Essex,  1635.  R.  of  St  Giles'- 
in-the-Fields,  London,  1635-6.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1639. 
Sequestered  from  St  Martin  Orgar,  1643;  withdrew  to 
Oxford  and  studied  oriental  languages.  Fined  as  a  delinquent, 
1647;  returned  to  London.  Restored  to  his  benefices,  1660. 
Bishop  of  Chester,  1660-1.  Married  (i)  Ann  Claxton,  of 
Suffolk;  (2)  Jane,  dau.  of  William  Fuller,  Bishop  of  Durham. 
Editor  of  the  Polyglot  Bible;  issued  it  with  the  help  of  many 
scholars,  1654-7.  Author,  Introduciio  in  Lectionem  Linguar- 

Walton,  Leonard 

um  Orientaliunt.  Died  Nov.  29,  1661.  Buried  in  St  Paul's 
Cathedral.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next.  (D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WALTON,  BRYAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  24,  1673  (afterwards  Fell. -Com.).  S.  of  Brian  (above), 
Bishop  of  Chester.  School,  Chelsea.  Matric.  1673;  B.A. 
1676-7;  M.A.  1680;  LL.D.  1688.  FeUow,  1678.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1696.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WALTON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1554 

WALTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Lent,  1602-3; 
B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606. 

WALTON,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  12,  1725. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  John  (1700), 
schoolmaster  and  clerk,  of  Finedon.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  29, 
1709.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  14,  1732;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1733. 
C.  of  Burton  Latimer,  Northants.,  1732.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WALTON,  ISAAC.   Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 

1727.  S.  of  Isaac,  clerk,  C.  of  Marsden,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Rishworth  (Mr  Wadesworth).  Matric.  1727.  Buried 
at  Marsden,  June  29,  1730.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  407.) 

WALTON,  JAMES.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20;  priest,  lj-s,\>J>V*V, 
Dec.  21,  1623;  'M.A.  of  Trinity  College.'  One  of  these  names 
C.  of  Darwen,  Lanes.,  1637-40;  minister  of  Deane,  c.  1642-6; 
of  Horwich,  1647-8;  C.  of  Blackley,  1648-50.  Ejected 
(according  to  Calamy)  from  Shaw  or  Horwich,  1662.  (E. 

WALTON,  JAMES.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1631-2. 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Clerk.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  Oct.  4, 
1404.  Left  by  1409.  Perhaps  R.  of  Gt  Birch,  Essex,  1426-8; 
of  Roding  Margaret,  1437-50.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Headon,  Notts.,  1432-3. 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1554. 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1568; 
B.A.  1571-2 ;  M.A.  1575 ;  B.D.  1582.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1576. 
R.  of  BredsaU,  Derbs.,  1577-1603.  V.  of  High  Offley,  Staffs., 
1580-1603.  R.  of  Gedling,  Notts.,  1589-1603.  Archdeacon 
of  Derby,  1590.  Died  June  1,  1603.  Buried  at  All  Saints', 
Derby.  M.I.  His  widow  founded  a  scholarship  at  St  John's, 

WALTEN,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1614. 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 
B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Perhaps  C.  of  Famworth,  Prescot, 
Lanes.,  in  1647.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Homsey,  Middlesex, 
1654.   Perhaps  father  of  Richard  (1670). 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  15,  1657. 
Of  Lancashire. 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  July  6, 
1670.  Of  Warwick. 

WALTON,  JOHN.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   (age   18)   at  St  John's,' 
May  6,   1679.    S.  of  Thomas,  merchant.    B.  in   London. 
School,   Heskin,  Lanes.   (Mr  Foster).    Matric.   1679;   M.A. 
1682  (Com.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  28,  1679. 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  28,  1700. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A. 
1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1704;  priest,  Sept.  23, 
1705.  Schoolmaster  of  Finedon,  Northants.,  1705;  C.  of 
Finedon,  'upwards  of  30  years.'  Married  Katherine  Blake- 
way  at  Finedon,  Oct.  i,  1705.  Buried  Mar.  5,  1741-2,  at 
Finedon.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tilbrook,  Beds.,  1707-8; 
V.  of  Melchboume,  1715-22.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  July  4,  1701. 
S.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Knarsdale,  Northumberland.  School, 
Lowther  (Mr  Thos.  Lodge).  Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1702-3. 
C.  of  Crosby  Garrett,  Westmorland,  1707.  Head  Master  of 
Carlisle  Grammar  School,  1710-20.  V.  of  Corbridge,  1720- 
41.  Buried  there  July  29,  1741.  M.I.  Father  of  John  (1728). 
(H.  M.  Wood;  Peile,  11.  151.) 

WALTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  1720.  Of  Northumber- 
land. School,  Alnwick.  Matric.  1720;  Scholar,  1721.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  May  20,  1722.   (Peile,  11.  201.) 

WALTON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  i. 

1728.  S.  of  John  (1701),  clerk,  of  Westmorland.  B.  at 
Crosby  Garrett.  Schools,  Carlisle  and  Durham  (Mr  R>Tner). 
Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1731-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  1732; 
priest,  1734;  C.  of  Corbridge.  V.  of  Corbridge,  Northumber- 
land, 1742-65.  Married,  at  Bothal,  Northumberland,  June 
30,  1741,  Sarah  Lawson.  Buried  June  2i,  1765.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  417;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WALTON,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  19, 
1634,  from  Trinity.  S.  of  Christopher,  yeoman.  B.  at 
Masham,  Yorks.  Schools,  Bedale  and  Coxwold.  Matric. 
1633;  B.A.  from  Sidney,  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 


Walton,  Nicholas 

WALTON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1604.  S.  of  George,  alderman,  of  Durham.  B..\.  1607-8; 
M  A  1611.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611.  Master  of  Durham 
Grammar  School,  1614-28.  P.C.  of  Croxdale,  1616-39. 
Minister  at  St  Nicholas,  1616-39.  Buried  there  Apr.  17, 
1639.  Will,  Durham.  (H.  M.  Wood;  Surtees,  iv.  154;  Al. 

WALTON,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  10,  1729. 
Of  Waltham,  Essex.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1729; 
Scholar,  1730;  B.A.  1732-3;  M-A.  1736;  D.D.  i759-  Ord. 
deacon  (Bristol)  Dec.  26,  i737;  priest  (London)  Mar.  18, 
1738.  Chaplain  to  Viscountess  Primrose.  R.  of  Mickleham, 
Surrey,  1745-71.  V.  of  Dorking,  1745-66.  V.  of  Odiham, 
1756-71.  Preb.  of  Winchester,  1756-71.  Chancellor  of 
Salisbury,  175&-71.  V.  of  Alton,  Hants.,  1766-71.  Died 
Apr.  1771.  {Al.  Westmon.,  300;  Lambeth  Act  Book;  T.  C. 

WALTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  TRiNiiy,  June  6,  1670. 
S  of  John  (?  1632),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Lancashire.  Matric. 
1670.   Migrated  to  Jesus,  Oct.  19,  1672,  age  18. 

WALTON,  THOMAS.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1401.  Pro- 
moted to  a  benefice,  Apr.  8,  1415.  Preb.  of  Aylesbury, 
Bucks.,  1415-9.  'LL.B.' 

WALTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1565.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1570. 

WALTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WALTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  20, 
i6io  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18,  1637-8.  Perhaps  V. 
of  Waldershare,  Kent,  1638,  and  R.  of  Eythome,  1661-98. 
Died  July  14,  1698. 

WALTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  22, 
1642-3.  One  of  these  names  lecturer  at  Ilford,  Essex,  1651-4. 
V.  oit  West  Ham,  1656-60,  ejected.   (H.  Smith.) 

WALTON,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

WALTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1561-  B.A.  1564-5.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  21,  1567. 
One  of  these  names  C.  of  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London. 
Buried  there  Sept.  1,  i577- 

WALTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1618.  Of 
Seaton,  Devon.  Matric.  i6j8;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625. 
Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Bristol)  Sept.  22,  1621.  V. 
of  Seaton,  c.  1626.  Emigrated  to  New  England,  c.  1635. 
Settled  permanently  at  Marblehead,  Mass.,  1637;  served 
there  as  minister  among  the  fishermen.  Buried  at  Marble- 
head,  Nov.  9,  1668.  {FeU,  230;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

WALTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  28, 
1635  S  of  William,  B.A.  (sic).  B.  in  Cambridge.  Schools, 
Perse  and  Godmanchester  (Mr  Sell)  and  Potton,  Beds. 
(Mr  Sheires).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  1,  1639-40.  V.  of  Fenstanton,  Hunts.,  1645- 
63.   R.  of  Abington  Pigotts,  Cambs.,  1663-72. 

WALTON  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  12,  1726-7. 
B  at  Ely,  Cambs.  School,  Ely.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  19,  1726-7.  Matric.  1727;  Scholar,  1727;  LL.B.  from 
Queens'  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1732;  priest 
(Norwich)  June,  1735-  R-  oi  Upton,  Hunts.,  1748-89.  Died 
Oct.  16,  1789,  aged  85.  WiU,  P.C.C.   (G.  Mag.) 

WALTON, .  B.Can.L.  1482-3. 

WALTON, .  B.Civ.L.  1511-2. 

WALWYDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 


WALWYN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1688.  B.  at  Kentchurch,  Hereford.  Matric.  1689;  B.A. 
1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Fellow,  1692.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  12,  1692-3.  Master  of  Maidstone  School,  Kent,  1696- 
1740.   (Harwood.) 

WALWYN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1578; 
Scholar,  1582;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1504.  Ord.  priest  (Chichester)  Nov.  19,  1587.  R-  of  Ockley, 
Surrey,  1589-96.   R.  of  Withyham,  1597.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WALWYN,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1623-4.  Of  Norwich.  One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  R.  of 
Kirton,  Sufiolk,  1625. 

WALWIN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  17, 
1682  S  of  William,  plasterer,  of  Lynn.  B.  there.  School, 
Lynn.  Matric.  1682;  Scholar,  1682-7;  B.A.  1685-6.  {Venn, 
I.  470.) 

WALWYN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1579. 
One  of  these  names,  'of  Arundel,  Sussex';  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Oct.  28,  1584,  from  Staple  Inn. 

WALWYN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  8, 
1697.  S.  of  John,  of  Snodland,  Kent,  clerk.  B.  at  Peter- 
borough. Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1733.  Ord.  deacon 

Wandesford,  John 

(Ely)  July  5,  1702;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1709.    V.  of  Cudham, 
Kent,  1709-46.  R.  of  Downe,  1718-46.  R.  of  Hayes,  i733- 
48.   Buried  there  June  26,  1746. 
WANDE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Jan.  16,  1690-1. 
Of  Holwell,  Leics.   Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1694-5-   Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)   Sept.   22,    1695;   priest,   Sept.   25,    1698.    V.   of 
Abkettleby,  Leics.,  1698. 
WANDELESS  or  WANTELESS,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from 
St  John's,   Easter,   1611;   B.A.   1614-5,   Wandless;  M.A. 
WANDESFORD,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  June   17,    1687.    S.   of  Sir  Christopher,   Bart.,  of 
Kirklington,  Yorks.   Bapt.  Sept.  15,  1669.   School,  Enfield, 
Yorks.    Scholar,   1687;  Matric.  1688;  B.A.   1690-1.    Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  20,  1686.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 
June  12,   1693.    Died  s.p.,  1695.    Brother  of  Christopher 
(1669).   {T.  A.  Walker,  181;  H.  A.  E.  Sturgess;  J.  Parker.) 

1511-2;  M.A.  1515. 
from  St  John's,  Lent,  1564-5.  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis,  of 
Kirklington,  Yorks.  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Fulthorpe,  of 
Hepewell).  If  so,  High  Sheriff,  1578.  Knighted,  1585-6. 
Of  Kirklington.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Bowes, 
of  Durham.  Buried  July  12,  1590,  at  Kirklington.  Doubtless 
father  of  George  (1589),  William  (1589)  and  Francis  {c.  1597). 
{Genealogist,  N.S.  xv.  78.) 
WANSFORD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare, 
Michs.  1610.  Of  Kirklington,  Yorks.  Doubtless  s.  and  h. 
of  Sir  George  (1589).  Bapt.  Oct.  18,  1592,  at  Bishop  Burton. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  i,  1612.  Succeeded  his  father, 
1612.  M.P.  for  Aldborough,  1621-4;  for  Richmond,  1625-6; 
for  Thirsk,  1628.  A  personal  friend  of  Sir  Thomas  Went- 
worth  (afterwards  Earl  of  Strafford).  Accompanied  him  to 
Ireland.  P.C.  and  Master  of  the  RoUs,  Ireland,  1633.  Lord 
Chief  Justice  of  Ireland,  1639.  Lord  Deputy  of  Ireland,  1640. 
Acquired  Castlecomer,  Kilkenny,  1637.  Married  (1)  a  dau. 
of  William  Ramsden,  of  Longley,  Yorks.;  (2)  Alice,  dau.  of 
Sir  Hewet  Osborne,  of  Kniveton,  Yorks.,  Sept.  22,  1614. 
Died  Dec.  3,  1640,  at  Dublin  Castle.  Buried  at  Christchurch, 
Dublin.  Will  (Dublin)  1640.  Brother  of  Michael  (1614)  and 
father  of  John  (1649).  {Vis.ofYorks.;Buike,L.G.;J.  Parker; 
D.N.B.;  Whitaker,  ii.  140.) 
WANDESFORD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity, 
May  10,  1669.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Christopher,  Bart.,  of  Kirk- 
lington, Yorks.,  and  grandson  of  Christopher  (above).  B. 
Aug.  19,  1656.  Matric.  1669.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd 
Bart.,  Feb.  1686-7.  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1689-90.  M.P.  for 
St  Canice,  1692-3,  1695-9  and  1703-7.  P-C.  (Ireland). 
Created  Baron  Wandesford  and  Viscount  Castlecomer,  Mar. 
15,  1706-7.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Hon.  George 
Montagu,  of  Horton,  Northants.  Died  Sept.  13,  1707. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1687).  (Burke;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
G.E.C.,  III.  254.) 
WANDSFORDE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
a,  1597.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  Sir  Christopher  (1564-5),  of 
Kirklington,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.  Jan.  31,  1581-2.  Brother  of 
George  (1589)  and  William  (1589).  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1585-) 
M.A.  1473-4,  'Wainsworth.'  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Kirk- 
lington, Yorks.  Ord.  Apr.  2,  1468.  Perhaps  preb.  of  St 
Paul's,  1483-97,  LL.B.,  Wandysford.  {Genealogist,  N.S., 
XV.  76.) 
WAYNDESFORD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1581.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Michael,  of  Pickhill,  Yorks. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1580)  and  Rowland  (1584)- 
WENSFORDE  or  WANDSFORD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.- 
Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1589.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Sir  Christopher  (1564-5),  of  Kirklington,  Yorks.  B.  May  20, 
1573.  Knighted,  Apr.  29,  1607.  Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau. 
of  Raphe  Hansby,  of  Tickhill  and  Beverley;  (2)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Robert  Pamplin,  officer  of  the  Wardrobe  to  Queen 
Elizabeth.  Died  c.  1610.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Holbom, 
London.  WiU  proved,  Sept.  12,  1612.  Brother  of  William 
(1589)  and  Francis  (c.  1597),  doubtless  father  of  Christopher 
(1610)  and  Michael  (1614).  {Genealogist,  N.S.,  xv.  75.) 
WANDESFORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1549.  Probably  4th  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Kirklington,  Yorks. 
Adm.  atLincohi'sInn,  Oct.9,  1552.  Died  s./).,  Feb.  23,  i557- 
8.  One  of  these  names,  s.  of  Francis,  of  Hipswell,  Yorks., 
executor  to  his  father  in  1559;  of  Lincoln's  Inn  {sic).  (J. 
Parker;  Surtees  Soc,  62.) 
WANDESFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct. 
31,  1649.  3rd  s.  of  Christopher  (1610),  Lord  Deputy  of  Ire- 
land. B.  1634,  in  London.  School,  Richmond,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1649.  M.P.  for  Richmond,  1661.  Died  unmamed, 
Dec.  2,  1666.  Buried  at  Hoddesdon,  Herts.  (Burke,  L.G.; 
J.  Parker;  Surtees  Soc,  62.) 


Wandesford,  Michael 

WANDESFORD,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1614.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  George  (1589),  of  Kirk- 
lingtoD,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.  at  Beverley,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Oct.  2, 
1597.  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  lo, 
1618.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  18,  1624,  age  26.  Canon 
of  Ripon,  1625-37.  R.  of  Kirklington,  1630-6.  Dean  of 
Limerick,  1635,  and  of  Derry,  1635.  Died  1637.  Will 
proved  (Derry)  Sept.  3,  1638.  Brother  of  Christopher  (i6io). 
(Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  H.  B.  Swanzy;  Whitaker,  Richmond' 
shire,  11.  140.) 

WANDISFORD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1580.  Of  Richmondshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Michael,  of  Pick- 
haU,  Yorks.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1583-4;  M.A.  1587. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1587.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2, 
1590-1.  Married  Muriel,  dau.  of  Robert  Yoward,  of  Stokes- 
ley,  in  1595.  Brofher  of  George  (1581)  and  of  the  next, 
father  of  Rowland  (1618)  and  William  (i6ii).  {Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612;  Surtees  Soc.,  62.) 

from  St  John's,  Michs.  1584.  Doubtless  s.  of  Michael,  of 
PickhaU,  Yorks.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  30,  1588. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1597.  Bencher,  1613.  Treasurer,  1626-7. 
Attorney  of  the  Court  of  Wards  and  Liveries,  1637. 
Knighted,  Feb.  12,  1637-8.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Wentworth,  of  North  Elmsall.  Died  before  May  18, 
1652.  Will  dated,  Sept.  3,  1640;  proved,  Sept.  27,  1653. 
Brother  of  Richard  (above),  etc.  (Lincoln's  Inn  Bl.  Bk; 
Surtees  Soc,  62.) 

WANSFORD,   ROWLAND.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Oct.   19, 

1618.  2nd  s.  of  Richard  (1580),  of  Pickhall,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
B.  in  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1618.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  3,  1621.  Brother  of  William  (i6ii).  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 

WANDESFORD,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Jan.  i, 
1439-40.  Left,  Dec.  22,  1441. 

Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1589.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of 
Sir  Christopher  (1564-5).  Bapt.  Oct.  28,  1576.  Of  Westham, 
Essex.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Robert  Pamplyn,  of 
London,  June  8,  1603.  Brother  of  George  (1589)  and  Francis 
(<:■  1597).   (Genealogist,  N.S.,  xv.  78.) 

WANTSFORD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1611.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard  (1580),  of  PickhaU, 
Yorks.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  8,  1611.  Age  15 
in  1612.    Married  Elizabeth  Askwith,  of  Osgodby,  Oct.  27, 

1619.  Living,  1640.  Brother  of  Rowland  (i6i8).  (Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1612;  Surtees  Sac,  62.) 


-.   B.A.  1530-1;  M.A.  1534;  B.D.  1543. 

WANGFORD,  Prior  of.  Fee  for  degree,  1458-9. 

WANKFORD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  5,  1684. 
Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Berwick  Hall 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Shelly,  of  Magdalen-Laver). 
Succeeded  his  father,  in  1688.  Married  (i)  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
John  Fotherby,  of  Herts.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  John 
Ouseley,  R.  of  Panfield,  Essex.  Buried  June  20,  1708,  at 
Topesfieid.  Brother  of  Shelley  (1690).   (Moran<,  11.  359.) 

WANKFORD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  4,  1724. 
S.  of  Shelley  (next),  gent.,  of  Essex.  B.  at  Stanbourn. 
School,  Newport,  Essex.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Nov.  9, 
1725,  age  19;  Matric.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  26, 
1729;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1730.  C.  of  Fairstead,  Essex.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  392.) 

WANKFORD,  SHELLEY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  10, 
1690.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Berwick 
Hall,  Essex  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Shelley). 
Brother  of  Robert  (1684)  and  father  of  Robert  (above). 

WANLESS  or  WANLEYS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
July  2,  1698.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Lincoln.  Mus.Bac. 
1698.  Organist  at  York,  1691.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry 
Harrison,  of  Holtby,  Yorks.,  Feb.  10,  1697-8.  Musical 
composer.  Died  Feb.  2,  1711.  Buried  at  Belfrey's,  York. 
(J.  E.  West,  Organists.) 

WANLEY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  9, 
1727-8.  S.  of  William  (by  his  2nd  wife  Anne,  dau.  of 
Humphrey  Fowle,  of  Rotheriield) .  B.  at  Marske,  Richmond. 
Bapt.  there,  Apr.  25,  1709.  School,  Kirkleatham  (Mr  Clark). 
Matric.  1728;  Scholar,  1730;  B.A.  1731-2;  M.A.  1735;  D.D. 
1748.  Fellow,  1734-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4,  1732; 
priest,  1733.  C.  of  Spofiorth,  Yorks.,  1732.  V.  of  Thirkleby, 
1737-50.  V.  of  Aldborough,  1744-50.  Preb.  of  Hereford, 
1745-91.  Preb.  of  Southwell,  1748-91.  Chancellor  of  York, 
1749-50.  R.  of  Stokesley-in-Cleveland,  Yorks.,  1750-91. 
Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Hutton.  Dean  of  the  Collegiate 
Church  of  Ripon,  1750-gi.  Preb.  of  York,  1750-91.  Married 
Jane,   dau.   of   Sir    Henry   Goodricke,    Bart.,  of   Ribston, 

Warburton,  Thomas 

Yorks.,  Apr.  26,  1739.  Died  July  9,  1791.  Buried  at  Ripon. 
M.I.  Probably  brother  of  the  next.  (Peile,  u.  216;  W.  J. 
Kaye;  Fowler,  Memorials  of  Ripon,  11.  273;  M.  H.  Pea- 

WANLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  June  29,  1738. 
S.  of  William.  Matric.  1738.  Probably  brother  of  Francis 

WANLEY,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Dec.  21,  1649.  Of  Leicestershire.  Bapt.  Mar.  27,  1634,  at 
Leicester.  School,  Leicester.  Scholar,  1650.  Migrated  to 
Trinity,  Jan.  27,  1651-2.  B.A.  1653-4;  M-A.  1657.  R.  of 
Beeby,  Leics.  V.  of  Trinity  Church,  Coventry,  1662.  Married 
Ellen,  dau.  of  Humphrey  Burton,  coroner  and  town  clerk, 
of  Coventry,  July  24,  1655.  Author,  The  Wonders  of  the 
Little  World,  etc.  Died  before  Dec.  22,  1680.  Father  of 
Humphrey,  the  antiquary,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.  (D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WANLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  29, 
1700.   Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1700. 

WANT,  JEREMY.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1604. 

WANT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  27,  1630- 
i.  S.  of  Nicholas,  gent.,  of  Newport,  Essex.  B.  there. 


WAPLE,  EDWARD.  B.D.  1680  (Incorp.  from  St  John's  CoUege. 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  July  3,  1663.  S.  of  Christopher,  of 
London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1667; 
M.A.  1671;  B.D.  1677.  Proctor  (Oxford)  1675.  Preb.  of 
Wells,  1667-1712.  Archdeacon  of  Taunton,  1682-1712.  V. 
of  St  Sepulchre's,  London,  1683-1712.  Canon  of  Winchester, 
1690-1712.  Died  June  8,  1712.  Buried  in  the  Chapel  of 
St  John's  College,  Oxford.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.;  he  Neve, 

WAPLE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  8,  1683. 
S.  and  h.  of  Gravely,  yeoman.  B.  at  Chillington,  Beds. 
Schools,  Felmersham  and  Uppingham.  Matric.  1683;  B.A. 


WARBURTON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July, 
1620.  Possibly  4th  s.  of  Peter,  of  Hefferstone,  Cheshire. 
If  so,  matric.  (University  CoUege,  Oxford)  Dec.  6,  1622, 
age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1623-4.   (■^'-  Oxon.) 

WARBURTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June 
21,  1666.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  George,  Bart.,  of  Arley,  Cheshire. 
Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Trinity  CoUege,  Oxford)  May 
23,  1667.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  23,  1666.  CaUed  to  the 
Bar,  1673.  Of  the  Gore,  in  Aston,  parish  of  Budworth, 
Cheshire.  Married  and  had  issue.  (Venn,  i.  427;  Al.  Oxon.; 
Ormerod,  i.  430.) 

WARBURTON,  HAMLET.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  1, 
1644-5.  Of  Cheshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Partington,  Cheshire.  Matric.  1645;  Scholar.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Feb.  6,  1644-5,  'Hannet.' 

WARBERTON,  Sir  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Easter,  1568.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Peter,  of 
Warburton,  and  Arley,  Cheshire,  Knt.  Knighted,  Oct.  2, 
1553.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Brereton,  Knt. 
Died  Aug.  31,  1575,  aged  52.  Buried  at  Gt  Budworth. 
(Vis.  of  Cheshire,  1613;  Ormerod,  1.  430.) 

WARBERTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Jan. 
19,  1638-9.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Stubbins,  near  HasUng- 
den.  Lanes.  B.  there.  School,  Bolton  (Mr  Duckworth). 
Matric.  1639.  One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Holcombe,  Lanes., 
1667-91;  perhaps  the  same  man  C.  of  Bury,  Lanes.,  1668, 
and  chaplain  of  Manchester  College,  1692.  Died  June  10, 
1693.  Buried  at  Bury.  (E.  Axon;  Victoria  Hist.  Lanes.,  v. 

WARBURTON,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1664.  Probably 
R.  of  Oakham,  Rutland,  1690-1736.  Probably  father  of 
Thomas  (171 7)  and  WiUiam  (1703). 

WARBURTON,  RICHARD.   Proctor,  1457-8. 

WARBURTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1611.  B.  in  Cheshire.  B.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  20,  1618,  age  29.  Schoolmaster  in  St  Andrew's, 
Holbom,  London.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Darenth,  Kent, 
1627-42:  of  Wilmington,  1635-42. 

WARBURTON,  THOMAS.  .Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  29,  1694.  Of  Hertfordshire.  School,  Lilley.  Scholar, 

WARBURTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  28,  1717.  S.  of  John  (?  1664).  cJcrk,  of  Rutland.  B.  at 
Oakham.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Wright).  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1722;  'C.  of  Oakham';  priest, 
Sept.  22,  I7i8;  'C.  of  Langham.'  Brother  of  WiUiam  (1703). 
(Scott-Mayor,  111.  315.) 


Warburton,  Thomas 

WARBURTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  24,  1736. 
S.  of  William  (1703).  B.  at  Newark,  Notts.  Matric.  1736; 
Rustat  Scholar,  1737;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A.  1744.  Fellow, 
1744-56.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1741;  priest 
(Norwich)  June,  1745.  V.  of  Fordham,  Cambs.,  i75i-4- 
V.  of  Hundon,  Suffolk,  1754-63.  V.  of  Elmstead,  1755-98. 
R.  of  Redenhall  with  Haileston,  Norfolk,  1763-97.  P.C.  of 
Coston.  Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1768-97.  Died  Nov.  i, 
1797,  aged  77.   (A.  Gray.) 

WARBURTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  24,  1596.  Of  London.  Matric.  c.  1596; 
B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1604.  FeUow,  1599-1605.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1605.  B.D.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  1612.  V.  of 
Long  Compton,  Warws.,  1605.  R.  of  Saintbury,  Gloucs., 
1617-42  (or  later).   WiU  (P.C.C.)  1651-2. 

WARBURTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  7,  1703.  S.  of  John  (?  1664),  clerk.  B.  at  Lavendon, 
Bucks.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Wright).  Matric.  1704;  B.A. 
1707-8;  M.A.  1711.  Fellow,  1711-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  23,  1710;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1713.  C.of  Egleton,  Rutland. 
Schoolmaster  at  Newark,  Notts.,  1714,  when  he  married, 
Nov.  14,  1714,  Elizabeth  Stanton.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1717) 
and  father  of  Thomas  (i735)- 

WARBURTON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1728  (on  the  King's  visit). 
2nd  s.  of  George,  town  clerk  of  Newark,  Notts.  B.  there, 
Dec.  24,  1698.  Schools,  Newark  and  Oakham.  D.D.  (Lam- 
beth) 1754.  Articled  to  an  attorney  at  East  Markham,  Notts. , 
1714-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  12,  1723;  priest  (London) 
Feb.  26,  1726.  R.  of  Newton  Blossomville,  Bucks.,  1726-30. 
V.  of  Greasely,  Notts.,  1727-8.  R.  of  Brant  Broughton,  1728. 
V.  of  Firsby-cwm-Steeping  Magna,  Lines.,  1730-56.  Read 
widely  and  had  a  large  literary  correspondence.  Chaplain 
to  Frederick,  Prince  of  Wales,  1738,  and  to  the  King,  1754. 
Preacher  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  1746.  Preb.  of  Gloucester, 
1753-5-  Preb.  of  Durham,  1755-79-  Dean  of  Bristol,  1757. 
Bishop  of  Gloucester,  1759-79-  Gained  the  friendship  of 
Alexander  Pope  by  publishing  a  defence  of  his  Essay  on  Man, 
and  made  his  literary  executor,  1744.  Brought  out  an  edition 
of  Pope's  works,  1751.  Intimate  with  Richard  Kurd,  Bishop 
of  Worcester.  Married  Gertrude  Tucker,  Sept.  5,  i745- 
Author,  The  Divine  Legation  of  Moses,  etc.  Died  June  7, 
1779.  Buried  in  Gloucester  Cathedral.  M.I.  (Lambeth  Act 
Bk;  T.  C.  Dale;  Nichols,  Lit.  Anec.,  v.  530;  D.N.B.;  Rastell's 

WARBYNTON,  Mr.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1474- 

WARCOP,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1552. 

WARCOP,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  15, 
1724.  S.  of  Henry,  merchant,  of  London.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1726;  LL.B.  1730- 

WARCOPP,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  9, 
1731.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Gatenby,  July  19, 
1712.  School,  Bumeston.  Matric.  1731;  LL.B.  1737.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28,  1738;  priest,  June  i,  1740.  V.  of 
St  Andrew,  Auckland,  Durham,  1751-6.  R.  of  Coniscliffe, 
1751-82.  Died  at  Heighington,  Durham,  Dec.  2,  1782, 
aged  70.  Buried  there.  (Sco«-Mayor,  111.  435;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WARCOPPE,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1559.  2nd  s.  of  Cuthbert,  of  English,  Oxon.  Married 
Rebecca'Cox.  Brother  of  the  next.  (T.  A.Walker.) 

WARCOPPE,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1559  (impubes).  S.  and  h.  of  Cuthbert,  mercer,  of  English, 
Nettlebed  parish.  Oxon.  Adm.  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford, 
1561;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1564.  J. P.  for  Oxon.  M.P.  for 
Oxon.,  1601.  Died  Aug.  1605,  aged  60.  Brother  of  Leonard 
(above).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WARCOPE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606. 

WHARCOPE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WARCOPE,  THOMAS.  Matnc.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WARCOP,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 

WARCOPP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  5, 
1663.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  East  Tanfield,  Yorks.  School, 
Northallerton  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1663;  LL.B.  1675.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1675.   {Peile,  i.  604.) 

WARCOPE, .   B.A.  1485-6;  M.A.  1490-r. 

WARD,  ABEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Oct.  12,  1736.  Of 
Staffordshire.  Matric.  1736;  B.A.  1740-1;  M-A-  i744- 
Fellow,  1741-5.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1744.  Preb.  of  Chester, 
1744-8.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Chester.  R.  of  St  Anne's, 
Manchester,  1745.  Archdeacon  of  Chester,  1751-85.  R.  of 
Dodleston,  Cheshire,  1758-85.  Died  Oct.  9,  1785.  Buried  in 
Chester  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.   (G.  Mag.) 

WARD,  ADAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1603; 
B.A.  from  King's,  1605-6.  Perhaps  brother  of  Isaac  (1601-2). 

Ward,  Edward 

WARD,  AMBROSE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1571. 

Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Oct.  23,  1573.   R.  of  Boothby  Pagnell, 

Lines.,  1577. 
WARD,  AMBROSE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1620. 

WARD,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  4, 
1646.  S.  of  Ambrose,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Yalding,  Kent. 
B.  there.  School,  Hadlow  (Mr  Grymes).  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1646-7. 

WARD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1551. 

WARDE,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1573;  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Colesby  (?  Cowsby),  Yorks.;  died  before  Oct.  1623.  {Peile, 
I.  126.) 

WARD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  22,  1602-3. 
Matric.  1603;  Scholar;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  i6io.  One  of 
these  names,  minister,  buried  at  Romford,  Aug.  18,  1612. 

WARDE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  9, 
1636-7.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Beckfoot,  Sedbergh  parish,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1. 
Perhaps  treasurer  of  Cashel,  1661-8;  V.  of  Templemore, 
and  R.  of  Thurles,  i66i-8;  R.  of  Knockgraffon,  1667-8; 
Vicar-General  of  Cashel,  1667.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WARD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June 
27,  1646.   S.  of  Henry,  of  London.   Matric.  1646. 

WARDE,  BRIAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Sept.  15,  1596. 
S.  of  John,  of  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Westmorland.  School, 
Kirkby  Lonsdale.  Matric.  c.  1596;  B.A.  1601-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  26,  1603;  C.  of  Heckingham,  Norfolk,  1603; 
priest,  May  22,  1608;  'C.  of  Oulton.'  C.  of  Walberswick, 
Suffolk,  i6ii.  R.  of  Endgate,  Beccles,  1613-41.  {Venn,  i. 

WARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  14, 
1630.  S.  of  Hamon,  gent.,  of  Hethersett,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Topcroft.  School,  Holt  (Mr  Tallis).  Matric.  1631;  Scholar, 
1631-5;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  12,  1636;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1637.  C.  of  Faken- 
ham,  Norfolk,  1637-c.  41,  and  of  Letheringsett,  1637.  R.  of 
Acle,  in  1646.  Buried  there  June  24,  1664.   {Venn,  i.  294.) 

WARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  8,  1680. 
S.  of  Ralph,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Horstead,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Norwich.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Mazey),  Cawston  (Mr  Green) 
and  Lynn  (Mr  Horn).  Matric.  1680;  Scholar,  1680-5;  B.A. 
1683-4;  M.A.  1693.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  9,  1686; 
priest,  Sept.  1687.  C.  of  Hockering,  Norfolk,  1686.  R.  of 
Hockering,  1687.  R.  of  Mileham,  1704-44.  Died  Aug.  6, 
1744,  aged  82.  Buried  at  Mileham.  M.I.  One  of  these  names 
chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1689.  {Venn,  i.  465;  Carthew,  Laun- 
ditch,  III.  291.) 

WARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  28, 
1690.  S.  of  William.  Bapt.  Dec.  19,  1671,  at  Morpeth. 
School,  Morpeth.  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1690;  B.A.  1693-4; 
M.A.  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  20,  1696;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1699.  Lecturer  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle-on-Tyne, 
1701.  V.  of  Chatton,  near  Wooler,  Northumberland,  1711-3. 
V.  of  Long  Horsley,  1714.  Married,  at  St  John's,  Newcastle, 
Oct.  23,  1711,  Margaret  Green.   (H.  M.  Wood;  Peile,  11.  117.) 

WARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  16, 
1729.  S.  of  William,  merchant,  of  Northumberland.  Bapt. 
Apr.  19,  171 1,  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle.  School,  Sedbergh. 
Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  21,  1733;  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  1735-  Perhaps  V.  of 
Tynemouth,  1740.  V.  of  Whittinghame,  Northumberland, 
1763-73.  Buried  at  Morpeth,  June  16,  1773.  {Scott-Mayor, 
III.  423;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WARD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1584. 

WARD,  ED.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1556 
{impubes).   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1556). 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1614; 
B.A.  1617-8; M.A.  1621. 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1634.  Of  Norfolk. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bixley,  Norfolk,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  1,  1635.  Sheriff  of  Norfolk, 
1655-6  and  1656-7.  Knighted,  Nov.  2,  1657.  Created  Bart., 
Dec.  19,  1660.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Richard  Catelyne, 
of  Kirby  Cane;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Harboume,  of 
Mundham,  Norfolk.  Buried  Sept.  2,  1684,  at  Bixley.  Father 
of  Edward  (1658),  Robert  (1669)  and  John  (1667).  {G.E.C., 
III.  139.) 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Mar.  21,  1638-9. 
Matric.  1639. 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 


Ward,  Edward 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  14,  1658.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward  (1634),  Esq.,  of  Bixley, 
Norfolk.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1658.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  24,  1660.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart., 
Sept.  1684.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  William  Rant,  M.D.,  of 
Thorpe  Market.  Buried  Mar.  18,  1686,  at  Postwick.  Brother 
of  John  (1667),  etc.,  father  of  Edward  (1689)  and  Thomas 
(1682).  (G.E.C.,  in.  139.) 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  26, 
1685.  S.  of  Edward,  deceased.  B.  at  Southscarle,  Notts. 
School,  Newark  (Mr  Twelves).  Matric.  1685. 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  12, 
1689.  S.  of  Sir  Edward  (1658),  Bart.,  of  Bixley,  Norfolk. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1689;  Scholar,  1690.  Succeeded 
as  4th  Bart.,  Jan.  1692.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  22, 
1693.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Leonard  Gooch,  of  Earsham, 
Norfolk.  Buried  Aug.  2,  1719,  at  Bixley.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1682)  and  father  of  Edward  (1717). 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Apr.  19,  1698. 
Of  London.  Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  Edward,  Baron  of  the  Ex- 
chequer (for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  Matric.  1698.  Left  £500 
towards  building  a  new  chapel  at  Clare,  1734.  Died  May  30, 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Apr.  2,  1717. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (1689).  B.  at  Bixley,  Norfolk. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  5th  Bart.,  Aug.  1719.  Married 
Susan,  dau.  of  William  Randall,  of  Yarmouth,  merchant. 
Buried  Mar.  7,  1736-7,  at  Bixley.   Father  of  the  next. 

WARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  30, 
1738.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward  (above),  Bart.,  of  Bixley, 
Norfolk.  B.  there,  1721.  Matric.  1738.  Succeeded  his  father 
as  6th  Bart.,  Mar.  2,  1736-7.  Died  unmarried,  Apr.  7,  1742. 
M.L  at  Bixley.   [Venn,  11.  45;  G.E.C.,  iii.  140.) 

WARD,  EDWARD  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Feb.  14,  1727-8.  S.  of  Alexander,  of  London.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1728;  Scholar,  1729;  B.A.  1731-2; 
M.A.  1735.  Fellow,  1734.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20; 
priest,  Dec.  21,  1741. 

WARD,  ELI  AS.   Incorp.  1670,  from  Orange  ('Auransiaca'). 

WARD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  28,  1671-2. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  R.  of  Ampton, 
Suffolk,  1684-90. 

WARD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  Easter,  1546.  Lay  clerk 
of  King's. 

WARD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1591. 

WARDE,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1603-4.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Chester)  Feb.  21,  1607-8. 

WARD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  May  3, 
1667.  Of  Leicestershire.  School,  Loughborough.  Matric. 
1667;  Scholar,  1668;  B.A.  1670-1. 

WARD,  GEORGE  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  12,  1686.  Of 
Cheshire.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Chester)  June  16, 
1689.  At  Eccleston,  Lanes.  (?  curate),  in  1691.  V.  of  Leigh, 
1696-1733.   Died  1733.   (E.  A.xon.) 

WARD,  GILBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1575; 
B.A.  1578-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1584.  Perhaps 
subscribed  for  priest's  orders  (Lincoln)  Mar.  29,  1586. 
V.  of  Barholme,  Lines.,  1584. 

WARD,  GILBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581. 

WARD,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  25, 
1630-1.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Derbyshire.  School,  Repton. 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5. 

WARD,  GRENVILL.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1605,  Gunvill;  B.A.  1607-8. 

WARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1476.  Of  Sherbrook,  Beds.  B.A.  1479-80;  M.A.  1483.  R.  of 
Kingston,  Cambs.  Took  a  religious  house  at  Greenwich. 

WARD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1556 
(impubes).   Perhaps  brother  of  Ed.  (1556). 

WARDE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Jan.  21, 
1595-6.  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Bixley,  Norfolk,  gent.  Bapt. 
Mar.  8,  1575-6.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  from  Christ's,  c. 
1593;  Scholar,  1596-1601;  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  (Venn, 
I.  158.) 

WARD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1598. 

WARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  28,  1620. 
S.  of  Edward,  of  Mendham,  Suffolk,  gent.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Apr.  28,  1619. 

WARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  27,  1637. 
S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  Bapt.  June  1,  1620,  at  Bixley,  Norfolk. 
School,  Velverton  (Mr  Brookes).  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  5,  1628-9.  Brother  of  Edward  (1634). 
(Venn,  i.  328.) 

Ward,  John 

WARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  8, 
1660.  S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  Middlesex.  B.  there. 
School,  Stamford  (Mr  Hermon).  Matric.  i66o;  B.A.  1665-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  10,  1666. 

WARD,  HERBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581; 
B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  25, 
1586;  priest  (Lincoln)  July  5,  1587.  V.  of  Bumham  Thorpe, 
Norfolk,  1587.  Licensed,  Sept.  9,  1619,  to  marry  Eliz. 
Sutcliffe,  of  Bigbye,  Lines. 

WARD,  HERBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1624. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1632.  V.  of  Hindringham,  Norfolk, 
1633.   V.  of  Heverland,  in  1662. 

WARD,  ISAAC.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  5,  1601-2.  Matric. 
c.  1601;  B.-'V.  from  King's,  1604-5.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Adam  (1603). 

WARD,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Easter,  1607.  Of 
Wanvickshire.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Feb.  1605^-10.  B.A. 
1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1616,  'Warren.' 
Perhaps  presented  to  Snargate,  Kent,  1648. 

WARD,  ISAIAH.  M.A.  1655  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of  Isaiah, 
of  Tysoe,  Oxon.,  pleb.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Apr. 
9,  1647,  age  18;  U.A.  (Oxford)  1649-50;  M.A.  1652.  One  of 
these  names,  M.D.,  buried  in  the  Middle  Temple  Church, 
Aug.  15,  1674.  Admon.,  P.C.C.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  8,  1653.  S.  of 
Adam.  B.  in  London.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Jan.  27,  1654-5. 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1660;  priest,  same  day.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Nettlestead,  Kent,  1662-1700.  Buried  there 
Apr.  1,  1700.   (Peile,  i.  564.) 

WARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  18,  1653-4. 
S.  of  John  (?  1609),  clerk,  of  Dennington,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1654.  (Al.  Carthus.,  119, 
where  he  is  wrongly  styled  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1660;  a 
confusion  with  James  (above).) 

WARD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  May  23,  1674. 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Settle.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric. 
1674;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678;  priest. 
Mar.  1682-3.   (Peile,  11.  52.) 

WARD,  JEREMY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  8,  1629. 
S.  of  Robert,  farmer.  B.  at  Twichell,  Hope,  Derbs.  Schools, 
Twichell  and  Sheffield.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A. 
1636.  Perhaps  the  Jeremy  Ward,  M.D.,  of  Alsop,  Derbs. 
One  of  these  names  of  Nether  Ashope  (?  Alsop),  Dertis.; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1651;  to  be  buried  at  Hope.  Perhaps  father  of 
Robert  (1664).   (F.M.O.,  647;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WARD,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1450. 

Of  Newark. 
WARD,  JOHN.  A  monk:  student  from  Oxford.  Grace  for  degree 

(?  B.D.)  1458-9. 

WARD,  JOHN.   Ccnn.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1462. 

WARD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1478-9;  M.A.  1482-3.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Snailwell,  Cambs.,  1492,  'M.A.' 

WARD,  JOHN.  Degree  (?  B.D.)  1486-7  or  1489-90.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Duxford  St  Peter,  Cambs.,  1500,  'B.D.'  WUl  (P.C.C.) 

WARD,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1530-1.  One  of  these  names  a  monk 
of  Ely;  preb.  of  Ely,  1541. 

WARD,  JOHN.   B.Civ.L.  1532-3. 

WARDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1579; 
B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1586.  Probably  ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Dec.  1586;  R.  of  Livermere,  Suffolk,  1588-1631.  Died  1631. 
(Identified  by  Cooper,  11.  310,  with  the  well-known  preacher 
at  Haverhill,  Bury,  and  at  Writtle,  near  Chelmsford.  M.I. 
at  Haverhill,  which  states  that  he  preached  the  gospel  there 
and  at  Bury  for  34  years,  but  not  the  date  of  his  death. 
The  dates  make  this  identification  improbable.)  (P*iU,  i. 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  27,  1596. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  clerk,  preacher  at  Haverhill,  Essex. 
Matric.  c.  1597.  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (London) 
1602.  R.  of  Little  Ellingham,  Norfolk,  1608.  V.  of  St 
Swithin,  Norwich.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1596)  and  Samuel 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  11, 1598; 
LL.U.  1605. 

WARDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  i6o6. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613. 

WARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1607. 
Perhaps  buried  at  Aspeden,  Herts.,  Jan.  17,  1655.  If  so, 
father  of  Seth  (1632).  (Clutterbuck,  iii.  356.) 


Ward,  John 

WARD,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June   i6,   1609. 

Matric.    1609;    Scholar;    B.A.    1612-3;    M.A.    1616.     Ord. 

priest   (Norwich)    Sept.    1614.     V.   of   St    Michael-at-Plea, 

Norwich,  1617.  Perhaps  R.  of  Dennington,  Suffolk,  1624-33, 

and   R.  of  St  Clement's,   Ipswich,   1645-65.    Died   before 

Nov.  1665.  Perhaps  father  of  Samuel  (1648). 
WARD,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  6,   1609-10. 

Matric.  1610;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618. 
WARDE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Caius,  May  22,  1612. 

S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Bolton,  Yorks.    School,  Richmond. 

Matric.  1612. 
WARDE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1614. 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  14,  1614-5. 
B.  at  Scarborough,  Yorks.  Matric.  1615;  Scholar;  B.A. 
1618-9;  M.A.  1622;  B.D.  1629.  Fellow.  Perhaps  proctor, 
1626.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1621;  priest  (London) 
June  18,  1623,  age  24;  C.  of  Berdon,  Essex.  V.  of  Winsford, 

Somerset,  1629.   Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1657;  V.  of , 

Somerset;  property  close  to  Winsford  and  in  Cambridge. 
(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  30,  1622.  S.  of 
Nathaniel  (1596),  clerk.  B.  at  Haverhill,  Essex,  Nov.  5, 
1606.  Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  R.  of  Hadleigh, 
Essex,  1633-9.  Went  to  New  England,  1639;  pastor  at 
Haverhill,  Mass.,  1641-93.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Edmunds,  of  Alkham,  Kent,  May  24,  1636.  Died  Dec.  27, 
1693.  (FeU,  378;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
WARD,   JOHN.    Adm.   pens,   at   Emmanuel,   Easter,    1626. 

Matric.  1626. 
WARD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1626. 
WARD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  29, 
1627-8.   S.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Carlton  Curlieu,  Leics.  and 
of  Marston-Trussell,  Northants.     Bapt.  Dec.  27,   1609,  at 
Marston-Trussell.    School,   Hothorpe   (Mr  Axley).    Matric. 
1628.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  23,  1626-7.   (Peile,  1.  389; 
Nichols,  11.  539.) 
WARD,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1629.   Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Mar.  2,  1633-4.   One  of  these  names  V.  of  Gretton,  North- 
ants., 1651,  and  V.  of  Weedon  Beck,  1663-74.   But  see  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
WARD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June,  1633. 
S.  of  George,  Esq.  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Wiseman). 
B.  at  Upton,  Badsworth,   Yorks.    School,   Eton.    Matric. 
1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.   V.  of  Sheering,  Essex,  1649, 
and  in   1664.    R.  of  Wennington,   1670.    Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  Salisbury.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1670.  (One  of  these  names 
ord.  priest  (Lincohi)  Apr.  2,  1642.    Perhaps  V.  of  Crowle, 
Lines.,  1642.)    Father  of  John  (1669)  and  Richard  (1674). 
{Hunter,  11.  445;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
WARD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Dec.  12,  1633.    Of 

WARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1646. 
WARD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1653, 
'Thomas.'    Perhaps  licensed  to  Harkstead,  Suffolk,  1662. 
One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  licensed  to  practise  medicine, 
Nov.  22,  1666. 
WARD,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  10, 
1652.     Of    Rutland.     School,    Uppingham.     Matric.    1655; 
B.A.  1656-7. 
WARD,   JOHN.     Adm.   sizar  at  Jesus,   June   23,    1653-     ^^ 

Derbyshire.  Matric.  1653. 
WARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  from  Caius,  1663;  B.A.  1667-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (Nor\vich)  Dec.  18,  1670;  priest,  Jan.  5,  1672-3.  R. 
of  Billockby,  Norfolk,  1673-9,  and  of  Anmere,  1678-1705. 
{Venn,  i.  433.) 
WARDE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  3,  1664.  S.  of 
Francis,  of  South  Walsham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1664;  Scholar, 
1664;  B.A.  1667-8.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1664). 
WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  23,  1667. 
S.  of  Sir  Edward  (1634),  Bart.,  of  Bixley,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
there,  Jan.  9,  1650-1.  Schools,  Surlingham  (Mr  Jewel)  and 
Mendlesham  (Dr  Smith).  Matric.  1667;  Scholar,  1667-74; 
B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Fellow,  1676-81.  Probably  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  May  29,  1681.  C.  of  Ryburgh,  Norfolk,  1681. 
R.  of  East  Bilney,  1681-1708.  C.  of  Bittering,  1684.  Brother 
of  Robert  (1669)  and  Edward  (1C58).  (Venn,  1.  430.) 
WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  21, 
1667-8.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Bramley,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Rotherham  (Mr  Barton).  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2; 
M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  21,  1673;  priest,  Feb. 

Ward,  Lees 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27,  1669. 
2nd  s.  of  John  (1633),  R.  of  Sheering,  Essex.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Bishop's  Stortford  and  Felsted.  Matric.  1670;  B.A. 
1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London) 
Dec.  18,  1673;  for  priest's,  Mar.  13,  1673-4.  Usher  at  Derby 
School,  1675-93.  V.  of  Sawbridgeworth,  Herts.,  1678-91. 
V.  of  Mickleover,  Derbs.,  1691-1740.  Died  1740.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1674)  and  father  of  John  (1704-5).  (H.M.Wood; 
Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.,  iv;  Surtees,  in.  13.) 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  8,  1675.  Of 
Rutland.  School,  Market  Bosworth.  Scholar;  B.A.  from 
Emmanuel,  1678-9.  Perhaps  R.  of  Edith  Weston,  Rutland, 
1683-7;  died  1687,  B.A. 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Trinity  Hall,  July  2,  1675.  S.  of 
John,  deceased,  of  Exford,  Somerset.  B.  there.  School, 
Arundell.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  July  4,  1676,  age  19. 
Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1678-9. 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  27,  1682.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Edmondthorpe,  Leics.,  1689-1709.  Perhaps  R. 
of  Tarporley,  Cheshire,  1709-15;  died  Apr.  11,  1715;  will, 
mentions  property  in  Notts.  (E.  Axon.) 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  8,  1697.  OfStafiord- 
shire.  Probably  s.  of  Michael.  B.  at  Newcastle,  Staffs. 
M.A.  1698.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  May  1,  1683, 
age  r8;  Scholar,  1685;  B.A.  1686.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WARDE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  19,  1704-5. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  John  (1669),  V.  of  Sawbridgeworth, 
Herts.  B.  at  Mickleover,  Derbs.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9; 
M.A.  1712;  B.D.  1721.  Fellow,  1710-33.  Junior  Proctor, 
1717-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1713;  priest  (London) 
June  12,  1715.  V.  of  Oakington,  Cambs.,  1722.  R.  of  Little 
Eversden,  1725.  R.  of  Longford,  Derbs.  R.  of  Hickling, 
Notts.,  1730-56.  V.  of  Melbourne,  Derbs.,  1732.  Died  1756. 

WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  9,  1709. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Willian,  Herts.  School,  Buntingford 
(Mr  England).  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1710-1;  B.A.  1713-4- 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  19,  1714;  priest,  July,  1720. 
C.  of  Gamlingay,  Cambs.,  1727.  {Peile,  11.  i73-) 
WARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter,  1722. 
Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Sedgley  Park,  Staffs. 
If  so,  succeeded  his  cousin  William  as  6th  Baron  Ward  of 
Birmingham,  1740.  Created  Viscount  Dudley  and  Ward  of 
Dudley,  Worcs.,  Apr.  21,  1763.  Married  (i)  Anna-Maria, 
dau.  of  Charles  Bourchier,  of  Dublin,  Dec.  26,  1723 ;  (2)  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Carver,  of  Westminster.  Died  May  6,  1774, 
aged  c.  70.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1724)-  {G.E.C., 
viii.  49;  Collins,  VI.  272.) 
WARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  5,  i732- 
S.  of  Michael  (1698),  R.  of  Leigh,  Staffs.  B.  Sept.  15,  1715. 
School,  Trentham  (Mr  Hargreaves).  Matric.  1733;  Scholar, 
1733;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Fellow,  i739-  R-  of  Cheadle, 
Staffs.  V.  of  Over,  Cambs.,  1756.  Died  s.p.,  Dec.  11,  1792. 
(Burke,  L.G.) 
WARD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  8,  1629.  Of 
Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Samuel  (c.  1594)-  Matric.  1629; 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Brother  of  Nathaniel  (1628)  and 
Samuel  (1621). 
WARD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  17,  1657. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1657;  B.-A.  1661.  Perhaps  ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  Aug.  13,  1662.  R.  of  Badingham,  Suffolk, 
1661.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Warrington,  Lanes.,  1664-90, 
'M.A.';  died  1690.  (But  this  may  apply  to  Joseph  (above).] 
Perhaps  father  of  William  (1704).  {Vict.  Hist.  Lanes.,  in. 
310,  where  he  is  identified  with  Joseph  Ward,  M.A.,  of 
WARD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  10,  1673- 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8:  M.A.  1681.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1679-80;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1680.  R. 
of  Thorpe-Market,  Norfolk,  1680-90.  R.  of  Cley-next-the- 
Sea,  1690-1735.  R.  of  Aldborough,  1699-1717,  and  probably 
1728-30.  R.  of  Barton,  1717-24.  R.  of  Warham,  1730-5. 
Died  Mar.  5,  1735,  aged  77.  M.I.  at  Cley.  Father  of  Joseph 
(1715).  (H.  G.  Harrison;  Blomefield,  ix.  379-) 
WARD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  July  8, 
1689.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  School,  Ely.  Matric.  1690; 
Scholar,  1693;  B..A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697. 
WARD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  6,  1715-  Ot 
Norfolk.  S.  of  Joseph  (1673),  R.  of  Barton,  Norfolk.  School, 
Eton.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724-  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  20,  1722.  R.  of  Blakeney,  Norfolk,  1724-7. 
R.  of  Little  Dunham,  1724-41.  R.  of  Barton,  1724-41. 
WARD,  LEES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1709.  Of 
Retford,  Notts.  Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1711;  B.A.  1712-3; 
M.A.  1716.  Fellow,  1716-42.  Senior  Proctor,  1730-1. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1733.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  16,  1717; 


Ward,  Leonard 

priest,  Sept.  21,  1718.  V.  of  Swavesey,  Cambs.,  1720-6. 
V.  of  Guilden  Morden,  1726.  R.  of  Harlton,  1727-55- 
Drowned  himself  at  Harlton.  Buried  there  Nov.  2,  1755. 
(A.  Gray;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WARDE,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1564. 
Probably  B.A.  (St  Alban's  Hall,  Oxford)  1571;  M.A.  1575- 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  July  28,  1572-  R-  of  Winwick,  North- 
ants.,  1582-1614.  V.  of  Theddiiigworth,  Leics.,  1582.  Perhaps 
his  will  (P.C.C.)  dated  Nov.  25,  1644;  Leonard  Ward,  D.D. 
(Peile,  I.  88.) 

WARD,  LUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1629. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  of  Guils- 
borough  (and  Elizabeth  Lucas).  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  6,  1614. 
B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18, 
1637-8.  R.of  Weston  Favell,  1641-74.  V.  of  Guildsborough, 
1665-74.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Portland.  Married  Jane, 
dau.  of  Samuel  Gierke,  D.D.,  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Northants. 
Died  Apr.  29,  1674.  Buried  at  Weston  Favell.  M.L  Will 
proved  (Archd.  Northampton)  May  13,  1674.  (Le  Neve, 
Mon.,  IV.  159;  Bridges,  i.  470;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WARD,  MARMADUKE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June 
18,  1633.    S.  of  William,  gent.    B.  at  Hurworth,  Durham. 
School,  Hurworth.    Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 
Buried  at  Hurworth,  Mar.  8,  1 670-1. 
WARD,  MARMADUKE.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  6,  1729.   S.  of  Joseph,  gent.,  of  Derbyshire.    B.  near 
Chesterfield.     School,    Chesterfield    (Mr    Burrow).     Matric. 
1729;  B.A.  1732-3.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  20,  1733", 
priest  (Norwich)  Oct.  1735.   R.  of  Occold,  Suffolk,  1745-56. 
R.  of  Swafield,  Norfolk,   1746-72.    R.  of  Beeston-by-Sea, 
1765-72.   Died  Feb.  6,  1772.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  422.) 
WARD,    MATTHEW.    Matric.   sizar  from  Christ's,    1592-3; 
B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600;  B.D.   1608.    Fellow,   1598-1609. 
Taxor,  1603.    C.  of  Caldecote,  Cambs.,  1607;  V.,  1609-39. 
Buried  there  Mar.  15,  1638-9. 
WARDE,  MATTHEW.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  c.  1597. 
S.  of  Anthony.  B.  at  Northcote,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick. 
Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1599-1600. 
WARD,  MICHAEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1560; 
B.A.  1563-4  (istin  the ordo);  M.A.  1567;  B.D.  1576.  Fellow, 
1565-75.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July  29,  1565;  priest,  Dec.  21, 
1568.   R.  of  Ockley,  Surrey,  1576-87.  Died  1587.  {Manning 
and  Bray,  11.  167.) 
WARD,  MICHAEL.    D.D.  1674  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Dublin).    S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of   Newcastle-under-Lyne. 
B.  at  Newport,  Salop,  1643.  B.A.  (Dublin)  1660.   Fellow  of 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1662;  Provost,  1674;  Vice-Chancellor 
of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1678.   Regius  Professor.   Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1674.  Bishopof  Ossory,  1678.  Bishop  of  London- 
derry, 1679-81.  DiedOct.  3,  1681.  Will,  Dublin.  (Al.Oxon.; 
Burke,  L.G.) 
WARD,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  11,  1698.  S.  of 
Michael,  of  Newcastle,  Stags.    B.  Dec.   7,   1681.    Matric. 
1701;  LL.B.  1704.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1705.  R.  of  Blithfield, 
Staffs.,  1713.    R.  of  Leigh,  1723-44.    Died  Sept.  11,  1744- 
Father  of  John  (1732).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Burke,  L.G.) 
WARD,  NATHANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.   15, 
1596.    S.  of  John,  clerk,  preacher  at  Haverhill,  Essex.    B. 
there,  1578.    B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.    For  some  years 
studied  law  and  travelled.  Chaplain  to  the  British  merchants 
at  Elbing,  1620-4.    C.  of  St  James',   Piccadilly,   London, 
1626-8.    R.  of  Stondon  Massey,  Essex,  1628-33;  suspended 
by  Laud  on  account  of  his  Puritan  views.    Went  to  New 
England,  1634.    Pastor  at  Ipswich,  Mass.,  1634-6.   Joined 
with  Rev.  John  Cotton,  of  Boston,  in  framing  the  first  code 
of  laws  established  in  New  England,   1639.    Appointed  a 
member  of  the  Committee  for  revising  the  laws  of  Mas- 
sachusetts, 1645.    Returned  to  England,  1646.   R.  of  Shen- 
field,  Essex,  1648-52.    Perhaps  one  of  the  Six  preachers  at 
Canterbury,    1647.     Author,    religious.     Died    Oct.    1652. 
Brother  of  John  (1596)  and  Samuel  (1594),  father  of  John 
(1622).  (D.iV.B.;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
WARD,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1619. 
B.  Jan.  2,  1605.   B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.   V.  of  Staindrop, 
Durham,  1635-44.  Slain  fighting  for  the  king  at  the  siege  of 
Milium   Castle,   Cumberland,   Dec.    1644.     (H.   M.   Wood; 
N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  xii.  426;  viii.  77-) 
WARD,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  28, 
1628.    S.  of  Samuel  (1594),  former  Fellow  of  the  College. 
B.  at  Ipswich.  School,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1631-2; 
M.A.  1635;  D.D.  i66i  (Lit.  Reg.).   Ord.  deacon  {LUt.  dim. 
Canterbury)   Sept.    19,    1635.     Probably    R.   of   Hadleigh, 
Essex,  1639-40.    R.  of  Hawkwell,  1640-43.    Perhaps  preb. 
of  Lincoln,  1660-6;  died  1668.    Brother  of  Samuel  (1621) 
and  Joseph  (1629).  (Lc  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  170.) 
WARD,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  25,  1660. 
Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Hinckley,  Leics.   Bapt.  Dec.  24, 

Ward,  Richard 

1643.    Matric.  1660.    Buried  at  Hinckley,  Sept.  23,  1662. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Pitsea,  Essex,  1670-88.  [Nathaniel 

W.,  of  Pilsey  (sic),  Essex,  clerk,  widower,  age  c.  31,  married 

Elizabeth  Cooper,  of  Surrey,  June  5,   1676.]    Will  dated, 

Feb.  20,  1687;  proved  (Chehnsford)  May  11,  1688.  (Nichols, 

IV.  710.) 
WARD,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  OcW  3, 

I7i6.    S.  of  Richard  (?  1675).    B.  at  Perivale,  Middlesex. 

School,  Harrow.   Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1725-6. 
WARD,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  13)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  26, 

1636.  S.  of  Joseph,  Esq.  B.  at  Middleham,  Durham.  Bapt. 

there,  Aug.  25,   1622.    School,  Middleham.    Matric.   1637; 

B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  Fellow.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1644. 

WARD,  NOAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  30,  1659. 
S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Derby.  School,  Derby  (Mr  George  Hill). 
Matric.  1659.  Usher  at  Derby  School.  Ord.  at  Sheffield. 
Chaplain  to  Sir  John  Wentworth;  removed  to  Askham,  near 
York;  remained  there  11  years,  preaching  chiefly  at  York, 
EUinthorpe  and  Selby.  Died  May  22,  1699,  aged  59.  (Peile, 
I,  584;  Calamy,  11.  597.) 

WARD,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  12,  1624. 
S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Repton.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1624; 
B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1630. 
Assistant  Master  at  Repton  School,  1628-39.  C.  of  Repton; 
v.,  1639-42.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1630).  (Peile,  I.  358; 
Repton  Sch.  Reg.) 

WARD,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1639.   Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646. 

WARD,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  28,  1602. 
Matric.  i6o2.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  May  22, 
i6o8,  age  24;  C.  of  Shelton,  'B.A.' 

WARD,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  26, 
1646-7.  S.  of  Ralph,  schoolmaster  at  Denby,  Yorks.  School, 
Denby.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650;  M.A.  1654.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1654.  Minister  at  Denby.  Chaplain  to  Colonel 
Fenwick's  regiment  at  Leith.  R.  of  Wolsingham,  Durham, 
1653.  V.  of  Hartbum,  Northumberland;  ejected,  1660. 
Kept  school  at  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Domestic  chaplain  to 
Sir  John  Hewley,  of  York.  Imprisoned  at  York,  1684-6. 
(Calamy,  11.  257;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WARD,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17,  sic)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  2, 
1661.  S.  of  Robert,  grocer,  of  Stokesley,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there, 
Sept.  15,  1642.  School,  York  (Mr  Banks).  Migrated  to 
Oxford.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  26,  1662, 
age  17  (sic);  B.A.  (Oxford)  166&-7.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WARDE,  RICHARD.  'King's  Scholar'  at  Cambridge;  adm. 
Feb.  2,  1342.  S.  of  John.   Left,  1355. 

WARDE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  13,  1525.  Of  Winkfield,  Berks.  Name  off,  1528.  (B.A. 
according  to  Harwood.)  Barrister,  Inner  Temple;  Reader, 
1534;  Treasurer,  1537.  M.P.  for  New  Windsor,  1542,  1547, 
1552-4;  for  Berks.,  1571.  Escheator  for  Oxon.  and  Berks., 
1542.  Keeper  of  the  armoury  at  Windsor.  Died  c.  1578. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1578.   (Cooper,  in.  2.) 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1545  (imputes). 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D.  1583.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Nov.  15,  1577;  priest,  Dec.  15,  1580,  age  26;  C.  of  Hauxton 
and  Newton,  Cambs.   (A.  Gray.) 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1568.   Possibly  same  as  the  next. 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1575;  B..'^.  1575-6; 
M.A.  1579.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  17,  1577;  priest  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  19,  1578.  V.  of  Little  Saxham,  Suffolk,  and 
Pensthorpe,  Norfolk,  i594- 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  29, 
1622.  S.  of  George,  of  Upton,  Yorks.,  gent.,  and  nephew  of 
Samuel  (1588-9).  B.  in  London.  School,  Kirby,  Yorks. 
(Mr  Will.  Green).  Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6.  (Sidney  Coll. 

WARD,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1631  (Incorp.  from  St  Andre\vs). 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  19,  1630.  Doubtless 
V.  of  Stanstcd  Mountfitchet,  Essex,  1640-7;  V.  of  Abbots 
Langley,  1657  and  1679-84.;  R.  of  Bushey,  Herts.,  i662-«4. 
Author,  theological  treatise.  Died  July  25,  1684,  aged  82. 
Buried  at  Bushey.  M.I.  Probably  father  of  Richard  (1678). 
(Clulterbuck,  i.  341;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  19, 
1657.  S.  of  Ralph,  gent.,  of  Horstead,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Drayton.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Levering  and  Mr  Lucie). 
Matric.  1657;  Scholar,  1657-62;  B.A.  1660-1.  Migrated  to 
Jesus,  Oct.  n,  1662.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  10,  1666; 
'C.  of  Oxnead,  Norfolk';  priest  (Exeter)  Dec.  19,  1669. 
R.  of  Beeston  St  Andrew,  1670-93.  Buried  there  Dec.  26, 
1693.   (Venn,  t.  398.) 


Ward,  Richard 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Pembroke,  May  26, 
1669.  S.  of  Richard,  mercer.   B.  at  Kendal,  Westmorland. 

WARD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  lo,   1672. 

Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6- 
WARD,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  8, 

1674.  S.  of  John  (1633).  B.  at  Sheering,  Essex.  School, 
Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Conway).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8; 
M.A.  1681.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  22,  1678;  priest, 
Dec.  19,  1680.  R.  of  Elton,  Notts.,  in  1685.  Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  Salisbury.  R.  of  Ingoldsby,  Lines.,  1685-1723- 
R.  of  Belton,  1710-23.  Chaplain  to  the  Archbishop  of  York. 
Author,  Life  of  Henry  More.  Died  Dec.  8,  1723.  Buried  at 
Belton.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1669).  (Pei/u,  n.  51;  Tumor, 
Grantham,  93;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WARD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  21, 

1675.  S.  of  Richard,  farmer.  B.  at  Bilsdale,  Yorks.  Schools, 
Rosedale  and  Thornton.  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Dec.  21,  1679.  One  of  these  names  chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Grantham;  R.  of  Little  Greenford  (Perivale), 
Middlesex,  in  1700;  V.  of  Shalford,  Surrey,  1700.  But  see 
also  Richard  (1678)  to  whom  it  may  equally  well  apply. 
Perhaps  father  of  Nathaniel  (1716). 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 

1676.  S.  of  Edmund,  of  Firbanck,  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  West- 
morland. B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1676;  B.A. 
1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1679-80- 
V.  of  Warcop,  Westmorland,  1685-1714-  Buried  there 
Sept.  5,  1714.   (B.  Nightingale.) 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  Sidney,  June  21, 
1678.  S.  of  Richard  (?  1631),  R.  of  Bushey,  Herts.  B.  there. 
School,  Harrow.  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1678.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  June  7,  1671,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1674-5. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Mareham-on-the-Hill,  Lines.  Married 
Susanne,  dau.  of  Samuel  Hamerton,  of  Homcastle;  marriage 
settlement,  Aug.  28,  1700.  Died  1711.  Will  dated,  Apr.  30; 
proved,  Oct.  15,  171 1.  Perhaps  father  of  Richard  (1725)- 
(Lincs.  Pedigrees,  1312;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  wrongly 
identified  with  the  V.  of  Langley,  Herts.) 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  8, 
1700.  Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1703-4-  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Dec.  1708.  P.C.  of  St  Mary  Key,  Ipswich,  1710-64.  R.  of 
Little  Blakenham,  Suffolk,  1712.  V.  of  Bawdsey,  1732. 
Died  1764.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1764;  of  Ipswich,  clerk. 

WARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Mar. 
30,  1725.  S.  of  Richard  (?  1678),  deceased,  V.  of  Mareham- 
on-the-Hill,  Lines.  School,  Newcastle.  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A. 
1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1729.  Of  Kensington. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Anthony  King,  Mar.  6,  1745,  at 
the  Rolls  Chapel,  London.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1312.) 

WARD,  ROBERT.  B.D.  1532-3.  Dominican  friar.  One  of  these 
names  collated  to  Killingwoldgraves  Hospital,  near  Bishop 
Burton,  Yorks.,  Jan.  1543-4- 

WARD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  24,  1588.  Of  Hollingboume,  Kent.  Matric.  1588; 
B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596;  B.D.  1603;  D.D.  1609.  Fellow, 
1591-1609.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1597.  Preb.  of  Chichester, 
1608.  R.  of  Gt  Fransham,  Norfolk,  1615.  R.  of  Mileham, 
1615.  R.  of  Bishop's  Waltham,  Hants.,  1623-9.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  1629.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Harwood.) 

WARD,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1607-8;  (M.A.  not 
found);  perhaps  B.D.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1610; 
priest,  Feb.  1610-1.  One  of  these  names  (B.D.),  R.  of 
Barrowden,  Rutland,  1638-c.  45;  sequestered;  restored, 
1660-82.  Died  1682. 

WARD,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1611. 

Of  Westmorland.     B.A.    1615-6;    M.A.    1619;   B.D.    1628. 

Fellow,  1617-42.  Junior  Proctor,  1625-6.  V.  of  Oakington, 

Cambs.,  1629-c.  40. 
WARD,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1664. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Jeremy  (1629).  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1685.  Ord. 

deacon  and  priest  (York)  June,  1668.  R.  of  Slingsby,  Yorks., 

1668.  R.  of  Stokesley,  1688-1723.  Preb.  of  York,  1689-1723. 

Buried  at  Stokesley,  Dec.  26, 1723.  Father  of  William  (1693). 

{Peile,  I.  614;  F.M.G.,  647-) 
WARD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  4,  1669. 

S.  of  Sir  Edward  (1634),  of  Bixley,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  Bapt. 

Dec.  12,  1653.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering)  and  Mendle- 

sham,  Suffolk  (Dr  Smith).   Scholar,  1669-71.   Matric.  1670. 

Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  2,  1671.  Perhaps  Steward 

of  Norwich,  1688-90.  Died  c.  1 690-1.  Brotherof  John  (1667), 

and  Edward  (1658).   {Venn,  1.  438.) 
WARD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  4, 

1680.  S.  of  Godfrey,  currier,  deceased.  B.  at  Tickhill,  Yorks. 

School,  Tickhill.   Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4.    Ord.  deacon 

(York)  Sept.  1684. 

Ward,  Seth 

WARD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Aug.  31,  i7i4-  S.  of 
William  (1693),  LL.D.,  of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1715;  Scholar, 
1715.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  18,  1715-  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1724.  Brother  of  William  (1724-5). 

WARD,  ROGER.   Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  i6oo;  LL.B.  1606. 

WARD,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  9,  1615.  Matric. 
1615.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Roger,  of  Newtown  Basset, 
Salop.  B.  c.  1600.   {Vis.  of  Shrops.,  1626.) 

WARD,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  July  4.  1674- 
S.  of  Northcoate.  B.  at  Skipton,  Yorks.  School,  Giggles- 
wick.  Matric.  1674-5.  One  Roger  Ward,  apprentice  to  Tho. 
Dealtry,  apothecary,  of  York,  i677-  WiU  dated,  Nov.  28, 
1708;  proved,  1714.  {Peile,  11.  55;  Yorks.  Arch.  Journal,  11. 
115;  Giggleswick  Sch.  Reg.) 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Mar.  1588-9. 
S.  of  John,  of  Bishop  Middleham,  Durham.  Bapt.  there, 
Jan.  13,  1571-2.  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596;  B.D.  from  Em- 
manuel, 1603;  D.D.  from  Sidney,  1610.  Fellow  of  Em- 
manuel, 1595.  Master  of  Sidney,  1610-43;  placed  in  custody 
in  St  John's  College  (made  a  gaol  bv  the  parliamentary  forces 
under  the  Earl  of  Manchester)  for  refusing  to  contribute  to 
the  parliamentary  cause,  1643.  Vice-Chancellor,  1620-1. 
Lady  Margaret  Professor,  1623.  Archdeacon  of  Taunton, 
1615-43-  Preb.  of  Wells,  1615.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Mar.  11,  1616-7.  R-  of  Gt  Munden,  Herts.,  1616-36.  Canon 
of  York,  1617-43.  Commissioner  at  the  Synod  of  Dort,  1618. 
R.  of  Terrington,  Norfolk,  1638.  One  of  the  translators  of 
the  Apocrypha.  Author,  theological.  Died  Sept.  7,  1643. 
Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1643. 
{Peile,  I.  195;  Sidney  Coll.  Hist.;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Durham, 
1615;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  xii.  426.) 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  scholar  at  St  John's,  Nov.  6,  1594. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John,  preacher  at  Haverhill,  Essex.  B.  1577. 
Matric.  c.  1594;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1600;  B.D. 
1607.  Fellow  of  Sidney,  1599-1604  (one  of  the  original 
foundation).  Lecturer  at  Haverhill,  and  at  Ipswich,  1603-35; 
suspended  for  puritanical  preaching.  Imprisoned  for  an 
anti-Spanish  engraving,  162 1 ;  released  after  a  brief  detention. 
Withdrew  to  Holland;  a  colleague  of  William  Bridge  at  his 
church  in  Rotterdam.  Returned  to  Ipswich,  c.  1638.  Married 
Deborah  Bolton,  widow,  of  Isleham,  Cambs.,  1604.  Author, 
theological.  Buried  at  St  Mary-le-Tower,  Ipswich,  Mar.  8, 
1639-40.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  proved,  Apr.  24,  1640.  Brother  of 
Nathaniel  (1596)  and  of  John  (1596),  father  of  Nathaniel 
(1628),  Samuel  (1621)  and  Joseph  (1629).  (D.N.B.;  E. 
Anglian,  n.  265;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  xii.  426.) 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7; 
priest,  June  8,  1629.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Grays 
Thurrock,  Essex,  1668-70. 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  18, 
1621.  S.  of  Samuel  (1594),  B.D.  B.  at  Ipswich.  School, 
Ipswich.  Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1625.  Brother  of  Nathaniel 
(1628)  and  Joseph  (1629). 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1628. 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  May  6, 
1646,  from  Glasgow  University;  adm.  there,  Apr.  1,  1644. 
S.  of  WiUiam  (?  1611),  R.  of  Warrington,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Warrington  (Mr  Ashworth).  Matric.  1646;  B.A. 
1647-8.  Perhaps  minister  of  Congresbury,  Somerset,  1649. 
One  of  these  names  chaplain  to  Thomas,  Lord  Cromwell; 
R.  of  Strensham,  Worcs.,  1671;  R.  of  HiU  Croome,  1675. 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  {Peile,  1. 

WARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's.  Apr.  19, 
1648.  S.  of  John  (?  1609),  R.  of  St  Clement's,  Ipswich.  B. 
at  Dennington,  near  Framlingham,  Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich 
(Mr  Glascock).  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2. 
WARD,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  July,  1655. 
(Possibly  a  mistake  for  James.)  One  of  these  names  (Samuel) 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  25,  1655;  s.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  of 
Lidgate,  Suffolk,  Esq. 
WARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  8,  1664.  S.  of 
Francis,  of  South  Walsham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1664.  Brother 
of  John  (1664). 
WARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 
1680.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Bishop's  Stortford, 
Herts.  School,  Standon.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  20,  1685;  priest,  May  26,  1689.  One 
of  these  names  of  Little  Hadham,  Herts.,  clerk;  wiU  (Comm. 
Essex)  1699. 
WARD,  SETH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Dec.  1,  1632.  2nd  s.  of 
John  (?  1607),  attorney,  of  Buntingford,  Herts.  B.  there, 
Apr.  1617  {sic).  School,  Buntingford.  Matric.  1633;  B.A. 
1636-7;  M.A.  1640;  D.D.  (Oxford)  1654.  Incorp.  at  Cam- 
bridge, 1659.  FeUow  of  Sidney,  1640-4;  ejected  for  refusmg 
the  covenant;  voluntarUy  accompanied  Dr  Samuel  Ward 


Ward,  Seth 

(his  patron)  into  confinement.  Resided  at  Aspeden  Hall 
with  Ralph  Freeman,  till  1649;  tutor  to  his  sons.  Ord.  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1641.  Savilian  Professor  of  Geometry  at 
Oxford,  1649-61.  President  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford, 
1659-60.  R.  of  Garsington,  Oxon.,  1660;  ejected.  Canon  of 
Exeter,  1660-2;  Dean,  1662;  Bishop,  1662-7.  R-  of  St 
Lawrence  Jewry,  London,  1661-2.  R.  of  Uplowman,  Devon, 
1661.  R.  of  St  Breock,  Cornwall,  1662.  F.R.S.,  1663. 
Bishop  of  Salisbury,  1667.  Chancellor  of  Order  of  Garter, 
1671.  Author,  mathematical  and  theological.  Died  Jan.  6, 
1688-9.  Buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral.  M.I.  Benefactor  to 
Buntingford.  (Sidney  College  Hist.;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  358; 
N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  vii.  270;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WARD,  SETH.  M.A.  1673  (Incorp.  from  New  College,  Oxford). 

5.  of  Clement,  of  Buntingford,  Herts.,  gent.,  and  nephew  of 
Seth  (above).  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  11,  1664, 
age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1668;  M.A.  1672.  Canon  of  Sarum, 
1672-81.  Fellow  of  Wykeham's  College,  Winchester,  1672. 
Archdeacon  of  Wilts.,  1675-81.  R.  of  Brightwell,  Berks., 
1675-90.  Canon  of  Winchester,  1676-8.  Chancellor  and 
Treasurer  of  Sarum,  1681-7.  Died  May  11,  1690,  aged  43. 
Buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral.  Admon.  P.C.C.  (Le  Neve, 
Man.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WARD,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  5, 
1702-3.  S.  of  Abraham,  of  Burton,  Staffs.  School,  Stafford 
(Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1706-7. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Studied  at  Cambridge.  B.A  (Oxford). 
Supp.  for  M.A.  (Oxford)  1462.  Secular  chaplain. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  M.D.  1474-5. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1554; 
B.A.  1558-9;  M.A.  1562.  Probably  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1559-61. 
One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  25,  1568.  V. 
of  Hole,  Lines.  Died  c.  1585.   (A.  Gray.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1577-8; 
B.A.  from  Jesus,  1580-1. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1582. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  1,  1592.  Of  Cambridge.  Matric.  c.  1592;  B.A. 
1596-7;  no  M.A.  recorded;  B.D.  1615.  Fellow,  1595-8. 
Beneficed  in  Kent.   (Harwood.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595;  B.A. 
1599-1600.   One  of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec. 

6,  1600;  B.A. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.  1596;  B.A. 
1599-1600;  M.A,  1603. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  c.  1601. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bixley,  Norfolk.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Pert,  of  Essex.  Buried  at  Bixley, 
Sept.  17,  1632.  Perhaps  father  of  Edward  (1634).  (G.E.C., 
III.  139.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1603. 
Matric.  1603. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612. 
One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Kirby,  Westmor- 
land; adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  26,  1614. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July,  1616.  Of 
Warwickshire.  Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1619-20. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  17,  1619. 
Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1634. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1624; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  9,  1629. 

WARD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  9, 

1630.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Derbyshire.  School,  Repton.  Matric. 

1631.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Nov.  22,  1631. 
Brother  of  Philip  (1624).   (Peile,  i.  405.) 

WARDE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Mar.  7, 
1636-7.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Gestingthorpe,  Essex. 
School,  Thetford  (Mr  Ward).  B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1646.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1642;  'C.  of  Wilton,  Norfolk'; 
priest  (by  Bishop  Jos.  Hall),  July  28,  1652.  R.  of  Gt  Melton, 
with  Melton  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1661-80.  Died  Sept.  12,  i68o. 
M.I.  at  Melton.  (Venn,  i.  324;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iii.  147.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  27,  1660. 
Matric.  1660;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1663-4;  M..4.  1667. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (York)  Nov.  1664.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Conisborough,  Yorks.,  1665-72;  B.A.  One  of  these  names, 
M.A.,  R.  of  Brocklcsby,  Lines.,  in  1673;  R.  ofCroxton,  1673. 
(Lambeth  Act  Bk.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  22, 
1665-6.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Aveley,  Essex.  Schools,  Beccles 
and  Barsham,  Suffolk  (Mr  Nuttall)  and  Norwich  (Mr  Lovcr- 
ing).   (Venn,  i.  426.) 

Ward,  William 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  .May  31,  1673. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1673;  Scholar,  1674;  B-A. 
1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Dec.  21, 
1679.  R.  of  Willian,  Herts.,  1683-1725.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Little  Sampford,  Essex,  i689-c.  25.  Died  June  8,  1725, 
aged  68.   Buried  at  Willian.  M.I.   (Clutterbuch,  11.  534.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  29, 
1682.  S.  and  h.  of  P>lward  (1658),  Esq.  (afterwards  Bart.), 
of  Bixley,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  Bapt.  Nov.  3,  1664.  Schools, 
North  Walsham  and  Norwich.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  25,  1683.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart.,  Mar.  1686.  Of 
Bixley  and  Mundham.  Died  unmarried.  Buried  Jan.  20, 
1692-3,  at  Postwick.  Brother  of  Edward  (1689).  (Venn,  1. 
471;  G.E.C.,  III.  139.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1682.  S.  of  William,  of 
Grendon,  Northants.,  gent.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall, 
Oxford)  Nov.  11,  1675,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1679.  (Al. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  LL.D.  1682  (Lit.  Reg.).  Doubtless  canon  of 
Sarum,  1679,  and  V.  of  GiUingham,  Dorset,  1680-96;  Arch- 
deacon of  Wilts.,  1687-96.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1696;  of  New 
Sarum,  LL.D.  Sons:  Seth,  Clement,  John  and  Charles, 
nephew  of  Seth  (1632).   (Hutchins,  iii.  646.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  21, 
1701.  Of  Shenston,  Staffs.  Possibly  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Wood- 
end,  Staffs.  Matric.  1702.  Died  s./).,  1709-10.  See  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  (Shaw,  11.  46.) 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  3,  1704.  Of 
Killwell  Marsh,  Derbs.  B.  i68g.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1707-8. 
Ord.  priest  (Ely)  May  27,  1716.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Bygrave,  Herts.,  1728-63;  died  1763.  But  see  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

WARD,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  30, 

1720.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Lakenham,  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Reddington).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  3,  1720. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  19, 
1723-4.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1724. 

WARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
1735.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Deepdale,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1736;  B.A. 
1739-40.  Ord.  deacon  (Bristol,  Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich) 
Mar.  2,  1739-40;  'C.  of  Fritton,  Suffolk';  priest  (Norwich) 
May,  1 741.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  477.) 

WARD,  THOMAS  WATSON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  5,  1734.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Gt  WUbraham,  and  great 
nephew  to  Thomas  Watson,  Bishop  of  St  David's.  Bapt. 
Aug.  10,  1718,  at  Gt  Wilbraham.  School,  Saffron  Walden, 
Essex  (Mr  Butts).  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Nov.  3,  1735.  High 
Sheriff  of  Cambs.  and  Hunts.,  1744-5.  Of  Gt  Wilbraham, 
Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Cutchy.  Died  Jan.  26, 
1749-50,  aged  31.  M.I.  at  Gt  Wilbraham.  (Scott-Mayor,  in. 

WARD,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1565;  B.A.  1569-70. 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1550. 
B.  at  Landbeach,  Cambs.,  1534.  Matric.  1550;  B.A.  1554-5; 
M.A.  1558;  M.D.  1567.  Fellow,  1553-8.  Regius  Professor 
of  Physic,  c.  1591.  Physician  to  Queen  Elizabeth  and  to 
King  James.  Author,  medical.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  Aug.  8,  1609.  Will  (P.C.C).  (Cooper,  11.  386; 
D.N. B.;  Harwood.) 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1578. 
One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Prestwold,  Leics.,  1581;  died 
1637.   (Nichols,  III.  359.) 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1590.  Fellow,  1589.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  1586.  V.  of  Timberland,  Lines.,  1587. 
R.  of  Withcote,  Leics.,  1588.  R.  of  Knipton,  Leics.,  1592 
1617.  Perhaps  V.  of  Tealby,  Lines.,  1602;  M.A.  Buried  at 
Knipton,  Aug.  27,  1617.  Will  (Leicester)  1617.  (Nichols, 
II.  236.) 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1589.  B.  at  Barwell,  Leics.,  1572.  Probably  B.A.  1591-2. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Nov.  26,  1596;  'B.A.  of 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1603. 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1604. 
Of  Warwickshire.   B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610. 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1605.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  B..'^.  1608-9;  M..A.  1612  [accorcUng  to 
Masters].  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1613;  priest,  Mar. 
13,  1613-4.  Probably  C.  of  Gt  Wcldon,  Northants.,  1613. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Burgh  Castle,  Suffolk,  1614-7. 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  contemporary  namesakes.  (Masters.) 


Ward,  William 

WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1608;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 
1613;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  4,  1615. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1609; 
B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25, 
1614;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1615.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Cam- 
bridge,' minister  of  Gisborough-in-Cieveland,  Yorks.,  c. 
1628;  will  (York)  1632. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1610; 

Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1611;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15;  priest,  June  16,  1617.  Per- 
haps R.  of  AUesley,  Warws.,  1618.  R.  of  Walton  D'Eivile, 
1619.  One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  R.  of  Warrington,  Lanes., 
1621-46;  R.  of  Walton-on-the-Hill  (a  sequestration),  1645- 
54;  buried  there  Mar.  i,  1654-5.  Perhaps  father  of  Samuel 
(1646).  (yl  J.  OA;on.;  E.  Axon.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1612. 

Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1615-6. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   B.D.  from  Jesus,  1623. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  from  Sx  John's,  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 
Perhaps   ord.    deacon    (Carlisle)    Mar.    1,    1639-40;    R.    of 
Heysham,  Lanes.,  c.  1641-70.   Buried  there,  Oct.  30,  1670. 
(Victoria  Hist.  Lanes.,  viii.  117.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633; 

Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  6,  1670. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  20, 
1671-2.    S.  of  William,  innkeeper,  of  Beverley,  Yorks.    B. 
there.   School,  Beverley.    Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1676-7.   Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1677;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1678. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Mar. 
II,  1671-2.   Of  Lincolnshire.  School,  Boston.   Matric.  1672. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1676. 
One  of  these  names,  B.A.,  V.  of  Hanslape,  Bucks.,  1677- 
1713;  will  (Archd.  Bucks.)  1713- 
WARD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  Catharine's, 
1675.  B.  Apr.  24,  1656.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
1675;  B.A.  1678-9. 
WARD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  July  8,    1693. 
S.  of  Robert  (1664),  R.  of  Slingsby,  Yorks.    Migrated  to 
Christ's,  June  1,  1694,  age  17.    Matric.  1695;  LL.B.  1703; 
LL.D.   1708.    (Perhaps  also  B.A.   1697-8.)    Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Mar.  22,  1697.    Commissary  to  the  Arch- 
bishop of  York.    Chancellor  of  the  diocese.    J. P.    Married 
Barbara,  dau.  of  Mark  Mott,  Esq.,  of  Withersfield,  Essex. 
Died  June  27  (?  July  1),  1751.  aged  73-    Father  of  William 
(1724-5)  and  Robert  (1714)-    {F.M.G.,  647;  Peile,  11.  131; 
G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  from  King's,   1704.    S.  of  Joseph 
(?  1657),  of  Warrington,  Lanes.,  clerk.    Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  9,  1682-3,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1686. 
V.  of  Portsmouth,  Hants.,  1697-1724.  Licence  (Winchester) 
to  marry  Anne  Belfield,  of  Portsmouth,  spinster,  Apr.  26, 
1718.  Died  Mar.  26,1724.  Buried  at  Portsmouth.  {Al.Oxon.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  9, 
1724.    S.  of  WiUiam,  Esq.    B.  at  Sedgley,  Staffs.    Matric. 
1724;  LL.B.   1729.    Probably  R.  of  King's  Swynford  and 
Himley,  Staffs.    Buried  at  Himley,  July  27,   1758.    If  so 
brother  of  John  (1722)  who  succeeded  to  the  title  of  Lord 
Ward,  1740.   (Collins,  vi.  277.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  9, 
1724-5.    2nd  s.  of  William   (1693),   LL.D.,  of  Yorkshire. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728  (Cow.  i?fg.).  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  7,  1726.   Married  Annina,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Cartwright,  of  Aynhoe,  Northants.    Died  s.p., 
July  27,  1739,  aged  32.  Brother  of  Robert  (1714)-  (F.M.G., 
648;  Peile,  II.  209.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  5, 
1727.   S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Thornton,  Yorks.  School, 
Thornton.    Matric.   1727;  B.A.   1730-1;   M.A.   1740.    Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1732;  priest  (Chichester)  Oct.  6, 
1734.  Masterof  Thorn  ton  School,  c.  1736-51-  V.  of  Scawby, 
Yorks.,  1737-72.   P.C.  of  Yeddingham,  1740-67.   Master  of 
Beverley  Grammar  School,    1751-68.    Married   Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John  Watson,  of  Malton,  Yorks.    Author,  gram- 
matical, also  translations  from  Terence.  Died  Nov.  5,  1772. 
Buried  at  Beverley.   (N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  viii.  76.) 
WARD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  11,   1731- 

Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1731;  LL.B.  1737. 
WARD,  ZACHARIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  c.  1699. 
S.  of  Zachariah,  yeoman.  B.  at  Caldecote,  Rutland.  Schools, 
Liddington  (Mr  Roe)  and  Uppingham.  Matric.  1702-3; 
B.A.  1702-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1705;  C.  of 
Stoke  Albany,  Northants. 

WARD, — 
WARD,  — 
WARD,  — 
WARD,  — 
WARD,  — 
WARD,  — 
WARD,  — 

Warden,  Henry 

B.A.  1482-3;  M.A.  1484. 

M.A.  1487-8. 

Of  Gonville  Hall.  Excused  from  congregations. 

B.A.  1524-5;  M.A.  1529-30. 
B.Civ.L.  1529-30. 
Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1565. 
Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1652. 
Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  17,  1746; 
Scholar,  1746-9. 
WARDELL,  see  also  WADDELL  and  WEDDELL. 
WARDELL,  CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  May  16,  1699.  Of  Durham.  Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher, 
of    Edmondsley,    Durham.     School,    Houghton-le-Spring. 
Matric.  1699;  Scholar,  1699;  B..\.  1702-3;  M.A.  1706;  D.D. 
1727.    Fellow,  1704.    Junior  Proctor,  1718-9.    Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  May  30,  1708;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  19,  1709.    V.  of 
Cherryhinton,   Cambs.,    1712-30.     R.   of  Stathem,   Leics., 
1726-31.   (T.  A.  Walker;  Nichols,  11.  359.) 
WARDALE,  JOHN.   B.D.  1482-3.   Of  Beelsby,  Lines.   Original 
Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  1473-   Master,  1487-1506.   R.  of 
Billingford,  Norfolk,   1493.    R.  of  Sparham,   1493.    R.  of 
Lamport,  Northants.,  1503-6.    Will  dated,  Dec.  16,  1505; 
proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  5,  1505-6;  to  be  buried  at  St  Mary 
Bothaw,  London.   (Cath.  Coll.  Hist.,  48;  Bridges,  n.  113.) 
WARDELL,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  24, 
1673.   S.  of  Richard,  deceased.   B.  at  Hull,  Yorks.   School, 
Hull.   Matric.  1673.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  17,  1673- 
WARDALE  or  WARDELL,   JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age   18)   at 
Sidney,  June,  1711.   S.  of  George,  of  Kirkby  Wiske,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Ripon  and  Durham.    Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5; 
M.A.  1720.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1715-   V.  of  Owston, 
Lines.,  1721. 
WARDELL,  MATTHEW.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  17, 
1642.  Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649. 
Of  Patrington,  in  1648.   Preacher  at  the  Low  Church,  Hull, 
in  1651.    Married  Emot,  dau.  of  John  Shaw,  of  Shepherd 
Castle,  Yorks.,  May  15,  1651. 
WARDELL,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1546.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hawkwell,  Essex,  1564-86. 
R.  of  South  Fambridge,  1581-6,  called  'M.A.'    Died  1586. 
Will,  P.C.C. 
WARDELL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
1,  1657.    S.  of  Robert,  of  Terrington,  Norfolk.    B.  there. 
School,  Lyme  Regis  (?  Lynn). 
WARDALE,  ROBERT.   M.A.  from  Christ's,  1750.  S.  of  John, 
of  Orton,  Westmorland.    Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  2,   1725,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)   1729-    Ord.  deacon 
(London)   Sept.   1729;  priest   (Carlisle)   July,    1730-    f^-  of 
Stanwix.    V.  of  Brampton,  Cumberland,   i75o-73-    V.  of 
Corbridge,    Northumberland,    1765-73-     Chaplain    to    the 
Bishop  of  Carlisle.    Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1765-73-    Died  Apr. 
1773.    Buried  in  Carlisle  Cathedral.    {Al.  Oxon.;  Peile,  11. 
WARDALL,    THOMAS     B.D.    1505.     Perhaps   V.   of    Ilkley, 
Yorks.,   1523-41;   died   1541.    One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Widdington,  Essex,  till  1530;  died  1530. 
WHARDALL,  THOMAS.   Adm.  (age  i8)  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from    Eton,   Sept.    1,    1572.     Of   Barston    (?  Barkston)   or 
Bayton,  Yorks.  Matric.  1572.   Died  1573-4- 
WARDELL,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.   1612-3;  M.A.  1616;  B.D.  1623.    R.  of  Burgh 
Castle,  Suffolk,  1614-7.   V.  of  Yoxford,  1617.   R-  of  Belton, 

WARDALL, .   B.A.  1483-4;  M.A.  1487.   Perhaps  Thomas, 

R.  of  Little  Shelford,  Cambs.,  1494. 

WARDALL, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1484-5. 

WARDALL, .  D.Can.L.  1489-90. 

WARDEBOYS,  JOHN.  D.D.  1477-8.  Abbot  of  Ramsey. 
WARDELEY,  ROGER.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,    Aug.    16,    1529.     Of    Buckingham.     B.A.    1533-4; 
'Worldley.'   Fellow,  1532-4- 
WARDEN,  FULKE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1573- 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoto)  Aug.  24,  1577;  priest,  Aug.  i,  1578. 
R.  of  Tothill,  Lines.,  1577-  Admon.  (Lincohi)  1591. 
WARDEN,  HENRY.   Adm.  scholar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 
1612.    S.  of  William,  citizen  of  Norwich.    School,  Norwich 
(Messrs  Briggs  and  More).   Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A. 
1619;  B.D.  1626.  Fellow,  1619-26.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  23,  1619;  priest,  June  11,  1620. 
V.  of  Foulden,  Norfolk,  1625-7.   Died  1627.   (Venn,  i.  216; 
Al.  Oxon.) 


Warden,  Henry 

WARDEN,  HENRY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1627; 

B.A.  1630-1. 
WARDEN,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1463-4. 
WARDON,    THOMAS.     Matric.   sizar   from   Corpus   Christi, 

Easter,  1556. 
WARDOUR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Oct.  10,  i68i.   S.  of  William,  of  Westminster,  London,  and 
grandson  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Westminster,  Knt.  B.  in  London. 
M..^.  1682  (Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  29,  1683. 
Perhaps  M.P.  for  Calne,  1727-34;  for  Fowey,  1737-41  and 
1741-6-   Married  Anne  Sophia  Rodd  at  St  Bride's,  London, 
Sept.  9,  1685.  Probablydied  July  15,  1746;  of  Witney  Court, 
Hereford.   {Peile,  11.  84;  Musgrave.) 
WARDROPPER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sr  John's, 
May  25,  1676.    B.  at  Sherbum,  Yorks.    School,  Sherbum. 
Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May, 
1681;  priest  (London)  Mar.  4,  1682-3.   V.  of  Monkton  and 
Birchington,  Kent,  1711-27.   Died  Nov.  22,  1727. 
WARE,  GEOFFREY.  Fellow  of  Clare,  Sept.  20,  1505;  'B.A.' 

WARE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1622.   Of  Middlesbrough. 

WARE  or  WEARE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peter- 
house,  Feb.  20,  1664-5.  Of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1664-5;  Scholar,  1665;  B.A.  1669-70.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1670. 

WARE  or  WEARE,  JERVAS.  'Of  Trinity  CoUege,  Cambridge.' 
E.xhibitioner  from  Charterhouse,  1650;  his  exhibition  was 
suspended  for  certain  misdemeanours,  though  he  brought 
a  certificate  of  residence  from  Trinity.   (Al.  Carthus.) 

WARE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1536-7;  M.A.  1540-1.  R.  of  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  c.  1539.   V.  of  Caldecote,  Cambs.,  1543. 

WARE,  ROBERT.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1406;  M.A.  in  1409. 
Promoted  to  a  benefice,  1417. 

WARE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1602;  B.A.  1605-6. 

WARE,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1626. 
Of  Cambridgeshire. 

WARE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1562 ; 
Scholar,  1562;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569;  B.D.  1576;  D.D. 
1581.  Fellow,  1566.  University  preacher,  1572.  R.  of 
Stifford,  Essex,  1575-1610.  R.  of  St  Mary-le-Bow,  London, 
1577-84.  R.  of  Orsett,  Essex,  1584-1610.  Married  (i)  Mary, 
widow  of  Henry  Deweye,  leatherseUer,  Dec.  2,  1589;  (2)  Mary, 
widow  of  Thomas  Kelley,  of  Stepney,  Middlesex,  Nov.  28, 
1595.  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Mar.  7,  1610-11  to  Mary, 
his  widow. 

WARE, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1578-9. 

WARFEILD  or  WHARFIELD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Christ's,  Easter,  1575.  B.  in  London.  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A. 
from  Jesus,  1582;  B.D.  1588.  FeUow  of  Jesus,  1579-92. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1585.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  18; 
priest,  Mar.  26,  1585-6,  age  27.  V.  of  All  Saints',  Cambridge, 
1586-92.  R.  of  Dry  Drayton,  Cambs.,  1592-1619.  Buried 
there.  Mar.  28,  1619-20.  Will  dated,  June  6,  1619;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  May  20,  1620;  by  his  son  Roger  (?  next).  (A.  Gray; 
Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Crosby;  Peile,  i.  130.) 

WARFIELD,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  i6ii. 
Probably  s.  of  Richard  (above).  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1614-5; 
M.A.  1618.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620.  P.C.  of  St  Benetfink, 
London,  1635-62.   V.  of  Elmstead,  Essex,  1643-62. 

WARFLEET,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1469-70. 

WARHAM,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Lent,  1634-5.  Of  Kent.  B..-^.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639.  V.  of  Hendon,  Middlesex, 
1643;  ejected,  1662.  Author,  Sermon.  (Masters.) 

WARHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.sizar  at  Jesus,  July  8,  1709.  Of  Wye, 
Kent.  B.  1694.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  Scholar,  1713; 
M.A.  1716.  Fellow,  1716-31.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  8, 
1718;  priest,  May  4,  1719.  V.  of  Comberton,  Cambs.,  1722- 
31.  V.  of  Swavesey,  1731-54.  R.  of  Harlaxton,  Lines.,  in 
1756.  R.  of  Gautby,  1756.  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next. 
(A.  Gray;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WARHAM,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1720.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1723-4.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Feb.  22,  1729.  V.  of  Kcnnington,  Kent,  1730-77.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (above). 

WHARAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  20,  1656.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Barraburgh, 
Yorks.   B.  there.  School,  Doncaster  (Mr  Cooke). 

WARHAM,  WILLIAM.  Incorp.  LL.D.  1495-6.  S.  of  William 
(?  Robert),  of  Malshanger,  Oakley,  Hants.  (According  to 
Coll.  Top.  et  Gen.,  iii.  6,  he  was  son  of  Robert.)  School, 
Winchester.  Of  New  College,  Oxford.  Fellow  of  New  College, 
1478-88.  LL.D.  (Oxford).  R.  of  Horwood,  Bucks.,  1488. 
An  advocate  in  the  Court  of  Arches,  1488.  Went  to  Rome, 

V.  A.  C.  IV. 

Waring,  Richard 

as  proxy  for  the  bishop  of  Ely,  1490.  Sent  on  a  political 
mission  to  Flanders,  1493.  Precentor  of  Wells;  1493.  Master 
of  the  Rolls,  1494-1502.  R.  of  Barley,  Herts.,  1495-1501. 
Archdeacon  of  Huntingdon,  1496-1502.  LL.D.  (Cambridge) 
1500.  R.  of  Cottenham,  Cambs.,  1500.  Bishop  of  London, 
1502.  Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal,  1502-4.  Archbishop  of 
Canterbury,  1503-32.  Lord  Chancellor,  1504-15.  Chancellor 
of  Oxford  University,  1506-32.  Afraid  to  act  as  counsel  for 
Queen  Catherine  of  Arragon,  1528;  forced  by  Henry  VIII 
to  advise  Pope  Clement  to  annul  the  marriage,  1530.  A 
friend  of  Colet  and  a  patron  of  Erasmus.  Died  Aug.  22,  1532. 
Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Will,  P.C.C.  Benefactor 
to  Winchester  College  and  to  New  CoUege,  Oxford.   (Cooper, 

I.  45;  Vis.  of  Hants.,  1530;  New  Coll.  Hist.,  95;  D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WARING,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1602; 
B.A.  1605-6,  'Warren';  B.D.  1621. 

WARING,  ADAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1669.  S.  of  Richard,  Esq.,  of  Woodcott,  Salop.  B.  there. 
School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1669.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  16,  1670-1.  Barrister-at-law.  Died  Jan.  13,  1700. 
(Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  3rd  S.,  iv.  56.) 

WARING,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
20,1707-8.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman.  B.at  Whittingham, 
Lanes.  School,  Goosnargh,  near  Preston  (Mr  Clarkson). 
Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1712-3.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Rastrick,  Yorks., 
1713-9;  P.C.  of  Honley,  1718-20. 

WARINGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1572; 
B.A. 1575-6; M.A.  1580. 

WARINGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1620; 
Scholar,  1625;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 

WARING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11,  1670. 
Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1673-4.  Probably  ord. 
deacon  (Cheshire)  June  14,  1674;  priest,  June  6,  1680. 
C.  and  schoolmaster  of  Gt  Crosby,  Lanes.,  1680;  still  there, 
1691.   (E.  Axon.) 

WARING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  12,  1687.  Of 
Waringstown,  Co.  Down,  Ireland.  Matric.  1687. 

WARING  or  WARRING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St 
John's,  May  14,  1690.  S.  of  William,  draper.  B.  at  Shrews- 
bury. School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4; 
M.A.  1715.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1694; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1700.  Probably  schoolmaster  of 
Spalding,  in  1703;  married  Mrs  Mary  Standish  in  Peter- 
borough Cathedral,  Jan.  7, 1702-3.  Brotherof  William  (1677). 

WARING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  8, 
1706.  3rd  s.  of  William  (1677),  clerk.  Bapt.  Feb.  13,  i68g- 
90  in  Peterborough  Cathedral.  School,  Peterborough  (his 
father).  Matric.  1706;  B.A.  1709-10;  M..^..  1713.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1710;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1715.  V. 
of  Billingham,  Durham,  1715-32;  Precentor,  1725;  minor 
canon  of  Durham.  R.  of  St  Mary's-le-Baily.  Buried  there, 
Nov.  26,  1732.  Brother  of  Richard  (1704-5).  (H.M.Wood.) 

WARING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  lo, 
1733.  S.  of  Joseph,  farmer,  of  Salop.  B.  at  Foord.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  1,  1740;  C.  of  Dunsby,  Lines.  Prob- 
ably died  Oct.  11,  1794,  aged  78.  M.I.  at  Atcham,  Salop; 
apparently  not  vicar  there.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  449;  G.  Mag.) 

WARING,  JOHN  ROOS.  Adm.  pens,  (as  'Thomas')  at  St 
John's,  June  3,  1743.  S.  of  Richard  (1704-5),  clerk.  B.  at 
Hereford.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1747-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich,  for  Hereford)  Mar.  6;  priest  (Here- 
ford) Mar.  7,  1747-8.  C.  of  Withington,  1748.  R.  of  Bishop's 
Castle,  Salop,  1753-77.  Brother  of  Richard  (1731)  and 
William  (1733).  (.Scott-Mayor,  m.  536.) 

WAREING  or  WAREIN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  Feb.  lo,  1636-7.  S.  of  William,  of  Kirkby, 
Yorks.,  husbandman.  Matric.  1637.  Migrated  to  Peter- 
house,  June  22,  1641.  B.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  Aug.  9,  1646.  One  of  these  names  preb.  of  York, 

WARING,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Mar. 
16,  1704-5.  2nd  s.  of  William  (1677),  clerk.  Bapt.  June  26, 
1688,  in  Peterborough  Cathedral.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9; 
M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (Llandaflf,  at  Hereford)  June  19, 
1709.  Probably  preb.  of  Llandaff,  1736;  perhaps  preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1738-62.  Brotherof  John  (1706),  father  of  the  next, 
of  William  (1733)  and  of  John  Roos  (1743).  (Le  Neve,  Fasti, 

II.  143.) 
WARING,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  4, 

1731.  S.  of  Richard  (1704-5),  clerk,  of  Hereford.  B.  there. 
School,  Hereford  (Mr  Rodd).  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1734-5; 
M.A.  1738.  Perhai«  succeeded  his  father  as  preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1762-87.  Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  June,  1787;  of  Co. 
Hereford,  clerk.  Brother  of  William  (1733)  and  John  Roos 
(1743).   (ScoU-Mayor,  iii.  436.) 

337  2^ 

Waring,  Walter 

WARING,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  8, 
1745.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Oldbury,  Salop.  B.  there. 
School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1745-  M.P.  for  Bishop's  Castle, 
Salop,  i75'5;  for  Coventry,  1773,  1774-80.  Married  Hannah, 
dau.  of  John  Ranby,  serjeant-surgeon  to  the  king.  Buried 
at  Groton,  Suffolk,  Feb.  9,  1780.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  {Scott- 
Mayor,  m.  551;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WARING,  WILLIAM.  M.Gram.  1470-1  {non  incepU). 

WARING,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1624; B.A.  1627-8. 

WARING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June 
29,  1677.  S.  of  William,  draper.  B.  at  Shrewsbury.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  i68o-i;  M.A.  1684.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1681;  priest  (Lincohi)  Sept.  22, 
1689.  Master  of  Peterborough  Grammar  School.  Pre- 
centor of  Peterborough  and  minor  canon.  Chaplain  to  the 
Earl  of  Torrington.  Head  Master  of  the  King's  School, 
Peterborough,  1683.  R.  of  Alwalton,  Hunts.,  1689-1726. 
V.  of  St  John  Baptist,  Peterborough,  1708.  Buried  Aug. 
15,  1726,  in  Peterborough  Cathedral.  Brother  of  John 
(1690),  father  of  John  (1706)  and  Richard  (1704-5).  {Scott- 
Mayor,  II.) 

WARING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
Dec.  24,  1733.  S.  of  Richard  (1704-5),  of  Hereford,  clerk. 
Matric.  1734;  LL.B.  1741.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
June  17,  1739.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Southwich,  Sussex ; 
will  (P.C.C.)  1791.  Brother  of  Richard  (1731)  and  John 
Rods  (1743)- 

WARK,  GEORGE.  B.A.  1477-8;  M.A.  1481-2.  Fellow  of 
Queens',  1490-1502. 

WARKHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1706.  Of 
Norwich.  Matric.  Easter,  1707.  Barrister-at-law  and  Re- 
corder of  Yarmouth.  Died  1748.  {Masters.) 

WARKEHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius, 
Dec.  10,  1669.  S.  of  John,  attomey-at-law,  deceased.  B.  at 
Sharrington,  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich  (Messrs  Lovering 
and  Mazey).  Matric.  1670;  Scholar,  1670-7;  B.A.  1673-4; 
M.A.  1677.  Fellow,  1679-83.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.; 
priest,  Dec.  1677.  R.  of  Swanton  Abbot,  Norfolk,  1677;  of 
Lading,  1682-1722.  V.  of  Shropham,  1684-1722.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Lincoln.  Licensed  to  practise  physic  and 
surgery  in  Norwich  diocese,  Sept.  12,  1713.  Will  proved 
(Norwich  C.C.)  1723.   (Venn,  i.  440.) 

WARKWORTH,  JOHN.  D.D.  1462-3  {see  Gr.  Bk,  A,  41)- 
Studied  at  Oxford.  Fellow  of  Merton,  1446.  Principal  of 
'Bull  Hall,' Oxford,  1451,  and 'Nevill's  Inn,'  1453.  Domestic 
chaplain  to  William  Grey,  Bishop  of  Ely,  1454.  R.  of 
Cottenham,  Cambs.,  1458;  of  Wisbech  St  Peter,  1472;  of 
Leverington,  1473.  Master  of  Peterhouse,  1473-1500. 
Proctor  of  the  clergy  in  convocation,  1474.  Canon  of  South- 
well, 1474-98.  Reputed  author  of  manuscript  additions  to 
Caxton's  Brute;  published  as  Warkworth's  Chronicle.  Died 
1500.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{D.N.B.;  Cooper,  1.  4,  where  he  is  confused  with  the  next.) 

WARKWORTH,  JOHN.  B.A.  1466-7;  probably  M.A.  1473-4- 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1469.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  May  27, 

WARLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  19,  1658.  Of 
Kent.  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Fellow.  Signs  for  priest's 
orders  (London)  Mar.  8,  1665-6.  C.  of  Foulmere,  Cambs., 
1664.   R.  of  Charlton,  Kent,  1666-79.  Wed  1679. 

WARLEY,  JONAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  6,  1664-5.  Of 
Kent.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672;  D.D.  1710. 
Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670;  priest,  June  18, 
1671.  R.  of  Loughton,  Essex,  1673.  V.  of  Witham,  1680. 
Archdeacon  of  Colchester,  1704-22.  Author,  The  Natural 
Fanatick.  Died  Aug.  9,  1722.  Will,  P.C.C. 

WARMAN,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  6,  1653. 
Of  London.  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  1652;  Scholar, 
1653.  Matric.  1656;  Scholar,  1655;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.B.  1660. 
V.  of  Eaton  Bray,  Beds.,  1664-74.  R.  of  Fiddington,  Somer- 
set, 1672-82. 

WARMESTRY,  JOHN.  M.A.  1612  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Worcestershire,  gent.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Oct. 
31,  i6oo,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1603-4;  M.A.  1606.  Fellow 
of  E.xeter  College,  Oxford,  1605-15.  R.  of  Ipsley,  Warws., 
1614.  R.  of  Martin  Hussingtree,Worcs.,  1625-40.  {Al.Oxon.) 

WARMYSTRE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1447;  M.A.  Died  1451  {sit).  Buried  in  the  Chapel. 
Will  proved,  Nov.  16,  1457;  left  plate  to  the  College.  {Har- 
wood;  J.  Venn.) 

WARMINGTON,  POLYDORE.  B.A.  1528-9;  M.A.  1532-3- 

WARMINGTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1446;  'M.A.' 

WARMINGTON, .  B.A.  1466. 

Warner,  George 

WARMINGTON  (Vicar  of),  NICHOLAS.  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher 
degree,  1488. 

WARMOTH  or  WARMOUTH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Clare,  Easter,  1578.  Possibly  s.  of  William,  of  Hagnaby, 
Lines.  Perhaps  matric.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  May  28, 
1580,  age  18;  of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  buried  at  Belleau, 
Lines.,  Jan.  16,  1619-20.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 

WARN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  30, 
1641.  S.  of  John,  yeoman.  B.  at  Ringwood,  Hants.  School, 
Ringwood  (Mr  Balch).  Matric.  1641,  'Ward.' 

WARNE, .  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1582-3. 

WARNER,  ANDREW.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 

Michs.  1571. 
WARNER,  ANDREW.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1632;  B.A.  1638-9. 

WARNER,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
July  4,  1620.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Woolley, 
Hunts.  School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Tomlinson).  Matric.  1620- 
i;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  5; 
priest,  Mar.  6.  1625-6.  V.  of  Ninfield,  Sussex,  1645.  Married 
Lydia,  dau.  of  Marmaduke  Moore,  of  Loddington,  Leics., 
Mar.  i8,  1632-3.   (Venn,  i.  251.) 

WARNER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1636.  Of 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1639-40. 

WARNER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  1,1717.  Of  Hampshire.  S.  of  John,  preb.  of  Winchester. 
Bapt.  Aug.  31,  1698,  in  Winchester  Cathedral.  School, 
Winchester.  LL.B.  1722  (wrongly  called  'Thomas'  in 
Graduati).  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.,  Litt.  dim.  from  Winchester) 
May  22,  1722;  C.  of  Meonstoke,  Hants.  V.  of  Husbome 
Prior,  1724;  R.  of  Sherborne  St  John,  1725. 

WARNER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius, 
June  15,  1582.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  East  Dereham, 
Norfolk.  School,  Mattishall.  Matric.  1582;  LL.B.  from 
Trinity  Hall,  1589.  Brotherof  William  (1582).  (Fenn,  1. 114.) 

WARNER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1579. 

WARNER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1561.  Probably  s.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Plomsted, 
Norfolk,  Lieut,  of  the  Tower  of  London  (for  whom  see 
D.N.B.).  If  so,  died  s.p.,  July  24,  1561.  Buried  in  St  Mary 
Magdalen,  London. 

WARNER,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1602.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Henry  (1567),  of  Milden- 
haU,  Suffolk.  Of  Mildenhall,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Wentworth,  of  Gosfield,  Essex.  Died  May  14, 
i6i8.    Buried  at  Mildenhall.    Father  of  Edward  (1636-7). 

WARNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  22, 
1630-1.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Parham. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  19,  1612.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5; 
M.A.  1638;  M.D.  (Padua)  1648.  Adm.  Hon.  FeUow,  R.C.P., 
Dec.  1664.  Physician  to  Charles  II.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1620)  and  perhaps  of  Robert  (1629).  (Munk,  1.  332;  Oliver, 
Antigua,  iii.  185.) 

WARNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  ir, 
1636-7.  S.  of  Edward  (1602),  Esq.,  and  grandson  of  Sir 
Henry  (1567),  Knt.  B.  at  Mildenhall,  Suffolk.  School, 
Thetford.  Matric.  1637-8.  Of  Mildenhall,  Esq.  Married 
Sus«n,  dau.  oi  Thomas  Treston,  Esq.,  of  Mendham.  Living, 
1655.  (Venn,  i.  324;  E.  Lee-Warner,  Life  of  J.  Warner,  D.D.) 

WARNER,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  14,  1666. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May,  1673;  priest,  Nov.  1674.  R.  of  Ringsfleld, 
1674-1716.   R.  of  Ellough,  Suffolk,  1680-1706. 

WARNER,  FERDINANDO.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Jan.  19, 
1741-2.  B.  at  Tewkesbury,  Gloucs.  LL.D.  (Lambeth)  1754. 
(Erroneously  said  by  Cole  to  have  been  educated  at  Jesus.) 
B.  1703.  V.  of  Rowde,  Wilts.,  1730;  R.  of  St  Michael  Queen- 
hithe,  London,  1747;  R.  of  Barnes,  Surrey,  1758-68.  Author, 
Ecclesiastical;  wrote  a  History  of  Ireland.  Died  Oct.  3,  1768, 
at  Barnes.   (G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;T.  C.  Dale;  D.N.B.) 

WARNER,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1588. 

WARNER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  1620. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Edmund,  deceased,  of  Parham,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there.  May  12,  1603.  Matric.  1620-1.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1621.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Sir  John  Rous,  of  Henham,  Suffolk;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of 
Anthony  Everard,  of  Stow  Park.  (His  son  John  was  created 
Bart.,  July  16,  1660.)  Died  Sept.  5,  1658,  aged  55.  Buried 
at  Parham.   Brother  of  Edward  (1630-1).   (G.E.C.,  iii.  88.) 

WARNER,  GEORGE.  B.Civ.L.  1496-7. 


Warner,  H[enry] 

WARNER,  H[ENRY].  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Peterhoose,  Oct. 
25,  1567.  Doubtless  s.  Jind  h.  of  Robert,  of  Norwich.  Matric. 
1567.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  10,  1570-1.  Knighted, 
July  23,  1603.  M.P.  for  Hertford,  1601.  Of  Mildenhall, 
Suffolk.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Wingfield,  of 
Letheringhara;  (2)  Frances,  dau.  of  Edward  Glemham. 
Died  May  6,  1617.  Buried  at  Mildenhall.  M.I.  Father  of 
Edward  (1602). 
WARNER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1595;  B.A. 
from  Jesus,  1598-9.  Perhaps  V.  of  Staverton,  Northants., 
WARNER,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1629; 
B.A.  1633.  Doubtless 's.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1600),  of  Balsham, 
Cambs.,  D.D.'  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  8,  163';.  Lieut. - 
Colonel.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1645;  of  Balsham,  Cambs.  " 
WARNER,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  3,  1722. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1725.  Perhaps  M.A.  from  King's, 
1762.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1728.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Fetcham,  Surrey,  1748-72;  V.  of  Effingham,  1762-72.  Died 
Mar.  i6.  1772.  {Manning  and  Bray,  11.  718;  Lambeth  Act  Bk; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WARNER,  JOHN.   B.A.  1454-5;  M.A.  1457,  Wariner. 

WARNER,  JOHN.   Incorp.  1500-1.  A  friar. 

WARNER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1509-10;  M.A.  1512-3.  FeUow  of 
Jesus,  1510-9.  Perhaps  R.  of  Wherstead,  Sufiolk,  1530-53. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Whaddon,  Cambs.,  1545. 

WARNER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1559;  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1570.  FeUow  of  Trinity 
Hall,  1569-74. 

WARNER,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1569. 

WARNER,  JOHN.  D.D.  1620.  S.  of  Harman,  of  London, 
Merchant  Tavlor.  Bapt.  at  St  Clement  Danes,  Sept.  17,  1581. 
Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Oct.  13,  1598;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1602;  M.A.  1605;  B.D.  1613;  D.D.  1616.  FeUow  of  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford,  1604-10.  R.  of  St  Paul's  Cray,  Kent, 
1609-14.  R.  of  St  Michael,  Crooked  Lane.  London,  1614-9. 
Canon  of  Canterbury,  1616-37.  R.  of  Bishopsboume,  with 
Chapel  of  Barham,  Kent,  1619-46,  sequestered.  A  proctor 
for  the  diocese  of  Canterbury,  1620  and  1623.  R.  of  HoUing- 
boume,  Kent,  1624-36.  R.  of  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  1625- 
42.  Chaplain  to  the  King.  Governor  of  Sion  College  (ac- 
cording to  Newcourt's  Repertorium) .  Dean  of  Lichfield, 
1633-7-  R-  of  Bromley,  Kent,  1638-45,  sequestered.  Bishop 
of  Rochester,  1638-66.  Built  and  endowed  Bromley  College. 
A  staunch  adherent  of  church  and  monarchy.  An  exile  in 
the  West  Country,  1643-6;  suffered  sequestration  of  his 
private  property.  Author,  sermons,  etc.  Died  Oct.  14,  1666, 
aged  86.  Buried  in  Rochester  Cathedral.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(E.  Lee  Warner,  Life  of  J.  Warner,  D.D. ;  At.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.; 
Hasted,  II.  44.) 

WARNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  30,  1663. 
Of  London.  S.  of  Robert,  Merchant  Taylor.  B.  1641.  Matric. 
1663.  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  Scholar,  1663. 
Died  before  Mar.  13,  1664-5.   (A.  W.  Lockhart.) 

WARNER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  6, 
1665.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Christ  Church,  Hants. 
Schools,  Ringwood  (Mr  Norris),  GodshiU  (Mr  Warder)  and 
Lymington  (Mr  Tompkins). 

WARNER,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Caius,  1707.  S.  of  John,  of 
Eydon,  Northants.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1693; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1697.  Ord.  deacon  (Oxford)  June  4,  1699; 
priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  20,  1702.  R.  of  Hascombe,  Surrey, 
1708-34;  of  Cranleigh,  1729-34.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 
Rothes.  Died  Nov.  i,  1734,  aged  57.  M.I.  at  Hascombe. 
{Venn,  i.  516;  Manning  and  Bray,  n.  67.) 

WARNER,  LEE.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  23,  1669.  S.  and  h.  of  John  Lee,  alias  Warner,  D.D. 
B.  1653.  School,  Canterbury.  Matric.  1669.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Sept.  16,  1670;  of  Southfleet,  Kent.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  i677-  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Henry  Hamp- 
son,  Oct.  16,  1697,  at  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London.  Died 
s./).,Mar.  4,  1698-9.  Buried  in  Rochester  Cathedral.  (E.  Lee- 
Wamer,  John  Warner,  D.D.) 

WARNER,  MANISON.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  17,  1729. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.  1710.  Matric.  1731;  B.A.  1732-3; 
Scholar,  1733;  M.A.  1736.  FeUow,  1734-45.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Sept.  1733;  priest,  Dec.  1734.  V.  of  St  Ives,  Hunts., 
1744-7.   R.  of  Offord  D'Arcy,  1746-52.   Died  1752. 

WARNER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  22, 
1661-2.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Beetley,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
there,  Feb.  26,  1643-4.  Schools,  Gressenhall,  private  and 
Seaming.  Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1662-9;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A. 
1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  lo,  1666;  'C.  of  Beetley'; 
priest,  Dec.  19,  1669.  R.  of  Beetley,  1669-1722;  of  Scul- 
thorpe,  1704-5,  and  of  Foulsham,  1721-2.  Died  Sept.  11, 
1722.  Buried  at  Beetley.  {Venn,  i.  415;  Carthew,  Launditch, 
in.  125.) 

Warnes,  Edward 

WARNER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Feb. 

13,  1664-5.   01  London.   .Matric.  1665. 
WARNER,  ROBERT.   B.D.  1486-7.   A  friar.  D.D.  1492-3. 
WARNER,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Lent, 


WARNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  8,  1629. 
Of  Suffolk.  Probably  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Parham.  Matric. 
1629.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Robert,  of  Cratfield,  Suffolk; 
bapt.  there,  Feb.  18,  1611.  Died  1641.  Probably  brother  of 
Edward  (1630-1)  and  Francis  (1620).  (Oliver,  Antiqua.  in. 

WARNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  2, 
1727.  S.  of  Robert,  chemist,  of  Woodbridge,  Suffolk.  B.  at 
Saxmundham.  School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Edw.  Leeds).  Matric. 
1727.   Migrated  to  Pembroke,  Nov.  15,  1728.  B.A.  i73ch-i. 

WARNER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  July  1, 1679. 

WARNER,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  Mar. 
1557-8;  Scholar,  1559;  B.A.  1560-1;  M.A.  1564.  FeUow, 
until  1566,  when  he  was  expelled  by  Dr  Caius.  Perhaps  adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  4,  1567;  of  Norfolk.   {Venn,  i.  40.) 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  FeUow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1426-32. 
Donor  of  a  window  in  the  haU.  One  of  these  names  of 
Burgh,  Cambs.,  clerk:  will  (P.C.C.)  1473. 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  Resident  student  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Aug.  1564. 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  14,  1585-6. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Oliver,  of  Eversden, 
Cambs.  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Leonard  Moore,  of  Sandon, 
Herts.).   (Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618-9.) 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  30, 
1597.  S.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Howe,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Lynn  and  Norwich. 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  9,  1600; 
B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608;  D.D.  1624  (per  Lit.  Reg.).  V.  of 
Humberston,  Leics.,  1610.  R.  of  Balsham,  Cambs.,  1611-42. 
Married  Ann,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Nicholson,  of  Gt  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  1609.  Died  1657.  Buried  at  Balsham,  AprI  5, 
1657.  Will,  P.C.C.  (folio  119  Berkley);  mentions  sons  Henry 
(deceased),  Thomas  and  Edward.  Doubtless  father  of  Henry 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1620; 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Probably  R.  of  Abberton,  Essex, 
1634-44,  sequestered;  for  a  time  R.  of  AU  Saints',  Colchester. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Camborne,  ComwaU.  Died  1646.  Perhaps 
father  of  Thomas  (1659).   (Peile,  i.  354.) 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  July  3, 
1623;  re-adm.  Apr.  19,  1632.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Maldon, 
Essex.  School,  Maldon.   (Peile,  i.  354,  418.) 

WARNER  or  WARDNER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
Christ's,  May  18,  1647.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Upwell, 
Norfolk.  School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1. 
Doubtless  ord.  priest  (Joseph  HaU,  Bishop  of  Norwich) 
May  12,  1654.   V.  of  Gosfield,  Essex,  1664-72.  Died  1672. 

WARNER,  THOMAS.  \Axa.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  6, 
1659.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (?  1620),  R.  of  Camborne,  Corn- 
waU.  B.  at  Chingford,  Essex.  Schools,  Chingford  (Mr  Peak) 
and  Tiverton,  Devon.  Matric.  1660.  One  of  these  names  of 
Poundstock,  Cornwall,  clerk;  admon.  (Exeter)  1718. 

WARNER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  (?  1497-8);  M.A.  1501;  B.D. 
1508-9;  D.D.  1512-3.  FeUow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1499-1517. 
FeUow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1545.  President  of  Ph>-swick 
Hostel,  1503.  R.  of  Winterton,  Norfolk,  1515-45.  An  early 
reformer;  an  intimate  friend  of  Bilney,  the  martyr,  whom 
he  attended  at  his  execution,  1531.  Buried  at  Paston,  Dec. 
24,  1546.   (Venn,  i.  14;  Masters.) 

WARNER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1548.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Wendy,  Cambs.,  1555. 

WARNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  15, 
1582.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  East  Dereham,  Norfolk. 
School,  Mattishall.  Matric.  1582.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Jan.  25,  1605  (literate),  age  40;  C.  of  Hardley. 
Brother  of  Christopher  (1582).   (Venn,  1.  114.) 

WARNER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  28, 
1587.   Matric.  1587. 

WARNER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1631;  B.A.  1633;  M.A.  1637. 

WARNER, .    B.D.   1496-7.    A  friar.    D.D.   1498-9.    One 

William  Warner,  D.D.,  R.  of  Oxnead,  Norfolk,  1546. 

WARNER, .   .\dm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1581. 

WARNES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1630;  B.A. 
1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1638; 
priest,  Dec.  20,  i6}o.  R.  of  Lammas,  Norfolk,  1645-1700. 
K.  of  Gt  Hautbois,  1661-1700.  Died  1700,  aged  87.  Bene- 
factor to  Yarmouth.  (Manship,  Yarmouth,  245.) 


ii — i 

Warnet,  Edward 

WARNET,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June,  1635; 
Fell. -Com.  Apr.  30,  1636.  Probably  s.  of  Francis  (next)  (but 
occurs  as  Edmund  in  Vis.  of  Surrey,  1623).  Matric.  1635. 

WARNET,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Mar.  30,  1604. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John  (next).  Matric.  1604.  Of  Hempsted, 
Sussex.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward  Boys,  of  Kent. 
Probably  father  of  Edward  (above).  {Vis.  of  Surrey,  23; 
H.  F.  Waters,  Geneal.  Gleanings,  40.) 

WARNET,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1580. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Hempsted,  Sussex.  Married 
Susan  Ridley,  of  Whellebeech  [Welbeck],  Sussex.  Doubtless 
father  of  Francis  (above).  (H.  F.  Waters,  Geneal.  Gleanings; 
Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  5th  S.,  n.  215.) 

WARNFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  26,  1713- 
4.  S.  of  Henry,  R.  of  Freshford,  Somerset.  Matric.  (New 
College,  Oxford)  Dec.  9,  1712,  age  15.  Matric.  1715.  (Burke, 
L.G.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WARR,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  1631.  Of  Somerset. 
Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1634;  B. A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Fellow 
of  Peterhouse,  1641-5,  ejected.    (T.  A.  Walker.) 

WARRE,  HENRY  DE  LA.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Peter- 
house,  Mar.  14,  1619.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (West),  3rd  Lord 
De  La  Warr,  Governor  and  Captain-General  of  Virginia. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  4th  Baron,  i6i8.  Married  Isabel, 
dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Edmonds,  Knt.,  clerk  of  the  Council. 
Died  June  i,  1628.   (T.  A.  Walker,  14;  Nichols,  u.  211.) 

WARRE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606; 
Scholar,  1608;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613;  D.D.  1632.  Fellow, 
1612.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1617.  Ord.  priest  (York,  for  Lin- 
coln) Mar.  1616-7.  R.  of  Welboum,  Lines.,  1616.  Canon  of 
Lincoln,  1629.  Archdeacon  of  Leicester,  1631-4  and  1640-1. 
Died  1641.   {Al.  Oxon.) 



WARREN,  ANANIAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  July,  1602.  S.  of 
George,  goldsmith,  of  London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  1602.  Buried  at  St  Peter's,  CornhiU,  Sept.  17,  1603, 
aged  17.   (Robinson,  Merchant  Taylors'  School.) 

WARREN,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  6,  1709. 
Of  Devon.   Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3. 

WARREN,  ARNOLD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1392. 

WARREN,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

WARREN,  BASIL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  19,  1672. 

WARREN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1726. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  Doubtless  6th  s.  of  Borlase,  of  Stapel- 
ford  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Harpur,  Bart.).  Bapt. 
Aug.  9,  1707,  at  Stapleford.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30; 
M.A.  1734.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24,  1732;  priest, 
Dec.  23,  1733.  ^-  of  Grimoldby,  Lines.,  1733.  R.  of  Ludgers- 
hall,  Bucks.,  1747-8.  Died  unmarried,  1748.  Brother  of 
James  (1731).  {Genealogist,  N.S.,  iii.  55;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her., 
N.S.,  III.  50.) 

WARREN,  DANIEL.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Apr.  26,  1651.  Of  Ipswich.  B.  at  Tenterden,  Kent. 
Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658.  Fellow,  1654-9. 
R.  of  Horstead  and  Coltishall,  Norfolk,  1658-1700.  Buried 
at  Horstead,  June  11,  1700.  Father  of  George  (1687). 

WARREN,  DAVID.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1579. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1582-3. 

WARREN,  DESIDERIUS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  7, 
1621.  S.  of  Edward,  V.  of  Duston,  Northants.  Matric.  1621; 
B.A.  1624-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  12;  priest,  June  13, 
1625.  R.  of  Wickersley,  Yorks.,  1629-67.  R.  of  Tankersley, 
c.  1654-67.   Buried  Apr.  11,  1667.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WARREN,  a/i:as  SIDLING,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke, 
1637-8.  Matric.  1638;  B.A.  1641-2;  M.A.  1646.  V.  of 
St  Peter's,  Colchester,  Essex,  1654-62,  ejected.  Adm.  extra- 
licentiate  R.C.P.,  July  31,  1667;  practised  at  Colchester. 
Also  a  preacher  in  the  town.  Died  1690.   {Davids,  373.) 

WARREN,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  3,  1649. 

Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1649;  Scholar,  1651;  B.A.  1652-3; 

M.A.  1656.   One  of  these  names  minister  at  Thorley,  Herts., 

in  1659. 
WARREN,  ERASMUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  10, 

1656-7.    S.  of  George  (1631).    B.  at  Chippenham,  Cambs. 

School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A. 

1664.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Aug.  21,  1662.  R.  of  Worlington, 

Suffolk,  1666-1718.    R.  of  Freckenham,  1672.   Chaplain  to 

the  Earl  of  Suffolk.  Author,  religious.   Died  Sept.  27,  1718. 

Buried  at  Worlington.    M.I.    Father  of  the  next  and  of 

Robert  (1697).   {Peile,  1.  575.) 

Warren,  John 

WARREN,  ERASMUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  3,  1686.  S.  of  Erasmus  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Walling- 
ton,  Sufiolk.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Burton).  Brother  of 
Robert  (1697). 

WARREN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WARREN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634,  Waring.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  5;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1631.  R.  of  Hartwell,  Bucks.,  1635- 
48.  Died  1648. 

WARREN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  23,  1631.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Martin  (1591).  Matric.  1631; 
Scholar,  1632;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  V.  of  Chippenham, 
Cambs.,  1642;  there  in  1650.  Probably  R.  of  Barton  Mills, 
Suffolk,  1660.  Perhaps  brother  of  Martin  (1619),  father  of 
Erasmus  (1656-7). 

WARREN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  5, 
1687.  Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Daniel  (1651),  of 
Horstead,  Norfolk,  clerk.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1690-1.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  July  11,  1693. 

WARREN,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1550.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1553-4;  M.A.  from  St 
John's,  1557;  B.D.  from  Trinity,  1569.  Fellow  of  St  John's, 
1554.  R.  of  Little  Massingham,  Norfolk,  1569-71.  V.  of 
Terrington,  1574-82. 

WARREN,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1607. 
Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  (?  1609-10);  M.A.  1613. 

WARREN,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  9,  1678.  S. 
of  Henry,  of  St  Martin's,  Stamford  Baron,  Northants. 
Matric.  1678.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  18,  1680. 

WARREN,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  17, 
1686.  S.  of  John  (1650),  gent.  B.  at  Stockport,  Cheshire. 
Bapt.  there,  Sept.  30,  1668.  School,  Stockport.  Matric. 
1686.  Of  Salford.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Hesketh, 
of  Rufford.  Buried  at  Stockport,  Jan.  7,  1732-3.  (E.  Axon; 
Ormerod,  in.  344.) 

WARREN,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16  sic)  at  St  John's, 
Aug.  6,  1691.  S.  of  Henry,  clerk.  B.  at  Stockport,  Cheshire. 
Bapt.  there,  Jan.  17,  1671-2.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1692;  B..\.  1695-6.  Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  William 
Davenport.  Blinded  by  a  shot  from  a  gun,  Dec.  2,  1700; 
afterwards  occupied  himself  in  weaving  silks  on  a  loom  of 
his  own  contriving.  Buried  at  Stockport,  Aug.  26,  1744. 
(E.  Axon;  Ormerod,  in.  344.) 

WARREN,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Edmund's  Hostel, 
Michs.  1544. 

WARREN,  JAMES.  Matric.  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1717. 
S.  of  John  ( 1 670-1),  of  Boxford,  Suffolk.  School,  West- 
minster. Migrated  to  Trinity,  Nov.  5,  1719,  age  21.  Scholar, 
1720;  LL.B.  1724.  R.  of  Kirby  Underdale,  Yorks.,  1723-30. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1707). 

WARREN,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  9,  1731. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  Borlase.  B.  1712.  Matric.  1732; 
LL.B.  1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1737;  priest. 
May  28,  1738.  R.  of  Stretton-Audley,  Oxon.  R.  of  Ludgers- 
hall,  Bucks.,  1748-74.  Died  before  Jan.  14,  1774.  [Not  to 
be  confounded  with  his  uncle  James  W.  who  died  Mar.  29, 
1773-4,  aged  89.  M.I.  at  Little  Marlow.]  Brother  of  Charles 
(1726).  {Lipscomb,  i.  310,  319;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  in. 
49 ;  T.  Langlsy,  Desborough.) 

WARREN,  JASPER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1612. 

One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Gt  Thurlow, 

WARREYN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1571. 
WAREN,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1587. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  9,  1591. 
Matric.  c.  1592;  Scholar;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  One  of 
these  names,  M.A.,  V.  of  Gt  Clacton,  Essex,  1610.  Admon. 
(Cons.  C.  London)  Apr.  18,  1628. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  11,  1594- 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Normanton,  Leics.  School,  Normanton 
(Mr  WoodaU). 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596.  Of 
Cambridge.  Scholar,  1599.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Jan. 
1600-1.  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  i,  1621-2. 
Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1626-7.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Chichester) 
May  20,  1627;  priest  (St  Davids)  Dec.  19,  1630.  V.  of 
Udimore,  Sussex,  1632-8.  Buried  there  June  25,  1638. 
Will  at  Lewes.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1623.  Matric. 
1623.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Thomas,  late  of  Bittell, 
Worcs.,  deceased;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  3,  1623. 


Warren,  John 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Aclm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  25 
re-adm.  pens.  Sept.  15,  1624.  Of  Clare,  Suffolk.  S.  of  John 
gent.,  of  Hempstead,  Essex.  Matric.  1624;  Scholar,  1625-8 
B.A.  1627-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  22 
1628.  Probably  V.  of  Hemel  Hempstead,  Herts.,  1646-57 
Died  there  Aug.  13,  1657.  One  of  these  names  nominated 
minister  of  the  7th  Classis  of  Essex,  in  1648;  he  was  then  at 
Hatfield  Broadoak;  still  there,  1657-8;  perhaps  R.  of  Little 
Chesterford,  1661-77.   (Venn,  1.  267.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1632. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1640;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1641. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Bradley,  Sufiolk,  1641.  Probably  R. 
of  Lawford,  Essex,  1663.  Buried  July  8,  1664.  Admon., 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  11, 
1641.  S.  of  Thomas,  farmer.  B.  at  Wolverley,  Worcs. 
Schools,  Wolverley  and  Bridgnorth  (Mr  Barton).  B.A.  1644- 
5;  M.A.  1648. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sx  John's,  Apr.  2,  1650. 
S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  of  Stockport,  Cheshire.  B.  Aug.  12, 
1630,  at  Poynton-in-Prestbury,  Cheshire.  School,  Anderton, 
Lanes,  (private).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  28,  1649.  Judge 
of  Chester.  Died  Mar.  20,  1705-6.  Buried  at  Stockport. 
Father  of  Hugh  (1686).    (E.  Axon.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  4,  1670. 
Of  Hampshire.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4.  Ord.  priest 
(London)  Dec.  22,  1678. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  7, 
1670.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Exeter.  School,  Exeter  (Mr 
Withman).  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Sept.  24,  1676.   (Peile,  11.  30.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Mar.  11,  1670-1. 
Matric.  1671;  Scholar,  1674;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1679.  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  1681-6. 
Taxor,  1682.  R.  of  Boxford,  Suffolk,  1683-1721.  Father  of 
James  (1717)  and  Thomas  (1707).  {Al.  Oxon.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  10, 
1674.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Bradley,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Bradley  (Mr  Billingsley).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1678-9. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Thurston,  Suffolk,  1685-1726;  R.  of  Langham, 
1691-1725.   Died  1726.   Perhaps  father  of  John  (1703). 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  9,  i686.  S. 
and  h.  of  Samuel,  V.  of  Ashford,  Kent.  B.  Sept.  4,  1670,  at 
Preston,  Sussex.  School,  .'\shford.  Matric.  1686;  B.A. 
1689-90;  M.A.  1693;  B.D.  1701;  D.D.  1711.  Fellow,  1693- 
1710.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Rochester) 
Sept.  25,  1692;  priest,  1695.  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Cambridge, 
i695-<;.  1700.  R.  of  Trottiscliffe,  Kent,  1695-1709.  V.  of 
St  John's,  Margate,  1703-5.  Lecturer  at  All  Hallows, 
Lombard  Street,  London.  R.  of  St  Stephen,  Exeter,  1709. 
Preb.  of  Exeter,  1709-36.  R.  of  Farringdon,  Devon,  1709. 
R.  of  Bickton,  1717.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Exeter. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  Dec.  11,  1736,  aged  66.  Buried  at 
Farringdon.   Brother  of  Richard  (1696)  and  William  (1700). 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
July  26,  1698.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.  B.  at  Dinkley,  Lanes. 
School,  Winchester. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Aug.  3, 
1703.  S.  of  John  (?  1674).  B.  at  Thurston,  Suffolk.  School, 
Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1704;  Scholar,  1704-5;  B.A. 
1707-8;  M.A.  1711.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1707-8; 
priest,  Mar.  20,  1708-9.  R.  of  Fomham  AU  Saints',  and 
St  Martin,  Suffolk,  1713-38.  Died  June  20,  1738,  aged  54. 
M.I.  at  Fordham.  Father  of  John  (1734).  {Peile,  11.  158; 
Gage,  260.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  3, 
1708-9.  S.  of  Martin,  of  Snailwell,  Cambs.  School,  Thurlow, 
Suffolk  (Mr  Harwood).   Matric.  1710. 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  7,  1734. 
S.  of  John  (1703),  R.  of  Fomham  All  Saints',  Suffolk.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Wymondham  and  Seaming  (Mr  Brett). 
Matric.  1734;  Scholar,  1734-9;  B.A.  1738-9;  M.A.  1743. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from  Ely)  Mar.  1738-g. 
V.  of  Waterbeach,  Carabs.,  1745;  resigned  the  same  year. 
R.  of  West  Hading,  Norfolk,  1745-66;  of  Brettenham,  1758- 
89,  and  of  Little  Saxham,  Suffolk,  1765-89.  Died  Dec.  29, 
1789.   Buried  at  Little  Saxham.   (Venn,  11.  40.) 

WARREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  July  6,  1747. 
2nd  s.  of  Richard  (1696),  D.D.,  R.  of  Cavendish,  and  Arch- 
deacon of  Suffolk.  B.  May  12,  1730,  at  Cavendish.  School, 
Bury.  Matric.  i747;  Scholar,  1747-54;  B.A.  1751;  M.A. 
1754;  D.D.  1772.  Members'  prize,  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  17,  1753;  priest.  May  26,  1754.  R-  oi  Leverington, 
Cambs.,  1754;  of  Teversham,  1761-8,  and  of  Snailwell,  1768. 
Preb.  of  Ely,  1768-79.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Sondes.  V.  of 
Wisbech,  1774.    R.  of  Mepal,  1775.    Bishop  of  St  Davids, 

Warren,  Robert 

1779-83;  of  Bangor,  1783-1800.  Married  a  daughter  of 
Henry  Southwell,  Esq.,  Apr.  12,  1777.  Author,  sermons,  etc. 
Died  Jan.  27,  1800.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1747-8)  and  Samuel  Fenner  (1747).  (Venn  11 
60;  D.N.B.) 

WARREN,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June  13, 
1627.  S.  of  Robert,  surgeon,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Gt  Walsing' 
ham.  School,  Holt,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1630-1. 
Licensed  to  practise  medicine  and  surgery  (Bishop  of 
Norwich)  1633. 

WARREN,  LANGHORN.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1739.  S.  of 
Robert  (1697),  D.D.,  R.  of  Charlton,  Kent.  Matric.  (Brase- 
nose  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  11,  1728,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1735-  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Oct.  1735.  Succeeded  his  father 
as  R.  of  Charlton,  1736-52.  P.C.  of  Hampstead,  Middlesex, 
1740-62.  R.of  West  Bergholt,  Essex,  1752-6.  V.ofDedham, 
1759-61-  R-  of  Roding  Morell,  1760-2.  Died  June  26,  1762 
Buried  at  Hampstead.  M.I.  [Al.  Oxon.;  Peile,  11.  227- 
Hennessy.)  ' 

WARREN,  LUCKE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1609. 

WARREN,  MARTIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Joh.v's,  c.  1591; 
B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598;  B.D.  1605.  Incorp.  at  Oxford) 
1599-  V.  of  Ixning,  Suffolk,  1599;  probably  R.  of  Worling- 
ton,  till  1643.  Will  dated,  Jan.  25,  1641;  proved  (Norwich) 
Feb.  7,  1643-4;  described  as  B.D.,  and  parson  of  WorUngton; 
mentions  son  Martin, '  then  young.'  Perhaps  father  of  Martin 
(1619)  and  George  (1631).  (Al.  Oxon.;  E.  Anglian;  Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  II.  72.) 

WARREN,  MARTIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  17, 
1601-2.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Suffolk.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
Died  in  College,  1603.  Buried  June  21,  1603,  at  St  Michael's, 
Cambridge;  as  Matthew.  (Venn,  i.  177;  Ely  Epis.  Rec.,  275.) 

WARREN,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27,  1619.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Martin  (1591).  Scholar,  1620; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626;  B.D.  1633.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1626.  R.  of  Drinkstone,  Suffolk,  1630- 
46.  R.  of  Worlington,  1643-56.  Perhaps  his  will,  dated  Mar. 
26;  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  18,  1655 ;  to  be  buried  at  his  father's 
feet  in  the  churchyard  of  Fordham.  .Advowson  of  Worling- 
ton, Suffolk,  to  be  sold.  Mentions  brother  George  (?  1631), 
clerk,  and  brother-in-law  Thos.  Shelley,  Esq.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WARREN,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  4,  1640.  Of 
Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (1601-2),  of  Hethersett. 
Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1640. 

WARREN,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  4,  1714-5. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  School,  Rugby.  Matric.  1715. 
Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Oct.  3,  1718.  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A. 
1722;  M.D.  1730.  Fellow  of  Emmanuel,  1721.  Settled  at 
Bury  St  Edmunds.  Died  there  1735,  aged  39.  M.I.  at  St 
Mary's,  Bury.   (Musgrave,  06.) 

WARREN,  MATTHIAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Feb.  23,  1669- 
70.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1674;  priest,  Feb.  1675-6.  R.  of  Westley, 
Suffolk,  1676-1705.  Buried  there  Mar.  4,  1704-5.  (Gage,  94.) 

WARREYN,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WARREN,   RICHARD.    Matric.   pens,   from  Trinity,   Michs. 

1622;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1623;  B.A.  1626-7. 

WARREN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  29,  1696. 
S.  of  Samuel,  V.  of  .Ashford,  Kent.  B.  1681.  School,  .Ashford. 
Matric.  1697;  Scholar,  1700;  B.A.  1699-1700;  M..A.  1703; 
B.D.  1710;  D.D.  1718.  Fellow,  1703-22.  Ord.  priest  (Ely) 
June  3,  1705.  R.  of  Harlton,  Cambs.,  1706.  V.  of  Comberton, 
1709-18.  V.  of  Hinxton,  1711-6.  R.  of  Gravcley,  1718-21. 
R.  of  Cavendish,  Suffolk,  1721-48.  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk, 
1745-8.  Married  Priscella.dau.  of  John  Fenner.  Died  Jan.  4, 
1747-8.  Buried  at  Cavendish.  M.I.  Father  of  the  next,  of 
John  (1747)  and  of  Samuel  Fenner  (1747). 

WARREN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Feb.  2,  1747-8. 
S.  of  Richard  (above),  D.D.  B.  Dec.  4,  1731,  at  Cavendish. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1750;  Rustat  Scholar,  1748;  Members' 
Prize;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755;  M.D.  1762.  Fellow,  1756-9, 
Physician  to  the  Middlesex  Hospital,  1756;  to  St  George's, 
1760-6;  to  the  King,  1762;  to  the  Prince  of  Wales,  1787. 
F.R.C.P.,  1763.  F.R.S.,  1764.  Censor,  elect.  Gulstonian 
lecturer,  1764.  Harveian  orator,  1768.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Peter  Shaw,  physician  to  the  King,  succeeded  to  the 
practice  of  his  fatber-in-law,  1763.  Died  June  22,  i7g7. 
Buried  in  Kensington  Church.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  John  (1747)  and  of  Samuel  Fenner  (1747).  (D.N.B.; 
Munk,  II.  242.) 

WARREN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  27,  1581. 
S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Little  Snoring,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  Jan.  20, 
1565-6.  School,  Fakenham.  Scholar,  1582-8;  B.A.  1584-5; 
M.A.  1588;  B.D.  1596.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  5,  1589. 
R.  of  Little  Snoring,  1593;  still  there,  1616.   (Venn,  i.  112.) 


Warren,  Robert 

WARREN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1587-8. 
B.  at  Gt  Cornard,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1588.  Probably  B.A. 
1594-5.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  19;  priest,  June  20, 
1594,  age  24.  Perhaps  owner  of  the  manor  of  Westley,  Suffolk, 
1627-57;  then  of  Long  Melford.  If  so,  benefactor  of  Peter- 
house,  donor  to  the  Building  Fund.  (But  the  benefactor  to 
Peterhouse  is  described  in  the  Chapel  Building  accounts  as 
S.T.P.,  of  Long  Melford:  so  possibly  this  applies  to  the 
Emmanuel  man.)   (Copinger,  vii.  115.) 

WARREN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  6,  1598. 
Matric.  1598;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1601-2;  M.A.  1606; 
D.D.  1631-2  (Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  22,  1605.  C.  of  Westacre.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Feltwell, 
Norfolk,  1609-19.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Langenhoe, 
Essex,  1607-18;  R.  of  Borley,  1616. 

WARREN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  11,  1656-7. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1658. 

WARREN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  7, 

1697.  S.  of  Erasmus  (1656-7).  B.  at  Worlington,  Suffolk. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1697;  Scholar,  1698-9;  B.A.  1700-1; 
M.A.  1704;  D.D.  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  Mar.  16, 
1700;  priest  (Rochester)  May  28,  1704.  R.  of  Charlton,  Kent, 
1704-36.  R.  of  Stratford-le-Bow,  Middlesex,  1718.  P.C.  of 
Hampstead,  1735-40.  Died  June  1,  1740,  aged  60.  M.L  at 
Hampstead.  Admon.,P.C.C.  Brother  of  Erasmus  (1686)  and 
father  of  Langhom  (1739).   (Peile,  u.  139;  Hennessy.) 

WARREN,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1570. 
Perhaps  migrated  to  Oxford.  If  so,  matric.  (University 
College,  Oxford)  Jan.  10,  i574-5i  age  20;  of  Devon;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1575.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WARREN,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1615;  Scholar,  1615-9;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  1620.  V.  of  Gt  Breckles,  Norfolk,  1628.  V.  of 
Griston,  1633-54  (?).  R.  of  Merton,  till  1676.  Died  1676, 
aged  77.   {Peile,  i.  302.) 

WARREN,  SAMUEL  FENNER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Dec.  1747.  S.  of  Richard  (1696),  D.D.,  R.  of  Cavendish. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  10,  1750;  'C.  of  South  Collingham, 
Notts.';  priest  (Peterb.)  June  17,  i753-  R-  of  Leverington, 
Cambs.,  during  1754.  R.  of  St  James',  Santee,  South 
Carolina,  1758-74.  Returned  to  England.  Being  warmly 
attached  to  the  Colonial  cause  he  again  went  to  South 
Carolina,  in  1778.  Died  there  Mar.  3,  1789.  Buried  in 
Echaw  Churchyard.  Brother  of  John  (i747)  and  Richard 
(1747-8).  (Dalcho,  S.  Carolina;  E.  A.  Jones.) 

WARREN,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1627. 

WARYN,  THOMAS.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1436-45. 

WARREYNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1570;  B.A.  1573-4.  R.  of  Timworth,  Suffolk,  1591- 
1612.  Died  1612.  Benefactor  to  Peterhouse.  {T.  A.  Walker.) 

WAREN,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 

WARRON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Peter's, 
Sandwich,  Kent,  1627-38.  Died  1638. 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624. 
Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Perhaps  P.C.  of 
St  Lawrence,  Ipswich,  1633-5.  Probably  R.  of  Witnesham, 
Suffolk,  1648  (but  said  to  have  been  ord.  priest  by  Bishop 
of  St  David's,  Nov.  13,  1624);  V.  of  Henley,  in  1668.   Died 

1698,  aged  92.  M.I.  at  Witnesham.  Probably  father  of 
Thomas  (1663).   {Venn,  i.  419.) 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1625;  B.A.  1628-9. 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  30,  1632. 
Of  Sussex.  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  9,  1638-9;  perhaps  priest  (Rochester) 
June  9,  1639;  if  so,  R.  of  Layham,  Suffolk,  1645.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  St  Stephen  Wallbrook,  London,  1642. 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1634.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Bishop  of  Whithem)  Dec.  22,  1660.  R.  of 
Houghton,  Hants.,  1650-62;  ejected,  1662.  Preacher  at 
Romsey  and  elsewhere.  Author,  sermons.  Died  Jan.  27, 
1693-4,  aged  77.  Buried  at  Romsey.  {Calamy.u.  12;  D.N. B.) 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1658; 
B.A.  1661-2.   Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1684. 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  11, 
1663.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1624),  clerk,  of  Witnesham,  Suffolk. 
B.  in  Ipswich.  Schools,  Stowmarket  (Mr  Colton)  and  Melton. 
Matric.  1663;  Scholar,  1663-8;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670. 
Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Norwich)  Nov.  28,  1668; 
'C.  to  his  father  at  Henley,  Suffolk';  priest.  Mar.  3,  1671-2. 
V.  of  Pakenham,  1672-83.  Died  Jan.  24,  1682-3.  M.I.  at 
Witnesham.  Will  (Suff.  Archd.)  1683.   (Venn,  i.  419.) 

Warrener,  Thomas 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1665-6. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1672;  priest  (London)  Sept.  1673.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Darsham,  Suffolk,  1683-1706.  One  of  these  names  V. 
of  Cheveley,  Cambs.,  1689-1703. 
WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Mar.  16,  1668-9. 
S.  of  John.  B.  at  Kenton,  Suffolk.  School,  Eye  (Mr  Browne). 
Matric.  1669.  (Peile,  11.  19.) 
WARREN.  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  July  2, 
1707.  S.  of  John  (?  1670-1),  R.  of  Boxford,  Suffolk.  Matric. 
1709.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1713-4;  priest,  June  11, 
1714.  R.  of  South  Pickenham,  Norfolk,  1714-22.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  R.  of  Boxford,  Suffolk,  1721-35.  Died  1735- 
Brother  of  James  (1717).  (T.  C.  Dale.) 
WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  July  3, 
1707.  S.  of  Robert,  R.  of  Rame,  Cornwall.  Matric.  1707. 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1717  (Com.  Reg.). 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 
1718.  S.  of  Martin,  husbandman,  of  Cambridge.  B.  at 
Snowhill.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert  and  Mr  Johnstone). 
Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar. 
1723-4.  V.  of  Chattisham,  Suffolk,  1726-70.  Author, 
Sermon.  Died  Apr.  8,  1770,  aged  61  (sic).  Buried  at  Chattis- 
ham.  M.L,  where  he  is  styled  M.A.   (ScoU-Mayor,  in.  316.) 

WARREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  8, 
1747.  S.  of  John,  mercer,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  BuUimer).  .Scholar,  1747-53;  LL.B.  i753- 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July  7,  i754;  'C.  of  Mileham';  priest, 
Aug.  I,  1756.  R.  of  Tasburgh,  1757-97;  of  Tacolneston, 
1754-96.  Died  1796.  Will,  P.C.C.  (F^n,  11.  59.) 

WARREN,  W.  M.Gram.  1468-9. 

WARREN,  WILLIAM  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1596. 
Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  1597-8.  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A. 
1603.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1605.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  23,  1604,  age  25.  C.  of  North  Barsham, 

WARREN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  1601-2;  B.A. 
1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Fellow,  1608-16.  University  preacher. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  8,  161 1-2. 
R.  of  Caldecote,  Hunts.,  1613-4.  R.  of  Coney  Weston, 
Suffolk,  1614-20.  Perhaps  R.  of  Hethersett,  Norfolk,  1617- 
20,  and  probably  1620-39  (said  to  be  S.T.P.,  in  1617). 
Perhaps  father  of  Martin  (1640).   (Blomefield,  v.  28.) 

WARREN,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1629-30;  M.A. 

WARREN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  30,  1637. 
Matric.  1637;  Scholar,  1637;  B.A.  1640-1. 

WARREN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1641.  Of  Cambridgeshire. 

WARREN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity  Hall,  May  3, 
1700.  S.  of  Samuel,  V.  of  Ashford,  Kent.  B.  there,  Apr.  27, 
1683.  Matric.  1700;  Scholar,  1701-2;  LL.B.  1706;  LL.D. 
1717.  Fellow,  1712-45.  Vice-Master,  1723.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1707;  priest, 
Dec.  18,  1709.  C.  of  Ashford,  Kent,  1707.  Probably  V.  of 
Hinxton,  Cambs.,  1712-3.  V.  of  Sawston,  1713-5.  Minister 
of  St  Edward's,  Cambridge,  1716.  Left  CoUege  in  1743,  and 
returned  to  Ashford.  Antiquary  and  historian  of  Trinity 
Hall.  Died  at  Canterbury,  Jan.  5,  1744-5-  Buried  at 
Ashford.  Will  (V.C.C.)  and  (P.C.C.)  1745-  Brother  of  John 
(1686)  and  Richard  (1696).   (Coll.  Hist.,  169;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WARREN,  WILLIAM  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pem- 
broke, May  9,  1724.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Poynton,  Cheshire, 
gent.  B.  at  Hanwell,  Oxon.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8; 
M.A.  1743. 

WARREN, .  B.A.  1474-5 ;  M.A.  1478-9. 

WARYN, .  D.D.  1491-2.   A  friar. 

WARREN, .  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  1646. 

WARREN, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  June  18,  1649. 

WARREN, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  26,  1746. 

Scholar,  1748. 

WARRENDER,  HUGH.  M.A.  1743  (LU.  Reg.).  Probably  s.  of 
Sir  George,  late  of  Lochend  in  East  Lothian,  Bart.,  deceased. 
If  so,  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  3,  1729-  Ord.  deacon 
(Litt.  dim.  from  York)  Dec;  priest,  Dec.  28,  1740.  R.  ot 
Aston,  Yorks.,  1740-54.   Died  May  8,  i754- 

WARYNER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sx  John's, 
Easter,  1571. 

WARRENER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  14, 
1576-7.  Of  Essex. 

WARRENER,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1600-1; 
M.A.  from  Trinity,  1605.  V.  of  Humberstone,  Leics.,  i6io-8. 
Licence  (Archd.  Leicester)  to  marry  Alice  Wilson,  of 
Humberstone,  1610.  Will  (Leicester  and  P.C.C.)  1619. 


Warrener,  Thomas 

WARRINER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug. 
4,  1621.  Probably  C.  of  Castle-in-Clitheroe,  Lanes.,  1626-32; 
C.  of  Colne,  1636-45;  ejected  as  a  Royalist  and  went  to 
Yorkshire.  Buried  at  Otley,  Yorks.,  Apr.  21,  1646.  Will 
dated,  Feb.  7,  1645-6;  proved  (York)  July,  1647;  late 
minister  of  Cowln  (Colne).    (J.  Parker;  E.  Axon.) 

WARRINER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  1641;  B.A. 
(Oxford).  S.  of  John,  of  Streetland,  Westmorland,  pleb. 
M.A.  1641.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  9,  1632, 
age  17  (B.A.  not  recorded  in  Al.  Oxon.).  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  22,  1646. 

WARTER,  see  also  WATER,  WATERS  and  WALTER. 

WARTER,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov.  1568. 
Possibly  s.  of  Edmund,  R.  of  Oxburgh,  Norfolk. 

WARTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  13,  1657.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1. 

WARTERS,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  20,  1658. 
Of  Doddington,  Northants.  Doubtless  s.  of  Anthony,  V.  of 
Doddington.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  2,  1641.  Matric.  1658. 
Probably  died  young;  not  mentioned  in  his  father's  will, 
June  12,  1663.   (H.  1.  Longden.) 

WARTER,  RICHARD.  Student  of  St  John's.  Of  Nafferton, 
Yorks.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  18,  1535;  title,  priory  of 

WARTER,   RICHARD.     M.A.   from   Queens',    1665.    Matric. 

(Merton  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  10,   1656-7;  B.A.  (Oxford) 

1661.  V.  of  Brace  Meole,  Salop,  i66r.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
WARTER,  THEOPHILUS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1598-9. 
WARTER,   THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,   1573. 

Migrated  to  Christ's,  B.A.  1576-7.   One  of  these  names  of 

Bcwdley,  Worcs.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1593. 
WARTERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Nov. 

22,  1634.    S.  of  Matthew,  merchant,  of  Thame,  Oxon.    B. 

there.    School,  Thame.    Matric.  1634;  B.A.   1638-9.    Ord. 

deacon   (Lincoln)   June   5,    1642;   priest,    Mar.   5,    1643-4. 

Probably  V.  of   Ambrosdcn,  Oxon.     V.    of    Buckingham, 

1663-72;  afterwards  V.  of  Foxcote.    Master  of  the  Free 

School,  Buckingham,  1664-5.   Died  May  8,  1672.  Buried  at 

Buckingham.   {Lipscomb,  11.  574-84.) 
WARTHELL,  T.  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1461-2. 
WARWELL,   JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at   Peterhouse,   July   3, 

1613.    Matric.  1613;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.    Ord.  priest 

(Norwich)  Feb.  22,  1623-4.   R-  of  Boxford,  Sufiolk,  1638-63. 

R.  of  Culford,  1646.  Died  1663. 

WARWELL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  26, 
1683.   Matric.  1683-4. 

WARWICK,  Earl  of,  see  DUDLEY,  AMBROSE,  and  RICH, 

WARWICK,  PHILIP.  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  c.  1630-1.  Perhaps 
identical  with  the  historian  and  politician.  If  so,  s.  of 
Thomas,  organist  of  Westminster  Abbey  and  the  Chapel 
Royal.  B.  Dec.  24,  1609,  in  St  Margaret's  parish,  West- 
minster. School,  Eton.  Travelled  abroad.  Studied  at 
Geneva  under  Diodati.  Secretary  to  Lord-Treasurer  Juxon, 
1636;  clerk  of  the  Signet,  1638.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  12, 
1637-8.  Hon.  B.C.L.  (Oxford)  1638.  M.P.  for  Radnor, 
1640-4;  expelled;  for  Westminster,  1661-78.  Joined  King 
Charles  at  Oxford.  Fought  at  Edgehill.  Secretary  to  King 
Charles  at  Hampton  Court,  1647,  and  in  the  Isle  of  Wight, 
1648.  Compounded  for  his  estate,  1649.  Imprisoned  as  a 
suspect,  1655.  Knighted,  1660.  Secretary  for  the  Treasury, 
i66o~7.  Married  (i)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Hutton,  of 
Marske,  Yorks.;  (2)  Joan,  widow  of  Sir  William  Boteler, 
Bart.  Author,  Memoireof  King  Charles  I,  etc.  Died  Jan.  15, 
1683-4,  aged  74.  Buried  at  Chislehurst.  M.I.  {Vis.  of  Kent, 
1663;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  E.  A.  Webb,  Chislehurst,  274.) 

WARWYCKE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1576. 

WARWICK,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1627.  Of  Cumberland.  B.A.  1630-1.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 

WARWICK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  18,  1630-1.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Warwick,  Cumber- 
land. B.  there.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1631. 

WARWICK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Sept.  1713.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Bedale,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1714;  Scholar,  1715-6.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Jan.  20, 
1715-6-  Scholar,  1716;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1731.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1718;  priest  (Peterb.,  Litt.  dim.  from 
Chester)  Mar  13,  1719-20;  C.  of  Capgrave,  Yorks.  R.  of 
Gt  Smeaton,  1732-54.  Preb.  of  Ripon,  1742-54.  Died 
Dec.  12,  1754. 

Washington,  Richard 

WARWICK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  12,  1728.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Ripon.  Matric.  1728; 
Scholar,  1728;  B.A.  1731-2. 

WASE,  see  WACE. 

WASLYNGE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent 

WASELYNG,  W.  Matric.  pens,  froni  Jesus,  Easter,  1567. 

WASHBOURNE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1565;  Scholar,  1565. 

WASHBORN  or  WASHBOURNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age 
18)  at  Trinity,  June  18,  1689.  6th  s.  of  William,  of  Pytchley 
Northants.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  2,  1673.  -School,  Oundle 
Matric.  1689.  Died  Dec.  23,  1704.  M.I.  at  Pytchley.  (H  I 
Longden;  Bridges,  11.  132.) 

WASHBOURNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's 
May  16,  1732.  S.  of  William,  clerk,  V.  of  Edmonton,  Middle- 
sex. B.  at  Enfield.  School,  Enfield  (Mr  Davies).  Matric. 
1733;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A.  1739-  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Hatford,  Berks.,  1761-95.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  442.) 

WASHBOURNE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1631  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  John,  of  Wichenford,  Worcs.  Matric.  (Balliol  College, 
Oxford)  1622;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1625-6;  M.A.  1628;  B.D.  1636. 
Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  1660.  R.  of  Loddington,  Northants., 
1639-40.  R.  of  Dumbleton,  Gloucs.,  1641-87.  Canon  of 
Gloucester,  1660-87.  V.  of  St  Mary-de-Lode,  Gloucester, 
1668-70.  Author,  sermons.  Died  May  6,  1687.  Buried  in 
Gloucester  Cathedral.  M.I.  {Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockadav: 

WASHINGTON,  ALAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1581.  B.  at  Kendal,  Westmorland,  c.  1563.  B.A.  1584-5; 
M.A.  1588.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  i,  1588-9. 
R.  of  Sotby,  Lines.,  1591-1601.  R.  of  Shamford,  Leics.,  1601. 

WASHINGTON,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1586.  S.  of  James  (?  1548),  of  Adwick,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Aug.  15,  1569.  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  R.  of  Burgh- 
wallis,  Yorks.,  1606-21.  Buried  there  1621.  Admon.,  York. 
Brother  of  Martin  (1580),  Philip  (1586)  and  Richard  (1580). 

WASHINGTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Oct.  18, 
1658.  S.  of  James,  deceased,  of  Adwick-le-Street,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  there,  Nov.  25,  1641.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1658; 
B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666.  Fellow,  1664.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1668.  R.  of  Sprotborough,  Yorks., 
1668-78.  Died  Dec.  7,  1678,  aged  36.  Buried  at  Sprot- 
borough. M.I.  Father  of  the  next.  (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11. 
353;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

WASHINGTON,  GODFREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Jan.  20, 
1685-6.  S.  of  Francis  (above),  R.  of  Sprotborough,  Yorks. 
B.  there,  July  26,  1670.  Matric.  1686;  Rustat  Scholar,  1686; 
B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1694-1729. 
Scrutator,  1714.  C.  of  Pidley,  Cambs.,  1693-6.  V.  of  Cherry 
Hinton,  1699-1705.  V.  of  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  1705. 
V.  of  Fulboum  All  Saints',  Cambs.,  1707.  Died  Sept.  28, 
1729.  M.I.  at  Little  St  Mary's,  and  in  Peterhouse  Chapel. 
WiU  (V.C.C).  {T.A.  Walker,  192;  Musgrave;  H.  P.  Stokes.) 

WASHINGTON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1548.  Probably  s.  of  Richard,  of  Adwick-le-Street,  Yorks., 
B.A.  1550-1.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1551-4.  Buried  at 
Adwick,  Aug.  31,  1580,  aged  44.  M.I.  Will,  York.  Doubt- 
less father  of  Bartholomew  (1586),  Martin  (1580),  Philip 
(1586)  and  Richard  (1580).   (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  353.) 

WASHINGTON,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1559.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1563-4;  M.A.  1567;  B.D. 
1574.  Fellow,  1565.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  16,  1568. 
University  preacher,  1571.  One  of  the  Commission  for 
causes  ecclesiastical  in  the  province  of  Canterbury,  1603. 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  contemporary  namesakes.  {Cooper,  11.  387.) 

WASHINGTON,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1707;  Scholar,  1708-9;  B.A.  1710-1.  Ord.  priest 
(York)  Sept.  1718.  {Peile,  11.  168.) 

WASHINGTON,  MARTIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1580.  Of    Yorkshire.    Doubtless   s.   of   James   (1548),     of 
Adwick-le-Street,  Yorks.   Bapt.  Oct.  9,  1565.   Died  Aug.  3, 

1581.  Brother  of  the  next,  of  Bartholomew  (1586)  and  of 
Richard  (1580). 

WASHINGTON,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1586.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  James  (1548),  of 
Adwick-le-Street.  Bapt.  Apr.  23,  1568.  B.A.  1589-90; 
M.A.  1593.  Brother  of  Martin  (above),  etc.  {Vis.  of  Yorks., 

WASHINGTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1580.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  James  (1548), 
of  Adwick-le-Strcet.  Bapt.  Dec.  29,  1566.  B.A.  1583-4. 
Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  29,  1586.  Treasurer 
of  Lame  Soldiers,  1625.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Wombwell,  of  Wombwell,  Esq.  Buried  at  Adwick,  Sept.  20, 
1634.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Due.  Leod.,  97.) 


Washington,  Wilfred 

washington    or    weston,    westreton,    wilfred. 

B.Civ.L.   1506-7;   Scholar  and   Fellow  of   King's   Hall, 

WASTAY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  1650. 

WASTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1561. 

WASTELL,  see  also  WESTALL. 

WASTELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
12,  1664.  S.  of  Samuel,  merchant,  of  North  Mimms,  Herts. 
B.  there.  School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Leigh).  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Fellow,  1671.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June,  1672;  priest  (Ely)  May  30,  1675.  V.  of 
St  John's,  and  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Duxford,  Cambs.,  1675-90. 
V.  of  All  Saints',  L>'nn,  Norfolk,  1689.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Bawsey,  Norfolk,  1696.   Father  of  the  next. 

WASTELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  22, 
1698-9.  S.  of  Henry  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Duxford,  Cambs. 
School,  Lynn,  Norfolk  (Mr  Home).  Matric.  1701;  B.A. 
1703-4.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  9,  1706-7;  priest 
(Chichester)  Dec.  20,  1713.  R.  of  North  Pickenham,  Norfolk, 
1715.   R.  of  Houghton,  1715-9.  Buried  there  Apr.  26,  1719. 

WASTELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  8,  1706-7. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1677),  of  Scorton  and 
Ainderby  Steeple.  Bapt.  Feb.  19,  1688-9,  at  Bolton-in- 
Swale.  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse, 
1714.  FeUow  of  Peterhouse,  1711-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
May  23,  1714;  priest  (London)  June  12,  1715.  R.  of  Markes- 
hall,  Essex,  1718-23.  R.  of  Simonbiim,  Northumberland, 
1723-71.  Died  there  Mar.  1,  1771,  aged  82.  (T.  A.  Walker, 

WASTELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Feb.  11,  1610-1. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Leonard,  of  EUerton-on-Swale,  Vorks., 
gent.  Matric.  1611.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  13,  1613. 
A  master  in  Chancery.  M.P.  for  Northallerton,  1640.  Of 
Scorton,  Vorks.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Robinson,  of 
Hackforth,  Yorks.  Died  Dec.  4,  1659,  aged  66.  Buried  at 
Scorton.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1660.  Probably  father  of  the 
next  and  of  Leonard  (1647).  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Victoria 
Hist.  Yorks.,  i.  157.) 

WASTEL,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  Catharine's, 
Lent,  1653-4.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John  (above),  of  Scorton, 
Yorks.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  23,  1653.  Died 
unmarried.  Brother  of  Leonard  (1647).  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 

WASTELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  I,  1677.  S.  of  Leonard  (1647),  Esq.,  of  Scorton,  Yorks., 
deceased.  Bapt.  Feb.  25,  1660-1,  at  Bolton-on-Swale, 
Vorks.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  i68o-i.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  21,  1680.  Of  Scorton  and  Ainderby 
Steeple.  Buried  at  Ainderby,  Feb.  25,  1738-9.  Will  (York) 
1739.  Father  of  Henry  (1706-7).  (M.  H.  Peacock;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665.) 

WASTELL,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  18,  1647. 

Of  Yorkshire.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1610-1),  of 

Scorton,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Scholar,  1650;  B.A.  1650-1.  Adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  16,   1640-1.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 

John  Savile,  of  Methley,  Esq.  Of  Scorton.  Died  Sept.  1664. 

(One  of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Durham)  June  28,  B.A.; 

priest,  June  29,  1662;  R.  of  Hurworth,  Durham,  1651  {sic). 

Buried  Dec.  4,  1712,  at  Hurworth.)    Father  of  John  (1677) 

and  brother  of  John  (1653-4).    (T.  C.  Dale;  H.  M.  Wood; 

Surtees  Soc,  xxxvi.  227,  where  he  is  not  styled  clerk.) 
WAISTELL,  LUKE.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  7,   1669. 

Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1673-4. 
WASTELL,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17}  at  Christ's,  June 

21,    1660.     S.   of   Matthew,   of   EUerton-on-Swale,    Yorks. 

B.   there.    School,   Brignall   (Mr  Johnson).    Matric.   1660; 

B.A.  1663.  {Peile,  i.  592.) 

WASTELL, .   B.Civ.L.  1503-4. 

WASTLING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  11,  1703.  S.  of  Timothy,  deceased.  B.  at  Wintringham, 
Yorks.  School,  York  (Mr  Luck).  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7. 
Ord.  deaeon  (York)  June,  1707;  priest,  1708.  R.  of  Fox- 
holes, Yorks.,  1710-3.  Died  1713. 

(age  16)  from  St  John's,  c.  1595.  S.  and  h.  of  Gervase,  of 
Headon,  Notts.,  Esq.  (and  Jane,  dau.  of  Lionel  Reresby, 
of  Thribergh,  Yorks.).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  28,  1599. 
Created  Bart.,  Dec.  18,  1622.  Sheriff  of  Notts.,  1635-6. 
Suffered  as  a  royalist.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Gervase  Eyre, 
of  Laughten-en-le-Morthen,  Yorks.  Buried  at  Headon,  May 
12,  1649.  Father  of  the  next.   {G.E.C.,  i.  213;  Vis.  of  Notts.) 

WASTENYES,  HARDOLPH.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1633.  S.  of  Hardolph  (above).  Bapt.  Nov.  8,  1612. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  17,  1632.  Steward  of 
East  Retford,  Notts.    Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  May,  1649. 

Waterhouse,  George 

Sheriff  of  Notts.,  1653.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Chicheley,  of  Wimpole,  Cambs.,  at  St  Bartholomew-the- 
Great,  London,  Feb.  13,  1639-40.  Died  s.p.  Mar.  17,  1672-3. 
(G.E.C.,i.  213;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WASTNEYS,  HARDOLPH.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
July  4,  1664.  S.  of '  Richard,'  gent.,  of  Headon,  Notts.  (But 
in  Vis.  of  Notts.,  1662,  he  appears  as  s.  of  John,  of  Todwick, 
Yorks.)  School,  Tuxford  (Mr  Philipps).  Matric.  1664. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Colonel  William  Sandys,  of  Askham, 
Notts.  Buried  at  Headon,  Aug.  15,  1668.   {Venn,  1.  422.) 

WASTNESS,  NATHANIEL.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1627-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  May  19;  priest,  May  20,  1627.  R.  of  Headon, 
Notts.,  1627-31.  Tutor  in  the  family  of  Sir  Randolph 

WASTENEYS,  THOMAS  DE.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge, 
1333.  Probably  s.  of  Sir  Hardolph,  of  Yorkshire.  Pre- 
sented by  the  King  to  '  Adenberg,'  Lichfield  diocese.  Mar.  14, 
1335-   (Sir  W.  Wasteneys.) 

WASTNES,  .   Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1514-7.    Probably 

George,  s.  of  George.  B.  1499.  R.  of  Headon,  Notts.,  1513- 
21;  a  sinecure.  Probably  not  in  orders,  as  he  had  a  large 
family.  Died  Apr.  10,  1551.  (Sir  W.  Wasteneys;  Vis.  of 

WATE,  see  WAITE. 

WATE  or  VATENS,  JOHN.  Presumably  one  of  the  earliest 
members  of  Gonville  Hall.  Author,  astronomical.  {Venn, 

WATER,  see  also  WATERS,  WARTER  and  WALTER. 

WATER,  JOHN.  M.A.  Priest.  Licensed  by  Bishop  of  Ely  to 
hear  confessions  in  the  diocese,  Jan.  5,  1406-7. 

WATER,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  10,  1672. 
Of  Bardon,  Yorks.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  10,  1677;  priest  (Carlisle)  May  17,  1687. 

WATER,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

One  Michael  Watter,  of   Rise,  Yorks.,  clerk;  will  (York) 

WATER,  THOMAS.    B.A.  1478-9;  M.A.  1482;  B.D.  1490-1; 

D.D.  1504  {gr.  1491-2).   Proctor,  1486-7. 

WATER, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1581-2. 

WATERFORD,  JOHN.  LL.B.  FeUow  of  Clare.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  1406-7;  priest,  Mar.  26,  1407. 

WATERHOUSE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  13,  1691-2.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Wakefield.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1692;  Scholar,  1693;  B.A.  1695-6;  M.A. 
1699.  Brother  of  David  (1698).  {Peile,  11.  123,  where  he  is 
apparently  confused  with  his  nephew.) 

WATERHOUSE,  BOOTH.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  c.  1677. 

WATERHOUSE,  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
May  9,  1698.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1698;  Scholar,  1698-9;  B.A.  1701-2; 
M.A.  1705.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1703;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1705.  P.C.  of  Tunbridge  Wells,  Kent,  1705-15. 
R.  of  Langley,  1711-58.  Died  Nov.  4,  1758.  (For  his  three 
soas  see  Al.  Oxon.)  Brother  of  Benjamin  (1691-2).  {Peile,  u. 
142;  G.  Mag.) 

WATERHOUSE,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1598-9. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  barrister,  of  York.  B.  June  19, 
1581,  at  Shibden,  near  Halifax.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Nov.  1598.  Knighted,  May  11,  1603.  Of  Leith,  Yorks. 
Sold  Shibden,  in  1609,  to  Sir  Arthur  Ingram,  and  lived  at 
Milton,  Surrey.  Living  in  Yorkshire  in  1619.  Married 
Abigail,  dau.  of  John  Barker,  of  Ipswich.   {F.M.G.,  848.) 

WATERHOUSE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1634;  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1638-9. 

WATERHOUSE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
June  30,  1635.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Francis,  fishmonger,  of 
London,  and  of  Greenford,  and  great  nephew  of  Sir  Edward, 
Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ireland.  LL.D.  1668  {Lit. 
Reg.).  F.R.S.,  1663.  Resided  for  some  years  at  Oxford  and 
studied  at  the  Bodleian  Library.  Faculty  (Lambeth)  to 
receive  holy  orders,  Apr.  7,  1668;  became  'a  fantastical 
preacher.'  Of  London  and  Greenford,  Middlesex.  Married 
(i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Smith,  alias  Carrington;  (2)  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Richard  Bateman,  of  Hartington,  Derbs. 
Author,  heraldic  and  misceUaneous.  Died  at  MUe  End, 
May  30,  1670,  aged  51.  Buried  at  Greenford.  {Cussans,  in. 
155;  D.N.B.) 

WATERHOUSE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1545.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  the  Moote  Hall, 
Halifax,  and  of  Shibden.  If  so,  married  Effame,  dau.  of 
Richard  WUkinson,  of  Bradford.  Of  HarthiU,  Yorks. 
Admon.,  Feb.  28,  1585,  to  his  son  Robert  (?  1566).  Perhaps 
father  of  John  (1564-5). 


Waterhouse,  Jeremy 

WATERHOUSE,  JEREMY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 
S.  of  Gregory,  of  Syddal,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Dec.  20,  1573- 
Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597;  B.D.  1605.  Fellow, 
1596.  V.ofKirkby  Lonsdale,  1608-16.  R.of  Darfield,  1615. 
R.  of  Greystoke,  Cumberland,  1616-33.  Buried  there 
Feb.  19,  1632-3.  Brother  of  Tobias  (c.  1594),  Jonas  (1580-1) 
and  Robert  (1580-1).   {F.M.G.,  849.) 

WATERHOUSE,  JEREMY.  Adra.  sizar  (age  19  sic)  at  St 
John's,  May  9,  i68i.  Probably  s.  of  William.  B.  Dec.  2, 
1658,  at  Bradfield,  Yorks.  School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Balguy). 
Matric.  i68r.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Nov.  3,  1682.  B.A. 
1684-5.  Ord. deacon  (York)  Sept.  1685;  priest,  Mar.  1689-90. 
V.  of  Bolsterstone,  Yorks.,  1685-1704.   (Peile,  11.  89.) 

WATERHOUSE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1564-5.  S.  of  George,  of  HarthiU,  Yorks.  B.  chere.  Scholar, 
1567;  B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1572;  B.D.  1580.  Fellow,  1570. 
V.  of  Cuckfield,  Sussex,  1581-1607.  Died  at  HarthiU. 
Buried  there  Aug.  11,  1607.  Perhaps  brother  of  Robert 
(1566).  {Suss.  Arch.  Coll.,  xliv.;  F.M.G.,  848,  where  he 
occurs  as  and  s.  of  George,  of  HarthiU.) 

WATERHOUSE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1581;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord. 
priest  (Lichfield)  Nov.  26,  1589.  R.  of  YoxaU,  Staffs.,  1589- 
1620.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  May  5,  1638,  to  a  creditor. 

WATERHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May 
29,  1628.  S.  of  John,  yeoman.  B.  at  Norwood  Green,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1628. 

WATERHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  c.  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  4.  1642.  S.  of  Isaac,  yeoman,  of  Halifax,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  there,  May  8,  1625.  School,  Halifax  (Mr  Alstead  and 
Mr  Cockman).  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645-6.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Darton,  Yorks.,  1660-4.  V.  of  Laughton-en-le-Morthen, 
1662-6.  Buried  Mar.  i,  1666-7.  One  of  these  names  s.  of 
Isaac,  of  Skircote,  Yorks.;  married  Bridget  Bateson,  of 
Beverley,  1652;  died  1675.   (Peile,  i.  392;  F.M.G.,  855.) 

WATERHOUSE,  JONAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1580-1.  3rd  s.  of  Gregory,  of  Syddal,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Feb.  15, 
1562.  Scholar,  1584;  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588.  Of  the 
Wythers,  near  Leeds,  and  of  Carlton,  clerk.  Married  Judith, 
dau.  of  Francis  Rodes,  Judge.  (Apparently  confused  in 
Students  of  the  Inner  Temple,  1547-1660,  with  Jonas  Water- 
house,  s.  of  Anthony;  bapt.  May  22,  1568,  at  Halifax; 
afterwards  Attorney-General  in  the  North.)  Brother  of 
Jeremy  (1591),  etc.   (F.M.G.,  846  and  849.) 

WATERHOUSE,  JONAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  23,  1645.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Tooting,  Surrey,  and 
grandson  of  Jonas,  Attorney-General  in  the  North.  School, 
Halifax  (Mr  Wood).  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652. 
FeUow,  1650.  Ord.  (4th  London  Classis)  July,  1651.  V.  of 
Bradford,  Yorks.,  1650;  ejected,  1662.  Died  1716.  Father 
of  Thomas  (1669).  (F.M.G.,  846;  Calamy,  n.  557;  H.  P. 

WATERHOUSE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 
Mar.  6,  1612-3.   Matric.  1613;  B.A.  1616-7. 

WATERHOUSE,  MAXIMILIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
c.  1592.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (?  1566),  of  HarthiU,  Yorks. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1595.  Of  WaUingweUs,  Esq. 
Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Sheffield  SavUe,  of  Leeds,  Esq.  Buried 
at  Carlton,  Apr.  1633.   (F.M.G.,  849.) 

WATERHOUSE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1582.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Newsome  (or  Newhouse), 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Sept.  5,  1563.  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  Of 
Newhouse  and  Skircote.  Buried  Mar.  7,  1598.  WUJ  dated. 
Mar.  23,  1597;  proved  (York)  July  22,  i6oi.  (F.M.G.,  854; 
M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WATERHOUSE,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1625;  B.A.  1629-30.  Head  Master  of  Carlisle  Catholic 
School,  1637-40. 

WATERHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  7, 
1638.   Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1642-3. 

WATERHOUSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1566.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  George  (1545),  of  HarthiU, 
Yorks.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1568.  Of  HarthUl,  Esq. 
WiU,  July  17,  1617;  admon.,  Jan.  27,  1619.  Perhaps  brother 
of  John  (1564-5)  and  father  of  Maximilian  (c.  1592).  (F.M.G., 
848,  V.) 

WATERHOUSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1580-1.  Doubtless  s.  of  Gregory,  of  Sydall,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
July  2,  1561.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1584.  Barrister, 
1597.  Of  the  Wythers,  gent.,  J. P.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Waterton,  of  Walton  Hall,  Wakefield.  Brother  of 
Jeremy  {c.  1591),  etc.  (F.M.G.,  850.) 

WATERHOUSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1629. 

Waterland,  Henry 

WATERHOUSE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  1,  1725.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Sheffield,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Apr.  16, 
1707,  at  Sheffield.  School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Robinson).  Matric. 
1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732.  FeUow,  1730-9.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Sept.  18,  1730;  priest  (London)  Sept.  19,  1731-  R-  of 
Bowers  Gifford,  Essex,  1738.  Died  Jan.  16,  1778,  aged  72. 
WiU,  1778.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  381;  F.M.G.,  806.) 

WATERHOUSE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1572.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Halifax  and  Shibden, 
Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  Jan.  i,  1553.  Died  at  Cambridge. 
(F.M.G.,  847.) 

WATERHOUSE,  SIMON.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  1 1, 
1622.  S.  of  Robert,  tailor,  of  Chfton-in-Wotton,  Stafls. 
School,  Winwick,  Lanes.  (Mr  Pickering).  Matric.  1622; 
Scholar,  1625-8;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1632.   (Venn,  i.  260.) 

WATERHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  8, 
1622.   Matric.  1622. 

WATERHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  15, 
1631.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Edward,  barber-surgeon,  of 
London.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5. 
Beneficed  in  Herts.  Went  to  New  England,  1639.  School- 
master at  Dorchester,  Mass.,  in  1639.  Returned  to  England, 
1642.  Master  of  the  Grammar  School,  Colchester,  Essex, 
1643-7.  V.  of  Ash  Bocking,  Suffolk,  1652;  ejected,  1662. 
R.  of  Little  HaUingbury,  Essex,  1658-69.  Married  Ann, 
dau.  of  John  Mayhew,  of  Coddenham,  Suffolk.  Died  at 
Greeting,  Suffolk,  1679-80.  (J.  G.  Bartlett;  Calamy,  11.  408; 
F.M.G.,  850;  Al.  Carthus.) 

WATERHOUSE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 

Apr.  2,  1669.    S.  of  Jonas  (1645),  clerk,  of  Bradford.    B. 

there.   School,  Bradford.    Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A. 

1676.   FeUow,  1675.   Taxor,  1685.    Junior  Proctor,  i6go-i. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1680.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  21; 

priest,  May  24,  1676.  R.  of  Clipston,  Northants.,  1699-1706. 

Buried  there  Mar.  19,  1706-7.  (Peile,  11. 19;  Al.  Oxon.,  where 

he  is  confused  with  the  next.) 
WATERHOUSE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Apr.  23, 

1669;  B.A.  1674.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  19,  1675;  priest, 

Sept.    24,    1676.      Probably    R.    of    Hemingbrough,    near 

Howden,  Yorks.,  1678-80.   Died  before  Sept.  30,  1680  (sic). 

One  of  these  names  V.  of   Misson,  near  Bawtry,   Notts., 

1680-1716.  (Thos.  Burton,  Hemingbrough.) 

WATERHOUSE,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1594. 
S.  of  Gregory,  of  Syddal,  Yorks.  Scholar,  1596;  B.A.  1596-7; 
M.A.  1600;  B.D.  1607;  D.D.  1612.  FeUow,  1599.  R.  of 
WhitweU.  V.  of  Flintham,  Notts.,  1610-7.  R-  of  Kirkby- 
in-Ashfield,  1616.  Brotherof  Jeremy  (c.  1591),  etc.  (F.M.G., 

WATERHOUSE,   .    Adm.   pens,   at   Emmanuel,    1613-4. 

Possibly  Matthew  (1612-3),  whom  s«. 

WATERLADE, .   Rector.  D.Can.L.  1474-5- 

WATERLAND,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  30,  1699.  2nd  s.  of  Henry  (next),  R.  of  Walesby,  Lines. 
B.  there,  Feb.  14,  1682-3.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1699; 
Scholar;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1706;  B.D.  1714;  D.D.  1717 
(Com.  Reg.).  FeUow,  1704.  Master,  1714-40.  Vice-Chan- 
cellor,  1715-6.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1724.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  3,  1705;  priest.  Mar.  9,  1706-7.  C.  of  Whittles- 
ford,  Cambs.,  1707-8.  R.  of  EUingham,  Norfolk,  1713- 
R.  of  St  Augustine,  Paul's  Gate,  London,  1721-30.  Chan- 
ceUor  of  York,  1722-40.  Preb.  of  Windsor,  1727-40.  V.  of 
Twickenham,  Middlesex,  1730-40.  Archdeacon  of  .Middlesex, 
1730-40.  Married  Theodosia,  dau.  of  John  TregonweU,  of 
Anderton,  Dorset.  Author,  theological.  Died  Dec.  (?  Nov.) 
23,  1740.  Buried  at  Windsor.  Brother  of  Theodore  (1699). 

WATERLAND,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
June  28,  1656.  S.  of  John  (1627),  clerk,  of  Broughton,  Lines. 
School,  Kirton.  Matric.  1656;  Scholar;  B..^.  1659-60;  M.A. 
1663.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  27,  1661.  R.  of  Walesby 
and  Flixborough,  Lines.,  1663.  V.  of  Burton-on-Humber, 
1670.  Chaplain  to  Elizabeth,  Dowager  Countess  of  Mulgrave. 
R.  of  Walesby,  1678.  Died  1698.  WiU  dated.  May  3,  1697; 
proved.  May  8,  1698.  Father  of  Daniel  (above)  and  Theodore 

WATERLAND,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  I,  1721.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.  B.  at  Hcdon,  Yorks. 
School,  Beverley.  Matric.  1722;  LL.B.  1726;  LL.D.  1743. 
Fellow,  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  ii,  1727;  priest,  Dec. 
22,  1728.  R.  of  Wrington,  Somerset,  1728-79.  Preb.  of 
Bristol,  1739-79.  Died  Mar.  7,  1779.  Buried  at  Wrington. 
WUI,  P.C.C.   Father  of  the  next.   (f.A/.C,  876.) 

WATERLAND,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  II,  1748-9.  S.  of  Henry  (above).  B.  at  Wrington, 
Somerset.  Matric.  1750.  Died  whilst  a  student.  (F.M.G. 


Waterland,  John 

WATERLAND,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  R-  of  Broughton,  Lines. 
Father  of  Henry  (1656).  (F.M.G.,  875-) 
WATERLAND,  THEODORE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  4, 
1699.  S.  of  Henry  (1656),  R.  of  Walesby.  B.  there,  1681. 
Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3;  M.A.  1706;  D.D.  from  Mag- 
dalene, 1725.  Fellow  of  Clare,  1705-14.  Fellow  of  Mag- 
dalene, 1714-24.  Senior  Proctor,  1 72 1-2.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1724.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  May  30,  1708.  V.  of  St  Peter's, 
Cambridge,  1711-8.  V.  of  St  Giles',  1711-20.  V.  of  Long- 
stanton  All  Saints',  and  St  Michael's,  Cambs.,  1720-64. 
Minister  of  St  Benetfink,  London.  Died  at  Hackney,  Mar. 
18,1764.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Daniel  (1699).  (J.Crosby; 
F.M.G.,  875,  where  the  V.  of  Long  Stanton  All  Saints'  occurs 
as  'Theophilus,'  D.D.,  brother  of  Theodore.) 
WATERMAN,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1515-6. 
WATERMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1568;  Scholar;  B.A.  1572-3.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec. 
1576.  R.  of  Gt  Ryburgh,  Norfolk,  1576-1624.  Died  before 
Dec.  1624.  (Peile,  i.  108.) 
WATERMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
May,  1549.  Possibly  identical  with  the  author  of  A  Fardle 
of  Facions,  1555,  and  of  Latin  verses  on  the  death  of  the 
young  Dukes  of  Suffolk,  in  1551.  Said  to  be  of  Cambridge. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Aldingboume,  Sussex;  will  proved 
(Chichester)  1573.   (Venn,  i.  35;  Cooper,  i.  155.) 

WATERPIT, .  D.D.  1487-8.  A  friar. 

WATERS,  see  also  WALTER,  WARTER  and  WATER. 
WATERS,  CHRISTOPHER.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c. 
1591.   Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher,  of  St  Botolph,  Aldersgate, 
London,  clerk  (will  (P.C.C.)  i6i0;  property  in  Cambridge). 
B.  in  Cambridge,  1573.    V.  of  Sturton,  Lines.,  1598-1610. 
Perhaps  licensed  (Lincoln)  to  marry  Joan  Welles,  Nov.  19, 
WATERS,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15, 
1678.    S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Swaffham  Prior,  Cambs.    B. 
there.     Schools,    Swaffham    (Mr   Cawdwell)    and    Sudbury 
(Mr   Fairclough).     Matric.    1678;    Scholar,    1678-85;    B.A. 
1681-2;  M.A.  1685.    Fellow,  1687-1700.    Ord.  priest  (Lin- 
coln) Mar.  II,  1687-8.   R.  of  Benniworth,  Lines.,  1690.    R. 
of  Westley  Waterless,   Cambs.,    1692-8.    WiU   (C.C.   Ely) 
1699;  'V.  of  Swaffham  Prior.'   (Vetm,  i.  459.) 
WATERS,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1562. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1570. 
Fellow  of  St  John's,  1568. 
WATERS,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1570; 
B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.    Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Ely)  July  5,  1579.  V.  of  Terrington  St  John,  Norfolk,  1582. 
WATERS,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4.   1614. 
Matric.  1614,  Walters;  Scholar;  B.A.  1617-8.   WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1 621;  of  Emmanuel  College;  property  at  Stamford,  Lines. 
WATERS,  OLIVER.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1566; 
Scholar,  1570;  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574-    Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.   12,   1580.    R.  of  Thomton-le-Moor, 
Lines.,  1580.    R.  of  Hatcliffe,  1581.    Preb.  of  Lincoln  (sic). 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1621,  and  (Leicester)  1622;  to  be  buried  in  the 
choir  of  Hatcliffe  Church. 
WATERS,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  24,  1636. 
Matric.  1636;  B..A.  1639-40.    One  of  these  names,  's.  and 
h.  of  Christopher,  of  Cundall,  Yorks.,  gent.,'  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  July  7,  1641. 
WATERS,   SAMUEL.    Adm.   pens,   at   Peterhouse,    1605-6; 

Scholar,  1607-12;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.-'V.  1613. 
WATERS,  SOLOMON.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May 
II,  1648.   S.  of  Solomon,  husbandman,  of  Whaplode,  near 
Spalding,  Lines.    B.  there.    School,  Molton,  near  Spalding 
(Mr  Heaton).   Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2.   Usher  at  Boston 
Grammar  School,  1657.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
WATERS,  THOMAS.   B.A.  1539-40. 
WATERS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1639;  B.A.  1642-3. 
WATERS,   WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from   Christ's,   Easter, 
1621;  B..^.  1624-5.    Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Jan.  4,  1628-9. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Sedgeford,  Norfolk,  1632.    (Peile, 
I-  341) 
WATERSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1603;  B.A.  1605-6. 
WATERSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1636. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1639-40,  Walterson.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Ludham,  Norfolk. 
WATERSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  (age  28)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  19,  1712.  S.  of  William,  of  Newton,  Cumberland.  B. 
at  Carlisle.  School,  Carlisle  (Catholic;  Mr  Stephenson).  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  May  23,  1714.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  i759; 
of  Winkfield,  Berks.,  clerk. 

Watkins,  Thomas 
waterson, .  b.a.  1495-6- 


WATERTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1560.    Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Walton 
HaU,  Yorks. 
WATERTON,  WILLIAM  DE.   'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge, 

WATERWORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
May  24,  1690.   S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.   B.  at  Misson, 
Lines.  (?  Notts.).    School,  Clitheroe,  Lanes.    Matric.  1690; 
B..\.  1693-4.   (Scott-Mayor.) 
WATERWORTH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
June  9,  1742.    S.  of  Edward,  of  Bawtry,  Yorks.    School, 
Glanford  Bridge,  Lines.  (Mr  Waterworth).    Matric.   1742; 
Scholar,  1745;  B.A.  1745-6;  M.A.  1749;  B.D.  1761.   Fellow, 
1748.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  May  25,  1746.  V.  of  Bottisham, 
Cambs.,  1763.    R.  of  Brading,  Isle  of  Wight.   Died  Apr.  9, 
1790.  Will,  P.C.C.   (G.  Mag.) 
WATHE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1570.   Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  6,  1575. 
WATHE,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1566; 
B.A.    1569-70;    M.A.    1573.     Probably   buried   at   Saffron 
Walden,  Essex,  Mar.  17,  1601-2,  as  M.D.,  having  practised 
there  for  many  years.   (G.  M.  Benton.) 
WATHE,  NICHOLAS.    B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1596-7;  M.D. 
1597.    Probably  2nd  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Wath,  Yorks.   Prob- 
ably brother  of  Twyford.   (Vis.  of  Northanis.,  161S.) 
WAYTH  or  WAITH,   ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 

Feb.  26,  1638-9.  Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1639. 
WATHE,  TWYFORD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  14,  1595-6. 
S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Wath,  Yorks.  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Robert  Twyford,  of  Sawston,  Cambs.).  B.  in  Cambridge- 
shire. Of  Slipton,  Northants.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  William  Hemington,  of  Slipton;  (2)  Margaret,  widow  of 
John  Spencer,  of  St  Albans,  Herts.  Probably  brother  of 
Nicholas  (1596-7).  (Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618;  Vis.  of  Herts., 

WATKINS,  JAMES.    Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar  from  West- 
minster, 1628. 
WATKINS  or  WATKIN,  JOHN.   Mus.Bac.  1515-6. 
WATKIN,   JOHN.     Matric.   pens,   from  Christ's,   Dec.    1602. 
Probably  4th  s.  of  Giffard,  of  Draughton,  near  Lamport, 
Northants.    Of  London,  mercer.    Married  and  had  issue. 
Living,  1633.    Donor  to  the  New  Building.    (Peile,  i.  242; 
Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 
WATKYN,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1568;  B.A.  1571-2. 

WATKINS,  RICHARD.    M.A.  1650  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S. 

of  Henry,  of  Sutton-under-Brailes,  Gloucs.,  D.D.    Matric. 

(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  June  4,  1641,  age  17;  scholar  from 

Westminster.     B.A.    (Oxford)    1644;    M.A.    1647.     V.    of 

Ambrosden,    Oxon.,    1655-9.     R-   oi   Whiehford,    Warws., 

1659.    R.  of  Bourton-on-the-Hill,  Gloucs.,  1679-1708.   Died 

Feb.  II,  1707-8.   (Al.Oxon.) 

WATKINS,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 

24,  1636.    S.  of  John,  tailor,  of  AUhallows,  Cambridge.   B. 

there.    School,   Cambridge   (Mr  Lovering).    Matric.    1636; 

B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1660.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25, 

1642.    Licensed  schoolmaster  at  Haslingfield,  1662.    V.  of 

Wendy,  Cambs.,  1663-4. 

WATKINS,  ROGER.    M.A.  1748  (Incorp.  from  St  Mary  HaU, 

Oxford).    S.  of  Roger,  of  Kentchurch,  Hereford.    Matric. 

(Balliol  CoUege,   Oxford)   Mar.   24,    1734-5,   age   18;   B..^. 

(Oxford)  1738;  M.A.  1741.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WATKINS,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 

30,  1664.  S.  of  William,  shoemaker,  of  Tewkesbury,  Gloucs. 

B.  there.  School,  Shrewsbury.   Matric.  1664. 

WATKIN,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632 ; 

B..A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10, 

1638-9;  priest,  Dee.  22,  1639.   One  of  these  names  ejected 

from  St  Saviour's,  Southwark,  Surrey,  1662.  (Calamy,  1. 143.) 

WATKIN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608. 

WATKINS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  25, 
1717.  4th  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Shotton,  Shropshire.  Bapt. 
Jan.  17,  1698.  School,  Wem  (Mr  Edwards).  Scholar,  1719; 
B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1722; 
priest,  Dec.  22,  1723.  Minor  canon  of  Ely,  1723.  Master 
of  Ely  School,  1730.  Registrar  of  the  diocese,  i733-  Pre- 
centor, 1764.  Died  Jan.  12,  1776.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

WATKINS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  July  5, 
1720;  LL.B.  1721.  S.  of  WUliam,  of  Aston,  Hereford. 
Matric.  from  Brasenose  CoUege,  Oxford,  Mar.  16,  1705-6, 
age  17.   Ord.  deacon  (Llandaff)  May  13,  1708;  priest,  June 


Watkins,  William 

19,  1709.  R.  of  KniU,  Hereford,  1717-30.  R.  of  Tretire,  in 
1737.  V.  of  Dewsall,  with  Callow,  1738-c.  41.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1741;  R.  of  Tretire,  and  V.  of  Dewsall.  One  of  these  names 
F.R.S.,  1714.   (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  A.  Walker,  245;  Musgrave.) 

WATKINS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  25, 
1750.   (Name  off,  1754.) 

WATKINSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1383. 

WATKINSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St 
John's,  May  14,  1684.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry  (1645),  LL.D. 
B.  at  York.  School,  Southwell,  Notts.  (Mr  Meers).  Matric. 
1684.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  28,  1684.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1692.  Died  Oct.  3,  1696.  Buried  at  St  Cuthbert's, 
York.   M.I. 

WATKINSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1544.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1547-8;  M.A.  1552. 
Fellow,  1552.   Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1554. 

WATKINSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  5, 
1613-4.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry,  leather-stamper,  of  Ukley, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  Jan.  1597.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617;  M.A. 
from  Peterhouse,  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  10,  1624; 
priest  (York)  May,  1624.  R.  of  Scruton,  Yorks.,  1624-65. 

WATKINSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  23, 
1646.  Of  Leicestershire.   Matric.  1646. 

WATKINSON,  GODFREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  5,  1660.  S.  of  Godfrey,  gent.,  of  Brampton,  Derbs. 
B.  there.  School,  Chesterfield.  Matric.  1660.  Of  Brampton, 
gent.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Wood,  of  Monk- 
Bretton,  Aug.  4,  1664.   (F.M.G.,  482.) 

WATKINSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  30,  1645.  S.  of  Henry,  merchant,  of  Leeds,  deceased. 
B.  at  Ilkley,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Apr.  24,  1628,  at  Leeds.  School, 
Ilkley  (Mr  Coates).  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9;  LL.D.  1659 
(Incorp.  from  Padua).  Perhaps  adm.  at  Leyden,  Dec.  17, 
1650.  Chancellor  of  York,  1 673-1712.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Jonathan  Jennings,  of  Ripon,  and  widow  of 
Christopher  Hodgson,  of  Newhall,  Yorks.  Died  Apr.  25, 
1712,  aged  83.  Buried  at  St  Cuthbert's,  York.  M.I.  Father 
of  Christopher  (1684).  (Scott-Mayor;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Le  Neve,  Man.,  11.  243;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  xi.  238.) 

WATKINSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  II,  1646.  S.  of  Joseph,  gent.,  of  Ilkley,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
Bapt.  June  19,  1631.  School,  Ilkley.  Buried  at  Ilkley, 
Feb.  4,  1648.   M.I.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WATKINSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  2,  1657.  S.  of  Richard,  deceased,  of  Nottingham.  B. 
there.  School,  Nottingham.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln).  Probably  licensed.  May  22, 
1670  (as '  clerk  of  Beeston,  Notts.'),  to  marry  Mary  Codington, 
of  Toton.   Probably  father  of  John  (1690).   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WATKINSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1608;  B.A.  from  Sidney,  1611-2;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  July  12,  1613;  priest,  June  19,  1614.  V.  of  Humble- 
ton,  Yorks.,  1613.   R.  of  Easington,  1625-39,  'M.A.' 

WATKINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  23, 
1690.  S.  of  Henry  (?  1657).  B.  at  Beeston,  Notts.  School, 
Nottingham.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1696;  priest  (London)  June,  1699.  V. 
of  Brotherton,  Yorks.,  1717-36.  Died  Apr.  4,  1736.  (Peile, 
n.  118.) 

WATKINSON,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1625.  Perhaps  s.  of  Peter,  minister  of  Wirksworth,  Derbs. 
B.A.  1628-9.  Licensed  by  the  Archbishop  to  teach  at 
Chesterfield  School,  1627.  Perhaps  sequestered  to  Chigwell, 
Essex,  1643-8.  R.  of  Kirk  Ireton,  Derbs.,  1648;  still  there, 
1658.  V.  of  Hanbury,  Staffs.,  1662-8.  Assistant  minister  at 
Sheffield,  1667-70.  R.  of  Edlington,  Yorks.,  1670-88.  Died 

WATKINSON,  PETER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
18,  1725-6.  S.  of  Peter.  B.  at  Bolton,  Yorks.  School, 
Skipton.  Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1729.  Buried  at  Gt  St 
Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  7,  1729.   (Peile,  11.  211.) 

WATKINSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1601-2; 
M.A.  1605.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  9;  priest,  Sept.  16, 
1604.   V.  of  Broxbourne,  Herts.,  1609-40. 

WATKINSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's.  S.  of  Hugh,  of 
Walpole,  Norfolk,  yeoman.  B.  c.  1584.  School,  Wisbech 
(Mr  Howdell).  Migrated  to  Caius,  Jan.  12,  1602-3.  Scholar, 
1603-5;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 

WATKINSON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1689  (see  also  Thomas  (1688-9));  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  23,  1694;  priest,  June  19,  1698. 

WATKINSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1598;  Scholar,  1602;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  13,  1607-8.  V.  of  Humbletou,  Yorks., 
1607-13.  V.  of  Crowle,  Lines.,  1613-42. 

Watson,  Benjamin 

WATKINSON,  THOMAS.  (Probably  mistake  for  Samuel.) 
Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  19,  1688-9.  S.  of 
Thomas.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 

WATKINSON,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1571. 

WATKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1659.  B.  at  Leicester.  Matric.  i66i;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A. 
1668.  Fellow,  1663.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
20,  1668.  R.  of  Sturminster,  Dorset,  1670-1702.  Died  May  6, 
1702.   M.I.  at  Sturminster.  (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WATKIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  27, 
1709.  S.  of  Samuel,  gent.,  of  Aston,  Salop.  Matric  1710; 
B..\.  1712-3. 

WATLINGTON  or  WADLENTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Emmanuel,  May  25,  1695.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1698. 
One  of  these  names  Lieut,  in  Col.  W.  Taylor's  Regt.  of  Foot, 
April  1,  1710.  (Dalton's  English  Army  Lists,  vi.  285;  H.  B. 

WATLINGTON,  THOMAS  DE.  University  Bedell,  c.  1290. 
Benefactor.  (Stokes,  Bedells,  53.) 

WATMORE  or  WATMER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Em- 
manuel, July  5,  1669,  Watmeer.  Of  Salop.  Matric.  1670; 
B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1684.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Gloucester) 
Feb.  20,  1673-4.  C.  of  St  John's,  near  Worcester.  Chap- 
lain to  Colonel  Richard  Ingoldesby's  Regiment  of  Foot, 
1695.    (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WATMOUGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  8, 
1627,  from  Lincoln  College,  Oxford  (adm.  there,  1625).  S.  of 
Hugh,  R.  of  Bury,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  22,  1610. 
School,  Bury.   (Peile,  i.  387.) 

WATNOO  or  WHATKNOW,  WILLIAM.  Proctor,  1448-9- 
D.D.  1456-7;  of  York  diocese.  An  auditor  for  the  New 
Schools,  1460-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Dunkeld)  Mar.  13,  1444-5. 
R.  of  Bingham,  Notts.,  1453-82.  Donor  to  Peterhouse 
library.  Will  proved  (York)  Apr.  27,  1482;  to  be  buried  at 
Bingham.   (Godfrey,  Notts.) 

WATNOO,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1485. 

WATNOO,  .    B..^.  1472-3.    Perhaps  John,  R.  of  Cariton 

and  Willingham,  Cambs.,  1489-94.   R.  of  Brinkley,  1494. 

WATNOO, .   B.Civ.L.  1490-1 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1567.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Thorp  Thewles,  Durham.  B.A. 
1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D.  1582;  D.D.  1596.  Fellow,  1573-83- 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1577.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
May  7,  1573.  R.  of  Cheam,  Surrey,  1581-1605.  Dean  of 
Bristol,  1590-7.  Chancellor  and  canon  of  Wells,  1592-6,  and 
R.  of  Storrington,  Sussex,  1592-1605.  Queen's  Almoner, 
1595-1605.  Attended  the  death-bed  of  Queen  Elizabeth. 
Took  part  in  the  Hampton  Court  conference.  Bishop  of 
Chichester,  1596-1605.  Donor  to  the  College  Library. 
Died  unmarried,  Sept.  10,  1605.  Buried  at  Cheam.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (Peile,  i.  101;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1573.  Of  Durham.  B.A.  1576.  Doubtless  M.A.  from  Pem- 
broke, 1580,  and  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1580.  (Loder 
wrongly  identifies  him  with  Anthony  (above).)  Perhaps  V. 
of  Watford,  Herts.,  1586-1618,  suspended.  Buried  there, 
Aug.  7,  1625.  [It  is  impossible  to  distinguish  with  certainty 
the  career  of  this  man  from  his  contemporary  namesakes.] 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1584;  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1590.  Perhaps 
V.  of  Gt  Marlow,  Bucks.,  1604-37;  will  (.^rchd.  Bucks.)  1637. 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1588.  B.  at  Auboum,  Lines.,  1572.  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  from 
Corpus  Christi,  1596;  B.D.  1604.  Perhaps  D.D.  (from 
Pembroke)  1606-7  (in  ordo).  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi, 
1594-1606.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  Feb.  27,  1595-6; 
priest  (London)  July  8,  1596.  University  preacher.  R.  of 
Holy  Trinity-the-Less,  London,  1605-6.  R.  of  Washing- 
borough,  Lines.,  1606-31.  (Cooper,  11.  447  confounds  him 
with  Anthony  (above).) 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1607.  B.  at  Beckington  (sic),  Bucks.  Perhaps  s.  of  .\nthony 
(1584).  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  18,  1614,  age  22;  'C.  of  Harfield,  Middlesex';  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  17,  1620.  Perhaps  V.  of  Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 
Leics.,  1632.  Buried  Apr.  23,  1644.   (Nichols,  in.  619.) 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens*,  Easter, 
1637.  Of  Middlesex.  B.A.  1640-1;  M..-V.  from  Jesus,  1644. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Nov.  20;  priest,  Nov.  22,  1645. 

WATSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  20,  1745-6. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Heversham,  Westmorland.  School, 
Hevcrshara  (Mr  Nicholson).  Matric.  1745-6;  B..\.  1749-50; 
M.A.  1756.  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  Sept.  15,  1754. 

WATSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  6, 
1665.   Matric.  1667. 


Watson,  Benjamin 

WATSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  7,  1711.  Of  Northumberland.  Doubtless  s.  of  Ralph, 
of  North  Seaton.  Bapt.  Aug.  19,  i694,  at  Woodhom. 
School,  Wolsingham,  Durham.  Matric.  1711;  Scholar,  1711; 
BA  1716-7:  M.A.  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1716; 
priest  Sept.  1718.  C.  of  Rothbury,  Northumberland. 
P  C.  of  Bamborough,  1725-57-  Buried  there  Mar.  4,  1757. 
Brother  of  Ralph  (1707)  and  father  of  Thomas  (1751)- 
{Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  4th  S.,  11.  303;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WATSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Joh.n's, 
Michs.  1562.  Of  Durham.  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1565-6; 
M  A  1569.  Resided  for  some  time  with  Thomas  Gavvdy, 
Recorder  of  Norwich,  at  Gawdy  Hall,  Harleston,  where  he 
is  supposed  to  have  composed  his  translation  of  Polybius. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  17,  i574-  Perhaps  R.  of 
Bircham  Newton,  Norfolk,  1573,  and  of  Beechamwell. 
Historian  and  translator;  made  some  valuable  collections 
on  the  history  of  Durham — now  in  the  British  Museum. 
Died  c.  1580.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1580;  'Precinct  of  Blackfnars, 
London.'   (Cooper,  i.  434;  D.N.B.) 

WATSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1570;  Scholar,  1571.  Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Pete'rb.)  July  3,  1573;  of  Cambridge.  Perhaps  V.  of  Shil- 
botel,  Northumberland,  1579-96;  died  1596.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  AdUngfleet.Yorks.;  buried  there  Feb.  13, 1592-3- 

WATSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  at  Sidney,  Feb.  20,  1609-10. 
Matric.  1610;  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June   18,   1614;  priest,  Dec.  22,   1616.    R.  of  PertenhaU, 
Beds.,   1618-33.    Buried  there  Mar.   14,   1632-3.     (W.   M. 
WATSON,   CUTHBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,   June, 
1565.  Perhaps  s.  of  Cuthbert,  V.  of  EUingham,  Northumber- 
WATSON,  DANIEL.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Christ's,  June  24, 
1669.   S.  of  Daniel,  of  Gray's  Inn.    B.  at  Burton-on-Trent, 
Staffs.  School,  Burton  (Mr  Hazard).  Matric.  1670.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  July  21,  1670.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Gresley,    Bart.     Brother    of    Edward    (1671-2).     {Vis.    of 
Staffs.,  1663;  Peile,  11.  24-5.) 
WATSON,   EDMUND.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,   Michs. 
1573.     One   of    these   names    P.C.   of    Rillington,   Yorks., 
WATSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  9, 
1678    S.  of  Edmund,  gent.,  of  Haigh  HaU,  in  South  Kirkby, 
Yorks.  B.  there.   School,  Pocklington  (Mr  EUison).   Matric. 
1678-   B.A.    1681-2.    Married   Jane,   dau.   of   Rev.   Ralph 
Eaton,  R.  of  Darfield.   WiU  (York)  i7i4-5-    Father  of  the 
next  and  of  Ralph  (1712).   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 
WATSON,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Dec.   11,   1708. 
S    of   Edmund   (above),   of   South    Kirkby,    Yorks.,   Esq. 
Matric.  1708.  Migrated  to  Oxford.   Matric.  (Lincohi  CoUege, 
Oxford)  June  20,  1711,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1713-   Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  June  20,  1713.    Brother  of  Ralph  (1712). 
{Al.  Oxon.) 
WATSON,  EDWARD.  B.Can.L.  1502-3. 

WATSON,    EDWARD    {?  EDMUND).     Matric.    sizar   from    St 

John's,  c.   1595.    B.  at  Wintringham,  Lines.,   1573-    B.A. 

1598-9.    Ord.   deacon   (Lincohi)   Jan.   30,    1602-3.     R.   of 

Brocklesby,  Lines.,  1603.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1603. 

WATSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  10, 

1671-2.    2nd  s.  of  Daniel.    B.  at  Burton-on-Trent,  Staffs. 

School,  Burton  (Mr  Hazard).    Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 

Buried   Aug.    31,    1678,   at   Gt   St   Andrew's,   Cambridge. 

Brother  of  Daniel  (1669).   {Peile,  11.  40.) 

WATSON,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  (age  18)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  Aug.  10,  1543.  Of  Gisbum,  Yorks.  Matric.  1544.  Left, 


WATSON,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1562-    B.A.    1565-6;    M.A.    1569.     Probably   V.   of  Clare, 

Suffolk,   1567-9.    V.  of  Gt  Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  1573-81. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Stocking  Pelham,  Herts.,  1579-1613.    Died 


WATSON,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1571. 

One   of   these   names,   'bred   in    the   schools,'   ord.   priest 

(Norwich)  Mar.  29,  1577,  was  C.  at  Sutton,  Lin&s.,  in  1585. 

{Lib.  Cler.  Line.) 

WATSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 

1642.    S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Stamford,  Lines.,  deceased. 

B.  there.  School,  Stamford  (Mr  Humphreys).  Matric.  1642; 

B.A.  1645-6. 

WATSON,  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1583.    Migrated  to  Trinity.    Scholar,  1588;  B.A.  1589-90; 

M.A.  1593.  Fellowof  Trinity,  1591.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1599. 

Ord.    deacon    and    priest    (Peterb.)    Mar.    16,    1599-1600. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Kirklinton,  Cumberland,  1599-1604,  resigned. 

Watson,  John 

WATSON   or  WATESON,   GEORGE.     Adm.   sizar  at   Clare, 
Apr.  24,  1671.   Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Little  Park,  Ampt- 
hill,  Beds.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.    {Vis.  of 
Beds.,  1634.) 
WATSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1703.   S.  of  George,  of  York.   School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1704;  Scholar,  1704;  B.A.  1706-7.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Jan.;  priest,  Mar.  1708-9.   R.  of  Buxhall,  Suffolk,  1709-10. 
WATSON,  GILBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1571;  B.A.  1574-5.    Perhaps  of  Stainforth,  Yorks.;  if  so, 
married   Isabel,   dau.   of  Christopher  Lister,   of  Midhope. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1626). 
WATSON,  HENRY.  B.A.  1488-9;  M.A.  1492-3-  V.  of  Barring- 
ton,  Cambs.,  1498-1505.  Died  1505. 

WATSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  3, 
1663.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Burton-on-Trent,  Staffs.  School, 
Repton.   Matric.  1663;  M.B.  1668;  M.D.  1673. 

WATSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1587. 
Of  Lincolnshire. 

WATSON,  JAMES.  'Of  Clare  Hall,  Cambridge.'  In  Holy 
Orders.  Died  1737.   (G.  Mag.;  Musgrave.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1467-8;  M.A.  1471- 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1483; 
B.A.  1486-7.  FeUow.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  18,  1489. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  B.A.  [i497-8];  M.A.  1500-1;  B.D.  1512-3; 
D.D.  1516-7.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1 501-16  Proctor, 
1504-5.  Master  of  Christ's,  1517-31-  Vice-Chancellor, 
1518-20,  1530-32.  R.  of  Elsworth,  Cambs.,  1516-36.  Preb. 
of  Southwell,  1523.  R.  of  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  London, 
1523-36.  V.  of  White  Notley,  Essex,  1536.  Retired  to 
King's  Hall;  (?  FeUow)  1531-6.  A  friend  and  correspondent 
of  Erasmus.  Chaplain  to  Henry  VIII;  one  of  the  divines 
selected  to  answer  for  Cambridge  University,  Henry's 
questions  about  his  divorce.  Died  1536-7.  {Peile,  1.  7; 
Cooper,  I.  39;  D.N.B.,  where  the  date  of  death  is  wrong.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.   B.A.  1542-3;  M.A.  1546. 

WATSON,  JOHN.   B.A.  1543-4- 

WATSON,  JOHN  {senior).  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1550;  B.A.  1552-3;  M.A.  1556.  Fellow,  1553; 
appointed  by  the  visitors  of  Queen  Mary.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1556. 

WATSON,  JOHN  {junior).  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1550. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1556. 
Possibly  B.A.  1561-2;  see  John  (i559)- 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1557-8. 
See  also  the  next. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1559. 
Perhaps  B.A.  1561-2;  M.A.  1568.  [But  this  may  lefer 
equally  well  to  John  (1556)  or  John  (above).]  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Erpingham,  Norfolk,  1563. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1565. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1579- 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  1587. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1581. 
B.  at  Colchester,  Essex.  B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1588,  age  24.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Greenstead-juxta -Colchester,  1589-90. 

WATSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1582. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1586. 

WATSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  B.A. 

1597-8;  M.A.  1601.   Probably  V.  of  Woolpit,  Suffolk,  1612. 

'Killed  by  the  Puritans,'  1646  (notice  in  Parish  Church). 

{Peile,  I.  209.) 
WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  1598-9;  Scholar, 

1601-5;  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  1606.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Melsonby,  Yorks.,   1608-32.    V.  of  Giggleswick,   1629-32. 

Buried  there  Mar.  17,  1631-2. 
WATSON,  JOHN     Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  7,  1609. 

Matric.  1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

Mar.  20,  1613-4;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1614. 
WATSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  21,  1613. 

S.  of  Richard,  clerk,  of  Calthorpe,  Norfolk.    Matric.  1613; 

B.A.   1616-7;  M.A.  1620.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1621.    Ord. 

priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1619.    R.  of  Mundford,  Norfolk, 

1630-83.    Perhaps    R.    of    Kirby  Cane,   1646-62,   ejected. 

If  so,  author  of  Memoirs  of  the  Stuarts,  printed,  1689,  after 

his  death.  {Venn,  i.  221;  Al.  Oxon.;  Blomefield,  viii.  35.) 
WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  July  5,  1613.  Matric. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1623. 


Watson,  John 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  19,  1626.  S.  of 
GUbert  (?  1571),  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matnc. 
1626;  B.-'V.  1629.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  19, 
1630.   {Peile,  I.  376.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  8,  1629-30. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  M.A.  1631  (Incorp.  from  Dublin).  See  Al. 
Dub.  for  possible  identification. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1633. 
Of  Peterborough.  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1641. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1640; 
B.A.  1643-4;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1647.  Fellow  of  Queens', 
1645-54.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1650.  V.  of  Mildenhall,  Suffolk, 
1661-73.  One  of  these  names  of  Little  Sampford,  Essex, 
clerk;  wiU  (Archd.  Colchester)  1706-7. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1645. 
Of  Lincolnshire. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  15, 
1653.  S.  of  William  (?  1616),  R.  of  Bramwith,  near  Don- 
caster,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Rotherham  (Mr  Barton). 
Matric.  1653.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln^  Dec.  2,  1660; 
priest.  Mar.  10,  1660-1  [literate).  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Luddington,  Northants.,  1670-97- 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  28, 
1660.  S.  of  John,  clerk,  of  Sail,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A. 
from  Corpus  Christi,  1667.  V.  of  Wroxham,  Norfolk,  1665- 
92.  R.  of  Hingham,  1683-1727.  R.  of  Sculthorpe,  1694-7. 
Died  1727.  Buried  at  Hingham.  M.I.  Father  of  John 
(1693-4).   (Blomefield,  11.  425-9) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  19, 
1679.  S.  of  John,  farmer.  B.  in  Cumberland.  Matnc.  1679; 
B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Rochester) 
Dec.  20,  1685.  R.  of  Clayton  and  Keymer,  Sussex,  1692- 
1715.  Buried  at  Clayton,  July  23,  1715-  WiU  at  Lewes. 
(W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  13, 
1683.  S.  of  Abraham,  deceased.  B.  at  Ratcliffe,  Middlesex. 
School,  Battle,  Sussex  (private).  Matric.  1684. 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20,  1685. 
S.  of  William,  burgess,  of  Cambridge.  B.  there.  Schools, 
Huntingdon  and  Perse.  Matric.  1685;  Scholar,  1685-90; 
B.A.  1688-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  21,  1691-2;  priest 
(Peterb.)  May  22,  1692.  R.  of  Wittering,  Northants.,  1692- 
1743.   Died  1743.   (Venn,  i.  478;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  10,  1686. 
B.  at  Derby.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1686;  B.A. 
1689-90;  M.A.  1693;  B.D.  1700;  D.D.  1712.  Fellow,  1696- 
1703.  R.  of  Castle  Camps,  Cambs.,  1703-24.  Canon  of  West- 
minster, 1715-24.  Married  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Alexander 
Parker,  a  Quaker.  Died  Nov.  15,  1724-  Bvuried  at  Castle 
Camps.  M.I.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Admiral  Charles 
Watson,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.   (J.  Ch.  Smith;  Al.  Carthus.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Jan.  26,  1693-4. 
S.  of  John  (1660),  clerk,  of  Hingham,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Nor- 
wich. Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Burton)  and  Wj^ondham 
(Mr  Clarke).  Scholar,  1694-1700;  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1697-8; 
M.A.  1702.  Fellow,  1700-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  4, 
1699;  'C.  of  Scoulton';  priest,  Dec.  22,  1700.  Chaplain  to 
the  College,  1701.  R.  of  Rockland  All  Saints',  and  St 
Andrew's,  Norfolk,  1710-50.   (Venn,  i.  493.) 

WATSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  22,  1694.  Of 

WATSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  24, 
1700.    S.  of  William,   gent.    B.  at  York.    School,   Leeds 
(Mr  Dwyer).  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June,  1707;  priest,  1708.  Perhaps  father  of  Robert  (i735-6)- 
WATSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11,  1721. 
Of  Kent.    Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728.    Fellow, 
1727.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  19;  priest,  Feb.  25,  1730. 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Elibank.    R.  of  Little  Sampford,  Essex, 
1730.    R.  of  Gt  S.ampford,  1733.    Died  Jan.  17,  1767.    (G. 
Mag.;  N.  and  Q.,  2nd  S.,  xi.  217.) 
WATSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  15, 
1664.    S.  of  John,  of  Hull.    B.  there.    Schools,  Hull  and 
Pocklington.  Matric.  1664.   Perhaps  C.  of  St  Peter  Mounter- 
gate,  Norwich,  1675.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 
WATSON,  LEONARD.    B.A.  1541-2.    V.  of  St  Mary  Abbott's, 

Kensington,  London,  1563-71.   Buried  Nov.  7,  1571. 
WATSON,  MARTIN.   B.A.  from  Christ's,  1600-1;  M.A.  1604; 
perh.ips   B.D.    1611.    R.  of  Wilmington,   1606-35.    Mmor 
canon  of  Rochester,   1607.    R.  of  Halstead  St  Margaret, 
Kent,  1615-35.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1635-   {Peile,  i.  226;  Fielding.) 

Watson,  Richard 

WATSON,  MATTHEW.   B.A.  1530-1.  Of  Durham.   M.A.  1534. 

Fellow  of  Pembroke,   1530.    Ord.  deacon  (York)   1551-2. 

V.  of  Helmslcy,  1551. 

WATSON,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  at  Trinity,  Mar.  1605-6.    S.  of 

Thomas,  of  Welby,  Lines.    School,  Grantham  (Mr  Towes). 

Migrated  to  Caius,  July  30,   1608,  age  19.    B.A.   1608-9. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1610.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1613;  B.D.  (Oxford) 

1622.    Fellow  of  Lincoln  College,  Oxford.    Perhaps  adm.  at 

Leyden,  May  20,  1616.   {Venn,  i.  199;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WATSON,  MICHAEL.  B.A.  1543-4-  Of  York  diocese.  B.  1516. 

Ord.  priest  (Suff.  Bishop  of  Thetford)  Apr.  11,  1544.   R.  of 

Little  Bytham,  Lines. 

WATSON,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  12, 

1610-1.  Matric.  sizar,  i6ii;  Scholar;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618. 

WATSON,  PEACHIE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sr  John's,  Apr.  14, 

1670.  S.  of  Job,  V.  of  Greetham,  Rutland.  B.  there.  School, 

Oakham    (Mr   Love).     Matric.    1670;    B.A.    1673-4.     Ord. 

deacon  (London)  Dec.  23,  1677.   Perhaps  brother  of  William 


WATSON,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1571 ; 

B.A.  1580-1. 
WATSON,    PHILIP    (junior).     Adm.    pens,    at    Peterhouse, 
1599-1600.    B.  at  Shering,  Essex.    Scholar,   1602-5;  B.A. 
1603-4;  M.A.  1607.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25,  1609, 
age  28.  C.  of  Shenfield,  Essex. 
WATSON,  POWELL.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's  as  Powell,  alias 
Watson,  Mar.  1,  1711-2.   Matric.  1712.   Adm.  pens,  (age  21) 
at  Caius,  Feb.  i,  1716-7.    S.  of  Henry  Powell  (sic),  R.  of 
Llangadock,    Carmarthen.     B.    there.     School,    Gloucester. 
LL.B.  1717.   (Venn,  11.  7,  wrong  in  identification.) 
WATSON,  PRAVSE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  8,  1674-    Of 
Lancashire.   M.D.  (Utrecht)  1667.   Extra-licentiate,  R.C.P., 
1676;  licentiate,  1680.   (Munk,  i.  416.) 
WATSON,  RALPH.    B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1525.    V.  of  Heston, 
Middlesex,  1552-60.  R.  of  St  Bartholomew-the-Less,  1565-9- 
Died  1569. 
WATSON,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1619; 

B.A.  1622-3. 
WATSON,  RALPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1628; 
B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
WATSON,  RALPH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  18,  1633.    Of 

Yorkshire.   Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7. 
WATSON,  RALPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1707. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Ralph,  of  North  Seaton,  Northumberland. 
B.  Oct.  29, 1689,  at  Woodhom.  Scholar,  1708-9.  B.A.  1710- 
II.  M.D.  of  Linmouth,  Northumberland.  Married  Jane,  dau. 
of  John  Lawson,  at  Bothal,  June  16,  1713-    Died  Aug.  11, 
1721,  aged  32.  Buried  at  Woodhom.  Brother  of  Benjamin 
(1711).   (Peile,  II.  167;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  4th  S.,  11.  303; 
H.  M.  Wood.) 
WATSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  11, 
1712.   S.  of  Edmund  (1678),  gent.   B.  at  East  Hague  Hall, 
Yorks.  School,  Pocklington  (Mr  Drake).  Matric.  1712;  B.A. 
1716-7.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1718;  priest,  Sept.  1719. 
Brother  of  Edmund  (1708). 
WATSON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1502-3.   Of  Goo's  House. 
WATSON,  RICHARD.   B.A.  1563-4- 

WATSON,  RICHARD.  Matric. pens.  fromST  John's,  Eastex,  1583. 
WATSON,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  19, 

1586-7.  Matric.  1587. 
WATSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1594. 
S.  of  Cuthbert,  of  Witton,  Durham.  Bapt.  June  24,  1573, 
at  Witton  Gilbert.  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601;  B.D.  1611; 
D.D.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Aug.  1601. 
V.  of  St  Stephen,  Coleman  Street,  London,  1609-18.  R.  of 
St  Mary  Aldermary,  1618-38.  Buried  there  Mar.  27,  1638. 
Will  dated.  Mar.  1638;  proved  (P.C.C.)  .Apr.  23,  1638.  There 
is  a  curious  letter  from  him  in  the  register  of  Witton  Gilbert, 
Durham,  dated  July  3,  1626,  'from  my  house  in  Coleman 
St,'  thanking  the  inhabitants  for  a  gift  of  6s.  Sd.  when  he 
entered  Cambridge,  May,  1594.  He  sends  £12. 
WATSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1627.  One  of  these  names,  's.  of  Richard,  of  Ravens- 
worth,  Durham,'  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  22,  1628. 
WATSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Dec.  2J, 
1628.  S.  of  William,  merchant.  B.  in  the  parish  of  St 
Catherine  Cree,  London.  School,  Mercers'.  Matric.  1629; 
Scholar,  1631-6;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636;  D.D.  (Oxford) 
1662.  Fellow,  1636-44;  ejected;  reinstated,  1660-4.  Master 
of  the  Perse  School,  Cambridge,  1636-42.  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Hopton  and  to  the  Duke  of  York.  R.  of  Pewsey,  Wilts., 
1662.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1666.  Master  of  Heytesbury 
Hospital,  1671.  Author,  controversial.  Died  Jan.  13, 1684-5. 
Will,  Cons.  C.  Sarum.   (\'cnn,  i.  286;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 


Watson,  Richard 

WATSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  27, 

1666.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Frindsbury,  Kent  (by  his  2nd  wife 
Rebecca,  dau.  of  Richard  Edwards,  of  London).  B.  there. 
School,  West  Mailing  (Mr  Rob.  Whittle).  Matric.  1667; 
LL.B.  1671.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  7,  1668.  (It  is  difficult 
to  distinguish  between  this  man  and  the  next  as  to  degrees.) 
Doubtless  father  of  William  (1696).  (PeiU,  u.  3 ;  Vis.  of  Kent, 

WATSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  21, 

1667.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Melmerby,  Yorks.  School,  Melmerby 
(Mr  Dickenson).  Matric.  1668.  Probably  B.A.  1670.  (See 
the  above.)   (Peile,  11.  12.) 

WATSON,  RICHARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  17, 
1719.    S.  of  Ralph,   bookseller,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds.    B. 
there.     School,    Bury.     Matric.    1719;    Scholar,    1719-26. 
{Venn,  11.  12.) 
WATSON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1519-20;  M.A.  1522-3.  One  of  these 
names  V.  of  Shephall,  Herts.    Admon.  (Archd.  St  Albans) 
July  10,  1539. 
WATSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1572; 
B.A.  1575-6.    One  of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Durham) 
Oct.  6;  priest,   Dec.  21,   1577.    Perhaps  V.  of  Ainstable, 
Cumberland,  1597. 
WATSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1581. 
Of  Essex.    B.A.  from  Clare,  1584-5.   Licenced  from  Queens' 
to  practise  physic,   1589.    Practised  physic  at   Braintree, 
Essex ;  combined  the  study  of  medicine  with  that  of  astrology. 
Author,  A  New  Almanack,  1595;  the  latest  issue  appeared 
in  1605.   {Cooper,  11.  310;  D.N.B.) 
WATSON,  ROBERT.    B.A.  from  St  John's,  1586-7.    Perhaps 
Incorp.   at   Oxford,    1592,  as   'M..^.   of  Cambridge.'    Ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  1597.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bacons- 
thorpe,  Norfolk,  1610,  also  R.  of  Hempstead.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
WATSON,  ROBERT..  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1588. 

Of  Cambridgeshire. 
WATSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1627. 
Of  Norfolk.   B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1635-  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
1632.    C.  of  Salle,  Norfolk,  in  1635.    One  of  these  names 
ejected  from  Bodham,  1662. 
WATSON,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1673- 

Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1676-7. 
WATSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  2, 
1735-6.  S.  of  John  (?  1700),  clerk,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
Ripon.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Stephens).  Matric.  1736;  B.A. 
1739-40;  M.-A.  1747.  Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  Dec.  21, 
1740;  priest,  May  24,  1741.  C.  of  Burley,  Rutland,  till  1757. 
R.  of  Foulness,  Essex,  1753-57.  R.  of  South  Bradon,  Somer- 
set, 1756-88.  V.  of  Newport  Pagnell,  Bucks.,  1757-88. 
Died  1788.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Lipscomb,  iv.  286;  Scott-Mayor,  in. 
WATSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  from  St  Catharine's,  1745.  S.  of 
Robert,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield.  M.B.  1745; 
M.D.  1750.  Adm.  at  Pembroke  College,  Oxford,  Mar.  5, 
1736-7,  age  17.  F.R.S.,  1750.  F.R.C.P.,  1751-  Physician  to 
Westminster  Hospital,  17S2-4.  Gulstonian  lecturer,  1753. 
Censor.  Died  .Mar.  2,  1756.  WiU  (P.C.C);  of  St  Clement 
Danes.  {Munk,  11.  180;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WATSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  3,  1594. 
Matric.  c.  1595;  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1621.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Oct.  10,  1602. 
WATSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  23)  at  Caius,  Apr.  30, 
1646,  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin  (adm.  there,  Dec.  13, 
1640;  Scholar,  1641).  S.  of  James,  alderman  of  Dublin. 
B.  there.  School,  Carlow.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1646-7; 
B.A.  1647.  V.  of  Tisbury,  Wilts.,  and  chaplain  of  East 
Hatch,  1652.  R.  of  Ceme  Abbas,  Dorset,  1654-72.  Died 
1672.  (Venn,  i.  362.) 
WATSON,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628; 

B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632. 
WATSON,  THOMAS.    B.A.  1474-5;  M.A.  1477.    One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Ovington,  Essex,   1476;  perhaps  also  R.  of 
Yeldham,  1481-5. 
WATSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1526-7. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1532-3.  Of  Durham 
diocese.  B.  1516.  M.A.  1536;  B.D.  1543;  D.D.  1554.  Fellow, 
1534.  Master  of  St  John's,  1553-4.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1554. 
R.  of  Wyke  Regis,  Dorset,  1545.  Chaplain  to  Bishop 
Gardiner,  1545-53.  V.  of  Buckminster,  Leics.,  1547.  A 
leading  Roman  Catholic  preacher  in  London,  1553-8. 
Dean  of  Durham,  1553-7.  Disputed  against  Cranmer  at 
Oxford,  1554.  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1556-9.  R.  of  Bechingwall 
All  Saints',  1556.  One  of  the  Commissioners  appointed  by 
Cardinal  Pole  to  visit  the  University,  1557.  Deprived  and 
imprisoned,  1559;  kept  in  custody,  1559-84.  Author, 
controversial.  Died  in  Wisbech  Castle,  Sept.  1584.  Buried 
in  Wisbech  Church.   (D.N.B.;  Cooper,  i.  491;  Al.  Oxon.) 

Watson,  William 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  B.Civ.L.  1537-8.  Principal  of  Nicholas 
Hostel.   Died  c.  1542.   Admon.  (V.C.C). 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  4,  1563; 
'  Scholar  of  Caius,'  age  28.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Gt  and 
Little  Wacton,  Norfolk,  1567. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Lincohi) 
Aug.  26,  1585;  priest,  1587.  V.  of  Saxby,  Lines.,  1586-1610. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Grafton  Regis,  Northants.,  1604-10;  R.  of 
Londesborough,  Yorks.,  1610. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1586. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1628;  B.A.  1631-2.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Milton  Ernest, 
Beds.,  1637.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  June  28, 
1634.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Buckland,  Herts. 
Schools,  Buntingford  (Mr  Jo.  Merristown)  and  Bishop's 
Stortford  (Mr  Thos.  Leigh).  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4,  1635. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 
Intruded  minister  of  St  Stephen  Walibrook,  1646-60, 
ejected.  Joined  the  presbyterian  ministers  in  a  remonstrance 
to  Cromwell  against  the  death  of  Charles  I.  Imprisoned  in 
1651  as  a  suspected  royalist  and  intriguer.  Preacher  in 
London,  1660-80.  Retired  to  Bamston,  Essex.  Author, 
devotional.  Buried  at  Bamston,  July  28,  1686.  Will, 
Archd.  of  London.   {D.N.B.;  Calamy,  i.  148.) 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1647.   Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1655. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  25, 
1655.  S.  of  John,  seaman,  of  Hull.  B.  there.  Mar.  1,  1636-7. 
School,  Hull  (Mr  Shaw).  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A. 
1662;  B.D.  1669;  D.D.  1675.  Fellow,  1669.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  22,  1667.  R.  of  Borough  Green,  Cambs., 
1672.  Bishop  of  St  David's,  1687-99;  deprived  on  the  charge 
of  simony,  but  probably  also  for  his  Jacobite  opinions. 
Retired  to  Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  lord  of  the  manor.  Bene- 
factor to  St  John's.  Founded  a  hospital  at  Hull.  Died  Jime 
3,  1717.  Buried  at  Wilbraham  by  night.  (Scott-Mayor; 
D.N.B.;  H.  P.  Stokes.) 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  .\Am.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  23,  1674- 
Of  Worcestershirs.   Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  3, 

1680.    S.  of  ,  of  Thornton,  Yorks.    School,  Thornton. 

Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1683-4.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1684. 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  May 
23,  1682.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Yorkshire.  School,  Pocklington. 
Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Feb.  20, 
i6£6;  priest  (Litt.  dim.  from  York)  Sept.  25,  1687.  V.  of 
Bugthorpe,  Yorks.,  and  R.  of  Langton,  1690.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Symson,  R.  of  Langton,  Yorks.  Buried  at 
Langton,  May  4,  1719-   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WATSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1751.  Doubtless  s.  of  Benjamin  (1711),  of  Bamborough, 
Northumberland,  clerk.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  1,  1731- 

WATSON,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1560.  Prob- 
ably the  William  Watson,  B.A.,  who  was  resident  in  Jesus 
in  Aug.  1564.  Possibly  R.  of  Bow  Brickhill,  Bucks.,  1572- 
1608;  if  so,  bom  in  Buckland,  Herts.  Died  Nov.  1608, 
aged  64.   M.I.  at  Brickhill.   {Lipscomb,  iv.  56.) 

WATSON,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1560. 

WATSON,  [?  WILLIAM].  B.A.  1462-3;  M.A.  1467;  perhaps 
B.D.  1474-5.  Probably  Principal  of  St  Thomas'  Hostel, 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs. 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1573- 
Of  Durham.   B.A.  1577-8. 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1581;  B.A.  1584-5- 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1602; 
B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Perhaps  assistant  minister  at 
Sheffield,  1606-19.  One  of  these  names  (M.A.),  master  of 
Boston  Grammar  School,  Lines.,  1620-7,  when  he  became 
V.  of  Horbling,  1627-41;  R.  of  Aswarby,  1641. 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1616;  B.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1620;  priest, 
Sept.  1621.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bramwith,  Yorks., 
1638-60;  died  1660.   Perhaps  father  of  John  (1653). 


Watson,  William 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  June  7, 
1655.  S.  of  Joab,  clerk,  of  Piddington,  Oxon.  B.  there. 
School,  Oakham  (Mr  Fryer).  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1658-9; 
M.A.  1662;  LL.D.  1673.  Dean  of  Battle,  Sussex.  Chaplain 
to  Lord  Petre.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1670.  R.  of  Old  Romney, 
Kent,  1670.  Author  of  The  Clergyman's  Law.  Died  1689. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  May,  1689.  Perhaps  brother  of  Peachie 
(1670).   (Scott-Mayor,  i.  xxvii;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Sept.  29,  1696;  Fell. -Com.  Oct.  20,  1697.  S.  of  Richard 
(i666),  of  Frindsbury,  Kent,  Esq.   Matric.  1697. 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  11,  1702. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1702. 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  25, 
1712.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Kirkby  (?  Ripon,  according  to 
M.I.),  Yorks.  School,  Richmond  (Mr  Thomson).  Matric. 
1712;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1734.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1717;  priest,  Sept.  1719;  probably  C.  of  Swines- 
head,  Hunts.,  1719.  C.  of  Kingsthorpe,  Northants.,  1720. 
C.  of  Lamport,  1728.  V.  of  Spratton,  1733-8.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Royle  Bateman,  V.  of  Spratton,  Aug.  31,  1719. 
Died  Apr.  12,  1738,  aged  45.  Buried  at  Spratton.  M.I. 
Will  proved  (Archd.  Northants.)  May  12,  1738.  (Baker,  1. 
69;  Peile,  II.  179;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WATSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  6, 
1714-5.  B.  in  Yorkshire,  1693.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  2,  1716;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1718. 
Perhaps  C.  of  Whitchurch,  Salop,  1720. 

WATSON,  WYAT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 
1688.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Norwich.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Burton).   Matric.  1688. 

WATSON,  ■ .  B.D.  1483-4. 

WATSON, .   Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  1647. 

WATTER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  scholar  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  28,  1612.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  York  (Lord  Mayor  of 
York  in  1620).   School,  York. 

WATTERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  25,  1712.  S.  of  John,  lawyer.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Eton.   Matric.  1712. 

WATTON,  see  also  WHATTON  and  WOTTON. 

WATTON,  BARTHOLOMEW  DE.  1261.  Southern  student 
who  received  a  Royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot 
against  the  Northern  students.   (Fuller,  29.) 

WATTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1569. 

WATTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1617. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Addington,  Kent;  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  4,  1614.   (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 


WATTON,  THOMAS.  B.D.  1481-2.  R.  of  Little  Chesterford, 
Essex,  1469-98.  V.  of  Gt  Chishall,  1488-98.  R.  of  Copford, 
1499-1505.   Died  1505.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WATTON,  WILLIAM  DE.  1261.  Southern  student  who  re- 
ceived a  Royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against  the 
Northern  students.   Brother  of  Bartholomew.   (Fuller,  29.) 

WATTON, .   D.Can.L.  1495-6. 

WATTS,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1604;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  1613. 
R.  of  Sharrington,  Norfolk,  1613. 

WATTS,  BONIFACE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589;  B.D.  1596.  Fellow,  1591-1606. 
Minister  at  Teversham,  Cambs.,  1594-1607.  V.  of  Whittles- 
ford,  1597;  still  there,  1601.  R.  of  Elm  and  Emneth,  1606- 
c.  15.  R.  of  All  Hallows,  Lombard  Street,  London,  1606-15. 
(A.  Gray.) 

WATTS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  27,  1678 
(practised  medicine  before  his  admission).  Of  Warwickshire. 
M.B.  1683.   (A.  Gray.) 

WATTS,  DANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1631. 

WATT,  EDWARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1601. 

WATTS,  EDWARD.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3,  1623-4; 
'B.A.;  of  St  John's  College';  priest,  Sept.  19,  1624. 

WATTS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  14, 
1636.  4th  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.  B.  at  Mattocks,  in  Ware, 
Herts.  School,  Hertford  (Mr  Minors).  Matric.  1637;  B.A. 
1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Fellow,  1643-4,  ejected.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1654.  Brother  of  John  (1620)  and  Paul  (1631).  (Vis.  of 
Herts.,  1634.) 

WATTS,  GEOFFREY.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Emmanuel, 
Michs.  1601.  4th  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  London,  Knt.  (sometime 
Lord  Mayor).  School,  Westminster.  B.A.  1604-5;  M..A.. 
from  Jesus,  1608;  B.D.  1615.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1606-19. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1608.  V.  of  Clavcring,  Essex,  1616, 
ejected.   R.  of  Gt  Leighs,  1619-62.  Chaplain  to  the  Marquis 

Watts,  James 

of  Montrose.  Died  1663,  at  Gt  Leighs.  Will  dated,  1662; 
proved  (Cons.  C.  London)  1679.  Doubtless  brother  of  Thomas 
(1606)  and  William  (1593),  father  of  John  (Tf,\o).  (A.  Gray.) 

WATTS,  GEORGE.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1588;  B.A. 
1588-9;  M.A.  1592;  B.D.  1599.  Fellow,  1591.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  Oct.  20,  1596.  V.  of  Keysoe,  Beds., 
1597-9.  R.  of  Screveton,  Notts.,  1601-2.  R.  of  Cheadle, 
Staffs.,  1609-16.   R.  of  Fakenham,  Norfolk,  1616. 

WATTS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1608; 
Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616;  B.D.  1623.  Fellow, 
1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  6;  priest,  Apr.  7,  1621. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Grundisburgh,  Suffolk,  1639-40,  and  V.  of 
Eyton,  Beds.,  1636-40.  One  of  these  names  of  Rearsby, 
Leics.,  clerk.  Admon.  (Leicester)  1649. 

WATTS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  17,  17x8.  S. 
of  Henry.  B.  at  Uffington,  Berks.  Bapt.  May  29,  1704. 
Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  Fellow,  1723-35. 
Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  June  5,  1726;  priest  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  14,  1730-1.  Preacher  of  Lincohi's  Inn,  1733-46.  R.  of 
Orcheston  St  Mary,  Wilts.,  1735-72.  V.  of  St  Mary,  Marl- 
borough, 1737.  V.  of  Bishopston,  1745.  R.  of  Boxford, 
Berks.,  1751.  Master  of  the  Temple,  1771-2.  Died  1772. 
Buried  in  the  Temple  Church,  Apr.  25,  1772.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(In  Al.  Oxon.  he  is  confused  with  his  son.)   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WATTS,  GILBERT.  Kept  some  terms  at  Cambridge.  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Barnes  Hall,  Ecclesfield,  Yorks.  (and  Isabel, 
dau.  of  Arthur  Alcock,  and  widow  of  Thomas  Scott,  of 
Barnes  Hall,  Ecclesfield).  B.  at  Rotherham.  B.A.  (Lincoln 
College,  Oxford)  1610-1;  M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1623;  D.D. 
(Oxford)  1643  (on  the  King's  visit).  Fellow  of  Lincoln 
College,  1621-48.  R.  of  Willingale  Doe,  Essex,  1642-7, 
sequestered.  An  excellent  linguist  and  a  good  preacher. 
Translated  Bacon's  De  Augmentis  Scientiarum.  Died  Sept.  9, 
1657.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Oxford.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1603).   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

WATTS,  GILES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 
1743.  S.  of  G.,  shopkeeper,  of  Sussex.  B.  at  Battle.  School, 
Battle  (Mr  Jenkin).  Adm.  at  Leyden,  May  2,  1753.  Died 
May  I,  1792,  at  Battle. 

WATTS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  I,  1639-40;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1640.  R.  of 
Wheatacre,  Norfolk,  1650-8. 

WATTS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  25, 
1644.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  Turlangton,  Leics.  Schools, 
Gt  Glen,  Leics.  (Mr  Osyn)  and  Uppingham.  Matric.  1645; 
B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
Nov.  9,  i66i.  R.  of  Swepston,  Leics.;  ejected,  1662;  re- 
moved to  Weddington,  Warws.;  'lived  there  above  20  years.' 
Went  thence  to  Barwell,  Leics.  Became  presbyterian  minister 
at  Hinckley.  Died  Feb.  2,  1690,  aged  63.  Buried  at  Barwell. 
(Calamy,  11.  129;  Nichols,  in.  1040.) 

WATTS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  3,  1687.  Of 
Speen,  Berks.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1696.  Fellow, 

WATTS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June  17, 
1692.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Plymouth,  Devon,  Esq.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  24,  1702-3. 

WATTS,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1697.  Of  Norwich. 
Matric.  sizar  Easter,  1698;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1703;  priest,  1704.  R.  of  Stoke 
Ash,  Suffolk,  1710-2.   Died  1712. 

WATTS,  ISAAC.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1585. 
B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593.  Buried 
at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  14,  1595. 

WATTS,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1575. 
B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1578-9;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 

WATTS,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1584. 
B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.  Fellow.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  29,  1593.  V.  of 
Woodnesborough,  Kent,  1596-1619.   Died  1619. 

WATTS,  JAMES.  Adm.  scholar  at  Magdalene,  i6i8.  B.A. 
1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  priest  (London)  June  4,  1626 
('Watters'),  age  24. 

WATT  or  WATTS,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  (age  20)  from  Pem- 
broke, Easter,  1620.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  .Appleton-with-Hull, 
Chester.  B.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8;  priest, 
June  9,  1623.   V.  of  Corpusty,  Norfolk,  1623. 

WATTS,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Sept.  18,  1645. 
S.  of  Richard,  R.  of  Wolvcrton,  Warws.  B.  there.  School, 
Warwick.  Matric.  1645;  Scholar,  1647-50;  B.A.  1649-50; 
M..\.  from  Jesus,  1653.  FVllow  of  Jesus,  1650-7.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1654.  R.  of  Ridlington,  Rutland,  c.  1655-84.  One 
of  these  names  licensed  schoolmaster  at  Little  Walsingham, 
Norfolk,  1662.  Will  proved  (Norwich.  Archd.  C.)  1662-3. 
Probably  father  of  William  (1678).  (Venn,  i.  360;  Al.  Oxon.) 


Watts,  John 

WATTS,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1494. 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1499. 
Died  in  College.   (Harwood.) 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1550;  B.A. 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1582.  Of 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.  1596.  B.A.  1599- 
i6oo;  M.A.  1603.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  23, 
1610.'  Perhaps  R.  of  Conington,  Hunts.,  1614. 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1607. 
Perhaps  6th  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  London,  Knt.  (Lord  Mayor, 
1606-7).   Perhaps  brother  of  Geoffrey  (i6oi),  etc. 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  28,  1620,  Of 
London.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Mattocks,  in  Ware,  Herts., 
Esq.  (knighted,  1625;  captain  of  the  expedition  to  Calais), 
and  probably  nephew  of  William  (i593)-  Matric.  1620.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  25,  1622-3.  Fought  in  the  Royal 
army.  Governor  of  Chirk  Castle,  in  1645.  Taken  prisoner 
at  siege  of  Colchester.  Knighted,  Sept.  23,  1645.  Living  at 
Tewin,  Herts.,  1674.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Edward 
Gardiner,  of  Thundridgebury,  Herts.  Buried  at  Hertingford- 
bury,  c.  1680.  M.L  Brother  of  Paul  (1631)  and  Edward 
(1636).   (Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  305.) 

WATTS,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1624.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1624.  M.A.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford)  1627.  Also  signed  as 
M.A.  at  Cambridge,  in  1627.  R.  of  Sutton  St  Nicholas, 
Herefordshire,  1661.  Buried  there  May  14,  1678.  M.I. 
(J.  Ch.  Smith;  Genealogist,  vii.  29,  30-33.) 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1625.  B.A. 
1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Probably  R.  of  Childerley,  Cambs., 
1632-7.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Sibsey,  Lines.,  1632-44, 
and  of  Thorpe  St  Peter,  1639. 

WATTS,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Sept.  12,  1632. 

WATTS,  JOHN.  M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Exeter  College,  Ox- 
ford). S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Tavistock,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter 
CoUege,  Oxford)  Feb.  18,  1626-7,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1629;  M.A.  1632.  Fellow  of  Exeter,  1630-4.  Admon., 
Mar.  5,  1634-5,  at  Oxford.   (Al.  Oxon.,  wrongly  identified.) 

WATTS,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1638;  B.A.  1639- 
40;  M.A.  1646.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  18,  1641;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  17,  1643-4.  Perhaps  V.  of  Ilketshall  St 
Andrew,  Sufiolk,  1644.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Thur- 
staston,  Cheshire,  1655-66. 

WATTS,   JOHN.    Adm.    pens,    at    Jesus,   Apr.    9,    1640.    Of 
Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Geoffrey  (1601),  R.  of  Gt  Leighs,  Essex. 
Matric.  1640.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  26,  1645.    Of 
Gt  Leighs,  in  1664. 
WATTS,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  8,  1709-10.   Prob- 
ably s.  of  John,  of  Danet's  Hall,  near  Leicester.    B.  at 
Leicester.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  2, 
1708.    Barrister,  1716.    Sank  a  large  fortune  in  the  South 
Sea  Scheme.   Died  1728,  aged  32.   (Nichols,  iii.  570;  Burke, 
L.  G.  Supp.) 
WATTS,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Apr.  i,  1670. 
WATTS,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  26,  1728.    S. 
of  John,  of  Much  Marcle,  Hereford.    Matric.  (Oriel  College, 
Oxford)  Apr.  13,  1717,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1720;  M.A. 
(Cambridge)  1728.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WATTS,  LAWFORD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  14, 
1684.   S.  of  William.   B.  in  London.   School,  Eton.   Matric. 
1684;  B.A.  1687-8.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  7,  1696. 
WATTS,   LUKE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',   Michs.   1570. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  i574;  priest,  Jan.  4,  1575-6- 
C.  of  Weston  Turville,  Bucks.,  in  1585.    R.  of  Gt  Brickhill, 
1585-1602.   Died  1602.   Will,  .\rchd.  Bucks. 
WATTS,  MARK.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  22,  1570;  'bred  in  the  schools.' 
V.  of  Sundon,  Beds. 
WATTS,  MARTIN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1625; 

scholar  from  Westminster. 
WATTS,  MATTHEW.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
I568;B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1591.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  11,  1574.    R.  of  Aldbury,  Herts.,  1580. 
WATTS,  MATTHEW.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  c.  1597. 
WATTS,  MATTHEW.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1604; 
B.A.  (?  1607-8);  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1611  (adm.  there, 
1605;  of  Hertfordshire). 
WATTS,  PAUL.   Scholar  of  Trinity,  1631.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of 
Sir  John,   of   Ware,   Herts.    B.A.    1634-5.     Living,    1649. 
Brother  of  John  (1620)  and  Edward  (1636).   (Vis.  of  Herts., 
1634;  Clutterbuck,  in.  305.) 

Watts,  Thomas 

WATTS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596.  B.  at 
Reresby,  Leics.,  1582.  Scholar,  1602;  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A. 
1606.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  27;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21, 
1606.  V.  of  Keysoe,  Beds.,  1606-22.  R.  of  Purley,  Berks., 
i623-?6o.  Buried  there  (?  1660),  aged  78.  M.I.;  of  Trinity 
College,  Cambridge.  (Ashmole,  Berks.) 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1603. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Yorkshire  (and  Isabel,  widow  of  Thomas 
Scott,  of  Barnes  Hall,  Ecclesfield).  Scholar,  1605;  B.A. 
1607-8;  M.A.  1611.  Fellow,  1610.  Taxor,  1627.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  May  30;  priest.  May  31,  1618.  V.  of 
Bottisham,  Cambs.,  1620-31.  Chaplain  to  Thomas  Went- 
worth,  Earl  of  Strafford.  Became  the  owner  of  Barnes  Hall 
on  the  death  of  his  half-brother  Sir  Richard  Scott,  July  17, 
1638.  V.  of  Chesterton,  1630-44.  V.  of  Mildenhall,  Suffolk, 
1631-44,  ejected.  'Has  also  an  impropriation  at  Colchester, 
and  lands  in  Yorks.  and  Ireland.  Resides  at  Chesterton.' 
Will  (York)  1661;  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  clerk.  To  be 
buried  at  Ecclesfield.  Brother  of  Gilbert  and  father  of 
Richard  (1649).  (Tanner's  notes,  Norwich  Registry;  J.  Ch. 
Smith;  Hunter,  Hallamshire,  443.) 
WATS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  12, 
1634.  S.  of  George.  B.  at  Norwich.  School,  Norwich. 
Matric.  1634. 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1634  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Oct.  27, 
1620,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1620;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  May  27,  1621;  priest,  Apr.  18,  1622.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Morcott,  Rutland,  1624.  Licence  to  marry  Elizabeth  Britten, 
of  Uppingham,  July  5,  1625.  Perhaps  father  of  Richard 
(1648).  (.41.  Oxon.,  wTongly  identified.) 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1645-6. 
Of  Essex.  Possibly  migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (Balliol 
College,  Oxford)  1649;  of  Epping,  Essex;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1652. 
Fellow  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1650-4.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1648.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard  (1634).  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A. 
1657.  Probably  exhibitioner  from  Uppingham  School. 
Doubtless  Master  of  Oakham  School,  1661.  Died  1662. 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  30,  1649. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard  (1603).  B.  1633. 
Matric.  1649;  Scholar,  1650;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656. 
Fellow,  1653.  Died  of  small-pox.  Buried  in  the  College 
Chapel,  Aug.  4,  1661.  (M.  H.  Peacock;  Hunter,  Hallamshire, 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  10,  1687. 
S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Barnes  Hall,  Ecclesfield,  Yorks.,  and  of 
Chesterton,  Cambs.  B.  1671,  at  Barnes  Hall,  Ecclesfield. 
Matric.  1687;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1694;  priest,  1696.  C.  of  Ecclesfield. 
V.  of  Haworth,  Notts.  Died  s.p.,  May  20,  1727-  Buried  at 
WATTS,  RICHARD.  M.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Adm.  extra- 
licentiate,  R.C.P.,  1703;  then  practising  at  Lymington, 
Hants.  F.R.C.P.,  1729.  Died  Apr.  14,  1750.  aged  74-  Will 
(P.C.C);  of  St  Bartholomew  Exchange,  London.  (Munk, 
u.  113;  G.  Mag.) 
WATTS,  ROBERT.  B.Can.L.  1507-8. 

WATTS,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,   1602; 
B.A.  1605-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept. 
21,  1606.    V.  of  Wistow,  Leics.,  1609;  resigned  same  year. 
Perhaps  of  Barkby,  Leics.,  in  1630;  licence  (Archd.  Leicester) 
to  marry  Sarah  Squier,  of  Rearsby,  1630. 
WATTS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1638. 
WATTS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1549; 
B..\.  1552-3;  M.A.  1560;  D.D.  1569-70.    Ord.  deacon  and 
priest    (London)    1559-60.     Preb.   of   St    Paul's,    1560-77. 
Canon  of  Westminster,  1561-77-   Archdeacon  of  Middlesex, 
1561.    University  preacher,   1569.    R.  of  Bocking,  Essex, 
1570-7.   Dean  of  Bocking,  1571-   Died  1577.   Will  (P.C.C). 
Benefactor  to  Pembroke.   (Peile,  i.  45-) 
WATTS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at   King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1564.    B.  at  Streatley,   Beds.,   1547-    Matric.   1564;   B.A. 
1568-9;   M.A.    1572.     Fellow,    1567-75-    Ord.   deacon   and 
priest  (Lincoln)   Apr.   10,   1574-    V.  of  Cardington,  Beds., 
1574-1610.  Buried  Aug.  9,  1610.   (Cooper,  11.  447.) 
WATTS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1576. 
WATTS,   THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from   Emmanuel,   Easter, 
1606.   Doubtless  5th  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  London,  Knt.  (Lord 
Mayor,  1606-7).   Of  Thundridge,  Herts.   Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.    of    Nicholas    Vavasour,    of    Waltham   Cross,    Essex. 
Admon.,  May  9,  1654;  of  Hitchin,  Herts.  Doubtless  brother 
of  William  (1593)  and  Geoffrey  (1601)  and  perhaps  of  John 
(1607).   (Middlesex  Note  Book.) 
WATT,   THOMAS.     Matric.    sizar    from    Pembroke,   Easter, 


Watts,  Thomas 

WATTS,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  i6i6; 

B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24; 

'Fellow  of  Clare';  priest,  Sept.  25,  1626.  One  of  these  names 

V.  of  Laxfield,  Suffolk,  'M.A.'  1642.    Perhaps  sequestered 

to  Stradbrooke,  1647. 
WATTS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  2,  1623. 

S.  of  Thomas,  gent.    B.  at  East  Ruston,  Norfolk.    School, 

North  Walsham  (Mr  Tilles).   Matric.  1623;  Scholar,  1624-8; 

B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.    Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  21, 

1628.    Probably  R.  of  Westwick,  Norfolk,  1634-53.    R.  of 

Rockland  St  Andrew,  1639-61,  and  of  St  Mary,  i66i.   Died 

1661.   (Venn,  i.  263.) 
WATTS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1632.  Of  Kent. 
WATTS,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  14, 

1686.    S.  of  William.    B.  at  Southwark,  Surrey.    Matric. 

1686;  Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1689-90. 

WATTS,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1582. 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1517-8. 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1532-3.   Perhaps  same  as  above. 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  31 
1593.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  London  (Lord 
Mayor,  1606-7).  Of  the  Middle  Temple,  in  1606-7.  Licensed 
(London)  to  marry  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Angell, 
Fishmonger,  of  Bread  Street,  Jan.  24,  1606-7.  Living,  1613. 
Doubtless  brother  of  Geoffrey  (1601)  and  Thomas  (1606). 
(Phillimore,  Middlesex  Note  Book.) 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  c.  July, 
1606.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Tibenham,  Norfolk.  School,  Moulton 
(Mr  Matchet).  Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614;  D.D. 
1639.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1618.  Fellow  {i.e.  chaplain)  of 
Caius,  1616-26.  C.  of  St  Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  1615. 
V.  of  St  Peter's,  1615-7.  Travelled  abroad  as  chaplain  to 
Sir  Albertus  Morton  on  his  mission  to  the  united  protestant 
princes  of  Germany.  Chaplain  to  Charles  I.  V.  of  Barwick, 
Norfolk,  1624.  R.  of  St  Alban,  Wood  Street,  London,  1625- 
43,  ejected.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1633;  appointed  Archdeacon  of 
Wells,  1645,  but  never  took  prassession.  Army  chaplain  to 
Prince  Rupert  during  the  Wars.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
Mrs  Judith  Vaughan,  widow,  of  Canterbury,  Feb.  21,  1625-6. 
Author;  translated  Confessions  of  Si  Augustine;  edited 
Historia  Major  of  Matthew  Paris.  Died  1649,  at  Kinsale, 
Ireland.  Buried  there.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  1663.  {Venn, 
I.  193;  D.N.B.;  Hennessy;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1620; 
B.A.  1624;  M.A.  1627.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627.  V.  of  Much 
Marcle,  Hereford,  1636.  Canon  of  Hereford,  1660.  V.  of 
Upton  Bishop,  1671-9.  Died  1679.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  8,  1632. 

Matric.   1632;   Scholar,   1632-5.    Probably  s.  of  John,  of 

Bumham   Ulph,   Norfolk;   adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,   Feb.   13, 

WATTS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Sept.  25,  1662, 

from  King's  (adm.  there,  1661).  (For  possible  identifications 

see  Peile,  1.  600.) 
WATTS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  9, 

1666.  Of  London.   LL.B.  1670. 
WATTS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  9,   1677-8. 

Of    Ridlington,    Rutland.     Probably  s.   of   James   (1645). 

Migrated  to  Clare,  July  5,  1678.  B.A.  1681-2. 

WATTS, .   M.A.  1478-9. 

WATTS,  .    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall,  Nov.  7, 

1727.   (Name  off,  1730.) 
WATWOOD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20, 

1727.   Matric.  1727;  B.A.  1730-1. 
WATWOOD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

July  8,  1674.   S.  of  Richard,  of  Stockton,  Staffs.   B.  there. 

School,  Stafford.    Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677.    Doubtless  P.C. 

of  Acton  TrusseU,  c.  1680.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
WATWOOD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  10,  1706. 

S.  of  [?  William  (above)],  clerk,  deceased,  of  Staffordshire. 

Matric.   1706;   Rustat  Scholar;   B.A.   1709-10;  M.A.   1729. 

Perhaps  C.  at  Macclesfield  and  V.  of  Congleton.   (A.  Gray.) 
WAUGH,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  25, 

1748-9.   S.  of  John  (next),  V.  of  Stanwix,  Cumberland.    B. 

at  Carlisle.    School,  Appleby  (Mr  Yates).    Matric.  1748-9; 

Scholar,    1748-9;    B.A.    1753;    M.A.    1763.     Ord.    deacon 

(Worcester)   May;  priest,  June,   1754.    V.  of  Bromsgrove, 

Worcs.,  1754-77.   Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1768-77.   Died  Sept.  ii, 

1777-   {Peile,  11.  254;  Musgrave;  L.  Mag.) 
WAUGH,  JOHN.    LL.D.  1749  (Incorp.  from  Queen's  College, 

Oxford).   Matric.  there,  Feb.  26,  1721-2,  age  i8.  S.  of  John, 

Bishop  of  Carlisle.   B.A.  (Oxford)  1724;  M.A.  1727;  D.C.L. 

1735-    V.  of  Stanwix,  Cumberland,  1727-65,  non-resident. 

Weale,  John 

Preb.  and  Chancellor  of  Carlisle,  1727.  Dean  of  Worcester, 
1751-65.  Died  Apr.  19,  1765.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  John 
(above).   {Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.) 

WAUGH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 
1622;  priest,  June,  1623.  V.  of  Calverley,  Yorks.,  1627-62. 
V.  of  Ware,  Herts.,  1661-70. 

WAUHOPE, .  B.D.  1482-3.  A  monk. 

WAVERLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1626;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633. 

WAW,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  c.  1595.  Probably 
s.  of  Richard,  of  Weedon  Beck,  Northants.,  gent.  Migrated 
to  Sidney,  Sept.  1598;  B.A.  1598-9.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  7,  1600. 

WAWEN,  BRIAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July,  1603.  S.  and 
h.  of  Thomas,  of  Claworth,  Notts,  (and  Susan,  dau.  of  Sir 
Bryan  Lassells,  of  Notts.).  Matric.  1604.  {Vis.  of  London, 

WAWEN,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
May  15,  1662.  S.  of  Gervase,  gent.,  of  Stratford,  Langthome, 
Essex.  School,  Fels ted.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6.  Perhaps 
C.  of  Greenwich,  Kent,  in  1686. 

WAWEN,  ROBERT.   M.Gram.  1484-5. 

WAWEN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1641.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Gervase,  of  London  (and 
Frances,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Walsall,  of  Canterbury).  B.A. 
1643-4.   {Vis.  of  London,  i6i4.) 

WAWFFYN, .   Dr;  excused  regency,  1432-3. 

WAY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  1626. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  London,  examiner  of  witnesses  in  Court  of 
Chancery.  B.  in  Hertfordshire.  School,  Sutton,  Beds. 
(Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1627;  Scholar,  1628-31;  B.A.  1630-1; 
M.A.  1634.  Fellow,  1634  (for  one  day;  the  Master  objecting). 
V.  of  Willian,  Herts.,  1634-45,  1660-73.  Died  Apr.  23,  1673. 
Buried  at  WiUian.   M.I.   {Venn,  1.  278.) 

WAYCOCK,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1609;  B.A.  1613-4;  Weycoe. 

WAYET,  EDMUND,  .■^dm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  Jan. 
26,  1727-8.  S.  of  Edmund.  B.  at  Spilsby,  Lines.  School, 
Carlton,  Lines.  Matric.  1728;  LL.B.  1734.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  13,  1731;  priest,  May  20,  1733.  Perhaps 
died  Jan.  1737;  of  Thoresby,  Lines.,  Waite. 

WAYHAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1562. 
(Perhaps  Wagham  or  Vaghan.) 

WAYLAND,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  27, 
1566.  Matric.  1566.  Migrated  to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1568; 
B.A.  1569-70;  M.A.  1573;  B.D.  1584,  'Vayland.'  Fellow  of 
Trinity,  1571.  V.  of  Shudy  Camps,  Cambs.,  1581,  resigned 
same  year.  R.  of  Hastingleigh,  Kent,  1587.  R.  of  East- 
bridge,  1588.  R.  of  Ivychurch,  1589-1614.  R.  of  Lyminge, 
1595-1611.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1598.  Preb.  of  Rochester, 
1606-14.  Died  1614.  Buried  in  Rochester  Cathedral.  Will 
proved,  Aug.  4,  1614.   {Fielding.) 

WAILAND,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1523,  age  14. 

WAYLET,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  4, 

1686-7.    S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  North  Weald,  Essex.    B. 

there.  School,  North  Weald.   Matric.  1687.   {Venn,  i.  482.) 
WAYNE,  see  WAINE. 

WAYTE,  see  WAITE. 

WEADLEY,    HENRY.     Matric.  sizar   from   Queens',   Easter, 

1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M..A.   1630.    Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.) 

1657;  of  Givendale,  Vorks.,  minister. 
WEALE,  see  also  WALE. 
WEALE,  CHARLES.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1602. 

WEALE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  .\pr.  7, 
1670.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Nailstone,  Leics.  B.  there.  School, 
Ashby-de-la-Zouch  (Mr  Shaw).  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1673-4- 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  i674-  R-  o'  North  Cray, 
Kent,  1683-1701.  Died  May  8,  1701.  Buried  at  North  Cray. 
M.I.   {Fielding.) 

WEALE,  JOHN.  B.D.  1554  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  R.  of 
St  Mildred  Poultry,  London,  1541,  M.A.,  and  of  All  Hallows 
the  Great,  1543-69.  Chaplain  to  Queen  Mary.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1558-69.  Died  1569.  Will  (Consist.  C);  to  be 
buried  at  .\11  Hallows.   {Cooper,  i.  281;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WEALE,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 

V.A.C.  IV. 



Weale,  Samuel 

WEALE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  (age  i6)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  6,  1616.  Of  London.  Matric.  1616;  B.A.  1620-1 ; 
M. A.  1624.  Fellow,  1619-27,  when  he  was  expelled.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke.  V.  of  Shaftesbury.  (Harwood; 
J.  Venn.) 

WEALE,  WILLIAM.  Mus.Bac.  1719-  Organist  of  St  Paul's, 
Bedford,  c.  1715-27.  Composer  of  the  hymn-tune  'Bedford.' 
Died  at  Bedford,  1727.   (Grove,  Die.  Music.) 

WEARE,  see  WARE. 

WEARG,  CLEMENT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Sept.  25,  1705.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Kensington,  Middle- 
sex. B.  1686,  in  London.  Matric.  1705-6;  Scholar,  1705. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  25,  1706.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1711.  Bencher,  1723.  Treasurer,  1725.  Solicitor- 
General,  1723-4.  Knighted,  Feb.  4,  1723-4-  M.P.  for 
Helston,  1724-6.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  James 
Montagu,  Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer.  Died  s.p.  Buried 
in  the  Temple  churchyard,  Apr.  12,  1726.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{T.  A.  Walker,  214;  D.N.B.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WEARISLEY,  THOMAS.  Fellow  of  Pembroke.  Proctor,  1388. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  .■^pr.;  priest,  Sept.  1386. 

WEAVELL  or  WEEVILL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
May  14,  1596.   Matric.  c.  1596;  B.A.  1599-1600. 

WEAVER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  24,  1725.  S.  of  Edward,  citizen  and  barber-surgeon. 
B.  May  3.  1708.  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  Matric. 
1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  21,  1729;  priest  (Norwich)  June,  1731- 

WEAVER,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  24,  1620. 
S.  of  Edmund,  citizen  and  stationer,  of  London.  Scholar, 
1621;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1626,  age  23.  V.  of  West 
Ham,  Essex,  1630-5.  Died  1634-5.  Admon.  Mar.  17,  1634-5. 
(A.  Gray;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WEAVER,  JAMES.  Mus.Bac.  1610.  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
March,  Cambs.,  c.  1627. 

WEEVER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  30,  1594. 
Of  Lancashire.  B.  1576.  Matric.  c.  1594:  B.A.  1597-8. 
Travelled  in  France  and  in  England.  Finally  settled  in  a 
house  in  Clerkenwell  Close,  London.  Poet  and  antiquary. 
Author,  Epigrammes,  Funeral  Monuments,  etc.  Buried  at 
St  James's,  Clerkenwell,  Middlesex,  Mar.  20,  1631-2.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (D.Af.B.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WEAVER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591; 
Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  15,  1597.  V.  of  Stotfold,  Beds.,  1597; 
signed  till  1640.  Married  there,  Nov.  11,  1613,  Anne  Rogers. 

WEAVER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  27,  1689.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  North  Luffenham,  Rutland. 
B.  at  Stamford,  Lines.  School,  Charterhouse.   Matric.  1689. 

WEAVER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  (age  18)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  i,  1592.  Of  London.  B.A.  I59&-7;  M.A.  1600; 
B.D.  1607.  Fellow,  1595-1612.  Fellow  of  Eton,  1612. 
Vice-Provost.  Benefactor  to  Eton  Chapel.   {Harwood.) 


WEAVER,  WILLIAM  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Cl.\re,  Feb.  2, 
1704-5.  S.  of  John,  of  Cranford  St  John,  Northants.,  Esq. 
B.  there.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  Sept.  8,  1710.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Lilt.  dim.  from 
Peterb.)  Mar.  9,  1717-8;  priest,  June  12,  1720.  .^dmon. 
Aug.  I,  1733,  to  Judith,  his  widow.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WEAZY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

WEBB,  ADAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  1623.  Of  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  23;  priest.  May  24,  1630.  R.  of  Sandringham,  Norfolk, 
1649.   R.  of  Babingly,  in  1650. 

WEBB,  BENEDICT.  M.A.  1627  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Oxford)  May  13,  1613;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1616;  M.A.  1620; 
B.D.  1628.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WEBB,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  16, 
1707-8.  Of  London.  Matric.  1708.  Migrated  to  Corpus 
Christi,  1709.  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1713;  priest  (London)  Sept.  19,  1714- 

WEBB,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1562.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  1570;  B.D.  1577.  Fellow, 
1568.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1572;  re-incorp.  1579.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  Jan.  21,  1572-3.  University  preacher 
1575.  R.  of  St  Michael's,  Crooked  Lane,  London,  1581-7. 
R.  of  Ripple,  Worcs.,  1584-5.  R.  of  TunstaU,  Kent,  1585- 
1610;  appointed  preacher  in  Canterbury  Cathedral,  Feb.  1, 
1584-5.  R.  of  Milstead,  1587-95.  V.  of  Lydd,  1595-1611. 
Died  Jan.  7,  1610-1.  Buried  at  Tuns  tall.  (A  I.  Oxon.) 

Webb,  John 

WEBB,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  1547.    Of 

Staffordshire.  B.A.  1550-1-   Fellow,  1551. 
WEBB,  EDWARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  1601.   One  of 

these  names,  '  Cantabrigiensis,*  appeared  at  Douay,  in  1599, 

s.  of  William,  of  Norfolk.    Sent  to  Rome,   1602.    (Douay 

WEBB,  EDWARD.    M.A.  1637  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

Ambrose,  of  Basingstoke,  Hants.    Matric.  (Balliol  College, 

Oxford)  Apr.  22,  1631,  age  19;  B..^..  (Oxford)  1631;  M.A. 

1633-4.    Created  B.D.  and  D.D.  (Oxford)  1673.    Chaplain 

to  the  King.  V.  of  King's  Cleare,  Hants.,  sequestered,  1646. 

R.  of  Newington  Bagpath,  Gloucs.,  in  1662.   Died  1679-80. 

WiU  (P.C.C.)  May,  1680.   Doubtless  father  of  the  next.   (Al. 

WEBB,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  24)  at  Pembroke,  June  i, 

1669.    B.  at  Cradley,  Worcs.    Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1672-3. 

Doubtless  s.   of  Edward   (above).     Previously  at  Oxford. 

Matric.   (Balliol  College,   Oxford)   July   17,    1663,   age   17. 

Adm.   at  Lincoln's   Inn,   Nov.    15,   1666-    Barrister,   1673. 

Licensed,  Aug.  29,  1673,  to  marry  Jane  Goddwin,  of  Plaistow, 

Hants.     Will   (Gloucester)    1707;   of   Newington   Bagpath. 

(Al.  Oxon.) 
WEBB,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  14,  1614-5. 

Matric.  1615;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.    Ord. 

deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1622.   C.  of  Gt 

Wilbraham,   Cambs.,  in    1624.     R.   of   Woodham   Ferrers, 

Essex,   1627-41.    R.  of  Paglesham,    1628-41.    Died   1641. 

Will,  P.C.C.    See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake 

with  whom  Foster  apparently  confuses  him. 

WEBB,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1708. 
Scholar,  1708-9;  B.A.  1710-1.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May, 
1713;  priest  (Lincoln)  June,  1715.  R.  of  Hargrave,  Suffolk, 
1727-55.  Died  1755,  aged  64.   (Peile,  u.  167.) 

WEBBE,  GARDINER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1620.    Doubtless  4th  s.  of  William  (and  ,  sister  of  Sir 

Robert  Gardiner,  of  Elmswell,  Suffolk).  Succeeded  to  the 
estates  of  Woolpit  and  Elmswell  after  the  death  of  his  uncle, 
Sir  Robert  Gardiner.  Of  Elmswell.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  Martin  Stutevile,  of  Dalham,  Knt.  Died  s.p.m.  (sic) 
Mar.  15,  1674.  [But  according  to  Page  he  died  in  1668; 
this  date  of  death  however  may  be  that  of  the  next.] 
(Copinger,  i.  288;  vi.  355.) 

WEBBE,  GARDINER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  24,  1647. 
Of  Suffolk.   Possibly  s.  of  Gardiner  (above). 

WEBBE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1562; 
B.A.  1564-5.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  July  29,  1365.  Probably 
R.  of  Thorpe-Abbots,  Norfolk,  1566. 

WEBBE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1582-3. 
B..\.  1586-7;  M.A.  1591.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
June  29,  1587.  V.  of  Leighton  Bromswold,  Hunts.,  1594- 
1607.  Probably  R.  of  Preston  Capes,  Northants.,  1605-37. 
Buried  there  Apr.  22,  1637.   (T.  P.  Dorman.) 

WEBB,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1600-1;  M..\.  1607. 

WEBB,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 

1718.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Coton  Clanford,   Staffs.    School, 

Stafford  (Mr  Dearie).    Matric.   1718;  Scholar,   1720;  B.A. 

1721-2;  M.A.  1725;  M.D.  1733.    Admon.  (P.C.C.)  i755;  of 

Seighford,  Stags. 

WEBBE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  15,  1655. 
S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  Richmond,  Surrey.  Bapt.  there, 
Aug.  24,  1639.  Schools,  Greenford,  Middlesex  (Mr  Terry) 
and  Fulham  (Dr  Fleetwood).   Matric.  1655. 

WEBB,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  King's,  1728.  S.  of  Robert,  of 
Stratton,  Cornwall.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  22, 
1720,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1724.  Demy  of  Magdalen, 
1726-41.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1732.  [According  to  Foster  who 
does  not  identify  him  with  the  M.A.  from  King's,  but 
suggests  identification  with  J.  W.  of  Oriel  College  (1713).] 
One  of  these  names  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1727-41.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Trottisclifie,  Kent,  1747-59,  and  V.  of  West  Mailing, 
1748-59.  Buried  Sept.  26,  1759,  at  Mailing.  (J.  Venn; 
AL  Oxon.;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WEBBE,  JESOP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  9,  1664. 
3rd  s.  of  Edward,  surgeon,  of  Cambridge,  deceased.  3.  there. 
School,  Perse  (Mr  Grif&n  and  Mr  Rickes).  Matric.  1664. 
Migrated  to  Christ's,  Mar.  16,  1666-7.  B.A.  1667-8.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  Mar.  3,  1671-2.  V.  of  Gorleston,  Suffolk,  1673, 
also  R.  of  Welborne,  Norfolk,  1673-88.  R.  of  Little  Brandon, 
1674-1710,  and  of  North  Tuddenham,  1687-1710.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Hitch,  of  Melboum,  Cambs.  Buried 
at  Tuddenham,  Jan.  16,  1710-1.  (Le  Neve,  Mon.;  Peile, 
II.  9.) 

WEBB,  JOHN.  P/Iatric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564;  B.A. 
1574-5.  One  of  these  names,  B.A.,  P.C.  of  Waltham  Cross, 
Essex,  1584. 


Webb,  John 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1581; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1585;  'of  Cambridge  University."  Perhaps 
R.of  East  Donyland,  Essex,  1591,  and  of  Cold  Norton,  1593. 
Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  i6io. 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1583. 
B.at  Colchester,  Essex.  B.A.  1586-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  21,  1588,  age  24;  priest,  July  26,  1591.  V.  of  Falken- 
ham,  Suffolk,  1598-1625. 

WEBBE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  22,  1601. 
S.  of  William,  vintner  and  merchant,  of  London  (and  Joan, 
dau.  of  Thomas  White,  of  Swanbome,  Hants.).  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Scholar,  1602-7;  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608; 
D.D.  1626.  Fellow,  1607-16.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1607,  and 
again,  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (Ixsndon)  Dec.  22,  i6ii.  R.  of 
Wilsthorpe,  Lines.,  1628.    Father  of  John  (1641).    {Venn, 

I.  I75-) 
WEBBE,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1606. 

One  of  these  names  s.  of  William,  of  Ixworth,  Suffolk,  gent.; 
adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1611-2. 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1612;  B.A. 
1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  30;  priest, 
Dec.  31,  1 62 1.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tickencote,  Rut- 
land, 1623-5,  and  of  Cranford  St  John,  Northants.,  1625. 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24;  priest, 
Sept.  25,  1620. 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Michs.  1624. 
Of  London. 

WEBBE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  3,  1641. 
S.  of  John  (1601),  D.D.,  of  Wilsthorpe,  Lines.  B.  at  Henley- 
on-Thames.  Schools,  Westminster  and  Stamford,  Lines. 
(Mr  Humfrey).   (Venn,  i.  344.) 

WEB,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  17,  1648. 
S.  of  John  Hog,  Turk,  sometime  a  captive.  Matric.  1648. 
Probably  V.  of  Heme,  Kent,  till  1689.  Died  1689.  (According 
to  Hasted,  John  Webb,  alias  Hogg,  was  V.  of  Heme,  1637- 
89,  but  the  date  1637  is  probably  incorrect.) 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  July  4, 
1657.  Of  Warwickshire.  School,  Coventry.  Matric.  1658. 

WEBB,  JOHN.  M.A.  1679  (Incorp.  from  All  Souls  College, 
Oxford).  Probably  matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  4, 
1670-1 ;  s.  of  John,  of  Gloucester,  gent.;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1674; 
M.A.  1677.   Perhaps  R.  of  Eldon,  Hants.,  1679. 

WEBB,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  30,  1708.  B.  at 
Wotton,  Gloucs.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1709;  B.A. 
1712-3;  M.A.  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  22,  1712-3. 

WEBBE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  3,  1733.  Doubt- 
less s.  and  h.  of  Captain  George,  of  the  Island  of  Nevis. 
B.  in  the  West  Indies.  Matric.  1735.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Aug.  21,  1733. 

WEBBE,  LAMBERT.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  Jesus,  Lent, 
1564-5;  B.A.  1571-2. 

WEBB,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1547.  B.  in  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1551-2;  M.A.  1555.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  1557-8;  'Fellow  of  Clare';  of  Ely  diocese. 
Afterwards  at  Douay,  Rheims,  and  Paris,  where  he  became 
LL.D.  1582.  Died  at  Douay,  Jan.  14, 1608,  aged  77.  (Cooper, 

II.  510.) 
WEBB,  NOAH.    M.A.  1657  (Incorp.  from  Oxford;  cler.  fil.). 

Matric.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  19,  1650;  B.A. 
(Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford)  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  V.  of 
Chieveley,  Berks.,  till  1660,  ejected.  V.  of  Upton  Gray, 
Hants.,  1660-2,  ejected.  Died  Aug.  1675;  of  Sandhurst, 
Berks.  {Calamy,  11.  25;  Al.  Oxon.;  Musgrave.) 

WEBB,  NOAH.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  June  23,  1664.  S.  of 
Daniel,  of  Draycott,  Wilts.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford) 
May  24,  1661,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664.  Probably  R.  of 
Littleton-on-Severn,  Gloucs.,  1667-9;  V.  of  Elberton,  1667-9. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Tryvett,  Co.  Meath,  Ireland,  1670-95;  V.  of 
Dunshaughlin,  1672-96;  vicar-choral  of  St  Patrick's,  Dublin, 
1673;  minor  canon,  1673.  Chaplain  to  the  Lord  Chancellor 
of  Ireland;  dean  of  Cashel,  169 1-6.  Will,  1696.  (H.  B. 

WEBB,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  19,  1687-8.  Of 
Lancashire.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Rochdale.  B.  there, 
Jan.  23,  1669-70.   Matric.  1688.   (E.  Axon.) 

WEBB,  RICHARD.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  13,  1541.  Of  Harrow,  Middlesex.  Matric.  1544; 
B.A.  1545-6.  Fellow,  1544-6.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
St  Margaret,  Canterbury,  1564.  K.  of  Burmarsh,  Kent,  1565. 

WEBBE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1616. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  23;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1621.  R.  of  Barming,  Kent,  1624- 
42,  and  1662-7.  Died  Oct.  20,  1667,  aged  67.  M.I.  at 
Barming.  (Fielding.) 

Webb,  William 

WEBB,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  31, 
1662.  S.  of  William.  B.  in  London.  Schools,  Eton  and 
Tottenham  High  Cross  (Mr  Lewis).  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Jan.  29,  1668-9.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 

WEBB,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1612; 
B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Perhaps  V.  of  Stutton,  Suffolk, 

WEBB,  ROBERT.  Of  Peterhouse  when  licensed  to  practfse 
medicine,  1632.  Possibly  identical  with  Robert  Webb,  M.D. 
(Padua),  who  was  directed  by  the  censor  of  the  College  of 
Physicians  to  get  incorporated  at  one  of  the  English  Uni- 
versities in  1616,  and  was  fined  in  1626  for  neglecting  to  do 
so.   (T.A.  Walker.) 

WEBB,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Dec.  2,  1709.  Matric. 

WEBB,  THEOPHILUS.  M.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  George,  V.  of  Steeple  Aston,  Wilts.  Matric.  (Merton 
College,  Oxford)  Jan.  30,  1623-4,  age  17;  B.A.  (Lincoln 
College,  Oxford)  1624-5;  M.A.  1627.  R.  of  St  Peter  and 
St  Paul,  Bath,  1634.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WEBBE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

WEBBE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1595-6;  M.A.  1599. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  1596.  C.  of  St  Mary-at- 
Tower,  Ipswich,  in  1609. 

WEBB,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1613; 
B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Clifton 
Reynes,  Bucks.,  1621.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1655- 

WEBB,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1631. 
Of  Suffolk.  Perhaps  'of  Cowledge,  Suffolk,  gent.,'  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  23,  1635-6.  Perhaps  father  of  Thomas 

WEBB,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1641-2  (on  King's  visit). 

WEBBE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  28,  1658.  Of 
Suffolk.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1631),  of  Cowling,  Suffolk,  gent. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1658.  Resident  at  Cowling,  in  1674. 
(Bury  Sch.  Lists.) 

WEBBE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1669. 

WEBB,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Aug.  2, 
1707;  afterwards  as  Fell.-Com.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of 
Hackney,  London,  and  of  Bealings  Hall,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Bapt. 
June  10,  1689,  at  St  Peter-le-Poer,  London.  Matric.  1707. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Dec.  11,  1707.  Died  Nov.  12, 
1708.  Buried  at  Gt  Bealings.  (E.  C.  Waters,  The  Chesters, 

WEBB,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  4, 
1719.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  gent.,  of  Hants.  B.  at  East  Meon, 
near  Petersfield.  Schools,  Corhampton  and  Winchester. 
Matric.  1719. 

WEBB,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1569; 
B.A.  from  St  John's,  1572-3.  Friend  of  Edmund  Spenser. 
Tutor  to  the  sons  of  Edward  Sulyard,  of  Runwell,  Essex,  c. 
1583,  and  afterwards  to  the  family  of  Henry  Grey  (cousin 
of  Lady  Jane  Grey),  in  1591.  Author,^  Discourse  of  English 
Poetrie;  also  translated  the  Georgics  of  Virgil  into  English 
verse.  (Cooper,  n.  12;  D.N. B.) 

WEBBE,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1576. 

WEBBE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent, 
1578-9;  B.A.  1581-2. 

WEBBE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1584; 
Scholar,  1586;  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1587-8;  M.A.  1591. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Hundleby,  near  Spilsby,  Lines.,  1601-9.  R-  of 
Thurcaston,  Leics.,  1610.  Perhaps  R.  of  Well-\vith-Dex- 
thorpe.  Lines.,  1608-18;  R.  of  Belleau,  1618-25.  Admon. 
(Lincoln)  1625. 

WEBBE,  WILLIAM.  .\dm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  24, 
1605-6.   Matric.  1605,  and  perhaps  as  pens.  Easter,  1606. 

WEBBE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  13)  at  Caius,  Jan. 
27,  1608-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.,  of  Motcombc, 
Dorset.  Died  in  College,  June  27,  1613.  Buried  in  the 
Chapel.   M.I.   (Venn,  i.  200.) 

WEBB,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1629.  Of  London.  Perhaps  's.  and  h.  of  William,  of  St 
Catherine  Creechurch,  London,  merchant,'  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  4,  1632. 

WEBB,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  17,  1708. 
S  of  Edmund,  brewer,  of  Norwich.  B.  at  Lakenham. 
School,  Norwich  (Messrs  Burton,  Hoadley,  Pate).  Matric. 
1708;  Scholar,  1708-15;  BA.  1712-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely, 
Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich)  Mar.  13,  1714-5;  pri«t  (Norwich) 
July  22,  1716.  C.  of  Momingthorpe,  Norfolk,  1716.  R.  of 
Antingham  St  Mary,  1718-S4;  of  Felmingham  (fourth  part), 
1722-54.  C.  of  P.iston.  Buried  Oct,  26,  1754.  at  Antingh.^m. 
(Venn,  1.  519.) 

355  23-2 

Webb,  William 

WEBB,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  24, 
1717.  S.  of  Richard.  Of  London. 

WEBB,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 
1723.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Haddenham,  Cambs.  School, 
Haddenham.  Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1725;  B.A.  1726-7; 
M.A.  1730.  Fellow,  1729.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22, 
1728;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  20,  1730. 

WEBBE, .   Cautio  for  (?  B.A.)  degree,  1493-4. 

WEBB, .   M.A.  1563. 

WEBBER,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1706.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Barnstaple, 
Devon.  Bapt.  Aug.  22,  1685.  Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  May  8,  1705.  Succeeded  his  father,  1735.  Buried 
Sept.  21,  1739,  at  Barnstaple.  Will,  Exeter.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

WEBBER,  JOHN.  B.A.  1484-5;  M.A.  1488.  Pens,  at  Gonville 
Hall,  1503-8,  and  Chantry  priest  at  the  College  living  of 
St  Michael  Coslany,  Norwich,  1524.  Died  1527.  M.I.  at 
St  Michael's. 

WEBBER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1596;  perhaps 
migrated  to  Peterhouse,  1597-8. 

WEBBER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July,  1698. 
3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  barrister,  of  Tiverton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Aug.  6,  1700.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1706.  Bencher,  1737.  Reader,  1745.  Treasurer, 
1747.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1695)  and  William  (1703).  {Inner 
Tempk,  Masters  of  the  Bench.) 

WEBBER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  4, 
1629.  S.  of  Walter,  merchant,  of  Topsham,  Devon.  B.  there. 
School,  Topsham  (Messrs  Clay  and  Bancks).  Matric.  1629; 
Scholar,  1632-4;  B.A.  1632-3.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake.  [Venn,  i.  291.) 

WEBBER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  17, 
1734.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Oxford.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1734;  Scholar,  1735;  B.A.  1737-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  18,  1737. 

WEBBER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  July  4, 
1695.  S.  of  Thomas,  attorney.  B.  at  Tiverton.  School, 
Tiverton.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Fellow, 
1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1701;  priest  (Ely) 
Dec.  20,  1702.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1698). 

WEBBER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  7, 
1703.  5th  s.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Tiverton.  B.  there.  School, 
Tiverton.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710.  Fellow, 
1709.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1712.  Junior  Proctor,  1713-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1709;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1711. 
V.  of  Hinxton,  Cambs.,  1717-22.  V.  of  Peasmarsh,  Sussex, 
1722-60.  Buried  there  July,  1760.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(above)  and  of  John  (i6g8).   (W.  C.  Renshaw;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WEBBER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  21,  1743.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1743;  Scholar,  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1752.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1754.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  7,  1747;  priest 
(Chichester)  July  24, 1748.  Canon  Residentiary  of  Chichester, 
1761-90.  Probably  F.R.S.,  1766.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of 
Richmond.  R.  of  Selsey,  Sussex,  in  1766.  R.  of  West  Stoke, 
1766.  Died  1790.  Will  (P.C.C.)  July,  1790.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
J.  Ch.  Smith;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WEBBERLEY,  JOHN.  M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  East  Kirkby,  Lines.,  pleb.  Matric.  (Lincoln 
College,  Oxford)  Jan.  27,  1625-6,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1627;  M.A.  1630;  B.D.  1640.  FeUow  of  Lincoln  College, 
Oxford,  1630-48.  R.  of  Benniworth,  Lines.,  1651.  'A  high- 
flown  Socinian,'  emd  '  a  desperate  zealot  for  the  King's  cause.' 
[Al.  Oxon.;  Litics.  Pedigrees,  1047.) 

WEBBERY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Schoolmaster  at  Holbeach, 
Lines.,  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  18,  1614;  priest, 
June  4,  1615. 

WEBLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  31,  1743. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Tiddenham,  Gloucs.,  deceased.  Matric.  1743 1 
Scholar.  Matric.  (Pembroke  CoUege,  Oxford)  Nov.  4,  1741, 
age  18.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  26,  1745.  Barrister, 
1750.  Chief  Justice  of  Jamaica,  and  Member  of  Assembly. 
Died  Oct.  20,  1777.   (Al.  Oxon.;  A.  Gray;  G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 

WEBSTER,  ANTHONY.  B.D.  1530-1.   A  monk. 

WEBSTER,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  27,  1736.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Fleet  Street, 
London,  gent.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1736; 
Scholar,  1736;  LL.B.  1743;  LL.D.  (Oxford)  1774.  V.  of 
St  Stephen's,  Coleman  Street,  London,  1754-1790.  V.  of 
North  Mimms,  Herts.,  1768-90.  M.I.  at  North  Mimms. 
Will  (P.C.C);  of  Kensington.  (T.  A.  Walker,  273;  T.  C. 
Dale;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WEBSTER,  AUGUSTINE.  B.A.  1509-10;  M.A.  1512-3.  One 
of  these  names,  prior  of  Beauvale,  Notts.,  executed  for 
treason  at  Tyburn,  May  4,  1535.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

W^EBSTER,  Richard 

WEBSTER,  BERTRAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  June  15, 

1625.   Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1628-9. 
WEBSTER,    CHRISTOPHER.     Matric.    sizar   from    Christ's, 

June,  1586;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  V.  of  Bossall,  Yorks., 

1594-1641.  Buried  there  July  5,  1641. 
WEBSTER,   EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age   16)   at  St  John's, 

June  7,  1651.    S.  of  Jegon  (1614),  R.  of  Little  Sampford, 

Essex.    B.  there.    School,  Newport,  Essex.    Matric.  1651; 

B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.   1658;  B.D.  1665.    Fellow,  1655.    Ord. 

priest  (Bath  and  Wells)  Sept.  6,   1660.    V.  of  Canewdon, 

Essex,   1670-81.     R.  of  Newington,   Surrey,    1681.     R.  of 

Little    Sampford,    Essex,    i68i-g.     Died    1689.     Admon. 

Feb.  1689-90  to  a  creditor.  Father  of  James  (1688). 

WEBSTER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1599-1600; 
B.A.  1603-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  26;  priest,  Dec.  24, 


WEBSTER,  GABRIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1602;  B.A.  from  Clare,  1605-6. 

WEBSTER,  GEORGE.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WEBSTER,  GEORGE.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Feb. 

25,  1695-6.  S.  of  George,  gent.  B.  at  York.  School,  Sedbergh. 

Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700. 
WEBSTER,  HAMLET.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  18,  1590. 

Matric.  c.  1591.    Perhaps  assistant  master  at  Liverpool  in 

1609.    Buried  there  Aug.   16,   1626;   'Humblett  Webster, 

Schomaister.'   (E.  Axon.) 
WEBSTER,  HENRY.    Matric.  sizar  from  St   John's,   Michs. 

1569;  B.A.  1572-3. 
WEBSTER,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  c.  1593 ; 

Scholar,    1594;   LL.B.    1600.    Ord.   priest   (London)    1600. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  West  Newton,  Norfolk,  1608-36, 

and  of  Appleton,  1620.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1636. 
WEBSTER,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1624. 

Of  Yorkshire.   B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 
WEBSTER,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov.  2, 

1643.   S.  and  h.  of  James,  gent.,  of  Alverthorpe,  Yorks.,  in 

1646.     B.    at    Chesterfield,    Derbs.     Schools,    Chesterfield 

(Mr   Bilby),    Knesal,   Notts.    (Mr   Garland)    and    Ashover, 

Derbs.  (Mr  Bourne).    Matric.  1645;  Scholar,  1645-8.   Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  i,  1645-6.  (Venn,  i.  351.) 

WEBSTER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1670.  S.  of  James,  yeoman,  of  Thrimby,  Westmorland. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1674-5. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  3,  1672. 

WEBSTER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  14, 
1688.  S.  of  Edward  (1651),  clerk.  B.  at  Little  Sampford, 
near  Braintree,  Essex.  School,  Gt  Sampford.  Matric.  1688; 
B.A.  1692-3. 

WEBSTER,  JEGON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1614.  Of  Leicestershire.  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  12,  1619-20.  C.  of  Little  Sampford, 
Essex,  1637;  R.,  1640-3;  ejected.  Died  before  1660.  Father 
of  Edward  (1651). 

WEBSTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1585. 

WEBSTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1616.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1619-20;  B.D. 
1631-2  (Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  10;  priest, 
Aug.  11,  1627.  V.  of  Ryhall,  Rutland,  1631-51,  ejected. 
R.  of  Aldwinkle  St  Peter,  Northants.,  1632-51,  ejected. 

WEBSTER,  JOHN.  'Sometime  a  Cambridge  Scholar'  (Anthony 
a  Wood).  S.  of  Edward,  of  Thomton-on-the-Hill,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  Feb.  3,  1610-1,  at  Coxwold.  C.  of  Kildwick,  1634. 
Master  of  Clitheroe  Grammar  School,  Lanes.,  1643.  Chaplain 
in  the  Puritan  army  and  surgeon  in  Colonel  Shuttleworth's 
Regiment,  1648.  Intruding  V.  of  Mitton,  Yorks.,  1648-9. 
In-bailiff  of  Clitheroe,  1657-9  and  1665  and  1675.  Author, 
miscellaneous.  Died  at  Clitheroe,  June  18,  1682.  Buried 
there.  Perhapsbrotherof  James  (1624).  (J.  Parker;  Z).A^.B.) 

WEBSTER,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  29, 
1674  ('Robert').  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Birmingham,  Warws. 
School,  Birmingham.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept.  1679.   (Peile,  11.  54.) 

WEBSTER,  MORDANT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  5,  1652.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1652.  Doubt- 
less R.  of  St  Nicholas  Aeon,  London,  1664-6.  R.  of  South 
Lynn,  Norfolk,  1668-89.   C.  of  St  Margaret's,  L>Tin,  1673. 

WEBSTER,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634. 

WEBSTER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1572.  Of  Salop.  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579;  B.D.  1586. 
Fellow,  1577.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1584.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  June  22,  1581.  V.  of  Madingley,  Cambs., 
1581.  Canon  of  Westminster,  1586-1602.  Preb.  of  Hereford, 
1588-1601.    R.  of  St  Clement  Danes,  London,  1589-1602, 


Webster,  Richard 

Archdeacon  of  Middlesex,  1595-1602.  Licence  (London) 
Mar.  17,  1589-90,  to  marry  Margaret  Chibborne,  spinster, 
of  Essex.  Died  c.  Jan.  1601-2.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  22, 
1601-2.   (Cooper,  II.  321;  Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WEBSTER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Lent,  1623-4.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1626;  M.A.  1630.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Jan.  4,  1628-9;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1632. 
V.  of  Earlham,  Norfolk,  1632.  R.  of  Bramerton,  1639-83. 
Died  1683.   (Blomfield,  v.  472.) 

WEBSTER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May, 
1666.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Aldeby,  near  Haddiscoe, 
Norfolk.  B.  at  Weston,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Barsham  and 
Beccles.  Matric.  1667;  Scholar,  1667-73;  I^A-  1669-70; 
M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  16,  1673-4;  priest, 
June  14,  1674.  C.  of  Aldeby,  1674.  C.  of  Burgh  St  Peter, 
1674.  R.  of  Gt  Poringland,  1674-84;  of  Bixley,  1674-  R-  of 
Glemsford,  Suffolk,  1682.  V.  of  Poslingford,  1716-22.  A 
non-juror  in  1690;  but  afterwards  submitted.  Author, 
sermon.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Anthony  Sparrow,  Bishop 
of  Norwich.  Buried  Jan.  18,  1721-2,  at  Poslingford.  Father 
of  William  (1707-8).   (Venn,  i.  427.) 

WEBSTER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1588.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1592-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Dec.  5,  1593;  priest,  Oct.  3,  1596,  age  24;  C.  of  Peasenhall. 

WEBSTER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  12,  1674-5.  S.  of  Henry,  deceased,  of  Ashbourne, 
Derbs.  B.  there.  School,  Wirksworth.  Matric.  1674-5. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  21,  1675-6. 

WEBSTER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  6,  1631. 
Of  Leicestershire.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Perhaps  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Aug.  5,  1662.  V.  of  Thnissington,  Leics., 
1668-9.  Will  (Leicester)  1669;  of  Thnissington,  Leics.,  clerk. 
Probably  brother  of  William  (1634).  (Nichols,  iii.  460.) 

WEBSTER,  SIMONIDES  [SIMON].  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  May  29,  1647.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Bedale, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1647;  B.A. 
1650-1.  R.  of  Brougham,  Westmorland,  1656-60.  V.  of 
Penrith,  Cumberland,  1661-3.  R.  of  Dufton,  Westmorland, 
1661-75.  Died  1675.   (B.  Nightingale.) 

WEBSTER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Michael  House, 
Easter,  1545  (impubes). 

WEBSTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  13, 
1664.  S.  cf  Thomas,  barber,  of  Downham  Market,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Lynn  (Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1664-5;  Scholar, 
1666-70;  B.A.  1668-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford  ('M.A.')  1679- 
Subscribed  for  deacons'  orders  (Norwich)  Oct.  27,  1670; 
'C.  of  Gaywood.'  Perhaps  C.  of  Monk  Soham,  Suffolk,  Sept. 
1677.  One  of  these  names  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1690. 
(Venn,  i.  423;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WEBSTER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
June  28,  1740.  S.  of  William,  architect,  of  Huntingdonshire. 
B.  at  Kimbolton.  Matric.  1740. 

WEBSTER,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1566.  One 
William  Webster  V.  of  Calverley,  Yorks.,  1573-1612. 

WEBSTER,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1571. 

WEBSTER,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1535-6. 

WEBSTER,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1604-5;  M.A.  1608. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1609.  R.  of  Addingham,  Yorks., 
161 1.  Dean  of  Craven,  1619.  Married  Dorothy  Ackeroyd, 
of  Bolton  Percy,  1612. 

WEBSTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  21, 
1634.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A. 
1643.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639;  priest  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  23,  1644-5.  Will  (Leicester)  1668;  of  Thrussington, 
Leics.,  clerk.   Probably  brother  of  Samuel  (1631). 

WEBSTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  2, 
1707-8.  S.  of  Richard  (1666),  clerk,  of  Cove,  Suffolk.  B. 
there,  1689.  School,  Beccles  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1708; 
Scholar,  1708-12;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1716;  D.D.  1732. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  24,  1713;  'C.  of  Depden"; 
priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1715-6.  C.  of  St  Dunstan-in-the- 
West,  London,  1716-31;  of  St  Clement's,  Eastcheap,  1732- 
41.  R.  of  Depden,  Suffolk,  1732.  V.  of  Ware,  Herts.,  1740- 
58;  of  South  Mimms,  Middlesex,  and  of  Thundridge,  Herts., 
1740-58.  Edited  a  periodical  entitled  The  Weekly  Miscellany, 
1732-41;  attacked  William  Warburton's  Divine  Legation 
of  Moses.  A  friend  of  Pope.  Author,  miscellaneous,  etc. 
Died  unmarried  Dec.  4,  1758,  at  Ware.  (D.N.B.;  Venn,  i. 
518;  Clutterbuck,  iii.  308.) 

WEBSTER,  .    B.Can.L.   1524-5.    Perhaps  Robert,  V.  of 

Caxton,  Cambs.,  1531. 

WEDD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1636. 

WEDDELL,  see  also  WADDELL  and  WARDELL. 

WEDDELL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1709.   Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John  (1669),  of  Widdington  and 

Wedow,  Robert 

Waddow,  Yorks.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  Easter,  1710; 
B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717;  LL.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  FeUow, 
1713.  Major  in  the  army.  Killed  by  the  overturning  of  the 
York  stage  coach,  Oct.  7,  1768,  aged  77.  Buried  at  Wadding- 
ton.  M.I.  (J.  Parker;  Harwood.) 

WEDDELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  21,  1680.  S.  of  Edward,  tailor.  B.  at  Newcastle, 
Northumberland.  Bapt.  June  8,  1665,  at  St  Nicholas. 
School,  Newcastle  (private).  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4; 
M.A.  1696.  Ord.  deacon  (CarUsle)  Dec.  21,  1684;  priest 
(Carlisle  Litt.  dim.  from  Durham)  Feb.  28,  1685-6.  C.  of 
Houghton-le-Spring,  Durham,  1697.  Married  Katherine 
Hutton,  at  Houghton-le-Spring,  Apr.  29,  1697.  Buried 
there  Nov.  24,  1702.   Father  of  the  next.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WEDDELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16  sic)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  31,  1718.  Of  Durham.  S.  of  Edward  (above).  Bapt. 
July  15,  1699,  at  Houghton-le-Spring.  School,  Houghton- 
le-Spring.  Matric.  1717;  Scholar,  1718;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Jan.  1723-4;  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  i6,  1727. 
C.  of  Morpeth,  Northumberland.  Married  at  Sunderland 
to  Elizabeth  Redman,  Feb.  9,  1726-7.  Buried  Jan.  26, 
1732-3,  at  Morpeth.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WEDDELL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  n, 
1669.  S.  of  John,  attorney,  of  Bradford.  B.  at  Widdington, 
Yorks.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Sturdy).  Matric.  1669.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  8,  1 670-1.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1678. 
Bencher,  1701.  Treasurer,  1703.  Recorder  of  Clitheroe, 
Lanes.,  1693.  Succeeded  his  uncle  at  Widdington,  1679; 
heir  to  his  uncle  Christopher  Wilkinson,  of  Waddow,  Yorks., 
1694.  Married  Jane  (his  cousin),  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Jones, 
Knt.,  Chief  Justice  of  C.P.,  June  3,  1680.  Died  June,  1703. 
Father  of  Charles  (1709).  (J.  Parker;  Lincoln's  Inn  Bl.  Bk  11.) 

WEDELL,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  19,  1655.  S.  of  WiUiam,  gent.,  of  Earswick,  near  York. 
B.  there.  School,  Pocklington.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  11, 
1658.  Counsellor-at-law.  Had  Grinston-in-GiUing  by  his 
father's  gift.  Married  Emma,  dau.  of  Thomas  Rokeby,  of 
Woodhouse.  Buried  Oct.  10,  1668,  at  St  Martin's,  York. 
Brother  of  WiUiam  (1650).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  F.M.G., 
1259;  H.  M.Wood.) 

WEDDALL,  METCALFE.  Adm.  Fell. -Corn,  (age  16)  at  Mag- 
dalene, May  4,  1677.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1650),  Esq., 
deceased.  B.  at  Earswick,  Yorks.  School,  York.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  24,  1680.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Stephen 
Thompson,  of  York.  Of  Earswick.  Buried  Mar.  19,  1688, 
at  StrensaU.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  F.M.G.,  1259.) 

WEDDELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1622;  B.A.  1625-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1626.  Of 
Burton  Leonard,  Yorks.,  clerk;  licensed  to  marry  Jane 
Houseman,  of  Stillington,  1626. 

WEDDELL,  RICHARD  (1709),  see  ELCOCK. 

WEDDALE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1623;  priest, 
May,  1626. 

WEDDELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  II,  1650.  S.  and  h.  of  William.  B.  1634,  at  Earswick, 
Yorks.  School,  Middleton  (Mr  Hardwick).  Matric.  1650. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1651-2.  Of  Earswick,  Esq.  J. P. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Robinson,  of  Rocliffe, 
Yorks.,  Knt.,  Aug.  1653.  Died  1676.  Will  dated  May  28, 
1676;  proved  (York)  July  26,  1676.  Brother  of  Leonard 
(1655)  and  father  of  Metcalfe  (1677).  (Peile,  1.  534;  F.M.G., 
1259;  Vis.  of  Yctrks.,  1665.) 

WEDDELL, .   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1612. 

Possibly  William,  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Clifton,  near  York. 
If  so,  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  26, 1617.  Will,  1665.  Perhaps 
father  of  Leonard  (1655)  and  William  (1650).  (F.M.G.,  1259.) 

WEDDERBURNE,  JAMES.  D.D.  1627  (Incorp.  from  St 
Andrews).  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Dundee.  B.  1585.  V.  of 
Harston,  Cambs.,  in  1615.  R.  of  Compton,  Hants.,  1626. 
Preb.  of  Ely,  1626-36.  V.  of  Fulboum,  Cambs.,  1627. 
V.  of  Mildenhall,  Suffolk,  1628.  Preb.  of  Wells,  163 1. 
Bishop  of  Dunblane,  1636.  Died  Sept.  23,  1639,  aged  54. 
Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  (Bentham,  Ely;  Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  I.  360;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WEDNYSBERY,  WILLIAM.  Com.  for  B.A.  1461-2  (banished 
and  his  horses  sold,  1465-6  (Gr.  Bk  A,  54))-  Ord.  acolyte 
(Ely)  Dec.  22,  1459;  deacon.  Mar.  13,  1461-2:  priest,  .\pr.  3, 
1462.  R.  of  Belchamp  Otton,  Esse.x,  1459-66. 

WEDOW  or  WYDOW,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1464.  B.  at  Thaxted,  Essex.  B.A.  1467-8;  Mus. 
Bac.  1501-2  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Schoolmaster  and  V.  of 
Thaxted,  1481-9.  R.  of  Chalfont  St  Giles,  Bucks,  1493; 
V.  of  Bucklaud  Newton,  Dorset,  Canon  of  Wells  Cathedral, 
1497.  Author,  poetical,  etc.  Died  Oct.  4,  1505.  Benefactor 
to  the  Carthusian  Priory  at  Heiitou,  Bath.  (J.  Ch.  Smith; 
D.N.B.;  Abdy  Williams,  121.) 


Weed,  Samuel 

WEED,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1670.    Of 
Northamptonshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Doddington. 
Bapt.  there,  Mar.  4,  1651-2.    Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675.    C.  of  Felmersham, 
Beds.,  1675;  V.  there,  1680-2.  V.  of  Pavenham,  until  1682. 
Brother  of  the  next. 
WEED,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Sidney,  May  17, 
1661.  S.  of  John,  farmer.  Bapt.  Aug.  7, 1642.  at  Doddington, 
Northants.   School,  Strixton,  Northants.  (private).   Matric. 
i66i; B.A.  1664-5. 
WEEDON,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  18,  1718. 
Of  Stantonbury,  Bucks.  B.  there.  Matric.  1723;  LL.B.  1724- 
Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  Sept.  23,   1722;  priest  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1724.    C.  of  Scaldwell,  Northants.,  1722.    V.  of 
Pytchley,  1725-35;  also  schoolmaster  there.  R.  of  WooUey, 
Hunts.,  1735-46.   R.  of  Offord  D'Arcy,  1740-6.   Died  1746. 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 
WEEDON    THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1626.    S.  of  Henry,  of  Hertfordshire.    B.A.  1629-30;  M.A. 
1633;  B.D.  1661  {Lit.  Reg.).    Fellow,  1631;  ejected,  1644; 
restored,  1660.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Dec. 20, 1640.  V.  of  Soham,  Cambs.,  1661. 
WEEKE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1571. 
WEKE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1589. 
WEEKES,  see  also  WICKS. 

WEEKES,  CAREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  4, 
I7i6.  S.  of  Carew.  B.  in  London.  School,  Loughborough 
(Mr  Sam.  Martin).  Matric.  1716;  Scholar,  1716. 
WEEKS,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1612-3.  Of  Devon. 
M.A.  1616;  B.D.  1623.  Fellow,  1613.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1617.  Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  May  29,  1643-  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Apr.  24;  priest,  Apr.  25,  1623.  R.  of  Shirwell, 
Devon,  1627;  there  in  1634.  Preb.  of  Bristol,  1633.  V.  of 
Banwell,  Somerset,  1640.  Dean  of  St  Burian,  Cornwall. 
Chaplain  to  Bishop  Laud.  Living,  1661.  Perhaps  his  will 
(Exeter)  1669;  of  Barnstaple,  clerk.  [Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  I.  229.) 
WEEKES  or  WYKES,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  26,  1705.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at  South 
Tawton,  Devon.  School,  Okehampton  (Samuel  Burton, 
late  Fellow  of  Sidney).  Matric.  1705.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Nov.  12,  1709.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William 
Northmore,  of  Throwley.  Buried  at  Lezant,  1750.  (C. 
Worthy,  Devon  Wills,  385.) 
WEEKS,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WEEKES,  SIMEON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent,  1579-80. 
WEEKS,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1597;  B.A. 
from  Peterhouse,  1600-1;  M.A.  1605.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1605.   R.  of  Clyst  St  Lawrence,  Devon,  1612.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
WEEKLEY,  see  also  WIGLEY. 

WEEKLEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4; 
priest,  June  5,  1615.  V.  of  Cadney-CMm-Howsham,  Lines., 
1 61 5.  Father  of  Henry  (1673). 
WEEKLY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  22, 
1651.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  of  Irthlingborough,  near  Welling- 
borough, Northants.  B.  there.  School,  Wimmington,  Beds, 
(private).  Matric.  1651;  M.B.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1655. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  18,  1651. 
WEEKLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  scholar  at  Sidney,  June  24,  1673- 
S.  of  Henry  (1609),  deceased.  B.  at  Cadney,  Lines.  School, 
Gresby,  Lines,  (private).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1676-7.  V.  of 
Cadney-CMm-Howsham,  1680-93. 
WEEKSY,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1713-  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Wroughton,  Wilts.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Queen's  College, 
Oxford)  Dec.  5,  1674,  age  i8;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1678.  V.  of 
Gt  Sherston,  Wilts.,  1680.  R.  of  Easton  Grey,  i7i3-33- 
Died  July  6,  1733.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1734-  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WEELD, .  Cautio  for  degree,  1465-6. 

WEEMS,  see  WEMYS. 

WEETWOODE,  ANTHONY.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Michs.  1546  {impubes). 
WEGAN  or  WOGAN,   PHILIP.    B.A.    1521-2    (Incorp.   from 
Oxford);  M.A.  1522-3.  FeUow  of  Christ's.   V.  of  Arrington, 
Cambs.,  1536.   Will,  1540. 

WEGAN  or  WEGYNE, .  B.A.  1509-10. 

WEGG,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's.  July  2, 
1740.  2nds.  of  George,  gent.,  of  Colchester,  Essex.  B.  there, 
Nov.  17,  1723.  Schools,  Colchester  and  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
Matric.  1740.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  2,  1741;  Barrister, 
1746;  Bencher,  1751;  Prothonotary  of  the  Court  of  C.P., 
1751;  Treasurer,  1761.  F.R.S.,  1753-  F.S.A.  Treasurer  of 
the  Royal  Society  for  34  years.   Governor  of  the  Hudson 

Welby,  John 

Bay  Company,  1783.  J. P.  for  Middlesex  and  Essex.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Lehook,  May  9,  i745-  Died 
Dec.  19,  1802,  aged  82.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  508.) 

WEIGHT,  RICHARD  (1672),  see  WAITE. 
WEILD,  see  WELD. 

WELBERY,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1556. 
Perhaps  migrated  to  Christ's,  1556-7. 

WELBORE,  see  also  WILDBORE. 

WELBORE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  July  6, 
1681.    S.  and  h.  of  Philip  (1655-6).    School,  Huntingdon 
(Mr  John  Matthews).    Matric.   1682;  Scholar,   1685;  B.A. 
1685-6.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Dec.  7,  1687;  Called 
to    the    Bar,    1694;    Bencher,    1720;    Lent    reader,    1722; 
Treasurer,    1726.     Died    1727.     Brother   of   Philip    (1685). 
{Middle  Temple  Bench  Book.) 
WELLBORE,  MATTHEW.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1595.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Perhapss.  and  h.  of  Thomas, 
of  Ponds  in-Clavering,  Essex.   (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  34.) 
WELBORE,  PHILIP.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.   29,   1655-6.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Foxton,  Cambs. 
B.  there.    Matric.  1656.    Father  of  John  (1681)  and  of  the 
WELBORE  or  WILBORE,  PHILIP.    Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's, 
July  9,   1685.    S.  of  Philip  (1655-6),  of  Foxton,  Cambs. 
Bapt.  there,  Sept.  1,  1665.    School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Mat- 
thews).   Resided  till  Michs.  1688.    M.B.  1690.   Brother  of 
John  (1681).   (Peile,  11.  100.) 
WELBORNE,  see  also  WILBORNE. 

WELBORNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Oct.  17,  1653' 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1653;  Scholar,  1657;  B.A.  1657-8' 
WELBORNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  3, 1672-3- 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1677. 
WELBOURNE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1586.   Perhaps  of  Killom,  Yorks.,  1592-1602. 

WELBURN, .  M.A.  1502-3.  Of  St  Augustine  Hostel. 

WELBY,  see  also  WILBY  and  WOLBY. 

WELBY,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  4, 
1663.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Easton,  near  Grantham,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Grantham  (Mr  Stokes).  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  12,  1664.  Died  at  Cambridge.  Brother  of  William 
(1658)  and  Richard  (1651).  (Betham,  Baronetage,  v.,  App. 
WELBY,  BENJAMIN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  26,  1684. 

Of  Wistow,  Leics.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8. 
WELBY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1558. 
S.  of  Adlard,  of  Goxhill,  and  afterwards  of  Gedney,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1562.  A  recluse.  Married  Alice, 
dau.  of  Thomas  White,  of  Tuxford,  Notts.  Resided  at 
Goxhill  till  c.  1592,  when  an  attempt  on  his  life  by  his  younger 
brother  John  affected  him  so  deeply  that  he  retired  to  a 
house  in  Grub  Street,  Cripplegate,  London,  where  he  passed 
the  remainder  of  his  life  in  absolute  seclusion.  Died  Oct.  29, 
1636,  aged  84  (sic).  Buried  at  St  Giles',  Cripplegate.  After 
his  death,  a  biography  appeared,  entitled,  The  Phoenix  of 
these  late  Times.  (D.N.B.;  N.  and  Q.,  3rd  S.,  iii.  168,  197; 
Lines.  Pedigrees,  1317,  where  the  date  of  his  birth  is  given 
as  1552,  but  this  is  apparently  an  error.) 
WELBY,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  Michs.  1559- 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Fosdyke,  Lines.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Feb.  11,  1564-5.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  1590;  'of 
Fosdyke.'  Brother  of  Thomas  (i559)-  (Venn,  i.  41.) 
WELBY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1467.  Possibly  s.  of  Richard,  of  Moulton, 
Lines.  (M.P.  for  Lines.,  1450,  and  Seneschal  of  Holbeche 
Court,  1452).  If  so,  V.  of  Pinchbeck,  Lines.,  1472-7. 
WELBY,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1525;  B.A.  1526-7;  M.A. 

WELBYE,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1565; 

B.A.  1569-70. 
WELBY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1581-2. 
Of  Fotheringhay,  Northants.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  10,  1587;  'B.A.'  P.C.  of  Fotheringhay, 
Northants.,  1595.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Church, 
of  Wadenhoe,  Northants.,  Sept.  1603.  Buried  Aug.  30,  1644, 
at  Fotheringhay.  Father  of  Jonathan  (1631).  (H.  I. 
WELBY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Dec.  1587. 
6th  s.  of  Adlard,  of  Gedney,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  1570. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wells,  of  Moulton,  Lines., 
1604.   {Peile,  I.  190;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1314) 


Welby,  John 

WELBEE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621 ; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  21;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1628.  Probably  V.  of  Bullington, 
Lines.,  1634,  and  R.  of  Flixborough,  1641. 

WELBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  21,  1625.  S.  of 
Richard.  B.  in  London.  School,  Westerham,  Kent  (private). 
Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Stutton  St  Peter,  Suffolk,  1638;  not  there  in  1650. 
(Peile,  I.  342,  367.) 

WELBY  or  WILBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  19,  1663.  S.  of  John,  deceased,  of  Friskney,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Wainflete  (Mr  Robotham).  Matric.  1663; 
B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20; 
priest,  Dec.  22,  1668.  V.  of  Friskney,  1674-82. 

WELBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  i,  1727-8. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  late  of  Denton, 
deceased.  Bapt.  there,  July  12,  1716.  Matric.  1728.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  20,  1728.  Died  Apr.  28,  1736,  aged  25. 
M.L  at  Denton.  Brother  (twin)  of  William  (1727-8)  and  of 
Richard  (1729-30).   (Tumor,  Grantham.) 

WELBY,  JONATHAN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1631.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  John  (1581),  V.  of 
Fotheringhay,  Northants.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  8,  1614.  B.A. 
1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9. 
V.  of  Fotheringhay,  c.  1644;  Master  of  the  Grammar  School 
there,  1647-96.  Buried  Apr.  22,  1697,  aged  83,  at  Fothering- 
hay.  (H.  L  Longden.) 

WELBY,  PHILIP.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1616.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Gedney,  Lines.,  K.B.  (by 
his  2nd  wife  Susan,  dau.  of  William  Fitzwilliam,  of  Maple- 
thorpe).  Bapt.  at  Gedney,  Nov.  17,  1600.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  May  15,  1618.  Sold  Gedney  Manor,  1634.  Married  and 
had  issue.  Buried  at  Gedney,  Dec.  11,  1658.  Half-brother 
of  Vincent  (1603)  and  William  (1603).  [Litics.  Pedigrees, 
1318;  Betham,  v.,  App.  17.) 

WELBY,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1528-9. 

WELBY,  RICHARD.   Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WELBY,  RICHARD.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  20, 

165 1.    Of  Lincolnshire.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of 

Denton,  Lines.,  Esq.  (but  his  youngest  brother,  another 

Richard,  eventually  became  heir-male).    Bapt.  there,  Aug. 

19,  1634.   Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  24,  1653. 

Died  s.p.  before  1666.  Brother  of  William  (1658).   (Tumor, 

Grantham,  116;  Betham,  v.,  App.  17,  23.) 

WELBY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  4, 
1663.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Haydor  and  Denton,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Grantham.  Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7. 
Died  s.p.,  1675.  Will,  York.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1318.) 

WELBY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  25,  1718. 
S.  of  William  (and  Dorothy  (?  Anne),  dau.  of  William 
Twentyman,  of  Newark,  Notts.).  B.  1700,  in  Nottingham- 
shire. Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Dec.  1723;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1726.  V.  of 
Scalford,  Leics.,  1726-37.  R.  of  Saperton,  Lines.,  1737-74. 
Buried  at  Grantham,  Dec.  1774,  aged  74  (sic).  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1319;  Tumor,  Grantham,  32.) 

WELBY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  14,  1729-30. 
Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Denton,  Lines.,  deceased. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  2,  1712.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Neville 
King,  of  Ashby,  Esq.  Died  Mar.  8,  1780.  Buried  at  Wel- 
boume.  Brother  of  John  (1727-8)  and  William  (1727-8). 
(Betham,  v.) 

WELBY,  ROBERT.  B.  and  D.Can.L.  1479-80.  Proctor,  1479- 

WELBY,  ROBERT.  D.Can.L.  1491-2  (Incorp.). 

WELBYE,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1578-9.  Doubtless 
s.  of  Richard  Welby,  of  Moulton,  Lines.  Ord.  deacon  (Lin- 
coln) July  30,  1580;  priest,  July  26,  1581.  V.  of  Risby, 
Lines.,  1580.  V.  of  Winterton,  1583.  Brother  of  William 
(1577).   (Peile,  i.  135.) 

WELBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  Michs.  1559. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Fosdyke,  Lines.  Brother  of 
Humphry  (1559).   (Venn,  i.  41.) 

WELBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1575.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  7,  1580;  of 
Lincolnshire,  barrister,  of  Furnival's  Inn.  But  see  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

WELBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1593. 
Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Denton,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  May  18, 
1571.  Of  Harston,  clerk,  in  1617.  Buried  at  Denton,  1638. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1054.) 

WELBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

Welch,  Nathaniel 

WELBY,  VINCENT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  25, 
1603.  'S.  of  William,  of  Gedney,  Lines.,  K.B.'  Bapt.  1586. 
Matric.  1603.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  21,  1606.  Died 
1643.  Buried  July  6,  1643,  at  Gt  St  Bartholomew's,  London. 
Brother  of  William  (1603)  and  half-brother  of  Philip  (1616). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1317.) 

WELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  16, 
1560.  Of  Sutton,  Lines.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Gedney,  deceased. 
School,  Whaplode.   (Venn,  i.  44.) 

WELBY,  W[ILLIAM].  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1577.  Doubtless  6th  s.  of  Richard,  of  Moulton,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1579.  Brother  of  Robert  (1578-9). 
(Peile,  I.  141.) 

WELBIE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1591; 
Scholar,  1593;  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Fellow,  1597. 

WELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  25, 
1603.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Gedney,  Lines., 
K.B.  (by  his  1st  wife,  Francis,  dau.  of  John  Man,  of  Boling- 
broke).  Matric.  1603.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  16,  1604. 
Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Alderman  Smithes,  of  London,  1624. 
Died  1630.  Inq.  p.m.  at  Boston,  1630.  Brother  of  Vincent 
(1603)  and  half-brother  of  Philip  (1616).  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

WELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  20,  1658.  2nd  s.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Denton,  Lines. 
Bapt.  there,  Nov.  7,  1639.  School,  Grantham.  Matric.  1658. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  25,  1660.  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1667. 
Died  s.p.  Buried  June  2,  1704,  at  Denton.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1651)  and  Benjamin  (1663).  (Betham,  v.,  App.  17; 
Turnor,  Grantham.) 

WELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  July  2, 
1683.  S.  and  h.  of  Adlard,  of  Gedney,  Lines.  School,  St 
Paul's.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  25,  1683.  Died 
1726,  s.^.  M.I.  at  Gedney.  (Lilies.  Pedigrees,  1318.) 

WELBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  i, 
1727-8.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  late  of 
Denton,  Lines.,  deceased.  Bapt.  there,  July  12,  1710. 
M.A.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Colonel  of  the  South  Regiment  of 
Lincolnshire  militia.  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1746.  Of  Easton, 
near  Grantham.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  James  Cholmeley, 
Esq.  Buried  at  Denton,  July  7,  1792.  [His  son  William 
Earle-Welby  was  created  Bart.,  1801.]  Brother  (twin)  of 
John  (1727-8),  etc.   (Betham,  v.,  App.  17.) 

WELBY, .  B.A.  1461-2;  M.A.  1465. 

WELBY,  .    Rector.    B.A.   1472-3;   M.A.   1476.    Possibly 

Robert,  s.  of  Richard,  of  Moulton,  Lines.  If  so,  V.  of  Pinch- 
beck, Lines.,  1477-82;  R.  of  Gedney,  and  a  pluralist,  in  1496. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1467). 

WELCHE,  ABEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1589. 

WALSSHE,  EDWARD.  'A  prest  and  stewdythe  at  Cambn,'ge.' 
Letter  from  his  brother  William  to  Sir  Com.  Brereton  asking 
for  his  interest  when  the  living  of  Hanworth  is  vacant: — 
before  1536.   (Cat.  of  Stoive  MSS.,  141.) 

WELCH,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1624;  B.A.  1627-8.  Probably  C.  of  Chorley,  Lanes.,  1628-62, 
ejected  for  nonconformity.  WiU  (Chester)  1670.  (E.  .Axon.) 

V/ELSH,  JAMES.  B.A.  Recommended  by  Magdalene, 
licensed  to  teach  grammar  in  Norwich  diocese,  1583. 

WELSH,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  20,  1672.  S.  of 
James.  Of  Rye,  Sussex.  Matric.  1672;  Scholar,  1676;  M.B. 

WELCH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1564; 
B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1572.  Fellow,  1569-76.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Dec.  21,  1569;  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  9,  1570.  College 
preacher,  1573-6.  Probably  R.  of  Broxholrae,  Lines.,  1577. 
One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Darlington,  Durham,  1577-84; 
died  of  the  plague,  1597.   (Peile,  i.  84;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WELCHE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1571. 

WELCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1720.  S.  of  John,  grazier,  of  Nottinghamshire.  B.  at  Sturton, 
near  Gainsborough.  School,  Fresswell  (Mr  Newsholme). 
Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1728.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  1,  1724;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1728.  (Scott-Mayor, 
III.  334,  following  Baker,  11.  301,  wrongly  identities  him  with 
the  V.  of  Pattishall,  1737-42,  age  69  in  1742,  when  he  died. 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  another  of  these  names  with  whom  he  has 
been  confounded,  who  was  father  of  Thomas  Coleman  (1745).) 

WELCH,  LANCELOT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  June  14,  1604. 
S.  of  Niuus,  of  the  parish  of  St  Michael,  Cambridge.  School, 
Cambridge  (Mr  Edwards).  Matric.  1605.   (Vetxn,  i.  1S5.) 

WELCHE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1569. 

WELSH,  NATHANIEL.  Scholar  at  Emmanuel,  from  Michs. 
1603;  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.  P.C.  of  Luddenden,  Yorks., 


Welch,  Nicholas 

WELCH  or  WALSH,  NICHOLAS.  Studied  at  Paris,  Oxford  and 
Cambridge.     S.   of    Patrick,    Bishop   of   Waterford.     B.A. 
1562-3,  Welch;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1567.   Chancellor  of 
St  Patrick,  Dublin,   1571.    Bishop  of  Ossory,   1577.    The 
first  to  introduce  printing  in  Irish.  Murdered  Dec.  14,  1585. 
{Cooper,  I.  515.) 
WELCH,  RO.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1562. 
WELCH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1571. 
WELCH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1559.   Of  Wycombe,  Bucks.   Matric.  1559; 
B.A.   1563-4;   M.A.   1567.    Fellow,   1562-78.    Diverted   to 
medicine,  1571. 
WELCH  or  WELSH,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  10, 
1701.  Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708. 
WELCH,  THOMAS  COLEMAN.   M.A.  from  King's,  i745-  S.  of 
John,  V.  of  Pattishall,  Northants.  (1737-42),  and  of  Slapton, 
clerk.    B.  at  Slapton.    Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford) 
May  16,  1734,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1737-8.   V.  of  Pattis- 
hall, 1742-70.  R.  of  Slapton,  1754-70.  Buried  Feb.  15,  1770, 
aged  55,  at  Pattishall.    M.I.    Will  (Archd.  Northampton) 
1770.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Baker,  11.  102;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
WELCH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1596;  B.A. 
1599-1600;  M.A.  1603,   Perhaps  licensed  (Archd.  Leicester; 
as  of  Hallaton)  1604,  to  marry  Mary  Dentt,  of  Hallaton). 
If  so,  probably  buried  at  Hallaton,  Sept.  20,  1608.  (Another 
William  Welch,  R.  of  Hallaton,  was  buried  there  Mar.  5, 
1603-4;  this  may  have  been  the  father  of  our  man.)   One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Gt  Barford,  Beds.,  c.  1606-7.  (Nichols,  11. 

WELCHE, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1566-7. 

WELCHMAN,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1738,  from  Trinity 
College,  Oxford,  whence  he  had  matric.  Apr.  5,  1731,  age  18. 
S.  of  William,  clerk,  of  Banbury,  Oxon.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1734. 
Ord.  deacon  (Oxford)  Sept.  1735;  priest  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim. 
from  Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1738.  V.  of  Dodford,  Northants., 
1749-71.  Buried  there  June  22,  1771.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1771- 
[Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden;  Peiie,  11.  225,  where  the  date  of 
death  is  wrong;  Foster  following  Baker  makes  the  same 
WELSHMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  19, 
1647.  Of  Lancashire.  Probably  s.  of  Roger,  mercer,  of 
Preston,  Lanes.,  deceased.  Bapt.  there,  Nov.  16,  1628. 
Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1.  Buried  Mar.  2,  1651-2,  at 
Preston.  (J.  Parker.) 
WELCOME,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  2, 
1635.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Market  Stainton,  Lines,  (and 
Lucy,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Ayscough,  Knt.,  of  South  Kelsey). 
B.  at  Market  Stainton.  Schools,  Beverley,  Wragley  Stanton 
and  Wakefield.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15,  1635-6.  Of 
Market  Stainton,  Esq.  Married  and  had  issue.  Living,  1670. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  1059.) 
WELD,  see  also  WILD. 

WELD,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  12, 
1642.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Alexander,  Knt.  B.  at  Ware,  Herts. 
School,  Ware  (Mr  Skingle).  Of  Widbury  HiU.  {Vis.  of  Herts., 
WELD,  DANIEL.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1663.  Of  Norwich. 
Matric.  Easter,  1664;  B.A.  1667-8.  R.  of  Thurlton,  Norfolk, 
i669{?)-94,  when  a  successor  was  instituted.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Rochford,  Essex,  till  1670;  died  1670.  {Blome- 
field,  viii.  61;  Newcourt.) 
WELD,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1618-9.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhapss.of  John  (1579).  B.A.  1622-3; 
M.A.  1626,  Wild.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug.  6;  priest, 
Aug.  7,  1626.  R.  of  Little  Glemham,  Sufiolk,  1643. 
WELD,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1632.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  Matthew,  of  Bracon  Ash, 
gent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  15,  1634.  Probably  brother 
of  the  next  and  of  Timothy  (1637). 
WELD,  GASCOYNE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  28, 
1634.  S.  of  Matthew,  of  Tasburgh,  Norfolk  (buried,  1650, 
aged  83,  at  Bracon  Ash).  B.  at  Bracon  Ash.  School,  Norwich 
(MrTowneleyandMrStoneham).  Matric.  i634;B..\.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  22,  1641.  Married 
(1)  Anne,  dau.  of  Joseph  Hall,  Bishop  of  Norwich;  (2) 
Philippa,  dau.  of  Philip  Cathorpe,  Esq.  Died  Apr.  25,  1701, 
aged  84.  Probably  brother  of  Edmund  (above),  etc.  and 
father  of  Joseph  (1668).  {Peile,  1.  433;  BJomefield,  in.  581; 
V.  87.) 
WELD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1637.  Of  Middle- 
sex. Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Sir  John  (1598),  late  of  Edmonton, 
Middlesex.  Died  s.p.m..  May,  1696.  Brother  of  Humphrey 
(1629)  and  John  (1633).  {Middlesex  Note  Bk,  156;  Clutter- 
buck,  n.  358;  F.  C.  Cass,  E.  Barnet.) 
WELD,  HENRY.  D.D.  1472-3.  Perhaps  of  Lincoln  diocese; 
ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  31,  1454. 

Weld,  Thomas 

WELD,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1629.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1598),  late  of  Amolds- 
in-Edmonton,  Middlesex,  deceased.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1630-1.  Of  Arnolds,  Edmonton,  Middlesex. 
Governor  of  Portland.  Purchased  the  manor  of  Lulworth 
Castle,  Dorset,  1641.  Married  Clare,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Lord 
Arundel,  of  Wardour  Castle,  Wilts.  Died  s.p.m.,  1685. 
Buried  in  Henry  VII's  Chapel,  Westminster  Abbey.  Brother 
of  John  (1633)  and  of  George  (1637).  {Middlesex  Pedigrees; 
Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees;  Clutterbuck,  11.  358;  F.  C.  Cass, 

E.  Barnet.) 

WELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept. 
26,  1588.  V.  of  Caistor  St  Edmund,  |Norfolk,  1600-36. 
Died  1636.   Perhaps  father  of  Edmund  (1618-9). 

WELD  or  WEILD,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.  Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1598.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Humphrey,  grocer,  of 
London.  Knighted,  (?)  July  5,  1607.  Of  Arnolds  Southgate, 
Middlesex.  Purchased  the  manor  of  Barnet,  1619.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Whitmore,  of  London,  merchant. 
Died  Feb.  1622-3.  Buried  at  Arnolds.  M.I.  Doubtless 
father  of  Humphrey  (1629),  John  (1633)  and  George  (1637). 
(Phillimore,    Middlesex    Note    Bk,    155;   Hutchins,  i.   373; 

F.  C.  Cass,  E.  Barnet.) 

WELDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1607; 
B.X.  1610-1,  Weald;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  19,  1624.  Perhaps  V.  of  Earlham,  Norfoik,  1624-32. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bildeston,  Sufiolk,  1644.  (Peile, 
I.  263.) 

WELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1622;  B.A. 
1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Doubtless  R.  of  Pickwell,  Leics.,  1645- 
56;  styled  minister.  Benefactor  to  the  Buildings  at  Christ's. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1671).  (Peile,  i.  434;  Nichols,  11.  77i.) 

WELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633. 
Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  John  (1598),  late  of  Arnolds,  Edmon- 
ton, Middlesex,  Knt.,  deceased.  Knight  banneret.  Of 
Compton  Basset,  Wilts.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  William, 
Lord  Stourton.  Died  July  11,  1674-  Buried  at  East  Lul- 
worth, Dorset.  M.I.  (One  of  these  names  matric.  Trinity 
College,  Oxford,  Jan.  29,  1629-30,  age  17;  s.  and  h.  of  John, 
of  London,  arm.;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1631.  According  to  Foster 
this  was  Sir  John,  of  Compton  Basset,  Wilts.,  Knt.  But 
the  above  identification  seems  equally  probable.)  Brother  of 
Humphrey  (1629)  and  George  (1637)-  (Hutchins,  1.  372; 
Clutterbuck,  11.  356;  F.  C.  Cass,  E.  Barnet.) 

WELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  27,  1655.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  Signed 
for  deacons'  and  priests'  orders  (London)  Mar.  5,  1663-4. 
Probably  ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  19,  1669.  P.C.  of  St 
Andrew's,  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  1669-77.  Buried  Oct.  19, 
1677,  at  St  John's,  Newcastle.  (H.  M.  Wood;  Sharpe  MS. 
Vol.  49;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  17,  1689.  Of 
Middlesex.   Matric.  1690;  LL.B.  1696. 

WELD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  5,  1668.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1668;  Scholar,  1669;  B.A.  1671-2; 
M.A.  1675.  Fellow,  1674.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  21, 
1676;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1678.  V.  of  Ware,  Herts.,  1681-2. 
V.  of  Kirkby  Malzeard-CMm-Masham,  Yorks.,  1682-8.  V.  of 
Heyder  and  Kelby,  Lines.,  i688.   (Al.  Westmon.,  167.) 

WELD,  JOSEPH.  .\dm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  4, 
1668.  S.  and  h.  of  Gascoyne  (1634).  B.  at  Bracon  Ash, 
Norfolk.  Schools,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovermg)  and  Bury.  Matric. 
1668.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  5,  1673.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1679.  Serjeant-at-law.  Recorder  of  Bury,  1689- 
1712.  M.P.  for  Bury,  1709-12.  Died  unmarried,  Jan.  18, 
171 1-2.  M.I.  at  St  Mary's,  Bury.  {Peile,  11.  18;  Le  Neve, 
Mon.;  Bury  School,  S.H.A.H.,  wrongly  assigned  to  Trinity.) 

WELD,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1617. 
Probably  of  Norfolk. 

WELD,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1624.  Matric. 
1623-4;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 

WELD  or  WYLDE,  PETER,  see  WILD. 

WELD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  12,  1681. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1683-5;  B..\.  1684-5.  Ord.  priest  (Nor- 
wich) 1696-7.  R.  of  Harleston,  Suffolk,  1708-30.  R.  of 
Onehouse,  1708-30.  Died  1730. 

WELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1611. 
4th  s.  of  Edmund,  linen-draper.  Bapt.  July  15,  1595,  at 
Sudbury,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  1;  priest,  Mar.  2,  1617-8.  V.  of  Haverhill, 
Suffolk.  V.  of  Terling,  Essex,  1624-31,  ejected.  Emigrated 
to  New  England,  June  5,  1632.  Pastor  at  Roxbury,  Mass., 
1632.  A  vehement  opponent  of  the  Antinomians,  active  in 
the  Cambridge,  Mass.,  synod  of  ministers,  1637.  Collaborated 
with  Rev.  John  Eliot  and  Rev.  Richard  Mather  in  compiling 


Weld,  Thomas 

a  psalter,  published  at  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1640.  Agent  for 
Massachusetts  in  London,  1641-6;  visited  Laud  in  the  Tower, 
claiming  redress  for  former  grievances.  Recalled  to  New 
England,  1646,  but  did  not  return.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Gates- 
head, Durham,  1649-60.   Author,  controversial.   Died  Mar. 

23,  1660-1.   (D.N.B.;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

WELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1615.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Wymondham,  Norfolk,  gent.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  9, 
1618.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1625.  Bencher,  1641.  Keeper  of 
the  Black  Book,  1651.  Lent  Reader,  1652.  Treasurer,  1654. 
Lent  Reader,  166 1-2. 

WELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1649.  Of  Norfolk. 

WELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  13, 
1671.  S.  of  John  (1622),  clerk,  of  Pickwell,  Leics.  B.  there. 
School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 

WELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  23, 
1676.  S.  of  Sir  John.  B.  at  Willey,  Shropshire.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1676;  Scholar,  1677;  B.A.  1679-80; 
M.A.  1683.   Fellow,  1682. 

WELD,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1637.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  s.  of  Matthew,  of  Bracon  Ash, 
Norfolk.  B.A.  1640-1;  M.A.  1644.  Probably  brother  of 
Edmund  (1632)  and  Gascoyne  (1634). 

WELD,  WIXSTEAD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1644.  Of  Cambridge.  Doubtless  Wicksted  Weld,  late 
of  Barnard's  Inn;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  21,  1652.  Doubt- 
less father  of  the  next. 

WELD,  WICKSTED.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1671.  Of 
Suffolk.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Wixstead  (above).   B.  June 

24,  1654,  at  Landbeach,  Cambs.  Matric.  pens.  Easter,  1671. 
Of  Fordham,  Cambs.;  a  sufferer  by  fire  there,  in  1713. 
(Davy,  19,  154,  P-  37;  Masters.) 


WELDON  or  WELDEN,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at 
Emmanuel,  Dec.  17,  1653.  Of  Kent.  S.  and  h.  of  Ralph 
(1620),  of  Swanscombe,  Kent,  Esq.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Nov.  26,  1656.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1666.  Bencher, 
1683.  Of  Swanscombe,  Esq.  Married  Margaret  Walker,  of 
Bushey,  Herts.,  July  8,  1674.  Died  1698.  (Vis.  of  Kent, 
1663;  Hasted,  i.  261;  H.  A.  C.  Sturgess.) 

WELDON  or  WHELDON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  May  7,  1660.  B.  at  Barrow,  near  Derby.  School, 
Derby  (Mr  Hill).   Matnc.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4. 

WELDEN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

WELDON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Nov.  12, 
1623.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Anthony,  Knt.,of  Swanscombe, 
Kent  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.). 

WELDON,  GEORGE.  M.A.  1656  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  Jan.  22,  1648-9;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1651;  M.A.  1654.  R.  of  Gt  Warley,  Essex,  1660.  Licence 
(Vic.  Gen.  Abp.  Cant.)  to  marry  Anne  Chaundler,  spinster, 
of  Trinity  parish,  London,  Mar.  7,  1660-1.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WELDON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1664.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  George,  of  Old  Windsor,  Berks. 
B.  there.  Matric.  Easter,  1665;  B.A.  1668-9.  Fellow,  1668. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  16,  1667.  Died  in  College, 
of  small-pox,  1669.   (Harwood;  H.  A.  C.  Sturgess.) 

WELDON,  JOHN.  Of  Caius  College  (see  Had.  Misc.  x.  380,  but 
not  found  in  our  records).  B.  at  Tollerton,  Yorks.  Seminary 
priest.  According  to  a  notice  in  the  Month  (Jan.  1879)  his 
real  name  was  Hewett,  s.  of  William,  draper,  of  York. 
Received  minor  orders  at  Rheims,  Sept.  23,  1583;  captured 
in  York,  Aug.  1585,  and  exiled.  Returned  to  Rheims; 
afterwards  captured  in  England,  and  executed  at  Mile  End, 
Oct.  5,  1588.   (Venn,  i.  106.) 

WELDON  or  WHEELDON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  12,  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  6,  1680,  'literate'; 
Wheledon;  priest,  June  18,  1682.   (Peile,  11.  42.) 

WELDON,  PHILIP.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1488;  B.A.  1492.  Fellow.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20, 
1494;  priest,  Apr.  4,  1495.   Perhaps  V.  of  West  Wootton. 

WELDON,  RALPH.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Nov.  24,  1620. 
S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Anthony,  Knt.,  of  Swanscombe,  Kent. 
Matric.  1620-1.  Commander  in  the  Parliamentary  army  at 
Taunton,  and  at  the  siege  of  Bristol,  1645.  Governor  of 
Plymouth,  1645.  Living,  1656.  Brother  of  Edward  (1623) 
and  father  of  Anthony  (1653).   (D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Kent,  16C3.) 

WELDON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
c.  1460.  V.  of  West  Wootton.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Pimpeme  and  Tarrant,  Dorset;  will  (P.C.C.)  1509.  (J.  Venn.) 

WELDON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

Wellebroke  de, 

WELDON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1577. 

WELDON,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1581  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Student 
of  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  1573;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1574;  M.A. 
1578.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WELDYSSHE,  EDWARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

WELDISH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  25,  1719. 

Of  Kent.   Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb., 

Litt.  dim.  from  Canterbury)  May  31,  1724;  priest  (Lincoln, 

Litt.  dim.  from  Canterbury)  Dec.  19,  1725.  C.  of  Heme,  Kent. 
WELFIT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  17, 

1667.    S.  of  Jeremy,   yeoman,   of   Idle,   Bradford,   Yorks. 

B.   there.    School,   Bridlington   (Mr  Holdsworth).     Matric. 

1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept. 

24,  1671;  priest,  May  25,  1673.   R-  of  Faldingworth,  Lines., 

1681.   Brotherof  Timothy  (1653). 
WELFITT,  THEOPHILUS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 

July  4,  1635.    S.  of  Edward,  preacher  at  St  Mary's,  Hull. 

B.  at  Kingston  [on  Hull],  Yorks.    Bapt.  Oct.  13,  1616,  at 

St  Mary's,  Hull.    School,  York  (Mr  Wallis).    B.A.  1638-9. 

Usher  at  Boston  Grammar  School,  1640;  left  before  1645. 

(Peile,  I.  438.) 

WELFITT,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  8,  1635; 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642;  D.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.).  R.  of 
Rand,  Lines.,  in  1668.  R.  of  St  Mary's,  South  Kelsey,  1668. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  X672-85.  Died  Feb.  7,  1685-6,  aged  64. 
Buried  in  Lincoln  Cathedral.  Father  of  William  (1665). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1060.) 

WELFITT,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
July  7,  1653.  S.  of  Jeremiah,  of  Bradford,  Yorks.  School, 
York.  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  R.  of  Burton  Agnes,  Yorks., 
1660-1701.  Died  1 70 1.   Brother  of  Samuel  (1667). 

WELFITT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1622;  Scholar,  1624;  B.A.  1625-6. 

WELFITT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1665.  S.  of  Timothy  (1635),  D.D.,  R.  of  South  Kelsey,  Lines. 
Bapt.  at  Caister,  Apr.  i,  1647.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  May  10, 
1667.  Returned  as  Scholar  to  Trinity  Hall;  LL.B.  1671. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1671;  priest  (Chester)  Mar.  2, 
1671-2.  R.  of  Beelsby,  Lines.,  1671-1715.  R.  of  Swinhope, 
1692.  Of  Wold  Newton.  Buried  there  1716.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,   1060.) 

WELFETT,  .   Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1535-7,  Wellefed. 

Perhaps  B.A.  (?  1540-1);  M.A.  1544. 

WELHAM,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  30,  1623. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Briggs). 
Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  31;  priest,  June  i,  1629.  Sequestered  to  Thomdon, 
Suffolk,  1647.  Doubtless  father  of  the  next.   (Peile,  i.  353.) 

WELLAM,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  29,  1658.  Of 
Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Isaac  (above).  Matric. 1658.  Migrated 
to  Corpus  Christi,  1660.  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Of 
Thomdon,  gent.  Will  proved  (Bury)  May  22,  1677.  (V. 
B.  Redstone.) 

WELHAM,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  10, 
1684-5.  S.  of  Isaac  (?  above).  B.  at  Thornton  (sic),  Suffolk. 
Schools,  Thetford  (Mr  Keene)  and  Russingall  (?  Rippingale). 
Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June, 
1693;  priest,  June,  1694.   (Peile,  11.  98.) 

WELHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  6,  1699. 
S.  of  John,  wool-spinner,  of  Stowmarket,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Stowmarket  and  Norwich  (Mr  Burton).  Matric. 
1699;  Scholar,  1699-1703;  B.A.  1702-3;  M..A.  1706.  Fellow, 
1703-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Apr.  22,  1703;  priest,  June 
II,  1704.  Master  of  the  Grammar  School,  Yarmouth,  1706- 
22.  R.  of  Caistor  St  Edmunds,  Norfolk,  in  1709;  of  Gosbeck, 
Suffolk,  17x3-24.  Minister  of  St  Georges,  Yarmouth,  1715- 
22.  R.  of  Cantley,  1718-25.  Wednesday  preacher  at  St 
Nicholas,  Yarmouth,  1723-6.  Died  Feb.  23,  1725-6.  Will 
(Norwich)  1726;  of  Cantley.  (Venn,  i.  503.) 

WELL,  see  also  WELLS. 

WELLE,  JOHN  ATTE.  ScJiolar  at  King's  Hall,  1381-1410. 
One  of  these  names  living  at  North  Elmsall,  Yorks.,  in  1378. 

WELL, .  B.A.  1491-2. 

WELL, .   M.A.  1504-5. 

WELL, .  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1605-6. 

WELL  (?  WEBB),  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1598. 

WELLEBROKE  DE,   .    Clerk  of  Cambridge.    .Associated 

with  other  clerks  of  Cambridge  in  an  attack  on  the  house 
and  property  of  .Stephen  de  Hauxton,  of  Hauxton,  Cambs. 
Killed  on  the  night  of  the  robt>ery,  1272.  See  also  note  under 
John  de  Weston  for  further  particulars.  (Assize  Roll,  85, 
Record  Office,  London.) 


Wellen,  William 

WELLEN,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1625  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Essex,  pleb.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  May  8,  1618, 
age  19;  B.A.  (Broadgates  HaU,  Oxford)  1620-1;  M.A.  1623. 
Will  (V.C.C.)  at  Oxford;  proved  Oct.  11,  1626.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WELLER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  30, 

1724.  S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Donnington,  Sussex.  School, 
Tonbridge  (Mr  Spencer).  Scholar,  1725;  Matric.  1726;  B.A. 
1728-9;  M.A.  1734-  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  1734-  V.  of 
Hellingley,  Sussex,  1734.  Buried  there  Feb.  1741.  \,PeUe, 
II.  209.) 

WELLER,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Oct.  3, 
1728  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Tonbridge 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Foley,  Esq.).  B.  May  30, 
1710.   Matric.  1728.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  16, 

1725.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1739-  Bencher,  1760.  Reader,  1771. 
Assumed  the  name  Weller-Poley.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Hussey,  of  Burwash,  Sussex.  Died  Dec.  29,  1778. 
Buried  at  Boxted.   (J.  J.  Howard;  Fis.  of  Suffolk,  i.) 

WELLER,  JOHN  BADGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Mar  15  1723-4.  S.  of  Alexander.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Felsted.'  Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1725;  M.B.  1729-  Married 
Margaret-Maria  Maryon,  of  Hampstead,  Middlesex.  (Petle, 
II.  208;  Lysons,  11.  529.) 
WELLER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  1627. 
Of  Cranbrook,  Kent.  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634; 
BD  1641.  Fellow,  1635.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  4,  1635; 
priest  (Winchester)  Dec.  20,  1640.  R.  of  Bartlow,  Cambs., 
164s  R  of  Warbleton,  Sussex,  1661-83.  Buried  there 
Aug.'8,  1683.  Will  at  Lewes,  and  (P.C.C).  (W.  C.  Renshaw; 
J.  Crosby.) 
WELLER  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28, 
1694.  Of  Sussex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Joseph,  of  DaUing- 
ton,  Sussex.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  26,  1693-4. 
Died  in  College.  Buried  July  16,  1696. 
WELLER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1619. 

Matric.  1619;  Scholar;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 
WELLINS,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1681. 
WELLINGS,  THOMAS.    M.A.  from  King's,  1711.   S.  of  T.,  of 
Cleobury,   Salop,   clerk.    Matric.   (Balliol  CoUege,   Oxford) 
Apr.  6,  1704,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)   1707.    V.  of  Alding- 
boume,  Sussex,  1709-36.  R.  of  Eastergate,  1717-36.  Father 
of  the  next.   (,Al.  Oxon.) 
WELLINGS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  i7)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr   20    1732.   S.  of  Thomas  (above),  clerk.   B.  at  Aldiug- 
boume    Sussex.    School,   Chichester.     Matric.    1732;   B.A. 
1735-6-  M.A.  1739.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  6,  1736-7; 
priest  (London)  June  17,  i739-    R-  o*  Tangmere,  Sussex, 
1748-67.  Died  Nov.  27,  1767.   {Musgrave;  G.  Mag.) 
WELLMAN,  SIMON.    M.A.  from  Trinity,  1686  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford)      2nd  s.  of  Simon,  of  Taunton,   Somerset,   M.P. 
M  D   from  Christ's,  1686.   Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Mar     1653;    B.A.   (Oxford)    1656;    M.A.    1659-     Fellow   of 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1658-61.    F.R.C.P.,  1687.    Died 
s  p      1707.    Will   (P.C.C.)    1708;   of  St   Swithin,   London. 
(Peile,  I.  557;  Munk,  i.  452;  Burke,  L.G.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WELLOW,  .   B.Can.L.  1525-6.    Perhaps  Richard,  Scholar 

or  Fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1518-34. 
WELLS   ANTHONY.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  6,  1587. 
Matric.  1587;  Scholar;  B.A.  1590-1 ;  M.A.  1594;  B.D.  1602-3. 
Fellow    1594.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1600.    Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  July  22,  1596-  R-  of  Stoke  Doyle,  Northants., 
1508    Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Thomas  Sanders,  of  Denton, 
Oct.  23,  1600,  at  Blakesley.  Buried  at  Stoke  Doyle,  July  31. 
1632.    (H.  I.  Longden.) 
WELLES,  ANTHONY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  10, 
1623-4.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  deceased.  B.  at  Uppingham, 
Rutland.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1627-8. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  27,  1631-2. 
WELLS,  CHARLES.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  6,  i675-   S.  of 
William  (1629),  D.D.,  President  of  Queens'  CoUege.   Matric. 
1675-  Scholar,  1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.   Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1683.   Principal  register  to  Anthony,  Bishop 
of  Norwich.    R.  of  Garboldisham,  Norfolk,  1689-91.    Died 
Oct.  8,  1691,  aged  30.    Buried  at  Garboldisham.    (Blotne- 
field,  v'lii.  272.) 
WELLS     CHRISTOPHER.     Matric.    sizar    from    St    John's, 
Easter,  1622;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  R.  of  Water  Newton, 
Hunts.,  1629-51. 
WELLS,   CORNELIUS.    Matric.   pens,   from  Trinity,   Michs. 
1564-  scholar  from  Westminster,  1565;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A. 
1571-  B.D.  1578.    Fellow,  1570-8.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec. 
31,  1569.   V.  of  Kirkby  Masham,  Yorks.,  1578-1600.    (Al. 
WELLS,  CUTHBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,   1592-3; 
B.A.   1595-6.    Perhaps  V.  of   Kirk  Merrington,   Durham, 
1610-29.   Buried  there  Apr.  3,  1629.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

Wells,  John 

WELLES,   EDMUND.     Matric.    sizar   from    Trinity,    Easter, 

WELLES,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1571;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.    One  of  these  names  V.  of 
East  Winch,  Norfolk,  157&-86. 
WELLS,  EDWARD.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  14,  1636. 
Of  Northamptonshire.    S.  and  h.  of  John,  yeoman.    B.  at 
Barnwell  St  Andrews,  Northants.    School,  Oundle.    Matric. 
1637;   B.A.    1639-40;   M.A.   1643.    Ord.   deacon   (Lincoln) 
Dec.  22,  1644.   Perhaps  his  will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1689;  of 
St    Andrew's,    Holbom,    London,    clerk;    mentions    sons 
Zachary  (?  1683),  William  (?  1684)  and  Walter  (?  1692). 
WELLS,  EDWARD.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1709.    B.  in  London.    Matric.  Easter,  1710;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1717.  Fellow,  1713-27.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  17, 
1714-5;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1716.    Died  Dec.  3,  1727,  of  con- 
sumption.  [Harwood,  291.) 
WELLES,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1570. 
WELLS,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1612. 

Of  Norfolk. 
WELLS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  5,  1707.  B.  at 
Shefford,  Beds.  Matric.  1708;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1724- 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,  1712;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  11, 
1715.  C.  of  Lutton,  Northants.,  1715-  V.  of  Oundle,  i7i7-39- 
Buried  there  Mar.  18,  1738-9.  Doubtless  brother  of  Wilson 
(1722)  and  father  of  Thomas  (i734)-  See  a  contemporary  in 
A  I.  Oxon. 
WELLES,   GEORGE.    Matric.    sizar    from    St  John's,  Michs. 

WELLES,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius,  Mar.  9, 
I5g6_7.  s.  of  Roger.  B.  at  East  Dereham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Seaming  (Mr  Denby).  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  May  22,  1608;  'C.  of  Westley, 
Cambs.'  R.  of  Beetley,  Norfolk,  1608-42.  Buried  there 
Feb.  4,  1641-2.  Father  of  Richard  (1628).  (Venn,  1.  161.) 
WELLS,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  20,  1658-9. 

Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666. 
WELLS,  HENRY.    Master  of  Trinity  Hall,  1413-29.   Said  to 
have  been  bom  at  Upwell.    R.  of  Grimston,  1399.   Dean  of 
College-in-the-Fields,  Norwich,  1401;  resigned,  1406.   Arch- 
deacon of  Lincoln,  1406-31.    Described  as  'of  Upwell'  in 
his  will   (P.C.C.)    1431,  where  he  referred  to    his  brother 
John  Wellys  and  desires  to  be  buried  in  the  convent  at  West 
Dereham.  (Walter  Rye.) 
WELLS,  HENRY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1573.  S.  of 
Richard,  yeoman,  of  Averham,  Notts.   Bapt.  there  Feb.  4, 
1556-7.    Schools,   Averham   and   Southwell.     Migrated   to 
Caius,   July   27,    1576;   to   Oxford,   June   25,    1578.     B.A. 
(Oxford)  1578.   (Venn,  I.  87;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WELLS,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  May  14, 
1677.    S.  of  John,  of  London,  Common  Crier  of  the  City. 
School,  St  Pauls'.  Scholar,  1679;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684. 
Fellow,  1683-9.    Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Mar. 
10,  1683-4.   Called  to  the  Bar,  1693.   Professor  of  Divinity, 
Gresham  College,  1686-91.   Married  and  had  issue.   Living, 
1699.   (Ward,  Gresham;  H.  A.  C.  Sturgess.) 
WELLS,  JOHN.   Graduated  in  Civ.  Law,  c.  1444.    R.  of  Swan- 
nington,  Norfolk,  1446.   R.  of  Oxburgh,  Norfolk,  1448.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Hadley  Camps,  Essex,  1469-72;  died 
1472.   (Newcourt.) 
WELLS,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1454; 
B.A.  1461-2;  M.A.  1465-6;   B.D.  1471-2.    Fellow  in  1471. 
Proctor,  1471-2.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  5,   1466.    R.  of 
Kingston,  Cambs.,  i486.   (J.  Crosby.) 
WELLS,  JOHN.   Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug    21,  1535.    Of  Witchford,  Cambs.    Name  off  c.  1536. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  StrethaU,  Essex,  1544-62;  will 
(Cons.  C.  London),  alludes  to  Melbourn,   Cambs.    (J.   Ch. 
WELLES,  JOHN.    Adm.  at   King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  13,  1547.  Of  Windsor.  Matric.  1547;  B.A.  1551- 
2;    M.A.    1567.     Fellow,    1550-5-     Fellow   of   Eton,    1567. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Holywell,  Hunts.,  1569-70,   M.A.     One  of 
these  names  V.  of  East  MaUing,  Kent,  1556-71;  died  1571. 
WELLS,  JOHN.   B.A.  1558-9;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1562;  B.D. 
from  Clare,  1569.    FeUow  of  Queens',  1558-64.    Fellow  of 
Clare,  1564.    Proctor,  1568-9.    Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Nov.  24, 
1560.     University  preacher,    1565.     Preb.   of   York,    1568. 
Preb.  of  Wells,  1569-70.    Died  1570.    WiU  (V.C.C.)   1570. 
(Cooper,  I.  284.) 
WELLES,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs.  1576. 
WELLS,   JOHN.    Adm.   sizar  at   Corpus  Christi,    159°-    Of 
Cambridgeshire.    Matric.  c.  1591;  B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Kirkharle,  Northumberland,  1607. 


Wells,  John 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adin.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  25,  1620.  Of 
Norfolk.  B. A.  1623-4;  M. A.  1627.  Probably  R.  of  Thuming, 
Hunts.,  1627-64.  Died  1664.  Will,  P.C.C.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Shimpling,  Suffolk,  1635.  But  see  Ai.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary.   Probably  father  of  John  (1670). 

WELLES,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1625. 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  6,  1630. 

S.  of  John,  of  Cottingham,  Northants.    B.  at  Uppingham. 

School,   Uppingham.    Matric.   1631.    Brother  of  Matthew 

WELLS,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Feb.  22,  1630-1. 

S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Fornham,  Suffolk.    B.  there. 

School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.    Matric.  1631;  Scholar,  1632-6; 

B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25, 

1636;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1638.   C.  of  Fomham,  Suffolk,  1636. 

R.  of  Osmundeston  (Scole),  Norfolk,   1642-77.    Father  of 

Thomas  (1668-9).   {Venn,  i.  296.) 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1635.  S.  of  Edward, 
gent.  B.  at  Stoke-by-Oundle,  Northants.  School,  Oundle. 
Matric.  Easter,  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643;  B.D.  from 
Queens',  1652;  D.D.  1666.  Fellow  of  Queens'.  Junior 
Proctor,  1650-1.  R.  of  Hanworth,  Middlesex,  1677-85. 
Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1680-5.  P-C.  of  St  Botolph,  Aldersgate. 
Died  1685.  WiU,  P.C.C.   Perhaps  father  of  John  (1692). 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  12,  1639. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Barnwell  St  Andrew, 
Northants.  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1639. 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1656.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1657;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Palgrave,  Suffolk,  1663-1709.  Died  1709. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1689). 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  i8, 
1667.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Dalton-in-Fumess, 
Lanes.  B.  there.  School,  Dal  ton.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1. 
Probably  ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  24,  1671;  priest,  June 
28,  1674.  C.  of  Stalmine,  1681.  V.  of  West  Tanfield,  Yorks., 
i68i-2.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  2,  1670.  Of 
Huntingdonshire.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1620).  Exhibitioner 
from  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4;  M.A.  i677-  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  ii,  1676-7;  priest,  Feb.  1677-8. 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  12,  1671-2.  Of 
Essex.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Fellow, 
1676-87.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1678;  priest,  Sept. 
1679.   Perhaps  R.  of  Ovington,  Norfolk,  1683-1701. 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  7,  1674.  Matric. 
1674.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge, 
Aug.  22,  1675. 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1689.  Of  Suffolk. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1656).  Matric.  sizar,  1689;  B.A.  1692-3; 
M.A.  1698.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1694;  priest,  Mar. 
1698-9.  R.  of  Helmingham  and  Morton,  Norfolk,  1702-23. 
R.  of  Warham  All  Saints,  Norfolk,  till  173 1.  R.  of  Hunting- 
field  and  Cookley,  Suffolk,  1731.  Perhaps  R.  of  Exning, 
1737-49-  DiedFeb.  25, 1749.  Father  of  John  (1733).  (Blome- 
field,  VIII.  235.) 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  7.  1692.  Of 
Middlesex.  Possibly  s.  of  John  (1635).  One  of  these  names, 
clerk,  buried  at  St  Mildred  Poultry,  London,  Jan.  3,  1747. 

WELLS,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 

1713.   S.  of ,  clerk.   B.  at  Hungerford,  Berks.   School, 

Westminster.  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1724.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Feb.  9,  1717-8;  priest,  June  4,  1721.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Manningford  Bruce,  Wilts.;  will  (Cons. 
C.  Sarum)  1763. 

WELLES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  3,  1721.  Of 
Cheshire.  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728.  Fellow, 
1725-34.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  17,  1727-8;  priest, 
Dec.  22,  1728. 

WELLES,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  7,  1733- 
S.  of  John  (1689),  R.  of  Huntingfield,  Suffolk.  B.  at 
Warham,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Ipswich  (private)  and  Bury. 
Matric.  1733;  Scholar,  1733-8;  B.A.  1736-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1739;  'C.  of  Bumham  Westgate'; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  1745;  'C.  to  his  father.'  Lecturer  of  St 
Michael  Royal,  London,  1746.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Holton,  Suffolk,  1737-58;  R.  of  Huntingfield  till  1758; 
died  Apr.  26,  1758,  aged  47.  (This  seems  to  be  our  man,  but 
dates  of  ordination  make  it  appear  unlikely.)  (Venn,  11.  36; 
T.  C.  Dale;  Bury  Sch.  Reg.,  413.) 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Oct.  24,  1745- 
Of  Worstead,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1749-50.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Mar.  18,  1753.  Probably  V.  of  Hickling, 
Norfolk,  1769-1803. 

Wells,  Simon 

WELLS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Dec.  21,  i749- 
S.  of  Thomas,  cloth-merchant,  of  Shefford,  Beds.  B.  there. 
Schools,  SouthiU,  Beds.,  and  Oakham. 

WELLS,  LEWIS  of.  ('  Ludovicus  de  Fontibus.')  Sent  in  1383 
to  Cambridge  and  'admitted  to  the  degree  of  master.' 
{Arch.  Franc.  Hist.,  tome  xvii.  165;  G.  R.  Potter.) 

WELLS,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  July  8,  1634. 
S.  of  John,  attorney,  of  Cottingham,  Northants.  B.  at 
Braunston,  Rutland.  School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1634; 
B.A.  1638-9.   Brother  of  John  (1630). 

WELLS,  MAURICE.   B.A.  1507-8. 

WELLS,  MICHAEL.  M.A.  1650  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Francis,  V.  of  Mickleton,  Gloucs.  Bapt.  May  18,  1623. 
Matric.  (Gloucester  Hall,  Oxford)  Nov.  27,  1640,  age  14. 
Created  M.A.  (Oxford)  1648.  Fellow  of  St  John's  College, 
Oxford,  1648,  and  of  New  College,  Oxford,  1649,  by  the 
visitors.  Sub-warden  of  New  College,  1654.  Arabic  scholar. 
V.  of  Hornchurch,  Essex,  1658-86.  Died  Mar.  1685-6. 
Will,  P.C.C.   {Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WELLS,  NATHANIEL.  M.A.  from  King's,  1735.  Matric. 
(Jesus  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  28,  1713;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1716-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Sarum)  June  16, 1717;  priest  (Llandaff)  Dec.  18, 
1720.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Mansell.  R.  of  St  Andrew's,  Gla- 
morgan, 1730.  R.  of  Ilston,  1735.  R.  of  Leckwith,  1756. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WELLS,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sidney,  Easter,  1624. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Cuthbert  (1592-3),  V.  of  Kirk 
Merrington,  Durham.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  23,  1627, 
age  23;  priest,  June  8,  1628.  Perhaps  C.  of  Kirk  Merrington, 
1630-4.  Buried  there  June  13,  1634.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WELLS,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  6,  1689.  Of 
Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1660). 
Matric.  1689.   (Nwhols,  iii.  60.) 

WELLES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WELLES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1581. 

WELLES  or  WALLIS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Jan.  2,  1627-8.  S.  of  George  (1596-7),  clerk,  of  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  Aug.  19,  1610,  at  Beetley.  School,  Aylsham  (Mr 
Knoles).  Matric.  1627;  Scholar,  1628-31;  B.A.  1630-1; 
M.A.  1634.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1631.  R.  of 
Ellingham,  Norfolk,  1631.  C.  of  Belaugh  in  1633.  R.  of 
Martlesham,  1638-9.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Beetley, 
1642-6.   (Venn,  1.  281.) 

WELLS,  ROBERT  (1518),  see  STEWARD. 

WELLES,  ROBERT.  Of  Caius  in  July,  1559.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  16,  1569;  bred  in  the  schools.  R.  of  Hawerby, 
Lines.  One  of  these  names  of  Theddlethorpe  St  Helen, 
Lines.,  clerk;  will  (Lincoln)  1612.   (Lib.  Cleri.) 

WELLS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1567. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  16,  1568,  age  24;  probably  priest 
(Chester)  1574.   R.  of  Howell,  Lines.,  1574-1616. 

WELLES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Nov.  5, 
1584.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman.  Bapt.  Mar.  8,  1566-7,  at 
Gissing,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Wymondham  and  Tibenham, 
Norfolk.  Scholar,  1586-92;  B.A.  1588-^;  M.A.  1592;  M.D. 
1609.  Fellow,  1592-1632.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593.  Died 
May  2,  1632.  Will  (V.C.C.)  1632.  Benefactor  to  the  College. 
(Venn,  i.  122.) 

WELLES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Feb.  16,  1640-1.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1602),  late  R.  of 
Rougham,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  School,  Botesd;ile  (Mr  Neave). 
Matric.  1641.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1644-5. 
Of  Shimpling  Thome,  etc.  Donor  io  the  College  library. 
Will  (Bury)  Apr.  10,  1661;  of  Rougham.   (Venn,  i.  341.) 

WELLS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1659. 

WELLES,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  1565.  Migrated  to 
Queens',  1568.   Matric.  Michs.  1568;  B.A.  1568-9. 

WELLS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  16,  1656. 
S.  of  Samuel,  carpenter.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1656-7;  Scholar,  1656-8.   (Venn,  i.  396.) 

WELLS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.sizarat  St  Catharine's,  June  8,  1671. 

WELLES,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9. 
Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585;  B.D.  1593;  D.D.  1612. 
V.  of  Wymondham,  Norfolk,  1590-1607.  R.  of  Crown- 
thorpe,  1604-5.  R.  of  Brockley,  Suffolk,  1606.  R.ofTerring- 
ton,  Norfolk,  1608-9.  R.  of  Shimpling,  1609.  Perhaps  father 
of  William  (1602). 

WELLS,  SIMON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  May  3,  1631. 
S.  of  Simon,  gent.,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Halvergate.  School, 
Elsing.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Master  of 
the  Grammar  School,  Yarmouth,  1647-55.  Master  of 
Leman's  School,  Beccles,  1657-67,  and  of  Woodbridge 
School,  1666-7.  Buried  there  Nov.  10,  1669.  (Venn,  i.  298.) 


Wells,  Thomas 

WELLS,  THOMAS.  D.Civ.L.  1458-9- 

WELLS  or  WELLYS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  May  24,  1507.  Of  Cambridge.  B.A. 
1511-2.  FeUow,  1510.  Name  off  before  1524.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  7,  1511-2. 

WELLES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 
1581-2-  B  A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588.  Probably  ord.  deacon  ana 
priest  (Lincoln)  .\ug.  22,  1587.  V.  of  Stall ingborough, 
Lines.,  1588-1635.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1635.  One  of  these 
names  of  Stapelford,  Lines.,  minister;  admon.,  1592. 

WELLES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  3, 
1598.  S.  of  Oliver.  B.  at  Crimplesham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Ely  (Mr  Lucke).  Scholar,  1599-1604;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A. 
1604.  Perhaps  R.  of  Carlton  and  CheUington,  Beds.,  c. 
1606-40.   {Venn,  1.  165.) 

WELLES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
24,  1640.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Thurmaston,  Leics.  B. 
there.  School,  Barkby,  Leics.  (private).  Matnc.  1640. 
Married  Joanna,  dau.  of  John  Jackson,  of  Burley-on-the- 
Hill,  Rutland.   Died  c.  1645.   Father  of  the  next.   {Nichols, 

HI.  60.) 

WELLS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  3-   1660. 
Of  Leicestershire.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above). 
Matric.  1660.    Married  (i)  Frances,  dau.  of  William  Hewit 
of   Dunton,   Esq.;    (2)    Elizabeth,   dau.   of   Ral.    (?  Ralph) 
Dison,  of  the  Castle  of  Leicester.    Living,  1681.    Father  of 
Ralph  (1689). 
WELLS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  24, 
1668-9.    S.  of  John  (1630-1),  clerk,  of  Norfolk.    B.  there 
Schools,   Diss  (Messrs  Barber  and   Wales)   and  Tivetshall 
(Mr  Jermy).    Matric.  1669;  Scholar,  1669-73;  B..\.  1672-3. 
Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Norwich)   May  24,   1673; 
'C   to  his  father  at  Scole,  Norfolk.'   One  of  these  names  R. 
of  Shalford,  Essex,  1696-1736.   Died  before  Jan.  8,  1736-7- 
{Venn,  i.  437-) 
WELLS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 
1679.    S.  of  Joseph,  of  Lincolnshire.    School,  Derby  (Mr 
Ogden).    Matric.  1679;  Scholar,  1681;  B.A.   1682-3;  M.A. 
1686.   See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
WELLS,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June 
27,  1690.   S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman.    B.  at  Homcastle,  Lines. 
School,  Lincoln.    Matric.   1690;   B.A.   1693-4;   M.A.   1697. 
Ord.   deacon   (Carlisle)    Feb.   29;   priest   (Peterb.)   Mar.   7, 
1707-8.    P.C.  of  Toynton  All  Saints,  Lines.,  1708.    R.  of 
Dalderby,  1708.   Probably  father  of  the  next. 
WELLS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  13, 
1721.    Probably  s.  of  Thomas  (above).    B.  in  Lincolnshire. 
School,  Brigg,  Lines.  Matric.  1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  i744- 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1725;  pnest,  Dec.  20,  1730. 
R.  of  WUlingham,  Lines.,  i739-    R-  of  Spnngthorpe,  1744. 
Chaplain   to   Lord   Cathcart.    Married   Ehzabeth,   dau.   of 
Robert  Dymoke,  of  Grebby  Hall,  Lines.   Died  July  i,  1781, 
aged  79.    Buried  at  Willingham.    {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1061; 
Burke,  L.G.) 
WELLS,   THOMAS,    .^dm.   pens,   at  Clare,   June   25,    i734- 
S.  of  Francis  (1707),  clerk.  B.  at  Lutton,  Northants.  Matnc. 
1735.  MigratedtoSidney,  Dec.  18,  1735,  age2i.  B.A.  i737- 
8.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1737-8;  priest,  Sept.  23, 
1739.    V.  of  Warden,  Beds.,  i739-    One  of  these  names  of 
St  Swithin,  London,  clerk.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1785- 
WELLS,  WALTER  DE.    University  Bedell,  c.  1260.    Possibly 
the  man  alluded  to  in  the  Patent  Rolls  of  Edward   I  in  the 
case  of  Richard,  s.  of  Hugh  le  Caretter,  v.  Walter  le  Bedel. 
Benefactor.   (Stokes,  Bedells,  50.) 
WELLS,  WALTER.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1692     Perhaps  s.  of  Edward  (1636).   B.  in  London.   Matric. 
Easter,    1693;    B.A.    1696-7;    M.A.    1700.     FeUow,    1696. 
Chaplain  to  Windham's  Regiment  of  Dragoons  in  the  cam- 
paign of  1698.    R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Cole  Abbey,  London, 
1705-20.   Died  Apr.  23,  1720.    Perhaps  brother  of  William 
(1684)  and  Zachary  (1683).   {Harwood;  Musgrave.) 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.   D.D.  of  Cambridge.   Augustinian  friar  of 

Lynn.   Died  1421.  {P'Us,  609.) 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.   B.Can.L.  1501-2. 

WELLES,  W[ILLIAM].  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1559.  Candidate  for  priest  (Ely)  June  7,  1561.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Ashby  Folville,  Leics.,  1564-92-  One  William  Welles 
R.  of  East  Mersea,  1592;  Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  July  14, 
WELLES,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WELLS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  i579- 
B.  at  Cambridge.  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587;  B.D.  1600.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  21,   1588,  age  24.    R.  of  St  Peter 
Mancroft,  Norwich,  1 598-1 620.  R.  of  Intwood  and  Keswick, 

Wells,  Zachariah 

Norfolk,  1602.  R.  of  Heyden,  1602-3.  Preb.  of  Norwich, 
1613-20.  Died  May  26,  1620,  aged  54.  Buried  at  St  Peter 
Mancroft.    M.I.    Father  of  William  (1620-1).    {BUmefield, 

IV.  188.) 

WELLS,   WILLIAM.     Matric.   sizar  from   Pembroke,    Lent, 

1584-5;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593. 

Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Winchester)  Jan.  29,  1592-3;  priest, 

May  5,  1593;  M.A. 
WELLS,   WILLIAM.    Adm.   sizar  at   Peterhouse,   Feb.   20, 

1591-2.   Matric.  c.  1592;  Scholar,  1595;  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A. 

WELLS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June,  1602.    Of 

Suffolk.    Possibly  s.  of  Simon  (1578-9)-   Matric,  1604;  B.A. 

1606-7;   M.A.    1610.    Doubtless   R.   of  Ickworth,   Suffolk, 

1614,   and    R.   of    Rougham,    1620-35.     Died    1635.     Will 

(P.C.C.)  1636;  left  his  manor  of  Shimpling  Thome  to  son 

Robert  (i  640-1). 
WELLS,    WILLIAM.     Adm.    at    Corpus    Christi,    1608.     Of 

Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  One  of  these  names 

V.  of  Bourne,  Lines.,  in  1632. 

WELLS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  11,  1616. 
Matric.    1616;   Scholar;   B.A.    1618-20;   M.A.    1623.     Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  17;  priest.  Mar.  18,  1621-2.    Perhaps 
R.  of  Leigh,  Essex,  1638-g;  R.  of  Hadleigh,  1639.    One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Brampton,  Hunts.,  -1650-64.  Died  1664. 
WELLES,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  12, 
1620-1.  S.  of  William  (1579),  B.D.   B.  at  Norwich.  School, 
Nor\vich  (Mr  Stoneham).    Matric.  1620-1;  Scholar,  1621-5; 
B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Dec.  18,  1625.    R.  of  Bawdeswell,  Norfolk,  1647-    Perhaps 
V.  of  North  Elmham,  1659-80.   Buried  there  Oct.  16,  1680. 
{Venn,  i.  252.) 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1629. 
Of  Yorkshire.    B.A.   1633-4;   M.A.   1637;   D.D.   1668  {Ltt. 
Reg.).    Fellow,  1638-44,  ejected.    Elected  President,  Sept. 
26,  1667-75,  by  Royal  mandate.    Vice-Chancellor,  1672-3. 
R.'of  Sandon,  Essex,  1660-75.  R.  of  Little  Shelford,  Cambs., 
1668.   Archdeacon  of  Colchester,  i667-75-   Died  c.  July  20, 
1675.   Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  and  (P.C.C).   Father  of  Charles 
(1675).   {Hist,  of  Queens',  211.) 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  29, 
1639.    S.  of  William,  farmer.    B.  at  Barnwell  St  Andrew, 
Northants.    School,  Oundle.    Matric.   1639;  B.A.   1642-3; 
M.A.  1646;  B.D.  1653.  Fellow,  1644.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
July  19;  priest,  July  22,  1662,  'B.D.' 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  20, 
1649-50.    S.  of  Nicholas.    B.  in  London.    School,  Melton, 
Leics.  (Mr  Stokes).   B.A.  1653-4.   One  of  these  names  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  May  17,  1668,  'B..\.'   {Peile,  i.  532.) 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  June  26, 
1656.  S.  of  John,  farmer.  B.  at  Castle  Sowerby,  Cumberland. 
Schools,  Castle  Sowerby  and  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1656;  B.A. 
1659-60;  M.A.  1669.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  22,  1667.   See 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1682. 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1684.    Perhaps  s.  of  Edward  (1636).    B.  in  London.    B.A. 
1688-9;  M.A.  1692.   Fellow,  1688.   Died  of  consumption,  at 
Abinger,  Surrey,   Apr.    1695.     Perhaps  brother  of  Walter 
(1692)  and  Zachary  (1683).   {Harwood,  270.) 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  17,  1688. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1700. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1696;  'C.  of  Morbom,  Hunts.' 
WELLS,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  iS)  at  St  John's, 
July  4,  1730.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Leicestershire.  School, 
Leicester.    Matric.   1730.    One   of  these  names  buried  at 
Thrussington,  Leics.,  Dec.  3,  1741-  {Nichols,  iii.  461.) 
WELLS,  WILSON.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  11,  1722.   B.  at 
Shefford,  Beds.    Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6.    Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)   June  5,   1726;  priest   (Lincoln)   Mar.  2,   1728-9. 
C.  of  Oundle,  Northants.,  1726.   V.  of  Riseley,  Beds.,  1742. 
Doubtless  brother  of  Francis  (1707)- 
WELLS,  ZACHARIAH.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1683.     Perhaps  s.   of   Edward   (1636).    B.   at  Banowden, 
Rutland.    Matric.  Easter,   1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.   1691. 
Fellow    1687.    Lecturer  at  St  Michael  Bassishaw,  London. 
Chaplain  to  Sir  Nathan  Wright,  Lord  Keeper.   Preb.  of  the 
Collegiate  Church  of  Brecon,  1702.   R.  of  Wexham,  Bucks., 
1705-6.    R.  of  St  James',  Garlickhithe,  London,   1706-8. 
Perhaps   brother   of    Walter    (1692)    and   WiUiam    (1684). 
{Harwood,  269.) 
WELLS,  .    B.Can.L.    A  monk  of  Ely.    Fine  for  non-con- 
tinuance, 1431- 

WELLS, .  B.D.  1474-5- 

WELLS, .   B.Can.L.  1475-6- 


Wellysburne,  John 

WELLS,  .   B.Can.L.  1482-3. 

WELLS  or  WELLYS, .  Canonicus.  B.D.  1496-7;  D.D.  1500. 

Perhaps  Thomas,  of  Queens';  R.  of  Harlington,  Middlesex, 
1505.  R.  of  St  Leonard's,  Eastcheap,  London,  1513-6; 
V.  of  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  1544;  still  there,  1558.  One 
Thomas  Wells,  prior  of  St  Gregory's,  Canterbury;  Suffragan 
of  Canterbury,  r505-ii.  Died  Sept.  17,  1526.  Will  (Canter- 
bury) 1526.   {Hennessy,  294;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WELLS  or  WHELYS, .   M.A.  1501. 

WELLES, -.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1544. 

WELLES, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  King's,  Easter,  1558. 

■.  Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Michs.  1569. 
Adin.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1570. 
WELLYSBURNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1498.   Left,  1501. 
WELSETT  (?  WELFITT),  HENRY.  B.A.  1533-4-  Of  Yorkshire. 
Received  the  tonsure  (London)  Sept.  1554. 

WELSHOTT,  JOHN.  .\dm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  16,  1315.  Of  Wells,  Somerset.  B.A.  1519-20; 
M..^.  1523.   Fellow,  1518-25. 

WELSTEAD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1637; 
Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1641-2.  Probably  R.  of  Cosgrove, 
Northants.,  1664-7.  Buried  there  Sept.  12,  1667.  M.I. 
Admon.  Oct.  3,  1667,  to  widow  Anne. 

WELSTED,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  Jan.  22, 
1673-4.  Of  Middlesex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry.  School,  Charter- 
house. Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  Scholar,  1678;  M.A.  i68i. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1679-80;  priest,  Mar.  1682-3. 
R.  of  Frostenden,  Suffolk,  1693-1708.  R.  of  Brettenham, 
1708-18.  Buried  there  Oct.  31,  1718.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Ralph  (1683-4). 

WELSTEAD,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  i, 
1667.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1667;  Scholar,  1668; 
B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Fellow,  1673.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1676.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  21;  priest,  May  24,  1676. 
Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Dolben.  Preb.  of  York,  1684-94. 
R.  of  Abington,  Northants.,  1685-92.  V.  of  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle,  1693.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Stavely, 
lawyer  and  antiquary.  Died  Nov.  13,  1694.  Buried  at 
Newcastle.  Father  of  the  next.  (Al.  Westmon.,  164;  Al. 

WELSTEAD,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  12,  1707.  S.  of  Leonard  (above),  V.  01  Abington, 
Northants.  Bapt.  there  June  3,  1688.  School,  Westminster. 
Clerk  in  the  Secretary  of  State's  Office,  and  subsequently 
in  the  Ordnance  Office,  1725-47.  Married  (i)  a  daughter  of 
Henry  PurceU,  the  musician;  (2)  Anna  Maria,  sister  of 
Admiral  Sir  Hovenden  Walker.  A  friend  of  Steele.  Now 
best  known  through  his  quarrel  with  Pope.  Poet;  translated 
Lcmginus  on  the  Sublime.  Died  Aug.  1747.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
(D.N.B.;  Al.  Westmon.,  249.) 

WELSTEAD,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  9, 
1683-4.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Uxbridge,  Middlesex.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1683-4;  Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1687-8; 
M.A.  1691.  Fellow,  1690.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23, 1692. 
Reader  of  Charterhouse,  1692.  Died  Jan.  4,  1726.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Henry  (1673-4).  (Al.  Carthus.;  Musgrave.) 

WELSTEAD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1588;  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595.  Probably  matric.  (Magdalen 
College,  Oxford)  July  2,  1585,  age  15;  of  Somerset,  pleb. 
R.  of  Bloxworth,  Dorset,  1597-1651.  Died  Nov.  10,  1651, 
aged  79.  Buried  at  Bloxworth.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1652. 
(Hulckins,  I.  182.) 

WELT  or  WELLET, .   Incorp.  1491. 

WELT,  — .  B.A.  1501-2. 

WELTDEN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1732. 
Previously  matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  26, 
1729,  age  16.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Thomby,  Northants.,  gent. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  19,  1712-3.  B.A.  1733-4;  M.A.  i737. 
"Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1744;  of  Bedford,  M.D.,  formerly 
of  Thomby,  Northants.   (Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WELTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1636.  Matric. 
1637;  B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1642, 
age  24;  'C.  of  Ilketshall  St  Laurence,  Suffolk';  priest,  Mar. 
22,  1642-3.   Preacher  of  Ilketshall  St  Andrew,  1644-85. 

WELTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Mar.  3, 
1687-8.  S.  of  Thomas,  druggist,  of  Woodbridge,  Suffolk. 
B.  at  Framlingham.  School,  Woodbridge.  Matric.  1688; 
Scholar,  1688-95;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1695;  D.D.  1708. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  19,  1695.  R.  of  St  Mary's, 
Whitechapel,  London,  1697-1715-  V.  of  East  Ham,  Essex, 
1710-5,  deprived  as  a  non-juror.  Had  strong  Jacobite 
sympathies  and  regarded  the  Whig  divines  as  apostates. 

Wendy,  Thomas 

Caused  White  Kennett  to  be  represented  as  Judas  in  a  new 
altar-piece  placed  in  the  church  at  Whitechapel,  1713- 
Opened  a  non-juring  chapel  in  Whitechapel,  1715.  Received 
episcopal  consecration  from  Ralph  Tayler,  D.D.,  a  non- 
juring  bishop,  in  1722  (see  N.  andQ.,  5th  S.,  xii.  222). 
Went  to  America  and  became  minister  of  Christ  Church, 
Philadelphia,  1724;  performed  episcopal  functions.  Sum- 
moned by  Royal  writ  to  return  to  England,  Jan.  1725-6. 
Embarked  for  Lisbon,  Jan.  1725-6.  Married  Temperance 
Goodwyn.  Author,  Sermons.  Died  at  Lisbon,  July  22,  1726. 
Buried  there.   {Venn,  i.  484;  D.N.B.;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 

WEMSTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  19, 
1665.  S.  of  .Andrew,  husbandman,  of  Haigh,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Wigan  (Mr  Feilding).  Matric.  1665. 
WEMYS,  LEWIS  [LUDOWICK].  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Queens', 
Apr.  29,  1615.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  Sir  James,  of  Bogie,  Fife 
(M.A.  of  St  Andrews).  B.D.  1621;  D.D.  1624  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1645.  Fellow  of  Queens',  by  Royal  Man- 
date, 1618-24.  V.  of  Gedney,  Lines.,  1622.  Preb.  of  West- 
minster, 1631.  R.  of  Finmore,  Oxon.,  1632.  R.  of  Wheat- 
hampstead,  Herts.,  1639-42.  R.  of  Lamboume,  Essex, 
1642-3,  sequestered.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Holbom, 
London,  Oct.  15,  1659.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Shaw,  i.  311;  The  Scots 
Peerage,  viii.  495.) 
WEMYS  or  WEMES,  PATRICK.  M.A.  1624  (Incorp.  from  St 
Andrews).  C.  of  Rufforth,  Yorks.,  in  1628.  Minister  at 
Pattiswick,  Essex,  in  1646;  there  in  1650.  Licence  to  marry 
Catherine  Tate,  of  Rufforth,  1628. 
WEEMES.  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  17, 
1656.  2nd  s.  of  George,  yeoman.  B.  at  Trimdon,  Durham. 
School,  Durham  (Mr  Smyth).  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60; 
M.A.  1663.  Migrated  to  Sidney,  May  26,  1665.  Ord.  deacon 
[?  priest]  (Durham)  July  13,  1662.  Perhaps  V.  of  Whitting- 
ham,  Northumberland,  1666-97;  married  there  to  Isabella 
Brandling,  Oct.  i8,  1672.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WENBURNE,  .   Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  18,  1648. 

One  John  Wenbum  was  ejected  from  Parham,  Suffolk, 
WENDON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Michael  House, 
Michs.  1546;  Scholar,  1548;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1550-1; 
M.A.  1554.  Fellowof  Trinity,  1552.  LL.D.  (from  some  foreign 
university).  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July  7,  1560.  V.  of  Minster, 
Isle  of  Thanet,  1557.  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk,  1559-75-  R-  ot 
Witnesham,  Suffolk,  1560-77.  Canon  of  Norwich,  1561-70, 
ejected  for  not  being  in  orders.  Adm.  advocate  of  the  Court 
of  Arches,  Oct.  4,  1567.  Went  to  Louvain,  c.  i575i  and 
ultimately  to  Rome.  Occurs  in  a  list  of  fugitives  for  religion, 
Jan.  20,  1576-7.  Ord.  (R.C.)  1578;  '  Lincolniensis.'  {Cooper, 
1-  384-) 
WENDEN,  WALTER.    Probably  Fellow  of  Clare,  1327.   {Coll. 

Hist.,  2.) 
WENDOVER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  16,  1553.  Of  Bedford.  Matric.  1553;  B.A. 
1557-8  (1st  in  the  ordo).  Fellow,  1556-60.  'Secretary  to 
Lady  Lennox.'  {Harwood.) 
WENDY  or  WENDIE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
1595-6.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (1555),  of  Haslingfield,  Cambs. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  21,  1597.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1605.  Of  Wolston,  Warws.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Nicholas  Wentworth,  of  Lillingstone,  Oxon.,  Feb.  19,  1610. 
Died  before  Nov.  14,  1635.  Brother  of  William  (1579-80) 
and  perhaps  of  Thomas  (1599),  father  of  the  next.  {Cambs. 
Vis.,  1 619;  Peile,  i.  22;  W.  L.  Rutton,  Wentworth  Family, 
WENDY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1634.  (Previously  at  St  Catharine's.)  Of  Cambridgeshire. 
2nd  s.  of  Francis  (above).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  14, 
1635  (as  s.  of  Francis,  late  of  Wolston,  Warws.,  deceased). 
Died  unmarried  1646.  (Le  Neve,  Knights,  17.) 
WENDY,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  14, 
1688.  S.  of  James,  butcher.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School, 
Cambridge  (private).  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1692-3;  M..A..  1696. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1696;  priest  (London) 
Dec.  19,  1697.  Chaplain  to  the  East  India  Company,  at 
Fort  St  George,  1697-1707.  V.  of  Barkway,  Herts.,  1718-27- 
R.  of  Reed,  1718-27.  V.  of  .\bbots  Anne,  Hants.,  1727- 
WENDY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1518-9.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Clare, 
Suffolk.  M.A.  1522;  M.D.  1526-7  (Incorp.  from  Ferrara). 
Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  1519-24.  Ph^•siciaIl  to  Henry 
Vlll,  Edward  VI,  Mary,  and  Elizabeth.  Had  a  grant  of  the 
manor  and  rectory  of  Haslingfield.  Cambs.  from  Henry  VIII, 
June  12,  1541.  One  of  the  Commissioners  to  visit  the 
University  in  1546  and  1559.  F.R.C.P.,  1551-  M.P.  for 
St  Albans,  1554;  for  Cambs.,  1555.  A  friend  of  Dr  John 
Caius.  Died  May  11,  isfio.  Buried  at  Haslingfield.  Cambs. 
M.I.  Will  (P.C.C).  Benefactor  to  Gonville  Hall.  {Venn,  i. 
24;  Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575,  1619;  D.N.B.) 


Wendy,  Thomas 

WENDY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1555. 
Of  HaslinRfield  and  Barrington,  Cambs.  S.  of  John  Wendy, 
of  Clare,  Suffolk  (and  nephew  of  Thomas  (above),  court- 
physician).  Scholar,  1557-8.  Sherifi  of  Cambs.  and  Hunts., 
i573>  1585  and  1602.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Atkins,  of  Gloucestershire.  Buried  at  Haslingfield,  Sept.  i, 
1612.  M.I.  there,  erected  by  his  son.  Sir  William  (?  1579-80). 
Father  of  William  (1579-80),  Francis  (1595-6)  and  perhaps 
of  the  next.  {Cambs.  Vis.;  Churches  of  Cambs.,  106;  Peile,  1. 

WENDY,  THOMAS.  Scholarof  Trinity,  Easter,  1590.  Perhaps 
3rd  s.  of  Thomas  (above).  Probably  M.A.  1615  (on  King's 
visit).  Perhaps  brother  of  Francis  (1595-6)  and  WiUiam 
(1579-80).  (Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575  and  1619.) 

WENDY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Lent, 
1705-6.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.  1688.  B.A.  from  King's, 
1709-10;  Scholar  of  Jesus,  1710-2;  M.A.  1713.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1711;  priest.  May  30,  1713.  Conduct 
of  King's.  Chaplain  to  the  East  India  Company,  1719-28, 
at  Fort  St  George.  V.  of  Fulham,  Middlesex,  1730-3.  Married 
Frances  Johnson,  Oct.  1724.  (Penney,  Fort  St  George, 

WENDY,  TITUS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Mar.  30,  1698. 
Matric.pens.  July,  1697.  LL.B.  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Apr.  26;  priest,  May  30,  1708.  V.  of  Stebbing,  Essex,  1712- 
48.   R.  of  Reed,  Herts.,  1727-48.  Died  1748.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WENDY,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi,  1379. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  1377.  V.  of  Grantchester,  Cambs.,  1380-4. 
R.  of  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  1380.   {Masters.) 

WENDY  or  WENDAY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
King's,  Lent,  1579-80.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas  (1555),  of 
Haslingfield,  Cambs.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  4,  1589; 
of  Cambridgeshire.  Knighted,  July  15,  i6i8.  Sherifi  of 
Cambridge  and  Huntingdon.  Married  Blanche,  dau.  of  Sir 
Henry  Coningsby,  of  North  Mimms,  Herts.  Buried  at 
Hashngfield,  Sept.  6,  1623.  Brother  of  Francis  (1595-6)  and 
probably  of  Thomas  (1599).  {Vis.  of  Cambs.;  Le  Neve, 
Knights,  17.) 



WENLOCKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1615.  Probably  's.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Langham,  Essex, 
gent.,  deceased.'  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  1616. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1623.  Married  a  sister  of  Sir  John  Dalton, 
of  Cambridgeshire.  A  great  sufferer  for  his  loyalty  to  King 
Charles.  Author,  The  humble  declaration  of  John  Wenlock, 
Esq.,  of  Langham,  Essex;  published  with  some  poems,  1662. 
(Morant,  11.  242.) 

WENMAN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  June  27,  1717. 
S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  London.  School,  Eton.  Matric. 
(Oxford)  Mar.  6,  1708-9,  age  17;  B.A.  (Merton  College, 
Oxford)  1712-3;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1717.  R.  of  Kingsley, 
Staffs.,  1717.   (Venn,  11.  7;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WENMAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  12, 
1705-6.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Yarmouth,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Norwich.  Schools,  Norwich  (private)  and  Yarmouth. 
Matric.  1705-6.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Mar.  4,  1706-7.  Scholar, 
1707-10;  B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  23,  171 1 ;  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  i,  1712-3;  'C.  of 
Thurston.'  Perhaps  schoolmaster  at  Yelverton.  Probably 
V.  of  Frisby,  Leics.,  1722-55;  R.  of  Sutton  St  Anne's,  Notts. 
Died  Aug.  6,  1755,  aged  67.  M.I.  at  Frisby.  (Venn,  1.  515; 
Nichols,  III.  262.) 

WENNAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Morehall,  Sussex,  gent.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  May  8,  1598.  Married  Joane,  dau.  of  John 
Elfred,  of  Sussex.   (Vis.  of  Sussex;  Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

WENHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  18,  1645. 
Of  Sussex.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Ninfield,  and  probably 
grandson  of  John  (above).  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1649.  Prob- 
ably adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  11,  1649.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chichester)  July  20;  priest,  July  31,  1660.  V.  of  Hailsham, 
Sussex,  1660-1701.  Buried  there  July  4,  1701.  (W.  C. 
Renshaw;  Vis.  of  Sussex.) 

WENNAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  14, 
1572.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Saffron  Walden,  Essex.  School, 
Saffron  Walden.  Matric.  1572;  B.A.  1575-6,  from  Pembroke; 
M.A.  1579.  V.  of  Finching&eld,  Essex,  1584-1605.  Died 
1605.   Will,  P.C.C.   (Venn,  1.  71.) 

WENHAM  or  WENMAN,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1587  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  Of  Gloucestershire,  Esq.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  Jan.  17,  1583-4,  age  18;  B.A.  (Balliol  College, 
Oxford)  1587;  M.A.  1590-1.  Supp.  for  B.D.,  Apr.  20,  1597. 
Public  Orator  (Oxford)  1594-7.   (Al.  Oxon.) 


Wentworth,  Godfrey 

WENNINGTON,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May, 

1579.   Of  Westmorland.   Migrated  to  Trinity.  B.A.  1583-4; 

M.A.  1587.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Aug.  13,  1587. 

Probably  father  of  the  next.   (Peile,  i.  153.) 
WENNINGTON,    EDWARD.     Matric.    sizar    from    Christ's, 

Easter,  1614.   Probably  s.  of  Edward  (above).  B.A.  1617-8; 

M.A.  1621.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1619;  priest,  Sept. 

1621.  V.  of  Aysgarth,  Yorks.,  1627-67.  (Peile,  i.  2g8.) 


WENSLEY,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1582; 
Scholar,  1586. 

WENSLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  31, 
1662.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Walsoken,  Norfolk. 
School,  Wisbech,  Cambs.  (Mr  Feisne).  Matric.  1662;  B.A. 
1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  24;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1670.  V.  of  Cheshunt, 
Herts.,  1672-89.  Chaplain  to  James,  Earl  of  Shrewsbury. 
Died  1689.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1671).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Clutter- 
buck,  II.  112.) 

WENSLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  13, 
1727.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter.  B.  at  Walsoken,  Norfolk.  School, 
Wisbech  (Mr  Carter).  Scholar,  1727;  Matric.  1728.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1733-4-   (Peile,  11.  214.) 

WENSLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  27,  1671.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Walsoken,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1671;  B..\.  1674-5; 
M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  26,  1678;  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1683.   Brother  of  Robert  (1662). 

WENSLEY, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  July  or  Aug.  1685. 

WENSELAGH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall, 
July  4,  1429;  B.A.  1432.   Left,  1445-6. 

WENSLOW  or  WENCELAGH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's 
(age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1467.  Of  York  diocese.  S.  of 
John,  of  Brandesburton.  B.Civ.L.  1477-8.  Ord.  sub-deacon 
(Elv)  Dec.  23,  1475;  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  9,  1475-6.  R.  of 
Kir'kby  Wiske,  1482.  V.  of  Hunmanby,  1488-91.  R.  of 
Folkton,  1489-97.   (Surtees  Sac,  liii.  190.) 

WENTFORD  or  WENTFORTH,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1544. 

WENTFORD  or  WENFORD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com. 
from  Clare,  c.  1596. 

WENTFORTH,  T.   B.A.  1490-1. 

WENFORD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1562;  Scholar,  1562;  B.A.  1565-6,  Wentford.  Fellow,  1566. 

WENTEFORD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 

WENTT, .  Canonicus.  B.Can.L.  1514-5. 

WENTWORTH,  ALBLASTER.  Adm.  scholar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Mar.  24,  1584-5.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  gent,  (and 
Jane,  dau.  of  Edmund  Alblaster,  of  Tendring,  Essex). 
B.  1568.  School,  Wethersfleld,  Essex  (Mr  Rogers).  Matric. 
pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Lent,  1584-5-  Perhaps  brother 
of  Edward  (1595).    (Venn,  i.  124;  Essex  Arch.  Soc,  N.S., 

III.  221.) 

WENTWORTH,  DARCY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,, Easter, 
1611.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (?  1573),  of  North  Elmsall,  Yorks., 
Esq.  B.  1592.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  9,  1612.  Gentle- 
man usher  of  the  Black  Rod  to  Earl  Strafford,  Lord-Lieuten- 
ant of  Ireland.  J.P.  for  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire,  in 
1655,  and  Commissioner  for  sewers.  Of  Brodsworth,  Esq. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Warren,  of  Poynton, 
Cheshire,  Knt.  Died  s.p.,  Feb.  20,  1667.  Buried  at  South 
Kirkby.  M.I.  Will,  York.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Vis.  of 
Yorks. ,1612, 1665;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Genealogist,!^ .S., XIX.  I77-) 
WENTWORTH,  EDWARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's, 
July,  1581.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  John,  of  Gt  Horkesley, 
and  of  Gosfield,  Essex.  Of  Gosfield,  Esq.  Died  1591.  Buried 
at  Gosfield.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1583).  (Peile,  1.  163; 
Essex  Arch.  Soc,  N.S.,  in.  221.) 
WENTWORTH,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Caius,  Apr.  9,  i595- 
S.  of  Henry,  gent.  School,  St  Olave's  (?  St  Tuh),  London. 
Afterwards  at  Trinity.  Perhaps  brother  of  Alblaster  (1584-5). 
(Venn,  1.  155.) 
WENTWORTH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1552.  Possibly  4th  s.  of  Sir  Nicholas,  of  Codham  Hall, 
Essex,  Knt.  His  father  intended  him  to  become  a  priest, 
but  evidence  that  he  did  so  is  lacking.  (W.  L.  Rutton, 
Wentworth  Earn.,  303.) 
WENTWORTH,  GERVASE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1548.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Wentworth,  Yorks. 
Scholar,  1548;  B.A.  1553-4.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 
(1548).  (Baker,  Northants.,  i.  35;  Hunter,  11.  88.) 
WENTWORTH,  GODFREY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  July  21,  1722.  S.  of  Godfrey,  gent.,  of  WooUey  and 
Brodsworth,  Yorks.  B.  Oct.  17,  1704,  at  Brodsworth,  near 


Wentworth,  Henry 

Doncaster.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1723.  M.P.  for 
York,  1741-7.  J. P.  for  Yorkshire.  Lord  Mayor  of  York, 
1759-  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Lionel  Pilkington,  Bart., 
Mar.  4,  1727-8.  Died  Jan.  i8,  1789,  aged  84.  Buried  at 
Hicklcton.  M.I.  (ScoU-Mayor,  iii.  356;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
XX.  260;  Hunter,  11.  388.) 
WENTWORTH,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1550.  Possibly  2ud  s.  of  Thomas,  ist  Baron  of  Nettlestead, 
Suffolk.  If  so,  of  Blakenham,  Suffolk.  Married  Elizabeth 
Glemham.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas.  (Rutton,  Wentworth 

WENTWORTH,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1583.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Little  Horkesley,  Esse.x. 
Counsellor-at-law.  Died  Jan.  i,  16x3-4,  in  St  Sepulchre's 
parish,  London.  M.I.  at  Maldon,  Essex.  {Essex  Arch.  Soc, 
N.S.,  III.  221;  W.  L.  Rutton,  Wentworth  Family,  194,  303.) 

WENTWORTH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  14, 
1619.  Perhaps  's.  of  Edward,  of  Booking,  Essex,  Esq., 
deceased';  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  14,  1620.  (Essex 
Arch.  Soc,  N.S.,  iii.  221.) 

WENTWORTH,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  lo,  1659. 
4th  s.  of  Hugh,  of  South  Elmsall,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Aug.  i, 
i642,at  Whitkirk.  Matric.  1659;  B. A.  1662-3;  Scholar,  1663; 
M.A.  i666.  Fellow,  1666-81.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1672.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  c.  Nov.  1664;  priest,  1667.  V.  of  Whittlesford, 
Cambs.,  1674-80.  R.  of  Tankersley,  Yorks.,  1678-1715. 
Died  1715.   (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  456;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's, 
Mar.  1588;  B.A.  1591-2.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Apr.  13,  1592;  'of  Suffolk.'  Probably  the  founder  of  the 
Hebrew  Lectureship.  Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1619.  Possibly 
identical  with  Sir  John  Wentworth,  of  Somerleyton,  Suffolk. 
If  so,  s.  of  John,  of  Darsham.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir 
Stephen  Somers,  of  London.  Died  1652.  (Peile,  i.  192,  230; 
W.  L.  Rutton,  304.) 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's, 
1598-9-  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Gosfield,  Essex, 
Esq.  (and  Cicely,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Unton,  of  Wadley, 
Gloucs.,  Knt.).  B.  c.  1583.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  24, 
1596-7.  Knighted,  Apr.  22,  1603.  Created  Bart.,  June  29, 
161  r.  Gentleman  of  the  Bedchamber  to  Henry,  Prince  of 
Wales.  Succeeded  his  father,  Feb.  10,  1613-4;  alienated 
the  family  estate  at  Gosfield,  1622.  Married  Catherine,  dau. 
of  Sir  Moyle  Finch,  Bart.  Died  s.p.m.s.,  Oct.  3,  1631. 
[G.E.C,  I.  43;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  W.  L.  Rutton,  168.) 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1612.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Wentworth  Wood- 
house,  Yorks.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1612.  Died 
unmarried.  Buried  1625,  at  Wentworth.  Probably  brother 
of  William  (1609)  and  Thomas  (1609).   {Hunter,  n.  88.) 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1621.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Fellow,  1626. 
Probably  5th  s.  of  Michael  (1580).  B.  1606.  If  so,  lawyer. 
D.C.L.  (Oxford)  1642-3.  Secretary  to  Edward,  Lord 
Lyttleton;  secretary  to  his  cousin,  Lord  Strafford,  1647. 
Succeeded  his  brother  Sir  George  at  Woolley,  in  1660. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Arthur  Aldburgh,  of  Aldburgh, 
Yorks.  DiedFeb.  22, 1682-3.  Doubtless  brother  of  Matthew 
(1619),  etc.,  and  father  of  Michael  (1670).  {Genealogist,  N.S., 
XX.  288;  Hunter,  11.  388.) 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630. 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  27,  1640.  S.  of  George,  Esq.,  of  Bretton,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Worrall).  Matric.  1640.  Of 
Bretton  and  Towthomfield,  Derbs.,  Esq.  Married  Susan, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Eyre,  of  Towthomfield.  Buried  at  Silkstone, 
Apr.  16,  1657.  (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  u.  244;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
XVII.  i86,) 

WENTWORTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  27, 
1 661.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1636),  late  of  Elmsall,  Yorks., 
Esq.,  deceased  (and  Agnes,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Bellingham, 
of  Levens,  Westmorland,  Bart.).  B.  in  Westmorland. 
Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 
July  3,  1663,  age  18.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  31,  1664-5. 
Knighted,  May  8,  1667.  Of  North  Elmsall.  Married  Cathe- 
rine, dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Norcliffc,  of  Langton.  Died  June  4, 
1671,  aged  26.  M.I.  at  South  Kirkby.  [His  nephew  John 
was  created  Bart.,  1692.]  {Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Hunter,  11.  454.) 

WENTWORTH,  LIONEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WENTWORTH,  MATTHEW.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Michs.  1619.    Probably  4th  s.  of  Michael  (next).   Captain  of 

Wentworth,  Thomas 

a  troop  of  horse.  Died  1647.  Will  dated  Dec.  4,  1646; 
proved  (London)  June  10,  1651.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake.  Doubtless  brother  of  Michael  (1618) 
and  John  (1621).   (Genealogist,  xx.  257.) 

WENTWORTH,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
Oct.  20,  1580.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Mendham  Priory, 
Suffolk,  and  afterwards  of  Armley,  Yorks.  (and  Susan,  dau. 
of  Christopher  Hopton,  of  Armley).  School,  Leeds  (Mr  Har- 
grave).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  8,  1583.  A  popish  re- 
cusant; frequently  fined.  Purchased  Woolley,  in  1599. 
Married  Frances,  dau.  of  George  Downes,  of  Pawnton, 
Herefordshire.  Died  1641,  age  93  (sic).  Probably  father 
of  the  next,  of  Matthew  (above)  and  of  John  11621).    (Venn. 

I.  108;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WENTWORTH,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's. 
Michs.  1618.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Michael  (above),  of  Woolley, 
Yorks.  B.  1597.  Died  unmarried,  Sept.  19,  1659.  Buried 
at  Woolley.  Probably  brother  of  Matthew  (above)  and 
of  John  (1621).  One  of  these  names  4th  s.  of  William,  of 
Wentworth.  Bapt.  there  Aug.  3,  1600.  In  the  army  in  1623. 
(Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  90,  388;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665; 
Genealogist,  N.S.,  xx.  257.) 

WENTWORTH,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Oct.  18,  1639.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  George,  Knt.,  of 
Woolley,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Worrall). 
Matric.  1640.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  16,  1640-1.  Married 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  William  St  Quintin,  of  Harpham, 
Yorks.,  Bart.  Died  s.p.  and  v.p.,  Aug.  9,  1658.  Buried  at 
WooUey.  (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  u.  388;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xx. 

WENTWORTH,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at 
St  John's,  Apr.  25,  1670.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1621),  of 
Woolley,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.  at  York.  School,  Wakefield. 
Commanded  a  regiment  of  militia  in  1680;  Lieut. -Colonel, 
1688.  Knighted  July  5,  1681.  Succeeded  his  father  at 
Woolley,  Feb.  1682-3.  M.P.  for  Aldborough,  1685-96. 
Of  Woolley.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Godfrey  Copley, 
of  Spotborough,  Nov.  18,  1673.  Buried  Sept.  13,  1696,  at 
Woolley.  Father  of  William  (1691-2).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  16^$; 
Le  Neve,  Knts.,  354;  Burke,  L.G.;  Hunter,  11.  388.) 

WENTWORTH,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1560.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Henry,  of  Gosfield, 
and  of  Mountnessing,  Essex.  R.  of  Abberton,  Essex,  1578- 
91.  R.  of  Gt  Bromley,  1581-99.  R.  of  Gestingthorpe,  1582- 
99.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Darcy.  Died  1599.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(Essex  Arch.  Soc,  N.S.,  iii.  22.) 

WENTWORTH,  PETER.  B.A.  1623  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Northamptonshire,  Esq.  S.  of  Thomas,  Recorder  of  Oxford 
(and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Keble,  of  Newbottle,  North- 
ants.).  B.  r6oi.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  13, 
1617-8,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1621;  M.A.  1624;  B.D.  1631; 
D.D.  1633.  Fellow  of  Balliol  CoUege,  Oxford.  R.  of  Rise- 
holme,  Lines.,  1633-7.  Dean  of  Armagh,  1637-41;  fled  to 
England  on  the  outbreak  of  the  rebellion  in  Ulster.  Arch- 
deacon of  Carlisle,  c  1645.  Minister  of  Buriton,  Hants.,  in 
1658.  R.  of  Gt  Haseley,  O.xon.,  1660.  Died  at  Bath,  July  22, 
1661.  Buried  in  the  Abbey  Church.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  W.  L.  Rutton,  Wentworth  Family.) 

WENTWORTH,  PHILIP.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs. 
1582.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Cotton,  Suffolk,'  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  25,  1594. 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1476-7.  S.  of  'Dominus' 
de  la  Roose  (doubtless  Roger,  of  Nettlestead,  Suffolk,  who 
married  Marjery  Despenser,  widow  of  John  Lord  Roos). 
R.  of  Barrow,  Suffolk,  1474.  Perhaps  V.  of  Duxford,  Cambs. 
DiedSept.  21,  1489.  M.I.  at  Duxford  (brass).  (W.  L.  Rutton, 
Wentivorth  Family.) 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  Of  St  John's.  S.  of  Thomas,  Lord 
Wentworth,  of  Nettlestead,  Suffolk.  B.  1525.  M.P.  for 
Suffolk,  1547-51.  Joined  the  expedition  to  Scotland,  and 
fought  at  Musselburgh,  1547.  Knighted  Sept.  28,  1547. 
Succeeded  as  2nd  Baron,  Mar.  3,  1550-1.  P.C.  Lord- 
Deputy  of  Calais,  1553-8,  when  the  town  was  captured  by 
the  French.  Tried  for  the  surrender,  but  acquitted,  1559. 
Lord-Lieutenant  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  1570.  Married 
(i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Wentworth,  of  Gosfield,  Essex; 
(2)  Anne  (or  Agnes),  dau.  of  Henry  Wentworth,  of  Mount- 
nessing. Died  Jan.  13,  1583-4,  at  Stepney,  Middlesex. 
Admon.,  Jan.  18,  1583-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1550). 
(Cooper,  I.  484;  G.E.C;  Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  iv.~34o, 
whcredateof  death  is  wrongly  given;  D.S.U.;  W.  L.  Rutton, 
Wentworth  Family.) 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 

Easter,  1548.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Wentworth 
Woodhouse,  Yorks.  Sheriff  of  Yorks..  1582.  Married  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  William  Gascoign,  of  Gawthorpe,  Esq.  Died 
Feb.  14,  1587.  Probably  brother  of  Gervase  ( 1 54S).  (Hunter, 

II.  89.) 


Wentworth,  Thomas 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  8)  at  Peter- 
house,  Oct.  5,  1566.   Matric.  1566. 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1573.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  North  Ehnsall,  Yorks. 
If  so,  married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Godericke,  of 
Ribston,  Yorks.;  J. P.  of  West  Riding,  Yorks.,  1632.  Buried 
at  South  Kirkby,  Jan.  22,  1632-3.  Perhaps  father  of  Darcy 
(1611).   {Genealogist,  N.S.,  xiv.  177.) 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1609.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  Bart.,  of  Wentworth- 
Woodhouse,  Yorks.  (eind  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Atkins 
(?  Atkinson),  of  Stowell,  Gloucs.).  B.  Apr.  13,  1593.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1607.  Knighted  Dec.  6,  1611. 
M.P.  for  York,  1614;  for  Yorkshire,  1621-2,  1625  and  1628; 
for  Pontefract,  1624.  Custos  Rot.  for  West  Riding,  Yorkshire, 
1615-26.  Engaged  in  a  feud  with  Sir  John  Savile,  1617. 
Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1625-6.  Opposed  war  with  Spain  and 
showed  hostility  to  Puritanism.  Showed  firmness  and 
moderation  in  opposing  the  Crown.  Passively  accepted  the 
Petition  of  Right,  1628.  Created  Baron  Wentworth  of 
Wentworth-Woodhouse,  July  22,  1628;  Viscount,  Dec.  13, 
1628,  and  subsequently  Baron  Raby  and  Earl  of  Strafford, 
Jan.  12,  1639-40.  President  of  the  Council  of  the  North, 
1628.  P.C,  1629.  Used  fine  and  imprisonment  by  the  Star 
Chamber  to  break  down  opposition  of  the  northern  gentry. 
Lord-Deputy  of  Ireland,  1632;  set  himself  to  establish  the 
Royal  authority  with  a  complete  disregard  of  private 
interests.  Suppressed  piracy  in  St  George's  Channel;  en- 
couraged the  linen  industry;  compelled  restitution  by 
nobility  of  embezzled  church  property,  forcing  acceptance 
by  the  clergy  of  the  English  Thirty-nine  Articles.  Com- 
pelled packed  juries  to  declare  all  Connaught  Crown  property. 
Advocated  the  invasion  of  Scotland  to  crush  covenanters 
and  to  enforce  adoption  of  English  liturgy,  1638.  Became, 
informally,  Charles  I's  chief  adviser,  Sept.  1639.  Lord- 
Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  1640.  K.G.,  1640.  Assented  to  the 
dissolution  of  the  Short  Parliament,  1640;  urged  collection 
of  funds  by  force  and  immediate  invasion  of  Scotland. 
Took  command  of  the  King's  forces  in  Yorkshire,  1640. 
Urged  Charles  I  to  send  Parliamentary  leaders  to  the  Tower 
of  London.  Impeached  by  the  Commons  and  sent  to  the 
Tower,  1640.  Bill  of  attainder  against  him  passed  by  the 
Commons,  Apr.  21;  by  the  Lords,  May  8,  and  assented  to 
by  the  King,  May  8,  1641.  Married  three  wives.  Executed 
on  Tower  Hill,  May  12,  1641.  Buried  at  Wentworth-Wood- 
house. Brother  of  William  (1609)  and  probably  of  John 
(1612).   (G.E.C.\D.N.B.) 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St 
John's,  July  3,  1636.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Knt.,  of 
ElmsaU,  in  South  Kirkby,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Elmsall 
(MrBurdett).  Matric.  1636.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  19, 
1637.  Of  ElmsaU,  Esq.  Married  Agnes,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry 
BeUingham,  of  Levens,  Westmorland,  Knt.  Died  May  10, 
1653,  age  33.  Biiried  at  South  Kirkby.  M.I.  Father  of 
John  (1661).  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  O.E.C.,  iv.  160;  Hunter, 
II.  454-) 

WENTWORTH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at 
St  John's,  May  15,  1707.  S.  of  the  Hon.  Thomas  (Watson), 
of  Wentworth-Woodhouse,  Yorks.  (and  grandson  of  Edward, 
Lord  Rockingham).  B.  Nov.  13,  1693,  at  Tidmington, 
Worcs.  Matric.  1707-8;  M.A.  1708.  K.B.,  1728.  Created 
Baron  Malton,  May  28,  1728.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  the  West 
Riding  of  Yorkshire,  1733.  Created  Viscount  Higham,  and 
Earl  of  Malton,  Nov.  19,  1734,  and  Marquis  of  Rockingham, 
Apr.  19,  1746.  Married  Lady  Mary  Finch,  dau.  of  the  Earl 
of  Winchelsea,  Sept.  22,  1716.  Died  at  Wentworth  House, 
Dec.  14,  1750.  Buried  in  York  Minster.  {G.E.C.;  Hunter,  11. 
91;  Scott-Mayor,  u.  81,  where  he  is  confused  with  the  Earl 
of  Strafford.) 

WENTWORTH,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1576. 
Perhaps  WiUiam;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  11,  1576 
(specially  admitted). 

WENTWORTH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1571.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  16, 
1578-9;  of  Yorkshire;  late  of  Fumival's  Inn. 

WENTWORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1599- 
1600.  Possibly  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Barrow,  and  of  Alford, 
Lines.  Bapt.  June  8,  1584,  at  Lincoln.  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A. 
1607.  Possibly  of  Alford,  Lines.  If  so,  married  there  to 
Susanna  Carter,  Nov.  28,  1614.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1063.) 

WENTWORTH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1609.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  WiUiam,  of  Wentworth-Wood- 
house, Yorks.,  Bart.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1608. 
Barrister,  1620.  Of  Ashby  Puerorum,  Lines.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Thomas  Savile,  of  Hasledon  Hall,  Wakefield, 
Yorks.  KiUed  at  Marston  Moor,  July  3,  1644.  Buried  at 
Poppleton.  WiU  (York)  1644.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1609) 
and  perhaps  of  John  (1612).   (M.  H.  Peacock;  Baker,  1.  35.) 

West,  Edmund 

WENTWORTH,    WILLIAM.     Licensed    to   practise   medicine, 

WENTWORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

Sept.  1,  1636.    S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Kirkby,  Yorks.    B. 

there.    School,   Wakefield.    Matric.   1637.    Captain  in  the 

Royalist  army.     Died   1660.     (Wakefield  Grammar  School, 

WENTWORTH,    WILLIAM.     Adm.    FeU.-Com.    at    King's, 

1691-2.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Michael  (1670),  of  WooUey, 

Yorks.,  Knt.    Bapt.  there,  Aug.  19,   1675.    Succeeded  his 

father,  at  Woolley,  Sept.  13,  1696.   Married  Catherine,  dau. 

of  Charles  Turner,  of  Kirk  Leatham,  Yorks.  Dieds.^.,  June  3, 

1729.  Buried  at  WooUey.   (Burke,  L.G.;  Hunger,  11.  388.) 
WENTWORTH,  .    B.A.  1487-8.    Perhaps  Richard,  V.  of 

Gamlingay,  Cambs.,  1490-1506. 
WENTWORTH   or  WENWORTH,   .    Matric.   pens,   from 

Christ's,  May,  1544. 
WENTWORTH,    'DOMINUS.'     M.A.     1612    (nob.).     Possibly 

Thomas  (1609)  whom  see. 

WENYNGAME, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1496-7. 

WERGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  ig)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1746.  S.  of  Richard,  V.  of  Hartlepool,  Durham.  B.  Mar.  11, 
1727-8,  at  Hartlepool.  School,  Croglin,  Cumberland  (Mr 
Noble).  Matric.  1746;  B..\.  1749-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Rochester) 
Aor.  1,  1750;  'C.  of  Stamford,  Lines.';  priest  (Durham) 
Feb.  1750-1.  C.  of  Stamford,  Lines.  Author,  Collection  of 
Original  Poems,  Essays  and  Epistles.  (Scott-Mayor,  in. 

WERITH,  EDMUND.  Scholar  (age  9)  of  Clare,  Jan.  12,  1497-8. 

WERLEY,  ARTHUR.   B.A.  1518-9. 

WERLYNGWORTH,  ADAM  DE.  Scholar  of  King's;  appointed 
V.  of  Harlow,  Essex,  1345.   (Patent  Rolls.) 

WERSDALE  or  WARYSDALE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1512-3;  M.A. 
1516;  B.D.  1523-4.  FeUow  of  St  John's,  1516. 

WESCO,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 

WESENHAM,  JOHN  DE.  University  BedeU,  c.  1360.  Stationer 
of  the  University  in  1361.  His  seal  is  attached  to  a  docu- 
ment, preserved  in  the  Bursary  at  Corpus  Christi,  recording 
the  transference  of  a  messuage  situate  in  Gt  St  Mary's 
parish,  Cambridge,  to  him,  his  wife  Alice,  and  Joan,  his 
daughter;  dated  Sept.  16,  1390.  Perhaps  the  V.  of  Swaffham 
Prior,  Cambs.,  who  exchanged  for  Shingay  in  1385.  For 
further  interesting  facts  concerning  him  and  his  family  see 
H.  P.  Stokes,  Esquire  Bedells. 


WESSEL,  LEONARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1722.  S.  of  Leonard,  of  Tadworth-in-Banstead,  Surrey. 
B.  Sept.  21,  1703,  at  Banstead.  Matric.  Easter,  1723.  Died 
of  consumption.  Mar.  1,  1724.   (Harwood,  310.) 

WEST,  BARNEHAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  14, 
1632-3.  S.  of  Thomas  (?c.  1595),  attomey-at-law,  of  Don- 
caster,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  19,  1616.  School,  Doncaster 
(Mr  Meeres).  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1641.  A  Commonwealth  minister 
at  KUwarlin,  Co.  Down,  in  1657.  R.  of  Aston,  Yorks., 
1665-90.  Died  1690.  Brother  of  Robert  (1635-6).  (PeiU, 
I.  425;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Hunter,  i.  301;  E.  E.  West.) 

WEST,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  2,  1656.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1656;  Scholar,  1657;  B.A.  1659-60; 
M.A.  1663.  FeUow,  1661.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  1662. 
WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1663. 

WEST,  CHARLES.  B.A.  1527-8. 

WEST,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1719.  S.  of  Charles,  chemist.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1720;  Scholar,  1720;  B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726;  M.D.  1728 
(Com.  Reg.). 

WEST,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  scholar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Jan. 
21,  1603-4.  S.  of  Christopher,  husbandman,  of  Halton-in- 
Cra%'en,  Yorks.  Schools,  Halton  and  Lynn.  B.A.  1607-S; 
M.A.  1611.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1609;  priest. 
Mar.  8,  1611-2.  C.  of  Beccles,  Norfolk,  1609.  C.  of  Aldeby, 
1614.  R.  of  WiUingham  All  Saints',  Suffolk,  1618.  R.  of 
EUough,  1618;  there  in  1650.  Father  of  Thomas  (1637). 
(Venn,  i.  183.) 

WEST,  CHRISTOPHER.  M.A.  1614  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Devon,  gent.  Matric.  (BaUiol  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  22, 
1602,  age  17;  B..A.  (Oxford)  1606;  M..A..  1609.  (Al.  Oxon., 
where  he  is  confused  with  Christopher  (above).) 

WEST,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1538-9.  Of  Lincolnshire.  M.A.  1542. 
FeUow  of  Pembroke,  1540.  Steward  to  Bishop  Ridley,  of 
London.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1551-4.  R.  of  Fulham,  Middle- 
sex, 1552-4.  Died  1554.  (Cooper,  i.  118.) 


West,  Edmund 

WEST,  EDMUND.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Oct.  5,  1646. 
Of  Norfolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Marsworth,  Bucks, 
(and  Aune  Beake,  of  Castle  Acre,  Norfolk).  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1645-6.  Barrister,  1653.  Bencher,  1667. 
Serjeant-at-law,  i68o.  Of  Marsworth,  Bucks.  Died  Feb. 
1681-2,  aged  51.  (Vis.  of  Bucks.,  1634;  Le  Neve,  Mon., 

WEST,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1722.  S.  of  Richard 
(1664),  of  Creaton,  Northants.,  clerk.  Matric.  (Merton 
College,  O.xford)  Dec.  10,  1697,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1702. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9,  priest.  Mar.  27.  1706-7.  C.  of 
Arthingworth,  Northants.,  1707.  R.  of  Graffham,  Sussex, 
in  1721.  R.  of  Bignor,  1721-33.  Brother  of  Richard  (1687). 
(H.  X.  Longden;  Canterbury  Act  Book,  where  date  of  death 
is  ^vrong;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WEST,  HENRY.   B.A.  1454-5. 

WEST,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1548. 

WEST,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1582;  B.A. 
1585-6.  Perhaps  V.  of  Stalisfield,  Kent,  1597-1629.  Died 
Jan.  2,  1629. 

WEST,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1633;  B.A. 
1636-7;  M.A.  1640. 

WEST,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1498. 
Of  Wells,  Somerset.  B.A.  1502-3;  M.A.  1506.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  16,  1509-10;  of  Wells  diocese.  V.  of  Ring- 
wood,  Hants.  Buried  there.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1544;  to  be 
buried  at  St  Mary  de  Stall,  Bath.   (J.  Venn.) 

WEST,  JOHN.  B.A.  1500-x. 

WEST,  JOHN.    B.A.  1508-9;  M.A.  1512;  B.D.  1513-4;  D.D. 

1516-7.   Fellow  of  St  John's,  151 1. 
WEST,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,   Michs.   1569; 

B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1572-3;  M.A.  1579.    Incorp.  at 

O-xford,  1586.    V.  of  Cholsey,  Berks.,  1581.    Will  (Archd. 

Berks.)  1606. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs.  1571. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1595.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  c.  1595.  B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  July  22,  1599.  R.  of  Illington, 
Norfolk,  1604-24.   R.  of  Thetford  St  Peter,  1617-24. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1598-9.  Perhaps 
s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Berwick,  Northumberland,  deceased. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  i,  1597.  If  so,  of  the 
King's  Privy  Chamber  and  a  Deputy  Remembrancer  of  the 
Exchequer.  Died  1638.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Peile,  I.  231;  E.  E. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1608. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1611-2:  M.A.  1615. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1613;  B..A. 
1617;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21,  1617; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  26, 1622.  Doubtless  R.  of  Langton,  near 
Homcastle,  Lines.,  1622.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1654.  Father  of 
Willoughby  (1650). 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  i6i8 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1619.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  William  (1586),  of  Firbeck, 
Yorks.,  Esq.;  age  7  in  1612.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  i, 
1619.  Of  Firbeck,  Esq.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Christopher 
Hodgson,  of  Beeston,  Leeds,  1627.  Died  s.p.,  June  7,  1659. 
Buried  at  Firbeck.  M.I.   {Hunter,  i.  301.) 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1621; 
Scholar,  1625;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Fellow,  1627. 
Junior  Bursar,  1640-3.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Eaton 
Bray,  Beds.  (College  living),  1640.  But  see  also  the  next 
two  men. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1626;  B.A. 
1630-1.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  26,  1631-2. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 
Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  9,  1639. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1649. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1653.  Of  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  i66o. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  28,  1673-4. 
S.  and  h.  of  John,  baker.  B.  at  Eynesbury,  Hunts.  Schools, 
St  Neots  (Jo.  Michel)  and  Islington,  Middlesex  (Jo.  Matthews), 
London.   Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1683. 
B.  at  Binfield,  Berks.  Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1687-8.  Fellow, 
1687.  Died  of  small-pox,  1687.  {Harwood,  268.) 

West,  Richard 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  3,  1730.  B.  at 
Wisbech,  Isle  of  Ely.  Matric.  1730;  B.A.  from  Magdalene, 
1733-4;  M.A.  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1734; 
priest,  Sept.  19,  1736.  V.  of  Sutton,  Isle  of  Ely,  1743-75. 
V.  of  Mepal,  1743-75.  Died  Apr.  1775.   (G.  Mag.) 

WEST,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  9,  1731.  Of  Middle- 
sex. Probably  s.  of  Richard  (1687),  D.D.,  clerk,  deceased. 
B.  Dec.  25,  1713,  in  Westminster.  Rustat  Scholar,  1731. 
Migrated  to  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  Jan.  1731-2. 
Died  at  Cambridge  of  small-pox,  Apr.  7,  1732,  aged  20. 
{Harwood,  323.) 

WEST,  LEWIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sr  John's,  Easter,  1623. 
3rd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Hunshelf,  Yorks.  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A. 
1630.  Preb.  of  Carlisle,  1636-67.  V.  of  Addingham,  Cumber- 
land, 1636-46  and  1661-7.  V.  of  Woolley,  Yorks.,  1651-67. 
V.  of  Gt  Salkeld,  1660-7.  Archdeacon  of  Carlisle,  1660-7. 
Married  Francis,  dau.  of  Richard  Marsh,  D.D.,  Dean  of 
York.  Died  1667.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Tobias  (1665). 
(Hunter,  .S.  Yorks.,  11.  357;  B.  Nightingale;  G.  B.  Routledge; 
E.  E.  West.) 

WEST,  LEWIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's,  Apr.  23, 
1672.  S.  of  Lewis  (above),  deceased,  V.  of  Woolley,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Kendall.  Matric.  1672.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  June  28,  1672.  Barrister,  1679.  Bencher,  1706.  Married 
and  had  issue.  Died  Oct.  29,  1718,  aged  63.  Buried  at 
St  Mary's,  Castlegate,  York.  Brother  of  Tobias  (1665). 
(M.  H.  Peacock;  Hunter,  11.  35.) 

WEST,  LEWIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  i, 

1705.  S.  of  Tobias  (1665),  V.  of  Grinton,  Yorks.  School, 
Threshfield  (Mr  Marshall).  Matric.  1705.  Migrated  to 
Oxford.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  12,  1707-8, 
age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1709.  Preb.  of  Inver,  M.A.,  and  of 
Raphoe,  1724.  Died  1746.   {Al.  Oxnn.;  E.  E.  West.) 

WEST,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1675;  LL.B.  from  Peterhouse,  1681. 

WEST,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1483. 
S.  of  John,  baker,  of  Putney,  Surrey.  B.  1461.  B.A.  1486-7; 
M.A.  1490.  Fellow,  till  1498.  LL.D.  before  1501  (according 
to  Cooper).  R.  of  Eaglescliffe,  Durham,  1499-1515.  Arch- 
deacon of  Derby,  1486-1515.  V.  of  Kingston,  Surrey,  1502. 
R.  of  Witney,  Oxon.,  1502.  Treasurer  of  Chichester,  1507-15. 
Dean  of  Windsor,  1509-15.  Bishop  of  Ely,  1515-33.  Chap- 
lain to  Queen  Catherine  and  a  zealous  advocate  for  her  in 
the  affair  of  the  divorce.  Employed  in  many  embassies 
abroad.  Built  a  chapel  at  the  east  end  of  the  south  aisle  of 
Putney  Church.  Lived  in  magnificent  style;  said  to  have 
kept  one  hundred  servants.  Died  Apr.  6,  1533.  Buried  in 
Ely  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C).  Benefactor  to  King's. 
{Harwood;  Cooper,  i.  46;  D.N.B.;  Musgrave.) 

WEST,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  I534"5;  M.A.  1537-8. 

WEST,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Lent,  1580-1. 

WEST,  RALPH.   'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1333. 

WEST,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1615;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1619; 
priest,  Dec.  12,  1621.  R.  of  Irby,  Lines.,  1622.  Buried  there 
Aug.  15,  1667.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WEST,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1525;  B.D.  I532-3. 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1526-39.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  6; 
priest,  Apr.  20,  1527.  One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  R.  of  West 
Horsley,  Surrey,  1582-8;  died  1588.   (A.  Gray.) 

WEST,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

WEST,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1587-8.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1592-  V.  of  Thorpe, 
Lines.,  1593-1600.  Probably  P.C.  of  Raithby,  c.  1604. 
V.  of  Burgh-in-the-Marsh,  Lines.,  1605.  Author,  Court  of 
Conscience,  a  satire,  etc.  Will  (Lincoln)  1645-6.  Probably 
father  of  Thomas  (1620).   {Cooper,  11.  479;  D.N.B.) 

WEST,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1641  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  4th  s.  of 
Thomas,  of  Northampton,  clerk  (sir).  Bapt.  Oct.  6,  1614, 
at  Hardingstone.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Feb.  15, 
1632-3,  age  18;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1636;"  M.A.  1639.  Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  166.0.  R.  of 
Shillington,  Dorset,  c.  1647-90.  Canon  of  Wells,  1664. 
R.  of  Durweston,  Dorset,  1664-90.  Chaplain  extraordinary 
to  the  King.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thom.is  Bettcsworth,  of 
Winchester.  Died  May  22,  1690,  aged  76.  Buried  at  Shilling- 
ton.  M.I.  (.4/.  Oioti.;  F.  S.  Hockaday;  Wtt/c/iiMS,  III.  446.) 

WEST,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1664.  2nd  s.  of 
Thomas,  junior,  of  Gotten  End,  Hardingstone,  Northants. 
Bapt.  July  13, 1634,  at  Hardingstone.  Matric.  (St  Mary  Hall, 
Oxford)  Oct.  29,  1657;  B..\.  (Oxford)  1660.  K.  of  Creaton 
Magna,  Northants.,   1663-86.    R.  of  Arthing^vorth,   1686- 

1706.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Pykc,  V.  of 
Nuneaton,  Aug.  24, 1663,  at  Nuneaton.  Died  Mar.  12, 1706-7, 
aged  73.  Buried  at  Arthingworth.  M.I.  Brother  of  William 
(1667),  father  of  the  next  and  of  Edward  (1722).  {Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  I.  Longden;  E,  E.  West.) 


West,  Richard 

WEST,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1687.  S.of  Richard  (above),  clerk.  B.at  Creaton,  Northants. 
School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1688.  Migrated  to  Oxford. 
Matric.  (Merton  College,  O.Kford)  Mar.  22,  1688-9,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1691;  M.A.  1694.  Fellow  of  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford,  1697-1708;  D.D.  (Lambeth)  1708.  Chaplain  to 
Bishop  Burnet.  V.  of  Inglesham,  Berks.,  1702.  Canon  of 
Winchester,  1706-16.  Archdeacon  of  Berks.,  1710-6.  R.  of 
East  Hendred,  1713.  Died  Dec.  2,  1716.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
Probably  father  of  John  (1731),  brother  of  Edward  (1722). 
{Al.  Oxon.;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WEST,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  28, 
1707.  S.  of  Philip,  husbandman.  B.  at  Southwell,  Notts. 
School,  Southwell  (Mr  Benson).  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  171 1;  priest,  1715. 

WEST,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1547. 
B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  Migrated  to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1555; 
B.A.  1557-8;  M.A.  1561;  B.D.  1568;  D.D.  1586-7.  Fellow 
of  Trinity,  1560.  Vice-Master,  1569-77.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  25,  1563.  age  24;  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  23,  1566-7. 
University  preacher,  1565.  V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs., 
1566-71.  R.  of  Fakenham,  Norfolk,  1570-1610.  R.  of  Gt 
Snoring,  1580-1610.  Died  June  24,  1610,  aged  73.  M.I.  at 
Gt  Snoring.   Will,  P.C.C.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.) 

WEST,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1586. 
Of  Lincolnshire. 

WEST,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  Feb.  17,  1635-6.  S.  of 
Thomas  (c.  1595),  attorney,  of  Doncaster,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
there,  Mar.  10,  1617-8.  School,  Doncaster  (Mr  Mears). 
Migrated  to  Christ's,  .^pr.  21,  1639,  age  21.  B.A.  1639-40; 
M.A.  1646.  V.  of  Howden  (?  Rothwell),  Yorks.,  1662-3. 
Died  Mar.  4,  1662-3.  Buried  at  Rothwell.  Brother  of 
Bameham  (1632-3).  (Peile,  1.  459;  H.  M.  Wood;  Hunter, 
I.  301.) 

WEST,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1639.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648. 
Fellow,  1647.  Senior  Bursar,  1653-6.  One  of  these  names 
minister  of  Hail-Weston,  Hunts.,  in  1649. 

WEST,  SENIOR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  3, 
1678-9.  S.  of  Willoughby  (1650),  of  Kirkby,  Lines.  School, 
Cambridge  (Mr  George  Griffith).  Matric.  1679;  Scholar, 
i68i;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  5, 
1686.  V.  of  East  Kirkby,  Lines.,  1686-1720.  R.  of  Menings- 
by,  1686-1720. 

WEST,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1587; 
B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1594.  Ord.  deacon  (Col- 
chester, for  London)  June  23;  priest,  June  29,  1600.  R.  of 
Barcombe,  Sussex,  1613-22.  Will  (Lewes)  1622.  (W.  C. 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Proctor,  1541-2.  No  such  graduate  found 
at  Cambridge:  can  he  be  the  M.A.  1528  of  Oxford? 

WEST,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1575-6;  M.A.  1579 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Oct.  16;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1577,  age  26 
Perhaps  R.  of  Colton,  Norfolk,  1586-9,  and  V.  of  Honing 
ham;  probably  also  R.  of  Rising,  1591. 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1578 
B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1586.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  29,  1591.  R.  of  St  Mary,  Lincoln,  1591-1627 
R.  of  Covenham  St  Bartholomew,  1610-27.  Licence  (Lin 
coin)  June  13,  1622,  age  60,  to  marry  Elizabeth  Leonard 
of  Saltfleetby  All  Saints',  widow,  age  60.  Will  (Lincoln)  1627 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  10,  1595 
Perhaps  s.of  William,  of  Rotherham  and  of  Firbeck,  Yorks 
Matric.  c.  1595.  Probably  attorney  of  Doncaster.  Married 
Susan,  dau.  of  Richard  Baxter  (?  Baker),  of  Gt  Munden 
Herts.  Died  1647.  Doubtless  brother  of  W.  (1586),  father  01 
Bameham  (1632-3)  and  Robert  (1635-6).  (Hunter,  i.  301 
Blore,  102.) 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  23,  1619;  'of 
St  John's;  literate.' 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  May  17,  1620. 
S.  of  Richard  (?  1587-8),  clerk,  P.C.  of  Raithby,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Louth.  Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A. 
1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1624;  priest,  Sept.  25, 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  1,  1637. 
S.  of  Christopher  (1603-4),  clerk.  B.  at  Ellough,  Suffolk. 
School,  Beccles  (Mr  Neave).  Scholar,  1639-42;  B.A.  1641-2. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1643;  'C.  of  Mutford.' 
Referred  to  the  Assembly  of  Divines,  July  7,  1647;  appointed 
R.  of  South  Ormsby,  Lines.,  1647.  Perhaps  ord.  priest 
(Bishop  of  Galloway)  Mar.  5,  1 661-2,  and  C.  of  Halstead, 
Essex,  in  1664.   (Venn,  i.  326.) 

WEST,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  30,  1733. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Aug.  13,  1737;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1739.  Perhaps 
Master  of  Halifax  Gra.aimar  School,  1747. 

Westbury,  James 

WEST,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  17, 
1665.  S.  of  Lewis  (1623),  clerk,  of  Woolley,  near  Barnsley, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1665;  B.A. 
1668-9;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  19,  1670-1; 
priest  (London)  Sept.  24,  1671.  V.  of  Grinton,  Yorks., 
1673-1717.  Buried  there  June  3,  1717.  Brother  of  Lewis 
(1672)  and  father  of  Lewis  (1705). 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1586.  Doubtless  of  Firbeck  and  Rotherham,  Yorks.  S.  of 
William,  of  Rotherham,  Yorks.  B.  1571.  Of  Rotherham  and 
Firbeck,  Esq.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Darcy. 
Living  at  Rotherham,  1632.  Doubtless  brother  of  Thomas 
(1595)  and  father  of  John  (1619).  (Hunter,  i.  301;  Genealogist, 
N.S.,  xxiii.  100.) 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.  1590;  B.A. 
1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb. 
24,  1599-1600. 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  (age  12)  from  King's,  c.  1598 

WEST,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  ■ 
1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb. 
22;  priest,  Feb.  23,  1623-4. 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1631.  S.  of 
Elizabeth  West,  widow.  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse. 
Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Fellow,  1633. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1642.  (Al.  Carthus., 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pembroke  (age  17),  Dec. 
16,  1634.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1634-5;  B.A. 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June  28, 
1661.  S.  of  William,  of  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Louth.  Matric. 
1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1670.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb. 
Mar.  3,  1666-7;  priest,  June  2,  1667. 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1667.  4th  s.  of 
Thomas,  of  Gotten  End,  Hardingstone,  Northants.  Bapt. 
there,  Aug.  19,  1639.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  11,  1660;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1663.  R.  of  Slapton,  Northants., 
1669-77.  R.  and  V.  of  Preston  Capes,  1677-98.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Bagshaw,  of  Marston  Pinkeney, 
Northants.,  Esq.,  Nov.  3,  1670.  Buried  Jan.  17,  1698-9, 
at  Preston  Capes.  Will  (."^rchd.  Northants.)  1698-g.  Brother 
of  Richard  (1664).  (Scott- Mayor;  Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  I^ongden.) 

WEST,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  14,  1680. 
Of  Wiltshire.   Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4. 

WEST,  WILLOUGHBY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  18,  1650. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1613),  of  Langton- 
next-Homcastle.  Matric.  1650;  Scholar,  1651;  B.A.  1653-4; 
M.A.  1657.  Fellow,  1656.  R.  of  Langton-next-Horncastle, 
Lines.,  and  R.  of  Kirkby-on-Bain,  1673.  Married  Ester 
Kitchingman,  spinster,  of  Cambridge,  Aug.  20,  i66i.  Father 
of  Senior  (1678-9).  (Lambeth  Act  Book;  T.  C.  Dale;  E.  E. 

WEST,  WILLOUGHBY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Mar.  1710. 

WEST, .  B.A.  1475-6. 

WEST,  .   B.Civ.L.  1482-3.    Possibly  Robert  West,  LL.B.; 

V.  of  Nocton,  Lines.,  1492-1506;  died  1506.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WEST, .   B.A.  1513-4. 

WESTALL,    ALEXANDER.     Matric.    sizar   from   St    John's, 

Michs.  1582:  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1585-6.   Ord.  priest 

(Norwich)  Nov.  27,  1586.   R.  of  Shropham,  Norfolk,  1587. 
WESTALL,  GERVASE.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

1579-80.   Probably  of  Grelbrooke,  Yorks. 
WESTELL,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WESTALL,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

1577-8;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(Peterb.)    Mar.    5,    1586-7.     V.   of   Stamford,    Northants., 

1597-1603.     V.   of   Burton    Pedwardine,   Lines.,    1603-18. 

Died  1618.  Will,  Lincoln. 
WESTBROOKE,  DURBAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  2,  1694. 

Of  London.    S.  of  Stephen,  of  Coleman  Street,   London. 

B.  Oct.  19,  1678.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Scholar,  1695; 

Matric.   1696;  B.A.   1697-8;  M.A.  1701.    Fellow,   1702-17. 

Perhaps  adra.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  12,  1694-5;  s.  and 

h.  of  John  (sic),  of  London.  Died  1717.  Will,  P.C.C. 

WESTBROOKE, .   Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1630. 

WESTBROOME,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1629.  Of  Essex.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Mar.  1631-2. 
B.A.  1632-3.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  Aug.  1634. 

WESTBURY,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  7,  1692.   Of  Wiltshire.   Matric.  1694. 

WESTBY,  see  also  WESTOBY. 


Westby,  George 

WESTBY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  22,  1649. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Ravenfield,  near 
Rotherham,  Esq.  B.  1632.  Matric.  1649.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  June  30,  1651.  Of  Ravenfield,  Esq.  Married  Benedicta, 
dau.  of  Joseph  Drake,  of  Hull,  Mar.  2,  1654-5.  Died  Jan. 
29,  1685,  aged  52.  Buried  at  Ravenfield.  M.I.  (F.M.G., 
529;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Genealngist,  N.S.,  xiii.  263.) 

WESTBY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1531-2;  M.A.  1535.  Probably  President 
of  Michael  House,  till  1539.  Buried  in  St  Michael's  Church, 
Cambridge,  Oct.  11,  1539.   {Cole,  5883,  193.) 

WESTBYE,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Sr  John's,  c.  1596; 
B..^.  1598-9;  M.A.  1602,  Westoby. 

WESTBEE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  2,  1627. 
B.  in  St  Gregory's  parish,  Lxindon.  School,  Harrow. 

WESTBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  31, 
1682.  S.  of  Geora;e,  gent.,  deceased.  Bapt.  Feb.  18,  1663-4, 
at  Gilthwaite,  Yorks.  School,  Rotherham  (Mr  Ferrar). 
Matric.  1682.  Died  Dec.  21,  1684.  Buried  at  Rotherham. 
M.I.  (Kts.  of  Yorks.,  i666;  F.M.G.,  529;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
xni.  264.) 

WESTBY,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1518-9;  B.A.  (in  Gr.  Bk,  B.  11). 
Perhaps  R.  of  Gt  Creaton,  Northants.,  1523-6;  V.  of  ToUes- 
hunt  D'Arcy,  Essex,  1527-8,  and  R.  of  Debden,  1527-43. 
Died  1543.   (Bridges,  i.  563.) 

WESTBEE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1579.  Possibly  s.  of  Ralph,  of  Ravenfield,  Yorks.  If  so, 
died  s.p.,  c.  1634.   (M.  H.  Peacock;  Hunter,  i.  397.) 

WESTBY, .  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1520-31.   Mentioned 

in  the  will  of  John  Greene,  R.  of  Creaton,  Northants.,  Sept. 
26,  1522:  'to  Mr  Westbee,  scholar  of  Kyngs  Halle  at  Cam- 
bridge iii',  iiij''.'  Ses also iohn  (153 1-2)  and  Thomas,  B.Can.L. 

WESTCOMBE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  6, 
1621-2.  Of  Somerset.  Scholar,  1622-6.  Perhaps  B.A. 
1625-6.   Buried  in  St  Botolph's,  Cambridge,  Apr.  29,  1626. 

WESCOMB,  JAMES.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

WESTCOMBE,  MARTIN.    M.A.   1639  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 

A  monk,  of  the  University  of  Toulouse;  B.A.  (?  Toulouse). 

Incorp.    B.A.   at   Oxford,    1637-8;    M.A.    (Exeter  College, 

Oxford)  1638.   [Al.  Oxon.) 
WESTCOMB,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 

Michs.  1750.   Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Market  Street, 

Bedford.   Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  13,  1745. 
WESTCOMB,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  25, 

WESTCOTT,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Lent, 

1672,  Wescott;  B.A.  1674-5. 
WESTCOTT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  1590-1. 

B.  at  Eastwoodbury,  Essex,   1574.    Matric.  c.  1591.    Ord. 

deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  20,  1595.    Preacher,  1603. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Teigh,   Rutland,  1603-4.    V.  of  Stapleford, 

Herts.,  1604-26, 'B..\.'   Died  1626. 
WESTERDALE,  WILLIAM.    B.Can.L.   1500-1.    One  of  these 

names  abbot  of  Egglestone  Abbey,  Yorks.,  1495-1503. 

WESTERER,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1592. 

WESTERMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1611;  Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1615.  Master  of  St  Albans  Grammar  School,  Herts., 

WESTERMAN,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1609  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
B.A.  (Gloucester  HaU,  Oxford)  1587;  M.A.  (Oriel  College, 
0.xford)  1591;  B.D.  1602;  D.D.  (Oxford)  1614.  V.  of  Sand- 
ridge,  Herts.,  1592.  R.  of  Bushey,  1609-22.  Chaplain  to 
Dr  Abbot,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  Adm.  (specially)  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  June  13,  1619.  Author,  Sermons.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  July  23,  1622,  to  relict  Grace.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Clutter- 
buck,  I.  341;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WESTERMAN, .  Cautio  for  degree,  1524-5. 

WESTERN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  11, 
1669.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  London,  and  of 
Rivenhall,  Essex  (and  Martha,  dau.  of  Samuel  Gott,  of 
London,  and  of  Battle,  Sussex).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Nov.  12,  1670.  M.P.  for  Winchelsea,  1688-98.  Married 
Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  William  Finch,  of  London,  Aug.  1690. 
Died  Aug.  20,  1699.  Brother  of  William  (1682).  (Essex 
Reiiiew,  x ;  Berry,  Essex  Pedigrees,  747.) 

WESTERNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
Apr.  22,  1708.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  late  of  London, 
merchant,  and  nephew  of  Samuel  (above).  Matric.  1708. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  27,  1708,  and  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Mar.  27,  1710.  M.P.  for  Sudbury,  1715.  Succeeded  his 
cousin  James  Western  at  Rivenhall,  Essex,  1730.  A  friend 
of  William  Whiston  (i686)  the  astronomer.   Married  Mary, 

Westhaugh,  Thomas 

sister  and  co-heir  of  Sir  Richard  Shirley,  Bart.  Died  Apr.  i, 
1733-  Buried  at  Rivenhall,  Essex.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of 
the  next.   (Essex  Pedigrees,  747;  Essex  Review,  x.) 

WESTERN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Nov.  4, 
1731.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (above).  B.  in  London.  School, 
Hackney.  Of  Rivenhall,  Essex,  Esq.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Robert  Callis,  Esq.  Died  May  26,  1766  (?  1765),  aged  56. 
Buried  at  Rivenhall.  Ancestor  of  Baron  Western  of  Riven- 
hall.  (Essex  Pedigrees,  748.) 

WESTERNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
July  7,  1682.  Of  London.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
London,  and  of  Rivenhall,  Essex,  Esq.  Matric.  1684;  B.A. 
1687-8;  M.A.  1691.  Fellow,  1692.  Died  unmarried,  1706. 
Brother  of  Samuel  (1669). 

WESTFIELD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1 63 1. 

WESTFEILD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
June  26,  1661.  S.  of  Matthew  (1638),  of  Kettering,  Northants., 
chemist.  B.  at  Henlow,  Beds.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1664-5; 
M.A.  i668.  Fellow,  1667-1702,  resigned  as  a  non-j\iror. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1672.  Died  in  Cambridge,  Mar.  4,  1704. 
Buried  at  St  Mary's.  WiU  (V.C.C.)  1704.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Loder, 

WESTFIELD,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  3,  1677.  S.  of  Mark,  brick-maker.  B.  in  the  Isle  of 
Ely.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1694.  C.  of  Strcat- 
ham,  Cambs.,  1717. 

WESTFIELD,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1606.  S.  of  William.  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1610.  C.  of  Eaton,  Northants.,  1612;  of 
Market  Harborough,  Leics.,  in  1616.  R.  of  Thorpe  Malsor, 
Northants.,  1618-53.  Married  Elizabeth  Hensman  (?  Hench- 
man), of  Willingborough,  Lines.,  Sept.  23,  1616,  at  Gt 
Bowden.  Died  July  6,  1653,  at  Thorpe  Malsor.  Brother  of 
Michael  (1602)  and  Thomas  (1589),  father  of  the  next  and 
Thomas  (1634).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WESTFIELD,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  15,  1638. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  of  Matthew  (above),  of  Kettering, 
Northants.  Married  (first  wife)  Mary  Langford,  at  Eyworth, 
Beds.,  June  21,  1645.  Admon.,  July  .23,  1677,  to  Elizabeth, 
widow.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1634)  and  father  of  John  (1661). 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 

WESTFIELD,  MICHAEL.  B.A.  (?  1602-3).  M.A.  from  Jesus, 
1606.  S.  of  William.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611.  V.  of  Harston, 
Cambs.,  1607-11.  V.  of  Raunds,  Northants.,  1609-18.  R.  of 
Islip,  1618-47.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bate- 
man,  of  Thrapston,  Apr.  17,  1611.  Died  1647.  Will  dated, 
Oct.  9,  1647;  proved  (.'\rchd.  Northants.)  Nov.  1647.  Brother 
of  Matthew  (1606)  and  of  Thomas  (1589).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  I.  Longden.) 

WESTFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 

WESTFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1589.  S.  of  William.  B.  in  St  Mary's  parish,  Ely,  Cambs., 
1573-  School,  Ely  (Mr  Spight).  B'.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596; 
B.D.  1604;  D.D.  1615.  Fellow,  1599-1603.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1611,  and  again,  1644,  as  D.D.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  13,  1597.  R.  of  South  Somercotes, 
Lines.,  1600-5.  V.  of  Barton,  Cambs.,  1600-5.  First 
President  of  Sion  College.  R.  of  St  Bartholomew's,  Smith- 
field,  London,  1605-14.  [His  first  wife  .Ann  was  buried  there, 
Dec.  II,  1619;  his  second  wife  Elizabeth,  who  sur\-ived  him, 
was  buried  at  St  Botolph's,  Aldersgate,  Dec.  14,  1653.] 
Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1614-42.  R.  of  Homsey,  .Middlesex, 
1615-37.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  5,  1619.  Archdeacon 
of  St  Albans,  1631.  Bishop  of  Bristol,  1642-4.  Author, 
Sermon'!.  Died  June  25,  1644.  Buried  in  Bristol  Cathedral. 
M.I.  Brother  of  Matthew  (1606)  and  Michael  (1602-3). 
(D.N.B.:  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Al.  Oxon.;  A.  Gray.) 

WESTFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M..'^.  i6i6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  20,  1613-4;  priest  (London)  June  15,  1617,  age  24. 
Master  of  Wellingborough  School,  Northants.,  1614-6. 

WESTFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  20,  1634. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Matthew  (1606). 
Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1637;  B..A.  1637.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  10,  1638-9;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1639.  Brother  of  Matthew 

WESTFIELD,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1583. 
Perhaps  brother  ol  Thomas  (1580). 

WESTGATE,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1444-33. 

WESTHALL, .   D.D.  1468-9.   A  friar. 

WESTHAUGH,  THOMAS.  D.D.  Of  Norwich  diocese.  FeUow 
of  Pembrokk,  1432.  Prior  of  Syon  Monastery,  Middlesex. 
R.  of  All  Hallows-the-Great,  London,  1448-59.  An  early 
donor  to  the  University  Library. 



Westhawe,  Robert 

WESTHAWE,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1577;  B.A.  1580-1.   Author,  Almanacks  for  1595.   (Cooper,, 
II.  I79-) 
WESTHORPE,  AMBROSE.  B.A.  (?  1602-3).  S.  of  John.  Bapt. 
Aug.  20,  1581,  at  Hundon,  Suffolk.  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1606. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely);  priest  (London)  Sept.  23,  1610,  age  27. 
C.  of  Wakering,  Essex.    V.  of  Gt  Totham,  1616-c.  40,  se- 
questered.  Probably  died  1640,  at  Eye.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WESTHORPE,  GRIFFIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  3,   1708.    Of  Cambridgeshire.    School,  Charterhouse. 
Scholar,    1708;   Matric.   1709;   B.A.   1711-2.    Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  12,  1720.   (T.  A.  Walker,  220.) 
WESTHORPE,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  12,  1662. 
Of  Louth,  Lines.    Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6.    Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1667.    Probably  father  of  the 
WESTHORPE,  JAMES.   Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  3,  1701-2. 
Probably  s.  of  James  (above).    B.  at  Keddington,  Lines. 
Matric.  1702-3;  B..A.  1705-6.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept. 
22,  1706;  priest,  June  8,  1707.  R-  of  Little  Steeping,  Lines., 
WESTLAKE,  GEORGE.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1695;  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A.  1702.  Ord.  deacon  (Exeter)  May  31, 
1702;  priest,  Feb.  21,  1702-3.  R.  of  St  Paul,  Exeter,  Devon, 
1707.   R.  of  Little  Hempston,  1715.  Chaplain  to  Hon.  Hugh 
Boscawen.    Will   (Exeter)    1746.     (Lambeth  Act   Book,   v; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 
WESTLAKE,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  July  7, 
1632.   S.  of  Nicholas,  Esq.   B.  at  Ingerby,  Devon.   Schools, 
Hatherleigh  and  South  Tavistock.   Matric.  1632. 
WESTLAND,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1568.   Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1571,  from  Staple  Inn. 
WESTLAND,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  29,  1658.  Of 

WESTLAND,  JOSHUA.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  23,  1663.  S.  of  Joshua,  farmer,  of  Orby,  Lines.  B.  there. 
School,  Oakham  (Mr  Love).  Matric.  1663. 
WESTLEDD  or  WESTLYD,  HARPHAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16) 
at  Sidney,  May  11,  1633.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1607),  Esq., 
of  the  Nuns,  Grimsby.    Bapt.  there,  Oct.  4,  1615.    Matric. 
1633;  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  18,  1636-7;  LL.B.  1639. 
Living,  1654.   Brother  of  Phillips  (1633)  and  Thomas  (1641). 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1065.) 
WESLYD,  HARPHAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
May   10,   1716.    S.  of  Cyriac,  gent.    B.  at  Alford,  Lines. 
School,    Moulton.     Matric.    1716;   M.B.    1722.     Brother  of 
Phillipps  (1705). 
WESTLEDD,  PHILLIPS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May 
II,  1633.    S.  and  h.  of  William  (1607),  Esq.,  of  the  Nuns, 
Grimsby.    Bapt.  Oct.   20,    1614.     Matric.   1633.     Adm.   at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  21,  1635.   Married  Elizabeth  Skinner,  of 
Thornton  Curtis.  Buried  at  Grimsby,  Sept.  29,  1661.  Brother 
of  Harpham  (1633)  and  Thomas  (1641).    (Lines.  Pedigrees, 
WESLYD,  PHILLIPPS.    Adm.  pens,   (age   17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  7,   1705.    S.  of  Cyriac,  gent.    B.  at  Grimsby,  Lines. 
School,  Beverley.    Matric.  1705.    Perhaps  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Sept.  1706-July,  1707.  Brother  of  Harpham  (1716). 
WESLYD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,   at  Jesus,  July   19,   1641. 
Of  Lincolnshire.    S.  of  William  (next),  of  Bratoft,  Lines. 
Bapt.  at  Grimsby,  Nov.  24,  1622.    Matric.  1641;  Scholar, 
1641.  Living,  1654.  Brotherof  Phillips  (1633)  and  Harpham 
(1633).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1065.) 
WESTLID,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Sidney,  May  15, 
1607.  S.  of  William,  of  Bratoft,  Lines.  Of  Bratoft.   Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Philips,  and  granddaughter  of 
Walter  Harpham,  of  Marsh  Chapel.    Father  of  Harpham 
(1633),  Phillips  (1633)  and  Thomas  (above).  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 
1064;  Vis.  of  Lines.,  1592.) 
WESTLEY,  BENJAMIN.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1727.    S.  of  William.    Bapt.  at  St  Martin's,  Birmingham, 
Warws.,  May  30,  1711.   Matric.  Easter,  1728;  B.A.  1731-2; 
M.A.  1735.   Fellow,  1 73 1.   '  Under  some  disappointment  was 
the  unfortunate  instrument  of  his  own  destruction.'  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1716).   (Harwood,  318.) 
WESTLEY,  EDWARD.    Probably  of  Corpus  Christi.    V.  of 

Grantchester,  Cambs.,  1556.   (Masters.) 
WESTLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  24,  1573.    Of  London.    Matric.  1573.    Left  in 
1575,  then  a  Fellow.   (Harwood.) 
WESTLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  30,  1616. 

Matric.  1617.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
WESTLY,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1644.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1648.  Perhaps  minister 
of  Stanway,  Essex,  1645-53.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1654.    But  see 
Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary.    (H,  Smith.) 

Weston,  Edward 

WESTLEY,  JOHN.   M.A.  1654  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).   Student 

of  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  Apr.  23,  1651;  Scholar, /or.  Arte; 

M.A.  (Oxford)  1652.    One  of  these  names  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1657.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WESTLY,    RICHARD.    Adm.   pens,   (age   15)    at    Pembroke, 

July  6,  1635.    S.  of  Richard.    B.  at  Hempstead,  Essex. 

Matric.  1637. 
WESLYE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1566. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Wetherden,  Suffolk,  1571-1600. 
WESTLEY,  ROBERT.  Matric. pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1579; 

B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.   Probably  brother  of  William  (1579). 

WESTLEY,  ROURKE  (ROUKE).  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1621.  Matric.  1621.  Perhaps  brotherof  John  (1616). 

WESTLEY  or  WESLEY,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
1694.  S.  of  John,  V.  of  Winterboume-Whitchurch,  Dorset. 
Bapt.  there,  Dec.  17,  1662.  Schools,  Dorchester  (Mr  Henry 
Dolling),  Stepney,  London  (Edw.  Veal)  and  Newington 
Green  (Chas.  Morton).  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  18,  1684,  'age  18';  B.A.  (Oxford)  1688.  Ord.  deacon 
(Rochester)  Aug.  7,  1688;  priest  (London)  Feb.  24,  1688-9. 
Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1689.  R.  of  South  Ormesby,  Lines., 
1691.  R.  of  Epworth,  1695-1735  (Ws  rectory  troubled  by 
noises,  attributed  to  a  spirit).  R.  of  Wroot,  1722-35. 
Chaplain  to  John  Sheffield,  Marquis  of  Normanby.  Involved 
in  pecuniary  difficulties;  imprisoned  for  debt  in  Lincoln 
Castle  for  several  months,  1705.  Proctor  of  Lincoln  diocese, 
1701;  re-elected,  1710.  Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  Samuel 
•Anne.sley,  of  London,  and  a  leading  Nonconformist.  .Author, 
A  paraphrase  on  Job;  The  Life  of  Christ,  etc.  Published  much 
verse.  Died  Apr.  25,  1735.  Buried  at  Epworth.  M.I.  Father 
of  John  and  Charles  Wesley.  (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale;  JV.  and 
Q.,  3rd.  S.,  XII.  385;  Masters;  D.N.B.) 

WESTLEY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1518-9;  M.A.  1521.  Perhaps  R. 
of  Fersfield,  Norfolk,  1527-32,  and  R.  of  Little  Oakley, 
Essex,  1532-6.  Died  1536. 

WESTLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1573. 

WESTLEY,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1600-1;  B.A. 
1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Probably  matric.  (Magdalen  College, 
Oxford)  July  11,  1600,  age  15;  of  Warwickshire.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1608;  D.D.  (Oxford)  1611.  Fellow  of  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford,  1610-30.  R.  of  St  Clement's,  Oxford,  1610. 
R.  of  Gt  Chart,  Kent,  1629.  Canon  of  Canterbury,  1630-9. 
V.  of  Ticehurst,  Sussex,  1636-9.  Preacher  of  the  Savoy. 
Died  Apr.  1639.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  24,  1639.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Warms.,  1682;  Peile,  i.  234.) 

WESTLY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Jan.  28, 
1660-1.   Of  SuSolk.   Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1672. 

WESTLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1716.  Perhaps  s.  of  William.  B.  at  Birmingham,  vVanvs. 
Matric.  1716.  Died  in  College,  Feb.  1718,  from  an  accidental 
fall,  by  which  his  back  was  broken.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Benjamin  (1727).   (Harwood.) 

WESTLEY,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

1579.  Probably  brother  of  Robert  (i579). 
WESTMORE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1571. 
WESTMORLAND,  Earl  of,  see  FANE,  FRANCIS. 
WESTMORLAND,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  16, 

1686.   Of  Cumberland. 

WESTOBY,  see  also  WESTBY. 

WESTOBY,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 

WESTOBE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  e.  1594; 
B.A.  1598-9;  M.A.  1604.  Licensed  to  preach  (York)  Jan. 

WESTON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  4, 
1656.  S.  of  Andrew,  citizen  of  London.  B.  at  Mundham, 
Sussex.  School,  Chichester  (Geo.  Collins).  Matric.  1656; 
B.A.  1659-60.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  22, 
1661.  R.  of  Twinstead,  Essex,  1663-79.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary  namesake. 

WESTON,  EDMUND.  Pens,  at  Queens',  c.  1545.  Perhaps 
B.Can.L.  and  B.Civ.L.  (Oxford)  1532.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  London,  till  1539.  Preb.  of 
Westminster,  1541-4.  Perhaps  R.  of  Melton  Constable, 
Norfolk,  1564.  R.  of  Burgh  parva,  1564.  Preb.  of  Salisbury, 
1569-70.  Chancellor  of  Bishop  of  Chichester.  (Al.  Oxon.; 

WESTON,  EDMUND.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  20, 

1580.  S.  of  Edmund  (?  above),  of  Melton,  Norfolk.   School, 
Holt.  Scholar,  1583;  B.A.  1583-4.   (Venn,\.  10 f>.) 

WESTON,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1604-5;  M.A.  from 
Pembroke,  1608.   Perhaps  R.  of  Speldhurst,  Kent,  1609-38. 


Weston,  Edward 

(If  so,  s.  of  John,  of  Ockham  and  Send,  Surrey.)  Buried 
at  Speldhurst.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1641.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for 
contemporary  namesakes.  {Manning  and  Bray,  iii.  41.) 

WESTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  4, 
1676.  S.  of  Edward,  goldsmith,  of  London.  B.  near  Burnley, 
Lanes.  School,  Ratcliffe  (Mr  Roberts). 

WESTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Kino's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1719-  S.  of  Stephen  (1682),  Bishop  of  Exeter.  B.  1703,  at 
Eton.  Matric.  Easter,  1720;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727. 
Fellow,  1723.  Secretary  to  Lord  To^vnsend,  at  Hanover, 
in  1729.  Under-Secretary  of  State  to  I  ord  Harrington, 
1730  46,  and  1761-4.  Editor  oi  the  London  Gazette,  1741-70. 
Went  to  Ireland  as  Chief  Secretary  to  Harrington,  Lord- 
Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  1746-51.  P.C.  (Ireland).  LL.D. 
(Dublin),  honoris  causa.  Clerk  of  the  Signet.  Of  Somerby 
Hall,  Lines.  Married  (i)  Penelope,  dau.  of  Rev.  Symon 
Patrick,  of  Dalham,  Suffolk;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Foun- 
tayne,  of  Melton,  Yorks.  Author,  didactic.  Died  at  Buxton, 
Derbs.,  July  15,  1770.  Buried  at  Somerby,  Lines.  M.I. 
Will,  P.C.C.  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1066;  Harwood,  300; 

WESTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1569. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Burton  Overy,  Leics.,  till  1575. 
Buried  there  Nov.  7,  1575.  (Nichols,  n.  534.) 

WESTON,  HERBERT.  Matric.  pens,  (age  16)  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1619.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  of  London.  B.A.  1622-3. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1623. 

WESTON.  HUGH.  D.D.  1554-5  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.  c. 
1505,  at  Burton  Overy,  Leics.  B.A.  (Lincoln  College, 
Oxford)  1530;  M.A.  1532-3;  sup.  for  M.B.  1537;  B.D.  1539; 
D.D.  1540.  Proctor,  1537.  Rector  of  Lincoln  College,  Oxford, 
1538-55.  Lady  Margaret  Professor  of  Divinity,  1540-8, 
ejected.  R.  of  St  Nicholas  Olave,  London,  1541.  R.  of 
St  Botolph's,  Bishopsgate,  1543-58.  R.  of  Burton  Overy, 
Leics.,  1547.  Archdeacon  of  Cornwall,  1547-53;  of  Col- 
chester, 1553.  Dean  of  Westminster,  1553-6.  R.  of  Islip, 
Oxon.,  1554.  R.  of  Cliffe-at-Hoo,  Kent,  1554.  Dean  of 
Windsor  and  Wolverhampton,  1556;  deprived,  1557.  Pre- 
sided over  Cranmer's  trial  and  over  the  disputation  between 
Latimer  and  Richard  Smith,  1544.  Confessor  to  the  Duke 
of  Suffolk,  and  to  Sir  Thomas  Wyatt  at  their  execution. 
A  noted  preacher  and  orator.  Author,  Oratio  coram  Patribus 
et  Clero  habita.  Died  Dec.  8,  1558.  Buried  in  the  Savoy. 
Will  (P.C.C).   {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B. ;  Nichols,  11.  537.) 

WESTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  25, 
1624.  S.  of  Hugh,  probably  R.  of  Carlton  Curlieu,  Leics., 
1606.  B.  at  Carlton.  Schools,  Leicester  (Mr  Foule)  and 
Harborough.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Gt  Wymondley, 
Herts.,  1663-75.  Died  1675.  {Peile,  i.  358;  Nichols,  n. 

WESTON,  JEROME.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1623.  2nd  s.  of  Richard  (1593-4),  ist  Earl  of  Portland. 
B.  Dec.  16,  1605.  M.A.  1626  {jil.  nob.).  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  May  11,  1626.  M.P.  for  Gatton,  1628.  Ambassador 
to  Paris,  1630  and  1632;  to  Turin,  1632.  Governor  of  the 
Isle  of  Wight,  1633-44,  and  1660-1.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Earl, 
Mar.  13,  1634-5.  Vice-Admiral  of  Hants.,  1635  and  i66o-i. 
Joint  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Hants.,  1641-2;  displaced  by 
Parliament  and  imprisoned  on  suspicion  of  treason,  1643. 
Lord  President  of  Munster,  1644-60.  Compounded  for 
delinquency,  1646.  Sat  in  the  Convention  Parliament,  1660. 
Councillor  for  trade  and  for  the  Colonies,  i65o.  P.C,  1662. 
Married  Francis,  dau.  of  Esme  (Stuart),  Duke  of  Lennox, 
June  25,  1632.  Died  Mar.  17,  1662-3,  aged  57.  Buried  at 
Walton-on-Thames,  Surrey.  M.I.  Brother  of  Nicholas  (1629) 
and  Thomas  (1629)  and  half-brother  of  Richard  (1615). 
{G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 

WESTON  [DE  BESCAN  {sic)],  JOHN  DE.  Clerk  of  Cambridge, 
fl.  1272.  Associated  with  William  de  Bumham  [Bronhim 
(sic)],  de  Wellebrok  and  four  other  clerks  of  Cambridge  in 
a  proposed  attack  on  the  house  and  property  of  Stephen  de 
Hauxton,  at  Hauxton,  Cambs.  Went  with  De  Bumham  to 
the  Sheriff  and  informed  him  of  the  intended  robbery. 
Assisted  at  the  capture  of  the  conspirators  on  the  night  of 
the  attack.  An  enquiry  was  held  at  Cambridge  Castle,  Apr. 
1272.  {Assise  Roll,  85,  m.  i2d;  Records  of  Eyre  in  Cambs.; 
H.  M.  Cam.) 

WESTON,  JOHN.  M.A.  1580  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1572;  M.A.  1575.  R.  of  Wimbotsham,  Norfolk, 
1577-82.  V.  of  Stow  Bardolph,  1577-82.  R.  of  Snetterton, 
1578-82.  Died  1582.  {Al.  Oxon.,  where  the  Snetterton  living 
is  assigned  to  a  student  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  but  this 
is  improbable.) 

WESTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Sept.  28,  1698.  B.  at 
Saxby,  Leics.  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  23,  1703.  One  of  these  names  (s.  of  John) 
died  Sept.  28,  1736,  aged  55;  M.I.  at  Burton  Overy,  Leics. 
(Nichols,  II.  536.) 

Weston,  Stephen 

WESTON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  26,  1702.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  clerk.  B.  at  Empingham, 
Rutland.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Wright).  Matric.  1702; 
B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22, 
1706;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1707.  C  of  Normanton,  Rutland, 
1706.  Usher  of  Oakham  School,  till  1711.  R.  of  Normanton, 
1718-21.  V.  of  Empingham,  1718-35  and  1743-50.  V.  of 
Exton,  1721-30.  R.  of  Pickwell,  Leics.,  1729-34.  V.  of 
Campden,  Gloucs.,  1734-43.  ^-  "^f  Whitwell,  Rutland, 
1743-50.  Died  1750.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1750.  Father  of  WUliam 

WESTON,  NICHOLAS.  M.A.  1629  ( fiL  nob.).  Doubtless  3rd 
s.  of  Richard  {1593-4),  ist  Earl  of  Portland.  Bapt.  May  10, 
161 1,  at  Roxweli,  Essex.  M.P.  for  Portsmouth,  1640; 
voted  against  the  Bill  for  the  attainder  of  Lord  Strafford; 
expelled  from  the  House  for  surrendering  Portsmouth  to 
the  King,  1642.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  1656.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  Jan.  12,  1656-7,  to  a  creditor.  Brother  of  Jerome 
(1623),  Thomas  (1629)  and  half-brother  of  Richard  (1615). 
(R.  E.  C  Waters,  The  Chesters,  ioa-8.) 

WESTON,  REGINALD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1569.   Of  Kent.  B.A.  1572-3. 

WESTON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1593-4.  Doubtless 
s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Jerome,  of  Skreens,  Roxweli,  Essex.  Bapt. 
Mar.  I,  1576-7,  at  Chicheley,  Bucks.  Student  of  the  Middle 
Temple.  Knighted,  July  23,  1603.  M.P.  for  Maldon,  1601; 
for  Midhurst,  1604-10;  for  Essex,  1614;  for  Arundel,  1621; 
for  Callington,  1625;  for  Bodmin,  1626-8.  Joint  Comptroller 
of  the  Navy,  1619.  Sent  to  Brussels  and  Germany  on  a 
fruitless  mission  to  avert  the  invasion  of  the  Palatinate,  1620. 
P.C,  1621.  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer,  1621,  and  acting 
Treasurer,  1624.  Incurred  popular  hatred  as  a  suspected 
Roman  Catholic.  Opposed  war  with  Spain,  1623,  and  with 
France,  1626.  Created  Baron  Weston  of  Neyland,  Suffolk, 
Apr.  13,  1628.  Lord  High  Treasurer,  1628-33;  escaped 
impeachment  by  dissolution  of  Parliament,  1629.  Lord- 
Lieutenant  of  Essex,  1629.  K.G.,  1630.  Lord-Lieutenant 
of  Hants.,  1631.  Captain  of  the  Isle  of  Wight,  1631-3. 
Vice-Admiral  of  Hampshire,  1631.  Created  Earl  of  Portland, 
Feb.  17,  1632-3.  Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William 
Pincheon,  of  Writtle,  Essex;  (2)  Frances,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Waldegrave,  of  Borley,  Essex.  Died  Mar.  13,  1634-5. 
Buried  in  Winchester  Cathedral.  Doubtless  father  of  the 
next,  of  Jerome  (1623),  Nicholas  (1629)  and  Thomas  (1629). 
(G.E.C.;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

WESTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard  (above),  of  Skreens, 
Essex  (by  his  ist  wife,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Pincheon, 
of  Essex).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  16,  1617. 
Died  s.p.  and  v. p.  Half-brother  of  Jerome  (1623),  Nicholas 
(1629)  and  Thomas  (1629).  {R.  E.  C.  Waters,  99,  708; 
Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

WESTON,  RICHARD.   Adm.  [pens.]  at  Corpus  Christi,  Jan. 

20,  1639.  Of  Wales.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Hackney,  Middlesex. 
B.  1620.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Sept.  6,  1641.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  10,  1642.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1649.  Serjeant-at- 
law,  1677.  King's  Serjeant,  1678.  Knighted,  Feb.  27,  1678-9. 
Puisne  baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1680.  A  pleader  of  repute. 
Married  Francis,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Marwood,  of  Little 
Buskby,  Yorks.  Died  in  Chancery  Lane,  Mar.  23,  i68x. 
Buried  at  Hackney.   {D.N.B.;  A.  Gray.) 

WESTON,  ROBERT  DE.  Benefactor  to  Trinity  Hall.  R.  of 
Mareham-le-Fen,  Lines.  Will  proved  (Lincoln)  Feb.  14, 
1390-1;  left  a  book,  Johannis  in  CoUecluris  to  the  College 
library.   {Trin.  Hall  Coll.  Hist.,  55.) 

WESTON,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1577-8; 
B.A.  1581-2;  M..'^.  1585.  V.  of  Wormingford,  Essex,  1586- 
1608.  Died  1608.  Probably  buried  Nov.  27,  1608,  at  St 
Antholin's,  London;  'a  minister,  a  stranger.'  Will,  Cons. 
C  London.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WESTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  25,  1667. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  One  of  these  names  P.C.  of 
Weston-on-Trent,  Staffs.,  1670-7. 

WESTON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1682.  B.  Dec.  25,  1665,  at  Faml>orough,  Berks.  Matric. 
Easter,  1683;  B.A.  1686-7;  M.A.  1690.  Fellow,  1686.  B.D. 
and  D.D.  (Oxford)  1711.  Fellow  of  Eton  College,  1707. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  20,  1692.  Assistant  Master  at 
Eton,  c.  1690;  Vice-Provost,  1721-5.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  29;  priest,  Oct.  5,  1707.  Canon  of  Ely.  1715-7.  V.  of 
Maplcdurhara,  Oxon.,  1716.  R.  of  Calstock,  Cornwall,  1724. 
Prcb.  of  Exeter,  1724-42.  Bishop  of  Exeter,  1724-43.  R.  of 
Shobrooke,  Devon,  1724.  Archdeacon  of  Exeter,  1732-42. 
Married  Lucy,  dau.  of  Richard  Sleech,  D.D.  Author,  sermons, 
etc.  Died  Jan.  8,  1741-2,  aged  77.  Buried  in  Exeter  Cathedral. 
M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Edward  (1719).  (Haruood; 
Al.  Oxon.;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1066;  D.N.B.) 


Weston,  Thomas 

WESTON,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1629  ( fil.  nob.).  Doubtless  s.  of 
Richard  {1593-4),  ist  Earl  of  Portland.  Bapt.  Oct.  9,  1609, 
at  Roxwell,  Essex.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford) 
May  12,  1626.  Colonel  in  the  Royal  army,  1645.  Succeeded 
his  nephew  Charles  as  4th  Earl  of  Portland,  June  3,  1665. 
Sold  the  family  estate  at  Skreens,  Essex,  and  became  a 
Roman  Catholic.  Married  Anne  Dowager  Coimtess  of  New- 
port, in  1667.  Retired  to  Flanders,  where  he  lived  in  a 
monastery,  '  cheerful  and  well  contented.'  Died  s.p.  at 
Louvain,  1688,  aged  79.  Brother  of  Jerome  (1623),  Nicholas 
(1629)  and  half-brother  of  Richard  (1615).  (G.E.C.;  Misc. 
Gen.  et  Her.,  m.  426.) 

WESTON,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalenh,  Michs. 

1634;    B.A.    1636-7;    M.A.    1641.     Ord.    deacon    (Peterb.) 

June  4,  1637;  priest,  Feb.  18,  1637-8.   See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 

contemporary  namesake. 

WESTON,  THOMAS  (Rev.).   Of  St  John's  College,  Cambridge. 

Died  Mar.  3,  1734.   (Musgrave;  G.  Mag.,  1734.) 
WESTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  14, 
1746-7.   S.  of  Richard,  lamp-seller,  of  Middlesex.    B.  Nov. 
22,  1728,  in  London.    School,  Merchant  Taylors'.    Matric. 
1747;  LL.B.  1753.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln,  Lilt.  dim.  from 
Peterborough)   June   17,    1753;   priest   (Norwich)   Dec.   22, 
1754;  C.  of  Harlston,  Norfolk.    R.  of  Brockdish,  1755-66. 
V.  of  Bramfield,  Suffolk,  1758-84.   Died  Mar.  3,  1784.   WiU, 
P.C.C;  of  Halesworth.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  564.) 
WESTON,  WILFRED  (1506-7),  see  WASHINGTON. 
WESTON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Oct.  7, 
1412.   Resigned,  Nov.  20,  1426.   Clerk  in  the  Chapel  Royal. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Pitsea,  Essex,  till  1426. 
WESTON,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1531.  Of  Shiplake,  Oxon.  B.A.  1532-3.  Fellow,  1531- 
5.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln).   Perhaps  R.  of  Carlton 
Curlieu,  Leics..  1534. 
WESTON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WESTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  26,  i7.!8.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (1702),  clerk,  V.  of  Emping- 
ham,  Rutland.  B.  at  Normanton.  School,  Oakham  (Mr 
Adcock).  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1731-2;  M..\.  1735;  B.D.  1742. 
Fellow,  1735-67.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2,  1734-5; 
priest,  June  i,  1735.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Emping- 
ham,  1735-43.  C.  of  Greetham,  1736.  V.  of  Campden, 
Gloucs.,  1744-91.  R.  of  Meppershall,  Beds.,  1765-91. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1 771-91.  Author,  Sermons.  Died  Apr.  22, 
1791.  Will,  P.C.C.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  416.) 

WESTON, .  B.A.  1475-6. 

WESTON, .   Fellow  of  Clare,  June  28,  1494,  'B.A.' 

WESTON, .  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Lent,  1615-6. 

WESTON, .   Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  26,  1618. 

WESTONS,  JAMES.   Doctor  (?  of  Law);  Incorp.  from  Bologna, 

WESTOWE,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1488. 
WESTROP,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May,  1599.   B.  in 

WESTROPP,  RALPH.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  22, 
1612.    S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Comborough,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
Matric.  1613.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  i,  1615. 

WESTROPP, .   Matric.  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

WESTROPE, .   Pens,  at  Jesus,  1599-1600. 

WESTWICK, .  D.D.  1487-8.  A  friar. 

WESTWOOD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  10,  1668. 
WESTWOOD,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  3,  1633-4. 
S.  of  William,  carpenter,  of  Mansfield,  Notts.   Matric.  1634. 
Migrated  to  St  John's,  Oct.  9,  1634.    Perhaps  R.  of  Hales- 
owen, Worcs.,  1662-76  and  father  of  the  next. 
WESTWOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  19, 
1684.    S.  of  John  (?  above),  R.  of  Halesowen,  Worcs.    B. 
there.    School,  Westminster.    Scholar,  1684;  Matric.  1685; 
B.A.  1687-8. 
WESTWOOD,   JONATHAN.    Adm.  sizar   (age   17)   at  Caius, 
June  4,  1632.   S.  of  Jonathan.   B.  at  Ely,  Cambs.   School, 
Ely  (Mr  Hitch).    Matric.   1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.   1639. 
Sequestered   to   Lakenheath,    1645.     Minister  of  Croydon, 
Surrey,  1654-7.    C.  of  St  Mary,  Savoy,  London.  Subs,  for 
priest's  orders  (London) ; '  C.  of  St  Mary,  Westminster,  Mar.  5, 
1664.'   Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1671.   (Venn,  i.  305.) 
WESTWREY,  THOMAS.   Scholar  and  FeUow  of  King's  Hall, 
1526-44.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  Easter,  1544. 

WETELDE, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1473-4. 


Wetherell,  Thomas 

WETHERALL,   ANTHONY.    Adm.   pens,   (age   18)   at  Caius, 

Aug.  31,  1586.  S.  of  William,  of  Greystoke,  Cumberland. 
School,  Kendal  (Mr  Garnet).  V.  of  Kirkby  Stephen,  West- 
morland, 1607;  gone  before  1645.  Author,  Remonstrance 
against  the  Lord's  claim  of  an  absolute  estate  in  their  tenements. 
(Venn,  i.  128.) 

WETHEREL,  CYRIAC.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  9, 
1694-5.  Matric.  1696;  LL.B.  1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  22,  1700;  'C.  of  North  Coatee,  Lines.';  priest.  May  31, 

WEATHERELL,  GREGORY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  i6i6.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  1623,  'B.A.'  Of 
Scarborough;  licence  to  marry  Ann  Latham,  of  Whitkirk, 
Leeds,  1625. 

WEATHERELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Pembroke,  May,  1610. 
S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Framlingham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Bramerton.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Feb.  11,  1610-1,  age  16. 
Matric.  1611;  Scholar,  1612-5;  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  15,  1616.  R.  of  Harleston, 
Suffolk,  1617-42.   (Venn,  i.  210.) 

WETHERELL,  JAMES.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

WETHERALL,    JAMES.     Matric.    pens,    from    Peterhouse, 

Michs.  1607;  Scholar,  1609-12;  B..'\.  i6ii-2. 

WETHERALL  or  WETHERALD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Magdalene,  Easter,  1617;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  R.  of 
Spridlington,  Lines.,  1626.  Licence  (Lincoln)  Jan.  22, 
1626-7,  to  marry  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  James  Bogge,  of  East 
Rasen.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  148.) 

WETHERILL,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

WETHEREL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  9,  1698-9. 

Of  Norfolk.    Perhaps  s.  of  Robert  (1675-6).    B.A.  1702-3; 

M..A..   1706.    Ord.  deacon   (Lincoln)   May  23,   1703;   priest 

(Norivich)  May,  1706.   R.  of  Bawsey,  Norfolk,  1719-28. 

WETHERELL,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

WETHERALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June 
18,  1613.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Wymondham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Honingham  (Mr  Eston).  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1616-7.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  May  23,  1619.  R.  of  Hethel,  1619.  Died 
Jan.  30,  1658.  Father  of  Robert  (1643).   (Venn,  i.  221.) 

WETHERALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  1, 
1643.  S.  of  Robert  (1613),  R.  of  Hethel,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Wymondham  and  Norwich.  Matric.  1645-6;  B.A.  1646-7. 
Old.  priest  (Bishop  Hall,  of  Norwich)  Aug.  27,  1650.  V.  of 
East  Winch,  Norfolk,  till  1682.  WiU  proved  (Norwich)  1682. 
Father  of  the  next. 

WETHERILL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  20,  1675-6.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  V.  of  East  Winch, 
Norfolk.  School,  King's  Lynn  (Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1676; 
B..A.  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon' (Norwich)  June,  1680;  priest, 
July,  1681.  R.  of  Bawsey,  Norfolk,  1681-96.  R.  of  Wood- 
ham  Mortimer,  Essex,  1695-1 731.  R.  of  Semer,  Suffolk, 
1705-31.  Died  1731.  Father  of  the  next,  of  Samuel  (1728-9) 
and  perhaps  of  John  (1698-9). 

WETHEREL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  10,  1703-4.  S.  of  Robert  (above),  R.  of  Woodham 
Mortimer,  Essex.  B.  at  Wickham  (sic),  Norfolk.  Matric. 
1704;  B.A.  1707-8.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  19,  1708; 
priest.  May  27,  1711.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1728-9)  and 
perhaps  of  John  (1698-9). 

WETHERELL,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1706-7. 

WETHERALL,  ROGER.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1549.    One  of  these  names  V.  of  Bramham,  Yorks.,  1571- 

1611.    R.  of  Addingham,  1590-1611.    Died  1611.    (W.  J. 

WETHERELL,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  1728-9.  S.  of 

Robert  (1675-6),  R.  of  Semer,  Suffolk.    B.  Aug.  10,  1711. 

School,    Eton.     Migrated    to    Emmanuel,    May    17,    1729. 

B.A.  1732-3.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  3,  1732;  priest 

(Norwich)  Sept.  1734.    Perhaps  C.  of  Coniscliffe,  Durham. 

Buried  there  Nov.  30,   1735.    Brother  of  Robert  (1703-4) 

and  perhaps  of  John  (1698-9). 

WEATHERELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Caius, 
Mar.  26,  1601.  S.  of  John,  of  Norfolk.  B.  at  Lynn.  (?  Bapt. 
there,  Dec.  11,  1586;  s.  of  'Thomas'  and  Barbara.)  School, 
Lynn  (Mr Man).  Matric.  1602;  Scholar,  1604-8;  B.A.  1604-5; 
M.A.  1608;  B.D.  1615.  Fellow,  1610-21.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1611;  re-incorp.  1618.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  12,  1609. 
University  preacher,  1616.  R.  of  Newton-by-Sudbury, 
Suffolk,  1620-30.  Preacher  at  St  Gregory-by-St  Paul, 
London.  Author,  Sermons.  Buried  Aug.  7,  1630,  at  Newton. 
(Venn,  i.  174;  Al.  Oxon.) 


Wetherell,  Thomas 

WETHERALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity, 
Mar.  10,  1676-7.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Yorkshire.  School, 

WETHERHALL,  WILLIAM  (WODIALL).    B.D.   1512-3.    An 

Augustinian  friar.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1515.  D.D.  (Oxford) 
1515;  gi'Me  for  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1519-20.  Prior  of 
the  house  of  his  order  at  Oxford;  provincial  of  his  order  in 
England,  1531.   {Cooper,  i.  44;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WETHERELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1619.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626. 
Schoolmaster  at  Maidstone,  Kent.  Emigrated  with  his  family 
to  New  England,  1635.  Lived  in  Cambridge,  Mass.  for  almost 
three  years,  and  taught  in  a  school  there  and  in  the  adjacent 
to%vn  of  Charlestown.  Removed  to  Duxbury,  Mass.,  1638. 
Settled  permanently  in  Scituate,  Mass.;  pastor  of  the  Second 
Church  there,  1645-84.  Died  there  Apr.  9,  1684,  aged  84. 
(J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

WETHERBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
June  29,  :665.  S.  of  Henry,  farmer.  B.  at  Eaton,  Cheshire. 
Matric.  1665.  V.  of  Kilbroney,  1673-9.  V.  of  Dromara,  and 
of  Garvaghy  (Dromore),  1686-1713.  R.  of  Shankill,  1689- 
1735.  Preb.  of  Dromara,  1710-35.  Died  May  i,  1735. 
Buried  at  Lurgan.    (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WEATHERHEAD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Jan.  30,  1698-9.  S.  of  Anthony.  B.  at  Giggleswick,  Yorks. 
School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1702-3.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1704;  priest,  June,  1706.  Usher  at 
Giggleswick  School,  1704-5.  Licensed  to  Nonnanton 
Grammar  School,  1730.  V.  of  Holme,  near  Burnley,  Lanes., 
1742-60.  Perhaps  V.  of  Winterton,  Lines.  Died  1760, 
aged  80  {sic).  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1733). 
{Peile,  11.  144-5;  Giggleswick  School  Register,  19.) 

WEATHERHEAD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  30)  at 
St  John's,  July  4,  1741.  S.  of  Anthony  (above),  clerk,  of 
Yorkshire.   Brother  of  Thomas  (1733). 

WETHERHEAD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1718.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Knight's  Stainforth, 
Yorks.  Scholar,  1720;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  1722;  priest,  Dec.  1725.  C.  of  Spofforth,  and  Wetherby 
Chapel,  Yorks.,  1725.  V.  of  Thorp  Arch,  and  Wetherby 
Chapel,  1728-49.  R.  of  Halton-in-Lonsdale,  Lanes.,  1747-9. 
Died  1749.  Brother  of  John  (1716)  and  William  (1714). 
{Peile,  II.  194.) 

WETHERED,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1619,  from  Oxford.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  S.  of  William, 
of  Thame,  Oxon.  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  27, 
1618,  age  15;  'of  0.xon.;  pleb.' 

WETHERHERD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  May  9, 
1687.  S.  of  William,  husbandman.  B.  at  Lodge,  near  Settle, 
Yorks.  School,  Sedbcrgh.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1. 

WETHERHERD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  14,  1716.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  at  Norton,  Yorks. 
School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1716;  Scholar,  1717;  B.A.  1719- 
20.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Doc.  1720;  priest  (London)  Dec.  23, 
1722.  Probably  R.  of  Bolton-by-BoUand,  Yorks.,  1726-48. 
Buried  at  Bolton,  Feb.  22,  1747-8.  Brother  of  Christopher 
(1718)  and  William  (1714).   {Peile,  11.  189.) 

WETHERHIRD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius, 
June  29,  1612.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  deceased,  of  Long 
Preston,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1612;  B.A. 
1615-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  i;  priest.  Mar.  2, 
1617-8.  Licensed  schoolmaster  at  Sutton,  Cambs.,  1618. 
V.  of  Wentworth,  1619-43.  Minister  at  Chettisham,  in  1649 
and  1659;  he  had  been  referred  to  the  Assembly  of  Divines 
for  this  parish,  Dec.  4,  1646.   {Venn,  i.  218.) 

WETHERAD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1621;  B.A.  1624-5. 

WEATHERHEAD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  2 1)  at  St  John's, 
June  13,  1733.  S.  of  Anthony  (1698-9),  clerk,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  at  Slaidbume.  School,  Slaidbume  (Mr  Bradbury). 
Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lin- 
coln) Mar.  6,  1736-7;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1737.  C.  of 
Hamerton,  Hunts.,  1737.  V.  of  Heacham,  Norfolk,  T738-86. 
R.  of  Brisley,  1742-86.  R.  of  Ingoldsthorpe,  1746-86. 
Married  Francis  Lake,  at  Heacham,  Oct.  14,  1743-  Died 
Mar.  1786.  Brother  of  Anthony  (1741).  {Scott-Mayor,  in. 

WETHERHERD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1714.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  of  Knight's 
Stainforth,  Yorks.  Scholar,  1715.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
June  II,  1716.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1718)  and  John 
(1716).   {Peile,  II.  183.) 

WETHERIDGE  or  WITHERIDGE,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age 
17)  at  Caius,  June  23,  1617.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of 
Fremington,  Devon.  Schools,  Barnstaple  (Mr  Willson)  and 
Fremington  (Mr  Lee).  Matric.  1617;  Scholar,  1618-20;  B..^. 
1620-1,  Witheridge.  {Venn,  i.  236.) 

Whale,  Philemon 

or  HETHERSET,  RICHARD  DE.  Chancellor  of  the  Univer- 
sity, 1349-51,  and  again,  1360-1.  Of  Norfolk.  Theological 
writer.   (D.N.B.;  Pits,  472;  Univ.  Hist.  Reg.) 

WETHERINGSETT,  WILLIAM  DE.  1261.  Southern  student 
who  received  a  Royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot 
directed  against  the  Northern  students.  {Fuller,  29.) 

WETHERINGTON,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c. 


WETHERLEY,  RALPH.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

May  25,  1654.  S.  of  Henry,  yeoman,  of  Newcastle,  North- 
umberland. Bapt.  Apr.  2,  1637,  at  St  John's,  Newcastle. 
School,  Barwick  (William  Webb).  Matric.  1654;  B..\.  1657-8; 
M.A.  i66i.  Fellow,  1661.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  3; 
priest,  June  7,  1662. 

WEATHERLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Mag- 
dalene, June  29,  1659.  S.  of  David,  gent.,  of  Newcastle, 
Northumberland.  Bapt.  May  20,  1641,  at  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle.  School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663; 
M.A.  i668.  V.  of  Chatton,  Northumberland,  1666-81.  Died 

WETWANG,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1480-1.  Of  York  diocese.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  1481 ;  title,  St  Edm.  House, 
Cambridge.  Will  of  one  of  these  names  (P.C.C.)  1501;  'of 
St  Mary  Abchurch,  London,  citizen  and  surgeon.' 

of  Cambridge  University,  c.  1336.  Mentioned  [Close  Rolls] 
as  having  wounded  Henry  Chadde,  a  manciple  in  the  town. 
{Close  Rolls,  1336.) 

WEYCOE,  see  also  WAYCOCK. 

WEYCOE  or  WEICOE,  ELIAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Lent,  1618-9.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Hilder- 
thorpe,  Yorks.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  9,  1624.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1629.  P.C.  of  Flamborough, 
Yorks.,  1630-43  and  1660-73.  P-C.  of  Bridlington,  1661. 
P.C.  of  Specton,  1673-4. 

WEYLAND,  PHILIP  DE.  'King's  scholar,'  1339.  Promoted 
to  a  benefice,  1351. 



WHALE,  see  also  WALL,  WALE,  and  WHALLEY. 

WHALE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1625; 
B.A.  1629-30,  Wale. 

WHALE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  23,  1575. 
Matric.  1575;  B.A.  1578-9. 

WHALE  or  WHALEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
July  II,  1617.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman,  of  Nonvich. 
School,  Norwich  (Mr  Brigges).  Matric.  1618;  Scholar,  1619- 
21;  B.A.  1620-1.   Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1600). 

WHALL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  16,  1685. 
S.  of  Henry,  harness  maker,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Lynn.  Scholar,  1686-90;  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1689- 
90.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  15,  1690;  priest  (Norwich) 
May  22,  1692 ;  'C.  of  Woolferton.'  R.  of  West  Lynn,  Norfolk, 
1695.  R.  of  Clenchwarton,  1720-36.  Died  1736.  Will 
(Nor^vich,  Archd.  C.)  i737-  Father  of  the  next.  {Venn,  i. 

WHALL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  25, 
1715.  S.  of  Henry  (above),  R.  of  Old  Lynn,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  School,  Lynn  (Mr  Honi).  .Matric.  1715;  Scholar, 
1715-9;  B.A.  1718-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi,  Liit.  dim.  from 
Norwich)  Mar.  5,  1 720-1.  {Venn,  11.  3.) 

WHALE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1563-4. 
Probably  V.  of  Timberland,  Lines.,  1570;  'ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  8,  1566;  aged  32;  married;  skilled  in  Latin' 
{Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln,  1576).  Preaqher,  1575.  R.  of  Howell, 

WHALE,  JONAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  I597-S- 
S.  of  Philemon  (1565),  R.  of  Chickney,  Essex.  Bapt.  there, 
Oct.  28,  1582.  B..X.  (?  1602-3).  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
May  26,  1605,  age  23;  'C.  of  Chickney';  priest,  June  7,  1612. 
P.C.  of  Tiltie,  Essex.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Richard 
Whale,  of  Hallingburv,  c.  1609.  R.  of  Chickney,  1620. 
Buried  therK  Apr.  25,  1621.   Will,  P.C.C. 

WHALE,  MILES.  H.A.  from  Christ's,  1576-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  1581-2;  priest,  July  6,  1583.  V.of  Osboumby, 
Lines.,  1582.   R.  of  Willoughby,  1590-1630. 

WHALE  or  WHALEY,  PHILEMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1565.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  28;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1575.  K.  of  Chickney,  Essex,  1578-1620.  Buried 
Mar.  23, 1C19-20.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  19, 1620.  Father 
of  Jonas  (1597-8). 


Whale,  Thomas 

WHALE  or  WHALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Caius, 
Nov  5  1600.  Of  Norwich.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  husband- 
man. School,  Norwich.  Scholar,  1601-5;  B.A.  1604-5; 
M  A.  1608.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  1605;  C.  of 
Alby'  R  of  Shipmeadow,  Suffolk,  i6ii.  Living,  1628. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1617).  {Venn,  1.  i73-) 
WHALLEY,  see  also  WALLEY. 

WHALEY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
1601  S.  of  Peter,  burgess  of  Cambridge.  Bapt.  Feb.  8, 
1588-0  at  Trinity  Church,  Cambridge.  School,  Cambridge 
(Mr  Edwards).  Perhaps  admitted  at  the  R.C.  CoUege  at 
Douay,  1605,  'Whalteus,'  Christopher.  {Venn,  1.  i77-) 
WHALLEY  or  WALLEY,  EDMUND.   B.A.  1524-5;  M.A.  1528; 

B.D.  1539-40.  FeUow  of  St  John's,  1528. 
WHALEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1614. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Richard  (i577),  of  Kirton  and  Screveton, 
Notts,  (by  his  2nd  wife  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  CromweU, 
of  Hinchinbrooke,  Hunts.).  B.A.  1617-8.  Of  Shadwell, 
Essex.  Major  in  Cromwell's  Horse,  1643;  lieutenant-colonel, 
1644.  Served  with  distinction  in  many  actions,  1643-9. 
Custodian  of  Charles  I  at  Hampton  Court,  1648.  Sat  as 
judge  and  signed  the  King's  death-warrant,  1649.  Served 
under  Cromwell  at  Dunbar,  1650,  and  at  Worcester,  1651. 
Active  supporter  of  the  Protectorate.  Sat  in  Oliver  Crom- 
well's two  parliaments  and  in  his  House  of  Lords,  1657. 
Army  agent  to  negotiate  with  Monck,  1659.  Escaped  to 
New  England,  1660.  At  Hadley,  Mass.,  1664;  still  alive, 
1674.  Married  (i)  Judith,  dau.  of  John  Dussell  (?  Dasset),  of 
Rochester;  (2)  Catherine,  dau.  of  William  Middleton,  of 
London.  Perhaps  father  of  John  (1649).  {F.M.G.,  1230; 
Vis.  of  Notts.;  D.N.B.) 
WALLEY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1554. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Little  Barford,  Beds.,  until  1571, 
WHALLEY  or  WALEY,  HENRY.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity 

Hall,  Easter,  1636;  Scholar,  1636;  LL.B.  1642,  Whalle. 
WALLEY,  HUGH.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  16, 
1646    S.  of  William.    B.  at  Middlewich,  Cheshire.   School, 
Middlewich    (Mr    Walley).     Matric.    1646;    B.A.    1650-1. 
{Peile,  I.  510.) 
WHALEY,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Dec.  31, 
1581.   S.  of  Richard,  Esq.  (by  his  3rd  wife  B.-^rbara  Cope). 
B    at  Sibthorpe,  Notts.    Schools,  Southwell  and  Newark. 
Matric.  1581-2.    Probably  of  Kirton.    Brother  of  Markham 
(1576).   {Venn,  i.  113;  Misc.  Gen.  d  Her.,  11.  322.) 
WHALEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1581 ; 
B.A.   1584-5;  M.A.  1588.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  2, 
WHALLEY,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1584-5- 
Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Kirton,  and  of  Screveton,  Notts. 
Of  Flintham,  Notts.    Died  unmarried  at  Screveton.    Prob- 
ably brother  of  Richard  (i577),  etc.  {Vis.  of  Notts.;  Nichols, 
n.  737-) 
WHALLEY,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28,   1649. 
Of  Essex.   Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (1614).   B.  c.  1633. 
Matric.  1649.    Perhaps  Captain  of  Horse.    M.P.  for  Notts., 
1658-9.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Herbert  Springett, 
in  1658.   (N.  and  Q.,  4th  S.,  in.  591;  Vis.  of  Notts.;  Noble, 
Cromwell  Family,  u.  153.) 
WALLEY,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1658. 
WHALLEY,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Feb. 
20    1692-3;  afterwards  pens.    Of  Middlesex.   School,  Eton. 
Scholar,    1693;    Matric.    1694;    B.A.    1696-7;    M.A.    1700. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Riddlesworth,  Norfolk,  1713  (occurs  as  James 
in  Blomefield,  viii.  276).    Living,  1736.    Probably  father  of 
John  (1715)- 
WHALEY  or  WHALLEY,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Jan.  23,  1699-1700.    Of  Northamptonshire.    Matric.  1700. 
Perhaps  migrated  to  Oxford.    If  so,  s.  of  Nathaniel,  R.  of 
Broughton,  Northants.  Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  Feb.  27, 
1701-2,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1703;  M.A.  1706.    V.  of  St 
Giles',  Northampton,   1709.    Buried   there  Oct.   23,   1710. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  T.  P.  Dorman.) 
WHALLEY   or  WHALEY,   JOHN.     Adm.   pens,    (age   16)    at 
Pembroke,  July  6, 1715-  S.of  John(?  1692-3),  R.  of  Riddles- 
worth,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Barnwell,  Cambs.  Matric.  1715;  B.A. 
1719-20;  M.A.  1723;  B.D.  1732 ;D.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1737. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1721.   Taxor,  1730.    Master  of  Peter- 
house, 1733-48.   Vice-chancellor,  1738-9-   Regius  Professor 
of  Divinity,   1742-8.    Ord.  deacon   (Ely)   June   14,    1724; 
priest  (Norwich)  Sept.   19,   1725-    R-  of  Hungry  Hatley, 
Cambs.,  1728.  V.  of  Shepreth,  1730.  V.  of  Hatley  St  George, 
1731-2.    V.  of  Tihiey,  Norfolk,   1732-48.    R.  of  Glaston, 
Rutland,  1734.    R.  of  Somersham,  Hunts.,  1742-8.    Died 
Dec.  12,  1748.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1749- 

Whalley,  Robert 

WHALEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1727. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  St  Andrew's,  Norwich.    B.  1710.    Matric. 
Easter,    1728;    B.A.    1731-2;    M.A.    1735-     Fellow,    1731. 
Assistant  master  at  Eton.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1745. 
Author,  poetical.   Died  at  Norwich,  Dec.  i745-    {Harwood, 
WHALEY,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  5, 
1742-3.  S.  of  John,  farmer,  of  Yorkshire.   B.  at  Burlersett. 
School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1751 - 
Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  1746;  priest  (Rochester)  Apr.  5,  1747. 
R.  of  Middleton  St  George,  Durham,  1746.   V.  of  Rudstone, 
Yorks.,  1751-71.   Chaplain  to  Charlotte,  Countess  of  D'on- 
donald.    R.  of  Huggate,  1760-98.   Died  May  29,  1798,  aged 
76.  {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  5^3;  .'iedbergh  School  Register;  G.  Mag., 
1798,  I.  538,  where  he  is  confused  with  John  (1727).) 
WHALEY,  JONATHAN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  5,   1679-80.    S.  of  John,  wheelwright,  of  Laughton, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Laughton  (Mr  Bromhead).  Matric. 
1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1694.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 
1684-5.    V.   of  Swaton,   Lines.,    1697-1702.     Chaplain   to 
Colonel  Sanderson's  Regiment  of  Marines,  1702-3. 
WHALLEY,  MARKHAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1576.  S.  of  Richard  (of  St  John's)  (by  his  3rd  wife,  Barbara 
Cope).  Brotherof  James  (1581).  {Misc.Gen.et  Her.,  u.  322.) 
WHALLEY  or  WHALIE,  PENESTON.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Trinity,  Michs.  1642.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Kirton,   Notts,  (and   Mary,  dau.  of   Sir  Thomas  Peniston, 
of  St   Margaret's,   Kent,    Knt.)   and  grandson  of  Richard 
(1577)-    B.   1624.    Commissioner  of  the  Peace  for  Notts., 
1660.    Fell  into  financial  difficulties.    Of  Screveton,  Notts., 
Esq.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  George  Ireland,  of  Lancashire. 
Died  in  prison  for  debt,  in  London,  1672.    {F.M.G.,  1231; 
Godfrey,  Churches  of  Notts.,  394;  Noble,  Family  of  Cromwell, 
II.  142.) 
WHALEY,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  26,  1649-50. 
3rd  s.  of  Peter,  of  Northampton,  gent.  Bapt.  Jan.  1,  1634-5, 
at  All  Saints',  Northampton.   B.A.  1653.   Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1655.    M.A.  (All  Souls,  Oxford)  1655.    Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,    July   23,    1652.     R.    (and   patron)    of   Cogenhoe, 
Northants.,  1656-1701.    Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Babington 
Bradley,  of  Castle  Ashbv,  Aug.  2,  1656.    Buried  at  Cogenhoe, 
Apr.  19,  1701.  Will  (Archd.  Notts.)  1701.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
WHALLEY,  RALPH.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1547.   Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Ralph,  of  Bonney,  Notts.   If  so, 
of  Bonney,  Notts.   Married  and  had  issue.   Perhaps  brother 
of  William  (1546).   {Nichols,  11.  736-) 
WHALLEY,  RICHARD.  Of  St  John's.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Kirton,  Notts,  (and   Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Strelley,  of 
Woodborough,  Notts.).    B.  c.  1499.    Entered  the  Court  of 
Henry  VIII.    Employed  by  Cromwell  in  business  relating 
to  monasteries  dissolved  by  Wolsey,  1536.  On  the  Commis- 
sion of  the  peace  for  the  North  Riding,  Yorkshire,  1538. 
Steward  to  the  Duke  of  Somerset.   Granted  the  site  of  the 
dissolved  Welbeck  Abbey,  Feb.  26,  1538-9;  obtained  the 
manor  of  Sibthorpe,  1546.    Crown  receiver  for  Yorkshire, 
1547-52.    M.P.  for  Scarborough,  1547;  for  East  Grinstead, 
1554;  and  for  Notts.,  1554.    Imprisoned  as  an  adherent  of 
Somerset,  1551;  eventually  gave  evidence  against  him.    Of 
Darlaston,  Staffs.,  and  of  Screveton,  Notts.    Married  three 
wives.   Died  Nov.  23,  1583,  aged  84.   Buried  at  Screveton, 
Notts.  M.I.  Fatherof  James  (1581)  and  of  Markham  (1576). 
{Cooper,  I.  116;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613;  Nichols,  11. 
WHALLIE,    RICHARD.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from   Trinity, 
Easter,  1577.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Kirton  and  Screveton, 
Notts.,  and  grandson  of  Richard  (above).    Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn    Nov.  8,  1583,  from  Barnard's  Inn.    Sheriff  of  Notts., 
1595-6.   Knighted,  1597-  Of  Kirton,  Esq.  Married  (1)  Ann, 
dau.  of  George  Horsey,  of  DigsweU,  Herts;  (2)  Frances,  dau. 
of  Henry  Cromwell,  of  Hinchinbrooke,  Hunts.,  July,  1595- 
Brother  of  Walter  (1580-1)  and  Thomas  (1584-5)  and  prob- 
ablv  of  John  (1584-5)  and  Robert  (1580-1),  perhaps  father 
of  Edward  (1614).    {F.M.G.,  1230;   Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613; 
Nichols,  II.  737;  Noble,  Cromwell  Family,  11.  141.) 
WALLEY,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1552; 
B.A.  1557-8;  M.A.  1561,  Whally.    Fellow,    1560.     Presum- 
ably the  'M.A.  of  Cambridge;  doctus  et  gravis'  who  arrived 
at  the  R.C.  College  at  Rheims,  in  1581.  Ord.  priest  (Soissons) 
June  9,  1582.   Went  to  Rome,  1586,  and  took  the  degree  of 
D.D.    Died  at   the  English  CoUege   there,    1587.    (Canon 
WHALLEY,   ROBERT.    Matric.   pens,   from  Trinity,   Lent, 
1580-1.    Of  Nottinghamshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Kirton  and  of  Screveton.  Scholar,  1584;  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A. 
from  Queens',  1588.    Fellow  of  Queens',  1587-91-    Buried 
at    St    Botolph's,    Cambridge,    Aug.   20,    1591.    ^S^"^    2S. 
Brother  of  Richard  (i577),  etc.    {Vis.  of  Notts.;  F.M.G., 
1230;  Musgrave.) 


Whalley,  Samuel 

WHALLEY,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1714.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Lewes,  Sussex,  clerk.  Ma  trie.  (University  College, 
Oxford)  Apr.  27,  1700,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1703-4.  V.  of 
Broad  Hempston,  Devon,  1711.  Canon  of  Exeter,  1715-25. 
Died  1725.   Will  (Exeter)  1725.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHALEV,  THOMAS  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1584-5.  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Kirton,  Notts.  Scholar,  1588; 
B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592;  B.D.  1599;  D.D.  1629  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  1591.  Senior  Dean,  1614-6.  Senior  Bursar,  i6i6-8. 
Vice-Master,  1631-7.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
June  17,  1599.  R.  of  Orwell,  Cambs.,  1619-37.  Buried  there 
May  2,  1637.  Will  proved  (V.C.C).  Brother  of  Richard 
(1577),  etc.,  perhaps  father  of  the  next  (but  according  to 
Noble  he  died  a  bachelor).  (F.M.G.,  1230;  Cromwell  Family, 
II.  140.) 

WHALEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1621.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas 
(above).  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628. 

WHALEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  14,  1679. 
Of  Lancashire.  Probably  nonconformist  minister  at  Hindley, 
Lanes.,  till  1706.  Buried  there  July  3,  1706.   (E.  Axon.) 

WHALLEY,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1580-1.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Kirton,  Notts.  Scholar,  1584; 
B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588;  B.D.  1595;  D.D.  1615.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  1588.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Nov.  29, 
1592.  University  preacher.  R.  of  Overton  Waterville, 
Hunts.,  1600-17.  Preb.  of  York,  1600-17.  Married  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  William  Howel,  of  Cambridge.  Died  1617. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1577),  etc.  and  father  of  the  next. 
(F.M.G.,  1230;  Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

WHALEY,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1624.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  S.  of  Walter  (above). 
Age  8  in  1613.  B.A.  1627-8.   (Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

WHALEY,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WHALLEY,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1507-8;  M.A.  1511.  Perhaps  of 
Landbeach,  Cambs.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1558. 

WHALLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1546  {impubes).  Possibly  s.  of  Ralph,  of  Bonney,  Notts. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1552.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Ralph  (1547). 

WHALLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs. 
158:;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1583-4.  One  of  these  names 
of  Sidlesham,  Sussex,  clerk;  will  (Chichester)  1624. 

WHALEY,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1606;  B..\.  i6io-i.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19,  1613; 

priest.  Mar.  13,  1613-4.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Cross  Stone,  Yorks. 

WHALLEY,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 

June  24,   1719.    Of   Kent.    School,  Eton.    Scholar,    1719; 

Matric.  1720;  M.B.  1724.   Perhaps  his  will  (Leicester)  1739; 

of  Leicester,  M.D. 
WHALLEY, .   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Easter,  1599. 

WHARFE,  ALLIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  28, 
1648.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Otterbume,  in  Kirkby-in-Malham 
Dale,  West  Riding,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick. 

WHARFE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  11, 
1669.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (next),  clerk,  of  Claxby,  Lines. 
B.  in  Normanby.  School,  Withem  (Mr  Morton).  Matric. 
1669;  B.A.  1672-3.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  23,  1672-3. 

WHARFE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1637.  Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  25,  1642.  R.  of  Normanby-super-Montem,  Lines., 
1660.  R.  of  CIaxby-te»-Normanby,  1660.  Father  of  Richard 
(above).   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHARTON,  see  alsq  WHATTON  and  WATTON. 

WHARTON,  ABRAHAM.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1686.  S.  of 
Abraham,  of  Hall,  Yorks.,  gent.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College, 
Oxford)  Aug.  5,  1668,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1673.  R.  of 
Carlton  Scroop,  Lines.,  1677.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

WHARTON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
June  20,  1663.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Middlesex  and  of 
Gray's  Inn;  secretary  to  Queen  Henrietta-Maria  (and 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Andrew  Browne,  of  Lincoln's  Inn,  Esq.). 
School,  Chelsea.  Matric.  1663.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  27, 
1663.  Mortgaged  the  family  estate  of  Thorpe,  Essex.  Living, 
1669.   (Morant,  i.  481.) 

WHARTON  or  QUARTON,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  1517-8;  M.A. 
1521.   V.  of  Bassingboume,  Cambs.,  1523-36.  Died  1536. 

WHARTON,  CHARLES.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WHARTON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Caius,  June  24, 

1604.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  in  Norwich.  School,  Norwich  (Messrs 

Wharton,  Lau[rence] 

Bird  and  Swan).  Matric.  1606;  B.A.  i6io-i;  M.A.  1614. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1614.  V.  of  Runham,  Norfolk, 
1615-26.  Died  1626.  {Venn,  1.  193.) 

WARTON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  14,  1673.  3rd  s.  of  Michael  (1639-40),  Esq.,  of  Beverley, 
Yorks.  B.  Sept.  23,  1657.  Matric.  1673.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn.Feb.  4,  1674-5.  Of  Beverley,  Esq.  Died  Mar.  22, 1708-9. 
Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Beverley.  Brother  of  Michael  (1664-5) 
and  Ralph  (1673).  [Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  F.M.G.,  607.) 

WHARTON,  ED.  (?).  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 

WHARTON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  c.  June, 
1652.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  in  Norwich.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Lovering).  Scholar,  1652-4;  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1655-6; 
M.A.  1659.  Fellow,  1656-60.  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Brownrigg, 
of  Exeter)  .Aug.  24,  1659.  V.  of  Ubbeston,  Suffolk,  1661-3. 
R.  of  Sloley  and  V.  of  Worstead,  Norfolk,  1662-79- 
R.  of  Saxlingham  Thorpe,  and  Nethergate,  1679-1717. 
Buried  Apr.  20,  1717,  at  Nethergate.  Father  of  Henry 
(1679-80).   {Venn,  1.  385.) 

WHARTON  or  WARTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus, 
Mar.  16,  1693-4.  Of  Wiltshire.  Scholar,  1694;  Matric.  1696; 
B.A.  1697-8;  M.A.  1701.  Ord.  priest  (London)  June  16, 
1701.  Perhaps  R.  of  Wanstrow,  Somerset,  1729;  Edw. 
Wharton,  M.A. 

1508-9;  D.Can.L.  1519-20.  Apostolic  Notary  Public,  1515. 
Principal  of  Burden  Hostel,  1516-21.  Advocate,  1520. 
Chancellor  and  Vicar-General  to  Bishop  Tunstal.  V.  of 
Long  Stanton  St  Michael,  Cambs.,  c.  1515-26.  V.  of  Toft, 
1516.  V.  of  Bassingboum,  1518-23.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1523- 
9.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1523-9.  R.  of  Fulham,  Middlesex, 
1524-9.  V.  of  Tottenham,  1525-6.  Archdeacon  of  London, 
1526-9.  V.  of  Sawbridgeworth,  Herts.,  1526.  Died  1529. 
{Cooper,  I.  39;  Stokes,  Mediaeval  Hostels.) 

WHARTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  12)  at  Caius, 
Jan.  17,  1595-6.  S.  of  Philip  (1573),  Baron  Wharton.  B.  at 
Brougham  Castle.  School,  Wharton.  M.A.  1607  {fil.  nob.). 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  8,  1595.  K.B.,  1603.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  John  (Manners),  Earl  of  Rutland.  Killed  in 
a  duel  with  Sir  James  Stewart,  Nov.  8,  1609.  Died  s.p. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1602).  {Venn,\.  i%&;  Lipscomb  Pedigrees, 
I.  544;  G.E.C.) 

WHARTON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1626.  Of  Kent. 

WHARTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
July  6,  1706.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1673),  of  the  parish  of 
St  Marv-the-Virgin,  near  Durham,  M.A.  B.  Dec.  25,  1688, 
at  Old  Park,  Durham.  Matric.  1707;  M.B.  1712;  M.D.  1719. 
F.R.C.P.,  1720.  Censor.  Treasurer,  1727-9-  Of  Old  Park, 
Durham.  Married  Anna-Maria,  dau.  of  William  Petty. 
Died  s.p..  Mar.  21,  1739.  Will,  P.C.C;  of  St  Gabriel,  Fen- 
church  Street,  London.  {Munk,  11.  74;  <?.  Mag.;  Burke, 
L.G.;  Surtees,  in.  300;  D.N.B.) 

WHARTON,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Apr.  4, 
1663.  S.  of  William,  merchant,  of  L>'nn,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Lynn.  Matric.  1663.   (Venn,  i.  417.) 

WHARTON,  GILBERT  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  19,  1688.  S.  of  Gilbert,  citiz-jn,  of  London.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1688.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(London)  June  ir,  1693,  'M.A.'  Chaplain  to  Mr  Francis 
Russell,  Governor  of  Barbadoes,  1693.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHARTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1586;  Scholar,  1588. 

WHARTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Feb.  17,  1679-80. 
S.  of  Edmund  (1652),  R.  of  Saxlingham,  Norfolk.  B.  at 
Worstead,  Nov.  9,  1664.  School,  North  Walsham  (Mr 
Eldred).  Matric.  1680;  Scholar,  1680-7;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A. 
1687.  Ord.  deacon,  1687;  priest,  1688.  V.  of  Mmster, 
Thanet,  Kent,  1688-95,  and  R.  of  Chartham,  1688-95. 
Chaplain  to  Archbishop  Sancroft.  .Author,  Anglia  Sacra; 
The  Diary  ofArchbisltop  Laud,  etc.  Died  at  Newton,  Cambs., 
Mar.  5,  1694-5.  Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  M.I.  {Venn, 
I.  464.) 

WHARTON,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peter- 
house,  Apr.  3,  1639.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Durham. 
Matric.  1639;  Scholar,  1640.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contempor- 
ary namesake. 

WHARTON,  JEREMY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  162 1; 
B.A.  1625;  M.A.  1633. 

WHARTON,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  3,  1652. 
Of  Gloucestershire.  Matric.  1653. 

WHARTON,  LAU[RENCE].  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c. 
1591.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Michael  (next),  of  Beverley, 
Yorks.  Bapt.  there,  Feb.  16,  1577.  Married  Dorothy 
Stephenson.  Will  dated,  July  22;  proved,  Aug.  31,  1638; 
of  Redness,  Yorks.  (F.M.G.,  60;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 


Wharton,  Michael 

WHARTON,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1565;  B.A.  1567-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1568.  M.P.  for 
Beverley,  1586-8.  Of  Beverley  Park,  Esq.  Married  Joan, 
dau.  of  John  Portington,  of  Portington.  Died  1590.  Buried 
at  St  John's,  Beverley.  Will  (York)  1590.  Doubtless  father 
of  Lau.  (above).   (F.M.G.,  606.) 

WHARTON,  MICHAEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1610.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Michael,  of  Beverley  Park, 
Yorks.,  and  grandson  of  Michael  (above).  Bapt.  Oct.  23, 
1593,  at  St  John's,  Beverley.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  25, 

1611.  Of  Beverley,  Esq.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of 
Christopher  Maltby,  of  Maltby,  Yorks.,  Oct.  i,  1620. 
Royalist;  fined  £1600  for  the  delinquency  of  his  father,  in 
1646.  Killed  in  the  siege  of  Scarborough,  1648.  Father  of 
the  next.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  F.M.G.,  607.) 

WARTON,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  24,  1639-40.  S.  of  Michael  (above),  Esq.,  of  Beverley, 
Yorks.  B.  at  Burton,  Yorkshire.  Bapt.  Apr.  27,  1623. 
School,  Beverley  (Mr  Pomeroy).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan. 
23.  1639-40.  M.P.  for  Beverley,  1660-81.  Knighted,  June 
30,  1660.  Deputy-Lieutenant  for  the  East  Riding,  1687-8. 
Of  Beverley,  Esq.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of  John  Lord 
Paulet,  of  Hinton  St  George,  Somerset.  Died  in  London, 
Aug.  9,  1688.  Buried  at  St  John's,  Beverley.  M.I.  Father 
of  the  ne.\t,  of  Charles  (1673)  and  Ralph  (1673).  (F.M.G., 
607;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

WARTON,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  17,  1664-5.  S.  of  Michael  (above),  Esq.,  of  Beverley, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Cheam,  Surrey.  Matric.  1664-5. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  15,  1667.  M.P.  for  Yorks.,  1681-5; 
for  Beverley,  1688-95,  1700-2.  Of  Beverley.  Died  unmarried 
Mar.  25,  1724-5.  Buried  in  Beverley  Minster.  M.I.  Brother 
of  Charles  (1673)  and  Ralph  (1673).  (F.M.G.,  607;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1666;  Le  Neve,  Knts.,  205;  Shaw,  Knts.,  11.) 

WHARTON,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1567;  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1575-6. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1576.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHARTON,  PHILIP.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1573.  S.of  Thomas,  2nd  Lord  Wharton.  B.  1554.  Succeeded 
his  fpther  as  3rd  baron  Wharton,  June  14,  i572.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1579-80.  Summoned  to  Parliament  as 
Baron  Wharton,  1581-1625.  Joint  Commissioner  on  the 
Scotch  borders,  1618.  Of  Kirkby  Stephen,  Westmodand, 
and  of  Healaugh,  Yorks.  Married  (i)  Frances  (?  Mary), 
dau.  of  Henry  (Clifford),  Earl  of  Cumberland;  (2)  Dorothy, 
widow  of  Sir  Francis  Willoughby,  of  WoUaton,  Notts.  Died 
Mar.  26,  1625,  aged  70.  Buried  at  Healaugh,  Yorks.  (Vis. 
of  Yorks.,  1564;  Lipscomb,  Pedigree,  i.  545;  G.£.C.  (Peerage).) 
WHARTON,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Aug.  12, 
1623.  Of  Richmondshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Humphrey,  of 
GiUing,  Yorks.  Matric.  1624;  Scholar,  1625-6.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1605),  etc. 
WHARTON,  POSTHUMUS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  24,  1667.  S.  of  Humphrey,  deceased,  of  Barton,  near 
UUswater,   Westmodand.     B.   there.    School,    Barton    (Mr 

Preston).   Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.    Usher  at 
Sedbergh    School;    Head    Master,    1674-1706.     C.    at    Old 
Mutton,  Westmorland,  in  1674.   Died  Mar.  25,  1714-  Father 
of  William  (1694).   (Scott-Mayor.) 
WHARTON,  RALPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1579;  B.A.   1582-3.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Inworth, 

Essex,  1599. 
WARTON,  RALPH.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Mav  14,  1673.  3rd  s.  of  Michael  (1639-40),  Esq.,  of  Beverley, 

Yorks.  B.  July  13,  1656.  School,  Beverley  (private).  Matric. 

1673.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1674-5.    Deputy-Lieut. 

for  the  East  Riding,  1687-8.   M.P.  for  Beverley,  1695-1701. 

Died   Mar.   22,    1708-9.     Buried   at   St   Mary's,   Beverley. 

Brother  of  Michael  (1664-5)  and  Charles  (1673)-    (F.M.G., 

607;  Le  Neve,  Knts.,  205,  where  he  is  confused  with  his 

uncle  Sir  Ralph,  Knt.) 
WHARTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  24,  1615. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Richmondshire,  Yorks.  Matric. 

1615.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1605)  and  WiUiam  (1614), 

WHARTON,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1605.    B.  at  Bardfield  Saling,  Essex.    B.A.  1608-9;  M.A. 

1612.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  23,  1610,  age  23;  'C.  of 

Inworth,  Essex';  priest,  Feb.  17,  1610-1.  C.  of  Gt  Braxted. 

C.  of  Stisted,  1612.  V.  of  Felsted,  1614-47.  Licence  (London) 

Tuly  II,  1614,  to  marry  Martha  Gutter,  spinster,  dau.  of 

^ Gutter,    R.   of   St   Peter,   Colchester.    Died   1647-8. 

(H.  Smith.) 
WHARTON,   SAVILE.     Adm.   sizar   (age    18)    at   St   John's, 

Feb.  20,   1678-9.    S.  of  George,  mercer,  deceased.    B.  at 

Gainsborough,  Lines.    School,  East  Retford  (Mr  Bower). 

Wharton,  William 

Matric.  1679.  Migrated  to  Magdalene,  Oct.  4,  1681.  B.A. 
1682-3;  M.A.  1690.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely.  R.  of 
Thornton,  Lines.,  in  1701.  R.  of  Kelsey  St  Nicholas,  1701. 
(Lambeth  Act  Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHARTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  28,  1602.  2nd  s.  of  PhUip  (1573),  Baron  Wharton. 
B.  at  Wharton.  School,  WeU,  Yorks.  (Mr  Anderson).  M.A. 
1607  (;?/.  nob.).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1609.  Knighted,  Apr.  25, 
1611.  M.P.  for  Westmorland,  1614,  1621.  Of  Easby,  Yorks. 
Married  Philadelphia,  dau.  of  Robert  (Carey),  Earl  of 
Monmouth.  Died  v.p.,  Apr.  17,  1622,  aged  34.  Buried  at 
Easby,  Yorks.  (His  son  Philip  succeeded  as  4th  Baron 
Wharton,  1625.)  Brother  of  George  (1595-6).  (Venn,  i. 
178;  Al.Oxon.;  G.E.C.) 

WHARTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Oct.  8,  1605. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Humphrey,  of  Gillingwood,  Richmond- 
shire, Yorks.  Matric.  1606.  Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Benjamin  Lambert,  of  Calton,  Yorks.;  (2)  Susanna,  dau.  of 
Sir  Thomas  Haves,  sometime  Lord  Mayor  of  London.  Died 
Sept.  1641.  Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1615),  WiUiam 
(1614)  and  Philip  (1623).   (Whitaker,  Richmonds.,  i.  78.) 

WHARTON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1606. 

Perhaps  's.  and  h.  of  Humphrey,  of  Scales,  Yorks.,  gent.' 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  26,  1609. 
WHARTON,   THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age   17)   at  St  John's, 

Tune  16,  1640.    S.  of  Humphry,  gent.,  of   BurtergiU,   near 

Brough,  Westmorland.  B.  at  ReagiU  Grainge,  Westmorland. 

School,   Sedbergh.    Matric.   1640;  B.A.   1643-4.    Adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  8,  1647-8. 

WHARTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1637.  S.  of  John,  of  Winston,  Durham.  Bapt.  there,  Aug. 
31,  1614  (sic).  Migrated  to  Trinity  College,  Oxford.  Created 
M.D.  (Oxford)  1647;  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1652.  F.R.C.P., 
1650.  Phvsician  to  St  Thomas'  Hospital,  1659-73.  Resided 
in  London  throughout  the  plague,  1665-6.  Married  Jane, 
dau.  of  WiUiam  Asbridge,  of  London.  ,\uthor,  medical. 
Died  in  London,  Nov.  14  (?  15),  1673.  Buried  at  St  Michael, 
Bassishaw.  M.I.  Father  of  Thomas  (1673).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Munk,  I.  255;  D.N.B.;  Surtees,  in.  300.) 

WHARTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Pembroke, 
June  2,  1673.  Of  Old  Park,  Durham.  S.  of  Thomas  (1637), 
M.D.,  of  London.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 
Ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  25,  1692.  Buried  Dec.  30,  1714, 
at  St  Mary's  in  the  South  Bailey,  Durham.  Father  of  George 
(1706).   (Burke,  L.G.;  Surtees,  iii.  300.) 

WHARTON,  Baron  THOMAS.  LL.D.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).  S.  and 
h.  of  Philip,  4th  Baron,  and  grandson  of  Sir  Thomas  (1602). 
B.  Aug.  1648.  M.P.  for  Wendcver,  1673-9;  for  Bucks., 
1679-96.  Joined  the  Prince  of  Orange  at  his  landing  in 
England,  1688.  P.C,  1689.  ComptroUer  of  the  Household, 
1689-1702.  Succeeded  his  father  as  5th  Baron,  Feb.  6, 
1695-6.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Oxon.,  1697-1702,  and  of 
Bucks.,  1702  (Jan. -June).  Dismissed  from  all  office  at  the 
accession  of  Queen  Anne.  One  of  the  famous  'Junto'  of 
five  Whig  Peers.  Commissioner  for  the  Scotch  Union,  1706. 
Created  Viscount  Winchendon,  Co.  Bucks.,  and  Earl  of 
Wharton  (Westmorland),  Dec.  23,  1706.  Viceroy  of  Ireland, 
1708-10  (his  secretary  in  Ireland  was  Joseph  Addison,  the 
essayist).  Promoted  the  accession  of  George  I.  P.C,  1714- 
Lord  Privy  Seal,  1714.  Created  Baron  Trim,  Co.  Meath, 
Earl  of  Rathfarnham,  Co.  Dublin,  and  Marquess  of  Cather- 
lough,  Jan.  7,  1714-5,  and  Marquess  of  Wharton,  and  of 
Malmesbury,  Wilts.,  Feb.  15,  1714-5.  Married  (i)  Anne, 
dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Lee,  Bart.,  Sept.  16,  1673,  at  Adderbury, 
O.xon.;  (2)  Lucy,  dau.  of  Adam  (Loftus),  Viscount  Lisbume, 
1692.  Died  Apr.  12,  1716.  Buried  at  Winchendon.  (G.E.C; 

WHARTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
May  10,  1734.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Durham.  Matric.  1737; 
B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741;  M.D.  1752.  Fellow,  1739-  F.R.C.P., 
1754.  Censor,  1757.  Practised  in  London.  Removed  to  Old 
Park,  Durham,  1759.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Anthony 
Wilkinson,  of  Crossgate,  Apr.  20,  1747.  Buried  at  Whit- 
worth,  Dec.  22,  1794.   (Munk,  11.  197;  Burke,  L.G.) 

WHARTON,  VINCENT.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1592-3.  B.  at 
Ravenstone  Dale,  Westmorland.  M.A.  1596.  Ord.  deacon 
(Worcester)  Oct.  10,  1594;  priest  (London)  Nov.  18,  1597; 
'C.  of  Gt  Greenford,  Middlesex.'  R.  of  Willesford,  Notts., 
1599.   R.  of  South  Claypole,  Lines.,  1606.   (Peile,  i.  198.) 

WHARTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WHARTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Nov.  5,  1614. 
Of  Richmondshire.  Perhaps  S.  of  Humphrey,  of  GiUing- 
wood,  Yorks.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Fellow 
of  Peterhouse,  1620.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1615), 


Wharton,  William 

WHARTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  10,  1694.  S.  of  Posthumus  {1667),  clerk.  B.  at  Sed- 
bergh,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1696;  B. A.  1697-8; 
M.A.  1701.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  25,  1698;  priest 
(York)  Sept.  1701.  V.  of  Rothwell,  Yorks.,  1702-c.  38. 
Perhaps  chaplain  to  Colonel  Stringer's  Regiment  of  Foot, 

1705.  Probably  Admon.,  1738;  of  the  island  of  Nevis,  W.I. 

WHATELY,  see  also  WHEATLEY. 

WHATELY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  25,  1747. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Epsom,  Surrey,  Esq.  B.  there.  Matric. 
1748;  LL.B.  1753.  D.C.L.  (Trinity  CoUege,  Oxford)  1793, 
age  63.  R.  of  Widford,  Herts.,  1765-90.  Preb.  of  Bristol, 
i79?-7.  Died  Mar.  13,  1797.  Buried  in  Bristol  Cathedral. 
M.I.  at  Maldon,  Surrey.  Will,  P.C.C;  of  Nonsuch  Park, 
Surrey.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1745).  {Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch. 

WHATELY,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  21, 

1706.  S.  of  Thomas,  schoolmaster,  of  Bromley,  London. 
School,  Bromley  (his  father).  Matric.  1706;  Scholar,  1707; 
B.A.  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  31, 
1713;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1715.  R.  of  St  Martin  Outwich, 
Threadneedle  Street,  London,  1716-9.  Died  1719.  (Hen- 

WHATELY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  16, 

WHATELY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  24,  1745; 
afterwards  Fell. -Com.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Epsom,  Surrey,  Esq.  B.  there.  M.P.  for  Ludgershall, 
1761-S;  for  Castle  Rising,  1768-72.  Secretary  to  the 
Treasury  under  George  Grenville,  1764-5.  Under-Secretary 
of  State  under  Lord  North,  1771-2;  commissioner  on  the 
Board  of  Trade,  1771.  Author,  miscellaneous.  Died  un- 
married, May  26,  1772.  Brother  of  Joseph  (1747).  {D.N.B.; 
Manning  and  Bray,  11.  607.) 

WHATTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  8, 
1660.  S.  of  Robert,  druggist.  B.  at  Stamford,  Lines.  At 
school  there.  Matric.  1660;  Scholar,  1660;  B.A.  1663-4; 
probably  M.A.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  2,  1667;  priest  (Ixindon)  Dec.  23,  1677.  Perhaps  C.  of 
Streatham,  Cambs.,  in  1670.   {Venn,  1.  408.) 

WHATTON,  GEOFFREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent, 

WHATTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  about  19)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  14,  1679-80.  Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  of  William, 
of  Newtown,  Linford.  School,  Tamworth,  Warws.  (Mr 
Antrobus).  Matric.  1680;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  1683-4.  V.  of 
Humberstone,  Leics.,  1687-1704.  Died  Oct.  2,  1704,  aged  44. 
Will  (Leicester)  1704.   {Nichols,  iii.  375,  912.) 

WHATTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  2,  1658.  Of  Leicester.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of 
Newark,  Leics.  Matric.  1658.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Oct.  31,  i66o.  Knighted,  Dec.  15,  1662.  Of  Leicester. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Dacres,  of  Cheshunt, 
Herts.,  Aug.  21,  1668.  Buried  at  Cheshunt,  June  15,  1723. 
M.I.  {Clutterbuck,  11.  102;  Le  Neve,  Knights,  164;  Nichols, 
III.  912.) 

WHATTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1615.  R.  of  Howell, 
Lines.,  1626. 

WHATTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1636.  Of  Leicestershire.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  June  15,  1637. 
Matric.  (again)  1637.  Returned  to  Queens'.  B.A.  1640-1; 
M.A.  1662.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  17,  1643-4.  V.  of 
St  Ippolitt's,  Herts.,  1643-6.  V.  of  Bottesford,  Leics.,  1648. 
R.  of  Knaptoft,  1662-70.  Buried  there  Oct.  19,  1670. 
{Nichols,  IV.  222.) 

WHATTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  5,  1670. 
Matric.  1670;  Scholar,  1674;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Aug.  10,  1677.  R.  of  Waltham,  Leics., 
1687-9.  R-  of  Knaptoft,  Leics.,  1713-35.  Buried  there 
Dec.  29,  1735,  aged  90  (sic).   (Niclwls,  11.  385;  iv.  222.) 

WHEALUS  (?  WEALE),  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Mag- 
dalene, June  20,  1668.  S.  of  Stephen,  schoolmaster,  of 
Fremington,  Grinton,  Yorks.  School,  Grinton. 

WHEAT,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  July  2, 
1659.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Mansfield,  Notts.  School,  Mans- 
field ((i)  Mr  Sylvester,  (2)  Mr  Hutchinson).  Matric.  1659; 
B.A.  1662-3.  Preached  in  Derbyshire,  1662,  silenced. 
Chaplain  to  Sir  John  Bright,  of  Bradsworth,  Yorks.  Died 
c.  1667.   {Peile,  I.  588.) 

WHEATE,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  at  Trinity  Hall,  1668.  Adm. 
pens,  at  Sidney,  July  3,  i66g,  age  18.  S.  of  Samuel,  yeoman, 
deceased.  B.  at  Coventry,  Warws.  School,  Coventry. 
Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1671-2. 

WHEAT,  .    Adra.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July,   1665,    Of 


Wheatley,  John 

WHEATH,  ZACHARIAH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1662.  Of  Yorkshire  [perhaps  of  Rillington,  Yorks.; 
for  pedigree  of  this  family  see  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxx.  163]. 
Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  Mar.  i,  1662-3. 

WHEATCROFT,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs. 
1567.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  gent. 
Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1570;  LL.B.  1575-6,  LL.D.  1586. 
Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,  1574-92.    Adm.  advocate,  Oct.  9, 

1590.  Master  of  Chancery.  Married  Elizabeth  Jennings, 
widow,  and  sister  of  Sir  Henry  Glemham,  Knt.  Author. 
Will  dated,  July  13,  1614;  proved  (P.C.C.)  July  i,  1616. 
Perhaps  brother  of  the  next.  (Cooper,  11.  286;  J.  Ch.  Smith; 
Suffolk  Arch.  Proc,  vi.  104.) 

WHITCROFT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1571.  Possibly  s.  of  William  (Whetcroft),  of  Ipswich, 
gent.  If  so,  R.  of  Witnesham,  Suffolk,  1581.  Will  (Norwich) 

1591.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (above). 

WHEATCROFT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Mar.  24,  1652-3.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Theberton,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1653.  Perhaps 
of  Melford,  Suffolk;  licence  (London)  to  marry  Anne  Bartlett, 
of  Morefields,  London,  spinster,  Aug.  23,  1669. 

WHEATCROFT,  WILLIAM.  Said  to  have  studied  at  Cambridge 
and  Oxford,  Lady  Willoughby  paying  for  his  maintenance 
with  her  grandchildren,  the  two  dukes  of  Suffolk.  (See 
Suffolk  Arch.  Proc,  vi.  100;  will  of  Henry.)  Father  of 
Henry  (1567). 

WHEATLEY,  see  also  WHATELY. 

WHEATLEY,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1728  (Incorp.  from  St  John's 
College,  Oxford).  Matric.  there.  Mar.  28,  1705,  age  19.  S.  of 
John,  of  London,  gent.  B.  Feb.  6,  1685-6.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors'.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1709-10;  M.A.  1713.  Lecturer  of 
St  Mildred-in-the-Poultry,  London,  1717,  and  of  St  Swithin, 
1725.  V.  of  Brent,  and  of  Fumeaux  Pelham,  Herts.,  1725- 
42.  Author  of  a  popular  commentary  on  the  Book  of  Com- 
mon Prayer,  etc.  Died  May  13,  1742.  Buried  at  Fumeaux 
Pelham.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N. B.) 

WHEATLEY  or  WHATELY,  CRESWELL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Em- 
manuel, Nov.  27,  1635.  Of  Oxfordshire.  Matric.  1635, 
Whately;  B.A.  1639-40,  Wheatley.  Probably  R.  of  Tad- 
marton,  Oxon.;  Will  (Cons.  C.  Oxford)  1682.  Probably 
father  of  Samuel  (1672)  and  perhaps  of  William  (1672-3). 
WHETLEY,    CHRISTOPHER.     Matric.    sizar    from    Corpus 

Christi,  Easter,  1549  (adm.  1548). 
WHEATLEY,  EDWARD.    M.A.   1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of    London,    gent.     Matric.    (St    John's    College,    Oxford) 
Oct.  13, 1615,  age  20;  B.A.  1616;  M.A.  1619.  R.  of  Boylestone, 
Derbs.,  1622-40.   (41.  Oxon.) 
WHEATLEY,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  27,  1678.  S.  of  George,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  WooUey, 
Yorks.    School,  Darton  (Mr  Walker).    Matric.  1678;  M.B. 
1683.     Captain    of    Militia,    1688.     Of    Woolley.     Married 
(i)   Emilia,   dau.  of  Thomas  Hardwick,  of  Pottemewton, 
near  Leeds;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Anthony  Devevere,  M.D.,  of 
Leeds.   (Hufiter,  11.  386.) 
WHETLEY,  GEORGE.    B.A.  1539-40.    Fellow  of  St  John's, 

WHEATLEY  or  WHATELY,   GEORGE.     Matric.   sizar   from 
King's,  Easter,   1668;   B..\.   1671-2.    Signed  for  deacon's 
orders  (London)  Sept.  20,  1672;  for  priest's,  Mar.  13,  1673-4; 
'C.  of  Ramsden  Grays,  Essex.'    V.  of  Aldeburgh,  Suffolk, 
1678;  'M.A.' 
WHEATLY,   GEORGE.    Adm.  sizar   (age   18)   at   St   John's, 
Feb.  5,  1697-8.   S.  of  George,  vintner.   B.  at  York.  School, 
Sherbum    (Mr   Bain).     Matric.    1698;   B.A.    1703-4.    Ord. 
deacon   (London)   Sept.   22,   1706;  priest,  Sept.   19,   1708. 
Perhaps  his  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1718-9;  of  St  Peter-le-Poer,  London, 
WHEATLEY,  HUMPHREY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1578-9;   B.A.    1582-3.     Ord.   deacon   and   priest   (Peterb.) 
May  6,   1596.    V.  of  Potterspury,  Northants.,   1597-1607. 
V.  of  St  John's,   Margate,   Kent,    1607-31.    Buried  there 
Oct.  26,  1631.   Father  of  the  next.   (Hasted,  \\.  ■i5<).) 
WHEATELEY,  HUMPHREY.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
June  20,  1621.    S.  of  Humphrey  (alwve),  V.  of  St  John's, 
Margate,    Kent.     B.    at    Potterspury,    Northants.    School, 
St  John's,  Isle  of  Thanet.   Matric.  162 1;  B.A.  1624-5.   Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1626.    'Inter- 
foctus  a  militc,'  Feb.  26,  1626-7.  (Parish  Register  (Margate).) 
WHETLEY,  JOHN.   B.A.  1507-8. 

WHEATLEY,  JOHN.  .'Vdm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel.  Easter,  1625. 
Matric.  1625;  \i..\.  1628-9;  MA.  1632.  Probably  V.  of 
Daventry,  Northants.,  1637-8.  V.  of  Watford,  Northants., 
1648;  conformed  and  reinstated,  1661-6.  Buried  at  Watford, 
Feb.  5,  1666-7.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 


Wheatley,  John 

WHEATLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Christ's,  May  21, 
1669.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Emlay,  near  Huddersfield, 
Yorks.  School,  Flockton,  near  Wakefield  (Mr  Wigglesworth). 
Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May,  1673;  priest,  Sept.  1678.   (Peile,  11.  22.) 

WHEATLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

WHEATLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  27, 
1744.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Wakefield.  School,  Rotherham 
(Mr  Stephenson).  Matric.  1744;  Scholar,  1746;  B.A.  1748; 
M.A.  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1748;  priest,  June, 
1750.  Chaplain  to  the  Duchess  of  Hamilton.  V.  of  Aslackby, 
Lines.  R.  of  Claxby  with  Normanby,  1758.  Married  Eliza, 
dau.  of  William  Cooke,  R.  of  Sawtry.  Died  Apr.  10,  1794, 
aged  68,  at  Treeton.   (Peile,  11.  246;  F.M.G.,  600.) 

WHETLY,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1593. 

WHEATLEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  15, 
1672.  Of  Oxfordshire.  Probably  s.  of  Creswell  (1635),  of 
Tadmarton,  Oxon.  B.A.  1673-4-  Probably  matric.  (Trinity 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  19,  1668-9,  age  18.  Perhaps  brother 
of  William  (1672-3). 

WHEATELEY  or  WHETLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  1467.  Of  Datchet,  Bucks.  B.A.  1469-70; 
M.D.  1476-7;  M.A.  (according  to  Harwood). 

WHETLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WHEATLY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1624;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  25,  1631;  priest.  May  27,  1632. 

WHEATLEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1651;  scholar  from  Westminster.  S.  of  Zabulon.  B.  in 
Middlesex.  Age  16  in  1648. 

WHETLEY,  W.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs.  1566. 
Possibly  William,  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Walsingham, 
Norfolk,  prothonotary  of  C.P.  If  so,  adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  July  1,  1571;  late  of  Clifiord's  Inn.  Died  1574. 
(Middle  Temple  Bench  Book.) 

WHEATLY  or  WHATELY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  from  Christ's, 
1597-8.  S.  of  Thomas,  Mayor  of  Banbury,  Oxon.  B.  there. 
May  26,  1583.  B.A.  1600-1.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1602. 
M.A.  (St  Edmund  Hall,  Oxford)  1604.  Lecturer  at  Banbury, 
1604.  V.  of  Banbury,  1610-39.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
George  Hunt,  R.  of  CoUingboume  Ducis,  Wilts.  Author, 
miscellaneous.  Died  May  10,  1639.  Buried  at  Banbury.  M.I. 
Will,  P.C.C.   (Peile,  i.  224;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WHEATLEY,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Lent, 
1672-3.  Perhaps  s.  of  Creswell  (1635).  Perhaps  brother  of 
Samuel  (1672). 

WHETLEY  or  WHETLE, .  B.A.  1492. 


WHEELER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  16,  1635. 
S.  of  William,  of  London,  goldsmith,  and  of  Martin  Husing- 
tree,  Worcs.  B.  c.  1620.  Exhibitioner  of  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  1636;  Scholar,  1638;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 
Fellow,  1640-4,  ejected.  Gentleman  of  the  Privy  Chamber 
to  Charles  II.  Colonel  in  the  Royalist  army.  M.P.  for  the 
University,  1667-79.  Governor  of  the  Leeward  Islands. 
Succeeded  Sir  William  Wheler,  of  Westminster  as  2nd  Bart., 
Aug.  6,  1666.  Inherited  the  estate  of  Leamington  Hastings, 
Warws.,  under  the  wiU  of  Sir  Thomas  Trevor  (his  mother's 
cousin),  1676.  Of  Birdingbury,  Warws.,  Esq.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Bindlosse,  of  Borwick  Hall, 
Lanes.,  1648.  Died  Aug.  26,  1683,  aged  64.  Buried  at 
Leamington  Hastings.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  (To  be  distinguished 
from  Charles  of  Charing,  Kent;  b.  i6ii,  and  father  of  Sir 
George,  D.D.,  Canon  of  Durham.)  (Vis.  of  Warws.,  1682; 
Vis.  of  Worcs.;  G.E.C.,  in.  107;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  11.  203.) 

WHELER,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  26,  1748. 
S.  of  Sir  William,  of  Leamington  Hastings,  Warws.,  5th  Bart. 
B.  in  Paris,  Dec.  22,  1730.  Matric.  1749;  B.A.  1753;  M.A. 
1756.  V.  of  Leamington  Hastings,  1757-1821.  Preb.  of 
York,  1779-1821.  Succeeded  his  brother  WiUiam  as  7th 
Bart.,  Apr.  1799.  Married  Lucy,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Strange, 
Master  of  the  Rolls,  Jan.  20,  1762,  at  King's  Walden,  Herts. 
Died  at  Bath,  July  12,  1821,  aged  91.  Buried  at  Walcot, 
Bath.   (G.E.C.,  III.  108.) 

WHEELER,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  21,  1685. 
S.  of  Francis,  of  Essex,  Esq.   Matric.  1685. 

WHELER,  GRANVILLE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
May  10,  1717.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  George,  Knt.,  D.D.,  and  Canon 
of  Durham  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  B.  1701,  in  London. 
School,  Durham  (Mr  Rymer).  Scholar,  1718;  B.A.  1720-1; 
M.A.  1724.  Fellow,  1722.  F.R.S.,  1728.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1734.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster, 
Sept.  25,  1737.  Purchased  Otterden  Place  where  he  carried 
on  experiments  in  electricity.   R.  of  Leake,  Notts.,  1737-70- 

Wheeler,  William 

Preb.  of  Southwell,  1753-70.  Married  (i)  Lady  Catherine 
Maria,  dau.  of  Theophilus  (Hastings),  Earl  of  Huntingdon; 
(2)  May,  dau.  of  John  Dove,  of  London.  Died  May  12, 
1770,  aged  71.  Buried  at  Otterden.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of 
the  next  and  of  Theophilus  (1741-2).  (Peile,  11.  ig2;  D.N. B.; 
Al.  Oxon.;  Hasted,  11.  502.) 

WHELER,  GRANVILLE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
Oct.  23,  1751.  S.  of  Granville  (above),  clerk.  B.  Dec.  19, 
1732,  at  Otterden,  Kent.  School,  Leicester  (Mr  Andrews). 
Matric.  1751;  Scholar,  1751;  M.A.  1755.  Of  Otterden,  Kent. 
Married  Sibylla  Christian,  dau.  of  Robert  Haswell,  Captain, 
R.N.  Died  1786,  in  France.  Buried  at  Otterden.  Brother 
of  Theophilus  (1741-2).  (Peile,  11.  256;  Burke,  L.G.;  Surtees, 
I-  305.) 

WHEELER,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  24, 
1644.  S.  of  James,  clothier  and  weaver,  of  Colchester. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Leyden  (Mr  Stoke)  and  Colchester 
(Mr  Dugard).  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  from  Caius, 
1651.  Fellow  of  Caius,  1649-61.  President,  1660;  ejected 
from  the  College  after  the  Restoration.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
June  20,  1681;  mentions  son  James  (?  next),  then  a  minor. 
(Venn,  i.  376;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WHEELER,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  7, 
1696.  S.  of  James  (?  above),  of  Hadleigh,  Sufiolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Leeds). 

WHEELER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  May  11, 
1672.  S.  of  John,  of  Halesowen,  Salop  (sic).  Matric.  1673; 
B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1680. 

WHEELER,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1749.  S.  of  William, 
of  Stottesden,  Salop,  gent.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
May  30,  1730,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1734.  Perhaps  C.  of 
Wakefield,  Yorks.,  1744-61.  V.  of  Dewsbury,  1749-61. 
Died  Jan.  12,  1761.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHEELER,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  15,  1722-3. 
Of  Jamaica.   Matric.  1723. 

WHELER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1562.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  17,  1566;  of 
London  (special  admission). 

WHEYLER,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1562;  Scholar,  1563;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569. 
WHEELER,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1563;  Scholar,  1563;  B.A.  1566-7.    This  man  or  Richard 

(above)   ord.   deacon   and  priest  (Peterb.)   Apr.   22,   1570. 

V.  of  Kempston,  Beds.,  1605-18.  Buried  there  Dec.  2,  1618. 

(W.  M.  Noble.) 
WHEELER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 

Jan.    12,    1636-7.    S.  of   Richard,   goldsmith,  of  London. 

Bapt.  Jan.  5,  1616-7,  in  St  Foster's  parish,  London.  School, 

London  (private).  Matric.  1637. 
WHEELER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  29, 

1715.   Of  the  Isle  of  Ely. 
WHELER,  THEOPHILUS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Jan.  11, 

1741-2.    S.  of  Granville  (i7i7),  R-  of  Otterden,  Kent.    B. 

1725,  in  London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1742.  Adm. 

at   Lincoln's    Inn,   Jan.    22,    1742-3.     Died   unmarried   at 

Cambridge,  Dec.  1743.   Brother  of  Granville  (1751)-    (Peile, 

II.  242;  Surtees,  i.  176.) 

WHEELER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Aug.  i,  1667. 
S.  of  Wilham,  of  Colchester,  Essex.  Matric.  1667. 

WHELER,  Sir  TREVOR,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at 
St  John's,  Aug.  26,  1715.  S.  of  Sir  William,  of  Leamington 
Hastings,  Warws.,  3rd  Bart.,  and  grandson  of  Charles  (1635). 
Bapt.  Nov.  25,  1697,  at  Leamington  Hastings.  School, 
Rugby.  Succeeded  his  father  as  4th  Bart.,  Feb.  23,  1708-9. 
Died  unmarried  at  Bath,  Oct.  11,  1718.  Buried  at  Leaming- 
ton.  (Vis.  of  Warws.,  1682;  G.E.C.,  111.  108.) 

WHEALER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1582.  Of  Kent.  B.  at  West  Mailing.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Feb.  24,  1585-6,  age  25.  C.  of  Rochester.  Perhaps  V.  of 
East  Peckham,  Kent,  1592-7.  Buried  there  Sept.  23,  1597- 

WHEELER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June 
9,  1666.  Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1667.  Recommended 
by  the  King  for  a  Fellowship,  1669.   (Coll.  Hist.,  155.) 

WHELER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  29,  1709.  S.  of  Admiral  Sir  Francis,  Knt.,  deceased 
(for  whom  see  D.N.B.),  and  grandson  of  Charles  (1635). 
B.  in  London.  School,  Rugby.  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3; 
M.A.  1716.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  18,  1715;  priest  (London)  Oct.  28,  1716.  V.  of  East 
Camel,  Somerset  1730-2.  V.  of  Leamington  Hastings, 
Warws.  Died  Oct.  5,  1738.  Buried  at  Leamington  Hastings. 
Admon.,  P.C.C. 


B.A.  1491. 


Wheelhouse,  George 


Com.  1600-1. 

Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1598-9;  Fell. 

WHEELER, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  27,  1666. 

WHEELHOUSE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1578.  V.  of  Boum,  Cambs.,  1597-1603.  Buried  there  Aug. 
29,  1603.   {Peile,  I.  148;  J.  Crosby.) 

WHEELHOUSE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1577.  B.  at  Kippax,  Yorks.  B.A.  1580-1.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  21,  1583,  age  24;  'C.  of  Woodham  Water, 
Essex';  priest,  Mar.  18,  1585-6.  V.  of  Little  Baddow, 
1591-6.   Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1623. 

WHEELHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 

WHEELOCK,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1611.  B.  1593,  at  Whitchurch,  Salop.  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A. 
1618;  B.D.  from  Clare,  1624.  FeUow  of  Clare,  1619-32.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  19,  1619;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22, 
1622.  V.  of  St  Sepulchre,  Cambridge,  1622-42.  R.  of 
Passenham,  Northants.,  1626-7.  University  Librarian,  1629- 
53.  Professor  of  Arabic,  1632-53.  V.  of  Middleton,  Norfolk. 
Married  Clemence  Godd,  1632.  Author,  Anglo-Saxon 
Version  of  Bede,  etc.  Died  Sept.  25,  1653,  aged  60.  Will 
proved  (V.C.C.)  1667  (?  1657).  Perhaps  brother  of  Ralph 
(1623),  probably  father  of  the  next,  of  Gregory  (1649)  and 
of  Ralph  (164;).   {D.N.B.;  Musgrave.) 

WHILLOCK,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs. 
1650.  Probably  s.  of  Abraham  (above).  Probably  brother 
of  the  next  and  of  Ralph  (1645). 

WHEELOCKE,  GREGORY.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1649.  Probably  s.  of  Abraham  (1611).  Migrated  to  Clare, 
Aug.  8,  1649.  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  V.  of  Cudham, 
Kent,  1665-1709.  Buried  there  Sept.  19,  1709.  Probably 
brother  of  Abraham  (above)  and  Ralph  (1645).   {Fielding.) 

WHEELOCK,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1623. 
B.  in  Shropshire,  1600.  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1631.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1629.  Went  to  New  England, 
1637.  Settled  at  Dedham,  Mass.  Deputy  to  the  Mass. 
General  Court  for  Dedham,  1639  and  1640;  for  Medfield, 
1653,  1663,  1664,  1666  and  1667.  Town  clerk  and  local 
justice  in  Dedham,  1642.  Became  the  leading  founder  of 
the  new  town  of  Medfield,  Mass.,  1651.  Died  there  Jan.  11, 
1683-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  Abraham  (161 1).  (J.  G.  Bart- 
lett;  Felt,  374.) 

WHILOCKE,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1645.  Probably  s.  of  Abraham  (1611).  Probably  brother 
of  Abraham  (1650),  etc. 

WHEELWRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1571.  Probably  scholar  of  Christ's,  1572-4.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Bridekirk,  Cumberland,  1581-1625.  Perhaps  father  of 
Richard  (1626).   (B.  Nightingale.) 

WHEELWRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Apr.  28,  1611. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Cumberworth  and  Saleby,  Lines.  B.  1594. 
Matric.  161 1 ;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  19;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1619.  V.  of  Bilsby,  Lines.,  1623-33; 
suspended  for  nonconformity.  Preacher  at  BeUeau  till 
silenced.  Went  to  New  England,  1636;  arrived  at  Boston, 
May  26,  1636.  ."Vdmitted  to  the  Boston  Church,  June  12, 
1636.  Associated  with  the  Hutchinsonian  party  whose 
Antinomian  sympathies  were  exciting  strong  opposition. 
Pastor  of  a  church  at  Mount  Wollaston  (New  Quincy), 
Mass.,  1636.  As  the  result  of  a  sermon  preached  in  Boston, 
he  was  convicted  of  sedition  and  sentenced  to  banishment. 
Mar.  1636-7;  sentence  revoked,  1644.  Went  with  a  party 
of  friends  to  New  Hampshire  and  founded  Exeter,  N.H.; 
pastor  there,  1638-42.  Removed  to  Wells,  Me.,  1643. 
Invited  to  the  ministry  of  Hampton,  N.H.,  1647;  installed 
pastor  there,  1647.  Went  to  England,  1656;  remained  there 
till  1662;  part  of  the  time  the  guest  of  Sir  Henry  Vane, 
former  Governor  of  Mass.  Returned  to  New  England,  1662. 
Pastor  of  Salisbury,  Mass.,  1662-79.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Storre,  V.  of  Bilsby,  Lines.;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of 
Edward  Hutchinson,  of  Alford,  Lines.  Author,  Mercurius 
Americanus.  Died  at  Salisbury,  Mass.,  Nov.  15,  1679. 
Perhaps  father  of  the  next.   {Felt,  257;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

WHEELWRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  24,  1643. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (above).  Bapt.  Oct.  6, 
1622,  at  Bilsby,  Lines.  Matric.  1643.  One  of  these  names 
ord.  deacon  (by  Bishop  of  Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1642. 

WHEELWRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1626.  Of  Cumberland.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1571). 
B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1634. 

WHEELWRIGHT,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
c.  1596;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1599-1600.  V.  of  Helmsley, 
Yorks.,  1605-37.   Died  1637. 

WHEELWRIGHT,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
Mar.  22,  1666-7.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Helmsley,  Yorks.  School, 
York.   Matric.  1667. 

Whetenhall,  Henry 

WHEELWRIGHT, .  B.Can.L.  1498-9. 

WHEKISLEY,  RICHARD.   B.A.  1459-60. 

(age  17)  at  Macijalene,  Mar.  4,  1645-6.  S.  of  John,  of 
Ingoldmells,  Lines.,  gent,  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Augustine 
Kirkman,  of  East  Kent).  School,  Alford.  Matric.  1645-6. 
R.  of  Addlethorpe,  Lines.,  1650.  Living,  1662.  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1068.) 

WHELPDALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  July,  1676; 
B.A.  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  1680-1.  C.  of 
Markfield,  Leics.  Probably  R.  of  All  Saints',  Langdon  Hills, 
Essex,  1685-1704,  and  R.  of  Vange,  1685.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Hareby,  Lines.,  1696;  R.  of  Roughton,  1704,  and  of  Scrivels- 
by,  1704.   {Peile,  11.  61.) 

WHELPDALE,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Cxius, 
Apr.  4,  1601.  S.  of  William,  merchant,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  i,  1582-3.  School,  Wisbech,  Isle  of  Ely 
(MrHowden).   {Venn,  1.  174.) 

WELDALE,  ROGER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 
1617.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Roger,  of  Tydd  St  Mary,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  15,  1619-20,  Whelldale. 

WHELPDAILE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1585.  B.  at  Hibberstow,  Lines.  B.A.  1588-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  27,  1591,  age  24.  C.  of  Abbots 
Roding,  Essex.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1607;  of  TiUingham,  Essex. 

WHELPDAYLE,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1609. 

WHELDALE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Michs.  1618.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Gt  Steeping,  Lines. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  1068.) 

WHELPDALE,  .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1478-9. 

A  John  Whelpdale  R.  of  Raleigh,  Essex,  1481-7. 

WHELPDALE, .   D.Can.L.  1489-90;  D.Civ.L.  1493-4. 

WHELSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1587. 

WHERIWAS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1586.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  (?  1589-90);  M.A.  1593.  Fellow, 


WHETCOMBE,  JOHN.  B.D.  1610  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Dorset,  gent.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  1597, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1599;  M.A.  1602;  B.D.  1610;  D.D. 
1612.  Fellow  of  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  1602-10.  R.  of 
Maiden  Newton,  Dorset,  1609-35.  R.  of  Frome  Vanchurch, 
1620-35.  Buried  May  30,  1635.  M.I.  at  Maiden  Newton. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WHETHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  16,  1750.  Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  St 
George's,  Hanover  Square,  Esq.  B.  Apr.  12,  1733.  School, 
Fulham.  Matric.  1750.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric. 
(Exeter  College)  Nov.  10,  1752,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1754; 
M.A.  1757.  Dean  of  Lismore,  1791.  Archdeacon  of  Cork, 
1793-6.  V.  of  Brinny,  Co.  Cork,  1794-5.  V.  of  Callan 
(Ossory),  1794-6.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Moore,  M.P. 
Died  at  Clifton,  May  i,  1796.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  {Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WETENHALL  or  WITHNALL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at 
Trinity,  May  23,  1655;  scholar  from  Westminster  Of 
Staffordshire.  B.  in  Lichfield,  Oct.  7,  1636.  Matric.  1658, 
Wetenhall;  B.A.  1658.  Migrated  to  Oxford,  June  18,  r66i. 
M.A.  (Oxford)  i66i;  B.D.  1669.  Chaplain,  Lincoln  College, 
Oxford,  1661.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1670.  V.  of  Combe 
Longa,  Oxon.,  1661.  V.  of  St  Stephen's,  St  Albans,  Herts., 
1661-3.  Canon  of  Exeter,  1667-74.  Master  of  Exeter 
Grammar  School,  1667.  C.  of  St  Werburgh's,  and  chanter 
at  Christ  Church,  Dublin.  Bishop  of  Cork  and  Ross,  1679-99; 
resided  in  Ireland  throughout  the  troubles,  1688-9.  F.R.S., 
1683.  Bishop  of  Kilmore  and  Ardagh,  1699-1713;  restored 
the  episcopal  residence  at  Kilmore  and  rebuilt  the  Cathedral 
at  Ardagh  (since  demolished).  Urged  the  need  of  supplying 
'  books  of  religion '  in  the  Irish  language.  Author,  devotional, 
etc.  Died  in  London,  Nov.  12,  1713.  Buried  in  Westminster 
Abbey.  M.I.  Will,  Dublin.  Father  of  John  (1696).  (Al. 
Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  i\/o>i.;  D.N.B.) 

WHETNALL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  5, 
1617.  S.  of  Sir  Henry  (next),  of  East  Peckham,  Kent,  Knt. 
Matric.  1617-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  3,  1623.  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1615).   {T.  A.  Walker,  7.) 

WHETNALL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  2, 
1580.  Matric.  1580;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1591.  Adm.  at  Cray's  Inn,  Oct.  22,  1588;  'of  East 
Peckham,  Kent.'  Knighted,  Feb.  2  (7),  1608-9.  Father  of 
Francis  (above)  and  of  Thomas  (1615).  {Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of 
Kent,  1663.) 


Whetenhall,  John 

WETENHALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  27)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  15,  1696.  S.  of  Edward  (1658),  B.D.,  Bishop  of  Cork. 
B.  in  Devon.  School,  Cork.  M.A.  1696.  Adm.  at  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  Apr.  24,  1686,  age  17;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1689. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  27,  1693.  Archdeacon  of  Cork, 
1697-1717.  Will  dated  Feb.  17,  1715;  proved  (Cork)  May  18, 
1717.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WHETENHALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse, 
May  20,  1615.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Henry  (1580),  of 
East  Peckhara,  Kent.  Matric.  1615.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
George  Phillips,  of  Tenterden.  Brother  of  Francis  (1617). 
{Vis.  of  Kent,  1663-8.) 

WHETENHALL,    .     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from    Queens', 

Easter,  1544. 


WHETSTONE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1573.  Perhaps  s.  of  Francis,  of  Peterborough.  If  so,  married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Francis  Quarles,  of  USord,  Northants.,  Dec. 
10,  1598.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1578.  Probably 
father  of  the  next.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1069.) 

from  Clare,  Easter,  1624.  Probably  s.  of  Francis  (above). 
B.A.  1627-8.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Charles  Metham, 
of  BuUington,  Lines.,  widow  of  Sir  James  Bogge,  of  Sutter- 
ton,  Aug.  23,  1632,  at  Saleby.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1069.) 

WHETSTONES,  JAMES.  M.A.  1640  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Oxford,  tailor.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 
Oxford)  Oct.  20,  1626,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1629-30;  M.A. 
1632.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WHICHCOTE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1626.  6th  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Whichcote  Hall,  Stoke,  Salop. 
B.  May  4,  1609.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633; 
B.D.  1640;  D.D.  from  King's,  1649.  FeUow  of  Emmanuel, 
1633-43.  Lecturer  at  Trinity  Church,  Cambridge,  1636. 
Provost  of  King's,  1645-60,  ejected.  Vice-Chancellor,  1650. 
R.  of  North  Cadbury,  Somerset,  1643-9.  R.  of  Milton,  Cambs., 
1649-83.  V.  of  St  Anne,  Blackfriars,  London,  1662,  and  St 
Lawrence  Jewry,  1668-83.  Married,  at  St  Mildred  Poultry, 
London,  to  Rebecca  Glover,  of  St  Swithin's,  widow,  Apr.  26, 
1649.  Author,  religious.  Died  May,  1683,  aged  74-  Buried 
at  St  Lawrence.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Edward  (1617). 
{D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1071.) 

WHICHCOTE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1617.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  of  Stoke,  Salop. 
Matric.  1617.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1619.  Barrister, 
1628.  Of  Stoke,  Esq.  Brother  of  Benjamin  (1626).  {Vis.  of 
London,  1634;  Clutterbtick,  11.  449.) 

WHICHCOTE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  19,  1623.  S.  of  Sir  Hamon  (1593),  of  Harpswell,  Lines. 
B.  at  Dunston,  near  Lincoln.  School,  Sleaford.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  23,  1626.  Of  Harpswell,  Esq.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  Samuel  Lennard,  of  West  Wickham,  Kent. 
Appeared  in  a  list  of  Lincolnshire  men  declared  guilty  of 
high  treason,  Apr.  21,  1643,  but  later  apparently  a  Royalist. 
Donor  to  the  New  Building.  Buried  June  9,  1658,  at  Harps- 
well. Brother  of  John  (1623),  etc.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1072; 
Peile,  I.  349.) 

WHICHCOTE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
May  24,  1708.  S.  of  Sir  Paul  (1662),  Bart.,  of  Quy,  Cambs. 
Matric.  1708.  Migrated  to  Trinity  Hall,  Dec.  21,  1711. 
LL.B.  1713.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  12,  i7i3-4- 
M.P.  for  Cambs.,  1718-22.  Succeeded  his  father  as  3rd  Bart., 
Dec.  1721.  Of  Grantham  and  Aswarby,  Lines.,  and  of 
Chesham,  Bucks.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Joseph  Banks, 
of  Revelsby  Abbey,  Lines.;  (2)  Frances,  widow  of  Sir  NeviUe 
Hickman,  Bart.  Died  Oct.  27,  1775,  aged  89.  Buried  at 
Aswarby.   (Burke,  Peerage;  L.  Mag.;  G.E.C.,  in.  22.) 

WHICHCOT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Apr.  27, 
1670.  Of  Fotherby,  Lines.  S.  of  William  (1633-4),  of 
Fotherby.  Bapt.  there,  June  6,  1653-  M.A.  1673.  M.P.  for 
Lines.,  1698,  1705,  1708.  Married  Frances  Katherine,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Meres,  Knt.,  of  Kirton  and  Lincoln.  Father 
of  Thomas  (1719)  and  John  (1722).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1073.) 

WHICHCOTS,  HAMMOND  (or  HAMON).  Adm.  Fell.-Com. 
(age  15)  at  Caius,  May  4,  1593.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  gent., 
of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Dunston,  Lines.  School,  Kirk  Ella, 
Yorks.  (Mr  Graye).  Knighted,  Apr.  23,  1603.  One  of  the 
Commissioners  appointed  to  raise  money  for  the  Parlia- 
mentary army,  Sept.  20,  1643-  Of  Harpswell,  Lines.,  Esq. 
Married  Millicent,  dau.  of  John  Markham,  of  Sedgbrook. 
Will  proved  May  17,  1651.  Father  of  John  (1623),  Robert 
(1620),  Edward  (1623), Thomas  (1633),  William  (1633-4),  and 
Robert  (1645).   {Venn,  i.  149;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1072.) 

WYCHCOTTE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1574. 

WHICHCOTE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  19,  1623.  S.  of  Sir  Hamon  (1593),  Knt.  B.  at  Dunston, 

Whiddon,  Rowland 

near  Lincoln.  School,  Sleaford.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  9, 
1625.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  Robert  (1620),  Edward  (1623), 
Thomas  (1633)  and  William  (1633-4).  {Peile,  1.  350;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1072.) 
WHICHCOT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1654- 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1657;  of  Windsor. 

WHICHCOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  Mar. 
27,  1722.  S.  of  George  (1670),  Esq.  B.  at  Harpswell,  Lines. 
Bapt.  June  6,  1702.  School,  Glamford  Bridge.  Matric.  1723; 
LL.B.  1727.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  2,  1728-9;  priest, 
Dec.  21,  1729.  V.  of  Saxby,  Lines.,  1729.  V.  of  Blyton, 
1729.  R.  of  Scotton,  and  of  Althorpe,  1741.  Died  Sept.  29, 
1750.  Buried  at  St  Margaret's,  Lincoln.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1719).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1073.) 

WHICHCOTT,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c.  1593  (adm.  1592).  Of  Lincolnshire.  S.  of  Thomas,  of 
South  Kyme.  Of  Haverholm.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
William  Thorold,  of  Marston.  Will  proved,  Apr.  8,  1640. 
Brother  of  William  {c.  1593)-   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1071.) 

WHITCHCOT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Jan.  21,  1675-6.  7th  s.  of  Sir  Jeremiah,  Bart.  B.  at  Hendon, 
Middlesex.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1679-80.  Brother  of  the  next. 
{Clutterbuek,  11.  449.) 

WHITCHCOT  or  WHICHCOTE,  PAUL.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
King's,  Easter,  1662.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Jeremy,  Bart.,  of  the 
Inner  Temple,  London.  B.  Mar.  5,  1643.  M.A.  1701,  F.R.S., 
1674.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  June  22,  1677. 
Of  Quy  Hall,  Cambs.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas 
Gould,  Bart.,  June  14,  1677,  at  Guildhall  Chapel,  St 
Lawrence  Jewry,  London.  Died  Dec.  1721.  Brother  of 
Matthew  (above)  and  father  of  Francis  (1708).  (Burke, 
Peerage;  G.E.C.,  in.  22.) 

WHICHCOT,  PAUL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  i6)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  6,  1706.  Of  Middlesex.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of 
Finchley,  Middlesex,  Esq.,  and  nephew  of  Paul  (1662). 
Educated  at  home.  Matric.  1706.  Probably  adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Mar.  3,  1707-8.  Of  Finchley.  Died  Feb.  24, 
1760.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  Benjamin,  of  St  Alban's, 
Wood  Street,  London.  B.  July  7,  1689.  {T.  A.  Walker,  215; 
Clutterhtick,  11.  449.) 

WHICHCOTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Christ's, 
July,  1620.  S.  and  h.  of  Hamon  (1593),  of  Dunston,  Lines. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  4,  1617.  Died  in  College,  Jan.  21, 
1622-3.  Buried  in  the  Chapel.  Brother  of  John  (1623),  etc. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  1072;  Peile,  1.  333.) 

WHICHCOTT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  3, 
1645.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Hamon  (1593). 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1650.  M.A. 
(Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  1651.  Fellow  of  Lincoln  College, 
Oxford,  1651.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1652.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  6,  1651.  R.  of  Essendon,  Herts.,  1669-99.  Married 
Eleanor,  dau.  of  Thomas  Warner,  of  Earles  Combe,  Worcs. 
Died  1699.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  R.  of  Pitsea,  Essex, 
1654-5,  and  R.  of  Langdon  Hills,  1657-60.  Brother  of 
William  (1633-4),  etc.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1072;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WHICHCOTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Nov. 
1569.   Possibly  s.  of  Hamon,  of  Harpswell,  Lines. 

WHICHCOTE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  8,  1633.  S.  of  Sir  Hamon  (1593).  B.  at  Dunston,  Lines. 
School,  Sleaford  (Mr  Northam).  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7. 
Probably  died  young.  Not  mentioned  in  the  pedigree. 
Brother  of  Edward  (1623),  etc.  {Peile,  1. 426;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 

WHICHCOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Mag- 
dalene, May  16,  1719.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (1670),  Esq. 
B.  at  Harpswell,  Lines.  School,  Brigg.  Matric.  1719-  M.P.  for 
Lines.,  1740,  1741-68.  Of  Harpswell,  Esq.  Married  (i)  Eliza 
Maria,  dau.  of  Francis  Anderson,  of  Manley,  Lines.,  Esq., 
Nov.  27,  1729;  (2)  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Tregayle,  of  Trevorder, 
Cornwall.  Buried  Oct.  9,  1776,  at  Harpswell.  Brother  of 
John  (1722).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1073) 

WHICHCOTT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c-  1593  (adm.  1592).  Of  Lincolnshire.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
South  Kyme.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1596.  Brother 
of  Joshua  (1592).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1071.) 

WHICHCOTE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  i, 
1633-4.  Of  Lincolnshire.  S.of  Sir  Hamon  (1593),  of  Dunstan, 
Lines.  Age  16  in  1634.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  27, 
1637.  Of  Fotherby,  Lines.  Married  and  had  issue.  Brother 
of  John  (1623),  etc.  and  father  of  George  (1670).  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1072.) 

WHIDDON,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Feb.  21,  1654-5.  Of  Devon.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Rowland, 
of  Whiddon.  School  (private).  Matric.  1655;  Scholar,  1655. 
Doubtless  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  21,  1655.  One 
of  these  names  s.  of  John,  of  Chagford,  Devon.  Buried  there 
1719.   (Vivian,  Vis.  of  Devon,  782.) 


Whihell,  John 

WHIHELL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1550 


WHINCOP,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  10, 
1632.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Middleton,  Suffolk.  Matric. 
1633;  Scholar,  1634-7;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Kept  school 
and  practised  medicine  at  Middleton.  Nonconformist 
minister  at  Yoxford  and  other  places,  and  finally  at  Leiston; 
ejected,  1662.  Imprisoned  at  Blythburgh  for  22  weeks  on 
suspicion  of  holding  private  meetings.  Licensed  Congrega- 
tionalist  teacher  at  Middleton,  1672.  Minister  at  Wattisfield, 
1678-87.  Died  at  Bio  Norton,  July  10,  1687.   {Venn,  1.  306.) 

WYNCOPPE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572. 

WYNCOPE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1579. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Robert  (1538-9).  B.A.  1581-2. 
Perhaps  .Master  of  the  Charterhouse  Hospital,  Hull,  1598- 

WHINCOPP,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  i6i8. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1578),  V.  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  Scholar,  1619; 
B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D.  1632;  D.D.  1637  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow,  1624.  R.  of  Headboume  Worthy,  Hants.,  1637-46. 
One  of  the  Assembly  of  Divines.  R.  of  St  Martin-in-the- 
Fields,  London,  1642-3.  R.  of  Clothall,  Herts.,  1643-7. 
Died  1647.  M.L  at  Clothall.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1607). 
(Clutterbuck,  iii.  504.) 

WYNCOPP,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1538;  B.A.  1540-1. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Gt  Melton,  Norfolk,  1557-78.  One  of  these 
names,  'priest  of  the  Free  Chapel,  Clare,  Suffolk,'  received 
a  pension  at  the  dissolution,  1555.  Perhaps  father  of  John 

WHINCOP,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Mar.  2,  1606-7. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1578),  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  Matric.  1607; 
B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1614;  B.D.  1621;  D.D. 
1631-2  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1614.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1617.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  30,  1613;  priest, 
Dec.  18,  1614.  R.  of  Poyntington,  Somerset,  1622-3.  V.  of 
Cheshunt,  Herts.,  1624;  there  in  1632.  Died  before  Aug.  10, 
1660.  Brother  of  John  (1618).   {Clutterbuck,  n.  112.) 

WINCOPP,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1578; 
B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  V.  of  Beverley  Minster,  Yorks., 
1583-99.  Perhaps  his  will,  1625  (York);  preacher  of  God's 
word  in  Hull.   Father  of  John  (i6i8)  and  the  above. 

WHINCOP,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1612;  Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619;  B.D.  1626; 
D.D.  1635.  Fellow,  1617.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627,  'Winch- 
combe.'  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  23,  1624;  priest,  Sept. 
27,  1625.  R.  of  Elsworth,  Cambs.,  1631-56.  V.  of  Lolworth, 
1635-44.  Died  1656.  M.I.  at  Elsworth.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1656. 
{Churches  of  Cambs.) 

WHINCOP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1664.  Of 
Hertfordshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Samuel  (1606-7).  Matric. 
Easter,  1665;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671;  B.D.  1679;  D.D. 
1684.  Fellow,  1670-82.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1676.  Proctor, 
1677-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670;  priest,  June  2, 
1672.  R.  of  St  Benedict,  Cambridge,  1676-83.  University 
preacher.  R.  of  St  Mary  Abchurch,  and  St  Lawrence 
Pountney,  London,  1681-1713.  Licence  (V.G.)  Feb.  3, 
1693-4,  to  marry  Judith  Hastings,  of  St  Paul,  Shadwell. 
Author,  S^fwons.  Died  1713.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1715-  Father  of 
Thomas  (1713).   (Al.  Oxon.;  Masters;  Hennessy;  D.N.B.) 

WHINCOP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  20,  1667. 
Matric.  1667. 

WHINCOP,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1713-  Oi 
London.  S.  of  Thomas  (1664),  R.  of  St  Mary  Abchurch, 
London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  Lent,  1713-4; 
B.A.  1718-9.  Probably  identical  with  the  compiler  of 
Dramatic  Authors,  and  the  author  of  Scanderberg,  a  Tragedy. 
If  so,  buried  at  Totteridge,  Herts.,  Sept.  1, 1730.  {Clutterbuck, 
II.  450;  D.N.B.) 


WHINKE  or  WINCKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  i8) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  1536,  Wincke.  Of  Terrington,  Cambs. 
{sic).  B.A.  1540-1;  M.A.  1544;  B.D.  1555.  Fellow,  1539-56- 
Vice-Provost,  1553-6.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  21,  1551. 
V.  of  Fordingbridge,  Hants.,  1555.  Romish  recusant,  under 
Elizabeth.   {Cooper,  1.  214;  Harwood.) 

WYNKE,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  Nov.  1565. 

WHINKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius,  Feb.  i, 
1560-1.  S.  of  John,  of  Terrington,  St  John,  Norfolk.  School, 
Lynn.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Kirkley,  Suffolk,  1603. 
{Venn,  i.  45.) 


WHINYATS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1635.  Of  Derbyshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Richard,  of  Chellaston, 
Derbs.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  10,  1617.   B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642. 

Whiston,  Daniel 

Perhaps  an  officer  (if  s.  of  Richard)  in  the  army  of  Charles  I 
in  Ireland.    Will  proved,  June  18,  1672.   {Genealogist,  N.S., 
VIII.  53.) 
WHINYATES  or  WHINGATES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19) 
at  Trinity,  June  24,   1736,  Whingates.    S.  of  Charles,  of 
Chellaston,  Derbs.,  and  afterwards  of  London.  Bapt.  Jan.  2, 
1716-7,  at  St  Paul's.  Covent  Garden.   School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1736;  Scholar,   1737;  B.A.   1739-40.    Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Sept.  1740.    R.  of  Charleton,  Devon,   1742.    Buried 
there  Aug.  17,  1783.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1783.   {Genealogist,  N.S., 
VIII.  53.) 
WHIPP,    WILLIAM.     Matric.    sizar    from    Corpus    Christi, 
Easter,    1620.    Of   Yorkshire.    Ord.   deacon    (York)   June, 
1623,  'B.A.';  priest.  Mar.  1625-6.   Perhaps  P.C.  of  Nunkeel- 
ing,  Yorks.;  will  (York)  1652-3. 
WHIPPLE,  HENRY.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c.  1594.  Of  Norfolk.   Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (next).  Brother 
of  Thomas  (1599).   {Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
WHIPPLE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1549.   Perhaps  of  Dickleburgh,  Norfolk.  Brother  of  William 
(1548).    {Vis.  of  Norfolk.) 
WHIPPLE,  THOMAS.    Adm.   at  Corpus  Christi,    1599.    Of 
Norfolk.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  25,  1602.    Of  Dickle- 
burgh, gent.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Jamaga», 
Esq.   Brother  of  Henry  (c.  1594).   {Masters.) 
WHYPLE  or  WHIPLEY,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1548;  B.A.  1551-2;  .M.A.  1555.    Perhaps  of 
Dickleburgh,  Norfolk.   Brother  of  Thomas  (i549)-    (J^«-  °f 
WHIS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1585. 

WHISHAM,  GUY.    B.D.  1416.    Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall,  in 

1422;  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  20,  1421-2.    Chaplain  to 

Tho.  Beaufort,  Duke  of  Exeter,  whom  he  accompanied  to 

the  Council  of  Constance.   {Venn,  i.  6.) 

WHISHAW,   HUMPHREY.    M.A.  from   King's,    1732.    S.  of 

Hugh,  of  Middlewich,  Cheshire.    Matric.   (Merton  College, 

Oxford)  Mar.  30,  1720,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1723-   Preb.  of 

Hereford,  1733.   Brother  of  Thomas  (1713)-   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WHISHAW,  HUMPHREY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 

June  7,  1748.    S.  of  Hugh.    B.  at  Madeley,  Staffs.    School, 

Oakham  (Mr  Adcock).   Matric.  1748;  Scholar,  1748;  resided 

till  1751.   {Peile,  ii.  253.) 

WHISHAW,  THOMAS.   M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1713.   S.  of 

Hugh,  of  Middlewich,  Cheshire.   Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 

0.xford)  July  14,  1702,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1706.    V.  of 

Salford,  Beds.,  1713.     R.  of  Gt  Munden,  Herts.,  1718-56. 

Precentor  of  Hereford,   1722-56;  Canon,   1723-53-    Canon 

of  Sarum,  1727-56,  and  of  Winchester,  1739-56-   Died  1756. 

Will,  P.C.C.   Brotherof  Humphrey  (1732).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WHISKING,   ANDREW.     Matric.   sizar  from   Clare,   Easter, 

1613;    B.A.    1619-20;   M.A.    1623.    Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 

Dec.  23,  1621;  priest,  Mar.  17,  1621-2.   V.  of  Hauxton  with 

Newton,  Cambs.,  1626-39.    Signed  as    minister  of  Eaton 

Bray,  Beds.,  c.  1627. 

WHISKIN,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1613. 

WHISKINS,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  2, 

1589.    S.  of  William,  of  Milton,  Cambs.   Scholar,  1589-95; 

B.A.  1592-3.    C.  of  Rampton,  Cambs.,  and  schoolmaster, 

1606.     Probably  V.  of   Denn   with   .Annagelliffe,  Kilmore, 

Ireland,  in  1622;  died  1634.   {Venn,  1.  137;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WHYSKYN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

WHISLER,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit). 
WHISSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  28,   1628.    Of 
Hertfordshire.   Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 

WHISSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Nov.  29,  1734- 
Of  St  Neots,  Hunts,  (s.  of  a  publican  and  dissenter  of  St 
Neots;  see  Cole,  5883,  p.  205).  School,  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1735;  Scholar,  1738;  B.A.  1738-9;  M-"^-  1742;  B.D. 
1761.  Fellow,  1741.  Taxor,  i744-  University  librarian, 
1751-83.  Senior  Bursar,  1752-80.  Senior  Proctor,  1757-*- 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  17,  1739;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1741- 
V.  of  Babraham,  Cambs.,  1746-f.  66.  R.  of  Shimpling, 
Norfolk,  1753-71.  R.  of  Orwell,  Cambs.,  1771-83-  Died 
Nov.  3,  1783,  aged  68.  Buried  in  Trinitv  Chapel.  Admon., 
P.C.C.   (J.  Crosby.) 

WHISTON,  DANIEL.  .\dm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  10,  1696. 
S.  of  Josiah,  R.  of  Norton-juxta-Twycross,  Leics.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1697;  B..^.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Jan.  6,  1703-4;  priest,  Feb.  17,  1705-6.  C.  of  Somersham, 
Hunts.,  c.  1707-59.  Died  Apr.  19,  1759.  aged  82.  Brother 
of  William  (1686)  and  perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1732). 
(G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.) 


Whiston,  Edward 

WHISTON,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1634-5;  M.A. 
1638.  Licence  to  practise  medicine,  1639.  R.  of  Little  Laver, 
Essex,  1655;  ejected,  1662.  Previously  at  Norton  Mande- 
ville,  1645-55.  Buried  at  Romford,  July  17,  1697.  Perhaps 
father  of  the  next.   (Calamy,  i.  510;  Davids,  415.) 

WHISTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  25, 
1658.  Of  Essex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Edward  (above).  Matric. 
1659;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders 
(London)  Mar.  5,  1663-4;  for  priest's,  Dec.  16,  1664.  V.  of 
Heckington,  Lines.,  1666-70. 

WHISTON  or  WYSTON,  GEORGE    B.Can.L.  1510-1. 

WHISTON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Oct.  22,  1722. 
Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1686).  B.  at  Cambridge.  Perhaps 
brother  of  William  (1721). 

WHISTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1628.  B.  at  'Hartley,'  Surrey,  1613.  Matric.  1628;  B.A. 
1632;  M.A.  1636.  Fellow,  1631-8.  Beneficed  in  Sussex. 
Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1677;  of  Balcombe,  Sussex,  clerk. 

WHISTONS,  JAMES.  B.Can.L.  1489-90;  D.Can.L.  1491-2. 

WHYSTONES,  JAMES.  LL.D.  (Incorp.  from  Bologna,  1502-3). 
Perhaps  preb.  of  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1505. 

WHISTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  [sizar]  at  Queens',  July,  1620.  Of 
Essex.  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Intruding 
minister  of  Brigstock,  Northants.,  1655-60;  R.  of  Sud- 
•borough,  1660.  Probably  preb.  of  Lincoln,  1660.  (Lambeth 
Act  Book;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHISTON,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  6,  1653.  S.  of  Jonathan,  of  Northampton  (twice  mayor). 
B.  there.  School,  Northampton  (Mr  Archer).  Matric.  1653; 
B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660.  V.  of  Bethersden,  Kent,  1669-97. 
R.ofSmarden,  1669-97.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Lionel  ToUemache, 
and  to  Elizabeth  Dowager  Countess  of  Salisbury,  in  1669. 
Died  Nov.  30,  1697.  Buried  at  Bethersden.  WUl  proved 
(Cons.  C.  Canterbury)  Jan.  4,  1697-8.   {Peik,  i.  552.) 

WHISTON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Lent, 
1597-8;  Scholar,  1602-3;  B.A.  (1602-3);  M.A.  1606.  Ord. 
deacon  (Rochester)  1604;  priest  (London)  Feb.  24,  1604-5, 
age  25.  R.  of  Worth,  Sussex,  1610-40.  Buried  there  Feb.  9, 
1639-40.   Will  (P.C.C).   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WHISTON,  ROBERT  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  July  4, 
1747;  M.A.  1747.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Kemberton,  Salop. 
Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  June  4,  1735,  age  19;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1739.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHISTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  28,  1732. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Daniel  (1696).  B.  at  Somersham,  Hunts. 
Matric.  1732.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Dec.  20,  1735.  B.A.  1736. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1736;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1738. 
P.C.  of  Ramsey,  Hunts.,  1745-87.  P.C.  of  Upwood,  1762-78. 
Died  May,  1795,  aged  82.   {E.  Mag.) 

WHISTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  30,  1686. 
S.  of  Josiah,  R.  of  Norton-juxta-Twycross,  Leics.  B.  there, 
Dec.  9,  1667.  School,  Tamworth.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1689- 
90;  M.A.  1693.  FeUow,  1691.  Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept. 
1693.  Chaplain  to  Bishop  Moore,  of  Norwich.  R.  of  Drayton, 
Norfolk,  1697-8.  V.  of  Lowestoft  and  Kessingland,  Suffolk, 
1698-1703.  Succeeded  Newton  as  Lucasian  Professor, 
1702-10.  One  of  the  first  to  popularise  the  Newtonian 
theories.  Boyle  Lecturer,  1707.  Banished  from  the  Uni- 
versity for  an  essay  which  expounded  Arian  doctrines, 
Oct.  30, 1710.  Went  to  London;  lectured  there  and  at  Bristol, 
Bath  and  Tunbridge  Weils  upon  various  subjects,  comprising 
meteors,  eclipses,  and  earthquakes,  connecting  them  more 
or  less  with  the  fulfilment  of  biblical  prophecies.  Advocated 
latterlv  a  number  of  theories  of  which  the  most  famous  was 
that  the  Tartars  were  the  lost  tribes  of  Israel.  Married 
Ruth,  dau.  of  Rev.  George  Antrobus,  Master  of  Tamworth 
School,  1699.  Author,  religious,  mathematical,  etc.;  trans- 
lated Josephus.  Died  Aug.  22,  1752,  aged  84.  Buried  at 
Lyndon,  Rutland.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Daniel  (1696), 
father  of  George  (1722)  and  perhaps  of  the  next.  [But 
D.N.B.  and  Nichols  mention  only  two  sons,  George  and  John.] 
{D.N.B.;  Nichols,  iv.  854.) 

WHISTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  29,  1721. 
Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above).  B.  at  Cambridge.  Probably 
brother  of  George  (1722). 

WHISTON, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1478-9- 

WHISTONE, .   Incorp.  1495-6. 

WHITAKER,  ALEXANDER.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1602.  S.  of 
William  (1564),  Master  of  St  John's.  B.  at  Cambridge,  1585. 
B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  1608.  Held  a  living  in  the  North  of 
England.  Went  to  Virginia,  1611.  Preacher  at  Henrico 
(now  in  part  the  site  of  Richmond),  till  1617,  when  he  was 
drowned  in  crossing  the  James  River.  Author,  Good  Neues 
from  Virginia,  161 3:  Letter  to  Rev.  Wm.  Crashaw;  Letter  to 
M.E.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1604).  (W.  G.  Stannard.) 

Whitaker,  Laurence 

WHITAKER,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
July  13,  1693.  S.  of  Joshua.  B.  at  Settle.  School,  Giggles- 
wick.  Matric.  1694;  Scholar,  1694-5;  B.A.  1697-8.  Usher 
at  Giggleswick  School,  1698-1703.   (Peile,  it.  129.) 

WHITAKER,  BABER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  24, 1613. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1613). 

WHITACRES,  EDWARD.  B.A.  trom  Clare,  1571-2;  M.A. 
1575.  R.  of  Thomhill,  Yorks.,  1578-1612.  Buried  there 
Dec.  22,  1612.   Father  of  the  next. 

WHITAKER,  GAMALIEL.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1604-5.  S. 
of  Edward  (above),  R.  of  ThomhiU,  Yorks.  M.A.  1608. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1608;  priest,  June,  1609.  V.  of 
Kirk  Burton,  Yorks.,  1615-43,  sequestered.  Buried  at 
Manchester,  Feb.  1,  1643-4.  (H.  J.  Morehouse,  Hist,  of 
Kirkburton,  64;  E.  Axon.) 

WHITAKER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WHITAKERS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1585. 
Matric.  1585.  One  of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  R.  of  Thorpe-in- 
Glebis.  Notts.,  1598-1601.   Died  i6oi. 

WHITAKER,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1566.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  1568,  age  23.  R.  of  Felsham,  Suffolk, 
1575-83-   Died  1583. 

WHITACRES,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 

WHITAKER,  JEREMY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  June  i,  1616. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Wakefield,  1599.  School,  Wakefield. 
Matric.  1616;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  12,  1621;  priest.  Mar.  23,  1622-3.  Puritan 
divine.  Master  of  Oakham  School,  Rutland,  1623-9.  R.  of 
Stretton,  Rutland,  1627-51-  R-  of  St  Mary  Magdalene, 
Bermondsey,  Middlesex,  1643-54-  Member  of  the  West- 
minster Assembly,  1643.  Intruding  V.  of  St  Stephen, 
Coleman  Street,  London,  1645.  Oriental  scholar.  Married 
Hephtzibar,  dau.  of  William  Peachey,  minister  at  Oakham, 
1623.  Died  June  1,  1654,  aged  55.  Buried  at  Bermondsey. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  the  next,  of  William  (1639),  John 
(1648)  and  Robert  (1647).  {D.N.B.;  Manning  and  Bray,  i. 

WHITAKER,  JEREMY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  21,  1655.  S.  of  Jeremy  (above),  of  Stretton,  Rutland. 
B.  there.  School,  St  Paul's,  exhibitioner.  Matric.  1656; 
B.A.  i6'9-6o;  M.A.  1663.  Fellow,  1660.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  1666;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  1668.  R.  of 
Aldwincle  St  Peter's,  Northants.,  1670-83.  Died  Sept.  30, 
1683.  Buried  at  Aldwincle.  M.I.  Brother  of  William  (1639), 
John  (1648)  and  Robert  (1647).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WHITAKER,  JOHN.   M.Gram.  1499. 

WHITAKER,  JOHN  (?  FRANCIS).  Adm.  sizar  at  Emman'tel, 
July  6,  1613.   Perhaps  brother  of  Baber  (1613). 

WHITAKERS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1616;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  1619;  priest,  Dec.  1620.  V.  of  Selby,  Yorks.,  1624-42. 

WHITTAKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  15,  1636. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1636;  Scholar,  1639;  B.A.  1639-40. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  8, 1642. 

WHITAKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  9,  1648. 
Of  Rutland.  Doubtless  s.  of  Jeremy  (1616),  R.  of  Stretton, 
Rutland.  Matric.  1648.  Brother  of  Jeremy  (1655)  and 
WiUiam  (1639). 

WHITAKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  29,  1648. 
Of  Hertfordshire.   Matric.  1648. 

WHITAKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  8,  1674.  Of  Cheshire.  School,  Congleton.  Matric.  1674- 
Possibly  admon.  at  Chester,  1689;  of  Congleton,  clerk. 

WHITAKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  21,  1676. 
4th  s.  of  Mark,  of  Ossett,  Yorks.  B.  there.  Matric.  1678; 
B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684;  B.D.  1691.  Fellow,  1685-1710. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1684.  Died  Apr.  6,  1710,  aged  49. 
Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.   {Musgrave.) 

WHITACRES,  LAURENCE  (senior).  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1567;  B.A.  1570-1. 

WHITACRES,  LAURENCE  (junior).  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1567. 

WHITAKER,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c. 
1593.  B.  in  Somerset.  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Incorp.  at 
O-xford,  1603.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  .Mar.  24,  1613-4; 
'of  London.'  Secretary  to  Sir  Edward  Philips,  Master  of 
the  Rolls.  Clerk  of  the  Privy  Council.  M.P.  for  Peter- 
borough, 1624,  1625,  1626,  1628;  for  Okehampton,  1641-53. 
Imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  1641.  Died  Apr.  15,  1654,  aged  76. 
Will,  P.C.C,  of  Drury  Lane;  to  be  buried  at  St  Giles'-in- 
the-Fields.   (Al.  Oxon.) 


Whitaker,  Mark 

WHITEACRE,  MARK.  Adtn.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  27, 
1C93.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Thomhill.  Bapt. 
Nov.  8,  1677.   Matric.  1697.   (J.  B.  Peace.) 

WHITTAKER,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peter- 
house,  June  17,  1723.  Of  Northumberland.  School,  Hough- 
ton-le-Spring,  Durham.  Matric.  1723;  Scholar;  B.A.  1726-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1726-7.  C.  of  Hartbum, 
Northumberland,  1727.  V.  of  Brantingham,  Yorks.,  1742. 
P.C.  of  Shotley,  Northumberland,  1743-55.  Buried  at 
Brantingham,  Feb.  10,  1755.   (H.  M.  Wood.)  ' 

WHITAKER,  MILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1618. 
Of  Middlesex. 

WHITAKER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  1643.  Of  Rut- 
land. Doubtless  s.  of  Jeremy  (1616).  Migrated  to  Queens', 
1644.  Matric.  Michs.  1647;  B.A.  1647-8;  M.A.  1651. 
Brother  of  Jeremy  (1655),  etc. 
WHITTAKER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  30,  1656.  S.  of  Robert,  clerk,  of  Read,  Lanes.  Bapt. 
May  13,  1639,  at  Padiham,  Lanes.  School,  Burnley.  Matric. 
1658;  B.A.  1661.  Nonconformist.  Afterwards  settled  as 
ministerat  Fordingbridge,  Hants.  (Calamy,  i.  21 1 ;  J.  Parker.) 

WHITAKER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  24,  1658-9.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Burnley,  Lanes.  Bapt. 
there.  Mar.  i,  1639-40.  School,  Burnley.  B.A.  1662-3. 
Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1664. 

WHITAKER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1604.  S.  of  William  (1564),  Master  of  St  John's.  B.  at 
Cambridge,  1587.  B.A.  1608;  M.A.  1612.  Fellow,  1607-17. 
Died  16x7.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.  Brother  of 
Alexander  (1602).   (Harwood.) 

WHITAKER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  4,  1671-2.  S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  Sheffield,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Dronfield.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1676.  Perhaps  Master  of  Don- 
caster  Grammar  School,  1677-90. 

WHITAKER,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1597-8.  One 
of  these  names  schoolmaster  of  Burnley,  Lanes.,  1611-25. 
Buried  there  Jan.  12,  1625-6.   (E.  Axon.) 

WHITAKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  22, 
1706.  S.  of  Mark,  of  Ossett,  Yorks.  Matric.  1706;  B.A. 
1709-10;  M.A.  1713;  B.D.  1720.  FeUow,  1712.  Taxor, 
1715.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1712;  priest  (London)  Mar. 
17,  1716-7.  V.  of  Fressingfield,  Suffolk,  1724-38.  Married 
Ursula  Fox,  1724.  Died  1738,  aged  49.  Buried  at  Fressing- 
field.  (J.  B.  Peace.) 

WHITAKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  6,  1716.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Staffordshire. 
B.  at  Bucknall.  School,  Stoke  (Mr  Lea).  Matric.  1716; 
B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  13, 
1719-20;  priest  (Chester)  July  30,  1721.  R.  of  Ashton-upon- 
Mersey,  Cheshire,  1730-67.  Died  June  29,  1767,  aged  77  (sic). 
Buried  at  Ashton.   M.I.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  302.) 

WHITAKER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  ir, 
1731-  Probably  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Ossett,  Yorks.,  yeoman. 
Bapt.  at  Dewsbury,  Aug.  20,  1711.  Matric.  1731;  B.A. 
1734-5;  M.A.  1748.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Oct.  1735.  V.  of 
Mendham,  Suffolk,  1737.  V.  of  Ilketshall  St  Andrew,  1748- 
54.   (J.  B.  Peace.) 

WHITAKER,  TOBIAS.  M.D.  1637  (Incorp.  from  Leyden). 
Died  1638, .aged  60.   (Musgrave.) 

WHITAKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1564.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Burnley,  Lanes.  B.  there,  1547. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Scholar,  1567;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571; 
B.D.  1578;  D.D.  1587.  FeUow,  1569.  Fellow  of  Eton,  1587. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1578.  Regius  Professor  of  Divinity, 
1580-96.  Master  of  St  John's,  1586-95.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1576.  University  preacher,  1577. 
Preb.  of  Norwich,  1578.  Chancellor  of  St  Paul's  Cathedral, 
1580-7.  Canon  of  Canterbury,  1595.  Author,  theological, 
etc.  Died  Dec.  4,  1595.  Buried  in  St  John's  College  Chapel. 
Father  of  Samuel  (1604)  and  Alexander  (1602).  (Cooper, 
11.  196;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Whitaker,  Whalley,  11.  204; 

WHITAKERS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1609.  [Perhaps  matric.  pens.  Easter,  1610;  two  entries,  but 
possibly  the  same  man;  uncertain  which  of  these,  if  two, 
graduated.]  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Ord.  deacon  (Pcterb.) 
Sept.  18;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1614.  V.  of  Weston-in-Holland, 
Lines.,  1620-42. 

WHITAKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1618;  B.A.  1621-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  16, 

WHITAKER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1639.  S.  of  Jeremy  (1616),  R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalene, 
Bermondsey,  Middlesex.  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  from  Queens', 
1646.  Intruded  Fellow  of  Queens',  1644-7.  Minister  at 
Homchurch,   Essex,   1648-54.    Chaplain  of  New  College, 


Whitcombe,  William 

Oxford,  1652.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  St  Mary  Mag- 
dalene, Bermondsey,  1654-62,  ejected.  Afterwards  minister 
of  a  private  congregation  in  Long  Walk,  Bermondsey. 
Author,  sermons.  Died  1672.  Brother  of  Jeremy  (1655),  etc. 
(Calamy,  i.  127;  D.N.B.;  Davids,  Essex,  577.) 

WHITAKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  31,  1642. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1645;  M.A.  1650;  M.D. 
(Franekcr).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1653.  Candidate  of  R.C.P., 
1654.  Died  in  London,  1670-1.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  13, 
1670-1;  of  St  Andrew's,  Holbom.   (Munk,  i.  268;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITAKER,  WILLIAM.  M.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  S.  of  Thomas, 
minister,  of  Call  Lane  Chapel,  Leeds.  Bapt.  June  9,  1694. 
Adm.  at  Leyden,  Sept.  17,  1717;  M.D.  there,  1718.  F.R.C.P., 
1735-  Censor,  1738.  Lived  at  Ludgate  Hill,  London.  Died 
Nov.  10,  1743.  Will,  P.C.C;  of  St  Bride's.  (Munk,  11.  131; 
F.M.G.,  I.  16;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

WHITAKER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  II,  1750.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  the  Holme, 
L?.ncs.  B.  there,  Nov.  27,  1730.  School,  Bingley,  Yorks. 
(Mr  Hudson).  Matric.  1750.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  July  7, 
1754;  priest,  Oct.  22,  1758.  C.  of  Rainham,  Norfolk.  Suc- 
ceeded his  brother,  Thomas,  in  the  family  estates  in  1759. 
Died  June  1,  1782.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  599;  Burke,  L.G.; 
Whitaker,  Whalley,  11.  204.) 

WHITAKER, .   B.A.  1491-2. 


WHITBY,  OLIVER.  B.A.  1623  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Bedfordshire.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  of  Shambrook,  Beds. 
Bapt.  there,  Jan.  2,  1602.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  O.xford) 
Oct.  15,  1619,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1621-2;  M.A.  (Hart 
HaU,  Oxford)  1624;  B.D.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1642. 
R.  of  St  Nicholas  Olave,  London,  till  1660,  sequestered. 
R.  of  Ford,  Sussex,  1662.  V.  of  Climping,  1662.  V.  of 
Selsey,  1667.  Archdeacon  of  Chichester,  1672-9.  Died  1679. 
Will,  Chichester.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Shaw,  i.  308.) 

WHITBY  or  WHITEBY,  ROBERT  DE.  Adm.  feUow  of  the  House 
OF  St  Mary  outside  Trumpiugton  Gates  (Peterhouse), 
Apr.  9,  1350.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Oct.  1353;  priest,  Jan. 
1353-4,  'M.A.'  R.  of  Barking,  Suffolk.  Petitioned  the  Pope, 
1363,  for  canonry  of  South  Mailing,  Sussex.  R.  of  Bassing- 
boum,  Cambs.,  1391.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1392.  Died  1410. 
Win,  Lincoln;  bequests  to  the  poor  of  Blandford  Forum, 
Dorset,  of  All  Saints,  Theddlethorpe  and  to  the  churches  of 
"Whitteby"  and  Leek  by  Wrangle.  (Cal.  Pap.  Pet;  T.A. 

WHITBY,  THOMAS.    B.D.  1540-1.    V.  of  Aylesham,  Norfolk, 

1547-54-     R-    of   Itteringham,    1558-60.     R.   of   Laxfleld, 

Suffolk,  1561-83. 
WHITBY.  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1615; 

B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1621  and  1624. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1620.   R.  of 

Rushden,  Northants.,   1631-7.    R.  of  Barrow-on-Humber, 

Lines.,  1638.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WHITBY,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Sept.  24, 

1644.    S.  of  Anthony,  clothweaver,  of  Yaxham,  Norfolk. 

B.  there.  Schools,  Westfield  (Mr  Chapman)  and  Norwich 
(Mr  Loveringe).  Matric.  1644;  Scholar,  1644-50;  B.A. 
1648-9.  R.  of  Witchingham  Parva,  Norfolk,  1651-64.  V.  of 
Witchingham  Magna,  1651-64.  Will  proved  (Norwich, 
Archd.  C.)  1664-5.   (Venn,  I.  353.) 

WHITBY,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1526-7.   One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Bamingham,  Yorks.,  1548. 
WHITBY,   WILLIAM.    Adm.   at  Corpus  Christi,   1602.    Of 

SuSolk.  Perhaps  matric.  Easter,  1603,  Wisby;  B..-^.  1605-6; 

M.A.  1609.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1609,  age  23. 

C.  of  Earl  Stonham,  Suffolk.  R.  of  Earl  Stonham,  1616-44, 

WHITBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (ago  i6)  at  Caius,  May  16, 
1660.  S.  of  Robert,  wooUen-draper,  of  Downham  Market, 
Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  23,  1643.  Schools,  Dowiiham 
(Mr  Vincent)  and  Lynn  (Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1660;  Scholar, 
1660-7;  B-A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Dec.  19,  1669.  R.  of  Bexwell,  Norfolk,  1671-1705,  and  of 
Beecham,  1696-1705.  Married  Margaret  Barber,  of  Denver, 
in  1678.   (Venn,  i.  409.) 


WHITCOMBE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  27,  1657.  B.  at  Hardwicke-in-MiddIo,  S.iIop.  School, 
Weni  (Mr  Roderikc).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1658-g. 
Barrister,  i666.   Of  Berwick,  Salop. 

WHITCOMBE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  King's,  1734.  S.  of 
William,  of  Adderley,  Salop,  gent.  Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  23,  1712-3,  age  19;  B..\.  (Oxford) 
1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Sarum)  June  16,  1717;  priest  (Hereford) 
Sept.  21,  1718.  R.  of  Stockton-on-Teme,  Worcs.,  1718. 
R.  of  Easthaiii,  1740.   (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 




White,  Adam 

WHITE,  ADAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1579. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Goddard,  of  Winchelsea,  Sussex.  If  so,  married 
Hester,  dau.  of  Oliver  Cortiece,  of  Normandy.  Perhaps 
M.P.  for  Winchelsea,  1604.-10.  Died  before  June  13,  1621. 
Perhaps  father  of  Daniel  (1620).   (Vis.  of  Sussex.) 

WHITE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572- 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  5,  1578;  of  Ireland; 
barrister  of  Fumival's  Inn. 

WHIGHT,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1580-1.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  19, 
158 1 ;  of  Sussex;  barrister  of  New  Inn. 

WHITE,  ANDREW.  LL.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.). 

WHITE,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1566. 
One  of  these  names,  'of  South  Wamborough,  Hants.,'  adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  1564. 

WHITE,  ANTHONY.  M.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Worcestershire,  pleb.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Nov. 
14,  1606,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1609-10;  M.A.  from  Corpus 
Christi  College,  Oxford,  1612-3.  V.  of  Wargrave,  Berks., 
1614.  V.  of  Romsey,  Hants.,  1637-48.  Died  1648.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1648-9.   {Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHITE,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 
1675.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Brancepeth,  Durham.  B. 
there,  Nov.  15,  1657.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1675;  B.A. 
1678-g.   Brother  of  Robert  (1674). 

WHITE,  BLASE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1570; 
B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1578.  V.  of  West 
Wickham,  Cambs.,  1589-95.  Died  in  London.  Buried 
Aug.  4,  1595,  at  St  Mildred  Poultry;  of  Ely,  minister.  (J.  Ch. 

WHITE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1620; 
B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1627.  V.  of 
Bekesboume,  Kent,  1628.  V.  of  Gillingham,  1628.  Canon 
of  Canterbury,  1633.  R.  of  Harbledown,  1646.  Married 
(i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Siriacke  Rucke,  of  Boughton  Blean, 
June  19,  1628,  at  Beakesboume;  (2)  Frances  May,  spinster, 
of  Canterbury,  Feb.  17,  1630.  Buried  at  Harbledown, 
Oct.  20,  1647.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.;  H.  G.  Harrison;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  July  3,  1624. 
B.  in  Nottinghamshire.  School,  Southwell.  Matric.  1624. 

WHITE  or  FITZ-WHITE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at 
Trinity,  Aug.  8,  1748.  Of  Louth,  Lines.  S.  and  h.  of 
Fitzwilliam,  of  Louth,  gent.  .School,  Westminster.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  15,  1746.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1752. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Bernard,  Bart.,  of  Nettle- 
ham,  Lines.   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1075.) 

WHITE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7; 
priest,  June  8,  1623;  'of  Clare  Hall;  literate.'  SeeAl.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  Perhaps  father  of  John 

WHITE,   DANIEL.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  July  i, 

1620.  Probably  s.  of  Adam  (?  1579),  of  Winchelsea,  Sussex, 
Esq.  Matric.  1620.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  13,  1621. 
Of  Winchelsea  in    1628.    Licenced   (Canterbury)   Dec.   29, 

1621,  to  marry  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Brodnax,  of 
Godmersham,  Kent.  {Vis.  of  Sussex.) 

WIGHT,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1621; 
B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 

WHITE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  May  6, 
1686.  S.  of  John,  physician,  deceased.  B.  at  Faversham, 
Kent.  School,  Maidstone.  Matric.  1687.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  10,  1685. 

WHITE,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1532-3. 

WHITE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  3, 
1740.  S.  of  Edmund,  of  Aunsbv,  Lines.,  and  grandson  of 
Baron  Haversham.  School,  Beverley,  Yjrks.  (Mr  Clark). 
Matric.  1740-1;  M.A.  1743.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincolii)  Mar.  14, 
1741-2;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1744.  Perhaps  his  wiU  (P.C.C.) 
1793;  of  Canwick,  Lines.,  clerk. 

WHITE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1544. 

WHITE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1605.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  20,  1613-4.  V.  of  Swaffham  Prior 
St  Mary,  Cambs.,  1617. 

WHITE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1634-5. 

WHITE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  11, 
1669.  One  'Everard  White,  B.A.  of  St  Catharine's,'  signed 
for  priest's  orders  (London)  Sept.  23,  1671;  C.  of  St  James', 
Clerkenwell,  Middlesex. 

WHITE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  -S)  at  Caius,  Oct.  31, 
1723-  S.  of  Edward,  of  Bungay,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Maidenhead, 
Berks.    Schools,   Yarmouth    (Mr   Welham)    and    Kelsale, 

White,  Humphrey 

Suffolk  (private).  Matric.  1723;  Scholar,  1724-8;  B.A. 
1727-8;  M.A.  1731.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  16,  1728. 
Minister  of  St  George's  Chapel,  Yarmouth,  1732-91.  R.  of 
Bayfield,  Norfolk,  1744-91;  of  Filby,  1770-1;  of  Thrigby, 
1771-91.  Married  (i)  Anne  Symonds,  of  Yarmouth,  1733; 
(2)  Elizabeth  RoyaU,  1735.  Died  Feb.  14,  1791.  Buried  at 
Thrigby.   {Venn,  11.  19;  G.  Mag.) 

WHITE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Mar.  20, 
1578-9.  S.  of  Peter,  V.  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.  B.  there. 
School,  St  Neots'.  Matric.  1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586; 
B.D.  1593;  D.D.  1618.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  30,  1585; 
priest  (London)  May  17,  1588.  R.  of  Broughton-Astley, 
Leics.,  c.  1587;  there  in  1627  [but  possibly  this  refers  to  his 
son  Francis  (1607)].  Licensed  preacher  (Canterbury)  1588. 
Lecturer  of  St  Paul's,  London.  R.  of  St  Peter's,  ComhiU, 
c.  1618-23.  Dean  of  Carlisle,  1622-6.  Senior  Dean  of  Sion 
College,  1625.  Bishop  of  Carlisle,  1626-9;  of  Norwich, 
1628-31;  of  Ely,  1631-8.  Author,  controversial.  Died 
Feb.  25,  1637-8.  Will  (P.C.C.)  proved  Feb.  27,  1637-8; 
shows  he  survived  a  son  and  left  bulk  of  his  property  to 
his  grandson  Francis  (?  1635).  Father  of  the  next,  brother 
of  John  (1585-6)  and  Peter  (1586).  {Venn,  1.  101;  Nichols, 
IV.  60;  D.N.B.) 

WHITE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1607. 
S.  of  Francis  (above).  B.  at  Broughton  Astley,  Leics. 
Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615;  B.D.  1622.  Fellow, 
1614.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Dec.  21,  1617, 
age  26.  Probably  R.  of  Braunston,  Leics.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Broughton  Astley,  in  1627.  [But  according  to  Nichols,  iv. 
61,  this  was  Francis  (above).]  Died  before  Feb.  25,  1637-8. 
Father  of  Francis  (1635)  and  John  (1637-8). 

WHITE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1613. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  8,  1615;  of  Winchelsea, 

WHITE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  9,  1635.  Of 
Leicestershire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis  (1607),  of  Broughton, 
Leics.,  deceased,  and  grandson  of  Francis  (1578-9).  Matric. 
1635;  Scholar,  1635.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  20, 
1638.  Perhaps  Recorder  of  Leeds,  Yorks.,  1660-92;  and  of 
Pontefract;  died  Nov.  19,  1692.  Brother  of  John  (1637-8). 
{Due.  Leod.  255,  but  the  pedigree  is  inaccurate.) 

WHITE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  14,  1545.  Of  Essex.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  George,  of 
Hutton.  Matric.  1545;  B.A.  1549-50.  Fellow,  1548-50. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1553;  of  Hutton,  Essex.  Died 
unmarried,  1609.   {Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Vis.  of  Hants.) 

WHITE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  28, 
1671.  2nd  s.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Trescott,  Staffs.  Schools, 
Arlston,  Salop  (Mr  Wroe)  and  Buiingham  (Mr  Brookeby). 
Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Perhaps  R.  of  Knipton,  Leics., 
1698-1715.  V.  of  Thorpe  Arnold,  1715-24;  'blind;  resides 
with  his  brother  in  Salop.'   (Nichols,  11.  237,  370.) 

WHITE,  GILBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

WHITE,  HARIMUS  [or  HARCIN].  B.D.  from  St  Catharine's, 
1610.  Probably  R.  of  St  Peter,  Sandwich,  Kent,  1600-27; 
'Harim  White,  B.A.'  Licence  (Canterbury)  May  21,  1627, 
to  marry  Catherine  Branch,  of  St  Peter's,  Sandwich  (de- 
scribed as  Harcin  White,  B.D.,  widower).  Died  Oct.  1627. 
(Hasted,  iv.  284.) 

WHITE,  HENRY.  B.A.  1508-9. 

WHITE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  12,  1611. 
S.  of  John,  deceased,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich 
(Mr  Cotsford).  Matric.  1611;  'Wright';  Scholar,  1612-6; 
B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618;  B.D.  1625.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Sept.  29,  1615.  C.  at  Ipswich,  in  1617.  R.  of  Rougham, 
Suffolk,  1636-61.  Died  1661.  M.I.  at  Rougham.  Will 
proved  (Norwich  Cons.  C.)  1661.   (Venn,  i.  212.) 

WHITE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Dec.  14, 
1671.  S.  of  Peter,  vintner,  of  Ely,  Cambs.  Matric.  1672. 

WHITE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Mar.  12,  1672-3; 
B.A.  1676-7. 

WHITE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Mar.  5, 
1690-1.  S.  and  h.  of  Rowland,  Esq.,  late  of  Fryars,  Anglesey, 
deceased.  B.  in  Anglesey.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1691. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  25,  1690-1. 

WHITE,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  5,  1676; 
probably  from  Oxford.  S.  of  William,  of  Okehampton, 
Devon.  Matric.  (St  Alban's  HaU,  Oxford)  Apr.  10,  1674, 
age  19.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1677-8. 
R.  of  Washford  Pyne,  Devon,  1680,  and  of  Puddington, 
1684.  Buried  Apr.  1,  1698,  at  Puddington.  Will,  Exeter. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WHYTE,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  24, 
1679.  Matric.  1679.  V.  of  Wellesboume,  Warws.  Living, 
1693.  (Cole,  5883,  238.) 


White,  James 

WHITE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1575; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1577-8;  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1581. 

WHITE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1597-8; 
B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  Fellow,  1605-9.  Buried  at  St 
Botolph,  Cambridge,  Apr.  25,  1609. 

WHITE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  4,  1614.  B.  at 
Saltwood,  Kent;  perhaps  s.  of  John.  Matric.  1614;  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  i6ii;  B.D.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Feb.  22,  1623-4,  age  26.   Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1633). 

WHITE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1622; 
B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Probably  the  'Fellow  of  Clare,' 
buried  at  Babraham,  Dec.  21,  1634,  as  Jacob  White. 

WHITE,  JEREMY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  7,  1646.  B. 
1629.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Chaplain 
to  Cromwell.  Preacher  to  the  Council  of  State.  Abstained 
from  the  religious  disputes  of  the  day  but  never  conformed 
to  the  Church  of  England.  Preached  occasionaUy  in  an 
independent  church  in  Meetinghouse  Alley,  Queen  Street, 
Lower  Rotherhithe,  after  1660.  A  conspicuous  member  of 
the  Calve's  Head  Club.  Author,  religious.  Died  Mar.  11, 
1707,  aged  78.   {D.N.B.;  Calamy,  i.  162.) 

WHYTT,  JOHN.  Student  in  Theology,  1431.  Franciscan  friar. 

WHYTE,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Feb.  13,  1424. 
Resigned,  Dec.  22, 1436;  'LL.B.'  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 


WYTE,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1455-8. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1480. 
Of  Sarum  diocese.  B.A.  1482-3.  Ord.  acolyte  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  24,  i486;  deacon,  Mar.  10,  1486-7;  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  14, 

WHITE  or  WHYGHT,  JOHN.  B.A.  1484-5,  as  'Qwyth';  M.A. 
1490;  B.D.  1503-4;  (?  D.D.  1510).  Fellow  of  Gonville  Hall, 
1488-c.  97.  Proctor,  1497-8.  R.  of  Filby,  Norfolk,  1305-12. 
V.  of  Wroxham,  1509-14.  Called  Dr  after  1510  in  College 
books.  Probably  V.  of  Ashford,  Kent,  1512-19;  D.D. 
Died  1519.   (Venn,  i.  13;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  CauHo  for  (?  B.D.)  degree,  1491-2.  A  Carmelite 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  12,  1520.  Of  Cambridge.  Died  Scholar  of  the  College, 
before  1524.   (Harwood.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Student  at  Trinity  when  ord.  deacon  (London) 
Mar.  21,  1562-3,  age  21.  B.  at  Weboster,  Suffolk.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Barkway,  Herts.,  1565-73.  Died  1573. 

WHITE  or  WHIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1567.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1567). 

WHIGHT  or  WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius, 
Nov.  10,  1575.  Of  Weeting,  Norfolk.  S.  of  Edmund.  School, 
Ely.  Matric.  1575.  Died  as  a  student.  Will  dated,  Aug.  25, 
1577;  proved  (P.C.C.)  1581.   (Venn,  1.  84.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1582. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Woodhead,  Rutland.  If  so,  of 
Tuxford,  Notts.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  8,  1581-2. 
Knighted,  June  9,  1619.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Harper,  of  Swarkston,  Derbs.,  Knt.  Perhaps  father  of 
Richard  (1611).   (Vis.  of  Notts.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  15,  1585-6. 
S.  of  Peter,  preacher.  B.  1570,  at  Eaton  Socon,  Beds. 
School,  Eaton.  Matric.  1586;  Scholar,  1588-92;  B.A.  1589- 
90;  M.A.  1593;  D.D.  1612.  V.  of  Leyland,  Lanes.,  1595-1604. 
Fellow  of  Manchester  College,  1606.  V.  of  Eccles,  1606-10. 
R.  of  Barsham,  Suffolk,  1609.  Chaplain  in  ordinary  to  King 
James.  Author,  The  Way  to  the  True  Church,  etc.  Buried 
May  28,  1615,  at  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  London.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1619-20.  Brother  of  Francis  (1578-9)  and  Peter  (1586), 
father  of  John  (1611).   (Venn,  i.  127;  D.N.B.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1591;  B.A. 
from  Clare,  1595-6;  M.A.  1599. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1591;  B.A. 
(?  1594-5);  M.A.  1598. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1597  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1606; 
B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1614.  R.  of 
Goadby,  Leics.,  1613-39.  R.  of  Harby,  1613.  V.  of  Norton- 
by-Galby,  1626.  Licence  (Lincoln)  Jan.  30,  1617-8  (age  30), 
to  marry  Katherine  Rudd,  of  Stathern,  Leics.  Died  1639. 
(Nichols,  II.  196.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  2,  1611. 
S.  of  John  (1585-6).  Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618. 
V.  ot  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.   (Venn,  1.  210.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616; 
B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  20; 
priest,  Feb.  21,  1623-4. 

White,  John 

WHITE  or  WEIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1617. 
Of  Norfolk. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1618;  B.A. 
1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  6,  1623-4; 
priest,  Aug.  12,  1624.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  V.  of 
Scawby,  Lines.,  1624. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627;  B.A. 

WHYTE,  JOHN.   Matric.  p>ens.  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1631.  Of  Dorset.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Perhaps  of 
Fitteford,  Dorset;  2nd  s.  of  Martin;  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1634.  Perhaps  father  of  Martin  (1656). 

WHITE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  (age  16)  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1632.  S.  of  John,  of  Darsham,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Kelsale. 
B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  20, 
1640;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1642,  age  26.  C.  of  Benhall,  Suffolk. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Wormingford,  Essex,  1646-62. 

WHITE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  12, 

1637-8.  S.  of  Francis  (1607),  late  R.  of  Branston  (Brauns- 

ton),  Leics.  B.  there.  School,  Ely  (Mr  Hitch).  Brother 
of  Francis  (1635). 

WHYTE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

WHITE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Jan.  11, 

1644-5.  S.  of  Christopher  (?  1623),  of  Ponton,  Lines.,  clerk. 

School,  Ligsby.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  2,  1649.  Of 
Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1649. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  20,  1651. 

Of  Nottinghamshire.    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  late 

of  Tuxford,  and  Cotgrave,  Notts.,  Esq.  Matric.  1651.  Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  June  9,  1654.    Perhaps  father  of  Thomas 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  16,  1664. 

S.  of  Edward,  deceased,  of  Beaminster,  Dorset.   B.  there. 

School,  Netherbury  (Mr  Gollop).  Matric.  i668;  B.A.  1668-9; 

M.A.  1673.   Perhaps  V.  of  Shepreth,  Cambs.,  1672.   One  of 

these  names  (M.A.),  V.  of  Avebury,  Wilts.,  in  1679;  R.  of 

Manningford  Bruce,  1679. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  June,  1672.  S. 
of  John,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Newark,  Notts.  School, 
Newark  (his  brother,  Ds  White).  Matric.  1672;  Scholar, 
1674-5;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1683.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb. 
20,  1675-6;  priest,  May  20,  1676.  (Venn,  1.  446.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1680; 

B.A.  1683-4. 
WIGHT,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Jan.  16, 

1686-7.  S.of  John,  of  Catherine  Hill,  near  Guildford,  Surrey. 

Bapt.    Nov.    19,    1670.     School,    Kensington,    Middlesex 

(Mr  John  Stephenson).  Matric.  1686-7.  Died  Dec.  15,  1756. 

(Manning  and  Bray,  1.  88.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  27, 
1701.  S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  in  Rutland.  School, 
Uppingham.  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709;  B.D. 
1716.  Fellow,  1708-20.  Old.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22, 
1706;  'C.  of  Kettering';  priest,  June  19,  1709.  V.  of  Stoke 
Nayland,  Suffolk,  till  1755-  V.  of  Ospringe,  Kent,  1718-55- 
Author,  Letters  to  Dissenters.  Died  Oct.  24,  1755.  Father 
of  Thomas  (i744)-  (Cole,  5883,  133;  Musgrave.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  23, 
1707.  S.  of  John,  druggist.  B.  at  Coggeshall,  Essex.  School, 
Colchester  (Mr  Allen).  Matric.  1707-  Buried  at  All  Saints', 
Cambridge,  Feb.  7,  1708-9. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  11,  1717. 
S.  of  Joseph,  of  Ellastone,  Staffs.  School,  Barton,  Staffs. 
(MrParran).  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721- 2;  M.A.  1727.  Minor 
canon  of  Rochester,  1725-8;  perhaps  V.  of  Wilmington,  Kent, 
1726-67;  V.  of  Erith,  1734-67.  Died  Apr.  29,  1767,  aged  65. 
Admon.,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1738).  (Fielding; 
G.  Mag.,  1767.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  June  22,  1731- 
S.  of  Timothy,  of  Westminster,  London.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1732;  B.A.  1734-5;  M.A. 
1738;  B.D.  1751.  Fellow,  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1735;  C.  of  Ashton,  Northants.  V.  of  Chesterton, 
Cambs.,  1752-7.  R.  of  North  Runcton,  Norfolk,  1756-78. 
Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1778;  clerk,  of  Downham  Market. 

WHITE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1731  (Incorp.  from  Oriel  College,  Oxford). 
Matric.  there,  Apr.  5,  1715,  age  18.  S.  of  Edmund,  of  Bland- 
ford,  Dorset.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1718;  M.A.  1722.  (At.  Oxon.) 

WHITE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  28,  1732. 
Matric.  1732.  One  of  these  names  died  Dec.  4,  1735;  'of 
Clare  Hall,  Cambridge.'  (Musgrave.) 



White,  Jonathan 

WHITE,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  16,  i677- 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  Scholar,  1681; 
M.A.  1684.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1684.  V.  of  Youlgrave, 
Derbs.,  1685-1700.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITE,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  3, 
1740-1.  Of  London.  Matric.  pens.  Mar.  1740-1;  LL.B.  1746. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June,  i747;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  23, 
1755.  Perhaps  his  wUl  (P.C.C.)  1785;  of  Broomfield,  Essex, 

WHITE,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  26,  1741- 
S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Saxmundham. 
School,  Ipswich  (Mr  Bolton).  Scholar,  1741-8;  Matric.  1742; 
B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1749-  FeUow,  1748-66.  Proctor,  1765. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1745;  'C.  of  Fritton ';  priest, 
Sept.  20,  1747;  'C.  of  Barsham.'  R.  of  Oxburgh  and  Foulden, 
1765-1811.  Married  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  Mary 
Blomer,  of  Marylebone,  London,  Oct.  7,  1766.  Died  Mar.  5, 
1811.   [Venn,  11.  48.) 

WHITE,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  3, 
1750.  S.  of  William,  of  Morton,  Durham.  Bapt.  Oct.  19, 
1729,  at  Gainford.  School,  Brampton,  Cumberland  (MrColIis- 
son).  Matric.  1750;  Scholar,  1753;  B.A.  1754.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Mar.  6,  1757.  V.  of  Barnard  Castle,  Durham,  1760-85. 
Buried  there  June  3,  1785,  aged  55.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WHITE,  JOSIAH.  M.A.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Josiah,  V.  of  Homchurch,  Essex.  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  June  15,  1627,  age  13;  B.A.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford) 
1630-1;  M.A.  1633.  R.  of  Langton  Matravers,  Dorset, 
1640-5.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1645. 

WHITE,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  13,  1653. 
Of  Warwickshire.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1655-6;  'of 
Tamworth,  Warws.' 

WHITE,  MARTIN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1656. 
Possibly  s.  of  John  (1631).  B.  at  Stour  Provost,  Dorset, 
1639.  Matric.  Easter,  1657;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Died 
in  College,  1669.   (Harwood.) 

WHITE,  MATTHEW.  B.A.  1533-4- 

WHITE,  MAURICE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  June  25, 
1608.  Probably  s.  of  William  (?  1568),  R.  of  St  Benet, 
Gracechurch  Street,  London.  B.  at  Northall,  Herts.  Matric. 
1608;  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Dec.  2;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1616,  age  25.  C.  of 
All  Hallows,  Lombard  Street,  London. 

WHITE,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  9, 
1700-1.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1700;  LL.B.  1705. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1708;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18, 
1709.  V.  of  Upton,  Bucks.,  1709-25.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke 
of  Portland.  V.  of  Titchfield,  Hants.,  1726-34.  Died  before 
June  27,  1734-   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHITE,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  7, 
1719.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Montserrat,  West  Indies. 
School,  Batley,  Yorks.  (Mr  Booth).  Matric.  1720;  Scholar, 
1721.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  8,  1719.  Lieut. - 
Governor  of  Montserrat.  Died  Feb.  14,  1785. 

WHITE,  MILES.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1615.  C.  of  Astbury,  Cheshire,  in  1616. 
R.  of  St  Michael-at-Ousebridge,  York,  1617-c.  24.  R.  of 
Skirpenbeck,  Yorks.,  1623-60.  Married  Isabel  Nelson,  of 
Badsworth,  1624. 

WHITE,  MOSES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  17, 
1747.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  B.  at  Ostend.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1748;  B.A.  1751.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  22,  1751;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  23, 
1752.  R.  of  Freethoipe,  Norfolk,  1752-71.  R.  of  High  Easter, 
Essex,  1756-64.  R.  of  Reedham,  1758-71.  Died  Feb.  2, 
1771,  at  Halvergate.  (Al.  Westmon.,  342,  where  he  is  con- 
fused with  Moses  Wight,  M.A.  (Oxford),  preacher  at  Bride- 
well Hospital,  who  died  Jan.  i795-) 

WHITE,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1678.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  pens.  Lent,  1679;  B.A.  1682-3. 

WHITE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  c.  1593;  B.A. 
1600-1;  M.A.  1606.  One  of  these  names  of  Ebbesboume- 
Wake,  Wilts.,  clerk;  will  (Cons.  C.  Sarum)  1620. 

WHITE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  31,  1656.  Of  Kent.  School,  Sandwich.  Matric.  1656; 
Scholar,  1660;  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1668.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  1663;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  22,  1667.  V.  of 
St  Peter's,  Isle  of  Thanet,  1666-1715.  Died  1715. 

WHITE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  3,  1696.  Of 
Lancashire.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1711.  Ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  May,  1706. 

WHITE,  OBADIAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Mar.  22,  1680-1.  S.  of  John.  School,  Chippenham,  Wilts. 

WHITE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1566. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Coleabbey,  London, 
1569-75;  B.A,  See  Al,  Oxon,  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

White,  Robert 

WHITE,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1586- 
Doubtless  s.  of  Peter,  V.  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.  B.A.  (?  1589- 
90);  M.A.  from  Caius,  1593.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Oct.  13,  1596.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  St  Neots,  Hunts., 
1589-1615;  M.A.;  V.  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.,  1600-15.  Buried 
Dec.  19,  1615,  at  Eaton  Socon.  [But  this  may  have  been 
the  father.]  Brother  of  Francis  (1578-9)  and  John  (1585-6). 
(Beds.  Genealog.) 
WHITE,  PHINEAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  9,  1612. 
Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Master  of  Coventry 
Grammar  School,  Warws.,  1629-51. 
WHYTE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1544;  B.A.  1547-8. 
WHITE  or  WHIGHT  {alias  GWYN),  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens, 
from  Christ's,  Easter,  1571.  B.  at  Llanidloes,  Montgomery. 
Scholar;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Schoolmaster  at  Wrexham 
and  Overton,  Flintshire.  Fell  under  the  influence  of  one  of 
the  Douay  missioners  and  became  a  Roman  Catholic. 
Arrested,  1580;  imprisoned  in  Ruthin  gaol,  1583.  Executed 
for  treason,  Oct.  17,  1584.  (D.N.B.;  Peile,  1.  117.) 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Michs.  1602 ; 
B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Newenden, 
Kent,  1609;  M.A.  See  also  Richard  (1614)  to  whom  this 
may  refer. 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1611.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (?  1582),  Knt.,of  Tuxford, 
Notts.  B.  1596.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1616. 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1614  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Buckinghamshire,  pleb.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
Jan.  29,  1601-2,  age  15;  B.A.  1606;  M.A.  1609.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  4,  1609-10;  priest  (Oxford) 
Sept.  23,  1610.  Perhaps  V.  of  Caddington,  Beds.,  1610-40, 
and  R.  of  Moulsoe,  Bucks.,  1613-40.  Buried  Oct.  15,  1640, 
at  Caddington.  WUl,  1640.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Blaydes,  Geneal. 
Bedford,  358.) 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1623  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Wiltshire,  gent.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  June  16, 
1615,  age  16;  B.A.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  1618;  M.A. 
1621.  Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1619-23.  Will 
proved  (Oxford,  V.C.C.)  Mar.  24,  1626.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  July  4, 
1646.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Beckley,  Sussex.  School,  Ton- 
bridge  (Mr  Home).  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649. 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  13,  1668.  Of  Lancashire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Christopher, 
of  Goosnargh,  Lanes.  School,  Blackburn.  Matric.  1668. 
Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Aug.  14,  1669.  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A. 
1675.  V.  of  Chipping,  Lanes.,  1672-92.  V.  of  WhaUey, 
1694-1703.  Married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Henry  Atherton,  of 
Preston,  Dec.  20,  1673.  Buried  at  WhaUey,  Nov.  19,  1703. 
(J.  Parker.) 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Mar.  10,  1702-3. 
B.  at  Lincoln.  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1711.  Ord. 
deacon   (Lincoln)    Sept.    19,    1708;   priest,   Dec.    185    1709. 

Rev. White,  of  Clare  Hall,  Cambridge,  died  Apr.  1737. 

Perhaps  father  of  William  (1728).  (G.  Mag.) 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  23,  1712.  S.  of  George,  deceased.  B.  at  Markby,  Lines. 
School,  Alford.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719- 
FeUow,  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  22,  1717;  priest, 
Feb.  22,  1718-9.  Perhaps  R.  of  Stutton,  Suffolk,  1728; 
buried  there  Feb.  5,  i747.  aged  54. 
WHITE,  RICHARD.  LL.B.  1728  (Com.  Reg.). 

WHITE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  19, 
1742-3.  S.  of  Richard,  clerk,  of  Borough  Green,  Cambs. 
School,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  1747;  priest  (Ely)  June  10, 
1750.  R.  of  Thrandeston,  Suffolk,  i755-9-  R-  of  Thaxted, 
Essex,  1759-80.  Died  July  18,  1780.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1780. 
(G.Mag.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WYGHT,  ROBERT  DE.  Adm.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge, 
Sept.  20,  1327.  Fellow  of  King's  Hall.  Died  May  31,  1349. 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  D.D.  1521-2.  Franciscan  friar. 

WHITE,  ROBERT.   M.A.  1537-8. 

WIGHT,  ROBERT.  Mus.Bac.  1560.  S.  of  Robert.  Succeeded 
Dr  Christopher  Tye  as  Magister  Choristarum  of  Ely,  c.  1562. 
Organist  of  Ely  Cathedral,  1562-7.  Master  of  Choristers  and 
Organist  of  Westminster  Abbey,  c.  1570.  Attained  a  high 
reputation  as  a  composer.  Married  Ellen,  dau.  of  Christopher 
Tye.  Buried  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  Nov.  11,  1574- 
(J.  E.  West,  Organists;  D.N.B.) 

WHITE  or  WHYGHTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1580.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
Oct.  13,  1596.  One  of  these  names  (Wight),  of  Hareby, 
Lines.,  clerk;  wiU  (Lincoln)  1618. 


White,  Robert 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Mar.  1598-9; 
B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  1606.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1606. 
Probably  B.D.  from  Clare,  1609;  D.D.  i6i8  (but  in  1609 
he  was  not,  as  the  supplicat  states,  an  M.A.  of  six  years' 
standing).  Probably  C.  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds.,  1604;  V.'i6i5. 
V.  of  Easton,  Hunts.,  'B.D.';  ejected  during  the  Rebellion. 
Archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  1631-57.  Died  in  the  time  of  the 
usurpation.  One  of  these  names  beneficed  in  Wales;  arch- 
deacon of  Merioneth,  1623-57;  preb.  of  Bangor,  1626-57. 
Buried  at  Llandgaffo,  in  Anglesey,  Sept.  4,  1657.  (According 
to  Le  Neve,  this  was  the  archdeacon  of  Norfolk.)  (A  I.  Oxon. ; 
Brown  Willis,  Bangor,  143,  152;  Blomefield,  in.  646;  Le 
Neve,  Fasti,  11.  485.) 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1619. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  17,  1626-7. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Little  Braxted,  Essex,  1630-47. 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1640. 
Of  Norfolk. 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  27, 
1674-  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Bondon  {sic),  Durham.  School, 
Durham  (Mr  Battersby).  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1677.  Ord. 
deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  23,  1677.  Brother  of  Anthony  (1675). 
(Peile,  II.  54.) 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  30, 
1678.  S.  of  Henry,  gent.,  deceased.  B.  at  Wisbech,  Isle  of 
Ely.  School,  Wisbech.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A. 
1685.  Fellow,  1684. 

WHITE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 
legg.  S.  of  Robert,  grocer.  B.  at  Ludham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Ludham  (private).  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1703-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1706;  priest.  May,  1708.  R.  of  Burgh  St 
Mary  and  St  Margaret,  Norfolk,  1711.  R.of  Winterton,  1720. 

WIGHT,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1731.  S.  of  Robert, 
of  Wootton-under-Edge,  Gloucs.,  gent.  Matric.  (Oriel 
College,  Oxford)  May  25,  1721,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1725-6. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITE  or  WIGHT,  RYSEA.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Michs. 
1569.  Probably  'Rice,'  s.  of  John,  of  Wimbledon,  and 
Arlington  Manor,  Surrey.  Of  Braboeuf  Manor,  Guildfoid. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry  Needier,  of  Horley.  Buried 
Nov.  3,  1601.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1602.  (Manning  and  Bray,  i.  88; 
Vis.  of  Surrey,  1662-8.) 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1607. 
Matric.  1607;  Scholar;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1607. 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  1610.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1610;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford.  1622.  Perhaps  R.  of  Gt  Poringland,  Norfolk, 
1625-47.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1646.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Milk  Street,  London,  gent.,' 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  23,  1646. 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Easter,  1652. 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  29,  1671-2. 
Of  Salop.   Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1676-7. 

WHITE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  16, 
1696.  S.  of  Robert,  deceased,  of  Tuttle  Street,  Westminster, 
London.  B.  there.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1696-7; 
Scholar,  1697;  B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1703;  B.D.  1710. 
Fellow,  1702.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Portland.  Author, 
polemical.  Committed  suicide  in  his  brother's  rooms  in 
Christ  Church,  Oxford,  Oct.  5,  1716.  Buried  in  Christ  Church 
Cathedral.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Heame's  Diary;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WHYTE,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1554.  Of  Hampshire.    B.A.   1554-5;   M.A.   1558.    Fellow, 

1555.  R.  of  Cheriton,  Hants.,  1554-72.   (T.C.Dale.) 

WHITE,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  i,  1589. 
Matric.  1589;  B..'\.  1592-3. 

WHITE,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1714.  S.  of  Lawrence,  carpenter.  B.  at  Wing,  Rutland. 
School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Savage).  Matric.  1714;  B.A. 
1717-8;  M.A.  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  1719;  priest, 
Dec.  18,  1720.  V.  of  Swaffham  Bulbeck,  Cambs.,  1721; 
there  in  1755.  R.  of  Holton,  Suffolk,  1733.  Chaplain  to 
Viscount  Falkland.   (J.  Crosby.) 

WHITE,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  22,  1614-5. 
S.  of  Henry,  R.  of  Hadham,  Herts.  School,  Sandwich,  Kent. 
Matric.  1615.  Migrated  to  Caius,  May  24,  1616,  age  17. 
Scholar,  1616-20;  B.A.  1618-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  24,  1620.  C.  of  Minster-in-Sheppey,  Kent.  Licence 
(Canterbury)  Oct.  i,  1628,  to  marry  Ann  Allen,  of  St  Peter's, 
Sandwich.   (Venn,  1.  233.) 

White,  Thomas 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Oct.  18, 
1424;  M.A.  in  1429.  Left,  1473-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  John 

WHITTE,  THOMAS.  Member  (?  Fellow)  of  Peterhouse. 
1424-5.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

WHYTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1554; 
B.A.  1557-8;  M.A.  1563.  Perhaps  R.  of  Stunner,  Essex, 
1558-62;  deprived;  and  perhaps  also  R.  of  Quendon,  1565- 
66;  V.  of  Latton  St  Mary,  1566-9;  the  same  man  was  prob- 
ably V.  of  Henham,  1562-72.   (Peile,  1.  57.) 

WHITE  or  WHIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 
1554;  B.A.  (according  to  Masters).  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  17,  1557.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Horseheath, 
Cambs.,  1557;  there  in  1567;  died  c.  1589;  then  styled  S.T.P. 
[Thomas  White,  Archdeacon  of  Berks,  and  Chancellor  of 
Salisbury,  1571-88;  died  June  12,  1588,  and  was  buried  in 
the  Cathedral;  see  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  ii.  652.]   (J.  Crosby.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  Easter,  1577. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1595-6;  M.A.  1599. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Hougham,  Kent,  16x5-6. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  10,  1596; 
Scholar;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Fellow,  1603.  lucorp. 
at  Oxford,  1605.  Died  in  Cambridge.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1606. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1614. 
Buried  in  the  College  Chapel,  Oct.  4,  1616.   (A.  Gray.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  1635; 
priest  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1638.   R.  of  Rowley,  Yorks.,  1638. 

WHYTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1628; 
B.A.  1632-3. 

WHYTE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1632; 
B.A.  1634-5. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27, 

1633.  S.  of  John,  deceased.  B.  at  Saltwood,  Kent.  School, 
Sutton,  Kent.   Matric.  1633.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  10, 

1634.  Perhaps  brother  of  James  (1614). 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  6, 
1638-9.  S.  of  Oswald,  gardener,  of  Tickencote,  Rutland. 
B.  there.  School,  Stamford  (Mr  Humphreyes).  Matric.  1639; 
B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1647.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  24; 
priest,  Dec.  26,  1643.  Perhaps  V.  of  Wisbech,  Cambs.,  1648. 
R.  of  St  Mary-at-Hill,  London,  1661-82.  V.  of  Eastchurch, 
Kent,  1667-82.  Buried  June  13,  1682.  Will,  P.C.C;  be- 
quests to  Eastchurch. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  29, 
1642.  S.  of  Peter,  lately  deceased,  of  Allington,  Kent. 
B.  there,  1628.  School,  Wye  (Mr  Suerty-on-high,  Nichols). 
Matric.  1642;  B.A.  1646-7:  D.D.  (Oxford)  1683;  by  diploma. 
Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  York.  V.  of  Newark,  Notts.,  1660-6. 
R.  of  All  HaUows-at-Fenn,  London.  1666-79.  R.  of  Bottes- 
ford,  Leics.,  1679-85.  Archdeacon  of  Nottingham.  1683-5. 
Bishop  of  Peterborough,  1685;  imprisoned  in  the  Tower, 
1688;  being  one  of  the  six  bishops  who  \vith  Sancroft, 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  petitioned  against  James  II's 
Declaration  of  Indulgence;  deprived,  as  non-juror,  1691. 
Died  unmarried.  May  30,  1698.  Buried  in  St  Gregory's  by 
St  Paul's.  Benefactor  to  Newark  and  to  the  poor  of  Peter- 
borough.  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Nichols,  11.  90.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  2,  1649. 
Of  London.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  from  Peter- 
house,  1656.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1653-7.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1657. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  21,  1658. 
S.  of  Timothy  (1628).  B.  at  Northfield,  Worcs.  Matric. 
1658.  Living,  .Aug.  1666,  when  he  administered  his  father's 
estate.  Brother  of  Timothy  (1667). 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  28, 
1658.  S.  of  Samuel.  B.  at  Birmingham,  Warvv-s.  Matric. 
1660;  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1671.  R.  of  Stepney,  Middlesex, 
1681-1709.  Minister  of  Stratford-le-Bow.  Preb.  of  Lichfield, 
1683-1709.  Died  1709,  aged  67.  M.I.  at  Stratford.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1709-10;  minister  of  Stratford-le-Bow.  (Le  Neve, 
Mon.  III.  233.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1663. 

WHIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  27.  1669. 
Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1669.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge, 
Dec.  7,  1669. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  Christ's,  1677;  B.A.  1680;  M.A. 

1684.  Probably  ord.  priest  (Durham)  Sept.  2t,  1684. 
WHITE,   THOMAS.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's.  July   14, 

1685.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John  (?  1651),  of  Cotgr:ive,  Notts., 
Esq.  Matric.  1686.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  23, 
1685.  Probably  M.P.  for  East  Retford,  1701-2;  of  Walling- 
Well,  Notts.;  died  1732.   (Peile,  11.  100;  Musgrat'e.) 


White,  Thomas 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  20, 
16.S9-90.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  in  London.  School,  Simpson, 
Bucks.  (Mr  Stannard).  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A. 
1713.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester)  c.  Michs.  1702;  priest, 
Feb.  20,  1702-3.  R.  of  Oakley,  Essex,  1706-41.  V.  of 
Thorpe-le-Soken,  1713-41.  Chaplain  to  Earl  Rivers.  Died 
1741.   {Peile,  II.  115-6;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  r8)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  24, 
1696-7.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased.  B.  at  Lutterworth,  Leics. 
School,  Monks  Kirby,  Warws.  (Mr  Towers).  Matric.  1O97; 
LL.B.  1703.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Nailstone,  Leics., 
1729-35;  R-  of  Ayston,  Rutland,  ttU  i735-  Died  Jan. 
1735,  aged  59.  M.L  at  Ayston;  M.A.  But  see  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  {Nichols,  iv.  810.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  18, 

1737.  S.  of  Joseph,  glover,  of  Hereford.  School,  Hereford 
(MrWillim).   Matric.  1737. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1738.  S.  of  Joseph, 
of  Ellaston,  Staffs.,  clerk.  B.  Jan.  31,  1708-9.  Matric. 
(Merton  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  29,  1729,  age  18;  B.A.  (Ox- 
ford) 1732-3.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1747-84.  Sacrist  of  Lich- 
field Cathedral,  and  Divinity  lecturer  there.  V.  of  Dunchurch, 
Warws.,  1768-84.  Married  Lucy,  dau.  of  Rev.  John  Hunter, 
Master  of  Lichfield  Grammar  School.  Author,  sermons. 
Died  May  3,  1784,  aged  74.  Brother  of  John  (1717)-  {^l. 
Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  Nichols,  iv.  333.) 

WHITE,   THOMAS.    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   at  Christ's,   May  31, 

1738.  S.  of  Thomas  (and  probably  of  Olive,  dau.  of  Maxi- 
millian  Western,  of  Abington  Hall,  Cambridge).  B.  at 
Tattingstone,  Suffolk.  School,  Hackney  (Mr  Newcome). 
Matric.  1738.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Apr.  29,  I74i- 
Probably  of  Tattingstone;  succeeded  his  father  in  1742. 
Died  Sept.  4,  1808.  {Peile,  11.  237;  Coppinger;  Manors  of 
Suffolk,  VI.  106.) 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  21, 
1737-8.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wake- 
field. Matric.  1738;  Scholar,  1741;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  1745. 
College  Librarian,  1742-63.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  14, 
1741-2;  priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  1745.  Died  Aug.  30,  1763. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  1764. 

WHITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  4, 
1744.  S.  of  John  (1701),  clerk,  of  Suffolk.  B.  at  Stoke-by- 
Nayland.  School,  Colchester  (Mr  Smythies).  Matric.  i744; 
B.A.  1747-8;  M.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  5,  1748; 
priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1 750-1.  V.  of  Fulboum  All  Saints, 
Cambs.,  1751-6.  Died  Nov.  27,  1756,  aged  31.  Buried  at 
Stoke-by-Nayland.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  541.) 

WHITE,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1628; 
B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  R.  of  Northfield,  Worcs.,  1639-60. 
Master  of  Leicester  Hospital,  Warwick,  1650-60.  Died  1660. 
Wm  (P.C.C.)  1660;  of  Northfield;  a  second  grant  (P.C.C.) 
Aug.  1666,  to  son  Thomas.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
Thomas  (1658). 

WHITE,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  12,  1667. 
S.  of  Timothy  (above).  B.A.  1670-1.  V.  of  Alcester,  Warws., 
1675-1712.  Buried  there  Nov.  14,  1712.  Brother  of  Thomas 

WHITE,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  June 
29,  1649.  S.  of  Walter,  citizen  of  London.  School,  Friday 
Street.  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A.  1656.  {Vis.  of 
London,  1634.) 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1508-9. 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1515-6.  One  of  these  names, 
'LL.B.,'  R.  of  Rollesby,  Norfolk,  1531.  R.  of  Kessingland, 
Suffolk,  1557-9- 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  1566. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Bamsley,  Yorks.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Oct. 
24,  1566,  age  16.  Matric.  1566.  Probably  ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Sarum)  Sept.  9,  1571.  V.  of  West  Wycombe,  Bucks., 
1581.  Will  (Lincoln)  1624-5.   {Venn,  i.  59;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WHITE  or  WHIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1567;  Scholar;  B.A.  1571-2.  Perhaps  brother  of 
John  (1567). 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1568. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D. 
1584.  Probably  R.  of  St  Benet,  Gracechurch  Street,  London, 
1591-2.  Buried  July  17,  1592.  Will  dated,  July  14,  1592; 
proved  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  7,  1592.  Probably  father  of  Maurice 
(1608).   {Hennessy;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1585.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  9,  1588; 
of  Sussex,  and  of  New  Inn. 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 
1592.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford) 
Nov.  25,  1595;  M.A.  1598.  Perhaps  R.  of  High  Halstow, 
Kent,  1599-1604;  of  St  Nicholas,  Rochester,  1608-14,  and 
of  East  Grinstead,  Sussex.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Fielding.) 

Whitefoot,  John 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1605.  Buried  at  St  Giles',  Cambridge,  May  23,  1614;  'some- 
time of  Magdalene  College.' 
WHITE,   WILLIAM.    B.D.   1608   (Incorp.  from   Oxford).    Of 

Buckinghamshire,  gent.    Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 

June  22,  1593,  age  15;  B.A.  1596;  M.A.  1601;  B.D.  1608; 

D.D.   1612.    R.  of  Bamham  St  Martin  and  St  Andrew, 

Suffolk,  1615-39. 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  1628  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 

Robert,  of  Truro,  Cornwall,  gent.    Matric.  (Exeter  College, 

Oxford)  May  3,  1621,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1624;  M.A.  1627. 

Perhaps    R.    of    Ladock,    Cornwall,    1657-60,    and    R.   of 

Warleggan,  1671-3.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  i,  1632. 

Of  Suffolk.  Matric.  1632;  Scholar,  1632-5;  B.A.  1635-6. 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.  10,  1641. 

Matric.  1641. 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

1642.    Of  Lincolnshire.    Migrated  to  Queens',  Aug.   1644. 

B.A.  1645-6. 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  23, 

1646.    S.  of  John,   yeoman.    B.   at  Elworthy,   Somerset. 

School,  Tiverton.  B.A.  1649-50. 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  11,  1665. 

Oi  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672. 
WIGHT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  17,  1671- 

Of  Salop.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 
WHITE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1682.   B.  at  Oakingham,  Berks.   Matric.  1682.   Drov.-ned  in 

the  Cam,  at  Newnham  Mill,  June  24,  1682.    Buried  in  the 

College  Chapel.   {Harwood,  268.) 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1691.  Of  Kent. 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  1, 
1693.  S.  of  WUliam,  gent.  B.  in  London.  School,  Charter- 
house. Matric.  1696.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Little 
Oakley,  Essex,  1706-42;  died  1742. 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  Oct. 
25,  1728.  S.  of  Richard  (?  1702-3),  clerk.  B.  at  Authorpe, 
Lines.  School,  Alford.  Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1732-3;  M.A. 
1736.  Fellow,  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  9,  1734; 
priest,  Dec.  21,  1735. 

WHITE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  3, 
1740-1.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  Apr.  1739;  B.A.  1742-3; 
M.A.  1749.   Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1746. 

WHITE, .  B.A.  1466-7;  M.A.  1470-1. 

WHITE  or  WYTE, .   M.A.  1522-3. 

WHITE  or  WHYET, .  B.A.  1529-30;  M.A.  1533. 

WHITE, .  B.A.  1530-1. 

WHITE, .  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1623. 

WIGHT,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1627.    Of 


WHITEAR,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  28,  1680. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Salisbury.  Matric.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  30,  1666,  age  16;  B.A.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  1669;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1680.  V.  of  Arreton,  Isle 
of  Wight,  1677.  V.  of  Bersted,  Sussex,  1678.  V.  of  Tangmere, 
1680.  Canon  of  Chichester,  1694.  V.  of  Boxgrove,  1704- 
R.  of  North  Stoneham,  Hants.,  1714-23.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITEBORNE,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1723- 
S.  of  Joseph,  of  LuflSncot,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  Apr.  3,  1707,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1710.  Ord. 
deacon  (E.xeter)  May  27,  1711;  priest,  June  15,  1712.  V.  of 
Wormingstone,  Cornwall,  in  1723.  V.  of  St  Teath,  1723. 
Canon  of  Exeter,  1727-37.  Died  1737.  Admon.  Exeter; 
of  Shobrooke,  Devon.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C. 

from  Christ's,  July,  1605. 

WHITECHURCH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1626. 
Matric.  1626. 

WHITECHURCH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1446.  Of  Colebrook,  Bucks.  M.A.  Ord.  sub- 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  18,  1456;  deacon.  Mar.  12,  145&-7- 

WHITCHURCH, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1569. 


WHITEFOOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  3, 
1626-7.  Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1653.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1634; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1636.  Minister  of  St  Gregory's,  Norwich, 
1641.  R.  of  Heigham,  Norfolk,  c.  1652-82.  R.  of  Hellesdon, 


Whitefoot,  John 

c.  1664.  A  friend  of  Sir  Thomas  Browne;  wrote  his  life. 
Died  1699,  aged  89.  Buried  at  St  Gregory's.  M.I.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Philip  (1635),  father  of  the  next.  (Venn,  i.  420; 
Al.  0x0)1.;  Blomefield,  iv.  278,  506.) 

WHITEFOOT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Dec.  31, 
1663.  S.of  John  (above),  clerk,  of  Norwich.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1664;  Scholar,  1664-71;  B.A. 
1667-8;  M. A.  1671.  Fellow,  1671-7.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1665.  R.  of  Hellesdon,  Norfolk,  1676- 
1731.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Heigham,  1682-1731. 
Minister  of  St  Gregory's,  Norwich,  1682-1731,  and  of  St 
Peter  Mancroft,  1720-31.  Commissary  of  Norwich  and  clerk 
of  the  Convocation.  Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Robert  Payne, 
of  Norwich.  Died  Dec.  18,  1731.  Buried  at  St  Gregory's. 
Fatherof  Robert  (1699).    (Venn,  i.  420;  Blomefield,  iv.  506.) 

WHITEFOOT,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4, 
1635.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1643,  age  24;  priest.  Mar.  17,  1643-4. 
V.  of  Sibton  and  Peasenhall,  Suffolk,  1649-50.  R.  of  Ashby, 
Norfolk,  1660-91.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1626-7). 

WHITEFOOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  13, 
1699.  S.  of  John  (1663),  clerk,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1699-1700;  Scholar,  1699- 
1706;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707.  Fellow,  1706-12.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  27,  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Aug.  29,  1708;  priest,  July  2,  1710.  R.  of  Salle,  Norfolk, 
1711-20;  of  Cawston,  1712-20.  Died  Aug.  14,  1720.  (Venn, 
I-  503.) 

WHITEFOOT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1638. 

WHITEFOOT, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  22,  1665. 

WHITEHALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  July  6, 
1685.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Pipe  Ridware,  Staffs.  School, 
Uttoxeter  (Mr  William  Bladon).  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90. 

WHITEHALL,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr. 
22,  1710.  S.  of  John,  of  Broughton,  Flintshire.  School, 
Warrington,  Lanes.  (Mr  Shaw).  Scholar,  1711;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1717;  B.D.  1727.  Fellow,  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  12, 1720;  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  10, 1722-3.  Doubtless  V.  of 
Enfield,  Middlesex,  1732-57.  Died  1757.  (Hennessy;  G.  R. 

WHITEHALL,  JOHN.  M.A.  1663  (Incorp.  from  Oriel  CoUege, 
Oxford).  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Dodington,  Whitchurch, 
Salop.  Matric.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  27,  1652; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1655-6;  M.A.  1661.  R.  of  Stcke  Doyle, 
Northants.,  1667-85.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Peter- 
borough. Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1669-85.  R.  of  Fiskerton, 
Lines.,  1676-82.  R.  of  Sutton-under-BraUes,  Gloucs., 
1682-5.  Died  Jan.  16,  1685-6.  Buried  at  Stoke  Doyle.  M.I. 
(H.  I.  Longden;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WHITEHALL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1672. 

WHITEHAND,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesos,  Apr.  6,  1682.  S. 
of  Thomas  (1646),  R.  of  Little  Wilbraham,  Cambs.  Matric. 
1682;  Rustat  Scholar;  B.A.  1685-6;  M.A.  1690.  R.  of 
Shepton  Mallet,  Somerset,  1697-1721.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1705; 
sub-dean,  1716.  Died  1721. 

WHITEHAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1580;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  R.  of  St  Mary  Mounthaw, 
London,  1603-22.  Died  Mar.  1622-3.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Mar.  10,  1622-3.  Father  of  the  next.   (Hennessy,  348.) 

WHITEHAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1621.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas  (above).  B.  Aug.  16,  1604. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  R.  of 
Swineshead,  Hunts.,  1639-66.  Buried  there  July  25,  1666. 
Probably  father  of  the  next  and  perhaps  of  William  (1665). 

WHITEHAND,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1646.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas 
(above).  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Fellow,  1650-5.  R.  of 
Little  Wilbraham,  Cam'os.,  1654-79.  C.  of  Gt  Wilbraham, 
1668-77.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bletso,  gent. 
Died  Feb.  1,  1679.  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next,  father  of 
John  (1682).  (Masters,  360.) 

WHITEHAND,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi.  1665. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1621).  B..\. 
1669-70.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1670;  signs  for 
priest's  orders  (London)  Sept.  23,  1671;  'C.  of  Purleigh, 
Essex';  R.  1674-80.  V.of  Hockley,  till  1690.  Admon.(Cons. 
C.  London)  May  27,  1691,  to  Margaret,  the  widow.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (above). 

WHITEHEAD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1563-4;  B.A.  1576-7.  'Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Jan.  30,  1573-4;  aged  28;  not  married;  skilled  in  Latin.' 
R.  of  Denton,  Lines.,  1575-  Will  (Lincoln)  1601.  (Lib.  Cler. 
Lincoln,  1576.) 

Whitehead,  Ralph 

WHITEHEAD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1738. 
Of  Kent.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1745. 
Fellow  of  Clare,  1742-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19, 
1742.  V.of  Cudham,  Kent,  1746-80;  of  Downe,  1753-64;  of 
Ash,  1779-82.  (Fielding.) 

WHITEHEAD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  14,  1530.  Of  Bamby,  Yorks. 
Name  off  before  1534. 

WHITEHEAD,  DAVID.  Occurs  in  a  list  of  Fellows  of  St  John's, 
1527.  Probably  the  protestant  divine.  B.  c.  1492.  Said  to 
have  been  educated  at  Oxford.  Tutor  to  Charles  Brandon, 
the  young  Duke  of  Suffolk.  Described  by  Cranmer  as 
'Mr  Whitehead  of  Hadleigb,'  in  1552.  Fled  to  the  Continent 
on  Queen  Mary's  accession,  1553.  Took  charge  of  the  exile 
congregation  at  Frankfort,  in  1554.  Supported  Richard 
Cox  against  Knox,  and  was  chosen  pastor,  1555;  resigned, 
1556.  Returned  to  England,  1558.  Sequestered  for  refusing 
to  subscribe,  1563-4.  Died  June,  1571.  (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITEHEAD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  30,  1692. 
Of  Lancashire.  S.  of  John,  of  Rochdale,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there, 
June  7,  1674.  School,  Manchester.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
0.xford)  Nov.  3,  1692,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1696.  R.  of 
Bucknall,  Lines.,  1706.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WHITEHEAD,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WHITEHEAD,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1620.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1623-4; 
M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  3,  1627. 
C.  of  Denston,  Suffolk.   R.  of  Little  Livermere,  1631. 

WHITHED,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1705. 
Of  West  Tytherley,  Hants.  Possibly  s.  of  Richard  (1677). 
Matric.  1705. 

WHITEHEAD,  HUGH.  A  member  of  Borden  Hostel.  Of 
Westmorland.  B.A.  1530-1;  M.A.  1534.  Fellow  of  Pembroke, 
1530.  A  schoolmaster.  Perhaps  R.  of  Upper  Rickinghall, 
Suffolk,  1554-5.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 
sake.  (Stokes,  Mediaeval  Hostels.) 

WHITEHEAD,  JASPER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1636.  Of  Rutlandshire.  B.A.  1639-40.  Fellow,  1642-4, 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1494-5.  Of  Durham.  M.A.  1498-9. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1494.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  4, 
1500.   Perhaps  Chancellor  of  Lichfield,  1505.  Died  1506. 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1606-7;  M.A. 
1610.  Perhaps  his  will  (Lincoln)  1621;  of  Sproxton,  Leics., 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1649.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Tytherley,  Hants. 
B.A.  1651-2.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1652.  M.A.  (Exeter 
College,  Oxford)  1654.  Incorp.  at  Cambridge,  1655.  Perhaps 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  13,  1656.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Richard  (1645). 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1653.  Of  Northamptonshire.  B.A.  1656-7. 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
23,  1656-7.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Repton,  Derbs.  School, 
Ashby.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1.  Chaplain  to  the  East 
India  Company,  1672-6;  stationed  at  the  factor>',  Masuli- 
patam,  till  1676.  Died  1676.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1658-9). 
(Peile,  I.  576.) 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
II,  1685-6.  2nd  s.  of  William,  late  Head  Master  of  Kirkham 
Grammar  School,  Lanes.,  deceased.  B.  there.  School, 
Kirkham  (Mr  Taylor).  Matric.  1686;  B..'\.  1689-90;  M.A. 
1693.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  16,  1689-90;  priest, 
Dec.  18,  1692.  V.  of  Bosham,  Sussex,  till  1731.  R.  of 
Tangmere,  1714-31.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Forester.  (T.  C. 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1707.  S.  of  William, 
of  Little  Dawley,  Salop.  Matric.  (Pembroke  CoUege,  Oxford) 
Feb.  26,  1700-1,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1704-5.  C.  of 
Pattingham,  Staffs.,  in  1707.  Perhaps  R.  of  Holt  Castle, 
Worcs.,  1727-40.   (Al.Oxon.) 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1708. 

WHITEHEAD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  12, 1718-g. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.  1699.  Matric.  1718-9;  B-A.  1722-3; 
M.A.  1728  (Com.  Re.R.).  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  9,  1723' 
Perhaps  K.  of  Pilham,  Lines.,  1735- 

WHITEHEAD,  RALPH.  Scholar  and  Fellow  of  King's  Hall, 
1500-19;  B.Can.L.  1516-7.  Probably  the  same  who  was 
B.Civ.L.  1503-4  (after  six  years  in  arts,  and  three  in  Civil 
Law).  A  priest.  Of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  diocese.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  19,  1501-2;  'on  title  of  King's  Hall.* 
R.  of  Papworth  Evorard,  Cambs.,  1504-35.  Preb.  of  Lich- 
field, 1519-20.  Chancellor  of  Lichfield,  1520-35.  Died  1535. 


Whitehead,  Richard 

WHITEHEAD,   RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1645.    Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Tytherley,  Hants. 
B.A.  1648-9.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1649). 
WHITEHEAD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
June  29,  1677.   Probably  s.  of  Henry,  of  Tytherley,  Hants. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  7,  1678.   Perhaps  father  of 
Henry  (1705). 
WHITEHEAD,    ROBERT.     B.Civ.L.    1536-7.     Of    Nicholas 
Hostel;  exor.  to  Thomas  Watson,  1542.  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Hesleden,  Durham,  1527. 
WHITEHEAD,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1668.  Matric. 
(Queen's College, Oxford)  Apr.  11,  1660;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664. 
P.C.  of   Soulbury  with  Liscombe,  Bucks.,  1666-89.    V.  of 
Ashby-de-la-Launde,    Lines.,    1671-81.     V.   of   Bromham, 
Beds.,    1672-82.    V.  of  Southoe,   Hunts.,    1683-5.     R.  of 
Lower  Isham,  Northants.,  1685.   P.C.  of  Nettleden,  Bucks., 
c.  1686-1706.   V.  of  Gt  Gaddesden,  Herts.,  1689-1706.  Died 
Aug.  21,  1706.   Father  of  Thomas  (1700).    [Al.  Oxon.;  Lip- 
scomb, III.  747.) 
WHITEHEAD,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  30,  1720.   S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Yorkshire.   B.  at 
Cusworth,  near  Doncaster.    School,  Leeds   (Mr  Bernard). 
Matric.   1720;   B.A.    1723-4;   M.A.    1728,   alias  Wrighton. 
Ord.   deacon    (Norwich)   Sept.    19,    1725;   priest   (Lincoln) 
May  28,  1727.   C.  of  Gedney,  Lines.,  1727.    Perhaps  R.  of 
Hemsworth,  Yorks.,  1727-49.   (Scott-Mayor,  ni.  335.) 
WHITEHEAD,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1620.    Migrated  to  Trinity.    Scholar,   1625;  B.A.   1625-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1627-8. 
WHITEHEAD,  SAMUEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1568;  Wytehead;  Scholar,  1573;  B.A.  1575-6.   Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  21,  1582. 
WHITHEAD,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  30,  1747. 

Of  Sheffield,  Yorks. 
WHITEHEAD,    THOMAS.     B.Can.L.     1499-1500.     Probably 
scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1491-5;  T.  Whytehed.    Canon  of 
Stoke  College,  Suffolk;  age  60  in  1534.    Perhaps  Principal 
of  Borden  Hostel.    One  Thomas  Whitehead,  B.D.,  V.  of 
Steeple  Bumpstead,  Essex,  1519-32;  R.  of  Birdbrook,  till 
1548.  R.  of  Gt  Hadham,  Herts.,  1532-48;  Preb.  of  St  Paul's, 
1532-48.    Died  1548.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1549;  to  be  buned  at 
Birdbrook.   (Hennessy,  16;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WHITEHED,  THOMAS.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.   12,   1524.    Of  Harlton,  or  Haslingfield, 
Cambs.    'Went  away  scholar  and  was  afterwards  pantler 
in  the  CoUege,  where  when  Mr  Luther's  books  were  sought 
for  to  be  burned,  he  kept  them  close  for  better  tymes.' 
(Harwood;  Add.  MS.  5954,  13.) 
WHYTHED,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  Easter,  1546.  Servant 
of  the  College  until  1561.   One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Long 
Stow,  Hunts.,  1562.   Perhaps  R.  of  Harlton,  Cambs.,  1567. 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1598-9; 
B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1607.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618.   Master 
of  Atherstone  School,  Warws.,  1607-14.    Head  Master  of 
Repton   School,   Derbs.,   1621-42.    Died    1642.    Doubtless 
father  of  Thomas  (1635).    (Peile,  i.  229;  Al.  Oxon.;  Repton 
School  Register,  xv.) 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1614.  One  of  these  names,  'literate,'  licensed  to  read  prayers 
in  Hunmanby  Church,  Yorks.,  1619. 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1628. 
Of  Lancashire.   School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1628;  B.A.  from 
St  John's,   1631-2;  M.A.   1635.    R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  c. 
1644-60,  ejected.    Nonconformist  teacher  at   Kendal  and 
Kellet,  1672.    Buried  Feb.  10,  1678-9,  at  Bolton-le-Sands. 
Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1681).  (E.  Axon.) 
WHITEHEAD,   THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from   Magdalene, 
Easter,    1635.     Doubtless   s.   of   Thomas    (1598-9)-     B.A. 
1638-9.   ist  usher  at  Repton  School,  Derbs.,  1642-54.  Died 
1654.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1655.   (Repton  School  Register.) 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  12,  1658-9.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Repton,  Derbs.  School, 
Repton.    Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3.    ist  usher  at  Repton 
School,  Derbs.,  1663-4.    Buried  Oct.  17,  1664,  at  Repton. 
Brother  of  John  (1656-7).   (Repton  School  Register.) 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1681. 
Of  Lancashire.   Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1628).  Matric.  1681; 
Scholar,  1684;  B.A.  1684-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  25, 
1687;  priest,  June  15,  1690.   C.  of  Bradshaw Chapel,  1687. 
Master  of  Preston  Grammar  School,  1689  (Sept.  30-Nov.). 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
Nov.  16,  1700.  S.  of  Robert  (1668),  clerk.  B.  at  Gt  Gaddes- 
den, Herts.   School,  Stony  Stratford,  Bucks.   Matric.  1701; 
B.A.  1704-5.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1705;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  22,   1706.    Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of 

Whitestones,  Barnard 

Gt  Gaddesden,  Herts.,  1706-40.   P.C.  of  Nettleden,  Bucks., 
in   1710.    Died  before  Sept.  22,  1740.    Father  of  Thomas 
(1732).   (Clutterbuck,  1.  379;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;T.  C.  Dale.) 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  19,  1704.    2nd  s.  of  Benjamin.    B.  at  Preston,  Lanes. 
School,  Sedbergh.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  29,  1705, 
and  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  22,  1714. 
WHITEHEAD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  7, 
1732.    Of  Hertfordshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas  (1700). 
Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5, 
1737;  perhaps  priest,  Sept.  20,  1747.    One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Bradenham,  Bucks.,  1765-75. 
WHITEHEAD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1711.   S.  of  Robert,  clerk.    B.  1691,  at  Kirkham, 
Lanes.  School,  Sedbergh.  B.A.  i7i4-5-  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Feb.   1715-6;  priest.  May  20,   1722.    P.C.  of  Hambleton, 
Lanes.,   1725;  of  Goosnargh,   1735-40.    Married  Elizabeth 
Lomax  of  Kirkham.    (Sedbergh  School  Register,  160;  Goos- 
nargh, 32.) 
WHITEHEAD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  9, 
1711.   Of  Wobum,  Beds.   Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A. 
1719;  B.D.   1726.    Fellow,   1716.    Junior  Proctor,   1724-5- 
Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  Sept.  22,  1717;  priest,  1721.   R.  of 
Stanground,  Hunts.,  1731-54.    R-  oi  Haddon,  1753.    Died 
1754,  at  Bath.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1754- 
WHITEHEAD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,   Nov.   25, 
1735.  B.  in  Cambridge.  Bapt.  Feb.  12,  1715,  at  St  Botolph's, 
Cambridge  (s.  oi  a  baker  in  St  Botolph's  parish,  according 
to  Cole).   School,  Winchester.   Matric.  i735;  B.A.  1/39-40; 
M.A.  1743.  Fellow,  1742-6.  Tutor  to  George  Bussy  ViUiers, 
Earl  of  Jersey;  travelled  in  Germany  and  Italy,   1754-6. 
Secretary  and  Registrar  of  the  Order  of  the  Bath,  c.  1755. 
Poet  laureate,  1757.    Dramatist  and  poet  (his  tragedy  the 
Roman  Father  produced  by  Garrick  at  Drury  Lane,  1762). 
Died  Apr.  14,  1785.   (D.N.B.) 
WHITEHEAD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age   18)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  4,  1748.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Scarborough,  Yorks.  (and 
Jane,  dau.  of  William  Ogle,  of  Flamborough).    B.  Aug.  3, 
1729,    at    Flamborough.     School,    Thornton    (Mr    Ward). 
Matric.  1749;  B.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  21,  1752- 
C.  of  BridUngton,  Yorks.    V.  of  Atwick,  1756-1817.    P.C. 
of  Hornsea,  1767,  and  of  Mapleton.    Married  Rachel,  dau. 
of  Henry  Yates,  surgeon,  of  Easingwold,  Sept.  29,   1765. 
Died  1817,  at  Easingwold.    (W.  J.  Kaye;  M.  H.  Peacock; 
Burke,  L.G.,  Supp.;  Poulson,  Holderness,  i.  168.) 

WHITEHEAD, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1603. 

WHITEHEAD, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1644. 

WHITEHEAD, .  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  11, 

WHITEHORNE,  AUGUSTINE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1561.    Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  citizen  and  cloth- 
worker,  of  London  (whose  will  (P.C.C.)  1569).  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1564;  of  London. 
WHITEHORNE,   EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel, 
Michs.  1601.   B.  at  Windsor,  Berks.   Scholar;  B.A.  1604-5; 
M.A.  1608;  B.D.  1615;  D.D.  1627.    Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.  25;  priest,  Dec.  17,  1608,  age  26.    C.  of  Kingsbury, 
Middlesex.    R.  of  St  Andrew,  Wardrobe,  London,  1615-29. 
Died  1629.    Admon  (Cons.  C.  London)  Mar.  28,   1629,  to 
Margaret  the  widow. 
WHITEHORNE,  THOMAS.    M.A.  1651  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Devon  (fil.cler.).  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford)  Oct.  19, 
1638,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1642.    Created  M.A.  (Oxford) 
1648.     Fellow   of    Corpus    Christi    College,    Oxford,    1648. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 
WHITEHORN,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  Trinity,  a  scholar  from 

Westminster,  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 
WHITEPANE,  JOHN.    Adm.  scholar  at  Sidney,  June,   1600. 

B.  in  Sussex. 
WHITER,  see  also  WHITTER. 

WHITER,  ('WHITE'),  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 

June  2,  1624.  S.  of  George,  of  Risby,  Sufiolk.  Bapt.  Apr.  17, 

1608.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8; 

M.A.    1631.    Fellow  of  Clare.    Admon.  July  8,    1648;   to 

Margaret,  his  widow. 

WHITEREASYNG,  H.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1558. 


WHITESEDE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  3, 

1590;  B.A.  1593-4. 

Cora.  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1563.  Knighted,  July  23, 1603. 
M.P.  for  Shoreham,  1603.  Of  Woodhall,  Essex.  Married 
three  wives.   (Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

Whitestones,  Francis 

WHITSTONES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  8,  1704.  S.  of  Thomas,  draper.  B.  at  Whittlesey, 
Cambs.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712;  B.D.  1720. 
Bellow,  1716-30.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  26,  1711; 
priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1712.  R.  of  Winwick,  Hunts.,  1721-30. 
Died  Jan.  25,  1729-30.  Buried  at  Whittlesey.  Brother  of 
the  next.   (Scott-Mayor,  11.  .Nlvii.) 

WHITSTONES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  3,  1704.  S.  of  Thomas,  silkmercer.  B.  at  Whittlesey, 
Cambs.  School,  Wisbech  (Mr  Carter).  Matric.  1704;  B.A. 
1707-8;  M.A.  1711.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1712.  Perhaps  died 
Nov.  1733;  of  Whittlesey,  Cambs.  Brother  of  Francis 
(above).   {Musgrave.) 

WHITF3T0NES,  WALTER.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1608-9; 
M.A.  1612.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24;  priest,  Dec.  7, 
1609.  C.  of  All  Hallows-the-Less,  London,  1612. 

WHITEWAY,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1631.   Of  Dorset.  B.A.  1634-5. 

WHITEWAY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
1645.  Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  May  26,  1646.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1646-7. 

WHITFIELD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1668.  B.  at  Maidenhead,  Berks.  Matric.  Easter,  1670;  B.A. 
1672-3;  M.A.  1677;  B.D.  1690  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1672. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1679.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Bucking- 
ham, 1681.  Fellow  of  Eton  College,  1691.  R.  of  Shottes- 
brooke,  Berks.,  1693.  Died  Jan.  25,  1693,  aged  44.  Buried 
at  Bray.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1694.  (Harwoo(i;  J.  Ch.  Smith; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WITFELD,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1562. 

WHITFIELD,  HENRY.  B.D.  1631-2  (LU.  Reg.).  Doubtless  the 
well-known  divine.  S.  of  Thomas  (sic),  of  East  Sheen,  and 
of  Mortlake,  Surrey  (but  sometimes  called  2nd  s.  of  Ralph, 
of  Gray's  Inn).  Possibly  V.  of  Ockley,  Surrey,  in  1616. 
Became  a  nonconformist.  Embarked  for  New  England, 
May,  1639;  landed  at  Newhaven,  July,  1639.  Founded 
Guildford,  Conn.  Returned  to  England,  1650.  Settled  at 
Winchester;  becoming  a  member  of  the  Corporation.  Author, 
religious.  Died  c.  1660.   (D.N.B.) 

WHITFIELD,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1635.  Of 
London.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Ralph,  of  Gray's  Inn.  B.  1619.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  13,  1632.  Married  Hester,  dau.  of  William 
Temple.  Died  Oct.  26,  1688,  at  Dublin.  Brother  of  Herbert 
(1635)  and  Ralph  (1637).  (Vis.  oj  Kent,  1619;  Vis.  of  Surrey, 
1623;  Clutterbuck,  i.  190.) 

WHYTFYLD,  HERBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1576.  Perhaps  s.  of  Herbert,  of  Tenterden,  Kent.  Styled 
doctor  of  physic.  Buried  Sept.  20,  1630,  at  Tenterden. 
Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1573).  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Vis. 
of  London,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  i.  190.) 

WHITFIELD,  HERBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1635.  Of 
London.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Ralph,  of  Tenterden,  Kent,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  2,  1631-2.  Knighted,  June  18, 
1641.  Buried  Sept.  16,  1677,  in  St  Botolph's,  Aldersgate, 
London.  Brother  of  Henry  (1635)  and  Ralph  (1637).  (Vis. 
of  Kent,  1619;  Vis.  of  Surrey,  1623;  Clutterbuck,  i.  190.) 

WHITFIELD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  2,  1688.  S.  of  WilUam,  gent.  B.  in  Kent.  Matric.  1688; 
B.A.  1699-1700.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  2;  priest, 
Apr.  3,  1700. 

WYTFYLD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1573. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Herbert,  of  Tenterden,  Kent.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Ralph  Atkinson,  of  Wobum,  Bucks.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Herbert  (1576).  (Vis.  of  Kent;  Clutterbuck,  i.  190.) 

WHITFEILDE  or  WHITFELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus, 
May  3,  1648.  Of  Northamptonshire.  S.  of  Thomas  (1602). 
R.  of  Bugbrooke.  School,  Oundle.  Matric.  1648;  Scholar, 
1651;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1661. 
Ord.  priest  (Oxford)  Oct.  14,  1660.  Intruded  R.  of  Bug- 
brooke, Northants.,  1657-1705.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of 
Dr  William  Burkitt,  July  9,  1657,  at  Bugbrooke.  Died 
Apr.  19,  1705,  aged  74.  Buried  at  Bugbrooke.  M.I.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  William  (1636).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Baker,  1.  124; 
H.  I.  Longden.) 

WHITFIELD,  JOHN.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Michs. 

WHITFIELD,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 

1698.    S.  of  John,  of  Wem,  Shropshire.    B.  there.    School, 

Wem   (Mr  Williams).    Matric.   1699;   Scholar,    1701;   B.A. 

1701-2;  M.A.  1705;  B.D.  1712;  D.D.  1717.    Fellow,  1704. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1712.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  5,  1704-5; 

priest,  May  19,   1706.    V.  of  Orwell,  Cambs.,   1707.    V.  of 

Haddenham,    1715.     R.   of   Wicken,    Northants.,    1721-2. 

R.  of  Dickleburgh,  Norfolk,  1724-31.    Died  Oct.  16,  1731. 

Buried  at  Dickleburgh.  M.I.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Blomefield,  i.  198.) 

Whitford,  Richard 

WHITFIELD,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at 
Trinity,  Nov.  1693.  S.  of  Utrecht  (or  Utric),  of  Whitfield 
Hall,  Northumberland  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Eden, 
of  West  Auckland).  School,  Newcastle  (.\lr  John  Cotterel). 
Matric.  1693-4.  High  Sheriff  of  Northumberiand,  1730. 
Of  Wolsingham,  Durham.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
Robert  Eden,  at  St  Helens,  Auckland,  May  8,  1698.  Died 
June  14  (?  9),  1761,  aged  84.  (G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  H.  M.  Wood; 
Hodgson,  III.  ii.  100-4.) 

WHITFIELD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1560;  Scholar,  1562.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  15,  1565, 
'B.A.'  R. of  Chedburgh,Sufiolk,  1565-9.  V.of Clare,  1565-6. 
V.  of  Hundon,  1565-1620.  Married  Margery  Richardson, 
of  Hundon,  Nov.  27,  1568. 

WHITFIELD,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1586; 
B.A.  1590-1. 

WHITFIELD,  RALPH.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1637.  Of  London.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of 
Ralph,  reader  at  Gray's  Inn.  B.  1621.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
July  20,  1633.  Living,  1645.  Died  in  Jamaica.  Brother  of 
Henry  (1635)  and  Herbert  (1635).  (Vis.  of  Surrey,  1623; 
Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  i.  190.) 

WHITFYLD,  REGINALD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1564;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1571.  FeUow  of 
Peterhouse,  1569-80.  Bursar,  1575-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  2,  1570.  V.  of  Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.,  1573.  R.  of 
Barrow,  Suffolk,  1580-1608.  Father  of  Thomas  (1602). 
(Peile,  I.  85.) 

WHITFYLD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  19, 
1572.   Matric.  1573;  Scholar,  1575-8;  B.A.  1576-7. 

WHITEFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1562;  B.A.  1565-6.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 

WHITFYLD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  24, 
1572-3.  Possibly  2nd  s.  of  Clement,  of  Kent.  Matric.  1573. 
(Clutterbuck,  1.  189;  Vis.  of  Kent.) 

WHITFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em.manuel,  Apr.  10, 
1602.  Doubtless  s.  of  Reginald  (1564).  B.  at  Barrow,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1602;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1620.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  3;  priest  (London)  Dec.  23, 
1610.  R.  of  Marholm,  Northants.,  1613-42,  and  intruding 
minister  of  Bugbrooke.  Minister  of  Gt  Yarmouth,  Norfolk, 
1642.  Father  of  John  (1648)  and  probably  of  William  (1636). 

WHITFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1615. 

WHITFIELD,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1584  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
B.A.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  1576-7:  M.A.  1580.  Ord. 
deacon  (Chichester)  Aug.  18,  1577;  priest,  Aug.  22,  1578. 
R.  of  Emmington,  Oxon.,  1584.  V.  of  Mayfield,  Sussex, 
1606-10.  Buried  there  Nov.  8,  1610.  Will  (P.C.C).  (Al. 
Oxon.;  W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WHITFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  2, 
1636.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas  (1602). 
Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Intruding  Fellow 
of  Jesus,  1644-50,  ejected.  Perhaps  V.  of  Connington, 
Cambs.,  1650-6-?.  Perhaps  R.of  Stratton,  Rutland,  1661-99. 
One  of  these  names  chaplain  to  the  East  India  Company  at 
Masulipatam  and  Fort  St  George,  1662-6.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary.  Probably  brotherof  John  (1648).  (F.Penny.) 

WHITFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1640.   Of  Kent. 

WHITFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Nov.  27,  1694.  Of  Northumberland.  School,  Durham. 
Scholar,  1694;  Matric.  1695. 

WHITFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1716. 
S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Ashford,  Kent.  Matric.  1716;  B.A. 
1719-20;  M.A.  1723.  Fellow,  1722-42.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  24,  1721;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1724.  V.  of  Guilden  Morden, 
Cambs.,  1728-42.  Died  Dec.  12,  1742,  aged  44.  (.\.  Gray; 
H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WHITFIELD, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1565. 

WHITFIELD, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  10,  1576. 

Possibly  Francis,  2nd  s.  of  Clement,  of  Kent.  If  so,  brother 
of  Thomas  (?  1572-3).   (Clutterbuck,  i.  189.) 

WHITFIELD, .  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Nov.  15,  1578. 

WHITFORD  or  WHYTFORD,  RICHARD.  Fellow  of  Queens', 
1497-1504.  Said  to  have  studied  at  Oxford;  nephew  of 
Richard  Whytford  (whose  will  (P.C.C.)  1511;  of  Sion 
monastery,  and  of  Flintshire).  Granted  leave  of  absence 
for  live  years,  1497,  to  accompany  William  Blount,  Lord 
Mountjoy  as  chaplain  and  confessor,  abroad:  made  the 
acquaintance  of  Erasmus.  Chaplain  to  Richard  Foxc,  bishop 
of  Winchester.  Afterwards  entered  the  Brigctiiie  house  at 
Isleworth,  Middlesex,  known  as  Syon  monastery,  c.  1507; 
on  its  dissolution  retired  to  London.  Author,  devotional 
and  theological.  Living,  1541;  probably  died  c.  1555. 
(Cooper,  I.  79;  D.N.B.) 


Whitgift,  Geoffrey 

WHITFORD  or  WYTFURTH, .  Com.  for  B.A.  I49&-7- 

WHYTFORDE, .  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1499-1500. 

WHITGIFT,  GEOFFREY.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1570. 

WHITGIFT,  JOHN.  Matric.  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1550; 
previously  admitted  at  Queens'.  S.  of  Henry,  merchant,  of 
Grimsby,  Lines.  B.  1530.  B.A.  1553-4;  M-A.  from  Peter- 
house,  1557;  B.D.  1563;  D.D.  1566-7.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse, 
1555.  Lady  Margaret  Professor,  1563.  University  preacher, 
1566.  Regius  Professor  of  Divinity,  1567-9.  Master  of 
Pembroke,  1567  (Apr.-June),  and  of  Trinity,  1567-77. 
Vice-chancellor,  1570-1,  1573-4-  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July  7; 
priest  (Lincoln)  1560.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely,  1560, 
and  R.  of  Teversham,  Cambs.,  1560.  R.  of  Laceby.  Canon 
of  Ely,  1568.  Dean  of  Lincoln,  1571-7.  Preb.  of  Lichfield, 
1572-7.  Bishop  of  Worcester,  1577-83.  Archbishop  of 
Canterbury,  1583-1604..  P.C.  1586.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  10,  1592-3.  Enjoyed  the  favour  of  Elizabeth  and 
enforced  her  policy  of  reUgious  uniformity.  Attacked  in 
the  Martin  Mar-Prelate  tracts,  1588-9.  Drew  up  the 
Lambeth  articles  adopting  the  Calvinist  views  of  pre- 
destination and  election,  1595.  Active  in  anticipating  the 
attack  on  the  Queen  in  Essex's  rebellion,  1601.  Attended 
the  Hampton  Court  Conference,  1604.  Author,  tracts  and 
sermons.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  29,  1603-4.  Buried  at 
St  Nicholas,  Croydon.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Cooper,  11.  369; 
D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WHITGIFT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1589; 
Scholar  from  Westminster,  1590.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of 
Curley's-in-Clavering,  Essex,  and  nephew  of  John  (above). 
Of  Curley's,  Esq.  Heir  to  his  uncle,  the  Archbishop.  Married 
Anna,  dau.  of  John  Goodman,  of  Comberton  Greene,  Herts. 
Father  of  the  next.  {Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Surrey  Arch.  Coll., 
11.  202.) 

WHITGIFT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Jesus,  Nov.  9,  1619. 
Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John  (above),  of  Clavering, 
Essex,  Esq.  Matric.  1619.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  27, 
1622.  Of  Boreham,  Essex.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Aylmer,  of  Akenham  Hall,  Suffolk.  Living,  1634. 
{Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  A.  Gray.) 

WHITGIFT,  {junior).    Pens,  of  Peterhouse,   1559-60. 

Possibly  George,  s.  of  Henry,  of  Grimsby,  Lines.  Died 
Apr.  19,  1611.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1550)  and  of  the 
next.   {T.A.  Walker.) 

WHITGIFT, {senior).    Fell. -Com.  of  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

1561.  Perhaps  William.  If  so,  of  Curley's-in-Clavering, 
Essex,  and  father  of  John  (1589),  perhaps  brother  of  John 
(1550).   {T.  A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WHITGRAVE,  NEVIL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
i6i6.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edward.  Bapt.  Apr.  16,  1601,  at 
Canterbury  Cathedral.  Scholar,  1619;  B.A.  1619-20.  Adm. 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  1620;  of  Canterbury,  Kent.  Buried  at 
Canterbury,  Oct.  29,  1625.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WHITGRAVE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1587. 

WHITGRAVE,  WALTER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1593-4;  Scholar,  1596;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600;  B.D.  1608. 
Fellow,  1599.  V.  of  Trumpington,  Cambs.,  c.  1612-5.  Died 
before  Dec.  15,  1616.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1616.  (J.Crosby.) 

WHITGRAVE,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 


WHITGRAVE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1489. 

WHITING,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1616. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Anthony,  of  Dedham,  Essex.  Matric.  1616; 
Scholar;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  17;  priest.  Mar.  18,  1621-2.  R.  of  Little  Bentley, 
Essex,  in  1637.  Died  before  Sept.  16,  1648.   (H.  Smith.) 

WHYTYNG,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  sizarfrom  Michael  House, 
Easter,  1545. 

WHITINGE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1584. 

WHYTYNGE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1572.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  June  29, 
1574  {'literate');  R.  of  Lutton,  Northants.,  1574-6,  deprived. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Lusby,  Leics.,  1587.  (H.  I.  Long- 

WHITING,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WHITING,  GILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1569; 
B.A.  1573-4.  R.  of  Panfield,  Essex,  1582-7,  deprived.  R.  of 
Etton,  Northants.,  1587;  stiU  there,  1617.  Married  Mary 
Carew,  of  Essex.  Father  of  J[ohn  (1592)  and  Timothy  (1595)- 
(Nichols,  IV.  571;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619.) 

WHITINGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  5,  1685. 
Of  Lincolnshire.   Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1688-9.    Said  to  have 

Whiting,  Richard 

been  refused  the  M.A.  as  a  non-juror,  and  to  have  retired 
to  Boston,  Lines.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next  and  of  Samuel 
(1732).  {KettlewelVs  Life.) 

WHITEING,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  17,  1718.  Perhaps  s.  of  James  (above).  B.  at  Boston, 
Lines.  School,  Boston.  Matric.  1718;  B.A.  1721-2.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Samuel  (1732). 

WHITING,  JOHN.   B.D.  1501-2.  A  friar.  D.D.  1505. 

WHYTINGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1572. 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  3,  1592. 
S.  and  h.  of  Giles  (1569),  of  Etton,  Northants.  Matric.  c. 
1592;  Scholar;  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599;  D.D.  1615.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1618.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  21, 
1599.  R.  of  South  Lufienham,  Rutland,  1607-11.  V.  of 
Eastham,  Essex,  1611.  R.  of  St  Martin -le-Vintry,  London, 
1611-24.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1615.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Aug.  6,  1620.  Died  in  London,  1624.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1624-5. 
Brother  of  Timothy  (1595).  {Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Vis.  of 
Leics.,  1619;  Al.  Oxon.;  Hennessy.) 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  28,  1619. 
S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Saxlingham,  Norfolk.  School, 
Norwich.  Matric.  1619;  Scholar,  1620-2.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Nov.  10,  1624.   (Venn,  i.  245;  wrongly  identified.) 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1619; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8, 
1623;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1624.  Perhaps  R.  of  Whipsnade, 
Beds.,  1629.  R.  of  Chenies,  Bucks.,  1629-31.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  Oct.  31,  1631;  to  Mary,  the  widow. 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1627. 
Possibly  s.  of  Timothy  (c.  1595).  B.  t.  1610.  B.A.  1629-30; 
M.A.  1633.  Perhaps  R.  of  Goldhanger,  Essex,  1645.  R.  of 
Easthorpe,  1646.  V.  of  Greenstead,  1649.  R.  of  Lexden, 
1650-7.  One  of  these  names  Master  of  Dedham  School, 
Essex,  1661-3.   (H.  Smith;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  1819.) 

WHYTING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  July  4, 
1631.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1632; 
B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Feb.  18,  1637-8. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Offton  and  Bricet,  Suffolk,  1638.  R.  of 
Hintlesham,  1653-72.  Died  1672.  Father  of  William 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  21,  1647. 
Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1654.  Probably  R.  of  Fishtoft,  Lines.,  1657-94.  Buried 
there  Feb.  2,  1693-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  Samuel  (1647). 
(C.  E.  Foster;  Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  confused  with  con- 
temporary namesakes.) 

WHITEING,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  29,  1654. 
S.  of  John,  mercer  and  alderman,  of  Hadleigh,  SuSolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Ipswich.  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8; 
M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1661.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Aug.  7,  1662.  R.  of  Groton,  Suffolk,  1669-81.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Gilbert  Rainey,  V.  of  Stoke,  Ipswich,  at 
Langham,  Oct.  17,  1661.  Died  1681.  Buried  at  Groton. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  3, 1681.  (Suff.  Man.  Earn.,  11.  134.) 

WHITING,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Queens',  1669.  S.  of  Samuel 
(1613).  B.A.  (Harvard  College,  New  England).  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  July  11,  1661;  priest,  Aug.  22,  1662.  R.  of  Butter- 
wick,  Lines.,  1661-9.  R-  of  N.  mediety  of  Leverton,  1667, 
and  of  the  S.  mediety,  1673-89.  Buried  at  Leverton,  Oct.  11, 
1689.   (C.  E.  Foster;  Thompson,  Boston,  430.) 

WHITING,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1700.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Kingsbridge,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton  (Mr  Reyner).  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A. 
1711.  One  of  these  names  of  Shillingford,  Devon,  clerk; 
will  (Exeter)  1728. 

WHITING,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  29, 
1634.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641.  Perhaps  his  will  (Lincoln)  1643-4;  of  Boston, 

WHITING,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1668.  Of 
Sufiolk.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2. 

WHITING,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July,  1628. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Nathaniel,  of  Desford, 
Leics.  B.  c.  1612.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1631;  M.A.  1635.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639.  Intruding  minister  of  Ald- 
wincle  All  Saints,  Northants.,  1653-62,  ejected.  Master  of 
the  Grammar  School;  ejected,  1662.  Author,  Li  Hore  di 
Recreatione,  The  Saints  Triangle  of  Duties,  Deliverances,  and 
Dangers.  (Calamy,  11.  213;  Vis.  of  Leics.,  1619;  N.  and  Q., 
3rd  S.,  v.  420.) 

WHITING,  RICHARD.  Of  Cambridge  (according  to  Cooper, 
but  the  D.D.  of  1505  was  John).  Adm.  to  the  order  of 
acolyte,  Sept.  1498;  sub-deacon,  1499;  deacon,  1500;  ord. 
priest  (Bath  and  Wells)   Mar.  6,   1501.    Chamberiain  of 


Whiting,  Richard 

Glastonbury;  Abbot,  1525.   Well  known  for  his  piety,  and 

splendour  of  life.    Imprisoned  in   the  Tower  of   London, 

probably  on  a  charge  relating  to  his  views  on  the  succession 

to  the  throne,   1530;  arraigned  at  Wells,  Nov.   14,   1539. 

Executed  on  Tor  Hill,  Glastonbury,  for  treason,  Nov.  15, 

1539-   {Cooper,  i.  71;  D.N.B.) 
WHITING,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  21, 

1637.    Of  Suffolk.    B.A.    1640-1.     Perhaps   's.   and  h.   of 

Richard,  late  of  Lowestoft,  deceased';  adm.  at  Lincoln's 

Inn,  Feb.  15,  1641-2. 
WHITING,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  4,  1613. 

S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Boston,  Lines.  (Mayor  of  Boston, 

1600  and  1608).   Bapt.  there,  Nov.  21,  1597.   Matric.  1613; 

B.A.   1616-7;   M.A.   1620.    Ord.  deacon   (Peterb.)   May  3; 

priest.  May  4, 1 62 1.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Roger Towiishend,  Bart. 

and  Sir  Nathaniel  Bacon,   Knt.    C.  at  Lynn,  Norfolk,  c. 

1621-4.    R.  of  Skirbeck,  Lines.,  1625-36.   Went  to  Boston, 

New  England,  Apr.  1636,  and  thence  to  Saugus  (afterwards 

Lynn),  Mass.    Minister  at  Lynn,  1636-79.    Married,  as  his 

2nd  wife,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Oliver  St  John,  of  Keysoe, 

Beds.,  at  Boston,  Lines.,  Aug.  6,  1629.   Died  Dec.  11,  1679, 

aged  82,  at  Lynn,  Mass.  Father  of  John  (1669).  {Emmanuel 

Coll.  Hist.,  48,  Felt,  257;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
WHITING,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  21,  1647. 

Of  Lincolnshire.    Perhaps  s.  of  James,  of  Boston.    Bapt. 

there,  Jan.  21,  1629.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654. 

Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Aug.  22,  1662.    Perhaps  brother  of 

John  (1647). 
WHITING,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  6,  1722.    B. 

at  Boston,  Lines.    Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730. 

Ord.   deacon   (Lincoln)   Mar.   5,   1731-2;   priest,  Sept.   23, 

1733.    R.  of  Fishtoft,  Lines.,  1739-81.    Died  1781.    (W.  J. 

WHITING,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 

May  18,  1732.   S.  of  James  (?  1685).    B.  at  Boston,  Lines. 

School,  Boston.    Matric.   1732;   B.A.   1735-6;   M.A.   1739. 

Fellow.    Ord.   deacon    (Lincoln)    Feb.   26,    1737-8;   priest, 

June  17,  1739.   Probably  brother  of  James  (1718). 
WHITING,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Queens',  1517;  B.A.  1519-20. 
WHITINGE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1571. 

S.    of    Thomas,    of    Boxford,    Suffolk.     School,    Boxford. 

Migrated  pens,  to  Caius,  Nov.  i,  1573,  age  16.  B.A.  1574-5. 

Living,  1592.   {Venn,  i.  76;  Suff.  Manor  Fam.,  11.  134.) 
WHITING,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.   1595; 

B.A.  1600-1. 
WHITEING,   THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  1,  1654.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Colchester,  Essex.  B.  there. 

School,  Charterhouse.   Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1659. 
WHITING,  TIMOTHY.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1595. 

Doubtless   2nd   s.   of   Giles    (1569),   of   Etton,   Northants. 

Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Jan.  8,  1595-6.   B.A.  1598-9;  M.A. 

1602.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Oct.  4,  1601.   C.  of 

Ashwell,  Rutland,  1601.  V.  of  LUboume,  Northants.,  1605- 

10.    R.  of  Markfield,  Leics.,  1610.   R.  of  Peckleton,  in  1640. 

Brother  of  John  (1592)  and  perhaps  father  of  John  (1627). 

{Peile,  I.  220;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 
WHITING,  WILLIAM.    B.A.  1515-6  (1st  in  the  ordo).   Fellow 

of  St  John's,  1516.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Wivenhoe, 

Essex,  1522;  will  (Comm.  Essex)  1552. 
WHYTINGE,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

WHYTYNGE,    WILLIAM.     Matric.   sizar   from    Magdalene, 

Easter,  1562. 
WHITINGE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  28, 

1593.    Matric.  c.  1593;  Scholar;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600. 

Perhaps  minister  of  Thurcaston,  Leics.,  1606. 
WHITING,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,   1624.    Of 

Suffolk.     B.A..    1627;    M.A.    1631.     Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 

Dec.   16,   1628;  priest   (Norwich)   Dec.  22,   1633.    Perhaps 

author  of  Capsula  Aurea,  Continens  Methodicam  Disputa- 

tionem    Scientiae    de    Coelo,    London,    1653;    styled    B.D. 

WHITING,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  15,  1661-2. 

Of  Kent.  Matric.  1661-2;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A. 
WHITING,   WILLIAM.    Adin.   pens,   (age   16)   at   Pembroke, 

Mar.  17,  1667-8.  S.  of  John  (1631),  clerk.  B.  at  Hintlesham, 

Suffolk.     Matric.    1668;    B.A.    1671-2;    M.A.    1675.     Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1673-4.  V.  of  Walton  and  Felixstowe, 

Suffolk,  1676. 

WHITING, .  (B.A.  1480-r.)  S«  QUITTING. 

WHITING, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  July  20, 

WHITLAM,  RALPH.    Adm.  pens,  (age  12)  at  Caius,  Feb.  1, 
1560-1.  S.  of  John,  of  Swineshead,  Lines.  Matric.  1565. 

Whitlowe,  Nathaniel 

WHITLEY,  JEREMY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Nov. 
28,  1635.  S.  of  John,  yeoman,  of  Hipperholme,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Halifax. 

WHITLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571. 

WHITLEY,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1577; 

B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584,  'Wheatley.' 
WHITLEY,    MATTHEW.     Matric.    pens,    from    Emmanuel, 

Easter,   1628.    S.  of  John,  of  Halifax,   Yorks.    B.  there. 

School,  Wakefield.    Migrated  to  St  John's,  Dec.  1,  1632, 

age  21.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
WHITELEY, .   M.A.  1511-2. 

WHITLOCK,  BULSTRODE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  Catha- 
rine's, Aug.  6,  1718.  S.  of  William,  of  the  Middle  Temple. 
Of  Henley-on-Thames,  Oxon.  Matric.  17 18.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Nov.  27,  1713.  One  01  these  names  died 
Sept.  25,  1724,  at  Hounslow.  {F.M.G.,  1126;  Le  Neve, 
Knights,  421;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  v.  107.) 

WHITELOCK,  EDMUND  ('EDW.').  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at 
Christ's,  Feb.  22,  1580-1.  S.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of 
Fenchurch  Street,  London.  B.  there,  Feb.  10,  1564-5. 
School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1581;  B.A.  1584-5. 
Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  25,  1585,  as  'Edward' 
Whitelock,  of  Berkshire.  Travelled  in  Germany,  Italy  and 
France,  1587-99.  Served  in  France  during  the  Civil  Wars; 
stationed  successively  at  Marseilles  and  Grenoble.  Re- 
turned to  England,  1599.  Intimate  with  Roger  Manners, 
Earl  of  Rutland.  Arrested  as  an  abettor  of  Essex's  rebellion, 
1601;  but  released.  Imprisoned  on  suspicion  of  complicity 
in  the  Gunpowder  Plot,  but  discharged  without  trial.  As  a 
courtier,  won  a  reputation  for  profuse  display  and  dissolute 
living.  Died  unmarried,  Aug.  1608,  at  Newhall,  Essex,  the 
seat  of  the  Earl  of  Sussex.  Buried  at  Boreham.  Brother  of 
Sir  James  Whitelock,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.  {Peile,  1.  165; 
F.M.G.,  1125;  Camden  Soc,  lxx;  D.N.B.) 

WHITLOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  23,  1642. 
S.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of  London  (and  Catherine,  dau.  of 
David  Burdet,  of  Wye,  Kent).  B.  Jan.  13,  1624-5.  B.A. 
1645-6;  M.A.  1649.  Made  the  acquaintance  of  William 
Reynolds  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.)  in  1643;  the  two  became 
close  friends.  Minister  at  Leighton  Buzzard,  Bucks.,  1645, 
and  at  Aylesbury,  1645;  joined  by  Reynolds;  both  refused 
the  'Engagement'  in  1649  and  were  deprived.  Ord.  (by  the 
Classis  in  St  Andrew  Undershaft,  London)  Oct.  1651. 
V.  of  St  Mary's,  Nottingham  (with  William  Re>Tiolds), 
1651-62;  established  presbyterian  services;  sequestered, 
1662.  Returned  to  Nottingham,  1687;  preached  in  the  High 
Pavement  Chapel.  Married  a  dau.  of  Dr  Anthony  Tuckney, 
Master  of  Emmanuel,  Mar.  25,  1652.  Author,  A  Short 
Account  of  the  Life  of  Rev.  W.  Reynolds.  Died  Dec.  4,  1708. 
Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Nottingham.  M.I.  Father  of  the 
next.  (D.N.B.;  Calamy,  11.  290;  Vis.  of  Berks.;  Vis.  of 
London,  1634;  F.M.G.,  1126.) 

WHITLOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  29,  1676. 
Of  Nottinghamshire.  S.  of  John  (above).  B.  c.  1661.  Of 
Nottingham.  Succeeded  his  father  in  the  ministry.  Died 
Mar.  16,  1723,  aged  62.  Buried  in  St  Mary's,  Nottingham. 
M.I.  (a  joint  tablet  to  father  and  son).  {F.M.G.,  1126; 

WHITLOCKE,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1738.  S. 
of  Elsen,  of  Langton,  Devon,  clerk.  Matric.  (Balliol  (College, 
Oxford)  June  6,  1728,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1732-3.  Ord. 
deacon  (Bath  and  Wells)  July  1,  1733;  priest,  Mar.  2,  1734; 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Banff.  R.  of  Rowniington  {sic),  Somerset, 
in  1739.  R.  of  Monkton,  1739.  V.  of  Burlescombe,  Devon, 
1767-81.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1781;  of  Burlescombe,  Devon,  clerk. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHITLOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  23,  1537.  Of  Wokingham,  Berks.  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Beche,  near  Wokingham.  ti.-K.  1541-2;  M.A. 
1545;  B.D.  1553.  Fellow,  1540-60.  Vice-Provost.  V.  of 
Prescot,  Lanes.,  1558-83.  R.  of  Greonford  Magna,  Middlesex, 
1561-83.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1561-83.  .Antiquary;  continued 
to  1559,  the  manuscript  chronicle  of  Thomas  Chesterfield. 
Died  1583,  at  Lichfield.  {Cooper,  i.  484;  Haraood;  F.M.G., 
1124;  D.N.B.;  Camden  Soc,  lxx.  3.) 

WHITLOWE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1633.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1642,  age  24;  'C.  of  Soham, 

WHITLOWE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  3, 
1638.  S.  of  Nathaniel  (next).  B.  at  Islehani,  Cambs.  School, 
Bury.  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Ord.  deacou 
(Norwich)  1643;  'C.  of  Isleham.'   {Peile,  i.  442.) 

WHITLOWE,  NATHANIEL.  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1604-5; 
M.A.  1608.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  15,  1606;  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  31,  1607.  V.  of  Isleham,  Cambs.,  1613-45. 
Buried  there  1645.  Father  of  James  (above). 


Whitmell,  William 


WHITMELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  {age  i6)  at  Christ's, 
July,  1730.  4th  s.  of  Edward.  Bapt.  Feb.  2,  1713-4.  at 
East  Haddon,  Northants.  School,  Guilsborough,  Northants. 
(Mr  Horton).  Scholar,  1730;  Matric.  1732;  B..\.  1734-5; 
M.A.  1738.  Fellow,  1740-5.  Taxor,  1742.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)  Sept.  24,  1738;  priest,  Mar.  18,  1738-9-  V.  of 
St  Gregory  and  Martin,  Wye,  Kent,  1744-53-  Buried  there 
Oct.  II,  1753.   (Peile,  11.  223.) 

WHITMORE  or  WHITAMORE,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  pens, 
from  Christ's,  Lent,  1591-2;  B.A.  1595-6. 

WHITMORE,  BETHEL  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  May  23,  1729.  S.  of  Joseph,  gent.  B.  in  the 
diocese  of  St  Asaph.  School,  Wem,  Salop  (Mr  Appleton). 
Matric.  1729. 

WHITMORE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1602.  Possibly  s.  of  Francis,  R.  of  Bingham,  Notts  (1581-98). 
If  so,  of  London  in  Nov.  1621.  Probably  afterwards  of 
Laxton,  Notts.  Will  dated,  Jan.  16,  1644-5;  proved.  May  8, 
1646.  (Her.  and  Gen.,  iv.  401.) 

WHITMORE,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1639.  Afterwards  of  St  Mary  HaU,  Oxford.  Created  M.D. 
(Oxford)  1648-9.  Hon.  Fellow,  R.C.P.,  1664. 

WHITMORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  1658.  Matric. 

WHITMORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  8, 
1742.  S.  of  John,  miller,  of  Wiston,  Sufiolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Earls  Colne  (private).  Scholar,  1741-7;  Matric. 
1742;  B.A.  1744-5.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  June  5,  1748;  C.  of 
West  Wickham,  Cambs.;  afterwards  C.  of  Weybome, 
Norfolk.  Perhaps  R.  of  Claxby  Pluckacre,  Lines.,  1758,  and 
of  Polstead,  Suffolk,  1795.  One  of  these  names  died  April 
18,  1795;  of  Greeting,  Suffolk.   (Venn,  11.  49;  G.  Mag.) 

WHITMORE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Oct.  i, 
1677.  Matric.  1677.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Richard, 
of  Lower  Slaughter,  Gloucs.  Died  before  1694.  (Rudder, 
Gloucs.,  664;  Burke,  L.G.) 

WHITMORE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr.  13, 
1657.  Of  Salop.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Apley, 
Salop,  Bart.  K.B.,  1661.  Of  Bridgnorth  and  Buildwas. 
Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  WiUiam  Brook,  alias  Cobham. 
(Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Le  Neve,  Knights;  Vis.  of  Salop.) 

WHITMORE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  14, 
1664.  Matric.  1665. 

WHITMOORE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs. 

WHITMORE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Lent,  1629-30.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  George,  Knt.,  of 
Hackney,  Middlesex.  B.  c.  1614.  Of  Ramsey  Hall,  Esse.x, 
and  of  Barnes,  Hackney,  Middlesex.  When  advanced  in 
years  married  Penelope,  'one  of  his  menial  servants.'  Died 
Aug.  9,  1678,  aged  64.  Buried  at  Ramsey.  One  of  these 
names  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Wilham,  of  Apley,  Salop,  Knt.  (Sheriff 
of  Salop,  1620).  (Morant,  1.  492;  Silas  Taylor,  Harwich; 
Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

WHITMORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  June  1, 
1681.  Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  WiUiam  (above).  B.  c.  1670. 
Matric.  1681;  M.A.  1682  (Com.  Reg.).  Died  s.p.,  c.  1686-7; 
accidentally  shot.  Buried  at  Ramsey  (sic).  (Silas  Taylor, 
Harwich;  Morant,  1.  492.) 

WHITNELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1573;  Scholar,  1575;  B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  1581;  B.D.  1589. 
Fellow,  1579.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  7, 

WHITNEY,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Aug.  12, 
1605.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Thetford,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Thetford,  Peterborough  and  Boston.  Scholar,  1605-11; 
Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1612.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  10,  1609-10.   (Venn,  1.  190.) 

WHITNEY,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1626. 

WHITNEY,  GOEFFREY.  Of  Magdalene;  previously  at  Oxford. 
S.  of  Geoffrey,  of  Coole  Pilate,  Acton,  near  Nantwich, 
Cheshire.  B.  c.  1548.  School,  Audlem.  Under-baUifi  of 
Gt  Yarmouth,  c.  1580-6.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Mar.  i,  1586. 
Author,  Choice  of  Emblems,  etc.  WiU  dated,  Sept.  11,  1600; 
proved.  May  26,  1601.  (D.N.B.;  Cooper,  11.  23;  Al.  Oxon.; 
Ormrod,  ill.  230.) 

WHITNEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  18, 
1609-10.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Saffron  Walden, 
Essex.  Bapt.  Oct.  18,  1592.  School,  Chenies,  Beds,  (sic) 
(Mr  Allebon).  Matric.  1610.  Brother  of  Nicholas  (1607) 
and  Thomas  (1601).   (Venn,  i.  206.) 

WHITNEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1550. 

WHYTNEY,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1557.  One  of  these  names  knighted,  1578. 

Whittingham,  Philip 

WHITNEY,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  10, 
1607.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Saffron  Walden,  Essex.  Bapt. 
there,  Feb.  10,  1589.  School,  Dalham,  Suffolk  (Mr  Riding). 
Matric.  1607.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  24,  1610.  Brother 
of  George  (1609-10)  and  Thomas  (1601).   (Venn,  i.  195.) 

WHYTNEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1549  (impubes). 

WHITNEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  7, 
1601.  Of  Saffron  Walden,  Essex.  S.  of  Thomas.  Bapt. 
Sept.  22,  1586.  School,  Saffron  Walden  (Mr  Duisborough) . 
Probably  buried  at  Saffron  Walden,  July  18,  1602.  Brother 
of  Nicholas  (1607)  and  George  (1609-10).   (Venn,  i.  176.) 

WHITRED,  JOHN.   B.Can.L.  1460-1;  D.Can.L.  1460-1. 

WHITRED, .   B.Can.L.  1469-70. 

WHITTAFFE  or  WHOTTOFFE,  BRYAN.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1606.  Of  Derbyshire.  B.A.  from  St 
Catharine's,  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's, 
1611.  V.  of  Gt  Eversden,  Cambs.,  1614-7.  R.  of  Trimley 
St  Martin,  Suffolk,  1625-6. 

WHITTAFFE  or  WHITAPHE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Queens',  Michs.  1568;  B.A.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1584. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  12,  1576;  priest  (Worcester) 
June  12,  1577.  C.  of  St  Andrew,  Cambridge,  1577-83.  R.  of 
Hatherne,  Leics.,  1583.  University  preacher.  R.  of  Rcarsby, 
Leics.,  1586.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Richard  Catrell, 
of  Rearsby.  Will  (Leicester)  1618.  (Nichols,  iv.  407;  J. 

WHITTAFFE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens', 
Easter,  1580.   Possibly  the  same  as  the  last. 

1518-9.   Franciscan  friar. 

WHITTER,  see  also  WHITER  and  WITHERS. 

WHITTER,  JUSTINIAN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  10, 

1618.    Matric.  1618;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625;  B.D.  1633. 

Ord.   deacon   (Peterb.)   Feb.    18;   priest,   Feb.    19,    1626-7. 

V.  of  Greeting  St  Olave,  Suffolk,  1629.   R.  of  Chilton,  1633- 

49.  Died  1649.   WUl  proved  (Bury)  May  16,  1649. 

WHITERS,   RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,   Michs. 

WITTER,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  9,  1750. 

Of  Jamaica. 
WHITTER,   TRISTRAM.     Adm.   FeU.-Com.   at   Peterhouse, 

Nov.   14,   1735;  from  Oxford.    S.  of  Tristram,  of  Exeter, 

Devon.    Matiic.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)   Feb.  8,   1730-1. 

age  18.   Migrated  to  Cambridge.   Matric.  1735;  LL.B.  1737. 

Ord.  deacon  (Exeter)  June  20,  1736;  priest  (London)  Mar. 

1736  (sic).    R.   of   Ideford,  Devon.    R.  of  Tiverton   (Pitt 

portion),  1742,  and  of  Haccombe,  1754-   Died  Nov.  2,  1776. 

(Al.  Oxon.;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WYTTER,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1511-2  (Incorp.  from  Oxford); 
D.Can.L.  151 1-2.  Commissary  of  Beds,  and  Hunts.  R.  of 
Blunham,  Beds.  R.  of  Aston  Flamville,  Leics.,  1534.  Preb. 
of  Nassington  (diocese  of  Lincoln)  1526. 

WHITTINGDALE,  STANWIX.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
June  16,  1729.  4th  s.  of  Christopher,  clerk,  of  Carlisle. 
School,  Carlisle.  Matric.  1729;  B.A.  1732-3-  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1732.  R.  of  Abberton,  Worcs.,  1735-72. 
V.  of  Bishampton,  1738-46.   R.  of  Rous  Lench,  1746-72. 

WHITTINGHAM,  DANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1586.  2nds.of  WiUiam,  Dean  of  Durham.  B.  Nov.  12, 
1571.  Living,  1590.  Brother  of  Timothy  (1572)  and  Zachary 
(1572).    (Peile,  I.  187;  Surtees,  11.  330.) 

WHITTINGHAM,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sx 
John's,  Oct.  7,  1637.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  of  Warmingham, 
Cheshire.  B.  at  Sparrowgreve,  Moston,  near  Northwich, 
Cheshire.  School,  Chester  (Mr  Vaughan).  Matric.  1637; 
B.A.  1641-2.  Pastor  of  Wistaston,  Cheshire,  1648-c.  50, 
deprived  as  a  Royalist.  Preb.  of  Aghoure  (Ossory),  Ireland, 
1661-70.  ChanceUor  of  Ardfert,  1664.  Father  of  Philip 
(1690).   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  E.  Axon.) 

WHITTINGHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  2,  1632. 
S.  of  Richard,  of  Montgomery,  Wales.  Scholar  (on  nomina- 
tion of  Dean  and  Chapter  of  St  Paul's),  1634.  Migrated  to 
St  John's,  Oct.  31,  1634.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  FeUow 
of  St  John's,  1638-45,  ejected. 

Jesus,  Apr.  18,  1690;  from  Trinity  CoUege,  DubUn.  S.  of 
Humphrey  (1637),  clerk,  of  KiUamey,  Ireland.  School, 
Marrow.  Adm.  at  Trinity  CoUege,  Dublin,  June  5,  1686, 
age  19.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  1690,  age  24.  Scholar,  1690; 
B.A.  1690-1.  B.A.  and  M.A.  (Dublin)  1693;  B.D.  1701. 
V.  of  Castleknock,  1695-1710.  R.  of  Moyliscar,  Co.  Meath, 
1716.  R.  of  Drakestown,  1718-40.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 


Whittingham,  Richard 

WHITTINGHAM,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent, 

WHITTINGHAM,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June 

II,  1644.    Matric.  1644.    One  of  these  names  s.  of  Henry, 

of  London;  age  6  in  1633.   {Vis.  of  London.) 
WHITTINGHAM,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  24, 

1668.   Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675. 
WHITTINGHAM,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Sept.  30, 


WHITTINGHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c. 
1596.  Perhaps  s.  of  Edward,  of  Ishngton,  Middlesex,  gent. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  26,  1599. 

WHITTINGHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Oct.  16, 
1615.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Timothy  (ne.xt),  of  Holmeside,  Durham, 
Knt.  B.  in  Durham  diocese.  Matric.  161 5-6.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  May  21,  1617.  Died  at  Tynemouth  Castle.  Inventory, 
May  10,  1632.   (Surtees,  11.  330.) 

WHITTINGHAM,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1572.  S.  of  William,  Dean  of  Durham.  B.A.  1575-6; 
M.A.  1579.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1577.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  May  30,  1576;  as  s.  and  h.  of  William,  Dean  of 
Durham  [see  Zachary  (1572)].  Knighted,  Mar.  14,  1603-4. 
M.P.  for  Thirsk,  1604-11.  Of  Holmeside,  Durham.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Bryan  Ayscough,  of  Osgodby,  Lines. 
Purchased  Fountains  Abbey,  1622;  sold  it,  1625.  Inventory 
dated,  Apr.  30,  1638;  sometime  of  Cowling,  Yorks.  Brother 
of  Daniel  (1586)  and  Zachary  (1572),  father  of  Thomas 
(above).   {Peile,  i.  122;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WHITTINGHAM,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney, 
July  13,  1631.  S.  and  h.  of  Timothy,  Esq.,  of  Holmeside, 
Durham,  deceased.  B.  c.  1611.  School,  Bedale  (Mr  Smelt). 
Matric.  1631.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1632-3.  Heir 
to  his  grandfather  Sir  Timothy  (1572)  in  1638.  Of  Holme- 
side, Esq.  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried  at  Lanchester, 
Oct.  9,  1682.   {Surtees,  11.  330.) 

WHITTINGHAM,  ZACHARY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
May,  1572.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  Dean  of  Durham  (for 
whom  see  D.N.B.).  Bapt.  Aug.  17,  1557.  Died  before  May 
30,  1576,  or  was  disinherited  [see  note  under  Timothy 
(1572)].  Brother  of  Daniel  (1586)  and  Timothy  (1572). 
{Peile,  I.  122.) 

WHITTINGTON,  OSWALD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1573;  B.A.  1576-7.  One  of  these  names,  'of  Vorks.,' 
adm.  pens.  May  6,  1577;  perhaps  the  same. 

WHITTINGTON,  RICHARD.  University  benefactor.  [Rogemus 
...pro  anima  Ricardi  Wytington:  civis  et  aldermanni 
Londoniensis.]  The  well-known  Lord  Mayor  of  London. 
S.  of  Sir  WOliam  (probably  of  Pauntley,  Gloucs.).  Mercer 
of  London  and  Sheriff,  1394;  Lord  Mayor,  1397-8,  1406-7, 
1419-20.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  Ivo  Fitzwaryn.  In  the 
Roll  of  Honour  his  name  occurs  in  the  group  headed  by 
Thomas  More,  Dean  of  St  Paul's.  No  reference  is  made 
to  his  knighthood.  It  is  not  known  in  what  particular  form 
he  assisted  the  University.  The  popular  legend  of  Whitting- 
ton  and  his  cat  is  not  known  to  have  been  narrated  before 
1605.  Died  1423.  (H.  P.  Stokes,  University  Benefactors; 

WHITTINGTON,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1600-1; 
M.A.  1604.  V.  of  St  Mary  Bishophill,  York,  1607-13.  R.  of 
Wheldrake,  Yorks.,  1612-28.  Buried  at  York,  Apr.  8,  1628. 
Benefactor  to  St  John's. 

WHITTINS,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1582,  Whitthius. 

WHITTLE  or  WHITTEL,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus, 
July  4,  1664.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8; 
M.A.  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1668;  priest.  May, 
1670.  Married  Grace,  widow  of  Richard  Adwick,  of  Arksey, 
1673.   {F.M.G.,  1267.) 

WHITTLE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Jan. 
16,  1628-9.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1657;  of  Boothby, 
Lines.,  clerk. 

WHITTELL,  HUGH.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1569. 

WHITTLE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1582.  B.  in  London,  1568.  Matric.  1582;  B.A.  1586-7; 
M.A.  1590.  Fellow,  1585-94;  afterwards  Fell. -Com.  at 
St  Catharine's.  Probably  Commissary  in  Essex  and  Herts., 
1597-   {Cooper,  11.  204;  Newcourt,  i.  913.) 

WHITTLE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1592; 
B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  Perhaps  C.  of  St  John's,  Chester, 
in  1606;  R.  of  Tarporley,  1613-38.  Author,  The  Way  to  the 
Celestial  Paradise,  etc.  Died  Sept.  16,  1638.  Buried  at 
Chester.   (E.  Axon.) 

WHITTLE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1613.    13.  at  St  Ives,  Hunts.   Scholar  at  Emmanuel,  1615; 

Whitworth,  Abraham 

B.A.  i6i7-8;  M.A.  1621.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  23, 

1621.    C.   of  St   .Michael-le-Queme,   London.    V.  of   East 

Mailing,    Kent,    1627-79.    Died   July    13,    1679,   aged   81. 

Buried  at  East  Mailing.    M.I.    Perhaps  brother  of  William 

(1613).   {Hasted,  II.  215;  Fielding.) 
WHITTELL,  SETH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  25,  1673. 

Of    London.     Matric.    1673;    B.A.    1676-7.     Ord.    deacon 

(London)  Sept.  21,  1679.  Canon  of  Kildare,  Ireland,  1686-9. 

R.  of  BallyscuUen,  Co.  Derry,   1686-9.    Author,  Sermon. 

Died  in  Derry  during  the  siege,  1689.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
WHITTLE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1584;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591.   R.  of  Bradley,  Lines.,  1592. 

R.  of  Elton-on-the-Hill,  Notts.,   1611-20.    Died   May  13, 

1620.  Buried  at  Elton. 
WHITTLE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Lent, 

WHITTLE,    THURSTON.     Matric.    sizar    from    \Ugdalene, 

Easter,  1619;  'B.A.  1622-3. 
WHITTELL,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1578;  Scholar,  1580;  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  Fellow,  1583. 
WHITTELL,    WILLIAM.     Matric.    sizar    from    Magdalene, 

Michs.  1613.   Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  (1613). 
WHITTLE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  14,  1646. 

Of  Huntingdonshire. 
WHITTLE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1650.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1653;  M.A.  1657. 

WHYTALL, .  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  2,  1672. 

WITTILSEYE,  JOHN.   Adm.  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  May  6, 

1398;  M.A.  in  1409.   Resigned,  1412.  Chaplain. 
WHITTLESEA,  WILLIAM  DE.    Master  of  Peterhouse,  July, 

1349-51;  LL.D.  (Oxford).   Archdeacon  of  Hunts.,  1337-62. 

Preb.   of   Lichfield,    1350.     R.   of    Ivychurch,    Kent,    1350. 

R.  of  Croydon,  Surrey,  1353.   Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1356.   Preb. 

of  Chichester,  1356.   R.  of  Clifie,  Kent,  1359.  Vicar-General 

to  his  uncle,  .\rchbishop  Simon  Islip.   Bishop  of  Rochester, 

1362-4.     Bishop    of    Worcester,    1364-8.     Archbishop    of 

Canterbury,  1368-74.   Donor  of  books  to  Peterhouse.   Died 

June    6,    1374.      Buried    in    Canterbury    Cathedral.    Will, 

Canterbury.   {D.N.B.) 
WHITTON,  see  also  WITTON. 
WHITTON,  EDWARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Jan.  29, 

1595-6.  S.  of  William,  of  Mutford,  Suffolk.  School,  Beccles. 

Scholar,   1596-7.    Ord.  deacon   (Norwich)  Sept.  28,   1601; 

'C.  of  Charsfield.'  V.  of  Wickham  Market,  1605-6.  {Venn,i. 

WHITTON,  GEORGE.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1681.   B.  at  Wycombe,  Bucks.   Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6; 

M.A.  1689.    Fellow,  1685.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1693.    Died 

of  consumption,  Dec.  i,  1695.   {Harwood;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WHITTON,   ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,   Easter, 

1707.  School,  Eton.  Scholar,  1706-7;  B.A.  1712-3. 
WHITTON,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  1614  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).   Of 

Oxfordshire,  gent.    Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Feb. 

26,  1607-8,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  i6n;  ALA.  1614.    R.  of 

Merrow,  Surrey,  1620.    One  of  these  names  of  Wolverley, 

Worcs.,  clerk;  wOl  (P.C.C.)  1653.   i'^l-  Oxon.) 

V/HITTOP, .  B.A.  1516-7. 

WHITWELL,   CHRISTOPHER.    Adm.  at   King's   (age   16)   a 

scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  31,   1633.    Of  London.    Metric. 

1633.    Died  of  a  fever  whilst  a  scholar,   1634.    Probably 

brother  of  William  (1636).   {Harwood.) 
WHITWELL,  JOHN.    B.A.  1515-6;  M.A.  1519;  B.D.  1533-4. 

Chaplain  to  .\rchbishop  Cranmer.    V.  of  All  Saints',  Cam- 
bridge, 1524.   Probably  R.  of  Lambeth;  will  (P.C.C.)  1561. 

WHITWELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  25,  1636.  Of  London.  Matric.  1637;  B.A. 
1640-1;  M.D.  i66i  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1639-41.  Practised 
physic  at  Salisbury.  Probably  brother  of  Christopher  (1633). 

WHITWELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's. 
Oct.  12,  1706.  S.  of  William,  of  Oundle,  Northants.  (and 
Sophia,  dau.  of  Abiel  Borfett  (1649)).  B.  at  Richmond, 
Surrey.  Bapt.  June  15,  1690.  School,  Northampton.  Matric. 
1707.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  21,  1706.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1712.  Married,  at  Gray's  Inn  Chapel,  to  Amie 
Griffin,  of  Dingley,  Jan.  26,  1716-7.  Probably  died  May  29, 
1755;  of  Marlborough  Street.   (J.  Ch.  Smith;  G.  .\fag.) 

WHITWHAM,  JONAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  11.  1684. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Jonas,  V.  of  St  Sepulchre's,  Northampton. 
Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1687-8.  Ord.  priest  (London)  May  5, 
1712.  C.  of  Holcot,  Northants.,  1713.  C.  of  Kilsby,  1720. 
Chaplain  on  H.M.S.  .'Success.   (H.  I.  Longdon.) 

WHITWORTH,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Kmmanuel,  May 
15,  1659.  Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1662-3. 
Probably  buried  Feb.  5,  1678-9,  at  Rochdale.  (E.  Axon.) 


Whitworth,  Charles 

WHITWORTH,  CHARLES.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  31,  1694.   S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Adbaston,  Staffs. 
Bapt   Oct    14,  1675,  at  Wilmslow,  Cheshire.  School,  West- 
minster.    Scholar,   1695;   B.A.   1699-1700.     Fellow,    1700 
Probablyadm.atthe  Middle  Temple,  Oct. 30, 1694.  Initiated 
into  the  arts  of  diplomacy  by  George  Stepney.    Envoy  on 
various    foreign    missions.     Created  Baron  Whitworth  of 
Galway,  Jan.  9,  1 720-1.    M.P.  for  Newport,  Isle  of  Wight, 
1722.    British  plenipotentiary  at  Cambrai,  1722.     Married 
Magdalena  Jacoba,  Countess  de  Vaulgremont.    Died  s.p. 
Oct.23, 1725.   Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.   (D.N.B.;  Al. 
Westmon.,  227;  G.E.C.) 
WHITWORTH,  GERARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  29,  1710-1.   S.  of  Richard,  of  London.   School,  West- 
minster! Matric.  1710-1;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1714-5;  M-A. 
1718.    Fellow,  1717.    Junior  Bursar,  1721-2.    Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Nov.  15,  1719- 
WHITWORTH,  HENRY.    Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  II,  1740.    S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Yorkshire.    B.  at 
Soyland,    Halifax.     School,    Rishworth    (Mr   Wadsworth). 
Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1744-5-    Ord.  deacon  (York,  Litt.  dim. 
from  Peterborough)  June  9,  i745;  priest,  Sept.  20,  i747. 
P.C.  of  Coley  Chapel,  HaUfax,  1747-68.  Died  July  15,  1768. 
(Scott-Mayor,  ill.  510.) 
WHITWORTH,  JAMES.   Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  4,  1684. 
Of  Northamptonshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  James,  of  Earl's 
Barton.   Bapt.  there,  Jan.  30,  1667-8.    Matric.  1685;  B.A. 
1688-9.    In  Holy  Orders.    Probably  chaplain  m  the  Navy, 
1694-1710.  Died  Feb.  23,  1710-1.  Buried  at  Earl's  Barton, 
aged  43.  M.I.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1690).  (Bridges, 
n.  139) 
WHITWORTH,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Sept.    19,    1635.     Of    Hertfordshire.     Matric.    1636;    B.A. 
1639-40.    One  of  these  names  B.D.  (Dublin)   1664;  R.  of 
Leckpatrick,  Co.  Derry,   1661.    Preb.  of  Aghadoey,  1663; 
V.  of  Dundalk,  (Armagh),  1664.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
WHITWORTH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  i,  1690. 
Of  Earl's  Barton,  Northants.  Probably  s.  of  James.  Matric. 
1691;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697.   Fellow,  1694.   Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1697;  priest,  May  26, 1700.  C.  of  Lamport, 
Northants.    Died  Feb.  17,  1717-8,  aged  46.   M.I.  at  Earl's 
Barton.     Admon.    (Archd.    Northants.)    Feb.    24,    1717-8. 
Probably  brother  of  James  (1684).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 
WHITWORTH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1575;  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.    R.  of  Stoke 
Newington,  Middlesex,  1585-93-    Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  6, 
1593,  to  Mary,  the  widow. 
WHITWORTH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Jan.  26,  1667-8.    Of  Northamptonshire.    School,  Welling- 
borough.   Matric.   1667-8;  Scholar,   1671-2;   B.A.   1671-2; 
M.A.  1675.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  i677-    Signed  for  deacon's 
orders  (London)  Dec.  21,  1672.    R.  of  Sywell,  Northants., 
1675.   V.  of  Buckden,  Hunts.,  1687-91.   Canon  of  Lincohi, 
1688-c.  1706.    V.  of  Gainsborough,  1690.    R.  of  Gamston, 
Notts.,   1696.    V.  of  Thrussington,  Leics.,   1704-    Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Page,  at  Islip,  Northants.,  Mar. 
I,    1676-7.    WiU   (Leicester)    1715-     Father   of   the   next. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  121.) 
WHITWORTH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  3,  1697.  (For  a  time  at  King's.)  Of  Northamptonshire. 
2nd  s.  of  Samuel  (above),  R.  of  Sywell.  Bapt.  there,  Dec.  25, 
1678.   School,  Eton.    Matric.  1697-    Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Mar.  6,  1700-1:  priest,  Dec.  19,  1703-    (T.  A.  Walker,  199; 
H.  I.  Longden.) 
WHITWORTH,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  28,   1697.    S.  of  Richard,   hatter.    B.  at  Mansfield, 
Notts.   School,  Mansfield  (Mr  Holcott).   Matric.  1699-1700. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  31,  1702;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1707- 
C.  of  Fotheringay,  Northants.,  1702.    C.  of  Warmington, 
1702.   V.  of  Warmington,  1708-13.    Master  of  Fotheringay 
School,  1708-13.  Died  1713- 
WHITWORTH,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
Mar  25,1751.  Of  Buckden,  Hunts.  Probably  s.  of  William, 
of  Buckden,  Hunts.,  clerk.    B.A.  i755;  M.A.   1758.    Ord. 
deacon   (Lincoln)   Sept.   19,    1756;   priest,   June   24,   1758. 
R.  of  Little  Bytham,  Lines.,  with  Castle  Bytham,  in  1761. 
R.  of  Stilton,   Hunts.,   1761-1804.    Died   1804.    (Lambeth 
Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WHITWORTH,   .    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   at  Trinity   Hall, 

Feb.  7,  1737-8. 
WHORWOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity 
Hall,  Michs.  1683.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Nov.  18,  1684;  s.  of  Brome,  late  of  Headington,  Oxon., 
deceased.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 
WHORWOOD,  WORTLEY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
May  II,  1665;  Fell.-Com.  May  26,  1666.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir 
WiUiam,  Knt.,  of  Stourton  Castle,  Stafis.   B.  there.   Adm. 

WiCKHAM,  Henry 

at  Gray's  Inn,  May  27,  1668.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir 
Edward  Dering,  Bart.,  of  Surrenden,  Kent.  Sold  Stourton 
Castle  and  purchased  Denton  Court,  near  Canterbury,  1679. 
Died  1703.  Buried  at  Denton.  (Shaw,  11.  129;  Hasted,  iii. 


WHYLEY,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Emmanuel,  June  11, 
1748.  S.  of  Peter,  mercer,  of  Birmingham,  Warws.  School, 
Nuneaton.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi) 
May  24,  1752;  priest,  Dec.  23,  1753.  R.  of  Witherley,  Leics., 
1756-1805.'  Died  Apr.  16,  1805,  aged  75.  Buried  at  Wither- 
ley.  M.I.   (Nichols,  IV.  loio.) 


WIBBERSLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  26,  1734.  S.  of  Isaac,  gent.,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at 
Prestcliff,  Bakewell.  School,  Chapel-en-le-Frith  (Mr  Hat- 
field). B.A.  1738-9;  M.A.  1749.  Under-usber  at  Newcastle- 
on-tyne  Grammar  School,  1742;  usher,  1749.  P.C.  of 
Lamesley  and  Tanfield,  Durham,  1751-82.  V.  of  Woodhom, 
Northumberland,  176&-8.  R.  of  Whickham,  Durham,  1768- 
82.  Died  Apr.  18,  1782,  aged  63.  Buried  at  Whickham.  M.I. 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  466.) 

WICHERLEY,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1622.  Of  Salop.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629;  B.D.  1636;  D.D. 
1670  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1629-44,  ejected.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Feb.  20;  priest,  Feb.  21,  1629-30.  R.  of  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  1632-7.  Perhaps  R.  of  Hemingstone,  Sufiolk; 
ejected,  1644. 

WICHERLEY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  24, 
1661.  Of  Sufiolk. 

WICKART  or  WICOURT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare, 
Feb.  5,  1675-6.  Of  London.  Educated  in  France.  M.A. 
1676  (Lit.  Reg.);  D.D.  1693  (Lit.  Reg.).  Chaplain  in  Ordmary 
to  the  King,  in  1684.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1684-1721.  Dean 
of  Winchester,  1693-1721.  Married  Susanna,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  CoUadon.  Died  Jan.  29,  1721-2.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Le 
Neve,  Mon.,  iii.  284.) 

WICKER,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Feb.  19,  1728-9. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Horsham,  Sussex,  Esq. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Dec.  23,  1728.  CaUed  to  the 
Bar,  1734.  Bencher,  1766.  Died  1767.  (Middle  Temple 
Bench  Bk.) 

WICKAM,  BARLOW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1610.  Doubtless  s.  of  WilUam  (1556),  Bishop  of  Lincohi  and 
Winchester  (and  Anthonina,  dau.  of  Dr  William  Barlow, 
Bishop  of  Chichester).  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1613-4.  Fellow, 
1614.  Died  Mar.  26,  1617.  Brother  of  Henry  (1608).  (G. 
Mag.,  1799,  I.  286;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WICKHAM,  BARLOW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1652; 
exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  S.  of  Henry  (1608).  Bapt. 
Mar.  17,  1635-6,  at  St  Michael-le-Belfry,  York.  B.A.  1655-6; 
M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1659.  Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall  (Lit. 
Reg.)  1660-77.  Buried  m  York  Minster,  Oct.  22,  i677- 
Will,  York.  Brother  of  Tobias  (1639).  (Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1665;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Al.  Carthus.,  17.) 

WICKHAM,  BARLOW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  25, 
1687-8.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Tobias  (1639),  Dean 
of  York.  B.  May  18,  1673.  Matric.  1690.  Ensign  in  Colonel 
Thomas  Farrmgton's  Foot  Regiment,  1695.  Comet  in  the 
Earl  of  Denbigh's  Dragoons,  1695-  Lieut,  in  Lord  Mohun's 
Regiment,  1702.  Brother  of  Tobias  (1678)  and  WiUiam  (1681). 
WICKHAM,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1585  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Oxfordshire,  pleb.  Matric.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford)  Dec.  20, 
1577,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1580-1;  M.A.  1583;  B.D.  and 
D.D.  1608.  R.  of  Horton,  Bucks.,  1591-  Preb.  of  Lmcoln, 
1593-1601.  Canon  of  Chichester,  1603.  Archdeacon  of 
Dorset,  1607-21.  Died  Aug.  21,  1621.  Buried  at  Storrington, 
Sussex.  Wm,  P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  124.) 
WICKHAM,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1608.  S.  of  WUUam  (1556),  Bishop  of  Winchester.  Matric. 
1608;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616;  D.D.  1628  (Lit.  Reg.). 
FeUow,  1611-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1614;  priest, 
Sept.  1617.  Chaplain  to  Charles  I.  Canon  of  York,  1614-41. 
R.  of  Bolton  Percy,  Yorks.,  1 617-41  -  Canon  of  South weU, 
1621-41.  Archdeacon  of  Yorks.,  1624-41.  R.  of  Bedale, 
1634-41.  Married  ( i )  AnnabeUa ,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Cholmeley, 
of  Thornton,  Yorks.;  (2)  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Browne, 
of  Fidlers,  Essex.  Died  July  3,  1641.  Buried  in  York 
Minster  M.I.  WiU,  York.  Brother  of  Barlow  (1610),  father 
of  the  next,  of  Barlow  (1652)  and  Tobias  (1639).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Harwood,  212.) 
WICKHAM,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  21,  1647; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  1648.  Of  Yorkshure.  Doubtless 
s.  of  Henry  (above).  Bapt.  Sept.  16,  1630,  at  Belfreys, 
Yorks.    Matric.   1647;   B.A.    1650-1;   M.A.    1654-    FeUow, 


WicKHAM,  Henry 

1651-5.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1654.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  23,  1651-2.  Head  Master  of  Ipswich  School,  1659-64. 
Licensed  as  schoolmaster  at  Yarmouth,  1662.  R.  of  Wilby, 
Norfolk,  1662.  Brother  of  Barlow  (1652)  and  Tobias  (1639). 
{Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WICKHAM,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  15,  1716-7. 
S.  of  Henry,  of  York,  and  grandson  of  Tobias,  Dean  of  York. 
Migrated  to  Trinity,  Mar.  26,  1717.  Scholar,  1718;  Matric. 
1720;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1720-1;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall, 
1724.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  i;  priest  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim. 
from  Salisbury)  Mar.  8,  1723-4.  R.  of  Guiseley,  Yorks., 
1724-72.  Chaplain  to  the  Princess  of  Wales.  Married 
(i)  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Calverley,  of  Leeds;  (2)  Ann 
Gibson,  of  Lancaster,  Oct.  i,  1741,  at  Gargrave,  Yorks. 
Died  June  2,  1772,  aged  73.  Buried  at  Bath  Abbey.  M.I. 

WICKHAM  or  WYKAM,  JOHN.  B.A.  1520-1. 

WICKHAM  or  WYKAM,  JOHN.  B.A.  1522-3. 

WICKHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  II,  1523.   Of  Watford,  Herts.  Left,  1525. 

WYCKHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  Easter,  1545.  Lay  clerk. 
King's  Chapel. 

WICKHAM,  JOHN.  M.A.  1678  (Incorp.  from  University  College, 
O.xford).  Matric.  there.  May  19,  1670,  age  15.  S.  of  Martin, 
of  Gt  Houghton,  Yorks.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1673-4;  M.A.  1676. 
Chaplain  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1677.  V.  (and 
Lessee)  of  Reapham,  Lines.,  1684.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1685- 
1703.  Died  before  May  I,  1703.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 
1078;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  204.) 

V/ICKHAM,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  29,  1644. 

WICKHAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1580. 
Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Kingerby,  Lines.  B.A.  1583-4; 
M.A.  1587.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Oct.  16,  1587;  priest, 
Mar.  9,  1587-8.  V.  of  North  Elkington,  Lines.,  1587.  {Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1078,  where  his  age  is  wrongly  given.) 

WICKHAM,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1726.  S.ofWiUiam, 
of  Compton  Bishop,  Somerset,  gent.  Matric.  (Oriel  College, 
Oxford)  May  19,  1707,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1712.  Ord. 
deacon  (Bath  and  Wells)  June  15,  1712;  priest,  Sept.  20, 
1713.  V.  of  Over  Stowey,  Somerset,  1713-20.  R.  of  Badg- 
worth,  1720.  V.  of  Long  Ashton,  1726.  Chaplain  to  Vis- 
countess Dowager  Preston.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Lambeth  Act  Bk; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WICKHAM,  TOBIAS.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hall,  1639  (age  19). 
S.  of  Henry  (1608),  .\rchdeacon  of  Yorks.  B.  e.  1621.  B.A. 
1641-2;  M.A.  1645;  D.D.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1641-60. 
Senior  Proctor,  1649-50.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1663.  Ord. 
priest  (Ardfert)  June  21,  1660.  R.  of  Bolton  Percy,  Yorks., 
1660-97.  Canon  of  York,  1660;  Precentor,  1660;  Dean, 
1677-97.  Married  at  St  Benet,  Paul's  Wharf,  London, 
Dec.  24,  1660,  to  Elizabeth  Wye  [the  marriage  licence 
(Vic.  Gen.  Archbishop  Cant.)  is  dated  Jan.  23,  1660-1,  but 
the  Par.  Reg.  of  St  Benet's  gives  the  date  of  marriage  as 
stated].  Died  Apr.  27,  1697.  Buried  at  York  Minster.  M.I. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1647)  and  Barlow  (1652).  Father  of  the 
next,  of  Barlow  (1687-8)  and  William  (1681).  (Burke,  L.G.; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WICKHAM,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Oct.  22,  1678.  S.  and  h.  of  Tobias  (above).  Dean  of  York. 
B.Jan.  22, 1661-2,  at  Bolton  Percy,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley. 
Matric.  1679.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  29,  1680. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1687.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Stephen 
Thompson.  Died  July  30,  1691.  Buried  in  York  Minster. 
M.I.  Admon.,  York.  Brother  of  Barlow  (1687-8)  and  of 
William  (1681).  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  G.  Mag., 
1799,1.  285.) 

WICKHAM,  TOBIAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  5,  1709. 
S.  of  William  (1681).  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1717. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1715.  R.  of  Kirk  Bramwith,  Yorks., 
1717-26.  R.  of  Keighley,  1720-6.  Died  1726.  Admon. 
(York)  Dec.  9,  1726;  to  his  father.  Probably  brother  of 
William  (1709). 

WICKHAM  or  WYKEHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  1556.  S.  of  John,  of  Enfield,  Middlesex. 
B.  1539.  Matric.  1556;  B.A.  1560-1;  M.A.  1564;  B.D.  1569. 
Fellow,  1559-69.  Fellow  of  Eton,  1568;  Vice-Provost,  1570. 
Ord.  priest  (Ely)  July  29,  1565.  University  preacher,  1567. 
Preb.  of  Westminster,  1570-1,  and  canon  of  Windsor, 
1571-84.  Archdeacon  of  Surrey,  1574-80.  Dean  of  Lincoln, 
1577-84.  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1579-84.  Bishop  of  Lincoln, 
1584-95,  and  of  Winchester,  1595.  Married  Antonina,  dau. 
of  William  Barlow,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Chichester.  Author, 
miscellaneous.  Died  June  11,  1595.  Buried  at  St  Saviour's, 
Southwark.  M.I.  Father  of  Barlow  (1610)  and  Henry  (i6o8). 
{Harwood,  lo;  Cooper,  11.  180;  D.N.B.;  Burke,  L.G.) 

WICKHAM,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1602; 
B.A.  1604-5. 

WicKLiFFE,  Ambrose 

WICKHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  i68i.  Of 
Norfolk.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Tobias  (1639),  Dean  of  York. 
B.  in  Norfolk.  Bapt.  Mar.  17,  1663,  at  Bolton  Percy,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  25,  1685.  Clerk  of  Peace  (West  Riding,  Yorks.), 
1718-33.  Of  Ulleskelf  and  Wakefield.  Died  1733.  Brother 
of  Barlow  (1687-8)  and  Tobias  (1678),  father  of  Tobias 
(1709)  and  probably  of  the  next.   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WICKHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  Sept.  1, 
1703.  Of  Yorkshire.  Probably  s.  of  William  (above).  M.A. 
1705  (Com.  Reg.).  Probably  brother  of  Tobias  (1709). 

WICKINS,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
20,  1677.  S.  of  John,  deceased,  schoolmaster,  of  Manchester, 
Lanes.  B.  there.  School,  Manchester  (his  father).  Matric. 
1677;  B.A.  1 680-1;  M.A.  1685.  Preb.  of  York,  1695-1722. 
R.  of  Kirkby-Thore,  Westmorland,  1699-1722.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  John  Richardson,  of  Birke  Hall,  Bradford, 
Feb.  5, 1698.  Buried  at  Kirkby-Thore,  July  27, 1722.  Brother 
of  the  next  and  father  of  John  (1726).   (B.  Nightingale.) 

WICKINS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jan.  17,  1662-3. 
S.  of  John,  Master  of  Manchester  Grammar  School,  Lanes. 
School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1663;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A. 
1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Fellow,  1668.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept. 
18;  priest,  Oct.  2,  1675.  R-  of  Stoke  Edith,  Hereford,  till 
1719.  Died  Dec.  19,  1719,  aged  47  (sic).  Brother  of  Edmund 
(above),  father  of  Nicholas  (1707)  and  of  Samuel  (1711). 
(Robinson,  Manor  Houses  of  Hereford.) 

WICKINS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  26, 
1726.  S.  of  Edmund  (1677),  clerk,  of  Westmorland.  B.  at 
Kirkby-Thore.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729- 
30;  M.A.  1733;  B.D.  1741;  D.D.  1770.  Fellow,  1731-43. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  22,  1734;  priest.  Mar.  2,  1734-5. 
V.  of  Tadcaster,  Yorks.,  1735-43.  R.  of  Petwoith,  Sussex, 
1743-83.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1750-83;  of  Chichester,  1751-83. 
R.  of  TUlington,  Sussex,  1761-83.  Preb.  of  Bath  and  Wells, 
1763-83.  Died  Feb.  25  (?  Mar.  1),  1783.  M.I.  at  Petworth. 
WiU,  P.C.C.  {Scott-Mayor,  111.  393;  Hennessy,  54;  Musgrave; 
Dallaway,  11.  339.) 

WICKINS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Aug. 
28,  1707.  S.  of  John  (1662-3),  oi  Stoke  Edith,  Hereford. 
B.  there.  School,  St  Paul's,  London  (exhibitioner).  Matric. 
1708;  Scholar,  1709;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.  Fellow,  1714. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  27,  1716.  R.  of  Stoke  Edith, 
Hereford,  c.  1720-73.  Died  May  2,  1773.  Brother  of  the 
next  and  father  of  Thomas  (1747).  (Robinson,  Manor 
Houses  of  Hereford,  259.) 

WICKINS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  24, 
1711.  S.  of  Rev.  John  (1662-3),  of  Stoke  Edith,  Hereford. 
School,  St  Paul's,  London.  Matric.  1713-4;  Scholar,  1715; 
B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719.  Brother  of  Nicholas  (above). 

WICKINS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  9, 
1747.  S.  of  Nicholas  (1707),  of  Stoke  Edith,  Hereford. 
School,  Bury,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1747;  B.A. 
1750-1;  M.A.  1754.  Fellow,  1753.  Ord.  deacon  (Bishop  of 
Chester,  at  Cambridge)  Mar.  10;  priest.  Mar.  24,  1754. 
Chaplain  to  the  Countess  Dowager  of  Oxford.  R.  of  Mordi- 
ford,  Hereford,  in  1759.  V.  of  St  Peter,  and  R.  of  St  Owen, 
Hereford,  1759.  V.  of  Donnington,  1760.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  R.  of  Stoke  Edith,  1773-86.  Probably  V.  of  Kidder- 
minster, Worcs.,  1776-86.  Died  Jan.  20,  1786-7,  aged  57. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1787;  of  Stoke  Edith.  {Lambeth  Act  Bk; 
T.  C.  Dale;  Robinson,  259.) 

WICKINS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1631.  Of  London.  B.  Sept.  i6r4.  B.A.  1634-5; 
M.A.  1638.  Dispens.  (Lambeth)  to  receive  holy  orders 
(deacon  and  priest)  Sept.  23,  1637.  Chaplain  to  Sir  Edw. 
Scott,  of  Scott's  Hall,  Kent.  Lecturer  at  Dartford.  R.  of 
St  Andrew  Hubbard,  London,  till  1662,  ejected.  R.  of  St 
George's,  Southwark,  Surrey,  -1660.  Preacher  at  the  Poultry 
Compter,  London,  1660-2,  ejected.  Buried  Sept.  21,  1699, 
in  Bunhill  Fields.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next.  (Calamy, 
I.  83,  where  he  is  assigned  to  Emmanuel;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WICKENS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  16, 
1660-1.  Of  London.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above).  Matric. 
1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  MA.  1668.  R.  of  Eastwell,  Kent,  1670- 
81.  R.  of  Eastling,  1677-1718.  V.  of  Linstcad,  1681-1718. 
Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Winchelsea.  Died  Sept.  6,  1718. 
Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

WICKINS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  13,  1703. 
Of  Kent.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above).  B.  1683.  Matric. 
1703;  LL.B.  1708.   Ord.  deacon,  June  19,  1709. 

WICKLIFF,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  3,  1667.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  WycJiffe, 
Yorks.  b.  there.  School,  Northallerton  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 
1671;  priest  (Bristol)  Sept.  22,  1672.  R.  of  Wycliffe,  1681- 
91.  Married  Elizabeth  Mowbray,  of  Stanhope,  Durham, 
May  3,  1679,  Buried  at  Whorlton,  Durham,  Feb.  9,  1691-2. 
{Scott-Mayor;  H.  M.  Wood;  Surtces,  iv.  46.) 


WicKLiFFE,  Anthony 

WYCLIFFE,  ANTHONY.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WICKLIFFE,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,   May  21, 

1623.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Grantham,  Lines.    B.  at  Lincoln. 

School,  Grantham  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626. 

Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  July  4,  1626.   {Peile,  i.  351.) 
WYCLYFFE,    JOHN.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from    St    John's, 

Michs.  1575.   Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Wycliffe,  Yorks. 

If  so,  of  Thorpe-juxta-Wyclifie.  Die*  1637.   Perhaps  brother 

of  Peter  (1568).   (Whitaker,  Richmondshire,  1.  2011.) 
WICKLIFFE,  JOHN.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

WICLIFF,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  25, 

1660.   S.  of  John,  of  Gale  (Gayles),  Yorks.,  Esq.   B.  there. 

Bapt.   Dec.    16,    1641,   at    Kirkby   Ravensworth.    School, 

Sedbergh.    Matric.  1660.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  27, 

1663-4.     Married    Elizabeth,    dau.    of    Robert    Hilton,    of 

Westmorland.   Living,  1692.   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Plantag. 

Harrison,  1.  156.) 
WICLIFF,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's,  Feb.  4, 

1669-70.   S.  of  John,  of  Latham,  Lanes.   B.  there.   Matric. 

1671;  B.A.  1673-4.    Perhaps   Master  of  Horsham  School, 

Sussex,  c.  1680-9. 
WICKLIFFE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  May  24, 

1744.    S.  of  John  (?  James),  of  Petworth,  Sussex.    School, 

Westminster.    Matric.   1744;  Scholar,   1745;   B.A.   1747-8; 

M.A.  1751.    R.  of  Barton,  Notts.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1792.    {Al. 

Westmon.,  332.) 
WYCLYFFE,  PETER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1568.    Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Wycliffe,  Yorks. 

(and  Muriel,  dau.  of  WiUiam,  Lord  Eure).  Heir  to  his  mother. 

Married  and  had  issue.    Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1575)- 

(Whitaker,  Richmonds.,  i.  201.) 
WICLIFFE,  RALPH.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  13, 

1650.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  at  Sunderland.  Bapt.  Mar.  29, 

1632,  at  Wearmouth.    Schools,  Alnwick,  Northumberland 

(Mr   Thompson)    and    Holton    (Mr   Cant).     Matric.    1650. 

Migrated  to  Caius,  Nov.  1650.  Scholar,  1650-3;  B.A.  1654-5. 

R.    of    Whalton,    Northumberland,    until    1662,    ejected. 

Preacher  at  Sunderland,  1672.   Died  in  1683.   (Venn,\.  380; 

Calamy,  11.  270.) 
WYCLYFFE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1567.    Perhaps  matric.  sizar  Easter,  1568;  Scholar,  1571; 

B.A.  1571-2. 
WYCLYFFE,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1568. 
WICKCLYFFE,  {ft.  c.  1540).   Pays  for  candles,  bread  and 

sacramental  vrine  to  the  bursar  of  Peterhouse,   1540-1; 

styled  Magister.   (T.A.Walker.) 
WICKMER,   ADAM   DE.    (Also  caUed  ADAM   DE  HOLME.) 

M.A.    Second  Master  of  Trinity  Hall,  1355-84.    Dean  of 

South  Mailing,  Sussex.  R.  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  Petitioned 

the  Pope,  1363,  for  canonry  at  Chichester.    Not  granted, 

but  afterwards  preb.  of  Ripon.    Will  dated,  1381;  proved 

(Lambeth).   (Cal.  Pap.  Pet.  i.  405.) 

WICKON  or  WYKON, .  CauHo  for  degree,  1483-4.  A  friar. 

WICKS,  see  also  WEEKES. 

WICKS  or  WYKES,  AQUILA.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Oct.  25, 

1680.  S.  of  Aquila.   B.  in  London.   School,  Harding,  Herts. 

Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1684-5.   (Peile,  11.  81.) 
WICKS,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1689.    Of 

London.     Probably  s.   and   h.   of   Charles,   citizen,   of  St 

Sepulchre's,   London.    Matric.    1690;   Scholar,    1691;   B.A. 

1693-4.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  28,   1691,  and  at  the 

Inner  Temple,  July  6,  1698. 
WYKES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Christ's,  June  20, 

1631 ;  from  Christ  Church,  Oxford;  subscribed  there,  July  15, 

1628.    S.  of  WiUiam.    B.  at  '  Hannumsmills,'  near  Bristol. 

School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 

(Peile,  I.  412.) 
WIKES,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  14, 

1676.  S.  and  h.  of  Marmaduke,  clerk.  B.  at  Holden,  Yorks. 

Schools,   Holden   (his  father)   and  Thornton   (Mr  Parkes). 

Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1682. 

V.  of  Crambe,  Yorks.,  1686-1714.  Died  1714. 
WICKES  or  WYKES,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  Caius, 

Jan.  21,  1566-7.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Whitwell,  near  Reepham, 

Norfolk.  School,  Eton.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  23, 
1567;  priest,  June  12,  1568.  R.  of  Plumstead,  Norfolk, 
156S;  there  in  1608.    R.  of  Little  Bamingham,  1569-1617. 

Father  of  Samuel  (1600)  and  Timothy  (1608).  (Venn,  i.  59.) 
WICKS  or  WEEKS,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 

1589.   Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1592-3. 
WICKS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  5,  1617.  B.  at 
Wickhambrook,  Suffolk.    Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A. 
1623.    Ord.  deacon   (London)   Mar.   12,   1619-20,  age  27; 

WiDDOws,  John 

'C.  of  Eastthorpe,  Essex';  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  18,  1625. 
Probably  married  Frances,  dau.  of  Anne  Burchelly,  of 
Burstead,  Essex.  (If  so,  of  Fobbing,  Essex,  clerk.)  Died 
before  1638.  Named  executor  to  Anne  Burchelly,  1632 
(will  dated,  1632;  proved  (Cons.  C.  London)  1638).  Brother 
of  Robert  (1614).   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WICKES,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1607;  B.A.  1610-1. 

WICKS  or  WEEKES,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  1597; 
B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Jan.  1, 
1600-1,  age  24;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1603.  C.  of  Little  Baming- 
ham, 1601;  C.  of  Narford,  1603. 

WICKES  or  WYKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  5,  1634.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641. 

WICKS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1614- 
B.  at  Wickhambrook,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8; 
M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  20,  1618,  age  21; 
'C.  of  Little  Wigborowe,  Essex';  priest,  Feb.  21,  1618-9. 
Probably  R.  of  Erwarton,  Suffolk,  1622;  sequestered  to 
Dalham,  1647.  V.  of  Bumham,  Essex.  Died  1660.  Brother 
of  John  (1617). 

WYKES,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  4, 
1683.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  deceased.  B.  at  Frowles- 
worth,  Leics.  School,  Leire  (private).  Matric.  1683;  B.A. 
1686-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  24,  1688-9.  R.  of 
Holwell,  Beds.,  1695-9. 

WICKES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  27, 
1600.  S.  of  George  (1566-7),  R.  of  Plumstead,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Plumstead  (his  father).  B.A.  1603-4; 
M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1605;  priest, 
Jan.  25,  1605-6;  C.  of  Bintry.  R.  of  Mannington,  Norfolk, 
1611.  V.  of  Calthorpe.  Brother  of  Timothy  (1608).  (Venn, 
I.  172.) 

WICKS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  22,  1619. 
B.  in  St  Michael  Le  Queme  parish,  London.  Matric.  1619; 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  13, 
1624-5,  age  24. 

WICKES  or  WEEKS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1589.   Of  London.   B.A.  1592-3. 

WIKES,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1645. 

WICKES,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius,  July  6, 
1608.  S.  of  George  (1566-7),  R.  of  Plumstead,  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1608;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Brother  of  Samuel 

WICKES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  15, 
1606.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1606; 
'of  Wells,  Soms.' 

WICKES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1624.  Matric. 
1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1632. 

WICKSTED,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  29,  1730. 
S.  of  William,  V.  of  Hanney,  Berks.  Matric.  (Jesus  College, 
Oxford)  Jan.  14,  1719-20,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1723;  M.A. 
(Cambridge)  1730.  V.  of  Norton  St  Philip,  Somerset,  1728. 
Preb.  of  Wells,  1735-40.  V.  of  East  Brent,  1736.  Arch- 
deacon of  Wells,  1739-42.  Died  1742.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1742. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WICKSTED,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  8, 
1708.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  chemist.  B.  at  Whitchurch, 
Salop.  School,  Whitchurch  (Mr  Hudson).  Matric.  1708; 
B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19, 
1713;  priest  (London)  June  12,  1715.  C.  of  Wardley, 
Rutland,  1713. 

WICKSTEAD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  12,  1737- 
Of  Whitchurch,  Salop.  Matric.  1737;  Scholar,  1737;  B.A. 
1740-1;  M.A.  1744.  Fellow,  1745-67.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Apr.  17;  priest,  May  29,  1743.  V.  of  Hundon,  Suffolk, 
1763-7.  R.  of  Graveley,  Cambs.,  1766-95.  Died  Nov.  17, 
1795,  aged  77-  Will,  P.C.C. 

WICKSTEAD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Mar. 
20,  1737-8.  Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1738;  Scholar,  1738;  B.A. 
1741-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1741.  V.  of  Audlem, 
Cheshire,  1743-52.  V.  of  Roding-Beauchamp,  Essex,  1752. 

WIDDER,    WILLIAM.     Matric.   sizar  from   Christ's,   Michs. 

1606;   B.A.    1609-10;   M.A.    1613.    Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 

Sept.  22,  1611;  priest.  Mar.  8,  1611-2.   Licensed  to  preach 

in  York  diocese,  Sept.  1616.   V.  of  Harmston,  Lines.,  1624. 

(Peile,  I.  262.) 
WIDDOWES,  DANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.   15, 

1593-4-   Matric.  c.  1594;  Scholar;  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601. 

V.  of  Lislee,  Co.  Ross,  Ireland,  1619. 
WIDDOWS,  HENRY.   Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Aug.  17,  159°- 

Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1590,  'Woodhouse.' 
WIDOWES,  JOHN.     Matric.   sizar  from   St   John's,  Easter, 



WiDDows,  Thomas 

WYDOWS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1345. 
Ord.  priest  (Coventry)  June  24,  1562.  V.  of  Ashbv-de-la- 
Zouch,  Leics.,  1582-93.  Died  1593.  {Peile,  i.  38;  Nichols, 
HI.  619.) 

WIDOWES,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 

16^4-   Of  London.   B.A.  1627-8. 

WIDDOWSON,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  i743- 
S.  of  George,  of  Tuxford,  Notts.  Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  July  i,  1729,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1733.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

WYDDOWSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Feb. 
1564-5;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Cliristi,  1567-8;  M.A.  1579.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1568.  R.  of  Ringstead  St  Andrews, 
Norfolk,  1570-86.   (Peile,  1.  90.) 


WIDDRINGTON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
Christ's,  July  9,  1660.  4th  s.  of  William,  ist  Baron  Wid- 
drington.  Bapt.  Mar.  3,  1641-2,  at  Blankney,  Lines.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1660;  M.A.  1662.  Died  unmarried, 
May  5,  1682,  at  Ghent.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Ralph 
(1657).   {Peile,  I.  593;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
Christ's,  Michs.  1653.  S.  of  William,  ist  Baron  Widdring- 
ton  (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Anthony  Thorold,  of  Blankney, 
Lines.).  B.  at  'Caster'  (?  Craster),  Northumberland.  School, 
Blankney  (Mr  Hutton).  Matric.  1653-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  May  14,  1656.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Thonias 
Horsley,  and  widow  of  Robert  Lisle,  of  Felton.  Killed  {sic) 
at  the  Battle  of  the  Boyne,  1690.  But  according  to  the 
Blankney  Register  the  Hon.  Edward  Widdrington  died 
Oct.  10,  1699  and  was  buried  Oct.  13,  1699,  at  Blankney. 
Brother  of  Anthony  (above)  and  Ralph  (1657).  {Peile,  i. 
556;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  22,  1654.  S.  of  Rowland,  draper,  of  London,  and 
grandson  of  Lewis,  of  Cheeseboume  Grange,  Stamfordham, 
Northumberland.  B.  at  Hoddesdon,  Herts.  Executor  to 
his  uncle  Ralph  (next),  and  involved  in  disputes  with  the 
College  respecting  the  will.  Living,  1711.  {Peile,  1.  562.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  25,  1632.  S.  of  Lewis.  B.  at  Cheeseboume  Grange, 
Stamfordham,  Northumberland.  School,  Morpeth  (Mr 
Oxley).  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639;  D.D.  1661 
{Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow  (probably),  1639-88.  Public  Orator, 
1650-73.  Regius  Professor  of  Greek,  1654-60.  Lady 
Margaret  Professor,  1673-88.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  16, 
1640-1.  R.  of  Thorpe-on-the-Hill,  Lines.,  1661.  R.  of 
Wendon  Lofts,  Essex,  1666-76.  R.  of  Terrington,  1673. 
R.  of  Gt  Munden,  Herts.,  1675-88.  Author,  poetical.  Died 
June  10,  1688.  WiU  dated  Mar.  1687-8;  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Aug.  2  1689.  Benefactor  to  the  College,  but  much  litigation 
ensued  before  the  College  came  into  possession  of  its  in- 
heritance. Brother  of  Thomas  (1617).  {Peile  i.  421;  Vis.  of 
London,  1634;  D.N.B.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  28,  1657;  afterwards  Fell. -Com.  3rd  s.  of  William,  ist 
Baron.  B.  at  Widdrington,  Northumberland.  School, 
Blankney,  Lines.  (Mr  Hutton).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  14, 
1659.  Served  in  the  Dutch  wars  and  lost  his  sight.  Buried 
June  28,  1718,  at  Blankney,  Lines.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1653)  and  Anthony  (1660).  {Peile,  i.  577;  H.  M.  Wood; 
Burke,  Ext.  Peerage.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
July  5,  1660.  S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Black  Heddon,  Northumber- 
land. School,  Newark  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1661.  Died 
before  Apr.  25,  1708.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1651). 
{Peile,  I.  593) 

WIDDRINGTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1617;  said  also  to  have  studied  at  Oxford.  S.  and 
h.  of  Lewis,  of  Cheeseboume  Grange,  Stamfordham,  North- 
umberland. B.A.  1620-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  14, 
1619.  Barrister.  Bencher,  1639.  Treasurer,  1641.  Serjeant- 
at-Law,  1648.  Recorder  of  Berwick,  1631;  of  York,  1638. 
Knighted,  Mar.  31,  1639.  M.P.  for  Berwick,  1640;  for  York, 
1654;  for  Northumberland,  1656.  Commissioner  of  the 
Great  Seal,  1648.  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Commons,  1656. 
Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1658-60.  A  member  of  the 
Council  of  State,  1651,  1659  and  1660-1.  Donor  to  the  New 
Building  and  to  the  College  Library.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of 
Ferdinando,  2nd  Baron  Fairfax,  in  1634.  Author,  Analecta 
Eboracensia.  Died  May  13,  1664.  Buried  at  St  Giles-in-the- 
Fields,  Middlesex.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1664.  Brother  of 
Ralph  (1632)  and  father  of  the  next.  {Peile,  i.  313;  D.N.B.; 
Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at 
Christ's,  June  25,  1653.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas  (above),  Lord 
Chief  Baron.    Bapt.  June  19,  1640,  at  St  Martin's,  Coney 

V.A.C.IV.  401 

WiGFALL,  Henry 

Street,  York.  School,  Wormley,  Herts.  Matric.  1654;  M.A. 
1656  {fil.  nob.).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  16,  1640-1.  Died 
unmarried,  at  the  Hague,  i66o.   {Peile,  i.  555.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
June  13,  1670.  S.  of  Michael,  of  Morpeth,  Northumberland. 
Bapt.  there,  Apr.  11,  1653.  School,  Morpeth  (Mr  Lumsden). 
Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1673-4.  Of  Morpeth,  gent.,  in  1690. 
{Peile,  II.  30.) 

WIDDRINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
June  21,  1651.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Northumberland.  School, 
Farington,  Durham.  Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
June  18,  1651.  Perhaps  brother  of  Ralph  (1660).  {Peile, 
J-  543-) 

WIDDRINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
May  9,  1653.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Hauxley,  parish 
of  Warkworth,  Northumberland.  School,  Berwick  (Mr 
Webb).  Matric.  1653.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  6,  1655. 
Will  dated,  Sept.  17,  1664;  to  be  buried  in  Warkworth 
chancel.  (Peile,  i.  553;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WYTHERINGTON,   .     Matric.   pens,   from    Peterhouse, 

Michs.  1560.  Probably  'a  member  of  Knightly  stock 
(Woderyngton  or  Widdrington).'  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1543-4, 

WIDMORE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  30,  1698.  S.  of  Christopher,  baiUff.  B.  at  Kingsclere, 
Hants.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1701-2;  M.A. 
1708.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  25,  1699;  'of  North 
Ocley,  Hants.'  Ord.  priest  (London)  Sept.  24,  1705. 
Historian  of  the  church  of  Westminster.  Librarian  to  the 
Dean  and  Chapter.  Died  Nov.  1764.  (Scott-Mayor,  11.  xlvi; 
Sedbergh  Sch.  Reg.,  143.) 

WIDNOLL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  4,  1590. 
Of  London. 

WIELY,  JOHN.    M.A.  1671  (Incorp.  from  Edinburgh).    M.A. 

(Edinburgh)  1667. 

WIERSDALE,  DAVID.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1620.  Ord. deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  I,  1617-8;  priest.  May  31,  1618. 

WIERSDALE,  GABRIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1612;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Ord. deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  20,  1618;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1620.  R.  of  Costock,  Notts., 
1639-72.  Licensed,  Nov.  27,  1624,  to  marry  Grace  Phippes, 
of  Gotham,  Notts.  Died  1672.  Admon.  granted  to  his  son 
Nathaniel.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Lexden,  Essex,  in 
1648.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WIERSDALE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1617.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  9;  priest,  Oct.  10,  1624.  V.  of  St 
Peter's,  Derby,  1628;  Wyersdale.  R.  of  Bradley,  in  1650. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Swinford,  Leics.,  1661;  buried  Feb.  20,  1678. 
(Nichols,  IV.  366;  Cox,  Churches  of  Derbs.) 

WYERSDALE,  MARK.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1576.  B.  at  East  Deeping,  Lines.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  21,  1582,  age  26.  V.  of  All  Saints',  Maldon,  Essex, 
1584-7;  suspended  by  Archbishop  Whitgift.  Minister  of 
Gaddesby,  Leics.,  1588-90.  R.  of  Costock,  Notts.,  1595- 
1639.  Died  1639. 


WIGFALL,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  21, 
1592-3.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  husbandman,  of  Ridgeway, 
Derbs.  B.  at  Eckington,  Derbs.  School,  Dronfield  (Mr 
Waterhouse).  B.A.  1596-7;  Scholar,  1597-9-  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  23,  1605.  Of  Carter  Hall,  Eckington. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Towers,  of  Eaton,  Notts., 
Mar.  3,  1602-3.  Buried  Oct.  i,  1623,  at  Eckington.  Brother 
of  Henry  (1599),  perhaps  of  Godfrey  (c.  1596)  and  William 
(1593),  father  of  Zachary  (1621)  and  Godfrey  (1624)-  (Vmn, 
I.  147;  F.M.G.,  465.) 

WIGFALL,  GODFREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1596. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  of  Ridgeway,  Derbs.  Perhaps  brother 
of  George  (1592-3),  etc.  {F.M.G.,  465.) 

WIGFALL,  GODFREY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1624.  Doubtless  s.  of  George  (1592-3).  of  Eckington,  Derbs. 
Scholar,  1627;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1633.  Usher  at  Notting- 
ham School,  1636.  Doubtless  brother  of  Zachary  (1621). 

WIGFALL,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  May  12,  1599. 
3rd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Ridgeway,  Derbs.,  deceased.  School, 
Dronfield.  Of  Reiiishaw,  Eckington,  Derbs.,  Esq.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Cell,  of  Hopton,  Derbs.  (But 
according  to  R.  E.  C.  Waters  this  refers  to  Henry,  s.  of 
George.)  Died  165 1.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1653.  Brother  of  George 
(1502-3)-  {Vfnn,  I-  168;  F.M.G.,  464;  R.  E.  C.  Waters, 
Chester  Earn.,  360.) 


WiGFALL,  John 

WIGFALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  14,  1650-1. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1651 ;  B.A.  1654-5.  R-  of  Peatling 
parva,  Leics.,  1661.  Father  of  William  (1676). 

WIGFALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1682.  Of  Derby- 
shire. Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Renishaw,  Derbs., 
gent.  Matric.  1682.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jime  30,  1682. 
{F.M.G.,  466.) 

WIGFALL,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  5,  1654. 

WIGFALL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Ridgeway,  Derbs.  B.A.  1596-7; 
M.A.  1600.  Ord.  priest  (Coventry  and  Lichfield)  Mar.  18, 
1598-9.  V.  of  Shottisham  St  Martin,  Norfolk,  1603.  R.  of 
Warham  St  Mary  and  All  Saints,  1613.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Oct.  20,  1638;  by  brother  Henry  (1599).  Perhaps  brother 
of  George  (1592-5),  etc.  (F.M.G.,  464.) 

WIGFALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  {age  16)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  11, 
1676.  S.  of  John  (1650-1),  R.  of  Peatling  parva,  Leics. 
B.  there.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  John  Love).   Matric.  1676. 

WIGFALL,  ZACHARY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1621.  Doubtless  s.  of  George  (1592-3),  of  Carter  Hall, 
Eckington,  Derbs.  Bapt.  Dec.  i,  1603.  B.A.  1625.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  Gervase  Pigot  of  Thrumpton,  Notts.,  Esq. 
Brother  of  Godfrey  (1624).  (F.M.G.,  465.) 

WIGG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  May  28,  1680. 
S.  of  WUliam.  B.  at  Stainbridge,  Beds.  School,  HockcUfie 
(Rev.  Robert  Stackhouse).  Matric.  1681;  M.B.  1685.  (Peile, 
11.  79-) 

WIGGEN,  ATHERTON.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WIGAN  or  WYGAN,  EDWARD  or  EUDO.  Probably  B.A. 
1508-9  [according  to  Cooper,  i.  loi;  M.A.  1514;  B.D.  1521, 
but  these  degrees  not  found];  D.D.  1523-4  (at  that  time 
B.D.,  and  sub-dean  of  the  Chapel  of  Cardinal  Wolsey). 
Of  King's  Hall,  1538-45.  First  Regius  Professor  of 
Divinity,  1540,  'Guy.'  R.  of  Milton  Malsor,  Northants., 
1526;  there  in  1535.  V.  of  St  Mary,  Lichfield,  1532-4. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1545;  'of  King's  Hall.'  (His  inventory  is 
summarised  in  Catnb.  Ant.  Soc,  lxiii.  185.)  {Bridges,  i.  377; 
H.  I.  Longden;  Gr.  Bk,  T.) 

WIGAN  or  WYGAN,  EDWARD.  B.A.  1513-4;  akeady  a  priest 
(see  Gr.  Bk,  V).  This  may  possibly  refer  to  the  last. 

WIGGEN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1597-8. 

WIGGON  or  WIGHAM,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1631;  B.A.  1633-4,  'Wigham.'  Perhaps  V.  of 
ChoUerton,  Northumberland,  1650. 

WIGGAN,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 

1715.    S.   of   ,   husbandman.    B.   at   Bambrough   (or 

Barmburgh),  Yorks.  School,  Sherbum.  Matric.  1715.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  May;  priest,  June  21,  1719.  Perhaps  his  wiU 
(P.C.C.) ;  of  Stamford,  Lines.,  clerk.  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
WeU,  Yorks.,  1758-62. 

WIGAN,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1619. 

WIGGAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1579.   Perhaps  V.  of  Messingham,  Lines.,  1583. 

WIGAN,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  i68i  (Incorp.  from  Christ  Church, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  July  21,  1658;  scholar  from  West- 
minster School;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1661-2;  M.A.  1664.  Chaplain 
to  Dr  Henchman,  Bishop  of  London.  R.  of  Wennington, 
Essex,  1671-4.  Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1672-1700.  V.  of 
St  Mary  Abbots,  Kensington,  Middlesex,  1672-1700.  R.  of 
Orsett,  Essex,  1675-1700.  Author,  sermons.  Buried  Apr. 
25,  1700,  at  Kensington.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Hennessy.) 

WIGAN  or  WYGAN,  .  Grace  for  degree,  1543-4. 

WIGGENTON  or  WYGGYNTON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity,  Michs.  1572.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  8,  1582; 
B.A.;  priest.  Mar.  21,  1582-3. 

WIGGINTON,  GILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1564. 
B.  at  Oundle,  Northants.  Scholar,  1567;  B.A.  1568-9;  M.A. 
1572.  Fellow,  1571.  V.  of  Sedbergh,  1579-85;  deprived,  but 
reinstated,  1592.  Imprisoned  on  account  of  his  Calvinistic 
opinions.  Charged  with  being  concerned  in  the  authorship 
of  the  Mar-Prelate  tracts,  1588.  Author,  A  treatise  on 
Predestination,  etc.  Living,  Aug.  4,  1597.  (Cooper,  11.  329; 

WIGGETT,  peter.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  28, 
1707.  S.  of  John,  mercer,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1707;  Scholar,  1707-13;  B.A.  1710-1; 
M.A.  1715.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  15,  1712;  priest,  Dec.  20, 
1713.   (Venn,  i.  516.) 

WIGGET,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
June  21,  1748.  S.  of  Richard  (i.e.  Rice),  Esq.,  of  Guestwick, 
Norfolk  (and  Sarah,  dau.  of  William  Bulwer,  of  Wood 
Dalling).  Bapt.  Aug.  15,  1730,  at  Guestwick.  Schools, 
Norwich  (Mr  Bullimer)  and  Holt  (Mr  Holmes).  Matric.  1748. 
Adm.  at  Ljncojn'g  Jnn,  May  3,  1749.    Assumed  the  sur- 

Wightman,  William 

name  Bulwer,  1756.  Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  1765.  Of  Wood 
Dalling  and  Heydon,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Augustine  Earle,  of  Heydon,  Esq.,  June  5,  1756.  Died  Apr.  5, 
1793.  M.I.  at  Heydon.  Will,  P.C.C.  One  of  these  names, 
Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  died  Dec.  27,  1767  (see  Musgrave),  (Venn, 
II.  62;  Blomefield,  viii.  216.) 
WIGGS,  ALEXANDER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1617. 

B.  at  Hildersham,  Cambs.    B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.    Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Jime  8,  1628,  age  25. 

WIGHT,  see  WHITE. 

WIGHTMAN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1561.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Stoke,  Notts,  (and 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Michael  Purefoy,  of  Warws.).  Of  Hinck- 
ley, Leics.   (Vis.  of  Notts.,  1569;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

WIGHTMAN,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1609.  B.  at  Heslington,  Yorks.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)   May  26,   1616,  age  24. 

C.  of  Clavering,  Essex.  V.  of  Plungar,  Leics.,  1622.  Admon. 
(Leicester)  1631. 

WIGHTMAN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1694.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman.  B.  at  ShoweU, 
near  Lutterworth,  Leics.  School,  Showell  (Mr  Kirk). 

WIGHTMAN,  GILBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1578;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  5,  1586-7.  Licensed  preacher.  V.  of  Claxby, 
Lines.,  1596. 

WHIGHTMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's.  Easter, 
1582;  LL.B.  1588. 

WIGHTMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  28,  1634.  Of 
Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1634. 

WIGHTMAN  or  WHITMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
Caius,  Jan.  5,  1659-60.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Cardington,  Beds. 
Schools,  Shefiford  (Mr  Breddon)  and  Bedford  (Mr  Butler). 
Scholar,  1659-61 ;  Matric.  1660.  Migrated  to  Trinity,  May  20, 
1661.  Scholar;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  Fellow  of  Trinity, 
1667.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.   (Venn,  1.  407.) 

WIGHTMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  12, 
1676-7.  S.  of  Anthony.  B.  at  Lynn,  Norfolk.  School,  Lynn. 
Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  1683;  priest.  Mar.  1687-8.  V.  of  Stow,  Norfolk, 
1693-1719.   R.  of  Gt  Dunham,  1694-1721. 

WIGHTMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  19, 
1677.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  deceased  (sic).  B.  at  Peckleton, 
Leics.  School,  Leicester  (Mr  Wells).  Matric.  1677.  Married 
and  had  issue.  Buried  at  Pecldeton,  1709.  (Nichols,  iv.  876.) 

WIGHTMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  3, 
1689.  S.  of  Thomas  (sic),  merchant.  B.  at  Leicester.  School, 
Leicester  (Mr  Thomas).  Matric.  1689;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A. 
1696.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  12,  1692-3;  priest.  June  3, 
1694.  R.  of  Desford,  Leics.,  1701-35.  Died  Aug.  9,  1735, 
aged  66.  Buried  at  Desford.  M.I.  WiU  (Leicester)  1735. 
(Nichols,  IV.  590,  876,  where  he  occurs  as  son  of  Joseph.) 

WHIGHTMAN,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1582. 

WIGHTMAN,  OLIVER.  (ALFORD  in  Coll.  Reg.)  Matric.  pens, 
from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter,  1610.  Of  Leicestershire. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Stoke,  Notts,  (and  Frances,  dau. 
of  Lancelot  Alfiord,  of  Surrey).  A  free  holder.  Of  Hinckley, 
Leics.,  in  1630.  (Vis.  of  Notts.,  1569  and  1619;  Nichols,  iv. 

WIGHTMAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1572.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1578, 
from  Staple  Inn. 

WIGHTMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  c.  July,  1680. 
Matric.  1681.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 
June  II,  1683.   (Peile,  11.  80.) 

WIGHTMAN,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1568. 

WYGHTMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1550;  Scholar,  1552. 

WYGHTMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WYGHTMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WIGHTMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
1631.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Stoke,  Notts.,  Esq. 
(and  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Cooper,  of  Thurgarton).  B.  c. 
1612.   (Vis.  of  Notts.,  1569  and  1614.) 

WIGHTMAN  or  WEIGHTMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18) 
at  St  John's,  June  10, 1731.  S.of  Thomas,  brewer,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  in  York.  School,  Sheffield  (Mr  Robinson).  Matric.  1731; 
B.A.  1734-5;  M.A.  1741.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  21, 
1735-6;  priest,  Feb.  14,  1737-8.  C.  of  Eynesbury,  Hunts., 
1736.  V.  of  North  Reston,  Lines.,  1742-61.  R.  of  Yarburgh, 
1743-61.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  437.) 


WiGHTON,  Charles 

WIGHTMAN,  .     Adm.    pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  i8, 


WIGHTON  or  WHITON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity, 
May  21,  1725.  Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1728;  B.A.  1728-9; 
M.A.  1745.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  21,  1729;  priest 
(Lincoln)  June  13,  1731;  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Leven. 
V.  of  Laughton,  Linos.,  in  1750.  R.  of  Garforth,  Yorks., 
1750-63.  Died  July  25,  X763.  (G.  Mag.;  Lambeth  Act  Bk\ 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WIGHTON,  GILBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  23,  1693.  S.  of  WiUiam,  deceased.  B.  at  Howden, 
Yorks.  School,  Howden  (Mr  Reynolds).  Matric.  1693;  B.A. 
1696-7;  M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1698-9;  priest, 
1705.   R.  of  Garforth,  Yorks.,  c.  1698-1750.  Died  1750. 

WIGHTWICK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  i,  1646. 
Of  Warwicl^hire.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  there,  1649; 
M.A.  1652.  Fellow  of  St  John's  College,  Oxford,  1651-62. 
{Calamy,  i.  236;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WIGHTWICKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Aug.  27,  1673.  S.  of  Humphrey,  grazier.  B.  at  Kingsnorth, 
Kent.  School,  Alford  (Mr  Vial).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov. 
24,  1674. 

WIGHTWICK,  WILLIAM.  D.D.  1737  (Incorp.  from  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford).  S.  of  John,  of  Ashford,  Kent,  gent.  Matric. 
(Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  25,  1718,  age  16;  B.A 
(Oxford)  1722;  M.A.  1725;  B.D.  and  D.D.  1736.  Fellow  of 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1727-44.  V.  of  East  Worldham, 
Hants.,  1736-7.  R.  of  Swaby,  Lines.,  1737.  R.  of  Winter- 
bourne  Bassett,  Wilts.,  1743-65.  Died  Nov.  30, 1765.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  1766.  (Al.Oxon.) 

WIGLESWORTH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  26,  1666.  S.  of  Henry,  deceased,  of  Gisbume,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Earby,  near  Bamoldswick  (Mr  Rakes). 
Matric.  1667.  Of  Townhead,  Slaidbum.  Buried  Nov.  19, 
1694,  at  Slaidbum.  (J.  Parker.) 

WIGLESWORTH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  4,  1 74 1.  S.  of  Henry,  deceased,  of  Lancashire,  and  of 
Townhead,  Slaidbum,  Yorks.,  and  grandson  of  Henry 
(above).  B.  at  Colne  (his  mother's  home).  School,  Slaid- 
bum, Yorks.  (Mr  Can).  Matric.  1741.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  May  6,  1741.   Brother  of  the  next. 

WIGGLESWORTH,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  18,  1742.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  York.  B.  at  Slaidbum. 
School,  Slaidbum.  Matric.  1743;  B.A.  1747-8.  Of  Townhead, 
Slaidbum,  Esq.  Died  Aug.  4,  1807,  aged  82.  Brother  of 
Henry  (above).   (J.  Parker.) 

WIGLEY,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 
12,  1694.  S.  of  Henry  (1643),  clerk,  R.  of  Warmingham, 
Cheshire.  B.  there.  School,  Tattenhail  (private).  Matric. 
1697;  M.B.  1700.  Of  Eccleston,  Cheshire.  Brother  of 
Henry  (1679).   (Nichols,  11.  788.) 

WIGLEY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  20,  1690. 
Of  Derbyshire.   M.B.  1695. 

WIGLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
20,  1639.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Scraptoft,  Leics. 
B.  1623,  at  Peatling,  Leics.  School,  Stanford  (Mr  Hum- 
phreyes).  Matric.  1639.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  James 
Armston,  of  Burbage,  Leics.  Of  Scraptoft,  Esq.  Died 
Feb.  22,  1660-1.  Brother  of  Henry  (1643)  and  father  of 
the  next.   (Nichols,  11.  788.) 

WIGLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Mays,  1676.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  Esq.,  deceased.  B.  1661, 
at  Scraptoft,  Leicester.  School,  Oakham,  Rutland.  Knighted 
Aug.  14,  1683.  Married  Letita,  dau.  of  Arthur  Cressy,  of 
Brigsley,  Leics.  Died  Mar.  7,  1710-1.  Buried  at  Scraptoft. 
Father  of  Edward  (1715).  (J.  H.  Hill,  Market  Harborough, 

WIGLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Nov.  17,  1714.  S.  of  Henry  (1679),  clerk,  of  Leicester. 
School,  Chester.  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1722; 
M.D.  1729.  Practised  as  a  physician  at  Leicester.  Retired 
to  Ullesthorpe.  Married  three  wives.  Died  1751  (sic). 
Buried  at  St  Margaret's,  Leicester.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1758. 
Father  of  Henry  (1746).   (Nichols,  iv.  n8;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WIGLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
June  21,  1715.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward  (1676),  Knt.,  de- 
ceased. B.  at  Scraptoft,  Leics.  School,  Bosworth,  Leics. 
Matric.  1715.  Died  June  21,  1716,  aged  19.  M.I.  at  Scrap- 
toft. (Nichols,  II.  788.) 

WIGLEY  or  WEEKELY,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Mag- 
dalene, Easter,  1624.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Wig^valI, 
Derbs.  (and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry  Hall,  of  Costock, 
Notts.).  [If  so,  he  probably  died  before  Apr.  24,  1635,  when 
his  brother  John  (?  1634)  succeeded  his  father  at  Wigwall.] 
B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631. 


WiGMORE,  Gilbert 

WIGLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
:643.  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Scraptoft,  Leics.  B.  1626. 
School,  Barrow.  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  1652. 
R.  of  Warmingham,  Cheshire,  1654-80.  Will  (Chester) 
1681.  Brother  of  Edward  (1639),  father  of  Henry  (1679)  and 
of  Anthony  (1694).   (Nichols,  11.  788;  E.  Axon.) 

WIGLEY  or  WEEKELEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  13)  at 
Magdalene,  1658.  S.  of  John  (1634),  of  Wigwall,  Derbs. 
School,  Wirksworth.  Matric.  Lent,  1660,  Wigley.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  John  Spateman,  of  Rodenoke,  Derbs.,  Esq. 
Died  Jan.  7,  1683.  Buried  at  Scraptoft.  (JewiU,  xil.  167; 
F.M.G.,  1089.) 

WIGLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  30, 
1679-  S.  of  Henry  (1643),  gent,  (not  styled  clerk  in  the 
adm.  leg.).  B.  at  Warmingham,  Cheshire.  School,  Audlem 
(Mr  Colton).  Matric.  1679;  B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686;  B.D. 
1693.  Fellow,  1687-98.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  21, 
1684;  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1687.  R.  of  Eccleston, 
Cheshire,  1690-1701.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Brad- 
gate,  of  Ullesthorpe,  Leics.  Died  at  Eccleston,  Apr.  27, 1701. 
Father  of  Edward  (1714).   (Nichols,  iv.  118.) 

WIGLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  July  8, 
1746.  S.  of  Edward  (1714),  M.D.,  of  Leicestershire  (by  his 
2nd  wife,  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Makepeace,  of  Pensham, 
Worcs.).  B.  in  Leicester.  School,  Leicester  (Mr  Andrews). 
Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1750-1;  M.A.  1754.  Ord.  priest  (Lich- 
field) Mar.  18,  1753.  V.  of  Scraptoft,  Leics.,  1756-67.  Lord 
of  the  manor  of  Ullesthorpe,  Leics.,  and  of  Pensham,  Worcs. 
Died  Jan.  14,  1801,  aged  72.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  564;  Nichols, 
II.  788;  IV.  118.) 

WIGLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1611. 
Possibly  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Scraptoft,  Leics.  B.  1592.  Married 
Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  RusseU,  of  Tossiter.  Living,  1643. 
(Nichols,  II.  788.) 

WIGLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalens,  Michs.  1634. 
Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1635.  S.  of  Richard,  of 
Wigwall,  Derbs.  B.  c.  1617.  Succeeded  his  father  at  Wig- 
wall, 1635.  MarriedBridget.dau.of  Sir  John  Gel!,  of  Hopton, 
Derbs.,  Bart.,  Jan.  11,  1637-8.  Living,  1662.  Father  of 
Henry  (1658).  (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  i.  36;  Nichcls,  11.  789; 
F.M.G.,  1059;  Jewitt,  Reliq.,  xii.  16.) 

WIGLEY,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Sept. 
1729.  S.  of  Benjamin.  B.  at  Wirksworth,  Derbs.  School, 
Nottingham  (Mr  Swale).  Matric.  1730;  Scholar,  1730;  B..\. 
1733-4;  M.A.  1737.  Fellow,  1736-61.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1741.  Senior  Greek  Lecturer  and  Mildmay  Preacher,  1746-7. 
Proctor,  1750.  University  Scrutator,  1752-3.  Hebrew 
Lecturer,  1752-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June,  1734;  priest, 
Mar.  21,  1735-6.  V.  of  Fen  Drayton,  Cambs.,  1744.  V.  of 
Caldecote,  1744-61.  R.  of  Kegworth,  Leics.,  1761.  Collected 
MSS.  of  the  New  Testament.  Died  1761.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1761. 
Brother  of  the  next.  (Peile, 11.  2ig;F.M.G.,  1036;  Al.Oxon.) 

WIGLEY,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  10, 
1743.  S.  of  Benjamin.  B.  at  Nottingham.  School,  Notting- 
ham (MrHenson).  Matric.  1744;  Scholar,  1744;  B..\.  1747-8; 
M.A.  1751;  D.D.  1774.  Fellow,  1748-74.  Senior  Greek 
Lecturer,  Mildmay  Preacher  and  Hebrew  Lecturer,  1760-2. 
.Senior  Proctor,  1769-70.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  1749-50; 
priest,  Dec.  25,  1751.  V.  of  Croxton,  Norfolk,  1758.  R.  of 
CUpston,  Northants.,  1772-90.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John 
Bateman,  of  Guilsborough,  Northants.,  Dec.  1,  1777,  at 
St  Sepulchre's,  Northampton.  Died  Oct.  17,  1790.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1791.  Brother  of  Jonathan  (1729)-  (Pftl*,  "•  245; 
F.M.G.,  1035.) 

WIGMORE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  9,  1592. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1592;  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599; 
B.D.  1609.  R.  of  Wenlworth,  Cambs.,  1611.  Preb.  of  Ely, 
1614-46.  R.  of  Northwold,  Norfolk,  1616-22.  Archdeacon 
of  Ely,  1617-44.  R.  of  Snailwell,  Cambs.,  1622-37.  V.  of 
Trinity  Church,  Ely.  Buried  at  Little  Shelford,  Cambs., 
Nov.  9,  1646.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1603).  (Vis. 
of  Lines.,  1666.) 

WIGMORE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  8,  1659-60. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Gilbert  (1625),  of  Shel- 
ford. Matric.  1660.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  4,  1661. 
Probably  brother  of  Gilbert  (1664). 

WIGMORE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
23,  1698.  S.  of  William  (1667),  M.D.  B.  at  Cambridge. 
School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Savage).  Matric.  1698;  B..\.  1702-3. 
Ord.  deacon  (Pcterb.)  May  23,  1703.  C.  of  Grafton  Under- 
wood, Northants.,  1703.  Brother  of  William  (1696). 

WIGMORE,  GILBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1625.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1628-9;  M..\.  1632;  B.D. 
1639:  D.D.  1661  (Li<.  Yv'fg.).  Fellow,  1632-9.  R.  of  Snailwell, 
Cambs.,  1637-41.  R.  of  Little  Shelford,  1641-82.  Buried 
there  1682.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1682.  Father  of  the  next  and  of 
Daniel  (1659-60). 

26 — 2 

WiGMORE,  Gilbert 

WIGMORE,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Oct.  14,  1664. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  S.  of  Gilbert  (above),  of  Little  Shelford, 
Cambs.  B.  c.  1650.  Matric.  1664.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Oct.  25,  1669.  Of  Little  Shelford,  Cambs.;  steward 
of  the  College  courts,  1685.  Married,  as  his  ist  wife,  Rebecca, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Bucke,  of  Westwick,  Cambs.,  Feb.  1672-3. 
Died  Apr.  18,  1713,  aged  65.  Buried  at  Richmond,  Surrey. 
M.I.  Will  (P.C.C);  of  Well  Close,  Stepney,  Middlesex; 
proved  by  his  widow  Blanch.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1079; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WIGMORE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1634. 
Of  London. 

WIGMORE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  6,  1702. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1702. 

WIGMORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  7,  1722.  Of 
Essex.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1726-7.  Ord.  deacon  (by  non- 
juring  bishop)  Feb.  25,  1727.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  i, 
1729;  priest  (London)  Dec.  16,  1730.  C.  of  Caldecot,  Herts., 
1729.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1738-40;  Chaplain 
of  Chatham  dockyard,  1738-74;  died  Jan.  18,  1774.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1774.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  name- 
sake. {Fielding.) 

WIGMORE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1568.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  London.  B.A. 
from  Clare,  1571-2.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Oct.  18,  1573;  from  New  Inn.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 

WIGMORE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  i,  1603. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1607;  M.A.  1611.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1609.  C.  of  Soham,  Cambs. 
V.  of  Sutton,  1618-39.  R.  of  Mepal,  1626-39.  Buried  at 
Sutton,  1639.  Probably  brother  of  Daniel  (c.  1592),  and 
father  of  Stephen  (1634).   {Vis.  of  Lines.,  1666.) 

WIGMORE,  Sir  RICHARD.  M.A.  1615  (on  Kine's  visit). 
Knighted,  Apr.  22,  i6o3,of  Co.  Hereford.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1621. 

WIGMORE,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1634.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Probably  s.  of  Richard  (1603),  of 
the  Isle  of  Ely.  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639.  R.  of  Mepal,  Cambs.,  1639-48. 

WYGMER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  Oct. 
6,  1564.  Matric.  1564. 

WIGMORE  or  WYGMERE,  WILLIAM.  University  Bedell,  c. 
1360.  First  appears  as  a  Bedell  at  the  admission  by  the 
Bishop  of  Ely  of  John  Donwyck,  Chancellor  of  the  Univer- 
sity, May  7,  1374,  and  again  on  a  similar  occasion,  Nov.  24, 
1384.  In  the  great  riot  of  1381,  his  house  was  burnt  by  the 
mob  and  his  life  attempted.   (Stokes,  Bedells,  61.) 

WIGMORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Aug.  1,  1667. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.  Feb.  14,  1650-1.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675;  M.D.  1682.  Fellow, 
1673-5.  R.  of  Grafton  Underwood,  Northants.,  1692.  Died 
Nov.  II,  1742.  Buried  at  Grafton  Underwood.  M.I.  Father 
of  the  next  and  of  Daniel  (1698).  {Misc.  Gen.  el  Her.,  3rd  S., 
I.  115;  Bury  Grammar  Scliool.) 

WIGMORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  8,  1696.  S.  of  William  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Cambridge. 
School,  Uppingham.  Matric.  1699;  B..A.  1699-1700;  M.A. 
1703.  Fellow,  1701-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1702; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1704.    R.  of  Paston,  Northants., 

1706.  Married    Rebecca,    dau.    of    Roger    Pemberton,    of 
Peterborough,  Esq.,  Apr.  17,  1707.    Died  before  July  11, 

1707.  Brother  of  Daniel  (1698). 

WIGNALL  {alias  MARTIN),  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at 
Pembroke,  May  29,  1645.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Felsted,  Essex. 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9.  V.  of  Shudy  Camps,  Cambs., 
1650  and  1662-85.  Buried  there  Oct.  15,  1685. 

WIGNALL,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1584  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
London,  pleb.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Jan.  10, 
1574-5.  age  19;  B.A.  1575;  M.A.  1579.  Fellow  of  All  Souls 
College,  Oxford,  1577.  V.  of  Barking,  Essex,  1587-1620. 
Licence  (Bishop  of  London)  July  4,  1592,  to  marry  Mary 
Barfoote,  of  St  Margaret  Pattens,  London.  Died  1620. 
Will,  Cons.  C.  London.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WIGSELL,  ATWOOD.  Matric.  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1734.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Greenwich,  gent.  LL.B.  1735. 
Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  8,  1728,  age  18. 
R.  of  Warlingham,  Surrey,   1733-57.    R.  of  Sanderstead, 

1734.  Married  Susannah  St  John  of  Sanderstead,  Oct.  31, 

1735.  Buried  Nov.  12, 1757,  at  Sanderstead.  Admon.  P.C.C. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WYGSTON,  THOMAS.   Proctor,  1453-4. 

WIGSTON,    W.     Matric.   pens,   from   Christ's,    Michs.    1560. 

Perhaps  at  Jesus,  1561-2,  and  resident  in  1564.    Fined  for 

playing  dice,  Apr.  23,  1567.  (A.  Gray.) 
WIGSTON, .  B.A.  1490;  M.A.  1492;  B.D.  1500-1.   Perhaps 

Thomas,  whose  will  (P.C.C.)  1537;  'clerk  of  Newark,  Leics.' 

One  Thomas  Wigston,  R.  of  Aylestone,  Leics.,  1534. 


WILB, .  M.A.  1491-2. 

WILBERFORCE,  PETER.  B.Can.L.  1519-20.  R.  of  Cricksea, 
Essex,  1522-3.  V.  of  Northall,  Middlesex,  1523-33.  Preb. 
of  St  Paul's,  1527-33.  R.  of  RedmarshaU,  Durham,  1533, 
'B.D.'  Died  1533. 

WILBERFOSS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  28,  1698.   Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1702-3. 

WILBERFOSS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  1,  1732.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Sutton-on-Derwent, 
Yorks.  School,  Coxwold.  Matric.  1732-3.  Migrated  to 
Peterhouse,  Feb.  25,  1733-4.  B.A.  1735-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1735;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1738.  One  of  these 
names  of  AH  Saints',  Lincoln,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1785. 

WILBERT,  JOHN.  B.A.  1489-90;  M.A.  1493.  Perhaps  V.  of 
St  Nicholas,  Newington,  Kent,  1512;  will  (Canterbury)  1537. 


WILBORNE,  see  also  WELBORNE. 

WILBORNE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1617. 

Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.)    Mar.   9;    priest.    Mar.    10,    1622-3 

WILBURNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  8, 

1692-3.    S.  of  Thomas,  grazier.   B.  at  Coston,  near  Melton 

Mowbray,  Leics.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Love).   Matric.  1693; 

B.A.  1696-7. 

WILBORN,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1489-90. 

WILBORT,  JAMES.    FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1473.    Of 

Scotland.  B.A.  1475;  M.A.  1478-9.   Fellow,  1475. 
WILBRAHAM,   RALPH.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Apr. 

1579.  Of  Cheshire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Richard,  of  Nant- 
wich.    B.  Mar.  20,  1557.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  14, 

1580.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1589.  Associate  of  the  Bench,  1615. 
Feudary  of  Cheshire  and  Flintshire.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Mainwaring,  of  Nantwich,  Feb.  7,  1581.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Richard  (1570),  etc.  {Peile,  i.  150;  Ormerod, 
Cheshire;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

WILBRAHAM,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
i6i8.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard  (1570),  of  Nant-nach,  Cheshire, 
Esq.  B.  Nov.  13,  1601,  in  London.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
July  II,  1619.  Died  Jan.  19,  1637.  (Ormerod,  Cheshire,  11. 
O5;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

WILBRAHAM,  RANDLE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
July  8,  1680.  S.  of  Roger  (1640),  of  Nantwich,  Cheshire. 
B.  1663.  SheriS  of  Cheshire,  1714.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  Richard  Brooke,  Bart.,  Oct.  25,  1687.  Lord  of  Nantwich. 
Died  Sept.  19,  1732  Buried  at  Nantwich.  Brother  of  Stephen 
(1686).  (Ormerod,  Cheshire,  11.  65;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

WILBRAHAM,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1570.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard,  of  Nantwich.  B.  Jan. 
10,  1551.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  23,  1571.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1579.  Common  Serjeant  of  the  City  of  London. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Puleston,  Knt., 
Feb.  24,  1584.  Died  Sept.  13,  1601.  Buried  in  St  Michael 
Bassishaw,  London.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Roger  (1573), 
Thomas  (1576)  and  Ralph  (1579),  doubtless  father  of 
Ralph  (1618).  (Ormerod,  Cheshire,  11.  65;  Foster,  Lanes. 

WILBRAHAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
1640.   Of  Cheshire. 

WYLBRAHAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WYLBRAHAM,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1573.  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Nantwich,  Cheshire. 
B.  there,  Nov.  4,  1553.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  27,  1576.  Solicitor-General  of  Ireland, 
1585.  Master  of  the  Court  of  Requests,  1600.  Knighted, 
May  20,  1603.  M.P.  for  CaLlington,  Cornwall,  1604.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Edward  Barber,  Esq.,  Serjeant-at-Law,  of 
Tew,  Somerset.  Died  July  29,  1616.  Buried  at  Hadly, 
Middlesex.  M.I.  Brother  of  Richard  (1570),  etc.  (Ormerod, 
Cheshire,  11.  65;  Fisher's  Shrewsbury;  Musgrave;  F.  C.  Cass, 
Monhen  Hadley,  163-4.) 

WILBRAHAM,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1640.  Of  Cheshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Nantwich,  Esq.  B.  Nov.  3,  1623.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
May  9,  1642.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1649.  Of  Nantwich,  Esq. 
One  of  the  intended  Knights  of  the  Royal  Oak.  Married 
Alice,  dau.  of  Roger  Wilbraham,  of  Dorfold,  Notts.,  Apr.  17, 
1656.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1640)  and  father  of  the  next  and 
of  Randle  (1680).  (Ormerod,  Cheshire,  11.  65;  Foster,  Lanes. 

WILBRAHAM,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
Oct.  9,  1686.  Of  Cheshire.  S.  of  Roger  (above).  B.  July  4, 
1669.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1.  Brother  of  Randle  (1680). 
(Ormerod,  Cheshire,  11.  65.) 



WILBRAHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1548.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Ralph.  B.  Jan.  30,  1530-1. 
Adra.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  17,  1552.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1558.  Bencher,  1566.  Autumn  Reader,  1568.  Treasurer, 
1572.  Recorder  of  the  City  of  London,  1569-71,  and 
Attorney  of  the  Court  of  Wards.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of 
Rob.  Chadleigh,  of  Middlesex.  Died  July  10,  1573.  (Orme- 
rod,  Cheshire,  11.  65.) 

WILBRAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1576.  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Nantwich.  B.  Sept.  20,  1555. 
School,  Shrewsbury.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  6, 
1571-2;  special  admission.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1584.  Of 
London.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Pyerson,  citizen  of  London, 
1586.  Brother  of  Richard  (1570),  etc.  (Ormerod,  Cheshire, 
II.  65.) 

WILBRAHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St 
John's,  Oct.  21,  1634.  S.  of  Roger,  Esq.,  of  Dorfold-in- 
Acton,  Cheshire.  B.  at  Bretton,  Flintshire.  School,  Nant- 
wich (private).  Matric.  1634. 

WILBRAHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, Easter,  1640;  perhaps  migrated  to  Emmanuel,  in 
1640.  Of  Cheshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Nantwich. 
B.  Nov.  22,  1622.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  9,  1642. 
Died  1649,  aged  27.  Brother  of  Roger  (1640).  (Ormerod, 
Cheshire,  11.  65;  Foster,  Lanes.  Pedigrees.) 

WILBURSTON,  .   B.A.  1472-3.    Perhaps  John  Wilbaston, 

R  of  Haddon,  Hunts.,  1483-1500.  Died  1500. 

WILBY,  see  also  WELBY  and  WILSBY. 

WILBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Clare,  Apr.  5,  1638;  M.B.  1638. 
B.A.  (Oxford) ;  M.D.  (Merton  CoUege,  Oxford)  1646.  F.R.C.P. 
1654.  Wm  (P.C.C.)  1668;  of  St  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  Middle- 
sex.  (Munk,  J.  268;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILBY,  JOHN  (1663),  see  WELBY. 

WILBY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  Aug.  11, 
1724.  S.  of  Robert  (1696),  clerk.  B.  at  Moulton,  Lines. 
School,  Moulton.  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732. 
Fellow,  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1731;  priest, 
Sept.  22,  1734.  P.C.  of  Sausthorpe,  Lines.,  1734.  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1080.) 

WILBY,  JONAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1604.  Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1607;  M.A.  1611.  Fellow, 
1613-7.   Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1617. 

WILBIE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Feb.  6, 
1576-7.  S.  of  Matthew,  of  Diss,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  Feb.  2, 
1561-2.  Schools,  Diss  and  Botesdale.  Matric.  i;-77. 

WILBYE,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1608;  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  R.  of  Eyke, 
Suffolk,  1616-29. 

WILBY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  10,  1595. 
Matric.  c.  1595.  Perhaps  V.  of  Roxby,  Lines.,  'B.A.,' 

WILBY,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July  r, 

1696.  S.  of  Robert,  clerk.  B.  in  Lincolnshire.  School, 
Boston.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  26,  1700;  priest,  Sept.  20, 1702.  V.  of  Moulton, 
Lines.,  1705.   Father  of  John  (1724). 

WILBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  26, 
1620.  S.  of  John,  yeoman.  B.  at  Wainfleet,  Lines.  School, 
Oakham.   Matric.  1620. 

WILCOX,  ABRAHAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  July  7, 

1697.  3rd  s.  of  John,  fanner.  B.  at  Castle  Bytham,  Lines. 
Schools,  Corby,  Lines.  (Mr  Stilton)  and  Stamford  (Mr 
Turner).  Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1702;  'C.  of  Corby';  priest 
(York)  Sept.  1708.  Probably  V.  of  North  Rauceby,  Lines., 

WYLCOCKS,  ANTHONY,    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

WILCOCKE,  ARTHUR.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  May  31, 

1666.    S.  of  Arthur,  gent.,  of  Crowan,  Cornwall.    B.  there. 

School,   Gt  Torrington   (Mr  Lanford).    Matric.   1667;  B.A. 

1669-70.   Ord.  priest  (Exeter)  June  2,  1672.   (Venn,  i.  428.) 

WILCOCKS,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1619;  B-.'V.  1623-4;  M.A.  1632.  V.  of  RadcIiffc-on-Trent, 
Notts.,  1624-33.   Died  1633. 

WILLCOCKS,  DIONYSIUS.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
June  25,  1644.  Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Brightling- 
sea,  Essex,  and  of  Tottenham  High  Cross, '  Esq.,  of  the  body 
of  King  Charles.'  B.  1629.  (Middlesex  Pedigrees;  Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634;  Moranl,  i.  454.) 

WILCOCKS,  FRANCIS.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1620-1; 
M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  3,  1621;  priest.  Mar. 9, 
1622-3.  V.  of  Nassington,  Northants.,  1627.  Licence, 
Feb.  25,  1627-8  (Peterb.)  to  marry  Ursula  Tooque,  of  South 
Lunenham,  Rutland. 

WiLcocKS,  Thomas 

WILCOX,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  siiar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  13,  1645. 
S.  of  Thomas  (?  1633),  R.  of  Powderham,  Devon.  Migrated 
to  Oxford.  B.A.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  1649.  FeUow 
of  Jesus  College,  Oxford  (by  the  Parliamentary  Visitors), 
1648.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Powderham,  Devon, 
1665.  Perhaps  his  will  (Exeter)  1675;  oi  Topsham,  clerk. 
(T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILCOX,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  6,  1720. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1723-4.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Oct.  17,  1724;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1725.  V.  of  Corby, 

WILCOX,  GERVASE.  .Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  5,  1718. 
Of  London. 

WILCOCKS,  HENRY.  D.D.  1511-2  (Incorp.  from  Tours).  R. 
of  Over,  Cambs.,  1518.  Probably  Fellow  at  King's  Hall, 
1511-4.  Canon  of  Lincoln,  1505-18.  Archdeacon  of  Lincoln, 
1515-8.  Apparently  identical  with  Henry  Wylcox,  D.C.L. 
(Oxford)  1513;  advocate  of  Doctors'  Commons,  1511;  R.  of 
Wood  Eaton,  Oxon.,  1504,  and  of  Eynsham,  1506.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (1511).  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WILKOCKE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1555. 

WILCOCKE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1567; 

Scholar,   1571,  Wylcocke;  B.A.   1571-2;  M.A.   1575.    Ord. 

deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  13,  1579;  priest,  Jan.  17,  1579-80. 

V.  of  Runham,  Norfolk.    Perhaps  V.  of  Dedbam,  Essex, 


WILCOCKE,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1554. 

WILCOCK  or  WILCOCKS,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Mag- 
dalene, Easter,  1625;  B.A.  1628;  M.A.  1632.  V.  of  Wad- 
hurst,  Sussex,  1650-62.  Buried  Feb.  29,  1661-2.  (One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Goudhurst,  Kent,  1640.) 

WILCOX,  JOHN.  D.D.  1511  (Incorp.  from  Tarragona  (?  Tours)). 
Similarly  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1508.  Prcb.  of  Tamworth, 
Staffs.,  1533.  One  Master  John  Wilcocks,  R.of  Arthingworth, 
Northants.,  c.  1500;  R.  of  Cranford  St  John,  1510;  S.T.B. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1511).   (Bridges,  11.  230.) 

WILCOKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Clare,  Michs.  1581. 

WILCOCK,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1618.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Usher  of 
Wakefield  School,  1623-34.  Will  (York)  1635;  'schoolmaster 
of  Bradford.' 

WILCOCKE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1632;  B.A.  1635-6. 

WILCOCKS,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  26,  1644.  S.  of 
John,  vintner,  of  Holy  Sepulchre,  Middlesex.  Migrated  to 
St  John's,  Sept.  6,  1645,  age  16.  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1647-8; 
M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1652.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1650. 

WILCOCKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  25,  1672.  Of 
Nottingham.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1675.  V.  of  Whatton-in-the-Vale,  Notts., 
1679-87.  Died  1687.  (Godfrey,  Notts.) 

WILCOX,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  3,  1708.  B.  at 
Grantham,  Lines.  Matric.  1708;  B..K.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715; 
D.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1714.  Taxor,  1720.  Master 
of  Clare,  1736-62.  Vice-Chancellor,  1736-7  and  1751  2. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  19,  1714;  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  23, 
1716.  V.  of  Madingley,  Cambs.,  1721-30.  V.  of  Everton, 
Beds.,  1730-2.  V.  of  St  Mary  .Abbots,  Kensington,  Middle- 
sex, 1731-62.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1732-62.  Sub-dean  of 
York,  1750-62.  Died  in  College,  Sept.  16,  1762.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Left  his  fortune  for  the  building  of  the  College  Chapel. 
(Coll.  Hist.,  158.) 

WILCOCKES,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  II,  1656-7.  S.  of  John.  B.  in  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1657.  Migrated  to  Pembroke,  July  2,  1659.  B..A. 
1660-1:  M.A.  1664.  Ord.  priest  (London)  June,  1664.  V.  of 
Harrow-on-the-Hill,  Middlesex,  1664-1702.  P.C.  of  Kings- 
bury, 1683-1702.  Died  before  May  15,  1702.  (Peile.  i.  575-) 

WILCOX,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  May,  1545. 

WILCOKS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1588. 

WILCOCKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1627;  B..^.  1630-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  16,  1633. 

WILCOCKES,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  SutTolk,  pleb.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  15, 
1610,  ago  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1622;  M.A.  from  Pembroke 
College,  Oxford,  1625.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Powderham, 
Devon,  1629-64,  and  father  of  Francis  (16(5).  But  set  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.   (.41.  Oxon.) 

WILLCOCKES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mav  9,  164.'.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Knaveston  (or  Knos- 
sington),  Lcics.  B.  at  Braunston.  Rutland.  School,  Oakham 
(Mr  Stackehousc).  Matric.  1642.  One  of  those  names  buried 
at  Knossington,  Leics.,  July  20,  1697.   (Nichols,  11.  657.) 


WiLcocKS,  Thomas 

WILCOCKS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  i8,  1703; 
B.A.   (Incorp.   from   Oxford).    S.   of  Thomas,  of   Pinhoe, 
Devon.    Matric.  {Exeter  College,  Oxford)   Mar.  27,    1699, 
age  18;  B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford)  1702-3.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WILCOCKS,  TIMOTHY.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  22,  1665.   S.  of  Stephen.   B.  at  Nottingham.    Matric. 
1665;  B.A.  1668-9:  M.A.  1675.   Signed  for  deacon's  orders 
(London)  June  4,  1669;  'C.  of  Beaconsfield,  Bucks.' 
WILCOCKE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  8,  1619. 
S.  of  James,  goldsmith,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.    Bapt.   there. 
May  I,  1603.    School,  Lynn  (Mr  Robsone).    Matric.  1620; 
Scholar,  1620.    Migrated  to  Caius,  Oct.  26,  1622,  age  19. 
B.A.  1622-3.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  7;  priest,  June  8, 
1623.    Perhaps  minister  of  Claxby  and  Normanby,  Lines., 
1647.  One  of  these  names  Head  Master  of  Bradford  School, 
Yorks.;  died  1635.  {Venn,  1.  159.) 
WILCOX,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Lent,  1637-8. 
One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  St  Ives,  Corn- 
wall, gent.,'  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  5,  1639. 
WILLCOCKE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  8,  1715.   S.  of  William,  clerk.   B.  at  Ousebum,  Yorks. 
School,    Threshfield.     Matric.    1715;    B.A.    1718-9.     Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June  12,  1720. 
WYLKOCKS,  ZACHARY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Michael  House, 
Easter,  1544. 

WILCOX, .  M.A.  1500-1. 

WILCOCKSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  29, 

1719.  Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1723-4. 
WILCOCKSON,  WILLIAM.    M.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Matric.  (BaUiol  College,  Oxford)  May  ii,  1615,  age  15  {der. 
fil.);B.A.  (Oxford)  1618;  M.A.  1621-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  19,  1619.  R.  of  Rugby,  Warws.,  1627.  {Al.  Oxon.) 
WILD,  see  also  WELD. 

WYLD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1601.    Of  Sufiolk.    B.A.  1604.    R.  of  Rickinghall  superior, 
Suffolk,  1614-28.  Died  1628. 
WYLDE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1608. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Canterbury.   B.  at  St  Martin's, 
Kent.    B.A.  161 1-2;  M.A.  1615.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  1617-8,  age  24.  Canon  of  Canter- 
bury,   1622-4.    V.  of  Godmersham,    Kent,   1623-4.    Died 
1624.  Will,  P.C.C.   Brother  of  John  (1597).   {Peile,  i.  269; 
Al.  Oxon.;  Hasted,  111.  ii.  163.) 
WILD,  FLORENCE.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1611. 
WILDE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Oct.  3,  1569. 
S.  of   Robert,  of  Felmersham,   Beds.    School,   Cambridge 
(probably  King's  College  School,  and  chorister  there).   One 
of  these  names  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jan.  7,  1586-7;  of 
Lincoln  diocese.   {Venn,  i.  65.) 
WILD,  GEORGE.    LL.B.  1635  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).    S.  of 
Henry,  of  London,  pleb.   B.  Jan.  9,  1609-10.   School,  Mer- 
chant Taylors'.  Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  13, 
1629,  age  19;  B.C.L.,  1634-5;  D.C.L.,  1647;  D.D.  (Dublin) 
1661.   Fellow  of  St  John's  College,  Oxford,  1631-48.  Chap- 
lain to  Archbishop  Laud.   V.  of  St  GUes',  Reading.    R.  of 
Biddenden,  Kent,  1640,  sequestered.  Perhaps  R.  of  Lambeth, 
Middlesex,    1660-2.     Bishop   of   Derry,    1661-5.     Died   at 
Dublin,  Dec.  29    1665.   Buried  in  Christ  Church  Cathedral. 
Will,  DubUn.  {Al.  Oxo^i.;  D.N.B.) 
WYLDE,  HENRY.   Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  7,  1593. 
S.  of  Cuthbert.    B.  at  Harrow,  Middlesex.   School,  Elstree 
(Mr  String).    Matric.  c.  1593;  B.A.  1596-7;  Scholar,  1597- 
1600;  M..4l.  1600;  B.D.  1609.    Fellow,  1602-10.    Incorp.  at 
Oxford,   1603.    V.  of  Newbold-upon-Avon,  Warws.,   1611. 
R.  of  Clifton,  Notts.,   1623-33;   of  Alderton,   Northants., 
1632-4.    R.  of  Ashton,  1634;  of  Pitsford,  1636-40.   Buried 
there  Dec.  26,  1640.  {Venn,  i.  149;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILD,  HENRY.   Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1623. 
S.  of  Dorothy,  of  London,  widow.  B.  Aug.  i6,  1607.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 
WILD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  23, 1664. 
S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Low    Fumess,  Lanes.    B. 
there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1667-8. 
WILD,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  July  2, 
1669.   S.  of  James,  of  Raby,  Durham.  Bapt.  May  28,  1650, 
at  Stainforth.  School,  Brignall,  Yorks. 
WILDE,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  30,  1677;  from 
Trinity  College,  Dublin  (three  years'  residence  there).    Of 
Lancashire.  S.  of  Samuel,  merchant.  B.A.  1677-8;  Scholar, 
1678.   Perhaps  M.A.  1682  {Lit.  Reg.). 
WYLD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1570. 
WILDE,    JOHN.     Matric.    Fell.-Com.    from     Christ's,    1597. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Canterbury,   Kent.    Adm.  at 
Gray's   Inn,  Nov.   21,    1600;   of  St   Martin's,  Canterbury. 
Knighted,  July  5,  1607.  Of  Dargate  Manor,  Kent.  Married 

Wild,  Robert 

Anna,  dau.  of  Robert  Honywood,  of  Charing.  Died  Apr.  26, 
1635.  Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Brother  of  Edward 
(1608)  and  father  of  Robert  (1623).  {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619; 
Hasted,  iii.  11,  where  he  is  called  s.  of  John.) 
WILD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1608  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Worcester- 
shire, gent.  S.  of  George,  Serjeant-at-Law,  of  Kempsey, 
Worcs.  (and  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  Edmund  Huddleston,  of 
Sawston,  Cambs.).  B.  1590.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford) 
Jan.  18,  1604-5,  ^S^  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1607;  M.A.  1610. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1603.  Barrister-at-Law,  1612. 
Bencher,  1628.  Serjeant-at-Law,  1636.  M.P.  for  Droitwich, 
1620-2,  1624,  1625,  1626,  1628-9,  1640;  for  Worcs.,  1640-53; 
for  Bewdley,  1659.  Lay  member  of  the  Westminster 
Assembly,  1643.  Commissioner  for  the  Great  Seal,  1643. 
Judge  of  Assize,  in  1646.  Member  of  the  Council  of  State, 
1649  and  1650.  Recorder  of  Worcester,  1646.  Chief  Baron 
of  the  Exchequer,  1648-53  and  1660.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Harries,  Bart.,  of  Tong  Castle,  Salop.  Died 
1669.  Buried  at  Wherwell,  Hants.  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.; 
Nash,  II.  331.) 
WILD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  26)  at  Magdalene,  June  8, 1661. 
S.  of  John,  of  Westlear  (?),  Notts.  School,  Ripon.  Migrated 
to  Queens',  Feb.  1,  1661-2.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1664-5. 
Perhaps  1st  usher  at  Repton  School,  Derbs.,  1665-7.  Ord. 
priest  (York)  Sept.  1681. 
WILDE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1663.  Doubtlesss.  of  Robert  (1631-2).  B.A.  1666-7.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1669-70;  M.A.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford)  1670. 
Probably  V.  of  Weekley,  Northants.,  167S-82.  Perhaps 
buried  at  Oundle,  Sept.  25,  1682.  Doubtless  brother  of 
Robert  (1668).  (H.  I.  Longden;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  26,  1671. 
S.  and  h.  of  Anthony,  gent.,  deceased.  School,  York. 
Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  1674-5; 
priest,  Sept.  1677.  Perhaps  R.  of  Tempsford,  Beds.,  1691- 
1702.  Buried  there  May  3,  1702.  (But  in  Genealog.  Bedford, 
he  is  called 'James.')  (W.M.Noble.) 
WILD,  JOHN.  'Of  King's  College,"  when  ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  1700.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Little  Yeldham,  Essex, 
1705-45;  died  1745- 
WILD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  27,  1699.  Of 
Leicestershire.  Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Long  Whatton, 
Leics.  Matric.  1699;  LL.B.  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  24,  1704.  Probably  of  Long  Whatton,  Leics.,  clerk; 
a  Governor  of  Appleby  School,  in  1707.  Married  Sarah,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Moore,  of  Gt  Appleby.  Died  June  11,  1739, 
aged  57.  Buried  at  Long  Whatton.  M.I.  (A^«c/(o/s,  iii.  1109; 
IV.  441.) 
WYLD,  MARMADUKE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May, 

1569.   Perhaps  of  Hunton,  Yorks. 
WYLDE  or  WELD,  PETER.   M.A.  1455.   Fellow  of  St  C.tha- 
rine's,  1473  (the  first  appointed).  Of  Picardy.  R.  of  Coton, 
Cambs.,  1474.    V.  of  CampsaU,  Yorks.,  1484-c.  1505  (pre- 
sented by  the  University).   (Gr.  Bk,  A,  i.) 
WILD,  RICHARD.   B.A.  151&-7;  M.A.  1519-  A  priest. 
WILD,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  1523-4.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

St  Mary's,  Nottingham;  deprived,  1554. 
WYLDE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  29,  1561.  Of  Mansfield,  Notts.  Probably  s.  of 
WUUam,  of  Nettleworth.  Matric.  1561;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A. 
1569.  Fellow,  1564-70.  Afterwards  a  physician.  Probably 
lord  of  the  manor  of  Nettleworth,  in  1583.  {Harwood; 
Burke,  L.G.,  Supp.) 
WYLD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1608. 
Probably  s.  of  Henry,  of  Thomham,  Middleton,  Lanes. 
B.  at  Thomhew  (?  Thomham),  Lanes.  Bapt.  Apr.  25,  1591, 
at  Middleton.  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chester);  priest  (London)  Dec.  1613,  age  25.  Probably  C.  of 
Stretford,  Lanes., in  1618;  C.of  Milnrow,  1634-42.  Doubtless 
father  of  the  next.  {Peile,  i.  270;  E.  Axon.) 
WILD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  ir, 
1653.  Doubtless  s.  of  Richard  (above).  B.  at  Milnrow,  near 
Rochdale,  Lanes.  Bapt.  June  21,  1635,  at  Rochdale.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1653.  {Peile,  i.  551;  E.  Axon.) 
WYLD,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1656  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Queen's  College,  Oxford)  June  14,  1649;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1652-3;  M.A.  1655.  Probably  R.  of  Hedley,  Surrey,  1663. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 
WILD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1671.  S.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of  Bury,  Lanes.  B.  there, 
May  6,  1650.  School,  Bury. 
WILDE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  June  26, 
1623.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (1597),  of  Chatham,  Kent.  B.  at 
Markshall,  Kent.  Schools,  Markshall  (private)  and  Canter- 
bury (private).  Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1625-6.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Oct.  23,  1626.  Died  s.p.  before  Apr.  26,  1635.  {Kent 
Vis.,  1610;  Peile,  1.  352;  Hasted,  in.  11.) 


Wild,  Robert 

WYLDES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1628. 

WYLDE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  26, 
1631-2.  S.  of  Robert,  shoemaker,  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.  B. 
there.  School,  St  Ives  (private).  Matric.  1632;  Scholar, 
1634;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639;  B.D.  (Oxford)  1642;  D.D. 
(Cambridge)  1661  [Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18, 
1637-8;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1639.  R.  of  Aynhoe,  Northants., 
1646-62,  ejected,  retired  to  Oundle.  R.  of  TatlenbiU,  Staffs., 
1660-2.  Author,  Iter  Boreale,  and  other  poems.  Buried  at 
Oundle,  July  30,  1679.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1680.  Doubtless  father 
of  the  next  and  of  John  (1663).  (Al.  Oxen.;  D.N.B.;  J.  Ch. 

WILDE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1668.  S.  of  Robert 
(above),  of  Tattenhill,  Staffs.,  D.D.  Matric.  (Brasenose 
College,  Oxford)  May  17,  i66i,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664-5. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Chiddingley, Sussex.  R.  of  Blyborough,  Lines., 
1672.  R.  of  Toppesfield,  Essex,  1674-91.  Died  Feb.  25, 
1690-1.  M.I.  at  Toppesfield.  Will,  P.C.C.  Doubtless  brother 
of  John  (1663).   {Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILD,  ROGER.  B.A.  1519-20.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1521-2. 
M.A.  (Oxford)  1524-5.  Perhaps  R.  of  Gravesend,  Kent, 
1530;  R.  of  Milton,  1531.  Perhaps  canon  of  Wells,  1537. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

WILDE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1661. 
B.  at  Rochdale,  Lanes.   Matric.  Easter,  1663;  B.A.  1666-7. 
Fellow,  1665-7.  V.  of  Islington,  Norfolk,  1667-92,  and  V.  of 
Lynn.   (Harwood.) 
WILDE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  29,  1662. 
WILDE,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.). 
WILD  or  WYLDE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  II,  1720.  S.  of  John,  of  Belbroughton,  Worcs.  School, 
Hartlebury,  Worcs.   (Mr  Braughton).    Matric.   1720;  B.A. 

WILD,  WILLIAM.  Of  Queens'  (probably  Fellow).  B.  at 
Yelden,  Beds.  B.Can.L.  1454-5;  D.Can.L.  1462-3.  R.  of 
St  Leonard's,  Colchester,  Essex,  1464-7.  R.  of  St  Mary-at- 
Hili,  London,  1467;  there  in  1494,  and  of  Bishop's  Stortford, 
Herts.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1467-1504;  Treasurer,  1467-74, 
S.T.B.;  Precentor,  1494-1504.  R.  of  Little  Ilford,  Essex, 
1488-90.  Died  1504.  Will,  dated  May  7,  1504;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  June  8,  1504;  to  be  buried  in  the  Cathedral.  (Men- 
tions a  Master  William  WUde  (?  the  next)  whom  he  presented 
to  the  vicarage  of  Barkway,  Herts.)  Benefactor  to  Queens'. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  West  Wratting,  Cambs.,  c.  1487. 
(Searle,  122;  Hennessy,  10,  14.) 

WILD  or  WYLDE,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  and  FeUow  of  King's 
Hall,  1454-68.  Possibly  V.  of  Barkway,  Herts.;  will 
(P.C.C.)  1506-7;  see  note  to  William  (above). 

WILD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  31,  1699. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Possibly  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Long  Whattoa. 
Leics.  [see  also  John  (1699),  but  according  to  Nichols,  iii. 
1107,  this  WiUiam  had  only  one  son,  John].  Matric.  1699: 
B.A.  1702-3. 

WILD, .   Com.  for  B.A.  1478-9. 

WILD, .  B.Can.L.  1498-9. 

WILDBLOOD  or  WILBLUD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney, 
July,  1600;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  26;  priest,  June  27,  161 1.  V.  of  Rothwell,  Northants., 
i6i2-8.  V.  of  Swavesey,  Cambs.,  1616-36.  R.  of  Little 
Oakley,  Northants.,  1617-54.  Buried  there,  Apr.  16,  1654. 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 

WILDBORE,  see  also  WELBORE. 

WILDBORE,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1607.  S.  of  Godfrey,  of  Clinton,  Northants.  B.  c. 
1590.  Migrated  to  Sidney,  Feb.  11,  1608-9.  B.A.  1610-1; 
M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1621;  D.D.  1633.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  30,  1613;  priest,  June  19,  1614.  V.  of  Garstang,  Lanes., 
1621-45.  V.  of  Preston,  1626-30.  V.  of  Lancaster,  1630-43, 
sequestered.  Married  Anne  Chadderton,  of  Wigan,  in  1618. 
Buried  at  Dufifield,  Derbs.,  Apr.  19,  1654.  Admon.  (P.C.C.) 
Oct.  1654.   {Vis.  of  Northants.,  1618;  R.  Stewart-Brown.) 

WILEBORE,  GILBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Nov. 
7,  1628.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  Knottingley,  Yorks. 
School,  Midridge  Grange,  Durham  (Mr  John  Kearton). 
Matric.  1628,  'John';  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  V.  of 
Hcighington,  Durham.  Buried  there  July  21,  i66i.  Brother 
of  John  (1G22-3). 

WILDBORE,  GODFREY.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1628.   Of 

WILDBORE,  GODFREY.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

June    18,    1636.    S.   of   Robert,   husbandman,   of   Arksey, 

Yorks.    13.  there.    School,  Doncaster  (Mr  Mccrs).    Matric. 

1636;  B.A.  1639-40.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1641. 

Probably  of  Bentlcy,  clerk;  one  of  the  supervisors  of  the 

will  of  Jeremiah  Wildbore,  of  Bentley,  gent.,  June  5,  1661. 

{Yorks.  Arch.  Journal,  iv.  378.) 

WiLDBORE,  Thomas 

WILDBORE,  GODFREY.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  c.  1676. 

WILDBORE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Jan.  24, 
1624-5.  S.  of  Matthew,  farmer.  B.  at  Hartshorn,  Derbs. 
School,  Newark,  Notts.  (Mr  Ri.  Parsons).  Matric.  1625; 
B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  10, 
1638-9.  Master  of  Peterborough  School,  1636-46.  R.  of 
Little  Gidding,  Hunts.,  1664-74.  R-  of  Steeple  Gidding, 
1665-74.  Married  Hester,  dau.  of  Humfrey  Austin,  minor 
canon  of  Peterborough,  June  17,  1662.  Died  1674.  Father 
of  John  (1678). 

WYLDBORE  or  WYLBOROWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pers.  from 
Jesus,  Lent,  1563-4;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571.  FeUow,  1571. 

WILDBORE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1598.  S.  of 
John,  of  Tinwell,  Rutland.  Scholar,  1602;  B.A.  1602-3; 
M.A.  1606;  B.D.  from  Sidney,  1613.  Fellow  of  Sidney. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1605.  V.  of  Trinity 
Church,  Cambridge,  1609-16.  R.  of  Tinwell  and  Ingthorpe, 
Rutland,  1616-45.  Died  Oct.  27,  1645.  Father  of  John 
(1638).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1082.) 

WILDBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  30, 
1620.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Wilsthorpe,  Lines.  School,  Oakham. 
Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  22,  1626;  priest,  Jan.  21,  1629-30.  R.  of  Wittering, 
Northants.,  1633-62,  ejected,  but  reinstated.  Preb.  of 
Peterborough,  1660.  Died  1662.  Father  of  John  (1647). 

WYLBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  7, 
1622-3.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Knottingley,  Yorks.  B.  at 
Wharton,  Lines.  School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1623.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  20,  1638.  Married  Baptiste,  dau.  of 
John  Grahamsditch.  Brother  of  Gilbert  (1628).  (H.  M. 

WYLDBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 
1638.  S.  of  John  (1598),  B.D.,  R.  of  Tinwell,  Rutland. 
B.  there.  School,  Peterborough  (Mr  James  Wylbore). 
Matric.  1639.  Of  Lincoln.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Frances 
Quarles,  of  Ufford,  Northants.,  June  27,  1659.  Died  Nov.  3, 
1674.  Buried  at  St  Georges,  Stamford.  Father  of  John 
(1675-6)  and  Robert  (1688).  {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1082.) 
WYLDBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  28, 
1647.  S.  of  John  (1620)  R.  of  Wittering,  Northants.  Bapt. 
Oct.  3,  1630,  at  Thomn.ugh,  Northants.  Matric.  1647-8; 
B.A.  1651;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1655.  Fellow  of  Clare,  c.  1652, 
ejected.  Approved  for  the  Presbyterian  ministry  at  Cam- 
bridge, June  16,  1658.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  3,  1666-7. 
WILDBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June  20, 
1650.  S.  of  John,  Esq.  B.  at  Clinton,  Northants.  School, 
Uppingham  (Mr  Meres).  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  May  20,  1656. 
WILBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  9, 
1665.  S.  of  Philip.  B.  at  Wetherby,  Yorks.  School,  Spofforth 
(Mr  Leigh).  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June,  1668;  priest,  June,  1671.  V.  of  Hayton,  Notts.,  1673. 
V.  of  Clareborough,  1696.  Licensed,  June  13,  1670,  to  marry 
Mary  Southworth,  of  Clareborough.  Died  before  Dec.  1707. 
{Peile,i.  618;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WILDBORE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  8, 
1675-6.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1638),  deceased,  of  Uflord, 
Northants.  B.  there.  School,  Stamford.  Matric.  1675-6. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1688).  {Vis.  of  Lines.,  1666;  Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1082,  where  the  College  is  wTongly  given.) 
WILDBOARE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  June 
20,  1678.  S.  of  James  (1624-5),  clerk.  B.  at  Steeple  Gidding, 
Hunts.  School,  Peterborough  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1679; 
B.A.  1681-2.  Buried  Jan.  5,  1682-3,  age  18,  in  Peterborough 
Cathedral.  M.I.  (styled  a  'petti-canon  '). 
WILDBORE,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  26,  1733;  Fell. -Com.,  Nov.  22,  1735.  S.  of  John,  of 
Peterborough.  School,  Hackney,  Lordon  (Mr  Newcombe). 
Matric.  1733-  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Mar.  27,  1735. 

WILBORE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  Caius,  Jan.  28, 
1638-9.  S.  of  Lawrence,  gent.,  deceased,  of  Balne,  East 
Riding,  Yorks.  B.  at  Norton.  School,  Wakefield.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  20,  1637.  Perhaps  his  will,  dated, 
Sept.  5,  1651;  proved  (P.C.C.)  1653;  of  Bentley,  near  Balne 
and  Norton;  relict  Mary,  and  a  son,  Richard.  One  of  these 
names  of  Balne,  Yorks.,  1659;  married  Jane  Fletcher,  of 
York;  probably  buried  at  York,  Feb.  9,  1681;  as  Captain 
Robert.  {Venn,  i.  333;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 
WYLDBORE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity  July  2 
1688.  S.  of  John  (1638).  B.  at  Stamford.  Lines.  School', 
Stamford  (Mr  Robert  Smith).  Matric.  16S8.  Brother  of 
John  (1675-6). 

WILBORE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's   Easter 



WiLDBORE,  William 

WVLBORE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1533-4-  One  of  these  names 
V.  of  Arksey,  Yorks.,  1532;  died  there. 

WYLBORE,  ZACHARY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1571.  Of  Bentley,  Yorks.  Married  Mary  Jackson,  at 
Arksey,  Nov.  16,  1600.  Buried  Nov.  18,  1634,  at  Arksey. 
Father  of  the  next.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WILBORE,  ZACHARY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  I,  1622-3.  S.  of  Zachary  (above).  Bapt.  Mar.  6,  1605, 
at  Bentley,  near  Doncaster,  Yorks.  School,  Kirkby.  Matric. 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7.  (Peile,  i.  348;  Yorks.  Arch.  Journal,  iv. 

WILBORE,   .     B.A.    1508-9;    M.A.    1512.     One   William 

Wilbore,  R.  of  Barsham,  Suffolk,  1516-33. 

WILDER,  ROGER.  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  c.  1500.  Of 
Lancashire.  Will  (V.C.C.)  1506; 'Wedyr.' 

WILDGOOSE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1631.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Ansley, 
of  Salehurst,  Sussex,  Knt.  (and  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Leonard,  Lord  Dacre).  Student  at  Leyden,  in  1634.  {Vis. 
of  Sussex.) 

WILDING,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  27,  1657.  S.  of  Philip,  deceased,  of  Shrewsbury.  B. 
there.  School,  Wem  (Mr  Roderike).  Matric.  1657;  B.A. 

WILDING,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1597-8.  B. 
at  Chester.  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (London)  Mar.  1609-10;  'of  Goudhurst,  Kent.'  R.  of 
Selattyn,  Salop,  1610-59.  Died  Mar.  (?  Feb.)  11,  1658-g, 
aged  80.  Buried  at  Selattyn.  Father  of  Thomas  (1632). 
{Peile,  I.  224;  W.  M.  Nugoldston.) 

WILDING,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 
17,  1697.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Bretherton,  Lanes.  Bapt. 
Apr.  i8i  1680,  at  Croston.  Matric.  1697;  Scholar,  1698-9; 
B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  31, 
1702;  priest  (London)  May  23, 1703.  R.  of  Throcking,  Herts., 
in  1706.  R.  of  Aspeden,  1707-43.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of 
Ely.  Died  before  Apr.  1743.  Father  of  Richard  (1728-9). 
{Peile,  11.  138.) 

WILDING,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  13, 
1723.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Shropshire.  Matric.  1723;  Scholar, 
1726;  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730. 

WILDING,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Jan.  7, 
1728-9.  S.  of  Richard  (1697).  B.  at  Aspeden,  Herts.  School, 
Buntingford  (Mr  Sherson).  Matric.  1729-30;  Scholar,  1729; 
B.A.  1732-3;  M.A.  1736.  Fellow,  1735-50.  Senior  Greek 
Lecturer  and  Mildmay  Preacher,  1744  and  1745.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1741.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  20,  1736;  priest. 
May  28,  1738.  V.  of  AmweU,  Herts.,  1743-74.  V.  of  Little 
Canfield,  1749-74.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Willoughby  de  Broke. 
Died  Mar.  13,  1774,  at  Canfield.  Buried  there.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
{Peile,  II.  219;  A  I.  Oxon.) 

VILDING,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  26, 
1632.  S.  of  James  (1597-8),  R.  of  Selattj-n,  Salop.  Bapt. 
there,  June  11,  1615.  School,  Coventry  (Mr  White).  Matric. 
1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  FeUow,  1638-44;  ejected; 
reappears  in  1660  and  would  have  been  reappointed  Fellow 
in  1661,  but  the  College  compounded  by  giving  him  £20,  on 
account  of  his  sufferings  and  to  save  the  charge  of  another 
supernumerary.  Canon  of  St  Asaph,  1672.  R.  of  Selattyn, 
1675-8.  Died  Apr.  4,  1678.  Buried  at  Selattyn.  {Peile,  1. 

WILDING,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1624-5.  Ord. 
priest  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1627.  Intruded  R.  of  Plumpton, 
Northants.,  Apr.  9,  1647.  Will  dated,  Sept.  29,  1670;  proved 
(.\rchd.  Northants.)  Dec.  2,  1673;  desired  to  be  buried  in 
Plumpton  Church.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WILDMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Lent,  1634-5.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  John  (1637). 

WILDMAN,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
June  23,  1691.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Thornton,  in  Lonsdale, 
Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh  [adm.  there  as  'Alfred'].  Matric. 
1691.   {Peile,  II.  122;  Sedbergh  Sch.  Reg.) 

WILDMAN,  JOHN.  Said  to  have  been  educated  at  Cambridge. 
The  well-known  politician  and  writer.  B.  c.  1621.  Served 
under  Fairfax,  1646-7.  Major  in  Colonel  John  Reynold's 
regiment  in  Ireland,  1649.  Imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of 
London  for  plotting  the  overthrow  of  the  Protector,  1655-6. 
Imnrisoned  on  suspicion  of  plotting  against  the  Government, 
1661-7.  Associated  with  Algernon  Sidney  and  others  in 
schemes  against  Charles  II  and  the  Duke  of  York,  c.  1681. 
Committed  to  the  Tower,  for  complicity  in  the  Rye  House 
Plot,  1683-4.  Became  Monmouth's  chief  agent  in  England, 
but  refused  to  join  him  when  he  landed.  Escaped  to  Holland; 
returned  with  WiUiam,  Prince  of  Orange.  M.P.  for  Wootton 

WiLFORD,  Francis 

Bassett,    1689.     Postmaster-General,    1689-91.     Knighted, 
Oct.  29,  1692.  Author,  political.  Died  June  2,  1693,  aged  72. 
Buried  at  Shrivenham,  Berks.    {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.,  where 
he  is  confused  with  a  namesake.) 
WILDMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1637.    Of   Norfolk.    B.A.    1640-1;   M.A.    1644.     Probably 
brother  of  Francis  (1634-5). 
WILDMAN,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  above  20)  at  Christ's, 
Dec.  18,  1663.  S.  of  John.   B.  at  Austwick,  Yorks.  School, 
Giggleswick.    Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.    In- 
corp. at  Oxford,   1682.    Ord.  deacon   (York)   Sept.   1668. 
R.  of  Avington,  Hants.,  1685-91.  R.  of  Cosgrave,  Northants., 
1691-8.   Buried  there  Jan.  6,  1698-9.    One  of  these  names 
Master  of  Thirsk  School,  1671-9.    (Peile,  1.  607;  Baker,  11. 
133;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILDMAN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  9,  1670.  S.  of  Hugh,  of  Settle,  Yorks.  School,  Giggles- 
wick.   Matric.  1670.    Migrated  to  Christ's,  Sept.  24,  1670. 
B.A.  1673-4.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  June;  priest,  Sept.  1674. 
-  V.  of  Carlton,  near  Skipton,  1684-91.  Died  1691.   {Peile,  11. 
32;  Giggleswick  Sch.  Reg.,  20.) 
WILDMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
28,  1692.  S.  of  Bryan,  husbandman.  B.  at  Tunstall,  Lanes. 
School,  Sedbergh.   Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1695-6.   Ord.  deacon 
(Chester)   Mar.   7,   1695-6;   priest,  Sept.   19,    1696.    C.  of 
Ulverston,  Lanes.,  1696-1714-    Buried  there  July  8,  1714- 
Admon.  (Archd.  Richmonds.)  1714-   (E-  Axon.) 
WYLDMAN,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter, 

1574:  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580. 
WILDMAN,    WILLIAM.     B.A.    from    Peterhouse,    1592-3- 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  1,  1594;  'M.A.  of  St  Peter's 
WILDMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  10,  1625. 
S.  of  James,  of  Yorkshire.    School,  Giggleswick.    Matric. 
1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.    One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Ore,  Hastings,  1638-47.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1647    {Peile,  i.  368.) 
WILDON,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1583. 

Of  Yorkshire. 
WYLDON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1596. 
WILES  or  WYLES,  ED.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  6,  1678-9. 
Matric.   1679;  B.A.   1682-3.    Ord.  deacon   (Norwich)  Dec. 
1683;  priest  (London)  Sept.  21,  1704- 
WILES,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  i,  1665. 
S.  and  h.  of  William,  gent.  B.  at  Sutterton,  Lines.   Matnc. 
WILFLETE  or  WOLFLET,  WILLIAM.   Master  of  Clare,  1448- 
55.    Chancellor  of  the  University,  1458,  1464,  1466.    R.  of 
Fulboum  St  Vigor,  Cambs.,  1443-70.    Dean  of  Stoke-by- 
Clare.  Died  Jan.  25,  1470.   {Clare  Coll.  Hist.) 
WILFORD,  see  also  WILSFORD. 

WILFORD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  13,  1592- 

Of  Kent.  Matric.  c.  1592. 
WILFORD  or  WILSFORD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare, 
1628.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Heding,  Kent.  Matric.  1628; 
B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1636;  D.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1660  {Lit. 
Reg.).  [Perhaps  3.D.  (Oxford)  1643,  WiUesford.]  Fellow 
of  Peterhouse,  1638-44.  A  staunch  Royalist;  present  at 
the  battle  of  Worcester,  1651.  Marshalled  the  nobility  and 
gentry  of  Kent  to  meet  Charles  II  on  his  arrival  at  Dover, 
1660.  V.  of  Lydd,  Kent,  in  1664;  Ucence  (Lambeth)  for 
non-residence,  May,  1664.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  the 
Earl  of  Castlehaven;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Dean  Bargrave. 
Diedbefore  June,  1670.  Buried  at  Lydd.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1628)  and  father  of  Richard  (1683).  {Vis.  of  Kent,  1619; 
Walker,  61;  Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale;  Hasted,  111.  75o,  where 
another  son  Richard  is  mentioned.) 
WYLFORD,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILFORD  or  WILSFORD,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1629,  Wilford.  Of  Kent.  Probably  s.  of 
Francis,  of  Dover.  B.  c.  1614.  Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1632-3, 
Wilsford;  M.A.  1636;  D.D.  1660  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1633. 
Master  of  Corpus  Christi  (by  Royal  mandate)  June  29,  1661- 
7.  Vice-Chancellor,  1665-6,  1666-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  24,  1637.  V.  of  St  Ippolyts,  Herts.,  1637-43.  R.  of 
Holywell  with  Needmgworth,  Hunts.,  1645-67.  Chaplain  to 
the  King,  i66o.  Archdeacon  of  Bedford,  1662-7.  Dean  of 
Ely,  1662.    R.  of  Landbeach,  Cambs.,  1667.   Died  July  18, 

1667.  Buried  in  the  College  Chapel.    Will  proved  (V.C.C.) 

1668.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Aug.  1667.   (Bentham,  Ely;  Vts.  of 
Kent,  1619;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  ill.  681.) 


WiLFORD,  Francis 

WILFORD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  28,  1661. 
Matric.  i66i. 

WILFORD,  GERSON.  Student  at  Cambridge,  in  1575.  S.  of 
John,  Merchant  Taylor.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Brother 
of  John  (1571)- 

WYLFORD,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1567.  Of  Kent.  S.  of  Thomas.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575.  Fellow,  1573.  Preb.  of  York, 
1578-1605.   V.  of  Sutton  Forest,  Vorks.,  1585-1605. 

WILFORD,  JAMES.    Matric.   pens,   from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILFORD,  JOHN  DE.  Adm.  a  scholar  at  King's  Hall,  Jan.  24, 

1350.   Promoted  to  a  benefice,  June  13,  1356. 

WILFORD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1560. 
Possibly  s.  of  Stephen,  of  Hadley,  Middlesex.  B.  c.  1545. 
Married  Elizabeth  Cordwell.  Buried  at  Enfield,  Aug.  20, 
1586.  Probably  father  of  William  (c.  1595).  (F.  C.  Cass, 
Monken  Hadley,  198.) 

WILFORD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1565. 
Probably  '2nd  s.  of  James,  of  London';  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  3,  1570-1.  Brother  of  William  (1565).  (Peile, 
I.  91;  Vis.  of  Kent,  16x9.) 

WILFORD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1571. 
S.  of  John,  Merchant  Taylor.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Brother  of  Gerson  (1575). 

WILFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Nov.  4,  1652.  Of 
London.  Matric.  1654;  Scholar,  1655;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A. 
1660.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28;  priest.  May  31, 

WILFORD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Nov.  30,  1683. 
Of  Kent.  S.  of  Edward  (1628),  D.D.  (According  to  Hasted, 
III.  750,  a  son  Richard,  who  was  captain  of  a  man-of-war, 
died  1682.)   Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1687-8. 

WILFORD,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1629. 
Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1595).  Bapt.  June  18,  1611,  at 
Enfield,  Middlesex.  Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1632-3:  M.A.  1636; 
D.D.  1663  (Lit.  Reg.).  V.  of  Marsworth,  Bucks.,  1650, 
sequestered  during  the  Great  Rebellion.  R.  of  Northchurcb, 
Herts.,  1661.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1665.  Buried  Mar.  30,  1675, 
at  Enfield.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  i675-  [Lipscomb,  in.;  F.C.Cass, 
Monken  Hadley.) 

WILFORD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1628. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Hading,  Kent,  Knt.,  and 
brother  of  Edward  (1628). 

WILFORD  or  WILSFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
Jan.  7,  1662-3.  Matric.  1663,  Wilsford;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A. 
1666-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  July  22,  1668.  V.  of  Sundon, 
Beds.,  1668-83.  V.  of  Streatley,  1673-83.  Married  (1)  Anne, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Cheyne,  Nov.  25,  1672;  (2)  Anne  White, 
Aug.  17,  1676.  Buried  Oct.  22,  1683,  at  Sundon. 

WYLFORDE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1565. 
Probably  'William,'  2nd  s.  of  James,  of  London.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1565). 

WYLFORDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WILFORD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Trinity,  c. 
1595.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1560),  of  Enfield,  Middlesex. 
Of  Enfield  and  Hadley.  Married  Magdalen,  dau.  of  Roger 
Taylor,  of  Aldersgate,  London.  Buried  at  Enfield,  Jan.  7, 
1625-6.  Will  (P.C.C)  1625-6.  Doubtless  father  of  Roger 
(1629).   (F.  C.  Cass,  Monken  Hadley.) 

WILGRACE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1638.   Of  Norfolk. 

WILKES,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

WILKES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  4, 
1731.  S.  of  Richard,  deceased.  B.  at  Tunstall,  Yorks. 
School,  Kirkheaton  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  i7'^i.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  July  6,  1731.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1739. 

WILKS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  Apr. 
22,  1725.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  East  Retford,  Notts. 
Matric.  1725;  Scholar,  1725;  B.A.  1728-9.  Litt.  dim.  from 
York  for  deacon,  Sept.  1729;  for  priest,  1733.  C.  of  Aston, 
Yorks.,  1729.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Eastergate,  Sussex, 
1749;  LL.B.;  died  Oct.  31,  1752;  of  Chichester  Cathedral. 
(G.  Mag.;  Dallaway,  11.  75.) 

WILKS,  JOHN.  Kept  two  terms  at  Cambridge.  B.A.  (Merton 
College,  Oxford)  1580-1;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1584. 

WILKS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606;  B.A. 
from  St  Catharine's,  1608-9.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  19; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  161 1.  C.  of  Alwalton,  Hunts.,  1613. 

WiLKiNS,  James 

WILKS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  26,  1651.  Of 
Worcestershire.  Matric.  1652;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658. 
Fellow,  1657.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1658.  R.  of  Frodesley, 
Salop,  1662.   R.  of  Pitchford,  1668.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WILKS,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  27,  1653.  Of 
Gloucestershire.  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656. 

WILKES,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1523-4;  M.A.  1527;  B.D.  1536-7- 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1526-42.  Proctor,  1533-4.  Lady 
Margaret  Preacher,  1539.  Master  of  Christ's,  1548-53, 
expelled.  V.  of  Littlebury,  Essex,  1 541-4.  R.  of  Pulham, 
Norfolk,  1542.  R.  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.,  1544.  Chaplain 
to  the  Bishop;  Master  of  St  John's  Hospital,  Ely,  1547. 
Preb.  of  Ely,  1550.  Retired  to  Ely,  1553.  Died  there  Oct.  15, 
1556.  {Peile,  I.  12;  Cooper,  i.  162;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  i.  357.) 

WILKES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs. 

WILKES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
13,  1709-10.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  Mar.  16,  1690-1, 
at  Willenhall,  near  Walsall,  Stafis.  School,  Sutton,  Warws. 
(Mr  Saunders).  Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1717. 
Fellow,  1717-23.  Practised  physic  at  Wolverhampton  and 
became  eminent  in  his  profession.  Married  (1)  Rachel,  dau. 
of  Roland  Manlove,  of  Leigh's  Hill,  Abbot's  Bromley, 
Staffs.,  June  24,  1725;  (2)  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Wrottes- 
ley,  Bart.  Author,  medical.  Buried  at  Bilston,  Mar.  4,  1760. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1760.   (Scott-Mayor;  D.N.B.;  Shaw,  u.  149.) 

WILKES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1605.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William  (1577),  of  Wisbech, 
Cambs.,  gent.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  31,  1609-10. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1616.   (Cambs.  Vis.,  1619.) 

WILKES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1558; 
Scholar,  1560;  B.A.  1562-3;  M.A.  1566.  Fellow,  1563. 

WILKES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  30, 
1577.  S.  of  Edward,  yeoman,  of  Wisbech,  Cambs.  School, 
Wisbech.  Matric.  1577;  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1580-1.  Of 
Wisbech,  Esq.,  in  1619.  Doubtless  father  of  Robert  (1605). 
(Venn,  i.  91.) 

WILKES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Sept.  7,  1636. 
Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1641-2. 

WILKIN,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1642-3.  Of 
Cambridge.  B.A.  1649-50. 

WILKIN,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1631. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Rodmersham,  Kent,  1640, 

WILKIN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1648-9.  Of 
Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1648-9;  B.A.  1652-3;  M..^.  1672. 
Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  May  25;  priest.  May  26,  i66o. 
R.  of  Isfield,  Sussex,  1672-90.  R.  of  Newick,  1672--90. 
Buried  there  June  16,  1690.  Perhaps  brother  of  William 
(1645-6).   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WILKIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  5,  1620. 
Matric.  1621;  B.A.  1624-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  24, 
1625;  priest,  Mar.  5,  1625-6.  C.  of  Thetford  Chapel,  Stretham, 
Cambs.,  1626-32.  Probably  buried  at  St  Mary's,  Ely,  Oct. 
22,  1632;  clerk. 

WILKIN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  27,  1645- 
6.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1647-8;  B.A.  1649-56;  M.A. 
1653.   Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1648-9). 

WILKINS,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  2, 
1692.  Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1695-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  8,  1695-6;  priest  (Norwich)  Nov.  3,  1700. 
R.  of  Southmere  and  Docking,  Norfolk,  1703-4.  V.  of 
Thomham,  1704-33.  R.  of  Titchwell,  1704-33.  Died  1733. 
(Blomefield,  x.  395.) 

WYLKINS,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Dec.  3,  1562. 
Of  Stanningfield,  Suffolk.  S.  of  William.  School,  Bury  St 
Edmunds.   Matric.  1563.   Resident,  1564. 

WILKINS  (or  WILKE),  DAVID.  D.D.  1717  (Com.  Reg.).  B.  at 
Memel,  1685;  of  Prussian  parentage.  Lord  Almoner's  pro- 
fessor of  Arabic,  1724--9.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  20;  priest, 
Sept.  23,  1711.  Librarian  at  Lambeth,  1715-8.  R.  of  Little 
Mongeham,  Kent,  1716-9.  R.  of  Gt  Chart,  1719-  Chaplain 
to  Archbishop  Wake,  1719-  R-  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  1719-45. 
R.  of  Monks  Klcigh,  1719-45.  F.S..\.,  1720.  Preb.  of  Cinter- 
bury,  1720-45.  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk,  1724-45.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Lord  Fairfax,  Nov.  15,  1725. 
Author,  Concilia  Magnae  Britanniae  et  Hiberniae.  Died 
Sept.  6,  1745,  aged  62.  Buried  at  Hadleigh.  Will,  P.C.C, 

WILKINS,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1740.  S.  of  Howell, 
of  St  Davids,  Pembroke.  Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford) 
May  11,  1724.   Perhaps  B..^.  (Oxford). 


WiLKiNS,  John 

WILKINS,  JOHN.  M.A.  1639  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  D.D. 
1658-9  (do.).  S.  of  Walter,  of  Oxford.  B.  at  Fawsley, 
Northants.  Matric.  (New  Inn  HaU,  Oxford)  May  4,  1627, 
age  13;  B.A.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  1631;  M.A.  1634. 
Created  B.D.  1648  and  D.D.  (Oxford)  1649.  Warden  of 
Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1648-59.  Master  of  Trinity, 
Cambridge,  1659.  V.  of  Fawsley,  Northants.,  1637.  Canon 
of  York,  1660-8.  Preacher  of  Gray's  Inn,  1661.  R.  of 
Cranford,  Middlesex,  1661.  V.  of  St  Lawrence  Jewry, 
1662-8.  R.  of  Polebrook,  Northants.,  1666-7.  Canon  and 
precentor  of  Exeter,  1667-8.  Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1668. 
F.R.S.,  1663  (one  of  the  founders);  first  secretary  of  the 
Royal  Society,  1668.  Dean  of  Ripon,  1668.  R.  of  Wigan, 
1668-72.  Bishop  of  Chester,  1668-72.  Adhered  to  the 
parliamentary  side  in  the  Civil  War  and  took  the  covenant, 
but  afterwards  acknowledged  allegiance  to  Charles  II  and 
later  to  the  usurpers.  Married  Robina  French,  widow,  sister 
of  Oliver  Cromwell,  Lord  Protector.  Author,  mathematical, 
etc.  Died  Nov.  19,  1672.  Buried  Dec.  12,  1672,  at  St 
Lawrence  Jewry.  {D.N.B.;  Baker,  1.  388,  395;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILKINS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  1, 
1672.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  North  Pickenham,  Norfolk.  B. 
at  MUdenhall,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Swaffham  (Dr  Needham) 
and  Seaming  (Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1672;  Scholar,  1672-8; 
B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  23, 
1677;  priest,  May  10,  1680.  Probably  R.  of  Sporle  and 
Palgrave,  Norfolk,  1682-90  (but  said  in  Consig.  Bk,  1686, 
to  have  been  ordained  priest  at  Norwich,  Mar.  7,  1679-80). 
Died  June  16,  1690.  Will  (Norwich  C.  C.)  1690;  of  Sporle. 
{Venn,  i.  446.) 

WILKINS, .  Com.  for  M.A.  1474-5- 

WYLLKINS   (or  WYCKINGS),  .    Sizar  of   Peterhouse, 

Lent,  1543-4- 
WILKINSON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  2,  I7i5- 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Boroughbridge,  and  of 
Aldborough,  Yorks.  B.  at  Boroughbridge.  Matric.  1715. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  8,  1719-  M.P.  for  Ald- 
borough, 1735-65.  Chief  Store-Keeper  of  the  Ordnance, 
1746.  Steward  of  the  manor  of  East  Hendred,  Berks.,  1772. 
Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  WilUam  Jessop,  of  Broomhall, 
Yorks.,  Esq.,  Sept.  2,  1723.  Perhaps  died  at  Boroughbridge, 
Mar.  29,  1784.  Perhaps  brother  of  Charles  (1723).  father  of 
Charles  (1742)  and  James  (1748).  (G-  Mag.;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 
WILKINSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1602;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  21,  1607,  age  24;  'C.  of  Thursford';  priest, 
Dec.  20,  1607.  V.  of  Lakenham,  Norfolk,  1610.  V.  of  Did- 
lington,  1615-22.  R.  of  Colveston,  1616-22.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Flixton,  Suffolk,  1622-33. 
WILKINSON,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1604;  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1606-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chester)  June  11;  priest,  June  12,  1609.  C.  of  Sutton, 
Lines.,  in  1614. 
WILKINSON,  CALEB.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1638; 
B.A.  1641;  M.A.  1646.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Sept.  25,  1642 
R.  of  Foxholes,  Yorks.,  c.  1642-1710.  Died  1710. 
WILKINSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  10,  1723- 
Perhaps  s.  of  Charles,  of  Boroughbridge,  Yorks.  B.  at 
Ripley,  Yorks.  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1726-7.  Perhaps  Re- 
ceiver-General for  Yorks.;  died  Nov.  i735-  Probably 
brother  of  Thomas  (1719)  and  perhaps  brother  of  Andrew 
WILKINSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  July  2, 
1742.  S.  of  Andrew  (1715),  of  Boroughbridge,  Yorks.,  Esq. 
Matric.  1742;  LL.B.  1748.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
July  23, 1742.  CaUedtotheBar,  1749.  M.P.  for  Aldborough, 
1774-7.  Steward  of  the  Chiltem  Hundreds,  Bucks.,  1777- 
(H.  A.  C.  Sturgess;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 
WILKINSON,    CHRISTOPHER.     B.A.    1529-30.     Fellow    of 

Peterhouse,  1531-c.  6. 
WILKINSON,  CHRISTOPHER.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Lent,  1577-8.   One  of  these  names  B.A.  (St  Edmund  Hall, 
Oxford)  July  2,  1585. 
WILKINSON,  CHRISTOPHER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, Easter,  1655.    Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Kirk- 
brigg,  Yorks.,  gent.    B.  c.  1636.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
1661.'  Married  three  wives.   Died  Jan.  13,  1693-4.   Buried 
at  Waddington.  Will,  York.   (Surtees,  iv.  3.) 
WILKINSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  May  29, 
1682     S    of  John.    B.  at  Horton,  Yorks.    School,  Horton 
(Mr  Armitage).    Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.    Ord.  deacon 
(Chester,  Litt.  dim.  from  York)  Sept.  25,  1687.  C.  of  Armley, 
Yorks.,  1690-1707.    Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1705. 
{Peile,  II.  88.) 
WILKINSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  July  29, 
1625.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1628-9. 

Wilkinson,  James 

WILKINSON,  EDWARD.  B.A.  1553-4-  Scholar  of  Gonville 
HaU.  Fellow,  1554.  Perhaps  V.  of  Wiggenhall  St  Mary, 
Norfolk,  1556-77.  One  of  these  names  of  St  GUes',  Cripple- 
gate,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1603. 

WILKINSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1596. 

WILKINSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WILKINSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1635;  B.A.  1638-9. 

WILKINSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  26, 1660.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Bradford,  Yorks.  School, 
Bradford  (Mr  Cotes).  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1664;  priest,  1665.  V.  of  Sowerby,  Yorks., 
1664.  P.C.  of  Illingworth,  1668-1714.  Died  Jan.  4,  1714- 
{Peile,  I.  590.) 

WILKINSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  12,  1674.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Reagill,  Shap, 
Westmorland.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1674; 
B..^..  1681-2.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1681.  Brother  of 
WUliam  (1671). 

WILKINSON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1579-80.  Of  Cambridgeshire. 

WILKINSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1637.  (Previously  matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  17, 
1634,  age  19.)  Of  Cumberland.  S.  of  Robert,  of  St  Bees. 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1641.  Perhaps  se- 
questrated to  Brightlingsea,  Essex,  1645-7. 

WILKINSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  May,  1725- 
Matric.  1725.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Crosby  Ravens- 
worth,  Westmorland,  1747,  and  chaplain  to  Lord  Haversham. 
Author,  Commemoration  sermon  at  Charterhouse  Chapel, 
1736.   {Venn,  11.  23.) 

WILKINSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1565;  Scholar,  1568;  B.A.  1568-9;  M.A.  1572.  Fellow,  1571- 
Under  Master,  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  1573;  Head 
Master,  1586-92.   {Robinson,  xiii.) 

WILKINSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1604.  Of  EUand,  Yorks.  S.  of  William,  of 
EUand.   Died  in  CoOege,  1606-7.   {Harwood.) 

WILKINSON,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 
Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  1605.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec. 
1614.  V.  of  Messingham,  Lines.,  1620.  R.  of  Gate  Burton, 
1620.  V.  of  Marton,  1633. 

WILKINSON,  HENRY.  D.D.  1656  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Adwick-le-Street,  Yorks.,  clerk. 
B.  there,  1616.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  Oct.  10, 
1634,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1635;  M.A.  1638;  B.D.  1648; 
D.D.  1652.  Fellow  and  Vice-President  of  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford,  1648,  by  the  Parliamentarv  Visitors.  Principal  of 
Magdalen  Hall,  1648-62.  Whyte  Professor  of  Moral 
Philosophy,  1649-54.  Commonly  called  'Dean  Henry.' 
Probably  minister  of  Epping,  Essex,  in  1647.  A  noncon- 
formist. Preached  at  Buckminster,  Leics.;  settled  at  Gos- 
fleld,  Essex,  1669-72;  removed  to  Sible  Hedingham,  1673. 
At  Gt  Comard,  Suffolk,  in  1680.  Died  there  May  13,  1690. 
Buried  at  Milding,  near  Lavenham.  To  be  distinguished 
from  a  contemporary  namesake,  R.  of  St  Dunstan-in-the- 
West,  for  whom  see  Al.  Oxon.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Calamy,  i.  241; 
D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Berks.,  1665,  11.  229.) 
WILKINSON,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594; 
B.A.  (?  1594-5);  M.A.  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  30,  1596.  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  licensed  (Lincoln) 
as  schoolmaster  at  Grantham,  Lines.,  Mar.  27,  1605;  also 
licence  to  marry  Mary  Cheyne,  same  date. 
WILKINSON,  JAMES.  B.Can.L.  1500-1. 
WILKINSON,  JAMES.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1619-20; 
M.A.  1623.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hinxhill,  Kent,  1642- 
66.  Died  1666. 
WILKINSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  25)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  28,  1657.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Gisbum  Forest.  One 
of  these  names  V.  of  Kirkby-m-Cleveland,  Yorks.,  1661-97. 
WILKINSON,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1722.  S.  of 
John,  of  Sherborne,  Dorset,  clerk.  Matric.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  17,  1702-3,  age  17;  B.A.  (AU  Souls,  Oxford) 
1706.  Ord.  deacon  (Sarum)  June  8,  1707;  priest  (Bath  and 
Wells)  Sept.  25,  1709.  V.  of  Long  Burton,  Dorset,  1718-61. 
R.  of  Weston  Bampfield,  1727.  Died  Jan.  22,  1761,  aged  73. 
M.I.  at  Long  Burton.  Will,  P.C.C.  {At.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hocka- 
day;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
WILKINSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  30,  1740.  S.  of  John,  attoniey-at-law,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  at  Hull.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1740; 
B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1749-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Sept.  21; 
priest,  Dec.  21, 1746.  C.  of  St  Mary's,  Bedford.  {Scott-Mayor, 
III.  509.) 


Wilkinson,  James 

WILKINSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Apr.  14,  1748. 
4th  s.  of  Andrew  (1715).  B.  at  Boroughbndge,  Yorks. 
School,  Beverley.  Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June  9,  1754;  priest,  Sept.  1755.  V.  of 
Sheffield,  1754-1805.  Preb.  of  York,  1759-1805.  Preb.  of 
Ripon,  1761.  Died  Jan.  18,  1805,  aged  74.  Buried  at 
Boroughbridge.  M.I.  at  Aldborough.  {Scott-Mayor,  in. 
509;  W.  J.  Kaye;  Hunter,  Hallamshire,  272.) 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1565. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  11,  1573.  V.  of  Stratford  St 
Andrew,  Suffolk,  1591,  'B.A.'  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Cobham,  Surrey,  1597-99;  died  1599. 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1576. 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593; 
B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Perhaps  V.  of  Swine,  Yorks., 
1599-1625.  R.  of  Foxholes,  1617.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Easingham,  Yorks.,  1625-39. 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1624.  Of  Norwich. 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  21,  1624.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1626;  Scholar,  1628;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A. 
1634.  Perhaps  ejected  from  Newton,  Suffolk,  in  1662. 
(Calamy,  11.  434.) 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  4, 

1651-2.    S.  of  Christopher,  gent.,  of  Bumsall,  Yorks.    B. 

there.    School,  Bumsall.    Matric.   1652.    Perhaps  adm.  at 

Leyden,  Aug.  23,  1662;  of  Yorkshire. 
WILKINSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1652. 

Of  Warwickshire.  B.A.  1655-6. 
WILKINSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  29)   at  Magdalene, 

June  18,  1669;  schoolmaster;  B.A.  1672. 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  24, 
1670.  S.  of  William,  of  Millington,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Pocklington.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  June,  1680;  priest,  July,  1681.  V.  of 
Friston,  Suffolk,  1680.  P.C.  of  Snape  and  R.  of  Kelsale, 
1691.   R.  of  Hollesley,  1693. 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  i,  1693. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1700.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  22,  1700;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1701.  C.  of 
Ryther,  Yorks.,  1701.  P.C.  of  StiUingfleet,  1705-8.  R.  of 
Escrick,  1708-15.  V.of  HolyTrinity,  Hull.in  1715.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Holdemess.   (Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILKINSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1722. 

Of  Armley,  Yorks.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1725-6; 

M.A.  1729;  B.D.  1736.    Fellow,  1728.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1733.     Junior    Proctor,    1734-5.     Ord.    deacon    (Lincoln) 

Dec.  20,   1730;  priest,   June  4,   1732.    R.  of  Wallington, 

Herts.,  1736-59.  V.  of  Houghton  Regis,  Beds.,  1739.  Master 

of  Birmingham  School,  Warws.,   1746-59.    Died  Feb.  26, 

1759.   [Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale;  G.  Mag.) 
WILKINSON,  JOHN.    M.A.  from  King's,  1727.   S.  of  John,  of 

Abby    Holme,    Cumberland.     Matric.     (Queen's    College, 

Oxford)  June  2,  1720,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1723-4.   Ord. 

deacon  (Bristol)  Mar.  i,  1723;  priest  (London)  May  28,  1727. 

R.  of  Eastwell,  Kent,  1730,  and  C.  of  the  chapel  of  Wye, 

till  1743.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1729-30).  {Al.  Oxon.; 

Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
WILKINSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

June  7,  1728.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Green- 
head,    near    Huddersfleld.     School,    Bradford    (Mr    Hill). 

Matric.  1728. 
WILKINSON,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  sizar  (age   17)   at  St  John's, 

May  18,  1688.   S.  of  Matthew,  draper.   B.  at  Leeds,  Yorks. 

School,   Kippax.    Matric.   1688;   B.A.   1691-2;  M.A.   1696. 

V.  of  Halifax,  1691-1711.   Died  Dec.  28,  1711.   Father  of 

Joseph  (1704). 
WILKINSON,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  7,  1702. 

Of  Yorkshire. 
WILKINSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Oct.  24, 1704. 

S.  of  Joseph  (1688),  V.  of  Halifax,  Yorks.    B.  in  London. 

School,  Hipperholme,  Yorks.  (Mr  Sharp).  Matric.  1705.  One 

of  these  names,  'of  Queens','  ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  13, 

1719-20.  C.  of  Wootton,  Beds.,  1719-26. 
WILKINSON,  LAURENCE.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c. 

1592;  B..\.  1595-6;  M.A.  1600.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Aug. 

29;  priest,  Sept.  12,  1602. 
WILKINSON,  LEONARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  6,  1681.  S.  of  Leonard,  gent.,  of  Richmonds.  B.  there. 

School,  Brignall  (private).   Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5.  Ord. 

deacon  (Carlisle)  Feb.  28,  1685-6;  priest.  Mar.  12,  1687-8. 

Probably  C.  of  Forcett,  Yorks.,  in  1691. 
WILKINSON,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Dec.  13, 

1682.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1683. 

Wilkinson,  Thomas 

WILKINSON,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
July  I,  1721.  S.  of  John,  clothier,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at 
lUingworth,  near  Halifax.  School,  Bradford  (Mr  Hill). 
Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9, 
1727;  priest,  July  21,  1728.  Head  Master  of  Skipton  Grammar 
School,  1731-51.  V.  of  Irthington,  Cumberland,  1732-45. 
Died  Aug.  1751.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  343;  T.  W.  Edmondson.) 

WILKINSON,  MICHAEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

WILKINSON,  MICHAEL.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 

Easter,  1579;  B.A.  1582-3.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Ilder- 

ton,  Northumberland,  1621. 
WILKINSON,  NATHANIEL.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June 

30,  1715.   Of  Dorset.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1718-9. 
WILKINSON,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1554  (impubes). 
WILKINSON,  PAUL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1585.   Possibly  s.  of  Bartholomew,  of  Hanny  Magna,  Essex, 

clerk  (whose  will  (Cons.  C.  London)   1619)'.    B.A.  1588-9; 

M.A.  1592.   R.  of  Portchester,  Hants.,  1603.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILKINSON,   PHILIP.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.   16, 

1705-6.    Of   Suffolk.     Matric.    1706;   B.A.    1709-10.    Ord. 

deacon    (Peterb.)   Sept.   23,    1710;   priest   (Norwich)    Mar. 

1712-3.    V.  of  Bramfield,  Suffolk,   1717-30.    R.  of  Iken, 

1724.   R.  of  Saxmundham,  1730. 
WILKINSON,  RALPH.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1560.  B.  in  Essex. 

B.A.  1562-3;  M.A.  1566;  M.D.  1572.   Fellow,  1563.  Junior 

Bursar,    1570-1.     Adm.    at    R.C.P.,    1586;    Censor,    1588; 

F.R.C.P.,  1588;  Treasurer,  1593;  Registrar,  1605.   Physician 

to  St  Bartholomew's  Hospital.    Died  1609.    Will  (P.C.C.) 

1610.   (Munk,  1.  96.) 
WILKINSON,   RALPH.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1579;  Scholar,  1584. 
WILKINSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

WILKINSON,  RICHARD.  Scholar  of  Clare,  c.  1539,  age  14. 

WILKINSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1564.  Probably  chaplain  of  St  Paul's  School,  London,  1571-3. 

WILKINSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  AUchs. 

WILKINSON,   RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age   19)   at  Christ's, 

July  2,    1633.    S.  of  Anthony.    B.  at  Lawkland,   Yorks. 

Bapt.   Oct.   22,    1613,    at   Clapham.    School,   Giggleswick. 

Matric.  1633;  B.A.   1636-7.    Perhaps  Reader  at  Hatfield, 

Herts.,  1640,  and  father  of  the  next.   {PeiU,  i.  428.) 

WILKINSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  June  30, 
1665.  S.  of  Richard  (?  above).  B.  at  Hatfield,  Herts.  School, 
Charterhouse  (exhibitioner).   {Peile,  1.  619;  Al.  Carihus.,  26.) 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1581;  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
St  Olave,  Southwark,  Surrey,  1614;  M.A.;  admon.  (P.C.C.) 
Dec.  17,  1617;  as  S.T.P. 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1582;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1584-5;  M.A.  1588. 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1592-3. 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharines, 
Easter,  1626. 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  scholar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Nov.  27,  1637;  from  Peterhouse.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at 
Durham.  Bapt.  Nov.  28,  1619,  at  St  Margaret's,  Durham. 
School,  Durham  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1641-2; 
M.A.  1645;  D.D.  1663  {Lit.  Reg.).  C.  of  Ash,  Kent,  1660. 
V.  of  Eastchurch,  1661.  One  of  the  Six  Preachers  at  Canter- 
bury Cathedral.  R.  of  St  Peter,  Sandwich,  1663-65.  {PetU, 
1.  45I-) 

WILKINSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  16,  1669;  from  Oxford.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Lenham, 
Kent.  B.  there.  School,  Canterbury.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford)  Feb.  22,  1666-7,  age  16.  Migrated  to  Cam- 
bridge. Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1670-1.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  Feb.  4,  1666;  of  Lenham,  Kent,  pent.  Buried  at 
All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Jan.  27,  1671-2.  {ScoU-Mayor,  ii.  23.) 

WILKINSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
May  26,  1677.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Hilcot,  Blackwell, 
Derbs.  School,  Mansfield,  Notts.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1; 
M.A.  1684. 

WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  M.A.;  B.D.  1479-80.  Follow  of 
QuKKNs'.  R.  of  Harrow,  Miiidlcsox,  1479-1511.  President 
of  Queens',  1485-1505.  R.  of  Orinngton,  Kent,  1476-1511. 
Preb.  of  Ripon,  1511.  Died  Dec.  13,  1511.  Buried  at 
Orpington.   M.I.  Will  (P.C.C).  (SforU,  104;  Fulding.) 


Wilkinson,  Thomas 

WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1505-6.  Perhaps  R.  of  Gt 
Stanway,  Essex,  1514-31.  R.  of  NettesweU,  1524-9-  V.  of 
Ardley,  1529-31.  Died  1531. 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1549  (impubes);  B.A.  1559-60.  Migrated  to  Trinity. 
M.A.  1563.  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1561.  Probably  R.  of  Burgate, 
Suffolk,  1566-76.  R.  of  Helmingham,  1576.  Admon.  (P.C.C.) 
Jan.  28,  1617-8. 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WILKINSON,   THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,    1601. 
B.C.  1585.  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  1601.  B.A.  1605-6; 
M.A.  1609.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  i6ii. 
V.  of  Langtoft,  Lines.,  1613.  Will  (LincoUi)  1652. 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  {age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  2,  1619.  Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard, 
of  Manningham,  in  Bradford,  Yorks.  B.  1600.  Matric.  1619; 
B.A.  1622.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1622-3;  priest,  Dec. 
162s.    Succeeded  his  father  at  Manningham,  c.  1647  (but 
not  "styled  clerk  in  the  Visitation).  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
Thomas  MaUison,  of  Bradford.    Perhaps  buried  May   11, 
1663,  at  Bradford.   [Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  Genealogist,  N.S., 
XXXII.  252.) 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1619; 

B.A.  1623. 
WILKINSON,   THOMAS.    Adm.   pens,   (age   17)   at   Christ's, 
Sept.  12,  1657.  S.  of  Andrew.  B.  at  Boroughbndge,  Yorks. 
School,   Ripon   (Mr  Holmes).    Matric.   1657,  'WUUamson. 
{Peile,  I.  579.) 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  10,  1685. 
Of  Durham.    Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Crossgate. 
Bapt.  there,  June  7.  1667.   Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1688-9.   Of 
the  City  of  Durham.   Barrister  at-law.   Mamed  Mary,  dau. 
of  William  Fetherstonhalgh,  of  Brancepeth,  Esq.,  Dec.  17, 
1717,  at  Durham  Abbey.    Died  Feb.  20,  i733-    M.I.  at  St 
Mary-le-Bow.   {Surtees,  1.  81.) 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,    Apr.  28, 
1704.  S.of  Andrew,  of  Boroughbridge,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Matnc. 
1704.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  6,  1703.  M.P.  for  Borough- 
bridge,  1715-7,  resigned  on  his   appointment  to  an   office 
of  profit  by  the  Crown. 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1705  (Com.  Reg.).   Probably  the 

WILKINSON,   THOMAS.    Adm.   sizar   (age    18)    at   Christ's, 
June  30,   1710.    S.  of  Francis.    B.  at  Broughton,  Yorks. 
School.  Skipton.  Matric.  1710;  Scholar,  1710-1 ;  B.A.  1713-4; 
M.A.  1717.  Fellow,  1714.  Taxor,  1719-  Ord.  deacon  (Vork) 
Dec   1714;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24,  1715-   V.  of  Caldecote, 
Cambs.,  1725.   Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Oct. 
16,  1731.   (Peile,  II.  I75-) 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  4,  I7i9- 
Perhaps  s.  of  Charies,   of  Boroughbridge,   Yorks.    B.   at 
Ripley,  Yorks.    Matric.  1719.    Probably  brother  of  Charles 
(1723)  and  perhaps  of  Andrew  (1715)- 
WILKINSON,   THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age   20)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.   17,   1725-6.    S.  of  T.,  of  Yorkshire.    B.  at  Acaster- 
Selby     Yorks.     School,   Threshfield.     Matric.    1726;    B.A. 
1729-30.    One  of  these  names  V.  of  Burley-in-Wharfedale, 
Yorks.  (Feb.-June)  1745- 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  July  4,  i727- 

Of  Cumberland.  Matric.  1727. 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  5, 
1729-30.    Of  Abbey  Holme,  Cumberland.    Perhaps  s.  of 
John.    B.A.  1735-6.    One  of  these  names  chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1739-71.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1727)- 
WILKINSON,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar. 
13,  1740-1.    S.  of  Abraham,  of  Bradford,  Yorks.   School, 
Almondbury  (Mr  Brooke).  Matric.  1741;  B.A.  1745-6.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June  9,  i745;  priest,  1750.  C.  of  Bmgley. 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1480-1.  Scholar  at  King's 
Hall,  1461-83.    FeUow  of  King's  HaU,  when  ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Apr.  5,  1466. 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1520-1. 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1568-  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  1575;  B.D.  1582.    Schoolmaster, 
in  Cambridge,  in  i579-   Preb.  of  York,  1588-1613.   Author, 
theological.    Died  before  Dec.  5,  1613.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1613. 
[Cooper,  II.  179;  D.N.B.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  in.  188.) 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1571;  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578;  LL.D.  1588-9.  Fellow,  15 77; 
'of  Yorks."  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1593.  Adm.  Advocate  in  the 
Court  of  Arches,  1590.  Perhaps  Chancellor  of  the  diocese 
of  Salisbury.   [Al.  Oxon.) 

WiLLAN,  Henry 

WILKYNSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Jan.  22,  1603-4.  S.  of  Richard,  clerk  in  Chancery,  of 
Wateringbury,  Kent.  School,  Carlton,  Notts.  Probably 
adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  13,  1606;  of  Kent.  Married 
Ann,  dau.  of  Anthony  Darell.  Died  1618.   [Venn,  i.  183.) 

WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1632.  Of  London.  S.  of  Henry,  R.  of  Waddesdon, 
Bucks.  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639;  B.D.  1647.  Fellow,  1636- 
63.  Taxor,  1642.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1639. 
Died  1663.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1663.  (Masters;  H.  P. 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  10,  1665.  S.  of  Leonard,  of  Morthen-in-Whiston,  near 
Rotherham,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Brignell  (Mr  Johnson). 
Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672;  B.D.  1679.  Fellow, 
1672-87.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670. 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
July  1,  1671.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Reagill,  near  Shap,  West- 
morland. B.  there.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Probably 
V.  of  Crosby  Ravensworth,  Westmorland,  1685-1708. 
Buried  there  Jan.  5,  1707-8.  Brother  of  Edward  (1674). 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  11,  1720.  S.  of  John,  barber-surgeon.  B.  at  Newcastle, 
Northumberland.  Bapt.  Apr.  20,  1702,  at  All  Saints',  New- 
castle. School,  Newcastle  (Mr  Lodge).  Matric.  1720;  Scholar, 
1721;  B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1727. 
Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  Dec.  1723;  priest  (Durham)  Sept. 
19,  1725;  C.  of  St  Andrew,  Newcastle,  1724-39;  of  St 
Nicholas,  1739-56.  C.  of  Gosforth,  Northumberland,  until 
1756.  Chaplain  of  Newcastle  Gaol,  1756-63.  Buried  at 
St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  Apr.  28,  1780.  (Peile,  11.  197; 
Al.  Oxon.) 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  29,  1742.  School,  Scorton,  Yorks.  Matric.  i743; 
Scholar,  1743;  B.A.  1746-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  5, 
1748;  X.  of  Clopton';  priest  (York)  Sept.  22,  1754;  'C  of 
Appleton.'  Probably  V.  of  Cottingham,  Yorks.,  c.  i775; 
V.  of  Skidby.  Died  Dec.  17,  1788.  (G.  Mag.) 
WILKINSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  30,  1746.  S.  and  h.  of  Anthony,  of  Durham.  Bapt. 
Sept.  23,  1727,  at  St  Margaret's,  Durham.  School,  Durham 
(MrDongworth).  Matric.  1746.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Apr.  8,  1745.  High  Sheriff  of  Northumberland,  1757. 
Married  Philadelphia,  dau.  of  Thomas  Clenncl,  of  Clennel, 
Northumberland,  Feb.  18,  1750.  Buried  Oct.  14,  1768,  at 
St  .Andrew's,  Newcastle.  (H.  M.  Wood;  Surtees,  1.  81.) 
WILKINSON,  WILLOUGHBY.  Adm.  at  Magdalene,  May  25, 
1727.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Blackwell,  Derbs.,  gent.  Matric. 
(Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  19,  1727,  age  17. 

WILKINSON, .  B.Can.L.  1496-7.  Vicar. 

WILKINSON, .  B.Can.L.  1529-30. 

WILKINSON, .  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1554-6. 

WILKINSON, .  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1617. 

WILKINSON, .  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1623. 

WILKSON,  ROGER.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  10, 
1675.    B.  at   Prestiff  (?  Pentrich),  Derbs.    School,  Wirks- 
worth  (Mr  Crosedale).   Matric.  1675. 
WILKSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  June  15, 
1743.  S.  of  William,  of  Bole,  Notts.  School,  Gainsborough, 
Lines.  (Mr  Simpson).    Matric.   1743;   B.A.   1746-7.    V.  of 
Gargrave,  Yorks.,   1762-78.    Buried  there  May  25,   1778. 
(W.  J.  Kaye;  H.  M.  Wood.) 
WILLAN,  EDMUND.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Caius,  Sept.  16, 
1598.    S.  of  Miles,  merchant,  of  Norwich.    Bapt.  Apr.  25, 
1579,  at  St  Peter  Mancroft.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Limbard). 
B.A.  1601-2.   Perhaps  brother  of  Miles  (1601). 
WILLAN,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 

1593.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600. 
WILLAN  or  WILLAND,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's, 
Mar.  5,  1622-3.  Of  Yorkshire.  Schools,  Stamford  (Mr  Swan) 
and  Barley,  Herts.  (Mr  Turner). 
WILLAN,    EDWARD.     Matric.   pens,   from   Corpus   Christi, 
Easter,  1631.    Of  Suffolk.    B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.    Ord. 
deacon   (Norwich)   May  24,   1635;   priest,  Sept.  22,   1638. 
V.  of  Hoxne,  Suffolk,  1646.   R.  of  Benacre,  1668-71.  Chap- 
lam  to  James,  Earl  of  Suffolk.    One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Kenilworth,  Warws.,  1643-6. 
WILLAN,   GARDINER.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  i68i.    Of 
Suffolk.    Matric.  pens.  Lent,   1680-1;  B.A.   1684-5;   M.A. 
1688.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1686.    V.  of  Denham, 
Suffolk,  1690.  V.  of  Athelington,  1694. 
WILLAN,  HENRY.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1609.   Of  Cam- 
bridgeshire.   Probably  s.  of  Robert  (1560).    Matric.  1609, 
'Wiltom';  B.A.  1612-3.  Brother  of  Laurence  (1599)  and  of 
Robert  (1596). 


WiLLAN,  James 

WILLAN  or  WILLONS,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peter- 
house,  Lent,  1588-9.  Perhaps  of  Kingston-on-HuU,  Yorks. 
One  James  Willan,  of  Kingston-on-HuU,  Esq.  (s.  and 
h.  of  Leonard,  late  of  Kingston-on-HuU)  received  a  Grant 
of  Arms,  May  i,  1617.   {Genealogist,  N.S.,  29,  155.) 

WILLAN,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  May  18, 
1599.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  S.  of  Robert  (1560).  Schools, 
Wilbraham  (Mr  Cockman)  and  Cambridge  (Mr  Rodknight). 
Migrated  pens,  to  Caius,  Oct.  27,  1599,  age  16;  Scholar, 
1602-6;  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  i6o6.  Brother  of  Henry  (1609) 
and  of  Robert  (1596).   {Venn,  1.  170.) 

WILLAN  or  WILLON,  LEONARD.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from 
Christ's,  June,  1623.  Perhaps  of  Kingston-on-HuU,  Yorks.; 
see  also  James  (1588-9). 

WILLAN,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1587;  Scholar,  1590;  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595.  Fellow,  1593. 
V.  of  Normanton,  Yorks.,  1598.   R.  of  Normanby,  1615. 

WILLAN,  MILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1601.  Of  Norwich.  Perhapss.of  Miles,  merchant,  of  Norwich. 
B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  R.  of  Tharston,  Norfolk,  1612-41, 
sequestered.  Died  1661.  Perhaps  brother  of  Edmund  (1598). 
{Blomefield,  v.  308.) 

WILLAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Of  Tilney,  Norfolk;  licensed  to 
teach  grammar  in  Norwich  diocese,  1585.  Perhaps  his  will 
(Leicester  and  P.C.C.)  1613;  of  Blaston,  Leics.,  clerk. 

WILLAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1620-1. 

WILLAN,  RICHARD.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1621  (perhaps 

the  above).   Of  Westmorland. 
WILLAN,    ROBERT.     Matric.    pens,    from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,   1560.    B.  at  Norwich.    B.A.   1563-4;   M.A.   1567; 

B.D.  1574.  Fellow,  1563-70.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Sept.  19, 

1569,  age  24.    R.  of  Little  Wilbraham,  Cambs.,  1570-1612. 

University   preacher,    1572.     A    favourer   of    Cartwright's 

opinions.  Died  Nov.  15,  1612.  Buried  at  Little  Wilbraham. 

Father  of  Laurence  (i599).  Robert  (1596)  and  Henry  (1609). 

{Masters,  321.) 
WILLAN,    ROBERT.     Matric.   pens,   from   Corpus   Christi, 

Easter,  1588.   Of  Norwich.   B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595;  D.D. 

1615.  Fellow,  1593-9.  Taxor,  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(Lincoln)  1597-8.    R.  of  Herringswell,  Suffolk,  1599-1614. 

Probably  R.  of  Lerling,  Norfolk,  1608-14.    R.  of  Gesting- 

thorpe  and  Gt  Stanway,  Essex,  till  1630.  R.  of  Cold  Norton, 

1614-30.  Chaplain  to  Charles  I.   Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1621-30. 

Author,  sermon.  Died  Nov.  {sic)  5,  1630.  Admon.  (Cons.  C. 

London)  Oct.  20,  1630.   {Lamb,  334;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  u.  125, 

where  the  date  of  death  is  wrong.) 
WILLAN,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  c. 

1596.    Of  Cambridgeshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  Robert  (1560). 

B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.   Perhaps  R.  of  Foxley,  Norfolk, 

in  1614.  Brother  of  Laurence  (1599)  and  Henry  (1609).  One 

of  these  names  of  Burgate,  Suffolk,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.)  1654. 
WILLAN,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar.  4,  1655-6. 

Of  London.    Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's.    Matric.   1656; 

Scholar,    1659;    B.A.    1659-60;    M.A.    1663;    LL.D.    1671. 

Chaplain   of   Trinity,    1670-1.     R.   of   Edburton,    Sussex, 

1681-1705.  Died  Sept.  10,  1705.  Will,  P.C.C. 
WILLAN,   ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)   at   Peterhouse, 

May  22,  1688.    Of  Somerset.    Perhaps  s.  of  Samuel  (1641). 

Matric.  1688;  Scholar,  1688;  B.A.  1691-2. 
WILLAN,    SAMUEL.     Matric.    sizar    from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1627.  Of  Norwich.   B.A.  1630-1.  V.  of  Surlingham, 

Norfolk,  1639.   R.  of  Garveston,  1647. 
WILLAN,   SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,   (age   15)   at   Peterhouse, 

June  18,   1641.    Of  Suffolk.    School,  Eye.    Scholar,   1641; 

Matric.  1642 ;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1664.  Married  Jane  Barnes, 

of  Weston-super-Mare,  Somerset,  Apr.  24,   1668.    Perhaps 

father  of  Robert  (1688). 
WILLAN    or    WYLLANDE,    THOMAS.     Matric.    sizar    from 

Queens',   Easter,   1544.    Of  Westmorland.    B.A.   1548-9; 

M.A.  1552.    Fellow  of  St  John's,  1554.    Received  tonsure 

(London)  1553.   R.  of  Aylton,  Lines.,  1553. 
WILLAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  10, 

1751.  S.  of  T.,  tax  gatherer,  of  Yorkshire.   B.  at  Appersete 

(?  Apperiede).     School,    Threshfield    (Mr    Hewit).     Matric. 

1751;  B.A.  1755.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  25,  17551  priest, 

June  13,  1756.    C.  of  Rudston,  Yorks.,  1755-    R-  of  Nun- 

bumholme,  and  C.  of  Nunkeeling,  1771-1816.  V.  of  Warter, 
1779-1816.   Died  Feb.  15,  1816.   Buried  at  Nunbumholmc. 

M.I.   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  607.) 


WILLANTON,  ROBERT.  B.A.  IS33-4;  M.A.  1536.  lucorp.  at 
Oxford,  1540;  sup.  for  B.D.  1542-3.  V.  of  Thame,  Oxon., 
,54X-5.  V.  of  Haddenham,  Bucks.,  1547-56.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1547-59,  deprived.  V.  of  Christ  Church,  Newgate 

WiLLET,  Ralph 

Street,    1554.     R.    of    Homsey,    1556-60,    deprived.     Six 

preacher  of  Canterbury,  1556.   Chaplain  to  Bishop  Bonner. 

Deprived  under  Ehzabeth.  (Cooper,  1.  210;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILLARD,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
WILLATS,  CHARLES.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1712.    B.  at  Reading.    Matric.  Easter,  1713;  B.A.  1716-7; 

M.A.  1720.    Fellow,  1715.    Assistant  Master  at  Eton.    Ord. 

deacon  (London)  June  8,  1718;  priest  (York)  Jan.  1718-9. 

R.  of  Plumtree,  Notts.,  in  1721.   Married  CastiUana,  dau.  of 

Lionel   Copley,   of   Spotborough,    Yorks.,   July   25,    172 1. 

{Harwood,  292.) 

WILLE, .   Paid  for  Civil  Law  School,  1456-7. 

WILLERTON,    HENRY.     Matric.    sizar    from    Peterhouse, 

Easter,   1620.    Of  Lincolnshire.    B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.   1627. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Sept.  23,  1627,  age  27. 

WILLARTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Oct.  20,  1642. 

WILLERTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1577-8.  Perhaps  B.A.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  29,  1581. 
V.  of  Ruskington,  Lines.,  1587-1623. 

WILLERTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  25, 
1648.  Of  Lincolnshire. 

WILLERTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
June  3,  1676.  S.  of  William,  of  Alford,  Lines.,  gent.  B.  at 
Lincoln.  School,  Alford,  Lines,  and  Oundle,  Northants. 
Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  Fellow,  1682. 

WILLERTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
.-^pr.  21,  1696.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Alford,  Lines.  School, 
Alford.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1699-1700.  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi) 
Feb.  17,  1705-6.  R.  of  Beesby,  Lines.,  1709.  V.  of  Hanney. 
P.C.  of  Markby. 



WILLET,  see  also  WILLOT  and  WILLIAT. 

WILLET  or  WYLLIAT,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at 
Peterhouse,  Feb.  2,  1576-7.  S.  of  Thomas,  R.  of  Barley, 
Herts.  B.  at  Ely,  1562.  School,  Ely.  Matric.  1577. 
Migrated  to  Christ's.  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584;  B.D.  1591; 
D.D.  1601.  Fellow  of  Christ's,  1583-88.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1584.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  13,  1612.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Apr.  25,  1584.  Preacher  at  Bourn  and  Fen 
Drayton,  Cambs.,  1585-8.  Canon  of  Ely,  1587-1621.  R.  of 
Childerley,  Cambs.,  1588-94,  and  of  Little  Gransden,  Hunte., 
1597-9.  R.  of  Barley,  Herts.,  1599.  R.  of  Reed,  1613-5,  and 
of  Little  ChishaU,  Essex,  1620.  Chaplain  to  Prince  Henry, 
and  a  preacher  at  Ely,  and  at  St  Paul's.  Imprisoned  for 
opposition  to  the  Spanish  marriage  for  Prince  Charles,  in 
1618.  Married  Jacobine,  dau.  of  Dr  Roger  Goad,  of  King's, 
1588  (by  whom  he  had  18  children;  his  4th  s.  Thomas,  was 
the  first  Mayor  of  New  York,  1665  and  1667).  Author, 
controversial.  Died  Dec.  4,  1621,  as  the  result  of  a  fall  from 
his  horse.  Buried  in  Barley  Church.  M.I.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1622. 
Father  of  the  next,  of  Paul,  James  (1613),  and  probably  of 
Robert  (1626).  {Peile,  i.  143;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols, 
III.  1070.) 

WILLET,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Apr.  1606. 
S.  and  h.  of  Andrew  (above).  Bapt.  July  25,  1591;  B.A. 
1608-9;  M.A.  1612.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  25,  1615-6. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Reed,  Herts.,  L615;  living  at 
Barley,  in  1646.   R.  of  Little  ChishaU,  Essex.  {Peile,  i.  256.) 

WILLETT,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1603.  Of 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1606-7,  Williat;  M.A.  1610.  V.  of  Braisworth, 
Suffolk,  1616-26. 

WILLET,  JAMES.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  14,  1613.  Of  Barley,  Herts.  S.  of  .\ndrew  (1577). 
Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.   1621.    Fellow,   1616-22. 
R.   of   Chigwell,    Essex.     R.   of   Little   ChishaU,    1646-62. 
Member  of  the  Classis.  {Davids,  360.) 
WILLETT,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  Pembroke,  June  5, 
1684.   S.  of  Richard,  of  Charlewood,  Sussex  (sic).    Matric. 
1684     One  of  these  names  of  Wadhurst,  clerk;  died  Feb. 
1743,  'M.A.';  mU  (P.C.C.)  1743- 
WILLET,  PAUL.    Matric.  pens,  from  .St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1615.    Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Andrew  (1577).    B..A.   1617-8; 
M.A.  1621.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  9;  priest,  Mar.  10, 
1622-3.   V.  of  Foxton,  Cambs.,  1629-30. 
WILLETT,  RALPH.  M.A.  1680  (Incorp.  from  Wadham  CoUege, 

Oxford).    S.  of  ,   R.  of  Cirencester,  Gloucs.    Matric. 

(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  28,  1672,  age  16;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1675-6;  M.A.  1678.  FeUow  of  Wadham  College, 
Oxford,  1678.  R.  of  Stratton,  Gloucs.,  1685-1717.  R.  of 
Minchinhampton  with  Rodborough,  1717-20.  R.ofTetbury, 
1727-8.  R.  of  Rodmarton,  1731-4-  R-  of  Gt  Wishford, 
WUts.,  1734-8.  Rural  dean  of  Cirencester.  Died  Aug.  20, 
1738.  M.I.  at  Stratton.  {Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 


WiLLET,  Richard 

WILLET,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June,  1578. 
Of  Radnorshire.  B.A.  1580-1.  Matric.  (New  Inn  HaU, 
O-xford)  Dec.  i,  1581,  age  16;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1584.    (Petle, 

I.  147;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLETT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1626. 
Possibly  6th  s.  cf  Andrew  (1577)-  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 

WILLEY,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr  26,1665.  S.  of  George,  late  of  Ingoldsby,  Lines.  Matric. 
1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Head  Master  of  Newark 
Grammar  School,  1670-2. 

WILLEY,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  1517-8;  M.A.  1521.  Fellow 
of  Christ's.  V.  of  Bourn,  Cambs.,  1533-53-  R-  of  Harlton, 
1540-51.  Died  1553.  (One  of  these  names,  Benedictine, 
B.D.  (Oxford)  June  20,  1513-)   M^-  Oxon.) 

WILLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  22, 
1674.  S.  of  Edward.  B.  at  Hulme  {sic),  Yorks.  School, 
Danby  Wiske  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A. 
1681.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678;  priest,  Sept.  1679- 
V.  of  Sheriff  Hutton,  Yorks.,  1700.  Buried  there  Dec.  10, 
1735,  age  81  (sic).  (Peile,  11.  52.) 

WILLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  Jan.  25,  1736-7-  S. 
of  Robert.  B.  at  Royston,  Cambs.  School,  Oakham  (Mr 
Adcock).  Matric.  i737;  Scholar,  i737;  B.A.  1740-1;  M.A. 
1744.  Fellow,  1741-62.  Senior  Greek  Lecturer  and  Mildmay 
Preacher,  1750.  Hebrew  Lecturer,  1754-6-  Senior  Proctor, 
1758-9.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  22,  1745.  V.  of  Fen 
Drayton,  1749.  C.  of  Boxworth,  Cambs.,  1756-8.  R.  of 
Kegworth,  Leics.,  1761-89.  Died  Sept.  19,  1789.  aged  68. 
M.I.  at  Kegworth.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1790.  (Peile,  11.  233; 
G.  Mag.;  Nichols,  iii.  858.) 

WILLEY  or  WILEE,  PETER.  B.A.  1519-20;  M.A.  1523. 
Probably  B.D.  1531-2- 

WILLY,  RALPH.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  2, 
1623.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Dalton,  Yorks.,  and  of  Haughton- 
le-Side,  Durham.  B.  at  Haughton,  Durham.  School,  New- 
castle. Of  Croftbridge,  gent.,  in  1650.  {Surtees,  iv.  5.) 

WILLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Trinity,  July  25, 
1727.  S.ofWiUoughby  (1696),  of  Willoughby  Waterless,  Leics. 
School,  Kibworth,  Leics.  (Mr  Cocks).  Matric.  1727;  Scholar, 
1729;  B.A.  1731-2;  M.A.  1763.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincota)  Mar.  5, 
1731-2;  priest,  May  20,  1733.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Folkestone. 
R.  of  Edmondthorpe,  Leics.,  1750-76.  R.  of  Wyfordby, 
1763-76.  Buried  Sept.  4,  1776,  at  Edmondthorpe.  (Nichols, 

II.  179;  Lambeth  Act  Bk.) 

WILLEY,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  (age  12)  of  Clare,  1458. 

WILLEY,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1523-4;  M.A.  1527.  Dean  of  the 
College  Church  of  Middleham,  Yorks.,  1536.  Died  1559.  Will 
(Archd.  Richmond);  as  Willes. 

WILLEY,  WILLOUGHBY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  18,  1696.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Willoughby  Waterless, 
Leics.  B.  there.  Matric.  1696;  Scholar,  1699;  B.A.  1699- 
1700.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  Dec.  21,  1701.  C.  of  Misterton, 
Leics.,  in  1704.  R.  of  Churchover,  Warws.,  in  1715.  R.  of 
Gilmorton,  Leics.,  1715-38.  Died  1738.  Father  of  Thomas 
(1727).   (Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILLEY, .  Com.  for  M..\.  or  higher  degree,  1485-6.  Per- 
haps 'William,  LL.B.,'  ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  23, 
1486;  'title,  Creke  Abbey.' 

WILLEY, .  B.A.  1522-3.  Perhaps  M.A.  1525-6,  'Wolley.' 

WILLEY, .  B.Can.L.  1529-30- 

WILLIAM,  of  BIBSWORTH.  Scholar  at  Cambridge,  c.  1270-80. 
Clerk,  of  Lincoln  diocese.  Used  to  hunt  hares  with  grey- 
hounds in  Cambridge  warren.  (Pleas  of  the  Forest;  see  Preface.) 

WILLIAMS,  ANDREW.  M.A.  from  King's,  1725-  S.  of  John, 
of  Worcester.  Matric.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  Mar.  26,  1713. 
age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1716.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  24,  1727.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Trinity,  May 
13.  1703-  S.  of  Edward,  of  Audley,  Staffs.  School,  Audley 
(Mr  Wisher). 

WILLIAMS,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1568.  Probably  7th  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  CochwiUan,  Carnarvon, 
(and  Barbara,  widow  of  Humphrey  Llwyd,  the  historian). 
B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1571-2;  M.A.  1576.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich).  R.  of  Heydon,  Norfolk,  1574.  Preb. 
of  York,  1579-1601.  R.  of  St  Andrew  Wardrobe,  London, 
1583-91.  Perhaps  preb.  of  St  Asaph,  1586-1621.  R.  of 
Llanllwchaiam,  Montgomery,  tiU  1621.  R.  of  Llanengan 
Carnarvon,  1600;  of  Llanfor,  Merioneth  1606-21.  Precentor 
of  Bangor,i6i2.  Died  July  3,  1621.  (Brown  Willis,  St  Asaph; 
Nicholas,  Co.  Fam.  of  Wales,  363;  D.  R.  Tliomas,  iii.  328.) 

WILLIAMS,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sx  John's, 
Oct.  21,  1634.  S.  of  Simon,  gent.,  of  MeUltyrne,  Carnarvon. 
B.  at  MeUlionydd,  Carnarvon.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1634.  Probably  of  Meillionydd,  Esq.  Died  before  Nov.  i, 
1656.  Probably  father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1654). 

Williams,  George 

WILLIAMS,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  29,  1655.  S.  of  Arthur  (?  above),  Esq.,  of  Aberdaron, 
Carnarvon.  B.  there.  School,  Ruthin  (Mr  Chaloner).  Matric. 
1655.   Probably  brother  of  John  (1654). 

WILLIAMS,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  30,  1655. 
Of  Wales. 

WILLIAMS,  ATKINS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  12,  1683. 
Of  Carmarthen.  Matric.  1683. 

WILLIAMS,  COUNSEL.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1706.  Adm.  at 
Trinity  College,  Dublin,  May  26,  1698,  age  16.  S.  of  William, 
clericus.  B.  at  Haverfordwest,  Pembroke.  B.A.  (Dublin) 
1702.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  19,  1709;  priest.  May  27, 
1711.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1709.  Preb.  of  St  David's, 
1714-9.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  Feners.  R.  of  Talbenny, 
Pembroke.  R.  of  Haysguard,  1718.  Brother  of  Perantus 
(1705).   (^/.  i»u6.;T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILLIAMS,  DAVID.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1573- 

WILLIAMS,  DAVID.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  10, 

1671.  S.  of  WOliam,  of  Bangor,  Carnarvon.  B.  there.  School, 

Bangor.   Matric.  1671.   One  of  these  names  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1696-1727. 
WILLIAMS,  DUDLEY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  10,  1635. 

Scholar  from  Westminster. 
WILLIAMS,  EDMUND.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

1585;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.    Perhaps  V.  of  Harston, 

Cambs.,  1597- 
WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  22, 

1590-1.   Matric.  c.  1591;  B.A.  (?  1594-5);  M.A.  1598. 
WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter 

1633.    Migrated  to  Emmanuel,   1633.    B.A.  1635-6;  M.A 

1640.   Probably  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1638.  V.  of 

Hoxne,  Suffolk,  1646. 
WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

Sept.  21,  1635.   S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Ampthill,  Beds.   B. 

there.   School,  Charterhouse.    Recommended  by  the  Master 

of  Charterhouse  to  Secretary  Windebank  as  tutor,  in  a  letter 

dated  Mar.  31,  1639.   (Al.  Carthus.) 
WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1668. 
WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1684.    Of 

Sufiolk.  Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1687-8;  M.A.  1702.  V.  of  Little 

Waldingfield,  Suffolk,  1690-1700.    Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 

Sunderland.    R.  of  Tarring,  Sussex,  in  1704.    R.  of  Goring, 

1704.   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1680).   (Lambeth  Act  Bk; 

T.  C.  Dale.) 
WILLIAMS,  EDWARD.   Matric.  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1721;  B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept. 

1726;  priest,  Dec.  1727.  C.  of  Capel,  Sufiolk.   Perhaps  R.  of 

Thwaite,   1740-75,  and   R.  of  Marlesford,   1740-75;   M.A. 

Died  June  21,  1775,  aged  57  (sic).  (Masters;  Top.  and  Gen., 

II.  507.) 

WILLIAMS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  24,  1674. 
Matric.  1674;  Scholar,  1676;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 

WILLIAMS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  2,  1681.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  in  Llanbryn- 
mair,  Montgomery.  School,  BuckneU,  Salop  (Mr  Lloyd). 

WILLIAMS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  9, 
1706.  S.  of  John,  of  Warwick.  School,  Warwick  (Mr  Lydiat). 
Matric.  1707;  Scholar,  1708.  Resided  three  years.  Died 
May  12,  1714.  M.I.  in  St  Mary's,  Warwick.  (Le  Neve,  Mon., 

III.  256.) 

WILLIAMS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  2, 
1715.  S.  of  William,  of  Dolgelly,  Merioneth.  School,  Llane- 
gryn,  Merioneth  (Mr  Edwards).  Matric.  1715- 

WILLIAMS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  20, 
1729.  S.  of  William,  of  Llanllyfni,  Carnarvon.  School, 
Pwllheli  (Mr  Jones).  Matric.  1729- 

WILLIAMS,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  15,  1691. 
Of  Carnarvon.  Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1694-5; 
M.A.  1710.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1710.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  23,  1695.   R.  of  Kinnersley,  Salop,  I7i7-   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1614;  B.A.  1617-8. 

WILLIAMS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1670.  B.  at  Rochester,  Kent.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5; 
M.A.  1678;  B.D.  1690  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1674-  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Gloucester)  Oct.  21,  1675;  C.  of  Totsfield, 
Surrey.  R.  of  Kingston,  Cambs.,  1689-1723-  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1689-1723-  Died  Dec.  1723-  (Harwood,  259; 
J.  Crosby;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  89.) 


Williams,  George 

WILLIAMS,  GEORGE.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1738-  S.  of 
Malachi,  of  Menheniot,  Cornwall,  clerk.  Matric.  (Exeter 
College,  Oxford)  Mar.  27,  1708,  age  17;  B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  i7ii.  V.  of  Madron,  Cornwall,  1717-20.  V.  of 
Chittlehampton,  Devon,  1726-43.  Will  (Exeter)  1743. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFIN.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1610. 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 
18,  1672.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  deceased,  of  Plason,  Mold, 
Flintshire.  B.  there.  School,  Chester.  Matric.  1672.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  June  24,  1671. 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFIN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1738.  S.  of  William, 
of  Llanarmon,  Carnarvon.  Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford) 
Feb.  17,  1718-9,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1722.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFITH.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1605-6.  B.  at 
TreviUan,  Llanrug,  Carnarvon.  M.A.  1609;  B.D.  1616; 
D.D.  1621.  (Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  June  15,  1604, 
age  16.)  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1607  and  1610.  Ord.  deacon 
(Rochester)  1606-7;  priest  (Ely)  May  30,  1607.  R.  of  Fox- 
cote,  Bucks.,  1608-12.  R.  of  St  Benet  Sherehog,  London, 
1612-6.  R.  of  LlanUechid,  Carnarvon,  1616.  Chaplain  to 
Charles  I.  R.  of  Trefdraeth,  Anglesey,  1626.  Preb.  of 
Westminster,  1628-41.  Dean  of  Bangor,  1634-72.  Arch- 
deacon of  Anglesey,  1641.  Bishop  of  Ossory,  1641;  deprived, 
but  reinstated.  R.  of  Rathfamham,  1647.  Fled  to  England 
on  the  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion;  joined  his  wife  and  children 
at  his  house  at  Apethorpe,  Northants.  Sufiered  great  hard- 
ships during  the  war.  Spent  large  sums  in  restoring  his 
Cathedral  after  the  Restoration.  Author,  rehgious  and 
pohtical.  Died  Mar.  29,  1672,  aged  84.  Buried  in  his  Cathe- 
dral at  Kilkenny.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1677.  {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.; 
N.  and  Q.,  6th  S.,  vi.  305.) 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFITH.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1622.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1588),  of  Penryallt, 
near  Conway,  Carnarvon,  Esq.,  deceased,  and  nephew  of 
John  (1598).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  21,  1623-4. 
Sheriff  of  Carnarvonshire,  1 650-1.  A  Commissioner  of 
Assessment,  1656.  Created  Bart.,  June  17,  1661.  Married 
Gwen,  dau.  of  Hugh  Bodurda,  of  Bodurda,  Carnarvon,  Esq. 
Died  1663.  Will  dated,  Sept.  3 ;  proved,  Dec.  3,  1663.  Father 
of  John  (1659-60).   {G.E.C.,  in.  212.) 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFITH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  July  6,  1658. 
Matric.  1658.  Migrated  to  King's.  B.A.  1661-2;  M.A.  1665. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1662. 

WILLIAMS,  GRIFFITH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
June  28,  1693.  S.  of  Roger.  B.  in  London.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1693;  Scholar,  1694;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A. 
1700;  B.D.  1708.  Fellow,  1699.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi) 
Mar.  12,  1703-4;  priest  (Ely)  May  19,  1706.  R.  of  North 
Runcton,  Norfolk,  1715-8.  Died  Jan.  8,  1718. 

WILLIAMS,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1615-6;  B.A.  i6ig-2o;  M.A.  1623.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  25, 1622.  PerhapsR.  of  Dalderby,  Lines.,  1622.  Admon. 
(Lincoln)  1649. 

WILLIAMS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
23,  1662.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  of  Llangeinwen,  near  Carnar- 
von. B.  there.  School,  Bangor  (Mr  Williams).  Matric.  1662; 
B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1669.  V.  of 
Llanidan,  Anglesey,  1666.  Canon  of  Bangor,  1670-1704. 
R.  of  Llanbeulan,  1682.  R.  of  Llanfaethlu,  1683-1704. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Edward  Brereton,  of  Borras,  Denbigh. 
Died  Mar.  16,  1703-4.  Buried  at  Llanfaethlu.  M.I.  (Brown 
Willis,  Bangor,  171;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1680.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  1683-4;  M.A.  1687;  B.D.  1694. 
Fellow,  1689-1715.  Died  in  College,  Nov.  1715.  Buried  in 
the  Ante-Chapel.   Perhaps  brother  of  Edward  (1684). 

WILLIAMS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  22, 
1714-5.  S.  of  George,  svirgeon.  B.  Feb.  10,  1696,  at  St  Neots, 
Hunts.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1715-6;  Scholar, 
1715.   {Peile,  II.  187.) 

WILLIAMS,  HUGH.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1601-2.  Perhaps  s.  of 
Edmund,  of  Carnarvon.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1598),  etc. 

WILLIAMS,  HUTCHINS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1716.  Of 
London.  S.  and  h.  of  William  Peere,  of  Gray's  Inn,  Esq. 
(and  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Hutchins).  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Jan.  22,  1717-8.  Afterwards  at  Oxford.  Matric. 
(Queen's  College,  Oxford)  Jan.  4,  1724-S,  age  24-  Created 
Bart.,  Apr.  4,  1747.  Of  Clapton,  Northants.,  and  of  Grey 
Friars,  Chichester,  Sussex.  Married  Judith,  dau.  of  James 
Booth,  of  Theobalds,  Herts.  Died  Nov.  4,  1758.  Buried  at 
Clapton.  Brother  of  William  Peere  (1717)  and  father  of 
William  Peere  (1749).   {Masters;  Al.  Oxon.;  G.E.C.,  v.  94.) 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Conway.   B.  there.   B.A.  1597-8; 

Williams,  John 

M.A.  1601.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Dec.  22,  1605, 
age  24.  R.  of  Hilgay,  Norfolk,  1610-21.  Died  1621.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  June  22,  1621,  to  a  creditor.  Perhaps  brother  of 
John  (1598)  and  Robert  (1588)  and  Hugh  (1601-2). 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1649.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  One 
of  these  names  intruder  at  St  Peter's,  Northants.,  c.  1654; 
died  1658. 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 
1688.  S.  of  Thomas  (1669),  of  Madeley,  Hereford  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Grace  Carwardine,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lewis,  of  the 
Moor,  Hereford).  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1688; 
Scholar,  1689;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1695;  D.D.  1709.  Fellow, 
1694.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  20, 1697-8;  priest,  Sept.  25, 
1698.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1707-27.  R.  of  St  Magnus,  London, 
1711-27.  V.  of  ChigwcU,  Essex,  1721.  Died  July,  1727. 
Probably  half-brother  of  John  (1670).  (T.  C.  Dale;  Hennessy; 
Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  23,  1711; 
from  Oxford.  Doubtless  s.  of  Samuel,  of  Trewithydd,  Brecon, 
gent.  Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  28,  1702,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1705;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1711.  Probably 
V.  of  Llanigon,  Brecon,  1709.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  Marischale 
of  Scotland.  V.of  Melinau,  Pembroke,  in  1714.  R.  of  New- 
port, 1714.   {Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale;  Lambeth  Act  Bk.) 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  June 
27,  1719.  S.  of  John,  of  Helston,  Cornwall,  mercer.  B.A. 
1722-3.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Gerrans,  Cornwall.  Will  (Exeter) 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  5, 
1734-  3rd  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  Middlesex.  B.  1717,  in 
London.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1734.  Adm.  at  the 
Middle  Temple,  Nov.  2,  1734.  Lieut. -Col.  in  the  Army. 
Died  unmarried;  slain  at  Lafeldt.  Brother  of  John  (1734) 
and  Richard  (1729).  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  451;  Hutchins,  iii. 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1743; 
B.A.  1747-8. 

WILLIAMS,  JAMES.  B.D.  1749  (Incorp.  from  Jesus  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there.  Mar.  14,  1732-3,  age  18.  S.  of  James, 
of  Penbrey,  Carmarthen.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1736;  M.A.  1739; 
B.D.  1747;  D.D.  1769.  R.  of  Longworth,  Berks.,  and  V.  of 
South  Newington,  Oxon.,  1769-1802.  Died  Dec.  11,  1802. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  JEFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's, 
July  4,  1639.  S.  of  WUliam  Jeffreys,  gent.,  of  Bangor. 
B.  there.  School,  Bangor  (Mr  Meredith).  Matric.  1641; 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1571. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1572;  'of 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1574. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1583. 
One  of  these  names,  's.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Gt  Kimble, 
Bucks.,'  adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  8,  1584;  from 
Barnard's  Inn.    {Peile,  i.  175.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1598. 
2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Conway,  Carnarvon.  B.  there,  Mar.  25, 
1582.  School,  Ruthin.  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605;  B.D.  1613; 
D.D.  1616.  Fellow,  1603.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1608.  Proctor, 
1611-2.  R.  of  Honington,  Suffolk,  1605-10.  R.  of  Dodding- 
hurst,  Essex,  1610-2.  R.  of  Grafton  Underwood,  Northants., 
1611-21.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1612-21.  Chaplain  to  the  King. 
Archdeacon  of  Carmarthen,  1613.  Preb.  and  precentor  of 
Lincoln,  1613-42.  R.  of  Walgrave,  Northants..  1614-42. 
Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1616-21.  Dean  of  Salisbury,  1619-20. 
Dean  of  Westminster,  1620-42.  Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal, 
1620-5.  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1621-42.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's 
Inn,  Aug.  15,  1622.  Imprisoned  in  the  Tower  on  a  charge 
of  betraying  secrets  of  the  Privy  Council,  1637-40.  Arch- 
bishop of  York,  1641-9.  Garrisoned  Conway  Castle  for  the 
King,  in  1642.  Purchased  the  estates  of  Cochwillan  and 
Penrhyn,  1621-2.  Gave  a  large  sum  of  money  for  the  building 
of  the  College  library.  Died  Mar.  25,  1649-50.  Buried  at 
Llandegai,  Carnarvon.  M.I.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  20,  1650, 
to  Geoffrey  Williams,  nephew.  Perhaps  brother  of  James 
(c.  1594),  Robert  (1588)  and  Hugh  (1601-2).  {D.N.B.; 
M.  H.  Peacock;  Nicholas,  Co.  Fam.  of  Wales,  362.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.   M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1610. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1610; 
B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Machynlleth,  Montgomery,  1616-7;  V.  of 
Cwm,  Flints..  1624-5;  R.  of  Northop,  1624;  R.  of  Llany- 
mynech,  Salop,  1625-7;  R-  of  Llanrhaiadr,  Denbigh,  1625; 
deprived,  but  reinstated,  1660;  R.  of  Llanfyllin,  Montgomery, 
1627-31;  Preb.  of  St  Asaph,  1660-2.  Died  1662.  {D.  ft. 
Thomas,  i.  339.) 


Williams,  John 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1612; 

B.A.  1615-6.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hulcote,  Bucks., 

1622-9.  Died  1629. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616; 

B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1623. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.   B.A.  from  St  John's,  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
WYLLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  18, 

1631-2.  S.of  John,  gent.,  of  Llannefydd,Denbigli.  B.  there. 

School,  Whitchurch,  Salop  (Mr  Brookes).  Matric.  1632. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,  July  20,  1633.    Of  Shrewsbury.    B.A.  1636-7;  M.A. 

1640.   Fellow,  1636-50.   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Carlton- 

cum-Willingham,  Cambs.,  1664-?  79!  M.A.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 

a  contemporary  namesake. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  23, 

1640.  S.of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Llannefydd,  Denbigh.  B.  there. 
School,  Westminster.  Of  Llannefydd.  Married  Sydney,  dau. 
of  Edward  Wynn,  of  Ystrad.  Buried  at  Llannefydd,  Feb.  11, 
1673.  M.I.  Brotherof  William  (1642).  {Arch.Cambr.,5ihS., 
I.  360.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  7, 

1641.  S.  of  John,  of  London.  B.  in  London.  School,  Charter- 
house (Exhibitioner).   Matric.  1641. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  14, 
1654.  S.  of  Arthur  (?  1634),  Esq.,  of  Llanfaehrhys,  Carnarvon. 
B.  there.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1654.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn.  Nov.  i,  1656.  Probably  brother  of  Arthur 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  1, 
1659-60.  S.  of  Sir  Griffith  (1622),  Bart.,  of  Connon  (?  Con- 
way), Carnarvon.   B.  there.   Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  M.A.  1660  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.  c. 
1636  in  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford) 
June  24,  1653;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1655;  M.A.  1658;  D.D. 
(Cambridge)  1690  {Com.  Reg.).  Perhaps  V.  of  Wrotham, 
Kent,  1662-80.  R.  of  St  Mildred  Poultry  and  St  Mary 
Colechurch,  London,  1673-96.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1683. 
Preb.  of  Canterbury,  1692.  Bishop  of  Chichester,  1696-1709. 
Chaplain  to  William  III.  Author,  controversial.  Died  Apr. 
24,  1709.  Buried  at  St  Mildred  Poultry.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Hen- 
nessy,  285;  D.N.B.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  i,  1667. 
Matric.  1667. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  3,  1668.  Of 
Carnarvonshire.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  Scholar,  1672; 
M.A.  1677.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1677.  R.  of  Llanbedrog, 
Carnarvon.  Preb.  of  Bangor,  1708-10.  Died  Feb.  26, 
1709-10,  aged  57.  M.I.  at  Pentir,  Bangor.  (Brown  Willis, 
Bangor,  153;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  July  1, 
1670;  Fell.-Com.  Apr.  1672.  Of  Kent.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of 
Thomas,  M.D.  (1669),  of  Eltham,  Kent.  Bapt.  there,  Nov. 
24,  1653.  School,  Canterbury.  Matric.  1670;  Scholar,  1670. 
Knighted,  c.  1674-5.  M. P.  for  Hereford,  1700-5.  Succeeded 
his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Sept.  1712.  Of  Eltham,  Kent,  and 
of  Llangoed,  Brecon.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  William 
Powell  (formerly  Hinson),  Bart.,  of  Fulham,  Middlesex. 
Died  s.p.m.,  Apr.  28,  1723,  aged  69.  Buried  at  Sellack, 
Hereford.  M.I.  Probably  half-brother  of  James  (1688). 
{G.E.C.,  IV.  66;  Robinson,  Manor  Houses  of  Herefordshire, 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  1, 

1678.  S.  and  h.  of  Humphrey,  gent.  B.  at  Gwinear,  Cornwall. 
Bapt.  Sept.  21,  1660,  at  High  Bickington,  Devon.  Matric. 
1678;  B.A.  1681-2.  Buried  Dec.  25,  1741,  at  Mawgan-in- 
Pyder,  Cornwall.   (Vivian,  Vis.  of  Cornwall;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Christ's,  May  26, 

1679.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  North  Mimms,  Herts.  School, 
Alconbury,  Hunts.  (Mr  Mathews).  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  12,  1677-8.   {Peile,  11.  74.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Apr.  10,  1693. 
Of  diocese  of  St  Asaph.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7.  One  of 
these  names  P.C.  of  Dyserth,  Flints.,  1705;  R.  of  Gwannys- 
gor,  1711-42;  R.  of  Henllan,  1721-42.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for 
contemporary  namesakes.   {D.  R.  Thomas,  i.  403;  11.  357.) 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Sidney,  Dec.  28, 
1698.  S.  of  William,  retailer.  B.  at  Tiverton,  Devon.  Matric. 
1698;  B.A.  1701-2. 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1700.  Of 
Middlesex.  M.A.  1702  (according  to  Masters). 

WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  27, 
1700.  S.  of  William,  of  Bangor.  B.  in  the  Isle  of  Man. 
School,   Westminster.    Matric.    1700;   Scholar,    1702;   B.A. 

Williams,  Moses 

i704-5;M.A.  1708;  B.D.  1719-  Fellow,  1707.  Junior  Proctor, 
1716-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  29,  1707-8;  priest,  June, 
1709.  R.  of  North  Runcton,  Norfolk,  1727-38. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  1, 
1709.  S.  of  Rees,  gent.  B.  at  Rhyd-y-Groy,  Montgomery. 
School,  Oswestry  (Mr  Pool).  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1712-3; 
M.A.  1716.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  23,  1714;  priest  (St 
Asaph)  Sept.  23,  1716. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  Christ's,  July  3, 
1717.  S.  of  John  (probably  of  St  Sepulchre's,  London,  gent.). 
B.  in  London.  School,  Thurlow  (Mr  Harwood).  Probably 
migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  4,  1717-8,  age  21;  B.A.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  1720-1. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Peile,  11.  193.) 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Matric.  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1719. 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1730.  S.  of  William,  artificer,  of  Middlesex.  B.  Apr.  2,  1712, 
in  London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1730;  B.A. 
1733-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  June  i,  1735;  C.  of  Holywell, 
Hunts.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Oakham,  Rutland,  173^- 
(?)  82.  (Robinson,  Merchant  Taylors'  Sch.  Reg.) 
WILLIAMS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  5, 
1734.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  Middlesex,  and  of  Tendring 
Hall,  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk.  B.  1716.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1734.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  2,  i734- 
Migrated  to  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  23,  1738-9-  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1739.  Married  Charlotte-Maria,  dau.  of  Sir  Anthony 
Thomas  Abdy,  Bart.,  of  Felix  Hall,  Essex,  i744-  Took  the 
surname  of  Onslow.  Died  Nov.  1779.  Buried  at  Spettisbury, 
Dorset.  Brother  of  James  (1734)  and  Richard  (1729)- 
{Scott-Mayor,  in.  451;  Hutchins,  iii.  520.) 
WILLIAMS,   JOHN.     M.A.   from    King's,    i739-    B.A.    (Jesus 

College,  Oxford).   (Identification  uncertain;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILLIAMS,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  8,  1670-1 

Of  Merioneth.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5. 
WILLIAMS,  JOSEPH.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Dec.  15, 
1743;    Fell.-Com.    Feb.   20,    1743-4-    S.   of   Joseph,   of  St 
Elizabeth  Town,  Jamaica,  Esq.  B.  there.  School,  Hackney, 
Middlesex  (private).  Matric.  1743.  Brother  of  Lewis  (1741)- 
{Venn,  11.  54.) 
WILLIAMS,  LEWIS.    FeUow  of  King's  Hall.    Will  (V.C.C.) 
1524.  'Late  of  the  University  of  Cambridge,'  when  James 
Sponer,  his  executor,  thus  refers  to  him,  c.  1529.  (E.  Axon.) 
WILLIAMS,  LEWIS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1559.    Of  Anglesey.    B.A.  1561-2;  M.A.  1565;  B.D.  1570. 
Fellow,  1566.   University  preacher,  1567.  C.  of  Homingsea, 
Cambs.,  1567. 
WILLIAMS,  LEWIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1597-8. 
Of  London.   B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.    Perhaps  chaplain  to 
the  East  India  Company,  1626-7.   (F.  Penny.) 
WILLIAMS,  LEWIS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1608; 
B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20; 
priest,  Dec.  20,  1612. 
WILLIAMS,  LEWIS.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter, 
1722.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  15, 
1719;  2nd  s.  of  Roland,  of  Jamaica. 
WILLIAMS,  LEWIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  19, 
1741.    S.  of  Joseph,  of  St  Elizabeth  Town,  Jamaica,  Esq. 
B.  there.  School,  Hackney,  Middlesex.   Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Aug.  28,  1740.    Died  in  College.    Buried  Nov.  7, 
1741,    at    St    Michael's,    Cambridge.     Brother    of    Joseph 
(1743).   {Venn,  11.  51.) 
WILLIAMS,   MARTIN.     Matric.   pens,   from  Trinity,   Michs. 
1565;  Scholar,  1567;  B.A.  1569-70;  M.A.  1573;  B.D.  1580. 
Fellow,  1571.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  16,  1575. 
University  preacher,  1576.    R.  of  Eversholt,  Beds.,  1578-9. 
V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  1580-9.    R.  of  Tarring,  and  of 
Patching,  Sussex,  1585.   R.  of  Stanmer,  1591.   Will  (P.C.C.) 
1602;  of  Patching,  Sussex,  clerk. 
WILLIAMS,  MAURICE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 

1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621. 
WILLIAMS,  MORRIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  c.  1593; 
B.A.  from  Jesus,  1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1600.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1611. 
Perhaps  R.  of  NettesweU,  Essex,  1617-34.  Died  1634. 
WILLIAMS,  MOSES.  M.A.  from  King's,  1718.  S.  of  Samuel, 
of  Llandyssil,  Cardigan,  clerk.  B.  Mar.  2,  1685-6,  at  Glas- 
Iwyn.  School,  Carmarthen.  Matric.  (University  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  31,  1705,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1708.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Mar.  2,  1708;  priest,  May  31,  1713-  V.  of 
Llanwenog,  Cardigan,  1715-42.  V.  of  Devynock,  Brecon, 
1716-32.  F.R.S.,  1719.  R.  of  Chilton  Trinity,  Somerset, 
and  V.  of  St  Mary,  Bridgwater,  1732-42.  Welsh  antiquary. 
Author,  theological,  etc.  Died  Apr.  9,  1742.  Buried  at  St 
Mary's,  Bridgwater.  {A I.  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.;  Jones,  Brecknock, 
II.  688.) 


Williams,  Nathaniel 

WILLIAMS,  NATHANIEL.  B.A.  from  St  John's,  1619-20. 
B.D.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield) 
Nov.  23,  1623.  V.  of  Tachbrook,  Warws.,  1624.  V.  of  Dun- 
church,  1626.  R.  of  Hamstall  Ridware,  Stafifs.,  1627-30. 
R.  of  Norbury,  Derbs.,  1630.  Canon  of  Lichfield,  1630-69. 
V.  of  High  Offiey,  Staffs.,  1635.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti, 
I.  617.) 

WILLIAMS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
June  29,  1706.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  clerk.  B.  at  Betley,  near 
Newcastle-under-Lyne,  Staffs.  School,  Keele  (his  father). 
Matric.  1706.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge,  Dec.  i,  1708. 

WILLIAMS,  NICHOLAS.   B.A.  1532-3;  M.A.  1535. 

WILLIAMS,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 


WILLIAMS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Queens',  June 
ir,  1699.  Of  Carmarthen.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Rice, 
Knt.,  of  Edwinsford  (Rhyd-Edwin),  Carmarthen.  Matric. 
1698.  Adm.  at  the  InnerTemple,  Nov.  27,1699.  Created  Bart., 
July  30,  1707.  M.P.  for  Co.  Carmarthen,  1722-45.  Lord- 
Lieul.  and  Custos  Rotulorum  for  Carmarthen.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Charles  Cocks,  of  Worcester.  Died  s.p.,  July  19, 1745. 
Will,  1745.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1711).  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake  (who  was  probably  the  Sheriff  of 
Carmarthen,  1697-8,  and  not  our  man,  as  stated  in  G.E.C.). 
(Nicholas,  306;  G.E.C.,  v.  5.) 

WILLIAMS,  OWEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  13, 
1723-4.  S.  of  William  Evans,  of  Aberffraw,  Anglesey. 
School,  Beaumaris  (Mr  Morgan).  Matric.  1724;  B.A.  1727-8. 

WILLIAMS,  PERANTUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  27, 
1705 ;  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  May  20,  1698,  age  18,  as  Perault  Williams.  S.  of 
WUliam,  clericus.  B.  at  Haverfordwest,  Pembroke.  B.A. 
(Dublin)  1702;  M.B.  (Cambridge)  1705;  M.D.  (Dublin)  1720. 
Brother  of  Counsel.   (Al.  Dub.) 

WILLIAMS,  PETER.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  23,  1558.  Of  London.  Matric.  1558.  Left  in 
1561.  Secretary  to  Jewel,  Bishop  of  Salisbury.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Latchingdon,  Essex,  and  dean  of  Booking, 
1584.   (Harwood,  173.) 

WILLIAMS,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  3,  1645-6. 

Matric.    1645-6.     One   of   these   names   (b.   in   Salisbury), 

minister  at  York;  silenced,  1662.   Died  Mar.  26,  1680,  aged 

55.   (Calamy,  11.  582.) 
WILLIAMS,  PHILIP.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  i, 

1674.    S.  of   Riese,  of  Llangynhafal,   Denbigh.    B.    there. 

School,  Carnarvon.    Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681. 

R.  of  Doddington,  Cambs.,  1686-1719.  Died  1719.  Father  of 

the  next.   (J.  Crosby.) 

WILLIAMS,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  July  8, 
1710.  S.  of  Philip  (above),  clerk.  B.  at  Doddington,  Cambs. 
School,  Huntingdon  (Mr  Matthews).  Matric.  1710;  B.A. 
1714-5;  M.A.  1718;  B.D.  1725;  D.D.  1730.  Fellow,  1716-41. 
Public  Orator,  1730-41.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  5, 
1720-1;  priest  (Ely)  May  2u,  1722.  R.  of  Starston,  Norfolk, 
1729-46.  R.  of  Barrow,  Suffolk,  1740-9.  V.  of  Sutton, 
Lines.,  1746.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Dighton,  D.D., 
R.  of  Newmarket.  Died  May  26,  1749.  Buried  at  Barrow. 
M.I.   (Scott-Mayor;  Gage,  24.) 

WILLIAMS,  REGINALD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  5, 
1677.  Of  London.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Reginald,  of  London, 
and  of  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk.  B.  c.  1657.  Matric.  1677. 
Of  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 
(1689).  (Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  Hutchins,  iii.  521,  where  a 
generation  is  apparently  onaitted  in  the  pedigree.) 

WILLIAMS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1564. 

WILLIAMS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  May  30,  1624.  Of  Brentwood,  Essex.  B.A. 
1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Fellow,  1627-36.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1635.  V.  of  Middle  Rasen,  Lines.,  1635.  V.  of  Gainsborough, 
1637-42.  Died  1642  (sic).  Buried  at  Gainsborough.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1648.   (Harwood;  Stark,  Gainsborough,  401.) 

WILLIAMS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1627.   Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633. 

WILLIAMS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  29,  1722; 
'C.  of  Whitechapel,  London.*  S.  of  Richard,  of  Worcester. 
Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  3,  1713-4,  age  17; 
li.A.  (Oxford)  1717-8;  M.A.  (Cambridge)  1722.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Halstead,  Suffolk,  1727-37. 

WILLIAMS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Aug.  4,  1729.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  London,  and  of 
Tendring  Hall,  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Jan.  23,  1730-1.  Died  s.^.,  1750.  Brother  of  James 
(1734)  and  John  (1734).  (Hutchins,  iii.  520;  Scott-Mayor,  in. 

Williams,  Thomas 

WILLIAMS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  \Ucdalene,  Easter, 
1588.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Conway,  Carnarvon. 
If  so,  of  Penyrallt,  near  Conway.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Griffith  John  Griffith,  of  Cefnamwlch.  Died  before  Feb.  21, 
1623-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  James  (c.  1594)  and  John  (1598), 
and  father  of  Griffith  (1622).  (Nicholas,  Co.  Fam.  Wales, 
363;  C.E.C.,  III.  212.) 

WILLIAMS,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1631; 
B.A.  1633-4. 

WILLIAMS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 

27,  1667.  S.  of  Edmund,  husbandman,  of  Llanllecbid,  near 
Bangor,  Carnarvon.  B.  there.  School,  Bangor.  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1674. 
Perhaps  C.  of  Saxthorpe,  Norfolk. 

WILLIAMS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Sept.  2, 
1735-  Of  Buckden,  Hunts.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1708). 
Matric.  1736. 

WILLIAMS,  ROGER.  B.A.  from  Queens',  1571-2;  M.A.  1575; 
B.D.  1582.  FeUow.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Albans,  Herts.,  1582; 
V.  of  St  Peter's,  St  Albans,  1592.  Licence  (Bishop  of  London) 
Jan.  23,  1583-4,  to  marry  Alice  Asheton,  of  Chrishall  Magna, 
Essex,  spinster,  dau.  of  William  Asheton,  V.  of  Meldreth, 
Cambs.  Buried  Nov.  10,  1626,  at  the  Abbey.  Will,  Archd. 
St  Albans.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILLIAMS,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  June  29, 1623. 
S.  of  James,  Merchant  Taylor,  of  London.  School,  Charter- 
house (exhibitioner  as  'John').  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1626-7. 
Chaplain  to  Sir  William  Masham,  of  Oatcs,  High  Laver, 
Essex.  Went  to  New  England,  1630.  Became  a  teacher  at 
Salem,  Mass.,  moved  thence  to  Plymouth;  minister  there, 
1631-3.  Sentenced  to  deportation  by  the  Government  of 
Mass.  for  promulgating  dangerous  opinions.  Withdrew  to 
Rhode  Island  and  founded  Providence,  1636;  established 
there  the  first  Baptist  Church  in  America.  Went  to  England 
and  received  a  Charter  for  the  settlement  of  Providence 
(Rhode  Island),  1643-4.  Elected  Governor  of  Providence, 
1654-7.  Deputy-Governor  of  Rhode  Island,  1667.  Author, 
controversial.  Known  as  the  proto-champion  in  America  of 
religious  toleration.  Died  in  Providence,  Apr.  1683.  Buried 
there.  M.I.  in  the  Chapel  cloister  at  Charterhouse.  (J.  G. 
Bartlett;  Al.  Carthus.,  5;  D.N.B.) 

WYLLIAMS,  ROGER.   Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 

28,  1632.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  St  Nicolas,  Glamorgan. 
B.  there.  School,  Westminster.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  8, 

WILLIAMS,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
26,  1654.  S.  of  William,  husbandman,  of  Landegai,  Carnar- 
von. School,  Llanrwst,  Carnarvon.  Matric.  1654;  B.A. 
1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  Probably  vicar-choral  of  Bangor; 
chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Bangor.  R.  of  Llanllechid,  Carnar- 
von, 1669.  Chancellor  of  Bangor,  1669-98.  P.C.  of  Cwm, 
Flints.,  1697-1702;  of  Llandysilio.  Died  1702-3.  (Brown 
Willis,  Bangor,  1.  62;  D.  R.  Thomas,  i.  399;  Lambeth  Act  Bk; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILLIAMS,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sx  John's,  Easter, 

WILLIAMS,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1657.  Of  Wales.  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Probably  ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (London)  Apr.  21,  1662.  V.  of  Gt  Wilbra- 
ham,  Cambs.,  1664-9.  V.  of  Bottisham,  1664-8.  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  (J.  Crosby.) 

WILLIAMS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  26,  1751.  S.  of  Hugh,  of  Jamaica.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1751.   Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  18,  1748-9. 

WILLIAMS,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Pembroke,  Feb. 
20,  1724-5.  Matric.  1724-5;  M.B.  1725.  Matric.  (Exeter 
CoUege,  Oxford)  Feb.  26,  1718-9,  age  17;  s.  of  John,  of  St 
Eval,  ComwaU,  gent.  F.R.S.,  1734.  Author. 

WILLIAMS,  THEODORE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1678;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A.  1685.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec. 
1684;  priest,  June,   1693;  C.  of  Adel,  near  Leeds,  1693. 

(Peile,  n.  69.) 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.   B.A.  1504-5- 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS  (1506-7).  See  BAWGHE. 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1513-4;  M.A.  1521-2.  FeUow  of 
Peterhouse,  1521-4.  (Perhaps  confused  by  Cooper,  i.  68, 
with  William,  Prior  of  the  Austin  Canons  of  Huntingdon.) 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1541-2  (Incorp.  from  Siena). 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clark,  Michs.  1568; 

B.A.  1575-6. 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1583; 

B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1591. 

V.A.C.  IV. 



Williams,  Thomas 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  9,  1591-2. 
Of  MJddlese.x.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Reginald,  Sheriff  of 
Montgomeryshire  (by  his  ist  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Gerard 
Gore,  of  London).  If  so,  of  Willaston,  Salop;  married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Price,  of  Cardiganshire.  Living 
1623.  {Vis.  of  Salop,  1623.) 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  17, 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  1594; 

B.A.  1596-7. 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1618; 

B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625. 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  ^UGDALENE,  Easter, 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  May  25, 

1646.  OfOarowaU. 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.   M.D.  1669  {Lit.  Reg.).   'Attended  our 
royal  person  for  making  and  composing  several  physical 
medicines.'   S.  of  Thomas,  of  Talyllyn,  Brecon.   B.  c.  1621. 
Adm.  Extra-Liccnt.of  the  C.P.,  Feb.  11,  1659-60.  Chymical 
Physician  to  Charles  II,  1670.  Created  Bart.,  Nov.  12,  1674. 
M.P.  for  Weobley,  1675-8.  Of  Eltham,  Kent,  Esq.   Married 
(i)  Anne,dau.  of  John  Hogbeane,  of  Eltham,  Kent;  (2)  Grace 
Carwardine,  of  Madley,  Hereford,  widow,  Bee.  1666.  Buried 
Sept.  12,  1712,  at  Glasbury,  Brecons.  Father  of  James  (1688) 
and  probably  of  John  (1670).   {G.E.C.,  iv.  66.) 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
July  16,  1689.   S.  ot  Reginald,  gent.   B.  at  Stoke,  Suffolk. 
School,  Westminster.  Doubtless  of  Tendring  Hall,  near  Stoke. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Reginald   (1677);  doubtless  father  of 
Thomas  (1709-10). 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  21,  1708.    S.  of  John,  gent.    B.  at  Buckden,  Hunts. 
School,   Llanvair,   Denbigh   (private).    Perhaps  father  of 
Robert  (i735)- 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  21,  1709-10.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (?  1689),  of  Tendring 
Hall,  near  Stoke,  Suffolk.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  17, 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1710; 
B.A.  1 71 5-6.   Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  3;  priest, 
Sept.  25,  1715.   One  of  these  names  V.  of  Mayland,  Essex, 
1716;  buried  at  Southminster,  Feb.  17,  1743-4.  But  see  also 
Thomas  (1717)  to  whom  this  may  refer. 
WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  16,  1711. 
Of   Carmarthen.     Doubtless  s.   of   Sir  Richard    (Rice),   of 
Edwinsford    (Rhyd-Edwin),    Carmarthen,    Knt.,    deceased. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  10,  1711.  Chancellor  and  Chamber- 
lain of  Co.  Carmarthen,  Pembroke,  and  Cardigan,  Custos 
Rotulorum  of  Carmarthen.    Of  Rhydodyn,   Esq.    Married 
(i)  Arabella,  dau.  of  John  Vaughan,  Esq.,  of  Court  Derllys; 
(2)  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Singleton,  Esq.,  of  London  [ac- 
cording to  Burke,  his  first  wife  was  Miss  Powell].    Brother 
of  Nicholas  (1699).  (Nicholas,  Co.  Fam.  Wales,  306;  Burke, 
Ext.  Bart.) 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  15, 
1715-6.  S.  of  Maurice,  of  Aberdiney,  Denbigh.  B.  at 
Berwick,  Shropshire.  School,  Chester  (Mr  Hinchman). 
Scholar,  1717;  B.A.  1719-20;  M.A.  1723  (wrongly  called 
'Robert'  in  Graduati).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  9,  1715-6. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  priest.  Mar.  10, 
1722-3.  C.  of  Wic!;en,  Northants.,  1722;  R.,  1723-44. 
Buried  there  Mar.  17,  1744-5-  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  King's,  1717.  Perhaps  s.  of 
Edward,  of  Halkin,  Flintshire,  gent.  Matric.  (Jesus  College, 
Oxford)  Oct.  24,  1710,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1714-5.  One 
of  these  names  of  Wrexham,  Denbigh,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.) 
1759.  But  s^ea/so  note  under  Thomas  (1710).  {Al.Oxon.) 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1721; 
B.A.  1724-5- 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1722; 
B.A.  1726-7. 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  7,  1727.  S.  of  T.,  gent.,  of  Cambridgeshire.  B.  in 
Cambridge.  School,  Beaumaris,  Anglesey  (Mr  Owen). 
Matric.  1727;  M.B.  1733. 

WILLIAMS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  18,  1750. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1750. 

WILLIAMS,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1560. 

WILLIAMS,  WALTER.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  2,  1623-4. 

Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.   See  Al.  Oxon.  for 

contemporary  namesakes, 

Williams,  William  Pier  (Peere) 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1571 ;  B.A.  1575-6.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  July  26, 
1581.  R.  of  Asgarby,  Lines.,  1592.  WUl  (Lincoln)  1638-40. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  12,  1604-5. 
S.  of  Daniel,  merchant,  of  Sandwich,  Kent.  Schools,  Sand- 
wich and  Ely.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Jan.  19,  1607-8.  Scholar, 
1608-11;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612;  B.D.  1622.  Schoolmaster 
at  Launceston,  Cornwall,  1621,  and  at  Liskeard,  1624-5. 
V.  of  Maristow,  Devon.  Will  (Exeter)  1636.  {Venn,  i. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1625.  Of  Ely,  Cambs.  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  from  Emmanuel, 

WILLIAMS  or  GUILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pem- 
broke, June  14,  1626.  S.  of  John.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629- 
30;  M.A.  1633.  Buried  at  St  Benefs,  Cambridge,  May  22, 
1635.  Will  (V.C.C.  and  P.C.C.)  1635. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  1 7)  at  Sidney,  June  18, 

1626.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin,  Devon.  Schools,  Dubrin 
and  Maristow  (Mr  Wm.  Williams).  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633. 
One  of  these  names  of  Coryton,  Devon,  clerk;  will  (Exeter) 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  25, 1640-1.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Holyhead,  Anglesey. 
B.  there.  School,  Bangor  (Mr  Meredith).   Matric.  1641. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1642.  Of  Denbighshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edward,  of  Carwed- 
fynydd,  Attomey-at-Law.  Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1647-8; 
M.A.  1657;  M.L.  1657.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1657.  R.  of 
Llandegfan,  Anglesey,  1660.  R.  of  Llansannan,  Denbigh, 
1663-78.  R.  of  St  George  (Rhos  Deaner>'),  1668-84.  V.  of 
Northop,  1672-7.  Master  of  Beaumaris  School,  and  R.  there. 
V.  of  RhuddJan,  1678-84.  Canon  of  St  Asaph,  1679.  Brother 
of  John  (1640).  {Archaeol.  Cambr.,  5th  S.,  x.  360;  D.  R. 
Thomas,  i.  360;  ill.  229.) 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  14, 
1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1661.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1661. 
One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Bishop  of  Ardfert)  Nov.  24, 
1658.  R.  of  Clenchwater,  Norfolk. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June 
18,  1714.  S.  of  Hugh,  of  Llanllechid,  Carnarvon.  School, 
Bangor  (Mr  Doulben).  Matric.  1714;  Scholar,  1719;  B.A. 
1719-20;  M.A.  1723.  Fellow,  1722.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1728. 
Ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph)  Jan.  4,  1721;  priest  (Lincoln)  Oct.  6, 
1728.  R.  of  Little  Buckenham,  Noriolk,  1728.  R.  of  Byfleet, 
Surrey,  in  1732.  V.  of  Staines,  Middlesex,  1732-7.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Marchmont.  R.  of  Ockham,  Surrey,  1737. 
(T.  C.  Dale;  Hennessy,  404.) 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  25,  1730.  S.  of  William,  R.  of  Stoke,  Salop.  B.  at 
Stoke.  School,  Hanmer,  Flintshire  (Mr  Hughs).  Matric. 
1730.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  All  Saints',  Cambridge, 
Feb.  21,  1731-2. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  July  4, 
1730.  S.  of  John,  of  Crewthyn,  Carnarvon.  M.A.  from 
St  John's,  1730.  Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  Apr.  1, 
1717,  age  19;  B.A.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  1720.  Ord. 
deacon  (Bangor)  Sept.  5;  priest,  Sept.  17,  1720.  R.  of 
Newbury,  Anglesey,  1731-46.  V.  of  Llanbeblig,  Carnarvon, 
1731-46.  One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Snaith  and  Rawcliffe, 
Yorks.,  c.  1755-75.  Buried  at  Snaith,  Feb.  23, 1775,  aged  62. 
{Scott-Mayor,  iii.  431;  Robinson,  Snaith,  102.) 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
Jan.  5,  1735-6.  Of  Barking,  Essex.   Matric.  1736. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  July  10, 
1741.  S.  of  William,  of  Trevorder,  St  Breock,  Cornwall. 
B.  1720,  at  Truro.  School,  Bodmin  (Mr  Fisher).  Matric. 
1741;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester) 
May  25;  priest,  June  1,  1746.  R.  of  St  Ewe,  Cornwall, 
1746-85.  R.  of  Gerrans,  1758-85.  Owner  of  the  manor  of 
Trevorrick  St  Issey.  Died  Jan.  24,  1785.  Buried  at  St  Issey. 
M.I.  there  and  at  St  Ewe.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  {Scott-Mayor, 
in.  522.) 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  21,  1746.  S.  of  Grif.,  husbandman,  of  Denbighshire. 
B.  at  Ruthin.  School,  Ruthin  (Mr  Hughes).  Matric.  1746; 
B.A.  1749-50.  Ord.  deacon  (London,  Litt.  dim.  from  Win- 
chester) Sept.  24,  1752.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bradfield, 
Norfolk,  1758-76;  died  1776. 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM  PIER  (PEERE).  Matric.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1717.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  William  Peere, 
of  Gray's  Inn,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  22,  1717-8. 
Migrated  to  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  24,  1725.  Died  s.p. 
Brother  of  Hutchins  (1716).  {Dallatiay,  1.  App.) 


Williams,  William  Pee  re 

WILLIAMS,  WILLIAM  PEERE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Ct.are, 
Apr.  II,  1749.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Hutchins  (i7i6),of 
Chichester,  Sussex,  Bart.  B.  there.  Schools,  Winchester 
and  Eton.  Matric.  1749;  M.A.  1759.  Succeeded  his  father 
as  2nd  Bart.,  Nov.  4,  1758.  M.P.  forNewShorcham,  1758-61. 
Died  unmarried;  slain  at  Butelot,  Apr.  27,  1761,  at  the 
attack  of  Belleisle.   (G.E.C.,  v.  49;  D.N.B.) 

WILLIAM, .  M.Gram.  1472-3. 

WILLIAMS, .   B.Can.L.  1495-6.   Perhaps  Lewis,  Fellow  of 

Ki.vg's  Hall;  whom  see. 

WILLIAMS,  .  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  2,  1622. 

WILLIAMSON,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

WILLIAMSON,  BARNABAS.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  c.  1594  (college 
not  specified).  Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Walkeringham, 
Notts.  Of  Bothamsell  and  Lound  Hall,  Notts.  Married  and 
had  issue.  Died  before  Jan.  5,  1625-6.  [Lines.  Pedigrees, 
1086;  Surtees,  11.  9;  Tkoroton,  in.  230,  364.) 

WILLIAMSON,  CAESAR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1627;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A. 
1635.  Fellow,  1633.  B.D.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  1642. 
D.D.  (Dublin)  1661,  and  Public  Orator.  Fellow  of  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  1654.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1640. 
R.  of  Wappenham,  Northants.,  1641.  Canon  of  York,  1641. 
Joined  the  King's  army;  present  at  EdgehiLl,  1642.  Se- 
questered from  his  preferments.  R.  of  Ardstraw,  Co.  Derry, 
Ireland,  1660.  Treasurer  of  Christchurch  Cathedral,  Dublin, 
1664.  R.  of  Droniskin,  Armagh,  c.  i666.  R.  of  Kilsaran, 
1666-75.  Dean  of  Cashel,  1671-5.  Died  Nov.  29,  1675. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  Baker,  1.  733;  Leslie,  Armagh  Clergy,  344;  H.  B. 


WILLIAMSON,  CUTHBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1577.  Of  Westmorland.  B.A.  1580-1.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  Oct.  i,  1581.  V.  of  Wiggenhall  St  Jerm.,  Norfolk, 

WILLIAMSON,  D.   M.Gram.  1475-6  {non-incepit). 

WILLIAMSON,  DAVID.   Incorp.  1484-5. 

WILLIAMSON,  DOVE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1624.  6th  s.  of  Robert  (1570).  Bapt.  June  12,  1606,  at 
Tichmarch,  Northants.  Matric.  1624;  B.A.  1628;  M.A.  1632. 
Fellow,  1624-34.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  July  9,  1630.  'Lost 
his  leg  by  a  cannon  ball,  at  Newark.'  R.  of  Elton-on-the- 
Hill,  Notts.,  1634-80.  R.  of  Fulbeck,  Lines.,  1635.  Known 
as  a  persecutor  of  nonconformists,  his  particular  victim  being 
William  Claytor,  a  farmer,  of  Elton,  whose  case  was  specially 
dealt  with  in  a  tract  entitled,  The  Ravenous  Beast  discovered, 
by  William  Smith,  1664.  Died  1680.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1609),  Henry  (1626),  etc.   (Harxvood;  Godfrey,  Notts.,  x68.) 

WILLIAMSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  13, 
1612.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  Knt.,  of  Gainsborough, 
Lines.  Matric.  1612.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  6,  1614. 
{Lines.  Pedigrees,  1087.) 

WILLIAMSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  15, 
1732.  S.  of ,  of  Husbom  Crawley,  Beds.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1732;  Scholar,  1733;  B.A.  1735-6;  M.A. 
1765.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21;  priest,  Sept.  28,  1740. 
Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Pomfret.  R.  of  MUlbrook,  Beds., 
1740.  R.  of  Lolworth,  Cambs.,  1764-75.  Died  1775.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1775-   (Al.  Westmon.,  306;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILLIAMSON,  EDMUND  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St 
John's,  July  31,  1724.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.,  of  Cambridgeshire. 
B.  at  March,  Isle  of  Ely.  School,  Isleworth,  Middlesex. 
Matric.  1724. 

WILLIAMSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1587;  B.A.  1589-90;  M.A.  1593.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Bulvan,  Essex,  1592-8;  died  1598.   Will,  P.C.C. 

WILLIAMSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke, 
1640.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Milbeck,  Cumberland.  Matric. 
Easter,  1641.  Probably  schoolmaster  at  Penrith,  Cumber- 
land, 1655-9.  V.  of  Edenhall,  1659-60.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Fambridge,  Essex,  1660;  R.  of  Hockley,  1664;  admon. 
(Cons.  C.  London)  May  2,  1681.   (B.  Nightingale.) 

WILLIAMSON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1597. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  (Probably  already  adm.  at  Queens', 
May  16,  1595.)   B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1599-1600. 

WILLIAMSON,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1623;  priest. 
Mar.  1625-6.  V.  of  Weston,  Yorks.,  1627-37.  Licence  to 
marry  Faith  Taylor,  of  Birstall,  Yorks.,  1629.  Died  1637. 

WILLIAMSON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  15)  at 
Christ's,  Apr.  19,  1642.  S.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Isleworth, 
Middlesex.  B.  in  Southwark.  Schools,  Westminster  and 
Hoddesdon.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  3,  1642-3. 
(Peile,  I.  480.) 

Williamson,  John 

WILLIAMSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1544. 

WILLIAMSON,  GERVASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  25,  1712.  S.  of  John,  of  Stafford.  School,  Stafford 
(.Mr  Dearie).  Matric.  1712;  Scholar,  1714;  B.A.  1715-6; 
M.A.  1719.  Fellow,  1 718.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  10, 1722-3; 
priest,  June  5,  1726. 

WILLIAMSON,  GILES.  Matric.  FcU.-Com.  from  St  Catha- 
rine's, Easter,  1573.  Perhaps  of  Markham,  Tuxford,  Notts.; 
married  Frances,  dau.  of  Robert  Bradford,  of  Stainley, 
Yorks.,  Esq.,  e.  1580. 

WILLIAMSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1587.  Possibly  s.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Eccles,  Lanes.  B.  at 
Salford,  Manchester,  e.  1572.  [According  to  Peile,  Henry 
and  his  two  brothers  were  sons  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Eccles, 
Lanes.,  1576-1606,  and  a  Fellow  of  Manchester  College,  1578. 
But  this  parentage  (assumed  also  by  Canon  Raines)  seems 
doubtful.  Thomas  W.,  vicar  of  Eccles,  died  1606;  in  his 
will  only  three  sons  are  mentioned,  viz.  Thomas,  Randle  and 
Timothy.]  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1590-1;  M.A.  from  King's, 
1594;  B.D.  1601.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln),  1594.  Chaplain  at 
King's.  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Cambridge,  1597.  R.  of  Little 
Gidding,  Hunts.,  1598-1614.  R.  of  Conington,  1603-14. 
Preb.  of  Peterborough,  1608-14.  Died  Mar.  22,  1613-4. 
Will.  P.C.C.  Brother  of  John  (1575)  and  Robert  (1570). 
{Peile,  I.  189;  Raines,  Fellows  of  Manchester  College.) 

WILLIAMSON,  HENRY.  B.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S. 
of  Robert  (1570).  R.  of  Tichmarsh,  Northants.  Matric. 
(Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  June  27,  1623,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1624;  M.A.  from  King's,  1627.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  16,  1625;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1626. 
V.  of  Holbeach,  Lines.,  1629-31.  R.  of  Alwalton,  Hunts., 
1631-56.  R.  of  Conington,  1656-67.  Died  1667.  Brother 
of  Dove  (1624)  and  Thomas  (1609).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIAMSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  Easter,  1674.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at 
Leyden,  June  10,  1675;  'Willemson';  and  another  (or  the 
same)  Dec.  11,  1676. 

WILLIAMSON,  JAMES.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 

Michs.  1568;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1575-6. 

WILLIAMSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1612.  Doubtless2nds.  of  Robert  (1570).  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A. 
1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1618. 
R.  of  Crayke,  Yorks.,  1622.   {Peile,  i.  287;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WILLIAMSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  10, 
1635.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  York.  Schools,  York  and  Coxwold 
(Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Kirkby  Knowle,  Yorks.,  c.  1645-73;  died  1673. 

WILLIAMSON,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1711.  S.  of  John,  of 
Reigate,  Surrey,  clerk.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
July  15,  1679,  age  i7;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1683.  R.  of  Rype, 
Sussex,  1687.  R.  of  Chalvington,  1710.  Archdeacon  of 
Lewes,  1723-36.  Died  Dec.  9,  1736.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
St  Dunstan's,  Canterbury;  died  Aug.  7,  1728.  {Al.  O.xon.; 
G.  Mag.) 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  M.A.  Perhaps  R.  of  Little  Burstead, 
Essex,  1466-7;  V.  of  Gt  Canfield,  1469-76.  V.  of  Duxford 
St  Peter,  Cambs.,  1471,  and  probably  R.  of  Hilborough, 
Norfolk,  1471.  Perhaps  R.of  North  Ockendon,  Essex,  1483- 
97.  Died  1497-   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1555;  Scholar,  1555;  B.A.  1562-3- 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1575;  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1585. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  5,  1586-7.  Probably 
V.  of  North  Somercotes,  Lines.,  1602-25.  Will  (Lincoln) 
1624-5.  Oneof  these  names  V.  of  Fordham,  Cambs.,  1587-92. 
Died  there  July  23,  1592.  Admon.  to  widow  Barbara. 
[Peile  wrongly  assigns  both  these  livings  to  this  John,  who 
apparently  was  the  J.  W.,  'minister,  near  Louth,  Lines.,' 
i.e.  of  North  Somercotes,  mentioned  in  Henry  Ncwcome's 
Autobiography,  p.  91,  and  a  brother  of  Robert  (1570)  and 
Henry  (1587)]   (/'«/c,  i.  134-) 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1575;  B.A.  1577-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  July,  1579;  pncst, 
Apr.  17,  1580.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  BeechamwcU, 
Norfolk,  1596-1604;  B.A.;  V.  of  Congham  St  Mary,  1603, 
and  R.  of  West  Walton,  till  1614;  V.  of  Gayton,  1614-28. 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1585.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Ewcrby,  Lines.,  1592-1606. 
Admon.  (Lincoln)  1606. 



Williamson,  John 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1587;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  i593-  Perhaps  ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  July  17,  1592.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Kirkby 
Lonsdale,  Westmorland,  1591;  perhaps  V.  of  Tunstall, 
Lanes.,  1621-32;  Inventory  (Archd.  Richmond)  1633. 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1591. 

WILLIAMSON,    JOHN.     Adm.    pens,    at    Emmanuel,    1623. 

Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626;  M.A.  1632.  Perhaps C. of  Benenden, 

Kent,  1634;  M.A.   One  of  these  names  intruded  minister  of 

Cranbrook,  1643. 
WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 

June  26,   1724.    Of  Yorkshire.    School,  Durham.    Matric. 

1724;  Scholar,  1724.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge, 

Mar.  2,  1724-5. 

WILLIAMSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  2, 
1727-8.  Of  Liverpool.  Matric.  1727;  LL.B.  1731,  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4;  priest,  Sept.  3,  1732. 

WILLIAMSON,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
S.  of  Joseph,  V.  of  Bridekirk,  Cumberland.  Bapt.  there, 
Aug.  4,  1633.  School,  St  Bees.  Matric.  (Queen's  College, 
Oxford)  Nov.  18,  1650;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1653-4;  M.A.  1657; 
D.C.L.,  1674.  Fellow  (sic)  of  Queen's  CoUege,  Oxford,  1657. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  25,  1664.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1664  (the  same  day).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  i, 
1 671-2.  Held  a  position  in  the  office  of  Sir  Edward  Nicholas, 
Secretary  of  State,  1660.  Keeper  of  the  King's  Ubrary  at 
Whitehall,  1661.  F.R.S.,  1663;  President,  1677-80.  Editor 
of  the  Oxford  Gazette,  1665.  M.P.  for  Thetford,  1669,  1679, 
1681  and  1685;  for  Rochester,  1690  and  1701;  for  Co.  Clare, 
Ireland,  1692,  and  for  Limerick,  1695.  Knighted,  Jan.  24, 
1671-2.  Clerk  of  the  Council,  1672.  Secretary  of  State, 
1674-9.  P-C,  1674.  Recorder  of  Thetford,  1682.  Joint 
Plenipotentiary  at  the  Congress  of  Nimeguen,  1696.  Married 
Lady  Catherine  Stuart  (suo  jure,  Baroness  Clifton),  1678. 
Died  s.p.,  Oct.  3,  1701,  at  Cobham  Hall,  Kent.  Buried  in 
Westminster  Abbey.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve, 
Mm.;  H.  A.  C.  Sturgess;  D.N.B.) 

WILLIAMSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
May  23,  1695.  S.  of  William,  of  London.  Matric.  1695;  B.A. 
1698-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June,  1699.  Perhaps  father 
of  William  (1745). 

WILLIAMSON,  NICHOLAS.  B.Civ.L.  1537-8.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Whickham,  Durham,  1540-58;  died  1558. 

WILLIAMSON,  PETER.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1544;  B.A. 
1544-5.  Wm  proved  (V.C.C.)  1546. 

WILLIAMSON,    RALPH.    B.A.   from   King's,    1601-2.    Ord. 

deacon  (York)  Dec.  1607.  V.  of  Cottingham,  Yorks.,  1610-7. 
WILLIAMSON,  RALPH.   Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  19,  1692. 

Matric.  1694;  B.A.  1696-7. 
WILLIAMSON,  RANDOLPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 

WILLIAMSON,  RICHARD.  B.Can.L.  1486-7. 
WILLIAMSON,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1501-2. 
WILLIAMSON,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 

Michs.  1555  {impubes). 
WILLIAMSON,  ROBERT.   B.Civ.L.  1485-6. 

WILLIAMSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1557-8.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Gt  Bradley,  Suffolk,  1558- 

WILLIAMSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Nov. 
1570.  Possibly  s.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Eccles,  Lanes,  (but  see 
note  under  Henry  (1587)).  B.  at  Salford,  Lanes.  B.A. 
1574-5;  M.A.  1578;  B.D.  1585;  D.D.  1598.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1585.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  July  5,  1580. 
R.  of  Tichmarch,  Northants.,  1583-1631.  Preb.  of  Peter- 
borough, 1605-30.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1605-26.  Buried  May 
30,  1632,  at  Tichmarch.  Father  of  Thomas  (1609),  James 
(1612),  Dove  (1624)  and  Henry  (1626),  brother  of  Henry 
(1587)  and  John  (1575).  {Peile,  1.  116;  AL  Oxon.;  H.  I. 

WILLIAMSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter, 
1624.  Migrated  to  Trinity.  Scholar,  1627;  B.A.  1627-8; 
M.A.  1631.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5;  priest,  Dec.  18, 
1631.  R.  of  Steeple  Gidding,  Hunts.,  1636-65.  R.  of  Sawtry 
St  Andrew,  1640-69.  R.  of  Denton,  1666-7.  R-  of  Conington, 
1667-9.  Died  1669. 

WILLIAMSON,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILLIAMSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  2, 
1668.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2. 

WILLIAMSON,  SIMEON.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June,  1638. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1641-2. 

Williamson,  William 

WILLIAMSON,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Pembroke, 
Apr.  21,  1715.  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Theddlethorpe,  Lines.,  gent. 
Matric.  1715. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1474-5- 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  M.Gram.  1489-90. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1555;  Scholar,  1555. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1562.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1564-5.  Fellow,  1566. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1576;  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583.   R.  of  Sausthorpe,  Lines. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Feb. 
1581-2;  B.A.  1581-2.  Probably  subscribed  for  deacon's 
orders  (Lincoln)  May  27,  1587;  R.  of  Well  with  Dexthorpe, 
Lines.,  1587-97. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1582-3.   Of  Hertfordshire. 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1609.  S.  of  Robert  (1570).  B.  at  Bletchley,  Bucks., 
1593.  Matric.  1609;  B.A.  1613;  M.A.  1617;  B.D.  1626;  D.D. 
1636.  Fellow,  1612-27.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  1617.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Keeper  Williams, 
Bishop  of  Lincohi.  R.  of  Beckingham,  Lines.,  1626.  Preb. 
of  Lincohi,  1627-39.  Died  1639.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1639. 
Brother  of  Dove  (1624),  etc.  and  father  of  Thomas  (1655). 
(Harwood,  213.) 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  4,  1654.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  July  19,  1637,  at  Scotter, 
Lines.  School,  Gainsborough  (Mr  Hornby).  Matric.  1655. 
Married  three  wives.  Died  Dec.  21,  1713,  at  Grantham. 
(Peile,  I.  562;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  108.) 

WILLIAMSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  24,  1655.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1609),  D.D.  Schools, 
Grantham  and  Newark  (Mr  Hill).  Matric.  1657.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  May  11,  1657.  (Peile,  i.  566,  where  he  is  ap- 
parently confused  with  Thomas  (above).) 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.   B.Can.L.  1463-4- 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1527-8. 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  Easter,  1545. 
Conduct  of  the  College. 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  17, 
1584.  Matric.  1584. 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1607.  Perhaps  s.  of  Robert,  of  Hayton,  Notts. 
B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.;  priest, 
Dec.  1614.  Perhaps  chaplain  to  Gilbert,  Earl  of  Shrewsbury, 
and  V.  of  Selston,  Notts.,  162 1-4;  R.  of  Cromwell,  1631-5. 
[But  Foster  assigns  these  livings  to  the  next.]  (Lines. 
Pedigrees,  1086;  Vis.  of  Notts.) 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1617;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1628. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1623;  priest,  Sept.  1625.  R.  of 
Kirby-Underdale,  Yorks.,  1631.  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is 
apparently  confused  with  William  (above).) 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  9, 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  22)  at  Christ's, 
\pr.  15,  1645;  from  New  Inn  HaU,  Oxford.  S.  of  George. 
B.  at  Northwich,  Cheshire.  B.A.  1644-5.  Matric.  (Oxford) 
July  9,  1641,  age  19;  M.A.  (O.xford)  1648.  Perhaps  minister 
of  Hindley,  Lanes.,  c.  1650-6,  and  of  Kirkby  (in  parish  of 
Walton-on-the-Hill),  1656.   (Peile,  i.  493;  E.  Axon.) 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 

Mar.  20,  1655-6.  S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Hawkswell,  Richmonds. 

School,   Richmond   (Mr  Abraham   Ripley).    Matric.   1656; 

B.A.  1659-60. 
WILLIAMSON,    WILLIAM.     Adm.   sizar   (age    17)    at   Caius, 

Mar.  24,  1658-9.   S.  of  Anthony,  gent.,  of  Tilney-in-Marsh- 

land,  Norfolk.    B.  there.    School,  Lynn  (Mr  Bell).    Matric. 

1659;   Scholar,   1659-62.    Of  Watlington,  gent.    Died  s.p. 

Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  June  6,  1691.   (Venn,  i.  405.) 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  21,  1660-1;  from  Trinity  CoDege,  Dublin  [adm.  there, 
May  7,  1660,  age  15].  S.  of  Edward,  druggist,  of  Liverpool. 
B.  there.  School,  Liverpool  (Mr  Glover).  Matric.  1661; 
B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  Signed  for  priest's  orders  (London) 
Sept.  18,  1668;  C.  of  Paglesham,  Essex.  Archdeacon  of 
Glendalough,  Co.  Wicklow,  1672-1722.  Treasurer  of  Christ 
Church,  DubUn,  1676-1705.  Died  Nov.  1722.  Buried  at 
St  Audoen's,  Dublin.  (Scott-Mayor;  Al.  Dublin;  H.  B. 


Williamson,  William  [Leigh] 

WILLIAMSON,  WILLIAM  [LEIGH].  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at 
St  John's,  Apr.  26,  1745.  S.  of  Joseph  (?  1695),  clerk,  of 
Yorkshire.  B.  at  Leathley,  West  Riding.  Schools,  Beverley 
(Mr  Clarke)  and  Threshfield  (Mr  Knowles).  Matric.  1745; 
B.A.  1748-9;  M.A.  1760;  'William  Leigh.'  Ord.  deacon 
(Chester)  Feb,  19,  1748-9;  priest,  May  17,  1761.  V.  of 
St  John's  Chapel,  Harrogate,  Yorks.,  1755-9.  V.  of  Darfield, 
1766-7.  R.  of  Guisborough,  1767-98.  R.  of  Kildale-in- 
Cleveland,  1767-1805.  Died  Apr.  27,  1805.  {Scott-Mayor, 
in.  551;  W.J.  Kaye.) 

WILLIAMSON, .  B.A.  1472-3.   Perhaps  'John,  of  Durham 

diocese';  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1476;  'M.A.' 

WILLIAMSON, .   Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1484-5. 

WILLIAMSON, .  B.Can.L.  1498-9. 

WILLIAMSON, .  B.Can.L.  1500-1. 

WILLIAMSON,  .   B.A.  1524-5;  M.A.  1527.   Possibly  John 

Williamson,  clerk,  whose  admon.  (P.C.C.)  granted  to  brother 
Thomas,  Mar.  12,  1559-60;  R.  of  Hemingley,  Lines.,  and  of 
Attleborough,  Norfolk. 

WILLIAMSON, .  B.Can.L.  1529-30. 

WILLIAMSON, .  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  158&-7. 

WILLIAMSON, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  20, 1647. 

Of  Kent. 

WILLIAT,  see  aho  WILLET  and  WILLOT. 

WILLIAT  or  WYLLYETT,  JOHN.   B.A.  1529-30;  M.B.  1541-2. 

WILLIAT  or  WYLLET,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18) 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  May  17,  1532.  Of  Horwood,  Bucks. 
B.A.  1535-6;  M.A.  1539.  Fellow,  1535-45.  Ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  Apr.  2,  1541. 

WILLIM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Dec.  27,  1670.  Matric. 
1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1680. 

WILLIM,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1728.  S.  of  J.,  of  Peter- 
church,  Hereford,  clerk  [?  John  Williams,  V.  of  Peterchurch, 
1678].  Matric.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford)  Feb.  11,  1703-4, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1707.   {Al.  Oxon.) 


WILLIMOTT,  see  also  WILMOT. 

WILLYMOTT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 
II,  1635.  S.  of  Simon,  vintner.  Bapt.  Nov.  8,  1618,  in 
St  Peter's,  Comhill.  School,  Mercers'.  Matric.  1635;  Scholar 
of  Trinity  HaU,  Jan.  17,  1638-9.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar. 
30,  1649-50.   (Peile,  1.  435.) 

WILLIMOTT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  4, 
1639.  S.  and  h.  of  James,  of  KelshaU,  Herts,  (and  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Morrison,  of  Sandon,  Herts.).  B.  Dec.  16, 
1621,  at  Aston,  Herts.  Matric.  1639.  Probably  adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  July,  1655.  J. P.  for  Herts.;  Deputy-Lieut.,  and 
High  Sheriff,  1683.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Alexander 
Dorrington,  of  Gray's  Inn,  Esq.  Buried  Oct.  21,  1702,  at 
Kellshull  (KelshaU).  (Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634;  Peile,  1.  459; 
CluUerbuck,  iii.  533.) 

WILLYMOT,  JOSHUA.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640;  Joseph.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  4,  1637;  priest.  May  20,  1638.  Probably 
brother  of  WiUiam  (1633). 

WILLIMATT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  10, 
1596.  Matric.  c.  1596.  Probably  B.A.  Doubtless  R.  of 
Thoresby,  Lines.,  1604-33;  perhaps  R.  of  Little  Carlton, 
1629.  Licence  (Lincoln)  Nov.  21,  1612,  to  marry  Frances 
Palframan  of  Swaby,  widow. 

WILLYMAT,  WILLIAM.  Said  to  have  been  of  this  University. 
R.  of  Ruskington,  Lines.,  1585.  Author,  A  Princes  Looking 
Glasse,  etc.  Died  1615.   (Cooper,  11.  403;  D.N.B.) 

WILLYMOTT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  4,  1637;  priest.  May  20,  1638.  V.  of  Strubby-in-the- 
Marsh,  Lines.,  1638.   Probably  brother  of  Joshua  (1633). 

WILLYMOTT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Oct.  20,  1692.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Royston,  Herts,  (and 
Rachel,  dau.  of  Dr  William  Pindar,  of  Springfield,  Essex). 
B.  at  Royston.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1697-8;  M.A.  1700; 
LL.D.  1707.  FeUow,  1695.  Vice-Provost,  1721.  Assistant 
Master  at  Eton  for  some  years.  Kept  a  school  at  Isleworth, 
Middlesex.  Studied  law,  and  was  admitted  an  advocate  at 
Doctors'  Commons,  1707.  Subsequently  returned  to  Cam- 
bridge. Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  25,  1730;  priest,  Aug.  17, 
1735.  R.  of  MUton,  Cambs.,  1735.  Author,  grammatical,  etc. 
Died  June  7,  1737.  (Harwood,  277;  CluUerbuck,  in.  569; 
WILLINGHAM,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1568;  B.A.  1574-5.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  4,  1579-80. 
R.  of  Water  Newton,  Hunts.,  1580-1606.  R.  of  'Stayne,' 

Willis,  John 

WILLINGHAM,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  28,  1655.  S.  of  George,  deceased,  of  Bow,  Essex.  B. 
there.  School,  Northampton  (Mr  Archer).  Matric.  1655; 
B.A. 1658-9;  M.A.  1662. 

WILLINGSON,  ANTHONY.     Matric.   pens,   from   St   John's, 
Michs.  1553. 

WILLINGTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1623.  Of  Warwickshire.  Possibly  s.  of  Thomas,  of  MerineU. 
B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630;  B.D.  1637.  Fellow,  1627.  Junior 
Proctor,  1635-6.  V.  of  Ospringe,  Kent,  1640-3.  Died  1643. 
(Vis.  of  Warws.,  1619.) 

WILLIS,  see  also  WILLS. 

WYLLYS,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1690.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1670),  R.  of  West  Homdon, 
Essex.  B.  at  Brentwood,  Essex.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1694-5; 
M.A.  1698;  B.D.  1709.  FeUow,  1693.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi) 
Mar.  5,  1698-9;  priest  (London)  Feb.  25,  1699-1700.  Usher 
to  Charles  Walwyn,  at  Maidstone,  Kent,  1701.  C.  of  Pampis- 
ford,  Cambs.,  1710.  V.  of  Loys  Weedon  (or  Weedon-Lois), 
Northants.,  1715-48.  Buried  there  Feb.  22,  1747-8.  Brother 
of  John  (1679)  and  Edward  (1694).   (Harwood,  274.) 

WILLIS,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Lent,  1694. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1670),  R.  of  West  Homdon,  Essex. 
B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  July  3; 
priest,  Oct.  12,  1696.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  West 
Homdon,  1696.  Brother  of  John  (1679)  and  Benjamin  (1690). 

WILLIS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11,  1712. 
Of  Sussex.   Matric.  1712. 

WILLIS,  FULK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Feb.  8,  1615-6.  B.  in 
London.   Matric.  1615-6. 

WILLIS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Feb.  8,  1615-6. 
Of  London.  Matric.  1615-6;  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1619-20; 
M.A.  1623;  B.D.  1630.  FeUow  of  Jesus,  1623-32.  R.  of 
Thrapston,  Northants.,  1629-31.  R.  of  Stanwick,  1632-78. 
Preb.  of  SouthweU,  1632-78.  Buried  at  Stanwick,  Oct.  18, 
1678.   (A.  Gray;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WILLIS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1646. 
Of  Middlesex.  Doubtlesss.of  Thomas  (1619).  Bapt.  Jan. 14, 
1622-3,  at  Isleworth.  Doubtless  father  of  Robert  (1680). 
(Vis.  of  Warws.,  1619.) 

WILLIS  or  WILLS,  JOHN.  B.A.  1455-6;  M.A.  1460;  M.B. 
1469-70; M.D.  1479-80. 

WILLISorWYLLES.JOHN.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1584-5;  M.A.1588. 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1592-3;  M.A.  1596;  B.D. 
1603  (perhaps  previously  matric.  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1589).  R.  of  St  Mary  Bothaw,  Dowgate  HUl,  London,  1601-6. 
R.  of  Little  Bentley,  Essex,  1606-25.  Invented  the  first 
practical  scheme  of  modem  shorthand.  Author,  Mnemonica, 
etc.  Buried  at  Little  Bentley,  Nov.  28,  1625.  (Peile,  i.  108: 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  6,  1624.  Of 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  M.A.  1626  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Scholar 
of  Wadham  CoUege,  Oxford,  1613-20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1616-7; 
M.A.  1620.  V.  of  Hockley,  Essex,  1619-37-.  R.  of  Ingate- 
stone,  1630-62,  ejected.  Buried  there.  May  19, 1679.  Doubt- 
less father  of  John  (1670).  (David,  Essex,  411;  Al.  Oxon.; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  28,  1647. 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  9, 
1651.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1628-9),  Bart.,  of  Fen  Ditton, 
Cambs.  B.  at  Hertford.  School,  Hertford  (Mr  Minors). 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  4,  1654.  CaUed  to  the 
Bar,  1663.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Nov.  17,  1701. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Savage,  of  Elmley  Castle, 
Worcs.,  May  28,  1669.  Buried  at  Fen  Ditton,  .^ug.  9,  1704, 
aged  68.  WUl,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1648)  and  father 
of  Thomas  (1690-1).  (Peile,  i.  541;  Clutterbuck,  11.  184; 
G.E.C.,  II.  148.) 

WYLLYS,  [JOHN].  M.A.  1670  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Doubtless 
s.  of  John  (1626).  Probably  matric.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  Feb.  20,  1648-9;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1648  (sic);  M.A. 
1650.  FeUow  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  1649.  R.  of  West 
Homdon,  Essex,  1656-96.  R.  of  Ingrave,  tiU  1696.  Died 
1696.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1696.  Father  of  Edward  (1694),  Ben- 
jamin (1690)  and  John  (1679).   (Al.  O.vofi.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WYLLYS,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  schol.ir  from  Eton,  1679. 
Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1670),  R.  of  Homdon  and  of  Ingrave, 
Essex.  B.  at  Ingrave.  Matric.  1680;  li..\.  1683-4;  M.A. 
1687.  Fellow.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  .•\ug.  24,  1684.  C.  of 
Tilbury,  Essex,  and  chaplain  to  the  Fort.  Chaplain  to  an 
East  Indian  ship,  1687.  Died  July,  1697.  Buried  at  St 
Andrew's,  Holbom,  London.  Brother  of  Edward  (1694)  and 
Benjamin  (1690).  (Harwood,  365.) 


Willis,  John 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Trinity,  July  30, 
1691.  S.  of  John,  of  London.  School,  Litchfield  Street, 
London  (private).  Matric.  1691-2;  Scholar,  1695;  B.A. 
1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  26,  1700; 
priest  (London)  May  23,  1703. 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1697. 
Probably  s.  of  Henry,  of  St  Mary,  Blandford,  Dorset,  clerk. 
B.  there.  Matric.  Easter,  1698;  B.A.  1701-2.  Fellow,  1701. 
Probably  previously  matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  4,  1697,  age  18.  Died  in  College  of  a  fever,  Oct.  1703. 
(Harwood,  282;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  M..\.  from  King's,  1722.  Probably  s.  of 
Francis,  of  Worcester,  clerk.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
July  8,  1701,  age  16;  B.A.  (0.xford)  1705.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June  2,  1706;  priest,  Sept.  27,  1706.  Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  Lincohi.  R.  of  Thorpe-on-the-Hill,  Lines.  R.  of 
Hickham,  Lines.,  1724.  [Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale;  Lambeth 
Act  Bk,  vii.) 

WILLIS,  JOHN.   LL.B.  1728  [Com.  Reg.). 

WILLIS,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1738.  S.  of  Browne,  the 
Antiquary,  of  Whaddon,  Bucks.,  Esq.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  July  14,  1730,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1734- 
R.  of  Bletchley,  Bucks.,  1735-41.  Will  (Archd.  Bucks.)  1741- 
[Al.  Oxon.;  Lipscomb,  iv.  3.) 

WILLIS,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1627;  B.A.  1629;  M.A.  1633;  B.D.  1640;  D.D.  1660  (Lit. 
Reg.).  Fellow,  1632,  ejected.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22, 
1639;  priest,  May  30,  1640.  V.  of  Trumpington,  Cambs., 
1642-3,  resigned.   Probably  R.  of  Cliffe,  Kent,  1660. 

WILLIS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  21,  1631.  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs. 
Bapt.  Jan.  13,  1613-4,  at  All  Saints',  Hertford.  School, 
St  John's,  Hertford  (Mr  Frisney).  Matric.  1631.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1630-1.  Col. -Gen.  of  Lines.,  Notts.,  and 
Rutland,  and  Governor  of  Newark  Castle  for  the  King. 
Knighted,  Oct.  i,  1642.  Created  Bart.,  June  11,  1646. 
Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Thomas  Fox,  M.D.,  of  Waltham 
Abbey,  Essex.  Buried  at  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.,  Dec.  9,  1690. 
Will  dated  May,  1690;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  10,  1690. 
Father  of  Thomas  Fox  ( 1 679)  and  brother  of  Thomas  ( 1 628-9) . 
[Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1619;  Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634;  Peile,  i.  409; 
Clutterbuck,  u.  184;  G.E.C.,  11.  234.) 

WILLIS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

WILLYS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  23, 
1682-3.  S.  of  Richard,  deceased.  B.  at  Huntingdon.  School, 
St  Paul's,  London  (exhibitioner).  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7; 
M.A.  1690.  V.  of  Higham  Ferrers,  Northants.,  1691-1725. 
Buried  there,  Feb.  2,  1725-6.  Father  of  the  next.  (H.  I. 

WILLIS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  22, 
1 71 7.  S.  of  Richard  (above),  clerk,  of  Northamptonshire. 
B.  June  10,  1697,  at  Higham  Ferrers.  School,  Charterhouse 
(exhibitioner).  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1721-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  18;  priest,  Feb.  25,  1721-2.  R.  of  Normanby- 
on-the-Wold,  Lines.,  1722.  V.  of  Corringham,  1741-81.  R. 
of  Benington,  1763-81.  Died  Dec.  16,  1781.  Buried  at 
Corringham.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  315;  Al.  Carthus.) 

WILLIS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  8,  1680.  Of 
Isleworth,  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry  (1646),  of 
Isleworth,  and  grandson  of  Thomas  (1619).  Bapt.  there, 
Mar.  17,  1661-2. 

WILLIS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  1713.  S.  of  Henry, 
of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.  B.  1695.  School,  Bury. 
Matric.  1713;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1717-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  1717;  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  13,  1719-20.  C.  of 
Troston,  Suffolk,  1719-24;  R.,  1724-49.  R.  of  West  Stow, 
1742-9.  Buried  at  Troston,  Jan.  7,  1748-9.   (Peile,  11.  181.) 

WILLIS,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1741.  S.  of  Robert, 
R.  of  Wychampton,  Dorset,  and  nephew  of  John  (1697). 
Matric.  (Hart  Hall,  Oxford)  Feb.  22,  1725-6,  age  18;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1729.  R.  of  Blandfnrd  St  Mary,  Dorset,  1731-48. 
Died  Apr.  7,  1748.  M.I.  there.  (Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WILLIS,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593;  B.A. 

WILLIS,  SHERLOCK.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Emmanuel, 
July  7,  1738.  S.  of  John,  of  St  Olave's,  Southwark,  dyer. 
School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1739;  B.A.  1742-3;  M.A.  1746. 
Ord.  deacon  (Winchester)  Dec.  21,  1746;  priest  (Hereford) 
Mar.  15,  1746-7.  R.  of  Wormley,  Herts.,  1747-83.  Preb. 
of  Sarum,  1747-83.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1749-83.  R.  of  St 
Christopher-le-Stock,  London,  1750-83.  Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  London.  Died  Apr.  21,  1783.  (G.  Mag.;  Hennessy, 
282;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
WILLIS  or  WILLES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Lent,  1578-9;  Wyllis.   B.A.  1582-3.   Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 


Jan.  15,  1586-7.  V.  of  Preston,  Suffolk,  1593.  Perhaps  R. 
of  Wimbotsham,  Norfolk,  1616-51;  will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
1651;  by  Sir  Thomas  Willis,  Knt.,  of  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs. 

WILLIS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1619  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Fenny  Compton,  Warws.  B.  1583.  Matric. 
(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  June  11,  1602,  age  19;  Willes; 
B..A.  (Oxford)  1606;  M.A.  1609.  Schoolmaster  at  Isleworth, 
Middlesex,  until  about  1633.  Emigrated  to  New  England 
and  settled  in  Lynn,  Mass.,  1633.  Deputy  to  the  General 
Court,  1634  and  1639.  Apparently  returned  to  England, 
and  resumed  his  teaching  at  Isleworth,  c.  1641.  Author 
of  two  Latin  text-books.  Married  at  Isleworth,  Mary 
'Tomson'  (TomljTi),  July  22,  1618.  Buried  Oct.  15,  1666, 
at  Isleworth.  Doubtless  father  of  Henry  (1646).  (Al.  Oxon.; 
J.  G.  Bartlett;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  D.N.B.,  where  his  stay  in  New 
England  is  not  mentioned.) 

WILLIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
May  23,  1628-9.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Homingsea  and 
Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.  B.  at  Balls,  near  Hertford  (his  mother's 
home).  School,  St  John's,  Hertford  (Mr  Frisney).  Matnc. 
1629.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1630-1.  Created  Bart., 
Dec.  15,  1641.  M.P.  for  Cambs.,  1659;  for  Cambridge,  1660. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Wild,  Knt.,  of  Canterbury. 
DiedNov.  17,  i7oi,aged87.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1631),  father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1651).  (Vis.  of  Herts., 
1634;  Peile,  I.  399;  G.  B.  Routledge;  G.E.C.,  11.  14S.) 

WILLIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  15)  at  Christ's, 
Sept.  18,  1648.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (above),  Bort.,  of 
Fen  Ditton.  B.  at  Canterbury.  School,  Hertford.  Died 
v.p.  and  s.p.,  1685.  Brother  of  John  (1651).  (Cambs.  Vis., 
1619;  Herts.  Vis.,  1634;  Peile,  i.  523.) 

WILLIS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1683.  S.  of  Thomas,  V. 
of  Kingston,  Surrey,  D.D.  Matric.  (Pembroke  College, 
Oxford)  July  i,  1676,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1680.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  St  Dominick,  Cornwall,  1684.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLIS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  28, 
1690-1.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John 
(1651).  B.  c.  1674,  at  Fen  Ditton.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
3rd  Bart.,  Aug.  1704.  Married  Frances  Rix.  Died  of  small- 
pox, June  17,  1705.  Admon.  July  25,  1705.  (G.E.C.,  11.  148; 
Suffolk  Manor  Fam.,  11.  105.) 

WILLIS,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1701  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Precentor  of  Llandaff  Cathedral,  1691-1732-  Perhaps  V. 
of  Newbottle,  Northants.  Died  Jan.  22,  1731-2.  aged  70. 
M.I.  at  Croughton.   (Baker,  i.  601;  Musgrave!) 

WILLIS,  THOMAS  FOX.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  17.  1679.  S.  of  Sir  Richard  (1631),  Bart.,  of  Fen  Ditton, 
Cambs.  (and  Alice,  dau.  of  Thomas  Fox,  M.D.).  B.  June  30, 
1661,  at  Waltham  Abbey,  Essex  (his  mother's  home). 
School,  [?  Chipping]  Campden,  Gloucs.  (Mr  Tailour).  Suc- 
ceeded his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Dec.  9,  1690.  Lost  his  reason. 
Died  unmarried,  1701.  WUl,  P.C.C.  (Peile,  11.  72;  G.E.C., 
II.  234.) 

WILLIS,  VALENTINE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Aug.  19,  1648. 
Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Thomas,  bencher  of  the  Inner  Temple. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1645.  Barrister,  1653.  Of  Ash, 

WILLIS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1624; 
B.A.  1627-8. 

WILLIS  or  WILLS, .  B.Can.L.  1469-70.  A  monk. 

WILLIS, .   B.A.  1524-5. 

WILLISON,  RICHARD.  Scholar  of  Gonville  Hall,  1534; 
nephew  of  Bishop  Skipp,  the  Master.  S.  of  John,  of  Sugwas, 
Hereford.  B.  in  Norwich.  B.A.  1535-6;  M.A.  i539-  FeUow, 
till  1542.  A  contemporary  and  close  friend  of  Dr  Caius. 
Married  Ann  (?  Margaret),  dau.  of  William  Elton,  of  Ledbury. 
Resided  at  Sug^vas.  Died  Feb.  25, 1574-5-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1575- 
Benefactor:  founder  of  scholarships  at  Gonville  HaU.  (Venn, 
I.  29.) 


WILLOT,  see  also  WILLET  and  WILLIAT. 

WILLOT,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1673- 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1681. 
Doubtless  Master  of  the  Boteler  Grammar  School,  Warring- 
ton, Lanes.  Buried  at  Warrington,  Nov.  10,  1686.  (Lanes, 
and  Cheshire  Hist.  Soc.  Trans.,  viii.  51,  1856.) 

WILLOTT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  May  23, 
1741.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Leek,  Staffs.  School,  Dilhom 
(Mr  Slade).  Matric.  1741;  Scholar,  1742;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A. 
1752.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1748.   (Peile,  11.  242.) 

WlLLOUGHBY  or  WYLUGHBY,  BRIAN.  Studied  at  Cambridge. 
S.  of  Robert  Baron.  Age  15  in  1398.  Clerk,  of  Lincohi 
diocese.  Dispensation  to  hold  two  lixTngs.  (Cal.  of  Papal 



WILLOUGHBY,  CHARLES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1549.  [According  to  Cooper,  he  was  of  Magdalene, 
where  he  matriculated,  May,  issi,  being  then  under  14; 
but  see  Thomas  (1551).]  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William, 
ist  Baron  Willoughby  of  Parham,  Suffolk.  Succeeded  as 
2nd  Baron,  Aug.  1574.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Edward 
(Clinton),  Earl  of  Lincoln.  Author,  Latin  verses  and  letters. 
Died  1603.   (Cooper,  11.  387;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1088;  G.E.C.) 

WILLOUGHBY,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1655  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
B.A.  (Trinity  College,  Dublin)  164Q.  FeUow  of  Merton 
CoUege,  Oxford,  1649.  M.A.  (Oxford)  1652;  M.D.  (Padua) 
1663.  F.R.S.,  1683.  Lecturer  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin, 
1692.  Died  in  Dublin,  1694.  Will  (Dublin)  1694.  (Al.Oxon.) 

WILLUGHBY,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  a'.  St  John's, 
June  4,  1651.    S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Cossall,  Notts.    B. 
there.     School,    Nottingham    (Mr    Leeke).     Matric.    1651. 
Adm.  at  Gray's   Inn,   Feb.   10,   1653-4.    Migrated  to  the 
Middle  Temple,  June  13,  1654.  Brother  of  George  (1647)- 
at  Trinity,  Sept.  9,  1652.   [Confused  in  Tr.  Coll.  Adm.  with 
Francis  (above).]   Of  Warwickshire.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Sir  Francis,  of  Middleton,  Warws.,  Knt.    B.  there,   1635. 
B.A.  1655-6:  M.A.  1659.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  21,  1657. 
Student  at  the  Bodleian,  Oxford,  1660.   Accompanied  John 
Ray  on  his  botanical  journey  through  the  Northern  Midland 
Counties,   1662;   travelled  with   Ray  in   Europe  collecting 
natural-history  specimens.    F.R.S.,  1663.    Married  Emma, 
dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Bernard.    A  distinguished  naturalist. 
Author,  Ornithologiae  libri  tres  (afterwards  translated  into 
English),  etc.  Died  at  Middleton  Hall,  July  3,  1672.  Buried 
in  Middleton  Church.  M.I.  Fatherof  the  next  and  of  Thomas 
(1683).   (Al.Oxon.;D.N.B.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  Sir  FRANCIS,  Bart.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St 
Catharine's,  Nov.  30,  1682.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Francis 
(above).  B.  1668.  Created  Bart.,  Apr.  7,  1677  (when  under 
9  years  of  age).  Died  unmarried.  Sept.  1688.  Will,  Dec.  1688. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1683).   (G.E.C,  iv.  85.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  9, 
1709.    S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1683),  Bart.,  of  Wollaton, 
Notts,  (afterwards  ist  Baron  Middleton).   B.  Sept.  29,  1693. 
Matric.    1709;    M.A.   1712.     M.P.   for  Notts.,   1710-5;   *or 
Tamworth,    1722-7.    Succeeded   his  father  as   2nd   Baron 
Middleton,  Apr.  2,  1729.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Edwards,  of   the    Middle   Temple,   and  of   Filkins,   Oxon. 
Died  at  Bath,  July  31,  1758.   Buried  at  Wollaton.   Brother 
of  Thomas  (1711)  and  Henry  (1724),  father  of  the  next  and 
of  Thomas  (1745).   (G.E.C.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Jan.  3, 
1743-4.    S-  and  h.  of  Francis  (above).  Baron  Middleton. 
B.  Jan.  25,   1725-6.    School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.    Matric. 
1744.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Baron,  July  31,  1758.  Died  unmarried, 
Dec.    16,    1774.    Buried   at   Wollaton,   Notts.    Brother  of 
Thomas  (1745)-   (G.E.C.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  GEORGE.    Adm.   Fell.-Com.   (age  20)   at  St 
John's,  May  20,  1647.  S.  of  Edward,  Esq.,  of  Cossall,  Notts. 
B.  there.   School,  Cossall  (Mr  Fox).   Matric.  1647.   Brother 
of  Francis  (1651). 
WILLOUGHBY,   GILBERT.    Adm.  pens,   (age   18)   at  Caius, 
Nov.  7,  1578.   S.  of  William,  of  Nuneaton,  Warws.   School, 
Nuneaton   (Mr  Downes).    Of  Normanton,  Notts.    Married 
(1)  Frances,  dau.  of  Samuel  Marrow;  (2)  Frances,  dau.  of 
William  Walkeden.  Died  c.  1600.  Benefactor  to  the  CoUege. 
(Venn,  i.  98.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  HENRY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Apr.  15, 
1724.    S.  of  Thomas  (1683),  ist  Baron  Middleton.    Matric. 
1724.     Died   unmarried.     Brother   of   Francis   (1709)    and 
Thomas  (1711)-   (Collins,  vii.  219.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  2,  i745- 
S.  of  Thomas  (1711),  late  of  Birdsall,  Yorks.    B.  Dec.  19, 
1726,  at  York.  Matric.  1745;  Scholar.  HighShenff  of  Vorks., 
1757.    Succeeded  as  5th  Baron  Middleton,  Jan.  19,   1781. 
Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  George  Cartwright,  of  Ossington, 
Notts.,  Dec.  25.  1756,  at  Garton,  Yorks.  Died  June  14,  1800. 
Brother  of  the  next.   (A.  Gray;  G.E.C.) 
WILLOUGHBY,   JAMES.    Adm.   pens,   (age   18)   at  Trinity, 
June  7,  1750.   S.  of  Thomas  (1711),  late  of  Birdsall,  Yorks. 
School,   Eton.    Matric.   1751;  Scholar,   1751;   LL.B.   1756. 
Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  21,  1755;  pnest  (York)  Feb.  24, 
1756.    V.  of  Askham  Richard,  Yorks.,  1756-1816.    R.  of 
Guiseley,  1772-1816.   Married  EHzabcth  Hobson,  of  Kirkby 
Moorside,  Yorks.,  Nov.  4,   1772.    Died   1816.    Brother  of 
Henry  (above).   (Collins,  vii.  221.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  JONATHAN.  M.A.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Matric.   (New   Inn    Hall,   Oxford)    Mar.    10,    1656-7;    B.A. 
(Oxford)  1657;  M.A.  1658.  Spent  three  years  at  Cambridge, 
New  England.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  29,  1670.  V.  of 
Reepham,  Linos.,  1670.  (Al.  Oxon.) 

WiLLOWES,  Richard 

WILLOUGHBY,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  18, 
1746.  Of  .Middlesex. 

WILLOWBY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1564.  S.  of  George,  of  Wiggenhall,  Norfolk.  B.A.  1567-8; 
M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1571.  Fellow  of  Corpus,  1569-79. 
Taxor,  1574.  Bursar  and  President  of  Corpus.  Junior 
Proctor,  1578.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1579.  Went  to  Paris,  and 
is  afterwards  described  as  having  become  'a  very  papist 
and  supposed  now  to  be  a  seminary  priest'  (information 
given  to  the  Privy  Council  of  papists  and  recusants  in 
Norfolk).  (Cooper,  i.  ^f>o;Peite,  i.  86;  Masters,  322 ;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLOUGHBY  or  WILLABEY,  RICHARD.    Adm.  Fell.-Com. 

(age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Nov.  12,  1653.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas, 

of  Sutton  Coldfield,  Warws.,  Esq.  B.  there.  Matric.  1653-4. 

Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  26,  1652.    Brother  of  Thomas 

WILLOBIE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1576. 

WILLOUGHBY,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Maodalene, 
Apr.  16,  1674.  S.  of  Stephen,  of  Market  Rasen,  Lines. 
School,  Claxby  (private).  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8. 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  'B.D.  of  Cambridge';  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1574.  [According  to  Cooper,  i.  515,  but  Foster  styles 
him  M.A.,  and  a  10  years'  student  in  Theology;  supp.  B.D. 
(Oxford)  Mar.  17,  1571-2.]  Canon  of  Canterbury,  1550; 
deprived,  1553.  Chaplain  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  1558.  R.  of 
Bishopsboume,  Kent,  1559-75.  Precentor  of  Chichester, 
1570.  Dean  of  Rochester,  1574-85-  Married  Alice,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Whod,  of  Hadley,  Suffolk.  Died  Aug.  19,  1585- 
(Cooper,  I.  514;  Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of  Kent,  1619.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1551  (impubes).  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Apr.  30,  1558.  But  see  Charles  (i549)- 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.    Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus 

Christi,  Lent,  1577-8;  B.A.  1580-1. 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  19,  1655.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  West  Bromwich. 
Staffs.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1659-60.  Brother  of  Richard 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
May  9,  1666.  S.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Aston,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Wales,  Aston  (John  Broomhead).  Matric.  1667; 
B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1670; 
priest,  June,  1671. 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 
July  10,  1683.  Of  Warwickshire.  2nd  s.  of  Francis  (1652), 
of  Wollaton,  Notts.,  and  of  Middleton,  Warws.  Migrated 
to  Jesus,  May  4,  1685.  Matric.  1685.  Succeeded  his  brother 
as  2nd  Bart.,  Sept.  1688.  F.R.S.,  1693.  Sheriff  of  Notts., 
1695-6.  M.P.  for  Notts.,  1698-1710;  for  Newark,  1710-2. 
Created  Baron  Middleton,  of  Middleton,  Warws.,  Jan.  1, 
1711-2.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Rothwell, 
Bart.,  of  Ewerly  and  Stapelford,  Lines.  Died  Apr.  2,  1729- 
Buried  at  Middleton.  Brother  of  Francis  (1682),  father  of 
the  next,  of  Francis  (1709)  and  Henry  (1724)-  (G.E.C.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Nov.  i, 
1711.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (above),  Bart.,  of  Wollaton, 
Notts,  (afterwards  ist  Baron  Middleton).  B.  June  ii,  1694. 
Matric.  1712;  M.A.  1720.  M.P.  for  the  University,  1720, 
1721-7;  for  Tamworth,  1727-30.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Southeby,  of  Birdsall,  Yorks.  Died  Dec.  2,  1/42. 
Buried  at  Birdsall.  Brother  of  Francis  (1709)  and  Henry 
(1724),  father  of  Henry  (1745)  and  James  (1750)-  {CoUtns, 
VII.  220.) 
WILLOUGHBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  I>ec.  6, 
1745.  2nd  s.  of  Francis  (1709),  2nd  Baron  Middleton.  B. 
Dec.  19,  1728.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1745-6- 
Succeeded  his  brother  Francis  as  4th  Baron,  Dec.  16,  1774- 
Married  Georgiana,  dau.  of  Eve^Ti  Chadwick,  of  West 
Leake,  Notts.  M.P.  for  Notts,  1762-74-  Died  s.p.,  Jan.  19, 
1781,  aged  62.  Buried  at  Wollaton,  Notts.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1743-4)-  (G.E.C.) 
WILLABIE,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1559- 

WILLOUGHBY,    .     Matric.    Fell. -Com.    from    Trinity, 

Easter,  1608.   Perhaps  M.A.  1612-3  (on  King's  visit). 

WILLOUGHBY, .  Adm.  at  Pemdroke,  July  6,  1658. 

WILLOWES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke.  Jan.  6, 
1618-9.  S.  of  William,  of  Pickwall,  Lcics.,  farmer.  School, 
Melton.  Matric.  1618-9.  Migrated  to  Caius.  Mar.  23,  1619- 
20.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8; 
priest,  June  9,  1623.  R.  of  Horn,  Rutland,  1638-42.  R.  of 
Imham,  Lines.,  1646.  R.  of  Newton-in-Aveland,  1650. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1655.  (Venn.  i.  248.) 
WILLOWES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1594; 
B.A.  1597-8. 


WiLLOWES,  Richard 

WILLOWES,  RICHARD.   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1617.   Of 

WILLOWES,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 

May  24,  1648.   S.  of  Richard,  of  Steeple  Bumpstead,  Essex. 

School,   Steeple  Bumpstead.    Matric.    1648;   B.A.    165 1-2. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Oct.  31;  priest,  Nov.  4,  1661.   V.  of 

OiBey,  Herts.,  1661-98.   Murdered  by  foot-pads,  1698,  when 

returning  from  Hitchin.   Will  proved  (Archd.  Hunts.)  Dec. 

18,  1698.  Father  of  the  next.   (W.  M.  Palmer.) 

WILLOWES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1679.  S.  of  Richard  (above).  B.  1659,  in  Wiltshire. 
B.A.  1682-3;  M.A.  1686.  V.  of  Meldreth,  Cambs.,  1692- 
1736.  A  '  model  keeper  of  parish  accounts.'  Died  1736. 
Buried  in  the  Church.  Will  (C.C.  Ely)  1736.  (W.  M.  Palmer.) 

WYLLOWES,   ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   Lent, 

WILLOWES,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  17, 

WILLOWES,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1607; 

B.A.  i6io-i;  M.A.  1614. 
WILLOWES, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May,  1590. 

One  John  Wyllowes,  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  10,  1592-3; 

of  Cambridgeshire,  gent. 

WILLS,  see  also  WILLIS. 

WILLS,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  30, 
1668.  S.  of  Henry  (1636),  R.  of  Loddington,  Northants. 
Schools,  Sutton,  Beds.,  and  Kimbolton.  Matric.  1668. 

WILLES,  CORNELIUS.  M.A.  1748  (Incorp.  from  Merton  College, 
Oxford).  S.  of  George,  of  Birmingham,  Warws.,  gent. 
Matric.  (Worcester  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  24,  1739-40, 
age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1744-5;  M.A.  1747.  V.  of  St  Peter's, 
Thanet,  Kent,  1757-76.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1768.  Died  Feb.  23, 
1776,  aged  52.  Buried  at  St  Peter's.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Hasted, 
IV.  368;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WILLS  or  WILLES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1717. 
Of  London.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Ongar  St  Martin, 
Essex  (and  Ann,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Cuddon,  of  St  Lawrence 
Jewry,  London).  B.  in  Middlesex.  Migrated  to  Christ's, 
Feb.  9,  1719-20.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  27,  1717. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1718).  {Peile,  11.  196;  Masters.) 

WILLES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  24, 
1719.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Warwick.  School,  Warwick.  Scholar, 
1721.   Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  28,  1721. 

WILLES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  31,  1737. 
Of  Bedfordshire.   Matric.  i737;  LL.B.  1745. 

WILLS,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1611; 
B.A.  1614-5;  'Wilce';  M.A.  1618.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.) 
June  15,  1617;  Wilce.  V.  of  WiUoughton,  Lines.,  1622. 

WILLES,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Sept.  16, 
1636.  S.  of  Henry,  yeoman.  B.  at  Cransley,  Northants. 
School,  Broughton  (Mr  Johnson).  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1; 
M.A.  1644.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1650.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  22;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1644.  Intruded  as  R.  of  Lodding- 
ton, Northants.,  c.  1655;  ejected,  1662.  Perhaps  intruder 
at  St  Mary  Magdalen,  Teeton,  1658.  Retired  to  Cransley; 
living,  1672.  Father  of  Benjamin  (1668).  {Calamy,  11.  230; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLES,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1457. 
Of  Preston,  Rutland.  R.  of  Kingston,  Cambs.  'An  excellent 
limner.'   (Harwood,  111.) 

WILLES,  JOHN.  M.A.  1674  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.  there,  June  8,  1663,  age  16.  3rd  s.  of 
Peter,  of  Newbold,  Leamington,  Warws.  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1666-7;  M.A.  1669;  B.D.  1681;  D.D.  1685.  FeUow  of 
Trinity  College,  Oxford.  R.  of  Bishop's  Itchington,  Warws., 
1681.  Canon  of  Lichfield,  1688-1700.  Married  Anne,  dau. 
of  Sir  Wilham  Walker,  Knt.  Died  June  20,  1700.  Buried 
at  Bishop's  Itchington.  M.I.  Father  of  the  next.  (Al.Oxon.; 
Burke,  L.G.;  Northants.  Families,  345.) 

WILLES,  JOHN.  University  Counsel,  1733.  S.  of  John  (above), 
D.D.  B.  Nov.  29,  1685.  Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  28,  1700,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1704;  M.A.  1707; 
B.C.L.  1710;  D.C.L.  1715.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  20,  1708-9.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1713.  Bencher,  1719.  K.G.,  1719.  Serjeant-at-law,  1737. 
Attorney-General,  1734.  Chief  Justice  C.P.,  1737.  M.P.  for 
Launceston,  1722-6;  for  Weymouth,  1726;  for  West  Looe, 
1727-37.  Knighted,  Jan.  23,  1733-4.  Senior  Commissioner 
of  the  Great  Seal,  1756.  Of  Astrop,  Northants.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Charles  Broster,  of  Salford,  Lanes.  Died 
Dec.  15,  1761.  Buried  at  Bishop's  Itchington.  M.I.  Will, 
P.C.C.   (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Northants.  Families.) 

WiLMER,  George 

WILLES,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1579  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  [Supp. 
for  incorp.  at  Oxford,  Apr.  24,  1574,  but  not  admitted.) 
Educated  at  Winchester,  and  for  a  time  at  Oxford.  Travelled 
abroad.  M.A.  (Mainz),  and  Incorp.  at  Perugia.  Author, 
History  of  Travels,  1577,  etc.   {Cooper,  1.  398;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILLES,  RICHARD.  M.D.  1580. 

WILLS  or  WILLIS,   RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 

June  25,  1614.    Matric.  1614;  B.A.  from  Sidney,  1617-8; 
M.A.  1621.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621. 

WILLS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  i, 
1642.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Morpeth,  Northumberland. 
School,  Morpeth.  Matric.  1642.  Brother  of  Thomas  {1650). 

WILLS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  30, 
1627.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Coventry,  Warws.  School, 
Coventry  (Mr  Cranford).  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1;  M.A. 
1634.  V.  of  Croxall,  Staffs.,  1637,  ejected  during  the  Civil 
War.  Came  to  Gt  St  Helen's,  London,  1644;  sequestered  to 
Windover,  1643.  R-  of  Birmingham,  1646-60;  ejected,  but 
reinstated,  1663.  Retired  to  Shropshire  to  his  son.  Died 
there.  May  14,  1684,  aged  73.  Father  of  Samuel  (next). 
(Peile,  I.  386;  Calamy,  n.  481;  Lambeth  Act  Bk.) 

WILLS  or  WILLIS,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pem- 
broke, June  4,  1656.  S.  of  Samuel  (above),  clerk.  B.  at 
'Crayalli'  (?  Croxall),  Derby.  Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1659-60; 
M.A.  1663.  Perhaps  R.  of  Belton,  Leics.,  1664-71.  Probably 
beneficed  in  Salop.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Arthingworth, 
Northants.,  1670-c.  86.  But  see  also  the  next. 

WILLS  or  WILLES,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  1668  (Lit.  Reg.);  clerk; 
of  Leyden;  adm.  there,  June  13,  1664;  Wills. 

WILLS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  29, 

1645.    S.  of  Vemey,  husbandman.    B.  at  'Mantock'  (sic), 

Warws.  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  1652. 
WILLS,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  20, 

1650.    S.  of  Thomas.    B.  at  Morpeth.    Schools,  Newcastle, 

and  Warkworth  (Mr  Chambers).  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4. 

Perhaps  intruder  at  Cranford  St  John,  Northants.,   1656. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Dunton,  Bucks.,  1664.    Brother 

of  Richard  (1642).   (Peile,  i.  537.) 
WILLS,  THOMAS.  .A.dm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1718.  Of  London. 

S.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Ongar  St  Martin,  Essex.  Knt.  (and  Ann, 

dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Cuddon,  of  St  Lawrence  Jewry,  London). 

B.   in   London.     Migrated   to   Christ's,   Feb.    13,    1719-20. 

Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  7,  1719.  Brother  of  Edward 

(1717).   (Peile,  II.  197.) 
WILLES,  TOBIAS.  M.A.  from  King's,  1671.  Matric.  (New  Inn 

HaU,  Oxford)  June  24,  1653;  B.A.  (Oxford)   1656.    V.  of 

Turkdean,  Gloucs.,  1673-81.    Will  (Gloucester)  1681.    (Al. 

Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 
WILLS,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1584. 

Of  Suffolk. 
WILLS,  WILLIAM.   M.A.  from  King's,  1719.  S.  of  William,  of 

Dowlish,  Somerset,  clerk.    Matric.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford) 

Nov.  9,  1706,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1710.   V.  of  Hazlebury 

Plucknett,    Somerset,    1719.     R.    of    Wambrook,    Dorset, 

1721-49.   Dedi749.   (Al.Oxon.) 

WILMER,  see  also  WOOLMER. 

WILMER  or  WILMORE,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age 
16)  at  Sidney,  May  2,  1634.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Stifford, 
Essex,  and  of  Stratford-le-Bow,  Middlesex,  J. P.  (and  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Abraham  Jacob,  of  London,  and  of  Gamlingay, 
Cambs.).  B.  at  Stratford.  School,  Biddenden,  Kent  (Mr 
Faggot).  (Middlesex  Pedigrees;  J.  J.  Green;  Wilmer  Fam., 

WILMER  or  WILLIMORE,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Trinity,  1636.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1600).  B..\.  1639; 
M.A.  1643.  [In  Trinity  Coll.  Adm.  his  degrees  are  wTongly 
assigned  to  Anthony.]  In  holy  orders.  Died  before  1660. 
Brother  of  John  (1631),  Thomas  (1637-8),  Samuel  (1641), 
Isaac  (1653)  and  probably  of  the  next.  (J.  J.  Green,  Wilmer 
Family,  14.) 

WILMER,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1600),  but  not  mentioned  in 
J.  J.  Green's  account  of  the  family.  Probably  brother  of 
John  (1631),  etc. 

WILMER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1598.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  West  Ham,  Essex. 
B.  c.  1583.  B.A.  1600-1.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1601-2. 
Married  Margery  (?  Susanna),  dau.  of  Marmaduke  Thwenge, 
of  Helmsley,  Yorks.  Died  May  6,  1626,  aged  42.  Buried  at 
West  Ham.  M.I.  Donor  to  the  College  library.  (J.J.Green, 
Wilmer  Family;  Middlesex  Pedigrees,  173.) 

WILLMER,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1622-3.  Of  Strat- 
ford-le-Bow, Middlesex.  Probably  s.  of  George  (above). 
(Middlesex  Pedigrees.) 


WiLMER,  Isaac 

WILMER  or  WOLLMER,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity, 
May  26,  1653.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  {1600),  of  Northill, 
Beds.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  6,  1635.  Matric.  1654;  'Wilmer.' 
Probably  C.  to  his  brother  Samuel  at  Clapham-CMW-Patching, 
in  1656.  R.  of  Coombcs,  Sussex,  1658;  of  Preston,  Sussex; 
ejected,  c.  1660.  Will,  1660.  Brother  of  Andrew  (1636),  etc. 
(J.J.  Green,  Family  of  Wilmer.) 

WYLMER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall,  Michs. 

WILMER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Easter,  1600.  B.  at 
Sherborne,  Warws.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  1605;  B.A.  1605-6; 
M.A.  1609.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  19,  1608-9,  age  23; 
priest,  June  10,  i6og.  P.C.  of  St  Anne,  Blackfriars,  London, 
1609-12.  C.  of  Northill,  Beds.,  1611;  V.,  1619-41.  P.C. 
of  St  Mary,  Stratford-le-Bow,  1620  (May-Dec).  Married 
Miss  Hoggett,  dau.  of  Rev.  Anthony  Hoggett,  of  Northill. 
Buried  Nov.  20,  1655,  at  Northill.  Father  of  Isaac  (1653), 
Andrew  (1636),  John  (1631),  Samuel  (1641),  Thomas  (1641), 
and  probably  of  Anthony  (1631).  (J.  J.  Green,  Family  of 
Wilmer;  Genealog.  Bedford,  215.) 

WILMER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  4,  1621. 
S.  of  Andrew,  gent.  B.  at  Totteridge,  Herts.  School,  Ridge, 
Herts.  Matric.  1621.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1624-5. 
Barrister,  1634.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Sadler,  of 
Wroughton,  Wilts.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1611).  (Middlesex 
Pedigrees,  173.) 

WILMER,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  163 1. 
S.  and  h.  of  John  (1600).  B.  1613-4.  Scholar,  1634;  B.A. 
1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Fellow,  1637.  V.  of  Hitchin,  Herts., 
1643-4.  K-  oi  Blunham,  Beds.,  c.  1641-50.  Died  1650, 
aged  36.  Brother  of  Andrew  (1636),  etc.  (J.  J.  Green, 
Family  of  Wilmer.) 

WILMER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Sidney, 
June,  1623.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William  (1598),  Knt.  B.  at 
Sywell,  Northants.  School  (private).  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  Apr.  3,  1627. 

WILMER,  SAMUEL  (?  SAMWELL).  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Em- 
manuel, Apr.  6,  1611.  S.  and  h.  of  Andrew,  of  Totteridge, 
Herts.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1613-4.  Barrister,  1623. 
Of  Ridge,  Herts.  Married  and  had  issue.  Brother  of  John 
(1621).   (Middlesex  Pedigrees,  173.) 

WILMORE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1641. 
Doubtless  4th  s.  of  John  (1600).  B.  1623.  B.A.  1644-5; 
M.A.  1648.  R.  of  Clapham,  Sussex,  1645.  R.  of  Patching, 
1654-60,  ejected.  Preacher  to  a  presbyterian  congregation 
at  Arundel,  in  1669;  also  at  Storrington  and  Thakeham. 
Removed  to  Havant,  Hants.  Died  there,  Oct.  7,  1671, 
aged  48.  Brother  of  Andrew  (1636),  etc.  (J.  J.  Green, 
Wilmer  Family.) 

WILMER  or  WILMOORE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
Jan.  1637-8.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  John  (1600). 
Bapt.  Nov.  18,  1628,  at  Northill,  Beds.  Matric.  1641;  B.A. 
1641-2;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1645.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
May  24,  1646.  V.  of  Pagham,  Sussex,  1654-62,  ejected. 
Licensed  to  preach  at  a  congregational  meeting  at  Shipley, 
Sussex,  in  1672.  Retired  to  St  Pancras,  Chichester.  Buried 
there  Feb.  9,  1678,  aged  50  (sic). 

WILMER  or  WILLMORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (the  first 
entry)  at  Sidney,  Oct.  1598.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Sywell, 
Northants.  B.  there.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1599. 
Sheriff  of  Northants.,  1616.  Knighted,  Apr.  4,  1617.  Of 
Sywell,  Knt.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Andrewe,  of 
Harleston.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1646.  Benefactor  to  the  College. 
Father  of  Robert  (1623).   (Bridges,  11.  148.) 

WILMOT,  see  also  WILLIMOTT. 

WILLMOT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  9,  1686-7.  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Spondon,  Derbs., 
Esq.  School,  Wirksworth  (Mr  Ogden).  Matric.  1687.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Mar.  20,  1688-9.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1696. 
Married  Catherine  Cassandra  Isabella,  dau.  of  W.  Coke,  of 
Trusley,  Esq.  Brother  of  Richard  (1690-1)  and  Robert 
(1684),  father  of  the  next  and  of  Richard  (1743-4).  (Burke, 
Peerage,  etc.;  Nichols,  iv.  344;  Scott-Mayor,  11,  where  he  is 
confused  with  George  Edward  (1710-1).) 

WILMOTT,  FRANCIS  BALLIDON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at 
St  John's,  Feb.  19,  1743-4.  S.  of  Edward  (above),  barrister, 
of  Spondon,  Derbs.  B.  at  Trusley.  School,  Repton.  Matric. 
1743-4.  Succeeded  to  the  family  estates  in  Derbyshire. 
Of  Spondon.  Died  Nov.  5,  1791.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1743-4).  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  540;  Burke,  Peerage,  etc.; 
G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

WILMOT,  GEORGE  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Jan.  20,  1710-1.  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (1684),  Esq. 
B.  Oct.  29,  1693,  at  Pindale,  near  Casterton,  Derbs.  Schools, 
Ashbourne  and  Derby.  Matric.  1711;  B.A.  i'»i4-5;  M.A. 
1718;  M.D.  1725.  Fellow,  1717-25.  F.R.C.P.,  1726.  F.R.S., 
1730.  Harveian  orator,  1735.  Physician-General  to  the  Army, 

WiLMOTT,  Robert 

1740.  Physician  to  George  II  and  George  III.  Created  Bart., 
Feb.  15,  1759.  Married  Sarah  Marsh,  dau.  of  Richard  Mead, 
M.D.  Resided  for  a  time  at  Nottingham;  removed  to  Hering- 
stone,  Dorset.  Died  Nov.  21,  1786,  aged  93.  Buried  at 
Monkton,  Dorset.  M.I.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1786.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1721)  and  Robert  (1710-1),  father  of  Robert  Meade  (1751). 
(D.N.B.;  Nichols,  iv.  344;  Scott-Mayor;  G.E.C.,  v.  110.) 

WILMOT,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1568. 

WILLMOTT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Oct.  20,  1616. 
Matric.  1617.  One  of  these  names,  'a  godly  and  orthodox 
divine,'  sequestered  to  Washbrook,  Suffolk,  1647. 

WILMOT,  JOHN  EARDLEY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Feb.  13,  1726-7.  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Osmaston  Hall,  Derbs. 
B.  Aug.  16,  1709,  at  Derby.  Schools,  Lichfield  and  West- 
minster. Matric.  1727.  Barrister,  Inner  Temple,  1732. 
F.S.A.,  1745.  Justice  K.B.,  1755.  Knighted,  Feb.  3,  1755. 
Commissioner  of  the  Great  Seal,  1756-7.  Chief  Justice  C.P., 
1766-71.  P.C,  1766.  F.R.S.,  1779.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Rivett,  Esq.,  of  Derby.  Died  Feb.  5,  1792.  Buried 
in  Berkswell  Church.    {D.N.B.;  Burke,  Peerage;  Nichols, 

IV.  344-) 

WILMOT,  PAUL.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1598. 

WILMOT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb. 
12,   1 690-1.    S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Chaddesden,  Derbs. 

B.  at  Spondon,  Derbs.  School,  Wirksworth  (Mr  Ogden). 
Matric.  1691;  B..-^.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698;  M.D.  1705.  Fellow, 
1698-1701.  Married  Henrietta,  dau.  of  William  Cavendish, 
of  Doveridge,  Derbs.,  Esq.  Brother  of  Edward  (1686-7)  and 
Robert  (1684),  father  of  William  (1739)  and  Richard  (1734). 
(Burke,  Peerage;  Nichols,  iv.  344.) 

WILMOT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar. 
29,  1721.  S.  of  Robert  (1684),  gent.,  of  Osmaston  Hall  and 
Chaddesden,  Derbs.  Bapt.  Aug.  25,  1703.  School,  Derby. 
B.A.  1724-5;  M.A.  1728;  D.D.  1744.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  25,  1726;  priest  (Ely)  Jan.  14,  1732-3.  R.  of  Trusley, 
Derbs.,  1733-8.  V.  of  Micideover,  1740-72.  R.  of  Morley, 
1740-72.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Bangor.  Canon  of 
Windsor,  1748-72.  P.C.  of  St  Benetfink,  London,  1763-72. 
Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Simon  Degge,  of  Derby,  Oct.  7, 
1746.  Died  1772.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  George  Edward 
(1710-1).  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  338;  Derby  Sch.  Reg.,  12; 
Nichols,  IV.  344.) 

WILMOT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 
1734.  S.  of  Richard  (1690-1),  M.D.,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at 
Derby.  School,  Appleby,  Leics.  (Mr  Martin).  Matric.  1735; 
B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28, 
1738;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1747.  C.  of  Perlenhall,  Beds.,  1747. 
Perhaps  his  admon.  (P.C.C.)  1754;  of  St  Botolph,  Alders- 
gate,  clerk.  Brother  of  William  (1739).  (Scott-Mayor,  in. 

WILMOTT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  19,  1743-4.  S.  of  Edward  (1686-7),  barrister,  of  Spondon, 
Derbs.  B.  at  Trusley.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1743-4; 
B.A.  1747-8;  M.A.  1751.   Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  23,  1750. 

C.  of  Staunton,  Notts.  Probably  R.  of  Wyrardisbury  and 
Langton,  Bucks.,  1758-63;  R.  of  Woolavington,  Somerset, 
1763-1800.  Died  at  Derby,  Dec.  14,  1800,  aged  72.  Brother 
of  Francis  Ballidon  (1743-4).  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  540;  Burke, 

WILMOT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1572. 
S.  of  Richard,  Merchant  Taylor.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  B.A.  1576-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  15,  1578.    R.  of  North  Ockendon,  Essex,  1582-1619. 

V.  of  Homdon-on-the-Hill,  1 588-1619;  returned  "a  double- 
beneficed  man';  also  "ignorant  and  unpreaching.'  Author, 
The  Tragedy  of  Tancred  and  Gismund,  a  play  based  on 
Boccaccio.  Buried  (at?  North  Ockendon),  1619.  (W.  P.Uin, 
More  about  Stifford;  D.N.B.) 

WILMOTT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1612.  B.  at  Studham,  Oxon.,  c.  1595.  Matric.  1612;  B..\. 
1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Fellow,  1615-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Mar.  I,  1617-8;  priest  (Linv;oln)  Feb.  21,  i6i8-<).  V.  of 
Clare,  Suffolk,  till  1626.  Buried  at  'Scrinkfield'  (? Spring- 
field) June  22,  1626.   (Harwood,  214.) 

WILMOT  or  WILLIMOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Em- 
manuel, Oct.  29,  1652.  Of  Derbvshire.  Probably  s.  and  h. 
of  Edward,  D.D.,  R.  of  All  Hallows,  Derby.  B.  c  1638. 
HighShcriff  of  Derbs.,  1671.  Died  unmarried.  1671.  (Glover, 
Derbs.,  11.  208;  Nichols,  iv.  344,  gives  date  of  de.ithas  1661.) 

WILMOTT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (.ige  17)  at  Caus,  Mar.  9, 
i6(i(-5.  S.  of  Thomas  (1619),  docoasod,  late  R.  of  West- 
borough,  Lines.  13.  there.  Schools,  Newark  (Mr  Mastorson) 
and  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Leeds).  Scholar,  1666-72;  B.A. 
1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Fellow,  1673-5.  Onl.  deacon  (Petcrb.) 
Dec.  22,  1672;  priest  (Chichester)  Dec.  21,  1673.  R-  of 
Uflord,  Northants.,  1674-1707.  Buried  there  Nov.  2,  1707, 
(Venn,  1.  425.) 


WiLMOT,  Robert 

WILLMOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  20,  1684.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Spondon,  Derbs., 
Esq.  B.  July  16,  1668,  at  Trusley,  Derbs.  (In  Nichols  and 
Glover  the  date  of  birth  is  wrong.)  School,  Derby.  Matric. 
1685.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Oct.  7,  1684.  Of  Chaddesden, 
Derbs.,  Esq.  Married  Joyce,  dau.  of  William  Sacheverell, 
of  Morley,  Esq.  Brother  of  Edward  {1686-7)  and  Richard 
(1690-1),  father  of  the  nest  and  of  George  Edward  (1710-1) 
and  Richard  (1721).  {Nichols,  iv.  344;  Glover,  Derbs.,  209; 
Derby  Sch.  Reg.) 
WILMOT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  20, 
1710-1.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (above),  Esq.  B.  at  Pindale, 
near  Casterton,  Derbs.  School,  Ashbourne.  Matric.  1711. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  7.  I7ii-  Called  to  the  Bar,  1718. 
Died  unmarried,  1755.  Brother  of  George  Edward  (1710-1) 
and  Richard  (1721)-  (Nichols,  iv.  344.) 
WILMOT,  ROBERT  MEADE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  9, 
1750-1;  FeU.-Com.  Dec.  1751.  Of  London.  S.  of  Sir  Geo. 
Edward  (1710-1),  Bart.  B.  Sept.  13,  1731-  Succeeded  as 
and  Bart.,  Nov.  21,  1786.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  William 
WooUet,  of  Harbledown,  Kent,  May  13,  1759-  Died  Sept.  9, 
1793,  aged  61.  {G.E.C.,  v.  no;  G.  Mag.) 
WILMOTT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1619.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626;  B.D.  1637. 
Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  17,  1625.  R.  of  Westborough, 
Lines.,  1627.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1653-  Father  of  Robert  (1664-5). 
WILLMOTT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1669  (Lit.  Reg.).  Probably  s.  of 
Robert,  of  Hartlebury,  Worcs.  Matric.  (Trinity  College, 
Oxford)  Mar.  22,  1660-1,  age  16;  B.A.  (New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford)  1664.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Wimbledon,  Surrey,  1667. 
V.  of  Bromsgrove,  Worcs. ,1669-99.  Died  1699.  Will  proved, 
Oct.  30,  1699.  [Al.  Oxon.) 
WILMOT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 
1739.  S.  of  Richard  (1690-1),  M.D.,  of  Derbyshure.  B.  m 
Derby.  School,  Appleby,  Leics.  (Mr  Martin).  Matric.  i739; 
B.A.  1742-3;  M.A.  1746.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  27, 
1743;  priest,  Mav  20,  i744-  V.  of  Margaretting,  Essex, 
1745-57.  R-  of  Digswell,  Herts.,  1757-05-  Died  July  23, 
1795.  Brother  of  Richard  (1734)-   [Scott-Mayor,  ui.  503.) 

WYLLMOT, .  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  17,  1562. 

WILMY,  JOHN.   M.Gram.  1542-3- 
WILNE  or  WYLNE,  JAMES.  B.Can.L.  1520-1. 
WILSBY,  see  also  WILBY  and  WELBY. 

WILSBY  or  WILLESBYE,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity, 
1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Spalding, 
Lines.  Bapt.  there,  July  19,  1581-  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  22;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1605.  R.  of  Bennington,  Herts., 
1605-19.  Died  1619.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1619.  {Genealogist, 
III.  138.) 
WILSBY  or  WILLESBY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Sept.  6,  1634.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  7th  s.  of  William, 
of  Spalding  (by  his  2nd  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Edwards, 
of  Wisbech,  Cambs.).  Bapt.  Aug.  12,  1618,  at  Spalding. 
Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  V.  of  Womboum, 
Staffs.,  1652-62,  ejected.  Founder  of  the  Petit  or  Willesbye 
School,  at  Spalding.  Died  Aug.  1682.  Half-brother  of  the 
next.  {Genealogist,  in.  140.) 
WILLESBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23, 
1633.  Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  6th  s.  of  William,  of 
Spalding,  Lines,  (by  his  ist  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  Marmaduke 
Eland,  of  Cartlinghow-in-Batley,  Yorks.).  Bapt.  Oct.  9, 
1614,  at  Spalding.  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7.  Buned 
Jan.  21,  1640-1,  at  Spalding.  Half-brother  of  Thomas 
(above).  {Genealogist,  iii.  139.) 
WILSBY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
22,  1660.  S.  of  John,  of  Middlesex.  B.  there.  School, 
Bishop's  Stortford.  Matric.  1660. 
WILSFORD,  see  also  WILFORD. 

WILSFORD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  14,  1708.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Beverley.  Scholar, 
1708;  Matric.  1709;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1715-  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Mar.  16,  171 1-2;  priest  (York)  Sept.  1713-  V.  of 
Winterton,  Lines.,  1716. 
WILSFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  30, 
1712.  S.  of  Bucklev,  of  Pontefract,  Master  in  Chancery. 
B.  Feb.  9,  1693,  at  Wakefield,  Yorks.  Matric.  1712;  M.D. 
1728  {Com.  Reg.).  Of  Pontefract.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Richard  Routh,  of  Pontefract.  Died  June  16,  1772.  Buried 
at  Pontefract.  Father  of  the  next.  (F.M.G.,  998.) 
WILSFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  17  1749-50.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  M.D.,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  June  13,  1732,  at  Pontefract.  School,  Beverley  (Mr 
Clarke).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  6,  i749-  Died  un- 
married at  Bampton,  Westmorland,  Mar.  16,  1782.  {Scott- 
Mayor,  m.  593;  F.M.G.,  998.) 

Wilson,  Alexander 

WHILSHAW,  GREGORY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1585;  Scholar,  1586-7.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  July  10,  1587. 
WILSHAW,  HENRY.  Scholar  from  King's  School,  Canterbury. 
B.  at  Buxton,  Derbs.  B.A.  1536-7;  M.A.  1539;  B.D.  1546-7- 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1537-46.  One  of  the  original  Fellows  of 
Trinity,  1546.  V.  of  Wimbish,  Essex,  1547-92.  R.  of  West 
Grinstead,  Sussex,  1558,  and  of  Storrington,  c.  1558-92. 
Perhaps  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1553-63.  (But  on  the  M.I.  at 
Storrington  he  is  described  as  'alunmus  cujusdam  Henrici 
Wilsha,  Litchfeldiensis,  presbyterij,'  who  was  more  probably 
the  prebendary.)  Died  Feb.  10,  1591-2,  aged  84.  Buried 
at  Storrington.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  and  Chichester.  Benefactor 
to  Queens'  and  Peterhouse.  Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 
{Cooper,  I.  398;  R.  Garraway  Rice;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WYLSHAWE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1561.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (above).  B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  from 
Clare,  1570.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine  from  Peterhouse, 
1578.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1573,  'on  the  foundation  of 
Henry  Wilshaw,  B.D."  {T.  A.  Walker;  Peile,  i.  75-) 
WILSHAW,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1577;  Scholar,  1576-7. 
WILSHAW,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1617.    Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1569).    Bapt.  Jan.  23,  1596. 
School,  Winchester.  Scholar,  1618-21;  B.A.  1620-1. 
WILSHAW,    LAURENCE.    Matric.   sizar   from   Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1556.    One  of  these  names  buried  at  Storrington, 
Sussex,  July  9,  1579- 
WILSHAW,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1546. 

Perhaps  buried  Mar.  12,  1594,  at  Storrington,  Sussex. 
WILSHA  or  WILSHOW,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Easter,  1569.  B.  at  Simonte  Clay,  Derbs.  B.A.  1572-3; 
M.A.  1576;  B.D.  1586.  Fellow,  1573-85-  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  14,  age  31;  priest  (Peterb.)  Nov.  21,  1585. 
R.  of  West  Blatchington,  Sussex,  1585.  V.  of  Hangleton, 
1585.  University  preacher,  1586.  Preb.  of  Chichester,  1587. 
R.  of  Westboume,  1592-1614.  Buried  there  Mar.  20,  1613-4. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1617).  (W.  C.  Renshaw;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
WILSHAA,  W.  Resident  student  at  Trinity  Hall,  Aug.  1564. 

WYLSHAW, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  11,  1574- 

WILSHIRE,  EDWARD.   B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1676-7;  M.A. 

1682.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1677;  priest,  Sept.  22, 

1678.    At  first  in  Lincohishire.    R.  of  Kirkandrew-on-Esk, 

Cumberiand,     1685-1730.      Married     Judith     Fielding,    of 

Brampton,  Cumberland,  Sept.  29,  1692.    Died  1730.    (B. 


WILSHERE,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 

Feb.  4,   1632-3.    S.  of  Thomas   (c.  1596),   R.  of  Welwyn, 

Herts.    B.  there.    Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.   1640. 

Ord.   deacon    (Norwich)    Sept.   20,    1640;   priest    (Lincoln) 

Feb.  22,   1645-6.    R.  of  Ayot  St  LawTence,  Herts.;  R.  of 

Springfield  Richards,  Essex,  1661-79.  Died  1679. 

WILLSHIRE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1621. 

WILTSHIRE,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  21, 

1633.    Of  Leicestershire.    Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A. 

1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25;  priest,  Sept.  26,  1642. 

WILTSHIRE,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  (age  23)  at  St  John's, 

May  21,  1657.  S.  of  WilUam,  farmer,  of  Eaton  Socon,  Beds. 

Perhaps   ord.    deacon    (Lincoln)    June    8,    1661,   'literate.' 

R.  of  Edmondtho-pe,  Leics.,  1677-88.    Died  Jan.  23,  1688, 

aged  56.   Will  (Leicester)  1688.   {Nichols,  n.  179.) 

WILSHIER,  ROBERT.    M.A.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.).    Perhaps  C.  of 

Brampton-by-Dingley,  Northants.,  1672;  M.A. 
WILSHERE,   THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.   1596. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Welwyn,  Herts.   Bapt.  there,  Jan.  21, 
1576-7.   B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  15;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1606.   R.  of  Welwyn,  Herts.,  1606- 
51.  Buried  there  June  16,  1651.  M.I.  WUl  (P.C.C.)  1651-2. 
Father  of  George  (1632-3).  (Clutterbuck,  11.  502,  544.) 
WILSHIRE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Aug.  29,  1705.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  baker  of  the  College.  B.  at 
Cambridge.    School,  King's.    Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1709-10. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  4,  1710. 
WILSMERE,  see  also  WILMER. 

WILSMERE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1576.  B.  at  Debden,  Essex.  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Feb.  3,  1588-9.  age  28;  priest,  Dec.  20, 
1589.  R.  of  Salcott,  Essex,  1588-98.  Died  1598. 
WILSON,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July 
10,  1685.  S.  of  Thomas,  attorney,  of  Hoveton  St  John, 
Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  Hoveton  St  John.  Matric.  1686; 
Scholar,  1686-91;  M.B.  1691.  Subscribed  for  priest's  orders 
(Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1706.  Buried  Jan.  23,  1710-1,  aged  42. 
M.I.  at  Thrigby.  (Venn,  i.  479-) 


Wilson,  Andrew 

WILSON,  ANDREW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
25,  1676.  S.  ot  George  {?  1617),  deceased,  V.  ot  Easingwold, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Pocklington.  Matric.  1676;  B.A. 
1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1681.  V.  of 
Easingwold,  Yorks.,  1685-1712.  Died  1712. 

WILSON,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1606. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  15,  1606.  C.  of  Blyborough,  Lines., 
in  i6ii.   V.  of  Leake,  1616-31.   Admon.  (Lincoln)  1634. 

WILSON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Aug.  11,  1657. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Aug.  13,  1662,  literate. 

WILLSON,  ANTHONY.  Adra.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  14,  1660. 
Of  Derbyshire. 

WILSON,  ARCHDALE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  June  18, 
1747.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.  B.atStanhow, 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1747.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  25, 
1744,  and  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  23,  1752.  Lost  at  sea,  1758. 
{Nichols,  ni.  514.) 

WILSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  July  3, 
1699.  S.  of  Louis.  B  in  London.  School,  Eton.  Resided 
till  Michs.  1700. 

WILSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
July  4,  1700.  B.  in  London.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1703-4; 
M.A.  1707.  Fellow,  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25, 
1709;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1712.  One  of  the  College  curates  in 
Suffolk.  Died  at  Fulham,  1714. 

WILSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  3,  1712.  S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Gainsborough,  Lines. 
School,  Gainsborough  (Mr  Waterworth).  Matric.  1712; 
Scholar,  1714;  B.A.  1715-6;  M.A.  1719.  Fellow,  1718.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1720;  priest,  June  9,  1727.  Usher  of 
Wakefield  School,  Yorks.,  1717-20;  Head  Master,  1720-51. 
V.  of  Normanton,  1727-64.  Preb.  of  York,  1735-64.  V.  of 
Wakefield,  1750-64.  Died  Sept.  16,  1764.  Brother  of  John 
(1714)  and  father  of  Thomas  (1743). 

WILSON,  BERNARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  23, 
1709.  S.  of  Bernard,  mercer,  of  Newark,  Notts.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1710;  B.A.  1712-3; 
M.A.  1719;  D.D.  1737.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  16, 
1711-2;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1715-6.  R.  of  Firsby, 
Lines.,  1715-9.  V.  of  Gt  Steeping,  1715-9.  V.  of  Newark, 
Notts.,  1719-72.  R.  of  Winthorpe,  1719.  Preb.  of  Lincoln, 
1727-72;  of  Lichfield,  1730-72,  and  of  Worcester,  1734-72. 
Master  of  St  Leonard's  Hospital,  Newark.  R.  of  Bottesford, 
Leics.,  1735.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Mar.  i^,  1736-7. 
A  member  of  the  Gentleman's  Society  at  Spalding.  Pub- 
lished an  English  version  of  Dethou's  Historia  sui  Temporis. 
Died  Apr.  30,  1772.  Buried  at  Newark  .  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
(D.N.B.;  Al.  Westmon.,  251;  Dickinson's  Newark,  304.) 

WILSON,  BRIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar. 
24,  1615-6;  priest.  Mar.  25,  1616.  R.  of  Thimbleby,  Lines., 
1618.  Licence  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1619,  to  marry  Mary 
Seaton,  of  Hagworthingham,  widow.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1640. 

WILSON,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1578.  B.  at  Hamessey,  Yorks.  B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1586. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  20,  1585-6,  age  24.  C.  of  Wick- 
ham,  Essex. 

WILSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  12,  1635. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Sheepwash, 
Lines.,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  13,  1636-7.  If  so. 
Major  of  Horse  in  the  Royal  Army.  Married  Alice,  dau.  of 
William  Blythe,  of  Stroxton.  Killed  at  Naseby,  June  14, 
1645.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1090.) 

WILSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  8, 
1648.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Bradfield,  Yorks.  Bapt.  June  15, 
1631.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1652-3;  M.A. 
1656.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1666.  Ord.  (as  presbyterian) 
Aug.  28,  1658.  V.  of  Kimbolton,  Hunts.,  1658-75.  Con- 
formed and  ord.  Jan.  8,  1662.  R.  of  Babworth,  Notts., 
1675-81.  V.  of  Sheffield,  1681-95.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
John  Allott,  B.D.,  R.  of  Little  Thurlow,  Suffolk.  Buried  at 
Bradfield,  Sept.  8,  1703.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1648).  (M.  H. 
Peacock;  Burke,  L.  C;  Hunter,  Sheffield,  278;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILSON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  5, 
1690.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1650),  R.  of  Edith  Weston,  Rutland. 
B.  there.  School,  Stamford  (Mr  Smith).  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A. 

WILSON,  CHARNEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  28,  1713. 
Of  Leicestershire.  Matric.  1713;  B.A.  1716-7;  M.A.  1720. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  24,  1719;  priest,  June  4,  1721. 
Will  (Leicester)  1727;  of  Nailstone,  Leics. 

WILSON,  CHILTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  31,  1718.  Of  Durham.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas 
(and  Elinor  Chilton).  Bapt.  May  14,  1702,  at  Houghton-le- 
Spring.  School,  Hougbton-le-Spring.  Matric.  1717;  Scholar, 

Wilson,  Edmund 

1718;  B.A.  1721-2;  M.A.  1725.  Fellow,  1725-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(Durham)  Sept.  19,  1725;  priest,  Sept.  16,  1727.  V.  of 
Heighington,  Durham,  1728-49.  P.C.  of  St  Giles",  Durham, 
1730.  Buried  Dec.  30,  1749,  a'  Houghton-le-Spring.  (H.  M. 

WILSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Sr  John's,  Michs. 

WILSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1565;  B.A.  1569-70;  M.A.  1573.  Fellow  of  .Magdalene,  1575- 
Ord.  de.icon  (Peterb.)  Nov.  25;  priest  (Ely)  Dec.  21,  1576. 
R.  of  Westborough,  Lines.,  in  1605,  and  R.  of  Gra>'ingham. 
Admon.  (Lincoln)  1609.   {Peile,  i.  93.) 

WILSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
1597-8.  B.  at  Wainfieet,  Lines.  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  26,  age  25;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1605. 
C.  of  Greenford,  Middlesex,  1605.  P.C.  of  Hawnes,  Beds., 
1608-24.  Died  Sept.  29,  1624.  Buried  at  Hawnes.  Perhaps 
brother  of  John  (1602).  (Peile,  t.  226;  Beds.  N.and  Q.,  i.gS-) 

WILSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  18,  1684.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  School,  Newark. 
Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1&87-8. 

WILSON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 
Sept.  23,  1732.  S.  of  Richard,  Recorder  of  Leeds,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740;  D.D.  1753-  Fellow, 
1737-45-  Proctor,  1742-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  i, 
1740;  priest  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from  Ely)  Mar.  1741-2- 
V.  of  Coton,  Cambs.,  1742.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1745-  R-  of 
Barnes,  Surrey,  1768-92.  Bishop  of  Bristol,  1783-92. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Dr  Edmund  Gibson,  Bishop  of  London. 
Died  Apr.  18,  1792,  aged  78.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Richard 
(1725).   (Burke,  L.G.) 

WILSON,  CUTHBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  28,  1738.  S.  of  Roger,  merchant,  of  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  22,  1719.  School,  Sedbergh. 
Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1741-2;  M.A.  1747.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Dec.  19,  1742.  C.  of  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  and  lecturer  of 
All  Saints',  Newcastle,  1783-91.  Died  Feb.  8,  1791.  See  Al. 
Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  (Scott-.Mayor,  in.  495; 
E.  Mag.) 

WILSON,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1585; 

WILSON,  DANIEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  25, 

1656.  S.  of  Thomas  (1618),  clerk,  deceased,  of  Otham,  Kent. 
B.  there.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60. 
Brother  of  Timothy  (1659). 

WILSON,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  25,  1668. 
Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675-  Signed  for  deacon's 
orders  (London)  Dec.  20,  1673;  'C.  of  St  Austin's,  London.' 
Probably  chaplain  to  Mary,  Dowager  Countess  of  Northamp- 
ton; R.  of  Wainfleet,  Lines.,  in  1682;  R.  of  Frisney,  1682. 
(Lambeth  Act  Bk.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WILSON,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  18,  1692. 
Of  Compton  Basset,  Wilts.  Probably  s.  of  John  (1663). 
Matric.  1692;  B.A.  1695-6;  M.A.  1699.  Fellow,  1697.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Oct.  28,  1722;  priest  (Hereford)  Nov.  4, 
1722.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Buriington.  V.  of  Goodrich, 
Herefords.,in  1724.  V.of  Bridstow,  1724.  (Lambeth  Act  Bk., 


WILSON,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  16, 
1742-3.  S.  of  Daniel,  of  Dallham  Tower,  Westmorland. 
School,  Fulham,  London  (Mr  Haygarth).  Matri:.  1743'. 
Scholar,  1744;  B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750.  Fellow,  1749.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from  Ely)  Mar.  1750-1;  priest 
(Chester)  Sept.  23,  1753.  V.  of  Beetham,  Westmorland, 
1753-62.  One  of  these  names  died  Jan.  28,  1784;  of  Lan- 
caster, clerk.  (G.  MaR.;  Musgrave.) 

WILSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1598.  Of  Lambeth,  Suney.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1578), 
D.D.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  3,  1597-8. 
age  15.  Migrated  to  Cambridge,  1598.  B..'^.  1600-1;  M.A. 
1606;  M.D.  1613.  Fellow,  1601-16.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  161^, 
F.R.C.P.,  1615.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1616-7,  deprived. 
Practised  as  a  physician  in  Windsor  and  London.  Died 
in  St  Mary-le-Bow,  Sept.  1633.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of 
John  (1605).  (.Munk,  i.  162;  Harwood,  204;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILSON,  EDMUND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Miclis.  1608; 
B..\.  1611-2;  M..\.  1615.  Perhaps  R.  of -■^ntingham,  Norfolk. 
Will  proved  (Norwich  Cons.  C.)  1661. 

WILSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  it,  1631; 
from  Oxford.  Of  Oxfordshire.  M.B.  1638;  M.D.  (Padua) 
1641-2.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1646.  Censor;  H.ir\oian  Orator, 
1647.  F.R.C.P.,  1649.  Buried  at  St  Dionis,  London,  Sept.  1, 

1657.  WUl,  P.C.C.   (Muntt,  I.  246;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WILLSON,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  29, 

1673.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Norfolk.  School,  Holt. 


Wilson,  Edmunds 

WILSON,  EDMUNDS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 
1703.  S.  of  John  (1677),  clerk.  B.  at  Ringstead,  Norfolk. 
School,  Pocklington  (Mr  Ferrour).  Matric.  1703;  B.A.  1706- 
7;  M.A.  1710.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1710;  priest 
(Norwich)  July,  1718.  C.  of  Ufford,  Northants.,  1710.  V. 
of  Hunstanton,  Norfolk,  1719-54-   {Scott-Mayor,  11.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571- 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  12;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1576.  Probably 
V.  of  Camberw-eU,  Surrey,  1577-1618,  and  founder  of 
Cambenvell  Grammar  School,  1615.  Buried  Mar.  30,  1618. 
WiU  (P.C.C.)  1619.  Father  of  Edward  (i593)-  {^M-  ^w'- 
of  Surrey,  11.  210.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  13, 
1576.  S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Stevenage,  Herts.  School, 
Stevenage.  Matric.  1576.  Of  Willian,  Herts.,  Esq.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bolles,  Esq.,  of  Wallington,  Herts. 
Li\'ing,  1634.   (Venn,  1.  87;  Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1588. 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Edward  (1571),  of  Camberwell,  clerk.  B.A. 
1596-7.  Master  of  Camberwell  School,  Surrey,  1617-38. 
Buried  Dec.  14,  1638.   (Victoria  Hist.  Surrey,  n.  212.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1598. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Nailstone,  Leics.,  1619-25. 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  June  7, 
1669.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.; 
priest.  Mar.  1674-5.  Perhaps  R.  of  Nailstone,  Leics.,  1690- 
1729.  Died  May  4,  1729,  aged  74.  M.I.  at  Nailstone.  Will 
(Leicester)  1729.   (W.  C.  Renshaw;  Nichols,  iv.  809.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  10,  1671. 
Of  Sussex.  S.  of  Sir  William,  of  Eastbourne,  Bart.  Matric. 
1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester) 
Mar.  7,  1679-80;  priest,  Dec.  19,  1680.  R.  of  East  Blatching- 
ton,  Sussex,  1680.  V.  of  Framfield,  1686-1705.  V.  of  Rye, 
1700-39.  Buried  Jan.  9,  1738-9.  Brother  of  John  (1668)  and 
father  of  Edward  (1718).   (Burke,  Peerage;  W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  23, 
1684.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman,  deceased.  B.  at  Kirkby 
Stephen,  Westmorland.  School,  Kirkby  Stephen  (Mr  Proctor). 
Matric.  1684;  B.A.  1690-1.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  22,  1695. 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1718  (Incorp.  from  Balliol  College, 
Oxford).  Matric.there,  Jan.  15,  I7ii-2,agei6.  S.  of  Edward 
(1671).  B.A.  (Oxford)  1715;  M.A.  1718.  C.  of  Appledore, 
Kent,  1717-9.  R.  of  Ashurst,  Sussex,  1719;  of  Street,  1735, 
and  of  Westmeston,  1735-83-  Died  1783.  Will  proved 
(P.C.C.)  1783;  by  son  Edward,  D.D.  (Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch. 
Smith;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WILSON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Apr.  14, 
1722.  Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1722. 

WILSON,  EUSTACE.  'Of  Trinity.'  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  23, 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1587. 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Sept.  20,  1598. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Possibly  V.  of  Wretton,  Norfolk,  in  1607; 
author.  The  Commendation  of  Cockes  and  Cock-fighting. 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608; 
B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615.  One  of  these  names  of  Seagrave, 
Leics.,  clerk.;  admon.  (Leicester)  1660. 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1617; 
B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Perhaps  V.  of  Easingwold,  Yorks., 
1648-62,  ejected.  V.  of  Brafierton,  1634.  Died  Sept.  22, 
1671.  Will,  York.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake.   Perhaps  father  of  Andrew  (1676). 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1620.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  24;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1620.  Perhaps 
minister  at  Elsenham,  Essex,  in  1628;  Minister  of  the  Essex 
Classis,  1646;  augmented  by  the  impropriate  rectory  of 
Gt  Dunmow,  1658.   (H.  Smith.) 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1637;  B.A.  1640-1. 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Apr.  21, 1640. 
S.of  Thomas,  gent.  B.  at  Bexwell,  Norfolk.  School,  Wisbech, 
Cambs.  (Mr  Frisney).  Matric.  1640;  Scholar,  1643-4;  B.A. 
1643-4.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Leasingham,  Lines.,  1651. 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  11, 
1665.  S.  of  William,  saddler,  of  Doncaster,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Doncaster  (MrThwaites).  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9; 
M.A.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1669;  priest  (Ely) 
Sept.  24,  1670.   R.  of  Easington,  Yorks.,  1699-1707. 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  24, 
1680.  S.  of  George,  of  Hartlington,  near  Skipton,  Yorks., 
farmer.  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  from  King's,  1680-1;  M.A.  1684. 

Wilson,  James 

Probably  V.  of  Chislehurst,  Kent,  1683-1718;  V.  of  Bromley, 
1683;  Benefactor  to  Bromley  School.  Buried  Oct.  17,  1718, 
at  Chislehurst.   {Fielding.) 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  8, 
1725.  S.  of  John,  tailor,  of  Cambridgeshire.  B.  Nov.  16, 
1707,  in  Cambridge.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
1725;  B.A.  1728-9;  M.A.  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June 
29,  1729;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1731.  C.  of  Sutton, 
Northants. -CMm-Washingley,  Hunts.,  1731.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Caldecote,  Hunts.,  1744-70.  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  1749-62. 
{Scott-Mayor,  iii.  385;  Victoria  Hist.  Lanes.,  viii.  125.) 

WILSON,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  June  23, 
1739.  S.  of  James  (?  1700).  B.  at  Nottingham.  School, 
Repton.  Matric.  1739;  Scholar,  1740.  Buried  at  Gt  St 
Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Nov.  25,  1742.   (Peile,  11.  238.) 

WILSON,  HARBORD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Feb.  4,  1708-9. 
B.  at  Plums tead,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1709. 

WILSON,  HENRY.  B.A.  1506-7  (Incorp.  from  Oxford);  M.A. 
1508.  Fellow  of  Christ's.  R.  of  Helpston,  Northants., 
1507-40.   {Peile,  I.  6.) 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1579;  B.A.  1583-4.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  July  17, 
1590.  V.  of  Ancaster,  Lines.,  1612. 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1617; 
B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  23;  priest,  Oct.  2,  1621. 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Michs. 
1622;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627;  B.D.  1634.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  1;  priest,  Sept.  2,  1627.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Faldingworth,  Lines.,  1630.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1641.  Prob- 
ably R.  of  South  Scarle,  Notts.,  1660;  B.D. 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7. 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  June  21, 
1639.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  West- 
morland. School,  Halifax  (Mr  Cockman).  Matric.  1639; 
B.A.  1642.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  18,  1639-40.  Of 
Underley  Hall,  Kirkby  Lonsdale.  Died  there  May  29,  1684. 
WiU,  Archd.  Richmond.   (W.  H.  ChippendaU;  Peile,  1.  461.) 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  4, 
1702.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Sedbergh,  Yorks.  School,  Evesham, 
Worcs.  (Mr  Wilson).   Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1708-9. 

WILSON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28, 
1739.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Kilham,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley 
(Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1739;  Scholar,  1742;  B.A.  1742-3; 
M.A.  1746.  Fellow,  1745.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  25,  1743; 
'C.  of  Walkiagton';  priest,  June  14,  1747.  Usher  of  Beverley 
School,  Yorks.,  till  1751.  Usher  of  Wakefield  School,  i75i-6- 
V.  of  Heversham,  Westmorland,  1758-97.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Rev.  James  Smyth,  late  V.  of  Heversham,  June  27, 
1774.  Died  May  12,  i797-   (M.  H.  Peacock;  G.  Mag.) 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1. 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1629; 
B.A. 1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  16,  1637. 
Matric.  1637,  'George';  B.A.  1640-1. 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  11, 
1640-1.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  York.  School,  York  (Mr  Wallis). 
Matric.  1641. 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1657. 
Of  Essex.  B.A.  1660-1;  M.A.  1664.  Signed  for  deacon's  and 
priest's  orders  (London)  June  3,  1664.  C.  of  Bishop's  Stort- 
ford,  Herts.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hunton,  Kent,  1685- 
91;  probably  also  rural  dean  of  Sutton,  Kent,  1681. 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  10, 
1700.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1703-4; 
M.A.  1707.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Feb.  29,  1707-8.  Perhaps  R. 
of  St  Peter's,  Nottingham,  1725.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake.   Perhaps  father  of  George  (i739)- 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  12, 
1707.  S.  of  James,  of  King's  Lvnn,  Norfolk.  School,  Lynn 
(Mr  Hem).  Matric.  1708;  Scholar,  1709;  M.B.  1718;  M.D. 
1728  {Com.  Reg.).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1753.  Perhaps  adm. 
at  Leyden,  Mar.  4,  1713.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1771; 
of  St  Mary  Aldermary,  London,  M.D. 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  13,  1726. 
S.of  Thomas,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School,  Norwich 
(Mr  Reddington).  Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1726-33;  B.A. 
1729-30;  M.A.  1733.  Fellow,  1733-50-  Taxor,  1738. 
Catechist,  1739-44.  Dean,  1744-7-  Bursar,  1748.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1731;  'C.  of  Woodwalton,  Hunts.'; 
priest,  June  30,  1735.  Usher  of  the  Perse  School,  Cambridge, 
1732-40.  R.  of  Bratton  Fleming,  Devon,  1749-54-  Died 
1754.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Venn,  11.  25.) 


Wilson,  James 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1736.  Of  Middle- 

WILSON,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  26,  1740; 
'B.A.  (sic)  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford'  (not  found  in  Al.  Oxon., 
nor  in  our  records).   {Scott-Mayor,  iii.  507.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  B.A.  1489-90;  M.A.  1493.  Principal  of 
Borden  Hostel,  in  1521-2.   (Stokes,  Mediaeval  Hostels.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.   B.A.  1541-2. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1544. 

WILSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1566;  B.A. 

WILSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent,  1579-80. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1580-1. 
Possibly  identical  with  the  Puritan  preacher  of  these  names. 
If  so,  of  Kildwich,  Yorks.  B.  there.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
and  licensed  to  preach  at  Skipton,  ?  1586.  Appeared  before 
the  Archbishop  on  a  charge  of  nonconformity,  Jan.  9, 
1586-7.  Went  to  Loudon.  Preached  at  All  Hallows,  Thames 
Street.  Returned  to  the  North.  Living,  1587.  (Cooper,  11. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1581; 
B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1588.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  10,  1594.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Nicholas,  Guild- 
ford, Surrey,  1597-1630.  Died  Oct.  22,  1630,  at  Guildford. 
{Manning  and  Bray,  i.  69.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1581-2; 
B.A.  158.^-5;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1588.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Stockiynch,  Somerset,  1591;  M.A. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1582-3. 
Of  Cumberland.  B.A.  1586-7. 

WI150N,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1585. 
One  of  these  names  of  Norton  Disney,  Lines.,  clerk;  will 
(Lincoln)  1617. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1586; 
B.A.  from  Jesus,  1592-3.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  P.C. 
of  Barton  Chapel,  Tatenhill,  Staffs.,  1598-1604. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1602.  B. 
at  Wainfleet,  Lines.  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1617.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  1609-10;  'of 
Stepney;  aged  26;  licensed  to  West  Ham,  Essex.'  Perhaps 
R.  of  Rochford,  1617-29.  Died  1629.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1629.  Perhaps  brother  of  Christopher  (1597-8).  (Peile,  1. 
241;  Felt,  wrong  identification.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  14)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  23,  1605.  Of  Windsor,  Berks.  S.  of  William  (1578). 
Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613.  Fellow,  1608-10, 
deprived  for  nonconformity.  'Went  to  the  Inns  of  Court 
to  study  law;  afterwards  became  a  minister.'  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1610.  Lecturer  at  Sudbury,  Suffolk,  1620. 
Frequently  suspended  for  nonconformity.  Emigrated  with 
Governor  Winthrop  to  New  England,  1630.  Teacher  of  the 
First  Church,  Boston,  1630-2;  pastor,  1632-67.  Author, 
religious.  Died  Aug.  7,  1667.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1598). 
(Harwood;  J.  G.  Bartlett;  Felt,  where  he  is  wrongly  identified 
with  John  (above).) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1609. 
B.  at  Bedford.  Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 
Fellow,  1614.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  Dec.  19, 
1619,  age  28. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  i6n. 
B.  at  Beverley,  Yorks.  B.A.  1614-5;  M.A.  1618.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  June  15;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1617.  C.  of  South 
Weald,  Essex.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Waghen,  Yorks., 
1623-55.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1655. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1614. 
Of  London.  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Green's  Norton,  Northants.,  1631-6;  buried  there 
Oct.  8,  1636. 

WILSON,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1617. 

WILSON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,   1620. 

Of  Nottinghamshire.    B.A.  from  Pembroke,   1623-4;  M.A. 

1627.    Perhaps  his  will  (York)   1648;  of  Hawton,  Notts., 

WILSON,   JOHN.    Matric.   pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.   1621. 

Probably  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Eastbourne,  Sussex.    B.A. 

1624-5;  M.A.  1628.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9,   1626. 

Died  s.p.,  1649.    (Brother  of  WUliam,  created  Bart.,  Mar. 

i66o-i;  see  G.E.C.,  11.  170.) 
WILSON,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  31,  1625.  S.  of 

John.   B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Lynn.  Matric.  1625. 
WILSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1628.    Of  Kent. 

Matric.  1628,  'Wolson.'  B.A.  1631-2. 

Wilson,  John 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1629; 
B.A.  1630-1;  .M.A.  1634. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1630.  Of  WUtshire. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1631.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Perhaps 
C.  of  Moreton,  Essex,  1637.  R.  of  Little  Hallingbury,  1645- 
(?)  51.  V.  of  Kimpton,  Herts.,  1657-62,  ejected.  Author 
of  an  answer  to  the  treatise,  entitled,  Phihsophia  Scripturae 
interpres  and  to  Wolzogen.  (Calamy,  11.  45;  H.  Smith; 
Clutterbuck,  in.  76.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  11,  1632-3. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1634-5;  Scholar,  1635;  B.A.  1636- 
7;  M.A.  1640.  Fellow,  1639-45,  ejected.   {T.  A.  Walker,  49.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter, 
1633.  Scholar,  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Dispcns. 
(Lambeth)  to  receive  deacon's  orders,  June  10,  1636.  One 
of  these  names,  'M.A.,'  R.  of  Yardley  Hastings,  Northants., 
1649-95;  conformed,  1660;  V.  of  Easton  Maudit,  i66i-So. 
Buried  Dec.  2,  1695,  aged  77,  at  Yardley  Hastings.  Perhaps 
father  of  Joseph  (1667)  and  John  (1663).   (T.  P.  Dorman.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius.  May  14,  1634. 
S.  of  William,  tailor,  of  the  parish  of  St  Andrew's,  Norwich. 
School,  Norwich  (Mr Briggs).  Matric.  i634;Scholar,  1637-41; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  28, 
1643.   (Venn,  i.  313.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  11, 
1634-5.  S.  of  Godfrey,  haberdasher,  of  St  Ives,  Hunts. 
B.  there.  School,  St  Ives  (private).  Matric.  1634-5;  B.A. 
1638-9;  M.A.  from  Queens',  1646.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  20,  1640.  Perhaps  V.  of  Fawsley,  Northants.,  1645-84. 
Died  Nov.  19,  1684,  aged  63.  M.I.  at  Fawsley.  (Baker,  i.^SS.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  30, 
1641.  S.  of  John,  D.D.,  late  Dean  of  Ripon.  B.  at  Bedale, 
Richmonds.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1645- 
6;  M.A.  1649.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1647;  of  'Burhall' 
(?  Burrill-in-Bedale),  Yorks.  Barrister,  1654.  Fought  on  the 
King's  side  in  the  Civil  War.  J. P.  Died  Sept.  24,  1681. 
M.I.  at  Bedale.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  May  9,  1643. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Wisbech,  Cambs.  B.  there.  School, 
Wisbech  (Mr  Frisney).  Matric.  1643;  Scholar,  1643-50; 
B.A.  1646-7;  M.A.  1650.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1650. 
(Venn,  i.  350;  T.  A.  Walker,  95.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Lent,  1644-5;  from 
Oxford.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Codnor,  Derbs.  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A. 
1648;  B.D.  1657.  Fellow.  Matric.  (Oxford)  Mar.  27,  1640, 
age  16.  Migrated  to  Cambridge  (not  recorded  by  Foster). 
R.  of  Cockayne  Hatley,  Beds.,  in  1663.  V.  of  St  Paul's, 
Bedford,  1663;  'B.D.'  R.  of  St  George  Hatley,  Beds.,  1670. 
Buried  Feb.  8,  1676,  at  Cockayne  Hatley.  (Lambeth  Ad  Bk.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June  29, 
1647.  S.  of  William,  of  Warwick. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  13, 
1654.  Of  Cambridge.  School,  Cambridge.  Matric.  1655; 
B.A.  1658-9. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Sept.  15,  1663.  Of 
Northamptonshire.  Probably  s.  of  John  (?  1633),  R.  of 
Yardley  Hastings.  Matric.  1663;  B..\.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671. 
Fellow,  1669-71.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  19,  1670-1. 
R.  of  Compton  Basset,  Wilts.,  1671.  Founded  two  scholar- 
ships at  Clare.  Died  1724.  Probably  brother  of  Joseph 
(1667)  and  father  of  Daniel  (1692).  (Clare  Coll.  Hist.,  156; 
Lambeth  Act  Bk.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  23, 
1666.  S.  of  Ralph,  husbandman,  of  Shottle-in-Duffield, 
Belpcr,  Derbs.  B.  there.  School,  Bradley,  Derbs.  (private). 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  May  12,  1668. 
S.  of  Sir  William,  Bart.  B.  at  Bomc,  Eastbourne,  Sussex. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Apr.  i,  1668.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1676.  Of  East  Dean,  Sussex.  Died  s.p.,  1700.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1671).   (Burke,  Peerage.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Sidney,  May  20,  1670. 
S.  of  John,  farmer.  B.  at  Middleton,  Yorks.  School,  Middle- 
ton.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4-  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 
1674;  priest,  Feb.  i674-5-  Perhaps  V.  of  Holl>Tn  and 
Withemsea,  Yorks.,  1687-1709. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  .■Vdm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel.  Aug.  8,  1675; 
Fell. -Com.  June,  1676.  Of  Leicestershire.  Doubtless  4th  s. 
of  Robert  (1641)  (by  his  2nd  wife  Johanna,  dau.  of  John 
Parker,  of  London).  Of  Knightthorp.-,  Loirs.  Married 
(i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  \Valp<iU-,  Knt.,  of  Houghton, 
Norfolk;  (2)  Dorothea,  d.»u.  of  Sir  .\nlhony  Chester,  Bart., 
of  Chiehcley.  Bucks.  Died  s.p.,  May  21,  1718,  aged  59. 
Brother  of  William  (1674).  (Ntchoh,  iii.  907.) 


Wilson,  John 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sirar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  June  4,  1677. 
S.  of  Henry.  B.  at  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Westmorland.  School, 
Kirkby.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1684.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Jan.  1682-3;  priest.  May,  1687.  R.  of 
Ringstead  St  Andrew,  Norfolk,  1687-1719.  Probably  V.  of 
Sedgeford,  1692--1703;  V.  of  Hunstanton,  1703-19.  Died 
Oct.  3,  1719.  Buried  at  Ringstead.  Father  of  Edmunds 
(1703).   (Peile,  II.  65.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  26,  1705.  Of 
Yorkshire.   Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  9,  1713.  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School..  Wakefield. 
Matric.  1713;  Scholar;  B.A.  1716-7.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  20,  1719;  priest  (York)  Dec.  1720.  V.  of  Hooton 
PagneU,  Yorks.,  1723.  Buried  at  Wakefield,  Nov.  21,  1723. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  24, 
1713-4.  S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Gainsborough,  Lines.  School, 
Gainsborough  (Mr  Waterworth).  Matric.  1714;  Scholar, 
1717;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721;  B.D.  1728;  D.D.  1749- 
Fellow,  1720.  Taxor,  1726.  Senior  Bursar,  1746-51.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  May  31,  1724;  priest,  May  23,  1725.  V.  of 
Over,  Cambs.,  1738-45.  V.  of  Chesterton,  1745-51.  Died 
Oct.  26,  1751.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1751.  Brother  of  Benjamin 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  24)  at  St  John's,  June  18, 
1726.  S.  of  Isaac,  husbandman,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at  Stain- 
ton-Gap,  in  the  parish  of  Ulverston.  School,  Kendal  (Mr 
Towers).  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733;  B.D.  1741; 
D.D.  1761.  Fellow,  1732-53.  R.  of  Fulbourn  St  Vigors, 
Cambs.,  I75i-8i.  Died  Oct.  17,  1781.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother 
of  William  (1721).   (Scott-Mayor,  lu.  400.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Caius,  June  25,  1733. 
S.  of  Hugh,  R.  of  Monewdon,  Suffolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Monk  Soham  (private).  Scholar,  1733-8;  Matric.  1734; 
B.A.  1736-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1737;  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1740.  R.  of  Elsing,  Norfolk,  1746-81. 
R.  of  St  Edmund's,  Norwich,  1775-81.  Died  Dec.  16,  1781, 
aged  66.   M.I.  at  Elsing.   (Venn,  11.  37.) 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Apr.  2,  1734.  Matric. 
1734;  Scholar,  1737;  B.A.  1737-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  23,  1739;  priest  (Litt.  dim.  from  York)  Dec.  21,  1740. 
C.  of  Lockington,  Yorks.,  1740-55.  Perhaps  V.  of  Whitkirk, 
Leeds,  1779-85. 

WILSON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  15, 
1746-7.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  attorney,  of  Kentmere, 
Westmorland  (and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  John  Fenwick,  of 
Nunridding  and  Langshaw,  Northumberland).  B.  at  Kendal. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1747.  Took  the  name  of  Fenwick, 
1751.  Died  unmarried,  1757.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1748-9). 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  565.) 

WILSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  6, 
1629.  S.  of  Thomas,  baker,  of  York.  B.  there.  School, 
York  (private).  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636. 
Probably  V.  of  North  Frodingham,  Yorks.,  1641.  Perhaps 
father  of  Thomas  (1662). 

WILSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  5,  1667.  Of 
Yardley  Hastings,  Northants.  S.  of  John  (?  1633),  R.  of 
Yardley  Hastings.  Bapt.  there,  Aug.  3,  1651.  School, 
Strixton.  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  25,  1673;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1675.  Probably  brother  of 
John  (1663).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WILSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  June  3, 
1703.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Gisborough,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1704;  Scholar,  1707;  B.A.  1706-7.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec. 

WILSON,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  31,  1730. 
S.  and  h.  of  WUliam  (1695).  B.  at  Stiffkey,  Norfolk.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  1,  1731.  Died  unmarried,  of  small-pox, 
Dec.  1734,  aged  23.  Buried  at  Walsingham.  Brother  of 
Robert  (1740),  Thomas  (1738)  and  WilUam  (1738-9). 

WILSON,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  19,  1617; 
Scholar;  Matric.  1617;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Oct.  31,  1623;  priest  (St  David's)  Oct.  23,  1637. 
V.  of  Burwell,  Cambs.,  1657. 

WILSON,  JOSHUA.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  23, 
1748.  S.  of  Joshua,  Recorder  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
June  22,  1731.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clark).  Matric.  1748. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Aug.  6,  1748.  Of  Crofton  Hall, 
near  Wakefield.   Brother  of  Richard  (1749). 

WILSON,  LEONARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Nov.  10, 
1625.  S.  of  Lambert,  chandler  (and  Elizabeth  Stuytelina, 
of  Antwerp).  B.  at  Cornhill,  London.  Bapt.  July  19,  1607, 
at  the  Dutch  Church.  Schools,  London  (private)  and 
Rotterdam.  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Adm. 
at  Leyden,  Sept.  3,  1633. 

Wilson,  Peter 

WILSON,  MARMADUKE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1602.    Probably  s.  of  Marmaduke,  of  Westonfield  (and  of 
Kirkdeighton),  Yorks.   Succeeded  his  father.   Married  and 
had  issue.  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612.) 
WILSON,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
June  10,  1675.    S.  of  Thomas  (1622),  of  Litcham,  Norfolk, 
■    clerk.    Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Mar.  7,   1679-80;  priest,  Dec.   1686.    R.  of  Weasenham, 
Norfolk,  in  1720. 
WILSON,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  10,  1693. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Eshton  Hall.  B.  1677. 
Matric.  1693;  Scholar,  1693.   Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
June  17,  1693.   Of  Eshton  Hall,  Yorks.,  Esq.   Married  Ann, 
dau.  of  Timothy  Blackburn,  of  Grinton,  Yorks.,  June  28, 
1699.    Buried  at  Gargrave,  Yorks.,  Nov.  12,  i7i7.    Father 
of  the  next  and  of  Roger  (1730).   (A.  Gray;  H.  M.  Wood; 
Burke,  L.G.) 
WILSON,  MATTHEW.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  8,   1725.    S.  of  Matthew  (above),  of  Eshton,  Yorks. 
Bapt.   Oct.   14,   1706,  at   Gargrave.    School,   Kirkleatham 
(Mr  Clark).  Of  Eshton,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Married  Margaret,  dau. 
of  Henry  Wigglesworth,  of  Slaidbum.    Died  Mar.  27,  1769. 
Buried  at  Gargrave.   Brother  of  Roger  (1730)  and  father  of 
the  next.  (H.  M.  Wood;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 
WILSON,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  15,  1748-9.    S.  and  h.  of  Matthew  (above),  gent.,  of 
Eshton,  Yorks.    B.  Feb.  12,   1729-30,  at  Eshton.    School, 
Skipton  (Mr  Wilkinson).  Matric.  1748-9.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Sept.  12,  1750.   Barrister,  1757.   Married  Frances,  dau. 
of  Richard  Clive,  of  Styche,  Salop,  Esq.,  July  7.  i753-  Died 
Apr.  16,1802.  Buried  at  Gargrave.  M.I.  (Sco«-Mayor,  ni.585.) 
WILSON,  MICHAEL.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Apr. 
10,  1645.   S.  of  Michael,  smith.    B.  at  Old  Sleaford,  Lines. 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1647-8.   Perhaps  V.  of  St  Martin,  Stam- 
ford Baron,  Northants.,  1661-6. 
WILSON,  MILES.  B.A.  1541-2;  M.A.  1545.  Fellowof  St  John's, 
1542-3.   Preb.  of  York,  1551;  of  Lincoln,  1552-4,  deprived. 
(Cooper,  I.  35.) 
WILSON,  NATHANIEL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1655.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  B.A.  1658-9. 
WILLSON,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  8,  1660. 
Matric.   1660.    Perhaps  migrated  to  Oxford.    If  so,  s.  of 
William,  of  Marcle,  Worcs.;  matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford) 
Mar.  22,  1660-1,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1664;  M.A.  1667; 
D.D.  1686.   R.  of  Kingsnorth,  Kent,  1663.   V.  of  Fareham, 
Hants.,  1664.    Dean  of  Raphoe,  1683.    Bishop  of  Limerick, 
1692-5.  Died  Nov.  3,  1695.  Buried  in  Christ  Church,  Dublin. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 
WILSON,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Dec.  22,  1662. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.   Matric.  1663.    Migrated  to  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  10,   1664-5.    B.A.   1666-7.    V.  of  Wighton,  Norfolk, 
1670-1700.  Perhaps  R.  of  Egmere,  in  1677;  M.A.  Doubtless 
father  of  the  next. 
WILSON,  NATHANIEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  14,  1696.  Of  Norfolk.  Doubtlesss.of  Nathaniel  (above). 
School,   Walsingham.    Matric.    1697;   Scholar,    1697;    B.A. 
1700-1.  Head  Master  of  Drighlington  School,  Yorks.,  1702-3. 
Died  1703. 
WILSON,  NICHOLAS.   B.A.  1508-9.   B.  in  Holdemess,  Yorks. 
M.A.  1512;  B.D.  1522-3;  D.D.  1523-4.  Of  Christ's.  Master 
of  Michael  House,  1533-42.   Elected  (not  admitted)  Master 
of  St  John's,  1537.    R.  of  St  Thomas-the-Apostle,  London. 
V.  of  Thaxted,  Essex,  1528-34,  deprived.    Archdeacon  of 
Oxford,  1528-35.  R.of  St  Martin  Outwich,  London,  1537-48. 
Dean    of    the   Collegiate   Church    of    Wimbome,    1537-47- 
Preb.   of   York,    1542-8;   of  St   Paul's,    1542-8.    Opposed 
Henry  VIII  on  the  question  of  his  divorce.  Imprisoned  in  the 
Tower  for  assisting  persons  who  denied  the  Royal  supremacy, 
1540-1.  Author,  theological,  etc.  Died  before  June  11,  1548. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1548.   (Cooper,  1.  94;  D.N.B.) 
WILSON,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1585. 
WILSON,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  sizar  Easter,  1586. 
WYLSON,  OLIVER.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1548. 
WILSON,  PEREGRINE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June, 
1602.     Probably    ord.    deacon    (London)    Sept.    23,    1615; 
late  of  Jesus  CoUege,  B.A.;  priest.  Mar.  26,  1616-7.  School- 
master at  Redbome,  Herts. 
WILSON,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1584. 
WILSON,  PETER.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  4, 
1691;  from  Edinburgh  Academy  (adm.  there,  Sept.  1689). 
S.  of  Peter,  Notary  Public,  deceased.   Bapt.  July  10,  1673, 
at  All  Saints',  Newcastle,  Northumberland.    School,  New- 
castle.  Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1693-4;  M.A.  1697.   Ord.  priest 
(Durham)  Sept.  21,   1701.    V.  of  Dalton-le-Dale,  1715-32. 
Buried  Apr.  26,  1732,  at  Dalton.    (D.  S.  Boutflower;  H.  M. 


Wilson,  Ralph 

WILSON,  RALPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  21, 
1666.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Shotley,  Northumberland. 
School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1675.  Probably 
Usher  of  Newcastle  School,  1674.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham) 
Sept.  20,  1679;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1685.  {Peile,  11.  3.) 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1565. 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1571; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Perhaps  R.  of  Rattlesden,  Suffolk, 
1583-1614;  vnll  proved  (Bury)  Aug.  i,  1614. 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
1585.  B.  at  Spalding,  Lines.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's, 
1588-g.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln).  R.  of  Benington,  Lines.,  1605. 
Perhaps  his  will  (Lincoln)  1608;  of  Metheringham,  clerk. 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  23,  1665. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  18,  1671. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Babworth,  Notts.,  1681-1727; 
died  unmarried,  1727.  Buried  at  Babworth  [he  was  s.  of 
John,  of  Bromhead,  Yorks.,  see  Yorks.  Arch.  Journal,  v.  loi.] 
(M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1669.  Matric. 
(University  College,  Oxford)  July  27,  1652;  B.A.  (0.\ford) 
1655-6.  Perhaps  V.  of  Huddersfield,  Yorks.,  1673-75; 
died  there,  1675.  (At.  Oxon.) 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  29,  1669. 
S.  of  Richard,  yeoman,  of  Ovenden,  Yorks.  B.  there. 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1676.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1683.  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar.  1681-2.  V.  of 
Moulton  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1685.  R.  of  Moulton  St  Michael, 
1690.  Died  Nov.  28,  1716,  aged  60.  Buried  at  Gt  Moulton. 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1677.  Of 
Westmorland.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1.  Perhaps  ord. 
priest  (Norwich)  June,  1683.  Perhaps  brother  of  William 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Nov.  i, 
1725.  Of  Leeds,  Yorks.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Richard, 
Recorder  of  Leeds.  Matric.  1726.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  June  3,  1726.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1732.  Recorder 
of  Leeds.  Died  unmarried,  July  13,  1776,  aged  66  Brother 
of  Christopher  (1732).   (H.  A.  C.  Sturgess;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WILSON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  30, 
1749.  2nd  s.  of  Joshua,  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1750;  Scholar,  1750.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Aug.  i,  1752,  and  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  24, 1753. 
Brother  of  Joshua  (1748). 

WILSON,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1548. 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1557-8. 
Ord.  (by  Tho.  Bentham,  Bishop  of  Lichfield).  V.  of  Walsall, 
Staffs.,  1575-1609;  'Scholaris  Cantabrigiensis,  in  sacris 
Uteris  studiose  exercitatus.'  Buried  at  Walsall,  Feb.  19, 
1608-9.  {Wm.  Salt  Arch.  Soc,  1915.) 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1580. 
Probably  B.A.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  1585;  'having  kept 
5  terms  at  Cambridge.'  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Anwick, 
Lines.,  1592-16x2;  will  (Lincoln)  1612. 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1609. 
S.  of  John,  of  Eyam,  Derbs.  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22;  priest,  Sept.  23.  1616.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Barton  All  Saints,  Norfolk,  1617-44; 
R.  of  Barton  Bendish,  1626;  died  1644.  [Peile,  i.  273; 
F.M.G.,  I.  296,  298.) 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  6, 
1641.  Of  Finchley,  Middlesex.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert  (?  Row- 
land), of  London,  draper.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1644.  Migrated 
to  Peterhouse,  Sept.  15,  1645.  Of  Merton,  Surrey;  purchased 
Knightthorpe,  Leics.,  1649.  Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau.  of 
Edward  Ashe,  of  London,  merchant;  (2)  Johanna,  dau.  of 
John  Parker,  of  London,  merchant.  Died  Nov.  11,  1660, 
aged  35.  Probably  father  of  William  (1674)  and  John  (1675). 
(Manning  and  Bray,  i.  263;  Nichols,  iii.  907.) 

WILSON,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  25, 

1649.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Durham.  School,  Durham.  Matric. 

1650.  Migrated  to  Jesus,  Jan.  6,  1650-1.  Scholar,  1651; 
B.A.  1653-4.  Preacher  in  Cambridge.  V.  of  Over,  Cambs., 
1656;  silenced,  1662.  Afterwards  taught  music  in  Cambridge. 
A  trustee  of  the  first  nonconformist  chapel  in  Cambridge, 
1687.   {Calamy,  i.  249;  J.  Crosby;  A.  Gray;  Peile,  1.  530.) 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  July 
I,   1650.    School,  Wisbech.    Scholar,  1650;   Matric.  1651; 

Wilson,  Samuel 

B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  Perhapfs  ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  1661;  'M.A.'  Perhaps  V.  of  East  Walton, 
Norfolk,  1662-8;  M.A.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Edith 
Weston,  Rutland,  and  father  of  Charles  (1690). 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  11, 
1655.  S.  of  Robert,  fellmonger,  of  Stamiford.  B.  there. 
School,  Stamford  (.Mr  Humfrey). 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  June  17, 
1663.  S.  of  Henry,  mercer.  B.  at  Thirsk,  Yorks.  School, 
Thirsk  (Mr  Hall,  etc.).  Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666;  M.A.  from 
Caius,  1670.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1679.  Perhaps  R.  of  Holmpton, 
Yorks.,  1684.  V.  of  Welwick,  1684.  V.  of  Drypool,  HuU, 
1688.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Venn,  i.  439.) 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  2j, 
1675.  S.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  at  Kepwick,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Coulsby  [Cowsby]  (Mr  Ri.  Forster)  and  Coxwold. 
Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Ord. deacon  (York) 
Dec.  i68o;  priest,  Dec.  1681. 

WILLSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  31, 
1697.  S.  of  Robert,  currier.  Bapt.  May  27,  1680,  at  Leeds, 
Yorks.  School,  Pocklington  (Mr  Dwyer).  Matric.  1697; 
B.A.  1700-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1703;  priest,  1704. 
One  of  these  names  P.C.  of  Lamesley,  Durham,  1729-51. 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Apr.  17,  1708. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Colweston  (sic).  B.  at 
Colton,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1709.  Of  Didlington,  Norfolk,  and 
of  Knightthorpe,  Leics.  Died  unmarried,  July  22,  1769, 
aged  78.  Buried  at  Didlington.  (Nichols,  in.  514,  906; 
Blomfield,  VI.  89.) 

WILSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  4, 1740. 
S.  of  WiUiam  (1695),  late  R.  of  Stiflkey,  Norfolk.  B.  there. 
School,  Holt  (Mr  Holmes).  Matric.  1740-1;  Scholar,  1740-8. 
Died  unmarried,  1762.  Buried  at  Little  Walsingham. 
Brother  of  Joseph  (1730),  etc.  (Venn,  11.  47;  Nichols,  in.  514.) 

WILSON,  ROGER.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1587. 

WILSONN,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Oct.  12, 
1613.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Cambridge 
(Mr  Rodeknight).  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  27;  priest,  May  28,  1621.  School- 
master at  Brinkley,  Cambs.  Buried  there  Mar.  24,  1626-7. 
(Venn,  i.  223.) 

WILSON,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  26, 
1704.  2nd  s.  of  Roger,  farmer,  of  Middleton,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Pickering  and  Thornton.  Matric.  1704- 

WILSON,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  26,  1730- 
Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Matthew  (1693).  Bapt. 
Oct.  30,  1711,  at  Gargrave.  Matric.  1731;  LL.B.  1736. 
P.C.  of  Colne,  Lanes.,  1751-89.  V.  of  Wiggenhall  St  Mag- 
dalen, Norfolk,  1756.  P.C.  of  Pool,  Yorks.,  1776-89-  Master 
of  Otley  Grammar  School,  1782-9.  Married  Thomasine, 
dau.  of  Robert  Bate,  of  Garboldisham,  Norfolk.  Buried 
Mar.  18,  1789,  at  Otley.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary. 
Brother  of  Matthew  (1725).   (J.  Parker;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WILSON,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  23, 
1746.  S.  of  Roger,  of  Casterton,  Westmorland.  School, 
Appleby  (Mr  Yeats).  Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1747.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  31,  1748-9. 

WILSON,  ROWLAND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1588.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1590-1;  M-A.  1595- 
Usher  of  Bury  St  Edmunds  School,  1598.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  1610.  V.  of  Little  Fakenhara,  Suffolk,  1610.  V. 
of  Thrigby,  Norfolk,  1616. 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1567;  B.A.  1570-1. 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  Easter,  1581;  a  scholar 
from  Westminster.  S.  of  Thomas  (i544)-  Bapt.  Mar.  11, 
1570  (according  to  Cooper,  11.  6).  B.A.  1584-5. 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
1612;  Scholar;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  July  9;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1619.  Perhaps  R.  of  St 
Peter  Martin,  Bedford,  1621.  Buried  May  26.  1626,  at 
Wootton,  Beds.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary 
namesake  to  whom  this  living  is  assigned.  (H.  1.  Longdcn; 
Genealog.  Dedf.) 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  14,  1631. 
Of  Bedfordshire.  Exhibitioner  from  Charterhouse.  Matric. 
1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Usher  at  Charterhouse,  1638. 
R.  of  Little  Hallingbury,  Essex,  1651-7.  resigned.  (Al. 
Carthus.,  8.) 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1638 
(perhaps  the  above). 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  LL.B.  1638  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Adm. 
Fell. -Com.  at  St  John's,  June  9,  1638.  S.  of  William,  of 
Tewkesbury,  Gloucs.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  May 
9.  1634,  age  i3;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1635;  B.C. L.  1636.   (Al.  Oxon.) 


Wilson,  Samuel 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  Christ's,  June  29, 
1643.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Westmorland. 
School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale.  Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1646-7. 
FeUow,  1648.  Perhaps  V.  of  Heighington,  Durham,  1662; 
B.A.   (Peile,  i.  485.) 

WILSON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  June  16, 
1679.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  V.  of  Ebberston,  Yorks.  School, 
Thornton.  Matric.  1680.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

WILSON,  STEPHEN.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1546-7.  Perhaps 
adm.  at  Christ's,  Easter,  1544. 

WILSON,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1598-9;  B.A.  1601-2;  M.A.  1605.  V.  of  Shepreth,  Cambs., 
1613-41,  and  perhaps  longer,  but  signed  last  in  1641. 
(J.  Crosby.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1516-7;  M.A.  1520-1;  B.D.  1524-5- 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  15 19.  R.  of  Cotes,  1554.  Perhaps  R. 
of  Hardwick,  Cambs.,  1555. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1522-3;  M.A.  1526;  B.D.  1532-3- 
Fellow  of  Christ's,  1524-39.  Proctor,  1530-1.  Preached 
at  Fen  Drayton,  Cambs.,  1533-4,  and  1535-7.  One  of  these 
names  Master  of  St  John's  Hospital,  Ripon;  V.  of  Felkirk, 
Yorks.,  1548-9;  R.  of  Badsworth,  1549;  Preb.  of  York, 
1550-74.  V. of  Silkstone,  Yorks.;  deprived,  1554.  (Peile,i.  13.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1528-9;  M.A.  1532;  B.D.  1537-8. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Swinford,  Leics.,  1534-59;  buried 
Mar.  30,  1559.   (Nichols,  iv.  366.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Scholar  of  Christ's,  1539.  Of  Westmor- 
land. B.A.  1539-40;  M.A.  1543;  B.D.  from  Trinity,  1551-2. 
Fellow  of  Trinity,  1548.  Senior  Bursar,  1553-4.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  1540. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1541 . 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Stnibby,  Lines,  (and  Anne,  dau.  of  Roger 
Cumberworth,  of  Cumberworth).  Matric.  1544;  B.A.  1546-7. 
Fellow,  1545-71.  LL.D.  1571  (Incorp.  from  Ferrara).  Supp. 
for  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  Sept.  6,  1566.  Tutor  to  Henry  and 
Charles  Brandon  {successively  Dukes  of  Suffolk).  Intimate 
with  Roger  Ascham.  Travelled  to  Rome,  1558;  implicated 
in  an  intrigue  at  the  Papal  Court  against  Cardinal  Pole; 
imprisoned  and  said  to  have  sufiered  torture;  escaped  to 
Ferrara.  Returned  to  London,  1560.  Adm.  advocate  in 
the  Court  of  Arches,  Feb.  28,  1560-1.  Master  of  Requests, 
1561.  Master  of  St  Catharine's  Hospital,  London,  1563-81. 
M.P.  for  St  Michael,  1563-7;  for  Lincoln,  1572-81.  P.C. 
1578.  Secretary  of  State  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  1578-80. 
Employed  on  various  Embassies.  Dean  of  Durham,  1580. 
Married  (1)  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Empson;  (2)  Agnes, 
dau.  of  John  Winter,  of  Lidney,  Gloucs.  Author,  Rule  of 
Reason,  Arte  of  Rhetorique,  etc.  Died  June  16,  1581.  Buried 
in  St  Catharine's.  WUl,  P.C.C.  {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Cooper, 
I-  434-) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1544.  B.  at  Kendal,  Westmorland.  B.A.  1546-7;  M.A. 
1549;  D.D.  1575.  FeUow,  1548-53;  re-adm.,  1559.  Perhaps 
supp.  for  D.D.  (Oxford)  July  12,  1574.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Jan.  13,  1559-60  (?  re-ordination).  An  exile  under  Queen 
Mary.  Canon  of  Worcester,  1560-71;  Dean,  1571-86.  V.  of 
Blockley,  Worcs.,  1572-86.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Robert 
Banister,  Esq.  Died  July  20,  1586.  Buried  in  Worcester 
Cathedral.  M.I.  Father  of  Samuel  (1581).  {Cooper,  11.  5; 
G.  B.  Routledge;  /4/.0;iron.,  where  he  is  confused  with  Thomas 

WYLSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  (age  11)  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1560. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Lent,  1565-6. 
One  of  these  names, '  bred  in  the  schools,'  ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Aug.  15,  1569;  V.  of  Humberstone,  Leics.;  will  (Leicester) 
1610.   {Lib.  Cleri,  1576.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1569. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1572; 
Scholar,  1575-6.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Oct.  1576; 
priest.  May,  1577.  R.  of  Fulmodeston  with  Croxton,  Norfolk, 
1587-92.    {Peile,  I.  125;  Blomefield,  vii.  90-2.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1572. 
Of  Yorkshire.  One  of  these  names  minister  of  Danby,  Yorks., 
1596;  perhaps  also  dean  of  Cleveland,  1618;  will  (York) 
1639-40;  of  Danby,  clerk. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1575. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1575. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  Easter,  1577- 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1581; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1587.  Studied  Civil 
Law  at  Cambridge  for  15  years  {sic).  Travelled  abroad, 
1596;  in  Italy,  1601-2;  Consul  in  Spain,  1604-5.   Entered 

Wilson,  Thomas 

the  service  of  Sir  Robert  Cecil,  1605.  Keeper  of  the  Records 
at  Whitehall,  1606-29;  Clerk  of  Imports,  1606-14.  Knighted, 
July  20,  1618.  Married  and  had  issue.  Author,  translations 
from  Gorge  de  Montemayor's  Diana,  etc.  Died  1629. 
Admon.  July  31,  1629;  to  his  widow  Margaret.  {D.N.B.) 
WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1596.  Of 
Westmorland.  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603;  B.D.  1610; 
D.D.  1623.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  1600-1; 
R.  of  Kelling,  near  Holt,  Norfolk,  1603;  R.  of  Kettlestone, 
near  Fakenham,  1608-26,  and  of  Lammas  St  Andrew,  with 
Little  Hautbois,  1609-26;  R.  of  Thursford,  1616-26.  Died 
Aug.  1626.  Will  dated  Aug.  9,  1626;  gave  to  Christ's  £200 
for  the  maintenance  of  three  scholars  from  the  free  Grammar 
School  of  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Westmorland.  Father  of  Thomas 
(1622).   {Peile,  1. 221.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1597-8. 
B.  at  Cambridge.  B.A.  1604-5;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's, 
1608;  B.D.  1615;  D.D.  1623.  Fellow  of  St  Catharine's,  1606. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  16,  1605-6,  age  24.  C.  of  Lough- 
ton,  Essex.  R.  of  Fulboum,  Cambs.,  1626-50.  Preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1631-60.  Died  1660.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Market  Deeping,  Lines.,  161 1-8;  perhaps  also  R.  of  West 
Deeping,  1615-8.   (J.  Crosby.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  12,  1601. 
Of  Norfolk. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May  7,  1604. 
Matric.  1604. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1615  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Kent  {fil.  cler.).  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  June  10, 
1608,  age  17;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1611; 
M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1621-2.  Fellow  of  Merton  College,  Oxford. 
Perhaps  D.D.  (Cambridge);  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1645.  Canon 
of  St  Paul's,  1623-60;  of  Westminster,  1625.  R.  of  Pagles- 
ham,  Essex,  1625;  of  Wimbish,  1625,  and  of  Debden,  1629. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Newcourt,  1.  185.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1618. 
B.  1601,  at  Catterlen,  near  Penrith,  Cumberland.  School, 
Blencow.  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Said  to  have  been 
schoolmaster  at  Chartwood,  Surrey,  and  minister  of  Capel: 
then  of  Farlington,  near  Portsmouth.  P.C.  of  Teddington, 
Kent,  1626-31.  R.  of  Otham,  1631-4:  suspended  by  Laud, 
but  restored,  1640.  P.C.  of  Maidstone,  1644.  Member  of  the 
Westminster  Assembly,  1643.  Buried  at  Maidstone,  Mar.  23, 
1653,  aged  52.  Father  of  Daniel  (1656)  and  Timothy  (1659). 
{Peile,  I.  325;  J.  M.  Russell,  Maidstone.) 

WILLSON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  about   16)  at  Caius, 

May   15,    1622.    S.  of  Thomas   (1596),   R.  of   Kettlestone, 

Norfolk.    School,   Norwich   (Mr  Stonham).    Matric.    1622; 

Scholar,    1622-9;    B.A.    1625-6;    M.A.    1629;    B.D.    1638. 

Fellow,  1631.  Ord.  priest  (Norvrich)  Dec.  20,  1629.  Probably 

R.  of  Congham  St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1643.    R.  of  Litcham,  c. 

1662-80.  R.  of  Brisley,  1662-80.  Father  of  Matthew  {i675). 

{Venn,  i.  257.) 
WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  5, 

1624.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  York,  baker.    Matric.  1624;  B.A. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627; 

B.A.  1631-2. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1633  (Incorp.  from  St  Andrews). 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  4,  1645-6. 
Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  FeUow.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1657.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  23; 
priest.  May  27,  1661.  Perhaps  R.  of  Arrow,  Warws.  If  so, 
wrote  against  the  Quakers,  c.  1678.   {Core,  164;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Oct.  14, 

1646.  S.  of  William,  of  Cambridge.  B.  there.  School,  Perse. 

Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1651-2.   One  of  these  names  ord.  priest 

(Bishop  of  Ardfert)  Apr.  22,  1657-   R-  of  Thomage,  Norfolk. 

{Venn,  i.  366.) 
WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  May  11, 

1648.  S.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  yeoman,  of  Bradfield,  Yorks. 

B.    there.    School,    Wakefield.     Matric.    1648;    B.A.    1649. 

Died  unmarried,  Oct.  11,  1687.  Buried  at  Bradfield.  Brother 

of  Charles  (1648).   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
WILSON,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  7, 

1656.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Derbyshire,  yeoman.  School,  Derby. 

Matric.    1656;    B.A.    1659-60;    M.A.    1663.     FeUow    {sic). 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,   1677.    R-  of  Youlgrave,  Derbs.,   1666- 

{Al.  Oxon.) 
WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene,  June 

7,   1662.    S.  of  Joseph  (?  1629),  clerk,  of  Anlaby,  Yorks. 

School,  Anlaby.    B.A.  1665-6.    Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

1667;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1668. 
WILSON,  THOMAS.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  28,  1666. 

Of  Essex. 


Wilson,  THOiMAS 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  22,  1677. 
Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1;  M.A.  1685. 
One  of  these  names  R.of  Stocking-Pelham,  Herts.,  1701-28; 
died  1728. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  4.  1695;  'John.' 
Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1695;  B.A.  1698-9.  Died  in  College. 
Buried  in  the  Chapel,  Nov.  3,  1700.   (A.  Gray.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  D.D.  1707  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  5th  s. 
of  Nathaniel.  B.  Dec.  20,  1663,  at  Burton,  Cheshire.  School, 
Chester.  Adm.  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  May  19,  1682, 
age  18;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1685;  M.A.  1696; 
LL.D.  (Lambeth)  1698.  Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  1707.  Ord. 
deacon  (Kildare)  June  19,  1686;  priest  (Chester)  Oct.  21, 
1689.  C.  of  Newchurch,  Lanes.,  1687-92.  Chaplain  to 
William  (Stanley),  Earl  of  Derbv.  Bishop  of  Sodor  and  Man, 
1698.  Built  churches  and  established  parochial  libraries  m 
his  diocese.  Author,  Principles  and  duties  of  Christianity  (in 
English  and  Manx).  Died  Mar.  7,  1755,  aged  93.  Buried  at 
Kirk  .Michael.  {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  E.  Axon;  H.  B.  Swanzy 
H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  15, 
1707.  S.  of  William  (?  1667-8).  V.  of  Brandeston,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1710-1;  M.A.  1714.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1713;  priest,  July,  1716.  Probably 
V.  of  Brandeston,  Suffolk,  1724.  V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Bungay, 
1733-74-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1774- 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  10, 
1722.  S.  of  Charles,  farmer,  of  Nottinghamshire.  B.  at 
Arnold,  near  Nottingham.  School,  Southwell.  Matric.  1723; 
B.A.  1725-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich,  Litt.  dim.  from  Canter- 
bury) Feb.  26,  1726-7.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  North 
Repps,  Norfolk,  1736. 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Christ's,  June  i,  1734- 
School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1734;  B.A.  1738;  M.A.  1742; 
D.D.  1764.  V.  of  Torpenhow,  1743-73-  Dean  of  Carlisle, 
1764-78.  Died  Sept.  25,  1778.   {Peile,  u.  230.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  Apr.  i, 
1738,  and  Fell.-Com.  Nov.  26,  1740.  S.  of  William  (1695), 
R.  of  Stifikey,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  Holt  (Mr  Holmes). 
Matric.  1738;  Scholar,  1738-40.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  26, 
1738.  Died  unmarried.  Buried  July  24,  1756,  at  Tugby, 
Leics.  Brother  of  Joseph  (1730),  etc.  {Venn,  n.  44;  Nichols, 
111.  514-) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Oct.  16,  1738- 
S.  of  Richard,  of  St  Christopher's,  West  Indies.  School, 
Fulham,  I^ndon  (Mr  Galliardy).  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  May  20,  1737,  age  17.  Migrated  to  Cambridge. 
Matric.  1738;  Scholar,  1739.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Oct.  7, 
1743.  S.  of  Benjamin  (1712).  B.  Jime  18,  1726.  School, 
Wakefield  (Mr  Wilson).  Matric.  1744;  Scholar,  1746;  B.A. 
1747-8;  M.A.  1751;  B.D.  1768.  Fellow,  1750.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  2,  1731;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1754-  Commissary 
of  Snaith,  Yorks.,  1769-80.  V.  of  Shudy  Camps,  Cambs., 
1767-71.  V.  of  Chesterton,  1772-80.  Died  Oct.  4,  1780. 
(G.  Mag.;  Robinson,  Snaith,  105.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1748.  Of 
Northumberland.  Matric.  1748-9.  Subscribed  for  deacon's 
orders  (Gloucester,  Litt.  diin.  from  Winchester)  June  2,  1751; 
'student  of  law,  at  Benet  CoUege.'   (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WILSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  27, 
1748-9.  S.  of  Thomas,  attorney,  of  Westmoriand.  B.  at 
Kendal.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1748-9-  Adm.  at  Lin- 
coln's Inn,  Mar.  22,  1750-1.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1756.  Suc- 
ceeded to  the  famUy  estates  in  i757-  Took  the  name  of 
Fen  wick.  [In  Hodgson,  11.76,  the  name  of  the  father  of  Thomas 
Wilson,  alias  Fenwick,  occurs  as  John.]  Recorder  of  Kendal, 
1765-6.  M. P.  for  Westmorland,  1768-74-  Died  Apr.  3,  1794. 
Buried  at  Tunstall,  Lanes.  Brother  of  John  (1746-7). 
(Scott-Mayor,  iii.  585;  Sedbergh  Sch.  Reg.,  184.) 

WILSON,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1607; 
Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1615. 

WILSON,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  25, 
1659.  S.  of  Thomas  (1618),  clerk,  of  Maidstone,  Kent. 
B.  there.  School,  Maidstone  (Mr  Turner).  Matric.  1659; 
B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  22, 
1666;  priest,  Sept.  18,  1668.  R.  of  Kingsnorth,  Kent,  1676- 
1705.  R.of  Shadoxhurst,  1676.  R.of  Mongeham,  1690-1705. 
Probably  preb.  of  Canterbury,  1690.  Died  June  4,  1705- 
Buried  at  Mongeham.  Brother  of  Daniel  (1656). 
WILSON,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  27,  1662. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Oxfordshire.  School,  Westminster.  Matric. 
1662;  Scholar,  1663.  (J.  B.  Whitraore.) 
WILSON,  TOWNSHEND.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1622.  Of  Gloucestershire.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628. 
Ord.  priest  (Ely)  1632.   R.  of  Congham  St  Andrew,  Norfolk, 

V.A.C.IV.  433 

Wilson,  William 

1638.  Perhaps  patron  of  Fulmodeston,  in  1655.  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  Congham  St  Andrew,  1619-38.  (Blomejuld, 
VIII.  386.) 

WILSON,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 

WILSON,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1578. 

WILSON,  W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Michs.  1584. 

WILSON,  WALTER.  Adm.  peas,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  May  21, 
1714.  S.  of  Thomas,  mercer,  of  Bridlington,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Bridlington.  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1483-4;  M.A.  1488.  FeUow  of 
Queens',  1484-8. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  1524-5. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Student  at  Cambridge  for  two  years,  and 
one  year  at  Oxford.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1530.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Poulshot,  Wilts.,  1533.  (Al.Oxon.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Michael  House, 
Easter,  1544. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1572. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  B.D.  1578  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
William,  of  Wellesboume,  Lines.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1564;  M.A. 
1570;  B.D.  1576;  D.D.  1607.  Fellow  of  Merton  College, 
Oxford,  1565-75.  R.  of  Islip,  Oxon.,  1578.  R.  of  CUfie-at- 
Hoo,  Kent,  1578-1615.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1584-1615. 
Preb.  of  Rochester,  1587-1615.  R.  of  Cuxton,  1593.  V.  of 
Clynnog,  Carnarvon.  Canon  and  Chancellor  of  St  Paul's, 
1595-1615.  Died  May  14,  1615,  aged  73.  Buried  in  St 
George's  Chapel,  Windsor.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  John 
(1605)  and  Edmund  (1598).  (Al.  0.xon.;  Fielding;  H.  G. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  ^Uchs.  1579- 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1582;  B.A.  1585-6;  M..A.  1589.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Dunton-ci(t«-Doughton,  Norfolk,  1590-9. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1584.  Left  in  1587. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter, 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June 
21,  1639.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  Giggleswick,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1639.  Probably 
Usher  at  Giggleswick  School,  1642-65. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655.  Ejected  from  Billings- 
hurst,  Sussex,  1662.  Afterwards  kept  school.  Died  about 
1670,  aged  40.  (Calamy,  11.  455-) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.   .Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Oct.  1648. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  2,  1652.  Of  Warwickshire.  School,  Coventry.  B.A. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  I7,  1654; 
from  Oxford;  B..A.  1654  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of  Thomas. 
B.  at  Heversham,  Westmorland.  School,  Heversham 
(Mr  James  Wilson,  his  brother).  Matric.  (Queen's  College, 
Oxford)  Nov.  18,  1650;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1653.  V.  of  Wmder- 
mere,  1657-1705.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Samuel 
Sandys,  of  Esthwaite.  Died  1705,  aged  75-  Buried  at 
Windermere.  (Peile,  i.  562;  Al.  Oxon.;  B.  Nightmgale; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Jan. 
15  1667-8.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Melton  Mowbray,  I.eics. 
Matric.  1668;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  3,  1671-2;  priest  (London)  Dec.  1673-  C.  of  Grafton 
Underwood,  Northants.,  till  1678.  Perhaps  V.  of  Brandeston, 
Suffolk,  1678,  and  father  of  Thomas  (1707). 
WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  16,  1670. 

Of  Durham. 
WILSON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  7,  1671. 

Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5- 
WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672. 
Of  Westmoriand.  Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1676-7;  M-A.  1680. 
Ord.  Driest  (Nor%vich)  Dec.  1677-  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Pojcrs, 
Nottingham,  in  1682;  married  Mrs  Eleanor  \\ilks,  at  \\est 
Bridgford.  Notts.,  June  15,  1682.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Morley,  Derbs.,  1690-1741;  AioA  1741.  M.I.  at  Morlcy. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Richard  (1677).  (Cox,  Ckurchts  of 
Derbs.,  iv.;  H.  M.  Wood.) 


Wilson,  William 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  30,  1674 
(adm.  Fell. -Com.  Oct.  26,  1674);  'of  London."  Doubtless 
s.  of  Robert  (1641)  (by  his  2nd  wife  Johanna,  dau.  of  John 
Parker,  of  London).  Of  Knightthorpe,  Leics.  Married 
Rebecca,  dau.  of  Robert  Westbrooke,  of  Colhngham,  Notts. 
Died  s.p.,  July,  1681,  aged  23.  Brother  of  John  (1675). 
{Nichols,  HI.  907.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1675.  Chan- 
cellor of  Durham.  Married  Mary  Ailenson,  at  Durham 
Cathedral,  Dec.  18,  1677.  Buried  in  Durham  Cathedral, 
Dec.  7,  1690;  'accidentally  drowned.'   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  9, 
1690;  'Grecian'  from  Christ's  Hospital.  S.  of  John,  citizen 
and  draper.  B.  Mar.  27,  1673.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4; 
M.A.  1698.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  1697-8. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1695; 
scholar  from  Eton.  B.  at  Clapham,  Surrey.  B.A.  1698-9; 
M.A.  1702.  Fellow,  1697.  Assistant  Master  at  Eton.  R.  of 
StiSkey,  Norfolk,  1702-36.  R.  of  Merston,  1713.  Died  Oct. 
1736.  Father  of  Joseph  (1730),  Robert  (1740),  Thomas 
(1738)  and  WQliam  (1738-9).  (Harwood,  178.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May 
24,  1695.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  North  Ayton,  Yorks. 
School,  Sherburn  (Mr  Baine).  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1699;  priest,  1701.  V.  of  Bramhope, 
Yorks.,  1699-1715.  R.  of  Guiseley,  1709-22.  Married 
Alethea,  grand-daughter  of  Dr  Hitch,  Dean  of  York.  Died 
July  31,  1722.  Buried  at  Guiseley.  (A  recent  M.I.  confuses 
him  with  the  last.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Pembroke,  Dec.  20,  1697; 
from  Oxford.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Beecroft  Hall,  Yorks., 
gent.  Matric.  1698;  B.A.  1698-9.  Matric.  (Queen's  CoUege, 
Oxford)  Feb.  11,  1692-3,  age  19.  Migrated  to  Cambridge. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  20,  1692-3. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  29, 
1700.  Of  Sussex.  Probablys.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  2nd  Bart., 
of  Eastbourne.  Malric.  1700.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Towiiley,  of  the  Inner  Temple,  London.  Died  v.p.,  July  15, 
1713.  aged  31.   {G.E.C.,  in.  170.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  ir, 
1707.  S.  of  'Mr  Wilson,'  of  Lancaster.  School,  Heversham, 
Westmorland  (Mr  Watson).   Matric.  1707;  B.A.  1711-2. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  24, 

1716.  S.  of  John,  tailor,  of  Cambridge.  B.  there,  1697. 
School,  King's,  Cambridge  (Mr  Foster).  Matric.  1716;  B.A. 
1719-20;  M.A.  1723.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  17,  1720. 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  29, 

1717.  S.  of  Robert,  ironmonger,  of  Cumberland.  B.  at 
Penrith.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1717;  B.A.  1720-1; 
M.A.  1724.  Fellow,  1722-31.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  22' 
1723;  priest,  Feb.  6,  1726-7.  R.  of  Flempton-cuw-Hengrave, 
Suffolk,  1730-68,  and  V.  of  Cavenham.  Died  Aug.  b,  1768. 
M.I.at  Flempton.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  1769.  [Scott-Mayor 
111.309;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June  12, 
1721.  S.  of  Isaac,  husbandman,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at 
Stain  ton  Gap,  near  Ulverstone.  Schools,  Urswick  (Mr 
Holmes)  and  Kendal  (Mr  Towers).  Matric.  1721;  B.A. 
1724-5-   Brotherof  John  (1726). 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  8,  1738-9. 
S.  of  William  (1695),  R.  of  Stiffkev,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1739. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  26,  1738.  Of  Keythorpe,  Leics. 
Died  Dec.  12,  1796,  at  Pisa,  in  Tuscany.  Buried  at  Leghorn. 
Brother  of  Joseph  (1730),  etc.   (Nichols,  iii.  514.) 

WILSON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Sept.  19,  1745. 
Of  Middlesex;  Matric.  1746;  B.A.  1749-50. 

WILSON, .  B.Can.L.  1489.  One  Thomas  Wilson, 'B.Can.L.' 

V.  of  Whittlesey  St  Mary,  1521. 

WILSON, .  B.D.  1501-2. 

WILSON, .   M.A.  1507-8. 

WILSON, .  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1611. 

WILSON, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  King's,  Easter,  1613. 


WILTON.  EDMUND.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1576. 

(For  a  reference  to  his  adventures  at  a  football  match  at 

Chesterton,  see  Venn,  Early  Collegiate  Life.) 

WILTON,  MOSES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570- 
B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jan.  13! 
1574-5;  pnest  (London)  Dec.  5,  1578.  R.  of  Fleet,  Lines., 
1582.  Will  (Lincohi)  1609. 

'^h'^^\  NICHOLAS.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1665.    Of 

Norfolk.  "" 

WiMPEW,  John 

WILTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1614. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Topcrnft,  Norfolk.  B.A. 
1617-8.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  26,  1617.  Probably  of 
Wilby,  near  East  Hading,  Norfolk.  Donor  to  the  New 
Building.  Probably  brotherof  Thomas  (1621).  (P£i7e,  i.  299.) 

WILTON,  THOMAS.    Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1441-7;  adm. 

Dec.  24,  1441. 
WILTON,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27, 
1621.    2nd  s.  of  Richard,  gent.    B.  at  Topcroft,  Norfolk. 
School,    Ipswich.     Matric.    1621;    B.A.    1624-5.     Adm.   at 
Gray's  Inn,   May   18,   1625.    Probably  brother  of  Robert 
WILTON,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1488;  B.A.  1492-3;  M.A.  1496;  B.D.  1510-1.    Fellow  until 
1503.    Proctor,  1499-1500.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  xi; 
priest,  1496-7.   Perhaps  V.  of  Wicken  Bonant,  Essex,  1501- 
10.   Died  1510.   One  of  these  names,  canon  of  Sarum;  wiU 
(P.C.C.)  1525. 
WILTON,  WILLIAM.   Ord.  priest  (KUdare,  for  York)  Feb.  20, 
1534-5;  'aged  66;  married;  resides;  B.A.  from  Cambridge, 
1536  (sic);  preacher;  skilled  in  Latin.'   (Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln.) 

WILTON, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1472. 


WIMBECH. .  Grace  for  D.Can.L.  1455-6  (non  incepit). 

WIMBECH, .  Com.  for  B.A.  1468-9. 

WIMBECH,  .    Grace  for  B.D.   1479-80.    Probably  John, 

Scrutator,  1479.  Perhaps  Fellow  of  Clare,  1475;  'M.A.' 
WIMBERLY,  BEVIL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1606.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bitchfield,  and  of  Spalding, 
Lines,  (and  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Bevil,  Knt.,  of 
Chesterton,  Hunts.).  B.  c.  1592.  B.A.  1609.  Adm.  at  Lin- 
coln's Inn,  Feb.  16,  1607-8.  Of  Spalding,  and  of  Ayscoughsee 
Hall,  Pinchbeck,  Esq.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  WiUiam 
Welby,  K.B.,  Aug.  13,  1618.  Buried  at  Pinchbeck,  Sept.  9, 
1641.  M.I.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Joim  (1612).  (Ltncs. 
Pedigrees,  1092.) 
WIMBERLEY  or  WEMBERLEY,  GILBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1612.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Spalding,  Lines., 
gent.  B.  1594.  Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619; 
D.D.  1630.  Fellow,  1618.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1619.  R.  of 
Stansfield,  Suffolk,  1621-35.  Minister  of  St  Margaret's, 
Westminster,  1630,  sequestered.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1632.  R.  of 
Englefield,  Berks.,  1635.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1643. 
Chaplain  to  Charles  I.  Suffered  imprisonment  during  the 
Commonwealth.  Married  three  wives.  Died  Nov.  23,  1653. 
Buried  in  St  Margaret's.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1654.  Brother  of 
Bevil  (above)  and  of  the  next.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1093; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WIMBERLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  P.aster, 
1612.  4th  s.  of  Thomas,  of  .Spalding,  Lines.,  Esq.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  May  26,  1614.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1621, 
Of  Pinchbeck  and  of  Bitchfield,  Esq.  Married  Frances,  dau. 
of  Sir  William  Welby,  K.B.,  of  Gedney,  Oct.  25,  1625.  Will 
proved  (P.C.C.)  June  18,  1647.  Brother  of  Gilbert  (above) 
and  Bevil  (1606),  father  of  the  next.  (Lines.  Pedigrees; 
Genealogist,  iv.  6.) 
WIMBERLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  26,  1644.  S.  of  John  (above),  gent.,  lately  deceased,  of 
Pinchbeck,  Lines.  School,  Stamford  (Mr  Humfrey).  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  7,  1647.  Of  Pinchbeck,  Esq.  Married 
(1)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  William  Weld,  of  Cheshire;  (2)  Anne, 
dau.  of  Bartholomew  Beaver.  Buried  at  Pinchbeck,  Jan.  25, 
1694-5,  aged  67.  (Scott-Mayor;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1094; 
Genealogist,  iv.  6.) 

WIMBLE,  WILLIAM.  Proctor,  1396-7.  Master  of  Clare,  1421- 
40.  Chancellor  of  the  University,  1426.  V.  of  Gt  Gransden, 
Cambs.,  until  1420.   Benefactor  to  Clare.   (Clare  Coll.  Hist.) 

WYMBUSHE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1466; 
B.A.  1468.  Perhaps  Fellow,  1466;  subdean  and  preb.  of 
Lincoln,  1471;  Official  to  the  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk,  1473. 
Died  1478.   Buried  in  Lincoln  Cathedral.   (Masters.) 

WIMBUSH,  THOMAS.   B.A.  1488;  perhaps  M.A.  1492-3. 

WIMBUSH  or  WYMBYSSHE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1501-2. 

WIMBUSH, .  D.D.  1491-2. 

WIMPEW,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Sept.  17, 
1629.  Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  London, 
gent.  B.  in  London.  School,  London.  Matric.  1629.  Migrated 
to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  May  11,  1632, 
age  18;  B.A.  (Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  1635-6.  Incorp.  at 
Cambridge,  1637.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1638.  Probably  licensed 
to  teach  grammar  at  Tottenham,  May  31,  1635  (literate),  and 
C.  of  Tottenham  High  Cross,  1640,  under  his  father  (sic). 
[According  to  Peile,  but  Foster  assigns  the  living  of  Totten- 
ham to  a  younger  man,  probably  a  brother.]  (Peile,  i.  402 ; 
Al.  Oxon.) 


WiNALL,  Hugh 

WINALL,  HUGH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 

WINBORNE,    .     Graduate    excused    from    congregations, 


WINBY, .  M.A.  1492-3. 

WINCH,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1570.  S.  of  John,  of  Northill,  Beds,  (whose  will  (Bedford) 
Oct.  31,  1582).  Of  Everton,  Beds.  B.  c.  1555-  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  July  jg,  1573.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1581. 
Bencher,  1595.  Treasurer,  1605.  Serjeant-at-law,  1606. 
Knighted,  Nov.  10,  1606.  M.P.  for  Bedford,  1593-1606. 
Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer  (Ireland),  1606.  Lord  Chief 
Justice  (Ireland),  1608.  Justice  C.P.,  1611-25.  Married 
Cicely,  dau.  of  Richard  Onslow,  of  Knowle,  Surrey.  Author, 
legal.  Died  Feb.  4,  1624-5,  aged  70.  Buried  in  the  cloisters 
of  Pembroke.  M.I.  at  Everton.  Father  of  Onslow  (1604). 
{D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634;  Genealog.  Bed/.,  390;  Beds. 
N.  and  Q.,  i.  265-6.) 

WINCH,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  NUo- 
DALENE,  July  I,  1681.  2nd  s.  of  Richard,  Esq.,  of  Lincoln's 
Inn  (who  assumed  the  Baronetcy,  Dec.  1703,  on  the  death 
of  his  brother  Sir  Humphrey,  ist  Bart.).  B.  at  Tewing, 
Herts.  Bapt.  Sept.  i,  1664,  at  Arlesey,  Beds.  Matric.  1681. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  14,  1683-4.  Of  Branston,  Lines. 
Assumed  the  Baronetcy  on  the  death  of  his  father,  c.  1710. 
Died  unmarried,  Feb.  15,  1716-7.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1681). 
{G.E.C.,  III.  34;  Genealog.  Bedf.,  7.) 

WINCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  28,  1599; 
B..A.  (?  1602-3);  M.A.  1606.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest.  May  4, 
1610.   R.  of  King's  Ripton,  Hunts.,  1614-25.  Died  1625. 

WYNCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  17,  1689. 
S.  of  Robert.  B.  in  London.  School,  Mercers'  (Mr  Seth 
Bonde).  Matric.  1690.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  21, 

WINCH,  ONSLOW.  Adm.  at  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1604.  Doubt- 
less s.  of  Sir  Humphrey  (1570),  of  Everton,  Beds.  Bapt. 
Dec.  7,  1589,  at  Warden,  Beds.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Oct.  29,  1606.  Married  Judith,  dau.  of  Roger  Burgoyne, 
of  Wroxall,  Warws.  Living,  1622.  (Kis.  o/B«ds.,  1634,  199; 
Genealog.  Bedf.,  439.) 

WINCH,  PATRICK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  9,  1635. 
'Of  Waltham  Abbey,  Esse.':';  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 

WYNCHE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  May  17,  1532.  Of  Bray,  Berks.  B.A.  1535-6;  M.A. 
Fellow,  1535.   Vice-Provost.  (Harwood.) 

WYNCH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  8,  I7i7. 
Of  .Middlesex.  One  of  these  names  chaplain  to  the  East 
India  Company,  1731.  Died  at  Fort  William,  1748.  (F. 

WINCH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
July  I,  1681.  S.  of  Richard,  Esq.  B.  at  Tewing,  Herts. 
Matric.  i68i.  Brother  of  Humphrey  (1681). 

WINCH, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  1636-7.  Possibly 

Humphrey,  s.  of  Onslow  (1604).  If  so,  bapt.  Jan.  3,  1621, 
at  Sutton,  Beds.  Created  Bart.,  June  9,  1660.  M.P.  for 
Bedford,  1660  and  1661-79;  for  Gt  Marlow,  1679-81  and 
1685-7.  Commissioner  of  the  Admiralty,  1678-84.  Of 
Hawnes,  Beds.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Martin  Browne, 
alderman  of  London.  Died  s./).m.,  Dec.  1703.  Biuied  at  St 
Giles'-in-the-Fields,  London.  {G.E.C.,  in.  33.) 

WINCHELSEA,  Earl  ol  (HENEAGE  FINCH).  Adm.  Fell.-Com. 
at  Queens',  July  25,  1644.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (Finch), 
Earl  of  Winchelsea  (for  whom  see  Al.  Cantab.,  11.  139). 
Succeeded  his  father  as  Earl  of  Winchelsea,  Nov.  4,  1639. 
An  active  Royalist  in  the  Civil  War.  Knighted,  May  26, 
1660.  Created  Baron  Fitz-Herbert,  of  Eastwell,  Kent, 
June  26,  1660.  Ambassador  at  Constantinople,  1660-9. 
Married  four  wives.  Died  Sept.  1689.  {G.E.C.) 

WINCHELSEA,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1504-5.  Probably  Prior  of  the 

Cluniac  Monastery  at  Castle  Acre,  Norfolk,  1510. 
WINCESTRE,  DAVID  DE.     'King's    scholar'    at    Cambridge, 

1319.   Received  a  gown,  Dec.  6,  1319.   Adm.  June  7,  1321. 
WINCHESTER,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631;  B.A.  1634-5  ("M.A."  in  Grace).   Chaplain  to  the  East 
India  Company  at  Suratt  and   Fort  St  George,   1648-51; 
returned  to  the  East,  1654.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1660;  of  Hull,  but 
residing  at  Smyrna.  (F.  Penny;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WINCKALES  or  WINCLES,   RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  Em- 
manuel, Aug.  23,  1621.   Matric.  1622. 
WINCKLEY,  NICHOLAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Nov.  18,  1738. 
Of  Preston,  Lanes.    Doubtless  s.  of  John,  barrister,  of  Lin- 
coln's Inn.   Matric.  1738.   Will  (Lanc;ister)  179'-  (A.Gray.) 
WYNCOLD,  ISAAC.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1574.    Doubtless  s.  and   h.  of  John  (1551).  of  Little  Wal- 
dingfield,  Suttolk.    B.  Mar.  21,  1558,  at  NetherhaU.   Adm. 

Wind,  Richard 

at  Gray's  Inn,  1576.  Of  Twinstead,  Essex,  and  of  Little 
Waldingfield,  Suffolk.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Gawdy,of  Gawdy  Hall,  Norfolk,  June  25,  1581;  (2)  Eliza t>etb, 
dau.  of  Anthony  Waldegrave.  Died  Aug.  20,  1638.  Father 
of  the  next.  [Essex  Arch.  Soc.,  xii.  i.) 
WINCOLL,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  15,  1608-9. 
Of  Essex.  S.  of  Isaac  (above).  Dapt.  Jan.  1,  1594,  at  Twin- 
stead,  Essex.  B.A.  1611-2;  M.A.  1612.  Married  Mary,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Waldegrave,  of  Bures,  Essex.  Buried  Aug.  6, 
1650,  at  Bures.  Probably  father  of  Thomas  (1641). 
WYNKALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1551.  Perhaps  s.  of  Roger,  of  Clopton,  Suffolk.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  1554;  'Wincols.'  Married  Margery,  dau.  of 
Edward  Rose,  of  Nayland,  Suffolk.  Died  Dec.  24,  1576. 
Will,  Ipswich.  Doubtless  father  of  Isaac  (1574).  {Essex 
Arch.  Soc,  XII.  1;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WINCALL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1569. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Roger,  of  Clopton,  Suffolk  [styled  R.  of 
Clopton,  in  the  Pedigree  of  the  Essex  Arch.  Soc.,  xi.  241,  but 
not  so  named  in  the  Vis.  of  Leicester,  1619,  which  Pedigree 
was  entered  by  a  younger  son  of  Roger — another  John,  who 
was  probably  the  Peterhouse  man].  B..\.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  17,  1575;  priest,  Apr.  15,  1576. 
Doubtless  R.  of  Clopton,  1575-98,  and  perhaps  V.  of  Brans- 
ton,  Lines.,  1576.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1598.  {Essex  Arch.  Soc.,  xi. 
241;  Vis.  of  Leicester,  1619.) 
WYNCOLL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1571.  Perhaf)s  2nd  s.  of  Roger,  of  Clopton,  Suffolk  [but  see 
note  to  John  (above)].  Brother  of  Robert  (i57>)  and  perhaps 
of  John  (1586). 
WINCOLL,  JOHN.   Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1578;  Scholar, 

1578;  B.A.  1579-80;  M.A.  1583. 
WINCOLL,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse.  Michs. 
1586.  Probably  6th  s.  of  Roger,  of  Clopton,  Suffolk.  Adm. 
at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  25,  1586.  Councillor-at-law. 
Town  Councillor  of  Leicester,  1614.  Of  Leicester,  Esq. 
Married  Anna,  dau.  of  John  Dover  (?  Bower),  of  Gloucester. 
Living,  1619.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (157O  and  Robert 
(1571),  probably  father  of  Roger  (1622).  {Essex  Arch.  Soc., 
XI.  240;  Vis.  of  Leicester,  1619.) 
WYNCOLL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  29.  1682. 
Of  Essex.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (1641),  of  Twinstead. 
Bapt.  Jan.  24,  1664.  Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1685-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1687.  R.  of  Boulge,  Suffolk,  1717-  R-  of 
Levington,  1730;  M.A.  {Essex  Arch.  Soc.,  xii.  9.) 
WYNCOLL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1571.  Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Roger,  of  Clopton,  Suffolk.  If  so, 
of  London.  Married  Anne  Crouch,  of  London.  Brother  of 
John  (1571)  and  perhaps  of  John  (1586). 
WINCOLL,  ROGER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1622. 
Probably  s.  of  John  (1586),  of  Leicester.  B.A.  1625-6; 
M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  3,  i6:7. 
V.  of  Little  Abington,  Cambs.,  1635-55-  C^w-  "/  Leicester, 
1619;  Essex  Arch.  Soc,  xi.  241.) 
WINCOLL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  4,  1641- 
Probablv  s.  of  Isaac  (1608-9).  Bapt.  Feb.  5,  1621,  at  Bures, 
Essex.  Of  Twinstead  H  11.  Married  (1)  Mary.  dau.  of  WilUatn 
Cooke,  of  Broome  HaU,  Norfolk;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Soring,  of  Shalford,  Essex.  D  ed  Jan.  16,  1675-  Buned  at 
Twinstead.  M.I.  Probably  father  of  John  (1682).  {Essex 
Arch.  .Soc,  XII.  1.) 
WYND,  JOHN.  Scholar  and  Fellow  at  King's  Hall,  1388-1402. 

Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  18,  1395-6;  priest,  Sept.  1396. 
WIND,  JOHN.   B.A.  1492-3- 

WIND,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  24,  1702. 

S.  of  John,  woollen-draper.   B.  at  Osgoodby,  Yorks.  School, 

Coxwold.    Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.    Fellow, 

1707.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  30,  1708;  pnest,  Sept.  25, 

1709.    V.  of  Thirkleby,  Yorks.,  i7ii-37-    R-  of  Scawton, 

1729-31.    R.  of  Kirkby  Knowle,  i73i-7-    Pmbablv  buned 

Feb.  3,  1736-7,  at  St  MarUn's,  York.   Father  ol  the  next. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 

WIND,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  27.  1734- 

S    of  John  (above),  of  Thirkleby,  Yorks.    School.  Shipton 

(Mr  Clarke).    Matric.  1734;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28;  priest  {Litl.  dim.  from  Nork)  Pec. 

1738.   C.  of  Thirkleby.    R. of  Kirkby  Knowle,  i73«-<32.   VVill 

(P.C.C.)  1792;  of  St  Marylebonc,  Middl>viex.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 


WINDE,  R.   Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1563-4- 

WIND,   RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clarb,  Michs.   1538 

WINDE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens'.  Easter,  1651. 
Of    Huntingdonshire.    B.A.    1634-5:    M.A.    1658.     FeUow, 

435  ''-' 

Wind,  Robert 

WYND,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 
1727.  S.  of  Mark,  husbandman,  of  Richmond,  Yorks.  B.at 
Melsonby,  near  Richmond.  School,  Threshfield.  Matric.  1727; 
B.A.  1730-1. 


WINDEBANK,  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1641-2  (on  the  King's  visit). 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  St  Martin-in-the-Fields,  London,  Esq., 
and  of  Haines  Hill,  Hurst,  Berks,  (afterwards  knighted). 
Bapt.  Aug.  21,  1582,  at  St  Martin-in-the-Fields.  Matric. 
(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  May  18,  1599,  age  13  (sic); 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1601-2.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  4, 
1602-3.  Knighted,  June  10,  1632.  Secretary  of  State, 
1632-40.  M.P.  for  Oxford  University,  1640;  for  Corfe, 
1640  (Nov.).  Fled  to  Calais,  being  accused  of  signing  letters 
in  favour  of  priests  and  Jesuits,  1 640.  Married  Edith  Jackson, 
of  Essex.  Died  in  Paris,  Sept.  i,  1646,  aged  64.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
Vis.  of  Surrey,  1662;  D.N.B.;  N.  and  Q.,  8th  S.,  i.  23.) 

WINDEBANK,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Trinity,  Easter,  1605;  B.A. 

WINDEBANKE,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  10,  1640. 
Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1644-5. 

WINDEBANKE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  7,  1675.  S.  of  John,  M.D.,  of  Guildford,  Surrey,  and 
grandson  of  Francis  (1641-2).  B.  there.  School,  Bradley. 
(N.  and  Q.,  8th  S.,  i.  150;  Vis.  of  Surrey,  1662-8.) 

WINDER,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1632. 

Possibly  s.  of  John,  V.  of  Burton  Fleming,  Yorks.   B.A. 

WINDER,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1734  (Incorp.  from  Trinity  CoUege, 

Oxford).  Matric.  there.  May  13,  1727,  age  15.  S.  of  Thomas, 

of  Winchfield,  Hants.,  clerk.    B.A.  (Oxford)  1730-1;  M.A. 

1733;  B.D.  1744.    Fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford.   Died 

Feb.  3,  1753.   (^'-  Oxon.) 
WINDER,  WILLIAMS.    Adm.  pens,   (age   16)   at  St  John's, 

Nov.  20,  1706.   S.  of  John,  of  Gray's  Inn.    B.  at  Johnby, 

near  Greystoke,   Cumberland.    School,  Sedbergh.    Matric. 

1706.  Lordof  the  Manor  of  Dufton,  Westmorland.  Merchant 

and  Consul  at  Barcelona,  1723-34.  Died  May  5,  1766.   M.I. 

in  Dufton  Church.   {Sedbergh  Sch.  Reg.,  152.) 
WINDER, .  B.A.  1484-5.  Perhaps  M.A.  1486-7; 'Windem.' 

Fellow  of  Clare,  i486. 
WINDES,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

June  5,  1667.   S.  of  Matthew,  surgeon,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk. 

B.  there.  School,  Woodbridge.  A  freeman  of  Ipswich  in  1699. 

WINDET,  JAMES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1640; 
'Windutt.'  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646; 
M.D.  (Leyden)  1655.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1656.  Candidate 
R.C.P.,  1656.  Practised  at  Yarmouth;  afterwards  in  London. 
'A  good  Latin  poet;  a  most  excellent  linguist;  a  great  Rabbi; 
a  curious  critic;  and  rather  shaped  for  Divinity  than  the 
faculty  he  professed.'  Died  Nov.  20,  1664,  at  his  house  in 
Milk  Street,  London.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Munk,  i.  273;  D.N.B.) 

WINDET  or  WINDATE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at 
Peterhouse,  June  22,  1650.  Of  Wisbech,  Cambs.  School, 
Wisbech.  Matric.  1650;  B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1661.  V.  of 
Southmere  and  Docking,  Norfolk,  1662.   (T.  A.  Walker,  95.) 

WYNDHAM,  ASH.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  1690-1.  Of 
Felbrigge,  Norfolk.  S.  of  WiUiam  (1662-3).  M.P.  for  Norfolk, 
1708.  Married  Elizabeth  Robins.  Died  Apr.  5,  1749,  aged  78. 
(G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  Hutchins,  iv.  49.) 

WINDHAM,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  July  7, 
1674.  S.  and  h.  of  Charles,  Esq.,  of  Stokesby,  Norfolk. 
School,  Gt  Melton.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  15,  1674. 

WYNDAM,  EDMUND.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1564.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Edmund,  of  Felbrigge, 
Norfolk.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  27,  1568;  of  Norfolk. 
Brother  of  Francis. 

WINDHAM,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1629.  Of  Norfolk. 

WYNDHAM,  FRANCIS.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  S.  of  Sir 
Edmund,  of  Felbrigge,  Norfolk.  Of  Lincoln's  Inn.  Bencher, 
1569.  M.P.  for  Norfolk,  1572.  Recorder  of  Norwich,  1576. 
Justice  C.P.,  1579.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas 
Bacon.  Died  s.p.,  at  Norwich,  July,  1592.  M.I.  at  St  Peter 
Mancroft.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1564).  (Cooper, 
II.  124;  Hutchins,  iv.  49;  Blomefield,  viii.  114.) 

WINDHAM,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  2, 
1616.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Stokesby,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
there,  Dec.  1598.  School,  Tittleshall  (Mr  Linge).  Died  young. 
Will  dated  Apr.  6;  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  Apr.  10,  1622. 
(Venn,  i.  234.) 

WINDHAM,  HUGH.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Oct.  8,  1646. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edmund,  of  Kentsford,  Somerset, 
Knt.,  and  RoyaUst.    If  so,  Knighted.   M.P.  for  Minehead, 

WiNDLE,  Samuel 

1661-71.  Married  Joan,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Drake,  of 
Buckland,  Devon.  Died  1671.  (G.E.C,  11.  ii6;CoUinson, 
III.  493-) 
WINDHAM,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Jan.  25,  1736-7. 
B.  Nov.  5, 1717,  at  Gt  Braxted,  Essex.  School,  Eton.  Matric. 
1737;  Scholar,  1737;  LL.B.  1743.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.;  priest,  Dec.  1742.  V.  of  Washbrook,  Suffolk,  1743. 
(Peile,  II.  233.) 

WINDHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1638. 
Of  Norfolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Felbrigge,  Norfolk 
(by  his  1st  wife,  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Roland  Lytton,  of 
Knebworth,  Herts.,  Knt.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  11, 
1640-1.  Married  four  wives.  Died  s.p.  Half-brother  of  the 
next,  etc.  (Blomefield,  viii.  114;  Hutchins,  iv.  49.) 

WINDHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Dec.  1,  1669.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Felbrigge  HaU,  Norfolk 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Mead,  of  Lofts, 
Essex).  B.  there.  School,  Elmdon,  Essex  (Mr  Howorth). 
Matric.  1670;  M.A.  1671  (Lit.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
June  5,  1671.  Died  s.p.,  Jtme  2,  1676,  of  the  smaU-pox. 
Buried  at  Lofts,  Essex.  M.I.  at  Felbrigge.  Brother  of  the 
next  and  of  WiUiam  (1662-3)  and  half-brother  of  John 
(above).   (Peile,  11.  26;  Blomefield,  vin.  118.) 

WINDHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  14,  1661.  S.  of  Thomas  (by  his  2nd  wife  EUzabeth, 
dau.  of  Sir  John  Mead,  of  Lofts,  Essex).  B.  at  Felbrigge, 
Norfolk.  School,  Elmdon,  Essex  (Mr  Howorth).  Died  s.p., 
1661,  of  smaU-pox.  Buried  at  Wendon  Lofts,  Essex.  M.I. 
at  Felbrigge.  Brother  of  John  (above)  and  WUUam  (1662-3). 
(Peile,  I.  596;  Hutchins,  iv.  48.) 

WYNDHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1699.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  SaUsbury,  Esq. 
B.  Dec.  27, 1681.  Matric.  (Wadham  CoUege,  Oxford)  Nov.  17, 
1698.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  11,  1698.  CaUed  to  the 
Bar,  1705.  Lord  Chief  Justice  of  C.P.  in  Ireland,  1724. 
Lord  ChanceUor  of  Ireland,  1726.  Created  Baron  Wyndham, 
of  Finglas,  Ireland,  1731.  Died  unmarried  Nov.  14,  1745- 
Buried  in  SaUsbury  Cathedral.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  2nd  S.,  IV.  55,  78;  Le  Neve,  KniglUs,  123.) 

WINDHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1703.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  of  Cromer,  Norfolk,  gent. 
B.  at  Cromer.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712. 
FeUow,  1707.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  17,  1705-6. 
CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1716.  Secretary  to  Lord  Scarborough, 
ChanceUor  of  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster.  M.P.  for  Truro, 
1721-7;  for  Dunwich,  1727-34.  Recorder  of  Gloucester, 
1727-34.  Of  ClowerwaU  (ClearweU),  Gloucester,  and  of 
Cromer,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Died  Dec.  12,  1752.  (Harwood,  287; 
F.  S.  Hockaday;  G.  Mag.;  Le  Neve,  Knights,  237.) 

WINDHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  14)  at  Christ's, 
Mar.  18,  1662-3.  S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.  B.  at  Felbrigge, 
Norfolk.  School,  Elmdon,  Essex  (Mr  Howorth).  Succeeded 
at  Felbrigge.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Joseph  Ashe, 
of  Twickenham,  Middlesex.  Died  Jime  9,  1689.  Buried  at 
Felbrigge.  M.I.  Brother  of  John  (1669),  father  of  Ash 
(Peile,   1.    601;    G.   B.    Routledge;    Blomefield, 

Adm.    FeU.-Com.    at    Corpus    Christi, 

.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Michs.  1645. 

WINDHAM, .  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Christ's,  1718-9. 

WINDLE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  20,  1634.  S.  of  Christopher,  husbandman.  B.  at 
Earby,  Yorks.  School,  Giggleswick.  Matric.  1634;  B.A. 
1638-9.  Probably  minister  of  Melling,  North  Lanes,  [and 
not  the  MeUing  in  HalsaU  parish  as  stated  in  Victoria  Co. 
Hist.  Lanes."],  c.  1654-61.   (E.  Axon.) 

WINDLE,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1715;  from  Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford.  Matric.  there.  Mar.  4,  1686-7,  age  20.  S.  of 
Gerard,  of  Enfield,  Staffs.  B.A.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
1690.  C.  (or  V.)  of  Horton-cuOT-Piddington,  Northants., 
1702-26.  R.  of  CourteenhaU,  1715-26.  Buried  there,  Feb.  6, 
1726-7.   (Peile,  11.  171;  H.  I.  Longden;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WINDELL,  JONAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Jan.  6,  1580-1. 
Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Jonas,  of  Bocking  (who  died  Dec. 
25,  1625,  his  eldest  son  Richard  was  then  alive).  Doubtless 
father  of  Jonas  (1610).   (Morant,  n.  339,  386.) 

WINDLE,  JONAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1610  (Winde  in  Coll.  Reg.).  Of  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Jonas 
(above),  of  Bocking,  gent.  B.A.  1613-4.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  6,  1615;  late  of  Barnard's  Inn. 

WINDLE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1627; 
B.A.  1629-30.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  19,  1630. 

WINDLE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  1639. 


WiNDLE,  William 

WINDLE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  14, 
I7-24-  S.  of  Thomas,  grazier,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 
Schools,  Hadleigh  (Mr  England),  Lavenham  (Mr  Richard- 
son) and  Ipswich  (Mr  Leeds).  Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1724- 
32;  B.A.  1728-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  13,  1731; 
priest,  June  4,  1732.  C.  of  Willingham,  Cambs.,  in  1741. 
Author,  An  Enquiry  into  the  Immateriality  of  Thinking 
Substances.  (Venn,  11.  22.) 

WINDRESSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i8)  at  St  John's, 
June  14,  1656.  S.  of  Richard,  weaver,  of  Leeds,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Leeds.  Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60. 
Ejected  from  St  Faith,  Norwich,  1662. 

WINDSOR,  The  Hon.  DIXY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  26,  1691.  S.  of  Thomas,  ist  Earl  of  Plymouth.  B.  1672, 
at  Hewell,  Tardebigge,  Worcs.  School,  Westminster. 
Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1692;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698. 
Fellow,  1697.  M.P.  for  the  University,  1705-27.  Captain- 
Lieutenant  in  Lord  Windsor's  Regiment  of  Horse,  1706. 
Storekeeper  to  the  Ordnance,  1712-7.  Married  Dorothy, 
dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Stoke,  Knt.  Died  at  Gamlingay,  Cambs., 
Oct.  20,  1743.   (^'-  Westmon.,  221.) 

WINDESORE,  THOMAS  DE.  'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge, 

WINDSOR,  Vicar  of.  Graduate  in  Can.  Law;  excused  from  read- 
ing, 1487. 

WINDUS,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  8,  1705.  Of  Hertfordshire.  B.  at  Ware.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1705;  Scholar;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1717.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  18,  1709;  priest,  May  23,  1714.  R.  of  KelshaU, 
Herts.,  1714-21.  R.  of  Gt  Hormead,  1714-21.  R.  of  Little 
Munden,  1721-42.  Died  1742.   (T.  A.Walker.) 

WINE  or  WINDS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  5, 
1632.  Of  Essex.   Matric.  1633. 

WINE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  20, 
1680.  S.  of  Richard,  clerk.  B.  at  Rampisham,  Dorset. 
School,  Dorchester.  Matric.  i68o;  B.A.  1683-4.  V.  of 
Hockley,  Essex,  1 690-1 704.  Died  1704. 

WINELL, .   Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1566-7. 


WING,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Aug.  27, 
1692;  from  Oxford.  S.  of  Peter,  gent.  B.  at  Crowmarsh- 
Gifford,  O.xon.  School,  Wallingford.  Matric.  (St  John's 
College,  Oxford)  May  12,  1692.  Migrated  to  Cambridge. 

WING,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1471. 

WYNGE,  SIMON.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1570. 

WINGATE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 

WINGATE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1623.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Harlington,  Beds., 
and  of  Lockley,  Herts.,  gent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  17, 
1626.  M.P.  for  St  Albans,  1640.  Of  Lockley,  Esq.  Married 
Mary,  dau.  of  Ralph  AlTway,  of  Canons-in-Shenley,  Herts., 
Esq.  Buried  at  Welwyn,  Aug.  10,  1685,  aged  79.  (Vis.  of 
Beds.,  1634;  Vis.  of  Herts.,  1634;  Clutterbuck,  11.  497.) 

WYNGATE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1608.  Doubtless  s.  of  George,  of  Harlington,  Beds,  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Wiseman,  of  Canfield,  Essex). 
Probably  of  Staple  Inn,  gent.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  25, 
1613.   (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634,  202.) 

WINGATE,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1582. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Sharpenhoe,  Beds.  Perhaps 
adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1585;  of  Harlington,  Beds. 
Married  Dorothy  Birch,  widow,  and  dau.  of  William  Button, 
of  Ampthill,  Dec.  23,  1594,  at  Maulden.  (Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634; 
Genealog.  Bedf.,  413.) 

WINGATE,  .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1644. 

Perhaps  Robert,  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Harlington,  Beds.; 
age  7  in  1634.  (Le  Neve,  Knights,  276;  Vis.  of  Beds.,  1634.) 

WINGFIELD  or  WINKFIELD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Trinity,  Michs.  1566;  Wyngfyld;  B.A.  1570-1.  Perhaps 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1572.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1566). 

WYNGEFYLD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peter- 
house,  Michs.  1566.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert,  of 
Letheringham,  Suffolk.  Knighted,  1597.  Probably  M.P.  for 
Dunwich,  1584  and  1586;  for  Suffolk,  1588.  Sheriff  of 
Suffolk,  1598.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Bird,  of  Denton. 
Died  Dec.  29,  1605.  Buried  at  Letheringham.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1566)  and  Robert  (1566).   (Blore,  65.) 

WINGFIELD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1569.  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Wantesdcn,  Suffolk.  Scholar, 
1573;  B.A.  1573-4  (ist  in  the  ordo);  M.A.  1577.  Fellow,  1576. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1577.  Reader  of  Greek  to  Queen  Eliza- 
beth. Public  Orator,  1580-9.  Proctor,  1582-3.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  1572.   M.P.  for  Ripon,  1592-3.   Employed  on 

WiNGFiELD,  Edward  Maria 

public  missions.  Tutor  to  the  sons  of  William  (Cavendish) , 
Earl  of  Devonshire,  till  i6o8.  Author,  Latin  letters,  etc. 
Died  c.  1615.  Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1561).  (Cooper, 
II.  448;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613;  WingfieUI  Memorials,  i; 

WINKFIELD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  1598-9. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1566),  of  Letheringham, 
Suffolk,  Knt.  B.C.  1585.  Succeeded  his  father,  Jan.  22,  1609- 
10.  Created  Bart.,  May  17,  1627.  Sheriff  of  Suffolk,  1637-^. 
Of  Godwyns,  Suffolk.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  lohn  Deane, 
of  Deane's  Hall,  Gt  .Maplestead,  Essex.  Died  July  30, 
1638,  aged  53.   Father  of  Richard  (1647).  (G.£.C.,  11.  17.) 

WINGFIELD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1608.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (1561),  of  Crowfield,  Suffolk. 
Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1611-2.  (Suffolk  Arch.  Soc.,  vii.  67.) 

WINGFIELD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's. 
Jan.  24,  1687-8.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Anthony, 
of  Stonham  Aspal.  Bapt.  there,  Apr.  6,  1671.  School, 
Woodbridge.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Stephen  Blomfield,  in 
1691.  Buried  Oct.  26,  1730,  at  Stonham.  Doubtless  father 
of  John  (1713).  (Wingfield  Memorials,  5;  Davy,  29,  155,  p. 

WINGFIELD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 
June  19,  1730.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Tickencote,  Rutland. 
School,  Stamford.  Matric.  1730.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  May  13,  1732.  Brother  of  John  (1725)  and 
Thomas  (1735).   (Peile,  11.  222.) 

WINFIELD,  AUGUSTINE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Aug.  5, 
1662;  Scholar,  1664;  B.A.  1666-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
May  17,  1668.  Perhaps  of  Tisbury,  Wilts.,  clerk.;  admon. 
(Archd.  C.  of  Sarum)  1698-9. 

WINGFIELD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sx  John's,  Apr.  12, 
1728.  S.  of  Philip,  V.  of  St  Julian's,  Shrewsbury.  Schools, 
Shrewsbury  and  Wem.  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1731-2;  M.A, 
1735.  Ord.  priest  (Hereford)  Sept.  22,  1734.  R.  of  Hanwood, 
Salop,  1734-55.  P.C.  of  St  Mary's,  Shrewsbury,  1743-55. 
R.  of  1st  portion  of  Pontesbury,  1750-5.  Died  Sept.  26,  1763, 
aged  53.  Buried  at  Pontesbury.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  412.) 

WINGFIELD,  BODENHAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at 
Sidney,  June  6,  1632.  S.  of  Sir  James  (1599),  Knt.  B.  at 
Upton,  Northants.  Schools,  Oundle  and  Deane.  Matric. 
1633.  Of  Warboys,  Hunts.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Whalley,  D.D.,  of  Warboys.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  Sept.  13,  1639;  'Mr  Beddenham  Winkefield. 
WiU  dated  Sept.  10;  proved  Feb.  6,  1639-40.  Brother  of 
Edward  Maria  (1631).  (Wingfield  Memorials,  6.) 

WINGFIELD,  BORLASE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  4,  1747-8.  2nd  s.  of  Borlase,  of  Salop,  gent.  B.  at 
Preston  Brockhurst.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1748; 
B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1755.  Fellow,  1755-63.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  23;  priest  (Hereford)  Apr.  27,  1755.  R.  of 
Haddon,  Hunts.,  1755-8.  R.  of  Gt  Bolas,  Salop,  1758-60. 
R.  of  North  and  South  Lopham,  Norfolk,  1760-82.  Died 
1782.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  574;  Burke,  L.G.) 

WINGFIELD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  July, 
1602.  Perhaps  4th  s.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Kimbolton,  Hunts., 
Knt.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Hanworth, 
Lines.,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  21,  1600.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Edward  (1602),  etc.  (Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613; 
Wingfield  Memorials,  6.) 

WINGFIELD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Apr.  27, 
1608.   Matric.  1608. 

WINGFIELD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  18,  1670.  S.  of  Richard,  Knt.,  deceased,  of  Tickencote, 
Rutland.  B.  there.  School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1670.  Died 
1672.  Brother  of  John  (1668).  (Suffolk  Arch.  Soc.,  vii.  64.) 

WINGFIELD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Sidney, 
Michs.  1602.  Probably  s.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Kimlxilton, 
Hunts.,  deceased,  Knt.  B.A.  1604-5.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Oct.  29,  1605.  Probably  brother  of  James  (1599)  and  Robert 
(1599)  and  perhaps  of  Charles  (1602). 

WINGFIELD,  The  Hon.  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  20) 
at  St  John's,  Oct.  3,  1748;  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin. 
Adm.  there,  Apr.  18,  1746.  S.  of  Richard,  Viscount  Powers- 
court,  of  Ireland.  B.  Oct.  23,  1729,  in  Dublin.  Matric.  1748: 
M.A.  1749.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  27.  i74<'\  and 
at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  18,  1749-50.  Succooded  his  father 
as  2nd  Viscount  Powcrscourt,  1752.  M.P.  for  Stockbridge, 
Hants.,  1756.  Died  unmarried.  May  6,  1764.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1748).  (ScoU-Mayor,  m.  583;  WxngfitU  Memorials, 

WINGFIELD,  EDWARD  MARIA.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17) 
at  Sidney,  .\rr.  20,  1631.  S.  .uul  h.  of  Sir  j.inics  (1S99), 
Knt.,  of  Ke)'ston,  Hunts.  B.  at  Kimbolton,  Hunts.  School, 
Oundle.  Mat.-ic.  1 631.  Brother  of  Bodenbam  (1632)  and 
father  of  John  (1668-9). 


WiNGFiELD,  Henry 

WINGFIELD  or  WYNFELD,  HENRY.  B.A.  1474-5;  M.A.  1478. 
Ord.  sub-deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1482.  R.  of  Bacons- 
thorpe,  Norfolk.  R.  of  Rendlesham,  Sufiolk,  1499.  (T.  C. 
WINDFIELD,  HENRY.  B.A.  I539-40.  Perhaps  Humphrey, 
scholar  of  Christ's,  i537  (recorded  as  B.A.  there).  Perhaps 
of  Letheringhara,  Suffolk.  (Peile,  i.  25.) 
WINKFYLDE,  HENRY.  .Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  Trinity, 
Mifhs.  1561.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Wantesden, 
Suffolk.  If  so,  of  Crowfield,  Esq.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Revesby,  of  Lanham,  Suffolk.  Living,  1588. 
Buried  at  Coddeiiham.  Perhaps  brother  of  Anthony  (1569) 
and  father  of  Anthony  (1608K 
WYNKEFYLD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1566.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1570;  from  Staple  Inn. 
Married  Alice  Somersam,  alias  Tressam,  widow,  of  Maldon, 
Essex,  Dec.  14, 1577.  One  of  these  names  buried  at  Lethering- 
hara, Suffolk,  Dec.  23,  1601.  Perhaps  brother  of  Anthony 
WHINFIELD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  30,  1744.  Of  Warwickshire.  Scholar,  1744-5;  Matric. 
1745;  B.A.  1748-9.  One  of  these  names  of  Howland  Street, 
London,  clerk;  died  Aug.  22,  1793-  Will,  P.C.C;  as  D.D. 
(G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 
WYNKEFYLDE,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville 
Hall,  Easter,  1551.  Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Brantham, 
Suffolk.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Neville, 
Knt.,  of  Cambridge.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  3,  1578. 
[According  to  Venn  his  will  was  proved  in  161 2.  but  this  is 
apparently  the  will  of  his  son.]  Probably  brother  of  Thomas 
(1554).  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Paul  (t579)-  (Venn,  1.  36; 
Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613;  Wingfield  Memorials,  8.) 
WINGFELD,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1579.  S.  of  Humphrey  (above).  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Sir 
John  Brewsp,  of  Wonham,  Suffolk,  Knt.  Died  1612.  Will 
proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  Nov.  9,  1612,  by  his  brother  Thomas 
(1578).  Brother  of  Paul  ( 1 579)  and  doubtless  father  of  Thomas 
WINKFIELD,  J.  Resident  student  at  Trinity  Hall,  Aug.  1564. 
One  lohn  Wingfield  ord.  priest  (Gloucester)  Mar.  6,  1572-3; 
C.  of  Buckland,  Gloucs.  Married  Amye  Edmonds  (at  Buck- 
land),  July  18,  1583.  (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 
WINGFIELD,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Sidney,  Aug.  1599- 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edward,  Knt.,  of  Kimbolton, 
Hunts.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  21,  1597-8.  Knighted, 
Aug.  20,  1604.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Francis 
Brakvn,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
William  Bodenham,  Knt.  Living,  1639.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1399)  and  Edward  (1602),  father  of  Edward  Maria  (1631) 
and  Bodenham  (1632). 
WYNKFYLD,  JOHN.  Matric. Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1552.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  Upton,  Northants. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1555.  Perhaps  knighted,  1586.  Of 
Stamford  Baron,  Northants.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John 
Calibut,  of  Castle  Acre,  Norfolk.  Buried  Apr.  30,  1590,  at 
St  Martin's,  Stamford.  Doubtless  brother  of  Robert  (i549)- 
{Wingfield  Memorials,  3.) 
WINGFIELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1578; 

scholar  from  Westminster,  i579. 
WINGFIELD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1608; 
B..\.  161 1-2;  M.A.  1615.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of 
Humphrey,  of  Brantham,  Suffolk.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb. 
3,  1607-8.  Married  and  had  issue.  Buried  at  Brantham, 
Mar.  2,  1660.  But  see  also  the  next.  {Peile,  i.  268.) 
WINGFIELD.  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens",  Feb.  1608-9. 
Of  Northamptonshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  Knt., 
of  Tickencote,  Rutland.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1611-2. 
Knighted,  May  10,  1619.  Purchased  the  manor  of  Market 
Overton,  Rutland.  High  Sheriff,  1630-1.  Married  (i)  Jane, 
dau.  of  Sir  William  Turpin,  of  Knaptoft,  Leics.;  (2)  Frances, 
dau.  of  Edward,  Lord  Cromwell,  of  Oakham.  Died  Dec.  25, 
1631.  Doubtless  brother  of  Paul(i6i7).  {Wingfield  Memorials, 
II ;  Rutland  Mag.,  iv.  70.) 
WINGFEILD,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  16,  1668.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard,  Knt.,  deceased,  of 
Tickencote,  Rutland.  B.  there,  Jan.  24,  1652.  School, 
Oakham.  High  Sheriff  of  Rutland.  Married  Dorothy,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Mackworth,  of  Normanton.  Died  1680. 
Brother  of  Charles  (1670).  (Burke,  L.G.) 
WINGFIELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Jan.  28,  1668-9. 
S.  and  h.  of  Edward  Maria  (1631),  deceased.  B.  at  Keyston, 
Hunts.  Schools,  Oundle  and  Higham  Ferrers.  Matric.  1669; 
B.A.  1672-3. 
WINGFIELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  July  6, 
1713.  S.  of  Anthony  (1687-8),  of  Aspal,  Sufiolk,  Esq. 
Bapt.  there,  Aug.  27,  1696.    Matric.  1713-4;  B.A.  1716-7; 

Wingfield,  Thomas 

M.A.  1720.   Fellow,  1720.   Taxor,  1723.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.   24,    1721;   priest,   Sept.   23,    1722.    R.  of  Bereford, 
Norfolk,  1727-30.  {Blomefield,  11.  486.) 
WHINFIELD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  10, 
1714.   S.  of  Edward,  gent.   B.  at  Sedbergh,  Yorks.,  Apr.  6, 
1696.    School,  Sedbergh.    Matric.  1714;  B-A.  1718-9;  M.A. 
1729.   Subscribed  for  deacon's  orders  (Gloucester)  Sept.  13, 
1718;  for  priest's,  Sept.  24,   1720.    C.  of  Longney,   1718. 
R.  of  Lassington,  Gloucs.,  1733-5-    V.  of  Churcham  with 
BuUey,  1733-53.  Died  Oct.  15,  1753.  (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 
WINGFIELD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May 
25,  1725.   S.  of  John,  of  Tickencote,  Rutland,  Esq.   Matric. 
1725.  Brother  of  Anthony  (1730)  and  Thomas  (i735)- 
WINKFIELD,  JOSEPH.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

WINGFIELD,  PAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  I579- 
S.  of  Humphrey  (1551),  of  Brantham,  Suffolk,  Esq.  After- 
wards 'a  captaine  beyond  sea  and  ther  slayne.'  Brother  of 
Humphrey  (1579).  {Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 
WINGFIELD,  PAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1617. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Tickencote,  Rutland.  Bapt. 
Feb.  28,  1601-2.  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624.  R.  of  Uf6ngton, 
Lines.  Doubtless  brother  of  John  (1608-9).  {Wingfield 
Memorials,  10.) 
WINGFIELD,  Sir  RICHARD.  High  Steward  of  the  IJniversity, 
1524.  iiths.of  Sir  John,  of  Letheringhara,  Suftolk.  B.  about 
1469.  Knight-Marshal  of  Calais,  151 1;  Joint-Deputy  of 
Calais,  1513-9.  A  distinguished  ambassador  and  military 
commander.  Probably  a  student  of  Gray's  Inn.  K.G.,  1522. 
ChanceUor  of  the  Duchy  of  Lanes.,  1524.  Of  Kimbolton 
Castle,  Hunts.  Married  (i)  Katherine,  dau.  of  Richard 
Widdevile,  Earl  Rivers,  widow  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham, 
and  of  the  Duke  of  Bedford;  (2)  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Wiltshire,  Knt.  Died  July  22,  1525,  in  Spain.  Buned  at 
Toledo.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Cooper,  i.  32;  Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613; 
D.N.B.;  J.  M.  Wingfield,  Records  of  Wingfield  Fam.,  145.) 
WINGFIELD,  Sir  RICHARD,  Bart.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  24,  1647.  Of  Suffolk.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Anthony,  Bart. 
(1598-9).  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  July  30,  1638. 
Married  (i)  Susanna,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Jacob,  June  ii,  1649; 
(2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Wintour,  of  Lidney,  Gloucester. 
Died  1656.  Admon.  Dec.  28,  1656.  (G.E.C.,  11.  17.) 
WINGFIELD,  The  Hon.  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19) 
at  St  John's,  Oct.  3,  1748;  from  Trinity  College,  Dublin 
(adm.  there,  Apr.  18,  1746).  S.  of  Richard,  Viscount  Powers- 
court,  of  Ireland.  B.  1730,  in  Dublin.  Matric.  1748;  M.A. 
1749.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  27,  i74f>-7,  and  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  18,  i749-50-  Succeeded  his  brother 
Edward  as  3rd  Viscount  Powerscourt,  May  6,  1764.  Married 
Emelia,  dau.  of  John  (Stratford),  Eari  of  Aldborough,  Sept. 
1760.  Died  Aug.  8,  1788.  Brother  of  Edward  (1748).  {Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  583;  Wingfield  Memorials,  6.) 
WYNGEFELDE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1549.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Upton, 
Northants.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1552.  M.P.  for  Peter- 
borough, 1572.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Cecill, 
of  Burieigh.  Died  Mar.  31,  1580.  Buried  at  Caistor.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1552).  {Wingfield  Memorials,  3.) 
WYNGEFYLD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peter- 
house,  Michs.  1566.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Robert,  of 
Letheringhara,  Suffolk.  Died  s.p.m.  Brother  of  Anthony 
(1566)  and  Thomas  (1566).  {Blore,  65.) 
WINGFIELD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Sept. 
1599.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Edward,  Knt.,  of  Kimbolton, 
Hunts.  Died  s.p.  Probably  brother  of  James  (1599).  etc. 
{Wingfield  Memorials,  6;  Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 
WINGFIELD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
Sept.  27,  1602.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert,  Knt.,  of 
Upton,  Northants.  Matric.  1602.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Mar.  18,  1605-6.  Knighted,  Jan.  1612-3.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Sir  Roger  Aston,  Knt.  Living,  1618.  Perhaps  his 
wiU  (P.C.C.)  1652;  of  Gray's  Inn.  Probably  brother  of 
Roger  (1609). 
WINGFIELD,   ROBERT.     Scholar    of    Magdalene,    Easter, 

WINGFIELD,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  10, 
1609.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Robert,  Knt.,  of  Upton,  North- 
ants. Matric.  1609;  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1612-3;  M.A.  1616. 
Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1602).  {Wingfield  Memorials, 
WINKEFELDE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Gonville 
Hall,  Easter,  1554.  Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Brantham, 
Suffolk.  M.A.  1561.  A  student  in  Cambridge  and  foreign 
Universities  for  10  years.  Probably  brother  of  Humohrey 
(1551).  {Venn,  I.  37-) 


WiNGFiELD,  Thomas 

WYNGEFYLD.  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  (age  8)  from 
Peterhouse,  Michs.  1566.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Robert, 
of  Letheringhara,  Suffolk.  Knighted  {?),  July  13,  1606. 
Married  (i)  Radclyfle,  dau.  of  Sir  Gilbert  Gerard,  Knt., 
Master  of  the  Rolls;  {2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Drue  Drury, 
of  Norfolk,  Knt.  Died  Jan.  22,  1609-10.  M.I.  at  Lethering- 
ham.  Brother  of  .A.nthony  {1566)  and  Robert  {1566),  doubt- 
less father  of  Anthony  (1598-9). 

WINGFYLD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  F.aster, 
157".  Doubtless  s.  of  Humphrey  (1551).  W.is  living  in  1612, 
when  he  proved  the  will  of  his  brother  Humphrey  (1579). 
Married  (i)  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Brewse;  (2)  Alice,  dau.  of 
William  Pooley,  of  Boxstead.   {Vis.  of  Hunts.,  1613.) 

WINGEFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WINKFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christ:,  1613.  Of 
Ely.   Matric.  from  St  John's,  1614;  B.A.  1617-8. 

WINGFIELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1624.  Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Humphrey 
(1579),  of  Brantham,  Suffolk,  Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  15,  1626.  Of  Layham,  Suffolk.  Married  Dorothy,  dau. 
of  John  Rivett,  of  Billsden  Hall,  Suffolk.  Living,  1664. 
(Wingfield  Memorials,  8.) 

WINGFELD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1625.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Nettlestead,  Suffolk. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  15,  1628.  One  of  these  names 
died  July  5,  1632;  of  Nettlestead. 

WINGFIELD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1736.  S.  of  John, 
of  Stepney,  Middlesex,  gent.  B.  Jan.  3,  1709.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  (St  John's  College,  Oxford)  July  2, 
1728,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1732;  D.D.  (Cambridge)  1757. 
Assistant  Master  at  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  1742-5. 
Hospitaller  of  St  Thomas',  Southwark.  V.  of  Yealmpton, 
Devon.  Probably  R.  of  Hinton  Ampner,  Hants.,  till  1773; 
late  of  St  Thomas,  Southwark.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1773.  (Al. 
Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WINGFIELD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Ji'.ne  16,  1735.  3rd  s.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Rutland.  B.  Aug.  9, 
1716,  at  Tickencote.  School,  Oakham  (Mr  Adcock).  Matric. 
1735;  B.A.  1738-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  18,  1738-9; 
priest,  Aug.  10,  1740;  C.  of  Water  Newton,  Hunts.,  1740. 
R.  of  Market  Overton,  Rutland,  1740-59.  Died  Dec.  19, 
1759.  aged  43.  M.I.  at  Tickencote.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1760. 
Brother  of  Anthony  (1734)  and  John  (1725).  {Scott-Mayor, 
III.  468;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WINGFIELD,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577. 

WYNKFELD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1567.  Of  Derbyshire.  B.A.  1571-2;  M.A.  from  St  John's, 
1575.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1573.  Perhaps  P.C.  of  Wix, 
Essex,  1598;  admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  Oct.  3,  1616;  of 
Wrabness,  clerk.  {Peile,  1.  102.) 

WINCKFIELD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov. 

21,   1575.    S.  of  William,  of  Marks  Hall,  Essex.    School, 

Marks  HaU. 
WINGFEILD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

1648.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Ecclesfield,  Vorks.  B.  there.  School, 

Wortley  (private).    Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.A.  1655. 

V.  of  St  Peter's,  Isle  of  Thanet,  Kent;  ejected,  1662. 

WINGFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  26,  1726.  S.  of  Jonathan,  husbandman,  of  Yorkshire. 
B.  at  Attercliffe,  near  Sheffield.  School,  Rotherham  (Mr 
Withers).  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30. 

WINKFIELD, .  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 


WINHAM  or  WENAM, .  B.A.  1491-2;  M.A.  1496-7. 

WINHOUSE, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1455-6. 

WININ, .  B.D.  1495-6.  A  monk. 

WINK,  see  WHINKE. 

WINKWORTH,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  June  3,  1650. 

Matric.  1650  {imputes). 

WINKWORTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  21)  at  St  John's, 
June  22, 1678;  from  St  Edmund's  Hal!,  Oxford.  Matric.  there, 
July  7,  1673,  age  16.  S.  of  John,  of  Draycott,  Wilts.  B.  at 
Malmesbury.  School,  Chippenham  (private). 

WINNEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17I  at  Christ's,  Mar.  26, 
1645.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Kingswood,  Wilts.  School, 
Wotton-undcr-Edgp  (Mr  Woodward).  Matric.  1645.  Minister 
of  Stanton-Drew,  Somerset,  in  1649.  Ejected  from  Glaston- 
bury, 1662.  Schoolmaster  at  Bristol.  Died  1700.  {Calamy, 
11.  365;  Peile,  I.  491.) 

WINNIMER, .  B.A.  1524-5. 


Winter,  George 

WINNINGTON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
June23,  1627.  S.olHugh.  B.  at  Cranage,  Ch«hire.  Scboots, 
Goosetrey,  near  Cranage  (Mr  Vaudrey),  Holms  Cbapel 
(Mr  Griffin),  Morton  Green  (.Mr  Whitehead),  Congleton 
(Mr  Redman),  Haulton,  and  Northwich  (Mr  Piggott). 
Matric.  1627;  B..\.  from  Emmanuel,  1630-1;  M.A.  1634. 
V.  of  Gt  Burstead,  Essex,  1640-1.  Probably  V.  of  Bibury, 
Gloucs.,  1641-73.  V.  of  Laindon  Hill,  Essex,  1648.  Married 
Frances  Archer,  of  Gt  Burstead,  widow.  Mar.  4,  1639-40. 
Died  July  28,  1673.  M.I.  at  Bibury.  Probablv  father  of  the 
next.  {Peile,  i.  386;  H.  Smith;  W.  Palin,  Slifford.) 

WINNINGTON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1666.  Probably  s.  of  Benjamin  (above).  B.  at  Bibury, 
Gloucs.  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1674.  Fellow,  1669.  Signed  for 
deacon's  orders  (London)  June  17,  1671.  Di«l  in  College. 
{Harwnod,  257.) 

WINNINGTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Cathabikb's. 
Nov.  2,  1710.  Perhaps  s.  of  Salway.  Matric.  1710.  Died  at 
Vienna,  1718.  (Burke,  Peerage.) 

WINSHIP,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  15, 
1672.  S.  of  George,  merchant,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
B.  there.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6; 
M.A.  1681.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  23,  1677;  r"csti 
Sept.  20,  1679.  V.  of  Malton,  Yorks.,  16S4-9.  Preb.  ol  York, 
1685-90;  non-juror. 

WINSTANLEY,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c. 
1595.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Berwick-on-Twecd.  Bapt.  Aug.  29, 
1579,  at  Berwick-on-Tweed.  B.A.  1598-9.  P.C.  of  Stony 
Stratford,  Bucks.,  1605.  R.  of  Shen ley,  1606-29.  Died  1629. 
Father  of  the  next,  of  John  (1629)  and  Richard  (1627). 
{Peile,  I.  217;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1096.) 

WINSTANLEY,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Apr.  19, 
1625.  S.  of  George  (above),  of  Buckinghamshire,  R.  of 
Shenley.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1626;  B.A.  1629-30. 
R.  of  Souldrop,  Beds.,  1630-57.  Brother  of  John  (1629)  and 
Richard  (1627).   {Peile,  i.  372;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1096.) 

WINSTANLEY,  JAMES.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  26, 
1684.  Of  Warwickshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Clement,  of  Braunston, 
Leics.,  deceased  (and  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Francis  Willough- 
by,  Knt.,  of  Warws.).  Matric.  1684.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
Feb.  4,  1687-8.  M.P.  for  Leicester,  1701-18.  Of  Braunston 
HaU,  Leics.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  James  Holt,  of  Castle- 
ton,  Lanes.  Died  Jan.  21,  1718-9,  aged  51.  Buried  at 
Braunston.  M.I.  (A.  Gray;  Nichols,  iv.  629.) 

WINSTANLEY,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1487-8. 

WINSTANLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  4, 
1629.  S.  of  George  (1595),  R.  of  Shenley,  Bucks.  B.  there. 
School,  Charterhouse  (exliibitioncr;  forfeited  his  exhibition 
as  a  'discontynuer  from  the  Universitye,"  July  11,  1637). 
Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of 
George  (1625).   {Peile,  i.  401;  Al.  Carthus.,  6.) 

WINSTANLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Trinity  Hall,  May  24, 
1627.  2nd  s.  of  George  (1595).  R.  of  Shenley,  Bucks.  B. 
there.  School,  Buckingham.  Migrated  to  Christ's,  Oct.  22, 
1627.  Matric.  1629.  Registrar  to  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of 
Lincoln.  Married  Judith,  dau.  of  WUUam  Rugge  (?  Ragge), 
of  Linroln.  Brother  of  George  (1625)  and  ot  John  (above). 
{Peile,  I.  388;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1096;  Vis.  of  Lincoln,  1666.) 

WINSTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  8,  1646-7. 
Of  Devon.  From  Oxford.  B.A.  1646-7.  Ord.  (4th  I^ndon 
Classis)  July  1,  1651.  Doubtless  intruding  V.  of  Badby, 
Northants.,  1649.  Died  Mar.  24,  1667-8.  Buried  at  Green's 
Norton.  Will  proved  Apr.  23,  1668;  of  Newnham,  Northants., 
clerk.  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next.  (H.  I.  Longden;  H.  P. 

WINSTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  6  ■:644. 
From  Oxford.  B.A.  1644-5;  M-.A-  from  Magdalen  HaU, 
Oxford,  1648.  Intruding  R.  of  Evcrdon,  Northants..  in  1655; 
contormed  and  reinstated,  1661-80.  Buried  there  Nov.  24, 
1680.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (above).  {Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I. 

WINSTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  e.  1593.  S.  of 
Thomas,  carpenter,  of  Painswick,  Glours.  B.  1575.  B.A. 
1598-9;  M.A.  1602;  M.D.  1608  (Incorp.  from  Padua).  Fellow. 
Studied  at  Padua  and  Basel.  F.R.C.P.,  i6i5-  Censor; 
Elect,  etc.  Professor  of  Physic  at  Gresham  College.  London, 
1615-42,  1652-5.  A  member  of  the  Virginia  Company. 
Author,  Anatomy  Lectures.  Died  Oct.  24,  1655.  aged  80. 
{Munk,  I.  160;  D.N.B.;  Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Ward, 

WINSTOR,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1607. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  20,  1612. 

WYNTER,  GEORGE.  M.ntrir.  pons,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1555  {impubei).  Possibly  of  Haddington.  Gloucs.  It  so, 
married  J,ine,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Inglcby.  Died  1594. 
{T.A.  Walker.) 


Winter,  Godfrey 

WINTER,  GODFREY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  7, 
1627.  S.  of  Richard  (1588),  R.  of  Sprotbrough,  Yorks.  B. 
there.  Schools,  Doncaster  (Mr  Jones),  Beverley  (Mr  Pome- 
roy),  Rotherham  (Mr  Bonner)  and  Wakefield  (Mr  Doughty). 
Migrated  to  Caius,  Apr.  7,  1629.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1630-1. 
P.C.  of  Bradfield,  Yorks.,  1634-5.  V.  of  Hook,  1635-41. 
Admon.  (York)  July  13,  1641.   (Peile,  1.  381;  Venn,  i.  287.) 

WINTER,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1595. 

WYNTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1553; 
B.A.  I557-8;M.A.  from  St  John's,  1561.  Fellow  of  St  John's, 
1558.  Perhaps  preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1570-1606.  Of  Holy 
Island,  Northumberland.  Died  1606.  (Peile,  1.  54;  Hennessy, 


WINTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1609; 
Scholar,  1611;  B.A.  1612-3. 

WINTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  June  20,  1636. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  deceased,  of  North  Runcton,  Norfolk. 
School,  Lynn  (Mr  Woodmansey).  Matric.  1636;  Scholar, 
1639-40;  B.A.  1639-40.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  26, 
1642-3;  priest,  Mar.  17,  1643-4;  C.  of  Langford,  Norfolk. 
C.  of  Hoo,  in  1662.  V.  of  East  Dereham,  1664.  C.  of  West- 
acre,  in  1677.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1697-8.  {Venn,  1.  322.) 

WINTER,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  11,  1666. 
Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70;  'Wintour.' 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Cockerham,  Lanes.,  1695-1722. 
Died  1722. 

WYNTER,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Christ's,  Mar.  6, 
1716;  M.B.  1718. 

WINTER,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1623;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1633. 

WINTER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1588. 

WINTER,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1588;  B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595.  Master  of  Doncaster  Grammar 
School,  Yorks.,  till  1596.  R.  of  Sprotbrough,  Yorks., 
1596-1632.  Buried  Oct.  1,  1632.  Father  of  Godfrey  (1627). 
(Hunter,  i.  344.) 

WINTER,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  26, 

1625.    S.  of  Anthony,  farmer.    B.  at  Liddington,  Rutland. 

School,  Uppingham.   Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632. 

Probably  R.  of  St  Mary,  Stamford,  Lines.,  1633. 
WINTER,  RO.   Scholar  of  Trinity,  1605. 
WINTER,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 


WINTER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  24, 1622-3. 
Of  Warwickshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  Christopher,  yeoman. 
B.  1603,  at  Temple  Balsall,  Warws.  School,  Coventry. 
B.A.  1632.  Placed  himself  under  John  Cotton,  V.  of  Boston, 
Lines.  (1585-1652),  with  a  view  to  preparation  for  the 
ministry.  Probably  Master  of  Boston  Grammar  School, 
1627-30.  P.C.  of  Woodborough,  Notts.  V.  of  Cottingham, 
near  Hull,  Yorks.,  1643.  Joined  the  independent  ministry. 
Chaplain  to  four  Parliamentary  Commissions  in  Ireland. 
Provost  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1652-60.  deprived. 
[Styled  D.D.  (Cantab.)  in  A  I.  Dub.]  M.A.  (Dublin)  1654. 
Divinity  lecturer,  1659.  Took  the  lead  in  forming  clerical 
associations  in  which  independents,  presbyterians  and 
episcopalians  could  meet  in  amity.  Married  (1)  Anne 
Beeston,  of  Boston;  (2)  Elizabeth  Weaver.  Author,  Sermons. 
Died  Dec.  24,  1666,  aged  63.  Buried  at  North  Luffenham, 
Rutland.  M.I.  (Bp.  Kennett,  909;  Calamy,  11.  315;  Thomp- 
son, Boston;  Rutland  Mag.,  in.  69;  D.N.B.,  where  he  is 
wrongly  assigned  to  Queens'.) 

WINTER,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1646. 
Of  Warwickshire.  Matric.  1646;  Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1649- 

WINTER,  SANKEY.  M.A.  1714  (Incorp.  from  Dublin).  S.  of 
Samuel,  Esq.,  of  Co.  Kildare,  Ireland.  Adm.  at  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  Nov.  4,  1704,  age  16;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1708; 
M.A.  1711.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1714.  Archdeacon  of 
Achonry,  1712-9;  of  Killala,  1719-24;  of  Kildare,  1724-5. 
Dean  of  Kildare,  1725-37-  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
William  Lloyd,  Bishop  of  Killala.  Died  Feb.  22,  1736-7. 
Will,  Dublin.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Al.  Dublin;  Burke,  L.G.;  H.  B. 

WINTER,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  6, 

1610-1.    S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Stow,  Norfolk.    School,  Ely 

(Mr  Wigmore).   Matric.  1611;  Scholar,  1611-7;  B.A.  1614-5. 

Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  16,   1616-7.    R.  of  Boughton, 

Norfolk,  1617-45.   (Venn,  i.  210.) 
WINTER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  2, 

1631.  S.  of  Robert,  husbandman,  of  Morland,  Westmorland. 

B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5. 
WINTER,  WILLIAM  (1635),  see  VINTER. 
WINTER    .    B.A.  1478-9;  M.A.  1482.    Perhaps  William, 

V.  of  Gt  Abington,  Cambs.,  1495. 

WiNTERTON,  Ralph 

WINTERBOTTOM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Jesus, 
Apr.  19,  1671.  Of  Lancashire.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1675-6. 
R.  of  Ashurst,  Kent,  1692-1717.  V.  of  Billing,  1715-7. 
Died  July  7,  1717. 

WINTERBURNE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Feb.  14,  1653-4.  S.  of  Leonard,  blacksmith,  of  Wakefield, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1653-4;  B.A. 
1657.  R.  of  Ballymoney,  Co.  Cork,  till  i656,  deprived. 
Treasurer  of  Ross,  1668-75.  R.  of  Lislee,  1669-75.  Preb.  of 
Drumdaleague,  1672-75.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WINTERBORNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  5,  1635;  previously  at  Oxford.  S.  of  Thomas,  husband- 
man, of  Hazelwood,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Bumsall 
(Mr  Mason).  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640;  B.D.  1648.  FeUow, 
1638-52.  (Adm.  at  New  College,  Oxford,  Oct.  8,  1633,  but 
not  found  in  Al.  Oxon.)  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
July  7,  1646.  Buried  in  the  CoUege  Chapel,  Oct.  17,  1652. 
Will  proved,  V.C.C.  and  P.C.C.   (ScoU-Mayor,  1.  26.) 

WINTERINGHAM,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
June  4,  1672.  School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1673;  Matric. 
1675-6;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679. 

WINTRINGHAM,  CLIFTON.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Nov.  30, 
1705.  S.  of  William  (1667),  V.  of  East  Retford,  Notts., 
deceased.  B.  1689.  Matric.  1706;  Scholar,  1707.  Adm.  extra- 
licentiate,  R.C.P.,  July  3,  1711.  Practised  in  York.  F.R.S., 
1743.  Physician  to  the  county  hospital.  Married  (i)  EUza- 
beth,  dau.  of  Richard  Nettleton,  of  Earls  Heaton,  Yorks.; 
(2)  Cordelia,  dau.  of  John  Bright,  of  Badsworth.  Author, 
medical.  Died  Mar.  12,  1748-9.  Father  of  the  next  and 
perhaps  of  William  (1731).  (D.N.B.;  Munk,  11.  34;  F.M.G., 

WINTERINGHAM,  CLIFTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
July  17,  1728.  S.  of  Clifton  (1705),  M.D.,  of  York.  School, 
York  (Dr  Jackson).  Matric.  1729;  Scholar,  1730;  M.B.  1734; 
M.D.  1749.  Joint-Physician  to  the  Forces,  1756;  Physician- 
General  to  the  Forces,  1786.  Physician  to  George  III. 
Knighted,  Feb.  11,  1762.  F.R.C.P.,  1763.  Censor,  1770. 
Created  Bart.,  Nov.  7,  1774.  F.R.S.,  1792  [Munk  gives 
1742-3,  but  this  presumably  applies  to  the  father).  Married 
Anne  Rachardson.  Author,  medical.  Dieds.^.,  Jan.  10,  1794, 
at  his  house  in  the  Upper  Mall,  Hammersmith.  M.I.  in 
Westminster  Abbey.  Will,  P.C.C.  Perhaps  brother  of 
William  (1731).   (D.N.B.;  Munk,  11.  250;  G.E.C.,  v.  181.) 

WINTRINGHAM,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June  5,  1672.  S.  of  George  (?next),  clerk,  deceased,  of 
Obum  (sic),  and  Head  Master  of  Bridlington,  Yorks.  B.  at 
Bridlington.  Schools,  Bridlington  (Mr  Francis)  and  Thornton 
(Mr  Perks).  Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6. 

WINTERINGHAM,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Peter- 
house,  Mar.  21,  1645.  Of  Yorkshire.  School,  Bridlington. 
Matric.  i646;B.A.  1649.  Perhaps  Head  Master  of  Bridlington 
School,  and  father  of  Edward  (above).  If  so,  died  before 
June  5,  1672. 

WINTERINGHAM,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  Apr. 
15,  1718.   Matric.  1718.  Name  oS,  1720. 

WINTERINGHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  30,  1585.   Matric.  1585. 

WINTRINGHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  22, 
1667.  S.  of  William,  of  Thorpe-in-Balne,  Bamby  Don, 
Yorks.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June,  1671;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1673.  V.  of  East  Ret- 
ford, Notts.,  1674-1701.  Buried  there.  Mar.  17,  1700-1. 
Father  of  CUfton  (1705).   (F.M.G.,  487.) 

WINTERINGHAM,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  10, 
1731.  Perhaps  s.  of  CUfton  (1705)  and  brother  of  Clifton 

WINTERTON,  HENRY.  B.Can.L.  and  B.Civ.L.  Nephew  of 
William,  Bishop  of  Norwich.  Had  'studied  Civil  Law  at 
Cambridge  for  two  years'  (Cal.  Papal  Letters,  1367).  Preb. 
of  Salisbury.  Rural  dean  of  Lynn.  Petitioned  the  Pope, 
1363,  for  canonry  at  St  Asaph,  and,  1366,  to  exchange  this 
for  a  benefice,  being  ignorant  of  Welsh.  Archdeacon  of 
Essex,  1369-99.  Died  1399.   (Cal.  Pap.  Pet.) 

WINTERTON,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Michs.  1628. 

S.   of   Francis.    B.   at   Lutterworth,   Leics.    School,   Eton. 

Migrated  to  Christ's,  Feb.  18,  1630-1,  age  18.    M.B.  1636. 

Brother  of  the  next. 
WINTERTON,  RALPH.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1617.   S.  of  Francis.   B.  at  Lutterworth,  Leics.,  i6oi.   B.A. 

1620-1;   M.A.   1624;  licensed  to  practise  medicine,   1631; 

M.D.  1634.    Fellow,  1620-36.    Regius  Professor  of  Physic, 

1635-6.    A  good  scholar.    Author,  classical.   Died  Sept.  13, 

1636.  Buried  in  King's  College  Chapel.  Will  proved  (King's 

College).    Brother  of   John    (above).     (Hist.   King's,    103; 

D.N.B.;  Harwood,  218.) 


WiNTERTON,  Ralph 

WINTERTON,  RALPH.  Adtn.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  10,  1713.  S.  of  William  {1675),  R.  of  Gt  Ponton,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Caythorpe  (Mr  Bulleine).  Matric.  1713; 
B.A.  1716-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  18,  1720;  priest, 
Sept.  10,  1721.  C.  to  his  father  at  Gt  Ponton,  1720.  Doubt- 
less R.  of  Little  Ponton,  1729,  but  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake. 

WINTERTON,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  Preb.  of  Hereford.  Rural 
dean  of  Sudbury,  Suffolk.  Petitioned  the  Pope,  1363,  for 
a  benefice.   {Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  1.) 

WINTERTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  23,  1675- 
Of  Wibtoft,  Warws.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1682.  R.  of  Gt  Ponton,  Lines., 
1691-1724.  Died  1724.  Father  of  Ralph  (1713).  (Tumor, 
Grantham,  131.) 

WINTHROP  or  WYNTROPE,  ADAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Magdalene,  1567.  3rd  s.  of  .^dam,  citizen  and  clothworker, 
of  London,  and  of  Groton,  Suffolk  (by  his  2nd  wife  Agnes, 
dau.  of  Robert  Sharpe,  of  Islington,  Middlesex).  B.  Aug.  10, 
1548.  Of  Edwardstone  and  Groton,  Esq.  Lawyer  and  J. P. 
Married  (i)  Alice,  dau.  of  William  Still,  of  Grantham,  Lines.; 
(2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Henry  Browne,  of  Edwardstone,  Suffolk. 
Buried  at  Groton,  Mar.  28,  1623.  M.I.  Father  of  John 
(1603).   (Suffolk  Manor.  Fam.,  i.  25.) 

WINTHROP,  FORTH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  18, 
1626.  3rd  s.  of  John  (1603),  of  Groton,  Suffolk,  Governor  of 
Massachusetts  (by  his  ist  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Forth,  of 
Gt  Stambridge,  Essex).  B.  Dec.  30,  1609.  Matric.  1626. 
Buried  at  Groton,  Nov.  28,  1630.  (Suffolk  Manor.  Fam.,  i. 

WINTHROP  or  WINTROPE,  J  OHN.  Matric .  pens,  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1603.  S.  and  h.  of  Adam  (1567),  of  Groton,  Suffolk, 
Esq.  B.  at  Edwardstone,  Suffolk,  Jan.  12,  1587-8.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  25,  1613;  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
1628.  Succeeded  as  Lord  of  the  Manor  of  Groton,  1623. 
Attorney  of  the  Court  of  Wards  and  Liveries,  1626.  In- 
fluential among  the  Puritans  of  Essex  and  Suffolk;  became 
interested  in  the  Massachusetts  Bay  Company,  1629.  Super- 
intended the  organisation  and  transportation  of  a  Colony 
to  New  England.  Sailed  thither  with  a  company  of  over 
1500  souls,  Apr.  8,  1630.  Founded  Boston.  Elected  first 
Governor  of  Massachusetts,  1630;  re-elected,  1631-3,  1637-9, 
1642-3,  1646-8;  Deputy  Governor,  1636,  1644  and  1645. 
Kept  a  voluminous  manuscript  journal  of  public  events 
called  'The  History  of  New  England.'  Believed  in  an 
oligarchy,  not  a  pure  democracy,  in  the  Government. 
Arranged  more  than  any  other  the  social  state  of  Mas- 
sachusetts. Distinguished  by  his  religious  piety,  magna- 
nimity and  public  spirit.  Married  four  wives.  Died  at 
Boston,  Mar.  26,  1649.  Father  of  Forth  (1626).  (J.  G. 
Bartlett;  D.N.B.;   Suffolk  Manor.  Fam.,  i.  26.) 

WINWICK,  ROBERT  DE.  Master  of  Peterhouse,  1330-8. 
Chancellor  of  the  University,  c.  1330. 

WIRDNAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Sept.  21,  1595. 
Matric.  c.  1595;  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.  Chaplain  to 
Dr  Hutton,  Archbishop  of  York.  Doubtless  V.  of  Sutton- 
in-the-Forest,  Yorks.,  in  1606;  M.A.  Married  Jane  Bell. 
But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  with  whom  Foster 
apparently  confuses  him.   (Cooper,  11.  448;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 


WISBECH,  JOHN.  Probably  R.  of  Hollingboume,  Kent,  1376; 
'B.Can.L.  Camb.'  R.  of  Newton  Longueville,  Bucks., 
1398-1406.   (Cal.  of  Papal  Letters,  1405;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WISBECH,  RICHARD  DE.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1339. 
Master,  1351-74.  Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  benefice  in  the 
gift  of  the  Abbot  of  Bury,  July,  1351;  'M.A.  and  long  a 
student  in  theology.'   (Cal.  of  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  211.) 

WYSEBECHE,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall.  Probably 
M.A.   Died  June  15,  1362. 

WISBECHE,  WILLIAM.  B.Can.L.  Petitioned  the  Pope,  1363, 
for  a  benefice.   (Cal.  of  Pap.  Pet.,  i.) 

WISBERD,  JOHN.  B.D.  1486-7  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  A 
monk.  Dean  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  St  Peter,  Irthling- 
borough,  Northants.,  1494-1509;  LL.B.  R.  of  Gt  Addington, 
1503-9.  R.  of  All  Saints',  Irthlingborouph,  1507-9.  Died 
Sept.  8,  1509.  Buried  at  Irthlingborough.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1509; 
John  Wyseberd.   (H.  I.  Longden;  Bridges,  11.  205,  236-8.) 

WISBERD, .  B.Can.L.  1504-5- 

WISCARD  or  WHISKARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell. -Cora, 
(age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  11,  1636-7.  S.  and  h.  of  William, 
gent.,  of  East  Bilney,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  Thctford 
(Mr  Ward).  Succeeded  his  father  at  East  Bilney.  Will 
dated,  Apr.  5,  1679.  Father  of  the  next.  (Venn,  i.  323; 
Carthew,  Launditch,  ill.  238.) 

Wise,  William 

WISCARD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Mar.  22, 
1661-2.  S.  of  William  (above),  gent.,  of  Bilney,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Gressenhall  (private)  and  Seaming 
(Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1662-6;  B.A.  1665-6. 
Probably  died  before  1679;  not  mentioned  in  his  father's 
will.   (Venn,  1.  415.) 

WISDOME,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Oct.  24,  1633. 
Of  Cambridge.  Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Oct.  29,  1633. 
Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1637-8. 

WYSDOME,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

WISDOM,  ROBERT.  Educated  at  Cambridge.  B.D.  An  early 
reformer,  frequently  in  trouble  for  his  opinions.  Charged 
with  heresy  before  the  Privy  Council  in  1540  and  committed 
to  the  Tower.  Under  Edward  VI  he  was  R.  of  Settrington, 
Yorks.;  deprived,  1555.  An  exile  at  Frankfort  under  Mary. 
Archdeacon  of  Ely,  Cambs.,  1560-8.  R.  of  Haddenham,  and 
of  Wilburton,  Cambs.,  1560.  Married  and  had  issue.  Author, 
religious.  Buried  Sept.  28,  1568,  at  Wilburton.  Admon. 
(P.C.C.)  to  his  brother  Gregory,  M.D.  (Cooper,  1.  259; 

WISE  or  WYES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney, 
June  28,  1619.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  K.B.,  of  Sydenham, 
Devon.  B.  in  Devon.  Matric.  1619.  Probably  died  young. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (161 9). 

WYES,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Nov.  16,  1648. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1619),  of  Mount  Wise,  Devon. 
Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Nov. 
12,  1650;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1651.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
1651.  M.P.  for  Okehampton,  1659,  1660-75.  K.B.,  1661. 
Sold  Mount  Wise,  and  the  manor  of  Stoke  Damarell,  1667. 
Married  (i)  Arabella,  dau.  of  OUver  Lord  St  John;  (2)  Radi- 
gund,  dau.  of  Sir  John  EUot.  Died  Nov.  17,  i675-  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1676.  (G.  Mag.,  II.  314,  1831;  B.  H.  WUUams; 
West  Country  Fam.) 

WISE  or  WYSE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  20, 1666. 
Of  Kent.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  23,  1671;  priest  (London)  Sept.  20,  1673.  C.  of  Ivy- 
church,  Kent. 

WISE  or  WYSSE,  JOHN.  B.A.  1518-9. 

WISE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1577. 
Probably  s.  of  Francis,  of  Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.  Married 
and  had  issue.  Buried  Sept.  11,  1608,  at  Hinton.  (Vis.  of 
Cambs.,  1575;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

WISE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse,  June  5, 
1729.  Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Bolton  Percy. 
School,  Thornton.  Matric.  1729;  Scholar,  1729;  B.A.  1732-3- 
Liu.  dim.  from  York  for  priest's  orders,  Feb.  1734-5-  C.  of 
Rothwell,  near  Leeds.   Perhaps  at  Bolton  Percy  in  1742. 

WISE  or  WYSSE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1508-9;  M.A.  1512. 

WISE  or  WYES,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney, 
June  28,  1619.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  K.B.,  of 
Sydenham,  Devon  (and  Margery,  dau.  of  Robert  Stafford, 
of  Stafford).  B.  in  Devon.  Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1622.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1622.  Sheriff  of  Devon,  1638-9.  M.P.  for  Devon, 
1640.  Married  Lady  Mary,  dau.  of  Edward  Chichester,  Earl 
of  Carrickfergus.  Died  of  small-pox  in  London.  Buried 
May,  1641,  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1619)  and  father  of  Edward  (1648). 

WISE  or  WYSE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Chrisi's, 

June  28,  1628.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Thornton-Steward,  Yorks. 

School,  Derby  (Mr  Abbot).  Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  Wise. 

Perhaps  R.  of  Copgrove,  Yorks.,  1637-65.   (PeiU,  1.  393.) 
WISE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  i8, 

1639.    S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Beverley,  Yorks.    B.  there. 

School,  Beverley  (Mr  Pomeroy).    Matric.   1639.    Adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  27,  1639-40.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1643;  of  Gray's 

Inn.  Brother  of  William  (1639). 
WISE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  162 1; 

B.A.  from  Magd.Uene,  1627;  M..\.  1631.   Probably  Master  of 

Dedham  School,  Essex,  1631-9. 
WYSE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's.  Oct.  18, 

1639.    S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Beverley,  Yorks.    B.  there. 

School,  Beverley  (Mr  Pomeroy).    Matric.   1630.    .Adm.  at 

Gray's   Inn,  Aug.   ri,   1641.    Probably  knighted.   M;ir.   2, 

1669-70;  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1639). 

WYSE,  .    Of  Peterhouse,   1543.    Perhaps  GUbert,  s.  of 

William,  of  Cherry  Hinton,  Cambs.  (\'is.  of  Cambs.;  T.  A. 

WISE, .   Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  1628. 

WISE, .     Adm.   Fell.-Com.   at   Trinity,    1655.     Porh.-.ps 

Thomas,  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Hiuxton,  Cambs.;  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  11,  1656. 


Wiseman,  Aurelius  Percy 

WISEMAN,  AURELIUS  PERCY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
Apr.  10,  1671.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of 
Broad  Oaks,  Essex,  Esq.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1671.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  16,  1670.  Killed  in  a  duel 
in  London,  Dec.  11,  1680  (?  1684).  M.I.  at  Wimbish.  (Vis. 
of  Esset,  1612,  1634.) 

WISEMAN,  CAPEL.  Adm.  pens.  {ae;e  18)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  14, 
1654.  S.  of  Sir  William  (1614),  of  Canfield,  Essex,  Bart. 
School,  Winchester.  Migrated  to  Queen's  College,  Oxford, 
1657.  B. A.  (Oxford)  1657;  M.. A.  1659.  Inrorp.  at  Cambridge, 
1662.  Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1661.  Chaplain  to 
Arthur,  Earl  of  Essex,  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland.  Dean  of 
Raphoe,  1676.  Bishop  of  Dromore,  1683.  Died  Sept.  1694. 
Will,  Dublin.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Burke,  Peerage.) 

WYSEMAN,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  May,  1551. 
Perhaps  3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Thomham,  Suffolk. 

WISEMAN,  DANIEL  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1656. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.  School- 
master at  Gislingham,  Norfolk,  in  1662.  R.  of  Blickling, 
1663-74.  R.  of  Horsford,  1674-1707.  R.  of  Marsham, 
1686-1707.  Buried  at  Horsford,  Jan.  16,  1707-8. 

WISEMAN,  EDWARD.  Resident  student  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Aug.  1564. 

WISEMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1557-8; 
B.A.  1563-4;  M.A.  from  Caius,  1567.  Fellow  and  tutor  at 
Caius,  1564-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  26,  1566.  V.  of 
Whittlesford,  Cambs.,  1567-8.  R.  of  Graveley,  1568-1613. 
Buried  there  Aug.  21,  1613.  Admon.,  1613,  to  his  widow. 
Father  of  John  (c.  1592).   (Venn,  1.  55;  J.  Crosby.) 

WISEMAN,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1629;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1635;  licensed 
to  practise  medicine,  1638;  M.D.  1642. 

WISEMAN,  GEORGE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  June 
29,  1561.  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  Felsted,  and  Bradox-in-Wimbish, 
Essex.  Matric.  1561.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1564.  Of  Up- 
minster,  Essex.  Brother  of  William  (1564).  (Vis.  of  Essex, 
1634;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

WISEMAN,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Jan.  8,  1682-3. 
Of  Bozeat,  Northants.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (1651-2). 
Matric.  1683;  B.A.  1686-7.  Died  unmarried  before  Aug. 
1688.  Brother  of  John  (1678-9).   (T.  H.  King.) 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall,  Easter, 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.,  1556. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Richard,  of  Gt  Waltham,  Essex.  Probably 
the  John  W.  who  purchased  the  manor  of  Bozeat,  Northants., 
in  1598.  Sheriff  of  Northants.,  1613-4.  Married  Frances 
Kirke,  of  Bourne,  Lines.  Died  s.p,  at  Bozeat,  Dec.  11,  1615. 
(T.  H.  King.) 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1567. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Newnham,  Herts.,  1571-9;  died 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  c.  1592.  S.  of 
Francis  (1557-8).  B.A.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  Esquire  BedeU, 
c.  1605-24.  Also  held  the  appointment  of  vintner.  One 
of  the  executors  to  the  will  of  Dr  Perse,  in  1615.  Died 
June,  1625.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  June  20,  1625.  Father  of 
John  (1624).   (A.  Gray;  H.  P.  Stokes,  Esquire  Bedells.) 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1612.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Gt  Canfield,  Essex.  B.A. 
1614.  Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  5,  1612.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  William  (1614). 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1620.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Henr>',  of  Elsenham,  Essex, 
Esq.  B.  c.  1604.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  10,  1623. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Smyth,  of  Strixton, 
Northants.  Buried  Apr.  8,  1637  (as  'Thomas'),  at  St 
Christopher-le-Stocks,  London.  WQl  proved  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  21, 
1637.  Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1624).  (Vis.  of  Essex, 
1634;  T.  H.  King.) 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  11,  1624.  Of 
Cambridge.  S.  of  |ohn  (c.  1502),  Esquire  Bedell.  Matric. 
1624;  Scholar,  1625;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  Perhaps  C. 
of  Bottisham,  Cambs.,  1636.  Died  1659.   (A.  Gray.) 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  15,  1651-2.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1620),  Esq.  B.  in  London. 
Bapt.  Feb.  3,  1634-5,  at  St  Leonard's,  Shoreditch.  School, 
Newport,  Essex.  Matric.  1652.  Of  Bozeat,  Northants. 
Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Alston,  Knt.,  of  East 
Bamet,  Middlesex,  May,  i66i.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  12, 
1667-8;  to  Catherine,  relict.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Henry 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Clare,  Jan.  9,  1678-9. 
Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John  (above),  of  Bozeat, 
Northants.  Matric.  1679;  M.A.  1682  (Lit.  Reg.).  Probably 
Sheriff  of  Northante.,  1712-3.  Buried  at  Bozeat,  Dec.  24, 

Wiseman,  Thomas 

1731.  .\dmon.  (P.C.C.)  1731-2.  Brother  of  Henry  (1682-3). 
(T.  H.  King.) 

WISEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  8,  1695.  S.  of  Sir  WUUam,  Bart.,  of  Canfield  HaU, 
Essex.  B.  in  London.  Bapt.  Dec.  14,  1679,  at  St  Andrew's, 
Holbom.  School,  London.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Jan.  23,  1698-9;  removed  to  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  22, 
1705.  His  son  William  succeeded  as  5th  Bart,  in  1751. 
(Peile,  II.  133;  G.E.C.,  11.  52.) 

WISEMAN,  MARK.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuf.l,  Jan.  14,  1630-1. 
Of  Essex.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Gt  Wigborough.  Bapt. 
there,  Apr.  23,  1612.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  1639:  from  Staple  Inn.  Of  HoUingbounie, 
Kent,  Esq.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Hoo,  of 
Paul's  Walden,  Herts.;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John 
Fowle,  of  Kent,  Knt.  -WUl  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  7,  1670. 
(Vis.  of  Kent.  1663;  T.  H.  King.) 

WISEMAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 

WISEMAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1597-8. 
2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Torrell's  HaU,  Essex.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Aor.  is,  1599.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1609.  Knighted, 
Feb.  16,  1618-9.  Of  Torrell's  Hall.  Married  (i)  a  dau.  of 
Henry  Hewett,  Esq.;  (2)  Lucy,  dau.  01  Sir  Thomas  Griffin, 
of  Bravbrooke  Castle,  Northants.  Died  Jan.  30,  1654. 
Brother  of  Robert  (1594),  father  of  Richard  (1647)  and 
Robert  (1642).   (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612,  1634;  T.  A.  Walker.) 

WISEMAN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1624.  Of  Essex.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Elsenham, 
Essex.  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  FeUow,  1630.  Probably 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  3,  1637.  Living,  Feb.  18,  1651-2, 
when  he  proved  his  father's  will.  Probably  brother  of  John 
(1620).   (Northants.  N.  and  Q.,  N.S.,  v.  123.) 

WYSEMAN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
Oct.  15,  1647.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Richard  (1597-8),  Knt.,  of 
TorreU's  HaU.  B.  at  WUlingale,  Essex.  School,  Bishop's 
Stortford  (Thos.  Leigh).  Matric.  1648.  Of  TorreU's  HaU. 
Knighted,  June  21,  1660.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John 
Towse,  of  London.  Dead  in  1688.  Brother  of  Robert  (1642). 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Morant,  11.  479.) 

WISEMAN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1544. 

WISEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  May  11, 
1594.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  TorreU's  HaU,  Essex;  gold- 
smith, of  London.  Matric.  c.  1594.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
July  I,  1598.  Knighted,  June  2 6. 1 61 6.  Donor  to  the  CoUege 
Chapel,  1629.  Died  unmarried,  May  11,  1641,  aged  64. 
Wm  (P.C.C.)  1641.  Brother  of  Richard  (1597-8).  (T.  A. 
Walker,  18;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WISEMAN,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Michs.  1628.  7th  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (?  1584-5),  of  Rivenhall, 
Essex,  Knt.  Scholar,  1628;  LL.B.  1634;  LL.D.  1639.  FeUow, 
1631-53.  Adm.  advocate,  July  14,  1663.  Dean  of  the  Arches. 
Vicar-General,  1672.  King's  Advocate-General.  Knighted, 
May  9,  1661.  Married  as  his  2nd  wife,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Dudley.  Lord  North.  Died  s.p.,  Aug.  17,  1684,  aged  74. 
Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Paul's  Wharf,  London.  M.I.  (Coote; 
Le  Neve,  Knights,  139;  G.  Mag.,  l.xiii.  107.) 

WISEMAN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
June  4,  1642.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Richard  (1597-8),  of  TorreU's 
HaU,  Knt.  B.  at  WUlingale,  Essex.  School,  Bishop's 
Stortford  (Mr  Leigh).  Matric.  1642.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Jan.  28,  1644-5.  Apparently  died  s.p.,  his  brother  Richard 
being  heir  to  his  father  in  1654.  Brother  of  Richard  (1647). 
(Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Morant,  11.  479-) 

WYSEMAN,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1568. 
Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Huntingdon.  B.A.  from  Jesus, 
1571-2.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  27,  1584;  from 
New  Inn.   (Peile,  i.  104.) 

WISEMAN,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1552.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  North-end  in  Gt  Waltham, 
Essex.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1559.  Died  s./^.,  Apr.  12, 
1567.   (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Morant,  11.  390.) 

WISEMAN,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
B.  at  Debenham,  Norfolk.  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  15,  1604,  age  24.  R.  of  Pettaugh, 
Norfolk.  P.C.  of  Pattiswick,  Essex.  V.  of  Gt  Tey,  tiU  1616. 
Admon.  (Cons.  C.  London)  May  27,  1617,  to  brother  Charles. 

WISEMAN,  THEOPHILUS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Easter,  1617.  Probably  4th  s.  of  John,  of  Stisted,  and  of 
Much  Waltham,  Essex  (by  his  ist  wife  EUzabeth  Glascock, 
of  RoxweU).   (Peile,  i.  317;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WISEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Apr.  25, 
1572.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Bradox-in-Wimbish, 
Essex.  Matric.  1572;  B.A.  1575-6.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  1578.  Joined  the  Society  of  Jesus  at  Rome,  May  26, 
1592.  Died  at  St  Omers,  1596.  Brother  of  WUUam  (1572). 
(T.A.  Walker.) 


Wiseman,  Thomas 

WISEMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 
1584-5.  Possibly  ■;.  and  h.  of  Sir  Ralph,  of  Kivenhall,  Essex, 
Knt.  B.  c.  1570.  Knighted,  Apr.  18,  1604.  Succeeded  his 
father  Aug.  26,  1608.  Married  Isabella,  dau.  of  Anthony 
Rooper,  of  Farningham,  Kent.  Perhaps  father  of  Robert 
(1628).  S£e^/.O^o«.foi  a  contemporary  namesake.  {Morant, 
II.  147.) 

WISEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  2,  1639.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Rivenhall,  Essex.  Matric. 
1639.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  2,  1647. 

WISEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Oct.  28,  1639. 
Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1643-4. 

WISEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Magdalene,  Lent, 

WISEMAN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept. 
3,1664.  S.of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Whittlesey,  Cambs.  B.  there. 
School,  Peterborough  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1668-9. 
Brother  of  William  (1662). 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1564.  Doubtless  6th  s.  of  John,  of  Felsted,  and  Bradox-in- 
Wimbish,  Essex.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  28,  1566-7. 
J. P.  for  Essex.  Of  Mayland,  and  Maldon.  Brother  of 
George  (1561).   (T.  A.  Walker;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  25, 
1572.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Bradox-in-Wimbish, 
Essex.  Matric.  1572;  B.A.  1575-6.  Adm.  at  the  Middle 
Temple,  1578.  Succeeded  his  father,  1585.  Knighted,  July, 
1604.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Edmond  Hudlestone,  Knt., 
of  Sawston,  Cambs.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1572).  (Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634,  p.  528.) 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1614.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Canfield  Hall,  Essex.  B.A. 
1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1621.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  May  10,  1623  (special  admission).  Succeeded 
his  brother  Robert  at  Canfield,  1628.  Created  Bart.,  Aug.  29, 
1628.  Sheriff  of  Essex,  1638-9.  Engaged  in  the  service  of 
Charles  I.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Capell,  of 
Hadham,  Herts.,  Nov.  6,  1628.  Buried  July  i,  1643,  at 
St  Peter's-in-the-East,  Oxford.  Probably  brother  of  John 
(1612).  Father  of  Capel  (1654). 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  6, 
1620.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  Matric.  1621;  Scholar,  1621-6; 
B.-'V.  1624-5.  Died  in  College  before  July  28,  1626.  (T.  A. 
Walker,  18.) 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  1640.  Of 
Essex.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Rivenhall,  Knt. 
(and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Isaac  Sedley,  Bart.).  B.  c.  1629. 
Matric.  Michs.  1644;  B.A.  1644-5.  Migrated  to  Jesus, 
Easter,  1645.  Perhaps  created  Bart.,  June  15,  1660.  If  so, 
succeeded  his  father  at  Rivenhall,  1659.  M.P.  for  Maldon, 
1677-9,  1679-80.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Lewis 
Mansel,  Bart.  Died  s.^.jn.  Buried  June  14,  1688,  in  London. 
[This  identification  may  possibly  apply  to  the  Wise- 
man, adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1646.]  (Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634;  G.E.C.,  in.  41.) 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  June  10,  1648. 
Of  Essex.  One  of  these  names  's.  and  h.  of  William,  late  of 
Gray's  Inn,  deceased';  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Sept.  3,  1649. 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Sept.  9,  1662.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Whittlesey,  Cambs. 
B.  there.  School,  Peterborough.  Matric.  1663.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1664). 

WISEMAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1665-6. 
One  of  these  names  's.  and  h.  of  William,  late  of  Writtle, 
Essex,  Esq., deceased';  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1668-9. 

WISEMAN, .  Incorp.  from  Avignon,  1482-3. 

WISEMAN, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  Lent,  1612-3. 

WISEMAN, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1646. 

Studied  at  Corpus  Christi,  1538-44,  when  he  returned  to 
Scotland.  B.  at  Pitarrow,  Meams,  Scotland,  c.  1515-  Said 
10  have  graduated  at  King's  College,  Aberdeen.  Perhaps 
schoolmaster  at  Montrose.  An  early  reformer;  intimate 
friend  of  John  Knox.  Author,  theological.  Condemned  for 
heresy,  and  burnt  at  St  Andrews,  Mar.  i,  1545-6-  (Masters, 
415;  Cooper,  1.  88;  D.N.B.) 


WISSE  or  WISH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Sept.  14,  1585.  S.  of  John.  Bapt.  May  7,  1568,  at  St  Peter 
Mancroft,  Norwich.  School,  Wymondham,  Norfolk.  Scholar, 
1586-8;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.   {Venn,  i.  125.) 

WISTER,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1584. 

WISTOWE,  ROBERT  DE.  M.A.  V.  of  Bahraham,  Cambs. 
Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  benefice.  {Cal.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  415.) 


WITH,  see  WYTHE. 

WITHAM,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1571. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Cliffe,  Yorks.  School,  Kirby,  Yorks. 
Migrated  to  Caius,  July  15,  1573,  age  18.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  from  Staples'  Inn,  1575.  Of  Cliffe,  Esq.  Will  dated 
(York)  Jan.  7,  1603-4;  no  probate.  To  be  buried  at  Manfield. 
{Venn,  i.  73;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1585;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WITHAM,  CUTHBERT.  LL.B.  1544-5-  S.  of  Matthew,  of 
Bretonby,  Yorks.  R.  of  Clophill,  Beds.,  till  his  death,  in 
1582.  R.  of  Adel,  Yorks.,  1553-81.  R.  of  Garforth,  1553-81. 
Chaplain  to  Lady  Margaret  Lennox.  Married  Dorothy 
Walker.  Will  dated,  Aug.  10,  1581.  {Surtees  Sac.,  xxxvi, 
374;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1585;  W.  J.  Kaye.) 

WITHAM,  CUTHBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Magdalene, 
Mav  2,  1660.  S.  of  Gilbert  (next),  R.  of  Garforth,  Yorks. 
School,  Sherbum.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663;  M.A.  1667. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.;  priest,  Nov.  1664.  Minister  of 
Wragby,  near  Wakefield,  in  1679. 

WITHAM,  GILBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631 ;  scholar  from  Westminster.  S.  of  Cuthbert,  of  Garforth, 
Yorks.  B.A.  1634-5;  .M.A.  1638.  R.  of  Garforth,  Yorks., 
1644-84.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Taylor,  of  Newland, 
at  St  Michael's,  York,  Aug.  i,  1643.  Died  1684-5.  Father 
of  Cuthbert  (above).   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WITTAM,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Peterhouse,  Dec.  7. 
1644.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Dagenham,  Essex,  age  16.  Matric. 
(Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  June  12,  1640.  Migrated  to 
Cambridge.   Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1644-5. 

WHITHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  12,  1632. 
Of  Essex. 

WITHAM  or  WHITHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity, 
June  12,  1639.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1601).  Matric.  1639; 
Scholar,  1641;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Ord.  priest  (by 
Bishopof  Ardfert)  June  17,  1647.  R.  of  Mistley  and  Manning- 
tree,  Essex,  1647.  R.  of  Little  Bentley,  1648.  Perhaps 
brother  of  Thomas  (1633). 

WITHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  5,  1648. 
S.  of  Peter  (next),  R.  of  St  Alban's,  Wood  Street,  London. 
Schools,  Ipswich  (Mr  Woodside),  Braintree  (Mr  Bound), 
Chigworth  (Mr  Cotton)  and  St  Paul's,  London.  Matric. 
1649;  B.A.  1652-3. 

WITHAM,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sidney,  Easter,  1615. 
B.  at  Stansgate  (?  Steeple),  Essex.  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24,  1620,  age  23;  'C.  of  Manning- 
tree,  Essex';  priest,  June  18,  1623.  V.  of  Bradfield,  Essex, 
1628-33.  Intruded  R.  of  St  Alban,  Wood  Street,  London, 
1646.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1601)  and  father  of  John  (above). 

WITHAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's.  Easter, 
1587.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1590-1;  M-A-  1594;  B.D.  1601. 
Fellow,  1593. 

WITHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  May,  1601.  B.  at 
Steeple  (?  Stansgate),  Essex.  B.A.  J604-5;  M.A.  1608;  B.D. 
1615.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June 
10,  1609,  age  24.  C.  of  Langford,  Essex.  R.  of  Mistley,  1610. 
R.  of  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  London,  1643-4.  Buried  there 
May  3,  1644.  Brother  of  Peter  (1615),  perhaps  father  of  the 
next  and  of  John  (1639).  {At.  Oxon.;  Hennessy.) 

WITHAM,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1633. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (above).  Scholar,  1634;  B.A.  1636-7; 
M.A.  1640.  K.  of  White  Notlcy,  Essex,  1653-6.  R.  of 
Chingford,  1657-60.  R.ofBirdbrook,  1661-70.  R.  of  Chilton, 
Suffolk,  1682-5.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1639),  father  of 
Thomas  (1669). 

WITHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  Oct. 
29,  1640.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Rendlcsham,  Suffolk. 

WITHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  5, 
1669.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1633),  R.  of  Birdbrook,  Essex. 
B.  at  Witham.  Schools,  Cambridge  (Mr  Rix)  and  Waldcn. 

WYTHAM,  W.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  E.istcr, 
1567.  Possibly  William,  s.  of  Henry,  of  Ledstone  Hall, 
Leeds.  If  so,  married  Elinor,  dau.  of  John  Neal,  Esq.  Said 
to  have  been  bewitched  to  death.  Buried  May  8,  1593. 
{Due.  Lead.,  240;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WYTHAM,    .     Matric.    pens,    from    Nicholas    Hostel, 

Michs.  1544- 

WITHEMAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pkterhoi'SE,  July  18,  1595. 
Migrated  to  Emmanuel,  Feb.  17,  1505-6;  "Scholar';  B.A. 
151)8-9;  M.A.  1602.   Follow  of  Emmanuel,  1602. 

WITHERDEN,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  i>cns.  at  Qiffns',  Nov.  11, 
1725.  Of  Kent.  Matric.  1726;  B.A.  1729-30-  Of  Belhcrsdcn, 
Kent.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Whitfield.  Pied 
Oct.  6,  1761,  aged  54.  Buried  at  Uelhersden.  (H.  G.  Har- 




WITHERLY,  HAMMOND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Dec.  28,  1670.  S.  of  Thomas  (next),  M.D.,  of  London.  B.  at 
Little  Walsingham,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Little  Walsingham 
(Mr  Pytts)  and  Holt  (Mr  Bambick).  Matric.  1671;  Scholar, 
1671-8;  B.A.  1674-5.  Buried  at  Westminster  Abbey,  Oct.  4, 
1717.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1672).  (Venn,  1.  442.) 

WITHERLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Apr.  30,  1634. 
S.  of  Wilham,  gent.  B.  Aug.  21,  1618,  in  the  parish  of  St 
Peter,  Burlingham,  Norfolk.  School,  in  parish  of  St  Stephen, 
(? Norwich).  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1635-8;  B.A.  1637-8; 
M.A.  1641;  M.D.  1655.  Probably  Master  of  Holt  Grammar 
School,  Norfolk,  1640-4.  Hon.  FeUow,  R.C.P.,  1644;  FeUow, 
1677;  Censor,  1683;  President,  1684-7;  Consiliarius,  1688 
and  1692.  Knighted.  Second  physician  to  James  II. 
Married  Anne  Gee  at  Little  Walsingham,  Feb.  3,  1655-6. 
Referred  to  by  Sir  Thomas  Browne  in  Urn  Burial  as  'my 
worthy  friend,  Dr  Thomas  Witherley  of  Walsingham.'  Died 
Mar.  23,  1693-4.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Hammond  (1670) 
and  of  the  next.  (Venn,  1.  312.) 
WITHERLEY  or  WETHERLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15) 
at  Caius,  Aug.  8,  1672.  and  s.  of  Thomas  (1634),  M.D.,  of 
London.  Bapt.  Dec.  16,  1656,  at  Little  Walsingham,  Norfolk. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1673;  Scholar,  1673-5-  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Dec.  22,  1674.  Perhaps  his  will  proved  (Norwich 
C.  C.)  1693;  of  Beighton,  gent.  Brotherof  Hammond  (1670). 
(Venn,  i.  447.) 
WITHERS,  see  also  WHITTER,  and  WYTHES. 
WITHERS,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr. 
27,  1691.  S.  of  Thomas  (1658),  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
Bapt.  Mar.  29,  1675,  at  Doncaster,  Yorks.  School,  Bingley, 
Yorks.  Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1693;  B.A.  1694-5-  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  May,  1695;  priest,  June,  1699.  R.  of  Rossing- 
ton,  1707.  Master  of  Doncaster  School,  1707-37.  V.  of 
Owston,  1719-44.  Died  Aug.  9,  i744-  Brotherof  William 
(1692).  (Peile,  11.  121;  F.M.G.,  i.  195.) 
WITHER,  EDWARD.  Grace  for  B.Can.L.  1494-5;  perhaps  adm. 

WITHERS,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  20, 
1629-30.  S.  of  Nicholas,  grazier,  of  Leicestershire.  B.  at 
Melton  Mowbray.  School,  Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Humfrey). 
Matric.  1629-30;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637.  V.  of  Wellingore, 
Lines.,  1649-80.  Buried  there  Oct.  25,  1680.  Brother  of 
Nicholas  (1625)  and  father  of  John  (1670).  (Venn,  i.  293.) 
WITHERS,  FABIAN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1544. 
S.  of  Laurence,  citizen,  Salter,  and  alderman,  of  AU  Hallows, 
Bread  Street,  London.  R.  of  Bagborough  West,  Somerset, 
1564-77.  Probably  V.  of  Maldon,  Essex,  1575-82.  Brother 
of  the  next  and  father  of  Samuel  (1582).  (Peile,  1.  36;  Vis.  of 
Essex,  558.) 
WITHERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1556.  S.  of  Laurence,  alderman,  of  London.  Bapt.  Aug.  15, 
1540,  at  All  Hallows,  Bread  Street.  B.A.  1558-9;  M-A-  from 
Queen's,  1562;  Fellow  of  Queens',  1559-62.  D.D.  1572  (Incorp. 
from  Heidelberg).  Perhaps  of  Corpus  Christi  in  1561  [this 
identification  is  suggested  by  Masters  and  seems  probable]. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1566.  V.  of  Swaffham  Bulbeck,  Cambs., 
1562.  University  preacher,  1563.  Archdeacon  of  Colchester, 
1570-1605.  R.ofDanbury,  Essex,  1572-1605.  Died  Nov.  25, 
1605.  Will  dated  May  i;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  30,  1605. 
Brother  of  Fabian  (above)  and  father  of  Thomas  (1582). 
(Masters,  416;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1558;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Al.  Oxon., 
where  date  of  death  is  wrong,  but  possibly  he  is  confused 
with  another  man.) 
WHITHERS,  GEORGE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1612.  Perhaps  s.  of  George  (above),  Archdeacon  of  Col- 
chester. Of  Danbury,  Essex,  gent.  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 
WITHERS,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  July  20, 
1617.  Perhaps  migrated  to  Corpus  Christi  (sfe  next).  Matric. 
1617.  One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Hastings, 
Sussex;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  28,  1615-6. 
WITHERS,  GEORGE.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,   1618.    Of 

Kent.  Perhaps  same  as  above. 
WITHERS,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1560. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  Merchant  Taylor,  of  London.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'  (said  to  be  a  student  of  Peterhouse  in 
1564).  B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  from  Trinity,  1568;  Wythers, 
B.D.  (Oxford)  1573-4.  Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1587.  Fellow 
of  Trinity,  1565.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1569,  and  again,  1595. 
D.D.  (Wittenberg)  1592.  Probably  a  student  at  Geneva 
University,  c.  1559.  V.  of  Kensington,  Middlesex,  1572- 
1608.  R.  of  Eynesford,  Kent,  1573.  R.  of  St  Martin  Out- 
wich,  London,  1574-91.  R.  of  Theydon  Gamon,  Essex, 
1591-1609.  Died  1609.  Will  dated  Apr.  5;  proved  (Cons.  C. 
London)  Apr.  11,  1609.  (Al.  Oxon.) 
WITHER,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Dec. 
1721;  Scholar,  1722-3.  Of  Alresford,  Hants. 

Withers,  Thomas 

WYTHERS,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  iR)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  25, 
1631.    S.  of  William  (1587),  R.  of  Wetheringsett,  Sufiolk. 

B.  at  Ickworth.   School,  Little  Thurlow  (Mr  More).   Matric. 
1631;  M.B.  1637.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1619). 

WITHERS,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  13,  1663. 

Of  Suffolk.    Matric.  1663;  B.A.  166&-7;  M.A.  1670.    Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  20,  1668. 
WYTHERS,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 

1554.   S.  of  Fabyan,  goldsmith,  of  London.   Bapt.  Oct.  27, 

1540,  at  St  Mary  Woolnoth.  Brother  of  Richard  (i554)- 
WITHERS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Apr.  6,  1619.  Matric. 

WITHERS,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1629.   Of  Norfolk. 
WITHER,  JOHN.    M.A.  from  King's,  1667.    Matric.  (Exeter 

CoUege,    Oxford)    May    17,    1659;    B.A.    (Oxford)    1662-3. 

Subscribed  for  orders  at  Chester,  June  18,  1669.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WITHERS,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 

1670.    S.  of  Edward  (1629-30),  of  Wellingore,  Lines.    B. 

there.  School,  Barthomley.   Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1673-4. 
WITHERS,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Feb.  24,  1668-9. 

Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.    Incorp.  at  Oxford, 

1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  May  19,  1675;  priest,  Sept.  23, 

1677.  Usher   at   Birmingham   Grammar  School,   Warws., 
1674-88.  V.  of  Westfield,  Sussex,  1688.  One  of  these  names 

C.  at  Prestwich,  Lanes.,  1677-85. 

WITHERS,  MICHAEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  1, 

1597.   Matric.  1597- 
WITHERS,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  July  i, 
1625.    S.   of  Nicholas,   grazier,   deceased.    B.   at   Melton 
Mowbray,  Leics.    School,  Melton  Mowbray.    Matric.  1625; 
B.A.  1628-9.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  14;  priest,  Sept. 
16,  1629.   Brother  of  Edward  (1629-30). 
WITHERS,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  20,  1526.    Of  Stogursey,  Somerset.    Name  off, 
WITHERS,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1554.   S.  of  Fabyan,  goldsmith,  of  London.   Bapt.  Oct.  19, 
1539,  at  St  Mary  Woolnoth.  Brother  of  John  (1554). 
WITHERS,  RICHARD.    M.A.  from  Pembroke,   1719-    S.  of 
Joseph,  of  Manchester.   Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  14, 1698,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1701.  V.  of  Westboume, 
Sussex,  1705.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WITHERS,  ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  c.  1596. 
Ord.  deacon  (Colchester)   Mar.  25;  priest.   Mar.  29,   1601. 
R.  of  Willian,  Herts.,  1607-24;  'B.A.'  V.  of  Willen,  Bucks., 
1607-53.     Died    1653.     Will,    P.C.C.     (Lipscomb,   iv.   410; 
styled  B.A.  and  Fellow  of  Queens'.) 
WITHERS  or  WITHER,  ROBERT.    LL.B.  1656  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).    S.   of   William,   of   Manydown,    Hants.    School, 
Winchester.    Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  27,  1643, 
age  18;  B.C.L.  1651.    Fellow  of  New  College,  1646.    Adm. 
at   Gray's    Inn,   Feb.   7,    1653-4-    Barrister-at-Law,    1661. 
Admon.  (V.C.C.)  at  Oxford,  June  8,  1680.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
WITHERS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  23, 
1690.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Arkholme,  Lanes.  Bapt.  at  Melling, 
Jan.   8,    1670-1.    School,   Lancaster   (Mr  Lodge).    Matric. 
1691;  Scholar,  1691;  B.A.  1694-5;  M.A.  1698.   Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Dec.  23,  1695.    R.  of  Gateley,  Norfolk.   Died  1718. 
Brother  of  William  (1686).   (Peile,  11.  118.) 
WITHERS,   SAMUEL.    Matric.   pens,  from  Christ's,   Easter, 
1582.    S.  of  Fabian  (1544),  R.  of  Bagborough  West,  near 
Taunton,  Somerset.    B.A.   1585-6.    Subscribed  for  deacon 
and  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  20,  1587.   Perhaps  V.  of  Cressing, 
Essex,  1590-1602;  R.  of  Cohie  Wake  (sic),  1601-40;  Wither. 
Died  1640.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1640.   (PHle,  i.  169.) 
WITHERS,  STEPHEN.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1603-4;  M.A.  1607. 
R.  of  Kelvedon  Hatch,  Essex,  1607.  Perhaps  V.  of  Sheering, 
1613-43,  sequestered. 
WITHERS,  THOMAS.   Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

WITHERS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  June,  1582. 
Of  Essex.  S.  of  George  (1556),  D.D.,  Archdeacon  of  Col- 
chester. B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589;  B.D.  1596.  Probably 
R.  of  Fordham,  Essex,  1596-7.  Buried  there  Jan.  20, 
1616-7.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Peile,  i.  169;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1558.) 
WITHERS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  7, 
1658.  S.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  Arkholme,  Melling,  Lanes. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1658;  B.A.  1662-3; 
M.A.  1666.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  Feb.  18, 
1664-5;  for  priest's,  June  9,  1666;  'C.  of  Doddington, 
Cambs.'  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  1677-1706.  Benefactor  to 
school  and  poor  at  Halton.  Died  May  26,  1706.  Father  of 
Edmund  (1691)  and  WiUiam  (1692).  (R.  Stewart-Brown; 
F.M.G.,  I.  195.) 


Withers,  William 

WITHERS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1587.  Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Rochester)  Sept.  21, 1594.  R.  of  Ickworth, 
Sufiolk,  1595.  Perhaps  R.  of  Fersfield,  Norfolk,  1613-47. 
R.  of  Wetheringsett,  Sufiolk,  1616-47.  Died  1647.  Father 
of  James  (1631)  and  perhaps  of  the  next. 

WITHERS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1619.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above). 
B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  29; 
priest,  Oct.  30,  1624.  R.  of  Thwaite,  Suffolk,  1632.  R.  of 
Freckenham,  Apr.  28,  1647-51.  Perhaps  brother  of  James 
(1631)  and  father  of  the  next. 

WITHERS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1648.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above). 
B.A.  1650-1.  V.  of  Greeting  St  Peter,  Sufiolk,  1663-5; 

WITHERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  8, 
1686.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Arkholme,  Lanes.  Bapt.  at  Melling, 
Aug.  30,  1668.  School,  Lancaster.  Matric.  1688;  Scholar, 
1689;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694.  Fellow,  1692-1709.  Proctor, 
1707.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June;  priest,  Sept.  1693.  V.  of 
Caldecote,Cambs.,  1707-16.  Probably  V.  of  Tunstall,  Lanes., 
1718-37.  Buried  there  Sept.  4,  1737.  Will  (Archd.  Rich- 
mond) 1737.  Brother  of  Robert  (1690).  (Peile,  il.  103; 
W.  H.  ChippendaU;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WITHERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Aug.  3,  1692. 
S.  of  Thomas  (1658),  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there, 
Aug.  12,  1677.  B.A.  1696-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  (date  lost); 
priest,  May,  1711.  R.  of  Thrybergh,  Yorks.,  1723-49. 
Master  of  Rotherham  Grammar  School.  Died  Aug.  28, 
1749,  aged  72.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1691)  and  father  of  the 
next.   (Peile,  11.  126;  F.M.G.,  i.  193;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WITHERS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Christ's,  Dec.  i,  1732.  Doubt- 
less s.  of  William  (above),  R.  of  Thrybergh,  Yorks.  Matric. 
1732-3;  Scholar,  1734;  B.A.  1736-7;  M.A.  1740.  Fellow, 
1738-46.  Bunting  and  Walkhampton  preacher  and  steward, 
1740.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  24,  1738;  priest,  June  17, 
1739.  R.  of  Fen  Drayton,  Cambs.,  1745-6.  V.  of  Irthling- 
borough  St  Peter's,  Northants.,  1746-52.  V.  of  Higham 
Ferrers,  1746-52.  R.  of  Rushden,  1746-52.  R.  of  Tankersley, 
Yorks.,  1752-71.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Samuel  Buck,  of 
Rotherham.  Died  Jan.  2,  1771,  aged  56.  (Peile,  11.  227; 
F.M.G.,  I.  193;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WYTHERS, .   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  20, 


WITHERSTONE,  EDWARD.  M.A.  1629  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Of  Hereford,  pleb.  Matric.  (Oriel  College,  Oxford)  June  21, 
1619-20,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1622;  M.A.  1627.  Fellow 
of  Oriel  College.  V.  of  Eltham,  Kent,  1635-6.  V.  of  Bishop's 
Frome,  Hereford,  1636.  R.  of  Little  Marcle,  1639.  (Al. 

WITHERSTONE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Jan.  II,  1701-2.  S.  of  Richard,  lawyer.  B.  at  Hereford. 
School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1707-8. 

WITHERWICK,  ALEXANDER.  M.Gram.,  1507-8. 

(age  17)  at  Christ's,  May  7,  1653.  S.  of  William.  B.  at 
Cottingham,  Yorks.  School,  York  (Mr  Wallis).  Matric. 
1653;  B.A.  1656-7;  Witherwick;  M.A.  1661.  R.  of  Kirkby- 
Wiske,  Yorks.,  1660  (presented,  but  not  instituted). 


WITHINGTON,   FRANCIS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1635;  B.A.  1638-9. 
WITHINS  or  WITHIANS,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a 

scholar  from  Eton,  Sept.  5,  1639.  Of  London.  Matric.  1639; 

B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1647.    Fellow,  1642-51.    V.  of  Prescot, 

Lanes.,  1650-67.  Died  1667. 
WITHINS    or    WYTHINS,    ROBERT.     Adm.    FeU.-Com.    at 

Queens',  Apr.  15,  1612.    Of  Kent.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 

Sir  William,  of  Eltham,  Knt.  B.A.  1612-3  (on  King's  visit). 

Of  Southend,  Eltham.   (Vis.  of  Kent,  1619;  Hasted,  i.  60.) 


WITHRING,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  5,  1648. 
Of  London. 

WITSEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Feb.  4, 
1633-4.  S.  of  William,  farmer.  B.  at  Stapleford,  Herts. 
Schools,  Weston  (Ri.  Pooley)  and  Hatton  (Mr  Robinson). 
Matric.  1634;  B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  19,  1641.  V.  of  Gt  Wymondley,  Herts.,  1675-6- 
Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Marlborough.  R.  of  Letchworth,  in 
1675.  Died  before  Nov.  9,  1676.  (T.  C.  Dale;  Clutterbuck,  11. 

WITTor  WYTTE,  WILLIAM.   B.Can.L.  1507-8. 


WiTTV,  John 

WITTEWRONGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  NUcdalene, 
Jan.  24,  1687-8;  Fell.-Com.  Easter,  1688.  S.  and  h.of  James, 
of  Lincoln's  Inn,  Esq.  B.  at  Harpenden,  Herts.  School, 
St  Paul's.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  12,  1687.  One  of 
these  names  died  Apr.  10,  1728;  of  Rothamstead,  Herts. 

WITTEWRONGE,  .    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 

Oct.  7,  1736.  Name  ofl,  1739.  Perhaps  James,  s.  of  James, 
of  Harpenden,  Herts.,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  12, 
1738.  Perhaps  buried  Sept.  28,  1748,  aged  28,  at  Harpenden. 
(G.E.C.,  III.  248.) 

WITTON,  see  also  WHITTON. 

WITTON,  CHARLES.  B.A.  1518-9.  Of  Durham  dbcese.  M.A. 
1522.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  7;  priest  (Lincoln)  June  2, 
1520;  'Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi.'  Perhaps  Fellow  of 
Christ's  until  1538.   Perhaps  brother  of  Reginald  (1523-4). 

WITTON  or  WYTTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  1512-3.  Perhaps 
V.  of  St  Bride's,  Fleet  Street,  London,  1551.  Died  before 
Feb.  14,  1551-2.   (Hennessy,  113.) 

WITTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1597-8. 

B.  at  Deake  (?  Leake,  near  Northallerton),  Yorks.  M.A. 
1601.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London)  May  i,  1599,  age  24. 

C.  of  Gt  Sampford,  Essex. 

WITTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  June  16, 
1621.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Nocton,  Lines.  School,  Grimsby. 
Matric.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8;  priest,  June  9, 
1628;  'B.A.' 

WITTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1604.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611. 

WITTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1631. 
Of  Essex.   B.A.  1634-5;  Wootton;  M.A.  1639. 

WITTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  28, 
1709.  S.  of  Richard  (1666-7),  barrister,  of  Wakefield,  Yorks. 
Bapt.  Dec.  17,  1691.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1709; 
Scholar,  1710;  B.A.  1712-3:  M.A.  1716.  Fellow,  1715.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  2;  priest,  Sept.  23, 1722.  R.  of  Houghton, 
Hunts.,  1726-32.  V.  of  Throckington,  Northumberland, 
1740-54.  Preb.  of  York,  1743-52.  Of  Birthwaite,  Lupset, 
and  Wakefield.  Died  s.p.  Sept.  16,  1754,  at  Birthwaite  Hall. 
{F.M.G.,1.  92;  G.Mag.) 

WITTON,  REGINALD.  B.A.  1523-4.  Of  Durham.  M.A.  1527. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1524.  V.  of  Surlingham,  Norfolk,  1552- 
7.  Died  1557.   Perhaps  brother  of  Charles  (15 1S-9). 

WITTON,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  22, 
1666-7.  S.  of  Joshua,  R.  of  Thomhill,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there, 
Oct.  7,  1649.  Schools,  Thomhill  (Mr  Wilson)  and  York. 
Matric.  1667.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  7,  1668.  Banister- 
at-Law.  Of  Wakefield,  Esq.;  J. P.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Wilfrid  Lawson,  of  Little  Usworth,  Durham,  Esq.  Pur- 
chased Lupset,  near  Wakefield.  Died  Apr.  15,  1718.  Buried 
at  Wakefield.  M.I.  Father  of  John  (1709).  {F.M.G.,  1.  92; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

WITTON,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1521-2;  M.A.  1525. 

WITTON,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1527-8.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1527- 

WITTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pbtkrhouse,  Mar.  1, 
1612-3.  Matric.  1613;  Scholar,  1616-21;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A. 
1621.  Fellow,  1622.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  23;  priest, 
Dec.  24,  1621.   R.  of  Tingrith,  Beds.,  1638-41. 

WITTON, .  B.Can.L.  1501-2. 

WITTON  or  WOTTON, .  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1522-5. 

Probably  William  Wotton,  Esq.;  recoverer  of  the  manor  of 
Pattisley  for  the  College. 

WITTON,  .    Of   King's  Hall.    B.D.   1525-6;  probably 

Matthew  Wotton  or  Witton,  whom  see. 

WITTON, .  B.D.  1531-2.   Possibly  Reginald  (whom  s«). 

WITTV,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  13,  1631. 
S.  of  Ralph,  deceased,  of  Middleton,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Pomeroy).  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5:.  M..\. 
1638.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Burley-in-Wharfedale,  Yorks., 

WITTY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Apr.  29,  1667.  S.  of 
John,  husbandman,  of  Middleton,  Yorks.  B.  there.  School, 
Pocklington  (Mr  Ellison).  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1;  M.A. 
1674.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1671;  priest,  Sept.  1675. 
V.  of  Lund,  Yorks.,  1675-84-  K.  of  Lockington,  1684-1726. 
Died  July  14,  1726,  aged  78.  Buried  at  Lockington.   M.I. 

WITTY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  17, 
1696.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman.  B.  at  Lund,  near  Bever- 
ley, Yorks.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert].  Matric.  1696; 
B.A.  1699-1700;  M.A.  1711-  Ord.  deacon  (\ork)  Sept.  1702; 

griest  (No.wich)  Feb.   1707-8.    C.  at  St  Vcd.ist,  London, 
uried  there  Jan.  24,  1711-J. 


Witty,  Ralph 

WITTY,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  St  John's,  May  7, 
1659.  S.  of  John,  of  Londesborough,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Pockhngton  (Mr  Greenwood).  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A  . 
from  Peterhouse,  1666.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1663.  Taxor. 
1690.  Senior  Proctor,  1698-9.  V.  of  Barton,  Cambs.,  1684- 
99.  R.  of  Teversham,  1699-1717.  Buried  at  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  June  7.  1717-  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1717- 
(Sloane  MS.,  4276;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WITTY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1629. 
S.  of  George,  alderman  of  Beverley,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Nov.  14, 
1613,  at  St  Mary's.  B.A.  1632-3;  M..\.  1636;  M.D.  1647. 
Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1641.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1680.  Practised  at  HuU  and  York.  Hon.  Fellow,  R.C.P., 
1680.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Hall,  of  Lilling,  Yorks. 
Author,  The  Scarborough  Spa.  Died  in  London,  Oct.  1684. 
Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  23,  1684;  'of  St  Michael  Bassishaw.' 
(Munk,  1.  413;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  xxvi. 

WODELAND,  JOHN  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm. 
Jan.  15,  1377-8;  Wodelond.  Died  Oct.  17,  1378. 

WODER,  ISAAC.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 
Adra.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  16,  1594;  of  Luxenam  (sic),  Suffolk. 

WODER,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1569. 

WODEWESTON,  THOMAS  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm. 
Apr.  10,  1349.   Died  June  28,  1349. 


WOGAN,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Dec.  10,  1655.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Wiston,  Pembroke. 
B.  there.  School,  Harvey  (Mr  Prigeot).  Matric.  1655.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1656-7. 

WOGAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Peterhouse,  June  10, 
1669.  Of  Pembroke.  School,  Carmarthen.  Matric.  1669; 
Scholar,  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1675.   R.  of  Hubberston,  Pembroke. 

WOGAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1686.  Of  Norfolk. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Gawdy  Hall,  Norfolk,  Esq. 
Matric.  16S6.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  11,  1686-7. 

WOGAN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  29,  1731. 
Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Gawdy  Hall, 
Norfolk,  and  of  Boulston,  Pembroke.  B.  May  27,  1713. 
Matric.  1732.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  10.  1731. 
Of  Gawdv  Hall,  Redenhall,  Norfolk,  Esq.  Married,  in  Gray's 
Inn  Chapel,  to  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Sancroft,  of 
Fressingfield,  May  7,  1735.  Died  May  31,  1778.  aged  65. 
Buried  at  Redenhall.   M.I.   (Davy,  xix.  70,  156;  A.  Gray.) 


WOGAN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  5,  1700. 
S.  of  Ethelred,  R.  of  Gumfreston,  Pembroke,  deceased. 
B.  c.  1678.  Schools,  Swansea  and  Westminster.  Scholar, 
1701.  Tutor  in  the  family  of  Sir  Robert  Southwell.  Went 
to  Ireland,  17 10;  entered  the  army  and  was  stationed  at 
Dublin.  Corresponded  with  Whitefield  and  Wesley.  Married 
Catherine  Stanhope,  Dec.  7,  1718.  Retired  to  Ealing, 
Middlesex.  Author,  religious.  Buried  Jan.  29,  1758,  at 
Ealing.  For  one  of  these  names  who  died  Aug.  1,  1710,  see 
Le  Neve,  Knights,  428.  (Al.  Weslmon.;  D.N.B.) 


WOOLFE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Dec.  11, 
1749.  S.  of  Ralph  of  Silvington,  Shropshire.  School,  Burs- 
lem.  Staffs.  (Mr  Spencer).  Matric.  1750;  B.A.  1754;  M.A. 
1769.  Perhaps  schoolmaster  of  Dilhome,  Staffs.;  will  (P.C.C.) 

WOLFE  or  WULFE,  EDMUND.  Originally  of  Cambridge.  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1526;  M.A.  (Oxford)  1543.  Junior  canon  of  Cardinal 
College  (Christ  Church).  Perhaps  R.  of  Britwell  Salome, 
Oxon.,  1561.  V.  of  Abingdon  St  Helen,  Berks.,  1561.  Admon. 
(Archd.  Berks.)  1576. 

WOOLFE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  8.  1697. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1701-2;  M..^.  1705.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1705;  priest,  Dec.  21,  1707.  V.  of  Leighton 
Bromswold,  Hunts.,  1716-37.  Died  1737. 

WOLFE,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1569. 

WOLF,  HUGH.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1450. 
Of  Kingston,  Surrey.  M.A.  1459.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely) 
Sept.  i8,  1456;  deacon,  Mar.  12,  1456-7. 

WOLF,  JOHN.   M.A.  1488.   Proctor,  1490-1. 

WOLFE,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  1597-8; 
Scholar,  1597-1601;  B.A.  1602-3;  M-A.  1606.  V.  of  Wins- 
combe,  Somerset,  1611-45. 

WOULFE,  MICHAEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  May,  156J. 
Buried  Mar.  1614,  at  Gt  St  Mary's,  Cambridge.  Will  (V.C.C.) 
1615.  Father  of  Thomas  (1597).  (T.A.Walker.) 

WOLFE,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  22, 
1622.    S.  of  Philip,  vintner  and  inn-keeper.    School,  Perse 


(Mr  Lovering).  Matric.  1622;  Scholar,  1622-9;  B.A.  1625-6; 
M.A.  1629.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1636;  of  Gt  Dunmow, 
Essex,  clerk.   (Venn,  i.  257.) 

WOLFE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  6, 
1720;  FeU.-Com.  Dec.  12,  1724.  S.  of  Richard,  merchant,  of 
Yorkshire.  B.  at  Bridlington  Quay.  Schools,  Burton  Agnes 
(Mr  Slabber)  and  Beverley  (Mr  Johnson).  Matric.  1720; 
LL.B.  1725.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Aug.  15,  1725;  priest,  1728. 
V.  of  Camaby,  Yorks.,  1728-50.  V.  of  Bainton,  and  of 
Bessingby,  1728-50.  P.C.  of  Wibsey,  1728-44.  Preb.  of 
York,  1732-50.  P.C.  of  Fraysthorpe,  c.  1744.  Died  before 
Aug.  29, 1750.  (Scott-Mayor, 111.  ^^i;  Le  Neve,  Fosii.iii.  225.) 

WOLFE,  PAYLER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  18, 
1640.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman.  B.  at  Bugthorpe,  Yorks. 
Schools,  Bugthorpe  (Edw.  Bell),  Lippington  (Mr  ColUnson), 
and  Scarborough  (Mr  Penston).  Matric.  1640. 

WOLF,  ROBERT  LE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall,  1356.  Pro- 
moted to  a  benefice,  1367. 

WOLFE,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  i,  1593. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1593. 

WOLF,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  c.  1590. 

WOLFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Aug.  2, 1597.  S. 
of  Michael  (i  561),  of  Cambridge.  Bapt.  June  28,  1582,  at  Gt 
St  Mary's.  School,  Cambridge  (Mr  Edwardes).  Scholar,  1599- 
1604;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Probably  C.  of  Rushworth, 
Suffolk,  1603.  R.  of  Stemfield,  1615-23.   (Venn,i.  163.) 

WOLF,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  1579;  Scholar; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586. 


WOLFENDALE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1577-8;  B.A.  1580-1;  M.A.  1584.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
May  16,  1583.  R.  of  Little  Whehaetham,  Suffolk,  1587. 

WOFFINDALL,   JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,   Michs. 

1616;  B.A.  1620-1.   Ord.  priest  (York)  1624.    Probably  R. 

of  Whittington,  Derbs.,  1626.   Buried  there  June  29,  1650. 

(Petle,  1.  313.) 
WOLFENDON,   JAMES.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,   Michs. 

1570.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  2;  priest.  Mar.  16,  1574-5. 

V.  of  Auboum,  Lines.,  1578.  Admon.  (Lincoln)  1585. 
WOLFENDEN,  JAMES.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  14, 

1664.    B.  at  Rochdale,  Lanes.    Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8; 

M.A.  1671;  B.D.  1678;  D.D.  1684.    Fellow,  1670-80.    Ord. 

priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670.  V.  of  Stanground,  Hunts.,  1680- 

5.  Died  1685. 
WOLFENDEN,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1561.  Of  Lancashire.  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1569.  Fellow,  1567. 

Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Mar.  23,  1566-7.    R.  of  Little  Liveroere, 

Suffolk,  1582-8. 

from    Pembroke,  c.  1590.    Perhaps  b.  at  Culpho,  Suffolk; 

adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  20,  1597;  late  of  Barnard's  Inn. 

Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1586). 
WOLFERSTAN,  FRANCIS.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

July  4,   1711.    4th  s.  of  Stanford  (i66q),   R.  of  Wootton 

Wawen,  Warws.,  deceased.  B.  at  Wootton.   School,  Burton 

(Mr  Parham).   Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A.  1739.   Ord. 

deacon  (London)  Dec.  18,  1715;  priest  (Lichfield)  May  24, 

1719.    R.  of  Grendon,  Warws.,  in    1738.    R.  of  Drayton 

Bassett,   Staffs.,    1738.    Will   (P.C.C.)    1759;   of   Grendon, 

Warws.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 
WOOLVERSTON,  HASTINGS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Easter,  1584.    Doubtless  4th  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Statfold, 

Staffs.     B.A.    1587-8.     Married   Alice   Molde,   at   Austrey, 

Warws.,  May  19,  1600.    Probably  his  will  (Lichfield)  1647. 

Brother  of  the  next  and  of  Stanley  (1581).   (Shaw,  1.  416.) 
WOLVERSTONE,   HERSEY.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 

Lent,  1577-8.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Humphrey,  of  Statfold, 

Staffordshire.    Styled  'Captain.'    Said  to  have  been  at  the 

taking  of  Cadiz,  1596.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Ralph  Egerton, 

of  Betley,  -Sept.  10,  1593.    Died  July  28,  1636.    Brother  of 

Hastings  (above),  and  of  Stanley  (1581).  (Shaw,  1.  416.) 
WOLVERSTON,   HUMPHREY.    Adm.   pens,  at   Peterhouse, 

Mar.    22,    1576-7.     Perhaps   s.    of   Sampson,    of   Newbold 

Verdon,  Leics.    Bapt.  there,  July  8,   1559.    Matric.  1577. 

Married  and  had  issue.   (Shaw,  1.  416.) 
WOLFERSTON,  HUMPHREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's, 

June  14,  1671.   S.  of  Hersy.    B.  at  Clifton,  Staffs.   School, 


at  St  Catharine's,  Easter,   1636.    Of  Suffolk.    Doubtless 

s.  of  Sampson   [Woolverston],  late  of  Woodbridge,  Esq.; 

adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  27,  1639-40;  Woolverston. 



WOULVERSTONE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1559.   Perhaps  of  Culpho,  Suffolk,  Esq. 

WOOLVERSTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Pem- 
broke, Michs.  1586.  Probably  'of  Culpho,  Suffolk,  Esq.'; 
adin.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  7,  1589.  Probably  brother  of 
Edmund  (c.  1590). 

WOLVERSTON  or  WOOLASTON,  SIMON.  Adm.  at  King's 
(a^e  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  16,  1515.  Of  St  Mary 
Magdalen,  London.  Died  in  College  before  1517.  (Harwood.) 

WOLFERSTONE,  STANFORD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  July  5,  1669.  3rd  s.  of  Francis,  deceased,  of  Statfold, 
Staffs.  B.  there.  School.  Tamworth  (Mr  Antrobus).  Matric. 
1671;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Incorp.  at  O.Kford,  1677. 
V.  of  Wootton  Wawen,  Warws.,  1676-98.  Manied  (i)  Isa- 
bella, dau.  of  John  Hinckley,  D.D.;  (2)  Susanna,  dau.  of 
John  Creed,  of  Cambridge.  Author,  Enquiry  into  the  nature 
of  diseases.  Died  Sept.  29,  1698.  Father  of  Francis  (1711)- 
{Scott-Mayor,  Pt  11;  Burke,  L.G.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WOULVERSTON,  STANLEY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1581.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Humphrey,  of  Statfold, 
Staffs,  (and  Katherine,  dau.  of  John  Stanley,  of  Grove, 
Notts.).  B.A.  1584-5;  'Wolfreston.'  Will  (Lichfield)  1646; 
of  CHfton  Campvilla.  Brother  of  Heisey  {1577-8)  and  Hast- 
ings (1584). 


WOLGATE,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WOLLASTON,  CHARLTON.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at 
Sidney,  Apr.  7,  1708.  S.  and  h.  of  William  (1674),  gent. 
B.  Sept.  8,  1690,  in  London.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric. 
1708.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Dec.  7,  1709.  Of  Charter- 
house Square,  London.  Died  unmarried,  Aug.  6,  1729. 
M.I.  at  Gt  Finborough.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1712),  John  (1715-6)  and  William  (1710).  (Burke,  L.G.; 
Nichols,  IV.  529.) 

WOLLASTON,  CHARLTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
June  18,  1748.  S.  of  Francis  (1712),  gent.  B.  1733,  in 
London.  School,  London  (private).  Matric,  1748-9;  M.B. 
1753;  M.D.  175^.  Practised  at  Bury  St  Edmunds  for  some 
years.  F.R.S.,  1756.  F.R.C.P.,  1760.  Physician  to  Guy's 
Hospital,  1762.  Harveian  Orator,  1763.  Married  Phyllis 
Byam.  Died  July  26,  1764.  Buried  at  Eltham,  Kent.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  Francis  (1748).  (Munk,  11.  22g;  G.  Mag.; 
L.  Mag.) 

WOLLASTON,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Si  John's, 
Easter,  1373.  Of  Staffordshire.  B.A.  1576-7;  M.A.  1580; 
B.D.  1587.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1580.  Fellow,  1580-91.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  May  20,  1583.  V.  of  Madingley, 
Cambs.,  1585.  Died  in  College,  Sept.  28,  1591. 

WOOLASTON,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  21, 

1637.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry  (?  1614),  of  Waltham  Abbey, 
Essex.  Bapt.  June  27,  1621.  Matric.  1637.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  1639.  Died  unmarried,  1651.  (Ch^sters  of 
Chicheley,  569.) 

WOLLASTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  4,  1712.  3rd  s.  of  William  (1674),  gent.  B.  in  London, 
June  6,  1694.  Matric.  1712;  LL.B.  1717.  F.R.S.,  1723- 
Of  Charterhouse  Square,  London.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Dr  John  Francis  %uquier.  Died  Dec.  27,  i774-  Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Charlton  (1708),  etc.  and  father  of  the  next  and 
of  Charlton  (1748).   (Burke,  L.G.;  G.  Mag.) 

WOLLASTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
June  18,  1748.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis  (1712),  gent.  B.  Nov.  23, 
1 73 1,  in  London.  School,  London  (private).  Matric.  1748-9; 
LL.B.  1754.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  24,  1750.  Ord. 
deacon,  1754;  priest  (Chester)  Dec.  21,  i755-  R-  of  Dengie, 
Essex,  1758.  R.  and  V.  of  East  Dereham,  Norfolk,  1761-9. 
R.  of  Chislehurst,  Kent,  1769-1815.  F.R.S.,  1769.  Pre- 
centor of  St  Davids,  1777.  R.  of  St  Vedast,  Foster  Lane,  and 
St  Michael-le-Queme,  London,  1779-1815.  Married  Althea, 
dau.  of  John  Hyde,  May  11,  1758.  Author,  astronomical, 
etc.  Buried  Nov.  7,  1815,  at  Chislehurst.  M.I.  Brother  of 
Charlton  (1748).   (Burke,  L.G.;  D.N.B.;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WOOLASTON,   GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,   May  25, 

1638.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1603).  School,  Market  Bosworth, 
Leics.  Served  in  the  Low  Countries.  Fate  unknown. 
(Chesters  of  Chicheley,  564.) 

WOOLESTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1614.  Probably  3rd  s.  of  Henry,  of  London,  and  of  Waltham 
Abbey,  Essex  (by  his  2nd  wife  Alice,  dau.  of  William 
Wollaston,ofTrescote  Grange).  J. P.  for  Essex.  Of  Waltham 
Abbey.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Dr  Samuel  I'ox,  of  Warlies, 
Apr.  29,  1617.  Buried  Feb.  17,  1669-70,  at  Waltham  Abbey. 
Probably  half-brother  of  Thomas  (1603)  and  father  of 
Edward  (1637).   (Cheslers  of  Chicheley,  569-79-) 

WoLLEY,  Charles 

WOLLASTON.  HENRY.  Said  to  have  been  adm.  as  FeU.-Com. 
at  Trinity,  c.  1637  (no  record).  S.  of  William,  of  Oncott, 
Staffs.,  and  afterwards  of  Shenton,  Leics.  B.  1618.  School, 
Market  Bosworth.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1639.  Of 
Finborough,  Suffolk.  Married  Elizalieth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Keightley,  of  Hertingfordbury,  Herts.,  Esq.  Died  s.p., 
Mar.  10,  1662-3,  aged  44.  Buried  at  Shenton.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
{Chesters  of  Chicheley,  573;  Nichols,  iv.  541.) 

WOLLASTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sx  John's, 
Oct.  3,  1674-  S.  of  Edward,  mercer,  of  Bishop's  Castle, 
Salop.  B.  there.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1674;  B.A. 
1678-9;  .M.A.  1682.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1680-1. 

WOOLASTON,  JOHN.  M.D.  1693  (Incorp.  from  Utrecht).  B. 
in  London.  Candidate  R.C.P.,  Dec.  22,  1696.  Licence 
(Faculty  Office),  Sept.  7,  1694,  to  marry  Mary  Rowe, 
spinster,  of  St  Helen's,  London.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.) 
1705;  of  St  Dunstan-in-the-East,  London,  M.D.;  died  at 
Lisbon.  {Munk,  i.  516;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WOLLASTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Mar.  16,  1715-6.  5th  s.  of  William  (1674),  gent.  B.  Dec.  21, 
1698,  in  London.  Matric.  1716;  LL.B.  1717  {Com.  Reg.). 
Died  Nov.  21,  1720.  Brotherof  Charlton  (1708),  etc.  (Burke, 
L.G.;  Nichols,  iv.  540.) 

WOLLESTON,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent, 
1577-8.  Of  Northamptonshire.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
July  17;  priest,  Sept.  29,  1586.  Perhaps  his  admon.  (Lincoln) 
1597;  of  Leake,  Lines.,  clerk. 

WOLLASTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1603.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Waltham  Abbey,  Essex.  B.  1587. 
Bred  to  the  law.  'Philazer'  for  Yorkshire.  Of  Abbot's 
Langley,  Herts.  Married  (i)  Philadelphia,  dau.  of  John 
Vincent;  (2)  Sabina,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Aldrych,  Knt., 
Apr. 23,  i6i8.  Died  at  Shenstone,  Staffs.,  Apr.  1674, aged  87. 
Buried  there.  Probably  half-brother  of  Henry  (1614),  father 
of  George  (1638).  {Chesters  of  Chicheley,  564;  Nichols,  iv. 

WOLLASTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1619.  One  of  these  names  matric.  (St  Edmund  HalJ, 
Oxford)  June  28,  1620;  'of  Salop,  pleb.;  aged  18.' 

WOLLASTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
June  19,  1674.  2nd  s.  of  William,  yeoman.  B.  Mar.  26, 
1659-60,  at  Coton,  Staffs.  Schools,  Lichfield  and  Shenstone. 
Matric.  1674;  Scholar;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681.  Assistant 
Master  at  Birmingham  School,  1682.  Took  priest's  orders. 
Inherited  the  estate  of  his  kinsman,  William  Wollaston,  of 
Shenton,  Leics.,  1688.  Married  Catherine,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Charlton,  citizen  and  draper,  of  London,  Nov.  26,  1689. 
Settled  in  Charterhouse  Square,  London,  devoting  himself 
to  literary  work.  Author,  Religion  of  Nature,  etc.  Died 
Oct.  20,  1724.  Buried  at  Gt  Finborough.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Father  of  Charlton  (1708),  Francis  (1712),  John  (1715-6) 
and  William  (1710).  {D.N.B.;  Burke,  L.G.;  Chesters  of 
Chicheley,  565.) 

WOLLASTON,  WILLIAM.  .Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Apr.  25,  1710.  2nd  s.  of  William  (above),  gent.  B.  .Apr.  26, 
1693,  in  London.  Migrated  to  King's.  Matric.  1710;  B..\. 
1713-4.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Dec.  7,  1709.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1715.  M.P.  for  Ipswich,  1733-41.  Of  Finborough, 
Suffolk.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Francis  Fauquier, 
Apr.  6,  1728.  Died  in  St  James'  Square,  June  20,  i757- 
Buried  at  Gt  Finborough.  Brother  of  Charlton  (1708),  eftc. 
and  father  of  the  next.  (G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WOLLASTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clarf.  June  30, 
1747.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William  (al)ove),  of  Finliorough, 
Suffolk.  B.  Feb.  1730-1.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1747- 
Succeeded  his  father  at  Finborough.  M.P.  for  Ipswich.  1768, 
1774  and  1780.  Married  Blanche,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Hyde  Page.  Died  s.p.,  Nov.  9,  1797,  Tged  66.  M.I.  at  Fin- 
borough. {Bury  Scliool;  S.H.A.H.;  Burke,  L.G.;  Nichols,  iv. 

WOLLEY,  BOMAN  (?).  Resident  student  at  Jesus,  1538-9- 

WOLLEY,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Qieens'.  Michs.  1639. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Cumlwrworth 
(by  his  4th  wife,  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Kirkman).  Bapt. 
May  8,  1619,  at  Cumbcnvorth.  Buried  at  Nottleham,  1690. 
Will  dated.  Julv  19.  1690;  proved,  July  31,  1690.  Probably 
half-brotherof  William  (1627).   {Lines.  PeJigrets,  1104.) 

WOLLEY,  CHARLES.  .Adm.  sizar  at  Emmani'el,  June  13,  1670. 
Of  Lincdinshiro.  Doubtless  2iul  s.  of  John  (and  Justina, 
dau.  of  Martin  Browne,  of  Saltflcetby).  Matric.  1670;  B.A. 
1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  11,  X676-7; 
priest,  May  13,  1678.  R.  of  Nurth  Somcrcotes,  Lines.  Non- 
juror. Provd  his  mother's  will,  1695.  {Lines.  Pedigrees, 
1 104;  J.  H.  Overton,  Non-jurors.) 


WoLLEY,  Edward 

WOLLEY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1622.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Shrewsbury,  Salop,  vintner. 
B.  there.  Bapt.  at  St  Julian's,  Jan.  31,  1603-4.  School, 
Shrewsbury.  Migrated  to  St  Catharine's.  Probably  matric. 
(again)  Easter,  1623;  B.A.  from  St  Cathari:ie's,  1625;  M.A. 
from  St  John's,  1629.  Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  1642.  Incorp. 
D.D.  at  Cambridge,  1664.  R.  of  Adderley,  Salop.  Received 
a  patent  from  Charles  I  for  the  wardenship  of  Manchester 
Collegiate  Church,  but  not  instituted.  R.  of  Croxton, 
Norfolk.  Chaplain-in-ordinary  to  Charles  I.  V.  of  Llandrillo, 
Denbigh,  1660.  A  devoted  Royalist.  Lost  his  preferments 
during  the  Rebellion.  Chaplain  to  Charles  II.  R.  of  Toppes- 
field,  Essex,  1662-4.  Bishop  of  Clonfert  and  Kilmacogh, 
Ireland,  1665-84.  Author,  religious.  Died  1684.  Will, 
Dublin.   {D.N.B.;  Victoria  Hist.  Lanes.,  iv.  196.) 

WOLLEY,  JEROME.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1628. 
Of  Essex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard  (1578),  R.  of  Widdington, 
Essex.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 

WOLLEY,  JOHN.  B.A.  1526-7. 

WOLLEY  or  WOOLLEY,  JOHN.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  Matric.  (Oxford)  June  3,  1614;  Scholar  of  Wadham, 
1613-20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1616-7;  M.A.  (St  Alban  HaU, 
Oxford)  1619.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  23;  priest,  Dec.  24, 
1620.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WOOLLEY,  JOSEPH.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  20,  1669. 

WOLLEY,  LIONEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  20, 
1738.   Of  Sprotbrough,  Yorks.  Matric.  1738. 

WOLLY  or  WOLLEY,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1601.  Of  Nottinghamshire. 

WOLLEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1578. 
B.  at  St  Albans,  Herts.  Bapt.  Jan.  13,  1561-2,  at  the  Abbey. 
B.A.  1581-2;  M.A.  1585.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1585; '  WoUand.' 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  13,  1587-8,  age  25.  R.  of  Wid- 
dington, Essex,  1588-1637.  Died  1637.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Jan.  17,  1637-8.   Perhaps  father  of  Jerome  (1628). 

WOLLEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1589;  B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596.  Perhaps  R.  of  Hindlip, 
Worcs.,  1620. 

WOOLLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1609.  Of 

WOLLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Dec.  6,  1663. 
Of  Essex.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  A  curate 
in  London.  Employed  as  a  hack-writer  by  the  well-known 
bookseller,  John  Dunton.  Edited  the  monthly  Compleat 
Library,  c.  1692-4.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1694-6. 

WOOLLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  11,  1739.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Derbyshire. 
B.  at  Marston  Montgomery.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1741; 
B.A.  1742-3.  Probably  V.  of  Wingrave,  Bucks.,  1753-92. 
Died  May  3,  1792.   (Scott- Mayor,  in.  501;  G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.) 

WOLLAYE,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1575, 

WOLLEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1590. 

WOOLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  7, 
1637.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.  (?  of  St  Albans,  and  of  Harpsfield 
Hall,  Herts.).  B.  at  Maddingley  (sic),  Essex.  School,  New- 
port (Mr  Lea).  Scholar,  1638-9.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  Feb.  5,  1634-5.  If  so,  married  Anne  Pettie,  1639.  Of 
Harpsfield  HaU.  {Venn,  1.  325;  CMterbuck,  i.  iii;  Victoria 
Hist.  Herts.,  11.  416.) 

WOOLLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  3, 
1676.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Robert,  of  WeU, 
Lincoln,  and  merchant  of  London  (by  his  2nd  wife  Anne, 
dau.  of  John  King,  M.D.,  of  St  Albans,  Herts.).  Matric.  1677. 
(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1103.) 

WOOLLEY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  13,  1694. 
Of  Derbyshire.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1697.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for 
a  contemporary  namesake. 

WOLLEY,   THOMAS.    Adm.  at   Peterhouse,  June   7,   1612; 

Scholar,  1612-20;  Matric.  1613;  B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1620.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  11; 

priest,  June  12,  1620.   R.  of  Asterby,  Lines.,  1621. 
WOLEY,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1627.    Probably  s.  of  William,  of  Cumberworth,  Lines,  (by 

his  2nd  wife  Anne  (?  Agnes),  dau.  of  Roger  Lemyng,  of 

Bametby).    M.P.  for  Lincoln  (sic),  1656.    Buried  at  WeU. 

WiU  dated  Feb.  15,  1676-7;  proved,  Aug.  18, 1677.  Probably 

half-brother  of  Charles  (1639)  and  father  of  the  next.  (Lines. 

Pedigrees,  1103.) 
WOOLLEY,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,   (age  18)  at  St  John's, 

May  4,  1654.  S.  of  WiUiam  (?  above),  gent.,  of  Claxby,  Lines. 

B.  there.  School,  WeU  with  Claxby,  near  Alford  (Mr  Alford). 

Matric.  1654.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1102.) 

WoLRicH,  Hugh 

WOLLEY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  20,  1688. 
Of  Middlesex.  Possibly  s.  of  Wilham,  of  London;  Lessor  of 
the  Opera  House  in  the  Haymarket.  Matric.  1688.  Possibly 
identical  with  the  antiquary  and  author  of  a  Ms.  History  of 
Derbs.,  c.  1716.  If  so,  of  Derby,  Esq.  A  Spanish  merchant; 
took  part  in  the  war  with  Spain.  Afterwards  retired  to 
Derby.  Married  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Robert  Westbrook,  of 
Notts.  Buried May4, 1718, atStAlkmund's, Derbs.  (F.M.G., 
1242;  Nichols,  III.  907.) 

WOLMAN,  JOHN.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1497.  Monk  from 
St  Albans. 

WOLMAN,  RICHARD.  Of  Corpus  Christi.  B.Civ.L.  1502-3. 
B.  at  Clavering,  Essex.  D.Can.L.  1511-2.  Principal  of  St 
Paul's  Hostel,  1510.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1531.  Adm.  ad- 
vocate, Oct.  31,  1514.  V.  of  Brompton  Regis,  Somerset, 
1519-20;  of  WeUs  St  Cuthbert,  1519-30.  R.  of  Winford, 
1522-4.  Archdeacon  of  Sudbury,  1522-37.  V.  of  Saffron 
Walden,  Essex,  1524-37.  Chaplain  to  the  King.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1527-37.  Vicar-General  of  Bath  and  WeUs. 
Dean  of  WeUs,  1529.  Preb.  of  Lincohi,  i530-7.  R-  ot  High 
Ongar,  Essex,  1532.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1533.  Of  the  Privy 
Council,  and  Master  of  Requests.  Died  1537.  Buried  in  the 
cloister  of  St  Stephen,  Westminster.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Sept.  26,  1537.  (Cooper,  i.  63;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

WOLMAN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  Michs.  1559. 
R.  of  ErisweU,  Suffolk,  1565-6.  Died  1566. 

WOLMAN, .  D.D.  1493-4.  One  Dr  Walman,  capeUanus  of 

the  University,  1547.   (Cole,  5883,  75-) 


WOLNALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  19, 
1663.  Of  MattishaU,  Norfolk.  S.  of  James,  gent.,  of  Whis- 
sousett.  Schools,  GressenhaU  (private),  TittleshaU  (Mr 
MarshaU)  and  Seaming  (Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1663;  Scholar, 
1663-70;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  19,  1669;  'C.  of  St  Helens,  Norwich';  priest,  June  14, 
1674.  V.  of  Heacham,  1674-81.  (Venn,  i.  419.) 


WOLRICH,  see  also  WORLICH. 

WOLRICH  or  WORLECHE,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Tesus,  Easter,  1565.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas  [Wolrich],  of 
Alconbury,  Hunts.  Probably  brother  of  the  next,  and  of 
Christopher  (1565)  and  Francis  (1558).   (Due.  Leod.,  208.) 

WORLEDGE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1558.  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Alconbury,  Hunts.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Arthur  (above),  etc. 

WOORLEIGE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus, 
Michs.  1565.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  [Wolrich],  cf 
Alconbury,  Hunts.  Married  Lady  Stafford,  widow  of  Sir 
Humphrey  Stafiord,  Knt.  (Due.  Leod.,  208.) 

WOLRICH,  COLLINS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Jan.  22,  1685-6.  S.  of  Collins,  chemist,  of  Salop.  B.  at 
Shrewsbury.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds  (Mr  Wolrice). 

WORLEDGE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1558. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas  [Wolrich],  of  Alconbury, 
Hunts.,  Esq.  If  so,  married  Love,  dau.  of  Robert  Higham, 
of  Cowling,  Kent,  1572.  Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (c.  1591) 
and  brother  of  Arthur  (1565),  etc. 

WOLRYCHE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  July  6, 
1646.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Dudmaston,  Salop,  Bart. 
B.  c.  1627.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1646.  Barrister, 
1653.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  July  4,  1668.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Walter  Wrottesley,  Bart.  Died  s.p.m., 
June  12,  1688.  Buried  at  Quatt.  M.I.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
Brotherof  George  (1655),  John  (1653),  Roger  (1646),  Thomas 
(1646-7)  and  WiUiam  (1646-7).   (G.E.C.,  11.  124.) 

WOLRYCHE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1616.  S.  of  Francis,  of  Dudmaston,  Salop.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  Apr.  1616.  Officer  in  King's  army  in  the  CivU 
War.  (Peile,  i.  309.) 

WOLRYCH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May, 
1655.  7th  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Dudmaston,  Salop,  Bart. 
B.  there.  School,  Stone  (Mr  Chaloner).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
June  9,  1657.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  Francis  (1646),  etc. 
(Peile,  I.  566.) 

WOLRICH  or  WORLICH,  HATTON.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity 
Hall,  June  9,  1666.  Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir 
Tobias  (1624),  Knt.,  of  Cowling,  Kent  (and  Jane,  dau.  of 
Sir  Robert  Hatton,  Knt.).  B.  1647.  Matric.  1667;  B.A. 
1668-9.  Married  Penelope  Dale,  widow,  1686.  Died  1708. 
(Due.  Leod.,  208.) 
WORLICHE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1591. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Francis  (1558),  of  Alconbury,  Hunts.  Scholar, 
1593.    Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (c.  1591).    (Due.  Leod., 


WOLRIGE,  HUGH.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1646-7. 


WoLRicH,  John 

WOLDRIDGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Perhaps  V.  of  Gamlingay, 
Cambs.,  1629-43;  Worlich. 

WOLLRIDGE  or  WOOLRITCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a 
scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  31,  1614.  Of  Dinmore,  Hereford. 
S.  of  Sir  John.  Matric.  1614;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 
Fellow,  1617-26.  Died  of  consumption.  Buried  at  Babraham, 
Cambs.,  May  9,  1626.  (Harwood,  216.) 

WOLRYCH,  JOHN.  .\dm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  19, 
1653.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.,  of  Dudmaston,  near  Bridg- 
north, Salop.  B.  there.  School,  Stone  (Mr  Chaloner).  Matric. 
1653;  B.A.  1656-7.  D.C.L.  (Oxford)  1670.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Dec.  6,  1655.  Barrister,  i66r.  M.P.  for  Wenlock, 
1679  and  i68i.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  Matthew 
Griffith,  B.D.  Died  before  June  12,  1688.  Buried  at  Quatt. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  1690.  Brother  of  George  (1655),  etc., 
father  of  the  next  and  of  Thomas  (1687-8).  (Peile,  i.  554; 
Al.  Oxon.  (where  he  is  wrongly  styled  Bart.);  Dwc.Leorf.,  207.) 

WOLRYCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  2, 
1687-8.  S.  of  John  (above).  B.  at  Dudmaston,  Salop. 
Matric.  1688;  Scholar,  1689.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
May  13,  1687.  Died  in  College.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  Dec.  19,  1689.  M.I.  Brotherof  Thomas  (1687-8). 
(Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  200;  Peile,  11.  107.) 

WOLRIGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Nov.  12, 
1728.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1680-1),  of  Marazion,  Cornwall,  clerk. 
Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1732-3;  M..\.  1736.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Dec.  24,  1732;  priest  (Exeter)  Dec.  25,  1733.  V.  of  Broad- 
hempston,  Devon,  in  1736.  V.  of  Maker,  Cornwall,  1736- 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Rutherford.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1776.  (T.  C. 
Dale;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WOOLRICH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  6, 
1632.  Of  Staffordshire.  Matric.  1632. 

WOOLRICH  or  WOLRIDGE.  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Pem- 
broke, Nov.  20,  1683.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
Apr.  12,  1679,  age  17;  's.  of  John,  of  Cuby,  Coniw.'    (Al. 


WOLRYCHE,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  6,  1646. 
Of  Salop.  S.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.,  of  Dudmaston.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1646.  Brother  of  Francis  (1646),  etc. 

WORLICHE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  c. 
1591.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Francis  (1558),  of  Alconbury, 
Himts.  (and  Love,  dau.  of  Robert  Higham,  of  Cowling,  Kent, 
Esq.).  If  so,  married  Frances,  dau.  of  William  Wickham, 
Bishop  of  Winchester.  Doubtless  father  of  Tobias  (1624). 
{Due.  Leod.,  208.) 

WOLRYCHE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1614;  Walrich.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Dudmaston,  Salop. 
B.  1598,  at  Worfield.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  11, 
1615.  Succeeded  his  father  in  1614.  M.P.  for  Wenlock, 
1621-2,  1624-5  and  1625.  Colonel  in  the  Royal  Army  during 
the  Civil  Wars.  Knighted,  July  22,  1641.  Created  Bart., 
Aug.  4,  1641.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Thomas  Otley,  of 
Pitchford,  Salop.  Died  July  4,  1668.  Buried  at  St  Chad's, 
Shrewsbury.  Brother  of  George  (1616),  father  of  Francis 
(1646),  George  (1655),  John  (1653),  Roger  (1646),  Thomas 
(1646-7)  and  WiUiam  (1646-7).   (G.E.C.,  11.  124.) 

WOLRYCH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  13, 
1646-7.  4th  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.  B.  at  Dudmaston, 
Salop.  School,  Shrewsbury  (Mr  Chaloner).  B.A.  1650-1; 
M.A.  1654.   Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  6,  1648.   Died  before 

1688.  Brotherof  Francis  (1646),  etc.  (Peile,  i.  $12.) 
WOOLRICH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 

May  7,  1660.  S.  of  Richard,  of  London  (and  Dorothy 
Cressett).  School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner).  Matric.  1660; 
B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1664. 
V.  of  Seasalter,  Kent,  1670-99.  Died  1699.  (Hasted,  in.  552; 
Al.  Carthus.) 
WOLRICH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1677.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry,  of  Barnby  Hall,  near  Cawthorne, 
Yorks.  B.A.  1677-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  22,  1678; 
priest,  Feb.  1680-1.  Perhaps  V.  of  Brotherton,  Yorks. 
Married  EUen,  dau.  of  John  Richardson,  of  Halifax.   Died 

1689.  (Due.  Leod.,  208.) 
WOLRIDGE,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at   Pembroke, 

Jan.  18,  1680-1.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Creed,  Cornwall,  gent. 
Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5;  M.A.  1722.  Ord.  deacon  (Exeter) 
May  30,  i686;  priest.  Mar.  8,  1690.  R.  of  Rame,  Cornwall. 
V.  of  Mevagissey,  1722.  Probably  his  will  (Exeter)  1737; 
of  Rame,  clerk.  Probably  father  of  John  (1728).  (T.C.Dale; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WOLRYCH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  2, 
1687-8.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1653).  B.  at  Dudmaston,  Salop. 
Bapt.  Apr.  14,  1672,  at  Quatt.  Matric.  1688.  Adm.  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  May  13,  1687.  Succeeded  his  uncle  Sir 
Francis  (1646)  as  3rd  Bart.,  June  12,  1688.  Married  Eliza- 

V.A.C.  IV.  449 


beth,  dau.  of  George  Weld,  of  WiUcy,  Salop.  Died  May  3, 
1701,  aged  29.  Buried  at  Quatt.  Brother  of  John  (1687-8). 
(Peile,  II.  107;  G.E.C.,  11.  124.) 

WOOLRIDGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
May  19,  1702.  S.  of  John,  of  Creed,  Cornwall.  School, 
Plymouth  (Mr  Bedford).  Matric.  1702;  Scholar,  1704;  B.A. 
1705-6;  M.A.  1712. 

WOLRICH  or  WORLICH,  TOBIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's, 
Easter,  1624;  '  Wooldridge.'  Of  Buckinghamshire.  Doubt- 
less s.  and  h.  of  Thoraiis  (c.  1591),  of  Cowling,  Kent,  Esq. 
B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1631;  LL.D.  1639. 
Fellow  of  Trinity  Hall,  1633-40.  Adm.  advocate,  Feb.  6, 
1646-7.  Knighted,  May  12,  1661;  Woolrich.  Master  in 
Chancery.  Of  Bishopsboume  and  of  Cowling,  Kent.  Married 
Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Hatton,  of  Hatton  House,  Holbom, 
London,  Knt.,  and  of  Bishopsboume,  Kent.  Died  1664. 
Father  of  Hatton  (1666).  (Due.  Leod.,  208.) 

WOLRYCH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  13,  1646-7.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Tliomas,  Knt.  and  Bart.  B.  at 
Dudmaston,  Salop.  School,  Shrewsbury  (Mr  Chaloner). 
B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Fellow,  1653-60.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  6,  1648.  R.  of  Quatt,  Salop;  resigned,  1672.  Will 
dated,  Apr.  19,  1673;  proved,  June  4,  1675.  Brother  of 
Francis  (1646),  etc.   (Peile,  i.  512;  Due.  Leod.,  209.) 

WOLSLEY,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1533-4.  Probably  R.  of  Ecton, 
Northants.,  1535-57;  V.  of  Wellingborough,  1546-52.  Will 
dated,  Sept.  4,  1557;  proved  (."^rchd.  Northants.)  Nov.  4, 
1557.  (Bridges,  n.  144,  151.) 

WOULSEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1577;  B..-V.  1580-1. 

WOOLSEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  9, 
1618.  Of  North  Repps,  Norfolk.  S.  of  John,  husbandman. 
School,  .\ylsham  (Mr  Knowles).  Matric.  1618;  'Wallsey'; 
Scholar,  1619-25;  B.A.  1621-2;  M..\.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1624.  R.  of  Panxworth,  Norfolk, 
1628;  of  Hassingham,  1630,  and  of  Wolterton,  1638.  Father 
of  the  next.   (Venn,  1.  239.) 

WOLSEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Sept.  16, 
1651.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  clerk,  of  Wolterton,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Hassingham,  Norfolk.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Lovering). 
Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659;  B.D.  1666;  D.D. 
1675.  Fellow,  1658.  Probably  R.  of  Beechamwell  St  John, 
Norfolk,  1660.  R.  of  Swineshead,  Hunts.,  1672-1707.  R.  of 
Thomhaugh,  Northants.,  1672-1707.  Archdeacon  of  North- 
ampton, 1680-1707.  Buried  at  Thomhaugh,  Dec.  2,  1707. 
(Seott- Mayor;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  143;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WOLSON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1622.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629. 
Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1638-41.  Ord.  deacon  (Pelerb.) 
Sept.  23;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1627.  V.  of  Over,  Cambs.,  1664-83. 
Buried  there  Oct.  i,  1684.   (J.  Crosby.) 

WOLSTANTON,  WILLIAM.  FeUow  of  Pembroke,  e.  1380. 

WOLSTENHOLME,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Feb. 
26,1614-5.  S.of  John,  of  London,  Esq.  Matric.  1615.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  i,  1616.  Died  in  the  wars  of  the  PiUatinate. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1626;  to  be  buried  at  .All  Hallows,  Barking, 
London.  Brother  of  John  (1612-3).   (Hunter,  11.  214.) 

WOLSTENHOLME,  HENRY.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
June  15,  1639.  Of  Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  John  (next). 
Bapt.  May  22,  1623,  at  St  Olave's,  Hart  Street,  London. 
Matric.  1639.  Died  unmarried;  slain  at  the  battle  of  Morston 
Moor,  July  z,  1644.   (Ddham,  11.  362.) 

WOLSTENHOLME,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Feb. 
26,  1612-3.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  Knt.,  of  London, 
and  of  NosteU  Priory,  Yorks.  Matric.  1613.  .Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  13,  1611.  A  partner  with  his  father  in  farming 
the  Customs.  M.P.  for  West  Looe,  1625  and  1626;  for 
Newport,  1628;  for  Queenborough,  1640.  Knighted,  May  8, 
1633(1;./).).  Of  NosteU,  Yorks.  Heavily  fined  and  his  estates 
sequestered  in  1643.  Restored  to  office,  1660,  and  made 
Collector  of  the  Port  of  London.  Created  Bart.,  Jan.  10. 
1664-5.  Married  .Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Roger  Dallison.  Buried 
July  15,  1670,  at  Stanmore,  Middlesex.  Brother  of  Henry 
(1614-5)  and  doubtless  father  of  Henry  (above)  and  of 
Thomas  (1641-2). 

WOLSTENHOLME,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Trinity,  Mar. 
29,  1665.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thom.is  (1641-2), 
2nd  Bart,  and  grandson  of  John  (above).  B.  e.  1650.  Matric. 
1666-7.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  8,  166;.  Succeeded 
as  3rd  Bart.,  Nov.  1691.  M.P.  for  Middlesex,  i(x)5-i70o  and 
1705-9.  Married  (1)  Mary,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Ra\Titon,  of 
Forty  Hall,  Enfield;  (2)  Temperance,  widow  of  Sir  Rowland 
Alston,  Bart.,  and  dau.  of  Thomas,  Baron  Crewe  of  Stone. 
Buried  Feb.  12,  1708-9,  at  Enfield.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1673).   (G.E.i:.,  IV.  i.) 


WOLSTENHOLME,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel, 
c.  1591.  B.  at  Wolstenholme,  Rastall  (?  Rochdale),  Lanes., 
c.  1572.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1593-4;  M.A.  1597.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Nov.  2,  1600.  V.  of  Roxton, 
Beds.,  1603  (presented  by  Trinity  College).  Buried  there 
Nov.  17,  1641. 

WOLSTENHOLME,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Mar. 
1641-2.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  John  (1612-3)  [styled  2nd  s.  in 
G.E.C.,  but  this  is  apparently  an  error].  Succeeded  his 
father  as  2nd  Bart.,  July  4,  1670.  Married  Ehzabeth,  dau. 
of  Phineas  Andrews,  of  Denton  Court,  Kent,  Jan.  31,  1645-6. 
Buried  in  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  Nov.  16,  1691. 
Doubtless  brother  of  Henry  (1639)  and  father  of  John  (1665). 
(Betham,  11.  362;  G.E.C.,  iv.  2.) 

WOLSTENHOLME,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity, 
May  16,  1673.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  2nd  Bart.,  and  grandson 
of  John  (1612-3).  Matric.  1673;  M.A.  1675  (LU.  Reg.). 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  12,  1674-5.  Succeeded  as 
6th  Bart.,  Jan.  31,  1723-4.  Of  Hurley,  Berkshire.  Married 
Mary  Hutton.  Died  Sept.  1738.  Buried  at  Hurley.  Brother 
of  John  (1665).   [G.E.C,  iv.  2.) 

WOLSTER,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 


WOLTERTON,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  7, 
1602.  S.  of  Nicholas,  of  Norfolk.  School,  MattishaU  Burgh 
(Mr  Baldwin).  Matric.  1603;  B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  1609.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  June  13,  1605;  priest,  Jan.  25,  1605-6. 
V.  of  Sherborne,  Norfolk,  161&-26.   {Venn,  i.  179.) 


WOLWARD,  JOHN.  Servus  of  Dr  Fox,  Provost  of  King's, 

WOLWARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1556.  B.  at  Sawston,  Cambs.,  c.  1539.  Matric.  1556;  Scholar, 
1556;  B.A.  1560-1;  M.A.  1564.  Fellow,  1559-64.  Conduct- 
Fellow  of  Eton,  1565.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (London) 
Oct.  18,  1560.  R.  of  Puttenham,  Surrey,  1567-98.  Canon 
of  Windsor,  1574-98.  Preb.  of  Rochester,  1575-85-  R-  of 
Windlesham,  Surrey,  1588.  Died  at  Windsor,  1598.  {Cooper, 
II.  270;  Harwood,  60.) 

WULWARD  or  WOOLWARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's, 
Lent,  1591-2;  B.A.  from  Queens',  1593-4;  M.A.  1597-  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (St  David's)  Apr.  17, 1597-  R-  of  Thorpe- 
Abbots,  Norfolk,  1607-42. 

WOOLWARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 


WOMANSWOULDE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 
Michs.  1559. 

WOMBWELL,  FOLJAMBE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  16,  1637.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Wombwell,  Yorks. 
B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1637.  Of  Hemingfleld. 
Buried  Feb.  13,  1654,  at  Darfield.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1626) 
and  William  (1626).  (Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  124;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665.) 

WOMBWELL,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  26,  1721.  2nd  s.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Wombwell, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  Bapt.  Feb.  10,  1701-2,  at  Darfield.  School, 
York  (Mr  Herbert).  LL.B.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  24,  1727;  priest  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18,  1727-8.  V.  of  Bay- 
ford,  Herts.,  1728.  V.  of  Norton,  Derbs.,  1750-6.  Buried 
Apr.  26,  1756,  at  Darfield.  {Scott-Mayor,  in.  342;  J.  Ch. 

WOMWELL  or  WOMBOYLE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Queens',  Michs.  1589.  Of  Yorkshire.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of 
Thomas,  of  Wombwell.   {Hunter,  11.  124.) 

WOMBWELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1626.  Of  Yorkshire.  2nd  s.  of  William,  of  Wombwell.  B.A. 
1630-1;  M.A.  1634;  B.D.  1641.  Fellow,  1634-50,  ejected. 
V.  of  Wath-upon-Deame,  Yorks.,  1652-6.  Buried  Oct.  28, 
1661,  at  Darfield.  Brother  of  Foljambe  (1637)  and  William 
(1626).   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WOMBWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1629.  Of 
Kent.   {Ma'-ters.) 

WOMBWELL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  June  27,  1648.  S.  of  Wilham  (next),  Esq.,  of  Womb- 
well, near  Bamsley,  Yorks.  B.  May  18,  1632,  there.  Matric. 
1648.  Of  Wombwell,  Esq.  J. P.  Married  Martha,  dau.  of 
Sir  Thomas  Wentworth,  of  Elmsall,  Yorks.,  June  26,  1655. 
Died  Aug.  7,  1663.  Buried  at  Darfield.  M.L  Will,  York. 
(Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  u,  125;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  J.  Ch. 

WOMBWELL,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1626.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Wombwell,  Yorks., 
Esq.  Of  Wombwell,  Esq.  Married  Margaret,  dau,  of  Michael 

Wood,  Anthony 

Wentworth,  of  Woolley,  Yorks.,  Feb.  11,  1628.  Buried 
Feb.  4,  1662,  at  Darfield.  WiU,  York.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1626)  and  Foljambe  (1637),  father  of  Thomas  (above). 
(Hunter,  S.  Yorks.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WOMER,  JOHN.   B.A.  1483-4. 

WOMOCKE,  ARTHUR.  Previously  at  Clare  three  years. 
Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Caius,  July  8,  1571.  S.  of  William, 
of  East  Dereham,  Norfolk.  School,  East  Dereham.  Scholar, 
in  1572;  B..\.  1572-3;  M.A.  1576.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
July  27,  1578.  R.  of  I.opham,  Norfolk,  1578-1607.  Buried 
there  June  18,  1607.  {Venn  says  died  s.p.,  but  this  is  ap- 
parently wrong.)  Father  of  Laurence  (c.  1593).  {Venn,  i.  67; 
Blomefield,  1.  236;  in.  654.) 

WOMOCK,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1622.  Doubtless  s.  of  Laurence  (c.  1593).  B.A.  1625- 
6;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  23,  1627;  priest, 
Sept.  20,  1628.  R.  of  Fersfield,  Norfolk,  1642-85.  R.  of 
Quidenham,  1668-85.  Died  1685.  Brother  of  Laurence 
(1629).   {Blomefield,  i.  101.) 

WOMACK,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Dec.  27, 
1720.  S.  of  Laurence  (1686),  R.  of  Buxton,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Reddington).  Matric.  1721; 
Scholar,  172 1-5;  B.A.  1724-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June 
13.  1731;  priest,  June  17,  1733.  R.  of  Poringland  and  Hilling- 
ton,  Norfolk,  1736-8.  Died  Aug.  9,  1738.  Buried  at  Poring- 
land. Brother-in-law  of  Francis  Blomefield.  {Venn,  11.  15; 
Blomefield,  vi.  441.) 

WOMOCKE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Sept.  11, 
1582.  S.  of  Hugh.  B.  at  Dereham,  Norfolk.  Schools,  Dere- 
ham and  MattishaU.  Matric.  1582;  B.A.  1586-7;  M.A.  1600. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  5,  1589.  R.  of  Fersfield,  Norfolk, 
1595-1609.  V.  of  Gt  EUingham,  1601-28.  R.  of  Attleborough 
(3rd  part),  1613-28.  Died  1628.  Will  dated  Mar.  20.  1627-8; 
proved  (Norwich)  Nov.  19,  1628.  (Venn,  i.  115;  Blomefield, 
I.  525-) 

WOMOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1 710.  Of  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1711;  B.A.  1713-4-  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1715; 
priest,  1718.  R.  of  Manby,  Lines.,  1720.  Schoolmaster  at 

WOMOCKE,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
c.  1593.  Doubtless  s.  of  Arthur  (1571)-  B.A.  1597-8;  M.A. 
1601;  B.D.  1609.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  29,  1600; 
priest,  Jan.  1,  i6oo-i.  C.  of  Lopham,  Norfolk;  R.,  1607.  R. 
of  Fersfield,  1609-42.  Will  dated  May  23,  1652;  proved 
(P.C.C.)  Apr.  26,  1656;  of  North  Lopham,  clerk.  {Blomefield, 
I.  101,  says  he  died  1642,  but  the  will  (unless  that  of  another 
man)  contradicts  this.) 

WOMOCK,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1629.  S.  of  Laurence  (above),  and  grandson  of  Arthur 
(1571).  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636;  D.D.  1661  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1663.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  21, 
1634;  priest,  July  24,  1662.  Preb.  of  Hereford,  1660-73; 
of  Ely,  1660.  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk,  1660-83.  R.  of  Hor- 
ringer,  Suffolk,  1662.  R.  of  Icklingham  St  James,  1663. 
R.  of  Boxford,  1663-83.  Bishop  of  St  David's,  1683-5. 
Author,  theological.  Died  at  Westminster,  London,  Mar.  12, 
1685-6,  aged  73.  Buried  at  St  Margaret's.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Arthur  (1622).  (Blomefield,  111.  654;  Al.  Oxon.; 
Masters;  D.N.B.) 

WOMOCK,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  16, 
1686.  Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1692.  V.  of  Buxton,  Norfolk, 
1692.  R.  of  Oxnead,  till  1709.  R.  of  Caistor-by- Yarmouth, 
1709-24.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Yarmouth.  Died  Dec.  30, 
1724,  aged  57.  Buried  at  Caistor.  Father  of  Arthur  (1720). 
(Davy;  Blomefield,  xi.  214.) 

WOMACKE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Lent,  1615-6;  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1632.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Dec.  19,  1619;  priest  (Peterb.)  June  11,  1620. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Buxton,  Norfolk,  and  R.  of  Caistor  (according 
to  Masters). 

WONECCER,  PAUL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Nov.  29,  1621; 
from  the  Palatinate.  Migrated  to  Oxford;  Wonaker.  B.A. 
(Jesus  College,  Oxford)  1623-4;  M.A.  1629.  (Wood,  Fasti; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WOOD,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1587- 
Matric.  1587.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1592.  Of  Groby, 

WOODS,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1602. 
Of  Salop.  B.A.  160S-6;  M.A.  1609;  B.D.  1616;  D.D.  1639. 
Fellow,  1610.  Probably  R.  of  Warmingham,  Cheshire,  1623- 
45.   Buried  there  Dec.  19,  1645.   (E.  Axon.) 

WOOD,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1642. 

WOOD,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1568. 
Perhaps  of  Copmanthorpe,  Yorks.,  in  1597.  Died  June  1626. 
Perhaps  father  of  Robert  (1614), 


Wood,  Anthony 

WOOD,  ANTHONY.   Matric.  pons,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606. 

WOODS  or  WOOD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St 
John's,  Oct.  7,  1631.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Copmanthorpe, 
Yorks.  B.  at  Bolton  (?  Bolton  Percy),  Yorks.  School, 
Hemsworth  (Mr  Battison).  Matric.  1632;  Woods;  B.A. 
1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Fellow,  1638-40.  Buried  at  All  Saints', 
Cambridge,  Sept.  21,  1640. 

WOODS,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  4,  1635. 
Of  Derbyshire. 

WOOD,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  26,  1673.  Of 
Gt  Cropwell,  Notts.   Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7. 

WOOD,  AUGUSTINE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent, 
1584-5.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  3,  1587;  of  the 
city  of  Norwich. 

WOOD,  BARNEYE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas.  One  of  these  names  (s.  of  Thomas), 
adm.  1564,  to  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  together  with  his 
brother  William.   Probably  brother  of  William  (1570). 

WOOD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  5, 
1661.  S.  of  William,  farmer.  B.  at  Saddington,  Leics. 
School,  Saddington  (Mr  Black).  Signed  for  deacon's  orders 
(London)  Sept.  18;  'B.A.';  for  priest's,  Dec.  18,  1663.  V.  of 
Roydon,  Essex,  1668-82.  V.  of  Stanstead-Abbots,  Herts., 
1675-82.  Died  before  Mar.  I,  1682-3.  Will  (Cons.  C.  London) 
1682-3;  property  at  Saddington.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1645). 
{Clutterbuck,  in.  247.) 

WOOD,  CALEB.  B.A.  1623  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Devon, 
pleb.  Matric.  (Balliol  College,  Oxford)  Oct.  15,  1619,  age  17; 
B.-'V.  (Oxford)  1622-3.  R-  of  Stanford-le-Hope,  Essex,  1629- 
60.  Died  1660.  Admon.  (Comm.  London)  Apr.  6,  1660 
(?  1667). 

WOOD,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  15,  1669.  B.  at  Newton,  Yorks.  Perhaps  s.  of  Reynold, 
of  Newton,  Wakefield,  Yorks.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric. 
1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  1673;  priest  (York)  Feb.  1675-6.  C.  of  Crostwick, 
Norwich,  1673.  Perhaps  brother  of  Jeremiah  (1670). 
{Peile,  II.  23.) 

WOOD,  'CURTOPUS'  (COURTHOPE).  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
Mar.  25,  1645.  Of  Kent.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  29,  1646; 
'of  Harbledown,  gent.' 

WOODS,  DANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1627. 

WOOD,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  June  2, 
1635.  S.  of  Geoffrey  (1600),  clerk.  B.  at  Anwick,  Lines. 
Matric.  1635. 

WOOD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  4,  161 6.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Dec.  17,  1620. 

WOOD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1570;  B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  July  9,  1582. 

WOOD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1581-2 ; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1582-3.    Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1584. 

WOOD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1587. 
S.  of  John,  of  Sussex  (and  Pamell  Philipott).  B.A.  1590-1; 
M.A.  1594;  B.D.  1602.  Fellow  (sic).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1602. 
Ord.  deacon  (Colchester,  for  London)  Sept.  13;  priest, 
Sept.  14,  1597.  R.  of  Ringmer,  Sussex,  1604.  R.  of  Hamsey, 
1605-41.  Buried  there  Dec.  8,  1641.  Will,  P.C.C.  Father 
of  Edward  (1626).  (W.  C.  Renshaw;  Vis.  of  Sussex,  1633-4; 

WOOD,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1602; 
Scholar,  1605;  B.A.  1606-7. 

WOOD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  13, 
1626.  S.  of  Edward  (1587),  B.D.  School,  Lewes.  Matric. 
1626;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Chaplain  to  the  Lord- 
Deputy  of  Ireland.  Preb.  of  Ballyhay  (Cloyne),  1634-5. 
Died  c.  Jan.  14,  1634-5.   (Ussher's  Letters;  J.  B.  Leslie.) 

WOOD,  ELIAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  7,  1602-3; 
from  Oxford.  B.  at  Dorking,  Surrey.  Matric.  (Christ  Church, 
Oxford)  July  14,  1602.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  Matric. 
1603;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb. 
17,  i6io-i,  age  26;  'C.  of  Buntingford,  Herts.';  priest, 
June  18,  1614.  C.  of  Newport,  Essex.  R.  of  Hinxhill,  Kent, 
1626-41.   Died  Mar.  1641.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Hasted,  u\.  27^.) 

WOOD,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Oct.  3,  1618.  B.  in 

WOOD,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  9,  1600; 
Scholar;  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A.  1607.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  161 1. 
Ord.  deacon  (Colchester)  Dec.  23,  1604;  priest  (I.x)ndon) 
Sept.  25,  1608.  V.  of  Anwick,  Linus.,  1612.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Daniel  Cage,  of  Orcles  (?  Ockhold),  Suffolk,  at  St 
Margaret's,  Westminster,  May  19,  1614.  Will  dated  1637; 
proved  (P.C.C.)  1657-8.  Father  of  Daniel  (1635).  (Al.Oxon.; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

Wood,  Howel 

WOOD,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1567; 
B.A.  1571-2.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Springfield -Richards, 
Essex,  1572-82;  died  1582. 

WOOD,  GEORGE.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1568. 

WOOD,  GEORGE.   B.A.  from  Jesus,  1595-6;  M.A.  1599.  Ord. 

priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  21,  1599,  age  26.   R.  of  Gt  Thomham, 

Suffolk,  1 599-1601. 
WOOD,  GEORGE.    B.A.  from  Emmanuel,   1599-1600.    B.  at 

Breedon,  Leics.,  c.  1579;  M.A.  1603.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 

June  15,  1606. 

WOOD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  16, 
1645-6.  S.  of  Robert,  yeoman,  of  Barton  (sic),  Yorks. 
B.  there.  Mar.  8,  1629.  School,  Doncaster  (Mr  Benningley). 
Matric.  1646.  Died  July  14,  1662.  Buried  at  Royston. 
(M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WOOD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  30, 
1723.  S.  of  John,  maltster,  of  Smithies,  .Monk  Bretton, 
Yorks.  B.  1704,  at  Smithies.  School,  Huddersficld  (Mr 
Smyth).  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.; 
Litt.  dim.  from  York)  Mar.  16,  1727-8;  priest  (York)  Aug.  16, 
1730.  V.  of  Royston,  Yorks.,  1733-81.  Died  June  17,  1781, 
aged  76.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  361;  F.M.G.,  601;  G.  -Vfag.) 

WOOD,  GERARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1595. 
B.  at  Lambley,  Notts.,  1578.  Matric.  c.  1595;  B.A.  1599- 
1600;  M.A.  1603;  B.D.  1610;  D.D.  1615.  Fellow,  1598-1609. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  .May  26;  priest,  June  9,  1605.  Canon 
of  Wells.  R.  of  ChildeOkeford,  Dorset,  1608-54.  Archdeacon 
of  WeUs,  1611.  Died  Oct.  1,  1654  (?).  Buried  at  Okeford. 
M.I.  Father  of  the  next,  of  Roger  (1626)  and  James  (1627). 

WOOD,  GERARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  May  13, 
1635.  S.  of  Gerard  (above),  Archdeacon  of  Wells.  B.  at 
Childe  Okeford,  Dorset.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1635;  B.A. 
1638-9;  M.A.  1642;  D.D.  (Lit.  Reg.)  1661.  Fellow,  1642. 
V.  of  Berrow,  Somerset,  1645-62.  V.  of  Hardingham, 
Norfolk,  1663-5.  R.  of  East  Dereham,  till  1664.  Brother 
of  Roger  (1626)  and  James  (1627).   (Peile,  i.  436.) 

WOOD,  GILES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1569.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  17,  1575,  age  23.  R.  of  Brome,  Sufiolk, 

WOOD,  HENRY.  B.Civ.L.  1476-7.  Of  Yorkshire.  Ord.  priest 
(Norwich)  June  5,  1479.  Perhaps  Principal  of  St  Nicholas 
Hostel,  1484.  R.  of  Rampton,  Cambs.,  1489;  'LL.B.' 
Buried  at  Rampton.  Brother  of  William  (1484-5). 

WOOD,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1572. 
B.  at  Croydon,  Surrey.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1576-7.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  Sept.  1579,  age  26;  priest,  Dec.  1581. 
(Peile,  I.  128.) 

WOOD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June  10, 
1646.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's. 
Matric.  1646.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1646. 

WOOD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  30,  1677.  Of 
Somerset.  Matric.  1677-8;  B..'\.  1680-1;  M..\.  1684;  B.D. 
1693.  Fellow,  1681-1711.  R.  of  St  Botolph,  Cambridge, 
1700-9.   R.  of  Newton  Toney,  Wilts.,  171 1. 

WOODS,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  i,  1703.  Of 
Salop.   Matric.  1703;  Scholar,  1704;  B.A.  1706-7. 

WOOD,  HENRY.  .■Vdm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  19,  1707.  S.  and 
h.  of  Henry,  of  Barnsley,  Yorks.,  Esq.  (by  his  3rd  wife 
Eleanor,  dau.  of  William  Simpson,  of  Sheffield).  Matric. 
1707.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  28,  1707.  Called  to 
the  Bar,  1714.  J. P.  for  the  West  Riding.  Died  unmarried, 
Apr.  28,  1741,  aged  50.  Buried  at  Barnsley.  Brother  of 
Simpson  (I7I7)-   (Hunter,  11.  427.) 

WOODS,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  24, 
1708-9.  S.  of  Hamlet.  B.  at  Winwick,  Lanes.  School, 
Winwick  (Mr  Wright).  Matric.  1709;  Scholar,  1710-1; 
B.A.  1712-3;  M.A.  1722.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  21, 
1712;  priest  (York)  Sept.  20,  1713.  V.  of  Lambley,  Notts., 
1719.  R.  of  Stanford,  1722.  Succeeded  his  brother  John  as 
R.  of  Wilford,  Notts.,  1752-5.  Died  1755,  aged  66.  Brother 
of  John  (1695).   (Peile,  11.  172;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WOOD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  28,  1745.  S.  and 
h.  of  Francis,  of  Barnsley,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  there.  Feb.  22, 
1726-7.  Matric.  1745-6;  Scholar;  B..^.  1748-9;  M..\.  I75J; 
D.D.  1775.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  2,  1751;  priest 
(York)  Sept.  23,  1753.  R-  o'  HrmswoVth,  Yorks.,  1763-90; 
Lord  of  the  Manor.  V.  of  Halifax,  1776--90.  J. P.  for  the 
West  Riding.  Married  Elizalicth,  dau.  of  Ch.>rles  Gore,  of 
Horkstow,  Lines.  Died  Oct.  27,  1790,  aged  64.  Will,  York. 
His  brother  Francis  was  created  Bart.  17S4.  (Burke,  Peerage; 
Hunter,  S.  Yorks.,  11.  427.) 

WOODS,  HOWEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  4, 
1034;  previously  at  Jesus.  S.  of  Owen,  gent.,  of  UanKW>'van, 
Anglesey.  Sdiool,  St  Hilary's,  .^ngU-sey  (private).  h..\. 
1636-7;  M.A.  1040. 

451  i9-i 

Wood,  Isaac 

WOOD,  ISAAC.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1602; 
B.A.  from  Clare,  1606. 

WOODE,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1608. 
B.  in  parish  of  St  Margaret  Moses,  London.  B.A.  161 1-2; 
M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  1615,  age  24; 
licensed  to  St  Catharine-by-the-Tower.  {Peile,  1.  270.) 

WOOD,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  24,  1726. 
S.  of  Abraham,  of  Bury,  Lanes.  School,  Hackney,  London 
(Mr  Ainsworth).  Matric.  1726. 

WOOD,  JAMES.  B.A.  (?  1594-5);  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1598; 
D.D.  1605. 

WOOD,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1621.  Perhaps  pre- 
sented by  the  University  to  Campsall,  Yorks.,  1619.  Died 
c.  1641. 

WOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney,  July  9,  1627. 
Of  Dorset.  2nd  s.  of  Gerard  (1595),  D.D.,  Archdeacon  of 
Wells.  B.  at  Childe  Okeford.  Matric.  1628;  Scholar  of 
Trinity  Hall,  Apr.  2,  1632;  LL.B.  1634;  LL.D.  1647.  Fellow 
of  Trinity  Hall,  1634-44.  V.  of  Berrow,  Somerset,  1642-4. 
P.C.  of  Muchelney,  1644-9.  Brother  of  Gerard  (1635)  and 
Roger  (1626). 

WOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Nov.  2,  1633. 
S.  of  James.  B.  at  Sittingboume,  Kent.  Schools,  Canter- 
bury (Mr  Wats),  Maidstone  (Mr  Simons)  and  Westerham 
(Mr  Walker).  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1638; 
M.A.  1643.  One  of  these  names  minister  of  Teynham,  near 
Sittingboume,  in  1649.   {Peile,  i.  430.) 

WOODD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  6, 
1635.  S.  of  William,  currier,  of  Hcmsworth,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Hemsworth  (Mr  Worrall).  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9; 
M.A.  1642;  perhaps  licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1646. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1642-3;  priest,  June  16,  1644. 
One  of  these  names  an  ejected  minister,  died  1688.  Perhaps 
father  of  William  (1665).   {Scott-Mayor,  1.  xx.) 

WOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  22,  1653. 
S.  of  James,  minister  of  Ashton-in-Makerfield,  Lanes.  B.  at 
Newton,  Lanes.  School,  Winwick  (Mr  Gorse).  Matric.  1653; 
B.A.  1656-7.  Minister  of  Chowbent  (or  Atherton)  Chapel, 
Lanes.,  1637-62,  ejected;  returned  to  Chowbent  after  the 
Act  of  Toleration,  1689-95.  Died  1695.  Brother  of  Samuel 
(1648).   {Peile,  I.  555;  E.  Axon.) 

WOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Magdalene,  July  4, 
1668.  S.  of  James,  Esq.,  of  Uttoxeter,  Staffs.  School, 
Uttoxeter.  Matric.  1669.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
May  I,  1674.   Probably  father  of  the  next. 

WOOD,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  10,  1700. 
Of  Staffordshire.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  James  (above),  of 
Uttoxeter.  Matric.  1701.  Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  July  13,  1704. 

WOOD,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  2,  1670.  S.  of  Re>'nold,  of  Newton,  Wakefield.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1674-5.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Christopher  (1669). 

WOOD  [or  WODE],  JOHN.  Student  at  Cambridge.  Secular 
chaplain.  B.Can.L.  (Oxford)  1459.  Perhaps  Scholar  at 
King's  Hall,  1449-70;  B.Civ.L.  1464-5.  Probably  as  B.D. 
stipp.  for  D.D.  (Oxford)  1459.  Fellow  of  Merton  College, 
Oxford,  1442.  R.  of  St  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  London,  till 
1461.  Archdeacon  of  Middlesex,  1450-75.  R.  of  Chelmsford, 
Essex,  1456.  R.  of  Rivenhall,  Essex,  1461.  John  Wood, 
'B.D.,' was  preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1465-75.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.) 
Dec.  24,  1475.   (Hennessy,  Anstey,  620.) 

WOOD,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1481-2.  Probably  of  Corpus  Christi, 
parson  of  Purley,  Essex.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1527;  'to  be  buried 
in  St  Dunstan-in-the-West.'  Bequest  to  '  Benet  College.' 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1552; 
Scholar,  1551-5;  B.A.  1555-6. 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1568; 
B.A.   1574-5-    Perhaps  V.  of  East  Hatley,  Cambs.,  1575; 

WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1569. 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1571. 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter,  1572. 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1576- 
B.A.  1580-1. 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  (age  13)  from  Peterhouse,  Michs. 
1576;  probably  became  Fell. -Com.  May  30,  1579.  Probably 
2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Fulboum,  Cambs.  B.A.  1579-80. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  5,  1581.  Knighted, 
May  20,  1603;  a  clerk  of  the  Signet.  {Vis.  of  Cambs.,  1575; 
T.  A .  Walker.) 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1578; 
Scholar,  1584;  B.A.  1584-5.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Lenton,  Notts.,  1592-1623.  Buried  there  Sept.  10,  1623. 
(Godfrey,  Lenton,  242.) 

Wood,  John 

WOODD,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1580. 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1581. 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  AUgdalene,  Easter,  1584; 
B.A.   1586-7;  M.A.  1590;  B.D.  1597;  D.D.  1605.    Fellow. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1615.    Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
June  13,  1591.   R.  of  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London,  1603- 
25.    Buried  there  Oct.  i,  1625.    Admon.  and  will  (P.C.C.) 
Oct.  II,  1626.   {Hennessy.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595. 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1597. 
WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Aug.  8,  1598.  Of  Kent. 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1605.    Of 
Cheshire.    B.A.  from  King's,  1610-1.    One  of  these  names 
C.  of  Heighington,  Durham;  buried  there  June  26,  1624. 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,   1609; 
B.A.  1612-3.  FeUowof  Trinity,  161 4.  V.  of  Gayton,  Norfolk, 
till  1657;  'M.A.*  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Dover.   Died  June 
23,  1657,  aged  67.   Will  (P.C.C);  proved  by  his  son  Robert 
(1641).   (Le  Neve,  A/on.,  m.  30.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1615;  B.A. 
1618-9;  M.A.  1622.    One  of  these  names  Head  Master  of 
Carlisle  Grammar  School,  1630-3;  M.A.   (J.  B.  Routledge.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1615-6. 

Buried  at  St  Sepulchre's,  Cambridge,  May  3,  1616. 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1616. 
WOODES,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1623. 

Of  Huntingdonshire. 
WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625.  Matric. 
1625;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.   One  of  these  names  of  Gt 
Sandal  Magna,  Yorks.,  clerk;  will  (York)  1669. 
WOODES,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1627. 
WOODE,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Jan.  10,  1626-7.  S.  of 
Thomas.     B.   at    Holmead,    Herts.    School,    Newport    (Mr 
Hobman  and  Mr  Leigh).   Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1630-1. 
WOOD  or  WOODS,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  27,  1636.    S.  of  John.    B.  at  Kendal,  Westmorland. 
School,  Durham'.    Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1663. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  St  Oswald's,  Durham,   1662-6; 
V.  of  Heighington,  Durham,  1666-74.  Buried  there  Jan.  18, 
1673-4.   (Peile,  I.  444;  H.  M.  Wood.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  4,  1637.  Matric. 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  Sr  John's,  Oct.  7,  1639; 
from  Oxford.    S.  of  Edward,  of  Tamworth,  Staffs.,  gent. 
Matric.    (Oriel   College,    Oxford)    July    12,    1636,    age    15. 
Migrated  to  Cambridge.  B.A.  1639-40.   {Al.  Oxon.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1639. 
S.  of  Samuel,  of  Hopley,  Salop.    B.A.  1642-3;  M.A    1646; 
D.D.  1666  {Lit.  Reg.).  Fellow,  until  1662,  ejected.   Probably 
R.  of  Ewhurst,  Sussex,  in  1668;  R.  of  Broadwater,  with  the 
chapelry  of  Worthing,  1668;  Chaplain  to  the  King.    Died 
at  Mitton,  Salop,  Sept.  19,  1692,  aged  c.  70.   Buried  at  Fitz. 
M.I.   (Calamy,  i.  211;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale;  C.  H.  L. 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May  24,  1644. 

Of  Sussex. 
WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  30,  1651. 
S.  of  Richard,  druggist,  of  Chesterfield,  Derbs.    B.  there. 
School,  Chesterfield.   Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5;  M.A.  1658. 
Fellow,   1658-60,  ejected.    Afterwards  preached  in  Derby- 
shire.   Died   at   Norton,    Derbs.,    1690.     {Calamy,   i.    208; 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  11,  1666.   Matric. 
1666-7;  B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester) 
Feb.  27,   1669-70;  priest  (Chester)  Dec.  24,   1671.    R.  of 
Horsted  Keynes,  Sussex,  1681-1705.  Buried  there  Sept.  14, 
1705.   (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter,  1667. 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1667.  2nd  s.  of  William,  yeoman,  of  SUkston,  near  Bamsley, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1667.  Migrated 
to  Sidney,  June   28,    1673.    B..\.   1673-4.    Probably  died 
before  1692.   (One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (London)  Jan. 
25,  1678-9.)   {F.M.G.,  898.) 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  19,  1674;  from 
Trinity  HaU  (adm.  there,  1673).   S.  of  John,  clerk,  of  Sel- 
worthy,  Somerset.  School,  Luckham  (Mr  Boraston).  Matric. 
1674;  B.A.  1676-7;  LL.B.  1680.    Perhaps  R.  of  Sampford 
Brett,  Somerset,  1684-1700.   Died  1700. 
WOOD,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  June  30, 
1681.    S.  of  WiUiam,   clerk.    B.  at  Toft,  Newton,   Lines. 
School,  Caistor.    Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1686-7.    Perhaps  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1692.    V.  of  Rasen  Drax,  Lines., 
1692.  Schoolmaster  there  and  R.  of  Snarford. 


Wood,  John 

WOODS,  JOHN.  Adni.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  July  13.  1695. 
S.  of  Hamlet.  B.  at  Winwick,  Lanes.  School,  Warrington 
(Mr  Shaw).  Matric.  1696;  Scholar,  1696-7;  B.A.  1699-1700; 
M.A.  1703.  Old.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  19,  1703;  priest 
(Lincoln)  Mar.  12,  1703-4.  R.  of  Cortlingstoke  (Costock), 
Notts.,  1708.  R.  of  Wilford,  Notts.,  1733-52.  Died  1752, 
aged  73.  Brother  of  Henry  (1708-9).  {Peile,  11.  134.) 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  5,  1705. 
S.  of  Robert,  deceased.  B.  at  Shrewsbury.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1705. 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  i,  1725. 
S.  of  [?  John],  attorney,  of  Yorkshire  (perhaps  of  Copman- 
thorpe  and  HoUinclose  Hall).  B.  at  Halifax.  School, 
Hipperholme  (Mr  Sharpe).  Matric.  1725.  Perhaps  of  Cop- 
manthorpe,  Yorks.  If  so,  died  Nov.  15,  1778.  Buried  at 
Copmanthorpe.   {F.M.G.,  785.) 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  20,  1734. 
Only  s.  of  William,  fuller,  of  Tiverton,  Devon.  School, 
Tiverton.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1742;  B.D.  1749. 
Fellow,  1742.  Taxor,  1745.  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester,  Litt. 
dim.  from  Nonvich)  May  26,  1738;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept. 
1740.  Usher  at  Lynn  Grammar  School,  Norfolk,  1740. 

WOOD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  27,  1741. 
S.  and  h.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Stanwick,  Derbs.  B.  there. 
School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrow).  Matric.  1743-4;  LL.B. 
1747.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  2,  1742.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  June  14,  1747;  priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  24,  1749. 
V.  of  Chesterfield,  1765-81.  R.ofBabworth,  Notts.,  1769-86. 
{Scott-Mayor,  in.  518.) 

WOOD,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1751.  S.  of  James,  of 
Keymer,  Susses.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Oct. 
12,  1738,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1742.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODS,  JONAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  16,  1634. 
Of  Yorkshire. 

WOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  i8,  1622. 
S.  of  William  (?  1588),  V.  of  Greatham,  Durham.  Bapt.  there, 
Nov.  3,  1603.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1622;  B.A.  1625-6; 
M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1627;  priest.  Mar. 
1627-8.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Greatham,  1627-49. 

WOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  15,  1635.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Whitby,  Yorks.,  1669-76. 

WOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  May  9,  1669.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1669;  B.A.  1672-3;  Scholar,  1673;  M.A. 
1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  14,  1674;  priest  (York) 
Sept.  1675.  Probably  V.  of  Gt  Sandal,  Yorks.,  1679-1718. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Cyril  Arthington,  of  Milnthorpe, 
Sandal.  Died  Mar.  31,  1718.  Buried  at  Sandal.  (M.  H. 

WOOD,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  May  6,  1674. 
Of  Lancashire.   Matric.  1674. 

WOOD,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  23, 
1676.  S.  of  Jacob.  B.  at  Uttoxeter,Stafis.  School,  Uttoxeter. 
Scholar,  1679;  B.A.  i68o-i. 

WOOD,  LANCELOT.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  July  2,  1666.  S.  of 
Richard,  clothier,  of  Hull,  Yorks.  School,  Brandesburton 
(Mr  Steel).  Migrated  to  Sidney,  Feb.  12,  1667-8.  B.A.  1669- 
70.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  18,  1668-9. 

WOOD,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1580; 
perhaps  adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1583.  B.A.  from  Christ's, 
1584-5;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1588.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1586.  B.D.  1609  (according  to  Masters).  (A I.  Oxon.) 

WOOD,  LAURENCE.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1604-5;  M.A.  1608. 
V.  of  Sandbach,  Cheshire,  1616-30.  Died  before  Nov.  16, 
1630.   (E.  Axon.) 

WOOD,  LAURENCE.  M.A.  from  Christ's,  1672;  from  Brase- 
nose College,  Oxford.  Matric.  there,  Mar.  30,  i666,  age  18. 
S.  of  John,  of  Llandwick,  Cheshire.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1669. 
Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Aug.  1673.  Minor  canon  of  Chester, 
in  1682.  R.  of  St  Bridget,  Cheshire,  1685.  V.  of  St  John, 
Chester,  1689-1710.  Died  July  13,  1710,  aged  63.  M.I.  at 
St  John's,  Chester.   (Al.  Oxon.;  Peile,  11.  x.) 

WOOD,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  23,  1720. 
Of  Middlesex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  London, 
gent.  Matric.  1720.  Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Sept.  I,  1721. 

WOOD,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Michael  House, 
Michs.  1546.  Perhaps  R.  of  Whissonsett,  Norfolk,  1567. 
V.  of  Terrington,  until  1569. 

WOOD,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  29,  1654. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1654;  B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1671.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June  2,  1667;  priest,  June  i,  1668.  R.  of 
Bainton,  Yorks.,  1668-81.  Buried  at  Bainton,  Apr.  i,  i68i. 
Father  of  the  next. 

Wood,  Richard 

WOOD,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Tklwitv,  Apr.  17, 
1680.  S.  of  .Matthew  (above),  of  Bainton,  Yorks.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric.  1681;  Scholar,  1683;  B.A. 
1683-4;  M.A.  1687.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  22,  1689; 
priest  (Durham)  Sept.  20,  1691. 

WOOD,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  16, 
1685-6.  S.  of  Francis,  attomey-at-law,  deceased.  U.  at 
Ripon,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1686;  B.A.  1689- 
90;  M.A.  1696.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1692.  R.  of  Patrick 
Broughton,  Yorks.,  1696-1721.  V.  of  Bowden,  Cheshire, 
1708-16.   (W.  J.  Kaye;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WOOD,  MICHAIAH.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  .Michs.  1602 
(impubes);  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610;  B.D.  1617.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln);  priest  (London)  Dec.  18,  1614.  C.  of  Hadham, 
Herts.  R.  of  Gt  Oakley,  Essex,  1617-27.  Married  Martha, 
dau.  of  Humphrey  Cole  (1589). 

WOOD,  MONTAGU.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  27, 
1678.  Of  Nottinghamshire.  Probably  s.  of  Montague,  of 
Woodborough,  Notts.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1681-2;  M.A. 
1685.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  June,  1688.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1686. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1685;  priest,  Feb.  20,  1686. 
R.  of  St  Michael  Royal,  London,  1686,  and  of  St  Martin 
Vintry,  1703.  Canon  of  Wells,  1705-41.  Died  July  16,  1741. 
Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Nov.  1743  (s»c)-  (•^'-  Oxon.;  G.  Mag.; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WOOD,  MOSES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1581. 
Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  1584-5;  M.A.  1589.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 
Dec.  21,  1588.  V.  of  Washbrook,  Suffolk,  1599.  Chaplain 
to  the  Earl  of  Rutland,  1603.  V.  of  Thrigby,  Norfolk,  1604-7. 
R.  of  Stoke  St  Mary,  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  1607-26. 

WOOD,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1567;  B..\.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1594.  Ord.  priest  (Nonvich)  Oct.  17,  1571;  'title  his  patri- 
mony, M.A.'  R.  of  South  Walsham,  Norfolk,  1572.  Author, 
Conflict  of  Conscience,  1581.   (Cooper,  i.  453.) 

WOOD,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1586; 
Scholar  of  Emmanuel;  B.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1589-90;  M.A. 
1593.  Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Mar.  8,  1595-6.  R.  of  Cadeby, 
Leics.,  i6o6^.  Will  (Leicester)  1628. 

WOODS,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June 

15.  1637.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk.  B.  at  .\cklam,  near  Yarm, 
North  Riding,  Yorks.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Pomeroy). 
Matric.  1637;  B.A.  1640-1. 

WOOD,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Jan. 
26,  1715-6.  S.  of  William,  clerk,  of  Northamptonshire. 
Bapt.  May  28,  1697,  at  Gt  Houghton.  School,  Northampton 
(Mr  Stiles).  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

WOOD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1583;  B.A. 
1586-7.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1587.  Perhaps  B.C.L.  (Oxford) 
1594;  supp.  for  D.C.L.  1598.   Fellow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford. 

WOOD,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  c.  1591.  Of 
Surrey.  B.A.  1594-5;  M.A.  1598.  Perhaps  V.  of  All  Hallows, 
Hoo,  Kent,  1608.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  24,  160S-9;  to 
brother  Thomas.  (Cooper,  11.  272,  confuses  the  two.) 

WOOD,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  3, 
1682.  S.  of  Richard,  general  dealer.  B.  at  Tonbridge,  Kent. 
School,  Tonbridge  (Mr  Wood).  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6. 
Ord.  priest  (York)  June  16,  1689.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1689.  R.  of  Crawley,  Sussex,  1718.  (W.  C.  Renshaw.) 

WOOD,  NORRIS  (?MORRICE).   Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept. 

16,  1635.  Matric.  1636;  B..-\.  1639-40;  Norris.  Master  of 
Whitgift's  School,  Croydon,  Surrey,  1648-51. 

WOOD,  OBADIAH.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1607; 

B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 
WOOD,  PETER.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1567.   Ord. 

priest  (Coventry)  July  27,   1572.    Age  36  in  1576.    V.  of 

Castle  Donnington,  Leics.,  1571.   Will  (Leicester)  1612. 
WOOD,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter,  1580. 
WOOD,  R.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1559. 
WOOD,    RALPH.    Matric.  sizar   fa->m   Magdalene,   c.   1589; 

B.A.  (?  1594-5);  M.A.  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 

June  30,  1594.  V.  of  Clee,  Lines.,  i6o8. 
WOOD,  RALPH.    Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1596.    One  of 

these  names  C.  of  Burslcm  Chapel,  Staffs.,   1602-4;  'no 

preacher,  no  degree.'   (Wm  Salt,  Arch.  Soc.,  1915.) 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Caulio  for  degree,  1467-8.    One  of  these 

nanus  K.  of  ilastwick,  Essex,  1478-88;  died  1488. 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi.  1554-    One  of 

thi'Si-    names    R.    of    Woo<lford,    Essex.    1561 -8g;    licence 

(llisliopof  London)  Feb.  15,  1574-5,  to  marrj- Joan  Phillpott, 

of  St  Martin  Ludgate,  spinster.    Died  15S9.    Will  (Cons.  C. 

WOOD,   RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Caios,  Michs.   1561; 

B.A.  1565-6;  M..\.  from  Corpus  Christi,  IJ69.    Perhaps  ord. 

priest  (Norwich)  May  23,  1567. 


Wood,  Richard 

WOOD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1562; 
Scholar,  1563;  B.A.  1565-6;  M.A.  1570;  B.D.  1577;  D.D. 
1583.  Fellow,  1567.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  i579-  University 
preacher,  1578.  Probably  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln) 
Apr.  15,  1576.  R.  of  Merstham,  Surrey,  1584-91.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1584.  R.  of  All  Hallows,  Barking,  London,  1585- 
91.  Preb.  of  Wells,  1587.  Canon  of  Westminster,  1587-1609. 
R.  of  Bockiiig,  Essex,  1591.  Canon  of  Canterbury,  1597- 
1609.  R.  of  Stisted,  Essex,  1600-9.  Died  there  Sept.  15, 
1609.  {Cooper,  u.  523;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1573;  B.A.  1576-7. 
WOODD,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1588. 
6th  s.  of  Peter,  of  Shinewood,  Shenton,  Salop.    Died  s.p. 
(One  of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  29,  1599; 
'B.A.;  aged  30';  C.  of  North  Tiddenham.    Perhaps  R.  of 
Wetheringsett,  Suffolk,  1595.)    Brother  of  William  (1588). 
(Pedigree  of  Woodd.) 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
Probably  B.A.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  1598;  'in  orders, 
sometime  of  Cambridge.'   One  of  these  names  R.  of  Pannal, 
near  Harrogate,  Yorks.,   1600;  still  there,   1604.    Perhaps 
V.  of  Gt  MUton,  Oxon.,  1607. 
WOODES,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1627. 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  John's,  Oct.  16, 
1646.    S.  and  h.  of  Owen,  Esq.,  of  Rhosmow,  Anglesey. 
Adm.   at   Lincoln's   Inn,   Oct.   7,    1646.     Perhaps  his  will 
(P.C.C.)  1658;  of  Rhosmow,  Anglesey,  Esq. 
WOOD,  RICHARD.   Adm.  pens,  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  2,  1646. 

S.  of  Robert,  of  Hemswell,  Lines.   Matric.  1646. 
WOODS,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  30, 

1673.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1676-7. 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  5, 
1724-5.    S.   of   Richard.    B.   at   Askrigg,   Yorks.    School, 
Sedbergh.     Matric.    1724-5;   Scholar,    1725;    B.A.    1728-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  i,  1729.   {Peile,  11.  210.) 
WOOD,  RICHARD.    Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  4, 
1726.  S.  of  John,  of  Dorrington,  Shropshire.  School,  Madeley, 
Staffs.  (Mr  Branker).    Matric.  1726-7;  B.A.  1730-1;  M.A. 
1734.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1732;  priest.  May  20, 
WOOD,  ROBERT.   Fined  for  non-inception  in  Can.L.  1448. 
WOOD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  16,  1515.    Of  Linton,  Cambs.    B.A.  1519-20.    Fellow, 
1518.    Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  23,   1519.    V.  of  Arrington, 
Cambs.,  1520-36.   Died  1536. 
WOOD,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall,  Easter, 
1544.    One  of  these  names  knighted,  Aug.  22,  1578;  Mayor 
of  Norwich.   {Venn,  i.  33.) 
WOOD,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

WOOD,   ROBERT.    Matric.  sizar  from   Peterhouse,   Easter, 
1575;  B.A.  1577-8;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1581.    Perhaps 
R.  of  Redmile,  Leics.,  1587. 
WOOD,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1577-8.   One  of  these  names  of  Little  Sandal,  Yorks.,  1597- 
1626;  died  1626. 
WOOD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1595;  B.A. 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius, 
Mar.  1,  1597-8.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Pulham  St  Mary, 
Norfolk.  School,  Pulham  St  Mary  (Mr  Simonds).  Scholar, 
1598-1604;  B.A.  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Norwich)  May  26,  1605.  R.  of  Gt  Fransham,  Norfolk,  1608. 
V.  of  New  Shoreham,  Sussex,  Sept.  19,  1608.  {Venn,  i.  164; 
W.  C.  Renshaw.) 
WOOD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1614. 
Probably  s.  of  Anthony  (1568),  of  Copmanthorpe,  Yorks. 
B.A.  1617-8;  M..\.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.;  priest, 
Dec.  1621.  Probably  R.  of  Burghwallis,  Yorks.,  1622 
and  father  of  William  (1646). 
WOOD  or  WOODES,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  20,  1619.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Tharston, 
Norfolk.  Bapt.  Aug.  13,  1601.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Thorn- 
ton). Matric.  1619.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Apr.  28,  1619. 
Of  Bracon  Ash,  Esq.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Richardson,  Lord  Chief  Justice.  Died  Dec.  31,  1680.  Buried 
at  Bracon  Ash.  Probably  father  of  Robert  (1644)  and  Thomas 
(1641).  {Venn,  i.  244;  Blomefield,  v.  85.) 
WOOD,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1620. 

Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1623;  U.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1627. 
WOOD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  3, 
1632.  S.  of  Simon,  wooUendraper,  of  London.  B.  in  Watling 
Street.    Bapt.  Nov.  9,  1613,  at  All  Hallows,  Bread  Street. 
School,  Mercers'.  Died  young.  (Vis.  of  London,  i6n.) 

Wood,  Thomas 

WOOD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  13,  1641. 
S.  of  John  (1609),  V.  of  Gayton,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Rougham. 
School,  Lynn  (Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1641;  Scholar,  1642-7; 
B.A.  1644-5.  Perhaps  R.  of  South  Wootton,  Norfolk,  1666. 
(I'enn,  1.  342.) 
WOOD,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1644.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Robert  (1619),  of 
Bracon  Ash,  Norfolk,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  14, 
1646.  Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1641). 
WOOD,  ROBERT.    M.A.    from    Corpus    Christi,   1669   {Lit. 

WOOD,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  May  5,  1677.  S.  of 

Robert,  of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1677. 
WOOD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  12, 
1727-8.    S.  of  R.,  druggist,  of  Salop.    B.  at  Shrewsbury. 
School,  Shrewsbury.    Matric.  1728. 
WOOD,  ROGER.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1579-80. 
One  of  these  names,  's.  of  Robert,  of  Islington,  Middlesex," 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  5,  1583-4.    Perhaps  Serjeant-at- 
Arms  to  the  King.  Died  Mar.  18,  1609,  aged  46.  (Middlesex 
Pedigrees;  Musgrave,  Ob.) 
WOOD,  ROGER.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1593. 
WOODE,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  21,  1594. 
S.  of  Roger,  gent.   B.  at  Ashley,  Cambs.   School,  Cheveley 
(Mr  Jinner). 
WOOD,  ROGER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  10,  1626. 
S.  of  Gerard  (1595),  Archdeacon  of  WeUs.  School,  Blandford, 
Dorset  (Mr  Gardiner).   Matric.  1626-7;  B.A.  1629-30;  M.A. 
1633.    Canon   of   Wells,    1638,   ejected.     Perhaps   his   will 
(P.C.C.)  1655;  of  Alcester,  Dorset,  clerk.   Brother  of  Gerard 
(1635)  and  James  (1627). 
WOOD,  ROGER.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1664;  afterwards 
Fell.-Com.   Of  Surrey.   Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Kingston, 
Esq.  Matric.  1664.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  4,  1664. 
(Vis.  of  Surrey,  1662.) 
WOODS,  ROLAND.    Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  7, 
i6g6.  S.  of  Roland.  B.  at  Fordham,  Cambs.  School,  Milden- 
hall  (Mr  John  Badcock).   Matric.  1697;  B.A.  1700-1.   V.  of 
Freckenham,  Suffolk,  1705-22;  R.,  1718-22.    Buried  there 
Jan.  30,  1722-3.   (Peile,  11.  136;  Fielding.) 
WOOD,  SAMPSON.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1589. 
Of    Leicestershire.     B.A.    1592-3;    M.A.    from   Emmanuel, 
1596.   Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1599.   V.  of  Fawsley,  Northants., 
1601-5,  deprived;  continued  at  Fawsley,  possibly  as  curate. 
Married  Winifred  Perkins.  Buried  May  13,  1625,  at  Fawsley. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
WOOD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  14)  at  Caius,  June  10,  1645. 
S.  of  William,   gent.    B.   at   Saddington,   Leics.    Schools, 
Kibworth  (Mr  Wright)  and  Lutterworth  (Mr  Winterton). 
V.  of  Stanstead  Abbots,  Herts.,  1666-75.    Died   1675,  at 
Roydon,  Essex.  Admon.  Oct.  29,  1675;  to  brother  Benjamin 
WOOD,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  16, 
1648.    S.   of   James.    B.   at   Ashton-in-Makerfield,    Lanes. 
School,  Winwick  (Mr  Pickering).  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1651-2; 
M.A.  1655.   Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  15;  priest,  June  16, 
1661.    Licensed  to  preach  at  Pattiswick,  Essex,  1662;  R. 
there,  1672-7.  Brother  of  James  (1653).  (Peile,  l.  521.) 

WOOD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  24,  1650.  Of 
Leicestershire.  Scholar,  1652. 

WOOD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  26,  1675. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9. 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  SETH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1626;  B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  V.  of  Lavington, 
Lines.  R.  of  St  Leonard's,  Eastcheap,  London,  1650-60, 
ejected.  Presented  in  court  his  presentation  to  Christ  Church, 
London,  from  the  Lord  Protector,  Nov.  13,  1654.   (Calamy, 

1.  120;  N.  Moore,  Hist,  of  St  Barth.  Hosp.,  11.  312;  Hennessy.) 
WOOD,  SIMPSON.   Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  27,  1717.  S.  of 

Henry,  gent.,  of  Bamsley,  Yorks.  Scholar,  1718;  B.A.  1721- 

2.  One  of  these  names  Ensign,   3rd  Foot  Guards,   1723; 
serving  with  the  same  rank,  1740.  Brother  of  Henry  (1707). 

WOOD,  TEMPEST.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1593.  B. 
at  Keswick,  Yorks.,  c.  1575-  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600.  Ord. 
priest  (by  Bishop  of  Lincohi).  C.  of  Osgodby,  Lines.  V.  of 
Lavington  (Lenton),  1601.  Licensed  preacher.  Licence 
(Lincoln)  July  28,  1625,  to  marry  Sara  Brian,  of  Boston, 
widow.   (Peile,  \.  213.) 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  B.D.  1535-6.  Franciscan  friar.  One  of 
these  names,  'B.D.,'  was  V.  of  Walthamstow,  Essex,  1537; 
of  South  Weald,  1543;  R.  of  Bradwell-on-Sea,  1554;  R-  of 
High  Ongar,  1554;  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1554;  R.  of 
HarUngton,  Middlesex,  1558;  deprived,  1559;  V.  of  Twicken- 
ham,  1562;  of  Isleworth,  1562-6.    According  to  Hennessy 


Wood,  Thomas 

he  died  1566.  Possibly  the  man  who  was  nominated  Bishop 
of  St  Asaph,  just  before  the  death  of  Queen  Mary,  1558. 
Deprived  of  all  his  preferments.  Living  as  a  prisoner  in  the 
Marshalsea,  age  80,  in  1579.  (Browne  Willis,  Si  Asaph; 
Hennessy,  446,  229.) 
WOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1561; 
B.A.  1564-5;  M.A.  1568.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine  from 
Jesus,  1575;  M.D.  1576.  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1566-71.  Perhaps 
his  will  (P.C.C.)  1595;  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  and  of  Lees, 
Essex,  M.D. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1573. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1578-9. 
Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1581-2;  M.A.  1585. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1583.  One  of  these  names  (B.A.),  R.  of 
Stoke  Trister,  Somerset,  1591-1609.  Died  1609. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1580. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1582; 
B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589;  B.D.  1596.  R.  of  Long  Stowe, 
Cambs.,  1595-1605.  Buried  there  Aug.  27,  1605. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1583; 
B.A.  1586-7;  M..\.  1590.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
July  10,  1596.  Perhaps  R.  of  Badsworth,  Yorks.,  1599- 
1616;  M.A.   Perhaps  father  of  Thomas  (1605). 

WOOD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  c.  1591. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  c.  1593. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1597. 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 
July  I,  1507.  B.  at  Beccles,  Suffolk.  B.A.  1601-2.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  May  26,  1605,  age  25.  C.  of  Heriard, 
Hants.  Perhaps  R.  of  Thurleston,  Leics.,  1605.  Admon. 
(Leicester)  1626. 

WODDE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  Sept.  12, 
1600.  S.  of  Thomas,  yeoman,  of  Little  Walsingham,  Norfolk. 
Bapt.  Oct.  20,  1583.  School,  Holt  (Mr  WUliams).  B.A.  1603- 
4.   (Venn,  i.  172.) 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  June  20,  1605. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1583).  Matric.  1605;  B.A.  1609. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1612.  M.A.  (St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford)  1613. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Kirk  Smeaton,  Yorks.,  1615-21.  R.  of  Bads- 
worth,  1616-25.  Buried  there  Oct.  21,  1625. 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel, 
Apr.  29,  1609.   Matric.  1609. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  May  9,  1610. 
Of  Suffolk, 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Apr.  2,  1613.  Matric. 
1613;  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620;  B.D.  1627.  Fellow.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  27;  priest, 
May  28,  1 62 1.  V.  of  Milverton  Prima,  Somerset,  1629-34. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Sir  John,  of  Beeston,  Yorks.,  Knt.  B.A.  (Wadham  College, 
Oxford)  1616-7;  M.A.  1619.  Buried  at  St  Peter's,  Leeds, 
June  I,  1649.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODS,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1631.  B.  at  Pulham  St  Mary,  Norfolk.  B.A.  1634-5;  M..^. 
1638.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1638;  priest,  Sept.  25, 
1642,  age  27.  R.  of  Thorpe-Abbots,  Norfolk,  1642-61. 
Died  1661.  [Blomefield,  v.  326.) 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1638  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  of 
Thomas,  of  Hackney,  Middlesex,  clerk  of  the  spicery  to 
James  I.  B.  at  Hackney,  July  22,  1607.  Matric.  (Christ 
Church,  Oxford)  1627;  scholar  from  Westminster;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  i63i;M.A.  1634;  B.D.  i64i;D.D.  1641-2.  Chaplain 
to  Charles  I,  1635.  R.  of  Whickham,  Durham,  1635;  ejected, 
and  restored,  1660.  Canon  of  Durham,  1660-92.  Dean  of 
Lichfield,  1664-71.  Bishop  of  Lichfield,  1671-92.  Married 
Grace,  sister  of  Sir  James  Clavering,  Bart.  Died  Apr.  18, 
1692.  Buried  at  Ufford,  Suffolk.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Staffs. 
Pedigrees;  Al.  Oxon.;  Nichols,  iv.  732;  Chesters  of  Chichelcy, 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1641.  Of  Norfolk. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert  (1619),  of  Bracon  Ash.  U.  Aug. 
24,  1626.  Married  (i)  Ehzabeth,  dau.  of  Anthony  Penning, 
Esq.,  of  Essex;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Peyton,  Esq., 
of  Rougham.  Died  Dec.  2,  1699.  M.I.  at  Bracon  Ash.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Robert  (1644).  {Masters;  Blomefield,  v.  85.) 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Corpus  Christi,  1642.  Of 
Kent.   Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1646. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  27, 
1648.  S.  of  Owen,  Esq.,  of  Maltracth  Bay,  near  Aberflraw, 
Anglesey.   B.  there.  School,  Shrewsbury.   Matric.  1648. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  1, 
1656.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Grooinbridge-in-Spcld- 
hurst,  Kent.  B.  there.  School,  Claphara,  Surrey  (Mr  Arthur). 

Wood,  William 

WOODE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  May  17, 
i66i.  S.  of  John,  fanner.  B.  at  Doddington,  Northants. 
School,  Strixton  (private). 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  May  5, 
1662.  S.  of  Timothy  (1635),  V.  of  Gt  Sandal,  Yorks.  School, 
Wakefield.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Master 
of  Bradford  School,  Yorks.,  1672-98. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  30,  1669.  Of 
Tonbridge,  Kent.  Matric.  1669.  Migrated  to  Clare,  June  i, 
1670.  B.A.  from  Clare,  1672-3. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Sidney,  July  6,  1676. 
Only  s.  of  Thomas,  Manciple  of  the  College.  B.  in  Holy 
Trinity  parish,  Cambridge.  School,  Perse.  B.A.  1679-80. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1695. 
B.  in  London.  1678.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1700-1;  M.A.  1704. 
Fellow,  1699.  Assistant  Master  at  Eton.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  3,  1705;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1706.  R.  of  Stour  Provost, 
Dorset,  1713-6.  V.  of  Chiswick,  Middlesex,  1717-32.  (Har- 
wood,  280.) 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius, 
May  2,  1700.  S.  of  Henry,  shoemaker,  of  St  Michael's, 
Comhill,  London.  B.  there.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Burton). 
Matric.  1700;  Scholar,  1700-7;  B.A.  1703-4.  Subscribed  for 
deacon's  orders  (Norwich)  May  19,  1706.  (Venn,  i.  505.) 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  14,  1701. 
Of  Middlesex.  School,  Derby.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5; 
M.A.  1708.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (York)  Sept.  1715.  R.  of 
Keyworth,  Notts.,  1715. 

WOOD,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1739.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Tiverton,  Devon.  Matric.  (Exeter  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct. 
10,  1716,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (Exeter) 
Sept.  5,  1720;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1722.  Chaplain  to  Lord 
Harrington.  V.  of  Bampton,  Devon,  1731-84.  V.  of  Cad- 
bury,  1739-84.  Died  Oct.  5,  1784.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of 
William  (1745).   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  503;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WOOD,  TIMOTHY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1635; 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Usher  of  Wakefield  School,  Yorks., 
1640-5.  V. of  Gt  Sandal,  Yorks.,  1645;  ejected.  1662.  After- 
wards preacher  in  Leicestershire.  Died  at  Belgrave,  1680, 
aged  63.  Father  of  Thomas  (1662).   (Ca/amy,  11.  572.) 

WOOD,  TOBIAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1583. 

WOOD,  TOBY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1569.  S. 
of  William,  of  London.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  20,  1573. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1583.  Bencher,  1596.  Attorney  to  Prince 
Henry.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  William  Bowyer,  of  Sussex. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1611;  of  St  Botolph,  Aldgate,  London.  (PeiU, 
I.  Ill;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634.) 

WOOD,  VALENTINE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1587.  Of  Northumberland.  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594.  Fellow, 
1593.  V.  of  Kirkby  Wiske,  Yorks.,  1598-1643.  Perhaps 
father  of  William  (1615). 

WOOD,  W.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1563. 

WOOD,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1565. 

WOOD,  WALTER.  'Clerk;  late  student  at  Cambridge'; 
licensed  preacher  by  Archbishop  of  York,  Aug.  1612. 

WOOD,  WHITTINGHAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1632.  Of  Kent.  Probably  s. of  Whitlingham, 
of  Bromley,  Kent.  Of  Ash.  Married  Grace,  dau.  of  Thomas 
St  Nicholas,  of  Ash,  Kent,  in  1655.  Died  1656,  aged  42. 
M.I.  at  Ash.  (Hasted,  in.  692.) 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1459-60;  M.A.  1464-5  (delayed): 
B.D.  1470-1.  Proctor,  1467-8.  Probably  R.  of  Bocking, 
Essex.  (If  so,  s.  of  Alexander.)  Will,  1472;  left  books  to 
Queens'  College  library,  and  bequests  to  Eltisley,  Norfolk. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  D.Cin.L.  I46c^-I.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.) 
1522;  of  Bampton,  0.xon.   Bequests  to  St  Catharine's  Hall. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1484-5;  M.A.  1488.  Ord.  priest  (Ely) 
1488.  Perhaps  R.  of  Rampton,  Cambs.,  1491.  Will  (C.  C. 
Ely)  1503.   Brother  of  Henry  (1476-7). 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.   B.A.  1533-4. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1540. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1570. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  [see  note  under  Bamc>"e  (1570)). 
Probably  brother  of  B.inieye  (1570). 

WOOD  or  WOODS,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1578.  B.  at  Ingleton,  Yorks.  B.A.  1581-J.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  July  33;  priest,  July  30,  1384.  C.  of  Staiu- 
bridge,  Beds. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  LL.B.  1585  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Anglesey,  pleb.  Matric.  (St  .\lban's  Hall,  Oxforxl)  Dec.  20, 
1577.  age  19;  H.C.L.  (Oxford)  1583;  D.C.L.,  1587.  Fellow 
of  .Ml  Souls,  Oxford,  1577.  Adm.  advocate,  1590.  Died  1605. 
Buried  at  Tallin,  Isle  of  Anglesey.  (Coolt;  Al.  Oxon.) 


Wood,  William 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1588. 

3rd  s.  of  Peter,  of  Shenton,  Salop  (sic)  [according  to  Peile 

who  makes  him  brother  of  Richard  (1588),  but  in  Pedigree 

of  Wood,  William  is  said  to  have  died  s.p.].  B.  at  Bradford, 

Yorks.    B.A.  1591-2;  M.A.  1595;  B.D.  from  Sidney,  1602. 

One  of  the  first  Fellows  of  Sidney.   Ord.  priest  (Colchester) 

Oct.  13,  1597.  Probably  V.  of  Greatham,  Durham,  till  1627. 

One  of  these  names  R.  of  Somerby,  Lines..  1603-10;  B.D.; 

admon.  (Lincoln)  1610.    Probably  father  of  Joseph  (1622). 

{Peile,  I.  192.) 
WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 

1613.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.  Perhaps 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1618; '  M.A.'  Probably  R.  of  Quiddenham, 

Norfolk,  1622. 
WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1615. 

Of  Northumberland.    Perhaps  s.  of  Valentine  (1587).   B.A. 

1618-9;  M.A.  1622.   Fellow,  1620.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec. 

1623;  priest,  Feb.  1623-4.   R.  of  South  Otterington,  Yorks., 

1624-60.   R.  of  Kirkby  Wiske,  1643-60. 
WOOD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke,  May  5, 

1621.    S.  of  William,   citizen  and   goldsmith,  of  London. 

Bapt.  May  i,  1604,  at  St  Mary  Woolnoth,  London.   Matric. 

1621.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  11,  1619. 
WOOD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1625. 

Matric.  1625. 
WOOD,   WILLIAM.     Matric.   pens,  from   Pembroke,   Easter, 

1632.  Of  Hollingboume,  Kent.  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1639. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1636. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  6, 

1633.  S.  of  Thomas,  Manciple  of  the  College.  B.  at  Cam- 
bridge. Schools,  Perse  and  Stamford,  Lines.  Matric.  1633; 
B.A.  1639.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20;  priest, 
Sept.  21,  1645.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Billinghay,  Lines., 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  May  19, 
1646.  S.  of  Robert  (?  1614).  B.  at  Burghwallis,  Yorks. 
School,  Laughton  (Mr  West).  Matric.  1646;  B.A.  1649. 
Probably  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jan.  31;  priest,  Mar.  1, 
1660-1; 'M.A. '  R.ofAswarby,  Lines.,  1660.  R.  of  Haltham- 
on-Bain,  1664.  R.  of  Roughton,  1666.  (Peile,  i.  507.) 
WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Magdalene,  May  19, 
1654.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Heptonstall,  West  Riding  of  York- 
shire. School,  Halifax.  Matric.  1654. 
WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  18, 
1665.  S.  of  James  (?  1635),  clerk,  of  Bedford.  B.  there. 
School,  Hemsworth,  Yorks.  (his  father).  Matric.  1665; 
B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1672; 
priest,  Dee.  1674. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  May  13,  1682. 
Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  29, 
1686;  priest  (Chester,  LUt.  dim.  from  York)  Sept.  25,  1687, 
age  26.  C.  of  Ilkley,  Yorks.  Perhaps  V.  of  Whenby,  c.  1692- 
1720  and  father  of  William  (1719). 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1716.  Of  Kent. 
Matrie.  1717;  B.A.  1719-20;  M..^.  from  Clare,  1723.  Fellow 
of  Clare,  1722.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  4,  1721;  priest 
(Canterbury)  May  20,  1722;  C.  of  Adisham,  Kent.  R.  of 
Westbere,  1722-34.  R.  of  St  Andrew's,  Canterbury,  1734. 
R.  of  St  Mary  Bredman,  1734-6.  V.  of  Guston,  until  1736. 
P.C.  of  Goodnestone,  until  1736.  Died  Feb.  16,  1736.  (T.  C. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  1716  (Incorp.  from  Dublin).  S.  of 
John.  B.  at  Dalton,  Lanes.  School,  St  Bees.  Adm.  at  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  Dec.  28,  1706,  age  18;  B.A.  (Dublin)  1711; 
M.A.  1714.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1718.  M.B.  (Oxford)  1719; 
M.D.  1721.  F.R.C.P.,  1725.  (Munk,  11.  91;  Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June  6, 
1719.  Of  Whenby,  Yorks.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (?  1682), 
V.  of  Whenby.  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Dee.  1723;  priest,  July  21,  1728.  C.  of  Northallerton, 
Yorks.,  1727.   R.  of  Welbury,  1728-30.   Died  1730. 

WOOD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1745.  S.  of  Thomas  (1739),  V.  of  Bampton,  Devon.  B.  there. 
School,  Bampton  (his  father).  Matrie.  1745;  B.A.  1748-9; 
M.A.  1752.  Ord.  deacon  (Exeter)  June  2,  1751;  priest, 
Jime  17,  1753.  R-  of  Hawkridge,  Somerset,  1763-89.  R.  of 
Clyst  St  Laurence,  1765-89.  Chaplain  to  Hester,  Lady 
Chatham.   (Scott-Mayor,  in.  553.) 

WOOD  or  WOD, .   M.Gram.  1456-7. 

WOOD, .  D.Can.L.  1462-3. 

WOOD, .  B.A.  1476-7;  M.A.  1480. 

WOOD,   .    B.Can.L.    1502-3.     Perhaps   William;    LL.B.; 

priest;  will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1529. 

WOOD, .  Scholar  of  GoNViLLE  Hall,  1515-9;  B.A.  1515-6. 

WooDBORNE,  James 

WOOD, .   B.A.  1523-4. 

WOODDE, .  Adm.  at  Peterhouse,  1542. 

WOOD, (junior).  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1570. 

WOOD, (uUimus).  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1570. 

WOOD, .   Adm.  sizar  at  King's,  Michs.  1581. 

WOOD, .  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1599-1600. 

WOOD, .  Matrie.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1623. 

WOOD, .  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  St  Catharine's,  1648. 

WOOD,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Dec.   11,   1693 

(name  off,  June,  1695). 

WOODALL  or  WOODELL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  May,  1681.  S.  of  Charles,  farmer.  B.  at  Little 
Stonham,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1681;  B.A.  1684-5. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  1687.  R.  of  Little  Stonham, 
Suffolk,  1687. 

WOODHALL,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  29,  1597.  Of  Saffron  Walden,  Essex. 
Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A.  1601-2.  Fellow,  1600-3.  Principal 
Registrar  of  the  Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury.  Lord  of 
the  manor  of  Little  Munden,  Herts.  Married  Margaret,  dau. 
of  Anthony  Law,  of  London.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  3, 
1638-9;  to  be  buried  at  Little  Munden,  Herts.  Father  of 
the  next,  and  of  John  (1635-6).  (Harwood;  Berry,  Herts. 
Geneal.,  92.) 

WOODALL,  EDWARD  (?  EDMUND).  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1634.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of 
'Edward'  (Edmund),  of  Little  Munden,  Herts.,  Esq.;  adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  13,  1634-5;  Edmund.  Brother  of 
John  (1635-6). 

WOODALL,  FREDERICK.  Matrie.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1632.  S.  of  Thomas.  Bapt.  Apr.  3,  1614,  at  Brome, 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  9;  priest  (Norwich)  Dee.  22,  1639.  R.  of  Brome,  Suffolk, 
1641.  Sequestered  to  Woodbridge,  1645-51;  founded  an 
Independent  church  there,  1651;  congregational  minister, 
1651-9.  Perhaps  Master  of  Woodbridge  School,  1669-70. 
(Calamy,  11.  442;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 

WOODHULL,  FULKE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Michs.  1544; 
'Odell.'  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Nicholas,  of  Thenford,  Northants. 
Died  Nov.  25,  1613,  aged  83.  Buried  at  Thenford.  (R.  J. 
Beevor;  Baker,  i.  711.) 

WOODDALL,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1587. 

WOODHALL,   JOHN.     Matric.   pens,   from   Queens',   Easter, 

1631.   Of  London.   Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  citizen  and 

barber  surgeon,  of  London.    B.A.  1634;  M.A.  1638.    Ord. 

deacon  (Ely)   Mar.  5,   1636-7.    R.  of  Iden,  Sussex,   1644. 

Buried  there  July  18,  1688.    Brother  of  Richard  (1639",  and 

Thomas  (1634).   (W.  C.  Renshaw;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WOODHALL,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

Jan.   10,   1635-6.    S.  of  Edmund  (1597).    B.  in  London. 

Matrie.  1636;  B.A.  1639-40;  M.A.  1642.    Fellow,  1639-49. 

Lieutenant  in   the   King's  army;    taken   prisoner;   on   his 

release  returned   to  CoUege.     Brother  of   Edward   (1634). 

(Berry,  Herts.  Geneal.,  92.) 
WOODALL,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  June  26, 

1680.    S.  and  h.  of  John,  farmer.    B.  at  Newton,   York. 

Schools,  Foxholes,  Yorks.  (Mr  Walker)  and   Kelham  (Mr 

Kenion).   Matric.  1680. 
WOODDALL,  OLIVER.    Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,   Nov.   22, 

1581;  B.A.  1587-8;  M.A.  1591. 
WODDALL  or  WOODHALL,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from 

Jesus,  Easter,  1584;  B.A.  1588-9. 
WOODALL,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1639.    Of  London.    Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  John,  citizen  and 

barber  surgeon,  of  London.    B..'\.   1642.    Brother  of  John 

(1631)  and  Thomas  (1634). 
WOODALL,  THOMAS.    Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 

Easter,  1633.   Of  Essex. 
WOODALL,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1634.    Of  London.    Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  citizen  and 

barber  surgeon,  of  London.   M.B.  1641-2  (on  King's  visit). 

Brother  of  John  (1631)  and  Richard  (1639). 
WOODDALL,  W.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1559. 

One  William  WoodaU  V.  of  AU  Saints',   Maldon,  Essex, 

1561-2;  V.  of  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk,  1563-S;  R.of  Langford, 

Essex,  1563-5  (if  so,  died  1565).   One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Bygrave,  Herts.,  1559-66. 
WOODALL,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1563. 

WOODALL, .   M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1473-4. 

WOODBORNE,  JAMES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  26, 

1612.   Matric.  1613. 


WooDBORNE,  Robert 

WOODBURNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
May  10,  1633.  S.  of  James,  of  York.  B.  in  parish  of  Christ- 
church,  York.  Matric.  1633;  'Woodhurst';  B.A.  1640. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Skipwith.  WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  30,  1659. 
(T.  Burton,  Hemingborough,  242.) 

WOODBRIDGE  {alias  HAWES),  JOHN.  B.D.  1492-3-  Canoni- 
cus.  Pens,  at  Gonville  Hall,  1497.  D.D.  1499-1500. 
Canon  of  Pentney;  Prior  in  1520.   {Venn,  1.  14.) 

WOODCOCKE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
Sept.  3,  1644.  S.  of  Isaac,  yeoman.  B.  at  Framlingham, 
Suffolk.  Schools,  Framlingham  and  Kelsale.  Migrated  to 
St  John's,  Nov.  22,  1644. 

WOODCOCK,  EDMUND.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  24,  1629.  Of  Munden,  Herts.  G.  of  Michael, 
of  Little  Munden.  Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 
Fellow,  1632-9.  Gentleman  of  the  King's  Chapel;  an 
excellent  musician.  'Lived  at  Buntingford,  and  died  there.' 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1645.  Brother  of  John  (1619).   {Harwood.) 

WOODCOCK,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.; 
priest,  Dec.  1624. 

WOODCOCK,  HENRY.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan. 

7,  1686-7.    Perhaps  s.  of  Francis.    Perhaps  brother  of  John 

WOODCOCK,  HUGH.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1492.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  17,  1496;  'B.A.' 
WOODCOCK,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  17, 1676. 

Of  Rutland. 
WOODCOCKE,   JOHN.     Matric.   sizar  from   Queens',   Michs. 

1579.   S.  of  Henry,  of  St  Botolph  without  Aldgate,  London. 

B.    1561.     Apparently    the    Christ's    Hospital    boy,    found 

'metest'   for  the   University,   May  9,    1579.    Migrated   to 

Oxford.    Matric.   (St   Mary  Hall,  O.xford)   Nov.   27,   1581, 

age  21;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1582-3;  M.A.  1585.  (A.  W.  Lockhart; 

Al.  Oxon.) 
WOODCOCK,    JOHN.     Matric.    pens,   from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1588. 
WOODCOCK,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594; 

B.A.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601. 
WOODCOCK,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1606. 

Chorister  of  King's.  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 

WOODCOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  Apr.  7, 
1619.  S.  of  Michael,  of  Little  Munden,  Herts.  Matric.  1619. 
Migrated  to  All  Souls,  Oxford,  Nov.  2,  1621.  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1623-4;  M.A.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  1629.  Fellow  of 
Merton  College,  1625.  V.  of  Eltham,  Kent,  1636-43, 
sequestered.  Probably  V.  of  Borden,  1648-57.  Died  1657. 
Brother  of  Edmund  (1629).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODCOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  8,  1632. 
Of  Suffolk.   Matric.  1633. 

WOODCOCK,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  18, 
1685.  S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Harwood,  Bucks.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1685-6;  Scholar,  1685.  Migrated  to  Trinity 
Hall.   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (1686-7). 

WOODCOCK,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  May  26, 

1729.    Of  Staffordshire.    Matric.  1729;  B.A.   1732-3;  M.A. 

1738;  D.D.  1769.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  18,  1732-3; 

priest  (Chester)  Dec.  23,  1733.    R.  of  Byford,  Hereford,  in 

1757.    V.  of  Canon  Pyon,   1757.    Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 

Pomfret.    Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1781;  D.D.,  of  St  John 

Baptist,  Hereford.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 
WOODCOCK,  MATTHEW.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  18, 

1591.   Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1591. 
WOODCOKE,   NICHOLAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1608.    Perhaps  'b.  at  Clavering,  Essex';  adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10.  1610. 
WOODCOCKE,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Jesus,  May  20, 

1665.    S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  of  Caldecote,  Rutland.    Matric. 

1665;  Scholar,  1667.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  27,  1668. 
WOODCOCK,  RALPH.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

1581-2.    Possibly  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Keyham,  Leics.    B.A. 

1584-5.  Perhaps  freeholder  at  Keyham  and  Durandethorpe, 

in  1630.   If  so,  probably  R.  of  Little  Peatling,  Leics.,  i6oi, 

and  R.  of  Gilmorton,  1605.   Will  (P.C.C.)  1641;  'Randolph.' 

Perhaps  father  of  Timothy  (1640).   {Nichols,  111.  983,  998.) 
WOODCOCK,  RALPH.    Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  E.ister, 

1586.   B.  at  Holmes  Chapel,  Cheshire,  1573.   B.A.  1589-90; 

M.A.  1593;  B.D.  1601.    Fellow,  1593.    Proctor,  1599-1600. 

University  preacher.   Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.)  Apr. 

25,   1595.    Probably  R.  of  Tuddenham,  Suffolk,   1600-36. 

Died  1636. 
WOODCOCK,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 

from  Eton,  Aug.  24,  1575.    Of  Eton.    Matric.  1575;  B.A. 

WooDFiELD,  Robert 

1579-80;  M.A.  1583;  B.D.  1590.  Fellow,  1578-91.  Vice- 
Provost,  1588.  University  preacher.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  July  16,  1586.  R.  of  Gt  Hampden,  Bucks.,  1590- 
1608.  V.  of  Chesham  Wobum,  1608-23,  ^"d  °i  Cheshiam 
Leicester.  Died  1623.  Buried  at  Chesham.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{Lipscomb,  11.  283.) 

WOODCOCK,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
liaster,  1581;  B.A.  1585-6.    Perhaps  R.  of  Aston  Clinton, 

Bucks.,  1584-7. 

WOODCOCKE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1581-2;  B.A.  1584-5.   Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct. 

30,  1586;  of  London. 

WODCOCKE,  THOMAS.  .Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1578.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  17,  1581-2;  of 
London  (Cheshire?);  of  Furnival's  Inn. 

WOODCOCK,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens.  (?  from  Jesls),  c.  1595. 

WOODCOCK,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1641.  Of  Rutland.  S.  and  h.  of  Peter,  grazier.  B.  at 
Caldecote,  Rutland.  School,  Oundle.  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A. 
from  Jesus,  1648;  B.D.  1655.  Intruding  Fellow  of  Jesus, 
1645-62.  Senior  Proctor,  1651-2.  Lecturer  at  All  Saints', 
Cambridge,  till  1662,  ejected.  R.  of  Graveley,  Cambs., 
1654-5.  R.  of  St  Andrew  Undershaft,  London,  1659-60, 
ejected.  Died  1695.   {Calamy,  i.  84.) 

WOODCOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  27,  1693.  S.  of  Richard,  husbandman,  of  Hatfield, 
Yorks.  School,  Hatfield  (Mr  Pratt).  Matric.  1693;  B.A. 
1696-7.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1700;  priest  (London) 
Mar.  6,  1700-1. 

WOODCOCK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  25, 
1737.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Keyham,  Leics.  B.  May  i,  1718,  at 
Seagravc.  Matric.  1738;  Scholar;  B.A.  1740-1.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Dec.  20,  1741;  priest.  May  29,  1743.  V.  of  Wislow 
and  Kilby,  Leics.,  1754.  Died  Mar.  9,  1763.  Buried  at 
Kilby.  (Burke,  L.G.;  Nichols,  in.  983.) 

WOODCOCKE,  TIMOTHY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
.May  16,  1640.  S.  of  Ralph  (?  1581-2),  R.  of  Gilmorton, 
Leics.  B.  there.  School,  Repton.   Matric.  1640. 

WOODCOCK,  WILLIAM.   FeUow  of  Pembroke,  1444. 

WOODCOCK,  WILLIAM.  M.D.  1458-9  (fined  for  non-inception, 
1461-2).  S.  of  John,  of  Leicestershire.  R.  of  St  Edmund's, 
Lombard  Street,  London,  1471-88.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's, 
1472-88.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1487-8;  to  be  buried  in  St  Edmund's. 

WOODCOCKE,  W[ILLIAM].  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's, 
Mar.  1588.  Possibly  s.  of  WilUam,  V.  of  Cantley,  Doncaster 
(1574-92).  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hardwick,  Norfolk, 
1603-14;  B.A.   {Peile,  1.  192.) 

WOODCOCK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  4,  1685.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman.  B.  at  Hatfield, 
Yorks.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  20,  i6gi;  priest  (York)  May, 
1702.  V.  of  Hatfield,  1700. 

WOODCOCKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  July  4,  1699. 

B.   at   Burton-on-Trent,   Staffs.,    1680.    Ord.   priest   (Ely) 

Feb.  29,  1707-8;  'B.A.' 

WOODCOCK, .  B.A.  1478-9. 

WOODCOCK, .   Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Peterhousc,  May  12, 

1582 ;  in  residence  for  a  year. 
WOODCOCKE, .   .\dm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  Nov.  i6io.   B.  in 

WOODCROFT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1659.  Of 

WOODDEN,    EDWARD.     Matric.  sizar  from   Clare,   Easter, 

1587;   B..^.    1590-1.    Perhaps  V.  of  Teston,    Kent,   1603. 

Buried  Oct.  16,  1621.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WOODFALL,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  27. 

1671.  Of  Cheshire.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon 

(Chester)  Sept.  20,  1674;  priest,  May  29,  1681.  C.  of  .'Vston, 

Runconi,  Cheshire,  1684. 
WOODFENN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June,  1656. 

Of  Cheshire.    Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.   Orrf. 

deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  23,  1660.   Perhaps  V.  of  WorsborouRh, 

Yorks.,  1667-98;  died  1698.    One  "Thomas  Woodfine,  2nd 

s.  of  Richard,  of  C.irnarvon,  gent.,  deceased,'  adm.  at  Lin- 
coln's Inn,  .Kug.  24,  i()(k). 
WOODFIELD  or  WOODIFILD,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  J7) 

at  St  John's,  May  15,   i6*)4.    S.  of  Stephen  (ncxti,  clerk. 

B.  at  Trimdon,  near  Ferry  Hill,  Durham.   School,  Trinidon 

(Mr  Rudd).    Matric.   logj;   B.A.   i697-«:  Wooclheld.    Ord. 

deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  24,  1699;  priest  (York)  Jan.  1700-1. 

Brother  of  Stephen  (1706). 


WooDFiELD,  Stephen 

WOODFIELD,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  22,  1665.  Of  Durham.  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1665; 
B.A.  1669-70;  M.A.  1673.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1670; 
priest,  June,  1671.  V.  of  Castle  Eden,  Durham,  1673.  C.  of 
Trimdon,  1673-95.  V.  of  Hart,  1708.  Died  1708.  Father  of 
the  next  and  of  Robert  (above).   {T.  A.  Walker,  130.) 

WOODFIELD  or  WOODIFIELD,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  (age 
18)  at  St  John's,  May  28,  1706.  S.  of  Stephen  (above), 
clerk.  B.  at  Hart,  Durham.  School,  Hart.  Matric.  1706; 
B.A.  1710-1.  C.  of  Hartlepool,  1712-4.  Ord.  priest  (Ely) 
May  23,  1714.  V.  of  Little  Wymondley,  Herts.,  1756-7. 
Died  Sept.  27,  1757,  aged  72  (sic).  Buried  at  Little  Wymond- 
ley. M.I.  Brother  of  Robert  (1694).   (Clutterbuck,  11.  554.) 

WOODIFIELD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  23,  1705.  S.  of  John,  bailiff.  B.  at  Middleham,  Durham. 
School,  Durham  (Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1705;  B..\.  1708-9. 
Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  June  19,  1709.  P.C.  of  Trimdon, 
Durham,  1709-52.  Married  Mary  Garthwaite,  Oct.  23,  i733, 
at  Trimdon.  Buried  there  Mar.  28,  1752.  (D.  S.  Boutflower; 
H.  M.  Wood.) 

WOODFORD,  EUSTACE.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 
fromEton,  Aug.  II,  1521.  Of  Bumham,  Bucks.  B.A.  1525-6; 
M.A.  1529.  Fellow,  1524.  Steward  of  the  Temple,  London. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1537.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Thomas  (1511).   (Harwood.) 

WOODFORD,  JOHN.  B.A.  1625  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S.  and 
h.  of  Robert,  of  St  Michael  Bassishaw,  London.  Matric. 
(Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford)  June  23,  1621,  age  15;  B.A.  (Ox- 
ford) 1623.  Of  the  Middle  Temple;  barrister-at-law,  1632. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODFORD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  I,  1688.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Norwich.  (Also  at 
Winchester;  adm.  there,  1685.)  Matric.  1688;  Scholar, 
1688;  B.A.  1692-3;  M.A.  1696.  Fellow,  1694.  Buried  at 
Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Dec.  22,  1704.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C).   (H.  Chitty.) 

WOODFORD,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  King's,  1728.  S.  of  John,  of 
Silsoe,  Beds.,  gent.  Matric.  (Pembroke  College,  Oxford) 
Oct.  17,  1717,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1721.  Ord.  deacon 
(Bangor)  July  22,  1722;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1729. 
R.  of  Little  Billing,  Northants.,  1737-41.  R.  of  Pitsford, 
1748-69.  Buried  there  Feb.  24,  1769,  aged  71.  M.I.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1769.   (Al.  Oxon.;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

WOODFORD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  3,  1719.  2nd  s.  of  John,  V.  of  Duston,  Northants. 
Bapt.  there.  May  26,  1702.  School,  Northampton  (Mr  Stiles). 
Died  Nov.  17,  1764,  at  Bath,  aged  62.  M.I.  at  Duston. 
(H.  I.  Longden.) 

WOODFORD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
June  13,  1687.  S.  of  Samuel,  clerk  (perhaps  the  poet  and 
divine,  for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  B.  at  Worldham,  Hants. 
School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1690-1.  In  Holy 

WOODFORD,  SAMUEL.  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1723.  S.  and  h.  of 
Heighes,  of  Elvetham,  Hants.,  clerk.  B.  July  22,  1695. 
Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  22,  1714,  age  18; 
B.A.  (New  College,  Oxford)  1719.  R.  of  Almsford  (sic), 
Somerset,  1719.  V.  of  Castle  Cary,  1721-71.  Married  Jane, 
dau.  of  James  Collins,  of  Ansford,  Somerset,  July  12,  1724. 
Died  May  16,  1771.  (Al.  Oxon.;  Burke,  L.G.;  G.  B.  Rout- 

WOODFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  i,  1511.  Of  Burnham,  Bucks.  Name  off 
before  15 13.  Clerk  to  Sir  Robert  BrudeneU,  Chief  Justice. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Eustace  (1521).   (Harwood,  133.) 

WOODFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Mar.  i, 
1731-2.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  St  Benet  Fink,  London,  Esq. 
School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner).  Matric.  (Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  May  24,  1726.  Migrated  to  Cambridge.  Matric. 
1732;  LL.B.  1732.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1733.  R.  of  All 
Hallows,  London  Wall,  London,  1733-5.  R.  of  St  Botolph's 
with  St  George's,  Billingsgate,  1736^79.  Died  Jan.  29,  1779. 
Buried  at  Windlesham,  Surrey.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Hennessy, 
83;  J.  Ch.  Smith;  Al.  Carthus.,  81;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODFORD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  30,  1742.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Leicestershire.  B.  at 
Muston.  School,  Southwell  (Mr  Bugg).  Matric.  1742;  B..\. 
1745-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1746;  priest.  Mar.  4, 
1747-8.  R.  of  Denton,  Lines.,  1751-69.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii. 

WODEFORD,  WALTER  DE.  1261.  Southern  student  who 
received  a  Royal  pardon  for  taking  part  in  a  riot  against 
the  Northern  students.   (Fuller,  29.) 

WOODFORD,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  25,  1599.  Of  London.  B.A.  1603-4;  M.A. 
1607;  B.D.  1614.    Fellow,  1602-25.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 

WooDHOusE,  John 

Sept.   20,   1607.    Chaplain  to  Viscount   Doncaster.    R.  of 
St  Faith,  London,  1624-5.   R.  of  Upton-on-Sevem,  Worcs., 
1624.   (Harwood,  205.) 
WOODGATE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 

WOODGATE,    JOHN.     Matric.    sizar   from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1646.  Of  Sussex. 
WOODGATE,  SAMUEL.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  29, 

1675.  Of  Kent.  Matric.  1678;  B.A.  1678-9.  Adm.  at  Leyden, 

Apr.  27,  1682.    Extra-licentiate,  C.P.,  Sept.  23,  1686.   M.D. 

(by  Royal  mandate),  1693.   (Munk,  i.  442.) 
WOODGATE,    THOMAS.     Adm.   sizar   (age    19)    at   Christ's, 

Nov.  17,  1743.  S.  of  James.  B.  at  Higham,  Suffolk.  School, 

Dedham    (Mr   Grimwood).     Scholar,    1744;    Matric.    i745; 

B.A.  1747-8-   (Peile,  11.  245.) 
WOODGER,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July,  i733- 

S.   of  Thomas,   of   Norwich.    B.    there.    School,   Norwich 

(Mr   Reddington).    Scholar,    1734-41;   Matric.    i735;   B.A. 

1737-8;  M.A.  1741.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  24,  1738; 

priest,   Sept.    20,    1741.     R.   of   Thorpe   Market,   Norfolk, 

1748-89;  of  Edingthorpe,    1748-89.    Died  June  24,   1789. 

M.I.  at  Edingthorpe.   (Venn,  11.  38.) 


WOODHAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,  1709.  Of 
the  Isle  of  Ely,  Cambs.  Migrated  to  King's.  Matric.  1710; 
B..'\.  1712-3.   Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May  31,  1713- 

WOODHEAD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WODEHILL,  JOHN.  M.A.  or  B.D.  His  name  occurs  as  a  pledge 
in  a  University  'Chest,'  1365.  One  John  WoodhuU  R.  of 
Woodhull  (sic)  [POdell,  Beds.];  will  (Comm.  London)  1392; 
to  be  buried  in  the  Chapel  at  St  Mary  Spital,  London. 

WOODHILL,  RICHARD.  Student  from  Cambridge.  Of  Suffolk. 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1518-9.   Fellow  of  Oriel  College,  Oxford. 

WODEHOUSE,  ARMINE  (AIRMINE).  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at 
Trinity  Hall,  Oct.  14,  1730.  S.  of  Sir  John,  of  Kimberley, 
Norfolk,  Bart.  B.  1714.  Matric.  1730.  Name  ofi,  1733- 
M.P.  for  Norfolk,  1737-68.  Succeeded  as  5th  Bart.,  Aug.  9, 
1754.  Married  Laetitia,  dau.  of  Sir  Edmund  Bacon,  of 
Garboldisham,  Norfolk,  Bart.  Died  May  21,'  1777-  Will, 
P.C.C.   Brother  of  WiUiam  (1723).   (G.E.C.,  i.  52.) 

WOODHOUSE  ('HODOWS'),  BERTRAM.  B.Civ.L.  1502-3. 
S.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Kimberley,  Norfolk.  R.  of  Trunch, 
Norfolk,  1505-48.  Built  and  endowed  almshouses  at  Trunch. 
Buried  there.  Perhaps  his  will  1545.  (Hoare,  Hist,  of  an 
East  Anglian  Soke;  Blomefield,  11.  558.) 

WOODHOUSE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1616.   Of  London.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623. 

WOODHOUSE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens', 
July  9,  1703.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Probably  s.  of  John  {1679). 
Matric.  1704;  M.B.  1710. 

WOODHOUSE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
Mar.  7,  1623-4.  S.  of  John,  of  London,  surgeon.  Matric. 
1623-4;  B.A.  1626-7. 

WOODHOUSE,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  from  Trinity  Hall,  Lent, 
1607-8.   Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (1583-4). 

WOODHOUSE,  HENRY.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Easter,  1556  (impubes).  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Kimberley,  Norfolk  (slain  at  Musselburgh,  1547).  B.  Jan.  3, 
1546.  J. P.  and  M.P.  for  Norfolk,  1572  and  1589.  Knighted, 
Aug.  27,  1578.   (Blomefield,  11.  553;  Shaw,  Knights.) 

WOODHOUSE,  HENRY.  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1583-4- 
S.  of  Henry,  of  Breccles,  Norfolk,  Esq.  FeUow,  1584-90. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1587.  B.C.L.  (Oxford)  1587.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  11,  1590.  R.  of  Smallburgh,  Norfolk,  1602. 
Perhaps  father  of  Francis  (1607-8).   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODHOUSE,  HORATIO.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1627.  Of  Holland  (?  Lincolnshire).  S.  of  Colonel  Henry,  of 
Waxham,  Norfolk  (according  to  the  M.I.).  B.A.  1630-1; 
M.A.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  17,  1632-3;  priest, 
Sept.  24,  1637.  R.  of  Denver  St  Michael,  Norfolk,  1637-42. 
R.  of  Collingtree,  Northants.,  1642-79.  Died  May  27,  1679, 
aged  76.  Buried  at  Collingtree.   M.I.   (Bridges,  1.  35?.) 

WOODHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Caius, 
Jime  22,  1601.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis,  of  Breccles,  Norfolk, 
gent.  B.  at  Whinbergh.  School,  Norwich.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Mar.  10,  1600-1.  'Returned  as  a  popish  recusant; 
living  with  his  mother  at  Caston,  in  1606';  appears  to  have 
died  1607.   (Venn,  1.  176;  Norfolk  Arch.,  v.) 

WOODHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Jan.  20,  1660-1. 

WOODHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  II,  1672-3.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Philip  (1625),  of  Kimberley, 
Norfolk,  Bart.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  June  11,  1674.  Of 
Feltwell.    Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  Denner  Strutt,  Bart. 


WooDHOUSE,  John 

of  Little  Warley,  and  widow  of  William  Samwell,  Apr.  14, 
1680.    Died  at  Malvern,  June  26,   1718.    M.I.  at  Watton. 

Perhaps  brother  of senior  (1655)  and junior  (165$). 

(G.  B.  Koutledge;  Blomefield,  u.  315.) 
WOODHOUSE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1678. 

WOODHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  2,  1679. 
S.  of  Christopher,  of  Berkhampstead,  Herts.,  M.D.  M.B.  1681 ; 
M.D.  1705  {Com.  Reg.).  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
July  8,  1676,  age  15;  Probably  adm.  at  Leyden,  Feb.  11, 
1700.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1723;  of  Berkhampstead.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1679)  and  probably  father  of  Christopher  (1703). 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Clutterbuck,  1.  304.) 

WOODHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  i,  1695. 
Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Lexham.  Matric. 
1695.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  June  29,  1699. 
Died  s.p.  Buried  at  Lexham.  Perhaps  brother  of  Philip 
(i686).   {Blomefield,  11.  5iS.) 

WOODHOUSE  or  WODEHOUSE,  PHILIP.  Matric.  Fell. -Com. 
from  Trinity,  Easter,  1577.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Roger, 
Knt.,  of  Kimberley  Hall,  Norfolk.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Nov.  2,  1580.  M.P.  for  Castle  Rising,  1586-7.  Succeeded 
his  father,  Apr.  4, 1588.  Sherifiof  Norfolk,  1594-5.  Knighted 
at  the  capture  of  Cadiz,  1596.  Created  Bart.,  June  29,  1611. 
Of  Kimberley.  Married  Grisell,  dau.  of  William  Yelverton, 
of  Rougham,  and  widow  of  Hamon  L'Estrange,  Dec.  22, 
1582.  Died  Oct.  30,  1623.  Buried  at  Kimberley.  Father  of 
Thomas  {1598).  (Burke,  Peerage,  etc.;  G.E.C.,  1.  51.) 

WOODHOUSE,  PHILIP.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1625.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1598),  of 
Kimberley,  Norfolk,  Knt.  and  Bart.  Bapt.  there,  July  24, 
1608.  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Apr.  23,  1627.  M.P.  for 
Norfolk,  1654-5,  1656-8;  for  Thetford,  i66o.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  3rd  Bart.,  Mar.  18,  1657-8.  Married  Lucy,  dau.  of 
Sir  Thomas  Cotton,  Bart.,  of  Conington.  A  man  of  great 
learning  and  a  skilled  musician.  Died  May  6,  1681.  Buried 
at  Kimberley.  M.I.  Father  of  John  (1672).  (G.E.C.,  i.  51; 
Blome field,  11.  556.) 

WODEHOUSE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1686.  Of 
Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Lexham  (by  his  ist 
wife  Mercia,  dau.  of  Sir  Philip  Parker,  Knt.,  of  Suffolk). 
Buried  Aug.  8,  1703,  at  Kimberley.  Perhaps  brother  cf 
John  (1695).  (Blomefield,  11.  558;  Masters,  where  he  is 
apparently  wrongly  identified.) 

WOODHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July  2, 
1679.  Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Berkhamp- 
stead.  Brother  of  John  (1679). 

WOODHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sidney, 
May  31,  1705.  S.  of  William,  V.  of  Yardley,  Worcs.  B.  there. 
Brother  of  William  (1700). 

WOODHOUSE,  ROBERT.  M.A.  from  King's,  1720.  S.  of 
Francis,  of  Shobdon,  Hereford.  Matric.  (Brasenose  College, 
Oxford)  Nov.  7,  1707,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1711.  R.  of 
Hopesay,  Salop,  1716.  R.  of  Hameringham,  Lines.,  1720. 
{A I.  Oxon.) 

WOODHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1545  {impubes). 

WOODHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs. 
1565.  One  of  these  names  Head  Master  of  Rotherham 
Grammar  School,  Yorks.,  till  1584.  Died  Apr.  29,  1606. 
Buried  at  Rotherham.   M.I.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WOODHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1572.   Of  Norfolk. 

WOODEHOWSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  13)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  26,  1598.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Philip  (1577),  Knt.  and  Bart. 
B.  at  Buckenham,  Norfolk.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  i, 
1 600-1.  Knighted,  June,  1603.  Succeeded  his  father  as 
2nd  Bart.,  Oct.  30,  1623.  Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  1624-5.  M.P. 
forThetford,  1640  and  1640-53.  Memberof  the  Long  Parlia- 
ment. A  Parliamentarian.  Gentleman  of  the  Chamber  to 
Henry,  Prince  of  Wales.  Of  Kimberley,  Norfolk.  Married 
Blanche,  dau.  of  John  (Carey),  Baron  Hunsdon.  Died  Mar. 
18,  1657-8.  Buried  at  Kimberley.  M.I.  Father  of  Philip 
(1625).    {Venn,  i.  164;  G.E.C.,  1.  52;  Blomefield,  11.  555.) 

WOODHOUSE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's, 
Apr.  22,  1664.  Matric.  1664.  Signed  for  deacon's  orders 
(London)  Sept.  19,  1668.  C.  of  Hever,  Kent. 

WOODHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Jan.  12, 
1673-4.   Of  Salop. 

WOODHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
June  I,  1700.  S.  of  WiUiam,  clerk,  V.  of  Yardley,  Worcs. 
B.  there.  School,  Yardley.  Matric.  1700.  Brother  of  Richard 

WODEHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell. -Cora,  (age  18)  at  Caius, 
c.  June  12,  1723.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  Bart.,  of  Kimberley, 
Norfolk.  B.  in  London.  School,  Wymondham  (Messrs 
Sayer  and  Brett).    Matric  1724.    M.P.  for  Norfolk,  1734-6. 

WooDMAs,  Francis 

Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Lord  Bathurst,  Aug.  5,  1731- 
Died  s.p.  of  small-pox  in  London,  Mar.  1736-7.  Buried  at 
St  James's,  Westmmster.  Brother  of  Annine  (1730).  {Venn, 
II.    18;    Blomefield,   11.   358,   where    the   date   of   burial   is 


WOODHOUSE,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  sizar  (age   17)   at  Sidney, 

Aug.  4,  1726.   S.  of  William,  barber.    B.  at  Newport,  Salop. 

School,   Newport   (Mr   Lea).     Matric.    1726;   B.A.   1731-2. 

Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1742.    V.  of  Dunton,  Beds., 

WOODHOUSE,   {senior).    Adm.   FeU.-Com.   at  Trinity, 

1655.   Perhaps  Thomas,  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Philip  (1625),  Bart. 

If  so,  knighted,  Nov.  2,   1666.    Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir 

William  Airmine,  Bart.    Died  v. p.,  Apr.  29,   1671,  of  the 

small-pox,  aged  c.  35.   {G.E.C.,  i.  52.) 

WOODHOUSE,   {junior).    Adm.   Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity, 

1655.  Perhaps  Edmund,  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Philip  (1625).  If  so, 
of  Lexham,  Norfolk.  Colonel  of  the  Militia  (1696).  Married 
(i)  Mercia,  dau.  of  Sir  Philip  Parker,  Bart.;  (2)  Anne,  dau. 
of  John  Anguish,  of  Gt  Melton.  Died  Sept.  5,  1727,  aged  88. 
Perhaps  father  of  Philip  (1686).   {Blomefield,  557.) 

WODEHOUSE,    .     Adm.    FeU.-Com.    at    Trinity    Hall, 

Jan.  12,  1735-6. 
WOODIE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Lent,  1613-4. 

WOODLARK,  ROBERT.  One  of  the  original  FeUows  of  King's, 
1441.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Wakerley,  Stamford,  Northants. 
Esquire  Bedell,  c.  1440.  Provost  of  King's,  1452-79.  Sur- 
veyor of  the  chapel  during  its  building;  master  of  the  works 
there,  1452-5.  Chancellor  of  the  University,  1459-60  and 
1462-3.  Founder  of  St  Catharine's  Hall,  1473;  drew  up 
the  original  statutes  and  obtained  a  charter  from  Edward  IV, 
Aug.  16,  1475.  Master  of  the  Chapel  at  Whittlesford,  Cambs., 
1453-60.  R.  of  Kingston,  1457.  R.  of  Coton,  1471-4;  of  St 
Vigor's,  Fulboum,  i474-(?)  81.  Donor  of  books  to  the  CoUege 
library.  Dead  in  i486.  {Cath.  CoU.  Hist.;  D.N.B.;  H.  P. 
Stokes,  Esquire  Bedells,  64;  J.  Crosby.) 

WOODLESE,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 

1562.   Perhaps  R.  of  BromesweU,  Suffolk,  1575-81. 
WOODLEY,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595; 

Scholar,  1599;  B.-A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603. 
WOODLEY,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1579; 

B.A.  1582-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Apr.  4,  1588. 

WOODLEY, .   B.A.  from  King's,  1610-1. 

WOODLIFFE,  GILBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1568.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1577.   V.  of  Thbmton- 

by-Homcastle,   Lines.,    1580.    R.  of   Moorby,    1586.    Will 

(Lincoln)  1620. 
WOODLIFF,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1582. 

Of  Lincolnshire. 
WOODLIFF,  .      Adm.  pens,  at    Peterhouse,  Nov.  24, 

WOODMAN,    GEORGE.     Matric.   pens,   from   Clare,    Easter, 

1609;  B.A.  1612;  M.A.   1617.    Probably  R.  of  Thakeham, 

Sussex,    1619-40.    WiU   proved   (P.C.C.)   Feb.   16,   1640-1. 

Perhaps  brother  of  the  next.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WOODMAN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1615; 
B.A.  1619-20.    Perhaps  brother  of  George  (above). 

Follow  of  King's  Hall,  1471-5;  Vodomance;  B.Can.L. 
1474-5.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  1473;  deacon, 
Mar.  5,  1473-4;  priest.  Mar.  26,  1474-  V.  of  Routh,  Yorks., 
1495-6.   Died  1496. 

WOODMANSEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1609;  B..\.  from  Magdalene,  1612-3;  ^'-A-  >6ib. 
Emigrated  to  New  England,  1635.  Resiled  at  Ipswich,  Mass., 
1635-43;  schoolmaster  there.  Removed  to  Boston,  1643; 
appointed  the  4th  Head  Master  of  the  Boston  Latin  School, 
1650.  Died  at  Boston,  Aug.  13,  1667.  (J.  G.  B.irUctt.) 


WOODMANSTON, .    11. Cm. L.  1465-6.    Perhaps  scholar  of 

King's  Hall,  1471-2;  Wodmansteni. 

WOODMAS,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  siziir  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Juno 
21,  1680.  S.  of  William,  tailor.  Bapt.  Sept.  7.  1663,  at  St 
Nicholas,  Nowcastle,  NorthumU'rland.  School,  Newcastle 
(private).  Matric.  1680;  B.A.  16S3-4;  M.A.  1687.  Onl. 
deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  20,  1685.  R.  of  Croxdale,  Durham. 
i(>95  Minor  canon  of  Durham,  i(>g5.  V.  of  Hcdlington. 
Northumberiand,  i(x>6^-i7i8.  Lecturer  at  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle.  Married,  al  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  July  6,  1704, 
Agnes  Greene,  widow.  Dio<l  Oct.  12,  1718.  (ScoliMa\-or,i\; 
D.  S.  Boutflower;  H.  M.  Wood;  T.  C.  Dale.) 


WooDNOTH,  Charles 

WODNOTH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
June  15,  1722.  S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Thomborough,  Bucks., 
Esq.  Matric.  1722;  LL.B.  1727.  Fellow,  1728.  Perhaps 
High  Sheriff  of  Bucks.,  1753;  of  Maid's  Morton.  {Lipscomb, 
I.  xix.) 
WOODENOTH,  RALPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
June  29,  1633.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  'Landwich'  (?  Nantwich), 
Cheshire.  School,  Coventry  (Mr  White).  Matric.  1633. 
(Peile,  I.  428.) 
WOODNOT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  29,  1561.  Of  Shavington,  Cheshire.  Doubtless 
s.  of  LawTence,  of  Shavington.  Matric.  1561;  B.A.  1565-6- 
Fellow,  1564-6.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1576.  M.A.  (Oxford) 
1577.  R.  of  Worting,  Hants.,  1574.  R.  of  Ashcombe,  Devon, 
1582.  R.  of  Linkinhome,  Cornwall,  1583-1615.  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Henry  Clifford,  of  Boscombe,  Wilts.  Father 
of  the  next.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Harwood;  Vis.  of  Oieshire,  1613.) 
WOODNOTE,  THEOPHILUS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1606.  S.  of  Thomas  (above).  B.  at  Linkinhome, 
Cornwall.  Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614;  B.D.  1623; 
D.D.  1630.  Fellow,  1609-15.  Incorp.  at  O.xford,  1619. 
Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Linkinhome,  Comwall,  1615; 
ejected,  c.  1645;  reinstated,  1660-2.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
James  Spicer,  of  St  Gorran,  1615.  Author,  Aphorisms,  etc. 
Buried  Oct.  i,  1662,  at  Linkinhome.  {Harwood;  D.N.B.) 
WOODNORTH,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs. 

WOODROFFE,  BENJAMIN.  M.A.  1664  (Incorp.  from  Christ 
Church,  Oxford).  Matric.  there,  July  23,  1656.  S.  of 
Timothy,  of  Kingsland,  Hereford,  clerk.  B.  .\pr.  1638,  at 
Oxford.  School,  Westminster.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1659;  M.A. 
1662;  B.D.  and  D.D.  1673.  Principal  of  Gloucester  Hall 
(Worcester  College),  Oxford,  1692-1711-  Canon  of  Christ 
Church,  1672-171 1.  F.R.S.,  1668.  Lecturer  of  the  Temple, 
1672.  V.  of  Piddleton,  Dorset,  1673-4.  Chaplain  to  Charles  II, 
1674.  V.  of  Shrivenham,  Berks.,  1675.  Canon  of  Lichfield, 
1678-1711.  R.  of  St  Bartholomew,  Royal  Exchange,  London, 
1676-1711.  Married  (i)  Dorothy  Stonehouse,  of  Besselsleigh, 
Berks.,  spinster,  at  St  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Nov.  16, 
1676;  (2)  Mary  Marbury.  Author,  miscellaneous.  Died 
Aug.  14,  171 1.  Buried  at  St  Bartholomew's.  Will,  P.C.C. 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Heame's  Diary;  D.N.B.) 
WOODROFFE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1584.    Probably  s.  of  Stephen,  of  London 

(and  Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Draper,   Knt.,  and 
Lord  Mayor  of  London,  1566).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  15, 

1585;  'of  London.'    Died  s.p.    {Vis.  of  Surrey,  1623;  Misc. 
Gen.  el  Her.,  n.  379.) 
WOODROFFE,  FRANCIS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1571.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  WooUey,  Yorks. 
Sold  Woolley  to  Michael  Went  worth,  Sept.  i,  1599.    Died 

unmarried.   Brother  of  Gervase  (1578)-    (Misc.  Gen.  et  Her. 

H.  379;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1585;  Hunter,  u.  387.) 
WOODROFFE,  GABRIEL.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 

Mar.  26,  1673.  S.  of  John,  of  Gt  Yarmouth,  Norfolk.  Matric. 

1673;  B..\.  1676-7.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1660). 
WODEROFFE,  GERVASE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1578.     Doubtless   s.   of    George,  of    Woolley,  Yorks.  (and 

Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Gervase  Clifton).    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 

1580.    Brother  of  Francis  (1571)-    {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  11. 

379;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1585;  Hunter,  11.  387.) 
WOODROOFE,   ISAAC.    Adm.  pens,  (age   17)   at  St  John's, 

Oct.   3,   1657.    S.  of  John,  weaver,  of  Colchester,  Essex. 

B.  there.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1661-2; 

M.A.  1665.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  17;  priest.  May  25, 

1662.   Chaplain  to  Viscount  Montague.   V.  of  Rottingdean, 

Sussex,    1679.    Preb.  of  Chichester,   1682-98.    R.  of   Pul- 

borough,  Sussex,  1698.    Died  1698.   WiU  (Chichester)  1698. 

(W.  C.  Renshaw;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 
WOODROVE,  JEREMIAH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  2,  1676.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  at  Sheffield,  Yorks.  School, 

Sheffield.   Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683.    Incorp. 

at  Oxford,  1683.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb.  1680-1. 
WOODRUFF,  JOHN.    Grace  for  B.Can.L.  1498.    Ord.  deacon 

(Ely)  Dec.  22,  1498. 
WOODROFFE,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WOODROFFE,  JOHN.   M.A.  1705  {Cotn.  Reg.). 
WOODROFFE,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 

10,   1722.    S.  of  William  (1674),   R.  of  Balsham,  Cambs. 

B.  there,  Apr.   15,   1705.    School,  Felsted.    Matric.   1723. 

Migrated  to  Clare,  Sept.  26,  1723-   B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730. 

Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Dec.  22,  1728;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  21, 
1729.  V.ofLeysdown,  Kent,  1734-5-  R.  of  Warden,  1734-6. 

V.  o£  Cranham,  Essex,  1734-86.   R.  of  Springfield,  1748-86. 

WooDROFFE,  William 

Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  Oxford.  Married  Catherine,  dau. 
of  Oliver  Pocklington,  R.  of  Chelmsford.  Died  Mar.  2,  1786. 
Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1719).  {Scott-Mayor,  in. 
WOODROFFE,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  14, 
1679;  e.xhibitioner  from  St  Paul's  School.  Of  Gloucestershire. 
Matric.  1679. 
WODEROVE,   NICHOLAS.    Scholar  at   King's   Hall;   adm. 

Oct.  5,  1368.  Died  May  3,  1369. 
WOODROFFE,  PERCIVAL.  Matric.  pens,  (age  10)  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1559.  S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Brampton,  Yorks., 
whose  wiU  proved  May  8,  1559,  says:  'my  sons  William  and 
Percival  to  be  put  forth  to  scole  at  Cambridge,  Oxford,  or 
Eton  scole  before  mydsomer  next,  and  there  kept  at  the  cost 
of  my  wife,  Alice,  for  6  years.'  Brother  of  William  (1559). 
{Surtees  Sac,  North  Country  Wills,  11.  14.) 
WOODROFFE,  RICHARD.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1498  (age  10). 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Woolley,  Yorks.,  and  after- 
wards owner  of  Woolley.  High  Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1510  and 
1518.  Married  (i)  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Nicholas  Wortley; 
(2)  Beatrice,  dau.  of  Thomas  FitzWilliam.  Died  1522. 
Inq.  Oct.  6,  1522.  {Misc.  Geti.  et  Her.,  11.  339;  M.  H.  Peacock; 
Hunter,  11.  387.) 

WOODRUFF,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1468.  Of  Chelmsford,  Essex.  B.A.  1470-1; 
M.A.  1474;  D.D.  1486-7.  Fellow  of  King's.  Proctor,  1476-7. 
R.  of  Fulboum  St  Vigors,  Cambs.,  1481-1508.  R.  of  St 
Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  1512-5;  of  All  Hallows,  Bread  Street. 
Buried  in  Leeds  Priory,  Kent.  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  6, 
1515-6.  {Hennessy.) 

WOODROFFE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1564.  Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Nicholas,  citizen  of 
London,  and  Lord  Mayor  in  1579.  If  so,  of  Alvington, 
Gloucs.  Purchased  Hilburton  in  Lidney,  c.  1570.  Knighted, 
1603.  Died  s.p..  May  17,  1609.  Buried  at  Alvington.  M.I. 
{Pedigree  of  Woodroffe.) 

WOODROOFFE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1572. 

WOODRUFFE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1633;  B.A.  163&-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May 
30,  1640.  R.  of  Chartham,  Kent,  1646-60.  Chaplain  to 
Charles  Rich,  Earl  of  Warwick,  1659-73.  Of  Hope,  Derbs. 
Buried  at  Felsted,  Essex,  Oct.  29,  1689.  WUl  (P.C.C.)  1689. 
Father  of  the  next  and  of  William  (1674)-  {Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  N.S.,  iii.  65.) 

WOODROFFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  18, 
1672.  S.  of  Thomas  (above),  of  Hope,  Derbs.  B.  Mar.  4, 
1654,  at  Chartham,  Kent.  Matric.  1672;  Scholar,  1674; 
B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  16; 
priest.  Mar.  18,  1678-9.  V.  of  Felsted,  Essex,  1679-1712. 
Died  unmarried,  Oct.  13,  1712,  at  Felsted.  Will,  P.C.C. 
In  Kettlewell's  Life  he  is  recorded  as  a  non-juror.  Brother 
of  William  (1674).   {Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  iii.  165.) 

WOODROFFE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Apr.  1, 
1719.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  S.  of  William  (1674).  B.D.,  R.  of 
Balsham,  Cambs.  B.  there,  Jan.  16,  1700.  Matric.  1719; 
B.A.  1722-3;  M.A.  1726.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  14,  1724- 
V.  of  Linton,  Cambs.,  1730-41.  V.  of  Ellington,  Hunts., 
1741-6.  Died  unmarried,  Apr.  25,  1746.  Brother  of  John 

WOODROFFE,  THOMAS.   Mus.Bac.  1720. 

1496;  B.D.  1504-5;  D.D.  1506-7.  Fellow  of  Clare,  1494; 
Master,  1506-14.  Proctor,  1503-4.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  2, 
1496.  R.  of  Fulboum  St  Vigor,  Cambs.,  1508-14.  Died  1514. 
{Cooper,  I.  16;  Hist,  of  Clare,  30.) 

WOODROUFE,  W[ILLIAM].  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  St 
John's,  Easter,  1559.  One  'William  Woodroffe,  of  Tickhill, 
Yorks.,'  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1565.  Brother  of  Percival 

WOODROOFE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1612. 

WOODROFF,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1660.  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Yarmouth,  Norfolk, 
gent.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  28,  1660-1.  Perhaps  brother 
of  Gabriel  (1673)- 

WOODROOFFE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Apr.  25, 
1674.  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (1633),  of  Kent,  clerk.  B.  Dec.  15, 
1656,  at  Chartham.  School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner). 
Matric.  1674.  Migrated  to  Queens',  Nov.  18,  i675-  B.A. 
1677-8;  M.A.  1681;  B.D.  1690  {Com.  Reg.).  FeUow  of 
Queens'.  R.  of  West  Hanningfield,  Essex,  1690-3,  ejected. 
V.  of  Foxton,  Cambs.,  1696-7.  R-  of  Balsham,  1697-1732. 
Died  June  20,  1732.  Buried  at  Balsham.  M.I.  Father  of 
John  (1722)  and  Thomas  (1719)-   (Al.  Carthus.) 

WOODRUFFE, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  1584-5- 


WooDSiDE,  Robert 

WOODS,  see  WOOD. 

WOODSIDE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  May  4. 
1620.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Suffolk.  Scfiool,  Bury  St 
Edmunds.  Matric.  1620;  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Perhaps 
Usher  of  Ipswich  Grammar  School,  Suffolk,  1630-57.  Head 
Master  there  1657-9.   {Venn,  1.  250.) 

WOODSON,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Easter,  1615;  B.A. 

from   King's,   1618-9;   M.A.    1622.    Ord.  deacon   (Peterb.) 

Aug.  i;  priest,  Aug.  2,  1618.   Parish  chaplain  of  St  Martin- 

at-Plain,   Norwich,    1618-36.     Possibly   V.   of    Himbkton, 

Worcs.,  1634-9.   (Venn,  i.  228.) 
WOODESON,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1551;  B.A. 1554-5- 
WODESTOK,  JOHN  DE.   'King's  scholar'  at  Cambridge,  1319- 

WOODTHORPE,  NICHOLAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c. 

1592.   S.  of  Lionel,  of  Aby,  Lines.  B.  1580.  Adm.  at  Gray's 

Inn,  Nov.  20,  1595.  Of  Tothill,  Lines.  Living,  1620.  {Lines. 

Pedigrees,  1107.) 

WOODWALL,  ANTHONY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Jan. 

30,  1564-5. 
WOODWARD,  ANTHONY.    B.A.  1562-3.   Of  Middlesex.   M.A. 

from  St  John's,  1566.   Fellow  of  St  John's,  1563. 
WOODWARD,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Trinity  Hall, 

Mar.  26,  1726.   Of  Meath,  Ireland.  Matric.  1728;  M.A.  1728 

{Com.  Reg.).  Fellow  of  Jesus,  1732-6.  Afterwards  of  Hunts. 

WOODWARD,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Sidney, 
Mar.  17,  1631-2.  S.  of  John,  attorney,  K.B.  B.  at  Denton, 
Norfolk.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A. 
1639.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1642;  priest  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  21,  1645.  Perhaps  R.  of  Greeting  All  Saints,  Sufiolk, 
1693-1706.  Brother  of  Henry  (1635). 

WOODWARD,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  25,  1637.  Of  Bedfordshire.  Probably  grandson  of 
Edward,  of  Ampthill,  Beds.  School,  Stevenage,  Herts. 
Matric.  1637.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1651; 
of  Kempston,  Beds.  Buried  at  Houghton  Conquest,  Apr.  19, 
1660.  M.I.  Will  dated  Mar.  10,  1659.  Benefactor  to  Peter- 
house and  to  the  Free  School  at  Stevenage,  Herts.  {T.  A. 
Walker,  59;  Genealog.  Bedf.,  396.) 

WOODWARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  11, 
1588-9.  Matric.  1588-9.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Aug.  5,  1591;  of  Buckinghamshire.  If  so,  probably  died 
1643;  will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1643  by  his  son  Edward  (?next). 
Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (c.  i593)- 

WOODWARD,  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Emmanuel, 
Easter,  1623.  Matric.  1623-4.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Edward 
(above),  of  Leigh,  Bucks.,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10, 
1627.   If  so,  proved  his  father's  will  (P.C.C.)  1643. 

WOODWARD,  ENOCH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
May  22,  165 1.  S.  of  John,  of  Norwich.  B.  there.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Levering).  Matric.  1651;  B.A.  1654-5.  V.  of 
St  George's,  Norwich,  till  1662,  ejected. 

WOODWARD,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  King's, 
Michs.  1747;  M.B.  1748. 

WOODWARD,  GAWDY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 

WOODWARD,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  27, 
1694.  S.of  Henry,  of  Odell,  Beds.  Matric.  (St  Edmund  Hall, 
Oxford)  Nov.  17,  1676,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1680;  M.A. 
from  St  John's,  1694.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  5,  1684; 
priest  (Hereford)  Sept.  25,  1687.  R.  of  Hinton  St  George, 
Somerset,  1697-1738.  R.  of  Uplowman,  Devon,  1734. 
Died  1738.   (/IL  0.>:oM.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WOODWARD,  GODFREY.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  King's, 
Easter,  1697.  Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  29, 
1710-1;  s.  and  h.  of  Godfrey,  of  the  Inner  Temple,  deceased. 

WOODWARD,  GODFREY.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Clare,  Apr. 
10,  1 75 1.   B.  in  London. 

WOODWARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Apr. 
5,  1635.  3rd  s.  of  John,  barrister,  of  the  Middle  Temple. 
B.  at  Bury  St  Edmunds.  School,  Bury.  Matric.  1635. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  May  12,  1637.  Brother  of 
Charles  (1632). 

WOODWARD,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  9,  1731.  S.  of  John  (1676),  R.  of  West  Grinstead, 
Sussex.  School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1731;  Scholar,  1731-2; 
B.A.  1734-5;  M.A.  1757.  Ord.  deacon,  Sept.  19,  17.^6; 
priest,  Dec.  18,  1737  (from  Canterbury  Act  lik;  no  bishop 
given).     V.   of    Billingshurst,   Sussex,    1737-     V.   of    West 

Woodward,  Thomas 

Grinstead,  1752-9.  V.  of  East  Grinstead,  1757.  K.  of  Worth, 
1760.  Died  unmarried,  1763.  Admon.,  Dec.  1763;  to 
nephew  Rev.  John  (?  1751).  Brother  of  Thomas  (1720)  and 
John  (1723).   (T.  C.  Dale;  T.  A.  Walker;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WOODWARD,  HERBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1661. 
Of  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Ashford,  gent. 
Matric.  1661.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Nov.  23,  1663.  Age  19 
in  1663.   {Vis.  of  Kent,  1663.) 

WOODWARD,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1458  (age  13). 

WOODWARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  i6i7- 
B.  Feb.  2,  i6oi-2.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Scholar, 
1618;  B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1624.  Fellow  of  Clare. 

WOODWARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Trinity,  July  i,  1676.  Of 
Sussex.  School,  Winchester.  Migrated  to  Peterhouse,  Feb.  5, 
1676-7,  age  17.  Matric.  1677;  Scholar,  1677;  B.A.  1679-80; 
M.A.  1683;  D.D.  1707.  Fellow,  1683;  deprived  in  1693  as 
a  non-juror.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1686.  Ord.  deacon 
(Chichester)  Sept.  25,  i68t;  priest,  June  11,  1682.  R.  of 
Merrow,  Surrey,  1682-4.  R-  of  West  Grinstead,  Sussex, 
1695-30.  R.  of  Birdham,  1712-30.  Preb.  of  Chichester, 
1 71 5.  Died  1730-1.  Will  (Chichester)  1731.  Father  of 
Henry  ( 1 731),  John  (1723)  and  Thomas  (1720).  {T.A.  Walker, 
158;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WOODWARD,  JOHN.    M.D.  from  Pembroke,  1695  (Incorp. 

from  Lambeth).  B.  May  i,  1665  (of  a  Gloucester  family). 
Apprenticed  to  a  London  linendrapcr.  Professor  of  Physic  at 
Gresham  College,  1692-1728.  F.R.S.,  1693.  M.D.  (Umbeth) 
1695.  CancUdate,  R.C.P.,  1698.  F.R.C.P.,  1703.  Gulstonian 
lecturer,  1710.  Geologist.  Founder  of  the  Woodwardian 
Professorship.  Author,  geological,  etc.  Died  .\pr.  25,  1728. 
Buried  in  Westminster  Abbey.  Will,  P.C.C.  {D.N.B.; 
Endowments,  196;  Ward's  Gresham.) 

WOODWARD,  JOHN.  .\dm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Dec.  2,  1723.  Of  Sussex.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John  (1676). 
School,  Winchester.  Matric.  1724;  Scholar,  1724;  B.A.  1727- 
8;  M.A.  1731.  Fellow,  1731.  Brother  of  Henry  (1731)  and 
Thomas  (1720). 

WOODWARD,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  13,  1751.  Of  Sussex.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (1720). 
School  (private).  Scholar,  1752;  B.A.  1756.  R.  of  West 
Grinstead,  Sussex,  1759.  Married  EUzabeth,  dau.  of  William 
White,  of  Horsham.  Died  May  5,  1807,  aged  73.  (T.  A. 
Walker,  302.) 

WOODWARD,  JOSIAH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  June 
17,  1696.   Matric.  1696. 

WOODWARD,  MATTHEW.  B.A.  1532-3.  Probably  of  Peter- 

WOODWARD,  MICHAEL.  M.A.  1632  (Incorp.  from  0.xford). 
Of  Bedfordshire,  pleb.  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  9,  1621,  age  19;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1625;  M..\.  1628-9; 
B.D.  1637;  D.D.  1660.  Warden  of  New  College,  Oxford, 
1658-75.  R.  of  Ashe,  Surrey,  1642.   R.  of  Brightwell,  Berks., 

1660.  Died  June  16,  1675.  Buried  in  New  College  Chapel. 
Will  (Oxford)  i675-   (--l'-  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  Mon.) 

WOODWARD,   PHILIP.    Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter, 

WOODWARD,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  2, 

1631-2.  S.  of  R.  [Richard],  of  London,  grocer.  Matric.  1632; 

Scholar,  1632-4.    Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  i8, 

1636-7.   (r.  A.  Walker,  46.) 
WOODWARD,  RICHARD.    .Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  July  1. 

1681.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Woodstock,  0.xon.    M..^.  from  St 

John's,    1681.    Matric.   (Trinity  College,  Oxford)   May  24. 

1661.  age  16;  B.A.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1664.  R.  of 
Pembury,  Kent,  1677.  Buried  there  Apr.  27,  I73i-  M'- 
Oxon.;  Fielding.) 

WOODWARD,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Macdalenf. 
Apr.  5,  1653.  S.  of  Peter,  of  Broomfcill,  Cheshire.  School, 
Northwich.  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  from  St  John's, 

1662.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1663.  V.of  Aldworth,  Berks.,  1659. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

WOODWARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov.  26, 
1564.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Stafford.  School,  Stafford. 
^!atric.  1564.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Oviiigton,  Norfolk, 
1587-1601 ;  R.  of  St  Julian,  with  St  Fdmund,  and  St  Clement, 
Norwich,  1589.  V.  of  St  John  Baptist,  Norvvich,  1598-1608. 
{Venn,  1.  56.) 

WOODWARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  r.  1593. 
I'lih.ips  .uini.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  8,  1597;  of  Bucks. 
I'lrh.ips  brother  of  Filw.ud  (1588-9). 

WOODWARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  p«Mis.  from  Christ's.  Michs. 
1(121.  One  of  these  n.imes,  'of  Friston,  Sussex.'  adm.  .it 
the  Inner  Trinple.  l-Vl).  t,  1624  5;  another,  'of  Throwlcy, 
Kent,'  adm.  .\l.>r.  12,  1625.  {Peile,  1.  342.) 


Woodward,  Thomas 

WOODWARD,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
July  2,  1720.  S.  of  John  (1676),  R.  of  West  Grinstead, 
Sussex.  School,  Winchester.  Maine.  1720;  Scholar,  1720; 
B.A.  1723-4;  M.A.  1727.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  Sept.  19, 
1725;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1727.  R.  of  West  Grinstead,  Sussex, 
1730-52.  V.  of  Billingshurst,  1732-7.  Married  Catherine 
PeUat,  of  St  Edmund-le-King,  London,  Dec.  i,  1732,  at 
St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London.  Died  1752.  .Admon.,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Henry  (1731)  and  John  (1723),  perhaps  father 
of  John  (1751).  {T.  A.  Walker,  245;  T.  C-  Dale;  H.  B. 

WOODWARDE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Michael 
House,  Easter,  1545. 

WOODWARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1609;  B.A.  1612-3.  One  of  these  names  s.  of  William,  of 
High  Holbom,  London;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  4,  1606-7; 
ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1618.  {Peile, 
I-  273) 

WOODWARD, .   Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1486-7. 

WOODWARD,  .    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  July  5, 

1714  (name  off,  1718). 

WOODWORTH,  JEPHTHA.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  20)  at 
St  John's,  May  26,  1702.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Ealing  (private).   Matric.  1702. 

WOODYARD,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1517-8.  Probably  pens,  at 
GoNviLLE  Hall,  1526. 

WOODYARD,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesls, 
Easter,  1617. 

WOODYEAR,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Pembroke, 
July  I,  1674.  S.  of  William,  of  York,  gent.  B.  Aug.  20,  1656. 
Secretary  to  Sir  William  Temple.  Of  CrookhiU,  Doncaster. 
Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Tatham,  Feb.  21,  1687-8. 
Died  Nov.  11,  1710,  aged  54.  Buried  at  Conisborough. 
Father  of  Richard  (1712).   (M.  H.  Peacock;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WOODYERE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  24,  1676. 
Matric.  1676  (in  his  absence,  owing  to  prevalence  of  small- 
pox). Of  Sussex.  Scholar,  1678;  B.A.  1679-80;  M.A.  1683. 
V.  of  Oving,  Sussex,  1682-1720.  V.  of  Bersted,  1704. 
Chaplain  to  Frances,  Dowager  Lady  Escrick.  Died  1720. 
Buried  at  Oving.   (T.  C.  Dale;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  A.  Gray.) 

WOODYEARE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  19)  at  Trinity, 
Apr.  15,  1748.  S.  of  William,  of  CrookhiU,  Yorks.  Bapt. 
Feb.  27,  1727.  School,  Chesterfield,  Derbs.  (Mr  Burroughs). 
Matric.  1748.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  Richard  Turbutt, 
of  Doncaster,  Esq.  Died  s./).,  1812.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WOODYERE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 
S.  of  William,  of  Cowling,  Kent.  B.A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603; 
Woodie.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1605.  R.  of  Halstow,  Kent, 
1605.  Preb.  of  Rochester,  1614.  Died  1628.  (Al.  Oxon.; 
H.  G.  Harrison;  Burke,  Seats  and  Arms,  11.  29.) 

WOODYEAR,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Apr.  13,  1712.  S.  of  George  (1674).  B.  at  Crookhill  in  the 
parish  of  Conisborough,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Apr.  12,  1694.  School, 
Doncaster.  Matric.  1712;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1715-6; 
M.A.  1722.  Usher  at  the  Grammar  School,  King's  Lynn, 
Norfolk,  1716-8.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1718.  V.  of 
Hutton  Buscel,  Yorks.,  1729-36.  Died  unmarried.  Buried 
Feb.  24,  1735-6,  at  Conisborough.    {Peile,  11.  179;  Hunter, 

I.  124;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WOODYERE  or  WODDIER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's 
(age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  24,  1593.  Of  Kent. 
Matric.  1593-4;  B..\.  1597-8;  M.A.  1601.  Fellow,  1596- 
1604,  ejected.   {King's  Hist.,  83.) 

WOODYEARE,  WILLIAM.  A  student  at  Cambridge.  S.  and 
h.  of  William,  of  CrookhiU,  Yorks.  Died  unmarried.  Buried 
Feb.  17,  1732-3,  aged  19.  Brother  of  John  (1748).   {Hunter, 

II.  124.) 

WOOLBY,  CLIFTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  19, 

1744.   S.  of  WiUiam,  of  Retford,  Notts.   School,  Rampton, 

Notts.  (Mr  Howlet).   Matric.  1744. 
WOLBY,  EDWARD.   Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Sidney,  June  30, 

1621.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.  B.  at  Bilsby,  Lines.  School,  Alford. 

Matric.   1621.    Buried  at  BUsby,   June   22,    1623.    {Lines. 

Pedigrees,  1100.) 
WOOLBIE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Mar. 

14,  1709-10.   S.  of  Edward,  of  Louth,  Lines.  School,  Saffron 

Walden,  Essex  (Mr  KUbum). 

WOOLF,  see  WOLF. 

WOOLFALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  22, 
1641.  S.  of  John,  husbandman,  of  Tunstall,  Lanes.  B.  there. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1641;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1649. 
Minister  at  AU  Saints,  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  1662-3.  Buried 
Apr.  30,  1663,  at  St  Jolm's,  Newcastle.  (H,  M>  Wood.) 

WooLMER,  Matthew 

WOOLFALL,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  .\pr.  13, 
1657.  S.  of  Thomas,  clerk,  deceased,  of  Ivinghoe,  Bucks. 
B.  there.  School,  Berwick,  Northumberland  (Mr  Webb). 
Matric.  1657;  B.A.  1660-1.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Durham) 
Sept.  22,  1661;  V.  of  Woodhom,  Northumberland,  1661; 
M.A.  Buried  there  Feb.  24,  1683-4. 

WOOLFALL,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  Aug.  26,  1562.  B.  at  WooUall,  Lanes.  Matric. 
1562.  Resident,  1564.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Apr.  23,  1569, 
age  25.  V.  of  Westhampstead. 

WOOLFALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Sept.  8,  1619. 
Matric.  1619;  'Walsall';  B.A.  1623-4;  M.A.  1627.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  22;  priest,  Feb.  23,  1623-4.  Lecturer 
at  St  John's,  Newcastle,  Northumberland,  1647-52.  Died 
Oct.  21,  1652.   Perhaps  father  of  John  (1657). 

WOLFALL,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  June  14,  1680. 
S.  of  Thomas.  Bapt.  Sept.  11,  1659,  at  TunstaU,  I^ancs. 
School,  Garstang  (Mr  Harding).  Matric.  1680.  {Peile,  u.  80.) 

WOLFALL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  11,  1722.  Of  Northumberland.  School,  Durham. 
Scholar,  1722;  B..\.  1725-6;  M.A.  1747.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  22,  1728;  priest  (Durham)  1731.  Lecturer  of  Berwick. 
V.  of  Tweedmouth,  1742-77.  P.C.  of  Ancroft,  Northumber- 
land, 1742-77.  Died  at  Wolsingham,  Durham,  Aug.  6,  1777- 
Buried  there.   (G.  Mag.) 

WOOLGATE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
.^pr.  28,  1640.  S.  of  Ralph.  B.  at  Rainham,  Kent.  School, 
Maidstone  (Mr  Elmstone). 

WOOLHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  19, 
1612.  Matric.  1612;  B.A.  1615-6.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Mar.  1;  priest.  Mar.  2,  1617-8.  Chaplain  to  the  East  India 
Company,  1619-27.  V.  of  West  Mersey,  Essex,  by  1637; 
ejected,  1642.   (F.  Penny.) 

WOOLHOUSE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  June  19, 
1684.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Halsted,  Essex.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1684;  Scholar,  1684;  B.A.  1686-7  (Lit.  Reg.). 

WOLHOUSE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  (St  Edmund  HaU,  Oxford) 
July  10,  1584,  age  19;  'had  spent  two  years  at  Cambridge.' 
.■\dm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Dec.  5,  1582. 

WOOLHOUSE,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1639.  Of  London.  B.A.  1641-2;  M..'^.  1645.  Probably 
V.  of  Gt  Kimble,  Bucks.,  1663;  of  Stone,  1668-77,  and  of 
Over  Winchendon.   Died  1677.  WiU,  Archd.  Bucks. 

WOOLHOUSE,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1470-1. 

WOOLHOUSE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  5,  1660.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Muskham,  Notts. 
B.  there.  School,  Lincoln.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A. 
1672.  Probably  of  North  Muskham,  Notts.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Hacker,  of  Flintham  HaU,  Notts.  Died  May  29, 
1723,  aged  80.  Probably  father  of  the  next.  {Hutckins,  11. 
loi,  where  he  is  styled  M.D.) 

(age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  26,  1696-7.  Doubtless  s.  of 
Wmiam  (above),  M.D.  (sic),  of  North  Muskham  (and  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Hacker,  of  Flintham  HaU,  Notts.).  B.  at 
Muskham,  Notts.  Scholar,  1696-7.  Of  North  Muskham, 
Esq.  Died  s.p.,  Apr.  9,  1725.  {Peile,  11.  138;  Hutchins,  11. 

WOOLL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1582; 
B.A.  1585-6;  M.A.  1589.  V.  of  Boston,  Lines.,  1600-12. 
R.  of  Skirbeck,  1612-8.   WiU  (Lincoln)  1618  and  1619. 


WOOLMER,  see  also  WILMER. 

WOLMER,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall, 
Easter,  1616.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Luke,  of  Wood  DaUing, 
Norfolk,  Esq.,  deceased;  adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Mar.  17, 
1622-3;  caUed  to  the  Bar,  1630. 

WOOLMER,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 

WOOLMER,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1677.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1680-1.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Sept.  1682;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  1686.  V.  of  FUxton, 
Suffolk,  1690-5. 

WOOLMER,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1672.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norvnch)  Dec.  1677;  priest,  Feb.  1677-8.  R.  of 
St  Peter's,  South  Elmham,  Sufiolk,  1677;  of  St  Margaret's, 

WOOLMER,  MATTHEW  {alias  CONSELL).  Matric.  pens,  from 
Queens',  Easter,  1632  ('Walmer'  in  Coll.  Reg.).  Of  Lincoln- 
shire. S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Swineshead,  Esq.  (and  Mar- 
garet ColseU  or  ConseU).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  24, 
1635.  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  1646.  Bencher,  1670.  Executor  to 
his  father  in  1638.  Brother  of  WiUiam  (1637).  {Lines, 
Pedigrees,  1105.) 


WooLMER,  Robert 

WOOLMER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Mar.  31, 
1664.  S.  of  Robert,  gent.,  of  Earsham,  Norfolk.  Schools, 
Doiiton,  Norfolk;  Bungay,  Eye  and  Barsham,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  1664;  Scholar,  1664-6.  (Venn,  i.  421.) 

WOOLMER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1711.  Of 
Suffolk.  B.  1695.  Matric.  1712;  B.A.  1715-6.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  May  24,  1719;  priest,  Mar.  13,  1719-20.  R.  of  Carlton 
Colville,  Suffolk,  1719-64. 

WOLMER,  WALTON.  B.Can.L.  1502-3.  Perhaps  canon  of 
Warwick.  Will  (Walter  Wolmcr)  (P.C.C.)  1523. 

WOOLMER,  WICKSTED.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Aug.  i,  1644. 
Matric.  1644. 

WOLMER  or  WULMER, .  Com.  for  B.A.  1478-9. 

WOLMER, .   B.A.  1483-4. 

WOOLMORE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Sidney, 
June  10,  1637.  S.  of  Robert,  Esq.  (and  Margaret  Colsell  or 
Consell).  B.  at  Swineshead,  Linos.  School,  Pinchbeck 
(Mr  Reeve).  Matric.  1637.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Apr.  20, 
1642; 'B.A.'  Brother  of  Matthew  (1632).  (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

WOLNOUGH,  BRAHAM.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1687.  Of 
Suffolk.  Matric.  1687;  B.A.  1690-1;  M.A.  1694.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  25,  1692;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1695. 
V.  of  Washbrook,  Suffolk,  1695.  V.  of  Copdock,  1714. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Heigham,  Norfolk,  and  chaplain  to  Lady 
Berners.   (Masters.) 

WOOLNOUGH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  2, 
1616.  Matric.  1616;  B.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.  22;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1622  (literate). 

WOOLNOUGH,  HENRY.  M.A.  1663  (Lit.  Reg.).  Probably  s. 
of  Joshua,  of  London,  gent.  Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford) 
July  23,  1656.  Student  of  the  Middle  Temple,  1661.  R.  of 
Shelley,  Essex,  1663.  Perhaps  R.  of  Bramshott,  Surrey, 
1664-72.  Licence,  Nov.  3,  1663,  to  marry  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  John  Piatt,  of  Godalming,  Surrey,  clerk.  Probably  father 
of  the  next.   (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WOOLNOUGH,  JOSHUA.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 

Apr.  29,  1685.   S.  of  Henry,  clerk,  deceased.   B.  in  Surrey. 

School,    Clerkenwell   (Mr   Singleton).     Matric.    1685;   B.A. 

WOOLLNOUGH,   ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  at  St   Catharine's, 

Apr.  4,  1724.   Of  Beccles,  Suffolk.   Matric.  1724;  M.B.  1730. 

WOOLSTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  June 
II,  1685.  5th  s.  of  Henry,  currier.  B.  at  Norihampton. 
Schools,  Northampton  (Mr  Archer)  and  Daventry  (Mr 
Jackson).  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688-9;  M.A.  1692;  B.D.  1699. 
Fellow,  1692-1723.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1693.  'Enthusiast 
and  freethinker.'  For  some  time  lecturer  in  College.  After- 
wards resided  in  London.  Adopted  from  Origen  the  idea  of 
interpreting  the  Scriptures  as  an  allegory.  Prosecuted  for 
his  Discourses  on  the  Miracles,  1727.  Fined  and  imprisoned, 
1729.  Died  unmarried,  in  the  King's  Bencl^,  Jan.  27,  1732-3. 
Buried  at  St  George's,  Southwark.  Will,  P.C.C.  (D.N.B.; 
Al.  Oxon.) 

WOOLSTON, .  B.Can.L.  1482-3. 

WOOLTON,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1580. 

WOOLWRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Oct.  24,  1745.  S.  of  Joseph,  grocer,  of  Gloucestershire.  B.  at 
Wootton-under-Edge.  School,  Manchester  (Mr  Brook). 
Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1749-50.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  23, 
1750;  priest  (Lichfield)  Sept.  4,  1752.  C.  of  St  Oswald's, 
Chester,  in  1754.  R.  of  St  Bridget,  Chester,  1761-82.  Head 
Master  of  the  King's  School,  Chester.  (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  554.) 

WOORE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1641 ;  B.A.  1645-6;  M.A.  1664.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Feb.  6; 
priest,  Feb.  8,  1660-1.  R.  of  Covenham  St  Bartholomew, 
Lines.,  1661,  and  of  Covenham  St  Mary,  1662. 


WORCETER,  see  also  WORSTER. 

WORCETER  or  WORCESTER,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from 
St  John's,  Easter,  1620.  Probably  s.  of  William,  V.  of 
Watford,  Northants.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  5,  1595.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Dec.  22,  1622  (literate).  V.  of  Olncy,  Bucks.,  1624- 
36.  Emigrated  to  New  England.  Pastor  of  Salisbury,  Mass., 
c.  1639-62.   Died  Oct.  28,  1662.   (J.  G.  Bartlctt.) 


WORDEN,  JOHN.  Of  Trinity;  ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb. 
1707-8;  priest.  Mar.  20,  1708-9.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1710.   hnisee  /I /.  Ojr(>».  for  a  contemixjrary  namesake. 

WORDLEY,  ROGER  (1529),  see  WARDELEY. 

WoRLiNGE,  Thomas 

WORDSWORTH,  ELIAS.  Adm.sirarat  Trinity,  Apr.  24,  1651. 
Of  Yorkshire.  S.  of  Ralph,  of  Water  Hall,  Penistone.  B. 
1635.  Matric.  1651;  Wadsworth.  B.A.  1654-5.  Buried  at 
IViiistonc,  Nov.  19,  1660.  (F.M.G.,  755.) 

WORDWELL, .   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1554.   Perhaps 

scholar  of  Queens',  1557. 

WORGAN,  JOHN.  Mus.Bac.  1748;  Mus.Doc.  i775-  B.  1724. 
in  London.  Organist  at  Vauxhall  Gardens,  London,  1751-74, 
and  at  St  Botolph's,  1753.  Composer:  oratorios,  glees  and 
organ  and  harpsichord  music.  Died  Aug.  24,  1790.  Buried 
at  St  Andrew  Undershaft.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1790;  of  Rathbone 
Place,  Marylebone,  Middlesex.  (D.N.B.;  Abdy  WiUiams, 
where  the  dates  are  wrong.) 

WORGER,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
May  7,  1636.  S.  of  Christopher.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Westerham,  Kent  (Mr  Walter).  Matric.  1636;  B.A.  1640; 
M.A.  1644.  Fellow,  1644-8.  R.  of  Braceborough,  Lines., 
1647-51.   (Peile,  I.  442.) 

WORGER,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  c. 
Juiy,  1695.  S.  and  h.  of  Stephen,  minister,  of  Heathfield, 
Sussex.  B.  there.  School,  Heathfield  (Mr  Wilkin).  Perhaps 
buried  Apr.  15,  1742,  at  St  Paul's,  Canterbury,  aged  68. 
(H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WORKMAN,  JOHN.  M.A.  i68o  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  2nd  s. 
of  Giles,  of  Newton  Bagpath,  Gloucs.  B.  Dec.  16,  1638,  at 
Adderleigh.  Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Nov.  25,  1653; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1658-9;  M.A.  1662.  Fellow  of  All  Souls. 
Subsc.  at  Peterborough,  July  21,  1674.  Preb.  of  Peterborough, 
1676-85.  R.  of  Sutton-under-Brails,  Gloucs.,  in  1676. 
V.  of  Hambledon,  Rutland,  1676-85.  R.  of  Peakirk-c«m- 
Glinton,  Northants.,  1682-5.  Chaplain  to  the  King.  Married 
Constance,  dau.  of  John  May,  of  Sussex,  May  5,  1677,  at 
St  Dionis,  London.  Died  June  24,  1685,  aged  44.  M.I.  in 
Peterborough  Cathedral.  (Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale;  Vis.  of 
Rutland,  1681-22.) 


WORLEY  or  WOORLEY,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1548  (impubes).  S.  of  James,  of  Dodington,  Kent. 
B.A.  1552-3;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1556;  LL.D.  1568.  Feilow 
of  Jesus,  1557-65.  Proctor,  1563-4.  Presented  to  Graveley, 
Cambs.,1568.  Adm.  advocate,  1577.  Chancellor  of  Chichester. 
Commissary  for  Chichester.  Married  and  had  issue.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1586.  Brother  of  Stephen  (1549).  (Vis.  of  Kent, 
1619;  Cooper,  1.  516.) 

WOORLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1566. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Gt  Missenden,  Bucks.,  1598. 

WOORLEY,  STEPHEN.    Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1549  (impubes).    S.  of  James,  of  Dodington,   Kent.    B.A. 

1554-5;  M..A.  1564.    Of  Tonge,  Kent.    Married  .\nna,  dau. 

of  Henry  Bateman,  of  Linsted.    Brother  of  Henry  (1548). 

(I'is.  of  Kent,  1619.) 
WORLEY   or    WORLDLEYE,    THOMAS.     Matric.  sizar  from 

St  John's,  Michs.  1551. 
WORLEY,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WORLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1600.  Of  Kent. 
WORLEY,  .   Scholar  of  Christ's,  1551.    Probably  Henry 

WORLICH,  see  also  WOLRICH. 

WOORLEDGE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Caius, 
July  20,  1573.  S.  of  John,  of  Eye,  Suffolk.  School,  Eye. 
Matric.  1574- 

WORLICH,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Caius,  Michs.  1559 

WORLIDGE,  ROBERT.  .'Xdm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  26, 
1671.  Of  Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M.A. 
1684.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  24,  1676.  C.  of  Trottis- 
cliffe,  Kent,  1676.  V.  of  Ryarsh,  1676-1702.  R.  of  Adding- 
ton,  1701-2.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Sussex.  (Lambdh  .4c1 
Bk;  Fichlins) 

WORLEIGE,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Faster,  1572. 

WORLICH,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  4,   1700. 

S.  of  Henry,  of  London.    School,  St  Paul's.    Scholar,  1701. 

Migr.iled  to  Trinity,  Mar.  2^,  1702-3,3^0  iq.    Scholar,  1703; 

B.A.  1704-5;  M.A!  1708. 
WORLETCH,    WILLIAM.     Scholar   of   Trinity.    i6h;    B.A. 

1612-3;  M..\.  1616.    Fellow,  1614.  Junior  Bursar,  1627-9. 

Ord.    deacon    (Peterb.)    May    27;    priest.    May    28,    1621. 

V.  of  Eyton  (?  Eaton),  Beds.,  1630-1.   Will  proved  (V.C.C.) 

1 63 1 . 
WORLICK, .   .\dm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1570. 

WORLINGE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pons,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

1551;  Scholxr,  1552. 


WoRMALD,  Thomas 

WORMALD,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  30, 
1716.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1716;  B.A.  1720-1.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1721. 
WORMALLE,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1576;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,   1579-8°;  M.A.   1583.    R.  of 
St  Benet  Sherehog,  London,   1588   (July  to  Oct.).    R.  of 
Sturry,  Kent,  1588-96.    R.  of  Harbledown,  1594-6.   Buried 
Apr.  22,  1596,  at  Harbledown.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
WORMALL,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  13,  1629. 
Of  Surrey.  Doubtless  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Lambeth.  Matric. 
1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  Scholar,  1633.    Buried  in  the  College 
Chapel,  Sept.  17,  1633.   {Vis.  of  Surrey,  1623.) 
WORME,  PERCIVAL.    Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

1680.  Probably  of  Peterborough. 
WORME  or  WOORME,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1547.  S.  of  Percival  (and  Joane,  dau.  of  John  Harvey, 
of  Longthorpe,  Northants.).  B.  at  Peterborough,  c.  1530. 
B.A.  1550-1;  M.A.  1554.  Fellow,  i55o-7.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  1563;  Worme.  Counsellor  and  solicitor  to  the  Dean 
and  Chapter  of  Peterborough.  Arms  granted,  1583.  Married 
Grace,  dau.  of  Tohn  Sandys,  of  Elton,  Hunts.  Died  May  13, 
1589.  Buried  in  Peterborough  Cathedral.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C. 
Father  of  the  next.  {Vis.  of  Northants.;  Cooper,  u.  50.) 
WORME,  RICHARD.  B.A.  from  Jesus,  1579-80.  S.  of  Richard 
(above).  B.  at  Peterborough.  M.A.  1583.  Fellow  of  Jesus, 
1586-go.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  19,  1590.  age  32; 
priest,  Nov.  3,  1591.  R.  of  Gt  Henney,  Essex,  1590-1603. 
R.  of  St  Michael  Royal,  London,  1606-36.  R.  of  St  Pancras, 
Soper  Lane,  1609-36.  Died  1636. 
WORMELY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  June  8, 
1631.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry,  of  Riccall.  Bapt. 
Aug.  25,  1612.  Matric.  1631.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  12, 
1631.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Riccall.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Christopher  Wormely,  of  Aldrich.  Buried  Feb.  14,  1678-9, 
at  Riccall.  Brother  of  the  next.  {F.M.G.,  1190;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1665;  J.  Parker.) 
WORMELEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  2, 
1638-9.  3rd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Riccall,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there, 
Sept.  3,  1622.  Schools,  Doncaster  (Mr  Meares)  and  York 
(Mr  Wallis).  Matric.  1639;  B.A.  1642-3;  M.A.  1646.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  May  13,  1642.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lin- 
coln) Mar.  2,  1645-6.  R.  of  Elvington,  Yorks.,  1662-9. 
V.  of  RiccaU,  till  1668.  Buried  there  May  11,  1669.  Will 
proved  (York)  May  21,  1669.  Brother  of  Edward  (above). 
{Peile,  I.  457;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 
WORMLYE,  SIMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1556.  Doubtless  s.  of  John,  of  Hatfield,  Yorks.  Signed 
Visitation,  1585.  Married  Ann  Claxton,  of  Bumhall.  Died 
s.p.  Buried  at  Hatfield.  WiU  (York)  1591.  {Vis.  of  Yorks., 
1612,  1665;  Genealogist,  xxx.  220.) 
(age  15)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  12,  1652-3.  S.  of  Bartholomew, 
merchant,  of  King's  Lynn,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  School, 
Lynn  (Mr  BeU).  Matric.  1653;  B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660. 
Ord.  priest  (Worcester)  July  21,  1662;  Wormell.  R.  of 
Stocking  Pelham,  Herts.,  till  1667.  R-  of  Panfield,  Essex, 
1666-8.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1667)  and  father  of  the  next. 
WORMELL,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Sx 
John's,  Nov.  5,  1691.  S.  of  Bartholomew  (above),  clerk. 
B.  Mar.  1675,  in  London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  1691;  B.A.  1695-6.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar.  20, 
WORMELL,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  Christ's,  Mar. 
27,  1667.  S.  of  Bartholomew.  B.  at  Lynn,  Norfolk.  School, 
Lynn  (Mr  Bell).  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1670-1.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  Mar.  3,  1671-2.  R.  of  Terwick,  Sussex,  1679-1719. 
Died  1719.  Brother  of  Bartholomew  (1652-3).  {Peile,  u.  10.) 

WORMENHALE,  JOHN  DE.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm. 
Jan.  24,  1350.   Promoted  to  a  benefice,  1362. 

Master  of  Peterhouse,  1374-81.  Master  of  the  Hospital 
of  St  John,  Wisbech,  Norfolk,  1349-50.  R.  of  Terrington, 
Norfolk,  1370-81.  Canon  of  Salisbury,  and  preb.  of  Chichester. 
Chancellor  to  the  Bishop  of  Ely,  in  1375.   {T.  A.  Walker.) 

WORMEWELL,  WALTER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

WORMYNGWORTH,    ADAM    DE.     King's   scholar,    in    1332. 

(Perhaps  same  as  Haworthingham.) 
WORAL  or  WYRRAL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  from  Trinity,  1589. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Gervas,  of  Loversal,  Yorks.   Probably  brother 

of  Hugh  (1589)- 
WORRALL  or  WARRELL,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  sizar  from  St 

John's,  Michs.   1601;  'Warren.'    B.  at  Fulboum,  Cambs. 

B.A.  1605-6;  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1609.   Ord.  deacon 

(Ely);  priest  (London)  Sept.  25,  1609,  age  26.    C.  of  Wye, 

WoRSLEY,  James 

Kent.    V.  of  East  Peckham,   1617.    V.  of  Wateringbury, 

1620-2.   R.  of  Kingsnorth,  1637.  Buried  at  Wateringbury, 

May  29,  1652.    Will  (P.C.C.)  1653.    Father  of  Isaac  (1633). 

WORRALL,  FRANCIS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 

1620;    B.A.    1623-4;    M.A.    1627.     Ord.   deacon    (London) 

May  20,   1627.    Perhaps  V.  of  Faversham,  Kent,   1662-5; 

V.  of  Preston,   1662-71;   P.C.  of  Davington,   1666;  V.  of 

Graveney,  1667-71.  Died  Oct.  1671. 
WORROLL,  GERVASE.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.    Head  Master  of  Bradford 

School,  Yorks.,  1635;  there  in  1639. 
WORAL  or  WYRRAL,  HUGH.    Matric.  from  Trinity,  1589. 

Probably  s.  of  Gervas,   of  Loversal,  Yorks.    B.  c.   157$. 

Knighted,  July  23,   1603;  Wyrall  (or  Worrall);  of  Yorks. 

Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Armytage,  of  Kirklees,  Esq.; 

(2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Montford,  Esq.  Left  England 

and    went    to    Monaghan,    Ireland.     Probably   brother   of 

Edward  (1589).   {Hunter,  i.  62.) 
WORRALL,  ISAAC.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  22,  1633.  S.  of 

Francis  (1601),  V.  of  East  Peckham,  Kent.   B.  at  Gt  Chart. 

Matric.  1633.    Migrated  to  St  John's,  May  6,  1634,  age  17; 

B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640;  B.D.  1648.   Fellow  of  St  John's, 

1643-71.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  9,  1639.   Died  Mar. 

10,  1670-1.    {Scott-Mayor.) 
WORRELL,  JOHN.    Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Easter,  1631. 

B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 
WORRALL  or  WARRELL,   JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age   18)   at 

MAGDALENE,Oct.  21,  1715.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Harmstrong, 

Lines.    School,  Lincoln.    Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1720-1.    Ord. 

deacon  (Lincobi)  Sept.  23,  1722;  priest,  Dec.  24,  1727.    V. 

of  Gt  Gidding,  Hunts.,  1727-9- 
WORRALL  or  WIRRALL,  THOMAS.   D.D.  1624  (Incorp.  from 

Oxford).   Of  Cheshire.    Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 

Oct.  31,  1606,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1609-10;  M.A.  1612; 

B.D.  1619;  D.D.  1623.   R.  of  Middleton  Stony,  Oxon.,  1620. 

R.  of  St  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  London,   1624-39.    R.  of 

Finchley,  Middlesex,  1626-39.  Canon  of  St  Paul's,  1627-39. 

MarriedMary,  dau.  of  William  Wait,  of  London,  Apr.  2,  1624. 

Died  Nov.  28,  1639.  Buried  at  St  Botolph's.  {Al.Oxon.) 
WORSAM,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Pembroke,  Sept.  19, 

1626.    S.  of  Richard,  of  London.    Migrated  to  St  John's. 

Matric.  1627. 
WOURSHIP,  JAMES.   Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1570; 

B.A.  1573-4;  M.A.  1577.    Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Nov.  30, 

1577.  V.  of  Boston,  Lines.,  1584-92.  Chaplain  to  the  mayor. 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
WOURSHIP,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1571. 

B.   in    Leicestershire.     Ord.   deacon   (London)    Dec.    1591, 

age  37;  priest.  Mar.  1592-3;  'resident  at  Hartlip,  Kent,  1591. 

Licensed  to  Bulpham,  Essex,'  1593.  Perhaps  R.  of  Green- 
stead,    Essex,    1598.     R.    of    Sapcote,    Leics.,    1599-1621. 

Licence  (.\rchd.  Leicester)  to  marry  Katherine  Addams,  of 

Allesley,  Warws.,  vridow,  1613.   Died  1621.    {Peile,  1.  118.) 
WOORSHIP,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WORSHIP,  WILLIAM.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1592. 

B.  at  Leicester,  c.  1575.  B..\.  1595-6;  M.A.  1599;  B.D.  1606; 

D.D.   1613.    Fellow,   1598.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln).    V.  of 

Croft,  Lines.,  1600-26.    R.  of  Skirbeck,  1618-26.   Admon. 

(Lincoln)  1625  {sic). 
WORSLEY,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  from  St  John's,  c.  1594;  B.A. 

WORSELEY,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan. 

28,   1670-1.    S.  of  Edward,  R.  of  Letheringsett,  Norfolk. 

B.  at  Runcton,  near  Sheringham.  School,  Holt  (Messrs 
Mazey  and  Bainbridge).  Scholar,  1672-5;  Matric.  1673; 
B.A.  1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June;  priest,  Dec.  1677; 
'C.  of  Plumpstead,' Norfolk.  R.ofSalthouse,  1677-82.  Died 
Dec.  24,  1682.  Buried  at  Letheringsett.  M.I.  Will  (Norwich 

C.  C.)  1682.   {Venn,  i.  443.) 

WORSLEY  or  WORYSLAY,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1502-3.  One  of 
these  names  preb.  of  York,  1532. 

WORSLEY,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Jesus,  Easter, 
1551.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Deeping  Gate,  North- 
ants. (and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Bozom,  of  Lines.,  Knt.). 
Died  s.p.,  legit.  {Vis.  of  Northants.) 

WORSLEY,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  May  6,  1740.  S.  of 
Thomas  (1702).  Bapt.  Aug.  28,  1722,  at  Hovingham,  Yorks. 
Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  i747.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Apr.  20;  priest.  May  3,  1747.  R.  of  Stonegrave,  Yorks., 
1747-77.  V.  of  Gilling,  1750-77-  Preb.  of  York,  1750-77. 
Chaplain  to  the  King.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  Ralph 
Pennyman,  of  Beverley,  Dec.  17,  1761.  Died  Aug.  19,  1777- 
Buried  at  Bath  Abbey.  (G.  Mag.;  T.  C.  Dale;  Genealogist, 
XXIV.  251.) 


WoRSLEY,  John 

WORSLEY,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1606.  S.  and  h.  of  Richard,  of  Deeping  Gate,  Northants. 
B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1612-3.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  4, 
i6o8.   {Vis.  of  Northants.) 

WORSLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  22, 
1652-3.  S.  of  John,  draper,  of  Manchester.  Bapt.  there, 
Sept.  14,  1634.  School,  Manchester  (Mr  Wickins).  Matric. 
1653;  'Wortley.' 

WORSLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Pembroke,  May  4, 
1676.  S.  of  John,  clerk.  B.  at  Ancaster,  Lines.  Matric. 
1676;  B.A.  1679-80. 

WORSLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  17, 
1705.  S.  of  Ralph,  linendraper.  B.  at  Manchester,  Lanes. 
School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9;  M.A.  1712. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  3,  1710;  C.  of  Thrapston,  North- 
ants.  Perhaps  V.  of  Wyville  with  Hungerton,  Lines. 

WORSLEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1641.  Of  Suffolk.  One  of  these  names  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  15,  1645;  of  Deeping  Gate,  Northants.,  Esq. 

WORSLEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WORSLEY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  14,  1714.  S.  of  Sir  Robert,  Bart.,  of  Chilton  Candover, 
Hants.  B.  1695.  Matric.  1714.  Died  Mar.  2,  1714-5.  M.I. 
in  the  College  Chapel.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Le  Neve,  Man.. 
II.  283.) 

WORSELY,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Mar.  23,  1652-3- 
B.A.  1656-7;  M.A.  1660. 

WORSLEY,  THOMAS.  Scholar  and  FeUow  at  King's  Hall, 
1461-1501;  B.Can.L.  1464-5-  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1501;  'clerk; 
canon  of  Beverley,  Wimpole,  Cambs.  To  be  buried  at 
Wimpole.'  Benefactor  to  the  chantry  there.  M.I.  in  the 
church.  Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1459-60). 
WORSLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Oct.  27,  1702.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  Nov.  16,  1686,  at  Hoving- 
ham,  Yorks.  School,  Isleworth,  Middlesex  (Mr  EUis).  Of 
Hovingham  HaU,  Esq.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas 
Frankland,  Bart.;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  WiUiam  Robinson, 
Bart.,  of  Newby,  Yorks.  Buried  Mar.  2,  1750,  at  Hovingham. 
Father  of  James  (1740).  (Burke,  Peerage;  Peile,  11.  156; 
G.  B.  Routledge.) 

WORSLEY,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1459-60  (adm.  1462-3). 
Perhaps  s.  of  Sir  Robert,  of  Booths,  Eccles,  Lanes.  Studied 
also  at  Oxford.  Probably  preb.  of  Lichfield,  1449-52;  Canon 
of  SouthweU,  1453;  of  York,  1457;  R.  of  Eakring,  Notts., 
1467;  Archdeacon  of  Nottingham,  1476;  Dean  of  St  Paul's, 
1478-9;  Archdeacon  of  Taunton,  1493-6.  Implicated  in  the 
conspiracy  of  Perkin  Warbeck.  Died  Aug.  14,  1499.  Buried 
in  St  Paul's.  M.I.  (in  Weever).  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 
(1461).   {J.  Ch.Smith;  D.N. B.) 

WORSOP,  BATTIE.  Adm.  at  Trinity  Hall,  May  13,  1740. 
Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  May  14,  1740.  Of  York. 
B.  1721.  Doubtless  s.  of  John.  Matric.  1740;  LL.B.  from 
St  Catharine's,  1748.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Oct.  27, 
1738.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  1744-5;  priest.  May,  1746.  V. 
of  St  Andrew's,  Penrith,  Cumberland,  1749-50. 

WORSOPP,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's,  Jan.  5, 1645-6; 
from  Oxford.  S.  of  Edward,  of  Batley,  Yorks.,  mercer. 
School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  (University  CoUege,  Oxford) 
July  1,  1642,  age  16.  Migrated  to  St  John's,  Cambridge. 
B.A.  from  Clare,  1647-8.  V.  of  Wadworth,  Yorks.,  1656-61. 
V.  of  Adlingfleet,  1660-93.  (M-  H.  Peacock;  Scott-Mayor.) 

WORSOPPE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1675. 
Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 

WORSOP  or  WORKSOP,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at 
St  John's,  Sept.  11,  1708.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.  B.  at 
Garthorpe,  Lines.  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).  Matric. 
1709.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Feb.  10,  1709-10.  CaUed 
to  the  Bar,  1716.  Of  Howden,  Yorks.  Died  Jan.  7,  1758. 

WORSTEDE, .  B.D.  1492-3.  Of  Norwich.  Carmelite  friar. 

Died  Sept.  11,  1494.   (Weever,  Mon.) 

WORSTER,  see  also  WORCETER. 

WORSTER,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  6, 
1700-1.  Of  Middlesex.  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A. 
1708.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  30,  1708. 

WORSTER, .  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1579. 

WORTH,  BAMFYLDE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Nov. 
4,  1731.  3rd  s.  of  John,  Esq.,  of  Washfield,  Devon  (and 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Furse,  of  Morshead).  Bapt.  there, 
Feb.  2,  1713-4.  School,  Tiverton.  Matric.  1732;  LL.B.  1740. 
(Devon  Wills,  296.) 

WORTH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1616.  Matric. 
1616;  B.A.  1619-20.  Probably  brother  of  William  (1616). 

V.A.C.  IV 


WORTH,  WALTER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  13)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  23, 
1720-1.  S.  of  WUUam,  of  Cambridge.  School,  Combroke, 
Warws.  (.Mr  Fancourt).  Matric.  1725;  B.A.  1728-9.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  .Mar.  2,  1728-9.  R.  of  Brockdish,  Norfolk, 
and  of  Thorpe  Abbots.  Died  .Mar.  29,  1755. 

WORTH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1616.  Matric. 
1616;  li..\.  1619-20.   Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1616). 

WORTHAM,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  16, 
1645.  Of  Essex. 

WORTHAM,  ROBERT  DE.  Ucentiate  of  CivU  Law.  Petitioned 
the  Pope  for  a  living;  was  ready  to  resign  Btisley,  Norfolk, 
July  30,  1363.   (Cal.  of.  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  444.) 

WORTHEN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity.  May,  i68i. 
S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Westminster.  School,  Westminster. 
Scholar,  1681. 

WORTHINGTON,  GEORGE.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  as. 

1608;  •  B.A.  of  Jesus  CoUege.' 

WORTHINGTON,  GILBERT.  D.D.  Of  StandUh,  Lanes.  One 
of  the  framers  of  Queens'  College  Statutes.  R.  of  St  Andrew's, 
Holbom,  London,  1439-47.  One  of  the  Commission  to  assist 
William  Bingham  in  the  foundation  of  his  CoUege  of  God's 
House  (afterwards  Christ's  CoUege).  Died  1447.  WiU 
(P.C.C);  legacy  to  God's  House,  Cambridge.  {Pat.  Rolls. 
Henry  VI ;  Masters,  20.) 

WORTHINGTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens', 
Easter,  1612.  Of  Cheshire.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18; 
priest,  Feb.  25,  1615-6;  'B.A.  of  Queens'." 

WORTHINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  31, 
1632.  Of  Lancashire.  S.  of  Roger,  draper,  of  Manchester. 
Bapt.  there,  Feb.  8,  1617-8.  School,  Manchester.  Matric. 
1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639;  B.D.  1646;  D.D.  from  Jesus, 
1655.  FeUow  of  Emmanuel,  1642.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1649. 
Meister  of  Jesus,  1650-60.  Vice-ChanceUor,  1657-8.  Ord. 
deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1646.  R.  of  Horton, 
Bucks.,  1653.  R.  of  Graveley,  Cambs.,  1653-4,  and  of  Fen 
Ditton,  1654-63.  R.  of  Barking,  Suffolk,  1663-5.  R.  of 
Little  Moulton,  Norfolk,  1663.  V.  of  Lamberhurst,  Kent. 
1663-70.  Lecturer  at  St  Benetfink's,  London,  1664.  R.  of 
Ingoldsby,  Lines.,  1666.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1668-71.  Preacher 
at  Hackney,  Middlesex,  1670.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Christopher  Whichcote,  Oct.  13,  1657.  Author,  religious. 
Died  at  Hackney,  Nov.  26,  1671.  Buried  there.  M.I.  WiU, 
P.C.C.  Brother  of  Samuel  (1644)  and  father  of  John 
(1680-1).  {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.;  Mumford;  A.  Gray.) 

WORTHINGTON,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1641.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (1611).  B.  c.  1625. 
School,  Oundle.  B.A.  1644-5.  Ord.  (by  Manchester  Classis) 
Mar.  4,  1646-7.  V.  of  Oldham,  Lanes.,  1647.  Perhaps  C.  of 
Barrow,  Cheshire,  in  1664.  Possibly  the  Mr  Worthington, 
of  Shabury,  Salop;  ejected,  1662,  but  'conformed  afterwards 
in  Cheshire.'  Brotherof  Nicholas  (1640).  {E.  Axon;  Calamy.) 

WORTHINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Nov.  30,  1669. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Nicholas  (1640),  of  Waddenhoe,  Northants. 
Bapt.  there,  May  8,  1651.  Matric.  1670;  B..^.  1673-4. 
Perhaps  ord.  priest  (London)  May  27,  1711;  'B..\.  of  Clare.' 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Grendon,  Northants.,  1678-95. 
(H.  I.  Longden;  J.  P.  Dorman.) 

WORTHINGTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Feb.  9,  1680-1. 
S.  and  h.  of  John  (1632),  D.D.,  Master  of  Jesus,  deceased. 
Bapt.  June  26,  1663,  at  Fen  Ditton,  Cambs.  Schools,  St 
Albans  and  Eton.  Slatric.  1680-1;  Rustat  Scholar,  i68t; 
B.A.  1684-5;  M..A.  1688.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1688-91; 
resigned  as  a  non-juror.  Died  Jan.  19,  1737-8.  Buried  at 
St  John's,  Hackney.  Left  £800  to  Jesus  CoUege  for  founda- 
tion of  a  fellowship.   {Jesus  College  Hist.,  121.) 

WORTHINGTON,  NATHANIEL.  .\dm.  at  Emmanuel,  .\pt.  15, 
1646.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Prcstbury,  Cheshire,  pleb.  (Matric. 
New  Inn  HaU,  Oxford,  Apr.  i,  1642,  age  16.)  B..\.  1646-7. 
Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  13,  1660-1.  R.  of 
Onibury,  Salop,  1661.   {.41.  Oxon.) 

WORTHINGTON,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney, 
May  25,  1640.  2nd  s.  of  William  (i6ii),  clerk,  dece.iscd. 
B.  at  Barnwell,  Northants.  Schools.  B.imwcU  (RckI.  Ginn) 
and  Oundle.  Matric.  1640.  Buried  Feb.  3,  1603-4.  at 
Waddenhoe.   Brother  of  John  (1641),  f.ither  of  John  (1669). 

WORTHINGTON,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel.  July  1 1, 
1644.  Of  Lancashin-.  S.  of  Roger,  of  M.iiichrster.  Bapt. 
there,  Jan.  10,  1627-8.  School,  Manchester.  Scholar. 
Brotherof  John  (1632). 

WORTHINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clark.  Easter, 
1558.  Pcrh.ips  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Orsctt,  lissex.  If  so. 
Gentleman  Porter  of  the  Tower  and  Pentinor  to  Queen 
Elizabeth  and  King  J.imes.  KniKhteii,  July  22.  1603.  Of 
Springfield,  Essex.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died  before  161 7. 
Buried  at  Springfield.  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

465  30 


WORTHINGTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's, 
Easter,  1611.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Robert,  of  Sudborough, 
Northants.  B.  there.  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  26,  1616,  age  23;  'C.  of  Hocking,  Essex"; 
priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21,  1617.  R.  of  Barnwell  St  Andrew, 
Northants.,  1620-38.  Married  Anne  Crawfeild,  Sept.  14, 
1620,  at  Barnwell  St  Andrew.  Buried  there  Aug.  6,  1638. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1638.  Father  of  Nicholas  (1640)  and  probably 
of  John  (1641).  (Vis.  of  London,  1634.) 

WORTHINGTON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1730. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Aberhavesp,  Montgomery.  B.  1703.  School, 
Oswestry.  Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  May  9,  1722, 
age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1725-6.  Incorp.  M.A.  at  Oxford,  1730. 
B.D.  and  D.D.  (Oxford)  1738.  V.  of  Llanyblodwell,  Salop, 
1730-48.  Preb.  of  St  Asaph,  1737  and  1773-8.  R-  (sinecure) 
of  Darowen,  Montgomery,  1737.  V.  of  Llanrhaiadr,  Denbigh, 
1748-78.  R.  of  Easthyn  (Hope),  Flintshire,  1751-78.  Preb. 
of  York,  1768-78.  Author,  theological.  Died  Oct.  6,  1778. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1779.  (Scotl-Mayor,  in.  430;  Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

WORTHINGTON, .  B.A.  1499-1500;  M.A.  1503.   Perhaps 

William  'Worlington,'  Fellow  of  Clare,  1503. 
WORTING,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  11,  1671; 

exhibitioner  from  Christ's  Hospital.   Of  Middlesex.   Matric. 

1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Mar. 

II,    1676-7.     Master   of    Guilsborough    Grammar   School, 

Northants.    Died  June  4,   1722.    Buried  at  Guilsborough. 

Will  (P.C.C.)  1722;  benefactor  to  Christ's  Hospital.   (A.  W. 

Lockhart;  H.  I.  Longden.) 
WORTLE,  JOHN.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1578. 

Probably  brother  of  the  next. 
WORTLE,  RICHARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1578.   Probably  brother  of  John  (above). 
WORTLEY,  AMBROSE.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  Mar. 

4.  1594-5.    Doubtless  s.  of  Francis,  of  Wortley,  Yorks.  (by 

his  2nd  wife  Frances,  dau.  of  Thomas  Burdet,  of  Burthwaite). 

Matric.  c.  1595.    Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1596-7;  of 

Aldwark,  Yorks.,  gent.  {Hunter,  u.  316.) 

WORTLEY,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
July  10,  1671.  S.  of  John,  plumber,  of  Fakenham,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Walsingham  (Mr  Pitts).  Scholar,  1671-9; 
Matric.  1672;  B.A.  1675-6;  M.A.  1679.  Fellow,  1679-1706. 
University  Taxor,  1687.  Hebrew  lecturer,  1690-6.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1684.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Nov.  1681.  R.  of 
Weeting,  Norfolk,  1682-3.  R-  °i  Bratton  Fleming,  Devon, 
1705-49.  A  non-juror.  Benefactor  to  the  College.  Died 
May  8,  1749.  Buried  at  Bratton  Fleming.  M.I.  {Venn,  1. 
444;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WORTLEY  (MONTAGUE),  EDWARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16) 
at  Trinity,  Aug.  2,  1693.  2nd  s.  of  Hon.  Sidney  [Montague; 
assumed  the  surname  of  Wortley  on  his  marriage],  of 
Wortley,  Yorks.  B.  Feb.  8,  1678,  in  London.  School, 
Westminster.  Matric.  1693-4.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
July  25,  1693,  and  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  8,  1705-6. 
A  Lord  Commissioner  of  the  Treasury.  Ambassador  to  the 
Porte.  Married  Lady  Mary  Pierrepoint,  dau.  of  the  Duke  of 
Kingston.  Died  Jan.  22,  1761.  Buried  at  Wortley.  M.I. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1693)  and  John  (1704-5).  {Hunter,  11. 324.) 

WORTLEY,  Sir  FRANCIS.  M.A.  1635-6  {Lit.  Reg.).  S.  and  h. 
of  Sir  Richard,  of  Wortley,  Yorks.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  17,  1608-9,  age  17.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Aug.  1,  1624.  Knighted,  Jan.  15,  1610-1.  Created 
Bart.,  June  29,  1611.  M.P.  for  East  Retford,  1624-6. 
Royalist  Colonel;  fortified  his  house  at  Wortley,  1644. 
Imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  1644-c.  49;  his  estates  sequestra  ted, 
1647.  Married  (i)  Grace,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Brouncker,  of 
Melksham,  Wilts.;  (2)  Hester  Eyre,  widow,  dau.  of  George 
Smithes,  of  London.  A  friend  of  Ben  Jonson.  Author, 
Characters  and  Elegies,  etc.  Died  Sept.  1652.  Will  proved 
(London)  Sept.  13,  1652.  {G.E.C.,  i.  48;  Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  1612;  D.N.B.) 

Com.  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Aug.  2,  1693.  S.  and  h.  of  Hon. 
Sidney,  of  Wortley,  Yorks.  B.  in  London.  School,  West- 
minster. M.P.  for  Huntingdon,  1697-1702.  Brother  of 
Edward  (1693)  and  of  the  next. 

WORTLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Feb.  24, 
1704-5.  3rd  s.  of  the  Hon.  Sidney  [Montague],  of  Wortley, 
Yorks.  School,  Eton.  Captain  in  the  Army,  1708.  Died 
unmarried  c.  1726.  Brother  of  Francis  (above)  and  of  Edward 

WORTLEY,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1618.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Chelmsford.  B.A. 
1621-2;  M.A.  1631;  B.D.  1639.  Fellow,  1631.  Probably 
adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  29,  1622-3.  R.  of  Edworth, 
Beds.,  1641.  R.  of  Baldock,  Herts.,  1667-80.  Died  1680. 
{Vis.  of  Essex,  1612.) 

WoTTON,  Francis 

WORTLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  14,  1656; 
scholar  from  Westminster.  Of  Staffordshire.  S.  of  Robert. 
Matric.  1659;  B.A.  1659-60;  M.A.  1663.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

WORTS,  CLEMENT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1615. 
Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  FeUow,  1620-3. 
Buried  at  All  Saints,  Cambridge,  Sept.  6,  1623.  Will  proved 
(V.C.C.)  1624. 

WORTS,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  6,  1613. 

WORTS,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Jan.  u, 

1721-2.     Of   Norfolk.    School,   Chedgrave.    Matric.    1722; 

Scholar,  1722;  B.A.  1725-6.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept. 

1727.   R.  of  Erpingham,  Norfolk,  1738.  Died  Dec.  18,  1768. 

(G.  Mag.) 
WORTS,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  10, 

1613.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  North  Walsham,  Norfolk.   School, 

North  Walsham  (Mr  Tils).   Matric.  1613.   Of  Trunch,  gent. 

Brother  of  William  (1629)  jmd  father  of  the  next.   {Venn, 

I.  221.) 
WORTES,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  14, 

1641.    S.  of   Richard   (above),  gent.,  of  Trunch,  Norfolk. 

Bapt.  there.  May  30,  1623.  School,  Wolterton  (Mr  Wolsey). 

Matric.   1641;  Scholar,   1642-5;   B.A.   1644-5;   M.A.   1648. 

R.  of  Foulsham  and  Guestwick,  Norfolk,  till  1662,  ejected. 

Nonconformist  minister  at  Guestwick,  1672.  Died  May,  1686. 

Will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  May  22,  1686.   {Venn,  i.  342.) 

WOORTES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  6, 
1629.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Trunch,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there, 
Mar.  7,  1612-3.  School,  North  Walsham.  Matric.  1629; 
Scholar,  1629-30;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1637.  Fellow,  1635-41. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  4;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  24, 
1637.  V.  of  Framsdcn,  Suffolk,  1640.  Donor  of  books  to  the 
College  library.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1661.  Brother  of 
Richard  (1613)  and  father  of  the  next.   {Venn,  i.  291.) 

WOORTES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius.  Feb.  3, 
1658-9.  S.  of  William  (above),  V.  of  Framsden,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  Scholar.  1659-66;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666.  Fellow, 
1668-76.  Esquire  Bedell,  1670-1704.  Married  Mary  Day, 
of  Gt  St  Mary's  parish,  Cambridge.  Buried  Mar.  10,  1703-4, 
in  Gt  St  Mary's.  Father  of  the  next.  {Venn,  1.  404;  H.  P. 
Stokes,  Esquire  Bedells,  103.) 

WOORTS,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb; 
1694-5.  S.  of  William  (above).  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1608-9; 
M.A.  1702.  Of  Landbeach,  Cambs.  Benefactor.  Died  1709. 
Left  his  estate  to  the  University  to  found  the  'Worts 
Travelling  Bachelors  Fund';  to  build  a  causeway  from 
Emmanuel  to  the  Hills,  and  for  other  purposes.  {Endow- 
ments, 89;  Historical  Reg.,  168.) 

WOSTROPP,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1637. 

WOTTON  or  WOOTTON,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar 
from  Eton,  1579.  Probably  s.  of  Anthony.  B.  in  London, 
1562.  Matric.  1579;  B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587;  B.D.  1594. 
Fellow,  1582-97.  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Essex.  Professor 
of  Divinity,  Gresham  College,  London,  1596-8.  Lecturer  at 
All  Hallows,  Barking,  1603-26.  Accused  of  Socinianism  by 
George  Walker,  a  long  controversy  ensuing.  Married  Sybell, 
dau.  of  William  Brisley,  of  Isleworth,  Middlesex,  Oct.  27, 
1598.  Author,  controversial.  Died  Dec.  11,  1626.  Buried  at 
All  Hallows.  Probably  brother  of  Stephen  (1561).  Father 
of  lohn  (1626),  Robert  (1623),  Samuel  (1621)  and  perhaps 
William  (1629).   (Harwood;  D.N.B.) 

WOTTON,  Sir  EDWARD.  M.A.  1594-5.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of 
Thomas,  of  Houghton  Malherbe,  Kent.  B.  1548.  Employed 
in  diplomatic  business  by  Walsingham.  Secretary  to  the 
embassy  at  Vienna,  1575.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  5,  1587- 
8.  Knighted,  1592.  Sheriff  of  Kent,  1594.  P.C.  and  Comp- 
troller of  the  Household,  1602.  Created  Baron  Wotton,  of 
Marlev,  Kent,  May  13,  1603.  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Kent,  1604. 
Commissioner  of  the  Treasury,  1612;  Treasurer  of  the 
Household,  1616-7.  Married  (i)  Hester,  dau.  of  Sir  William 
Puckering,  of  Oswaldkirk,  Yorks.;  (2)  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Philip,  Baron  Wharton.  Died  1626.  Inq.  p.  tn.  Apr.  6.  1626. 
Father  of  Pickering  {c.  1596)  and  Thomas  (1597).  {G.E.C.; 
D.N.B.;  Hasted,  11.  429.) 

WOTTEN,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Catus,  July  i, 
i6i8.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  East  Tuddenham,  Norfolk. 
School,  East  Tuddenham  (Mr  Breden).  Matric.  1618. 

WOTTON,  EDWARD.  M.A.  from  King's,  1708.  S.  of  Edward, 
V.  of  Locking,  Somerset.  Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  30,  1691,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1695.  R.  of  Croscombe, 
Somerset,  1696-1712.  Canon  of  Wells,  1705-12.  Died  1712. 
{A  I.  Oxon.) 

WOTTON,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  July  q, 
1741.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Ketton,  Rutland.  Bapt. 
Feb.  8,  1723-4,  at  Ketton.  Matric.  1741;  LL.B.  1747.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20 ,  i747;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1748. 



R.  of  Rockland  All  Saints,  Norfolk,  1750-86.  R.  of  Barrow- 
den,  Rutland,  1786-05.  Married  Marv,  dau.of  Bartholomew 
Hunt,  of  Barrowden,  tanner.  Died  Dec.  4,  1795.  Buried  at 
Ketton.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1796.  {Scott-Mayor, lu.  $22;  Blore,  177.) 

WOTTON,  H.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1561. 

WOTTON.  HENRY  (?  JOHN).  'Graduated  from  King's  College, 
Cambridge'  {A I.  Carthus.,  6);  exhibitioner  from  Charter- 
house as  Henry.  2nd  s.  of  John,  auditor  of  Charterhouse, 
1622.  Appointed  joint  auditor  with  his  father,  1635.  Died 
before  June  27,  1645.   l^l-  Carthus.;  Vis.  0/  London,  1634.) 

WOTTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1644.  Of  Kent.  School,  Canterbury.  B.A.  1647-8.  Perhaps 
Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1648  (by  the  visitors). 
M.A.  (Oxford)  1649-50.  Ord.  deacon  (NorNnch)  Aug.  1661; 
B.D.  R.  of  Wrentham,  Suffolk,  1664-96;  "B.D."  Author, 
Essay  on  the  Education  of  Children.  See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a 
contemporary  namesake.  Father  of  William  (1676). 

WOTTON  or  WOOTTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at 
St  John's,  Sept.  16,  1702.  S.  of  Thomas  (?  1664),  clerk. 
B.  at  Nuneaton,  Warws.  School,  Nuneaton  (Mr  Liptrott). 
Matric.  1702;  B.A.  1706-7;  M.A.  1710.  Fellow,  1708-17; 
ejected  as  non-juror.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  19,  1709; 
priest  (London)  Sept.  23,  1711.  Perhaps  buried  at  Ketton, 
Rutland,  Mar.  19,  1754,  aged  67.  M.I.   (Blore,  184.) 

WOTTON,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  June  28, 
1690.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  King's 
College  (Mr  Thomas  Brian).  Matric.  1690;  Scholar,  1693; 
B.A.  1693-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1696. 

WOTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1626. 
S.  of  Anthony  (1579).  B.  in  London,  c.  1609.  Matric.  1626; 
B.A.  1629-30;  M.A.  1633.  Fellow,  1629-48.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  9,  1639.  V.  of  Weedon  Pinckney  (Loys 
Weedon),  Northants.  Brother  of  Robert  (1623)  and  Samuel 

WOTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Sidney,  1645.  S.  of 
Richard,  R.  of  Warmington,  Warws.  B.  there.  Schools, 
Wilcot,  Oxon.  and  Warwick.  Matric.  1648;  B.A.  1649. 

WOTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Mar.  2,  1673-4; 
exhibitioner  from  Bury  School.  Probably  s.  of  Edward,  of 
Bury,  deceased.  Matric.  1674;  B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1681; 
B.D.  1690;  D.D.  1697.  Fellow,  1679-96.  Junior  Proctor, 
1687-8.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June,  1680.  R.  of  St  Botolph, 
Cambridge,  1688-97.  Perhaps  R.  of  Newington,  Surrey, 
1695-8.  Died  1698.  (Manning  and  Bray,  iii.  453;  Bury 
School,  432.) 

WOTTON,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  29,  1720. 

Of  Cambridge. 
WOTTONE,  WUTTON  or  WITTON,  MATTHEW.   Scholar  and 

Fellow  of  King's  Hall,  1523-40.   B..A.  1515-6;  M.A.  1519. 

Probably  B.D.  1525;  Witton.  Perhaps  Treasurer  of  Salisbury, 

1551;  wilKP.C.C.)  1551- 
WOOTON,  NICHOLAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Michs.  1627; 

B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1631-2.    V.  of  Fumeaux  Pelham, 

Herts.,  1666-87.   Died  1687. 
WOTTON,  PETER  DE.   Scholar  at  King's  Hall.   Adm.  July 

13.  1369- 
WOOTON,   PICKERING   (?  PUCKERING).    Matric.   Fell.-Com. 

from  Corpus  Christi,  c.  1596.    S.  of  Sir  Edward  (1594-5) 

(afterwards   Lord    Wotton),   of   Marley,    Kent.    Died  v.p. 

Brother  of  Thomas  (1597).  (Hasted,  11.  430.) 
WOTTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1623. 

S.  of  Anthony  (1579).    Scholar,  1625;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A. 

1630.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1633.    R.  of  Gates- 

thorpe,    Norfolk,    1634-61.     R.   of   Tuddenham   St    Mary, 

Suffolk,  1638-61.    Died  1661.    Brother  of  the  next  and  of 

John  (1626)  and  perhaps  of  William  (1629). 
WOOTTON,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 

Eton,   Dec.    19,    1621.    2nd  s.  of   Anthony  (1579).    B.  in 

London.  B.. A.  1625;  M.A.  1629;  D.D.  1650.  Fellow,  1624-41. 

Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1631.   R.  of  East  and  West 

Wretham,  Norfolk,  1661.    Published  an  English  translation 

of  Ramus'  Logic.    Died  Feb.  4,   1680-1.    Buried  at  West 

Wretham.     Brother   of    Robert    (1623)    and   John    (1626). 

(Harieood;  Le  Neve,  Mon.) 
WOTTON  or  WATTON,  STEPHEN.    Adm.  at  King's  (age  16) 

a  scholar  from  Eton,  Sept.  29,   1561.    Of  London.    S.  of 

Anthony.     Matric.    1561;    B.A.    1565-6.     Fellow,    1564-9. 

'A  man  of  great  hopes  and  an  excellent  scholar.'  Died  1568-9. 

Adinon.  granted  (P.C.C.)  Jan.  22,  1568-9,  to  brother  Edward. 

Probably  brother  of  Anthony  (1579).   (Harwood.) 
WOTTON,  THOMAS.  B.Can.L.  1511-2.  Perhaps  V.  of  Althome, 

Essex,  1506,  and  V.  of  South  Minster,  till  1517.    One  of 

these  names  of  Piddington,  Northants.,  in  1524;  probably 

WOTTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1549. 

Possibly  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  7,  1540-1. 

Wragg,  Christopher 

WOOTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpi-s  Christi,  1597  (impubef). 
S.  of  Sir  Edward  (1594-S),  afterwards  Lord  Wotton,  of 
Marley,  Kent.  B.  1588.  M.A.  1607  (fil.  nrj,.).  Knighted, 
May  2,  1608.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Baron  of  Marley. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Arthur  Throckmorton,  of  North- 
amptonshire. Died  Apr.  2,  1630,  aged  42.  Buried  at 
Boughton  Malherbe,  Kent.  Brother  of  Pickering  (c.  1596). 
(G.E.C.;  Hasted,  11.  430.) 

WOTTON.  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's.  .Michs.  1602. 
One  of  these  names,  'B..^.,'  ord.  deacon  (York)  July.  1607; 
priest,  Feb.  1607-8.  Probably  the  preacher  at  Coningsby, 
Lines.,  in  1611. 

WOTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  24, 
1664.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Aldwinckle.  Northants.  B. 
there.  School,  Uppingham.  .Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8; 
M.A.  1671.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1670;  priest  (Peterb.) 
June  18,  1671.    Perhaps  father  of  Henry  (1702). 

WOTTON,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  King's,  1670.  Matric.  (Wad- 
ham  College,  Oxford)  July  20,  1654;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1657. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Llangua,  Monmouth.,  1661.  Treasurer,  i668, 
and  Canon  of  Hereford,  1675-1711.  Died  Aug.  30,  1711. 
{A I.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  Mon.) 

WOOTTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity.  Nov.  9, 
1677.  S.  of  William,  of  Shropshire.  School  in  Shrop»shire. 
Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1681-2.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  20. 
1689;  'M.A.' 

WOTTON,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  Clare.  1700.  S.  of  William 
(1670),  V.  of  Cholsev,  Berks.  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford) 
May  6,  1681,  age  15;  B.A.  (Trinity  College,  Oxford)  1687-8. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Broadwindsor,  Dorset,  1689-1724.  Died  1724. 
(Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

WOTTON,  WALTER.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  King's,  Lent, 
1565-6.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Inglebome,  Devon. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1567.  Of  inglebome,  Esq. 
Married  Silvester,  dau.  of  William  Gibbes,  of  Verton,  Devon. 
(Vis.  of  Devon,  1620.) 

WOTTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1629.  Perhaps  s.  of  Anthony  (i579).  Scholar,  1631;  B.A. 
1632-3;. M.A.  1636.  Fellow,  1633.  R.of  Tuddenham  St  .Mary, 
Suffolk,  1636-8.   Perhaps  brother  of  Robert  {1623).  etc. 

WOTTON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  King's,  1670.  Matric. 
(Brasenose  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  18,  1657-8;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1660.  V.ofCholsey,  Berks.,  1662.  Father  of  Thomas  (1700). 

WOTTON,  WILLIAM."  Adm.  pens,  (age  10)  at  St  Catharine's, 
Apr.  20,  1676.  S.  of  Henry  (1644),  clerk.  R.  of  Wrentham, 
Suffolk.  B.  there,  Aug.  13,  1666.  Matric.  Lent  1679-80;  B.A. 
1679-80;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1683;  B.D.  1691;  D.D. 
(Lambeth)  1707.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1683-94.  F.R.S., 
1687.  Ord.  priest  (Sarum)  Dec.  22,  1689.  Chaplain  to 
Daniel  (Finch),  Earl  of  Nottingham.  V.  of  Llandrillo-yn- 
Rhos,  Carnarvon,  1691.  R.  of  .Milton  Keynes,  Bucks.,  1694. 
Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1705.  Married  Anne  Hammond,  of  St 
Alban's  Court,  near  Canterbury.  Distinguished  for  his  early 
and  ripe  scholarship.  Author,  theological,  etc.  Died  Feb.  13, 
1726-7.  M.l.  at  Buxted,  Sussex.  (D.N.B.;  Musgrave.) 

WOTTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  chorister  (age  17)  at  Trinity, 
June  18,  1694.  S.  of  V\illiam.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School, 
King's  College  (Mr  Donne).   Matric.  1697;  B..^.  1697-8. 

WOOTTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
July  12,  1701.  S.  of  William,  of  Chesterton,  Cambs..  husband- 
man. Matric.  1702-3;  B.A.  1705-6;  M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon 
(Ely)  May  30,  1708;  priest  (London)  Dec.  21,  1712.  Probably 
V.  of  Little  Clacton,  Essex,  1712-49.  Died  1749.  (J-  Ch. 

WOURTON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1576. 

WOWEN,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  26,  1651.   Of 

Worcestershire.     Matric.    1652;    B.A.    1654;    M.A.    i6j8. 

Chaplain  in  Worcestershire;  silenced,  1662.    Died  c.  1713. 

(Calamy,  11.  550.) 
WRAGBY  or  WRAWBY,  WILLIAM.    Fellow  of  Clare.    Ord. 

acolyte  (Ely)   1416-7;  deacon,  Feb.  19,  1417-8.    V.  of  Gt 

Gransden,  Hunts.,  1438. 

WRAGBY, .   B.A.  1475-6;  MA.  1479. 

WRAGG,  see  also  RAGG. 

WRAGG.  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's.  Mar.  1718-9; 
Schol.xr.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3:  M.A.  1726.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  June  q.  1723;  priest.  June  28.  1724.  Chaplain  to 
the  Earl  of  Kellic.  R.  of  Kelvcdon.  Essex.  1731-58.  R.  of 
Gt  H.illingbury.  1737.   Died  1758.   (Pfti*,  11.  195.) 

WRAGGE.  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's. 
c.  1597;  B.A.  1 601 -2;  M.A.  1605.  Onl.  deacon  ami  priest 
(Norwich)  Sept.  22.  1605,  age  24.  V  o(  West  Mailing,  Kent, 
1610-24.  V.  of  Mendlesham,  Suffolk,  1623-61.  Died  June 
30,  1661.  Father  of  the  next.  (V.  D.  Redstone.) 

467  30—2 

Wragg,  Christopher 

WRAGGE,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  i6)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  30,  1633.  S.  of  Christopher  (above),  V.  of  Mendlesham, 
Suffolk.  B.  at  West  Mailing,  Kent.  School,  Doncaster 
(Mr  Meares).  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  V.  of 
Gt  Baddow,  Essex,  1642;  ejected,  1662.  Went  to  live  at 
Margaretting.  Died  1678.  Will,  P.C.C;  of  Waltham  parva; 
mentions  a  son  Christopher  (?  next).  Perhaps  father  of  James 
(1686)  and  William  (1670).   (H.  Smith.) 

WRAGG,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's, 
May  2,  1669.  Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher  (above).  Matric. 
1672;  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jmie;  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1674.  V.  of  Friston,  Suffolk,  1674-  V.  of 
Henham,  Essex,  1676-85.  Died  1685.  Perhaps  brother  of 
William  (c.  1670)  and  James  (1686). 
WRAGG,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius, 
Apr.  25,  1673.  S.  of  Thomas,  gent.,  of  Ugley,  Essex.  B.  in 
St  James',  London.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1673;  B.A. 
1676-7;  M.A.  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  24,  1677-8; 
priest.  May  26,  1678.  C.  of  Widdrington,  Essex,  1677.  R.  of 
Little  Wigborough,  1686-90.  Perhaps  R.  of  Bishop's 
.  Wickham,  1689.  Married  there,  Dec.  25,  1686,  to  Ann,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Browming  (1632),  clerk.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1669-70).  (Venn,  i.  448;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WRAGG,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  9,  1741.  Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1741;  Scholar,  1741; 
B.A.  1744-5.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  25,  1746.  C.  of 
Burton  Leonard,  Yorks. 
WRAGG,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1628. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Isaac,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
there,  May  7,  1609.  Scholar,  1631;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  25,  1636.  C.  of  St  James,  Bury, 
c.  1662-70.  Buried  there,  Aug.  5,  1678.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Thomas  (1628).  (V.  B.  Redstone;  S.H.A.H.,  Bury  School, 
WRAGG,  JACOB.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  14,  1723- 
Of  Famham,  Essex.  B.A.  1726-7;  M.A.  1730;  B.D.  1737- 
Fellow,  1729.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  6,  1736-7;  priest, 
June  5,  1737.  R.  of  North  Cadbury,  Somerset,  1750-85. 
Died  May  24,  1785,  aged  81.  Buried  at  Bobbingworth, 
Essex.  Will,  P.C.C.  (G.  Mag.;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 
WRAGGE,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  8, 
1686.  S.  of  Christopher  (?  1633),  clerk.  B.  at  Little  Waltham, 
Essex.  School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (Mr  Cooper).  Matric. 
1687;  B.A.  1689-90.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  23,  1692; 
priest.  May,  1696.  Perhaps  brother  of  Christopher  (1669) 
and  William  (1670). 
WRAGGE,  JAMES  (KING).  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  30,  1744.  S.  of  William  (1714-5),  clerk,  of  Leicester- 
shire. B.  at  Galby.  School,  Atherstone,  Warws.  (Mr  Shaw). 
Matric.  1744;  B.A.  1747-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  June  5, 
priest,  Dec.  18,  1748.  R.  of  Galby,  Leics.,  1748-83.  Died 
1783.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  William  (1745-6).  {Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  545.) 
WRAGGE,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  July,  1645. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1;  M.B.  1652; 
M.D.  1658.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1675. 
WRAGG,    THOMAS.     Matric.    pens,    from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1616. 
WRAGG,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1628. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Isaac,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Suffolk.    B.A. 
1632.   Perhaps  brother  of  Isaac  (1628). 
WRAGGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1641. 

Of  Cambridgeshire. 
WRAGGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  25, 
1669-70.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bamston,  Essex.  B.  there. 
School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1670;  Scholar,  1670-7;  B.A. 
1673-4;  M.A.  1677.  R.  of  Waldingfield,  Suffolk,  1675-80. 
Died  Sept.  4,  1723,  aged  70.  Buried  at  Bobbingworth,  Essex. 
Brother  of  Christopher  (1673).  [Venn,  i.  440;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 
WRAGGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  Jan.  23, 

1704-5.  Matric.  1704. 
WRAGG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  22, 
1670.  Perhaps  s.  of  Christopher  (1633).  Matric.  1673;  B.A. 
1673-4.  Perhaps  brother  of  Christopher  (1669)  and  James 
WRAGG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  15, 
1714-5.  Of  Warwickshire.  S.  of  Zachary  (1685).  Matric. 
1715;  LL.B.  1720.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  13,  1719-20; 
priest,  June  4,  1721.  Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Galby, 
Leics.,  1727-37.  Died  May  1,  1737.  Buried  at  Galby.  M.I. 
Father  of  the  next  and  of  James  (1744).  {Nichols,  11.  571.) 

WRAGG,  WILLIAM  (BRECKNOCK).  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
St  John's,  Feb.  15,  1745-6.  S.  of  WiUiam  (above),  clerk. 
B.  at  Galby.  School,  Leicester  (Mr  Andrews).  Matric.  1746; 
B.A.  1750-1.  Fellow  of  Emmanuel,  1752.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)  Dec.  23,  1750;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1751.  R.  of  Frisby- 

Wroth,  Thomas 

on-the-Wreak,  Leics.,  1756-90;  sentenced  at  Leicester  at 
the  Lent  Assizes,  1790,  to  be  transported  for  14  years  for 
marrying  two  servants  of  Mr  Hudson,  of  WanUp,  \vithout 
hcence  or  pubUr^tion  of  banns.  The  hving  was  put  in 
sequestration  for  the  benefit  of  his  family.  Brother  of  James 
(1744).   {Scott-Mayor,  in.  555.) 

WRAGGE  or  RAG,  ZACHARY.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  John's, 
June  1,  1685.  S.  of  WiUiam.  B.  at  Polesworth,  Warws. 
School,  Tamworth  (Mr  Androbus).  Matric.  1685;  B.A.  1688- 
9;  M.A.  1713.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1690;  priest 
(Lichfield)  Sept.  25,  1692.  V.  of  Polesworth,  Warws.,  in  1715. 
R.  of  Galby  with  Frisby,  Leics.,  1715-27.  Chaplain  to  Martha, 
Dowager  Lady  Haversham.  Died  Aug.  4,  1727.  Father  of 
William  (1714-5).  (Nichols,  11.  571;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C. 

WRANGHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Emmanuel, 
Sept.  30,  1742.  S.  of  Thomas,  shipmaster,  of  London. 
School,  Newcastle.  Matric.  1742.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Feb.  23,  1745-6;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1746.  V.  of  Alnham, 
Northumberland,  1756-77-  V.  of  Ilderton,  1756-77.  P-C. 
of  Tweedmouth.  Lecturer  of  Berwick-on-Tweed.  Died 
Nov.  26,  1777.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

WRATH  or  WROTHE,  GEORGE.  Adm,  (age  17)  at  King's 
a  scholar  from  Eton,  Aug.  27,  1583.  Of  London.  Matric. 
1583;  B.A.  1587-8.  Fellow,  1586-8. 

WROTH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1660. 
B.  m  London,  1643.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M..\.  1668. 
Fellow,  1664-87.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  22,  1672.  R.  of 
Dunton  Waylet,  Essex,  168&-1700.   Died  1700.   (Harwood.) 

WRATH,  GERSON.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1575. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (of  St  John's),  of  Durance-in- 
Enfield,  Middlesex.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  Peter  (1575). 
Richard  (1553),  Robert  (1552)  and  Thomas  (1562).  (Vis.  of 
London,  1634;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1558.) 

WROATHE,  JEROME.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1607-8.  Doubt- 
less 2nd  s.  of  Richard,  of  Standon,  Herts.  If  so,  matric. 
(Gloucester  Hall,  Oxford)  June  22,  1604,  age  15.  Adm.  at 
the  Middle  Temple,  1609.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WRATHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1567. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  'Kentishes'  (?  Kentishes  in  Stisted, 
Essex).  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1571-2.  Perhaps  brother 
of  Richard  (1570)  and  William  (1570). 

WRATH  or  WROTH,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Mar. 
29,  1633.  Of  Hertfordshire.  S.  of  Sir  Henry,  of  Enfield, 
Middlesex,  Knt.,  and  of  Woodbury,  Herts.  Of  Loughton, 
Essex.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  T.  Huxley,  and  widow  of 
J.  Galliard,  of  London,  c.  1641.  Died  Nov.  1662  (sic)  at 
Chigwell,  Essex.  Will  proved  Dec.  6,  1668.  (A.  Gray; 
,V.  and  <?.,  8th  S.,  i.  154-) 

WRATH  or  WROTHE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's, 
Easter,  1575.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Enfield, 
Middlesex.  B.A.  1577-8;  Wrothe.  Probably  adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Nov.  21,  1580.  Brother  of  Gerson  (1575),  etc. 

WROTH,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Apr.  21,  1553. 
2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas.  B.  in  Middlesex.  LL.B.  1562  (eight 
years'  study  at  Cambridge  and  abroad).  In  Scotland  with 
the  Earl  of  Sussex,  in  1570.  Obtained  from  the  Queen  a 
renewal  of  the  lease  of  the  manor  of  Highbury,  Islington, 
in  1584.  Brother  of  Robert  (1552),  etc.  (Cooper,  11.  439; 
J.  J.  Pairk,  Hampstead,  115.) 

WRATH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1570. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of  '  Kentish,'  Kent  (sic)  (?  Kentishes  in 
Stisted,  Essex;  see  note  under  WiUiam  (1570)).  Probably 
brother  of  William  (1570).  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Vis.  of 
London,  1634,  where  John  is  said  to  have  died  s.p.) 

WROTH,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1552  (impubes).  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (of  St  John's),  Knt. 
B.  in  Middlesex.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1559.  M.P.  for  St 
Albans,  1563;  for  Trevenna,  1571;  for  Middlesex,  1572, 
1585,  1589,  1601,  1604.  Succeeded  to  considerable  estates 
in  Middlesex,  Herts.,  Essex  and  Somerset  on  the  death  of 
his  father  in  1573.  Sheriff  of  Essex,  1587.  Knighted,  1597. 
Married  Susan,  dau.  of  John  Stonard  (not  Francis,  as  stated 
elsewhere;  see  N.  and  Q.,  7th  S.,  xi.  118),  of  Loughton, 
Essex.  Buried  Jan.  28,  1605-6,  at  Enfield.  WiU,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Richard  (1553),  etc.  (Cooper,  11.  428;  D.N.B.; 
Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Lysons,  11.  316;  Archaeol.  Cantiana,  xii. 

WROTE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1557-8 
(impubes).  Possibly  s.  of  WiUiam,  of  Seding,  Norfolk. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1561;  of  Tunstall, 
Norfolk;  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1625.   (Vis.  of  London,  1634,  373-) 

WROTH,  THOMAS.  Of  St  John's.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Enfield, 
Middlesex.  B.  1516.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1536.  Knight  of 
the  King's  body.  Gentleman  Usher  to  Prince  Edward. 
Knighted,  1547.  Received  a  grant  of  the  manor  of  Hamp- 
stead from  King  Edward  VI  in  1551.   Retired  to  Strasburg 


Wroth,  Thomas 

under  Queen  Mary.  Queen's  Commissioner  in  Ireland,  1564. 
M.P.  for  Middlesex,  1553,  1559,  1563.  Of  Bardfield,  Chigwell, 
and  Loughton,  Essex,  and  of  Durants,  Enfield,  Middlesex. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Richard,  Lord  Rich.  Died  Oct.  9, 
1573-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1575-6-  Father  of  Gerson  (1575), 
Peter  (1575),  Richard  (1553),  Robert  (1552)  and  of  the  next. 
(Cooper,  I.  321;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Vis.  of  London,  1634; 
Morani,  n.  519;  D.N.B.) 

WROTHE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1562.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (above). 
B.A.  1562-3.  Fellow,  1563.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
1564.  (But  wrongly  identified  in  Students  of  the  I.T.) 
Bencher,  1586.  Autumn  Reader,  1590.  Married  Joan,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Bullman,  of  London,  Dec.  1577.  Buried  at 
Enfield,  Middlesex,  Jan.  23,  1616-7.  Brother  of  Gerson 
(1575),  etc.  (Vis.  of  Kent,  1663;  Vis.  of  London,  1634; 
J.  J.  Park,  Hampstead,  115.) 

WRATH,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1570. 
Probably  s.  of  John,  of '  Kentishe'  (?  Kenthouse),  Kent  (sic), 
Esq.,  and  nephew  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Enfield,  Middlesex.  If 
so,  of  Kentish  (sic),  Esq.,  Apr.  20,  1614,  when  he  married. 
One  of  these  names  of  Kentishes  in  Stisted,  Essex.  Died 
Dec.  25,  1614.  Brother  of  Richard  (1570).  (Peile,  i.  116; 
Morant,  11,  393;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1612,  assumes  'Kentishe'  to 
be  in  Kent,  but  this  is  probably  an  error.) 

WROTHE, .  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1567-8. 

WROTH, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  King's,  Easter,  1586. 

WRATH, .   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1595. 

WRATHALL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1571 ;  B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  4, 
1576-7;  priest  (London)  Mar.  25,  1578;  'of  St  Martin, 
Ludgate'  (?  curate).   R.  of  Sail,  Norfolk,  1590. 


WRAY,  see  also  RAY. 

WRAY,  CECIL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  15, 
1749.    S.  and  h.  of  Sir  John,  of  Sleningford,  Yorks.,  Bart. 

B.  Sept.  3,  1734.  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1749. 
Succeeded  as  13th  Bart.,  Jan.  26,  1752.  M.P.  for  Retford, 
1768-74;  for  Westminster,  1782-4.  A  zealous  opponent  of 
Fox's  ministry.  Married  Esther,  dau.  of  James  Summers,  of 
Fillingham.  Died  s.p.,  Jan.  10,  1805.  WiU,  P.C.C.  (Wray 
Family,  11.  188;  G.E.C.,  I.  98.) 

WRAY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Of  Buckingham  College  (afterwards 
Magdalene).  S.  of  Thomas,  of  St  Nicholas,  Richmond,  Yorks., 
Esq.  B.  at  Bedale,  Yorks.,  1524.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Feb.  6,  1544-5.  Called  to  the  bar,  1550.  Treasurer,  1556. 
Serjeant-at-law,  1567.  Queen's  Serjeant,  1567.  M.P.  for 
Boroughbridge,  1553-8;  for  Grimsby,  1563-7;  for  Ludgershall, 
1571.  Speaker,  1571.  Justice,  Q.B.,  1572.  Lord  Chief 
Justice,  1574.  Knighted,  Nov.  6,  1574.  Lord  of  the  manors 
of  Brodsworth  and  Cusworth,  Yorks.,  and  owner  of  estates 
in  Linos.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Girlington,  of 
Normanby,  Yorks.  Great  benefactor  to  Magdalene.  Died 
May  7,  1592.  Buried  at  Glentworth.  M.I.  (Cooper,  11.  121; 
D.N.B.;  Wray  Family;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  1322.) 

WRAY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Scholar  of  Clare,  Dec.  18,  1543.  Age 

WRAY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  Sept. 
1598.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  of  Glentworth,  Lines.,  Esq. 
(by  his  ist  wife  Lucy,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Montagu,  Knt.,  of 
Boughton,  Northants.).  B.  at  Glentworth.  Matric.  1598. 
Buried  at  AU  Saints,  Cambridge,  Apr.  9,  1600.  Brother  of 
John  (1600),  Edward  (1602),  Nathaniel  (1607)  and  William 
(1602).   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  i$2i;  Wray  Family,  Ped.  1.) 

WRAY,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  sizar  from  King's,  Lent, 
1743-4;  B.A.  1747-8.    Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  22,   1751. 

C.  of  Sculcoates.  V.  of  Aldborough,  Yorks.,  1762-94. 
WRAY,  DANIEL.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  Jan.  6,  1718-9. 

Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  Sir  Daniel,  of  London,  Knt.  B.  Nov.  28, 
1701.  School,  Charterhouse.  Matric.  1720;  B.A.  1722-3; 
M.A.  1728.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1731.  F.R.S.,  1729.  F.S.A., 
1741.  Deputy-Teller  of  Exchequer,  1745-82.  Trustee  of 
the  British  Museum.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Darell, 
of  Richmond,  Surrey.  Antiquary.  Author,  antiquarian. 
Died  Dec.  29,  1783,  aged  82.  Buried  in  the  church  of  St 
Botolph  Without,  London.  M.I.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1784. 
(D.N.B.;  G.  Mag.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WRAY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  June,  1602. 
3rd  s.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.  (afterwards  Bart.),  of  Glentworth, 
Lines.  Bapt.  at  Louth,  Nov.  9,  1589.  Matric.  1602.  Adm. 
at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  17,  1605;  of  Lines.  Groom  of  the 
Bedchamber  to  James  I.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Francis 
(Norris),  Earl  of  Berkshire.  A  friend  of  George  Villicrs, 
afterwards  Duke  of  Buckingham.  Died  s.p.m.,  at  Fritwell, 
Oxon.,  Mar.  21,  1657.  Buried  at  Witham.  Brother  of 
Christopher  (1598),  etc.  {Wray  Family,  i.  177;  Burke,  Ext. 

Wray,  William 

WRAYE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1575. 
Perhaps  B..^.  (Oxford)  1578-9.  Probably  adm.  at  Lincoln's 
Inn,  May  6,  1579;  of  Middlesex.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1587. 
One  of  these  names  M.P.  for  Liskeard,  1593. 

WRAY,  GEORGE.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1679-80.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  June,  1682.  Perhaps  of  Kelfield,  Yorks.,  clerk,  in 
1714;  heir  to  the  Wray  estates  in  default  of  male  issue  of  the 
Baronets  Wray  by  the  will  (1714)  of  the  Hon.  Mrs  Saunder- 
son,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Wray,  3rd  Bart.,  of  Glentworth. 
(Peile,  II.  62;  Wray  Family,  i.  63.) 

WRAY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Nov.  2, 
1745-  S.  of  Benjamin,  of  Thorp-Arch,  Yorks.  (a  descendant 
of  the  Wrays  of  Kelfield).  School,  Beverley  (Mr  Clark). 
Matric.  1747;  Scholar,  1747;  B.A.  1749-50;  M.A.  1760. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  8,  1744.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincohi)  June  10,  1750;  priest,  June  2,  1751.  R.  of  Newton 
Kyme,  Yorks.,  and  V.  of  Hatfield  Broad  Oak,  Essex,  1753. 
Deputy-Lieutenant  for  West  Riding,  Yorks.  Married 
Susanna,  dau.  of  George  Lloyd,  of  Hulme  Hall,  near  Man- 
chester, 1776,  at  Newton  Kyme.  Died  Mar.  3,  1814,  aged  87. 
(Wray  Family,  11.  219;  Burke,  Commoners,  iv.  22.) 

WRAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Sidney,  June,  1600. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.,  of  Glentworth, 
Lines,  (by  his  ist  wife  Lucy,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Montagu, 
Knt.).  Bapt.  at  Louth,  Nov.  27,  1586.  Knighted,  June  7, 
1612.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  Aug.  13,  1617.  Sheriff  of 
Lines.,  1625-6.  M.P.  for  Lincolnshire.  One  of  the  early 
patrons  of  Edward  Rainbowe.  Took  the  side  of  the  Parlia- 
ment during  the  Civil  War.  Married  Grisel,  dau.  of  Sir 
Hugh  Bethell,  of  Ellerton,  Yorks.,  Sept.  7,  1607.  Buried 
at  Glentworth,  Dec.  31,  1655.  Brother  of  Christopher 
(1598),  etc.  and  father  of  the  next.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1323; 
G.E.C.i.gs;  D.N.B.) 

WRAY,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1635.  Doubtless  s.  and  h .  of  Sir  John  (above) ,  of  Glen  tworth, 
Lines.,  Bart.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  21,  1619.  M.A.  1635-6 
(Lit.  Reg.).  M.P.  tor  Lincoln,  1654.  Succeeded  as  3rd  Bart., 
Dec.  1655.  Married  (1)  Elizabeth,  widow  of  Sir  Symonds 
D'Ewes;  (2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Evelyn,  of  West  Dean, 
Wilts.  Buried  Oct.  29,  1664,  at  Glentworth.  (Wray  Family; 
G.E.C.,  I.  96.) 

WRAY,  JOHN,  the  naturalist,  see  RAY. 

WREAY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  May  10, 
1662.  S.  of  George,  tailor,  of  Burton-on-Trent,  Staffs. 
B.  there.  School,  Repton.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1665,  as 
Reay.  Perhaps  R.  of  Claxton,  Leics.,  1665-1725;  a  bitter 
enemy  of  the  Quakers.  Died  Mar.  1725.  WiU  (Leicester) 
1725.  (Niihols,  II.  135.) 

WRAYE,  NATHANIEL.   Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 

Easter,  1607.  S.  of  Sir  William,  of  Glentworth,  Lines.,  Knt. 

B.A.  1611.    FeUow.    Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  3,  1612. 

Called  to  the  Bar,  1619.    Buried  at  Glentworth,  Dec.  15, 

1640.   Brother  of  Christopher  (1598),  etc.   (Lines.  Pedigrees, 

WRAYE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

1588.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Dacre,  Cumberland,  1591- 


WRAY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634; 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  V.  of  CampsaU,  Yorks.,  c.  1641-62. 
V.  of  Marton-in-Clcveland,  1642-62. 

WRAY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  29, 
1740.  S.  of  Thomas,  farmer.  B.  May  1,  1723,  at  Bentham, 
Yorks.  School,  Bentham  (Mr  Bennison).  Matric.  1740; 
Scholar,  1742;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  1747;  D.D.  1762.  FcUow, 
1746-58.  Taxor,  1751.  Senior  Greek  lecturer  and  MUdmay 
preacher,  1756-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  1745;  priest 
(Norwich)  Dec.  1746.  R.  of  Croxton,  Norfolk,  1755  (July- 
Dec).  V.  of  Bourn,  Cambs.,  1755-8.  Chaplain  to  Matthew 
Hutton,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  R.  of  Great  Chart,  Kent, 
1757-62.  R.  of  Rucking,  1760.  R.  of  Wittersham,  1761-2. 
V.  of  Rochdale,  Lanes.,  1762-78.  Died  unmarried,  Feb.  22, 
1778.   Buried  in  Rochdale  church.   (Peile,  11.  239.) 

WRAY,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Cora.  at  Sidney,  June,  1602. 
S.  of  Sir  William,  Knt.,  of  Glentworth,  Lines,  (afterwanis 
Bart.).  Matric.  1602.  Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov. 
17,  1605;  of  Lines.  Died  a  lunatic,  1630.  Brother  of 
Christopher  (1598),  etc.  (Wray  Family,  1.  66.) 

WRAY,  WILLIAM.  .\dm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  J.in.  29, 
1667-8.  S.  of  William,  of  Stonesby,  near  Mi-lton  Mowbray, 
Lcics.  B.  there.  School,  Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Stokes). 
Matric.  1667-8;  B..\.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675.  Ord.  de.icon 
(Peterb.)  June  2;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1672.  V.  of  East  Tilbury, 
Essex,  1675-81.  P.C.  of  Bromley  St  Leonard's,  Middlesex, 
1680-92.  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Batcman, 
Knt.  Died  1692.  Father  of  the  next.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 


Wray,  William 

WRAY,  WILLIAM.  Adra.  at  Kino's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1700.  Doubtless  s.  of  William  (above).  B.  at  Bromley, 
Middlesex,  1682.  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708. 
FeUow,  1703.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  23,  1705;  priest 
(London)  May  30,  1708.  Assistant  Master  to  John  Le  Hunt 
at  Brentford,  Middlesex,  and  C.  there.  V.  of  Broad  Chalk, 
Wilts.,  1712-9.  R.  of  Stour  Provost,  Dorset,  1724-30. 
R.  of  Todbere,  1728-30.  Married  and  had  issue.  Died 
July  6,  1730.   (Harwood,  284.) 

WREN,  CHARLES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Easter, 
1617.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Charles,  of  Binchester,  Durham,  Knt. 
Bapt.  Nov.  I,  1601,  at  Auckland  St  Andrew's.  Migrated 
to  Sidney,  Mar.  1617-8.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  4,  1620. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1627.  Died  unmarried.  Brother  of  Lindley 
(1617).  (Surtees  Soc,  127;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WREN,  CHARLES.  M.A.  1662  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  3rd  s. 
of  Matthew  (1604-5),  Bishop  of  Ely.  Adm.  at  Pembroke, 
Feb.  28,  1666.  Created  M.A.  (Oxtord)  1660.  Of  Feltwell, 
Norfolk.  Married  Dorothy  Easton  (?  Eston),  of  Norfolk,  at 
Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  14,  1663.  Died  1681, 
aged  43.  Will  dated  May  11,  1681;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Julv  21, 
1681.  Brother  of  Matthew  (1642)  and  Thomas  (1661). 
{Al.  Oxon.;  Vis.  ofCambs.,  1684;  Genealogist,  m.  314-) 

WREN,  CHARLES.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity  Hai.l, 
Michs.  1670.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Charles,  of  Binchester, 
Durham,  and  grandson  of  Lindley  (1617).  Bapt.  July  26, 
1652,  at  Auckland  St  Andrew.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Rev.  Robert  Ruddock,  of  Kirklington,  Sept.  8.  1673-  Buried 
July  10,  1722,  at  Auckland  St  Andrew.  Brother  of  Joseph 
(1672).   {Surtees  Soc,  124;  H.  .M.  Wood.) 

WREN,  CHRISTOPHER.  B.D.  1620  (Incorp.  from  Oxford); 
D.D.  from  Peterhouse,  1630.  S.  of  Francis,  of  London, 
mercer.  B.  Sept.  17,  1589.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'. 
Matric.  (St  John's  CoUege,  Oxford)  Oct.  14,  1608,  age  17; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1609;  M.A.  1613;  B.D.  1620.  Proctor  (Oxford) 
1619.  R.  of  Fonthill  Bishop,  Wilts.,  1620.  R.  of  East 
Knoyle,  1623.  Registrar  of  the  Order  of  the  Garter,  1634. 
Deaii  of  Windsor,  1635.  Dean  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of 
Wolverhampton.  R.  of  Haseley,  Oxon.,  1639.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  Richard  Cox,  of  Fonthill,  Wilts.  Died  at  Bletching- 
don,  Oxon.,  May  29,  1658.  Father  of  the  next  and  brother 
of  Matthew  (1604-5).   [Al.  Oxon.;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  i.  264.) 

WREN,  CHRISTOPHER.  U..\.  1664  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
The  famous  architect.  S.  of  Christopher  (above).  B.  Oct. 
20,  1632,  at  East  Knovle,  Wilts.  School,  Westminster. 
B.A.  (from  Wadham  College,  Oxford)  1 650-1;  M.A.  1653; 
D.C.L.  1661.  FeUow  of  All  Souls,  Oxford,  1653.  Professor 
of  astronomy  at  Gresham  College,  London,  1657-61.  Savilian 
Professor  of  Astronomy  at  Oxford,  1661-73-  Applied  himself 
to  architecture,  c.  1663;  assistant  to  Sir  John  Denham. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  25,  1676.  Built  the  chapel  of 
Pembroke  College,  1663-5,  and  the  chapel  of  Emmanuel, 
1668,  and  the  Library  of  Trinity  College,  1677-92-  Sur- 
veyor-General for  rebuilding  St  Paul's  Cathedral,  the 
parochial  churches,  etc.,  after  the  Great  Fire  of  London, 
1666.  Surveyor-General  of  all  the  royal  works,  1669-1719. 
Prominent  member  of  the  circle,  incorp.  as  the  Royal  Society. 
President,  1680-2.  M.P.  for  Plympton,  1685;  for  Windsor, 
1689;  for  Weymouth,  1701.  Knighted,  Nov.  20,  1673- 
Married  (i)  Faith,  dau.  of  Sir  John  CoghiU,  i66g;  (2)  Jane, 
dau.  of  Lord  Fitzwilliam.  Died  Feb.  25,  1722-3.  Buried  in 
St  Paul's.  Father  of  the  next.   {Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

WREN,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  6,  1691.  S.  of  Sir  Christopher  (above),  Knt.  B.  Feb.  18, 

1675,  in  London.  School,  Eton.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple, 
Feb.  6,  1693-4.  F.R.S.,  1693.  M.P.  for  Windsor,  1713-5. 
Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Philip  Musard;  (2)  Constance,  dau. 
of  Sir  Thomas  Middleton.  Author,  Parentalia,  etc.  Died 
Sept.  6,  1747.   (G.  Mag.;  A.  C.  Sturgess;  D.N.B.) 

WREN,  FERRER  (FARRER).  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Mag- 
dalene, Mar.  28,  1734.  'S.  of  Farrer,  Esq.'  (?  Robert  and 
Rebecca,  dau.  of  John  Farrer).  B.  at  Binchester,  Durham. 
Bapt.  Dec.  26,  1715,  at  Sedgefield.  School,  Durham.  Matric. 
1735.  Of  Binchester,  Esq.  Married  three  wives.  Died  Dec. 
2$.  1794  (being  burnt  to  death),  aged  80.  Buried  at  St 
Andrew's,  Auckland.  (G.  Mag.;  H.  M.  Wood;  Surtees  Soc, 

WRENNE,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Feb.  21,  1614-5. 
Perhaps  s.  of  Francis,  of  HenknoUe,  Durham.   Matric.  1615. 

WREN,  GEORGE.  Adra.  pens,  at  Jesus,  July  5,  1675;  'B.A. 
of  4  years'  standing'  from  Oxford.  S.  of  John,  of  Canterbury, 
V.  of  Chalk,  Kent.  Matric.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford) 
Oct.  16,  1663,  age  15;  B..\.  (Oxford)  1667;  M.A.  (Cambridge) 

1676.  Minor  canon  ot  Rochester,  1 667-1 71 7.  V.  of  Bobbing, 
Kent,  1668-72.  V.  of  Ch.ilk,  1669-80.  V.  of  Hoo  St  Wer- 
burgh,  1680-1717.  Buried  Mar.  8,  1717-8,  in  the  cloisters 
of  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Probably  father  of  the  next. 
(A.  Gray;  H.  G.  Harrison;  Al.  Oxon. 

Wrench,  Benjamin 

WREN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  July  2, 
1692.  Of  Kent.  Probably  s.  of  George  (above).  Migrated 
to  Emmanuel.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1696-7;  M.A.  1705.  Ord. 
deacon  (London)  May  15,  1699;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1700.  V.  of 
Chalk,  Kent,  1712-24.   Died  1724- 

WRENNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  21, 
1727.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Gt  Wilbraham,  Cambs.  Matric.  1727- 

WREN,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1672.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Charles,  and  grandson  of  Lindley 
(next).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  14,  1677-  Brother  of  Charles 
(1670).   (H.  M.  Wood;  Foster,  Vis.  Pedigrees  is  inaccurate.) 

WREN,  LINDLEY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Clare,  Easter, 
161 7.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Charles,  of  Binchester,  Durham,  Knt. 
B.  in  Durham.  Bapt.  Oct.  14,  1600,  at  Auckland  St  Andrew. 
Migrated  to  Sidney,  Mar.  1617-8.  Adm.  at  Lincota's  Inn, 
May  4,  1620.  Succeeded  his  father  at  Binchester,  1618; 
sequestered  for  delinquency,  1646.  Married  Barbara,  dau. 
of  Sir  William  Blakiston,  of  Gibside.  Died  July  18,  1655  {sic). 
Brother  of  Charles  (1617)  and  father  of  Ralph  (1670). 
{Surtees  Soc.  cxxiv.;  H.  M.  Wood;  Foster,  Vis.  Pedigrees  is 
inaccurate,  a  generation  having  been  omitted.) 

WREN,  MATTHEW.  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1604-5.  S.  of 
Francis,  of  London,  mercer.  B.  Dec.  23,  1585,  in  Cheapside, 
London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  M.A.  1608;  B.D.  1615; 
D.D.  1623.  Fellow,  1605-24.  Master  of  Peterhouse,  1625-34. 
Vice-Chancellor,  1628-9.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1608;  re-incorp. 
1636.  V.  of  Harston,  Cambs.,  161 1-4.  V.  of  Barton,  1613-5. 
R.  of  Teversham,  1615.  Preb.  of  Winchester,  1623.  Dean  of 
Windsor,  and  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  Wolverhampton, 
1628-35.  Registrar  of  the  Garter,  1628.  Governor  of 
Charterhouse,  1634.  Bishop  of  Hereford,  1634.  Preb.  of 
Westminster,  1635.  Bishop  of  Norwich,  1635.  Dean  of  the 
Chapel  Royal,  London,  1636-41.  Bishop  of  Ely,  1638; 
imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  1642-60.  Restored  to  Ely,  1660. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cutler,  of  Sproughton, 
near  Ipswich,  and  widow  of  Robert  Browerrigg,  at  Sprough- 
ton, Aug.  17,  1628  [for  a  full  discussion  of  the  identity  of 
this  lady,  see  Genealogist,  N.S.,  vi.  168].  Author.  Died 
Apr.  24,  1667,  aged  81.  Buried  in  Pembroke  Chapel.  Will, 
P.C.C.  Benefactor  to  Pembroke  Hall.  Brother  of  Christopher 
(1670),  father  of  the  next,  of  Charles  (1662)  and  Thomas 
(1661).   {Loder;  D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WREN,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Michs.  1642.  S.  of  Matthew  (above),  D.D.  Bapt.  Aug.  30, 
1629,  at  Little  St  Mary's,  Cambridge.  Created  M..\.  (Oxford) 
1661.  Secretary  to  the  Earl  of  Clarendon  and  to  the  Duke  of 
York.  M.P.  for  St  Michael,  1661-72.  F.R.S.,  1663.  Author, 
Considerations  on  Mr  Harrington's. ..Oceana,  etc.  Died 
unmarried,  June  14,  1672.  Buried  in  Pembroke  Chapel. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1673.  Brother  of  Charles  (1662)  and  Thomas 
(1661).   {T.  A.  Walker,  74;  Genealogist,  in.  314;  D.N.L.) 

WREN,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 
1670.  Doubtless  s.  of  Lindley  (1617).  Bapt.  Jan.  4,  1650-1, 
at  Auckland  St  Andrew,  Durham.  Scholar,  1671;  B.A. 
1674-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Durham)  Sept.  19,  1675.  Master  of 
Bishop  Auckland  School,  1675-  P-C-  of  Escombe,  Durham, 
1678-87.  C.  of  Bowes,  Yorks.,  1692-4.  R.  of  Rokeby, 
1693-1726.  Buried  there  Mar.  18,  1725-6.  (William  Oliver; 
H.  M.  Wood.) 

WREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  29)  at  Peterhouse, 
Oct.  31,  1661.  2nd  s.  of  Matthew  (1604-5).  Bapt.  Jan.  20, 
1632,  at  Little  St  Mary's.  Cambridge.  LL.D.  1662  {Lit.  Reg.); 
M.D.  (Oxford)  1660.  R.  of  Littlebury,  Essex,  1660.  R.  o 
Northwold,  Norfolk,  1660-1,  and  of  Willingham,  Cambs., 
1662-79.  Preb.  of  Ely,  1662.  Archdeacon,  1663.  F.R.S., 
1663.  Canon  of  Southwell,  1664-79-  D'ed  unmarried,  1679. 
Wili  dated  July  25,  1670;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  10,  1679- 
Brother  of  Charles  (1662)  and  Matthew  (1642).  {T.  A. 
Walker,  120;  Genealogist,  N.S.,  vi.  171;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WREN,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  6,  1669.  Of 
Canterbury,  Kent.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1672-3;  Scholar,  1673; 
M.A.  1676.  Organist,  1671.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  1677.  V.  of 
Hailing,  Kent,  i678-(?)  82.  Minor  canon  of  Rochester, 
1678-82.  V.  of  Kelshall,  Herts.,  1691-1732.  Master  of 
Berkhampstead  School.  Died  Jan.  15,  1732-  (G.  Mag.; 
J.  Ch.  Smith;  A.  Gray.) 

WREN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter,  1692. 
Perhaps  father  of  John  (1727)- 

WRENCH,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Mar.  22, 
1680-1.  S.  of  John,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  Bapt.  Sept.  8, 
1665,  at  St  Saviour's,  Norwich.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Burton 
and  Mr  Mazey).  Matric.  1681;  Scholar,  1681-88;  B..A..  1684- 
5;  M..\.  1688;  M.D.  1694.  Fellow,  1689-9:.  Perhaps  adm. 
at  Leyden,  Feb.  22,  1686;  Wrenck.  Knighted,  Apr.  1720. 
A  distinguished  physician  in  Norwich  for  many  years. 
Married  three  wives.  Died  .\ug.  15,  i747.  Will  (Norwich 
C.C.l  1747;  to  be  burie.l  in  St  John  Maddermarket.  Brother 
of  Jonathan  (1685)  and  John  (1701).  (Venn,  1.  466.) 


Wrench,  Benjamin 

WRENCH,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1743.  Of 
Norfolk.  Matric.  1745;  B.A.  1747-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Feb.  1748-9;  priest,  Sept.  1753. 

WRENCHE,  ELIAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  157S; 
B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  M.-ister  of  the  Cathedral  (College) 
School,  Gloucester,  1588;  still  there,  1594.  R.  of  Lassington, 
and  of  Rudford,  Gloucs.,  till  1633.  Preb.  of  Gloucester, 
1599-1633.  Died  Oct.  4,  1633,  aged  71.  Buried  in  Gloucester 
Cathedral.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  (H.  G.  Harrison;  Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  I.  446;  Rudder,  Gloucs.,  166.) 

WRENCH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Dec.  9,  1701. 
S.  of  John,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  Bapt.  Apr.  11,  1685,  at 
St  Saviour's,  Nor\nch.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Burton  and 
Mr  Hoadley).  Matric.  1701;  Scholar,  1702-9;  B.A.  1705-6; 
M.A.  1709.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  30,  1708;  'C.  of 
Aykham';  priest.  May  8,  1709.  V.  of  Ormesby  and  Scratby, 
Norfolk,  1709-18.  Died  1718.  Will,  Norwich.  Brother  of 
Benjamin  (1680-1)  and  Jonathan  (1685).   {Venn,  1.  508.) 

WRENCH,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  10, 
1685.  S.  of  John,  weaver,  of  Norwich.  Bapt.  Nov.  i,  1667, 
at  St  Saviour's,  Norwich.  School,  Norwich.  Matric.  1685; 
Scholar,  1686-93;  B.A.  1689-go;  M.A.  1693.  Fellow,  1693- 
1701.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  20,  1691 ;  priest  (Norwich) 
May  21,  1692;  'C.  of  Seething.'  V.  of  Aylsham,  Norfolk, 
1700-31.  Master  of  Aylsham  School,  1703.  R.  of  Burgh 
by  Aylsham,  1704-40;  of  Metton,  1733-8.  Married  Ann 
Howard,  at  Norwich  Cathedral,  May  7,  1702.  Author, 
religious.  Died  May,  1741.  Buried  at  Aylsham.  M.I.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1741.  Brother  of  Benjamin  (1680-1)  and  John 
(1701),  father  of  the  ne.xt.   {Venn,  i.  479.) 

WRENCH,  JONATHAN.  Adm.  at  Clare,  June  30,  1721.  S.  of 
Jonathan  (1685),  V.  of  Aylsham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1721. 
Migrated  to  Pembroke,  Feb.  20,  1725-6.  B.A.  1726-7; 
M.A.  1733.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  5,  1726;  priest, 
Sept.  I,  1728.  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of  Aylsham,  i73i. 
R.  of  Gt  Moulton,  1733-65.  Chaplain  to  the  Countess 
Dowager  Deloraine.  R.  of  Alburgh,  1738-42.  Died  Apr.  15, 
1765,  aged  62.   (G.  Mag.;  Canterbury  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRENCH,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1627.  Of  Cheshire.  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635;  B.D.  1642. 
Fellow  1636-46  (Lit.  Reg.),  ejected.  Preb.  of  Durham,  1645- 
75.  V.  of  Heighington,  1661.  R.  of  Boldon,  Durham, 
1665-75.  Chaplain  to  Bishop  Morton.  Married  Ann  Badde- 
lay,  Aug.  16,  1664.  Died  Oct.  26,  1675.  M.I.  in  Durham 
Cathedral.   (Le  Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  165.) 

WRENCH,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  3,  1656. 
Of  Cheshire.  M.B.  1662  {Lit.  Reg.);  M.D.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.). 
Adm.  licentiate  R.C.P.,  Oct.  1,  1672. 

WRENCH,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  4, 
1638.  S.  of  Ralph,  yeoman,  of  Davenham,  Cheshire.  B. 
there.  School,  Northwich  (Mr  Piggot).  Matric.  1639;  B.A. 
1642-3;  M.A.  1649. 

WRENCH,  SIMON.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  6,  1590. 
V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich,  Suffolk,  i6o7-(?)  i7- 

WRENHAM,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalene, 
July  1,  1671.  S.  of  John,  of  Long  Sutton,  Lines.  School, 
Wisbech.   Matric.  1671. 

WRENNALL,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1533-4.  One  Robert  Wrennald, 
Master  of  Colchester  School,  Essex,  in  1553. 

WREST,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  i573- 
Of  Kent.   B.A.  1576-7;  MA.  1580. 

WREST,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  1612-3. 
S.  of  Alexander,  of  Kent.  School,  Sandwich  (Chr.  Chalfont). 
Probably  migrated  to  Trinity;  see  the  next. 

WREST,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1613; 
Scholar,  1614;  B.A.  1616-7. 

WRESSEL,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  June  19, 
1645.  S.  of  John,  of  Marson,  Yorks.  School,  Adlingfleet. 

WRESTLE  or  WRISSELL,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from 
Magdalene,  Michs.  1645;  B..\.  1648-9;  M.A.  1654.  Ejected 
from  Bcrwick-on-Tweed,  1662.  Afterwards  kept  school  at 
Stockwell,  London.   Died  c.  1695.  {Calamy,  11.  247.) 

WRIGHT,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1628;  B..\.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635.  Dispens.  (London) 
to  receive  deacon's  orders,  Sept.  19,  1635.  R.  of  Cheveley, 
Cambs.,  1646-62,  ejected.  After  his  ejection  preached  in 
Suffolk  and  Essex.  Lived  for  some  time  at  the  house  of 
Mr  Meadows,  of  Ousden,  Suffolk;  subsequently  removed  to 
WimUish,  Essex.  Died  c.  1685.  [To  be  distinguished  from 
a  contemporary  namesake,  author  and  divine,  for  whom  see 
D.N.B.]    Father  of  the  next.   {Calamy,  l.  247.) 

WRIGHT,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Nov.  14, 
1664.  Doubtless  s.  of  Abraham  (above).  Maine.  1665;  B.A. 
1668-9;  M..^.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  1674; 
priest,  May,  1686.  R.  of  Wattisficld,  Suffolk,  1690-1713- 

Wright,  Christopher 

WRIGHT,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  sirar  (age  18)  at  Jesus,  June  16, 
1744.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Wangford,  Suflolk.  School,  Henh-im 
(Mr  Leach).  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Oct.  30,  1744.  Matric. 
1744;   B.A.    1747-8.    Buried   at  St   Michael,   Cambridge, 

Feb.  9,  1748-9. 

WRIGHT,  ALEXANDER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
June  17,  1675.  S.  of  Thomas  (1633),  M.D.  B.  at  Petertxjrough. 
School,  Peterborough.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A. 
1682.  Probably  V.  of  Gt  Grimsby,  Lines.,  1681-90.  {PeiU, 
II.  50-) 

WRIGHT,  ANDREW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter.  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1;  .M.A.  1624.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  19, 
1624.  Perhaps  C.  of  Malp.as,  Cheshire,  1626-30;  licence  to 
marry  Kathcrine  Eddow,  of  Slalpas,  widow,  July  17,  1626. 

WRIGHT,  ANTHONY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1548.  Of 
Lincolnshire.  Perhaps  the  donor  of  the  £20  to  the  College 
in  1574.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Bluodcston,  Suflolk, 
1561-87.   {.Masters.) 

WRIGHT,  ANTHONY.  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi.  1568-9. 
B.  at  Norwich.  (Perhaps  matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs. 
1558.)  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  19,  1569,  age  22.  One 
of  those  names  {alias  Paule)  R.  of  Hunton,  Kent.  1 575-1610. 
Buried  there  .Aug.  10,  1610,  as  Paule.  Will,  P.C.C.  (as  Pawle). 
But  see  A  I.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

WRIGHT,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1607; 
B..\.  i6io-i;  M.A.  1614.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  13; 
priest,  June  19,  1614. 

WRIGHT,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  F.aster, 
1617;  B..^.  from  Trinity,  1619-20.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
June;  priest,  Sept.  1620.   V.  of  Westow,  Yorks.,  1620-59. 

WRIGHT,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke, 
c.  1596;  B..\.  from  Jesus,  1600-1;  M.A.  1604.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  June  7;  priest,  July  3,  1603.  Perhaps  V.  of  Elkes- 
ley,  Notts.,  1624-8;  died  1628.  Perhaps  father  of  John 

WRIGHT,  BARTHOLOMEW.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1616-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  14;  priest,  Dec.  15,  1617. 

WRIGHT,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1619;  B.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1622.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1622;  priest,  Dec.  14,  1623.  Perhaps  V.  of 
Bishampton,  Worcs.,  1638-63.  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Coston,  l.eics.,  1649-78.  Buried  there  Sept.  7, 1678.  {Nichols, 
II-  145-) 

WRIGHT,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  23, 
1660.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1660;  B..^.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667. 
Signed  for  deacon's  orders  (London)  June  1,  1667. 

WRIGHT,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  30,  1744. 
S.  of  William,  of  Northgate,  Wakefield,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there, 
Dec.  15,  1726.  School,  Wakefield.  Scholar,  1745;  B.A. 
1747-8;  M.A.  1751.  Fellow,  1751-72.  Ord.  priest  (London) 
June  17,  1753.  R-  of  Walding&eld,  Suffolk,  1772-82.  Buried 
there  Jan.  24,  1782.   M.I.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 

WRIGHT,  BOOTH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  31, 
1668.  S.  of  Michael  (or  Miles),  of  Oakham,  Rutland,  gent. 
B.  there.  School,  Oakham.  Matric.  1669.  Migrated  to 
Sidney,  Oct.  29,  1672.  B.A.  1672-3.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  14,  1674;  priest,  Feb.  20,  1675-6.  V.  of  Greetham, 
Rutland,  1676-90.  R.  of  Wbitwell,  1690.  Died  before 
Oct.  28,  1690. 

WRIGHT,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's.  Easter, 
1550.  Of  Yorkshire.  B.A.  1553-4  (ist  in  the  orjo);  .M..\. 
1557.  Fellow,  1554.  V.  of  Chesterton,  Cambs.,  1557. 

WRIGHT,  CHARLES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1652;  Scholar  from  Westminster.  Of  Surrey.  B..^.  1654-5; 
M.A.  1658;  D.D.  1671  {Lit.  Rfg.).  Fellow,  1656.  Ta.xor.  1661. 
Senior  Proctor.  1669-70.  Professor  of  Arabic.  1702-11. 
R.  of  North  Runcton,  Norfolk,  1669-1711.  Died  Nov.  13, 
1711.  Buried  at  Linton,  Cambs.  Father  of  Robert  (1696). 
(Le  Neve,  Mon.,  11.  233.) 

WRIGHT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jksus,  Michs. 
1554.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  BurwcU,  Lines.,  1565;  ord. 
priest  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1565. 

WRIGHT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (.age  18)  at  St  John's, 
July  6,  1631.  S.  of  William,  of  Shardlow.  Dorlw.  B.  there. 
School.  Repton.  Matric.  1631;  B..\.  1634-5;  M..\.  1638. 
Ord.  deacon  (Potcrb.)  Dec.  18.  i6j6;  prii'^t.  M.ir.  10,  1638-9. 
Perhaps  intruding  R.  of  Bulwick,  Northants.,  in  1646. 
Probably  U.  of  liastwell,  Leics..  1655-60.  and  again.  1674- 
85;  one  of  the  well-afTcctod  ministers  of  the  gospel  in  the 
county  of  Leic(>stcr.  who.  in  1659.  presentiNl  an  'humble 
representation'  unto  the  Rump  P.irliament.  Chose  his  own 
buri.il  place  in  the  Chancel  of  Kastwell  Church  in  iMj  (s.iid 
then  to  be  ,!?ed  72).  Dietl  Jan.  4.  1685.  Buried  at  Ea'twrU. 
Father  of  Christopher  (1664)  and  John  (1664).  {SicMols,  11. 


Wright,  Christopher 

WRIGHT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's, 
Nov.  7,  1635.  S.  of  Christopher.  School,  Perse  (Mr  Lovering). 
Matnc.  1635;  B.A.  1639.  Perhaps  R.  of  Siieaton,  Yorks., 
1660-99.  Died  1699.  Perhaps  father  of  WiUiam  (1700-1). 
(Peile,  I.  440.) 

WRIGHT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  28,  1664.  S.  of  Christopher  (1631),  clerk,  of  Lodding- 
ton,  Leics.  B.  there.   Matric.  1664.   Brother  of  John  (1664). 

WRIGHT,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  June  23, 
1727.  S.  of  Robert.  B.  at  Castor,  Northants.  Schools, 
Fotheringhay,  Northants.  (Mr  Loveling),  and  Oakham. 
Rutland.  Matric.  1727;  B.A.  i73'>-i;  M.A.  1735.  Ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  June  13,  1731;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1733.  R. 
of  Ayston,  Rutland,  I73&-74.  Died  1774-  Will  (P.C.C.)  1774. 

WRIGHT,  GLUTTON.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  25, 
1690.  S.  of  Richard,  of  Nantwich,  Cheshire.  School,  New- 
port, Shropshire  (Mr  William  Smith).  High  Sheriff  of 
Cheshire,  1710.  Buried  at  Nantmch,  Jan.  15,  1737-8- 
Father  of  Matthew  (1728).   (Jas.  Hall,  Natitwich.) 

WRIGHT,  DANIEL.  B.A.  1602-3;  M.A.  from  Clare,  1606. 
Probably  s.  of  Daniel,  physician  of  Lav/shall,  Suffolk  (whose 
will  (P.C.C.)  1620).  Ord.  priest  (Colchester)  June  12,  1603; 
'C.  of  Brockley,  Suffolk.'  Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1622; 
clerk  of  Lawshall,  Suffolk.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WRIGHT,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  24)  at  Sidney,  July  3, 
1676.  S.  and  h.  of  Daniel.  B.  at  Stowmarket,  Suffolk. 
School,  Stowmarket  (Mr  Coleson).  Migrated  to  Clare,  June 
19,  1679- 

WRIGHT,  EDMUND.  B.A.  1468-9. 

WRIGHT,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  31, 
1709.  S.  of  Edmund,  of  Bow,  London.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1709. 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1564. 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Caius,  Dec.  8,  1576. 
S.  of  Henry,  deceased,  of  Garveston,  Norfolk.  B.A.  1580-1; 
Scholar,  1581-4;  M.A.  1584.  Fellow,  1587-96.  Said  to  have 
been  tutor  to  Prince  Henry,  son  of  James  I.  Accompanied 
George  (Chfiford),  Earl  of  Cumberland  on  his  voyage  to  the 
Azores,  1589.  Distinguished  mathematician  and  hydro- 
grapher.  Best  kno^vn  by  his  method  of  constructing  sea- 
charts,  termed  'Mercator's  Projection.'  Author,  Certain 
Errors  in  Navigation  detected,  etc.  Died  in  London,  1615. 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1574)  and  father  of  Samuel  (1612). 
(Venn,  1.  88;  D.N.B.) 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1598. 
Migrated  to  Sidney,  Nov.  1599.  B.A.  1603.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  31,  1607.   C.  of  Bucknall,  Lines. 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1603;  B.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1605-6;  M.A.  1610.  One 
of  these  names  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1605;  '  licensed 
to  preach.'  Perhaps  R.  of  Baconsthorpe,  Norwich,  1608-10. 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Pakenham,  Suffolk,  1621-48;  'M.A.' 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1609; 
B.A.  1612-3. 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  June 
9,  1659.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis,  gent.,  of  Stretton,  Cheshire. 
B.  there.  School,  Wem,  Salop.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
July  9,  i56o.  Ot  Stretton,  Esq.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of 
Richard  Alport,  of  Overton,  Sept.  n,  1679,  at  Chester. 
Died  Oct.  5,  1706.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1701). 
(Ormerod,  11.  389.) 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Oct. 
24,  1700.  S.  and  h.  of  Edward  (above),  gent.  B.  Aug.  25, 
1680,  at  Stretton,  Cheshire.  School,  Chester  (Mr  Harper). 
Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Oct.  23,  1702.  Married  Elizabeth  Ley,  May  2,  1709,  at 
St  Mary's,  Chester.  Died  May  17.  1750.  Buried  at  Tilston. 
Brother  of  John  (1701).   (L.  Mag.;  Ormerod,  11.  389.) 

WRIGHT,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  15, 
1719;  B.A.  1722-3. 

WRIGHT,  EUSEBIUS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3,  1597. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Robert  (1565),  R.  of  Dennington,  Suffolk. 
Matric.  c.  1597.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  25,  1602;  of 
Fumival's  Inn.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1610.  Bencher,  1627. 
Of  Chelmsford,  Essex.  Married  three  wives.  Died  s.p. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1653.  Brother  of  the  next.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.; 
Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Nichols,  iii.  219.) 

WRIGHT,  EZEKIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  10, 
1618-9.  S.  of  Robert  (1565),  R.  of  Dennington,  Suffolk. 
Bapt.  there,  Oct.  7,  1604.   Matric.  1619;  B.A.  1622-3;  M.A. 

WrigHt,  George 

1626;  B.D.  1633.  Fellow,  1625  {sic)  [1644,  according  to 
Carter].  R.  of  Dennington,  1638-41.  R.  of  Thurcaston, 
Leics.,  1641-68.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  John  Onebye. 
Died  May  22,  1668.  Buried  at  Thurcaston.  M.I.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1668.  Brother  of  Eusebius  (above),  father  of  the 
next  and  of  Nathan  (1670).  (Lipscomb,  iv.  151;  Burke,  Ext. 
Bart.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  NicJiols,  iii.  218.) 

WRIGHT,  EZEKIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  17 
1678.  Of  Leicestershire.  3rd  s.  of  Ezekiel  (above),  R.  o 
Thurcaston,  Leics.  Matric.  1678.  Student  of  the  Inner 
Temple.  Died  Mar.  25,  1729,  aged  65.  Brother  of  Nathan 
(1670).   (Nichols,  III.  219;  Burke,  Comm.  11.  245.) 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1585; 
B.A.  from  Jesus,  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  Perhaps  V.  of  Witham, 
Essex,  c.  1628-43;  sequestered.  Perhaps  father  of  Francis 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  c.  1592; 
B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1595-6. 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1616. 
B.  at  Ripon,  Yorks.  B.A.  1618-9;  M.A.  1622.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Nov.  19,  1621,  age  25.  R.  of  St  Mary's,  Finchley, 
Middlesex,  1622-6.  Perhaps  Master  of  Holt  Grammar 
School,  Norfolk,  1646-59.  Died  1659.  Perhaps  father  of 
Hammond  (1669). 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1646. 
Possibly  s.  and  h.  of  Francis  (?  1585),  V.  of  Witham,  Essex. 
If  so,  b.  c.  1629.  School,  Colchester.  Migrated  to  Clare, 
Oct.  14,  1647.   M.B.  1654.   (Essex  Arch.  Soc,  N.S.,  11.  257.) 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Mav  14,  1647.  S.  and  h.  of  Francis,  Esq.,  of  Bolton-on-Swale, 
Yorks.  B.  there.  School,  Danby  (Mr  Smelt).  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  May  24,  1648.  Died  without  issue.  Brother  of  George 
(1647).   (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Genealogist,  xxxii.  178.) 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  21)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1675.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  North  Aker,  London.  B.  there. 
School,  Northallerton.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  June,  1679.  Perhaps  R.  of  Luddington-in- 
the-Brook,  Northants.,  1697-1707.   Probably  died  1707. 

WRIGHT,  FRANCIS  BROWNE.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi, 
1717.  Of  Sussex.  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1728  {Com.  Reg.). 
Ord.  deacon  (Chichester)  Sept.  22,  1723;  priest,  Sept.  24, 
1727.  R.  of  Sedlescombe,  Sussex,  in  1732.  V.  of  Dallington, 
1732.  V.  of  Westfield,  1743.  Chaplain  to  the  Prince  of  Wales. 
(W.  C.  Renshaw;  Canterbury  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  GABRIEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June 
15,  1650.  S.  of  Abraham,  deceased.  B.  at  Little  Whelnet- 
ham,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1650; 
B.A.  1653-4;  M.A.  1657.  Ord.  priest  (Brownrigg,  Bishop  of 
Exeter)  Jan.  5,  1658-9.  V.  of  St  Stephen  Mancroft,  Norwich, 
1660-83.  R.  of  St  Mary-in-Coslany,  Norwich,  1662.  V.  of 
Earlham,  Norfolk,  till  1662.  R.  of  Westwick,  1670-1708  (?). 
(Blomefield,  xi.  82.) 

WRIGHT,  GASCOIGNE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  June  27,  1728. 
Of  Suffolk.  Doubtless  s.  of  Lawrence,  of  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1728;  B.A.  1731-2.  FeUow,  1733-4- 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Oct.  1735.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 
1734  (sic).  R.  of  Kirkby  and  Asgarby,  Lines.  Died  Dec. 
1776.  Buried  at  St  Mary's,  Bury.  Will  proved  Jan.  23,  1777- 
(G.  Mag.;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1571. 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter, 
1578;  Scholar,  1578-80. 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharine's, 
Easter,  1604;  B.A.  1606-7;  M.A.  1610.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Ely)  June,  1609.  C.  of  Letchworth,  Herts.,  1612. 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  May  14, 
1647.  2nd  s.  of  Francis,  Esq.,  of  Bolton-on-Swale,  Yorks. 
B.  there,  c.  1630.  School,  Danby  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1647; 
B.A.  1650-1;  M.A.  1654.  Fellow,  1651.  V.  of  Congerston, 
Leics.,  tUl  1662,  ejected.  Married  Beatrice,  dau.  of  James 
Maleverer,  of  Amcliffe,  Yorks.  Died  June  6,  1674.  Brother 
of  Francis  (1647).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  Poulson,  Holderness, 
11.  516.) 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  July  3, 
1661.  3rd  s.  of  John  (1623),  gent.,  of  Lexham,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Ovington.  Schools,  Ovington  (private),  Feltwell 
(Mr  Ward)  and  Seaming  (Mr  Burton).  Matric.  1661-2; 
Scholar,  1661-6;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  June  2,  1667;  'C.  of  Elveden';  priest,  Feb.  17, 
1667-8.  R.  of  Yaxham,  Norfolk,  in  1670.  R.  of  Brandon 
Ferry,    Suffolk,    1670.     Chaplain    to    Elizabeth,    Dowager 


Wright,  George 

Countess  of  Northumberland.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  John 
Reppes,  of  Mattishall,  Norfolk.  Will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.) 
1718.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1648-9)  and  perhaps  of  Robert 
(1653)  a"d  John  (1665).   {Venn,  1.  414;  BlomefieUi,  1.  544.) 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Easter,  1665. 
Apparently  ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  Mar.  10,  1665-6;  'B.A. 
of  Christ's.'  V.  of  Abbots  Bromley,  StaSs.,  1668-1717. 
Buried  there  Apr.  5,  1717.   {Peile,  i.  619.) 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  Feb.  i,  1693-4. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1696;  B.A.  1697-8.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Aug.  1698;  priest,  1700.  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1705-9. 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  .\dm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  20,  1694. 
Of  Leicestershire.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Nathan  (1670),  Lord 
Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal.  B.  Mar.  25,  1677,  ai  Barwell. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  27,  1692.  Called  to  the 
Bar,  1700.  Purchased  Gayhurst  and  Stoke  Goldington, 
Bucks.,  1704.  Clerk  of  the  Crown.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 
Thomas  I3edford,  of  Doctors'  Commons,  Jan.  16,  1700. 
Died  Mar.  9,  1724-5.  M.I.  at  Gayhurst.  Father  of  George 
(1723-4)  and  Thomas  (1723-4).  (Le  Neve,  457;  Nichols,  in. 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  2, 
1703.  S.  of  George,  gent.  B.  at  Bolton.  School,  Richmond 
(Mr  Tompson). 

WRIGHT,  GEORGE.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  1723-4. 
Of  .Middlese.x.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (1694),  and  grandson  of 
Sir  Nathan  (1670),  Lord  Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal.  Matric. 
1724.  M.P.  for  Leicester,  1727-66.  Of  Gayhurst,  Bucks., 
Esq.  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Clarges,  Bart., 
June,  1733.  Died  1766.  Buried  at  Gayhurst.  Brother  of 
Thomas  (1723-4).   {Nichols,  in,  219;  Lipscomb,  iv.  152.) 

WRIGHTE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  1737-8. 
Of  London.  S.  of  Ezekiel.  [According  to  Davy  this  was  not 
Ezekiel  (1678).]  B.  in  St  James'  parish,  London.  School, 
Nuneaton.   Matric.  1738. 

WRIGHT,  HAMMOND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  7,  1669.  S.  of  Francis  (?  1616),  deceased,  of  Holt, 
Norfolk.  B.  there.  School,  Holt.  Matric.  1669.  Migrated 
to  Trinity  Hall,  Michs.  1669,  and  thence  to  Trinity,  Apr.  8, 
1670.  Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1672-3. 

WRIGHT,  HARBORD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  9, 
1742.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1716),  R.  of  Euston,  Suffolk. 
Schools,  Seaming,  Norfolk  (Mr  Brett)  and  Westhorpe 
(Mr  Rett).  Matric.  1745;  LL.B.  1748.  Of  Kilverstone,  near 
Twyford,  and  of  Pinckney,  Esq.  Married  Frances,  dau.  of 
Robert  Chad,  of  Wells,  merchant.  Died  Sept.  19,  1754. 
Buried  at  Kilverstone.  {Peile,  11.  243;  Carthew,  Launditch, 
II.  502.) 

WRYGHT,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1547. 
B.  at  Skipton,  Yorks.  School,  Sedbergh.  Migrated  to  St 
John's,  1549.  B.A.  1549-50;  M.A.  [not  found  in  our  re- 
cords]. Fellow  of  St  John's,  1550.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Jan.  13,  1559-60,  age  29.  V.  of  Runwell,  Essex,  1560.  R.  of 
Wickford,  1561.  R.  of  St  Stephen,  Walbrook,  London, 
1564-72,  and  V.  of  Hackney,  Middlesex,  1570-1.  Sub- 
dean  of  York,  1575-1606;  M.A.  Preb.  of  York,  1580-3. 
Author,  sermon.  Died  1610.   {Peile,  1.  43;  Cooper,  11.  448.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1582. 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1589; 
B.A.  1592-3.  Perhaps  C.  of  Skirbeck,  Lines.,  1612.  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  North  Meols,  Lanes.,  1615-39.  Died  c.  1639. 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May  19,  1609. 
Matric.  1609;  Scholar;  B.A.  1612-3;  M.A.  1616.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1622.  V.  of  St  John,  Bedwardine,  Worcs.,  1632.  V. 
of  Stretton  Grandison,  Hereford,  1636.  Perhaps  father  of 
Henry  (1651).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1614;  B..A.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621. 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1617; 
B.A.  1620-1;  M.A.  1624. 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Caius,  Feb.  20,  1617-8.  Of 
Melton  Mowbray,  Leics.  S.  of  John  (?  1570),  clerk.  School, 
Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  Humfreys).  Matric.  1618;  Scholar, 
1619-25;  B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  17;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1625.  Perhaps  C.  of  Bygrave, 
Herts.,  in  1637.  V.  of  Newnham,  till  1642.  Died  1642. 
Admon.  (P. C.C.)  May  3,  1642.  Probably  brother  of  Nicholas 
(1609).   {Venn,  1.  238;  K.  A.  Ledgard.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  D.D.  1631-2  (on  King's  visit).  Perhaps 
one  of  the  above.  One  of  these  names  canon  of  Worcester. 
K.  of  Tredington,  Worcs.,  ejected. 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  13,  1651. 
Of  Worcestershire.  Perhaps  s.  of  Henry  (1609).  One  of 
these  names,  'B.A.,'  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  17;  priest. 
Mar.  20,  i66o-i. 

Wright,  James 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Trinity,  Mar.  5, 
1652-3.  Of  London.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Laurence 
(1605-6),  of  Charterhouse,  Esq.,  and  of  Dagenham,  Essex. 
B.  c.  1637.  Probably  migrated  to  Baliol  College,  Oxford, 
Dec.  9,  1653.  B.A.  (Oxford)  1655-6.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Jan.  II,  1654-5.  Created  Bart,  by  the  Lord  Protector 
Cromwell,  Apr.  10,  1658  (disallowed.  May,  1660).  Again 
created  Bart.,  June  11,  1660.  M.P.  for  Harwich,  1660  and 
1661-3.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  (Crewe),  Baron  Crewe, 
Mar.  23,  1658.  Died  Feb.  5,  1663-4,  aged  27.  Buried  at 
South  Weald.  M.I.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Probably  brother  of 
Laurence  (1652).  {G.E.C.,  in.  35;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1657. 
Of  Essex.  School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner).  B.A.  1660-1; 
M.A.  1664.  Fellow,  1661-9.  Taxor,  1665  and  1667.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24,  1664.  R.  of 
St  Botolph,  Cambridge,  1666-7.  V.  or  C.  of  Little  Shelford, 
Cambs.,  1667.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  111.  639.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1661. 
Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A.  1668.  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May  21,  1665;  priest,  Sept.  22,  1667.  R.  of  Addingbam, 
Yorks.,  1680.  R.  of  Leathley,  1707-20.  {Lambeth  Act  Bk; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY.  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi,  1711.  S.  of 
Samuel,  of  Oxford,  clerk.  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxford) 
Mar.  21,  1697-8,  age  15;  B.A.  (University  College,  Oxford) 
1702.  Perhaps  R.  of  Asfordby,  Leics.,  1724.  {Al.  Oxon.) 

WRIGHT,  HENRY  [OFFLEY].  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St 
John's,  Feb.  14,  1737-8.  S.  of  Henry,  of  Mobberley  Hall, 
Cheshire,  Esq.  B.  at  Offerton.  Bapt.  Oct.  17,  1719,  at 
Stockport.  School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrow).  Matric.  1738. 
In  later  life  assumed  the  name  of  Henry  Offley  Wright. 
Inherited  the  Offerton  estates.  V.  of  St  Peter's,  Derby, 
1749-99.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Ralph  Adderley,  of  Colon, 
Staffs.,  July  3,  1751.  Died  June  17,  1799.  Buried  at  Mob- 
berley. {Scott-Mayor,  in.  490;  Ormerod,  in.  348.) 

WRIGHT,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  June  16, 
1637.  2nd  s.  of  Hugh,  Mayor  of  Durham  in  1615  (by  his 
2nd  wife  Hilda,  dau.  of  Sir  Hugh  Cholmley,  of  Whitby 
Abbey).  School,  Durham.  Matric.  1637;  Scholar,  1637-8. 
Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Feb.  6,  1639-40.  Died  s.p.  Half- 
brother  of  Tobias  (1618).  (J.  A.  Walker,  60;  Vis.  of  Durham, 
1666;  Surtees,  iv.  152.) 

WRIGHT,  HUSTHWAITE.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1631.  S.  and  h.  of  Husthwaite,  of  Bradley,  Lines., 
Esq.  B.  c.  1612.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  16,  1632. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Brown,  Knt.,  of  Camber- 
well,  Surrey.  Nuncupative  will  dated  Dec.  13,  1682;  proved 
June  7,  1683.  {Vis.  of  Lines.,  1592;  Lines.  Pedigrees,  11 13.) 

WRIGHT,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1611. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1615;  M.A.  1618.  R.  of  Stewton, 
Lines.,  1623-32.  Licence  (Lincoln)  Feb.  7,  1623-4,  to  marry 
Dorothy  Bayley,  of  Stewton,  widow.  Died  1632.  WiU 
(Lincoln)  1632. 

WRIGHT,  ISAAC.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1631. 

WRIGHT,  ISAAC.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Sept.  11,  1649. 

WRIGHT,  ISAAC.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Lent,  1653-4. 
Of  Surrey.   B.A.  1656. 

WRIGHT,  ISAAC.  M.A.  1658  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Wadham  College,  Oxford)  May  12,  1651;  B..A.  (Oxford) 
1654-5;  M.A.  1657.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  June  15; 
priest,  Aug.  17,  i66i.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Peter  Westout, 
Lewes,  Sussex,  1670.  R.of  Po>iiiiigs,  1673-9.  V.of  Waltham- 
stow,  Essex,  1679-89.  Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1684-9.  Died  before 
June  29,  1689.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1690.  {Al.  Oxon.;  Le  Neve, 
Fasti,  n.  103.) 

WRIGHT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,  1597.  Of 
Suffolk.   Matric.  c.  1597. 

WRIGHT,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesis,  May  14,  1635.  Of 
Northaniplonshire.  Matric.  1635;  B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1641. 
Ord.  deacon  (I'oterb.)  June  5,  1642.  Perhapw  R.  of  Greens 
Norton,  Northants.,  1646. 

WRIGHT,  JAMES.  .\dm.  pens,  at  Peterhousb,  June  28,  1645. 
Of  Coventry,  Warw-s.  B.A.  1648.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Twyford,  Leics.,  1662-87. 

WRIGHT,  JAMES.  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1673.  S.  of  John, 
of  Billinge,  Lanes.,  clerk.  Bapt.  July  20,  1651,  at  Man- 
chester. Matric.  (Lincoln  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  j.  1665-6, 
age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1669.  Probably  minister  at  Retford, 
Notts.,  and  dissenting  minister  at  .^Itcrclifle,  near  Sheffield, 
Yorks.,  in  ibiji.   (.^.'.  Oion.;  U.  .^xon;  M,  H.  Peacock.) 

WRIGHT,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Sept.  38, 
1734.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Coventry,  Warws.  Bapt.  Jan.  18, 
1716-7.  Schools,  Warwick  (Mr  Legiat)  and  Winchester. 
Matric.  1735. 


Wright,  Jermin 

WRIGHT,  JERMIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Caius,  Apr.  23, 
1624.  3rd  s.  of  Thomas  (1585),  gent.,  of  Kilverstone,  Norfolk 
(and  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Jermyn).  B.  1608.  School,  Bury 
St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1624.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  27, 
1626.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1634.  Steward  of  the  College 
Manor  at  Runcton,  in  1673.  Succeeded  his  father  as  Lord  of 
the  Manor  of  Wang'ord.  Of  Wangford,  Suffolk,  Esq. 
Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Richard  Batchcroft,  of  Bexwell.  Esq. 
Died  s.p.  1681.  Brother  of  John  (1623)  and  Thomas  (1623), 
father  of  Robert  (1651).  (Venn,  1.  265;  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664; 
Copinger,  iv.  207.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  M.A.  1455-6.  One  of  these  names  parish  and 
chantry  chaplain  at  Gt  Shelford,  Cambs.,  1463. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Com.  for  B.A.  1468-9. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1484.  Master  of  Trinity  Hall, 
1505-12.  R.  of  Clothall,  Herts.  V.  of  Layston.  Died  May  12, 
1519.  Buried  at  ClothaU.  M.I.  (Trinity  Hall  Coll.  Hist.,  6(>; 
Cussans,  i;  Cooper,  i.  21.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Com.  for  B.A.  1486-7. 

WRIGHT  or  WRYTE,  JOHN.  B.Can.L.  1490-1. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1544; 
B.A.  1544-5.  Perhaps  V.  of  Bottisham,  Cambs.,  i557 
(patron.  Trinity  College).  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Burton 
Overy,  Leics.,  1560. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Micbs. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1566; 
B.A.  1569-70;  M.A.  1573.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Gloucester) 
c.  1571.  R.  of  Lower  Swell,  Gloucs.,  1593  (July-Dec). 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare.  Michs.  1570;  B..A. 
1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (York)  June  7,  1584, 
and  father  of  Henry  (1617-8)  and  Nicholas  (1609). 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1572; 
B.A.  1575-6;  M.A.  1579.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  9,  1581;  'M.A.;  R.  of  Owmby,  Lines."  V.  of  Tealby, 
1589-9S.  Perhaps  his  admon.  (Lincoln)  1598;  of  North 
Willingham.   Perhaps  brother  of  Philip  (1582). 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1582. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1585. 
Perhaps  s.  of  John,  of  Wrightsbridge,  Essex.  Matric.  1585. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  8,  1587-8.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Mole  and  niece  of  Sir  Thomas  Cheke.  Died  1644. 
Perhaps  father  of  Laurence  (1605-6),  John  (1614)  and 
Nathaniel  (1619).  (Moranl,  I.  62;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18I  at  Caius,  Oct.  6,  1596. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Weeting,  Norfolk.  Bapt.  there,  July  10, 
1580.  School,  Weeting.  Matric.  c.  1596;  Scholar,  1598-9- 
Died  in  College.  Buried  Aug.  3,  1599.  at  St  Michael's, 
Cambridge.  M.I.  Will  proved  (V.C.C.)  1600.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Thomas  (1585).   (Venn,  i.  160.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  2,  1599-1600. 
Of  Leicestershire.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1603-4;  M.A.  1608. 
Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  19;  priest,  Sept.  22,  161 1. 
P.C.  of  Pilton,  Rutland.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Burnham, 
Bucks.,  1623-42.  Died  1642.  Will,  P.C.C. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Apr.  2,  1608. 
S.  of  William,  shoemaker,  of  Louth,  Lines.  Bapt.  at  Louth, 
Sept.  5,  1596.  School,  Louth.  Matric.  1608;  B.A.  1611-2; 
M.A.  1615.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  19,  1614;  priest 
(York,  for  Lincoln)  May  26,  1616.  Perhaps  R.  of  Edmond- 
thorpe,  Leics.,  1659,  ejected.  Retired  to  Lessingham,  Lines., 
where  he  had  a  small  estate.  'Spent  the  remainder  of  his 
days  there,  beloved  and  honoured  by  his  neighbours, 
especially  by  Su-  William  York  and  his  family....'  (R.  W. 
Goulding;  Nichols,  n.  180.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Sidney,  Oct.  9,  1609.  Matric. 
1609;  B.A.  1613-4. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  July  6,  1613. 
Matric.  1613. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Nov.  5,  1614.  Of 
Essex.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1585),  of  Gray's  Inn,  Esq.; 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Aug.  10,  1616.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Laurence  (1605-6)  and  Nathaniel  (1619)  and  father  of  John 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1622; 
B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  priest  (Lichfield)  June,  1630. 
One  of  these  names  licensed  to  St  Martin,  Ludgate,  1632; 
will  (Cons.  C.  London)  1633.   (Peile,  1.  345.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1623.  Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  (1585),  of 
Kilverstone,  Norfolk,  a  Master  of  the  Bench.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  June  5,  1624.  Of  East  Lexham,  Norfolk,  in 
J649;   afterwards   of   Ovington.    Married   Joan,   dau.   of 

Wright,  John 

Thomas  Steward,  of  Barton  Mills,  Esq.  Will  proved  (Archd. 

Norwich)  Sept.  22,   1663.    Brother  of  Thomas  (1623)  and 

Jermin  (1624),  father  of  George  (1661)  and  Thomas  (1648-9). 

(Blomefield.  i.  544;  Carthew,  Launditch,  11.) 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  Mar.  13,  1638-9.   Of 

Nottinghamshire.      Perhaps    s.    of    Bartholomew     (1596). 

Matric.   1639;  B..\.   1642.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5; 

priest,  Dec.  18,  1642. 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Magdalene,  Apr.  16, 

1646.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Market  Rasen,  Lines.  School,  Kirton. 
Matric.  1646. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 

1647.  Of  Essex.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  John  (1614),  of 
Wrightsbridge,  Essex,  gent.  Migrated  to  Queens',  1649. 
B.A.  1650-1.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  July  6,  1650.  (Vis.  of 
Essex,  1634.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  May  14,  1650. 

S.  of  Francis.    B.  at  Poyke,  Worcs.    School,  Martley  (Mr 

Bagley).  Migrated  to  Trinity,  Apr.  7,  165 1. 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Christ's,  June  28, 

i66n.  S.  of  Thomas.  B.  at  Ripley,  Derbs.  School,  Repton. 

Matric.  1660. 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  c.   1660. 

Matric.  1660. 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  26,  1662.  Of 

Suffolk.    Matric.   1663;   B.A.   1663.    One  of  these  names, 

'B.A.,'  signed    (Lambeth)   Jan.   23,    1673-4,   on   receiving 

Litt.  dim.  for  priest's  orders.   (Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  28, 

1664.  S.  of  Christopher  (1631),  clerk,  of  Bulwick,  Northants. 

B.  there.  Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1668;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1670. 

C.  of  Eastwell,  Leics.;  afterwards  succeeded  as  R.,  1673. 
Died  in  London,  Feb.  27,  1673-4.  Brother  of  Christopher 
(1664).   (Nichols,  II.  170;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  Mar.  30, 

1665.  Of  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (1623).  Schools, 
Seaming,  Norfolk  and  Hertford.  Scholar,  1666-7;  Matric. 
1667;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672.  Fellow,  1670-5.  Ord. 
priest  (Ely)  May  29,  1670.  Probably  V.  of  Stepney,  Middle- 
sex, 1679-1718,  and  R.  of  Christ  Church,  Spitalfields,  till 
1718.  Married  (i)  Hester  Styles;  (2)  Dorothy  Hickson. 
Died  July  23,  1718.  Buried  at  Wangford,  Suffolk.  Perhaps 
brother  of  George  (1661),  etc.;  father  of  Robert  (1713)  and 
John  (1711).  (Blomefield,  1.  545;  Hennessy,  411.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  May  18,  1667. 

S.  of  William,  deceased.  B.  at  Bagby,  Yorks.  School,  North 

AUerton   (Mr  Smelt).    Matric.   1667.    Probably  of  Bagby; 

died  before  Nov.  9,  1700.    Brother  of  William  (1667)  and 

probably  father  of  John  (1700). 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  19, 

1667-8.    S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,   of  Woodstone,   Hunts. 

B.  there.  School,  Uppingham  (Mr  Meeres).   Matric.  1667-8; 

B.A.   1671-2;  M.A.   1675;  M.D.  1684.    Candidate,  R.C.P., 

1698;  F.R.C.P.,  1703.    Perhaps  his  wUl  (P.C.C.)  1716;  of 

St  Ann,  Westminster,  M.D.  (Munk,  11.  6.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  June  11, 
1669.  Of  Surrey.  School,  Guildford. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  30, 
1675.  S.  of  George,  yeoman,  of  Warwickshire.  B.  there. 
School,  Tamworth.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  27,  1682. 

S.  of  Thomas  (1648-9),  Esq.,  of  Downham,  Suffolk.  B.  there. 

Schools,    Brandon    and   Thetford.    Scholar,    16S2;    Matric. 

1683;  LL.B.  1688.   Fellow,  1689-97.   Married  and  had  issue. 

Brother  of  Robert  (1682).   (Venn,  i.  471;  Blomefidd,  i.  545.) 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  6, 

1683.    S.  of  John,  husbandman.    B.  at  Woodstone,  Hunts. 

School,   Peterborough   (Mr  Smith).    Matric.   1683-4;   B.A. 

1687-8;  M..A.  1693.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  24,  1688-9. 

R.  of  Fletton,  Hunts.,  1694-1730.  Died  173°. 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  6,  1684. 

Of   Middlesex.     Matric.    1688;    B.A.    1688-9.     Ord.    priest 

(York)  Sept.  1696.    Probably  C.  of  Chapel  AUerton,  Yorks., 

1680-90.   Perhaps  R.  of  Pan'nal,  near  Harrogate,  1699-1707. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  July  3,  1696. 

S.  of  John.   B.  at  Elton,  Cheshire.   Matric.  1696;  Scholar, 

1696-7;  B.A.  1699-1700. 
WRIGHT,  JOHN.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  7,  1699.   Of 

Huntingdonshire.    Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707. 

Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1718;  priest,  Oct.  11,  1719. 

R.  of  Gt  Hampden,  Bucks.,  1719-50.  Buried  there  Apr.  29, 



Wright,  John 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adtn.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  Aug.  1700. 
S.  and  h.  of  John  (?  166;).  gent.,  of  Bagby,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Thirsk.  Matric.  1700.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  9, 


WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  16. 
1701.  S.  of  Edward  (1659),  gent.  B.  at  Strctton,  Cheshire. 
Bapt.  Nov.  25,  1681,  at  Tilston.  School,  Chester  (.\Ir  Harper). 
Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708.  Incorp.  at  O.xford, 
1716.  Brother  of  Edward  (1700).  (Al.  Oxon.;  Ormerod,  11. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  May  16,  171 1. 
S.  of  John  (1665),  clerk,  of  Wangford,  Suffolk.  B.  in  London. 
Schools,  Swaffham,  Norfolk  (Mr  Ibbott),  and  Newport, 
Essex  (Mr  Allen).  Matric.  171 1;  Scholar,  171 1-5;  B.A.  1714- 
5;  M.A.  1718.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  27,  1716;  priest. 
Mar.  II,  1716-7.  Probably  reader  at  Stepney,  London. 
Perhaps  his  admon.  (.\rchd.  London)  Apr.  1722;  of  St 
Andrew,  Holbom,  clerk,  and  bachelor.  Brother  of  Robert 
(1713)-   (IVnn,  1.  525;  Bhmefield,  i.  545.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
July  6,  1713.  2nd  s.  of  [Sir]  Nathan,  Esq.  (sic),  (?  2nd  Bart.), 
of  Cranham  Hall,  Essex.  B.  at  Lofts,  Essex.  Matric.  1713. 
Died  s.p.,  Mar.  27,  1726,  aged  36  (sic).  Buried  at  Charlton 
Horethome,  Somerset.  M.I.  (Nichols,  in.  218-9;  Burke, 
Comm.,  II.  384.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  28,  1716. 
S.  of  Charles,  Esq.,  of  Kilverstone,  Norfolk,  and  grandson 
of  Thomas  (1653).  B.  there.  School,  Holt  (Mr  Reynolds). 
Matric.  1716;  Scholar,  1716-23;  B.A.  1719-20;  M..4.  1723. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Aug.  20,  1721;  priest,  June  9,  1723. 
V.  of  St  Martin's,  Coney  Street,  York,  1723-9.  R.  of  Euston, 
Suffolk,  till  1768,  and  Master  of  St  Mary's  Hospital,  Thet- 
ford.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Pearson,  LL.D., 
Chancellor  of  York,  at  York  Minster,  Feb.  11,  1723-4. 
Died  Apr.  29,  1768,  aged  68.  WiU,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Harbord 
(1742).   (Venn,  11.  6;  Blomefield,  i.  545;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  4,  1718. 
S.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Harling,  Norfolk.  B.  in  the  East 
Indies.  Schools,  Botesdale  (Mr  Mayboum)  and  Bury 
(Mr  Kinsman).  Matric.  1718-9;  Scholar,  1718-20.  Migrated 
to  Oxford.  Matric.  (New  College,  O.xford)  Aug.  18,  1721. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  July  22,  1718.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  Lord  of  the  Manor  at  East  HarUng.  Died  unmarried, 
1779.   Brother  of  Robert  (1720).   (Venn,  11.  10.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  25, 
1719.  S.  of  Richard  (and  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Ely,  of  Utterby, 
Lines.).  B.  at  Louth,  Lines.  Schools,  Louth  and  Beverley 
(Mr  Johnstone).  Matric.  1719;  B.A.  1722-3.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  June  9,  1723;  priest.  May  31,  1724.  R.  of  WyLam 
with  Cadeby,  Lines.,  1724.  R.  of  Grainsby,  1726-84.  Buried 
there  Feb.  11,  1784.  (Scott-Mayor,  in.  322;  Lines.  Pedigrees, 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  Nov.  11, 
1724.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Spilsby,  Lines.  School,  Tatters- 
hall,  Lines.  Matric.  1725;  LL.B.  1730.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Dec.  24,  1727;  priest,  Aug.  16,  1730.  C.  of  Mansfield,  Notts. 
Possibly  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1800;  of  Mansfield,  Notts.,  clerk. 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  July  7,  i737- 
4th  s.  of  George.  B.  July  18,  7718,  at  Spilsby,  Lines.  School, 
Kirkby  Lonsdale.  Matric.  1738;  B.A.  1740-1.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  24,  1741;  priest.  May  29,  1743.  Of  Winceby, 
in  1751.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Leach,  of  Spilsby, 
Sept.  21,  1755.  Brother  of  Richard  (1732).  Died  Apr.  26, 
1765.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1327.) 

WRIGHT,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  June  21, 
1742.  S.  of  Robert,  farmer,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Chappell 
'Anston'  (?  AUerton).  School,  Chesterfield,  Derbs.  (Mr 
Burrow).   Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6. 

WRIGHT,  JOSEPH.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Matric. 
(Oxford)  July  i,  1613;  B.A.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
1615-6;  M.A.  1618.   Perhaps  V.  of  Buckland,  Berks.,  1628. 

WRIGHT,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Magdalene,  June 
25,  1662.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Kettering,  Northants.  School, 
Kettering.  Matric.  1662;  B.A.  1666-7.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  17,  1668. 

WRIGHT,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Feb.  15,  1736-7- 
Of  Suffolk. 

WRIGHT,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  12, 
1747-8.  S.  of  Joseph,  tax  gatherer,  of  Leigh,  Lanes.  B.  at 
Newton,  near  Warrington.  School,  Manchester  (Mr  Brooke). 
Matric.  1748;  B.A.  1752;  M.A.  1764.  Ord.  deacon  (Chichester) 
Feb.  24,  1752;  priest,  July  22,  1753.  R-  o'  Litlington,  Sussex, 
1763-84.  R.  of  ."Vlfriiton,  1765-84.  Chaplain  to  Mary,  Lady 
Dowager  Rollo.  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Fulbeck,  Lines., 
1783-1803.  (ScoU-Mayor,  ill.  575) 

Wright,  Nicholas 

WRIGHT,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  24, 
1605-6.  3rd  s.  of  John  (1585),  of  Wrightsbridge,  Essex. 
B.  1590.  Matric.  1606;  B.A.  1609-to;  M.A.  1613;  M.D.  1618 
(incorp.  from  Padua).  Adm.  at  Lcyden,  Aug.  22,  1612. 
F.R.C.P.,  1622.  Censor;  Elect,  etc.  Physician-in-ordinary 
to  Cromwell  and  to  the  Charterhouse,  1624-43.  A  governor 
of  the  Charterhouse,  1652.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  John 
Duke,  of  Foulton  Hall,  Ramsey,  Essex.  Died  Oct.  3,  1657, 
aged  67.  Buried  at  South  Weald,  Essex.  Brother  of  Nathaniel 
(1619)  and  perhapsof  John  (1614),  father  of  Laurence  (1652) 
and  Henry  (1652-3).  (Munk,  1.  181;  Burke,  Exf  Bart.; 
Morant,  i.  62;  D.N.B.) 

WRIGHT,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Emmanuel,  Michs. 
1607.   Perhaps  a  repetition  of  the  above.  (See  Al.  Oxon.  for 

a  contemporary.) 

WRIGHT,  LAURENCE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity.  July  2,  1652; 
a  scholar  from  Westminster.  Of  Essex.  Doubtless  s.  of 
Laurence  (1605-6).  B.A.  1655-6;  M.A.  1659;  M.D.  1666. 
Fellow,  1656,  ejected;  but  restored,  1660.  Perhaps  his 
admon.  (P.C.C.)  June  15,  1678;  of  St  Andrew,  Holbom, 
M.D.,  a  bachelor.  Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1652-i). 

WRIGHT,  LEONARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1572.  S.  of  William,  of  Bassingboum,  Cambs.  Schools, 
Bassingboum  and  Walkern,  Herts.  Migrated  to  Caius, 
June  9.  1574,  age  18.  Perhaps  author  of  .4 /rj>nJ/ya<imoni«ion 
to  Martin  Marprelale,  1590,  etc.   (Venn,  1.  79;  D.N.B.) 

WRIGHT,  MARTIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  17, 
1745-6.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Martin,  of  Middlesex.  B.  in  London. 
School,  Eton.  Probably  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  26, 
1742  (spec.  adm.).  Of  Epsom.  Died  unmarried,  Oct.  8,  1783, 
from  a  fall  from  his  horse  while  bunting.  Brother  of  William 
(1750).   (G.  Mag.;  N.  and  Q.,  8th  S.,  vi.  233.) 

WRIGHT,  MATTHEW.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1629;  B.A.  1630-1;  M..\.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June 
5;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1631. 

WRIGHT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Feb. 
16,  1727-8.  S.  of  Clutton  (1690),  of  NantOTch,  Cheshire. 
Bapt.  Dec.  23,  1708.  School,  Audlem  (Mr  Evans).  Matric. 
1728;  B.A.  1731-2.  Died  before  1745.  (Jas.  HdiVl,  Nantwick, 

WRIGHT,  MICHAEL.  'B.A.  of  St  John's.'  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  21,  1569;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1570.  Probably  C.  of  St  Mary 
Bothaw,  Loudon,  1587;  died  Feb.  20,  1587-8.  (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  MICHAEL.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterholse, 
Apr.  30,  1657.  S.  and  h.  of  John,  of  Brixworth,  Northants. 
School,  Northampton.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  9,  1658-9. 
(T.A.  Walker,  111.) 

WRIGHT,  MILES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  18, 
1630-1.  S.  of  Stephen,  tailor,  ot  Sedbergh.  School,  Sedbergb. 
Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638.  Litt.  dim.  from 
London  to  receive  deacon's  orders.  May  23,  1635. 

WRIGHT,  NATHAN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Emmanuel,  Apr. 
15,  1670.  S.  and  h.  of  Ezekiel  (1618-9),  R-  o'  Thurcaston, 
Leics.  B.  Feb.  10,  1653.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Feb.  2, 
1670-1.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1677.  Bencher,  1692.  Recorder 
of  Leicester,  1680-4,  and  again,  1688.  Deputy-Recorder. 
Serjeant-at-law,  1692.  Knighted,  Jan.  5,  (?)  1696-7.  Lord 
Keeper,  1700-5.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  George  Ashby, 
of  Quenby,  1676.  Died  Aug.  4,  1721.  Brother  of  Ezekiel 
(167S)  and  father  of  George  (1694).  (D.N.B.;  Blomefield, 
IV.  727;  Nichols,  HI.  219.) 

WRIGHT,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  8, 
1619.  S.  of  John  (1585),  of  Wrightsbridgc,  Essex.  Matric. 
1619;  B.A.  1623-4;  ^i..\.  1627;  M.D.  (Bourses).  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1638.  Physician  to  Oliver  Cromwell  in  Scotland. 
One  of  these  names  of  Shre%vsbury,  M.D.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1686. 
Brother  of  John  (1614)  and  perhaps  of  Laurence  (1605-6). 
(Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Vis.  of  Essex,  1634,  where  the  two 
generations  are  apparently  confused.) 

WRIGHT,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1562;  B..\.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571.  One  of  these  names  ord. 
deacon  (Lincoln)  Sept.  21,  1606;  'B..^.,  St  John's."  C.  of 
Garthorpo,  Lines.,  in  161 1.  (Patron,  .Mag.  Coll.) 

WRIGHT,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  sizar  (.age  16)  at  Caius.  Sept.  23, 
1609.  S.  of  John  (?  1570),  of  Melton  Mowbray.  Leics.  School, 
Melton  Mowbray  (Mr  VVall)'s).  Matric.  1609.  Migrated  to 
Sidney,  Mar.  22,  1609-10.  B..^.  from  Sidney  (?  '.613-4); 
M.A.  1617;  D.D.  1630  (LU.  Reg.).  Perhaps  V.  of  Cdkwcli, 
Lines.,  1615-8.  R.  of  Theydon  Ganion,  Essex.  1624-44, 
sequestered.  Petitioned  the  House  ol  Lords,  June  23,  1660. 
for  restitution  of  tythes  at  Theydon  Ganion.  Preb.  of 
St  Asaph,  1645-9.  M.irried,  at  St  .Marv  Wolnoth,  London, 
to  Pentecost  Ho|x-r,  widow  of  KichanI  Hopor,  lisq.,  June  13, 
1639.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1661 ;  of  St  Andrew,  Holbom,  Middlesex. 
Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1617-8).  {Venn,  1.  204;  D.  R. 
Thomas,  1.  341;  J.  CU.  Smith.) 


Wright,  Paul 

WRIGHT,  PAUL.  Adm.  sizar  {age  20)  at  Pembroke,  July  2, 
1735;  'Grecian'  exhibitioner.  S.  of  Thomas,  barber-surgeon, 
of  St  Martin's,  Iremonger  Lane,  London.  School,  Christ's 
Hospital.  Matric.  1735;  B.A.  1738-9;  M.A.  1742;  B.D.  1767; 
D.D.  1778.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28,  1738;  priest. 
Mar.  18,  1738-9.  R.  of  Snoreham,  Essex,  1739-  V.  of  Ugley, 
1740.  P.C.  of  Berden,  1753.  Lecturer  at  All  Saints,  Hertford. 
Author.  Died  May  8,  1785-  WUl,  P.C.C.  (G.  Mag.;  E.  Mag.; 
A.  W.  Lockhart.) 

WRIGHT,  PHILIP.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Michs.  1582; 
B.A.  1585-6.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  Mar.  23, 
1591-2.  R.  of  Owmby,  Lines.,  1593-1627.  Perhaps  brother 
of  John  (1572). 

WRIGHT,  RALPH.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1577-8.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lichfield)  Apr.  4, 
1582.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary;  Randall. 
Probably  brother  of  Samuel  (1577). 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1543-4.  B.  c.  1523.  FeUow  of 
Jesus,  1547.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  25,  1560.  V.  of 
Bilsby,  Lines. 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1566. 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1573; 
Scholar,  1578;  B.A.  1578-9;  M.A.  1582;  B.D.  1589.  Fellow, 
1581.  V.  of  Barrington,Cambs.,  1596-1613.  Buried  Aug.  26, 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1585;  B.A.  1588-9;  M.A.  1592.  Fellow,  1590.  Perhaps  the 
man  of  these  names,  '  Lincolniensis,  M.A.  of  Cambridge, 
Vir  gravis,'  who  arrived  at  Douay,  Aug.  28,  1602.  Left  for 
Valladohd,  Sept.  12,  1602.   {Rec.  Soc.  Jes.) 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Feb.  25, 
J586-7.  Matric.  1587;  B.A.  1590-1.  One  of  these  names, 
'of  London,'  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1592;  notary  public 
in  1607.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1626;  of  St  Clement  Danes, 
Esquire,  steward  of  the  Inner  Temple. 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Mar.  20,  1613-4; 
'B.A.  of  Sidney  College.'  Perhaps  schooknaster  of  Hipswell, 
Yorks.,  and  father  of  Robert  (1650). 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1652. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1655-6.  Perhaps  V.  of  Laughton, 
Lines.,  1657;  R.  of  Kirkby  Laythorpe  St  Denis,  1671;  R.  of 
PUham,  1676-85;  B.A.;  Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of  Dover.  Died 
1685.  One  of  these  names,  B.A.,  V.  of  Whitekirk,  Yorks., 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1659  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Matric.  (Merton  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  25,  1650-1;  B.A. 
(Oxford)  1654;  M.A.  1657'.  Perhaps  V. of  Charlewood,  Surrey, 
1658.   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  18,  1672. 
S.  of  R.,  of  London.  Migrated  to  Oxford.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
College,  Oxford)  June  27,  1677,  age  2i;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1680; 
M.A.  1683.  Usher  of  Magdalen  College  School,  1683-9. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Stalbridge,  Dorset,  1695.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  4, 
1680;  B.A.  1683-4.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May,  1684; 
priest,  Dec.  1687.  C.  of  Hekningham,  SuSolk. 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  M.D.  1728  {Com.  Reg.).  One  of  these 
names  of  Henstridge,  Somerset,  M.D.;  will  (P.C.C.)  1760. 

WRIGHT,  RICHARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Magdalene,  July  4,  1732. 

2nd  s.  of  George.    B.  Feb.  3,   171 1-2,  at  Spilsby,  Lines. 

School,  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  Yorks.  Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1736-7; 

M.A.  1740.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  June  20,   1736;  priest, 

June  1,  1740.    Died  Feb.  4,  1771.   Brother  of  John  (1737). 

(Lines.  Pedigrees,  1327.) 
WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1561. 
WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1565. 
WRYGHT,    ROBERT.    Matric.   pens,   from   Christ's,   Easter, 

1565.   Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Wright's  Bridge,  Essex. 

B.A.  1568-9  (istin  theoTiio);  M.A.  1572;  B.D.  1585.  Incorp. 

at   Oxford,    1581.    Congregationalist  of   Rochford,   Essex; 

committed   to    the   Gatehouse   by   Bishop   Aylmer,    1582. 

Afterwards  conformed.    R.  of  Dennington,  SuSolk,  1589- 

1624.    Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Butler,  of  Essex.    Died 

Apr.  1624,  aged  74.  Buried  at  Dennington.  M.I.  [In  D.N. B. 

and  Al.  Oxon.  he  is  identified  with  Robert  (1571)-]  Doubtless 

father  of  Eusebius  (1597)  and  Ezekiel  (1618-9).  (Peile,  i.  91 ; 

Vis.  of  Essex,  1634;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Nichols,  in.  219.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1567; 
Scholar,  1570;  B.A.  1570-1;  M.A.  1574-  Fellow,  1573. 
B.D.  1585  (according  to  Trinity  Coll.  Adm.,  but  see  the 
above).  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1577.  Tutor  of  Rob.  Devereux, 
Earl  of  Essex,  and  afterwards  head  of  his  household,  and 
subsequently  clerk  of  the   Stables.    A   man   of  learning; 

Wright,  Robert 

complimented  by  Thomas  Newton  on  his  many  accomplish- 
ments. Living,  1596.  Died  c.  1596  (sic).  (Cooper,  11.  223; 
WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1571; 
B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1581  (according 
to  Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is  identified  with  Robert,  R.  of 
Dennington,  Suffolk,  but  see  Robert  (1565)).  One  of  these 
names  R.  of  St  John  the  Evangelist,  Watling  Street,  London, 
1588;  R.  of  St  Catherine  Coleman,  1591-1625.  Will  proved 
(Cons.  C.  London)  Feb.  13,  1625-6.  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  these 
livings  are  wrongly  assigned  to  a  contemporary  namesake.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1579. 
B.  in  St  John  Zachary  parish,  London.  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A. 
1586.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1586.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Oct.  15, 
1589,  age  26.  R.  of  Woodford,  Essex,  1589-1619.  R.  of 
Rettendon,  1619.  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  these  Uvings  are  as- 
signed to  a  contemporary  namesake.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  158&-7. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  May,  1590. 
Matric.  c.  1591. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1591.  One 
of  these  names,  'of  Salop,'  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  9, 

1596;  from  Barnard's  Inn. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  c.  1594.  One 
of  these  names  knighted.  May  17,  1605;  of  Surrey. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1608; 

B.A.  1611-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  30;  priest,  Sept.  19, 

1613.    One  of  these  names  of  TaUington,  Lines.,  clerk;  will 

(Lincoln)  1627. 
WRIGHTE,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  5, 

1631.    S.  of  Robert,  draper,  of  the  city  of  London.    B.  at 

Higham,  Norfolk.   School,  Norwich  (Mr  Stonham).   Matric. 

WRIGHT,   ROBERT.    Adm.   FeU.-Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 

Lent,  1634-5.   Of  Surrey. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  M.D.  1642-3  (Incorp.  from  Leyden). 
B.  in  London.  M.D.  (Leyden)  Sept.  11,  1642.  Candidate, 
R.C.P.,  Mar.  6,  1642-3.  Fellow,  1643.  Appointed  Gulstonian 
lecturer  for  1647.  Died  Sept.  16,  1646.  Will,  P.C.C;  of 
St  Edmund,  Lombard  Street,  London.   (Munk,  1.  235.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Nov.  25,  1645.  Of  Guildford,  Surrey.  Matric.  1645. 
Left  in  1647. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sidney,  June  12, 

1650.  S.  of  Richard  (?  1613-4),  schoolmaster.  xJ.  at  Hips- 
well,  Yorks.  Matric.  1650. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Apr.  1, 

1651.  S.  of  Jermin  (1624),  Esq.,  of  Wangford,  Sulxolk. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Thetford  (Mr  Ward)  and  Bury  (Mr 
Stevens).  Matric.  1651.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  4, 
1654.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1661.  Bencher,  1675.  M.P.  for 
Lynn,  1668.  Coimsel  for  the  University,  1678-84.  Deputy- 
Recorder  for  Cambridge,  1679;  Recorder,  1685.  King's 
Serjeant,  1680.  Knighted,  May  15,  1680.  Chief  Justice  of 
Glamorgan,  1681.  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  1684.  Chief 
Justice  of  C.P.,  and  of  the  King's  Bench,  1687.  Notorious 
for  his  ignorance  and  venality.  Presided  at  the  trial  of  the 
seven  bishops.  Committed  to  Newgate  after  the  Revolution. 
Of  Wangford,  Suffolk.  Married  three  wives.  Died  Nov.  18, 
1689,  in  Newgate.  Father  of  Robert  (1683).  (Venn,  1.  381; 
Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664;  D.N.B.,  where  his  University  career  is 
confused  with  that  of  Robert  (next).) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse, 
Dec.  23,  1653.  Of  Norfolk.  Probably  2nd  s.  of  John  (1623). 
School,  Bury.  Scholar,  1654;  Matric.  1655;  B.A.  1657-8; 
M.A.  1661.  Fellow,  1660.  Adm.  at  Leyden,  Oct.  31,  1659, 
as  B.A.  and  FeUow  of  Peterhouse.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  10,  1661-2.  R.  of  Holme  Hale,  Norfolk,  1661-75. 
R.  of  Elveden,  Sufiolk,  1666.  Perhaps  brother  of  John 
(1665),  etc.  (T.A.  Walker,  loy,  Lambeth  Act  BA;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Feb.  14, 
1660-1.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Sept.  20,  1681. 
Of  London.  Matric.  1682;  B.A.  1685-6.  Assistant  Master 
at  Boston  School,  Lines.,  1691.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Aug.  4, 
1700.   R.  of  Claxton  Pluckacre,  1700. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  27, 
1682.  S.  of  Thomas  (1648-9),  of  Downham,  Suffolk.  Bapt. 
there,  July  14,  1664.  Schools,  Brandon  and  Thetford. 
Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  11,  1683.  Of  Santon 
Downham,  Esq.,  J. P.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  George 
Wenyeve,  of  Brettenham,  Suffolk;  (2)  Dorothy  Dockam, 
widow.  Died  Mar.  25,  1731.  Brother  of  John  (1682)  and 
father  of  Robert  (1713).  (Venn,  i.  471;  Carthew,  Launditch, 
II.  501.) 



Wright,  Robert 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adra.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
June  4,  1683.  S.  of  Sir  Robert  (1651),  Serjeant-at-law,  of 
Wangford,  Suffolk.  B.  in  London.  School,  Eton.  Matric. 
1683-4.  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  June  11,  1683.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1687.  Chief  Justice  of  South  Carolina,  1730. 
Died  before  Oct.  1748.  (Venn,  i.  473) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  June  6,  1693.  Of 
Cheshire.  Matric.  1693;  B.A.  1696-7.  Probably  Master  of 
Frodsham  School,  Cheshire,  1698.  Master  of  Winwick 
Grammar  School,  Lanes.,  1717-35.  C.  at  Winwick.  Author, 
Tables  of  Lunar  Motions,  1732.   (R.Stewart-Brown.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  14)  at  Trinity,  July  27, 
1696.  S.  of  Charles  (1652),  D.D.,  of  North  Runcton,  Norfolk. 
School,  Lynn.  Scholar,  1699;  Matric.  1700;  B.A.  1700-1; 
M.A.  1704. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  15, 
1709.  S.  of  John,  husbandman.  B.  at  Anstell  (sic),  Yorks. 
School,  Lofton,  Yorks.  (Mr  Bromhead).  Matric.  1709;  B.A. 
1712-3.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  31,  1713;  priest  (York) 
Sept.  1715.  C.  of  Haworth,  Yorks.,  1726. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  1713. 
S.  of  Robert  (1682),  Esq.,  of  Santon  Downham,  Suffolk. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Bury  and  Botesdale  (Mr  Maboum). 
Matric.  1714;  Scholar,  1714-20;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721; 
D.D.  1735.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1718;  priest 
(Ely)  Dec.  18,  1720.  C.  of  Bluntisham,  Hunts.,  1718.  R.  of 
East  Hading,  Norfolk,  1720-38.  R.  of  Knoddishall,  Suffolk, 
1724-39.  R.  of  Hackney,  Middlesex,  1738-53-  V.  of  Santon 
Downham,  Suffolk,  1746.  Chaplain  to  the  Prince  of  Wales. 
Preb.  of  Lichfield.  Author,  Sermon.  Died  Jan.  7,  1753. 
Buried  at  Hackney.  WUI,  P.C.C.   {Venn,  n.  1.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Feb.  19, 
1713-4.  4th  s.  of  John  (1665),  V.  of  Stepney,  Middlesex. 
B.  at  Wangford,  Suffolk.  School,  Newport,  Essex  (Mr 
Allen).  Matric.  1713-4;  Scholar,  1714-9;  B.A.  1718-9; 
M.A.  1722.  Fellow,  1720-30.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  20, 
1724;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1725.  R.  of  Lavenham,  Suffolk, 
1729-30.  BuriedthereAug.  31, 1730-  Brotherof  John  (1711). 
{Venn,  11.  i.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Caius,  Dec.  7,  1720. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Harling,  Norfolk.  B.  in  the  East 
Indies.  Schools,  Botesdale  (Mr  Maboume)  and  Bury  (Mr 
Kinsman).  Matric.  1720.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov. 
28,  1720.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1728.  Married  Catherine,  dau. 
of  Cyril  Wyche,  of  Hockwold,  Esq.  Died  Oct.  16,  1766. 
Brotherof  John  (1718).  {Venn,u.  15;  G.Mag.;  Blomefield,!. 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  May  1, 
1722.  S.of  Thomas,  of  Barrington,  Essex  (stc).  B..^.  1725-6; 
M.A.  1729.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May  28;  priest,  Dec.  24, 
1727.  Chaplain  to  Earl  Findlater.  V.  of  Bulmer,  Essex, 
1751.   R.  of  Belchamp  Otton,  1765.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  ROBERT.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1723. 

WRIGHT,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  June  18,  1641. 
Matric.  164 1 ;  B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  1649.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Trusthorpe,  Lines.,  1660,  and  R.  of  Hemingby,  1667.  Chap- 
lain to  the  Earl  of  Dorset. 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1577;  B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1579-80;  M.A.  1583; 
B.D.  1593;  D.D.  1604.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Dec.  12,  1585.  Perhaps  R.  of  St  Ives,  Hunts.,  1593-5- 
V.  of  Boston,  Lines.,  1594-1600.  R.  of  Doddington,  Cambs., 
c.  1597-1639.  Probablybrotherof  Ralph  (1577).  (J.Crosby.) 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  22,  1587. 
Matric.  1588;  B.A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594;  B.D.  from  Sidney, 
1601.  One  of  the  original  Fellows  of  Sidney,  1599.  Author, 
sermons.  Died  c.  1612.  {Cooper,  11.  531,  where  he  is  confused 
with  Samuel  (above).) 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Caius,  July  7,  1612. 
Of  London.  S.  of  Edward  (1576),  M.A.  School,  in  London 
(?  Cloak  Lane,  under  Mr  Keginalde).  Scholar,  1612-4; 
Matric.  1613.  A  youth  of  much  promise.  Edited  his  father's 
(posthumous)  translation  of  Napier's  Logarithms  in  1616. 
Died  c.  1616.   {Venn,  i.  218.) 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Christ's,  July  6,  1624. 
S.  of  William.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Perse  (Mr  Lever- 
ing). Matric.  1624.  Resided  till  Jan.  1627-8.  One  of  these 
names  resigned  Bromcswell,  Suffolk,  before  June,  1661. 
{Peile,  I.  361.) 
WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

1624;  B.A.  1627-8. 
WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.   Adm.  sizar  (age  30)  at  Pembroke,  Sept. 
16,  1627.  S.  of  Edward,  of  London,  priest. 

Wright,  Thomas 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Easter, 
1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  3,  1630. 
Of  Cambridgeshire.   Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4. 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  29)  at  Christ's, 
June  28,  1644.  S.  of  Nathaniel,  merchant,  of  London  (and 
Lydia,  dau.  of  Edward  James,  of  London),  and  grandson  of 
John,  of  Wrightsbridge,  Essex.  [To  be  distinguished  from 
Nathaniel  Wright,  s.  of  Robert,  K.  of  Dennington,  Suffolk, 
also  a  merchant  of  London,  who  died  1658.]  B.  there. 
Schools,  London  and  Chelmsford  (Mr  Hooker).  Matric.  1644; 
B.A.  1645-6.  Created  D.D.  (Oxford)  1661  (according  to 
Foster).  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Stockton,  Wilts.,  1660; 
another  ejected  from  Heanor,  Derbs.,  1662.  But  see  also  the 
next.   {Peile,  i.  487;  Vis.  of  London,  1634;  Nichols,  iii.  219.) 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  24,  1645. 
Matric.  1645;  B.A.  1648-9;  M.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1652. 
One  of  these  names  C.  of  Thurcaston,  Leics.,  and  C.  of  Ansty, 

WRIGHT,  SAMUEL  CLYATT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peter- 
house,  Apr.  18,  1750.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Hackney. 
Scholar,  1750;  Matric.  1751. 

WRIGHT,  STEPHEN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  18,  1679. 
Of  Warwickshire. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1459-60.  Of  Durham  diocese. 
M.A.  1463;  B.D.  1468-9  (?  1474-5);  D.D.  1479-80.  Fellow  of 
Pembroke,  1463.  Proctor,  1468-9.  Probably  the  donor  of 
10  marks  to  the  University,  1484-5  {see  Gr.  Bk,  A,  191). 
One  of  these  names  V.  of  Marsk-in-Cleveland,  Yorks.,  till 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.   Incorp.  from  Oxford,  1492-3- 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1515-6- 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1562. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1563-4; 
Scholar,  1565;  B.A.  1567-8;  M.A.  1571.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  2,  1570;  'B.A.  from  Trinity.' 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1567; 
B.A.  from  Clare,  1573-4;  M.A.  1578. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Caius,  .Apr.  20, 
1574.  S.  of  Henry,  deceased,  of  Garveston,  Norfolk.  School, 
Hardingham.  Matric.  1574;  B.A.  1577-8.  Died  in  College. 
Buried  Apr.  6,  1579,  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge.  Brother 
of  Edward  (1576).   {Venn, 1.7%.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1579;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Lincohi)  July  17,  1587.  R.  of  Bromeswell,  Suffolk, 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1584; 
B.A.  from  Caius,  1587-8. 

WRIGHT  or  WRITE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus 
Christi,  Michs.  1585.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of 
Weeting,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  7. 
1590;  of  Norfolk,  and  of  Funiival's  Inn.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1598.  Master  of  the  Bench.  Of  Kilverstone  Hall,  Norfolk. 
Purchased  the  manor  of  Wangford,  Suffolk,  1597.  High 
Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  1652  [according  to  Btomefield,  i.  545,  tliis 
was  his  son  Thomas].  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Jermyn, 
of  Debden,  Suffolk.  Will  dated  Feb.  29,  1649;  proved  (P.C.C.) 
June  I,  1653.  Doubtless  brother  of  John  (1596),  father  of 
Thomas  (1623),  John  (1623)  and  Jcrmin  (1624).  {BlomefieU, 
I.  545;  Carthcw,  Launditch,  11.  501;  Copinger,  iv.  207.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1588; 
B.A.  1592-3;  M.A.  1596.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Peterb.) 
Jan.  10,  1593-4- 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1598; 
B..-^.  1601-2.  One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  V.  of  Thornton, 
Lines.,  1609-41. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1602. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Miclis.  1607; 
B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614;  'John.'  One  of  these  names  of 
Brand  Broughton,  Lines.,  clerk;  will  (Lincoln)  1635. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  M.itric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1610; 
B.A.  1613-4.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1616;  priest,  Sept. 
1617.  V.  of  Egmanton,  Notts.,  1617. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1619-  B.A.  J622-3;  M.A.  1626.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Nonvich)  Sept.  24,  1626.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Ecclesficld,  Yorks.,  1638-43;  M.A.,  ejected;  reinstated. 
1660-90.  D'cd  Feb.  1690-1.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  con- 
temporary namesake.  (M.  H.  Peacock.) 


Wright,  Thomas 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1623.  Of  Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas 
(1585),  of  Kilverstone,  Norfolk,  Esq.,  Master  of  the  Bench. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  5,  1624.  Perhaps  High  Sheriff 
of  Norfolk,  in  1652.  [According  to  Blomefield,  but  Carthew 
makes  Thomas,  the  father,  the  Sheriff  in  1652.]  Of  Weeting, 
Esq.  Married  (i)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Simon  Brograve,  of  Herts.; 
(2)  Judith,  dau.  of  Robert  Houghton,  of  Earlham,  Norfolk. 
Died  [according  to  Carthetv]  before  Feb.  29,  1649.  Brother 
of  John  (1623)  and  Jermin  (1624),  father  of  Thomas  (1655). 
(Blomefield,  i.  545;  Carthew,  Launditch,  11.  501.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept.  14, 
1633.  Of  Huntingdonshire.  Matric.  1634;  Scholar,  1635; 
B.A.  1637-8;  M.A.  1641;  M.D.  1656.  Father  of  Ale.\ander 
(1675).  \T.A.  Walker,  50.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1636; 
B.A.  1638-9;  M.A.  1642.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Sept.  22,  1639;  priest,  Dec.  20,  1640.  Perhaps  V.  of  Bram- 
field,  Suffolk,  1642-61.  One  of  these  names  Master  of  Peter- 
borough Grammar  School,  1646-9. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Jan.  24, 
1648-9.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1623),  gent.,of  Ovington,  Norfolk. 
B.  at  Barton,  Suffolk.  Schools,  Thetford  (Mr  Ward)  and 
Pickenham  (Mr  Eade).  Of  Santon  Dovvnham,  Suffolk,  Esq., 
J. P.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Say,  of  Tilney, 
Norfolk,  Aug.  1658.  Died  Feb.  10,  1698-9,  aged  67.  Buried 
at  Santon  Downham.  M.I.  Brother  of  George  (1661),  father 
of  John  (1682)  and  Robert  (1682).  {Venn,  i.  374;  Vis.  of 
Suffolk,  1664;  Le  Neve,  Mon.,  v.  193;  Carthew,  Launditch, 
II.  500.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Christ's, 
June  5,  1655.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas  (1623).  B.  at  Wolterton, 
Norfolk.  Schools,  Feltwell  (Mr  Ward)  and  Bury  (Mr  Stephens). 
Matric.  1655.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  3,  1656.  Of 
Kilverstone,  Esq.  and  J. P.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Sir 
Charles  Harbord,  Knt.,  1664.  Died  Apr.  12,  1667.  Buried 
at  Kilverstone.  M.I.   (Peile,  i.  566;  Blomefield,  11.  545-7.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Apr.  17,  1660.  Of  Warwick.  B.A.  1663. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  23,  1662. 
Of  Essex.  School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner).  Matric. 
1664;  B.A.  1665-6;  M.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept. 
23,  1666;  priest,  June  2,  1667.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Bitlesden,  Leics..  1668. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  27,  1665.  Of  Northamptonshire.  School,  Peterborough. 
Matric.  1665;  Scholar,  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1672. 
Probably  V.  of  Remington,  Northants.,  1674-77.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Coppingford,  Hunts.,  1677-1709.  The  compiler, 
seemingly,  of  The  Glory  of  God's  Revenge  against  Murther 
and  Adultery  expressed  in  thirty  Modern  tragical  Histories; 
published,  1685;  one  of  which  was  the  source  of  E.  Ravens- 
croft's  tragedy.  The  Italian  Husband.  {T.  A.  Walker,  128.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  25, 
1670.  S.  of  James,  yeoman,  of  Woodstone,  Hunts.  B.  there. 
School,  Peterborough  (Mr  Smith).  Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674- 
5;  M.A.  1678;  B.D.  1685.  Fellow,  1678-88.  Incorp.  at 
.  Oxford,  1679.  One  of  these  names  V.  of  East  Barsham, 
Norfolk,  c.  1 718.   Perhaps  brother  of  William  (1670). 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  15, 
1676-7.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Debden,  Essex.  B.  there.  School, 
Newport.  Matric.  1677;  B.A.  i68o-i;  M.A.  1684.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Wymondham,  Norfolk,  1686-91. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Jesus,  May  17, 

1686.   S.  of ,  clerk,  deceased,  of  Staffordshire.    Matric. 

1686;  Rustat  Scholar,  1687;  B.A.  1689-90;  M.A.  1693. 
V.  of  Longford,  Derbs.,  1692.   {Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT  or  WRITE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity, 
Nov.  13,  1697.  S.  of  George,  of  the  Strand,  London.  B.  there. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1699;  B.A.  1701-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  May  31,  1702;  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  4,  1704-5. 
Probably  R.  of  Dengie,  Essex,  1708-25.     Died  1725. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1711.  Of 
London.  St  Paul's  School  exhibitioner.  Matric.  1711;  B.A. 
1714-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Bristol)  June  12,  1715;  priest  (London) 
Mar.  9,  1717-8.  V.  of  Meopham,  Kent,  1718.  Chaplain  to 
Edward,  Earl  of  Warwick.   {Masters;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse, 
June  30,  1722.  Of  Derby.  School,  Derby.  Matric.  1723; 
Scholar,  1724;  B.A.  1725-6. 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  1,  1723-4- 
Of  Middlesex.  S.  of  George  (1694K  Matric.  1724.  Brother 
of  George  (1723-4).   {Nichols,  iii.  219.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  1, 
1725.  S.  of  Edward,  husbandman,  of  Lancashire.  B.  at 
Blackburn.   School,  Blackburn  (Mr  Smith).   Matric.  1725; 

Wright,  William 

B.A.  172R-9.  Usher  of  Blackburn  Grammar  School,  1727-31. 
Perhaps  received  Litt.  dim.  from  York  for  priest's  orders, 
Aug.  1732- 
WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 
1734.  S.  of  Joseph,  goldsmith,  of  London.  B.  in  Ireland. 
Schools,  Chesterfield,  Derbs.  and  Westminster.  Matric. 
1735;  B.A.  1737-8;  M.A.  1741.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincohi)  June  i; 
priest,  June  29,  1740.  R.  of  Birkin,  Yorks.  (and  Lord  of  the 
Manor),  1741-88.  Chaplain  to  George  II.  Friend  of  the 
poets.  Gray,  Mason  and  Whitehead.  Died  Mar.  28,  1788. 
{Scott-Mayor,  iii.  451.) 

WRIGHT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  July  31, 
1742.  S.  of  Thomas,  doctor,  of  Hertfordshire.  B.  at  Royston. 
School,  Royston  (Mr  Spearman).  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1747-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Oct.  7,  1750;  priest  (London)  Sept.  23, 
1753.  C.  of  Abingdon-CMm-Shingay,  Cambs.,  1750.  {Scott- 
Mayor,  in.  533.) 

WRIGHT.  TOBIAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  4,  1618. 
Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Hugh,  of  Durham,  gent.  Bapt.  Jan.  3, 
1602-3,  at  St  Nicholas,  Durham.  Matric.  1618.  Adm.  at 
Gray's  Inn,  June  22,  1620.  Of  Windleston,  Durham.  Married 
EHzabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Talbot,  of  Thorn ton-le-Street, 
Yorks.,  Jan.  10,  1637-8,  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham.  Buried 
Jan.  26,  1646-7,  at  St  Andrew's,  Auckland.  Half-brother 
of  Hugh  (1637).   {Vis.  of  Durham,  1666;  H.  M.  Wood.) 

WRIGHT,  VINCENT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  6,  1613. 
Matric.  1613.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1617;  of  Kingsey, 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  c.  1380.  One 
of  these  names  (s.  of  Henry),  R.  of  St  Michael,  Queenhithe, 
London;  of  Leicestershire;  wiU  (Comm.  London)    1430-1. 

WRIGHT  or  WRYTH,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1471,  age 
14.  Of  Wrawby,  Lines.  One  of  these  names,  M.A.,  R.  of 
Fomham  All  Saints,  Suffolk,  1499. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  (age  12)  from  St  John's, 
Michs.  1555. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1563. 
B.A.  1566-7;  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1570.  Fellowof  St  John's, 
1567;  'of  Herts.'  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Aug.  24,  1566;  'Scholar 
of  St  John's';  priest,  Sept.  21,  1567.  Perhaps  R.  of  Clopton  , 
Cambs.,  1566-c.  74;  V.  of  Croydon,  1570-4-   (J-  Crosby.) 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's, 
Michs.  1572.  Migrated  to  Christ's.  B..^.  I576-7-  One  of 
these  names  R.  of  Hoggeston,  Bucks.,  1577. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  (age  23)  from  Christ's, 
June,  1577.  B.  at  Bagworth,  Leics.  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Sept.;  priest,  Dec.  1579;  'of  Markfield,  Leics.' 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1580;  B.A.  1583-4- 

V/RIGHT,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1608.  Ord.  deacon 
(York)  Sept.  1608;  priest,  Sept.  1609.  Perhaps  R.  of  Wig- 
gington,  Yorks.,  in  1612. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Probably  B.A.  1609-10.  Of  Derbyshire. 
M.A.  from  St  John's,  1613;  B.D.  1621.  Fellow,  1610. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford;  1610,  'B.A.'  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Lincoln)  Feb.  21,  1618-9.  R.  of  Benefield,  Northants., 
1632-58.  Buried  there  Nov.  24,  1658.   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Mar.  4,  1610- 
i.   Matric.  1611;  B.A.  1614-5. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Lent, 
1620-1;  B.A.  1624-5.   Probably  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  1627. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1625; 
B.A.  1628-9;  M.A.  1634.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  5; 
priest,  Sept.  25,  1631.  Perhaps  C.  of  Little  Linford,  Bucks., 
and  R.  of  Gayhurst,  1644-71.  Buried  there  Mar.  18,  1671. 
{Lipscomb,  iv.  162.) 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
May  5,  1636.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  B.  in  London.  School, 
Beverley  (Mr  Pomeroy).  Matric.  1636.  Perhaps  adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1637-8,  as  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Plow- 
land,  Yorks.  If  so,  died  s.p.,  Jan.  1651.  But  see  Al.  Oxon. 
for  a  contemporary  namesake.  (Poulson,  Holderness,  11.  516.) 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  5, 
1649.  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Unthank,  Dronfield,  Derbs.  B.  there. 
School,  Kegworth  (private).  Matric.  1649;  B.A.  1652. 
Living,  1662.  Married  and  had  issue.  One  of  these  names 
chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1658.  {Peile,  i.  526;  Vis.  of  Derbs., 
1662;  F.M.G.,  227.) 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  8,  1650. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  1650. 


Wright,  William 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i6)  at  Sidney,  May  i8, 

1667.  S.  of  William,  deceased.  B.  at  Bagby,  Yorks.  School, 
North  AUerton  (Mr  Smelt).  Matric.  1667.  Adm.  at  Gray's 
Inn,  Apr.  19,  1669.  Brother  of  John  (1667). 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Oct.  25,  1670. 
Of  Woodstone,  Hunts.  Perhaps  s.  of  James,  yeoman. 
Matric.  1671 ;  B.A.  1674-5 ;  M.A.  1678.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  21,  1676.   Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas  (1670). 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  3, 
1675.  S.  of  George,  yeoman,  of  Dodworth,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Boulton.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1679. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  31, 
1700-1.  S.  of  Christopher  (?  1635),  deceased.  B.  at  Thorp- 
field,  Yorks.  School,  Coxwold  (Mr  Hutchin).  One  of  these 
names  Master  of  Slaidburn  School,  Yorks.,  1732-3. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM,   .^dra.  sizar  (age  20)  at  St  John's,  June 

24,  1734.  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Derbyshire.  B.  at  Beely. 
School,  Chesterfield  (Mr  Burrow).  Matric.  1735;  B.-A.  1737-8. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  28,  1738.  C.  of  Hathome,  Leics., 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  20)  at  Emmanuel, 
Dec.  26,  1745.  Of  London.  S.  of  William,  Esq.  School, 
Bishop's  Stortford. 

WRIGHT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Apr. 

25,  1750.  S,  of  Sir  Martin,  of  Middlesex,  Justice,  K.B. 
B.  in  London.  School,  Eton.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
Feb.  9,  1 746-7.  An  eccentric  character.  Benefactor  to  St 
John's.  Inherited  a  large  fortune  from  his  elder  brother, 
which  he  left  mostly  to  Lady  Frances  Wilson,  of  Chelsea 
Park,  London,  with  whom  he  was  totally  unacquainted,  but 
had  seen  and  admired  at  the  opera  nearly  20  years  before. 
Died  in  obscure  lodgings  in  Pimlico,  Mar.  14,  1814.  Buried 
at  Drayton.  Brother  of  Martin  (1745-6).  {Founders  and 
Benefactors,  82;  Scott-Mayor,  iii.  595;  Foss,  Judges,  766; 
G.  Mag.,  1814.  I.  308;  N.  and  Q.,  8th  S.,  vi.  233,  where  he 
is  named  Thomas.) 

WRIGHT, .   Incorp.  1477-8. 

WRIGHT, .  M.A.  1501. 

WRIGHT, .  B.A.  1523-4. 

WRIGHT, .  Scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1535-6.  Matric.  1544. 

Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  King's,  Easter,  1544. 
Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1544. 
Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Emmanuel,  May,  1590. 
Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  1614. 
Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1659. 

Matric.   pens,  from  St  John's, 






Easter,  1562. 


WRIGHTSON,  AMBROSE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  St  John's, 
June  12,  1639.  S.  of  Thomas,  husbandman,  of  'Hartington' 
(Lartington,  Romaldkirk,  Yorks.).  B.  there.  School, 
Romaldkirk  (Mr  Wright).   Matric.  1639. 

WRIGHTSON,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  i68g.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Egham.  B.  at 
Egham,  Surrey.  Matric.  1690;  B.A.  1693-4.  Fellow,  1693. 
Master  of  Brentford  School,  Middlesex.  Died  there,  of  a 
fever,  1694.  'A  very  worthy  and  learned  young  man.' 
Brother  of  Thomas  (1687).   (Harwood.) 

WRIGHTSON,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  5,  1680. 
S.  of  Robert,  of  Cusworth,  Yorks.,  gent.  Matric.  1680; 
Scholar,  1682.  Died  before  Dec.  17, 1708.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1693).   (Burke,  L.G.) 

WRIGHTSON,  THOMAS.  B.A.  of  Magdalene  (sic).  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  23,  1621. 

WRIGHTSON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1687.  Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  V.  of  Egham,  Surrey.  B. 
there.  Matric.  1687;  B..^.  1691-2;  M.A.  1695.  Fellow,  1690. 
R.  of  East  Horsley,  Surrey,  1704-16.  Died  Oct.  13,  1716, 
aged  47.  Buried  at  East  Horsley.  M.I.  Brother  of  Benjamin 
(1689).   (Hanvood;  Manning  and  Bray,  in.  33.) 

WRIGHTSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter, 
1693.  Doubtless  s.  of  Robert,  of  Cusworth,  Yorks.,  gent. 
Bapt.  June  14,  1674,  at  Spotborough.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
July  11,  1693.  Succeeded  his  father,  1708.  High  Sheriff  for 
Yorks.,  1714.  Of  Cusworth,  Esq.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of 
Sir  Paul  Barrett,  of  Lee,  Kent.  Died  s.p.  Buried  at  Hems- 
worth,  Jan.  27,  1724.  Brother  of  Robert  (1680).  (Burke, 
L.G.;  H.  M.  Wood;  Hunter,  i.  350.) 

Jesus,  May  10,  1649.  Of  Essex.  Matric.  1649;  Scholar, 
1649;  B.A.  1652-3:  M.A.  1656.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1656;  Riglcs- 
wood,  M.A.,  Cambridge. 

Wroughton,  William 

WRIGLEY,  HENRY.     Matric.    FeU.-Com.    from    St    John's, 

Easter,  1617. 

WRIGLEY,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May 
13,  1715-  S.  of  Henry,  deceased.  B.  at  Manchester.  School, 
Chester  (Mr  Henchman).  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A. 
1722;  B.D.  1729.  Fellow,  1722-45.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  20,  1725-6.  R.  of  Cockfield,  Suffolk,  1743-66.  Died 
1766.  (G.  Mag.) 
WRIOTHESLEY,  HENRY,  4th  Eari  of  Southampton.  Matric. 
Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1585.  S.  and  h.  of  Henry, 
2nd  Earl  of  Southampton.  B.  Oct.  5,  1573.  M.A.  1589. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1592.  Succeeded  to  the  peerage,  Oct.  4, 
1581.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Mar.  11,  1587-8.  Presented  to 
Queen  Elizabeth,  1590.  Served  under  the  Earl  of  Essex; 
knighted,  1597.  Condemned  for  complicity  with  the  Earl 
of  Essex;  found  guilty  and  deprived  of  all  his  honours; 
imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  1601-3;  pardoned.  K.G.,  1603. 
Created  Baron  Wriothesley  of  Titchfield,  and  re-created 
Earl  of  Southampton,  July  21,  1603.  Captain  of  Isle  of 
Wight,  and  of  Carisbrooke  Castle,  1603.  A  member  of  the 
Virgina  Council,  1609,  and  of  the  East  India  Co.,  1609. 
P.C,  1619.  Joined  the  opponents  of  Buckingham.  Com- 
manded a  troop  of  English  volunteers  in  the  Low  Countries. 
Benefactor  to  St  John's.  A  patron  of  the  poets,  including 
Shakespeare;  strong  evidence  in  favour  of  Southampton's 
identification  with  the  anonymous  friend  and  patron 
described  by  Shakespeare  in  his  Sonnets.  Died  at  Bergen 
op  Zoom,  in  Holland,  Nov.  10,  1624.  Buried  at  TitchJ&eld. 
Father  of  Thomas.  (D.N.B.;  G.E.C.;  Al.  Oxon.) 
WRIOTHESLEY,  THOMAS.  Educated  at  Trivity  Hall. 
S.  of  William,  York  Herald.  B.  c.  1500,  at  Garter  Court, 
Barbican,  Cripplegate,  London.  Clerk  of  the  Signet,  1530. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1534.  Attorney  in  the  Court  of  C.P., 
1535.  Knighted,  Oct.  19,  1537.  P.C.  and  Secretary'  to  the 
King,  1540.  Employed  in  many  State  affairs.  M.P.  for 
Hants.,  1542-4.  Created  Baron  Wriothesley,  Jan.  i,  1543-4, 
and  Earl  of  Southampton,  Feb.  16,  1546-7.  Lord  Keeper 
of  the  Great  Seal,  1544  and  Lord  Chancellor,  1544-7.  K.G., 
1545.  An  opposer  of  the  reformed  religion  and  of  the  Pro- 
tector Somerset.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  William  Cheney,  of 
Chesham  Bois,  Bucks.  Died  July  30,  1550.  Buried  at  Titch- 
field, Hants.  Will,  P.C.C.  {Cooper,  i.  98;  G.E.C.;  D.N.B.) 
WRIOTHESLEY,  THOMAS.  At  one  time  at  St  John's.  Hieh 
Steward  of  the  University,  1642-67.  S.  of  Henry  (1585), 
4th  Earl  of  Southampton.  B.  1607.  School,  Eton.  Suc- 
ceeded his  father  as  5th  Earl,  Nov.  10,  1624.  P.C.,  1642. 
A  faithful  supporter  of  the  royal  cause.  Succeeded  his 
father-in-law  as  Earl  of  Chichester,  Dec.  21,  1653.  Lord 
High  Treasurer,  1660-7.  K.G.,  1661.  Married  three  wives. 
Died  May  i6,  1667,  s.p.m.s.  Buried  at  Titchfield.  Will, 
P.C.C.  {D.N.B.:  G.E.C;  Coll.  Hist.,  123.) 
WROE.  see  also  ROWE. 

WROE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  June  19,  1658.  S.  of 
Richard,  of  Radcliffe,  Lanes.  Bapt.  there,  Sept.  5,  1641. 
School,  Bury.  Matric.  1658;  Scholar,  1660;  B.A.  i66i-2- 
M.A.  1665;  B.D.  1672;  D.D.  1686.  Fellow,  1662-74.  Incorp'. 
at  Oxford,  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  14,  1663;  priest, 
Mar.  10,  1665-6.  C.  of  Harston.Cambs.,  1666.  V. of  Whittles- 
ford,  1671-4.  Fellow  of  the  Collegiate  Church  of  Manchester, 
1675;  Warden,  1684-1717.  Preb.  of  Chester,  1678.  C.  of 
Wigan,  Lanes.,  1679-81.  R.  of  Bowdon,  Cheshire,  1681-90. 
V.  of  Garstang,  Lanes.,  1684-96.  R.  of  West  Kirby,  Cheshire, 
1696-1718.  Died  at  Manchester,  Jan.  i,  1717.^.  Buried 
in  the  Collegiate  Church.  {D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  E.  Axon; 
A.  Gray.) 
WROE,    ROBERT.     Matric.  sizar  from   Peterhouse,    Michs. 

1584;  adm.  June  26,  1584. 
WROO,  WILLIAM.    Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1457-8. 
R.  of  St  James,  Colchester,  Essex,  until  1469.  R.  of  Gold- 
hanger,  1447.  Dean  of  Bocking,  1452. 
WRONGERY,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1644; 

M.B.  1649. 
WROTE  or  WROTH  E,  see  WRATH. 

WROTTESLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  FcU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Apr.  22, 
1700.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Walter,  of  Wrottcsley  Hall, 
Staffs,  (by  his  ist  xvife  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Sir  John  .Archer,  of 
Theydon  Gamon,  Essex).  Matric.  1700.  M.P.  for  Staffs., 
1700-10.  Succeeded  as  4th  Bart.,  in  1712.  Slarricd  Frances, 
dau.  of  Hon.  John  Grcv,  of  Enville.  Died  Oct.  1726.  Buried 
at  Tetnal.  (Vis.  of  Staffs.;  G.E.C,  11.  195.) 
WROUGHTON,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Trinity, 
June  6,  1735-  S.  of  Thom.as,  of  London.  School,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1735;  Scholar,  1736;  B.A.  1738-g;  M.A. 
1755-  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1756.  Onl.  deacon  (Rochester) 
Dec.  23,  173'};  priest,  June  1,  1740.  R.  of  H.ilton,  Bucks., 
I75S-  R-  of  West  Wycombe,  1755-65.  R-  of  Wriboum, 
Lines.,  1765-70.  Died  Aug.  18,  1770.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Al. 
Wcslmoti.,  312;  Burke,  L.G.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 


Wroughton,  William 

WROUGHTON,  WILLIAM.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1736;  from 
Wadham  College,  Oxford.  S.  of  George,  of  Codford,  Wilts., 
clerk.  Matric.  (Wadham  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  28,  1705, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1708.  Ord.  deacon  (Salisbury)  Oct.  28, 
1710;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1711.  V.  of  Westbury,  Wilts.,  1730- 
49.  V.  of  Norton  Bavant,  1736-49.  Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of 
AthoU.  Died  1749.   {Al.  Oxon.;  Scott-Mayor,  iii.  472.) 

WULFINEL,  HUGH.  M.A.  before  1458-9,  when  he  had  leave 
of  absence.   {Gr.  Bk,  A,  20.) 

WULLET,  DANIEL.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1361. 

WULPIT,  JOHN.  Fellow  of  Peterhouse,  1425.  Proctor, 
1428-9  ('William'  in  the  lists).  Chaplain  of  Little  St  Mary's, 
Cambridge,  1430-1.  WUl  proved  before  the  Chancellor, 
Jan.  19,  1434-5;  left  legacies  to  Peterhouse  buildings  and 
feDows.   (Will  in  Queens'  Treasury.) 

WURCHENDEN, .  B.A.  1493. 

WYARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Easter, 
1637;  B.A.  1640-1.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1642; 
priest  (Norwich)  May  28,  1643,  age  23.  C.  of  West  Rudham, 
Norfolk.  R.  of  North  Barsham,  c.  1643-80.  Died  1680. 
(Blomefield,  vii.  52.) 

WYARD,  RANDOLPH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Pembroke, 
Oct.  9,  1700.  2nd  s.  of  Randolph,  gent.  B.  at  Charsfield, 
Suffolk.  School,  Ipswich.  B.A.  1704-5;  M.A.  1708;  M.D. 
1720.  Fellow,  1708.  Buried  Aug.  21,  1733,  at  Pettistree, 
Suffolk.   (Davy;  A.  Gray.) 

WYAT,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

WYATT,  DUDLEY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1627; 
Scholar  from  Westminster,  1628;  B.A.  1631-2;  M.A.  1635. 
Fellow,  1633-44,  ejected,  but  restored  by  Cromwell,  1647. 
In  1641  he  obtained  permission  for  absence  in  Ireland  for 
seven  years,  where  he  seems  to  have  fought  for  the  Parlia- 
mentary side.  Knighted,  June  4  (25),  1645;  Commissary 
General  (at  Hereford;  ?  Leicester).  One  of  these  names  s.  of 
John,  of  Worcester,  gent.,  matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford) 
Mar.  7,  1624-5,  age  16.  (Al.  Wcstmon.,  100;  Shaw,  Knts., 

WYAT,  EDWARD.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 
1578.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward  (and  Mary,  dau.  of 
Sir  William  Waldegrave,  Knt.,  of  Suffolk).  Perhaps  adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  22,  1581;  of  Essex;  of  Fumival's  Inn. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Weston  (?  Wilton)  Browne,  of  Rook- 
wood,  Essex.  Of  Bocking,  Essex.  (Vis.  of  Essex,  1612; 
Misc.  Gen.  et  Her.,  N.S.,  11.  107.) 

WYAT,  EDWIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1647. 
Of  Boxley  Abbey,  Kent.  Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  Francis,  Gover- 
nor of  Virginia  (for  whom  see  D.N.B.).  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1648.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1658.  Bencher,  1674. 
Serjeant-at-law,  1684.  Recorder  of  Canterbury,  and  of 
Maidstone.  J. P.  and  M.P.  for  Maidstone  {sic).  Married 
Frances,  dau.  of  Thomas  Crispe,  Esq.  Died  Dec.  7,  1714, 
aged  85.  Buried  at  Boxley.  WUl,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Francis 
(1640)  and  father  of  the  next.    (Le  Neve,  Mon.;  Hasted,  11. 


WYAT,  EDWIN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Feb.  18, 
1692-3.  S.  and  h.  of  Edwin  (above),  Serjeant-at-law.  B.  at 
Maidstone,  Kent.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1693.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Hales,  of  Chilston,  Esq.  Died 
s.p.,  June  4,  1707.  Buried  at  Boxley.  (H.  G.  Harrison; 
Hasted,  11.  126.) 

WYATT,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  16)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  5,  1640.  S.  of  Sir  Francis,  of  Boxley,  Kent,  Knt. 
Matric.  1640;  B.A.  and  Fellow,  1643-4.  Died  of  small-pox, 
1644.  Brother  of  Edwin  (1647).  (Cooper's  Annals,  v.  405; 

WYAT,  HUGH.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1715.  Of  London. 
School,  St  Paul's.  Matric.  1715;  B.A.  1718-9;  M.A.  1722. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Feb.  18,  1721-2;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1724. 
Chaplain  at  St  Paul's  School,  1719-28.  V.  of  West  Ham, 
Essex,  1727.  R.  of  St  Alphage,  London  Wall,  1732-62. 
Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of  London.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's, 
1734-62.  Died  Mar.  2,  1762.  (Hennessy;  M.  McDonnell; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

WYAT,  ISAAC.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent,  1563-4. 
Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Barking,  Essex  (and 
Margery,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Wrothe,  and  widow  of  Isaac...). 
Married  three  wives.  [Vis.  of  Essex,  1612;  Misc.  Gen.  et 
Her.,  N.S.,  11.  108,  where  Isaac  appears  as  s.  and  h.  of 
Francis,  of  Bobbingworth.) 

WYATT,  JOHN.  B.A.  1517-8.  Grandson  of  John,  a  tanner,  of 
Deritend,  Birmingham.  M.A.  1520;  B.D.  1529.  Fellow  of 
Christ's,  1519-40.  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Apr.  23,  1519.  Lady 
Margaret  preacher,  1530,  1532  and  1535.  R.  of  Kegworth, 
Leics.,  1539-C.  54.  Probably  died  before  1560.  (Peile,  1.  10; 
Cooper,  I.  208;  III.  124.) 

Wyatt,  William 

WYAT,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  25,  1659. 
Of  Northampton.  Matric.  1660;  B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666. 
V.  of  Mears  Ashby,  Northants.,  1670-7.  Married,  at  Rushden, 
to  Hannah,  dau.  of  William  Holmes,  R.  of  Rushden,  Dec.  i, 
1671.  Buried  Sept.  9,  1677,  at  Mears  Ashby.  Admon. 
(Archd.  Northampton)  Oct.  1,  1677,  to  Hannah,  his  widow. 
Perhaps  brother  of  Randolph  (1669).   (H.  I.  Longden.) 

WYATT,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Mar.  19, 
1683-4.  S.  and  h.  of  Matthew,  shopkeeper.  B.  at  Exeter. 
School,  Exeter.  Matric.  1683-4;  B.A.  1687-8.  Chaplain  in 
the  Navy,  1696. 

WYAT  (?  WYARD),  RANDOLPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catha- 
rine's, Apr.  I,  1669.  Possibly  father  of  Randolph  Wyard 
(1710)  whom  see.  Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1659). 

WYATT  or  WYOTT,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1490-1;  M.A.  1493. 
Proctor,  1497-8.  Scholar  and  Fellow  of  King's  Hall.  Prob- 
ably Fellow  of  Clare,  1494.  R.  of  Bishopwearmouth,  Durham, 

WYATT  or  WYOT,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1492-3.  Of  York  diocese. 
M.A.  1496.  Probably  B.D.  1504-5;  D.D.  1506-7.  [According 
to  Cooper  he  commenced  D.D.  in  1519.]  Fellow  of  Christ's; 
Master,  1507-10.  Junior  Proctor,  1501-2.  Ord.  acolyte, 
1493-4.  R.  of  Wigan,  Lanes.,  1506-19.  Surveyor  of  the 
works  of  Gt  St  Mary's.  Cambridge,  1507.  Preb.  of  South- 
well, 1507.  R.  of  Bingham,  Notts.,  1508-22;  D.D.  Preb.  of 
Lichfield,  1509-22.  Precentor  of  York,  1519.  Died  July, 
1522.  Buried  at  Southwell.  Will  proved  Oct.  31,  1522. 
(Peile,  I.  6;  Cooper,  i.  26;  Victoria  Hist.  Lanes,  iv.  62; 
Godfrey,  Churches  of  Notts.,  16.) 

WYATT,  RICHARD.  B.A.  1529-30  ('White'  in  Gr.  Bk,  B  2). 
Probably  brother  of  Robert  (1530-1). 

WEYATT,  RICHARD.   M.A.  1655  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 

WYOT,  ROBERT.  Fellow  of  Pembroke.  Ord.  deacon,  1418. 
Preb.  of  Lincoln,  1432-3.  R.  of  Bainton,  Yorks.,  1433-43. 
R.  of  Huggate,  1434-43.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1438.  Arch- 
deacon of  Middlesex,  1443-8.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1444-9. 
R.  of  Barley,  Herts.,  1454-5.  (Line.  Rec.  Soc.  Visitations, 
I.  196.) 

WYATT,  ROBERT.  B.A.  1530-1;  'White'  in  Gr.  Bk,  B  2. 

WIAT  or  WYATT,  ROGER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene, 
Easter,  1583;  B.A.  1585-6. 

WYATT,  THOMAS.  Of  St  John's;  also  studied  at  Oxford. 
S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Henry,  of  Reigate,  Surrey.  B.  c.  1503,  at 
.AUington  Castle,  Kent.  [Degrees  given  him  in  Cooper  and 
D.N.B.  belong  to  John  (1517-8)  whom  see.]  Esquire  of  the 
body  to  Henry  VIII;  Clerk  of  the  King's  Jewels,  1524. 
Accompanied  Sir  John  Cheney  on  a  diplomatic  mission  to 
France,  1525,  and  went  with  Sir  John  Russell,  the  Ambas- 
sador to  the  Papal  Court,  1527.  High  Marshal  of  Calais 
c.  1529.  P.C,  1533.  Knighted,  Mar.  18,  1536-7.  Sheriff  of 
Kent,  1537.  Ambassador  to  the  Emperor,  Charles  V,  153/-9. 
Imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of  London  as  an  ally  of  Cromwell, 
but  released,  1541.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Brooke,  Lord  Cobham.  Knight  of  the  Shire  for  Kent,  1542. 
A  close  student  of  foreign  literature;  shares  with  Henry 
Howard,  Earl  of  Surrey,  the  honour  of  having  introduced 
the  sonnet  from  Italy  into  England.  Poet;  his  works  include 
rondeaus,  epigrams,  lyrics  and  satires.  Died  at  Sherborne, 
Dorset.  Buried  there  Oct.  11,  1542.  (Cooper,  1.  80;  in.  124; 
D.N.B.;  Hasted,  11.  183;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WYAT,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1575; 
B.A.  from  Christ's,  1579-80;  M.A.  from  Magdalene,  1583. 
Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  1580;  priest  (Lincoln)  Apr.  1582.  C.  of 
St  Giles,  Cambridge,  1582.  Has  verses  in  the  Collection  on 
the  death  of  Sir  Philip  Sidney,  1587.   (Cooper,  11.  24.) 

WYATT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  1658  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  S,  and 
h.  of  John,  of  London,  Salter.  B.  Apr.  15,  1632,  in  the  parish 
of  St  Magnus,  London.  School,  Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric. 
(St  John's  College,  Oxford)  Feb.  20,  1648-9;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
i65i-2;M.A.  1654;  B.D.  1661;  D.D.  1666.  Proctor  (Oxford) 
1659.  V.  of  Melksham,  Wilts.,  1662.  Canon  of  Sarum,  1667. 
R.  of  Bromham,  Wilts.,  1668.  R.  of  HolweU,  Dorset,  1671-8. 
Died  Feb.  18,  1723,  aged  93.   (Al.  Oxon.) 

WYATT,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  9, 
1703.  S.  of  Dudley,  of  London.  School,  St  Paul's.  Matric. 

WYATT,  THOMAS.  M.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1733.  S.  of 
Edmund,  of  St  Helen's,  Worcester,  gent.  Matric.  (St  Mary 
HaU,  Oxford)  Mar.  16,  1720-1,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1724- 
(Al.  Oxon.) 

WYATT,  WILLIAM.  B.Civ.L.  1484-5.  Of  the  city  of  London. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Mar.  31,  1487;  'on  title  of  House  of 
St  Edmund,  Cambridge';  priest,  Apr.  14,  1487.  Perhaps 
R.  of  Bamston,  Essex,  and  R.  of  Swineshead,  Hunts., 
1500-25.   Died  1525. 


B.A.  1482-3. 


Wybarre,  Samuel 

WYATT, .  D.Civ.L.  1493-4.   Perhaps  WiUiam  (above). 

WYATT,  .    B.D.  1504-5;  D-D.  1506-7.    Perhaps  Richard 

(1492-3)  whom  see. 

WYBARRE  (7WYBARNE),  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from 
Corpus  Christi,  Michs.  1587.  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1591. 

WYBERD, .  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1539. 

WYBERG,  GEOFFREY.  Matric.  from  Trinity  Hall,  Apr. 
1698.  S.  of  G.,  of  Innerdale,  Cumberland.  LL.B.  1698. 
Previously  at  Oxford.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford) 
Nov.  3,  1688,  age  17.  R.  of  Bewcastle,  Cumberland,  1699. 
R.  of  Lamplugh,  1700.  R.  of  Caldbcck,  1701.  Numerous 
references  to  him  in  Bishop  Nicolson's  Diaries;  imprisoned 
for  debt,  1708,  and  in  1712  is  described  as  'in  a  poor  state,' 
out  of  prison  but  not  out  of  debt.  {A  I.  Oxon. ;  B.  Nightingale, 

WYBORNE,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1545. 

WYBARNE,  JOHN.  B.D.  1598  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Middlesex.  Doubtless  s.  of  Percival  (1546).  Matric.  (Mag- 
dalen College,  O.xford)  Dec.  9,  1579;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1585; 
M.A,  1588;  B.D.  1597.  Preacher,  1599.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Sarum)  Sept.  21,  1590.  V.  of  Godmanchester,  Hunts., 
1598-1634.  R.  of  Gt  Catworth,  1603-35.  Brother  of 
Nathaniel  (1589)  and  Joseph  (1598).   {Al.  Oxon.) 

WYBARNE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1623: 
B.A.  1626-7. 

WYBORNE  or  WIBARN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Pem- 
broke, Mar.  12,  1674-5.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Soham, 
Cambs.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9.  Perhaps  and  Master 
of  King's  School,  Rochester,  Kent,  1679-81;  Minor  canon 
of  Rochester,  1679-81.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Langford, 
Beds.,  in  1681. 

WYBARNE,  JOSEPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1598;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1599.  Doubtless  s.  of 
Percival  (1546).  Schools,  St  Paul's  and  Westminster.  B.A. 
1602-3;  M.A.  1606.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  31,  1607. 
Author,  The  New  Age  of  Old  Names,  and  Machiavellus 
Comedia.  Brother  of  the  next  and  of  John  (1598).  {Cooper, 
II.  531) 

WIBARN,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
1589.  2nd  s.  of  Percival  (next),  of  Whiston,  Northants. 
B.A.  1593-4;  M.A.  1597;  B.D.  1605.  Fellow,  1594.  Senior 
Proctor,  1603-4.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1598.  Ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Peterb.)  Apr.  1,  1599.  R.  of  Madingley,  Cambs., 
1599.  R.  of  Waresley,  Hunts.,  1603-13.  R.  of  Caldecote, 
1612-3.  Died  1613.  Brother  of  John  (1598)  and  Joseph 

WYBORNE  or  WIBURN,  PERCIVAL.  Matric.  pens,  from  St 
John's,  Michs.  1546  (impubes).  Of  Kent.  B.A.  1551-2; 
M.A.  1559.  Fellow,  1552.  Went  abroad  under  Queen  Mary. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  Jan.  24,  1559-60,  age  26;  priest. 
Mar.  27,  1560.  Preb.  of  Rochester,  1560-1606;  of  Norwich, 
1561.  Canon  of  Westminster,  1561-1606.  V.  of  St  Sepulchre's, 
London  1564-6;  sequestered  on  refusing  subscription,  but 
retained  his  prebends  and  preached  in  public.  Visited 
Theodora  Beza  at  Geneva,  and  Heinrich  BuUinger  at  Zurich. 
Chosen  to  dispute  with  the  papists,  1581.  Author,  State  of 
the  English  Church,  etc.  Died  1606.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1606;  of 
Whiston,  Northants.;  mentions  sons  John  (1598)  Joseph, 
(1598)  and  Nathaniel  (1589).  (Cooper,  11.  449;  Newcourt, 
I.  924;  D.N.B.) 

WIBORNE,  PETLY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  c.  1590;  B.A. 
1593-4;  M.A.  i6oo.  R.  of  Elmstone,  Kent,  1601.  Buried 
there  Mar.  25,  1655-6.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1656. 

WYBOROWE,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1579;  Scholar,  1579-86;  B.A.  1582-3;  M.A.  1586.  R.  of 
Brancaster,  Norfolk,  1592. 

WYBOROUGH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1623.  Of  London.  B.A.  1624-5;  M.A.  1628.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  25,  1625;  priest  (London)  Sept.  24, 
1626.  R.  of  Pebmarsh,  Essex,  1634-43,  sequestered.  (7".  A. 
Walker,  21;  Neivcourt,  11.  466.) 

WIBOROW,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1626.  Of  Cambridgeshire.  B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1629- 
30;  M.A.  1633.  V.  of  Impington,  Cambs.,  1639-c.  56  and 
1662-9.  Master  of  a  private  school  in  Cambridge,  1662. 
Died  1669.   (J.  Crosby.) 

WYBOROWE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1584;  Scholar,  1586;  B.A.  1588-9.  R.  of  Sandringham  and 
Babingly,  Norfolk,  1595-1616.   Perhaps  father  of  the  next. 

WIBOROW,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1623.  Perhaps  s.  of  William  (above).  B.A.  1626-7.  Ord, 
deacon  (Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1638. 

WYBOROUGH,  .    Adm.  sizar  at  Peterhouse,  Feb.  20, 


V.A.C.IV.  4) 

Wychingham.  Robert 

WYBUNBURY,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  31,  1650.  S.of  John,  gent.,  of  Adderley,  Salop.  B.  there. 
School,  Botolph  Bridge,  Hunts,  (private). 

WYCH,  CYRIL.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  16)  at  Caius.  May  9.  1720. 
S.  of  Jermin  (1688),  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  B.  at  Chelsea, 
Middlesex.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1720. 
Sheriff  of  Norfolk,  1729.  Of  Hockwold.  Esq.  Died  June  10, 
1780,  aged  76.  M.I.  at  Hockwold.  Will,  P.C.C.  (Venn.w.n; 
Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

WYCHE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1716. 
Of  Lincolnshire.  Probably  s.  of  WiUiam  (1674).  Matric. 
1716;  B.A.  1719-20.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Sept.  1725; 
C.  of  Greeting  All  Saints',  Suffolk.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

WYCHE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624; 
exhibitioner  from  Tonbridge  School.  S.  of  Richard,  citizen 
and  skinner,  of  St  Dunstan-in-the-East,  London.  Matric. 
1624;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  R.  of  Sutton,  Surrey,  1636- 
78.  Married  Ellen  Quinnell,  of  Morden,  widow,  Oct.  15,  1644. 
Died  Sept.  15,  1678,  aged  76.  Buried  at  Sutton.  M.I. 
Fatherof  William  (1674).  (Le  Neve, /fn<s.,  50;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WYCH.  JERMYN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  i, 
1688.  S.  of  Sir  Cyril,  Knt.,  of  Hockwold,  Norfolk.  B.  in 
London.  School,  Harrow.  Slatric.  1688-  M.P.  for  Fowey, 
1713-4.  Lord  of  the  manor  of  Hockwold.  Married  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Hungerford.  Died  Jan.  7,  1719-20.  Buried 
at  Hockwold.  M.I.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Father  of  Cyril  (1720). 
(Venn,  i.  484;  Nichols,  11.  208.) 

WYCHE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  June  19,  1684. 
S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Peter  (1644),  Knt.  B.  at  Westminster. 
School,  Westminster.  Scholar,  1684.  Envoy  extraordinary 
at  Hamburg.  Married  Bethesda  Savage.  Died  Oct.  15,  1713. 
His  son  Cyril  was  created  Bart.,  1729.  (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.; 
G.E.C.,  V.  68.) 

WYCHE,  MAGNUS.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1735.  Of 
Hamburg.  S.  of  Sir  Cyril,  Bart.,  Minister  at  Hamburg  (and 
Anne,  dau.  of  Magnus  Wedderkop,  minister  to  the  Duke  of 
Holstein);  grandson  of  John  (above).  Ensign  in  the  Army. 
Died  unmarried,  1740.   (Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

WYCHE,  PETER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1644; 
from  Oxford.  S.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  London,  English  ambassador 
at  Constantinople.  B.  1628,  in  London.  Matric.  (Exeter 
College,  Oxford)  May  6, 1643,  age  15.  Migrated  to  Cambridge. 
B.A.  1645;  M.A.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1648.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1663.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Nov.  1649.  Travelled 
abroad.  Knighted,  May,  1660,  by  Charles  II  at  the  Hague. 
Original  F.R.S.,  1663.  Envoy  extraordinary  to  Russia, 
1669.  Married  Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Bolles,  Bart., 
of  Scampton,  Lines.,  Feb.  19,  1666.  Author,  The  World 
Geographically  described  in  Fifty-two  Copper  Plates;  also 
published  translations  from  the  Portuguese,  etc.  Died  c. 
1699.  Father  of  John  (1684).  (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  NUkols, 
u.  207.) 

WYCHE,  PETER.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Dec.  24,  1725. 
Of  Middlesex.  S.  and  h.  of  Barnard,  and  grandson  of  Sir 
Peter  (above).  B.  Dec.  25,  1709,  at  Sural,  India.  School, 
Charterhouse.  Matric.  1726.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  28, 
1735-6.  Sheriff  of  Leicestershire,  1741.  Of  Godeby  Maure- 
wards,  Leics.,  Esq.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  BrowTie, 
merchant,  of  Boston,  Lines.  Died  Nov.  i,  1763.  M.I.  at 
Godeby.   (Nichols,  11.  207;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

WICH,  ROBERT.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1466.  Age  14.  Probably 
brother  of  William  (1476). 

WYCHE  or  WICH,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1451.  Of  Coventry,  Warws.  M.A.  1458-9;  B.D.  1466- 
7;  D.D.  1469-70.  Fellow.  Proctor,  1465-6.  Donor  of  books 
to  the  College  Hbrary.  Died  1475-  Buried  in  the  College. 
(Harwood,  where  date  of  death  is  wrong.) 

WICH,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  of  Clare,  1476.  Age  15.  Probably 
brother  of  Robert  (1466). 

WYCHE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  ix,  1674. 
Of  Surrey.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry  (1624).  Matric.  1674; 
B.A.  1677-8;  M.A.  1682.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  21, 
1679;  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  27,  1680-1.  V.  of  Sleaford,  Lines., 
1682-91.  R.  of  Silk-Willoughby,  1690-1718.  R.  of  Rusking- 
ton,  1707-18.  Probably  father  of  Edward  (1716).  (Lambeth 
Act  Bk;T.C.  Dale.) 


WYCHINGHAM,  HENRY.  .\i\m.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembrokb, 
Fib.  15,  1715-6.  S.  of  Robert  (1671),  R.  of  Thcbcrton, 
Suffolk.   Matric.  1715-6.   Brother  of  Roliert  (1702). 

WICHINGHAM,  JOHN.  Student  at  Cambridge.  Franciscan 
friar  of  Norwich.  /•'/.  1362.   (PUs,  497.) 

WITCHINGHAM,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's 
Lent,  1629-30;  U.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 

I  31 

Wychingham,  Robert 

WYCHINGHAM,  ROBERT.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  3, 

1671.    Of  Suffolk.    Matric.  1671;  B.A.  1674-5;  M-A.  i67«. 

Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Mar.  4,  1682-3.    R.  of  Theberton, 

Suffolk,    1683-1724,    resigned.     R.    of    Knoddishall    with 

Buxton,  1716.    Died  Oct.  1730.   Father  of  the  next  and  of 

Henry  (1715-6).   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
WYCHINGHAM,  ROBERT.    Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  6, 

1702.   Of  Suffolk.   S.  of  Robert  (1671).    Matric.  1702;  B.A. 

1705-6;  M.A.  1709.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Sept.  25,  1709; 

priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  1711.    R.  of  Yoxford,  Suffolk,  1711. 

Succeeded  his  father  as  R.  of  Theberton,  1724.   Brother  of 

Henry  (1715-6). 
WYCKET,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1561-2. 
WYDDALL,  ROBERT.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs. 

WYDLEY    or    WIDLAYE,    NICHOLAS.     Matric.    pens,    from 

Christ's,  Lent,  1564-5;  B.A.  1567-8.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 

1567;  priest,  Mar.  1573-4.   V.  of  Sibton,  Suffolk,  1573-1616. 

R.  of  Fordley,  1579-84.  V.  of  Darsham,  1583-1616.  {Peile, 

1.  89.) 
WYDLEY,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Nov.  26, 

1569.    Of  Grundisburgh,  Suffolk.    S.  of  William.    School, 

Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1570. 
WYDON,  W.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Michs.  1567. 
WYE,  ROGER.  Adra.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  28,  1669.  School, 

Westminster.    Matiic.   1669;  Scholar,   1670;   B.A.   1672-3; 

M.A.  1676.    FeUow,  1674.    Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  24, 

1676;  priest,  Dec.  22,  1678.    V.  of  Ware,  Herts.,  1682-99. 

R.  of  Wotton,  Surrey,  1699-1701.    Died  Feb.  16,  1700-1. 

Buried  at  Wotton.   M.L   (Al.  Westmon.,  169;  Manning  and 

Bray,  n.  157.) 
WYE,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John'.s,  Easter,  1613. 

Possibly  the  same  as  the  next,  but  two  separate  entries;  one 

WYE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1613; 

B.A.  1616-7;  M.A.  1620.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  17; 

priest,  Dec.  18,  1620.   R.  of  Springthorpe,  Lines.,  1624. 
WYE,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Sept.  14,  1649. 

Of  Huntingdonshire.   S.  and  h.  of  Hugh,  gent.,  of  St  Ecks, 

Hunts.    B.  c.   1632.    School,  Oundle.    Migrated  to  Caius, 

May,  1650.  (For  Wye,  of  Ipswich,  see  Vis.  of  Suffolk,  1664-8.) 
WYER,  JOHN.    Scholar  at  Cambridge;  from  King's  School, 

Canterbury,  c.  1542-3. 
WYER,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1549.   Matric.  1549.   Fellow.   Died  before  graduation,  1553, 

but  styled  M.A.  by  Harwood,  who  says  he  died  Fellow. 
WYER,  RICHARD.   LL.B.  1552-3. 
WYER,  THOMAS.   Matric.  sizar  from  Sr  Catharine's,  Easter, 

1631.  Of  Dorset.   B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 
WYES,  see  WISE. 

WYGMER,  THOMAS  (1564),  s«e  WIGMORE. 
WYKE,  GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Aug.  ii,  1722. 

Of  the  West  Indies.   Matric.  1724.    Perhaps  s.  of  George,  of 

Montserrat,  Chief  Justice  there  in   1704.     If  so,  of  Mont- 

serrat;  member  of  the  Council,  1734;  President,  1755.  Died 

1764.   (Oliver,  Antigua,  in.  265.) 

WYKENE.  ADAM  DE.  Fellow  of  University  Hall  (afterwards 

Clare).  Ord.  acolyte  (Ely)  Apr.  1342. 
WYLES,  see  WILES. 
WYLLOCE,  EDMUND.   Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 

WYMAN,  PAUL.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse,  June  7, 

1572.   Matric.  1572. 
WYMARKE,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1618; 

B.A.  1621-2;  M.A.  1625.    Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  2, 

1622;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1625. 
WYMARKE,  JOHN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1618. 

Mairic.  1618.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's,  Cambridge,  Dec.  16, 




WYMBHURST  or  WIMSHURST,  JOHN.  M.A.  1581  (Incorp. 
from  0.\ford).  Adm.  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  1571;  from 
Westminster  School;  B.A.  1574;  M.A.  1578.  Buried  at  St 
Stephen  Wallbrook,  London,  Mar.  17,  1588-9;  'a  skoller 
of  Cambridge.'  (Al.  Oxon.) 

Wynn,  James 

WYMER, .  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1484-5. 

WYMONDSOLD.  DAWES.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  28, 
1651.  Of  Surrey.  S.  and  h.  of  Elkin,  Esq.,  deceased  (and 
Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Abraham  Dawes,  Knt.).  Bapt.  Dec.  11, 
1635,  at  St  Olave's,  Hart  Street,  London.  Matric.  165 1. 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  25,  1654.  Knighted,  Sept.  20, 
1672.  Of  Putney,  Surrey.  Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert 
Cooke,  of  Hynham,  Gloucs.  Buried  Jan.  8,  1674-';,  at 
Putney.  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1675.  (Vis.  of  Surrey,  1662-8;  J.  Ch. 

WYMUNDEWOLD,  RICHARD  DE.   Scholar  of  King's  Hall; 

adm.  Aug.  18,  1329.  Described  as  D.C.L.  in  1338. 
WIMONDESOLD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Trinity, 

Apr.  10,  1686.    S.  of  William,  of  Southwell,  Notts.    B.  at 

Putney.  Surrey.    Bapt.  May  13,   1669.    School,  Laughton- 

en-Ie-Morthen,  Yorks.  (Mr  John  Brootnhead).  Matric.  1686. 

Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  27,  1688. 
WYNNE  or  WINNE,  CHARLES.    Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's, 

Easter,  1606.    Doubtless  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Warden,  Beds., 

gent.   Bapt.  there,  July  15,  1589.   B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 

Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1612.    Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.)   Sept.  4; 

priest,  Sept.  5,  1614.    V.  of  Cholsey,    Berks.,    1617-22.    R. 

of  Milton  Bryant,  Beds.,  1622-41.   (Peile,  i.  255;  Genealog. 

Bedford,  307.) 

WYNNE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  i,  1637. 
Of  Worcestershire.  Matric.  1637;  B.A.  i640-i;"M.A.  1644. 
Ord.  deacon  (Hereford);  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  25,  1642-3, 
age  24;  'C.  of  St  Peter's,  Sudbury,  Suffolk."  Perhaps  V.  of 
Penn,  Staffs.,  1646-69.  Died  1669.  (Wm  Salt  Arch.  Soc, 

WINNE,  EDMUND.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  Christ's, 
Feb.  26,  1656-7.  S.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Nostell  Priory, 
Yorks.;  created  Bart.,  1660  (and  his  2nd  wife  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Robert  Jeffreys,  Alderman  of  London).  B.  in  London. 
School,  Hackney  (Mr  Skingle).  Matric.  1657.  Succeeded  his 
father  as  2nd  Bart.,  July  18,  1667.  Sheriff  of  Lines.,  1671-2. 
Of  Nostell  Priory,  Yorks.,  and  of  Thornton  Curtis,  Lines. 
Buried  at  Wragby,  Aug.  30,  1694.  Brother  of  Robert  (1662) 
and  father  of  Rowland  (1694).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666;  G.E.C., 
m.  132.) 

WYNNE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Mar.  7,  1636-7. 
Of  Anglesey.  S.  of  John,  of  Boddwryd.  Matric.  1637;  B.A. 
1640-1;  M..\.  1647:  D.D.  1662  {LU.  Reg.;  'B.D.'  in  the 
mandate).  R.  of  Llangeinwen,  Anglesey,  c.  1660.  Preb.  of 
St  Asaph,  1663.  Chancellor  of  Bangor,  1663.  R.  of  Llany- 
mawddwy,  Merioneth,  1644.  R.  of  Llanarmon,  Carnarvon. 
R.  of  Llanllechid,  1664.  R.  of  Llaneugrad,  Anglesey, 
1668.  R.  of  Llantrisant,  in  1672.  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop 
of  Bangor.  Founded  a  school  at  Holyhead.  Author, 
Trefn  Ymarueddiad  y  Gwir  Grislion.  Died  Dec.  17,  1669. 
Buried  at  Llangaffo,  Anglesey.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1670.  Probably 
brother  of  John  (1636-7).  (A.  Gray;  Brown  Willis,  Bangor; 
D.  /?.  Thomas,  i.  357.) 

WYNNE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A.  1670.  Perhaps  s.  of  Maurice  (1636), 
of  Langanhaveli,  Denbigh,  deceased;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  II,  1667.  Perhaps  brother  of  Peter  (1658-9)  and  James 

WYNNE  or  WINN,  ELLIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1622;  scholar  from  Westminster,  1623. 

WHYNN,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  June  28, 
1626.  S.  of  John,  of  Soham,  Cambs.,  farmer.  Matric.  1628; 
B.A.  1629-30. 

WINNE,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Sept.  19,  1670;  from 
Trinity  Hall  (residence  there  from  June  25,  1666).  Of 
Anglesey.  B.A.  1670-1;  Scholar,  1671;  M.A.  1674. 

WINNE,HUGH.  Adm. pens. at  Jesus,  Mar.22, 1670-1.  Of  Den- 
bigh. Matric.  1671;  Scholar,  1674;  B..\.  1674-5;  M.A.  1678. 

WYNN,  HUGH.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  19, 
1712-3.  S.  of  Robert,  deceased.  B.  at  Bettws  Garmon, 
Carnarvon.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1713;  LL.B.  1719;  LL.D. 
1728.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Nov.  20;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1720. 
R.  of  Dolgelly,  Merioneth,  in  1724.  V.  of  Llanidan,  Anglesey, 
1724.  R.  of  Llanbedr-Dyflryn-Clwyd,  Denbigh,  1730.  V.  of 
Llanrhaiadr,  1734.  Preb.  of  Salisbury,  1737.  Preb.  of 
St  Paul's,  1750-4.  Died  Oct.  13,  1754.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
(G.  Mag.;  L.  Mag.;  Lambeth  Aa  Bk;T.C.  Dale.) 

WYNNE,  HUMPHREY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1631;  scholar  from  Westminster. 

WYNN,  JAMES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  4, 
1670-1.  S.  of  Maurice,  deceased,  of  Denbigh.  B.  there. 
School,  Wrexham  (Mr  Lewis).  Matric.  1671;  B..K.  1674-5; 
M.A.  1678.  Ord.  priest  (London)  Dec.  22,  1678.  R.  of 
Troston,  Suffolk,  1683.  Perhaps  brother  of  Peter  (1658-9) 
and  Edward  (1663). 


Wynn,  John 

WINN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter,  1624. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1629.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Paulers- 
pury,  Northants.;  buried  there  Mar.  i,  1657-8. 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesi's,  .Mar.  7,  163&-7.  Of 
Anslcsev.  Probably  s.  of  John,  of  Boddwyrd.  Matric.  1637. 
One  of  these  names  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1639;  s.  and 
h.  of  Edward  {sic),  deceased;  of  Boddwyrd,  Anglesey. 
Probably  brother  of  Edward  (1636-7). 

WINNE,  JOHN.  Adra.  pens,  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  Apr.  7,  1647. 
S.  of  Morsian  (1614),  D.D.,  of  Brasted,  Kent.  B.  there. 
School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1647;  B.A.  1650-1. 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15  {sic))  at  St  John's, 
Apr.  12,  1649.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  Esq.,  o.'  Melai,  near 
Abergale,  Denbigh  (Sheriff  of  Denbigh  in  1637,  and  a 
colonel  in  the  service  of  Charles  I).  B.  there.  School,  Overton, 
Flintshire  (Mr  Challoner).  Matric.  1649.  Probably  adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1658;  as  of  Garthconan,  Denbigh.  Called 
to  the  Bar,  1663.  P.encher,  1682.  M.P.  for  Denbigh,  1669. 
Of  Melai,  and  of  Maenan  Abbey,  Carnarvon,  Esq.  Married 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  Owen  Salnsbury,  of  Rhug,  Co.  Merioneth. 
Died  Feb.  22,  1688,  aged  58.  Probably  brother  of  Owen 
(1654);  father  ot  William  (1679).  {Arch.  Catnbr.,  3rd  S., 
XV.  108;  Burke,  L.G.,  where  he  is  said  to  be  the  only  son  of 

WYNN,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1649. 
Perhaps  mistake  for  Thomas  (1649),  whom  see. 

WYNN,  JOHN.  Adra.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  i,  1655-6. 
S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  I.lanllechid,  Camar\'on.  B.  there. 
Probably  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  26,  1655-6.  Perhaps 
brother  of  William  (1659). 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Scholar  of  Trinity  Hail,  Au?.  2,  1660. 
Matric.  1660;  LL.B.  1665.  V.  of  Hemingford  Grey,  Hunts., 
1674-87  (patron.  Trinity  Hall);  'Gwynn  or  Wynn.'  Died 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Apr.  22,  1665.  Matric. 
1665;  li.A.  1668-9;  M..\.  1672.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  24, 
1670;  priest  (London)  June,  1671.  Chaplain  to  Countess  of 
Peterborough.  Probably  V.  of  Bo.vted,  Essex,  1675-84. 
R.  of  Hurst,  Kent,  1683-4. 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  June  9, 
1679.  S.  01  Robert  (?  1633),  Esq.  B.  in  Anglesey.  School, 
Conway  (Mr  Roberts).  Matric.  1679. 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Magdalenk,  Mar.  27, 
168S.  S.  of  Ellis,  gent.  B.  at  Ruthin,  Denbigh.  School, 
Ruthin.  Matric.  1688;  B.A.  1691-2;  M.A.  1705.  Fellow, 

WINN,  JOHN.  Adm.  sirar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  6,  1695. 
S.  of  Francis.  B.  at  Bishop's  Stortford,  Herts.  School, 
Stortford  (Mr  Tooke).  Matric.  1695;  Scholar,  1695-6;  B.A. 
1698-9.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  May;  priest  (Norwich)  Sept. 
19,  1708.  V.  of  Boughton  Aluph,  Kent,  1708-28.  Died 
Oct.  20,  1728,  aged  50.  Buried  at  Boughton  Aluph.  [Peile, 
II.  133;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  17.  1720. 
01  Carnarvon.  Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Bodvean, 
Carnarvon,  Bart.  B.  1701.  Sheriff  of  Carnarvon,  1732-3. 
M.P.  for  Co.  Carnarvon,  1740-1,  1754-61;  for  Denbigh, 
1742-7;  for  Carnarvon,  1761-8.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd 
Bart.,  Apr.  13,  1749.  Surveyor  of  the  King's  mines  in  Wales. 
Married  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Wynne,  of  Melai,  Denbigh. 
Died  Feb.  16,  1773.    Buried  at  Bodvean.   {G.E.C.,  v.  88.) 

WYNN,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  June  26,  1740.  S. 
of  Robert,  of  Ruthin,  Denbigh.  M.A.  from  St  John's,  1740. 
Matric.  (Jesus  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  22,  1726-7,  age  18; 
B.A.  (Oxford)  1730.  {A I.  Oxon.) 

WYNNE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1740.  S.  and  h.  of 
Sir  George,  of  Lees  Wood,  Flintshire,  Bart,  [according  to 
Afastets].  Posi-ibly  this  should  read,  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John, 
2nd  Bart.  If  so,  succeeded  his  father  as  3rd  Bart.,  Nov.  n, 
1764.  Living  unmarried,  1771.  Died  s.p.m.,  presumably 
before  Mar.  14,  1793.   {O.E.C.,  v.  70.) 

WHYNNE  or  WHINN,  MATTHEW.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at 
St  John's,  Jan.  30,  1629-30.  S.  of  Matthew,  tailor,  of 
Cambridge.  Matric.  1629-30;  B.A.  1633-4;  M.A.  1637. 
University  Registrary,  1645.  University  printer,  1669. 
Died  c.  1683. 

WYNN,  MAURICE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1624; 
B.A.  1628-g. 

WYNNE,  MAURICE.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Nov.  14, 
1636.  S.  of  Koberl,  gent.,  of  l.langvnhafal,  Denbigh.  B. 
there.  School,  St  .Asaph  (Mr  Evans).  M.A.  164  1-2  (Li/. /?<-g.). 
Died  before  May  11,  1667.  Perhaps  father  of  Peter  (1658-9), 
James  (1670-1)  and  Edward  (1663). 

WvNN,  Robert 

WYNNE,  MORGAN.  M.A.  1614  (Inrorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Co. 
Denbigh,  gent.  S.  of  William,  ol  .Melai.  Maine.  fUniversity 
College.  Oxford)  Oct.  11,  1605,  age  20;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1609; 
M.A.  1612-3;  B.D.  1620;  D.D.  1634.  Fellow  of  .Ml  Souls, 
Oxford.  R.  of  Stilton,  Hunts.,  1623-5.  Canon  of  Lincoln, 
1623.  R.  of  Simondsbury,  Doriet,  1623-4;  of  Cranford  St 
John,  Northants.,  1625;  of  Brasted,  Kent,  1625-39.  Arch- 
deacon of  Lincoln.  1627.  R.  of  Scotter,  Linc-s.,  1640-4. 
Died  1644.  Buried  at  Scotter.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1648.  Father 
of  John  (1647).   {Al.  Oxon.;  Musgrave;  Burke,  L.G.) 

WYNN,  OWEN.  Adm.  pens,  (ase  16)  al  St  John's.  June  15. 
1654.  S.  of  William,  decease<I,  of  Llanv.-tir.  Denbigh.  B. 
there.  School.  Kinnerlcy  (Mr  Paine).  Matric.  1654;  LL.D. 
1682  {Cow.  Reg.).  Perhaps  migrated  to  Jesus  College, 
Oxford,  Oct.  12,  1654.  Adm.  ai  Lincoln's  Inn.  Nov.  21, 
1657.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1664.  Bencher,  1683.  fv-rieant-at- 
law,  1684.  Chief  Justice  of  North  Wales.  M.P.  for  New 
Radnor,  1685-7.  Under-Secretary  of  Stale.  Will  (WcM- 
minster)  1700.  Probably  brother  ol  John  (1649).  {S'.andQ., 
4th  S..  V.  284.) 

WYNN.  PETER.  Adra.  sizar  (ace  18)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  11, 
1658-9.  S.  of  Maurice  (?  1636),  of  Llanganbalel.  Denbigh. 
B.  there.  School.  Ruthin.  Matric.  1659.  Perhaps  brother 
of  James  (1670-1)  and  Edward  (1663). 

WYNN,  PETER.  Adra.  sizar  at  Qveess',  June  29,  1700.  Of 
Yorkshire.  Matric.  1700;  Ti..\.  1703-4;  M.A.  1707.  Ord. 
deacon  (York)  Sept.  1704,  priest.  Sept.  1710.  V.of  Middleton 
in  Pickering,  Yorks.,  1710-6.  C.  of  Snaith,  1711.  P.C.  of 
Snaith,  1716-40.  Buried  there  Oct.  8,  1740.  Will,  York. 
(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

WHYNN,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1631. 
One  of  these  names  's.  and  h.  of  Richard,  late  ol  Bangor, 
Carmarth.  {sic),  Esq.,  deceased';  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Jan.  11,  1631-2;  probably  called  to  the  Bar,  1639. 

WYNNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
June  I,  1647.  S.  of  William,  Esq.,  of  Wales.  B.  in  Drury 
Lane,  London.   Matric.  1647. 

WYNNE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  29,  1669. 
Possibly  M.A.  1675  {LU.  Reg.). 

WINN,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  26, 
1673.  S.  of  Richard.  B.  in  London.  School.  St  Paul's. 
Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Oct.  3.  1676.  Probably  M.P.  for 
Boston,  1698-1719,  and  Serjeant-at-law,  1710.  Of  Be<lwell 
Park,  Herts.,  and  ol  Charterhouse  Yard,  London.  Married 
and  had  issue.  Died  Oct.  26,  1719,  aged  64.  Buried  at 
Essenden,  Herts.  M.I.  [Peile,  11.  47;  Clutlerbuck,  11.  136; 

WYNNE,  RICHARD.  .Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  May  15, 
1726.  S.  of  Sir  Isaac,  of  London.  School,  Charterhouse. 
Matric.  1726;  Scholar,  1728;  B..^.  1729-30;  M.A.  1733. 
Fellow,  1732.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1731;  priest, 
Dec.  21,  1735.  C.  of  Dean,  Beds.  R.  of  Papworth  Everard, 
Cambs.,  1737-55.  R.  of  Rushden,  Northants.,  1753-88. 
R.  of  Guraley,  Leics.,  1755-88.  Died  Jan.  20,  1788,  agetl  79. 
See  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake.  [S'icholi,  n. 
591 ;  Canterbury  Act  Bk,  where  he  occurs  .is  s.  of  Sir  Richard.) 

WYNNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's. 
Mar.  27,  1633.  S.of  John,  Esq.,of  Conwav.  B.  there.  School, 
Vaynol,  Carnarvon  "(private).  Matric.  1633.  Perhaps  father 
of  John  (1679). 

WYNN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesi's,  Aug.  i,  1662.  0( 
Yorkshire.  Doubtless  3rd  s.of  Sir  George,  of  NostcU  Priory, 
Yorks.,  Bart.  M.itric.  1662.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1656-7). 
{Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1666.) 

WINNE,  ROBERT.    Adm.  siz.ir  at  Jesus,  June  27.  1670.   Of 

Anglesey.    Matric.  1670:  B.A.  1673-4;  M..\.  1677.   (.<:/•<■  Al. 

Oton.  for  a  contemporary  n.imesake,  also  D.  R.  Thomas,  1. 

255.)   Probably  brother  of  William  (1681). 
WYNN,   ROBERT.    Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age   18)  at  St  John's, 

July  I,  1673.  S.of  Hugh,  Esq.,  of  Conway.  B.  there.  School, 

Wrexham.   Matric.  1674. 

WYNNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  June  j8,  1676. 
Of  Merioneth.    Matric.  1676;  B.A.  1679-80. 

WYNNE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens'.  Mar.  21,  1686-7; 
from  Oxford.  S.  ol  Ilenrv,  of  London,  gent.  MiKr-'ted  to 
Emmanuel,  Apr.  4,  16S7.  Maine.  (W.idham  Collegr.  Oxford) 
M.ir.  30.  1683,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxfonl)  1686-7.  Barrisler-al- 
law.  Inner  Temple,  1690.   {.41.  Oxon.) 

WYNN,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  t8)  at  Macdalkne,  Apr.  11, 
1741.  B.  at  Dvfrvn.  Denliiijh.  lVrl).ips  migrated  to  Oxford; 
if  so,  s.  of  Rolnrt.  of  Henll.in.  I>nl.igh.  Murir.  (J«-su» 
Colleee.  Oxfonl)  July  14.  I74>.  •">«<■  i"  High  Sherifl  o( 
Denbigh,  1769.  Of  G.irlhewiii.  Denbigh.  Died  July  25,  1798, 
aged  6}.  {Al.  OxoH.;  Burke,  L.C.) 



Wynn,  Rowland 

WYNN,  ROWLAND.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  24, 
1674.  S.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Llanbeblig,  Carnarvon.  B. 
there.  School,  Wrexham. 

WINN,  Sir  ROWLAND.  Adm.  nobleman  (age  19)  at  Magdalene, 
May  27,  1694.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Edmund  (1656-7),  Bart., 
deceased.  B.  at  Huntwich,  Yorks.  Bapt.  July  i,  1673,  at 
Wragby.  Matric.  1695.  Succeeded  his  father  as  3rd  Bart., 
Aug.  1694.  Of  Nostell  Priory,  Yorks.,  and  of  Thornton 
Curtis,  Lines.  Married  Loetitia,  dau.  of  WUliam  Harbord, 
of  Grafton  Park,  Northants.,  Sept.  21,  1703.  Buried  Mar.  6, 
1721-2,  at  Wragby.   (G.E.C.,  in.  132.) 

WYN,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1581. 
Of  Huntingdonshire.  B.A.  1584-5.  WiU proved  (V.C.C.)  1588. 

WHIN,  THOMAS.   M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit). 

WYNNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  29, 
1649.  S.  of  Richard,  gent.,  of  Llanvair.  B.  in  Denbigh. 
School,  Ruthin  (Mr  Thehvell).  Possibly  matric.  1649,  as 
John;  B.A.  1652-3.  Fellow,  1653. 

WYNNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  27,  1664. 
Of  Wales.  B.A.  1667-8. 

WYNNE,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Magdalene,  Apr. 

24,  1686.  S.  and  h.  of  Robert,  Esq.  B.  at  Llanfanan  (?  Llan- 

sannan),  Denbigh.    School,  Chester.    Matric.   1687.    Adm. 

at  Gray's  Inn,  Sept.  22,  1687. 
WYNN,  THOMAS.    Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  21, 

1694.    S.  of  Robert.    B.  at  Norton,  Shropshire.    School, 

Ne\vport,  Shropshire  (Mr  Samuel  Edwards).    Matric.  1695; 

Scholar,  1697;  B.A.  1697-8.    Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield)  Sept. 

24,   1699;  priest  (Norwich)  Dec.  24,   1705.    R.  of  Combs, 

Suffolk,  1711-23.  Died  there  1723.  Father  of  the  next. 
WYNNE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Caius,  July  5,  1731. 

S.  of  Thomas  (above),  late  R.  of  Combs,  Suffolk.   B.  there. 

Schools,  Stowmarket  (private)  and  Bury.   Scholar,  1731-5; 

Matric.  1732;  B.A.  1734-5.   Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  i, 

1735.    R.  of  Creeting  All  Saints'  and  St  Olaves,  1743-75. 

Married  at  Wordwell,  Sufiolk,  to  Sarah  Pitches,  of  Bury, 

Nov.  26,  1742.    Died  at  Ipswich,  July  11,  1775.    Admon. 

(Sudbury  Archd.)  to  son  William.   (Venn,  11.  34.) 
WYNN,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1583. 
WYNN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Queens',  May  20,  1584.  Of 

WYNN,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  St  John's,  July  5, 

1659.  S.  of  William,  of  'Lanthle'  (?  NantUe),  Carnarvon. 
B.  there.  School,  Newport  (Mr  Chaloner).  Matric.  1659; 
B.A.  1662-3;  M.A.  1666.   Perhaps  brother  of  John  (1655-6). 

WYNNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
June  20,  1679.   S.  and  h.  of  John  (1649),  Esq.   B.  Jan.  10, 

1660,  at  Mellay  (Melai)  in  Llanvair  parish,  Denbigh.  Matric. 
1679;  M.A.  1682  (Com.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  9, 
1679-80.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1686.  Succeeded  his  father  at 
Melai,  and  at  Maenan  Abbey,  Carnarvon,  1688.  Married 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Hugh-Lloyd  Rosendsile,  of  Segroyt, 
Denbigh.  Died  Feb.  18,  1692.  (Burke,  L.G.;  N.  and  Q.,  4th 
S.,  V.  28d.) 

WYNNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  July  4,  r68i.  Of 
Anglesey.  Matric.  1681;  Scholar,  1684;  B.A.  1684-5.  Prob- 
ably brother  of  Robert  (1670). 

WYNNE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity  Hall,  May  10, 
1746.  S.  of  John,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells.  Matric.  1747; 
Scholar,  1747;  LL.B.  1752;  LL.D.  1757.  Fellow,  1755-1803; 
Master,  1803-15.  Vicar-General  of  Canterbury,  c.  1752. 
Adm.  Advocate,  Court  of  Arches,  Oct.  29,  1757.  King's 
Advocate-General,  1778.  Knighted,  Sept.  24,  1788.  Dean 
of  the  Arches,  1788-1809.  Judge  of  the  Prerogative  Court 
of  Canterbury,  1788-1809.  P.C,  1789.  A  Lord  of  the 
Treasury,  1790.  Died  1815.  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Feb.  1816. 
(H.  B.  Swanzy;  Trinity  Hall  Coll.  Hist.,  213.) 

WYNNE, .  M.A.  1488. 

WYNNES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1450.  Of  Shrewsbury. 

WYNNYFFE  or  WENYEVE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18) 
at  St  John's,  Sept.  17,  1716.  S.  and  h.  of  George  (?i675), 
lawyer,  of  Suffolk.  B.  in  France.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds. 
B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Fellow,  1725-32.  Ord.  deacon 
(London)  Mar.  i,  1723-4;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  19,  1725. 
V.  of  Stetchworth,  Cambs.,  1727-33.  R.  of  Brettenham, 
Suffolk,  1733-9.  R-  of  Chellesworth,  1739-54.  Married, 
Feb.  17,  1731,  Christiana,  dau.  of  John  Wenyeve.  Died 
July  24,  1754,  aged  56.  Buried  at  Brettenham.  (Scott- 
Mayor,  III.  307.) 

WYNNYFFE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Mar.  3, 1562-3. 
S.  of  Thomas,  of  Brettenham,  Suffolk.  School,  Bury  St 
Edmunds.  Matric.  1563;  B.A.  1565-6;  Wenyffe.  Resided 
at  Brettenham.  Died  Nov.  19,  1619.  Buried  at  Brettenham. 
Will  proved  (Bury)  Mar.  3,  1619-20.  (Venn,  1.  51.) 

Wythypoll,  Edward 

WINNEVE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  3,  1644. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Edward,  of  Brettenham,  Suffolk.  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  19,  1646.  Knighted,  May  8,  1663.  M.P. 
for  Sudbury,  1685.  Married  Christian,  dau.  of  Dudley, 
Lord  North.  Died  May  26,  1706,  aged  80.  M.I.  at  Bretten- 
ham. Father  of  the  next.  (Bury  School,  S.H.A.H.;  Le  Neve, 
Mon.,  II.  111;  Le  Neve,  Knts.,  168.) 

WENYEVE,  GEORGE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  12,  1675. 
Doubtless  s.  of  Sir  George  (above).  Perhaps  father  of  Edward 

WYNNYFFE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 

WINNIFFE,  THOMAS.  D.D.  1628  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of 
Dorset.  S.  ot  John.  B.  at  Sherborne,  1576.  Matric.  (Exeter 
College,  Oxford)  Feb.  22,  1593-4,  age  18;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1598;  M.A.  1601;  B.D.  1610;  D.D.  1619.  Fellow  of  Exeter 
College,  Oxford,  1595-1609.  R.  of  Lamboume,  Essex,  1608- 
42.  R.  of  Willingale  Doe,  1608-42.  Dean  of  Gloucester, 
1624-31.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1625.  Chaplain  to  the  King. 
Dean  of  St  Paul's,  1631-54.  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1642-54. 
Esteemed  a  Puritan,  but  suHered  in  common  with  the  rest 
of  his  order.  Died  unmarried,  Sept.  19,  1654.  Buried  at 
Lamboume.    Will,  P.C.C.    (D.N.B.;  Al.  Oxon.;  Hutchins, 

IV.  211.) 

WINNIFFE, .  Resident  pens,  at  Jesus,  1599-1600. 


WYSSE,  see  WISE. 

WYTHE,  see  also  WITHERS. 

WYTHE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Easter,  1622.  School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner);  as  Wyffe. 
B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1628.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Norwich) 
Jan.  4,  1628-9.  V.  of  Binham,  Norfolk,  in  1662.  Will 
proved  (Norwich)  Mar.  31,  1667-8.   (Al.  Carthus.,  i.) 

WYTHE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  Apr.  15,  1662. 
S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Sandcroft,  Suffolk.  B.  at  Starston, 
Norfolk.  Schools,  Pulham  St  Mary  (Mr  Francis)  and  Starston 
(private).  Matric.  1662;  Scholar,  1662-7;  B.A.  1665-6; 
M.A.  1669.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  May  29;  'C.  of  Homers- 
field,  Suffolk';  priest,  June  18,  1670;  'C.  of  Howe,  Norfolk.' 

V.  of  Flixton,  1674.  Died  Jime  25,  1690,  aged  47.  M.I.  at 
Sandcroft.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  i6go;  clerk,  of  Sandcroft. 
(Venn,  i.  416.) 

WITH,  PHILIP.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1664.    Of  Norfolk. 

Perhaps  s.  of  Richard  (?  1622),  of  Brockdish  [or  possibly  of 

Edmund    (1622)].     Matric.    1665;    B..^.    1668-9.     Perhaps 

brother  of  Richard  (1655). 
WYTHE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Caius,  May  18, 

1614.    S.   of   Richard,   weaver.     B.   at   Norwich.    School, 

Norwich.    Matric.  1613;  'Whyte';  Scholar,  1614-20;  B.A. 

1617-8;  M.A.  1621.   Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  17,  1621-2. 

C.  of  Cossey,  and  of  Horsham  St  Faith,  Norfolk,  1627-36. 

(Venn,  i.  225.) 
WITHE,  RICHARD.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse. 

Matric.  1622.  Probably  of  Brockdish,  Norfolk.  Died  Sept.  6, 

1671,  aged  64.   Buried  at  Brockdish.   M.I.   Probably  father 

of  the  next  and  perhaps  of  Philip  (1664).   (T.  A.  Walker,  24; 

Blomefield,  v.  329.) 
WYTHE  or  WITHES,  RICHARD.   Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus, 

Apr.  5,  1655.   Of  Norfolk.    Probably  s.  of  Richard  (above). 

Perhaps  brother  of  Philip  (1664). 
WYTHES,  ROBERT.   B.A.  from  Christ's,  1584-5;  M.A.  1588; 

'Wise.'    One  of  these  names,  'of  Droitwich,'  adm.  at  the 

Inner  Temple,  June  19,  1586. 
WYTHES,  SAMPSON.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1608; 

B.A. 1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 
WITHE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1605. 

(Perhaps  matric.  again  Easter,  1606.)    B.A.  1608-9;  M.A. 

1612;   D.D.   1630.    R.  of  Postwick,  Norfolk,   1613.    R.  of 

Shipdham,  1614. 
WYTHYPOLL,   BARTHOLOMEW.    Matric.   pens,   from   Gon- 

ville  Hall,  Easter,  1554.    3rd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Ipswich, 

Suffolk.  Died  during  his  father's  lifetime.  He  and  his  brother 

Daniel   are   mentioned   in    Gabriel   Harvey's   Letter-book. 

[Camden  Soc,  1884,  57.]   Brother  of  Daniel  (1554),  Edward 

(1554)  and  Paul  (i554)-   (Venn,  i.  37.) 
WITHERPOOL,    BENJAMIN.     Matric.   pens,   from   Trinity, 

Easter,  1575. 
WYTHYPOLL,  DANIEL.    Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 

Easter,  1554  (impubes).  5th  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Ipswich, 
Suffolk.  Scholar;  B.A.  1559-60;  M.A.  1563.  Fellow  of 
St  John's,  1560.  Dieds.^.  Brotherof  Bartholomew(i554),etc. 
WYTHYPOLL,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1554  (impubes).  4th  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Ipswich, 
Sufiolk.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1553.  Of  Ipswich,  Esq. 
Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Brewsse,  Knt.,  of 
Wenham.  Brother  of  Bartholomew  (1554),  etc.  (Fe«n,  i.  37.) 


Wythypoll,  Paul 

WYTHYPOLL,  PAUL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Gonville  Hall, 
Easter,  1554.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk, 
Esq.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1555.  Of  Rendlesham,  Suffolk, 
Esq.  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas,  Lord  Wentworth. 
Buried  at  St  Margaret's,  Ipswich,  Dec.  9,  1577.  Brother  of 
Bartholomew  (1554),  etc.   {Venn,  i.  37.) 

WITHIPOLL,  PETER.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Michs. 
1564;  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1572-3.  Fellow  of  Trinity 
Hall,  1572-C.  82.  Commissary  of  the  Bishop  of  Norwich, 
1580-6.   {Cooper,  II.  13.) 

WYTHORS,  see  also  WITHERS. 

WYTHORS,  JOHN.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  Nov.  21, 
1354.  S.  of  Walter.  Died  Apr.  30,  1357. 

WYTWOOD, .   Scholar  of  Gonville  Hall,  1543.   Perhaps 

Otwell  Wytwood,  R.  of  Wilby,  Norfolk,  1563-86,  and  of 
Eccles,  1567-86.  Died  1586. 

WYVELL,  CHRISTOPHER.  LL.B.  from  Trinity  Hall,  1589. 
S.  and  h.  of  Sampson,  of  Walworth,  Durham.  LL.D.  16x5. 
Fellow,  1591-1616.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1598.  Of  Saflron 
Walden,  Essex.  Married  Margery,  dau.  of  William  Brockett, 
of  Windhill,  Herts.,  and  widow  of  Samuel  Cage,  of  Saffron 
Walden,  Essex.  Buried  at  Saffron  Walden,  Oct.  12,  1632. 
{Surtees,  ni.  263;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WYVILL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Michs.  1631.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Marmaduke  (1607),  of  Constable 
Burton,  Yorks.,  Knt.  and  Bart.  Bapt.  Dec.  6,  1614,  at 
Wychffe.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  14,  1633.  Succeeded  as 
3rd  Bart.,  c.  1648.  M!P.  for  Richmond,  Yorks.,  1659,  1660. 
Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Conyers(Darcy),  Earlof  Holdemesse. 
Probably  author  of  Certaine  serious  Thoughts...,  a  rare 
volume  of  verse.  Buried  Feb.  8,  1680-1,  at  Masham.  Brother 
of  Henry  (1647),  father  of  the  next,  and  of  Marmaduke  (1653), 
Francis  (1662)  and  William  (1660).  {G.E.C.,  i.  103;  Vis.  of 
Yorks.,  i66s;D.N.B.) 

WYVIL,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  26, 
1668.  7th  s.  of  Sir  Christopher  (above),  of  Constable  Burton, 
Yorks.,  Bart.  School,  Bury  St  Edmunds.  Matric.  1669; 
Scholar,  1671;  B.A.  1671-2;  M.A.  1675;  D.D.  1691.  Fellow, 
1674.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1679.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  May, 
1675;  priest  (London)  Feb.  24,  1677-8.  Dean  of  Ripon, 
1686-92.  Canon  of  York,  1700-10.  Married,  at  Durham 
Cathedral,  Apr.  15,  1689,  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  Brabant, 
and  widow  of  Evers  Markendale,  of  Old  Park.  Author, 
Sermons.  Died  Jan.  1710-1,  aged  59.  Buried  at  Ripon.  M.I. 
Brother  of  Francis  (1662),  Marmaduke  (1653)  and  William 
(1660).   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  H.  M.  Wood;  Al.  Oxon.) 

WYVELL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  17)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1597.  S.  of  Sir  Marmaduke,  Knt.,  of  Constable  Burton, 
North  Riding  of  Yorkshire.  Matric.  c.  1597;  B.A.  1601-2; 
M.A.  1605:  B.D.  1615.  Fellow,  1600-16.  R.  of  Spennithome, 
Yorks.,  1615-49.  R.of  Thornton  Watlass,  1618-26.  Married 
Helen,  dau.  of  Thomas  Horton,  of  Bumby,  Yorks.  Died 
1649.  Brother  of  Thomas  (1593)  and  William  (1598).  {Vis. 
of  Surrey,  1623;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.;  Surtees  Soc,  36.) 

WYVILL,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  June  27, 
1662.  5th  s.  of  Sir  Christopher  (1631),  of  Constable  Burton, 
Yorks.,  Bart.  B.  there.  School,  Newark  (Mr  Leeds).  Re- 
ceiver of  the  land-tax  for  Yorks.,  etc.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 
Sir  William  Cayley,  Bart.,  of  Brompton,  Yorks.  Died  Oct.  22, 
1717,  aged  71.  Buried  at  St  Michael-le-Belfrey,  York.  Will, 
York.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1668),  etc.  {Peile,  i.  599; 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WHIVELL,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1586.  Perhaps  s.  of  William,  of  Osgodby,  Yorks.  B.  c.  1570. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  May  20,  1590;  of  Yorks.;  of 
Staple  Inn.  Buried  at  Kirkby  Misperton.  Will  proved  (York) 
Dec.  II,  1597.   {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1584;  J.  Parker.) 

WYVILL,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  14, 
1647-8.  6th  s.  of  Sir  Marmaduke  (1607),  of  Constable  Burton, 
Richmonds.  B.  there.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Palmes).  Matric. 
1647-8;  B.A.  1651-2;  M.D.  from  King's,  1662.  Fellow,  1652- 
5.  Hon.  Fell.  R.C.P.,  1664.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1631). 
{Peile,  I.  517;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WYVILL,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  May  24,  1698. 
3rd  s.  of  Sir  William  {1660),  Bart.,  of  Constable  Burton  Hall, 
Yorks.  School,  Eton.  Matric.  1698;  Scholar,  1701;  B.A. 
1701-2;  M.A.  1705.  Fellow,  1704."  Ord.  deacon  (London) 
Aug.  5;  priest,  Sept.  18, 1709.  Chaplain  to  Dr  John  Robinson, 
H.M.  Envoy  to  Sweden.  R.  of  Orsett,  Essex,  1714.  Canon 
of  St  Paul's,  1714.  R.  of  Fulham,  Middlesex,  1714  (for  a 
few  months).    Perhaps  R.  of  Gilston,   Herts.,  1714.    Died 

Wyvil,  William 

unmarried,  June  21,  1717.  Brother  of  Marmaduke  (1682). 
(Whitaker,  Richmonds.,  i.  322;  Genealoeisl,  xxil.  2W:  N. 
andQ.,SlhS.,xi.  i<)i.)  '^' 

WYVELL,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Michs.  1556.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  of  Constable 
Burton,  Yorks.  B.  1540.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  27, 
1560.  M. P.  for  Richmond,  1584-5,  1597-8.  Knighted, 
June  8,  1603.  Created  Bart.,  Nov.  25,  161 1.  Married  .Mag- 
dalen, dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Danby,  of  Thorpe  Piac  and 
Famley,  Yorks.  Died  Jan.  9,  1616-7.  Buried  at  Masham. 
M.I.  Will  proved  (York)  Mar.  12,  161&-7.  Perhaps  brother 
of  Richard  (1564-5)  and  Robert  (1564-5).  IG.E.C.  i.  103: 
Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1665;  J.  Parker.)    '  ^  *  ''     ^        ■^•'      '°^' 

WYVELL,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Kino's, 
Easter,  1607.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Christopher,  oi  Constable 
Burton,  Yorks.,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of  Marmaduke  (above). 
Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  June  4,  161 1.  Knighted,  Apr.  19, 
1617.  Succeeded  as  2nd  Bart.,  Jan.  9,  1617-8.  Sheriff  of 
Yorks.,  1634.  A  distinguished  Royalist;  suffered  great  loss 
in  the  Royal  cause.  Married  Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  William 
Gascoigne.  Died  c.  1648.  Father  of  Christopher  (i6^i) 
(Kis.  0/ Yo/-*s.,  1665;  G.E.C.,  I.  103.) 

WYVELL,  MARMADUKE.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity, 
Easter,  1626.  2nd  s.  of  Marmaduke,  of  Croydon,  Surrey. 
B.  c.  1611.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1628.  Died  at 
Croydon,  Jan.  2,  1678,  aged  69.  M.I.  at  Croydon.  (Whitaker, 
Richmonds.,  i.  322;  Manning  and  Bray,  11.  548.) 

WYVILL  or  WIVELL,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  16) 
at  Christ's,  May  11,  1653.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Christopher 
(1631),  Bart.,  of  Constable  Burton,  Yorks.  B.  at  Swillington, 
Yorks.  School,  Ripon  (Mr  Palmes).  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn, 
May  23,  1653.  Died  unmarried  and  during  his  father's  life. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1679;  of  Little  Broughton,  Yorks.  Brother  of 
Chnstopher  (1668),  etc.  (Pt-i/*,  i.  553;  VU.  of  Yorks.,  1665.) 

WYVILL,  MARMADUKE.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Nov. 
21,  1682.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  VVilham  (1660),  4th  Bart.  School, 
Bury,  Suffolk.  Succeeded  as  5th  Bart.,  c.  1684.  .M.P.  for 
Richmond,  1695-8.  A  Commissioner  of  the  Salt  Duties  and 
a  Commissioner  of  the  Excise,  1702-10.  Married  Henrietta- 
Maria,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Yarburgh,  of  Balne  HaU  and 
Snaith.  Died  Nov.  2,  1722.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's,  Holbom, 
London.  {G.E.C.,  i.  103.) 

WYVELL,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent, 
1564-5.  Probably2nd  s.of  Christopher,  of  Constable  Burton, 
Yorks.  (whose  will,  1577).  Probably  died  yoimg.  Doubtless 
brother  of  the  next  and  perhaps  of  Marmaduke  (1556). 
{Genealogist,  xxii.  234.) 

WYVELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1564-5. 
Probably  3rd  s.  of  Christopher,  of  Constable  Burton,  Yorks. 
Married  Ehzabeth,  dau.  of  John  Layton,  of  West  Layton. 
Brother  of  Richard  (above)  and  probably  father  of  Solomon 
(1601).  {Genealogist,  xxii.  234.) 

WYVELL,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Michael  House. 
Michs.  1544. 

WYVILL,  SOLOMON.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs. 
i6oi.  Probably  s.  of  Robert  (1564-5),  of  West  Layton. 
Yorks.  (J.  Parker.) 

WIVELL,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  c. 
1593.  Doubtless  3rd  s.  of  Marmaduke,  of  Constable  Burtoa, 
Yorks.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  6,  1592-3.  (One  of  these 
names  2nd  s.  of  Sampson,  of  Walworth,  Durham,  and  brother 
of  Christopher  (1589).)  Brother  of  Francis  (1597)  and  WiUiam 

WIVELL,  THOMAS.  .•\dm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1628; 
Matric.  1628;  B.A.  1631. 

WYVELL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  15)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  25,  1598.  Doubtless  7th  s.  of  Sir  Marmaduke, 
Bart.,  cf  Constable  Burton,  Yorks.  Matric.  1598;  B..\. 
1601-2.  FeUow,  1601-3.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  9, 
1603-4;  of  Yorks.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1611.  Probably 
Councillor  of  York,  in  1614.  Married  .-Mice,  dau.  of  James 
Bcckwith.  Brother  of  Francis  (1597)  and  Thomas  (c.  1593). 
(Whit.iker,  Richmonds.,  i.  322;  Harxrood.) 

WYVIL,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  FcU.-Com.  at  Trinity,  Apr.  6,  1660. 
Doubtless 4th s.  of  Sir  Christoptior(  1631),  H.irf.,of  Const.iMe 
Burton,  Yorks.  B.  c.  1645.  Succeeded  his  father  .is  4lh 
Bart.,  Feb.  8,  1680-1.  Married  .\nne,  dau.  of  James  Brvnikcs, 
of  EUingthorpe,  Yorks.  Died  c.  1684.  Father  of  Marmaduke 
(1682)  and  John  (1698).  (Vis.  of  Yorks.,  ibty.G.E.C,  1. 103.) 


Yalden,  Henry  Wade 

Yarburgh,  Thomas 


YALDEN,  HENRY  WADE.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Mar.  12, 
1738-9.  Of  Hampshire.   Matric.  1740;  B. A.  1742-3. 

YALE,  DAVID.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1555. 
Perhaps  s.  of  David  [Lloyd  ap  Ellis],  of  Plas-yn-yale, 
Denbigh.  (But  not  mentioned  in  Burke,  L.G.)  B..-\.  1563-4; 
M.A.  1567;  LL.D.  1570.  Fellow,  1565-81.  Proctor,  1575-6. 
Adm.  advocate,  Feb.  3,  1581-2.  R.  of  Llandepla,  Denbigh, 
1564.  V.  of  High  Offley,  Staffs.,  1572-3.  Preb.  of  St  Asaph, 
1578.  Preb.  of  Chester,  1582-1608.  Probably  Chancellor 
of  the  diocese  of  Chester,  1587- 1608.  Buried  in  Chester 
Cathedral.  Will  (Chester)  1626.  Perhaps  brother  of  Thomas 
(1513)  and  father  of  George  (1606).  [D.  R.  Thomas,  i.  33; 
Le  Neve,  Fasti,  1.  85,  where  he  occurs  as  S.T.P.,  and  is  said 
to  have  died  c.  1613.) 

YALE,  DAVID.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Pembroke,  Mar.  2, 
1718-9.  S.  of  John,  late  of  Newhaven,  New  England,  Esq., 
deceased.  Matric.  1718.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Jan.  7, 

YALE,  GEORGE.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Michs.  1606. 

Of  Staffordshire.   Perhaps  s.  of  David  (1555).  B.A.  1609-10; 

M..^.  1613.    Probably  V.  of  Weaverham.  Cheshire,  1614-22. 
YALE,  HUGH.  M.A.  1621  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  B.A.  (Oxford) 

1615;   'doctoris  fH.';   y\..\.   (Oxford)    1620.    Fellow  of  Oriel 

College,    Oxford.     Will    proved    (Oxford)    Dec.    23,    1634. 

(Al.  Oxon.) 

YALE,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1543-4  (ist  in  the  ordo).  3rd  s.  of 
David  (Lloyd  ap  Ellis),  of  Pbs-yn-yale,  Denbigh.  M.A. 
1546;  LL.D.  1557.  Fellow  of  Queens',  1544-57.  Proctor, 
1552-3.  Commissary  of  Ely  diocese,  1554.  Adm.  advocate, 
1559-  Preb.  of  Lichfield,  1560.  R.  of  Leverington,  Cambs., 
1560.  R.  of  Llantrisant,  Anglesey,  1561.  Chancellor  and 
Vicar-General  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  1561. 
Chancellor  of  Bangor,  1562-70.  Preb.  of  St  .\saph,  1564-78. 
Dean  ot  the  ."Arches,  1567-73.  Joint- Keeper  of  the  Prerogative 
Court  of  Canterbury,  1571.  Married  Joanna,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Waleron.  Died  1577.  Buried  in  St  Gregory's  church,  near 
St  Paul's  Cathedral.  Will  (P.C.C).  Perhaps  brother  of 
David  (1555).  {Cooper,  i.  379;  Burke,  L.G.;  D.N.B.;  D.  R. 
Thomas,  i.  333.) 

YALE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1572. 

YALLAP,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1679.  Of 
Norfolk.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Robert,  Knt.,of  Bow- 
thorpe,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1679.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  12, 
1681.   Died  at  Rotterdam,  c.  1736.   (A.  Gray.) 

YALLOP,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  19, 
1721.   Of  Beccles,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1722;  B.A.  1724-5. 


YAPP,  ABRAHAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  1686-7.  S. 
of  John.  B.  at  Hilton,  Durham.  Bapt.  Jan.  4,  1668-0,  at 
Staindrop.  School,  Durham  (Mr  Thomas  Battersby). 
Migrated  to  Trinity,  Aug.  12,  1688,  age  20.  B.A.  1690-1; 
M.A.  1695.  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Durham)  Sept  24,  1693. 
P.C.  of  Croxdale,  Durham,  1695.  P.C.  of  Witton  Gilbert, 
1695-1716.  Precentor  of  Durham  Cathedral.  Minor  canon 
of  Durham,  1695-1716.  R.  of  St  Mary  on  the  South  Bailey, 
Durham,  1698-1700.  Deprived  as  a  non-juror,  1716.  The 
first  minister  in  Newcastle-on-Tyne  of  a  congregation  of 
non-jurors.  Buried  in  Durham  Cathedral,  Dec.  23,  1728, 
(H.  M.  Wood;  Henry  Broxap,  Later  Non-jurors,  317.) 

YARBURGH  or  YERBURGH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Em- 
manuel. June  5,  1641-  Of  Yorkshire.  3rd  s.  of  Edmund,  of 
Balne  Hall.  Bapt.  June  7.  1627,  at  Snaith.  Matric.  1644; 
B.A.  1644-5;  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1648;  M.D.  if.65  (Lit.  Reg.). 
Fellow  of  Jesus,  1646-50,  ejected.  Practised  medicine  at 
Doncaster.  A  Royalist.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Stanhope,  of  Hampole,  Yorks.  Buried  at  Doncaster,  May  19, 
1691.  M.l.  Admon.  (York),  June  22,  1699.  Brother  of 
Nicholas  (1629)  and  John  (1647)  and  Thomas  (1640).  (M.  H. 
Peacjick;  G.  B.  Routledge.) 

YARBURGH,  EDMUND.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  29,  1706. 
2nd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Campsall,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  there, 
July  15,  1688.  School,  Sedbergh  [sic).  Matric.  1706.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  May  20,  1706.  Barrister-at-law.  Bencher. 
Died  unmarried,  Feb.  25,  1764,  aged  76.  Buried  at  St 
George's,  Queen's  Square,  London.  Brother  of  Henry  (1708) 
and  Thom.as  {1706).   (A.  Gray;  L.  Mag.;  Hunter,  ii.  466.) 

YARBOROUGH,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs. 
1564-    Probably  s.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  of  Lincoln.   Adm.  at 

Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  22,  l.')7o.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1579. 
Bencher,  1590.  Serjeant-at-law.  Of  Welton-by-Louth,  and 
of  Northorpe.  Married  (i)  Helen,  dau.  of  George  (?  John) 
Farmery  [or  Elenor,  dau.  of  Robert  Farmory];(2)  Frances,  dau. 
of  Leonard  Wray,  of  Adwick-le-Street,  York.  Died  Julv  31, 
1595.  Will,  P.C.C.  (PeiU,  i.  88;  Lines.  Pedigree's,  1122; 
Genealogist,  vi.  293.) 

YARBOROUGH,  GEOFFREY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Mag- 
dalene, June  28,  1669.  S.  of  George  (next),  of  Brattleby, 
Lines.  School,  Kclham,  Notts.  Matric.  1670;  B.A.  1672-3. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  May  25,  1673;  'C.  of  Scamptou.' 
Brother  of  John  (1657). 

YARBOROUGH,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Sidney, 
Aug.  21,  1628.  S.  of  Charles,  vintner.  B.  at  Louth,  Lines. 
Matric.  1629;  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  R.  of  Scampton, 
Lines.,  in  1657.  R.  of  Brattleby,  1662.  Father  of  Geofirey 
(above)  and  of  John  (1657). 

YARBURGH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Je.'sus,  Nov.  i,  1708. 
3rd  s.  of  Thomas,  of  Campsall,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt.  there, 
June  9,  1691.  School,  Sedbergh  (sic).  Matric.  1708;  B..\. 
1712-3;  M.A.  1718;  D.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Fellow,  1716-29. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1723.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  9; 
priest,  Oct.  23,  1723.  R.  of  Spennithome,  Yorks.,  i723--<). 
R.  of  Tewin,  Herts.,  1728-74.  Preb.  of  York,  1750.  Died 
unmarried,  Nov.  28,  1774,  aged  83.  Buried  at  Campsall. 
Brother  of  Edmund  (1706)  and  Thomas  (1706).  {Hunter,  11. 
466;  .41.  Oxon.) 

YARBOROW,  JAMES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  May  25, 
1680.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1653),  of  Snaith,  Yorks., 
Knt.  B.  1665.  Matric.  1680.  Lieut. -Colonel  of  Horse,  and 
Aide-de-Camp  to  the  Duke  of  Marlborough.  Of  Snaith  Hall 
and  Hesliiigton.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Hesketh, 
of  Heslington,  Yorks.  Buried  Mar.  9,  1 730-1,  at  St  Lawrence, 
York.   M.I.  (A.  Gray;  G.  B.  Routledge.) 

YARBURGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  May  7,  1647.  Of 
Yorkshire.  4th  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Snaith,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there, 
Apr.  21,  1629.  Matric.  1647.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
1652.  Buried  Feb.  3,  1653-4,  aged  24,  at  St  Michael-le- 
Belfrey,  York.  M.I.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1641),  etc.  (Le 
Neve,  Mon.,  iv.  26.) 

YARBOROUGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr.  17, 
1657.  S.  of  George  (1628),  R.  of  Scampton,  Lines.  B.  there. 
Matric.  1657;  Scholar,  1657-60;  M.B.  1663.  Brother  of 
Geoffrey  (1669). 

YARBOROUGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  18,  1661.  S.  of  Sir  Nicholas  (1629),  Knt.,  deceased,  of 
Balne,  near  Snaith,  Yorks.  Bapt.  there.  May  i,  1645. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5.  Brother  of 
Nicholas  (1655)  and  Thomas  (1653). 

YARBOROUGH,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Jan. 
29,  1690-1.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Newark.  School,  Newark 
(MrTwells).  Matric.  1691;  Scholar,  1693;  M.B.  1696.  {Peile, 
II.  120.) 

YERBURGH,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  (age  15)  at  Sidney, 
May  9,  1629.  S.  and  h.  of  Edmund,  Esq.,  of  Yarborough, 
Lines.  Bapt.  Feb.  12,  1612-3,  a'  Hatfield,  Yorks.  School, 
Snaith.  Matric.  1629.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1632. 
J. P.  for  the  West  Riding,  Yorks.,  1641.  Knighted.  High 
Sheriff  of  Yorks.  Of  Snaith.  Married  Faith,  dau.  of  John 
Dawnay,  of  Cowick,  Yorks.,  May  26,  1635.  Buried  at  Snaith, 
Aug.  22,  1655.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1641),  etc., 
father  of  the  next,  of  John  (i66i)  and  Thomas  (1653). 
(Le  Neve,  Knights,  167.) 

YARBURGH,  NICHOLAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Nov.  5,  1655. 
Of  Yorkshire.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Nicholas  (above),  of  Snaith. 
Bapt.  Oct.  II,  1638.  Matric.  1656.  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
Temple,  1656.  Died  before  Sept.  15,  1665.  Brother  of  John 
(1661)  and  Thomas  (1653).   (A.  Gray;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

YARBOROUGH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1445;  B.A.  1449;  LL.D. 

YERBOROUGH,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 
Easter,  1568. 

YERBURGH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  1640. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  2nd  s.  of  Edmund,  of  Campsall, 
and  of  Hatfield,  Yorks.  B.  1624.  Of  Campsall,  Yorks. 
Serjeant-at-law.  Married  (1)  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Ellis; 
(2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Henry  Watson,  of  Haigh  Hall, 
Yorks.  Died  1697.  Brother  of  Edmund  (1641),  etc.  (G.  B. 


Yarburgh,  Thomas 

YARBURGH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  Sept.  26, 
1653.  Of  Yorkshire.  S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Nicholas  (1629),  Knt., 
of  Snaith.  B.  there,  Aug.  19,  1637.  Matric.  1654.  Adm.  at 
the  Inner  Temple,  1655.  Knighted,  May  8,  1663.  Hish 
Sheriff  of  Yorks.,  1673.  .M. P.  for  Pontefract,  1685-9.  Married 
Henrietta  Maria,  dau.  of  Colonel  Thomas  Blague,  of  Hol- 
llnger,  Suffolk.  Died  Jan.  8,  1707-8  {sic)  [but  will  dated 
Aug.  29,  1709;  proved  (York)  Apr.  12,  1716].  (A.  Gray; 
H.  M.  Wood;  M.  H.  Peacock;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

YARBURGH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
May  8,  1682.  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Thomas  (above),  Knt.  Bapt. 
Feb.  26,  1665-6,  at  Snaith,  Yorks.  School,  Doncaster 
(Mr  Cotterill).  Matric.  1682.  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 
May  15,  1683.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1692.  Registrar  of  Excise. 
Of  Winthorpe,  Lines.  Died  Dec.  17,  1723. 

YARBURGH,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  May  29, 
1706.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Campsall,  Yorks.,  Esq.  Bapt. 
there.  May  23,  1687.  School,  Sedhergh.  Matric.  1706.  Adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  May  20,  1706.  Of  Campsall  Hall.  Married 
Johanna,  dau.  of  Tobias  Harvey,  of  Womersley,  Feb.  8, 
1718.  Died  Sept.  I,  1772.  Buried  at  Campsall.  M.I.  Brother 
of  Edmimd  (1706)  and  Henry  (1708).  (A.  Gray;  Hunter, 
II.  466.) 

YARBROUGH, .  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Sidney,  May,  1603. 

Perhaps  Edmund,  s.  of  Francis  {1564).  If  so,  of  Balne  HaU, 
Yorks.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Wormeley,  of 
Cusworth  and  Hatfield,  Yorks.  Died  May  6,  1631.  Perhaps 
father  of  Edmund  (1641),  Nicholas  (1629),  John  (1647)  and 
Thomas  (1640).   (Surtees  Soc,  .xx.wi.  187.) 

YARD,  EDWARD.    Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Easter,  1656. 

Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward,  of  Churston  Court,  Churston 

Ferrers,  Devon.   Succeeded  his  father,  1658.   J.P.  and  M.P. 

for  Ashburton,  1685.   Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Warre, 

of  Somerset.   Died  1703.    Father  of  the  next  and  brother 

of  Robert  (1659).   (B.  Williams,  West  Country  Fam.) 
YARD,   EDWARD.    Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from   King's,   Easter, 

1686.    Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Edward   (above).    M.P.  for 

Totnes,  1695.    Succeeded  his  father  at  Churston  Court,  in 

1703.  Married  Susanna  Sparke,  widow  of  Henry  Northleigh, 

of  Peamore.  Died  1735.  (B.  Williams,  West  Country  Fam.) 
YARDE,  JAMES.    M.A.  from  Emmanuel,  1715.   S.  of  Gilbert, 

of  King's  Stanton,  Devon.  Bapt.  May  18,  1682,  at  Highweek. 

Matric.  (Exeter  College,  Oxford)  Mar.  13,  1699-1700,  age  16; 

B.A.   (Oxford)    1703.     R.   of   Puncknoll,   Dorset,    1707-40. 

Buried  there  June  26,  1740.   {Al.  Oxon.;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 
YARDE,  JOHN.    Matric.  pens,    from   Queens',    Michs.   1602; 

B.A.  1605-6.  Entered  Geneva  University  in  1602. 
YARD,    ROBERT.     Adm.   at    King's,   a   scholar   from   Eton, 

1659.   Doubtless  s.  of  Edward,  of  Churston  Ferrers,  Devon. 

B.  at  Churston,  Devon.    Matric.  1661;  B.A.  1664-5;  M.A. 

1668.  Fellow,  1663-77.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19,  1675. 

R.  of  Monxton,  Hants.,  1676.  Died  1712.  Brother  of  Edward 

(1656).   {Harwood;  }.  Ch.  Smith.) 
YARD,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Peterhouse,  June 

24,  1648.  Of  Middlesex.  School,  Charterhouse  (e.xhibitioner; 

'Yearde').  Matric.  1649;  B..A.  1651-2. 

YARDAY,  THOMAS.  B.A.  1526-7. 

YARDLEY,  ANDREW.  Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,  1616.  S.  of  Andrew, 
citizen  of  London.  B.  Mar.  17,  1597-8.  School,  Merchant 
Taylors".  Matric.  1616;  'Eardley';  R..\.  1619-20.  Incorp. 
at  Oxford,  1620.  Buried  June  3,  1623,  at  St  Michael's, 
Comhill,  London.  (J.  H.  R.  Yardiey;  .41.  Oxon.) 

YARDLEY,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1659  [doubtless  adm.  Apr.  13,  1659,  as  Thomas].  2nd  s.  of 
John  (1629).  R.  of  Cranham,  Essex.  Of  the  Middle  Temple; 
CTlled  to  the  Bar,  1669.  Living  at  Stoke  Newington,  1707. 
Brother  of  John  (1654-5). 

YARDLEY,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Easter,  1587; 
B..A.  1590-1;  M.A.  1594.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  21,  1595. 
R.  of  Redenhall,  Norfolk,  1594-5.  Admon.  May  19,  1596, 
to  Richard  Yardiey,  his  next-of-kin. 

YARDLEY,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's, 
July  7,  1714.  S.  of  Robert,  linen-draper,  and  afterwards 
leatherseller  and  citizen  of  London.  B.  in  London.  Bapt. 
Apr.  7,  1698,  at  All  Hallows,  Lombard  Street.  School, 
Merchant  Taylors'.  Matric.  1714;  B.A.  1717-8;  M.A.  1721; 
B.D.  1729.  Fellow,  1721-33.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4, 
1721;  priest.  May  20,  1722.  Preacher  at  Highgate  Chapel, 
1731.  R.  (sinecure)  of  St  Florence,  Pembroke,  1733.  Arch- 
deacon of  Cardigan,  1739.  Treasurer  of  S. P. C.K.  Antiquary. 
Died  Dec.  26,  1769,  aged  71.  M.I.  at  Highgate.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1770.   {.Misr.  Gen.  et  Her.,  2nd  S.,  iv.  237;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

YARDLEY,  JOH.W.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Faster,  1629. 
S.  of  Ralph,  citizen  and  apothecary,  of  London.  Bapt. 
Feb.  7,  1612,  at  St  Michael's,  Comhill.  B.A.  1632-3;  M.A. 
1636.    P.C.  ol    Blackmore,  Essex,   1637.    Sequestered   to 

Yates.  Francis 

Sheering,  1643.  Probably  R.  of  Cranham,  1643-62,  ejected. 
Licensed  presbvterian  minister  at  South  Weald,  1672.  Died 
1679.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Andrew  (1659).  {Davids, 
37*>;  J.  H.  R.  Yardiey.) 

YARDLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  Mar.  23,  1654-5. 
S.  of  John  (above).  B.  c.  1637-8.  School,  St  Paul's  (ex- 
hibitioner). Matric.  1656;  B.A.  1658-9.  Incorp.  at  O.Tford, 
1661.  Ada),  at  Leyden,  Sept.  10,  1661;  'Yardelay.'  Hon. 
Fellow,  R.C.P.,  1664.  Practised  at  Bishop's  Stortford,  Herts. 
Died  there,  Oct.  29,  1697.  .M.l.  at  Stortford.  Brother  of 
.Andrew  (1659)  and  father  of  the  next.  (Munk,  i.  350; 
J.  H.  R.  Yardiey;  Al.  0.xon.) 

YARDLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  FeU.Cora.  (age  15)  at  Trinity, 
June  4,  1698.  S.of  John  (above),  M.D.,of  Bishop'sStortford, 
Herts.  School,  Bishop's  Stortford  (VrTookc).  Slalric.  1699; 
M.B.  1704;  M.D.  1709.  Practised  at  Cambridge.  Died  there 

YARDLEY.  EARDLEY  or  YEARLIE,  RANDAL.  Matric.  pens, 
from  Christ's,  E.aster,  1580.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  William, 
of  Y.ardley  (Eardley),  Staffs.  B.A.  1583-4:  M.A.  15S7;  B.D. 
1595.  Fellow,  1588-1600.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1591.  V.  of 
Favershara,  Kent,  1599-1605.  Died  1605.  Will,  Canterbury. 
{Peile,  1.  159;  J.  H.  R.  Yardiey;  Al.  Oxon.) 

YARDLY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  May  9, 
1605.  S.  of  John,  gent,  deceased,  of  Weston,  Herts.  School, 
Sandy,  Beds.  (Mr  Andrews).  Scholar,  1605-12;  B.A.  1608-9; 
M..'\.  i5i2.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  19;  priest,  Sept.  20, 
1613.  C.  of  Graveley  and  Chivesfield,  Herts.,  1614.  C.  of 
Clothall,  1617.  R.  of  Letchworth,  1622-41;  the  living  was 
sequestered  by  the  Earl  of  Manchester,  c.  1646;  the  fifths 
were  allowed  to  his  wife  and  children,  Sept.  11,  1646.  {Venn, 
1.  189.) 

YARDLEY,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  27,  1636; 
scholar  from  Westminster,  1637.  S.  of  Ashton,  of  St  Martin- 
in-the-Ficlds,  Westminster,  London.  Matric.  1636;  B.A. 
1639-40;  M.A.  1643.  Fellow,  1640-4,  ejected.  Incorp.  at 
Oxford,  1644.  V.  of  Hollingboume,  Kent,  1652-60;  re- 
instituted,  1660.  Head  Master  of  King's  School,  Rocheflcr, 
1660-3.  R-  of  Hunton,  1662-82.  V.  of  Hailing,  1663. 
Died  1683.  (J.  H.  R.  Yardiey;  H.  G.  Harrison;  Al.  Oxon.) 

YARKER,  THOMAS.  B.A.  from  Christ's,  1571-2.  Possibly  of 
Leybum,  Yorks.  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May,  1582;  R.  of 
Cockley  Cley,  Norfolk,  1586. 

YARNER,  ABRAHAM.  Adm.  FeU.-Com.  at  Queens',  June  26, 
i6g6.  Of  Ireland.  Probably  s.  of  Captain  John.  Bapt. 
June  28,  1682,  at  St  Peter's,  Dublin.  Matric.  1697.  (H.  B. 

YARNER,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1560; 
B..\.  1562-3.  Fellow,  1562-5.  Ord.  priest  (Chichester)  May 
31,  1566.  V.  of  Spexhall,  Suffolk,  1581-1609.  R.  of  North 
Cove,  1581-95.  R.  of  Sotherton,  1581-96.  V.  of  Willingham 
St  Mary,  1581-95. 

YERNER, .  Pens,  at  Jesus,  1563-4. 

YARROW,  see  also  YEROW. 

YARROW,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1590-  Of  Ely. 

YARWAY,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
May  17,  1664.  Of  Bedfordshire.  Matric.  1664;  Scholar,  1664; 
B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671  {Lit.  Reg.).  Ord.  de.acon  (Lincoln) 
July  22,  1668.  Perhaps  minister  ol  Kerapston,  Beds.; 
buried  there  Nov.  21,  1672.   (Genealcg.  Bedftrj,  162.) 

YARWAYE,  WILLIAM.  Matric  pens,  from  Christ's.  E.aster, 
1619.  Possibly  s.  of  Thom.as,  of  Kempston,  Beds.  Bapt. 
there,  Oct.  15,  1604.  B..\.  1623-4. 

YATES,  BENJAMIN.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1607. 

YATE,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (.age  17)  at  Trinity,  M.ar.  30, 
1751.  S.  of  William,  of  Wolverlev,  Worcs.  School,  Wolverley 
(Mr  Yate).  Matric.  1751;  SchoU'r,  1754;  B.A.  1755-  Perhaps 
adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Nov.  2,  I7t9;  called  to  the  Bar,  1754- 
Oncof  these  names  of  Atherstone,  Warws.,  clerk;  will  (P.C.C.) 
1766.  But  see  Al.  Oxon.  for  a  contemporary  namesake. 

YATE,  DANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  May  5,  1665. 
Prob.iblv  s.  of  Job  (1610).  B.  at  Rodmarton,  Clones. 
Matric.  1665;  B.A.  1668-9;  M..\.  1672.  Fellow,  1672. 
Died  .Mar.  1,  1676-7,  aged  28.  Buried  at  Great  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge.  M.I.  WiU  proved  (V.C.C.)  1677.  (Le  Neve, 
Mon.,  III.  174.) 

YATES,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1634; 
schol.ir  from  Westminster;  B.A.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Chap- 
l.iin  of  Trinity,  1642-7;  ejected;  reinstated,  1661. 

YATES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  Apr.  5, 
16H1.  Of  KinilM-rton,  Salop.  S.of  William.  B.  it  I'Kjnington, 
Salop.  Bipt.  there,  Sept.  14,  1666.  Ord.  deai-on  (Gloucester) 
May  30,  1686;  priest.  May  21.  1687.  C.  ol  Winwick,  Lanes., 
16H9.  R.  of  Morcsbv.  Cuinlx-rland,  1711-20.  V.  of  White- 
haven, 1693-1720.  Buricdihcre June  18, 1720.  Fathcrofthe 
next.  (Peit*,  11.  82.) 


Yates,  Francis 

YATES,  FRANCIS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  John's,  Mar.  14,  1723-4- 
S.  of  Francis  (above),  of  Whitehaven,  Cumberland.  Matric. 
1724;  LL.B.  1724.  Matric.  (Queen's  College,  Oxford)  July  23, 
1717,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1721.  Ord.  deacon  (Sodor  and 
Man)  Sept.  25,  1720;  priest  (York)  Dec.  22,  1723.  C.  of 
Distington,  1722.  R.  of  Moresby,  Cumberland,  1729-35- 
R.  of  Slaidbume,  Yorks.,  1735-62.  V.  of  Gargrave,  1737-62. 
Buried  there  Mar.  8,  1762.  Father  of  Lowther  (1746)- 
{Scott-Mayor,  iii.  365;  Al.  Oxon.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
YATES,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

YATES,  GEORGE.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Magdalene,  July  4. 
1657.  S.  of  Richard,  late  of  Biggin,  Derbs.  School,  BakeweU. 
B.A.  1661.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  12;  priest, 
Dec.  13,  1660.  Probably  P.C.  of  Ainstable,  in  1661;  R.  of 
Croglin,  Cumberland,  1664-70.  C.  of  Kirkoswald,  1668-70. 
Buried  at  Croglin,  Dec.  16,  1670.   (B.  Nightingale,  416.) 

YATES,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  JiUy  4,  1614; 
B.\.  1617-8;  M.A.  1621.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  27; 
priest,  May  28,  1621.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1660;  of 
Thundridge,  Herts.,  clerk. 

YATES,  JOB.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  28,  1610. 
Matric.  1610;  Scholar;  B.A.  1613-4;  M.A.  1617;  B.D.  1624. 
Fellow,  1617.  R.  of  Rodmarton,  Gloucs.,  1628-69.  'A 
preaching  minister'  in  1650.  Married,  at  St  Mildred's 
Poultrv,  London,  to  Emme  Hollech,  Oct.  23,  1635.  Will 
(P.C.C!)  1668-9.  Probably  father  of  Daniel  (1665).  (H.  G. 
Harrison;  F.  S.  Hockaday.) 

YATES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1568.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Worlington,  Suffolk,  1571-97- 

YATES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1604.  Matric. 
1604;  Scholar;  B.A.  1607-8;  M.A.  1611;  B.D.  1618.  Fellow, 
1611-6.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine,  1629.  Perhaps 
Master  of  Dedham  School,  Essex,  161 1-2.  Ord.  deacon 
(Peterb.)  Sept.  4;  priest,  Sept.  5,  1614.  Preacher  at  St 
Andrew's,  Norwich,  1616-22.  R.  of  Stiffkey,  Norfolk, 
1622-58.  Married,  at  Saffron  Walden,  Essex,  May  7,  1616, 
to  Mary  Fening.  Author,  theological.  Died  c.  1660. 

YATES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1623.  Matric. 
1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1630.  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
West  Ham,  Essex,  by  1650-5;  R.  of  Cheshunt,  1656;  ejected, 
c.  1660.   (H.  Smith.) 

YATES,  JOHN.  M.A.  1625  (Incorp.  from  Oxford).  Of  Lincoln- 
shire, pleb.  Matric.  (Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Apr.  19,  1616, 
age  17;  B.A.  (Magdalen  College,  Oxford)  1618-9;  M.A.  1622. 
One  of  these  names  minister  at  Mailing,  Kent;  possibly 
father  of  John  (1648). 

YATES,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Emmanuel,  Michs.  1632; 
B.A.  from  St  Catharine's,  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1639. 

YATE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1648.  Of  Kent. 
Possibly  s.  of  John  (1625).  B.A.  1652. 

YATES  or  YATE,  JOHN.  M.A.  1650  (Incorp.  from  Oxford). 
Probably  s.  of  Leonard,  of  Cookham,  Oxon.,  clerk.  Matric. 
(Christ  Church,  Oxford)  Oct.  26,  1632,  age  15;  B.A.  (Oxford) 
1636;  M.A.  1639.  Perhaps  R.  of  Mongewell,  Oxon.,  1656. 
One  of  these  names  R.  of  Mereworth,  Kent,  1672;  M.A.; 
R.  of  Crayford,  in  1673.  (Al.  Oxon.-,  Lambeth  Act  Bk; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

YATES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  May  30,  1650.  Matric. 
1650;  B.A.  1653. 

YATES,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  12,  1675. 
Of  Salop.  Matric.  1675;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682.  Perhaps 
ord.  deacon  (Chester)  May  29;  priest,  Dec.  18,  1681.  C.  of 
Lymm,  Cheshire,  1681;  R.  there,  1714-32.  A  non-juror  (see 
KettleifelVs  Memoirs).  Died  1732.  Will  (Chester)  1732;  of 
Warburton,  clerk.   (E.  Axon.) 

YATES  or  YATE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  3, 
1675.   Of  Cheshire.   Matric.  1677;  B.A.  1678-9;  M.A.  1682. 

YATES,  JONAS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  July  2,  1632. 
Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1633;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord. 
deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  20,  1640;  priest,  Sept.  25,  1642. 

YATES,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  Michs.  1633. 
Of  Norfolk. 

YATES,  LAURENCE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Lent, 
1564-5;  B.A.  1567-8. 

YATES,  LOWTHER.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Mar.  21, 
1746-7.  S.  of  Francis  (1723-4).  Of  Whitehaven,  Cumberland. 
Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1750-1;  M.A.  1754;  B.D.  1774;  D-D- 
1780.  (Migrated  temporarily  to  Pembroke,  June  28,  I750-) 
Fellow  of  St  Catharine's.  Taxor,  1757.  Master,  1779-98. 
Vice-Chancellor,  1779-80,  1794-5-    Ord.  deacon  (London) 

Yaxley,  W. 

Dec.  21;  priest,  Dec.  27,  1755.  C.  to  his  father  at  Gargrave, 

Yorks.,  1761-2.    R.  of  Carrigaline,  Cork,  1779  (vacated  the 

next  year).  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1798.   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  J.  Parker.) 

YATES,  MAGHULL  ('MAILE').    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St 

John's,   Nov.   7,    1732.    S.  of  Joseph,   Esq.,  barrister,  of 

Stanly  House  and  Peel  Hall,  Lanes,  (and  Ellen,  dau.  of 

William  Maghull,  of  Maghull,  Lanes.).  B.  1715,  in  Manchester. 

School,  Stockport,  Cheshire.  Matric.  1732.  Buried  at  Sefton, 

Dec.  6,  1757.   (Scott-Mayor,  iii.  445.) 

YATES,  OBADIAH.   Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Mar.  2, 

1704-5.  S.  of  Obadiah,  druggist.   B.  at  Bridlington,  Yorks. 

School,  Beverley  (Mr  Lambert).   Matric.  1705;  B.A.  1708-9; 

M.A.  1712.   Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1709;  priest  (Lincoln, 

Litt.  dim.  from  Carlisle)  Dec.  24,  1710.    R.  of  Bolton  All 

Saints',  Cumberland,  1710-52.  V.  of  Bromfield.  Died  June  6, 

1765,  'aged  76.' 

YATES,  OSWALD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1581. 

YATES,  PETER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Christ's,  Oct.  7,  1633- 

S.   of  Humphrey.   B.  at  Etwall,  Derbs.  Schools,  Dawbery 

(?Dalbury)    and    Repton.     Matric.    1634-5:   'Gates';    B.A. 

1637-8.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  June  5,  1642.  R.  of  Eggington, 

Derbs.,  1643-80.  Died  1680.   (Peile,  i.  429.) 

YATES,  RICHARD.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1606. 

YATE,  ROBERT.    Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

161:.    B.   at   Badlesmere,   Kent.    B.A.    1614;   M.A.    1618; 

B.D.  1625.   Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  15;  priest,  Sept.  i, 

1617,  age  23.  R.  of  Sible  Hedingham,  Essex,  1618,  resigned 

same  year.   R.  of  Badlesmere,  Kent,  1630. 

YATES,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 

1579;   Scholar,    1579-86;   B.A.    1582-3;   M.A.    1586.    Ord. 

deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  May  11,  1589.    Preacher.   R.  of 

Farforth,  Lines.,  1591-1608.    R.  of  Pickworth,  1598.    R.  of 

Scotton,    1607-27.     Buried    Apr.    4,    1627,    at    St    Mary's, 

Castlegate,  York.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

YATES,  THOMAS.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  July  15,   1637. 

School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner). 
YATES,  THOMAS.    Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Michs. 

YATE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  Apr.  27,  1706; 
from  Oxford.    S.  of  John,  of  Gt  Hampden,  Bucks.    Bapt. 
Oct.  9,   1683.    Matric.  1706;  M.B.   1706.    Matric.  (Trinity 
College,  Oxford)  Oct.  15,  1700,  age  17;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1704. 
Practised  medicine  at  Hitchin,  Herts.  Buried  May  28,  1716, 
at  Gt  Hampden.   (Al.  Oxon.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
YATES,  W.   Matric.  sizar  from  St  Catharine's,  Easter,  1559. 
YATES,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  14,  1643. 

Of  Norfolk.  Matric.  1644;  B.A.  1646-7. 
YAXLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Feb.  22, 
1631-2.  S.  of  John.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Perse  (Mr 
Lovering).  Matric.  1632;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.  Ord. 
deacon  (Peterb.)  June  12,  1636;  priest,  June  4,  1637.  R.  of 
Stibbington,  Hunts.,  1639-42.  R.  of  Thornhaugh,  North- 
ants.,  1642,  sequestered.  R.  of  Conington,  Cambs.;  resigned, 
1647.  R.  of  Kibworth,  Leics.,  1654-60,  ejected.  Afterwards 
in  London,  preached  near  West  Smithfield.  Said  to  have 
died  aged  c.  75.  Probably  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1687;  of  St 
Andrew's,  Holbom,  London,  clerk;  mentions  a  son  John 
(?  the  next).  (Peile,  i.  417;  Nichols,  11.  641;  Calamy,  11.  117; 
J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
YAXLEY,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare,  Feb.  7,  1664-5.  Of 
Cambridge.  Perhaps  s.  of  John  (above).  Matric.  1665; 
B.A.  1668-9;  M.A.  1676.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  6,  1669. 
YAXLEY,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Oct.  20, 
1601.  S.  of  John,  gent.  B.  at  Yaxley,  Suffolk.  Matric.  1601. 
Perhaps  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  May  15,  1594.  Member 
of  a  recusant  family.  (Venn,  i.  177.) 
YAKESLE,    ROBERT    DE.     'King's   scholar'    at    Cambridge, 

YAXLEY,  ROBERT.    M.A.  1482;  M.B.  1486-7;  M.D.  1496-7- 
Fellow  of  Clare,  1489.    One  of  the  original  Fellows  of  the 
R.C.P.,  1518.  Buried  in  St  Michael's,  Comhill.  Will  (P.C.C.) 
1540;  'of  St  Michael's,  Comhill.'   (Munk,  1.  32.) 
YAXLEY,  ROBERT.   Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  Mar.  14, 
1718-9.    S.  of  Henry,  cook  of  the  CoUege.    School,  Bury, 
Suffolk.    Matric.  1718-9;  B.A.  1722-3.    Ord.  deacon  (Nor- 
wich) June,  1723;  priest.  May,  1724- 
YAXLEY,  W.    Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1561. 
Possibly  William,  s.  of  William,  of  Boston,  Lines.    If  so, 
condemned  for  conversion  to  popery  and  pardoned,  Jan.  28, 
1584-5.    One  William  Yaxley,  s.   and   h.   of   Richard,   of 
Yaxley,  Suffolk.  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1126.) 

YAXLEY, .   D.Civ.L.  or  D.Can.L.  1498-9. 

YAXLEY, .  B.A.  1526-7.  Possibly  Thomas,  R.  of  Alderton, 

Northants.,  1528-50.  Died  1550.  (J.  P.  Dorman.) 

Yeannes,  Hugh 

YAXLEY,   .    Adm.   Fell. -Com.   at   Peterhouse,    1588-9. 

Possibly  Henry,  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Yaxley,  Suffolk. 
If  so,  married  Frances,  dau.  of  Charles  Waldegrave,  of 
Stannmghall,  Suffolk.  Of  Bowthorpe  and  Colney,  Norfolk, 
Esq.  A  strong  papist.  Died  Mar.  6,  1650.  Buried  at  Colney. 
(Suffolk  Arch.  Proc,  xvi.) 

YEANNES  or  YANNES,  HUGH.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St 
John's,  Dec.  27,  1682.  S.  of  WUliam,  clerk  (?  the  next).  B. 
at  Needingworth,  Hunts.  School,  Ely  (Mr  Peachey).  Matric. 

YEANNES  or  YANNES,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at 
St  John's,  Mar.  11,  1653-4.  S.  of  Hugh,  drover,  of  Staley, 
Cheshire.  B.  there.  School,  Manchester.  Matric.  1653-4; 
B.A.  1657-8;  M.A.  1661.  R.  of  Wentworth,  Cambs.,  1663-84; 

YEARDNER,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queen's,  July  7,  1599. 
Of  Suffolk. 

YEARWOOD  or  YERWOOD,  HUGH.  Ord.  priest  (Lincohi) 
1592;  'B.A.  of  St  John's.'  B.  at  Goostrec,  Sandbach, 
Cheshire,  c.  1554.   R.  of  Turweston,  Bucks.,  1604. 

YEARWOOD,  RANDOLPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Sept.  2, 
1645.  Of  Cheshire.  V.  of  St  Pancras,  Kentish  Town, 
London,  1665-89.   Buried  there  1689.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

YEARWORTH,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1568. 
Possibly  migrated  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (from  Exeter  College, 
Oxford)  1572;  Yenvorth.   [Al.  Oxon.) 

YEATMAN,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at  Emmanuel, 
May  8,  1742.  S.  of  Charles,  wine  merchant,  of  Sherborne, 
Dorset.  School,  Sherborne.  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1745-6; 
M.A.  1749;  B.D.  1756.  Fellow,  1748.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
June  5,  1748;  priest  (Bishop  of  Chester,  at  Cambridge) 
Oct.  27,  1754.  Died  Aug.  31,  1770,  aged  46.  Buried  at 
Castleton,  Dorset.   M.I.   {Hutchiti':,  iv.  206.) 

YEAVELYE,  ANTHONY.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1605;  B.A.  1608-9;  M.A.  1612. 

YEAVELYE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  sizar  from  St  John's,  c.  1594. 
Perhaps  s.  of  George,  V.  of  Glossop,  Derbs.  (1574-1620). 
B.A.  1598-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  22,  1605. 

YEAVELEY,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1614.  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas  (?  next),  of  Chapel-en-le-Frith, 
Derbs.   If  so,  executor  of  his  father's  will,  1624. 

YEAVELEY,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1589.  Perhaps  his  will  (P.C.C.)  1624;  of  Chapel-en-le-Frith, 
Derbs.;  son  Robert  (?  above)  executor. 

YEVELE,  WILLIAM.  Scholar  at  King's  Hall;  adm.  Mar.  r, 
1376.  Ord.  acolyte  (Ely)  May,  1380;  priest,  June,  1381. 
R.  of  Tythewell,  Norfolk.  Possibly  a  kinsman  of  Henry  de 
Vevele,  master  mason  and  architect,  for  whom  see  D.N.B. 

YELDARD  or  ELDER,  ARTHUR.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare, 
Easter,  1544.  B.  at  Houghton-Strother,  Northumberland. 
B.A.  1547-8;  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1552.  Incorp.  at  Oxford, 
1561;  B.D.  (Oxford)  1563;  D.D.  {do.)  1564-5.  Fellow  of  Pem- 
broke, 1550-4.  Tutor  to  Henry  and  Anthony  Denny,  with 
whom  he  travelled  abroad.  One  of  the  original  Fellows  of 
Trinity  College,  Oxford,  1556.  President  of  Trinity  College, 
Oxford,  1559-99.  Vice-Chancellor  of  Oxiord  University, 
1580.  R.  of  Hemingford  Abbots,  Hunts.,  1556-99.  R.  of 
Garsington,  Oxon.,  1563.  V.  of  Much  Waltham,  Essex, 
1571-4-  Left  writings  in  MS.  Died  Feb.  i.  1598-9.  Buried 
in  the  chapel  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford.  Will  (Oxford)  1599. 
[Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

YELLAND,  JOHN.   Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Lent,  1580-1. 


YELVERTON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Caius,  Apr. 
26,  1590.  S.  of  Humphrey,  gent.,  of  Bawsey,  Norfolk.  Bapt. 
June  5,  1575.  School,  Lynn.  Scholar,  1590-7;  B.A.  1593-4. 
Adm.  at  the  English  College  at  Rome,  1601.  Left  Rome  for 
England,  May,  1609.  A  Jesuit,  and  bore  the  alias  'Kemp.' 
Died  at  Brussels,  1612.   {Venn,  1.  140.) 

YELVERTON,  CHARLES.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Peterhouse, 
Nov.  15,  1591.  Doubtless  s.  of  William,  of  Rougham, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  Matric.  c.  1591.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  .'\ug.  15, 
1594.  Gentleman  pensioner  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  Served 
in  Ireland  under  Mountjoy;  knighted,  July  23,  1603.  Died, 
1629.  Brotherof  Edward  (1576).  {T.  A.  Walker.) 

YELVERTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens', 
Michs.  1550.  3rd  s.  of  William,  of  Rougham,  Norfolk. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1552.  Reader,  1574  and  1583.  Treasurer, 
1579  and  1585.  Scrjeant-at-law,  1589.  Counsel  for  the 
University.  M.P.  for  Brackley,  1563.  Recorder  of  North- 
ampton, 1568-99.  M.P.  for  Northampton,  1572;  for  North- 
ants.,  1593,  1597.  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Commons,  1597. 
Queen's  Serjeant,  1598.  Justice,  Q.B.,  1602;  K.B.,  1603. 
Purchased  the  manor  of  Easton  Maudit,  Northants.,  c.  1578. 
Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Catesby,  of  Whiston, 

Yemes,  Henry 

Northants.  Died  Oct.  31,  1612.  Buried  at  Easton  Maudit 
M.I.  Admon.,  P.C.C.  Doubtless  brother  of  Henry  (1544)  and 
father  of  Henry  (1581).  {D.S.B.;  T.  P.  Dormao;  Carthew, 
Launditch,  11.  498;  Vis.  of  Norfolk,  1563.) 

YELVERTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from 
Queens',  Lent,  1618-9.  Of  Nortfiamptonshire.  S.  of  Sir 
Henry(i58i), of  Easton  .Maudit,  Northants.,  Knt.  Knighted, 
May  6,  1623.  Created  Bart.,  June  30,  1641.  Married  Anne, 
dau.  of  Sir  William  Twisden,  Bart.,  of  Koydon  Hall,  Kent. 
Died  Dec.  4,  1654-5.  M.I.  at  Easton  .Maudit.  WiU  (P.C.C.) 
1655.  Doubtless  brother  of  Robert  (1618-9).  (Le  Neve, 
A/on.,  IV.  32;  Burke,  Ext.  Bart.) 

YELVERTON,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  nobleman  (age  16)  at 
Trinity,  Oct.  20,  1686.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  Henry,  Bart.,  of  Easton 
Maudit,  Northants.  (and  Susanna,  Baroness  Grey  de  Ruthin). 
B.  there. 

YELVERTON,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  Sept. 
8,  1576.  Doubtless  4th  s.  of  William,  of  Rougham,  Norfolk 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Cockett,  Knt.,  of 
Ampton).  B.A.  1579-80.  Of  Appleton,  Norfolk,  Esq. 
Inherited  estates  at  Grimston;  received  Jesuits  there; 
imprisoned,  1598.  Married  Nazareth,  dau.  of  Edmund 
Bedingfield,  of  Oxburgh.  Died  1623.  Will  dated  May  7; 
proved  {Cur.  Ep.)  Oct.  22,  1623.  Brotherof  Charles  (1591)1 
etc.  {T.  A.  Walker;  Carthew,  11.  498.) 

YELVERTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 
1544, 'Yelderton.'  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Rough- 
am,  Norfolk.  If  so,  knighted  (sic).  Of  Rougham.  Married 
Bridget,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Drury  of  Hawstead,  Suffolk. 
Died  April  26, 1601.  Doubtless  brotherof  Christopher  (1550), 
etc.,  and  father  of  Roger  (1580).  Carthew,  Launditch,  11. 

YELVERTON,  HENRY.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  (age  15)  from 
Christ's,  July,  1581  [said  to  have  studied  at  Oxford]. 
S.  and  h.  of  Sir  Christopher  (1550).  B.  June  29,  1566,  at 
Easton  Maudit.  B.A.  from  Peterhouse,  1584.  Perhaps  adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  1579-80.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1593. 
Bencher,  1607.  M.P.  for  Northampton,  1597-8,  1604-11  and 
1614.  Succeeded  his  father  as  Recorder  of  Northampton, 
1599-1623.  Solicitor-General,  1613.  Knighted,  Nov.  8,  1613. 
Counsel  to  the  University,  1614-7.  Attorney-General,  1617- 
20.  Justice,  C.P.,  1625-30.  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert 
Beale,  Clerk  of  the  Council.  Died  Jan.  24,  1629-30.  Buried 
at  Easton  Maudit.  M.I.  Will,  P.C.C.  Perhaps  brother  of 
Thomas  (1581).  Father  of  Christopher  (1618-9)  and  of 
Robert  (1618-9).   (Peile,  1.  163;  D.N.B.;  J.  P.  Donnan.) 

YELVERTON,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Nov.  9, 
1611;  Fell.-Com.  May  6,  1612.  2nd  s.  of  William,  Esq. 
(afterwards  Bart.).  B.  at  Edgefield,  Norfolk.  School,  Eton. 
Matric.  1611.  Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Feb.  2,  1611-2.  Knighted 
(as  Henry  William),  Nov.  5, 1620  [or  perhaps  Feb.  23, 1617-8; 
of  Gray's  Inn].  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  William  Barlow, 
Bishop  of  Lincoln.  Died  s.p.  Brother  of  William  (1606). 
(Venn,  i.  215;  Carthew,  Launditch,  11.  498.) 

YELVERTON,  LANCELOT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Peterhouse, 
Lent,  1557-8.  Doubtless  5th  s.  of  WUliam,  of  Rougham, 
Norfolk.  V.  of  Guist,  Norfolk,  1564-77.  R-  of  Sculthorpe, 
1564.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1550),  half-brother  of  Charles 
(1591)  and  Edward  (1576).   (Carthew,  Launditch,  11.  498.) 

YELVERTON,  ROBERT.  Matric.  Fell. -Com.  from  Queens', 
Lent,  1618-9.  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry  (1581).  Knighted, 
June  12,  1631;  servant  to  the  Queen  of  Bohemia.  Doubtless 
brother  of  Christopher  (1618  9).   (Shaw,  A'n/i.) 

YELVERTON.  ROGER.    Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter, 

1580.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1583-4.  Doubtless s.  of  Henry  (1544), 
of  Sculthorpe,  Norfolk,  Esq.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  Oct.  19, 

YELVERTON,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  Christ's,  Mar.  31, 

1581.  Probably  s.  of  Sir  Christopher  (1550).  B.  in  Middlesex. 
Matric.1581.  .Adm.at  Gray's  Inn,  Jan.  20,  1579-80-  Perhaps 
brotherof  Henry  (1581).   (Peile,  1.  163.) 

YELVERTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1569;  \i..\.  from  Pembroke,  1573-4-  Perhaps  adm. 
at  Gray's  Inn,  1574. 

YELVERTON,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trisitv, 
Easter,  1606.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  William,  of  Rougham, 
Norfolk,  Esq.  (after^vards  Dart.).  Mm.  at  Grays  Inn, 
Oct.  17,  1608.  Succeeded  his  father  as  2nd  Bart.,  Oct.  30, 
1631.  Married  Ursula,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Richanlson, 
Lord  Chief  Justice.  Died  July  19,  1648.  Brother  of  Henry 
(i6ii).   (G.E.C.,\.  146.) 

YEMES  or  YMS,  HENRY.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi, 
Michs.  1566.  Of  Norfolk.  B.A.  1571-i;  M-A.  1575-  FcUow, 

YEMES,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1575-  Perhap* 
brother  of  the  next. 


Yemes,  Robert 

YEMES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Chrtsti,  Michs. 
1575;  B.A.  1578-9.   Perhaps  brother  of  Henry  (above). 

YEO,  ROGER.  Adm.  sizar  (age  22)  at  Caius,  July  16,  1625. 
S.  of  John,  merchant,  of  Stratton,  Cornwall.  School 
(private).  Matric.  1627;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1631.  (Venn, 
I-  273-) 

YEO,  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1639  (Incorp.  froni  Oxford).  S.  of  George, 
of  Totncs,  Devon,  pleb.  Matric.  (New  Inn  Hall,  Oxford) 
Sept.  26,  1634,  age  16;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1637-8;  .M.A.  from 
Emmanuel,  1641.  Chaplain  in  Colonel  Gold's  Regiment. 
Minister  of  Brighton,  Sussex.  R.  of  Newton  Abbot,  Devon; 
ejected,  1662.  Died  Oct.  1699,  aged  82.  [Calamy,  11.  53; 
J  I.  Oxon.) 

YEOLOTON  or  YELLYTON,  LEWIS.  Adm.  sizar  at  Clare, 
Easter,  1561;  also  at  St  Mary  Hall,  Oxford.  S.  of  Thomas, 
of  Braunton,  Devon.  Migrated  to  Caius,  Jan.  24,  1563-4, 
age  20;  Scholar  in  1564;  B.A.  from  Caius,  1564-5.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  Sept.  21,  1570.  V.  of  Oakington,  Cambs., 
1570-1610.   Buried  there  Dec.  i,  1610.   [Venn,  i.  52.) 

YEOMAN,  JOHN.  B.A.  1493-4;  M.A.  1497;  B.D.  1503-4. 
Fellow  of  Queens',  1495-1504.  Of  Coventry  and  Lichfield 
diocese.  Ord.  sub-deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  18,  1495.   {Gr.  Bk,  B.) 

YEOMAN,  PETER.  Adra.  sizar  (age  21)  at  Christ's,  May  25, 
1728.  S.  of  Peter.  B.  at  Horse  House,  near  Coverham, 
Yorks.,  N.R.  School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1728;  Scholar, 
1729;  B..\.  1731-2.  Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Dec.  19,  1731; 
priest,  June  4,  1732.  C.  of  All  Saints',  Hertford.  (Peile,  n. 

YEOMAN,  RICHARD.  B.D.  1504  [according  to  Cooper,  1.  176, 
but  the  B.D.  1504  was  John,  whom  see].  C.  of  Hadleigh, 
Suffolk;  'reputed  a  devout  old  man,  well  read  in  the 
scriptures.'  Subsequently  accused  of  heresy  and  burnt  at 
Norwich,  July  10,  1558,  aged  70  (sic). 

YEMONS  or  YEOMANS,  SIMON.  Adra.  pens,  at  Queens', 
Oct.  7,  1622.  Of  London.  Matric.  1623.  Migrated  to  Oxford. 
B.A.  (Exeter  CoUege,  O.xford)  1626;  M.A.  1631.   {Al.Oxon.) 

YEOMANSON,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Easter, 
1629;  B..^.  from  Trinity,  1632-3;  M.A.  1636.  Ord.  priest 
(Peterb.)  Mar.  10,  1638-9. 


YERBURY,  HENRY.  M.D.  i66S  (Incorp.  from  Oxford^  S.  of 
Edward,  of  Trowbridge,  Wilts.,  gent.  Matric.  (Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford)  May  20,  1642,  age  14;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1645-6. 
Fellow  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1647-8,  ejected.  Studied 
physic  abroad.  M.D.  (Padua)  1654.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1658. 
Adra.  candidate,  R.C.P.,  June  25,  1659.  Restored  to  his 
fellowship  at  Oxford,  1660.  Died  Mar.  25,  1686.  Buried  in 
the  Chapel  of  Magdalen  CoUege,  Oxford.  M.I.  WiU  (V.C.C.) 
Oxford.   (Munk,\.  2g5\  Al.  Oxon.) 

YERLEY,  RALPH.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1576. 

YERLOND,  WILLIAM  (1525-6),  see  IRELOND. 

YRELONG, .   B.D.  1503-4. 

YERNEMOUTH,  JOHN.  FeUow  of  Trinity  Hall.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Mar.  7;  priest.  Mar.  11,  1433-4. 


YEROW,  see  also  YARROW. 

YEROW  or  YARO,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Sr  John's, 
Michs.  1552.  Of  Lincolnshire.  B.A.  1555-6;  'Yeare.' 
Fellow,  1557.  Perhaps  ihomas  Yarrow;  'M.A.';  ord.  priest 
(Lincoln)  May  3,  1575-6.  V.  of  Newport  Pagnall,  Bucks. 
R.  of  St  Cuthbert,  Dunstable,  Beds.,  1585. 


YETSWARTE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

YEULES  or  YULES,  JAMES.  Adra.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's, 
Mar.  18,  1646-7.  S.  of  WiUiam,  linen-weaver,  of  Diss, 
Norfolk.   B.  there.  Matric.  1647. 

YEWARD,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  1598. 

YGO,  see  IGO. 

YLTON  (?TYLTON),  WILLIAM.  B.A.  1512-3. 

YON, .   M.A.  1456. 

YORKE,  CHARLES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  June  13,  1739. 
2nd  s.  of  PhiJip,  LL.D.  (1753),  Lord  Chancellor  Hardwicke. 
B.  Dec.  30,  1722,  in  London.  School,  Hackney.  Matric. 
1739;  M-A.  1749-  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Dec.  i,  1735. 
Migrated  to  Lincoln's  Inn,  Oct.  23,  1742.  Called  to  the  Bar, 
1746-  Bencher,  1754.  Joint  Clerk  of  the  Crown  in  Chancery, 
1747.  M.P.  for  Reigate,  1747-68;  for  Cambridge  University, 
1768.  F.R.S.,  1750.   K.C.,  1754.  SoUcitor-General,  1756-61. 

YoRKE,  Nathaniel 

University  Counsel,  1757-67.  Attorney-General,  1762-3  and 
1765-7.  Lord  Chancellor,  and  P.C.,  1770.  Recorder  of 
Dover  and  Gloucester,  1764.  Married  (i)  Catherine,  dau.  of 
William  Freeman,  of  .Aspeden.  Herts.;  (2)  Agneta,  dau.  of 
Henry  Johnstone,  of  Gt  Berkhampstead,  Herts.  Drafted 
the  constitution  for  the  province  of  Quebec.  An  Italian 
scholar.  Author,  poetical.  Died  Jan.  20,  1770.  Buried  at 
Wimpole,  Cambs.  Brother  of  John  (1746),  James  (1748)  and 
Philip  (1737).   (D.N.B.;  Cussans,  i.  44.) 

YORKE,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Peterhouse,  Easter, 
1568.  5th  s.  of  Sir  John,  of  Gowthwaite,  Yorks.  (and  Lord 
Mayor  of  London).  Knighted,  1591.  Vice-admiral.  Will 
dated  June  28,  1621;  proved  Sept.  19,  1622.  Brother  of 
Peter  (1555)  and  William  (1555).  (3'.  A.  Walker;  Burke, 
L.G.;  Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1563-4.) 

YORKE,  EDWARD.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  June  3, 
1710.  S.  and  h.  of  John  (1708),  clerk.  Bapt.  Aug.  28,  1693, 
at  Rothwell.  Northants.  School,  Charterhouse  (exhibitioner). 
Matric.  1710;  B.A.  1713-4;  M.A.  1731.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
June  7,  1718;  'C.  of  Luddington";  priest,  Sept.  20,  1719; 
'C.  of  Stoke-Doyle,"  Northants.  V.  of  Cransley,  1720-44. 
R.  of  Stoke-Doyle,  1730-5.  V.  of  Oundle,  1739-59.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Courtman,  R.  of  Thorpe  Malsor, 
Nov.  II,  1729.  Buried  Mar.  17,  1759,  at  Oundle.  Father  of 
Philip  (1751).   {Lines.  Pedigrees,  1127;  H.  I.  Longden.) 

YORKE,  GEORGE.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1560. 
Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Holby,  Leics.  Possibly  of 
Ashby,  Leics. 

YORKE,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Easter,  1624. 
Possibly  s.  of  Henry,  Head  Master  of  Northallerton  Grammar 
School,  Yorks.     Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1627-8;  M.A.  1633. 

YORK,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Easter,  1659. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1662-3.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1664.  M.A. 
(Magdalen  HaU,  Oxford)  1664.  Perhaps  ord.  deacon 
(Gloucester)  1669;  C.  of  Hucking,  Kent,  1679.  R-  of  Ripple, 
1681-1712.   Died  1712.   {Al.Oxon.) 

YORKE,  JAMES.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1748.  jtb  s.  of 
Philip  (1753),  Lord  Chancellor  Hardwicke.  Matric.  1748; 
M..\.  1752;  D.D.  1770.  Ord.  deacon  (Bishop  of  Chester,  at 
Cambridge)  Mar.  10;  priest.  Mar.  24,  1754.  Preb.  of  Rochester, 
1754-6.  R.  of  Gt  Horkesley,  Essex,  1754-6.  Canon  of 
Windsor,  1756-62.  Dean  of  Lincoln,  1762.  V.  of  St  Giles', 
Reading,  1765-8.  R.  of  All  Hallows,  London,  1768.  Bishop 
of  St  David's,  1774-9.  Bishop  of  Gloucester,  1779-81. 
Bishop  of  Ely,  1781.  Died  Aug.  26,  1808.  Buried  at  Forth- 
ampton,  Gloucs.  Brother  of  Charles  (1739),  ^tc.  Masters, 
274;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

YORK,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Queens',  May  12,  1615. 
Of  Yorkshire.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  Thomas,  of  Gow- 
thwaite, Yorks.,  Knt.  Succeeded  his  uncle  Sir  John,  of 
Gowthwaite,  Knt.,  1630.  Married  (i)  Florence  Sharpc,  of 
Westmorland;  (2)  Catherine,  dau.  of  Sir  Ingleby  Daniell, 
Knt.,  of  Besvvick,  Yorks.  Died  Mar.  30,  1637-8.  Will  proved 
(York)  May  26,  1638.  (Burke,  L.G.:  Surtees  Soc,  xxxvi.  92.) 

YORKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  18)  at  Peterhouse, 
Mar.  15,  1703.  S.  and  h.  of  Thomas,  of  Gowthwaite  and 
Richmond,  Yorks.  Bapt.  Dec.  16,  1685,  at  Richmond. 
School,  Eton.  Matric.  1704.  M.P.  for  Richmond,  1710-57. 
Succeeded  his  father,  1716.  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  James, 
Lord  Darcy,  Jan.  5,  1732.  Died  s.p.,  July  14,  1737. 
Buried  at  Richmond.   (Burke,  L.G.;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

YORKE,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Clare,  1708;  from  Trinity  College, 
Oxford.  Matric.  (Corpus  Christi  CoUege,  Oxford)  Mar.  2, 
1686-7;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1690.  Ord.  deacon  (London)  Dec.  20, 
priest,  Dec.  21,  1690.  V.  of  RothweU,  Northants., 
1690-4.  V.  of  Culworth,  1694-1717.  R.  of  Luddington, 
1707-30.  R.  of  Stoke  Doyle,  1717-30.  Buried  there  July  31, 
1730.  Father  of  Edward  (1710).  (/J/.  Oj;on.;  H.  I.  Longden; 
T.  C.  Dale.) 

YORKE,  JOHN.  Adra.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  1710.  S.  of 
John.  B.  at  Cambridge.  School,  Kiston  (Mr  Scaife).  Scholar, 
I7IO-I;  Matric.  1711;  B..A.  1714-5.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely) 
Dec.  22,  1717;  priest  (Lincoln)  Sept.  20,  1719.  C.  of  Blunham, 
Beds.  Probably  V.  of  Wendon,  Essex,  1728-30.  Died  1730. 
{Peile,  II.  176.) 

YORKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1746.  4th  s.  of 
PhiUp,  LL.D.  (1753),  I.x)rd  ChanccUor  Hardwicke.  B.  Aug. 
27,  1728.  Matric.  1746;  M.A.  1749.  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Aug.  27,  1746.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1754.  M.P.  for  Higham 
Ferrers,  1753-68;  for  Reigate,  1768-84.  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Reginald  Lvgon,  of  Madresfield.  Pied  September  3, 
1801.  (Masters;  Burke;  D.N.B.;  aU  wrongly  give  date  of 
death  as  1769.) 

YORKE,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  i,  1751.  B.  in 
London.  Matric.  1751;  LL.B.  1758. 

YORK,  NATHANIEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  c.  1595-6; 
B..A.  1599-1600;  M.A.  1603.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Dec.  22, 


YoRKE,  Peter 

VORKE,  PETER.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhoi'se.  Easter, 
i5>5.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  o(  Sir  John,  sometime  Sheriff  and 
Lord  Mayor  of  London.  Adtn.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1557- 
M.P.  for  Ripon,  1588.  Of  NItherdale,  Yorks.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Inpleby,  of  Ripley,  Yorks. 
Buried  .Apr.  9,  1589,  at  St  Stephen  Wallbrook,  London. 
Will  proved  (York)  July  4,  1589.  (Burke,  L.G.;  J.  Ch. 
Smith;  Vis.  of  Yorks.;  Suriees  Soc.  xxxvi.  921.) 

YORKE,  PHILIP.  University  Counsel,  1724-33.  LL.D.  from 
Corpus  Christi,  1753.  S.  and  h.  of  Philip,  of  Dover.  Kent. 
B.  there,  Dec.  i,  1690.  School,  Bethnal  Green,  Middlesex 
(Mr  Morland).  Adm.  at  the  Middle  Temple,  Nov.  29,  1708. 
Called  to  the  Bar,  1715.  Migrated  to  Lincoln's  Inn,  July  26, 
1724.  Bencher,  1724.  Serjeant,  1734.  M.P.  for  I.ewes,  1719- 
22;  for  Seaford,  1732-34.  Solicitor-General,  1720-4.  Knighted, 
June  11,  1720.  Attorney-General,  1724-33.  Chief  Justice, 
K.B.,  1733-7.  Created  Baron  Hardwicke,  Nov.  23,  1733. 
Speaker  of  the  House  of  Lords,  1734  and  1736.  Lord 
Chancellor,  1737-56.  One  of  the  Lords  Justices  (Regents) 
of  the  Realm,  in  1740,  etc.  High  Steward  of  Cambridge 
University,  1749.  F.R.S.,  1753.  Created  Viscount  Royston, 
of  Cambs.,  and  Earl  of  Hardwicke,  Apr.  2,  1754..  Purchased 
the  estate  of  Wimpole,  Cambs.,  1740.  Married  Margaret 
Lygon,  widow,  and  dau.  of  Charles  Cocks,  of  Worcester, 
May  16,  1719.  Author,  legal.  Died  Mar.  6,  1764.  Buried 
at  Wimpole.  Father  of  Philip  (1737),  Charies  (1739).  John 
(1746)  and  James  (1748).   (D.N.B.;  Masters;  G.E.C.) 

YORKE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1737.  S.  and  h.  of 
Philip  (1753),  Lord  Chancellor  Hardwicke.  B.  Dec.  9,  1720. 
School,  Hackney.  Matric.  1747;  LL.D.  1749.  One  of  the 
Tellers  of  the  E.xchequer,  1738-qo.  M.P.  for  Reigate, 
1741-7;  for  Cambs.,  1747-64.  F.R.S.,  1741:  F.S-.A.,  1745- 
Lord-Lieutenant  of  Cambs.,  1757-90.  P.C,  1760.  Succeeded 
as  2nd  Earl  Hardwicke,  Mar.  6,  1764.  High  Steward  of  the 
University,  1764-90.  Married  Lady  Jemima  Campbell,  dau. 
of  John,  Earl  of  Brcadalbane,  May  22,  1740.  A  good  classical 
scholar.  Joint  author  with  his  brother  Charles  of  Athenian 
Letters.  Died  s.p.m.,  May  16,  1790,  aged  70.  Brother  of 
Charles  (1739),  etc.  (D.N.B.;  Masters,  274;  G.E.C.) 

YORKE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  Nov.  26,  1751-  [Prob- 
ably previously  adm.  at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  June  28, 
1751]  2nd  s.  of  Edward  (1710).  B.  Oct.  i,  1733.  »' Stoke 
Doyle,  Northants.  B.A.  1756;  M.A.  1759.  S\ibscribed  for 
deacon's  orders  (Bristol,  Litt.  dim.  from  Peterb.)  Mar.  9, 
1759.  Probably  R.  of  Kilfaghan,  Co.  Dublin,  and  V.  of 
Dunmore,  Co.  Galway,  1762-8.  Died  Sept.  1768.  (H.  B. 

YORK,  RICHARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1549. 
Probably  brother  of  Thomas  (1549). 

YORK,  RICHARD.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1565; 
Scholar,  1571;  B.A.  1571-2;  M..^.  1575- 

YORKE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 
1602.  Of  Suffolk. 

YORKE,  STEPHEN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Jesus,  Michs.  1550. 

YORKE,  THOMAS.   Resident  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  1403-4. 

YORK,  THOMAS.  B.D.  1492-3.  A  monk.  One  of  these  names 
prior  of  St  Andrew's,  Northampton,  c.  1503-23;  R.  of 
Holdenby,  1512-9.  (H.  I.  Longden.) 

YORKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1549. 
Probably  brother  of  Richard  (1549). 

YORK,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Michs.  1561. 

YORKE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 

YORK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  29, 
1704.  S.  of  William  (1672),  Vicar-choral.  E.  at  York. 
School,  Sedbergh.  Matric.  1704;  B.A.  1711-2;  M.A.  1735- 
Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1711;  priest,  June  29,  1712.  V.  of 
Croft,  Lints.,  in  1735.  R-  of  Burton,  1735.  Chaplain  to 
Lord  Morison.  (Canterbury  Act  Bh;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

YORK,  THOMAS.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  (age  20)  at  Trinity,  June 
14,  1731.  S.  of  William  (1688),  of  Burton  Pedwardine  and 
Lcasingham,  Lines.  Bapt.  there,  Oct.  4,  1710.  School, 
Lincoln  (Or  Goodall).  Married  Frances,  dau.  of  John 
Hargreave,  of  Lincoln,  Mar.  26,  1739.  Buried  at  Lcasingham, 
1782.   (Lines.  Pedigrees,  lizii.) 

YORKE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  Peterhouse, 
Easter,  1555.  3rd  s.  of  Sir  John  (Lord  M.iyor  of  London). 
Brother  of  Peter  (1555)  and  Edward  (1568).  (Vis.  oj  Yorks., 

YORKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  May  22, 
1663.  S.  and  h.  of  William,  gent.,  of  Burton  Pedwardine, 
Lines.  B.  there.  School,  Grantham  (Mr  Stokit.).  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  25,   1665.    Called  to  the  Bar,   1674- 

Young,  Arthur 

Knighted,  Nov.  8,  1674.  Married  Penelope,  dau.  of  Richard 
Samwell,  of  Gayton,  Northants.  Living,  1681,  at  Leasinghara. 
Father  of  William  (i66«).  (Lines.  Pcdipeei,  1126;  E. 
TroUope;  Slea/ord,  532.) 
YORKE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Sr  Johk's,  Mar.  7, 
1672-3.  S.  of  William,  deceased,  of  Sflbv,  Yorks.  B.  there. 
School,  Snaith.  Matric.  1673;  B.A.  1676-7;  M.A.  1680. 
Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1680.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1677; 
priest,  Sept.  22,  1678.  V.  of  St  Lawrence  and  St  .Micluiel-lc- 
Belfrey,  York,  1679-99.  Vicar-choral  of  York  Minster. 
Father  of  Thomas  (1704).   (.4/.  Oxon.) 

YORK,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sx  Johw's, 
June  23,  1688.  S.  of  Sir  William  (1663),  Knt.  B.  at  Burton 
Pedwardine,  Lines.  School,  Sleaford  (Mr  Wyche).  Adm.  at 
Lincoln's  Inn,  Apr.  15,  1689.  Married  Elizal>elh,  dau.  of 
Richard  Oates,  of  Pontefract,  Yorks.  Died  Jan.  2,  1725-6- 
Buried  at  Burton  Pedwardine.  M.I.  Father  ol  Thomas 
(1731).  (Lines.  Pedigrees,  1126.) 

YORK, .  B.A.  1490. 

YOTTON,   JOHN.    M.A.   1454-5;   D.D.  (?)  1466-7.    FeUow  of 
Peterhouse,   1455-69.    Proctor,   1458-9;  Yott>Ti.    Master 
of  Michaclhouse,  1493-5.  Ord.  priest  (Fly)  Mar.  24,  1458-9- 
R.  of   Pulham,   Norfolk,    1474-1 512.    Canon   of   Lichfield, 
1482;  of  York,  1487.   Dean  of  Lichfield,  1492.    R.  of  Roth- 
bury,    Northumberland,    1499-1512.     Died   Aug.   2,    1512. 
(Cooper,  I.  15.) 
YOUELL,  EDWARD.   Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July  14, 
1637.    S.  of  Henry  (?  1587),  schoolmaster  at  Eye,  Suffolk. 
B.  in  Suffolk.    Bapt.  Feb.   13,   1619-20.  at  Eye.    School, 
Eye   (private).     Matric.    1637;    B..\.    1641-2.    Ord.   priest 
(Bishop  of  Kilmore)  Nov.  4,  1649.    R.  of  Brome,  Norfolk, 
1661-1700.     Buried    there    Dec.    17,    1700.     Will    proved 
(Nonvich  Archd.  C.)  Jan.   15,   1700-1.    Brother  of  Henry 
(1634)  and  father  of  the  next.  (Venn,  1.  327.) 
YOUELL,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Nov.  22,  1669. 
Of   Norfolk.    S.  of   Edward   (above).     Matric.   1670;   B.A. 
1673-4;  M.A.  1677.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Feb.  1674-5; 
priest,  Sept.  1677.   R.  of  Ashby,  Noriolk,  1685-1701.   R.  of 
Carlton  and  Claxton,  1699.  Died  June  16,  1701. 
YOWLE,  HENRY.    Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1587; 
B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1592-3.    Probably  licensed  to  teach 
in   the  parish  of  Northallerton,  Yorks.,  Mar.   10,   1618-9; 
clerk;   B.A.     Perhaps  schoolmaster  at   Eye,   Sufiolk,   and 
father  of  the  next  and  of  Edward  (1637). 
YOWELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  16, 
1634.   S.  of  Henry  (?  above),  schoolmaster  of  Eye,  Suffolk. 
B.   there.    B.A.    1638-9.    Licensed   schoolmaster  at    Eye, 
Apr.  8,  1640.    Probably  R.  of  Gunlon,  Suffolk,  during  the 
troubles.    V.  of  Lowt>stoft,   1654-77.    Brother  of  Edward 
YOUELL,  HENRY.  Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1662.  Of  Norfolk. 
Matric.  1662.    Buried  at  St  Benet's,  Cambridge,  Dec.  30, 
YOWELL,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1628. 
Of  Suffolk.   Ord.  dearxjn  (Norwich)  Mar.  2,  1633-4;  pnest. 
May  25,  1635;  'B.A.'  Of  'Ebl)esham,'  Kent,  1646. 
YOULE,  THOMAS.    'B.A.  from  Cambridge';  ord.  deacon  and 
priest  (Llandafl)  Aug.  7,  1580.    V.  of  Gt  Carlton,  Lines., 
1598-1603.   R.  of  Aisthorpe,  1602-18. 
YOUNG,  ALEXANDER.     Adm.   pens,    (age    16)    at   CHRist" s, 
July  2,  1685.  S.  of  James,  merchant,  of  St  Laurence  Jenry, 
Middlesex.    B.  there.    Scho<il,  Felste<l.    Matric.  16S6;  B.A. 
1688-9;  M.A.  1692;  B.D.  1703.   Fellow,  1600.   Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  Sept.  20;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1691.    R.  of  Caldocote, 
Northants.,  1705.   R.  of  Clipston,  1707-13-   R.  of  W  ickh.ira- 
brcux,   Kent,   1713-55-    V.  of  Eastchurch,   17:9-55.    l^>™ 
Mar.  21,  1755,  aged  86.  (Peile,  11.  99;  Hasted,  m.  661-2.) 
YOUNG,  ALLEN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  June  28,  1728. 
Of  Northamptonshire.    Doul)lless  s.  and  b.  of  Ridiard,  of 
Orlingbury,  North.ant^;.   Bapt.  there,  July  21,  1711-  School, 
Oakham.     Matric.    1729.     Succeeded    to    the    Orimgbury 
estates,  1752.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Charies  Boddam.  of 
Stoke  Ncwington,  Esq.,  Dec.  18,  I75'f.   Buried  Apr.  23,  1761, 
at  Oriingbury.  (Northants.  Fam.,  360.) 
YOUNG,  ANDREW.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Piaster,  1607. 
YOUNG,  ANDREW.    Maine.  Fell.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 

YOUNG,  ANTHONY.  Adro.sirar  (age  18)  at  Pkmorokk,  June  22, 
1681.  S.  of  Anthony,  of  Hel>dcn,  Yorks.,  gent.  Matric. 
1682;  B.A.  1684-5.  C.  of  Ihomlhwiite  Chapel,  Yorks., 
1688- 1 748.  Buried  Dec.  22,  1748,  at  Hampsthwaitc. 
YOUNG,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharines,  Apr.  21, 


Young,  Arthur 

YOUNG,  ARTHUR.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Pembroke,  Jan.  22, 
1710-1.  S.  of  Bartholomew,  of  Bradfield  Combust,  Suffolk. 
LL.B.  1716;  LL.D.  1728  (Com.  Reg.).  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
July  22,  1716;  priest  (Lincoln,  Litt.  dim.  from  Norwich) 
Sept.  22,  1717.  Chaplain  to  Arthur  Onslow,  Speaker  of  the 
House  of  Commons.  R.  of  Bradfield  Combust,  Suffolk,  1720. 
R.  of  Bradfield  St  Clare,  1720-59.  Preb.  of  Canterbury,  1746. 
V.  of  Exning,  Suffolk,  1748-59.  J. P.  for  Suffolk.  Married 
Anna  Lucretia,  dau.  of  John  Coussmaker,  of  Weybridge, 
Surrey.  Author,  religious.  Died  June  29,  1759.  Buried  at 
Bradfield.  Will,  P.C.C.  Brother  of  the  next  and  father  of 
John  (1746).   {D.N.B.) 

YOUNG,  BARTHOLOMEW.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  1716.  Doubtless  s.  of  Bartholomew.  B.  at  Bradfield, 
Suffolk.  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A.  1724.  Fellow,  1720.  Assistant 
Master  at  Eton.  Buried  at  Eton,  Jan.  14,  1731-2.  Brother 
of  Arthur  (above)  and  father  of  Edward  (1742).   (Harwood.) 

YOUNG,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Trinity,  June  29,  1660. 
Matric.  1660;  Scholar,  1661;  B.A.  1663-4;  M.A.  1667. 
Fellow,  1664.  Signed  for  deacon  (London)  June  9,  1666; 
for  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  20,  1668.  Chaplain  to  EHzabeth, 
Countess  of  Northumberland.  V.  of  Enfield,  Middlesex, 
1672-81.  R.  of  Little  Raine,  Essex,  1674-  Married  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John  Goodman,  D.D.,  of  Watford,  Herts.,  Nov.  10, 
1674.  Died  i68i.   WiU,  P.C.C. 

YOUNG,  BENJAMIN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  May  15, 

1671.  S.  of  Stephen  (?  1647),  clerk,  of  Tattersall,  Lines. 
B.  there.  School,  Tattersall.   Matric.  1671. 

YOUNGE,  BENJAMIN.   Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Jesus,  Sept.  11, 

1672.  Of  Methwold,  Norfolk.  Perhaps  s.  of  Richard.  Matric. 
1672;  Scholar,  1677;  B.A.  1676-7.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich) 
Feb.  1677-8;  priest,  Sept.  1679.  Perhaps  brother  of  Ralph 
(1671)  and  probably  father  of  Benjamin  (1707). 

YOUNG,  BENJAMIN.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  25,  1675. 

School,   Westminster.    Scholar,   1676;   Matric.   1678;   B.A. 

YOUNG,  BENJAMIN.    Adm.  sizar  at  Corpus  Christi,   1707. 

S.  of  Benjamin  (?  1672),  clerk,  of  Woodbastwick,  Norfolk. 

B.  there.  School,  Norwich  (Mr  Hoadley  and  Mr  Pate). 
Matric.  1709.  Migrated  to  Caius,  June  26,  1709,  age  19. 
Scholar,  1709-12;  B.A.  1711-2.  Perhaps  V.  of  Wroxham, 
Norfolk,  1731-6.  R.  of  Woodbastwick-cww-Panxworth,  till 
1736.  Died  1736.  [But  this  may  apply  to  Benjamin  (1672) 
his  father.]   (Venn,  1.  521;  Blomefield,  x.  478;  .XI.  96.) 

YONGE,  CHARLES.  Matric.  sizar  from  Pembroke,  Lent,  1557-8. 
YOUNGE,  CHARLES.    Adm.   sizar  at  Jesus,  June   21,    1700. 

Of  Cambridgeshire.    Matric.   1700;   B.A.   1703-4;   Scholar, 

1704;   M.A.   1707.    Ord.   deacon   (Peterb.)   May   19,   1706; 

'C.  of  North  LuSenham';  priest  (Lincoln)  Dec.  21,  1707. 

V.  of  Bures,  SuSolk,  1721-30.    R.  of  Mount  Bures,  Essex, 

1723.   Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Dorset.  Died  Dec.  10,  1730. 

(Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
YOUNG,  CHARLES.    Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  May  21,  1704. 

Of   Buckinghamshire.    School,   Eton.    Matric.   1704;   B.A. 

YOUNG  or  YOUNGS,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel, 

Apr.  25,  1593.    Matric.  c.  1593;  B.A.  1596-7;  M.A.  1600. 

Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  21,  1599;  priest,  Apr.  25,  1600. 

C.  of  Carlton-by-Kelshall,  SuSolk.  V.  of  Southwold  and 
Reydon,  1611-26.  Buried  at  Southwold,  June  16,  1626. 
Will  proved  (Norwich  C.C.)  July  5,  1626.  Father  of  John 
(1620).  All  his  family  emigrated  to  New  England.  (J.  G. 

YOUNG,  CHRISTOPHER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Magdalene, 
Apr.  4,  1654.  S.  of  Robert,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  merchant. 
B.  July  24,  1636,  at  Easington,  Durham.  School,  Newcastle. 
Matric.  1654;  M.B.  1659.  Married  Sarah,  dau.  of  Ralph 
Maddison,  of  Newcastle,  Mar.  12,  1660-1.  Buried  Feb.  13, 
1691-2,  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle.  (H.  M.  Wood;  Surtees, 
1.  22.) 

YOUNGE,  EDMUND.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1623; 
B.A.  1626-7;  M-A.  1630. 

YOUNGE,  EDWARD.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1583-4;  M.A.  1587. 

YOUNG,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1605. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  B.A.  1609-10;  M.A.  1613;  B.D.  1620; 
D.D.  1639.  Fellow,  1611.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Oct.  21; 
priest,  Oct.  22,  1617.  R.  of  Grinstead-by-Ongar,  Essex,  1617. 
Perhaps  R.  of  Hevingham,  Norfolk,  1622-5.  R.  of  Heydon 
in  1628-52.  Preb.  of  Norwich,  1628.  R.  of  Hadstock,  Essex, 
1637;  sequestered,  1644;  restored,  1660-3.  Archdeacon 
and  preb.  of  Exeter,  1643;  sequestered.  R.  of  King's 
Ripton,  Hunts.,  1634-8.  R.  of  Anstey,  Herts.,  1652-61. 
Canon  residentiary  of  Exeter,  1660.  R.  of  Uplowman, 
Devon,  1662-3.  Dean  of  Exeter,  1662.  Died  1663.  Will, 
P.C.C;  left  £40  a  year  out  of  an  estate  at  Fumeaux  Pelham, 
Herts.,  for  the  benefit  of  the  poor  of  Braughing,  Herts. 
Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1623)  and  William  (1612). 
(Clutterbuck,  iii.  442.) 

Young,  John 

YOUNG,  EDWARD.  Matric.  pens,  from  Queens',  Lent,  1615-6. 
Of  Kent.  B.A.  1619-20;  M.A.  1623.  Chaplain  to  the  East 
India  Company,  1623. 
YOUNG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  15)  at  Christ's,  May  14, 
1666.  S.  of  William.  B.  at  Giggleswick.  School,  Giggles- 
wick.  Matric.  1667;  B.A.  1669-70.  Buried  at  Gt  St  Andrew's, 
Cambridge,  Apr.  10,  1670.  (Peile,  11.  4.) 
YOUNG,  EDWARD.    Adm.  pens,  at  Clare,  July  6,  1694.    Of 

Eton,  Bucks.  Matric.  1695;  B.A.  1698-9. 
YOUNG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Christ's,  Mar.  9, 
1716-7.  S.  of  Edward,  shoemaker.  B.  at  Sheffield.  School, 
Sheffield  (Mr  Humpton).  Scholar,  1717;  B.A.  1720-1;  M.A. 
1727.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  23,  1722.  Master  of 
Bridlington  School,  Yorks.,  1723.  Master  of  Sherbum  School. 
Died  unmarried.  (Peile,  11.  191.) 
YOUNG,  EDWARD.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1742.  S.  of  Bartholomew  (1716).  Matric.  1743:  B.A.  1746-7; 
M.A.  1750.  Fellow,  1746.  D.D.  (Dublin)  1764.  Assistant 
Master  at  Eton.  Clerk  of  the  Closet  to  the  Princess  Dowager 
of  Wales,  1761.  Dean  of  Clogher,  1761.  Bishop  of  Dromore, 
1763-5.  Bishop  of  Ferns,  1765-72.  Married  Alicia  Cooper, 
natural  dau.  of  Lord  Holland  (to  whom  he  owed  his  advance- 
ment). Died  at  Ferns,  Aug.  24,  1772.  Will,  Dublin.  (R.  A. 
Austin  Leigh;  Harwood,  333.) 
YOUNG,  FRANCIS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Michs.  1581; 

B.A.  1584-5;  M-A.  1588. 
YOUNGE,  FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Sidney,  May  13,   1623. 
S.  of  John,  farmer.   B.  at  Netteswell,  Essex.   School,  Latton. 
Matric.  1623;  B.A.  1626-7;  M.A.  1632. 
YOUNG,   FRANCIS.    Adm.  sizar  at  Jesus,   Jan.   29,   1638-9. 

Of  Yorkshire.   Matric.  1639;  Scholar,  1639;  B.A.  1642-3. 
YOUNGE,  GEORGE.   Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Michs. 

1606.  Of  Derbyshire.  B.A.  1610. 
YOUNG,   GEORGE.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  May  19,   1636; 

scholar  from  Westminster,  1637;  B.A.  1639-40. 
YOUNG,  GEORGE.    Adm.  scholar  at  Trinity  Hall,  June  4, 
1670.    Matric.  1669;  B.A.   1671-2.    Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 
June  2,  1672;  'C.  of  Filey,  Yorks.*;  priest  (York)  May,  1673. 
V.  of  Flamborough,  Yorks.,  1673-93.   V.  of  Speeton,  1674- 
83.    R.  of  Catwick,  1679-1719.    V.  of  North  Frodingham, 
170&-19.   Died  Jan.  20,  1719.   Father  of  James  (170S). 
YONGE,  GUSTAVE  (MACKWORTH).    Adm.  pens,  (age  18)  at 
Trinity,  July  3,  1742.    S.  of  Mackworth,  of  Archol-Hayes, 
Shrops.   Bapt.  July  15,  1723,  in  the  parish  of  ErcaU,  Salop. 
School,  Charterhouse.   (Al.  Carthus.) 
YOUNGE,  HENRY.   M.D.  1620  (Lit.  Reg.). 
YOUNG,  HENRY.   Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1623. 
Of  Hertfordshire.    Probably  s.  of  Robert,  of  Herts,   (and 
nephew  of  Richard,  patron  of  Greensted-by-Ongar,  Essex, 
whose  wiU  (P.C.C.)  1637).   B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.   Fellow, 
1629.   Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  15;  priest,  May  16,  1630. 
Probably  R.  of  Meesden,  Herts.,  1630.   Probably  brother  of 
William    (1612)    and   of   Edward   (1605).     (J.   Ch.   Smith; 
YOUNGE,  HENRY.  Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  St  John's,  June  10, 
1642.   S.  of  Henry,  husbandman,  of  Appletreewlck,  Yorks., 
deceased.  B.  there.  School,  Bumsall. 
YONGE,   HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  at  Jesus,   July  2,   1648.    Of 

Suffolk.  Matric.  1648;  Scholar,  1649;  B.A.  1651-2. 
YOUNG,  HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Jan.  9, 
1700-1.  S.  of  Edmund,  innkeeper.  B.  at  Mildenhall,  SuSolk. 
School,  Wymondham  (Mr  Clarke).  Matric.  1701;  B.A.  1704- 
5;  M.A.  1708.    Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  June  8,  1707;  priest, 
Sept.  25,  1709.   R.  of  North  Tuddenham,  Norfolk,  1710-50. 
Died  1750.   (Blomefield,  x.  269.) 
YOUNG,  HENRY.    M.A.  from  Queens',  i749-    S.  of  John,  of 
Brindle,  Lanes.,  cler.    Matric.  (Brasenose  College,  Oxford) 
June  14,  1740,  age  17;  B.A.  (O.xford)  1744.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
YOUNG,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  16)  at  Peterhouse,  June  23, 
1638.    Of  London.    B.  in   Dublin.    Schools,  London  and 
Leicester.   Matric.  1639. 
YOUNG,  JAMES.  Adm.  pens,  (age  15)  at  Peterhouse,  May  14, 
1708.    Of  Yorkshire.    Doubtless  s.  of  George  (1670),  R.  of 
Catwick.    School,  Beverley.    Scholar,   1708;  Matric.   17 10; 
LL.B.   1713.    Ord.  deacon   (York)  Sept.   26,   1714;  priest, 
Dec.   23,    1716.    Succeeded   his  father  as   R.   of  Catwick, 
Yorks.,  1719-68.   V.  of  North  Frodingham,  1719-68.    R.  of 
Halsham,  1737-68.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
YOUNG,  JOHN.    M.A.  1481.    Perhaps  V.  of  Duxford  St  John, 

Cambs.,  1490. 
YOUNG,  JOHN.  B.Civ.L.  1488-9.  Perhaps  V.  of  St  Stephen 
Wallbrook,  London,  1503;  LL.D.  R.  of  St  Mary-le-Bow, 
1505-14.  Master  of  the  Rolls,  1508-16.  R.  of  Hayes,  till 
1516.  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1512-6.  Of  Apesthorpe  and  of 
Bugthorpe,  Yorks.  Died  Apr.  26,  1516.  Buried  in  the  Rolls 
Chapel,  Chancery  Lane.  (Hennessy,  379.) 


Young,  John 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  B.A.  1535-6.  Of  Yorkshire.  M.A.  153$; 
B.D.  1546;  D.D.  1552-3.  Fellow  of  St  John's,  1536.  One 
of  the  original  Fellows  of  Trinity,  1546.  Master  of  Pembroke, 
1554-9;  deprived  for  refusing  the  oath  to  Queen  Elizabeth. 
Vice-Chancellor,  1553-4.  Regius  Professor  of  Divinity,  1555. 
Preacher,  1554.  Incorp.  D.D.  (Oxford)  1554.  Ord.  deacon 
and  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  13,  1541-2.  R.  of  Alderton, 
Northants.,  1550-6.  Canon  of  Ely,  1554.  R.  of  Stretham, 
Cambs.,  1554.  R.  of  St  Margaret's,  New  Fish  Street,  London, 
1554-6;  of  Rackhcath,  Norfolk,  1554.  Deprived  of  his 
preferments,  1559,  and  imprisoned,  1561-79;  removed  to 
Wisbech  Castle.  Died  there  1579.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1582. 
(Cooper,  I.  427;  D.N.D.;  Loder;  Al.  Oxon.) 

YONGES,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Corpus  Christi,  Micbs. 
1550;  B.A.  1553-4. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  B.A.  1551-2.  B.  in  Cheapside,  London.  School, 
Mercer's.  M.A.  from  Pembroke,  1555;  B.D.  1563;  D.D.  1569. 
Fellow  of  Pembroke,  1553-63;  Master,  1567-78.  Vice- 
Chancellor,  1568-9.  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Mar.  22,  1561-2. 
Chaplain  to  Bishop  Grindal.  R.  of  St  Martin's,  Ludgate, 
London,  1563-6.  Perhaps  V.  of  St  Giles',  Cripplegate,  1564 
[but  does  not  occur  in  Hennessy].  Preb.  of  St  Paul's,  1564-79. 
Preb.  of  Southwell,  1566.  R.  of  St  Magnus,  London  Bridge, 
1566-92.  Canon  of  Westminster,  1572.  Bishop  of  Rochester, 
1578-1605  (celebrated  in  Spenser's  Shepheard's  Calendar  as 
'Roffy,'  an  abbreviation  of  Roffensis).  R.  of  Wouldham, 
Kent,  1592.  Author,  Sermons.  Died  Apr.  10,  1605,  aged  71. 
Buried  at  Bromley.  M.L  Will,  P.C.C.  (Cooper,  u.  405; 
D.N.B.;  Loder,  237.) 

YOUNGE,  JOHN.  Matric.  sizar  from  Corpus  Christi,  Lent, 
1577-8;  B.A.  1581-2. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1580; 
B.A.  1583-4;  M.A.  1587.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1597;  of  Pembroke 
Hall;  M.A.;  now  resident  in  St  Saviour's,  Southwark.  To  be 
buried  there.  '  Unto  and  amongst  the  poore  schollars  of  the 
Little  house  in  Pembrooke  HaU...fortie  shUlinges.'  (J.  Ch. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Queens',  Sept.  i,  1592.  Of 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  B.A.  from  Sidney,  1600-1;  M.A.  1604;  B.D. 
1611.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1611.  Perhaps  R.  of  Wareham, 
Dorset,  1605.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1637.  (Al.  Oxon.,  where  he  is 
confused  with  the  next.) 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  M.A.  from  Sidney,  1606  (Incorp.  from  St 
Andrews).  [Confused  by  Foster,  in  Al.  Oxon.  with  John 
(above).]  S.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  Sea  ton,  Forfarshire,  tutor  to 
James  I.  B.  at  Angus,  N.B.  Fellow  of  Sidney,  i6o6.  Ord. 
priest  (London)  Dec.  23,  i6io,  age  25.  Said  to  have  been 
one  of  the  first  Scotchmen  to  graduate  at  Cambridge.  Preb. 
and  Chancellor  of  Wells,  161 1;  B.D.  Dean  of  Winchester, 
1616;  'D.D.';  ejected,  c.  1644.  R.  of  Over  Wallop,  Hants., 
1620-54.  Died  1654.  Buried  at  Over  Wallop,  Hants. 
Will  (P.C.C.)  1654.  Brother  of  Patrick  (1620)  and  probably 
of  Peter  (1615),  father  of  John  (1641).  (Lipscomb,  ni.  565; 
Le  Neve,  Fasti,  in.  22.) 

YONGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  22)  at  Caius,  June  9, 
1616.  S.  of  Henry,  Esq.  B.  at  Appletreewick,  Yorks. 
School,  Giggleswick. 

YONG  or  YOUNGS.  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  3, 
1620.  S.  of  Christopher  (1593).  B.  1602.  B.A.  from  St 
Catharine's,  1623.  Minister  at  St  Margaret's,  Suffolk.  Went 
to  Salem,  New  England,  1637.  Removed  to  Long  Island 
with  a  party  of  relatives  and  friends;  founded  the  town  of 
Southold  (named  after  his  home  in  England).  Pastor  of  South- 
old,  Long  Island,  1641-72.  Married,  at  Southwold,  Suffolk, 
Jane  Harrington  (1st  wife),  July  25,  1622.  Died  at  Southold, 
Long  Island,  Feb.  24,  1671-2.   (Felt.;  J.  G.  Bartlett.) 

YOUNG  or  YONG,  JOHN.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter, 
1622;  Scholar,  1624;  B.A.  1625-6;  M.A.  1629.   Fellow,  1627. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1625. 
B.  in  London,  1610.  Matric.  1625;  B.A.  1629;  M.A.  1633. 
Fellow,  1628-46.  Taxor,  1642.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Sept.  23,  1633.  R.  of  Lessingham,  Norfolk.  R.  of  Gt  Saxham, 
Suffolk,  1646;  there  in  1665.  R.  of  HerringswcU,  1665. 
Chaplain  to  the  King.  Buried  Feb.  1675,  at  Gt  Saxham. 
Brother  of  William  (1624)  and  father  of  John  (1662). 
(Harwood,  255;  T.  C.  Dale;  Lambeth  Act  Bk;  Gage,  111.) 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  Apr.  27,  1631. 
Of  Hertfordshire.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1634-5;  M.A.  1638. 
Perhaps  V.  of  Kimpton,  Herts.,  1650. 

YOUNGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  July  i, 
1641.  S.  of  John  (1606),  D.D.,  Dean  of  Winchester.  B.  at 
St  Martin-iii-the-FieUls,  London.  Schools,  Winchester 
Wells  and  Ringwood,  Hants.  Matric.  1641;  M.A.  1641-2 
(LU.  Reg.).  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  1641. 

Young,  Philip 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sirar  (age  17)  at  Sidney,  Apr.  18,  1648. 

S.  of  John,  Esq.   B.  at  Offord,  Hunts.  Schools,  Huntingdon 

(Mr  Taylour)  and  Hitchin  (Mr  Kemp).    Matric.  1649;  B.A. 

1651-2;  M.A.  1655.    Perhaps  hcence  (Lambeth)  to  preach 

at  St  Lawrence,  Thanet,  Kent,  Mar.  27,  1663;  V.  there,  1663; 

YOUNG,  JOHN.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1662. 

S.  of  John  (1625).    B.  at  Saxham,  Suffolk.    Matric.  1663. 

Fellow,    1666.     Died   of   consumption,    as   junior    Fellow. 


YONGE,  JOHN.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  July  2, 
1670.  S.  of  John,  Esq.,  deceased,  of  Charles  (?  Chames), 
Staffs.  B.  there,  July  19, 1653.  School,  Barthomley,  Cheshire. 
Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Walter  Skrymsher,  Esq.  (Burke,  L.G.) 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  19)  at  Sr  John's,  Oct.  14,  1672. 
S.  of  Edward,  gent.,  of  Wiltshire.  B.  there.  B.A.  1676-7. 
Ord.  deacon  (London)  July,  1678. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  July  6,  1691.  Of 
Middlesex.  Perhaps  s.  and  h.  of  Samuel,  late  of  London, 
merchant.   If  so,  adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple,  Dec.  18,  1694. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius,  July,  1727.  S. 
of  John,  grazier,  of  Northwold,  Norfolk.  B.  there.  Schools, 
Wymondham  and  Bexwell  (private).  Matric.  1727;  Scholar, 
1727-8.  (Venn,  11.  28.) 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  St  John's,  Dec.  14,  1732. 
S.  of  J.,  of  Kent.  B.  at  Biddenden.  School,  Sutton,  Kent 
(Mr  Fletcher).  Matric.  1733;  B.A.  1736-7.  Ord.  deacon 
(Lincoln)  May  28,  1738.  C.  of  North  Reston,  Lines.,  1738. 

YOUNG,  JOHN.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1746. 
S.  of  Arthur  (1710).  Matric.  1747;  B.A.  1750-1;  M.A.  1754; 
D.D.  1777.  Fellow,  1750.  Fellow  of  Eton,  1776.  Ord. 
deacon  (Ely)  May  24;  priest,  Dec.  25,  1752.  Preb.  of 
Worcester,  1768-86.  Died  May  20,  1786,  from  an  accident 
when  hunting  with  the  King's  hounds.  Admon.,  P.C.C. 
Brother  of  Arthur,  the  well-known  agricultural  writer  (for 
whom  see  D.N.B.).  (Harwood,  334;  G.  Mag.) 

YOUNG,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  Jan.  21,  1627-8. 
Of  Kent.  Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1633-4.  R.  of  Frinton,  Essex, 
1639;  resigned  same  year. 

YOUNG,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  June  27,  1662. 
[Perhaps  s.  of  Edward.]  School,  Westminster.  Matric.  1662; 
Scholar,  1663.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

YOUNG,  JOSEPH.  Adm.  pens,  at  Christ's,  Dec.  3,  1663.  S. 
of  Barnabas.  B.  at  Southwark,  Surrey.  School,  St  Saviour's. 
Matric.  1664;  B.A.  1667-8;  M.A.  1671. 

YONGE,  NATHANIEL.  Adm.  pens,  at  Emmanuel,  1623. 
Matric.  1623;  B..\.  1626-7. 

YOUNG,  NICHOLAS.  B.A.  1500. 

YOUNGE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Magdalene,  Easter, 
1561.  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Oct.  22,  1572.  R.  of 
Assington,  Suffolk,  1573-84.  R.  of  Hollon,  1584.  One  of 
these  names  V.  of  Charing,  Kent,  1565-82.  Died  1582. 

YONGE,  NICHOLAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  St  Catharink's, 
Easter,  1670. 

YOUNG,  PATRICK.  M.A.  1620  (Incorp.  from  St  Andrews). 
5th  s.  of  Sir  Peter,  of  Seaton,  Fori.irshire,  Knt.  B.  thert, 
1584.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1605.  Chaplain  of  All  Souls  College, 
Oxford,  1605.  Keeper  of  the  King's  library  at  St  James'. 
Employed  at  Court  as  Corresp-jndent  with  foreign  rulers. 
Preb.  of  Chester,  1613.  Preb.  and  treasurer  of  St  Paul's, 
1621.  Latin  secretary  to  John  Williams,  afterwards  .Arch- 
bishop. R.  of  Hayes,  Middlesex,  1623-47,  scqucsferfd. 
R.  of  Llany-nys,  Denbigh,  1634.  Selected  by  .Soldrn  for  the 
examination  of  the  .•^rund'.'lian  marbles;  cntnisted  with  the 
revision  of  the  Alexandrian  codex  of  the  Septuagint  and 
other  Greek  manuscripts.  Librarian  successively  to  IMnce 
Henry,  James  I  and  Charles  I.  Author,  biblical.  Died  Sept. 
7,1652.  Buried  at  Bromfield,  Essex.  Brother  of  John  (1606) 
and  probably  of  the  next.  (Al.  Oxon.;  D.N.B.) 

YOUNG,  PETER.  M.A.  1615  (on  King's  visit).  Probably  s.  of 
Sir  Peter,  of  Seaton,  Forfarshire.  Knighted,  Sept.  23,  1627. 
by  the  King  of  Sweden,  in  Prussia.  Grntleroan  usher  ana 
dailv  waiter  to  the  King  of  England.  Prob.ibly  brother  of 
Patrick  (above)  and  of  John  (1606).  (Shaw,  Knls.,  11.  193.) 

YONGE,  PHILIP.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  Trinity,  July  i.  1728. 
S.  of  Francis,  of  Portug.Al.  B.  at  Uslxin.  Sdiool,  West- 
minster. Matric.  1728;  Scholar,  1720;  B..\.  i73»-2;  M-A. 
1735;  D.D.  (Lit.  Keg.)  1750.  Fellow,  1754.  \\iH\c  Orator, 
1746-52.  Master  of  Jesus,  1752-8.  Vicc-Chanccllor,  i75»-4. 
Ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  June  i,  1735.  V.  of  Harrington, 
Cambs.,  1748.  V.  of  Ov-er,  Carahs.  I'rrb.  of  Westminster, 
1750.  R.  of  Loughton,  Bucks.,  175a.  tjnon  of  St  Paul's, 
1754-61.  R.ofTherfuld,  Hcru.,  1757-62-  Bishop  of  Bristol, 
1758.  Bishop  of  Norwich,  1761-83.  Died  Apr.  33,  1783. 
WiU  proved  (P.C.C.)  Apr.  30,  178J. 


Young,  Ralph 

YOUNGE,  RALPH.    Adm.  sizar  (age  t6)  at  Christ's,  July  5, 

1634.     S.   of   John.     B.   at    Lutterworth,    Leics.    Schools, 

Cambridge  (private)  and  Hinckley  (Mr  Vines).  Matric.  1634; 

B.A.  1638-q.    Perhaps  V.  of  Easton  Weston,  Northants., 

1652-61.  Died  1661.   (T.  P.  Dorman.) 
YOUNG,  RALPH.    Adm.  sizar  (age  16)  at  Christ's,  Dec.  5, 

1671.    S.  of   Richard.    B.  at   Methwold,  Norfolk.    School, 

Thetford   (Mr   Keene).    Matric.   1672;   B.A.   1675-6.    Ord. 

deacon    (Norwich)   Sept.    1677;   priest,   Sept.    1678.    C.  of 

Northwold,   Norfolk.    V.  of  Lakenheath,  Suffolk,   1683-9. 

Died  1689.   Perhaps  brother  of  Benjamin  (1672).   (Peile,  11. 

YONGE,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

i486;  B.A.  1491-2;  M.A.  1494;  B.D.  1502-3.   Fellow.   Ord. 

sub-deacon  (Ely)  Apr.  18,  1495.     Will  of  Richard  Young, 

'clerk;  Norf.  diocese,'  1536. 
YOUNG,  RICHARD.  B.Civ.L.  1534-5- 
YOUNG,  RICHARD.   Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Lent,  1563-4; 

B.A.    1565-6;   M..\.   from    Magdalene,   1569.    Ord.  deacon 

(Ely)  Sept.  21;  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  27,  1567;  'aged  33; 

married;  preacher;  resides.'    V.  of  Luddington,  Lines.,  and 

Bratoft,   1574.    Perhaps  chaplain  of  Lincoto's  Inn,   1594- 

1610;  Vonge.   {Lib.  Cler.  Lincoln,  1576.) 
YOUNG,  RICHARD.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
1631.   Matric.  1631;  B.A.  1635-6;  M.A.  1639.   Fellow,  until 
1636;  resigned  and  became  Conduct.   R.  of  East  and  West 

Wretham,  Norfolk,  1640.   (Haneood.) 
YOUNG,  RICHARD.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's,  1638.  Of 

YOUNGES,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Queens',  Easter,  1583. 

Of  Suffolk.  B.A.  from  Trinity,  1586-7. 

YOUNGE,  ROBERT.   M.A.  1612-3  (on  King's  visit). 

YOUNGE,  ROBERT.  Matric.  sizar  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1647. 

YOUNG,  ROBERT.  Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton,  1661. 
B.  at  Kingston,  Surrey.  Matric.  1663;  B.A.  1666-7;  M.A. 
1670.  Fellow,  1665.  Assistant  Master  at  Eton.  Fellow  of 
Eton,  1603.  Licence  (Lambeth)  to  receive  holy  orders 
(deacon  and  priest)  Feb.  22,  1672-3.  Domestic  chaplain  to 
Prince  Rupert.  Canon  of  Windsor,  1673.  R.  of  Everdon, 
Northants.,  1684-1716.  Licence  (Vic.  Gen.  Cant.)  Sept.  1674, 
to  marry  Mrs  Dorothy  Mountague  of  Eton,  spinster.  Died 
Aug.  10,  1716.   (Baker,  i.  367;  Harwood.) 

YOUNGE,  ROBERT.  Adm.  pens,  (age  20)  at  Sidney,  June  18, 
1723.  S.  of  Richard,  grazier.  B.  at  Woodham  Ferrers, 
Essex.  School,  Felsted.  Matric.  1723;  B.A.  1726-7.  One 
of  these  names  R.  of  Little  Wratting,  Sufioik,  till  1761. 

YOUNG,  ROGER.  Adra.  at  King's  (age  18)  a  scholar  from  Eton, 
Aug.  13,  1541.   Of  London.   Left  before  1544. 

YONGE,  ROGER,  .^dm.  pens,  at  Jesus,  Apr.  15,  1646.  Of 
Suffolk.  S.  of  Thomas  (1644),  Master  of  Jesus.  Matric.  1646; 
Scholar,  1647;  B.A.  1649-50;  M.A.  1653.  Fellow,  1650-5. 
Ord.  (4th  London  Classis)  May  14,  1657.  Afterwards  con- 
formed. Received  Litl.  dim.  (Lambeth)  to  be  ord.  deacon 
and  priest,  Apr.  5,  1676;  C.  of  Hepworth,  Suffolk.  V.  of  St 
Laurence,  Ipswich,  1676-82.  V.  of  Dedham,  Essex,  1678-9. 
R.  of  Lavenham,  Suffolk,  1680-8.  Brother  of  Thomas 
(1634).   {Lambeth  Act  Bk;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

YOUNGES,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Mlchs. 
1611.  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  May  30,  1626. 

YOUNGE,  SAMUEL.  Matric.  pens,  from  Clare,  Lent,  1693-4; 
B.A.  1696-7. 

YOUNG,  STEPHEN.    B.A.  from  Trinity,  1647;  previously  at 

Oxford.    Matric.  (All  Souls,  Oxford)  Apr.  5,  1643,  age  17. 

Migrated  to  Cambridge,  1647.    Perhaps  father  ot  Benjamin 

(1671).   {Al.  Oxon.) 
YOUNG,  THOMAS.   Adm.  pens,  at  Peterhouse,  June  2,  1565. 

Matric.  1565;  B.A.  from  Pembroke,  1569-70;  M.A.  1573; 

B.D.   1580.    Ord.  priest  (Worcester)   Apr.   1,   1571.    R.  of 

Gt  Broughton,  Hunts.,   1574-1601.    R.  of  King's  Ripton, 

1587-1601.   Died  1601.  Will,  P.C.C. 
YOUNGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  King's,  Michs.  1582. 
YOUNGE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  sizar  from  Clare,  Easter,  1609. 

YOUNGE,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1612. 

One  of  these  names  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  George,  of  York,  Knt.; 

adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Aug.  11,  1614.  {Vis.  of  Yorks.,  1612.) 
YOUNGE,    THOMAS.     Matric.    pens,    from    Corpus    Christi, 

Easter,  1634.    Of  Essex.    S.  of  Thomas  (next),  Master  of 

Jesus.    B.A.   1637-8;   M.A.   1641.    Fellow  of  Jesus,   1645. 

Buried  at   Stowmarket,   Suffolk,    1647.    Brother  of   Roger 

YOUNG,   THOMAS.    M.A.    1644   (Incorp.   from   St   Andrews). 

S.  of  William,  minister  of  Luncarty  and  Redgorton,  Perth- 

YouNG,  William 

shire.  B.  1587,  at  Luncarty.  School,  Perth.  M.A.  (St 
Andrews)  1606;  D.D.  (Cambridge)  1649.  Intruded  Master 
of  Jesus,  Apr.  12,  1644;  deprived,  1650.  Private  tutor  to 
John  Milton,  c.  1618-20,  who  corresponded  with  him  and 
apparently  visited  him  at  Stowmarket.  Chaplain  at  Ham- 
burg, 1622-8.  V.  of  St  Peter  and  St  Mary,  Stowmarket, 
Suffclk,  1628.  Polemical  divine.  Took  a  leading  part  in  the 
controversy  occasioned  by  the  'Humble  Remonstrance'  of 
Joseph  Hall,  bishop  of  Norvnch,  1640.  Member  of  the 
Westminster  Assembly,  1643.  Author,  Dies  Domenica. 
Died  Nov.  28,  1655.  Buried  at  Stowmarket.  M.I.  Will 
(P.C.C.)  1656.  Father  of  Thomas  (above)  and  Roger  (1646). 

YOUNGE,  THOMAS.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  10, 
1739.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Yorkshire.  B.  at  Sheffield. 
School,  Sheffield.  Matric.  1740;  B.A.  1743-4;  M.A.  i747. 
One  of  these  names,  M.D.,  of  Sheffield,  died  Dec.  14,  1784- 
(F.M.G.,  714.) 

YOUNG,  THOMAS  PATRICK.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Caius, 
June  3,  1741.  S.  of  Thomas,  brewer,  of  Oxburgh,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  Schools,  Northwold,  Norfolk  (private)  and  Ely. 
Scholar,  1741-8;  Matric.  1742;  B.A.  1744-5;  M.A.  1748; 
D.D.  1765.  Fellow,  1751-64.  Bursar,  1760-2.  D.D.  (Dublm) 
1768.  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  Dec.  22,  1745;  'C.  of  Brock- 
dish';  priest  (Ely)  June  5,  1748.  V.  of  Necton,  Norfolk, 
1749-51  and  again,  1752.  R.  of  Northchurch  (Berkhampsted 
St  Mary),  Herts.,  1763-78.  Chaplain  to  Lord  Townshend. 
F  S  A.,  1769.  Preb.  of  Westminster,  1771-8.  Died  Sept.  5, 
1778.  M.I.  at  Swaffham,  Norfolk.  WUl,  P.C.C.  Benefactor 
to  the  College.  (Kenn,  11.  49.) 

YOUNG,  WALTER.  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke,  Michs.  1580. 
Perhaps  2nd  s.  of  Edward,  of  Stratton  Audley,  Oxon.  If  so, 
of  Bcsford,  Worcs.  Married  and  had  issue.  Ancestor  of  the 
Youngs  of  Orlingbury,  Northants.  Buried  Oct.  7,  i6i5.  a' 
Besford.   {Vis.  of  Worcs.,  1569;  Northants.  Fam.,  359.) 

YONGE,  WALTER.  Adm.  pens,  (age  19)  at  St  John's,  Oct.  5, 
1748.  S.  of  Vernon,  attorney,  of  Staffordshire.  B.  atChames, 
near  Eccleshall.  School,  Shrewsbury.  Matric.  1748-9- 
Married  Hester,  dau.  of  Weston-Church  Bailey,  Esq.,  of 
Madelcy,  Staffs.,  1752.   (Burke,  L.G.) 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.  Fellow  of  Corpus  Christi.  Ord.  priest 
(Ely)  May  27,  1374- 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.   B.Civ.L.  1524-3- 

YOUNG,  V/ILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19^  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Sept.  9,  1562.  Of  Bristol.  Matric.  1562.  Name  oflE  in 
1563.  'Afterwards  a  soldier  at  Newhaven.'   (Harwood.) 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  at  King's  (age  19)  a  scholar  from 
Eton,  Aug.  27,  1576.  Of  St  Bees,  Cumberland.  Matric.  1576; 
B.A.  1580-1.  Fellow,  1579-80. 
YOUNG,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  c.  1596. 
Migrated,  after  three  years,  to  Oxford.  B.A.  (Magdalen  Hall, 
Oxford)  1600. 
YONGE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity,  Michs.  1601; 

B.A.  1605-6. 
YOUNGE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1607;  B.A.  1610-1;  M.A.  1614. 
YOUNGE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1612; 

B.A.  1615-6;  M./\.  1619. 

YOUNGE,  WILLIAM.    Matric.  pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter, 

1612.  01  Hertfordshire.   Probably  s.  of  Robert  (and  nephew 

of   Richard,   patron  of  Greensted-by-Ongar,   Essex,  whose 

wiU  (P.C.C.)  1637).   B.A.  1615-6;  M.A.  1619.   FeUow,  1616. 

R.  of   Greensted-by-Ongar,   Essex,   till    1641.    Died    1641. 

Probably  brother  of  Henry  (1623)  and  Edward  (1605). 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  King's,  a  scholar  from  Eton, 

1624.   B.  in  London,  1609.    Matric.  1624;  B..^.  1628;  M.A. 

1633.    Fellow,   1627-31.    Master  of  Camberwell  Grammar 

School,  Surrey,  1638-44.  Brotherof  John  (1625).  (Harwood.) 

YOUNGE,  WILLIAM.  Matric.  sizar  from  Trinity,  Easter,  1634; 

B.A.  from  Magdalene,  1641.   One  of  these  names  Master  of 

Sheffield  Grammar  School,  Yorks.,  1645-8. 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.    Adm.  pens,  at  Trinity,  Apr.  30,  1640. 

Matric.  1640;  B.A.  1643-4.    Licensed  to  practise  medicine, 

1646.     Perhaps    R.   of   Salcott-Videy,   Essex,    1662;    M.D. 

Died  1663.  (One  of  these  names,  'B.A.,'  V.  of  Crowle,  Lines., 


YONG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Foll.-Com.  (age  17)  at  Caius,  June  21, 

1664.     S.   of    Philip,   of   Caynton    (in    Edgmond),   Shrops. 

School,   Westminster.    Matric.    1664.    Adm.   at   the   Inner 

Temple,  June  13,   1666.    Called  to  the  Bar,  1679  (?  1676). 

Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Hartopp,  of  Rotherby, 

Leics.   Died  1705.   Will,  Lichfield;  to  be  buried  at  Egmond. 

(Venn,  i.  422;  Vis.  of  Shropshire,  1663.) 

YOUNGE,   WILLIAM.    Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,   1694.    Of 

Canterbury,    S.  of  Thomas,  merchant.    B.  at  Canterbury. 


Young.  William 

School,  Canterbury  (Mr  Atkins).  Matric.  1695.  Migrated 
to  St  John's,  I""eb.  9,  1696-7,  age  19.  B.A.  1698-9;  M.A. 
1702.  Orel,  deacon  (Lincoln,  Liit.  dim.  from  Canterbury) 
Sept.  22,  1700.  V.  of  Sarre,  Kent,  1701-27.  V.  of  Chislet, 
1705-27.  V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Isle  of  Thanet.  Chaplain  to 
Lord  Berkeley.  Died  Aug.  30,  1727. 

YOUNGE,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  18)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  13, 
1699.  S.  of  Thomas,  deceased,  of  Cheadle,  Staffs.  School, 
Sl.ifford  (Mr  Taylcr).  Matric.  1699;  Scholar,  1702;  B.A. 
1702-3;  M..\.  1706. 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  Cl.\re,  Oct.  13,  1743. 
Doubtless  s.  of  William,  physician,  of  the  West  Indies. 
B.  1725,  in  Antigua,  West  Indies.  Matric.  1743.  Lieut. - 
Governor  of  Dominica.  Purchased  the  manor  of  Delaford- 
in-Ivcr,  Bucks.  Created  Bart.,  May  2,  1/69.  Married 
(i)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Charles  Fagge;  (2)  F.lizabelh,  dau.  of 
Brook  Taylor,  D.C.L.,  of  Bifrons,  Kent.  Died  Apr.  8,  1788, 
aged  63.   Will,  P.C.C.  {G.E.C.,  v.  153.) 

YOUNG,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  pens,  (age  17)  at  Caius,  Feb.  18, 
1745-5.  S.  of  Benjamin,  attorney,  late  of  Swaffham,  Norfolk. 
B.  there.  School,  Seaming  (Mr  Brett).  Matric.  1745-6; 
Scholar,  1746-50;  B.A.  1749-50;  M.A.  1753-  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  May  24,  1751;  'C.of  Necton';  priest  (K\y,Litt.dim. 
from  Norwich)  Sept.  24,  1752.  R.  (and  patron)  of  Holme 
Hale  with  Necton,  Norfolk,  1752-94;  of  North  Pickenham, 
1784-94.  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  Thomas  Pigge.  Died  Feb.  27, 
I7Q4.   M.I.  at  Necton.   {Venn,  11.  57.) 

YONGE,  WILLIAM.  LL.D.  1749  {Com.  Reg.).  S.  of  Sir  Walter, 
3rd  Bart.,  of  Colyton,  Devon.  M.P.  for  Honiton,  1715-54; 
for  Tiverton,  1754.  Commissioner  of  revenue  in  Ireland, 
1723.  Commissioner  of  Treasury  in  Great  Britain,  1724-7 
and  1730.  K.B.,  1725.  Secretary  at  War,  173s.  Joint  Vice- 
Treasurer  of  Ireland,  1746.  F.R.S.,  1748.  A  firm  supporter 
of  Sir  Robert  Walpole.  Married  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  Samuel 
Heathcotc,  of  Hackney,  Middlesex;  {2)  Anne.dau.ofThom.is, 
Lord  Howard  of  Effingham.  Acquired  a  reputation  as  a 
rhyming  wit.  Collaborated  with  Broome  and  Concanen  in 
converting  the  old  comedy  The  Jovial  Crave  by  Richard 
Brome  into  a  comic  opera.  Died  Aug.  10,  1755.  Buried  at 
Colyton.  (D.-V.fi.) 

YOUNG  or  YONGE, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1466- 

7.  One  Robert  Yonge,  M.A.,  R.  of  Long  Ditton,  Surrey,  1490. 

YOUNG, .  B.A.  1489-90. 

YOUNG, .  B.Civ.L.  1489-90. 

YOUNG, .  B.A.  1526-7. 

YOUNG, .  Adm.  pens,  at  King's,  Michs.  1581. 

YOUNG, .  FeU.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1591-2. 

YOUNG, .  Fell.-Com.  at  Jesus,  1596-7. 

YOUNG, .  Fell. -Com.  at  Jesus,  1599-1600. 

YOUNG, .   Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's,  1623. 

YOUNGER,   HENRY.    Adm.  pens,  (age   17)  at  Caius,   1620. 

ZoucH,  Henry 

S.  of  William  (1593),  R.  of  South  Walsham,  Norfolk.  B. 
there.  Bapt.Aug.  14,  1603,3!  St  .Mary's,  S.  Walsham.  School, 
Norwich  (Mr  Townley).  Matric.  1620;  Scholar,  1621-2; 
B..\.  1636-7;  M.A.  1640.  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Feb.  18; 
priest,  Feb.  19,  1626-7.  Probably  R.  of  Covehithe  and 
North  H.des,  Suffolk,  1638.  R.  of  Southwold,  1638.  Minister 
of  South  Klmham  St  Peter,  1645;  of  UKgesh.-ill  and  Sottertev, 
1646.  V.  of  Blvthburgh,  1646.  V.  of  Wymondham,  Norfolk, 
1660-3.  V.  of  South  Wilsham  St  Lawrence,  1662-71.  V.  of 
St  Mary's,  South  Walsham,  1665.  Chaplain  to  the  Bifhop 
of  Chester.  Married  Ruth.  dau.  of  John  Thacker,  of  Norwich, 
draper,  in  1638.  Died  1671.  Will  proved  (Norwich)  1671. 
Brother  of  William  (1625).  {Venn,  i.  254;  T.  C.  Dale.) 

YOUNGER,  ROBERT.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1561 ; 
Scholar.   Perhaps  of  Pickering  Lythe,  Vorks. 

YOUNGER,  SIMON.  B.A.  from  Clare.  1604-5.  B.  at '  Ramsey, 
Hants."  M.A.  1608.  Incorp.  at  Oxford,  1626.  Ord.  deacoo 
(London)  May  22;  priest,  Dec.  17,  1608,  aee  23.  C.  of  Crow- 
hurst,  Surrey.  R.  of  Emberton,  Bucks.,  1631-58.  Died  1658. 

YOUNGER,  THOMAS.   Matric.  pens,  from  Jesi;s,  Michs.  1559. 

YOUNGER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  at  Emmani-el,  Apr.  25, 
1593.  Matric.  c.  I5'v6;  B.A.  1506-7;  M.A.  1600.  Ord.  deacon 
(Norwich)  Mar.  25,  age  24;  'C.  of  Diss";  priest,  Sept.  29, 
1597.  R.  of  South  Walsham,  Norfolk,  1612-31.  Author, 
Sermon.  Father  of  the  next  and  of  Henry  (1620).  {Cooper, 
II.  310.) 

YONGER,  WILLIAM.  Adm.  sizar  (age  20)  at  Caius,  Au?.  IJ, 
1625.  S.  of  William  (above),  clerk.  Bapt.  May  21,  1605.  at 
St  Mary's,  South  Walsham,  Norfolk.  Matric.  1627,  Scholar 
1628-31;  B..^.  1628-9;  M.A.  1632.  College  Ubrariin. 
Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  Feb.  26,  1631-2.  R.  of  Gt  Melton, 
Norfolk,  1649-61.  Died  Mar.  6,  1661-2,  aged  56.  M.I.  at 
Melton.  Brother  of  Henry  (1620).  {Venn,  1.  273;  Lc  Neve, 
Mon.,  III.  52.) 

YONGER, .  B.A.  1462-3. 

YONGER, .  B.A.  1477-8. 

YOUNGLOVE,    JAMES.     Matric.  sizar   from   Clare,   Easier, 

YOWARD,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Jesus,  Easter,  1560. 

One  of  these  names  s.  of  Robert,  of  Basedale,  Yorks.   {Vis. 

of  Yorks.,  1584.) 

YSAYE, .  Com.  for  M.A.  or  higher  degree,  1467-8. 

YULE,  see  YOUELL. 
"YULES,  see  YEULES. 
YUTFORTH, .  Pens,  at  Conville  Hall,  1490-1.  Probably 

."Nicholas  Woodforth,  canon  of  Beeston  Priory,  Norfolk. 

YVOR,  JOHN.  King's  scholar:  adm.  May  7,  I344.  as  a  super- 
numerary; removed,  Sept.  25,  1359. 




ZOECKELL,  JOHN.   B.A.  1640  (Incorp.  from  Leipzig). 

ZOMERE,  JAMES.  Matric.  pens,  from  Trinity  Hall,  Easter, 
1568.   .A  Fleming  from  Ghent. 

ZOUCH,  CHARLES.  Adm.  sizar  (age  17)  at  Trinity,  July  3, 
171 1 ;  exhibitioner  from  Christ's  Hospital,  London.  S.  of 
Charles,  goldsmith,  of  St  Peter's,  Westchrap,  I^ndon,  and 
of  Reading,  Berks.  B.  at  Reading.  School,  Christ's  Hospital, 
London.  Matric.  1711;  Scholar,  1713;  B.A.  1714-5;  M.A. 
1718.  Ord.  deacon  (F.ly)  Mar.  13,  1714-5:  priest,  Feb.  1718-9. 
Schoolmaster  at  Haslingfield,  Cambs.,  1715.  Assistant 
Master  at  Wakefield  School,  Yorks.,  1717.  V.  of  Gt  Sandal, 
1719-54.  J.P.  for  the  West  Riding.  Married  Dorothv,  dau. 
of  Gervasc  Norton.  Died  July  27,  1754-  Buried  at  Sandal. 
Father  of  Henry  (i743)-   {I-'.MC,  783:  C.  Mag.) 

ZOUCHE  or  ZOWCHE,  EDWARD  LA.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from 
Trinity,  Easter,  1570.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  loth 
Baron  Zouche,  of  H.irringworth.  B.  1556.  M..-\.  (Hon.)  1571. 
Succeeded  as  nth  Baron  Zouche,  Juno  30,  1569.   Adm.  at 

Gray's  Inn,  1575.  Lived  abroad,  1587-93.  Envoy  extra- 
ordinary to  James  VI  of  Scotland,  1593-4-  Deputy-Governor 
of  Guernsey,  1 600-1.  Pr»^idcnt  of  Wales,  1602-15.  Com- 
missioner for  the  Treasury,  1612.  Memlicr  of  the  Council  of 
Virginia,  1609,  and  of  New  England,  1620.  Lord  Warden  of 
the  Cinque  Ports,  1615-24.  Patron  of  Ben  Jon*on  .ind  other 
poets.  Married  (i)  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Zourhc; 
(2)  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir  James  Harington,  of  Exton.  Died 
Aug.  1625,  s.p.m.  {D.N.B.;  Sithols,  111.  1146.) 

ZOUCH,  EUDO  or  GUY.  LL.D.  S.  of  Lord  Zouch  of  H.irrinf. 
worth.  Chancellor  of  the  University.  1380,  1382,  1396. 
Archdeacon  of  Huntingdon,  1393-1414.  R.  of  Milton. 
Cambs.,  1401-3.  V.  of  Hogsthorp<',  Lines.,  1403.  Visitor  of 
Cl.ire  College.  Benof.ictor.  Died  1414.  (Blomchcld,  ColUtt., 
173;  Hist.  Ri-g.  of  the  I'ttiitrsity.) 

ZOUCH  or  SOUCH,  FRANCIS.  LL.B.  1628  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  Matric.  (New  College,  Oxfonl)  Oct.  22,  160J, 
age  18:  H.C.L.  1609.  R.  of  Spotisburv,  IXjrsct,  1608-c.  43. 
R.  of  KbiHslwme  Wake,  Wilts.,  1620.  {.il.  Oton.) 

ZOUCHE,  HENRY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's.  Michs.  1570. 
7th  s.  of  tii-orge,  of  Coilnor,  Deris,  (bv  his  2nd  wife  Helen 
L-ine).  Brother  of  Sidney  (i}7j)  and  "Thomas  (1570).  half- 
brother  ol  John  (i}49). 


ZoucH,  Henry 

ZOUCH,  HENRY.  Adm.  pens,  (age  i8)  at  Trinity,  Apr.  9, 
1743.  S.  of  Charles  (1711),  R.  of  Gt  Sandal,  Yorks.  B.Jan.  4, 
1725-6.  School,  Wakefield.  Matric.  1743;  Scholar,  1743; 
B.A.  1746-7;  M.A.  1750.  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  17,  1753; 
C.  of  Swillington,  Leeds,  1753.  R.  of  Gt  Sandal,  Yorks., 
1754-89.  V.  of  Greasbrough,  1754.  A  governor  of  Wakefield 
School,  1758-64.  R.  of  Tankersley,  1782-95.  V.  of  Smlling- 
ton,  1789-95.  J. P.  for  the  West  Riding.  Chaplain  to  the 
Marchioness  of  Rockingham.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
William  Spinke,  of  Wakefield.  Antiquary  and  social  reformer. 
Author,  British  Prisons,  etc.  Died  June  17,  i795-  Buried  at 
Sandal  in  his  own  garden.   (F.M.G.,  783;  D.N.B.) 

ZOUCH  or  SOUCHE,  JOHN  DE  LA.  'Doctor  of  Cambridge." 
Provincial  minister  of  Franciscans  in  England,  in  1402; 
deprived,  1405;  reinstated,  1406,  but  again  deprived.  Bishop 
of  Llandaff,  1408-23.  Died  1423.  Buried  at  Cardiff.  {H.  G. 
Harrison;  Le  Neve,  Fasti,  11.  248;  Stubbs,  Registrum,  85.) 

ZOWCHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  Fell.-Com.  from  St  John's,  Easter, 
1549.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  George,  of  Codnor,  Derbs. 
(by  his  ist  wife  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Geynsford).  Probably 
adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  1552.  K.B.,  1559.  High  Sheriff  of 
Derbs.,  1562,  1572  and  1581.  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Richard  Whalley,  Esq.  Died  before  1595.  Half-brother  of 
Henry  (1570),  etc.  and  father  of  the  next.  (Glover,  Derbs., 
11.  308.) 


ZOWCHE,  JOHN.  Matric.  FeU.-Com.  from  Trinity,  Michs. 
1578.  Doubtless  s.  and  h.  of  Sir  John  (above),  of  Codnor 
Castle,  Derbs.,  Knt.;  adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  9,  1582. 
Knighted,  Apr.  23,  1603.  Married  Maria,  dau.  of  Sir  Henry 
Berkeley,  Knt. 

ZOUCH  or  SOUCH,  RICHARD.  M.A.  1654  (Incorp.  from 
Oxford).  S.  of  Richard,  D.C.L.  Matric.  (Magdalen  College, 
Oxford)  June  22,  1648-9;  B.A.  (Oxford)  1650;  M.A.  1653. 
Adm.  at  Gray's  Inn,  May  25,  1653.  Called  to  the  Bar,  1660. 
{Al.  Oxon.) 

ZOWCHE,  ROBERT.  Licensed  to  practise  medicine  from  Clare, 

ZOUCHE,  SIDNEY.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Easter,  1575. 

8th  s.  of  George,  of  Codnor,  Derbs.  B.A.  1578-9.  Brother  of 

the  next  and  of  Henry  (1570). 

ZOUCHE,  THOMAS.  Matric.  pens,  from  Christ's,  Michs.  1570. 
6th  s.  of  George,  of  Codnor,  Derbs.  B.A.  1574-5;  M.A.  1578. 
Brother  of  Sidney  (above)  and  Henry  (1570). 

ZOUCH, .  Scholar  of  King's  Hall,  1499-1500,  until  1511. 

ZUINGLIUS,  RODOLPH.  Adm.  at  St  John's,  c.  1571.  S.  of 
Huldric.  'A  very  pious  youth  of  extraordinary  promise.' 
Died  in  London,  June  5,  1572.  Buried  at  St  Andrew's, 
Holbom.   (Cooper,  1.  306.) 




The  numbers  following  the  names  or  dates  refer  to  pages 

ABBES,  CHRISTOPHER,  i.    Add  Died  1616.    WUl  (Norwich 

C.e.)  1616.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ABBOTT,  ARTHUR,  i.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Exeter)  Oct.  23,  1661. 

C.  of  Wicken,  in  1662. 
ABBOTT,  THOMAS,  1675,  2.  Delete  Perhaps  the. 
ABELL,  WILLIAM,  1705,  2.  /IdiC.of  Kingsthorpe,  Northants., 

ABRAHAM,  WILLIAM,  3.   Delete  Perhaps  the.  Add  Buried  at 

VViiiKrave,  Nov.  5,  1663. 
ACKLAM,  DANIEL,  3.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1683. 

ACKLAND,  JOHN,  3.    Add  Probably  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

ACRED,  AMBROSE,  ^.  Add  One  of  those  reported  to  have  been 

'enticed   to  pass  over  the  seas,'   c.   1595,   by  the  papist 

Speigniomaldus.   (Foley;  Dr  Jessopp.) 
AKROYD,  THOMAS,  1705,  3.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

ACSON,  JOHN,  3.  Add  Probably  R.  of  Handley,  Cheshire,  1599- 

1643.   Buried  Dec.  24,  1643.   (Ormerod,  11.  725.) 
ADAM,    CHRISTOPHER,    1658,    4.     Add   Signed    for   deacon 

(York)  Aug.  17.  1662. 
ADAMS,   MICHAEL,   1652,  5.    Add  Fellow  of  the  CoUegiate 

Church,  .Manchester,  1674,  till  death.    (E.  Axon.) 
ADAMS,  ROBERT,  B.A.,  1511-2,  5.  Add  XKohert  Adam,  B.A., 

was  Inc.  of  VVestley,  Cambs.,  1532. 
ADAMS,   THOMAS,    1671,   6.    Add  Buried  at  St   Michael-le- 

Belfry,  York,  Apr.  10,  1722.    (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ADAM,  THOMAS,  1687-8,  6.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1696. 
ADAMS,  WILLIAM,  1640,  6.    Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Horndon-on-the-Hill,  Essex,  1650. 
ADAMS,  WILLIAM,  1698,  6.    Add  Probably  Chaplain  in  the 

Navv,  1710-5. 
ADAMSON,  JOHN,  1644-5,  6.  Add  Probably  V.  of  All  Saints', 

Stamford,  Lines.,  1662,  and  R.  of  St  Peter's. 
ADAMSON,  TIMOTHY,  7.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chichester)  Dec.  5, 

ADAMSON,  WALTER,  7.  Add  V.  of  White  Notley,  Essex,  1659. 

Of  Gt  Leighs,  1663.   Schoolmaster  at  Braintree,  1664. 
ADAMSON,  WILLIAM,   1628,  j-    Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

Mar.  5,  1636-7.   V.  of  Laxfield,  Suffolk,  1657. 
ADCOCK,  JOHN,  1712,  7.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21, 

ADDENBROOKE,  JOHN,  1671,  7.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford) 

Sent.  19,  1675. 
ADDERLEY,  HENRY,  7.  ^ii  Called  to  the  Bar,  1636.  (W.F.C. 

ADDISON,  JAMES,  7.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1720; 

priest,  July,  1721. 
ADSON,  JOHN,  8.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  Sept.  22,  1716. 

C.  of  Oundle,  171 7. 
AFFLECK,   GILBERT,   8.    Add  R.  of  Dalham,   1736.    R.  of 

Lidgate,  1740.  (V.  B.  Redstone.)  His  father  is  said  to  have 

been  M.P.  when  he  entered  Rugby  in  1719.  (L.  E.  Smith.) 
AGAR,  SETH,  9.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1701-2;  priest, 

AGAR,  WILLIAM,  1720,  9.   Add  Married,  at  Spalding,  Lines. 

Nov.  20,  1764,  Elizabeth  Thompson.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
AGGAS,   ANTHONY,   9.     Add   R.   of   Rushbrook,    1681-1721. 

Lecturer  at  St  James',  Bury.   Died  Dec.  1721,  aged  76.   M.I. 
AGAS,  EDWARD,  9.   Add  K.  of  Rushbrook,  Sutlolk,  1670-81. 

R.    of    Little    Whrlnetham,    1645-81.     Died    Jan.    1680-1, 

aged  63.    Buried  and  .M.I.  there. 
AINSWORTH,  EDWARD,  10.    Read  S.  of  Jeremiah,  of  Black- 
low,  Lanes.   B.  Dec.  to,  1649.   Add  R.  of  Dalbury,  Dcrbs., 

1674-98.     Buried   there  June   3,   1698.    (Lane,  and  Chesh. 

Ant.  Soc,  xxvii.  44.) 
AINSWORTH,  JOHN,  c.  1595,  10.   Add  Perhaps  the  one  whose 

controversy  with  Henry  Ainsworth  (1587)  is  in  Tht  Trying 

of  the  Truth,'  etc.  16x5. 
AISLEY,  JOHN,  10.    Add  Married,  at  Aycliffe,  July  :8,  1671, 

Frances  Wildborc.    Buried  at  Wolsingham,  Sept.  6,   1717. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 

ALBRIGHT,  WILLIAM,  11.  Add  S.  of  William  and  Martha, 
citizen  and  goldsmith,  of  London.  Died  Aug.  8,  1766, 
aged  75.   (Topographer,  1790,  III.  60.) 

ALCHORNE,  WILLIAM,  1647,  11.  Read  V.  of  Barling,  Essex, 
1655;  of  Broomfield,  1657-61.  Will  (Arch.  C.  of  Essex)  1701. 
M.I.  in  High  Ongar  Church. 

ALCOCK,  JOHN,  1469-70,  12.  According  to  Leach,  xxxiii.  38, 
he  was  bom  at  Hull. 

ALCOCK,  JOHN,  1656,  12.  Add  Probably  V.  of  Quadring, 
Lines.,  1663. 

ALCOCK,  JOHN,  1713-4,  12-  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 
1717.  Resigned  from  Bumsall  School,  June  7,  1753.  Buned 
there  July  8,  1760.  (J.  Parker.)  Read  Master  of  Bumsall, 
1733-53-  Married,  at  Brancepeth,  Durham,  May  21,  1730, 
Mrs  .Ann  Fountain,  of  Framwellgate,  Durham.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

ALCOCK,  JOHN,  1747-8,  12.  Read  S.  of  Peter.  Add  Bapt. 
Apr.  16,  1728.  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  21,  1752;  priest, 
June,  1753.  Buried  at  Bumsall,  Nov.  25,  1810. 

ALCOCK,  PETER,  1676,  12.  Add  Bapt.  at  Bumsall,  Aug.  j, 
1658.  Married  Ellen,  dau.  of  Chr.  Lancaster,  R.  of  Bumsall. 
Read  R.  of  Bumsall,  1689-1707.  Buried  there  June  4,  1707. 
Father  of  Peter  (1700)  and  John  (i 713-4). 

ALCOCK,  PETER,  1700,  12.  B.  at  Bumsall,  June  24,  1684. 
Master  of  Bumsall  Grammar  School,  1703-19.  R.  of  Bum- 
sail,  Sept.  20,  1708-33.  Buried  there  Oct.  10,  1733.  Will 
(York)  1733.  Father  of  John.  (J.Parker.) 

ALCOCK,  WILLIAM,  1644,  12.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chichester) 
Nov.  16,  1659.   R.  of  Tatterford,  Norfolk. 

Add  ALDEBY,  WILLIAM  DE,  12.  B.Can.L.  Priest.  Of  Nor- 
wich diocese.  R.  of  Holj-well,  Hunts.  Petitioned  the  Pope 
(1363)  for  canonry  of  Salisbury. 

ALDEM,  JOHN,  12.   Read  V.  of  Prescot.  Died  Sept.  7,  1642. 

ALDER,  JOHN,  1630,  12.  Add  Bapt.  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle, 
Jan.  9,  1613-4,  as  Auder.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

ALDERSEY,  SAMUEL,  13.  Add  Died  Feb.  12,  1802,  aged  86. 
M.l.  at  Bunburv. 

ALDERSON,  MARTIN,  13.  Add  C.  of  Little  Dunmow,  1640-9. 
R.  of  Latchington,  1649,  and  1656-fio;  of  Purlcigh,  1655-6. 
Dird  1680.   (H.  Smith.) 

ALDRIDGE,  THOMAS,  1595,  14.  Read  R.  of  Rushbrook. 

ALDRICH,  WILLIAM,  1617,  14.  Add  Subscribed  for  deacon 
and  priest  (Bristol)  Dec.  18,  1624.  R.of  Drungoon  (Kilmore), 
1633.  Married  (licence  dated  June  20,  1636)  Barbara 
Stephens,  of  Tullaghmore.   (H.  B.  Swanry.) 

ALDUS,  EDWARD,  14.  Add  WUl  (Arch.  C.  of  Essex)  1702.  as 
clerk  of  .\sheldam,  Essex. 

ALDUS,  SAMUEL,  14.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May  10,  1648. 
At  Fro^toti  in  1662. 

ALDUS,  WILLIAM,  1622,  14.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Nor»-ich)  Dec. 
20,  1629.    R.  of  Blaxhall,  Suflolk,  1653. 

ALFOUNDER,  ROBERT.  1702-3,  15.  Add  P.C.  of  St  Andrew- 
the-Less,  Barnwell,  Cambridge,  1714-20.   (F.  Ranncr.) 

ALEXANDER,  JOHN,  1744,  15.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 
Navv,  1747-57. 

ALANSON  or  ALLISON,  EDWARD,  16.  Read  Adm.  sizar  at 
Magdalene,  Mar.  26,  1679.  Add  V.  of  Nc\vton-in-Makerficld, 
1686-1731.  Buried  at  Winwick,  1731.  Will  (Chester). 
The  R.  of  Clifton  Kejnies,  etc.,  was  prolMblv  his  son. 

Add  ALLATT,  ROBERT,  16.  A  recus.int.  Said'to  Ix-  nrgistcred 
in  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  c.  1575,  from  Weslniinsler. 
In  his  old  ago  desired  to  return  to  Kngl.uid  m\A  opened 
negotiations  with  Thomas  Phcllipps,  Cecil's  cyphcrrr.  (J.  B. 

ALLEN,  ANDREW,  i6.  Add  R.  of  Chirkercll.  Dorset,  1633. 

ALLAN,  GEORGE,  1695-6,  17.  Add  Bapt.  at  Long  Newton, 
.\un.  22.  1677.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

ALLEN,  JOHN,  17.  Pens,  .it  C.onville  Hall.  1491-5  and  ALLEN. 
JOHN,  17.  (Grailu.itedin.\rtsatC>ml)ridgr.)  MiWI  pnilvibly 
the  same  man.  B.A.  1404-5;  M..\.  1408.  Fellow  of  IVtcr- 
house,  Sept.  9,  I4g6.  Sub-deacon  (Klv)  Feb.  13;  deacon. 
M.tr.  i6;  priest,  Aug.  25.  1499.   (T.  .\.  W.ilker.) 

ALLEN.  JOHN,  17.  Dtla*  (pixiUbly  B.A.  1490-1500;  M.A. 

V.  AC.  IV. 



Allen,  John 

^iiALLEN,  JOHN,  17.  StudensCantabrigiae,  1533-4,  A  monk 

of  Westminster. 
ALLEN,  JOHN,  1660,  18.  Add  C.  of  Bradwell-on-Sea,  Essex,  in 

ALLEN,  JOHN,  1661,  18.  Add  Archdeacon  and  preb.  of  Chester, 

1686-95.  School,  St  Paul's.   {Ormerod,  I.  115.) 
ALLEIN,  MATTHEW,  18.  ^iii  Perhaps  C.  of  Astbury,  Cheshire, 

in   1609.    One  of  these  names  beneficed  in  Sussex.    Will 

(P.C.C.)  1605.   (E.  Axon.) 
ALLAINE,  ROBERT,  1709-10,  19.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  May, 

ALLEN,  THOMAS,  1600,  19.  The  V.  of  Coleby  was  buried  there, 

Aug.  18,  1644,  and  his  wife  Winifred  on  Mar.  10,  1643-4. 
ALLEN,  THOMAS,  Christ's,  1669,  20.  Add  Buried  at  Thornton, 

July  10,  1710. 
ALLEN,  THOMAS,  Magdalene,  1689,  20.   Add  Probably  chap- 
lain in  the  Navy,  1711-21. 
ALLEYNE,  THOMAS,   1716,  20.    Read  Will  proved  (P.C.C.) 

ALLIN  or  ALEN,  WALTER,  20.  Add  R.  of  Rushbrook,  Suffolk, 

ALLEN,  WILLIAM,  20.    Add  One  of  this  name,  minister  of 

Westfarlye,    married    Mary   Bromston,    at   Boxley,    Kent, 

Oct.   2,    1598.    Another  was  inducted   to   Coleby,   Lines., 

Oct.  I,  1743,  an/3  was  buried  there  Nov.  20,  1748. 
ALLENSON,  GILBERT,  21.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1733-8. 
ALLENSON,  JAMES,  21.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1703; 

priest,  1704. 
ALLENSON,  MARMADUKE,  21.    Add  Died  1692.    Will  (Dur- 
ham). Delete  Mayor  of  Durham,  1684-5.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ALLGOOD,   JAMES,   21.     Add  Bapt.   at   Hexham,   July   22, 

1672.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ALLGOOD,  THOMAS,  21.    Add  Bapt.  at  Hexham,  Jan.  29, 

1661-2.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ALLINGTON,  CHARLES,  21.   Add  Probably  s.  of  John  (1622) 

and  exhibitioner  of  Uppingham  School  in  1663.  (A.  Hawley.) 
ALLINGTON,  JOHN,  1662,  22.    Add  V.  of  Wardley,  Rutland. 

Instituted    to    Ketton,    1660.     (Blore's    Rutland,    179;    A. 

ALLISON,  RICHARD,  1573,  22.  Add  Win  (P.C.C.)  1612. 
ALLISTON,  MATTHEW,  1629,  22.    Add  As  EUiston,  Minister 

of  Stanford  Rivers,  1643;  ejected,  1660. 
ALLISTONE,    MATTHEW,    1659,    22.   Add   V.   of   TiUington, 

Essex,  1667-86. 
ALLON,  SAMUEL,  22.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  July  28;  priest, 

Aug.  16,1730.  Of  Bamsley,  Yorks.V.  of  Sandbach,  Cheshire, 

1732-6.  Buried  there  Aug.  26,  1736. 
ALMOND,  ANTHONY,  23.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1718; 

priest,  Sept.  1720.  C.  of  North  Cave. 
ALMOND,  GEORGE,  1633-4,  23.  Add  C.  of  Uggeshall,  Suffolk, 

in  1662. 
ALMOND,  GEORGE,  1728,  23.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

ALSO?,  ANTHONY,    24.     Add   Married    Margery,    widow   of 

Francis  Bernard,  R.  of  Brightwell,  and  dau.  of  Rich.  Win- 

lowe,  of  Lewknor,  Oxon.  She  was  buried  there  May  22,  1718. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
ALSO?,  JOSIAS,  1628,  24.  Add  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1666; '  to  be  buried 

at  St  Clement's,  Eastcheap.   Bequest  to  the  poor  of  Norton 

Fitzwarren.'   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
ALSOP,  VINCENT,  24.   Add  Married  Elizabeth  Kmge,  dau.  of 

the  minister  at  Oakham.  Usher  of  Oakham,  1647-57.   R.  of 

WUby,  1657. 
ALTE,   WILLIAM,    25.    Read  Member  of   the   Classis.    Add 

C.  of  Bury,  1629-31.  Minister,  1645-56.  Died  Apr.  5,  1656. 

(E.  Axon.) 
ALTHAM,  MICHAEL,  26.  Read  Minister  of  Over  KeUet,  Lanes. 

Add  Ord.  priest  (Galloway)  Feb.  23,  1660-1.  C.  of  Eastwick, 

Herts.,  1664. 
ALTHAM,  ROGER,  26.    Add  King's  scholar  at  Westminster, 

1664,  and  elected  to  Christ  Church,  in  1668.   Aged  c.  66  at 

ALWYN, .    M.A.  1464,  26.    Add  V.  of  Appledore,  Kent, 

1479-82.   (F.  W.  Cock.) 
AMBLER,  LAURENCE,  26.  Read  Perhaps  C.  of  Colne,  Lanes. 
AMBROSE,  DANIEL,  26.  Add  Chaplain  of  the  Red  Lion  in  the 

Rh6  Expedition,  1627. 
AMBROSE,  ISAAC,  26.    Read  King's  preacher  for  County  of 

AMBROSE,  WILLIAM,  1626-7,  27.  Add  Another  of  these  names 

clerk,   of   Stepney,   will   (P.C.C.)    1638.     (Waters,   General 
Gleanings,  738.) 
AMERY,  JOHN,  1639,  27.  Add  School,  St  Paul's;  exhibitioner. 
AMYAS,  THEOPHILUS,  27.    Read  Perhaps  R.  of  Aldmgham, 

Lanes.,  1668-72.  Died  1672. 
AMES  or  AMYES,  WILLIAM,  1637-8,  27.    Add  One  of  these 

names  V.  of  Barking,  Essex,  1650.  Buried  Oct.  6,  1653. 
ANDERSON,  FRANCIS,  1609,  28.    Add  S.  of  Bertram.    Bapt. 

at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle,  Sept.  17,  1592.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ANDERSON,  HENRY,  1564-5,  29.   Add  Buried  at  St  Nicholas, 
Newcastle,  Aug.  6,  1605.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

Arkenstall,  John 

ANDREW,    EUSEBIUS,    29.     Read  Adm.   at  Lmcoln's    Inn, 

Aug.  II,  1620;  Barrister,  1627.   (W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
ANDREWS,  HENRY,  1717,  30.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  Feb.  25, 
1699-1700;  priest  (Oxford)  May  26,  1700.   R.  of  Pimpeme, 
1717-22.    Chap,  to  Earl  of  Lichfield.    R.  of  Holy  Trinity, 
Shaftesbury,  1717-22. 
ANDREWS,  JAMES,   1694,  30.    Add  S.  of  John,  of  Bacton, 
Suffolk,  and  Elizabeth  Chaplyn.    B.  1677.    Succeeded  his 
brother   Robert   at   Bamingham.    Died   at   Milden,    1757. 
(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
Add  ANDREWS,  JAMES,  30.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 

Dec.  28,  1721.   Of  Botesdale,  Suffolk. 
ANDREWS,  JAMES,  1721,  30.    Adm.  sizar  at  St  Catharine's. 

Add  R.  of  Brent  Eleigh,  Suffolk,  1735-64. 
ANDREWS,  JOHN,  1632,  30.    Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Purleigh,  Essex,  1645. 
ANDREW,  JOHN,  1660,  30.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Dec.  24, 

1665.  C.  of  Denford,  Northants. 
ANDREWS,  ROBERT,  1637,  30.  Add  R.  of  Chelsworth,  Suffolk, 

1647-89.  Died  1689. 
ANDREWS,  ROBERT,  1690,  31.   Add  Probably  s.  of  John,  of 
Bacton,  Suffolk.    B.  1672.    R.  of  Bamingham,  Suffolk,  till 
his  death,  1716.  Brother  of  James  (1694).  (V.B.Redstone.) 
ANDREWS,  SAMPSON,  1634,  31.  Add  Perhaps  bapt.  at  Bolton- 
le-Moors,  Dec.  17,  1616,  as  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  Little  Lever. 
(E.  Axon.) 
ANDREWS,  SIMON,  31.  Add  Chaplam  in  the  Navv,  1657. 
ANDREWS,  THOMAS,  1710,  31.   Add  Married,  at  Ebrington, 

Dec.  30,  1725,  Dorothy  Keyt.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
Add  ANGIER,  ANTHONY,   32.    Queen's  scholar  from  West- 
minster elected  to  Trinity  College,  1613;  B.A.  i6i8.    (Cole 
MSS.  XLV.  261;  C.  J.  B.  Angier.) 
AUNGER,  EDWARD,  1584,  32.   Add  Barrister  of  Gray's  Inn. 
Married  secondly  Catherine  PoweU.  Buried  in  Holy  Trinity 
Church,  Cambridge.   (C.  J.  B.  Angier.) 
AUNGIER,   FRANCIS,    1622,    32.    Add  More   probably  s.  of 
Francis  (brother  of  Edward  (1622)),  Counsellor  at  Law  of  the 
Court  of  Chancery,  Ireland,  by  his  first  wife  Frances,  dau. 
of  John  Wilkinson.   It  was  Francis,  s.  of  Edward,  bapt.  at 
Dry  Drayton,  in  1646,  who  became  R.  of  West  Peckham, 
Kent,  1667-88.   (C.  J.  B.  Angier.) 
AUNGIER,  JOHN,  1583,  32.   Read  Will,  1630. 
ANGIER,  JOHN,  1647,  32.    Read  V.  of  Deane,  till  1673,  and 

living  in  Dec.  1677.   (E.  Axon.) 
ANGIER,  THOMAS,  1648-9,  32.  The  V.  of  Little  Wakering  was 

buried  at  Dedham,  in  1719.   (C.  J.  B.  Angier.) 
AUNGER,  WILLIAM,  1568,  32.  Add  R.  of  Comberton,  Cambs. 

Died  and  was  buried  there  c.  1589.   (C.  J.  B.  Angier.) 
ANGUISH,  THOMAS,  1716,  33.   Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  I73/-8. 
Add  ANLABLY,  THOMAS,  33.    Pens,  at  Pembroke  Hall  m 

1433.  Gave  books  in  1457. 
ANSELL,   THOMAS,    1738-9,   34.    CaUed   to   the   Bar,    1748. 

(W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
ANTHILL,  JOHN,  1651,  34.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Exeter)  Oct.  22, 

1658.  Died  at  Hitcham,  Aug.  31,  1667.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ANTON,  GEORGE,  34.  Add  Called  to  the  Bar,  1584.   (W.  F.  C. 

ANTHONY,   CHARLES,    34.      Read   V.    of    Catterick,   Sept. 

APPYLBY,  WILLIAM,  35.    Add  V.  of  Norton,   1496.    Of  St 

Oswald's,  Durham,  1498.  Died  1498.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
APPLETON,  HENRY,  1610,  35.  Read  Knighted,  June  27,  1613. 

?  Served  at  Colchester,  1648. 
APPLETON,    ROBERT,    1680,  35.     Read  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Mar.  1 690-1. 
APPLETON,  WILLIAM,  1350-60,  36.    Add  M.A.    Of  Norwich 
diocese.    'Has  a  parish  church  which  is  unknown  at  Cam- 
bridge,   but   will   be   expressed    in    the    Papal   Chancery.' 
Petitioned    the    Pope,    1363,    for    canonry    of    Abergwily. 
(CaL  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  405.) 
ARCHER,  BENJAMIN,  1715,  37.  Add  Died  1767. 
ARCHER,  GABRIEL,  37.  Add  Secretary  or  recorder  in  Virginia. 
Died  there,  1609-10.    Author,  True  Relaticnt;  a  history  of 
the  Colonv.   (E.  Alf.  Jones.) 
ARCHER,  GILES,  37.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Durham)  Dec.  9,  1643. 

R.  of  Famham,  Essex,  1644-82. 
ARCHER,  HENRY,  1586,  37.  Add  Student  at  Geneva. 
ARCHER,  JAMES,   1604-5,   37-    ^^d  Licence  to  teach  boys 
music,  arithmetic,  etc.,  at  Soham,  Cambs.,  Jan.  31,    1606. 
(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ARDEN,  JOHN,  1598,38.  SAomM/oMow  ARDREN  or  ARDRUM, 

JOHN,  1564-5. 
ARDERN,  HENRY,  38.   Add  S.  of  Richard,  of  Chester.   (J.  B. 

ARDERN,  JAMES,  38.    Read  V.  of  Holy  Cross,  Canterbury, 

1662-6.   R.  of  Thomton-le-Moor,  Cheshire. 
Add  ARGENT,  CLEMENT,  39.    Student  at  Cambridge,  1459, 
studying  Canon  Law.    R.  of  Hemswelk,  Lines.    {Cal.  Pap. 
Reg.,  XI.  562.) 
ARKENSTALL,  JOHN,  39.  Add  Probably  3rd  s.  of  Richard,  of 
Wilburton.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 


Arkinstall,  Richard 

ARKINSTALL,  RICHARD,  39.  Add  Probably  2nd  s.  of  Richard 

of  VVilburton.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
ARKINSTALL.  ROBERT,  39.  Add  Probably  eldest  s.  of  Richard 

of  VVilburton.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
ARKINSTALL,  WILLIAM,  39.  Add  Probably  5th  s.  of  Richard, 

of  Wilburton.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
ARLUSH,    STEPHEN,    39.     Add    Of    Knedlington,    minUtcr. 
Married,  at  Howden,  Yorks.,  Oct.  1656,  Rebecca  Taylor,  of 
Hull.   Buried  Jan.  22,  1681-2. 
ARMETRIDING,  JOHN,  39.    Add  Bapt.  at  Leyland,  Feb.  i6. 
1707-8.    Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  172 1;  priest.  1735.    P.C.  of 

North  Meols,  1735-67.   Died  Jan.  1791,  aged  83.   Buried  at 

ARMETRIDING.   THOMAS,   39.    Add  Ord.   deacon   (Chester) 

Sept.  21.   1684;  priest.  Oct.  21,   1689,    Died  at  Leyland. 
ARMITAGE,  JOSEPH,  40.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  13, 

ARMITAGE,  ROBERT,  40.  Add  C.  of  Beeston,  Yorks.,  in  1640. 

(R.  J.  Wood.) 
ARMITAGE,  WILLIAM,  1642,  40.    No  'Sir  William'  recorded. 

?  Sir  Francis. 
ARMISTEAD,  ANTHONY,  40.   Read  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Feb. 

ARMITSTEAD,  DANIEL,  40.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June 
10,  1688;  priest,  June  15,  1690.  Read  R.  of  Melling,  Lanes., 

1689-93.  Died  July  6,  1693.   (E.  Axon.) 
ARMITSTEAD,  JAMES,  1675,  40.  Add  Probably  V.  of  Melling, 

Yorks.,  1689.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
ARMSTRONG,  JOHN,   i6i6,  41.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

July  18,  1621.   R.  of  South  Lufienham,  1633-75. 
ARMSTRONG.   JOHN,    1652,   41.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Chester) 

Dec.  22,  1660.  One  of  the  twelve  Cambridge  preachers,  1661. 

Buried  at  Cartmell.   (E.  Axon.) 
ARNOLD,  RICHARD.  1714,  41-  Add  Married  at  Wilford,  Notts., 

Nov.  6,  1735,  Catherine  Woods. 
ARNOLD,  ROBERT,   171 1,  41.    Add  Married,  at  St  Peter's, 

Notts.,  Oct.  5,  1734,  Ann  Mellor. 
ARROWSMITH,  THOMAS.  1651,  42.    Add  Probably  married 

Margaret,  dau.  of  Anthony  Barry,  gent.,  at  Syleham,  Suffolk, 

Apr.  27,  1668.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ARTHINGTON,  SANDFORD,  42.    Read  Buried  Dec.  3,  1702. 

(M.  H.  Peacock.) 
ARTHUR,  JOHN,  42.    Add  Married  Anne.  dau.  of  Miles  Corbet. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.)  R.  of  KQmegan,  Down,  1661-4.    (H.  B. 

ARUNDEL,  JOHN  DE,  43.    Add  Clerk  in  minor  orders;  wife, 

Joan;  papal  indult  (1352)  to  choose  a  confessor. 
ARUNDELL,    WILLIAM,    43.      Read   Ord.    deacon    (Peterb.) 

May  23;  priest,  May  30,  1708.    R.  of  Gt  Houghton.  North- 
ants.,  1708-18. 
ASH,  LEONARD,  1663,  43.    Add  One  of  these  names  (called 

B.A.)  ord.  deacon  (York)  June  21,  1668;  priest  (Chester) 

Sept.  22,  1672.  V.  of  Kirkby-on-the-Moor,  1687. 
ASH,  LEONARD,  1699,  43.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1703; 

priest,  1705.    V.  of  Kirk  Ella,  1705.    Read  V.  of  Knares- 

borough,    1684-92.     V.   of    Kirkby-on-the-Moor.    1687-92. 

Buried  .Aug.  30,  1716.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
ASHE,  ROBERT,  43.   Add  R.  of  Michaelmarsh,  Hants.,  1743. 

R.  of  Chalton.    Preb.  of  Winchester.    Buried  in  Cathedral 

there,  June22,  1780.   (W.  P.  H.  Smith.)  Z)«/rfe  Perhaps  V.  of 

Langlcy  Burrell.   Died  Jan.  4,  1744. 
ASH,  SIMEON,  1613,  43.   Add  Signs  a  brief  in  1650  as  minister 

at  Bassingshawe.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ASHBOURNE,  JOHN,  43.  Add  Died  at  Norton  and  buried  there 

Aug.  2,  1661.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ASHBURNE.  JOSEPH,  44.  Add  Probably  s.  of  John  (1625),  and 

bapt.  at  Norton,  in  1648.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ASHBY,   WILLIAM,   44.     Add   Chaplain    H.M.S.    Cambridge, 

ASHCROFT,  TOWERS,  45.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  171 1; 

priest,  1712. 
ASHENDEN,   THOMAS,    1665,   45.    Add   R.  of   Magharafelt, 

Armagh,  1685-6.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
For  ASHENHURST,  JAMES,  45.    Read  GEORGE.    [Mistake  in 

Trin.  Coll.  KfR.] 
ASHLEY  or  ASTLEY.  HERBERT.  45.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Kilmorc) 

May  3,  1648. 
ASHLEY,  WILLIAM,  1638-9,  45.    He  was  not  ejected  from 

Rastrick.   The  preacher  at  Hull  was  Richard  Astley.  (A.  G. 

ASHTON.  ABDIAS,  46.   Add  Brother  of  Henry  (1591). 
ASHTON,  HENRY, 46.  M«a<iS. of  Robert, clerk  (1667).  AddTiapt. 

at  Brirullc,  IhI).  24, 1685-6.  Chaplain  of  theCollegiate Church, 

MaiKhcstcr.    Died  1720.   Will  (Chester)  1720.   (K.  Axon.) 
ASHTON,  JAMES,  c.  1591,  46.  Ada  Brother  of  Abdias  (1577-8) 

in  whose  will  (1635)  he  is  mentioned  as  parson  of  Harles- 

worth.   (F.  Axon.) 
ASHTON,  PETER,  1605,  46.    Add  R.  of  Achurcb,  Northants.. 

ASHETON,  PETER,  1693,  46.  Read  C.  of  St  James",  Milnrow. 


Atwood,  Thomas 

ASHTON.  ROBERT,  1667,  47.    Read  C.  of  Brindl*.  1672-91. 

C.  at   Rochdale.   1694-7.    C.  of  Salford,   1694.    CbapUin, 

Collegiate  Church,  Manchester.  1699.   Fellow,  1703.  Buried 

Aug.  31,  1731. 
ASHTON.  ROBERT.  1672,  47-    Add  Called  to  the  Bar.  1681. 

(W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
ASHTON.  Sir  WALTER.  47.   Add  Perhaps  the  tst  Lord  Aston 

of  Forfar,  K.B.   (F.  Axon.) 
ASHTON.   WILLIAM.   47.    Add  One  of  this  name,  clerk,  of 

Bl.kcnham.   Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1625.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ASHTON,  WILLIAM,   1670,  47.    Read  Died  Feb.  15,  1731-2. 

Delete  Salford.  •* 

ASHWELL,   THOMAS.   48.    Add  A   Carmelite.    Ortl.  deacon 

(Exeter)  May  25,  1396.  Prior  of  the  Cambridge  House,  1407. 

Probably  D.D.  that  year.   Provincial  vicar,  1419.  Confessor 

to  Cardmal  Beaufort.    Died  at  Rouen.  Nov.  2,  1430.    (B. 

ASHWORTH,   ABEL,   48.    Add  Admon.   (Chester)    1680:  of 

Ma<  rU^field,  clerk. 
ASHWORTH,  JOHN.  1712-3.  48.   Perhaps  s.  of  John;  bapt.  at 

St  Nicholas",  Liverpool.  Mar.  7.  1 690-1. 
ASKEW,  ANTHONY,    1739,  48.    Add  Married,  at  Hartbum, 

Nov.  15,  1751,  Margaret  Swinbum.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ASKEWE,  JOHN,  48.   Add  Will  (P.C.C.)  1619 
Add  ASKEWE,  WILLIAM,  48.    Master  of  Michaelhouse,  1461 

and  1463.   (Patent  Roll  of  6  Edw.  IV;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
ASLABIE  or  AISLABIE,  WILLIAM,  1711,49.  Add  Ord.  deacon 

May,  1716;  priest  (York)  June,  1718. 
ASPIN,  HARVEY,  1734,  49.   Add  Wife  IsabeUa.    (V.  B.  Red- 
ASPIN,  THOMAS,  1623,  49.   Add  A  Thomas  Aspin,  M.A.,  V. 

of  Newport  Pagnell,  Bucks..  1663. 
ASPINWALL,  IRELAND,  49.  Add  Of  Hale,  Lanes..  F^q.   Died 

unmarried,  1734.   Admon..  Chester. 
ASPINALL,  NICHOLAS,  1698-9,  49.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York) 

Sept.  22,  1706. 
ASPINWALL,  WILLIAM,  49.    Probably  two  men.  The  Maghull 

one    was  probably  of  Brasenose,  Oxford.    TTie   .Mattersey 

one  was  ord.  presbyter  at  Nottingham,  May  2,  1660. 
ASTELL,   RALPH,   50.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  John's,  Newcastle, 

Nov.  2,  1631.   Minister  of  Frodsham,  Cheshire,  1658. 
ASTLEY,   GEORGE,    50.    Add   Perhaps   the  schoolmaster  at 

Toxteth  Park,  ejected,  1662.   (Calamv,  Account,  84:.) 
ASTLEY,  RICHARD,   1612,  50.    Add  Ejected  from  Blackrod. 

Lanes.  Licensed  presbyterian  teacher  at  Hull,  1672.   (A.  G. 

ASTREY,  LUKE,  51.   Add  R.  of  Drumachose  (diocese  Derry). 

R.  of  Tamlaught-Finlagan,    1622-41.    Died   at  Coleraine, 

1641.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
ATHERTON,  EDWARD,  51.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  June 

10,    1682;   priest.   May   25,    1684.    Will   (Chester)    1705-6. 

Read  Probably  C.  of  Rufford,  Lanes.   (E.  Axon.) 
ATHERTON,  HENRY,  1620,  51.    Add  C.  of  Newchurch  (Cul- 

cheth),    1630-3.    C.  of   Lymm,   Cheshire,   in    1635.    C.  of 

HoUinfare,    Lanes.,    1646-52.    C.    of    Crosby,    i"656.     (E. 

ATHERTON,  HENRY,   1664,   51.    Read  Died  Jan.  20,    1699- 

1700.   Buried  at  St  Nicholas,  Newc^istle.   (H.  .M.  Wood.) 
ATHERTON,  THOMAS,  1702,51.  .4<f<i  Bapt.  at  All  SainU",  New- 
castle, Apr.  8,  1685.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ATHERTON,  WILLIAM,  51-   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept. 

22,  1678;  priest,  Sept.  21,  1679.  C.  of  Liverpool. 
ATHOW,  JOHN,  1612,  52.  Add  Buried  at  St  Bartholomew-the- 

Less,  London,  Apr.  n,   1646.    Dpscril>ed  as  'Minister  out 

of  Mr  Connaves  house  in  Rosemary  lane.' 
ATKINS,    EDWARD,    52.     Add   Called    to   the    Bench,    1671. 

Srrjo;int-.it  I.1W,  ifi7o.   (W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
ATKINS,  RICHARD,   1552,  52.    Add  Porh.ips  C.  of  Romford, 

1562-87.     Chaplain   at   Havering-atte-Bowcrs,    1591-1608. 

Died  1608. 
ATKINS,  WILLIS,  52.    Add  Died  May  9,  1708.    Buried  at  Gt 

ATKINSON.   EDWARD,   1639,  53.    Add  Ord.  priest   (Sarum) 

Ian.  6,  16^6-7. 
ATKINSON,  FRANCIS,  1635-6.  53-    Add  One  of  these  names 

niinistir  of  ("■rinlon,  Yorks.  Buried  there  Feb.  3,  i6/"j-j. 
ATKINSON,   THOMAS.    1628,   54.    See  Al.  Oxon.    Pcrha^  a 

mist. ike  in   the  Bishop's   Register  which  ascribes  bini   to 

ATKINSON,    THOMAS,    1693.    54-     Add   Ord.    priest    (York) 

Juno,  1700.   V.  of  Hampsthwaite,  Yorks.,  1710-38.   Buried 

there  Feb.  16,  1737-8. 
ATWELL,  JOHN,  55.  /(.^<f  B.A.  1502-3;  M.A.  1506.  Of  London. 

ATWOOD.    JOHN,    1697-8,    55-     Add  Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 

Itic.  24,  1704.  C.  of  Normanton. 
ATWOOD,  JOHN,   1716,  55.    Add  Barrister,  1712.    (\V.  F.  C. 

ATWOOD.   THOMAS,   1399.   55-    Add  He  was  B.D.  in   1456. 

(raf^.il  [.lit,■rs^ 
ATWOOD.   THOMAS,    1695,    jj.     Rt»d   Died    1718.     (A.    L. 




AuBURNE,  Matthew 

AUBURNE,  MATTHEW,  56.   Add  Clerk,  of  Hingham  by  East 
Bergholt,  Suffolk.   Died  1640.   Will  (Norwich  C.C).    (V.  B. 

AUDER,  WILLIAM,  56.  Add  Elected  Master  of  Ipswich  School, 

Oct.  26,  1607,  but  only  held  the  post  for  a  few  months. 

(I.  E.  Gray.) 
AUDSLEY,    HENRY,    57.    Add  Ord.   priest   (York)   Dec.    22, 

AUGAR,    NICHOLAS,    57.     Add   Head    Master   of  Newcastle 

Cirammar  School,  1645-8.   (H.  M  Wood.) 
AUGER  (?  ANGER),  JOHN,  57.    John  Augar,  then  minister  of 

Lee,  Essex,  occurs  in  an  Essex  will  proved  Jan.  13,  1657-8. 

(A.  G.  Matthews.) 
AUSTIN,    EDWARD,    1698,   57.    Add  Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 

May  23,  1703;  priest,  June  3,  1705.   C.  of  Bamack,  North- 
ants.,  1705. 
AUSTEN,  HENRY,   1681,  57.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 

AUSTIN,  JOHN,   1645,   57.    Add  Barrister,   1653.    (W.  F.  C. 

AUSTIN,    RICHARD,    1691,    57.     Married,    at   Northborough, 

Northants.,  Nov.  25,  1706,  Anna  Maria  Stamford,  of  Maxey 

Church  Hall,  widow.   {Miscellanea,  v.  201.) 
AUSTEN,  THOMAS,  1636,  58.    One  of  these  names,  s.  of  Mat- 
thew, of  Wye,  Kent,  was  R.  of  Harbledown,  Kent,  1656-61. 

Buried  there  .'\ug.  26,  1661.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
Add  AUVERE,  JOHN,  58.    A  widower.    'Ad  frugem  melioris 

vitae  se   convertens  per  octo    annos   theologicam  audivit 

facultatera.'     (Letter,    c.    1260,    from    the    Chancellor    to 

Henry  III.) 
AVERY,   DUDLEY,  58.    Add  Doubtless  eldest  s.  of  Samuel, 

Sheriff  of  London,  1647.    B.  at  Delft.    At  Eton  in  1637. 

(S.  P.  Dom..  1637  and  1662;  R.  J.  Beevor.) 
AXTON,    THOMAS,    1750,    58.     Add   Ord.    deacon    (Chester) 

Mar.  14,  1756. 
AYCKRIGGE,  JOHN,  58.  Add  Minister  of  Arkhohne,  Lanes.,  in 

1654.    (E.  Axon.) 
AYLMER,    EDWARD,    1624-5,    59.      Read   Akenham    Hall, 

Suffolk.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
AYLOFFE,  WILLIAM,  1583,  60.  ^irf  Barrister,  1594;  Bencher, 

1609.   (W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
AYNSCOUGH  or  AYNSCOMB,  RADLEY,  60.   Add  Chaplain  of 

Manchester  Collegiate  Church,  1709.   Elected  Fellow,  1727. 

Buried  there  Jan.  12,  1727-8.   S.  of  Thomas  (1670).    Will 

dated  Nov.  23,  1727;  proved  (Chester)  July  6,  1728.    (E. 

AYRE,  ROWLAND,  61.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1621; 

priest,  Mar.  1621-2. 
^d(i  AERTON,  EDWARD,  61.   '  Of  Emmanuel.'  V.  ofNidd.   C. 

of  Stainley,  Yorks.,   1690.    Doubtless  father  of  the  next. 

{Vis.  of  Bishop  of  Chester,  1691;  J.  BrownbiU.) 
AYRETON,    EDWARD,    61.     Add    ord.    priest   (York)   Sept. 

AYRTON,  WILLIAM,  61.    Read  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  25, 

1743;  priest,  June,   1745.    C.  of  Otley.    C.  of  Ribchester, 

Lanes.   Buried  at  Yargram,  May  13,  1751. 
AYSCOUGHE,  EDWARD,  1621,  61.  ^  rfd  Subscribed  for  deacon 

and  priest  (Bristol)  Jan.  27,  1628-9. 
AISCOUGH,  HENRY,  1599,  61.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Oct. 

ASCOGH,  ROBERT,  1439,  62.  Add  Warden  of  the  Hall  of  King's 

Scholars,  in  1448.   {Pat.  Rolls.) 
AYSCOUGH,  WILLIAM,  1628,  62.  Add  Probably  V.  of  Aveley, 

tin  c.  1652.   R.  of  Wennington,  1652. 

BABINGTON,  RICHARD,  62.  Add  He  was  at  Ingrave  tUl  1654, 

and  probably  till  1656. 
BACK,   THOMAS,   63.    Add  Died   Oct.   30,    1758.    Buried  at 

Tenterden,  Nov.  3,  1758.    (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
BACKHOUSE,  GILBERT,  63.    Add  Will  (1598)  at  Worcester. 

(J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
BACKLER,  JAMES,   63.    Add  Probably  V.  of  Brightlingsea, 

Essex,  1650-60  (ejected). 
Add  BAKETON,  THOMAS  DE,  64.  B.C.L.   Petitions  the  Pope, 

1363,  for  St  Gregory's,  Sudbury,  which  had  been  promised 

BACON,  FRANCIS,   1717,  65.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 

BACON,  JAMES,  1613,  65.   Delete  Probably.   Add  Held  Manor 

in  Sternfield,  Suffolk.    WUl  (Bury)  1649-50.    Wife  Martha. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BACON,  THOMAS,  1709,  66.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  Ipswich 

BADCOCK,  JOHN,  B.D.,  1559,  66.  The  last  Prior  of  BamweU; 

surrendered  it  to  Henry  VIII  on  Nov.  8,  1539.  (F.  Ranner.) 
BADCOCKE,  JOHN,  1640,  66.    Delete  Perhaps  s.  of  George,  to 

B.  1633.  Add  The  V.  of  Godmanchester  was  b.  in  Cambridge 

c.  1625  (aged  57  in  1682). 
BAGGE,  CHARLES,  67.  Add  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of  Edmund 

Elsden,  of  King's  Lynn. 
BAGGE,  SAMUEL,  67.   Add  Died  at  Battersea,  1772.   Admon. 

(P.C.C.)  to  brother  Charles,  D.D.  (1733). 

Ball,  Samuel 

BAGULEY,  HENRY,  67.    Add  Married,  at  St  Peter's,  Paul's 
Wharf,  London,  June  12,   1619,  Hellene  WeUear,  licence. 

(T.Ch.  Smith.) 
BAGLEY,   SAMUEL,    1713,    67.    Add   Ord.   deacon    (Peterb.) 

June  7,  1718.  C.  of  Isham,  Northants. 
BAGLEY,  WILLIAM,   1638,  67.    P.C.  of  St  Andrew-the-Less, 

Barnwell,  Cambridge,  1649.   (F.  Ranner.) 
BAGNALL  or  BAGNOLD,  CHARLES,  67.  Add  V.  of  Bunbury, 

Cheshire,  1664-9. 
BAGNALL,  HENRY,  M.A.  from  Jesus,  1723-4,  67.   Add  Prob- 
ably chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1726. 
BAGOT,  FRANCIS,  67.  ^dii  In  Holy  Orders.  Perhaps  of  Malpas, 

Cheshire,  1626.   (E.  Axon.) 
BAGHOTT,  KINARD,  68.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Rochester)  May 

20,  1733;  priest,  June  9,  1734. 
BAGSHAWE,  HENRY,  68.   Buried  at  Houghton-le-Spring. 
BAINBRIDGE,   CHRISTOPHER,    1632,   68.    Add  Ord.   priest 

(St  David's)  May  20,  1638. 
BAINBRIDGE,  CUTHBERT,  68.    Add  2nd  s.  of  Anthony,  of 

Middleton-in-Teesdale.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAINBRIDGE,  EDWARD,   1717,  69.    Add  C.  of  Brancepeth, 

1723-38.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAINBRIDGE,  NICHOLAS,  1669,  69.   Add  Brother  of  Thomas 

(1661).   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAINBRIGG  or  BAMBRICK,  REGINALD,  69.  The  Head  Master 

of  Appleby  was  an  Oxford  contemporary  whose  will  was 

•proved  Sept.  17,  1613.   (R.  P.  Brown.) 
BAINBRIGGE,  RICHARD,  1655,  69.   Add  One  of  these  names 

V.  of  Kippax,  Yorks.   Buried  there  Apr.  28,  1714. 
BAINBRIGG,  RICHARD,  1663,  69.    Add  Bapt.  Apr.  4,  i6.t8, 

at    Wilburton,    Cambs.     Married    (i)    Katharine    Peacock, 

Feb.  20,  1684-5,  who  died  May,  1685;  (2)  Mary  Malatar, 

July  26,  1687.   (R.  P.  Brown.) 
BAINBRIDGE,  THOMAS,  1661,  69.    Add  Brother  of  Nicholas 

(1669).   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAIRSTOW,    PAUL,    69.     Add   C.    of    Newchurch-in-Pendle, 

Lanes.,  in  1674.   {01.  Heywood,  1.  355;  iv.  324.) 
BAKER,  FERDINANDO,  70.   For  B.  at  Whickham,  read  Bapt. 

etc.  Add  Buried  at  Lanchester,  Feb.  25,  1783.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAKER,    GEORGE,    1638,    70.     Add   Buried   at    Lanchester, 

Oct.  18,  1677.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAKER,  GEORGE,  1740,  70.  .^(M  Buried  at  Pittington,  May  18, 

1774-   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAKER,  JAMES,  70.    Add  V.  of  Stamfordham,  1731.    ?  Died 

1761.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BAKER,  J OHN,  7 1 .  Add  One  of  this  name,  clerk,  of  Chattisham, 

Suffolk.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1618.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BAKER,  MICHAEL,   1614,  71.    Add  R.  of  Clopton,  1627-32. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BAKER,  SAMUEL,   1612,  72.    Add  Married  Abigail,  dau.  of 

Richard  Craddock  (1580),  Sept.  27,  1623.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BAKER,  THOMAS,  1573,  72.   Add  The  V.  of  Domey  married 

there  Elizabeth  Holte,  Feb.  11,  1612-3.  Will  Jan.  4  1632-3; 

proved  May  17,   1633  (Arch.  C.  of  Bucks.).    (J.  Challenor 

BAKER,  THOMAS,  72.   Add  One  of  this  name  signed  brief  in 

1650  as  of  St  Peter's,  Paul's  Wharf,  London.    (V.  B.  Red- 
BAKER, .   A  friar,  73.  Add  Probably  John  Baker,  a  Grey 

friar  of  London.   Buried  at  Christ  Church,  Newgate  Street, 

Aug.  14,  1572.  Will  proved,  dated  1570,  in  London  C.  Court. 

(H.  G.  Harrison.) 
BALAM,  WILLIAM,  1637,  73.  Barrister,  1647. 
BALCANQUAL,  WALTER,  73.    Add  FeUow  of  the  CoUegiate 

Church,  Manchester. 
BALDERSTON,  JOHN,  73.  Add  School,  St  Paul's;  exhibitioner. 
BALDOCK,  SAMUEL,  74.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Llandaff)  Oct.  22, 

BALDWIN,    BARTHOLOMEW,    1676,    74.    Add  Exhibitioner 

from   King  Edward's  School,   Birmingham,    1677.     (C.   S. 

BALDWIN,  JOHN,  1730,  74.   Add  Eldest  s.  of  Thomas  (1702). 

Buried  at  Eccleston. 
BALDWIN,  THOMAS,  1624-5,  75.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

Mar.  10,  1638-9.   R.  of  Eriswell,  1647. 
BALDWIN,  THOMAS,  1702,  75-  Add  Will  dated  Jan.  21,  1750; 

proved  (Chester)  Feb.  3,  1753. 
BALDWIN,  WILLIAM,  1662,  75.  Add  S.  of  George,  of  Middle- 
sex.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BALE,  JOHN,  1528-9,75.  ^(ii  Buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral. 
BALL,  ABRAHAM,  76.  Add  Will  at  Chester. 
BALL,  NATHANIEL,   1735,  76.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BALL,  PEREGRINE,  76.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Bath  and  WeUs) 

May  28,  1738;  priest  (Hereford)  Aug.  31,  1740.    Read  V.  of 

Newland,  1746^4;  of  Trelleck,  1753-94.   (F-  S.  H.) 
BALL,  SAMUEL,  M.A.  1644,  76.  Add  Probably  V.  of  Arkesden, 

BALL, .   Adm.  at  Corpus  Christi,  1548,  yy.  Add  Probably 

Edward  Ball;  40  years  old  in  1576;  ord.  deacon  (Lincoln) 

Apr.  9;  priest,  June  4,  1558.   V.  of  Woodford,  Northants., 

1558-1608  (died). 


Ballard,  John 

BALLARD,  JOHN.   Incorp.  B.D.  1728.  ^^.    Add  Married,  at 

West  Haniity,  Berks.,  July  7,  1737,  Elizabeth  Prince,  widow. 

(J.  Cluilli-iior  Smith.) 
BALLISTON,  JOHN,  77-  Add  Barrister,  1653. 
BAMFORD,   WILLIAM,   78.    Add   Probably  chaplain  in   the 

Navy,  1725. 
BAMPTON,  JOHN,  78.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Winchester)  Dec.  17, 

1317.    Licensed  for  hearing  confessions  and  preaching,  by 

Bishop  of  Ely,  1337,  and  again  in  1342,  as  penitentiary. 

(B.  Zimmerman.) 
BANBURY,  CYPRIAN,  1618,  78.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Henry. 

Bapt.  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  Aug.  23,  1601.   King's 

scholar  of  Westminster.    Of  Egham,  clerk.    Buried  there 

July  i8,  1666.   Will  .May  27;  proved  Aug.  i666.    Father  of 

ne.xt.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BANBURY,  CYPRIAN,  1675,  78.  Add  S.  and  executor  of  above. 

In  1677  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Westminster  granted  him 

a  licence  to  assign  premises  held  in  lease.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BANCROFT,  BERNARD,  78.    Add  Master  of  Burnley  School, 

Lanes.  Will  (Chester)  1634.    See  Earwaker's  Wilh,  11.  202. 
BANKS,  ADAM,  79.  Not  a  real  non-juror.  Held  Fellowship  till 

death,  Feb.  16,  1750-1. 
BANKS,  ALEXANDER,  1605,79.  ^(W  Probably  s.  of  Alexander, 

of  Austuricke,  Clapham,  Yorks.  One  of  the  first  scholars  of 

Giggleswick    School    elected    under    the    will    of    William 

Clapham  (1573).   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
BANKS,   ANDERSON,    79.    Add  Minister  of  Boston,   Lines., 

1658-9;  ejcctod,   1662.    Buried  at  Boston,  Sept.  6,   1668. 

Will  proved  (Lincoln)  Nov.  24,  1668;  as  of  Boston,  clerk. 
BANKS,  HENRY,  79.    Add  One  of  this  name  V.  of  Gt  Fin- 
borough,  Sufiolk.  Buried  there  Dec.  4,  1599.  Will  (Norwich 

C.C.)  1600.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BANKES,  JAMES,  80.  Heywood  was  a  perpetual  curacy  at  this 

time  in  the  parish  of  Bury. 
BANKS,  JOSEPH,  80.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York)  Dec.  1712; 

priest,    1714.     Married,   at   Brantingham,    Apr.    12,    1716, 

Mrs  Mary  Sykes,  of  Hull. 
BANKS,  ROBERT,  1718,  80.  Add  High  Sheriff  of  Lanes.,  1742. 

Will  (Chester)  1748.   (E.  Axon.) 
BANKS,  WILLIAM,  M.A.  1650,  81.    Add  One  of  these  names 

C.  of  CundaU,  Yorks.;  buried  there  May  10,  1680. 
BANKS,  WILLIAM,  1670,  81.    Not  V.  of  WhaUey;  possibly 

curate.   (E.  Axon.) 
BANCKS,  WILLIAM,  1678,  81.   Add  S.  of  John,  of  Westmor- 
land. See  State  Papers  Dom.,  June  i,  1677. 
BANSON,  JOHN,  1703,  81.    His  widow  Frances  was  adm.  to 

Bromley  College,  May  28,  1753.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BANSON,  JOHN,   1740-1,  81.    Add  R.  of  Jacobstow,  Devon. 

His  widow  Mary  was  adm.  to  Bromley  College,  June  5, 

1776.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BARBAULD,  THEOPHILUS  LEWIS,  81.    Add  Subscribed  for 

priest  (Gloucester)  Mav  21,  1740. 
BARBER,    EDMUND,    1619,    81.     Delete  ejected.     Add   WUl 

(Norwich  C.C.)  1661.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BARBER,   THOMAS,    May   12,    1671,   82.    Add  Ord.   deacon 

(York)  Sept.  1675;  priest.  Sept.  1678. 
BARBER,   THOMAS   GAUNT,   82.    Add  Ord.   deacon   (York) 

Sept.  21,  1746;  priest,  Sept.  1749.  C.  of  Rawmarsh. 
BARBOUR,  WILLIAM,  1664,  82.  Add  S.  of  William,  of  Salop, 

aged  14  in  1660.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BARFORD,  THOMAS,   1715,  84.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Oxford) 

Dec.  19,  1708;  priest  (Sarum)  June  14,  1710.  Chaplain  to  the 

Earl  of  Warwick. 
BARHAM,  ARTHUR,  84.  Read  Died  Mar.  6,  1691-2. 
BARHAM,  JAMES,  84.   His  widow  Mary  was  adm.  to  Bromley 

College,  June  24,  1737-   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BARK,  JOHN,  84.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1715. 
BARKER,  ANTHONY,  1635,  84.    The  Master  of  Louth   held 

office  from  1638-51,  so  this  must  be  another  man.   (R.  W. 

BARKER,  EDMUND,  1632,  85.  Add  Barrister,  1640. 
BARKER,  FRANCIS,  1662,  85.  Add  Licence,  Dec.  27,  1673,  to 

Francis  Barker,  of  St  Lawrence,  Old  JewTy,  mercer,  and 

Elizabeth,  age  20,  dau.  of  William  Gomeldon,  of  St  Peter- 

le-Poer,  London,  Esquire.    Buried  Sept.  14,  1710.    Neither 

mentions  a  son  Arthur  in  their  wills.    (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
BARKER,  JOHN,  1745,  86.  Add  Bapt.  at  Earsdon,  Nov.  7,  1727. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BARKER,  JOSEPH,    1669,   86.    Add  Bapt.  at   Wandsworth, 

Oct.  7,  1651.    Probably  buried  there,  Sept.  8,  1676. 
BARKER,  MICHAEL,  86.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9, 

1745;  priest,  Sept.  1748.   C.  of  Clareborough. 
BARKER,  ROBERT,  1693,  87.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1698;  priest,  Sept.  1699.    V.  of  Weston,  1699-1703.    R.  of 

Cherry  Burton,  1703-27.   Buried  there  Oct.  25,  1727- 
BARKER,   ROBERT,    1720,   87.    Add  EUel  is  in  Cockerham 

parish.   School,  Wyresdale. 
BARKER,  THOMAS,   1728-9,  87.    Add  Ord.  priest  {LUl.  dim. 

from  York)  May,  1737.    C.  of  Lockiiigton.    Chaplain  to  the 

Eari  of  Suffolk.    Read  Died  Sept.  26,  1774- 
BARKER,   WILLIAM,    1642,   88.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Norwich) 

Oct.  21,  1651.   K.  of  Eyke,  Suffolk,  1655. 

Baseley,  William 

BARKER,  Sir  WILLIAM,  Bart.,  88.  Add  School,  Ipswich. 
BARKER,  WILLIAM,  1731,  88.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1742. 
BARLOW,  JOHN,  1672,  89.  Add  Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

May  21,  1676;  priest,  June  11,  X682.   C.  of  Harwood  and 

Lango,  1 69 1. 
BARLOW,  JOHN,  1747,  89.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  22, 

BARLOW,  WILLIAM,  alias  FINCH,  89.    Pedigiee  in  Due.  Lead. 

wrong.  There  was  no  Sir  Thomas.   (E.  Axon.) 
BARNARD,  JOHN,   1706,  91.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1712;  priest,  1716. 
BARNARD  or  BERNARD,  NATHANIEL,  91.   Add  C.  of  Fam- 

worlh,  Lanes.,  1640-1. 
BARNARD  or  BARNATT,   RICHARD,  91.    Add  Ord.  priest 

(York)   Sept.  21,   1746.    .Married,  at  St  Michael-le-Belfry, 

York,  Oct.  21,  1751,  Ann  Preston. 
BARNARD,   ROBERT,    1680,  91.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester) 

Dec.  ig,  1686,  age  24. 
BARNARD,   THOMAS,    1703,   91.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York) 

Sept.  1710;  priest,  1711. 
BARNARD,  THOMAS,  1737.  91-  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1744. 
BARNES,  ANTHONY,  92.  Add  R.  of  South  Somercotes,  1690-1. 

(K.  W.  GouWing.) 
BARNES,  orBARNE,  JOHN,  1622,92.  /!<i<i School,  Westminster. 

(J.  H.  Whitmore.) 
BARNES  or  BARNE,  MILES,  1657,  93.    Add  R.  of  Glaston. 

Rutland,   1681-1701.     .Married   Madam  Hammond,  at  Ye 

Brew-House.    (Heame's  Collections,  1.  278.) 
BARNES,  RICHARD,  Bishop  of  Durham,  93.   Add  S.  of  John, 

of  Bold,  Lanes.   Married,  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham,  Mar.  27, 

1582,  Jane  Dyllycote,  a  Frenchwoman.   Aged  55  at  death. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BARNES,  ROBERT,  1690-1,  93.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1696,  literate.   C.  of  Bramley,  Leeds,  till  1704.  Buried  June 

22,  1704.   (K.  J.  Wood.) 
BARNETT,  ANDREW,  94.  AddS.oi  Humphrey,  R.  of  Upping- 

ton,  Salop.    Minister  of  Holme  Chapel,  Cheshire,  1644-9; 

also  of  Kodington.    Afterwards  nonconformist  minister  at 

Astbury  and  elsewhere. 
BARNET,  JOHN,  94.    Add  John  Bamett,  of  Christ's  CoUege; 

Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  20,  1668;  priest  (Chester)  July  18, 

1671.   V.  of  East  Witton,  1671. 
BARNWELL,  LAWRENCE,  95.  Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1602. 

(V.  a.  Kedstone.) 
BARON,  BENJAMIN,  95.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1698; 

priest,  1700. 
BARON,  CHARLES,  95.  Add  Buried  at  Walden,  Oct.  20,  1725- 
BARON,  HUMBERSTONE,  95.    Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1701-4. 
BARON,    ROBERT,    1683,   95.    Add  Chaplain  in   the   Navy, 

BARRIT,  JAMES,  96.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  171 1. 
BARRET,  JOSEPH,  1656,  96.   Add  S.  of  James,  of  Manchester. 

Bapt.  at  Collegiate  Church  there,  Nov.  5,  1640.   (E.  Axon.) 
BARRETT,  RICHARD,  1625,96.  ^(/<i  One  of  these  n.imes,  M.A. , 

Usher  of  Beverley  School,  1638.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
BARET,  SIMON,  96.    Add  V.  of  Lowt>stoft.   1414;  B.Can.L. 

{Cal.  Pap.  Let.).  R.  of  a  moiety  of  Little  Ringstead,  Norfolk. 

Note.  'Hccham'  must  be  Hitcham,  Suffolk. 
BARROW,  HENRY,  1615,  97.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June; 

priest,  Sept.  1620. 
BARROW,  THOMAS,  1713,  98.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept. 

1717.   C.  of  Halloughton,  Notts.,  1726. 
BARROWE,  WILLIAM,  98.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Apr.  17, 

BARRY,  GEORGE,  98.  Add  At  White  Notlcy,  in  1650. 
BARRY,  JAMES,  M.A.  1627,  98.   Add  .Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

Julyii,i6M.   (W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
BARRY,  JOHN,   1599,  98.    Add  K.  of  Cottesmore,   Rutland, 

i6i(>-6o.   Died  16(H). 
BARTLET,  JOHN,    1615-6,  99.    Add  Perhaps   R.  and  V.  ol 

Croston,  Lanes.,  1624-5. 
BARTON,   GEOFFREY,    1717,    100.    Add  B.  Sept.   44,   169S. 

(Ruchy  RiX'Sltr;  L.  E.  Smith.) 
BARTON,  HENRY,  100.   In  :>id  tine  for  1738  read  1733. 
BARTON,  JOHN,   1622,   100.    Add  Ord.  pnt-st  (IVtcrb.)   1615. 

Liniiscd  to  preach,  1617.  C.of  Lowick,  Northants.,  1620-33. 
BARTON,   JOHN.   1669.   100.    Read  C.  of  Gcddmgtoii,   i6«o- 

1715.   Delete  Perhaps. 
BARTON,  JOSHUA,  1072,  100.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

BARTON,  WILLIAM,  1577-S,  101.  Add  V.  of  Flintb.ira,  Notts. 


BARWICK,  WILLIAM,  loj.   Add  Will  at  Uur\-,  Apr.  to.  1648, 

of  one  of  this  n.mu-.  Wife  Anne.  Probably  that  of  the  1O03-4 

ni.m.    (Y.  It.  Kctlslonc.) 
BARWICK,   WILLIAM,    1674,    toi.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York) 

Dec.  1079. 
BASELEY,  WILLIAM,  loj.  .Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  8, 

1707.  C.  of  Urauiiston,  Kugby. 


Basham,  Andrew 

BASHAM  or  BARSHAM,   ANDREW,    102.    Add  Ord.   priest 

(Ely)  June  6,  1517.    Graduate  of  Oxford  (?  D.D.).   Signed 

the  surrender  of  the  Oxford  House.   (B.  Zimmerman.) 
BASIRE,  CHARLES,  102.   Add  Bapt.  at  Egglescliffe,  Apr.  11, 

1645.    Married,   at   Lanchester,   Oct.   16,   1681,   Elizabeth 

Baker,  of  Crook.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BASIRE,  ISAAC,  102.   Add  Married  Frances  Corbett.    (H.  M. 

BASSE,  JOHN,  1706,  103.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  ir, 

1715.    C.  of  Egleton,  Rutland.    Usher  of  Oakham  School, 

BASSET,  JOSHUA,  104.    Read  Died  June  24,  1715,  aged  c.  66. 

{See  Heame's  Diary,  June  22,  1716;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BASSET,  MARTIN,  104..   Add  Noted  in  Ely  Register  as  V.  of 

St  Clement's,  Cambridge,  in  1539. 
/4(i(fBASSET,  THOMAS,  104.  Of  Christ's.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester, 

Liu.  dim.  from  Lichfield)  Dec.  19,  1686. 
BASTARD,  JOHN,  1671,  104.  Add  Perhaps  a  naval  chaplain, 

BATCHELOR,  DANIEL,   104.    Add  Ejected  from  St  Anne's, 

Aldersgate,  1662. 
BATCHLER,  JOHN,   1706,  105.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Durham) 

1710.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BATCHILLER,  PAUL,  1694,  105.  Add  Probably  chaplain  to  the 

nth  Foot,  c.  1715. 
BATCHELOR,  SAMUEL,  105.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  July, 

1731.  C.  of  Drayton,  Notts. 
BATE,  JOHN  NATHANIEL,  105.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

BATE,  RICHARD,  1704,  105.    The  V.  of  Chilham  and  R.  of 

Warehorne  died  Mar.  4,  1736-7,  aged  62. 
BATEMAN  or  BATTMAN,  RALPH,  106.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York) 

Mar.  1689-90. 
BATES,  ANDREW,  107,  Add  Married,  at  St  John's,  Newcastle, 
Nov.  18,  1689,  Anne,  dau.  of  Matthew  Whitfield.    (H.  M. 
BATES,  PETER,  107.  Add  Married,  at  Chalfont  St  Giles,  Bucks., 
Jan.  28,   1604-5  (licence),  Jane  Mansfeilde  (a  well-known 
Bucks,  family).   (Phillimore's  Bucks.  Marriages.) 
BATES,  RALPH,  1664,  107.    Add  Bapt.  at  Earsdon,  Feb.  15, 
1646-7.     Married    (i)    Margaret,   dau.   of   Robert   Bewick, 
May   22,   1677;   (2)   Anne,   widow  of  John   Hedworth,   of 
Harraton,   and   dau.   of   William   James,   of    Washington, 
July  31,  1683.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BATHO,  WILLIAM,  107.   Delete  V.  of  St  John  Baptist... Nor- 
wich,   1601-24.    ^dd  Will   (Norwich   C.C.)    i6i8.     (V.   B. 
BATT,  SAMUEL,   1689,   108.    Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1701. 
BATT,    TIMOTHY,    108.     Ejected    from    Ruishton.     (A.    G. 

BATTERSBY,  EDMUND,  109.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1717;  priest,  1718. 
BATTERSBY,  JOHN,   1685,   109.    Add  Probably  ord.  deacon 

(Chester)  Sept.  25,  1687. 
BATTERSBY,  THOMAS,  109.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 

BATTIE,  ROBERT,  109.  Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Tunstall, 

Lanes.,  1573-92. 
BATTIE,  WILLIAM,  1650,  109.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Sarum) 
July  31,  1658.  V.  of  MarkshaU,  Essex,  c.  1654.  R.  of 
Alderton,  Suffolk,  1659.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Edward 
Coleman,  of  Brent  Eleigh,  Suffolk,  who  died  1689.  He  was 
buried  at  Hitcham,  Dec.  30,  1706.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BAXTER,  EDWARD,  1679,  no.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

BAXTER,  GEORGE,   1696,   no.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
May  23,   1703;  priest  Nov.   18,   1705.    R.  of  Cotterstock, 
BAXTER,  JOHN,  no.   Add  One  of  this  name,  R.  of  St  Mary- 

the-Less,  Durham,  buried  there  Aug.  15,  1570. 
BAXTER,  JOHN,  1723-4,  no.    He  was  not  V.  of  Eccles,  but 

probably  curate.   It  was  not  a  P.C.   (E.  Axon.) 
BAYES,  ROBERT,  in.   Add  Probably  R.  of  Earsham,  Norfolk, 
1657.   A  M.I.  in  Aldburgh  churchyard,  'Rob.  Bayes,  clerk. 
Died  Dec.  8,  1702,  aged  73.'   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
BAYES  or  BAYZE,   SAMUEL,    in.     Add  Nonconformist  at 

Sankey,  Lanes.,  in  1672. 
BAYLY,  JOSEPH,  112.    Add  C.  of  Marton,  Cheshire,  in  1676; 

of  Church  Hulme,  1677-. 
BAYLEY,  RICHARD,   1659,   112.    Add  Probably  C.  of  Little 

Warley  and  East  Homdon,  Essex,  in  1664. 
BAYLEY,  WILLIAM,  1570,  112.   Add  R.  of  South  Luffenham, 
Rutland,   1588-95.     Buried  at  Saffron  Walden,    July   21, 
BAYNARD,  ADIEL,  113.  Add  Married  Mrs  Damans  Smith,  of 
Greeniste,  Kent,  at  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London,  Nov.  i, 
1660.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BAINES,  HEWLEY,  113.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  24, 

1749;  C.  of  Acomb;  priest  (Chester)  July  25,  1756. 
BAINE  or  BAINES,  JOHN,  1710,  113.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
May,  1716;  priest,  Oct.  1719. 

Becket,  Peter 

BAINES,  ROBERT,  1730,  114.  Add  Bapt.  Dec.  26,  1711.  Ord. 

priest  (York)  Mar.  14,  1741-2. 
BAINE,  SAMUEL,  114.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  1681-2; 

priest,  Feb.  1683-4.   C.  of  Thrybergh. 
BAINES,  THOMAS,  1682,  114.  Add  Bapt.  at  Lancaster,  Sept.  4, 
1664.   Ord.  deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  22,  1689;  priest  (Chester) 
Sept.  21,   1690.    C.  of  Bolton  and  Redmere,  in  Wensley, 
Yorks.,  1690.   (E.  Axon.) 
BEDELL,  HENRY,  1703,  115.    Add  C.  of  Hargrave,  Hunts., 

1708;  R.,  1726-45.  Died  1745. 
BEDELL,    SAMUEL,    1577,    115.     Read   V.    of  Wolverstone, 

1597-1616.   WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1618.   (V.B.Redstone.) 
BEDELL,  WILLIAM,  1584,  115.  Add  Married  Lea  Man,  widow, 

Jan.  29,  i6n-2,  at  Bury.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BEDELL,  WILLIAM,   1622-3,   115.    Add  Perhaps  ord.  priest 

(Kilmore)  June  5,  1634.   R.  of  Rattlesden,  Suffolk,  1645. 
BEADON,  THOMAS,   115.    Add  Married,  at  Aller,  Somerset, 
June   28,    1658,   Mary,  dau.  of  John   Moore,   R.  of  Aller. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEALE,  EDWARD,   1570,   116.    S.  of  William,  of  Buclande, 

Herts.,  yeoman.   {Herts.  Genealogist  and  Ant.,  1.  237.) 
BEALE,  HENRY,  1667,  116.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

BEALE,  THEODORE,  116.  Add  R.  of  Walton,  Bucks.,  1643-52. 

Buried  there  Dec.  23,  1652. 
BEALE,  WILLIAM,   1717,   116.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BEANE,  EDMUND,  116.  Add  R.  of  Stanhope,  Durham,  1560-4. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEANE,   JOHN,    116.     Add   Ord.    deacon    (York)    June    12, 

BEARD,  JOHN,  1649,  117.  Add  Probably  ord.  priest  (London) 

Aug.  21,  1662. 
BEARDMORE  or  BERDMORE,  JOHN,  117.   Add  Ord.  deacon 

(Worcester)  Apr.  20,  1668;  priest  (London)  Apr.  24,  1671. 
BEARDMORE  or  BIRDMORE,  RALPH,  117.  Add  C.  of  Witter- 
ing, Northants.,  1714. 
BEARDSALL  or  BEARDSTALL,  GEORGE,  117.  Add  Dead  by 

BEARDSALL  or  BIRDSALL,  THOMAS,  117.  Add  Perhaps 
migrated  to  Dublin.  Ejected  from  Selby,  Yorks.,  in  1662, 
having  been  appointed  there  in  1658.  Licensed  Presbyterian 
teacher,  as  of  York,  Apr.  13,  1672.  {Calamy,  11.  573;  A.  G. 
BEATY,  WILLIAM,  118.   Add  C.  of  Stewton,  1720-1.    (R.  W. 

BEATNEFFE,  THOMAS,  1x8.  Add  R.  of  Hawersby  with  Beesby, 

Lines.,  1663. 
BEAUCHAMP  or  BEACHAM,  JOHN,  118.  Add  R.  of  Bamack, 

Northants.,  1590-2.  Died  1592. 
BEAUMONT,   ANTHONY,    118.    Add  Subscribed    for  deacon 

(Bristol)  Feb.  17,  1626-7;  priest,  Mar.  9,  1627-8. 
BEAUMONT,  GEORGE,  1618-9,  118.  Add  Buried  in  Wirchester 

Cathedral,  Sept.  2,  1688.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEAUMONT,  GEORGE,   1742,  119.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Mar.  6,   1747-8;  priest  (Lincoln)   Mar.  n,   1748-9.    C.  of 
BEAUMONT,    HAMOND,    1659,    119.     Add    Marriage    bond, 

May  20,  1674,  %vith  Mary  Delaval.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEAUMONT,  JOHN,  Trinity,  1570,   ng.    Add  Married  Joan, 
widow  of  Robert  Norton,  at  St  Clement's,  Ipswich,  May  27, 
1590.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BEAUMONT,  JOSEPH,  1631,  119.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Kilmore 

Feb.  27,  1647-8.   Inc.  of  Barley,  Herts. 
BEAUMONT,  ROBERT,  1741-2,  119.  Add  Martin  exhibitioner 
from  Ipswich. 

Add  BEAUMONT,  ,  120.    Adm.  pens,  at  St  Catharine's, 

BEEVER,  JOHN,   120.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1681; 

priest,  Dec.  1683.  C.  of  Silkstone. 
BEEVOR,  THOMAS,  1741,  120.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  10, 

1750.  C.  of  Hooton  Pagnell. 
BEEVOR,  WILLIAM,  1672,  120.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept. 

BEAUVOIR,  WILLIAM,  1704,  120.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BECCLES, ,  120.  The  same  as  WILLIAM  BECKLEY. 

BECK,  EDWARD,  1725,  121.  Add  S.  of  John  and  Mary.  B. 
Oct.  21,  1706.  C.  of  Worlingworth.  Buried  there  Sept.  22, 
1735.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BECK,  GEORGE,  1653,  121.  Add  Instituted  R.  of  Burton 
Latimer,  Northants.,  May  5,  1662.  {Peterborough  Register.) 
BECKE,  HENRY,  1577-8,  121.  Add  Perhaps  migrated  to 
Oxford.    Matric.  from  St  Edmund's  Hall,  July  20,  1578; 

s.  of ,  clerk,  of  Worcs.;  age  19;  B.A.  1580;  M.A.  1583. 

V.  of  Holy  Trinity,  Chester. 
BECK,  JOHN,  M.A.  1717,  121.    Add  R.  of  Worlingworth,  in 

1706.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BECKE,  JOSEPH,  121.   Add  Probably  R.  of  Plumpton,  Tow- 

cester,  1 605-11;  later  at  Goostrey,  Cheshire.   (R.  Axon.) 
BECKET,  PETER,  121.    Add  C.  of  Kirkby,  Walton,  Lanes., 
1696-1723.  (E.  Axon.) 


Becket.  Thomas 

Berrow,  Capell 

BECKETT,  THOMAS,  1700,  121.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept. 

BECKLEY,  WILLIAM,  122.   Add  B.  at  Sandwich;  Prior  there 

and  afterwards  at  Calais.    Prior  at  Cambridge,  141 1;  prob- 
ably graduated   that   year.    Of  Doncaster,   Yorks.,  when 

appointed  Papal  chaplain  in  1402.   Died  at  Sandwich,  1438. 

(B.  Zimmerman.) 
BECKWITH,   ROGER,   1700,   122.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

June,  1704. 
BECKWITH,    ROGER,    1745.    122.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York) 

Sept.  24,  1749;  priest,  Sept.  1750.  C.  of  Croston. 
BEDFORD,  AMAND,  122.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  June  17, 

1577;  priest,  Apr.  4,  1578.  Licensed  to  preach,  1591. 
BEDFORD,   CHARLES,    122.    Add   R.    of   Ilsington,   Devon, 

1749-86.   Inc.  of  Launceston,  Cornwall.  Died  there  Oct.  29, 

1786,  aged  77.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BEDFORD,  JOHN,  1726,  123.   Add  Married  (i)  Alice  Davison, 

June  7,  1738;  (2)  Elizabeth  Smith,  Feb.  26,  1745-6;  both  at 

St  .\Iary-the-Less,  Durham.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEDFORD,  THOMAS,  1751,  123.  Add  Buried  at  Bekesboume, 

Feb.  2,  1760,  having  died  Jan.  29,  aged  26.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
BEDFORD,  TIMOTHY,  1706-7,  123.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

May,  1719. 
BEDFORD,   WILLIAM,   1671,   123.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York) 

Sept.  1677. 
Add  BEDINGFIELD, .   124.  Adm.  Fell.-Com.  at  St  Catha- 
rine's, 1673. 
BEDINGFIELD,  FRANCIS,  124.  Add  Barrister,  1615. 
BEDINGFIELD,   THOMAS,    1561,    124.    Add  Barrister,    1583. 

Bencher,  1603.   (W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
BEE,  DANIEL,  125.  Add  3rd  s.  of  Henry,  of  Stapenhill,  Derbs., 

yeoman.    Probably  V.  of  Cardington,  Salop.    Admon.  of 

his  brother  Henry  (1647)  at  Lichfield,  June  17,  1675. 
BEE,  EDWARD,  125.  Add  Barrister,  1625. 
BEESTON,  EDMUND,  1652-3,  126.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 

Aug.  30,  1660.  R.  of  Melton,  in  1662.  Married  Mary  Smythe, 

at  Shaddingfield,  Suffolk,  Apr.  9,  1667.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BEIGHTON,  JONATHAN,  126.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

1719;  priest,  Dec.  1720. 
BELKE,  MICHAEL,  127.  Add  S.  of  WUliam  (1615). 
BELKE,  THOMAS,  127.  Add  Will  proved  (Canterbury  Cons.  C.) 

Oct.  18,  1712. 
BELKE,   WILLIAM,    127.     Read  Son  of  Michael  (brother  of 

John).    Will  proved  (Canterbury  Cons.  C.)  i677-    Mentions 

sons  Thomas  and  Michael.   (C.  S.  James.) 
BELL,  EDWARD  (perhaps  EDMUND),  127.   Edmund  was  ord. 

deacon  (York),  'of  Sidney,"  May,  1619. 
BELL,  EDWARD,  1739,  127.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  9, 

BELL,    JAMES,    128.    Add   Ord.  priest  (St  David's)  Feb.  6, 

I 63 1-2. 
BELL,  JOHN,  1678,  128.   Add  Probably  referred  to  on  a  M.I. 

in  Spersholt  church,  'John  Bell,  vicar  for  30  years,  died 

1731,   aged   73.'    (Clarke's  Hist,  of  Hundred  of  Wanting, 

BELL,  PETER,  128.   Read  S.  of  William  (1623),  V.  of  Huyton, 

Lanes.,  and  brother  of  William  (1655). 
BELL,  RICHARD,  1678,  128.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 

BELL,  ROBERT,   1668,  128.    Add  Brother  of  William  (1655) 

and  of  Peter  (1668).    Probably  dead  before  Feb.  1683-4. 

(E.  Axon.) 
BELL,  SAMUEL,  1662-3,  128.   Add  The  V.  of  Brotherton  was 

buried  Sept.  28,  1680,  at  St  Michael-le-Belfry,  York. 
BELL,  THOMAS,  1595,  129.  /I rfd  Perhaps  the 'Bell,  of  Queens" 

who  was  'one  of  those  enticed  to  pass  over  the  seas'  by  the 

papist  Speigniomaldus,  c.  1594-5-  Perhaps  also  R.  of  Elton, 

Durham,  1595-1608.  (Foley;  Dr  Jessopp;  H.  M.  Wood.) 
BELL,   THOMAS,    1645,    129.    Add  Marriage  bond,   Feb.   25, 

1666-7,  of  Horsley,  clerk,  and  Alice  Walles,  widow.   (H.  M. 

Wood.)  ,  ,,    , 

BELL,   WILLIAM,    1556,    129.    Add  Preb.  of  York,    1554-8. 

(H.  M.  Wood.)  ,       .     , 

BELL,  WILLIAM,  1623,  129.  Add  A  King's  preacher  in  Lanes. 

Nonconformist  minister  after  1662.    Probably  not  the  C.  of 

Elswick,  Lanes.   (E.  Axon.)  ,,    ,  >  ^     . 

BELLAMY,  JOHN,   1687,  129.    Add  Ord.  pnest  (York)  Sept. 

1695.    R.  of  Remston,  1695. 
BELLASYS,  JOHN,    130.    Add  4th  s.  of  Sir  WUUam.    B.  at 

Morton,  near  Houghton-le-Spring,  Jan.  22,  1619-20.  (H.  M. 

Wood.)  ,  ,,  .,      .    , 

BELASYS  or  BELLOCIS,  RICHARD,  1668,  130.   Add  Manned, 

at   Houghton-le-Spring,   Nov.   29,    1683,   Margaret  Hall,  of 

Eppleton.    (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BELLERS,  JOHN,  130.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul  s. 
BELLIS,  ROBERT,   1684-5,   130.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Dec.  21,  1690;  C.  of  Ince,  1690-;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1693. 
BELT,  THOMAS,  1655,  131.  Add  Marriage  bond,  Aug.  14,  1671, 

to  Ann  Foster.   (H.M.Wood.)  ,,    ,     , 

BELWOOD,  JOHN,  131.   Add  C.  of  St  Olave's,  York,  in  1644- 

But  said  to  have  been  buried  at  St  Michael-le-Bclfry,  York, 

Aug.  23,  1633. 

BENCH,  THOMAS,  131.  Add  Married  Margaret,  dau.  of  Robert 

Barker,  of  Bredfield,  SuOolk.   She  died  1737.   (V.  B.  Red- 
BENDISH,  ROBERT,  1657,  132.  Add  Barrister,  1667. 
BENDISHE,  THOMAS,  1620,  132.  Add  Barrister,  1632. 
BENDY,  JOHN,  132.   Add  Probably  R.  of  Narborough,  Leics., 

BENISON,    THOMAS,    132.     Add    Bapt.    at    BoIton-le-Sands, 

Lanes.,  Feb.  3,  1711-2.   P.C.  of  Tatham  FtU  Chapel,  1736. 

(E.  Axon.) 
BENNETT,    GILBERT,    1617,    133.     Add    WiU    (York)   dated 

Oct.  12,  1660.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
BENNET,  GILBERT,  1689,  133.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept. 

BENNET,  JAMES,  1718-9,  133.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  15. 

BENNET,  JOHN,  M.A.  1583,  133.  Add  Scholar  of  Westminster. 

Failed  in  his  election  for  either  University. 
BENNETT,  JOHN,  1693,  134.    Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1720. 
BENNET,  MARTIN,  1619,  134.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept. 

BENNET,  MARTIN,  1653,  i34-  ^t^^  R-  of  TolhiU,  Lines.,  1662. 
BENNET,  PHILIP,  1625,  134.   Add  The  Minister  of  Ulverstone 

was  almost  certainly  the  same  as  the  V.  of  Whitehaven. 

(E.  Axon.) 
BENNET,  PHILIP,   1662-3,   134.    Add  Buried  at  Ulverstone, 

Jan.  10,  1672-3. 
BENNET,    ROBERT,    1523-4,    134.     Read    V.    of    Gainford, 

1550-8.   For  Died  read  WiU,  Aug.  1558.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BENNET,  THOMAS,  1680,  134.   Add  Admon.  (Chester)  1690, 

of  Thos.  Bennett,  of  Willaston,  clerk. 
BENNETT,   THOMAS,    Incorp.   M.A.   1683,    134.    Add  R.  of 

Winwick,  Lanes.,  1689-92. 
BENNET,  WILLIAM,  c.  1597,  134.  Add  Probably  R.  of  Brindle, 

Lanes.,  1603-29.  Died  1629.  Father  of  PhiUp  (1625). 
BENNIT,  WILLIAM.   Adm.  sizar  at  Emmanuel,  June  12,  1667, 

135.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1672. 
BENNY,  ROBERT,  135.   Add  Probably  clerk  in  1662.   {Chester 

Mar.  Lie,  v.  23.) 
BENSON,  CHARLES,  1714,  135.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Nov. 

1718;  priest,  June,  1721. 
BENSON,  JOHN,  1703,  135.   Add  Buried  at  Ledsham,  May  29, 

1764.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BENSON,  JOHN,  1640,  135.  Add  Barrister,  1651. 
BENSON,  JOHN,  1703,  135.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1708. 
BENSON,   LAWRENCE,    135.  Add  Lecturer  at  Leeds  Parish 

Church,  1677-1709. 
BENSON,  WILLIAM,  1688,  136.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June, 

BENTALL,  EDWARD,   1624,   136.    Add  C.  of  Black  NoUey, 

Essex,  1637.   R.  of  Stapleford  Abbotts,  1641-9;  of  Chipping 

Ongar,  1658. 
BENTHAM,   EDMUND,    136.    Add   R.  of   Alburgh,   Norfolk, 

1754-55.  resigned.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
BENTHAM,  JAMES,  136.   Add  R.  of  Bow  Brick  HiU,  Bucks., 

at  his  death. 
BENTHAM,  LAWRENCE,  136.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  May  29, 

i6«i.   V.  of  Otley,  1689. 
BENTLEY,  DANIEL,  1712,  137.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1716;  priest,  Sept.  1719. 
BENTLEY,   JOHN,    1567,   137.    Add  Buried   at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle,  July  18,  1617.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BENTLEY,    RICHARD,    1721,    137.    Read    R.   of    Nailstone, 

1746-8G.    (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BENTLEY,  WILLIAM,  1563-4,  137.   Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.) 

1603.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BENTON,  JEREMY,  137.  Add  C.  of  Finchingfield,  1648. 
BEREBLOCK,  JAMES,  138.    Add  Probably  s.  of  WiUiam,  of 

St  Vedast,  London,  citizen  and  goldsmith,  and  Susan,  sister 

of  Sir  John  Denham,  Baron  of  the  Exchequer.   Will  dated 

Oct.  28,  1653  [proved  (P.C.C.)  .\ug.  i,  1655].   (J.  B.  Whit- 
BERESFORD,  JOHN,    1706,   138.    Read  Buried  at   Bentley, 

Feb.  1755. 
BERESFORD,    MICHAEL,    138.     Add    Ord.    priest    (Atxlfert) 

.\un.  1,  IbOO. 
BERRIDGE,  BASIL,  1629,  139.    Add  M.I.  at  AlRarkirk  which 

uiontions  one  son  Basil  and  one  dau.  Anne.   p.  Ch.  Smith). 
BERRIDGE,  JOHN,  1581,  139.   Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1626. 

(V.  H.  Redstone.) 
BERRIER   or   BERIAR.   STEPHEN,    139.    Add  Ord.  deacon 

(York)  Sept.;  pn.st,  Dec.  i(>2.-. 
BERIFFE,  WILLIAM,  lOii,  140.  .-1 JJ  B.irristcr,  1631. 
BERMAN,  WILLIAM,   140.    Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Gcslinglhorpc,  Essex,   1636-50.    V.  of  St  Thomas,  South- 

w.irk,  1659. 
BERNARD,  JAMES,  1669,  140.    Add  M.irricd,  Apr.  16.  1690, 

M.iry  Win  tconibe,  at  tlritllclon.  Wilts.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BERROW,   CAPELL,    142.     Ad.i   M.irricd,  at  the   Fleet,  u  of 

AldersgJtc,   Oct.    19,    1742,    to    Eliz.il>clh   Smith,   spinster. 

(Bum's  fleet  Harriattt;  J.  ChaUcnor  Smith.) 


Berry,  Daniel 

BERRY,  DANIEL,  142.    Add  Subscribed  for  priest  (Bristol) 

Dec.  24,  1626. 
BERRY,  HENRY,  142.  Add  Left  two  song  books,  one  to  Oxford 
and  one  to  Cambridge.    Buried  at  Bury,  Feb.  2,  1635-6. 
(E.  Axon.) 
BEST  or  BEAST,  ARTHUR,  143.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

BEST,  FRANCIS,  144.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  23,  1750; 

priest,  May,  1752.  C.  of  Spofforth. 
BEST,  JAMES,  1616,  144.  Add  Said  to  tiave  been  V.  of  Hunting- 
ton, 1634-42.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BESWICK,  CHARLES,    144.    Add  C.  of  Stockport,  in   1661. 

Admon.  (Chester)  1703.   (E.  Axon.) 
BESWICK,  NICHOLAS,  144.    Perhaps  s.  of  Philip  Bexwicke. 

Bapt.  at  Manchester,  Feb.  21,  1574-5.   (E.  Axon.) 
BETHAM  or  BEETHAM,  ROBERT,  145.    Add  Married  Mary 
Dawson  who  administered  his  estate.   She  was  b.  June  25, 
and  bapt.  July  11,  1674.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
BETHELL,  WALTER,  145.  Add  Barrister,  1597. 
BETSON,  THOMAS,   1557,   145.    Read  V.  of  Neston,    1562-5, 

resigned.   Will  (Chester)  1610;  as  V.  of  Eagle. 
BETENSON,  EDWARD,  1650,  145.  Add  Barrister,  1666. 
BETTERLEY,  WILLIAM,  145.  Add  Head  Master  of  Worcester 

Grammar  School.  See  also  R.  B.  Gardiner,  i.  66. 
BETTS,   JAMES,    1716,    146.    Add  Martin  exhibitioner  from 

BEVERDSELL  or  BUERDSELL,  THOMAS,  146.   Add  Perhaps 
will  proved  at  Chester,  1642,  as  Thos.  BuerdseU,  of  Stock- 
port, Chester,  clerk. 
BEVERLEY,  ELLIS,  146.   Add  Married,  Aug.  17,  1631,  Judith 

Mathew,  widow,  at  Stone,  Gloucester.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEVERLEY,  JAMES,  1619,    146.  ^rfii  Barrister,  1629. 
BEVERLY,  MATTHEW,  146.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Oxford)  Apr.  5, 

BEVERLEY,  ROBERT,  1627,  147.  Add  Barrister,  1638. 
BEVERLEY,    THOMAS,    1626,    147.     Add    Barrister,    1636; 

Bencher,  1648. 
BEVERSHAM,  JAMES,  1642,  147.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

Feb.  21,  1661-2. 
BEWICKE,  JOHN,  1679,  i47-    A<i<i-  Bapt.  at  St  John's,  New- 
castle, July  21,  1662.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEWICK,  WILLIAM,  1615,  i47.    Add  Buried  at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle,  Feb.  24,  1636-7.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BEWICK,    WILLIAM,    1688,    147.     Add   Bapt.    at    Hexham, 

Nov.  17,  1669.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BICKERTON,  ALEXANDER,  1671,  148.  Add  Bapt.  at  Wolsing- 

ham,  June  28,  1656.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BICKERTON,  WILLIAM,  1643,  148.  Add  V.  of  Barnard  Castle, 

1662.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BICKERTON,  WILLIAM,  1674,  148.  Add  Bapt.  at  Wolsingham, 

Jan.  26,  1657-8.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BIGG,  JOHN,  1584,  149.   Add  One  of  this  name  schoolmaster 
at  Chedburgh,  Suffolk.    S.  of  Henry,  of  Riddeswell,  Essex. 
Wm  at  Bury,  1594.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BILLINGFORD,  RICHARD,  151.   Add  Visitor  of  Clare  CoUege, 

1408.    Preb.  of  York.   (Papal  Letters.) 
BILLINGSLEY,  JOHN,  1690,  151.  Add  Admon.  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  2, 
1698,  bachelor,  to  Mary  Hone>Tvood,  the  sister  'ex  paterno 
latere.'   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
BILLINGSLEY,  ROBERT,   151.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Chichester) 

Sept.  19,  1660. 
BILLINGSLEY,  WILLIAM,  1579,  151.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Bristol) 
June  3,  1592.    University  Preacher,  1595.    R.  of  Glaston, 
Rutland,  1605-35. 
BINFELD  or  BINFOLD,  JOHN,  152.   Add  Probably  s.  of  John, 

V.  of  Walden,  Essex,  who  died  1663. 
BINGHAM,    WILLIAM,    1446,    153.     Read    R.    of    St    John 
Zachary,  London,  1424-51.  Licensed  to  found  God's  House, 
1446   (Patent  Rolls;  W.  McMurray.) 
BINGHAM,  WILLIAM,  B.A.  1519-20,  153.  Add  Probably  R.  of 

Headon,  Notts.,  1548. 
BINCKES,  WILLIAM,  153.    Add  One  of  these  names  chaplain 
to  Sir  Chas.  Wheeler's  Regiment  of  Foot,  Feb.  16,  1678. 
(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BINTREE,   WILLIAM,    153.    Add  Prior  at  Cambridge,   1465, 
when   he   probably  graduated.    Prior  at  Bumham.    Died 
there  Sept.  3,  1493.   (B.  Zimmerman.) 
BIRCH,  ABDIAS,  153.  Add  Bapt.  at  Middleton,  Lanes.,  May  3, 

1572.    (E.  Axon.) 
BIRCH,  ABRAHAM,  153.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1716. 
BIRCH,  ANDREW,  153.  Add  Brother  of  Thomas  (1645). 
BIRCH,   HENRY,    154.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York)   June,   1694. 

V.  of  Kettlewell,  1699. 
BIRCH,  JOHN,  1651,  154.   Add  Chaplain  to  the  Eari  of  Clare, 

in  1660.  Buried  Sept.  17,  1670.  (E.  Axon.) 
BIRCH,  JOHN,  1748,  154.  ^ (id  Barrister,  1753. 
BYRCHE,  JOSEPH,   154.    Add  Minister  of  Ashley,  Cheshire. 

Brother  of  John  (1651). 
BIRCH,  SAMUEL,  1675,  154.   Delete  One  of  these  names.   Add 
Ord.   deacon   (York)    Mar.    1679-80;    priest,   Feb.    1680-1. 
Married,  Mar.  26,  1683,  aged  25,  Hannah  Huthwait,  of  St 
Mary's,  Nottingham.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 

Blakiston,  Robert 

BIRCH,   SAMUEL,    1713-4,   154.     Read   Ord.  deacon   (York) 

Sept.  1719. 
BIRCH,  WILLIAM,  1544,  154.  Add  Buried  at  St  Mary-le-Bow, 

Durham,  Nov.  23,  1574.  Will  proved  Nov.  30,  1575-  (H.  M. 

BERCHALL,  GEORGE,  154.   Add  C.  of  Formby,  Lanes.   Will 

(Chester)  1698.   (E.  Axon.) 
BIRD,  JOHN,  1689,  155.    Add  Master  of  the  Boys'  Hospital, 

Ampton,  1715-31.  Delete  Perhaps. 
BIRD,  JOHN,  1745,  155.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June  17,  i753- 

C.  of  St  Peter's,  Nottingham. 
BIRD,   JOSEPH,    1618,   156.     Read    Ord.   deacon    and   priest 

(Norwich)  Sept.  (?)  18,  1625. 
BIRD,  SAMUEL,  1714,  156.  ^di  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1719; 

priest,  June,  1721.  C.  of  Halloughton,  Notts. 
BIRDSALL  or  BIRDSULL,  ROBERT,   156.    Add  Ord.  deacon 

Sept.  1690;  priest  (York>  June,  1694. 
BIRDSEY,  JOHN,  156.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1718-20. 
BIRCKBECK,  THOMAS,  157.   Add  One  of  the  fifteen  ministers 

who,  in  1644,  sat  in  judgment  on  Shorland  Adams  (1620). 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
BIRKENSHAW,  JOHN,   157-    Add  Abbot,   1493-    Suspended, 

1524-7.   Resigned,  1538. 
BIRKETT,  MILES,  B.A.   1632,  157.    Add  Father  of  William 

Burkitt  (1665). 
BIRKET,  THOMAS,  1724,  157.    Add  Married,  Nov.  20,  1735. 

Thomasin  Reed,  at  Sunderland.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BIRKHEAD,  DANIEL,  158.   Add  Married,  May  14,  1613,  Alice 

Place,  at  Dinsdale.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BISBY,  NATHANIEL,   158.    Add  School,  Westminster.    Ord. 

priest  (Chichester)  Oct.  5,  1660. 
BISH,  WILLIAM,  158.  Add  Barrister,  1652. 
BISHOP,  JOSEPH,  158.    Add  One  of  these  names  chaplain  m 

the  Navy,  in  1743  ^°d  1759- 
BISHOP,  RICHARD,  158.  Add  Barrister,  1620. 
BISHOP,  SAMUEL,   158.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert)   Nov.  9, 

1655.   V.  of  Finchingfield.   iJead  School,  St  Clement  Danes, 

Temple  Bar. 
BISHOP,  WILLIAM,   1572,   159.    Add    The  Oxford  man  was 

certainly  the  Bishop  of  Chalcedon.  See  Foley,  vi.  137. 
BISPHAM,  WILLIAM,  159.    Add  R.  of  Lymm  (med.),  1627. 

Died  Jan.  6,  1685-6,  aged  88. 
BLACK,  GEORGE  CHARLES,  159.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BLACKBURNE,  ABRAHAM,   i6o.    Add  Buried  in  Richmond 

churchyard,  Surrey,  Dec.  6,  1697,  aged  83. 
BLACKBORNE,  LEVETT,  160.  Add  Barrister,  1737.   Bencher, 

BLAIKLING  or  BLAYKLINGE,  RICHARD,   161.    Add  R.  of 

Pebmarsh,   1650-6,  ejected.    Buried  at  St  Runwold,  Col- 

BLACKMAN   or   BLAKEMAN,   FOLJAMBE,    161.    Add   Ord. 

deacon  (York)  Sept.  16S9;  priest,  Sept.  1690. 
BLAKEMAN,  WILLIAM,  161.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June, 

BLAKISTONE,   FRANCIS,    1667,   161.     Read   Bapt.   Jan.   31, 

1652-3.   Por  Died  read  Buried.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BLAIKSTONE,  GABRIEL,  161.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  June  15, 

BLACKSTON,  GODFREY,  161.  ^(idS.  of  Henry  (1561).  Proved 

his  brother  Joshua's  (1600)  will  in  1615.    Married  and  had 

issue.    R.  of  West  Thomey,  Sussex,  1607-38.    Brother  of 

Henry  (1685).   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BLAXTON,  HENRY,  1561,  161.    Add  Buried  at  St  Peter  the 

Great,  Chichester,  Sept.  i,  1606.   Father  of  Godfrey  (1586), 

Joshua    (1600)    and   probably   Henry    (1585)-     His   widow 

Joane  cites  these  in  her  wUl.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BLAXTON,   HENRY,   1585,    161.   Add  Probably  s.  of  Henry 

(1561).  Perhaps  admon.  to  his  widow  Phillipa,  at  Chichester, 

Oct.  7,  1609.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BLAKISTON,  JOHN,   1650,   161.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle,  Apr.  18,  1633.   Married  Phoebe,  dau.  of  WilUam 

Johnston,  of   Kibblesworth.    Buried  Mar.   12,   1701-2,   at 

St  Nicholas.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BLAKESTON,  JOHN,   1726,   161.    Add  Only  s.  of  Tobias,  of 

Newcastle,  and  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Cooper,  of  Gateshead. 

Bapt.  June  20,    1710.    Chaplain   to  George  Ill's  mother. 

(H.  E.  D.  Blakiston.) 
BLAXTON,  JOSHUA,  161.  Add  Mentions  in  his  will  his  brother 

Henry's  children  and  his  brother  Godfrey.    S.  of  Henry 

(1561).   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BLAKISTON  or  BLAXTON,  ROBERT,  1623,  162.   ReadBapt.at 

Sedgefield,  June  7,  1607.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BLAXTON  or  BLACKISTON,  ROBERT,  1638,  162.   Add  Bapt. 

at    St    Margaret's,    Durham,    Apr.    10,     1623.      (H.     M. 

BLAKISTON,  ROBERT,  1667,  162.   Add  Bapt.  at  St  Oswald's, 

Durham,  Oct.  i,  1648,  and  buried  there  Oct.  16,  1688. 
BLAKISTON,   ROBERT,    1706,   162.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York) 

Sept.    1715.     Married,   at   St   Oswald's,   Durham    (1)    Mrs 

EUzabeth  Peacock  on  Jan.  11,   1714-5;  (2)  Mrs  Margaret 

Tempest  on  July  9,  1723.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 


Blakiston,  William 

BLAKISTON.  WILLIAM,  1639,  162.  ^(M  Buried  at  St  Oswald's, 

Durham,  Ian.  2,  1684-5.   (H.  .M.  Wood.) 
BLADON,    THOMAS,     163.     Add    Presbyterian    minister    at 

Tanivvorth  as  late  as  Nov.  14,  1702. 
BLAKENEY,  WILLIAM,  163.    Add  A  WiUiam  Blakeney  was 

Prior  of  the  Carmelites  at  Cambridge  in  1500,  and  probably 

graduated  that  year.   (B.  Zimmerman.) 
BLANSHARD,  THOMAS,  164.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  19, 

1680;  priest,  Dec.  1683.   C.  of  Foston. 
BLAND,    AMBROSE,   164.     Add   Ord.    deacon    (York)    Sept. 

BLAND,    CHRISTOPHER,    1542-3,    164.     Add   Probably    the 

schoolmaster  at  Saffron  Walden  in  1545,  and  buried  there 

Dec.  21,  1=164. 
BLAND,   ESDRAS,    1607-8,    164.    Add  Ord.   priest   (London) 

Mar.  9,  1 61 1-2.   Inc.  of  Barley. 
BLAND,  JAMES,  1684,  164.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Cariisle)  June  10, 

1688;  priest.  Mar.  16,  1689-90.   C.  of  Preston,  Lanes.,  1689. 
BLAND,  JOHN,   1688-9,  164.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1693.  C.  of  Dunsford. 
BLAND,    ROBERT,    1637,    165.     Add   Ord.    priest    (Kilmore) 

Nov.  26,  1647.   Inc.  of  Gt  Wigborough. 
BLAND,   ROBERT,    1653,    165.    Add  Ord.   priest   (GaUoway) 

July,  1661.  C.  of  West  Stowe,  Sufiolk. 
BLEASE,  JOHN,  166.  Add  One  of  this  name,  clerk,  was  bonds- 
man in  a  marriage  license,  Chester,  Jan.  1 630-1. 
BLEMMELL,  JOHN,  166.   Add  At  Bury,  in  1643.   (V.  B.  Red- 
BLISS,  .    A  friar,   167.    Add  JOHN.    A  Carmelite  of  the 

Cambridge  House.    At  the  Ely  ordination,  June  6,  1517, 

applied  for  (probably)  priest's  orders;  passed  over  as  having 

obtained  the  inferior  orders  elsewhere,  without  Lift.  dim. 

from  Ely.   (B.  Zimmerman.) 
BLOFEILD,  THOMAS,  1618-9,  167.  Add  Barrister,  1626. 
BLOMEFIELD,  THOMAS,  168.   Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1738-41. 
BLOSS,  TOBIAS,  1629,  168.   Add  This,  or  the  next,  ord.  priest 

(Norwich)  Aug.  13,  1662.   R.  of  Belstead. 
BLOWER,  ALLEN,   109.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Oxford)  Mar.   15, 

1662-3.  C.  of  Little  Waltham,  in  1664. 
BLOWER,  JOSHUA,  1706,   169.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Joshua 

BLOWER,    PETER,    169.     Add   V.   of   West   Ham,    1638-44, 

sequestered.   Died  soon  after. 
BLUNT,  JOHN,  170.   Add  R.  of  Hilston-in-Holdemess,  Yorks., 

1 660. 
BLITHE,  EDWARD,  171.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.)  May  31, 

1702;  C.  of  Wansford,  Northants. 
BLYTHE,  GEOFFREY,  1515,  171.   Add  R.  of  Headon,  Notts., 

BLYGH,  JONATHAN,  171.   Add  Bapt.  at  Holsworthy,  Oct.  8, 

1610.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BLYTH,  ROGER,   1606-7,   i7i.    Add  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(Ely)  Sept.  25,  1608.    R.  of  Termonmaguirke,  1617.    R.  of 

Drumglass,  1626.  Private  chaplain  to  Lord  Chichester,  1626. 

Said  to  have  been  murdered  in  the  1641  rebellion.    (H.  B. 

Swanzy;  Leslie's  Armagh  Clergy,  267.) 
BOAWRE   or  BOWER,  WILLIAM,    172.     Read  Ord.   deacon 

(York)  Dec.  1701. 
BOHUN,  WILLIAM,  1701,  173.  AddSchooX,  Ipswich.  Physician 

at  Beccles,  in  1728.   (I.  E.  Gray.) 
BOWLD,  LANCELOT,  173.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1652. 
BOISDAUNE,  LEWIS,  173.   Add  Chaplain  68th  Foot,  in  1758. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BOLD,  THOMAS,  173.   Add  Apparently  presented  to  Winwick, 

Lanes.,  in  1661.   (Cal.  St.  Pap.  Dom.) 
BOLDERO,  EDMUND,  174.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  12, 

BOLLEN,  DANIEL,   174.    Add  Appointed  by  the  King  R.  of 
lilwick,  1660.    Exchanged  with  Dennis  Granville  for  Kirk- 

hampton,  Cornwall,  1664.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOLEYN,  WILLIAM,   174.    Add  R.  of  Egglesclifle,   1519-34- 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOLT,  NICHOLAS,  175.    Add  Ord.  priest  (No^^vich)  Mar.  13, 

1624-5.   V.  of  Gt  Thurlow,  Suffolk,  1661. 
BOLTON  or  BOULTON,   JEREMIAH,    175.    Add  Ord.  priest 

(York)  c.  i66g,  'M.A.' 
BOLTON,  JEREMIAH,  175.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1699. 

C.  of  Bawtry,  1702. 
BOLTON,  JOHN,  1656,  175.   Add  S.  of  John,  constable.   Bapt. 
at  M.mchester,  June  10,  1638.  Living  in  Liverpool,  1689-90. 
Admon.  (Chester)  1691;  'a  Fellow  of  Christ's  College.' 
BOLTON,  JOHN,  1677,  175.  Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  tlie  Navy, 

BOLTON,  RICHARD,  1715-6,  176.  Add  Bapt.  at  Dcane,  Lanes., 

May  27,  1697. 
BOLTON,  ROBERT,  1661,  176.   Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of 

Blackrod,  Lanes.,  1668,  and  of  Bury,  1669-71.  (E.  Axon.) 
BOLTON,  ROGER,   176.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  22, 

1678;  priest,  Feb.  29,  1679-80.  C.  of  Holland,  Lanes.,  1683. 

Chaplain  of  Manchester  Collegiate  Church,   1694;   Fellow, 

1701.   Died  May  14,  1735,  'aged  82."  M.l.  at  Manchester. 

BoTTisHAM,  Nicholas 

BOLTON,   SAMUEL,   1625,    176.    Add  Bapt.  at  Manchester, 

Nov.  22,  1607.   (I-;.  Axon.) 
BOLTON,  STEPHEN,   1723,   176.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

BOLTON,   THOMAS,    1650,    176.    Add  Bapt.   at   Manchester, 

Mar.  30,  1634.   (E.  Axon.) 
BOLTON,  THOMAS.  1715,  176.  Add  Master  of  Ipswich  School, 

1737-43;  previously  Usher.   (I.  E.  Gray.) 
BOLTON.  WILLIAM,  1690,  176.    Add  See  also  Crisp,  Alumni 

BOND,  THOMAS,  1608,  177.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  24, 

BONES,  JAMES,   177.    Add  Died  Aug.  26,  1806,  aged  72,  at 

Cambridge,  in  his  house  near  Emmanuel.  He  took  the  name 

BONNER,  MATTHEW,  178.   Add  Bapt.  at  St  Andrew's,  New- 
castle, .Mar.  13,  1638-9.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BONYMAN,  GEORGE,  178.    Add  R.  of  TUston,  1653,  tiU  his 

death,  Apr.  2,  1668.   According  to  Calamy  he  was  ejected. 

If  so,  he  was  re-instituted.   (E.  Axon.) 
BOOKER,  THOMAS,  1647,  179.   Add  C.  of  Castor,  Northants., 

1621-41-.   (Bowker.) 
BOOKEY,  MATTHEW,  179.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1692. 
BOOTE,  DANIEL,  179.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar.  6,  1747-8. 
BOOTH,    GEORGE,    1669.    179.     Add   Probably   wUl   proved 

(Chester)  1679;  of  Manchester. 
BOOTH,  HUMFREY,  180.   Read  S.  of  Richard,  of  Tottington. 
BOOTH,  JOHN,   1677-8,  180.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 

BOOTH,  LAURENCE,  180.    Add  S.  of  unmarried  parents;  of 

noble  birth.    R.  of  St  Mary  Magdalene,  Milk  Street.    R.  of 

Cottenham,  Cambs.   {Papal  Letters.) 
BOOTH,  NICHOLAS,  i8o.  Add  Perhaps  preb.  of  Ferns,  1678-91. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BOOTH,   ROBERT,    1662,   180.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (Durham) 

Mar.  3,  1666-7;  priest  (York)  Sept.  22,  1667.    C.  of  Rich- 
mond, Yorks.,  in  1691. 
BOOTH,  THOMAS,  1676,  181.    Add  hlr  Thomas  Booth,  clerk, 

buried  Mar.  20,  1682-3,  at  Bury,  Lanes.   (E.  Axon.) 
BOOTH,  VALENTINE,  181.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  June  lo, 

1666.    Read  V.  of  Stanford-on-Avon,  1666-9.     R.  of  Clay 

Colon,  1669-92.   Died  May  12,  1692. 
BOOTH,    WILLIAM,    1741,    181.     Add   Ord.    deacon    (York) 

Feb.  23,  1745-6;  priest,  May,  1747.    V.  of  Laxton,  Notts., 

1747.   V.  of  IJkslcy,  1748. 
BOOTHBY,  ROBERT,  1750-1,  i8i.  Read  Guidon  in  the  Second 

Troop  of  Horse,  Grenadier  Guards. 
BORDLEY,  STEPHEN,  1654,  181.   Add  S.  of  William,  school- 
master at  Tunstall  and   Hawkshead.    Bapt.  at  Tunstall, 

Jan.  1,  1636-7.   Half-brother  of  William. 
BORDLY,  WILLIAM,  i8i.   Add  S.  of  William,  schoohnaster  at 

Tunstall  and  Hawkshead.    Bapt.  at  Hawkshead,  Jan.  24, 

1666-7.   Married  Ann  Fothergill,  of  Tunstall,  at  Lancaster, 

Nov.  21,  1696.  Will  (Richmond)  1741.  (W.  H.  Chippendali). 
BOARDMAN,  JOHN,  1736,  182.  Delete  Perhaps. 
BORDMAN,    GABRIEL,    182.    Add  C.  of   Bidston,   Cheshire, 

1632-47,  sequestered.   Signs  as  R.  of  Thurstaston,  in  1633. 

C.  of  Birkcnlu.id  (doubtful).   (E.  A.xon.) 
BORDMAN,   SAMUEL,    182.    Add  S.   of   Richard.    Bapt.  at 

Manchester,    Feb.    14,    1601-2.     Chaplain    to   the   Earl   of 

M.mchester.  Died  in,  or  before,  1660.  (E.  Axon.) 
BOREHAM,  JOHN,  182.    Add  S.  of  Joseph,  of  Kent.    (J.  B. 

BORFETT,  SAMUEL,   182.    Add  Presbyterian  minister.    Ord. 

Nov.    10,    1653,   at  Moreton,  Essex.    Minister  at  Curriers 

Hall,  Cripplegate,  1685-91. 
BORFETT,  WALTER,   182.    Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of 

Padih.ini,  Lanes.,  1619-26. 
BORRADELL,   JOHN,    183.    Add  V.  of  Steeple   Bumpstead, 

BORRON,   ARTHUR,    183.    Add  Died  at  Warrington,  clerk. 

Dec.  18,  1791.   (E.  Axon.) 
BORROW,  JOSHUA,  183.   Add  S.  of  Timothy,  of  Kelet.   Bapt. 

at  Bolton-le-Sands,  July  28,  1064.   C.  of  Ncwbum,  North- 
ants., 1691-1705.  C.  of  .-Mdingham,  1695.   R.  of  Hutton-in- 

the-Forcst,  Cumberland,  1695-1728.   V.  of  Asby.   Father  of 

BOSSALL, .  183.    Add  Timothy  Bossall  was  R.  of  Cockfieid, 

Durham,   1616.  and  died   1617.    .\  dau.  Judith  was  bapt. 

there,  Aug.  4,  1016.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOSSEVILE.   GODFREY,    183.     Add   Married   Di.ma,  dau.  of 

Sir  VMIIiani  Wentworth,  Bart. 
BOSEVILE,  NICHOLAS,   1S3.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

BOSTON,  PAUL,  184.   .idd  Ord.  priest  (Kilmonr)  Nov.  u,  |6J0. 

01  .St  Ciik--'-inthi-l-ieKls.  in  1664. 
.1,/./  BOSYATE,  THOMAS,  185.   B.Can  L.  in  1366.   {CaJ.  P»p. 

Let..  I.) 
BOTTERELL,  SAMUEL.    185.    Add  Bapt.  at  South  Shields, 

AiiK.  28,  i()5().   Ch.ipl.iin  in  the  N.ivy,  1689-90. 
BOTTISHAM.  NICHOLAS.  185.  Add  B.  at  Ely.  Took  the  habit 

at  Cambridge.   Probably  U.D.  (U.  Zimmerman,  408.) 


BouGHTON,  Le  Neve 

BOUGHTON,  LE  NEVE,  i86.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  May, 

BOUND,  NATHANIEL,  1600,  186.    Add  Most  probably  s.  of 

Nicholas,  D.D.  Bapt.  at  Norton.  See  BOWD,  NATHANIEL. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BOUND,  NICHOLAS,  1568,  186.  Add  At  Norton,  m  1581. 
BOUND,  NICHOLAS,  1635,  186.   Read  {Shaw,  11.  343-) 
^r,      ^^^   Chaplain   in    the   Navy, 

Read  Died  Mar.  4,  1719-20. 
Delete  as  s.  of  Thomas.  (H.  M. 

BOURNE,    JOHN,    1742, 

BOURNE,  SAMUEL,  1666,  16 
BOURNE,  THOMAS,  1705,  i£ 


BOURNE  or  BURN,  TITUS,  188.    Add  Another  account  says 
only  s.  of  Timothy.    B.  1671.    Died  Aug.  31,  1734-    Buried 
Dalby  churchyard.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
BOVIL,  JOHN,  189.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1689.  School- 
master at  Topclifie. 
BOWER,  BENJAMIN,  190.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York,  Litt.  dim. 

from  Winchester)  Feb.  19,  1748-9. 
BOWER,  JOHN,  1683,  190.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Dec.  1690. 
BOWER,  SAMUEL,  1661,  190.    Add  Inc.  of  WooUey,  Yorks., 

1677-81.  Died  Feb.  7,  1681,  aged  38.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BOWES,  CHRISTOPHER,  190.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

BOWES,  JOHN,  1686,  191.  Add  Buried  Mar.  30,  1735.  (H.  M. 

BOWES,  ROBERT,  1665-6,  191.    Add  Buried  at  Conischfie. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOWES,    THOMAS,    1718,    191.     Add   Bapt.    at   Whickham, 

May  24,  1700.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOWES,  WILLIAM,  1719,  191.   Add  Married  Eleanor,  dau.  of 

Matthew  Lister,  of  Bunvell,  Lines,  {see  Maddison's  Lines. 

Pedigrees,  sgy).  WiU  proved,  1751. 
BOWES,  WILLIAM  BLAXTON,  191.  Read  B.  i  Jan.  1695-6. 

Add  Bapt.  Oct.  11,  1696.    (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOWKERor  BOOKER,  JAMES,  192.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Nov.    15,    1670;   priest   (York)   Sept.   22,    1672.    Probably 

minister  of  Ca ton,  Lanes.,  1657-62.  Remained  nonconformist 

till  1670.    Resided  in  Blackley,  but  probably  not  as  P.C. 

Father  of  Ralph  and  James.   (E.  Axon.) 
BOWLES,  EDWARD,  192.  Add  Will  (York)  Oct.  13,  1662. 
BOWLES,  GEORGE,  1725,  192.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BOWLES  or  BOWLE,  JOHN,   1593-4,   192.    Add  Elected  to 

Trinity  from  Westminster. 
BOWLING,  JOHN,  193.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1740-50. 
BOWMAN,   THOMAS,    1750,    193.    Add  V.   of  Brantingham, 

Yorks.,  1755. 
BOWMAN,  TIMOTHY,  193.   Add  Buried  at  Bedfield,  Sept.  14, 

1633.   Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1634.  (V.B.Redstone.) 
BOWSER,  SAMUEL,   193.    Add  Buried  there  May  30,   1620. 

His  wife  Elizabeth  buried  June  15,  1620.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BOWYER,  JOHN,  1631,  194.   Add  V.  of  Dagenham,  1647-50. 

Buried  there  Oct.  18,  1650. 
BOWYER,  WILLIAM,  194.  After  Matric.  pens,  from  Pembroke, 

c.  1601,  add  Lived  at  Histon,  c.  1617. 
BOYDELL,  JAMES,   194.    Add  C.  of  Newton  Chapel,  Lanes. 

Schoolmaster  of  Winwick  School,  1672.    Dismissed  for  ill- 
behaviour,  but  promised  to  reform.    (Lady  Newton,  Lyne 

Letters,  1660-1760.) 
BOYER,  ELEAZAR,  194.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1683. 
BOYER,  THOMAS,  1644,  195.    Add  Intruder  at  Muggleswick. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BOYS,  JOHN,  1619,  195.  Read  R.  of  Tivetshall.  Wife  Helen. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BOYES,  JOSEPH,  1730,  195.   Add  Ord.  priest  {Litt.  dim.  from 

York)  Nov.  1737.  C.  of  Wigginton. 
BOIS,  MATTHEW,  195.    Add  R.  of  Barton-le-Street,  Yorks., 

1658.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BOYS,  RICHARD,  1655,  196.    Add  Signed  for  deacon  (York) 

Aug.  17,  1662. 
BOYS,  WILLIAM,  1577-8,  196.  Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Eythome, 

Kent.   Bapt.  there,  Feb.  7,  1562-3.    FeUow  of  Clare.   Died 

unmarried,  Feb.  7,  1631-2.    M.I.  in  Gt  Missenden  Church, 

Bucks.   (C.  S.  James.) 
BOYSE,   WILLIAM,    1606,   196.    Delete  One  of  these  names. 

According  to  Berry's  Kentish  Genealogies  his  will  is  dated 

1665.   (C.  S.  James.) 
BOYLE,  JOHN,  1583,  196.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul  s. 

Read  Bapt.  at  St  Paul's,  Canterbury,  Aug.  2,   1564.    His 

parents,  Roger  and  Joan  Nayler,  were  married  there  July  31 

preceding  {sic).  (J.  R.  Glencross.) 
BOYLE,   RICHARD,   1590,   196.    Add  School,  St  Paul's;  ex- 
BRABANT,  WILLIAM,  197.  Add  Bapt.  at  Brancepeth,  May  23, 

1647.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BRABBIN  or  BRABANT,  ROBERT,  197.  Add  Bapt.  at  Deane, 

Lanes.,  Mar.  23,  1655-6. 
BRABBIN  or  BRABANT,  WILLIAM,  198.  Add  Bapt.  at  Deane, 

Lanes.,  Mar.  23,  1649-50. 

at  Gainford.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

Add  Bapt.  Aug.  11,  1670, 

Brayne,  Thomas 

BRACKLEY,  JOHN,  198.  Add  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of 
Hampshire.  School,  Westminster.  Licensed  to  marry, 
Dec.  19,  1671,  Sarah  Stillwell,  of  Thursley,  Southampton. 
Age  27  in  1671.    Delete  One  of  these  names  and  Perhaps. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BRADBURY  or  BRADSBURY,  JOHN,  199.   Add  Ord.  deacon 

(York^  June,  1707;  priest,  1710. 
BRADFORD,  MATTHEW,  200.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar. 

1720.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1730-1. 
BRADFORD,  RICHARD,  1676,  200.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 
Feb.  1683-4;  priest.  Mar.  1684-5.   C.  of  Kelham.   Married, 
Nov.    15,    1685,   age   25,    Elizabeth   Jenison,   of   Newark. 

(J.  ChaUenor  Smith.) 
BRADFORD,   SAMUEL,    1669,   200.    Add  Probably  adm.   as 

Fell. -Com.  (M.A.)  at  St  Catharine's,  Jan.  1687-8. 
BRADFORD,  WILLIAM,  1712,  200.    Add  School,  St  Paul's; 

BRADGATE  or  BROADGATE,  SAMUEL,  200.    Add  Probably 

chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1705-6. 
BRADISH,   WILLIAM,    200.    Add  School,  St   Paul's.     R.  of 

Athelhampton  Chapel,  Dorset,  1624-38. 
BRADLY,  EDWARD,  200.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1674; 

priest,  Sept.  1679. 
BRADLY,  HENRY,  1670,  200.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  21, 

BRADLEY,  JOHN,  1676,  201.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  19, 

1680;  priest.  May  29,  1681. 
BRADLEY,  JOHN,  1721,  201.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

1725;  priest,  Sept.  15,  1726. 
BRADLEY,  THOMAS,  1693,  201.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

BRADSHAW,  BRIAN,  201.  .,4(id  V.  of  Tattingstone,  1576-1624. 

Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1624.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BRADSHAW,  JOHN,  1588,  202.    Add  8th  s.  of  Roger  Brads- 

haigh,  of  Haigh,  Esq.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRADSHAWE,    NATHANIEL,    202.     Read   The  V.    of    Pen- 

wortham  was  probably  of  Oxford.    He  was  buried  there 

Mar.  II,  1640-1.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRADSHAW,  NICHOLAS,  202.    Read  V.  of  Preston.  Canon  of 

Newark  College.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRADSHAW,  PETER,  1492-3,  202.   Add  R.  of  Eccleston  till 

his  death  in  1541.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRADSHAW,    THOMAS,    1639-40,    202.     Add   According   to 

Ormerod  (11.  352)  the  Grappenhall  man  was  R.  of  a  mediety 

of  Lymm,  and  was  buried  there  Dec.  18,  1685.    Probably 

distinct  from  the  Littleborough  man.   (E.  A.xon.) 
BRAFIELD,    JOHN,    203.     Add    Probably   chaplain    of    the 

Independent  Company  of  Foot  in  South  Carolina,  Sept.  i, 

1722,  till  1726.  R.  of  Killinchy,  Down,  in  1754.  Will  proved 

(Ireland)    as    of    Darrynahensy,    Kilkenny,    clerk,     1757- 

(Dalton,  Army  List;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BRAGG,  WILLIAM,  1626,  203.   Add  Probably  the  one  of  this 

name,  R.  of  Hartwell,  Bucks.,  who  married  there  in  the 

chapel  of   Little   Hampden,    Elizabeth   Harding,   Mar.   9, 

1640-1.   (PhUlimore's  Bucks.  Marriages.) 
BRALESFORD,   HUMPHREY,   204.    Add  Ord.  priest   (York) 

June  13,  1756.   V.  of  South  Kirkley,  1758. 
BRAILSFORD,  JOHN,   1709,  204.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Mar.  1714-5;  priest,  1716. 
BRAILSFORD,  JOHN,  1740-1,  204.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Mar.  10,  1744-5.    V.  of  WyseU,  Notts.,  1751;  of  St  Mary, 

Nottmgham,  1753;  of  North  Wheatley,  i754-    Married,  at 

at  Mary's,  Nottingham,  Mary  Wildbore,  May  19,  i755- 
BRAMHALL,  JOHN,  204.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1615; 

priest,   Dec.   1616.    R.  of  St  Martin's,   Micklegate,  York, 

1 61 7-8.   Preb.  of  Ripon.   His  son  William  was  buried  there 

Sept.   20,   1629.    Married  Ellen,   dau.   of  Thomas  Halley, 

Town  Clerk  of  York.  (W.  J.  Kaye;  M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BRAMHAM,  JOHN,  204.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1694. 
BRAMSTON,  WILLIAM,  1672-3,  205.   Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's. 
BRAMWALL,  JOHN,   205.    Add  R.  of  Sunderland,  1758-62. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BRANDRETH,    LAURENCE,    1670,    206.     Add   Ord.    deacon 

(York)  Mar.  1679-80;  priest.  Mar.  1681-2. 
BRANFOOT,  JOHN,  206.  Add  R.  of  St  Mary-the-Less,  Durham. 

P.C.  of  Croxdale.    Married,  Jan.   31,   1733-4.  Mary  Hall, 

at  Durham  Cathedral.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BRANSBY,  CHARLES,  206.  Add  Litt.  dim.  from  York  for  priest, 

Feb.  1734-5.   C.  of  Gedling.   His  widow  Frances  was  adm. 

at  Bromley  College,  Jan.  21,  1761. 
BRATHWAITE,  JOHN,  1660,  207.    Add  R.  of  Haveringham, 

BRASS,  THOMAS,  208.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham, 

Jan.  17,  1660-1.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BRATTELL,  DANIEL,  208.    Add  S.  of  Daniel,  of  Middlesex; 

age  16  in  1650.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
BRAWLERD,    JOHN,    208.     Read    Ord.    deacon    and    priest 

(Norwich)  Sept.  21,  1661.  Delete  Probably. 
BRAY,  GEORGE,  208.  Add  Barrister,  1649.  Bencher,  1670. 
BRAYNE,  THOMAS,  209.   Add  ?  Thos.  Brayne,  clerk,  buried 

at  South  Ockendon,  Essex,  Nov.  23,  i593> 


Brerecliffe,  John 

BRERECLIFFE,  JOHN,  1599,  209.  Add  Died  and  was  buried 

Mar.  20,  1618-9,  at  CoUingham.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
BREERCLIFFE,  WILLIAM,  1598,  209.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Oct.  1606. 
BREERCLIFF,    WILLIAM,    209.     Add    Ord.    deacon    (York) 

Sept.  1689;  priost,  luiie,  1694. 
BREAREY,  CHRISTOPHER  SPENCER,  209.    Add  Lit!,  dim. 

from  York  for  priest,  Mar.  1735-6. 
BREAREY,  HENRY,  209.   Add  Perhaps  chaplain  to  the  28th 

Foot,  1715. 
BREEREY,  SAMUEL,  209.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1678; 

priest,  Nov.  1678.   (M.  B.) 
BREAREY,  SAMUEL,  209.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June,  1696. 
BREEREY,  WILLIAM,  209.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June; 

priest,  July,  1674. 
BREARLEY,  JOHN,  209.  Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Salford, 

c.   1647-8.    C.  of  Poulton-le-Fylde,  1650-2.    A  prominent 


One  of  these  names  C.  of  Church  Kirk,  Lanes.,  1671-7. 
BREARLEY,  WILLIAM,  209.   Read  R.  of  Clipstone,  tiU  1667. 

Died  Mav  30,  1667. 
BRERERS,  'JOHN,   210.     Add  P.C.    of    Padiham,    1639-57; 

of  Heapey,  1657-62.  Afterwards  schoolmaster  at  Rivington. 

Will  (Chester)  1696.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRERES,  JOHN,  210.   Add  Doubtless  s.  of  the  above.   Bapt. 

at  Bolton-le-Moors,  Mar.  7,  1636-7.   C.  of  Croston,  1663-4. 

C.  of  Chorley,  in  1665.   Had  joined  an  independent  church 

before  his  death.   Will  (Chester)  1677,  as  John  Breres,  the 

younger,  clerk,  of  Rivington.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRERETON,  HENRY,  210.   Add  V.  of  Henbury,  Dorset,  1628, 

'M.A.*  ('no  minister'  in  1650).   Died  1669. 
BRERETON,  JOHN,  1659,  210.    Add  Probably  C.  of  Oldham, 

in  1665,  when  he  married  Grace  Lockwood,  of  Kirkburton, 

Yorks.  C.  of  Blackley,  1668-70.   (E.  Axon.) 
BRERETON,  ROBERT,  210.   Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1746. 
BREERTON,    WILLIAM,    210.     Add    Ord.    deacon    (Chester) 

Dec.  19,  1686,  age  24;  priest,  Feb.  20,  1686-7. 
BRETT,  EDWARD,  210.    Add  R.  of  Little  Munden,  Herts., 

BRETT,   JOHN,    1660,   211.    Add  Silenced  at  Woolavmgton, 

Sussex.   {Calamy,  697,  832.) 
BRETTARGH,  JAMES,  211.   Add  Died  July  31,  1747-   Buned 

at  Childwall,  Lanes. 
BRETON,  JOHN,  211.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Hitcham, 

Suffolk,  1643.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BRETTON,   ROBERT,    1645,  212.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 

Dec.  31,  1655.   Of  St  Martin,  Ludgate. 
BRETONER  or  BRETEN,  JOACHIM,  212.    Add  Tiie  same  as 

BRYTYNNER  JOACHIM,  n.  475-   (A.  E.  Stamp.) 
BREWER,  JOHN,  1669,  212.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

BREWSE  or  BRUS,  JOHN,  213.  Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1644. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BREWSTER,    EDWARD,    213.     Add    Mamed    (i)    Tabitha; 

(2)  Elizabeth;  (3)  Martha  Everard,  of  Bury,  in  1661.  Buried 

at  LawshaU,  Dec.  28,  1667.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BREYNTON,  JOHN,  213.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1742-84. 
BRICE,  THOMAS,  1664,  213.   Add  Usher  at  Christ's  Hospital, 
1672.    See   Pearce,   Annals   of  Christ's   Hospital.    (H.   A. 

Roberts.)  ,  ^ 

BRICKDALL  or  BRIGDALL,  JOHN,  213.  /lii  Licence  to  John 

Brigdale,    clerk,    C.    of    Bangor    (Monachorum),    1640-1. 
{Chest.  Mar.  Lie.,  iv.  79-) 
BRIDEOAKE,  JABEZ,  214.   Add  S.  of  Richard,  of  Cheetham. 

Bapt.  at  Manchester,  Apr.  11,  1635. 
BRIDEOAKE,  JONATHAN,   214.    Add  Bapt.  at  Manchester, 

Sept.  16,  1631.  Held  the  living  of  Bexhill,  which  he  exchanged 
tor  Sephton.   (E.  Axon.)  .     .       ,_     xr 

BRIDGE,  CHRISTOPHER,  214.    Add  Chaplam  m  the  Navy, 

BRIDGE,  ROBERT,  214.    Add  Succeeded  his  father  as  V.  of 

St    John's,    Chester,    1674-89.     Admon.    (Chester)    1689. 

(E.  Axon.)  . 

BRIDGE,  THOMAS,  1617,  214.  Add  In  i66i  he  was  m  London 

as  chaplain  to  the  Eari  of  Northumberiand.    Held  Malpas 

till  1682.   R.of  Barrow,  1635-82.  R.  of  Tattenhall,  1635-82. 

Prcb.  of  Chester,  1635-82.  Will  (Chester)  1682. 
BRIDGES,  JOSEPH,  215.  Add  Ord.  priest.  June,  1741- 
BRIDGES,   MICHAEL,    1692,   215.    Add  Ord.   deacon   (York) 

June;  priest,  1704.  „   ,     ,  ,,.    ,  v 

BRIDGES,   WILLIAM,    1690,   215.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York) 

Sept   1694;  priest,  1695.  C.  of  Barwick-in-Elmet,  1695. 
BRIDGES,  WILLIAM,  1695-6,  215.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

June   1705;  priest,  June,  1710.   R.  of  Gotham,  Notts.,  1710. 
BRIDGEMAN,  JOHN,  c.  1593.  216.  Add  R.  of  Wigan,  1616-43. 

ejected.  .        ,,,    ,  ,  c>     > 

BRIGGS,  HENRY,  1677-8,  217.    Add  Ord.  pnest  (York)  Sept. 

BRIGGS,  JOHN,  Petorhouse,  June  6,  1666,  217.  Add  Certainly 

V.  of  Kirkby  Lonsdale.   {Nightingale,  1033.) 
BRIGGS,  JOHN,  1721-2,  217.  Add  Priest,  Aug.  16,  1730. 

Browne,  Edmund 

BRIGGS,  JOSEPH,  217.  /liW  .\nother  account  says  s.  of  William, 

of  Wakefield.    Bapt.  there.  Mar.  25,  1639.    Persecuted  the 

Quakers  and  su'^pended  for  seditious  sermons.  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
BRIGGS,  RICHARD,   1641-2,  217.    Add  One  of  these  names 

minister  of  Lfington,  Lanes.,  1648-53. 
BRIGGES,   THOMAS,    1656,   2x8.    Add  One  of   these  names 

schoolmaster  at  Blackrod,  Lanes.,  1674. 
BRIGHTALL,  HENRY,  219.   ^iW  Wife  .Martha.  WiU  (Norwich 

C.C.)  1661.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BRINGHURST,  ISAAC,  219.  Add  P.C.  of  Brentwood,  1655. 
BRINGLOE,  PORTER,  219.  /!<i</ Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1746-57. 
BRINSLEY,  JOHN,  1615,  219.   Read  B.A.  1619-20. 

BRISCO, ,0.1590,220.  ^(/(/Barrister,  1602.  Bencher,  1620. 

BRISTED,  JOHN,  220.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  .May,  1719. 
BRISTOW,  HENRY,  220.  Add  V.  of  Haynton,  Lines.,  1662. 
BRISTOW,  WILLIAM,  1659,221.   /J dii  Buried  at  Bishop  Wear- 
mouth,  June  3,  1686.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BRODHURST,  RICHARD,  222.   For  Lanes,  read  Cheshire. 
BROCKBANK,  JOHN,  1659,  222.  Add  C.  of  Witbeislack,  1671. 

Schoolmaster  there,  1684. 
BROCKDEN,  JOHN,  1703,  222.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Oct. 

BROCKETT,   LAWRENCE,   222.    Add  Bapt.  Sept.  28,   1725. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BROCKHILL  or  BROCKHULL,  THOMAS,  222.    Add  Matnc. 

pens,  from  St  John's,  Easter,  1616,  as  Prockliall. 
BROCKLEHURST,  JOHN,  223.   Add  Mentioned  as  'son'  (son- 
in-law)  in  will  of  Cyprian  Banbury  (1618).  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
Add  BROCKLESBY,  WILLIAM  DE,  223.  R.  of  Bainton,  Yorks., 

1331-52.   Resigned  in  order  to  retire  to  Cambridge.  {Yorks. 

Arch.  Journal,  xxv.  112.) 
BROGDEN,  THOMAS,  223.  Add  R.  of  Bumsall  (med.),  1569-79. 

BROGDEN,  WILLIAM,  223.    Add  R.  of  Bumsal!,  1579-1619. 

Buried  in  the  chancel,  Aug.  31,  1619.    WiU  (York)  1620. 

(J.  Parker.)  „     , 

BROMFIELD,  JAMES,  1681,  224.  Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Wybunbury,    Cheshire,     1700-26.     Will    (Chester)     1726. 

(E.  Axon.) 
BROMWELL,  JAMES,  225.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  28, 

1652-3.   R.  of  Polstead.  ,..,.^     ,,      . 

BROOKE  or  BROOKES,  JOHN,   1618,  226.    Add  The  V.  of 

Giggleswick  was  buried  there  Oct.  10, 1630.  (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BROOKE,  JOHN,   1669,   226.    Add  Inc.  of  WooUey,  Yorks., 

1682-8.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
BROOKE,  JOHN,  1671,  226.    Add  B.  Sept.  27;  Bapt.  Oct.  2, 

1651,  at  Bury,  Lanes.   (E.  Axon.) 
BROKE,  JOHN,  1697,  226.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  July,  1701; 

priest,  1703.   Perhaps  C.  of  Ardsley,  Wakefield,  and  S.P.G. 

missionary  to  New  York  and  New  Jersey,  1705-7.   Died  on 

the  voyage  to  England.  „.    ,  ,    ,,„ 

BROOKE,  JOSHUA,  1662,  226.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  1668; 

priest,  June,  1668.  ,.    ,    , 

BROOKE,  JOSHUA,  1726,  226.   Add  Litt.  dtm.  from  York  for 

deacon,  Aug.  1732.  _     ,„,      ,. 

BROOKE,  ROBERT,  161 1-2,  227.  Add  Perhaps  R.  of  Woodham 

Walters,  Essex,  1619. 
BROOKE,  SAMUEL,  1733,  227.   Read  R.  of  Gamston,  Notts., 

BROOKE,  THOMAS,  Christ's,  Mar.  15,  1687-8,  228.  Add  Ord. 

priest  (York)  1697.  C.  of  Barwick-in-Elmet. 
BROOKS,  HENRY,  228.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1668. 
BROOKES,  ROBERT,  1579,  229.   Add  It  seems  probable  that 

the  R.  of  Woodham  Walters  may  be  the  ROB.  BROOKE 

BROOKESBANK,  JOSHUA,  229.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 
Mar.  1666-7.  Precentor  of  Limerick,  1669-89.  Dean  of 
Clonfert,  1670-92.   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Cotton.) 

BROME,  EDMUND,  1658,  230.  Add  R.  of  Healings,  1672-1718. 
(V.  B.  Redstone.) 

BROME,  THOMAS,  1732,  230.  Add  S.  of  WiUiam.  (Hearne  s 
Diarv.  Nov.  12,  i73-»)  ^       ,,      ,  ,         .   ,     ^  ^ 

BROUGHTON,  JOHN,  1690,  231.  For  (?  1562)  read  (1562). 
Add  Bapt.  Aug.  14,  1673.  at  Bishop  Weannouth. 

BROUGHTON,  THOMAS,  1652,  231.  Read  P.C.  of  Bishop 
Woarmouth.   Father  of  John  (1690). 

BROUGHTON,  WILLIAM,  1700,  231.  Add  R.  of  Kushock, 
Worcs.,  from  I7I4.   (.•\.  L.  Reade.)  ^ 

BROWELL,  EDWARD,  231.  Add  Bapt.  at  All  S.imU  .  New- 
castle Sept.  II,  1680.  M.istcr  of  St  John-the-UapUsl 
Hospital,  Barnard  Castle,  1756-63-  Marritxl  thorv-,  Julv  10, 
1718,  Elizabeth  Hutchinson.    Died  Dec.  27.  1763.    (H.  M. 

BROWNE,  CHARLES,  1708,  232.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in 
the  Navy,  1726.    His  widow  Lydia  was  adm.  to  Brc>mley 

BROWN,  DENNIS,' 232.    .-frfJ  S.  of  WUliam,  M.D.    Bapt.  at 

St  (KwaM's,  nurh.ini,  Apr.  lb,  1687. 
BROWNE,   EDMUND,    1592,   232.    Add  One  of  these  names 

srhtiolmastor  at  Blackburn,  Lanes.    Buried  there  Feb.  20, 

BROWNE,  EDMUND,  16 J 1,  a3»-  Add  XifimUct,  1620. 


Browne,  Francis 

BROWNE,   FRANCIS,    1606,   233.    Add  R.  of  Little  Ponton, 

Lines.,  till  his  death,  in  1662.   Father  of  William  (1642). 

BROWNE,  GILBERT,  233.  ^rfd  Barrister,  1706.  Bencher,  1736. 

Add  BROWN,  HENRY,  233.    B.Can.L.  of  Cambridge.    R.  of 

Corby,  Lines.,  1431.   R.  of  Garboldisham,  Norfolk,  in  1435. 

(Cal.  Pap.  Let.) 

Add  BROWN,  JOHN,  233.   Of  Hadleigh.   B.C.L.   Petitions  the 

Pope,  1366,  for  augmentation.   (Cal.  Pap.  Let.) 
BROWNE,  JOHN,  1645-6,  234.    Add  R.  of  Brundall,  Norfolk, 

in  1662. 
BROWN,  JOHN,  1654-5,  234.    Add  This  ordinand  was  C.  of 

Walsham-le-Willows,  Suffolk,  1662. 
BROWNE,  JOHN,  St  John's,  1658,  234.  Add  Barrister,  1666. 
BROWNE,  JOHN,   1667,   234.    Delete  One  of  these  names... 

BROWNE,  JOHN,  1705,  235.    Add  Ord.  deaeon  (York)  Sept. 

1712;  of  St  John's. 
BROWN,  JOHN,  St  John's,  May  8,  1732,  235.  Add  Bapt.  Nov. 

24,  1715,  at  Rothbury. 
BROWN,  JOHN,  1746,  235.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  23, 

1750;  priest,  May,  1752.  C.  of  Aldborough,  Holdemess. 
BROWNE,  JONAS,  235.   Add  One  of  these  names  said  to  have 
been  C.  of  Newchurch  in  Pendle,  Lanes.,  in  1646,  and  C.  of 
Newchurch-in-Rosseiidale,  in  1660. 
BROWNE,  JOSEPH,    1579,   235.    Add  S.   of  WiUiam   (1546). 
R.  of  Rusper,  1590-1633.   Father  of  William  {1604).    (J.  G. 
BROWN,    MATTHEW,    1671,   235.    Read  S.  of  Thomas.     B. 

Aug.  5;  Bapt.  Aug.  15,  1652.   (E.  Axon.) 
BROWN,  NICHOLAS,   1749,  236.    Add  Bapt.  at  Edlingham, 

Dec.  16,  1730. 
BROWN,  PETER,  1704,  236.    Add  Bapt.  at  Barnard  Castle, 

Sept.  6,  1689. 
BROWNE,  RICHARD,  1674,  236.  Add  Barrister,  1679. 
BROWNE,    RICHARD,    1750,    236.    Add   Ord.   priest    (York) 

May  25,  1755.  C.  of  Kirkby  Moorside. 
Add  BROUN,  ROBERT,  236.    Deposed  (1292-3)  that  'in  the 
last  year  he  returned  home  from  the  school  of  Cambridge.' 
(Cal.  Ing.;  P.R.O.,  v.  84.) 
BROWNE,  ROBERT,  1570,  237.    Add  R.  of  Little  Casterton, 

Rutland,  1591- 
BROWNE,  ROBERT,  1651,  237.    Add  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(by  Thomas,  Bishop  of  Whithem)  Dec.  13,  1660.    R.  of 
Ashton-on-Mersey,  1679. 
BROWN,  ROBERT,  1691,  237.    Add  Married  by  licence  at  St 
Bartholomew-the-Great,    London,    Dec.    10,    1709,    Mary 
Reynolds,  vWdow,  of  St  Dunstan-in-the-West. 
BROWNE,  SAMUEL,  1613-4,  237.  Add  Bencher,  1641. 
BROWNE,  SAMUEL,  1700,  237.  Add  Barrister,  1714. 
BROWN,  THOMAS,   1569,  238.    Delete  Perhaps.    Add  Buried 

at  Gt  Marlow,  Oct.  25,  1592.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BROWNE,  THOMAS,  1658-9,  238.  Add  Barrister,  1667. 
BROWN,  THOMAS,  1741,  239.  Add  Bapt.  at  Cockfield,  Apr.  26, 

BROWNE,  WILLIAM,  1546,  239.    Add  V.  of  Horley,  Surrey, 

1561-1615.  Father  of  Joseph  (1579). 
BROWNE,  WILLIAM,  July,  1604,  239.  Add  Schoolmaster  at 
Rusper,  Sussex,  where  his  father  Joseph  (1579)  was  rector. 
Married  there,  Jane  Burgis,  on  June  20,  1611.  Went  to 
New  England,  c.  1646,  to  Saybrook,  Connecticut,  and 
Southampton,  Long  Island,  where  he  was  a  merchant. 
Died  there  1650.  (J.  G.  Bartlett.) 
BROWN,  WILLIAM,  1629,  239.  Add  R.  of  Holton,  Halesworth, 

Suffolk,  1661. 
BROWN,   Vi/ILLIAM,    1642,   239.    Add  S.  of  Francis   (1606). 

R.  of  Little  Ponton,  Lines.,  1662. 
BROWNE,  WILLIAM,  1674,  239.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar. 

BROWN,  WILLIAM,  1689,  239.    Add  V.  of  Wing,  Bucks,  for 
nearly  33   years.    Buried  there  Jan.   12,   1746-7.    (H.  M. 
BROWNE,  WILLIAM,   1707,  240.    Add  S.  of  William,   M.D. 
Bapt.  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham,  Jan.  6,  1691-2.   Brother  of 
BROWNELL,   NATHANIEL,   240.    Add  Died   1717,  aged  22. 

Buried  at  Halsall. 
BROWNING    or    BRUNNING,    BENJAMIN,    1673,    240.     Add 
Married,    May   8,    1680,    age   25,    Isabella   Harrington,   of 
Lincoln.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
BROWNING,   JOHN,    1613,   240.    Add  Ord.  priest   (Norwich) 

Mar.  9,  1622-3.   Delete  Perhaps  from  R.  of  Semer. 
Bapt.  at  Manchester,  Mar.  5,  1625-6.    Had  also  studied  at 
Glasgow.   (E.  Axon.) 
BROXOPP,   JOHN,   241.    Add  A  king's  preacher  for  Lanes. 

Archdeacon  of  the  Isle  of  Man,  1634. 
BRUCE,    TITUS,    242.     Add   Subscribed   for   priest    (Bristol) 

Dec.  20,  1673. 
BRUEN,  GREGORY,  242.   Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BRUEN,  SAMUEL,  242.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tatten- 
ball,  Cheshire,  1659. 

BuRDON,  John 

BRUNDISH,  THOMAS,  1633,  243.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 

May  21,  1652.   R.  of  Felsham,  1646. 
BRUNTON,   JOHN,   243.    Add  Bapt.   at   Heworth,   Durham, 

Aug.  20,  1702. 
BRUTON,  GEORGE,  243.  Add  Probably  C.  of  Bygrave,  Herts., 

1638-41.   (R.  A.  Ledgard.) 
BRYAN,  ROBERT,  B.A.  1463-4,  244.   Add  In  his  i8th  year, 

BUB  WITH,    RICHARD,    244.     Add   V.    of   Rothwell,    Yorks. 

Buried  there  July  10,  1627.  Delete  Died. 
BUBWITH,  SAMUEL,  244.   Add  V.  of  Rothwell.  Buried  there 

May  8,  1628. 
BUBWITH,  W.,  1591,  244.   Add  Perhaps  William,  V.  of  Roth- 
well.  Buried  there  Mar.  3,  1609-10. 
BUCK,    MATTHEW,    1710,    245.     Add    Ord.    deacon    (York) 

Dec.  1715;  priest,  1717.  V.  of  Brodworth,  1722. 
BUCK,  THOMAS,  1678,  246.   Add  V.  of  Newport,  Essex,  and 
of  LindseU.    Perhaps  a  Naval  chaplain,   1700.    Buried  at 
Walden,  Nov.  30,  1721. 
BUCKE,  WILLIAM,  1715,  246.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

1719;  priest,  Dec.  1720. 
BUCKBY,  RICHARD,   246.    Preb.  of  Tuam,   1762-96.    V.  of 
Seagoe,  Dromore,  1763-96.   Died  Jan.  18,  1796.   Cotton,  iv. 
37  mis-speUs  him  as  Buckley.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BUCKBY,  WILLIAM,   1651,  246.    Add  Serjeant-at-law,  16S0. 
Recorder   of    Daventry   and    Deputy-Recorder   of    North- 
ampton, c.   i68i.    Chief  Justice  of  Carmarthen,  Cardigan 
and   Pembroke,   Feb.   1684-5.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir 
Richard  Raynsford,  of  DaUington,  Northants.  Will,  Nov.  2, 
1682;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Dec.  7,  1685.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
BOKENHAM,   ANTHONY,    246.    Add   Ord.   priest    (Norwich) 

Oct.  4,  1640. 
BOKENHAM,  JOHN,  1655,  246.  Add  The  R.  of  Gt  Oakley  was 

ord.  priest  (Oxford)  Mar.  15,  1662-3. 
BUCKERIDGE,  LEWIS,  247.  Add  Probably  Ensign,  Coldstream 

Guards,  1748. 
BUCKERIDGE,  THOMAS,   247.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BUCKLAND,  WILLIAM,  247.  Delete  Of  one  of  these  names.  He 
died  on  Sept.  30,  1760,  aged  47,  'having  been  P.C.  of  Wool- 
borough  more  than  16  years.'   M.I.   (C.  S.  B.  Buckland.) 
BUCKLEY,  JOHN,  247.  Add  One  of  this  name  P.C.  of  Lamesley, 

Durham,  1636-41.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BUCKLEY  or  BULKELEY,  JOHN,  1636,  248.    Add  Buned  at 

Chester-le-Street,  May  1,  1662.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BUCKLEY,  WILLIAM,  1631,  248.  Add  Perhaps  V.  of  Mayland, 

Essex,  1 639-51-. 
BUCKWORTH,  WILLIAM,  249.  Add  Barrister,  1613. 
BUERDSELL,    ROBERT,    249.     Add    Ord.    deacon    (Chester) 

Sept.  29,  1690.  C.  of  Handley,  1691. 
BUGGE,   NATHANIEL,   1605,  249.    Add  R.  of  Gt  Horksley, 

Essex,  1645. 
BUGGE  or  BUGGS,  NATHANIEL,  249.    Add  C.  of  Gt  Birch, 

Essex,  in  1664. 
BUGGE,  WILLIAM,  249.    Add  C.  of  Sible  Hedingham,  Essex, 

in  1664. 
BUGGIN,  WILLIAM,  1572,  249.  Add  Barrister,  1587. 
BULL,  DANIEL,  250.   Add  Probably  V.  of  Cherry  Willmgharo, 

Lines.,  1662. 
BULLEN,  THOMAS,  251.  Add  Appears  in  the  Bishop  of  Chester's 

Vis.  of  1691,  as  a  physician  at  Nantwich. 
BULLER,  JAMES,  1647,  252.    Add  Signed  for  deaeon  (York) 

Aug.  17,  1662. 
BULLIVANT,   JOHN,    1666,   252.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Peterb.) 

June  18,  1671.   V.  of  Cranley,  Northants.,  1676-1715. 
BULLIVANT,  JOHN,   ^695,  252.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 
Sept.   22,   1700;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1702.    C.  of  Harrington, 
Northants.,  1700. 
BULLOCK,  EDMUND,  c.  1596,  252.   Add  Called  to  the  Bar  as 

'F^dward,'  in  1609.   (W.  F.  C.  Suter.) 
BULLOCK,  ROBERT,  1651-2,  253.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 

Feb.  10,  1659-60. 
BULLMER,  HENRY,  253.   AddB&pt.  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle- 

on-Tyne,  June  27,  1619. 
BUNNIS,  EDWARD,  255.  Add  Died  Sept.  30,  1691.  Benefactor 

to  the  parish  of  Waltham-on-the-Wolds.  (A.  Hawley.) 
BURCHALL,  JAMES,  255.    Add  C.  of  Middleton,  Lanes.,  in 

BURCHALL,  JOSIAH,  255.  AddC.  of  Lytham,  Lanes.,  1709-17. 

(E.  Axon.) 
BURDET,  BENJAMIN,  256.    Add  V.  of  Greetham,  Rutland, 

1628-42.   Died  1642. 
BURDETT,    GEORGE,    256.    Add   Ord.   deacon   (York)    Mar. 

1625-6;  priest,  June,  1626. 
BURDET,  HUGH,  256.    Add  His  widow  Mary  was  adm.  to 

Bromley  College,  Mar.  27,  1760.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BURDETT,  THEOPHILUS,    1645,   256.    Read  R.  of  Gumley, 

BURDON,  HENRY,  256.   Add  Bapt.  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle, 

Sept.  11,  1729.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BURDON,   JOHN,   256.    Add  Ord.   priest   (York)   Dec.   1716. 
Probably  C.  of  Collingham,  Yorks.,  1714.  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 


BuRFORD,  John 

BURFORD,  JOHN,  256.    Delete  Probably.    Heame's  Diary,  v. 
82,  mentions  him  as  the  s.  of  John  Burford,  and  Fellow  and 
Tutor  of  King's  College.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BURGESS,  BENJAMIN,  257.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

BURGESS,  FRANCIS,  1654,  257.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Nov. 

1664:  'B.A.' 
BURGES  or  BURCHES,  GEORGE,  257.   Add  Buried  at  Swan- 

bome,  May  I7,  1658. 
BURGESS,  HUGH,  1S69,  257.   Add  Married  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
Will   Sion    ap    Will    Kookes,   of    Conway.    WiU    (Chester) 
1615;  proved  by  his  widow  Dorothy.   (Hist.  Soc.  Lane,  and 
BURGESS,  JOHN,  1583-4,257.  AddlWs,  wife  Urseley  was  buried 

at  Isleworth,  Middlesex,  Nov.  9,  1620. 
BURGESS,  JOHN,   1628,  257.    Add  Ord.  priest  (St  David's) 

May  27,  1632.   Delete  Probably. 
BURGESS,  RICHARD,  i6o6,  257.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Thurstaston,  Cheshire,   1616-35-.    He  was  s.  of  the  pre- 
ceding rector.    Married  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Whitmore,  of 
BURGES,  SAMUEL,  1717,  257.   Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1702. 
BURGOYNE,  FRANCIS,  258.    Read  R.  of  Bishop  Wearmouth, 
1595-1643.    Died   1643,   and   buried   there  Nov.   8,    1643. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BURKE  or  BOURKE,   RICHARD,  258.    Read  S.  of  Richard, 
of  Drumsally.    Created  a  baronet  of  Ireland,  1785,  having 
previously  assumed  the  name  of  De  Burgho.  (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
BURKITT,  WILLIAM,  1618,  258.  Add  V.  of  Pattishall,  North- 
ants.,  1628-33.   R.  of  Gayton,  1633-44.  V.  of  Guilsborough, 
1633-44.   Died  c.  1644. 
BURKITT,  WILLIAM,  1665,  258.   Read  S.  of  MUes  Birkett. 
BURLAND,  WILLIAM,   258.    Add  Ord.  priest   (York)   Sept. 

BURLETSON,  THOMAS,  259.    Add  Bapt.  1649.    Married,  at 
Durham  Cathedral,  Dorothy  Lachenby,  Feb.  17,   1682-3. 
Correct  date  of  burial  to  Feb.  14,  17H-2. 
BURLETSON,  WILLIAM,  259.    Add  Bapt.  Dec.  23,  1655,  at 

Trimdon,  Durham. 
BURMAN,    RICHARD,   259.    Add  Probably  chaplain  in   the 

Navy,  1703. 
BURNEBYE,  HUGH,  260.   Add  Held  the  sequestered  living  of 
South  Ockendon,  Essex,  1658-60.  V.  of  Gunby,  Lines.,  1662. 
BURNAND,   NATHANIEL,    260.    Add   R.  of  Castle  Carrock, 
Cumberland,   1656-8.    C.  of  Cum  Whitton,   1657;  ejected, 
1662.  V.  of  Brampton,  1658-62.  Retired  to  Alston,  1662-72. 
Afterwards  in  London  and  at  Harwich.   Married  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Isaac  Gilpin.    Died  before  Feb.  1710-1.   His  father 
was  an  'Intruder'  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham.    (G.  B.  Rout- 
BURNE,  ROBERT,  260.  Add  Bapt.  at  Monk  Hesleden,  Jan.  11, 

1719-20.  /e«a(i  S.  of  Walter.   (H.M.Wood.) 

BURNE  or  BOURNE,  WILLIAM,  260.    Married,  at  St  Peter's, 

Nottingham,  Nov.  26,  1603,  Elenor  Croson,  widow.   (H.  M. 


BURNET,  CHARLES,  260.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May,  1697. 

BURNETT,  MATTHEW,  261.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester, 

Litt.  dim.  from  Rochester)  Dec.  18,  1757- 
BURNETT,   ROBERT,   1668,  261.    Add  Bapt.   at   Hunvorth, 

June  23,  1650. 
BURNETT,   SAMUEL,   261.    Add  Ord.   deacon   (York)  June, 

BURRE,  JOHN,  261.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Exeter)  Aug.  24,  1659. 

Delete  Perhaps. 
BURR,   RICHARD,   1711,   261.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

BURRE,  THOMAS,  261.    Add  C.  of  Broomfield,  1612-20;  V., 

1 620-50-. 
BURRELL,  CHRISTOPHER,  1615,  262.  Add  One  of  this  name 

C.  of  Sedgefield,  Durham,  1623-4. 
BURRELL,  CHRISTOPHER,  1658,  262.  Add  C.  of  Tilbury-by- 
Clare,  in  1664. 
BURRELL,  DAVID,  262.   Add  S.  of  John  and  Frances.   Bapt. 

at  Gainford,  Nov.  20,  1711. 
BURRELL,  JOHN,  1641,  262.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Apr. 

18,  ifiSi.  .       ,   . 

BURREL,  JOHN,  Peterhouse,  1666,  262.  Add  Perhaps  chaplain 

in  the  Navy,  1707-17. 
BURRELL,  JOHN,  1705,  262.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Mary-Ie-Bow, 

Durham,  Mar.  24,  1688-9. 
BURROUGH,  GEORGE,  1594,  263.    Read  Died  Feb.  21,  and 

buried  Feb.  24,  1653.   [Parish  Register;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BURROWS,  JEREMY,  263.    Add  Preacher  at  Bury,  Suffolk. 

(V.  li.  Rodstoiic.) 
BURROUGH,   JOHN,    1725,   264.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (.Sanim) 

June  24;  priest,  June  28,  1730.    Chaplain  to  the  Earl  of 

BURROW  or  BURROWS,  ROBERT,  1642,  264.   Add  Perhaps 

C.  of  Danbury,  Fssex,  in  1664. 
BURROWES,  WILLIAM,  1680,  264.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Dec.  1684. 

BuTTOLPH,  Thomas 

BURROW,  WILLIAM,   1702,  264.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Dec.  1723. 
BURSLEM,  THOMAS,   1726-7.  265.    Add  FeUow  of  Magdalen 
College,  Oxford,  1732-3.   Died  at  Marseilles,  Feb.  6,  1732-3. 
(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
BURSTALL  or  BIRSTALL,  WILLIAM,  265.  Married,  at  Yat^ley. 

Hants.,  May  i,  1683,  Sarah  Ball.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
BURTON,   DANIEL,   265.    Add  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Oxford) 
Apr.  17,  1 65 1.    Inc.  of  St  Martin's,  Fish  Street,  London,  in 

BURTON,  FRANCIS,  1697,  265.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

BURTON,  GERVASE,  1674,  266.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June, 

BURTON,  HENRY,  1693,  266.    Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1714. 
BURTON,  JAMES,   1719,  266.    Add  One  of  this  name  C.  of 

Sedgefield,  Durham,  1718-55.    Burii-d  there  Aug.  14,  1755. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BURTON,  NICHOLAS,  1620,  267.   Add  to  Ord.  prit-st  (London) 

Sept.  29,  1628.   Delete  Probably. 
BURTON,  RICHARD,  1635,  267.    Read  R.  of  Kirk  Deigbton, 

1648-56.    Died  June  26,  1656.    M.I.  there  which  describes 

him  as'B.D.'   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
BURTON,  RICHARD,  1692,  268.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

BURTON,    RICHARD,    1710,    268.     Married,    at    Pottington, 

Apr.   21,    1729,    Frances,   only   dau.   of  Thomas   Mitford. 

Buried  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham,  Feb.  24,  1740-1.    (H.  M. 

BURTON,   WILLIAM,    1650,   269.    Add   Perhaps  of   Hatton. 

Lanes.,  clerk,  when  married  there,  Sept.  8,  1657. 
BURTON,   WILLIAM,    1653,   269.    Add  One  of  these  names 

congregationalist  minister  at  Diss,  Norfolk,  1669-72. 
BURWELL,   LOUIS,   269.    Add  Adra.  at   the   Inner  Temple, 

Feb.   II,   1733.    Elected  to  the  Council  of  Virginia,  1744. 

(E.  .\U.  Jones.) 
Add  BURWELL,   R.,   269.    Student  at  Cambridge,   c.    1455. 

Student  of  Theology.    R.  of  Bolingbroke,  Lines.  [Cal.  Pap. 

Reg.,  XI.  146.) 
BURWELL  or  BURNWELL,  THOMAS,  269.    Afl^r  Anna  add 

dau.   of   Seth   Chapman.    Married   in   Durham  Cathedral. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
BURWELL,  THOMAS,  1653,  269.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Mary-le- 

Bow,  Durham.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BURY,  HENRY,  1634,  270.  Add  Married,  at  Ivinghoe,  Bucks., 

Dec.  3,  i66r,  Elizabeth  Brewer,  widow.  (Phillimore's  Bucks. 

BURY,  PHINEAS,  270.  Add  Preb.  of  Chester,  1670-9.  Said  to 

be   buried   at   his  rectory  of   Enmer,   Somerset.    Admon. 

(Che=;ter)  1679. 
BUSH,  CHARLES,  270.  Add  S.  of  John,  V.  of  Harmondsworth. 

Died  I7s6  and  buried  there.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
BUSBY,  RICHARD,  1628,  270.    Add  Received  £5  towards  hb 

B..\.  from  churchwardens  of  St  Margaret's,  Westminster. 

(H.  G.  Harrison.) 
BUSHELL,  WILLIAM,  271.   Add  High  Sheriff  of  Lanes.,  1733- 

Founder  of  Goosnargh  Hospital.  Died  1735.   (F.  Axon.) 
BUSSEY,  JOHN,  271.  Add  One  John  Bussie,  R.  of  Gt  Pamdon, 

1620-35.    Buried  there  Oct.  q,  1635. 
BUTCHER,  PETER,  271.  Add  to  Ord.  priest,  July  13,  1662. 
BUTLER,  EDWARD,  1697.  272.   Add  C.  of  Wansford,  North- 
ants.,  1702.    Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1703. 
BUTLER  or  BOTELER,  FRANCIS,  272.    Add  Barrister,  1636. 

Bencher,  i()S7- 
BUTLER,  GEORGE,  1723,  27.:.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Aug.  14. 

I74V    Read  V.  of  Flintham,  1743-5- 
BUTLER,  GREGORY,    1629,   272.    Add  Bapt.   at  Sedgefiekl 

Mar.  6,  1613-4. 
BUTLER,  GREGORY,  1635.  272-    AMt  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle,  Sept.  29,  1617.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
BUTLER,  JAMES,  1734,  ^72.   Add  Ord.  priest  [LiU.  dim.  from 

York)  Mav,  1741.   C.  of  Wincstead. 
BUTLER,  JOHN,  1719,  273.  .-<</</ School,  St  Paul's. 
BUTLER,  RALPH,  273.   Add  Afterwards  adra.  at  Frankland'? 

Acidemv,  Rathmcll,  June  4.  "678.   Drowned  c.  May.  1679. 

(F..  Axoii.) 
BUTLER,  THOMAS,  1625,  274.  Add  Barrister.  1635. 
BOTELER,  THOMAS,  1669-70,  274.   Add  Barrister.  1679- 
BUTLER,   WILLIAM,    1713.   274-    Add  Died   at  Qifl.    Kent. 

M.iv  .'2.  1711.  aiied  36.   (F.  Rannor.) 
BUTTERFIELb,  CHRISTOPHER,  275-    AJ<1  Ord.  priest  {L%U. 

dim.  (rcini  N'orkl  .Apr.  i-^.'. 
BUTTERWORTH.   ABRAHAM,    275-    Add   PC.  of  Hr>i«r>od, 

L.11HS.,   in    10.S4.     Buried    at    Rochdale,    as   of    He>-wood. 

Oct.  29.  16S7.    (!■:.  Axon.) 
BUTTERWORTH,  ROBERT,  275.   Add  FVobahly  s.  of  Robert, 

of  Bamford.  H.ipl.  .it  Bury,  if>7''-  P-f-  "'  Toilmonlrn,  1704. 

P.C.  of  Wood  riiinipton.  1708. 
BUTTOLPH,  THOMAS,  iTi-    Add  R.  of  Aghanloo  and  Drum- 
chose,  Derry,  1661-3.  R.of  limey,  1661-71.   R.of  Ardstraw. 

1661-76.    Chaplain  to  Charles  I  and  Charles  II.    Married 


Butts,  Dudley 

Anne,  dau.  of  Henry  Mingay,  of  Ameringhall,  Norfolk. 

Died   Aug.   1676.    M.I.   at  St   Patrick's,   Dublin.    (H.   B. 

Butts,  DUDLEY,  275.   Add  S.  of  Robert  (1699).   (V.  B.  Red- 
BUTTS,  ROBERT,  1699,  276.   Add  V.  of  Wendon,  Essex.  Died 

there  Sept.  25,  1742.   M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BUXTON,  JOHN,  1692,  276.  Add  3rd  s.  of  John,  of  St  Margaret, 

South  Elmham,  Suffolk.  C.  of  Syleham  for  27  years.  Married 

Elizabeth,   dau.  of  John   Meadows,  of  Witnesham.    Died 

May  27,  1738,  aged  61.   M.I.   {V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BUXTON,  MICHAEL,  276.  /l<i(iV.  of  Blidvvorth,  Notts.  Married 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  .Anthony  WoUey,  of  Nottingham.  Buried 

at  Blidworth,  June  9,  1705.   His  wife  was  buried  there  July 

22,  1713.   {Genealogist,  1.  121.) 
BUXTON,  THOMAS,  1638,  277.   Add  One  of  these  names  ord. 

priest  (Ardfert)  Nov.  6,  1644.    V.  of  Gt  Barton,  Suffolk,  in 

BUXTON,  THOMAS,  1645,  277.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

All  Saints',  Colchester,  1650. 
BYATT,   WILLIAM,    1691-2,   277.    Add  Died   Nov.   i,   1707. 

Buried  at  Bures,  Suffolk.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
BYERLEY,  ANTHONY  and  BYERLEY,   ROBERT,  277.    Add 

Twins.  Bapt.  at  Heighington,  Feb.  27,  1619-20. 
BYERLY,  PHILIP,  277.   Add  Died  Jan.  1734,  in  his  29th  year. 

M.I.  at  Goldsborough.   (E.  Axon.) 
BYROM,  ADAM,  278.  Add  Died  c.  1702;  a  lunatic. 
BYROM,  JOHN,  1708,  278.    Add  Married  his  cousin  in  1721. 

Author  of  hymn  'Christians  awake.'   Buried  in  Manchester 

Collegiate  Church.   (R.  South.) 
BYROM  or  BYRAN,  SAMUEL,  278.  Add  Died  c.  1679. 
BYROM,  SAMUEL,  278.    Add  S.  of  John,  of  Byrom,  Lanes. 

Bapt.  at  Sedbergh,   Feb.   8,   1685-6.    'Beau  Byrom.'    Of 

Byrom    and    Parr,    Esq.     Dissipated    the    family   estates. 

Published  a  tract  in  1729,  being  then  a  prisoner  in  the  Fleet. 

(E.  Axon.) 
BYWATER,  CHARLES,  278.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1720. 

CABECK,  THOMAS,  279.   Read  R.  of  Drinkstone,  1655-79. 
CADE,  BARTHOLOMEW,  279.  Add  One  of  the  King's  preachers, 

Lancashire,  till  1633. 
CADE,  JAMES,  279.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Exeter)  Feb.  23,  1657-8. 
CADIMAN,  JOHN,  279.   Read  Ord.  priest,  May  28,  1643. 
CAGE,  ROBERT,  1657,  280.  Add  Barrister,  1666. 
CAGE,  WILLIAM,  1614,  281.  ^(ii  Barrister,  1623. 
CAGE,   WILLIAM,    1638-9,   281.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Ardfert) 

June  16,  1647. 
CALEY,    ABRAHAM,    282.     Add   School    at    Bury,    Suffolk. 

(Winthrop,  Letters,  i.  189;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CALEY,  ARTHUR,  1686,  282.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

CAYLEY,  ARTHUR,  1718,  282.   Add  C.  of  Stannmgton,  1725. 

Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1735. 
CALEY,  JOHN,  1685,  282.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1692. 
CAYLEY,   RICHARD,   282.     Add  Ord.   deacon    (York)    May, 

CAYLEY,  SIMON,  282.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1685. 
CALEY  or  KALEY,  THOMAS,  282.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

May;  priest,  1708.   R.  of  St  Dionys,  Walgale,  York,  1726. 
CALLIS,  JOHN,  282.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's. 
CALVER,  EDWARD,  284.    Add  The  poet,  of  Wilby,  Suffolk. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CALVER,  JOHN,  1685,  284.    Add  Married  Elizabeth  Ray,  of 

Laxfield,  Suffolk,  at  Worlingworth,  Suffolk,  Nov.  30,  1696. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CALVERLEY,    GEORGE,    284.     Add    Bapt.    at    Brancepeth, 

Aug.  29,  1619.   Buried  there  Mar.  i,  1653-4. 
CALVERT,  JAMES,   1646,  284.    Add  Chaplain  to  Sir  William 

Strickland,  of  Boynton,  Yorks.,  and  tutor  to  his  son.  Then 

at  Hull.   Chaplain  and  tutor  at  Sir  William  Middleton's,  at 

Belsay,    Northumberland;    guardian    to    his    son    (Wallis, 

Northumberland,  11.  899.) 
CALVERT,   THOMAS,    1586,   285.    Add  Will  proved   (Archd. 

Richmond)  1638:  the  P.C.C.  must  be  a  second  proving  or 

refer  to  another  man.   (E.  Axon.) 
CALVERT,  THOMAS,  1734,  285.    Add  Ord.  priest  {Litt.  dim. 

from  York)  .Sept.  1742. 
CALVERT,    WILLIAM,    1631,    285.     Add    Sequestered    from 

Cockerham  before  June,  1650. 
CAMM,   JOHN,   285.     Add  Minister  of    Newport,  Va.,    1745. 

For  28  years  Professor  (i749-77)  and  President  (1771-7) 

of  William  and   Mary  College,   Virginia.    Member  of   the 

Colonial  Council  of  State.    Commissary  to  the  Bishop  of 

London.   Removed  as  a  loyalist,  1777-   (W.  G.  Stanard.) 
CAMBORNE,    ROBERT,   285.    Add  Ord.   priest   (St  David's) 

Feb.  26,  1630-1.    Married  Susan,  dau.  of  Stephen  Griggs, 

R.  of  Whitton,  Suffolk,  Feb.  20,  1639.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CAMMELL,  THOMAS,  1644-5,  286.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chichester) 

Nov.  4,  1661. 
Add  CAMPBELL,   ALEXANDER,   286.    c.    1560.    (Cal.  State 

Papers,  Foreign,  1559,  1560,  p.  478,  No.  903  (2),  (3);  J.  B. 


Carr,  Thomas 

CAMPION,  GEORGE,  286.  Add  R.  of  Dembleby,  Lines.,  1662; 

CAMPLESHON,   WILLIAM,   287.    Add  William  Camplesham 

was  V.  of  Camaby,  Yorks.;  resigned,  Apr.  1637.    (M.  H. 

CAMPLIN,  JOHN,  287.  Add  Martin  exhibitioner  from  Ipswich. 

R.  of  Clopton,  Suflolk,  1686-1723.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CANDLER,  JOHN,  1649,  287.   Add  S.  of  Mathias,  R.  of  Codin- 

ham,  Suffolk,  and  Anne  Devereux.  B.  1633.   Perhaps  R.  of 

Danbury,  Essex,  1654.    R.  of  Little  Bromley,  Essex,  1656. 

Wife  Mary.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CANDLER,  JOHN,  1687,  287.  Add  Probably  s.  of  John  (1649). 

B.  Feb.  19,  1668.  One  of  this  name  C.  of  Freston  and  Snape, 

Died  Dec.  1702.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CANDLER,  alias  GILLET,  MATHIAS,  287.   Add  S.  of  William 

Candler,   alias   Gillett,    of    Yoxford,   Suffolk.     Married   at 

Rattlesden,  Suffolk,  Anne  Devereux,  May  i8,  1625.    Died 

Dec.  6,  1663,  aged  58.  M.I.  at  Coddenham,  Suffolk.   (J.  B. 

Whitmore;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CANDLER,  alias  GILLET,  NICHOLAS,  287.    Add  Ord.  priest 

(Chichester)  Sept.  13,  1660. 
CANHAM,  SPARKE,  288.  Add  Married,  at  Petersham,  Sept.  11, 

1764,  widower,  Mary  Parry,  of  the  same,  spinster. 
CANON,  PETER,  1672,  288.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  19; 

priest,  Sept.  21,  1680. 
CANTELUPE,  NICHOLAS,  289.   Add  A  relarive  of  Thomas,  of 

Hereford.  Delete  Probably.   (Bale,  Harl.  MS.,  3838.) 
CAPELL,  EDWARD,  1730,  289.  Add  Bapt.  at  Stanton,  July  11, 

1713.   Read  Buried  there  Mar.  5,  1781-2.   (T.  T.  Methold.) 
CAPELL,  GAMALIEL,  1616,  290.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln) 

Feb.  26,  1631-2.    R.  of  Icklingham,  1631.    V.  of  Stanton 

St  Mary,  1643. 
CAPELL,  GAMALIEL,  1702-3,  290.   Add  One  of  these  names 

chaplain  to  Colonel  Maurice  Nassau's  Regiment  of  Foot, 

CAPELL,  ROBERT,  290.  Add  B.  Sept.  20,  i7i5- 
CAPEL,  ROGER,  290.  Add  Barrister,  1627. 
CAPON,  DAVID,  290.  Add  Lecturer  at  Leyton,  Essex,  173273. 

His  name  occurs  in  the  will  of  John  Strype,  rector.  Buried 

July  6,  1751-   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
CAPON,  JOHN,  1719,  290.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
CAPON,  WILLIAM,  290.   Read  R.  of  Duxford  St  Peter,  1533. 
CARDALE,  GEORGE,  290.    Add  Married  Elizabeth  Morris  in 

1749-   (J-  A.  Venn.) 
CARDELL,  HENRY,  291.   Read  Adm.  at  Clare,  1693,  as  IDLE, 

alias  CARDELL. 
CARY,  JOHN,  1635,  292.   Add  Probably  ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

Sept.  21,  1662.   R.  of  Theberton,  1651. 
CARY,  MORDECAI,  292.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Winchester)  May  27, 

1716.   (R.  M.  Glencross.) 
CARY,  WILSON,  292.  Add  of  'Ocleys,'  Va.  County  Lieutenant 

of  Elizabeth  City,  1751. 
Add  CARLETON,  JOHN  DE,   293.    M.A.    Priest  of  Norwich 

diocese.    Petitions  the  Pope,   1363,  for  a  benefice.    V.  of 

Barrington,  Cambs. 
CARLILE,  RALPH,  293.   Add  R.  of  Cotton,  Suffolk,  1624-40. 

Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1640.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CARMELITES,  Provincial  of,  294.  He  was  JOHN  VYNDE. 
CARMICHAEL,  WILLIAM,  294.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

CARPENTER,  EDWARD,  294.  Add  Barrister,  1627. 
CARPENTER,  JONATHAN,  294.  Add  Married  Sarah  Lamplugh, 

of  St  Clement  Danes,  at  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London, 

Oct.  9,  1727.   (H.  B.  Swanzv.) 
CARR,  CARLETON,  295.   ^diBapt.  at  Washington,  July  17, 

1682.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CARRE,  GAMALIEL,  1604,  295.   Read  R.  of  Twinstead,  1617- 

43.  Add  R.  of  Lamboume,  1643-9. 
CARRE,  GAMALIEL,  1632,  295.    Add  Probably  s.  of  above. 

R.  of  Markshall,  1642-7;  of  Lamboume,  1649-60. 
CARR,  HENRY,  1635,  295.    Add  Buried  at  All  Saints',  New- 
castle, Apr.  1,  1643.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CARR,  JOHN,  1660-1,295.  Z)«ieie  Another  succeeded.  Probably 

one  man. 
CARR,  JOHN,  1726-7,  295.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 


CARR,  JOHN,  1745,  295.  Add  C.  of  Giggleswick,  1749.  C.  of 
Newark,  1752. 

CARR,  JOSEPH,  1710,  295.  Add  V.  of  ByweVL  St  Andrew's, 
1718-29.  Married,  at  Gateshead,  July  8,  1718,  Isabel  Reed. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 

CARR,  NATHANIEL,  295.  Add  R.  of  Langenhoe,  Essex,  1628. 
V.  of  Boxted,  1655-62. 

CARR,  RALPH,  1618,  296.  Add  V.  of  ChoUerton,  1639-62. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 

CARR,  ROBERT,  1643,  296.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert)  June  21, 

CARR,  THOMAS,  St  John's,  1607,  297.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Nor- 
wich) June  1,  1614.   Delete  Perhaps. 

CARR,  THOMAS,  Christ's,  1646,  297.  Add  Perhaps  V.  of  Gt. 
Ousebum,  Yorks.;  'B.A.'  Appointed  during  the  Common- 
wealth. There  in  1691. 


Carr,  William 

CARR,  WILLIAM,  Queens',  1620-1,  297.  See  WILLIAM  KERR. 
CARRE,  WILLIAM,  St  John's,  1691,  297.    Add  Ord.  deacon 

(York)  Mav.  1695;  priest,  1696. 
CARR,  WILLIAM,  1713,  297.   Read  P.C.  of  Holbeck,  i72i-54- 
CARRINGTON,   JAMES,    1735,   298.    Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's. 
CARRINGTON,   TIMOTHY,   298.    Add   R.  of   Newton   Wold, 

Lines.,  1663.   V.  of  Dalby,  1663. 
CART,  JOSEPH,  298.   Add  V.  of  Leigh  and  chaplain  to  Lord 

Leicester,   at    Penshurst.     Married,   in    1661,    Lady   Anne 

Sidney,  3rd  dau.  of  Robert,  2nd  Earl  of  Leicester.   (H.  B. 

CART,  WILLIAM,  1606-7,  298.  /4(W  V.  of  Worksop,  1615. 
CARTER,   BEZALEEL,   1632,  298.    Add  B.  at  Woolverston, 

Suffolk.     V.   of   Woolverston,    1645.    V.   of   Manningtree, 

Esse.x,   1657-9.    Author.    Buried  at  Woolverston,  Feb.  2, 

1659.   (Suffolk  Tracts,  57;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CARTER,  GEORGE,  1733,  299.    Add  Robert  Carter,  of  Lan- 
caster Co.,  Virginia  (sometime  governor  of  Va.)  by  will, 

1730,  directed  that  George  should  be  sent  to  William  and 

Mary  College,  and  to  Cambridge.   George  died  in  England, 

1741.   (W.  G.  Stanard.) 
CARTER,  GRENOUGH,  299.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  25, 

CARTER,  HENRY,  1662,  299.  Add  Bapt.  at  Tunstall,  Nov.  13, 

CARTER,  JOHN,  1623,  300.  Add  Minister  of  Highgate,  Middle- 
sex, when  appointed  Archdeacon  of  Chester.    Archdeacon, 

till  Nov.  1666.   (E.  Axon.) 
CARTER,  JOHN,  1636,  300.   Add  Bapt.  at  Gainford,  Feb.  11, 

1639-40.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
CARTER,  JOHN,  1682,  300.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  30, 

1686.  C.  at  Wath,  in  1691. 
CARTER,  JOHN,  1695,  300.    Add  Of  Parham,  Dec.  3,  1708. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CARTER,  LAWRENCE,  300.  Add  Barrister,  1751- 
CARTER,  NICHOLAS,  1707,  300.   Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

CARTER,  PETER,  300.    Add  Appointed  minister  of  Bolton, 

1572,  but  declined.  Minister  of  Wigan,  i579- 
CARTER,  PHILIP,  1713,  300.  Add  Married  Bessy,  natural  dau. 

of    Richard,   4th    Earl    Rivers,   and   widow  of   Frederick, 

3rd  Earl  of  Rochford.  (Survey  of  London,  v.  pt  2,  70.) 
CARTER,  RICHARD,  Trinity,  1695,  301.  Add  Attorney-General 

of  Barbadoes,  in  1715.   Died  soon  after. 
CARTER,  SIMON,  301.  Add  Bapt.  at  Gainford,  Sept.  30,  1638. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.)  . 

CARTER,   THOMAS,    1639,   301.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Kilmore) 

Apr.  27,  1651. 
CARTER,  THOMAS,  1690,  301.  Add  Fellow  of  Eton,  1716. 
CARTER,  THOMAS,   1709,  301.    Add  Married,  at  Burlington 

St    Peter,    Norfolk,    July    2,    1730,    Elizabeth   Clarke,    of 

Blundeston,  Suffolk.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CARTER,   WILLIAM,    1715,   302.    Add  Ord.   deacon   (York) 

June  9,  1723. 
CARTWRIGHT,  CHRISTOPHER,  302.  Read  Will  dated  Mar.  i, 

1657;  proved  (P.C.C.)  May  27,  1658;  bequeaths  his  Oriental 

books  to  Peterhouse  Library.   (E.  Axon.) 
CARTWRIGHT,  EDMUND,  1588-9,  302.    Add  Marned  Sarah 

Moore,   at  Norton,   Suffolk,   Jan.   16,    1603-4.    Buried  at 

Norton,  Nov.  10,  1645.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CARTWRIGHT,  GEORGE,  1672,  302.  Add  Barrister,  1683. 
CARTWRIGHT,  HUGH,  1676,  302.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

June,  1682;  priest,  June,  1683. 
CARTWRIGHT,  JOHN,  1644-5.  303-    -R*"^  R-  of  West  Kirby- 

in-Wirral,    till    1660.     Minister   of    Overchurch,    m    1661. 

Buried  Feb.  17,  1687-8. 
CARTWRIGHT,  WILLIAM,  1633,  303-  ■^'^  Barrister,  1642. 
CARTWRIGHT,  WILLIAM,  i68i,  303.    Add  B.  and  bapt.  at 

Barkine;,  Aug.  9,  1665.   (E.  Axon.) 
CARTWRIGHT,  WILLIAM,  1691,  303.  Add  Barrister,  1700. 
CARVILL,    HENRY,    304.     Add    Ord.    deacon    (York)    June, 

CARYAN    TIMOTHY,   304.    Add  One  of  this  name  clerk  of 

Bungay.   Will  (Norwich  C.C.).i627.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CARYNG,  JOHN,  304.  See  Garyng.  .,     ,     ,  ,  ,,, 

CASE    GEORGE,   304.    Add  Marned  Winifred,  dau.  of  Wm. 
Webb,  of  Detling,  Kent.   (See  Webb's  \vill,  1590,  at  Canter- 

CASE,  THOMAS,  Incorp.  M.A.  1680,  304.  Add  Perhaps  chaplain 

in  the  Navy,  1697. 
CASE,  WILLIAM,  304.   Delete  Canon.  .  „  jc  ,j 

CASSON,  CASON  or  CAWSTON,  JOHN,  305.  Add  R.ol  Bedfield, 

1633.   Wife  Mary.    (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CASTELL,  EDMUND,  305.   Add  R.  of  Higham  Gobion,  1662. 
CASTEL   or  CHASTELL,  JOHN,    305.     For    1383   <'m<^    U^S- 

(H.  G.  Harrison.)  

CASTELL,  JOHN,  1649,  305.    Add  Appointed  minister  to  the 

frigate  Newcastle.  (Cromwell's  Letters;  R.  South.) 
CASTELL,  ROBERT,  1621,  305.  Add  Barrister,  1632. 
CASTLETON,  SAMUEL,  306.  Add  Probably  V.  of  East  TUbury, 


Chandler,  Francis 

CATCHER,  EDWARD,  306.    Add  2nd  s.  of  John,  Sheriff  of 

London,  1587.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
CATCHER,  RICHARD,  307.    Add  Buried  at  St  Bartholomew- 

the-Less,  London,  June  2,  1651. 
CATCHPOLE,  EZEKIEL,  307.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May 

27,  1632. 
CATER  or  CATOR,  ANDREW,  307.  Add  Probably  V.  of  Steven- 
ton,  Beds.,  1663. 
CATHERALL,   RALPH,   307.    Read  Probably  C.  (not  R.)  of 
Tilston.    Add  C.  of  Cholmondeley,  1627-9;  of  Pulford,  in 

CATHERAL,  SAMUEL,  307.   Add  R.  of  Swettcnham,  i642-«. 

R.  of  Tilston,  1677-84. 
CATLIN,  JEREMIAH,  1608,  308.  Add  S.  of  Robert,  an  ancient 

minister,   aged   80,   who   was  buried   at  Barbam,  Suffolk, 

Aug.  22,  1637.  Jeremiah  was  of  St  Peter's,  Ipswich,  in  1618. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CATLYN,  JOHN,  1665-6,  308.   Add  Perhaps  the  John  Cateline, 

clerk,  who  was  buried  at  Frodsham,  Cheshire,  Nov.  29,  1677; 

'qui  obiit  diversorio.' 
CATLIN,  NATHANIEL,  308.  Add  Barrister,  1613. 
CATLYN,  ROBERT,  1562,  308.  Add  Buried  at  Barham,  Suflolk, 

aged  80,  Aug.  22,  1637.   Father  of  Jeremiah  (1608).   (V.  B. 

CATLIN,  ZACHARY,  309.  Add  At  Thurston,  in  1662. 
CAUSTON,  JOHN,  309.    Add  School,  North  Walsham.    R.  of 

Clopton,  1598-1627.  Will  (Norwich  C.C).  (V.B.Redstone.) 
CAUSTON,  MICHAEL  DE,  309.    Add  Perhaps  R.  of  Grundis- 

burgh,   Suffolk.     Petitions   the    Pope,    1363,   'for   another 

CAVELL,   RICHARD,  310.    Add  S.  of  WiUiam  (1674).    Died 

Nov.  14,  1726,  aged  41.   M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CAVELL,   WILLIAM,    1674,   310.    Add  His   wife   Mary   died 

Sept.  2Q,  1688.  R.  of  Hemley,  1732.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CAWTHORNE,   WILLIAM,    1712,   312.    Add   R.  of   Partney. 

Lines.,  1727.   R.  of  Willoughby.  Buried  there  1753-   (W.  J. 

CHADSLEY,  ROBERT,  314.   Add  R.  of  Faulkboume,  1643-5. 

R.  of  Little  Yeldham,  1648-62  (ejected). 
CHADWICKE,  DANIEL,  1641,314.  ^dd  Ejected  from  Tollerton, 

Notts.,  but  conformed  in  1666.  (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
CHADWICKE,  DANIEL,  1678,  314.    Read  Died  Feb.  28,  1697, 

aged  39.    M.I.  All  Saints',  Tottenham,  descril>es  him  as 

2nd  s.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth,  of  good  estate  in  County  of 

Nottingham.   This  was  erected  by  his  widow  Martha,  dau. 

of  Isaac  King,  of  Hertford,  gent.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
CHADWICKE,  JOHN,  1585,  314.  Add  ?  s.  of  Robert. 
CHADWICK,  THEOPHILUS,  314.    Read  Bapt.  at  Rochdale, 

Mar.  24,  1593-4,  as  s.  of  Robert.   (E.  Axon.) 
CHADWICK,  THOMAS,  1701,  314.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

Feb.  29,  1707-8.  C.  of  Ashton  Roade,  Northants. 
CHADWICK,  WILLIAM,  1693,  314.   Add  Bapt.  at  Middleton, 

Mar.  7,  1661-2. 
CHAFEY,  JOHN,  315.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1744. 
CHALLIS,  JAMES,  1698-9,  315.  Add  His  wife  Mary  died  1749. 

aged  63.   M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CHALONER,  WILLIAM,  1705,  316.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  1711;  priest,  1715.    Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

CHAMBER,  CHARLES,  316.    Add  Bapt.  at  All  Saints',  New- 
castle, Apr.  25,  1621.  (H.  .M.  Wood.) 
CHAMBER   or   CHAMER,    OTWELL,    316.     Add    Appointed 

chantry  priest  at 'Hanstries  Chantry,' Stow-cum-Quy,  Cam  bs. 
CHAMBERLAYNE,  EDWARD,  LL.D.  1670.  316.   Add  Married 

Susannah,  dau.  of  Edmund  Clifford,  of  Wickon,  Northants., 

c.  1670.   (Miscel.Geneal.,  5lh  S.,  v.  315.) 
CHAMBERLAIN,  JOHN,   1669,  317.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York) 

May  29,  16S1.   V.  of  Tuxford,  Notts.,  1681. 
CHAMBERLINE,   RICHARD,   1648,  317.    Add  Probably  Sec- 
retary of  New  H.unpshirc,  and  Clerk  of  the  Council,  1680. 

Recorder  of  Deeds  for  that  Colony,  1682.  Author,  Lithch^lU, 

or  The  Stnne-throxvinR  Dexil,  1698.  (E.  .Mf.  Jones.) 
CHAMBERLAYNE,  THOMAS,  1726,  317.   ^<W  Chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1742.  _,       . 

CHAMBERLAIN,  .  1459-60,  318.    Add  Robert  Chamber- 
lain ('Schambyrley')  nominated  student  at  Rome,  in  1444, 

for  three  years.  .  ^  ,    . , 

CHAMBERS,  HUMPHREY,  318.    For  Strichloy  read  Stirchley. 

He  was  ejectid  from  Pewsey  in  1662.    Improbable  that  he 

was  R.  of  Stirchlov. 
CHAMBERS,  THOMAS,  160Q,  319.  Add  Buried  at  St  Barlbolo- 

nu'Wthi -Loss,  l.omlon,  July  l6,  1631. 
CHAMBERS,  WILLIAM,  1652,  319.    Add  Perhaps  R.  of  Han- 

ninKton,  North.inls.,  1(158. 
CHAMBERS.  WILLIAM,  1716,  3>9.   ^'i^  Marrii-d,  at  C.rcaslev. 

Notts     Inly  21),  i7U.  Kliialx-th  RoUcston.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHAMPANTorCIAMPANTI,  JOHN.  319.   Add  Barrister,  1702. 
CHANDLER,  FRANCIS.   3:0.    Add  Soqu.-stcn-d  to  WiKHiham 

IVrrois.  i:ssox,  c.  i(.46,  and  perhaps  to  Kolvctlon  Eastcrford, 

1654-7.     Bdricd   at    Bishop's   Stortford,   June    18,    1*67. 

(H.  Smith.) 


Channing,  Abraham 

CHANNING,  ABRAHAM,  320.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Gloucester) 
Mar.  6,  1736-7;  priest  (Bristol)  Feb.  26,  1737-8.  Chaplain 
to  Eari  of  Shaftesbury.  ,  , ,  ^  ,      , 

CHANTRELL  or  CHAUNTRELL,  OWEN,  320.  Add  School, 
Westminster.  ^  .„     ,  ^t      r>      i 

CHANTRELL,  WILLIAM,  320.  Add  The  will  of  the  R.  of 
Walkington  was  dated  Sept.  26,  1643.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 

CHANTRY,  RICHARD,  320.  Add  Ord.  Mar.  21,  1654-5,  by 
Wirksworth  Presbytery.  Ejected,  1662.        _ 

CHAPLIN,  ABRAHAM,  1625,320.  ^id  ?Ord.pnest  (St  David  s) 
May  I    1633. 

CHAPLIN,  ABRAHAM,  1664,  320.  Add  Married,  at  Syleham, 
Martha  Buckman,  Mar.  29,  1676.  R.  of  Mickfield,  1674- 
1715.   Died  Oct.  18,  1715,  aged  71-   M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

CHAPLIN,  EDMUND,  321.  /4d(i  Wife  Anne.  Of  St  Giles-without- 
Cripplegate,  gent,  1618.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1641.  (Water's 
Gleanings,  loio;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 

CHAPLIN,  ISAAC,  321.  Add  V.  of  Stanway,  Essex,  1653. 

CHAPMAN,  CHARLES,  321.  ^i/(i  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1694-5. 

CHAPMAN,  ISAAC,  321.  Add  Occurs  as  preb.  of  Wolverhamp- 
ton Collegiate  Church,  in  1774,  'of  Windsor  Castle.'    (J.  P. 

CHAPMA^N,  RICHARD,  1622,  322.   Add  WiU  (P.C.C.)  1653;  as 

of  Thornton-le-Moors. 
CHAPMAN,  SETH,  323.  Add  R.  of  Norton,  Suffolk,  1661. 
CHAPMAN,  THOMAS,   1726,  323.    Add  Usher  at  Leeds  Free 

School,  1732.    Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  25,   1743-    P-C-  01 

Farnley,  1743.   Read  R.  of  Farnley,  Yorks.,  1743-9- 
CHAPMAN,  THOMAS,  1734,  323-   Add  Married,  Apr.  6,  i749. 

at  the  Rolls  Chapel,  London,  Elizabeth  Barnewell,  of  St 

Catherine  Coleman,  London.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
CHAPELL,   EDWARD,   324.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York)   Sept. 

1718;  priest,  Sept.  1720.   Read  R.  of  St  Peter,  Nottingham, 

CHAPPELL,  GEORGE,  324.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1715. 

R.  of  Elston,  1732-  ,     ,  „,    ,^  ,, 

CHAPPELL,  GRAHAM,  324.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  6, 

1757.  C.  of  Orston,  Notts.  ^    t^     „ 

CHAPPELL,  JOHN,  1605,324.  /Idrf  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul  s. 
CHAPPELL,  JOHN,  1655,  324.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Bishop  Morley) 

Jan.  23,  1662-3.   R.  of  Inworth. 
CHAPPELL,  SAMUEL,  324.  Add  Entered  a  servitor  at  Luicoln 

College,  Oxford,  July  19,  1659.    Well-known  mendicant  in 

Oxford!     Became    crazed    and    nicknamed    'Grater'    from 

carrying  a  grater  to  grate  his  bread.   Died  c.  1714.   (Reliq. 

CHAPPELL,    STEPHEN,    324.     Add   Ord.    pnest    (GaUoway) 

Apr.  29,  1662.  .        ,,,     ,  ,  ^      . 

CHARLESWORTH,  JOHN,  324.    Add  Ord.  pnest  (York)  Sept. 

CHARLTON,    FRANCIS,    325.    Add  Ord.   priest   (York)    Feb. 

1717-8.   R.  of  Gamston,  Notts.,  1718. 
CHARLTON,  GILBERT,  325.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  15, 

CHARLTON,  ROBERT,  325.  Add  V.  of  Ovingham,  1590-1603; 

of  Stamfordham,  1600.   (H.M.Wood.) 
CHARNOCK,  STEPHEN,  326.    Add  Minister  of  St  Werburgh  s, 

Dublin,  1656-60.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
CHASE,  GAMALIEL,  326.    Add  2nd  s.  of  John,  of  Membury, 

Devon,  gent.   (R.  M.  Glencross.) 
CHASE,  THOMAS,   1628,  326.    Add  Buried  at  Stone,   Kent. 

Will  proved  May,  1658.   (R.  M.  Glencross.) 
CHACE,  WILLIAM,   326.    Add  Eldest  s.  of  John   Chase,  of 

Hundrich  in  Gt  Chesham,  Bucks.,  Esq.,  by  his   ist  wife 

Joan.  Bapt.  at  Gt  Chesham,  Mar.  25, 1565.  (R.  M.  Glencross.) 
CHATERYS,  JOHN,   326.    Add  M.A.    Of  Ely  diocese.    V.  of 

Burton,  Cheshire.    Petitions  the  Pope,   1363,  for  canonry 

at  Lincoln.  Also  for  one  at  Southwell.  Three  years'  scholar 

of  Civil  Law.    Received  the  temporalities  of  the  Priory  of 

Barnwell,  Dec.  3,  1428.   (F.  Ranner.) 
CHAWNER,  ROBERT,  1642,  327.    Add  Ord.  pnest  (Norwich) 

Dec.  17,  1652.  „    ^       ,j,     T^     , 

CHAYTER,  HUGH,  327.   Add  Bapt.  at  St  Oswald  s,  Durham, 

Jan.  4,  1542-3.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHAYTOR,   WILLIAM,    1658,   327.    Add   Mamed   Peregrma, 

dau.  of  Sir  Joseph  Cradock,  of  Richmond.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHEALES,  WILLIAM,  327.   Add  Married,  at  Hawton,  Notts., 

May  28,  1745,  Ann  Noble,  of  Newark.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHEKE,  HENRY,  1564-5,  327.  Add  Buried  June  23,  1586. 
CHEETAM,    EDMUND,    328.     Add    Probably   master   of    the 

Grammar  School,  Manchester.   If  so,  s.  of  Henry,  of  Crump- 

saU,  Manchester,  and  brother  of  Humphrey,  founder  of  the 

Hospital.   Buried  at  Manchester  (as  M.A.)  Jan.  21,  1602-3. 

Wm  dated  Dec.  28,  1602.   (E.  Axon.) 
CHEETHAM,  EDMUND,  328.    Add  Mr  Cheetham,  a  Norfolk 

minister,  M.A.,  preached  at  Oldham,  1665.    {Palatine  Note 
Book,  IV.  55.) 
CHERITON,  CHARLES,  329.  Add  Lecturer  at  St  John  Evange- 
list, Westminster,  1746. 
CHESELDEN,  EDWARD,  1740,  329.  Add  Married,  at  Charlton 

Mackrell,  Somerset,  Apr.  13,  1748,  Mrs  Jane  Dodd.   (H.  M. 


Clarke,  Ezekiel 

CHESHIRE,  ROBERT,  329.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Aug.  i, 

1675;  priest,  May  21,  1676. 
CHETWYND,  BRIAN,  331.   Add  R.  of  Aldford,  Nov.  23,  i675- 

Died  Feb.  1675-6. 
CHEVALIER,  JOHN,  1747,  33 1-  Add  Ord.  priest  (by  Bishop  of 

Chester,  at  Cambridge)  Feb.  10,  1754. 
CHEVALLIER,  TEMPLE,  331.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (by  Bishop 

of  Chester,  at  Cambridge)  Mar.  10,  1754- 
CHEWNEY,  NICHOLAS,  331.    Add  R.  of  Stow  Maries,  Essex, 

CHICKEN,  EDWARD,  332.    For  Perhaps  brother  of  the  next 

read  Nephew  of  the  next.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHILCOT,  JOHN,  332.  Add  Buried  at  Colebrooke,  Oct.  22, 1723. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
CHILCOTT,  ROBERT,  332.  Add  Inc.  of  Geddington,  Northants., 

June  13,  1654. 
CHILDE,  JOHN,   1637,  332.    Add  V.  of  Warkworth,   1680-1. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHILD,  RICHARD,  1633-4,  333.   Add  Married  Margaret,  dau. 

of  Daniel  Meadows,  of  Chattisham,  Suffolk.  Died  c.  1660-2. 

His  son   Richard's  education  was  superintended  by  John 

Meadows,  of  Ousden.   (J.  B.  Peace.) 
CHILD,  RICHARD,  1664,  333.    Add  Married  Elizabeth  Hard- 

wicke,  widow,  Apr.  22,  1684. 
CHILD,  RICHARD,  1703,  333-  Add  Bapt.  June  12,  1685.  (V.  B. 

CHILTON,  EDWARD,  333.  /li^iProbably  Clerk  of  the  .Assembly 

of  Virginia,  1683.  Attorney-General,  1690.  Attorney-General 

of   Maryland,    1692.    Adm.   at   the   Middle  Temple,    1694. 

Advocate  of  the  Vice-Admiralty  Court  of  North  Carolina. 

Attorney-General   of  Barbadoes,    1700.    Suspended,    1705. 

Author,  Present  State  of  Virginia.   (E.  Alf.  Jones.) 
CHILTON,  NATHANIEL,  333.  Add  Marriage  licence  dated  Apr. 

1689  with  Margaret  Shaw.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CHISENHALE,  DANIEL,  334.    Add  Bapt.  at  Bolton-le-Moors, 

Mar.  29,  1657. 
CHISENHALL,  JOHN,  334.  Add  C.  of  Barking,  1684;  dismissed 

for    refusing    to    read    the    Declaration,    1688.     Restored, 

Feb.  1688-9.   Vicar,  1696-7. 
CHOATE.  JOHN,  334.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln).   Of  Ousden, 

Suffolk,  in  1645.    Read  V.  of  Gt  Finborough,  1646.   Add  V. 

of   Gt  Finborough,   1671-6   (second  appointment),  having 

resigned  in  1671.   In  Acta  Book,  1663,  mentioned  as  vicar 

and  signs  as  such  in  1650.     Wife  Priscilla.    ?  Ancestor  of 

American  Ambassador.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CHOICE,  SAMPSON,  334.   Add  C.  of  Langham,  Rutland,  1683- 

99-.  C.  of  Egleton,  1692-9-.    ?  Usher  of  Oakham,  1660. 
CHOLMELY,   SAMUEL,    1647,    335-     Add   Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's. 
CHORLEY,  JOSIAH,  335.  Add  Probably  his  M.A.  was  a  Scotch 

degree.  .     . 

CHRISTIAN,   LAURENCE,   336.    Add  Laurence  Chnstiaci  or 

Christian!,  of  Flanders.    Prior  at  Bruges,  1492-9-   Re'-eived 

letters  testimonial  of  his  degree,  1493.    B.D.  at  Bologna, 

1493.    Died  June  or  July,    1499.   being  then   Prior.    (B. 

CHURCH,  JOSEPH,  1645,  336.    Add  Minister  of  Tower  Chapel 

and  the  Liberty  of  London,  1650.  Signs  brief  there.   (V.  B. 

CHURCH,  NATHANIEL,  337.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1656- 

CLAPHAM,  FRANCIS,  1622,  339.  Add  Usher  at  Oakham  School, 

Apr.  13,  1630.  C.  of  Egleton,  1635.   (W.  L.  Sargant.) 
CLAPPAM,   LUKE,   339.    Add  B.  at  Forbie,  Bedale,  Yorks., 

gent.   Wishes  to  be  buried  in  Christ  Church,  Newgate,  near 

bis  son  John  who  was  one  of  the  six  clerks  in  Chancery  and 

died  Dec.  6,  1618. 
CLAPHAM,  THOMAS,   1675-6,  339.    Add  Ord.  pnest  (York) 

Feb.  1680-1. 
CLAPHAM,  THOMAS,  1679-80,  339-   Add  This,  or  the  former, 

R.  of  Burnsall,  Yorks.,  1707-8.    Master  of  the  Grammar 

School,  1694-8. 
CLAPHAM,  THOMAS,  1689,  339.  Add  Head  Master  of  Burnsall 

School,  Yorks.,  1694-8,  and  R.  of  Burnsall,  1707-8.   (M.  H. 

CLAPHAM,  WILLIAM,  1573,  339-  Add  WUl  dated  July  1,  1603. 

Left  benefactions  to  Giggleswick  School.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
CLARE,  AMBROSE,  339.   Read  Beaminster,  Dorset. 
CLARE,  ANDREW,   339.    Add  Chaplain  to  Charles  I.    R.  of 

Walton-on-the-Hill,  Lanes.,  1639-45,  sequestered.  (E.  Axon.) 
CLARE,  FRANCIS,  339.    Add  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Cathanne's, 

July  II,  1709. 
CLARKE,  ALEXANDER,   1628,   340.    Add  There  must  have 

been  two  men.  The  R.  of  Eccleston,  1624-36,  exchanged 

for  Brindle,  in  1636.  Buried  there  Mar.  27,  1637-  (E.  Axon.) 
CLARKE,  CHARLES,  1695,  340.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

CLARKE,  CHARLES,  1719,  340.   Read  Bamster,  1724. 
CLARK,  DANIEL,  340.   Add  One  of  the  15  mmisters  who  sat 

in  judgment  on  Shoriand  Adams  (1620).  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
CLARKE  or  CHARKE,   EZEKIEL,   341.    Add  Probably  two 

different  men.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 


Clarke,  Francis 

CLARKE,  FRANCIS,  1665,  341-   Add  One  of  this  name  V.  of 

East  Stokp  in  1681,  on  Aug.  15,  aged  33,  widower,  married 

Elizabeth  Disney  of  the  same  parish.  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
CLARKE,  GEORGE,  1702,  341.   Head  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Jan. 

1705-6;  priest,  1707.  C.ofHunslet,  Leeds,  1706,  to  his  death, 

Feb.  171(0-7.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
CLARKE,  GREGORY,  341.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
CLARKE,  HENRY,  1648,  341.  Add  Barrister,  1657. 
CLARK,  HUGH,  342.   Read  V.  of  Wolston,  Warws. 
CLARKE,  JOHN,  1647,  343.   Read  Alcester,  Warws. 
CLARKE,  JOHN,  Apr.  26,  1655,  343.   Add  ?  Of  Christ  Church, 

0.\ford.    Buried  at  St  Clement's,  Ipswich,  May  26,   1665. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CLARKE,  JOHN,  1703,  343.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

1707;  priest,  1710. 
CLERKE,  JOSEPH,  1634,  344.  /liW  Barrister,  1642.   PBenchcr, 

CLARKE,  JOSEPH,  1646,  344.    Add  One  of  these  names  ord. 

priest  (Ardfert)  Feb.  11,  1657-8.   V.  of  Brooke,  Norfolk,  in 

CLARKE,   JOSIAS,    1644-5,    344-    Add   Ord.   presbyter   (7th 

Classis,  London),  c.  1647.   R.  of  Bebington,  Cheshire,  1647, 

but  did  not  get  possession.  Minister  of  Tattenhall,  Cheshire, 

1648-58.  Buried  there  Dec.  1658.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1658.  Delete 

V.  of  Bro.xboume.  (E.  Axon.) 
CLARKE,  SAMUEL,  1617,  346.    Read  R.  of  Alcester,  Warws. 

Add  V.  of  Thornton-le-Moors,  Cheshire.   {See  Palatine  Note 

CLARK,  SAMUEL,  1657,  346.  Add  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Middle- 
sex.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
CLARKE,  THOMAS,  1619,  347.   Add  Thos.  Clarke,  B.A.,  ord. 

priest  (Peterb.)  1627,  was  C.  of  Ashley,  Northants.,  1633. 
CLARKE,  THOMAS,  1623,  347.    Add  Thos.  Clark,  B.A.,  ord. 

priest,  Sept.  21,  1628,  was  R.  of  Little  Wenham,  Suffolk, 

1660;  there  in  1662. 
CLARKE,  THOMAS,  1693,  347.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

1700;  priest.  May,  1704.   Master  at  Wakefield,  1702.   R.  of 

CLERKE,   THOMAS,   1714,   347.    Add  Eldest  s.  of  John,  of 

Willoughbv,  Warws.   (L.  E.  Smith.) 
CLARKE,  THOMAS,  1747,  347.    Add  Married,  at  Kinoulton, 
Notts.,   Oct.    7,    1758,   Mrs   Jane   CoUishaw,   of   Hickling. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 
CLERK  or  CLARKE,  WILLIAM,  1575,  348.   Add  Exhibitioner 

from  St  Paul's. 
CLERKE,  WILLIAM,  1690,  348.   Add  C.  of  Glaston,  Rutland, 

CLARKE,  WILLIAM,  349.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9, 

CLARKSON,   DAVID,   349.    Add  Bapt.  at  Bradford,  Mar.  3, 

1621-2.   Read  Died  June  14,  1686.  (Calamy,  814.) 
CLARKSON,  ELISHA,  349.  Add  C.  of  Padiham,  1668-76.  C.  of 

Allham,  c.  1671.   Admon.  (Chester)  1676. 
CLAVERING,  JAMES,  1692,  349.    Read  Bapt.  at  All  Saints', 

Newcastle,  Sept.  7,  1676.   Read  (a^e  if,).   (H.M.Wood.) 
CLAVERING,   ROBERT,   Incorp.   M.A.   1698,   349-.  Add  One 
Dr  Robert  Claveriiig  was  chaplain,  2nd  Troop  Life  Guards, 
Dec.  8,  1720. 
CLAXTON,  HAMMOND,  350.   Add  One  of  this  name,  gent.,  of 

Ipswich.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1616.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CLAY,  BENJAMIN,  1676,  350.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 
1679-80;  priest,  Feb.  1680-1.    V.  of  Hawksworth,  Notts., 
CLAY,  BENJAMIN,  1703,  350.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

1709;  priest,  1711.  V.  of  Egmanton. 
CLAY,  ROBERT,  1576-7,  350.    Add  Resigned  from  Spreyton, 

1595.   (See  Notes  and  Gleanings,  11.  14;  W.  Jones.) 
CLAY,  ROBERT  JAMES,  350.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  19, 

1756.  C.  of  Rolleston,  Notts. 
CLAY,  WILLIAM,  1675-6,  350.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar. 
1682-3.  ,      ^ 

CLAYBROOK  or  CLAYBURGH,  WILLIAM,  1526-7,  350.   R.  of 

CockfiolJ,  I  ■540-8.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CLAYTON,  JAMES,  351.  Add  R.  of  Huggate,  Yorks.,  1683-91. 
Married,  at  St   Peter's,  Nottingham,  Apr.  28,   1674,   Kath. 
Janes,  of  Ep<-rston.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CLAYTON,  JEREMY,  351.   Add  One  of  these  names  mstituted 

R.  of  Heysham,  Lanes.,  1638,  but  presentation  disputed. 
CLAYTON,  JOHN,  1672,  351.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  July, 

1677;  priest,  Sept.  1677. 
CLAYTON  or  CLEATON,  MATTHEW,  35i-  Add  WiU  (Chester) 

1648;  of  Kcckston,  clerk. 
CLAYTON,   NATHANIEL,   351.     Read  Ord.  deacon   (Lmcoln) 

Sept.  19,  I73I'  „     ^  c  •  , 

CLAYTON  or  CLEATON,  RICHARD,  1613,  352-    l^ead  Scigh- 

ford /or  Sleighford. 
CLAYTON,   RICHARD,   1617,  352.    Add  Al.  Oxon.  claims  Gt 

Wilbrahani  for  another. 
CLAYTON,  THOMAS,  1635,  352.   Add  Ord.  presbyter,  Apr.  15, 
1647.    Minister  of  Didsbury,  1647-52.    Minister  of  Chapcl- 
en-le-Frith,  1654.    R.  of  Bollon-by-Bolland,  Yorks.,  1661. 
Buried  there  1665.   (E.  Axon.) 

Cobb,  William 

CLAYTON,  THOMAS,  1720,  352.  Add  Praclistd  as  a  physician 
in   Virginia.    Died  Oct.   17,   1739.    M.l.  at   Wanier  Hall. 

Glour.stir  Co.,  Va.   (W.  G.  SUnard.) 
CLAYTON,  WILLIAM,  1679,  352.   Add  Barrister,  1686. 
CLEBURNE,  RICHARD,  1592.  353-  Add  R.  of  Yeldcn,  North- 
ants.   K.  of  Wonnley,  Herts.   Canon  of  Windsor. 
CLELAND,  JOHN,  1614,  353.    Add  S.  of  Richard,  R.  of  East 
Portlcmouth,  Devon.    Probably  a  poor  scliolar  of  Bennett 
College,  Cambridge.    R.  of  East  Portlemouth,  in  1629-30. 
(E.  Axon.) 
CLELAND,  SAMUEL,  353.   Add  Perhaps  half-brother  of  John 

(1614).   (E.  Axon.) 
CLEMENT,  BENJAMIN,  353.    Add  Probably  Naval  chapUin, 

CLEMSON  or  CLIMSON,  WILLIAM,  353.   Add  Will  (Norwich 

C.C.)  1636.   (V,  H.  Redstone.) 
CLENDON,  THOMAS,  1713,  354.    Add  His  widow  Mary  was 

adm.  to  Bromley  College,  May  22,  1777.  (H.  B.  Swanry.) 
CLENNEL,  PERCIVAL,  354.    Read  It  was  his  uncle  who  died 

at  Conihill,  near  Berwick,  June  23,  1743.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
Add  CLETHEROWE,  WILLIAM,  354.    S.  of  Walter.    School, 
Beverley.    In  the  minutes  of  the  School  he  is  said  to  be 
'of  Cambridge  in  1613.'   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
CLEVELAND,  WILLIAM,   1708,   355.    Add  Or  CLEIVLAND. 

B.  Jan.  2,  1689.   (L.  E.  Smith.) 
CLEWORTH,  THOMAS,  1696,  355.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

lulv,  1701;  priest,  1701-2. 
CLIFFE,  JOHN,  1647,  355.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Sarum)  July  28, 

i6'i8.   R.  of  St  Benet,  Gt  Church  Street,  London. 
CLIFFE,  ROBERT,  355.  Add  Distinct  from  the  next.  Held  the 
Chantry  of  St  Mary  in  St  John's  Church,  Chester.    Died 
1 5 16.     Read    Warden    of    Manchester   Collegiate    Church, 
1506-16.   (Lanes,  and  Cheshire  Ant.  Soc.,  xxxviii.) 
CLIFF,  ROBERT,  355.  Add  Probably  a  nephew  of  the  preceding. 

Add  CLINCH, ,  356.  Adm.  pens,  at  St  Citharine's,  1660. 

CLIPSTONE,  JOHN,   357.    Add  Licensed   by  Bishop  of  Ely, 

Dec.  7,  1349,  to  hear  confessions  and  to  preach. 
CLIPWELL,  ROBERT,  357.    Add  V.  of  St  Peter's,  Norwich. 
Married,  at  Acle,  Norfolk,  Ann  Anderson,  of  Gt  Yarmouth, 
Jan.  29,  1733-4.   (Acle  Register.) 
CLIVE,  ROBERT,  1629-30,  357.  Add  Barrister,  1640. 
CLOPTON,  THOMAS,  1665,  357.   Add  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 
(Bangor)  Mar.  26,  1673.  Will  (Chester)  1716,  as  of  ChrisUc- 
CLOPTON,  WALTER,  1636,  357.    Add  Bapt.  Sept.  21,  1619. 
Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  10,  1650.    Read  R.  of  Eloyton, 
CLOPTON,  WILLIAM,  1604-5,  357.    Read  S.  of  WUUam  and 
Marjorie,  of  Groton,  Suffolk.    Bapt.  Apr.  9,  1584-    Buried 
at  Groton,   1640.    (Register  and  Winthrop  Letters;  V.   B. 
CLOPTON,  WILLIAM,   1630,  357.    Add  R.  of  Gt  Horkeslcy, 

Essex,  1645-6. 
CLOPTON,  WILLIAM,  1636,  357.    Add  Bapt.  Sept.  15,  1618. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CLOSE,  NICHOLAS,  358.  Add  Grant  for  life,  in  1446,  to  King's 
Clerk    and    Chaplain    Nicholas    Clos,    of    Wardenship    of 
King's  College  of  scholars  in  reversion  to  Richard  Caudray. 
(Pat.  Rolls.) 
CLOSE,  ROBERT,  358.    Add  C.  of  Houghfon-le-Spring,  1712. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
CLOOS,  STEPHEN,  358.    Add  In   1445  allowed  to  retain  bb 

place  in  College  for  life.   (Pat.  Rolls.) 
CLOUGH,  JOHN,   1706,  358.    Add  Eldest  s.  of  Jonathan,  of 

Bridge  Casterton,  Rutland.   (L.  E.  Smith;  Rugby  Register.) 

CLOUGH,  JONATHAN,  358.  Add  R.  of  Pickwxirth.  1689-1728. 

CLOWES,   JOSEPH,   358.    Mumford    is   wrong.    Survived   his 

father.  He  was  a  practising  barrister  in  Manchester,  and  had 

sons  at  Cambridge.   (E.  Axon.) 

CLUBB,  GEORGE,  1691-2,  359.   Add  Probably  s.  of  James,  of 

Hoxne,  and  his  wife  Susan.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

CLUBB,  JOHN,  1635,  359.    Read  The  R.  of  Horham  was  ord. 

priest  (Bishop  Jos.  Hall)  Mar.  3,  1649-50.  The  R.of  Athling- 

ton  was  there  in  1668,  and  probably  01  Bedingfirld  in  i<>r4- 

CLYATT,  JOHN,  359.  Add  He  was  still  Master  at  East  Bcrgholt 

ill  i(>b2. 
COATES,  JAMES,  1694,  359.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

1700;  priest,  1701.   I'.C.  of  Idle,  1702. 
COATES,  LUKE,  359.    Add  In  Bishop's  Vis.  of  Chester.  1691. 
he  appears  as  schoolmaster  at    Kirkby  Ravcnsworth.     In 
Holy  Orders.    Probably  a  Naval  chaplain  in  i(>96. 
COATES,  RICHARD,  1706,  360.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept. 

COATES  or  COTES,  SAMUEL,  1634.  360.  Add  Marrie<l.  at  West 

HridKford,   Notts.,  Nov.  6,   1659.   Mrs  Suana  Vinscnt,  of 

It.imlxir.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COATES,  WILLIAM,  3(>o.    Read  The  R.  of  South  Somcrrotes 

was  buritil  there  Oct.  Q,  itoj.   (K   W.  Gouldinn.) 
COBB    GEOFFREY,    1650,   3(0.    Add   Marrici,   at   Holkham. 

Norfolk,  Apr.  21.  16J3,  ElitalK-th  Coke.   (H.M.Wood.) 
COBB,  WILLIAM,  1646,  361.  /4A<  MaiTicd,  Dec.  2, 1651.  (H.M. 




CoBBALL,  William 

COBBALL,  WILLIAM,  361.    Add  C.  of  Rede,  Suffolk,  1661; 

signed  register  as  Cobbald.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COCKE,  GEORGE,  1616,  361.  Read  Date  of  ordination  Feb.  18, 

1626-7.  Delete  Perhaps  and  if  so. 
COCK,  JOHN,  1655,  362.  Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle, 

July  24,  1639.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COCKE,  MARTIN,  362.  Add  B.A.  (Dublin)  1610;  M.A.;  Fellow, 

1610.   V.  and  R.  of  Skreen  and  Castleconner,  1616-7.   {Al. 

Dub.;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
COCK,  PATRICK,  1660,  362.    Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1688. 
COCKE,  ROBERT,  1628,  362.   Before  Minister  add  Perhaps. 
COCK,  ROBERT,  1650-1,  362.  Add  Perhaps  ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 

May  5,  1659,  and  R.  of  Stamboume,  Herts.,  in  1664. 
COCKE,  WILLIAM,  362.  Add  B.  at  Sudbury,  Suffolk.  Member 

of  the  Council  and  Secretary  of  State  for  Virginia.    Died 

Oct.  22,  1720,  at  Williamsburg,  Va.  (W.  G.  Stanard.) 
COCKET,  ,  363.    Add  A  William  Cockett  was  R.  of  Gt 

Livermere,  Suffolk.   Will  proved  at  Bury,  Suffolk,  Feb.  7, 

1479.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COCKING,  ROBERT,  363.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

1721-42.    One  of  these  names  chaplain,  6th  Regiment  of 

Foot,  in  1715. 
COCKMAN,  FRANCIS,  363.    Add  One  of  these  names  mmor 

canon  of  St  Patrick's,  Dublin,  1640;  Preb.,  1645.  Died  1646. 

Will  dated  Feb.  19,  1645;  as  of  St  Patrick's,  Dublin;  proved 

(York)  Nov.  1647.   (Cotton,  Fasti,  11;  H.  B.  Swanzy;  W.  J. 

COCKSEDGE,  JOHN,  1626-7,  363.    Add  Probably  ord.  priest 

(Chichester)  Nov.  30,  1660. 
COCKSEDGE,  JOHN,   1649,  363.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

Sept.  21,  1662.   One  of  this  name  parson  of  Wetherden,  in 

1653.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COCKSEDGE,  ROGER,  363.  Add  M.I.  at  Little  Whelnetham. 

His  wife  buried  there,  1790.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COE,  WILLIAM,  1640-1,  365.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Kilmore)  Jan. 

17,  1649-50.   V.  of  Gt  Chesterford,  1645. 
COLBECKE.  JOHN,  365.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Shading- 
field,  1614.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COLEBURNE,  WILLIAM,  1651,  365.    Add  Ord.  presbyter  at 

Prestwick,  Aug.   13,   1657.    Conformed.    R.  of  Melcombe 

Regis,  Dorset,   1663-7.    V.  of  Sudbury,  Suffolk,  c.   1665. 

C.  of  Newton  Chapel,  Manchester,  1689-95.  C.  of  Mottram- 

in-Longdendale,  1695-7-    Buried  there  June  9,  1697.    (For 

an  account  of  his  disreputable  life  see  Lanes,  and  Cheshire 

Ant.  Soc,  XXX vni.) 
COLE,  NATHANIEL,  1575,  367.  Add  Married,  at  Wing,  Bucks., 

Aug.  25,  1608.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COLE,  ROBERT,  1648-9,  368.  Add  Of  Clifford's  Inn,  London. 

His  father  was  of  Coat,  Bolton -le-Sands.  (E.  Axon.) 
COALE,  THEODORE,  368.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  May  20, 

COLE,  WILLIAM,  1637,  368.   Add  Probably  the  same  as  the 

next.    If  not,  it  was  the  Preston  vicar  who  was  B.D.,  and 

who  was  V.  of  Dedham.  Perhaps  also  V.  of  Kirkby  Lonsdale. 
COLMAN,  EDWARD,  1612,  369.  Add  Barrister,  1623. 
COLEMAN,  FRANCIS,  1636,  369.  Add  Barrister,  1647. 
COLEMAN,  FREDERICK,  369.  Add  Barrister,  1698. 
COLMAN,  HENRY,  1621,  369.    Add  V.  of  Dagenham,  Essex, 

1644.   R.  of  Langenhoe,  1647.   R.  of  Little  Lavor,  1654. 
COLMAN,  JOHN,  Clare,  Michs.  1570,  370.   Add  Probably  will 

(Norwich  C.C.)  1612.  His  dau.  Joyous  bapt.  at  Bures,  1586. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COLMAN,  JOSEPH,   1738,  370.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

COLMAN,  PHILIPS,  370.  Add  Barrister,  1733- 
COLMAN,  RICHARD,  1648,  370.  Add  Barrister,  1657. 
COLEMAN,  THOMAS,  1662,  370.    Add  Buried  July  5,  1704. 

His   widow  EUzabeth  was  buried   Feb.   7,    I7i8.    (V.   B. 

COLFE,  ABRAHAM,  371.  Add  Will  dated  Sept.  17,  1656,  then 

above  76  years  old;  proved  Jan.  25,  1657-8.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COLFER,  HENRY,  371.  Add  Barrister,  1652. 
COLLIER,  ABEL,  372.  Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Takeley, 

Essex,  1655-9,  and  of  Nether  Whiteacre,  Warws.,  1658-9. 

M.I.  at  Bunhill  Fields. 
COLLIER  or  COLLIERS,  BENJAMIN,  372.  Add  Chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1689. 
COLLIER,  JOHN,  1641,  372.   Delete  One  of  these  names.  Add 

Usher  at   Wakefield   School,    1650-6.    Master  of  Skipton 

Grammar   School,    1656-9;    a   Puritan   intruder  into    the 

mastership  of  Thomas  Barker  who  re-appears  in  1661. 
COLLIER,   JOHN,    1683,   372.    Add  Ord.   deacon    (Hereford) 

May  22,  1687.  C.  of  Church  Eaton. 
COLLYN,  JOHN,  1565,  372.   Add  Barrister,  1580.    Another  of 

this  name  was  C.  of  Stockton,  1585,  drowned  in  the  Tees, 

July  12,  1585.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COLLIN,  JOHN,  1582,  373.  Add  Barrister,  1595. 
COLLIN,  NICHOLAS,  373.  Add  Barrister,  1580;  Bencher,  1594. 
COLLING,  NINYAN,  373.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Mar.  1679-80. 
COLLINGS,  CORNELIUS,  373.   Add  Martin  exhibitioner  from 


Cook,  Edward 

COLLINS,  EDWARD,  1680,  373.    Add  Married  (1)  Anna,  dau. 

of  John  Phillipps,  Feb.  23,  1690-1,  at  Phillack;  (2)  Elizabeth 

Julian,  at  Guithiam,  Cornwall.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COLLINS,  ISRAEL,  373.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's. 
COLLINS,  ROBERT,  1742,  374.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May  25, 

1746.  C.  of  Finningley,  Notts. 
COLLINS,  THOMAS,  1697,  374.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  May, 

COLLINS,  TIMOTHY,  374.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (London)  June  4, 

1710;   priest   (Oxford)   May  23,    1714.    Chaplain   to  Lord 

COLLINGWOOD,  RICHARD,  375.  Add  C.  of  Marton,  Cheshire, 

1635.  C.  of  Wigan,  1639-40.  V.  of  Bolton-le-Sands.  Buried 

at  Marton,  Nov.  24,  1643;  as  V.  of  Bolton,  and  late  minister 

of  Marton.   (E.  Axon.) 
COLLYNGWOOD,  WILLIAM,  375.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Bristol) 

July  4,  1619.  Delete  Perhaps. 
COLLINSON,  CHARLES,  375.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec. 

1683.   R.  of  Ledisham,  in  1691. 
COLLINSON,  THOMAS,   1693,  375-    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

May,  1700;  priest,  1702.  V.  of  WUloughby,  1702. 
COLMORE  or  COLMER,  MATTHEW,  375.    Read  Matric.  from 

Corpus  Christi,  Oxford.  S.  of  Clement.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COLQUIT,  BENJAMIN,  376.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1677. 

V.  of  Athlumney,  Feb.  21,   1684-5.   V.  of  Kildrought  and 

Castle  Dillon,  Nov.  26,  1685.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
COLQUITT,  EDWARD,  376.  /I (id  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1742-6. 

Minister  of  St  Andrew's,  Edinburgh,  and  died  unmarried 

according  to  a  family  Bible  in  Manchester  Rcf.  Lib.   Read 

His  father  was  a  Collector  of  Customs.   (E.  Axon.) 
COLSTON,   JOSEPH,    376.    Add  S.   of   John,  surgeon,   of  St 

Bartholomew-the-Less,   London,   and    Katharine,   dau.   of 

Joseph  Fenton,  barber-surgeon.   Married  (1)  Dorothy,  dau. 

of  Sir  John  Benett;  (2)  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Cockett.  Buried 

at  Christ  Church,  London,  July  31,   1675.    Will  (P.C.C). 

(Vis.  of  London,  1558;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
COLT,  ROBERT,  1660,  376.    Add  Buried  at  Semer,  Sept.  14, 

1705.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COLT,  ROBERT,  1683,  376.  Add  Of  Colchester,  clerk.  Married 

Sarah  Seaman,  at  Semer,  Apr.  27,  1697.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COMBER  or  CUMBER,  THOMAS,  1659,  377-  Add  Married  Alice 

Thornton,  dau.  of  Sir  Christopher  Wandesford,  of  Kirkling- 

ton,  Yorks.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COMBER,  THOMAS,  377.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Mar.  10, 

1744-5.  C.  of  Stonegrave. 
COMBER,  WILLIAM,  377.    Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  24, 

1749.  C.  of  Overton. 
COMBERBATCH,  RICHARD,  377-  Add  He  was  a  non-juror  and 

must  have  resigned  Peover  before  1711. 
COMPTON,   RICHARD,   378.    Add  R.  of  Woughton,  Bucks., 

Oct.  24,  1633.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CONDER,  ,  378.    Read  Richard  was  C.  of  Bishopton,  and 

V.  of  Stranton.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CONEY,  JOHN,  1707,  378.   Add  C.  of  Easton  Maudit,  North- 
ants.,  1711. 
Add  CONIGRAVE,  MARK,  379-   'B.A.;  M.A.';  aged  34  in  1576. 

Ord.  priest  (London)  June  10,  1563.    R.  of  Stoke  Albany, 

Northants.,  1561-1613. 
CONSETT,   WILLIAM,   380.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York)   Sept. 

1709;  priest,  1711.  V.  of  Ormsby,  1720. 
CONSTABLE,  JOHN,   1626,  380.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich) 

Mar.  I,  1 630-1. 
CONSTABLE,  JOSEPH,  380.  Add  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest 

(Exeter)  May  20,  1657.   R.  of  Honington,  Suffolk. 
CONSTABLE,  ROBERT,  1649,  381.    ?  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

May  8,  1650. 
CONSTABLE,  ROBERT,  1653,  381.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Galloway) 

Jan.  5,  1661-2.   Inc.  of  Markshall,  in  1664. 
CONSTABLE,  THOMAS,  1644-5,  381.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 

Nov.  16,  1653.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1655-7. 
CONWAY,  ROBERT,  381.  Read  Lh.D.  for  L.L.D. 
CONWAYE,  WILLIAM,  1587,382.  /Idd  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Coppenhall,  Cheshire,  in  1625. 
CONYERS,    ANTHONY,   382.     Add   Bapt.    at    Monkhesledon, 

Feb.  5,  1603-4.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CONIERS,  EDWARD,  382.    Add  B.  at  Ravensthorpe,  Yorks., 

of  the  late  Lord  Conyers' house.  Aged  36  in  1593-4.  Served 

as  a  soldier  under  Lord  Burgh,  at  Brill,  Holland.    Married 

a  dau.  of  Thomas  Bishop,  a  Scot.  (S.  P.  Dont.;  J.  B.  Whit- 
CONYERS,  JAQUEZ,  382.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1700; 

priest,  1701. 
CONYERS,  JOHN,  1726,  382.    Add  M.P.  for  Essex,   1772-5. 

(L.  B.  Namier;  see  also  Al.  Oxon.) 
CONYERS,  NICHOLAS,  1693,  382.  ^iirfP.C.of  Chester-le-Street. 

Married  there,  June  4,   1715,  Barbara  Hedworth.  Buried 

there  Mar.  30,  1725.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CONYERS,  RICHARD,  382.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  21, 

1755.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1761. 
COOKE,  EDMUND,  1637,  383.    Add  Ord.   priest  (Galloway) 

Dec.  3,  1660.    ?  R.  of  Nedging,  Suffolk,  1650. 
COOK,  EDWARD,  1728,  383.  Read  Blakemore. 


Cooke,  Erasmus 

COOKE,  ERASMUS,  383.    Add  V.  of  Ubbcston,  Suffolk.   Will 

(Norwich  C.C.)  1623.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COOKE,  HENRY,  1694,  384.  Add  Bapt.  at  Corbridge,  Dec.  14, 

1676.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COOK,  HENRY,  1709,  384.  /l(WOrd.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1716; 

priest.  May,  1719. 
COOKE,  JOHN,  I7IO,  385.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Sept.  21, 

1717.  C.  of  Oundle,  1715. 
COOKE,  OLOPHERNES,  385.   Add  Licence  to  marry  Barbara 

Porter,  of  Bury,  Suffolk,  Nov.  27,  1592.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COKE,  RICHARD,  1715-6,386.  /f<i(i  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  4, 

1 721;  priest,  .Sept.  1722. 
COOKE,  ROBERT,  1663,  38C.  /I <W  Barrister,  1671. 
COOKE,   THOMAS,    1635-6,   387.    Add   Probably  ord.   priest 

(Lincoln)  Sept.  i,  1646.  C.  of  Newmarket,  in  .-662. 
COOKE,  WILLIAM,  1567.  388.  Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1611. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COOKE  or  COKE,  WILLIAM,  May  20,  1668,  388.  Add  Barrister, 

1674.    Bencher,  1696. 
COOK,   WILLIAM,    1711-2,   388.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (Peterb.) 

Mav  26,  1 716.  C.  of  Maxey,  Northants. 
COOPE,  JOHN,  1628,  389.  Add  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest 

(O.xford)  Jan.  25,  1661-2.    V.  of  Wickliambrook,  Suffolk, 

in  1662  (M.A.). 
COOPER,   ARTHUR,   389.    Add  One  of   these  names   C.   of 

Marburv,  Cheshire,  1589-99. 
COWPER,  CHARLES,  1713,  389.  Adii  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June, 

1718;  priest,  1720-1. 
COOPER   or  COWPER,   CHARLES,    389.    Add   Ord.   deacon 

(York)  May,  1719;  priest,  Sept.  1720. 
COWPER,   CHARLES,    1743,   389.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York) 

Sept.  21,  1746;  priest.  Mar.  25,  i747-  C.  of  Oswaldkirk. 
COOPER,   ELLIS,   390.    Add  Buried   at  Bishop   Wearmouth, 

July  7,  i68o.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COOPER,  FRANCIS,  390.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  20, 

1747;  priest,  Sept.  1749.   P-C  of  Thorganby,  1751. 
COWPER,  GILBERT,  390.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1700. 

C.  of  Hunslet,  1704-5.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
COOPER,  GREY,  390.   Add  Married  (i)  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir 

Henry  Grey,  of  Howick;  (2)  Elizabeth  Kennedy,  of  New- 
castle.  Read  Gogar  not  Gogan.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COWPER,  JAMES,  1640,  390.  Add  Barrister,  1650. 
COOPER,  JOHN,  1653,  391.    Add  Probably  ord.  priest  (Gallo- 
way) Jan.  5,  1661-2.   Inc.  of  Henny  Parva,  Essex,  in  1664. 
COOPER,  JOHN,  1691,  391.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1699. 

R.  of  Thorpe-in-Glebis,  Notts.,  1699. 
COOPER,  RICHARD,  1628,  391.   Add  Mr  Rich.  Cooper,  M.A., 

Master  of  the  Grammar  School  at  Fremington,  Devon;  late 

Fellowof  St  John's;  buried  at  Grinton-in-Swaledale,  Yorks., 

July  21,  1651. 
COOPER,  ROBERT,  1606-7,  392.    Add  S.  of  Ralph  Cowper. 

School,  Beverley.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
COOPER.  ROGER,  392.  Add  Married,  at  St  Mary's,  Nottingham, 

Mrs  Cath.  Harper,  Oct.  12,  1624.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COOPER,   THOMAS,   1677,   392-    Add  Probably  ord.  deacon 

(Chester)  Sept.  21,  1684.  C.  of  Blowith. 
COOPER,  THOMAS,  1713,  392.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Oct. 

1717;  priest,  Sept.  1719. 
COOPER,   THOMAS,    1700,   392.    Add  Married,  at   Whatton, 

Oct.  24,  1717,  Mary  Simcoe.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COOPER,  WILLIAM,  1638-9,  392.   Add  Probably  R.  of  Pick- 
worth,  Lines.,  1663. 
COOR,  NATHANIEL,  393.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1682. 

C.  of  Leeds  Parish  Church,  1685.  Buried  at  Leeds,  Mar.  20, 

1690-1.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
COOTE,  WILLIAM,   1608,  393.    Add  S.  of  Sir  Nicholas,  and 

brother  of  Sir  Charles,  ist  Baronet.   Dean  of  Down,  1635. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
COPE,    RICHARD,   393.    Add   Described   as   R.   of   Eversley 

when  he  married,  at  Yateley,  Hants. ,July22,  1754, Mrs  Anne 

Wyndham.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
COPPING,  JOHN,  1728,  395.    Add  Probably  dean  of  Clogher, 

1738-43.    Died  Apr.  1743.    Will  (P.C.C.)  Dublin.    (H.  B. 

COPPING,' THOMAS,  1664,  395.   Add  Minister  and  preacher  to 

the  ships  at  Dcptford.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
COPINGER,  WILLIAM,  1641-2,  396.  Add  Ord.  priest  (KUmore) 

May  II,  1649. 
COPSTOCK,  THOMAS,  396.  Add  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Carlisle) 

June  10,  1688;  priest  (Chester)  Sept.  20, 1690.  C.  of  Alding- 

ham,  1690;  "B.A." 
CORBETT,  FRANCIS,  1584,  396.  Add  Barrister,  1600. 
CORBET,  JOHN,  1684,  396.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec.  1690; 

priest,  Sept.  1692.  C.  of  Lowthorpe,  Yorks. 
CORBET,   MILES,    1612,   396.    Add  Adm.  at   Lincoln's   Inn, 

(Jet.  9,  1615.   Barrister,  1623. 
CORDALL,  GUTHLAC,  397.   Add  William  Cordall,  of  Wclwyn, 

Herts.,  in   1555,  by  will  (Archd.  Hunts.);  leaves  £3  to  son 

'Sir  fioofllacke'  when  M.A. 
CORDELL  or  CORDWELL,  THOMAS,  397.    Add  Sir  Thom.is 

Cordall  nii-ntioned  as  parson  of  Wclwyn,  Herts.,  1556. 
CORDELL,  WILLIAM,  397.  Add  Bencher,  13J4. 

Cramlington,  Robert 

CORDUKES,   RICHARD,   397.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Nonrich?. 

Lilt.  dim.  from  York)  .M.iv,  1738. 
CORKER,  SAMUEL,  398.   Add  Author,  Sermon. 
CORKER,  WALTER,  39**.    Add  R.  of  Cooklev,  Sufiolk.    Will 

(Norwich  C.C.)  1618.   (V.B.Redstone.) 
CORKER.  WILLIAM,  398.   Add  Schooi,  St  Paul's. 
CORLACE    or   CORLES,    TIMOTHY,    398.     Add  CORLES   or 

CORLAS.   S.  of  George.   Bapt.  at  Forton,  Jan.  28,  i67j-«. 
CORNELIUS,  JOHN,  398.  Add  Ord.  priest  (St  David's)  Dec.  5, 

CORNEY,  MORRIS,  398.   Add  Beneficed  in  HuU,  l634-.»3.    A 

Puritan.    (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
CORNWALL,    WILLIAM,    1638-9,    399.     Add  C.   of    Hedon 

Yorks.,  1643.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
CORNEWELL,  THOMAS,  400.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  July 

13,  1661;  C.  of  Waiigford  and  Brandon.    Det^te  Probably. 
CORRANCE,  ROBERT,  1733,  400.   Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

COSIN,  JOHN,  1649,  400.   Add  B.  Oct.  29,  and  Bapt.  Nov.  3. 

1033,  at  Brancepeth.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
COSYN,  JOHN,  1650,  401.    Add  Married,  at  All  SainU",  New- 

castle,  Nov.  18,  1656,  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Tomkin.   (H.  11. 

COSTOBADY,  JAMES,  401.  Add  Jacob  was  ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  25,  1748;  priest,  Sept.  1749.  ^^'od  It  was  his  son  of  the 

same  name  who  married  Anne  MiUies.  (E.  Axon.) 
COTCHET,  THOMAS,  401.    Add  Married  Jane,  widow  of  Rd. 

COTGRAVE,  RANDLE,  401.  Add  The  s.  of  WUUam,  of  ChrisUe- 

ton    was   certainly    Registrar   to    the    Bishop   of   Chester. 

(E.  Axon.) 

Add  C.  of  Eryholme,  Yorks. 
i4 1/4  Barrister,  1657;  Benchei 


Buried  there  Mar.  5,  1738. 
COTTON,  WILLIAM,  1649,  404. 

Add  COTTON, ,  404.   Adm.  Fell. -Com.  at  St  Catharine's, 

COULTON,  JAMES,  405.   Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

1689-90.    Another  was  a  chaplain  at  the  Fleet,  1681-1721, 

after  being  deprived  of  an  Essex  living.  (R.  South.) 
COWGILL,   JAMES,    1701-2,   407.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (York) 

Sept.  1717.   P.C.  of  Downham,  1724-47. 
COWGILL,  JAMES,  1732,  407.    Add  Apparently  the  younger, 

who  was  V.  of  Clitheroe,  till  1739.  ?  Succeeded  by  Im  father. 

(E.  Axon.) 
COWLEY,  JOSHUA,  407.  Add  FeUow  of  Trinity  College,  DubUn, 

1654.    M.A.  (Dublin)   1654.    Minor  canon  of  St  Patrick's, 

Dublin,  1660.    Preb.  of  Dromore,  1661.    R.  of  Dnimcree, 

Armagh,  1669. 
COWLING,  JOHN,  407.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  1711. 
COWPERTHWAIT,   WILLIAM,   407.     Rfod   V.   of   Bred6eld. 

.-ld</ Wife  Susan.  Buried  nt  Clopton.  M.I.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
COWTON,  THOMAS,  407.  Add  Perhaps  R.  of  Bainton,  Yorks., 

1475-87  (died). 
COX,  BARTHOLOMEW,  407.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Jan. 

1705-6;  priest,  1708. 
COX,  JOHN,  1639,  408.    Add  One  of  these  names  ord.  priest 

(Chichester)  May  7,  1648.   R.  of  Risbv,  Suffolk,  in  1662. 
COX,  WILLIAM,  Easter,  1636,  409.    Add  One  of  these  names 

(B.A.),  V.  of  North  Rauceby,  Lines.,  1663. 
COX,  WILLIAM,  1636-7,  4oq.    Add  One  of  this  name,  D.D., 

of  Petworth,  had  will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1657-8.  (E.  Axon.) 
COXALL,  ESDRAS,  409.    Add  P.C.  of  South  M.illing,  Sussex. 

Officiated  at  the  marriage  of  John  Harvard  (1627). 
COXFORD,  WILLIAM,  409.    Add  Licensed  by  the  Bishop  of 

F.lv,  Feb.  7,  1375-6,  to  hear  confessions  and  to  preach. 
CRABTREE,  HENRY,  410.   Add  E.  Axon  doubu  the  identity 

of  the  Christ's  man  with  the  C.  of  Todmorilen. 
CRADOCK,  EDWARD,  4x0.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  July  »j, 

CRADOCK,  JOHN,  1725,  411.   Add  Sacrist  at  Wolverhampton 

Collegiate  Church,  c.  1739-41,  and  prrb.  of  Featherstooe 

there.   (I.  P.  Mandcr.) 
CRADOCKE,  JOSEPH,  411.    Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Middleton  St  George,  Durham,  1625.   Commission  to  Jos. 

Cradock  to  prove  wills  in   Richmond,   1636.    Will  (York) 

dated  Oct.  i,  1633.  (I.  Venn;  W.  ].  Ka>T.) 
CRADOCK,  SAMUEL,   1637.  411.    Add  M.irried,  at  Chalfont 

St  C.ilis',  Buok";.,  June  24,  1656,  Mrs  Honoria  Fleetwood. 

(I'hillitnoro's  Huiks.  Siarriafes.) 
CRADOCK,  THOMAS,  1720,411.  .4<f<f  Marrie<l.  at  Cam.  Cloucs.. 

Nov.  2,  1735,  H.mnah  Ward.   He  U  dcscrilwHl  .^s  C.  of  Cam. 

2nd    s.   of    William    (1694).     V.   of    IVnn.     I'rrl).,   Sacrist, 

Lecturer  and  Reader  in  the  Collegiate  Church  of  Wolver- 
hampton.   DictI  there  Dec.  ij,  I7J7-    (H.  M.  Wood;  J.  P. 

CRADDOCKE,  WILLIAM,  1694.  411.   Add  Prrb.  1720;  Sacrbt 

and  Prinrip.d  OtVKi.il  of  Wolverhampton  CoUcRiate  Church, 

17.M.  until  his  d.Mth  in  1734.   (J.  P.  Mandcr.) 
CRAMLINGTON,   ROBERT,   412.    Add   R.  of   UtUe  Carlton, 

Lines.,   1653.    K.  ol  Mjnby,  Lines.,  1656;  ejected,   1663. 

(Calamy,  it.  154.) 



Crane,  Edward 

CRANE,  EDWARD,  412.   Add  B.  at  AU  Saints',  Northampton, 

Oct.  22,  1696.  V.  of  Hardingstone,  1720-48  (resigned). 
CRANE,  FELIX,  412.    Add  V.  of  Rossinver,  Kilmore,  1626; 
of  Kilasnet,in  1633.  (R.  Visitation,  1633.  ReyneU's  Kilmore 
MSS.;H.  B.  Swanzy.)  .  »,  _^     j    » 

CRASKE,  JOHN,  1671,  414.   Add  Married,  at  Narford,  Aug.  4, 

1696   Mary  Ford,  of  East  Walton.   (H.M.Wood.) 
CRAVEN,  CHRISTOPHER,  414.    Add  5th  s.  of  Sir  William. 

(L.  E.  Smith.)  ,^,       .  ^^  ^ 

CRAVEN,  FRANCIS,  414.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  June  18, 

1662.   V.  of  Acton,  Suffolk. 
CRAVEN,  JOHN,  1588,  414.   Add  £1  given  to  John  Crevenne, 
alias  fiote,  for  a  sermon  in  St  Margaret's,  Westmmster,  in 
1595,  by  the  churchwardens.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
CRAVEN,  WILLIAM,  1749,  414.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Mar.  14,  1756.  ,  _, 

CRAFORD,   JOHN,   i597,   415-    Add  Perhaps  s.  of  Thomas. 

Said  to  be  M.A.,  clerk.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
CRAYKER,  JOSEPH,   415.    Add  R.  of  Witherstone,  Bristol. 
C.  of  Town  MaUmg,  Kent.  His  widow  Margaret  was  adm.  to 
Bromley  College,  Mar.  28,  1740-   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
CREE,  JOHN,  B.A.  1472-3,  4i6.  See  GREE. 
CREED,  SAMUEL,  416.  Add  Prob.  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1696. 
CREED,  WALTER,  416.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1698. 

V.  of  Granby,  1701-4,  deprived. 
CRAIGHTON,  WILLIAM,  416.    Add  Martin  exhibitioner  from 
Ipswich.  ,T   T, 

CREMER,  THOMAS,  417.  Add  S.  of  Robert,  of  Norfolk.  (J.  B. 

CRESSENER,  DRUE,  417.  Add  Married,  Aug.  4,  1680,  age  40, 
Faustina     Plumtre,    of    St     Nicholas,    Nottingham.      (J. 
Ch  Smith.) 
CRESSY,  JOSEPH,  417.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  1677; 
priest,  Sept.  1678.    Perhaps  C.  of  Armley,  Yorks.,  1711-2. 
(R.  J.  Wood.) 
CRESSEY,  RICHARD,  1689,  417.   Add  Perhaps  C.  of  Armley, 

Yorks.,  1711-2.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
CRESWELL,  WILLIAM,  1634,  418.    Add  Married,  at  Hohne 
Pierrepont,    Notts.,   June    20,    1660,    Mrs   Alice    Rustatt. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 
CRESWYCK,    JOSEPH,    418.    Add   Ord.   priest    (York)    Feb. 

I 680-1. 
CREW,  JOHN,  1619,  418.  Add  Barrister,  1626. 
CREW,  JOHN,  1666,  418.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

CREW,  NATHANIEL,  418.   Add  Married  (i)  Penelope,  dau.  of 
Sir    William    Frowell    and    widow    of    Sir    Hugh    Tynte; 
(2)  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Thomas  Foreter,  of  Adderston,  in  1699. 
Buried  at  Stone,  Northants.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CRUYS  or  CRUSE,  HUMPHREY,  418.  Add  Master  of  Monmouth 

Grammar  School,  Mar.  7,  1617-8.   {Hereford  Ep.  Reg.) 
CREYK,  JOHN,   1705,  419.    Add  A  non-juror.    See  Heame's 

Diarv,  May  22,  1717.  Delete  Perhaps.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

CHRYCHLOWE  or  CHRITCHLEY,  JAMES,  419.    Read  V.  of 

Childwall,  1625-c.  1632.    Probably  not  at  Penwortham  or 

Langho.  Perhaps  V.  of  Clapham,  Yorks.,  1634-9.  (E.  Axon.) 

CRISPE,  HENRY,  1676,  419.    Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1708-11. 
CRODACOT,   JOHN,   420.    Add  Signs  brief  at  St  Saviour's, 

Southwark,  1650.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CROE,  CHRISTOPHER,  420.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  1708; 
priest,  1710.   R.  of  Langton,  Yorks.,  1719-46.  Buried  there 
Julv  13,  1746. 
CROFTES,  CHARLES,  1706,  420.  ^rfi  Barrister,  1713. 
CROFTS,  GEORGE,  420.  Delete  Perhaps. 
CROFT,  JOHN,  1609,  420.  Add  Barrister,  1616. 
CROFT,  NICHOLAS,  420.  Add  Barrister,  1653. 
CROFTS,  WILLIAM,   1629,  421.    Add  The  LL.D.  was  R.  of 
Donagheady  and  Donoughmore,  1661-7.    Vicar-General  of 
Derry.  Died  1667.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
CROFT  or  CROFTS,  WILLIAM,  1697,  421.    Add  Ord.  priest 

(York)  Sept.  1703.  V.  of  Weston. 
CROFTON,  RICHARD,  1671,  421.  Add  Probably  the  same  as 

Add  CROISER,  THOMAS,  421.    Add  S.  of  Simon  and  Elena. 
Student  at  Cambridge.  Petition  granted  to  accept  a  benefice, 
though  under  age,  and  to  be  excused  examination,  Jan.  6, 
1343  (Dec.  27,  1342).   {Cal.  of  Pap.  Pet.,  i.  31.) 
CROKE,  RICHARD,  1506,  421.    Add  R.  of  Hurworth,  1535. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
CROMPTON,  JOHN,  1660,  422.  Add  Nonconformist  minister  of 
Cockey  Moor,  1689-1703.  Buried  at  Bolton,  Aug.  14,  1703. 
(E.  Axon.) 
CROMPTON,  THOMAS,  1601,  422.  Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
Milnrow,    Lanes.,    1623,    and   of   Littleborough,    in    1624. 
(E.  Axon.) 
CRONKAR  or  CRUNCKER,  ROBERT,  423.    Add  Leaves  'aU 
my  books  of  sermons  written  with  my  own  hand '  to  Pem- 
broke College.  Brother,  Sir  Arnold,  and  other  relatives. 
CROOKE,   BANKES,   423.    Add  Graduated    M.A.   at   Trinity 
College,   Dublin,   1681.    R.  of   Kilsaran,  Armagh,  1685-9. 
(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

Curtis,  John 

CROOKE,  SAMUEL,  424.   Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  June,  1704. 

V.  of  Driffield,  1704. 
CROPPER,  JONAH,  424.  /4(i(i  Schoolmaster  at  Winwick,  Lanes., 

July  13,  1686. 
CROSBY,  SAMUEL,  425.   Add  A  collection  was  made  for  him 

in  the  parish  church  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  in  1647.  C.  of  Hale, 

I 6^0-2. 

CROSEDAILE,    RICHARD,    425.     Add   Ord.    priest    (Exeter) 

June  6,  1648-9.   R.  of  Shelfhanger,  1658-62-. 
CROSLAND,  GEORGE,  1588-9,  425.  Add  S.  of  John,  of  Almond- 
bury.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
CROSLAND,   JOHN,  1627,  425.  Add  The  V.  of  Almondbury 
must  have  been  one  of  the  two  previous  names  as  he  was 
brother  of   George  (1588-9)   and  succeeded  him.    (W.   J. 
CROSSE,  BENJAMIN,  426.    Add  Another  of  this  name  V.  of 
Rostheme,  Cheshire,  1663-73.  Buried  there  Jan.  18,  1672-3. 
(E.  Axon.) 
CROSSE,  FRANCIS,  M.A.  1656,  426.  Add  Admon.  Oct.  30,  1675; 

as  of  St  Werburgh,  Bristol,  to  relict  Joan. 
CROSSE,  JOHN,   1614,  426.    Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Gosfield,  Essex,  c.  1 628-50-. 

CROSSE,  LATIMER,  426.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Feb.  1675-6. 

CROSSE,   THOMAS,    1642,    426.    Add   Probably   minister   of 

Barrow,  Cheshire,  1656  (by  sequestration);  there,  in  1661. 

Will  (Chester)  1661.   Perhaps  brother  of  Benjamin  (1657). 

GROSSMAN,  JAMES,  427.    Add  Of  Bristol,  clerk.    Died  1706. 

{SeeGt  WaldingfUld  Court  Rolls;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CROSMAN,  SAMUEL,  1606,  427.   Add  Referred  for  ordination 
to  the  7th  Classis  of  London,  June  28,  1647.  R.  of  Ccmpton 
Greenfield,  Gloucs.,  1672-84. 
CROSTON,  RICHARD,  427.  Add  Doubtless  the  same  as  Crofton, 
Richard,  of  Emmanuel.   Buried  at  Croston,  Feb.  18,  1714-5. 
Will  at  Chester.   For  Bindley  read  Hindley. 
CROWE,  CHRISTOPHER,   1656,  427.    Add  Married,  at  Nar- 
borough,  Norfolk,  Apr.  13,  1662,  Abigail,  dau.  of  St  John 
Spelman,  gent.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
CROWE,  HAMON,  428.    Read  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Mar.  6, 

1630- J. 
CROWE,  WILLIAM,  1674,  428.    Add  Probably  M.A.  (Dublin) 

Oct.  18,  1698;  LL.D.  (Dublin)  1706. 
Add  CROWLAND,    ROBERT  DE,  428.    B.A.      Petitions  the 
Pope,  1363,  for  a  benefice  in  the  gift  of  the  Abbot  of  Crow- 
CROWNFIELD,  HENRY,  428.  Add  S.  of  Cornelius,  the  Univer- 
sity printer,  a  Dutchman  whose  true  name  was  Croenvelt. 
Vice-President  of  Queens'.    (J.  R.  Wardale;  Letter  of  W. 
Cole  from  Milton,  May  19,  I777-) 
CROWNFIELD,  THOMAS,  428.    Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

1743.  Delete  Probably. 
CROMP  or  CRUMPE,  PIERREPONT,  429.    Add  Ord.  deacon 

(Chester)  Mar.  14,  1756. 
CROWTHER,   JOSEPH,   429.    Add  D.D.   1678   (Incorp.  from 

Oxford).   (J.  A.  Venn.) 
CROXTON  or  CROXON,  EDMUND,  429.  Delete  Ejected. 
CROXTON  or  CROCKSON,  THOMAS,  429.    Add  R.  of  Little 

Wenham.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1613.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
CRIER,    ROBERT,    430.     Add   Called    'clerk;    M.A.,    King's 

preacher'  in  his  marriage  licence,  June  26,  1609. 
CUDWORTH,   DANIEL,   430.    Read  Wemeth-in-Oldham,  not 

the  Cheshire  one.  (E.  Axon.) 
CUDWORTH,  NICHOLAS,  431.  Add  Preacher  at  Astbury,  till 
1654.  At  Lightcliffe,  1648;  Coley,  1649;  Ardsley,  1652, 
Ossett,  1653-6.  Minister  at  Beeston,  Yorks.,  c.  1656.  Died 
1658.  (J.  A.  Venn;  R.  J.  Wood;  Dale,  Yorkshire  Puritanism.) 
CULVERWELL,  NATHANIEL,  432.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

CULVERWELL,    RICHARD,    M.A.    1608,    432.     Add   School, 

St  Paul's. 
CULVERWELL,    RICHARD,    432.     Add    School,    St    Paul's; 

exhibitioner.  Ord.  priest  (Lincoln)  May  15,  1662. 
CUMBERLAND,  RICHARD,  1649,  432.    Add  B.  in  St  Anne's, 
Aldersgate,   London,    1632.    V.   of  All  Saints',   Stamford. 
Chaplain  to  Lord  Keeper  Bridgeman. 
CUMBERLAND,    RICHARD,    1694,    432.     Add    Ord.    deacon 

(Peterb.)  Sept.  5,  1698;  priest,  Sept.  24,  1699. 
CURSON,  JAMES,   433.    Add  Chantry  priest  of  Canterbury. 
Will  dated  June   16,  1518;  was  proved  in  Canterbury  C. 
Court,  Oct.  5,  1518.    Desired  to  be  buried  there.    (H.  G. 
CURTIS,  CAESAR,  434.   Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1739-41. 
His  widow  Mary  was  adm.  to  Bromley  College  in  1760  and 
made  a  vacancy  by  marriage  the  same  year. 
CURTEIS  or  CURTOYS,  EDMUND,  434.  Read  also  COORTESSE, 
CURTES  or  CURTEISSE.    Add  B.A.  St  John's,   1565  (no 
grad.   found).    Ord.  deacon   (student  of  St  John's)    1563. 
Preb.    of    Chichester    (deprived,    1581).     Restored,    1585. 
[Line.  Dioc.  Mag.,  Aug.  1917;  W.  F.  Curtoys.) 
CURTIS,  FRANCIS,  434.  Add  Head  Master  of  Moulton  School, 

May  19,  1711.   (W.  F.  Curtoys.) 
CURTIS,  JOHN,  1674-5,  434-    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Ely)  1679. 
(W.  F.  Curtoys.) 


Curtis,  Leonard 

CURTICE  or  CORTIS,  LEONARD,  434.  Read  Adm.  pens,  at 
Queens',  Easter,  1647.  Add  Died  Apr.  10,  1685,  in  his  57lh 
year.  Buried  at  Wilford,  Apr.  12,  1685  (described  as  for 
33  years  R.  of  Wilford).  His  wife  Dorothy  died  Jan.  20, 
1658-9.  (W.  F.  Curtoys.) 

CURTEYS,  RICHARD,  1550,  434.  Read  also  COORTESSE. 
Add  Grandson  of  Bryan,  of  Clee,  Lines.  Perhaps  R.  of 
Holton-le-Beckering,  Lines.,  1565-69.  {Lines.  Ant.  Soc, 
1897;  W.  F.  Curtoys.) 

CURTOYS,  CHARLES,  435.  Add  B.  May  31,  1710.  C.  (not  V.) 
of  Wootton  Rivers.  C.  of  .^Iton,  1733-8.  V.  of  Milton 
Lilbome,  1761-75.  Married,  May  1,  1739,  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Mr  Hunt,  of  Wootton  Rivers.  Died  Mar.  25,  1775.  Buried 
there  Mar.  28,  1775.   (W.  F.  Curtoys.) 

CURTOIS,  GROVE,  435.  Add  S.  of  Rowland,  V.  of  Hainton, 
Lines.  B.  at  South  Willingham.  R.  of  Tealby,  Lines., 
1753-64.  Married  Mary  Wattson  (died  1808).  Admon.  at 
Lincoln,  1791.  Read  Priest,  Mar.  4,  1747-8.  (W.  F. 

CURTOYS,  JOHN,  1669,  435.  ReadTht  R.  of  Braunston  was  an 

Deacon.  John 

Oxford  contemporary  (ord.  priest  at  Oxford,  1676;  V.  of 

Saxey,  1 676-80) ,  who  was  probabl  y  the  author  of  the  Sermtm*. 

Delete  Ord.  priest,  July  10,    1676.  R.  of  Braunston,  Lines., 

1680.  Author,  Sermons.  Read  Almost  certainly  C.  of  Nocton, 

i682~6;  V.,in  1686.  (W.  F.  Curtoys.) 
CURTOIS,   JOHN,    1736-7.  435.    Add  S.  of  RowUnd,  V.  of 

Hainton,  Lines.   C.  of  Branston.    R.  of  Ingham  and  V.  of 

Corby,  Lines.,  1747-1802.    C.  of  Burton  Cogges,  1751-63. 

V.   of    Harmston,    1762-1802.     Sequestrator   of    Thurlby, 

Lines.,  and  Surrogate.   Married  his  ist  cousin  Susan,  1745. 

Died  Aug.   14,  1802.    Buried  at  Branston.    Will  (P.C.C). 

(W.  F.  Curtovs.) 
CUST,  SAMUEL,  16.J7-8,  435.  Add  Barrister,  1619. 
CUTHBERT,  RICHARD,  436.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Dec. 

1720;  priest,  Si-pt.  1721. 
CUSTANCE,  HAMBLE,  436.  Add  Barrister,  1743. 
CUTHBERT,  WILLIAM,  1629-30,  436.   Add  WiU,  clerk,  dated 

Dec.  22,  1657;  proved  Feb.  13,  1657-8.   (E.  Axon.) 
CUTLOVE  or  CUTLOAFE,  JOSHUA,   437.    Add  Ord.   priest 

(Chichester)  July  20,  1660. 


DAKERS  or  DAKER,  WILLIAM,  i.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Hereford) 

June  9,  1693. 
DADE,  FRANCIS,  1673-4,  I.  /Idd  Youngest  s.  of  Thomas.  M.I. 

at  Bramford.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DAGGETT,  WILLIAM,   1682,  2.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Dec.  19,  1686. 
DAKYN,  JOHN,  3.   Add  Principal  of  Borden  Hostel,  tenant  of 

Peterhouse,    1526-7.     Did    much    legal    business    for    the 

University.   Said  to  have  taken  part  in  the  'Pilgrimage  of 

Grace,'  1526.   (T.  A.  Walker.) 
DALEY,  W.,  1565,  3.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Peterb.)  Mar.  4,  1568-9. 

V.    of    Burley-on-the-Hill,    1572-1618.     Age    30   in    1576. 

Licensed  to  preach,  1603.  Died  1618. 
DALE,  CUTHBERT,  1570,  3.   Add  R.  of  Kettleburgh,  Suffolk, 

DALE,  SAMUEL,  4.  Add  One  of  this  name  was  a  preacher,  and 

had  a  child  bapt.  at  Stockport,  in  1623.   (E.  Axon.) 
DALTON,  MICHAEL,  1579-80,  5.  /1(W  Barrister,  1589;  Bencher, 

DALTON,  ROGER,  6.  Add  Barrister,  1583. 
DALTON,  THOMAS,  1610-19,  6.  Add  Barrister,  1623. 
DALTON,  THOMAS,  1625,  6.   Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  at 

Cherryhinton,  Cambs.,  1645.   Wife  Anne.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DALTON,  THOMAS,  1650,  6.  Add  Barrister,  1657. 
DALTON,  WILLIAM,  1584-5,  6.  ^(/<i  Barrister,  1597.  Bencher, 

DAMAT,  ,  6.   Add  Probably  Samuel  who  graduated  B.A. 

at  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1613;  Scholar,  1616,  and  Fellow, 

1615.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
DANBY,  ROGER,  7.  Add  The  Dublin  man  was  preb.  of  Kildare, 

1615.    Preb.  of  St  Patrick's,  Dublin,  1615.    Died  Nov.  4, 

1625.   (Cotton,  Fasti,  11.;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
DANDY  or  DENDY,  THOMAS,  7.  Add  One  of  these  names  called 

to  the  Bar  (Inner  Temple)  Nov.  23,  1669. 
DANIELL,  RICHARD,  1587,8.   Add  One  'DanyeU.of  Queens',' 

was  one  of  those  'enticed  to  pass  over  the  seas 'by  the  Papist 

Speigniomaldus,  1587.   {Fotev;  Dr  Jessopp.) 
DARANT,  LEONARD,  9.    Add  Buried  at  AUiwick,  Feb.  26, 

1736-7.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
DARBY,  HENRY,  9.    Add  Buried  at  Stowmarket.    M.I.  there 

says  died  Nov.  30,  1733.  Wife  Margaret.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DARBY,  LUKE,  9.  Add  S.  of  John,  of  Bramford,  Suffolk,  and 

his  wife  Elizabeth  Melton.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DARBYSHIRE,  JOHN,   1590-1,  9.    Add  Probably  of  Trinity 

College,  Dublin.   R.  of  BaUygarth,  1604.  (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
DARCYE,  JOHN,  1585,  lo.  ^(i<i  Barrister,  1601.  Bencher,  1618. 

Autumn  Reader,  1621.   Serjeant-at-law,  1623. 
DARCY,  MARMADUKE,  1631,  10.  Add  Barrister,  1640. 
DARCY,  MARMADUKE,  1668,  10.  Add  Barrister,  1677- 
DARINGTON,  NICHOLAS,  10.    Add  Probably  Principal  of  St 

Thomas  Hostel,  1518-9. 
DARLEY,  JOSEPH,  11.  Add  V.  of  Scawby,  Lines.,  1663. 
DARLIE,  THOMAS,  ii.  Add  Preacher  at  Bantam,  East  Indies. 

Will  (Cons.  C.  I^ndon)  1621. 
DARWIN,  WILLIAM,  1640,  12.    Read  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

Oet.  24,  1646.    Barrister,  1653-   Bencher,  1671. 
DAUBUZ,  CLAUDE,  12.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Aug.  5,  1733- 
DAVENPORT,   JOHN,   1605,    13.    Add   Didsbury  was   only  a 

DAVY  or  DAVID,  FRANCIS,   14.    Add  Ord.  priest  {Candida 

Casa)  Dec.  19,  1660. 

DAVIE,  HENRY,  1580,  14.  Add  Barrister,  1589;  Bencher,  1603. 
DAVY,  WILLIAM,  1531-43,  15.  Read  R.  of  St  Benefs,  1532. 
DAVIES,  ISAAC,  15.  Add  Of  St  Paul's  School. 
DAVIES,  JAMES,  1687,  15.    Add  In  the  Westminster  Abbey 

Muniments  his  father  is  said   to  be  of  Gamston,  Notts. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
DAVIES,  ROBERT,   1680,   16.    Add  Scholar  on  Westminster 

DAVIES,  THOMAS,   1651,   17.    Add  The  scholar  from  West- 
minster was  s.  of  Richard,  of  .Middlesex,  age  14  in  1648. 

Also  of  St  Paul's.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
DAVILE,  JOHN,  1733,  17.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  35, 

1743;  priest,  Sept.  i744-  C.  of  Wigginton. 
DAVISON,   MORTON,   18.    Read  Budle,  Northumberland  for 

Budle,  Durham. 
DAWSON,  DAVID,  20.   Read  B.  at  Aberford,  near  Lothcrton, 

Yorks.   Didsbury  was  only  a  chapelry. 
DAWSON,   GABRIEL,   20.    Read  S.  of  James,  smith.    Ord. 

deacon  (Carlisle)  Sept.  20,  1685;  priest,  Sept.  19,  1686.  C.  of 

Pilling  on  Jan.  28,  1686-7.  (E.  Axon.) 
DAWSON,  GEORGE,   1655,  20.    Add  Married  Ann,  who  was 

buried  at  Sunninghill,  Nov.  30,  17:1. 
DAWSON,  GEORGE,   1697,  20.    Add  B.  Oct.  17,  and  bapt. 

Nov.  7,  1679.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
DAWSON,  JOHN,  1639,  21.    Add  Called  to  the  Bar,  Feb.  5, 

DAWSON,  JOHN,  1662,  21.    Delete  P.O.  of  Blackley,  Lanes., 

DAWSON,  MILES,  21.    Add  Perhaps  the  one  referred  to  la 

Cecil  MSS.  VI.  283,  who  taught  a  school  in  York  for  two 

years.   Turned  Roman  Catholic;  travelled  in  Ireland  and 

Spain.    Conformed  in  1596.    Will  (Chester)  1637,  as  V.  of 

Bolton.   (J.  B.  Whitmore;  K.  Axon.) 
DAWSON,   ROBERT,    1695,  2i.    Add  B.   Feb.  6,  and  bapt. 

Feb.  14,  1677-8.   (J.Ch.Smith.l 
DAWSON,  THOMAS,   1692,  22.    Add  B.  Apr.  29,  and  bapt. 

May  II,  1676.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
DAWSON,  WILLIAM,  1674,  22.  Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk, 

tmri.d  at  Groton,  SuHolk,  May  10,  1682.    (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DAY,  HENRY,  1665,  22.  Add  Exhibitioner  at  St  Paul's  School. 

DAY,   RICHARD,    1622,   23.    Add   Instituted   V.  of   Prescot, 

Fob.  21,  1642-3;  sequestered  as  a  Royalist.   Will  (Chester). 

(K.  Axon.) 
DAYNES,  FRANCIS,  24.   Add  R.  of  Holton  St  M.iry.  SuSolk. 

1657-70.    Buried  there  Dec.  28,  1670.    Wife  Mary  buried 

Doc.  22.  1682.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DAYNES,  THOMAS,  1645,  24-   A'""  He  w.is  still  R.  of  Gosbeck 

in  his  will  dated  June  2,   1674-    WiU  proved  M  Ipswich, 

June  17,  1674    (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
DAYRELL,   BROWNLOW,   24.    Add  Barrister,    1745-    DeMt 

DAYRELL,  MARMADUKE,  2$.  Add  B.^rristcr,  1747. 

DAYRELL,  THOMAS,  .'S.   Add  H.irrister,  162H. 

DAYRELL,   WINDHAM,   25.     Read  .\dra.  at   Lincoln's   Inn, 

M.iv  I.',  I''7V 
DEACON,  DANIEL,  25.  AddC.ot  Manton.  RutUnd.  1607-41. 
DEACON,  JOHN,  1575-6.  25.   Add  Prr.«hcr  at  Lci«h,  Lane*.. 

in  1 597.   (I'".  .\xon.) 
DEACON,  JOHN,  1616,  25.   Add  Onl.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  18, 

1626-7.   K.  of  Chcvclcy,  Suffolk,  1660. 


Deane,  Brian 

DEANE,  BRIAN,  25.  Add  C.  of  Shotwick,  in  1607. 
DEANE,  GERARD,  26.  Add  One  of  this  name  was  sclioolmaster 
at  Witton,  Cheshire,  1681;  still  there  in  1691.   Perhaps  V.  of 
Weaverham,  1693-1702.   (E.  Axon.) 
DEANE,  PETER,  1652,  26.   Add  Minister  of  Bosley,  Cheshire, 
1658.    C.  of  Halsall.  Lanr^.,  1662.    C.  of  Melling,  HalsaU. 
Will  (Chester)  as  cf  Meh'ag,  1714,  but  he  was  not  V.    (E. 
DEARSLYE,  THOMAS,   1  =  84,  27.    Read  V.  of  Edwardstone. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DEBNAM,  JOHN,  27.   AdJ  C.  of  Debden,  Essex,  1637.    V.  of 

Rickling,  1655. 
DEEKES,  JOHN,  28.    Add  Probably  R.  of  Borely,  Essex,  in 

i6'^o.   One  r  1  these  names  clerk  of  Long  Melford,  1646. 
DE  GREY,  EDMUND,  28.  ^(id  Of  Antingham,  Norfolk.  Married 
Elizabeth,  dau.  ot  Sir  Anthony  Irby,  of  Boston.  {Vis.,  1664.) 
DE  GREY,  JAMES,  28.    Add  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 

Martin  Stuteville,  of  Dalham. 
DE   GREY,   ROBERT,   28.    Add  Married   Elizabeth,   dau.  of 

William  Bridon,  of  Ipswich. 
DELAHAY,   JOHN,    1682,    29.   Add  Ord.   deacon    (Hereford) 

June  10,  1688.   C.  of  Doone. 
DELANDE,  ALBERT,  29.    Add  Eldest  s.  of  Albert  Combeles, 
Sieur  de  Lande.    B.   Feb.   1710-1.    School,  Westminster; 
Adm.   1726.    Died  unmarried  and  intestate.    {Notes  and 
DELAVAL,  EDWARD  HUSSEY,  30.  Read  Adm.  at  Pembroke  as 
Edward.  Assumed 'Hussey' after  graduation.  (L.Whibley.) 
DELVES,  LAURENCE,  30.  Add  Barrister,  1628. 
DENHAM,   EDWARD,   31.    Add  Admon.  as  of  Macclesfield, 

schoolmaster  (Chester)  1717.   (E.  Axon.) 
DENISON,  TIMOTHY,  31.    Add  S.  of  Timothy,  of  WakefieH. 

School,  Wakefield.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
DENMAN,    DENHAM    or    DEYNHAM,    THOMAS,    31.     Add 

Benefactor  to  Peterhouse.   Portrait  in  the  CoUege. 
DENNE,  SAMUEL,  32.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  Jan.  26,  1755- 
DENNET,  JOHN,  32.  Add  One  of  this  name  Captain  of  Grenadiers 
(15th  Foot),  died  Apr.  1741,  at  Carthagena,  West  Indies. 
Described  in  will  (P.C.C.)  1743,  as  of  Walthamstow,  and 
mentions  Alexander  David  and  Robert  Bluett,  clerk,  both 
of  Sidney.   Lieutenant,  1734;  Captain,  15th  Foot,  1736. 
DENNIS,   WILLIAM,    1670,   32.    Add  Ord.   deacon   (Chester) 
June  2,  1667;  priest,  June  6,  1669.    C.  of  Ringley,  Lanes., 
1671-3.   (E.  Axon.) 
DEPDEN  or  DEBDEN,  JOHN,  35.   Add  Died  at  Ipswich,  1616. 

Will  (No^^vich  C.C.)  1616.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DERBY,  JOHN,  1427-33,  35.  Add  In  1444  granted  reversion  of 

crotbonotary  of  Chancery.   {Patent  Rolls.) 
DERHAM,  RICHARD,  1660,  35.    Add  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

Nov.  28,  i66i.   Barrister,  1669. 
DEREHAM,   ROGER,   35.    Add   King's  scholar  from  West- 
minster.  {See  Al.  West.,  61.) 
DERING,  HENEAGE,  36.  Add  Preb.  of  Ripon;  Dean,  1711-50. 

(W.  J.  Kave.) 
DEVENISH,  WILLIAM,  37.   Delete  Provost  of  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  1534-58.  Died  Mar.  24,  1558-9.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1559; 
as  Denyson.   (J.  R.  Magrath.) 
DEVEREUX,  JONATHAN,  1626,  37.   Add  P.C.  of  St  Nicholas, 
Durham,  ejected.   Buried  Mar.  2,  1663-4.   Will,  1663-4,  as 
of  Newcastle,  proved,  Durham,  1664.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
DEVEREUX,  JONATHAN,  1646-7,  37.  Delete  P.C.  of  St  Nicholas, 
etc.   Add  Probably  R.  of  Cranham,  Essex,  Feb.  28,  1662-3 
untU  1669; died.  V.ofCanewdon, till  1669.  (A.G.Matthe^vs.) 
DEVEREUX,  PETER,  37.  Add  S.  of  William,  of  Bacton,  Suffolk, 

and  Anne  Rooke.   B.  at  Norwich,  1583.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DICKINS,  AMBROSE,  39.  ^ (id  School,  Westminster.  Barrister, 
1740.     Married    Mary,   dau.   of   Sir   William   Abdy,   Bart. 
Probablv  brother  of  George  (1738-9). 
DICKINS,  GEORGE,  1738-9,  39.   Add  Probably  s.  of  Ambrose, 
Serjeant-Surgeon  to  the  King.    Bapt.  at  St  Paul's,  Covent 
Garden,  Apr.  21,  1721. 
DICKINS  or  DICKIN,  JOHN,  39.    Add  One  John  Dicken  was 
V.  of  Bunbury,  Cheshire,  and  was  buried  there  Nov.  29, 
i68q.   (E.  Axon.) 
DICKINSON,  GEORGE,  40.    Add  Wife  Judith.    WiU  at  Bury, 

Suffolk.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DICKONSON,  OLIVER,  40.    Add  C.  of  Over  Kellett,  Lanes., 

1674,  and  still  there,  Jan.  1679-80.   (R.  Axon.) 
DICKENSON,  ROGER,  40.    Add  S.  of  John,  Master  of  Bury 
School  for  34  years  who  was  buried  at  Gt  Barton,  Suffolk, 
1643,  aged  69.   M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DICKINSON,  THOMAS,  1572,  40.   Add  B.  at  Stamford,  Lines. 
See  will  which  mentions  his  brother-in-law,  William  Court- 
hoppe,    of    Stodmarsh.     Wm.    Digenson,    of    Gillingham 
married    Alice,   sister   of   Wm.    Courthop,   of   Stodmarsh. 
{Vis.  of  Kent,  1619,  194;  J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
DILKES,  THOMAS,  42.  Add  Married  Anna,  dau.  of  Sir  Clement 

Fisher.  Grandfather  of  Samuel. 
DILLINGHAM,  BENJAMIN,  42.    Add  V.  of  St  John  Baptist, 

Stamford,  1663. 
DILWORTH,  THOMAS,  1629,  43.  Add  Schoolmaster  of  Black- 
rod.  Buried  there  June  9,  1664.   (E.  Axon.) 

DowNE,  Mark 

DYNELEY,  JOHN,  1736-7,  43.    Read  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

Oct.  16,  1738.   Barrister,  1744. 
DINGLEY,  WILLIAM,   1515,  44.    Add  Chaplain  of  St  Paul's 

School,  1531-42. 
DISBOROUGH,  GEORGE,  44.  Add  Geo.  Disbury  was  of  Pen- 

niston,  clerk.  WUl  (York)  Dec.  5,  1666.  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
DISNEY,  JOSEPH,  45.   Read  M.I.  at  Cranbrook. 
DITCHFIELD,  ROBERT,  45.  Add  Buried  at  Garstang,  July  10, 

1677.   (E.  Axon.) 
DIX,  HENRY,  1 61 1-2,  46.    Read  DIXON. 

DIXON,  JOSHUA,  1669,  47.  Add  Licensed  to  teach  grammar 
at  Ringley,  in  1666.  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  May  25,  1673; 
priest,  June  14,  1674.  C.  of  Ringley,  1674.  One  of  this  name 
still  there  in  1717,  and  died  1719,  being  buried  c.  Apr.  2. 
Perhaps  delete  P.C.  of  Rivington.  (E.  Axon.) 
DIXON,  JOSHUA,  1699-1700,  47.  Add  Bapt.  at  Ringley,  Dec. 

20,  1681.   (E.  Axon.) 
DIXON,  NICHOLAS,  47.   Add  R.  of  Pannal,  Harrogate,  1598- 

DIXON,  STEPHEN,  47.  Add  R.  of  Ropsley,  Lines.,  1662. 
DIXON,  THOMAS,  1617,  47.  Add  Bapt.  at  Pittington,  Nov.  7. 

DIXON,  THOMAS,  1650,  47.    Read  Schools,  Mitford  (Mr  Ro. 
Lever)  and  Benvick-on-Tweed  (Mr  Webb).    Add  Perhaps 
C.  of  Hunslet,  in  1683.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
DOBIE,  JOHN,  48.    Add  Will  proved  (P.C.C.)  1750.    (H.  G. 

DOBINS,  WILLIAM,  48.   Add  Barrister,  1670;  Bencher,  1691; 

Treasurer,  1696-7. 
DOBSON,  LANCELOT,    48.     Add   C.   of   Houghton-leSprmg. 
Married    there,   Nov.   9,    1663,    Jane,   widow  of   Dr  Geo. 
RiddeU.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
DOCKET  or  DOGET,  ANDREW,  49.    Patent  Rolls  record  his 

election  as  President  of  Queens',  in  1446. 
DOD,  JOHN,  1598-9,  50.    Add  Will  also  at  Chester,  1632,  as 

Fellow  of  Jesus  College,  Cambridge.  (E.  Axon.) 
DOD,   JOHN,    1651,   50.    Add   ist  s.  of  Benjamin.    Entered 
Oundle  School,  1647,  age  13.    'Left  for  Sidney';  probably 
adm.  at  King's,  1651. 
DOD,  SAMUEL,  1697,51.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  1 697. 
DODD,  THOMAS,  c.  1592,  51.    Add  R.  of  Astbury  until  his 
death,  though  under  sequestration.  Instituted  again  in  1626. 
Often  stvled  'Doctor'  after  1631.   (E.  Axon.) 
DODDS,  GREGORY,  51.    Read  R.  of  Smarden,  1551-66.   Will 

(P.C.C).   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
DODING  or  DODYNG,  BENEDICT,  51.  Add  One  of  these  names 
R.  of  Deal,  c.  1504.    Will  dated  July  29,  1530;  proved  at 
Canterbury,  '  to  be  buried  in  the  chancel  at  Deal.'    (H.  G. 
DODGSON,  CHARLES,  52.  Add  D.D.  (Trinity  CoUege,  Dublin), 

1763.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
DODSWORTH,  FRANCIS,  1748,  52.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

Sept.  22,  1754. 
DODSWORTH,  ROBERT,   1673,  53-    ^dd  CaUed  to  the  Bar, 

Jan.  29,  1679-80. 
DOGGETT,  WILLIAM,  53.   Add  Probably  ord.  priest  (Orkney) 

Mar.  20,  1651.   V.  of  Stoke-by-Clare,  Suffolk,  1661. 
DOLBEN,  THOMAS,  53.  Add  According  to  Phillimore's  Bucks. 
Marriages,  his  father,  Thomas  Dolben,  married  Jane  Tuf&n, 
widow,  at  Wendover,  June  22,  1693. 
DONNE,  EDWARD,  1705,  54.  Add  Bapt.  at  St  Chad's,  Shrews- 

burv,  Mar.  10,  1687. 
DONNELL,  JOHN,  55.  Add  V.  of  Bulmer,  tiU  death,  1646. 
DOO  or  DOE,  GEORGE,  55.  Add  Barrister,  1670. 
DORINGTON,   FRANCIS,   1602,   56.    Add  Probably  not  s.  of 
John  (1559),  but  of  John,  of  St  Andrew's,  Holbom.    Men- 
tioned in   will   (P.C.C.)    1613;   owned   property  in   Staffs. 
(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
DORINGTON,  RICHARD,   1606,  56.    Add  Probably  not  s.  of 
John  (1559),  but  of  John,  of  St  Andrew's,  Holbom.    Men- 
tioned  in   will   (P.C.C.)    1613;   owned   property  in   Staffs. 
(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
DORINGTON,  THOMAS,  1578-9,  56.    Read  R.  of  Homersfield, 

1594-1611.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1611.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DOUGHTY,  ROBERT,  B.A.  1611-2,  57.  Add  Will  (York)  Apr. 

30,  1663. 
DOUGHTY,  THOMAS,  1588,  57.  /l(iii  Adm.  preb.  at  St  Patrick's, 

1624-5.  Still  there  in  1636.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
Add  DOUGLAS,  ROBERT,   58.    c.   1560.    {Cal.  State  Papers, 
Foreign,  1559,  1560,  p.  478,  No.  903  (2),  (3).   (J.  B.  Whit- 
DOUTHWAITE,  CUTHBERT,  58.    Read  V.  of  Rushmere  St 

Andrew,  Suffolk. 
DOVE,  HENRY,  58.  Add  S.  of  Robert,  of  Devon;  J.  B.  Whit- 
more.) ,    , 
DOVE,  ROBERT,  c.  1595,  58.  Add  Probably  s.  of  Robert,  clerk, 
and    Helen    Thackweny,    of    Upper    Rickinghall,    Suffolk. 
(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DOWBIGGIN,  DAVID,  59.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  Sept.  21, 

1755.  C.  of  Kettlewell. 
DOWNE,    MARK,    60.     Add    Minister   at    Stansted    Mount- 
fitchet,  Essex,  in  1645. 


DowNES,  Andrew 

DOWNES,  ANDREW,  1641,  60.   Delete  One  of  these  names... 

1653.    '^'^'^  Probably  R.  of  Wistaston,  1654.    Re-instituted 

in   1662  on  Royal  presentation  and  buried  there  June  3, 

1674.   (n.  Axon.) 
DOWNES,   HENRY,   61.    Add  Probably  ord.  deacon   (York) 

Feb.  19,  1743-4;  prii'st  (York,  Lilt.  dim.  from  Canterbury) 

Mar.  6,  1747-8. 
DOWNES  or  DOWNE,  JOHN,  1629,  61.   Delete  One  of  these 

DOWNES,  JOHN,  1710,  61.    Add  Probably  usher  at  Wolver- 
hampton School,  1725-37.  C.  of  the  parish,  c.  1720,  and  was 

married  there  a  second  time  in  1741.  (J.  P.  Mander.) 
DOWNES,  JONATHAN,  61.   Add  R.  of  St  Peter's,  Barbadoes, 

West  Indies.  Died  in  U.S.A.  1771.  (E.  A.  Jones.) 
DOWNES,  ROBERT,  1563,  61.    For  Westchester  read  Chester. 

Add  Probably  C.  of  Shochlach,  Cheshire,  1575-1633.    Age 

83  in  1630-1.   (E.  A.xon.) 
DOWNES,  SAMUEL,  1616,  61.    Add  V.  of  Coleby,  Lines.    He 

and  his  wife   Katherine  had  a  dau.  Martha  bapt.  there, 

Oct.  i6,  i66s.  He  was  buried  there  Aug.  20,  1678. 
DOWNHAM,  SAMUEL,  61.  Add  FeU.-Com.  of  Trinity  College, 

Dublin;  B.A.  1618;  M.A.  1621.  (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
DOWNING,    CALIBUTE,    62.     Add   Bapt.   at    Northborough, 

Northants.  Oct.  27,  1605.  i3We<«  Hiss.  George  created  Bart. 
DOWNING,  EMMANUEL,  62.  Add  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 

Nov.  1628.  .Married,  Apr.  1622, Lucy, sisterofJohnWinthrop. 
DOWNING,    GEORGE,    1668-9,    62.     Add   According   to    the 

Lincoln's  Inn  Adm.  Reg.  he  was  not  a  member.   His  father 

was  adm.  as  Sir  George,  Aug.  5,  1669. 
DRAKE,  JOHN,  1623-4,  64.   Add  V.  of  Brettenham,  Suffolk, 

1655.   One  of  these  names  minister  of  Pakenham,  Sufiolk, 

1647.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DRAKE,  SAMUEL,  1637,  64.   Add  Will  (York)  dated  July  i, 

1662.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
DRAKE,  WILLIAM,  1670,  65.    Add  S.  of  Abraham,  of  New- 
castle.   Marriage  licence,  June  21,  i68i,  bachelor,  age  27, 

and    Maria   Brockett,   of   St   Giles,   Cripplegate,   spinster, 

age  22.  Married  at  St  Leonard's,  Shoreditch.  (H.M.Wood.) 
DRAKE,  WILLIAM,  1748,  65.  Add  Died  June  26,  1788.  (H.  M. 

DRAPER,   JOHN,    1653,   65.    Add  John   Draper   (vicar?)   of 

Stevington,   married   Mary  Anis  (?)  at  Honnead,  July  2, 

1679.   {Phil\imoTe's  Bucks.  Marriages.) 
DRAPER,  THOMAS,  1641,  66.  Add  Barrister,  1653. 
DRAPER,    THOMAS,    1642,    66.     Add    Probably   ord.   priest 

(Ardfert)  Aug.  i,  1660. 
DRAY,  JOHN,  66.  Add  R.of  Kiknacow,  Ossory,  1733-9-   WiU 

dated,  1739;  proved  in  diocese  of  Ossory.  (J.  B.  Leslie.) 
DRAYCOTT,    ,    66.     Add    Probably    Jerome,    afterwards 

scholar  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  1708.  B.A.  1709.   (T.  U. 

DRESSER,  JOSEPH,  67.   Add  One  of  this  name  C.  of  Melling, 

Halsall,  Lanes.,  in  1676.   (E.  Axon.) 
DRIFFIELD,   JOSEPH,    67.     Read  V.   of   Sedbergh,    1741-6, 

deprived.   (F..  B.  Driffield.) 
DRIFT,  MATTHEW,  67.    Add  S.  of  Matthew,  of  St  Paul's, 

Covent  Garden,  tailor. 
DRINKWATER,  PETER,  67.   Delete  Perhaps  of  Irwell  House, 

Restwick,  Lanes.    Add  One  of  this  name.  May  29,  1614,  at 

St  Oswald's,  Chester,  ass. of  Peter,  Mayor  of  Chester  in  1624. 

(E.  Axon.) 
DRURY,  ANTHONY,  1557-8,  68.    Add  S.  of  William,  of  Bes- 

thorpe,  and  Dorothy. 
DRURY,   CHARLES,   68.    Add  His  father  was  alderman  of 

Nottingham,  in  1697;  wife,  Dorothy. 
DRURY,  CHRISTOPHER,  68.   Add  Probably  s.  of  Clement,  of 

Shropshire.  Will  proved,  1559. 
DRURY,  ED.,  68.    Add  Probably  Edmund,  s.  of  Sir  Robert, 

of  Hedgerley,  and  brother  of  Drue  (i544)-   Bapt.  Apr.  20, 
1530.   (R.  I.  Beevor.) 
DRURY,  DRUE,  1606-7,  68.    Read  S.  of  Sir  Drue  Drury,  of 

DRURY,  HENRY,  1628,  68.  Add  Probably  the  R.  of  Runcton 

was  the  next. 
DRURY,  HENRY,  1637,  68.  Add  Probably  ord.  priest  (Durham) 

1646.   R.  of  South  Runcton,  Norfolk. 
DRURY,  JOHN,  15S2,  68.   Add  Barrister,  1570. 
DRURY,   JOHN,    1716,   68.    Add   His  father  was   Sheriff  of 

Nottingham,  1705,  and  Mayor,  1707,  and  in  his  will  (proved 
1711)  directed  his  son  to  be  educated  for  a  clergyman  of  the 

Church  of  England. 
DRURY,  RO.,  68.    Add  Perhaps  Roger,  s.  of  Sir  William,  of 

Hanstcd,  and  Elizabeth  Sotchell;  b.  Mar.  23,  1540. 
DRURY,  ROBERT,  1575,  68.  /I dii  Perhaps  of  Docking.  Married 

Marv  Ra<lclifl.   Died  1624. 
DRURY,  ROBERT,  1631,  68.  Add  Perhaps  of  Tendring,  Essex. 
DRURY,    ROGER,    1478,   69.    Add   Perhaps  s.  of   Roger,  of 

H.iwstead.    Died  1482. 
DRURY,  ROGER,  1560,  69.   Add  Or  perhaps  s.  of  Sir  William, 

of  Hawstcad;  b.  Mar.  23,  1540.   {See  Ro.  above.) 
DRURY,   THOMAS,    1637,   69.     Read  Adm.   June   17,    1640. 

Barrister,  1647.  Bencher,  1668. 

Eaton,  Robert 

DRURY,  WILLIAM,   1633,  69.    Add  Perhaps  of  Nottingham. 

U.  1623.   .Mdtrman,  1697  (died).  Father  of  Charles  (1681). 
DRY,  RICHARD,  69.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  1686. 
DRYWOOD,  GEORGE,  1570,  70.  Add  Married,  as  his  2ud  wife, 

Mary,   dau.   of   William    Keiilridi<e,   June   28,    1597,   at  St 

.Michael's,  Comhill.    Buried  at  South  Ocktndon,  June  a, 

1611.   M.I. 
DRYWOOD,  GEORGE,  1618,70.  y4iJ  Hides ts.  of  George  (1570). 
DRYWOOD,  WILLIAM,   1588,  70.    Add  King's  scboUr  from 

Uestiuiuiter.  Subscribes  verses  with  Roger  Dereham. 
DUCKET,  JOHN,  1654-5,  70.  Add  Barrister.  1666. 
DUCKWORTH,  JOHN,  1615-6,  71.   Add  Perhaps  schoolmaster 

of  Bolton-lc-.Moors,  1622,  until  death.  Buried  there  Apr.  16, 

1639.   (K.  Axon.) 
DUCKWORTH,  JOHN,  1669-70,  71.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Jan.  25;  priest,  Feb.  29,  1679-80.  ReadC.aot  R.of  HasUng- 

den.    (F.  Axon.) 
DUCKWORTH,   RICHARD,   71.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Norwich) 

June  17,  1622.   V.  of  Hartest  and  Boxtcd,  Suflolk,  1660. 
DUDLEY,    SAMUEL,    1660,    72.     Add    Ord.    priest    (Peterb.) 

Sept.  19.  1680.   R.  of  Braddon,  1697-1739-  Died  i739- 
DUDLEY,  THOMAS,  1623,  72.  Add  Brother  of  Samuel  (1626). 
DUELL,  EDWARD,  72.    Add  One  of  this  name,  called  also 

Dowell,  C.  of  West  Derby,  Lanes.,  in  1609  and  1622.  Perhaps 

buried  there  Mar.  1624-5.  (F.  Axon.) 
DUFFIELD,   SAMUEL,    72-    Add   Ord.   deacon   (York)    Mar. 

DUGDAYLE,  JOHN,  1626-7,  73.  Add  Stylc-d  B.A.  at  institution 

to  St  Helen's,  York.    Perhaps  buried  at  CUtheroe,  Lanes., 

Aug.  5,  1675.   (E.  Axon.) 
DUKE  or  DUKES,  BENJAMIN,  73.    Add  R.  of  Widworthy, 

Devon,    1663-95.     Buried    there   Oct.    22,    1695.     (H.   B. 

DUMVILE,  ROBERT,  73.  Add  One  of  this  name  C.  of  St  Peter's, 

Comhill,  1618-22. 
DUNCAN  or  DUNKYN,  PETER,  74-  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
DUNN,  FIELDAN  or  FIELD,  75-  Add  C.  of  Chapel  Allerton,  in 

1700-1.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
DUNN,   WILLIAM,    1625,   75.    Add  The   minister  of   Brom- 

borough  died  c.  Sept.  20,  1658.  (E.  .\xon.) 
DUNSTAR,   SAMUEL,    1693,    76.    Add  Chaplain,    ist    Ro>-al 

Regiment  of  Foot,  1702;  of  Erie's  Regiment,  1708.   (H.  B. 

DURAND,  SIMON,  77.  Add  School,  Westminster. 
DURANT,    NATHANIEL,    77.     Read   Ejected   from   Cheriton 

Fitzpaine,  Devon.   {Calamy,  11.  12.) 
DURDEN,  JOHN,    1566,   77.    Add  Will  (London  C.C.)   1600. 

Proved  by  his  son  Daniel  (?  1594)- 
DURDEN,  MATTHEW,  77.  Add  At  .Mose  till  1653.  Dic-d  1653. 
DURHAM,  FRANCIS,  77.  Add  R.ol  Doddinghurst,  Essex,  1660. 
DUSGATE,  JOHN,  B.A.  1520-1,  78.   Add  Probably  of  Home, 

Suflolk.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DYER,  NICHOLAS,  78.    Add  Chaplain  of  St  Paul's  School, 

DYKE,  DANIEL,  1629,  79.   Add  Sequestered  to  St  Matthew, 

Friday  Street,  London,  Aug.  30,  1645. 
DYKE,  JEREMY,  1629,  79.  Add  B.  at  Epping,  Nov.  15,  1611. 

Read  K.  of  Gt  Pamdon,  Essex,  1644-50.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
DYKE,  NATHANIEL,  1636,  79-  Add  S.  of  Jeremy  (1598).  V.  of 

Epping.     Mentioned   in    the   books   of    the    Fishmongers' 

Company.   (W.  P.  H.  Smith.) 
DYNNE,  HENRY,  79.   Add  S.  of  Robert,  of  Hc>-don.   Auditor 

of  the  Exchequer  to  Queen  Elizabeth.    Died  in  London, 

Nov.  20,  1586.   M.I.  at  Heydon.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
DYNNE,  WILLIAM,   80.    Add  Doubtless  eldest  $.  of  Henry 

(1552)-   (R-  J-  Reevor.) 

ECHARD,  JOHN,  1556,  80.  Add  Barrister.  1570. 

EACHARD,  LAURENCE,  1656,  80.   Add  Ord.  priest  {CmUiA* 

Casa),  Apr.  22,  1662. 
BADE,  REYNOLD,  80.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Salisbury)  Aug.  24, 

1659.   R.  of  Bcnhall,  1659. 
EARLE,  JOHN,  81.  Add  Barrister,  165 j. 
EARLE,  RALPH,  81.    Read  Adm.  at  Lincota's  Inn,  Icb.  5, 

EASTWICK  or  ESTWICK,  JOHN,  82.   Add  lVi>b.ibly  the  preb. 

of  L<iKhlin,  1607-90.  n-signod.   (H.  B.  Sw.iniy.) 
EATON,  JOHN,  i6(>6,  82.   AM  Ord.  deacon  (UMulon)  Mar.  ij, 

1673-4;    priest    (Chester)   Sept.    19.    :675.    C.   of    Bidston, 

1675-96.    Buried  there  July  15,  1696.   (F.  Axon.) 
EATON,  JOSEPH,  82.  Add  Alive  in  1724.  (Clegg's  Lift  of  Ath*. 

EATON,  LAURENCE,  82.  Add  One  of  this  n.inie  R.  of  Aldfon), 

Clir-hire,  iiistitutwl,  Dec.  ^,  i6<g.  (Wtilktr,  ii.  36;  K.  Axon.) 
EATON,  MATTHEW,  1585,  8.',   Add  C.  and  Ircturrral  Mantoo, 

K'ltl.uul.  is8(i.  £4  .»  vr.ir  .»nd  his  lomnions. 
ETON  or  HETTON,  RALt»H,  f^^.  Add  l>ir»l  I^v, 
EATON.  RICHARD,   I5(>ft.  8».    Add  lUidwxnt!  M.ird 

adviiwson,  so  this  should  prob.iMv  l>r  onu:  :i  j 

EATON.  ROBERT,  1646,  81.    Add  R.  of  W  Udl. 

L.incs.,    1635-60,   cjccte<l.    Minister  of   D.iUiLmiy   (.hajKj, 

Cheshire,  in   i66i-a,  cJcctedL    Nonconloraiist  minister  in 



Manchester,  1672,  and  at  Prestwich,  1689,  till  his  death. 

Buried  Aug.  25,  1701.   (E.  Axon.) 
ECCLESTON,  JOHN,  1629,  83.  Add  Barrister,  1640. 
EDEN,  JOHN,  1624,  84.   Read  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Apr.  26, 

EDEN,  WILLIAM,   1632,  84.    Add  Barrister,  1642.    Bencher, 

EDEN,   WILLIAM,  169S,  84.   Add  Married,  at  Bishop  Wear- 
mouth,  Sept.  16,  1718,  Hannah  Marshall.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
EDGE,    THOMAS,    85.     Read   Goostrey.     R.    of    Gawsworth, 

1657-62,    ejected.     Afterwards    preacher    at    Withington, 

Cheshire.    Died  June  2i,  1678.    Will  (Chester)  1678;  as  of 

Chelford.   (E.  Axon.) 
EDGELY,  GEORGE,  86.    Add  Received  £5  towards  his  M.A. 

from  churchwardens  of  St  Margaret's,  Westminster.   (H.  G. 

EDGELEY,  SAMUEL,  1651,  86.   Add  S.  of  Arthur,  of  Poole-in- 

Acton,  Cheshire.  C.  of  St  Mary,  Shrewsbury.  C.  ofThomton- 

in-the-Moors,  Cheshire.  Probably  preb.  of  LeighUn,  1667-9. 

Father  of  Samuel  (1675).   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  E.  Axon.) 
EDGELEY,  SAMUEL,  1675,  86.  Add  S.  of  Samuel  (1651). 
EDMER,  ,  86.    Add  Dominican  friar.   Had  been  lector  in 

Theology  in  several  Universities.    Has  licence  to  take  the 

degree  of  Master  (D.D.?)  at  Cambridge;  granted  permission 

(1398)  at  the  Roman  Court  where  he  is  residing.    {Papal 

EDMUNDSON,  BENJAMIN,  87.    Read  C.  of  Chorley.    School- 
master there.   (E.  Axon.) 
EDMUNDSON,  CHRISTOPHER,  87.  Add  C.  of  Croston,  Lanes., 

1639-42.   V.  of  Garstang  (a  sequestration),  1645-54.  Delete 

And  again,  1657.   (E.  Axon.) 
EDMUNDSON,   WILLIAM,   87.    Read  Coates  Flat,  Bamolds- 

EDRIDGE,  WILLIAM,   87.    Add  King's  scholar  from  West- 
minster, as  'Etheridge.'   Doubtless  incorp.  at  Oxford,  1676, 

under  this  name. 
EDWARDS,  EDWARD,   1593-4,  88.    Add  Called  to  the  Bar, 

June  7,  1607. 
EDWARDS,  JOHN,  1653-4,  88.    Add  V.  of  Hundon,  Suffolk, 

EDWARDS,  JOHN,  1736,  88.  Add  Married,  at  High  Wycombe, 

Bucks.,  June  25,   1754,  Eleanor  Plaistowe.    (J.  ChaUenor 

EDWARDS,    RICHARD,    1620,   89.    Add  Called   to  the  Bar, 

June  15,  1628. 
EDWARDS,  RICHARD  SWINFEN,  89.  Add  ?  also  exhibitioner 

from  St  Paul's,  1749-56. 
EGERTON,  CHARLES,  90.    Add  One  of  this  name  adm.  at 

Lincoln's  Inn,  Feb.  23,  1612. 
EGERTON,  Sir  THOMAS,  91.  Add  Bencher,  1579. 
EKINS,  GEOFFREY,  1749,  91.   Add  Married,  1765,  Anne,  dau. 

of  Philip  Baker,  Esq.,  of  Colston,  WUts.  D.D.  from  Trinity 

College,  Dublin,  1781. 
ELBOROUGH,  ROBERT,  92.   Add  Perhaps  Master  of  the  Fleet 

Chapel,  1698-1702.   (J.  A.  Venn.) 
ELBOROUGH,    ROGER,    92.    Add   Ord.   priest    (St   David's) 

Tune  8,  1628. 
ELCOCKE,  EPHRAIM,  92.    Add  Master  of  the  Free  School  in 

Tarvin,  Cheshire,  and  Cat  Thomton-in-the-Moors.  (E.Axon.) 
ELCOCK,  RICHARD,  1609,  92.   Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1630. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ELDRED,  JOHN,  1646,  93.  Add  Barrister,  1654. 
ELDRED,  THOMAS,  93.  Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Acton, 

Suffolk.    Married   Prudence  Burton,  in   1581,   of  Melford, 

ELLA,  JOHN,  93.  Add  Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  24,  1752.  V.  of 

Bawtry,  1752.  V.  of  Everton,  1753. 
ELLIOTT,  THOMAS,  1572   95.  Add  Barrister,  1584. 
ELIOT,  WILLIAM,  1650,  95.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Exeter). 
ELLIS,  JOHN,  1696,  97.   Add  Probably  ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph) 

Sept.  X,  1 712;  priest,  Sept.  20,  1713;  as  B.A.  of  St  John's. 
ELLIS,  JOHN,  1740,  97.    Add  Died  Nov.  4,  1787.    Buried  at 

South  Repps.    (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
ELLIS,  THOMAS,  97.    Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Long 

Melford,  Suffolk,  1594.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ELLIS,  THOMAS,   1635,  98.    Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of 

Hempstead,  Essex,  in  1650. 
ELLISON,  CUTHBERT,  98.    Add  Bapt.  Sept.  23,  1638,  at  St 

Nicholas,  Newcastle.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ELLISON,  DAVID,  98.    Add  Minister  of  Liverpool,  1644.    (E. 

ELLISON,  JOHN,  1652,  98.   Add  C.  or  minister  of  Churchkirk, 

Lanes.,  1661-3.   (E.  Axon.) 
ELLISON,  JOHN,   1719,  99.    Add  Bapt.  at  All  Saints',  New- 
castle, Dec.  27,  1694.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ELLISON,  SAMUEL,  99.   Add  C.  of  Warrington  in  Dec.  1662, 

and  R.  in  Jan.  1662-3.   (E.  Axon.) 
ELLISON,  THOMAS,  1668,  99.  Add  Minister  of  Flixton,  Lanes., 

1660-1.   R.  of  Ashton-under-Lyne  untU  his  death. 
ELLISON,  THOMAS,   1685,  99.    Add  Will  (Chester)   1717;  as 

R.  of  Ashton-on-Mersey.    Father  of  Thomas  (1720).     (E. 


Eyre,  Edward 

ELLISON,  TIMOTHY,  99.   Delete  P.O.  of  Coley,  Halifax,  1682- 

c.  1702.   (E.  Axon.) 
ELLISTON,  JOHN,   1727,  99.    Add  Martin  exhibitioner  from 

ELMSAL,  HENRY,  99.  Add  C.  of  Armley,  Apr.  4,  1720  to  June, 

1721.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
ELMY,  THOMAS,   100.    Add  Probably  of  Palgrave,  Suffolk. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
ELSBIE,  JAMES,  100.    Add  P.C.  of  Teddington,  1677.    V.  of 

Chiswick,  1678-9  to  Mar.  1715-6  (resigned).    Will  proved 

(P.C.C.)  1719.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
ELSLEY,    WILLIAM,    100.     Add   Preb.    of    Ripon,    1717-23. 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
ELTISLEY,  ROBERT,  100.  Add  Petitioned  the  Pope  for  canonry 

of  Llandaff,  1363.  At  that  time  B.C.L. 
ELTISLEY,  THOMAS  {junior),  100.   Add  Petitioned  the  Pope 

for  canonry  of  Wilton,  1363;  granted  Newton,  Winchester. 

At  that  time  R.  of  Bletchley,  and  V.  of  Grantchester. 
ELTONHEAD,  GEORGE,  loi.  ^(ii  V.  of  Preston  next  Wmgham, 

Kent,  1578-93.   {See  Home  Counties  Mag.,  vn.  125.) 
ELWES,  HENRY,  loi.  Add  Called  to  the  Bar,  Nov.  3,  1641. 
ELLWOOD,  JOHN,  102.    Read  According  to  Calamy  he  con- 
formed and  became  minister  of  Walcot  and  East  Ruston. 

(A.  G.  Matthews.) 
ELWOOD,  SAMUEL,   102.    Add  V.  of  Bishopthorpe,  Yorks., 

1658-62,  ejected.  {None.  Mem.,  11.  585;  Lambeth  MSS.) 
ELEY,  HENRY,  102.  Add  Probably  s.  of  Robert  (1582-3). 
ELYE,  ROBERT,  102.  Add  Died  May  21,  1644,  aged  91.  Buried 

at  Charing,  May  24,  1644.   Probably  father  of  Henry  (1617). 

(H.  G.  Harrison.) 
Add  ELY,  THOMAS  DE,  102.    M.A.    Petitioned  the  Pope  for 

a  benefice,  1363. 
EMMERSON,   JOHN,    1719,    102.    Add  Bapt.   at  All  Saints', 

Newcastle,  Sept.  5,  1700.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
EMMERSON,  NICHOLAS,  102.   Read  Of  Brotherlee,  Durham. 
EMERSON,  WILLIAM,  1683,  103.    Add  Bapt.  at  Whickham, 

Dec.  7,  1668.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
EMLYN,  THOMAS,  1751,  103.   Add  Barrister,  1756.   Bencher, 

1782.  Treasurer,  1795. 
EMOT,  JOHN,   103.    Add  John  Emott,  minister  of  Wantage, 

married    Bridgett    Paine,    Feb.    4,    1573-4-     (Phillimore's 

Bucks.  Marriages.) 
EMPSON,  JOHN,  1736,  103.  Add  V.  of  Scawby,  Lines.,  i755-87- 

Died  1787. 
ENGHAM,  THOMAS,   104.    Add  Called  to  the  Bar,  Feb.   12, 

ENGLISH,  HENRY,  104.  ^(«  Barrister,  1647. 
ENGLISH  or  INGLISH,  JOHN,  104.   Add  Probably  ord.  priest 

(Galloway)  Aug.  20,  1661.    Minister  at  Takeley,  Essex,  in 

ENGLISH,  ROBERT,  1567,  104.    Add  Received  a  grant  from 

Ipswich  Corporation  for  his  maintenance  at  College,  1570. 
ENGLISH,  THOMAS,  104.  AddBarrister,  1652. 
Add  EROWE,  JOHN,   105.    Petitioned  the  Pope  for  another 

living,    1363.    Of  Little  Chesterford,   Essex.    V.  of  Little 

ERISEY,  HENRY,  105.  /I rf^i  Barrister,  1653. 
.^d-iERPINGHAM,  THOMAS  DE,  105.  B.C.L.  V.  of  Hinderley, 

Suffolk.  Petitioned  the  Pope  for  a  canonry  at  Bangor,  1363. 
ERRINGTON,   RICHARD,    105.    Add  Bapt.  at   Pittington  as 

'Arington,'  Dec.  2,  1632.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ERSKINE,  CHARLES,   105.    Add  Died  June  25,  and  buried 

July  10,  1749. 
ERSKINE,  WILLIAM,  105.    Add  Chaplain  to  Prince  Rupert. 

Of  Salop.    Married  Rachel,  probably  dau.  of  Sir  William 

Owen,  of  Condovei,  Salop.  {Cal.  ofComm.for  Compounding.) 
ESKRIGG,  ROBERT,  106.  Add  C.  of  Wmwick,  Lanes.,  in  1696. 
ETHERIDGE,  JAMES,  107.    Add  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  Nov.  28, 

ETHERINGTON,  GEORGE,  1741,  107.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York) 

June  14,  1647;  priest,  1650.  C.  of  Thome. 
ETHERINGTON,  LEWIS,  107.   Add  Perhaps  caUed  to  the  Bar 

(Inner  Temple)  Nov.  1665. 
ETONY,  GEORGE,  107.  Add  Died  at  Greenstead,  1648-9. 
EVANS,  RODERIC,  109.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph)  Dec.  24, 

1682;  priest  (Chester)  June  3,  1683.   C.  of  Bangor  on  Dee, 

in  1691.   (E.  Axon.) 
EVANS,  WILLIAM,  1626,  109.    Add  Ord.  priest  (St  David's) 

Feb.  23,  1632-3.   V.  of  Bramfield,  Suffolk,  1661. 
EVANS,  WILLIAM,  1685-6,  109.  Add  Schoolmaster  at  Audlem 

lor  35  years.   Aged  73  at  death.   (E.  Axon.) 
EVATT,  ANTHONY,  109.    Add  Will  proved  at  Burv,  May  18, 

1643.  Wife  Agnes.  Of  Gt  Stukeley,  Hunts.  (V.B.Redstone.) 
EVERARD,  HUGH,  no.  Add  Will  (York)  Dec.  3,  1668. 
EVERDEN  or  EVERENDEN,   HUMPHREY,   111.    Add  C.  oi 

Theydon  Gamon,  Essex,  in  1637.  Will,  1654. 
EWER,  ROGER,  113.    Add  King's  scholar  from  Westmuister 

whose  election  failed  in  1586. 
EYES,  JOHN,   113.    Add  Bapt.  at  Standish,  Lanes.,  Nov.  4, 

1627.   (E.  Axon.) 
EYRE  or  EYER,  EDWARD,  114.  Read  V.  of  Haverhill,  Suffolk, 

1 615.  Delete  Perhaps. 


Fagg,  Robert 

FAGG,  ROBERT,  115.   Add  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  July,  1671. 
FAGG,  THOiMAS,  115.    Add  Died  a  student  at  Clare  College, 

Mar.  7,  1753,  aKt'<'  i7.  and  buried  in  St  Edward's  church, 

Cambridge.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
FAIRCLOUGH,  EDWARD,  116.  ^<W  Barrister,  1610. 
FAIRFAX,  HENRY,  1602,  117.   Read  R.  of  Ashton-under-Lyne, 

i6i(}-c.  1643.   Hi.  Axon.) 
FARLEY,  EDMUND,  121.   Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Deal, 

155 1,   and   R.   of  Gt   Mongeham,    Kent.    Buried   in   Deal 

church.    Will  proved   (Canterbury)   1554-5.    (H.  G.  Har- 
FARMER,   EDWARD,    1658,    i2i.     Add    School,   St    Paul's, 

FARNSFIELD,  THOMAS,  1668,  122.    Add  One  of  this  name, 

C.  of  Smarden,  Kent,  was  buried  there  Oct.  i2,  1680.  (H.  G. 

FARRANT  or  FERRAND,  RICHARD,  123.  DeUte  Adm.  student 

of  the  Middle  Temple,  etc.   Calamy  says  that  the  Brasenose 

Fellow  was  the  ejected  minister  of  Musbury,  Devon. 
FARRER,  WILLIAM,  c.  1595,  123.    Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.) 

1637.    (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FARRAR,    WILLIAM,    1720,    123.     Add    Perhaps    afternoon 

preacher  at  Wath-upon-Deane,  Yorks.  Buried  there  Nov.  21, 

FARSIDE  or  FAIRSIDE,   THOMAS,    1712,    124.    Add   R.   of 

Whitby,  Yorks.,  1734-6.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
FARSIDE,    THOMAS,    1748,    124.    Add  Ord.   deacon    (York) 

May  21,  1752.   C.  of  Camaby. 
FAVELL,  JAMES,  125.  Add  One  of  these  names  Inc.  of  Barton 

Seagrave,  Northants.,  in  1746.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
FAVOUR,  JOHN,  125.  Add  The  R.  of  Bainton  was  probably  of 

FAWCETT,  CHRISTOPHER,  1708,  125.  Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's,  1707. 
FAWCET,    THOMAS,    1589,    126.     Read    Of    Russendale    or 

FAWKNER  or  FALCONER,  DANIEL,  126.    Add  One  of  these 

names  R.  of  Aldham,  Essex,  by  1628.  Will,  1653. 
FAWKENER,  EDWARD,  May  S,  1674,  126.   Add  Probably  s. 

of  Edward,   of   Uppingham.    Exhibitioner  of   Uppingham 

School,   1675.    His  father  was  M.P.  for  Rutland  in   1681. 

The  son  was  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple,  in  i68i. 

Aged  23  in  1682. 
FAUCKNER,    JOHN,    126.    Add   Perhaps,   as   John    'Facon,' 

ord.  deacon  (Coventry  and  Lichfield)  Dec.  22;  priest,  Dec.  24, 

1615.   B.  at  Hadleigh.    (Yorkshire  Arch.  Journal,  xiv.  81.) 
FAWKES,  EDWARD,  127.   Add  Perhaps  Registrar-advocate  of 

the   Consistory   Court   of   York.     Buried   in    the   Minster, 

Jan.  16,  1578-9,  aged  about  46.   ?  Father  of  Guy. 
FAWKES,  FRANCIS,  1737-8,  127.    Add  His  widow  Ann  was 

adm.  to  Bromley  College,  Nov.  29,  1777.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FAULKES  or  FALKE,   THOMAS,   1623,   127.    Add  Probably 

V.  of  Runham,  Norfolk,  1639-43.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
FEAST,  EDWARD,  1668,  128.   Add  Martin  exhibitioner  from 

Ipswich  School. 
FEATLEY,    HENRY,    128.    Add  One  of  this  name  married, 

Nov.  I,  1682,  Hannah  Wightman,  of  Newark.  (J.  Challenor 

FELL,  SPENCER,   128.    Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  22, 

FELTON,  JOHN,  1659-60,  129.  Add  Barrister,  1670. 
FELTON,  JOHN,  1699,  129.  Add  Barrister,  1706. 
FELTON,  TIMOTHY,  129.  Add  Barrister,  1666. 
FENNE,  GEORGE,   130.    Add  Married  Percis  Pitt,  widow,  at 

Syleham,  Suffolk,  Sept.  7,  1633.  Of  South  Elmham  St  Cross, 

1644-5.  R.of.Mburgh,  1647.  (V.B.Redstone;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
FENN,  JOHN,  1651,  130.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Chichester)  June  6, 

1660.  C.  of  Barsham. 
FENNE,    WILLIAM,    1609-10,    130.    Add  Sequestered,    1644. 

Uird  at  Thcberton,  Apr.  28,  1651.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FENDER,  GEORGE,  130.   For  Age  22  read  Age  20. 
FENTON,   JAMES,    1649,   131.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Chichester) 

.Aug.  3,  1660. 
FENTON,  JAMES,  1690,  131.   Add  Instituted  V.  of  Lancaster, 

Mar.  17,  1684-5.   Buried  there  Feb.  9,  1713-4-   (E.  Axon.) 
FENTON,  JAMES,   171 1,  131.    Add  B.  Dec.  30,  1687.    Bapt. 

Jan.  3,  1687-8,  at  Lancaster.   (E.  Axon.) 
FENWICK,  EDWARD,   132.    Read  V.  of  Kirk  Whclpington, 

1721-34.    Buried  July  24.   (H.M.Wood.) 
FENWICK,  ROBERT,  1706,  132.  ^(W  Bapt.at  Tunstall,  Nov.  5, 

1688.    M.P.   for   Lancaster,    1741-7.    Buried   at   Tunstali, 

Feb.  16,  1749-50.    Read  Burrow  Hall  is  in  Lanes.    DeUie 

Nov.  9,  1736.    (E.  Axon.) 
FENWICK,  THOMAS,  1751,  132.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Andrew's, 

Newcastle,  Aug.  14,  1733.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
FERNE,   GEORGE,    1702,    133.   Add   Perhaps  died  in   Dublin. 

(iMvciM.in's  Journal,  Oct.  14-17,  1769;  H.  B.  Swan/y.) 
FERNE,  JOHN,  1572,  133.  /l<i<i  Called  to  the  Bar,  June  iH,  1587. 
FERON,  ROBERT,  B.A.  1520-  t,  133.   /IJJ  Minister  of  Tedding- 

ton,    1535.     Indicted    with    John    Hall    (|XThaps    B.Can.L. 

1512-3)  for  denying  the  King's  spiritual  supremacy.  (Dixon, 

Hist,  of  Church  of  England;  P.  E.  Towell.) 

Flasby,  John 

FERRAND  or  FARRAND,   TIMOTHY,    134.    AdA^  Master  of 

Skipton  Grammar  School,  1674-85. 
FERRAR,  WILLIAM,  134.   Add  3rd  s.  of  Nicholas,  of  London. 

Proliaiily  emigrated,  1618,  to  Virginia.   Became  a  magistrate 

and  mcmljer  of  H.M.  Council.    Died  before  June  11,  1637. 

(l-:.  Alf.  Jon(^.) 
FERROUR,  HENRY,  135.   Add  Barrister,  1647. 
Add    FIDYON,    WILLIAM,    135.     Student    of    Canon    Law, 

Cambridge,    1442.     R.    of    Worlington,    Suflolk.     (Papal 

FIELDHOUSE,  WILLIAM,   136.    Add  Matric.  as  Sieldhoute. 

(r.  A.  Venn.) 
FINCH,  HENRY,  1651,  138.  /<<«S.  of  Peter.  Bapt.  at  Standish, 

Sept.  8,  1633.   (E.  Axon.) 
FINCH,  WILLIAM,  1625,  139.   Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Little  Missenden,  Bucks.,  1663. 
FINCHAM,   RICHARD,    1671,   139.    Add  Adm.  at  the  Inner 

Temple.  Called  to  the  Bar,  Nov.  28,  1679. 
FINNEY,  THOMAS,   1750,   140.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Apr.  6,  1755. 
FIRMIN,  GILES,  1704,  140.  Add  Perhaps  Chancellor  of  Cashel, 

1729-56,  and  V.  of  Mohill,  .Ardagh,  in  1754.  (H.  B.  Swanzy; 

Cotton's  Fasti.) 
FIRMIN,  JOHN,  1638,  140.   Add  Ord.  priest  (KUmore)  Apr.  9, 

1650.  C.  of  Long  Melford  in  1662. 
FISH,  ROBERT,  1640-1,  141.  Add  In  1691  stated  to  be  56  years 

old  with  a  wife  and  seven  children.   (Gordon,  Freedom  after 

ejection,  110;  see  Al.  Oxon.) 
FISHER,  ANTHONY,  1646-7,  142-  Add  Barrister,  1656. 
FISHER,  BARDSEY,  142.    Add  Chaplain  to  Sir  John  Jacob's 

Regiment  of  Foot,  1695-1702.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FISHER,  JAMES,  1622,  142.  /f(/<i  R.  of  Clipsham,  1628.  Buried 

at  Laughton-en-le-Morthen,  Yorks.,  Jan.  29,  1666-7. 
FISHER,  JAMES,  1625,  142.   For  Petcham  read  Fetcham. 
FISHER,  JOHN,  1640,  143.  Add  Ejected  from  .\shingdoD,  ibdi. 

(David's  Essex.  343;  A.  G.  Matthews.) 
FISHER,  JOSEPH,  143.  Add  Admon.  at  Chester,  1679,  as  V.  of 

Tarvin.    (E.  Axon.) 
FISHER,   MATTHEW,    143.    Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)   162J. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FISHER,  PETER,  143.  Add  .Martin  exhibitioner  from  Ipswich, 

FISHER,  ROBERT,  1616,  143.    Add  This,  or  the  next,  V.  of 

Belrhamp  St  Paul,  Essex,  in  1644. 
FISHER,  ROBERT,  1672,  143.    Add  Married  Ann  Cooper,  of 

Laxton,  Nov.  21,  1678,  aged  23.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
FYSEN,  THOMAS,  1630,  144.  Add  Ord.  priest  (CiriUlc)  May  6, 

1647.   Delete  Perhaps. 
FISHWEEK,  JOHN,  144.   Add  Probably  ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Aug.  7,  1671;  priest,  Apr.  19,  1675.  C.  of  Witton,  Cheshire, 

1675-1718.  Buried  there  Nov.  25,  1718.   (E.  Axon.) 
FISKE,  JOHN,  B.A.  1492-3,  144.  Add  Probably  s.  of  Sir  John 

Fyske.   Will  proved  (Ipswich)  Apr.  21,  1531. 
FISKE,  JOHN,  1627,  144.  Add  Probably  bapt.  at  Norton,  May  7, 

1609.    Of  Clopton.    Lieut. -Colonel  of  Suflolk   .\uxiliaries 

under  Col.  Fairfax  at  siege  of  Colchester.   Father  of  James 

and  of  William  (1658).   Died  June  4,  1684.   M.I.  at  RatUes- 

dcn.   Will  (P.C.C).   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
FISKE,  JOHN,  1710-1,  144.   Add  S.  of  the  Rev.  Zachariah,  of 

Cockfield.  Bapt.  Dec.  28,  1693.  Married  Elizabeth  Gasnold, 

in  1724.  Died  Oct.  4,  1764.  M.I.  at  Thorpe  Morieux.  (R.  J. 

FISKE,  THOMAS,  1686-7, 144.  Add  Probably  R.  of  Old  Newton. 

Delete  R.  of  Gt  Bromley... Suflolk.   This  one  was  of  Oxford 

and  died  1763. 
FISKE,  THOMAS,  1694-5,  144.   Add  S.  of  Zachariah.  of  Ccick- 

field.    Bapt.  there,  June  16,   1678.    R.  of  Shimplingthome, 

Essex,  1704-22.    Married  Ann  Morloy  at  Halste.id,  Oct.  10, 

1708.    Buried  at  Shimplingthonic,  .\ug.  13,  1722.    Father 

ot  John  (1710-1).  (K.  I.  Hoovor.) 
FISKE,  THOMAS,  1735,  i44-   Read  S.  of  Thomas  (i6«6-7). 
FISKE,  VyiLLIAM,  1631,  144.   Add  I»rob;ibly  s.  of  WiUiam,  of 

Norton.    Bapt.  there,  Jan.  13,  1613-4.   Die<l  June  24.  1678. 

and  was  buried  there. 
FISKE,  ZACHARY,  144.   Add  S.  of  Robert,  of  Norton.   Bapt. 

there,  Mar.  4.  1647.  V.  of  Wi-stloton,  1672-4-   R-  of  Thebcr- 

ton,  1672-8V    K.  of  Cockfiold,  1676-1708.    R.  of  Hadlriich, 

1691-1708.     Buried   at   Cockfield,   Sept.    15,    1708.    (R.   J- 

FITZHUGH,    ROBERT,    145.     Add    Master   of   St    Leonard's 

Hospit.il,  ^■ork.    Iiuorp.  at  (Ixfoni,  1415. 
FITZ-JEFFREY,  HENRY.  146.   .-«././ Barrister,  1621. 
FITZSYMOND,  NICHOLAS,  140.  Add  Of  St  Patrick.  IX>nou|ch- 

nidre.    ('iriiiiid  liiiMie,   1400,  for  five  )i'ars'  residence  at 

()\fonl  .mil  C.imlMi.Ue. 
FITZ-SIMMONS,  RICHARD,  146.  Add  Barrister,  1622. 
FITZWILLIAM,  WILLIAM,  1728-9,  146.    Add  School,  West- 

niiii-iter.   .s>(-  .1/.  West..  .\pp.  v. 
FLASBY,  EDWARD,  147.  .-(.U  S.  of  Francis.  Bapt.  at  Tunstali, 

Iniii-  I.',  H><)H.   (E.  Axon.) 
FLASBY,  JOHN,  147.    Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Leek.    Bapt.  al 

Tunstali,  Feb.  1.  1678-9. 


Fleet,  Samuel 

FLEET,  SAMUEL,  147.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert)  Aug.  27,  1660. 

Read  R.  of  Gt  Bromley,  Essex. 
FLEETWOOD,    CHARLES    WILLIAM,    148.     Add    Bapt.    at 

Aldwinkle,  Jan.  i,  1697-8. 
FLEMING,  JOHN,  1630,  148.  Add  Barrister,  1640. 
FLEMING,  JOHN,  1722-3, 148.  AddOrd.  deacon  {Litt.dim.iTom 

Yoik)  Mav,  1729. 
FLEMING,  ROGER,  148.   Read  School,  St  Bees  (Mr  Radcliffe). 

Perhaps  ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Aug.  20,  i68i.   Licensed  to 

teach  at  Grasmere,  Sept.  4,  1684.  C.  of  Ambleside,  Aug.  27, 

1686.  Died  c.  1695.   (J.  R.  Magrath.) 
FLEMING,  WILLIAM,   1711-2,   148.    Add  Bapt.  at  Urswick, 

Nov.  10,  1692.   (E.  Axon.) 
FLETCHER,  BARTHOLOMEW,  149.  Add  Barrister,  1653. 
FLETCHER,   JAMES,    1655,    149-    Add  Ord.   priest   (Candida 

Casa)  June  27,  1661.  C.  of  Shimpling,  Suffolk,  in  1662. 
FLETCHER,  JAMES,  1676,  149.    Delete  R.  of  Mobberley,  etc. 

See  James  Flesher  in  Al.  Oxon. 
FLETCHER,  JOHN,  1644,  149.  Add  Barrister,  1653. 
FLETCHER,  JOSEPH,  1595,  150.  ^d(iWiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1637. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FLETCHER,  PHILIP,  150.    Add  WiU  (York)  dated  June  26, 

1661.   (W.  J.  Kave.) 
FLINTE,   GEORGE,'  151.    Read  Died   1668.    Add  Buried   at 

Askham,  Aug.  12,  1668. 
FLOWER,   CHRISTOPHER,    151.    Add  Ord.  priest   (Ardfert) 

May  29,  1647. 
FLOWER,  STEPHEN,   152.    Add  Married,  Feb.   16,   1679-80, 

aged   30,    Martha  Whitehead,  of   St  Peter's,  Nottingham. 

(J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
FLOWERDEW,    SAMUEL,    152.     Add    Probably   ord.    priest 

(Norwich)  Sept.  22,  1661.  C.  of  Braiseworth,  Suffolk,  in  1662. 
FOCHE,  WILLIAM,  153.  Add  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John 

Wheatley,  of  Margate.   Died  Aug.  i,  1713,  aged  56.   (H.  G. 

FODEN,  SAMUEL,  153.    Add  S.  of  Samuel.    Presbyter.    Died 

Mar.  3,  1688,  aged  33.  (Heame's  Diacy,  iv.  8;  H.  B.Swanzy.) 
FOGG,  ARTHUR,  154.  Add  Bapt.  at  Prestwich,  Sept.  29,  1668, 

where  his  father  was  C.    Read  B.  at  Heaton,  Prestwich. 

Married   Anne   Burrows,   Dec.   23,    1697,   at  St   Oswald's, 

Chester.   (E.  Axon.) 
FOGGE,  JOHN,  154.  Add  Bapt.  in  Chester  Cathedral,  Mar.  22, 

1701-2.   (E.  Axon.) 
FOGGE,  LAURENCE,   154.    Add  Ord.  presbyter,   1658.    Ord. 

deacon   and   priest   (Whitheme)   Feb.   28,    1660-1.    R.   of 

Hawarden,  Flintshire,  to  1662.   (E.  Axon.) 
FOGG,  ORLANDO,  1723,  154.  Add  Bapt.  in  Chester  Cathedral, 

May  31,  1706.   (E.  Axon.) 
FOGGE,  ROBERT,  1718,  154.  Add  Bapt.  in  Chester  Cathedral, 

Feb.  13,  1700-1.   (E.  Axon.) 
FOGG,  TIMOTHY,  154.  Add  Bapt.  at  Liverpool,  Feb.  2,  1661-2. 

(E.  Axon.) 
FOLDS  or  FOWLDS,  WILLIAM,  154.   Add  Master  of  the  Free 

School,   Carrickmacross,   Co.    Monaghan,    1713-45.     V.   of 

Ardee,  Armagh,  1742-63.    Died  May  29,  1763.    WLU  dated 

Jime  29,   1759;   proved   (P.C.C.)  June  21,   1763.    (Leslie's 

Armagh  Clergv,  100;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FOULKES,    EDWARD,    155.     Add   Ord.   deacon    (St   Asaph) 

Sept.  21,  1718. 
FOLKES,    FRANCIS,    1593-4,    155.     Add   R.   of   Sproughton, 

Suffolk,  1610-44.   Sequestered.    Married  a  dau.  of  Richard 

Cavendish,    of    Homsey,    Middlesex.     Probably   father   of 

Thomas  (1617).   (V.B.Redstone.) 
FOULKES,  FRANCIS,  1661,  155.   Add  The  Gray's  Inn  records 

shew  his  father  as  Knight.    Probably  Deputy-Governor  of 

Co.  Cork,   1690,  and  perhaps  High  Sheriff,   1702.    (H.  B. 

FOULKE,  FRANCIS,  From  Trinity  College,  Dublin,  155.    Add 

R.  of  Kilbrew,  Meath,  1699-1712.  Will  proved  Prerog.,  1713. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FOULKES  or  FOWKES,  ROBERT,  155.  Add  Barrister,  1670. 
FOLKES,  THOMAS,  1617,  156.   Add  One  of  these  names  s.  of 

Francis  (1593-4),  ai^d  C.  to  his  fatherat  Earl  Soham,  Suffolk. 

Arraigned  for  witchcraft,  1642.    (PampUet,  A  Magazine  of 

Scandal,  etc.,  pub.  1642;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FORD,  CORNELIUS,  157.  Add  The  father  of  Joseph  (1679). 
FORD,  FRANCIS,  157.   Add  Perhaps  C.  of  Astbury,  Cheshire, 

1640-2,  and  R.  of  Kinnersley,  Hereford.   Read  M.A.  1639. 
FORD,  JOSEPH,  157.    Read  S.  of  Cornelius.    Bapt.  at  King's 

Norton,  Worcs.,  Apr.  1662.  Married  Jane,  widow  of  Gregory 

Hickman.   (A.  L.  Reade.) 
Add  FORDHAM,  ROBERT  DE,  158.   B.Can.L.   Petitioned  the 

Pope,  1366,  for  augmentation  of  his  benefice. 
FORMAN,  WATSON,  159.  Add  Mary,  dau.  of  Watson  Forman, 
clerk,   and   his   wife   Elizabeth;    bapt.   at   Coleby,    Lines. 
Sept.  15,  1673. 
FOSTER,  EDWARD,  161.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's, 

FOSTER,  FRANCIS,   161.    Add  Perhaps  surgeon,  of  London. 
Died  at  York.  Will  dated  Aug.  i,  1641.   Proved  Aug.  1642. 
(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
FOSTER,  GEORGE,  1579,  161.   Delete  Probably.   His  father's 

Freshwater,  Edward 

will  (proved  Mar.  17,  1581-2)  mentions  him  as  at  Cambridge. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
FOSTER,  GILES,  161.    Add  Will  (York)  dated  Dec.  28,  1661. 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
FOSTER,  JOHN,  161.   Add  Probably  called  to  the  Bar  (Inner 

Temple)  May  11,  1611. 
FOSTER,  ROBERT,   1700,   163.    Add  Probably  s.  of  WiUiam 

(1666).  Bapt.  at  Croston,  Lanes.,  Dec.  7,  1681.   (E.  Axon.) 
FOSTER,  THOMAS,  1627,  163.   Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Ludford  parva,  Lines.,  1663.  V.  of  North  Willingham,  1663. 
FOSTER,    WILLIAM,    1588-9,    164.    Add  The   Bishop's   will 

implies  that  he  was  of  Tatham  in  Lanes.,  and  not  of  Cambs. 

He  was  Queen's  preacher  in  Lanes,  from  c.  1598-c.  1609.    R. 

of  Barrow,  Cheshire,  1602-35.   R.  of  Northenden,  1625-35. 

(E.  Axon.) 
FOUNTAIN,  HARRINGTON,  166.  Add  Barrister,  1671. 
FOUNTEYNE,  JOHN,  1573, 166.  Add  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  June  18, 

FOUNTAIN,  JOHN,  1613,  166.  Add  Bencher,  1653. 
FOUNTAIN,THOMAS,  1657, 167.  /ld<i  Barrister,  1668.  Bencher, 

FOULE,  THOMAS,  1624,  167.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Aug. 

26,  1662. 
FOWLER,  ABRAHAM,  167.   Add  S.  of  Richard  (1607).   Bapt. 

at  Barthomley,   Apr.   16,   1622.    Married,  June   11,   1657, 

Anne,  dau.  of  Christopher  Horton.   Brother  of  Isaac  (1640). 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
FOWLER,  DANIEL,  167.  Add  Buried  at  Ripon  Nov.  18,  1614. 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
FOWLER,  ISAAC,  1640,  168.  Add  S.  of  Richard  (1607).  Bapt. 

at  Barthomlev,  Dec.  3,  1623. 
FOWLER,  MOSES,  168.  Add  Buried  at  Ripon,  Mar.  14,  1607-8. 

Read  Died  Mar.  1607-8.    His  dau.  Anne  was  buried  there, 

.•\pr.  20,  1589.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
FOWLER,  RICHARD,  1607,  168.  Add  S.  of  William.   Bapt.  at 

Dalbury,  Nov.  15,  1589.  Married  Katherine,  dau.  of  Thomas 

Ashton,  of  London,  haberdasher.  R.  of  Barthomley,  Cheshire, 

1617,  until  death  1648  (?).   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
FOWLLER,  RICHARD,  1736,  168.  .,4  dd  His  widow  Amy  married 

John  Stanford,  and  died  .Mar.  30,  1795,  aged  54.    (V.  B. 

FOWLER,  STEPHEN,  168.  Add  Minister  of  Kilsby,  Northants. 

Probablv  Presbvterian  ministerat  Newbury,  Berks.,  in  1684. 
FOWLER,  THOMAS,   1640,   168.    Add  Ord.  presbyter  by  the 

Manchester  Classis,  Nov.  22,  1648,  as  minister  of  Sandiacre, 

Derbs.    One  of  these  names  R.  of  Halton,  Lanes.,  1674; 

buried  there,  as  C,  Apr.  18,  1677.   (E.  .-^xon.) 
FOX  {alias  RAGHAT),  PATRICK,  170.    Add  Papal  mandate, 

1407,  for  canonry  of  Ossory.    Dean  of  Cloyne.    Bishop  of 

FOXE,  TIMOTHY,  170.   For  Mar.  32  read  Mar.  23. 
FOX,  WILLIAM,  B.A.  1573-4.  i7o.  Add  Perhaps  presented  by 

the  CrowTi  to  V.  of  Ansley,  Coventry,  Dec.  22,  1591.   (S.  P. 

Dam.;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
FOXCROFT,  RICHARD,  1673,  170.   Add  V.  of  Lea,  diocese  of 

Kildare,    1700.     R.   of   St   Michael's,   Portarlington,    1702. 

Chancellor  of  Kildare,  1707-32.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FOXLEY,  WILLIAM,  1673,  171.    Add  Tallington  is  probably 

Taddington,  Derbs.,  near  Tideswell.    Probably  the  same  as 

the  next.  One  of  these  names  was  V.  of  Prestbury,  Cheshire, 

1693-1722.   Will  (Chester)  1722.   (E.  Axon.) 
FRANCIS,  ARTHUR,  172.  Add  A  Notts,  man  of  this  name  ord. 

presbyter  by  the  .Manchester  Classis,  Dec.  10,  1651,  aged  25. 

Minister  of  Stretford,  Lanes.,  1651-2.   (E.  Axon.) 
FRAUNCIS,  HENRY,  172.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's, 

FRAUNCES,   EDWARD,    1623-4,   172.    Add  At  Eimswell,  in 

1649.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FRANCIS,  RICHARD,  172.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Norwich)  Feb.  22, 

FRANKLYN,   EDWARD,   1566,   174.    Add  Married  Rebekah, 

dau.  of  Thomas  Willet,  preb.  of  Ely. 
FRANKLIN,  EDWARD,  1604,  175-    liead  S.  of  Edward  (1566). 

Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Montfort,  canon  of  St  Paul's. 
FRANKLYN,    NICHOLAS,    1613,    i75-     Add   Bencher,    1639. 

Autumn  Reader,  1641.  Treasurer,  1652. 
FRANCKLIN  or  FRANKLAND,  PETER,  175.    Add  The  R.  of 

Wood  Rising  was  ord.  priest  (Kilmore)  Mar.  i,  1649-50. 
FRANKLIN,  WILLIAM,  1630-1,  176.  ^<ii  One  of  these  names, 

B..\.,  V.  of  Totham,  Essex,  1652-9. 
FRANKLYN,  WILLIAM,  1641,  176.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Kilmore) 

Dec.  15,  1651. 
FRECKLETON,  ROGER,  176.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  Sept. 

23,  1753- 
FRENCHE,  PETER,  1578,  178.  Add  Another,  Lector  of  Halton, 

Cheshire,  in  1609.   (E.  Axon.) 
FREERE,  HENRY,  1655,  179.  Add  Si  Paul's,  1653- 
FREERE,  MICHAEL,  1666-7,  179.    Add  Died  Dec.  24,  1720. 

Buried  at  Roughton.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
FREER,  WILLIAM,   1651,   179.    Add  Treasurer  of  Dromore, 

1668-81.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FRESHWATER,  EDWARD,  180.  Add  Barrister,  1634. 


Freston,  Richard 

FRESTON,  RICHARD,  i8o.  AdJ  The  Mendham  man  was  s.  of 

Sir  Richard,  of  Mendham.    Married  Cirelv,  dau.  of  Thomas 

Fclton,  of  Plavford.   (K.  J.  Bcevor.) 
FRESTON,  WILLIAM,  i8o.  Aad  Probably  eldest  s.  of  Richard 

(1S64).   Died  1621.   (R.  J.  lleevor.) 
Add  FRETON,  ROGER  DE,  180.    D.C.L.    Preb.  of  St  Paul's. 

Preb.  of  Hereford.    Member  of  the  Household  of  Bishop 

Wm.  Bateman,  in  1355  (B.C.L.).   Of  Rattlesden,  Suffolk. 
Add  FRISBY,    ROBERT   DE,    181.    Of   Lincoln   diocese.    V. 

of  St  John's,  Cambridge.    Petitioned  the  Pope,  1363,  for  a 

FRITH,  JOSIAS,  i8i.  Add  Migrated  to  Trinity  College,  Dublin. 

B..-\.  1605;  M.A.  and  Fellow,  1610.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
FROGGE,  HENRY,  i8i.  Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1618.  (V.  B. 

FROST,  JAMES,  1652,  182.    Add  Ord.  priest  {Candida  Casa), 

Dec.  18,  1660.    R.  of  Langham,  1660. 
FROST,  THOMAS,  1643,   182.    Add  R.  of  Pettaugh,  Suffolk, 

1654-5.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
FULHAM,  EDWARD,  183.  Add  A  Westminster  scholar  of  'The 

FULKE,  WILLIAM,  1555,  183.  Add  School,  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's.   (J.  A.  Venn.) 
FULLER,  JOHN,  1618,  184.   Add  V.  of  Stebbing,  Essex,  1634. 

V.  of  St  Peter's,  Ipswich,  1645.   V.  of  St  Botolph  Without 

Aldersgate,  1649.    R.  of  St  Martin's,  Iremonger  Lane,  1654. 

(A.  G.  Matthews.) 
FULLER,    JOHN,    1635,    184.     DeMe   Will    (P.C.C.)    to    end. 

[Calamy,  i.  129;  A.  G.  Matthews.) 
FULLER,  SAMUEL,   1650,  185.    Add  Ord.  priest  (GaUoway) 

Julv  24,  1661. 
FULLER,  THOMAS,  1672,  185.    Add  Exhibitioner  of  Upping- 
ham School,  1672.  B.  1655.  Bapt.  May  7,  1655.  (A.  Hawley.) 
FYLAY,  JOHN,  1446-76,  187.  Add  Grant  for  life  in  1446  to  be 

one  of  the  scholars  of  King's  Hall.   (Pal.  Rolls.) 

GALE,  JOSIAS,  188.    Add  S.  of  George,  of  Crediton.    Brother 

of  TheophUus  (1619).   (F.  R.  Gale.) 
GALE,    ROBERT,    1609,    188.    Add    For  30    years   domestic 

chaplain    to    Christian,    Countess    of    Devonshire.     Wife 

Sarah.   Died  June  23,  1659,  aged  64.  M.I.  Putney.   (F.  R. 

GALE,  SIMON,  1635,  188.    Perhaps  father  of  Simon  (1671-2). 

Both  said  to  be  of  Bedfordshire.  (F.  R.  Gale.) 
GALE,  THEOPHILUS,  1619,  188.  Add  S.  of  George,  of  Crediton. 

Married  (i)  Mary  Ryder,  widow,  of  King's  Teignton,  Dec.  8, 

1620;  (2)  Bridget,  dau.  of  John  Waldron,  of  Beaton,  Feb.  18, 

1622.    (F.  R.  Gale.) 
GALE,  WILLIAM,  1649,  189.  Delete  Probably. 
GALLARD,  JOHN,  189.    Add  One  of  this  name  buried  at  St 

John     Baptist,     Maddermarket,     Norwich.      (Blomefleld, 

Norfolk,  IV.  297;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
GALLY,  SAMUEL,  189.  AddOxA. deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  19, 1686. 
GAFFER,  HENRY,  191.   Add  Bencher,  1754.    Read  Died  May 

15,  and  buried  May  18,  1767.    Grandson  of  William  Fane 

(1642).   (J.  Beresford.) 
GARBRAND,  THOMAS,  191.   Add  School,  Westminster;  adm. 

1728,  aged  15.   Probably  died  in  Jamaica,  1738. 
GARDINER,  DANIEL,  1642,  191.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Exeter). 
GARDINER,  EDMUND,  1661,  191.  y^iM  Barrister,  1671. 
GARDINER,  HENRY,  1599,  192.  Delete  Perhaps  V.  of  Elmdon, 

Kssex,  till  1645,  when  he  died.  Add  Died  1645. 
GARDNER,    MICHAEL,    1652,    193.    Delete   Doubtless.    Add 

Aged  15  in  1648.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
GARDNER,  RICHARD,  1564,  193.    Add  One  of  these  names 

V.  of  Dalton,  Lanes,  ('noe  preacher'),  1577,  until  death. 

Will  (Richmond  Archd.)  1617.   (E.  Axon.) 
GARENCIERES,  DUDLEY,  194.  Read  R.  of  Waverton,  June  28, 

Ib77-i702.    (E.  Axon.) 
GARFORTHE   or   GARFOOT,   EDMUND,    194.    See   DRING, 

GARLAND,  AUGUSTIN,  195.  Add  Barrister,  1639. 
GARLEY,  ANTHONY,   1631,   195.    Add  R.  of  Cumberworth, 

Lines.,  1663. 
GARLICK,  JOHN,   1724,    195.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Thomas, 

physician,  of  Wolverhampton.   (J.  P.  Mander.) 
GARMSTON,  JOHN,  195.   Add  K.  of  Darley-in-the-High-Peak, 

Derbs.,  and  from  there  installed  preb.  in  Wolverhampton 

Collegiate  Church,  Feb.  27,  1729-30.   Stated  to  have  been 

bom  in  Worcestershire.   (J.  P.  Mander.) 
GARNETT,  JOHN,  1689,  196.  Add  Bapt.  at  Rothbury,  Jan.  17, 

1 670-1;  ass.  of  Henry,  minister  of  Rothbury.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
GARNEYS,  CLARE,   196.    Add  Married  (2)  Anne,  of  Weston, 

Suffolk,  who  died  June,  1704.    Admon.  to  Thomas  Arm- 
strong, clerk,  guardian  of  Thomas  Reed.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GARRAD,  SAMUEL,   197.    Add  r.xhibitioner  from  St  Paul's, 

GARRARD  or  GARRAD,  JOHN,  197.  AddOrA.  priest  (Norwich) 

Nov.  10,  i6fii.    V.  of  Wiston,  1662. 
GARRETT,  ROBERT,  197.    Add  One  of  these  names  minister 

of  St   Margaret's,   Westminster;  signed  brief  there,   1650. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 

Gerard,  Richard 

GARRETT,  SAMUEL,  197.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Feb.  to, 

1686-7,  af!ed  23. 
GARTHE,  ROBERT,  198.   Add  Barrister,  1584. 
GARTHSIDE  or  GARSED.  JAMES,  19H.  Add  Married,  at  Little 
Castcrton,    Rutland,    Nov.    27,    1605,    minister,    to    Jane 

GARTHWAITE,  JOHN,   1605,   198.    Add  Probably  schoUr  of 
Trinity   College,    Dublin,    1631;    B.A.    and    Fellow,    1637. 

(T.  U.  Sadlier.) 
GARWOOD,  ROBERT,  199.    Add  •Martin"  exhibitiooer  from 

Ipswich,  171 1. 
GARYNG  or  CARYNG,  JOHN,  199.   Add  R.  of  Stoke  St  Mary, 

I[>swi(:h,  i53o-<V).   (V.  li.  Redstone.) 
GASTRELL.  PEREGRINE,  199.  Add  The  s.  and  h.  of  Edward 

was  probably  adm.  to  Trinitv  College,  Dublin,  1698.  (T.  U. 

GATAKER,  THOMAS,  1593-4,  200.    Add  R.  of  Rotherbithc, 

alias  Redrifle,  1650.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GATES,  ABItAHAM,  200.    Add  Perhaps  the  'Gates  of  Jesus' 

'  enticed  to  pass  over  the  seas,'  by  the  Papist  Speigniomaldus 

in  1590.    (Foliv;  Dr  lessopp.) 
GAWDY,  BASSINGBORNE,  1545,  201.   Read  2nd  s.  of  Tboma*. 

The  property  of  West  Harhng  came  into  the  family  through 

the  marriage  of  Bassingbome.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
GAWDY,  BASSINGBOURNE,  1632,  201.   Add  Buried  at  West 

Harling,  Oct.  2,  1692.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
GAWDY,  CLIPSBY,  201.    Read  S.  of  Sir  Thomas  (1545)  and 

half-brother  of  Henry  (1571)  and  of  Thomas  (1571).   (R.  J. 

GAWDY,   FRAMLINGHAM,   1630-1,   201.    Read  WiU  dated. 

May   25,    1686;   proved,  Norwich.    Buried  at  Debenham. 

Brother  of  Sir  William  (1629).  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
GAUDY,    HENRY,    1637-8,   201.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Ardfert) 

Nov.  18,  1650. 
GAWDY,  HENRY,  1665,  201.  Add  CaUed  to  the  Bar,  Nov.  j8, 

GAWDY,  ROBERT,   1593,  201.    Read  also  Brother  of  Henry 

(1596).    Knighted.   See  Blomefield  and  Lestrange's  Norfolk 

GAWDY,  ROBERT,  1638-9,  201.  Add  Buried  at  West  Hariing, 

Aug.  16,  1649.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
GAWDY,  THOMAS,  1545,  201.    Read  Treasurer  of  the  Inner 

GAWSELL,  ROBERT,  1577,  202.  Add  Barrister,  1591. 
GAWSELL,  ROBERT,  1624,  202.  Add  Barrister,  1634. 
GAWTON,   THOMAS,    1732,   202.    Add  Chaplain   62nd  Foot, 

1755-61.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
GAYLARD  or  GALARD,  JOHN,  203.    Add  Preb.  of  Lismore, 

1680-2;  Treasurer,  1682-96.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
GAYNES,  FRANCIS,  203.   For  Morecraft  read  Morecroft. 
GAYNSFORD,  JOHN,  203.   Add  Married,  at  Heston,  July  17, 

1603,  to  Jane  Saunders,  widow.    His  ist  wife  Alice  was 

buried  there  Dec.  2,  1602. 
GEREE  or  GERVIE,  SAMUEL,  203.    Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's,  1652-9. 
GEAST,  WILLIAM,  204.  Add  Married,  July  8,  1627,  Ann,  dau. 

of  Thomas  Manning,  V.  of  Dagenham. 
GEREY,  THOMAS,  1708,  204.   Add  Doubtless  Queen's  scholar 

of  Westminster,  1704. 
GEDNEY,  JOHN,  1666,  204.   Add  Ord.  priest  (Bangor)  Feb.  4, 

GEE,  ROBERT,  204.  Add  Perhaps  clerk,  at  High  Leigh,  Cheshire, 

1616-35;  of  Newchurch,  Lanes.,  1639-42;  of  Chapel-en-Ie- 

Frith.  1644-52.   Buried  there  May  7,  i*)}^-   (K.  .\xon.) 
GEE,  THOMAS,  1716,  205.    Add  Chaplain  to  .Mor>-son's  Foot 

(8th),  1725-37.    {D.\\ton's  Army  List.) 
GEE,  WALTER,  205.  Add  R.  of  Hainton,  1617-^-  Buried  there 

Dec.  12,  i6ig.  Brother  cf  Sir  Wm.  Gee,  who  left  the  advow- 

son  to  St  lohn's.  Oxford. 
GEE,  WILLIAm,  1621,  205.  /l<iJCalle<ltotheBar.  Nov.  3. 1635. 
GELLIBRAND,   ANDREW,   206.    Read  S.  of  Jonathan,  etc. 

(IC.  Axon.) 
GELLIBRAND,  EDWARD,  206.  Add  B.irrister,  1597. 
GELSTHORPE,  PETER,  206.    Read  Diid  Oct.  3.  1723-    WUl 

dated    luly   12,    J722;   desired   to  be  buried  at  Welw>Ti. 

(R.  J.  lU-evor.)  ^  , 

GEM,  RICHARD,  206.    Add  Took  up  raetlirine.    An  atheist. 

Went  to  Paris,  in  1751,  and  beciimc  a  doctor  there.  Phx-sician 

to    the    Embas.sv.      Imprisoiuxl    daring    the     Krwiution. 

Married,  c.  1740,' Ann,  widow  of  Stephen  H.iker.  and  dau. 

of  Jacob  Thibou,  the  elder,  of  St  John's,  Antigua.    Died  In 

Paris  early  in   1800,  ageil  83.    Will  pmvcil,  May  6,   l8oo. 

Delete  Doubtless   V.  of   Crowle.    Dii-d   IVc.    1679-    (H.   B. 

Swanzy;  II.  W.iIjkMc's  l.Mets,  1765  and  1766.) 
GENNYE,  CHRISTOPHER.  206.  .4J.<  Barrister.  1569.  Bencher. 

GENT,  GEORGE,  1746-7.  20fi.  Add  Barrister.  1752. 
GERARD,  JOSEPH.  207.    Add  Oni.  do.ir.<n  (lUngor)  Sept.  17, 

!(.;<);  piiist  H'lK-ster)  June  6,  i6<So.    (!•:.  .\xon.) 
GERARD.  RICHARD,  1567.207.  ^J4<  Scholar ol  Harrow  Scinxjl. 

His  (.ither  w.is  .in  original  (rt)vcn>orol  the  later  Free  School. 

(Notts  and  Quctut,  June  6.  1925.) 


Gerard,  Thomas 

GERARD,  THOMAS,  1467-8,  207.  Add  Doubtless  R.  of 
Stokesby,  Norfolk.  Died  Dec.  19,  1506.  M.I.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 

GEURDAIN,  AARON,  208.  Add  Licence  to  go  overseas  to  'Sir 
Arthur  Haselrig,  Bart.,  and  Aaron  Geardein,  M.A.,  to  go 
with  him,'  June  12,  1633.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

GIBBINS,  MICHAEL,  208.  Add  S.  of  William  and  Mary.  Bapt. 
at  Little  Bealings,  Aug.  24,  1618.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

GIBBON,  EDWARD,  1723,  208.  Add  Married,  at  St  Christo- 
pher's, London,  June  3,  1736.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

GIBBONS  or  GIBBINS,  WILLIAM,  209.  Add  Sequestered  from 
Great  and  Little  Bealings,  1644.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  died 
1612:  (2)  Mary,  buried  at  Little  Bealings,  1651.  Father  of 
Michael  (1637).   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

GIBBS,  JOHN,  1727,  209.  Add  R.  of  Upper  RickinghaU,  Suffolk, 
1742-85.  Buried  there  Feb.  12,  1785,  aged  74.  M.I.  (V.  B. 

GIBBS,  WILLIAM,  1653-4,  210.  Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 
Paul's,  1653-61. 

GIBSON,  CHRISTOPHER,  1703,  210.  Add  Bapt.  at  Lancaster, 
May  3,  1685.  Brother  of  John  (1704).   (E.  Axon.) 

GIBSON,  JOHN,  1655,  211.  Read  R.  of  Caister,  near  Gt  Yar- 
mouth, 1667-1708.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 

GIBSON,  JOHN,  1658,  211.  Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of 
Bosley,  Cheshire,  in  1662-4.   (E.  Axon.) 

GIBSON,  JOHN,  1686,  211.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  Dec.  21, 
1690.  At  Plempstall  (probably  as  C),  1691.  Will  (Chester) 
1717;  as  of  'Mickle  Trafford,  clerk.'   (E.  Axon.) 

GIBSON,  JOHN,  1704,  211.  Add  Bapt.  at  Lancaster,  Oct.  9, 
1687.  Brother  of  Christopher  (1703).   (E.  Axon.) 

GIBSON,  SAMUEL,  1596,  212.  Read  Burley-on-the-Hill, 
Rutland,  1618-60. 

GIBSON,  SAMUEL,  1624,  212.  Add  Probably  s.  of  Samuel, 
above.  V.  of  Burley,  in  1646. 

GIBSON,  SAMUEL,  1644,  212.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 
June  28,  1660.   V.  of  Bures. 

GIBSON,  WILLIAM,  1732-3,  213.  Add  More  likely  deacon 
(Litt.  dim.  from  York)  May,  1737.  C.  of  Thirkleby;  priest, 
July,  1738. 

GILBERT,  CLAUDIUS,  214.  Add  B.D.  at  Trinity  CoUege, 
Dublin,  1655.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 

GILBERT,  MICHAEL,  1658,  214.  Add  V.  of  Leeds,  Aug.  1690. 
When  his  wife  died,  Apr.  5,  1693,  she  was  a  widow.  (R.  J. 

GILBERT,  THOMAS,  214.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 
Cheadle,  Cheshire  (a  sequestration),  1646-51.  Minister  of 
Ince,  Cheshire,  1651,  till  his  death  before  Mar.  15,  1654-5. 
(E.  Axon.) 

GILBERT,  WILLIAM,  1579-80,  215.  Add  ?  R.  of  Long  Melford, 
Suffolk.  This  may  refer  to  the  Oxford  contemporary. 
(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

GILBERT,  WILLIAM,  1610,  215.  Read  More  probably  s.  of 
William,  R.  of  Long  Melford.  Lincoln's  Inn  Admissions 
describes  his  father  as  B.D.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

GILBERT,  WILLIAM,  1647,  215.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert) 
May  27,  1652.  R.  of  Brent  Eleigh.  According  to  V.  B.  Red- 
stone, he  married  the  dau.  of  John  Alabaster,  of  Hadleigh. 

GYLES,  JOHN,  1648,  216.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ardfert)  June  8, 

GILL,  JOHN,  216.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Sutton, 
Suffolk.  Died  1609.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1609.  Another 
C.  or  Lecturer  of  St  Mary's,  Chester,  162 1-7.  (V.  B.  Redstone ; 
E.  Axon.) 

GYLL,  THOMAS,  1719-20,  217.  Add  Barrister,  1725. 

GILL,  WILLIAM,  1751,  217.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Dec.  21, 

GILMAN,  HENRY,  218.  Add  His  widow  Ann  was  adm.  to 
Bromley  College,  Feb.  11,  1735-6.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

GILSON,  DANIEL,  218.  Add  Nonconformist  minister  at  Col- 
chester.  Delete  the  ?  from  (?i645).   (E.  Axon.) 

GILSON,  THOMAS,  16+5,  218.  Add  Probably  his  father  was  not 
a  knight. 

GIPPES,  GEORGE,  1606,  218.  ^di  S.  of  George,  late  of  Hoxton, 
Middlesex,  and  citizen  and  fishmonger,  of  London.  Signs 
deed  with  Nathaniel  Carmarden  relating  to  land  in  St 
Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  dated  1614.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

GIPPS,  RICHARD,  1596,  218.  Add  S.  of  George,  late  of  Hoxton, 
Middlesex,  and  citizen  and  fishmonger,  of  London.  Signs 
deed  (with  above)  with  Nathaniel  Carmarden  relating  to  land 
in  St  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  dated  1614.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 

GYRLINGTON,  WILLIAM,  220.  Add  Barrister,  1619. 

GLADMAN,  ELKANAH,  220.  Add  Buried  at  Wing,  June  13, 

GLANVILE,  JOHN,  1638-9,  220.  Add  Barrister,  1647. 

GLANVILL  or  GLANFIELD,  JOSEPH,  220.  Add  The  C.  of 
Ingham  was  ord.  priest  by  Bishop  of  Ardfert,  Jan.  29, 

GLANVILLE,  MAURICE,  220.  Add  Buried  at  Walton,  Feb.  19, 


GLANVILE  or  GLANFIELD,  RICHARD,  221.  Add  Ord.  pnest 
(Lincoln)  June  12,  1636. 

GLASCOCK,  CHRISTOPHER,  1631,  221.  Add  Master  of  Chip- 
ping Ongar  School,  in  1637. 

Goodwin,  William 

GLASCOCK,  JOHN,  1640,  221.    Read  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

Feb.  12,  1641-2. 
GLASCOKE,    WILLIAM,    1626,    221.     Add    Barrister,    1635; 

Bencher,  1649. 
GLASIER,  ROBERT,  222.  Add  Clerk;  buried  at  Stoke  St  Mary, 

Ipswich,  Apr.  i,  1635.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GLEAVE,  JOHN,  1748,  222.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  Mar.  14, 

GLOSSE,  JOHN,  223.  AddV.oi  Risby,  Lines.,  1662. 
GLOVER,  CORNELIUS,  223.  Add  Perhaps  preacher  at  Gorton, 

Manchester.  Buried  at  Manchester,  July  9,  1635.  (E.  Axon.) 
GLOVER,  HUGH,  1627,  223.   Add  Licensed,  May  2,  1672,  as  a 

Presbyterian  teacher  at  his  house  at  Bishop's  Stortford. 

Buried  there  Jan.  7,  1678. 
GLOVER,   THOMAS,    1618,    224.     Read   R.   of   West    Kirby, 

Cheshire,    1631-46   (deprived).    Reinstated,   1660,  and  re- 
mained until  death.  Will  (Chester)  1670.   (E.  Axon.) 
GLYNNE,  Sir  JOHN,  224.  Add  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  Jan.  27, 

GODDART,    GUYBON,    226.    Add  Barrister,    1638;   Bencher, 

1657;  Autumn  Reader  and  Treasurer,  1668;  Serjeant-at-law, 

GODDARD,   JOHN,    1637-8,   226.    Add   Ord.   priest   (Bishop 

Joseph  Hall)  Nov.  4,  1653.  V.  of  Caistor. 
GODFREY,  FRANCIS,  1672,  227.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

Paul's.  1673-5. 
GODFREY,  JOSEPH,  1686,  227.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
GODFRAYE,  OLIVER,  227.    Add  Perhaps  called  to  the  Bar, 

June  18,  1587. 
GODFRY,  ROBERT,  c.  1596,  227.  Add  Barrister,  1605. 
GOLDFINCH  or  GOULDFINCH,  THOMAS,  228.  Add  Given  40s. 

by  the  Fishmongers'  Company  '  because  he  is  a  neighbour's 

child  and  towardly.'   (W.  P.  H.  Smith.) 
GOLDING,  AMBROSE,  1627,  229.   Add  Of  Ilketshall,  Suffolk; 

then  of  Walberswick.    Will  (Norwich  C.C.)   1642.    (V.  B. 

GOLDING   or   GOLDEN,    BARTHOLEMEW,    229.     Add   Ord. 

priest  (Norwich)  Mar.   12,  1626-7.    R.  of  St  Peter,  South 

Elmham,  1633. 
GOLDING,  EDWARD,  1750,  229.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (London) 

Mar.   8,    1736;   priest.   May   8,    1738.    Friend  of   William 

Barnard    (1717).     Accompanied    him    to    Ireland.     R.    of 

Killaghtee    (Raphoe).     R.    of    Aghanloo,    Derry,    1747-9- 

Archdeacon  of  Derry,  1749-61.    R.  of  Clonleigh,  1761-81. 

R.  of  Ilmington,  Warws.,  1781-3.   Died  there  June  6,  1783. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
GOLDING,  JOHN,  1609-10,  229.  Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of 

Clavering,  Essex,  in  1640. 
GOLDMAN  or  GOULDMAN,  FRANCIS,   229.    Add  Buried  at 

South  Ockendon,  Jan.  8,  1689-90. 
GOULDMAN,  GEORGE,  230.  Add  Buried  at  South  Ockendon. 
GOLDSTON  or  GOLDSON,    ROBERT,    230.    Add  Warden  of 

Higham    Ferrers   College,    1540.     Chaplain    to    the    K-ng. 

Deprived,  1554. 
GOLDSTON,  WILLIAM,  230.    Add  Perhaps  preb.  of  Lichfield, 

1416-20.   Died  1420. 
GOLDWELL,  JAMES,  230.  /liiiSaid  tohave'beens.  of  WiUiam, 

of  Goddington,  Gt  Chart,  Kent.   (C.  S.  James.) 
GOLTEY,  MILES,  231.   Add  His  widow  Susan  married  George 

Bokenham.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GOLTY,  RICHARD,  1613.  231.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Ely)  Sept.  19, 

1619.  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Winwick,  Lanes.,  1621-4. 
GOUGE,   NICHOLAS,    1669-70,   232.    Add  Ord.   priest   (Ely) 

Sept.  25,  1681. 
GOOCH  or  GOWCH,  WILLIAM,  233.    Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's. 
GOODALL,  HENRY,  233.  Add  Married,  at  Chedgrave,  Nov.  26, 

1751,     Margaret    Fayerman.      M.I.,    Norwich    Cathedral. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
GOODDALL,  JOHN,  1713,  234.  Add  Usher  at  Oakham  School, 

GOODBORNE  or  GOODBARNE,  JOHN,  234.    See  G.  Mag.  for 

GOODCHILD,   CECIL   WRAY,    234.    Add  C.   of  Teddington, 

1753-60.   (P.  K.  Towell.) 
GOODICAR,  JOHN,   235.    Add  Perhaps  C.  of  Bromborough, 

Cheshire,   1605-24.    Buried  at  Eastham,  Feb.  28,  1623-4. 

(E.  Axon.) 
GOODKNAP,  JEREMY,  235.   Add  V.  of  Barton  Pedwaidine, 

Lines.,  1663. 
GOODMAN,  LAWRENCE,  236.  Add  Buried  at  St  Bartholomew- 

the-Less,  Jan.  23,  1666-7  in  the  Poors  Chappell;  described 

as  lecturer  of  the  parish. 
GOODRICH,  JOHN,   1545,  236.    Add  Perhaps  R.  of  Pulham 

St  Mary,  Norfolk,  1551-7.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
GOODERICHE,  WILLIAM,   1634,  237.    Add  S.  of  John  and 

Margaret.    Perhaps  V.  of  Steeple,  Essex,  in  1650.    (V.  B. 

GOODWIN,    PHILIP,    1653,    239.     Add   Ord.    priest    (Exeter) 

Sept.  20,  1659.   V.  of  Gt  Moulton,  Norfolk,  in  1662. 
GOODWIN,  WILLIAM,  M.A.  1583,  240.   Add  At  Westminster 

School,  of  '  the  House.' 


GooKiN,  Samuel 

GOOKIN,  SAMUEL,  240.  Add  Barrister,  1636. 

GOSNOLD,  ANTHONY,  1676,  242.    Add  'Martin'  exhibitioner 

from  Ipswich,  1678. 
GOSNOLD,  JAMES,  242.   Add  Preacher  at  Bolton-in-the-Moors 

for  40  years  and  buried  there  Jan.  27,   1622-3.    Founded 

a  lectureship  there.   (E.  Axon.) 
Add  GOSSE,  WILLIAM,  242.    Franciscan  friar  at  Cambridge. 

B.D.    Of  unmarried  parents.    Dispensation  (1420)  for  any 

office  in  hi?  order.   {Papal  Letters.) 
GOSTLING,  HENRY,  243.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Henry  (1660). 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
GOSTWYCKE,    WILLIAM,    Trinity,    1668,    244.     Add    First 

Reader  in   Philosophy  of  the  academical  school  in   King 

Willianp's  College,  Isle  of  Man,  1676.   (W.  M.  Myddelton.) 
GOULBORNE  or  GOLDBORN,  NATHAN,  245.  Add  Ord.  priest 

(Chester)  Oct.  21,  i68q.  C.  not  V.  of  BUlinge.   (E.  Axon.) 
GOULD  or  GOLD,  ROBERT,  245.    Add  Clerk,  of  Bramfield, 

Suffolk.  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1620.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GOULD   or   GOLD,    ZEPHANIAS,    245.    Add  C.   of    Ruislip, 

Middlesex,  Feb.  3,  1628-9.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
GRACE,  WILLIAM,  1627,  246.   Add  S.  of  John,  of  Shenston, 

captain  in  Royalist  army.    Married  Joanna,  dau.  of  

WooUey,  Esq.,  of  Newton  Hall,  Leics.    Adm.  to  the  se- 
questered living  of  Rearsby,  c.  1644.  (Sandars,  Shenston.) 
GRANDEDGE,  RICHARD,  247.  Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1621. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GRANGER,   BENJAMIN,    1604-5,   247.    Add  Will   (R.  of  Gt 

Waldingfield)  1672,  at  Bury,  Suffolk.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
GRANT,  ANDREW,  248.  ^rfi  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tatting- 

stcne,  1773.   Wife,  Mary  Albon,  of  Hartest,  Suffolk.   (V.  B. 

Add  GRAUNT,  JOHN,  248.  Of  St  Clement's  Hostel,  1518. 
GRAVE,  WILLIAM,  249.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's, 

GRAVES,  RICHARD,  1626,  250.  Add  Barrister,  1639;  Bencher, 

1657;  Lent  Reader,  i66g. 
GRAY,  CORNELIUS,  250.    Add  Sequestered,  1645.    Dead  by 

July,  1647. 
GREY,  EDWARD,  1650,  250.   Add  Of  Beveriey,  Esq.   Mamed 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Woodall,  of  Hull-banke.   Living  in 

1666.   Nephew  of  William  (1614).   (I.  E.  Gray.) 
GRAY,  GEORGE,  1667,  251.    Add  In  Brownbill's  Clergy  List 

said  tc  be  deacon  and  priest  (Chester)  Sept.  24,  1676.   For 

Cowdray  read  Cawdry. 
GRAY,  HENRY,  1598,  251.  Add  Bamster,  1611. 
GRAY.  JOHN,  1659,252.  .4(i<i  Perhaps  V.ofTilton,  Leics.,  1663. 
GREY,  RALPH,  1674,  252.  Add  Chaplain  to  Bishop  Cartwright, 

of  Chester,  in  1686  and  1687.   (E.  Axon.) 
GRAY,   THOMAS,    1734,   253.    Read  Migrated  to  Pembroke, 

Mar.   6,    1756.    Travelled  on   the  Continent  with  Horace 

Walpole  between  1739-41.  (J.  Beresford.) 
GRAY,  WILLIAM,  1614,  253.    Add  Died  at  Scarboro"  in  the 

service  of  Charles  I.   (I.  E.  Gray.) 
GREY,  WILLIAM,  1674,  253.  Add  Barrister,  1683. 
GREEN,  ALEXANDER,  1663,  254.    Add  Probably  brother  of 

John  (1659).  School,  Westminster,  1661. 
GREENE,  GEORGE,  July  i,  1609,  255.  Add  Adm.  at  Lincoln's 

Inn,  June  21,  1610.   Barrister,  1618. 
GREEN,  HENRY,   1719,  255.    Add  Married  Grace,  wdow  of 

Edmund  Watson  (1708). 
GREENE,  JOHN,  1659,  256.    Add  Bencher,  1685.    Treasurer, 

GREEN,  JOHN,   1711,  256.    Add  Barrister,    1716.     Bencher, 

GREEN,  RICHARD,  1706,  257.   Add  B.  Aug.  15,  and  bapt.  at 

Bolton-le-Sands,  Aug.  27,  1689.   (E.  Axon.) 
GREEN,  RICHARD,  1746,  257.    Add  Bapt.  June  i8,  1727,  at 

Bolton-le-Sands.    Ord.  priest  (York)  Sept.  22,  1751.    C.  of 

Kirk  Bramwith.   For  Westmorland  read  Lanes. 
GREENE,  ROBERT,  1560,  257.  Add  One  of  these  (B.A.,  M.A.), 

ord.  deacon  (Lincoln)  Jan.  8,  1566-7.  R.  of  Market  Overton, 

Rutland,  is8o.  V.  of  Burley-on-the-Hill,  1566-72. 
GREEN,  SAMLFEL,  1658,  257.   Add  Perhaps  C.  of  Davenham, 

Cheshire,  1663,  and  C.  of  Tarporlcy,  1664.    Will  (Chester) 

1688,  as  of  Malpas,  clerk.   (E.  Axon.) 
GREEN,  THOMAS,  1690,  258.   Add  Barrister,  1697. 
GREENE,   THOMAS,    1728,   258.    For  Craston  read  Croston, 

where  his  father  was  C. 
GREENE,  THOMAS,  1737-8,  258.  AddSchool,  Westminster,  in 

1736.   {Brit.  Museum  Lists.) 
GREENBURY,  TOBIAS,  259.  Add  Licensed  to  marry,  Sept.  25. 

1617,    Elizabeth,    dau.   of   John   Spenser,   of   Backington, 

Wilts.    Nephew  of  Thomas  Dickinson  (1572).    Probably  of 

Stamford,  Lines.  (J.  B.  Whitmore;  J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
GREENEHALGH,  JOHN,   1627,  259.    Read  Brandlesome.    R. 

not  V.  of  Bury. 
GREENHALGHE,  JOHN,  1632,  259.    Add  One  of  those  names 

w.is  M.istcr  of  Chester  Free  School,  c.  1650-5.    Perhaps  the 

clerk,  of  Bud  worth,  whose  will  is  at  Chester,  1674.  (E.  Axon.) 
GREENHALGH,  RICHARD,  260.    Add  B.  Nov.  15,  and  bapt. 

Nov.   20,   1609,  at  Wilmslow,  Cheshire.    Brother  of  John 

(1627).   (E.  Axon.) 

Hale,  William 

GREENHILL,  WILLIAM,  1572,  260.  Add  He  married  a  dau. 
of  Thomas  Redding  and  succeeded  him  as  a  Governor  of 
Harrow.   {tXotes  and  Queries,  June  6,  1925.) 

GREENSHIELDS,  JAMES,  260.  Add  C.  of  Tynan,  Armagh, 
1697-1709.  Mainly  instrumental  in  procuring,  in  the  reign 
of  Queen  Anne,  the  Act  of  Toleration  for  the  Episcopal 
Church  of  Scotland.  He  was  a  Scotchman  in  Episcopal 
Orders,  and  c.  1709  appears  in  Edinburgh  ministering  to  an 
English  congregation.  Imprisoned  for  reading  the  Book  of 
Common  Prayer.  See  'The  case  of  John  Greenshields,  1710.' 
{.Wotes  and  Queries,  4th  Scries,  i.  119;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

GREENSMITH,  EDWARD,  260.  Add  Died  Oct.  17,  ibSi. 
lUiri<  d  .It  Kockl.ind  St  Mary.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 

GREENWOOD,  JOHN,  1622,  261.  Add  Probably  C.  of  Heading- 
ley,  1641.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 

GREET,  THOMAS,  262.  Add  Chaplain  23rd  Foot  in  1760  and 
serving  in  1771.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

GREGORY,  THOMAS,  1664,  263.  Add  CaUed  M.A.  as  R.  of 
Haversham,  Bucks.,  Sept.  8,  1706,  on  presentation  of  Sir 
John  Thompson,  Lord  Haversham,  whose  eldest  dau.  Hebna 
he  had  married.  Buried  there  Oct.  10,  1713.  (G.  W.  Wright.) 

GRETTON,  MARK,  265.  Add  School,  Felsted.  Read  Margaret 
Roding.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 

GRISE  or  LE  GRYS,  JOHN,  265.   Read  Weston. 

GRICE,  NATHANIEL,  265.  Add  Barrister,  1644. 

GRICE,  NICHOLAS,  265.  Add  School  probably  Westminster. 
A  licence  to  one  of  this  name  of  Gray's  Inn,  bachelor,  about 
22,  and  Elizabeth  Child,  of  Hayes,  Middlesex,  spinster, 
about  19.  Consent  of  father,  Robert,  July  28,  1668. 

GRIFFITH,  EDWARD,  1670,  266.  Add  One  of  these  names 
called  to  the  Bar,  1676;  another,  1677. 

GRIFFITH,  HENRY,  267.  Add  C.  of  Wrenbury,  Cheshire, 
1646-50,  and  perhaps  later.  Buried  there  1654.   (E.  Axon.) 

GRIFFITH,  LAURENCE,  267.  Add  WUI  (Chester)  1679;  as 
R.  of  Middlewich.   (E.  Axon.) 

GRIGG,  FRANCIS,  268.  Add  WUI  (Arch.  C.  of  Essex) 

GRIGGE  or  GRIGGS,  STEPHEN,  268.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Nor- 
wich) Sept.  22,  161 1.  R.  of  Whitton  and  Thurleston,  1620- 
77.  Married  (i)  Frances  Norgate,  of  Panfield,  Essex,  who 
died  1644,  and  (2)  Joan,  who  died  1666.  Buried  at  Whitton, 
Mar.  I,  1677.  M.I.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

GRIMSTONE,  HARBOTTLE,  269.  ^(W Barrister,  1628.  Bencher 

GRIMSTON,  SAMUEL,  1663,  269.  Add  Barrister,  1670. 

GROVE,  SAMUEL,  271.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 

GRUNDON,  WILLIAM,  272.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (York)  June  9, 
1748;  priest,  May,  1749.  C.  of  Edstone. 

GRUNDY,  JOHN,  272.  Add  One  of  these  names  C.  of  Padiham, 
1695-1735  (died).   (E.  Axon.) 

GRUNDY,  RALPH,  272.  Add  Buried  May  13,  1628,  at  Deane, 
Lanes.,  as  of  Rumworth.  (E.  A.xon.) 

GUEST,  GEORGE,  272.  Read  R.  of  Pulford,  1663-94.  Admon. 
at  Chester,  1694.   (E.  Axon.) 

GUEST,  JOHN,  1672,  272.  Add  One  of  these  names  Chief 
Justice  of  Pennsylvania,  in  1701.  Member  of  the  Council  of 
the  Province,  in  1701.  Died  in  Pennsylvania,  Sept.  8,  1707. 
(E.  Alf.  Jones.) 

GULLIFER,  JOSEPH,  273.  Add  'Martin'  exhibitioner  from 
Ipswich,  1732. 

GOURNAY,  HENRY,  276.  ,,4 rfrf  Barrister,  1658. 

GURNEY,  THOMAS,  1588,  276.  Add  Gumey  of  Jesus  was  one 
of  those  'enticed  to  pass  over  the  sea '  by  the  papist  Spcignio- 
maldus,  c.  1590.   (Fokv;  Dr  Jessopp.) 

GUTTERIDGE,  BENJAMIN,  276.  Add  One  of  these  names, 
chaplain,  74th  Foot,  in  1761.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

GWYN,  LEWIS,  1661,  277.  Add  Married.  Apr.  10,  1685,  Helen 
Porter,  of  Sutton -on -Trent.  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 

HACKET  or  HOCKET,  JOHN,  1659,  278.   Add  S.  of  John,  of 

Gaddesdcn,  Herts.,  aged  18  in  1659.  (I.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HACON,   ROBERT,   279.    Add  Aged   56"  at  death.    His  wife 

Elizabeth  afterwards  married  John  Clayton,  of  Peasenhall, 

Suffolk.   Buried  there  1757.  aged  78.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HADDOCK,  JAMES,  279.   Add  Bapt.  at  Bolton-in-the-Moors, 

June   13,  1631.    Calamy  sa>'s  he  was  a  candidate  for  the 

ministry.  Silenced  in  1662.   (E.  Axon.) 
HADWEN,  JOHN,  280.    Add  C.  of  Warton,  Lanes.,  in  1711. 

(E.  A.xon.) 
HAIGH,  JOSEPH,   1738,  281.    Add  C.  of  Thornton,  Bradford. 

up  to  Julv  14,  1746.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
HAGUE,  "JOSEPH,    1743,   281.    Add  Succeeded  the  above  as 

C.  of  Tliornton.  July  35,  1746-1755.   (R-  J-  Wood.) 
HALE,  BERNARD,  1695,  282.    Read  Bencher,  1725.  Scrjcant- 

atl.iw,  1701. 
HALE,  JOHN,  1620-1,  282.    Add  Another,  of  Mildcnhall,  w«s 

s.  of  Hale,  of  London,  and   married   Mar>',  dau.  of 

Thomas  Sothchv.  R.  of  Combes,  Suffolk.   (V.  H.  Ke<lsfono.) 
HALE,  Sir  MATTHEW,  282.    Read  Bern  her,  1648. 
HALE,  RICHARD,  1631.  282.   AMi  Perhajs  V.  of  Gt  B.irford, 

licils.,  :(>(>?■ 
HALE,  WILLIAM,  1734.  282.  -4 <W  Barrister,  1743. 


Hale,  William 

HALE,   WILLIAM,    1743-4,   282.    Add  Ord.   priest  (Chester) 

Mar.  25,  1753- 
HALES,   JOHN,    1667,   283.    Add   Preb.   of   Dromore,    1678; 

Treasurer,  Oct.  18, 1681.  His  successor  was  appointed  in  1708. 
HALL,  ADAM,  284.  Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Levenshulme,  Lanes. 

Will  at  Bury,  Sept.  3,  1612;  proved  Dec.  30,  1612.    (His 

father's   brothers   were    Ralph,   of   Flowton,   Sufiolk,   and 

Richard,  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.)   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HALL,  CHARLES,  1619,  284.  Add  Barrister,  1627. 
HALL,  GUISE,  286.  Add  Barrister,  1713. 
HALL,  HENRY,  1691-2,  286.   Add  In  Holy  Orders.   Chaplain 

to  Duke  of  Ormond  at  Madrid.  Buried  at  St  James',  West- 
minster, Nov.  25,  1732.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HALL,  JOHN,  i68i,  287.  Add  Barrister,  1694. 
HALL,  JONATHAN,    1696,   287.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas, 

Durham,  Sept.  8,  1679.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HALL,  JOSEPH,  287.   Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Lawton, 

Cheshire,  June,  1674,  until  his  death.  Buried  there  Aug.  10, 

1679.   (E.  Axon.) 
HALL,  RICHARD,  1655,  288.  Add  Perhaps  R.  of  Kettlethorpe, 

Lines.,  1662. 
HALL,  SAMUEL,  1652,  288.    For  Mear  read  Maer.   His  father 

was  there,  1660-2,  and  in  1652  he  was  minister  of  Knutsford, 

Cheshire.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
HALL,  THOMAS,  1665,  289.    Add  The  FeUow  of  Manchester, 

V.  of  Eccles,  and  C.  of  West  Derby  was  ord.  deacon  (Chester) 

Sept.  19;  priest,  Dec.  26,  1675,  so  that  the  Corpus  man 

cannot  be  the  Manchester  pluralist.    (Brovrabill's  Chester 

Clergy;  E.  Axon.) 
HALL,  THOMAS,  1741,  289.  AddB.t^ov.  18,  and  bapt.  Nov.  21, 

1725,  at  St  Mary-le-Bovv,  Durham.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HALL,  WILLIAM,  1577-8,  289.  Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk, 

of  Fakenham.   Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1639.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HALL,  WILLIAM,  1622-3,  289.   Add  Mentioned  in  Winthrop's 

I^ctteTS   I,  257. 
HALLIWELL,  JOHN,  290.  Add  C.  and  schoolmaster  of  Middle- 
ton.   Buried  Dec.  27,  1703  there.  M.A.  in  vniX.   (E.  Axon.) 
HALLIWELL,  NATHANIEL,  290.   Add  Perhaps  bapt.  Feb.  7, 

1647-8,  at  Pilling,  Lanes.  Minister  there,  in  1620.  (E.Axon.) 
HALLYWELL,  WILLIAM,  291.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
HALLS,  MILES,  1670,  291.    Add  Exhibitioner  of  Uppingham 

School,    1669.     Probably   grandson    of    Miles    (i579)-     (A. 

HALLS,   PURBECK,    291.    Add  Exhibitioner  of   Uppingham 

School,  1663.   Probably  s.  of  Edward  (1639).   (A.  Hawley.) 
HALSTED,   RICHARD,   1615,   292.    Add  Master  of  the  Free 

School,  HaUfax,  had  will  proved  (York)  Aug.  1650.   (W.  J. 

HAMBY  or  HANSBY,  WILLIAM,  293.  Add  One  of  these  names, 

clerk,  of  Dallinghoe,  Sufiolk.    Will  (Norwch  C.C.)   1613. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HAMMOND,  HUMPHREY,  1711,  294.  Add  Master  of  the  Free 

School,  Tenterden.    R.  of  East  Guildford,  Sussex,  1706-36. 

Died  Mar.  4,  1735-6,  aged  67.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
HAMMOND,  THOMAS,  M.A.  1597,  295.    Add  A  Westminster 

scholar  of  'the  House.' 
HAMMOND,    THOMAS,    1717,    295.    Add   Married   Elizabeth 

Adams.  Died  1758. 
HAMMOND,  WILLIAM,  1604-5,  295.  Add  Will  (Non«ch  C.C.) 

1629.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HANCOCKE,  JOHN,  1671,  297.    Add  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(Chester)   Sept.    1672.    C.  of  St  Michael's,  Chester,   1685, 

and  licensed  schoolmaster  there,  in  1690.   (E.  Axon.) 
HANCOCK,  THOMAS,  1582-3,  297.  /I dd  One  of  this  name,  M.A., 

V.  of  Headon,  Notts.,  1605-23. 
HANDFORTH,   WILLIAM,   298.    Add  Ord.  deacon   (Chester) 

Sept.  24,  1682;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1683.   (E.  Axon.) 
HANMER,  JOSEPH,  1652,  299.    Add  R.  of  Marchwaial,  near 

Wrexham.   Died  1691.   (E.  Axon.) 
HANMER,  THOMAS,  1700,  299.    Add  Ord.  priest  (St  Asaph) 

July  24,  1709. 
HANSON,  EDMUND,  300.  Add  Probably  warden  of  Tattershall 

College,  Lines.,  1509-12.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HANWAY  or  HANNEY,  JOHN,  300.    Add  An  engineer  officer 

for  30  years.    Served  in  Spain  and  Flanders.    Translated 

Psalms  into  Latin  verse.    Died  Nov.   26,   1736,  aged  64. 

Epitaph  in  Bourne's  Poemata. 
HARBERT   or    HERBERT,    GEORGE,    300.     Add   Bapt.    at 

Chester-le-Street,  Feb.  25,  1584-5-   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HARBART,   ROBERT,   300.    Add  Bapt.  at  Chester-le-Street, 

Apr.  25,  1588.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HARBORNE,  WILLIAM,  300.    Add  Of  Bury  School,  Suffolk. 

See  Winthrop's  Letters.,  i.  257.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HARCOURT,    HENRY,    301.    Add  Ord.   deacon    (Chester,   at 

Cambridge)  Oct.  27,  1754. 
HARCOURT,  RICHARD  BARD,  301.   Read  Adm.  at  Lincohi's 

Inn,  Feb.  11,  1743-4. 
HARDCASTLE,  THOMAS,  1671,  301.    Add  Probably  preb.  of 

St  Patrick's,  Dublin,  1686-1701  (died).   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HARDHED,  .    302,  Add  Probably  the  father  of  Walter 

Hardhed     (wife    Alice),    of    Rattlesden,    Suffolk.     (V.    B. 


Harwood,  James 

HARDWICKE,  LAURENCE,  303.   Add  Married  Mary,  dau.  of 

Ralph  Lutton,  of  Knapton,  York,  Esq.  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
HARDWICK,  WILLIAM,   1622,  303.    Add  Perhaps  the  V.  of 

Wantage  who  died  there  Nov.  7,  1685.  M.I.  Married  Frances, 

who  died  Sept.  12,  1684.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
HARDY,  JOSEPH,  1684,  304.   Add  'Martin'  scholar  from  Ips- 
wich, 1685. 
HARDY,  NATHANIEL,  304.   Add  Minister  at  St  Dionis  Back- 
church,  1650.  Signs  brief  there.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HARDY,  PETER,  canonicus,  304.  Add  Doubtless  the  canon  and 

sub-prior  of  Bridlington,  in  1518.   (J.  S.  Purvis.) 
HARDY,  RICHARD,  1667,  304.    Add  C.  of  PiUing,  and  R.  of 

North  Meols  were  protjably  held  by  the  next. 
HARDY,  RICHARD,  1671,  304.    Add  Probably  C.  of  Pilling, 

Lanes.     R.    of     North     Meols.     Widdington    is    probably 

Whittington.   (E.  Axon.) 
HARDY,  SAMUEL,  304.    Add  'Martin'  scholar  from  Ips\vich 

School,  1739. 
HARE,  HUGH,  1748,  305.  Add  Married  Mary  Robards,  at  Bury 

St  Edmunds,  Oct.  21,  1766.   Buried  at  Hargham,  Norfolk, 

May  25,  1800.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HARE,  JOHN,  1685,  305.  Add  Died  by  his  own  hand.  (Heame's 

HARE,  RALPH,  1671-2,  305.  Add  Called  to  the  Bar,  Nov.  28, 

HARLAKENDEN,  THOMAS,  1616,  307.  Add  One  of  these  names 

of  Earls  Colne,  married  Alice  Dow,  at  Little  Bealings,  Sufiolk, 

May  26,  1648.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HARPER,  JOHN,  1654,  309.  Add  Bapt.  at  Bishop  Wearmouth, 

Aug.  6,  1637.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HARPER,  RALPH,  309.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford)  May  30, 

1686.  C.  of  Pontesbury;  'of  St  John's.' 
HARRINGTON,  JOHN,  1604,  310.    Add  Bencher,  1633.    Lent 

Reader,  1635. 
HARRIS,  CHRISTOPHER,  1614,  311.  ^(ii  Barrister,  1623. 
HARRIS,  EDWARD,  1588-9,  311.  ^di  Barrister,  1598. 
HARRIS,  GEORGE,  1627,  311.  Add  Under-Usher  of  St  Paul's 

School,  1641-7. 
HARRIS,  JOHN,  312.  Add  One  of  this  name,  clerk,  of  Sudbury, 

Suffolk.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1640.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HARRIS  or  HERRIS,  WILLIAM,   1608,  313.    Delete  Perhaps. 

Add  \  favourite  pupil  of  Wren's.    Gave  £40  to  Pembroke 

Library.   Died  1622. 
HARRIS,   WILLIAM,   1702,   313.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

Paul's,  1701-9. 
HARRISON,  EDWARD,  1634,  314.    Read  S.  of  John,  of  Sleet- 
borne,  Durham. 
HARRYSON,  JOHN,  1571,  315.   Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

East  Langdon,  Kent,  1585. 
HARRISON,  JOHN,  1648,  316.   Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Barton,  Westmorland,  44  years.  Buried  there  June  25,  1705. 
HARRISON,  JOHN,  1689-90,  316.   For  Lisnagarry  read  Lisna- 

HARRISON,  JOHN,  1739-40,  316.   D«/rf«  Perhaps.  ^ id  School, 

Westminster.    A  minor  in   1740.    Director  of  East  India 

Company,  of  the  Bank  of  England,  and  manager  of  the 

'Sun'  Fire  Office.   (C.  H.  Harrison.) 
HARRISON,    LANCELOT,    1607,    316.     Delete   Perhaps.    Add 

Will  (P. C.C.)  1652,  mentions  wife  Mary  and  leaves  his  house 

in  Brancepeth  to  his  brother  John,  of  Sleetbome,  who  was 

tjie  father  of  Edward  (1634). 
HARRISON,  LANCELOT,  1611,  316.  Delete  Edward  (1634)  and. 
HARRISON,  SAMUEL,  1729,  317.  Add  Barrister,  1735. 
HARRISON,  WILLIAM,  318.    Add  One  of  these  name^  of  St 

Benet  Gracechurch,  London,  1650.  Signs  brief  there.  (V.  B. 

HARSNETT,  ROBERT,  M.A.  1676,  319.  Add  Licence,  Aug.  i, 

1692,    to    marry   ^Iartha    Peck,   of   Cambenvell,   spinster. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HARSNET,  SAMUEL,  319.    Add  In   1588  resumes  studies  at 

Cambridge  and  recommends  one  Sadlington  to  succeed  him 

at  Colchester.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HARTE,  THOMAS.  1626,  320.   Add  Barrister,  1636. 
HARTSTONGUE,  GUYN,  321.  ^(WHe  was  thes.of  SirStandish. 

(Ball's  Irish  Judiciary,  etc.) 
HARVEST,  TOBIAS,  322.  /4 id  Exhibitioner  from  St  Paul's,  1643. 
HARVEY,  FRANCIS,  322.    Add  More  probably  he  was  s.  of 

Anthony,  of  Swarland,  Northumberland,  by  his  mfe  Lucy 

Lisle.    B.  1562.    R.  of  St  Breage,  Cornwall.    Married  Mary 

Yorke,  in  1591.    Died  1606.    (H.  M.  Wood;  Miscel.  Genea- 

logica  and  Heraldica,  1910.) 
HARVEY,  SOLOMON,  324.  Add  Died  Apr.  22,  1713,  aged  23. 

Buried  at  Eastrv,  Kent.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
HERVEY,  THOMAS,  325.  Add  Probably  adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn, 

Feb.  16,  1719-20. 
HARWARD,  ANDREW,  325.    Add  Signs  brief  as  minister  of 

St  Alphage,  London,  1650.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HARWOOD,  JAMES,  326.  Add  Oneof  these  names  (describedin 

1661,  as  B.D.,  and  in  1666,  as  D.D.)  Archdeacon  of  Glenda- 

lough,  1661-7.  Preb.  of  Ferns,  1662-4.  Preb.  of  Deny,  1666. 

Chaplain   to   the   Hon.  Thomas  Wentworth.     Will  proved 

(Derry  C.C.)  1668.  {Clarendon  Papers;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 


Harwood,  Nathaniel 

HARWOOD,   NATHANIEL,   326.    Add  Exhibitioner  from   St 

Paul's,  i6;3--32. 
HASSELL,  JOHN,  328.  Add  Barrister,  1727;  Bencher,  1746. 
HASSELL,  RICHARD,  1717,  328.  Add  Barrister,  1727. 
HASTINGS,  WILLIAM,  1671,  329.  Add  Barrister.  1680. 
HATTON,   WILLIAM,    M.D.    1636-7,   332.    Add   Will   (York) 

dated  Jan.  31,  1664-5.  Of  Kirderton,  Chester.  (W.  J.  Kayc.) 
HAUGHTON,  THOMAS,  1606,  332.   Add  Of  Newark-on-Trcnt. 

Buried  there  Dec.  i,  1627.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HAVERS,  HENRY,  332.   AddB.A.  1641-2. 
HAVERS,  THOMAS,  332.    Add  Died  June  27,  I7i9-    Buried 

at   Stoke   Holy  Cross.    M.I.   shews  instruments  used   for 

lithotomy.   (R.  T.  Beevor.) 
HAVETT,  JAMES,  "333.   Add  Died  at  Stenifield,  Sept.  3,  i733. 

aged  65.   M.I.  there.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HAWDON,  FRANCIS,  333.  Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas,  Durham, 

Julv  13,  1656.   Barrister,  1680.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HAWES,  GUSTAVUS,  333.    Add  Married,  Aug.  5,  1684,  Ann 

Haslam,  of  Ne\vark-on-Trent.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
HAWES,  THOMAS,  334.    Add  One  of  these  names  Master  of 

Shrewsbury  School,   1588;  recommends  his  pupil  William 

Bentley  to  Colchester  School  as  Master.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HAUES,  (?)  WILLIAM,  334.    Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk, 

of   Helmley,  Suffolk.    Will   (Norwich  C.C.)    1635.    (V.   B. 

HAWKINS,  JOHN,  1660,  336.   Add  Perhaps  Treasurer  of  Kil- 

laloe,  1687-1714;  Vicar-General,  1693.    Died  I7i4-    (H.  B. 

Svvanzy;  Cotton's  Fasti.) 
HAWKSWORTH,  THOMAS,  1628,  337.  AddVfUl  (York)  June  4, 

KAWTEYNE,  WILLIAM,  338.   Add  Or  HAWTAIN.    Attached 

to  R.W.  Fusihers  in  Flanders.  Chaplain  to  Caroline,  Princess 

of  Wales.   (L.  E.  Smith.) 
HAY,  GEORGE,  338.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Hereford)  Sept.  19, 

1686;  priest.  May  22,  1687.  C.  of  Ciungenford. 
HA  YE,  WILLIAM,   338.    Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  of 

Nedging,   Suffolk.    Mentioned  in    1625   as  of    there.  Will 

(Norwich  C.C.)  1628.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HAYFORD  or  HEYFORD,  DENNIS,  339.  Add  V.  of  ColUngham, 

Yorks.,  in  1698,  'Dionysius.'   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HAYGARTH,    CHRISTOPHER,    339.     Add    V.    of    Grindon, 

Durham,  1706-23.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HAYLOCK,  JAMES,  1667,  340.  Add  Probably  R.  of  Aldborough 

St  Mary  (N.  Erpingham),  1679-80.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HAYWARDE,   CHRISTOPHER,    341.    Add   On    May    19    (29 

Elizabeth)    found    guilty   of   forging   a    bond.     {Middlesex 

County  Records,  i.  172;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HAYWARD,   EDWARD,    1635,   341.    Add  King's  scholar  at 

Westminster,  1633-4,  as  'Haward.' 
HAYWARD,  RICHARD,  1687,  342.  Add'Uaitia'  Scholar  from 

Ipswich,  1687. 
HEYWOOD,  JAMES,  M.A.  1697,  342.  Add  King's  scholar  from 

Westminster.   See  Oliver  Hey^vood's  Diaries,  i.  118,  9- 
HAYWOOD  or  HARWOOD,  RALPH,  1597-8,  343-    Add  Ord. 

deacon  (Chester)  Sept.  24,  1609  (M.A.). 
HEALY,  JOHN,  1670,  344.  /I (ii  Barrister,  1679-  Bencher,  1699. 
HIRNE,  CHRISTOPHER,  345.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Clement, 

alderman  of  Norwich.    Buried  at  Wramplingham,  July  30, 

1629.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HEARNE,  EDWARD,  1577-8,  345-  Add  Bencher,  1586. 
HERNE,  JOHN,  1633.  345.  Add  BAmstcr,  1647. 
HEARNE,  JOSEPH,  1639,  346.  Add  Barrister,  1649. 
HERNE,  NICHOLAS,  346.   /I rfi  Barrister,  1589. 
HERNE,  ROBERT,  1635,  346-  Add  Barrister,  1645. 
HEATH,  WILLIAM,  348.  Add  One  of  these  names  signs  a  brief 

as  minister  of  St  Brides,  London,  in^  1650.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HEATON,  RICHARD,  349.    Add  One  of  these  names,  D.D., 

Dublin,  1661.    Preb.  of  Killaloe,  1633-    Preb.  of  Leighlin, 

1662.    Dean  of  Clonfert,   1662-6.    Died   1666.    Will,   P.C. 

Dublin.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HEDGE,  W.,   350.    Add  R.  of  Bygrave,   1505-6-10.    (R.  A. 

Ledgard.)  .    ,         ,,„  . 

HEGG,  STEPHEN,  1625-6,  351-    Add  Married,  at  Whitworth, 

Dec.  19,  1641,  Frances  Wilkinson.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HYGHAM,  THOMAS,  1555,  352-   R'od  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

May  7,  1558.   Barrister,  1565. 
HEIGHAM,  WILLIAM,  1664,  352.  Add  Barrister,  1675. 
HELME,  ROBERT,  352.    Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  of 

Fornham  St   Martin,  Suffolk.    Will  (Norwich  C.C.)   161 7. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HENCHMAN,  JOSEPH,  1721,  353-    Add  His  widow  Penelope 

was  buried  at  Earl  Soham,  Suffolk,  Oct.  5,  1767,  aged  60. 

M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HENDERSON,  WILLIAM,   354-    Add  B.  Aug.   13,  and  bapt. 

Sept.  5,  1700,  at  Felton.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HENSHAW,  JOHN,  1651,  355-    Add  Aged  14  in  1648.    (J.  B. 

HERBERT,  CHARLES,  356.   Add  Of  F-nglish  Newton,  Diston, 

Monmouth.    S.  of  Ch.iries,  gent.,  whose  will  proved,  1670. 

(C.  H.  Thompson.) 
HERBERT,  EDWARD,  i745,  356.  Add  Called  to  the  Irish  Bar, 

1751.   Honorary  LL.D.,  Dublin,  1752.   (C.  H.  Thompson.) 

Hirst,  Henry 

HERBERT.  GEORGE,  356.   Read  5th  8.  of  Richard,  of  Mont- 

gonierv  Castle. 
HERBERT,  HENRY.  1728,  356.   Add  ChapUin,  ist  Regiment 

Foot  Guards.   Went  to  Georgia,  Nov.  17,  1732,  in  charge  of 

the  first  colonists  to  Georgia.  Preached  at  Beaufort,  Jan.  24, 

1732-3.   Died  on  his  way  home,  1733.   (C.  H.  Thompson.) 
HERBERT,  THOMAS,  1744,  357-    Kfod  His  kinsman  Richard 

was  M.P.  for  Ludlow,    1743-54.  and  died   May   16,   1754. 

The  father  of  Thomas  then  succeeded  as  .M.P.,  and  died  in 

1770;  being  succeeded  at  Muckross  and  as  M.P.  by  Thoma*. 

He  sat  from  1770-4  and  died  1779.   (C.  H.  Thompson.) 
HERCY,  LOVELACE,  357.  AddCa\U-<\  to  the  Bar,  Nov.  28,  1675. 
HERDMAN,  EDMUND,  357.   Add  Kdm.  Hardman  was  buritd 

at  CollinKh.iin,  Vorks.,  Nov.  21,  1610.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HERRIES,   WILLIAM,   358.    Add  M.I.  in   Pembroke  CoUcge 

Chapel  with  epitaph  by  Crashaw. 
HERRING,  JOHN,  1661,  358.  Add  F.xhibitioner  from  St  Paul's. 
HERING,  JULINES.  1725,  358.    Add  Julius  Herring  was  adm. 

to  Westminster  Sfhwjl,  1720,  aged  11. 
HERRING,  THEODORE,  35H.    Add  One  of  four  presbyterian 

preachers  at  York  Minster,  1649.   Will,  as  of  York,  Aug   13, 

1655;  proved  (P.C.C.)  Mar.  i,  1657-S.  {Shaw,  11.  550;  A.  G. 

HESKET,  THOMAS,  360.  Add  S.  of  John,  Lord  of  the  Manor  of 

Alverdiscott,  Exeter.   Probably  chaplain  to  Lord  Windsor's 

Regiment  of  Horse  (3rd  Dragoon  Guards),  c.  1708.  Chaplain, 

32nd  Regiment  of  Foot,  1715.    Of  Aveton  Gifiard,  clerk. 

Living  in  1742;  dead  in  1759.  (W.  P.  H.  Smith.) 
HEWET,  JOHN,    1565,  361.    Add  John  Hewyt,  B.A..  R.  of 

Testerton.  1567.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HEWITT,    JOHN,    1682,    361.     Add   Buried   at   Leytonstone. 

Apr.  6,  i7-'8;  schoolmaster.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
HEYLIN,    JOHN,    1705,    364.    Add   Probably   chaplain,   20U1 

Regiment  of  Foot,  1715. 
HYCKES,  HENRY,   1567,  365.    Add  A  Queen's  scholar  from 

Westminster.    See  Al.  West.,  46  (election,  1566). 
HICKINGTON,  PETER,  366.  Add  Chancellor  of  Uighlin,  1753- 

8.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HICKS,  ROBERT,  1702,  365.  Add  His  widow  Joanna  was  adm. 

to  Bromley  College,  Oct.  21,  1746.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HICKMAN,    ANTHONY,    366.     Add    Exhibitioner    from    St 

HICKMAN,   HENRY,    1565,   366.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

Paul's,  1570.   .Married  Joanne,  dau.  of  William  Strode,  M.P. 
HIERON,  SAMPSON,  367.   Add  V.  of  Chilham,  Kent;  ejected 

1662.    Licensed  Presbyterian  teacher  at  Chartham,   Kent, 

1672.   Buried  at  Chilham,  Aug.  14,  1677.  (Calamy  11.  59; 

A.  G.  Matthews.) 
HIET,  JAMES,  367.  Read  His  date  at  Wigan  and  Liverpool  was 

HIGGINS,  ANTHONY,  367.  Add  Buried  at  Ripon,  Nov.  18,  1624. 

Will  proved.  June  8,  1625.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HILDESLEY,  JOHN,  368.  Add  Barrister,  1683. 
ably called  to  the  Bar,  July  8,  1606. 
HILL,  EDWARD,  1607,  370.  Add  One  of  the  15  ministers  who, 

in  1644,  sat  in  judgment  on  Shorland  Adams  (1620).  (W.  J. 

HILL,  JOHN,  1577,  371.    Add  C.  of  St  Werburgh's,  Dublin, 

1615-9.     Dean    of    Kilmore,    1619-27.     (H.    B.    Swanty; 

Hughes,  Ch.  of  St  Werburgh.  72.) 
HILL,  JOHN,  Lent,  1597-8,  371.  Add  Will,  as  of  Hemley  (Nor- 
wich C.C.)  1628.    Delete  One  of  these  names  R.  of  Tbomdon. 

Suffolk,  161S-57,  etc.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
Add  HILL,  NICHOLAS,  372.   V.  of  H.ilrothen,-,  Dublin;  licensed 

to  study  Ecclesiastical  Law  at  Cambridge  or  Oxford  for 

five  vears,  1400. 
HILL,  Thomas,  1652,  374.    Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Dublin. 

Aged  15  in  1648.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
hills,  THOMAS,   1608,  374-    Add  Perhaps  s.  of  Th.,  haber- 
dasher, of  London,  and  a  proteg*  of  Mr  John  Porter,  citizen 

and  fishmonger.   (W.  P.  H.  Smith.) 
HINCHLIFFE,  TRISTRAM,  376.    Add  Ejectetl  from  Fulbeck. 

Lines.,  1662. 
HINDE,  JOHN,  165 1-2,  376.   Read  B.  at  Potton.  Beds,,  Of.  16. 

1631.    MarriedMrs  Damaris  Day,  wiilow,  of  Monks  lUrigb, 

June  17,   i68t.    Bought  Monks  Eleigh  Hall.    Pie<i  .M,iy  I, 

1702,  and  was  buried  there,  aged  71.   (A.  G.  M.itthc»^.) 
HINDE,  SAMUEL,  1627.  377.    Add  One  of  those  names.  IXD.. 

prcl).  of  St  P.itrick's,  Dublin,  1672-4-  (H.  B.  Sw.iniy.) 
HINDLEY,  HENRY,  377.    Add  V.  of  Chcshunt,  Herts.    Will 

(London.  C.C.)  i6m.   (I.  K.  Magrath.) 
HYNDMARSH  or  HYMERS,  JOHN,  377.    R*^  S.  of  Richard. 

of  W.tllsrnd. 
HINGESTON,  SAMUEL,  377.  HifJ' Martin 'scholar  from  Ipswich, 


HINTON,  JOHN,  1689,  378.  .4J.*  l^b.  of  St  Patrick's.  Dublin, 
i(><)5-i7o2.  .'Vrchdearon  of  CKsorv,  1700-13.  V.  of  C.»rrick- 
on  Sulr,  Kilsheel.in  .\nd  Cloneg.^m.  1705-y.  CJianceltor  of 
I.isnion-.  1706-43.   (Cotton's  Fasti;  H.  B.  Swan«y.) 

HIRST.  HENRY,  378.  Add  WiU  (York)  dated  July  14,  i66«. 
(W.J.  Kayc.) 


Hirst,  Thomas 

HIRST,    THOMAS,    1748,    378.    Add   Ord.   deacon    (Chester) 

Mar.  25,  I7S3;  priest  (Chester,  at  Cambridge)  Oct.  27,  1754. 
HITCH,  HENRY,  1636,  379.    Add  Prob.  s.  of  WiUiam  (1606). 

Mentioned  in  will  of  Henry  Caesar,  Dean  of  Ely,  dated  1634 

(P.C.C.  1636)  as  his  godson.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HITCH,  ROBERT,  1722,  379.  Add  R.  of  Guiseley,  1743  or  1744. 

(R.  T.  Wood.) 
HITCHAM,  ROBERT,  379.  Add  Recorder  of  Hadleigh,  Sufiolk, 

July  21,  1623.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOBART,  FRANCIS,  380.    Add  Bapt.  at  Salhouse,  Feb.  14, 

i6oi-2.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  HENRY,  1635-6,  380.   Add  Doubtless  12th  s.  of  Sir 

Henry  (1570).   Bapt.  at  St  Bartholomew-the-Great,  Dec.  7, 

1619.    Buried  at  South  Pickenham,  Nov.  17,  1638.    (R.  J. 

HOBART,  JOHN,  1647,  381.   Add  Probably  eldest  s.  of  Henry, 

of  Weybread.    B.  Aug.  1629.    Died  Nov.  1,  1650.    Buried 

at  St  Giles',  Norwich,  Nov.  2,  1650.  Reinterred  at  Weybread, 

June  4,  1683.   M.I.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  MILES,  1566,  381.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of 

Plumstead,  Norfolk.  Died  July  17,  1589.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1589. 

Brother  of  Sir  Henry  (1570).   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  MILES,  1611,  381.  Add  Barrister,  1618. 
HOBART,  MILES,  1620,  381.    Add  Probably  eldest  s.  of  Sir 

Thomas  (1596).   Bapt.  at  Plumstead,  Apr.  11,  1602.    K.B., 

Feb.  I,  1625-6.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  NATHANIEL,  381.  Add  Bapt.  at  Highgate,  Sept.  27, 

1636.   (R.  T.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  TALBOT,  381.  Add  Will  (P.C.C.)  1703. 
HOBART,  THOMAS,  1596,381.  ^<i(i  Probably  s.  of  Miles  (1566). 

Knighted  before  1613.    Died  at  Plumstead,  May  31,  1623. 

Will  (Norwich)  1623.  Brotherof  Drue  (1599).  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  THOMAS,  1620,  381.    Add  More  probably  s.  of  Sir 

Thomas  (1596)  also  of  Queens*.   Bapt.  at  St  Luke's  Chapel, 

Norwich,  Jan.  27,  i5oo-i.    Died  at  Evercreech,  Somerset, 

Sept.  1653.   Wm  (P.C.C.)  to  Thomas,  s.  of  Sir  Henry  (1570) 

who  was  bapt.  at  Intwood,  June  23,  1605.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  THOMAS,  1682,  381.    Add  Barrister,  1691.    Buried 

at  Blickling,  May  4,  1706.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1706.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  THOMAS,   16S7,  381.    Add  Perhaps  identical  with 

Thomas  (1700).  Talbot  (1688-9)  refers  in  his  will  to  brother 

Thomas,  FeUow  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  and  sister 

Philippa.   Thomas  in  his  will  (P.C.C.  1727)  refers  to  sister 

Philippa,   and   describes   himself  as   M.D.,  and   Fellow  of 

Christ's.  He  died  at  Clermont,  France.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBART,  THOMAS,  1703,  381.    Add  Probably  s.  of  Miles,  of 

Beeston.   Of  Wroxham.   Died  Nov.  20,  1718,  aged  32.   Will 

(Norwich)  1718-g.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HOBBYE,  RICHARD,  382.   Add  Perhaps  buried  at  Lee,  Kent, 

Mar.  21.  1586-7.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
HOBMAN,  FRANCIS,  382.    Read  P.C.  of  St  Andrew-the-Less, 

Barnwell,  Cambridge,  1620.    (F.  Ranner.) 
HODDESDON,  HENRY,   1583,  385.    Add  Will  (P.C.C.)   1617; 

clerk,  of  Islington,  Middlesex.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HODGES,  JAMES,  383.    Add  Scholar  from  Westminster.    {Al. 

West.,  127.) 
HODGES,  RICHARD,  383.  .4<i(iS.of  Thomas,  of  Herts.  Aged  13 

in  1648.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HODGETS,  THOMAS,  384.   Add  Married,  at  St  Christopher-le- 

Stocks,  London,  Apr.  14,  1706,  to  Ann  Smith,  of  St  Faith's. 

He  was  R.  of  King's  Swinford,  Staffs.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
HODSON,  JOHN,  c.  1596,  385.   Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1644. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HODSON,  ROBERT,  1633,  386.   Add  Probably  R.  of  Partney, 

Lines.,  1644-62.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HODSON,  WILLIAM,  1705,  386.    Add  His  widow  Frances  was 

adm.  to  Bromlev  College,  Aug.  30,  1756.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HODGSON,   WILLIAM,   1716,   386.    Add  Probably   the  C.  of 

Southam  who  was  installed  preb.  of  Wolverhampton,  Dec. 

18,  1724. 
HOLBOROUGH,   THOMAS,    1617-8,   387.    Add  Ejected  from 

Battisford.  D£/e<£  R.  of  Akenham,  1661.  S^-^  next. 
HOLBOROUGH,   THOMAS,    1651,   387.    Add   Probably  s.   of 

Thomas  (1617-8).   Calamy  says  the  s.  of  Thomas  was  R.  of 

Akenham.    Probably  also  V.  of  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich,  1670. 

(A.  G.  Matthews.) 
HOLCOTor  HALCOTT,  JAMES,  388.  Add  Married  (i)  Anne  Mid- 
winter, widow,  of  Mansfield,  Aug.  9,  1684;  (2)  Sarah  Cooke, 

widow,  of  Mansfield,  July  18,  1687.  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
HOLCROFT,  ST  JOHN,  388.  Add  Barrister,  1645. 
HOULDEN,  EDWARD,  388.    Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Newark,  Notts.,  1588-96. 
HOLDEN  or  HOULDEN,  JOHN,  389.    Add  Buried  at  Coleby, 

Apr.  27,  1743- 
HOLDEN,  RICHARD,  1576,  389.    Add  His  wife  Margery  died 

1633.  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1625.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOLDEN,  ROBERT,  1631-2,  389.  ^di Barrister,  1738;  Bencher, 

1754;  Treasurer,  1770. 
HOLDEN,  WILLIAM,  1562,  390.  Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1621. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOLDER,   NATHANIEL,    390.     Read   R.   of  Stoke,    Ipswich, 

1689-1719.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

HoTHAM,  Francis 

HOLDYCH  or  HOLDEGE,  HENRY,  390.    Delete  At  Lincoln's 

Inn,  Oct.  26,  1585,  and. 
HOLDSWORTH,    HENRY,    Trinity,    1571,    39i-     ^dd   V.    of 

CoUingham,  Yorks.    Died  there  Sept.  23,  and  was  buried 

Sept.  24,  1616.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HOLDSWORTH,  JAMES,  391.    Add  Inc.  of  WooUey,  Yorks., 

1719-50.   Buried  there  July  25,  1750.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
HOULSWORTH,  JOSEPH,  391.    Add  Ejected  from  Popleton, 

Yorks.  Licensed  to  teach  in  his  house  at  Wakefield,  July  22, 

1672.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
HOLDSWORTH,  JOSIAH,  391.  Delete  Lower  Poppleton. 
HOLLAND,  JOHN,  1572,  393.  Add  V.  of  Ashford,  Kent,  1584- 

94.   R.  of  Halden,  Kent,  1587-94.   Buried  at  Ashford,  July 

29,  1594.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
HOLLAND,  JOHN,   1717,  393.    Add  Perhaps  C.  of  Tenterden 

for  20  years.   Died  Apr.  30,  1760,  aged  58,  and  was  buried 

there.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
HOLLAND,  THOMAS,  1693-4,  394-   Fo''  Stenny  read  Stanny. 
HOLLAND,  WILLIAM,  1570,  394.   Add  Probably  will  (P.C.C.) 

1609,  as  parson  of  Etchingham,  Sussex,  M.A.   (J.  B.  Whit- 
HOLLINGSHEAD,  THOMAS,  1695,  395-  Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's,  1694-1700. 
HOLMAN,  DIGORY,  397.    Add  Precentor  of  Dromore,  1624; 

ejected   at   the   Commonwealth.    Living  in  his   parish  of 

Magheralin,  Co.  Down,  in  1659.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HOLMES,  HENRY,  1654,  398.  Add  Barrister,  1662. 
HOLMES,  MATTHEW,  398.   Add  Eldest  s.  of  Thomas,  citizen 

and  haberdasher,  of  London.   Said  to  have  been  parson  of 

Leamington  Hastings,  Co.  Warwick.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HOLME,  ROGER,  1628,  398.  Add  Perhaps  preb.  of  St  Patrick's, 

Dublin,  1661-3.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HOLT,  JOHN,   39Q.    Read  R.  of  Stokesby,   1584-1616.    Died 

Feb.  5,  1616.   M.I.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
HONE,  JOHN,  401.    Add  Buried  at  St  Bartholomew-the-Less, 

Dec.  II,  1616. 
HOOD,  ARTHUR  WILLIAM,  401.   Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

HOOKE,  RICHARD,   1641,  403.    Read  Presbyterian  preacher, 

HOOKES,  NICHOLAS,  1649,  403.  Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Middle- 
sex. Aged  17  in  1649.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HOOLE,    NATHANIEL,    404.     Add    Probably    buried    in    St 

Stephen   Wallbrook.    Died   July  2,  1737,  aged  37.    (H.  G. 

HOOPER,  ISAAC,  404.  Add  V.  of  Kirkby  Hill,  Yorks.,  1705-49- 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HOOKER,  JOHN,  403.   Add  One  of  this  name  was  minister  of 

Wood  and  Guestwick,  Norfolk,  in  1655.    Calamy  says  he 

was  ejected  from  Greatwich,  which  may  be  Gt  Witchingham. 

(A.  G.  Matthews.) 
HOPKINS,  JAMES,  1597-1604,  405.   Read  Will  (Norwich  C.C.) 

1634.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOPKINS,  JOHN,   1690,  405.    Add  Inc.  of  WooUey,  Vorks., 

1697-1711.     One  of   these  names   chaplain  in   the  Navy, 

1705-7.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
HOPKINS,  SAMUEL,  1687-8,  406.  Add  Probably  proceeded  to 

B.A.  and  M.A.  at  T.C.D.,  1698. 
HOPKINS,   WILLIAM,   1675,  406.    Add  One  of  these  names 

chaplain   in    the   Navy,    1689.    Delete   R.  of   Llanfihangel 

Ystern,  Lleweme,  Mon. 
HOPKINSON,  HENRY,  1613,  406.  Add  Barrister,  1623. 
HOPPER,  THOMAS,  406.    Add  Ord.  deacon  (Chester)  Apr.  6, 

HORBERY,  MARTIN,  1639,  407.   Add  R.  of  Althorpe,  Lines., 

HORDEN,  JOHN,  407.   Add  S.  of  John,  of  Westminster.   (J.  B. 

HORNCASTLE,  WILLIAM,  408.  Add  R.  of  Burghwallis,  Yorks., 

1652.   (R.  G.  Smith.) 
HORNE,  COTTON,  408.    Add  This  cannot  be  the  Steward  of 

Pontefract  who  married  in  1613.   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
HORNE,    WILLIAM,    1631,    408.     Add   Bapt.    at    Wakefield, 

Dec.  21,   1615.    Built  almshouses  at  Wakefield  and  Mex- 

horough:     Buried   at   Mexborough,    Mar.    26,    1679.     M-I- 

Delefe  Perhaps  brother  of  Cotton  (1620).   (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
HORNECK,  PHILIP,  409.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1708-9. 
HORNER,  THOMAS,  1620-1,  409.  Add  Barrister,  1629. 
HORROX,  JEREMIAH,  409.    Add  S.  of  WUliam,  and  brother 

of  John,  of  Liverpool,  the  astronomer.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HORROCKES,  THOMAS,  1631,  409.  /lidOnlys.  of  Christopher. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HORSEMAN,  JOHN,  410.    Add  Bapt.  at  Greatham,  Aug.  30, 

1733.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HORT,  JOSIAH,  411.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Norwich)  1705.   V.  of 

Wendover,  Bucks.,  1706.   R.  of  Haversham.   R.  of  KUskier, 

Meath,  1717-  Dean  of  Ardagh,  1720-1. 
HORTON,  JOHN,  1740,  411.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  ?  1744. 
HORTON,  THOMAS,  1623,  411.  AddSchooX.St  Paul's. 
HORTON,  THOMAS,  1729,  411.   Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1733-5- 
HOTHAM,  FRANCIS,  412.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 


Houseman,  John 

HOUSEMAN,  JOHN,  1558,  414.   Add  Died  1666.   WIU,  P.C.C. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOUSEMAN,  JOHN,  1640,  414.    Add  The  V.  of  Gt  Thurlow 

was  probably  another  man  whose  will  was  proved  Nov.  4, 

1666  (P.C.C),  leaving  Grace  as  relict  and  executrix.  (W.  H. 

HOWARD,  RICHARD,  1659-60,  416.   Add  Exhibitioner  from 

St  Paul's,  1651-66. 
HOWARD,  WILLIAM,  1646,  417.  Add  Barrister,  1654- 
HOWDELL,  WILLIAM,  1745,  417.    Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in 

the  Navy,  1756-63. 
HOW,  WILLIAM  TAYLOR,  418.    Read  Adm.  at  Pembroke  as 

How,  William.  Afterwards  Taylor-How.  (L.  Whibley.) 
HOWES,  JOHN,  1666,  418.  Add  R.  of  Kettlestone,  1682-1721. 

Died  Sept.  23,  1721,  aged  75  (?  73).  (R.  I.  Beevor.) 
HOWELL,  JOHN,  B.A.  1484-5,  418.   Add  One  of  these  names 

R.  of  Parham,  Suffolk,  1538.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOWELL,  WILLIAM,  1646,  418.  Add  Barrister,  1659. 
HOWLETT,    EDWARD,    420.     Add    His   daughters   died    at 

Stuston,  Suffolk,  both  aged  70.    M.I.    Read  R.  of  Ousden, 

Suffolk.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HOWSON, JOHN, 421.  DeleteAged^i.  /?«aiOrV.of Frampton, 

HOWSDEN,  GEORGE,  421.    Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)   1632. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HUBBALD,  GERVASE,  422.    Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  1645. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HUBBARD,   JOHN,   423.    Add  Minister  of   Little   Comard, 

SuSolk,  1649.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
HUBBARD,  WILLIAM,   1715,  423.    Read  Usher  at  Oakham 

School,  1719-36. 
HUDDLESTON,  TRISTRAM,  424.   Add  Died  Jan.  17,  1630-1. 

I.p.m.  at  Lincoln,  1631. 
HUDSON,  FRANCIS,  424.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Hereford)  June  10, 

HUDSON,  GEORGE,  1686,  424.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1694. 
HUDSON,  JOHN,  1614,  424.  Add  S.  of  Christopher,  of  Stratford 

St  Mary,  Suffolk.    Bapt.  there  1599.    Married  Thomasine, 

dau.   of  Thomas   Caley,   of   Little   Waldingfield,   Suffolk. 

Buried  at  Capel  St  Mary,  Sept.  26,  1631.  (T.  H.  King.) 
HUDSON,  NATHANIEL,   1657,  424.    Add  3rd  s.  of  Samuel 

(1620).  Bapt.  at  Capel  St  Mary,  1640.   R.  of  Holton,  1667- 

1703.    Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Wright,  clothier,  of 

Dedham.     Will    (Norwich   C.C);    proved    Oct.    25,    1703. 

Read  V.  of  Gt  Bentley,  1664-1703.  (T.  H.  King.) 
HUDSON,  NATHANIEL,   1689-90,  424.    Add  S.  of  Nathaniel 

(1657).    Of  Kelsale,  Suffolk,  Sept.  1702.    Unmarried.    Will 

(Archd.  .Suffolk)  1737.   (T.  H.  King.) 
HUDSON,  ROBERT,  1734-5,  424.  Add  S.  of  Samuel,  of  Stutton, 

Suffolk.    P.C.  of  St  Nicholas,  Ipswich,  1755-85-    Died  at 

Bramford,  Suffolk,  Aug.  i,  1785.  Will  (Archd.  Suffolk)  1785. 

Delete  One  of  these  names... Jan.  23,  1738-9  and  Perhaps. 

(T.  H.  King.) 
HUDSON,   SAMUEL,    1620,   425.    Add  S.  of  Christopher,  of 

Stratford  St  Mary,  Suffolk.    Bapt.  there,   1604.    Silenced 

at  Capel  in  1662,  but  conformed.  Married  (i)  Hannah,  dau. 

of  Richard  Wiseman,  of  Gt  Wigborough,  Essex  (died  1653); 

(2)  Sarah  Buckenham,  widow,  of  Hadleigh.  Buried  at  Capel, 

Feb.  28,  1682-3.  Will  (Archd.  Suffolk)  1683.  (T.  H.  King.) 
HUDSON,  SAMUEL,  1652,  425.   Add  2nd  s.  of  Samuel  (1620). 

Bapt.  at  Capel,  1634-5.   R.  of  Earl  Stonham,  Suffolk,  1662- 

96.   Married  Anne  (died  1693).   He  died  May  20,  1696,  and 

was  buried  there.  M.I.  WiU  (Archd.  Suffolk)  1696.   (T.  H. 

HUFFAM,  JOHN,  425.  Add  S.  of  John,  of  Surrey.  (J.  B.  Whit- 
HUGHES,  BARTHOLOMEW,  426.  Add  Adm.  sizar  at  Tnnity 

College,  Dublin,  Nov.  16,  1700.  (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
HUGHES,    NEWMAN,    427.     Add    Chaplain    in    the    Navy, 

HUGHGILL,  HENRY,  428.  Add  Ord.  priest  (Chester)  Feb.  23, 

HULES  or  HULCE,  GEORGE,  428.    Add  Of  Kenton,  Suffolk. 

Will  (Norwich  C.C.)  i6o8.   (V.  B.  Redstone.)     * 
HUMBERSTONE,  HENRY,  1582,  429.  Add  One  of  this  name  is 

described  as  Principal  of  Fumivall's  Inn,  gent.,  on  May  25, 

1603.   (C  E.  Banks.) 
HUMES,  PETER,  430.  Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Charlton,  Kent, 

aged  18  in  1659.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
HUME,  WILLIAM,  1726,  430.    Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the 

Navy,  1735-7- 
HUMPHREYS,  HUGH,  430.   Add  Ord.  priest  (St  Asaph)  Sept. 

25,  1715. 
HUMPHREY  or  UMPHRIE,   RICHARD,    1605-6,   431.     Add 

Will  (P.C.C.)  1654;  as  parson  of  Taverham. 
HUMPHREES,    WILLIAM    DOBYNS,    431.     Add    Chaplain. 

ist  Dragoon  Guards,  Feb.  10,  1753.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
HUNT,  BRIAN,  432.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1712-9. 
HUNT,  WILLIAM,  1637,  435.   Add  One  of  these  names,  s.  of 

Michael,  V.  of  Leyton,  Essex;  bapt.  there,  Feb.  27,  1619-20. 

(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

V.A.C.  IV. 

Jackson,  Roger 

HUNTER,  JOHN,  1648,  435.   Add  Bapt.  at  AU  Saints',  New- 

castle,  Sept.  22,  1629.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
HUNTON  or  HUMPTON,  ANTHONY,  436.    Add  Preacher  at 

Newark-on -Trent.   Buried  there  Dec.  24,  1624.   WiU  (York) 

mentions  his  nephews  Benjamin  (1622)  and  Daniel  (1617). 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HUNTON,  BENJAMIN,  436.  Add  Resided  at  Newark-on-Trent. 

Will  Oct.  II,  1638;  mentions  brother  .Mordecai.  Nephew  of 

Anthony  (1575)-  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HUNTON,  DANIEL,  436.    Add  V.  of  SUUingborough,  Lines., 

1637-45.  R.  of  Kelsey,  1646-57.  Buried  there  Dec.  23,  1657. 

Nephew  of  Anthony  {1575).  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HUNTON,  MORDECAI,  436.    Add  S.  of  .Mordecai  and  Agnes, 

dau.  of  Simon  Gun  ton  (1626-7).  Bapt.  at  Fisberton,  Mar.  25, 

1674.  Nephew  of  Benjamin  (1622).  (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HURST,   ROBERT,   437.    Add   .Married   at   Little   Casterton, 

Rutland,  Nov.  3,  1631,  minister,  to  Anne  Whetston.    He 

was  not  minister  of  the  parish. 
HURST,  SAMUEL,  437.  Add  R.  of  Clayworth,  Notts.,  1715-45- 

Read  S.  of  William  (deceased),  and  stepson  of  Mr  Courtville, 

of  Halwell,  Leics.,  when  he  entered  Rugby,  in  1698.  (L.  E. 

HURTE,  THOMAS,  1549,  437.    Add  One  of  this  name  V.  of 

Headon,  Notts.,  1579-96. 
HUSSEY,  PETER,  438.  Add  Barrister,  1647.  Bencher,  1671. 
HUTCHINSON,  JOHN,   1654-5,  44°-    '^(W  ExhibiUoner  from 

St  Paul's,  1654-61. 
HUTCHINSON,  MICHAEL,  1682,  440.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
HUTTON,  MATTHEW,  443.  ^<W  Barrister,  1739. 
HUTTON,  THOMAS,   1589,  443.    Add  Will  proved  at  York, 

Mav,  1647.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
HYDE,  THOMAS,  B.A.  1629,  445.  Add  Licence  (Dec.  5,  1631, 

aged  23)  to  marry  Bridget,  dau.  of  Henry  Seward,  canon  of 

Sarum.  Secondly,  married  Ann.  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 

IBBOT,  EDMUND,  446.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1656-60. 

IDLE,  JOHN,  1705,  446.  Add  Bencher,  1740.  Lord  Chief 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer  in  Scotland,  1741- 

IDLE,  RICHARD,  446.  Add  Perhaps  chaplain  in  the  Navy, 

ILLINGWORTH,  TEMPEST,  447.  Add  One  of  these  names, 
B.D.,  preb.  of  Dublin,  1662-3.  R.  of  Arboe,  Armagh, 
1663-9.  R-  of  Drumcrea,  1666.  Dean  of  Emly,  1666-9. 
(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

IMBER,  LUKE,  447.  Add  Chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1755. 

INGELO,  NATHANIEL,  1665,  448.  Add  Described  at  his  mar- 
riage as  eldest  s.  of  Nathaniel  (above).  His  wife  was  dau.  of 
George  Evans  (1646).  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 

INGOLDSBY,  WILLIAM,  448.  Add  Probably  the  same  as 
William  Inglesby,  M.A.  1620,  and  B.D.  1621,  at  Trinity 
CoUege,  Dublin.  Chancellor  of  DubUn,  1619-20.  (T.  U. 

INGLIS,  ALEXANDER,  448.  Add  Probably  chaplain  in  the 
Navy,  1737-49- 

INGRAM,  ROBERT,  1686,  449-  Add  Eldest  s.  of  Arthur,  of 
St  Dionis,  Gracechurch,  London  (knighted,  1664),  by  his 
2nd  wife  Ann,  dau.  of  William  Lowfield,  of  London.  Buried 
at  St  Dionis,  June  18,  i744-  (J-  B.  Whitmore.) 

ION,  JOSEPH,  450.  Add  Chaplain  to  Crowley  and  Company's 
Factory  at  Winlation  Church.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

IRBY,  ANTHONY,  1662-3,  450-  Add  S.  of  Thomas,  brother  of 
Sir  Anthony,  Knt.,  ancestor  of  the  Lords  Boston.  Bapt. 
June  14,  1646.  D.D.  (Dublin)  1693.  Treasurer  of  Cashel, 
1674-1706.  Preb.  of  Emly,  1675-1706.  Freb.  of  Clo>Tie, 
1692-3.  Preb.  of  St  Patrick's,  Dublin,  1693-1706.  At- 
tainted by  James  II,  in  1689.  Died  1706.  Will,  P.C.C, 
Dublin.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

IRELAND,  HENRY,  1724,  450.  For  Saxham  read  Seaham. 
Addlisipt.M  Bishop  Wearmouth, Oct.  io,i7o6.(H.  M.Wood). 

IRETON,  CHARLES,  450.  Add  S.  of  .Matthew,  of  Middlesex. 
Aged  14  in  1648.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

ISAACSON,  HENRY,  451.  Add  At  Pembroke,  c.  1599- 

ISAACSON,  WILLIAM,  1632,  451.  Add  R.  of  Stoke  St  Mary, 
Ipswich,  1663-89.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

IVES  or  EVES,  THOMAS,  453.  Add  One  of  these  names  P.C 
of  St  Lawrence,  Ipswich,  1631.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

JACKSON,  CHARLES,  1731.  454-  Add  Perhaps  chapl-iin  in  the 
Navy,  1744-5.  MarricdS.arah,  widow  of. -Vnthony  Cope,  Dean 
of  Armagh,  and  only  child  of  Joseph  Hacks.  (H.  B.  Sw.iniy.) 

JACKSON.  RICHARD,  1559,  457-  i^WW<-  Porh.ti^s.  Add  R.  of 
Steniiield,  SulTolk,  1603-15.  Will  (Norwich  CC)  1015.  An- 
other of  this  n.ime,  B.D.,  was  R.  of  Milton,  Kent,  1575, 
and  V.  of  Darlford,  1575.  Drowned  and  buried  at  .Milton, 
Apr.  II,  1576.  (V.  B.  Redstone;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 

JACKSON,  RICHARD,  1703,  457.  Add  Probably  R.  of  Headon, 
Notts.,  17:7-60. 

JACKSON,  RICHARD,  1744,  457.  Add  Adm.  at  the  Inner 
IVmplo,  M.iv  4,  1745- 

JACKSON,  ROGER,  1577.  457-  Add  V.  of  Crcttingbam,  Suffolk, 
1603-34.  Will  (Norwich  C.C).  D*UU  One  of  these  names. 
(V.  B.  Redstone.) 



Jackson,  Thomas 

JACKSON,  THOMAS,  1613,  458.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

Paul's,  1614-21. 
JACOB,  GISBRIGHT,  459.    Add  2nd  s.  of  Gyles,  citizen  and 

Merchant  Taylor,  of  London.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
JACOB,  ROBERT,  1565,  460.   Add  Eldest  s.  of  Gyles,  citizen 

and  Merchant  Taylor,  of  London.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
JACYE  or  JESSEY,  HENRY,  460.    Read  B.  at  West  Runton. 

Add  Tutor  at  Assington  Hall,  Suffolk,  1634.     (Winthrop, 

Letters;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JAMES,  ROBERT,  M.D.  1728,  461.  Add  B.  Aug.  15,  and  bapt. 

Aug.   23,    1703,  at  Shenston.    Married  Ann  Clare,   at  St 

Philip's,  Birmingham,  Aug.  15,  1737.   (C.  S.  James.) 
JAMES,  ROGER,  1667,  461.  Add  Adm.  at  the  Inner  Temple, 

Jan.  29,  1667-8. 
JAMES,  SAMUEL,  1619,  461.   Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk, 

married  Ruth  Mariott,  at  Syleham,  Sufiolk,  June  24,  1629. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JANEWAY,  JOHN,  1650.  462,  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
JAN^IY,  ROBERT,  1656,  463.  Add  Probably  V.  of  Huntmgton, 

Lines.,  1663. 
JARVIS,  RICHARD,  463.  Add  Entered  Rugby,  1698,  as  eldest 

s.  of  WiUiam,  Esq.,  of  Gt  Peatling,  Leics.  Died  1725.  (L.  E. 

JAY,  ROBERT,   1560,  464.    Add  Will  (Norwich  C.C.)   1610. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JEANES,  HENRY,  464.  For  Cropland  read  Capland,  near  Beer 

Crocombe.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
JEFFERSON,  JOHN,  1652,  464.  Read  Dau.  of  James  Cole,  Esq., 

of  Gateshead.   Married,  Sept.  22,  1664.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
JEFFREY  or  JEFFERYES,  JOHN,  1650-1,  465.   Add  Bapt.  at 

Kenton,  July  15,  1633.  Married  Rebekah  Grater,  at  Kenton, 

Nov.  3,  1657.  Buried  there  Aug.  i,  1711.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JEFFREYS,  WILLIAM,  i66i,  466.   Add  V.  of  Holt,  Denbigh, 

1668-75.   Married  Jane,  dau.  of  Major  Holmes,  of  Boddel- 

wyddan,  St  Asaph,  Apr.  22,   1675.    Died  and  was  buried 

at  Holt,  July  2,  1675.   (W.  M.  Myddelton.) 
JEKYLL,  RICHARD,  466.   Add  Elected  from  Westminster  to 

Christ  Church,  Oxford,  in  1701,  but  doubtless  allowed  to 

keep  terms  from  1700.  This  was  allowed  by  the  Parliament- 
ary Visitors  of  Oxford,  in  1649. 
JEMMATT,  SAMUEL,  467.    Add  M.B.  ad  eundem  and  M.D. 

Dublin,  1711. 
JENNISON,  RALPH,  1691,  467.    Read  Of  Wolsmgton,  North- 
JENISON,  WILLIAM,  1668,  467.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle,  Feb.  14,  1649-50.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
JENKINSON,  RICHARD,  1614,  469.  Add  The  s.  of  Sir  Thomas 

was  b.  June  13,  1599.    Bapt.  at  Tunstall,  June  18,  1599. 

Buried  there  Feb.  16,  1658.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JENKYNSON,   THOMAS,    1646,   469.     Read   Uppingham   (Mr 

JENNY  or  JERMEY,   CHRISTOPHER,   470.    Add  Doubtless 

3rd  s.  of  Sir  Christopher,  Judge  of  the  Common  Pleas. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JENNINGS,  RICHARD,  1633,  471.  Add  S.  of  Richard,  portman, 

of  Ipswich.  Married  (i)  Temperance,  dau. of  Edmund  Dandy, 

of  Combes,  Suffolk;  (2)  Susan,  dau.  of  Robert  Reeve,  of 

Thwaite.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JEPSON,  RICHARD,  472.  Add  Buried  Feb.  25,  1680-1.  (R.  J. 

JERMY,  CLEMENT,  472.   Add  The  MarUngfield  man  was  s.  of 

Thomas,  of  that  place.  (Vis.  of  Norfolk,  i.  108.) 
JERMYE,  FRANCIS,  1551,  472.    Add  High  Sheriff  of  Sufiolk, 

1586.   Died  1610.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,  FRANCIS,  1615,  472.   Add  Married  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir 

Anthony  Irby,  Bart.  Died  1647.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,  FRANCIS,  1671,  472.  Add  Probably  of  Hamford,  and 

s.  of  John  (1647-8).  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,   GEORGE,  472.    Add  S.  of  William,  of  BrightweU. 

Married,  at  Aspall,  June  13,  1621,  Euodias  Solly.    (R.  J. 

JERMY.  JOHN,  1646,  472.  Add  Married,  at  Blickling,  Feb.  17, 

1651-2,  Alice,  dau.  of  Miles  Hobart.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,  JOHN,  1647-8,  472.    Add  Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir 

John  Castleton,  Bart.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,  JOHN,  1693-4,  472.  Add  Married  Mary,  dau.  of  Rev. 

Wm.  Starkey.    He  was  grandson  of  John  (1647-8).    Died 

1744.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,  THOMAS,   1654-  472.    Add  Doubtless  s.  of  George 

(1614).    Bapt.   at   Knoddeshall,   Sept.   24,    1637.    Married 

there,  June  9,  1659,  Sarah  King.  Died  1670.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMY,  WILLIAM,  1572, 473-  Add  Probably  eldest  s.  of  Robert, 

of  Antingham. 
JERMY,  WILLIAM,  1731,  473.  According  to  Vis.  of  Norfolk  he 

wasb.ini7i3.   (R.  J.  Beevor.)  v4d(i  High  Sheriff  of  Norfolk, 

1748.  Married  (i)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  WiUiam  Lord  Richard- 

JoYE,  Peter 

son,  Aug.  25,  1735;  (2)  Frances,  dau.  of  Jacob  Preston, 

Oct.  7,  1751.   Died  in  London,  Jan.  21,  1751-2.   Probably 

buried  at  Aylsham.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
JERMYN,  STEPHEN,  473-  Add  Probably  school,  Westminster; 

adm.  as  Germain,  1721,  aged  9.    One  died  Feb.  1796,  and 

another  (dead  before   1735)   married  Margaretta,  dau.  of 

John    Hobbye,   of   Pembrokes,   Tottenham.    See  Lysons, 

Environs,  iv. 
JESSOP,  THOMAS,  1690-1,  475-  Add  Probably  C.  of  Bygrave, 

Herts.,  1702-8.   (R.  A.  Ledgard.) 
JEWELL,  JOHN,   475.    Add  EUzabeth,  wife  of  John  Jewel, 

clerk,  buried  at  St  Mary's,  Bury  St  Edmunds,  Aug.  24, 1609. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JOACHIM,  BRYTYNNER,  475.    Add  The  same  as  Joachim 

Bretoner  or  Breton,  212.   (K.  E.  Stamp.) 
JOBSON,  MICHAEL,  475.  Add  Described  in  a  writ  (c.  2  James  I, 

23,  2)  as  chosen  Principal  of  Fumivall's  Inn,  in  1581.    In 

1597-8  he  fled  overseas  with  the  records  and  funds  of  the 

Society.    His  successor  was  Henry  Humberstone  (1582). 

(C.  E.  Banks.) 
JODRELL,  WALTER,  475.  Add  Barrister,  1744. 
JOHNSON,  EDWARD,  476.    Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk, 

of  LawshaU,  Suffolk,  1649.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JOHNSON,  FREDERIC,  477.  Add  Barrister,  1606. 
JOHNSON,  JAMES,  1690-1,  478.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

Paul's,  1691-6. 
JOHNSON,JOHN,  1607-8,478.  /I  Ai  Exhibitioner  irom  St  Paul's, 

JOHNSON,  JOHN,  1677-8,  479-  For  Baughton  read  Boughton. 
JOHNSTON,  NICHOLAS,   1750,  480.    Add  Of  Woodpark,  Co. 

Armagh.  Died  1793.   Will,  P.C.C.  Dublin,  1793. 
JOHNSON,  RICHARD,  1591,  480.    Add  School,  Westminster. 

Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Lincoln)  May  lo,  1601.   University 

preacher,  1603. 
JOHNSON,  ROBERT,  1557-8,  480.   Add  Ord.  deacon  (Peterb.) 

June  27, 1568.  Aged  34  in  1576.  Read  S.of  Morrice,  Alderman 

of  Stamford,  Lines. 
JOHNSON,  THOMAS,  1587,  481.  Add  Barrister,  1601. 
JOHNSON,  THOMAS,  1636,  482.    Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

Paul's,  1635-43. 
JOHNSON,  THOMAS,  1650-1,  482.   Add  Exhibitioner  from  St 

JOHNSON,  WILLIAM,  c.  1593,  483.   Add  R.  of  St  Clement's, 

Ipswich,  1606-12.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JOHNSTONE,  WILLIAM,  M.D.,  1682,  483.  Add  Doubtless  the 

one  mentioned  by  Wood,  11.  507.  School,  Westminster. 
JOLLAND,  GEORGE,  1716,  483.  Add  R.  of  Gt  Ponton,  Grant- 
ham, 1724.  Died  Jan.  18,  1771,  aged  76.  M.I.   (A.  Curtois.) 
JOLLAND,  JOHN,  483.  AddJiitd  1726. 
JONES,  CHARLES.  1611,  484.  Add  Barrister,  1619;  Bencher, 

1636;  Lent  Reader,  1640. 
JONES,  HENRY,  1596,  485.   Add  Perhaps  matric.  from  Jesus 

College,  Oxford,  Apr.  28,  1598.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
JONES,  JOHN,  486.   Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of  Wmston, 

Suffolk.   Buried  at  Aspall,  Sufiolk,  July  10,   1745.    M.I. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JONES,  MEREDITH,  486.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph)  Sept.  25, 

1715;  Magdalene,  literate. 
JONES,  MORGAN,  486.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (St  Asaph)  Sept.  25, 

1715;  priest,  Sept.  23,  1716. 
JONES,   ROBERT,    1681,   487.    Add  Only  s.  of  Thomas,  of 

Shropshire.   Married  a  dau.  of  William  Nabbs,  of  Stafford, 

Esq.  Died  Jan.  9,  1730.  M.I.  in  St  Mary's  Church,  Homsey. 

Delete  Probably.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
JONES,  SAMUEL,  1613,  487.  Add  Probably  minister  of  Wald- 

ron,  Sussex.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1653-4. 
JONES,  SAMUEL,  1622,  487.   Add  WiU  (Norwich  C.C.)  1639. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JONES,  STEPHEN,  488.  Add  School,  St  Paul's. 
JONES,  THOMAS,  488.   Add  One  of  these  names  minister  of 

St  Clement's,  Ipswich,  1574.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JONES,  THOMAS,  1629,  488.   Read  Barrister,  1636;  Bencher, 

JONES,  THOMAS,   1655,  488.    Add  K.C.,  1682-3;  Bencher, 

1683;  Treasurer,  1684-5. 
JONES,  WILLIAM,  1576,  488.  Add  Married  Anne  Collmgwood, 

of  Glemsford,  Sufiolk,  at  Boxted,  Suffolk,  Sept.  17,  1581 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
JONES,  WILLIAM,  1629,  489.    Read  Adm.  at  Lmcohi's  Inn, 

May  6.  1629;  Barrister,  1636;  ?  Bencher,  1659. 
Add  JORTZ,  JOHN,  490.  Licensed  as  penitentiary  (Ely)  May  22, 

JOYE,  CHARLES,  490.   Add  Probably  adm.  to  Westminster 

School,  1728,  aged  8.  Left  by  1736. 
JOYE,  PETER,  491.  One Joye  at  Westminster  School,  in 

1733.  Left  by  1736. 


Keen,  John 

Leigh,  William 


KEEN,  JOHN,  1634,  2.  Add  One  of  these  names  elected  to  the 

Mastership  of  Ipswich  School,  but  declined,  having  already 

accepted  that  of  Thetford.  (I.  E.  Gray.) 
KEMPE,    LEONARD,    5.     Add    R.    of    Caraus-juxta-Moume, 

1638-9.   R.  of  Ballynascreen,  1639.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
KEMP,  WILLIAM,  1693,  6.   Add  Buried  at  Antingham.    M.I. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
KENDALL,   RICHARD,   1751,   7-    Add  Chaplain,   03rd  Foot, 

Aug.  24,  1758;  ist  Dragoon  Guards,  Dec.  3,  1/62.    {H.  B. 

KENNARD,  GEORGE,  7.    Add  Buried  at  Ford  wick,  Mar.  9, 

1627.  WiU  (Ct.  of  Archd.  of  Canterbury).  (H.G.Harrison.) 
KERRICH,  JOHN,  1681,  10,   Add  Died  May  14,  1691,  aged  28. 

Buried  at  Mendham,  Suffolk,    {Blomfield,  v.  384;  V.  B. 

KETTLEBY,   RICHARD,    1660,    11.    Add  S,.  oi  Walter,  and 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Ellis.   Married  Hannah,  dau.  of 

Samuel  Hudson,  of  Earl  Stonham.    Will  (Ipswich)   1704. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
KEY,  HUGH,   12.    Add  Admon.,  1743,  Hugh  Key,  clerk,  of 

Donyatt,   Somerset,   instituted    R.    there,   Jan.   20,    1731. 

(Taunton  Probate  Registry;  J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
KAYE,  JOHN,  175:,  12.  Add  S.  of  William,  C.  of  Penn,  Staffs., 

1723-45,  and  Mary.    Bapt.  at  Penn,  Aug.  26,  1732.    (Par. 

Reg.  of  Penn;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
KYNASTON,  THOMAS,  1750-1,  17.  /I i(i  Barrister,  1756. 
KINDE,  JOHN,  1576,  17.   Add  July  9,  1621,  John  Kinde,  V., 

and  Katharine  Johnson,  married  by  licence.  Oct.  20,  1625, 

John  Kinde,  Doc.  in  Divinitie,  V.  of  Greenwich,  buried. 

Probably   the   whole    of    this    refers    to    the    next    man. 

(Greenwich  Registers;  H.  G.  Harrison.) 
KING,  AUSTIN,  17.  Add  See  Travel  in  the  xvn  Century  by  Joan 

KING,  BENJAMIN,  17.  Add  R.  of  Flamstead,  1638-42.   (A.  G. 

KING,  EDWARD,  1721-2,  18.  ^iii  Barrister,  1728. 
KING,  PHILIP,  20.   Add  Probably  auditor  to  the  D.  and  C.  of 

Christ  Church.   Will  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  30,  1635.    Mentions  his 

brother  John,  late  Bishop  of  London.  (Harl.  MS.,  iog6,  147; 

J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
KINGE,  ROGER,  1629,  21.  /I (i(i  Barrister,  1638. 
KING,  SAMUEL,   1670-1,  21.    Add  Head  Master  of  Wolver- 
hampton  School,    1678.    Died   there   Mar.    1680.     (G.   P. 

KING,  THOMAS,  1713,  21.   Add  Buried  at  St  Paul's,  Covent 

Garden,  Oct.  11,  1737.  Admon.  to  Mary  his  widow,  Dec.  20, 

KINNIER,  DAVID,  23.  Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of  St  Mary's, 

Colchester,  1697.   Married,  at  Wakes  Colne,  Essex,  July  18, 

1699,  Susannah  Harrison.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
KIPPAX,  ARCHIPPUS,  23.    Add  C.  of  Prestwick,  Lanes.,  in 

1688.   (F.  C.  Beazley.) 
KNAP,  EDWARD,  27.  Add  Barrister,  1606. 
KNAPPE,  SAMUEL,  27.    Add  Married  Susannah  before  1623. 

Buried  at  South  Elmham,  Jan.  27,  1665-6.    (V.  B.  Red- 
KNIGHT,  WILLIAM,  1656,  30.    Add  School,  Ipswich.    (I.  E. 

KNIGHTLEY,  MATTHEW,  30.  Add  Doubtless  the  same  as  the 

next.    His  will  (proved   Leicester  1561)  says   that   he  was 

b.    at   Brewood,    Staffs.,   thus   identifying   him   with    'Dr 

Knightley'  who  founded  the  Grammar  School  there,  c.  1550. 

(G.  P.  Mander.) 
KNOWLES,  CHRISTOPHER,  31.   Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Ayls- 

ham.    Married  (i)  Whitwood;  (2)  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 

John  Bemey,  of  Langley.    Died  Dec.  29,  1610.    Buried  at 

Sprowston.   M.I.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
KNOLLYS,  HANSARD,  31.    Add  Preacher  at  Stradbrook  and 

Debenham,  Suffolk,  1645.  (See  Bloom's  Suffolk  Tracts,  117; 

V.  B.  Redstone.) 
KNOWLES,  JOHN,   1620,   31.    Add  Lecturer  at  Colchester. 

Dismissed,  1653,  when  opposed  by  one  Harrison.    (V.  B. 


LA  CAUX,  PAUL  MICHAEL,  33.  Add  School,  Westminster. 
Adm.  pons,  at  Emmanuel,  Dec.  14,  1730. 

LACYE,  SOLOMON,  1604-5,  33.  Add  Perhaps  Solomon  Lucy, 
exhibitioner  from  Ipswich,  1602.   (I.  E.  Gray.) 

LADLER,  JOHN,  34.  Add  Bapt.  at  St  Oswald's,  Durham, 
Mar.  23,  1619-20,  as  s.  of  James  Ladley.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

LAKE,  EDWARD,  B.A.  1626,  34.  Add  Bapt.  at  Tctney,  near 
Grimsby,  Feb.  22,  i6oo-i.  Received  Docquct  in  June,  1644, 
at  Worcester.  Not  a  baronet  in  1643.  Granted  Arms  in 
June,  1661,  and  an  Irish  baronetcy  (not  English)  at  Dublin. 
Died  Apr.  18,  not  July  20.  Aged  about  66,  at  Lincoln  Vis.  in 
1666.   (D.N.B.;  Proc.  of  Arch.  fnsl.  Line,  1848.) 

LAKE,  JOHN,  1637,  34.  Add  Fought  in  the  Royalist  army  and 

wounded  several  times.   (State  Patters,  Oct.  23.  i66i-  R    I 

Wood.)  "  .        J- 

LAKE,  THOMAS,  1618,  35.  Add  S.  of  John,  and  Elizabeth,  of 

Gt  Fan  ton  Hall,  North  Benfleet,  Essex.  Bapt.  Oct.  21,  1600. 
Perhaps  sequestered  to  R.  of  Wickford,   1645.    Of  Saling 

Magna,  Essex.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LAKE  or  LAKES,  THOMAS,  1656-7,  35.  Add  Barrister,  1664. 
LAMBE,  CHARLES,  35.  Add  His  widow  Margaret  was  adm.  to 

Bromley  College,  Apr.  13,  1731.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
LAMB,  HENRY,  1692,  36.   Add  Doubtless  chaplain,  2nd  Life 

Guards,  Nov.  8,  1718.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
LAMBERT,  THOMAS,  1620,  38.  Add  One  of  these  names  ord. 

priest  (Llandaff)   Mar.    15,    1625.    Army  chaplain.    V.  of 

Dromiskin,    1633-61.    V.  of   Dunany.    Will   proved   Feb. 

i66i-2.  (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Leslie's  History  of  Kilsaran,  238.) 
LAMBTON  or  LAMPTON,  RALPH,  38.   Add  Marric-d  Eleanor, 

dau.  of  Thomas  Tempest,  Feb.  26,  1586-7,  at  Chester-le- 

Street.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LAMBTON  or  LAMPTON,  WILLIAM,  38.  Add  Married  (i)  Jane, 

3rd  dau.  of  Nicholas  Curwen,  of  Workington;  (2)  Catherine, 

dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Widdington.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LAMPLUGH,  WILLIAM,  1713,  39.    Add  Probably  the  R.  of 

Alton  Barnes,  Wilts.,  who  married  Anne,  dau.  of  Joseph 

Sinclair,  R.  of  St  Dionis  Backchurch,  London,  on  Apr.  14, 

1730.   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Parish  Reg.  St  Dionis.) 
LANCASHIRE,   THOMAS,   39.    Add   Married,   Dec.    i,    1681, 

Frances  Saxton.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
LANE,  THOMAS,  1748,  42.  Add  Barrister,  1753. 
LANGLEY,  ADAM,  1742,  44.  Add  Licence,  Nov.  17,  1729,  to 

marry  Ann  Ason,  of  New  Windsor,  Berks.,  spinster,  25;  to 

be  married  at  Egham,  Chertsey,  Byfleet  or  West  Horsley. 
LANGLEY,  JOHN,   1657,  44.    Add  S.  of  John,  alderman  of 

London.  Bapt.  May  19,  1642. 
LANGLEY,  PHILIP,  44.    Delete  Buried  Oct.  28,  1670,  at  St 

Peter's,  Comhill.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
LANGLEY,  THOMAS,   1708-9,  45.    Add  Bapt.  .^pr.  4,   1692. 

Died  at  Rugby,  Dec.  1724.  (L.  E.  Smith.) 
LANGWITH,  BENJAMIN,  46.  Add  His  widow  Sarah  was  adm. 

to  Bromlev  College,  July  25,  1763.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
LANEY,  BENJAMIN,  47.    Add  Chaplain  in  Ordinary  to  the 

King,  1643.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LANY,  JOHN,  1634-5,  47.   Add  Died  Mar.  14,  1647-8.   Buried 

in  St  Nicholas',  Ipswich.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
LASCELLES,  ROBERT,  1663,  48.   Read  V.  of  Headon. 
LA  WE,  JONATHAN,  51.  Add  Precentor  of  Elphin,  1682-1703; 

Preb.,  1703-24.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
LAWE,  THOMAS,  52.   Read  (Shaw,  11.  352,  353.) 
LAURENCE,  JOHN,  1685,  53.  Add  Married  .Mary,  only  dau.  of 

Stephen  Goodwin,  V.  of  Horley,  near  Banbury,  Feb.   5, 

1701-2.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LAURENCE,  JOHN,  1723,  53.    Add  In  his  wiU  desired  to  be 

buried  at  St  Mary's,  Aldermanbury.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LAURENCE,  ROBERT,  1612,  54.    Add  Probably  eldest  s.  of 

Robert,  of  Brockdish.    Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  .-Vslack 

Lany.    Died  July  28,  1637.    Buried  at  Brockdish.    (R.  J. 

LAYFIELD,  JOHN,  58.  /IJii  School,  Westminster.  S.ofEdwani 

(154S-9).    Married  Bridget  [Elizabeth  in  licence]  Brickott, 

widow  of  John,  and  dau.  of  John  Robinson,  of  Reading, 

Jan.  24,  1602-3. 
LAYLAND,  JOHN,  58.  /1<W  Probably  s.  of  Robert,  oi  Call  Lane, 

Leeds.  Buried  Dec.  11,  1676.  (R.  J.  Wood.) 
LAZENBY,  THOMAS,  58.   Add  Will  (York)  Aug.  ai;  proved 

Sept.  24,  1668. 
LEAK,  JOHN,  1667,  59.   Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Plumbly  HaU, 

Derbs.  B.  Dec.  25,  1648,  at  Hinckley.  Ord.  deacon  (Lichfield 

and  Coventry)  Sept.  24, 1671;  priest,  Sept.  21, 1673.  Lecturvr 

at  St  Giles",  Cripplcgate,  and  at  St  Michael's,  Quecnhilhe. 

Died  Nov.  17,  1724.  Buried  at  St  .Michael's.  (H.  B.  Swanzy; 

Heanie's  Diary.) 
LEAKE,  LUKE,  1700,  59.  Add  At  Sylcham,  Suffolk,  .■Vug.  12, 

1718.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LEEKE,  SAMUEL,  1654,  60.    Add  Married  Mary  Sand>-s,  of 

Newark,  Sept.  11,  1679.   ( I.  Ch.illcnor  Smith.) 
LE  CAUX,  PAUL  MICHAEL,  61.  see  LA  CAUX. 
LEE,  GEORGE,  1652,  62.  Add  B.jrristcr,  1058. 
LEE,  HENRY,  is8s,  62.   Add  Probably  first  scfiolar  of  Trinity 

C(>lkKi\  Dublin,  1593.   (T.  U.  S.idloir.) 
LEE,  JAMES,  1675,63.  /J<f</ A  cmdid.Jtc  for  King's  pl.ico,  iK-ing 

3rd  M:ister  at  the  Slerchant  Taylors"  School.  (G.  P.  Mander.) 
LEE,  JOHN,  1724.  6v   Add  Barrister.  1728. 
LEIGH,  WILLIAM,  1619,  66.    Add  S.  of  Ralph  .ind  Dorothy, 

dau.  of  Wni.  KcmiH-,  of  FinchinjjficUl,  Essex.  C.  of  Groton, 

1630,  and   Reader,   1634.    Married   Elizabeth.    (Winthrop. 

LeUers;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 



Leche,  Edward 

LECHE,  EDWARD,  67.   Add  S.  of  Sir  William,  of  Squerries, 

Westerham,  Kent.  (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEECH,  JOHN,  1662,  67.    Read  S.  of  John,  gent.,  of  Garden, 

Cheshire.   (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEACH,  JOHN,  1668,  67.    Delete  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Darton,  1703-46.  (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LECHE,  JOHN,  1694,  67.  For  Hawarden  read  Garden,  Gheshire. 

(E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEECH,  JOHN,  June  2,  1737.  67.  Add  V.  of  Eccleshall,  Staffs., 

1756,  and  buried  there  Apr.  16,  i777-  WiU  (P.G.C.).  (E.  B. 

LEACH,  JOHN,  1750,  67.  DeMe  Probably  R.  of  L.  Matravers, 

1753-91.   (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEACH,  RICHARD,  68.   Add  Schoolmaster  of  Bingley,  Yorks. 

Married  Elizabeth  (died  Sept.  26,   1778,  aged  71).    Died 

Dec.  29,  1742,  aged  46.  M.I.  (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LECHE,  ROBERT,  1652,  68.  Read  S.  of  Sir  Edward,  of  Shipley, 

Derbs.   (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEACH,  SAMUEL,  1616,  68.  Delete  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

EccleshaU,  1689-94.   (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LECHE,  THOMAS,  1664,  68.  Add  Buried  in  the  Gollege  chapel, 

Dec.  30,  1716.  (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEECHE,  WILLIAM,  162 1,  68.  Add  S.  of  William,  of  Lymme. 
LEECHE,  WILLIAM,  1621,68.  ^dd  WiU  proved  (P.G.G.)  Aug.  9, 

1660.   (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEACH,   WILLIAM,    1692,   68.    Delete  One  of   these  names. 

Add  Buried   at  Hoo,   Norfolk.    M.I.  says  died  Jan.  27, 

1741,  aged  68.    WUl  proved  Feb.  5,  1741-2;  mentions  his 

wife  Deborah.   (E.  B.  Leech.) 
LEECH,  WILLIAM,  1732,  68.  Add  Will  proved  (Nonvich  G.G.) 

LEACH,    WILLIAM,    1733,    68.     Add   R.   of   UggeshaU   with 

Sotherton  for  45  years.   Died  there  May  11,  1786,  aged  72. 

Will  (P.C.C.)  1786.  His  wife  Esther  died  May  23,1780,  aged  69. 

Delete  Perhaps  wUl  proved   (Norwich  G.G.)    I74i-    (E.  B. 

LEDGARD,  THOMAS,  1666,  70.   Add  Married  Anne,  dau.  of 

Thomas  Bonner,  of  Newcastle,  draper,  at  All  Saints',  New- 
castle, Nov.  28,  1672.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LEGG,  ROBERT,  71.   Read  R.  of  Little  Poringland,  1635-62. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
LEHEUP,  ISAAC,  71.  Add  Died  Apr.  25,  1747-   M.I.  at  Gun- 

thorpe.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
LEMAN,  JAMES,  1576,  72.  Add  Perhaps  mentioned  in  Bacon's 

Annals,  372.   Received  a  grant  of  £5  from  the  Gorporation 

of  Ipswich.  Master  of  the  School  there,  1604-8.  Dismissed 

for  evil  behaviour  and  bribed  to  leave  the  school  house. 

(I.  E.  Gray;  V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LE  MOINE,  ABRAHAM,  73.   Add  R.  of  Everley,  Wilts.   His 

widow  Ann  was  adm.  to  Bromley  Gollege,  Mar.  3,  1767. 

Warrants  as  chaplain  in  the  Navy,  1746-7.  (H.  B.  Swanzy; 

J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
LE  STRANGE  or  STRANGE,  JOHN,  1522-3,  76.    Add  R.  of 

Me\'sey-Hampton  until  his  death,  in  1570,  and  of  Ashton 

Keynes,  Wilts.,  from  1566-70.  (F.  S.  Hockaday.) 
LEVENTHORPE,  RALPH,  77-  Add  Died  June  8,  1647,  having 

filled  many  ofl&ces  in  Ireland.   Buried  at  St  Martin-in-the- 

Fields.    M.I.   In  Harl.  MS.,  6835/25  he  is  described  as  s.  of 

Thomas,  of  Albury  Hall  and  educated  at  Gambridge.   (J.  B. 

LEVETT,  FRANCIS,  78.   .4(id  Signed  the  register  of  GastleGarl- 

ton  as  Rector  from  1676-92,  and  as  curate  from  1697-1708. 

(R.  W.  Goulding.) 
LEVETT,  MATTHEW,  79.   Read  Sub-dean  of  Ripon,  1634-61. 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
LEWIS,  JOHN,  1717,  81.  Add  R.  of  Stemfield,  1733-9.  (V.  B. 

LIDGOULD,  JOHN,  84.   Read  R.  of  Uttoxeter,  Staffs.,  1726-9. 

(H.  G.  Harrison.) 
LILLY,  WILLIAM,   1735,  85.    Add  Died   1738.    M.I.  at  St 

Botolph's,  Cambridge.  (F.  Ranner.) 
LINCOLN,  RICHARD,  86.    Read  Buried  at  Rayleigh.    (R.  J. 

LINSLEY,  THOMAS,  88.    Add  R.  of  Metfield,  Suffolk,  1626. 

Married  Susan  Mayhew,  of  Wilby,  Suffolk,  Aug.  2,  1626. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LISLE,  JOHN,  1677,  89.  Add  Buried  at  Aycliffe,  Dec.  20,  1722. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
LISLE,  JOHN,  1700,89.  ^ddBapt.Sept.4, 1683,  at  St  Oswald's, 

Durham.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LISTER,  JOHN,  1676,  90.  Delete  R.  of  Rochford.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
LISTER,  JOHN,  1679,  90.   Add  R.  of  Rochford,  Essex,  1691- 

1735.  Married  (i)  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Bowyer,  Bart., 

and  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  Theophilus  Burdett.    (R.  J. 

LITTLEHALES,  BAKER  JOHN,  91.  Add  Barrister,  1751. 
LITTLETON,  WILLIAM,  1599,  92.    Add  S.  of  Sir  Edward,  of 

Staffs.    See  Cecil  MSS.,  -xii.  490,  explaining  why  he  was 

refused  a  fellowship.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
LLOYD,  HUGH,  1743-4,  94-   Add  ?  Hugh  Hughes  Lloyd,  s.  of 

Edward,  of  Plymog,  and  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Hugh  Hughes,  of 

Gwerclas.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

Mapletoft,  John 

LLOYD,  JOHN,  1691,  94.    Add  Barrister.    Married  a  dau.  of 

Humphrey  Humphreys,  Bishop  of  Hereford,  in  1706.   Died 

of  small-pox,  aged  30.  (Heame's  Diary,  Apr.  14,  1706.) 
LLOYD,  RICHARD,  June  28,  1679,  95.  Add  Buried  at  Shrews- 
bury, Oct.  19,  1733.  (W.  M.  Myddelton.) 
LLOYD,  WILLIAM,  1694,  96.  Add  R.  of  Thrandeston,  Suffolk, 

for  45  years.   Buried  there  May  1,  1754,  aged  72.    M.I.  of 

wife  there.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LOCK,  THOMAS,  1597,  97.   Add  First  Recorder  of  Hadleigh, 

Suffolk,  1618-23.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LODGE,  EDMUND,  99.    Read  Preb.  of  St  Andrew's,  Down, 

1759-61.    Resigned  that  of  Kilmeen,  in  1768.    Probably 

buried  at  Carshalton.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
LOKER,  JOHN,  loi.   Add  At  Ickworth,  in  1649-   (V.  B.  Red- 
^rfiLONG,  RICHARD,  103.  Prior  of  the  Cambridge  Carmelites, 

in  1404.  Probably  a  graduate.  (B.  Zimmerman.) 
LONGE,  ROBERT,  1599,  103.  Add  Barrister,  1615. 
LONG,  ROBERT,  1634,  103.  Add  Barrister,  1645. 
LONG,  ROBERT,  1645,  103.  Add  Barrister,  1653. 
LORRAINE,  THOMAS,   1633,  104.    Read  Married  Elizabeth, 

dau.  of  Henry  Maddison.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LORAINE,  THOMAS,  1655,  104.    Add  Married  May  18,  1657. 

at  Hexham.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LOSEBY,  RICHARD,  106.  Add  V.  of  Kilsby,  Northants.,  1645. 

P.C.   of   Copston,    Warws.;   ejected,    1662.     Will   proved 

(Lichfield)  Apr.  14,  1685,  as  minister  of  Gt  Copston,  parish 

of  Monks  Kirby. 
Add  LOVE,  ROBERT,  107.  Said  to  have  been  D.D.,  afterwards 

incorp.  at  Oxford.   A  Carmelite  and  probably  Prior  of  the 

Gambridge  house.    Vicar-General  at  Whitefriars,  Nov.  6, 

1504;  elected  Provincial,  Apr.  25,  1505.   Died  at  Norwich, 

1517.   (B.  Zimmerman;  Al.  Oxon.) 
LOWE,  THEOPHILUS,  110.   Add  Married  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 

Patrick  St  Clair,  R.  of  Sustead.  Buried  there.  M.I.  (R.  J. 

LOWRAY,  EDWARD,  m.  Add  Perhaps  the  Edw.  Lo:sTy,  R. 

of  Kettlestone,  Norfolk,  1667-82.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
LOWTHER,  GERRARD,  iii.  ^dd  Barrister,  1565. 
LOWTHER,  WILLIAM,  1726,  112.    Add  V.  of  Thockrington, 

Northumberland,  1754-88.   Married  Anne,  dau.  of  Charles 

Zouch,  V.  of  Sandal,  Aug.  31,  1753.    ^^^^  V.  of  Welton, 

Yorks.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
LUBBOCK,    THOMAS,    112.     Add    Married    (i)    in    Norwich 

Cathedral,  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Low,  May  25,  1725.  and 

(2)  Mary,  dau.  of  Clere  Gameys,  of  Hedenham.  (R.J.  Beevor.) 
LUCAS,  RICHARD  GAY,  1744,  113.    Read  Adm.  at  Lincohi's 

Inn,  1743. 
Add  LUDBROKE,  RICHARD,  115.    Isabel  Brikles  (WiU  1448 

London)   leaves   10   marks  to  him,  'scolari  Universitatis 

Cantabrigg.'  (J.  Gh.  Smith.) 
LUKE,  JOHN,   1649,   116.    Add  Will  (Archd.  Gt.  of  Essex) 

1702-3.  (J.  Gh.  Smith.) 
LUMLEY,  JAMES,  1626,  116.   Add  S.  of  John,  of  Lavenham, 

Suffolk.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
LYNDALL,  CHRISTOPHER,  121.  Add  Probably  preb.  of  Ripon, 

1604.  Buried  there  Dec.  22,  1622.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 

GREGORY,  and  see  vol.  iv.  196. 
LYSONS,  GEORGE,  122.  Add  Barrister,  1694. 

MABB,  RALPH,  123.  Read  Buried  Aug.  28,  1649.  at  Allington. 

(H.  G.  Harrison.) 
MAIDEWELL,  JOHN,  1627,  126.   Read  R.  of  Glaybrook,  1646, 

sequestered    thereto    by    the    Committee    for    Plundered 

Ministers.     Afterwards    returned    to    Simpson.     (Calamy; 

A.  G.  Matthews.) 
MALYN,  JOHN,  1747,  129.  Add  Buried  at  Weybread,  Suffolk, 

aged  59.  M.I.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MALKIN,  GILBERT,  1733,  129.   Add  His  daughter  Susannah 

was  buried  at  Palgrave,  Feb.  17,  1823,  aged  83. 
MANN,  EDWARD  LOUISA,  131.   Add  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn, 

June  7,  1726.  Barrister,  1729. 
MANNING,  SAMUEL,  1666,  135.    Add  One  of  these  names, 

clerk,  buried  Jan.  15,  1733,  at  Walpole,  Sufiolk,  aged  47. 

Wife  Marv,  buried  Mar.  13,  1726.  M.I.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MANNY,  LEWIS,  136.   Read  also  MANZY  or  MAUZY. 
MANSUER,  FRANCIS,  137.   Add  S.  of  Henry,  of  Gt  Walsing- 

ham,  Norfolk.   Bapt.  there,  June  7,  1671.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
MANSUER,  ROGER,  1684,  137-   Add  S.  of  Henry,  of  Gt  Wal- 

singham,   Norfolk.    Bapt.  there,   July   18,   1666.    (R.  J. 

MANSUER,  ROGER,  1716,  137.  Add  Bapt.  at  Gt  Walsingham, 

Norfolk,  Feb.  29,  1699-1700.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
MAPLESDEN,  PETER,  138.  ?  WUl,  1629.    In  Archd.  Ct.  of 

London  admon.  to  Jervase,  Sept.  5,  1682,  Peter  Maplesden, 

late  of  St  Magnus-the-Martyr  who  died  at  Maidstone.  (J.  B. 

MAPLETOFT,  HUGH,  1670,  138.   Add  Married  his  first  cousin 

Susanna,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Collet.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MAPLETOFT,  JOHN,  1702,  138.   Add  Married,  at  Broughton, 

Northants.,  Nov.  23, 1721,  to  Ann  Walker.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 


Marcha,  Peter  de 

Add  MARCHA,  PETER  DE,   139.    Completed  his  course  at 

Cambridge,  but  could  not  afford  to  take  his  degree.  May  2, 
1371.  Gregory  XI,  c.  1371,  allows  Chancellor  of  Toulouse 
to  make  him  Master  in  Theology.  Said  to  be  of  the  Order  of 
St  Patrick,  or  a  Dominican.  (M.  Foumier  and  G.  R.  Potter.) 

MARLER,  GEORGE,  142.  Add  WiU  (York)  dated  June  20,  1663. 
(W.  J.  Kaye.) 

MARLOWE,  CHRISTOPHER,  142.  Read  Buried  June  i,  1593, 
slain  by  F.  Ingram  Frizer.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 

MARSDEN,  JEREMIAH,  144.  Add  Committed  to  York  Castle, 
Feb.  13,  i66i. 

MARSH,  JOHN,  c.  1593,  144.  Add  V.  of  Little  Uford,  Essex, 
1607-1615.   (F.  Ranner.) 

MARSH,  JOHN,  1625,  144.  Add  Barrister,  1636. 

MARSH,  RICHARD,  1588-9,  145.  Add  School,  Westminster. 
Called  Edward  in  Al.  West.,  but  Richard  in  1587  list  of 
scholars.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

MERSCHH,  THOMAS,  145.  Add  Dispensation,  1427,  to  accept 
R.  of  Geldeston,  Norfolk.   (Papal  Letters,  vii.) 

MARSHALL,  CHRISTOPHER,  1632,  146.  Read  Died  Jan. 

MARTEN,  HARTSTONGE,  151.  AddEntnTed  Kilkenny  School, 
Oct.  18,  1705,  aged  10.  M.A.  Dublin,  1717.  Preb.  of  Kil- 
managh,  1721-9.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

MARTIN,  JOHN,  1725, 151.  See  an  identification  in /I  My«t., 292. 

MARTIN,  RICHARD,  1652,  152.  Add  S.  of  Edward,  of  Middle- 
sex, aged  14  in  1648.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

MASON,  ROBERT,  1659,  157.  Add  S.  of  Robert,  of  Greenwich; 
aged  18  in  1659.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 


MASTERSON,  GEORGE,  160.  Add  Minister  at  St  Clement 
Danes,  London,  1650.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

MATCHETT,  MICHAEL,  160.  Add  V.  of  Dromiskin,  1620-8. 
V.  of  Dundalk,  1620-35.  R.  of  Baronstown,  1633-6.  R.  of 
Kildress,  and  R.  of  Magherafelt,  1635.  Said  to  have  been 
murdered  ui  1641.   (Leslie's  Armagh  Clergy;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

MATHEW,  SAMUEL,  1598,  162.  Add  Died  in  Peterhouse, 
June  15,  1601.   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  Gents.  Mag.,  1799.  i-  285.) 

MAULEVERER,  BELLINGHAM,  163.  Add  R.  of  BaUynascreen, 
1718-23.  R.  of  Maghera,  1723-52.  Married  Elizabeth 
Nicholson,  in  Derry  Cathedral,  May  8, 1722.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

MAURICE,  MAYSMOR,  164.  Add  Eldest  s.  of  Peter,  Dean  of 
Bangor,  and  Katherine,  dau.  of  Robert  Maesmore.  Lieut., 
24th  Foot,  1741;  Capt.,  40th  Foot,  1743-4;  exchanged  to 
34th  Foot,  1744;  resigned,  1748-9.  Married  a  dau.  of 
Lloyd,  of  Rhagatt.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

MAURICE,  WILLIAM,  164.  Add  Perhaps  brother  of  Maysmor 

MAWER,  JOHN,  1749,  i65-  Add  Chaplain,  6th  Foot,  Aug.  9, 
1756;  still  serving,  1761.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

MAYHEW,  JOHN,  1663,  168.  Read  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
July  9,  1663. 

MEADE,  THOMAS,  1581-2,  170.  AddWin(P.C.C.). 

MEANE,  ,   171.    Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  of  Gt 

Comard,  Suffolk,  1647.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

MERES,  HENRY,  171.  Add  Doubtless  s.  of  Francis  (1625). 
Married  Joan  Healey,  of  Market  Harborough,  May  20,  1680, 
at  Miskerton. 

MEETKIRK,  EDWARD,  173.  Add  Married  Barbara,  dau.  of 
Rev.  Robert  Moore,  of  West  Meon.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

MELMOTH,  WILLIAM,  175.  Add  Barrister,  1732. 

MERCER,  FRANCIS,  175.  Add  Married  (2)  c.  1640,  Katherine, 
dau.  of  Richard  Savage,  of  Sydling,  Dorset,  widow  of 
Robert  Browne,  of  Godmanstone.  According  to  Hutchin's 
Dorset,  iv.  43,  the  date  of  his  marriage  to  Bridget  Browne 
was  May  29,  1730,  and  she  may  have  been  sister  to  Robert 
Browne,  s.  of  Sir  Robert.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

MERIWETHER,  JOHN,  178.  Add  Master  of  Ipswich  School, 
1649-50;  left  without  making  any  provision  for  his  duties 
at  the  School.  (I.  E.  Gray.) 

MERSSING,  ROBERT,  178.  ^dd  R.  of  Holton,  Suffolk,  1719-3-- 
Buried  there  Feb.  5,  1732.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

METCALFE,  LEONARD,  1563-4,  i79-  Add  In  1614,  aged  73; 
for  40  years  R.  of  Tatterford.  States  that  he  was  b.  at 
Apperside  in  the  North  Riding  of  Yorkshire.  (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

METCALFE,  NICHOLAS,  1607,  179.   iie«d  Bapt.  July  8,  1587. 

(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
METEFORD  or  METEFELD,  JOHN,  180.    Add  R.  of  Pulham 
St  Mary,  1390.    Bingham's  Ely  says  buried  there.    (R.  J. 
/liWMETHAM,  JOHN,  i8o.  Of  Norwich.  Scholar  of  Cambndge, 

MICKLETHWAITE,  THOMAS,   1591.  183.  For  Ejected,  1612, 

rt-arf  tjectcd  1662.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
MICKLETON,  JAMES,   183.    Add  Married,  Apr.  29,   1660,  at 

St  Margaret's,  Durham.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
MILBANKE,  RALPH,  186.    Add  Buried  at  St  Nicholas,  New- 
castle, Dec.  21,  1657.    (H.  M.  Wood.) 
MILBORNE,    GEORGE,    i86.     Add   Bapt.    Dec.    3,    1637.    at 
Tyncmouth,  as  s.  of  George.   Buried  there  Mar.  13,  1671-2. 
(H.  M.  Wood.) 

MooRE,  Bartholomew 

MILBOURNE,   LEONARD,   t86.     Add  Will   (York)    Mar.  26, 

MILBURN,  THOMAS,  1743.  «87.    Add  V.  of  Raweth,  Essex, 
1762-75.   iJii.cl  .May  8,  1775.  Buried  there.  (R.  J.  B«evor.) 
MYLDMAY,  ANTHONY,  1362,   187.    After  NorthanU.  a<U  of 

Danbury,  Essex,  and  of  Haztlgrove,  Somerset. 
MILDMAY,  ANTHONY,   1624,   187.    After  imprisonment  add 
and  at  Whitehall.    After  the  King's  death  he  took  charge 
of  the  Royal  children  at  Carisbrooke  Castle. 
and  read  Hervey  twice  in  text.   To  Sir  Gilbert  Gerard  add 
Bart.    .Married  Sept.  25,   1626,  at  St  GUes'-in-the  Fields, 
MILDMAY,  CHARLES,  1641,  187.   Read  Springfield  Barnes. 
MILDMAY,   FRANCIS,    187.     Read  Married.   Sept.    14,    1656, 

.Mathew,  dau.  of  Matthew  Honywood,  Esq.  Will  (P.C.C). 
MILDMAY,    HENRY,    1590,    187.     Read    Springfield    Barnes, 

MILDMAY,  HENRY,  1610,  187.  Add  Chief  Steward  of  Maldon. 
Married  Apr.  6,  1619,  at  St  Battholomew-the-Great,  Smith- 
field.    After  Halliday  read  of  Newington  Gre«n  (Mildmay 
Park).   ?  Died  at  .\ntwerp. 
MILDMAY,  HENRY,  1651,  187.    After  Wanstead,  Essex  add 
and  of  Shawford,  Hants.  Married  Aug.  30,  1674,  at  Wolves- 
ley  Palace,  Alice,  dau.  of  Sir  Moundiford  Bramston.   High 
Sheriff  of  Hants. 
MYLDMAY,  HUMPHREY,  1569,  187.   Add  after  married,  July 

10,  1586. 
MILDMAY,   THOMAS,    1610,   187.    Read  Springfield  Barnes. 

After  Emeley  add  (?  Ernie). 
MILDMAY,  THOMAS,  1668-9,  187.   Read  Springfield  Barnes. 
MILDMAY,  WALTER,  c.  1538,  187.    Add  Mary  Walsingham 

was  sister  to  Sir  Francis,  the  Queen's  Secretary. 
MILDMAY,  WALTER,  1690,  187.  Add  WUl  at  Winchester. 
MILDMAY,  WILLIAM,  1661-2,  187.   Read  Spnngbcld  Barnes. 
MILDMAY,  WILLIAM,  1721,  187.   Add  Married  Ann,  dau.  of 
Humphrey  Mildmay,  of  Shawford  House,  Hants.,  and  of 
Newington  Green  (.Mildmay  Park). 
MILL,  CHARLES,  188.   Add  Doubtless  chaplain,  ist  Dragoon 

Guards,  July  4,  1759.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
MILLINGTON,  JOHN,  1655,  190.  Add  Barrister,  1663. 
MILLINGTON,   THOMAS,    190.     Add  Said    to   have   married 
(i)  Joane  Price,  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  May  15, 
1649.  His  2nd  wife  was  the  2nd  dau.  of  Sir  William  Russell, 
of  Strensham,  Worcs.,  widow  of  John  King,  s.  of  Henr>-, 
Bishop  of  Chichester. 
MILLS,  ISAAC,  1655,  191.  See  Suffolk  Proceedings,  v.  246. 
MILLES,  SAMUEL,  1643,  191.   Add  S.  of  Thomas  and  Ruth. 

Bapt.  Feb.  25,  1642.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MILNER,  JEREMY,  192.   Add  Probably  minister  of  Beeston, 

Yorks.,  1661  and  1662.  (R.  J.  Wood.) 
MILNER,  JOHN,  1642,  192.    Add  Perhaps  the  C.  of  Beeston 
was  Jeremy,  although  in  Cal.  State  Papers,  Oct.  23,  i66i,  a 
letter  relates  to   the   B.D.  for  John   Milner,  of  Beeston. 
(K.  J.  Wood.) 
MILNER,  JOHN,  1668,  192.  For  Crosdale  read  Croxdale. 
MILNER,  THOMAS,   1669,   193.    Add  The  V.  of  Hcversham 
married,  Oct.  19,  1678,  aged  26,  Rachel  Dickinson,  of  St 
Peter's,  Nottingham.  (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
MILNER,  WILLIAM,   1676,   193.    Add  Probably  exhibitioner 

from  King  Edward's  School,  Birmingham.   (C.  S.  James.) 
MISAUBIN,  JOHN  EDWARD  (or  EDMUND),  195.   Add  Called 
John  Edmund  in  his  father's  will.   His  mother  was  Martha 
Agibaud.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MISSTYLDEN,  WILLIAM,  195.    Add  Of  St  Clement's  Hostel. 

MITFORD  or  MIDFORD,  BERTRAM,  195.    Add  .\cconiing  to 
Maskell's  History  of  AH  Hallows,  Harking,  ho  died  Dec.  20, 
1624.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MITFORD,  MICHAEL,  196.   Add  S.  of  William,  V.  of  Elsdoa. 

B.  Sept.  29,  i6>)2.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
MITFORD,  ROBERT,  1631.  196.   For  Cowper  r<^  Cowpen. 
MITFORD,  ROBERT,  1638,  196.   Add  Married  Eliubcth.  dau. 
of    Ralph    Maddison,   of   Newcastle.    Buried   there,   at  St 
NichoUs,  Apr.  18,  1675-   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
MITFORD,  WILLIAM,   1669,  196.    Add  Died  Apr.  ao,  1715- 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
MOCKETT,  THOMAS,  196.   Read  Sequestered  to  Gilston,  1643- 
60.     Urwick  docs  not   mention   his  being   at  Gaddcaden. 
(.■\.  G.  .Matthews.) 
MOIGNE,  THOMAS,  197.   Add  Married  Abig.iil,  dau.  of  Roger 

1)(h1,  Hishop  .il  Mcalh.   (H.  U.  Swanzy.) 
MOLYLE.  ABRAHAM,  19S.    Add  V.  of  St  GUcs'-in-the-Fields. 

London,  in  i«5o.  (V.  11.  Redstone.) 
MONGER,  JOHN,  199.  Add  3rd  s.  of  Benjamin,  of  Loudon, 
au<l  W.uidsworth,  by  his  1st  wife  J.ine,  dau.  of  Tboma* 
liastcrby,  of  l^ndon.  Married  (1)  J.in.  8,  I^22-3.  Marie 
Harrison,  of  London,  at  Wanilsworth;  (2)  Mary,  dau.  of 
Robert  Gravinor,  <if  London.  (J.  B.  WhiUnorr.) 
MOORE,  BARTHOLOMEW,  204.  Add  R.ol  Hij{h  Uraj;,  Devon, 
1614-33.  burii-d  there  Nov.  12,  1633.  {XoUumdi/U^tningt, 
V.  35;  il.  B.  Swaiuy.) 


Moore,  Henry 

MOORE,   HENRY,    1639,   203.    Add  Probably  not   the  s.   of 

Viscount  Drogheda  who  was  known  as  Lord  Moore  and  was 

a  colonel  and  M.P.  for  Ardee,  in  1639.  (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
MOORE,  RICHARD,  207.   Add  One  of  these  names,  widower, 

married  Rosamund  Betts,  at  Hoxne,  Sufiolk,  Aug.  21,  1663. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MORECOCKE,  THOMAS,  210.  ^drfS.of  Valentine,  of  Wiltshire. 

Aged  16  in  1629.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MORGAN,  WILLIAM,  1636,  212.    Add  Left  College,  1642,  to 

join  Lord  Capel's  (Royalist)  Regiment.  Letters  trom  Charles  I, 

May  23,  1642,  that  he  should  retain  his  emoluments.   (Hist. 

of  St  John's,  I.  534;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MORGAN,  WILLIAM,  1640,  212.   Add  S.  of  Henry,  of  Kilken, 

Flintshire,  by  his  ist  wife  Winifred  Gwyn.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MORLEY,    CHRISTOPHER,    213.    Add  A    Romish   recusant, 

c.  1587.   (A.  Curtois.) 
MORLEY,  WILLIAM,   1693,  214.    Add  R.  of  Hauxwell.    See 

M.I.  1703.   (Gent's  Ripon,  129;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
MORELL,  THOMAS,  214.   Add  Married  Ann  Barker,  of  Chis- 

wick,  at  Kew,  Apr.  6,  1738.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
MORRIS,  JOHN,  1694,  215.   Add  Married  Ann,  dau.  of  George 

Dawson,  V.  of  Sunninghill,  Apr.  28,   1709.    (J.  Challenor 

MORRIS,  ROGER,  216.   Read  Aged  73. 
MORTON,  JOHN,  1631,  218.    Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

St  Mary  Newington,  Bucks.,  1650.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MORTON,   RICHARD,   218.    Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 

Spondon,  Derby,  1634.    (Parkes,  Travels  in  the  xvii  Cent., 

MORTON,  RICHARD,  1702,  218.    Add  S.  of  William,  Bishop 

of  Meath,  by  his  ist  wife.    Preb.  of  Caimcastle,  in  1731. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MORETON,  WILLIAM,  M.A.  1668,  219.   Add  Married  (i)  Mary, 

dau.of  Sir  Richard  Atkins,  Bart., of  Clapham;  (2)  Mary,widow 

of  Sir  Arthur  Jones,  of  Osbertstown,  Co.  Kildare,  and  dau. 

of  Sir  Thomas  Harman,  M.P.,  of  Attry.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
MOULSON,   ROBERT,   223.    Add  Scholar  of  Trinity  College, 

Dublin,  1600.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
MOXON,   GEORGE,   225.    Read  St  Helen's,  Lanes.    (A.   G. 

MUDDIMAN,  HENRY,  225.   Add  ?  School,  St  Clement  Danes, 

Temple  Bar.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
MULLINER,  THOMAS,  226.    Add  One  of  these  names  signed 

brief  as  of  St  Mary  Colechurch,  London,  in  1650.    (V.  B. 

MUNDAY.JOHN,  227.  ^  (ii  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  of  Cherry- 

hinton,  Cambs.,  1645.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MUNS,  JOHN,  227.   Add  Married  Anne  Stannard,  at  Withers- 
dale,  Sufiolk,  Nov.  20,  1718.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
MUNSON  or  MONSON,  ROBERT,  227.   Read  Called  to  the  Bar, 

1552;  Bencher,  1562. 
MURDIN,  WILLIAM,  228.   Add  Married,  at  Benges,  Sept.  17, 

1742,   Mary   Littlehalse,   of  St   Bride's,   London.    (H.    G. 


NASH,  GAWIN,  1620-1,  233.  Read  R.  of  St  Matthew's,  Ipswich, 

1638.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
NASH,  GAWIN  HARRIS,  233.  Add  Bapt.  at  Petworth,  July  11, 

1699;  as  s.  of  Jane,  widow  (his  father  Gawen  died  1698). 

(Burrell  MSS.  in  Brit.  Mus.;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
NEALE  or  NEILE,  JOHN,  1624,  236.    Add  Probably  dean  of 

Ripon,  1674-5.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
NEALE,   THOMAS,    1697,   236.    Add  According   to   Heame's 

Diary,  vii.  243,  he  was  Master  of  Ockington  School,  Berks., 

in  1721,  and  married  secondly  the  widow  of  Dr  Crawley. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
NEAL,  WALTER,  236.  Add  S.  of  Henry,  of  Surrey;  aged  14  in 

1660.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
NECTON,  JAMES,   238.    Add  On   Westminster  Election   {Al. 

West.,  58)  as  Neston.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
NEGUS,  DANIEL,  1628,  239.   Add  Married  at  St  Christopher's, 

London,  Oct.  3,   1655,  as  clerk,  of  St  Peter's,  Aldwincle, 

Northants.,    to    Frances    Bernard,    of    St    Christopher's, 

spinster.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
NELSON,  JEREMIAH,  1626,  240.   For  F.lsden  read  Elsdon. 
NEVELL,  FRANCIS,   1556,  243.    Add  R.  of  Headon,  Notts., 

NEVINSON,  CHRISTOPHER,   244-    Add  B.  at  Wetheral  (sic 

Will).   His  will,  dated  Mar.  16,  1550-1,  was  proved  (P.C.C.) 

Jan.  25,  1551-2.  In  it  he  mentions  Rowland  and  Humphrey, 

sons  of  his  brother  Roger.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
NEVYNSON,  THOMAS,  244.  Delete  Perhaps  and  If  so. 
NEVYSON,   HUMPHREY,    244.    Add  Doubtless  s.   of   Roger 

Nevenson.   Died  young. 
NEVYSON,    ROWLAND,    244.     Add   Doubtless   s.    of    Roger 

Nevenson.   Died  young. 
NEVINSON,  STEPHEN,  245.   Add  WUl  (P.C.C.)  Oct.  12,  1581, 

refers  to  his  mfe  Elizabeth,  and  his  cousin  John. 
NEWCE,  THOMAS,  1635,  246.  Add  Barrister,  1647. 
NEWCOMEN,   STEPHEN,    1583,   248.    Add  Married   Margery 

Steward,  at  Cockfield,  Sufiolk,  May  30,  1593.    Dau.  Mary 

bapt.  there,  Feb.  1,  1599.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

Otway,  F. 

NEWCOMEN,  WILLIAM,  1733,  248.  Add  C.  of  Little  Bealings, 

Sufiolk,  1739-40.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
NEWHOUSE,  GABRIEL,  249.    Add  Bapt.  Feb.  2,  1650-1,  at 

St  Mary-le-Bow,  Durham,  as  s.  of  Robert.   Buried  July  28, 

1705,  at  St  Mary-the-Less,  Durham.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
NEWHOUSE,  RICHARD,  249.    Add  Buried  Nov.  13,  1740,  at 

St  Nicholas,  Durham.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
NEWHOUSE,   ROBERT,   249.    Add  Bapt.   Oct.  23,   1613,   at 

St  Martin's,  York.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
NEWMAN,  LAURENCE,  250.  Add  Schoolmaster,  1588. 
NEWTON,  FOGGE,  252.   Add  Doubtless  s.  of  Theodore,  preb. 

of  Canterbury. 
NEWTON,  PETER,  1701,  253.    Add  Probably  C.  of  St  Stephen 

Wallbrook,  London.    Buried   there  Jan.   24,   1723,  in  the 

NEWTON,  WILLIAM,  1672,  254.    For  Stedmarch  read  Stod- 

Add  NICHOLAS,  JACOB  or  JAMES,  254.  Student  of  Pembroke, 

c.  1363.     Of   Dacia.    Among   the   Cottonian   MSS.   in   the 

Brit.  Mus.  is  a  Latin  poem  by  him.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
NICHOLLS,  HENRY,  1726-7,  255.    Add  Buried  at  Fordwich, 

Dec.  4,  1734.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
NICHOLS,  JOHN,  1673,  255.   Add  C.  of  Eastchurch.    Minister 

of  Harty,  Kent.   Died  Mar.  20,  1741-2,  aged  67.   Buried  at 

Fordwich,  Mar.  24,  1741-2.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
NICHOLL  or  NICHOLES,  ROBERT,   1605,  256.    Add  One  of 

these  names  bapt.  at  Harrow,  June  20,  1583.   Perhaps  s.  of 

Randolph,  of  Dolstreat-in-Hendon.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
NICHOLS,  THOMAS,  1609,  256.  Add  One  of  these  names  bapt. 

at  Harrow,  May  3,  1590.  (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
NICHOLSON,  HENRY,  257.    Delete  Probably.    (Al.  Oxon.;  Al. 

Dub.;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
NOBLE,  RICHARD,  260.  Add  Bapt.  Jan.  10,  1687. 
NOWELL,  HERBERT,  261.    Add  Ejected  from  Ockley,  1662. 

(Calamv,  11.  452;  A.  G.  Matthews. 
NORRIS,  THOMAS,  M.A.  1485,  264.   Add  One  of  these  names 

V.  of  Littleham,  Devon,  1510;  resigned,  1517. 
NORTH,  MONTAGUE,  266.  Add  3rd  s.  of  Roger,  etc.  Probably 

School,  Westminster.   (V.  B.  Redstone;  J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
NORTON,  JOHN,  1662,  268.   Add  Petitioned  the  King  in  i668, 

for  the  next  Fellowship  at  Trinity,  his  father  having  sufiered 

much  for  his  loyalty.   (State  Papers,  Dom.) 
NOSWORTHY,  JOHN,  270.  Add  V.  of  Hohae,  Devon,  1752,  on 

presentation  of  Jacob  Nosworthy  of  Totnes,  gent,  (probably 

his  father).    Resigned,  1765.    Became  patron  of  the  living. 

In  1788  it  was  in  the  gift  of  Sarah  Nosworthy,  of  Dartmouth, 

widow.   (Notes  and  Gleanings,  iv.  32;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
NOTT,  JOHN,  1642,  270.    Add  Pens,  to  Matric.  1642.    Delete 

R.  of  Stockton-on-Teme.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
NOYE,  WILLIAM,  271.  AddBencher,  1618. 
NUGENT,  CHRISTOPHER,   271.    Read  Succeeded  as  Baron 

Delvin,  1559.   (H.  B.  Swanzy;  T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
NUN,  ROBERT,  1584,  271.  Add  S.  of  Robert  and  Anne. 
NUTTALL,  JOHN,  1609,  272.   Add  One  of  these  names  R.  of 

Thorpe   Morieux,   Suffolk,    1607-38,   and   s.   of   Roger,   of 

Beyton,  Sufiolk.   He  married  one  Doyle,  of  Overbury  Hall, 

Layham,  Suffolk.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
NUTTALL,  THOMAS,  1607,  272.  Add  Ejected  from  Saxmund- 

ham,    1662.     In    1672   lie.    as   a    Presbyterian   teacher  at 

his  house  at  Rendham,  Suffolk.    (Calamy,  11.  436;  A.  G. 

NYE,  JOHN,  1650,  272.   Read  Will  proved,  c.  1689. 

OLDHAM,   HUGH,   278.    Read  Canon  of  the  Chapel   Royal, 

St  Stephen's,  Westmmster,  1492-1504. 
ONELY,  JOHN,  281.   Add  Bapt.  Jan.  2,  1725.   (L.  E.  Smith.) 
ONSLOWE,   RICHARD,   1617,   281.    Read  Adm.  at  Lincohi's 

Inn,  Nov.  8,  1618. 
ORD,  JAMES,  282.    Read  Bapt.  June  22,  1703,  at  St  John's, 

Newcastle.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ORD,  JOHN,  1727,  282.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  John's,  Newcastle. 

Barrister,  1736.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ORD,    JOHN,     1746,    282.     Add    Barrister,    1754;    Bencher, 

ORFORD,  JOHN,   282.    Add  V.  of  Arley,  Staffs.,   1658-60, 

ejected.   (Salt,  1915;  A.  G.  Matthews.) 
ORME,  JAMES,  283.    Add  Nephew  of  Richard  (1635),  V.  of 

North  Wootton. 
OSBORNE,  CHRISTOPHER,  1574-5.  284.   Read  S.  of  Peter. 
OSBORNE,  CHRISTOPHER,   1603,  284.    Add  Captain  in  the 

Navy.   Died  soon  after   1637  at   Greenwich.     (State  Pap. 

Dom.;  G.  C.  Moore  Smith.) 
OSBORN,  Sir  DANVERS,  284.   Add  School,  Westminster.    See 

Al.  West.,  544. 
OSBORN,  PETER,    1548,   285.    Add  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

Feb.  5,  1542-3.   Bencher,  1566. 
OSBORNE,   THOMAS,   1574,  286.    Add  Married,  at  St  Ives, 

Hunts.,  Nov.  25,  1597,  Elizabeth  Woodes.    (H.  G.  Harri- 
OTWAY,  P.,  287.  Add  Probably  Francis,  adm.  at  Westnunster 

School,  1740,  aged  9.    His  father  was  'Lieut. -Col.  in  the 

Guards.'  (Notes  and  Queries,  i2th  S.,  vi.  273.  317-) 


OwYN,  Lewis 

OWYN,  LEWIS,  290.  Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  of  Hoxne, 
Suffolk.  Married  Cicely  Shipdim,  Oct.  12,  1591.  (V.  B. 

OXENBRIDGE,  JOHN,  292.  Add  His  dau.  Mary  was  bapt.  at 
Beroick,  Oct.  26,  1649.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

PACK,  JOHN,  1736,  293.  /4d(i  Died  Mar.  24,  1763.   M.I.   (V.  B. 

PACKER,    JOHN,    1590,    293.     Delete   Apparently.     See   also 

Heanie's  Diary  for  July  25,  1732.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PACKER,  JOHN,  293.  Add  One  of  these  names  married  Phillipa, 

dau.of  Francis  Mills,  of  Southampton,  July  13, 161 3  (licence). 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PAGE,  THOMAS,  1683,  294.   Add  Buried  at  Gimingham.   M.I. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PAGET,  EDWARD,  295.  Add  Latin  inscription  in  the  Armenian 

Cemetery  at  Isfahan  says  he  died  Jan.  21,  1702-3,  aged  50. 

{Jotirn.  of  R.  Asiatic  S.,  19:9.) 
PAGET,  MATTHEW,  295.   Add  Probably  P.C.  of  Thurmaston, 

Leics.  Ejected,  1662.  ICalamy,  11.  130;  A.  G.  Matthews.) 
PAKE,  ROBERT,  297.   Add  One  of  these  names,  clerk,  buried 

at  Shaddingfield,  as  of  Dunwich,  Suffolk,  Mar.  17,  1645. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
PALMER,  BARTHOLOMEW,  299.  Add  Buried  at  Widworthv, 

Oct.  24,  1610.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PARRIS,  JOHN,   1664-5,   304-    Add  R.  of  Great  and  Little 

Poringland,  Norfolk,  1681-96  (died).   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PARIS,  JOHN,   1700,  304.    Add  R.  of  Silchester,  Hampshire. 

Died  c.  July  7,  1742.  M.I.  at  Silchester.  Will  proved  July  14, 

1742.    Author.     (Heame's  Diary,  June   17,    1734;   H.   B. 

Swanzy;  J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
PARKE,  WILLIAM,  305.   Add  S.  of  Henry,  of  Meadow  Lane, 

Leeds.  B.  Dec.  25,  1658.  Bapt.  Jan.  2,  1658-9.  Ord.  deacon, 

'M.A.'  (York)  Dec.  1680;  priest,  Sept.  i68r.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
PARKER,  JOHN,  307.  Add  One  of  this  name,  afterwards  D.D., 

preb.  of  Leighlin,  1612-3;  of  Dublin,  1613-9  and  1630-43. 

Canon  of  Kildare,  1615.   Preb.  of  Maynooth,  Dublin,  1619- 

34.    Dean  of   Killaloe,    1637-43.    Buried  at  St  Michan's, 

Dublin,  June  2,  1643.  Father  of  John,  Archbishop  of  Dublin. 

(H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PARKER,   ROBERT,   1721,   308.    Add  No  such  place  as  Gt 

Stambridge  in  Durham  Co. 
PARKINSON,  BARTON,  311.  Add  C.  of  St  Peter's,  Cork,  1734. 

V.  of  Kinsale,  1747-58.   Married,  as  2nd  wife,  EUen,  dau.  of 

Michael   Goold.    Died    1758.    Will  proved   (Cork  diocese) 

i758;asD.D.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PARKINSON,  WILLIAM,  1650,311.  /l(i<i  Bapt.  at  St  Margaret's, 

Durham,  Sept.  30,  1632.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
PARR,  JOHN,  1689,  313.   Add  S.  of  James,  citizen  and  haber- 
dasher, of  London,  who  bought  Westleigh,  Lanes.,  in  1688, 

and  Ellen  whose  will  (Chester)  1711  was  proved  by  her  son 

John,  clerk,  of  Weymouth  (annexed  to  Radipole).    (R.  T. 

PARSLOW,  THOMAS,  314.  Add  Chaplain,  70th  Foot,  May  24, 

1758;  still  serving,  in  1774.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PASTON,  THOMAS,  1546,  317.   Add  Barrister,  1558. 
PATENSON,  BERNARD,  319.    Add  S.  of  Peter,  of  Durham. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
PATTENSON   (?  PATTERSON),  JOSEPH,   319.    Read  School, 

Carlisle  Cathedral.  (G.  B.  Routledge.) 
PAUL,  WILLIAM,  1698,  320.  Add  His  dying  speech  is  given  in 

Nichols,  IV.  24.   (L.  E.  Smith.) 
POWLETT,  CHARLES,  1736,  320.    Add  Chaplain,  55th  Foot, 

Jan.  15,  1756.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PAULET,  THOMAS,  1658,  321.  AddS.oi  Robert,  of  Somerset. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PAWE,  PETER,  321.    Add  Doubtless  V.  of  Satlron  Waldcn, 

c.  1385-98.   (G.  M.  Benton.) 
PAYNE,   MICHAEL,   323.    Add  S.  of  Michael,  of  Leicester; 

aged  16  in  i66o.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PAYNELL,    WILLIAM,    324.    Add   Perhaps    R.   of   Bygrave, 

Herts.,  1450-61.   (R.  A.  Ledgard.) 
PEACHEY,   ROBERT,   326.    Add  B.D.  on  Chancel-tablet   in 

Exning  Church.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
PEAD,  DEWEL  or  DEUEL,  1664,  326.   Add  S.  of  Edward,  of 

Hereford;  aged  15  in  1660.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PEAKE,  SAMUEL,  327.   Add  Probably  s.  of  Thomas,  of  West 

Thorpe,  Suffolk.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
PEAKE,  THOMAS,  1629,  327.    Add  Wife  Anne.    Will  (Bury) 

states   'to    youngest   son    Samuel   parsonage   of   Ashfield, 

Suff."   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
PEARCE  or  PEIRCE,  HENRY,   1635,  328.    Add  M.irricd,  at 

North  Waltham,  Hants.,  Jan.  :2,  1663-4,  Cicele  Younger, 

of   Kingsclere.    Described   as   R.  of   Bradfield   and   Shaw, 

widower,  aged  43.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
PEARSE  or  PEIRCE,  ROBERT,  1628,  329.    Add  V.  of  Bally- 

halbert,  V.  of  White  Church,  and  V.  of  Grey  Abbey,  Down. 

1668.   (Lodge  MSS.  Armagh  Library;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PEIRS,  WILLIAM,  1680,  329.   Add  V.  of  St  Andrew-the-Less, 

Barnwell,  Cambridge,  1709.   (F.  Ranner.) 
PEARETH,   JOHN,   330.    Add  Bapt.   Nov.    13,    1664.   at   St 

Nicholas,  Newcastle.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

Playford,  Matthew 

PEARSON,  RICHARD,  1625,  330.   Add  Bapt.  Dec.  5,  1610,  at 

St  Nicholas,  Newcastle.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
PECK,   FRANCIS,    1706,  333.    Add  Resigned  Orlstone,   1715. 

Sent  to  Edinburgh  on  a  mission  on  behalf  of  the  'Usagers,' 

in  1717  or  1718.   Married,  in  1719,  Mrs  Longford.   Lived  at 

Wantage.  Died  1724-5  (?  January,  death  reported,  Jan.  16). 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PEDLEY,  JOHN,  1683,  334.  Add  Barrister,  1694. 
PEDLEY,  NICHOLAS,  1633,  334.  Add  Bencher,  1663. 
PEDLEY,  NICHOLAS,  1668-9,  334-  ^^d  Barrister.  1677. 
PELL,  WILLIAM,  1651,  337.   for  R.  of  Easington  read  C 
FELLING,  EDWARD,  338.    Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  Wiltshire. 

(J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PEMBERTON,  JEREMIAH,  1732,  339.    Add  R.  of  Ilsington, 

Devon,    1748-9,    resigned.     (Notes   and  CUanings,   iii.   87; 

H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PENNELL,  DAVIES,  341.   Add  Probably  V.  of  Newark,  1778- 

PENNINGTON,  JOSEPH,  1661,  341.  Add  Died  Jan.  18,  1670-1. 

(K.  J.  Wood.) 
PENNINGTON,  WILLIAM,  1668,  341.    Add  Perhaps  the  clerk 

of  Walesby  who  married,  Sept.  26,   1685,  Mary  Clerkson, 

widow,  of  Rufford.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
PERCIVALL,  EDMUND,  345.  Add  Barrister,  1698. 
PERSEVALL,  RICHARD,  346.  Add  Adm.  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 

June  10,  1576;  Barrister,  1615. 
PERIAM,  SAMUEL,  346.  Add  R.  of  Widworthy,  Devon,  1651-9. 

Buried  there  .Apr.  19,  1659.    (Notes  and  Gleanings,  iv.  36; 

H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
PERROTT,  RICHARD,  1645,  349.  DeUde  Canon  of  York.  Read 

Presbyterian    preacher.     Held    a    practice    with    Matthew 

Robinson  (1654)  at  Bunieston.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
PERSEHOUSE,  THOMAS,  1740,  350.  Add  Probably  died  before 

his  father  who  does  not  mention  him  in  his  will  dated  Feb.  16, 

1760.   (I.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PEETERS,  GERARD,  351.   Add  R.  of  St  Peter  and  St  Mary, 

Westout,  Lewes,  1591-2.    R.  of  Plumpton,  1593.    Married 

Elizabeth,   dau.   of   Dr   H.   Blaxton   (1561).    Will   proved 

(P.C.C.)  1599,  as  Garret  Peter.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PETIT,  EDMUND,  351.  AddCalamy,  11.  156,  says  he  was  ejected 

from  Whaplode,  and  'died  in  prison  for  Noaconfonnity. ' 

(A.  G.  Matthews.) 
PETVIN,  JOHN,  353.  Add  C.  of  Ashburton,  1720.   R.  of  Ilsing- 

ton,  Devon,  1738-45.  Author  of  three  works  published  after 

his  death.   Died  1745.    (Notes  and  GUanings,  ni^ii);  H.  B. 

PHILLIP,  JOHN,  1600,  355.   Read  Ded ham /or  Denham.  Died 

Sept.  2,  1660.   Will  proved  (Norwich)  Nov.  6,  1660.   (A.  G. 

PHILIPS,  NICHOLAS,  356.   Add  Schools,  Ipswich  and  Wood- 
bridge.   (I.  E.  Gray.) 
PHILLIPS,  PEREGRINE,  356.   Read  Calamy,  11.  629. 
PHILLIPS,  PHILIP,  1 701,  356.  Add  Perhaps  the  one  mentioned 

in  Heame's  Diary,  v.  124,  as  chaplain  to  the  Lord  Justices 

of    Ireland    and    married    to    a    wealthy    lady.     (H.    B. 

PHILPOTT,  EDWARD,  1638,  357.  Al.  West,  citing  CoU  MSS., 

IX.  65,  says  'Buried  at  St  Michael's,  Cambridge,  Jan.  23, 

1642-3.'   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PICKERILL,  JOHN,  3ig.  Ad,i  Barrister,  1619. 
PICKERING  or  PUCKERING,  RICHARD,  360.    .Add  Probably 

usher  of  Ipswich  School,  1537. 
PYGOTT,  GRANADO.  1667,  362.  Add  Barrister,  1677. 
PIGOTT,  GRANADO,  1749-50,  362.  Add  Barrister,  1756. 
PIGOT,    HOLLIS,    362.     Add  C.   of  CromweU,   Notts.,    1726. 

Married  Ellen,  dau.  of  John  Andrews,  of  Southwell.   (C.  B. 

PIGGOTT,  JAMES,  362.   For  Olsbury  read  Astbury. 
PIGOT,   JOHN,    1663,    362.    Add   2nd   s.  of    Rirharxl    (1614). 

Minister  of  Thundridge,  Herts.,  1676.    Married  Elizaboth. 

dau.  of  Colonel  Richard    Elton.   Buried  in  Ords-ill  Church. 

M.I.  Brother  of  Richard  (1657)  and  Thomas  (1665).   (C.  B. 

PIGOT,  JOHN,   1743-4,   363.    .Add  Married   Bridget  Law,  of 

Southwell.  Buried  there  Apr.  3,  1759-  (t--  B.  Pigol.) 
PIGGOTT,    RICHARD,    1614.    363.     Add    Mam«l    Katharine 

Cheshire,  of  Shrewsbury.    Father  of  John  (1603),  Richard 

(1657)  and  Thomas  (1665).   (C.  B.  Pigot.) 
PIGGOTT,  RICHARD,  1657,  363.  Add  Married  Sarah  Booth,  of 

MaccksficUl.    Brother  of  John  (1663)  and  Thonws  (l66j). 

(C.  B.  I'igot.) 
PIGOT,  ROBERT,  363.  Add  M.I.  in  Northallerton  church. 
PIGOT,  THOMAS.  lM^',,  363.  Add  3^!  s.  of  Richard  (:6i4). 
PILKINGTON,   MATTHEW,    365.    Add  Accot\Ung   to   W.   G. 

Stri(  kl.wul  and  F.  li .  Hall  the  lexicoKT.iphcr  ami  the  husband 

of  Letiti.i  wore  ideiitual.    (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
PLACE,  THOMAS,  17345.  37o-  ■^''J  B.irristcr.  1-43 
PLAXTON,  JOHN,  370.  .4./jMinistir or  LopinRton  in  the  parish 

of  Sir.iyiiigh.ini.   CiLimy  s.«\-s  rjocletl  fiinn  Skirrinston  or 

Skirlinn'ton     (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
PLAYFORD,  MATTHEW,  371.   Add  Licem-c  gr-intcd.  Mar.  10, 

163a,  to  go  to  Rome,  aged  i^.  (H.  G.  Hartisoo.) 


Pleasaunce,  Robert 

PLEASAUNCE,  ROBERT,  1595,  371.  Add  Buried  May  14,  1635, 
at  Durham  Cathedral,  'Senescallus  hujus  ecclesiae.' 

PLUMSTEAD,  AUGUSTINE,  373.  Add  Buried  at  Wrentham, 
Jan.  10,  1718,  aged  82.   M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

PLUMSTEAD,  EDWARD,  373.  Add  Clerk,  of  Cockfield,  Suffolk. 
Married  Jane  Gumbye,  Sept.  8,  1636.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

POCKLEY,  THOMAS,  374.  Add  Of  Thorpe  Willoughby,  Bray- 
ton.   Will  (York)  Dec.  9,  1661.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 

POLWHEILE,  ISAAC,  376.  Add  Admon.  to  wife  Ruth,  als. 
Egerton,  of  Bombay,  Nov.  1684.  His  own  admon.  as  of 
Maidenhead,  widower,  Aug.  4,  1705,  both  P.C.C.  (R.  M. 

POLWHELE,  THEOPHILUS,  377.  Add  WUl  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  24, 
1688;  proved  June  8,  1689.   (R.  M.  Glencross.) 

PONT,  SAMUEL  HENRY,  377-  Add  Barrister,  i735- 

POTTER,  JOHN,  1663,  384.  Add  One  of  these  names  V.  of 
Coleby,  Lines.  Buried  there  Feb.  13,  1708-9.  (J.  Ch. 

POTTER,  ROBERT,  1704,  385.  Read  V.  of  CoUingham,  1715-62. 
Died  June  20,  1762,  and  was  buried  there  on  June  22. 
(W.  J.  Kaye;  Leeds  Intelligencer,  June  22,  1762.) 

POTTER,  WILLIAM,  1726,  385.  Read  Bapt.  at  Stamfordham, 
Feb.  15,  1710-1.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

POTTERTON,  WILLIAM,  385.  Add  Living  in  1634,  as  Henry 
Caesar,  dean  of  Ely  in  his  will  (1634)  mentions  him  as  C.  of 
Somersham.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

POULTON  or  PULTON,  FERDINAND,  386.  Add  Barrister, 

POWELL,  RICHARD,  1727,  388.  Add  Minor  canon  of  West- 
minster. Died  Jan.  30,  1738-9,  aged  33.  Buried  in  West- 
minster .Abbey.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

PRATT,  CHARLES,  391.  Add  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  Jan.  28, 

PRESTON,  CHARLES,  393.   Add  Married,  June  2,  1673,  Mary, 
dau.  of  Miles  Baspole,  of  Worstead.    Buried  at  Beeston, 

Feb.  5,  1713-4-   (R.  J-  Beevor.) 
PRESTON,  FRANCIS,  393.  Add  Buried  at  Beeston,  Apr.  3, 1700. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PRESTON,  ISAAC,  393.  For  Charles  Cook  read  Charles  George 

Cock.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PRESTON,  JACOB,   1631-2,   393.    Add  Barrister,   1640.    See 

Ancestor,  no.  2,  as  to  the  legend  of  the  Preston  emerald. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PRESTON,  JACOB,  1693,  393.  Add  Bapt.  at  Beeston,  Apr.  20, 

1674.  .Married,   at   Lincoln's   Inn   Chapel,   Aug.   7,    1709. 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Timothy  Perry.    Died  Nov.  26,   i753- 

Buried  at  Beeston.   M.I.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PRESTON,  JOHN,  Fellow  of  Pembroke,  393.  Read  Canon  of  the 

Chapel  Royal,  St  Stephen's,  Westminster,  1401-36. 
PRESTON,  THOMAS,  1608,  394.    Add  Perhaps  s.  of  Isaac,  of 

Hoxne.   If  so,  Ulster-King  at  arms,  1635.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
PRIMATT,  STEPHEN,  399.    Add  Will  (York)  dated  Oct.  12, 

1660.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
PRIME,  HENRY,  399.    Add  One  of  this  name,  minister  of  St 

Lawrence  Pountney,  1650,  signs  brief  there.    (V.  B.  Red- 
PRIOR,  ROBERT,  400.    Add  Editor  of  a  collection  of  West- 
minster epigrams,  etc.,  entitled  Lusus  Westmonasterienses, 

PROCTOR,  ANTHONY,  1672,  402.   Add  Bapt.  at  All  Samts', 

Newcastle.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
PROCTOR,   HENRY,   1638,   402.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle,  May  11,  1620.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
PROCTOR,  HUGH,  402.  Add  Barrister,  1647. 
PULESTON,  ALLEN,  405.   Add  His  mother  was  Mary,  dau.  of 

Edward  Dryden,  of  Canon's  Ashby,  Northants.    Migrated 

to  Christ  Church,  Oxford.   (Al.  Oxon.) 
PULLEIN,  SAMUEL,  1720,  406.  AddThe  man  who  died  in  1784 

was  s.  of  the  Rev.  William  PuUen.    Perhaps  the  writer  on 

the  sUkworm.   (D.N.B.;  T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
PULLEN,  THOMAS,  1683,  406.    Add  Married  Elizabeth,  dau. 

of  William  Askewe,  of  St  Olave,  Southwark,  gent.   (Surrey 

Arch.,  X.XXV.  37.) 
PUREFOY,  TOBISA,  408.  Add  S.of  Ralph,  of  Leicester,  aged  13 

in  1660.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
PURNEY,  THOMAS,  408.   Add  Ordinary  at  Newgate,  1719-27 

(resigned  owing  to  ill  health).   (H.  O.  White.) 
PURT,  MARK,  408.  Add  R.  of  Creting  St  Mary,  Sufiolk,  1720. 

Married  Anne,  dau.  of  George  Richardson,  of  Stowmarket. 

Buried  at  Gt  Finborough,  Suffolk,  Oct.  20,  1730,  aged  42. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.) 
PURYE,  WILLIAM,  1609,  409.  Add  Barrister,  1620. 
PYE,  GEORGE,   1699,  409.    Add  Bapt.  at  Morpeth.    (H.  M. 

PYE,  JOHN,  1665,  409.   Add  Buried  June  20,  1691.    (H.  M. 

PYE,  THOMAS,  1639,  409.    For  Elsdea  read  Elsdon.    (H.  M. 

PYE,  WILLIAM,   1694,   410.    For  Shilbotel  read  Shilbottle. 

(H.  M.  Wood.) 
PYWELL,  PETER,  411.  Add  Queen's  scholar  at  Westminster, 

1597.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 

Richardson,  Ralph 

Add  QUADEBEKE,  HERMAN,  411.  Scholar  of  Cambridge. 
Licensed  to  hold  benefices  in  England,  Apr.  3,  1460  and 
June  i8,  1461.  (Rymer's  Foedera,  11.  690  and  691;  H.  G. 

RACSTER,  JOHN,  1584,  413.  Add  Probably  R.  of  Suckley. 
Worcester,  1596,  to  his  death,  in  1640  (Baxter  in  list).  Will 
(Worcester).   (J.  B.  Whitmore;  S.  P.  Dam.) 

RADLEY,  HENRY,  1658,  415.  Add  S.  of  Henry,  of  Middlesex. 
Bapt.  at  St  Margaret's,  Westminster,  Apr.  14,  1639.  (J.  B. 

RADLEY,  WILLIAM,  415.  Add  Buried  at  Bishop  Wearmouth, 
aged  56.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

RAIKES,  ROBERT,  415.  Read  Peile  (11.  150)  is  wrong  m  con- 
necting him  with  the  founder  (1722)  of  the  Gloucester 
Journal.  (R.  Austin.) 

RAKES,  TIMOTHY,  415.  Read  Father  of  Robert,  the  founder 
of  the  Gloucester  Journal,  who  was  the  father  of  Robert,  the 
well-known  philanthropist.  (R.  Austin.) 

RAND,  JOHN,  1663,  418.  Add  Minister  of  Metfield,  Suffolk, 
1671.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

RANSFORD,  GILES,  420.  Add  Or  RAINSFORD.  Arrived  m 
North  Carolina,  June,  1712.  Minister  on  the  Chowan  River, 
1712;  captured  by  Indians,  but  escaped.  Minister  of  Surry 
parish,  Va.,  1713;  itinerant  missionary,  North  Carolina,  for 
S.P.G.,  1713-6.  Served  in  Virginia,  1716,  tiU  c.  1719-  (Art. 
in  Carolina  Churchman  by  M.  D.  Hayward;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 

RAPER  or  RAPIER,  JOHN,  422.  Read  R.  of  South  Somercotes, 
1691-1719  (died).   (R.  W.  Goulding.) 

RATHBONE  or  RATHBAND,  WILLIAM,  423-  Read  Calamy,  i. 

RAWLEY,  WILLIAM,  1600,  424.  Add  Married,  at  Cottenham, 
Cambs.,  June  22,  1641,  Barberie  Weilde,  widow.  (H.  G. 

RAWLINS,  EDWARD,  425.  Add  There  was  a  King's  scholar  of 
Westminster  School,  admitted  there  in  1669,  and  if  this  is 
the  same  man  he  would  be  about  16  in  1672.  (J.  B.  Whit- 

RAWORTH,  FRANCIS,  1645,  426.  Add  Perhaps  minister  at 
Shoreditch,  in  1650.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 

RAYE,  GEORGE,  1600,  427.  Add  R.  of  Starston,  Norfolk,  i6ir. 
(R.  J.  Beevor.)  ^      ^ 

RAY,  RICHARD,  1738,  428.    Add  Barrister,  1746;  Bencher, 

RAYMOND,  ROBERT,  1689,  429.    Add  Bencher  of  Lincoln's 

Inn,  1710. 
RAYNE,  EDWARD,  429.  ^rfdBapt.at Gainford.  (H.M.Wood.) 
RAYNIE  or  RANEWE,  GILBERT,  431.   Add  Married  Frances 

Littleton,  of  Bramford,  Sufiolk,  1628.   Will  (Norwich  C.C.) 

1637.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
REDE,  ROBERT,  433.  Add  Adm.  at  Lincohi's  Inn,  July,  1467. 
READ,   ROBERT,   1718-9,   433-    Add  Died   1775-    Buried  at 

Onehouse,  Suffolk,  aged  74-  M.I.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
REED,  WILLIAM,  1751,  434.   Read  Utrick  Reay.  Add  Married 

at  All  Saints',  Newcastle.  Buried  at  St  Margaret's,  Durham. 

(H.  M.  Wood.)  .  ,    , 

REDMAYNE,  JOHN,   1647,  436.    Add  Bapt.  at  St  Nicholas, 

Newcastle.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
REDRICH,  HENRY,  437.  Add  Of  Ipsmch.  See  Bacon's  Annals, 

527.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
REDSHAW,  GEORGE.  437.  Add  R.  of  Coleraine,  Ireland,  1640. 

Died  of  pestilence  the  same  year.  (Handbook  of  Down,  Connor 

and  Dromore  by  L.  M.  Ewart,  85;  H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
REEVES,  CALEB,  437.  Delete  Doubtless.  (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
REMCHING  or  RIMCHINGE,  THOMAS,  439-   Add  One  of  this 

name,  clerk,  named  in  Hadleigh,  Suff.  Court  of  Records,  1620. 

(V.  B.  Redstone.)  .       , 

REMINGTON,  THOMAS,  1684,  440.  Add  Married,  at  Chicheley, 

Bucks.,  in  1694,  Diana  Chester,  dau.  of  Sir  Anthony  and 

Lady  Mary.   (Phillimore's  Bucks.  Marriages.) 
REVELL,  JOHN,  1634-5,  442.  Add  Or  V.  of  Headon,  Notts., 

1640;  R.,  1642-62.  .,    ,  „ 

REUSE,  WILLIAM,  443.  Add  R.  of  East  Harlmg,  Norfolk,  1631. 

Died  1665.  (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
REWCASTLE,  WILLIAM,  443.    Read  Stone  for  Stone.    Add 

V.  of  Wrawby,  tiU  1750.  (M.  H.  Peacock.) 
REYNARDSON,  JOSEPH,  443.   ?  Youngest  s.  of  Sir  Abraham. 

(R.  J.  Beevor.) 
REYNOLD,  CHRISTOPHER,  443.  Add  Barrister,  1605. 
REYNOLDS,    FREDERICK,    444.    Add   Doubtless   at   West- 
minster School.    Brother  also  of  Decimus  (1728)  and  of 

Octavian  Richard  (1728).   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
ROODES,  RICHARD,  c.  1591.  447.   Add  Will  of  Ric.  Rhodes, 

clerk,  of  Beveriey,  dated  Mar.  10,  1631-2;  proved  (York) 

Nov.  19,  16^3.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
RICKARD,  WILLIAM,  448.    Add  One  of  this  name  R.  of  St 

James',  Elmham,  1566-1622.    His  wife  Alice  buried  there 

1609.   (V.  B.  Redstone.) 
RICHARDS,  FRANCIS,  1716,  449-  Add  Perhaps  s.  of  John,  M.D., 

of  Chelsea.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
RICHARDSON,  RALPH,  1604,  453-  Add  S.  of  Anthony.  Bapt. 

at  Ayclifie,  Nov.  19,  1581.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 


Richardson,  Richard 

RICHARDSON,     RICHARD,     1742,     454.      Add    V.    of     St 

Andrew-the-I,ess,    Barnwell,    Cambridge,     1757-62.      (F. 

RIDDELL,  THOMAS,  1617,  456.   Read  Sir  Alexander  Davison, 

of  Blakiston.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
RIDER,  HENRY,  1663,  457.  Add  Perhaps  not  adm.  at  Trinity 

College,   Dublin.    S.  of  Thomas,  of  Bedford;   aged   15   in 

1660.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
RIDLEY,  HENRY,  1570,  458.   For  Throckington  read  Throck- 

rington.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
RIDLEY,    MATTHEW,    1730,    458.     For   Aby   Harmah   read 

Hannah.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ROANE,  JOHN,  464.    Add  John,  Bishop  of  Killaloe  certainly 

came  from  Hanmcr,  Flint,  and  was  also  at  Oxford.   (T.  U. 

ROBARTES,  FRANCIS,  465.  Add  Commissioner  of  the  Revenue 

in    Ireland.     M.P.   for   Kildare   Borough,    1692-5.    (T.   U. 

ROBERTS,  JONATHAN,  465.   Read  Calamy,  11.  602. 
ROBINS,  STEPHEN,  4O8.   Read  R.  of  Little  Ilford,  1680-1726. 

Delete  Win  (P.C.C.)  1713. 
ROBINSON,  EDWARD,  B.A.  1541-2,  468.  Read  R.  of  Bygrave, 

1566-72-3.     Describes    himself   as   scholar   of   St   John's, 

Cambridge,   and   Fellow   of   Queens'   and  Christ's.    V.   of 

Gt  Staughton,  1567-72.   Will  proved  Nov.  ig,  1572.    {Arch. 

Hunts.,  XIV.  155;  R.  A.  Ledgard.) 
ROBINSON,    HUGH,    1722,    469.     Read    (Al.    Weslmon.,  27g; 

Nichols,  IV.  19.) 
ROBINSON,  JOHN,  1649,  470.   Add  Probably  the  one  who  was 

R.  of  Llanferres,  1660-73.    R-  of  Arbistoy.    V.  of  Ruabon, 

1675-1706.    V.  of  Erbistock,  1680-1706.    Married  Eleanor, 

dau.  of  Thomas  Whitley,  Esq.,  of  Aston,  Hawarden.   Will, 

Nov.  26,  1703;  proved  in  London,  Feb.  22,  1706-7.   Buried 

at  Ruabon,  Dec.  ig,  1706.  His  wfe  was  buried  there  Dec.  17, 

1700.  (W.  M.  Myddelton.) 

ROBINSON,    MATTHEW,    1730-1,   472.    Add   School,   West- 
ROBINSON,  THOMAS,  D.D.  1734,  474-    Read  Bapt.  May  13, 

1701,  at  All  Saints',  Newcastle.  Add  V.  of  Ponteland,  1732- 
61.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 

Smith,  Michael 

ROBINSON,   WILLIAM,    1654,   47}-    AdJ  C.  of  Headinck). 

Vorks.,  1662;  of  Bfcston,  1674;  of  Famley,  Lc«lt,  167J, 

held  in  plurality  with  B<:»rston.  (R.  J.  Wood.) 
ROBY, ,  477.   Add  Master  of  the  Free  Church  at  Jesmocul, 

Newcastle,  14S3.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
ROGERS,  JOHN.  1587-8,  479.   Retui  Moulsham,  Emcx. 
ROKEBY,  RALPH,  481.  Add  Barrister,  1534. 
ROKEBY,  RALPH,  481.   AdJ  Barrister,  1558;  Bencher,  1566. 
ROKEBY,  RALPH.  481.   AdJ  Barrister.  1577;  Bencher,  i}«7. 
ROOKEBY,  WILLOUGHBY,  482.   Add  Barrister,  1657. 
ROLFE,  AUGUSTINE,  1628.  482.  Add  S.  of  Augustine  (above). 

Entered   Rugby  under  bis  father.    (L.   E.  Smith;   Rugby 

ROLFE,  WATERS,  483.    Add  Ancestor  of  first  Baron  Cnn 

worth.   (R.  J.  Beevor.) 
ROPER,  SAMUEL,  1613,  487.   Add  Barrister,  1621;  Bencher, 

ROTHERY,  WILLIAM,  1721,489.  >4<<J  Hissuccetsorat  Chebea 

was  appointed,  1759,  w«  Rothery  lately  deceased.    (J.  B. 

ROWTH,  ANTHONY.  1645.  491.  Add\.ol  Kirkby  HiU,  York*., 

1662-84.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
ROWE,  EDWARD,  M.A.   1668,   492.    Add   Perhaps  married 

Catherine  Russell,  Apr.  6,  1663,  at  Penton  Mewsey,  Hants. 

(Phillimore's  Hants.  Marriages.) 
ROWLEY,  CLOTWORTHY,  494.  Add  Commissioner  of  AppeaU 

in  Ireland.   At  the  Irish  Bar,  1768.   Unlikely  that  he  wa«  a 

minister  in  Dublin.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
RUSSELL,  WILLIAM,  1709,  501.   Add  Bapt.  Feb.  18,  1691-2, 

at  St  Nicholas,  Newcastle.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 
RYALL,  NICHOLAS,  1627,  503.    Add  Married,  al  St  Peter's, 

Northampton,  Aug.  3,  1633,  Elizabeth  Tapping,  of  Beach- 

ampton,  Bucks.   (H.  G.  Harrison.) 
For  RYCANT  or  RICANT,  PAUL,  503,  read  RYCAUT.  Bapt.  at 

St  Christopher's,  London,  Dec.  23.  1629.  (J.  Cb.  Smith.) 
RYCANT  or  RYCHANT,  THOMAS,  503.    Read  also  RYCAUT. 

Bapt.  at  St  Christopher's,  London,  Dec.  7.  1628.    (J.  Ch. 

RYE,  NATHANIEL,  503.  Add  His  wife  Penelope  died  Apr.  ij. 

1741,  aged  44.  (V.  B.  Redstone.) 


SACHEVERELL,  HENRY,  D.D.  1714,  1.  Add  Married  Mary, 
widow,  of  Charles  Sacheverell,  of  New  Hall,  Warwicks.,  Esq. 
She  married  (3)  Henry  Charles  Chambers  and  died  Sept.  6, 
1739.  aged  75.  (Carsick,  Epitaphs  of  Middlesex,  11.  251; 
H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SANDYS,  RICHARD,  1634,  19.  Add  The  scholar  from  West- 
minster was  s.  of  Edward,  of  London.  (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
SAVAGE,  JOHN,  1690-1,  21.    Add  Will  dated  May  20,  1727; 

proved  Apr.  16,  1747-   (P.C.C,  iii.  Potter.) 
SAVILE,  JOHN,  1658-g,  22.  Add  Died  at  Shelley,  Essex.  Will 

(P.C.C.)  1706. 
SAY,  FRANCIS,  1663-4,  24.  ^<i<i  Will  Jan.  27,  1705-6.  (Horton- 

SAY,  FRANCIS,  1708,  24.   Add  S.  and  h.  of  Hugh,  of  Ludgate 
Hill,  London,  gent.,  citizen  and  Merchant  Taylor.   See  also 
Musgrave's  Obituary,  v.  222.    Will  dated  Aug.  20,   1748; 
proved  (P.C.C.)  Sept.  20,  1748.   (HortonSmith.) 
SAY,  ROBERT,  i73g,  25.  AddSchool,  Westminster;  adm.  1723. 

(L.  G.  H.  Horton-Smith.) 

SCAIFE,  JOHN,  1720,  27.  Add  Bapt.  at  Histon,  Aug.  19,  1701. 

His  wife  Ann  was  buried  there  Jan.  19,  1731-2-   (F-  Ranner.) 

SCAIFE,  THOMAS,  1678,  27.   Add  Married  Elizabeth  York,  of 

Cambridge.    Read  V.  of  Histon,  1695-1723.    Buried  there 

June  23,  1723.   (F.  Ranner.) 

SCAIFE,  THOMAS,  1717,  27.    Add  Bapt.  at  Histon,  Nov.  14, 

1698.   (F.  Ranner.) 
Add    SCHALE,     GALFRIDUS,    27.     Dr    of    the    University. 
Represented  it  at  the  Council  of  Constance,  in  1415,  and 
preached  a  sermon  there,  Ian.  10,  1416-7.   (G.  R.  Potter.) 
SCURR  or  SKURRE,  LEONARD,  36.  Read  .Minister  at  Beeston, 
in  1650.   Probably  ejected  before  1656.   {Lambeth  MS.,  970; 
R.  J.  Wood.) 
SEDDON,  WILLIAM,  1657,  39.    Add  One  of  this  name  R.  of 
Linby,   widower,   married,   Oct.   5.    1682.   Sarah   Fretwell, 
widow,  of  St  Peter,  Nottingham.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
SENIOR  or  SEIGNIOR,  GEORGE,  43.    Add  S.  of  George,  of 

Fleet  Street,  London.    (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
SEYLIARD,  THOMAS,  46.  Add  The  K.  of  Chiddingstonc  and  of 
Deal  was  buried  at  Sutlon-by-Dover,  Dec.  27,  1671.    Will 
proved  (Canterbury)  Feb.  17,  1671-2.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 
SHAFTO,  LEONARD,  M.A.  1668,  47.  Add  Bapt.  May  10,  1629, 
at  All  Saints',  Newcastle,  as  s.  of  Ninian.   (H.  M.  Wood.) 

SHAFTO,  LEONARD,  1686-7,  47-  Add  Bapt.  Sept.  22,  1669.  »» 

Dedham.   Married  Ann  Hindmarsh,  Sept.  15.  1703,  at  All 

Saints',  Newcastle.  (H.  M.  Wood.) 
SHELTON,  WILLIAM,  1650,  58.    Add  Ord.  deacon  and  priest 

(Oxford)  Sept.  20,  1660. 
SHENTON,  ROBERT,  58.  Add  Vicar-choral  of  Hereford  before 

1757-    Vicar-choral  of  Christchurch,   Dublin,   1757-98;  of 

St  Patrick's,   1758-83;  Dean's  vicar,   1783.    3rd  canon  of 

Kildare,    1765-72;   Treasurer,    1772-98.    Died   Nov.   1798- 

Will  proved  1798.   (Cotton;  H.  B.  Swaniy.) 
SCHULDHAM,  FRANCIS,  1682-3,  70.   Add  R.  of  KUlennosh. 

Ossory,   1710-36.    Died   before  Aug.  31,   1736.    {Dioctum 

Register;  J.  B.  Leslie.) 
SHOVE,  EDWARD,  70.   Add  Went  to  America  as  assistant  to 

the  Rev.  Ezekicl  Rogers,  of  Rowley,  Yorks..  and  died  00  the 

voyage  out.   His  widow  Margery  founded  the  New  England 

branch  of  this  family.   (H.  Shove.) 
SHOVE,  HENRY,  70.  /)Wrt<  R.  of  Sutton. ..1767-71.  These  were 

held  by  his  son  Henry,  q.v.  Al.  Oxon. 
SYMPSON,  ISAAC,  79.   Add  S.  of  Humphrey.  School.  Macdes- 

tieki  (.Mr  Croasdale).   Entered  T.C.D.  as  siiar.  May  27.  1658. 

aKidi4.   No  record  of  degrees.   (T.  U.  S.»dlcir,) 
SIMSON.  JOHN,  1667.  79.  Add  Perhaps  the  R.  of  St  Nicholas. 

Nottingham,  who  married,  Dec.  28.  1683,  ascil  32,  Katharine 

\\  est  of  the  same  parish.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
SKINGLE.  ROBERT,  1626.  84.  Add  He  refers  in  his  will  to  hU 

brothers  William,  of  Sfcbbing,  Essex,  derk,  and  to  Richarxl, 

of  SawbridRcworth,  clerk. 
SLATER  or  SCLATER.  BENJAMIN,  88.   Add  Head  Master  ol 

the  College  Free  School,  Worcester.    Burietl  in  Worcestcx 

Cathedral.  Aug.  :r.  1699.   (P.  E.  Towcll.) 
SMART,  CHRISTOPHER,   93.     For  Oirman  frtU  Caman   in 

line  7. 
SMART,  ITHIEL,  if.M.  9^-   ••*•'<'  Ord.  deacon  and  priest  (Uch- 

field)  Aug.  J  I,  1662.   (A.  G.  M.itthews.) 
SMITH,  EDWARD,  Magdalrno,  Apr.  18.  i;-'-*.  96    /4J4  Marrie<J 

(2)  Alice,  d.ui.  of  John  Oldficld.  of  Spalding.  Unci.   (L.  B. 

SMITH.  MICHAEL,  1608-9.  105.   Add  Prcb.  of  Klphin,  1617-9. 

Pcrhajis  Archdeacon  of  Clonfert.  165^.    lYcb.  of  KUmccn, 

Tuani,  1038-9.  Escaped  from  the  rrbeU  to  Galwty,  in  X641. 

(Cotton;  H.  B.  Swaniy  ) 


Smith,  William 

SMITH,  WILLIAM,  112.  Add  One  of  this  name  was  s.  of  John. 

Bapt.  at  Louth,  Mar.  4,  1538-9-   (R-  W.  Goulding.) 
SOUTHWORT,  ROBERT,   1579,  125.    Add  One  of  this  name 

V.  of  Headon,  Notts.,  1596-1605. 
SPARKES,   ROGER,   128.    Add  S.  of  William,  of  Middlesex; 

aged  15  in  1650.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
SPEIGHT,  THOMAS,  1671,  130.    Add  Married,  July  6,   1684, 

Margaret  Kerchyvall,  of  Orston.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
SPENCE,  ROBERT,  M.A.  1734,  131.  Add  Ord.  deacon  (Dublin) 

Sept.  20,  1730.   (H.  B.  Swanzy.) 
SPENCE,  SAMUEL,  131.    Add  Married,  at  Chalfont  St  Giles, 

Bucks.,  July  27,  1724,  Martha  Alston,  of  Denham  (licence). 

(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
SQUIRE,  ROBERT,  140.    Add  Perhaps  the  R.  of  Epperstone 

who  married,  July  10,   1688,  aged  36,  Elizabeth  Outlaw, 

widow,  of  Bingham.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
STANCLYFFE,  EDWARD,  147.    Add  A  commission  to  prove 

wills  given  to  Edw.  Stanecliffe,  R.  of  Holme-on-Spalding- 

Moor,  for  the  deanery  of    Harthill.    Will    (York);   dated 

Sept.  7,  1633.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
STANLEY  or  STANDELEY,  JOHN,  147.   Add  R.  of  Spofforth, 

1647.   Read  R.  of  Kirby  Overblow,  1646-7.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
STERNE,  JAMES,  159.    Add  Archdeacon  of  Limerick.    (T.  U. 

Sadleir  and  his  own  Prerog.  Admon.) 
Add   STEWARD,    NICHOLAS,    161.    Student   at   Cambridge, 

'very  young,"  c.  1476.     {Add.  MSS.,    15644    Brit.   Mus.; 

G.  P.  Mander.) 
Add  STEWARD,  SIMEON,  162.  Student  at  Cambridge,  in  1511, 

aged  c.  15.    S.  of  Nicholas  {c.  1476),  of  the  Middle  Temple. 

{Add.  MSS.,  15644  Brit.  Mus.;  G.  P.  Mander.) 
STILES,  WILLIAM,  1615,  182.  Add  Will  (York)  dated  July  13, 

1660.   (W.  J.  Kaye.) 
STILEMAN,  SAMUEL,  182.   Add  Married,  at  West  Woodhay, 

Berks.,  Sept.   13,  1659,  Mr  Sam.  Styleman,  minister,  and 

Mrs  Sarah  Newman.   (J.  Challenor  Smith.) 
STONE,  BENJAMIN,  168.  Add  His  dau.  Elizabeth  was  bapt.  at 

Leyton,  Dec.  12,  1625.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
STONESTREET,  WILLIAM,   169.    Add  Married,  at  Hitcham, 

Bucks.,  May  11,  1697,  Mary  I.,  dau.  of  George  Evans  (1646). 

(J.  ChaUenor  Smith.) 
STUBBS,  HENRY,   1617,   178.    Add  If  s.  of  Henry,  bapt.  at 

Wath,  Jan.  4,  1595-6.   (R.  G.  Smith.) 
STUBBS,  WILLIAM,  c.  1595,  178.   Add  Doubtless  s.  of  Henry, 

R.  of  Wath,  1570-1614.   Bapt.  there,  Aug.  i,  1579-   (R-  G. 

SWINSCO,  JOHN,  194.  Add  V.  of  Headon,  Notts.,  c.  1550. 
SYLVESTER,  GABRIEL,  196.   Add  Dean  of  the  Chapel  of  the 

Archbishop.    Dean  of  the  Chapel  of  Margaret,  Duchess  of 
Richmond.  R.  of  Widdington,  Essex.  {See  Surrey  Arch.  Soc, 

VII.  274,  and  an  account  of  the  M.I.  at  Croydon  in  xxvii.  39.) 

TALBOT,  JAMES,  1683,  i97-  Add  Preb.  of  Ripon,  1708.  (W.  J. 

TALBOT,  THOMAS,  1577,  198.   Add  Adm.  as  Advocate  in  the 

Court  of  Arches,  Feb.  12,  1589-90.   (Archbishop  Whitgift's 

7ef?.,i.;T.  C.  Dale.) 
TANNER,  EDMUND,  199.  Add  Licensed  to  teach  and  instituted 

to  St  Margaret's  at  Clifie,  Kent,  July  10,  1589.    (Whitgift's 

Reg.,i;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
THIGH,  LISTER,  212.   Add  S.  of  John,  of  Lincolnshire.   (J.  B. 

Whitmore.)  „      , 

TERRY,  THOMAS,  M.A.  1707,  216.   Add  Thomas  Terry,  R.  of 

Dummer,  Hants.,  married  Amy,  dau.  of  John  Soper,  gent., 

of  North  Okelv,  at  Farley  Church,  Feb.  24,  1700-1. 
TEVERSHAM,  JOHN,  216.  Read  also  TEVERSHAM,  JOHN  DE. 

Add   R.  or  V.  of   Cherryhinton,   Cambs.,  in  1352.    R.  of 

Witnesham,  Sept.  i,  1^73-   (T.  A.  Walker.) 
TEW,  EDMUND,  216.  Add  Married,  at  St  Christopher's,  London, 

widower,    of    Sawbridgeworth,    Herts.,    July    2,    i734.    to 

Barbara  Gibbon,  spinster,  of  Putney.  ?  Aunt  of  the  historian. 

(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 

VicKARs,  John 

THIRLBY,  CLIFFORD,  219.  Add  Married,  Oct.  i,  1679,  aged  30, 

Margaret  Barnes,  of  Clifton.   (J.  Ch.  Smith.) 
THOMSON,    THOMAS,    1695,    228.     Read    P.C.    of   Coxwold. 

Perhaps  C.  of  Chapel  AUerton,  Leeds,  in  1718,  until  his  death. 

Buried  June  i,  1734-   (R-  J-  Wood.) 
THOMPSON,    THOMAS,    1723-4,   228.    Delete   C.   of   Chapel 

AUerton,  near  Leeds,  in  1718  until  his  death.  Buried  June  i, 

1734.   (R.  J.  Wood.) 
THURSBY,  FRANCIS,  239.   Add  Preb.  of  Cloyne,  1635-   (J-  B. 

TIFFORD,  THOMAS,  241.    Add  P.C.  of  St  Andrew-the-Less, 

Barnwell,  Cambridge,  1646-9.   (F.  Ranner.) 
TILSON,   BUCKLEY,   243.    Add  Bapt.  at  St   Paul's,  Dublin, 

Jan.    17,    1714.     Grandson   of   Henry,   Bishop   of   Elphin. 

(T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
TILSON,  OLIVER,  243.  Add  Bapt.  at  St  Paul's,  Dublin,  Dec.  12, 

1717.    Married,  July  27,   1749,   Lady   Frances  Brudenell, 

dau.  of  George,  3rd  Earl  of  Cardigan.   (T.  U.  Sadleir.) 
TODD,  ROBERT,  1614,  246.  Add  Will  (York)  Mar.  14,  1662-3. 

(W.  J.  Kaye.) 
TOMLINSON,  JOHN,  1671,  248.  Add  V.  of  Bromfield.   Married 

Mary    Nelson,    of    Rose-Castle,    kinswoman    of    Rainbow, 

bishop  of  Carlisle.   Died  at  Rothbury,  May  23,  1720.    M.I. 

there.  Will  dated  Feb.  12,  1719-20.   (F.  C.  Beazley.) 
THOMLINSON,  JOHN,  1709,  249.    Add  The  Dianst.    Married 

Catharine,  dau.  of  James  Winstanley,  of  Braunston,  Leics. 

M.l.  at  Glenfield.  Will  (P.C.C.)  1762.   (F.  C.  Beazley.) 
TOOKER   or   TUCKER,    EDMUND,    251.    Add   Ord.   by   4th 

London  Presbyterian  Classis,  May  24,  1654,  to  R.  of  Dittis- 

ham,    Devon.     Ejected,     1662.     Nonconformist    minister. 

Admon.  (Exeter)  1702.   {Calamy,  i.  356;  Walker,  Sufferings, 

11.  356;  A.  G.  Matthews.) 
TOPSELL  or  TOPSYLL,  EDWARD,  254.  Add  Licence  to  marry 

Aug.   12,   1612,  Mary  Seaton,  widow,  of  Gregory  Seaton, 

late  of  St  Ann   and   St  Agnes,  Aldersgate,   at  St   Mary, 

Islington.   (M.  St  C.  Byrne.) 
TUNSTALL,  WILLIAM,  272.   Read  C.  of  Gt  Totham,  Feb.  15, 

1583-4.   (T.  C.  Dale.) 
TURNER,  THOMAS,  1661,  277-  Add  S.  of  Thomas,  of  London, 

aged  14  in  1658.   (J.  B.  Whitmore.) 
TUTHILL,   HENRY,   280.    Add  Deprived  of  his   Fellowship, 

Feb.  2,  1757-   (L-  Whibley.) 
TWIST,  JAMES,  1569,  282.    Add  R.  of  East  Horsley,  Surrey, 

Dec.  2,  1591.   {Laud,  i.;  T.  C.  Dale.) 
TILDEN,  FREEGIFT,  283.   Add  R.  of  Langley.  Kent,  1625-62. 

Buried  there  May  5,  1662.   (A.  G.  Matthews.) 

UPTON,  JOHN,  1737,  290.  Delete  Died  Oct.  22,  1767.  Read 
The  M.P.  did  not  die  in  1767.  He  was  s.  of  John,  of  Ingmire 
Hall,  and  Eliz.  dau.  of  Tho.  Boucher,  of  Twickenham. 
B.  c.  1715.  Married,  in  1763,  Mary,  dau.  of  Geo.  Noble,  of 
Weston,  Co.  Durham.  Stood  again  for  Westmorland  in 
Apr.  1768,  but  defeated.   (L.  B.  Namier.) 

VAUGHAN,  RICHARD,  1569,  295.  Add  Probably  instituted  to 
Landerwell,  diocese  St  Asaph,  Oct.  7,  1584.  (Archb.  Whit- 
gift's Reg.,  I.)  ^  ,_, 

VAUGHAN,  WILLIAM,  St  John's,  Dec.  22,  1726,  296.  Add 
Married  his  cousin,  dau.  and  coheiress  of  Hugh  Nanney, 
M.P.   (L.  B.  Namier.)  ,      ^     ,     , 

VERNON,  FRANCIS,  1731-2,  299.  Add  Probably  the  Eari  of 
Shipbrook  {see  G.E.C.).  M.P.  for  Ipswich,  1761-8.  (L.  B. 
Namier.)  .  ^ ,  ^ 

VERNON,  HENRY,  Trinity,  May  17,  i735,  299-  Add  Commis- 
sioner of  the  Excise,  1762;  it  was  this  appointment  which 
vacated  the  seat.   (L.  B.  Namier.) 

VESEY,  PHILIP,  300.  Add  Instituted  to  living  of  Beaumont, 
Essex,  July  23,  1636.   {Laud,  i.)  . 

VICKARS,  JOHN,  1670,  301.  Add  One  of  this  name  mamed, 
Aug.  4, 1 686,  aged  30,  Anne  Haynes,  of  St  Mary,  Nottingham. 
(J.  Ch.  Smith.) 



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