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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics 
at the University of Illinois for 32 years, Is a 
scholar of International distinction who has 
written articles In four languages for the 
most prestlgous aoademio publications In 
the United States and Europe, 

During World War II, Dr, Oliver was 
Director of Research In a highly secret agerv 
oy of the War Department, and was olted for 
outstanding servloe to his oountry, 

One of the very few aoademlolans who 
has been outspoken In his opposition to the 
progressive defacement of our civilization, 
Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the fate of 
his countrymen hangs on their willingness 
to subordinate their dootrlnal differences to 
the tough but Ideallstlo solidarity whioh Is 
the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence, 


On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)! "Very few Americans were sufficiently 
sane to peroelve that they had repudiated the Amerloan oonQeptlon of government 
and had replaoed It with the legal prlnolple of the 'dictatorship of the proletariat,' 
which was the theoretloal Justification of the Jews' revolution In Russia," 

On Race; "We must further understand that all races naturally regard themselves 
as superior to all others, We think Congolds unintelligent, but they feel only con- 
tempt for a raoe so stupid or oraven that It fawns on them, gives them votes, lavish- 
ly subsidizes them with Its own earnings, and even oppresses Its own people to 
ourry their favor, We are a raoe as are the others, If we attribute to Ourselves a su- 
periority, Intellectual, moral, or other, In terms of our own standards, we are simp- 
ly Indulging In a tautology, The only objective criterion of superiority, among human 
raoes as among all other speoles, is biological: the strong survive, the weak perish, 
The superior race of mankind today Is the one that will emerge victorious - whether 
by Its technology or Its feoundlty — from the proximate struggle for life on an over- 
orowded planet," 


Order No, 01007 — $12,00 
plus $2.40 for postage & handling 

376 pp., pb, 


Liberty Bell 

S)hpMs<mian Magatzirii 

. page 28 

Dr, Charles E, Weber: 


43 ... 

Letters to the Editor 

page 46 

VOL. 24 — NO. 0 


Voice Of Thinking Americans 


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The editor/pubilshor of Liberty Bell does not necessarily agree with each and every 
article In this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at by 
various writers; however, he does endeavor to permit the exposure of Ideas sup- 
pressed by the controlled news media of this country. 

It Is, therefore, In the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere that 
Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to Ideas, for ultimately It Is Ideas which rule 
the world and determine both the content and structure of our Western culture. 

We believe that we can and will change our society for the better. We declare our 
long-held view that no Institution or government created by men, for men, Is 
Inviolable, Incorruptible, and not subject to evolution, change, or replacement by 
the will of an Informed people. 

To this we dedicate our lives and our work. No effort will be Bpared and no Idea 
will be allowed to go unexpressed if we think It will benefit the Thinking People, not 
only of America, but the entire world, 

George P . Dietz, Editor & Publisher 

Our People, The Aryans 

by J. B. Campbell 

Great changes are coming regarding the historical record 
of our people, the Aryans. As we learn about our ancestors we 
learn about ourselves. This sort of learning is greatly feared 
by those who control education, information and entertain- 
ment — the modem mechanisms of control. 

It is in the short-term interest of non- Aryan peoples to 
hide our historical record. We have effectively been cut off 
from our roots. We Aryans are forbidden by law to associate 
exclusively with our own kind. We are forbidden by law to 
complain about it, as well. No other people in North America 
or Europe is treated thusly. We may be the majority in this 
democracy but we are treated by our government as if we 
were in a “people’s republic,” a persecuted minority without 
rights. This is all because we don’t know anything about our- 

There has been an almost unbelievable' find in the deserts 
of western China, in Sinkiang Province, now known in PC as 
Xinjiang. The Tarim Basin of the Taklimaken Desert is the 
burial ground of our Aryan ancestors, more than a hundred of 
whose corpses have been recovered from the naturally pre- 
serving effects of the dry sands and freezing temperatures. 
More than a thousand skeletons without muscle tissue and 
hair have also been discovered. The Chinese have known 
about them for many decades but have been resolute in their 
refusal to tell us much about them. Why? Because it is now 
confirmed that some of our Aryan ancestors moved into that 
part of China at least 4,000 years ago and brought their cul- 
ture with them. Apparently, their culture became an integral 
part of the Chinese culture. . 

As National Geographic puts it in the March; 1996 issue, 
‘The finding that the mum mies signif icantly ^ ^ predate Han 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 1 

Chinese presence in the area is affecting modem politics and 
has caused cultural and political consternation in some quar- 
ters.” For example, the article’s author, Thomas B. Allen, re- 
lates the following: “At Niya I found a sherd of pottery bearing 
the fingerprint of the potter. Excited, I showed it to Wang 
Binghua, Xinjiang’s leading archaeologist and an authority on 
Niya, who was traveling with us. I asked for permission to 
bring it back to the United States, where, I told him, a foren- 
sic anthropologist might be able to extract information about 
the potter by studying the fingerprint. Wang Binghua, a Han 
Chinese, held the pottery for a moment, then asked, Would 
he be able to tell if the potter was a White man?’ I said I didn’t 

know. He nodded and put the sherd in his pocket. I never saw 
it again.” 

Not much has appeared in our press, naturally, about this 
find. The few articles published contain, however, much won- 
derful information. An excellent report is found in the April, 
1994 issue of Discover magazine. Author Evan Hadingham 
writes: ‘Where exactly did these apparent Caucasians come 
from? And what were they doing at remote desert oases in 
Central Asia? Any answers to these questions will most likely 
fuel a wide-ranging debate about the role outsiders played in 
the rise of Chinese civilization. As far back as the second cen- 
tury B.C., Chinese texts refer to alien people called Yuezhi 
and the Wusun, who lived on China’s far-western borders; the 
texts make it clear that these people were regarded as trou- 
blesome ‘barbarians.’ Until recently, scholars have tended to 
downplay evidence of any early trade or contact between 
China and the West, regarding the development of Chinese 
civilization as an essentially homegrown affair sealed off from 
outside influences; indeed, this view is still extremely congen- 
ial to the present Chinese regime. Yet some archaeologists 
have begun to argue that these supposed barbarians might 
have been responsible for introducing into China such basic 
items as the wheel and the first metal objects. Exactly who 
these Central Asian outsiders might have been, however — 
what language they spoke and where they came from — is a 
2 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

puzzle. - No wonder, then, that scholars see the discovery of the 
blond m ummi es as a sensational new find.” 

The scholars do. The overlords of our culture do not. This 
is dangerous science. Professor Victor H. Mair writes, “...the 
Wusun people who, described in Chinese sources as having 
blue-green eyes and red beards, were undoubtedly Indo-Euro- 
pean or had interbred extensively with Indo-Europeans.” 
(Journal of Indo-European Studies (JIES) Fall/Winter ‘95) 
These Tarim Basin people brought not only the wheel and 
bronze objects to China but also woven fabrics. In the 
Sept/Oct, 1996 issue of Archaeology magazine, we read the 
following by Powledge & Rose: “Study of garments worn by 
3,000-year-old m ummi es excavated in western China’s Tarim 
Basin (see Archaeology, March/April 1995) has yielded the 
world’s oldest cashmere threads. Other mummies wore wool 
twills woven in a plaid design dating to 720 B.C. that required 
looms most likely brought by settlers from the Eurasian 

“Irene Good of the University of Pennsylvania and Eliza- 
beth J. W. Barber of Occidental College examined textile sam- 
ples from two sites, Char chan and Hami, where mummies 
have been excavated since the late 1970s by Chinese and 
Uighur scholars. Good identified the cashmere threads from 
Charchan by their shape, fineness, and consistency of diame- 
ter. ‘The Charchan textiles indicate a high degree of skill in 
sorting and spinning fibers,’ she says. "The presence of cash- 
mere shows a very sophisticated breeding of goats for the 
fleece.’ The plaid twill was dyed blue and derived from a 
hairy, rather than woolly, fleece. Barber says there is no evi- 
, dence that the Chinese ever made wool twills on their looms, 
which were designed for silk, and that wool-weaving technol- 
ogy arrived with the western settlers of the Tarim Basin ca. 
1800 B.C.” (S.P.M. Harrington, Archaeology, Sept/Oct ‘96) 

There is only one film of the mummies, produced by Scien- 
tific American Frontiers (SA F) for the Public Broadcasting 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 --3 

. • H 

System in 1995. Twelve minutes of a fifty minute program are 
devoted to the mummies. ‘“Dragon Science’ — This special 
takes viewers to China, where host Alan Alda visits the site of 
the world’s most spectacular mummy find — a trove of extraor- 
dinarily well preserved and richly robed individuals who died 
some 4,000 years ago...” Alda introduces Prof. Mair: “If it 
weren’t for this man, the mummies would have probably re- 
mained an obscure curiosity. Victor Mair, a China scholar 
from the University of Pennsylvania, visited the museum 
soon after we’d filmed...” When the Chinese officials realize 
that Mair and the film crew are associated, they ask the latter 
to leave. Soon after his visit a harsh article condemning 
Mair*s work appeared in the state newspaper. “In China,” 
says Alda, “even technical archaeological arguments can’t be 
conducted freely... If the mummies were the trailblazers along 
this great world trade route [the Silk Road], four thousand 
years ago, it could mean that China acquired important new 
ideas from the west, and that’s what irritates the govern- 

For those of us who will not be visiting the Urumchi mu- 
seum the video (Program # 602) is available from SAF at 800- 

One of the most fascinating details of these people is their 
fondness for the swastika, referred to delicately by National 
Geographic, March ‘96 as a “moving sun, perhaps a sign of 
Mithraic worship.” It is the hakenkreuz, shown carved in a 
bowl found in Niya. ‘What is more, the Tarim Basin people 
were fond of spiral solar symbols for good luck which they 
painted on their faces and engraved on the bridles of their 
horses. The swastika is one such migratory symbol that is 
found all the way from ancient Mesopotamia to the New 
World.” (Victor Mair, JIES, ibid . ) 

The mummies, or Caucasoid corpses, are at present dete- 
riorating, now that they’ve been unearthed, in and around 
• • * 

Urumchi due to lack of official interest in preserving them as 
4 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 















' l 

well as to the lack of modem facilities. A few are in the mu- 
seum there but the rest have been put back in the ground for 
lack of space. If they were truly concerned about this incalcu- 
lable loss to history they would send them to European or 
American museums, if only temporarily, for proper care. A 
few European scholars are trying to analyze the corpses be- 
fore they decay further. Professor Mair has promised the Chi- 
nese to help build a “mummy museum” in Urumchi. With the 
help of interested citizens and organizations around'the 
world, I am confident that I will be able to fill this obligation 
to preserve properly and display adequately this common 
heritage of humanity.” fop. cit.) 

Our good friend and Liberty Bell subscriber, Ernest H. 
Hume, is a geophysicist and was hired by the Chinese govern- 
ment a few years ago to interpret seismographic data gained 
in explorations in the Tarim Basin. At one point his govern- 
ment assistant asked if he would like to visit the museum in 
Urumchi. Glad for the break, Mr. Hume did so and was 
amazed when he encountered the Caucasoid corpses in their 
colorful woolen fabrics and leather boots. Even his Chinese 
assistant was vague about the corpses’ backgrounds, such is 
the state of Chinese government reluctance to share knowl- 
edge of the Aryans with its own people. Mr. Hume was ap- 
palled at the lack of care for these invaluable witnesses to our 
prehistory. They lay in the basement on marble benches, each 
covered with a blanket! Since then the Chinese have grudg- 
ingly moved several of the corpses upstairs and put them un- 
der glass but the rest of them are quietly rotting away. This is 
the clearest example of non-Aryan peoples having an interest 
in hiding our historical record. When our people are allowed 
to ex amin e them, they take the greatest care in the interests 
of accuracy. 

“Study of mtDNA [mitochondrial DNA] from ancient des- 
iccated corpses found in the Tarim Basin in northwestern 
China by Paolo Francalacci of the University of Sdssari, Sar- 
dinia, exe mplifies the rigorous procedures required to prevent 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 5 


contamination. When he collected samples, Francalacci wore 
disposable rubber gloves to avoid skin contact and a surgical 
mask to prevent possible contamination from saliva when 
speaking or bi'eathing. Disposable sterile scalpels were used, 
and the gloves and scalpels were changed when sampling a 
new corpse to prevent cross contamination. The specimens, 
about one to two grams of muscle, skin, or bone, were placed 
in sterile plastic tubes that were sealed to avoid the growth of 
microorganisms. The least exposed parts of the body, such as 
the inner thighs or underarms, were selected for the sam- 
pling, with the aim of analyzing tissue that had been sub- 
jected to little or no handling during excavations and 
curation. In some cases it was possible to take bone and soft 
tissue samples from beneath the mummies’ woolen clot hin g. 
Two to four samples were taken from each individual so that 
the accuracy of the analysis could be checked. In the labora- 
tory, disposable tools and glassware were employed whenever 
possible to minimize the possibility of contamination from 
previous use. Before being used, all chemicals, glassware and 
instrumentation that could be contaminated were exposed to 
ultraviolet light to destroy extraneous DNA.” 

‘Paolo Francalacci took samples from several of the bod- 
ies, dated to 3,200 years ago, from a graveyard near Hami 
and from other sites in the region. Preliminary results of the 
DNA analysis for these mummies suggest a possible Euro- 
pean origin, although further research is needed to identify 
them more precisely. Analysis of DNA, however, could shed 
light only on genetic lineage. The long process of physical and 
cultural evolution of the ancient Xinjiang people is mqre com- 
plicated, and will be understood only by combining genetic, 
linguistic, historical, archaeological and anthropological evi- 
dence...” (Archaeology , Sept-Oct, ‘96) 

The same article goes on to say, ‘Documentation of the 
early presence of Caucasian people in northwestern China, 
and information about their affinities with either modem 
European or Indo-Iranian populations, could contribute to the 
6 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

debate' about the spread of Indo-European languages. Chinese 
and Uighur archaeologists have been excavating naturally 
mummified bodies there since the 1970s. ..The mummies’ 
Caucasian features suggest a relationship with the Tokhari- 
ans, an Indo-European people that lived in the area in histori- 
cal times. Tokharians were the eastern-most Indo-European 
speakers, but their language was more akin to Celtic and Ger- 
manic languages of western Europe than to geographically 
closer Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian languages. Tokharian 
also had some archaic features similar to Hittite.” 


About the Tokharians, Mair writes, “Although they do not 
speak, we know exactly what the Caucasoid corpses of the 
Tarim Basin look like because their bodies and the clothes 
they wear have been preserved for us. Fortunately, we also 
know what the Tokharians look like, because they were viv- 
idly portrayed in wall paintings at Kizil (also spelled Qizil) 
and Kumtura (also spelled Qumtura), Buddhist cave sites 
near Kucha. There we find aristocratic donors [of money and 
goods] with red or blond hair, parted neatly in the middle, 
long noses, blue or green eyes, set in narrow faces, and tall, 
slim bodies. Like European knights, they wear long broad- 
swords inserted in scabbards hung from their waists. The 
swords are of the early Gothic type, with disk-like pommels 
and cross-shaped grip-guards. Yet they are not fully Euro- 
pean knights, for they are wearing Sassanian dress and have 
on their foreheads the Indian religious mark known as a ti- 
lakal ” (Victor Mair, JIES op. cit.) 

In April, 1996 there was held at the University of Penn- 
sylvania an international conference, ‘The Bronze Age and 
Iron Age People of Eastern Central Asia”. Organized by Pro- 
fessor Mair of the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern 
Studies, the conference enabled scholars working in various 
regions and time periods in the Eurasian steppes to bring 
about a cohesive exchange of research for the first time. It 
took Prof. Mair, whose father herded his cattle on the slopes 
of the Austrian Alps, two year s to organize the conference. 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 7 

“...Mair — who saw the original collection of mummified 
corpses in 1987, at the region’s provincial museum — will 
never forget his own haunting first impression of them.., ‘I 
was thunderstruck... I just stood there for a couple of hours. I 
almost thought it was some kind of hoax,’ he said. ‘All of their 
bodies were completely intact. They just looked so alive.' And 
with features so stunningly non-Asian. They were clearly the 
remains of a Caucasoid people, with dark blond or yellowish- 
brown hair, deep-set eyes and long limbs...” (Ellen O’Brien, 
Philadelphia Inquirer, April, 1996) 

“Where did they come from, and why? Those questions 
also possess Dolkun Kamberi, a Uygur archaeologist who 
grew up in the region and has recovered several of the pre- 
served corpses. Kamberi grew up hearing folk stories about 
non-Chinese people who had settled the region in some unre- 
corded time, and about foreign archaeologists who had found 
grave sites in the province during the last century. As a na- 
tive Uygur, he has medium brown hair and non- Asian fea- 
tures; he believes the Tarim Basin people’s history is his 
history. Learning who the Tarim Basin’s inhabitants might 
have been, he said, is ‘very important for writing Asian his- 
tory, and world history. In my opinion, without that region, 
there would be no Asian history.’ 

“Some scholars believe the Tarim Basin people probably 
migrated through central Eurasia to the land that, centuries 
later, became known as the southern leg of the famous Silk 
Route finking East and West.” (Ellen O’Brien, ibid.) 

The abstracts of the conference and a lengthy bibliog- 
raphy are for sale from: Mummies Abstracts, University of 
Pennsylvania, Dep’t of Asian and ME Studies, Philadelphia, 
PA 19104. 

A valuable collection of essays on the Caucasoid corpses 
can be found in the Fall/Winter 1995 issue of the Journal of 
Indo-European Studies (1133 13th St. NW, Suite C-2, Wash- 
8 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 




; ington/DC 20005 Tel: 202-371-2700). 

This scholarly investigation cannot help but lead to our 
liberation from the lords of the memory hole if we will just 
read the literature and spread the word. 

; * * * 

■* * 


It is my contention that we Aryans have just one real 
/ problem and that is Christianity. Much has been written in 

' this journal about this pernicious doctrine which has weak- 

ened us unto death with its basic premise that the Jews are 
the Chosen People of God. Identity Christians go this one fur- 
i ther by claiming that they, not the Jews, are God’s favorites. 

Now, a number of my friends are of this persuasion and it has 
| come to be one of my mis sions to disabuse them of this notion, 
which is that Aryans are the Hebrews, the Israelites, of the 
Old Testament. I tell them that simply to read the Old Testa- 
ment will knock this idea from their heads, but that hasn’t 
been a good approach in most cases — it is not a fun read. 

| Even the recent computerized decoding (by Jews) of a stela 
, (small stone monument) found in Jordaii, which revealed the 
! truth about the evil Hebrew god, Molech, hasn’t been effec- 
! five. (Jews, using a computer, decoded the Phoenician inscrip- 
| tion and found to their great embarrassment that Molech was 

' not an ancient Hebrew god who demanded the sacrifice of 

children by burning them. Molech was in fact the Hebrew 
! practice of sacrificing their children by binning them.) I ask 
my friends, ‘Gan you identify with this?” 

j Next, I wrote a linguistics professor at an Ivy League uni- 

versity for her opinion. “There are several religions which ad- 
I here to the idea that Europeans are the true Israelites of the 
( Old Testament... I think linguistics may be the key to the 
i truth, whatever it may be. Do Hebrew and Aramaic appear in 

1 the Indo-European language tree?” Her reply: ‘Hebrew and 
, Aramaic are not Indo-European languages; they belong to the 
Semitic group (toget her with Akkadian — i.e,, ancient Babylo- 

Liberty Beil / February 7997 — 9 

^ ‘ — *■ 

man and Assyrian — , Arabic, and quite a few languages of 
Ethiopia). Semitic is, in turn, a subgroup of Afroasiatic, which 
also includes ancient Egyptian, the Berber languages, and 
various language groups of the Sahel region and (again) 
Ethiopia. Some crackpots have tried to insist on a connection 
between Afroasiatic and Indo-European, but it just isn't prov- 
able (in spite of many decades of work on that hypothesis).” 

That, too, fell on rather deaf ears. So, instead of trying to 
talk my friends out of their Semitic religion I will now use a 
new approach: If it is religion they must have, then here is the 
authentic religion of our Aryan ancestors... 

* * * 

This article was originally going to be about the Freema- 
sons. As students of Freemasonry know, the basic handbook 
of the craft is Morals & Dogma, written by Albert Pike and 
published in 1871. 

Pike was Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33°, 
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, from 
1859 to his death in 1891. Today he would be the Sovereign 
Grand Commander, which is the top of the tree and is based 
on seniority. The SGC literally gives ordeis to U.S. presidents 
(as I shall demonstrate another time), many of whom, from 
Washington on, have been adepts of the 33°. Today, the Sov- 
ereign Grand Commander, among his other functions, edits 
the house organ, New Age magazine. The subversive New Age 
movement is a Freemasonic operation. The American Revolu- 
tion, the French Reign of Terror, our Civil War, the Bolshevik 
Reign of Terror, our World Wars were all run by Freemasons. 
Freemasonry controls every single aspect of our lives, based 
on Freemasonic infiltration of the federal, state and local gov- 
ernments. The homosexual transvestite FBI director, J. 
Edgar Hoover, is enshrined in the Washington Masonic Tem- 
ple, headquarters of the 33° (Official and Confidential, An- 
thony Summers). Most judges, lawyers, policemen and other 

10 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

officials are members of the craft, as are many ministers and 
, priests, doctors and educators. Freemasonry has corrupted 
virtually every single city, town and village across our great 
| land. Instrumental in this corruption has been Albert Pike’s 
| doctrine, which is based largely on the Jewish Kabbalah, a 
| system of esoteric theosophy developed by rabbis from the 7 th 

f to the 18th centuries. 


i For example, Pike writes, on page 843, ‘Moses earned Or- 

I thodoxy out of Egypt, and in the Secret Traditions of the Kab- 
balah we find a Theology entire, perfect, unique, like that 
1 which in Christianity is most grand and best explained by the 

Fathers and the Doctors, the whole with a consistency and a 
I harmoniousness which it is not as yet given to the world to 



So it is extremely ironic that one year after the publication 
j of Morals & Dogma Albert Pike should have completed a 
> manuscript entitled Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship as Con- 

tained in the Rig-Veda. It is more than ironic -it is astound- 
ing. In his preface he writes: “It is quite uncertain, now that I 
! have this book finished, whether I shall ever care to publish 

■ it. It was not commenced for that purpose; and it may always 

remain a monotype, in manuscript.” It did so remain from 
t 1872 until the Freemasons printed 800 copies of it in 1930. 

My wife, amazingly, located Copy No. 261. It is under- 
' standable that Pike would not want his research made avail- 
able to the public or even to his fellow Masons: 

‘The inquiry has opened to me an entirely new chapter of 
1 the history of human thought, and given me an infinitely 
higher conception of the Aryan intellect. I now see how, out of 
the primitive simplicity of a natural and reasonable religion, 
and of ideas simple and yet profoundly philosophical, there 
’ grew the most monstrous and debasing faiths, the most ab- 

I surd and delirious fables, the most irrational mysticism, and 

\ the Phallic and Lingam worship with its disgusting obsceni- 
ties and Priapean abominations, as well a s_ the incoherent no- 
| Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 11 

tions of the Kabbalah and the vagaries of Gnosticism.” [em- 
phasis added] 

Apprentice Masons are told that the “G” in the compass 
and square logo stands for “God.” Later they are told that it 
stands for ‘Geometry.” In the higher mysteries they are in- 
formed that it stands for ‘Gnosticism,” or mystical knowledge. 

On page 28 he writes, “When we read the Brahmanic 
books, as when we read the Kabbalistic books, we are amazed 
at the vagaries, not of the fancy or of the imagination, but of 
lunacy and idiotic babble, in which the human mind can in- 
dulge.” [emphasis added] On page 416 he writes "The writers 
of the Kabbalah did not know what they meant, for they, for 
the most part, meant nothing. The composers of the Veda al- 
ways meant something, and knew what they meant.” 

For some reason, this brilliant man, who lured millions of 
Aryans into the alien darkness of the Kabbalah, writes of the 
Aryan god as “...a Deity beneficent, indulgent, protecting and 
not merciless, cruel and vindictive like the Semitic Gods that 
have so long been the Christian God...” 

The great question which haunts you after having exam- 
ined this work is, how could Pike stick with Jewish Freema- 
sonry after writing such words? Jekyll and Hyde? The 
corruption of absolute power? Hypocrisy? Or did this power- 
mad gangster merely collect and admire Aryan history the 
way some people collect and admire butterflies, not sharing 
them with anyone else? Why did he not share this important 
knowledge with anyone while he was alive? The answer is 
that it would have undermined and ultimately destroyed 
Freemasonry; self-respecting Aryans would have shunned it 
like the plague. 

Pike leans heavily on several scholars, most notably Pro- 
fessor H. H. Wilson, the primary translator of the Veda from 
Sanskrit to English, and Max (Friedrich Maximilian) Muller 
12 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

(1823-1900), the German-born, Oxford professor of English 
' Sanskrit who is today considered a Nazi by Hindus who pre- 
S tend that the Rig-Veda has something to do with Hinduism, 
which it has not. Muller makes it clear that the Hindus (Indi- 
i ans) expropriated and then misinterpreted the Aryan Rig- 
< Veda and turned it into something unintelligible. 


j “What is commonly called Hindu mythology is of little or no 

| avail for comparative purposes. The stories of Siva, Vishnu, 

Mahadeva, Parvati, Kali, Krishna, etc., are of late growth, 
and indigenous to India.” (Muller, Chips from a German 
i Workshop) 

Pike adds, “It is enough for me to say here, that I think 
S the conclusion justifiable, that the earliest Aryans had no 
other Deities than the sun, moon and other celestial luminar- 
| ies, and that, after that they had advanced beyond this, to the 

I worship of universals or principles (as fire and fight, for exam- 

j pie)... The Hindus, it may at once be said, were almost totally 

t ignorant as to the signification of the Vedic Gods; and what 

they were must be determined from the Veda itself.” 


! “Of that which is the most important and interesting por- 

• tion of the his tory of every race and nation, the history of the 

; progress of the intellect and of its religious and philosophical 

f ideas, the Vedas contain the only authentic record...” 


| “Veda meant ‘knowing, 5 or ‘knowledge.’ It appears in the 

[ Gothic vait, the Anglo-Saxon wat, the German weiss, and the 
English “wise, wisdom,” and “to wit.” Rig-Veda means the 
Veda of ‘Hymns of Praise, Rich...” 5 

I , ! 

^ ... 

Following are more excerpts from Indo-Aryan Deities and 

f Worship (narrative by Pike unless otherwise noted, my com- 

\ ments in brackets): 



| The Ve da is certainly the second oldest book in the world, 

| — Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 13 


and it contains thie reli gious hymns of oiar ancestors; for we, of 
whatever mixture of European blood, are wholly of the Aryan 
race. Germans, Gauls, Franks, Latins, Saxons, Kelts, Sclaves, 

l. 'll 

all are of one blood and family; and the English and all other 
European languages, and the Sanskrit, Zend and Persian are 
but varieties of one and the same original language, produced 
by intermixtures of various others. We are by nature Aryan, 
Indo-European, not Semitic. There is no mixture of Semitic in 
the European languages. The indigenous peoples whom the 
Aryans conquered, and with whom they mixed, were of a race 
or races totally different from the Semites. Our spiritual kith 
and kin are to be found in India, Persia, Sclavonia, Greece, It- 
aly and Germany; not in Mesopotamia, Egypt or Palestine. 

The exodus from Egypt, according to the approved chro- 
nology, occurred 1,648 years before Christ. The Vedas were 
compiled 1,400 years before Christ, when the language in 
which the hymns were written had become a dead language 
and kingdoms had been founded and grown grey with age, 
since they were sung in the country of the Five Rivers [the 

Muller ascribes the composition of the Vaidic Hymns to a 
later period than [Baron C. C, J. von] Bunsen does; and in his 
fear of shocking English prejudices, is exceedingly vague and 
unsatisfactory upon that point. Even Bunsen is careful not to 
say that the Veda is older than the Hebrew books. The Bibli- 
cal chronology, the necessity of considering mere myths and 
legends as historical, and the supposed inexorable necessity of 
admitting that all mankind has descended from one man and 
woman, are sadly in the way of exhaustive inquiry as to the 
origines [sic] of human races and human languages. 

Bunsen thinks that the oldest Vedas are the monuments 
of Aryan life in the country of the Five Rivers. I think they are 
monuments of an older life, on the steppes. He thinks that the 
Aryans immigrated into the Indus country about 4,000 years 
before Christ, then having the old Bactrian living language, in 
14 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 
























which the old Zend books were written; and in that country 
the Sanskrit grew up... The emigration from Sogd [Sogdiana] 
into Bactria, he places about 5000 B.C. He concludes that the 
original emi gration from the northeast of the primitive land 
took place from 10000 to 8000 B.C.; that the separation of the 
Germans, Sclaves and Pelasgians occurred, successively, from 
8000 to 5000 B.C.; Zarathustra’s reform, about 3500, and the 
crossing of the Sutlej into the country beyond, where 
Brahmanism was established about 3,000 years before Christ. 

Logical evidence infallibly establishes it as a proven and 
demonstrated fact, that great intervals of time elapsed be- 
tween the successive out-flowings of the several streams of 
Aryan emigration; and that, when the Vedic hymns were 
composed, the race had an immense antiquity, and Aryan 
thought and imagination had been busy during the great cy- 
cles of centuries. The ancestors of the Kelts, Goths, Germans 
and Sclaves, as well as those of the Greeks and Latins, were 
men of f ull intellectual stature, and in no sense barbarians; 
and these had gone with their herds to conquer Europe, ages 
before the separation of the Irano- and Indo-Aryan branches 
of their race: and centuries more had passed, after that sepa- 
ration, before the ancient tongue spoken in the valleys of the 
Bolor Tagh and in the valleys of Samarcand and Bokhara, 
had become the Sanskrit of the Veda and the Iranic of the 

The oldest, most primitive and simplest form of Aryan faith 
finds its expression in the Veda. 

The Veda, by its language and its thoughts, supplies that 
distant background in the history of all the religions of the 
Aryan race, which was missed, indeed, by every careful ob- 
server, but could formerly be supplied by guesswork only. 

We have in the Veda, ancient thought expressed in ancient 
language. We see reflected in it a phase of the intellectual 
life of man, to which there is no parallel in any other part of 
the world. In its hymns we see man left to himself, to solve 

the enigma of this world and life, 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 15 

There are hymns in the Vedas so hill of thought and specu- 
lation, that, at that early period, no Poet in any other nation 
could have conceived them. (Muller) 

We see him [the Aryan] with the simple desires of a sim- 
ple life in the forests and plains; for almost all the hymns ex- 
press the wants and wishes of the herdsman, and the dweller 
in the woods only traversable by paths, or in the plains, where 
only the luminaries of the day and night could be his guides. 
Some show the occupation of the worshiper to be that of hus- 
bandman [farmer]. They are villagers, but not denizens of 
towns and cities. Continually the prayer is for wealth and 
treasure, but these seem always to mean only horses and cat- 
tle, and for food. Everywhere in the hymns we find horses and 
cattle prayed for, as the chief wealth. For them, the life they 
lived here seems to have been sufficient, the things of this 
world all that were to be cared for; and they neither lament 
the brevity of life, nor concern themselves about or anticipate 

This herdsman or husbandman sees that fire and light 
are indispensable to human existence, and that they alone re- 
veal to man the existence of the material universe. What they 
reveal, they seem to create. He is awakened by the dawn or 
the sun, or, watching before the dawn sees the light-bearer, 
the beautiful and brilliant Morning Star rise calmly into the 
sky and smile kindly upon him; and he adored the dawn, the 
sun, the Morning Star as manifestations of the one great uni- 
versal light; but I do not find that he invokes the favour of a 
God, who is not fire nor fight, nor any force or power or es- 
sence or principle of Nature, but a being invisible and incom- 
prehensible, above Nature and its forces. I think I can most 
positively assert that there is no such conception in the Veda. 

He makes the Fire a person, and invests it, as a universal, 
with the characteristics of spirituality. He adores the Fire- 
Spirit, the universal Light-Principle, the Heat-Principle, as 
Gods; and they become not merely Powers, but Persons, to 
16 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

r. _ .1 

him, protectors and benefactors, who hear his prayers and are 
intelligent and wise. Under various names he adores the 
same light and fire as variously manifested in shape, place 
and limitation of forms, as the sun, moon, planets and stars. 
Even prayer, adoration silent or uttered, and food itself, be- 
come Deities, by a strictly logical process of thought, and not 
by mere vagary of fancy or imagination. He adores the fire 
and light, also, in the dawn, the Aurora and the lightning. 
The winds are Gods for him, and even the rivers become God- 
desses. The sacrificial Fire fed by the fuel which also he dei- 
fies, is the messenger of the Gods and his mediator with them. 

Professor Muller says, 

We study in the Veda a theogony [origin of the gods], of 
which that of Hesiod is but the last chapter. We can study 
therein man’s natural growth, and the results to which it 
may lead, under the most favourable conditions. 

And we can study the intellect and the intellectual devel- 
opment of the last created and noblest race of men, whose his- 
tory is that of the civilized world. 

The original religion was adoration of the supposed supe- 
rior beings of which fire and fight were manifestations. The 
mind had made a great advance when it had come to worship, 
\ not the fire itself but the unseen and intelligent Spirit of the 

| fire, of which the fight was deemed a manifestation. There is 

at least nothing slavish or brutal, sensual or groveling in 
these hymns, nothing of the barbarian or savage. A spirit of 
grave thoughtfulness pervades them; they are highly devo- 
tional and reverential; of philosophy there is little; and yet the 
idea that there was a spirit, of whom no cognition could be 
had, in fire, a spirit intelligent, wise and powerful, was of the 
same profound nature as that of the immortal soul, united 
with the body, or of the divine soul in nature. It was not the 
idea of a savage or ,a child, but of a philosopher and metaphy- 
sician; and I think that as these hymns are better underst ood, 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 17 


T ' 

and we penetrate more deeply into the thought of the Poets 
who composed them, we shall find ideas there, which have re- 
appeared in all the great philosophies of the world, and been 
essential in all the great religions . [emphasis added] 

Mr. [Sir George William] Cox (Aryan Mythology I, 40 et, 
seqj says: 

The mental condition of the men of those early ages deter- 
mined the character of their language; and that condition 
exhibited in them, as in children, how, the waking of a feel- 
ing which endowed all outward things with a life not unlike 
their own. Of the several objects which met their eyes, they 
had no positive knowledge, whether of their origin, their na- 
ture or their properties. But they themselves had life, and 
therefore all other things must have lifealso. They were un- 
der no necessity of personifying them, for they had for them- 
selves no distinctions between consciousness and personal- 
ity. They knew nothing of the conditions of their own life, or 
of any other; and therefore all things on the earth or in the 
heavens were invested with the same vague idea of exist- 
ence. The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the clouds, 
winds, fire, storms and lightnings, were all living beings. 
Could they help thinking that these also were conscious be- 
ings like themselves? Their very words would, by an inevita- 
ble necessity, express this conviction. Their language would 
admit no single expression from which the attribute of life 
was excluded, while it would vary the forms of that life, 
with unerring instinct. Every object would be a living real- 
ity, and every word a speaking picture. For the herdsman of 
the valleys or the steppes, there would be no bare recur- 
rence of days and seasons, but every morning, the Dawn 
would drive her bright flocks 'to the blue pastures of 
Heaven, before the birth of the Lord of Day from the toiling 
womb of Night Round the living progress, of the new-born 
Sun there would be grouped a lavish imagery, expressive of 
the most intense sympathy with what we term the opera- 
tion of material forces, and not less expressive of the utter 
absence of even the faintest knowledge. For every aspect of 
the material world he would find some life-giving expres- 

However imperfect and absurd the notions of Deity of the 
ancient Aryans 

18 — Liberty Bel! ! February 1997 

may seem to us to be, it must be admitted that no people 
was ever so anxious to perform the service of the Gods, as 
these ancestors of our European races. It is the Gods who 
conquer their enemies, who give them wealth, health, chil- 
dren, friends, and plentiful harvests. They humbly acknow- 
ledge their dependence on their Deities, and touchingly ex- 
press their trust in their beneficence and kindness. (Miiller) 

No one supreme God is invoked, like Jehovah or 
Brahm[a]: and no doubt the religion of the Veda is polythe- 

[Regarding the theory of evolution, Miiller wntes] 

...as far as we can trace back the footsteps of man, even on 
the lowest strata of history, we see that the divine gift of a 
sound and sober intellect belonged to him from the very 
first; and the idea of a humanity emerging from the depths 
of an animal brutality can never be maintained again. 

I do not apply these words to races of men like the lowest 
Africans, Australians and American Indians; but to the great 
races whose history is the history of civilization. The Aryan 
race was never a race of barbarians. 

Probably none of the hymns can be imputed to a date so 
early as that of the separation of either the Sclavic, German 
or Keltic branch, from the great Aryan stock, though the Ve- 
das contain a great number of the roots from which the words 
in most common use in the languages of those branches were 
derived or developed. 

Dr. Muir says (Original Sanskrit Texts) 

! We find this name (Aryas) applied to the forefathers of the 

< higher classes among the Indians, in contradistinction to the 

[ Dasyus 1 who appear to have been a people of a different 

! race, and to have been settled in India before the Aryas (and 

I v/ho were also of dark complexions, and barbarians or sav- 


Liberty Bell f February 1997 — 19 


DAsa has in [Theodor] Benfey [Sanskrit-English Diction- 
ary] the single meaning “slave,” as, probably, dam+sa, dam 
meaning “to be tamed, to tame, to subdue.” But those not sub- 
dued, and who were open and dangerous enemies, numerous 
and powerful, were called by this name, and also dasyu. 

Each stream of emigration encountered the opposition of 
an aboriginal race, in every country into which it flowed, and 
everywhere they were conquerors, or the original language 
would have died out for each. Each intermingled with one or 
more aboriginal races, one in greater, another in less propor- 
tion; and the language of each mingled with that of the con- 
quered people. Hence the vast differences and also the 
striking identities between the Welsh tongue and the San- 
skrit, the Sclavonic and Persian, the German and the Latin 
and Greek; and hence also the great differences of physical 
and intellectual characteristics, and the peculiar and appar- 
ently permanent types of the Irish, Grecian, Roman and 
Hindu face. In fact, the language and the type and cast of fea- 
tures, and the intellectual character of some of the races come 
chiefly from the conquered aborigines, while others have pre- 
served infinitely more of the Aryan type, probably because the 
conquerors were, relatively to the conquered, more numerous: 
and these physical and intellectual differences are also, no 
doubt, greatly owing to immense original differences of face, 
form and intellect, among the aboriginal races of Asia and 
Europe, that the Aryans overcame and mingled with. 

Thus I satisfied myself that every one of their Deities had 
for them a perfectly distinct and clear personality and indi- 
viduality; that their ideas were not in the least vague, inco- 
herent or confused; that their imagination was perfectly 
well-regulated, and that every epithet and phrase was logi- 
cally appropriate and correct. So also, upon a partial exami- 
nation, I found it to be in the ancient Zarathustrian Gath&s, 
which are, I do not doubt, even older than the Vedic hymns. 

I found in both, the most profound philosophic or meta- 
20 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

This writsr : :]^^ue|7Jolinson, Oriented Religions] has the 
key of interpretation of the 'Veda, and has, I think, in a few 

sentences expressed more of the real meaning of its hymns, 

K'swsea «o*wonaco emy . • ' ■ 

ihltMEsKfs i mm: 

TTTTjTRv; Ot... • — 

The word I)iOi Ses^hadng at once the clear light of the * 5 
sky...and whatsoever spiritual meanings these simple in- 
n intimat ely asso c i at ed therewith, has endured as the 

j; root:^ord of worship fo* the^ whole Aryan race: in all its . > 
branches the appellatiy.es of Deity are waves of this primal 
sound, flowing through all its manifold and changing relig- 
ions with tihe serene transcendence of an eternal law... T 
yji-ffT .JIa is haaoanoat son — 1 - 


these contemplative tendencies, 

,• c swte ittmst recall the old Aryan worship of the clear Light ofaj 

iO YOB jnaaTICO'i .*0f* ' - r ' ;; ■' 

Their "religion, liite their language, was already mature, 
when they were bom. Do not seek in them the beginning of ‘ 
the r eligi ous sentiment, the dawning of the idea of the Di- 

familiar and ancestral. It is al- 
...iready ap intimate .household faith, which ages have en- . 

deared^r As far back as,wje.can trace the life of man, we find 
■^%e :: '^^WB^er v apu'i^se flowing as naturally as it is 
[ ^floWinghowi We ^aftfibt find its beginning, because we can- f 

not ^ditheibfegirmihirofi the - soul. i . . . 

That is true of the Aryan race. But we know nothing of the 
lacustrine -d^ell^ of the Quaternary pe- 

riod, or the indigenes of various countries, of the age or period 
of sthhei^Aiid.we fihd prayer and praise flowing among the 

also, as ‘far back as wiB^an 

- ■-—■■'■■'■■liberty Bell / February 1997 ^-St 

Vi;.':,. ' ‘ . ; v 

trace them. What is much more important, of incalculable im- 
portance to us, is this, that if the ontological [metaphysical] 
conceptions which I think are really contained in the Veda 
and Zend-Avesta, are really there, it has needed neither spe- 
cial inspiration nor special incarnation of God to teach men 
any truth of which the human intellect is now possessed. The 
Aryan human intellect was able to discover them all. 


[For those who think there is some connection between 
our Aryan ancestors’ religion and the cow-worshiping, multi- 
armed freakish idols of Hinduism, Muller says:] 

The oldest, most primitive and simplest form of Aryan 
frith finds its expression in the Veda. No idols or animals are 
mentioned in it, as objects of worship. 

In fact, idols and images are not mentioned at all. They 
belong only to an anthropological faith. They do not represent 
the light and the heat. The Veda does not invest its Deities 
with the human form. It does not represent any of them as 
coming down in visible shape and having commerce with 

* * • - * ** ■ ^ i JAj ' - . * , j V /{ i t ♦ \ ? * r : * * 


: iSl'ij A -d ~ 

S _ V - . "l ; 

. ■' • - i ( i A ' if Cl ;' w i .. 9P . , 7 1 1 

*: U G •! ! -j ' i 

I do not speak ofitheTLihdii commentators. MaMng the 
Vedas the sacred b b oks of -their 1 6 whf aith; r: th^ Mterly^de- 
naturalized them, and s ys t em atiicafiy'mis tuts - 

interpreted them. I speak of Professor Wilson, [John] 
Muir.. .Muller and others, to whose intelligent labours the stu- 
dent of the Vedas is so infinitely indebted. 

’ i * ■ 

Dr. Muir says: ( Original Sanskrit Texts t, ii: 288), 

From the Vedic hymns, accordingly, it does, in fact, appear, 
more distinctly than from any other of the Indian writings, 
that the progenitors of the Hind_s were originally called 

22 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 


That is true: but the Vedas should not be called Indian 
writings, for the hymns, or at least the older ones, were the 
composition of those who were the ancestors of the Hindis or 
Indians, of the Persians, and of the Greeks and Latins. This is 
absolutely certain, because we unmistakably find in them the 
Origines of the Deities of all these branches of the one race, 
and of their principle religious and philosophical ideas; as we 
hope very clearly to prove. 

Dr. Muir says of the Vedas , 

We find in them ideas, a language, a spirit and a colouring, 
totally different from those which characterize the religious 
writings of the Hindus of a later era... they show us the 
Aryan tribes living in a state of warfare with surrounding 
enemies, many of them, no doubt, alien in race and lan- 
guage... (They picture themselves to us as a people having 
villages, perhaps, but no cities— the cities being spoken of 
being all of the Dasyus their enemies, the dark-skinned na- 
tives of the land.) 

The Brahmanic intellect tortured itself with a thousand 
questions in regard to the creation, and at last invented a 
whole pantheon of Gods, and the most grotesque and absurd 
theories as to the origination or generation of things; until a 
hideous idolatry was the consequence. 

As to the value of Hindu interpretation of the Veda, some 
idea may be formed from this which Muller says in regard to 
Brahmanas , the oldest of the Hindu books: 

There is throughout the Brahmanas such a complete misun- 
derstanding of the original of the Vedic hymns, that we can 
hardly understand how such an estrangement could have 
taken place, unless there had been, at some time or other, a 
sudden and violent break in the chain of tradition.. ..Every 
page of the Brahmanas contains the clearest proof that the 
spirit of the ancient Vedic poetry, and the purport of the 
original Vedic sacrifices, were both beyond the comprehen- 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 23 

sion of the authors of the Brahmanas. (Ancient Sanskrit Lit- 
erature 432. 434) : 

And the Brahmanic notions in regard to the Deities, their 
origins and their functions, were so totally different from 
those of the Poets of the Vedas as to render them utterly inca- 
pable of understanding the old texts in any other sense then 
the false ones, which suited their own mythology and meta- 

I f 

* * * 

Our Christian friends will have been scandalized by Pike’s 
suggestion that the Aryan intellect was able to discover all 
truths of which the intellect is now possessed. I suggest that it 
is the Aryan intellect which is able to reject the distortions 
and perversions found in the Judeo-Christian Bible which 
have been foisted on us in our innocent childhoods. 

Many Christians will be discomfited by our Aryan ances- 
tors’ worship of light due to the association 

they might make with “Lucifer,” the light-bringer, the 
proud, rebellious archangel (associated with Satan) who was 
expelled from heaven. Or with Pike’s mention of the Morning 
Star (Venus), also known as Lucifer, especially considering 
Pike’s other life as Grand Commander of the 33. Some of our 
Christian friends consider anyone who criticizes the Judeo- 
Christian God to be an adversary, i.e., Satan. It seems to me 
that a god which would drown virtually all life on Earth, 
which would test the reliability of a follower by ordering him 
to cut his son’s throat, which would send his own son to be 
slaughtered ‘Tor our sins,” a god which welcomed and sancti- 
fied the Jewish executioner of the earliest Christian Jews, 
and which sadistically punished all women with painful child- 
birth for the alleged “sin” of Eve, is nothing more than the 
product of the feverish rabbinical mind. With a god such as 
this, who needs a Satan? Our Christian friends are worship- 
ing a Semitic god. This is unnatural. Chr istianity is a complex 
24 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

* ■ 


mythology, drafted by rabbis, in which the main character 
surrenders to his killers, and is not a healthy belief system. 
Jewish Christianity has impeded our advancement as it has 
enabled our "natural enemies to dominate us, for we have not 
dared say “no” to God’s Chosen People. Aryans who worship 
the god of the Jews are Judaized. It is not our way and per- 
haps this short article can be the first step for some toward 
escaping the subversive, death- worshiping cult of Yahweh. 
Our people must not be enslaved to a despotic deity. 

Our Aryan ancestors were horsemen in our northern 
homeland. They were neither slaves in Egypt nor looters in 
Canaan. Their ancient blood flows in our veins today. They 
were tough, independent, self-made men and women who 
rode the plains, herded their cattle on horses in the best tradi- 
tion of the American West. These were no half-naked savages 
riding barebackthey wore tightly woven, brilliantly colored 
woolen trousers, shirts and fur- trimmed leather coats and 
leather boots. They decorated their padded leather saddles, 
their leather bridles and reins and used snaffle bits made of 
bronzeidentical in design with those of today! 

Our people shunned the cities, prayed for the destruction 
of their enemies, the Dasyus, the people of darkness. Our peo- 
ple conquered virtually everyone they encountered and 
brought their life-giving culture to the rest of the world. 

Christians, reconsider! Would you rather be riding the 
range, fighting darkies and loving your deities which bright- 
ened the day and kept you warm and let you see in the night, 
orwhat? In which period of early Christian life would you 
choose to have lived? Drowning witches, burning heretics on 
bonfires made of books, medical heretics who could have 
made life better sooner, scientific heretics who could have ex- 
panded our knowledge sooner, religious (political) heretics 
who would have freed our ancestors from their proto-Soviet 
theocracy, the Holy Roman Catholic Church? At what point in 
time was Christian life healthy? In Jesus’ time, wh en all 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 25 

Christians were Jewish rebels? During the Middle (Dark) 
Ages, made dark and deadly by the Church? The pointless 
and blood-soaked Crusades? Only in the Renaissance, when 
the awesome and ruthless power of the Church began to de- 
cay, did life begin to improve. Christianity, since the time of 
Emperor Constantine, has been nothing more than a cruel 
psychological weapon to keep the Aryan people under control 
by instilling in them fear and unearned guilt, when it wasn’t 
sending the best of them to die at the hands of one or another 
far-off nation of infidels. 

Christian-Israelites, reconsider! With whom would you 
rather identify? With the wicked, God-forsaken Semitic Isra- 
elites or with our true people, who were, according to Pike, 
“evidently a more intellectual race than those that sur- 
rounded them, and claiming that superiority by their name 
Arya, these Aryan, noble or warlike , Scyths advanced beyond 
the worship of the visible luminaries and material forces of 
Nature, to more spiritual conceptions and philosophical ideas, 
making it easy for Zarathustra to conceive of a Creative De- 
ity, cognizable only by the intellect, and of the immortality 
and pre-existence of the human soul. Thus the world owes to 
them all its profound religious and philosophical ideas, and 
Plato . and'Philo did but develop the great thoughts of the 
Vedic Poets and of Zarathustra.” 

* - 

The main question which must be asked of the (Identity) 
Christian-Israelites is this: How, since we share the same 
loathing of Judaism, can you worship their god and share 
their heroes? You pretend to be Hebrews and ape their 
strange ways, to the extent of observing their Sabbath and 
keeping Kosher. Your only doctrinal disagreement is with re- 
gard to Jesus as the messiah. Your theorists insist that the 
Old Testament is not a Jewish, but is rather a Hebrew, book. 
That the Jews came out of Babylon with their evil Talmud af- 
ter seventy yeans in captivity. That is, that they went into the 
Babylonian captivity as good Hebrews and came out as Tal- 
mudic Jews. This suggests that the Hebrews in the pre-Baby- 
26 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

v •' iV' 


* •• 

f ‘ "'f 

Ionian period were good. Those Hebrews were nasty, twisted, 
woman-hating, superstitious scum. Read the books of Moses! 
Their godyour godwas a product of their Hebrew minds, al- 
ways playing tricks on his most faithful (beginning with the 
innocent ones in the Garden of Eden), demanding sacrifices, 
drowning virtually all life on earth, promising rewards to his 
undeserving Chosen Onesuneamed rewards which would be 
ripped from his enemies. The Semitic god is a wicked god, a 
pure reflection of a wicked people. The tragedy is that any of 
our Aryan people could be persuaded to accept this wicked 
god as their own, be they conventional or unconventional 
Christians. This is the root cause of our undoing as a race. 

Near the end of this remarkable book, on page 604, Pike 
concludes: “And there is an immense wealth of content and 
satisfaction, to me, in surely knowing that nothing which is 
known to us in regard to God, ourselves or Nature, nothing of 
true religion, nothing of sound ontology, has come to us from 
the race that had its origin in the low flat alluvion of the 
Euphrates and the Tigris; and we no more think the Semitic 
thought than we have in our veins Semitic blood, or speak a 
Semitic tongue.” . . " 

* * * 

This article is dedicated to the memory of Professor Revile 
Pendleton Oliver (1908-1994), for his accomplishments in the 
translation of Sanskrit and for his great contributions and 
personal sacrifices for the Aryan race. It is also dedicated to 
Professor Charles E. Weber, who has been telling us for some 

years now that we should be referring to ourselves as Aryans. 

Liberty Bell 7 February 1997 — 27 


P.O. Box 11124, Pensacola, FL 32524 

15 October 1996 

Hans Schmidt, Chairman 
Fax 904-478-4993 

Mr. Ronald C. Walker, Publisher 
The Smithsonian Magazine 
900 Jefferson Drive SW, Room 1301 
Washington, D.C. 20560 

Re: The article by Robert Shnayerson, Judgment at Nurem- 
berg that appeared. in. the October 1996 issue of the Smith- 

Ever since Mie ffi'ftieth 'anniversary mf the .German defeat 
tin’World War’ll 'Was. celebrated by the victors -.last year, a cre- 
•yseeotfo of hate andfalsTfroodlbas :b.eenuaileashed.;agai ns.t Ger- 
mans andGerm.m-Amefi'eansfhafhadino.t'.heen.fs.tirj).assedm 
'Tero.dty.;SmQ.e.shortly:after.the:Gessatiorihf hQstilitiesinl945. 
ft -seemsvasdf.'Mlthe^gooTvv^Thathadheeii,. created Tiefev.een 
•former . enemies' in five decades of cooperation, and .ail the dili- 
gent work done. by 'historians "in . s orting facts from .fiction dur- 
ing ..all these years, have come to naught: Right now we are 
back to where we started out, namely,-. in May of 1945. 

After having suffered through the nonsense espoused in 
“Schindler’s List”, a “true” docu-drama based upon a book 
that can still only be found in the fiction shelves of the librar- 
ies, and the insults heaped upon all Germans everywhere by 
Daniel Jonah Goldhagen in his badly researched, and even 
28 — Liberty 0 jbII /,:F,&br,ujary 1997 

i 1 ' * « 

»•> •» 

worse reasoned book Hitler’s willing executioners; ordinary 
Germans and the Holocaust, along comes the October 1996 is- 
sue of the Smithsonian magazine with Shnayerson’s article 
on the Nuremberg trials, mentioned above. 

This writer, a native-born German, cannot help but won- 
der what sort of mental deficiency it is that prevents ordinary 
Americans from seeing through the lies, the insults, and the 
outrageous untruths that are heaped upon them by Jewish 
writers in all matters pertaining to the so-called “Holocaust”. 
Does the use of this word work like some magical (mental) 
toxicant that prevents intelligent Americans from using their 
God-given talent for reasoning and independent judgment? 

Snayerson’sientire- article--is beat-exemplified by bis use of 
the photograph on page ,131, where the (later) Senator 
Thomas Dodd is' holding a shrunken .human -head, allegedly 
inanufact.urediin ; a German concentration camp. That story 

was put^onrthe imsh-^heap ohMsiory fwlwre ithelongshmlong 

ago as fifty-one ym-rszago, shortly -after it was; first mentioned 

idiot! (What 

iriagazine' , whcmernnfteMhfe..mdfart®us-w;ar®r.o.m'sah'iato , T« 


the - shrunken head-story, 'GJmayers'on^roveSjrto us lanysway, 
Ih at currently ® deferniiiinefi«ie1ffort : iis iaf oslt to.-tdpainjgr^hp^amvd 
defame ;a!l4G.e!i« ;& ;i%e®e®eja!t 

rebirth nf .the' “snap mede-fr om;fe®shmdav^ 
legation B@sf)%y3a«die*\rish wman.wfeO'Awas 

born :in4Qeamaaa^.^tet 1&ihe Jm^^ihed 

Blacks Turing The ’Third Reich, an empiae jthat/never jiadaany 
number and the 

pressure .brought -upen The -Bonn .Government :to prosecute 
Germans who too Ldihgently'.Tdlv.er!inb 0 .'alleged historical facts 
whose never-ending propagation is nothingbut 'a comtinuation 
of the insidious .allied xe- education. 

We do not know what is the reason for the current anti- 

iLIMifty 'Bell / February 1997 —29 

: . ... «?. A.*,™ 


German attacks by the American media. It could be because 
Germany, in spite of tremendous losses in population, cul- 
tural heritage and area, as a result of the war, again seems 
“the” European power to be reckoned with, a power that may 
someday challenge the aspirations of American international- 
ists for world domination. It also could be because of pure 
envy that the Germans have managed to create the best so- 
cial system than can be found among the important nations of 
the world. Where else do employees get 18 paid holidays a 

But having the choice of guessing, and basing our as- 
sumptions mainly upon the fact that the anti-German articles 
such as the one in your magazine, and books like Goldhagen’s, 
are alm ost exclusively written by Jews, we do believe that Zi- 
onist activists, i.e., those who are responsible for setting aims 
and determining strategies for the “Forever Persecuted Mi- 
nority” are now living with the justified fear that the “Holo- 
caust” (i.e., “the (alleged) planned extermination through the 
use of gas chambers arid crematoria at the hands of the Nazis 
(Germans) of six million Jews (and five million others) during 
World War IT), has lost its luster and believability among or- 
dinary Americans, and what we are experiencing at this time 
is a desperate and determined effort to reverse the tide. Per- 
haps, so hope the Zioriist activists, articles such as Shnayer- 
son’s, in which absolutely no effort was made to Stick to the 
facts now available, a new crop of Ainericans can be induced 
to believe all the Holocaust tales, and thereby may be willing 
to continue, (indefinitely) the American monetary generosity 
toward Israel and the Jewish people. 

^ ’ • 4 ! , 

There is no- question that the entire ‘Holocaust” allegation 
has been of tremendous financial benefit not only for the 
State of Israel but for World Jewry in general. For those who 
question this statement I will only ask; would Israel still be in 
existence without the regular inflow of many billions of dol- 
lars and deutschmarks every year, and would Zionism have 
such a stranglehold on American politics as it does without 
30 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

the huge finances needed to push the Jewish agenda? Could 
politicians here and in Europe who are responsible for this 
state of affairs be continually strong-armed into providing 
ever more monies for Jewry were it not for the alleged murder 
of six million Jews in “Nazi” gas ch am bers? 

Tragically, far too many individual Jews in important po- 
sitions always put the interests of their own ethnic group, 
their own religion, and their own Weltanschauung ahead of 
that of nations, institutions or companies that pay their sala- 
ries, or to which they really owe their loyalty. A good example 
are the current Jewish members of President Clinton's cabi- 
net whose every single action seems driven by an adherence 
to J ewish or Zionist aims. Would Mckey Kantor represent the 
interests of the American movie industry vs. foreign nations 
as diligently, were “Hollywood” not totally under Jewish con- 
trol? Would Madeleine Albright risk the ridicule of the U.S. by 
the entire UN world body at the sessions of the United Na- 
tions Security Council, were it not for her loyalty to Israel? 
Would Messrs. Greenspan and Rubin ever make any deci- 
sions relating to the currency and fiscal policies of the United 
States without first considering their impact on the well-being 
of Eretz Israel (i.e., ‘World Jewry”)? Would Shnayerson’s hate 
article against the Germans have been published in the for- 
merly prestigious Smithsonian magazine' were it not for the 
fact that both persons responsible for the publication, namely, 
I. Michael Heyman and Don Moser, are Jews? 

' ' A 

Right at the beginning of the Smithsonian magazine arti : 
cle, on page 126, we can see the rather famous photograph of 
concentration camp inmates at Buchenwald, one of whom 
who is claimed to be Elie Wiesel, “the chronicler of the holo- 
caust”. Unfortunately, Shnayerson did riot mention that Wie- 
sel wrote the following in one of his “chronicles” more than 
twenty years after the war; 

Ever)' Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart 
a zone of hate - healthy, virile hate - for what the 
German personifies and for what persists in the 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 31 


German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of 
the dead. 

Legends of our Time, Avon, pb. Page 177/178 

While the Buchenwald picture certainly seems horrible 
from the vantage point of today, it can in fact only be com- 
pared to something else that was happening at the very time 
when the ever so moral allied judges opened the Nuremberg 
trials: Hundreds of thousands or millions of German soldiers 
who were by then POWs of the Allies were lying in open 
fields, without any shelter against snow, rain or sun, and died 
a slow death from starvation and neglect. These Germans 
would have been happy to have such accommodations avail- 
able as shown on the Buchenwald picture. Instead, they had 
been herded like cattle on open ranges, and there left to rot. I, 
myself, experienced such a stockade (for that was all it was) 
for a relatively short time, and but for the kindness of an 
American soldier I might either have succumbed like a mil- 
lion other German POWs (read James Bacque’s book Other 
Losses ), or ended up equally dead in a camp of America’s So- 
viet ally in Siberia. 

This fact and the equally criminal expulsion (generally af- 
ter the war, i.e., at the very same time that the Allies sat in 
judgment over the German leaders) of approximately 15 mil- 
lion Germans from their ancestral homes beyond the Oder- 
Neisse line and the Sudetenland, with an associated loss of 3 
million of the expellees killed, should forever prevent any 
judge from either the United' States, Russia, Great Britain 
and France from participating in an international trial such 
as happened at Nuremberg. For Shnayerson to write of the 
“moral clarity that marked American idealism at the time ” 
proves either a lack of knowledge as to what really happened, 
or it is a flagrant attempt to justify allied misbehavior five 
decades after the fact. Robert Snayerson also asserts that 
‘Nuremberg” was "... the century’s heroic attempt to achieve 
justice without vengeance.,,.” 

Justice without vengeance? If Germans of the post- World 
32 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

War II generation were to wish bad for the United States and 
its population, they would only have to wish that Americans 
were to experience exactly what the Germans had gone 
through from 1944 on for about twenty years at the hands of 
the ever so benign and humane allied powers. To claim that 
“the rule of law” was of paramount importance in the Nurem- 
berg procedures, is absurd. It also shows the audacity with 
which Shnayerson went about, as he wrote his essay.. In con- 
junction with the Bitburg affair President Reagan spoke of 
the “guilt complex which has been imposed upon the Ger- 
mans”. What else was that (and the associated “re-education”) 
but cruel vengeance, a vengeance that is still in force today. 

“Nearly all (the accused, HS) were ready to acknowledge 
the horrific facts while cravenly assigning blame to others.” 
Can one deny, after a horrible world war that for Germany 
had lasted six years, that many people, many innocents, had 
lost their lives? That at the end there was chaos and anarchy? 
That, as a result of terrorist (partisan) activities that had cost 
the lives of hundreds of thousands of German soldiers, strin- 
gent measures against civilian populations had to be taken, 
measures that only sometimes were as ferocious as was the 
allied bombing of German cities at the same time (and which 
cost the lives of many innocents)? I could go on. But it is 
doubtful that any of the German leaders acknowledged such 
horrific “facts” as gas chambers, a planned extermination of 
all Jews within the German realm, or soap made from Jewish 
cadavers because they were lies. However, it seems that is 
just what Shnayerson wants to. imply. 

“The defendants had been hanged messily...” Why “mess- 
ily”? Who in the “free” world knows to what lengths the 
Americans went purposely in order to inflict pain and terror 
on the executed German leaders? After the hangings, the 
smashed and contorted faces of the eleven men provided proof 
of the “humanity” at work. Was Julius Streicher wrong when 
he spoke of the Second Purim festival being celebrated by 
Germany’s enemies? 

“The exercise of justice at Nuremberg reverberates across 
this century ” Reading this sentence, one of the most recent in- 

LJberty Bell / February 1997 — 33 


stances of a definite crime against peace and innocents comes 
to mind: The deliberate murder of over 100 women and chil- 
dren at the UN refugee camp at Qana in Lebanon at the 
hands of the Israelis. //‘Nuremberg had meant a new begin- 
ning for international law and justice, certainly the Israeli 
commanders responsible for this massacre ought to have been 
called to account by now. That they weren’t proves that 
Nuremberg was nothing else but one-sided victor revenge. 
Shnayerson’s sentence is nothing but typically Jewish sophis- 
try. One look at what happened since 1945, and how many 
crimes against humanity have since then been committed by 
the very nations that sat in judgment over the Germans 
shows that this second half of the century was probably the 
most murderous “peace time” in the history of mankind. 
Therefore, to praise “Nuremberg” and its follow-up now, is 

“In April 1944, two Jews escaped (from Auschwitz. ). They 
detailed Germany’s technology of genocide, such as the camp’s 
four new gas-and-burn machines, each designed to kill 2,000 
prisoners at a time.” In this conjunction Shnayerson forgot to 
mention Jan Karski’s lime-filled railroad cars wherewith live 
Jews were slowly dissolved into some sort of human goo, or 
the huge electric plates that killed thousands of unfortunates 
at one stroke. Unfortunate for Shnayerson (but not for the 
Smithsonian magazine, we are sure) no sample of the “new 
gas-and-bum” machine exists anywhere but in fertile Jewish 
minds, and those bad revisionists naturally use this fact to 
question certain tenets of the holy Holocaust. 

“ ’Allied prisoners and kidnapped foreign workers were fed 
so little that as many as one third of them died... every week .” 
The “Nazis” certainly must have been stupid to squander 
hard-to-come-by workers this way. However, we all know that 
they were consumed by hate, and not guided by high moral- 
ity, as were the nations that eventually proved victorious. 
Oddly though, only about one percent of American and Brit- 
ish POWs died while in German hands, far fewer than can be 
said of any other captives imprisoned by the large warring na- 

tions of World War II. 

34 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

The man asked (by FDR ) to find (the answer as to how to 
punish the Germans) was Murray Bernays, a lawyer turned 
wartime Army colonel in the Pentagon.” Shnayerson ought to 
have mentioned that Bernays was a Jew, as were the “refu- 
gees” in London who came up with the entire war crimes-to- 
be-pumshed concept. He ought to have been proud to mention 
these facts since they prove the so frequently invoked Jewish 
quest for justice and tolerance. “ Bernays suggested puffing 
Nazism and the entire Hitler era on trial as a giant criminal , 
conspiracy” With this new concept the entire tradition of 
Western Civilization pertaining to laws of war was set aside, 
and replaced by Talmudic teachings. But who was better to 
sit in judgment of an alleged giant conspiracy than people 
who themselves never tire of conspiring against all others? 

“On August 8, 1945, ...the International Military Tribu- 
nal... declared aggressive war an international crime.” Accord- 
ing to the Smithsonian, Shnayerson is an expert on legal . 
matters. One may assume that he had had legal tr aining. A 
layman such as myself cannot help but notice with which ease 
this Jewish writer oversees the fact that this declaration by 
the IMT meant the imposition of ex post facto law. But, obvi- 
ously, in the interests of Jewish revenge everything is kosfwp, 
so to say. As a German I have tq ask the question what hagj- 
penqd {p jhj?, allied J#adjers that have waged; aggressive wa$ jjn 
World WqrlJ and eyer.since? Was }tona]dIteaganRat ; ontrigji 
for the American attapk.on Grenada, qr ; Ariel Shargn/br f gie 
1982 Israeli “incursion into Lebanon? ' r . - r ...nn 

: “TheIMT charteir. was grounded in . the idea that Nazism 
was a ^year^ong^criniinal conspiracy. Its aim; t6 buikhf 
war machine; to satisfy Hitler’s psychopathic hatred of Jewjs 
and turn Europe into a German empire.” This statement can 
perhaps best be answered by pointing out some facts of to- 
day: Temporarily at least (and seemingly to its own surprise) 
one nation that always professes peace, non-interference, de- 
mocracy, justice and tolerance, seems to have gained world 
domination. It reached this pinnacle of power allegedly 
merely by happen-stance, not through an incredibly large war 
machine and a certain determination, and, again allegedly. 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 35 



without hatred of anybody (not even of nationalists who do 

i - _ _ ^ \ MV MtaTv 1 1 v a rur C\ \ i Af A \ V\Cic\fJ l\ f ^ ^ ’.^Tf 4 lOl HiWr 

hbt‘bhi'(i'' ! f8P thh' 

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hzinhM «&3aa#»AUJQ*ss^*m ^4TO3dfcf?i^M l $a& 

world with (really) worthless paper money printed by the bil- 

“C Hitler j ordered new currency, largely backed by stolen 
Jewish property* Reading Jewish “Holocaust” articles such as 
this one (it fits into the genre), never ceases to amaze me. 
Having lived in the Third Reich I cannot recall a new cur- 
rency being issued. The Reichsmark of the post-inflation era 
(1924) remained the curreny until its replacement by the 
Deutsche mark in 1948. While the German Jews were un- 
doubtedly wealthy, it is doubtful that they were so wealthy 
that a new currency could be based upon that fact. However, 
if we take Shnayerson’s statement at face value, then the 
question may be asked how was it possible that the fewer 
than 600,000 Jews constituting less than one percent of the 
German population, could amass such wealth? 

“Hitler’s suicidal decision.. .to invade the Soviet Union.” 
Again we have to ask the question, “where has Shnayerson 
been in the last decade or so?” Few reputable historians in 
Germany and Russia still believe the tale that the German at- 
tack in June of 1941 was wholly unjustified. Had the Ger- 
mans not invaded the Soviet Union then, and destroyed the 
huge Red Army geared for offense and ready to attack toward 
the West, then the Communists would have reached the French 
Atlantic coast by the fall of the same year. It was the sacrifice 
of the German soldier that prevented Europe from being over- 
run by Bolshevism. 

“Hitler’s campaign to “Aryanize” Germany began with 
the...poisoning...of “garbage children”.* One must really won- 
der where people like Shnayerson get their information. 
Translated, the term “garbage children” would be “Miillkin- 
der”. I can unequivocally state that I have never come across 
this term in the German language, and knowing what words 
we used in World War II, I would say flatly that the accusa- 
tion is nonsense. Yes, there was a Hitler-ordered euthanasia 
program whereby absolutely hopeless and extremely seriously 
ill and imbecilic people were mercy-killed after the war had 
started (in each instance, three doctors had to give their O.K) 
but it stopped when a Catholic bishop brought the matter to 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 37 


the attention of the German people. 

“ The regime’s contempt for non-Aryan life conditioned mil- 
lions of Germans to tarn a blind eye to more and more epi- 
demic evils the death camps, the ghastly medical experiments, 
the relentless massacres of those Hitler called “Jews, Poles and 
similar trash.” Reading this, Goldhagen’s book about the Ger- 
man people (as a whole) being “Hitler’s willing executioners” 
comes to min d. I cannot lose the feeling that both Goldhagen’s 
book and Shnayerson’s article are part of a greater Zionist 
scheme. Could it be that the Auschwitz gas chamber claim is 
now really untenable (just as the “four million Jews killed at 
Auschwitz”-figure had to be replaced by a number about one 
fourth smaller), and that a new scam had to be invented in or- 
der to keep the German (and American) tribute for Israel and 
World Jewry rolling? 

Speaking of “millions of Germans being conditioned to 
turn a blind eye...”: Which one of the world’s larger nations 
has killed more than one million civilians in air raids on often 
undefended cities without one single human loss on its own 
mainland, and where, undoubtedly, the people turned a blind 
eye to the carnage caused by their own? And, which was 
worse, Dachau, Buchenwald and Auschwitz, or Eisenhower’s 
Rheinwiesen stockades? Furthermore, were the Aiherican 
Blacks who without their permission were used for the (crimi- 
nal) Syphilis experiments under the auspices of the American 
democracy better off than the concentration, camp prisoners 
who suffered through (criminal) German medical experiments 
under the “Nazis’?. (By the way, what happened as recently 
as in the Gulf War to American soldiers who are now so sick?) 

“A Czech doctor who spent four years at Dachau, where he 
performed 12,000 autopsies, told that he was ordered to strip 
the skin off bodies. ‘It was cut into various sizes for the use as 
saddles, riding breeches, gloves, house slippers, and ladies 
handbags. Tattooed skin was especially valued by SS men’.” 
Ah yes, and the skin of dead Jews was stronger and therefore 
more valuable than that of Aryans. Sometimes I really have 
the desire to keep on embellishing on such stories, Then per- 
haps I could sell the story to Steven Spielberg.. .who would 
38 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

embellish it some more, and a new docu-drama that may not 1 
be questioned could be preserved for posterity. : 

“(In 1939) Hitler’s madness was almost beyond imagina- 
tion, (when) he ordered the expulsion of nearly nine million 
Poles and Jews from areas annexed for his promised Nordic 
empire.” Apart from the fact that the nine million expelled fig- 
rue is totally unsupported by facts (the actual number of Pol- 
ish expellees doesn’t even come close..), no mention is made of 
the fact that twenty years earlier the Poles had driven one 
million Germans from their homes when Poland was re-es- 
tablished after 125 years. But if Hitler was mad in ordering 
this during the war, what can one say about FDR, Truman, 
Stalin and Churchill who ordered or supported the expulsion 
of 15 million Germans from their ancestral homes after the' 
shooting had stopped? 

“Ohlendorf (allegedly) gave the number of persons killed by 
the Einsatzgruppen, (whose main purpose was to keep terrorist 
(partisan) activities at a minimum, HS) at 90,000.” That cer- 
tainly seems horrible from the .vantage point of today but not 
if one considers the German civilians murdered in the allied 
air raids: Hamburg more than 40,000, Dresden more than' 
250,000, httle Pforzheim more than 20,000 in 20 minutes. 
How many civilians lost their hves in U.S. operations against- 
the Viet Cong? Yes, I know, the latter were probably less le-' 
gitimate fighters than were the (Jewish?) partisans of East-* 
em Europe: the V.C. battled “democracy”, which is a crime'. :"'’ 

“The prosecution rested after three months ■, capped off 'bp 
another movie distilling more Nazi horror, and displays op 
macabre human- skin lampshades and shrunken heads sub- 
mitted. as evidence.” I am glad Shnayerson mentioned this. It 
certainly underscores the type of trial the German leaders*' 
had to undergo. But — could it be that one of the shrunken 
heads came alive again and is now being used on the body of 
an article writer or by one of his associates at the Smith- 
sonian ? Is there any Gentile alive who still believes the 
shrunken head and tattooed skin- for-lamp shades stories? And, 
since these allied claims have long ago been quietly put to 
rest, what else is not true on the Holocaust story? Is one al- 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 39 

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lowed to ask? Or, is the questioning of such nonsense a heresy 
against the new state religion, namely, the immutable Holo- 
caust belief? 

Pertaining to German war actions, Shnayerson quotes a 
French prosecutor, Francois de Menthon: “...all the instincts of 
barbarism, repressed by centuries of civilization, but always 
present in men’s innermost nature.” Was de Menthon thinking 
of the hundreds of thousands of German POWs starving at 
that very moment (1945) in French stockades? Or did he con- 
template the mass rape of German women by French soldiers 
in Stuttgart, something that could never have happened in 
the German army. Under German occupation the treatment 
of ordinary citizens in France, Czechoslovakia, Poland and 
elsewhere was far more benign than the treatment the Arabs, 
the Algerians, the Vietnamese, the Africans, the Latvians and 
others experienced at the hands of the Nuremberg” victors. 
And, who would like to trade places with the hapless Pales- 
tinians now? 

“( German defense lawyers) managed to outflank the court’s 
ban on tu quoque evidence — if I am guilty, you are, too — , a 
stricture aimed at keeping allied excesses out of the trial .” Note 
that Shnayerson called allied war crimes only “excesses”. 
Amazing for someone who specialized in legal matters. But 
that is par for the course for all Allies. If the Germans had 
shot the 20,000 Polish officers that fell into their hands, we 
wouldn't hear the end of it. But since an allied nation had 
done it with theirs, it is now rarely mentioned. In a letter to 
the editor of the Toronto Sun (9/28/96), the director of a pres- 
tigious institution writes of Canadian POWs (allegedly, HS) 
being executed by the Waffen-SS, Then he adds: “The hard- 
bitten Canadian vets can hardly be blamed for rarely giving 
(young soldiers of the “Hitlerjugend Division”) a chance to 
surrender in combat afterwards.” So easily one describes and 
justifies allied war crimes. 

The court’s ban on tu quoque defense was not the only ban 
under which German defense lawyers had to suffer. To this 
day “German” judges do not permit forensic evidence in so- 
called -Holocaust or Auschwitz Lie trials! (Nuremberg- is still 
40 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

with us!) 

“In the spring of 1944, (Speer) ordered 100,000 Jewish 
slave workers from Hungary as casually as if they were bags of 
cement.” Absolutely horrible, nicht wahr? Except for the fact 
that at the very same time hundreds of thousands of German 
POWs who had been brought to the United States, were “sold” 
to the French, where tens of thousands died from malnutri- 
tion or mistreatment. And, since the Germans were supposed 
to know everything that happened during the war within the 
German realm in spite of wartime restrictions, it is clear that 
the Nuremberg judges knew exactly what happened in these 
French death camps. Did they do something about it? 

“The SS, the Gestapo, and the top Nazi leadership had 
been proved criminal, meaning that their members had volun- 
tarily joined in committing war crimes after 1939, That left 
several million potential defendants for lower courts to han- 
dle.” Regents of the Smithsonian, among whom are numerous 
persons connected with the present ruling hierarchy of the 
United States, ought to read this sentence carefully. Assume 
for a moment, Israel will soon use nuclear weapons against 
several of its perceived enemies, thereby opening up the Pan- 
dora’s box that had been closed since Nagasaki. And assume 
further, this act were to unleash a horrible catastrophe cost- 
ing tens of millions of lives. Undoubtedly, many people across 
the world would hold the Jews, the Zionists, and their sup- 
porters accountable. According to the Nuremberg principles 
would this not also include all Americans who, in word and 
deed, have supported the Jewish state since about 1965, when 
it became public knowledge that Israel possessed nuclear 
weapons, and since it became known that the Jewish state 
would not shirk from terrorism in the name of defense? 

“By rejecting group guilt and mass purges, the 1945 judges 
defied hatred and struck a blow for peace that may yet, half a 
century later, help temper the madness of war.” Reading this 
sentence I wonder whether Shnayerson and this writer are 
thinking of the same Germany, of the same war, and of the 
same Nuremberg trial and its consequences. What Shnayer- 
son states as fact is most plainly a lie that can easily be ex- 

Llberiy Bell / February 1997 — 41 

posed. May the United States never suffer from such a harsh 
peace as that imposed on Germany by the 1945 victors, and 
may this nation never suffer from the collective guilt complex, 
and the mass purges of its intelligentsia that has devastated 
Germany and the soul of the German people since the “libera- 
tion” on the 8 th of May 1945. 

On the day this letter is being written, the New York 
Times printed a short notice that the former Waffen-SS Cap- 
tain Erich Priebke has to face a second trial in Rome for a 
war-related incident that took place in 1944. It suffices to 
state that at the time Priebke did not only act under highest 
orders but also within the confines of the laws of war then in 
existence. The fact that a honorable soldier can be brought to 
trial more than a half century after a war, proves how low 
Western Civilization has sunk. All the traditions of chivalry 
and justice established over the centuries by the great cul- 
ture-creating nations like England, France, Italy, Spain and 
the German Reich have been set aside for the benefit of what 
we call Talmud justice: “Never forget, never forgive”, and “An 
Eye for an Eye” are now paramount. Regretfully, the Smith- 
sonian institution has permitted itself to be used in the fur- 
therance of this tradition of lies, hate and vengeance. 

Hans Schmidt 

v.v . '.v.'.v. v .* .v.y.’ » v . v« * . v . y .* -v.v.v.' f ,v. i 

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42 — Liberty Bell I February 1997 

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V r , • r 

a courageous shout 

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Charles E. Weber 

The Tulsa World of 21 November published an item about an 
Aryan man, Mr. Dennis Mahon, who had the courage to protest 
against the genocidal measures being undertaken against his race. 
At a lecture by Morris Dees at the University of Tulsa Mr. Mahon 
shouted out challenges to Dees, head of the Southern Poverty Law 
Center in Mobile, Alabama, when he could no longer contain his an- 
ger at a point in Dees’ lecture. 

Dees told his collegian audience that whites would be a minority 
in the United States by 2015. Mr. Mahon was quoted as shouting at 
that point, “That is genocide.” He continued to reproach Dees, shout- 
ing, “He is a phony, a liar. He has made $54 million... He is a mil- 
lionaire,” as quoted by the Tulsa World. 

Mr. Mahon, of course, was justified in shouting out “genocide” at 
Dees (whose name, by the way, might be an Anglicized spelling of 
Dietz). The future of Aryans in the United States looks bleak indeed, 
for within a few decades Aryan Americans are now likely to become 
a badly abused minority in a country they painstakingly built out of 
a wilderness. A sobering fact is that only a small minority of Aryan; 
Americans have thus far had the courage and cerebral energy to pro-; 
test against what is being done to them or eyen to become aware oij 
it in the first place. Aryan Americans should take a long look at; 
South Africa and note what is now going on there, partly as a result^ 
of measures against the Aryan minority of South Africa upderiake^ 
by “their” government. Let us hope that the pain now being suffered, 
by Aryans in South Africa will not be in vain and will serve as a res- 
cuing admonishment to Aryan Americans. 

* ■ .... , . ,• j’ • i .. a r * ' | . \ ‘ 

Tbe majority of members of the dispossessed, majority ip the 
United States have thus far not had the courage * and energy even 
just to gave much thought to their plight, let alone to do something 
about it. They allowed elements of the media, especially of the elec- 
tronic media, that are hostile to them to corrupt and debilitate their 
thinking on racial questions and to weaken their pride in their race, 
without which no race or nation can prosper and survive. Some Ar- 
yan Americans have e ven played an active role in darkening their 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 43 

V . . 

\ 1 ■* 

* > -'V 

.' - f- ■•',.* . » ’V,: v .. *■ '*•■ .. ’-S’... 

own future by making donations to shrewd men such as Dees or 
having their fetuses killed in such great numbers that their popula- 
tion is declining in relation to the non-Aryan population that is now 
engulfing them. During this century they have permitted cunning, 
ruthless politicians to involve them in costly wars by which price- 
less, good Aryan blood-lines were lost forever. They have permitted 
their tax-supported schools — from kindergarten to graduate col- 
leges— to become instruments of indoctrination against their own 
welfare. They have listened to and voted for adept racial traitors like 
the Clintons, who have a pathological hostility to the more success- 
ful members of their own race. A slightly consoling thought is that 
Clinton got only 49% of the popular vote. 

Recently I watched on television a shrewd little Jew repeatedly 
jab the chief officer of one of the largest corporations in the United 
States because it was alleged that some of his fellow corporation offi- 
cers made humorous mention of a race generally hostile to Aryan 
Americans. This spineless Aryan humbled his firm in a manner that 
was almost beyond belief He moaned that a great wrong had been 
committed for which the involved high-ranking officers of his corpo- 
ration should be severely punished; He thus, betrayed hot only his 
fellow officers, but also members of hi s race who work for the 1 corpo- 
ration thatarethus likely to become just more victims of the 
euphemistically termed “Affirmative Action.”' He also betrayed his 
stockholders when his corporation Subsequently 'made huge dona- 
tions to its Negro ‘employees. His* corporation gave in to threats of 
boycott of its products by Negroes. Such a boycott might well have 
taken place to some extent no matter how much of the earhings of 
the corporation were thrown away and thus denied to those who had 
invested ip the corporation and triisted its officers with their sav- 
mgs. ‘ V ‘ 

In spite of such disturbing developments Aryan American who 
are courageous, mentally alert and loyal to their race must never en- 
tertain the thought that their defeat is inevitable, Such thinking 
would only guarantee their paralysis and hence defeat, Perhaps 
even after this late date there will be a sufficient number of Aryan 
Americans who will come to realize how grim their future will be if 
they do not act courageously and with a willingness to sacrifice, to 
sacrifice even their careers if necessary. , , • O 

44 — Liberty Bell / February, 1997 

Dear Sir: 

Just for the record: Some- 
where down the long line of 
transmission, a mistake has 
been made, and it appears on p. 

12,1. 8,9 of Liberty Bell, Novem- 
ber 1996, 

James Feninxore Cooper did not write Drums Along the- 
Mohawk, though I believe that he would have been delighted 
had he accomplished that feat. That very great American 
classic was authored by Walter D'. Edmonds, an exceptionally 
fine talent apparently much overlooked. 

Drums Along the Mohawk should be read by every 
American Aryan who values his national heritage. The kind 
of courage it portrays we will need increasingly in the days to 

Sincerely, P.R., Montana 

* * * 

Dear Liberty Bell, 

I just finished reading ‘The Awakening” by Eric Thomson 
in L.B. November ’96. That is a very fine short story. I am 
trying to remember what a short story with a surprise end- 
ing is called in English lit, but anyway it is a fantasy and a 
darn good one! A great idea in fact! 

It is a bit messy for today’s world; we might accomplish, 
the same ideal with sharpshooters, elite guerilla forces, or 
Navy (Viking) Frogmen type personnel. 

That is a thrilling story that will do more for the morale 
of white nationalists than anything I have come across yet! 
Carry on! 

‘The Gift of the Magi” was such a story with a surprise 

In this offering by Thomson, I felt the power of Thor 
when he appeared naked with his Hammer. Saki or H.H. 
Munro wrote bizarre and witty stories, but I’m not sure he is 
the one. 

Anyhow, let us begin, these wonderful ideas at once. Who 
will be Thor? There are too many of these worms to carry out 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 45 


this ritual in this way. More like a poisoned needle in the 
subway or at the opera. Jolnir at the opera. Jolnir at the 
bank — that is where the incubus (or incubi?) Hide out. One 
could do away with a considerable number at the N.Y. Stock 
Exchange. Could they all be taken to Valhalla? Perhaps to 

Give us more of this man Thomson! 

14/88, Molly Gill 

* * * 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 

Thank you very much for sending the Liberty Bell issue 
containing my People of Thule. It fitted right in "'•nth the two 
articles by Eric Thomson and William Pierce. I suppose 
Bruce’s article on the origin and religion of the Aryan race 
[see “Our People, the Aryans” in this issue] will come in the 
next issue. My original choice for the title was ‘The People of 
Shem” but some of my friends took exception to it because of 
the religious connotation. I had just read R.L. Hoskin’s book- 
let, The Sheep and the Wolves and it seemed appropriate, 
particularly since the Whites of South Africa were preparing 
to enter the Wolf Dens voluntarily. Stupid idiots. I enjoyed 
Mr. Pierce’s article very much, but I was especially pleased 
with the leading article on American Education during the 
past forty years. I think thdt might have been stretched to 
fifty years because when I started my teaching career in 
1930 it had already made significant progress in New York 
State. I taught English in a small rural school in northern 
New York and the Progressive Educators from Albany were 
already invading our schools and redesigning the system in 
line with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Our local Super- 
visor was not a Jew but he fell for the indoctrination of edu- 
cational twaddle like a hooked salmon. Fortunately we had a 
wonderful principal, an old-fashioned, dedicated educator, 
who blocked the door and stood four-square in defense of his 
teachers. But the pressure to change the old methods of 
learning, and turn education into frivolous entertainment be- 
came overwhelming, and when the opportunity to become the 
edit or of a small weekly newspaper came along, I grabbed it 
46 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

s ; ■ • 

'■ * • '■ 

and abandoned the teaching profession for good. And never 
regretted it... 

By the way, is the resignation of the majority of Clinton’s 
cabinet a case of the rats leaving the sinking ship? A gigantic 
economic collapse must be arranged before they can drag us 
into the New World Order. Perhaps the REAL Holocaust is 
closer than we think. Perhaps I’ll live long enough, after all, 
to see the outcome of this age-old struggle for power. 

Very sincerely yours, 

Mrs. Lee Norris, California 

* * * 

Gentlemen : 

If you can possibly see your way to do it, would you please 
r un the announcement below in your organ as soon as possi- 
ble. The lawyers are working on it and the bills are running 
up. Over the last few years I have given thousands of dollars 
to various causes like this but I am running out of money and 
my medical bills are overwhelming me. I can’t do much more. 


In 1983 Yorie Kahl and his father Gordon were leaving a 
meeting. Gordon was wanted on a misdemeanor regarding a 
tax case. Federal marshals ambushed them and severely 
wounded Yorie, almost killing him. Gordon returned fire and 
killed two marshalls and wounded two others. Yorie was 
given a Kangaroo trial and has been in prison for 13 years. 
Attorney John DeCamp and others are trying to get Yorie a 
new trial and this costs money. Please send contributions to 
his mother, Joan Kahl Britton, Apt 251, 3564 Windrift Way, 
Oceanside, CA 92056. 

Thanks and God bless you. 

Jack Jones, New Hampshire 

* * * 

Dear Editor, 

Well folks, we have had another long drawn-out, manipu- 
lated election. About fifty percent of the voters stayed home. 
Ten percent went to the Third Parties, while the rest went to 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 47 

the Dole-Clinton tickets. No way to prove the number of sto- 
len votes. We need to go back to the paper ballots soon as we 
get our freedom back. 

After the International bankers took over our money sys- 
tem in 1913, they began a slow process of teaching us about 
the “American Dream” by way of movies, T.V. and other me- 
dia propaganda. We learned to accept bribes from the people 
we elected to take care of our business, while using our own 
money to do it. They were manipulated into playing the part 
of “Sheep-Herders” driving us “Sheeple” into the NEW 
WORLD ORDER of Communism. 

Many officials in Congress and Senate are resigning, see- 
ing what’s ahead. Some are blowing the whistle on scandals 
that have been kept ou* of the news. One of these gentlemen 
has remarked, “If the general public understood who controls 
our Government and the plans they have for us, there would 
be a revolution before mo rnin g-” If I had known all this back 
in the thirties, I would have picked my own dam cotton, if I 
had had any. 

Bring our boys back home and put the women back in the 
house home-schooling their youngens, before it’s too late. 

Gene Trapnell, Georgia 

,* * * 

Dear Editor: 

Newly released tapes show that President Nixon ordered 
a break-in to recover the Pentagon Papers stolen by Daniel 
Ellsberg, papers that Mr. Nixon believed were at the Brook- 
ings Institute in Washington. 

During the Vietnam War when the news media’s bible, 
the Washington Post, said there were six-hundred and twelve 
thousand Americans in combat, Ellsberg stole 47 volumes of 
TOP SECRET military documents — over sixty pounds of 

The break-in never happened, had President Nixon been 
able to seize the stolen documents, or stop Ellsberg, I know 
for certain — at the very least — he would have saved the lives 
of all our POWs in Laos. 

When I flew the so-called ‘Ho Chi Minh Trail” in Laos as 
a Forward Air Controller with the Air Commando in 1967 
and 1968, we knew that there were at least 300 POWs being 
held by the Pathet Lao. And the PL admitted as much. At the 
time of the POW release in 1973, there should have been at 
least 400 POWs from Laos. The North Vietnamese released 
nine POWs, claiming they were all the POWs held by their 
counterparts in Laos, the Pathet Lao, 

It wasn’t true, these men had been held by the NVA 
(North Vietnamese Army) and not the PL. It was an effort by 
the North Vietnamese to try and produce some POWs from 
Laos because all the POWs in Laos had been butchered in 
1972 — thanks to Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers. 

Prior to the release of the “papers,” the PL claimed that 
all Americans they held were “war criminals” and they could 
therefore deny the International Red Cross access to them. 
With the release of the Pentagon Papers documenting TOP 
SECRET covert “insertions” of Army Special Forces road 
watch teams into Laos, the PL changed their minds and now 
claimed that these TOP SECRET documents proved that all 
Americans were now “spies” and could be executed. 

In the blood bath that followed, even French nuns who 
had been bom in Laos had to run for their lives or they would 
have been butchered by the Pathet Lao as “American spies.” 

President Nixon was condemned by the news media for 
trying to stop them from passing TOP SECRET military in- 
formation to the enemy during a war. President Nixon was 
condemned by the Democrats for frying to save the lives of 
Americans the Democrats had sent into the war under two 
Democrat presidents. President Nixon was to be ‘impeached 
and imprisoned” under a charge by Peter Rodino and the 
House Judiciary Committee, for infringing on the “civil 
rights” of Daniel Ellsberg, by trying to stop him from passing 
information to the enemy during a war. 

The United States, the world’s first and oldest Constitu- 
tional Republic is DEAD! 


Joseph G. Stano, New Jersey 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 49 

48 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 

* * * 

Dear Mr, Dietz: 

J thoroughly enjoyed the December issue of LB, and as 
usual, agreed with all of it, I lilted Dr, Pierce’s article on the 
John Birch Society. I have been reading The New American 
recently and noted that they have become more aggressively 
patriotic during the past few months, but they still tiptoe 
very tenderly around Jewish feelings. The resemble New 
England Old Maids at a tea party when it comes to dealing 
with the Conspiracy. They have become more aggressive in 
their reporting but they still shrink from the thought of vio- 
lence or an early American-style revolution. They continue to 
rely on education and the ballot box. And yet they admit that 
the whites are being outvoted by the hordes of blacks and al- 
ienee that have been swarming into the country under our 
lax immigration policy — again due to pressure from the 

I sympathize with Mr. Kelly’s experience with Jewish 
media control. The Jews are like the Blacks. They go all out 
for vulnerable targets. In South Africa the Blacks hit isolated 
farms (unless there was a man there with, a gun). Three ter- 
rorists invaded us one night. They knew that we were three 
old women without a male guard. My friend got her hands on 
a gun and simply pointed it at them, and they scampered, all 
three of them. After that we put our guns under our pillows. 

South Africa is literally falling to pieces. Too bad. They 
could have led the world back to sanity if there had been a 
leader like Verwoerd or Malan in charge. My husband and I 
were counting on it. That final collapse was a deadly mixture 
of cowardivr and stupidity — and treachery within their own 
ranks. I trust Americans don’t fall into the same snake pit. 

Sincerely yours, 
Mrs. Lee Norris, California 

‘ © SB © 

22d December, 1996 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 

Tins may be considered a Letter to the Editor. 

Just a couple notes on some recent numbers of Liberty 
50 — Liberty Bell / February 1997 


Thank you for carrying, in your August 1996 issue, 
Jeremy Miller’s series The New Slavery which originally ap- 
peared on American Dissident Yoices (a radio program I pro- 
duce); but you repeated the innocent error of the editor of 
Free Speech in giving me the primary credit. In fact, my func- 
tion was merely to edit the Miller articles for clarity and to fit 
the time constraints of my radio program. The main credit 
should go — and the byline should have been given — to Mir. 
Jeremy Miller. 

In your December 1996 issue, you published an article by 
Jack Rilley entitled “Jewish Media Control Close Up,” which 
indicated at its termination, ‘Thanks to Kevin Alfred Strom 
for providing the above article....” and that it was ‘(Reprinted, 
from Resistance #88, published by NSWPP, PO Box 9444, 

Although I am delighted that Mr. Killey’s article was 
seen by readers of Liberty Bell, I feel obligated to inform your 
readers of the false impression that the publisher of the “Re- 
sistance” sheet, Harold Covington, may have given them. (Do 
not confuse Harold Covington’s “Resistance” operation in 
North Carolina with the excellent pro-White music magazine 
of the same name published in Detroit, Michigan. It is Cov- 
ington’s North Carolina-based “Resistance” sheet to which Ii 
refer at all times in this letter.) 

First, ‘Resistance” plagiarized the article from National 
Vanguard Books, pure and simple. Mr; Killey, the author of 
the piece, contacted me some months ago, looking for a pub- 
lisher. Believing his was a story that needed to be told, I first 
published his article on my radio program, and later in print 
and on the Internet. The publisher of ‘Resistance” did not 
contact Mr. Killey, did not contact me, and did not contact 
National Vanguard Books before lifting the article whole and 
republishing it under his imprimatur. This is dishonorable 

enough, but there is more. 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 51 

Secondly, the publisher of “Resistance” has the audacity 
to state that I submitted the article to him and gave him per- 
mission to republish it. I did no such thing. He further im- 
plies that I gave him permission to use my name, which I did 
not. By using my name as quoted above, Mr. Covington 
leaves the reader to infer that I am in at least some small 
way associated with or cooperating with his so-called 
“NSWPP.” I most emphatically state that I have no associa- 
tion whatever with Mr. Covington or his various operations, 
nor have I ever had any such association, nor do I ever intend 
to have such an association. 

Finally, as if to thumb his nose at those whose work he 
has appropriated for his own benefit, Mr. Covington altered 
the text of the article in at least one very significant way: 

On page 52 ofthe December 1996 issue of Liberty Bell, the 
text from Covington’s version of the article reads, “It was in 
one sense a privilege to be in courageous company living and 
dead; to be allocated the ire bestowed on men like Belloc, 
Chesterton, Douglas Reed, Wilmot Robertson was a badge of 
honor of sorts.” 

The same passage in Jack Killey’s actual words reads, 
“...the ire bestowed on people like Belloc, Chesterton, Dr. 
Pierce, Douglas Reed, Wilmot Robertson was a badge of 
honor of sorts. “ 

Thank you, George, for all your unselfish work and your 
multiple kindnesses to me and my family, and thank you for 
the opportunity to set the record straight on this matter. Let 
me make it clear that you and the Liberty Bell are absolutely 
blameless in all this. If readers want further information, 
they may contact me through the address below. 

With best wishes to you and yours, I remain 

Yours faithfully, 
Kevin Alfred Strom. 

52 — Liberty Bell I February 1997 

Hillsboro WV 24946 USA 
e-mail address: ka_strom@bc.netcom.com 
* * » 

Dear Mr. Dietz and Fellow Readers, 

The lament over Clinton’s re-election to the Presidency 
was predictable. No, P.R. of Oregon, it was not the mush- 
headed “soccer moms” who re-elected the Great Liar. Even 
soccer moms are not that stupid, no matter how Rush Lim- 
baugh spins it. Let’s look elsewhere. 

I have recommended the book VOTESCAM to many peo- 
ple, even Limbaugh. As usual, no one listens; no one reads 
the book; the ignorance remains. Since you probably will not 
go out and spend $9.95 for this book, let me tell you in few 
words what you would learn by reading it. James M. Collier 
and his brother Kenneth F. Collier began an investigation of 
vote fraud going back to 1963. During these three decades, 
the American vote has been subject to government-sponsored 
electronic theft. 

The authors assert, and back it up with twenty years of 
daring reporting, “...that your vote may now be a meaning- 
less bit of energy directed by pre-programmed computers -- 
which can be fixed to select certain pre-ordained candidates 
and leave no footprints or paper trail. In short, computers are 
covertly stealing your vote.” Thus, the subtitle of this book; 
The Stealing of America. Your chances at a Las Vegas ca- 
sino are far greater than having your vote counted correctly. 

The research of these two brothers covers twenty years. 
Such persistence!! They may still be researching had they not 
met Mae Brussell. Brussell was cited in Jonathan Vankin’s 
book, Conspiracies, Coverups, & Crimes: Political ma- 
nipulation and mind control in America. In his book, 
Vankin gives dignity to citizens who look for answers in 
places where the mass media refuses (or are forbidden-JC) to 
go. Vankin said that Mae Brussell was the ‘best engaged 
mind” of all the theorists. She was a brilliant researcher and 
probably the only person to cross-reference the 26 volumes of 
jumbled, non-indexed Warren Commission files. Mae had 
“gone on the air” and said the CIA, the FBI and the Mafia 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 53 

conspired to kill President John F. Kennedy. 

Ken Collier appeared on a San Jose, California radio talk 
show while investigating that area for evidence of vote fraud. 
After list enin g to Ken’s accounting of the votescam investiga- 
tion, Mae Brussell couldn’t resist the urge to call him (Ken) 
on the air. “Mae told Ken that the roots of vote fraud 
were to be found in Dallas that only there would we dis- 
cover the truth behind the ‘front gunman theory.’ 

"Mae said that the media had done a trade-off immedi- 
ately after the shooting in Dallas. The television networks 
and the major press agreed to go along with the Warren 
Commission, stifling any impulses to investigate the truth 
about a front gunman — IN RETURN FOR CONTROL OF 

The deal was made! The Jew-controlled United States 
Government (including the CIA, the FBI and the Mafia) 
made a deal with the Jew-controlled media. The Government 
said, “If you don’t tell what we did (in Dallas), we’ll give you 
control of the vote count in elections nation-wide.” Appar- 
ently it was a good deal for both. The Warren Commission 
was a white-wash of the Kennedy assassination, and 33 
years later, the media -- through votescam -- have only their 
choices of people in political office, most especially the one in 
the White House. 

If the book VOTESCAM by the Collier brothers is not 
convincing enough, I direct your attention to the Jew-owned 
Wall Street Journal. The Journal printed the article by Jack 
Anderson (columnist for Newspaper Enterprize Association), 
“modem Vote Fraud’s Undetectable.” In the article, Anderson 
recounts a voting machine fraud in Jefferson Parish, La. He 
tells of Eva Waskell of Reston, Va. who has studied vote fraud 
for more than a decade. She says, ‘The election industry is vir- 
tually unregulated.” Does this not smack of the govern- 
ment/media deal at Dallas? What’s the WSJ’s angle in printing 
this article? They know they are masters of White mind control 
and can say, and get away with, anything they choose. 

As for Mae Brussell’s ‘front gunman theory” at Dallas, a 
video is now available from The Spotlight: THE MURDER 
54 — Liberty Bell I February 1997 

OF JFK - Confession of an Assassin - The actual chilling 
confession of James E. Files taped at Joliet State Peniten- 
tiary - “I hit him from the front... X was one of two men.” 

Is Files telling the truth? It’s up for you to decide. Files said 
that he was involved in joint CIA-mob operations that led to the 
assassination of President Kennedy. If Mae Brussell were still 
alive, I’m sure she would believe Files. After all, someone shot 
Kennedy from the front; why not Files? 

The need in America is not to vote. The need is to rid 
America of the Disease. Your vote is gone; your freedom is 
gone; your money is gone; your government is gone; your cul- 
ture is gone because the Disease denied you a choice when 
they stole your vote 33 years ago. America, and you, are des- 
titute. The only thing you have left is your anger. 

Happy New Year, 
Jarah B. Crawford, Tennessee 

* * * 

Dear Sir, 

I wish you understood that the loss of your Christian tra- 
dition to the Jewish racial Darwin trick is what has ruined 
our civilization. 

Sincerely, D.L., New York 

* * * 

Dear George, : 

Enclosed is my subscription renewal money... 

I’ll be going back to Australia perhaps one last time. 
What a wonderful country with such polite, intelligent peo- 
ple! They all are much better informed about America than 1 
we are. They take being well informed in stride-as simply 
part of life while Americans tend to hide from knowledge and 
the exchange of ideas as too burdensome to deal with. 

We can blame the Jews but they have simply taken ad- 
vantage of a greedy, intellectually lazy populacve. I believe 
many Americans would shoot their own mother if so in- 
structed by the government. 

Keep plugging away anyway, George-you just might 
make a difference. 

‘ Sincerely, M.B., Oregon 

Liberty Bell / February 1997 — 55 


Please remember; Our Fight Is Your flghtl Donate whatever you 
can spare on a regular- monthly or quarterly- basis. Whether It Is 
$2., $5., $20., or $100. or more, rest assured It Is needed here and 
will be used In our common struggle. If you are a businessman, 
postage stamps In any denomination are a legitimate business ex- 
pense-and we need and use many of these here every month - 
and will be gratefully accepted as donations . 

Your donations will help us spread the Message of Liberty and 
White Survival throughout the land, by making available additional 
copies of our printed material to fellow Whites who do not yet know 
what Is In store for them. 

Order our pamphlets, booklets, and, most Importantly, our 
reprints of revealing articles which are Ideally suited for mass dls 
trlbution at reasonable cost. Order extra copies of Liberty Bell for 
distribution to your circle of friends, neighbors, and relatives, urging 
them to subscribe to our unique publication. Our bulk prices are 
shown on the Inside front cover of every Issue of Liberty Bell. 

Pass along your copy of Liberty Bell, and copies of reprints you 
obtained from us, to friends and acquaintances who may be on our 
“wave length," and urge them to contact us for more of the; same. 

Carry on the fight to free our White people from the shackles of 
alien domination, even If you can only join our ranks In spirit. You 
can provide for this by bequest. The following are suggested forms 
of bequests which you may Include in your Last Will and T estament: 

1 . 1 bequeath to Mr. George P. Dietz, as Trustee for Liberty Bell 
Publications, P.O. Box 21 , Reedy WV 25270 USA, the sum of $ . . . 
— for general purposes. 

2. 1 bequeath to Mr. George P. Dietz, as Trustee for Liberty Bell 

Publications, P.O, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA, the following, 
described property for general purposes, 

