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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics 
at the University of Illinois for 32 years, is a 
scholar of international distinction who has 
written articles in four languages for fhe 
most prestigous academic publications in 
the United States and Europe. 

During World War II, Dr. Oliver was 
Director of Research in a highly secret agen- 
cy of the War Department, and was cited for 
outstanding service to his country. 

One of the very few academicians who 
has been outspoken in his opposition to the 
progressive defacement of our civilization,'* 
Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the fate of 
his countrymen hangs on their willingness 
to subordinate their doctrinal differences to 
the tough but idealistic solidarity which is 
the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 


On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition): “Very few Americans were sufficiently 
sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American conception of government 
and had replaced it with the legal principle of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat,' 
which was the theoretical justification of the Jews' revolution in Russia." 

On Race: "We must further understand that all races naturally regard themselves 
as superior to all others. We think Congoids unintelligent, but they feel only con- 
tempt for a race so stupid or craven that it fawns on them, gives them votes, lavish- 
ly subsidizes them with its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to Ourselves a su- 
periority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our own standards, we are simp- 
ly indulging in atautology, The onlyobjective criterion of superiority, among human 
races as among all other species, is biological: the strong survive, the weak perish. 
The superior race of mankind today is the on§ that will emerge victorious— whether 
by its technology or its fecundity— from the proximate struggle for life on an over- 
crowded planet." 


Order No. 01007- $10.00 
plus $1.50 for postage & handling 

376 pp., pb. 


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Liberty Bell 

Hans Schmidt: 

| “Sch(w)indler , s 'List”, .. page Sit | llMl 

mill 7 :|a 3{ i 

Good-bye to the: 

Tyler C. 

This is Your Brain, on Television/ page 32, 

Colin Jordan: l ll lllllll illll 

National Socialism: - 111 111 1111 

What is National Socialism, page 44. 
Letters to the Editor, page 46. 7 




\bice Of Thinking Americans 


The magazine for Thinking Americans, has been published monthly since 
September 1973 by Liberty Bell Publications. Editorial office: P.O. Box 21, Reedy 
WV 25270 USA. Phone: 304-927-4486. 

Manuscripts conforming to our editorial policy are always welcome and may 
be submitted on IBM-, Apple //e-, or Apple/Macintosh-compatible diskette, or in 
double-spaced, neatly typed format. Manuscripts can not be returned unless 
accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. Manuscripts accepted for 
publication become the property of Liberty Bell Publications. 

© Copyright 1991 
by Liberty Bell Publications. 

Permission granted to quote in whole or part any article except those subject to 
author’s copyright. Proper source, address and subscription information must be 





FIRST CLASS-all other countries $60.00 

AIR MAIL-Europe, South America $70.00 

Middle East, Far East, South Africa $75.00 

Sample Copy . $ 6.50 


10 copies $ 22.00 

50 copies .' $ 90.00 

100 copies $150.00 

500 copies $600.00 

1000 copies ...‘I $900.00 



The editor/publisher of Liberty Beil does' not necessarily agree with each and 
every article in this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at 
by various writers; however, he does endeavor to permit the exposure of ideas 
suppressed by the controlled news media of this country. 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere 
that Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to ideas, for ultimately it is ideas which 
rule the world and determine both the content and structure of our Western 

We believe that we can and will change our« society for the better. We 
declare our long-held view that no institution or government created by men, for 
men, is inviolable, incorruptible, and not subject to evolution, change, or replace- 
ment by the will of an informed people. 

To this we dedicate our lives and our work. No effort will be spared and no 
idea will be allowed to go unexpressed if we think it will benefit the Thinking 
People, not only of America, but the entire world. 

George P. Dietz, Editor & Publisher 

D-DAY — 6 JUNE 1944 

Reflections by One American Veteran 
of the Second World War 


Chcu les E. Weber y Ph.D ♦ 

Television stations throughout the United States are now 
showing many views of the events of a bloody painful day that 
took place a half century ago, gruesome scenes that included great 
physical and mental pain for the participants, scenes that were re- 
corded in thousands of feet of motion picture film. What did this 
pain and these sacrifices on the beaches of Normandy really bring 
about for Americans? 

I am an American veteran of the Second World War, bom in 
1922 just several days before Mussolini’s “march on Rome.” I was 
sworn into the Army of the United States on 13 January 1943 and 
discharged from military service on a pleasant spring day in 
Heidelberg, 13 April 1946. During the three and a quarter years I 
went to places to which I was ordered and did what I was ordered 
to do. Since my overseas service was in Europe, my reflections on 
6 June 1944 are mosdy concerned with the American military role 
in Europe. When I view the film showing American military ac- 
tions on 6 June 1944 I realize how fortunate I was not to have 
been in a location such as the ‘Omaha” sector that day. 

After the end of military actions in 1945 I was involved in a 
process usually summarized by the word ‘Denazification,” which 
afforded me the unusual opportunity of listening to views on both 
sides of the war. My training had been in military intelligence and 
my Military Occupational Specialty Number was 631, that of an 
intelligence non-commissioned officer. 

Opposing American military forces invading Europe in June 
1944 were men of my race, in fact exclusively of my race, from 
various parts of Europe, a Europe which had been exhausted by 
nearly five years of war. At the time the United States was closely 
allied with the most destructive tyranny which had ever existed in 
the history of mankind. Men from many lands were opposing the 

Liberty Bell /June 1994 — 1 

advance of Communism into western Europe: Finns, Germans, 
Hungarians, Italians, Romanians, Slovaks and Croatians as well as 
nearly a million volunteers from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, 
Denmark, Norway, etc. These volunteers included some of the fin- 
est and most courageous men of all the combatants, not only in 
terms of their military feats, but also because their governments, 
some of which had fled into exile, disowned them and later tried 
many of them as traitors for idealistically defending Europe against 
the armed forces of Communism. 

During the past few decades a number of courageous histori- 
ans have been reevaluating die history of the Second World War 
and in particular the American r61e in it. A notable, early example 
is the book by the American intelligence officer. Col. John Beaty, 
The Iron Cwtain Over America (1951) [available from LBP, $8.50 
& $1.50 postage], A recent and quite disturbing book by the Cana- 
dian journalist James Bacque, Other Losses (1989), deals with the 
ruthless American treatment of Germans who had laid down their' 
arms in 1945. Such historians have had the courage and intellec- 
tual integrity to delve objectively into the realities of American par : 
ticipation in the war in spite of a flood of continuing propaganda 
by the American mass media that present the history of the war as 
an American involvement in a “good war.” In addition to the two 
titles mentioned above there are scores of other important books 
in this category. 

On 1 September 1939 National Socialist Germany, wisely or 
not, attempted to gain back by force of arms parts of which had 
been taken from Germany by Poland by force of arms during 
1919-1920. Three days later the war between Germany and an 
overconfident Poland was expanded into a world war by declara- 
tions of war against Germany by a heavily armed and overconfi- 
dent England and a somewhat hesitant France which considered 
itself well protected behind an impressive line of modem fortifica- 
tions. The motives for these declarations were complex, but fear of 
German competition for export markets was unquestionably a 
prominent factor at a time of lingering massive unemployment in 
England. On 3 December 1939 another event took place about 
which nearly all Americans are unaware. It is known to historians 
2 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 


as the Bromberg Bloody Sunday, a mass murder of civilian ethnic 
Germans by Poles. This event, which was soon documented by a 
large illustrated official publication of the German government, 
brought about a grim and desperate atmosphere from the very 
start of the war. 

We know from documents of the Polish Foreign Office cap- 
tured in Warsaw in 1939 by invading German forces that the dis- 
eased, ruthless occupant of the American White House, who was 
still preoccupied with massive unemployment after seven years in 
office, was ordering his diplomats in Europe to help set the scene 
for a war which was indeed destined to solve his problems with re- 
gard to massive unemployment The shrewdly duplicitous, menda- 
cious Roosevelt assured the American people that he had no 
intention of sending their sons to fight on foreign battlefields, for 
he was well aware that the vast majority of Americans wanted no 
involvement in the European war that was raging at the time, es- 
pecially after the outbreak of hostilities between Germany and the 
U.S.S.R. Even such prominent Americans as Charles Lindbergh 
and Walt Disney helped to lead the struggle against the threat of 
involvement in the war. 

On the basis of published histories of Soviet military units we 
know today that a Communist invasion of western Europe was be- 
ing planned, an earlier attempt at which was frustrated during 
1919-1920. (See Bulletins 4 and 40, page 4.) In 1941 Soviet forces 
were being ordered into offensive positions with their powerful, 
modem tanks in number far greater than those at the disposal of 
the German commands. When German political and military lead- 
ers became convinced that time and further delay were putting 
Germany at a military disadvantage that would become ever more 
difficult to overcome, after arrogant demands by Soviet diplomats 
in the autumn of 1940 and after a brutal Soviet occupation of the 
Baltic republics in 1940 (a preview of what defeat by the U.S.S.R 
would mean to Germany and indeed to the rest of Europe), Ger- 
man leaders ordered an offensive action against the U.S.S.R on 22 
June under the code name Operation Barbarossa, which met with 
astonishing successes against the Soviet armed forces that had 
been preoccupied with future offensive actions without making 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 3 

sufficient defensive preparations, thus another instance of overcon- 
fidence. The initial German military successes took place in spite of 
inadequate preparations for a sustained offensive, even including a 
shortage of uniforms suitable for winter warfare. 

Roosevelt had an intense personal hatred of Hider, who had, 
in some important ways, been far more successful in solving eco- 
nomic problems of their respective lands. Roosevelt had come 
from a very wealthy family, in contrast to Hider, who came from 
modest circumstances and who had served his nation in its armed 
forces as a close witness to the horrors of war. During 19401941 
under Roosevelt’s leadership American armed forces and materials 
of war were being committed increasingly to military actions 
against Germany in spite of the overwhelming sentiments of the 
American people against military involvement in another Euro- 
pean war. In a long speech on 11 December 1941 Hider finally ex- 
pressed his recognition that Roosevelt’s diabolical efforts had won 
out against the will of the American people and that a state of war 
with the United States existed. (See Bulletins 29 and 36.) How- 
ever, without such a formal declaration, the full forces of American 
military and industrial potential might have been delayed for 
months or even years. Hitler had underestimated the will of the 
American people to stay out of the European war. When one reads 
Hitler’s speech of 11 December 1941 it becomes apparent that 
Hider had become deeply involved emotionally by American ac- 
tions against German naval forces in the Adantic The Japanese at- 
tack on Pearl Harbor several days earlier had made Roosevelt’s 
desire for full American involvement an easily attained reality and 
his political position virtually unassailable. 

The beaches of Normandy, soaked with the blood of American 
young men on June 6, 1944, are a symbol of American sacrifices in 
a war which produced results that later caused many thoughtful 
Americans to ask themselves what the bitter sacrifices had really 
brought about. For over four decades eastern and much of central 
Europe were tortured by a brutal, exploitive Soviet occupation. 
During 1945-1946 expulsions of ethnic Germans from areas that 
had been parts of Germany for centuries resulted in the deaths of 
millions [Suggested r eading: Gruesome Harvest: The Costly Attempt 
4 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

to Exteiminate the German People , by Ralph Keeling, available from, 
LBP, $5.00 + $1.50 postage]. By the start of the Soviet blockade 
of Berlin in June 1948 all Americans except the most simple- 
minded admirers of Roosevelt had to ask themselves what we had 
done as a nation. I was still in Europe during the summer of 1948, 
having taken a position with the Department of War, after my dis- 
charge from the army. The summer of 1948 was one of great ten- 
sion and fear that a war would break out again, this time in a 
military vacuum that would have permitted a rather sudden defeat 
of whatever western military forces were still left in Europe and a 
subsequent Soviet occupation of most or all of Europe that had not 
already been occupied by Soviet forces. 

We Americans can be proud that our Constitution forbids “ex 
post facto” laws in keeping with thousands of years of European le- 
gal traditions expressed, for example, in the ancient Latin legal dic- 
tum, “nulla poena sine lege.” One day in the summer of 1946 I 
attended the protracted show trials in Nuremberg of German lead- 
ers who had been obeying the laws of their country and defending 
it against ruthless foes who had made genoddal threats against the 
German nation in the form of the Morgenthau Plan and other 
means. The Nuremberg trials were a cynical repudiation of Ameri- 
can legal principles, against which some courageous American 
voices were raised at the time, including some members of the 
United States Senate. Both Senator Robert Taft and Senator 
Joseph McCarthy died prematurely. 

The Nuremberg trials, with their cynical disregard of American 
and European legal principles (similar to present efforts to sup- 
press investigations of various historical questions in Canada and 
Europe), can be seen as a sort of psychological necessity for most 
Americans who had come to realize what their country had done 
in Europe and that a military vacuum had been created in Europe 
with little more than American atomic bombs as a deterrent to fur- 
ther Soviet military advances. The trials helped to rationalize the 
moral aspects of our conduct of the war, including the merciless 
and largely unnecessary bombing of German and other civilian 
populations, as in the case of Dresden in February 1945. The dis- 
graceful American postwar treatment of German prisoners of war 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 5 

and Operation Keelhaul were not well known at the time to most 
Americans. Such actions were not worthy of a nation that claimed 
the influence of Christian moral principles. 

The American ‘Victory” of 1945 and the subsequent Nurem- 
berg trials have poisoned and debilitated the psyche and even the 
will to survive of the Aryan component of the American popula- 
tion. They have acted like a boomerang that returns to strike the 
thrower. In one law after the other, in one judicial decree after the 
other and in one foreign policy after the other the poison and de- 
bilitation have manifested themselves. During the past few dec- 
ades the fortunes of the Aryan components of the American 
population have been declining year in and year out. The ‘Holo- 
caust” material and other myths and quasi myths generated with 
well calculated objectives during and after the Second World War 
have so thoroughly poisoned and debilitated the American Aryan 
will to survive that this component of the population of the United 
States is being overwhelmed demographically and economically, 
seemingly almost without its awareness, let alone a will to resist, 
on the part of the victims. The defense of the Aryan nations has be- 
come unfashionable, an action out of season, even immoral. 

The flood of illegal immigrants into the United States from un- 
successful lands, “affirmative action” (a cynical euphemism for put- 
ting Aryan men at a disadvantage in employment), the frequency 
of abortions which have caused an absolute and even greater rela- 
tive decline of the Aryan population of the United States, the in- 
creasing incidence of miscegenation, our lack of a will to punish 
sufficiently crimes against Aryans by members of hostile races, the 
hostility to what remains of Caucasian populations in Africa on the 
part of “our” State Department, the giving away of our canal at 
Panama by an obviously corrupted Congress against the over- 
whelming sentiments of the American people and welfare policies 
which have caused such a dysgenic development of the population 
of the United States that it can no longer compete successfully on 
world markets are just some of the tragic manifestations of the poi- 
soning and debilitation of the American Aryan mind, which seem 
to me to be the insidious, seldom recognized result of American in- 
volvement in the Second World War. Wars seeih to have the abil- 
6 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

ity to ‘hallow any cause,” to use Nietzsche’s phrase. Whatever 
Hitietis faults or mistakes might have been, his basic aim was the 
welfare of Aryans. Through the constant denigration of Hider and 
his National Socialism in the popular media, dais aim is being con- 
standy denigrated, in turn. 

The economically debilitating ‘Cold War” and the costiy wars 
in Korea and Vietnam must also be regarded as at least indirect re- 
sults of what I am inclined to call ‘The War to Make the World 
Safe for Communism” and the tragic mistakes which the United 
States made during and after that war, notably its naive or even 
treasonous support of the evil Soviet empire. The Second World 
War offered a perfect pretext for the growth of Big Government 
and the introduction of payroll deductions. They are amongst the 
most damaging, still-extant legacies of the war as far as the Cauca- 
sian taxpayer is concerned. 

The' members of the airforces of England, Germany and the 
United States were physically and mentally outstanding specimens 
of Aryan man. Their genes were the supreme result of hundreds of 
thousands of years of evolution of mankind. They died by the 
scores of thousands while fighting each other in the flames, explo- 
sions and impacts of falling aircraft. In most cases their genes were 
lost forever. That loss was a striking example of the dysgenic ef- 
fects of modern warfare. Far more insidious and perhaps far more 
important were the poisoning and debilitation of the psyche of Ar- 
yan man as a result of the war. 

It seems especially ironic that a president who slyly and self- 
ishly evaded military service during the war in Vietnam and whose 
past personal behavior is a source of shame to our country is now 
representing the United States in commemorations of the sacrifices 
made by American soldiers on the beaches of Normandy and cen- 
tral Italy. Clinton has the duplicitous manner which is all too remi- 
niscent of Roosevelt’s manner. 

It is proper that we honor the well-intended sacrifices of 
American soldiers who were killed and wounded during the Sec- 
ond World War but we must also keep the result of these sacrifices 
in their proper perspective, especially with regard to the long- 

range results of the war. O 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 7 



A German View of this Zionist Propaganda Movie 

by Hans Schmidt 

As I am writing these lines, the anti-German propaganda 
movie “Schindler's List” has been in the theaters for 16 weeks. 
It is shown in 1,382 locations across the country, and has so 
far grossed $74.7 million. Needless to say, the Jewish over- 
lords are making every effort to promote this hate film, and 
everywhere brainwashed teachers are taking their pupils to 
see it. 

Have no fear though: I stick by my prior statement that al- 
most everything the Oberjuden are doing now, including this 
stupid film and the numerous “Holocaust” museums and me- 
morials, will backfire. (Just notice what is currently happening 
to the unrepairable relations between Blacks and Jews.) 

Below you will find an important Zeitdokument (document 
pertaining to our era). As you can see, it is from the 31 October 
1919 issue of an American Jewish magazine (The American He- 
brew) and must therefore be true. Please notice that Gov. 
Gwynn spoke already then of “6 million” apd a ‘holocaust.” 
This information was discovered by the Polish Historical Soci- 
ety, 91 Strawberry Hill Ave., Stamford CT 06902. 

I hope you realize that I had to see “Schindler’s List.” With- 
out viewing it, I would be unable to give my personal assess- 
ment of this piece of Liigenpropaganda. But don’t worry, I didn’t 
pay the full price of admission. However, before I tell you of 
my impressions, please read the two newspaper items below. 
The (German- American!) man from Pennsylvania assumes that 
the film provides “documentary evidence” of the ‘Holocaust,” 
and the seemingly also German-American woman from upstate 
New York came away feeling that she now owes the Jewish 
race [sic] a debt that can never be repaid. Precisely what the 
Jewish activists had intended when they embarked on produc- 
ing “Schindler’s List.” Am I concerned because this movie had 
such an impact on people like that? Not in the least. It isn’t the 
Buehlers and the Herrs of this world that will play important 
8 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 


OcLoboi 3ij 3010 

The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop! 


(Rormcr Governor of (he Elate of X. Y.) 

From ncroxi Ibe »ca »lx million men 
and women call lo us (or help, md eight 
hundred thousand little children cry for 

These children, thci/e men and ■women 
are our fellowmemhcra of the human 
family, with the same claim on life as 
ve, the eame susceptibility to the winter's 
cold, the same propensity to death before 
the fanga of hunger. Within them reside 
the Illimitable possibilities for the ad* 
yancemcnl of the human race as naturally 
would reside In six million human beings. 
ltV may not be their keeper t but tee 
ought to be their helpers. 

In the face of death, in the Ihroea of 
aUrvallon there Is no place for mental 
distinctions of creed, no place for physical 
differentiation* of race. In this catas- 
trophe, when jb million hurosn being* - 
are being whirled toward the grave by a 
cruel and relentless fate, only the most 
Idealistic promptings of human nature 
should sway tbs heart and mors ths 

Six million men and women are dying 
from lack of the necessaries of life; eight 
hundred thousand children cry for broad. 
And this fats Is upon them through no 
fault of their own, through no transgres* 
•ion of the laws of Ood or man; but 
through the awful tyranny of war and a 
bigoted lust for Jewish blood. 

In this threatened holocaust of human 
life, forgotten are the niceties of philoso- 
phical distinction, foi gotten are ths dif- 
ferences of historical Interpretation; and 
the determination to help the helpless, to 
ah e 1 1 er^ae^bo^jj^^^j^oth^he^a k ed 

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Wr]* » t? t , • 

WiiiTiira t 

In all of ua by tho hand of Ood, and tbo I hit 771 h DIvlHlon alone there wers H.OOU 

man or woman who can, end will nol, of them, «»d In Arguime Forest this dltl* 

hear the cry of the starving; who can, slim rrtpj'qyd ht^tlp rmrm guna. Thla 

and will not, lake heed of tbo wull of ' > 1 ^*vJLi Ut , iBli || bo ^s 

jjylng; who tan, and will not, 
hand lo 

roles in the tough times to come. Particularly people like that 
will suffer horribly because of their obvious stupidity and gulli- 
bility. They, like the Jews, will do everything wrong from this 
time forward. 

The underlying lie and misconception about “Schindler’s 
List” is the generally broadcast assumption that the “Schindler 
Jews” would all have been murdered had Oskar Schindler not 
“rescued” them. Naturally, that is total nonsense. I say it again: 
If Hitler had really intended to have all the Jews within the 
German WWII realm killed, there would not have been “mil- 
lions” (according to the New York Times of April 1993) of survi- 
vors. Even in the movie there are hints of the infighting for 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — : 

needed workers among Third Reich authorities that had taken 
place especially in the latter stages of the war, when all kinds of 
laborers, including the Jewish ones,' were in desperate short- 
age. That was probably the sole reason why the train with the 
“Schindler women” had been diverted to Auschwitz (a huge in- 

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10 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

dustrial complex), if this part of the story is true. 

In the meantime (as a direct result of the publicity, and be- 
cause Jews have an innate need to “shine”), there must be 
6,000 (rather than the 1,000 plus) former Schindler Juden liv- 
ing in the U.S. alone. Those that I saw on TV looked quite and 
healthy and wealthy, no doubt due to the involuntary largess of 
the Germans. We can safely assume that most of them would 
have survived the war even without Oskar Schindler, those that 
wouldn’t have made it would probably have been victims of the 
emergency wintertime transport from Auschwitz (and other 
concentration camps) to locations in the West: of Allied air 
raids, and of epidemics such as occurred at Bergen-Belsen, that 
were the direct result of the chaotic conditions at war’s end. 

Since I come from an area in Germany where there is a 
concentration of heavy industry, I well remember the multi- 
tudes of foreigners working in the coal mines, the steel mills 
and the other plants during that time. On weekends, the inner 
city of Saarbriicken was crammed full of (especially) ‘French 
and Polish POWs, Ukrainian and Russian Ostarbeiterinnen (fe- 
male laborers from the East), Spanish and French volunteer 
workers, and forced (in today’s nomenclature “slave-”) laborers 
from Holland and Denmark, none of whom were with armed 
German guards. Several times I also took notice of Jews with 
the Star of David sown on their clothes riding in the street car 
(the last time I saw this was when I was in furlough shortly af- 
ter the destruction of Saarbriicken in an air raid on 5 October 
1944). Nobody bothered them or anyone else. There were not 
even altercations between the various groups of foreigners, as 
is occurring in ’’free" Germany today. That in 1943 and 1944 I 
wasn’t surprised or shocked by Jews having a symbol of their 
origin attached to their clothing can be easily explained: at that 
time nearly everybody wore some kind of uniform or special 
designation “marker.” The Ostarbeiterinnen, for instance, had a 
tag with the word OST (East) on their coats or dresses, and I 
was proud of the insignia on my uniform. 

Another lie concerning Steven Spielberg’s film is the fact 
that he projected the Jews as totally innocent bystanders who 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 1 1 

had to obey any or all German orders, “or else.” We know that 
Germany had a right to regard and treat all Jews anywhere in 
the world as enemy aliens ever since 23 March 1933, when the 
leadership of World Jewry had declared war on Deutschland be- 
cause Hitler was on the way to curtail the (then existing) inor- 
dinate Jewish power in and over the Reich. 

(The argument that World Jewry was in no position to de- 
clare war on Germany, since at that time there was no standing 
Jewish army, doesn’t hold water: then as now, the top Jewish 
leadership was able to mobilize and utilize the armed might of 
the entire non-Jewish nations for their own nefarious purposes. 
Compare how the armed forces of the United States and the in- 
dustrial and economic potential of this country have been used 
in the furtherance of Israeli and Zionist aims. Remember the 
Gulf War.) 

Whoever saw Spielberg’s film must have noticed the total 
absence of weapons in the hands of the Jews of Cracow. This is 
contrary to the facts. On a wall of the Washington Holocaust 
Museum I discovered a sign with the statement that in more 
than a hundred ghettoes underground organizations of the Zi- 
onists and young Jewish Communists had been in existence. 
What do you think these people did, only deal in black market 
activities? I have in my possession a great number of books 
written by Jews about the ‘heroic deeds” of the Jewish partisan 
fighters. There is no doubt that they did great damage to the 
German war effort, the main purpose of which it was to keep 
(Jewish-) Bolshevism out of Europe. The activities of these par- 
tisans had to be countered with all the force the Germans could 
muster. Finally, since the benign ghetto concept didn’t work, 
the Reich Government had no choice but to quarantine many 
Jews in the now notorious concentration camps. 

The overblown scenes of the brutal cleansing of the Cracow 
ghetto by German forces must be compared to current attempts 
by the American government to fight against the proliferation 
of drugs in (black) American ghettoes. We all know how deter- 
mined SWAT and DEA forces break into house where drugs are 
suspected, and how rough the people inside (including chil- 
12 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 







dren) are being treated. Yet, this involves only drugs. Imagine 
how these same American police forces would have acted had 
some of the inhabitants of these drug houses been suspected of 
blowing up a hospital filled with wounded officers, as hap- 
pened near Cracow. (There, Jewish partisans blew up a Ger- 
man hospital train.) I guess, ‘Waco” tells us that in such a case 
there wouldn’t be anybody left to be put in a concentration 
camp. Therefore, any American abhorrence of what happened 
or might have happened in wartime Poland is totally mis- 

The “Schindler’s List”-assumption that Jews in ’Nazi" Ger- 
many were totally without rights and representation is also 
false. Up until the clearance of the ghettoes toward the end of 
the war (Warsaw 1943), Cracow 1944, Lodz 1943 or 1944, 
etc.) each ghetto had a Judenrat (Jewish Council) where the 
day-to-day operations of the ghetto, and the relations with the 
German authorities, were handled. The Jews could and did 
complain, and were listened to, as can be read in ghetto dia- 
ries. At any rate, the Jews in the ghettoes had more rights un- 
der German suzerainty than had the German population under 
American occupation between 1945 and 1947 (an American 
‘law” of 1945 proscribed the death sentence for anyone caught 
with a kitchen knife more than 9 inches long. Once in the con- 
centration camps, Jews were not without recourse against mis- 
treatment and brutalities, as is proven by trial records of camp 
guards that can still be seen in various archives. That a “com- 
mandant” like Amon Goth would use people for target shoot- 
ing, as is shown in Spielberg’s propaganda movie, was simply 

Only recently I came into possession of evidence that at 
least up until 1943 (until after the German defeat at Stalin- 
grad) the European Jews still had their own newspapers, and 
that at least until 1938 — five years into the Third Reich— there 
were as many as 65 Jewish publications in Germany, many of 
which were openly anti-"Nazi”. Compare this to the almost total 
destruction of the German language press in the United States 
in the First World War (meaning, of course, that Americans 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 13 


have absolutely no right to criticize the Germans for similar ac- 
tions against their minorities 20 years later) . Or, can anyone 
tell me how many publications in the Japanese language were 
still being printed in America in 1944? Knowing this system 
here (and its actions and reactions). I’d bet not one. 

Incidentally, the propaganda being spread that “the Nazis” 
treated all Jews alike, namely bad, is also untrue. In this regard 
I would only like to mention that as late as January 1945 privi- 
leged Jews were transported in first-class train accommoda- 
tions from the Bergen-Belsen transit camp (where only a few 
months later thousands, among them Anne Frank, were to die 
of hunger typhus) to Switzerland; that up until the spring or 
summer of 1944 the bulk of Hungarian Jews lived far better 
and more free than the population of Germany, and that a Jew- 
ish hospital (only for Jewish patients) existed in Berlin right to 

the end of the war when the Russians took it over for their own 

Those of you who have seen “Schindler’s List” may remem- 
ber that the road leading to the Plaszow camp had been plas- 
. tered with gravestones from Jewish cemeteries (with the 
Hebrew inscriptions conveniently facing up). Spielberg obvi- 
ously wanted to create the impression that the ‘bad Nazis” had 
destroyed all Jewish cemeteries, and used the gravestones for 
road building. In forty-five years in the U.S., I have never read 
an article stating the fact that during the entire Third Reich the 
only damage to Jewish cemeteries in Deutschland was caused 
by Allied bombs. There was not even the ubiquitous vandalism 
so endemic in democracies”. (A few years ago there were re- 
ports of one Hamburg Jewish cemetery having been turned 
into a parking lot but the reason for this was simply because 
the leaders of that particular Jewish community had sold the 

property (illegally, to boot) once most of the congregation had 
left Germany). 

I have stated before that the entire “Schindler’s List” Rum- 
mel (hullabaloo) was caused by the consternation of the top 
Jewish leadership over the fact that the disbelief in the “Holo- 
caust fairy tales was taking hold of the psyche of majority 

14 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Americans. Proof for this assumption could be found on 7 April 
1994, the (now official) ‘Holocaust Remembrance Day”, when 
the Jewish propaganda chiefs went crazy. There were memo- 
rial services in the most incongruous places, among them the 
United States Naval Academy, were Spielberg received an 
award, (and, I assume, at West Point and Colorado Springs), at 
the U.S. Capitol, and in many state legislatures. Watching TV 
on that day I counted no less than 3 mentionings of the ”6 mil- 
lion Jews killed by the Nazis" in a five minute broadcast. In my 
imagination I could see millions of Americans yawn when they 
heard this. 

Watching recent Jewish antics regarding the ‘Holocaust” 
and “Schindler’s List” (and also their shock over the fact that 
most majority Americans gleefully expect that the (part-Jewish) 
American boy accused of “vandalism” in Singapore will be 
caned), I came to the following conclusion: 

The Jews know all the weaknesses of the Aryans 
but they do not know our strengths... and therein 
lies their misfortune. 

When the newsmedia broke the story about the caning of 
Michael Fay, I did not have the slightest doubt that most ^ 
Americans (including the Blacks) agreed with the stance of the 
Government of Singapore that six lashes were appropriate. I 
also ‘knew” that deep down most white Americans wished that 
such a punishment could be meted out here. Nevertheless, the 
(almost 100%) liberal editors of this nation’s newspapers were 
genuinely shocked to discover that Americans were so ‘blood- 
thirsty”, a term one publication used, and wanted to see ’’this 
poor boy, who only caused material damage" to suffer. For me 
this is proof how far removed the liberal mediacrats are. from 
the people’s real thinking. It is interesting to note that a con- 
certed campaign in behalf of the miscreant was admitted in one 
of the papers I am reading regularly. Obviously, this would not 
have happened had Fay not been (part-?) Jewish. They even 
managed to utilize the services of Bill Clinton. 

* * * jfC 

The bolshevisation of the United States is now taking place 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 15 

at a rapid pace. If you were sitting where I am, and you would 
see all the information regarding this fact accumulating at my 
desk, you would turn gray in a week. ‘They” never stop... The 
United States (as we know it) is doomed. As predicted in our 
March GANPAC BRIEF, the Oberjuden are using so-called laws 
and many regulations to hog-tie the population of this country. 
Roberta Achtenberg, the lesbian Jewess now in high position at 
HUD, works 25 hours a day to forcefully integrate America’s 
housing now that it is obvious that 30 years of pro-race mixing 
propaganda has failed. Senator Howard Metzenbaum, another 
Jew, is not satisfied with the Brady Law, and wants to impose 
even more stringent gun controls. The new law he is proposing 
would require the purchase of a federal license for an “arsenal” by 
any citizen having more than 1,000 rounds of ammo at home. 
Obviously this is an attempt to make criminals out of all those 
Americans who strongly believe in the Second Amendment, and 
are sufficiently armed to fight a tyrannical government, should 
this become necessary. By the way, that is one thing that gets me 
about the gun control advocates: their dishonesty regarding the 
need for (many) weapons. They always say, “one doesn’t need this 
or that weapon for sporting purposes” while defenders of the Sec- 
ond Amendment know and claim that this is not the major pur- 
pose of (much of) gun ownership. These same ‘liberal” liars are 
those who claim that revisionists say that there had been no Ger- 
man concentration camps during World War II, something I’ve 
never heard or read from anyone on our side. 

^ ^ <7* *T' 

The following is very important. 

GANPAC has changed its (real) title and purpose from a “po- 
litical action committee” to a “political affairs committee.” The ac- 
ronym GANPAC remains the same. Note the new impressum: 
GANPAC is the only organization politically defending and rep- 
resenting the interests of the 60 million Americans who have 
declared themselves “German-Americans,” this nation’s largest 
ethnic group. It is GANPAC’s aim to fight the constant defama- 
tion of all things German by the American newsmedia, to inform 
the American public of the great contributions by the German- 
Americans and Germans to the growth and well-being of this 
16 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

nation, and to help build a better society for all. 

The GANPAC BRIEF appears monthly. Subscription/donation 
rates are $50 per annum ($25 for students and Social Security 
recipients — U.S. addresses only.) Back issues are available. 
Write for list. 

©German-American National Political Affairs Committee, 
P.O. Box 11124, Pensacola FL 32524-1124. 

What led to this change? You may remember that PACs are 
under the supervision of the FEC, the Federal Election Commis- 
sion, and that all PAC’s have to mail frequent (at least twice a 
year but more often in election years) financial reports to that 
office. In these reports we have to list all those contributors and 
additional information on them who give more than $200 a 
year. Suddenly, these requirements were strengthened, and I 
have a hunch that the real aim of these new regulations is to 
(eventually, soon) encompass all contributors, no matter how 
small their checks. The Jewish overlords never miss a beat 
when broadening their influence, and widening their (ADL- 
like) “supervision.” They’d love to get the names, addresses, 
employers, etc., of all American and German patriots into their 

At any rate, when a PAC receives more than $200 a year from 
someone, ‘best efforts” have now to be made to get certain infor- 
mation from these individuals, and the following has to be stated 
in a letter to them: ‘Federal law requires political committees to re- 
port the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer 
for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 
in a calender year.” Reading this, and knowing how the U.S. gov- 
ernment sometimes passes retroactive laws, we at GANPAC real- 
ized that we had to take some measures to safeguard our 
contributors (almost all of whom contribute less than the amount 
in question per annum) . And, really, the only way to do this was 
to alter the constitution of our organization so that it does not fall 
under FEC jurisdiction. Is there a drawback in all of this? Nothing 
of importance. We must realize that, due to various factors (some 
mentioned in last month’s BRIEF), GANPAC was never able to 
reach the bulk of German-Americans, and thi s obviously cur- 

Liberty Bell / June 1994— 17 

tailed our fundraising activities, as well as our intention to sup- 
port candidates worthy of our sympathies. Due to this fact our 
greatest success stories lie in another field; a field wherein we 
intend to remain for many years to come, namely, “to set the 
record straight.” Your comment is invited. 

Clinton: Currently I am of the opinion that Bill and Hillary 
will not finish their second year in office. ‘They” (whoever that 
is) will not let up on the Whitewater affair. Instead, ever new 
revelations will be broadcast that will shake this Presidency. 
Clinton’s assertion that “the American people” wanted him in 
office, is obvious nonsense. 23% of the eligible voters (many of 
them illiterates) do not constitute the people. If Clinton gets 
pushed out of office, we must regard him as a victim of the in- 
fighting amongst our international enemies. 

May I suggest that you just write GANPAC or “German- 
American” on the checks with your subscriptions and/or contri- 
butions. I really appreciate all your support. Remember, we 
(GANPAC) did contribute much to blow the lid off the Holo- 
. caust myth. YOU helped us fight for the truth. Thank you. 

Sincerely, Hans Schmidt 

From GANPAC BRIEF Ho. 139/May 1994 
Box 11124, Pensacola FL 32524-1124 



Charles E. Weber, Ph.D. 

Deborah Lipstadt 

Denying the Holocaust / The Growing Assault on Truth 

and Memory 

New York: The Free Press, 1993. ix + 278 pages. 

During the past few years a number of facts have come to 
light which have seryed to clarify the question of the ‘Holo- 
caust” claims that have played an important role in shaping 
American foreign policy, especially in the Middle East and per- 
haps to a lesser extent with regard to the lands which tried at 
great sacrifice and with heroism to block the Communist tide 
into Western Europe during 1941 to 1945. The death records 
of Auschwitz have been released, detailed analyses have been 
published of the American aerial photographs made of Ausch- 
witz during 1944, a forensic analysis of the surface stonework 
of walls of alleged lethal gas chambers has been undertaken 
by a courageous American expert on penal execution proce- 
dures and the supreme court of Israel has discredited the testi- 
mony of a considerable Number of witnesses who claimed that 
the American citizen John Demjanjuk was a certain concentra- 
tion camp guard. American citizens are being taxed to pay for 
the United States Holocaust Memorial museum recently 
opened in Washington. Advertisements in important university 
campus newspapers (e.g., of Cornell, Duke, University of Geor- 
gia, University of Illinois, Louisiana State University, Univer- 
sity of Michigan, Ohio State University, Rutgers and 
Vanderbilt) have brought up the need for public, open debate 
on the ‘Holocaust” question. These and other developments 
have caused a reevaluation of the ‘Holocaust” claims in broad 
sections of the American public and even in academic circles. 
(A large number of revisionists of the “Holocaust” material 
have advanced degrees in such diverse subjects as history and 


Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 19 

It is consequently not astonishing that those who have sup- 
ported the Extermination Thesis over the years have become 
embarrassed or even panic-stricken. Professor Lipstadt, who 
occupies the Dorot Chair in Modern Jewish and Holocaust 
Studies at Emory University, expresses her panic in the open- 
ing paragraphs of her preface: “When I first began studying 

Holocaust denial, people would stare at me strangely 

That situation has changed dramatically. Regrettably, I no 
longer have to convince others of the relevance of this work.” 
She is especially disturbed (page 208) by the advertisements 
that have appeared in campus newspapers that appeal for 
open debate on the ‘Holocaust” material. In some senses, her 
panic is justified. Such well-known historians as David Irviiig 
have even begun to question the wisdom of England’s ever 
having declared war on Germany (page 8) and have attacked 
the character and motivations of Winston Churchill. (See New 
York Times Book Review, 29 August 1993, page 3.) 

As a result of pressure from well-funded and politically 
powerful Jewish organizations a number of governments, even 
including those in Bonn and Vienna, which purport to repre- 
sent the German people, have taken strong measures to pre- 
vent any discussion in public which questions the validity of 
the ‘Holocaust” claims. In 1985 and 1988 Canada conducted 
trials on a preposterous legal basis against a German citizen 
residing in Canada just for having published a small book that 
raised questions about the ‘Holocaust” material. Fortunately, 
reason finally prevailed and the defendant, Ernst Zundel, was 
exonerated by the Canadian supreme court. By the way, such 
desperate measures by those who have a vested interest in up- 
holding the Extermination Thesis serve to publicize the tre- 
mendous political power and financial resources of Jewish 
organizations. They also call attention to the importance at- 
tached to the Extermination Thesis by Jews and their lackeys 
in the press and the electronic media. 

Lipstadt repeatedly asserts that those who contest (“deny”) 
the ‘Holocaust” material do so because they have some sort of 
plan to revive National Socialism or Fascism. Perhaps that is 
20 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

true in the case of a few individuals, but in the case of most re- 
visionists I have known— and I have known many of them— 
the motivations for contesting the ‘Holocaust” material are far 
simpler. People of German descent are angered by the ‘Holo- 
caust” material because it puts them at social and even eco- 
nomic disadvantages. Lipstadt also equates casting doubts on 
the ‘Holocaust” material with anti-Semitism. Actually, revi- 
sionists have a wide range of attitudes toward Jews. Most of 
them, however, are probably uneasy about the huge sums paid 
to the Jewish state in Palestine which American and German 
taxpayers are forced to pay and most of them no doubt resent 
the anti-Aryan role of the Jews in the media, especially in tele- 
vision. Does that constitute an irrational, unreasonable hostil- 
ity toward Jews (“anti-Semitism”? At various places in the 
book Lipstadt expresses concern about the putative successes 
of those who cast doubts about the ‘Holocaust material. As an 
author who has written a good many pages on the Extermina- 
tion Thesis (even including a review that appeared in the very 
first issue of the Journal of Historical Review, Spring 1980) I 
can assure Prof. Lipstadt that the advocates of the Extermina- 
tion Thesis have some overwhelming advantages, such as the 
role of the media, especially the television networks largely 
controlled by Jews in the United States, as has been well docu- 
mented. I recall that no less than $140,000,000 was expended 
in the production of the lavish television series, War and Re- 
membrance. The financial resources of those who contest the 
Extermination Thesis are very small compared to the almost 
unlimited resources of its advocates, even including the re- 
sources of the federal government, which has given heavy fi- 
nancial aid to the advocates of the Extermination Thesis, 
including the lavish expenditures for the Holocaust Memorial 
Museum in Washington. There are a number of reasons why 
many Americans do not want to hear doubts about the Exter- 
mination Thesis. We fought a long, cruel and expensive war 
against National Socialist Germany, a war which many Ameri- 
cans would like to remember as a “good war” in spite of its dis- 
astrous results, the enslavement of half of Europe by the 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 21 


Communist tyranny and the expenses of the “Cold War/’ in- 
cluding our painful experiences in Korea and Vietnam. Many 
Americans have a psychological compulsion to believe that Na- 
tional Socialist Germany was even more evil than the Soviet 
Union with which we allied ourselves. (Lipstadt, to her credit, 
acknowledges that Stalin killed more people than the Nazis, 
page 213.) 

The first and longest chapter in the book (“Canaries in the 
Mine,” pages 1-29) surveys diverse manifestations of “Holo- 
caust denial” in various parts of the world, even including Ja- 
pan and Brazil. Chapters Two (pages 31-47), Three (pages 
49-64) Four (pages 65-83) and Five (pages 85-102) are de- 
voted to the early history of revision of the Holocaust” mate- 
rial. Pages 85-102 are devoted to the pioneer in the field, the 
late Prof. Austin J. App. Later chapters focus on Richard Har- 
wood (Richard Verall), Arthur Butz, Willis Carto, Ernst Zun- 
del, Fred Leuchter and Bradley Smith. Even President Reagan 
is reproached for one of the most decent things he did while in 
office (page 210). David Irving is characterized (page 181) as 
“one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust de- 

In no less than three places (pages 44, 86 and 97) Lipstadt 
claims that the genocidal Morgenthau Plan was never put into 
effect. This is not exactly true or true only to a limited extent, 
as anyone knows who lived in Germany during 1945-1948, as 
I did when I was involved in ‘Denazification” and translating 
historical materials. Without an industry to produce export- 
able goods Germany would starve. As a matter of fact, Ger- 
many underwent a considerable deprivation of its industry 
after the war in various ways. Not only were German factories 
dismantled and sent to the U.S.S.R., but German patents were 
confiscated and the German economy was largely paralyzed by 
a lack of a currency reform and prices and wages controlled at 
such levels that there was little incentive for production which 
conformed to the law. After all, one of the chief incentives that 
England had for declaring war on Germany on 3 September 
1939 was to keep German goods out of world export trade at 

22 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

a time when unemployment was a desperate problem. The 
Morgenthau Plan was genocidal in nature because Germany 
had long been dependent on imports of grain and other food- 
stuffs to make up for the limits of its agricultural capacity in 
relation to its population, which had grown rapidly in the 
nineteenth century. Even the Germany of 1937 had an area 
only roughly comparable to that of the state of Texas. An im- 
portant aspect of the Morgenthau Plan lies in the fact that it 
became known to the German government after it was in- 
itialed by Roosevelt in September 1944. It, along with the de- 
mand for unconditional surrender, stiffened German 
resistance. Also known to the German government was the 
proposal by T. Kaufman that all Germans in their reproductive 
years be sterilized, a proposal put forth as early as 1941 in the 
little book, Germany Must Perish [available from LBP, $4.50 + 
$1,50 postage], another genocidal threat against Germany, 
not mentioned by Lipstadt, of course. 

A whole chapter is devoted to the Institute of Historical 
Review (pages 1 137-156) without a mention of the very de- 
structive arson attack against the Institute in 1984. Nor can 
mention be found of the attack against Prof. Faurisson which 
nearly cost him his life. Lipstadt has good reason for not men- 
tioning these violent crimes because the y vividly demonstrate 
the bankruptcy of the Holocaust” material, most of whose ad- 
vocates refuse to debate the Extermination Thesis in public, in- 
cluding Lipstadt. 

On page 164 Lipstadt makes an enigmatic observation 
about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: “In fact, when it was 
originally published in France in the mid-nineteenth century, 
Jews did not appear in the book at all.” Actually it seems prob- 
able that the Protocols [available from LBP, $4.00 / $9.00 + 
$1.50 postage] were inspired by Hermann Goedsche’s “Auf 
dem Judenfriedhof in Prag” (1868), a translation of which ap- 
peared in the July 1993 issue of the Liberty Bell, a periodical 
which has contained many articles on the “Holocaust” ques- 
tion, It is not mentioned by Lipstadt. / 

Especially damaging to Lipstadt’s credibility is her mention 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 23 


(page 167) of a report supposedly filed in June 1943 which 
claimed that five crematories in Auschwitz would have a 24- 
hour capacity of 4,756 bodies. Since there are 1440 minutes in 
a day, five units would be operating a total of 7,200, even if in 
constant use. Less than two minutes would thus he allowed for 
each body. Since a crematory unit requires about two hours to 
reduce a body to ashes, Leuchter’s estimate (mentioned by Lip- 
stadt) of 156 bodies per diem seems quite reasonable. Such 
nonsense in the ‘Holocaust” literature has caused widespread 
doubts about its validity in the case of people capable of inde- 
pendent thought. 

Chapter 10 (pages 183-208), ‘The Battle for the Campus,” 
is devoted to the efforts of Bradley Smith, and the Committee 
for Open Debate on the Holocaust (C.O.D.O.H.). This commit- 
tee has attempted to place large advertisements in various 
campus newspapers with a considerable measure of success. A 
partial list of universities whose newspapers have accepted or 
rejected such advertisements is given in an important footnote 
on page 184. Lipstadt goes into great details of the reactions 
. to such advertisements and the circumstances of their accep- 
tance or rejection as the case might be. In spite of all the 26 
pages devoted to such details, the reader is left puzzling as to 
just what the advertisement contained, a matter which could 
have been easily clarified by reproducing the text of the adver- 
tisement, a secret which Lipstadt apparently wants to keep 
from her readers for some reason or another. The dust-cover 
of the book does give the modest and restrained headline of 
one of the versions of the advertisement: ‘THE HOLOCAUST 
STORY: How much is false? The Case for Open Debate.” At the 
conclusion: of the long chapter Lipstadt admits that she is pes- 
simistic about the effects of the advertisement and the effects 
of C.O.D.O.H. 

Some years ago I had my own astonishing and depressing 
experiences with the kind of Zionist influence that has more 
recently succeeded in suppressing the advertisements which 
Bradley Smith and his C.O.D.O.H. attempted to place in some 
campus newspapers. The Winter 1984 issue of the German 
24 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Quarterly, published by the American Association of Teachers 
of German, of all organizations, contained an advertisement 
for my propaedeutic book. The ‘Holocaust’: 120 Questions and 
Answers. This advertisement caused a tremendous flapping of 
wings and cackling within the Association, The Spring 1984 is- 
sue of the German Quarterly contained letters (pages 361-^ 
362) of regret about the “advertisement for anti-Semitic' 
literature” which got past the Business Manager of the German 
Quarterly. The two letters were from Ruth K. Angress, former 
editor of the German Quarterly and from Robert A. Grovier, its 
Business Manager. The Winter 1985 issue contained (page 91) 
an AATG Executive Council resolution about the “inadver- 
tently accepted” advertisement and stated: “The AATG Execu- 
tive Council categorically repudiates and condemns the 
dissemination of material that is anti-Semitic or that can be 
construed as an apology for Nazism.” Of course, no proof was 
■ offered that my book expressed hostility toward Jews (“anti- 
Semitism”). Thus, further advertisements for my book were 
prohibited in a journal published by an association of aca- 
demic people who have a particular interest in a factual, bal- 
anced treatment of the ‘Holocaust” question. 

On page 204 Lipstadt mentions “a book charging Gen. 
Dwight Eisenhower with consciously causing the death of a 
million German POWs at the end of the war." Strangely, Lip- 
stadt does not mention the author and tide of the book, James 
Banquets Other Losses (1988) [available from LBP at half 
price, $12.50 + $2.00 for postage] . Is this just one more secret 
which Lipstadt wants to keep from her readers? Is there any- 
thing improper about comparing known Allied war crimes 
with putative German war crimes? 

We note another strange omission in Chapter Ten (‘Watch- 
ing on the Rhine," pages 209-222). This chapter is devoted to 
the inhibited, pale revisionism of German historians, such as- 
that of Hellmut Diwald, whose Geschichte der Deutschen I re- 
viewed in the very first issue of the Journal of Historical Re- 
view (Spring 1980). By the way, Lipstadt does not eveh 
mention the German title of this important book (page 210), 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 25 

SO we. must doubt diat she ever read* it or 'that she even knows • 
enough German t:o have read it. (She misspells a number of 
German words;) Not a single mention is-made of Wilhelm 
Staglich’s Der Auschwitz Mythos [available from LBP,- German 
laiig-.. edition, pb; $ 13 . 00 4- $1.95 post.. The Auschwitz Myth; 
Engl. Edition, hb: (limited stock); $19.50 \+ $3.00 post;] copies 
of which were 1 confiscated by 'the Bonn govern rnenf, which 
also: deprived Staglich of his doctoral degree, o ri the basis of a 
law signed by none other than Adolf Hitler and never repealed 
by the Bonn government:'- (Staglich was a judge and his book 
presents -important analyses of the evidence pertaining to the 
“Holocaust” question.) Lipstadt also ; makes no-mention of an- 
other important refutation of the "Holocaust” material by a 
German author, Die Auschwitz Liige : [available from EBP/ Ger- 
man lang. edition, $7.50 + $1.50 post., Rngl. ’edition] Ausch- 
witz: An Eyewitness Report, $3.00 + $1.50 post.] by Thies 
Christophersen, who had to flee to Denmark to escape the 
harsh measures* of the Bonn government, which has- a 'great 
and riot entirely unjustified fear'of a boycott of its -vitally’ im- 
portant-export trade: Both of these men were on military duty 
in Auschwitz, the latter as 'an agronomist engaged in an at : 
tempt to find a plant substitute for -rubber production, one of 
the economic projects in which internees at Auschwitz were 
involved. Has Lipstadt ever heard of these books? They would 
certainly seem like grist for her mill. On page 11 Lipstadt de- 
scribed the Austrian- magazine Sieg as a “newspaper;” One 
must ask what sort of knowledge, if any, ‘Lipstadt 1 has of Ger- 
man publications on a first-hand basis.' ■ c: .: -i.v'; i' driri-v 
■’ Lipstadt claims that implementation of the Final- Solution 
was worked out at the famous Wannsee Conference in Janu- 
ary 1942 (page 214). One must ask: if she ever read the puta- 
tive (known- only in one copy) minutes of- the conference, 
whicludoes not mention plans for the extermination of the 
Jews, ■ and indeed mentions • their eventual release (“by FfeilaS- 

sung ! % Wliat, then, was die ‘Final -Solution” to which Lipstadt 
alludes? . .:J .‘-cvv r'. ! v-u ';.0v : i. . oit,'! 

One must also ask if Lipstadt ever examined the German 
26 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 ~ 

wording of Himmler’s Posen speech of 4 October 1943, parts 
of which do not make sense in the circumstances under which 
the speech was given. She quotes part of the speech on page 
128. (See Staglich, Auschwitz Mythos, pages 91 ff.) 

On pages 228-229 Lipstadt discusses gastight doors of gas 
chambers. One Jewish source has provided us (perhaps unwit- 
tingly) with a picture of such a door. It is clearly inscribed 
with a warning about the danger from gas. Obviously, lice can- 
not read but human beings can, and such an inscription would 
not have been on the door if the chamber were to have been 
used to kill people. Some of the best evidence against the 
“Holocaust” claims is from Jewish sources! 

As an historian who has written many pages that express 
my doubts about the “Holocaust” claims, I welcome Prof. Lip- 
stadt’s book. Although she very stubbornly adheres to the 
usual version of the Extermination Thesis in the face of mount- 
ing evidence against them, she does mention revisionists’ argu- 
ments against the Extermination Thesis in a number of places 
in attempts to refute or deride them, such as the discussion of 
the effects of residues of Zyklon-B on pages 224-225. Many a 
reader of pages 229 ff. would have remained unaware that 
doubts have been cast on the authenticity of Anne Frank’s di- 
ary if he had not read these pages. 

- Let us hope that Prof. Lipstadt’s book will lead many a 
reader to investigate the writings of those who have contested 
the “Holocaust” claims. Many a reader of the book will have 
been previously unaware that there is another side of the 
‘Holocaust” controversy, a side which is never heard on televi- 
sion networks in the United States. The book is also an en- 
couraging record — albeit a partial one — of the 
accomplishments of a small, meagerly financed, idealistic 
group of revisionist historians who have worked against over- 
whelming odds. □ 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 27 

Good-bye to the White Tip 


N.B. Forrest 

The news from South Africa is grim. It is now obvious that the 
turn to so-called “Majority” rule will end in either a bloodbath 
(white blood, that is) or civil war, to be followed by the departure 
of the whites or the establishment of a white rump state. The idea 
of a “multiracial, multicultural” South Africa was always twaddle, 
but now we are beginning to see that ideas do indeed have conse- 
quences. The insane idea that a modern industrial state with a 
large white population could be peacefully delivered into the 
hands of Bantu savages will now be shown to be, beyond a 
shadow of a doubt, one of the sickest ideas to come out of our 
very sick century. 

It is sobering to think that a partitioned mini-state is the best 
the whites of South Africa can hope for. Ten years ago white 
South Africa stood free and independent, powerful enough to bid 
defiance to the Soviet Empire and send its Cuban lackeys running 
with their fails between their legs. The so-called black “frontline 
states” huffed and puffed about fighting a war to the finish with 
the “racist South Africans,” but it was all bluster. 

A combination of pressure from abroad and weakness from 
within has destroyed that South Africa. As ashamed as I am of our 
own country’s complicity in the war against the continent’s White 
Tip, the real enemy, as is always the case, came from within. A 
seedy collection of Jews, white liberals and Afrikaner turncoats 
drove the dagger into the heart of South Africa. 

My thoughts and prayers will be with the conservative Afri- 
kaners as they struggle to save what they can from the wreckage. 
As a student of the Boer War and the Afrikaners’ long racial war 
with the Bantu, I am confident that the Afrikaner nation will not 
pass from the scene. In all the world there is not a worthier branch 
of our race. Only time will tell what form it will take, but some 
part of South Africa will remain firmly in the hands of the men 
and women who created that unique country. 

That said, we must also recognize the inevitable. White rule in 

28 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

South Africa as it has existed for centuries will end before this 
year is out. What possible benefit can flow from this? Where could 
a silver lining lie? As painful as it is to list them, a number of posi- 
tive elements can be counted on to result from the coming disaster 
in South Africa: 

For the first time a modem Western industrial nation will face 
total extinction. The gruesome process will be broadcast into 
every livingroom in the world. Even Joe Sixpack and the effete, 
degenerate plutocrats who rule us will be forced to look up from 
their soup bowls. The images that have become familiar to us 
from Liberia (Jeeps festooned with body parts parading around 
the capital) and Somalia (the mutilation of dead soldiers) will be 
branded into the mind of every Westerner who still has a mind. 

Within one year, two at the most, planeloads of bedraggled 
survivors will begin arriving in London, Paris, Amsterdam and 
New York, carrying with them hair-raising stories of murder, rape 
and pillage. First-person accounts of a descent into the heart of 
darkness. Many of these people will have an “ex” in front of their 
names. Ex-Finance Minister, ex-Foreign Minister, ex-Rector of this 
or that university, ex-editor of this or that liberal newspaper. They 
will all have tousled hair, sunken eyes, haggard jowls and the gen- 
eral appearance of persons who have been sitting on a toilet read- 
ing the evening news when, inexplicably, they have been sucked 
down into the water closet, dragged by an irresistible force 
through the sewer pipes and left exhausted and despairing on the 
banks of some horrid cloaca. They will search for sympathy 
among their fellow “sheeple” in Western universities, think tanks 
and newsrooms, explaining that, although they were the ones who 
brought about “majority rule,” by some strange twist of fate and 
due to the bad faith' of “right-wingers,” their beautiful vision of 
South Africa had collapsed into a nightmare. Smugly sure of their 
reception, they will be pained and alarmed to see that their weak- 
ness and betrayal of their own people in favor of dark-skinned 
barbarians have earned them no points with the powers-that-be in 
the West. Shunned and cast out into outer darkness, the dolts will 
never understand why. The why is simple. The swine in the West 
who leaned on these fools to sell out their country knew damn 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 29 

Well what the end result would be. Having done their dirty work, 
the swine will not want these living witnesses to the catastrophe 
to hang around. Don’t be a stranger, de Klerk. Drop by sometime 
for a drink. 

The dark and threatening differences between modem West- 
ern man and black African proto-humanoids will become star- 
dingly clear to even the most lobotomized couch potatoes. When 
the new ‘leaders” of South Africa drop the mask, and their canni- 
bal souls (such as they are) crawl to the surface, we will all have 
the pleasing experience of seeing ‘heroes” transformed into crea- 
tures out of The Night of the Living Dead. Saint Nelson Mandela 
will appear in a different light when he is up on a platform in 
front of a shrieking mob, munching on a freshly excised piece of 
human liver, borrowed from the supine corpse of some unfortu- 
nate “political rival.” 

Since South Africa was the economic engine that kept a large 
part of Black Africa in business, a rapid slide into economic de- 
pression is likely. The resulting chaos may be hard to detect, since 
Black Africa has been tumbling into the pit since the colonial mas- 
ters left. It will show up, however, in a fairly quick breakdown in 
whatever public health services still manage to function in that 


part of the world. 

Millions of whites will soon either be dead or out of South Af- 
rica. For the most part these will be intelligent, educated people 
who have seen their country crumble before their eyes. They 
should be welcomed with open arms. 

The looming disaster in South Africa will thoroughly discredit 
the multicultural drivel being spooned down our throats. Even the 
dumb oxen among our leaders will be able to see that “multicultu- 
ralism” is a recipe for human train wrecks of monstrous propor- 

The fall of South Africa is a terrible event for Western man. 
For the first time since the collapse of the Roman Empire, our peo- 
ple will be permanently expelled from land that had been wrested 
from primitive natives and formed into a white homeland. The 
white man has lost much ground since the end of WWII, most of it 
in areas where we did not belong and should never have been. 

30 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

South Africa is different. It was “Western,” the cradle of a small, 
but noble arid tough .white 'nation, i tj \ ' s? i y> ■■ y. : : 


but no one has come 

i his ( ha me, ' A ; . ? ■ . 11 ’ 1 A ,• ) . * •' ; • 

t , c 

•* . v 

' HBO and Pepsi have .Vent posters' 16 
| 20,000, predominantly black schools that., 
.contain the following doggerel: "We [Ne- 
groes]' afe the btiilcters of th^ pyramids; - 
look \vhat you hid, y , ,So much, to tell the. 
world the truth ho longer hid/" 1 - : 

South Africa. There is something tragi- , ... , .. - The Jewishness of Vladimir Zhirinov- 

cally prophetic about the TV and 'phpt^/’Z' % V} , ’ ; ^Ky' haVbeOh pretty well confirmed by the 
graphic coverage of those three South Af- . „ discovery of his birth certificate. It shows 
rican white separatists who went to Bop- : , ' v that his original name, until he changed it 

huthatswana to help it remain a black'/;;:' ,-VWaft (age 18, was Eidelshtein. His mother 

. . Volf 

. . <ii >biMwidnt6iii» ■ Zhirinovsky v/as. 

W:- V •'•►*,'**= Amyn Apijii 2S> 1946, .18 monlhs: after, 
crept 'out of Ihe'car ‘ oftto the'grtiW. •••' the'tfestlr oHls 1 mother's ftiil husband 

Turnmg (he remand redder- as they bled, .Land live months after she married her soc- 

nospjtal. y\s ... . , ond. husband, presumably Zhirinovsky's 
the- videotapes -whirled" ‘and. Cameras ' father. Thfere could- have boor, anofhV 

clicked, . a black .polieeman calmly y/enj ..... ^.man between, times when Mrs, Zhirinov- 

over and executed the two whites with ■' ’ "sky was a wjclpw, \ ‘ . - • . 

three-shots each fo their, heads. The' white \ : , 

reporters .and photographers who were re-v. • ; 

Cording this eVent did nothing toVfoja thb ! ‘ ,,v 
mur'ddr . of,; their /acial ;kin. is. this .same «,-• 
scenario, expanded a million tirnes, going 
to belthe, l fate ; of all South African whites? - ! I 
In 1 another 59 or,100,ye^rs,.w.i[l it be the , 
fate of all 'American whites? As subscriber ‘ '' 

Zip 913 wrote, "Those photos radicalized *n • • * ?. . , 

me more than reading a, hundred issues of. . , The Myers Park Presbyterian Church 

■ inMauratiori.'Thei-eMs no quarter in a race.'’ *•/ 1 " A '° CnaH6ttei.(NG),dnvited' members' of its 

vyaf, .v'Our Jenemies^-jews,; bfacks arid/. .'.A ’ ! })' ^8f e g a f!on to. participate in a; S^der ... 
white ; rehegades — want us all deadf If Meal on March 29. "Come ceiebtate the 

sdmeohe' calls' me a ; racist, my rep ly is; : V ' ••• Plover, ,fe^st «nd learn about. q.ur deep 

TOTALLY * . • A .. r . ' ?, 4 Christian roots In the Jewish tradition* 

- I. Z This feastbelebrates the liberation of our’!' 

i-- ' . ." ' Hebrew ancestors from slavery in Egypt," , 
WMl ' v CTh'e italics are the editpds.) 

Janet Reno, whose mother is an hono- 
i! • frary. princess of the (Mlccosukee 'Indians, 
......recently attended a Jewish art .exhibit in . . 

f ' Florida where she was kidded that the ' 

; , \ ■ } ’ Miccosukees may ; have beep one qf the; : ;. 

■ Jost tribes, Reno y/asnT kidding back 
'• *■ : ^ 4 when 'she Went out ' of her Way to 1 pra l^e ’ 

A , , ;J e V<s fpr. building ."Vjiami ; Beach put • of ... 

nothing/ Some ndn-jews 'after a Visit to " 

V ]i 1 ; y Miami Beach -might. say Jews made worse. ■ / 
than nothing out of nothing. 

V- . ; f ■ 

ijF 1 ’) \i, .';i . /he re^l. ; pame of Phranc>. .the ( ,self 7; ,• 

. " designated ‘ all-American Jewish 1 lesbian 

p /On€ $qcond before the black racist V/ k r , K : ' folk; singer, is Susan GoUliebi Qne .of her 

. executed the last of the three whites. - "hit" songs is Take Off Your Swastika , 

Z ‘ ' ''n ••• .• -r c v ./n,;: T 

t ■ 


: : 1. .' -i 

- >, , V I' ) . 


■\ > v 


. ;* 

•' :r , 


From Instauration, May 1 9^4, published by- 
; . ...Howard Allen Enterprises, Box 76 
?• ■u.,y < .h: ■ Cape Canaveral FL 32920. 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 37 

This is Your Brain On 



Tyler C . Turner 

Today, individuals spend an average of at least eight hours a 
week watching television. But, before televison was invented, 
books were the best form of entertainment available. Now that 
watching television has displaced reading, we must observe the 
dire effects of this action. The era when books and stories were the 
primary form of entertainment had many advantages that the era 
of television either lacks or indirectly destroys. Reading not only 
provided the people in past , ages with entertainment, but it also 
stimulated their imagination, appealed to their intellect, and in- 
stilled moral values. Television, on the other hand, stagnates 
ima gination, appeals to base emotions, and undermines our soci- 
ety’s moral fiber. 

One of the advantages reading has over television is that it 
stimulates your imagination. For example, whenever you read a 
book, you must use your imagination to envision what is taking 
place or being presented. Even when reading about science or 
mathematics, you must employ you imagination in order to com- 
prehend the abstract ideas presented. Similarly, in reading stories 
you must use your imagination to follow the character through his 
various adventures. This, in turn, will improve your ability to think 
and reason. When thinking and/or reasoning, a well-developed 
imagination enables you to visualize all the factors in the delibera- 
tions and the solutions or deductions derived thereby. Therefore, 
you can readily see the importance of a well-developed imagina- 
tion. Reading stimulates the use of your imagination, and as a re- 
sult, it gives your imagination the opportunity to develop. 

Watching television, on the other hand, hinders this develop- 
,ment. Moreover, television stagnates your imagination. Everything 
you see on television is spoon-fed to you. When watching a movie, 
for instance, you view the character and his surroundings on a 
screen. You follow all his adventures on the screen rather than in 
your mind. In fact, you don’t use your imagination at all. Even 

32 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

when you’re watching the news, the information presented by- 
passes your' imagination.* Thus, while television is manipulating 
your thoughts and emotions, your imagination stagnates. The old 
saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it!” applies here as it does any- 
where. You can draw your own conclusions from the facts pre- 
sented, but when your imagination deteriorates, or doesn’t have 
the opportunity to properly develop, your ability to think and rea- 
son will also deteriorate. 

i' ' • t 

In the era when reading was the prevalent means of entertain- 
ment; the people then had a well-developed imagination. In addi- 
tion,. the books and stories produced appealed to the peoples’ 
intellect. The writers utilized witty aphorisms, and alluded to ear- 
lier works that had the effect of forcing serious thought out of the 
reader. Hence, only the most learned and intelligent people could 
really appreciate their value. Furthermore, the books and stories 
these writers created became a cultural expression, and the intelli- 
gentsia of a society are the epitome of that society’s culture. Nearly all 
the books and stories composed back then appealed to the intellect, 
and, therefore; were directed towards the intelligentsia. 

i ; 

In contrast, television is aimed at the masses. And, as a result, 
it appeals to peoples’ emotions rather than their intellect. When 
you watch television, you aren’t forced to think. The colors, ac- 
tions, and words are designed to provoke common emotions. Tele- 
vision prograhis may entice a variety of sensual feelings, but they 
will seldom ever compel thought. The masses in general have a 
very low intellect. Therefore, since television is aimed at the 
masses, it can only appeal to base emotions, rather than intellect. 

But in the era of their prevalence, books and stories not only 
appealed to peoples’ intellect, they also instilled the reader with 

*At this point, I’d like to bring to your attention a valuable facility of 
imagination. As you are reading, your mind forms an image of what is be- 
ing presented. Therefore, if your imagination perceives something illogical 
Or absurd in that image, it will automatically dismiss it as such. But when 
you bypass your imagination, something that would normally seem illogi- 
cal or absurd enters into your mind as being somehow relevant. And as a 
result, your reasoning will become utterly confused; you will never per- 
ceive a cogent image of what entered your brain with so many absurd no- 
tions floating around in your mind. 


Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 33 

. ■ ' V 



morals and values. For instance. I’ll never forget what Hector did 
in The flliad. when he was faced with going back into batde or stay- 
ing at home with his wife and son. He exemplified a man with the 
courage to fulfill his true duty. He knew that he would probably die 
in battle against Achilles, but he had the courage to turn from the en- 
treaties of his wife, and face the enemy of his country. Just this one 
story instilled me with a sense of loyalty, courage, and duty. 

Television, however, rather than instilling morals and values, 
strives to undermine them The reason for this is beyond the scope of 
this article, but the fact that television undermines our traditional mor- 
als and values is undeniable. For example, just watch one program 
on any night of the week, and you will see most of our traditional 
morals undermined and ridiculed. It may not be manifest; but even 
in subtle instances you will see honest people portrayed as stupid or 
gullible. In another program, you may find homosexuals characterized 
as normal people with just a “different sexual orientation” rather 
than the sick, degenerate creatures they really are. Change the 
channel, and you will find another program that portrays miscege- 
nation as something that a healthy society should condone rather 
than deplore. Television is undermining all our traditional morals 
and values, and what is worse, it has a tendency to applaud overt 

The books and stories of old provided us with many advan- 
tages besides entertainment. Thus, while we were reading about 
the war between the Trojans and the Greeks, or Njal’s house being 
burned to the ground, we were also developing our imagination, 
and thereby improving our ability to think and reason. Moreover, 
we were being instilled with a sense of honesty, courage, loyalty, 

34 — Liberty Bell /June 1994 

and many other invaluable virtues. But television, on the other 
hand, is incessantly destroying our imagination and undermining 
our morals. Take note, however, that I’m not suggesting we should 
regress back in time (even if this were possible) when there wasn’t 
any television. Television is here, and here to stay. But even so, 
television doesn’t have to be such a bad thing. On the contrary, it 
could be adopted to rekindle the fire of our traditional morals and 
appeal to our intellect. If television were directed towards the in- 
telligentsia, and viewed only in moderation, it could become a real 
asset to our society. But, because of the programs currently pre- 
sented and the amount of time most people spend watching it, 
television will eventually transform our society into a colony of de- 
riioralized, degenerate, and mindless drones. □ 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 35 


^ IN THE 1 

Mark Twain 

36 — Liberty Bell /June 1994 


A Philosophical Appraisal 


Colin Jordan, England 

Twenty-one years after the physical defeat of National So- 
cialist Germany in the outcome of her heroic struggle against 
the overwhelming array of men and materials marshaled 
against her by the Bolshevist-democratic alliance, the appear- 
ance of this journal in 1966 reflects that revival of National So- 
cialism which is a feature of the day. 

That the creed should live on and manifest itself as it does 
now, after being subjected to two decades of the greatest cam- 
paign of defamation which the world has ever known, is a proof 
of its continuing validity and appeal and its worthiness for the 
future. It has survived the 
flames of war and the 
tempest of vilification be- 
cause, when war has done 
its worst and vilification 
has run its entire gamut, 

National Socialism re- 
mains, in the final analy- 
sis, synonymous with 
higher man’s will to sur- 
vive, his instinct for health 
and strength, and his de- 
sire for beauty in life; and, 
as long as that will, that 
instinct, and that desire re- 
main on this earth, the 
creed of National Social- 
ism will remain, indestruc- 

Beyond and behind 
all the minutae of political implementation and the particulari- 
ties of time and place. National Socialism, properly understood. 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 37 


is nothing less than an orientation of the mind, the dominant 
impulse of which is to live to the full, through the development 
of one’s potentialities and the satisfaction of one’s needs, under 
conditions of natural competition and selection, reconciled to 
cooperation, within the organized community of the folk. 

In this its roots go back to Plato’s Greece and his conception of 
a natural life, consisting in the full realization of man’s true nature 
through the power of government within his native community. 

It echoes the Roman notion of dutiful citizenship: the notion 
that the good and noble life consists in Stoic service to the state. 

It revives the blood feelings and sense of community of the 
Nordic tribes of early Europe: the feeling that man is essentially 
a member of the folk, and that all members of the folk are 
bound together closely with reciprocal duties and obligations. 

National Socialism, in this way, reaches back to the old, 
healthy, organic values of life in revolt against the whole struc- 
ture of thought of liberalism and democracy, with its cash 
nexus; its excessive individualism; its view of man as a folkless, 
interchangeable unit of world population; its spiritual justifica- 
tion in a debased Christianity embracing a sickly ‘humanitarian- 
ism,” which will always tolerate a greater harm for the sake of 
avoiding a lesser one; and its fraudulent contention that the ar- 


Swastikas symbolized good luck in 1908 presi- 
dential election between William Howard Taft 
and William Jennings Bryan. 

tificially induced and numerically determined wishes of the 
mass are the all-important criteria. 

History is a saga of social decay and renewal. National So- 
cialism is the twentieth century’s remedy of renewal for the 
great degeneration of modem times under the disintegrating, 
debasing, and emasculating thought and practice which 
emerged with the dismption of the old medieval order of stabil- 
ity by the developing forces of capitalism and the industrial 
revolution; flourished under the laissez-faire liberalism of the 
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; came to a climax under 
the democracy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; and 
will result in the world triumph of communism by the end of 
this twentieth century unless National- Socialism comes to power 
in time, over a sufficient area of the globe. 

National Socialism, therefore, is immensely more than a transi- 
tory political scheme. It is a historic tendency of rebirth: our age’s 
movement of renaissance, a movement revolutionary in scope and 
spirit, seeking no compromise with the present order, its perni- 
cious practices, and its false values, but their complete replace- 

As such it is worldwide, and it is life-wide. It is worldwide in 
that, in its essentials, it is valid and vital universally, qualified 
only by the fact that it is Aryan in emanation and tradition, and 
upholds and depends on qualities to be found par excellence in 
the Aryan people. 

It is life- wide in that it is not an aspect of life, but the whole 
of life seen from one aspect. It is an attitude of mind expressible 
in respect of virtually anything and everything. National Social- 
ism stands relentlessly opposed to every manifestation of ill 
health, ugliness, and degeneracy in the cultural and spiritual, no 
less than in the political and economic spheres. In fact, it consti- 
tutes a way of life. A man does not call himself a National So- 
cialist as a mere label of intellectual endorsement. He is born 
with a propensity to National Socialism, his mind aesthetically 
craving the discernment and fulfillment of a healthy pattern of 
life, and he not only thinks and feels, but acts as a National So- 
cialist, if he is really and entirely one. 


38 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 39 

Total in its scope of thought, National Socialism amounts to a 
philosophy and a faith. It evaluates good and bad, right and wrong, 
as that which benefits or harms the folk, and man viewed as a mem- 
ber of the folk; and, in place of the sentimental debility of the 
democratic mind, accepts that the end justifies the means, pro- 
viding the means do not contradict the end. It sets a meaning 
and purpose of cosmic dimension to life as a personal fulfill- 
ment, within the continuity and development of the folk, be- 
tween germination in the womb out of the bloodline of the folk, 
and the metamorphosis of the grave, with its physical redistribu- 
tion to the universe. 

The basic criterion and primary value of National Socialism, 
from which all else springs, is, as Adolf Hitler makes clear in 
Mein Kampf, its concept of the folk, seen as man’s essential envi- 
ronment and, indeed, his extension of personality. 

The significance of the folk is, primarily, that of a racial 
community. It is the ethnical enlargement of the family. Man is 
not a self-contained unit and an end in himself, as the sages of 
liberalism and democracy assert. He belongs to his folk. His life, 
as a part, is interwoven with the life of the whole, not only pre- 
sent, but past and future, for while men come and go the folk 
lives on, continuous, eternal, providing its members perform 
their duty to it. Thus, in identifying himself with his folk, man 
prolongs himself through the multiplicity of his ancestors and 
his descendants, and thereby attains immortality. 

The folk exists in smaller and larger forms, ranging from the 
family, to the clan, to the tribe or regional community, thence to 
the nation, and beyond to the race. In modern times, the con- 
ception of the folk has become too largely identified with the 
nations of the contemporary states. The feeling of kinship and 
community, which rightly expanded from the tribe and petty 
kingdom to the modern nation-state, has, however, become far 
too concentrated as this level. The lower and smaller, but 
equally important, communities within the nation-state have 
been disrupted and deprived of vitality, while the expansion of 
folk consciousness from the level of the nation-state to that of 
the entire race has been checked. Yet folk feeling, to be whole- 

somely potent, must flow from its roots through the local and 
provincial communities to the limits of the race, because the full 
security and prosperity of the parts can only be found in that of 
the whole. 

Today and in the future. National Socialism must embody 
this essential extension of the feeling of kinship and community 
beyond the bounds of the contemporary nation-state and con- 
ventional nationalism, so that the nation-state becomes an inter- 
mediate unit in the structure of the folk, and its nationalism and 
racialism become integrally subordinate to a nationalism of the 
whole race. 

At the same time, the local communities require to be re- 
vived, the provincial sub-nations recognized and respected, and 
peoples subject to an undesired, alien rule given their ethnic 
freedom by separation. 

National Socialism’s belief in the folk as the basic value, and 
its totality of outlook, result, figuratively speaking, in thinking 
with the blood on all questions. 

This immediately and inevitably gives rise to the definition 
of citizenship as a matter of race: only those who are members 
of the folk are members of the nation, and only those who are 
members of the nation can be citizens of the state— to para- 
phrase the fourth of the Twenty-five Points of Adolf Hitler’s 

It also generates the belief that it is necessary not merely to 
preserve the racial character of the folk, but also, by eugenic 
measures, to improve the quality of the folk. It is National So- 
cialism’s revolutionary contention that the way of real progress 
lies in breeding better human beings. 

Since all citizens are of the same race, they have a transcen- 
dent bond of kinship uniting them as blood brothers above all 
sectional and class differences and personal distinctions. Na- 
tional unity, i.e., cohesion and corporate life in place of the class 
warfare of Left and Right, is one of the great secondary princi- 
ples of National Socialism. All occupations and pursuits, all 
manner of persons and all fields of activity, must be integrated 
into the corporate life of the community. 

40 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Liberty Bell /June 1994 — 41 

The social feeling of oneness must find practical expression 
in, and in turn be stimulated by, a sincere and profound concern 
for social and economic justice. Consciousness of kinship and 
care for the collective good of the folk demand that every citizen 
must have an equal opportunity to develop and exercise his tal- 
ents and rise according to his merits; and that every citizen must 
receive a fair return for his services to the community, and even 
the simplest worker an assurance of the necessities of life. 

Thus we arrive at the socialist element in National Social- 
ism. This is not the Marxist socialism of state ownership of the 
means of production and distribution, which is the economic 

Suggested literature: 

Mein Kampf, pb., $15.00 + $2.25; hb., $20.00 + $3.00; Germ. lang. 
edition, hb., $40.00 + $6.00. - The Testament of Adolf Hitler, $5.00 + 

$1 .50. - Adolf Hitler: A Short Sketch of His Life, pb., $5.00 + $1 .50. - 
The Programme of the NSDAP, $5.00 + $1 .50. - A Straight Look at 
the Third Reich, by the late Prof. Austin J. App, $4.50 + $1 .50. - Hitler 
Speaks to America, $3.00 + $1.50. - The Hitler We Loved and Why, 
$8.00 + $1 .50 - Hitler, the Workless and the Needy, $3.00 + $1 .50. - 
Lincoln Rockwell Nails the Jews, $2.00 + $1.50. - A Revolution in 
Thought, Dr. Otto Dietrich, $3.00 + $1.50. - Germany Declares for 
Peace, $3.50 + $1 .50. - What the Socialism [as in National Socialism] 
Really Means, $.300 + $1.50. - Exchange of Communications Be- 
tween the President of the United States and the Chancellor of the 
German Reich, April 1939, $3.50 + $1 .50. - Bolshevism in Theory and 
Practice, Dr. Jos, Goebbels, $3.00 + $1.50. - Communism With the 
Mask Off, Dr. Jos. Goebbels, $3.50 + $1 .50. - They Call it Democ- 
racy: We Call it a Racket, John Tyndall, $3.50 + $1.50. - The 
March Up Country, H.A. Covington, $8.00 + $1.50. For our latest 
Book / Price List, please send $1.00 to: 

Liberty Bell Publications. Box 21. Reedy WV 25270. TJ.SA. 

Organizations / Publications: 

National Alliance, P.O. Box 330, Rte 39, Hillsboro WV 24946. - 
N.S.W.P.P., c/o Dixie Press, Box 608, Raleigh NC 27602-0608. - 
N.S.D:A.P.-A.O., Box 6414, Lincoln NE 68506. - NS Vanguard, Box 
328, The Dalles OR 97058. - Aryan Nations, Box 363, Hayden Lake 
ID 83825. - Euro-American Alliance, Box 2-1776, Milwaukee Wl 
53221 . - NS Publications, Box 27486, Milwaukee Wl 53227. When writ- 
ing to these organizations, Include $2.00 for an introductory packet, 

over-government of the ant heap, and as objectionable as the 
predatory individualism of the capitalist system, which is the 
economic under-government, or anarchy, of the jungle. Instead, 
it is Folk Socialism, or the regulation of private enterprise for 
the equitable division of its fruits, under equitable conditions. 
The economic injustices and social evils of capitalism have fos- 
tered Marxism, with its pernicious form of public control of the 
economy, and the alternative to both lies in National Socialism. 

The folk ideal, which entails the defense of the race, the 
unity of the nation, and the welfare of the people, engenders 
National Socialism’s principle of leadership and an elite in the 
service of those objectives. Its conception of a natural order is 
one which not only ordains that men are bom into the folk for a 
life within the folk, but also that they possess hereditary differ- 
ences of capacity to serve the community. 

Accordingly, for the maximum good of all, the superior must 
lead the inferior. The natural leaders must be selected, estab- 
lished as a hierarchic elite under a supreme leader, and empow- 
ered to fulfill their functions. 

Unlike liberalism, National Socialism does not regard the di- 
rective power of the state as something essentially repressive, 
but instead as a great, beneficial power of guidance and arbitra- 
tion, encouragement and protection. It upholds the dictum: “All 
for the folk and the folk for all.” It sanctions whatever means are 
necessary, in whatever fields, to ensure that everyone and 
everything in die community is in harmony with this. 

It sees the duty of National Socialist government as the repre- 
sentation of the will of the folk, conceived not as the transitory 
whim of some democratic mob, but as the higher interest of the 
community, viewed in historical perspective as a continuity of pur- 
pose, embracing not only the general good of the present, but the 
heritage of the past and the needs of the future as well. 

Reprinted from National Socialist World No, 1, originally published in 1966 

by The National Alliance, Dr. William Pierce, Editor, 

42 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Liberty Bell I June 1994 — 43 

What is National 

National Socialism is a world view for White people, based 
on the ideas and concepts of the German racial nationalist phi- 
losopher and statesman Adolf Hitler (1889-145). National So- 
cialism was adapted to the political and racial conditions of the 
United States by the late U.S. Navy Commander George Lincoln 
Rockwell (1918-1967). 

Owing to the tragic and unnecessary suffering which took 
place during the Second World War, and because certain power- 
ful elements in our society to this day maintain an interest in 
obscuring and concealing the truth, half a century after the 
war’s end massive misconceptions still exist in America today 
about what National Socialism was and is. The National Social- 
ist body of belief is founded on three basic principles: 

1. NATURAL ORDER — We believe that the universe is 
governed by natural laws. In order for Man to be happy and 
successful, he must first learn what these laws are and then fol- 
low them. We believe that Man is part of the natural world and 
that he is in no way separate or distinct from it Because of this, we 
believe that society should be structured in accordance with the 
laws of Nature, and not in opposition to them as is the case today. 


Racial idealism is based on the 
love of one’s own people. It 
means placing the interests and 
welfare, of the racial community 
to which you belong ahead of 
your own personal interests and 
desires. As racial idealists we 
have no wish to harm, exploit, 
or persecute other racial 
groups, despite a persistent me- 
dia campaign of abuse and de- 

liberate falsification to the contrary. 
We are only interested in protecting 
our own people against extinction, a 
fate all too likely if nothing is done 
about present conditions in America. 

We believe that all men are not 
created equal. Just as every individual 
has his own strengths and weaknesses, 
so each race has certain qualities 
which make it different from other 
races, We believe that the White (or Aryan) race has the right to 
maintain its own biological, cultural and political independence 
and integrity, and that we have the right to control our own 
destiny. We also believe that the White race has the right to de- 
fend itself against all physical, economic, and spiritual attacks, 
no matter where they come from. 

RACE — We want to do more than just defend our race; we 
want to see it improve. This can be done by encouraging a high 
birth rate among those sections of the White population which 
are the healthiest, strongest, and most intelligent. At the same 
time, our science should work to eliminate hereditary weaknesses 
and defects among our people. Our goal is that each new genera- 
tion of White children will be better than the one before it. 

In the United States and Canada, National Socialism is rep- 
PARTY, which was originally founded by George Lincoln Rock- 
well in 1967 and reconstituted in 1994. The N.S.W.P.P. fights 
for the survival of the White race and for true racial justice 
through the establishment of a sovereign Aryan Republic on 
North American soil. For more information on our organization 
and its beliefs, contact us: N.S.W.P.P. Central Support Unit, c/o 
Dixie Press, P.O. Box 608, Raleigh, NC 27602-0608, USA. All in- 
quiries will be treated in the strictest confidence. □ 

liberty Befl i June 1994 — 45 

. 44 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Dear George: 

I am enclosing $80, for re- 
newal of my subscription... 

I have been watching this bad 
business between the Institute for 
Historical Review and the Spot- 
light The IHR was doing a good job in blowing up the “Holohoax” 
for a while, but it had a wide range of members, and I think it 
lacked unity in other fields, such as race, and quite a few more. 

I have seen the case put from each side, and I believe I need more 
evidence before I make much judgement. However, I did read what 
Marcellus had to say in regards to the works of Leon Degrelle, and I 
am certainly not inclined to agree with him Members of my family 
fought the Germans in both world wars. My father was in France on 
the Somme, and saw quite a lot of very hard fighting. My father never 
had a hateful word for the German people, or for his “enemy,” the 
frontline soldier. I can see now how much of the trouble was caused 
by the conniving race, and believe it a tragedy that so many of the 
best examples of our race killed each other so unnecessarily. The 
world would be a far different place if we had been able to unite, as 
we have sometimes done in the past, but this time against the real 
and common foe. The immense tragedy of wasted effort is awesome 
to contemplate. We need the story of this century to be also told 
from the German side. Degrelle, I believe, did a good job with his 
Hitler Born at Versailles ; I was looking forward to the rest. The 
murders done at Nuremberg are nothing for Americans or British 
to be proud of, So many who could have written a history died. The 
British did it once before after Waterloo with the execution of Ney, 
The bravest of the brave.” I would like to find out what people were 
really responsible for THAT decision. 

I am still trying to work out what is going on with the IHR 

Yours sincerely 
D.B., Australia 

ee © © 

Dear Mr, Dietz: 

I have not taken the time to express my appreciation for the 
46 — Liberty Bell /June 1994 

work you have done and are doing in producing the Liberty Belt 
Thank you and those who write for the Liberty Bell , especially 
| Revilo P. Oliver, for a year of history, social commentary and 
I wit... 

I Best wishes, 

I R.P., Oregon 

| 80 89 8B 

| Dear Mr, Dietz, 

k Please renew my subscription... 

ii Professor Oliver's prolific accounts of history are always 

| worth reading and together with the writings of N. Carter and 

•■f Dr. Bentinck your journal has become quite formidable. Philo- 

sophically however, greater depth in perception and purpose — * 
without coming full circle back to metaphysics- — -would be 
■ desirable. The old Hellenes had worked out a concept of what 
they call arete, sometimes incorrectly interpreted as simply vrr- 
,f tue. In reality it meant much more, a kind of all encompassing 
■i wholesomeness and ethical standard for mind and soul, intellect 
1 and psyche. 

Perhaps someday Dr. Oliver could examine that previous 

* \ 

I subject, that cohesive ingredient of human endeavor, which tran- 
scends mere polemics. 

Keep up the good fight! 

W.A., New York State 

80 © 80 


I hope all is well with you. Enclosed is a little contribution.. 
Again I want to emphasize to you that what makes LB great 
is that it tends toward atheism, or at least anti-Christianty. I 
threw up reading Bertram Russell when I was about 13 years old 
and since then haven't had the burden of religious fallacy to over- 
come. Some publications which correctly perceive severe prob- 
lems with America (and the world), look utterly foolish when 


they begin to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ, etc. 

Well, take care! Your pal, 

T.T., New Jersey 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 47 


83 S3 © 

Dear Mr. Dietz; 

Please find enclosed my renewal pins a modest contribution. 

I especially like your current issue, and the articles by Camp- 
bell and Vanderpool. I hope to see more material along these 
lines, and like the “She Cannot...” that I sent you last fall. Let 
IHR make an industry out of ping-ponging the gas chamber story 
and give us more of other things. 

Thanks very much, 

Dr.KN., Utah 

© © © 

Dear Editor: 

It took about 500 years for the “Master’s Little Darlings” to 
corrupt and destroy the Roman Empire. They have done it to us 
in a little over 200 years. Of course, the Romans didn’t have zion- 
ized movies, television, a phoney banking system, high-tech por- 
nography, the Melting Pot, or an overdose of Judeo-Christian 
preachers to contend with. 

Up until a few weeks ago, when the prospect of caning an 
American boy in Singapore came to fight, it was hard to come up 
with something that could bring Millions of our Do-Gooders, 
whimps, criminals, and most of the 750,000 lawyers and politi- 
cians back to reality. For years now, the American people, in 
business for themselves, find that it gets harder and harder to 
follow the rules in trying to make an honest living, without one of 
the arms of BIG GOVERNMENT forcing them into some crimi- 
nal activity in order to save his family and business, especially if 
he is successful. 

This kind of thinking had a lot to do in starting the Civil 
War. The Pat Cats in the Ivory Towers in London and New York 
couldnt stand to see the Southern Parmer making a good liv in g 
on cotton. Not all of the Carpetbaggers left the South after the 
war. They made Federal District Judges out ofem, and we have 
had our noses dragged through the do-do ever since. Today, our 
farmers are making a little money on onions and tobacco, and 
they are under attack by the Peds. If they can* t own it or control I 

it, they destroy it. 

Just watching the caning process in action on every court- 
house lawn in the country, 24 hours a days (3 shifts) could help 
to save our country. IPs never too late, until we give up our right 
to bear arms. 

G.T., Georgia 


An Appeal For Help 

Many of you who receive this will know who I am Many of you 
have met me at some place or another during the past 12 years. The 
enclosed letter from my son, Yorie [see note below], is a plea for help 
that has been needed but unfulfilled for far too long. 

I appreciate the assistance many of you have given over the 
years. Unfortunately — and I sorrow to say this- — it has never 
been enough. I don't know what will be enough. 

If you have even a little faith, it is said that it can move 
mountains. The corresponding reality, as I think we all know, is 
that "faith without works is dead. 5 Gordon was a man who al- 
^ ways applied his work with his faith. He put his life on the line 
V for what he believed. He spent virtually every cent he ever had 
| beyond the necessities required by his family, attempting to help 
j his fellow Americans, and often the family did without for the 
greater cause. 

’ My son languishes in prison but is guilty of no crime* 

He has lost his father, alongside whom he loyally stood for the 
cause in which they both believed. 

I have concluded that this nation has lost its manhood. 
Harry we have witnessed in the murders of Vicki and Sammy 
Weaver and the people at Waco is not only tragic, it is inexcus- 
able. I understand the suffering of Randy Weaver. Most of you 
cannot. That so much injustice and tyranny goes unchallenged is 
proof that few real men still live in America. 

In the las t several decades America has turned into a waste- 
land. Its women are not safe from rape anywhere. Homosexual- 
a ity and even bestiality are presented as normal behavior to our 
children in grade schools. 

I am getting old. My grandchildren have no present let alone 
a future. My son is still suffering in prison Although he still tries 

48 — Liberty Beil / June 1994 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 49 

to pursue justice against many impediments deliberately created 
by the Federal Bureau of Prisons to hinder his legal work — he is 
alone. He suffers alone, and even if he has to pursue everything 
alone, I know he will continue with determination that comes 
from a knowledge that he is innocent of the charges placed 
against him. 

We need help. Not words. No war was ever fought with 
words alone, nor will one ever be. I believe Yorie's convictions can 
be reversed. 

Three high-powered lawyers who have reviewed some of the 
issues believe it almost certainly can be done. But — yes, but — the 
price is high. Overturning Yorie's convictions won't be easy, but 
what we've endured thus far has not been easy either. 

I am doing all I can. I'm not young anymore and this is tak- 
ing its toll on me. I hope I live long enough to see justice done in 
this case. It would be a start towards eliminating the terrible in- 
justice that has grown so great in this nation. 

Please help us. It's against my nature to beg, but I will if it 
would make the difference. Our sincere thanks to those who have 
helped and to those who will. 

Joan Kahl Britton 
3564 Windrift Way #251 
Oceanside CA 92056 

[For space reasons we cannot reprint the 6-page letter from 
Yorie von Kahl (No. 04565-059 (A-3), Box 1000, Leavenworth KS 
66048) to his mother, dated May 5, 1994. If you wish to receive 
photocopies. Please send $1.00 for postage and copying charges to 
LBP, or send donation to Mrs. von Kahl at above address .] 

© ffi SB 

Dear George: 

Most knowledgeable people assumed rightly so that all the 
controversy surrounding the Michael Fay caning in Singapore, 
was due because of Mr. Fay's part Jewish ancestry. 

I really don’t think most white people knew that the kidnap 
victim Polly Klass’s mother was a Kikess. Because Polly’s pater- 
nal grandparents lived in Monterey, a town nearby, our local pa- 

per in an interview brought it out. Since the kid could have been 
Anne Frank’s twin sister, I was not surprised. It also, of course, 

; exp laine d the intense media interest and outcry of all the politi- 
j cians. This fact, as far as I know, never received major media at- 
j tentiom In fact, several Bay Area papers printed several articles 
I speculating why the people were so aroused by her case. 

| In the last 20 years a number of frightful missing children, 

I nearly all white, have made headlines of very short duration, 
i then down the memory hole. So friends, you no longer have to 
S ask, “why Polly Klaas?” 

5 For Our Race 

; • . C.E.R., California 

' i 

® CQ CD 
a? a? 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 

The postoffice has just come out with a stamp honoring the 
; Buffalo Soldiers. The Buffalo Soldiers were negroes who served 
. in the U.S, Army around the turn of the century. The stamp fea- 
! tures a heroic figure of a mounted negro firing his rifle in a very 
manly fashion. This at a time when our government is doing 
L everything it can to disarm Whites. 

I Reportedly, negroes were used in the government’s slaughter of 

f Whites in the Branch Davidian massacre in Waco. 

Can you imagine the postoffice coming out with a stamp hon- 
oring the Texas Rangers?!! 

Yours truly, 
J.McC., Washington 

© © © 

Dear George: 

Sorry for the delay in getting my subscription renewal in. I had 
about decided to let my sub to Liberty Bell lapse since I am getting 
married in a few months and Fve been a bit concerned about how 
my bride-to-be would take to Revilo P. Oliver (for example). In other 
words, she is not a female Lincoln Rockwell (though she can toler- 
ate my pagan religious opinions). However, she is chomping at the 
1 bit to have kids, which is definitely the important thing [you aren’t 
j kidding! — Congratulate your bride-to-be, C.N., on her attitude re 

I kids! — G.D.] Hope everything is going well with you and yours. 



50 — Liberty Bell /June 1994 

Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 51 


Sincerely, C.N., North Carolina 
8B: SB .80 

, i ■ ■ 

Our tainted Leaders have just recently installed another 
Communist government; this time in South Africa. If you re- 
member, they invited Mandela of the A.N.C. to speak before Con- 
gress a year or so ago, and with standing ovations, Today these 
■ leaders are doing back-flips and hand stands, celebrating their 
latest communist victory. 

Just before Christmas, in 1913, Congress gave away its Con- 
stitutional right to regulate our money system. Four years later, 
in 1917, we helped to finance the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, 
where our friends, the Romanov family, were murdered and the 
Russian people enslaved. This was the birth of Communism, and 
we fought two world wars to keep it alive. We disarmed a Chris- 
tian ally in China, Chiang Kai Shek, allowing Mao-Tse-tung to 
communize the Chinese mainland, replaced Batista of Cuba with 
Fidel Castro, and the list goes on. 

We fought two no-win wars in Korea and Vietnam. We were 
not allowed to win because they were Communists, so thousands 
of our boys were killed and wounded for nothing. 

Lies and cover-ups became a way of life with our leaders, and 
finally when the word Communism began to have a bad smell, 
they changed the name to Democracy. The trouble with that is, 
Democracy and Communism is sort of like Republican and 
Democrat; there’s not a dime’s worth of difference in the two. We 
were founded as a Constitutional Republic. The World War I sol- 
diers’ handbook [see "Official Definition of Democracy” reprinted 
below; also read, They Call it Democracy:’ We Call it a Racket , 
available from LBP, $3,50 + $1.50 postage] warned the people 
about the dangers of a Democracy; FDR gave us one anyway. 

Now, as soon as we give up our rights to bear arms, our local 
police will most likely be replaced with foreign troops under the 
control of the United Nations. It appears we have taken to heart 
the advice given us by our Judeo-Christian preachers, "...turn the 
other cheek and love thine enemies.” Love is for our family, 
friends and neighbors, not your enemies. 

G.T., Georgia 

52 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

Official Definition 


Here arc four (4) fac simile section reproductions taken from 

a 156 page book officially compiled and issued by the U. S. War 

Department, November 30, 1928, setting forth exact and truthful 

definitions of a Democracy arid of a Republic, explaining the differ- 


ence between both. These definitions were published by the author- 
ity. of the United States Government and must be accepted as 


authentic in any court of proper jurisdiction. 

. These precise and scholarly definitions of a Democracy and a 

Republic were carefully considered as a proper guide for U. S. 

soldiers and U. S. citizens by the Chief ol Staff of the United States 

♦ , 

Army. Such definitions take precedence over any "definition” that 
may be found in the present commercial dictionaries which have 
suffered periodical "modification” to please "the powers in office.” 

Shortly after the "bank holiday" in the thirties, hush-hush 
orders from the White House suddenly demanded that all copies 
of tljis book be withdrawn from the Government Printing Office 
and the Army posts, to be suppressed and destroyed without ex* 

( This was the beginning of the complete red control of the 
Government from within, not from withotjt. 

w Liberty Bell / June 1994 — 53 


(No. I f»c 

No. 2000-25 

TM 2000—2 

Washington, November 8 0 , 19 t 8 , 


Prtpirtd under dirtetiot of the 
Chief of Staff 

This ms mini snpersedos Manual of Citizenship Training 

The use of the publication u The Constitution of the United States , 0 by Harry 
Atwood , is by permission and courtesy of the author . 

The source of other references is #hoton In the bibliopraphy , 

(No. 2 fac limile) 


TM 2000-25 

Democracy : 

A government of the masses. 

Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of 
“ direct ” expression. 

Results in mobocracy. 

Attitude toward property is communistic — negating property 

Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, 
whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, preju- 
dice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. 

Results in domngogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy. 

54 — Liberty Bell / June 1994 

(No. 3 •imile) 

TM 2000-25 



Authority is derived through the election by the people of public 
officials best fitted to represent them. 

Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, 
and a sensible economic procedure. 

' Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with 
fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to 
f consequences. 

I A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be ' 
brought within its compass. 

i Avoids me dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mpbocracy. 

I Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and 
1 progress. 

1 Is the “ standard form ” of government throughout the world. 

M A republic Is a form of government under a constitution which provides for 
9 the election of (1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working 
« together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, nil 
I pmver of legislation, ull power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, 
K nm| are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality 
I of their governmental acts and to recognize (4) certain Inherent Individual 
I rights. 

B Take away any one or more of those four elements and you are drifting into 
9 autocracy. Add one or more to those four elements and you are drifting Intd 
B democracy. — Aurood. 

H 121. Superior to all others, — Autocracy declares the divine 
1 right of kings; its authority can not be questioned; its powers are 
1 arbitrarily or unjustly administered. 

| Democracy is the “ direct ” rule of the people and has been re- 
| peatedly tried without success, 

1 Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weak- 
I ness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely 
1 in mind, defined a representative republican form of government 
m They “ made a very marked distinction between a republic and A 
9 democracy * * * and said repeatedly and emphatically that 

1 they had founded a republic.” 

(No- 4 foe •imile ) 

[A. G. 014.33 (4-28—28) .] 

Bx order of the Secretary of War 

Official : 


Major General, 

The Adjutant General 


Major General t 

Chief of Staff \ 





Why Democracies Fail 

A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of 
Government It can only exist until the voters discover 
they can vote themselves largess out of the public 
treasury* From that moment on the majority always 
votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from 
the public treasury with the result that Democracy always 
collapses over a loose £scal policy, always to be followed 
by a Dictatorship, 

(Written by Professor Alexander Froser Tytter , nearly two centuries ago 
while our thirteen original states were still colonies of Great Britain , 
At the time he was writing of the decline and fall of the Athenian 
Republic ouer two thousand years before .) 

— Reprinted from the Freeman Magazine 

Did I Bay "republic)” Bv God, ye«, I said "republic!” Long live the 
glorious republic of the United States of America. Damn democracy. 

It is a fraudulent term used, often by ignorant persons but no less often 
by intellectual fakers, to describe an infamous mixture of socialism, miscegena- 
tion, graft, confiscation of property and denial of personal rights to individuals 
whose virtuous principles make them offensive. 

by Westbrook Pegler in the New York Journal American of January 
25th and 26th, 195 I, under the titles "Upholds Republic of U, S. 
Against Phony Democracy" and "Democracy in the U, S. Branded 

56 — Liberty Bell /June 1994 


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