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revilo p. Oliver 

Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics 
at the University of Illinois for 32 years, is a 
scholar of international distinction who has 
written articles in four languages for the 
most prestigous academic publications in 
the United States and Europe. 

During World War II, Dr. Oliver was 
Director of Research in a highly secret agen- 
cy of the War Department, and was cited for 
outstanding service to his country. 

One of the very few academicians who 
has been outspoken in his opposition to the 
progressive defacement of our civilization, 
Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the fate of 
his countrymen hangs on their willingness 
to subordinate their doctrinal differences to 
the tough but idealistic solidarity which is 
the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 


• j', 

On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition): "Very few Americans were sufficiently 
sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American conception of government 
and had replaced it with the legal principle of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat,' 
which was the theoretical justification of the Jews’ revolution in Russia." 

t . 

On Race: "We must further understand that all races naturally regard themselves 
as superior to all others. We think Congoids unintelligent, but they feel only con- 
tempt for a race so stupid or craven that it fawns on them, gives them votes, lavish- 
ly subsidizes them with its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to Ourselves a su- 
periority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our own standards, we are simp- 
ly indulging in a tautology. The only objective criterion of superiority, among human 
races as among all other species, is biological: the strong survive, the weak perish. 
The superior race of mankind today is the one that will emerge victorious— whether 
by its technology or its fecundity— from the proximate struggle for life on an over- 
crowded planet." 


Order No. 1007-$8.50 -7;' 376 pp., pb. 

plus $1.50 .for postage and handling. 7 ORDER FROM: 



* ■ , ■ • •• 

4 . > 

' I , 

Liberty Bell 

\foice Of Thinking Americans 


The magazine for Thinking Americans, has been published monthly since 
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by Liberty Beil Publications. 

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The editor/publisher of Liberty Beli does not necessarily agree with each and 
every article in this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at 
by various writers; however, he does endeavor to permit the exposure of ideas 
suppressed by the controlled news media of this country. 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere 
that Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to ideas, for ultimately it is ideas which 
rule the world and determine both the content and structure of our Western 

We believe that we can and will change our society for the better. We 
declare our long-held view that no institution or government created by men, for 
men, is inviolable, incorruptible, and not subject to evolution, change, or replace- 
ment by the will of an informed people. 

To this we dedicate our lives and our work. No effort will be spared and no 
idea will be allowed to go unexpressed if we think it will benefit the Thinking 
People, not only of America, but the entire world. 

George P . Dietz, Editor & Publisher 


Ah , wad sdme power the giftie gie us 
To s&e oursels as others see us! 

The gift was given you by a young Canadian lady, the able 
translator of the very important article, “The USA: World Judge?” 
published in the November issue of Liberty Bell It was translated 
from a well-established German newspaper, which had to print it 
within the stringent limitations imposed on the German press by the 
Jews > government in Bonn. And it is a mitror in which Caliban may 
contemplate his own features. 

The article contains a number of factual errors, almost all of them 
derived, directly of indirecdy, from the pages of the most widely-cir- 
culated newspapers In the United States. It also contains what may be 
called grave philosophical errors, misconceptions about historical cau- 
sality, springing from Christian delusions about the nature of the real 
world, all of which again were copied from popular publications in 
this country. It is, furthermore, a Substantially accurate reproduction 
of the picture of this country disseminated to the whole world by its 
publications. It portrays the United States and the American people 
as they are seen by most men and women, not only in Germany, but 
throughout Europe. With some modifications, this is probably also 
the view of Japanese and Chinese, and perhaps of Russians also. It 
therefore deserves your earnest attention. 

What should concern us is not the errors, but their source, the 
caterwauling of “Liberal intellectuals, who ate the cancer of our na- 
tion, and of Sheenies working to demoralize our race. 

The German writer speaks of the “extermination of the American 
Indians.” It is true that our people, when they extended their con- 
quests over the entire continent, treated the India ns with severity and 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — j 

sometimes unfairly, but that was because they were such racial bigots 
that they objected to seeing their wives and children butchered and 
mutilated or sometimes carried into an inexpressibly vile captivity, 
and they were so selfish that they did not want their homes and farms 
burned and their livestock killed, and even were unwilling to be 
butchered themselves. 1 They finally herded the Indians into reserva- 
tions, where, although some small tribes did become extinct, the 
Indians as a race, protected from other tribes and from themselves, 
flourished and are now more numerous than they were before 1492. 

The writer, having evidendy credited the piffle produced by some 
especially vicious poison-pen artist, thinks there were 30,000,000 In- 
dians in what is now the United States when the Pale Faces began to 
take over the continent; actually, according to the estimates of the 
most reliable anthropologists before lying became profitable, there 
were not more than 400,000 and possibly no more than 100,000 at 
any one time. He, perhaps confusing his statistics, says there are only 
100,000-200,000 of the dear creatures left. There now are approxi- 
mately 2,000,000 Indians in the United States — much too many. 

The fatuous writer thinks how ducky it would be, if the Indians 
had multiplied to 100,000,000 by 1900! Life for Aryans in the 
United States would have become flady impossible, of course. That 
may be what makes the idea so charming to aposdes of Social Justice, 

Compounding the factual error, the writer says that “the great 
country would have been large enough for the long-established native 
peoples as well as the new arrivals. 35 It would be hard to imagine a 
more asinine statement, but remember that the German writer un- 
doubtedly derived it, direcdy or indirecdy from one of our journalis- 
tic prostitutes, possibly a perfesser in some academic brothel. 

When there were no more than 400,000 Indians in the entire 
territory of the United States, it was much too small for them. All the 
tribes, with the exception of some degenerates in part of California, 
lived in perpetual warfare with each other for the sheer joy of it. A war 

1. For some sentimental maundering about Indians by American writ- 
ers who had no practical knowledge of the savages, and some impudent 
hoaxes by our domestic enemies, see Liberty Bell , July 1991, pp. 19-41. 

2 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

party from one tribe would, if necessary, travel a great distance 
through the forests or over the prairie to attack another tribe. The 
much touted tribes of the Iroquois federation in New York (formed 
c. 1570 to attack the Whites more effectively) gladly walked to North 
Carolina to attack the Cherokee. Kenneth Roberts 3 Northwest Passage 
has probably been translated into German; the historical background 
is accurate, and the first part of the book describes the expedition of 
the rather famous Major Rogers and his Rangers to end killing and 
scalping of White setders on the northern border of Massachusetts by 
a band of Abnaki who came from their village at the mouth of the St. 
Francis River in Quebec, The German author should consult his 
excellent German adas and look at a map to estimate the distance the 
blood-thirsty savages must have journeyed on foot to assuage their 
thirst. Except for a short time within federations formed for bigger 
raids on other Indians or the White setders, there never was any peace 
between Indian tribes until they were herded into reservations and 
kept there by military surveillance. 

The asininity is only compounded by the grotesque notion that 

the Indians could have coexisted with the White settlers before they 


were thoroughly defeated and subjugated. 

The fact is that when two incompatible races come into contact, 
one must dominate the other, and if it wishes for lasting peace at 
home, must exterminate or expel the other, as the Jews did in the tales 
of the “Old Testament, 33 Whenever the Indians were able to desist 

2. The professional liar who was, directly or indirectly, the source of 
the German writers 3 notion probably alleged, as is commonly done, the 
example of the peaceful Cherokee, whom we admittedly dispossessed 
unjustly if one does not invoke the raison d'Stat, and concealed from 
the reader the fact that even the Cherokee became so peaceful only 
after they had been thoroughly defeated and convinced that they could 
not destroy the Whites and came to understand the value of White 
protection from the Iroquois and other tribes. The liar, I am sure, did 
not tell his dupes that the prosperity of the Cherokee before they were 
dispossessed was to a considerable extent provided by their negro 
slaves. The liar probably mentioned the really admirable accomplish- 
ments of Sequoia, who is regarded as the most intelligent Cherokee, 
but concealed the fact that Sequoia was half Irish and probably three- 
quarters White > 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 3 

[ * 

from internecine warfare long enough to form conspiracies, as 
Pontiac s and Tecumseh s, the purpose was to exterminate the 
Whites, and that was also the hope of the Indians who, in the latter 
part of the Nineteenth Century, imagined that die magic of their 
ghost dancing would accomplish the same end. From the standpoint 
of the Indians, that goal was simple common sense. What is remark- 
able is that our people put the Indians on reservations instead of 
exterminating them . 3 

Then, to complete the idiotic tirade, the writer deplores the big- 
otry of the Americans who brought women with them and did not, 
as a rule, commit the crime of miscegenation, and contrasts them 
with the Noble Spaniards, who left their women at home and setded 
down to copulate with the lower races and breed the vast population 
of mestizos that now occupies most of the countries of Central and 

South America and, in most of them, makes a lasting civilization 

The author is, of course, right about the way in which the stupid 
Americans were driven into two wars in which they gratuitously at- 
tacked nations that had given them no cause for offense and repre- 
sented the highest level of civilization on their respective continents, 
but he did not know— or perhaps dared not mention— some of the 
most telling data, such as the secret attack on Japan by which the foul 
monster in the White House virtually forced the Japanese to attack 

3. Major Rogers killed about two hundred Indian men in their village 

at Jkf ? 1 ° U ? 1 ° f the St * Francis > and that, for all practical purposes, 
ended that band of savages. He, however, spared females and children. 

When other savages heard of that, they said “Pale Paces, crazy in the 

4. There are exceptions, notably Argentina, where the Spaniards and 
other Europeans, for some reason, had the good sense virtually to re- 
frain from miscegenation and to exterminate the natives, who are now 
merely a nuisance. In part of Chile, according to a reliable observer 
several decades ago, the hybrids seemed a stable, useful, and not unin- 
telligent part of the population (that raises questions about the 
Araucanas), which may be why our rulers and the chief dervish in 
Rome are working so hard to afflict Chile with more ‘democracy* and 
excite a civil war, such as the United States so successfully incited in 
Nicaragua and San Salvador, and is now fomenting in Guatemala. 

— Liberty Bell / February 1992 

Pearl Harbor.^ It is quite true that the American boobs, crazed with 
righteousness, were driven into those two wars by a small gang of 
conspirators, whom the German writer chooses to call an ‘dike/ 

This however led the writer into the preposterous inference — too 
absurd, perhaps, for even the most brazen liars in our press and 
colleges^ — that it was an elite, “not the ordinary settlers....who were 
to blame for the extermination of the Indians.” Nothing could be 
farther from the facts. It was the “ordinary settlers,” people living on 
the frontier, most of them comparatively uneducated and often crude, 
who learned from experience the rule, “The only good Indian is a 
dead Indian,” the exceptions being few and negligible. Sentimentality 
about imaginary Indians was the specialty of fairly well educated 
Christian writers, who, sitting in the comfort of their book-lined 
studies in New England, which had long been secure from all danger 
from aborigines, had never seen Indians, except a few tame ones, 
displayed by vendors of snake oil or holiness or education/ or teth- 
ered in reservations, and were accordingly free to let their imagina- 
tions run riot. 

The writer properly exhibits indignation over the Americans 
righteous itch to meddle with other peoples business, a residue of 
Christian world-improving drivel, and rightly waxes indignant over 
the foul murders the Americans committed at Nuremberg. But he 
connects this with the only morally justified war in our history, the 
Mexican War. For this, of course, he is relying on ranting by our 
journalistic vermin, but he ignores a fundamental fact of history and, 
for that matter, biology. 

5. See Liberty Bell , July 1989, pp. 1-9. The account there reported has 
been subsequently confirmed. 

6. It is true that our literate vermin like to stigmatize as “greed** the 
ambition of the settlers to better their lot in life. The German author 
has read the popular bundle of buncomb about a “massacre** at 
Wounded Knee. It is possible that the killing of two hundred Indians 
there was unnecessary, but one must remember that the soldiers had 
had repeated experience of the innate treachery of the savages, includ- 
ing their use of their women as screens after they learned that the 
Pale Faces had incomprehensible scruples about violence to females. 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 5 

History is made by nations, not by countries, which are only 
geographical areas. A nation is, so to speak, an enormous tribe, an 
aggregate of persons of the same race, the same ethnic division of it or 
several very similar and compatible ethnic stocks, and the same culture. 
A nation may permit a few aliens to reside on its country, but if it admits 
large numbers of them, as did Britain and the United States, and as all 
Aryan nations are now doing, it has become irremediably decadent. 

A nation has a kind of biological life of its own. When it is 
vigorous and growing, it expands its territory at the expense of weaker 
and alien nations; like a man, it may know a brief period of stabil- 
ity — a kind of middle-age, if you want to press the analogy — in 
which its earlier vigor is temporarily balanced by loss of ambition, but 
results in a craving for peace, which is simply senility and decay, a 
terminal disease, 

In 1848 the Americans, whether or not they were culturally ad- 
mirable, were a nation and a vigorous one. They naturally took terri- 
tory from Mexico, as they had taken it from the Indians, by the right 
of conquest, the only valid right to territory of any kind, and the only 
right by which any people now occupy the territory under its jurisdic- 
tion. Sniveling about an abstraction called 'justice 5 in such cases is 
mere foolishness. There is no justice in nature or among races and 
nations, because justice is a moral code on which a nation has agreed 
to regulate relations between its own members. In international af- 
fairs, there was a moral code by which civilized nations, for mutual 
benefit, regulated relations with each other, in peace and in war, but 
that moral code was repudiated and flouted by the Jew-controlled 
British and Americans and is now no more than a datum in his- 

To ignore this fact is to be incapable of understanding the past or 
the present. 

The German writer extends his Platonic vaporings to the pur- 
chase of Louisiana territory* which was undoubtedly an act of real 
politics. Napoleon, who had taken the territory from Spain by mili- 
tary force, sold it to the United States because he was unable to 
defend it militarily and feared that a war with the United States 
6 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

would disrupt his constant milking of the Spanish colonies in the 
Western Hemisphere. The vast territory was purchased “in blatantly 
imperialistic and undemocratic fashion/ 5 according to a Sheeny 
named Kohn, whom the German author quotes. That means that it 
was an historically sound act. 

The German writer correctly describes the aggression against the 
Southern states as “one of the most dreadful wars in the history of the 
world/ 5 and he is almost always right about the recent past, when the 
Americans* mentally rotted with the deadly virus of Christian right- 
eousness, permitted themselves to be made the judges and policemen 
of the world for their Yiddish masters, after they had become so 
imbecile that when a crackpot talked about a “war to end wars 55 they 
did not clap him into an insane asylum, and when one of the most 
loathsome bipeds known to history gabbled about “quarantining 
aggressors/ 5 they did not recognize the traitor* impeach and con- 
vict him* and, having exposed what he intended, hang him. 

Such was our folly* Our guilt is undeniable. It cannot be palli- 
ated. We made the Yids our masters, and it Was our power that 
consummated the Suicide of the West. And it is only natural that 
Europeans now take satisfaction in the decay and coming dissolution 
of the contrivers of their ruin/ 

7. Americans who do not read European periodicals are often unaware 
of how complacently our plight is generally regarded. For example, a 
columnist in the Sunday Times (London), 10 February 1991, discuss- 
ing, not politics or economics, but a recent American motion picture, 
remarked obiter on the myth of American unity. "America celebrates 
its unity because it is really a spectacularly disunited agglomeration of 
races, classes, and religions*... Now, with the industrial base eroded, the 
underclass expanding* the deficit growing...the myths may be about to 
collapse in the face of the unpleasant reality of the end of the Age of 
America,” I quote the foregoing because it is significant as a passing 
comment by a journalist who is sure that his readers will agree with 
him. In Liberty Bell * April 1985, pp. 1 l 8, I reported the opinions of 
some of the best minds in France and England that "the United States 
is now beyond all question the enemy of Europe, politically, militarily, 
and above all, culturally,” and that it is the "single nation which has 
succeeded in debasing intelligence, morality, and the quality of human- 
ity on practically the whole surface of the globe. ...perpetrating a contin- 
uous crime against mankind." They find some consolation in the fact 

Liberty Bell / Pebruary 1992 — 7 

The foregoing sufficiently characterizes the article by the German 
editor of the Ndtionai-Zeitung : It were boodess to waste space on 

detailing derivadves of the blunders noted above 
minor errors of fact, 8 

or in correcting 

The important thing to remember is that while the German 
writer is generally right when he disregards the propagandisdc hog- 
wash in our press (and schools!) and exercises independent judge- 
ment, all of his gross errors of fact and interpretation were taken from 
verbal slop published in this country and disseminated by the Jews 5 
“public opinion' throughout the world to create the image the Ger- 
man writer has shown us. But surely we are ugly enough without the 

that The United States is doomed.” The writers overlook or do not 
stress the contributions European nations themselves made to the col- 
lapse of civilization and avoid direct mention of the Jews’ covert but 
overshadowing power and determination to liquidate our race and its 
culture, but if you will refer to my article, you will see that the Ger- 
man whose article we are here discussing was relatively kind to the 
United States, which has made itself despised, feared, and hated by all 
the civilized and semi-civilized nations in the whole world, including 
the nations that are especially profiting from our insane demolition of 
our industry and sabotage of our once adequate technology. 

8. E.g.: President Johnson was not responsible for the savagery that 
began in 1865 and was called "Reconstruction.” On the contrary, he did 
what he could, which was not very much, to mitigate the sadistic enor- 
mities perpetrated by the scabrous gang of thieves and hate-crazed 
mattoids who formed the Republican Administration, whose power was 
virtually absolute after their masterly assassination of Lincoln, which ' 
was marred by only a few mishaps. The German author, by the way, 
perceives the hypocrisy of the pretense that the South was invaded "to 
save the Union.” That pretext reminds one of the man who had reli- 
gious scruples against divorce and accordingly saved his marriage by 
murdering his wife. — The "liberated’ Negroes” in the South were not 
"channeled into the industrial North” during the "Reconstruction,” but 
only a century later, some years after 1945, when the dismantling of 
American industry began. In the North they did not "sink into a new 
kind of slavery,” but became an intolerable bane that is making civi- 
lized society impossible. — The part of Colombia taken to form Pan- 
ama (because the Colombian whom we hired to pose as the leader’ of a 
fake revolution exceeded his instructions) was much less than "half” of 
the country — was approximately one-sixteenth of it in area and in pop- 
ulation even less. Et cetera multa . 

8 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

mud thgf k spattered on OUT faces by our present masters and which 
we see so clearly in the mirror that has been held up before us. 


| Lyndon LaRouche is now in prison, haying been sentenced to a 

,}’ term of fifteen years for having annoyed the rulers of the United 

) States, I gave a succinct but adequate account of his activities in my 

article on Practical Politics in February 1990, and in the following 
April 1 noticed the travesty of legality by which our lawless masters 
threw LaRouche onto the chute to the penitentiary. 

A friend has sent rne a copy of a book that was obviously rushed 
: through the press after LaRouche was arrested but before his condem- 

nation in an effort to facilitate the latter by character-assassination. 
The book is Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism (New 
I York, Doubleday, 1989), by Dennis King, whom the publisher de- 
scribes as “the country’s leading expert [!] on LaRouche.” The 
authors race is not stated, but I note that 'King’ is frequently a 
translation of 'Koenig. ’ a name often assumed by Yids in Germany, 
and that they commonly affect characteristically Anglo-Saxon or 
Scottish praenomina as a disguise. 

King is highly proficient in the art of loedorography and subtle 
vituperation! he does an expert job of traducing LaRouche, and while 
journalists hired for such work always simulate moral indignation, I 
have the impression that he does hate LaRouche as he would hate 
anyone who stood, or seemed to stand, in the way of God’s People. It 
is irpnic, however, that I, who haye no animus and certainly feel no 
ill-will toward LaRouche, damned him far more thoroughly than did 

4 ..' 

i the hatchet man. I Illustrated the spurious and mendacious content of 

books that LaRouche wrote or sponsored) King concentrates on the 
man’s mistresses, associates, and gossip about his intentions. 

King has certainly investigated such matters thoroughly and it is 
likely that his facts are accurate, as distinct from his insinuations, 

1. ‘Denqis. 1 which j§, of course, derived through the French frpm “Dio- 
nysius,’ became ft very popular personal name in England as early as 
the Twelfth Century, doubtless under Norman influence. 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 9 

interpretations, and allegations. Books of this type, if competently 
written, usually resemble a child's water-color book: the printed out- 
lines are accurate, but the child has painted the horse green and the 
cow purple. 

From King's account it seems clear that LaRouche was swindled 
repeatedly, almost continually, by reprobates who gained his confi- 
dence, and was, throughout his career, surrounded by Jews, who held 
most of the higher positions in his organizations. At least one of these, 
a certain Mordechai, was a spy and agent of the Jews whom La- 
Rouche was so naif as to trust. A man named Goldstein, who was in 
charge of Security for the organization, even proposed assassination of 
Super-Sheeny Kissinger. One cannot approve of assassinations, but it 
would be hard to suggest a better target. 

According to King, however, LaRouche's mortal sin was insuffi- 
cient veneration for Yahweh's Chosen. He properly derides one of 
LaRouche's campaigns, based on the slogan, “Zionism is anti-Se- 
mitic." That, of course, would have been quite true, had LaRouche 
been writing English, for, as everyone knows, the Chosen now intend 
to massacre the Semites in Palestine, as they did formerly, according 
to the tales in the Christians' favorite story-book. LaRouche seems to 
have used the term in the nonsensical meaning given to it by the 
Kikes' propaganda, according to which it means C anti-Jewish,' 2 and in 
that sense, as King points out, his slogan is absurd because almost all ' 
of the Jews now residing in the United States are Zionists. 

2. The catachrestic phrase seems to have originated in France, where 
( antis£mitique / uttered with knowing grin, was used to indicate appre- 
ciation of the Jewish racial character. At that time, the Jews were 
considered Semites because their language in Biblical times had been 
taken from the Semitic Canaanites, and the Aramaic, which replaced it 
in general use, was also a Semitic language. The Jews are a hybrid 
race in which the Semitic, Hamitic, and Armenoid components usually 
overshadow the Negroid element. Whether there was an Aryan ele- 
ment before relatively recent times is uncertain. The French joke 
seems to have been picked up by the Jews, with their instinct for creat- 
ing confusion, about the time of the Dreyfus affair, and to have been 
first used in English around the beginning of this century. The transfer 
may have been facilitated by the occasional use of ‘Semitism’ as a con- 
venient designation of both the Judaic and Moslem religions. 

! There is a good deal of ancillary information in the book that is 

of some interest. One of LaRouche’s enemies was, naturally enough, 
i, the Roy Cohen who, together with his partner, Schine, formed a 

\ team that was trusted by Senator McCarthy 3 and, of course, continu- 

\ ally betrayed him; they later subsidized National Review through 

■ their news-stand agency,^ and Cohen finally attained the high distinc- 

tion of being considered the most viciously crooked attorney in all of 
greater New York. He was, naturally, a pervert, as was generally known 
i and as LaRouche wickedly told the public, and he died of the African 

! Plague (“AIDS") in 1986. Who says the epidemic has done no good? 

King addresses particularly die people who have been pro- 
I grammed as “Liberal intellectuals" in the boob-hatcheries, and gives 
them the proper signals. 'Fascist' is often a noise made by such dunces 
and as devoid of meaning as the squawk of an angry bluejay, but men 
like King know that Mussolini saved Italy from disintegration and 
averted Judaeo-Communist massacres, such as had been carried out 
in Russia a few years before, thus cheating professional humanitarians 
of their anticipated gloating over the suffering and death of the more 
civilized Italians. For this, social reformers will never forgive him, and 
his name suffices to focus the organic hatreds in their miserable little 

Needless to say, many of King's demonstrations of LaRouche's 
satanic nature are, in the eyes of rational Aryans, propaganda for 
LaRouche. A photograph following p. 200 shows three “students" at 

3. McCarthy was really naif to an extent remarkable in a man who had 
attained success in politics. I always remember what he told a friend of 
mine, then in the C.I.A., who warned him in 1952 that the Federal 
government would destroy him for having identified a few of the Com- 
i munists agents then in high positions. “No,” said McCarthy, “the 

American people will never let me down"! 

( 4. This does not necessarily imply approval of the dilute “conservatism” 

i for which that publication was then known. The pair of Kike perverts 

! , used it to obtain “block bookings” from newsstands operated by Ameri- 
cans and thus introduced their pornographic journals into places where 
the latter would never have been tolerated, had they not been part of a 
‘package’ that included a magazine then highly esteemed by anti-Com- 
* munists. 

10 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

Liberty Bell f February 1992 — 11 

Temple University in Philadelphia who are said to have been mis- 
treated by LaRouche s followers, probably when the creatures attacked 
them. One is a nigger mongrel and the other two are degenerates and 
probably some kind of mongrels also; one looks pardy female, but 
probably isn’t. A rational American looking at that photograph will 
conclude that a man who wants to sweep our streets of such animated 
garbage deserves approbation, whatever else he may propose. 

We are assured that LaRouche actually expressed doubts about 
the Kikes’ great Holohoax, and was so evil as to oppose the deporta- 
tion of Dr. Arthur Rudolph to please our parasites and to demoralize 
our efforts to send rockets into outer space. He even dared to quote 
"General George Brown’s infamous [sic!] statement about the alleged 
excessive influence of Jews in Washington.” Since the Jews themselves 
openly boast that the Congress that daily betrays us in the Capitol 
belongs to them and is "the best that money can buy,” it follows that 
what was infamous about General Brown’s statement is the implica- 
tion that the Sheenies’ power over us could possibly be excessive. 
They own the planet given them by Yahweh, don’t they? 

What was obviously LaRouche’s most dastardly deed was trying 
to tell the American dunces in 1977 that the Master Race was equip- 
ping itself with nuclear weapons and becoming one of the powers 
able (and willing) to use nuclear bombs to attain its ends. Needless to 
say, only a Satanic figure would have disclosed to the Aryan swine in 
1977 a secret that, despite LaRouche’s efforts, was successfully con- 
cealed until the end of 1986, when, strange as that seems, it may have 
been first disclosed in the United States by Liberty Belli* 

5. December 1986, pp. 16-23. Liberty Bell's information came from a 
feature article in the Sunday Times (London), where it appeared under 
an 88-point headline, but the British publication and the proof sup- 
plied by an honest Jew was ignored by the American press as long as 
it could hope the news would never reach its American dupes. It is 
true, of course, that diligent observers earlier drew inferences from the 
Jews' theft of a large quantity of uranium from American stores, but 
there was no proof of conjectures based on that fact, which was, of 
course, denied by the Jews' stooges in Washington and the Pentagon, 
who insisted that the missing uranium had just somehow got lost. 

12 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

LaRouche knew in 1977 what the Sheenies were doing in their 
j secret underground plant for manufacturing atomic and nuclear 

i; bombs. It follows, therefore, that some part of his intelligence service 
| was much more efficient than King is willing to admit. He repeatedly 

\ assures us that LaRouche was supplied chiefly or almost entirely with 

| information imagined by the crooks who were exploiting him. King 

| evidently did not notice that his supercilious dismissal of LaRouche’s 

! intelligence service is refuted by his account of Larouche’s “anti-Se- 

mi tic” disclosure in 1 977. 

Perpend the fact that in 1977 LaRouche had penetrated one of 
the most closely guarded secrets in the whole world. That is proof of 
an efficiency that is impressive and astonishing. When the C.I.A. 
could no longer ignore the information and photographs provided by 
the Jewish defector (who was quickly kidnapped by Mossad and, if 
still alive, is now suffering for his integrity), it protested that it had 
never had the least suspicion of what the Kikes were doing in Israel. 
That was a lie, of course, but it was tantamount to an admission that 

■ LaRouche’s intelligence service was far better than that of the world’s 

| most expensive intelligence service, subsidized with billions each year 
) by the tax-paying animals in the United States, some of whom are 

( still so gullible that they imagine the C J.A. has some regard for their 


| A further inconsistency is found in what is the most valuable part 

of his book for intelligent readers, two paragraphs on p. 250. I quote 
I the substance here: , 

i The National] C[aucus of] L[abor] C[ommittees, said to 

Y be LaRouche's primary organization] Security Staff.. ..has 

| built up over a fifteen-year period one of the largest collec- 

: tions of private political intelligence data in the United 


| When the FBI and Virginia authorities raided 

LaRouche's headquarters in October 1986, they carried 
i . away more than 425 boxes of files. The media had the im- 

pression these were mostly financial records, but the offices 
l raided included those of the Security staff, and the files 

seized contained computer disks on which vast quantities of 
( Security data were stored. The FBI thus came into posses- 

■ sion of a major portion of the ‘‘LaRouche files.” Apart from 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 13 

details about political radicals and rumors about the sex 
lives of public officials, these files contain evidence of exten- . 
sive NCLC dealings with government and police officials 
and corporate executives throughout the country. Most of 
these individuals would be extremely embarrassed if their 
dealings with LaKouche should ever become a matter of 
public record. 

One suspects that King may be minimizing the data in those files, 
which may include positive proof of the treason that is normal in the 
Jews’ hirelings, from the President on down, who serve and abet the 
Jewish rulers over the hapless country the American boobs gave them. 

If that is so, King has solved the mystery that perplexed me in 
earlier articles, why the ponderous machinery of governmental op- 
pression should have been activated to squash a man whose propa- 
ganda in the books he published was worthy of only an intellectual 
and moral nullity, and whose little political organization represented 
no serious threat to the Demopublican gangsters^ who avail them- 
selves of Jewish permission to rob and plunder the American boobs to 
their greedy hearts’ content. 


When Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, employed by the Rockefeller Foun- 
dation, published the first of his two books 1 in 1948, I paid no 
attention to it, assuming that it was just another bundle of the piffle 
that constitutes most of contemporary “sociology.” By the time the 
second volume appeared in 1953, the welkin was already resounding 
with hosannahs to the new Savior of mankind, so I read both volumes. 

I saw at once that the volumes were very important. They dis- 
closed a most significant datum about human behavior, to wit, that 
there were large numbers of Aryans who would unthinkingly accept 
as scientific determinations a series of entirely unsupported allegations 

6. It may be well, by the bye, to remember that ‘gangsters’ was first 
used of politicians, and only later applied to bands of criminals whose 
depredations were somewhat different, involving physical violence in- 
stead of fraud and deceit. 

1. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Philadelphia, Saunders, 1948), 

and Sexual Beha vior in the Human Female (ibidem, 1953). 

14 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

■ that were purportedly based on data, supposedly obtained when un- 
: known persons were questioned by unknown busy-bodies, and recorded 

in code on sheets no one would ever be permitted to see — sheets 
1 housed in a safe that was protected by a threat that the sheets would 

, be destroyed if anyone obtained a legal right to inspect them. 

The secret data, moreover, were not even classified or categorized, 
but treated as one lump, much as though one were to generalize 
about all who live in a certain city block without noting the relative 
proportions of cats, dogs, infants, and adult bipeds in the total. There 
| was an assertion that the data were “representative,” but there was no 

\ classification by race, age, habitat, social position, or education — all 

factors known to affect gravely the kind of conduct under investiga- 
tion. And what was even worse, the gullible Aryans believed findings 
that were disproven by their own observations and experience. 2 

It seemed to me that far more important than the question 
) whether the conclusions were correct was the surprising acceptance of 
them by persons who should have known something of the method- 
! ology of science. At that time, had anyone claimed that he had proved 

$ the existence of Martians or sea serpents by taking photographs that 

; he would let ho one see, only lame brains would have been so deficient 

' in common sense as to pay any attention to him. But Kinsey made an 

| analogous claim, and otherwise rational people believed him! 3 

Obviously the credence accorded Kinsey was not acceptance of a 
: fact that had been scientifically determined, but was of the same order 

| as belief in the Christian myths, which are accepted because they 

| excite pleasurable emotions and keep a shimmering veil between the 

believer and the grim world in which he lives. Kinsey s conclusions 
f were accepted as gospels-— -and with as much credulous faith. It was 
true that persons who firmly believed in either the tales about Jesus or 

i 2, See Appendix beiow. 

\ 3. Kinsey claimed that the secrecy and mystification was needed to 

conceal the identity of the persons who had answered questions for his 
unidentified inquisitors, but that was obviously a feeble pretext. For 
1 one thing, he also said that names and addresses were not recorded on 

I the sheets on which the replies were entered in a presumably secure 

j code or cipher* 

i Liberty Bell I February 1992 — 15 

Kinseys findings usually disapproved of the other, but that was only 
to be expected. It was also true that religious faith was emotional and 
necessarily uncritical and irrational, while faith in Kinsey was repre- 
sented as an intellectual conviction, but one could not but observe 
that both faiths were based on assumptions about the validity of 
evidence that, by its very nature, could not be tested and empirically 

The two volumes were significant because they proved two 
things: (1) that there was a general and shocking ignorance of valid 
science and the requirements of scientific proof and (2) that the 
phenomenal credulity attested a native or acquired lust to preconize 
and invert the sexual fixations that Christianity had inherited from its 
Jewish authors.^ 

There was, of course, some dissent in the rush to believe for the 
sake of believing what one wants to believe. Some holy men thought 
the conclusions absurd, although many accepted them as conclusive 
proof that everyone ought to be dosed with lots of Jesus. Professional 
interests likewise evoked dissent from Freudian psychiatrists whenever 
Kinsey s results conflicted with their own Jewish cult. Some old-fash- 
ioned Americans, who adhered to Victorian or, at least, Edwardian 
standards, snorted “bosh” or “nonsense,” but supported their brusque 
rejection with no more than appeal to the known conduct of their 
friends and respectable acquaintance, and thereafter ignored an immi- 
nent threat to their nation. Some moralists irately attacked Kinsey’s 
work, usually on the grounds that while it was probably correct, it 
should be suppressed or denied in keeping with the distinctively 
Christian policy of edifying people morally by lying to them. 

The only effective challenge of Kinsey s work that I can now call 
to mind was, oddly enough, directed at his second volume, which 
was, in reported methodology, slighdy the less fallacious of the two. 
In Kinsey s Myth of Femak Sexuality (New York, Grune & Stratton, 
1954), two gynaecologists, Drs. Edmund Bergler and William S. 

4. By a nice irony, all Christian denominations are now agitated by 
endless discussion of, and violent controversies about, sexuality of all 

16 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 


f ' 


Kroger, impugned Kinseys book on the only really cogent grounds 
i by denying its accuracy and its authors’ veracity. After pointing out 
■ how spurious was the methodology concealed in specious claims, they 
proceeded to show that the “non-medical generalizations” were 
largely at variance with what was medically observed by gynaecolo- 
gists, who necessarily had to ascertain accurately the sexual propensi- 
ties and conduct of their patients before dealing with their sexual 
maladies. So far as I know, their protest was generally ignored as 
“educators,” “sociologists,” the practitioners of “social science,” and 
J politicians gleefully rushed to apply the new gospel, as Procrustes had 
applied his beds, to every victim over whom they had acquired power 
S during the Americans’ headlong rush to serfdom. 

In 1964, Gershon Legman, who had been one of Kinsey’s associ- 
ates, his conscience perhaps aroused by perception of the havoc that 
was being wrought in American society, confessed that he had served 
Kinsey, whose purpose was to create and disseminate propaganda that 
would radically change the sexual conduct and habits of the American 
1 people by making male homosexuality, promiscuity, paederasty, and 
j many other perversions acceptable to them, and by encouraging them 
with pseudo-scientific fabrications to emulate what they had abomi- 
nated as degeneracy. His confession was, however, ignored, and the 
( promoters of the purposes named by Mr. Legman triumphantly con- 
summated their revolution of sexual morals and mores in the United 
States, especially by driving the new gospel into the heads of children 
whose thoughtless or unfeeling parents sent them into the tax-sup- 
! ported boob-hatcheries to have their minds pickled in ‘humanitarian’ 

I slop, and by forcing the hapless children to behave as dieir captors 

i demanded, 

Kinsey s gospel was generally accepted with enthusiasm and ful- 
somely described as “the cornerstone of almost everything that is 
! known about human sexuality.” It was Revealed Truth with a ven- 

! geance — a vengeance everyone pretended not to perceive. 

Such Works as Jess Steam’s The Sixth Man (New York, Double- 
day, 1961), which purports to present “facts, not opinions” without 
i prejudice, were, of course, spawned by Kinsey’s statistics, and even 
| Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 17 


i • 

speak of a “spread” of perversion without reference to Kinsey s propa- 
ganda to the effect that perversion was natural and normal, at least for 
every sixth — or fifth — American male. 

What is amazing is that no one undertook an independent study 
to check the accuracy of Kinsey s statistics. I remember that a psychol- 
ogist to whom I suggested such a project as a feasible road to celebrity 
gave me the look I would have been given by a Christian dervish, had 
I suggested an investigation of die genealogy of his Jesus. He roundly 
denounced my impious suggestion as absurd, for the facts were al- 
ready known! 

Only after forty years of intensive sabotage of American children 
has the basic fact about Kinsey s research been disclosed to his vic- 
tims, by Edward W. Eichel and Dr. Judith A. Reisman, in a book 
edited by Drs. John H: Court and J. Gordon Muir: Kinsey , Sex, and 
Fraud, the Indoctrination of a People (Lafayette, Louisiana; Hunting- 
ton House, 1991). 

After forty years, it is now obvious that Kinsey perpetrated an 
enormous fraud, almost as flagrant as the Jews 5 great Holohoax. Like 
Marx, he set out to create data that he could use to “prove 55 the hoax 
he was contriving. 

I suspected that much or all of Kinsey s data was based on replies 
that he and his employees had simply concocted. It now appears, 
however, that, like so many takers of polls, he made sure of the 
answers he would get by asking questions of persons whom he knew 
to be certain or likely to give the answers that he wanted. 

Fully one-fourth of the males who were interrogated were in 
prison or had been recently released from prison, having been con- 
victed of crimes, usually sexual offenses. Many others were persons 
who came to his informants in search of advice on sexual problems 
they could not solve for themselves, and from this group it is probable 
that the replies of male perverts were given precedence over all others. 
Other replies to questions were obtained by hired solicitors, including 
the known leaders of homosexual organizations and cliques and other 
members of the criminal underworld. The probably unanimous re- 
sponses reported by such persons were probably diluted in the statis- 
18 — Liberty Bell i February 1992 

deal compilation by replies from non-perverted males to make the 
results credible — credible, that is, to the credulous seekers of evidence 
against our civilization. 

The results that “prove” that children are sexually active from 
birth and naturally homosexual as well as “bisexual” were obtained by 
perverts who took babies and very young boys and manipulated them 
sexually until they were able to induce a simulation of an orgasm or 
at least an acceptance of such repeated stimulation as not repulsive. 
These crimes against children were used to “prove” the bizarre allega- 
tion that children of our race (and presumably other races, but we 
need be interested only in our own) had sexual instincts (as distinct 
from recognition of sexual difference) before the onset of puberty and 
thus were astonishingly different from all other mammals, who be- 
come sexually active only when they are sexually mature — a difference 
inexplicable in terms of biological evolution. 

On this basis, Kinsey and the edjewgaters loudly preached their 
new gospel that all inhibition of sexual relations between adults, be- 
tween children, and between adults with children was "cultural re- 
straint,” it being taken for granted that culture and civilization should 
be hated and abolished. And by incessantly dinning this gospel into 
childrens minds for forty years, the desired result was obtained, the 
creation of hordes of perverts who could be organized by the Jews’ 
standard technique for destroying nations that tolerate them — organ- 
ized to ‘demonstrate,’ yell, vote for their “rights” to exploit normal and 
civilized Americans. And now our streets are, from time to time, filled 
with mobs of sullen degenerates, called “gay” by the prostitutes of the 
press, proudly exhibiting their depravity as lepers exhibit their sores. 

And as a final blessing from the great “scientist” who laid “the 
cornerstone of almost everything known about human sexuality,” the 
invariably deadly African Plague, usually called Acquired Immunity 
Deficiency, brought to this country and spread by loathsome perverts 
exercising their Kinsey-given rights, became an epidemic that is not 
only destroying perverts and niggers, but is so contagious that it is 
being increasingly comnaunicated to valuable parts of our population 
and dooming i nnocent persons to slow and hideous death. 

Liberty Ifell / February 1992 — 19 






Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey was, as we all know, hired by the Rockefel- 
ler Foundation to produce the books that were immediately and 
generally accepted as "the cornerstone of almost everything known 
about human sexuality.” The Rockefellers paid him, and Kinsey de- 
livered the goods! 


Male perverts have existed from the beginning of recorded history 
for a wide variety of reasons, but a necessarily long discussion of the 
aetiology of the degeneracy must be postponed to a later occasion. 
Everyone knows that the incidence and concomitants of the vice has 
varied widely from people to people. It is, for example, commonplace 
among Semites, who consider it normal. There were instances of it 
even among our barbarous Germanic ancestors, who signified their 
disapproval by hanging the pervert or sinking him in a bog. 

Americans, however, needed only to refer to their own personal 
observations. For example, in the colleges and universities with which 
I was acquainted, there were always one or two members of the 
faculty who were suspected of sexual perversion and five or six under- 
graduates who were suspected of being their bedfellows. They did not 
obtrude themselves and were not given to proselytizing, and they 
were not persecuted or ostracized, given the belief in personal liberty 
that was common among Americans in that far-off era. Men privately 
regarded the homosexuals as oddly given to inexplicable proclivities 
for which they felt a certain mild contempt, but always treated them 
courteously, in obedience to the rule de gustibus non est disputandunt . 

It is hard to say what precisely was the basis for the probably 
correct suspicions. A curious case is that of a blond undergraduate 
who had a slender and small-boned physique, and could have been 
very successful as a female impersonator; he, moreover, professed a 
kind of aestheticism and was contemptuous of athletes, but no suspi- 
cion attached to him, although very few knew that he had a mistress 
who could have refuted any imputation of deficient or perverse viril- 

20 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

Among the men whom I met or knew by reputation, the inci- 
dence of homosexuality was probably about 0.2% to perhaps 0.5% It 
is possible, of course, that there were perverts who were so discreet 
that they excited iio suspicion, for in those placid days, before the 

revelations of the sexual messiah, it Was not taken for granted that 

© • 

wheii two of mote persons of the same sex share an apartment or a 
dwelling that none of them could have afforded alone, they engage in 
sexual intercourse. That there could have been successful discretion 
on a considerable scale is possible and the implication can be neither 
confirmed nor refuted, but anyone who lived in the society of that 
time will regard it as extremely improbable. 

There were, of course, reports that the vice was prevalent among 
some groups in the lower classes, such as sailors, and among those 
engaged in occupations that were judged unmanly> such as ballet 
dancers, couturiers, and pious young men, but no one was worried. 
There Wete all sorts of crime in the slums, too, but that did not 
matter Itt a society that seemed stable and sound, although it was even 
then being undermined by the Federal Reserve in preparation for its 
great coup in 1932. 

I shall be astonished if my observations do not generally agree 
with those Of Other men of my generation, which, remember, was not 
senescent forty years ago. 


I have just come Upon a most unUsUal theological work; it is 
entertaining and, conceivably, even useful. It was published in Stock- 
holm (Almqvist 8c Wicksell, 1989), but Its Swedish author, G. Gerle- 
man, chose to Write in German: Det Heidendpostel: ketzerische 
Erui&gungen zilt Predip: des Patilus, zugleich eirt StreijzUg in der 

The learned author examines the collection of letters attributed to 
Paul in the “New Testament,” and subdy mimics and mocks the 
techniques by which Christian holy men try to Conceal the innumer- 
able contradictions in their sacred bag of tales by “proving” the “con- 
cordance of the Scriptures” with sophistic arguments that, for 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 21 

example, Jesus (whoever he was) agreed perfectly with Isaiah (alias 
Hesias, whoever he was) and the author of die tale about Daniel 
(whoever he was). 

Gerleman, dissenting from all critical students of the Pauline 
collection, believes that all the letters were written by a single author, 
whom he indendfies as a civilized and rational man of perhaps the 
Second Century. 

He finds his first clue to the identity of the anonymous author, 
who adopted a vulgar style of Greek in keeping with his pretense that 
he was a Christian, in the first c£ Episde to the Corinthians, 3 ’ where the 
clever author mocks the ignorant Christians by telling them their god 
cc hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.” A 
little later in the same travesty, pseudo-Paul assures the converts that 
he had fed them with milk (ycxAxx) instead of the solid food that 
nourishes adults; and later he points his satire by writing an epistle to 
'the Galatians/ meaning milk-sops/ 

The pseudo-aposde is really an incarnation of Hermes who con- 
ducts a covert tour of Christian nonsense by double entente and sly 
allusions to many Greek 'myths, including some that our holy men 
like to call “obscene” when they dilate on the vices of the awful 
“pagans,” i.e., persons too well educated and intelligent to be taken in 
by the Jewish hokum. The gullible Christians who believed the letters 
of “Paul” to be what they purport to be were really too ignorant to 
recognize a burlesque of Greek mythology, as shown by the etymol- 
ogy of some words in “Paul’s” vocabulary, sly hints scattered here and 
there, and parallels obvious to anyone who is moderately well ac- 
quainted with ancient myths and literature. 

The clever supercherie, we are assured, did not deceive some of 
the more literate Fathers of the Church and scribblers of gospels (e.g., 
the Acta apostolorum and the Apocalypse), but it deceived and wowed 
the ignorant masses, so the holy men did not rock their flimsy boat by 
undeceiving the boobs, but instead solemnly used the hoax for their 
own purposes in attracting and capturing a following of proletarian 
simpletons. That’s how the “letters of Paul” got into the “New Testa- 
2-2 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

ment,” when that anthology was put together in the late Fourth or 
( early Fifth Century. 

j Gerleman, like a veteran comedian on the stage, keeps a poker 

j face as he solemnly discovers the real meanings latent in practically 

every paragraph of the supposed letters, but you, when you read his 
ingenious demonstration and parody of theological discourse, will 
enjoy many a hearty laugh. 

1 have said the book might conceivably be useful. If there is a 
Christian dervish whom you especially dislike and who is sufficiendy 
well educated to read German, give him a copy of this book, and decide 
; what you will say when you hear he has expired in an apoplectic fit. 


The city of Washington, which should now be called Tel-Aviv- 
on-the-Potomac, has long been the crime capital of the United States, 
at least since 1860, when it was occupied by the gangsters called the 
• Republican Party, but their crimes were perpetrated in the Federal 

government and almost never involved violence. 1 Washington was a 
city in which civilized persons could live comfortably and even grace- 
fully, without fear of molestation. 

Despite the efforts of the Jews’ N.A.AC.P., the niggers in Wash- 
ington long remained inoffensive and useful. When the great War 
Criminal crawled into the White House to destroy the United States 
i and incite a war against civilization in Europe, he naturally began to 

stir up the niggers as a parergon, and his wife had a notorious liking 
for brawny brown studs, but through the 1940s there was little nigger 
crime in Washington outside districts, such as the one appropriately 

1. One exception was their assassination of Lincoln and subsequent 
■ murder of four persons (including Mrs. Surratt) by hanging after a 

pseudo-judicial farce. The four had been tortured and held incommuni- 
s cado after their arrest, doubtless because they had knowledge that 

would have exposed the plot or at least aroused suspicions, and they 
had to be silenced* The Chief of the Detective Police, who had been 
employed in the assassination, had to be murdered some years later, 
and other persons were silenced in various ways. Some persons were 
imprisoned for life, perhaps just to increase the number of supposed 
t participants in the fictitious conspiracy that was alleged to cover the 

real one* 

1 s 

I Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 23 

named Jamaica, in which the Congoids and mulattos were more or 
less concentrated. Most of them were useful servants. The few who 
lived elsewhere and were not, were kept in check by the civilized 
residents. They did invade bathing beaches on the Potomac, but 
chiefly to throw broken botdes into the water where it began to 
become deep, so that unsuspecting White bathers would cut their 

The real influx of savages began in the administration of the filthy 
mongrel called Eisenhower, noted for his open and vicious hatred of 
Germans and dissimulated hatred of other Aryans, and his scrapping 
of what was left of the American Constitution. After the lawless 
usurper sent Federal troops into Arkansas to teach the White boobs 
that they no longer had a country of their own, and the craven White 
majority acquiesced in the dictatorship and their own degradation, 
crime became common on the streets of Washington, and White 
residents began to flee to the still safe outer suburbs, especially Arling- 
ton County in Virginia. And when Arlington became unsafe, they ran 
farther out, to Fairfax County. 

On 2 November 1991, a young woman of nineteen, who lived 
not far from a friend of mine in a district of “better” and hence more 
expensive apartment buildings, returning home after midnight, tried 
to dash from her parked automobile to the door of her apartment 
building. She didn't make it. Two husky niggers, eager to take Affir- 
mative Action, seized her, abducted her in her own automobile, took 
her to an isolated region where they raped and sodomized her and 
doubtless abused her in other ways (which you should have no trou- 
ble in imagining), and then magnanimously took her to the vicinity 
of her residence and threw her out. It can only be conjectured how 
much of their zeal was sexual lust for White women, and how much 
was a craving to express their racial hatred of the stupid White crea- 

2. The barbarization of this area left an Anglican foundation, called 
Laetus Locus, virtually under siege by the encompassing swarm of nig- 
gers, but members of the staff and visitors who came and went by 
automobile were not, so far as I know, molested. 

24 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

tuxes who permit them to vote and who work long hours to feed and 
clothe them and provide them with comfort. 3 

The incident was reported in the Washington Times, and brought 
forth the information that during the past year ninety-five women 

had been raped by savages in Fairfax County. 

The county authorities were moved to take drastic action: they 
will provide free “counseling” for women who have been raped to 
help them “recover from emotional trauma” and to grin and bear life 

in a “democracy.” 

Whither can the White invertebrates flee from once safe Fairfax 

County? If they go much farther out, they will have to commute to 
the District of Corruption by helicopter. What can the White weak- 
lings do? 

If not involved in the criminal government in Washington, they 
can run yet farther and try to imitate the residents of Detroit who, 
when that city became a feral jungle, moved themselves and their 
businesses to the outer suburbs and now complacendy remark that 
they have not gone into the city for years. But, of course, the maraud- 
ers will soon follow them. 

Nasty “racists” have ideas about what could be done, but the 
Jews' Federal terrorists will soon silence them. Perhaps the best thing 
for the spineless White Americans to do is to run to the ocean and 
jump in. That would be quicker and less painful. 



Americans with very retentive memories can still recall the ob- 
scene farce staged by veteran comedians in the Senate when they 
pretended to be in doubt about the appointment of a nigger to the 
Revolutionary Tribunal in Washington, which is still called the Su- 

3. It was late 1950s as I recall that, on the occasion of some minor 
violence by niggers in a public “school,” I heard a very prosperous, very 
plump, and very fat-headed female beamingly exclaim, “Isn't it nice 
that those dear people now feel free to express themselves!” Whether 
she would say the same thing about this incident, I do not know — prob- 
ably not, if the victim was her daughter — but she would doubtless con- 
tinue to ascribe their crimes to the bigoted Whites' oppression of her 
“dear people,” with whom she was sufficiently cautious not to associate. 

Liberty Bell l February 1992 — 25 

preme Court. Some who watched the show were so interested that 
they wondered which nigger lied the most— which was like wonder- 
ing which actor in the once popular burlesque shows was the more 
repulsive. And when the show reached its prearranged conclusion, 
some realized that it had been like the once popular strip tease 1 acts, 
which held the attention of some spectators from the time the actress 
opened the bodice of her dress to the inevitable conclusion when she 
removed her remaining ‘G-string, 1 thus disappointing men who had 
hoped to see something novel. 

The show was staged, of course, to distract public attention from 
the War Lord's order that the United States be made defenceless 
against the major nuclear powers, Russia and Israel, and from the 
White Inferiority Act (called ‘Civil Rights’) that Bushy signed on 21 
November, as soon as David Duke and his nasty White supporters 
had been safely defeated in Louisiana. 1 

We should note in passing that having a nigger on the Revolu- 
tionary Tribunal is not necessarily a bad thing. Remember that the 
vacancy for Trusty Thomas was created by die retirement of the 
mulatto who first publicly proclaimed a fact which, although obvious 
to judicious observers, had been hypocritically dissembled by genera- 
tions of White justices of the Supreme Court — the fact that the 
American Constitution had been legally rescinded and scrapped in 
1865 (after it was nullified by the Invasion of the South in 1861). 

People who watched the farce could not but observe that the 
nigger had procured a white woman, the real status symbol in his race 
as well as a demonstration of the race’s triumph over the stupid White 
boobs, who fecklessly gave them citizenship and permitted them to 
vote. Some may have wondered about the arrangement, particularly 
when they learned that die White woman was a high-salaried lawyer 
in the Labor Department, so that both husband and wife will have 
their mouths fastened on the public teats. 

1. Some think that Lord Bushy was impressed by the 65% of the White 
vote that Duke received and therefore, after endorsing the infamous 
law, uttered some words which the horrified “Liberals” interpreted as 
meaning that White tax-paying animals should have some rights too. 




There is a weekly publication called USA Weekend that is sold to 
the smaller daily papers, which print their own name at the top of the 
first page and distribute it as the “magazine section” of their Sunday 
(or Saturday) papers. In the issue for November 23-24, the Weekend 
disclosed some interesting facts. 

The white woman, whose maiden name appears to have been 
Virginia Lamp and who hails from Omaha, met Trusty Thomas “in 
April 1986 at a meeting of the Anti-Defamation League in New 
York ” That gives one to think. What was the pair doing at a meeting 
of the Jewish cowboys who ride herd on their American cattle? Did 
they belong in the Defamation League (the ‘Anti’ is just typical Yid- 
dish antiphrasis) or were they mere goyim, serving as lackeys in atten- 
dance on God’s Race? 

Thomas looks like a fairly pure-blooded Congoid, but he seems 
to have the intelligence of a mulatto. The wife looks like a fairly 
attractive White woman. But who knows? 

The genetic combinations that occur in miscegenation do not 

produce uniform results. The complexion of true mulattoes (i.e., 50% 

of each component) may be lighter or darker than one would expect 

from an equal mixture. There is therefore no proof that Thomas may 

not have in his veins the divine ichor of God’s Race, which has a 


Congoid component of at least 5% to 10% to begin with. 

And everyone has seen females who appear to be Aryan and even 
Nordic, with blonde hair and even blue eyes, but who are really 
Jewesses, having inherited their distinctive physical characteristics 
from their Aryan fathers or even grandfathers, while their mothers 
contributed to the mixture the invisible mind and soul. 

2. See Professor A. E, Mourant, The Genetics of the Jews , Oxford, Clar- 
endon Press, 1978. 

3, As everyone knows, the Jews, who must have learned practical ge- 
netics in twenty -five or more centuries of experience as a hybrid race, 
believe that Jewishness is, like haemophilia, transmitted only by fe- 
males, so that the race of the fathers is irrelevant, except insofar as it 
may produce advantageous physical characteristics. That is why Ger- 
man male children were kidnapped at the end of the Suicide of the 
West and taken to Israel to be raised as Kikes and to contribute physi- 

26 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

Liberty Bell I February 1992 — 27 


It doesn't really matter, of course, but it would be interesting to 
learn the respective heredities of this exemplary pair, darlings of the 
“Liberals” and heralds of Things to Come. 


About two decades ago, an acquaintance of mine, who has the 
predilections of a Casanova, spent several months in a society that was 
almost entirely composed of prosperous Jews and their families. His 
erotic adventures, he said, made him aware of a moral problem that is 
peculiar to that race. 

It was taken for granted that a Jewess, like the Hadassah, alias 
Esther, of whose exploits a censored version is included in the 
Christians' Holy Book, may do anything for the advancement of her 
race. But what if only her own pleasure is at issue? 

There were three views among hedonistic young Jewesses, viz.: 

(1) A Jewess must never copulate with an Aryan. 

(2) She may copulate with the goy, provided he has been circum- 

(3) She may copulate with the pig, even if he has not been 


'The majority opinion was the second; the first and third repre- 
sented the practice of small minorities within the lively female seg- 
ment of the Master Race. According to my informant, there was no 
idea of being under the observation of the Big Jew up in the clouds 
whom the Jews call Yahweh and Christians call God. It was simply a 
matter of the racial ethos, a question of what conduct was socially 
proper and acceptable. He neglected to ascertain the opinion about 
copulation with quadruped dogs, as is the custom of some of our 
'liberated' females, who find trained dogs much more satisfactory 
than men for a variety of reasons. □ 

cal stamina and courage to their Jewish progeny. (When Jack Bern- 
stein was in Israel and was found eating with a nigger Jew, he was 
bullied by a Jewish policemen who looked exactly like a German Storm 
Trooper. See Liberty Bell , May 1985, pp. 5-7. Bernstein thought of him- 
self as a Jew, but it would be interesting to know whether his mother 
was a Jewess.) 

28 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 



The Wiedom of Jean Mealier 

One of the most peculiar and least recognized of the 
great iconoclastic philosophers was Jean Meslier. He was 
horn in 1687 in Mazemy, France, a weaver’s son who soon 
evinced a studious nature. Meslier entered the priesthood 
and later became curate of Etrepigny. Aside from an inci- 
dent in which he had refused to kowtow to the village big- 
wig and for which he was rebuked by his archbishop, 
Meslier’s was a quiet, modest life, a life of austerity and of 
service to his parishioners. He did in 1733, leaving all his 
possessions to his parish ‘flock.’ 

Meslier’s most amazing and unexpected legacy was a 
remarkable manuscript, 366 pages long, (of which he had 
made three handwritten copies) in the form of a last will 
and testament entitled Common Sense, in which he totally 
repudiated every aspect of Judaeo-Christian superstition. 
A note affixed to the copy designated for his parishioners 

I have seen and recognized the errors, the abuse, the fallacies and 
the wickedness of men. I have hated and despised them. I did not 
dare say it during my life, but I will say it at least in dying, and after 
my death; and it is that it may be known, that I write this present 
memorial in order that it may serve as a witness of truth to all those 
who may see and read it if they choose... How often have I not suf- 
fered within myself w hen I was forced to preach to you those pious 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 29 

lies which I despised in my heart... What remorse I had for exciting 
your credulity! A thousand times upon the point of bursting forth 
publicly, I was going to open your eyes, but fear superior to my 
strength restrained me and forced me to silence until my death. 

Meslier’s unusual work found its way into the hands of 
French officials and eventually came to the attention of ac- 
tivists and thinkers of the growing anti-clerical movement 
which included such men of prominence as Voltaire and 

Among the most militant and extreme partisans of the 
Enlightenment backlash against centuries of Christian op- 
pression, Meslier is one of history’s greatest holy ghost 
busters. His logic is relentless, his tone is harsh and if his 
reliance on 'reason’ is perhaps a wee bit simplistic and 
maybe even dogmatic, this is more than compensated for 
by the clarity and sanity which he leaves in his idol-shat- 
tering wake. 

With waves of Christian fundamentalist froth and 
blather innundating our land and drowning minds in the 
foul waters of obscurantism, Jean Meslier’s words, now as 
much as ever, rise majestically as islands of mental and 
spiritual salvation. As a source of wisdom and as a pioneer 
of intellectual freedom, Meslier deserves the consideration 
and respect of all Odinists. 


Let us teach men to be just, benevolent, moderate and so- 
ciable, not because their gods exact it, but to please men; let us 
tell them to abstain from vice and from crime, not because 
they will be punished in another world, but because they will 
suffer in the present world. 

A A A 

When men are kept in fear they cease to reason. When the 
brain is troubled, we believe everything and examine nothing. 


Since it was necessary for men to have a god, why did they 
not have the sun, the visible god, adored by so many nations? 
What being had more right to the homage of mortals than the 
star of the day, which gives light and heat; which invigorates 
all beings; whose presence reanimates and rejuvenates Nature; 

30 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

whose absence seems to plunge her into sadness and languor? 
If some being bestowed power, activity, benevolence, strength, 
it was no doubt the sun, which should be recognized as the fa- 
ther of Nature, as the soul of the world, as Divinity. At least 
i one could not without folly dispute his existence, or refuse to 

, 1 recognize his influence and his benefits. 

' AAA 

What is God? It is an abstract word, coined to designate 
the hidden forces of nature; or it is a mathematic point which 
has neither length, breadth nor thickness. 


Sages! Study Nature and her laws; and when you can from 
them unravel the action of natural causes, do not go in search 
of supernatural causes which, very far from enlightening your 
ideas, will but entangle them more and more and make it im- 
possible for you to understand yourselves. 

, AAA 

The universe is a cause, not an effect. Nature, whose es- 
sence is visibly acting and producing, in order to fulfill her 
i functions, as we see she does, needs no invisible motor far 
j more unknown than herself. 


It is absurd to say that the human race is the object and the 
end of creation. 


j The universe is but what it can be; all sentient beings enjoy 

and suffer here; that is to say, they are moved sometimes in an 
| agreeable, and to other times in a disagreeable way. These ef- 
1 fects are necessary; they result from causes that act according 
j to their inherent tendencies. The effects necessarily please or 
j displease me, according to my own nature. This same nature 
compels me to avoid, or remove and combat the one and to 
seek, to desire and to procure the other. In a world where ev- 
’( erything is from necessity, a god who remedies nothing, and 
allows things to follow their own course, is he anything else 
* but destiny or necessity personified? 


Why must men suffer? Why must man exist? What is his 
existence to God? Nothing or something. If his existence is not 
useful or necessary to God, why did He not leave him in noth- 
1 ingness? If man's existence is necessary to His glory. He then 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 31 





needed man, He lacked something before this man existed! 

☆ ft ☆ 

According to the notions of modern theology, it appears 
evident that God has created the majority of men with the 
view only to punishing them eternally... A God so perfidious 
and wicked as to create a single man and leave him exposed to 
the perils of damnation, can not be regarded as a perfect being, 
but as a monster of nonsense, injustice, malice and atrocity. 

☆ ☆ ☆ 

Thus, poor mortals! You make your wishes the measure of 
the truth! Because you desire to live for ever and to be happier, 
you conclude from thence that you will be more fortunate in 
an unknown world than in the known world, in which you so 
often suffer! Consent, then, to leave without regret this world 
which causes more trouble than pleasure to the majority of 
you. Resign yourselves to the order of destiny, which decrees 
that you, like all other beings, should not endure forever. "But 
what will become of me?" you ask! What you were several 
million years ago. You were then, I do not know what; resign 
yourselves, then, to become again in an instant, I do not know, 
what; what you were then, return peacefully to the universal 

home from which you came. 


A universal God ought to have revealed a universal reli- 
gion. By what fatality are so many different religions found on 
the earth? Which is the true one amongst the great number of 
those of which each pretends to be the right one, to the exclu- 
sion of all the others? We have every reason to believe that not 

one of them enjoys this advantage. 


Devotion is a disease of the imagination, contracted in in- 
fancy; the devotee is a hypochondriac who increases his dis- 
ease by the use of remedies. The wise man takes none of it; he 
follows a good regimen and leaves the rest to Nature. 


Is there anything more contradictory, more impossible or 
more mysterious than the creation of matter by an immaterial 
Being who. Himself immutable, causes the continual changes 
that we see in the world? Is there anything more incompatible 
with all the ideas of common sense than to believe that a good, 
wise, equitable and powerful Being presides over Nature and 

32 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

directs Himself the Movements of a world which is filled with 
follies, miseries, crimes and disorders which He could have 
foreseen and by a single word could have prevented or made 
to disappear? 


If the ancient barbarians have worshiped mountains, riv- 
ers, serpents, trees, fetishes of every kind; if the wise Egyptians 
worshiped crocodiles, rats, onions, do we not see nations who 
believe themselves wiser than they worship with reverence a 
bread into which they imagine that the enchantments of their 
priests cause the Divinity to descend? 


When we see polished and wise nations, such as the En- 
glish, French, German, etc., notwithstanding all their enlight- 
enment, continue to kneel before the barbarous god of the 
Jews, that is to say, of the most stupid, the most credulous, the 
most savage, the most unsocial nation which ever was on the 
earth; when we see these enlightened nations divide them- 
selves into sects, tear one another, hate and despise each other 
for opinions, equally ridiculous, upon the conduct and the in- 
tentions of this irrational god; when we see intelligent persons 
occupy themselves foolishly in meditating on the wishes of 
this capricious and foolish god; we are tempted to exclaim 
"Oh, men! You are still savages! Oh, men! You are but children 
in the matter of religion!" 


To die for an opinion proves no more the truth or the 
soundness of this opinion than to die in battle proves the right 
of the prince for whose benefits so many people are foolish 
enough to sacrifice themselves. 


"Sacrifice your reason: give up experience; distrust the tes- 
timony of your senses; submit without examination to all that 
is given to you as coming from heaven." This is the usual lan- 
guage of all the priests of the world; they do not agree upon 
any point, except in the necessity of never reasoning when 
they present principles to us which they claim as the most im- 
portant to our happiness. 


The Christians pretend that, with the exception of the Jew- 
ish People, that is to say, a handful of unfortunate beings, the 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 33 


whole human race lived in utter ignorance of its duties toward 
God, and had but imperfect ideas of Divine majesty. Christian- 
ity, offshoot of Judaism, which was very humble in its obscure 
origin, became powerful and cruel under the Christian emper- 
ors, who, driven by a holy zeal, spread it marvelously in their 
empire by sword and fire, and founded it upon the ruins of 
overthrown Paganism. 


Those who govern always decide the religion of the peo- 
ple. The true religion is but the religion of the prince; the true 
god is the god whom the prince wishes them to worship; the 
will of the priests who govern the prince always becomes the 
will of god. 


If we read history with some attention; we shall see that 
Christianity, fawning at first, insinuated itself among the savage 
and free nations of Europe by showing their chiefs that its princi- 
ples would favor despotism and place absolute power in their 
hands. We see, consequently, barbarous kings converting them- 
selves with a miraculous promptitude; that is to say, adopting 
without examination a system so favorable to their ambition, and 
exerting themselves to have it adopted by their subjects. 

A A A 

Priests in all times have shown themselves supporters of 
despotism, and the enemies of public liberty. Their profession 
requires vile and submissive slaves, who never have the au- 
dacity to reason. In an absolute government, their great object 
is to secure control of the mind of a weak and stupid prince, in 
order to make themselves masters of the people. Instead of 
leading the people to salvation, priests have always led them 
to servitude. 

☆ A A 

Theological disputes, equally unintelligible for the parties 
already irritated against each other, have unsettled empires, 
caused revolutions, ruined sovereigns, devastated the whole 
of Europe; these despicable quarrels could not be extinguished 
even in rivers of blood. After the extinction of Paganism the 
people established a religious principle of going into a frenzy 
every time that an opinion was brought forth which their 
priests considered contrary to the holy doctrine. The votaries 
of a religion which preaches externally but charity, harmony 

34 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

and peace, have shown themselves more ferocious than canni- 
bals or savages every time their instructors have excited them 
to the destruction of their brethren. There is no crime which 
men have not committed in the idea of pleasing the Deity or of 
appeasing His wrath. The idea of a terrible God who was rep- 
resented as a despot, must necessarily have rendered His sub- 
jects wicked. Fear makes but slaves, and slaves axe cowardly, 
low, cruel and think they have a right to do anything when it 
is the question of gaining the good-will or of escaping the pun- 
ishment of the master whom they fear. Liberty of thought can 
alone give to men humanity and grandeur of soul. The notion 
of a tyrant God can create but abject, angry, quarrelsome, in- 
tolerant slaves. 

☆ A A 

The Jews, excited by the promise of their god, arrogated to 
themselves the right of exterminating whole nations... The 
Christians under pretext of spreading their holy religion, cov- 
ered two hemispheres a hundred times with blood. 

☆ A A 

Must we imitate the god of the Jews? Will we find a model 
for our conduct in Jehovah? He is truly a savage god, really 
created for an ignorant, cruel and immoral people; he is a god 
who is constantly enraged, breathing only vengeance; who is 
without pity, who commands carnage and robbery; in a word, 
he is a god whose conduct can not serve as a model to an hon- 
est man, and who can be imitated but by a chief of brigands. 


Shall we imitate, then, the Jesus of the Christians? Can this 
god, who died to appease the implacable fury of his Father, 
serve as an example which men ought to follow? Alas! we will 
see in him but a god, or rather, a fanatic, a misanthrope, who, 
being plunged himself into misery, and preaching to the 
wretched, advises them to be poor, to combat and extinguish 
nature, to hate pleasure, to seek sufferings, and to despise 


"Blessed are those who suffer! Woe to those who have 
abundance and joy!" These are the rare revelations which 
Christianity teaches! 


It is evident that the literal and rigorous practice of the di- 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 35 


vine morality of the Christians would lead nations to ruin. 

A morality which contradicts the nature of man is not 
made for him. 

☆ A A 

Is there anything more liable to encourage wickedness and 
to embolden to crime, than to persuade men that there exists 
an invisible being who has the right to pardon injustice, rap- 
ine, perfidy and all the outrages they can inflict upon soci- 

☆ A A 

The rules which govern men's conduct spring from their 
own nature which they are supposed to know, and not from 
some divine nature, of which they have no conception; these 
rules compel us to render ourselves estimable or contempt- 
ible, amiable or hateful, worthy of reward or of punishment, 
happy or unhappy, according to the extent to which we ob- 
serve them. 


Do men need a god whom they do not know, or an invisi- 
ble lawgiver, or a mysterious religion, or chimerical fears, in 
order to comprehend that all excess tends ultimately to de- 
stroy them, and that in order to preserve themselves they must 
abstain from it; that in order to be loved by others, they must 
do good; that doing evil is a sure means of incurring hatred 
and vengeance? 


A rational philosophy inspires us to strew flowers on life's 
pathway; to dispel melancholy and panic terrors; to link our 
interests with those of our traveling companions; to divert 
ourselves by gaiety and honest pleasures from the pains and 
the crosses to which we are so often exposed. 


A man who reflects can not fail of knowing his duties, of 
discovering the relations which subsist between men, of medi- 
tating upon his own nature, of discerning his needs, his incli- 
nations and his desires, and of perceiving what he owes to the 
beings necessary to his happiness. These reflections naturally 
lead to the knowledge of the morality which is the most essen- 
tial for society. 


The priests have made of God such a malicious, ferocious 
36 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

being, so ready to be vexed that there are few men in the 
world who do not wish at the bottom of their hearts that this 
god did not exist. We can not live happily if we are always in 


It is always the character of man which decides upon the 
character of his god; each one creates a god for himself and in 
his own image. ! 


The war which always existed between the priests and the 
best minds of all ages comes from this: that the wise men per- 
ceived the fetters which superstition wished to place upon the 
human mind, which it fain would keep in eternal infancy, that 
it might be occupied with fables, burdened with terrors and 
frightened by phantoms which would prevent it from pro- 

☆ ☆ ☆ 

Some ancient and modem philosophers have had the cour- 
age to accept experience and reason as their guides, and to 
shake off the chains of superstition. Ludppe, Democritus, Epi- 
curus, Straton and some other Greeks dared to tear away the 
thick veil of prejudice, and deliver philosophy from theologi- 
cal fetters. But their systems, too simple, too sensible, and too 
stripped of wonders for lovers of fancy, were obliged to sur- 
render to the fabulous conjectures of Plato, Socrates and 
Zeno. Among the modems, Hobbes, Spinoza, Boyle and oth- 
ers have followed the path of Epicurus, but their doctrines 
found but few votaries in a world still to much infatuated to 
listen to reason. 


I conclude with the desire that we may return to Nature 
whose declared enemy is the Christian religion... The world 
will be composed of good citizens, tender friends. Nature has 
given this religion in giving us Reason. May fanaticism pervert 
it no more! 

Reprinted from The Odinist, published 8 times a year. Subscriptions U.S. $8,00; 
CAN. $10,00; Abroad $12.00, available from P.O, Box 1647, Crystal River FL 32623 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 37 

The Latest German 
Ziindel Trial 

Supreme Court Appearance — An Update 


A Report to my friends! December 11, 1991 

On October 30, 1991 my plane took off for Germany, First stop was 
Hamburg, where I met with my attorney of some 15 years, Jiirgen Rieger. He 
wanted to see the models I had of the installations at Auschwitz. These models 
were built to scale by a professional model-maker according to plans which Dr, 
Robert Faurisson had first obtained from the Auschwitz Archives in Poland. 

He was impressed, and immediately saw the importance of such a tool in 
a courtroom situation, which made a seemingly difficult “scientific execution 
method” simple and understandable for the layman, lawyers, judges and also 
the media. He wanted to use them in my November 5th 1991 Munich trial, 
and thus I was soon airbound for Stuttgart, where he had asked me to appear 
as an expert witness, describing the worldwide neo-Nazi movement to the 
court, at the written and specific invitation of Judge Eberlein. 

My appearance in Stuttgart was a highly successful affair, much to the 
dismay of the judge. The Germans who attended the trial proceedings repeat- 
edly broke out in cheers and applause, and the judge threatened to clear the 
courtroom of spectators. 

I wondered during the proceedings why the “lady” prosecutor was so 
nasty in her questions to me — it turned out that she is the very same prosecutor 
who has seized my bank account in Germany, in a typical West German, po- 
litically-motivated move. However, in this case at least I was victorious over 
her in our verbal jousting match. 

Fred Leuchter, who was going to Munich with me as an expert witness in 
my case, gave a speech in Stuttgart, organized by some local businessmen. 
The hall was packed so full with young people that there was standing room 
only. He was well received. 

Then it was on to Munich! Fred Leuchter and his wife Carolyn drove 
ahead in their own “mobile gaschamber” (which I dubbed their car), and I fol- 
lowed with a supporter in a “smoke-free” environment, because I loathe 

38 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

Fred was to appear as an expert witness on the construction of execution 
gas chambers, and I thought since he is, to my knowledge, the only one left in 
the world with that specific trade, that he would be admitted as witness. Not so! 

After about an hour’s questioning by the prosecutor and judge, they found 
him not experienced enough in his field because, although he had been work- 
ing as a consultant in execution technology in a majority of the states in the 
U.S., he had only worked on three gas chambers. Neat, eh? 

We could not believe our ears when the Munich prosecutor proclaimed 
that Fred’s visit and research at the Polish camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau and 
Madjanek were of no value, because all that was left there was piles of dirt 
since “the SS had blown up everything.” 

That was the way things were to go in Munich! For five weeks I sat in 
amazement, as Germans who had been sent video films by some anonymous 
person, video films which had been cut, spliced, assembled and interspersed 
with German newsbroadcasts taken of German television, came slinking into 
the courtroom, snitching like schoolboys, about having been shocked by these 
“Golden Oldies” of Revisionism. Businessmen, bureaucrats, policemen and 
violin-builders, graphic artists and healthfood store owners alike intoned about 
how awful it was to hear what the interviewed researchers, writers and victims 
of Zion like Frank Walus, Ditlieb Felderer, Eric Thomson, Dr. Lindsey and , 
Ivan Lagace, the crematory expert, had to say about topics which my “gag 
order” forbids me to mention. 

For day after day, one day per week, to keep me nailed down in Europe, 
and undoubtedly to also drive up expenses, we watched these busy-body, 
brainwashed Germans grovel and besmirch their own nest. What a spectacle 
for the press! On opening day there were 22 press reporters there from all over 
Europe. The French television crew ran immediately afoul of the court and 
had a run-in with the prosecutor because, although they had been given the 
right to film us in the courtroom, someone (most likely a police stoolie) pro- 
tested about being filmed, and a big commotion resulted, nearly causing an in- 
ternational incident. 

I was able to explain to the French TV teams that in Germany repression 
was alive and well. We met later at a press conference where my attorney 
spoke at length and explained the case against me, in a brilliant performance 
of showmanship, interspersed with “legalese!” It was filmed and reported by 
over a dozen reporters. 

Danish TV, German TV stations, two French TV networks, CBS and 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 39 

German pint media, as well as some radio stations, had sent some representatives. 

German spectators in the courtroom who know the local scene were sur- 
prised by the intense media interest in my case. I was not, Canadian press cov- 
ered the case long distance via their Berlin representative. 

For weeks we watched films which showed a much slimmer Ernst Ziindel 
with lots of hair on his head. Outside the courtroom spectators would come up 
to me and tug at my sleeve, asking me where they could purchase the 10-11 
year-old videos. One businessman wanted to play one speech I gave years ago 
in Brussels, Belgium, to a group of his business associates. He had driven for 
hours from some distant place because someone from Munich had told him 
that there would be another “Revisionist Film Festival of Zuftdel films” held in 
courtroom A221, ‘like last Friday!” 

Early in the morning, spectators would line up in front of the police barri- 
ers that barred their way trying to get into the ‘*Film Festival.” 

Policemen would alternate standing guard outside so that each one would 
get a chance to see the films. Luckily, several were repeated over a number of 
court days* 

One policeman, whose emotionless facial expression had always amazed 
me, blurted out at me one late Friday afternoon while watching the video 
tapes, after I apologetically said to him, “I am sorry you had to sit one more 
time through these, by now boring, films'* “Not at all, Herr Ziindel, I find them 
interesting.” And he added, “Nobody asked me about my opinion, but I find 
you sympatisch ” Well, at least we were making progress. 

It was nice to come into the courtroom in the morning and find it packed. 
Much to the annoyance of the prosecutor and the judge, the spectators would 
rise and break into a round of applause as I entered. Soon I was a familiar face, 
and policemen, Court clerks and other staff members would greet me: u Guten 
Morgeri , Herr Ziindel!” There Were touching scenes also, When people would 
come up and hand me an envelope containing a letter, a Christmas card and 
some donations. Once, a collection was taken up by a stranger outside with the 
waiting crowd, it amounted to almost $500.00, which was promptly given to 
one of our expert witnesses for his hotel bill and trainfare. Another, obviously 
poor, pensioner came up to me during a break and Shyly gave me an orange, 
sharing his lunch with me* Others showed through kindness that they appreci- 
ated what I was doing, like the one man who insisted in paying for Dr. 
Faurisson 's meal, When he saw me standing in line at the cashier's in the 
courthouse cafeteria. One elderly lady insisted that 1 take her 21-yeafrold Mer- 
40 — • Liberty Bell / February 1992 

cedes Diesel to do my errands around Bavaria, helping me save money this way. 

Another man invited me to spend a holiday, free of charge, in his apart- 
ment near Adolf Hitler's house in Berchtesgaden. One woman gave me a 
sweater because I had complained about feeling cold in Munich's damp 

The son of Rudolf Hess invited me to appear at the annual meeting of his 
Rudolf Hess Memorial Association, where I was received with a standing ova- 
tion, and asked by plainclothes policemen if I could ask Herr Hess to please 
allow him into the closed meeting. He said he was interested to learn about the 
fate of Rudolf Hess. He was promptly admitted, later on thanking me. 

During the court breaks I would dash off to give speeches to supporters 
and visit elderly supporters, one of them terminally ill with lung cancer. 

I went to visit my mother in the old homestead in the Black Forest and 
pruned trees for her. I fixed eavestroughs on the 400 year-old house, dug over 
my mother's garden, and with a longtime ladyffiend from Canada, who had 
joined me, chopped wood and carried it into the woodshed, like generations of 
my forbears had done before me, and what I had done as a boy while growing 
up. All this was pretty soul-wrenching stuff. Every stone, every board, every 
step reminded me of my past, of my father, my brothers and sisters, of the ter- 
ror experiened in the bunker during the Allied air raids during the war and of 
the fear and terror when Algerian and Moroccan troops “liberated us” in 1945 
of our earthly treasures and meager possessions. 

I used my father’s hand-made rakes, his hand-made, 60 year-old wooden 
ladders, his ancient saws and axes. In the shed, among the woodworm-eaten 
ceiling boards, I marveled at the adze marks, yes, adze marks, a tool that used 
by European carpenters in the 16th century, before saws were used to make 
beams. It was like an ax put sideways on a handle, much like a garden hoe. 
Our house was constructed of beams hewn like that... 

While I worked away and the minutes turned into hours, I was suddenly 
yanked back into the present by my beeping mobile phone, which I had rented 
for the duration of my stay in Germany. The beeping noise signaled the intru- 
sion of the modem age, amongst all this idyllic primitive simplicity. 

It was my German lawyer, calling me from distant Hamburg, asking me 
to get in touch with my trusted advisor, Dr. Faurisson of France. He thought 
we had a real chance to get Dr. Faurisson qualified as an expert witness in my 
German courtcase — a scheme I had been working on for years. 

Suddenly the real, nasty world, the ugly world of political and judicial 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 41 

persecution once again intruded into my life, and the telephone and the calcu- 
lator became my new tools. Airline fares and travel schedules had to be calcu- 
lated and compared. * 

Once again, money and costs became considerations and “the availability 
to witness” of this intellectual giant of Revisionism who, over the years, has 
become my Mend. 

I called him, and he told me of the impending birth of some long awaited 
grandchild. He also feared that his favorite aunt, 92 years of age, lay dying. 
However, he said, moving me almost to tears as I stood there in my mother’s 
field talking to him over that miracle of modem communications, the cordless 
phone, “when Ziindel calls, Faurisson responds.” 

True to his word, as always in the past, he rushed to my side and again 
leaped into the breach in that Munich courtroom. 

I had to bid farewell to my mother and rushed back to Munich. Before I 
left, she insisted that I have a simple meal of “Maultaschen und Nudeln” with 
her — a Swabian peasant meal that we had enjoyed as kids in the past 

Soon I had shed my peasant’s pants and sweaty shirt, washed myself and 
stored away my telephone on the car seat, and rushed towards Munich on 
Adolf Hjtler’s magnificent Autobahns. 

My Munich lawyer, Dr. Goebel, had worked a legal miracle and had ob- 
tained the cooperation of the local Gerichtsvollzieher , a court officer, to serve 
a direct subpoena or Vorladung for the court on the 6th of December 1991, 
which is a rarely used and complex legal manoeuvre called a direkte 
Vorladung , which does not need the judge’s or the court’s sanction or ap- 
proval, which is the normal or standard way in German court cases. 

The gamble is that the judge won’t allow the witness to give testimony 
and then the expenses have to be borne immediately by the accused. I was 
willing to take this chance, in order to get my witness at least into the witness 
stand. I had succeeded with that manoeuvre to get Fred Leuchter into the wit- 
ness chajr for over an hour and a half, which was a major breakthrough for us. 
There was every likelihood that pnpe again I would wotk with Dr. Faurisson, 
who was to give testimony in {he Diary of Anne Frank matter. 

Once the prosecutor and judge realized who was to be the next witness, 
panic gripped the court. Dr. Faurisson had written a Gutachten on this famous 
“diary” for another court case. Jurgen Rieger had handled several Diary of 
Anne Frank A Fraud? cases in Germany, which had achieved national promi- 
nence and notoriety. 

42 Liberty Bell / February 1992 

The German national newsweekly, Der Spiegel , had reported as long ago 
as 1981 about a German Federal Criminal Office’s forensic examination 
which had found out that portions of the diary had been written with a 
ballpoint pen, which only became available in 1951. 

My own attorney had prepared a whole series of motions and requests for 
witnesses from the above Federal Agency, and suddenly the judge, in collu- 
sion with the prosecutor, decided that one could drop the charges relating to 
me having “insulted the memory of Anne Frank”— a crime in modem day 

So the mere fact that Dr. Faurisson was present in the courtroom got those 
charges dropped. It was clear that the judge and prosecutor feared Dr. 
Faurisson’s testimony, the way the devil fears holy water. 

We tried to have him qualified for the other charges, but to no avail. The 
prosecutor became almost hysterical in his attacks on the qualifications of Dr. 
Faurisson, who had twice been admitted in Canada as an expert witness in my 
cases there. 

In the end, judge and prosecutor refused to admit Dr. Faurisson, not even 
questioning him as to his qualifications, training, etc. My attorneys called 
these rulings totally contrary to law, which guarantee me an automatic right to 
approach a higher court for redress. 

Next we called a German-trained Diplom Chemiker, who works for the 
prestigious Max Plan Institute in Stuttgart, as an expert witness, since judge 
and prosecutor had rejected Leuchter partially because he had no qualifica- 
tions in chemistry, we thought he was going to be a “shoo-in!” 

This man had gone to Auschwitz and Birieenau and had undertaken inde- 
pendent studies there, and once again had taken soil and other samples which 
he had tested in strictly scientific, controlled experiments with astonishing results. 

I had been in close contact with him via Dr. Lindsey, who was a witness 
in my first trial. I worked hard to get this man to Munich, visiting him in Stutt- 
gart and persuading him about the importance of his testimony. 

Once again, the judge and the prosecutor rejected this expert because they 
said, “the SS had blown up all the facilities at Auschwitz,” and thus it was no 
wonder that the chemical test results were the way they were... 

This led to such fierce exchanges that the judge called a recess and my 
lawyers made one more motion to the judge to disqualify himself from the 
case because of his own Befangenheit — his own prejudices in the case. 

Several such motions had been made by us, all of which were turned 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 43 


down by the judge, as was this new one. 

While the judge considered whether he should disqualify himself from 
the case, further revisionist video tapes were played to a packed courtroom. 

The sixth day of court came to an end when I was cross-examined as to 
iny financial means in regards to paying the $27,000 fine, which the first 
anonymous judge imposed on me. 

- Then it was off to Dr. Goebel's office to prepare an affidavit to help Doug 
Christie fend off a Jewish inspired attack against me in the Supreme Court of 
Canada for allegedly having broken my “Gag Order” with these Munich court 

Doug Christie had been sent 50 pages of documents by the Attorney Gen- 
eral of Ontario, on the evening of the 5th of December 1991, which were used 
by the Ontario Attorney General’s Office, B’nai B’rith and Canadian Jewish 
Congress officials with the media and as they appeared in the Supreme Court 
of Canada on the 10th of December 1991. 

It never ceases to amaze me how the government and justice department 
officials are always ready and eager to do the bidding of this noisy, aggressive 
minority in our midst 

It is as if government largely existed to exclusively serve Zionist interests. 
The majority of government lawyers were Jews in Ottawa, 

Certainly no money was spared by the government of the day in prosecut- 
ing, or really persecuting, me for my beliefs in Ontario in the past. 

There was absolutely no difference in style or behavior in this “persecu- 
tion through prosecution” during the time in office of the Conservative, Lib- 
eral and now the Socialist government of Ontario. It really does make you 
wonder if the “John Birchers” are right when they say that governments don’t 
change after elections, only new faces replace old faces, with a different ad- 
ministration, but the government remains the same! 

My next German court appearance takes place 
on December 16, 1991. On that day I will return to 
Germany, to be again convicted, for, make no mis- 
take about it, these political trials are not there to find 
the truth or to dispense impartial Justice! 

These trials are there solely to criminalize the 
politically uncomfortable and dangerous opposition. 


They really are underhanded compliments. 

Little has changed since the time of the Pharisees and those who shouted, 

44 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 


is A plACE WERE 
jUSTiCE is 

dispENSEd wiThl 

A4ahk Twain 

“Crucify him. Crucify him,” only in this corrupt age the judges don’t even 
have the decency of a Pontius Pilate, who at least said, “I find no fault with 
this man.” All I have heard from judges, who after all are not stupid people, 
and who have all gone to the finest law schools of their respective countries, 
were usually nasty remarks, delivered in a sanctimonious manner, when even 
the simplest of people could see the transparentness of their hypocritical rul- 
ings and decisions. 

The one great exception I will always remember and treasure is the be- 
havior of the former Chief Justice of Ontario, Howland, and some members of 
his court, who granted me my first fair and civilized hearing in a courtroom, 
and who ruled unanimously in my favor. 

The German judge, a man of the new generation, had every opportunity 
given to him by me and my witnesses and attorneys to advance the cause of 
Justice in postwar Germany. He had the opportunity, as my attorneys both ex- 
plained to him on Friday, December 6, 1991, to turn over a new leaf for the 
German legal system. Criminal justice rules even give him the instrument, the 
means to do it in Germany. Them is a section that says that the German equiv- 
alent of “Judicial Notice” called Offenkundigkeit can be challenged by an ac- 
cused if he can prove that he has substantially new, hard scientific or forensic 
evidence to back up his claims. We had and have this evidence! 

Fred Leuchter, Dr. Faurisson and Dipl. Chemiker Germar Rudolf, had 
they been allowed to testify and had they been given the opportunity to present 
their documents and findings, would have cut the Gordian Knot in this en- 
tangled judicial mess. 

Alas! it was not to be! At least not this time, or at least not in this Bavar- 
ian court. Attorney Rieger said it with all the passion and fervor of a man con- 
vinced of the correctness of his cause that for hundreds of years, many 
thousands of women were burned at the stake as witches, after being con- 
victed by properly and duly constituted German courts, for having sexual rela- 
tions with the devil, because that was “offenkundig” also, “That the devil had 
sex with these witches was then ' offenkundig / the courts took this as estab- 
lished fact for centuries 

In Leningrad, seven Germans were executed in 1946 for murdering the 
Polish officers corps in Katyn— in April 1991 Gorbachev officially apologized 
and admitted that the K.G.B had murdered these 14,000 Poles. The man who 
had actually organized the killings was still living, aged 89, in Moscow. He 
was videotaped by the Soviet prosecutors and admitted having received the or- 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 45 


ders from Stalin's (not Hitler’s) government During the Nuremberg Trials, the 
Nazis' responsibility for the mass murders of Katyn was also offenkundig . 

In Auschwitz, the Pope blessed 4 million victims in 1979 — in .1990, the 
Polish authorities had the 4 million figure chiseled out of the stone tablets. 
Today, no figures are given about the real number of victims there— the Poles 
say, an investigation by an international commission of historians should de- 
termine the exact numbers. 

That^s the way 'change will come, slowly at first, but come it will! You 
can rest assured! 

You my friends, in the far flung comers of this beautiful earth, the blue 
planet, as it is rightly and affectionately called by some, you will live to see the 
day, when, like Katyn yesterday, the other crimes of WW II will be exposed 
and HISTORY WILL BE REWRITTEN. Give it time; you have given me the 
means over the years to do some spectacular and trail-blazing research work. 

I make you a promise and give you my renewed pledge — give me the 
means and we will finish the job. 

The trial expenses in Germany and the preparation in going to the Su- 
preme Court one more time have once again been tremendous. 

The production of the many factums, books of authorities and additional 
attorneys which had to be hired to act as agents in the Supreme Court of Can- 
ada has cost a lot of money... 

Doug was pitted, as per usual, against 8 government and Jewish lawyers. 
Several Jews also acting for the government. 

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association spoke supposedly in our favor. 
Mr. Rosenberg, their lawyer, tried to avoid his animosity against me. 

The rest of the proceedings were sheer “character assassination” of me by 
these “hired guns” or “government hit-squads” who use and abuse their offi- 
cial positions to ciiity favor with the political hacks or the various Zionist 
lobby groups in this country. 

The general thrust was that the poor, weak and beleaguered, defenseless 
Jewish community in this country needed repressive, ancient laws to stifle crit- 
icism of their schemes and nefarious activities. 

I note with amusement the fact that the recently deceased, or murdered, 
crook and Jewish con-man, Robert Maxwell, was a large financial contributor 
to the pro-Holocaust lobby in England. He defrauded his company’s pension 
funds by almost a billion pounds. 

Ivan Boesky, convicted inside trader who swindled the investors out of 
46 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

hundreds of millions' of dollars, and Mr. Milken, the “junkbond wunderkind” 
and convicted fraud artist, all were heavy contributors to holocaust causes and 
museums. So were the Belzbergs in Canada. 

Some people say, that this represented “malpractice” or “life insurance” 
for these people! Interesting thought! Very interesting. 

Help me as best you can. 

I know it is Christmas and you face expenses of your own. What nicer 
gift, however, can you give yourself, your children or grandchildren, but the 
truth about history? The truth about the times in which you yourself lived and 

worked and loved? 

I thank you — you are terrific people! 

Have a good Christmas and a healthy New Year. 

☆ ☆ ☆ 


The war in Croatia — the murder of a valiant people, is still going on in 
that Balkan country. The Europeans, inspite of their mouthings, have- 
done little to curb Serbian aggression and war crimes there. The Ger- 
mans, or better, their Bonn Puppet Regime, are betraying an old ally. 

Anyone wanting to help the Croatians in their current plight should 
call the Croatian BOro in Stuttgart, Germany: Tel. No. 011 - 49 - 71 1 - 
616620. Ask for Mrs. Zdenka Babic Offer any assistance you can! THEY 

☆ ☆ ☆ 

Ernst zundel: 

Persecution through Prosecution 

Criminalizing Zionism’s Opposition! 

To my friends around the world! 30 December 1991 

Another year of activity and intellectual combat is drawing to a close for 
us. The time has come to review what was, what is, and what our fate may be 
in the new year. 

For me personally, an important chapter of my life inched its way toward 
its final resolution. I am naturally referring to my 10-year struggle in the courts 
of Canada, where I defended myself against the attacks of the Zionist enemy, 
which likes to use the taxpayer’s money and pliable careerist civil servants, 
' Liberty Bell f February 1992 — 47 

politicians, prosecutors, police officials and others, to silence opponents. They 
love the extra benefits of: 

a) Not having to spend their own money to defeat their enemies. 

b) Not having to meet their opposition out in the open, to answer the 
opposition’s claims and charges of Zionist lies, corruption and falsification. 

c) They especially like the financial punishment they can inflict on their 

opponents with these trials (persecution through prosecution). 

* .. 

d) Naturally, if a “Gag Order”, can be imposed on the political opponent 
to silence him by a judge’s order, that’s a bonus for these intellectual terrorists. 

e) The crowning achievement is the imprisonment of the victim, even if it 
is only temporary, because it isolates the victim from the public and frequently 
from his supporters and friends. 

f) They also love the benefit of this legal terrorism, where they manipu- 
late government officials, prosecutors, members of parliament, government 
ministers and Human Rights Commissions, to give them “something for noth- 

' ing.” 1 

For, make no mistake about it, the “Jewish Lobby,” or the Jews who 
make a living and a career out of promoting Jewish policies and Jewish goals, 
<dso have to justify their salaries, their travel budgets and their office costs to 
their Jewish supporters. 

One only has to read the various Jewish newspapers around the world to 
know and realize that the competition amongst Jewish organizations for sup- 
port and donations, as well as recognition, is as fierce and as real as is the 
competition for support amongst “right-wing” or “Revisionist” groups. 

The laws of nature, or business and commerce, do not get suspended for 
the Jews either. They are only better organized for the time being, that’s all. 
However, there is no need to despair. We have delivered some stunning blows 
to these people’s hidden agenda, and will continue to do so in the future. 

Their evil empires and their monstrous creations, like the Soviet Union, 
and soon American (Jewish) style dog-eat-dog capitalism, are crumbling be- 
cause they were conceived by evil men, with nothing but evil in their hearts 
and minds, and only evil as their goals. Nature is striking back everywhere and 
these ghetto dwellers of the mind ate reeling everywhere. 

El Ad Airlines had a big advertisement in one of the Jewish papers, brag- 
ging that over 3000 Jews left the Soviet Union in one long weekend alone and 
that the planes take off at 4 am from Moscow. Why? Why so early in the 
morning? Check-in time must be 2 am in that case! Well, they don’ t want the 
48 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

goyim to see that the rats are leaving the sinking ship. 

These people know that once the archives are opened in the newly liber- 
ated republics the criminal nature of the old Bolshevik regime will be revealed 
to their formerly subjected populations. Then these long-suffering victims of 
Bolshevism might well take revenge, real physical, violent revenge against the 
descendants of Bronstein (Trotsky), Kaganovich, Litvinoff, Sobelsohn and the 
whole gang of cutthroats, terrorists, murderers, political assassins and gulag- 
keepers that the ghettos of Russia and the Bronx spawned in 1905, 1917 and 

Compared to what revelations will come out of the archives in the East in 
the next few years, all the so-called “evidence” and “documents” which the 
Allies of 1945 bandied about the Germans and the National Socialist regime 
with will become “chicken feed.” 

So, if I was a Soviet Jew, even if I was innocent, and never tortured a 
prisoner in one of the many torture chambers of the Cheka or the KGB, I 
would be taking the first plane out. I, too, would emigrate to the racist, bank- 
rupt statelet they like to call Israel. 

For these people know that when the long-suffering Slavic populations are 
finally freed from their shackles of fear and repression, that pogroms are com- 
ing. Today Russia and the various republics are in turmoil, tomorrow they will 
be in civil war. They are armed to the teeth, and the people who have these 
arms are desperate, cold, hungry, and angry. 

That’s not a safe place to be for anybody, and least of all for a Jew to be. 
Once again I repeat what I have often stated in speeches, during talk-shows 
and in private: it has been Hell to be a German since 1945 in this world, dom- 
inated by those who won the military victory in Europe in 1945; but we Ger- 
mans came through it all, bruised in our psyche, buffeted by the currents of 
defeat and our reputation tarnished by the lies and accusations of a merciless 


We have survived in body, if not in soul! Now let’s see what the self-pro- 
claimed “Marxist revolutionaries” and “Capitalists” of yesterday will do, how 
they will behave in their trials which will come, and how they respond to the 
accusations of their prosecutors, after their nights in the dungeons of Hell. We 
have only had a little inkling of how the KGB putchists behaved in Moscow, 
after the very cursory investigations and only a few days of incarcerations. 

We have seen their behavior in former East Germany, where they were 

and are still treated with kid gloves. 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 49 

Make no mistake about it, the Poles will want revenge for Katyn. The 
Ukrainians will want revenge for the famine of the Kulaks; the Czarists will 
want revenge for what happened to the Czar, his family and the Russian nobil- 
ity and elite then. The Baltic peoples will want those brought to justice who 
deported many hundreds of thousands to their deaths after the Soviet takeover 
in 1939. And guess what they will find? 

• Those who know the history of the time know exactly whom they will ac- 
cuse and who they won’t find very difficult to convict. 

And by some miracle of divine justice and retribution, the very laws and 
statutes and proceedings devised by the Kempners, Klarsfeld, Wiesenthals and 
Gideon Hausners, they will be used to hunt those who thought that they were 
untouchable for their crimes. Thus Karma is being worked on earth as it will 
be in heaven. No one is immune from the immutable laws of Nature and of 
God. No one! Not even Jews! 

A wise Croatian friend of mine, Jerome Brentar, says that all evil carries 
within itself the seed of its own destruction — and so it is! [Mr. Brentar is the 
owner of Euro-Travel Agency in Cleveland, Ohio. Call him at 800423-3692 
for assistance in arranging your travel plans for the coming vacation season. If 
there is a travel agent who deserves your support, MR. BRENTAR IS IT! — 
Ed. LB], 

But back to the real world of today: 

Most of you know from the mainstream media that I was convicted yet 
again in Germany after a “kangaroo court” proceeding that is a shame for a 
great people like the Germans. 

How my Germans can have allowed such an abomination of a legal sys- 
tem like that without having a revolution, like the Anglo-Saxons already had a 
thousand years ago, is a puzzle and of great concern to me! 

Despite the “judicial meatgrinder” that I have been put through In Canada 
for the last ten years, I find myself lucky, and congratulate myself that if I had 
to be harassed by the judiciary, it was better here than in Germany. Perversely, 
I have come to realize that I was able to serve the cause of truth, and that of 
my own German people, better in Canada than I could have in the Germany of 

That brings me to the details of the “trial” that just concluded. Not one of 
my expert witnesses was allowed to give testimony. The State Prosecutor and 
the Judge found all of them incompetent, even though Canadian courts had 
found them to be experts in their fields after careful scr utiny. 

50 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

Not even a German-educated and -trained Diplom Chemiker from the 
Max Plank Institute was allowed to testify even though he had his German 
' credentials and was right there in the courthouse and in the courtroom! 

I gave the Germans in charge there the chance of a lifetime— not to free 
Mne — but to free themselves from the Allied monkey on their backs, or the 
|g|nent^ occupation of their minds” as I call it, that will still be there after the 
|J^Allied Occupation troops have left Germany. 

I Even though Judge Werner Melders admitted in his closing diatribe that 
; undoubtedly some of the witnesses to the ‘Holocaust’ and in War Crimes Tri- 
:■ had been lying or had exaggerated, and that undoubtedly the Allies had 
Hferged some documents which were used in past courtcases...there was no 
lldpubt in his mind, and after all, numerous previous German courteases had 
^proven this much: that there was a Holocaust, and that millions of Jews were 
f killed by the Nazis in places like Auschwitz and other death camps. He also 
\ ; -said that there are mountains of evidence of Nazi crimes, singular in their 
magnitude. He said that there were many documents, orders, purchasing or- 
v/ders, plans, etc., for the building of the gas chambers and for ordering Zyklon 
4;B, etc. 

• V I had to be punished for my views, for my admiration of Hitler and for my 

y • “marketing of historical lies.” He had considered jailing me, but figured that I 
V: ^as beyond rehabilitation, therefore I had to be punished with a heavy fine. 
V fife mentioned that Germany had nothing to fear from me, because German so- 
' piety was solid in its belief in Nazi crimes, and that Revisionists were no dan- 
ger! The prosecutor spoke in similar tones. 

My attorneys did all the talking, about technical and legal as well as his- 
torical questions and topics for me, for I was in a grey zone with my Canadian 
. Gag Order. I did not want to risk the outcome of my case in Ottawa by my 
performance in Munich. That proved a wise decision, for when I got to Ot- 
tawa, Doug Christie told me that the Munich Justice Ministry had faxed 50 
pages of documents and background material about me, my activities in Eu- 
rope and the proceedings in Germany to the authorities in Canada. The mate- 
ria! was promptly used by some hysterical Jewess-lawyer from the Attorney 
deneral’s office in the Supreme Court, in an attempt to poison the attitude of 
these Supreme Court Justices against me. So I did not personally address the 
Holocaust topic, in or outside court. 

There are others in Europe who are doing this increasingly, relying on the 
Leuchter findings, the documents produced in my lengthy court appearance in 

Liberty Bell I February 1992 — 51 

Canada, etc. 

What the courts eventually decide in Canada and Germany is, of course, 
of interest to me, because it affects my freedom, my life, my reputation and 
my future, 

However, I have a feeling that 3S events in Eastern Europe, in Canada and 
in the United States unfold in these politically and economically troubled 
times, history will be land to me, kinder than it will be to my enemies, in any 
case. In the meantime, I have gone to the “University of Life’' and had experi- 
ences which few men or women have had in their lives, 

I have battled the enemies of truth and freedom, and, with my Mends, 
supporters and my attorneys, have welded together a team that has stared 
down two states and tyrannical dictatorial regimes, We have fought repression 
and hypocrisy, We have won some magnificent victories, and suffered some 
painful setbacks, But we have never wavered— we have stayed the course. 

Some comrades gave in, and removed themselves from the battle to pur- 
sue their private, selfish dreams. Others have died of broken hearts, of sickness 
and of old age, 

Thus life was lived to the fullest, and as Jong as I enjoy the trust, the com- 
radeship and loyalty of so many diverse people around the world, as long as 
that miracle persists, I will persist, 

Ours is a never ending struggle of global proportions— it is the noblest of 
all causes, The cause Qf human freedom in our age, We are the custodian of 
this concept and it is ours to pass on to pur children, 

It was my pleasure to be one of the champions, one of the leaders in this 
struggle in this generation. I am proud of pur record and can proclaim to you 
who have supported me for so long in this fight: Victory will ultimately be 
ours, because there is equilibrium in the Universe, There is no imbalance in 
Nature for long and no vacuum either. 

I thank you for your support in the past and in the future. Have a good 
New Year, All the Best, 

Ernst cm be reached at 206 Oarjtqp Street, Torotdn QNT* MSA 214, CANADA, 
or at 416-9%g 7 ft85Q. He dgsepyes ypuy support! 

52 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

|| Dear Mr. Dietz: 

Enclosed is a contribution to keep Lib- 
erty Bell afloat. I only just recently found 
;!. ■ Liberty Bell and I enjoy it the most because 
.A it is the best of all the patriot magazines. I 

. V f i 

** y] want to keep reading it. 

.,;'Y Liberty Bell is so good that it is still 
■’) '■ years ahead of its time. Once the final collapse hits and the bloodbath begins, Lib - 
erty Bell will come into its own right. 

I suspect the real reason for closing down Liberty Bell is your realization that 
America and' the White Race are doomed to die. We all know this. We are wasting 
our time on these American white idiots; goyim, hell-bent on racial suicide. 

The point is this. We need the spiritual and intellectual food for thought found 
in Liberty Bell. It is hopeless. But, let's at least die with dignity. The few of us out 
there need the moral support of knowing there are others, few that they are. Keep 
up the good work! 

Sincerely, J.T., Idaho 

* * * 

Dear Kinsman, 

I know times are tough! We have had two people put in prison this last year. 

I am renewing my subscription and should have a couple more people to get 
• their own subscription. I have sent a little extra; I only wish it could be more! I pray 
to the Wise One Eyed God Up High that you don't have to quit publishing Liberty 
Bell. For Folk, Fatherland and Future, 

88, “Odinson", Alabama 

m * * 

Dear George: 

I am sorry to learn that the support you experienced in the past was, and prob- 
ably still is, quite meager, I will try on my part to help with the little I can do. You 
see on the flyer what I can pledge so far. Enclosed is also the $50. for my immedi- 
ate help. I hope that you can stay afloat and still transmit the messages as you did in 
the past. The struggle of free men is not easy indeed. This country got itself in such 
a mess that I can not envision how it can get itself out from under the yoke of the 
international financiers who call the shots of this government. George, if you can 
still stay in this fight. I'll try to do what I can. 

E.G., Maryland 

* m * 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 

The receipt of your fund appeal letter prompts this reply. I am sure you are 
aware that a person living on a fixed pension and Social Security, the purchasing 
power of which decreases with every passing day, who donates, say $5,00 is, rela- 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 53 

tively speaking, sacrificing far more than a wealthy person who is able to give 
$5000. with little or no appreciable dent in his or her standard of living. Unfortu- 
nately, I must consider myself much nearer to the former category than the latter. 
Never-the-less, I sincerely want to contribute something , even if it hurts. Installa- 
tion, Manfred Roeder, Colin Jordan, Ernst Ztindel, the IHR, and John Tyndall's 
British National Party are, in my opinion, all worthy of support and it grieves me 
that I can contribute to only a few, and even then only very modestly... 

The enclosed check in the amount of $100 is for the following: $50. for the 
enclosed order and $50. to help get you out of the hole... 

Yours sincerely, W.S., Turkey 

© © © 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 

I really appreciated your Christinas Card. It is impossible to increase my 
monthly pledge [of $10*/month] as I am totally dependent on Social Security. I will 
send a little extra from time to time. Alas, I sincerely hope you get pledges to keep 
from folding because it would be a tragedy to have to discontinue. Please let me 
know how it turns out on my next statement. I have been sick since receiving your 
fund appeal letter. 

Mrs. J.G., Virginia 

© © © 


Sincere Aryan greetings! I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and 
remaining strong* I am doing good, shoulders squared! Well sir, I just read that 
pamphlet you sent me, “Communism is Irish*' and I got a very good laUgh, after my 
friend pointed out to me that it Was some kinda joke, that is. If it wouldn’t have 
been for Karl McMarx (The only name that I ever heard of), Vd probably be swing- 
ing from the light fixture in my cell right now. I guess in twenty years or so I will 
be able to look back on this day and say, “Damn! To be young again.” I swear sir, 
that I was sitting here trying to figure out how in the heck the Jews got off so easy. 

I finished the book Mein Kampfmd passed it down to one of my comrades. I 
plan to study it thoroughly after he is finished with it. I must say that that is the best 
book that I have ever read. There was not one paragraph that didn’t teach me some- 
thing. It’s Weird that something as simple as the statement Adolf made about dip- 
ping into his own pocket to make ends meet can tear a person apart. Or the 
statement about his boys fighting 50 against 800 can...well you know. I tell you sir, 
as long as I remain alive, I will keep the fight going! The one thing that drives me 
down is that 1 may not be able to do enough. But I will do whatever I can, when- 
ever I cah, and I guess that is all each of us as individuals can do. 

I have enclosed 60-29$ stamps in this letters and I would like to order the 
book: this Time the World by Cmdr. G.L. Rockwell. Please keep the rest of the 
money as a gift. If my buying books with stamps is a burden to you, then please let 

54 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

me know and I will go through the T.D.C. [Texas Department of Corrections] sys- 
tem and get a money order from now on, just send me a short note. I ve also been trying 
to talk to my mom about the Jews and she wrote back and said that her boss is a Jew! 
She said this thing gave her three raises and that it always portrays itself as a nice 

human being! I spit on the letter and built a fire that only tire Klan could compete with... 

Your comrade 8k. friend, T.E., Texas 

© © © 

Dear Mr. Dietz*. 

Enclosed is check for $137. for which will you please send the Bell for another 

year (presses willing) and a copy of The Anti-Humans , the balance is a little II ilfe— but 

apparently it’s a lot of Hitfe you need. But if all fails, Gott forbid (life without you and 

“Ollie” would be like losing a wheel on a bicycle), then apply all to your usurers. 

Thanks for all, D.R., California 


© © © 

Dear George: 

Enclosed you will find my renewal for LB. I am sorry to say that my father Or- 

azio passed away on Dec. 12th, the greatest and most intelligent man I ve ever met 

or known. All that I’ve leaamed was by and through my father. He sought justice 

and never found it! After a long quest for truth and common sense, spanning over 

30 years of studying, and some good sources, he was satisfied with your magazine, 

and especially Dr. Oliver, whom he read for 30 years! Mr. Carter is also a good 

writer, as well as the others. When I can, I will send you some cash to help out... 

Yours truly, A.P., New York 

© © © 

George Dietz, 

Since I was not a subscriber at your last call for “nutrients,” I am glad to hear 
of your chance to prevent the demise of your most withe-worthy journal. I hope 
that my recent hyper-reaction to the German newspaper article had some unction in 
your screwing up your courage to ask for help (Dr. “O” sez the truth is on its way 
[see “To See Ourselves”, by Dr. “O”, in this issue of Liberty Bell]). Of course, 
nothing can really repay you (us) for social and financial losses due to unpopular 
protagonisms but tire personal satisfaction of tasting the “mead” of the hero. 

Out of a very modest income I give my widower’s mite to some 40 White pro- 
moters, so you see not much is possible to any one, but I will plan to contribute 
meaningfully to you twice a year. What I am offering now is far out of my standard 
abilities— till it hurts — they say, but I am asking for “balm” to go with it...thus 
please find enclosed $150. to be applied as follows: going backward from and in- 
cluding 1989, please send me those Liberty Bells in which Dr. Oliver has contrib- 
uted, of course inclusive of shipping and whatever contribution you need to make it 

a worthwhile deal for the health of your worthy journal. 

George, I am 80 and it is no very great satisfaction, in view of our plight, to 

’ ~ Liberty Bell I February 1992 — 55 

say that I have been, in my own timid way, resisting the tide of color for 50 years- — • 
I never had any position of influence — but now, with such mighty front lines as 
yourself, I hope to make more meaningful contributions. 

Gratefully yours, G.S., Colorado 

* b * 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 

It is a sad day when there are not enough funds available to keep LB opera- 
tional, especially when once considers the amount wasted on frauds, charlatans, 
blind alleys and obviously predetermined failures, all the reasons why have been 
enumerated in LB over the years and all I can do is add to the various authors’ arti- 
cles by stating that in my small travels in this country, all the items covered are 
readily apparent, chiefly, the inability of Aryans to THINK. 

I suppose we could excuse them and say, “Well, after all, the mass media are 
rather heavy medicine,” however, that probably won’t console us when the im- 
pending doom amves. 

Speaking for myself only, I’d say I had about a 95% failure rate when expos- 
ing people to LB. Thus it appears to me only a tiny minority of Aryans can listen to 
the truth (of their plight), much less comprehend it and even less be willing to con- 
sider even doing anything about it. What is most unfortunate is when Boobus 
Americcmus goes under, we will most likely go with them; personally I’d hate to 
suffer for the stupidity of others. 

However, I for one feel very fortunate, even privileged, to have been exposed 
to LB these past years. To have a truthful estimation of our present condition is 
worth its weight in gold. I sincerely hope LB can survive, and to do my part I am 
sending $100 that you can keep regardless of the outcome, plus a yearly donation 
should LB stay solvent If, on the other hand, should LB pass -on, you Mr. Dietz & 
your family, the contributing writers and Dr. Oliver have my deepest respect and 
eternal gratitude for publishing LB in that ethical and moral standard, the time hon- 
ored Aryan tradition of intellectual honesty. 

Respectfully yours, V.G., Michigan 


Dear Mr. Dietz: 

My wife and I were worried that something was wrong in WY when we didn’t 
receive our subscription to LB. We had no idea that your work was in such peril. 
We are sending along what we can for this emergency [$100.]— we wish we could 
do more. Without you and Dr. Oliver this world would be an ever sorrier a place. 

Yours truly, J.P., New York State 

* * * 

Dear George: 

Thank you for helping track down that lost package... 

Enclosed is an excerpt from the Yew Jewish En cyclopedia , Behrman House, 
56 — Liberty Bell f February 1992 

New York, 1962. See the excerpt on Haym Salomon. Notice that the Jews them- 
selves call him the “financier” of the American Revolution. He acted as a “broker.” 
“Broker” to whom? Since he was Jewish, wouldn’t it be logical to assume that he 
went to the Jewish banking houses to get the money? Banks like the Rothschilds, 

> the Warburgs, the Lehmans, the Schiffs, and the Kuhn, Loebs? Didn’t the Roth- 
schilds finance the Hessian mercenaries to quell the American Revolution? Were 
the Jews on bo Ur sides? 

We also learn from the article that Salomon gave “personal loans” to men in 
public office. Weren’t these men our Founding Fathers? Where did they get hard 
cash to buy their estates, land, slaves, and machinery? From the Jews? The answer 
to all these questions is yesl 

So what does all this mean? Don’t we also know that George Washington, 
Thomas Jefferson, and the majority of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons? 
Don’t we also know that what we read about the Freemasons is ti*ue? That Freema- 
sonry is Judaism from top to bottom? Here’s the answer. THE AMERICAN REV- 
what are we fighting for after all? 

Publicus Prudentis, Idaho 

cc: Dr. R.P. Oliver 

Dear Mr. [Publicus Prudentis] 

I have a photocopy of your letter of the fifteenth to Mr. Dietz. 

It would be difficult to prove your conclusion about the American Revolution, 
but in its favor you may note that without the Declaration of Independence (with its 
nonsense about all men being created equal) and the success offhe American 
colonies’ revolt against the mother country (made possible, of course, by the folly 
of Louis XVI in giving the colonies the requisite military and naval support), the 
French Revolution in all probability would never have taken place. 

The Americans were so shocked by that outburst of savagery that they tried to 
prevent “democracy” when they formulated the Constitution. On the failure of that 
effort, see my article in Liberty Bell , January 1987. 

With best wishes, 

Revilo P. Oliver 

* * * 

Dear George the rest of the LB family, 

The enclosed contribution is yours to keep in any event, I would hate to see 
the Liberty Bell die, but, considering the conditions, I would not blame you if you 
ceased publication. You have gone through years of hard times, and I greatly appre- 
ciate your dedication and sacrifice that have made possible the continued publica- 
tion of the Liberty Bell. Your magazine is my favorite and has provided so much 

Liberty Bell l February 1992 — 57 

useful Information through the years. It was articles in Liberty Bell that were a great 
help when I was studying Christianity. The articles helped me decide that Christi- 
anity and the Bible are basically false. 

I particularly enjoy Revilo Oliver’s writings; his information and logical anal- 
yses are unsurpassed, in my experience. 

My best wishes to you and the continuation of the Liberty Bell If publication 
must be stopped, I am confident that you have done all that could be asked of you 
in the fight to save our race as well as the magazine. Therefore, do not feel guilty in 
any event. I hope for the perpetuation, significant up-breeing, and expansion of true 
White people and and our culture. For this we need honesty and truth, as exempli- 
fied by the Liberty Bell I hope all there are healthy and happy. 

Sincerely, E.A.S., Missouri 


Dear George: 

Sorry about the delay in responding. I am also sorry to hear of the financial 
difficulties. Whom can we blame for your condition but the huge number of Ger- 
man descended docile cows who accept everything they are handed by the com- 
mercial newspapers and the damn Zionists. They prefer to howl to the super Hebe 
on Sun-Day. They prefer to watch Hebe pom flicks the other six days of the week. 
They are happy to howl in unison when they are told to do so — Saddam Hussein, 
Arafat, Nasser, Demjanjuk, any real German. That is what Christianity is about- 
worshiping Hebes. I am enclosing a cheque for $50. Please send me four copies of 
Gruesome Harvest and put the remaineder in the pot. I will send more later. 

Best regards, H.A.T., California 

© © * 

Dear Mr, George Dietz, 

We are enclosing a check for $50 and hope to send some each month. We sin- 
cerely hope you will be able to continue publishing Liberty Bell It is a very fine 
publication; it would be missed. 

Sincerely yours, Mr &.Mrs S.W.K., Oregon 
* * © 

New Year’s Greetings, 

Sony to hear about the financial distress of Liberty Bell Publications. I sup- 
pose its easy to understand — there’s just not a large pool of potential support- 
ers/readers of a publication like the Bell Either “rightists” are mentally too crude to 
appreciate tire level of political discourse carried on in the pages of the Bell (their level 
is more that of Racial Loyalty or WAR), or they are too close to what they imagine is the 
Mainstream (Kosher Conservative) Wm. Buckley/Congressional Conservative of the 
Newt Gingrich stripe, to associate themselves with the views aired in the Bell 

I do enjoy the Bell and, contrary to other Rightist publications, actually learn 
something by reading it — its breadth and depth (especially from Professor Oliver) 

58 — Liberty Bell / February 1992 

is truly remarkable, what would we possibly do without him? His courage— and the 
courage of the BelVs publisher and editor— are probably the last of a vanishing 
breed, in this world of ever-mounting persecution of racial rightism. 

I, too, have fallen on hard times — I am unemployed, and have been so for 
some time. Little prospect of better times is suggested by the direction in which the 
economy is moving. In fact, I don’t think there will be a “general” recovery— only 
mini-boom-lets in particular segments of the economy. (The aim of the establish- 
ment never was to restore prosperity, but to destroy ever more American industries 
and agricultural production). It remains to be seen how much “prosperity” the gov- 
ernment can stimulate by luring more, foreign “investment” (including selling 
“American” visas to foreigners). Truly its a rotten world in which we have to live 
when it is in the hands of Jews to try to realize what they have been scorned for (and 
even ejected for) in the former Soviet Union (only they, the Jews, are succeeding swim- 
mingly here in the Ole U.S.A.). 

But I remain loyal to the Bell and, as almost the last publication to which I 
subscribe (Rightist or otherwise), I will continue to support it as best I can. Over 
the long haul, you (the editor of Liberty Bell ) have been among the best friends the 
Movement has had— in terms of contributions; in terms of courage and sacrifice; 
and in terms of the wisdom of the advice (and the example) you have quietly im- 
parted over the years. 

So please find my modest contribution enclosed, and consider as reliable my 
promise to make regular monthly contributions. We do know of your sacrifices, 
and the generosity of your heart, and the danger to which you expose yours and 
yourself daily in the services you perform for figures in the Movement and the 

Movement itself. 

With deepest respect, Yours, K.B. Ohio 
© © © 

Dear George Betty: 

Forgive my delay in writing. I’ve been pretty occupied since I returned home. 
My job at the plant started last month, and there were several stages of paperwork 
and related requirements to fulfill before that. It’s going well, there are many good peo- 
ple there, especially on night, which I’ve been scheduled for when training ends in 

about two more weeks. 

It was sad, but not unexpected, to see your recent announcement concerning 
the possible end of LB. The $100. M.O. I’m enclosing is for renewal and whatever 
expenses you can use it for. I understand the irritation of unplanned bills— upon re- 
turning to Michigan, I had to replace the gas tank, exhaust system, and the day after 
that was completed my fuel pump mysteriously stopped working. So there s a few 
hundred I’d rather not had to spend... 

I hope enough people respond to your drive to keep going, and help you & Betty 
with the inevitable bi lls. I anxiously await each issue, and losing it would be a tragedy. 

Liberty Bell / February 1992 — 59 

What ever decision you make, your work has given me access to information 
and understanding I never would have known. It’s too early to know what differ- 
ence that will make during whatever crisis awaits, but we must think positively. 

Thanks for all your generosity, hospitality, and friendship. I’ll stay in touch, 
hoping for good news. 

Auf Wiedersehen, E.F., Michigan 

* 80 * 

Dear Mr. Dietz, 

I’m afraid that my financial situation over the last couple of years has deterio- 
rated too. The company I work for is in bankruptcy court and has a minimal work- 
force. I could be canned at any moment and there aren’t many jobs to be found here 
in Connecticut. 

What this boils down is that I can not be a regular supporter of Liberty Bell 
again. I will try to send a donation every once in a while and keep buying books 
. videos from you. In the last year, most of my contributions have been to Ernst 
ZUndel and the Patriot Defense Foundation for Their ongoing battles in the courts. I 
will try to do more for Liberty Bell in 1992. 

“88", W.JiC., Connecticut 

* * * 

Dear Sin 

There are three outstanding patriotic leaders running in the Republican pri- 
maries; Patrick Buchanan, Col. James “Bo*’ Gritz, and David Duke. Of course, no 
patriotic American has any chance of getting the Republican nomination, but all 
three are waking people up and getting things moving. Moreover, each is reaching 
a different area of the population, David Duke has accomplished a great deal al- 
ready, the other two have just started in politics. They can’t accomplish anything 
without financial support, and people can’t send them financial support unless they 
know the address of the candidate. The enemy propaganda apparatus is constantly 
attacking them, but they are careful not to publish any addresses. I am enclosing a 
copy of a letter from a man who would have supported David Duke had he known 
his address. I suggest that at least every other month you publish the list of these 
addresses enclosed. 

K.C., New York State. 

Campaign addresses as of January 1992: 

** David Du ke Campaign, 500 No. Amoult Rd., Metairie LA 70001 — 

** Bo Grite President Committee, P.O. Box 1327, Middleburg, FL 
32050-1327 1-800-633-7692. (This from page 36 of the Spotlight of 
January 6 JL 13, 1992.) 

~ Buchanan for President, P,Q. Box 90,000, Arlington VA 22210 . 

60 — Liberty Bell I February 1992 


Please remember: Our Fight is Your fight! Donate whatever you 
can spare on a regular— monthly or quarterly- basis. Whether it is 
$2 m $5., $20., or $100. or more, rest assured it is needed here and 
will be used in our common struggle. If you are a businessman, 
postage stamps in any denomination are a legitimate business ex- 
pense-and we need and use many of these here every month- 
and will be gratefully accepted as donations . 

Your donations will help us spread the Message of Liberty and 
White Survival throughout the land, by making available additional 
copies of our printed material to fellow Whites who do not yet know 
what is in store for them. 

Order our pamphlets, booklets, and, most importantly, our 
reprints of revealing articles which are ideally suited for mass dis- 
tribution at reasonable cost. Order extra copies of Liberty Bell for 
distribution to your circle of friends, neighbors, and relatives, urging 
them to subscribe to our unique publication. Our bulk prices are 
shown on the inside front cover of every Issue of Liberty Bell . 

Pass along your copy of Liberty Bell, and copies of reprints you 
obtained from us, to friends and acquaintances who may be on our 
“wave length,” and urge them to contact us for more of the same. 

Carry on the fight to free our White people from the shackles of 
alien domination, even if you can only join our ranks in spirit. You 
can provide for this by bequest. The following are suggested forms 
of bequests which you may include in your Last Will and T estament: 

1 . 1 bequeath to Mr. George P. Dietz, as Trustee for Liberty Bell 
Publications, P.O. Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA, the sum of $ . . . 
.... for general purposes. 

2. 1 bequeath to Mr. George P. Dietz, as Trustee for Liberty Bell 

Publications, P.O. Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA, the following 
described property for general purposes. 

