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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics 
at the University of Illinois for 32 years, is a 
scholar of international distinction who has 
written articles in four languages for the 
most prestigous academic publications in 
the United States and Europe. ' 

During World War* II, Dr. Oliver was 
Director of Research in a highly secret agen- 
cy of the War Department, and was cited for 
outstanding service to his country. 

One of the very few academicians who 
has. been outspoken in his opposition to the 
progressive defacement of our civilization, 
Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the fate of 
his countrymen hangs on their willingness 
to subordinate their doctrinal differences to 
the tough but idealistic solidarity which is 

the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 


-•.v **.; \ -V \ 


' V 

' * 

On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition): "Very few Americans were sufficiently 
sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American conception of government 
and had replaced it with .the legal principle of the 'dictatorship of the proletariat,’ 

which was the theoretical justification of the Jews’ revolution in Russia." 

T •/ - r •; • 

On Race: "We must further understand that all races naturally regard themselves; 
as superior to all others. We think Congoids unintelligent, but they feel only con- 
tempt for a race so stupid or cr.aven that it fawns onthem, gives them votes, lavish- 
ly subsidizes them with its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to Ourselves a su- 
periority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our own standards, we are simp- 
ly indulging in a tautologyrThe only objective criterion of superiority, among human 
races as among all other species, is biologickl: the strong survive, the weak perish. 
The superior race of mankind today is the one that will emerge victorious— whether 
by its technology or its fecundity— from the pfoximate struggle for life on an over- 
crowded planet .’T 


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The magazine for Thinking Americans, has been published monthly since Septem- 
ber 1973 by Liberty Bell Publications, George P. Dietz, Editor. Editorial office; P.O. 
Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA- Phone: 304-927-4486. 

Manuscripts conforming to our editorial policy are always welcome, however, they 
cannot be returned unless accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. 
Manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of Liberty Bell Publica- 

©Copyright 1988 
by Liberty Bell Publications. 

Permission granted to quote in whole or part any article except those subject to 
author's Copyright. Proper source credit and address should be given. 





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10 COPIES $ 22.00 

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The editor/publisher of Liberty Bell does not necessarily agree with each and 
every article in this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at 
by various writers; however, he does endeavour to permit the exposure of ideas 
suppressed by the controlled news media of this country. 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere 
that Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to ideas, for ultimately It is Ideas which 
rule the world and determine both the content and structure of our Western culture. 

We believe that we can and will change our society for the better, We declare 
our long-held view that no institution or government created by men, for men, is 
inviojabie, incorruptible, and not subject to evolution, change, or replacement by 
the will of the people, 

To this we dedicate our lives and our work. No effort will be spared and no 
Idea will be allowed to go unexpressed if we think it will benefit the Thinking People, 
not only of America, but the entire world. 

George P, Dietz, Editor & Publisher 








A review in a “right-wing” periodical prompted me to glance 
at a book by one Richard Drinnon, Keeper of the Concentration 
Camps: Dillon S. Meyer and American Racism (University of 
California Press, 1987), just to make certain that neither the 
author nor the reviewer seemed aware of the essential point in 
what they were talking about. 

The book is chiefly an attack on the character of Meyer, who is 
by implication described as worse than the average bureaucrat, 
which seems quite improbable. The author denounces Meyer as a 
“racist,” which, as the reviewer mildly observes, is nonsense. The 
reviewer could have added that calling the bureaucrat a “racist” 
was paying him a most undeserved compliment after making the 
initial error of attributing principles to a professional 
'administrator' in a ‘democracy.’ 

Mr. Drinnon (race unstated) begins with an hysterial denuncia- 
tion of the policy of interning all Japanese in the United States 
immediately after Pearl Harbor,, the Japanese declaration of war. 
Such a procedure invariably inflicts great hardship and, suffering 
on most of the persons interned, and it is necessarily highly 
problematical to argue that a different administrator would have 
inflicted a little less hardship on the victims of the policy he had 
been appointed to execute. Mr. Drinnon merely uses the unfor- 
tunate Dillon Meyer as a convenient target in what is really a 
furious attack on the policy itself. 

The policy of setting up concentration camps and interning in 
them persons who, from loyalty to their own country and race, are 
.likely to .impede a military effort was invented by the British in the 
war they fought against the Boers for the profit of Jewish 
predators in South Africa. It is generally agreed, even by “Liberal 
intellectuals” when they are forced to think for a moment, that 
concentration camps, whatever their shortcomings, are more 
humane than massacring the population interned in them. 

When we discuss the internment of aliens in concentration 
camps during a war, the justice or injustice, the prudence or folly, 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 1 






of the war itself is irrelevant.. Given the war, we must debate only- 
means of winning it. 

What neither author nor reviewer seems to perceive is that 
after Pearl Harbor the United States was at war with Japan, and 
that in a war a nation’s concern must be exclusively with winning 
it and defeating the . adversary. Once the war was declared, it 
became irrelevant that the unspeakably foul creature in the White 
House tricked the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor, or that 
he did so to ensure the Judaeo-Communist conquest of Europe. It 
was also irrelevant that the Japanese, from the standpoint of their 
own interests, made a great blunder in stepping into the trap, or 
that, according to our racial instincts, at least, they were morally 
culpable in not honoring their obligations to Germamy under the 
alliance into which they had entered. (Cf. Liberty Bell April 1984 
pp. 5-7.) 

Neither writer mentions the true causes and origin of the war; 
both ignore the obvious fact that once the war began, it was ob- 
viously incumbent on Americans to win it, if possible. Both authors 
talk .about “ J apanese Americans, ” just as some persons speak of 
“German Jews” or “Russian Jews.” If what they mean is Japanese 
who had long resided in the United States, the phrase is awkward 
and potentially misleading; but that is not what they mean. They 
imply that the persons so designated were in some crucially sig- 
nificant way different from other Japanese. The term used in that 
way merely shows voluntary ignorance of biology. It is the 
equivalent of talking about canine cats or anthropoid bears. 

Once the war was declared, the herding into concentration 
camps of all Japanese in the United States, regardless of where 
they were bom, was the only justifiable policy, and a government 
that did not do so would have been criminally culpable. Instead of 
the now common squawks about the hardships of the Japanese 
thus interned, we should hear a legitimate praise of our govern- 
ment, no matter how corrupt it was otherwise, for not making the 
blunder of the Germans, who notoriously failed to intern all of the 
Jews in Germany, and confined in the camps only Jews who, on 
the available evidence about each individual, were virtually certain 
to act as domestic enemies. 

We may grant that there were in the United States an un- 
determinable number of Japanese, the very dregs of the Japanese 
population, who would not have done their best to ensure the 
defeat of the United States by whatever means was in their power, 

,2 Liberty Bell / Janmry 1989 

such, for example, as sabotaging railways and electrical transmis- 
sion lines. There was, however, absolutely no means of identifying 
such persons. Even with hybrids, no one could tell whether the 
Japanese or the American genetic instincts were dominant in a 
given product of feckless miscegenation. The only sane policy was 
to intern all Japanese in this country. 

To say that the Japanese in the United States represented an 
immediate and potentially great danger is only to pay them a 
deserved compliment and do them honor. As the overwhelming 
economic triumph of Japan after her military defeat has proved 
beyond peradventure of doubt, the Japanese, unlike the 
Americans, are not a people racially, and hence biologically, 
degenerate. As a people, they are intelligent enough to under- 
stand that their primary loyalty must always be to their race and 

If you want an illustration of the excellence of Japanese char- 
acter, I will summarize a story told me by a Professor of 
Chemistry. It goes back to the era of universal peace in the 1920s, 
when everyone knew there could never be another war. The 
professor had in his advanced classes a large number of amiable 
Japanese, eagerly absorbing the most abstruse principles of 
Science, which, as everyone also knew, is universal and interna- 
tional, knowing no racial or national frontiers. 

The professor went for long walks on Sunday mornings, and 
on one such morning of a torrid day, he sat down to rest for a 
while in the shade of the trees in an orchard at one corner of a 
crossroads. While there he saw four of his best Japanese students 
sauntering down, one road, obviously enjoying a recreational hike. 
When they came to the crossroads, they looked in every direction 
but failed to notice the man who was in the shadow of trees. 
Assured they were alone, they straightened up to military posture, 

• stood back to back, whipped out cameras, and photographed each 
of the four roads, and then sauntered on, resuming their negligent 
attitude for the benefit of anyone whom they might encounter on 
their way. 

The professor, recognizing in his talented students disguised 
subalterns of the Japanese army, and their purpose in collecting 
information that would be of use in a Japanese invasion of North 
America, was indignant about their abuse of American hospitality. 
A victim of the chatter about “international” Science, he did not 
even think of the really important and crucial fact that the silly 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 8 

Americans, he among them, were giving potential enemies the 
benefits and results of their most advanced, arduous, and expen- 
sive research, blithely oblivious of the very fact they liked to quote, 
that knowledge is power. And it was only grudgingly that he ad- 
mitted that a nation he regarded as inferior had a quality that 
made it formidable to nations that complacently imagined themsel- 
ves to be the acme of Progress. 

Both Mr. Drinnon (whatever his race) and his reviewer, 
agitated by irrelevant and comparatively trivial matters, deserve 
notice as symptoms of the paresis to which the American mind has 
advanced as it progresses to the terminal stage of racial syphilis. 


I have received several copies of an undated issue of The 
McAlvany Intelligence Advisor , with requests for evaluation of it. 
This monthly newsletter is distributed from Phoenix, Arizona, 
(P.O. Box 84904) to subscribers who pay $95.00 a year, but is 
edited in Denver, Colorado, from the offices of a brokerage busi- 
ness that deals in gold and silver. 

The undated special issue bears the subtitle, “Betrayal and 
Surrender: the Reagan Sellout to the Soviets, " It appears not to 
be the work of Donald S. McAlvany, who normally writes the 
newsletter, since there are “Editor's Notes" inserted within 
square brackets, but the distinction becomes blurred near the end. 

This issue would be valuable, if only for the quotation with 
which it begins and which cannot be too often repeated in the hope 
that its meaning will some day penetrate to the consciousness of 
more than a few Americans. It is the statement made, with 
astonishing candor, by the President of the Ford Foundation to 
Norman Dodd, when the latter was Chief Counsel of the Reese 
Congressional Commission in 1953. Norman Gaither, then the 
President of the most wealthy of all the numerous “foundations" 
that lavishly subsidize what purport to be scholarly (and hence 
intellectually objective) research and study, confessed that “we at 
the executive level here" had held high positions in the 
bureaucracy in Washington, including the State Department, 
under Franklin Roosevelt, and that “During those times [i.e., after 
1933], and without exception, we operated under directions issued 
by the White House, We are continuing to be guided by just such 
directions, the substance of which were to the effect that we 
should make every effort so to alter life in the United States as to 

U Liberty Bell / January 1989 


make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.” 

That statement succinctly defines what has been the control- 
ling (though secret) policy of the government in Washington ever 
since the unspeakably foul organism called Franklin Roosevelt lied 
its way into the Presidency, with the massive support, of course, of 
all our domestic enemies. That undisputed admission by an 
authoritative source is clear and explicit. I do not know how it 
could be expressed in language more perspicuous. Yet, for thirty- 
five years, the skulls of almost all Americans have been impervious 
to its meaning. Although ideas cannot be introduced by trepana- 
tion, such operations would have the interest of determining 
whether the brains within the skulls are petrified or merely 

When I last talked with Norman Dodd, not long before the 
death of that eminent old man, he was still seeking a way to inject 
the appalling fact into the consciousness of a sufficient number of 
Americans to inspire a successful effort to regain possession of 
what was once their country. Neither he nor I could think of such 
a way. I am glad that the statement will be read again by I know 
not how many subscribers to the McAlvany Advisor. But I fear 
that while most of them may read it today and recognize the words 
of which it is composed, they will tomorrow retain no more com- 
prehension of its meaning than if it had been written in Etruscan. 

The contents of this special issue of the newsletter can be 
summarized in terms that will be familiar to all readers of Liberty 

1. It exhibits what has been obvious to every intelligent ob- 
seiwer for seven years, the enormous gulf that separates what 
Reagen says to make “conservatives” pun* and what he does to 
subordinate the United States yet further to the Soviet Empire, 
and it identifies the most conspicuous of our enemies in power, for 
whom Reagen acts as a front-man and porte-parole. 

2. It points out, as should be unnecessary for intelligent in- 
dividuals above the age of sixteen, that this is one of the seasons 
that recur as regularly as spiing follows winter, although at some- 
what longer intervals -the season in which it is deemed expedient 
to beguile the boobs with stories in the press that the Bolshevik 
regime in Russia has “mellowed” or “become more liberal” 'or 
more lovey-dovey. The hypnosis of vacant minds thus induced is 
now used, as is customary, to augment further the power of the 
Soviet at the expense of the Americans who are the destined vic- 

Liberty Bell / Jcmuo,ry 1989 6 


tims, and further to disarm and encircle the United States so effec- 
tively that any belated effort by the victims to save themselves will 
be flatly and notoriously impossible. 

3. It offers an interesting* explanation of Reagan's conduct in 
terms of "behavioral engineering," i.e., the methods of Pavlovian 
menticide that are now generally administered as "sensitivity 
training," "group dynamics," and the like. For a partial list of the 
names under which dehumanization is accomplished in the public 
schools and special training sessions for governmental and other 
employees, see Ed Dieckmann's Beyond Jonestown , which was 
reviewed, with some mention of other relevant data, in Liberty 
Bell , July 1986, pp. 13-18. 

It is the basic assumption of Pavlov's "behaviorist psychol- 
ogy," which has been carried on and even elaborated by some of 
his disciples in this country, that human beings and dogs have 
essentially the same psychic and mental character, except that the 
anthrops are a little more complex than the canines. Both can 
easily be trained to perform all tricks of which they are physically 
capable, and to perform them automatically and unthinkingly 
whenever they are given the stimulus of a prearranged signal, 
which serves as a subconsciously recognized command that cannot 
be consciously disobeyed, They have been "programmed," like a 
computer, and respond in the same way. 1 

McAlvany's newsletter gives specific details, including names 
of persons and places, of the "behavioral engineering" to which 
Reagan was subjected to make him perform his tricks in the White 
House. Needless to say, I have no means of verifying this part of 
the report, and opinions will differ about the extent to which such 
elaborate programming was needed. (You will wish to compare the 
account of Reagan's shabby career by Jim Taylor in the May 1988 
issue of Liberty Bell.) 

The foregoing are the three essential parts of the report, 
which closes with a peroration on the consequences of the virtually 
final disarmament that is to result from the comedy in which 

1. The application of this technique seems to many “Liberal intellectuals" 
to promise what they regard as a Paradise, an earth over which will 
swarm billions of programmed anthropoids, organisms which Mr. Catran 
aptly described as “energy-consuming machines" (in the book on which I 
commented extensively in Is there Intelligent Life on Eojrth ?, q.v.). What 
these Utopian idealists fail to explain is why energy should be wasted, 
and why a planet, which could be as clean as Mars or Venus, should be 
covered with a fungoid but animated mold of “energy-consuming 

Reagan and his colleague, Gorbachev, co-starred. 

The first two parts of the report are indisputable and contain 
nothing that should be novel to readers of Liberty Bell . Tire third 
part may or may not be accurate, but it is of only academic inter- 
est, since it does not really matter how Reagan became what he 
now is. 

So far as the causes of the recorded facts are concerned, the 
reader of McAlvany's newsletter is left in the plight of a boy who 
has been given an "Erector" set with a copious supply of nuts but 
no bolts. He cannot put the pieces together. There is no mention of 
the J ewish race and hence, of course, no identification as such of 
their servants, including not only Reagan but the Congress of 
| which the Jews themselves boast as the best money can buy. So far 
as the reader of the newsletter is told, Hitler not only electrocuted 
\ or parboiled or steamed or gassed or incinerated or vaporized (ac- 

1 cording to the fancy of the story teller) the famous six million 

Sacred Sheenies, but deloused the entire planet. 

Even without this crucial explanation, however, the newslet- 
l: ter will terrify every American who reads it while conscious. So he 

| will come a-tremble to the last page, where he is told what to do 

/ (in addition to buying and distributing copies of the hair-raising 

j letter). There are two and only two forms of action suggested. The 

; second is to write letters to members of the Congress that is the 

best money could buy. The first, and most important, is to pray 
; that "God [i.e., the Christians' God, Yahweh & Son, Inc.] will bind 
the forces of darkness," just as one of the winters of "Paul's" 
letters says in Ad Ephesios , 6.12, 

■ The. final conclusion is that "only a prayer revolution in 

j America will save America," Presumably in a "prayer revolution" 

millions of Americans will spend hours or days down on their 
knees, yammering to the clouds or the blue space beyond them, 
just as Christians have been doing for fifteen centuries, without 
j ever obtaining a single favor or even eliciting a sign of life from 
the celestial monster they imagine as floating somewhere in the 
atmosphere above the earth. Now Americans will never be able to 
j think rationally about their present or their problematical future 
until they realize that there is no one up there . There is only float- 
I; mg fog and, beyond it, the infinite void of interstellar and inter- 

| galactic space. So far as we know, we are alone in a universe 

[ incomprehensibly vast and inconceivably terrible. 

[ If only prayer can save America, America obviously cannot be 

6 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 7 

saved. Thus the reader of the newsletter is led only to total 
frustration. To be sure, if he is credulous, a spree of high-pressure 
praying may enable him to forget the doom which McAlvany has 
clearly described as proximately before him-but liquor’s quicker. 


My title is ambiguous. Printed in capitals, it does not distin- 
guish between communism and Communism. The latter, of course, 
designates the Marxian reformation of Christianity, which is used 
by the Jews and their criminal accomplices to trap whole nations 
and reduce them to perpetual and helpless servitude. I am here 
interested only in communism, which may fairly be described as 
the social arrangement whereby a substantial number of persons 
form a corporation to which they give all of their property and for 
which they all work by some distribution of labor that is thought 
equitable, and from which each receives his share of the proceeds 
in the form of food, lodging, and other necessities of life. 

In the October issue of Instauration a shoi*t letter from an 
unnamed subscriber infonned me that the last vestige of such com- 
munism in the United State has just been effaced. I think that 
event, unnoticed elsewhere, is woiiriy of remembrance as the end 
of a picturesque, though unimportant, chapter of Ameiicaix his- 

When a band of pioneers, more or less equal in status, estab- 
lish a settlement in new tenitoxy, communism seems a feasible 
arrangement, and it was tried at Jamestown, and later at 
Plymouth, for several years, until it was found to be impractical. 

In the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries fan- 
tasies about the perfectability, or at least the amelioration, of the 
human species through some artifical alteration of the noimal 
structure of society stirred the imaginations of numerous groups 
in Europe, and quite a few of them migrated to the open ter- 
ritories of Nox*th America and established small colonies, which, 
they hoped, would sO demonstrate the advantages of their social 
innovations that the rest of the world would soon imitate them. 
There were also a veiy few such entei’piises by Americans who 
had imbibed intoxicating ideals. 

Most, but not all, of these little colonies were united by some 
doctiinal variation of Christianity, and it is noteworthy that none 
of them had the noimal itch to do good to their neighbors by 
beating them into submission. They asked only to be let alone. 

8 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

That, 'I think, is much to their credit, even though it is true that no 
great moral merit attaches to not attempting what one is power- 
less to do. 

These colonies were fairly numerous; the more important ones 
are located on the map reproduced on the following page. Their 
beliefs and practices were diverse and eccentric, quaint or ex- 
travagant. The usually biief histories of the several peculiar social 
experiments are all interesting and instinctive; a few will seem 
pathetic. ■ 

Most of these colonies did not suiwive the death or depax*ture 
of their oecist; few lasted so long. Only three can be regarded as 
having had a measure of success. 

The Shakers were a sect founded by a prophetess whose 
several marriages had convinced her that sexual intei*coui*se was 
an abominable sin, and whose theological feminism convinced her 
that God was an hermaphrodite; she came to the United States 
and founded her sect in 1776. In 1787 her successor, a man named 
Meachem, combined total celibacy with communism and planted 
about a dozen self-contained Shaker communities in vaiious loca- 
tions. They attracted fairly large numbers of converts during the 
religious hysteria of the early Nineteenth Century, but they ob- 
viously were unable to reproduce themselves, and eventually they 
simply died out. 

Strange as it will seem to you, men and women, dwelling 

1. For a good and concise but adequate conspectus of all of thenotewor- 
thy colonies, see Mark Halloway, He averts on Eo/rlh (2d ed., New York, 
Dover, 1966), from whose book I have taken the map reproduced here. I 
believe this is still, in print; it is what you should read first, if you are 
interested in these odd displays of human fallibility. Contemporary ob- 
servations made before 1850 by an A. J. Macdonald are incorporated 
with his own by John Humphrey Noyes in his History of Americo/n 
Socialisms (Philadelphia, 1870). Charles Nordhoff visited many colonies 
and reported on them in his Communistic Societies of the United States 
(New York, 1875). These observers naturally had an eye for the pic- 
turesque and entertaining. For an admirably perceptive and thorough 
study of one kind of colony by one of the most able of modern American 
historians, see Arthur E. Bestor’s Backwoods Utopias (Philadelphia, 

2. The Hutterite Brethren, who transported themselves to South Dakota 
from the Ukraine over a period of years, beginning in 1874, are a socio- 
religious phenomenon on which I plan to comment briefly at some future 
time, but they were essentially an exotic importation and I exclude them 
from 1 consideration here. 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 9 

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10 Liberty Bell / Jamo&ry 1989 

'together ’in consfertt assbciatibn and sleeping* in'dormitories : on me 
same floor, separafed only : by a ’hall, : no‘t only persevered in their 
soul-saving celibacy ^ biit foxmed stable and prosperous societies 
that ^flourished until the last members "died of old age, unable to 
wait for their bisexual Christ, whose coming they had almost hour- 
ly expected; The sixteen : Shaker colonies made some practical in- 
ventions in agriculture and handicrafts, and improved some 
vegetables and other domestic plants. And they attained a high 
reputation for strict honesty in all their transactions with the out- 
side world. The buildings of their colony near Harrodsburg, Ken- 
tucky, are preserved; if you visit them, you will be impressed by 
what human beings can do when inspired by an inhuman faith. The 
Shakers are a datum that no student of religion should overlook. 

Oneida Community was founded in 1844 by a man of not in- 

considerable learning, who elaborated a theology of his own, 
notably by understanding the Greek of the famous remarks about 
post-mortem marriage in the “New Testament" to mean what they 
say, viz.: that in the next life no woman will be confined by mar- 
riage to intercourse ’with one man, nor will men find their 
philogyny legally circumscribed, for all will live in a joyous promis- 
cuity, a divine connubium that will be like a supper in which every 
dish is free to every guest. 3 

3. Most holy men will tell you that Jesus, when asked to which of her 
successive husbands a woman would belong* in the abode of eternal bliss, 
oon’t have meant what he said, but consult Mat. 22.30 and Marc. 12.25 in 
any good edition of the “New Testament” and then turn to Liddell-Scott- 
Jones, the standard lexicon, and, if you must, go on to consult Lampe's 
dictionary of Patristic Greek, Or save time by taking up the Vulgate, in 
which the injunction is accurately translated as neque nvbent neque 
hvbentur . You will remember that nvbere is used only of women (except 
in scurrilous jests). The theological difficulty comes from the following 
statement, that the immortal ghosts will all be like angels. Now angels 
are all male— we never hear of angelesses— and, moreover, they are lusty 
males, who cannot be homosexuals from choice, for not only does the 
author of one of “Paul's” letters ordain that women must wear 
apotropaic amulets or hoods over their hair for protection against 
libidinous angels, but you are assured in Genesis that angels (who are the 
“sons of God,” so old, Jesus wasn't unique, after all) were attracted by 
mortal women, “married” them, and became the fathers of many 
“mighty men” on earth. Now that suggests that the unfortunate angels 
didn't have females of their own species up above the clouds, so perhaps 
Jesus means that there won't be any females in Heaven, and that if 
mortal women get there, they will have undergone a most frustrating 
sex-change on the way, as many of the Fathers of the Church taught. If 
that is the meaning, men who are really men will, like the protagonist of 

Liberty Bell / Jamw,ry 1989 11 


Oneida Community prospered for a time, although its founder 
tempered promiscuity with eugenic restrictions and unfortunately 
was not acquainted with the generally effective methods by which 
women in antiquity averted unwanted pregnancies; he thus im- 
posed some uncomfortable practices on his flock. 4 What helped a 
great deal to stabilize the communistic community was that they 
could afford to hire servants for unpleasant work. 

The Community's enthusiasm for stimulating variety in not 
entirely satisfactory copulation seems to have waned with the 
gradual loss of their religious faith; they reverted to the norms of 
contemporary society, including sexual intercourse that did not 
prevent eugenically undesirable pregnancies, and in 1881 the com- 
munity was converted into an ordinary joint-stock corporation that 
attained noteworthy industrial success, being especially well- 
known for its high quality of silver tableware. 

The only communist community that lasted to our own day 
was derived from the sect of Inspirationists founded at the begin- 
ning of the Eighteenth Century in Hessen-Darmstadt, a logical 
result of the proliferation of obscure Protestant coteries that may 
be traced back to Schwenkfeld's dissent from Luther's theology. 
The Inspirationists were Pietists whose beliefs included no distinc- 
tive theological novelties, aside from the belief that 'chosen 
instruments' were vouchsafed divine inspiration when needed. By 
circumstances or design, membership seems to have been always 
restricted to Germans. 

The cult was refonned on a solid basis in the early Nineteenth 
Century by four persons of very little education, who, however, 
had sound common sense and achieved the feat of all receiving 
instructions from Heaven without jealously trying to cut each 
other's throats -a truly extraordinary achievement for Christians 
and, indeed, for hierophants of any superstition. They established 
cooperative, but not communistic, colonies of peasants and ar- 
tisans near several small towns in Germany, but in 1842 celestial 
wisdom counseled an exodus to the United States. The migration 
was carried out systematically and efficiently; they purchased five 

Aucassin et Nicolette , opt for Hell as a future residence— or turn Moslem 
and head for a Paradise in which life will be worth living. 

4. At that time, of course, it was not generally known that women can- 
not conceive in certain phases of the female cycle. One wonders what 
would have been the history of the Community, had that been known in 

12 Liberty Bell i January 1989 









thousand, acres, near Buffalo., New York, and God prudently, coun- 
seled communism as the: only, feasible means of combining agricul- 
tural with industrial, work. 

They called themselves the- Eb.enezers and flourished: until 
they had an opportunity, to, sell their land at a handsome profit. In 

1855-1862 they removed,, again with sober practicality and ef- 
ficiency, to Iowa, where they acquired twenty thousand acres, on 
which they established six self-contained villages, coordinated by a 
central management, and- they later bought a small neighboring 
village to obtain an outlet on the newly constructed railroad. They 
changed their name to the Amana Society. 

They were essentially German peasants, with the racial in- 
stinct for hard work and sobriety. They may have been shown 
special favor by God, who seems to have departed from his usual 
practice and given them only sound advice through their 'chosen 

instruments,’ who were not needed after the enterprise was firmly 
established and prosperous. They made their land- highly produc- 
tive and established industiies that were noted for the high and 

uniform quality of their products, whether textile or mechanical. 
Their religion provided the necessary social discipline, and they 
operated a strict communism, each member doing the work to 
which he was assigned and rewarded by credits which he could use 
to purchase whatever he wished from the common store. 

They had only a rudimentary culture, and no use for an educa- 
tion that went beyond the primary schools of the day. Their satis- 
faction was in good food (and plenty of it, with home-made beer 
and wine), comfortable clothing, commodious homes in houses 
usually built of brick and designed to last for generations, and the 
domesticity of family life. They were strict monogamists, and 
averted adolescent disorders by ordaining that men could not 
many before they were twenty-four, or women before they were 
twenty. Their communal life was placid and contented, and their 
children were given such an indoctrination that almost none was 
tempted to leave the community. They read only religious books 
and magazines that contained information useful for farming or 
industry. And they prospered. 

Persons who visited Amana in the 1930s reported that the 
communistic community was flourishing and had undergone no 
deterioration of its original social structure or communal ethos. 

Visitors in the early 1950s saw symptoms of disintegration. 
The colonists’ practice of speaking German among themselves and 

Liberty Bell / J<mua,ry 1989 18 


English' to‘ outsiders was giving way to' a general use of English, 
with German learned only as an auxiliary language. 1 Automobiles 
made it easy for the younger members to travel away from the 
colony and form connections in the world outside. Religious faith 
naturally had been eroded by unavoidable acquaintance with scien- 
tific facts and critical thought. Worst of all, the- economy was 
suffering from the determination of the government in 
Washington to liquidate all local industries for the profit of huge 
corporations which represent only fluid 1 capital that owes al- 
legiance to no nation. It was no compensation that Amana was 
becoming an attraction for tourists, from whom the community 
derived a tainted revenue, selling, in effect, amusement instead of 

The irreversible deterioration must have continued during the 
following, years, as Amana came paore and more to depend on 
tourists and sightseers, and governmental 1 oppression steadily 
reduced the ability of the colony to be self-sufficient. Now the end 
has come. The remaining membei'S are dispersing, and the letter 
in Instauration reports that Amana has been sold to a “consor- 
tium” in New York. Asians are taking over. There was a first 
influx of voracious “refugees” from Vietnam, and now Chinese 
from Hong Kong with abundant Capital are setting themselves up 
in business and impoiriing more Chinese as employees. Needless to 
say, Aryans cannot compete with the invading race, All this, of 
course, is in keeping /vvith the Americans’ high resolve and unshak- 
able determination to become a despised and helpless minority in 
the country that they gave away. . \ 

I thought that the passing, after almost, a century and a half, 
of the only successful Amexican Communism should not go , un- 
remarked^ , 1 continued^ m page 4& 


That is the obvious question posed by Jean Raspail’s terrifying novel of the swamping 
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For your copy (Order No. 3014) send $9.50 (which includes $1.50 for postage and 
handling) to: Liberty Bell Publications, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA. 

U Liberty Bell / Januanj 1989 



Charles E, Weber 

A HALF CENTURY AGO, on the night of 9-10 November 1938, destruc- 
tive riots against Jews, their stores and synagogues broke out in many 
German cities. The windows of many Jewish stores were broken and as 
a result this night is often designated ironically as “Reichskristallnacht” 
(National Crystal Night), referring to the glittering broken glass. The 
year 1938 was an eventful year in Europe. In April Austria had been 
incorporated into the Reich (der Anschlufi ) amidst great general 
rejoicing of the populace. On 29 September Great Britain, France, and 
Italy recognized the justification of the German desire to incorporate 
the areas in the periphery of Bohemia (Sudetenland) into the Reich. 
These areas were inhabited almost exclusively by ethnic Germans who 
resented oppression by the Slavic majority in Czechoslovakia. As a 
result of this recognition, the Munich Agreement, the Sudetenland was 

ceded by Czechoslovakia to Germany. 

Miss Weckerfs book raises many questions about the tragic, por- 
tentous events of 9 November 1938, to which she does not claim to 
know all of the answers with absolute certainty, even if she effectively 
disputes a number of widely held, erroneous opinions about these 
events. Who were the real instigators of the riots? What were their real 
motives? Who was behind the assassination of Ernst vom Rath, a Ger- 
man diplomat in Paris, on the morning of 7 November 1938? What 
were the objectives of the people who must have supported the young 
Jewish assassin, Herschel Grynszpan? What happened to him after the 
assassination? What was the extent of the property damage caused by 
the riots and what were the results of physical attacks on Jews? How 
did such German leaders as Hitler, Goebbels and Goring react to the 
riots? What had been the policies of the German government with 

Liberty Bell / Jawmr?/ 1989 15 

regard to the small but wealthy, and influential Jewish minority in Ger- 
many before the riots (i.e., during 1933-1938)? How did the riots 
change these policies? To what extent did the objectives of the Nation- 
al Socialists and those of the Zionists coincide? To what extent did 
Zionists and National Socialist Germany collaborate in achieving these 
objectives on the basis of formal agreements? How did the policies of 
the German and Polish governments clash? What characteristics of the 
relation of Jews to their host populations could have contributed to 
causing the riots? 

The book is introduced by a statement (pp. 7-14) by Wilfred von 
Oven, who was on Goebbels 5 staff during the last two years of the war. 
He asserts that there is no credible evidence that Goebbels was the 
instigator of the riots and points out that during the Spanish Civil War, 
in which he served, hundreds of Christian churches were burned or 
desecrated by the Communists, Furthermore, von Oven cites a conver- 

1 • y * 

sation between Goebbels and the president of the Berlin police, Count 
Helldorf, which was overheard by Friedrich Christian, Prince of 
Schaumburg-Lippe, in which Goebbels angrily characterized the riots 
as “idiocy” and grist for propaganda mills hostile to Germany 

Weckert begins her text (p. 15) with the statement that her inves- 
tigation has primarily resulted in a posing of questions, some of which 
can never be answered with absolute certainty in view of the lack of 
available documentary evidence, ' 

On 15 October 1938 the Polish government, which was hostile to 
Jews and wanted them to emigrate from Poland, announced its inten- 
tion to invalidate the passports of the many Jews from Poland residing 
in Germany (!) if such passports were not presented to Polish 
authorities. In effect, the Polish government thus wanted to prevent 
these Jews from returning to Poland and to make them a permanent 
burden on the Reich. As a result, the Jewish policies of the German 
and Polish governments clashed, since they both wanted Jews to 
emigrate, Herschel Grynszpan, whose parents were transported to the 
Polish border as a result of the passport crisis, went to the German 
embassy in Paris and shot a German official, Ernst vom Rath, on 7 
November 1938, His victim died of wounds on 9 November. Grynszpan 
was arrested by the Parisian police but, strangely, survived the war 
after postponements of trials. 

Now (pp. 37 ff.) Weckert turns back to the Jewish “declaration of 
war” against Germany announced in the London Daily Express of 24 
March 1933, involving a boycott of German goods, a painful measure, 
since Germany had to (and still must) export or starve. Leading Jews 

16 Liberty Bell I Jomuvry 1989 

outside of Germany, such as Samuel Untermeyer,- then joined the in- 
citement against Germany, even long * before the Nuremberg laws of 
■1935. Many Jews in' Germany itself reacted in astonishment and With 
discomfort at such incitement against Germany and asked that Jews 
outside of Germany cease The incitement. The Germans undertook a 
mild countermeasure, a one^day boycott of Jewish businesses on Satur- 
day (!), 1 April 1933. Jabdtinsky, a leading Zionist born in Russia, 
joined Torces with Untermeyer to continue ruthlessly the boycott of 
German . goods. In 1936 a Jew, David Frankfurter, murdered a 
prominent National Socialist in Switzerland, Wilhelm Gustloff (pp. 69- 
71). This crime had some rather striking similarities to the murder of 
Ernst vom Rath in 1938 and also seems to have been supported by an 
organization, the identity of which cannot be definitely established, but 
could very well be presumed to have been the LICA (Ligue interna- 
tional contre Pantisemitisme) in Paris. The influential Volkischer 
Beobachter of 8 November 1938 called attention to the similarities of 
the crimes committed by Frankfurter and Grynszpan. In conjunction 
with the account of the murder of Wilhelm Gustloff, it might have 
been pointed out that Gustloff was such an important man that a large 
passenger ship was named for him in 1937 which was sunk in 1945 [in 
the Baltic Sea while evacuating refugees fleeing from the advancing 
Red Russian troops] with a huge loss of life (see Bulletin 7). 

Much of this book seems almost like a fictional murder mystery, 
but of course far, far more is involved here. The question of the 
responsibility for the “Reichskristallnacht” is of great importance for 
the political, economic and psychological well-being, not only of the 
German nation, but of all Aryan nations because this question has to 
do with their unity and cooperation. 

Weckert attempts to establish this responsibility, as far as that is 
presently possible, by various approaches, the most important of which 

1. Examination of available information as to what German leaders 
(Hitler, Goring, Goebbels, Himmler, Heydrich, et al.) were doing and 
where they were on the night of 9 November 1938, 

2. Ascertaining their attitudes toward the riots after they took 

3. Examination of what various persons and groups (notably the 
Zionists) had to gain or lose by the riots and their economic effects 
(cui bono?) 

4. Examination of the evidence and testimony from trials and in- 
vestigations conducted by the National Socialist government itself 

Liberty Bell j January 1989 17 

shortly after the riots, * 

5. Examination of the evidence and testimony brought out by the 
postwar trials conducted by Allied authorities and German courts. 

6. Pointing out mistakes in logic and interpretation of evidence 
made by various historians and propagandists hostile to National 
Socialism as well as the conflicting nature of their writings. 

7. Investigation of the authenticity of various key documents and 
the reliability of various witnesses. 

8. Relating the history of the status of Jews in Germany during 
1933-1938 to the events of 9-10 November 1938. 

The ninth of November 1938 was the day on which prominent Na- 
tional Socialists gathered in Munich to celebrate the fifteenth anniver- 
sary of the march on the Feldherrnhalle in 1923, but during the course 
of the day mysterious strangers had appeared in towns in [the province 
of] Hessen to urge violence against Jewish property (pp. 77 ff., 125- 
126). An SA Standartenfiihrer in Marburg refused to destroy the 
synagogue there. 

Weckert pokes fun at the conflicting accounts of various his- 
torians, especially with regard to the role of Reinhard Heydrich (1904- * 
1942; head of the Sicherheitspolizei, murdered in 1942 when he was 
Deputy Reichsprotektor -of Bohemia and Moravia). Her discussions of 
the inconsistencies and absurdities of various historians* accounts of 
Heydrich’s role, or lack of it, in the riots are written with irony and 
even a bit of humor (pp, 89-96). She continues in her next section (pp. 
96-103) with a refutation of the writings and methods of various his- 
torians, but particularly those of Hermann Graml, whose book on the 
‘fl^eichskristallnacht’’ appeared in 1958 and is also discussed by Weck- 
ert in many parts of his book. 

One of the most important questions with which the book deals is 
the actual extent of property damage and the number of killings resul- 
tant from the riots (pp. 127-143, 181-188, 207). The data from various 
(allegedly!) German sources alone is conflicting and dependent on 
such questions as to what constituted a synagogue and how many were 
later destroyed by Allied bombings. If there were 177 synagogues 
destroyed and there had been 1420, that would be approximately 12% 
destroyed (p. 135). One report mentions 844 destroyed shops and 
department stores, another report mentions 7,500. Even if the latter 
figure were correct, it would represent 7 1/2% of the total. One report 
mentions 36 killings, another 91. 

Of 28 Sturmabteilung (SA) Gruppen , only three are reported to 
have participated in destructive actions (p. 174), If 7,000 

) ! demonstrators were involved, that would be only 1/100 of 1% of the 

| German population of that time, 

f The author, who studied Hebrew and later lived in Israel for quite 

some time, devotes a section (pp. 209-216) to the relation of Jews to 
their host populations. She points out the ancient religious factors 
causing hostility toward Jews and Jews* distancing themselves from 
their host populations with the resultant rise of Zionism, which, in 
[ turn, was in agreement with National Socialist efforts to help Jews to 

; emigrate. Even today laws pertaining to citizenship in Israel have a 

! strong similarity to the much-maligned Nuremberg Laws of 1935, It 

seems to me that Weckert should also have mentioned two powerful 
sources of hostility toward Jews after 1917, the role attributed to Jews 
in the brutality of the Communist revolution and the earlier years of 
Soviet government and the perception that Jews enriched themselves 
! by the hyperinflations in many European countries in the early 1920s 

■ (see the Liberty Bell , issue of March 1985, pp. 1-11). 

The author’s Conclusions are summarized on pp, 251-273: Actual- 
| ly > there is no absolute certainty as to the responsibility for the 

“Relchskristallnacht.” She argues effectively that there can be little 
doubt about the complicity of the LICA in the murder of vom Rath 
and points out the enigmatic survival of the young Jew who murdered 
him. The question of who paid the great costs of Grynszpan’s poor 
parents’ emigration to Palestine also suggests the complicity of a finan- 
\ daily powerful organization. There was apparently a need felt by some 

Zionists, such as Jabotinsky, for a murder of a prominent German offi- 
i cial by a Jew and vom Rath just happened to be the victim. If the 

objective of the murder had been to precipitate a pogrom in Germany, 

, there were a number of historical antecedents, such as the murder of 

; Czar Alexander II in 1881. (The reaction of the Russian government to 

1 this crime, we might note in passing, stimulated a huge migration of 

: Jews to the United States.) If the riots against Jews in Germany had 

: been instigated by the National Socialist government itself, such an ac- 

tion would have been met with so little approval on the part of the 
German population as a whole that it would have caused a decline in 
popular support of the National Socialist Party, as its leading figures 
knew very well. Not only Zionists, but also other groups inside and 
outside of Germany looked on any trouble for National Socialism as 
being to their advantage. Hitler himself ordered a cessation of the 

I P violence against Jews, as is clearly shown by the teletyped message 

* from Hitler’s office reproduced on page 117. Himmler ordered the SS 

I and German police to be responsible for protecting Jews. One result 

18 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 19 

of the riots was an intensified effort to assist Jews to emigrate by 
economic aid and affording them the opportunity of transferring their 
assets abroad. A major factor frustrating this effort was the lack of 
willingness of other countries to accept Jewish immigrants, as the 
Evian Conference had shown in the summer of 1938 (p. 221), In the 
summer of 1940 Heydrich, who had been made head of the 
Reichszentrale fur die jiidische Auswanderung in 1939, wrote to Rib- 
bentrop and acknowledged that an emigration of Jews (the real mean- 
jng of the term Ejidldsimg ) the final solution”) had been brought 
largely to a standstill and that a territorial resettlement would have to 
serve as a substitute measure to clear the Reich of Jews. Even the 
record of the Wannsee Conference of 20 January 1942 confirms this. 
Many Germans witnessed the glass on the sidewalks on the morning of 
10 November 1938 and the exaggeration of the events of the previous 
night have been a powerful tool for instilling a feeling of guilt in the 
German population after the war, even though there is no proof that 

leading figures of the National Socialist government were the in- 

Pages 283-301 contain notes and an extensive bibliography. 

There are a number of minor errors in the book which might have 
been eliminated by a more thorough proofreading. On page 77, line 6, 

the word Vortag would make sense after am. Evian is in France, not in 
Switzerland (p. 227). • 

l 1 

Ingrid Weckert’s Feuerzeichen is a lucid work obviously based on 
years and years of energetic research. It is of primary significance for 
understanding correctly and in a proper perspective not only the 
details of the events of 9 November 1939, as far as that is presently 
possible, it also contains a wealth of incisively presented background 
material and analysis of the results of those events, which contributed 
to touching off an avalanche of suffering, far more on the part of 
Aryans than of Jews themselves. Feuerzeichen effectively refutes much 
careless, malicious or mendacious nonsense that has been written and 

spoken about the “Reichskristallnacht.” It deserves to be translated 
into English, r-i 

This article reprinted from Bulletin No. 31, published by the Committee for the 
Reexamination of the Histoiy of the Second World War, Charles E. Weber, Ph.D., 

Chairman, 1628 So. College, Tulsa, OK 74104, Annual subscription to Liberty Bell 
$35.00. J 

Order from: 

Liberty Bell Publications, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 

Charles E. Weber 

WAR BROKE . DOT ON l SEPTEMBER 1939 between Germany and Poland 
after humiliating abuse of the German minority since 1919, when the 
new Polish state annexed large areas of eastern Germany and thus cut 
Germany in two. Hostilities finally commenced after German 
proposals of a modest nature were rejected by a militarily confident 
Poland which was eager to annex even more German territory (see 
Bulletin 18> republished in the Liberty Bell of July 1988). England, 
which feared economic competition from a united German nation, and 
a somewhat hesitant France declared war on Germany three days later 
after issuing a humiliating ultimatum to Germany. Germany at that 
time was a land of limited size and resources, in fact, approximately 
the size of Texas and entirely lacking in overseas territories. It has 
been documented that Roosevelt played an important role in 
precipitating the Second World War (see the article by Mark Weber in 
the Liberty Bell of February 1984). An impoverished Winston Churchill 
was strongly influenced or bought off with the money of a wealthy 
Jewish consortium organized in 1936, as has been revealed by the re- 
search of the famous British historian, David Irving (see Bulletin 12). 
Roosevelt and Churchill seem to have enjoyed the war and are 
portrayed in a very favorable manner in War and Remembrance , 

The costs of the stubbornly fought Second World War were im- 
mense, both to the “victors” and the defeated Germany, on which an 
almost Carthaginian peace was imposed. Japan was accorded consid- 
erably more lenient terms. The British, French, and Dutch empires lar- 
gely disintegrated within a few years after the war. Soviet military 
losses were enormous, but the USSR was able to impose a brutal 
Communist domination upon the eastern half of Europe, a domination 
which had been aided considerably by the United States by sending 
! 14,795 airplanes, 375,883 trucks, and 7,056 tanks to the USSR. Nearly 

four million German civilians were killed in indiscriminate bombings of 
| cities during 1942-1945 and as a result of various other genocidal ac- 

I tions which began in late 1944. The war was prolonged and made more 

! destructive by threats of genocide against Germany as early as 1941 

| (by sterilization) [for details see Germany Must Perish , Order #07009, 

20 Libert)’ Bell / January’ 1989 

Liberty Bell / Jmua/nj 1989 21 


$4.00 4- $1.50 for postage, available from Liberty Bell Publications] 
and by an unwise demand for unconditional surrender by Roosevelt 
and Churchill in January 1943. The persistent psychological and politi- 
cal damage to the Aryan nations is., still present (albeit difficult to 
measure in material terms) in the form of disunity and a confusion of . 
goals of European civilization (see Bulletin 19, republished in the 
Liberty Bell of January 1988). Another result of the Second World War 
was a heavy migration of Jews to the United States and Palestine, 
where the first modern Jewish state was established, as had been en- 
visaged by Zionists in the nineteenth century in order . to escape the 
hostility toward Jews throughout much of Europe, as manifested, for 
example, in the Dreyfus trial in France and the May Laws in Russia. 
The Jewish state in Palestine continues to be a festering sore in the 
eastern Mediterranean area and a heaVy economic and political bur- 
den on the United States. 

Almost as a footnote, we might add that some fraction of the 
350,000 persons who died in German labor and relocation camps (as 
estimated by the International Red Cross in Geneva; see also Journal 
of Historical Review, volume 1, no 1, p.,7) were Jews.) Their deaths 
were largely the result of chaotic conditions in the terminal stages of 
the war, caused by disease and malnutrition resultant from Allied 
bombing of transportation facilities and a general scarcity of food, fuel, 
soap, and medications. In addition, an indeterminate number of Jews 
died from natural causes in an aging population, partisan actions and 
reprisals against them, the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto in April 1943, 
and from other causes (see Bulletin 9). 

The tragic Second World War has been portrayed from an essen- 
tially Jewish point of view in The Winds of War , an American Broad- 
casting Corporation (ABC) television series shown in February 1983 
and an 18-hour sequel to that series, War and Remembrance , shown 
nearly six years later in November 1988, with an even further sequel to 
be shown sometime in the spring of 1989. These series \yere based on 
the very long novels by the Jewish author, Herman Wouk, who was 
born in New York City in 1915. The production costs of these series 
are unprecedented and almost beyond belief, some forty million dol- 
lars for the first series and well over one-hundred million dollars for 
the second series. Cui bono? My discussion of the first series was pub- 
lished in the May 1983 issue of the Liberty Bell , pp. 6-8. 

We now turn to the second series, which was shown from 13 to 23 
November 1988 on seven evenings. In order to provide a framework 

continued on page 39 

22 Liberty Bell / January 1989 


MOST AMERICANS STILL BELIEVE that secret trials and censorship of 
the news happen only in the Soviet Union or in some Latin- American 
dictatorship. So I am going to give readers of this magazine an ex- 
clusive surprise by detailing a super-secret trial going on right now, as 
I am writing this, in Washington, D.C. Yes, believe it or not, this out- 
right inquisition and un-American federal case is in progress as I write 
this column. It began three days ago on October 17, 1988, which hap- 
pens to be my birthday, so I can easily remember the starting date of 
this secret purge trial. It follows the identical lines of such purges 
during the Josef Stalin period in Russia, supposedly kept secret from 
the American public because of the use of confidential “government 
documents” by the prosecution. Substitute 

Washington for Moscow and our Department of Justice for the KGB 
and you have just about what has been depicted many times in films of 
the Soviet Union's trials. 

For nearly eight years, as most readers already know, President 
Ronald Reagan and his administration have delighted in their favorite 
pastime of Libya bashing. Everyone in Washington and in Europe 
knew that Israel was pressuring Mr. Reagan to hit Libya one more 
time in some manner before his final term ends. But no one knew until 
last July just what form this harassment would take. It could have been 
another bombing of innocent civilians in Tripoli or some other equally 
diabolical scheme thought up by the now discredited Lt, Colonel 
Oliver North, a lackey of the Reverend Jerry Falwell fringe element of 
religious crackpots. Even now while in forced retirement from the 
Marine Corps and facing trial in 1989 on 17 criminal charges, Colonel 
North, nevertheless, recently came up with another hare-brained plan 
to murder Libya's Colonel Muammar Khadafy. He wanted to lure the 
Libyan leader aboard a ship where he could be tortured and killed by 
the CIA and MOSSAD agents. Colonel North and his partner in the 
back channel operation at the White House, Mr. Howard Teicher, 
came up with about 100 different ways to murder Colonel Khadafy. It 
was reminiscent of the many attempts by the Kennedy brothers in the 
White House to think up methods to kill Cuba's Fidel Castro. And Mr. 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 28 

Teicher will always be remembered for reacting to ‘the belief that 
Colonel Khadafy had been, killed in the Tripoli raid by excitedly telling 
colleagues, C T11 buy lunch for everybody and not at a cheap place like 
the Exchange/ 5 an inexpensive Friday night staff hangout. 

Readers may have seen on the television network newscasts or 
read about the arrests last July of six Libyans, a Moroccan citizen and 
a naturalized American citizen on charges of violating the U.S. trade 
embargo against Libya. Under this limited financial agreement, the 
People's Committee for Students in McLean, Virginia, was supposed 
to use funds deposited in U.S. banks only for student expenses. 

Since I know most of the people arrested, I was utterly shocked to 
see them arrested by the FBI on television and brought out to a van in 
chains. It happened as I was watching the National Democratic Con- 
vention. Suddenly, a special NBC newscast interrupted the convention 
coverage and I watched in awe as they were being arrested in such a 
harsh manner on a technical charge which could have been handled by 
notification via the mails for such a civil complaint. Instead, it was in- 
flammatory accusations backed up by political hysteria and propagan- 
da methods that would have been admired by the KGB. The arrest of 
my friends was just another staged political publicity stunt, one of Mr. 
Reagan's final gestures of official terrorism against the Arab world 
before leaving the, White House. This is how the president carried out 
his promise to the powerful Israeli Lobby that he would be taking one 
more parting shot at the small nation of Libya which has never done 
anything against the United States. 

Most regular readers of this column know that I have spent time in 
Libya as a guest of Colonel Khadafy and that I am well acquainted 
with the Libyan ambassador at the United Nations as well as other 
officials and diplomats of that North African country. A few nights 
before he was arrested, I had dinner in a Washington restaurant with 
Mr, Milad Shibani, chairman of the Committee for Students. At that 
time, of course, we had no inkling of his impending arrest and trial. He 
is a most outstanding individual, well educated and highly competent 
in the diplomatic field. Of course, no official Libyan diplomats are al- 
lowed in Washington. Mr. Reagan took care of that matter as soon as 
he reached the White House by expelling the Libyan Embassy after 
being pressured to do so by the many Jewish hate groups which have 
exclusive access to the president, although ordinary Americans are 
denied such intimate contact with our chief executive. Despite what 
Colonel North claims, Mr. Shibani and his staff are not planning on 
murdering him. How ridiculous! These people are only interested in 

, t . 

24 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

getting Libyan students to study for advanced degrees at technical 
universities in the United States. They are not busy planning any assas- 
sinations and both the FBI and the Justice Department know this. 

The only reason I know for Colonel North to continue to go 
around shouting that Libyan students are planning to kill him is be- 
cause he has a very guilty conscience for planning the murders of so 
many innocent people in Tripoli. He now has his home in Virginia 
equipped with the very latest computerized alarm systems, including 
robots and armed guards. His conscience must really be hurting. He 
fantasizes about' Libyan or Palestinian hit-men vying with each other 
just to assassinate him and his family. How silly can a person get after 
working at the White House and running a back channel which was 

I always thought that Arab people are too kind-hearted for their 
own good. And Mr. Shibani is living proof of it. Any time I am staying 
at a hotel in Washington, he always gives me his home telephone num- 
ber just in case I should wake up in the middle of the night and need 
something. And officials of other Arab governments are just as cour- 
teous. It is not their nature to bother other people or cause trouble. 
But when America and Israel have tormented the Arab countries for 
forty years or more, you finally have to expect that their perpetual 
good nature would wear thin, as has happened in the West Bank 
during the past year. You cannot continually beat on people and ex- 
pect them not to fight back for their rights some day. 

Of course the false propaganda campaign, emanating from the 
White House, caused many headlines last July in the newspapers read- 
ing that Arabs from Libya planned to kill Colonel North and various 
other U.S. officials. And Colonel North, due to his inflamed passion of 
bitter hatred for the Arab world, did everything he could to keep such 
bad publicity going via speeches and television interviews. But if you 
read those stories carefully and not just go by the headlines, you would 
read at the bottom of every one of them that neither the FBI nor any 
other agency of the U.S. government had even the slightest proof what- 
soever of these accusation about Libya. Then why print deliberate lies? 
Because that is the way Israel and Congress want the American people 
indoctrinated. To illustrate just how successful this vast campaign of 
propaganda lies against Libya during the past eight years has been, you 
only have to look at the polls showing that about 70 percent of the 
American people believe it is all right to bomb Libya and murder 
Colonel Khadafy. But, if these same Americans knew the truth about 
this campaign of sheer deceit, they would not approve of these 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 25 


criminal acts against the small, innocent nation in North Africa. 

It is the old story of politics by propaganda which certainly is 
responsible for the build-up of bitter hatred in this nation against 
. Libya. The Zionist campaign against Colonel Khadafy in this country, 
led by President Reagan, has been so successful that the mere mention 
of the words Libya or Khadafy conjure up black thoughts of sheer ter- 
rorism throughout the world, although not one single case of Libyan 
acts of this type have ever been proved. 

It now seems that the Green Brochure news bulletin about the 
bombing of Libya, which was passed out in front of the White House 
last April on the second anniversary of that fateful act of sheer ter- 
rorism, may have been one cause of the move against the Libyan 
Bureau for Students. But the Libyans didn't write that brochure. I did. 
And I used material from Seymour Hersh of The New York Times , the 
Wall Street Journal , and the Knight-Ridder newspaper chain to verify 
every last detail. It cannot be contested just because Mr. Reagan and 
Nancy didn't like it. 

Now the United States government maintains that a secret trial is 
necessary because certain documents cannot be made public or even 
be shown to the defense for fear of “jeopardizing national security." 
Then how could the defense lawyers prepare for a case in which they 
are not allowed to even glance at the documents involved against their 
clients? Is this truly the American way? Since when does the United 
States Constitution no longer allow a defendant to even hear what has 
caused his arrest and detention? The Constitution and federal laws, so 
far as, I know, do not say that if a defendant is Libyan, he has no rights 
in this nation. Bear in mind that the right to a fair hearing is essential. 
If it is denied to a few, such as in this case, how long will it be before it 
is denied to American citizens in general? 

To understand the illegal and inhuman continued bashing of little 
Libya by the most dedicated of all so-called Christian Zionists, Presi- 
dent Ronald Wilson Reagan, one must go back to the historical root 
causes and criminal influences brought to bear on the White House by 
the powerful Israeli Lobby. 

At all of his many meetings with Israeli or American Jewish 
leaders, Mr. Reagan always describes himself as the number one 
Chris tian-Zionist in the world. I have my own opinions about the 
Christian part of that self-applied, pompous label; but I am absolutely 
certain that he really is a very strong world Zionist in his beliefs, just as 
he claims. He has proved this many times over by placing the interests 
of Israel above the interests of the United States of America. 

26 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

President Reagan proudly proclaims to one and all that he has 
untiringly backed the cause of world Zionism since 1948. He considers 
this the greatest achievement of his lifetime. I have no reason to doubt 
his dedication to Israel. In fact, long before 1948, Hollywood 
moviemaker Jack Warner filled the young actor with intensive Zionist 
propaganda and a life-long hatred of the Arab world. 

Knowing all these facts about President Reagan, it is easy to see 
that no one in his right mind would ever expect him to be. honest and 
fair in his actions concerning the Middle East, and especially towards 
the small nation of Libya. 

The never-ending efforts to bring down the government of Libya 
and to assassinate Colonel Khadafy always originate with the world 
Zionist entity. And although the armed forces of the United States 
were used as the instrument of destruction to carry out these attempts, 
the basic plans came straight from Israeli intelligence services to 
Colonel North and his power-mad accomplices slinking around the. 
back rooms of the White House. Bashing Libya was not done to 
benefit, please, or protect American citizens. It was done solely for the 
benefit of the state of Israel. 

At least three different attempts have been made by CIA and 
MOSSAD agents to infiltrate Libya from Tunisia for the express pur- 
' pose of killing Colonel Khadafy. These unsuccessful schemes cost the 

hard-pressed American taxpayers over ten million dollars. 

At first, Israel and the United States tried to blackmail Egypt into 
invading Libya to destroy the government and get rid of Colonel 
I Khadafy. In order to set the stage and to justify it with the Americari 

public, the cooperation of the American news media was essential. 

1 This was easy to accomplish and U.S. newspapers were happy to run 

cartoons showing Colonel Khadafy as a rat with horns, breathing fire, 
while also printing extremely anti-Libyan editorials containing 
propaganda myths which seemed to have been written in Israel and 
printed without one word being changed. One of the most vicious of 
such articles was the completely fabricated story put out by Mr. Nor- 
j man Pearlstine, managing editor of the Zionist-controlled Wall Street 

; Journal , stating that Libyan terrorist squads had been sent to Europe 

to blow up U.S. bases there. And, of course, the White House staff 
and Colonel North, ever anxious to further ingratiate themselves with 
f the Zionists, echoed whatever absurd rumors Mr, Pearlstine printed in 

his newspaper. 

This nasty campaign went on for about two months before our 
[ European allies demanded some form of proof that Libya was actually 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 27 


planning such drastic action in their respective countries. They notified 
Washington that their own intelligence experts had been unable to 
verify any of the patented nonsense being put out by the Israelis 
through their man at the Wall Street Journal . Then when Washington 
failed to supply them with any. credible evidence, manufactured or 
otherwise, the European diplomats threatened to bring the matter i 

before the United Nations if Mr. Reagan did not prove or recant some 
of his war-mongering statements he gave out to the press just to back > 

up what the Israelis had done and to again incense the American 
people against Libya. , 

Then the Rnight-Ridder newspaper chain released a story by n 

James McCarthney and David Hess, which stated, “over the past 10 j 

days, the Reagan administration has manufactured a nonexistent crisis i 

with Libya as part of an anti-terrorism effort that even top White 
House officials admitted was a complete fabrication. It- began with 
directives from President Reagan to fire a shot across the bow of 
Libyan leader Muammar Khadafy.” 

It was a quite severe blow to the president to have American 
newspapers, even ones favoring Israel, announcing that lies about 
Libya were emanating directly from the White House. When this story ^ 

hit the: streets across America, then Mr. Reagan and the State Depart** j 

tnent were forced to back up and admit that there was no such ■ 

evidence against Libya whatsoever. But still no White House spokes- 
man, dared to tell the truth about the part the Israelis played in starting j 

the entire matter with their stooge at the Wall Street Journal , Mr. ■ 

Pearlstine. ; 

My reaction to this was, now that the White House, the CIA, the 
National Security Council and the State Department have finally been 
caught lying about Libya to please the Zionists, is how are you going to ; 

believe the next big propaganda barrage about Libya, Syria or ! 

whatever the Zionists come up with next time? 

The American people, I hope, will remember that Mr. Reagan 
does not have a very good record for veracity. He lied about the fake 
hit-squads from Libya in 1981 until the FBI proved him wrong. He lied 
about Libya blowing up the nightclub in West Berlin. He lied about 
the Libyans being responsible for the Rome Airport attack. Since, to 
please Israel, he has fabricated stories about Libya for nearly eight 
years now, when are people going to stop believing him? 

As Dr. Ali Treiki, Libya’s ambassador to the U.N., whom I have 
met, told NBC, “If there is any evidence at all, why doesn’t Mr. 

Re&gan present it at the United Nations for all the world to see and 

28 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

judge?” Naturally, Mr. Reagan does not dare take Dr. Treiki up on 
that fair offer because there is no proof and no such Libyan plans for 
acts of terrorism ever existed. 

A few days after my Phoenix radio and television programs in 
which I defended Libya’s right not to be bombed and destroyed, I 
received word from Washington that the Israelis, instead of being 
pleased with the president’s raids on Libya, were furious with him. 
They claimed he did not destroy enough bases in Libya to suit them, as 
he had promised for many years to do. Even the prime minister of 
Israel emphasized the fact that no Libyan air bases were destroyed. It 
seems that although Mr. Reagan had risked world-wide condemnation 
by attacking Libya and committing illegal aggressive acts of terrorism 
to please the Zionists, it was not enough for them. They wanted more 
Libyan blood spilled. As always, they were not satisfied. 

From the Egyptian government, I received information which the 
White House was not anxious for the American people to know. It 
concerned the previously-mentioned secret pressures and threats by 
the United States against Egypt if that nation did not see fit to obey 
Zionist wishes and destroy Libya. 

You see, both American officials and the canny little bunch of war 
criminals who run Israel agreed that it would be much better for all 
concerned if Egypt, with a large standing army, would invade and 
destroy Libya. This way, both the United States and Israel could have 
just sat back and lied about everything, pretending that neither of 
these two Zionist-controlled nations had anything to do with it. It Was 
to seem to the rest of the world to have been merely an Arab conflict 
of interest and strictly an Arab war. Thus, the United States and Israel 
could have avoided adverse world opinion and censure by the United 
Nations for .starting a war in North Africa to bring down the govern- 
ment of Libya. 

But the plan did not work, according to Egyptian officials, who 
flatly refused to cooperate in such a dastardly scheme against a 
brother Arab state. The government of Egypt released information 
stating that the United States had three times attempted to cut foreign 
aid to Egypt if that country did not do the bidding of the Zionists by 
attacking Libya. 

You have heard many times the slang expression, “let’s you and 
him fight.” Well, that was exactly what the United States tried to put 
over on the Egyptians. In essence, President Reagan told Egyptian 
President Hosni Mubarak to initiate military action against Libya— or 
else, Mr. Reagan stressed the fact that the United States had furnished 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 29 

arms to Egypt and he wanted that country to show that it had learned 
how to use them by invading Libya. 

According to President Mubarak’s chief assistant, a White House 
meeting was held in July of 1986 at which Robert McFarlane, then 
National Security Adviser, decided that Egypt should shoot up Libya. 
Both the White House and the CIA approved of the plan. But the 
Egyptians again refused to become a military arm of world Zionism by 
attacking little Libya. 

Next Mr, Reagan sent Vice-Admiral John Poindexter, USN, to 
Cairo to offer President Mubarak all the military funds and arms 
needed for such an unheard of military thrust at Libya. This 
“generous” offer was also quickly turned down by the Egyptian 
government as being an insane idea. 

But in November of that same year, according to Egyptian, 
records, Mr. Reagan tried a third .time to force Egypt into war with 

Now we come to the next phase of the vicious campaign against 
Libya. When the plan to use Egypt failed, Mr. Reagan was in a 
quandry. He then had no alternative except to use United States 
armed forces, or those of Israel, against Libya, a tiny nation of under 
three million people which had never done anything to harm America. 

To completely understand the background of this situation, one 
must realize that the Israelis have been trying to get the United States 
to do something about Libya for many years prior to the election of 
Mr. Reagan in 1980. The Israelis and their well-financed American 
coterie of Jewish hate groups asked President Nixon to close the 
Libyan Embassy in Washington. Mr. Nixon refused, as did the next two 
presidents, Mr. Ford and Mr. Carter. But it was an entirely different 
story once Mr. Reagan took office. When this 'motley group of Arab 
haters approached Mr. Reagan, he closed the Libyan Embassy and 
ordered its personnel out of the United States within four days. There 
was no discussion about it and no cabinet meetings either. It is not Mr. 
Reagan’s nature to question an Israeli demand. He merely obeys. 

One of the most dismal failures in the gigantic propaganda cam- 
paign against little Libya happened for all the world to see in 1981. It 
turned out to be the biggest confidence game ever attempted to rile up 
the public against Libya. Believe it or not, based on unverified infor- 
mation from the Israelis, Mr. Reagan went on national television with a 
rather pitiful appeal to the American people. He tried to gain sym- 
pathy by stating, “Libyan hit squads are coming to kill me. They are 
infiltrating from Windsor, Ontario, Canada through Detroit and up 

30 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

i ‘ 

from Mexico.” 

When the correspondent from The New York Times asked the 
president for proof of this outlandish statement, Mr. Reagan an- 
nounced confidently, “that proof will be forthcoming immediately.” 

He made that statement in December of 1981. This is late in 1988 
and no proof has yet been forthcoming. And to top it off, a sub- 
sequent, year-long FBI investigation concluded that no Libyan hit 
squads ever existed. It was all merely another propaganda lie from the 
Zionists which backfired on them. 

As any reader can plainly see, the almighty Zionists already have 
so much power throughout the world that it is extremely difficult to 
oppose them in any way. So, in another flimsy effort to whip up hatred 
against Libya in the United States and thus to justify another attack 
upon Libya, Mr. Reagan attempted to use the West Berlin nightclub 
bombing as an excuse for such an unsavory act of aggression. Hqwever, 
he was trapped again by allowing unverified statements from the White 
House to be released as official bulletins of the government, which 
contrasted sharply with the actual facts in this particular case. 

Mr. Larry Speakes, his press secretary at that time, got on national 
television with an announcement that radio messages between Tripoli 
and the small Libyan bureau in East Berlin had been intercepted. Mr. 
Speakes boldly proclaimed that in these messages, Colonel Khadafy 
personally ordered the La Belle nightclub bombed. Of course, the 
source of this came from the ever-present Zionists in Washington. It 
did not take long for these remarks to reach West German authorities, 
who quickly informed the White House that the small bureau in East 
Berlin had no means of sending or receiving private radio messages. 
Therefore no messages could have been sent via this means. 

The next morning, Mr. Speakes was forced to call another press 
conference at which he announced that he had been mistaken about 
the radio messages. He then stated that they were commercial cables. 
This prompted Dr. Treiki, Libya’s ambassador at the United Nations, 
to say that no one would be so stupid as to send such messages for acts 
of terrorism in uncoded language over cables for everyone to read 
along the way. 

Both the West German police and the West German intelligence 
service assured Washington that neither Libya nor Colonel Khadafy 
had anything at all to do with the nightclub bombing. But the true facts 
in this case did not stop Mr. Reagan and his Secretary of State George 
Shultz from continuing to blame it entirely upon “Libyan terrorists.” 
They were now desperate for some flimsy excuse to use for raiding 

Liberty Bell / January > 1989 31 

Libya. According to the West Germans, a 27-year-old West German 
woman named Christina Gabriele Endrigkeit actually planted the 
bomb and she had no assistance whatsoever from Libyans. She and her 
accomplices are now serving long prison terms in West Germany for 
this act of terrorism. But Mr. Reagan still says, “The Libyans did it.” 

t ■ • . 

He never gives up. . 

Our European allies and even some U.S. newspapers have sharply 

criticized Mr, Reagan for yet another instance of misinformation about 
Libya. But this has no effect upon the president or Mr. Schultz, whose 
ears are tuned only to the siren song of false Zionist propaganda. 

Mr. Reagan used this nightclub bombing as his excuse for bashing 
Libya even after total proof that it was untrue had reached the White 
House. However, no matter what group was responsible for the 
nightclub bombing, this act could not possibly have had anything at all 
to do with Mr. Reagan’s infamous attack on Libya because he finalized 
plans for this at least three months before the nightclub was bombed. 

During the first six years of Mr. Reagan’s term in the Oval Office, 
the Zionists continually bombarded the president with reasons to 
bomb Libya and kill Colonel Khadafy. They were becoming quite im- 
patient with Mr. Reagan, saying that he should have done this as soon 
as he got in the White House. Under such pressure as only the 
American-Israel Political Action Committee can bring to bear on a 
president, Mr. Reagan was now grasping at straws to find some excuse 

to attack Libya. 

As accurate as my own sources of information may be, you need 
not rely solely upon them. Mr. Seymour Hersh, a veteran correspon- 
dent, has written in his new book and in The New York Times , that 
the primary aim of the Tripoli bombings was to kill the Libyan leader. 
And I must point out that this was written by a generally pro-Israel 
writer. We both came up with the same information for the most part. 
Here is another direct quotation from Mr. Hersh in The New York 
Times of February 22, 1987: 

“Eighteen American war planes set out from Kakenheath Air 
Force Base in England last April 14 to begin a 14-hour, 5,400-mile 
round-trip flight to Tripoli, Libya. It is now clear that nine of those Air 
Force F-llTs had an unprecedented peace-time mission. Theft target: 
to kill Colonel Khadafy and all of his family. The mission, authorized by 
the White House, was to be the culmination of a five-year clandestine 

effort by Mr. Reagan to eliminate Khadafy.” 

There you have the same information I have been writing since the 
raids. And it appeared in the Zionist-owned New York Times . Mr. 

32 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Hersh reached this conclusion after interviewing over 70 current and 
former, officials in the White House, the State iDepartment, the CIA, 
the National Security Agency, and the Pentagon. The attempt on 
Khadafy’s life was plotted carefully and in total secrecy by a small 
group of radical military and civilian officials whom Mr. Reagan could 
trust. They were all selected by the president for their professed love 
of Israel and their hatred for the Arabs. A back channel was set up to 
limit information to a few insiders. The leaders were the same pair 
involved in the infamous Iran-Contra affair, Vice-Admiral John Poin- 
dexter, and Colonel Oliver North who was personally trained by the 
i Israelis for these missions. I might point out that some misguided 

Americans still consider Colonel North as some kind of a national 
! hero despite his solid, sworn allegiance to a foreign power, namely the 

outlaw state of Israel. 

Mr. Hersh also mentioned in his book that William Casey, then 
director of the CIA, was in on the fake Libyan hit-squad story of 1981. 

Israel was interested in blowing up everything in Libya and leaving 
behind nothing but the scorched desert. But Mr. Reagan was obsessed 
with murdering Colonel Khadafy. He studied the files on the many 
failed attempts on the life. 'of Fidel Castro of Cuba by the CIA and the 
Kennedy clan back in the 1960*5 and he did not wish to fail so glaringly 
as President John F. Kennedy did in trying to do away with Mr. 
Castro. The president told friends that he wanted to be remembered in 
the history books as the man who killed Khadafy. And he even 
promoted the Air Force officer directly in charge of the raid, Colonel 
Sam Westbrook III, to the rank of brigadier general and gave him the 
plush assignment as commandant of the Air Force Academy in 
Colorado Springs despite the fact that he failed in the specific task of 
killing Colonel Khadafy. 1 

Colonel North, as chief planner of the most controversial and dis- 
graceful military mission in our nations history, did not take many 
people into his confidence while the plans were being worked out. One 
of his chief assistants was the aforementioned Howard Teicher, an Is- 
I raeli Firster who always expressed bitter hatred for the Arab world, 

He was listed in this nefarious scheme as the National Security 
I Council’s Near East specialist. 

But I can assure you that this pair were not the only ones : who 
were celebrating prematurely that night the supposed “death” of the 
y Libyan leader. Secretary of State George Shultz was dancing around in 

) sheer delight, much in the same clumsy way he did in Moscow when he 

wore his yarmulke during the famous Jewish religious celebration at 


Liberty Bell / January 1989 33 

the U.S. Embassy. However, Mr. Reagan himself was the happiest of 
all the celebrators. He thought he was now assured of great praise 
from his Zionist friends all over the world for killing their most hated 
enemy. One official in the room that night said that the president had 
likened himself to St. George who had slain the dragon. He actually 
thought that he had done the world a very great favor. 

The White House made up glowing press releases about the 
“death” of Colonel Khadafy and awaited final confirmation from Is- 
raeli agents on the ground in Tripoli before releasing it. But all this joy 
turiied to extreme sadness when word came through that the Libyan 
leader was untouched and alive and in good health. The press state- 
ment, which had already been shown to the Associated Press and 
other privileged members of the press corps, had to be torn up and 
discarded. The White House situation room was now like a morgue. 
Silence reigned. There were some crocodile tears. The earlier Air 
Force report which declared that Khadafy was killed had been wrong. 

Now the White, House was faced with the chore of putting out a 
brand new press release about the raid, one that did not include the 
“death” notice of Colonel Khadafy. This caused the most unusual 
about-face ever by any American president. Although he had been 
overjoyed at the mere thought of having done away with the Libyan 
leader, Mr. Reagan immediately changed his tale to just the opposite 
position. He had the nerve to exclaim to the press that he had not 
been trying to murder Colonel Khadafy. Well, now, you could have 
fooled me! When a president personally orders- at least six 2,000-pound 
bombs to be dropped on a man’s home, he IS trying to kill him, 

whether he admits it or not. 

The president got some far-out advice from some of his so-called 
“experts” like General Alexander Haig, the overbearing Arab hater 
who gave Israel the “go ahead” signal for the 1982 invasion of 
Lebanon. Perhaps the worst advice was the nonsense about why it was . 
necessary to kill not only Colonel Khadafy but all members of his fami- 
ly as well. As stupid as it may seem, Mr. Reagan was told that in 
Bedouin culture Colonel Khadafy would be totally discredited and 
even finished as a leader if his family were slain because it would show 
that he could not protect his own house, let alone an entire country. 
The state department “experts” came Up with the absurd theory that if 
this happened, Colonel Khadafy would be run out of the country by an 
aroused mob of his own people. “If you really get at Colonel Khadafy s 
home, an extension of his family, you’ve then destroyed an important 
connection for the people in terms of national loyalty,” Mr. Reagan 

34 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

was told by his “experts,” according to Mr. Hersh’s book. 

To me, the most interesting part about the entire affair was 
Colonel North's statement about relying totally on Israeli agents in 
Tripoli: I never knew that it was possible to have so many CIA and 
Israeli spies inside Libya, right in Tripoli, But, according to Colonel 
North, these agents pinpointed Colonel Khadafy's exact location all 
during the night of the bombing. The last fix on the Libyan leader 
prior to the actual attack was sent out of Tripoli at 11:16 P.M, Libyan 
time, two hours and 45 minutes before the first bombs fell. He was 
reported at work in his tent and this was relayed by radio to the Air 
Force jets en route. Still, despite all this evidence, the White House 
announced that it had no knowledge of the Libyan leader's 
whereabouts. Incredible! 

I have been on over 100 radio and television programs during the 
past year talking about terrorism and defending the right of Libyans 
not to be killed by American and Israeli acts of terrorism. And I am 
the only person in the entire United States to have done this. Natural- 
ly, it has made me very unpopular at the White House and in 
Washington generally. What the American people do not understand 
is that no Arab government officially sponsors terrorism of any 
description. But both the United States and Israel do at the highest 
levels of government. All Arab acts of terrorism, such as the hijacking 
of planes, are committed by outlaw groups such as the Black Septem- 
ber gang at the Munich Olympics. I must point out that the, by com- 
parison, tiny amount of Arab terrorism has been born out of virtual 
slavery and resentment in the Israeli occupied Arab homelands. And it 
has been minimal over the years. I would call that kind of restraint 
almost a miracle in comparison with the unbridled acts of murder and 
terrorism unleashed constantly by both the U.S. and Israel against the 
undefended portion of the Arab world, 

Mr. Reagan calls Colonel Khadafy a terrorist. But the actual facts 
do not point to the Libyan leader as being involved in such acts. It is 
just the opposite. Mr. Reagan has had the overseas branch of the FBI, 
Interpol, British intelligence, French intelligence, the CIA, MOSSAD, 
and the Italian Army intelligence units all trying to find some evidence 
that Colonel Khadafy is engaging in terrorism for the past eight years. 
So far they have not found even one shred of proof that such is the 
case. Based on this, it seems safe to state that Colonel Khadafy is not 
committing terrorist acts or else all these excellent intelligence gather- 
ing sources would have been able to detect it by now. 

On the other hand, we have more than ample evidence about Mr. 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 35 

Reagan’s terrorist actions, especially when he personally ordered the 
powerful guns of the battleship USS New Jersey to fire on civilian tar- 
gets in the Beirut area resulting in 5,000 casualties and leaving over 
100,000 people homeless in that stricken land of pestilence and war. 
This was not only terrorism, it was terrorism on a grand scale, un- 
matched by any Arab terrorists. 

I would also like to point out some false statements printed 
recently in this magazine by a retired U.S. Air Force officer who stated 
that the planes raiding Libya overcame sophisticated defenses there, 
•[’here are no such defenses in Libya. They have no weapons that come 
within 20 years of what is used by American forces. The country was 
totally undefended when attacked. That is why the attack was made. 
Mr. Reagan only attacks easy targets such as Libya, Lebanon and little 
Grenada. He would not dare to attack Cuba because the Cubans do 
have sophisticated weapons and could defeat any U.S. attacks, just as 

happened at the Bay of Pigs. t 

Colonel North has stated that the Libyan students in the United 

States have weapons at their bureau, located at 1365 Beverly Road in 
McLean, Virginia. I have been in every office of this building many 
times and there are no weapons there or any other place in the hands 
of these Students who are here to get advanced degrees at American 
universities. They are not terrorists. Besides, the FBI has them all 
under constant surveillance and would thus know about anything like 
this. The top floors of a building across the street from the Libyan 
bureau has FBI men watching and taking photographs of everyone 
entering the Libyan offices, including me. The Libyans have no secrets 

from the FBI. 

The United Nations report reveals that Mr. Reagan’s bombing ot 
Libya caused 41 deaths and 226 severely wounded. They were mostly 
civilians, including a large number of children. A pretty good score, I 
would have to say for the American terrorist attack. From this excel- 
lent example of terrorism we have learned that not all acts of this kind 
are carried out by sneaky people with forged passports, who plant 
bombs in airports and night clubs. Some of the greatest acts of ter- 
rorism are ordered by people in safe places, who use the armed might 
of American military forces to murder people indiscriminately, that is, 
if you consider Arabs as human beings too, which many brainwashed 
Americans do not. 

Former president Jimmy Carter called Mr. Reagan’s raid on Libya 
a crime and stated that if Mr. Reagan had killed his daughter in the 
manner in which he murdered Colonel Khadafy’s adopted daughter, 

36 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

' then he would Spend the rest of his life to bring the man who ordered 
it to justice. • • ■ 

May God have mercy on Mr. Reagan’s soul, if he has one. O 

• , !’* r ^ ■ .* 

•. yr\ , 

This aHicfe first iVppeare;(Ijii the Jahiiary 1989 issue of Liberty Bell. 

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prices:’ ; lilllll VIETNAM (Sept. 1986 issue): 4/$L5(l 10/S3.00 

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Liberty Bell / January 1989 37 




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38 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

WAR AND REMEMBRANCE, continued from page 22 

for the discussion of the series, a superimposition of soap opera 
material on what purports to be a history of the Second World War, 
let ns, now attempt a summary of the complicated, interwoven plots, 

while noting the dates of the broadcasts. 

V • ■ 3 . , ■ 

h ■ r : ; 

November 13th 

i Admiral Victor Henry, who played a prominent role in the 1983 
series, is given command of a ship after the Japanese attack on Pearl 
Harbor. Roosevelt requests the bombing of Japan. In Naples, Italy, the 
German diplomat, Werner Beck, returns a manuscript to his former 
professor, Aaron Jastrow, a famous Jewish historian who also played a 
prominent role in the 1983 series. In Auschwitz (December 1941) Zyk- 
lon~B is used to gas Jews, carbon monoxide having proved inefficient 
in Treblinka. Rhoda, the admiral’s wife, meets her lover, Palmer. The 
Japanese are advancing toward Singapore. The Devilfish , the sub- 
marine on which Admiral Henry’s son, Byron Henry, is serving,, nar- 
rowly escapes from Japanese depth charges after it attempt to sink a 
Japanese ship. The Japanese continue their advance toward Singapore, 
from which Pamela Tudsbury’s father is broadcasting as a war 
reporter. On 18 December 1941 Hitler meets with his generals in Ras- 
tenburg, East Prussia. Churchill, who has come to Washington, and 
Roosevelt agree on a “Germany first” policy. The Devilfish sinks a 
Japanese tanker. Natalie Henry, the Jewess married to Byron Henry, 
and her uncle, Aaron Jastrow, are on a ship which is to sail for Pales- 
tine, but decide to stay in Italy. 

November 15th 

Slote, an American diplomat who has been transferred from Mos- 
cow to Bern, Switzerland, is told about massacres of Jews at Minsk. 
Hong Kong and the Philippines fall to the Japanese. Admiral Henry 
receives an anonymous note informing him of his wife*s infidelity. Slote 
is secretly handed a document while watching a motion picture. After 
dancing with a Jewess and kissing her in her car, Slote returns to the 
embassy and expresses his horror upon reading the document, the 
record of the Wannsee Conference of 20 January 1942. Aaron Jastrow 
is back in his home in Siena, Italy, where he has a discussion with 
Werner Beck. Singapore falls on 15 February. Hitler is shown with, his 
generals, expressing a desire for Russian land. Roosevelt is despondent 
about the loss of the Philippines. He is sick but he disobeys his 
physician’s admonishment not to smoke. The bombing of Japan (18 

Libert y Bell / January 1989 39 

April 1942) that Roosevelt had requested is very costly but helps 
-American morale. Japanese officers plan to capture Midway Island. 
'Eiehmann has, a discussion with Beck aUd' tells him- that Hitler Wants to 
• Cleanse 'Europe of Jews. Beck, shocked and on the defensive as a 
result of his friendship with Jastrow, says he will try to induce Jastrow 
to make radio broadcasts favoring Axis objectives. There now follows a 
•very long sequence at Auschwitz which centers around ReichsfOhrer- 
SS Himmler’s witnessing the execution by gas of a tramload of Jews 
.from the Netherlands which has just arrived. There had been a feverish 
Construction of dwellings for the arriving Jews. Himmler inspects the 
huge I.G. Farben plants at Auschwitz. Now Jews are shown being 
herded into a building while vicious dogs bark at them. The Jews un- 
dress and are sent to a farm house fitted with gas-emitting Shower- 
heads disguised as a disinfecting facility. Himmler observes while there 
is a desperate pounding on the locked doors of the shower room. 
Zyklon-B has been used to kill the Jews, whose bodies are then 
dumped from carts into a nearby, long trench. Lime is dumped on the 
bodies. Himmler is so pleased by the operation that he promotes 
Hoess, the camp commandant, to the rank of Obersturmbannfuhrer. 
Back in Siena, Beck puts pressure on Jastrow to make radio broad- 
casts for the Axis, but Jastrow later tells his niece that he will not do so 
because he is an American citizen. 


- v ; 

November 16th 

,v •: Byron Henry, his brother Warren, and Admiral Henry are relaxing 
at home. While at a party, Byron persuades an officer to sign orders 
sending him to duty on the Atlantic. Now the Battle of Midway (June 
1942) is shown in a long and exciting sequence. The Yorktown is sunk 
and Warren Henry is killed, but the outnumbered U.S. naval forces are 
victorious in the crucial battle. Shortly after her son s death, Rhoda 
Henry, the admiral’s wife, attends a party in Hollywood, after which 
Pamela Tudsbury tells Rhoda that she deeply loves Admiral Henry 
and that she knows about Rhoda’s love affair. Tobruk falls. Churchill 
must tell Stalin that there can be no Allied second front during 1942. 
Aaron Jastrow now sees that he must escape to neutral Lisbon. 

November 17 th 

At Siena, Beck demands that Jastrow be ready in five days to 
make the broadcasts which Beck had demanded. Now Jastrow and his 
niece leave for Elba. In Bern, Slote learns that the Italians have confis- 
cated Jastrow's property. Slote talks with great concern to his supe- 

40 Libert)* Bell l January 1989 



riors about the Wannsee document. His superior agrees to relay the 
information for SUmner Wells (August 1942). Rhoda Henry meets her 
lover in Chicago and after leaving him meets a colonel on a train head- 
ing 'east. Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands are invaded by 
American forces. The German forces in Russia begin to falter. Hitler 
rants at his generals, one of whom warns Hitler against an advance 
. into the Caucasus,’ where Romanian and Italian troops would be 
guarding flanks of the German salient. Jastrow and his niece leave 
Elba and by 30 October they are in Marseilles. Byron Henry, who had 
- been assigned duty in Gibraltar, finally encounters his wife after a long 

November 20th 

In Marseilles, Byron Henry sees his little son for the first time, but 
he must depart for duty after he and his wife have unsuccessfully 
sought papers from the Vichy government so that they could leave for 
Portugal. Pamela's father is killed in North Africa when a Jeep in 
which he is riding hits a mine. While on a train, Hitler is writing a 
speech for a gathering of old Party comrades in Munich on 9 Novem- 
ber 1942, the nineteenth anniversary of the 1923 putsch. Hitler is in- 
formed of the movement of American troops to North Africa. After 
southern France is occupied by German troops on 11 November 1942, 
American diplomatic officials, Jastrow and his niece are interned at 
Lourdes. The situation around Stalingrad is deteriorating for German 
forces in late November 1942 but Hitler refuses to permit a retreat 
from the Volga. There now follows a long sequence at Auschwitz and 
many details are shown of new gassing and cremating facilities, An 
attempt is made to destroy previously buried bodies of internees by 
means of flame throwers. Internees who have been apprehended after 
an escape attempt are very cruelly punished. Admiral Henry must 
abandon his sinking ship at Guadalcanal. 

22 November 

Admiral Henry, having lost the Northhampton , returns just before 
Christmas to his wife in Washington. He is ordered to attend a small 
conference with Roosevelt and other officers. Roosevelt asks him 
about the situation in the Pacific and remarks that the Jewish situation 
is awful. At the State Department in Washington Slote complains that 
his report has been castrated by excisions. His superior says that he is 
not anti-Semitic but that Jews must be helped “within the Law." At a 
New Year's party Admiral Henry and Rhoda encounter the colonel 

Libert)* Bell / January 1989 41 

whom Rhoda had met on the train. Later Slote and Admiral Henry 
talk about Natalie’s situation. The prediction is made that if the war 
goes on another two years every Jew in Europe will be dead. Jastrow 
and Natalie are sent by train to Baden-Baden. Byron and his com- 
manding officer examine a new submarine but complain about the 
poor quality of its torpedoes. Warren Henry’s widow does not want 
Byron to know about the love affair she is having with his commanding 
officer; a bedroom scene follows. On 24 January 1943 Roosevelt and 
Churchill, meeting at Casablanca, agree to a demand of unconditional 
surrender for Germany and tell reporters about it. German generals 
find out about the demand. Although Hitler promoted General Paulus 
while his forces were trapped at Stalingrad, he now rants because 
Paulus did not kill himself rather than surrendering. At Stalingrad 
200,000 German soldiers have died and 100,000 have become prisoners 
of the Bolsheviks. Goebbels proclaims days of mourning. General 
Haider wants to kill Hitler. The Americans are finally victorious at 
Guadalcanal. Admiral Henry has now traveled to Moscow, where the 
American ambassador intends to demand that the Russians do more 
to acknowledge American aid. Admiral Henry puts the pressure on a 
Russian general, who takes him to the front around the starving 
Leningrad under siege. Americans fear that the USSR might make a 
separate peace. Jastrow has been sent to Paris for an operation, ac- 
companied by his niece, who meets an American lady married to a 
count. Natalie, who is now working in a library, is again encountered 
by Werner Beck at the library, 

November 23rd . u 

On 23 April 1943 Beck takes Natalie Henry to the Paris opera but 

again mentions the dangers to her and her uncle if the latter does not 
cooperate in making the radio broadcasts. The countess advises 
Natalie to go to Baden-Baden under the protection of a Swiss repre- 
sentative. She and her uncle get on a train for Baden-Baden but the 
train is mysteriously delayed. She and her uncle are taken from the 
train on the pretext that her uncle is still too sick to travel. Now there 
is an exhumation of corpses of internees that had been buried at a 
previous time. The exhumation is accompanied by a search for gold 
teeth and other valuables on the corpses before they are consumed by 
a huge fire made from wood and gasoline (!), The scene now shifts 
back to the Ukraine, at a site near Kiev, An enormous ditch is shown 
where prisoners are being shot while Ukrainian (?) civilians eat ice 
cream while they watch. At Auschwitz there is an attempted uprising 

in which a prisoner grabs a machine gun, with which he kills a number 
* of German soldiers, but the prisoner is soon shot himself. As punish- 
ment, every fourth prisoner is picked out of a line to be executed. In 
the New Hebrides area the submarine Moray , on which Byron Henry is 
serving, sinks a destroyer, a troop ship, and two freighters. Henry is 
upset at the killing of the Japanese troops struggling in the water. The 
submarine returns to Pearl Harbor in great triumph and each member 
of the crew is congratulated by Admiral Nimitz. The captain of the 
submarine wants Byron to be his executive officer. Afterward Warren 
Henryks widow goes to the captain’s room for his embraces. In the 
Tarnopol region two prisoners escape from a German ferry with intel- 
ligence information, Rommel returns to Berlin after his final defeat in 
, North Africa. Hitler summons Rommel and tells him that a consoling 
result of the action in North Africa was the upsetting of Roosevelt’s 
timetable. Rommel hints darkly at disturbing events in Poland, setting 
Hitler into a rage and saying that Jews are a security problem, Rom- 
mel predicts the Allied invasion of Sicily, A huge offensive ordered by 
Hitler in the Kursk area results in huge German losses. This is fol- 
lowed by an elaborate victory celebration in Moscow on 20 July 1943. 
Miss Tudsbury sees the admiral at the British embassy, On 25 July 
Mussolini is ousted in Italy, causing Hitler to rant about the Italians 
(except his friend Mussolini) and to call Jesus the bastard son of a 
Roman soldier. After leaving Paris for Prague by train, Jastrow and his 
niece are taken to Theresienstadt, where there is a Ghetto reputed to 
be a “paradise ghetto,” but on arrival Jastrow and his niece observe 
wretched conditions. The internees have to surrender their Jewels and 
other valuables. Natalie’s little son is taken from her to be put into a 
children’s home. 

So ends the 18-hour series, to be followed by a further series in 
the spring of 1989. 

The septuagenarian Robert Mitchum seems too old to play the 
role of an active naval officer and his wife seems to old to be over- 
whelmed by her estrogen on more than one occasion. There are also 
other miscastings. Jews are played by Aryans and vice versa. The half- 
starving, somber, cold Europe of the war years is hardly captured by 
the film. The actors look too clean and well-fed. The Jews look as if 
they were free of typhus-bearing lice (see Bulletin 13> republished in 
the Liberty Bell of August 1987). As a result of the long lapse of time 
after the 1983 series, a number of actors had to be replaced. Ali Mac- 
Graw was old enough to be her husband’s mother (i.e., Natalie, the 

42 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 43 

vwife of Byron Henry) at the time of the, production of the 1983 series 
,<and was replaced by Jane Seymour, who is not as convincing as an 
• overbearing Jewess. The late John Hausman is replaced by Sir John 
USielgud as the aging scholar, Aaron Jastrow. Hitler also looks -dif- 
ferent and is not as ugly as in the 1983 series. It was rather astonishing 
i to. see Robert Mitchum in the film at all, inasmuch as he provoked 
/Jewish wrath by uttering some words of doubt about the “Holocaust” 

■ in an interview published in Esquire of February 1983. 

The 1988 series was shown at a time when there is a growing anger 
on the part of American taxpayers about having to support the 
criminal, parasitic Jewish state in Palestine with billions and billions of 
dollars per annum. It was also shown at a time when more than a few 
Americans are beginning to pay attention to the arguments of the 
;■ revisionist historians concerning various aspects of the Second World 
War. Was the timing of the broadcasts a coincidence? It has been 
reported that the series has lost $20,000,000, in spite of the money paid 
for advertisements by a number of corporation giants, such as Ford, 
IBM, General Electric, VISA, McDonald’s, and Burger King. Viewers 
who found the series offensive might consider avoiding the purchase of 
their products. The amount of money spent on the production of these 
series is frightening. There can be no doubt about their effects on 
American thinking about the history of theSecond World War and its 
ramified implications (discussed in Bulletin 19 , republished in the 
Liberty Bell of January, 1988). The historical revisionists, who should^ 
have an opportunity to criticize these series, can be heard by only a 
quite limited number of people because their access to opinion-shap- 
ing television is nil. They are almost analogous to a boy throwing 
stones at a tank. 

As in the case of the 1983 series, dates are often flashed on the 
screen to give the viewer the impression that the film shows actual 
historical happenings which have been reconstructed with precision, 
rather than fiction. The dialogues, such as the one between Hitler and 
Rommel (23 November) are pure, unfounded fantasy for the most 

Many will have found these series in bad taste as a result of 
several factors; the historical distortions and falsehoods, the un- 
balanced presentation of the war centered around Jews as if their suf- 
ferings were central, the improbable, dramatically absurd coincidences 
and the interspersing of the tragic history of the war with advertise- 
ments for hamburgers, dog food, credit cards, perfumes, and fast 
automobiles. The film is further trivialized by the interweaving of soap 

opera material, which acts likethe sticky material on fly paper, used to 
attract viewers to Wouk’s questionable version of the Second World 
War, a version which unany viewers would find boring in itself. 

The producers of this series had an inherent advantage for their 
obvious indoctrinational objectives. Patriots usually want to believe 
that wars fought by their countries were for a good cause and that 
their sacrifices were not in vain. Not all American soldiers, however, 
were enchanted with the conduct and the outcome of the Second 
World War, such as Colonel John Beaty, author of the important Iron 
Curtain Over America (1951) [available from Liberty Bell Publications; 
order #09005, $8.00 + $1.50 for postage and handling], and Senator 
Joseph McCarthy. No less a figure than Senator Robert Taft of Ohio 
was one of the most effective critics of the Nuremberg trials and was 
praised by John F. Kennedy. A number of Americans employed in the 
trials resigned in disgust at the cynical disregard of established legal 
principles. One notable example was F.P. Yockey, author of Imperium 
(1948) [available from Liberty Bell Publications; order #09001, $12.00 
+ $1.80 for postage and handling]. 

A slick 24-page booklet to accompany the film is designed to cre- 
ate interest in the series and the study of the history of the Second 
World War and the plight of Jews during it. There are even rather 
pedantic thought questions for pupils reviewing the film. There is also 
a rather extensive list of books, which does not include, of course, 
books that dispute the Extermination Thesis, such as those by Arthur 
Butz, Thies Christophersen, Wilhelm Staglich, Walter Sanning, and 
Charles Weber. Christophersen and Staglich were German officers sta- 
tioned at Auschwitz during the war. The National Education Associa- 
tion recommends the series, but how can such an unbalanced 
presentation be forced on naive pupils as an objective study of history? 
What American pupils need is a study of the history of Communism, 
the present danger to our very existence. 

< Polish hostility toward Jews was a feature of the 1983 series but is 
strangely lacking in the 1988 series. Was this a stipulation made by the 
Communist “Polish” government for its cooperation in the production? 
There is no mention whatsoever of the Soviet massacre of some 15,000 
captured Polish officers at Katyn and other places. Nor is there men- 
tion of the other crimes committed during the Soviet occupations 
which took place from 1939 to 1941, from eastern Finland in the north 
to eastern Rumania in the south. Was the pro-Soviet nature of the 
series likewise a stipulation of the Soviet government for its 

44 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 '45 

One topic persistently emphasized in the series is the indifference 
of the American government and its diplomatic officials to alleged 
German intentions to destroy all European Jews. This topic is treated 
extensively in the book by David S. Wyman, fhe Abandonment of the 
lews (1984), a book which seems to have contributed heavily to the 
film. Perhaps one of the indoctrinational objectives of this emphasis is 
the creation of feelings of guilt in American viewers. The topic is 
developed especially in the broadcast of 15 November, where the U.S. 
diplomatic official, Slote, is supposed to have received a copy of the 
minutes of the Wannsee Conference held in Berlin on 20 January 1942. 
If one actually reads this document, however, he will find plans for the 
relocation of Jews and their industrial employment but no plans for 
their extermination. This is one of the instances of falsification of his- 
tory in the series. Did Wouk read it? The "Wannsee Protokoll” is 
reproduced and discussed in great detail by Wilhelm Staglich in his 
crucially important Auschwitz Myth. Although Wyman has to concede 
that Roosevelt himself (p. 311) was in the “forefront” of inaction on 
measures to rescue the Jews of Europe, he is portrayed favorably in 
the series. It must be considered significant that some of Roosevelt s 
Jewish associates (Baruch, Lehman, Frankfurter, and Rosenman) 
remained inactive in the face of reports of extermination of Jews, as 
Wyman points out (p. 316). Perhaps reports such as the Vrba Report 
(p. 289 in Wyman’s book) looked a bit too silly to be credible. If a 
“Holocaust” had been going on, Roosevelt and Co. would certainly 
have received credible intelligence reports about it which would have 
been shouted from the housetops to stimulate the war effort. 

It seems strange that in the broadcasts of 22 or 23 November there 
is no mention of the uprising of Jews in Warsaw, where there were still 
so many Jews as late as April 1943 that they could engage German 
armed forces for several weeks. 

The six-million figure for Jewish mortality at the hands of the Ger- 
mans has become an embarrassment even for Jewish historians who 
make any pretense at objectivity, but it is stubbornly retained in the 
film and the 24-page booklet to accompany it. It is doubtful that Hitler 
ever had control of much over half that many Jews (see Walter N. 
ba nnin g, The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry , 1983). Even the 
portrayal of Auschwitz as a location of mass gassings of Jews is a bit 
out-of-date as a result of the accumulating evidence against it, most 
recently the important forensic Leuchter Report (1988) [25 copies of 
this report are available, first-come first-served, at $30.00 postpaid 
from Liberty Bell Publications]. Now, less accessible locations in east- 

ern Poland have become more fashionable. as locations for mass gass- 
ings of Jews. Mass deportations of Jews did not take place until nearly 
three years after the beginning of the war. They were interned for 
reasons of public health and military security. There is no mention in 
the film of the much swifter internment of persons of Japanese descent 
in the United States. 

The sequence at Auschwitz toward the end of the broadcast of 15 
November shows the alleged gassing of Jews from the Netherlands in 
great and horrifying detail, even to the point of instructions to the in- 
ternees in Dutch and the barking of menacing dogs. However, this se- 
quence is self-contradictory. There had been a feverish construction of 
dwellings for the new arrivals and Himmler’s inspection of the huge 
industrial installations which required the labor of and operation by 
internees. How many viewers noticed this inconsistency? There would 
be no point in a further discussion here of the falsehoods involved in 
this sequence since this has been dene quite effectively by Butz, Chris- 
tophersen, Staglich, et al, Rudolf Hoess, who was commandant at 
Auschwitz until November 1943, is shown a number of times in the 
series. His inconsistent writings were largely a product of his time in a 
Polish prison prior to his execution. The absurdities in his writings are 
analyzed in detail by W. Staglich in his Auschwitz Myth. Wouk seems to 
have used Hoess’s writings as a source. 

There are a number of deprecations of Christianity in the film. 
Aaron Jastrow had converted to Christianity in his earlier years but 
said in a cavalier tone that he soon dropped it. The Jewess who warm- 
ly kissed Slote in her car has regrets about having kissed a man of 
another race. Germans, the inheritors of an important Christian tradi- 
tion, are shown in the worst possible light, while Jews are shown as 
noble and just, as in the case of the 1983 series. 

A booklet of some size could be written to refute and put in 
proper perspective the materials in these series. Let us hope that such 
a booklet will be written and that this “docudrama” will produce such 
a revulsion and boredom in viewers that it will be the last of its offen- 
sive and disgusting kind. - □ 

This article reprinted from Bulletin No. 32, published by the Committee for the 
Reexamination of the History of the Second World War, Charles E. Weber, Ph.D., 
Chairman, 1628 So. College, Tulsa, OK 74104. Annual subscription to Liberty Bell 

Order from: 

Liberty Bell Publications, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 

Liberty Bell f January 1989 47 

46 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

POSTSCRIPTS', continued Prom page lJf 



When the untutored masses in the northern states of the 
Federal Union, their minds addled by an hallucinatory supersti- 
tion, permitted a vicious gang of fanatics and freebooters, whose 
minds festered with envy, greed,, malice) and righteousness, to 
destroy the Union and drive- them into- a criminally fratricidal as- 
sault on their own race in the southern states,, they decreed their 
own doom. After one of the greatest crimes of all history) they 
were so proud of their own bloody hands that, having freed, the 
niggers, they proceeded to enslave themselves by easy stages and 
are now serfs in the country that once was theirs. 

A concise and candid history of the great American tragedy 
has yet to be written, but the materials for it, already formidably 
voluminous and complex, are still being augmented. The most 
recent addendum is Judah P: Benjamin, the Jewish Confederate, 
by Eli N. Evans, a handsomely printed volume published by Mac- 
millan (Free Press), 1988. 

The author, who is a Jew despite his seemingly Welsh name, 
prefaces his work with a quotation from Stephen Vincent Benet’s 
“John Brown’s Body,” beginning with the lines that describe Ben- 
jamin, who was both Secretary of War and Secretary of State of 
the Confederacy, at a meeting of President Davis’s Cabinet: 

Judah P. Benjamin, the dapper Jew.... 

• Looked round the council-chamber with the slight 

Perpetual smile he held before himself 

Continually like a silk-ribbed fan. 

Behind the fan, his quick, shrewd, fluid mind 

Weighed Gentiles in an old balance. 

That picture of the Jew, secure in his racial ability to hide his 
own thoughts and sentiments as he watches with secret amuse- 
ment the stupid Aryans and calculates how he can best profit from 
their folly, sets the tone for the whole book, from the front of its 
dust-jacket to the panel at the back, where we find a photograph 
of the author, wearing the same slight smile. 

Much of the book is taken up with anecdotes, little better than 

1. The name cannot properly be called a mask, because the Welsh 

'Evan,’ like the English ‘John,’ is derived from Iohannes, the Latin form 
of the Jewish name, YHWHNN (of which the first element is the name 
of Yah, the Jews’ tribal god), which Christianity foisted on our race. 

gossip, about the “problem” of Benjamin’s Jewishness, and 
manage to suggest how keenly the Jews in the United States suf- 
fered from “prejudice” while they were growing rich and stealthily' 
clawing their way upward to financial, social, and political power 
over the nation they had invaded. 

It never occurs to the author that the stupid Americans might 
have had a right to a country of their own. He sees nothing 
remarkable in the fact that his subtle race had, as early as 1854, so 
ingratiated itself in the United States that the Americans gave the 
first noteworthy manifestation of their morbid itch to mind other 
people’s business and presumed to dictate to Switzerland that the 
Swiss cantons must be deprived of their legal right to determine 
what alien intruders they would choose to welcome into their land. 
He simply takes it for granted that the ubiquitous Jews have a 
right to go wherever they please on their planet. 

He has, perhaps without intending to do so, shown us an ap- 
plication of the Talmudic law that only Jews are human, so that 
goyim and the other lower animals can have no rights vis-a-vis 
their God-given masters. Does a nation of Aryans have a right to 
deny themselves the blessings of being exploited by Jews? Does a 
nation of Semites in Palestine have a right to pi'opeii;y Jews ‘want? 
Did the herds of bison who once covered the western plains have a 
right to exclude the hunters that wanted their hides? Do the sheep 
in a pasture land have a right to dislike the shepherds who peri- 
odically fleece them or convert them into mutton? Such questions 
are absurd; read the Talmud Babli. 

It is in this context that you must understand the new biog- 
raphy of Benjamin. 

The author asserts that “Judah P. Benjamin achieved greater 
political power than any other Jew in the nineteenth century-per- 
haps even in all American history.” The last paid; of the statement 
is saved from absurdity because more than one Jew participated in 
the. beginning of the Jewish dominion over the United States, 
when they made President a crackpot named Woodrow Wilson, 
whom' they had trained for the office by “leading him around like 
a poodle on a leash,” 1 2 and, of course, not one but many of God’s 
Chosen, working together, finally consolidated their nation's 
ownership of the United States during the Presidency of a ham 

2 The simile was used by leading Jews when they boasted of their 
achievement to Colonel Dali, who came to know many of them well when 
he was the son-in-law of the great War Criminal; see his F.D.R. (2d ed., 
Washington, D.C., 1970). 

4.8 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 49 

’actor whom tb'ey placed in the White House. So perhaps it is true 
that Benjamin, by his ascendency over Jefferson Davis, did have 
■greater political power than any other one Jew. 

The crucial question, of course, is how he used that power. 

That Benjamin was extraordinarily brilliant is indubitable.. At 
his death, Varina Davis, the wife of Jefferson Davis, wrote, 
"There passed from the earth one of the greatest minds of this 
century." One may think of discounting a comment by a lady on 
whom he had used his ability to charm women, but one cannot 
question the inflexible judgement of Solomon de Rothschild, who 
came to New Orleans to confer with its wealthy and powerful Jews 
just before the Northern states destroyed the Constitution and 
invaded the South -an event that the participants in the conferen- 
ces must have anticipated as being at least likely. Rothschild par- 
ticularly conferred with three: Benjamin, Hyams, and Moise, and 
he wrote home that Benjamin was "perhaps the greatest mind on 
this continent." 


This fact will, of course, make extremely difficult any deter- 
mination of Benjamin's part in the tragic defeat of the Con- 
federacy. His biographer has given us innummerable proofs that 
Benjamin possessed his racial genius for dissimulation, for com- 
pletely concealing his thoughts and real sentiments, and that his 
mind was both devious and subtle. If, therefore, it is true that, as 
John B. Jones and many Southerners believed, he used his in- 
fluence over Jeffei'son Davis and his position as both Secretary of 
War and Secretary of State to ensure the defeat of the South, we 
must expect a priori that he would have carried out his sabotage 
so subtly that no real proof of his duplicity would remain. If, as 
you naturally suspect, Rothschild enlisted Benjamin as his secret 
agent to further the interests of the Rothschilds in the coming 
catastrophe, Benjamin would shrewdly have left no probative 
evidence. He systematically destroyed all letters and documents 
that related in any way to his activities in the South, but it is 
highly probable that he had been so prudent and wary that no 
proof of his secret activities had ever been recorded on paper. Do 
not expect too much from this book. 

Benjamin was a brilliant Jew boy in Charleston, South Caro- 
lina, when his family, apparently with some help from the wealthy 
Jews who were flourishing in that city, sent him, at the age of 

SO Liberty Bell / Mnuo.'nj 1989 




4 f * 

fourteen, 3 to Yale University "to 'sfudy law. After two years, he 
was expelled for some grave violation of the university's regula- 
tions, as he himself ^admitted in the letter by which he applied 
(vainly) for readmission. The nature of his offense must remain 
unknown.-The report that he was a sneak thief who was caught in 
the act was only an' accusation made later by an Abolitionist, one 
of a gang full of the righteousness that authorizes Lying for the 
Lo^rd. Truth is nof m them. '• 

Benjamin went fo New (Means and began intensive study of 
Louisiana law. 4 He in some why commended himself to a member 
of the Creole 6 aristocracy in New Orleans, who hired Benjamin, 
then twenty-one, to teach English to his sixteen-year-old daughter. 
Benjamin married her as soon as he was admitted to the bar a few 
months later. 6 That is the first recorded exercise of his extraordi- 
nary talent for charming women, which later served him to fas- 

3., Benjamin was precocious, but not phenomenally so. He lived in a time 
when men grew up rapidly, and before the Americans devised their 
elaborate educational system to prolong childhood to senility. 

4. I.e., the Code Napoleon. Louisiana was the only state that did not 
base its legal system on the English Common Law. Both legal systems 
have now been superseded, although they, like the Constitution, are still 
occasionally mentioned as pretexts for the imposition of the "administra- 
tive" law that has been borrowed from Soviet Russia. 

5. Remember that ‘Creole' is the French equivalent of the English noun 
‘Colonial'; it properly designates only a pure-blooded White descendant 
of French who settled in America. Strictly speaking, creole means ‘born 
in the country,' and for that reason in the French-speakingWest Indies 
an Englishman born there of English parents was also called a Creole, 
but, as the Oxford New English Dictionary says, s.v., in the United 
States “Creole.. .is applied only to the French-speaking descendants of 
the early French settlers in Louisiana, etc." The use of the word to 
designate mongrels is an abuse of language, and the use of ‘Creole' to 
designate nigger dialects of French is misleading and should be es- 
chewed, although some justify it etymologically since the jargons were 
“born in the country." 

6. One curious aspect of his marriage is that his wife soon became noted 
for her marital infidelities and eventually left him to reside in Paris, 
where there was a greater scope for her sensual proclivities, but never- 
theless Benjamin maintained amicable relations with her, visited her in 
Paris at least annually, once, when he was Senator, installed her in an 
expensive home in Washington until she became bored, and returned to 
her in his old age when he retired from his legal career in England to 
live in Paris. 

Liberty Bell I Jo,nua,ry 1989 51 


cinate the wife of Jefferson Davis and make her his intimate and 
life-long friend. 7 

Benjamin became the protege of John Slidell, 3 man often 
suspected of being a disguised Jew, and whose sister and daughter 
both married Jews. Slidell was a native of New York and a shrewd 
politician, who came to Louisiana to seek his fortune, married into 
the . Creole aristocracy, and used that connection to become the 
political boss of New Orleans and, indeed, Louisiana. Slidell and 
Benjamin formed what was virtually a political partnership, and 
that put Benjamin in the Senate of the United States, where his 
brilliant oratory made him the most illustrious spokesman for the 
South. When Louisana resumed full exercise of her sovereignty, 
Benjamin bade farewell to the Senate with an oration that is still 
read, both as a model of Ciceronian eloquence and a lucid predic- 
tion of what would be the results of Northern aggression. He was 
a great lawyer and orator; naturally, no one knows what he him- 
self believed about the causes for which he spoke. 

When the sovereign states of the South formed their own 
federation for self-defence and elected Jefferson Davis the Presi- 

7, It is to be noted that Benjamin was too shrewd to try to seduce 

Varina Davis, of whose total and enduring devotion to a husband almost 
old enough to be her father there can be no doubt. On the contrary, 
Benjamin shrewdly used that devotion to obtain an ascendancy over her 
that permitted and facilitated his ascendancy over her husband. It was 
the basis of Benjamin's technique to flatter Varina by treating her as an 
equal when they consulted together about what it was best to persuade 
her husband to do, or to do in his name, it being assumed that both were 
devoted to him; you need not ask whose opinion prevailed in conferences 
between Varina and “one of the greatest minds of the century." No one 
should ever doubt the purity of Varina' s exemplary and, indeed, beauti- 
ful devotion to the man whom she addressed as “my old and only love" 
when all was lost— and the skill- with which Benjamin used that devotion 
to acquire an influence over Varina that lasted throughout his life gives 
you the measure of his genius. - 

8. Slidell used Louisiana as a basis for power in the Federal government, 
which entrusted high diplomatic missions to him, and in the Democratic 
Party, which, at his behest, nominated Buchanan and elected him, the 

last President of the United States formed by the Constitution. Slidell 

became the special envoy of the Confederate States to France and is 
now most widely known because he and his companion, Mason, were vic- 
tims of an act of piracy on the high seas committed by an officer of the 
Northern Navy, Wilkes, who was another example of the way in which 
Americans, when hopped up on righteousness, repudiate all laws and all 
the conventions on which civilization is based. 

dent of their country, Benjamin entered the Cabinet as Attorney 
General and soon acquired an almost total ascendancy over the 
President, becoming Secretary for War and Secretary of State, 
and being always the eminence grise behind the President. 

To understand Benjamin's dominant influence over Jefferson 
Davis we must .take into account three cardinal facts. 

(1) Davis was almost unanimously elected the first President of 
the new nation because he was a hero of the Mexican War, a man 
of known military talent, and a man of absolute honor and 
probity. 8 9 But the South made a blunder not unlike that made by 
Philip II of Spain when he made the Duque de Medina Sidonia 
commander of the Armada. They imposed on him an office for 
which he felt that he was not fitted. Throughout the war he wished 
that he could be an officer in the army, although the state of his 
health made that impossible. Such a President would feel unsure 
of his own judgement and naturally would rely on the advice of an 
old friend and subtle reasoner, whose political genius was amply 
attested by his career. 

(2) Benjamin's success in fascinating Varina made him the 
most intimate personal friend of the family. And that produced the 
crucial factor in the situation: 

(3) Benjamin and Varina “shared a dangerous knowledge that 
must never be revealed to anyone: that the President could go for 
days unable to function, brought down into deep depression by 
war news and bedridden with neuralgia,.,, throbbing headaches, 
and stomach pains." It is likely that Davis had an ulcerated 
stomach and suffered from a chronic rheumatic fever and other 
maladies. 10 Just before the War “he described his physical condi- 

9. That explains why he was so passionately hated by the scabrous gang 
of Republicans in Washington, to whom his scrupulous honesty was a 
living reproach. After their victory in their foul war of aggression, they 
hoped to see him judicially murdered, using as a pretext the success of 
their own well-managed murder , of the backwoods politician who had 
served their purposes and whose corpse became a potent talisman for 
inciting an insane hatred of the South to cover their further depreda- 
tions. Incidentally, it is only typical that few of our contemporaries know 
that the Republicans stole even their name from the American 
Republican Party, a patriotic effort to keep the United States a true and 
cohesive nation; the tainted history books always refer to the American 
Republican Party as the “Know Nothings," to conceal the theft. 

10. His health seems to have been shattered by the yellow fever (and 
malaria?) that killed his first wife and from which he may never have 
completely recovered. 

52 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / Januo.nj 1989 53 

tion..,as wasted by 'protracted, violent disease/" Thus it happened 
that "The presidency operated as a collaboration, not in the person 
of a single man, and flowed smoothly, regardless of the 
President's incapacities. For long periods, and on subjects of vary- 
ing levels of importance, Judah P. Benjamin acted in Davis's 
name, wrote speeches and despatches for him, and presided over 
an occasional Cabinet meeting," And when the President was not 
incapacitated, Benjamin often spent ten hours a day with him in 
his office and undoubtedly controlled by his advice almost every 
action of the President. 

The biographer tries to account for the fact that Benjamin is 
ignored in Jefferson Davis's The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy , 
but he misses the essential consideration. Jefferson Davis wrote 
primarily to prove the legality of the Secession and the violation of 
the Constitution by the Northern attack on the South, and secon- 
darily, to explain the course and conduct of the war, for which the 
responsibility was his. 

If, as seems certain, he was constantly guided by Benjamin, 
who, during the times when Davis's illness was most acute, was in 
fact the chief executive of the Confederacy, it was nonetheless 
true that the responsibility, the gravamen of the decisions then 
made, rested upon Davis, by whose authority they were made. Any 
acknowledgement of Benjamin's advice would inevitably have 
seemed an effort to palliate Davis's responsibility for the conduct 
of the war— an evasion that is only too common in the memoirs of 
men who have held positions of power, but one which a man of 
Davis's stem integrity instinctively rejected as dishonorable. If 
some policy that Benjamin had urged upon him proved disastrous, 
Davis was not the man to shirk the responsibility— it was. he who 
had made the decision, believing it to be right when he made it, 
and usually continuing to believe after the event that it had been 
right, given the circumstances and the information available when 
it was made. And even if Benjamin had made the decision without 
consulting the sick or absent President, Davis accepted the respon- 
sibility because he had given Benjamin the authority to act in his 

The only question that need concern us — a question of crucial 
significance both historically and racially— is whether Benjamin 
used his strategic position to sabotage the South in the interests of 
the Rothschilds and the rest of his race. 

Before we attempt to answer that question we must remember 

5i Liberty Bell / January 1 989 

He kept a diary faithfully throughout the war, and it was even- 
tually published under a title doubtless imposed by the bloody 
victors' hypocrisy, 11 A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate 
States' Capital (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1866). The original publica- 
tion has become rare; more than a year ago I noticed a copy, 
"somewhat foxed, binding slightly shaken," offered in a 
bookseller’s catalogue for $300, A drastic condensation, made by 
Earl Schenck Miers, appeared in 1958 (New York, Sagamore 
Press) and is not rare. The editor admits that he censored out 
many of Jones's "tedious" references to God's Race, but he did not 
delete all of them and he left some of Jones's comments on Ben- 
jamin. If you do not have access to the original and make al- 
lowance for the censorship, the condensation will serve your pur- 
poses here. Mr. Evans, for obvious reasons, barely mentions 
Jones's book obiter, so that he cannot be accused of not knowing 
of it. 

Unfortunately, even Jones's diary will not answer our crucial 
question. That the Jews in general profited from the distress of 

• the South is only natural and not to be regarded as wrong, since 
the race never owes loyalty to the people of the regions in which it 

i chooses to operate. As for Benjamin personally, who, given his 
/ race, could be accused of treachery but not of treason, Jones's 

• account is inconclusive, although Jones interpreted in his own way 
; , Benjamin's protection and encouragement of Northern spies, his 

appointment of generals who surrendered their forces without 
firing a shot, and many similar actions. We may suspect, but we 
.cannot prove intent. 12 

On the other hand, an advocate, even if not so clever a lawyer 
as Benjamin, could use Jones's account to exculpate the Jew. 

11. Note the disgusting use of the word 'rebel' to designate states fight- 
ing to preserve their independence. The promoters of the War tried to 
palliate their ghastly crimes by pretending that they attacked the South 
to "preserve the Union," on the obviously spurious pretext that a com- 
pact between sovereign states was like a marriage in the Roman Catholic 

12. For example, it is standard practice in intelligence work to recruit 
the enemies' spies for service as double-agents, but professionals often 
accept such employment as a means of facilitating work for their original 
employers. We cannot prove that the Northern spies whom Benjamin 
protected did not give him supposedly secret information (probably mis- 
leading) about the North, And how can you be absolutely certain that a 
man whom you appoint to a strategic position is not a secret traitor or 
will not become one when offered an adequate bribe? 

Liberty Bell I Janxuanj 1989 56 

that the South began its fight for liberty under enormous disad- 
vantages. She was greatly outnumbered, and a general such as 
Grant could spend men recklessly, secure in the knowledge that 
however many he lost, the attacking armies would almost decisive- 
ly, outnumber the defenders, who could not replace their losses, so 
that their eventual defeat by continued attrition was virtually cer- 
tain. The Confederacy's industrial capacity, which had been kept 
small by the New Englanders' use of the Union to monopolize 
much, of the total industry, was less than a fourth of the North’s; 
and she began the war with the almost decisive handicap that the 
North retained possession of the Navy that the South had largely 
contributed to build, so that the aggressors always had command 
of, the seas. A Southern victory would have been virtually 
miraculous — an achievement comparable to Marathon and 

The question then becomes one of Benjamin's motives in coun- 
seling or approving specific tacits or strategy. For example, did he 
hope that Thompson’s raid through Canada would really be effec- 
tive, ; or did he see in it a means of squandering some of the South’s 
scanty supply of gold? Did he really oppose the great blunder of 
the South at the beginning of the war, the embargo on export of 
cotton in the hope of thus commanding the support of European 
nations? Or did he offer only a token opposition that was tacit 
encouragement but would serve to enhance his prestige when the 
pqjicy failed? You can ask a hundred questions like that. 

■ v You must turn to the best single source of information regard- 
ing the inner workings of the Confederate govemmnent. John B. 
Jones was a journalist who was bom in Baltimore, lived in New 
Jersey, and wrote for a newspaper published in Philadelphia. After 
the South, learning that the North was secretly sending 
reenforcements to Fort Sumter, acted to frustrate the treacherous 
scheme to blockade Charleston harbor, mobs swarmed through the 
streets of Philadelphia, crazed with righteousness and howling for 
blood, seeking gentlemen to murder. Jones decided to emigrate to 
a more civilized country. He went to Richmond, became a chief 
clerk in the War Department, and retained that position to the 
bitter end. He was thus in a position to observe the quotidian 
operations of the War Department and the Confederate govern- 
ment generally, but he was never privy to secret plans and 
decisions, except insofar as he could in retrospect conjecture from 
the known consequences. 

Among the Southerners who held positions of importance and 
whose loyalty seems assured there was so much vanity and 
negligence and stupidity, and so many misfortunes were caused by 
unforeseen and probably unpredictable coincidences, that, given 
the enormous handicaps under which the fight for liberty began 
and the slenderness of Southern resources, there is no need to 
postulate treachery to account adequately for the defeat of the 
South. ■ 

The epilogue will not further enlighten us. Benjamin remained 
with Jefferson Davis to what was, for all practical purposes, the 
, end, and then he made his escape to Nassau and thence to 
England, after surmounting amazing perils at sea, for most of 
which he is the only authority. In England, he soon became one of 
the most prominent and prosperous barristers, thanks to his ex- 
■' traordinary abilities and, of course, the support of his fellow Jews, 
who had already entrenched themselves securely in Britain and 
■ burrowed deeply into English society. 13 There is nothing remark- 
. . able about that. 

Intellectual integrity requires us, therefore, to end the case 
against Benjamin with a non liquet. We may suspect, but we can- 
'll' not prove, and our tentative opinion of him will necessarily depend 
;|I on our opinion of the race to which he belonged and of which he 
was one of the most brilliant and versatile members. 

Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled 

The September issue of Candour gives the list of the 
graduates in Mechanical Engineering who achieved first-class 
honors this year at Strathclyde University, which, although it 
bears the name of the ancient Briton kingdom that was astride the 
Solway, is in Glasgow and must not be confused with the 
venerable University of Glasgow, which, like all the traditional 
universities in Britain, has also fallen on evil days. Strathclyde is 
one of the institutions founded after the disaster of 1945 to spe- 

13. On the technique of planting cuckoo's eggs in British nests and con- 
taminating the blood and minds of the British nobility and gentry, see 
Liberty Bell ^ November 1983, pp. 1-2, and the references there given. 
One interesting speculation may be based on the probability that Prince 
Albert, who became Queen Victoria's Lord and Master (cf. Liberty Bell , 
May 1984, pp. 1-7), was not the son of his official father, whose aversion 
from women was notorious. It was widely believed that he was the son 
of a Jew. It was he who, at the time of the Trent affair, intervened to 
prevent Britain from belatedly consulting her own interests and dignity; 
it could be argued that he thus ensured the defeat of the South. 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 57 

55 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

cialize in technical training in all branches of engineering, includ- 
ing the division of electrical engineering that is called “computer 
science,” The honors list below is for mechanical engineering only, 
but we may safely assume that the lists for other departments are 
quite similar. 

Chan Wan Soi 
Chung Siong Khin 
Chou Siaw Meng 
Kenneth William Delgamo 
Foo Kok Seng 
Koh Mui Hau 
Lim Soy Seng 

Alastair Campbell McArthur 
Joseph Ng Lee Kiang 
Tay Eng Huat 
Tee Song Jue 
Too Chor Chye 
Barbara Anne Tolson 
Yap Wee Khoon 

Three of the fourteen bear names that suggest they are 
Aryans, but we have no guarantee that one or more may not be 
mongrels who have disguised themselves, as Jews so commonly 
do, by assuming misleading names. 

The Scots are so intensely nationalistic that a large number of 
them, who regularly elect representatives in the Parliament, want 
to make Scotland again independent of England and wish they 
could learn enough Gaelic to speak it instead of English. They like 
to rehearse the history of their long resistance to England, which 
ended only when the King of Scotland, James VI, inherited the 
throne of England, becoming James I of that realm. But neverthe- 
less they are taxing themselves to train Orientals in the Aryan 
technologies that will be used as principal weapons against them 
and all of our race. They have become daft, as we have. 

In American universities, Orientals, chiefly Japanese and 
Chinese, now form the majority of the students who rank highest 
in chemistry, physics, and the various branches of engineering, 
since the American students who venture to enter departments 
which must still enforce some standards of competence, have 
usually passed through the tax-supported boob-hatcheries and 
have neither the capacity nor the will to study anything intensive- 
ly. Many of them are functionally illiterate, and unable to read 
more than the most simple English with comprehension. They are, 
however, proficient in the branches of social science that our 
educators deem important, and have learned how to copulate and 

In some universities, Orientals now form the absolute majority 
in the fields that I have mentioned, and, what is more, they are 
financed by American tax-payers through both the Federal 

government and the states that support the universities. We turn 
over to still vigorous races our great accumulation of technical and 
scientific knowledge on which depends our power to survive in the 
modem world. Americans, it seems, are bent on racial and nation- 
al suicide. 

Not all Orientals are engaged in filching our scientific and 
technological power. A notable exception is a rabid animal named 
Ng (possibly a relative of the Ng who took honors at Strathclyde), 
a mongrel that surfaced in Hong Kong and served in the U.S. 
Marines, who, together with his “buddy,” a creature of similar 
antecedents deceptively called Leonard Lake, became a leader in 
Civil Rights work. The two social reformers lured at least twenty- 
five White men and women to an isolated cabin east of San Fran- 
cisco, where they defiled them sexually and then lovingly tortured 
them with Oriental ingenuity until, they died. The pair were 
progressive and availed themselves of our best technology, making 
videotape recordings of their social work, so that they could enjoy 
it again after the victims perversely died and ended the fun. 

().' When Lake was caught in theft, he gave himself a dose of 
m cyanide and his and his partner’s social work attracted un- 
lip favorable attention. Ng took refuge in Canada. According to the 
||p press (e.g., Chicago Tribune, 18 October 1988), the Canadians are 
^loath to send Ng back to the United States for they fear lest 
■'fv American “racists” harm the dear fellow. 


In Libery Bell, November 1988, I inserted an outrageously 
long footnote to show that modem bells are a Christian invention 
and probably have a special significance in Russia. The first para- 
graph of that footnote appears in its proper place at the bottom of 
page 11, but the four following paragraphs (“I must not 
digress.... Dodd, Mead, 1978).”) were, by a typographical misadven- 
ture, incorpoi*ated in the text, where, as all readers will have seen, 
they are conspicuously out of place. 

A correspondent, who is evidently an authority on church 
bells, asks whether Chinese bells, which I mentioned in the second 
paragraph of my note, may not have been gongs. It is true. that 
‘gong’ is a Chinese word and that gongs, disks of bronze which, 
when struck, produce tones and harmonics that are determined by 
the composition of the alloy and the annealing the disk undergoes 
after it is cast, came to us from China. The Romans had gongs, 

58 Liberty Bell / January 1989 

Liberty Bell / January 1989 59 


designated by the word ‘discus’ and sometimes perhaps by the 
overworked word ‘aes,’ which were larger than cymbalo, and tym- 
pana, and were struck to mark phases of the day, Marcus Aurelius, 
writing to Pronto, mentions that a gong ( discus ) was struck to 
announce throughout the imperial palace that the Emperor, An- 
toninus Pius, had left his apartments and gone to the baths. We 
have no means of knowing how the Roman gongs compared to the 
later Chinese invention. 

It is quite certain that the Chinese did cast large bells of 
modem (campanulate) form, although there may be some uncer- 
tainty about dates. The legend retold by Lafcadio Hearn would be 
absurd, if it did not refer to the casting of a very large bell, and 
such bells, all evidently antedating the Manchu conquest and oc- 
cupation, were preserved in China before the United States turned 
that country over to the Communists, and, I suppose, are still 
extant. The great bronze bell in Peking, which weighed fifty-three 
tons, was, and probably is, one of the largest bells in the world, 
although only half as large as the smaller of the Russian bells 
mentioned in my note. 

If you seek information about the Chinese technique of casting 
bells, I think it likely that you will find it in some volume of Joseph 
Needham’s Science and Civilization in China. Q 

* * v- *vl\ v«\ vl\ vT*X v« vX vX*« \ v.* vX \ • I* *• \ vlv! v!* !% vX** vX*X vX • v* v**X vX*«*« \ • . ***> \ v. v. v. v* v. v. ! v ! v X v I v *\ v \ vl vX v* v« vl v ! • X vX • X vX*X*X vX v« v X *x*X\ vX ** 

iniciudibppostage . ariel . : i harll jirig ' follfiBE iRTY 

60 Liberty Bell / January 1989 





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