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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics 
at the University of Illinois for 32 years, Is a 
scholar of international distinction who has 
written- articles In four languages for the 
most prestigous academic publications in 
the United States and Europe, 

During World War II, Dr. Oliver was 
Director of Research in a highly secret agen- 
cy of the War Department, and was cited for 
outstanding service to his country. 

One of the very few academicians who 
has been outspoken in his opposition to the 
progressive defacement of our civilization, 
Dr. Oliver has long Insisted that the fate of 
his countrymen hangs on their willingness 
to subordinate their doctrinal differences to 
the tough but idealistic solidarity which is 
the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 



On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition): "Very few Americans were sufficiently 
sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American conception of government 
and had replaced it with the legal principle of the 'dictatorship of the proletariat,' 
which was the theoretical justification of the Jews’ revolution In Russia." 

On Race: "We must further understand that all races naturally regard themselves 
as superior to all others, We think Congoids unintelligent, but they feel only con- 
tempt for a race so stupid or craven that it fawns on them, gives them votes, lavish- 
ly subsidizes them with Its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to Ourselves a su- 
periority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our own standards, we are simp- 
ly indulging in a tautology. The only objective criterion of superiority, among human 
races as among all other species, is biological: the strong survive, the weak perish. 
The superior race of mankind today is the one that will emerge victorious— whether 
by its technology or Its fecundity— from the proximate struggle for life on an over- 
crowded planet." 


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':w:»;*******’**‘***«*****«‘’ 4 **^tt^tttt^x*Xvtt^x*j$x*:v&»***^ 

| E. Weber, page 30. HUMOR AND FILM FROM 
Nicholas Carter, page 37 TRIAL BY JEWRY, by 



\foice Of Thinking Americans 




The magazine for Thinking Americans, has been published monthly since Septem- 
ber 1973 by Liberty Bell Publications, George P. Dietz, Editor. Editorial office: P.O. 
Box 21 , Reedy WV 25270 USA- Phone; 304-927-4486. 


Manuscripts conforming to our editorial policy are always welcome, however, they 
cannot be returned unless accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. 
Manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of Liberty Bell Publica- 


©Copyright 1988 
by Liberty Bell Publications. 

Permission granted to quote In whole or part any article except those subject to 
author's Copyright. Proper source credit and address should be given, 





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The editor/publisher of Liberty Bell does not necessarily agree with each and 
every article In this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at 
by various writers; however, he does endeavour to permit the exposure of Ideas 
suppressed by the controlled news media of this country, 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere 
that Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to ideas, for ultimately It is ideas whic 
rule the world and determine both the content and structure of our Western culture. 

We believe that we can and will change our society for the better. We declare 
our long-held view that no institution or government created by men, for men, is 
inviolable, incorruptible, and not subject to evolution, change, or replacement by 
the will of the people. 

To this we dedicate our iives and our work. No effort will be spared ana no 
Idea will be allowed to go unexpressed If we think It will benefit the Thinking People , 

not only of America, but the entire world. . . 

George P. Dietz, Editor & Publisher 




It is not remarkable that so many Christians are taken in by 
the J ews’ Holohoax. They have grown up reading in their Bible all 
sorts of tales about absurdly improbable or physically impossible 
events, and believing them or trying to believe them. Their percep- 
tion of reality and common sense have been fatally etiolated or 
completely paralysed. One wonders why they do not believe the 
stories about Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Aladdin. 

What is astonishing is that they evidently can keep their Chris- 
tianity and their faith in the Holohoax in separate compartments 
in their minds and never relate one to the other. Even their clergy, 
who are supposed to have been educated in the Faith and to be 
able to think in religious terms, seem never to have made a con- 
nection between the two things. At least, I have never heard of a 
Christian minister who, believing in the “Holocaust,” extolled 
Adolf Hitler for his great and godly achievement, and from his 
pulpit invited his congregation to thank their god for having in- 
spired his German hero. 

The holy man feels certain that Hitler parboiled or gassed or 
incinerated or vaporized six million sweet Sheenies— or sixty mil- 
lion, it doesn’t matter. Very well.. But what happened then? Berlin 
was not engulfed by an earthquake. Frogs did not pop out of every 
tuft of grass in Germany. Children bora to German women at that 
time were not strangled in their cradles. The German armies were 
not laid prostrate by the Angel of Death. And the sun did not hide 
his face in horaor or rash back eastward, leaving the land in per- 
petual night. 

Surely those facts, admitted by everyone, including alb't'he 
Jews, should make even a Christian theologian start to thinl^' Ac- 
cording to his Holy Book, in the truth of which he must irrtplicitly 
believe because it is the only basis for his business, old'Yahweh 
spent four thousand years watching over and cherishing 1 his pet 
tribe of barbarians and helping them swindle and plunder civilized 

nations. He hypnotized a King of Egypt so that he could afflict the 

• * 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 1 

Egyptians with every kind of plagne and suffering, and murder 
their newborn children, just, to amuse his darling predators. He 
taught his People how to swindle and rob the Egyptians, and then 
he suspended the laws of nature to help them escape with their 

When his Chosen were butchering the ancient Palestinians 
and stealing their country, he even made the sun stop in its tracks 
to give the marauders more daylight so they wouldn't have to stop 
massacring the rightful owners of the land. When the Assyrians 
wanted to clean out a nest of bandits in one of their provinces, he 
slew the entire Assyrian army overnight. Whenever his barbarians 
got into trouble, old Yahweh was Johnny-on-the-spot to protect 
them with every kind of miracle. 

Now, given Yahweh’s record, which Christians believe in- 
dubitable, you can see the problem. When Hitler was trying to 
clean up Germany and exterminated six million or six billion of 
Yahweh’s Yids, Yahweh did absolutely nothing -did not even give 
a sign of life. Surely a Christian shepherd must wonder about that, 
and wonder how he can explain it to his sheep. 

Christians, of course, have a ready explanation. According to 
the belief universally held by Aryan and Semitic Christians from 
the inception of the cult late in the Second Century until about the 
middle of the Twentieth, Yahweh, who, on the record, is the most 
irascible of all gods, lost his temper when the Jews rejected his 
only begotten son and persuaded the Romans to crucify him. He 
accordingly transfered his favor to the more civilized races whom 
he had theretofore persecuted and exploited for the benefit of his 
Chosen, and he told his former darlings, as is confirmed by some 
passages in the “New Testment” and the virtually unanimous tes- 
timony of the divinely inspired Fathers of the Church, that he was 
going to punish them until they came to their senses and 
apologized to his immortal son for having killed him. 

Since then, for twenty centuries, old Yahweh gave his Yids 
hints from time to time to remind them of their guilt, but they 
remained obdurate, thinking that all they had to do was to con- 
tinue to mutilate sexually their male offspring, even though Yah- 
weh had said that he had lost his taste for sacrificial foreskins. It 
is no wonder that after twenty centuries of unprecedented for- 
bearance, Yahweh lost patience and decide to teach the barbarians 
a real lesson. So he inspired Adolf Hitler, a Christian hero in spite 

2 Liberty Bell / March 1989 



of himself, to give the ubiquitous Yids a taste of what is in store 
for all of them, if they don’t repent pronto. 

This explanation, furthermore, should commend itself to all 
good Christians, and indeed to all purveyors of “Holocaust” 
stories, because it makes those stories plausible, as no other inter- 
pretation can. The tales told by Yiddish survivors all descxibe acts 
that are flagrantly impossible by the ascertained laws of chemistry 
and physics. It follows, therefore, that the extermination was car- 
ried out in violation of the laws of nature, i.e., miraculously and by 
divine intervention. We need no longer question the testimony of 
even the survivor who saw Germans extermining little Kikes by 
just touching a match to them, whereupon the greasy infants 
blazed like pitch-pine torches. With God, all things are possible. 
We need not even wonder at the multitude of survivors who 
watched, undisturbed, while their poppers and mommers and 
cousins and aunts were being exterminated, but were so oddly 
overlooked by the methodical Germans, whose attention to detail 
is proverbial. Yahweh made them invisible and so preserved them 
to bear witness to his miraculous vengeance on their perverse and 
ingrate race. 

It follows, therefore, that Hitler was doing the Lord’s Work in 
accordance with the Lord's Will, and I shudder at the perverse 
impiety of Christians who fail to honor him as a Man of God and to 
praise him in their litanies. Catholics and Lutherans, indeed, could 
recognize him as a saint, every bit as good as Peter and Paul, and 
they could give zest to their religion by building new churches 
consecrated to St. Adolf. And that, incidentally, would show the 
Neo-Nazis their failure to understand the True Religion and would 
make them desist from their blind incredulity. 

Now all this is what simple logic and faith requires of all Chris- 
tians who retain what was once the unquestioned faith of all True 
Believers. I simply cannot understand why they are now so im- 
pious as to believe in the “Holocaust” and yet fail to draw the 
obvious conclusion that their religion imposes on all who think 
•about it,- 

The foregoing considerations apply, of course, only to tradi- 
tional Christianity, and not to the heresy recently promulgated by 
the high-powered con men who continually fleece the suckers of 
millions with their posturing and vulgar oratory over the Jews’ 
boob-tubes. They claim that Yahweh still loves his predatory bar- 
barians, having overlooked such a trifle as their lynching of his 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 3 

only begotten son. And they threaten feeble-minded Americans 
with divine vengeance, if they fail to believe whatever Jews say or 
to venerate every hair on the head of every one of God's Own. But 
they face the same facts. 

The satanic Germans incinerated six million or billion of God's 
Darlings and reduced them to holy Smoke, but old Yahweh didn't 
do a thing. The Jews themselves had to use their scabrous puppets, 
Roosevelt and Churchill, to stampede hordes of Aryan nitwits 
against Germany, while old Yahweh didn't bother to perform even 
a teeny-weeny miracle to show that he was still interested. 

Now the only logical conclusion for the big-time salvation- 
hucksters to draw from the events in which they claim to believe is 
that old Yahweh is either dead or has decided that the earth isn't 
much fun and has gone off to some livelier planet in some galaxy 
thirty or forty million light years away. It is obvious, however, 
why they don't draw that necessary conclusion: it would spoil their 

So we are left the problem that real Christians seem impiously 
unwilling to face. 

Now it is to the honor of the Jews that some of them are not 
so voluntarily obtuse. I learn from an article reprinted in Chris- 
tian News , 6, June 1988, that many “ Jewish fundamentalists," 
headed by a Rabbi Kook and his disciple, Rabbi Menachem Kasher, 
celebrate the so-called Holocaust because it was the means 
whereby “God instructed His people that the Emancipation, in 
which so many Jews had placed their hopes for equality in a 
democratic Europe, would not provide Jews with an escape route 
from the burden of their Covenant. Thus the Holocaust is seen as 
God's way of coercing His chosen people back to the Holy Land 
and convincing them of the urgency of its complete reunification." 
(Obviously, the “reunification" is to be procured by exterminating 
all the Palestinians again, just as at the time of the first invasion, 
as described in the Jew-book.) Kasher and his fundamentalists “in- 
terpret Arab-Israeli wars as part of the redemption period of the 
Messiah Son of Joseph, during which 'miracles are shrouded in 
natural events.'" They think it likely that “two much more terrible 
wars lie ahead before the appearance of the Messiah Son of 

No W; whether or not you agree with those Jews or like them, 
you must -respect them for having thought logically about their 
“Holocaust," as Christians refuse to do. They, too, can justify the 

4 Liberty Bell I March 1989 



absurd tales of the Jews in the survior-racket by supposing that 
, Yahweh permitted miracles to facilitate the extermination of six 

million or six billion Sheenies, by which he instructed the rest of 
his Chosen to high-tail it for Palestine and slaughter the Semites 
■- who perversely want to go on living in their own country. Thus 

Hitler again must appear as the (perhaps unwitting) servant of the 
| Lord, the “scourge of God," by which Yahweh chose to whip his 

I darlings back to the place in which he wanted them to be. As a 

f 1 doer of God's Will, he is certainly above reproach, and I hope the 

[ Zionists will show him condign gratitude and honor. 

As for the oddly recalcitrant Christians, I can offer them an 
alternative solution, which many of them may prefer. It is part of 
\ their religious doctrine to believe that the Yids will eventually 

* accept their Jesus and thus be reconciled to old Yahweh. Well, 

! that prophecy seems likely to be fulfilled, 

j; If the Jews, having infected our race with the lentivirus of 

I. Christianity, which, after fifteen centuries, has reduced it to the 

i present state of mental palsy, in which Europeans and Americans 

moronically acquiesce in the flooding of their countries with 
anthropoid garbage and racial enemies— if the Jews succeed in 
: exterminating the hated Aryans by drowning them in a fetid mass 

of mongrels, they will owe their victory and their undisturbed 
possession of the world Yahweh gave them to Jesus, the would-be 
christ whom they rejected as a failure and impostor. They will thus 
I have to venerate him at last as an emissary from their god, sent to 

procure his Chosen People's eventual triumph over the hated 
goyim , and so they will belatedly worship him as the true Messiah, 
j Son of David. Thus the prophecy will be fulfilled and the Christian 

i faith in it fully vindicated. 

But even according to this scenario, the Christians are 
; obligated to venerate Hitler, who, by his wonderful Holocaust, 

! divinely inspired and miraculously earned out, made it possible for 

God's Chosen to paralyze the last vestige of intelligence in the 
Aryan boobs and thus achieve their final triumph and the annihila- 
tion of the race they have always hated above all others. Hitler 
will not, of course, deserve the rank of Jesus, but he must be 
i recognized as a kind of auxiliary messiah, must he not? 

: This interpretation, by the way, also offers the big-time 

■ hokum-hucksters an opportunity to escape from the logical dilem- 
ma, which I pointed out above. They can say old Yahweh planned 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 $ 

it that way all along, and that should wow the millions of suckers 
who watch them on the boob-tubes and simper mindlessly. 

As for believing Christians, it remains to be seen, of course, 
whether they are still capable of a modicum of logical thought 


In Liberty Bell , October 1986, I reported that old Jesus had 
come back to earth and was hiding out in the frowsty purlieus of 
London's East End, having disclosed his identity only to a fourth- 
rate British artist named Benjamin Creme. Jesus was to have been 
interviewed by the press in a tavern, but he missed the engage- 
ment because some of the journalists had been drinking and had 
unseemly thoughts. 

Now I learn from the Denver Post , 24 November 1988, that 
Apostle Creme was in Denver to spread glad tidings. He says that 
Jesus has already appeared on television several times, suitably 
disguised, and is getting ready to make a dramatic appearance in 
propria persona. The stock market will crash before the end of 
April 1989, and then all Hell will break loose, preparing mankind 
for the Day of Declaration, when old Jesus will throw off his dis- 
guise, announce that he forbids nuclear warfare, and bless the 
whole world with oodles and oodles of brotherhood and “sharing.” 

Jesus has evidently been studying Sanskrit while he was holed 
up in the East End, for he now says he prefers to be addressed as 
Maitreya ('the friendly one'), although, in keeping with the 
doctrine of the Hindu Vedanta, he adds it doesn't really matter 
what you call him. 

The Christian News , 12 December 1988, reprints a manifesto 
issued by Jesus under his new name, Maitreya the Christ, doubt- 
less through his chosen mouthpiece: 

“I am the Creator of the Universe. I am the Father and 
Mother of the Universe. Everything came from Me. Everything 
shall return to Me. Mind, spirit, and body are My temples for the 
Self to realize in them My Supreme Being and Becoming.” 

You will note that old Jesus has not only gone ecumenical, but 
has taken over the act of Brahma, which (Brahma is neuter) 
regularly every 8,640,000,000 years extrudes the Universe from 
Itself, lets Its creation gradually decline during half of that time, 
until It reabsorbs everything into Itself. Then It snoozes for 
4,320,060,0Q0 years, until It wakes up and starts the creation busi- 

6 Liberty Bell / March 1989 


ness' all over. But when you consider that spacious chronology, 
|: doesn’t it seem that Jesus-Maitreya is rushing things a little? 

What’s more, in the style of his boasting manifesto the Christ 
j has imitated the pronouncements made by most of the Egyptian 
f' gods when Egypt was flourishing, e.g.: 

I “I am the great god who gave birth to himself, even Nu, who 

f created by his name the Divine Substance as a god. I am he who is 

| not driven back among the gods. I am Yesterday; I know Tomor- 

J row.” e.q.s,- 

| Or, if you want some real syncretism and theocrasy, try this 

it one: 

| “I am the Great One, son of the Great One. I am Fire, the son 

I of Fire. I am Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. I shall be bom a 
f second time. I am the Soul who created the gods.... I am Osiris, 

t brother of Isis. I am Orion. I am Anubis. I am Horus. I am Tern. I 

was in the birth-chamber of Osiris. I was bom with him [sic]. I 
J renew my youth. I am the girdle of the robe of Nu. I rescued the 

' Eye of Ra when it grew dim. I judged Set. I turned night into 

day.” e.q.s. 

So it seems that Jesus-Maitveya, who is Christ (i.e., King of 
the Jews), has been dallying with the mysticism of both India and 
Egypt. Now all this raises knotty problems in theology, which I 
cannot pretend to solve, You might ask your favorite holy man to 
explain it all to you. And you’d better do it before the end of April, 
when things begin to happen, You may not have a chance after 


j I have just received a letter from a man whose name you 

! would recognize, who earnestly warns writers for Liberty Bell that 
“Every time you use the word 'Aryan,' you lose friends, due to the 
brainwashing of most Americans.... If they see the word ‘Aryan,’ 
they don’t read any further.” That is doubtless true. 

Over the years since I first began to write for this periodical I 
l have from time to time received admonitions that a winter should 
! never mention races, because the American boobs have been con- 
i' ditioned to wax irate at a suggestion that they may not be the 
t lowest form of anthropoid life; that one must never mention Adolf 

; Hitler with approval, because the boobs have been trained to bite 

1 when they hear his name; that one must never speak unflattering- 

I ly of God’s Race, because that makes the boobs clap hands over 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 7 

their ears and run away in a panic; that one must never speak ill 
of “democracy/ because Americans dote on it; and that one 
alienates readers by denouncing Reagan or any other individual, 
because that is impolite and "we should attack ideas, not men.” In 
shoiT, a prudent writer on our side should make what he writes 
even more insipid than the average column by a syndicated pundit 
in the newspapers. 

I have been advised that by designating male homosexuals as 
perverts, I offend some persons. I write English and I refuse to 
use the argot common in low-grade brothels and newspapers, in 
which prostitutes of one kind or another do not hesitate to pros- 
titue the word 'gay/ It is true that there are English words which 
designate homosexuals, such as 'paederast/ 'sodomite/ 'catamite/ 
'pathic/ etc., but all such words in good usage imply in an in- 
dividual certain specific tastes and practices which are not found 
in all male homosexuals, so that 'pervert' seems to be the only 
inclusive term. 

I am aware that certain individuals who make valuable con- 
tributions to what is called the "right wing" are perverts, I recog- 
nize their contributions without prejudice, and although I cannot 
understand them, I can think of adequate explanations for their 
conduct in terms of contemporary society, whether or not they are 
Christians. I do not reject their service to our cause, but the ines- 
capable fact is that, unless they are genetically defective and rep- 
resent an heredity that should not be continued, they represent a 
vice that is now actively promoted by schools and government 
precisely because it, to the extent that it becomes prevalent, has- 
tens the desired extinction of our race. That is a fact of which we 

must not lose sight, whatever our attitude toward what is biologi- 
cally a perversion. 1 

I have received a number of earnest warnings that to subject 

Christianity to historical criticism and sarcastic comment inevitab- 

ly "turns off* a large potential readership, and, worst of all, is so 

1. The social aspects of the phenomenon deserve careful consideration, 
especially with reference to the behavior of many species of higher mam- 
mals when they are held captive in zoos. — I will report the opinion of a 
man who has long observed the “right wing/ that a certain kind of male 
pervert is the most desirable recruit in “activist” organizations, since 
such men, who are “tough” and ruthless by nature, have made themsel- 
ves expert in karate, judo, and similar exercises, including the techni- 
ques that British experts taught participants in "French Resistance” 
during the war of 1939-1945, who learned how to kill efficiently without 
using weapons or leaving clues to their identity. 

8 Liberty Bell / March 1989 


"divisive” that it amounts to sabotaging all efforts to resist the 
Jewish occupation and control of the country that once was ours. 
That is indeed a serious, charge, but I note that all such warnings 
come from persons who modestly avow that only they and the 
members of some sect or coterie are really Christian, while they 
frankly admit that 95% or 99.9% of all the Christians in the United 
States have been fatally misled by their dervishes about the true 
tenets of the religion they profess and have thereby become in- 
strumentalities of our enemies. 

The authors of these admonitions differ about what should be 
done. Some counsel prudent silence about religion, apparently in 
the hope that the 95% or 99.9% of Christians will somehow desert 
their Pied Pipers and rally to the support of our race of their own 
accord. That hope seems to me to be utterly illusory. It is tan- 
tamount to launching a frontal attack in battle while ignoring a 
large army of enemies on one’s flank. 

Some advisers urge that we limit ourselves to denouncing the 
hokum-peddlers who are forever yelling that "anti-Semitism [!] is 
anti-God,” and to showing how false is their claim; but that would 
necessarily involve trying to flit lightly over the quicksands of a 
theology that has no basis in historical fact. Others contend that 
our only hope lies in purging Christianity of its many false 
doctrines and restoring the “true” Christianity, which is known to 
the counsellor either by personal revelation from Jesus, which will 
not persuade persons who have received quite different revela- 
tions from that oddly inconsistent and changeable authority, or by 
the theology of his little cult, which, like all theologies, is based on 
a selection of passages in the Christians’ Holy Writ which are to 
be taken as authoritative, despite the many other passages in the 
same collection that unmistakably contradict the ones selected. 
But that would leave us embroiled in polemical controversy with 
all but the votaries of some one little cult, and that would be as 
fatally “divisive” as any alternative policy. 

So every advice to “go easy” on Christianity would, in one 
way or another, land us in an impasse. It is, however, quite true 
that, as my well-meaning advisers insist, what I and others write 
about Christianity in the pages of Liberty Bell is "divisive” in the 
sense that we bitterly offend Christians who are inclined to favor 
efforts to preserve our race and regain possession of the United 
States and are therefore potential allies. 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 9 

It is the tacit premise of all who write to advise me that it is 
the purpose of Liberty Bell to sponsor a mass movement. The 
publisher assures me that is not true. 

He believes that there is a place for a periodical that will state 
clearly and without mitigation or euphemisms the realities of our 
present situation, however grim, that may be, for the information 
and consideration of persons who may hope to cope with it by 
some feasible course of action. So uncompromising a journal will 
necessarily appeal only to a minority, but that will be the minority 
of which some members may possibly be able to lead a movement 
that will have a chance of success. 

It is quite true that any man who would lead a mass movement 
must make many arduous and painful decisions about the policies 
that will give him the greatest chance of victory. It is imperative, 
however, that he make them with a full awareness of the realities 
with which he must deal; otherwise, his failure is assured. It may 
well be requisite for him to enlist followers by doing his best to 
temper the cruel wind for shorn lambs and to avert by skillful 
compromises or evasions possible causes of disruptive dissension 
or premature despair. To do this effectively, however, he must 
first of all not delude himself; he must know what he is doing. He 
may have to be less than completely candid in what he tells his 
followers, but that is often regrettably necessary in practical 
human relationships. 

A general, for example, may deem it best to encourage his 
troops with a prospect of certain victory, but when he does so, he 
must himself be fully cognizant of the enemy's forces and resour- 
ces; if the situation is a desperate one, he must know the facts that 
he conceals from his men, for if he does not, he and they will 
inevitably be routed in an irretrievable defeat. If he has battalions 
of doubtful courage or loyalty, he must assign them to positions in 
which the outcome of the battle will not depend on them, 

If I were writing for an organization led by a man in whose 
sincerity and understanding I had confidence, I would accept his 
judgement about what it would be best not to say, and although I 
would never make a statement that I did not believe to be true, I 
would not take exception to misleading or outrightly mendacious 
statements made by my colleagues of which he did not disapprove. 
And I would take care not to quarrel with them for any reason. 
That, I think, is the loyalty that one owes to any leader of a 
political movement. And that, I mean to say, is what I would do if 

10 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

I were forty years younger and chose to associate myself with a 
political organization. At my present age, I would simply refuse to 
undertake so trying a function, for there are many better ways of 
employing the little that is left of my life. 

Since the publisher of this magazine wishes me to do so, I have 
, undertaken to present in these pages my best estimate of the facts 

ij of our present plight. I have no illusion of infallibility -that is a 

; luxury that can be enjoyed only by those who are favored with 

( revelations .from omniscient spooks —but I try to state candidly the 

t facts as I perceive them and the inferences and deductions that are 

t logically to be drawn from them. And I try always to remind the 

r. readers of the historical antecedents of the present, for a given 

1 situation can be estimated accurately and understood only in 

terms of what caused it. 

Christianity is a superstition which, I believe, was always 
deleterious to our race, even in the early centuries in which it was 
not patently incredible; it now so flagrantly contradicts the scien- 
tifically ascertained facts of physics, astronomy, geology, and biol- 
ogy that no rational and educated man can believe it, except by 
deliberately letting his reason be overruled by irrational emotions; 
and its scabrous history shows it to have always been an imposture 
contrived by hallucinations, forgery, and calculated mendacity. It 
is now being used by fakirs and shamans to befuddle our people 
and ensure the doom of our race. I believe that our only hope lies 
in destroying the enormous hoax and the baleful fascination it 
exerts over the gullible masses, its victims. 

That does not mean that if a man who sincerely holds to the 
doctrine of some Christan sect makes an effoii; on behalf of our 
declining race, I will not respect him, admire his courage, and 
gladly accept his cooperation in our common purposes— it was in- 
deed for such cooperation that I ventured to hope when I wi'ote 
Christianity and the Survival of the West in 1969, long before the 
electronically instigated epidemic of mindless fanaticism that is so 
large a pax*t of the religion today. I shall respect his efforts, but 
.with a foreboding that his faith may make him count on super- 
natural support or on a loyalty among his followei's that will be 
wanting in a crisis. 

If any man is sure that he can found and lead an effective 
movement on behalf of our race by pi'ofessing Chidstianity while 
dissembling his knowledge of the religion for the sake of such 
precarious support as he may win from some dissident Christian 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 11 

sects, I shall wish him well, and I hope that he will profit from 
some of my most sardonic comments on contemporary cults, which 
illustrate the mentalities with which he must deal. He may suc- 
ceed, but if he does, I shall be tempted to believe in miracles after 


Americans have always thought of Switzerland as an isle of 
security in the heart of Europe, and a very considerable number of 
them rely on that country's unique financial system to preserve 
some of their capital from the exactions and depredations of the 
task-masters of international crime, to whom the boobs subjected 
themselves by permitting enactment of the White Slave Act, offi- 
cially called the Sixteenth Amendment, They should particularly 
perpend the astonishing transformation of the Swiss Federation in 
recent years. 

Americans who visited Switzerland in the late 1940s and 
remained long enough to form some opinion of the nation— the 
better part of a year, at least— were impressed, not always 
favorably, by the character of its people. The Swiss were proud of 
their sturdy independence, which they guaranteed by legally re- 
quiring every able-bodied male to undergo military training and to 
have a rifle and, preferably, other firearms always at hand and 
ready for immediate use. They were proud of their Confederation, 
which both united the nation and granted to each of the twenty- 
two cantons more autonomy than was enjoyed by American states. 
They were proud of the legend of William Tell, who refused to doff 
his hat before an Austrian overlord, and of the Lion of Lucerne, 
the magnificent sculpture that commemorates the loyalty unto 
death of the Swiss Guards who wei'e massacnred in the Tuileries in 
1792 because Louis XVI, his mind mazed by Chidstian hokum and 
the babbling of “intellectual” advisers, did not have the fortitude 
to be King of Finance. 

The Swiss, having successfully remained aloof from the 
Suici4e of Europe in 1939-1945, complacently felt a sense of great 
superiority to the nations that had foolishly destroyed each other 
in that insane conflict. Their attitude of cold indifference to the 
rest of the world was a little tempered by sympathy for Germany, 
blent of admiration for the Germans' heroic defense of their 
country against the rest of the world and compassion for their 
suffering at the hands of the ferocious victors. The Swiss felt an 

i, ». 

amused corffempt for the Italians and the Mediterranean peoples 
i generally, arid a particular dislike of Americans, whose bumptious 

1 • self-righteousness during their War to Save the Soviet was espe- 

cially resented, while some educated Swiss remembered that the 
j American itch for meddling with other peoples' business had been 

, first manifested in 1852 by an insolent demand that Swiss cantons 

j be deprived of their right to exclude Jews. 

f All other nations, even the uncouth Americans, were free to 

( base their espionage apparatus in Switzerland, so long as they 

j‘ paid handscjmely, confined their operations to the territories of 

| other nations, and did not try to elude the surveillance of the 

I Swiss intelligence service, which prevented them from spying on 

j Switzerland; 

’ Eveiyone in the world was invited to place his money in the 

j Swiss banks, in gold, if he wished, enjoying the security that was 

given by the nation’s sound currency, the integrity of its bankers, 
I and the law which gave depositors a guaranteed privacy unique in 

; the world, with the perfect anonymity of the famous numbered 

; accounts. 

Some Americans described the Swiss as "clannish,” resenting 
; their general attitude of aloofness toward foreigners, who were 

i always welcome to stay in Switzerland so long as they spent 

; money freely, but were rigorously excluded from economic activity 

• pnd usually from social intercourse also. The Swiss sometimes 

! described themselves as "the hotel-keepers of Europe.” Foreigners 

| in the country were like the guests in a first-rate hotel, given what 

{ they paid for, a professionally impersonal courtesy. An American 

1 student complained that he had been in Switzerland for more than 

a year on a fellowship and had not made a single friend, even in 
, the loose collegiate sense of that word, and had not seen the inside 

j of a Swiss home or become acquainted with a single Swiss, for 

! even university students of his own age retreated behind a bander 

; of impersonal and almost business-like politeness. 

■ There may have been some justification for the charge that the 

. Swiss were “materialists,” for although Switzerland had produced 
great artists, such as Bocklin, and great scholars, such as 
Burckhardt, national life was dominated by business and most in- 
dividuals seemed to find content in good food and physical com- 
fort, while the social criterion was money and decorously 
established prosperity, not culture. ' . 

12 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 13 

Religion was of no real impoiTance; some individuals felt a 
personal preference for one or another kind of ceremony that was 
a matter of tradition rather than faith, but the nation as a whole 
was indifferent to beliefs about the supernatural, which, after all, 
had nothing to do with the operation of the factories on which the 
nation's commerce depended. The grotesque theocracy of Calvin 
at Geneva was remembered with a laugh or with the pertinent 
observation that the Swiss character soon reduced it to the genial 
rule of a patrician order, who made the city an intellectual capital 
in the Eighteenth Century. The Swiss took a certain pride, as in 
possession of a rarity, in the presence in their countiy of the oldest 
Protestant sect, the Waldenses (V audois), who had their origin in 
the Twelfth Century, had stubbornly survived innumerable per- 
secutions, and, although they had found their principal refuge in 
the high valleys of the Piedmont, south of the Alps, now main- 
tained their small congregations in Switzerland, where tolerance 
made them immune to the harassment they had suffered from the 
Italian government. 

The Swiss were a polyglot nation. Every educated person was 
fluent in both German and French, had a working knowledge of 
English and Italian, and might also speak Romansh, which had 
been recognized as a fourth official language in 1937 and given a 
factitious painty with German, French, and Italian. One peculiarity 
was the persistence, even among educated people, of familiarity 
with a local patois, such as Bemish, which is said to be a dialect of 
German, although native Germans say it is as unintelligible to 
them as it is to all mortals who did not grow up in the region 
around Berne. The Swiss were cosmopolitan, in the sense that 
they had a tolerant familiarity with the vagaries of many nations, 
and also intensely nationalistic, confident of their superiority to 
the rest of the world. 

Americans who knew Switzerland around 1950 or in the fol- 

♦ * 

lowing decade were certain that the nation had a stability that 
would endure far beyond the foreseeable future without essential 
change. That Switzerland is now gone, like a hamlet in the Alps, 
buried by an avalanche. 

The once proudly independent nation is now a province of the 
World Conquerors, the Masters of Deceit. The recent stages of 
Swiss degradation and servitude can be traced in the files of that 
unpretentious little periodical, the Courrier du Continent, publish- 
ed by G.-A. Amaudruz in Lausanne. 

It is obvious that the brains of the Swiss have been rotted by 
the Jews' favorite poison, humanitarian swill. The nation that 
f once held all foreigners at arms’ distance has now been overrun by 

swarms of “refugees,” niggers and wogs, anthropoid vermin im- 
: ported with the blessing of rabid holy men and simpering female 

sentimentalists, who seem to welcome their own eventual enslave- 

,s • 

\ ment by hordes of mongrels, come to produce the situation so 

i vividly portrayed in Jean Raspail’s Camp of the Saints (available 

from Liberty Bell Publications, $9.50 postpaid). And, as should 
now be obvious to everyone who is willing to use his mind, the 
, importation of such creatures, whether as “refugees” or under 

I some other patently spuxious pretext, is part of a global plan to 

exterminate Aryans everywhere. (Cf. the article by Ivor Benson in 
| Liberty Bell, April 1988, pp. 13-20.) A nation that permits such an 
influx is obviously no longer fit to survive. 

How completely the Jews now have their claws about the 
necks of the Aryans in Switzerland was shown by the case of Mme. 
Mariette Paschoud, who, an instructor in the state schools, dared 
to express doubts about the Sacred Sheenies’ absurd Holohoax. 
{ The Swiss were horrified that a lowly Aryan should dare to ques- 
tion a Holy Lie, and the woman was hounded from her tenured 
position. When the distinguished Professor Faurisson wanted to 
! come to Switzerland to testify about the Hoax on her behalf, he 
was refused admission, since no Swiss should have the mush in his 
; skull disturbed by facts. And now, according to the Courrier, 
November 1988, the Jews say they are worried because the wicked 
woman's husband holds a governmental position; they say that 
Switzerland's fair name as an “humanitarian country” is 
blemished by the employment in an official capacity of a man who 
did not murder or, at least, divorce a wife who sinned against 
God’s Race. A courageous Swiss replied that the Federal govem- 
| ment is not at the orders of the Kikes’ Defamation League, but 
1 don’t assume that he will not suffer for his audacity. 

; From the same issue of the Courrier I learn that Henri Ro- 

: ques and his publisher, Pierre Guillaume, were expelled from Swit- 

| zerland and forbidden to return because they had permitted 
; themselves to be interviewed by the press in Geneva. The police 

: who expelled the two gentlemen claimed they had sinned by men- 

I tioning Mme. Paschoud and thus “intervening in Swiss affairs,” 

) but according to M. Amaudruz, who was present at the interview, 

that was false. The lie will show you how Jewish morality has 


i Liberty Bell J March 1989 IS 

14 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

infected even the Swiss police. It is likely that MM. Roques and 
Guillaume would not have been allowed to enter the country, had 
their names been recognized at the border. Switzerland, with a 
tender Christian concern for “all mankind,” now welcomes Jews, 
niggers, wogs, perverts, degenerates, drug-addicts, drug-vendors, 
and the bandits of international finance, but it cannot tolerate 
Aryans who are so prejudiced that they do not worship Yahweh’s 

Perhaps I should remind the reader of the character of the 
men who were run out of Switzerland. Henri Roques, an engineer 
whose age was reported as sixty-six, decided to seek a doctoral 
degree in the field of Humanities at the University of Nantes, and 
for his doctoral dissertation he chose a critical study of the tes- 
timony that the Jews extorted from a frightened German by 
threats and perhaps torture, doubtless promising to spare him as a 
reward for his perjury, after which, as is the custom of the 
predators, they disposed of him so that he would have no oppor- 
tunity to retract his lies. Readers of the fundamental woi'k by 
Professor Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, will not need 
a discussion of the thoroughly discredited and self-contradictory 
statements of Kurt Gerstein, who, at the behest of the Jews who 
had their claws about his throat, cheerfully swore to a wild assort- 
ment of chemical and physical impossibilities. 

M. Roques made a detailed study of the various stories 
Gerstein told, from which the Jews select what they want for a 
given imposture on the credulity of the Aryans, whom they now 
despise for their venality and stupidity. The inevitable conclusion 
of such a study was that Gerstein was simply a liar and that there 
is no valid evidence for the existence of the famous gas chambers 
in which six million of God’s Darlings were supposedly killed 
before they crawled into the United States to join in the occupa- 
tion of their newest Promised Land. 

M. Roques’ dissertation was submitted to a panel of scholars 
of which Professor Jean-Claude Riviere was the Chairman, and 
they were so impressed by its meticulous accuracy, thorough 
documentation, and critical acumen that they not only approved it 
unanimously but added to their endorsement a special commenda- 
tion, so that the University of Nantes conferred the doctoral de- 
gree on the candidate with the French equivalent of magna cum 

That was an event that made Americans rejoice that academic 
integrity survived in one part of the world, but the rejoicing was 
premature. The apaches who operate the French government for 
the Master Race foamed at the mouth at the thought that univer- 
sity professors should not be as corrupt as they were. They 
“revoked” the doctoral degree -they didn’t think of revoking Dr. 
Roques’ birth-certificate, too -and punished Professor Riviere by 
sh am efully demoting him and officially censuring his colleagues. 

Dr. Roques (as he should be entitled, because no set of thugs 
can cancel an academic achievement, any more than they can can- 
cel a man’s birth) found in M. Guillaume a publisher so courageous 
that he dared print the historical study. At last reports, the 
traitors who rule France are acting to suppress the book that 
offends their owners. 

The same issue of the Courrier reports that the Jews an- 
nounce that the Swiss Parliament is going to enact a law that will 
make doubts about the Holohoax or failure to venerate Jews a 
felony, doubtless to be punished more severely than trivial crimes, 
such as rape and murder. As the editor remarks, it is odd that the 
members of the legislative assembly had not been told they were 
going to enact such a law, which is thus far only a proposal made 
by a Kikess in a letter to the Federal Council. But it is likely that 
when the Jews crack the whip, their Swiss dogs will obey. It is 
ominous that the editor of the Courrier, who has resolutely pub- 
lished his admirably concise little periodical for almost a quarter of 
a century, unperturbed by Jewish threats, in the current issue (No. 
297) asks for help in distributing it while there is yet time, “vu la 
menace d’une loi-museliere.” 

The very possibility that a law to muzzle Aryan dogs lest they 
divulge facts inconvenient to their Yiddish masters could be 
proposed in Switzerland will give you the measure of that once 
proud and independent nation’s degradation and ignominy. 
Americans who have thought to place any of their resources in 
safe-keeping in Switzerland should take warning. In a nation so 
■rotted, nothing can be kept secret from the world's ubiquitous 
parasites, and whatever the integrity of the bankers, American 
deposits in Switzerland soon will be, if they are not already, 
known to the Defamation League. And if the deposits have been 
kept secret from the vultures of Infernal Revenue, the knowledge 
can be used for blackmail or reprisal. 

16 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 17 


The Swiss can no longer boast of their independece. They sur- 
rendered without even a token resistance and are now in the 
plight of the Germans, who can at least remember with pride the 
valor and heroism with which they sought to maintain their inde- 
pendence against the crazed hordes of their own race who were 
stampeded against them. According to the Christian Science 
Monitor , 13 December 1988, Major General Otto-Emst Remer, 
author of Verschworung und Verrat urti Hitler (reviewed by Dr. 
Charles E. Weber in Liberty Bell , June 1987, pp. 52-58; cf. 
February 1988, pp. 3 f .), is being prosecuted by the renegades who 
misgovern Germany for having given someone a videocassette 
that suggested doubts about the Holohoax. Yahweh's Chosen now 
feel assured that they have the Allans of the whole world by the 
neck and can rub their faces in Yiddish excrement. 

And finally, if you want a preview of what is in store for 
Americans, I note that Notre Europe , in its issue for October 1988, 
reports that a French court, sustained by an appellate court, has 
taken a four-year-old girl from her parents, on the grounds that 
her father has expressed National Socialist opinions. The court 
found that the child's character would be "perturbed” by contact 
with such a parent. What the French jurists mean, of course, is 
that the girl might not grow up to be a feeble-minded whore, as all 
Aryan females should be in the "One World” that will have its 
capital in Jerusalem. 


The contempt that Jews feel for the stupid Aryans, who are so 
gullible that they believe not only the big Holohoax but any little 
hoax by a whimsical tribesman, must be nearly infinite —and, I 
fear, justified. I gave a few examples of Yiddish Spqfi in Liberty 
Bell , March 1988. 

When the Courrier du Continent for February 1988 came to 
hand, it repoifed two noteworthy examples. One gave the con- 
clusion of a panic in Holland, where the government, determined 
not to get in Dutch with the Jews, ordered a theatre in Rotterdam 
to close a quite innocuous play which, however, seemed to dis- 
please the Master Race. The next day the press screamed that vile 
Neo-Nazis had, in reprisal, kidnapped a forty-nine year old Kike, 
Jules Croiset, an extremely popular and prosperous funny man in 
the theatres, and what was more, many lovely Jewish families 
received vilely threatening letters from the secret Storm 

18 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

Troopers, who were doubtless preparing to staii: stuffing Sheenies 
into gas chambers. The great horde of Jews in Holland began 
promptly to moan and wail about how awfully God's Innocents are 
always persecuted for their righteousness. The Minister of Justice 
in the Dutch government went into a frenzy, calling out the police 
to track down the horrible monsters who didn't love Yahweh's 
Masterpieces. Feeble-minded Aryans beat their breasts in public 
and begged to be forgiven for existing, while the editors of the 
jewspapers tried to scream louder every day. 

That was in November 1987 and for the rest of the year, as 
squadrons of police rushed hither and yon in a vain search for the 
malefactors, all of the Netherlands was in an agony of suspense 
and its good burghers quivered in fear lest a hair on a godly head 
be harmed by the elusive evildoers. 

Worse was to come with the New. Year. The Belgian police 
arrested the sportive Jules Croiset, who had kidnapped himself to 
a hideout in Bruges, from which he was watching the fun. He 
confessed that he had not only staged his kidnapping, but had 
written all the letters with which his imaginary Neo-Nazi gangs 
threatened to slay his holy compatriots. But the outcome merely 
proves how virulent is "Aunt-eye-see-me-tism” in the Low 
Countries, for, believe it or not, there were suggestions that the 
jolly boy should be prosecuted for his prank. 

At about the same time, the State Procurator in the Italian 
province of Bolzano, at the foot of the Alps, a man whose name 
suggests that he may have superhuman ichor in his veins, had a fit 
when he noticed that the inhabitants, who still speak German 
despite all the efforts of the Italian government, were buying and 
often displaying German medals and insignia bearing the dread 
Hakenkreuz, the lightning-symbol of the horrible Schutzstaffel, or 
the Totenkopf of several famous regiments. That could portend 
only a revival of "racism,” the un-Christian belief that Aryans 
were not created to nourish the world's parasites. He ordered the 
confiscation of all such damnable things in his province. 

Then an Italian periodical, Orion , disclosed- the delectable fact 
that the principal wholesale distributor of the forbidden merchan- 
dise is a Jew who imports it from the factories in Israel, where it 
is manufactured with dies that were stolen and asported by Jews 
after the defeat of Germany, Aren't God's People cute? 

Now Christian News, 5 December 1988, quotes a tirade by the 
Reverend Andrew Weyermann of the Evangelical Lutheran 

Liberty Bell! March 1989 19 

Church, who orated: "How many more times must monuments 
raised in redemptive memory be defaced? The violent re-emerge, 
brandish swastikas, and seem to rewrite history by smearing the 
word 'liars' on the monuments. How many more genocides must 
occur before the Lord comes to exterminate the unjust?'' 

As we all know, Christian shamans sweat with righteousness 
and drip with love for all mankind when they howl for blood, but I 
fear the Man of God will have to wait a long time for Jesus to pop 
out of the clouds and sate his homicidal lusts. He will learn that 
this is a do-it-yourself world. 

One must, however, admire the Jews for their powers of 
self-control. Many of them, no doubt, watched the Reverend's war- 
dance and heard him yell for scalps, but I will wager that not one 
burst into loud guffaws while in public. 


The National-Zeitung (Munich), 4 November 1988, disclosed an 
amusing little contretemps in the German postal service, which 
had decided to issue a postage stamp that would make the stupid 
Aryans grovel a little more abjectly at the stinking feet of their 
Yiddish masters. Chosen was the picture of a holy synagogue 
wrapped in flames as it was destroyed in the awful Kristallnacht 
in 1938, when some Germans, too enthusiastically celebrating 
their liberation from their parasites,’ broke a few windows. The 
picture of the burning Gotteshaus, which is reproduced in the 
newspaper, would have made a quite picturesque postage stamp 
and might have impressed some dolts. The pious undertaking, 
however, was ruined by the Keystone Agency, which supplies 
photographs to German newspapers. In a bulletin to all of its sub- 
scribers the agency identified the picture as showing the 
synagogue burning after it was set afire by an incendiary bomb 
from British planes in a raid on 24 November 1943. 

So, alas! the mendacious postage stamp could not be foisted on 
the German public, because it was impossible to blame the British 
barbarians, who, as the Principal Secretary of the British Air 
Minstry had boasted in a book published in 1944, had inaugurated 
the terroristic bombing of open cities and civilians in Germany to 
force Germany to bomb civilians in England and thus generate 
enthusiasm for Churchill's War— a war Churchill had contrived to 
please the Sheenies who were his paymasters. But surely there 
must have been horrible Neo-Nazis in the press agency that 

spoiled the godly little hoax. German laws which forbid the lower 
races to question whatever God's Own choose to tell their victims 
will doubtless be tightened to prevent such intempestive dis- 
closures of truth in the future. 



Our race has always reserved its highest admiration for per- 
sonal courage and personal honor, which form our ideal of man- 
hood. The great heroes of our race are warriors: Arjuna, Achilles, 
Horatius, Gunnar, Gawain, Roland.... In battle they slay the 
enemy hero (whom we also admire, e.g. Hector) in a fair fight or 
many lesser men who attack them simultaneously. They single- 
handed slay dragons, as do George, Beowulf, Siegfried.... Or they 
defeat supernatural forces by sacrificing themselves for their na- 
tion, as did Curtius, Decius .... And always they keep unblemished 
their honor, their integrity as warriors and men. 

The Aryan hero is a pointed contrast to the Jew boy, David, 
who, when a warrior, Goliath, stands before his army and, in keep- 
ing with the old Aryan tradition (cf. the Horatii), challenges his 
adversaries to send a champion to meet him in a duel, sneaks up 
and kills him from a distance with a slingshot. That is like chal- 
lenging a man to a duel with swords and then drawing a pistol and 
shooting him. It offends our sense of honor, and even the Jews 
thought it best to mitigate the offense by making Goliath absurdly 
accept a challenge from his puny adversary, but the unvarnished 
story corresponds to the ethic of a race that is practical and 
believes in killing an enemy efficiently and preferably by 
treachery, involving the least risk to oneself— a race that despises 
us for our romantic notions of personal honor and fairness even in 

The Aryan ideal is personal courage in hand-to-hand combat, 
preferably with swords. When missiles, arrows and bullets, be- 
come the major weapons, they are still preliminaries, so to speak, 
of a fight man-to-man. Even in naval warfare, Roman galleys or 
' British ships-of-the line, when the catapults and cannon have done 
their work, the final combat is typically by boarding. The Light 
Brigade at Balaklava rode against the cannon and sabered the 
Russian gunners. Arid during the two catastrophic World Wars, 
knighthood returned for a season with duels in the air. 

We admire the great commanders who lead armies or fleets to 
victory: Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon; Don Juan, Nelson— or were 

20 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 21 

defeated with honor by overwhelmingly superior forces: Rommel, 
Von Spee.... 

The instinct of personal combat is in the blood of our males, 
when not degenerate, even in childhood. One of the delightful 
stories of “Said” (H. H. Munro) deals with a silly woman who does 
not want her boys to play with toy soldiers and imagine war and 
slaughter, so she tries to substitute peaceful playthings, aldermen 
and parliamentarians and reformers like John Stuart Mill, who 
orate and vote instead of fighting, with the result, of course, that 
the healthy boys convert the figures and use them as soldiers in 
pitched battles. 

Manhood for Aryans means courage and honor, and even in 
the terribly mechanized and dysgenic wars of this century there 
was still a place for virile fortitude and heroism. But we seem now 
to face a future in which our racial psyche will be frustrated and 
otiose— a future in which great wars will be won by scientists and 
technicians, who may be cowardly little weaklings, but will loose 
ballistic missiles and laser beams against which all personal 
courage will be vain and, indeed, impossible. So far as we can • 
foresee, the spiritual force that made our race great and made us 
the masters of the entire planet before poisonous superstitions 
made us degenerate and moronic — that vital force, even if revived, 
will be ineffectual, powerless, and useless. Are Aryans now ob- 
solete? • D 




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tne wnite Hace today* and ... 

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sf.rw.O :/ V7.ct f: l: jfv: b.y I : 1 f.V. K |y \ M M 

22003) to: LIBERTY BELL PUBLICATIONS, Box 21 j Reedy WV 

22 Liberty Bell / March 1989 


Nicholas Carter 

T he human animal has but a brief interval of unmeasured time, an 
indefinite, but ever-running hour-glass, that will —as surely as the 
sun will continue to crown one horizon and dissolve into the other — run 
out. And then his place will know him no more; and all of his sighs and 
songs and furies, will be no more. 

[ “I could be bound in a nutshell,” mused a great poet, “and count 

myself king of infinite space, were it not that I dream ” 
t Oh, those tantalizing dreams; those ever-erupting echoes motivated 

by longings deeply rooted in the primeval subconscious self: desires not 
always fully understood, not always spelled out in the all-too-often 
murky language of the conscious self; yearning visions more often than 
not dammed up, or subverted by, the thousand unnatural and negative 
shocks that our beings have been made heir to by religions and 
philosophies rooted in renunciation and self-hate, in fear, mysticism, 
and fate; or in a dreadful, mindless dabbling with psychedelic drugs. 

Since we are not born in nutshells, since we are dreamers, we can- 
not exist without questions. We cannot live without seeking answers to 
questions. Just as it is the nature of the scorpion to sting, it is the nature 
of man to wonder. We are islands of wonderment in an ocean of ques- 
tions. Among them: 

How came this universe to be, and what is it made of? What is the relation- 
ship between mind and matter? Is knowledge empirically relativistic or is it 
abstractly absolutist? What is the measure of good and evil in the universe? 

Is man free to mold his own destiny or is he a mere straw In the wind? Is 
1 death the end of our existence? Is the human soul “personal” or immortal? Is 

there a God? 

Only the philosophically-aware person— in the truest sense of the 
concept: an individual with an integrated view of life that is both ration- 
al and consistent, as opposed to the followers of the magicians of mys- 
i ticism, who succumb to the rankest of superstitions, and the simplest 

psychological pacifiers -can begin to approach these questions. Only 
■j the thinker who looks by means of human reason for intelligible 

theories that apply to the world or the meaning of life can begin to find 
■! answers to these questions that truly relate to the “human condition.” 

1 Like it or not, the lifestyle of the individual is in his own hands. The 

course of a human life is marked out by the values he, or she, has 
1 chosen. Neither myth, nor mysticism, nor magic, nor warm-blooded 

|: feelings can truly assign value. Only cool-blooded rationalism can 

Liberty Bell f March 1989 23 

enable the individual to make the decisions that will effect his personal 
life in ways that will be both fulfilling and enriching. “Whilst I study to 
find how I am a microcosm or little world, I find myself something more 
than a fearful fool mesmerized by a catalogue of simple-minded 
wonders.” Thus speaks the eclectic human being in a world in which 
irrational certainty is invariably more comfortable than rational doubt- 
in which the most esoteric questions are invariably linked to the least 
objective solutions. 

I am referring to the world of “faith.” 

From Adae (the ancestral reverential customs of the Ashanti and 
kindred peoples of Ghana) to Zombie (the faith of the “living- dead,” 
those whose souls have been eaten by witches), thousands of religions 
shingle the metaphysical summits of the human species. Everywhere on 
earth, we find people turning to some version of a Supreme Being: a 
personal SXJPER-parent who will provide them with comforting 
answers and easy salvation. From the grave Moslem worshiper in 
mosques, on housetops, and in the vastness of the desert; to the Hindu 
in his intricately carved temples, to the Buddhist before his flower- 
strewn shrine, to the Parsee before the sacred fire, to the Sufi or Yogi 
wrapped in mysticism, to the American Indian before the “Great 
Spirit” — a wide assemblage of God-seekers inhabit the world. 
Everywhere we see morality and reason subordinated to the beliefs of 
cults, denominations, and mysterious schemes that have survived down 
through the ages, or that happen to be contemporarily in vogue. 

Even some scientists manifest a thirst for transcendence. 

Is the universe a “cosmic computer” — a cellular automaton, as it 
were? Cellular automata can produce endlessly intricate patterns from 
the merest shred of a program; and that makes them very good can- 
didates for computers of the cosmic variety. Ergo, a simple number— 

81 , for instance — might be pinpointed via cellular automation, as 
possibly containing the secret leading to the origin of life. But what 
would a monstrous computational universe really tell us about the 
reasons for life evolving in the first place? Well— we could always con- 
clude that some cosmic computer programmer set the whole works in 
motion for the purpose of determining this, that, or something else. But 
that would bring us back to square one, wouldn’t it? 

Sociobiology, on the other hand, propounds the revolutionary / 
theory that plants and living creatures are like huge robotic devices that 
are employed by genes in order to reproduce themselves— genetic 
entrepreneurs, as it were. Ergo, the transmission of genetic information 
is the mis on d etre of the entire system. Out of this theory comes the 

24 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

evolutionary basis for cooperation and altruism. As a result of this 
“ruthless genetic calculus,” we cooperate with each other, even to the 
point of sacrificing our lives if necessary, because a goodly number of 
our genes will be preserved. Are we really so mechanistic or robotic 
that our reasons for living and dying — regardless of the emotional 
and/or rational content of those reasons— are simply rooted in the 
preservation of our genes? 

Other social scientists describe society as simply an “organism” - 
with life meaning nothing more than “unity.” This “general systems 
theory” involves a fusion of evolution, information, and society, with the 
predetermination of life being to create more and better information— 
an “intention” of life that supposedly bears with it such moral impera- 
tives as pacifism and ecological awareness. (And, no doubt, various and 
sundry other utopianistic commandments such as total equality, total 
happiness, and total sexual fulfillment.) 

Consider, too, the crazy quilt of transcendentalism that exists out- 
side of “organized” religion. 

In this most advanced age of science and technology, East Indian 
faith-healers, New Age gurus, and scholarly apostles of the dictates of 
chance, carry the revolt against reason to countless thousands of 
Americans. What honest passion or ecstasy, what sense of life, what 
truthful desire, can be found in the First Church of Satan in San Fran- 
cisco, where chickens are beheaded, naked women are used as altars, 
and phallic symbols are shaken toward each point of the compass for 
benediction; or in the throwing of the I Ching— that Chinese classic of 
cosmic gibberish; or in the simplistic mumbo-jumbo (“Rather than 
propel, the stars impel.”) of astrology, wherein fate and character are 
supposedly explained by concentrations of burning gases out in space? 

The newest “faith” is the so-called Yuppies’ religion: the New Age 
philosophy. Common to many of its adherents are a belief in reincarna- 
tion, in astrology, in the miraculous powers of quartz crystals, in trance 
channelers, or mediums, individuals who claim to have the power to 
summon up voices from centuries ago. There are now New Age chur- 
ches, radio programs, stores, tapes, newsletters, magazines, seminars, 
and classes, and jewelry containing “healing” stones. Mysticism running 


But what of those of us who cannot accept the world of transcen- 
dentalism? Can there be more to religion than magic, mysticism, and 
miracles; more than spiritualism and supernaturalism; more than the 
occult, the uncanny, and the mysterious that has degenerated into mys- 
tification? Can we be “cosmic dancers” linked to nature rather than 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 25 

SUPER-nature? Is there life after theism? 

Without question, the answer is — YES! Contrary to theists 
everywhere, “religious atheist” is not, like “objective theologian”, an 
oxymoronic description. Religion can also be defined as a specific sys- 
tem of non-theistic reverential belief. That religion can exist without a 
belief in a personal God is Siddhartha Gautama's great contribution to 
the world of metaphysics. In the sense that the Buddha was a non- 
theist, I am a non-theist. I am referring to the mortal Buddha— the 
living Buddha before all of the legends about him were absorbed by 
myth, and he was transformed into an unadulterated, virgin-born, 
miracle-performing, deity. 

Uncompromisingly, the religion of Buddha (budh denotes both to 
wake up and to know) was atheistic, since he did not believe in the 
existence of a personal God (or even a divine Trinity) in control of the 
universe, or in a world that was created by, and was governed by, a 
single Supreme Being having human traits of intelligence and will in 
magnified form. 

All concepts of a Supreme Being have their origins in the in- 
doctrination of a particular “faith.” There is no difference in principle 
in the manner in which little children, or converts, are affected by con- 
ditioning to believe in the doctrines of Christianity, witchcraft, Com- 
munism, voodoo, Judaism, or any other system of belief. The hucksters 
of deism would have us believe that religious language refers to divine 
reality that exists in its own right, independent of our human desires 
and thoughts. It is safe to assume, however, that divine reality had ab- 
solutely nothing to do with the deification of Nero, the Buddha, the 
Dalai Lama, and even Hirohito and Mao Tse-tung; nor with the total 
acceptance of these counterfeit deities on a reverential level in typical 
doctrinal language by millions of people. Obviously, the concept of God 
is precisely what the deification-conditioned mind decrees it to be. 

Understanding this rather simple psychological phenomenon better 
than most philosophers, Buddha sought a way of salvation with depend- 
ence upon a self-reliant ethical life as opposed to the blind dependence, 
upon any kind of divine being. He scorned as futile all supernatural 
theories regarding cosmic ultimates; he was indifferent to the fashion of 
philosophical flight into mysticism and supernaturalism; and he ignored 
the trappings of organized religion: worship, prayer, sacrifices, 
sacramentalism, priests, scriptures. Priests were unnecessary because 
each person should work out his own salvation. Sacrifices were un- 
necessary because there were no gods to whom to offer them. 

In the simplest terms, his primary concern was with the inevitable 

26 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

consequences of human conduct. His “faith” was one of morality, self- 
appreciation, ethical individualism, and self-reliance— a faith with deep 
reverence for the universe; and an equally deep respect for Dhdrma , the 
Eternal Law of the universe. In Buddha's understanding, the eternal 
Supreme Force of the universe replaced the creative Supreme Being. 
Rather than “force,” I prefer “substance” — the term cleverly used by 
Christians (“Three persons in One Substance...”) to embrace the con- 
cept of a Triune God, the mystery that three are one, and one is three. 
In essence, then, we are all persons of one substance— that of the 
Supreme Substance of the universe. We do not know whether the 
universe as we know it had a beginning— all Big Bang speculations to 
the contrary notwithstanding— or if it will have an end. From the 
standpoint of certainty, we know only that it is there, here, and seeming- 
ly everywhere. 

Any interest in reincarnation on the part of Buddha wa‘s equivocal 
at best, for the reason that he did not believe in an immortal soul. After 
death, what? Reunion with the universe, as that basic matter of which 
we are composed is reabsorbed. Nirvana is reached. Oblivion is at- 
tained. There is eternal rest. 

What of the soul, or personality that includes the mind, memories, 
and the propensities that have accumulated from a unique pattern of 
life experiences? Buddha surmised that the personality was not immedi- 
ately extinguished at the time of death, but was slowly lost by degrees. 
The doctrine of transmigration is founded on this theory. But even for 
the brilliant Buddha, this was mere speculation without objective foun- 
dation. Some Burmese believe. that the personality-soul forms into an 
invisible butterfly at the moment Of death. Seeing a dead human being 
and a dead animal side by side, appearing as always, so strangely similar 
\ in death, and picturing invisible butterflies hovering over the corpses is, 
at best, imagination boggling— assuming, that is, that the Burmese see 
I souls, in all living things. If not, why not? The earthly human condition 

/ differs in degree but not in principle from the earthly animal condition. 

1 We eat, sleep, defecate, give birth, and even experience rapid eye move- 
ments (REM) when we dream, just like animals; and we cease to be 
•with a similar kind of whisper. 

Regarding death and the final dissolution of the personal soul, 
there is no test for determining if it is lost by degrees after quietus. 
Thanks to modem medical knowledge regarding diseases of the elderly, 
however, we can at least speculate about the degree of loss before 
death. Imagine a stop-action camera recording the total progress of 
Alzheimer's Disease in a patient. The finished film would reveal the 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 27 

slow but progressive disappearance of everything that composed that 
person’s identity/personality/soul*- leaving only a living shell with eyes 
that look but do not see. 

Physically, spiritually, logically— where did it all go? Was it slowly 
deposited into some metaphysical receptacle somewhere? Did it slowly 
form into an invisible butterfly, as opposed to taking shape suddenly at 
the moment of a different type of death? Perhaps. But the dictates of 
logic point in an entirely different direction: That human soul simply 
ceased to be— just as the life of an engine ceases to be— or, as we say, 
“dies” — when a breakdown occurs, or when the source of power is in- 

Within the circle of the imposing universe enveloping us, not all is 
mysterious. Some of the questions that plagued our ancestors have been 
answered. Most importantly, we know that the Second Law of Ther- 
modynamics-events in the physical world proceed spontaneously in 
only one unique direction— is neither schizophrenic (the law has only 
one face and only one bearing) nor surrealistic (the law never varies 
from day to day or year to year). Just as the same stream at any given 
point will never be exactly the same again, the same precise conjugation 
of atoms, molecules and bodily cells can never come together again to 
produce the same personal soul; nor can that same soul ever be reincar- 
nated in conjunction with a different stream of atoms, molecules, and 
bodily cells, not only for the future as we see it, but for all eternity. 

We know, too, that gravity, the speeds of light and sound, the com- 
positions of earth, air, fire/ and water, the change of the seasons, etc., 
never violate the law of identity. Apart from being deterministic but 
random -which explains the unpredictability of weather— the Supreme 
and also Moral law of the universe never plays magical tricks (miracles 
and wondrous predetermined acts) on Mother Nature and her flock of 
humans. We evolve out of one sleep to life; and we are reabsorbed into 
another sleep, losing only our personal souls, and leaving only the— 
WHY. And there’s the rub. It isn’t going quietly into that good night 
that’s tough. It’s going without answers. And this simple fact gives every 
stone-age witchdoctor and New Age guru the hook he needs to help 
him ensnare his share of the human species. Tragically, the human con- 
dition that we experience isn’t enough for the human animal. With self- 
interest rooted in superiority and egotism rooted in arrogance, he 
declares that his uniqueness qualifies him for immortality. (“I think; 
therefore, I am divine.”) Curiously, some of these same presumptuous 
creatures preach that the ego “oozing like a secret sore,” and the self 
that “overlays and obscures the Infinite beneath,” must be eliminated, 

28 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

before one can ever transcend creaturely existence and be transfigured 
by that “clear day of eternity which never changes into its contrary.” 
■Rather than life being “out of joint,” these self-deluded fools are “out of 
joint” with life. In an attempt to shatter the bubble of the universe, they 
gamble all of their living currency on a strategy that has as its founda- 
tion a paranoic denial of the essential elements of the human condition: 
rational self-interest and self-esteem. 

Admittedly, we are not only ignorant of many things, we are faced 
with the unchangeable fact that life chases death. Our perceptions 
regarding the essence of the human condition can be changed, however. 
We can stop whining like lonesome orphans looking for “the great 
heavenly companion who understands.” We can face the fact that for 
just as long as we refuse to take a moral stand against supernaturalism, 
we will never grow up. We may come of age as far as years and size are 
concerned; but we will never be emotionally mature. Greed for comfort- 
able doctrinal retreats tend not to edification. We can work to develop 
the kind of courage and moral strength that will enable us to handle the 
feelings of guilt, fear, and uncertainty that leave us vulnerable to the 
witchdoctor’s philosophy. We can begin to icach our children to revere 
the universe and the physical body rather than revering some magical 
creator of those substances; to appreciate the fact that not one single 
ordinance of the Supreme Law of the universe can ever be violated 
(smoking, drinking, using drugs, etc.) with impunity; to understand that 
for as long as they believe in immortal souls, they will never truly 
respect their mortal souls; and to realize that for as long as they worship 
some divine PAPA who will make everything right in the end, they will 
never truly take responsibility for their lives and their actions. 

The impossible dream? Maybe. Nonetheless, I envision a future 
world in which honest, fearless human beings will raise their children to 
be as courageous and emotionally and morally sound as they are; a 
world in which people will be willing to accept their mortal material 
selves without the need to believe in immortal, non-material souls; 
people who will have the courage to traverse the razor’s edge of reality, 
secure in the knowledge that even though they will die without pat 
answers to every probing question, they will have made the best of their 
lives within the bounds of rationality rather than in the bonds of super- 

If an intelligent extra-terrestrial happens to visit our little planet in 
the sun before that day comes, and if he stays long enough to take a 
good look around, his telepathic response to his spaceship will probably 
be: “Beam me up, Zemclaw. This place is a child’s night-mare.” D 


Liberty Lett / March 1989 29 

IN CONNECTION with a memorial observation of the 50th anniver- 
sary of Reichskristallnacht by the Bundestag (The western German 
legislative body) a speech was given by its President which attracted 
widespread attention in the world. Although such prominent Jewish 
leaders as Furst and Wiesenthal were not inclined to find the speech 
offensive to Jews and although it contained not the slightest denial of 
the “Holocaust” material, Jenninger was forced, to his astonishment, to 
resign his very important position as a result of pressure from his fel- 
low members of the Bundestag and from Israel. Ironically, Jenninger 
had made many trips to Israel and was a faithful minion of Israel. 

The American press took some notice of the speech, typically with 
just a few short quotations. I, for one, was curious to know what sort of 
speech could have caused such an uproar and to see the original Ger- 
man text of the speech. After vain attempts to obtain a copy of the 
original text, I finally encountered it in the November issue of the im- 
portant Unabhdngige Nachnchten (Postfach 400 215, D-4630 Bochum, 
West Germany). The copy was postmarked 27 November but did not 
reach me until 14 January. 

I was astonished when I read through the 5 1/2 pages which the 
text of the speech occupied. It was full of the contrition and self-flagel- 
lation that typify the position of officials of the Bonn government with 
regard to the history of the National Socialist period (1933-1945). Parts 
of it could have been written by the worst detractors of the German 
nation. There was, however a modest defense of Germans by a recita- 
tion of the earlier successes of the National Socialist government, 
which, Jenninger claims, seduced Germans into supporting a govern- 
ment which went on to commit crimes in their name. Otherwise, Jen- 
ninger interpreted German history in a manner unfavorable to 
Germans. His version of history was distorted by omissions, if not 
simply errors in some instances, some of which we shall point out 
below in connection with specific passages in my translation. 

Jenninger's speech reminded me of a sort of joke which was 

30 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

making the rounds in Germany after the war. It went something like 
this: Who is being toughest against former Nazis? The Russians? No. 
The French? No. The British? No. The Americans? No. Well, who 
then? The Germans themselves! 

Indeed, Germans at that time were suffering from the results of an 
extremely painful, costly war fought while the National Socialist 
government had been in power. During this past decade, the Second 
World War, instead of receding in the awareness of the Germans, 
seems to be the subject of ever more intense self-recrimination on 
their part in all three German states, where there is hardly any reaily 
open debate about the events and causes of the war and the nature of 
National Socialism. The governments in Bonn, Berlin, and Vienna are 
eager to show the world how vigorously they can repress attempts at 
historical revisionism aimed at more objective versions. 

Why has this self-recrimination intensified in recent years? One 
factor might be the natural friction between generations, amongst a 
number of factors. There are even instances where Bonn and Vienna 
have taken measures against foreign revisionists who have undertaken 
to save Germans from themselves as a result of a realization that the 
demographic and psychological decline of the German nation con- 
stitutes a harm to Western Civilization and to Aryans in general. In the 
case of the Bonn government in particular, there seems to be an over- 
riding fear of a boycott of German export goods, a boycott like the one 
which was undertaken by Jews as early as 1933 and which could again 
have a devastating effect on the German' economy, beset as it is al- 
ready by an unemployment problem of some dimensions. Germany 
* must export or starve, as it did during the first half of 1919 as a result 
of the continued Allied blockade. 

Let us now turn to my translations of selected passages from 
Jenninger’s speech together with some comments on them. Readers df 
the Bulletin [or of Liberty Bell\ who wish to study a copy of the original 
German text should write to the Committee for the Reexamination of 
History of the Second World War [or to Liberty Bell Publications, for 
copies of the Jenninger speech; please include $1.50 for the copying 
cost and mailing]. My own comments on the following pages are iden- 
tified by being enclosed in square brackets. 

Ladies and Gentlemen t The Jews in Germany and throughout the 
world recall the events which took place 50 years ago today . We Germans 
also remember that which took place in' our country a half century ago 
and it is good that we do this in the two states on German soil This is 
the case because our history cannot be split up into good and evil and the 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 31 

responsibility for the past cannot be distributed in accordance with the 
arbitrary geographical arrangements of the postwar era . 

That which transpired in Germany 50 years ; ago today had never 
taken place in any civilized country ever since the middle ages . [Jen- 
ninger contradicts his own statement by his later nse of the Russian 
word pogrom , unless we assume that Russia was an uncivilized land in 
the nineteenth century.] And, even worse : the riots were not a matter of 
some sort of manifestations of a spontaneous popular anger motivated as 
usual, but rather an action thought up, instigated, and promoted by lead- 
ing figures of the government [This statement is perhaps the most ques- 
tionable one in the whole speech. Ingrid Weckert’s book on the 
Reichskristallnacht, Feuerzeichen, furnishes convincing evidence that 
such leaders as Hitler, Goebbels, and Goring were appalled at the 
' riots that had taken place on the night of 9-10 November 1938. Was 
Jenninger objective enough to have read Weckert’s book while prepar- 
ing his speech? I doubt it! For a review of Feuerzeichen, see Bulletin 31 
[or Liberty Bell for January 1989]. It is inexcusable that Jenninger failed 
throughout his speech to mention the humiliating murder of a German 
diplomatic official in Paris and an earlier murder of a prominent Na- 
tional Socialist in Switzerland in 1936, in both instances by Jews. Even 
the bloody (or even bloodier) race riots that took place in Tulsa, Ok- 
lahoma in 1921 are reputed to have been touched off simply by a 
young Negro’s insult of a Caucasian woman.] 

On the 30th of January 1933 the National Socialists had taken power 
* in the German Reich . The five and one-half years between then and 
November 1938 were enough to cancel out the equality achieved by Jews 
during a century and a half It began with the boycott of Jewish busi- 
nesses in April 1933 and the immediate forced pensioning of Jewish civil 
servants . During the same year there followed the first prohibitions of 
Jewish journalists and artists to practice their professions . The Nurem- 
berg Laws' of 1935 made Jews second-class citizens without civil rights . 
The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor' ushered in the 
unspeakable crime of * racial shame.' [Rassenschande, i.e., miscegena- 
tion. Germany was by no means the only country with laws that pro- 
hibited miscegenation. Many states in the United States had laws 
based on the same principle. Jenninger’s statement about the boycott 
of Jewish businesses should also be challenged. In the (London) Daily 
Express of 24 March 1933 there was a long, front-page article about 
Jews’ plans for an international boycott of German exported goods. 

32 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

Liberty Bell l March 1989 33 

The initial boycott of Jewish stores in Germany lasted only a day, 

1 April 1933, a Saturday.] 

[The Austrian magazine Sieg (Postfach 5, A-6911 Lochau, Austria, 
1/1989, page 18) believes that Jenninger’ s speech was almost certainly 
written by Dr. Thomas Gundelach and states that it is reputed that 
Jenninger delivered the speech without having previously read it. The 
following eight paragraphs of the text would seem to be the principal 
cause of the howling about the speech. However, these paragraphs 

contain some noteworthy and correct insights.] 

Hitler's successes were perhaps even more devastating for the fate of 
the German and European Jews than his evil deeds and crimes . The 
years from 1933 to 1938 are something that provoke our fascination, even 
from the present point of distant hindsight and with the knowledge of 
what happened after that, inasmuch as there has scarcely ever ^ been in 
history a parallel to Hitler's political triumphal procession during those 

first years. 

The reincorporation of the Saar [as a result of the plebiscite on 13 
January 1935 under the supervision of the League of Nations, with ap- 
proximately 90% of the votes cast in favor of the return to Germany], 
the introduction of universal conscription, massive rearmament [defying 
the humiliating limitations of the Versailles Treaty], signing of the 
British-German naval treaty, occupation [by German armed forces] of 
the [previously demilitarized] Rhineland, Olympic Summer Games in 
Berlin, the annexation [AnschluC] of Austria and the [beginning of the] 
i Greater German [GroBdeutsches] Reich ' and finally, just a few weeks 
before the November pogroms, the Munich Agreement [involving the ap- 
proval of the British, French, and Italian governments of the annexa- 
tion of the Sudetenland], the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia 
[involving the independence of Slovakia and the status of Bohemia and 
Moravia as a German protectorate]; by this time the Versailles Treaty 
was only a scrap of paper and all at once the German Reich was the 

hegemonical power of the old continent [of Europe]. 

For the Germans, who had preponderantly sensed the Weimar 
Republic as a consequence of foreign humiliations , all of this must have 
seemed like a miracle . And that was not alii massive unemployment had 
been turned into full employment, mass misery had been turned into 
something like prosperity for the very broad masses . Instead of despair 
and hopelessness, optimism and self-confidence were prevailing. Had not 
Hitler made to come true that which [Emperor] Wilhelm II [reigned 
1888-1918] had merely promised, namely to lead the Germans into mag- 
nificent times? Was he not really selected by Providence, a leader of the 

kind that is bestowed on a nation only once in a thousand years? 

To be sure, in free elections Hitler had never been able to obtain for 
himself a majority of the Germans . But who would doubt that in 1938 
the vast majority of Germans were standing behind him and identifying 
themselves with him and his policies? Certainly, some 'quarrelsome 
faultfinders' (Haffner) wanted to keep things stirred up and were hounded 
by the SD [Security Service] and Gestapo [Secret State Police], but 
most Germans —and indeed Germans from all classes, from the middle 
classes as well as from the working classes— were probably convinced in 
1938 that Hitler should be viewed as the greatest statesman in our history. 

And another thing must not be overlooked; all of Hitler's aston- 
ishing successes were on the whole and individually a belated slap in the 
face of the Weimar system . And [the] Weimar [Republic] was not only 
, synonymous with weakness in the face of foreign nations, with quarrels of 
political parties and changes of government, with economic misery, with 
chaos and street fights and political disorder in the broadest sense, but 
[the] Weimar [Republic] was of course also a synonym for democracy 
and parliamentary government, for division of powers and civil rights, for 
freedom of the press and assembly and finally for a maximal degree of 
Jewish emancipation and assimilation . 

This is to say that Hitler's successes belatedly discredited especially 
the liberal system based on a parliament, the very democracy of [the] 
Weimar [Republic], Under these circumstances, for many Germans there 
was no longer even a question of what system was preferable. Perhaps in 
some individual aspects of life people enjoyed less individual freedom 
but they were, after all, getting along personally better than previously and 
without any doubt the Reich was great, indeed greater and more powerful 
than previously. Had not the leaders of Great Britain, France, and Italy 
paid their respects to Hitler in Munich and helped him to attain a further 
success, one of those which was considered impossible? 

And as far as the lews were concerned, had they not assumed a role 
for themselves in the past that was inappropriate for them? Did they not 
finally have tq accept, for once, limitations in exchange? Had they per- 
haps even deserved to have some limitations imposed on them? And, 
especially, was not the propaganda in essential points— aside from wild 
exaggerations not to be taken seriously— in keeping after all, with one's 
own suppositions and convictions? 

And if things got too bad, as in November 1938, one could, of 
course, still say to himself, in the words of a contemporary, 'Of what 
concern is that to us? Look away if you find it horrible . It is not our fate’ 
(Rauschning). [Jenninger is apparently quoting Hermann Rauschning, 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 35 

34 Liberty Bell/ March 1989 

the author of Gesprdche tnit Hitler (Conversations with Hitler), which 
has recently been proved to be a fraudulent book by the Swiss his- 
torian, Wolfgang Hanel. Jenninger weakens his credibility as an his- 
torian by citing such a source. See the investigation of Rauschning’s 
book by Hanel published in 1984 by the Zeitgeschichtliche 
Forschungsstelle Ingolstadt.] 

[On the fourth page of the text, as printed in the Unabhangige 
Nachrichten, Jenninger trots out the old, threadbare Freudian explana- 
tion for Hitler’s hostility toward Jews, viz., a miserable childhood, 
failure as an artist, sexual disturbances, etc. Such an explanation, how- 
ever, could hardly be applied to the brilliantly successful American in- 
dustrialist, Henry Ford. During 1920-1922 Ford subsidized an extensive 
series of studies on the Jewish problem [see The International Jew: The 
World's Foremost Problem , 4-volume set, approx. 1000 pages, $26. plus 
postage, available from Liberty Bell Publications]. They were soon 
translated into German [see Der Internationale Jude, $13.50 + postage, 
available from Liberty Bell Publications] and it is apparent that they 
were the most important, but by no means the only, American in- 
fluence on Hitler and his NSDAP.] 

[Jenninger then goes on to quote at length a vividly embellished 
account of an “eyewitness” describing a mass shooting of prisoners in a 
ditch. The quotation does not even specify that the victims were Jews. 
Jenninger gives no source for this quotation but it would seem typical 
of the sort of “evidence” presented at the Allied show trials in Nur- 
emberg. Again, without giving a source, Jenninger then quotes from 
document PS-1919 presented at the Nuremberg trials. Even here he 
makes a distorting omission. PS-1919 is quoted in Wilhelip Staglich’s 
important Der Auschwitz Mythos [available from Liberty Bell Publica- 
tions, $13.00 + postage] pp. 91-92, pp. 63-65 in the English edition. It 
is from a speech allegedly given by Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler 
before an audience of SS Gruppenfuhrer in Posen on 4 October 1943, 
This document is frequently quoted by Zionists because it speaks of 
extirpation (Ausrottung) of the Jewish people. Staglich, however, 
makes a convincing case against the authenticity of this document on 
the basis of historical improbabilities in the text.] □ 

This article reprinted from Bulletin No. 33, published by the Committee for the 
Reexamination of the History of the Second World War, Charles E. Weber, Ph.D., 
Chairman, 1628 So. College, Tulsa, OK 74104. Annual subscription to Liberty Bell 
$35.00. Sample copy and copy of our extensive book list $4.00. Order from: 

Liberty Bell Publications, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 
36 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

. I 



b y 

Nicholas Carter 

I s Jewish humor basically different from that of Gentiles? Do motion 
pictures produced, written, and directed primarily by Jews, differ 
basically from films made by Gentile artists of the medium? With little 
room for doubt, the answer to both of these questions, in my opinion, is 

Consider first, the concept of comedy. There is a scene in the latest 
Zucker, Zucker and Abraham produced flic, “The Naked Gun,” for 
, instance, that exemplifies the ambiance of Jewish humor, 

A young woman, standing rather high on a ladder, is apparently 
looking for something in an attic. The leading actor in the production is 
standing at the foot of the ladder. From the angle of the viewer, he 
could be looking right up her dress. “Nice beaver,” he casually com- 
ments. A moment later, she hands down a stuffed animal —a beaver, 
Now most Americans know that the word “beaver” is euphemistically 
used in a descriptive sense that has only a tantalizing relationship with 
the animal in question. Hence, the “humor” in the situation. 

In truth, this is a splendid example of Jewish humor. It is cheap, 
sordid, childish, and the kind of comedy that belongs to the Marx 
Brothers, the Three Stooges, Buddy Hackett, and numerous other 
Jewish comics. Curiously, most Gentile comedians, from Richard Pryor 
to Robin Williams can use forbidden words and off-color jokes, and still 
be charmingly acceptable. On the other hand, there are people like 
Lebanese Catholic Danny Thomas and the late Myron Cohen (there are 
some decent Jewish comedians) who are able to delight audiences for 
lengthy periods of time without using a single off-color remark. 

For the most pertinent perspective on what generally passes for 
Jewish humor, however, one need look no further than an appearance 
on the Johnny Carson show by Jewish actor Walter Matthau a few years 
back. The very first thing Matthau said when he sat down was, “My wife 
told me not to tell a toilet joke .” And then he promptly told a toilet 

For a revealing perspective on the Jewish approach to films dealing 
mostly with non-Jews (specifically: white Gentiles), a little fantasizing 
might help. Let us suppose that a Gentile-controlled film studio in, say, 
Russia, is going to produce a number of scripts dedicated to providing 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 37 

the world with Gentile versions of the universal Jewish lifestyle. Ergo, 
consider the following scenarios: 

The action of production number one— a comedy in which many of 
the scenes are quick skits having nothing to do with the loosely running 
story-line — takes place on a jumbo jet. In one scene, two stereotypical 
Jewish children (George Burns and Barbara Streisand look-alikes, per- 
haps), about ten years of age and extravagantly dressed, are seated 
together. The boy is puffing on a cigar. He offers one to the little girl. 
She accepts; but when he starts to clip the end for her, she reaches for 
the cigar, saying, “Oh no, I prefer my cigars UNcircum-cised, like my 
men.” In another scene, we meet the pilot, a stereotypical hook-nosed 
Jew wearing a self-conscious grin, as if he has just been caught eating 
something forbidden. He is soon disclosed as a child molester due to 
his oblique references to his sexual preferences for little boys. 

The locale of the second picture is a small Israeli town on the West 
Bank, The town policeman has killed an Arab during the commission of 
a crime. The Arab's brother, a noted terrorist, sends word to the 
policeman that he, along with some of his henchmen, are coming to 
avenge his brother's “murder,” Needing help, the policeman turns to 
the townspeople. All of them— including his former military com- 
mander, his service buddies, his relatives, his neighbors, even his wife— 
are too cowardly to offer him any assistance. The film climaxes with a 
battle in which the policeman, facing the Arabs alone, fights to victory. 

In production number three, a wealthy Israeli newspaper owner ex- 
presses his opposition in editorials to the refusal of the government to 
deal with the Palestinians, to the brutalization of the Palestinians, and to 
the continued reliance on American aid. In response to his; “anti-Semi- 
tic” views, powerful Israelis produce a film viciously smearing him as 
one of the worst human beings imaginable: cold, ruthless, friendless, 
despicable, with no sense of decency and fairness; and incapable of 
finding love, short of picking up women on the street. In fact, his soul is 
so empty, the only comforting thing on his mind as he dies, is the name 
of a boyhood toy. 

The next movie is designed to degrade the Israeli military. The lo- 
cale: an air base somewhere in Israel. The base commander is a 
psychopath who wants to shoot any serviceman with dust on his shoes, 
or a single undone button. At his elbow at all times is a rat-faced little 
guy ready to cite chapter and verse from military regulations whenever 
the general goes off the deep end. E.g.: “Oh no, General. We can't 
shoot him for belching!” The Colonel in charge of supplies, meanwhile, 
is deeply involved in the black market. In order to cover up his ac- 

38 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

tivities, he makes a deal with the Arabs to blow up his own supply 
depot, thus ensuring that the missing items will be listed as having been 
destroyed. His black market associate among the enlisted men is an 
incipient Nazi who acts like a storm trooper. The base rabbi is a coward 
and a bumbling fool who can't hit the ground with his hat. And the rest 
of the characters are assorted criminal types and sexual perverts. 

And now a film dealing with the activities taking place within a 
large but modem Israeli company that employs several vice presidents 
and numerous young people, including many pretty girls. The most ur- 
gent business on the minds of the managerial staff, however, appears to 
be the seducing of young female employees. Without the slightest shred 
of common decency, they promise the girls everything for their favors, 
and give them nothing in return. To avoid the public eye, as it were, the 
VP's make a deal with an unmarried male employee for the purpose of 
'using his dwelling for their numerous sexual liaisons. 

Film number six belongs to the anti-law- and-order movie genre. 

The sheriff of a small Israeli town and his deputies, capture a vi- 
cious but charismatic Arab criminal, and incarcerate him in the local 
jail. More interested in gaining political power than in doing his job, the 
sheriff is obsessively ambitious and ruthlessly amoral. Most of the 
townspeople— with one of the exceptions being the local newspaper 
editor— are as corrupt and indifferent to decency as the sheriff. As the 
result of his arrogant treatment of the newspaper man, his indifference 
to the welfare of his men, and his plans to use the capture of the 
criminal for his own political gain, his deputies turn against him and 
help the criminal escape from jail. The last thing the deserted sheriff 
sees as he stands in the middle of the street screaming to the high 
heavens about betrayal, are his deputies driving off into the sunset with 
the Arab. 

Many more examples could be cited in this motion picture “hit 
list;” but to continue, I suspect, would be akin to beating the proverbial 
dead horse. 

The purpose of these satirical exercises has been to emphasize by 
example how six major American films — “Airplane,” “High Noon,” 
“Citizen Kane,” “Catch 22,” “The Apartment,” and “The Posse” - 
would appear to the world at large if all of the ugly people involved in 
the stories were Jews rather than white Gentiles. For those who are 
fortunate enough not to have wasted good money to see “Airplane,” a 
couple of incidents from that flic will clarify my “jumbo jet” scenario: A 
handsome Anglo pilot asks a little boy if he has ever seen a grown man 
naked; and a little blonde girl comments that she likes her coffee black , 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 39 

like her men. Obviously, deliberately slanted writing of this sort reaches 
outside the perimeters of socially acceptable comedy for propaganda 
messages that are more closely related to racial denigration than to 
entertainment and enlightenment. 

Is the Hollywood Writer’s Guild “practically a Semitic closed 
- shop,” as a Jewish publication reported a few years back? I really don’t 
know. Considering the large number of movies and TV programs that 
portray Anglos in the most negative ways, however, it isn t difficult to 
conclude that not only is the number of Sammy Glicks in Hollywood far 
out of proportion to their numbers in our society, a goodly number of 
them ate deliberately using the propaganda medium of the motion pic- 
ture to express their contempt for, and hatred of, the American 


For the very best in prime, Grade A, racial denigration, I refer the 
reader to “Soap,” a TV series starring a large, white Gentile family, 
whose members, without exception, are obscene caricatures of human 
beings. The only decent person in the entire household- no coin- 
cidence, to be sure— is the Black manservant. 

In other words, the savaging of Anglos appears to be one of the 
primary occupations of the Sammy Glicks of Hollywood. We are con- 
stantly being portrayed as sex-crazed, power-warped, minority-hating, 
immoral polluters of sane society. “Nashville,” “Nasty Habits,” “Roots,” 
“Little Big Man,” “Dallas,” “A Woman Called Moses,” “A Wedding,” 
“Mandingo,” “Buffalo Bill and the Indians,” “Carnal Knowledge,” 
“Joe,” “The Border,” “Alamo Bay,” “Mississippi Burning,” and “The 
Chase” merely scratch the surface of the parade of Hollywood motion 
pictures that could all be subtitled “Anglos You Love To Hate.” 

Of all the world’s social systems, the Western world of the white 
Gentile is so distinctive in character and imposing in its duration, that it 
could logically be described as the most “human” of societies, and the 
most “civil” of civilizations, Nonetheless, what we frequently hear from 
a disproportionate number of minority members— intellectual terrorists 
who destroy with words instead of bombs— are public declarations via 
novels, text books and film productions, to the effect that the “white 

race” is the cancer of the human race. 

Always contributing to the foundation upon which the individual 
minority racist builds, is the very effective method of media propagan- 
dizing known as saturation programming. We Americans are regularly 
bombarded throughout the year, on both commercial and public tele- 
vision, with guilt-producing dramas, documentaries, and news-film an- 
thologies, that are supposed to “educate” us about past and present 

40 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

“white supremacist,” “anti-Semitic,” and “anti-civil rights” activism. For 
forty years, Nazism has been kept alive by a continual pageantry of 
programs portraying old Nazis, ex-Nazis, resurgent Nazis, neo-Nazis, 
and even cloned Nazis; and the latest in a lengthy procession of assemb- 
ly-line Holocaust productions is a story about an SS officer who under- 
goes plastic surgery so that he can assume the identity of a Jew. What 
next.. .an animated Holocaust extravaganza starring Irving Rabbit? 

If the white race was generally as worthless and corrupt as the 
holier-than-thou, always wronged and never wrong, minorities would 
have us believe, there would be no Western civilization; no great art, 
literature, music, or architecture; no great cathedrals, art galleries, 
libraries, universities, or hospitals; no concept of individual rights; Noth- 
ing— except a terrifying primitive world filled with collectivism and 

Sammy Glick found the freedom and opportunity in predominantly 
white, Christian America to achieve all possible success. And what does 
he give us in return? Out of proportion to his numbers in our society— 
the significant words are, to repeat, OUT OF PROPORTION— he 
gives us an overwhelming lust to defile and destroy our civilization and 
culture. Think about that the next time you see one of Sammy Glick’s 
productions. d 




Liberty Bell / March 1989 41 



IN TORONTO 1983 - 1988 

by David McCalden 

i , i i 1 h i i ■ * 

The Great Holocaust Trials 
in Toronto 1983 - 1988 
by David McCalden 
First Edition 1988 

© Copyright 1988 by Liberty Bell Publications 
Additional copies available from; 

Liberty Bell Publications 
P.O. Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 


Truth Missions 

P.O, Box 3849, Manhattan Beach CA 90266 USA 
Printed in the United States of America 

Red Cross Witnesses in Need of Treatment 

Next up, the Crown called two witnesses from the Canadian Red 
Cross Society, who might have stepped right out of an episode of Monty 
Python. Their testimony was hampered by chaos and confusion; some 
due to the language barrier, and some because of the misrepresentation 

of one organization as another. . 

The Crown first presented Ren6 de Grace, the National Director 

for International Affairs of the Canadian Red Cross Society. De Grace, 
a French-Canadian, told the court that his office maintained a library ot 
publications and bulletins from various “Red Cross” organizations, such 
as the International Committee of the Red Cross (Geneva), and the 
League of Red Cross Societies, and his own Canadian Red Cross 
Society. He presented into evidence an IRC bulletin dated 1 February 
1978 disclaiming the “300,000 total of victims” attributed to the ICRC 
by Harwood on page 30 of Did Six Million Really Die?. De Grace m 
cated that the “300,000" figure came, not from the ICRC, but from a 
similar organization, the International Tracing Service, based at Arolsen 

in West Germany. 

The relationship between the Canadian Red Cross, and the Inter- 
national Committee of the Red Cross, and the International Tracing 
Service, would gradually become a subject of debate; with the Crown 
eventually reversing themselves, instead arguing emphatically that we 
had been right in the beginning! 

In cross-examination, we had Mrs. Marshall ask the witness about 
the paperback book published by the ICRC entitled The Work of the 
ICRC for Civilian Detainees in German Concentration Camps 1939-1945, 
but although he knew of the title, he did not feel qualified to comment 
on its contents. In fact, the 125-page paperback consists of extracts 
from the ICRC’s 3-volume hardback series Report of the ICRC on Its 
Activities During the Second World War. Revisionists point out that early 
editions of the ICRC’s reports (e.g., 1946, 1947) contain very few refer- 
ences to “death camps” or “gas chambers.” Only subsequent editions 

include such terminology. 

Monsieur De Grace had brought along with him a “German-speak- 
ing” assistant, Mrs. Elisabeth Perz, who was supposed to translate for 
the court the Arolsen document which did indeed cite the “3000,000" 
total of victims. Unfortunately, Mrs. Perz’ German was about on a par 
with M. De Grace's English. Her testimony was marred by stumblings, 
mis-translations, and plain ignorance. Even Mrs. Marshall was on the 

ball, when she confined her cross-examination to the following ex- 

Mrs. Marshall; “Do you know what [this document] is about at all? 

Mrs. Perz: “No, I don't." 

Mrs. Marshall: “You have no idea at all?" 


Mrs. Perz: “I have no idea." 

Mrs. Marshall: “Thank you." 

The presentation by the Crown of Elisabeth Perz as both an “ex- 
pert" German translator, and an employee of the “Red Cross" was in- 
dicative of the cavalier attitude with which they approached this 
trial— at least in its early stages. 

In an effort to reclaim lost ground, the Crown Attorney, P eter Grif- 
fiths, re-summoned Ren6 de Grace, to put to him some questions he 
had obviously forgotten to ask him during his Examination-in-chief. In 
particular, Griffiths focused on Harwood's unfortunate mistakes on 
page 27 of Did Six Million Really Die?, where he misrepresented Allied 
camps as German camps; and ICRC Report , Volume 1 as ICRC Report , 
Volume III. (This, and similar, errors have been cleaned up— with the 
help of this author— in the latest British edition of Did Six Million Real- 
ly Die?) 

A Survivor Manqu^e 

Reluctantly, the Crown next exhibited Mrs. Sabina Citron, the in- 
stigator of the private suit against Zundel. Although Mrs. Citron's 
Holocaust Remembrance Association had been expelled from the 
Canadian Jewish Federation for ill-discipline, and although she profes- 
sionally operated a union-busting, immigrant sweat-shop, plastics fac- 
tory, Crown attorneys were so overwhelmed by her garrulous manner 
that they meekly acquiesced to her arrogant demands for the largely- 
Gentile Canadian government to take over her private, vengeful, specifi- 
cally-Jewish law-suit, and spend taxpayers' money instead of her own, in 
venting her spleen. 

Every North American city has a “Sabina Citron." She has her own 
maverick “survivor" organization. She presents herself as a “Holocaust 
expert" for TV and radio appearances. She occasionally acts as a 
docent at “Holocaust" exhibits, where she buttonholes visits with her 
tales of woe. And she solicits invitations to schools and colleges, where 
she is given free rein to impose her own neuroses on impressionable 
children and adolescents. Unfortunately, only in Toronto is a “Sabina 
Citron” taken seriously enough for the state to take over her legal ven- 



Mrs. Citron testified that she had grown up in Lodz, Poland. After 
the war broke out she and her family relocated to the Jewish ghetto at 
the nearby town of Kielce, and worked in a number of war-production 

In July 1944— five years after the German invasion of Poland— 
Sabina and her siblings were transferred to Auschwitz, in box-cars. In 
sworn testimony, she testified that the 120 mile journey took “about a 
week” (Prelim, p. 175). 

Upon arrival at Auschwitz, she and her family were forced to take 
a shower, their clothes were taken away for disinfection, and they were 
given prison uniforms, Sabina was allocated prisoner number A-15134, 
which was tattooed on her forearm, and embroidered on her uniform. 

During five more transcript pages (pp. 177-182) Mrs. Citron 
rambled on, complaining in the typical Jewish fashion about the fit of 
her uniform, the size of her clogs, the space of her bunk, the quality and 
frequency of her meals, and the earliness of the roll-calls. At the begin- 
ning, Judge Hryciuk attempted to move things along, but to no avail. 
Mrs. Citron insisted on hogging the limelight with her tales from the 
Holocaust. Or perhaps, they were not totally her own: much of her 
story appears to be a paraphrase of that of Kitty Hart, the British- 
Jewish-Polish survivor whose memoirs have been made into both a book 
( Return to Auschwitz , Athenaeum, 1983) and a TV video (Kitty: Return 

to Auschwitz, Yorkshire Television, 1979). 

In Kitty’s yarn, she was in the hospital block of the extermination 
camp (!) when a selection for the “gas chambers” was imminent. Her 
mother, who happened to be a nurse, hid her under a straw mattress (p. 
105) and placed a corpse on top to hide her. In Sabina’s story, her 
mother told her to hide under the bunk-boards (Prelim, p. 181) and 
threw herself on top. Miraculously, both survived. 

After just two weeks (Prelim, p. 182) at Auschwitz, Sabina was 
transferred by passenger train to Bomblitz near Hannover, in Germany- 
proper, where she worked in a munitions factory, and “couldn’t believe 
[her] good luck” with the excellent accommodations. 

With the war coming to an end, Sabina was transferred to the tran- 
sit- or holding-camp of Bergen-Belsen. After just three weeks there, she 
was ^transferred to yet another munitions factory at Elsing. Shortly after- 
ward, tthe war came to an end, and Sabina was free to emigrate to 

However, immediately after the war Sabina Citron returned briefly 
to Lodz in Poland to see who and what had survived. In testimony 
(Prelim, p. 185) she acknowledged that “people were coming [back] 

from all over.. .people who were returning were coming there because 
there was. ..a small Jewish center which was receiving returning 
refugees. And it was sort of holding lists of people who had already 
arrived so that families could be re-united.” 

In Lodz, Sabina was able to determine that both her parents and 
one of her two brothers had survived the war; four out of five family 
survivors certainly exceeded the average German or Polish ratio. 
Whatever happened to the missing brother was never determined. 

As soon as our Mrs. Marshall started to cross-examine Sabina 
Citron, a curious incident took place. From the press-gallery, a 
reporter, Sol Littman, passed a folded note to a court usher, who in 
turn passed it to Crown prosecutor Peter Griffiths. At that time, Ditt- 
man was still allegedly a reporter for the Toronto Star and the CBC-TV 
Newshour ; but shortly after this incident he abandoned all pretence at 
objectivity and revealed his true colors as the “Canadian” representative 
of the Simon Wiesenthal Center of Los Angeles. Littman insists that he 
only became a partisan on the subject of “war criminals” and their 
“apologists” because the Star had assigned him to cover the extradition 
case of one Helmut Rauca to West Germany. (Rauca was shipped-out 
to West Germany in 1983, but died before his trial could be held.) 

The court transcripts reveals that Littman only passed his note (in- 
structions?) to Griffiths when the name of a fellow CBC-TV reporter 
was brought up. Sabina Citron confessed on the witness stand that she 
had never actually received a copy of Did Six Million Really Die? in the 
mail, or seen Did Six Million Really Die? on a news-stand; in fact, she 
had only been confronted with a copy of it by CBC’s Steve Peabody, 
who had quizzed her on how much she was outraged by it. Thus, at a 
stroke, the Crown’s argument of “mischief to the public interest” was 
nullified; neither an individual TV reporter nor an individual publicity- 
seeking Jewess could conceivably be regarded as “the public” — even in 
the People’s Republic of Canuckistan— or so we thought! 

In a rare act of courage, Judge Hryciuk publicly rebuked Littman 
for his impertinence. During the lunch-break I interviewed Littman on 
the subject. He complained that Hryciuk was only a “second-rate [Uk- 
rainian] judge” who would never progress. Littman also objected to a 
Zundelist photographer taking pictures of us, because he is a “male 
model” whose features are “copyrighted”!!! 

Besides becoming the “Canadian” representative of the Simon 
Wiesenthal Center, Littman also published a book on the Rauca case, 
entitled War Criminal on Trial, where he vocally complained that Rauca 
had died in West German custody before he could receive “justice.” 



» V 

Revisionists got a taste of Littman’s accuracy in the Simon Wiesen- 
thal Center’s Response newsletter dated February, 1988. On page 6, Litt-> 
man authoritatively, reported that Ernst Zundel had “married the 
daughter of Canadian fascist leader Adrian Arcand.” Although Jamck 
Zundel was indeed French-Canadian, and although Ernst Zundel had 
gained much insight from interviews with the late Arcand, there was no 
familial connection at all. Naturally, Littman never apologized for, or 
withdrew, the claim. Nor was he sued for “publishing false news.” 

In fact, Littman’s prestige was dramatically shattered during the. 
hearing of the Deschenes Commission, which was set up to figure out 
Canada’s response to the Zionist’s complaints about “Nazis amongst 


Littman had insisted that the Deschenes Commission should inves- 
tigate whether or not the “Doctor of Death”, Josef Mengele, had ever 
emigrated to Canada. He withdrew this demand shortly after he himself 
found it spurious, but the Deschenes Commission still spent two chap- 
ters discussing it. Even so, at one unusual hearing, Littman was per- 
sonally rebuked for wasting the Commission’s time, by an impertinent 
Ottawa commissioner; naturally the commissioner issued contrite 

apologies afterward. 

Likewise, the Deschenes Commission gave short shrift to the rant- 
ings of Saint Simon Wiesenthal himself. Saint Simon had published a list 
of 217 members of the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, who “may 5 ’ have 
visited Canada “since so many fellow Ukrainians lived there.” The 
Commission determined that of the 217 named, 196 — or 90% — had 
never set foot m Canada. Eventually, the Commission determined that 
there were “twenty” suspected Nazi war criminals in Canada, and 
another 200 or so in need of investigation. The first of the twenty, Imre 
Finta, was charged in 1988, and his trial is due to begin in September 
1989. However, this may not be so easy. The “eye-witnesses” all live 
either behind the Iron Curtain in Hungary, or behind the Kosher Cur- 
tain in Israel. Since the exposition of Revisionist views is illegal in both 
statelets, it will be difficult for Finta’s lawyer- also now Ziindel’s 
lawyer - Doug Christie, to perform effective depositions in such cir- 
cumstances. After all, John Demjanjuk’s lawyer, Dov Eitain, was killed 
after “falling” from a 15th floor window in Jerusalem, and his colleague 
Yoram Sheftel was mutilated in an acid-attack at Eitan’s funeral. 

Eitan’s defenestration immediately reminds us of the similar fate of 
Czechoslovakian prime minister Jan Masaryk in 1948, and that of U.S. 
Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, in May 1949. Masaryk’s death 
ensured the complete Communist hegemony over his country, and 

Forrestal’s sent a message to his Pentagon colleagues not to challenge 
Zionist hegemony over his. 

Mrs. Marshall led Citron through a tiresome recapitulation of her 
wartime experiences, which didn’t seem all that different from my ovyq 
mother’s account of World War Two. My Mom left school at 14 years 
of age— the limit of free education in those days — and started work as a 
weaver in a Belfast linen factory. When the war broke out, she and her 
mother both were assigned jobs in the munitions factory of Mackie’s— a 
foundry which ordinarily made-tea-drying machinery for export to 
India. Although Belfast was way on the periphery of the United 
Kingdom, its heavy industry— especially its ship-building, aerospace, 
and munitions facilities — quickly attracted the attention of the 
Luftwaffe. On the night of 7/8 April 1941, a German bombing raid 
killed 755 civilians; the second-highest nightly total after London’s. Un- 
doubtedly, Belfast’s dense and inadequate housing contributed to a 
higher casualty toll than the much larger cities of Coventry, Liverpool, 
and Glasgow. 

Just as in England, plans were quickly made to evacuate Belfast 
children to the safety of the countryside. However, in an uncanny echo 
of German policy in Poland, the Northern Ireland Minister of Home 
Affairs, Richard Dawson-Bates, pointed out that at least 5000 urban 
evacuees were nevertheless “unbilletable owing to personal habits which 
are sub-human camps or institutions... must be instituted for these” 
(In Time of War , Robert Fisk, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983, p. 
437). As New York City engineer Fritz Berg has so perceptively pointed 
out (Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1988-1989, p. 433 ff), much of 
the German concentration policy toward Poland’s Jewish population 
was based on laws of hygiene, not the laws of racism. 

(However, Belfast’s evacuation policy was short-lived. Billeting in 
rural homes never amounted to much, and Mr. Dawson-Bates’ pro- 
posals for “camps” were never put into action. Many Northern Ireland 
Catholic families sent their children to safety in the southern Irish Free 
State; although the Luftwaffe mistakenly bombed neutral Dublin 
twice— in January 1941 and May 1941. [The Allies likewise bombed 
neutral Switzerland.] Most Belfast families trekked to the countryside 
each night to sleep in barns, under hedges, and in ditches.) 

The Germans interned people for political reasons; so did the 
British, who had an entire “concentration camp” consisting of several 
hotels at Douglas on the Isle of Man— Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the 
British Union of Fascists, was the principal guest, even though he had 



dutifully requested BUF members, such as the late Dr. Peter Peel, to 

accede to their draft orders. . • 

The Germans interned people for racial reasons; so did the 

Americans who rounded up 150,000 Japanese — half of whom were U.S. 
citizens — and shipped them off to camps in the high desert of the 
Arkansas swamps. The British shipped stranded German passport- 
holders— many of them Jews — to Canada, and to the Isle of Man. 

The Germans invaded and occupied other nations. So did the Al- 
lies; the Soviets invaded Poland (in cahoots with the Germans), and 
also Finland. Britain invaded and took over Iraq. And the United States 
invaded and took over Iceland and Greenland. Since Churchill and 
Roosevelt were secretly collaborating to finagle the United States into 
the war, U.S. troops began secretly arriving in Northern Ireland several 
months before Pearl Harbor, to spec out potential military bases (After 
the Battle #34). After the Japanese “sneak attack” on 7 December 1941, 
Churchill formally turned over Northern Ireland to the U.S. military to 
use as their European playground, prior to D-Day. In tribute to their 
Ulster hospitality, the U.S. Army left behind at Belfast’s City Hall a 
small monument, which bears a close resemblance to a 4-foot tall Gil- 
lette shaving stick. 

A couple of years before she passed away, I managed to take my 
Ma to see the movie Yanks which, she told me, accurately depicted— 
despite its left-wing bias -the relationship between the British citizenry 
and the U.S. soldiers, who were widely regarded as being “over-paid, 
over-sexed, and over here!” Although the older generation pretend that 
they are more righteous and less “sinful” than their “swinging sixties” 
offspring, it is common knowledge that during World War Two every 
belligerent nationality had a tendency to engage in end-of-the-world 
sexual antics. In Belfast, afternoon tea dances were popular during the 
war because so many women, like my mother, worked the night-shift. 
Although she dated, several GIs-including a Brooklyn Jew by the name 
of Silver— my Ma assured me that none of these relationships was ever 
consummated. After my Dad returned from his wartime service in the 
Aldershot cookhouse, suffering severe potato-peeler nicks and cuts, he 
married her, virgo intacto . 

Bearing all this background in mind, it is difficult to consider Mrs. 
Sabina Winter-Citron’s wartime anecdotes as anything out of the ordi- 
nary. She herself confirmed that she only spent two weeks at the “mill 
of death” Auschwitz, without providing any explanation as to her 
miraculous survival, apart from her “hiding under the bed-boards” 
scenario (Prelim, p. 181), Since many sources insist that Auschwitz was 

indeed a pure “extermination plant,” Mrs. Citron’s testimony con- 
tradicts their credibility, or vice versa. However, it must be stated that 
Mrs. Winter-Citron appeared to give more honest testimony than some 
of her peers. She admitted to brief, fortnight stays at both Auschwitz 
and Belsen; to transportation in passenger trains; and to (non-lethal) 
delousing procedures; and to her refusing to work and not being 
punished (p. 181, p. 192). 

Unlike many of the “fishing yarns” told by her kinsmen, Mrs. 
Citron’s narrative struck me as fairly honest, and free of significant ex- 
aggeration, or fantasy. In fact, it was precisely because her testimony 
was so banal that the Crown decided not to re-exhibit her at the main 
trial, which would begin the following January 1985. 

Obviously, Judge Hryciuk was un-nerved by the absence of Holo- 
caust horrors from Mrs. Citron’s testimony; especially as she was the 
original Complainant. He summoned both attorneys into his chambers, 
and apparently insisted that the Crown should exhibit some more sen- 
sationalistic witnesses, and then wrap things up as quickly as possible. 
He had already made up his mind that Ernst Ziindel had a case to 


The hearing resumed on Tuesday 26 June 1984 at 10:00 A.M., with 
another Holocaust survivor, Arnold Friedman. 

Like so many “Holocaust survivors,” Friedman originated in the 
area of the Carpathian Mountains, which straddle the border of 
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, and the USSR. Carpathian “sur- 
vivors” figure largely in “Holocaust” anecdotes, largely because they 
were usually not interned until Spring 1944; quite late in the War. 

Besides Friedman, other Carpathian survivors include: Mel Mer- 
melstein (from Munkacs), Lili Jacob-Meier (from Bilke), Elie Wiesel 
(from Sighet), Emil Hecht (from Svalvava), Robert "Maxwell” (from 
Solotvino), Filip Muller (from Sered), Rudolf Vrba (from Trnava), and 
Kitty Felix-Hart (from Bielsko). 

Munkacs (various spellings) was the “capital” of the Carpathians, a 
RUritania-type district which had changed hands on an almost annual 
basis for centuries. During most of the war, it belonged to Hungary, 
which was allied to Germany, but for purely pragmatic reasons. Even- 
tually, the Germans grew tired of their bumbling, and took over the 
Budapest r6gime. Before long, they started rounding up Jews from the 
outlying villages, collecting them at industrial rail-yards, before shipping 
them to industrial complexes like Auschwitz, which was desperately 
short of labor. 



Although many Jews in the provincial parts of Hungary were quick- 
ly rounded up and shipped out, negotiations between Budapest’s weal- 
thier, urban Jews and the Nazi occupiers led to a curious arrangement 
whereby prominent Jews would not be drafted if they could come up 
with the necessary bribes. A Jewish emissary, Joel Brand, was sent to 
neutral Turkey to negotiate a tripartite agreement between the German 
embassy, the Allied embassies, and the Zionist organizations, which 
would allow Hungary’s Jews to emigrate peacefully to Palestine, in 
return for the Germans receiving money and desperately needed trucks. 

(This was not the first time during the war that Jewish communities 
had entered into negotiations with the Nazis. On 11 January 1941 the 
Stem Gang [including the current prime minister, Yitzhak “Shamir” 
Yezernitzky] wrote to the German embassy in Turkey offering a Nazi- 
Zionist military alliance, in return for first dibs on Palestine. Earlier 
still, American Zionist organizations in 1933 negotiated a Transfer 
Agreement with the Nazis, whereby German manufactured goods could 
be exported to Palestine, so long as German Jews were allowed out 


Listening to Arnold Friedman’s testimony in Toronto, for a mo- 
ment I thought I was hearing Mel Mermelstein of California. Friedman 
works at a lumberyard; Mermelstein owns a lumberyard. Friedman was 
16 in 1944; Mermelstein was 18. Friedman had four siblings; Mer- 
melstein had three siblings. Friedman was initially interned at the rail 
yards of the Munkacs brickworks; so, too, was Mermelstein. Friedman 
was shipped to Auschwitz-Birkenau; so was Mermelstein. Friedman’s 
train took the by now obligatory “one week” to wend its way to 
Auschwitz; Mermelstein’s must have been an express, taking only “three 
days” to cover the 250 miles from Munkacs. 

The older inmates -the kapos -would torment the teenage Fried- 
man by telling him that his “friends just went to Heaven”, pointing out 
the “flames. ..spewing out of.. .the crematorium” (Prelim, p. 206). 
Likewise, the kapos told the teenage Mermelstein that if he didn’t work 
hard he would “come out like smoke” (By Bread Alone , p. 113). 

Both Friedman and Mermelstein came up with the most bizarre 
“Wieselian” scenarios. Friedman insisted that the teenage inmates 
could tell the nationality of the gasses by determining the color of the 
crematorium flames and smoke; apparently skinny Polish Jews pro- 
duced red flame, whereas fat Hungarian Jews produced yellow flame. 
However, each time Friedman repeatedly tried to introduce this novel 
scientific theory, Crown prosecutor Peter Griffiths would try to head 
him off at the pass, being only too aware that such crackpot allegations 

could only dissuade a jury of the witness’s credibility. (See: Preliminary 
p. 206, pp. 213-214; and especially EZ#1, p. 326, where Griffiths asked 
for a recess as soon as the incorrigible Friedman started yet again his 
“colored smoke” thesis!) 

Likewise, Mel Mermelstein’s book By Bread Alone insists (p. 115) 

Suddenly the road burst upon the scene — a scene right out of 
Dante's Inferno . Ahead were three huge pits dug deep into the 
ground. In each a fire was raging. Around the flaming pits naked men 
were running in an endless circle. All around I could see SS guards 
and kapos swinging their leather whips and driving the prisoners from 
behind into the pits. I couldn’t believe my eyes. 

I kept pushing myself away from the pit but something kept draw- 
ing me back. I was torn between two worlds, the living and the dead. 

I pushed myself closer to the edge of the pit. My God, I could see 
humans in the fire, writhing and moaning. 

No, doubt, this excerpt helps to explain why Mermelstein has been 
seeing a psychiatrist for some twenty years, and why he makes repeated 
annual visits to Auschwitz. He has been to Auschwitz— the scene of 
Jewish “destruction” — almost twenty times, but has visited Israel — the 
scene of Jewish “salvation” — only two or three times. 

Mermelstein’s scenario is completely implausible. The water-table 
at Birkenau is so high that any “deep pit” would immediately flood with 
water. (The “ultra-methodical” Germans were so clever that they built 
Birkenau on a swamp; hence the repeated epidemics.) Even in the best 
of conditions, it is next to impossible to bum anything in a pit. Ever try 
burning a dead pet, or leaves, or vegetable waste, in a pit? Even with 
gasoline or kerosene propellants, all that happens is that the surface 
gets scorched, and the fire goes out. Any fire needs a draught under- 
neath. Pits do not have air intakes from underneath. Ergo, Mermelstein 
is either a liar or a nut. 

Additionally, what possible motive would the Germans have had for 
chasing naked Jews around blazing pits? Something’s wrong some- 
where. I would suggest that Mermelstein’s imagery has more to do with 
his religious upbringing than it does with empirical reality. 

At the main trial EZ#1 we taxed Friedman on his “colored smoke” 
theories, and after considerable effort, he finally admitted that during 
his time at Auschwitz he had “listened to other people,..maybe I would 
have attached more credibility to your [explanation] than theirs, but at 
the time I accepted theirs” (EZ#1, p, 445). 

Friedman’s admission at the main trial caused a sensation through- 
out the Canadian media, and the Holocaust industry. We’ll get to those 



developments in sequence. Right now, I’d just like to draw attention to 
the uncanny synchronicity between the symbolic flaming/smoking 
chimneys/pits” of Mermelstein/Friedman etc. with the yarns presented 
in that other book of Jewish fairy tales, the Holy Bible, 

According to Jeremiah 7:31, when the Jews were in exile in Babylon 
they eagerly worshiped the Baylonian’s fire-god Moloch, by sacrificing 
their babies in a “gas oven.” 

Deuteronomy 4:23 tells us that “the Lord thy God is a consuming 
fire; even a jealous God,” Deuteronomy 29:20 elaborates that “the Lord 
and his jealousy shall smoke against that [sinner].” Nahum 1:6 tells us 
that God’s “fury is poured out like fire.” II Samuel 22:9 insists that 
“there went up smoke out of [God’s] nostrils, and fire out of his mouth 
devoured; coals were kindled by it.” If we are to believe Daniel 4:26, the 
Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar ordered everyone to worship his gold- 
en statue: when three Jewish advisors refused, they were thrown into a 
blazing gas-oven, pre-heated to seven times its regular temperature. 
Miraculously, the three Hebrews were seen to walk around, unsinged, 
inside the furnace, in the company of the Messiah himself. Once they 
were released from this magickal oven, King Nebuchadnezzar naturally 
had the three Jews promoted; he had obviously never heard of the 
Canadian-Jewish debunker of “psychics, ESP, and magick”: The Amaz- 
ing Randi, who writes frequently for Free Inquiry and The Humanist. 

To be continued in the next issue of Liberty Bell. 


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Liberty Bell / March 1989 55 





3 Face Jail 
In F r aud 
Of Medicaid 


Sheldon Weinberg owned a modest dress 
shop in Brooklyn before he and his sons 
branched off into Medicaid ventures. Their 
new business quickly brought them the lav- 
ish trappings of success: .six-figure in- 
comes, a yacht, a $100,000 Rolls-Royce, 
apartments in Trump Tower, a butler, a 
maid and a $2.5 million home In Florida. 

But that wealth, prosecutors say, .was 
hardly created by the delivery of medical 
services to poor people, but by a $16 million 
fraud, the largest theft of Medicaid funds, 
officials say, since the program began 22 
years ago. 

The Weinbergs, the prosecutors say, oper- 
ated a sophisticated computerized system 
' of fraud that included the submission of 
381,000 fake claims to the state and pay- 
ments of $5,000 a week to a dentist to aid in 
the scheme. One son was said to have used 
part of one clinic as an office for a commodi- 
ty-trading business. 

; Tomorrow, Mr. Weinberg, 64 years old, 
and his sons, Jay, 35, and Ronald, ^2, will be 
sentenced in State Supreme Court in Brook- 
lyn for the fraud, which took place over 
seven years at clinics in the Bedford-Stuyve- 
sant and Bushwlck sections of Brooklyn. ' 

Roller-Coaster Rise and Fall 

A portrait of the Weinbergs’ roller- 
coaster financial rise and fall emerged from 
court and legal documents and from inter- 
views with friends and former business as- 
sociates of the three men. 

It showed a failure by state supervisory 
agencies to closely monitor the operation 
and detect the fraud. It also raised questions 
about the licensing and monitoring of large 
outpatient centers. Background checks of 
owners of Medicaid clinics are rarely con- 
ducted by the State Health Department or. 

the Social Services Department after clinics 
are licensed, state officials said. State law 
allows investors without health-service ex- 
perience to operate Medicaid clinics. 

For example, Jay and Ronald Weinberg 
continued to run the clinics after they were 
convicted in state court? in the early 1980 s 
of financial crimes unrelated to Medicaid 
fraud. The brothers were on court-ordered 
probation while co-administrators of the. 
clinics. At a trial on the fraud charges in 

November, defense lawyers contended 
that hone of the Weinbergs had stolen a 
penny. The lawyers described the 
Weinbergs as .victims of unscrupulous 
employees who engineered the frauds 
for their own profit and of other em- 
ployees who testified falsely out of ha- 
tred for the sons, 

But James A. Durkin, who is in 
charge of the state agency that super- 
vises Medicaid payments, said: "It 
was'an unprecedented scam in size and 
sophistication. They used an ingenious 
trick, a computerized system to invent 
phantom records and services for ac- 

Mr, Durkin, the director'of audit and 
quality control for the Social Services 
Department, said that his unit has de- 
vised new ways to detect abuses by 
large Medicaid providers, partly be- 
cause of the Brooklyn case. 

The efforts, he noted, include com- 
puterized verification that a patient ac- 
tually visited a clinic at a specific time 
and random checks by mail with pa- 
tients to check if bills are valid. 

Assets Have Been Seized 

Officials in the Social Services De- 
partment and the State Health Depart- 
ment, which licenses medical centers, 
said they were unaware of the sons' 
convictions. Both had been convicted of 
failure to pay bills. In addition, Jay 
Weinberg was convicted of writing bad 
checks and of violating Security and 
Exchange Commission laws by failing 
to register as a broker. 

56 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

The state's Special Prosecutor for 
Medicaid fraud, Edward J. Kurfansky, 
began an investigation of the Wein- 
bergs in 1986 only after a former em- 
ployee of their clinic in Bedford-Stuy- 
vesant was arrested in another case 
and, in a plea agreement, provided in- 
formation on the Weinbergs. 

Under court orders, Mr. Kuriansky's 
office has seized from $5 million to $6 
million in assets held by the Weinberg 
family. More assets are being sought, 
but it is unlikely that the full $16 million 
will be recovered, an official said. 

The Weinbergs were indicted in 1987. 
In November 1988, a jury found each 
defendant guilty on multiple counts of 
grand larceny, conspiracy to defraud, 
of filing false Instruments and of -falsi- 
fying business records. 

Prosecutors from Mr. Kuriansky’s 
office charged that the three then had 
participated in the submission of 
381,000 fake claims to the Social Serv- 
ices Department from 1980 to 1987. The 
bills were for fictitious examinations 
and medical services for 3,000 patients 
enrolled in the Medicaid program who 
had sought treatment at the two clinics. 

Medicaid pays physicians, dentists 
and health-care centers for the care of 
low-income and welfare patients. The 
Federal Government pays 50 percent 
of the cost and state and local gover- 
nments pay the remainder. 

The Weinbergs, through their law- 
yers, declined to be interviewed. 

Sheldon Weinberg, according to 
friehds, grew up in the Bensonhurst 
section of Brooklyn, where his father, 
Phillip, owned Phillip’s Dress Shop in 
Bath Beach. Sheldon took over the shop 
at 86th and Bay 25th Streets after his 
father retired in the early 1960’s. 

Friends said that Mr, Weinberg, and 
his wife, Roslyn, raised Jay and Ronald 
in a large house in Manhattan Beach, 
about five miles from the family’s 
dress shop. Although, as teen-agers and 
young men, the sons had worked in the 
shop and in the.dress business they had 
no desire to work in the garment indus- 
try, the friends recalled. 

In 1975, when his lease expired, Shel- 
don Weinberg left the dress business. 
Former associates of Mr. Weinberg 
said Jay convinced his father to invest 
in a Medicaid center. 

With a $400,000 loan, Sheldon Wein-. 
berg In 1976 organized the Bedford- 
Stuyvesant Health Care Corporation 

and built the first clinic at 1413 Fulton 
Street. He also hired a professional 
staff to provide medical services. 
Later, the corporation with another 
$400,000 loan, opened a-satellite clinic 
at 331 Knickerbocker Avenue in Bush- 

A year after the opening of the Bed- 
ford-Stuyvesanl clinic, Sheldon and 
Roslyn Weinberg sold their Manhattan 
Beach home- and bought a .house, 
valued at $500, 0Q0, with a private dock, 
in Hewlitt Bay Park, L.I. Mr. Weinberg 
and Jay also acquired a $55,000, 34-foot 
yacht, which they named The Corsair. 

In. August 1982, at a hearing con- 
ducted by the State Health Department ' 
over allegations of lax medical condi- 
tions at’ the Bedford-Stuyvesant center, 
Sheldon Weinberg said he took control 
of the clinic In 1981 to iron out manage- 
ment problems. "I threw both my sorts 
out,’’ he said at the hearing^ 

An examiner for the Health Depart- 
ment found that medical standards at 
the center were acceptable and It was 
permitted to continue operating. 

Home in Boca Raton , 

Prosecution witnesses at the fraud 
trial in November testified that both 
sons were actively involved with the 
Bedford-Stuyvesant center. Prosecu- 
tors asserted that most of the frauds 
concerned billings from that clinic. 

In 1983 Sheldon Weinberg and his 
wife mpved from Long Island and built 
a home at the St. Andrews Country 
Club in Boca Raton, Fla. The home is 
now appraised at $2.5 million. In Flor- 
ida, Mr, Weinberg bought a $100,000 
Rolls Royce, a $70,000 ’custom-built 
Zimmer automobile that resembled a 
1930's-sly!e limousine and a $40,000. 
Corvette, court records said. 

Mr. Weinberg and Jay also rented 
luxury apartments on the 63d floor of 
Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue near 
57th Street. Sheldon Weinberg was pay- 
ing $180,000-a-year in rent In 1987, 

In 1987, Jay was indicted on charges 
that he arranged a fire in 1983 that de- 
stroyed records at the Bedford-Stuyve- 
sant clinic. He is awaiting trial on 
charges of arson and of collecting 
$50,000 in fraudulent insurance claims, 
A key prosecution witness at the 
fraud trial was David Z. Beldengreen, a 
Manhattan dentist who had been em- 
ployed at the Bedford-Stuyvesant cen- 
ter from 1979 to 1984. He testified that 
at the direction of the defendants he 
"created”, thousands of fake bills for 

Liberty Bell f March 1989 57 

Medicaid patients and was paid at least 
$ 5,000 a week for doing so. . 

Dr. Beldengreen, in exchange for 
possible leniency in an unrelated 
$450,000 Medicaid fraud, touched off 
the investigation of the Weinbergs. 
After he was arrested in 1986, the den- 
tist told prosecutors in Mr. Kurlansky’s 
office about the irregularities at the 
Bedford-Stuyvesant clinic. 

Dr, Beldengreen is awaiting sentenc- 
ing after pleading guilty to grand lar- 
ceny and promising to make restitution 
of $60,000 to the state in his own case. 

At their peak, from 1984 to 1986, the 
Weinbergs employed about 25 doctors 
full and part-time and about 25 other 
employees. The clinics generated up to 
$200,000 a week in fake claims, accord- 
ing to evidence presented by Richard S. 
Harrow, the lead prosecutor. 

From 1980 to 1987, the clinics got 
about $15 million for genuine Medicaid 
services, prosecutors said. Mr. Durkin 
maintained that the submission of 
about 50 percent in genuine bills helped 
to conceal the fake claims. 

‘Obnoxious, Spoiled Young Men’ 

Former employees of the Bedford- 
Stuyvesant clinic testified that Jay 
Weinberg operated a commodity-trad- 
ing company on the second floor of the 
clinic and that his employees were paid 
from the clinic's payrolls. 

Ronald Weinberg, according to testi- 
mony, also apparently violated the 
Medicaid reimbursement regulations 
•by using the clinic as a garage and of- 
fice for another family business, a 
limousine-rental service, 

None of the Weinbergs testified .it 
the trial. Sheldon Weinberg’s lawyer, 
Maurice H. Sercarz, in his summation, 
portrayed Sheldon Weinberg as a 
“man of means" who had bona fide in- 
vestments that enabled him to lead a 
“high life." 

Mr. Sercarz asserted that the former 
employees were “eager to twist the 
truth“ in their testimony for the prose- 
cution because they disliked Jay and 
Ronald Weinberg, whom he described 
as “obnoxious, spoiled young men." 

Sheldon and Jay Weinberg, who were 
convicted of first-degree grand -lar- 
ceny, face maximum sentences of 25 
years, Ronald Weinberg, . who was 
found guilty of second-degree grand 
larceny, faces a maximum tehm of 15 
years. They will be sentenced by Jus- 
tice Ruth Moskowitz. 

Like Father (Sheldon)... 


Like Son (Jay)... 

Like Son (Ronald). 


Father Jumps 
Bail in Fraud 
On Medicaid 

Faced Prison Sentence 
— 2 Sons Given Terrtis 


On the day of his sentencing for partici- 
pating in a $16 million Medicaid fraud, She!- * 
don Weinberg failed to show up In a Brook- 
lyn court yesterday and was declared a fugi- 
tive from justice. 

As authorities began an international 
search for Mr. Weinberg, he and his two 
sons received prison terms for their roles in 
the largest theft of Medicaid funds since the 
program began 22 years ago. Investigators 
said Mr. Weinberg, who was free on $250,000 
ball, and his wife, Roslyn, had disappeared 
with most of their belongings from ‘their 
rented house in Lawrence, L.I, • . 

An empty safe, 25 pairs of men and 
women's shoes, towels from the Helmsley 
Palace Hotel and several of Mrs. Wein- 
berg's dresses were all that remained in the 
house, an investigator said. 

Mr. Weinberg, who is 64 years old, was 
sentenced in absentia to 7 to 21 years in 
prison. One son, Jay, 35, whom prosecutors 
described as the "mastermind” of the 
scheme, was sentenced to 8VS to 25 years, 
the maximum that could be Imposed. 

Another son, Ronald, 42, was sentenced to 
5 to 15 years. 

Up to $6 million of the family’s assets 
have been seized under court order. 

Judge Defends Ball Decision 

Justice Ruth Moskowitz imposed the sen- 
tences in State Supreme Court. When the 
three men were convicted on charges of 
grand larceny and conspiracy In November, 
she had denied a prosecution request that 
she revoke Sheldon Weinberg^s bail and jail 
him until sentencing. In explaining her deci- 
sion yesterday, Justice Moskowitz said she 
had "bent over backwards to be fair" to Mr, 
Weinberg, who had no previous convictions. 

"He has spoken loud and clear and told 
this court that he is leaving only his shoes 
behind," she said after issuing a warrrant 
for his arrest. 

'Edward J. Kuriansky, the special state 
prosecutor for Medicaid fraud, said Mr. 
Weinberg’s flight "is his final act of disre- 
sprect for our system oflaw." 

Lawyers for the three defendants, la ask- 
ing for leniency for their clients, each placed 
the prime responsibility for the Medicaid 
frauds on other members of the family. 
Sheldon Weinberg's lawyer said the .sons 
had initiated and carried out the schemes, 
and lawyers for each son named the father 
or the other brother as the chief instigator. 

"Wherever he is now, he is living in hell," 
Maurice H. Sercarz, Sheldon Weinberg’s 
lawyer, said of his client. "His sons are In 
prison and wife has been wrecked by what 
be has done." 

Later, outside court, Mr. Sercarz said he 
believed Sheldon Weinberg had fled because 
he thought his wife_might suffer a physical 

or mental breakdown if her husband 
were Imprisoned. 

Mr. Weinberg and his two sons ran'a 
dress shop in the Balh Beach section of 
Brooklyn before 1976, when they began 
opening medical clinics, primarily for 
Medicaid patients, In the Bedford-Stuy* 
vesant and B.ushwick sections. 

None of them had medical training 
or experience. They hired physicians 
and dentists to treat impoverished pa- 
tients who qualified for Medicaid. 

At the trial, prosecutors presented 
evidence that, from 1980 to 1987, the 
Weinbergs were paid for 381,000 fake 
Medicaid claims totalling mere than 
$16 million. 

Trump Tower Apartment 

Court records and a pre-sentencing 
report by Mr. Kurlansky's office said 
that, after opening the clinics, Sheldon 
Weinberg left Brooklyn for lavish 
homes on Long Island; in Manhattan 
and In Boca Raton, Florida. When they 
were indicted in 1987, Sheldon WeirP 
berg and his wife lived, in a Trump 
Tower apartment that rented for 
$180,000 -a year and had a fountain In 
the living room. Their son Jay lived 
next door In one that rented for $48,000. 

JustJce.Moskpwitz said she hoped the 

long sentences would send Medicaid 
providers a "loud and clear message" 
that "if you steal from the state you 
will be punished." 

Jay Weinberg, who is already serv- 
ing up to four years for failing to file 
state income- tax returns, pleaded 
guilty yesterday to arson. He said a fire 
in 1983 at the Bedford-Stuyvesant clinic 
was arranged by his father to destroy 
Medicaid records. He was given the 
maximum sentence on that charge: 
three years, to run concurrently with 
the fraud and conspiracy sentences. 

His brother Ronald Weinberg, who 
had been free ort $100,000 bail, Was 
jailed after the Sentencing yesterday. 

Last Seen Thursday 

The chief prosecutor, Richard Har- 

58 Liberty Bell / March 1989 

Liberty Bell / March 1989 59 

row, said thal Sheldon Weinberg was 
also suspected of stealing $1 million 
from an employee’s pension fund at the 
Medicaid clinics and that Ronald Wein- 
berg faced tax-evasion charges. 

An investigator in the Medicaid 
fraud prosecutor's office, John Lydon, 
said yesterday that Sheldon and Roslyn 

Weinberg were last seen by friends at 
'their home at 280 Narragansett Avenue 
Jn Lawrence on Thursday. 

Mr. Weinberg's passport was confis- 
cated when he was indicted in 1987* but 
investigators said they suspected he 
had obtained another one under a ficti- 
tious name. 


Pro-Israel Lobbyists 

WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 (AP) — For- 
mer United Stales official's filed a com- 
plaint today against an influential pro-, 
Israel lobbying group and 53 political 
action committees, charging they had 
violated Federal elect ion laws. 

The complaint, filed with the Federal 
Flection Commission, charges thal the 
'American Israel Public Affairs Com- 
mittee has overstepped its I- ‘gal 
hounds as a lobbying group by working 
id elect or defeat political candidates 
based on their positions toward Israel. 

The complaint said that the commit- 
lee channeled money and volunteers to 
such campaigns in violation of its 
legistered purpose as a lobbyist. The 
committee, which in the past has 
denied such activities, declined to dis- 
cuss the details of the complaint filed 
■ today, citing F.F.C. regulations on con- 

Those who filed the complaint in- 
clude George Ball, Under Secretary of 
Slate; James Akins, former Ambassa- 
dor to Saudi Arabia; Andrew Killgore, 
former Ambassador to Qatar; Adm. 
Robert J. Hanks, retired, who headed 
the Navy's Middle Fast Tusk Force; 
Richard Curtiss, a former chief inspec- 
tor of the United States Information 
Agency, ant! Paul Findley, a former 
Representative from Illinois who con- 
tends he was defeated in 15182. because 
of a campaign by the pro-Israeli lobby- 
ing group. 

Action Sought by F.E.C. 

The complaint, researched by the, 
American Arab Anti-Discrimination 
Committee, which is a major Arab- 
American organization, asks the elec- 
tion commission to force the public af- 
fairs committee to register as a politi- 
cal action committee. Jf the group did 
so, it would have to file reports on its 
activities with the election commis- 

This could hamper the effectiveness 
of the lobbying group, which operates 
behind the scenes to recruit support fur 
Israel, the largest recipient of United 
States aid with $3 billion annually, and 
to oppose weapons sales to Arab coun- 

In a statement, one of the. plaintiffs, 

Mr. Curtiss, spoke of the lobby’s "for- 
midable. ability to mobilize congres- 
sional support" and said the ability 

Face Charge 

on Election Role 

was "based not upon an appeal to the 
American national interest but upun 
Threats by a special interest that has 
resorted to conspiracy and collusion." 

Dispute Has Long History 

A statement by the public affairs 
committee said its "members proudly 
participate in the American political 
process and do so within the law," add- 
ing, "We are confident the F.F.C. will 
expeditiously cun cur." 

Mr. Curtiss and others have long 
argued that Washington's policy is 

skewed in Israel’s favor to the detri- 
ment of United Slates standing in the 
Arab world, both politically and eco- 

There arc only a handful of pro-Arab 
political action committees in the 
Untied Stales and they are outspent as 
much as 10-to-l by the pro-Israel 

The complaint, the first against ihc 
public affairs committee In its 15-ycnr 
history, also charges thal the group 
coordinates the activities of dozens of 
political action committees and uses 
• them to channel money to candidates. 

The complaint cites two ; internal 
memos from the public affairs com- 
mittee, one of which urges a colleague 
to insure that pro-Israel political action 
committees channel contributions lo 
certain Senate candidates. 

The petition also seeks to prove collu- 
sion between the public affairs com- 
mit te.e and 53 pro- Israel political uci- 
iion committees through their common 
cause and an overlap of their officials. 

11 is not uncommon in Washington 
for directors of political action commit- 
tees to be active on boards of special in- 
terest groups or corporations, 

if the charge of collusion is accepted 
by the election commission, it could 
find that the political action commit- 
tees exceeded their contribution limits 
because the law treats all contributions 
by affiliated committees as though 
they were made by a single group. 

60 Liberty Bell / March 1989 


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