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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics 
at the University of Illinois for 32 years, is a 
scholar of international distinction who has 
written articles in four languages for the 
most prestigous academic publications in 
the United States and Europe. 

During World War II, Dr. Oliver was 
Director of Research in a highly secret agen- 
cy of the War Department, and was cited for 
outstanding service to his country. 

One of the very few academicians who 
has been outspoken in his opposition to the 
progressive defacement of our civilization, 
Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the fate of 
his countrymen hangs on their willingness 
to subordinate their doctrinal differences to 
the tough but idealistic solidarity which is 
the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 


On the 18 th Amendment (Prohibition): "Very few Americans were sufficiently 
sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American conception of government 
and had replaced it with the legal principle of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat,’ 
which was the theoretical justification of the Jews’ revolution in Russia." 

On Race: “We must further understand that all races naturally regard themselves 
as superior to all others. We think Congoids unintelligent, but they feel only con- 
tempt for a race so stupid or craven that it fawns on them, gives them votes, lavish- 
ly subsidizes them with its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to Ourselves a su- 
periority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our own standards, we are simp- 
ly indulging in a tautology, The only objective criterion of superiority, among human 
races as among all other species, is biological: the strong survive, the weak perish. 
The superior race of mankind today is the one that will emerge victorious —whether 
by its technology or its fecundity— from the proximate struggle for life on an over- 
crowded planet." 


Order No. l007-$8.50 

plus $1,500 for postage and handling. 

376 pp., pb. 


Liberty Bell 




P. Oliver: 

NICARAGUA^ j| page 10. § L0GE I UNO' 

WAHRHEIT, a translation by Dr. Charles E. 

j|§jj||lP tiiitf QUEX”, by Dr. 

Peter H. Peel, page 32 

VOL. 16 « NO. 2 


Voice Of Thinking Americans 


The magazine for Thinking Americans, has been published monthly since Septem- 
ber 1973 by Liberty Bell Publications, George P. Dietz, Editor. Editorial office: P.0. 
Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA- Phone: 304-927-4486. 

Manuscripts conforming to our editorial policy are always welcome, however, they 
cannot be returned unless accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. 
Manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of Liberty Bell Publica- 

©Copyright 1988 
by Liberty Bell Publications. 

Permission granted to quote in whole or part any article except those subject to 
author’s Copyright. Proper source credit and address should be given. 

$ 4.00 


10 COPIES $22.00 

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The editor/publisher of Liberty Beli does not necessarily agree with each and 
every article in this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all conclusions arrived at 
by various writers; however, he does endeavour to permit the exposure of ideas 
suppressed by the controlled news media of this country. 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere 
that Liberty Bell strives to give free reign to ideas, for ultimately it is ideas which 
rule the world and determine both the content and structure of our Western culture. 

We believe that we can and will change our society for the better. We declare 
our long-held view that no institution or government created by men, for men, is 
inviolable, incorruptible, and not subject to evolution, change, or replacement by 
the will of the people. 

To this we dedicate our lives and our work. No effort will be spared and no 
idea will be allowed to go unexpressed if we think it will benefit the Thinking People, 
not only of America, but the entire world. 





FIRST CLASS-all other countries 

AIR MAIL - Europe, South America 

Middle East, Far East, So. Africa 

George P. Dietz, Editor & Publisher 



Revilo P. Oliver 


A friend has brought to my attention a book that will be in- 
structive to most Americans, and will serve as an excellent 
touchstone to test their intellectual maturity. It is Murder of a 
Gentle Land , by John Barron and Anthony Paul (New York, 
Crowell (Reader's Digest Press), 1977.) The “gentle land” is 
Cambodia, and the adjective incidentally suffices to show that 
while Messrs. Paul and Barron doubtless informed themselves 
rather thoroughly about recent events in Cambodia, they re- 
mained almost totally ignorant of its history. Typical journalists, 
they doubtless think that anything thau happened before they 
were born is ancient and, of course, obsolete and inconsiderable. 

The period in which Cambodia has permanent significance in 
the history of the world runs from the Tenth Century to the Fif- 
teenth and is the era in which the Khmers, the native population, 
came under the cultural dominion of India, adopted the religions 
of both Hinduism and Buddhism, and accepted Sanskrit as the 
language of the educated ruling class, itself of Hindu or mixed 
Hindu and Khmer stock. The very name of Cambodia is Sanskrit 
(. Kdmbdja ). This era ends with the sack of Angkor Thom by the 
Siamese and the consequent decadence of the nation. 

The recent history of the country begins, appropriately 
enough, with another invasion from Siam (now called Thailand) 
in 1854, which impelled the ruler of Cambodia to appeal to the 
French for protection. The French did intervene and, more by 
Aryan prestige than military force, saved the Khmers from 
another bloody invasion. The French were establishing their 
colonial empire in Southeast Asia, beginning military occupation 
with their capture of Saigon in 1859, and culminating with the or- 
ganization of Cochin-China, or Indo-China, as a single colony 
which brought under one unified rule the baker’s dozen of ethni- 
cally distinct and mutually antagonistic peoples who inhabited the 
various territories east of Siam, including, of course, Cambodia. 
In 1884 they found it necessary to govern Cambodia directly and 

Liberty Bell i October 1988 1 

depose the Norodom 1 by depriving him of all authority. If you 
have read even the most minor works of Lafcadio Hearn, you will 
remember his somewhat elegiac essay, “Norodom the Last” 
(1885), which was reprinted in the collection of his newspaper ar- 
ticles by C. W. Hutson, Editorials (Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 

French rule in Indo-China was of great importance to human 
history, for it was the French who discovered in the jungle the 
monumental ruins of Angkor and recovered the history of Cam- 
bodia in its great era, which the natives had so completely forgot- 
ten that the few who knew that the great stone edifices survived 
amid and beneath the teeming vegetation of the jungle, believed 
them the work of demons. Although no one seems to know what 
has now happened to those memorials of Cambodia’s transitory 
greatness, the work of the French archaeologists will have saved 
them for history. 

The French occupation of Indo-China gave rise to a very con- 
siderable literature. If I were required to select the one most im- 
portant work, I would select a novel by the French naval officer 
who wrote under the name of Claude Farrere, Les Civilises 
(1905). It is as instructive today as when it was published. 

The French, ever since the bloody orgy called the French 
Revolution, have had a morbid proclivity toward multi-racial 
folly, and in his novel Farrere studies the demoralizing effect of 
contact with the native cultures on Frenchmen thus morally 
tainted. If you read the novel for this fine analysis, you will, of 
course, make allowance for the fact that it was written when a 
war between France and Great Britain seemed inevitable. 

The French rule of Indo-China, despite some concessions to 
those pests of our civilization, “Liberal intellectuals,” was secure- 
ly established until Roosevelt’s War, when the Japanese, whom 
the Americans, as tools of the Soviets, had deflected from their 
natural zone of expansion, invaded Southeast Asia. You should 
realize that, insofar as there is any justification for the word 
‘gentle’ in the title of the book I am discussing, that was directly 
and uniquely the result of French dominion over Cambodia as a 
part of Indo-China. 

1. ‘Norodom’ is a gentile name and, borne in hereditary succession by 
the rulers of Cambodia, became a dynastic name, which, I was told, ex- 
cited such popular veneration that it almost replaced the Cambodian 
word for ‘king,’ raj (obviously a derivative of Sanskrit rajo.ri). 

2 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

After 1945, the French returned, but the Americans, having 
ruined the one healthy nation of our race, continued their offen- 
sive against our civilization under the guise of their habitual med- 
dling with the affairs of other nations, and rushed in “foreign 
aid” to prepare the country for a Communist conquest. 

Then the United States began one of its bloody and devastat- 
ing “peacekeeping” operations in Korea for the purpose of not 
only killing thousands of young Americans, bleeding the stupid 
tax-paying animals, and advertising the suicidal mania of the 
American people, but specifically to consolidate the Communist 
regime in China, in close cooperation with the Soviet Union, 
which simple-minded Americans were told was the enemy they 
were supposedly resisting. The gullibility of unthinking Ame- 
ricans is simply infinite. 

The French returned to Indo-China after the defeat of Japan, 
but were immediately attacked by the Communist regime in 
China, which the United States had established by cozening and 
betraying the Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai-Shek. The 
French fought the invaders from 1946 to 1954, when the 
Americans, with their wonted treachery, betrayed the French at 
Dienbienphu and delivered Vietnam to the Communists, in 
preparation for another bloody and devastating “peace-keeping 
operation” in that country. Washington, obviously by agreement 
with Moscow, began direct military action in 1964 and successful- 
ly killed many young Americans, bled the tax-paying animals, fur- 
ther subjected them to domestic despotism, and conclusively dis- 
graced the United States by demonstrating to the world that it 
had become a Jewish colony ruled by a Yiddish satrap named Kis- 

It is at this point that Messrs. Barron and Paul become aware 
of events, although apparently not of their causes. The “war” in 
Vietnam naturally spilled over into Cambodia, which had become 
theoretically independent in 1955, been given a minor role in the 
vaudeville show called “United Nations,” and thus been exposed 
to the devastating effects of American “foreign aid.” In 1969- 
1970, the United States, under the usual and flimsy pretext of 
“fighting Communism,” began extensive military operations in 
Cambodia which were long kept secret from the dim-witted boobs 
in the United States who paid the bills. The natural (and planned) 
result of the American intervention was that, as the authors say, 
“When the Americans pulled out, they left the communists in ef- 
fective control of larger areas of the country than ever before.” 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 3 

The Americans had also succeeded in making* the Cambodian 
government hopelessly and helplessly corrupt, as is usually one of 
the objectives of “foreign aid.” Messrs. Barron and Paul speak 
harshly of Norodom Sihanouk, who was installed as the monarch 
of Cambodia when it became “independent,” and I know too little 
of that individual to judge his character, but we can understand 
why, w r hen he had to choose between the hypocrisy of the United 
States and the candor of the Soviet Union, he chose the frankly 
Communist power in a kind of desperation, which probably saved 
his life, since he did not undergo the fate of Ngo Dinh Diem, who 
was assassinated in 1963 by his American “allies” in Vietnam 2 

Since 1932, American foreign policy has been uniformly suc- 
cessful in spreading terror, death, and destruction throughout the 
world, and no observer capable of objective reasoning was 
astonished that it attained another triumph in 1975, when Cam- 
bodia was “liberated,” American style, by hordes of “freedom 
fighters” from Communist China and Vietnam. They immediately 
instituted “democratic reforms” to liquidate the Khmers. 

They began by immediately expelling from the capital city, 
Phnom Penh, the entire Cambodian population, estimated at 
three million, including the refugees who had swarmed into the 
city from the surrounding countryside as it was overrun by the 
Communists. The victims, suddenly forced to leave at once, were 
not permitted to take any clothing or food with them, and the 
Cambodians who were most fortunate were probably the ones 
who were murdered while the city was being looted. 

For the benefit of any readers who may know nothing about 
the standard procedures of Judaeo-Communist operations, we 
may add that the Cambodian “intellectuals,” who had helped the 
“freedom fighters” by further undermining the Cambodian 
government with their seditious yammering about “social jus- 
tice,” were systematically butchered, since a smattering of educa- 
tion was sufficient to prove that they had become “enemies of the 

Murder of a Gentle Land is a compilation of the experiences 
of the Cambodians who survived and found refuge in Siam 
(Thailand) and Malaya (Malaysia). With the aid of interpreters, of 
course, Messrs. Barron and Paul interviewed hundreds of those 

2. It is now generally known that the assassination of Diem was ar- 

ranged by the C.I.A., but uncertain whether promises or bribes were 
used to inspire the Vietnamese officers who carried out the murder. 

U Liberty Bell l October 1988 

survivors and obtained narratives of how they had escaped from , 
their “liberated” country. It is an appalling record of human suf- 
fering and will deeply move Aryans, who have a racial peculiarity 
that inclines them to compassion and generous sympathy with the 
unfortunate, and have only recently learned to be pitiless towards 
members of their own race, while retaining a tender concern for 
the welfare of their enemies. 

The activities of the social reformers in Cambodia will horrify 
Aryan readers. Although the normal procedure was simply to 
shoot “reactionaries” with American rifles or, preferably, to save 
ammunition by using a pickaxe on their skulls, there were refine- 
ments for persons who were specially disliked or fell into the 
hands of captors who had leisure to amuse themselves. One neat 
method of disposal was to lock the victim in a cell and let him 
starve to death. 

Officials of the former Cambodian government were given a 
star billing. After ears and nose had been cut off, and gashes 
made in the flesh to produce slow bleeding, the victim's arms 
were tied behind his back and he was fastened to a convenient 
tree by a long rope and forced to dance around the tree in pain. 

If the show was well directed, he thus provided the interested 
audience with continuous entertainment for two days and nights 
before he finally died. 

Schoolteachers were usually given a distinctive treatment: a 
noose was put about the neck and the rope passed over the 
branch of a tree; half a dozen children of eight to ten were given 
the privilege of pulling the rope to lift the victim up to the branch 
and then let him drop suddenly to the ground before he was quite 
strangled by the noose. This could, of course, be repeated many 
times before the wretch was released by death. 3 The children 
greatly enjoyed their sport and took pleasure in the approval of 
the adult spectators. 

3. This sport was probably suggested by the Chinese punishment known 
as san-fo,ng-saM- chin. The condemned man is strangled to the point of 
death and then revived and restored to consciousness so that he may 
fully appreciate being similarly strangled and revived three or more 
times before he is finally choked to death. In the traditional law of 
China, this is regarded as the most lenient method of execution, and that 
will enable you to estimate the Chinese scale of human values. 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 5 

If you want a conspectus of the various ways in which social 
engineering was applied to administrative problems in the new 
“people’s democracy,” read the book; it would be tedious to enu- 
merate them here. 

Progress was naturally extended to the rural regions, which 
were purged of Cambodians suspected of being literate or other- 
wise respectable, but the ignorant proletariat was spared, since 
labor was needed to cultivate the land, and high-minded social 
reformers cannot be expected to do hard work. Many of the 
peasants, however, were in need of “re-education,” and since the 
Marxist religion ordains that all men are equal, it is not surpris- 
ing that what was called kosang in Cambodia was almost identi- 
cal with the technique of “re-education” used by the Communists 
in Romania, which is described in Bacu’s The Anti-Humans. 4 Un- 
enlightened persons were beaten by committees of their re-edu- 
cated fellows, and then forced to “unmask” and confess their sins 
in sessions of “group criticism,” similar to the “sensitivity train- 
ing” that is so popular in the United States. 5 

The events described in this book will be highly gratifying to 
the intelligent coryphaei of “anti-colonialism” in the Western 
world, for they must have planned for precisely this result; their 
choruses, however, are composed of sentimental fools who are 
too stupid to perceive the uniform l'esults of their idealistic yap- 
ping and will always be available to make noise about Apartheid 
or whatever other sin their trainers designate when they give the 
order, “sic’em.” 

Normal Aryans will be appalled by the fate of the more than 
one million Cambodians who were sacrificed to “make a better 
world.” If rational, however, the naturally horrified Aryans 
should carefully monitor their own reactions. 

They should begin by controlling their vocabularies. They are 
apt to stigmatize the Communists as ‘bestial’ or ‘inhuman,’ but 
that is an abuse of language. Beasts kill, in ways that are neces- 

4. Available from Liberty Bell Publications, $7.00 (3 copies for $15.00) + 

5. This technique for destroying the vital instincts of men and women is 
peddled to gullible victims under many deceptive names; for an analysis 
of it, sec Ed Dicckmann’s Beyond Jonestown: ‘ Sensitivity Training’ o.nd 
the Cull of Mind Control (Torrance [now Costa Mesa], California; Noon- 
tide Press, 1986). 

6 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

sarily painful to the victims, to obtain food or to defend themsel- 
ves from predators, but it is a notorious and indisputable fact 
that no beast has ever killed or done harm for the pleasure of in- 
flicting pain. Delight in torturing and killing others of their 
species is a characteristic found only in talking anthropoids, and 
in no other animals. Cruelty is exclusively human, 
allzumenschlich, and cannot be called ‘inhuman.’ It may, of 
course, be called ‘fiendish,’ with reference to a class of mythical 
beings who are imagined to show human proclivities intensified 
by supernatural powers. 

Aryan readers should always remember that their instinctive 
revulsion from cruelty and their compassion for the sufferers 
form one of their racial characteristics, like the color of their 
skin. It is not found in other races. The joy that American In- 
dians took in massacres and in torturing their captives when they 
had leisure for recreation is notorious. Congoids instinctively re- 
joice in torturing to death members of their own race, especially 
while they are so underprivileged that they hesitate to have fun 
with white men; even the Jews who censor television were unable 
to prevent Americans from seeing glimpses of Congoids in action 
in South Africa. As recent archaeological discoveries have shown, 
Jewish ingenuity was able to find means of making even cruci- 
fixion more exquisitely painful, and racial bigots among us do not 
approve of the clever ways by which Aryans were tortured to 
death at the time of the famous Jewish Conspirary of A.D. 117. 

When we consider (Mongolians, we know that their race must 
be accorded the distinction of having shown the greatest ingen- 
uity in devising means of inflicting protracted torture on human 
beings, and one of their inventions, ling-ch’ih (’’the lingering 
death”), is regarded by experts as producing the maximum of 
agony that a man or woman can be made to suffer. Executions by 
this technique were especially enjoyed and were public holidays, 
at which the spectators refreshed themselves with hors-d’oeuvres 
and drink while watching the slow and lovingly prolonged dissec- 
tion of the living victim. Perhaps even more significant is the 
normal racial indifference to others’ pain and misfortune. You 
may remember, for example, some of the typical incidents 
described by Frank Harris in his Undreamed-of Shores. 

It is true that our own race, despite its instinctive aversion 
from sadism, is capable of nauseating cruelty when in paroxysms 
of rage or inspired by Jewish superstitions. A little booklet 
published by the American Atheist Press (P.O. Box 2117, Austin, 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 7 

Texas), George E. Macdonald's Thumbscrew and Rack , gives a 
concise conspectus of some of the mechanical devices used by 
Christians in the Middle Ages and as late as the Seventeenth 
Century to promote piety or reprove erroneous opinions about 
the wa^ in which the three godly pieces of the Trinity fit to- 
gether. 6 In general, however, our race normally executed 
criminals by decapitation or hanging to ensure a quick death and 
a minimum of pain. The disgusting procedure of drawing and 
quartering was reserved for crimes thought especially heinous, 
and was commonly mitigated by killing the victim before cutting 
him up. It is true that executions were public spectacles, but for 
this there was a good reason, and today police officers who per- 
sist in taking their function seriously agree that if Americans 
should wish to discontinue their efforts to increase crime, a few 
public executions would be the most effective way to reverse the 
present policy. On the whole, therefore, even with the necessary 
deductions, our race is distinguished by a peculiar abhorrence of 
cruelty, which is not felt by the other races. 

The foregoing summary will put the events in Cambodia in 
the correct racial and historical perspective. The peoples of 
Southeast Asia are all hybrids, produced by the confluence of 
diverse races, but the racial stocks are compounded differently in 
the different peoples, producing differences of both temperament 
and physique. Men who have had experience in Vietnam say that 
they could, for example, recognize a Laotian on sight and never 
mistake him for an Annamese or Tongkingese or Muong, etc., let 
alone a Khmer or Kha. The racial elements produce naturally dif- 
ferences in temperament that make the various peoples incom- 
patible in varying degrees. Since the fall of the Hinduized Khmer 
Empire in the Fifteenth Century, the Khmers appear to have 
been the natural prey of the peoples to the west, north, and east 
of their country. The Communist invasion of which Messrs. Bar- 
ron and Paul describe the consequences was not an unprece- 
dented event; it was only a repetition of many earlier events, but 
on a scale amplified by modern weapons, supplied by the United 

6. The most complete account of methods of torture used in Christian 
nations that I have seen is a treatise De tormentis , published around the 
beginning of the Eighteenth Century, which I read as a young man: 
detailed descriptions were accompanied by copper-plate engravings. I can 
neither recall the full bibliographic data nor find them in my yellowing 

States and its Soviet partner, and by direction and troops from > 
Communist China. 

Murder of a Gentle Land was published in 1977, but the tri- 
umph of American foreign policy in Cambodia was not a defini- 
tive event. Progress has continued in Cambodia, but only more of 
the same. When I last heard, part of the country was occupied by 
invaders from Vietnam, who were at war with the Khmer Rouge, 
the victors in Messrs. Barron and Paul's narrative. The an- 
tagonists are both Communists, of course, but their ethnic diver- 
sity is what counts. About a third of the country was in a state of 
anarchy, subject to neither group. The only possible way to end 
perpetual war and impose peace on Southeast Asia is by making 
the region once more a European colony, preferably French, but 
that is not feasible at the present time, and, indeed, one cannot 
see why it would be worth while anyway. 

The pathetic narratives and present plight of the survivors 
whose stories are recorded in this book will arouse keen pity in 
every Aryan heart, and so will bring us to the crucial question, 
What can we, what should we do about it? 

I assume that none of my readers is an Aryan, probably fe- 
male, who, with sloppy sentimentality, will exclaim, “Oh, those 
poor people! Let's bring them all over here and console them 
with Coca-cola and hamburgers!" That is obviously an impulse of 
suicidal folly. 

So we ask again, What should we, what could we, do about 
it? The answer of mature minds is simple: Nothing. Pathos and 
pity do not alter the fact that the events we deplore are merely 
another instance of what has happened innumerable times 
throughout recorded history: known causes invariably produce 
known results. And even American guilt for the particular epi- 
sode that now moves us to compassion does not alter the situa- 
tion. The United States committed a crime, but it cannot be un- 
done. Nemo est quin sciat praeterita mutari non posse. 

Gabble about a “better world" is mere drivel, a verbal residue 
of Christian illusions. The most that we can hope for -if there is 
hope-is a better life for ourselves, for the tribe to which v/e 
belong by biological necessity. Rational men can concern themsel- 
ves only with their own nation and race, and hope that in the 
only area that is their legitimate or reasonable concern, that na- 
tion and race may somehow avert the known causes that produce 
inevitable results. 

8 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 9 


Human suffering is as much a permanent phenomenon on our 
planet as the tides and the polar ice caps, and from this little 
satellite of our dwindling sun endless wails of woe and terror al- 
ways have, and always will, come from the ululant throats of suf- 
fering humanity, whose lamentations and screams forever rise 
upward into the unheeding atmosphere and die away in the cold 
infinity beneath the pitiless stars. 


The recent agitation over the relative righteousness of the 
two factions in the civil war in Nicaragua seems explicable only 
as intended to distract public attention from more serious mat- 
ters, while perhaps permitting some jockeying between rival 
groups in the government in Washington. 

The civil war is merely an incident in the current phase of the 
encirclement of the United States that began with the estab- 
lishment of a Soviet base and satellite in Cuba in 1959 and the in- 
stallation there of atomic missiles that constitute a constant 
threat to this country, only ninety miles away. The second phase 
of the encirclement began when traitors to American interests 
took from us the Panama Canal, and at that time the present 
events in Central America must already have been planned in 

The civil war in Nicaragua, with as much subsidy to both fac- 
tions by American taxpayers as may be necessary, will be 
prolonged until the region has been reduced to such exhaustion 
and prostration as will permit the firm establishment of an open- 
ly Soviet state, a counterpart of Cuba, from which Communist 
control can and will be extended rapidly southward and north- 
ward until all of Central America has been made solidly and 
frankly a Communist province from Panama to Mexico, thus 
securing Mexico in the rear when the time comes for her hordes 
to swarm across the Rio Grande with the latest military equip- 
ment, supplied by us, and, with the assistance of the immigrants 
that are now being sent in advance, expel the American boobs 
from all of the vast territory we gained by the only morally jus- 
tified war in our history. 

It may be interesting, however, to notice briefly the antece- 
dent cause of the present situation in Nicaragua and to observe 
who is primarily responsible for it. 

According to the latest statistics, the population of Nicaragua 
has not changed from what it was when I wrote my brief Intro- 
duction to the Contemporary History of Latin America (1961), 
when the population was offically reported as 17% White, 69 7u 
Mestizo, 4% Indian, and 9% Negro. The figure for the White 
population was certainly too high, since every one who can es- 
cape across the color line does so, and it has probably decreased 
i even further since that time. 

I As everyone knows, all of the Western hemisphere south of 

j some vague line near the present Canadian boidei and west of 
the Mississippi River was orginally a possession of the Spanish 
Empire. After we acquired by purchase in 1803 the territory that 
| approximately corresponds to modern Louisiana, Oklahoma, and 

| the states north of them and east of the Rocky Mountains, the 

1 rest of North and South America remaimed in Spanish (and Por- 

! tuguese) possession until Spain’s colonial empire was shattered 

| by a series of revolutions in her several colonies, all of which 

j were clandestinely fostered by Great Britain (with the help of the 

! United States) to permit commercial exploitation of those 


All of the territory north of the Isthmus of Panama became 
the newly established Mexican Empire, which was soon convulsed 
by civil wars of its own. The first of these separated from it what 
is now Guatemala and the states south of it, which became the 
Central American Federation and thus delimited the region now 
known as Central America. 

The American adventurers who went into Texas eventually 
took it from Mexico and made it an independent and sovereign 
nation until they decided to join the American federation. In the 
resulting war with Mexico, we acquired in 1848 all the Southwest 
and all of our territory west of the Rocky Mountains. 

The Central American Federation was soon dissolved in a 
long series of revolutions and wars, which it would be tedious and 
almost nugatory to enumerate, and from which eventually 
Guatemala, Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica 
emerged as precariously independent countries. The one ciucial 

event occurred in 1855. 


Nicaragua always had a special importance for the United 
States, since it was by far the most promising location for a canal 
between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The construction of 

10 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 11 

such a canal was offically proposed in the American Senate as 
early as 1826, and considered a desideratum ever thereafter. 

The discovery of gold in California in 1849 concentrated at- 
tention on routes to California, and a ‘self-made' American 
capitalist, Cornelius Vanderbilt, who called himself ‘Commodore' 
of the fleet of ferry boats, steamers, and sailing vessels he 
owned, saw a great opportunity. He sent his agents into the 
squalid territory of Nicaragua, which had relapsed into virtual 
savagery after it was no longer subject to Spain. They established 
navigation on the rivers and lakes, and connected the waterways 
by building the first real road in Nicaragua. Thus travelers to 
California could (if they could afford it) go to the Atlantic side of 
Nicaragua on Vanderbilt's ships, be earned to the Pacific side by 
his river craft and carnages, and there embark for California, 
again on his ships. He was the man who got the most gold from 
the “Gold Rush.” And for a few dollars given some natives now 
and then, he owned all of Nicaragua for which he had a use. 

In 1855 a great American, whom a rational nation would now 
honor and mourn, landed on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua with 
an army of 54 men. They were few, but they sufficed to rout the 
mongrel rabble and the effete and largely tainted Hispanics who 
tried to lead them. The Americans opened the country to 
colonization by their countrymen, hardy and spiritually healthy 
Nordics, men like the men who had created the United States by 
continually taking territories from inferior races. And several 
thousand Americans did follow the pioneers to Nicaragua. 

William Walker was both a scholar and a hero. Born in Nash- 
ville in 1824, he was well educated in the local college and 
graduated summa cum laude ; he earned the degree of M.D. with 
distinction at the University of Pennsylvania, and then studied, 
not only medicine, at Heidelberg, Edinburgh, and Paris. Return- 
ing to the United States, he was admitted to the bar, practiced 
law, and also founded a newspaper in New Orleans. 

It should be noted that Walker had a i*ational opposition to 
slavery, foreseeing, as had Jefferson, the dangers of maintaining 
large numbers of superficially tamed savages on American soil ~ 
dangers which had been greatly augmented since Jefferson's day 
by the irrational and ever more sinister agitation earned on in 
the Northern states by sleazy crackpots and fanatics, abetted by 
dishonest holy men, and subsidized by interests determined to ex- 
ploit and subjugate the South. 

A man of great vision, Walker prepared himself for his * 
patriotic career by diligent study before he undertook to extend 
the dominion of our nation. And he might have opened for the 
American people a great and glorious future -one that would 
surely have spared us all our subsequent calamities and the doom 
we now face. He quickly acquired complete control of Nicaragua 
and was beginning to convert it into a civilized land. He en- 
countered two great obstacles that in the end proved insurmount- 

One does not become a great capitalist and financier, if one is 
hampered by scruples, and certainly not, if one permits 
patriotism to get in the way of fast and immediate profits. 
Vanderbilt did not want Americans to intrude into the jungle he 
virtually owned, and Walker's government, which had been offi- 
cially recognized as an independent nation by the United States 
under the Presidency of Franklin Pierce, thought that 
Vanderbilt's Transit Company should be amenable to law. What 
was worse, Vanderbilt's local managers agreed and were willing 
to subordinate profit to the future of their race and civilization. 

For a time it looked as though the glorious exploit of 
Americans in Texas was to be repeated, but Vanderbilt sub- 
sidized the barbarous states that bordered on Nicaragua, already 
aroused by the potential menace to their squalor, to invade the 
nascent White nation, and he hired for them as mercenaries some 
competent commanders. Walker had to fight off and defeat, with 
his army of about 1200 White men, hordes of virtually savage 
mongrels that poured over every border of his country and 
probably totalled thirty or forty thousand. This he did for a time, 
and he could have made his nascent nation of White men a per- 
manent and strong outpost of the United States, if his fellow 
Americans had not been his and their own enemies. 

President Pierce was an intelligent man, and he saw, more 
clearly than most of his contemporaries, what magnificent oppor- 
tunity Destiny had given to the American people; he even tried to 
guide the nation toward that future, but he was ineffectual. He 
lacked self-confidence, quailed before vehement opposition, and 
loved his own comfort too much to brave foolish public opinion. 
He wanted everyone to like him -a sure means of eventually be- 
coming disliked by everyone. In October 1854, he gave the 
measure of his character by disavowing the Ostend Manifesto and 
the American diplomats who had issued it, although they were 

12 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 13 

carrying out, on his instructions, a policy he had approved and by 
a procedure he may have specifically sanctioned or recommended. 

The United States had changed since the Constitution of 
their federation was adopted. In every state the indispensable re- 
strictions on the franchise had been relaxed or abrogated. The 
larger cities had been filled and corrupted by a rabble of im- 
migrants. And the lentivirus of Christianity was slowly destroy- 
ing our race's immune system. Itinerant evangelists roamed 
through the several states, scaring the uncultivated and ignorant 
masses with predictions of what the ferocious Jew-god would do 
to them if they disobeyed his holy man. 

Rabble-rousers, consumed with envy of the supposed 
prosperity of the South and with proletarian hatred of the still 
unformed and often crude culture of a nascent aristocracy, 
roamed the North, ranting to the uneducated and sentimental 
about the sin of enslaving anthropoids on whom Jesus doted (as 
they said, with the effrontery of practiced liars). Cunning and un- 
scrupulous politicians recognized an opportunity to cover themsel- 
ves with a spurious morality that would put them into office and 
conceal their depredations in it. Greedy financiers recognized an 
opportunity to exploit the South, and Jews recognized an oppor- 
tunity to undemine the nation they had infiltrated and instinc- 
tively wanted to destroy. 

The country was accordingly convulsed with a campaign to 
prevent the organization of additional "slave states,” and to 
prevent the expansion of our White nation into areas in which 
the climate did not prevent the use of Congoid workers. The in- 
terests of the nation as a whole were to be sabotaged to please 
the pestilential agitators, their dupes, and their greedy patrons. 

Under pressure from Vanderbilt and the rabble-rousers, the 
spineless government of Pierce disgracefully sent the American 
navy to blockade what was becoming an American country and 
thus prevent recruits and supplies from reaching Walker, even 
sending Americans who hoped to join Walker back home in 
chains. This betrayal of our national interest and even of our race 
placed the Americans in Nicaragua in a desperate position, but 
what consummated their ruin was Walker's naivete. When he had 
to leave his camp, he put a Jew in command of it, with the 
natural result. The camp was surprised by one of the hordes 
Vanderbilt subsidized, and the survivors of the rout dispersed. 
Walker had to take refuge on one of the American warships that 

was blockading the coast, and thousands of American colonists 
soon had to abandon their possessions and flee for their lives. 

When back in the United States, Walker was encouraged by 
the commendation and sympathy of many virile Americans, for 
our people had not yet become fatally degenerate. He had no dif- 
ficulty in enlisting another force and tried to return to Nicaragua 
in 1857, but the government of weak-kneed President Buchanan 
was willing to use the American navy against the interests of the 
American people, and Walker's little expedition was intercepted 

and turned back. 

Walker made one last attempt in 1860, on the very verge of 
the catastrophe that ended the American Republic, temporarily 
satisfied the sadistic malice and blood-lust of the righteous rab- 
ble-rousers, and began a moral decline that may have even then 
made inevitable the doom that has now fallen upon us. Walker 
landed in Honduras with woefully inadequate forces and was 
soon defeated. He took refuge on a British warship, believing 
that it was commanded by a British naval officer, and trusting 
the code of honor that in that age made officers keep their word 
inviolate. He was mistaken. The ship was commanded by a 
Sheeny wearing a British uniform, who, naturally, betrayed him 
to his enemies, and the champion of our race was executed by a 
squad of mongrels. 

Walker's tragedy was that he did not realize to what extent 
the lentivirus had already rotted the collective intelligence of 
Americans and inspired the suicidal mania that finally led them 
to give their country to their enemies. 


It is true that Nicaragua, even under the almost insuperable 
handicap of its inferior population, which makes a dictatorial rule 
absolutely necessary, did eventually attain a degree of civilized 
stability and even some prosperity after Anastasio Somoza took 
control in 1937. 

Jim Taylor spoke harshly of the regime of the Somozas in 
Liberty Bell for September 1987, but I had my doubts, largely be- 
cause a friend of mine had been a classmate and friend of Somoza 
when he was an undergraduate in Northwestern University. He 
said he remembered Somoza as a highly intelligent young man 
who was not taken in by the vaporings of "Liberal intellectuals,” 
and who had a rational understanding of what would be requisite 
to make an independent nation out of Nicaragua, then a bar- 

1U Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 15 

barism in which order was kept only by the U.S. Marines, who oc- 
cupied the strategic points in the country, confining the Sandinis- 
ta bandits to the jungle. It is doubtless true that, as Mr. Taylor 
said, Nicaragua under the Somozas was, like the United States, 
lousy with Jews, but no country has ever been able to erect a 
Jew-proof border, and it would have been unreasonable to expect 
so small and fatally handicapped a nation as Nicaragua to suc- 
ceed where great powers failed. 

After the assassination of Anastasio Somoza in 1956, his eld- 
est son, Luis, became head of the family, and he was eventually 
succeeded by his younger brother, Anastasio Somoza Debayle. 

The stability of Nicaragua was an obstacle to the plans of the 
Judaeo-Communist Empire for the encirclement and military oc- 
cupation of the United States, and accordingly the western end 
of the Washington-Moscow Axis made Nicaragua the target of 
one of the innumerable actions of the United States to “befriend” 
and then betray independent nations into the hands of the Com- 
munists and their masters. 

Young Anastasio, in his book, Nicaragua Betrayed (Belmont 
Massachusetts; Western Islands, 1980), 1 called attention to the 
fact that what had happened in Nicaragua was merely one item 
in the unifoim record of the United States, which covertly incites 
disorders and mutiny in countries it “befriends,” then rushes to 
help that country fight Communism” as a pretext for betraying 
and delivering its victim to the Communists, in conformity with 
its unvarying policy of “assuming leadership, in a conspiratorial 
fashion, to annihilate anti-Communist nations.” For that indis- 
creet disclosure of what Washington is consistently doing 
throughout the world, as distinct from the hypocritical sucker-bait 
recited by Presidents, and the hogwash disseminated by the 
Jews captive press, Somoza was assassinated two weeks later. 
Whether or not the assassin was dispatched directly from 

1. Still in print, $15.00. Somoza must have paid for the printing and 
marketing of his book under the publishing imprint of the Birch busi- 
ness, w ich, of course, flourishes by denouncing Communism and treason 
V/ lie preventing its customers from perceiving that Jews control both. I 
do not know whether or not Somoza' s book was censored, but the drastic 
censorship of Prince Sturdza’s The Suicide of Europe before it was 
published by the Birch business at the expense of a wealthy American 
ady is a sufficient guarantee that if Somoza wrote anything that would 
displease the Sacred Sheenies, the wicked words were effaced before the 
manuscript was sent to the printers. 

Washington, he was paid by the tax-paying animals who have ' 
labored to finance the Judaeo-Bolshevik conquest of the world 
since 1933. 

So don't wonder about what will happen in Nicaragua, and 
then in Mexico, and finally in the United States. The American 
boobs have not only dug their own graves; they have dug a grave 
for all our race. But, to be sure, Jesus will give their ghosts an 
extra lollipop while their bodies rot in mass graves, so why 
should they worry? □ 


William Gayley Simpson has spent a lifetime of keen observation, care- 
ful analysis, and deep reflection developing the principal thesis of his 
book: that, the single, undying purpose of all human activity should be 
the ennobling of man. In support of this thesis he looks at the founda- 
tions of Western Society, at the structure of our government, at the 
effect of technology and industrialization on man, at the roles of the 
sexes, at economics, and at race. The books goes to the roots of the 
problems facing the White Race today, and it shows the ways in which 
White society must be changed if the race is to survive. Which Way 
Western Mom? is an encyclopedic work whose conclusions can be ig- 
nored by no one with a sense of responsibility to the future. For your 
copy of Which Wo.y Western Mom? send $17.50 for the deluxe, cloth- 
bound edition (Order No. 22004), or $14.50 for the softback edition 
(Order No. 22003) including $2.50 for postage and handling. 


That is the obvious question posed by Jean Raspail’s terrifying novel 
of the swamping of the White world by an unlimited flood of non- 
White "refugees/’ But there is also a less obvious and even more fun- 
damental question: Must Whites find their way to a new Morality and 
a new spirituality in order to face the moral challenges of the present 
and overcome them? THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS is the most 
frightening book you will ever read. It is frightening because it is ut- 
terly believable. The armada of refugee ships in Raspaifs story is ex- 
actly like the one that dumped 150,000 Cubans from Fidel Castro’s 
prisons and insane asylums on our shores in 1980 -except this time 
the armada is from India, with more than 70 times as large a popula- 
tion. And it is only the first armada of many. If any book will awaken 
White Americans to the danger they face from uncontrolled immigra- 
tion, it is THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS. For your copy (Order No, 
3014) send $9.50 (which includes $1.50 for postage and handling) to: 

Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 

16 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 1 7 



B y 

Major Joseph Stano , USAF-Ret. 


Of all the many privileges claimed by our glorious Congress, none 
is more precious to the professional “Pol” than the privilege of per- 
forming in public as a P.P.A. Indeed, how many times have we been 
literally dazzled by a member of our glorious Congress, standing be- 
fore the whole, wide world, and exercising his precious Congressional 
“privilege” -as a POMPOUS POSTURING ASS? I must confess that 
1 ve lost count of all our Congressional P.P.A. performances; after all, 
we usually get at least one or two “performances” every day on the 
“Boob Tube.” However, as a life-long student of American History, I 
naturally remember a great many award-winning “performances.” 

As in 1960: when Hubert Horatio Humphrey, desperate for 
media exposure” in his campaign to get the Democrat Party’s 
presidential nomination, foolishly agreed to appear on a kiddies’ Satur- 
day morning television quiz program, and demonstrated — to the hor- 
ror of the viewing audience — that he didn’t have the foggiest notion of 
how many members we have in the United States Congress! Hubert’s 
silly answer, “275,” was off by 260 members! And then, to the horror of 
all the Boob Tube viewers, Hubert actually tried to HUFF and PUFF 
his way out of it! 

Let s face it guys, if you’ve just shoved both of your brown brogans 
and a big, frilly sombrero into your mouth on national television, it’s 

kinda hard to talk your way out of it. Unfortunately, Hubert tried to do 
just that! 

Or, more recently, when Senator Daniel Inouye — a world famous 
P.P.A. — decided to lecture Col. Oliver North on the “historic” mean- 

°f truth, an endangered species in the United States Congress. 
And. ..and. ..he actually used Parson Weems’ silly and preposterous tale 
about George Washington chopping down that mythical “Cherry 

Should Senator Humphrey— with twenty years in the Congress at 

that time — have known that there were 435 members in the House' of ' 
Representatives, and 100 members in the Senate, for a grand total of 
535 political “snouts” in the “national trough”? And should Senator In- 
ouye— with almost forty years in the Congress — have known, as every 
grammar school kid knows, that the silly tales of Parson Weems 
weren’t “history”? 

Of course not! If Humphrey and Inouye actually knew what they 
were talking about, why, they wouldn’t be Pompous Posturing Asses, 
and therefore completely unqualified for membership in the United 
States Congress -the world’s largest collection of Pompous Posturing 

I’ve long been convinced that somewhere in our green and fertile 
land, Stupid Exams are secretly taking place. To “weed-out” the intel- 
ligent, and only those who can pass these. ..Moron Marathons. ..with 
flying color are actually permitted to be members of our glorious Con- 
gress. In short: If you can tie your “shoesies” without too much help, 
you’re certainly not “Congressional Timber.” 

And if you can actually count ELEVEN of anything — without 
taking off a shoe — you’re certainly not “Presidential Timber.” Ex- 
ample: Can anyone forget Senator Joseph Biden’s speech, that he 
“lifted” — word for word — from British Labor Party leader Neil Kin- 
nock? The crude plagiarism of Biden’s P.P.A. “performance” didn’t 
bother me half as much as the incredible content of the material that 
he “lifted.” After all, all politicians plagiarize. If they didn’t plagiarize, 
why, they would actually have to “think,” and we all know that most of 
them can’t get past “shoesies.” 

For example: let’s take that very popular piece, “Ask not what 
your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” 
As we all know: A line from John F. Kennedy. As most don’t know: A 
line from Oliver Wendell Holmes. As very few know: A line from Jean 
Jacques Rousseau. In all probability: A line Rousseau “lifted” from the 
Romans.. .who probably “lifted” it from the Greeks. ..who probably 
“lifted” it.. .(I’ll take a guess). ..from the fierce, “battle-axe” Nordic folk 
of the Stone Age. ..who probably invented it — but we really can’t be 
sure the buck stops there. 

In truth, there really hasn’t been much “original” thought about in 
politics for a very long time. And if something original does “pop 
up” — take my word for it — it won’t “pop up” in the United States Con- 

It was the content of the Kinnock speech that really stunned me. 
In his speech, Neil Kinnock boasted that he was “the first Kinnock in a 
thousand generations of Kinnocks to have gone to university.” He 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 19 

18 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

naturally attributed this “intellectual feast” to the rewards of So- 
cialism what else? Well.. .if that’s the result of a Socialist education — I 
don’t want any part of it. After all, this British P.P.A. was actually 
saying that he was the first Kinnock in a thousand generations — 
TWENTY-THOUSAND YEARS — to have gone to university! 

Students of history: Tell me how many universities were around 
twenty-thousand years ago? How about.. .ten-thousand years ago? Or, 
maybe, just two-thousand years ago? Historically, universities weren’t 
around until the 12th and 13th centuries. And England’s first univer- 
sity, Oxford, wasn’t started until the 12th century, and it really wasn’t 
until the latter part of the 13th century (1264) that we would recognize 
Oxford as a true university. At most, Neil Kinnock could be dealing 
with little more than thirty-plus generations, and certainly not “a 
thousand generations.” 

Now, students of history, as for a “Kinnock” going to univer- 
sity.. .well, that would have been impossible until sometime in the 14th 
century. For this very simple reason: Surnames didn’t come into use 
until the 14th century. 

Soooo...a “Neil, son of Neil” might have been around. Or even a 
“Neil of Oxford” might have been “hanging-out” on one of its muddy 
corners. Or, perhaps, a “Neil the Fat,” or even a “Neil the Thin.” Or, 
what I truly suspect a Neil the Village Idiot” might have been plying 
his trade around town. But there certainly wasn’t a “Neil Kinnock,” or 
any other kind of “Kinnock” hanging about. 

We know that the blind can’t lead the blind; however, we can’t say 
the same about the ignorant not leading the ignorant. Neil Kinnock 
makes an incredibly stupid speech, proving that he’s a BLOOMIN’ 

TWIT. And Senator Biden finds the speech so absolutely scintillating, 
that he copies it — word for word. 

Is is possible that Neil Kinnock might be the Pied Piper of all 
BLOOMIN’ TWITS? If that’s true, perhaps we could induce Mr. Kin- 
nock to march past the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., reading 
selections from his silly speeches -and lead 535 BLOOMIN’ TWITS 
into the Potomac. 

Of course, the most preposterous part of Senator Biden’s standard 
performance as a certifiable P.P.A. -when he’s not “lifting” the wit 
and wisdom of Neil Kinnock — is his incredible claim to a very superior 
intellect. Astonishing, isn’t it? But the Senator is prone to proclaim to 
all those around him: “I have a higher I.Q. than anyone here!” A pos- 
sibility, only if the Senator were clinging to the leafy reaches of a very 
tall tree, and all his companions held bananas in their hairy paws. 

For those who think that I’ve been a bit rough on our Senators and 

20 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Congressmen by suggesting they mentally inhabit the branches of tall 
trees, may I assure you that my opinion of the Congress is not uni- 
que— or even new. As another American once phrased it: 

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a 
member of Congress. But I repeat myself .”— Mark Twain. 


I’m sure we all know that the P.P.A.s are not confined to the Con- 
gress— we’ve had quite a few of them in the Oval Office. I think we all 
remember our last P.P.A. in that office — and I could easily write a 
tome on Jimmy Carter’s incredible P.P.s -but why cover any of the 
well known Pompous Posturings of Jimmy Carter, when I have a 
choice, little known example of Jimmy Carter, a world famous ASS-A- 
NINNY, prone to P.P. all over the place. 

Ah yes, I remember it well: It was the Winter Olympics of 1984 
and I was watching the “frosted” athletes romp in the snow on T.V.— 
from the warm comfort of my living room. 

In the course of this NBC performance, the subject of the 1980 
Carter boycott of the Moscow Olympics and the question of Russian 
participation in our 1984 Summer Olympics came up. Naturally, the 
network questioned Jimmy Carter on this point. And in an interview 
Jimmy literally STUNNED me with an award-winning P.P.A. perfor- 

Jimmy stated that his “main reason” for boycotting the 1980 Mos- 
cow Olympics, was that the Russians had invaded Afghanistan, and he 
remembered that “we had sent athletes to Hitler’s Olympics after he 
had invaded country after country.” 

I almost fell out of my chair! Jimmy Carter actually thought that 
Hitler had invaded “country after country” before the 1936 Olympics, 
and he had therefore based his decision to boycott the 1980 Olympics 
on his monumental ignorance of history! 

As the reader may guess, I don’t suffer fools gladly— because fools 
make others suffer from their stupidity. American athletes had trained 
all their lives to compete at the 1980 Olympics, only to be denied their 
chance by the fool in the Oval Office who made the decision to boycott 
the Olympics based on his ignorance of history. Carter had never 
bothered to even open an Encyclopaedia and check his facts before 
making the “historic” decision to have the United States boycott the 
Moscow Olympics. And four years later, in 1984, he still didn’t know 
how screwed-up he was on world history. 

Liberty Bell / October 1 988 21 

It was bad enough for the athletes to have a life’s work wasted, be- 
cause the President of the United States had decided to boycott the 
Moscow Olympics. Perhaps the athletes could take some consolation 
in the statement of Carter that it might seem to be rewarding Russia 
for invading Afghanistan by attending the Olympics. However, to find 
out that they were denied their one chance in life because of Jimmy 
Carter’s ignorance of history, to be denied their one chance in life be- 
cause Jimmy Carter didn’t bother to even spend a minute or two in an 
encyclopaedia and check his facts before making a truly historic 
decision in behalf of the athletes and the American people, must be in- 
tolerable for the unfortunate American athletes. 

Naturally, NBC didn’t take note of Jimmy’s monumental ignorance 
of history. As a card-carrying liberal Democrat, he could have Pom- 
pously Postured on a “flat earth,” or a “green cheese” moon, and our 
liberal media would not have noticed it. 

Funny, isn’t it, but Jimmy Carter used to boast that he had an “his- 
torian” on his personal staff. Of course, he meant Jody Powell who had 
a degree in history. Well... I don’t know about that... I remember that 
before Jody Powell got his degree in history from some nondescript 
southern college, he had been tossed out of the Air Force Academy 
for cheating on an exam. Right you are.. .it was a HISTORY EXAM! 
Maybe Jimmy read Powell’s “crib note” wrong and really thought Hit- 
ler occupied all of Europe in 1936. 


To be perfectly fair, there are rare occasions when one of our 
P.P.A.s in the Congress inadvertently, and unknowingly, performs a 
real service for the American people with his blundering stupidity. As 
in this “classic” example: 

He nervously appeared before a committee of Congress. As a 
freshman Congressman and former Naderite, he was naturally out to 
prove the standard Naderite “vile plot” by some capitalist company to 
poison the American people with their evil product. 

Ya know, I’ve often wondered why these companies would want to 
“do away” with all their customers? It’s an old Naderite mystery. 
However, the Naderites only “call ’em” — they never “explain ’em.” 

Now, our Naderite Congressman had a very serious problem: 
there was a critical shortage of “vile plots.” It seems that most of the 
easy “vile plots” had already been snapped up by all the other pro- 
Naderite P.P.A.s in the Congress. 

Oh, how he yearned to have another Naderite “triumph.” * 
Like...like...welL.the infamous artificial sweetener that might cause 
cancer in a fellow’s grandson. Yes, I said “grandson.” You see, it took 
at least three generations of laboratory rats -crammed full of the 
stuff— to produce the desired effect in the male rat. (Apparently, it 
didn’t bother the female rat.) Soooo...if you were to drink only 800 
cans of no-cal soda every day of your life. And your son were to follow 
in the bloated footsteps of his father -your grandson’s equally bilious 
efforts could make him quite ill! 

However, thanks to the timely intervention of the Naderites and 
the United States Congress, all Americans who were sorely tempted to 
consume two-and~a-half tons of sweetener were now saved from them- 

Well, at long last, after considerable effort, it seems that our 
Naderite hero finally found an innoculous chemical that would actually 
produce cancer in a laboratory rat. That is, if the little bugger was 

stuffed full of it. 

So now it was his hour of triumph! He was seated before a Com- 
mittee of Congress with his report — his Uiick tome of terrors open 
before him. As visions of the.. .SENATE!. ..THE CABINET!. ..THE 
OVAL OFFICE!.. .danced in his fevered brain. 

The chamber was hushed as he began to read his tome on the vile 
chemical that would actually cause cancer in a laboratory rat. His voice 
choked with emotion and his eyes brimmed with tears, as he began to 
expose the “vile plot” of a greedy capitalist company to do away with 
the Am erican people by poisoning them with their unspeakable chemi- 
cal. But, thanks to our valiant hero, they were not going to get away 
with their dastardly deed. Our hero had “investigated,” and he had dis- 
covered that their vile chemical could (he broke down at this point.) 
...could.. .he sobbed: “CAUSE CANCER IN A LAVATORY”! 

For one brief moment. ..those in attendance thought our hero had 
meant to say “laboratory” instead of “lavatory.” But NO! As he read 
his thick tome, it was “LAVATORY” this. ..and LAVATORY that! 
Why, our brave hero had LAVATORIES to the right of him! 
LAVATORIES to the left of him! LAVATORIES in front of him! 
Our hero rode through the VALLEY OF LAVATORIES! 

Whatever the original intent of our Naderite hero, his impassioned 
speech on “LAVATORIES” turned out to be an endless tirade on the 
horrors of PLUMBING! 

Now, I know that there are those who suggest that this particular 
Pompous Posturing Ass wasted our tax money and the time of the 
Congress — based on the astonishin g assumption that our glorious Con- 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 23 

22 Liberty Bell t October 1988 

gress never wastes tax money and time! 

I disagree completely. I truly believe our brave hero has, at long 
last, resolved a long debated question. Indeed, it is a question that 
many great minds have puzzled over; but, at long last, we now have an 
answer: Our Naderite hero has proven — beyond a shadow of a 

Yes indeed, it seems you can get CANCER! That is, if you con- 
sume two-thousand plastic toilet seats. So, dear friends, if you find 
yourself tempted by the sight of a plastic toilet seat...DON’T DO IT! 
And if you really must do it, well, try to keep your limit under two- 
thousand a year. 

In my view, this valuable “LAVATORY” research by a humble 
and simple Naderite P.P.A. in Washington, D.C., represents a true pic- 
ture of our Congress and tax money in action. 



One of our most famous (infamous?) Congressional P.P.A.s has 
done it again. I speak of Congressman Jim wright, the Speaker of the 
House, as always a P.P.A. quite capable of HUFFING and PUFFING 
at the drop of a hat on just about anything. In his latest pomposity of 
“huffery” and “puffery” — a veritable Everest of asininity— he pom- 
pously postures on about the latest procurement scandal at the Pen- 
tagon, and claims that it has effected our national security. 

Not true! The competition — legal and illegal — between companies 
for government contracts has no effect on national security, and 
probably little effect on the cost of procuring weapons. 

Using “insider information” to appeal to the needs of the military 
and get a contract is certainly unfair conpetition. But it really doesn’t 
effect national security, since it doesn’t effect the performance or 
quality of the weapons. 

Knowing the other fellow’s sealed bid — so you can underbid him 
for a government contract — is also unfair competition. But it really has 
nothing to do with the performance or quality of the weapons. 

As for cost: All proposed weapons are really promises by the 
manufacturer to “invent” a new and more modern weapon system. 
You see, the military sets very high performance standards in the hope 
that they can be met by the manufacturer, so the new weapon system 
will not only be effective today, but it will last well into the future and 

not become obsolete. In short: more BANG for the BUCK. 

Given the fact that these new weapon systems require extensive 
Research and Development, it’s really quite difficult to estimate the 
actual cost of producing the weapon system described in the contract. 
Therefore, cost overruns due to R & D are to be expected. And chan- 
ces are that any company of equal expertise in the field, if given the 
contract, would experience the very same problems and costs. 

I am not making excuses for the companies, criminality enters the 
picture when “insider information” on weapon systems, or bids, leads 
to unfair competition. Or when the company deliberately puts in a very 
low bid — counting on large cost overruns in the future. Or the com- 
pany pads or inflates the cost overruns during production to make an 
illegal profit. 

All of the above mentioned illegal acts do not effect the perfor- 
mance of the weapon systems. And only the illegally paded or inflated 
cost overruns lead to needless expense for the long-suffering American 
taxpayer. All these illegal acts have happened before, and those caught 
playing “games” have been severely wounded, right where it hurts the 
most — in the corporate pocketbook. 

The fact that this current procurement scandal did not effect our 
national security— and probably not our defense costs since we seem 
to be dealing with “insider information” and not inflated or padded 
“cost overruns” — doesn’t mean that our national security and defense 
costs are never effected by procurement scandals. Far from it! In fact, 
our national security is routinely compromised and our defense costs 
are routinely inflated by the great criminals that infest the city of 
Washington. No, not the thieves. No, not the muggers. No. ..no. ..not the 
rapists or murderers. I mean the REALLY BIG criminals in 
Washington: THE CONGRESS! 

It’s not the defense contractors that compromise our defense, our 
treasury, our national security— OUR VERY SURVIVAL! It’s all 
those POLITICAL PROCUREMENTS by our Congress that will do 
us in as a nation. A monumental corruption that goes on...year- 
ly...monthly...weekly... daily.. .hourly! 


Everyone seems to condemn the so-called “Military-Industrial- 
Complex” (Ike’s foot-in-mouth disease) for just about everything. But 
both the military and industry share a vested interest in having the best 
weapons possible. The military wants the best for the defense of the 

2U Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 25 

nation and so does our American industry. In addition, the defense in- 
dustries fight — tooth and nail — to provide the military with the most 
desirable weapons, because a sale to the U.S. military usually means 
profitable contracts with other nations all over the globe. A really good 
product is easy to sell, so all our defense contractors are always trying 
to produce the very best product that they can — if for no other reason 
than to beat their competition in the U.S. and around the world. 

Our military procurement system is the very best system. And it 
sure beats the system in some socialist nations where a government- 
owned industry is given a military contract and there is no competition 
for excellence, or costs, and very little accounting on cost overruns. 
Our system, with all its faults, works best. 

However, when politics enters the picture, national security and 
defense costs go out the window and contracts are awarded for purely 
political reasons. We end up with a system that is as bad, if not worse, 
than the socialist model. And the American military has inferior 
weaponry, or needless weaponry foisted on it without regard to the 
needs of the military, or our national security, or the cost to the 
American taxpayer. 

Here’s a good example of one of these “political procurements” 
that go on all the time in the criminal capital of the western world: 
Washington, D.C.: 

The A- 10 is a “close-support” aircraft that was ordered by the 
U.S. Air Force to kill enemy tanks in much the same way as the 
famous German JU-87 “Stuka” of World War Two fame. The “Stuka” 
opened up Russian tanks with a very effective 37mm cannon. Our A- 
10s use a very effective 30 MM rotary cannon, and the aircraft is some- 
times referred to as “The Flying Can Opener.” 

However, like its famous father the “Stuka,” the A- 10 is very, very 
slow. Now, this makes for a very stable firing platform when you’re 
shooting at tanks, but it gives the aircraft really lousy performance in 
air combat. 

The Air Force decided to call the A-10 the “Thunderbolt II,” after 
the famous P-47 “Thunderbolt” of World War Two fame. Of course, 
the P-47 could only open up a tank if it caught one on a cement road 
where the P-47’s 50 cal. machine guns could be deflected off the con- 
crete to rip open the lightly armoured bottom of the tank. 

The Air Force may call the A-10 the “Thunderbolt II,” but the 
guys that fly the machine usually name it. And they decided to call it 
the “Super-Hog” — clearly a tribute to its lethargic performance. 

continued on page 35 

26 Liberty Bell / October 1988 


During 1978 to 1983 a group of patriotic friends founded by the 
former mayor of Hamburg, Carl Vincent Krogmann, published re- 
visionist letters on a great variety of historical and social ques- 
tions of importance to Germans. A selection of 34 of these letters 
was subsequently published by Thies Christophersen in the Kritik 
series, numbers 60 and 61 (available from Nordwind Ver- 
sandbuchhandlung, Molevej 12, DK-6340 KoIIund, DENMARK or 
Nordland-Forlag, Postboks 7916, DK-9210, Aalborg S^, DEN- 
MARK ). Some of the letters pertaining to the history of the 
Second World War deal with such topics as the “Holocaust” film, 
the war guilt question, Lidice, the invasion of Denmark and Nor- 
way, Admiral Donitz, the stories about soap and lampshades 
made from Jewish corpses and the battle of Stalingrad. 

As an example of the interesting letters in this series we have 
chosen the one which deals with the background of the German 
declaration of war against the United States on 11 December 
1941, an event which had even more tragic consequences than the 
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which has been far more widely 
studied by American historians than the origins of the outbreak 
of war between Germany and the United States. 

Having received the kind permission of Thies Christophersen, 
we plan to publish further translations of these letters. 

Please note that the quotations from sources in English are re- 
translations and thus might not have exactly the original wording. 

IT IS A LIE that the declaration of war by the German Reich 
against the United States made 40 years ago originated from an insane 
ideological idea of conquering the world. 

IT IS THE TRUTH that this declaration of war on 11 December 
1941 simply expressed one thing: that Germany would no longer 
tolerate in the future the American attacks on German submarines 
without taking action, but was henceforth ready to strike back. The 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 27 

preliminary development was a systematic pushing of the United States 
into the war by Roosevelt and the “Morgcnthau Boys,”as they called 
themselves, along with the “gray eminence,” Louis Howe. The 
American people did not want any war. Up to December 1941, in 
opinion polls there was a steady result of 85% of those asked who 
were against meddling in the European conflict. Only 9,000 volunteers 
reported for military service inspite of a campaign toward that end in 
such newspapers as the New York Times and the Washington Post 
Famous persons such as the Democratic Senator Wheeler and the 
aviator Charles Lindbergh led the movement for peace. 

Roosevelt was able to win the presidential election of November 
1940 because he advocated a definite program of peace, according to 
which the United States would participate in the war only if attacked. 
On 30 October he solemnly swore: “Your boys will not be sent into any 
foreign war.” 

And what was the truth? Even before the beginning of the war, on 
23 June 1939, Roosevelt concluded a secret agreement with the 
English government concerning the delivery of armaments. On 10 
August 1939, a committee on war supplies was created. England was 
subjected to pressure from the United States to declare war on Ger- 
many on 3 September 1939. The Secretary of War of the United States, 
Forrestal, noted in his diary that “neither the French nor the British 
would have considered Poland a cause for war if it had not been for 
the steady nudging from Washington.” 

As early as 22 September 1939, the United States declared, in con- 
tradiction of every marine and international law, a zone of 300 - 1,000 
nautical miles (later 2,000 nautical miles) to be a so-called “zone of 
neutrality,” in which German submarines and surface naval units were 
not permitted to attack any British ships. As a result, the British con- 
voys were protected by American destroyers. 

On 3 November 1939 Roosevelt had the arms embargo (according 
to which no weapons were permitted to be delivered to belligerent 
countries) lifted. In this action he was fully supported by the capitalist 
circles of Wall Street. At the same time German freighters overseas 
which wanted to break through to home ports were “shadowed” by 
American cruisers, which radioed in British ships that sank them. On 
19 March 1940 Roosevelt sold the best U.S. airplanes to England and 
France and on 3 September 1940 he exchanged 50 American 
destroyers for a couple of islands. The American newspaper, St Louis 
Dispatch , correctly observed relative to this on 3 September 1940 that 
Roosevelt had thus committed “an act of war.” On 16 September 1940 
Roosevelt was able to introduce universal conscription. On 12 Decem- 

ber 1940 secret British-Amcrican general staff discussions began which 
lasted to the end of March and which led to the establishment of two 
war plans: one against Germany, the other against Japan (which was 
competing with the United States for export markets in eastern Asia). 
Admiral Stark subsequently wrote to his fleet commanders: “The ques- 
tion of our entry into the war now appears to be that of when, and of 
if” On 29 December 1940 Roosevelt gave his famous fireside chat in 
which he said that Hitler would be holding a pointed revolver 
against the United States after a victory over England. It was thus in- 
tended that the Americans were to be made ready for further breaches 

of neutrality. 

On 9 March 1941 the Lend-Lease Program was whipped through 
Congress, which meant an unprecedented program of supplying 
materials, first for England and then — as early as July 1941 — also for 
the USSR. If the Lend-Lease Program had been sold to American 
citizens as a “protection of democracy,” the support of Stalin’s regime 
of terror exposed Roosevelt’s real intentions. 

In toto the United States delivered more than $50,000,000,000 (at 
that time more than 200,000,000,000 Reichsmark) worth of material to 
the other belligerent powers. U.S. military airplanes began to patrol 
the North Atlantic from Newfoundland in order to track German sub- 
marines. For the purpose of better surveillance, Greenland was oc- 
cupied by American troops in April 1941 and Iceland in July, and the 
navy was directed to use force in keeping the sea lanes open. On 25 
August 1941 the secret command was issued to the Atlantic fleet to at- 
tack and sink “hostile naval forces.” On 1 September 1941 Roosevelt 
openly declared in a Labor Day speech: “We shall do everything in our 
power to destroy Hitler and his armed forces. Naturally, incidents 
were bound to occur; an American destroyer dropped depth charges 
on a German submarine which tried to defend itself by shooting a tor- 
pedo. Roosevelt gave a misleading report about this on the radio on 11 
September 1941 and said: “The time has now come when we have to 
recognize the cold, inescapable necessity of saying to these inhuman, 
reckless adventurers of world conquest who are attempting to establish 
a permanent dominion of the world: You are trying to subject our 
children and children’s children to your reign of terror and slavery. 
You have now attacked our own security. You can go this lar and no 
further!” This hypocritical indignation was all the more reprehensible 
because the British knew the German secret naval radio code and 
could intercept and translate all of the radio communications. They 
and their American confidants thus knew the directive which the Ger- 
man naval command had radioed to submarines on 21 June 1941: “The 

28 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 29 

Fiihrer has ordered the avoiding of any incident with the United St tes 
during the coming weeks. Act accordingly in all conceivable Cr ,es. 

Until further notice, attack only cruisers, battleships, and aircraft car* 
riers inside and outside of the blockade area, and only if these can be 
clearly recognized as hostile. In the case of warships, traveling under 
blackout is not considered proof of a hostile identity.” 

In keeping with this command, the German submarines were no 
longer permitted to attack their most dangerous enemies, the I 

destroyers, frigates, and corvettes, even the English ones. They were ® 

not even permitted to defend themselves. Only by a later, supplemen- j 

tal command were the German submarines permitted to counter an at- 
tack in progress for the sake of defending themselves as long as the at- 
tack continued. On 15 September 1941 the American Secretary of the 
Navy, Knox, gave the order to “capture or destroy by all means avail- 
able all merchant destroyers of the Axis powers, no matter whether 
they appear as surface or underwater pirates.” After this “order to 
shoot” by the American president, the United States was in a war with 
Germany as of 15 September 1941, a war which the United States did 
not declare as a result of the lack of approval by Congress. United 
States Admiral Hart wrote appropriately to United States Admiral 
Stark: “In the Atlantic the navy is already at war; whether the country 
knows it or not, we are at war.” 

Even the Military Tribunal in Nuremberg was not inclined to as- 
sert, in view of this clear conduct, that Germany had conducted an ag- 
gressive war against the United States. This was supplemented by the 
statement by Grand Admiral Donitz: “The aggressor in the latest war 

between the United States and Germany was clearly the United 

..Since Adolf Hitler could not be provoked, Japan was pushed into 
a corner by Roosevelt. The intention was to drive Japan into war by 
means of embargoes, confiscation of assets, and cutting off raw 
materials. The Japanese acceded to one demand after another, after 
which the Americans kept making new ones. After the last one was 
met Roosevelt also demanded that the Japanese apologize publicly to 
the world. Since this was against their honor and Japan would have 
lost face, Roosevelt knew that Japan would not be able to take this. By 
breaking the Japanese radio code the government even knew for cer- l 

tain the subsequent plan of the Japanese to spring a surprise attack on 
the American navy. It did not, however, warn the naval base at Pearl I 

Harbor. As a result, the Japanese did not refrain from their attack. In 
order to attain the desired war against Germany, Roosevelt sacrificed 
a considerable part of the Pacific fleet and thousands of soldiers, 

SO Liberty Bell / October 1988 

which brought about the added result that the battle ships sunk in 
Pearl Harbor had to be rebuilt, and that was not unwelcome to the ar- 
mament manufacturers who were behind the Roosevelt administration. 
That was the back door to war (with Germany), as was revealed by the 
American Admiral Theobald. 

Although Germany was, for practical purposes, already in a state 
of war with the United States, Hitler did whatever was still humanly 
possible. Since the Tripartite Pact with Japan was only a defensive al- 
liance, Germany was not obligated to declare war against the United 
States following the lead of Japan. As a compensation for the declara- 
tion of war that took place on 11 December, Hitler negotiated an 
agreement with the Japanese that they would not make a separate 
peace with the United States. Since the Japanese had been willing to 
compromise up to the end, this was very important for Germany. The 
United States had already delivered considerable amounts of supplies 
to the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler hoped that these deliveries of sup- 
plies would be suspended or at least reduced as long as Japan was at 
war with the United States. Since the Soviet troops had gone over to 
the attack near Moscow on 6 December 1941 with a strength of 100 
armed (Siberian) divisions, by which the German army was put into a 
great crisis, it was apparent that no Blitzkrieg could henceforth be con- 
ducted against the Soviet Union. It was all the more important that the 
United States commit a large part of its forces in the Pacific. 

The fact that this, not something like megalomania, was behind the 
German declaration of war against the United States on 11 December 
1941 was ascertained just recently by the Stuttgart historian, Eberhard 
Jaeckel. After 40 years, constantly new revelations. But things are to be 
different now. A new law is being prepared by which a denial or excus- 
ing of “National Socialist crimes” is to be subject to punishment. The 
postwar politicians licensed by the Allies see a threat to the basis of 
their actions. For that reason, criticism must be choked off by courts 
before dissident opinions arise. 

Let us defend ourselves against the muzzle law. Let us write to the 
representatives in the Bundestag that in this matter the intention is to 
shut off once more freedom of opinion. Let us not give up our right to 
free expression of opinion without a fight! □ 

This article reprinted from Bulletin No. 28 , published by the Committee for the 
Reexamination of the History of the Second World War, Charles E. Weber, Ph.D., 
Chairman, 1628 So. College, Tulsa, OK 74104. Additional copies of this article avail- 
able at these prices: 10/55.00 - 50/S20.00 - 100/535.00 - 500/$150.00. - 
1,000/5200.00. Annual subscription to Liberty Bell $35.00. Order from: 

Liberty Bell Publications, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 31 





Peter H. Peel 

There is no doubt that the fictional film Hitlerjunge Quex and the 
novel which inspired it were based on the real-life tragedy pf Hitler 
jungc Herbert Norkus and his brutal torture and murder. The fictiona 
“Quex” (Heini Volker) and the real Norkus were both twelve years old 
when they were murdered by a gang of adult Communists in the Wed- 
ding district (“Red Wedding”) of Berlin. The murder of Norkus took 
place in January 1932. The film does not tell us the exact date of the 
murder of Heini Volker but it is evident that it is in the final months of 
the degenerate and perverted Weimar Republic with all its bloody 
violence, hopelessness, gritty despair, and trashy Kulturboischemsmus. 
The original novel on which Hitlerjunge Quex is based was written by 
Karl Schenzinger in 1932 shortly after the murder of HJ Norkus. The 
movie was made in 1933 and is therefore one of the very first films 

made during the Third Reich. 

“Quex” is played by a very attractive youngster and fine actor, 
Claus Clausen. His home is a seedy apartment where he lives with his 
parents. His mother is a decent, working class woman who takes in 
laundry. She has obviously once been pretty but she is worn and driven 
to despair by grinding poverty and a domineering and abusive hus- 
band.* The latter is an embittered and chronically unemployed Com- 

* I Ieini’s father is played by the famous character actor, Heinrich George who played 
(inter alia) the Burgermeister Nettlebeck in one of the greatest films ever made, Xo - 
berg. He died from ill-treatment at the hands of the Russians in a prison camp in 1 . 

His “crime” appears to have been that he was prominent in German patriotic films 
during the war. The Western Allies, marginally less vindictive (perhaps), only deprive 
their victims like Veit Harlan or Emil Jannings of their means of livelihood for similar 
“offenses.” Some of the victims, particularly the prettier actresses, were driven to 
suicide as a result of their treatment by the victors. One example is that of Kristina 


munist who spends most of what little income the family has, boozing 
at the Lokal with his Communist cronies. He signs up an unwilling 
Heini with the Communist party and beats him to make him sing the 

Heini is induced to join a Communist picnic and overnight cam- 
pout in the woods but he is more repelled by what he sees and hears 
and he wanders off by himself. He stumbles on an encampment of the 
Hitler Youth who are sitting around a camp fire, singing. The tidiness 
of the camp, the clean, fresh faces of the boys, the uniforms — rather 
like the Boy Scouts — appeal to Heini in contrast to the scruffiness and 
rowdiness of the Communists. He longs for the evident idealism and 
camaraderie and, we surmise, for the paternal love he so sadly lacks at 
home. His opportunity to escape his bullying father, though, does not 
occur until his unhappy mother kills herself by turning on the gas stove 
without lighting it. Heini also nearly dies. He awakes to find himself in 
hospital where, having done the local National Socialists a service by 
warning them of a planned dynamiting, he is visited by the Hitler 
Youth group leader and a few other lads who invite him to join them. 
He is “adopted” by the local group and now lives happily and produc- 
tively in the National Socialist Boys’ hostel. The plot has the standard 
elements of misunderstandings and mistrusts which are subsequently 
cleared up and Heini becomes a much valued comrade. There are 
even hints of a possible future romance with Ulla, a Hitler Madchen. 
By some inexplicable casting, however, Ulla is rather plain whereas the 
Communist teenager-siren, Gerda, is much prettier and easily seduces 
a weak HJ comrade from his loyalty. The various characters in the film 
are nevertheless not mere cardboard symbols but interesting in their 
own right. 

One winter’s night, the older boys are detailed off to post up and 
hand deliver some announcements of a forthcoming National Socialist 
rally. One of the lads is suffering a concussion from a stone thrown at 
him the previous day and Heini begs to go in his place. Because of his 
youth, the Group Leader refuses permission but Heini finally per- 
suades him by his fervor and eloquence to change his mind. As Heini 
sets about his task in the pre-dawn darkness, a series of menacing 
whistles — evidently a code — are heard from various windows and 
street corners and a large gang of adult, male Communists converges 
on the area where Heini is working. Eventually Heini recognizes peril 
and attempts to flee but all avenues are blocked. A horrifying game of 
hide-and-seek ensues and we become passionately involved in hoping 
that Heini will escape. Of course, he does not. He is caught. We hear a 
cry of agony off camera and see only his thin, boyish legs stumbling 

32 Liberty Bell / October 19SS 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 33 

THE WRIGHT STUFF, continued from page 26 

and then falling. His comrades Find him on his face in a pool of blood. 
One of them kneels down and gently turns him over and cradles him. 
The dying boy tries to sing the Hitler Youth song. Very faintly, we hear 
him utter the first two lines before he dies. It was what the boys 
around the camp fire were singing when the lad first saw them. 

We grieve for the young lad and our hearts are moved. There is in 
Heini, not only idealism, but a kind of knightly purity which too seldom 
lasts beyond puberty. We sense that something of irrecoverable beauty 
has been taken from the world by something irredeemably base. 

The only tape of Hitlerjunge Quex currently available has been van- 
dalized throughout the first one third by the interpolation of inane and 
pompous frames in English which interrupt the action to offer us unin- 
vited and sophomoric comments on the psychological aspects of the 
plot — deprecatingly of course — and at an intellectual level that would 
disgrace the essay of a “C" student in Psychology 101 at some 
jerkwater junior college. 

Like Heini, poor little Herbert Norkus was only twelve years old. 
He was the son of a Berlin taxi driver but his father was neither a bully 
nor a Communist. Young Norkus, too, was sent out in the pre-dawn 
darkness to distribute and post bills announcing a National Socialist 
rally. He was seen and caught by a gang of adult Communists in the 
Wedding district and repeatedly stabbed. He managed to escape tem- 
porarily and staggered to a house to seek refuge but the householder 
would not open the door. He was caught and stabbed again and 
dragged into the entrance of Number 4 Zwinglistrasse. The autopsy 
showed two stab wounds in the chest, five in the back. The boy’s face 
was mutilated beyond recognition and the lower lip had been cut off. 
The lad must have died in unspeakable agony. 

In the last days of the Weimar Republic, in Berlin alone, six young 
HJ lads were similarly murdered by Communists. When the National 
Socialists came to power in 1933 and a number of leading Communists 
were rounded up and spent some time (actually a few weeks) in deten- 
tion camps, the democratic world raised pitiful cries of “tyranny and 
“oppression.” Comment is surely superfluous. 

Yet a haunting question refuses to go away. Was the fate of Quex 
and Norkus in some strange, unconscious way, a microcosmic prevision 
of the European tragedy of May 1945? Twelve years of a shining and 
beautiful ideal destroyed by scum. Twelve years, twelve years.... 

Hitlerjunge Quex and Kc 

tiberg are available on VHS video 

cassettes @ $50. + $2.5< 

) for postage each froin LIBERTY 


lox 21 , Reedy WV 25270 USA* : 

Sit Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Unfortunately, the Super-Hog was built by Fairchild Republic in 
the state of TAX-A CHUSETTS, the bailiwick of Senator Edward 
Kennedy, a monumental P.P.A. and a senator who is unalterably op- 
posed to anything that might go BANG! Or. ..POP! Or... anything with a 
sharp edge. EXCEPT!. ..those items produced in TAX-A-CHUSETTS 
that provide jobs for the citizens who dwell in the Kingdom of Ken- 
nedy (a mythical kingdom in the other forty-nine stales). In short: all 
the senator’s moaning and groaning about man’s inhumanity to man go 
right out the window when it comes to playing politics. 

Sooo... enter politics — howling! When the contract was filled and 
the Air Force had its fill of Super-Hogs, Senator Kennedy was seen to 
enter his chrysalis — as he has done so many times in the past — and un- 
dergo his usual political metamorphosis, and emerge as: ATTILA 
THE HUN! Insisting-no, DEMANDING -that the Air Force take 
more, and more, and more Super-Hogs to keep the factories of TAX- 
A-CHUSETTS a-humming. 

The Air Force didn’t want any more Super-Hogs. They had more 
than enough Super-Hogs. And they kept on insisting that it was a 
waste of the taxpayer’s money to build more, and more, and more 

All to no avail — the Democrats in the Congress saw nothing wrong 
with Teddy buying votes with fleets of Super-Hogs; after all, it was just 

Our great investigative news media found Teddy’s political 
machinations to be...NOT NEWSWORTHY. 

So now the United States Air Force has more Super-Hogs than it 
knows what to do with — thanks to Teddy “Attila” Kennedy, who has 
again assumed his guise as.. .ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, as he emotes 
about the horrors of “Pentagon waste.” 

The problem inherent in forcing the military to take weapons that 
it doesn’t need, just to satiate a political need and not a defense need, 
is that the military is now forced to use these weapons in place of 
other weapons. During the Second World War, the Luftwaffe tried to 
use “Stukas” in an air combat role when they were short of Me- 109s 
and FW-190s. It was a slaughter! The slow-moving “Stukas” were no 
match for the fast and maneuverable British and American aircraft. It 
will be much the same story if Americans try to engage fast enemy 
fighters in Super-Hogs instead of F-16s or similar aircraft. 

So in this example, we see that Teddy’s “political procurement” 
has compromised our national defense by forcing the Air Force to take 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 35 

a weapon system that will probably be completely unsuited to a mis 
sion that it will be assigned. He has wasted tens of millions of tax- 
payers dollars. And he will certainly kill Americans who will be forced 
to fly the Super-Hog in a combat role for which it was never designed. 

And as a liberal Democrat, Teddy Kennedy will certainly get away 
with it, since the American news media always finds these disasters 
foisted on the American military by Liberals to be NOT NEWSWOR- 
THY. Thanks in large measure to the American news media, the real 
“procurement scandals” at the Pentagon go on year after year. If it 
were not for the active connivance of the American news media, a 
great many liberal politicians would have been lynched by an outraged 



In the flourishing field of Political Procurements, Teddy s Super- 
Hog “roundup” pales into insignificance when compared to the 
MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR “Fliegend-PLOP” of Jim Wright. 
However, for this monumental national security disaster we must go 
back in time to the many blunders of the Kennedy Administration. 

Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
once said of JFK: “He knew nothing, and even this would not have 
been too terrible, if he only had a few good advisors. But instead of 
picking experienced advisors, Kennedy picked a bunch of fuzzy- 
headed professors from Harvard, men who had never made a serious 
decision in their entire lives. So every time he had a crisis at the White 
House he had twelve frightened men who were incapable of deciding 
anything.” (I quote from memory, from a speech made to SAC crews 
by Gen. Twining in 1966.) 

In point of fact, Kennedy loaded the entire government with fuzzy- 
headed academicians, and he sent a truly obnoxious bunch of liberal 
“know-it-alls” to the Pentagon where they soon became known as 
McNamara’s “Whiz Kids.” 

Secretary of Defense Robert STRANGE McNamara’s covey of 
Whiz Kids were a very, very liberal bunch. And they all shared the dis- 
tinction of never having worn a military uniform in their entire lives. 
They wore this great “distinction” with pride at the Pentagon, and they 
were often prone to quote Georges Clemenceau’s famous motto, “War 
is too important to be left to the Generals.” Their hero, Clemenceau, 
shared the very same distinction of never having a military uniform 
drape his noble shoulders — or cover his ponderous posterior. Like our 

36 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Whiz Kids, Georges^lemenceau was a civilian, through and through. 

That is, until the^First World War, where — as the greatest Pom- 
pous Posturing Ass all of France — he assumed the dual role of 
Premier of France and ^mister of War. 

As for his expertise ih the field of warfare, I can only find this one 
possibility: At one time Georges Clemenceau taught Latin at a girl’s 
school in Connecticut. Now.. .if we assume that he touched on the 

Punic Wars in the process VOILAL.we have uncovered Georges 

Clemenceau’s total expertise in the field of warfare. Which. ..would 
probably disqualify him under McNamara’s Whiz Kid “standards” as 
being “over trained.” 

Let us give credit where it is due: Clemenceau did achieve a con- 
siderable degree of well-deserved “fame” (infamy?) amongst military 
historians for splendid actions like: ordering the French infantry— the 
unfortunate Poilu — to make many brave and courageous frontal as- 
saults against massed German machine guns. He naturally did this 
from the comfort of Paris where courage flowed like wine, and his 
brave charges looked awfully simple on a map. Because the map didn’t 
show the mud that could drown a man, or a horse, or the residual 
poison gas in the bottom of shell craters that were rim to rim and 
looked like the moon. Why, this P.P.A. of all P.P.A.s even had some 
survivors of his courageous charges shot! For not being courageous 
enough. After all, they only had to cross that little green area on the 

Dear reader, to understand the thinking of Georges Clemenceau is 
to understand the thinking of our Whiz Kids: everything looks simple if 
you don’t know what you are doing. 

McNamara’s Whiz Kids wore their complete lack of military ex- 
perience as a badge of honor. They insisted that a complete lack of 
military experience in the running of the Pentagon didn’t really matter, 
because they had something far more important than military ex- 
perience or military expertise, they had.. .SENSITIVITY! Yes indeed, 
our Whiz Kids at the Pentagon had loads and loads of SENSITIVITY. 
It oozed from their bodies and literally dripped from each and every 
orifice. In fact, if one of McNamara’s Whiz Kids were to pause, but 
briefly, in his travels and emote on. ..oh.. .“Man’s Inhumanity To 
Man”. ..or. ..“War Is Hell” (two of their favorite subjects), he would 
literally leave a tell-tale puddle of SENSITIVITY where he had stood! 
Why, the very halls of the Pentagon were literally AWASH with SEN- 
SITIVITY! And very little else. 

And talk about genius! After only a week or so — having mastered 
all that there is to know about military science — our Whiz Kids 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 37 

became self-proclaimed “military experts” on each /nd every facet of 
warfare In fact, they were so “expert” on this sim» \c subject that they 
were prone to sing a little rhyme when they pas kd a General or an 
Admiral in the halls of the Pentagon. They wo.uld giggle and chant: 
“Twinkle.. .twinkle. ..little star...WHO THE HF.LL DO YOU THINK 

YOU ARE?” . 

Unfortunately, this rather happy, halcyon lime at the Pentagon 

ended abruptly when JFK and 'nis twelve frightened Harvard “Profs” 
blundered into the Cuban Missile Crisis. Not surprisingly, the ensuing 
PANIC! still retained a kijid of Mother Goose quality as our Whiz 
Kids rapidly transitioned from the cheery “Twinkle. ..twinkle...” to a 
rather high-pitched, “THE SKY IS FALLING!, THE SKY IS FALL- 
ING’” And traffic in Washington came to a complete standstill as 
scores of Whiz Kids ran SHRIEKING through the crowded streets. 
Each and every Whiz Kid doing his very best rendition of CHICKEN 
LITTLE and leaving little tell-tale puddles of something quite different 


Having abandoned the Pentagon to go shrieking through the 
streets, the SENSITIVITY drained from the halls and dribbled down 
the steps into the sewers of Washington. So the guys with the “little 
stars” took over the abandoned ship and Gen. Thomas S. Power dis- 
persed the SAC Bomber Force to save it, forcing the Soviets hi Cuba 
to try and retarget from all the SAC Bases to five times as many 

civilian airfields. 

I remember it well: I sat alert in my B-47 Bomber at St. Louis In- 
ternational Airport; other bombers from our Wing were on alert at 
Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport; and we also had some of 
our bombers on “Reflex Alert” in Saragossa, Spain. 

The SAC Force, dispersed as it was all over the United States and 
the world, presented an insoluable tactical problem for the Soviets: We 
could easily hit them from all these fields -and even disperse to other 
fields - and they could not keep up with our moves. So they finally saw 
the light. The missiles in Cuba presented a wonderful tactical ad- 
vantage for the Russians; they could hit our bomber force before we 
could get it off the ground. That is, if we didn’t keep moving it around. 

This is the TRUTH about the Cuban Missile Crisis; the silly tales 
by Kennedy worshipers like Arthur Schlesinger Jr. about Saint Jack 
and the dragon Khrushchev are pure Kennedy propaganda. After all, 
Arthur was one of the great SHRIEKERS at that time -and I’m told 
that he was also a PUDDLER. 

It should be noted that Gen. Thomas S. Power was well within his 
rights to disperse the “Force” in order to save it. However, that didn’t 

impress the Kennedy Administration which seemed to have an al- 
legiance to the mythical kingdom of Kennedy and not the United 
States. So Gen. Power was fired by Kennedy for preventing World 
War Three without permission from JFK and his twelve frightened 
men who were in a coma at the white House. 

I’m not kidding about the coma. Kennedy foolishly ordered all his 
staff to stay awake during the crisis, so after seventy-two hours the 
whole bunch of them — Kennedy included — were stumbling about the 
Oval Office in a stupor. 

One of the great historic miracles is the fact that the United States 
of America managed to survive the Kennedy Administration. 

So this was the Kennedy Administration and the Whiz Kids in the 
Pentagon who were to function so brilliantly in behalf of Jim Wright 
and his MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR political procurement. 


Having sampled a bit of Kennedy’s background, I think most 
people can now appreciate the source of Jim Wright’s MULTI-BIL- 
LION DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE. Not surprisingly, it was created by 
good ol’ Robert STRANGE and his merry band of Whiz Kids. It was 
called the “TFX” or the “F/B-lll.” 

Now, procurement fans, any airman or aeronautical engineer on 
our globe will tell you that the “F/B” designation must be a joke. After 
all, it means “Fighter” and “Bomber” — and that’s impossible. All 
fighter aircraft carry bombs, and some are disposed to refer to them as 
“fighter-bombers,” but what McNamara and his whiz Kids had in mind 
was a “Tactical Fighter” and a “Strategic Bomber” -ALL IN ONE 

Every reputable scientific organization said it was impossible. 
Even Popular Science Magazine said it was silly. But what was science, 
engineering, reason, common sense.. .to those possessing vast reservoirs 
of... (Aw, you guessed it)...S E N S I T I V I T Y? 

Gen. Eisenhower was once stunned to find out that Winston Chur- 
chill was trying to duplicate one of his World War One disasters 
during World War Two. As First Lord of the Admiralty during WW I 
he had brilliantly sunk the British fleet in the Dardanelles on the Ger- 
man mine fields. And if that wasn’t enough of a military triumph, he 
then landed half a million troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula and sus- 
tained 145,000 casualties without accomplishing anything. Since his 
“master plan” for winning the war had failed at sea, he tried it on 

88 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 39 

land -where it also failed. It was a stupid, ill-planned campaign that is 
still remembered by the Australians, who curse Churchill to this day 
for his hard-headed, stubborn adherence to a plan that had proven to 
be so foolish — and so deadly for the Australians. 

Well. ..it seems that good oP “Winnie” was out to prove that he 
really wasn’t wrong in 1915. In fact, he wanted to try it all over again — 
with American troops. If at first you don’t succeed. ..try, try again. For- 
tunately for us, Gen. Eisenhower was quite familiar — as was every 
other military officer — with Churchill’s WW I disasters, so he put a 
stop to good oP “Winnies” dreams of latent “vindication.” 

It was much the same thing with Robert Strange McNamara, a 
man also seeking a kind of “vindication” for one of his great disasters. 
You see, before taking over as Secretary of Defense under the Ken- 
nedy Administration, McNamara had worked at the Ford Motor Com- 
pany where he had produced a BLUNDER that still brings chills to 
every automobile manufacturer in the world. Dare I say it? I really 
must! Robert STRANGE McNamara was the father of the...EDSEL! 
Oh! the shame of it all! 

For those who don’t remember the Edsel: Well, the Edsel, like the 
F/B 111, was supposed to do everything. It would be an inxpensive 
automobile for the working stiff and also a luxury car for the very af- 
fluent, ALL IN ONE CAR. 

Alas, the unfortunate owners of the Edsel discovered, to their hor- 
ror, that all Edsels seemed to look the same. And those extra-large 
doses of chrome on the expensive model didn’t half compensate for 
the extra-large price of the vehicle. Why, a fellow might buy an Edsel 
that cost the same as a Ford; or an Edsel that cost the same as a Mer- 
cury; or an Edsel that cost the same as a Lincoln — AND THEY ALL 

Of course, the Edsel had another much more unfortunate 
“LOOK.” Whereas the Buick had a kind of “ferocious” look, with 
bared fangs, the unfortunate Edsel looked completely different. Some 
said an Edsel looked as if it were...“sucking a lemon.” Others thought 
an Edsel looked as if it were.. .“holding its nose.” And a considerable 
element were of the opinion that it was. ..“doing BOTH.” At the same 

When all owners of Edsels began to feel very, very foolish — that 
was the end of McNamara’s Edsel. 

Now, with the F/B 111 it seemed as if McNamara was trying to 
duplicate his Edsel disaster at Ford. If at first you don’t succeed...try, 
try... Analogy: If the F/B 111 were an automobile instead of an 
airplane, it would have to be a wondrous vehicle; with the 

maneuverability of a sports car, the cargo carrying capacity of an 
eighteen-wheeler, and the remarkable ability to drive for thousands of 
miles on a single tank of gas. 

Sure it’s silly! As I said, even Popular Science Magazine said it was 
silly. But, procurement fans, we must remember that all the Whiz Kids 
oozed SENSITIVITY and very little common sense. I guess one 
aircraft looked pretty much the same as another aircraft to them — 
when the whole world is viewed through the SENSITIVITY that 
sloshed in their eyeballs. 

We must remember that the Kennedy “master plan” (all poli- 
ticians seem to have one) called for buying one aircraft instead of 
several. This remarkable aircraft would be a long range bomber for 
SAC; a tactical fighter for TAC; and a Navy fighter for the U.S. Fleet. 
Thereby saving BILLIONS of dollars that could be spent on vast, new 
social programs. After all, their SENSITIVITY told them- twenty-four 
hours a day— that we desperately needed a great many new govern- 
ment programs that would hire a great many unemployed Democrats 
as administrators. 

So the F/B 111 was to be the world’s very first SENSITIVITY 
aircraft. And it probably should have been called “THE PHIL 
DONAHUE,” but it ended up being called a lot of other names. 

Over the very strenuous objections of the U.S. Air Force and the 
U.S. Navy, the contracts were put up for bids on the fabulous F/B 111, 
the first SENSITIVITY Fighter/Bomber. 

Given the fact that this almost mythical flying machine was to have 
moveable wings, it was promptly christened by Air Force and Navy 
pilots as: “McNamara’s Scissor- Winged Edsel.” Robert STRANGE 
was not amused! 

To kinda placate the clearly depressed Air Force and Navy, the 
Whiz Kids allowed the choice of the designs submitted to the Air 
Force and the Navy. They thought this offer was most generous. I 
guess they didn t realize that this was the usual way of doing things, 
and the Air Force and the Navy usually had a say in the kind of 
aircraft they needed. But being Whiz Kids, they probably figured that 
“choosing an aircraft was much too important to be left to pilots,” and 
it really should be done by a Harvard “grad” with a degree in Social 
Science and lots and lots of SENSITIVITY. 

There really wasn’t a choice: both the Air Force and the Navy 
picked the Boeing design as being the best. In fact, not only was it a lot 
cheaper than the other major competitor, General Dynamics’, but the 

General Dynamics design could not even meet the basic specifications 
for performance. 

UO Liberty Bell / October 19S8 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 U1 

At this point, an American taxpayer without any knowledge of 
Washington politics might assume that the matter was now settled; 
after all, the Air Force and the Navy had been given the right to select 
the best design, and they had both picked the best and the least expen- 
sive design. Hooray for the taxpayers! 

NO WAY, JOSE! That’s how “military procurement” works -we 

are dealing with “political procurement.” 

General Dynamics -the high bidder -just happens to be in Fort 
Worth. And.. .Fort Worth just happens to be good ol’ Jim Wright’s dis- 
trict. And.. .good ol* Jim Wright just happened to be in a very tight race 
with a Republican. And...good ol’ Jim Wright kinda needed HELP!- 

So Jim naturally went to our Vice-President at that time, good ol’ 
Lyndon Baines Johnson — the biggest wheeler and dealer that Congress 
and the world has ever known. And fellow Americans, if we’re real, 
real lucky, we may NEVER know his like again. 

Well. ..let me tell you...there wasn’t anything good ol’ LBJ couldn’t 
do in Congress or in Texas. Especially in Texas. Why, LBJ was so 
darned popular in Texas that everyone voted for him: the rich.. .the 
poor. ..the black.. .the white..the QUICK.. .the DEAD. 

Sopping wet Mexicans -who had QUICKLY dashed across the 
Rio Grande -dutifully lined up to cast their ballots for their hero, 
good ol’ LBJ. And lest we forget the very important Doppelgdnger 
Vote (no Democrat is elected in Texas without it), every grave yard in 
Texas experienced a mass resurrection, as the DEAD rose in Ec- 
toplasmic waves. ..to vote for good ol’ LBJ. Sometimes the deceased 
voted in alphabetical order! And on at least one occasion, the dearly 
departed voted in alphabetical order — and GREEN INK! Boy-oh-boy, 
talk about a popular guy! 

For the uninitiated, Texas is kinda like the mythical elephant’s 
graveyard; where myth has it, all elephants go off to die. Of course, the 
beast in Texas is not the elephant, it’s the donkey. And it’s certainly 
the graveyard of choice for the discriminating jackass who wants to be 
remembered. Make no mistake about it, he certainly will be remem- 
bered— every election day. It’s kinda like the ultimate in “Perpetual 
Care.” In some states the politician may please his electorate by build- 
ing a U.S. Post Office on every available corner. In Texas, the smart 
politician “mows the grass.” 

I ask you my fellow Americans, would the fact that the Air Force 
and the Navy had both selected the Boeing design stop our hero LBJ? 


Would the astonishing fact that the General Dynamics design 
U2 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

could not meet the basic specifications for aircraft performance stop 
the valiant LBJ? 


And would the fact that the inferior General Dynamics design ac- 
tually cost more than the Boeing design prevent our courageous LBJ 
from rushing to rescue the foundering political career of Jim Wright? 


LBJ responded to the heart-rendering pleadings of fellow 
Democrat Jim Wright and awarded the F/B 111 contract to good ol’ 
General Dynamics of Fort Worth. Now, who says prayers are never 

McNamara and his merry band of Whiz Kids naturally acquiesced 
to LBJ’s “political procurement.” It may have been very bad for the 
strategic and tactical defense of the United States. It may have been an 
outrageous assault on the Treasury of the United States. However, it 
was politically very good for the Kingdom of Kennedy, it saved the 
political career of a loyal vassal, good ol’ Jim Wright. 

Indeed! the alternative was absolutely unthinkable! Why, it... 
it.. .might have finished the political career of Jim Wright! Just think of 
it! Had that contract not been awarded in 1962, we might not have 
good ol’ Jim Wright in Congress today! 

Delightful thought, isn’t it? 

When I was in the Air Force I spent a considerable amount of 
time — off and on — in the sovereign state of Texas. I found most 
Texans to be warm and friendly people. I thought it was a remarkable 
accomplishment for a people living smack in the middle of the “Great 
American Desert.” Frankly, given the climate and real estate of Texas, 

I couldn’t blame Texans if they were as mean as the environment they 
have to live in. 

For example: In Texas a fellow might easily slip on the ice in the 
early morning and break a leg. You say, “Well.. .so what? That could 
easily happen almost anywhere in the United States.” Perhaps, but 
would the accident victim — lying in a cast that very afternoon — be 
sweltering in the 110 degree heat of Texas? Radical climatic changes in 
Texas are truly astonishing. 

We all know this familiar scene: In our northern states it’s a com- 
mon sight after the first light snowfall of winter to see merchants 
sweeping the snow from their sidewalks into the gutters with push- 
brooms. In the Rio Grande valley it’s also a common sight to see mer- 
chants sweeping the June Bugs from their sidewalks into the gutters 
with the same kind of push-brooms. In the Rio Grande valley they 
don ’t have SNOW FALLS -they have BUG FALLS. 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 US 

Lastly, where in the world, as a pilot, can you be diverted from 
your planned destination by this astonishing weather report: 

Now Texans, bless ’em, can’t easily be surprised by almost any 
kind of climatic aberation. But it sure must have been a shock, in the 
blistering heat of the summer of ’62, when they heard...the sound of 
SLEIGH BELLS! And...and...coming down the road that would fry a 
Texas Rattler before it got half-way across, there appeared a truly 
astonishing sight: A SLEIGH...drawn by eight tiny reindeer! And... 
and.. .driving the sleigh -THERE HE WAS! Yes, it was that familiar 
figure in the Red Suit and long white beard -IT WAS SANTA 


Well, not quite. It was really Jim Wright dressed in the Red Suit 
and wearing a long white beard and doin all the HO! HOs! Santa 
(Jim) had arrived bearing great gifts for all the people of Fort Worth. 
And to the delight of all the good people gathered ’round, the jolly fel- 
low in the Red Suit and long white beard reached into his great white 
sack and pulled out...THE MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR F/B 111 
CONTRACT! And...and...a small child in the crowd was heard to cry 


It was one of history’s greatest political coups! Jim Wright, know- 
ing full well that he couldn’t be re-elected on his own merit, had bril- 
liantly assumed the guise of Old St. Nick bearing multi-billion dollar 
gifts. Confused by the sight of Santa in the summer, and DAZZLED 
by the great gifts he bore, the people of Texas sent Jim Wright back to 
the House of Representatives. After all, only a mean-spirited person 
would vote against Santa Claus, HO! HO! HO! 


Santa Jim had placed wonderous gifts under the Christmas Tree 
that broiling hot summer in Texas, but all was not unlimited joy in Fort 
Worth. Some aviation experts suggested that General Dynamics lacked 
the special expertise required to take on this particular aviation chal- 
lenge. In fact, it might be said that General Dynamics had acknow- 
ledged this lack of expertise by admitting that it could not even meet 
the design specifications established for bidding on the contract. Per- 
haps that’s why they bid high — because they were afraid to undertake 
this contract and fail at it. In point of fact, the fabulous F/B 111 did 
give General Dynamics a very bad name in the aviation business — in 

UU Liberty Bell i October 198S 

much the same way that the EDSEL gave Ford a very bad name in the 
automobile business. 

It’s easy to understand the astonishment at General Dynamics 
when they were awarded the multi-billion dollar contract to build this 
fabulous aircraft. After all, they had submitted the highest bid and had 
even admitted that they could not meet the design specifications. They 
must have been stunned! They had been saying at the very outset: We 
can t build the thing, and it will probably cost a lot more if we try to do 

In a “political procurement” nothing really matters except the 
political result. The national defense doesn’t count. Nor do the re- 
quirements of the military. Or the drain on the U.S. Treasury. Or even 
the wishes of the company getting the contract. The only thing that 
really matters is the political result; therefore, as a “political procure- 
ment” the General Dynamics F/B 111 contract was a complete triumph 
the moment it kept Jim Wright in the Congress. 

The usual “political solution” to the problem that arises when 
military contracts are awarded for political reasons and not national 
security reasons, and the company benefiting from the “political 
procurement” can’t meet the specifications in the contract, is to simply 
lower the design specifications down to the level of the company. Of 
course, the result of this practice is directly proportional: the more in- 
competent the company, the more inferior the weapon. 

It’s really quite simple. Take this hypothetical situation: Let’s say 
that good ol* Jim Wright has a factory in his district that will get him 
votes if he can keep it running. Let us say that this factory produces 
shovels — good shovels — but Jim Wright gets them a “political procure- 
ment” to produce wheelbarrows -a far more sophisticated product. 
Now, in the course of trying to produce wheelbarrows to meet the 
specifications in the contract the company discovers that it is unable to 
produce a workable wheel for the wheelbarrows. Does this failure by 
the company terminate the government contract and deny Jim Wright 
his votes? 

Of course not! The simple “political solution” to this common 
problem is to lower the original specifications down to the competence 
of the company. This can easily be done by simply dropping that one 
innocuous “specification” in the contract that the wheelbarrows actual- 
ly be able to move. Now the company need not worry about producing 

In fact, a really clever politician would change the design 
specifications to those of a wheelbarrow “guaranteed” to not move no 
m atter h ow hard you push it. Without a wheel that should be “a piece 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 U5 

of cake” — especially if you double the test load specifications. Jn this 
way, a clever politician might even get the company an “E” for “Excel- 

Changing basic specifications in weaponry is nothing new for the 
American military -it happens all the time. And some of these “po lti- 
cal procurements” that produce “political” changes to the basic 
specifications of weaponry, have produced some rather strange 
“beasts,” in that some of the design specifications have only been met 
at the expense of other design specifications. Naturally, some o t ese 
“political” beasts have been acknowledged by airmen at the piano in 
the “O” club bar. As in this example: 




This airman’s lament pays tribute to an aircraft that met the 
“range” specifications at the expense of the “bomb load” specifica- 
tions. As we know, McNamara’s “Scissor-Winged Edsel” was supposed 
to be the aircraft equivalent of a fabulous motor vehicle, with t e 
maneuverability of a sports car, the cargo carrying capacity of an 
eighteen-wheeler, and the ability to drive thousands of miles on a 
single tank of gas. What Robert STRANGE and his Whiz Kids 
produced was a vehicle with all the maneuverability of an eighteen- 
wheeler, the cargo carrying capacity of a very small sports car, and the 
nasty habit of running out of gas when it went around the block. That 

is, if it didn’t crash before it got around the block. 

Question: If you’ve built an aircraft that can’t do anything, what 
can you sacrifice to make it do something? Quite a problem, isn t it? 

So, it seems that the unfortunate American military was about to 
get an’ aircraft that couldn’t fly very far, or carry very much, and it 
would probably crash before it got there anyway. That is, if it wasn t 

outmaneuvered and shot down by a Lear Jet. 

What do you do with it? It might be useful if we ever went to war 

with Canada; let’s say you flew the “beast” out of Plattsburgh AFB in 
upstate New York -it could easily strike Montreal. But it didn’t seem 

to fit any Air Force or Navy mission at the time. 

Let me make this point: With a “political procurement,” the public 
should not hold the company involved solely responsible for the 
results. A comp any really can’t turn down a contract dumped in its lap 

U6 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

by a politician— just think of the screams of all the stockholders. I real- 
ly think that American companies try their very best to provide the 
military with a quality product, the villain in the piece is always the 
politician, in that, he cares little about our national security or even the 
reputation of the company. The politician's only concern is keeping his 
place at that GREAT TROUGH in Washington, D.C. 

It’s interesting to note that after a long series of crashes the people 
at General Dynamics started referring to their “beast” as the 
“AARDVARK,” a name that it carries to this very day. It’s a name 
that really fits. Webster defines the “aardvark” as “a large burrowing 
mammal.” Indeed, the General Dynamics “AARDVARK” seemed to 
be constantly “burrowing” into the ground. 

In my view, Jim Wright’s “flyer” — not to be confused with Wilbur’s 
and Orville’s “Wright Flyer,” a machine that actually worked — was 
more a...“Fliegend-PLOP”! But it served to keep good oP Jim wright 
in the Congress, and that’s what really counts, isn’t it? 


Who says nothing is “perfect” in this world? The first model of 
Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOP (F-111A) proved to be a “per- 
fect” disaster. Absolutely everything was wrong with it. 

As in: 

It was grossly OVERWEIGHT! 

It had the D...R...A...G of a very large BARN! 

It had problems with prop. ..SPUT!...prop...SPUTL. propulsion 


It had serious problems with ST RU ct^ R E (airframe and scissor 

It had problems with systems...SQUIRT! (hydraulics)...WHOOSH! 
(pneumatics) and... CRACKLE, CRACKLE! (electronics). 

If General Dynamics had set out to design a disaster, they had 
succeeded beyond their wildest dreams with their.. .SPUTL.SPUT! 

The most unusual feature of Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOP 
was to be its scissor-wings, or SWING-WING. It was to be the very 
first SWING-WINGER. With straight wings for slow take-off and 
landing speeds, and swept wings for high-speed performance. 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 U7 

Now man, it’s like this way: If you want to learn to SWING, you’ve 
rot to have. ..like. ..SYNCHRONIZATION man! And nan, what you 
don’t need is...likc...SYNCOPATION. ’Cause i! you SYNCOPATE, 
when you were supposed to SYNCHRONIZE... Hey man! You’re 
gonna like...RO L L ! And man, if you ROLL ’nough, you’re gonna 
like ..hit a ROCK! I’ll tell you man...ol’ Jim’s maa-chine was a- 
ROLLIN’ and a-ROCKIN’ all over the place! YEAH! YEAH! 


For simplicity’s sake, let’s think of Jim’s SWING-WING problem 
as the infamous WHOOOOPS! factor. For example: If the pilot at- 
tempts to move the SWING-WINGS and they get out of 
SYNCHRONIZATION, it means that one wing rapidly gets more 
LIFT than the other wing, and...WHOOOPS! “Mayday, mayday, 
mayday.. .ROLL instructions please!” Adding to the problem were the 
six pylons -three on each wing (they got that right) for carrying exter- 
nal fuel and weapons. Naturally, the pylons had to rotate when the 
wing moved, and if a pylon didn’t rotate in synchronization with the 
wing. ..WHOOOOPS! On a really bad day, a chap could be 
WHOOOOOOOPSING! all over the place! 


General Dynamics had no choice, they had to modify Jim Wright’s 
fabulous Fliegend-PLOP (TFX, F/B-lll, Scissor-Winged Edsel, 
Aardvark and “One-Eleven”) so that it could perform some kind of 
mission. A “Static Display” on Armed Forces Day simply would not 

justify the cost. , 

So, in order to increase the range of the fabulous “beast, the 

bomb bay had to go to make room for additional fuel tanks. After all, 

the “One-Eleven” (as it was now called) was supposed to out-do the 

old Boeing B-47. 

It didn’t quite make it. The B-47 “Stratojet” became operational in 
1949 and it had a max range of 3600 miles carrying a max internal 
bomb load of 22,000 pounds. With its new fuel tank modification, the 
One-Eleven had a max range of 3165 (not bad), but it could only fit 

two 750 pound bombs into its tiny bomb bay. 


Well, at least the One-Eleven saved the guys at the bar the time and 

trouble of composing a new song for it. 

Since there wasn’t room inside the “beast,” the bombs and addi- 

1+8 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

tional fuel had to go on the outside — on the six pylons that had to 
rotate in synchronization with the SWING-WINGS. Each external fuel 
tank, with 500 gallons of fuel, could increase the range of the aircraft. 
However, since the ordnance (bombs, etc.) had to be hung on these 
pylons, it considerably increased the DRAG and therefore reduced the 
RANGE. Something like a sleek, new, modern, aerodynamic 
automobile... with a very large couch strapped to the roof. 

Although all liberal politicians in the United States have been 
given the “unalienable right” to lie, cheat, steal, and get away with al- 
most anything by our liberal news media, LBJ’s “unalienable right” was 
wearing kinda thin, and questions were being asked about Jim Wright’s 
fabulous Fliegend-PLOP/One-Eleven. So, in a frantic effort to get Jim 
Wright’s Fliegend-PLOPS operational, Johnson’s bunch sent six of the 
fabulous “beasts” to fly combat in Vietnam. The year was 1967, and 
these fabulous machines flew out of Takhli, Thailand. Three of the 
fabulous six were rapidly lost to mechanical failure... 
PLOP!. ..PLOP!. ..PLOP! 

I was a Forward Air Controller flying the so-called “Ho Chi Minh 
Trail” in Laos at that time. I remember we spent a week or so looking 
for downed One-Elevens in Laos. They had taken-off from Takhli and 
they had “vanished” before they even got to their targets in North 

It was an impossible task: We didn’t know where they went down 
in Laos. Or even if they went down in Laos. The triple-canopy jungles 
of Laos could hide almost anything, and the farmers of Laos were into 
“slash and burn” in a big way. So any one of hundreds of burned fields 
could have been a crash site. And if you did more than one orbit look- 
ing at a possible crash site with your binoculars, and not doin’ a little 
“jink” (random turn), all those nice orange “golf balls” (37mm) started 
coming your way. Not nice in a 0-2 FAC aircraft — a Cessna Super- 
Skymaster with an Air Force paint job. 

Eventually, we started looking for One-Eleven crash sites in 
Thailand — on the assumption that they didn’t even get as far as Laos. 
Some wreckage was found (I don’t know where) and the manufactur- 
ing defect turned out to be faulty welds in the tailplane power units. So 
all One-Elevens were pulled out of combat for modifications. 

It was clearly political pressure that forced the Air Force to send 
Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOPS into combat — where they 
promptly PLOPPED! A fifty percent loss rate (three out of six) to the 
same mechanical failure clearly reflects a lack of proper flight testing. 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 U9 


The only question we have is who gets “credit” for the three One- 

Eleven “kills,” the “Ace” Johnson, or the “Ace” Wright? 

When LBJ finally left office -after completely screwing up the 
war -there was no pressing need for the Republicans to justify the 
purchase of Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOPS, so the machine 
was allowed to be extensively modified, and it was sent back into com- 
bat four years later where it finally performed well. Given enough time, 
money, and lives, the most ungainly “bird” can be made to fly. 


The fabulous Fliegend-PLOP finally learned to fly! At this point 
we must digress and mention the successful use of the fabulous PLOP- 
PER by the U.S. Air Force - a triumph of man over machine. 

This happened when 18 F-llls from the 48th Tactical Fighter 
Wing stationed at Lakenheath, England took off as the sun was setting 
over Great (?) Britain (it set long ago) on the 15th of April 1986. Their 
mission was to bomb Muammar al-Qaddafi’s El Azziziya Barracks an 
training camp at Sidi Bilal, and the Tripoli Military Airport. 

The One-Elevens returned the next day as the sun was rising, wit 
the loss of only one aircraft. And that aircraft probably went in the 

“drink” while trying to avoid a missile at low level. 

It was a terrific mission by Air Force and Naval personnel. They 
flew against the very best air defense our Commie counterparts could 
produce: SA-2, SA-3, SA-6, SA-8, and even some French-built Cro- 
tale” surface to air missiles. It must certainly have raised a great many 
appreciative eyebrows amongst the world’s military- including all the 
guys behind the Iron Curtain. None more appreciative than our Rus- 
sian counterparts (excluding those on their way to Siberia for having 
planned the “air defense” of Libya). The Russians must have studied 
the mission for several weeks and raised their already high estimate o 
U.S. military performance to an even higher level. Of course, they 
could not help but notice the rather striking “range” limitations of Jim 
Wright’s Fliegend-PLOPS. However, military men are pragmatic and 
give credit where it is due, especially if credit is due to an enemy you 

might have to fight sometime in the future. . 

It would be stupid to do otherwise. The maxim of the professional 
soldier is: “KNOW YOUR ENEMY.” As a professional you must 
know all his weaknesses, and above all, you must know all is 
strengths. If you don’t know his strengths, you’re going to be in tor a 

very rude surprise when you fight him. 

As always, the very high caliber of the Air Force and Navy person- 
nel was, in large measure, responsible for the success of the mission. 
The United States produces the best-trained airmen in the world -a 
fact recognized by the military of the world. And, amazingly, a source 
of embarrassment, if not shame, amongst all our WACKO liberal 
politicians. I guess any kind of SUPERIORITY is an anathema to 
those who believe in SENSITIVITY. 

The only sour note in this magnificent military symphony of men 
and machines was the fact that this very long mission required some 
rather unusual (and revealing) refueling procedures. 

The French, who have brought a new and more profound meaning 
to that fine old American word DEADBEAT, by never paying their 
debts, had taken the usual anti-American delight in giving us the 
fabulous “finger” by refusing to allow our aircraft to over-fly French 
territory. Charles de Gaulle, “Le Grand Deadbeat,” developed this 
charming French attitude while strolling on the Seine — and giving lec- 
tures to GOD. This meant our guys had to fly around the whole bloody 
Iberian Peninsula and back again. 

This was accomplished by assigning a SAC KC-10 tanker to every 
three aircraft. The tankers stayed with the aircraft until they got to the 
target area, and then the tankers broke off contact with the fighters 
and went to be refueled by other tankers. After the “strike,” the 
tankers then made “rendezvous” with the fighters and refueled them 
during the long haul home to Lakenheath. 

It was a 5600 mile round trip, with aircraft “dragging” four 2000 
pound lazer-guided bombs, or 12-MK-82 500-pound bombs, to their 
targets. During the course of this long mission, one of the squadron 
commanders piloting the “lead” aircraft in the “strike” hooked up 
ELEVEN TIMES for fuel during the flight. I’m sure the “range” 
limitations of Jim’s Fliegend-PLOPS didn’t escape the notice of our 
watchful Russian counterparts. 

Twenty-four years after McNamara’s Whiz Kids “designed” the 
One-Eleven, and twenty-four years after Jim Wright was “awarded 
the fabulous Fliegend-PLOP to save his career in the Congress, the 
“political procurement” of 1962 was still with us — and plaguing the 

No aircraft could be expected to fly very far “dragging” external 
stores without refueling, but the need to provide a tanker for every 
three aircraft clearly demonstrated the extremely short range of Jim’s 
Fliegend-PLOPS. We have no way of knowing what those airmen 
might have been flying had the Whiz Kids not assumed an expertise 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 51 

50 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

that they clearly never had, or even what kind of aircraft Boeing would 
have given the Air Force if LBJ didn’t “muscle” his way into the Pen- 
tagon to save Jim Wright’s career. We know only one thing for certain: 
A “Political Procurement” is something the military must live with — 
and die with -twenty, and thirty years after it has served its minor 
political purpose. 

I’d be willing to bet that it never occurred to Jim Wright to even 
contemplate the effect that his “political procurement” of twenty-four 
years before had on the air strike against Muammar al-Qaddafi’s 
military installations. That kind of “stuff’ may be “Wright Stuff,” but 
it’s “old stuff’ as far as good of Jim Wright is concerned. Besides, he’s 
much too busy pompously posturing about the horrors of “insider in- 
formation” at the Pentagon to even worry about a very minor “political 
procurement,” all those many years ago. 


When McNamara and his Whiz Kids first gave birth to the Scissor- 
Winged Edsel, it was supposed to be so terrific that all our allies 
would be clamoring to buy these fabulous aircraft. And. ...the Pope is 
Jewish! Winner or loser -the word gets around. In truth, nobody 
wanted McNamara’s Fliegend-EDSELS. So LBJ had to do an awful 
lot of arm-twisting (he was good at that) in order to “sell” good of Jim 
Wright’s Fliegend-PLOPS to a very reluctant world. Afterall, the 
development costs had been astronomical, and if General Dynamics 
had to shut down the production line after producing a limited number 
of aircraft, the cost per aircraft would be mind-boggling. (It was!) 

After a lot of painful TWISTING, the British reluctantly agreed to 
buy 24 “C” models — with an option to buy 50 more at a later date. 
These aircraft were finally delivered to the “Brits” after they had been 
in storage for...NINE YEARS! The 24 “C” models were more than 
enough T R O U B L E for the “Brits,” so they canceled the additional 
order for fifty more fabulous Fliegend-PLOPS. 


I suppose there is no better example of the gross, mind-boggling 
incompetence of McNamara’s Whiz Kids than the untold story of the 
fabulous Fliegend-GLUGS that they tried to foist on the U.S. Navy. 

As usual, McNamara’s Whiz Kids had chosen the F-111A for the 
Navy by exercising their vast resources of SENSITIVITY — and little 

else. After all, Naval Aviation was much too important a matter to be 
left to Naval Aviators. 

Experience and training are no substitute for SENSITIVITY, so 
the Whiz Kids would never admit that their pure, pristine SEN- 
SITIVITY was ever corrupted or befouled by military training or ex- 
perience. In fact, they were so “pure” I doubt if their combined naval 
experience was greater than that required to successfully sail their 
beloved “Rubber Duckies” through the storm-tossed waters of their 
bath tubs. Therefore, it seemed perfectly logical for our Whiz Kids to 
make this simple assumption: since the Navy’s aircraft carriers are con- 
siderably larger than Jim Wright’s Fliegend-PLOPS, there would not 
be any problem in landing the Fliegend-PLOPS on the Flight Decks. 
And, would you believe it, for the first time they were absolutely cor- 

Of course, the aircraft length of 73 ft. 6 in. presented a problem 
that they had obviously never considered: the Fliegend-PLOPS were 
too bloomin’ big for the aircraft carrier elevators. They sort-a fit. ..with 
maybe a couple of inches to spare. That is, if they were placed precise- 
ly CAT-ER-WOMPUS on the elevator. Off a bit, and there was a ter- 
rible C R U N C H! on the way up to the Flight Deck, or a terrible 
C R U N C H! on the way down to the Hanger Deck. In a combat 
situation, when the aircraft must be brought up to the Flight Deck as 
fast as possible, or during night operations, it was clear that there 
would be a whole lot of CRUNCHING! going on. A whole lot of very, 
very expensive CRUNCHING! going on. 

And then there was that other problem. Just a minor faux pas. 
Something hardly worth mentioning. It seems that with a max take-off 
gross weight of 91,500 pounds, the hydraulic catapults on the Navy’s 
aircraft carriers could not properly “launch” the aircraft into the air. 
Instead of catapulting the aircraft into the “wild, blue yonder,” the 
catapults could only DUMP them into the “deep, blue sea.” The scin- 
tillating SENSITIVITY of our Whiz Kids and the “political procure- 
ment” of Jim Wright, had given the U.S. Navy the world’s very first 
multi-million dollar “disposable aircraft.” 

Let’s face it folks, even the best efforts of the media could not be 
expected to cover up a plan for flinging very expensive aircraft off the 
front of aircraft carriers and into the DRINK! In the eyes of the Navy, 
Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOP was more a Fliegend- 
GLUG!...GLUG!...Glug!...glug!...glug! URP! 

It was luck that Kennedy, Johnson, McNamara, Jim Wright, and 
all the Whiz Kids were card-carrying liberal Democrats. Had they 
been Republicans, or (HORRORS!) conservatives, the American news 

52 Liberty Bell / October 19S8 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 53 

media would have ‘spilled the beans” about this monumental mind- 
boeiiline and horrendously expensive blunder -and they all might ave 
beem impeached. ..or fircd...or even LYNCHED by an outraged mob of 

taxpayers. ^ tQ th ; s minor multi-billion dollar BOONDOG- 

GLE was simple: Quietly cancel all the fabulous Flicgend-GLUGS for 
the Navy, and count on the American news media to cover up this 
minor blunder of Kennedy, Johnson, McNamara, and good ol hm 
Wright. Naturally, the Whiz Kids had to only “Hash their cards as 
liberal Democrats and the whole of the news media willingly covered 
up for good ol’ Larry.. .good ol’ Moe...good ol’ Curly...good ol Shep 
and all the other good ol’ Whiz Kids in the good ol town of 
Washington. This whole, horrible Naval Disaster became: NOT 


With the silent passage of the “NAVAL RELIEF ACT, t e <l uie 
cancelation of Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-GLUGS, the United 

States Navy breathed a collective sigh of RELIEF. 

Years later, the new “steam catapults” on our aircraft carriers 

could handle a Fliegend-GLUG, so our Navy guys had a very close 


Alas, the unfortunate Air Force was not as lucky as the Navy -we 
had (HORRORS!) HAL! Of all the Whiz Kids: Larry, Moe, Curly, 
Shep. ..I think Hal was the worst of the Lot. Of course, I’m referring to 
McNamara’s favorite Whiz Kid, Harold Brown. Good ol’ Hal, who was 

our secretary of the Air Force under Kennedy and Johnson. 

Hal and I are about the same age, but that’s where the similarity 
ends. Unlike Harold Brown, I did not remain “pure.” In fact, at the 
age of seventeen I recklessly compromised my “sensitivity” by enlisting 
during the Korean War. And then I ruthlessly demolished every shred 
of “sensitivity” in my being, by wallowing in training and experience - 

in two military services! . 

First 1 served as an enlisted man. And then I further compromised 

my “sensitivity” with training and experience -I became an NCO! 
Finally, I threw all caution to the wind and became an officer; and a 
navigator; and a radar intercept officer; and a pilot - checked out in 

bombers and fighters! Oh, the shame of it all! 

Let’s face it, SENSITIVITY is completely incompatible with train- 
ing and experience, and I had “gone wrong” at a very young age. And 

then I kept “falling off the wagon” with binges of training and ex- 
perience, the two evils that could only diminish my “sensitivity.” If this 
were not enough, I ruthlessly trod-out every spark of “sensitivity” in 
myself by using all my training and experience in combat. A thought* 
less act that could only increase my training and experience. 

Therefore, I must confess that I truly lack SENSITIVITY. I com- 
pletely lack those wonderfully intuitive “feelings” about our Com- 
munist adversaries that others, possessing “sensitivity,” seem to have 
all the time. I’m not the least bit ‘‘sensitive” to all the “warmth” and 
“affection” that “sensitive” people find radiating from the Communists. 
In my crude and completely “insensitive” way, I continue to count their 
missiles, their bombers, their submarines, their tanks.. .it’s nasty and 
“insensitive” of me, I know, but I can’t seem to help it. And I very 
much doubt if I’ll ever change. I guess that once you’ve lost your “sen- 
sitivity” you can never get it back. I guess it’s a lot like VIRGINITY. 

I suppose my greatest lack of “sensitivity” lies in the field of 
weaponry. I lack.. .how shall I put it?. ..that splendid “sensitivity” a fel- 
low needs to divert funding from the military to new and wonderfully 
progressive social programs. I guess it’s the “experience” of trying to 
defend America with obsolete weaponry that corrupts. It literally fills a 
fellow’s mind with all those crashes during those periods the politicians 
call “peacetime” — when we’re really still at war — you know, when the 
junk given the military during “peacetime” falls apart and kills so many 
of his friends. Funny, I can’t seem to get all those “peacetime” crashes 
out of my mind. Nor can I forget that we gamble with our very survival 
as a nation during “peacetime” when we try to defend America on the 
cheap — with Junk. 

Of course, there is clearly no greater corruption of a fellow’s “sen- 
sitivity” than experiencing years of combat, where he sees his fellow 
Americans needlessly killed, wounded, blinded, crippled, maimed, 
mutilated.. .all because the weaponry they needed to stay alive and well 
in combat was not available; or it was the wrong weaponry; or the 
weaponry was the result of a “political procurement.” Take it from me: 
COMBAT will drive every bit of SENSITIVITY right out of you — 

Harold Brown was completely different. He never crudely as- 
saulted his SENSITIVITY as I had done. Harold kept his SEN- 
SITIVITY Simon Pure. During that nasty altercation in the Pacific that 
we call the Korean War — when I foolishly rushed to enlist — Harold 
rushed to defend his SENSITIVITY by getting a college deferment 
from the draft. A man of great vision and foresight, Harold assiduously 

54 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 55 

avoided ROTC training in college, thereby keeping his SENSITIVITY 
completely pure, so that years later he could rightly assume his power- 
ful position in our Defense Department as our Secretary of the Air 
Force. Pure, completely uncorrupted by any military training or ex- 
perience it’s little wonder Harold rose, metcorically, in the field of 
defense. As we all know, Harold was later to become Jimmy Carter’s 
Secretary of Defense, thereby following in the footsteps of his mentor, 

Robert Strange McNamara. 

As we all should know by now: Training and experience are poor 
substitutes for SENSITIVITY. And it’s only those persons who com- 
pletely lack any training and experience, whatsoever, who can exercise 
their SENSITIVITY to the fullest measure. Afterall, if you really knew 
what you were doing, you simply could not stand around feeling 
“noble” while compromising the national defense of the United States. 
And you certainly could not experience those wonderful feelings as a 
“great humanitarian” if you knew that your actions during a war were 
needlessly killing and wounding Americans. A person needs lots and 
lots of SENSITIVITY and absolutely no training and experience to do 

that. Like...Harold. 

There are those in the military who suggest that Harold Brown 
represents a classic example of the well-known “PETER PRIN- 
CIPLE.” Wherein, under the Peter Principle, a chap rises to his ul- 
timate level of incompetence. Well, our Harold seems to be PETER 
PERFECT, in that his tenure as our Secretary of the Air Force was 
but a stepping stone for his ultimate level of gross incompetence as 

Jimmy Carter’s Secretary of Defense. 

James Earl Carter -the most incompetent politician to ever trip 

and fall through the door of the Oval Office -had for his Secretary of 
Defense, our Harold -who tripped and fell through the door of the 
Pentagon. Historically speaking, Jimmy Carter and Harold Brown both 
reached their ultimate levels of gross incompetence at the very same 
time. Like two peas in a pod, they were both PETER PERFECT. 

Who can forget that memorable moment when the newly sworn in 
Jimmy Carter stunned the western world -GUSHING SENSITIVITY 
all over the place in one of his first speeches - he...he emoted: “I can’t 
understand why Americans have this unnatural fear and mistrust of the 


Hey Jimmy! Count me in as being “unnatural,” and “fearful,” and 
lacking in “sensitivity.” 

Of course, Jimmy and Harold went on to literally terrify Scoop 
Jackson, and they even frightened some liberal Democrats with their 

“defense” measures that seemed to be more like unilateral disarma- 

So as you can see, it’s little wonder that Harold was PETER PER- 
FECT when it came to Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOPS. Only a 
fellow possessing vast amounts of SENSITIVITY could appreciate an 
aircraft that would be all things to all pilots. 

As in this classic example: I know it must seem uproariously funny 
now, but ol’ Harold, as our Secretary of the Air Force, was absolutely 
convinced that Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOPS would be able 
to replace some of the B-52s in SAC! Man-oh-man you really need lots 
and lots of SENSITIVITY for that one! 

Let’s see now: the fabulous Fliegend-PLOP had a max range of 
3165 miles with a max internal bomb load of two 750 pound bombs. 
Now I didn’t fly the Fliegend-PLOP (just lucky, I guess), but I did fly 
the B-52. And that particular “aluminum overcast” is usually listed as 
having a max range of 12,500 miles with a 27,000 pound internal bomb 
load. Sure it’s silly to confuse a Fliegend-PLOP with a B-52, but when 
you’re drowning in SENSITIVITY you just don’t notice the difference. 

Our Harold obviously didn’t notice the remarkable difference be- 
tween the range and bomb load of the fabulous Fliegend-PLOP and 
the B-52, so he ordered 210 of Jim’s “PLOPS” for a very reluctant 
SAC. Unfortunately, by the time General Dynamics finally got the 
“beast” tamed — with modifications on modifications — the money ap- 
propriated for 210 Fliegend-PLOPS would only buy 76 Fliegend- 
PLOPS. How about that! 

However, not to fear, the news media covered it up nicely and the 
American public was totally ignorant of the massive sacrifice in tax 
money and national defense that they had made— just to keep good of 
Jim Wright in the House of Representatives. And if the Defense 
Department was being run under McNamara by Larry, Moe, Curly, 
Shep, and Hal, the news media never let the American public in on it. 
It was...(Aw, you guessed it again). ..NOT NEWSWORTHY. 


The media silence on Jim Wright’s fabulous Fliegend-PLOP was 
understandable; after all, the fabulous “PLOP” had its birth under the 
sacred Kennedy Administration. And let’s face it, the American media 
wrote, produced, directed — INVENTED! — the fabulous Kennedy Ad- 
ministration. In a sacred rite, each and every morning the whole of 
America’s media would face east — toward Washington, D.C. — and 

56 Liberty Bell / October 19S8 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 57 

patiently wait for the sun to RISE.. .from the celestial Kennedy back- 

Think that’s overdoing it a bit? Well now, remember how the New 
York Times , the Washington Post and the Boston Globe would carry all 
the “hard news” during the Kennedy Administration? We would find 
Caroline’s latest mutterings in her sand box, or even a splendid picture 
of Jackie’s latest Paris frock — ON THE FRONT PAGE. And all the 
horrible disasters that befell the United States and the American 
people during “Camelot” would be found as “soft news,” tucked in 
amongst the “Truss Ads” and the “Agony of Psoriasis.” Little wonder 
that a modest multi-billion dollar blunder to rescue Jim Wright’s politi- 
cal career was considered to be “not newsworthy” by the infatuated 
(inflatulatcd?) “hot air” hustlers of the American media. They just 
LOVED the Kennedys! 


We have examined, in depth, one “political procurement” that was 
foisted on the Pentagon and the American people. One amongst 
thousands of “political procurements” that go on today, and have gone 
on for years in Washington, D.C. And I think I’ve proven that this 
“political procurement” clearly compromised our national defense, 
and cost the taxpayers needless billions of dollars, and killed a lot of 
good Americans in the process. 

Compared to this one “political procurement,” the insider trading 
of information by manufacturers in order to “build the better 
mousetrap” and produce a weapon’s system more appealing to the 
military.Js laughable! A tiny, pathetic molehill lost in the shadows of 
snow-capped mountains of political corruption. 

However, as most Americans realize, the American military is the 
number one target on the media’s approved “hit list.” It’s always “open 
season” on the military -the media types just love to stick it to the 
guys in uniform. Example: Even though all the cartoons in the press 
show guys in uniform “on the take,” it was the political appointees, the 
civilian consultants, and the civil service types at the Pentagon who 
were the ones involved in the hanky-panky. But the media just can’t 
resist writing all that “good stuff’ about the guys in uniform. 

As we now know, our media would never mention “The Wright 
Stuff’ since liberal Democrats are always “out of season” with the 
American media. 

Fascinatin’ ain’t it? The whole of the American media has success- 
fully covered up “The Wright Stuff’ for twenty-five years— ’cause 
good of Jim Wright is a liberal Democrat — but someone left another 
door open— just a crack — and now good of Jim wright is SLEAZING! 
all over the place. Poor Jim seems kinda prone to catching cold 
anytime someone opens a door -just a crack -and lets a little light in 
on his career. It’s: SLEAZE!. ..SLEAZE!. ..SLEAZE! 
(GESUNDHEIT). With Jim spreading germs all over the place and in- 
fecting every Democrat in sight. Alas, I think the prognosis is not very 
bright for good of Jim. I think poor Jim will probably SLEAZE! him- 
self to a painful political death— twenty-five years too late for the tax- 
payers, the Air Force, the national defense, and a lot of good guys who 
died in his fabulous FLIEGEND-PLOP! 


Is Jim Wright the “Champ”? The greatest POMPOUS POSTUR- 
ING ASS on the world scene today? Remember: Many are called — 
few are chosen! We must all make this decision for ourselves. Is our 
Jim “The Greatest,” or does someone else hold the “title”? 

Fellow fans of Political Procurement, let’s watch our Jim in action 
and I’ll show you how an expert scored another match: 

When good of Jim Wright stands before us on TV— as we all 
know he will — and pompously pontificates on the terrible “crimes” of 
the manufacturers who paid for insider information.... Come travel 
back in history with me; back to ancient Greece; back to the fourth 
century B.C., where a pretty clever Greek philosopher named 
Diogenes “scored” another politician, very much like Jim Wright, as he 
pompously postured about the “crimes” of another. Diogenes said: 
“Behold the great criminal leading the small thief away.” 

Ya gotta admit it, Jim Wright posturing about “procurement scan- 
dals in the Pentagon” is a terrific performance. We’ve got to give Jim a 
lot of points for his dazzling display of footwork in dodging his BIL- 
LION DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE. And talk about speed — I trust 
you’ve noticed that Jim has a pair of the fastest LIPS in the business. 
But does Jim have a “knock-out” punch? We shall see. 

“And in dis corner...in da poiple trunks...the challenger for da title 
of POMPOUS POSTURING ASS of da woild...Vice Presidential can- 
didate... LLOYD “THE LIP” BENT SON!” 

Now, procurement fans, according to Jim Wright’s bosom buddy 

58 Liberty Bell / October 1988 

Liberty Bell / October 1988 59 

and fellow WHEELER-DEALER from Texas -the home of POLITI- 
CAL PROCUREMENTS in the Southwest ..and rnaybe the 
West. ..and.. .maybe the North, and East, and South — the Republieans 

Talk about a KNOCK-OUT PUNCH! That’s not just the POT 
calling the KETTLE black! It’s more like the BLACK PLAGUE 
emoting on the horrors of PRICKLEY HEAT! WOW! What a perfor- 

“Ladies and gents.. .in thoity seconds of da foist round. By a 
KNOCKOUT!. ..I give youze da new woild’s cham peen POMPOUS 

Jim may have had “THE WRIGHT STUFF,” but Lloyd clearly 
had the BETTER STUFF in this P.P.A. contest. 


For those readers who understandably don’t place much faith in 
Greeks these days — even DIOGENES — here’s a bit of home-grown 
American philosophy from a great American: 


—Mark Twain . 


That is the obvious question posed by Jean Raspail’s terrifying novel of the swamp- 
ing of the White world by an unlimited flood of non-White “refugees.” But there is 
aiso a less obvious and even more fundamental question: Must Whites find their way 
to a new Morality and a new spirituality in order to face the moral challenges of the 
present and overcome them? THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS is the most frightening 
book you will ever read. It is frightening because it is utterly believable. The armada 
of refugee ships in Raspait’s story is exactly like the one that dumped 150,000 
Cubans from Fidel Castro’s prisons and insane asylums on our shores in 1980 — ex- 
cept this time the armada is from India, with more than 70 times as large a popula- 
tion. And it is only the first armada of many. If any book will awaken White 
Americans to the danger they face from uncontrolled immigration, it is THE CAMP 
OF THE SAINTS. For your copy (Order No. 3014) send $9.50 (which includes $1.50 
for postage and handling) to: LIBERTY BELL PUBLICATIONS. Box 21, Reedy WV 
25270 USA. 

60 Liberty Bell / October 19S8 



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“wave length,” and urge them to contact us for more of the same. 

Carry on the fight to free our White people from the shackles of 
alien domination, even if you can only join our ranks in spirit. You 
can provide for this ‘by bequest. The following are suggested forms 
of bequests which you may include in your Last Will and T estament: 

1. 1 bequeath to Mr. George P. Dietz, as Trustee for Liberty Bell 
Publications, P.O. Box 21 , Reedy WV 25270 USA, the sum of $ . . . 

■ ... for general purposes. 

2. 1 bequeath to Mr. George P. Dietz, as Trustee for Liberty Bell 

Publications, P.O. Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA, the following 
described property for general purposes.