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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the 
Classics at the University of Illinois 
for 32 years, is a scholar of inter- 
national distinction who has writ- 
ten articles in four languages for the 
most prestigious academic publi- 
cations in the United States and 

During World War II, Dr. Oliver 
was Director of Research in a high- 
ly secret agency of the War Depart- 
ment, and was cited for outstanding 
service to his country. 

One of the very few acade- 
micians who has been outspoken in 
his opposition to the progressive 
defacement of our civilization, Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the 
fate of his countrymen hangs on their willingness to subordinate 
their doctrinal differences to the tough but idealistic solidarity 
which is the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 

On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition): “Very few Americans were' 
sufficiently sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American 
conception of government and had replaced it with the legal 
principle of the ‘dictatorship of the . proletariat/ which was the 
theoretical justification- of the Jews 5 revolution in Russia.” 


On Race: “We must further understand that all races naturally 
regard themselves as superior to all others. We think Congoids 
unintelligent, but they feel only contempt for a race so stupid or 

. i 

craven that it fawns on them, gives them votes, lavishly subsidizes 
them with its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to 
ourselves a superiority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our 
own standards, we are simply indulging in a tautology. The only 
objective criterion of superiority, amqng human races as among all 
other species, is biological: the'strhng sVjviy^/ the weak perish. The 
superior race of mankind today \ is fne ;b^e that will emerge 
victorious— whether by its technology or ife /fecundity —from the 
proximate struggle for life on an overcrowded planet.” 


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' by 

Revilo P. Oliver 



When I saw the column by Jim Taylor that was published in 
the February issue,' I perceived that two of my recent "Post- 
scripts” were closely connected. The long footnote which sum- 
marized an article in Die Bauer nscha ft made them fit together 
like two pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. And that suggests a possible 
escape from an historical dilemma. 


In January, under the rubric “The Business of Deception,” I 
commented on the furor excited in England by the publication in 
Australia of Peter Wrights book, Spycatcher, which will shortly 
be published in this country, and which I have not yet seen. 

The government of Prime Ministress Maggie had viewed with 
complacency the publication of Chapman Pincher’s Their Trade is 
Treachery, in which the journalist, on the basis of information 
supplied by- Peter Wright, merely added a fifth Englishman, the 
late Roger Hollis, to the list of four who had already been iden- 
tified as traitors and Soviet agents at the time they served in 
MI5, the heart of British Military Intelligence, during and after 
the war that resulted in the destruction of Germany and the liqui- 
dation of the British Empire. The same government, however, 
had hysteria and made frantic efforts to prevent the publication 
of Peter Wright’s book in Australia; to suppress it after it was 
published; and to prevent copies from reaching Little Britain, 
where its revelations might start some Englishmen to thinking. 
The efforts failed, and evidently left Maggie and her bosses in a 
frenzy of frustration. 

I commented on an article by an anonymous former member 
of MI5, who declared that Chapman Pincher’s book had been 
produced to divert suspicion from Lord Rothschild, a Jew who 
had been given a title that was honorable when it was restricted 
to British noblemen. And I pointed out that, whatever' the author 

professed as his purpose, the net effect of his article in Private 


Liberty Bell / June 1988 1 






Eye was to show that Rothschild had not only been a power in 
MI5 at the time Hollis was its head, but had openly and with im- 
punity thi eatened to disclose to the Soviets Bntain’s most vital 
military secxets, thus exposing* the absurdity of expecting* a Jew 
to feel-loyalty to any nation but his own. 

# Chapman Pincher, perhaps fancying himself a doughty knight 
riding to Maggie's rescue, has rushed into print with another 
book, The Web of Deception -The Spy catcher Affair, of which ex- 
cerpts, published in advance of the book, filled two pages in the 
Sunday Express (London), 15 November 1987. Pincher's purpose 
is to blunt so far as possible the effect of Peter Wright's revela- 
tions, and the excerpts are an odd and rather malodorous pot 
pourri . 

Pincher. even descends to descanting on the income that 
Wright received as his share of the royalties on Pincher's earlier 
book, and to implying that Wright wanted to make even more 
from Spy catcher , but he fails to explain why it is fine for Pincher, 
a very prosperous journalist, to make money from books, while it 
is a sin for Wright, now an elderly man in retirement on a small 
pension, to do the same thing. 

Pincher distracts attention with what is intended to be an 
amusing story. In 1974, when Harold Wilson, the thug who was 
head of the Labour Party, was Prime Minister, he, Chapman 
Pincher, entertained his fellow guests at a luncheon by repeating 
gossip that MIS had information that Wilson and his dear 
secretary,. Marcia Williams, were members of Communist Cell 
No. 10. Pincher's gossip was reported to Wilson and sent him 
into such a panic that he became "paranoid" with fear of surveil- 
lance. He sought help from Sir Maurice Oldfield, the [reportedly 
Jewish!] head of MI6 (the arm of MI5 for operations abroad, i.e,, 
espionage, which is euphemistically called 'counter-intelligence'). 
Oldfield later, meeting Pincher, told him of Wilson's panic, 
whereupon Pincher, in a book published in 1976, declared that 
"certain officers inside MI5....were actually trying to bring down 
the Labour Government." But, you see, that was just Pincher's 
gossip that had come back to him. Ha, ha, ha! x 

Before you roar with laughter, reflect that everyone who has 
even the slightest knowledge of Communist operations knows 
very well that a Bolshevik conspirator who attained the rank of 
Prime Minister would long before have ceased to be \ member of 
a Communist cell, if (as is most unlikely) he had ever Vbeen such a 
member and thus in a p osition to be fatally compromised by a 

2 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

defector. Then consider what conclusions should be drawn, if at 
some luncheon you Had suggested that the F.BJ. bad learned 
that old Ronnie Reagan was a member of the gang that imports 
cocaine to demoralize Americans, and your speculation was car- 
ried to Ronnie and threw him into such a panic that he became 
"paranoid" and called in the head of the C.I.A. to rescue him. We 
need not complete the analogy by supposing that the head of the 
C .I.A., perhaps having become senile and childish, does not in- 
quire about Ronnie's sources and never thinks of inquiring 
whether the F.B.I. has in fact been investigating Ronnie's ac- 
tivities. The mere fact of paranoid panic in either story will suf- 
fice to remind you of the oft-quoted aphorism in the Jew-Book 
about those who "flee when no man pursueth." 
t What is important in Pincher's story is what he reveals 


(1) Wilson did use his authority as Prime Minister to prevent 
MI5 from investigating two of his pet Sheenies, Rudi Sternberg 
and a woman named Beattie. And, by the bye, Sternberg soon be- 
came Lord Plurenden, Beattie became Lady Plummer, and 
Wilson's secretary, Marcia Williams, became Lady Falkender. 
One is reminded of the authentic British nobleman who, a few 
years ago, renounced his hereditary title with the explanation, 
"Who the Hell would want to be a peer these days?": 1 

(2) When Sir Martin Fumival Jones became Director General 
of MI5, he found that {{ very many members of Parliament were 
in contact with Soviet bloc intelligence officers." The nationality 
of those Members of Parliament was unstated, so you will have to 
guess whether most of them were Jews or Judaized Englishmen. 
But this opens an entirely new area of treason in Britain. 

(3) Lord Rothschild, long before Wright made any disclosures, 
was exercised by the danger of letting a man who knew so many 
vital secrets live in far-away Australia, where his silence could 

1. One is reminded of the brilliant and ill-fated English poet, Rupert 
Brooke, who traveled in the South Seas in 1913, spending some time in 
Tahiti and Samoa, and wrote home that he would remember the bril- 
liance and lush beauty of the tropics when he returned to the gloom of 
London, "where everything’s too grey, and there’s an amber fog that 
grips your throat — and another Jew has bought a peerage.” (Quoted in 
the biography by Arthur Stringer, Red Wine of Youth (Indianapolis, 
Bobbs-Merrill, 1948), p. 195.) Before the First World War the invaders 
of Britain bought rank in the peerage; now they just give it to one 
another. * 


Liberty Bell / June 1988 8 


not be assuied by hustling' him off to Soviet-style imprisonment 
under the Official Secrets Act, 

(4) When a Member of Parliament, Jonathan Aitken, having 
been given information by the C .I.A., and having co nfir med it by 
consulting two former members of MI5 and MI6, warned Maggie 
of the danger that Hollis's treason might be exposed, she snubbed 
him, and Rothschild tried to discourage further inquiry. 

(5) When the efforts to throttle Wright in Australia failed, Sir 

Michael Havers was “branded” (unjustly, according- to Pincherl 

“as the most dishonorable Attorney General [in] this century,” 

and Maggie promptly and blithely promoted him to Lord Chancel- 

All these details add up to something, don’t they? 

Pinch er, although disputing one or two of Wright’s state- 
ments, had to admit that Wright disclosed a mass of evidence 
that pioved that much treachery and incompetence inside both 
MI5 and MI6,had been concealed.” 

Admitting the truth of almost everything in Wright’s book, 
Pinchei tries to prove that it should have been suppressed, and 
his argument merits notice. In 1985, an agent of MI6, Oleg Gor- 
dlevsky, who had attained high rank in the Soviet KGB, was 
spiiited out of Russia when the KGB began to suspect that he 
was a double agent, and if a man who knows the details of this 
operation were to write a book about it, he “could make millions” 
but would probably “threaten the lives” of some of MI6's spies 
who are still in the Soviet Union and unsuspected. That would be 
awful, wouldn’t it? And it’s got to be prevented. 

That, mind you, is adduced as the reason why Wright’s book, 
which deals with treason that took place in England many years 
ago and was covered up by more treason, should have been sup- 
pressed— and why Maggie's government was justified in trying to 
protect Rothschild et al. from embarrassment by making every 
possible effort “to pursue Wright and his publisher to the limit of 
the law, depriving him of all profit, if possible.” A man who tells 
the tiuth about the extent of treason in Britain is a “renegade” 

who must be given “relentless treatment.” Pincher 'stops short of 
suggesting assassination. 

The extracts from Pincher’s forthcoming book ^published in 
the Sunday Express are clear evidence of frantic efforts to cover 
up and conceal from Englishmen the scabrous character of the 
alien government under which they have lived and suffered for 
decades. If a journalist who h as presumably read Wright’s book is 

U Liberty ~Bdl / June 1988 \ 



correct, it proves that there were more than two hundred enemy 
agents, aliens or British traitors, ensconsed in British Military In-* 
telligence during and following Britain's suicidal war against 

Maggie's gang now has even greater woes. Publishers in 
Great Britain and the United States agreed that the stupid 
Aryans should not be permitted to learn' the truth about the vi- 
cious old drunkard, Winston Churchill, who served as Roosevelt's 
patsy to destroy Germany, make the Soviet a world-power and 
supreme in Europe, and abolish the British Empire; they accord- 
ingly broke contracts to prevent the publication of David Irving's 
thoroughly documented study of Churchill's filthy and disgusting 
career. All other major publishers in both countries evidently 
agreed that the book should be suppressed, since truth is bad for 
Aryans. But the eminent historian found a publisher in wicked 
Australia, and no legal method is yet available to prevent copies 
of it from reaching England. 2 


in a special article, “Tomorrow May Be Too Late," in April 
1985 I drew attention to the historical problem created by a 
respected British physician, Dr. W. Hugh Thomas, whose book, 
The Murder of Rudolf Hess , was published with a commendatory 
introduction by Rebecca West, a novelist who has been commonly 
regarded as an authority on the secret operations of intelligence 
and espionage agencies since the publication in 1964 of The New 
Meaning of Treason. 3 

There had always been some mystery about the aged man, 
said to be Rudolf Hess, whom the vicious victors held, a solitary 
prisoner, under inhuman conditions in the fortress of Spandau, 
with the most elaborate and expensive precautions to prevent his 
liberation. The first mystery was why they had not murdered him 
at the time that they tortured and murdered so many honorable 
and civilized men at Nuremberg and elsewhere. There was, of 
course, no question of compassion or justice. The Jews' janis- 

2. Copies of the first volume of Churchill's War are available in the 
United States from the Historical Review Press, P.0. Box 2010, 
Decatur, Georgia; $31.50 postpaid. The second and concluding volume is 
expected from Australia in the autumn of 1988. 

3. On this book, see my immediately following article on “Rebecca 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 5 

saries had repudiated all the conventions by which civilized na- 
tions had tried to mitigate the horrors of war. The British and 
Americans had reverted to the primitive savagery of Apaches, 
making it the more odious by sophistication and hypocrisy. 

Bi . Thomas pioduced an astonishing explanation. He 
1 epoi ted that he had made a thorough physical examination of 
the pusonei and found on his body no ti’ace of scars remaining 
from the wounds Rudolf Hess had suffered in the First World 
War- scars which Mrs. Hess had' seen on her husband. Thomas, 
furthermore, had used X-rays to examine the lungs, and had as- 
cei tained that the prisoner s lungs did not have the scar-tissue 
that would necessarily have marked the location of another 
wound suffeied by Hess, according to the German military 

lecoids. It followed, therefore, that the prisoner was not could 
not be, Rudolf Hess. 

. ^ 01 fact Hr. Thomas accounted by an ingenious theory, 
which he supported by considerations that I summarized in my 
31 tide. Hess, while on a solo flight, had been murdered by Ger- 
man traitors, and an agent who resembled Hess had flown to 
England, while Hitler was given a forged letter, purportedly left 
behind by Hess when he undertook to go to England to negotiate 
a peace. The coming of a 'double' who claimed to be Hess 

perplexed the British secret services, whose bizarre behavior was 
thus explained. 

What Dr. Thomas told us as fact was amazing, but he 
reported observations about which no medical man could have 
been mistaken, and there was no apparent motive for mendacity. 

It was quite obvious that, as I pointed out in my article and 
emphasized in a subsequent “Postscript,” 'unless Dr. Thomas’s 
report was verified or disproved by a team of eminent physicians 
whose neutrality could not be suspected, history would be bur- 
dened by another wildly debatable mystery as soon as Hess died 
and. his body was, as planned, immediately cremated by the bar- 
barians before anyone could see it. 

A week after the announcement of Hess's death I wrote, 
under the rubric “Now It Is Too Late,” a note that was eventual- 
ly published in the issue of Liberty Bell for March 1988. In it, I 
tided to account for what had obviously been the Murder of the 
aged and helpless man, and the strange departure from the offi- 
cial plan to cremate his body, which, instead, was ; taken to a 
hospital and Hess's widow and children were permitted to give 
the victim a conventional burial. There could, of course be no 

6 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

suspicion that his inhuman jailers had been motivated by human 
sentiments. I advanced the most logical explanation that occurred 
to me in the circumstances. 

Mr. Taylor in his article pointed out that at various times in 
the past the government of Little Britain had professed a willing- 
ness to release the prisoner, and that, as a matter of fact, the 
Russians had been willing to accede to that much of human de- 
cency; it was the Jews' United States that had always insisted on 
continuing the outrageous cruelty to the old man, while, with the 
hypocrisy and mendacity that one expects in Washington, blam- 
ing its Soviet allies. 

The footnote to Mr. Taylor's article related the murder of 
Hess to a contemporary event that was made notorious by the 
press. As everyone knows, ever since the celebrated terrorist and 
murderer, Leib Bronstein, alias Trotsky, left Soviet territory in 
1929, 4 it has been customary to disseminate, at intervals of a few 
years, the canard that the Communist regime in Russia has sig- 
nificantly changed or has ''mellowed." This perennial device 
helps keep Aryan boobs confused, excites the childish minds of 
genuine "Liberal intellectuals," who never weary of their 
favorite nursery tales, and enables crypto-Communist agents and 
governments to continue the steady approximation of Western 
nations to the Soviet until the former can be merged with the lat- 

As we all know, the old act was scheduled for another perfor- 
mance in 1987, and the titular boss of the Soviet came to the 
United States for a "summit meeting" with his American col- 
league, at which the plan to make the United States defenceless 
and helpless was advanced as much as seemed prudent at that 

4. It is still uncertain whether Bronstein-"Trotsky" was expelled from 
Russia by Dzhugashvili-" Stalin'' to rid himself of a rival, as is generally 
believed, or, as some men in American Intelligence were convinced, left 
Russia on a mission to confuse American (and other) dunderheads by 
providing them with an "anti-Stalinist" and more righteous brand of Bol- 
shevik barbarism. The murder of the old terrorist in Mexico proves noth- 
ing, for by that time, when Stalin's attack on Germany was imminent, 
Trotsky had had to order his mutton-headed disciples to work for sud- 
denly righteous Papa Stalin; and disposing of Trotsky was the only way 
to prevent the ploy from becoming obvious. Whichever explanation is 
correct, for many years the acrimonious and endless arguments between 
"Stalinist" and "Trotskyite" gabblers provided intelligent American ob- 
servers with continuous amusement. 

Liberty Bell I June 1988 7 

Mr. Taylor's article reported that Gorbachev intended to ef- 
fect the release of the prisoner in Spandau, and that he did in- 
deed so intend is certain, although, as Mr. Taylor reported, the 
Jews' stooges, who misgovern Germany from Bonn, forced the 
press to modify its report of his intention. The release of the 
prisoner would have been a brilliant stroke of propaganda: it 
would have commended Gorbachev to all decent-minded Aryans 
and acquired for him celebrity as a great humanitarian; this, in 
turn, would have greatly facilitated the further undermining of 
America at the Summit performance. It is hard to imagine why 
the Zionists or their agents in Washington would have objected 
to Gorbachev s bid for world-wide popularity, even though release 
of the prisoner alive would perhaps have enabled him to explain 
his long imprisonment and disclose the secret of his flight to 

The article in the October issue of Die Buuemschaft gave a 
lucid and logical explanation of the murder of the prisoner; for 
the details, see the footnote to Mr. Taylor’s article or, if you are 
fortunate enough to have a copy of the excellent German peri- 
odical, go directly to it. The important point is that Gorbachev's 
intention to release the prisoner, who was Rudolf Hess, excited 
panic in the government of Maggie Thatcher, which secretly had 
Hess murdered to avert the revelations he would make, if 
liberated while alive. 

The explanation in Die' Bauemschaft makes sense and even 
accounts for the odd fact that Hess's body was not secretly 
cremated and the murder concealed by an announcement that he 
had at last died a natural death, a story that no one would have 

As the panic over Peter Wright’s book makes patent, 
Maggie's gang is desperately afraid of the effect on the surviving 
English men of belated disclosures about the war in which Britain 
ruined herself. When the creatures who now rule Britain learned 
of Gorbachev’s plan, they knew they could not veto it. Britain has 
reduced itself to the status of a country like Greece or Morocco, 
and it no longer has real influence in the counsels of the rulers of 
the United States and Soviet Russia, who are leaving Britain to 
rot in her own filth. A secret murder of Hess was the only alter- 
native, and the arrangements for it were kept secret from the 
Russians, who would have prevented it rather than lose the an- 
ticipated triumph of propaganda, and kept secret from the 
"American” government until the murderers were at their sta- 

8 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

tions'and the necessary permission requested from .the G.I.A. 
(and, of course, Moss&d), who felt under no great obligation to 
enhance Gorbachev’s prestige. 

The foregoing account of the murder was given some cor- 
i roboration by the pointed refusal of the Soviet to join in the an- 

\ nouncement of the death of Hess and the hurriedly trumped-up 

| explanation of it. Gorbachev was evidently vexed by the act that 

; spoiled his planned gesture, which he had probably intended to 

i associate with the Christmas that means so much to Christians. 

1 Now .this, of course, directly impugns the thesis of Dr. 

| Thomas’s book. Dr. Thomas’s theory about the fate of Rudolf 

1 Hess has now been conclusively refuted. In the first volume of 

Churchill’s Wax, which the enemies of our race were unable to 
i suppress, the most eminent and trustworthy historian of the 

calamity called the Second World War has proved from incon- 
; trovertible documents that Rudolf Hess did indeed reach Britain, 

lured by British Intelligence with a treachery of which civilized 
nations and even prudent bai'barians would have been incapable; 
that Hess did indeed bring an offer from Hitler of a peace that 
i would have saved the British Empire and saved the British 

people from the demoralizing hardships, disasters, and great 
i slaughter that prolongation of the war inflicted on them; and that 

\ Hess was arrested and held incommunicado at the order of 

; Winston Churchill, the half-English drunkard, who had to conceal 

! Hitler’s generous offer from the British people in order to 

! prolong the war, ruin England, and kill many men, women, and 

j children to gratify his monstrous egotism and to earn his stipend 

from the Jews who had hired him. 

< That terrible truth is now out, and I do not see how Maggie 

j and her band of chattering fantocci can conceal it from the 

British people. Their murder of Hess was therefore a futile crime. 
The only question now is whether there is left in England ,and 
Scotland enough intelligence and manhood to act in the light of 
truth about the cause of their present destitution. 

‘ There still remains, however, what Dr. Thomas alleged to be 

a fact. 

In “Now It Is Too Late” I deplored the negligence or malice 
1 that would afflict future historians (if there are any) with a puzzle 

| like that of the “Man in the Iron Mask.” Though it now seems 

1 certain that the prisoner was Hess, that consequence will still be 

; likely so long as Dr. Thomas’s asseveration remains unrefuted. 

' Historians who learn of it will use it to formulate- ingenious 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 9 


theories to gratify their own vanity or to advance some cause 
dear to their hearts or their paymasters. They will argue that, as- 
I have been assured by an expert in forensic medicine, even a 
half-competent physician could not have been mistaken in the ob- 
servations Dr. Thomas reported, assuming, of course, that he was 
not intoxicated by alcohol or hallucinatory drugs. 

It is now too late to examine the corpse of the prisoner, but 
we may still have a chance to avert historical doubts and argu- 
ments. It should not be too difficult to ascertain whether or not 
Dr. Thomas, a British physician stationed in Berlin, was an agent 
or employee of some British intelligence service and charged with 
the task of making the prisoner in Spandau seem less important 
than he was, of making it seem that he could not disclose infor- 
mation embarrassing to the British government, and of indirectly 
denying that Hitler had offered Britain a chance to save her 
honor and her empire. □ 


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The "Liberation of the Camps ” : 



Theodore J . O'Keefe 

Nothing has been more effective in establishing the authenticity of 
the Holocaust in the minds of Americans than the terrible scenes U.S. 
GFs discovered when they entered the German concentration camps 
at the close of World War II. 

At Dachau, Buchenwald, Dora, Mauthausen, and other work and 
detention camps, horrified American infantrymen encountered heaps 
of dead and dying inmates, emaciated and diseased. Survivors told 
them hair-raising stories of torture and slaughter, and backed up their 
claims by showing the GFs crematory ovens, alleged gas chambers, 
supposed implements of torture, even shrunken heads and lampshades, 
gloves, and handbags purportedly made from skin flayed from dead in- 

U.S. government authorities, mindful that most Americans, who 
remembered the atrocity stories fed them during World War I, still 
doubted the Allied propaganda directed against the Hitler r6gime, 
resolved to “document” what the GFs had found in the camps. 
Prominent newsmen and politicians were flown in to see the harrowing 
evidence, while the U.S. Army Signal Corps filmed and photographed 
the scenes for posterity. The famous journalist Edward R. Murrow 
reported, in tones of horror, but no longer of disbelief, what he had 
been told and shown, and Dachau and Buchenwald were branded on 
the hearts and minds of the American populace as names of infamy 
unmatched in the sad and bloody history of this planet. 

For Americans, what was “discovered” at the camps — the dead 
and the diseased, the terrible stories of inmates, all the props of tor- 
ture and terror— became the basis not simply of a transitory propagan- 
da campaign but of the conviction that yes, it was true: the Germans 
did exterminate six million Jews, most of them in lethal gas chambers. 
What the GFs found was used, by way of films which were mandatory 
viewing for the vanquished populace of Germany, to “re-educate” the 
German people by destroying their national pride and their will to a 
united, independent national state, imposing in their place overwhelm- 
ing feelings of collective guilt and political impotence. And when the 
testimony, and the verdict, at Nuremberg incorporated most, if not all, 

1 0 Liberty Bell / June 1 9 88 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 11 

the horror stories Americans were told about Dachau, Buchenwald, 
and other places captured by the U.S. Army, the Holocaust could pass 
k for one of the most documented, one of the most authenticated, one of 
the most proven historical episodes in the human record. 

A Different Reality 

But it is known today that, very soon after the liberation of the 
camps, American authorities were aware that the real story of the camps 
was quite different from the one in which they were coaching military 
public information officers, government spokesmen, politicians, jour- 
nalists, and other mouthpieces. 

When American and British forces overran western and central 
Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged 
with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes. 
Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading foren- 
sic pathologists, who was assigned to the Judge Advocate General's 
Department. Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some 
twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 
corpses. After this grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three 
days by U.S. Army prosecutors. 1 

Dr. Larson's findings? According to an interview he gave to an 
American journalist in 1980, “What we've heard is that six million Jews 
were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." 2 And what part was the 
hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he 
“was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European 
Theater," 3 informed Wichita Eagle reporter Jan Floerchinger that 
“never was a case of poison gas uncovered." 4 Neither Dr. Larson nor ' 
any other forensic specialist has ever been cited by any Holocaust his- 
torian to substantiate a single case of death by poison gas, whether 
Zyklon-B or any other variety. 

Typhus, Not Poison Gas 

If not by gassing, how did the unfortunate victims at Dachau, 
Buchenwald, and Bergen-Belsen perish? Were they tortured to death? 
Deliberately starved? The answers to these questions are known as 
well. As Dr. Larson and other Allied medical men discovered, the 
chief cause of death at Dachau, Belsen, and the other camps was dis- 
ease, above all typhus, an old and terrible scourge of mankind which 
until recently flourished in places where populations were crowded 
together in circumstances where public health measures were unknown 
or had broken down. Such was the case in the overcrowded concentra- 
tion camps in Germany at war's end, where, despite such measures as 

continued on page 49 

12 Liberty Bell I June 1988 


By Jim Taylor 
(Foreign Correspondent) 


This month I am going to reveal a conspiracy which will never be 
reported in any American establishment newspaper; not even years 
from now. The U.S. press finally admitted the secret sale of arms and 
munitions of war to Iran, fully six years after I had exposed it, but this 
scandal is different. 

I can confidently assure you that neither the New York Times nor 
the Washington Post will print this story, even six years after the publi- 
cation of this column. It would be catastrophic for these great journals 
of record to do so. They would never dare! 

Before I get into this messy situation, I want to make it quite clear 
to all that I have heretofore always admired the White South Africans 
who want to save their hard-pressed nation from becoming a typical 
Black Marxist jungle, I have in the past tried to help the Republic of 
South Africa. 

As regular readers know, I spent a lot of time in that besieged 
country and even went into Marxist Angola to assist the government of 
South Africa. I have been the most pro-South African of all well- 
known American journalists. 

However, I happen to disagree heartily with South African offi- 
cials about their close and binding partnership with Israel, which now 
has reached into every facet of life in the last white European-ruled 
nation on the entire African continent. In my opinion, to allow the 
Zionist entity to run the Republic of South Africa, as is now the case, 
is every bit as outrageous as to turn it over to half-literate jungle 
Blacks. There is no good side to either development. 

I fully realize that in writing the truth about present-day South 
Africa, I am making myself persona non grata in that country; just as I 
already am in Israel. 

Most astute readers already know about the joint nuclear pact, 
and testing of these weapons by Israel and South Africa, Now you are 
going to learn the full extent of the close cooperation between these 
two allies. This brotherhood will eventually end in the death of one or 
the other of the partners — the more gullible one— .which means it 
won't be Israel. 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 18 

Miguel Rivero of the staff of Prisma Magazine called Israel and 
South Africa “as thick as thieves.” That’s a pretty good description. 
But they are more than that. They are entwined in a desperate death 
grip. When any nation is stupid enough to enter a partnership with an 
outlaw state such as Israel, that is not like entering into such an agree- 
ment with a civilized country. Dealing with the powerful Zionists is like 
becoming friends with a nest of cobras. It may last for a while, but 
eventually the deadly fangs of the treacherous Zionists will destroy 
their hosts. It has been thus for centuries. 

It is not surprising, however, that such an alliance has formed be- 
tween Pretoria and Tel Aviv, 

The diamond trade is of vital importance to both countries. And, 
in this area, as in military affairs, the two governments complement 
each other. South Africa is, of course, the world’s major producer of 
diamonds, Israel, in turn, has become the chief center for cutting and 
polishing precious stones. As always, the Jews act as the middlemen in 
these transactions because that’s where the profit lies. They are never 
producers of anything in the business world. But any company or any 
country that produces a valuable product has to go through a vast 
world-wide network of Jewish businessmen and bankers to market it. 
Or else they are shut oupof the world market, 

Israel now has over 15,000 skilled workers employed to handle 
South African diamonds. The export of these diamonds from Israel 
provides the major source of income of the Zionist state, outside wel- 
fare payments from the American taxpayers. 

South African diamonds can now reach the' international market 
only through Israel. There is no competition. Israel has shouldered out 
the Netherlands, once the center of diamond cutting. And this closed 
market gives Israel about one billion dollars per year in easy profits. 

Theoretically, some Western countries have applied sanctions 
against South Africa— but never have there been any sanctions against 
the other half of this team, namely Israel. Every liberal loudmouth in 
the U.S. demands that the United States not trade with South Africa in 
any manner whatsoever. But I find it exquisitely ludicrous that not a 
single one of these radicals has ever called for sanctions against Israel, 
or demanded that Israel also break off trade and join the boycott 
against South Africa. And that is exactly why sanctions against South 
Africa don’t work. The two nations are so close that in reality you can’t 
boycott one without boycotting the other. When you harm one of these 
two partners, you harm them both. It can be no other way. 

In simple terms, that everyone can easily understand, it means that 
it. is simply horrible for the U.S. to do business with South, Africa; but 

IJf Liberty Bell / June 1988 

it is perfectly righteous for Israel to do so on a vast scale. I will never 
be able to understand this way of thinking. It is like boycotting a man’s 
right hand, but not his left. And, I don’t have to tell you that no 
country outside the Arab world has the courage to boycott Israel. 

Israel is the chief outlet for nearly all* South African products, 
which are, in turn, marked up substantially and sold freely in the very 
same over-righteous countries that claim they are boycotting South 
African merchandise. It is a clear deception and a complete farce. In 
order to fool the general public and to cover this great deception, the 
Israelis simply cut off the “made in South Africa” labels and replace 
them with “made in Israel” ones. But who complains? 

Recently, the South African Foreign Minister praised “the ad- 
vantages of using Israel’s good relations with the European economic 
community in order to strengthen commercial links and make use of 
this potential route of trade into the vast U.S. market too, via the 
Reagan free-wheeling trade agreement with Israel, making that small 
country a special status nation.” That agreement between the U.S. and 
Israel has now come into full effect. And what helps Israel in this man- 
ner also helps South Africa. Now do you know why I said you would 
not read about this matter any place else? So the pious fools who trade 
with Israel, while at the same time they are picketing the South African 
Embassy in Washington, are actually trading with South Africa and 
don’t know it. Isn’t that ironical? 

According to the present laws of the Economic Union, 40% of ex- 
ports from Israel must be manufactured entirely in Israel. The United 
States, at the behest of President Reagan, has lowered this to just 25%. 
But who keeps accurate records on it? And South Africa is fully ex- 
ploiting the many advantages of this, until now, carefully hidden trian- 
gular trade agreement involving the U.S., Israel, and South Africa. 

I wonder how long it will take for the powerful Black political 
leaders, such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson, to catch on to this scam. And 
whether they will dare mention it, if they do. 

The so-called secret Pretoria Zionist Federation is considered the 
greatest per capita contributor to the state of Israel, excepting, of 
course, the American taxpayers. And I would like to point out to the 
Arab world that during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War (the. “October 
War”), South Africa alone gave Israel a war bonus of thirty million 
dollars for use in that conflict. Is it any wonder that the Arab world 
hates South Africa almost as much as they do the U.S. and Israel? 

And here’s another shocker for you. Using money donated to Is- 
rael by the world’s most ignorant and stupid people — the United 
States taxpayers— Israel and South Africa formed in 1975* the Binyan^ 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 15 

Mortgage Company, which constructs housing on Arab land in the 
West Bank and other places for the Zionist colonizers of the occupied 
Arab territories. That's right folks! You taxpayers furnish the money, 
South Africa does the construction work, and the Israelis receive nice 
free homes on Arab lands, where they make virtual slaves of the Arab 

Now we come down to revealing something which I know 
beforehand is going to cause me to receive more than the usual num- 
ber of death threats from Israeli terrorists. But I intend to do it 
anyway. It concerns the vast extent of military cooperation in the field 
between South Africa and Israel. It has been carried out very discreet- 
ly indeed, but not discreetly enough to prevent me from learning about 
it when I was in South Africa, Mozambique, and Angola. In general 
terms, it is based on a certain division of labor. Believe it or not, the 
Israelis handle nearly all the intelligence and technological side of all 
of the South African government's military activities. This gives South 
Africa free access to all the most sophisticated weaponry of the U.S. 
and Israel. The South Africans, on the other hand, contribute to this 
joint war effort by providing steel, money, and skilled labor. In es- 
sence, this means that when the Arabs are fighting against Israel, they 
are also going up against the U.S.. and South Africa. As I say, it 
amounts to a sort of three-way joint venture which, until the very mo- 
ment you are reading this, has been kept secret from most Americans. 

For the first time in any publication that I know about, I shall an- 
nounce that South Africa's Centurion tanks have been modernized by 
the Israelis. You read it first here: The new armor-plating for these 
tanks is made at South Africa's Iskoor plant with the assistance of Is- 
raeli specialists. Both countries use this new type of plating, the finest 
ever produced anywhere in the world, including the Soviet Union. The 
front of the Israeli tanks has about one foot of solid steel protection. 
The South Africa tanks have only about eight inches at the front. 

Here is another first! The South African Air Force has tested the 
Israeli Arava STOL aircraft in both Southwest Africa and in Angola. 

Over 20,000 Israeli Army technicians and other military specialist 
reside permanently in South Africa to assist in this joint war effort. 
And, just as in the U.S., Zionist civilian supervisors are in every politi- 
cal office in South Africa, from President P.W. Botha's on down the 
scale. It was Israeli “advisers" who last fall caused the complete 
change of attitude of a high South African official, Mr. Chris Heunis, 
Minister of Constitutional Development and Planning. Suddenly 
reversing himself in anticipation of the possible release of the radical 
black Marxist Nelson Mandela from Prison, Mr. Heunis had the gall to 

16 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

; announce to the people of South Africa that Mandela was a vastly 
.changed person, no longer an arrogant Marxist, but through some kind 
of miraculous transformation he had become a leading candidate for 
elevation to the rank of saintly being. People were amazed at this turn- 
around on the part of a South African official. They had no way of 
, knowing it was caused by Israeli “advice." 

The large Israeli military contingent in South Africa consists main- 
ly of army training specialists and instructors for all the vast array of 
sophisticated- weapons used by the South African Army. The Israelis 
accompany the South African Army on raids and frontier patrols near 
the black Marxist countries. 

The electronic fence, backed up by micro-wave and infrared 
detectors and anti-personnel mines, which South Africa has installed 
on its borders with various neighboring states, was made in Israel. 

Approximately one hundred Israeli special force “advisers" are 
stationed permanently with the South African forces at the various cru- 
cial border points; and they always take part in joint operations to raid 
the territory of the Black Marxist neighbors to stop infiltration by 
Black terrorists. 

On the other hand, it is no mere coincidence that during the last 
j decade Israel has accelerated her penetration of the Africa continent 

politically to act as a “friend" of many Black-ruled states. As usual, the 
Zionists always play the treacherous game of using both sides against 
| the middle. 1 

From 1983 to 1986, Tel Aviv established diplomatic relations with 
Liberia, Zaire, Ivory Coast, and Cameroon. And President Reagan has 
! r quietly encouraged this increased Israeli presence in Africa, 
i Now, admittedly, Black Africans may not be the smartest people 

in the world, but I seriously doubt that even they are dumb enough not 
| to know that behinefthe sly winks of Mr. Peres and Mr. Shamir there is 

, lurking in the background the fact of close cooperation between the 

Zionists and the Republic of South Africa. Black rulers would have to 
betotal dunces to believe Israel’s hypocritical claims of having a new 
policy of friendship toward all Africa. 

1. You have seen above a clear example of this method. The Jews incite their American 
^ cattle to impose economic “sanctions” on South Africa, thus increasing and consolidat- 

* ing South Africa’s dependence on Israel and thereby perfecting their control of their 

l South African cattle. Both herds, of course, are slated for eventual liquidation. This is 

( the technique of covert conquest that the race has used for centuries, but the victims 

are too stupid to notice it. Intelligent Jews must have utter contempt for goyim who are 
so easily herded and so gullible they will believe even the Holohoax. 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 17 

Sam Nujoma, SWAPO’s leader in Southwest Africa (“Namibia”), 
was courted by the Zionists at the very time the Israelis were assisting 
South Africa against his forces. How is that for the double-cross? It’s 
truly Barnum and Bailey time on the Dark Continent. 

Joe Slovo, a Lithuanian Jew in the pay of Moscow, is the only 
“White” commander of the Black Marxists in Angola. He was profiled 
a few months ago by CBS on the 60 Minutes show. The Black Marxist 
armies in Mozambique, Botswana, and several other African states 
have a marching song about how much they love old Joe Slovo, which 
is not his real name anyway. This Jew has also been their chief fund 
raiser and many American Jews have donated to his cause. The Black 
Africans claim that he is the only white man who understands them! 

I’d like to point out once more that it is not unusual for the world 
Zionists to back both sides in a war. They have consistently done so 
throughout history. You only need to go back as far as the time of 
early World War II for a classic example of this duplicity. Israeli Prime 
Minister Yitzhak Shamir, a man greatly admired by the aging Nazi- 
hater in the White House, was once a would-be ally of the Nazis him- 
self, although I doubt if Mr. Reagan has ever found this out about his 
dear Israeli buddy. 

In the files of the Nazi government now stored in East Berlin, 
which have not been purged of such documents as was done in West 
Germany, there is a special memorandum from Mr. Shamir. He was 
then a terrorist leader of the infamous Stern Gang in Palestine; and he 
sent the Fiihrer an appeal in 1940, asking that Germany provide 
military training for Zionist fighters in Poland. Mr. Shamir boldly 
promised the Nazis that the world Zionists would then fight on the 
side of Germany, He further promised the German government that 
the Zionists would like to sign a treaty with the Third Reich that would 
be in the interest of the future German position by strengthening that 
country 5 power in the Middle East. This offer to fight on the side of 
the Nazis during World War II has been, of course, covered up and 
forgotten” by present-day Israel, which is the mortal enemy of both 
Germany and Germans everywhere. And, I am sure, Mr. Shamir, who 
has been a major war criminal and proven liar all his adult life, will 
deny that his group ever made such an offer. But the official docu- 
ments are extant to give him the lie. 


* * * 

Outside of hunting down former Nazis, the terrorist government of 
Israel enjoys hounding Libya more than anything else. And it brings 
the Zionists great happiness when they achieve success in this dastard- 

18 Liberty Bell I June 1988 


ly scheme. The most recent coup in this respect happened late last 
year when world Zionisf thugs persuaded the government of Australia 
to crack down on General Secretary Robert Pash and his International 
Green March Movement. Mr. Pash has been a tireless worker interna- 
tionally in striving to prevent the world at large from believing all the 
many propaganda lies about the Libyan Jajnahiriya that are invented 
and put forth by the U.S. and Israel, 

Let me analyze briefly the vast campaign of outright falsifications 
that have been conducted against Libya and Colonel Qaddafi since 
President Reagan took office. 

First of all, it is important to know that the Israelis asked Presi- 
dent Nixon to close the embassy of Libya (People’s Bureau) in 
Washington. He refused because Libya had never done anything at all 
to warrant such expulsion. The Israelis then tried the same ploy with 
both President Ford and President Carter to get the Libyans out of 
Washington. But neither one fell for it. So, as you can see, we had 
three straight pro-Israel presidents who nevertheless refused to obey 
such international blackmailers as inhabit the Israeli Embassy and 
great pressure from American Jewish hate groups which infest 
Washington like the plague. All three of these chief executives refused 
to be pressured into such a move since Libya had never done anything 
at all to harm the United States. 

But all this changed overnight when Mr. Ronald Wilson Reagan 
took office in 1981. Again a powerful Zionist delegation traipsed over 
to the White House to tell Mr. Reagan that the U.S. should close the 
Libyan Embassy. This time, on the first try after three previous 
failures, it worked. According to Jewish publications, Mr. Reagan’s 
answer was “you want it, you’ve got it.” Then he promptly carried out 
the wishes of the Zionist hate groups by ordering the Libyans out of 
the U.S. in just four days. The President gave no valid reason for such 
an expulsion, except to please Israel. His quick move caused European 
nations to complain about his rash decision. But that was of no impor- 
tance to him, dompared to satisfying the whim of the world Zionists, 

As usual, this favor was not enough for the arrogant Zionists. They 
then urged Mr. Reagan to prove once again his undying loyalty to Is- 
rael by asking Mrs. Margaret Thatcher to close the Libyan Embassy in 
London. She hesitated, since there was no real reason for it and be- 
cause Britain had a large number of workers in Libya. A little later, 
the unfortunate incident of a British policewoman’s being killed at the 
Libyan bureau in London while it was under heavy siege by Israeli- 
hired thugs, gave Mrs. Thatcher the excuse she had been waiting for. 
She then expelled the Libyans. 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 19 

The next move on the part of the Zionists against Libya was to 
order both Mr. Reagan and Mrs. Thatcher to use their considerable 
influence to get Australia to kick out the Libyan Bureau there. This at- 
tempt failed to sway government officials in Australia until last year, 
when Prime Minister Robert Hawke was elected. Mr. Hawke, also an 
ardent Zionist, pulled the same arrogantly slavish trick as Mr. Reagan 
had done in Washington. He ordered the Libyans expelled. 

But all this still did not satisfy the world Zionists, because the 
headquarters of the International Green March of Libya was still 
operating from Australia, under the outstanding leadership of the 
aforementioned Mr. Pash. Here is a statement directly from Mr. Pash 
about what happened: 

“As you are no doubt aware, in May 1987, the Australian govern- 
ment moved to cut all diplomatic relations with the Libyan Arab 
Jamahiriya and close the Libyan People’s Bureau (Embassy) in Can- 
berra. This action was taken as a result of an intensive Zionist-or- 
chestrated media campaign directed against Libya and our organiza- 
tion. During this period we were subjected to what amounted to a 
media witch-hunt. Following the closure of the Libyan’s People’s 
Bureau (Embassy), the Australian government, through its intelligence 
agency (ASIO), moved against the International Green Guard Move- 
ment. At this same time, in July, we took a large delegation of mem- 
bers to the Great Jamahiriya to discuss the situation with our Libyan 
brothers. The Australian government took advantage of the absence of 
the leadership of our movement and froze all our bank accounts, 
under the false and unsubstantiated pretext that we had been receiving 
funds from Libya. This caused all our credit facilities to be withdrawn 
and our office in Australia was forced to close. The Australian govern- 
ment, at the prompting of the Zionist lobby, thought that by freezing 
our finances they would put an end to our work. Unable to pay our 
creditors due to our financial situation, we were then subjected to a 
number of legal suits. All of this was carefully designed to eliminate 
the International Green Guard Movement. 

[signed] Robert Pash, (General Secretary)” 
As you can see, the almighty Zionists have so much power world- 
wide that it would not surprise me at all, if the very dedicated Zionis't- 
fighter, Mr. Pash, is soon arrested on some trumped-up charge in 
Australia. And perhaps, if the American cocker spaniels don’t wake 
up, people will eventually be arrested right here in the good old USA 
for criticizing the Zionists. And I may be one of the first ones. 

* * * 





As I have always maintained, the Zionists work on a world-wide 
basis, from South Africa to Australia to my own city of Phoenix, 
Arizona, U.S .A, And let me inform all readers exactly what is now 
happening in the Phoenix area. Unknown even to most people living 
here, a great transformation is in process. Jewish influence has always 
been minimal in Arizona; but that is changing rapidly. 

In a recent Sunday issue the Arizona Republic , a feature story, 
complete with a page of photos, stated that 5,500 “political refugees” 
from the Soviet Union have been settled in the Phoenix area. The 
newspaper referred to them as “refugees” and never once mentioned 
the fact that they are all Soviet Jews. With names like Al Shapiro and 
Saul Goldenbaum, they could hardly be Russians, now could they? 

These newcomers to the Arizona Valley of the Sun are not only 
not Russian, they are not even refugees in any true sense of the word. 
The New York-based Tolstoy Foundation, a privately-owned Jewish 
resettlement organization, sent these people to Phoenix. David Lockey, 
director of this group’s Phoenix office, complains constantly to the 
press that you taxpayers aren’t doing enough to support these new 
colonizers in Phoenix. He lamented to the press that under his official 
U.S. government contract with the State Department, he is given only 
$500 per “refugee.” He wants more money. And did Congress ever 
refuse any such request from Zionists? 

The U.S. government finances the Tolstoy Foundation in this 
country through secret appropriations, according to Mr. M.N. Trabant, 
a reporter for the Arizona Republic. Your tax money is also being sent 
to the Phoenix Catholic Social Services and the Phoenix Refugee 
Center. These funds supply complete financial support for the Jewish 
immigrants until they can get on the general welfare rolls while “train- 
ing for employment.” 

One of these so-called refugees, Mr. Jonas Simokaitis, a 
Lithuanian Jew, said he sought to migrate to Israel. To the best of my 
knowledge, Phoenix is not yet an official part of Israel. So what is he 
doing in Phoenix? Well, you know it was easier just to settle in the v 
United States. This same pattern fits them all. They apply for permis- 
sion to settle in Israel; but somehow none of them ever reaches the 
Zionist state. They all invariably end up in the good old USA. Very 
strange. These people seem to have a poor sense of direction. 

I mention this “refugee” problem because it is part of the overall 
plan to Zionize the Phoenix metropolitan area. Jewish “refugees” are 
arriving from South Africa as well as the Soviet Union. And. 10, 000 
Jews from the Miami area have recently moved into the Scottsdale 
resort area east of Phoenix, in order to get away from the Cubans, who 

20 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 21 

now run everything in South Florida. Miami and Miami Beach, once a 
haven for transplanted New York Jews, is no longer the place where 
Jews want to live when they retire. 2 Once they had Jewish mayors in 
Florida. But not anymore. The Jews in the Miami area have sur- 
rendered most of their political dominion to the rapidly increasing 
horde of Cuban “refugees,” who have taken over. 

So by defaulting to the very aggressive Cuban population in 
Miami, the not-so-fragile Jews had to be relocated to create another 
Zionist haven. They selected the Phoenix area as their next target and 
base of operations. You can, in the near future, expect both Phoenix 
and Scottsdale to have Jewish mayors, as soon as these new settlers get 
organized. Of course, Arizona, by its close proximity to Mexico, al- 
ready has a large Mexican population, which we are now told to call 
Hispanic. Since that word is properly applied only to Spaniards, not 
mestizos from Mexico, I fail to see why the word should be thus 
misused. But that is beside the point. Mexican immigrants are not, in 
general, as intelligent or as aggressive as the Cubans in Miami, who are 
much more politically astute. So the Zionists figure that they can over- 
run and easily shepherd the Mexicans in Arizona, despite the fact that 
they failed to control the Cubans in Florida. As for the White and non- 
Jewish population in Arizona, they are too pusillanimous to stand up 
agamst any invaders, be they Zionists or Mexicans. 

In Scottsdale, there has already been a Jewish candidate for 
mayor, who lost by a wide margin. But that won’t be the end of it. 
Scottsdale is now about to vote on a measure limiting the terms a 
mayor can serve to a total of four years. This way, newly-arrived Jews 
can get rid of the present very popular mayor, whose approval rating is 
a huge 94 percent. This means they don’t have to defeat him because 

2 ' J ^ ewS} had swarmed into Miami and adjacent parts of the eastern coast 

of Honda and Judaized them years ago, forcing decent Americans who could afford it 
go elsewhere; it is thus a ravaged territoiy that they are turning over to the criminals 
and desperados that their government in Washington is importing to afflict Americans. 

, Samuel Roth s Jews Must Live for an early instance of the Kike's strange racial com- 
pulsion to push their way into pleasant places in which they are not wanted, pollute 
those places and render them unfit for Americans, and then move on to destroy another 
region in which Americans have taken refuge from them. Atlantic City was once a very 
pleasant summer resort for middle-class Americans; then the Jews swarmed in, blight- 
ing it with their loud-mouthed vulgarity, their churlish arrogance, and their tawdry 
amusements; well-bred Americans fled the infestation; and when Atlantic City was 
ruined for the hated goyim, the Jews moved on to ruin another refuge, and the 
businessmen of Atlantic City went bankrupt. Roth's chapter on Atlantic City is included 

/ n *?!£P 1Cte reprint of Jews Must Uve > available from Liberty Bell Publications, 
50.UU + $1.00 postage. 

22 Liberty Bell / June 1988 


they can just get rid of him with the new restriction on serving more 
than four years. So it goes. 

* * * 

The largest Israeli newspaper is not in Israel. It happens to be in 
the U.S. Where else? It is called the New York Times; that name is not 
only deceptive; it is a misnomer. The paper should be re-named the Is- 
raeli Times , for it is certainly the chief Zionist mouthpiece in the U.S. 

Now if the American people were blessed with the reasoning 
power of a columnist of the New York Times , Tom Wicker, critics of 
the U.S.-Soviet arms agreement would be able to comprehend, as he 
does, why the weakening of our nation is very much in the national in- 
terest of the United States. Mr. Wicker, with his infinite knowledge, 
had the audacity to write that being a strong nation is so provocative 
that it has caused us much of our troubles. Here are his words of wis- 

“The primary American weapon to be eliminated, the Pershing 2, 
is particularly destabilizing because from launchers in West Germany 
it can reach far into the Soviet Union. Thus it threatens the Russians 
with a devastating strike against their command system and important 
military bases; which means, in turn, that those U.S. missiles offer a 
tempting target for a preemptive first Soviet strike.” 

According to Mr. Wicker and his Jewish bosses at the New York 
Times , the enemy is not an aggressive Soviet Union bent on intimidat- 
ing Western Europe and the United States. Oh no, the total danger 
comes from the provocative United States, which causes tension 
among Soviet rulers. If our weapons make the Russians jittery, what 
makes sense to Mr. Wicker is for us to just get rid of them. Then there 
would be no more tension and peace would reign over the entire 
world. . 

That makes a nice fairy tale, if one believes in the Easter Bunny 
and the Tooth Fairy. But I don’t think the Soviet leaders believe in Mr. 
Wickers fairy tale. Would you? 

* * * 

Readers who have heard me on radio and television talk shows 
may be interested in what has transpired behind the scenes on such 
programs. I have appeared on about eighty such shows during 1987. 
Generally speaking, I have to say everything I can get in on my first ap- 
pearance on one of those programs, because telling the truth about Is- 
rael and World Zionists is not a very popular pastime in the United 
States. Therefore, I almost never get on a second time any place. 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 28 

Jewish hate organizations see to that. They always picket the station 
when I am on, and they threaten the management with economic ruin 
and violence. Only one brave station has had me on more than once. 

I mention these things not to promote myself or my activities; but 
to let all true Americans know how very close your own “land of the 
free” is to blanket censorship and complete suppression of the fact 
about the terrorists of Israel. At present, I am one of a kind. By that I 
mean that I am the only talk-show guest in the U.S. who tells the truth 
about Israel for every citizen to hear. In Washington circles, including 
the White House, this is considered treason. When my voice is stilled, 
no others will replace it. There is no other choice. There is no alterna- 
tive, so to speak. Unfortunately, I am your only hope for informing 
America in broadcasts all across the country if you believe in truth, 
justice, and that rarest of all quantities today— freedom of speech. I 
wish it were not that way, but it is in today's world. 

After I debated and easily defeated the head of the National 
Jewish Congress on a station in the Los Angeles area last summer, an 
intensified campaign to prevent me from speaking on radio and 
television has gotten underway. I am harassed and picketed every time 
I go on the air. The stations are intimidated and threatened. It is get- 
ting more difficult for me to speak in my own native land. 

When I appeared on a Phoenix station last fall and revealed that 
money from Israel was paid to 16 members of the 26-member commit- 
tee of the Iran-Contra Hearings, Miss Victoria Jones, a very talented 
British announcer, said she would like to arrange a debate between me 
and a spokesman from the Israeli Embassy in Washington. I told her 
right on the air to go ahead and do just that, but that I was certain that 
no person from the Israeli Embassy would be dumb enough to do this, 
because I would present the true facts which would make any Israeli 
official seem rather foolish in trying to deny the truth. I am certainly 
no great shakes as a debater, as I have said many time, but with truth 
and justice on my side, it is difficult to go against me. I told this well- 
meaning lady to go ahead and arrange for such a proposed debate. I 
never heard another word about it, meaning that she was unable to ar- 
range it. 

The Israelis do not want me to divulge that the Iran-Contra Chair- 
man, Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), an Arab-hater who staunchly 
supports Israel, received a payment of $4S,500 from Israel just before 
the hearings began. That’s why no mention of Israel’s part was allowed. 
Any time the word Israel’ came up, you saw the chairman throw up 

his hands and demand a secret session where neither the press nor the 

continued on page 37 

21+ Liberty Bell / June 1988 


The Great Holocaust Trials 
in Toronto 1983 - 1988 

by David McCalden 

First Edition 1988 

© Copyright 1988 by Liberty Bell Publications 

Additional copies available from: 

Liberty Bell Publications 
P.O. Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA 


Truth Missions 

P.O. Box 3849, Manhattan Beach CA 90266 USA 
Printed in the United States of America 

The Preliminary 
Part One 

Just before the Preliminary trial got under way, the Crown 
prosecutors realized that they still didn't have any verbal admission 
' s f from Ernst Zundel that he had indeed published the offending booklet 

Did Six Million Really Die? and the flyer The West , the War ; and Islam / 
j Consequently, a fortnight before the Preliminary was due to begin, two 

^ i police officers went to Zundefs home/office at 206 Carlton Street. 

I At 7:00 P.M. on 29 May 1984, Sergeant Williams and Sergeant 

Luby visited Zundel, after first informing his lawyer, Mrs. Lauren Mar- 
shall, that they would do so. (In the meantime, Mrs. Marshall called 
Zundel to warn him of his imminent interrogation, but he appears not 
j to have paid much heed.) 

Zundel met the two policemen at his side-door, and invited them 
in. (He was not obliged to do so.) Sergeant Luby asked Zundel if he 
would mind answering a few questions which the Crown Attorney had 
wanted cleared up. Zundel replied that his lawyer had instructed him 
v not to talk to the police; but he would be “glad to just have a chat." 

| Luby asked Zundel if he was the publisher of the two items, and 

he said that he was. They asked if he had distributed both publications 
within Canada; he said that he had, and elaborated on the extent of his 
distribution. They asked if he was an officer of Samisdat Publishers 
, Ltd. and he said that he was the President. They asked if his printed 
signature appeared on both publications, and he said that it was in- 
deed his. 

After the formalities were done with, Zundel and his guests dis- 
cussed his earlier political aspirations, his interest in UFOs, and his 
views on the Holocaust. At approximately 8:00 P.M, the two officers 
left the premises and went out to their car, where they made extensive 
notes of ZundePs “chat." The policemen and their notes would be the 
opening act at all three of ZiindePs forthcoming trials. 

- The Crown exhibited eleven prosecution witnesses at the Prelimi- 

nary, which began Monday 18 June 1984. Looking back, it is interest- 
f ing to study the government's gradually deteriorating case; witnesses 

, who were exhibited at the Preliminary were so weak, or so biased, that 

they were not presented at the main trial. And witnesses who were 
presented at the main trial were not re-exhibited at the re-trial. 


Revisionist experts were flying in to Toronto from all around the 
world, ready to do battle with the forces of tyranny. When I arrived on 
the Monday evening— after having my Butz book seized at the Toronto 
airport — I joined Dr. Robert Faurisson from France, and Bradley 
Smith from Los Angeles, who were already working on a defense 
strategy in ZundePs attic library. They had both arrived during the 
weekend. < 

We immediately set to work laying down questionnaires for the r 

“Survivor” witnesses, and detailed arguments to put to the Holocaust 
“experts.” Although Faurisson and Smith were (and still are) as- 1 

sociated with the Institute for Historical Review, which has sued me A 

for “unfair competition,” they agreed to suspend any internecine hos- 
tilities for the sake of Ernst Zundel. 

Even though the Preliminary was held at the same venue as the in- 
dictment hearings -Old City Hall- it attracted none of the earlier 
JDL riots, which was probably just as well. Winter clothing tends to 
provide thicker insulation against blows and kicks, June in Toronto is ; 

sunny and very warm. 1 

Zundel asked me to act as Mrs. MarshalPs bodyguard, so each 
morning I would escort her from her adjacent office building into the 
side-door of the court-house. Because she couldn’t read ZundePs 
scrawled notes, and because Faurisson’s English was not up to par, 

Mrs. Marshall further requested that I should be sat in the courtroom : 

as her assistant. This caused something of a tizzy among the prosecu- 
tion staff, particularly after they heard about the commotion at the air- I 

port the day before, but eventually the arrangements were approved. j 

As soon as I arrived at “Hate House” at about 5 o’clock on Mon- 
day 18 June 1984, Faurisson, Smith, and I formed a kind of 
Revisionist Brains Trust” in ZundePs attic library. Here, the three of 
us would* figure out the next day’s courtroom strategy, while Zundel 
busied himself mostly with domestic chores. 

Right away I was struck by ZundePs personal charisma and charm. 

Over the years, he had managed to attract to his banner the most im- 
pressive collection of dedicated followers I had ever seen. Ranging 
from their late teens up to senior-citizen level, these men and women 
volunteered their own commitment. Ernst Zundel gives no orders. 

Truly. He makes it quite clear how he would like things done, and that ' 

is usually the way things get done. He is always conscious of morale, 
and is careful that every outdoor activity is videotaped, and then im- | 

mediately shown on TV when the team returns to fyase, A positive- 
oriented debriefing follows, and then coffee and cake. Alcohol is not 
encouraged at “Hate House,” though it is served on special occasions 


and for special visitors. Smoking is also discouraged, and is confined to 
the basement barracks. 

My fellow Los Angeleno (and also a man of the world), Bradley 
Smith, remarked to me that it was quite astonishing that there was so 
little vulgarity at “Hate House.” Normally, such a barrack-room en- 
vironment would encourage feigned virility, phoney machismo, and ar- 
tificial vulgarity, but not here, We agreed that the explanation was in 
Ernst ZundePs genuine humility. He does not lead by instruction, he 
leads by example. He would think nothing of running around the 
Zundelhaus soliciting dirty underwear and smelly socks so as to make 
up a wash-tub load. 

The cost of his legal battles is met in several ways: (a) subsidies 
from his graphics arts business (now largely defunct),,., (b) donations 
deposited into his Stuttgart bank-account (seized twice by the West 
German authorities), (c) direct donations to him in Toronto, from 
Canada and the U.S.A., and (d) a hefty re-mortgage on “Hate House.” 

In contrast to a lot of other, U.S., organizations, Ernst ZundePs 
set-up has never been troubled by agents-provocateurs , supergrasses, or 
plea-bargainers. Although Professor Stanley Barrett’s excellent book, 
Is God A Racist? (University of Toronto Press, 1987) quite correctly 
describes several instances of Canadian provocateurism, not one case 
is remotely connected to Zundel. This is because ZundePs organiza- 
tion is not an organization. There is no membership list. No member- 
ship fee. And no expulsion procedure; you cannot be expelled from 
something you never paid to join. 

By building a natural, organic structure based on true loyalty 
founded on respect and admiration, rather than meek obedience to 
rules and regulations, Zundel has created a structure where he leads 
by example, not from behind. In the tired old organizations of the 
European and U.S. “right-wing,” followers are expected to subscribe 
to meek “obedience” to their task-masters; an acquiescence which they 
are supposed to reject in the case of government tyranny! 

Curiously, although Ernst ZundePs “Hate House” was, and is, es- 
sentially Anarchistic, and although he privately acknowledges that he is 
an Atheist, at each of his court-room testimonies he would adamantly 
swear on the Jews’ New Testament that he would speak their truth, and 
that he was not a racist. 

ZundePs Preliminary Trial opened with the Crown’s accusation 
that he had published The West ; the War ; & Islam! during 1981, and 
Did Six Million Really Die ? during 1983. (In fact, D6MRD? was re- 



published by Ziindel at the turn of 1979/1980, but neither the Defense 
.nor the Crown ever paid attention to this discrepancy.) 

Mrs. Marshall asked for a publicity-ban during the Preliminary— 
a s is usual — and the judge, Wally Hryciuk, granted it; not only is such 
a ban quite common at Preliminaries, but Hryciuk was also a drinking 
buddy of Lauren Marshall’s at Las Vegas legal conventions. At times, 
it seemed to me that both of them found their roles quite bizarre, as if 
they were uncomprehending “extras” in a Mediaeval morality play.’ 

The Crown was represented by Peter Griffiths, a particularly inept 
toady of the Zionist government Establishment. (Just as Mrs. Marshall 
would later be replaced by the dynamic, battling B.C. barrister Doug 

Christie, so would Griffiths be worn out and replaced by another Hit- 
ler look-alike, John Pearson.) 

Griffith s first witness was half of the dog-and-pony act composed 
of the Masonic police combo, Ron Williams & John Luby. Williams 
testified as to their dinner-time visit to “Hate House” on 29 May 1984 

(with Luby) at which Ziindel had admitted that he was the published 
of D6MRD? and TW, TW, & II P 

Amazingly, little attention was paid to the subject of who had writ- 
ten D6MRD? and TW, TW & I! Neither the author of the former 
(Richard Verrall) nor of the latter (Eric Thomson) was ever sub- 
poenaed to appear -even though Thomson was Ziindel’s right-hand 
man, and frequently attended the court-room proceedings. 

Without protest from Mrs. Marshall, Sergeant Williams testified 
on a hearsay basis that his buddy, Sergeant Luby, had asked Ziindel ■ 
whether or not he was the publisher of both D6MRD? and TW, TW & 

I! According to Williams, Ziindel had boasted that he was indeed the 
Canadian publisher of D6MKD? and that it had been mailed out to 
large numbers of Canadian Federal, Provincial, and local politicians. 

According to Williams’ uncontested hearsay, Ziindel was then 
asked if he were the author of The Hit Ruby Loved and Why by “Chris- 
tof Friedrich.” Apparently, Ziindel generously corrected Williams, and 
pointed out that the correct title was The Hitler We Loved and Why 
and that “Christof Friedrich” were his middle names. (Williams’ mis- 
taken rendition of Ziindel s book-title gives us a graphic indication of 
t e intelligence level of Toronto’s police and Freemasonry.) Next, Wil- 
liams testified -again on a hearsay basis -that Luby asked Ziindel if 
he was the author of The West, the War, & Islam! and if this had been 

distributed in Canada. According to Williams, Ziindel told Luby: “Yes, 
but not any more.” ’ 

“We asked: Why not any longer?’” 

' £ ^ e sa ^ : ^ am not a stupid man, I am cautious. I realize what I 

am up against.” 

Through Williams, the Crown submitted public- records to show 
that Samisdat Publishers Ltd. was directed by Ernst Ziindel. Then, 
Sergeant Williams startled a hushed court-room by revealing that he 
had gone to the public library and looked up a volume of the “Com- 
pton Encyclopaedia -I’m sorry — Chambers Encyclopaedia” to 
photocopy an article entitled “Jewish History” which had been 
referred to in D6AIRD?. Stunned by Sergeant Williams’ awe-inspiring 
research abilities, Mrs. Marshall only asked him, during cross-examina- 
k j f° r ca U number of the particular volume, before sitting down. 

The next Crown witness was a Nuremberg Trial Expert®, Dr. 
JohniHJE. Fried of New York City. His status as an Expert® Witness 
* was not challenged by Mrs. Marshall. Fried was one of that particular- 

; ly smug breed of Jews (e.g., Raul Hilberg, Sigmund Freud) who fled 

Vienna to avoid Nazi rule, with the presumed hazards of imminently 
being turned into lampshades. Like so many of his emigres, Fried 
! spent the war years suffering multiple paper cuts and tongue abrasions, 

i stuffing envelopes and licking stamps in the United States, while young 

American goyim went off to Europe to give their lives and limbs in the 
Jewish crusade against Hitler. Also very typically, after the war Fried 
was invited to work at the Nuremberg trials of “Nazi war criminals.” 

' However, Fried seemed to try to skate over the fact that he did 

not work at the International Military Tribunal, but at the twelve sub- 
. ^ sequent American Nuremberg Military Tribunals. Since few of the 
American judges could speak German, they had to call upon the ser- 
vices of German-Jewish and Austrian-Jewish emigres like Fried to co- 
i ordinate evidence. 

Fried obviously assumed that the defense team were a bunch of 
; stupid goyim whom he could baffle with his curriculum vitae ; he was to 

> proven sadly mistaken. Dr. Faurisson and I made voluminous notes 

\ of b]s testimony, and then briefed Mrs. Marshall on which points to at- 

tack< In the ease of this particular witness, she performed remarkably 
well; so well in fact that Fried was not re-exhibited by the Crown at the 
;■ main Ziindel trial. 

Through Mrs. Marshall’s careful cross-examination of the arrogant 
i Fried > Faurisson and I were able to trip him up on a large number of 

j points, forcing him to retract several of his major points. In his direct 

evidence he had claimed that the London Conference which set up the 
International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg did “not create 
r new law ” (Preliminary transcript, p. 22), but we later forced him to 



admit (p. 52) that “crimes against peace” and “crimes against 
humanity” were very much unheard of, either before and since! 

Fried claimed (p. 26) that the Nuremberg defendants were able to 
select their own defense lawyers, when, of course, they were assigned 
by the court; Fried was vague when we questioned him (pp. 81-82) 
about Rudolf Hess, who tried to dismiss his lawyer several times, and 
represent himself, but was refused! 

The witness originally insisted (p. 35) that there was no torture or 
maltreatment, but when he was confronted (p. 96) with Rudolf Hoess’s 
autobiography where his confessions under torture are fully described, 
Fried tried to dodge the issue. 

Fried's biggest lie was his claim that “affidavits...were never used 
without the affiant testifying in open court” (p. 43). In cross-examina- 
tion, we presented Fried (p. 71) with the IMT transcript (Vol. 3, p. 
569) concerning the affidavit of Wilhelm Hoettl (PS-2738), who was 
never produced in person, even though he was lodged in the prison 
right next door to the Nuremberg court-house! (We might also have 
asked him about the infamous statement (PS-1552) of Kurt Gerstein, 
which has become a cornerstone of Exterminationist mythology; after 
signing this “confession,” Gerstein disappeared and was presumed 
dead.) , * 

With direction from Faurisson and myself, Mrs. Marshall launched 
an attack on the precepts of the International Military Tribunal (which 
I had vigorously condemned in my early book, Nuremberg & Other War 
Crimes Trials; a New Look , published by Historical Review Press, 
under their house nom de plume of “Richard Harwood”). She chal- 
lenged the IMT's most outrageous principles, such as §9 Guilt by As- 
sociation (membership in a “criminal” organization); §6 A War Crime 
If You Lose (“crimes against peace”); §19 Even the Shoddiest 
Evidence Admissible (“probative value”); and §21 Indisputable Facts 
(no challenge allowed to the “Truth” of the Holocaust). 

In an effort to undermine D6MRD?’s citation of Judge 
Wennerstrum' s condemnation of the Nuremberg trials, the Crown 
asked Fried about Wennerstrum's own rulings in his NMT case #7 
(“Hostages Case”). Did Judge Wennerstrum “set out any of his com- 
plaints in his judgement” in NMT#7? “No, sir” (p. 34). Later, when 
we asked Fried to therefore explain Wennerstrum's extremely critical 
remarks about Nuremberg to the Chicago Tribune (23 February 1948), 
the witness replied that “it was absolutely known in the Nuremberg 
court-house that Wennerstrum was an.. .anti-Semite (in his personal 
views, but not in) his professional capacity as a judge” (p. 61). In a 
way, Fried was correct. Like many folks in public service, Judge Wen- 


nerstrum was simply going through the motions, in carrying out his 
duties there is nothing unusual about this. Time and time again we 
continue to encounter ex-Presidents, ex- Congressmen, ex-Senators, 
who publish bitter regrets for their craven, supine, pro-Zionist posture 
while they were in office; it is only when their careers are finished that 
they suddenly discover candor. No doubt, Judge Wennerstrum would 
have felt at home in their company. Although ardent Zionists such as 
Dr. Fried would classify such rediscovered sincerity as per se “anti- 
Semitic.” I have only been able to discover one incidence of a former 
Nuremberg staffer becoming so disenchanted that he turned to actual 
political advocacy against the Jews: Francis Parker Yockey. 

Yockey was something of a maverick. Having just missed the War, 
he volunteered his legal services to the Nuremberg Tribunal, only to quit 
in disgust; he ended up feeling more sympathy for the defendants than 
for “ Justice.” However, he somehow felt at home in Europe and relo- 
cated to London, where he settled down for a year or two, making close 
contact with various Mosleyite factions. Sir Oswald Mosley had been the 
aristocratic, but populist, leader of the pre-War British Union of Fas- 
cists. In the interest of preserving “Democracy" he was interned 
without trial during World War Two. (Disgusted with Britain, he spent 
his post-war years living in France.) 

flowever, Mosley's influence lived on in Britain even after his volun- 
tary exile. Yockey hitched up with some Mosleyites in London and was 
very quickly drawn into their interminable internecine squabbles. Dis- 
mayed, he moved temporarily to Ireland, where he decided to write a 
book. Working completely without notes at Brittas Bay, County Wick- 
low, near Dublin, in 1948 he threw together a turgid manuscript of no- 
tions largely lifted from Spengler and Hitler. He named this great epic 
Imperium , but as he was still without immigration papers, Yockey felt it 
more sensible to use a pseudonym for his new work: he selected the per- 
fectly ordinary name, which was likely picked out of a phone book: Ulick 
Varange. flowever, just in case anyone should ever dare to pirate, or 
claim authorship over, his great tome, Yockey cleverly encoded not just 
one, but two, pages with his initials (p. 480 and p. 498)! 

Thanks to a generous patron, Yockey published 200 copies of Im- 
perium in London, before returning Stateside. Here he continued to 
float around the perimeter of “right-wing" society, fraternizing with the 
rather ethereal American Nazi leaders, IT. Keith Thompson and Eustace 
Mullins, and also with a shabby Jewish underworld schill , who went by 
the names of Alex Scharf and Michael Taylor, but whose real name was 
Benjamin Junger. 

Scharf/Junger, a “survivor of Auschwitz and BucheUwald/' had met 
Yockey at the Reno gaming-tables, where they were both trying to bet- 
ter their fortunes. Since Yockey expressed an interest in visiting the 


San Francisco area, Scharf/Junger invited him to stay for a while at his 
Oakland apartment, not far from his place of employment: the Temple 

Beth Abraham School, where he was a teacher. .. 

In Oakland, Yockey told his host that his U.S. passport had been ih 
Wally withdrawn by the State Department, and wondered if the ohabby 
Scharf could help him. No problem. Scharf quickly volunteered his other 
persona "Michael Taylor” to validate Yockey’s application for an Iris 
passportDwhich remains one of the easiest passports in the world to ob- 

^ aU1 Before long, Scharf was paid a visit by the FBI and within days, 
Yockey was placed under arrest, and held on $50,000 bail, for passpor 
fraud ” It seems that ever since the “Zundelizing” of his passport m 
1952,' Yockey had been quietly taking out passports in various names, 
under various "flags of convenience.” Unfortunately, his suitcase con- 
taining several of these documents had gone astray at Dallas Anpor , 
was examined by the authorities, and immediately the wires were buzz- 
ing to the FBI office in the Bay Area. . , „ , _ , ,, , 

Scharf/Junger quickly went on the lam to Batista s CubaDat t a 

time a notorious haunt of the Jewish MafiaDbefore returning to San 
Francisco, where he “co-operated” with a federal grand jury by explain- 
ing to them all about Yockey’s unusual travel budget, whereby Yockey 
would “lose”his travelers cheques to an accomplice (we wonder who that 
could be?) and reporting the "loss” so tardily for reimbursement that the 
"thief” had already cashed the “stolen” cheques. Following this dramatic 
confession, Scharf/Junger disappeared from sight; no doubt he will even- 
tually turn up, either as the head of some “Holocaust Museum or else 
wearing concrete boots at the bottom of the Chicago Sanitary & Ship 

CaT1 In the meantime, news of Yockey’s dramatic arrest appeared in the 
San Francisco newspapers, and attracted the attention of one Whs 
Alison Carto, an Indiana debt-collector who was temporarily residing m 
Sausalito, just across the Bay. Carto had been discharged from the U.S. 
Army after suffering a minor flesh-wound during the invasion of the 
Philippines. He now fancied himself as something of an Expert- on inter- 
national affairs, and was quickly drawn by Yockey’s charisma; indeed, he 
had already stumbled across one of the rare copies of ImperivM, and had 

absorbed it favorably. . ' , 

Carto wangled a visit with Yockey at the San Francisco Jail, and 

afterwards religiously attended his indictment hearings. Afterwards he 

wrote: “The expression on his faceDpensive, sensitive, magneticDthis 

was the unforgettable thing. It was his eyes, I think. Dark, with a quick 

and knowing intelligence. His eyes bespoke great secrets and know e ge 

and such terrible sadness... he spoke to me with his eyes. He knew that I 

would not desert him.” . 

Plowever, Yockey was not as impressed with Carto as Carto was 

with Yockey. Carto had promised Yockey that he would reproduce Im- 


perium under his own imprimatur, the Noontide Press of Sausalito. One 
week later, Yockey committed suicide. 

Yockey' s closest relative was his sister, Alice Yockey-Spurlock, a 
radiographer at the Wheeler Hospital in Gilroy, about 75 miles south of 
San Francisco. She took responsibility for the disposal of his remains, 
and so he was buried at the Roman Catholic St. Mary's Church in Gilroy, 
where the resident priest, Father John T. Dwyer, very kindly faked the 
church records to show that Yockey had died at “Brooklyn, NY" rather 
than as a suicide in the San Francisco jail. (The Roman Catholic church 
does not look too favorably on suicides.) Yockey' s remains lay undis- 
turbed for four years. Then, on 23 July 1964, Mrs. Spurlock ordered her 
brother's remains to be exhumed, transported to the local Oakhill 
Crematorium for cremation, and then re-buried at the same grave. 

Some years later, Mrs. Yockey-Spurlock moved away from Gilroy 
and decided to have her brother's ashes scattered at sea. So, Francis 
Parker Yockey was dug up a second time, and his remains are some- 
where at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. His grave has been re-as- 
signed and is no longer beatable. 

As for Mrs. Alice Yockey-Spurlock, she has disappeared. 

Mon signor John Dwyer moved to another nearby church in 
Saratoga, to the Church of the Ascension, but he declines to answer mail 
on the subject of Yockey. Apparently his .parishioner Alice Yockey-Spur- 
lock prevailed upon him to respect her wishes in regard to her brother's 
odd beliefs. 

As for Willis Carto, he first moved to Boston to work for the John 
Birch. Society. But, after purloining their mailing-list he relocated to 
Washington D.C., where he founded his own '“Liberty Lobby" which con- 
tinues to this day. 

Over the years, Carto has attracted several Yoekey-cultists, such as 
Keith S timely (Assistant-Director of the IHR 1983-1985). Plowever, 
S timely quickly became disenchanted with Carto's intellectual abilities, 
and his fidelity to Yockey' s beliefs, and resigned, mailing out a massive 
denunciation of Carto to all and sundry. S timely is still in the process of 
publishing a definitive account of Yockey's career, including his en- 
counter with Willis A. Carto. 

To be continued in next indHth'S 'issue 




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ISRAEL IS HERE, continued frontpage 24 

public Qould hear it. Of course, this brought forth no protests from the 
ZionisLcon trolled press. But former Senator John Tower of Texas, in 
his report, sharply criticized the Hearings for ignoring Israel's part. 
Tower, who served in the Senate for twenty-four years, -said he was 
surprised that Israel was not accused at all. Here are his words: “Israel 
was very much involved and started the entire sales. But if you think 
Congress is going, to touch that hot potato, you're going to be waiting a 
long time.” But would Mr. Tower have been so forceful in blaming Is- 
rael if he were still sitting in his Senate seat? I think not! 

My appearance on WRC in Washington, D.C., on December 17, 
created such a sensation that the Israeli Embassy and some Con- 
gressmen called in to attempt to prevent me from speaking the truth. 
But Beverly Smith, the hostess of the program, held fast. I was 
scheduled to be on for one hour. But both of the station's switchboards 
were jammed within one minute after I began speaking. It has been es- 
timated that over 15,000 persons in the Washington, D.C. area tried to 
call me on that program. When it was announced that I was to be on 
this program, people in nearby states who some way learned about my 
scheduled appearance, hired buses and traveled to Washington to hear 
my viewpoint. 

Now my point is that if the American news media were printing 
both sides and not favoring Israel in the Mideast dispute, then people 
could just read the true facts in their daily newspapers. It would not be 
necessary for them to hire buses and travel hundreds of miles just to 
hear the truth from me. This instance alone proves that the U.S. news 
media never will cease to be controlled by the world Zionists. 

You have to understand that Israel is not the real seat of the 
Jewish state. There are many times as many Israelis in the United 
States as in Israel because almost every Jew in this country also holds 
citizenship in Israel. So the small Jewish state in the Mideast is not the 
real Israel. The true headquarters of the world Zionists is in the U.S., 
not Israel. In essence, the United States of America is the world's 
largest Jewish state. This is ISRAEL. 

You are living in Israel if you now reside in the United States. 
There is no other logical way to look at this perilous situation. You 
people reading this report are living in Israel's land. You are the inter- 
lopers, not the Jews, in America. YOU are the intruders, so to speak, 
in your own land. You cocker spaniels are now no more than the lap 
dogs of the powerful Zionists. It is not your country anymore . You have 
given it away. No one wrested it from you. You people voluntarily gave 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 37 


away your nation. And the sad part is that there is no chance of ever 
regaining it. It is much too late for that. All you can do now is make 
the best of your predicament. You must resign yourselves to being 
ruled by others for the rest of your lives. You have no other choice. 

* * * 

The Israeli Embassy demanded and got eqnal time on the 
Washington station to attempt to refute and discredit me, I did not 
he&r the program so do not know what was said about me. But I am 
stite it was not complimentary* 

I did have an interesting time on a large South Florida radio sta- 
tion* The owner of this station happened to be vacationing at Hilton 
Head in South Carolina when he heard me speak on a station near 
there* He then called me and asked if I would go on his station for an 
hour of prime time at 8 P.M* local time. After I had been on his sta- 
tion for an hour that night detailing carefully the many fully-docu- 
mented cases of Israeli atrocities still going on in Lebanon and the 
West Bank, and then presenting absolute proof that Israel is now send- 
ing more arms to Iran than before the fake Iran-Contra Hearings last 
summer, this owner told me that I was doing just great and could I stay 
on for another hour? Well, I spoke from 8 to' 10:10 P*M* about the il- 
legal acts of Israel. But all hell broke loose because hundreds of 
Zionist-mad Jews heard the program. You can well imagine how it was 
received by them. Their anger at the station for allowing me prime 
time to destroy their carefully-crafted myths and propaganda lies 
caused one old crying Jew to phone in and say to me that even if my 
words were true I shouldn’t say them because it would destroy Israel. I 
tried to explain to him that I didn’t have the power to harm Israel that 
much, because most Americans would not believe me anyway* Would 
that I possessed such power! It would be a blessing* 

Then the besieged owner of the station panicked and to extradite 
himself and lay all the blame for this uprising of Jewish sentiment upon 
me, he told them: “I didn’t know what Mr. Taylor was going to say 
beforehand or I would not have invited him and he will never again ap- 
pear on this station.” 

Of course, he was lying through his chattering teeth as he stam- 
mered in abject fear, begging his way out of his predicament. He had 
known exactly what I was going to say. He had heard me in South 
Carolina and that is exactly why he had me on his station. And he 
asked me to stay a second hour which even ran ten minutes overtime. 
This he did after he had heard everything I had said the first hour, He 
wanted me to give the other side of the Mideast situation. But, in the 

end, he did not have the courage to stand up for his convictions. That 
did qot really bother me. I am used to being on the receiving end of 
such demonstrations. I don’t really blame the poor fellow. He had cer- 
tainly underestimated Jewish reaction to the truth. For this, he had to 

pay a price. I thought it was comical, in a sense. But it wasn’t funny at 
all to the owner. 

Another very interesting development occurred in Phoenix. After I 
had been on for about 40 minutes, the switchboard was flooded with 
phone calls from Los Angeles, over 300 miles away, where it would be 
absolutely impossible to hear any radio station in Phoenix. This par- 
ticular station could not even be heard 50 miles distant from Phoenix. 
So I knew that no one in Los Angeles, the home of about 250,000 Is- 
raelis and one million American Jews, could hear me in Phoenix. The 
station manager couldn’t understand it. He was talking about a pos- 
sible atmospheric condition which might have caused it. But I knew 

I knew immediately what had happened. The Jewish leaders in 
Phoenix had called their people in Los Angeles, who are especially 
trained in Zionist propaganda lies to fool the gullible American public, 
to find out what they should do about me. With radios in PhoenN 
placed by the telephones, the Jewish radicals in Los Angeles could 
hear me. Hence the calls from Los Angeles to the Phoenix station. 
They wanted to condemn me so that people in Phoenix would not 

believe me. That’s how far they will go to prevent the truth from being 

It goes without saying that the world Zionists resent greatly people 
like the readers of this magazine who are intelligent enough to know 
the truth about Israel. They want the younger generations of 
Americans to be kept in the dark and in total ignorance about world 
affairs to make it so much easier to control the United States. Here is 
how the plan to accomplish this will work. The scenario being put 
forth by Mr. Lewis J . P erelman of an organization called the National 
School Boards Association will amaze you. 

Here is the gist of his plan. He wants to do away with grades in 
U.S. public schools and the struggle to keep up with the smartest stu- 
dents. Under this clever plan, most American boys and girls would end 
their formal schooling at 12 or 13 years of age. 

There will be no more sorting of children the way eggs are clas- 
sified in A, B and C categories. Mr. Perelman says that American 
schools have in the past been run like nineteenth-century factories. 
What he means is that hereafter only “selected” students will use com- 
puters and other advanced technology in their development. The rank 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 89 

88 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

and file will not do advanced work and can get along in life-long 
genial jobs with practically no education. That way your grandchildren 
^ypn't know enough to challenge those who will then be openly running 
tthe country. 

The so-called U.S. -Soviet conference in Washington last Decem- 
ber can be summed up in a word — Jews. About 250,000 of them from 
yarious countries marched to the White House. Every news story and 
^commentary about the Summit mentioned the Jewish problem. The 
^problems of other groups and the welfare of the United States seemed 
to be secondary in importance to the welfare of the Soviet Jews. All I 
’heard was about Jewish solutions. Even President Reagan, according 
to his own words, was perfectly willing to hold off on saving the world 
from nuclear destruction until after the Jewish problem was taken care 
of in all details. 

Fortunately for mankind in general and especially Americans, the 
Soviets informed Mr. Reagan that the Jewish problem in the Soviet 
Union is a domestic one and not the business of the United States 
government. We should thank the Soviets for not seeing it Mr. 
Reagans way and dumping another million or so Soviet Jews on us. 
We have more than our quota already. 

♦ * * 

In The Life and Times of Menachem Begin , a new book by Amos 
Perlmutter, it is revealed that the Nazis were not the first to intern 
Jews in Poland during World War II, On page 38, Perlmutter states 
that Polish Nationalists tried to intern all Jews during the battle for 

Another interesting quotation from the book, on page 66, is one by 
Aba Achimeir, Jewish leader in Russia, who said: “Zionism is an im- 
moral movement.” Page 118 reads: “The Polish Army laid every im- 
aginable obstacle in the path of the Jews wanting to serve in its ranks. 
It discriminated against them, and so strongly discouraged Jewish 
recruitment that Polish representatives in the USSR and in London 
were greatly embarrassed. So Polish Jews joined the French Army in- 
stead, because they were welcomed by General DeGaulle .” 

But Mr. Begin joined the Polish Army despite discrimination and 
deserted it in 1943 to go to Palestine, where he joined the British 
Army, from which he also deserted. Mr. Begin doesn't mince words. 
On page 137, he is quoted as having written: “The terrorist govern- 
ment of Eretz Israel conducts an unheard of campaign of terror.” I 
couldn't have stated it better myself. Again on page 141, Mr. Begin is 
quoted: “I believe in the establishment of Zionist power and in ter- 

JfO Liberty Bell / June 1988 

rorizing the Mandatory (British) to achieve that goal." Thus on page 
145, Mr. Begin continues by saying: “The only choice was the gun and 
the hand grenade. We have no right not to use terrorism.” 

And what of the Arabs? Well, to Begin they were not human 
beings. “The Arabs,” he said, “would be frightened away from the 
main battle between the Jews and the British, The Arabs of Palestine 
are not serious rivals.” 

Certainly, according to the book, the British never came down 
with full force on Mr.Begin's terrorists. Such suggestions from the 
British military officers were rejected. There was no serious collective 
punishment, no real destruction of Jewish property, and no mass exile 
of Jewish terrorist or their leaders, as there was with the Arabs of the 
1936 revolt. 

During World War II, Jews in Palestine suffered very little. They 
were merely a little disturbed about the supposed slaughter of Jews in 
Europe. No more, Later when they learned of its great publicity value 
in the U.S,, the story was used more frequently for political purposes. 
Jews in Palestine did little or nothing to help European Jews. It was 
only after they learned of the shock value of tales about the Holocaust 
that their own propaganda made use of it, 

Mr, Begin, on page 163, writes: “There was an air of optimism all 
around when Roosevelt, who had steadfastly refused to take direct ac- 
tion to rescue the Jews of Europe, died. His place was taken by Harry 
Truman, who was much more sympathetic to us and to Jews in 

On July 25, 1945, Begin robbed the Agrobank in Tel Aviv. 
“Operation Chick” was the name he gave to the bombing of the King 
David Hotel, His goal was to make Palestine ungovernable for the 
British and the United Nations, Only General Bernard Montgomery 
called for stem measures against the Jewish terrorists of Mr. Begin, 
But the British government vetoed his plan. 

By March of 1946, Mr, Begin had carried out sixteen terrorist 
bombings of major British targets, including the British Officers Club 
in Tel Aviv, and the kidnapping of several British officers, who were 
foully murdered. The only hope for the British was the U.S. But under 
Truman, the government refused all assistance. According to Mr. 
Begin's views, if Roosevelt had not died when he did, there might not 
be an independent Israel today. I don't necessarily agree with that as- 
sessment by Mr. Begin, but it makes an interesting theory. 

Mr. Begin has always stated that the terrorist days when he was 
nothing but a common murderer were the most glorious epoch in the 
history of the Jewish nation. When the British failed to persuade the 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 U1 



Americans to join in the fight against Jewish terrorism in the Mideast, 
they relinquished their infirm hold on Palestine. Mr. Begin then proud- 
ly stated: ‘"Without Jewish terrorism, the British would never have left 
Palestine and there would have been no Jewish state.” He is, I believe, 
partly correct in that statement. In summing up this belief, it is quite 
obvious that terrorism and the ill-conceived notions of Mr. Truman 
had ja lot to do with the creation of Israel on land that had never right- 
ly’ belonged to them. It is said that a Jew named Eddie Jacobson, a 
bootblack and once a partner of Mr. Truman in his men’s clothing 
store, greatly influenced the president from Independence, Missouri— 
iflhe needed influencing. 3 

Mr. Begin posed as a “rabbi” named Israel -Sassover to avoid 
British police when he was wanted for murder with a reward of 
£50,000 ($200,000) on his head. 

When Mr. Begin announced his total rejection of the UN decision 
to partition Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs, 
he said: “The division is unlawful. We will never allow this because we 
want all of Palestine.” So far Mr. Begin has had his way. But some day 
it may be different. 

Mr. Begin is very proud of the fact that he ordered the murders of 
all the people in the Arab village of Dir Yassin. Here is his official 
statement to and about the “brave” men who shoved their bayonets 
into the stomachs of the pregnant women at Dir Yassin, which I wrote 
about in an earlier column. He said, “Accept my congratulations for 
this wonderful achievement at Dir Yassin, for this was a wonderful 
conquest. Tell all the men, the fighters and commanders, that we shake 
their hands. We are all proud of your magnificent offensive. Tell the 
men that you have made history in Israel by your offensive and act of 
conquest. Until victory, as in Dir Yassin and elsewhere, we shall storm 
and annihilate the enemy. God, God, to conquest you have chosen us, 
your people,” And this inhuman criminal named Begin is the person 
who is worshipped the most in the United States, so much so that an 
effort in the Dallas area to name a new high school for him almost suc- 
ceeded. Are we the dumbest people in the world or not? I leave it up 
to the -readers. 

* * * 

In closing, I should like to recommend highly two books. In recent 
years, I have received hundreds of books from people wanting me to 
mention them in my world-wide column and push them when I am on 
radio and television programs. Most of these books are not worth 

3. Truman was the son of a Sheeny by a White woman. 

reading and I would not even recommend them to my worst enemy. A 
great piany of them, although supposedly written by people who call 
themselves Christians, contain pure myths and blue sky religious non- 
sense about amazing Hebrew prophecies, such as Hal Lindsey’s collec- 
tion of tripe entitled The Late Great Planet Earth . He even identifies 
Gog as some kind of evil entity that flourishes in such diverse places as 
Russia and Libya. Any country not in good standing with the outlaw 
state of Israel gets short shrift. 

So when, by "chance, I do receive a book or two that are excep- 
tions, I th in k it proper to give them mention in case readers may want 
to purchase them. 

Dr. Margaret E. Stucki, who is a graduate of Barnard College and 
Columbia University and now lives in the state of Washington, has 
written a marvelous book of political satire in prose and verse, entitled 
Gullible’s Travels. Aside from this achievement, Dr. Stucki is also a 
well-known artist, listed among America’s outstanding modern 
painters. Her portraits have especially won praise from art critics. 

The varied topics covered by Dr. Stucki range from the phony im- 
port-export banking practice to how Americans won’t accept Com- 
munism except gradually in small but very potent doses under the label 
of modern Socialism. The caricature drawing on page 9 of Tip O’Neill 
is worth the price of the book. 

I like the fact that the book is dedicated to the late publisher of 
the international American Sunbeam , Mr. Delamer Duverus. This man 
really believed in a free press and proved it. Although I did not agree 
with all of his ideas, I will always be grateful to him because at one 
time, before my column was published world-wide, he was the only 
publisher who was not afraid to print it, 

, The biggest defect in Gullible’s Travels is that Dr. Stucki’s name is 
not on the cover in bold type. You can order it for $29.95 + $3.00 
postage from Liberty Bell Publications. 

The other book I recommend is The Score> by Rudy (‘Butch’) 
Stanko, who details how he was singled out for persecution, mostly be- 
cause of his old-fashioned Americanism. Courage, honor and love of 
one’s country are not exactly prized in Washington today. After read- 
ing the 1985 indictment against Mr. Stanko, I have to conclude that in 
some types of cases, especially ones that concern the welfare of 
minority groups, our judicial brand of government is no longer neutral. 
Or perhaps social justice requires that Americans who wickedly com- 
pete with Jehovah’s Jews be put out of business by the Federal govern- 

4.2 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 J+3 

Anyone interested in reading this one can order it for $15. + 
5$tL50 postage from Liberty Bell Publications. 

* * * 

"There is one fact about Senator Inouye that should be known to all 
/American taxpayers. Not only does he receive large amounts of money 
Israel; he actually has committed one of the .gravest crimes 
ragainst the American people since the days of Benedict Arnold. 

This little Japanese-American from Hawaii, who claims to be both 
in >war hero and an American patriot, actually sold out this .country 
When he sneaked in a provision attached to the appropriations bill to 
require you taxpayers to finance and support an exclusive private 
school in Paris for the children of wealthy Jews from North Africa. 
These are white Jews from Morocco and Algeria— not the so-called 
black Jews from Ethiopia. 

Neither the French government, the U.S. State Department, nor 
the United Nations High Commission for Refugees considers these 
Jews, most of them millionaires, to be legitimate refugees of any kind; 
they moved to Paris ten to twenty years ago and have done quite well 
for themselves. But Mr. Inouye wanted to do the bidding of these 
Zionists anyway. 

A large Jewish contributor to Senator Inouye also sits on the 
board of directors of the Ozar Hatorah Foundation, the agency that 
would be given your money to build this school. These Jewish mil- 
lionaires wanted a well-endowed private school to teach lessons in 
Hebrew to their children, but didn't want to use their own money to 
pay for it. So Mr. Inouye came bravely to the rescue. He told them just 
to leave everything to him and he would let the world's dumbest and 
most gullible people foot the bill— the uncomplaining, uncomprehend- 
ing American taxpayers. 

There is more. Your money was not only to be given to build the 
school, but by a built-in provision of inflationary increases each year, 
.the bill made certain that you taxpayers would be bound to continue 
being swindled for this outrageous scam, not just for the rest of your 
natural lives, but for the next millennium or until the Second Coming 
of Christ, whichever comes first. In other words, you were to be stuck 
with it forever. 

A group of well-heeled Jews in Paris first approached the French 
government. French officials flatly refused to have anything to do with 
their project. The French must be a lost smarter than we are. The 
French stated that their government is prohibited by law from building 
schools for religious groups. Of course, our U.S. laws also prohibit 

44 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

this, but since when did American legal statutes ever take precedence 
over the wishes of Jews? The U.S. Congress could not build a 
parochial school in America or anywhere else. No Congressman would 
think of even suggesting such a thing. But Congress can build a 
Hebrew school in Paris and force you taxpayers and your posterity to 
subsidize it forever. 

That is treason. It is treason even though Inouye had qualms when 
the clause he hoped no one would notice was spotted by some 
American observer, and he withdrew it. Yes, Inouye failed to ac- 
complish his purpose. So did Benedict Arnold. But that does not save 
Arnold's reputation. 

Mr. Innouye lied about receiving $48,500 from Israel. Now the 
man has proven that he is not only a liar, but he is also a thief. It's 
YOUR Money! 

I get sick at my stomach when I hear Senator Inouye, Representa- 
tive Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.), and various and sundry American Jewish 
leaders— all of whom are working in different ways to extort more and 
more money from the American taxpayers for the benefit of Israel and 
the world- wide Zionist Empire— trying to pass themselves off as so 
many George Washingtons. Mr. Kemp, as head of a group called 
Christians for Israel, even sent out four-page letters from his office 
begging Americans to send more money to Israel. These swindlers 
make the ignoble claim that doing all this for the world Zionist entity is 
the same as General Washington's fighting the tyranny of King George 

There is a difference — a big difference. Washington fought to 
make this nation independent. Those sleazy political hacks are just 
working for their employers, the international tribe that now owns your 
country and you. 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 45 

This article first appeared in the June 1988 issue of Liberty Bell. 
Annual subscription $25.00, Sample copy & booklist $4.00. 
Reprints of Jim Taylor’s articles are available at the following prices: 

THE NEXT VIETNAM (Sept. 1986 issue): 4/$1.50 10/$3.00 

50/$13.00 100/S25.00. HAMMERING THE U.S. (Oct. 1986 issue): 

5/$1.00 50/$9.00 100/$16.00. BUSH AND ZION (Nov. 1986 issue): 

3/$1.50 10/$4.50 500/$20.00 100/$35.00. REAGAN AND ZION 

(Dec. 1986 issue): 2/$1.50 10/$6.00 50/$25.00 100/$45.00„ ANTI- 

AMERICANS (Jan. 1987 issue): 2/$1.50 10/$6.00. 50/$25.00 

100/$45.00. MORE OF REAGAN’S LIES (Feb. 1987 issue): 2/$1.50 

10/$6.00 50/$25.00 100/$45.00. HOW ZION TRIUMPHS (March 

1987 issue): Single copy $1.00 10/$8.00 50/$35.00 100/$60.00. 

FRIENDS WE BETRAYED (April 198 issue): 2/$1.50 10/$6.00 

50/$25.00 100/$45.00. THE GREAT TERRORIST (May 1987 issue): 

2/$1.50 10/$6.00 50/$25.00 100/$45.00. ISRAEL’S PRESIDENT 

(June 1987 issue): 2/$1.50 10/$6.00 50/$25.00 100/$45.00. YOUR 

ENEMIES (July 1987 issue): 2/$1.50 10/$6.00 50/$25.00 100/$45.00. 

THE END OF A LOST EMPIRE (August 1987 issue): 2/$1.50 

10/$6.00 50/$25.00 100/$45.00. ZION’S HITMEN (September 1987 

issue): Single Copy $2.00 10/$15.00 50/$60.00. THE RISING SUN 

(November 1987 issue): single copy $1.50 5/$6.00 10/$10.00 

50/$45.00. THE CRIME OF CRIMES (December 1987 issue): single 

copy $1.50 5/$6.00 10/$10.00 50/$45.00. WHO OWNS 

WASHINGTON? (February 1988 issue): single copy $1.50 5/$6.00 

10/$510.00 50/$45.00. OUR SILLY SPIES, (March 1988 issue): 

single copy $2.00 5/$ 7.50 10/$13.00 50/$50.00. WHAT MAKES 

RONNIE RUN? (May 1988 issue): single copy $2.00 5/$7.50 

10/$13.00 50/$50.00. ISRAEL IS HERE (June 1988 issue): single 

copy $2.00 5/$7.50 10/$13.00 50/$50.00. 

For Postage and Handling include 
$1.50 for orders under $10.00, 15% for orders over $10.00. 

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4-6 Liberty Bell / June 1988 


The “Liberation of the Camps” continued from page 12 

THE SCORE by Rudy “Butch” Stanko, 389 
pp., hb., $15.00 plus $1.50 for postage and 
handling, available from Liberty Bell 
Publications, Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA. 

Rudy Stanko and his companies were a rising power in the 
U.S. Manufactured (ground) meat business. 

Their turnover was running at a rate of $200 million per 
annum. Debts were minimal. They supplied 45% of U-S. Army 
ground beef and were the dominant supplier for the school lunch 
programme. Their profitability was amongst the highest in the 


The Stanko’s knew the business after three generations of in- 
volvement. They had a consistent record from a list of satisfied 
customers. Life was good. 

In three days Rudy Stanko’s business was destroyed. 


Because he had underestimated the cartel which controls the 
U.S. meat industry. He had only seen them as competitors, and 
as such he could handle them. 

They were more. They were part of a family of cartels 
operating in many industries, in the media, in banking, and 
reaching into Government itself, which protects and promotes its 
interests at every level. A people strangely prepared to say and 
do whatever is necessary, without limitation, to increase and 
protect their power, and to whom the Mafia is a fifth rate power. 

As opposed to his business, Rudy Stanko the man, proved to 
be more resilient. In time he discovered what had been done to 
him, and who did it, and determined upon telling his story. 

At heart a rugged, western cowboy type, and as a former 
light-heavyweight champion wrestler, a man of fighting disposi- 
tion, Rudy tells his story in The Score “with no holds barred.” 

Those who have reason to want to know who really controls 
the U.S. meat industry and much more, have no option but to 
read his book. Order this “eye-opener” today! 

— Eustace Mullins 
Historian - Author 
Staunton, Virginia 

systematic delousing, quarantine of the sick, and cremation of the 
dead, the virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public 
health systems led to catastrophe. 

Perhaps the most authoritative statement of the facts as to typhus 
and mortality in the camps has been made by Dr. John E. Gordon, 
M.D., Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine and epidemiology at 
the Harvard University School of Public Health, who was with the U.S. 
forces in Germany in 1945. Dr. Gordon reported in 1948 that “The 
outbreaks in concentration camps and prisons made up the great bulk 
of typhus infection encountered in Germany.” Dr. Gordon summarized 

the causes for the outbreaks as follows: 

Germany was in chaos. The destruction of whole cities and the 
path left by advancing armies produced a disruption of living 
conditions contributing to the spread of the disease. Sanitation 
was low grade, public utilities were seriously disrupted, food 
supply and food distribution was poor, housing was inadequate 
and order and discipline where everywhere lacking. Still more 
important, a shifting of populations was occurring such as few 
countries and times have experienced. 

Dr. Gordon’s findings are corroborated by Dr. Russell Barton, 
today a psychiatrist of international repute, who entered Bergen-Bel- 
sen with British forces as a young medical student in 1945. Barton, who 
volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn 
oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 that “Thousands of prisoners who 
died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II 
weren’t deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of dis- 
eases.” 6 Dr. Barton further testified that on entering the camp he had 
credited stories of deliberate starvations but had decided such stories 
were untrue after inspecting the well-equipped kitchens and the 
meticulously maintained ledgers, dating back to 1942, of food cooked 
and dispensed each day. Despite noisily publicized claims and 
widespread popular notions to the contrary, no researcher has been 
able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation 
in the German camps. 

No Lampshades, No Handbags, Etc. 

What of the ghoulish stories of concentration camp inmates 
skinned for their tattoos, flayed to make lampshades and handbags or 
other artifacts? What of the innumerable “torture racks,” 
“meathooks,” whipping posts, gallows, and other tools of torment and 
death that are reported to have abounded at every German camp? 

48 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 49 

These allegations, and even more grotesque ones proffered by Soviet 
prosecutors, found their way into the record at Nuremberg. 

The lampshade and tattooed-skin charges were made against Ilse 
Koch, dubbed by journalists the “Bitch of Buchenwald," who was 
reported to have furnished her house with objects manufactured from 
the tanned hides of luckless inmates. But General Lucius Clay, military 
governor of the U.S. zone of occupied Germany, who reviewed her 
case in 1948, told his superiors in Washington: “There is no convincing 
evidence that she [Ilse Koch] selected inmates in order to secure tat- 
tooed skins or that she possessed any articles made of human skin." 
In an interview General Clay gave years later, he stated about the 
material for the infamous lampshades: “Well, it turned out actually 
that it was goat flesh. But at the trial it was still human flesh. It was al- 
most impossible for her to have gotten a fair trial." 8 Ilse Koch hanged 
herself in a West German jail in 1967. 

It would be tedious to itemize and refute the thousands of bizarre 
claims as to Nazi atrocities. That there were instances of German 
cruelty, however, is clear from the testimony of Dr. Konrad Morgen, a 
legal investigator attached to the Reich Criminal Police, whose state- 
ments on the witness stand at Nuremberg have never been challenged 
by believers in the Jewish Holocaust. Dr. Morgen informed the court 
that he had been given full authority by Heinrich Hiriimler, com- 
mander of Hitler's SS and the dread Gestapo, to enter any German 
concentration camp and investigate instances of cruelty and corruption 
on the part of the camp staffs. According to Dr. Morgen's sworn tes- 
timony at Nuremberg, he investigated 800 such cases, in which over 
200 convictions resulted. 9 Punishments included the death penalty for 
the worst offenders, including Hermann Florstedt, commandant of 
Lublin (Majdanek), and Karl Koch, Use's husband, commandant of 

In reality, while camp commandants in certain cases did inflict 
physical punishment, such acts had to be approved by authorities in 
Berlin, and it was required that a camp physician first certify the good 
health of the prisoner to be disciplined, and then be on hand at the ac- 
tual beating. 1 After all, the camps were throughout most of the war 
important centers of industrial activity. The good health and morale of 
the prisoners was critical to the German war effort, as is evidenced by 
a 1942 order issued by the SS-Brigadefuhrer Richard Glucks, chief of 
the office which controlled the concentration camps, which held camp 
commanders “personally responsible for exhausting every possibility to 
preserve the physical strength of the detainees," 11 

Concentration Camp Survivors — Merely Victims? 

U.S. Army investigators, working at Buchenwald and other camps, 
quickly ascertained what was common knowledge among veteran in- 
mates: that the worst offenders, the cruelest denizens of the camps 
were not the guards but the prisoners themselves. Common criminals 
of the same stripe as those who populate U.S. prisons today committed 
many villainies, particularly when they held positions of authority, and 
fanatical Communists, highly organized to combat their many political 
enemies among the inmates, eliminated their foes with Stalinist ruth- 

Two U.S. Army investigators at Buchenwald, Egon W. Fleck and 
Edward A. Tenenbaum, carefully investigated circumstances in the 
camp before its liberation. In a detailed report submitted to their supe- 
riors, they revealed, in the words of Alfred Toombs, their commander, 
who wrote a preface to the report, “how the prisoners themselves or- 
ganized a deadly terror within the Nazi terror." 12 

Fleck and Tenenbaum described the power exercised by criminals 
and Communists as follows: 

. . The trusties, who in time became almost exclusively Com- 

munist Germans, had the power of life and death over all in- 
mates. They could sentence a man or a group to almost certain 
death . . . The Communist trusties were directly responsible for 
a large part of the brutalities at Buchenwald. 

Colonel Donald B. Robinson, chief historian of the American 
military government in Germany, summarized the Fleck-Tenenbaum 
report in an article which appeared in The American Mercury shortly 
after the war. Colonel Robinson wrote succinctly of the American 
investigators' findings: “It appeared that the prisoners who agreed with 
the Communists ate; those who didn't starved to death." 13 

Additional corroboration of inmate brutality has been provided by 
Ellis E. Spackman, who, as Chief of Counter-Intelligence Arrests and 
Detentions for the Seventh U.S, Army, was involved in the liberation 
of Dachau. Spackman, later a professor of history at San Bernardino 
Valley College in California, wrote in 1966 that at Dachau “the 
prisoners were the actual instruments that inflicted the barbarities on 
their fellow prisoners." 14 

“Gas Chambers" 

On December 9, 1944 Col. Kirk and Lt. Col. Edward J. Gully in- 

50 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 51 

spected the German concentration camp at Natzweiler in Alsace. They 
repprted their findings to their superiors at the headquarters of the 
IX S - 6th Army Group, which subsequently forwarded Kirk and Gully’s 
repprt to the War Crimes Division. While, significantly, the full text of 
theiri report has never been published, it has been revealed, by an 
author supportive of Holocaust claims, that the two investigators were 
careful to characterize equipment exhibited to them by French inform- 
ants, as a “so-called lethal gas chambers,” and claim it was “ allegedly 

1 C 

used as a lethal gas chamber” [emphasis added]. 

Both the careful phraseology of the Natzweiler report, and its ef- 
fective suppression, stand in stark contrast to the credulity, the con- 
fusion, and the blaring publicity which accompanied official reports of 
alleged gas chambers at Dachau. At first, a U.S. Army photo depicting 
a GI gazing mournfully at a steel door marked with a skull and 
crossbones and the German words for “Caution!! Gas! Mortal Danger! 
Don’t open!” was identified as showing the murder weapon. Later, 
however, it was evidently decided that the apparatus in question was 
merely a standard delousing chamber for clothing, and another alleged 
gas chamber, this one cunningly disguised as a shower room, was exr 
hibited to American congressmen and journalists as the site where 
thousands breathed their last. While there exist numerous reports in 
the press as to the operation of this second “gas chamber,” no official 
report by trained Army investigators has yet surfaced to reconcile such 
problems as the function of the shower heads: Were they “dummies,” 
or did lethal cyanide gas stream through them? (Each theory has ,ap- 
preciable support in journalistic and historiographical literature.) 

As with Dachau, so with Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, and the 
other camps captured by the Allies. There was no end of propaganda 
about “gas chambers,” “gas ovens,” and the like, but so far not a single 
detailed description of the murder weapon and its function, not a 
single report of the kind that is mandatory for the successful prosecu- 
tion of any assault or murder case in America at that time and today, 
has come to light. 

Furthermore, a number of Holocaust authorities have now publicly 
decreed that there were no gassings, no extermination camps in Ger- 
many after all! All these things, we are told, were located in what is 
now Poland, in areas captured by the Soviet Red Army and off-limits 
to Western investigators. In 1960 Dr. Martin Broszat, who is now di- 
rector of the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History, which 
is funded by the West German government to support the Holocaust 
story, wrote a letter to the German weekly Die Zeit in which he stated 
categorically: “Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchen- 

52 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

wald were Jews or other prisoners gassed.” Professional Nazi-hunter 
Simop Wiesenthal wrote in 1975 that “there were no extermination 
camps, on German soil.” 17 And Dachau “gas chamber” No. 2, which 
was once presented to a stunned and grieving world as a weapon 
which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, is now described in the 
brochure issued to tourists at the modern Dachau “memorial site” in 
these words: “This gas chamber, camouflaged as a shower room, was 
not used.” 18 

The Propaganda Intensifies 

More than forty years after American troops entered Dachau, 
Buchenwald, and the other German camps, and trained American in- 
vestigators established the facts as to what had gone on in them, the 
government in Washington, the entertainment media in Hollywood, 
and the print media in New York continued to churn out millions of 
words and images annually on the horrors of the camps and the infamy 
of the Holocaust. Despite the fact that, with the exception of the 
defeated Confederacy, no enemy of America has ever so suffered so 
complete and devastating defeat as did Germany in 1945, the mass 
media and the politicians and bureaucrats behave as if Hitler, his 
troops, and his concentration camps continued to exist in an eternal 
present, and our opinion makers continue to distort, through ignorance 
or malice, the facts about the camps. 

Time for the Truth 

It is time that the government and the professional historians 
revealed the facts about Dachau, Buchenwald, and the other camps. It 
is time that they let the American public know how the inmates died, 
and how they didn’t die. It is time that the claims as to mass murder by 
gassing were clarified and investigated in the same manner as any 
other claims of murder are dealt with. It is time that the free ride cer- 
tain groups have enjoyed as the result of unchallenged Holocaust 
claims be terminated, just as it is time that other groups, including 
Germans, eastern Europeans, the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and the 
wartime leadership of America and Britain stop being scapegoated, 
either for their alleged role in the Holocaust or their supposed failure 
to stop it. 

Above all, it is time that the citizens of this great democratic 
Republic have the facts about the camps, facts which they possess the 
right to know, a right that is fundamental to the exercise of their 
authority and their will in the governance of their country. As citizens 
and taxpayers, Americans of all ethnic backgrounds, of all faiths, have 
a basic right and an overriding interest in determining the facts of inci- 

Liberly Bell / June 1988 53 

dents which are deemed by those in positions of power to be deter- 
minative in America’s foreign policy, in its educational policy, in its 
selection of past events to be memorialized in our civic life. The al- 
leged facts of the Holocaust are today at issue all over the civilized 
Svorld: in Germany, in France, in Italy, in Britain, in the Low Countries 
and Scandinavia, in Japan, across our border in Canada, and in the 
^United States of America itself. The truth will be decided only by 
recourse to the facts, in the public forum: not by concealing the facts, 
denying the truth, stonewalling reality. The truth will out, and it is time 
the government of this country, and governments and international 
bodies throughout the world, made public and patent the evidence of 
what actually transpired in the German concentration camps in the 
years 1933-1945, so that we may put paid to the lies, without fear or 
favor, and carry out the work of reconciliation and renewal that is and 
must be the granite foundation of mutual tolerance between peoples 
and of a peace based on justice, rather than on guns, barbed wire, 
prisons, and lies. 


1. Crime Doctor , a biography of Larson by John D. McCallum, Mercer, Washington 

& Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1979, p. 69. 

Xr Wichita Eagle , April 1, 1980, p. 4C. 

3. Crime Doctor , p. 46. 

4. Wichita Eagle , April 1, 1980, p. 4C. 

5. John E. Gordon, “Louse-Borne Typhus Fever in the European Theater of Opera- 
tions, U.S. Army, 1945,” in Forest Ray Moulton, Ed., Rickettsial Diseases of Man, 

. Am. Acad, for the Advancement of Science, Washington D.C. 1948. 

6. 1 Toronto Star , February 8, 1985, p. A2. 

7. ' New York Times , 24 September 1948, p. 3. 

8. Interview with Lucius Clay, Official Proceeding of the George C. Marshall Research 
Foundation , cited In “Buchenwald: Uegend and Reality,” Mark Weber, The Journal 
of Historical Review , Vol. 7, No. 4. 

9. International Military Tribunal, Vol. XVII, p. 556; IMT, Vol. XX, pp. 489, 438. 

10. Cited in The Theory and Practice of Hell, Eugen Kogon, Berkley Books, New York, 

1., -pp. 108-109. 

11: - Nuremberg document NO-1523. 

12. Buchenwald: A Preliminary Report, Egon W. Fleck and Edward A. Tenenbaum, 
U.S. Army, 12th Army Group, 24 April 1945. National Archives, Record Group 
331, SHAEF, G-5, 17.11, Jacket 10, Box 151 (8929/163-8929/180). 

13.. “Communist Atrocities at Buchenwald,” Donald B. Robinson, in American Mer- 
cury , October 1946. 

14. San Bernardino Sun-Telegram, March 13, 1966 (cited in The Man Who Invented 
“Genocide,” James J. Martin, Institute for Historical Review, IFIR, 1984, pp. 110- 

' - 111 . 

15. “Concentration Camp at Natzwiller [sic],” RG 331, Records of Allied Operations 
and Occupation, Army Headquarters WW2, SHAEF/G-5/2717, Modem Military, 
National Archives, Washington, D.C. 

16. • Die Zeit, Hamburg, Germany, August 26, 1960. 


51+ Liberty Bell / June 1988 

17. Books & Bookmen , April 1975, Vol. 7, p. 5. 

18. Leaflet, Memorial Site Concentration Cajnp Dachau, The International Dachau- 
Committee, Dachau, Germany, n.d. 


Theodore J. O’Keefe is the editor of The Journal of Historical Review . 
Educated at Harvard, he has studied history and literature on three 
continents, and has published many articles on historical and politi- 
cal subjects. 

The conclusions of the early U.S. Army investigations as to the truth 
about the wartime German concentration camps have since been cor- 
roborated by all subsequent investigators and can be summarized: 

1. The harrowing scenes of dead and dying inmates were not the result 
of a German policy of “ extermination ,” but rather the result of 
epidemics of typhus and other disease brought about largely by the ef- 
fects of Allied aerial attacks . 

2. Stories of Nazi super criminals and sadists who turned Jews and 
others into handbags and lampshades for their private profit or amuse- 
ment were sick lies or diseased fantasies; indeed , the German 
authorities consistently punished corruption and cruelty on the part of 
camp commanders and guards . 

3. On the other hand, the representations of the newly liberated inmates 
to have been saints and martyrs of Hitlerism were quite often very far 
from the truth; indeed, most of the brutalities inflicted on camp 
detainees were the work of their fellow prisoners, in contravention of 
German policy and Gertnan orders . 

4. The alleged homicidal showers and gas chambers had been used 
either for bathing camp inmates or delousing their clothes; the claim 
that they had been used to murder Jews or other human beings is a 
contemptible fabrication . Orthodox, Establishment historians and 
professional “Nazi-hunters” have quietly dropped claims that inmates 
were gassed at Dachau, Buchenwald, and other camps in Germany . 
They continue, however, to keep silent regarding the lies about Dachau 
and Buchenwald, as well as to evade an open discussion of the evidence 
for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and the other camps captured by 
the Soviets. 

For a sample copy of our monthly magazine, Liberty Bell, now in its 15th year of 
publication, and our complete book list, send $4.00. Additional copies of this article 
may be obtained at the following prices plus postage: 

10 copies: $2.50 — 50 copies: $10.00 
100 copies: $15.00 — 1000 copies: $120.00 
For postage add: orders under $10.00/$1.50;- orders over $10.00/15%. 

Order from: LIBERTY BELL PUBLICATIONS, Box 21, Reedy WV 25260 USA 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 55 




Harold A. Covington 

It would be difficult to underestimate the importance of the ver- 
dicts rendered in Fort Smith, Arkansas earlier this month [April]. A 
jury composed of White, working-class Southerners was confronted 
with a case so obviously fabricated and so blatantly political as to insult 
the intelligence of a ten-year-old. They replied in a manner that is still 
ringing in the air-conditioned warrens of the Federal bureaucracy and 
the conference rooms of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. 
In its own way, their reply was as loud as the shells which crashed into 
Fort Sumter 127 years before, almost to the day. Twelve White 
Southerners told the Federal government of the United States where 
to get off. Twelve Southerners called Uncle Sam a liar to his face. It 
was no coincidence that after the acquittals, the Texan Louis Beam 
repeated his defiance from the foot of the Confederate memorial. 

For the first time in the long history of Federal persecution of 
White political dissent, the United States threw the rule book com- 
pletely out the window. Always before, when our people were seized 
and tried and cast into living hell, there had always been a pretext, 
however thin, that they had actually done something. But now, for the 
first time, White men were on trial for their very beliefs , for the 
thoughts in their head, for their refusal to bend the knee and salute 
Gessler’s cap. For the first time, White men were on trial because of 
words spoken in the privacy of their own homes or casually during 
telephone conversations with people who later turned out to be 
Federal agents. For the first time, the r6gime was attempting to estab- 
lish a legal precedent of guilt by association, as eleven heroes of 'the 
Order were dragged from their places of torment and shoved on trial 
beside the three actual defendants. For the first time, the United 
States Constitution was openly mocked and derided by those who 
claim to be its guardians, in a disgraceful exhibition of hysterical 
hatred against White Americans and their spokesmen who refuse to 
suffer in silence and who will not betray their heritage or their God, 
The Union flag, the flag of corruption and putrefaction, the flag of 
President Jesse Jackson, at long last flew its true colors. 

And wonder to behold, the South rendered its verdict! The South 
listened and looked and understood the message of the Federal 

56 Liberty Bell / June 1988 

government of the United States, The South watched with cold con- 
tempt the procession of shambling, broken, degraded rodents whom 
the prosecution called as witnesses, the bitter and twisted ex-wives, the 
paid perjurers whose lies were as thin as tissue and whose tongues 
seemed to fork even as they spoke. It all came out, the whole sorry 
story of government deception and vileness. The plea bargain deals, 
the coaching of witnesses, the bribery, the money changing hands, the 
threats and intimidation against families, the violation of every Con- 
stitutional right and guarantee, the goons in three-piece suits with 
badges who harassed suspicious-looking Whites in the corridors and 
scowled menacingly at the jury in the courtroom. On one occasion 
Judge Arnold, one of the few remaining jurists on the Federal bench 
who appears to have some inkling that the U.S. Constitution exists, 
called the prosecution lawyers to one side and read them the riot act 
in no uncertain terms. Never in all his career, he told them, had he 
seen such a disgraceful procession of lunatics, Liars, and obvious 
criminal perjurers paraded before him in a court of law. Unless the 
Fed cleaned up their act forthwith, he would declare a mistrial on 
grounds of prosecutorial incompetence. 

In the persons of twelve laboring men and women, the South saw 
and heard. Like the character in Shakespeare’s MacBeth, the jury 
“....said the less, but thought the more.” And on April 7th, the South 
reached its verdict. Acquittals all across the board, and to hell with the 
United States of America and the horse it rode in on! The fallen of 
Shiloh and Spotsylvania Court House smiled from beyond the veil. 

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in the headquarters of the Anti- 
Defamation League on that Thursday night! In the statements issued 
by the ADL leaders one can almost hear the screams of rage and the 
flecks of foam on their rubbery lips as they rolled on the plush carpets 
of their office floors in a bellowing paroxysm of hatred and fear! 
Where now was the power of all their money? Where were the millions 
of dollars spent on “Holocaust” seminars and propaganda, on draft 
statutes for “hate laws” which their toadies in state legislatures passed 
so obediently? Where now their network of spies, informers, and 
provocateurs? Could the unthinkable now be happening? Could the 
previously docile American goyim now be in revolt? They knew that on 
the West Bank the Palestinians were no longer afraid, and that was 
bad enough. Palestinian youth daily charged the Israeli machine guns, 
bulldozers, and flamethrowers, dying on their feet rather than live on 
their knees any longer. Could the American goyim in the South be 
losing their fear of Jewish money as well? Why wouldn’t that jury in 

Liberty Bell / June 1988 57 

Fort Smith do as they were told? Had the Union lawyers not explained 
to them where their duty lay? 

, We have had few enough victories in our time, my brothers and 

sisters. Let us savor this one to the fullest. 

But the danger is not over, and let no one among us be so foolish 
as to believe that it has passed, A wounded animal is always 
dangerous, and ZOG was badly gored at Fort Smith, Henceforth we 
must be doubly Prudent and well organized in our political work. 
Desperate people do desperate things, and Judah is now becoming 
desperate. This is good, because a nervous and desperate Jew makes 

mistakes, but it increases the danger. 

The Fort Smith heresy trial is a glorious landmark in the history of 
our movement, and it is also a convenient watershed which we can use 
as a turning point. It is time — it is more than time that the transfor- 
mation of the movement to serious revolutionary politics which has al- 
ready begun be completed. Much excellent work in this transmutation 
has already been done by leaders such as Tom Metzger, Dr. William 
L. Pierce, and Rick Cooper. (Significantly, the Federal prosecutors 
more or less admitted at Fort Smith that, once convictions were ob- 
tained there, Pierce and Metzger were next on the government’s “hit 
list” of White dissident.) But more needs to be done. The movement 
needs to adopt the following measures as matters of urgency: 

• Genuine security measures must be taken to weed out informers and 
provocateurs, including background checks, polygraph tests, and a 

. national system of referencing. Every group must compartmentalize 
its operations and tighten up its act. 

• The practice of street-walking must cease . There are a dozen excel- 
lent and pressing reasons for this. Street-walking by tiny handfuls of 
White racialists who are pelted with rocks and bottles and some- 
times forced to flee by hordes of blacks, Jews, and Communists 
present an utterly atrocious and disastrous image of weakness, in- 
competence, and cowardice to the White public. Public activities, 
where we are mocked and spat upon by our enemies who are 
protected by the police from retaliation, are almost as bad. They 
make us look WEAK, and that above all is what we must avoid! At 
every White street-walk, photographers and observers from the FBI, 
the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and every political 
police in five states descends on the area. They take license num- 
bers, names, photographs, and every one of these ends up on the 
central computer banks in D.C., New York, and Jerusalem. Some- 

day people are going to die and disappear in the night, because 
some exhibitionist mini-Fuhrer wanted to strut his stuff and scream 
in the streets and get his face on the six o’clock news. I think we 
must be the only revolutionary movement in history that has begun 
its activity By handing a list of our members and supporters to the 
enemy. If the I.R.A. in Ireland tried operating the way we do here, 
they’d last about a week. 

Finally, we have been doing this mess for forty years now and 
we get no forrader. Street-walking doesn't work . It doesn’t work be- 
cause White people have seen this tactic co-opted by the blacks and 
the Communists and all the others that they despise. They will never 
respond to it in sufficient numbers to offset the drawbacks. It is 
stupid, it is irrational, and it is irresponsible. For Christ’s sake, let’s 
finally get the message and desist. 

• Casual dealings with the media must cease . Among the first of the 
prosecution witnesses against the Fort Smith defendants were 
reporters and camera crews who were invited into the Michigan and 
Idaho to cover events there. We need a small number of identifiable 
national spokesmen and a few more on state and local levels, who 
will operate under agreed procedures in dealing with the media. No 
cowboys, no maverick mouthing off to reporters, no grandstanding 
or stupid publicity stunts involving guns or wild talk; none of this 
must be tolerated. Running mouths in front on TV cameras .leads to 
people going to jail and tyrannical laws of oppression going on the 
statute books. The media are the enemy and must be treated as 

• We must leant and practice the arts of secrecy and the political un- 

derground method. We must learn to keep our butts down and our 
profiles low, all the while engaging in practical and extensive -politi- 
cal organizing. It is possible, of course, to keep too low a profile, to 
let security become an excuse for paranoia and inactivity. This 
mustn’t happen either; we must start learning how to strike the 
balance between common sense security precautions and bona fide 
political work. We have to learn how to function effectively .without 
laying ourselves open to the enemy. The “bull in the china shop” 
technique, the <f lets-go-out-on-public-property-and-do-something- 
wild-and-crazy-that will-get-us-arrested” attitude must be deep- 
sixed. ; 

58 Liberty Bell / June 1988 


Liberty Bell / June 1988 59 

Secrecy not only imparts security, it imbues us with power and 
{psychological strength as well. There is nothing that rattles the enemy 
itMjre than the idea that we’re all out there somewhere, subverting 
ap^ay and preparing his doom, and he doesn } t know who we are or what 
vpg’re getting up to. The White racist who sashays down the street 
wearing a comic-opera outfit is a figure of ridicule. The White racist 
that the Jew doesn’t see but who periodically makes him aware of his 
presence with subtle hints and subterranean activity, that White racist 
is J( fen feet tall and covered with hair in Yehudi’s mind. Covert activity 
an^d psychological warfare do far more harm to the enemy’s peace of 
mind and morale than any do-se-do down a public thoroughfare with 
cameras clicking. 

Disagree? Your prerogative, of course. But take a good long look 
at our history since 1945. Do these old and outdated tactics work? Oc- 
casionally, to be sure, we’ve managed to get thousands into the streets 
and parks. Where are they now? Where are the ten thousand Whites 
\yhp rallied in Marquette Park in Chicago ten years ago? Where are 
the. thousands who briefly arose in Forsyth County, Georgia? Where 
are. the hundreds in camouflage who marched behind Glenn Miller? 
W^at good has any of this done in the long run except target our best 
ppople for victimization? What has come of any of it except Fort Smith 
and ADL “model statutes”? 

■•4 • * 

•; God has given us a great gift at Fort Smith. He returned three of 
pur best and bravest to us, and he laid a nasty little thunderbolt on a 
certain office building in Silver Springs, Maryland, Let’s read the mes- 
sage of this wonderful Providence loud and clear. 

From Confederate National Congress Bulletin 
P.O. Box 1321, Raleigh NC 27602 CSA 


)jcig. bfxtl^ rio n -Wh i t e;:^6 Putihcre. 

4klgp a <W£rt:;:ta0r6 Tl^estirin^ Way 

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60 Liberty Bell / June 1988 



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