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Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the 
Classics at the University of Illinois 
for 32 years, is a scholar of inter- 
national distinction who has writ- 
ten articles in four languages for the 
most prestigious academic publi- 
cations in the United States and 

During World War II, Dr. Oliver 
was Director of Research in a high- 
ly secret agency of the War Depart- 
ment, and was cited for outstanding 
service to his country. 

V • 

One of the very few acade- 
micians who has been outspoken in 
*us opposition to the progressive 
defacement of our civilization, Dr. Oliver has long insisted that the 
fate of his countrymen hangs on their willingness to subordinate 
their doctrinal differences to the tough but idealistic solidarity^ 
which i^ the prerequisite of a Majority resurgence. 


On the 18th Amendment (Prohibition): ‘‘Very few Americans were 
sufficiently sane to perceive that they had repudiated the American 
conception of government and had replaced it with the legal 
principle of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat/ which was the 
theoretical justification of the Jews' revolution in Russia." 

* « 

On Race: “We must further understand that all races naturally 
regard themselves as superior to all others. We think Congoids 
unintelligent, but they feel only contempt for a race so stupid or 
craven that it fawns on them, gives them votes, lavishly subsidizes 
them with its own earnings, and even oppresses its own people to 
curry their favor. We are a race as are the others. If we attribute to 
ourselves a superiority, intellectual, moral, or other, in terms of our 
own standards, we are simply indulging in a tautology. The only 
objective criterion of superiority, among human races as among all 
other species, is biological: the strong survive, the weak perish, The 
superior race of mankind today is the one that will emerge 
victorious— whether by its technology or its fecundity— from the 
proximate struggle for life on an overcrowded planet.” 


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The editor-publisher of Liberty Bell does not necessarily agree with 
each and every . article in this magazine, nor does he subscribe to all 
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to permit the exposure of ideas suppressed by the controlled news 
media of this country, 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men 
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' George P. Dietz, Editor & Publisher 




Revilo P. Oliver 

Many believe that, as is quite possible, a large population of 

mediocrities requires the spiritual sustinence of a religion that 

promises survival after death as a compensation for the inevitable 

disappointments and sorrows of human life. If that is so, a 

replacement must be found for the demoralizing cult of the 

Jew-god that has, for fifteen centuries, blighted our race and 

sapped its vital instincts. And if the substitute religion is not to 

impair our race’s vitality, it must be in harmony with the Aryan 



An attempt to design and launch such a religion is being 
made by a group who call themselves Reincarnation, Incorpo- 
rated, with perhaps a gentle pun in the title. Their initial 
promotion is a forty-page tabloid paper, oddly but cleverly 
entitled What Is, of which seventy thousand copies are said to 
have been distributed from the new Delphi (P.O.Box 3009, 
Agoura Hills, California). A second printing of the same quantity 
is in prospect to recruit more “New Age Activists,” as members 
of the cult like to call themselves. 

The obvious basis for an Aryan religion is the doctrine of 
metempsychosis, which is congenial to our racial psyche and 
was a faith held wherever our race established its superiority , 
from India to Scandinavia. It reappears, with only a little 
modification, in Schopenhauer’s doctrine of the palingenesis of 
the will. 1 It is foreign to ah the Semitic religions, and appears 
among Mongolians only under the influence of Buddhism, 
which was exported from India to China. 

Belief in the transmigration of souls is not inherently 

1. Schopenhauer drew inspiration for much of his philosophy from the 
fifty Upanisads that he read in the Latin translation by Anquetil Duperron 
(Strassburg, 2 vols,, 18014802), of which he said {Parerga, II, 185 J, ^ 
has been the most elevating reading which (with the exception of the 
original text) there can possibly be in the world. It has been the solace o 
my life, and will be of my death.” 

December 1986 ^ 

unreasonable. It is untainted by the trumpery ‘revelations 5 and 
preposterously childish tales of the Jewish concoction called 
Christianity. Since souls are, by definition, invisible and im- 
palpable, one cannot prove that they do not exist and do not 
ixei as a catalyst, so to speak, in initiating and maintaining the 
chemical and bio -electrical reaction called life. And if souls 
exist as a kind of subtle energy, the transfer of the undetectable 
-spark from one organism to another would conform to a 
psychic law of the conservation of energy, and one could, of 
course, give the doctrine a now fashionable embroidery by 
discoursing on analogies with quantum mechanics. A soul thus 
conceived could be the real personality of an individual, and not 
entirely irrational explanations can be found for an incarnate 
souks inability to remember its previous incarnations. Unlike 
other religions, a faith in metempsychosis need involve nothing 
that is demonstrably false. 

The doctrine of metempsychosis was brought to its fullest 
and most logical form by the Aryans of India, who perfected it 
by combining with it the concept of karma ( karman ). 2 This 
produces a grandiose system of psychic evolution that neatly 
parallels the scientific fact of biological evolution. The indivi- 
dual soul is presumed to have begun with the lowest and simplest 
form of organic life and to have developed itself, through its 
experiences and actions in each incarnation, ascending gradually 
to ever higher forms of life and eventually to the higher mam- 
mals, who become capable of conscious moral activity. By the 
time that we become human beings (perhaps even before), the 
moral quality of an individual’s actions automatically determine, 
by an unalterable natural law, his social status and his fate 
(i.e,, what happens to him, as distinct from what he does 
voluntarily) in his next incarnation. If he discharges faithfully 
his moral obligations in the status in which he is bom, he will 
have a higher (and morally more demanding) status in his next 
life, if, on tire other hand, he violates the morality of the 
natural law, he will revert to a lower social status and suffer in it 
condign tribulations, or, if his guilt exceeds such demotion, he 
i everts to a subhuman mammal and has to progress to human 
fonn once more. 

This is, of course, a rational religion. Karma is governed by 

2. When one cites Sanskrit nouns and adjectives, one does not give the 
nominative singular, as in Greek and Latin, but the special base, or ‘pausa ’ 

.P™ useci m d * c tionaries and in grammatical treatises, from which 

the inflected cases are derived. 


Liberty Bell 

a natural law inherent, like gravitation, in the structure of the 
universe. There is no need for a theodicy, the intellectual reef 
on which all monotheist religions are wrecked. There is no need 
for a creator of an eternal universe and no function for a god 
who intervenes in human affairs. One of the six orthodox 
religious philosophies of India, the Nimvara-Safhkhya, is 
frankly atheistic in the sense that it excludes a creating or 
governing god, although it does admit higher forms of life to 
which humans may evolve and thus become beings - that are 
superhuman, just as we are supersimian. 

If you must have a god, the alternate ( Sesvara ) system will 
give you one who is like the god in Plato’s Politicus: he designed 
and fashioned the perfect mechanism of the universe and, after 
setting it in motion, left it to function automatically, giving no 
further attention to it and its inhabitants. Only fools would try 
to attract his attention by performing childish rites or whimper- 
ing prayers, but by the moral law of the universe austerities and 
self -mortification automatically (and regardless of an individual’s 
intent in performing them) release the cosmic energy of tapas 
and thus confer psychic powers that may be exerted in this or 
in subsequent lives. 

You will have seen that this is also a socially perfect religion. 
However disagreeable may be your present status in life and 
however great may be the injustice and suffering that you must 
endure, you are thus expiating your moral errors in a preceding 
life, while your fortitude in accepting without protest the 
consequences of your past immorality automatically generates 
the moral quality that will raise you to a higher status in your 
next life. The doctrine even reconciles the races: a nigger is 
assured that by good conduct he can ascend racially and even- 
tually be bom an Aryan. 3 A society that fully accepts the 
belief in karma is one in which discontent, social agitation, 
political conflict, and revolutions are all impossible. 


3. The stages of transition from the Vedas to the doctrine of the later 
Upanisads is obscure, but one conjecture, drawn from the term d.vija 
(Tom again’), applied only to Aryans, is that originally only Aryans were 
thought capable of reincarnation, while black-skinned Dravidians and apes 
were thought to perish like all other lower mammals. That was a biolo- 
gically wholesome attitude, and an historian may regret that it was super- 
seded by formulation of the complete scheme of spiritual evolution called 
karma. By another conjecture, one regarding the origin of the caste 
system, one can suppose that the civilized white race that preceded the 
Aryans in the Indus Valley was included among the Torn again.’ 

December 1986 3 

Such is the perfectly logical and coherent religion that the 
Aryans in India fashioned from the religion of the J^g-veda that 
was theirs when they invaded that subcontinent and which 
they never formally repudiated, despite the implications of the 
doctrine I set forth above. 4 The older religion and its analogues 
naturally 'dominated! the great literature in Sanskrit. All belief 
in hyper-physical phenomena was, for a time, challenged by the 
strictly rational and materialistic (i.e., scientific) conception of 
the universe and life called Lokayctu . 5 The religious concep- 
tions of India were profoundly perturbed and altered by the dis- 
astrous and egalitarian heresy called Buddhism, a religion that 
had been fashioned from gross perversion of the austere and 
profoundly pessimistic philosophy of Gautama. And the 
common people, increasingly mongrelized by miscegenation in 
defiance of the Aryan Laws of Manu, while never doubting 
metempsychosis, sought to evade natural law by magic, that is, 
by invoking the intervention of a god (e.g., Krishna) or goddess 

(e.g, Kali) whom they pleased and flattered by sacrifices and 
other acts of special devotion. 

It would be pointless to mention here the wild variety of 
grotesque sects, each with its gang of holy men intent on 
exploiting the superstitions of the populace, that flourish in 
modem India, but it may be relevant to give a glimpse of the 
corruption of the old Aryan conception of reincarnation and 
karma among the most highly cultivated Hindus of the age that 
followed the rise of Buddhism in India. A good example is one 

4. 1 have given a concise-perhaps too concise-summary of Hindu religions 
and religious philosophies in Appendices A, B, and C to my translation of 
the Mrcchakatlka (Little Clay Can); cf. Appendices D, E, and L. The 
essentials can be learned from any good reference work. 

5. In a very early article, written with Spenglerian fatalism, I wrote; “We 

need not be astonished that Hindu skepticism enjoyed only a relatively 
brief existence; no malism was ever more than transitory, for in philoso- 
phy, as in daily life, men are naturally cowards and optimists. Skepsis 
always consumes itself; it is a brilliant flame that, like a magnesium flare, 
bursts forth for a moment in the tenebrous night, and then vanishes, 
leaving the darkness more impenetrable than ever.” According to Spengler, 
gerontic civilizations enter a period of “second religiosity” before they die; 
we may now have reached that stage, Other and perhaps better explana- 
tions are possible, such as the observed decline of the level of intelligence 
in proletarian and multiracial societies, or the necessary effect of a civiliza- 
tion that contravenes the innate instincts of our species. (I am thinking of 
an extremely important article by Alan McGregor that will appear in. a 
coming issue of th c Mankind Quarterly; I plan to consider it in connection 
with the phenomena of sexual perversion.) 


Liberty Bell 


of the great works of Sanskrit literature, the Kadambari of Bana 
(completed after his death, c. A.D. 650, by his less talented 
son). It is written in the ornate and alembicated prose that is 
esteemed as more poetic than verse— a mannered and artificial 
style that reminds one of Euphuism, but paradoxically also 
reminds one of the German style of Kant, for, given the incom- 
parable lexical and syntactical suppleness of Sanskrit, it can be 
said of Bana, as it was of Kant, that he often dives into a sen- 
tence and comes up, several pages later, with the verb in his 
mouth. The Kadambari is a work that was accessible only to the 
most highly cultivated readers. 6 

The story opens at the court of a famous king and dramatist, 
Sudraka, whose very name shows that he was not a true Aryan. 
(He cannot have been a ^udra, but he probably was a hybrid 
like Dumas, his father's Aryan blood mingled with that of a 
woman of lower race.) To him comes a Candala, a maiden of 
wondrous beauty, although she belongs to the very lowest and 
most despised caste. 7 (Don't worry: you will eventually 
discover she is the goddess Lakshmi in disguise.) She presents 
to the king a learned and eloquent parrot, who, after composing 
verses in the king's honor, narrates a long and intricate romance, 
inset with subordinate stories, which is the body of the work 
but need not be outlined here. The wise parrot's discourse 

6. If you have sufficiently mastered Sanskrit to read the Mahabhcirata or 
the Katbasaritsagara without difficulty, you will find that reading Bai>a is 
like breaking trail in three feet of snow. There is an English translation by 
C. M. Riding (1906), which I have not seen. Aside from the inimitablv 
ornate and poetic diction, Bana’s work has a considerable charm in its 
sensitivity to the beauties of nature, but the late Arthur Berriedale Keith, 
the foremost authority on Sanskrit literature, was certainly right in saying 
that it will seem fantastic, uninteresting, and tedious to readers who have 
no settled belief in metempsychosis. 

7. The offspring of a white woman of the highest primary caste by a 
brown-'skined male of the lowest is the result of miscegenation so r mon- 
strous that he (or she) is particularly accursed. The descendants of such 
persons are Candalas ; they are legally dead and must carry rattles to warn 
of their approach so that decent persons can avoid ItheToathsome sight. 
They serve as executioners and porters of corpses, since they cannot be 
more polluted than they are by birth. They are, however, morally superior 
to Englishmen and Americans, who commit the heinous crime of eating 
beef and will therefore be reborn as pigs or worse. 

December 1986 


causes the "veil of ignorance’ 5 to fall from before the kind’s 
eyes, and he learns of his earlier incarnations on earth and at 
the behest of the disguised Lakshmi before she ascends ? to 
heaven, he dies and eventually discovers that he is really Lord of 
the Night, Regent of the Moon. His terrestrial sufferings have 
atoned for the moral lapse that brought upon him the curse 
that sent him to earth, so he rejoins his favorite wife and wins 
Kadambarl, the maiden whom he especially loves and long 
desired in vain. The three thereafter dwell in his lunar orb 
together with their friends and associates, but from time to time' 
revisit the two terrestrial kingdoms that belong to them. 

You will not need to be shown how drastically this story 

departs from the basic simplicity and rationality of the Aryan 

doc urine of karma that I outlined above, I have mentioned it 

expressly to show how the pure doctrine of karma can survive 

contamination by notiohs of deities who intervene in earthly 

affairs,^ incarnate divinities, and even the mystical efficacy of 

curses, That should make us cautious in criticizing modem 

adaptations of the doctrine that are designed for popularity 
today. * 

The concept of a transmigration of souls is, as I have said, 
native to our race. It. reappeared frequently in the literature of 
the Nineteenth Century (e.g„ in two of Edgar Allen Poe’s most 
memorable short stories or Theophile Gautier’s Avatar ), Lang- 
don Smith spontaneously saw the parallel between metempsy- 
chosis and biological evolution in his one well-known, poem, 
When you were a tadpole and I was a fish,/ In the Paleozoic 
time. In our century , the concept has been popularized by the 
“memories” of “Bridey” Murphy, Joan Grant, “Taylor Cald- 
well (Mrs. Marcus Reback), and others, The doctrine, further- 
more, is susceptible of a kind of “proof.” 

Most literate persons read in their youth vivid tales set in 
ancient or transcend en tally exotic cultures, such as Ryder 
Haggard’s She, Flaubert’s Salammbo , Georg Ebers ’ Der Kaiser, 
Merejkowski’s Tutenchamon auf Kreta , Maseras’ Ildaribal 
Pierre Louys Aphrodite , or any of a hundred others. Such 
stories, set in a panorama of a vanished civilization, make a deep 
impression on the minds of youthful readers, but fade from the 
conscious mind in subsequent decades. As the readers, especial- 
ly if they are female, approach or enter middle age, their 

8. The parrot is an estimable young man who was reborn as a parrot 
because he was cursed, not by a holy man as is so common in Hindu story, 
but only by a maiden whom he had wearied with protestations of love, 

^ Liberty Bell 

I , youthful impressions, nan: fee* recalled! m hypnosis; they nagy 

f spontaneously mistake them for memories, of a past incarnation, 

|f and they will almost certainly do so, if they have been prepared 

for a “past life regression” by a skilled hypnotist. 
f _ There should, therefore, be a large and active market, for a 

new religion based qn metempsychosis and! karma, now that 
Mme. Blavatsky’s Theosophy is quite worn outL. It, is; not easy , • 
however, to estimate the potential of Reincapiaiijion,, Incorpor- 

The forty pages of its tabloid, half of them written by one 
man, are chiefly devoted to glowing descriptions of how won- 
derful it is to be a “New Age Activist,” and they have compara- 
. tively little to say about a specific metaphysical doctrine, One 
principal theme is a vehement but entirely justified polemic 
against the Jesus-jerks of the “Moral Majority” and “New 
Christian Right,” who are so lavishly promoted by the Jews/ 
boob;4ubes and; have already excited such mindless fanaticism 
that one of the chief hokum-peddlers has set himself up as a 
candidate for the Presidency, and the Revolutionary Tribunal in 
Washington has shown ominous signs of coming to a working 
agreement with the crude communism of early Judaeo-Christian 
cults. One can only applaud the polemic, which gives the new 
religion a present utility. 

The bits of doctrine that one can gather from obiter dicta 
scattered through the forty pages indicate that the basic doc- 
| trines of karma have been incorporated in am odd mishmash. 

The sect teaches acceptance of the world as it is, and that is 
good, but then we encounter a blob of Christian sentimentality 
i in the strange affirmation that. “the Law of Grace supersedes 

the Law of Karma... All your positive and loving thoughts and 
actions go to cancel out your stored-up bad karma.” Now this 
directly contravenes the basic doctrine, according to which 
sentiments and thoughts have no effect in themselves, and 
actions are all that count. The word karman means *a’n act, 
deed,’ and is in some writings taken as an antithesis to belief 
and the kind of thought that does not result in physical action. 
Thus karmanurupa may designate what is in accord with a 
constant action or function, such as a chemical reaction, as well 
as the conduct and fate of a man that are in accord with his 
actions in a previous life. It is the latter conception, of course, 
that is fundamental to the religio -philosophical doctrine that 
takes its name from karman . 

Then we are told “everyone is here on earth to fulfill their 
December 1986 7 

[sj'c] dharrna and to resolve their karma by rising above fear snH 
learnmg to express unconditional love ” I am not sure what 
means Dharma is ‘duty, propriety, justice,’ and hence thp 
prescribed conduct of a man (or woman) in the social status and 
position to which he (or she) has been born. Fulfilling those ? 
obligations faithfully advances one spiritually; violation of that -t 
duty will result in rebirth in a lower and more unpleasant status ' 

It is the dharma of a slave to serve -his master loyally; the I 
dharma of a soldier, to slay the enemies of his king; and the I 

dharma of a king (as is so clearly stated in the famous Arthasas- ! 

tra), to be merciless toward criminals and subversives, and to 
root them out, even by using a corps of agents provocateurs. 

There isnt a word about bubbling with love, conditional or 

The “New Age Activists,” we are told, “will be an army of 
people armed with love” and they will “replace repression and 
ear with peace and light.” So we end with more of the old 
uncombe. Such pie may be served in the sky, but it will never 
be found on earth, and it is a peat disservice to arouse an 
appetite for an imaginary confection. I suppose this nonsense 
was put in to stimulate the glands of compulsive do-gooders. 

I refrain from commenting on the two-page spiel by a 

certain Joseph Goldstein, who twice assures us that “Sexual 

misconduct can most easily be understood as refraining r ! 1 

rom those actions of sensuality which cause pain and harm to 

others. If he means what he says, he should laud the famous 

Marquis de Sade, who was most emphatically not guilty of such 

What is most disturbing is that Reincarnation, Incorporated, 

carries with it a whole passel of fakirs and mystery -mongers, all 

eager to perform magic if you cross their palms with silver. One 

female will bang a Tibetan gong (probably made in Brooklyn) 

to help you remember your past lives in Tibet and to “facili- 

tate.. the nsmg of the Kundalini.” I forbear asking about her 

qualifications, but in my quite limited reading in the sources, if 

memory does not deceive me, it was implied that only males 

have a kundalini a cute psychic snake that issues from the 

sexu organs, climbs up the spine, and enters the brain to fill it 
with transcendence. 

There are “psychics” who will read your destiny from tea 
eaves, from quartz crystals (giving you “crystal energetics”), 
from the palms of your hands, just as they used to do in the 
• tents of the old carnivals. “International authorities” will teach 

° Liberty Bell 


you how to raise your “vibrational level” and will introduce 
you to “spirit guides,” just waiting to act as your unseen (but 
not unpaid) cicerone and show you the sights of spookland; 
how to have fun in trances, even if you don’t know what you 
are doing; how to work up enough “psychic ability” to remem- 
ber at least three of your past lives; and how to get such a big 
dose of awareness that you will be “attuned to the awesome 
power that guides the universe” and make “love’s psychic 
dimensions” work for you. “Top parapsychologists” will teach 
you how to have “extra-sensory perception” and “nurture your 
ESP ability,” to the astonishment of your friends. (That should 
be lots of fun, but my guess is that any card-sharp could teach 
you more about stacking a deck of cards— and would do it for 
less.) And to complete the show, there are astrologers all over 
the lot, and all of them have got computers now and can tell 
you with scientific accuracy just what the planets, including 
Pluto and, I suppose, the larger asteroids, such as Vesta, Ceres, 
and Pallas, are going to do to you tomorrow. One wizard, who 
has the same address as Reincarnation, Incorporated, will, for 
only $16.00, jiggle his “IBM System 36” computer for you and 
give you a printout to “bring energy to each part of your 
personality”— and, you know, a big computer like that just 
couldn’t make a mistake. 

Now I am sure that some prospective customers will be 
repelled by some or all of those side-shows and turn away from 
the main tent, and others will be displeased by the somewhat 
inept collocation on page 9 of “the liberal leadership, New Age 
practitioners, homosexuals (estimated at over 40 million)” as 
three groups, presumably equally precious, who will be run into 
“Nazi death camps,” if the awful “Fascists” get control after 
the impending collapse of this ruined and bankrupt country. 
What I do not profess to know is what percentage of potential 
customers will be alienated by such ingredients in the. mish- 

The potentiality of Reincarnation, Incorporated, further- 
more, is delimited by the fact that if a. new religion is to attract 
multitudes, it must exhibit a great novelty and seem to be 
radically new. It must differ drastically from all religions in 
vogue when it is introduced. The new cult, however, offers 
only crambe reptita, warmed-over cabbage. The chatter about 
“love” and “higher consciousness” and “transcendental values” 
that Theosophy peddled in its hey-day, when such figments of 
the imagination differed attractively from the dreary quibbles 

Decern ber 1 986 9 

of Christian theology, are now stale and tedious; they are 
offered today by a hundred competing sects and with only 
slight variations. 

To give a specific example: What does Reincarnation 
Incorporated, offer that is not also offered by the Stelle Group 
which I mentioned obiter in Liberty Bell , August 1984, p. 13? 

The differences are only in the trimmings of the worn-out 

If a new religion based on metempsychosis and karma is to 
command wide adherence, it must offer some doctrine that is 

not now tediously familiar to everyone who has gone shopping 
in the salvation-marts. 

In sum, then, I am inclined to believe that the new religion 
is perhaps fatally flawed as it comes from its makers, and I 
should suppose that it has little chance of becoming more than 
just another weird cult for people who want to believe whatever 
is incredible. But when I remember the jumble of inconsistent 
and even antithetical ideas in all of the most popular cults in 
India, of which the best is illustrated by the Kadambafi y I 
prudently refrain from categorical predictions about what 

Weishaupt’s “marvellous mind of man” cannot be made to 

* * * 


In the American Atheist for April 1966, Madalyn O’Hair 
published an exegesis of one of the early Jewish hoaxes, the 
preposterous tale called Exodus in the Jew-book. As everyone 
knows, it is an absurd story of how the vicious and sadistic god 
whom the Jews created in their own image afflicted the Egyp- 
tians, in all the ways a depraved imagination could invent, so 
that his chosen predators could gloat over the suffering of the 
goyim. The tale, of course, is no more historical than any story 
in the Arabian Nights , although it is more disgusting. It is 
simply fiction of wish-fulfillment, devised so that the Jews 
could enjoy in imagination a momentary satisfaction of their 
insatiable hatred of civilized mankind. But it also served as a 
hoax, comparable in audacity to their recent “Holocaust,” by 
which they indulge their venomous hatred of the Germans, a 

people who tried to emancipate themselves from servitude to 
their parasites. 


Liberty Bell 

Incredible as it should seem, the Jews, through their 
Christian subsidiary, put oyer the hoax about their “exodus” 
from Egypt, making stupid goyim believe the crude fiction was 
historical and that the impossible events described in it had 
actually occurred. Even today, many Christian dervishes claim 
that the whole of the frowzy and grotesque Jew -book is “the 
verbally inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.” Mrs. 
O ’Hair’s exegetical paraphrase of the wild story is both accurate 
and hilarious, and it would be salutary reading for the probably 
numerous Christians whose minds were not permanently 
deformed in childhood. 

What interests us in the article are the introductory para- 
graphs in which Mrs. O’Hair reports an experience that is a 
perfect example of the technique that is used to keep Americans 


To her astonishment, a radio station invited her to give a 
half-hour presentation of the case for atheism. When she 
arrived at the station, however, she found present a Catholic 
priest, “decked out in the usual black garb, obviously in mourn- 
ing for the death of his brains,” and a rabbi, who “sported a 
dinky, somewhat dirty, doily on the top of his head.” The 
sleek hireling who was conducting the interview explained that 
the station had to present “all sides” and give a “balanced” 
presentation. When it was pointed out that, by that criterion, 
whenever howling dervishes make their pitch for the Jesus- 
business, an atheist should participate to “balance” the presen- 
tation, the shyster was aghast; he wriggled and explained that 
there weren’t enough atheists to make it good business for the 

The two hokum-peddlers, the Jew and his Christian under- 
study, naturally began with a typically dishonest attack on the 
speaker, and the “moderator” joined them in their yapping. 
Mrs. O’Hair had about six minutes in which to ward off the 
attacks, but even so, she evidently made a better presentation 
than the schemers expected, for the taped interview was never 

This is a perfect example of what “fairness” and “balanced 
presentation” mean in the various media of communication, the 
daily press, the radio, and the boob-tubes, all of which are 
either owned or otherwise controlled by the predatory race. 

The hireling in the radio station who set the trap for the 
speaker was only one of the innumerable pimps who exploit the 
gullibility of the ignorant masses. It is possible, of course, that 

December 1986 H 

he believed the hackneyed sales-talk of the holiness-vendors 
their unproven and dubious claim that their superstition some- " 
how reduces the incidence of crime . 1 He could have been 
convinced that religion was a “social good,” and therefore to be 
promoted, as the Fathers of the Church promoted their cult, by 
every sort of trickery and mendacity, the end supposedly 
justifying the means. Butwhat the mannikin may have believed 
is irrelevant. There is only one relevant fact: he had a job. 

He had a job— and with it, the morality of a slave. He was a 
creation of the most potent and least noticed device that the 
Jews use to destroy the civilization and race they hate, poison- 
ing the one and enslaving the other. That device has been 
presented to the unthinking public as two forms of social 
organization that are made to seem antithetical, Communism 
and Capitalism, although they are really complementary and 
like two sides of one coin, since one implies the other. Thus 
persons who mistake propaganda for reality fail to see that 
the function of both is to abolish private property and thus 
reduce the entire population to effective slavery. The imposi- 
tion of Communism on Americans has thus far been primarily 
carried out by the corporations created by financiers with the 

1 . A more valid claim for religion was generally accepted in the Nineteenth 
Century, when faith in the supernatural was regarded as a prophylactic 
against subversion and revolution, That was largely a consequence of the 
French Revolution, which is often called “atheistic” because Hebert and 
his followers, who were stridently atheistic, were prominent in the early 
stages of the Revolution and until the devious Robespierre had their heads 
c opped off. In his denunciation of them, Robespierre, appealing to the 
egalitarian frenzy of the crazed nation, charged that “atheism is aristo- 
™ c ; ( Hebert was the son of a bankrupt goldsmith, but the inventor of 
World Government for World Peace, Jean Baptiste du Val-de-Grace, alias 
Anacharsis Clootz, was a Baron of Dutch origin with an estate in Prussia.) 
Robespierre was a deist who believed in the necessity of religion, and after 
he cleverly used the “Hebertistes” and the “Dantonistes” to destroy each 

i e3 \ 1£ . had their heads Amputated, he celebrated the return to religion 
with the famous Fete de 1’Etre Supreme (1794), just before the Terror was 
accelerated into the phase of most intense and wholesale butchery. The 
savagery and horror of the French Revolution induced George Washington 
who was also a deist, to include a strong recommendation of religion in his 
Farewell Address (1796). He carefully avoided mention, of Christianity, 
but that hoes not stop Jesus’s sales-force from claiming his endorsement. 

The claim that Christianity is a stabilizing force in civilized society has, 
of course been conclusively refuted by the fact that the great majority of 
its influential holy men, whether Catholic or Protestant, are now Com- 
munist agitators, although theypreferto talk, with characteristic hypocrisy, 
of a social gospel” or “liberation theology.” They have reverted to 

primitive Judaeo-Chnstian Bolshevism 


Liberty Bell 


aid of counterfeit currency. And few have been sufficiently 
alert to notice what was happening. 

Even fifty years ago , after the Jews and their accomplices 
had already destroyed the primacy of landed wealth, the one 
sure guarantee of such liberty as is humanly possible, the 
average American town had its “leading citizens,” the owner of 
the local hotel, the owner of the local department store, the 
owner of the local foundry or factory, and men similarl y 
situated, who had the power to make their own decisions and 
hence the independence that goes with the ownership of proper- 
ty. Today they are all gone, replaced by “managers,” the 
hirelings of corporations that are owned by corporations that 
are in turn owned by the freebooters of what is called “inter- 
national finance.” And, in conformity with the strategy of 
uprooting Americans, the “managers” are periodically shipped 
from one part of the country to another, having no real home. 
If the corporations were replaced, as in Russia, by the state, no 
one would notice a significant social difference. 

The manager has a job, not a position. He is told what he 
must do, and he can “get ahead” only by doing it efficiently to 
the satisfaction of the manager above him, who is similarly 
situated and dependent on his superior in a chain that goes back 
and back to financiers of whom the underlings do not even 
know the names. And the managers, wherever they are in the 
chain, have less opportunity for self-respect than their meanest 
employees. The charwoman can always find another job. 
Managers may sometimes shift from one corporation to another, 
but only if they have “made good” in slavish obedience to their 
preceding masters. The charwoman can always escape from her 
small debts. The manager, like most Americans, is hopelessly in 
debt. He is probably married, but does not have a wife: he only 
cohabits with a woman who has a job of her own. They are 
probably “buying” an overpriced house, unaware that they are 
only renting it from tax-collectors and usurers. They are 
likewise “buying” automobiles, which have been made a neces- 
sity, and also elaborate boob-tubes, and a hundred other gadgets 
they imagine part of a “good life” that is a perpetual discontent 
with they know not what. 

The hirelings who produce radio and television programs 
have jobs . 2 Their job is to keep the public befuddled, and unless 

2. Years ago, there were a few men who imagined they really owned local 
radio stations and thus had the freedom to broadcast programs that 

December 1 986 


they are very stupid, they know it. A man with such a job may 
soothe his conscience, if he still has one, by telling himself, or 
even by believing, that he is promoting a “social good.” But as 
he swallows tranquillizers to quiet his nerves and pills to quiet 
his ulcers, he knows that his job depends on doing his master’s 
bidding. He must promote religion and shield it from intelligent 
criticism. He must promote the vast nexus of corruption called 
“democracy” and prevent exposure of what it really is. And, 
above all, he must beware of making a Jew frown. Economical- 
ly he is a slave and intellectually he is a pimp. 

He hopes to delude observers by chattering about “fairness” 
and “freedom of information” and “balanced programs,” but 
he knows that his job is to prevent such things. He must 
prevent atheists from impugning the gospel-racket; he must 
prevent “racists” from mentioning the simple facts of biology 
that his unsophisticated audience would recognize as obvious, if 
they thought about the evidence of their own quotidian experi- 
ence ; he must prevent honest historians from publicly question- 
ing the Jews’ great Holohoax, that absurd lie by. which they 
achieved much of their present power. He is expected to 
employ every dirty trick and dishonest device to keep the 
public ignorant and deluded. He must neglect no opportunity 
to ridicule or defame the rash individuals who disobey his 
masters. And if, despite all the efforts of press, radio, and 
television, the American pigs become a little restless, he must 
obey the order to man the pumps and squirt some more sludge 
on them. The poor pimp knows his job depends on satisfying 
his owners. , 

It does no good to rail at the pimps; in their situation, they 
really have no feasible choice. It does no good to call for 
accuracy in the media. One may expose a lie here and there, if 
it is about something trivial, but the effort is like trying to 
control a flooded river with a bucket. It does no good to wish 

were not Kosher, They were quickly put out of business by the Federal 
Communications Commission, 

3 . About a quarter of a century ago, a standard trick of professional liars 
was exhibited in the best cartoon ever published by National Review. The 
drawing showed an announcer seated between two supposed opponents 
and saying, as I recall, “Now for our debate. Here on my left is that 
genial, liberal humanitarian, Joe Doddy, who believes that Foreign Aid 
should be increased by 300%, And here on 'my right is his adversary, that 
arch-conservative reactionary, Jacob Blow, who believes that Foreign Aid 
should be increased by only lOC^.” 

Liberty Bell 

that the American boobs had not taken “spiritual” bait and 
given themselves into slavery, making of themselves domesticated; 
animals who have surrendered their freedom in exchange for 
routinely provided fodder. They are now living on Orwell’s 
Animal Farm. And if you persist in clinging to some hope, 
realize that it depends on some catastrophic eolapse of the 
intricate but rotten structure at a time when there is still a 
minority of intelligent Aryans who will recognize their last 

opportunity when it comes if it does. 

In the meantime, thank Mrs. O’Hair for having given us so 
clear an illustration of one major factor in our dolorous plight. 

* * * 


1 Most Americans will remember that in January 1959 afoul 
and probably part-Jewish murderer named Fidel Castro seized 
the Island of Cuba with the surreptitious support of the govern- 
ment in Washington, which was implementing Lenin’s strategy 
of encircling the United States before it falls, “like a ripe fruit,” 
into the hands of Judaeo -Communist “World Government.” 
And the Jews’ leading liepaper, the New York Times, assured 
American suckers that the bearded monster was an agrarian 
reformer” and the “George Washington of Cuba, while oui 
domestic pests, the rabble of neurotics who" call themselves 
“intellectuals” because they vociferate so loudly, went into 
hysterical ecstasies over the “great democratic leader” and spat 
at their betters. When the Communist base so near our shores 
was well established in 1961, the government of which 
Jackanapes Kennedy was the front-man made Castro’s power 
absolute by betraying into his hands, with the treachery for 
which Americans are now famed throughout the world, the 
anti-Communists in Cuba in a complex operation of which only 
the prearranged massacre at the Bay of Pigs became generally 

known. . 

When the monster came into power in 1959, one of his first 

reforms was a violent liquidation of the Catholic Church in 
Cuba by killing or driving into exile all the clergy and ecclesiatics, 
except the few who were willing to become his shepherds. 
That, you will remember, was before the Jews consolidated 
their control of the Vatican. 

Now we learn from the Wall Street Journal, 19 September 
December 1986 ^ 

1986, that “Castro has declared that he is a Christian— a state- 
ment that has led to mass conversions among tire old revolu- 
tionary guard. Now hardly a day passes without some promi- 
nent Cuban Communist discovering that he has always been a 
Christian at heart.” The present Archbishop of Havana, Jaime 
Ortega, like so many prelates and priests throughout Central 
and South America, has been chanting hosannas to the bloody 
degenerate for years, and he has now seconded Castro’s invita- 
tion to Papa John Paul II to visit his faithful sons in Cuba. 

In the meantime, filthy Fidel has become a theologian and 
has had someone mix for him a pail of pious slop that will be 
smeared on paper by Simon & Schuster, a publishing firm that 
reportedly paid $1,300,000 for the privilege of vending Castro 
on Religion to half-witted Americans. 

The Vatican announces that the Pope may visit Cuba in 
1987 to hob-nob with his new buddy and celebrate another 
triumph for the ecumenical movement and the religion the Jews 
made for goyim. 

Surprised? What did I tell you? 

* * * 


Rational predictions of the future can be made only by 
dispassionately reasoning from available information that, on 
critical examination, appears to be reliable. Obviously, any 
deficiency in the accuracy or adequacy of the information will 
produce a : great deviation in the inferences drawn from it, much 
as ah error of a fraction of an inch in sighting a rifle will send 
the bullet many feet away from the target. If one understands 
that necessary limitation, one can make logical conjectures 
about the near future. 

• Liberty Bell is not a newspaper, but, as I write, it seems 
likely that its American readers may first learn from it news of 
capital importance, which changes a conjecture made on the 
basis of general probability into an ascertained fact with which 
we must henceforth reckon. 

On 5 October 1986 the Sunday Times (London) could 
congratulate itself on one of the greatest “scoops” in the 
history of journalism. It is said that in New York the editors of 
the Post alertly picked up the news and put it on the presses 
with appropriate headlines, but peremptory orders from the 

16 Liberty Bell 


| owner, a Jew named Murdoch, Sowed Mxexn ;to ; replace .and 

I destroy the copies that had been printed with information he 

I wanted concealed from the American swine, lest they become 

restive in their sty . 

The Sunday Times carried a headline .in 18 & -point ;type, 
“Revealed: the secrets of Israel’s nuclear ^arsenal,” which 
introduced three pages of articles, complete with (phof.qgraphs 
and an architectural plan, written by r a team -of : six reporters, 
assisted by. four research consultants. The scientific :data in the 
article were verified and its authenticity certified by ten “senior 
scientists,” some of whom are named. The Jews, of course, 
denied everything so long as they could and then refused to 

What had happened was that Mordeehai Vanunu, a techni- 
cian employed for almost ten years in the secret plant in which 
the Jews manufacture nuclear bombs, defected from Israel and, 
whether he intended it or not, also defeated from his world- 
(• destroying race, taking with him more than sixty color photo - 
graphs that he had found opportunities to take inside the huge 
plant of six storeys, all buried beneath a seemingly ordinary 
| building at Dimona in the Negev Desert, on the road from 

(j Beersheba to Sodom. When American curs of high rank insisted 

I' on visiting Dimona, they were reluctantly permitted to see parts 

< of the building on the surface after the entrances to the six 

storeys of the underground installation had been bricked up. 
Although Americans will soon be taught .that they must 
l never think about what is done by the masters whom they must 

| adore, such thought has not yet been legally forbidden and the 

f penalties for it have thus far been informally exacted. Years 

j ago, therefore, some of us dared to infer that the Jews were 

1 busy producing a stock-pile of the most advanced nuclear 

weapons after large quantities of uranium were stolen from the 
United States by Israeli agents with the cooperation, needless to 
say, of Jews ensconsed in the gullible Americans’ atomic agency. 
But perhaps ‘stolen’ is the wrong word. For all practical pur- 
poses, the Jews now own the United States and all the livestock 
in it, so how can one say that they stole their own property? • 
Observers who knew something of the mentality and 
methods of Yahweh’s Master Race were, as I have said, con- 
| vinced that while the Jews kept their American cattle jabbering 

1 about “world peace” and similar childish fantasies, they were 

; hard at work in Israel, which is to be the capital of their “One 

j World” Empire, secretly manufacturing nuclear weapons for use 

[ Decern ber 1 986 1 7 

against goyim whenever expedient. But that was only a con 
elusion drawn from a logical extrapolation from the little that 
was known, and there were no ascertained facts to confirm it. 

Now, thanks to Vanunu, it is indubitable that the Jews, for 
the past twenty years or more, have been producing in their 
secret plant in Israel nuclear bombs of the most advanced 
design, certainly thermonuclear bombs, including, in the opinion 
of experts, the dreaded hydrogen bomb which Oppenheimer 
and other high-minded Jews, whom the Americans had put in 
charge of the development of atomic weapons, tried to prevent 
the American cattle from learning how to produce — the hydro- 
gen bomb which was used so effectively by our subversive 
propagandists to scare Americans silly and make them jabber 

about “disarmament,” on the premise that all other peoples 
were as imbecile as they. 

The Sunday Times describes in great detail the plant at 
Dimona, the equipment on each of the six undergound storeys, 
the manufacture of nuclear bombs, and the elaborate verification 
that the newspaper prudently obtained from experts before it 
printed its “scoop.” The one essential fact is that Israel, through 
its possession of a large stock of the most destructive armaments 

known ^to man, is one of the world’s formidable military 
powers. The details given on the three large newspaper pages 
and the photographs that accompany them are interesting, but 
cannot be summarized here. 2 

1. Whether the United States or Israel is the more formidable nuclear 
power is an interesting question. The United States boas ts that it has 
27,000 afomic weapons;” most of these are small and intended fdr <. 
tactical use on a battlefield, but it may be taken for granted that the 
United States has more bombs of high-power than Israel. Against this 
must be set three crucial factors, videlicet: (1) Americans, their minds 
filled with Christian drivel, are frantically opposed to the use of the most 
modern weapons, and many of them are so moronic they want to destroy 
our stockpile to set a good example for the Soviets, whom they suppose to 
bd equally feeble-minded; (2) Our armed forces are so honeycombed with 
traitors and aliens that any attempt to use such weapons against the Soviet 
and possibly against any other nation or country would surely be sabo- 
taged; and (3) No use of such weapons could be made without the permis- 
sion of the Jews, who now are in total control of the government in 
Washington that has all Americans at its mercy. The Jews have no masters 
but themselves and are too intelligent to place idle fancies ahead of their 

own racial advantage or to admit enemies into their armed forces and 

2. Vanunu s defection seems to have been motivated, at least in part, by 
his failure to be as violently anti-Semitic as most Jews; he even seems to 

Liberty Bell 

Now that it is known (except to the American people) that 
( “poor little Israel” is one of the earth’s major nuclear powers, 

I and is quite capable of annihilating every city of any importance 

I in the Islamic countries whose territory she intends eventually 

* to take, the Jews, who refrained from using atomic weapons 

? against Egypt in 1973 because they didn’t want the despised 

i goyim to perceive the extent of their military power, no longer 

have a secret to preserve in that way, and the only question is 
when they will think it expedient to use some part of what 
must by this time be a very large stock of the most potent 
weapons in the world. 

This alters to some extent our extrapolations from the 
present to the future. 

Jim Taylor’s report from Oman in the September issue was 
one of the most important articles that Liberty Bell has pub- 
lished, and the conclusions you drew from it were amply 
corroborated and confirmed by admissions that the government 
in Washington thought it expedient to make, rather than 
jf attempt a categorial denial when the report was published. The 

Associated Press, in a despatch published in many newspapers 
(e.g., the Fort Collins Coloradoan) on 25 July, had reported 
what could scarcely have been successfully concealed, large- 
scale manoeuvres of the 35,000 American soldiers who are 
being intensively equipped and trained for desert warfare, 
admittedly in preparation for their use “to restore order in a 
Mideast country,” The United Press, on 9 August (in, e.g., the 
Arizona Republic ), published the “first public acknowledge- 
ment” that military supplies have been stockpiled in Oman, 
“for use by U. S. troops who 'may be called into action in an 
emergency in that region,” where, as Mr. Taylor reported and 

have had sympathy for the Semitic populations of the Near East, whom 
the Jews of Israel hate and despise as much as they do their American 
subjects. As I write, it is reported that Vanunu has “disappeared.” If the 
Jews kidnapped him, it will be a long time before he is permitted to die, 
The plant at Dimona was constructed and equipped for the Jews by tire 
French, who kept the underground structure secret and claimed that the 
structure visible on the surface was only for research into the “peaceful 
use” of atomic power on a small scale. Americans are such dunderheads 
that they wanted to help the world to “peaceful use” of such power, and, 
of course, the countries they helped, such as India and Pakistan, were not 
so stupid that they did not use the equipment to produce atomic arma- 
ments for eventual use against their enemies. 

Decern ber 1 986 1 9 


Washington at last admitted, American and Omani troops have 
been drilling in anticipation of that “emergency.” The supplies 
include more than 10,000,000 gallons of fuel for jet fighters 
and bombers . 

It has long been obvious to anyone who thought seriously 
about the situation in Asia Minor and the Arabian Peninsula 
that the focus of the Jews’ hatred of the “Arabs” is Saudi 
Arabia, for if that nation is destroyed, the other Islamic nations 
will be effectively demoralized. It may be taken for granted, 
therefore, that Saudi Arabia is the Jews’ principal target, 
whether or not it is the country that the Jews order their 
Americans to attack first. 

It is no great secret that the C.I.A., as an auxiliary of the 
Mossad, has long been working to undermine Saudi Arabia, 
doubtless from the spy base in Oman that Mr. Taylor described, 
and it was probably with justice that the C.I.A, was suspected 
of having contrived the mad Shi’ite seizure of Mecca some years 
ago. With all the resources of American taxpayers at their 
disposal, the C.I.A.-Mossad complex could incite a “democratic” 
revolution in Saudi Arabia by suborning native traitors or by 
sending in a force of Shi’ites. The big-hearted Americans could 
then “help” the Saudi government by sending in the usual 
“peace-keeping force,” which would, as usual, be used to 
intensify civil war and eventually stage “free elections” to hand 
the country over to the enemies of civilized mankind. Action 
against Saudi Arabia would be especially attractive because (1) 
the simple-minded Americans could be fed the usual slop about 
the evils of monarchy, for which they have a traditional appe- 
tite; and (2) temporary or permanent destruction of the great 
oil fields would permit herding the Americans with an “energy 
crisis” more real than the fake one of a few years ago. (Try to 
imagine an American severed from his automobile!) 

If it is preferred to start the attack on Saudi Arabia indi- 
rectly, there are so many easy ways that one cannot guess which 
would be chosen. The so-called “terrorism” of the Islamic 
states, which served Reagan, in his role as Heap Big Chief Sitting 
Bull, as a pretext for his terrorist attack on Libya, might be 
used, but seems unlikely, although it is to be noted that Syria, 
which proclaimed solidarity with Libya a little while ago, was 
taught a lesson by the performance in London that gave the 
Jews’ shabbat goyah, Maggie Thatcher, a pretext for insultingly 
breaking diplomatic relations with Syria, 3 

3 , It is true, of course, that the Islamic nations of the Near East, like the 


Liberty Bell 

The ruling consideration here is the attitude of the Ameri- 
can herds. Any pretext, of course, would serve for old Ronnie 
to send in the Air Force and the specially trained troops, as he 
pan do any monent his directors give him the order, and that 
force would suffice to smash up the Arab countries and create 
enough chaos and bloodshed to please the Jews, but, as Mr. 
Taylor hinted in his article, it would surely be advantageous to 
involve the Americans in another Vietnam or, if possible, 
something better. If a whole plane-load of Yahweh s Super- 
humans were really destroyed, the average American would 
merely shrug his shoulders instead of becoming bellicose. The 
only act of “Arab terrorism” that could be blown up into a 
Crusade would be an assassination of old Ronnie, and this is a 
distinct possibility. He is becoming something of an embar- 
rassment anyway and if he were blown up to Heaven and the 
wicked Moslems blamed for it, his Ascension would stir up all 
the boobs who still' imagine that he is a great “conservative” or 
revere him as an ally of the evangelical witch-doctors. It 
would be easy to manufacture evidence that the ambassador of 
some Moslem country had made the bomb in his kitchen some 
night and with his own diabolical hands, and there could be 
oratory about an outrage to the (imaginary) dignity of the 
“American people.” So this is a possiblity to be borne in mind, 
but it would be a relatively awkward way to start a war as 
distinct from “hotting up” a war already started. 

A better scheme would be to sink some ships, tankers or 

dispossessed Pales tinian s, have no more effective means of opposing the 
enormous power of the Jews and their American and Soviet colonies than 
“terrorism,” such as the British and Americans used against France after 
the German victory, hiring for that purpose virtually all the criminals in 
France and paying them in gold (American eagles or small, specially cast 
bars of gold) since the apaches were too canny to take colored paper in 
payment. So it was plausible enough to claim that some blundering Syrian 
had tried to destroy an airplane loaded with the only precious form of 
human life by putting a bomb in the luggage of a pregnant woman, where 
it was, of course, easily and inevitably discovered, It is unlikely but 
conceivable that some one in the Syrian Embassy knew that such an 
attempt would be made and did not point out how certainly it would fail. 
What is preposterous is that it could have been possible to prove that the 
Syrian Ambassador was a party to such an attempt. That would have been 
absurd, even if the attempt had not been so childishly awkward. The 
Syrians may be amateurs in the great game of diplomacy , but they surely 
know better than that. And that is the detail which shows that the whole 
trumpery affair was the work of Jewish agents. 

December 1986 


American naval vessels, in the Straits of Hormuz with bombs 
dropped from an American plane that could be disguised as 
coming from either Iran or Iraq. 4 As you saw from the little 
map that accompanied Jim Taylor’s report, Oman is on the 
border of Saudi Arabia and faces Iran across the Straits, while 
Iraq is at the head of the Persian Gulf. It would be easy to 
launch a reprisal against either Iran or Iraq, whichever is 
selected for the operation. And since a war between Iraq and 
Iran is now being waged sporadically, the other country would 
become our ally and the usual American “help” could be given 
it to destroy it, too. And Saudi Arabia could be penetrated by 
a “peace keeping” force to “protect” and betray it. 

An alternative would be to incite a revolt in Iran as a 
pretext for the usual “peace-keeping” operation. Whichever 
scheme is chosen, it would obviously be best to destroy the oil 
fields at the very beginning. That would impoverish the Arabs, 
but the real advantage would be that it would make gasoline 
rare in the United States. If there is anything that can make an 
American fighting mad and I mean mad — it would be being 
deprived of his cherished and almost indispensable go-cart. And 
that, in turn, would be an ideal opportunity to invoke the 
President’s power to relocate his subjects, throwing families out 
of their homes to “save energy” by turning the houses over to 
persons employed in the vicinity, preferably niggers or spiks. 

In the present situation, Vanunu’s courageous revelation of 
Israel s secret will not be disadvantageous to Jewry, If Ameri- 
cans find out about it, some of them, especially the horde of 
peace-lubbers, may be indignant, but the Jews need no longer 
care what their subjects think, except to discipline them if they 
think out loud. The real effect of the disclosure is profoundly 
to discourage the Semites, who, already confronted by the 
overwhelming power of the United States and the passive 
hostility of the Soviets, now find themselves menaced by a 
terrifying weapon that hysterical propaganda has made to seem 
even more ternble than it really is. This will inevitably incite 

4. It will be remembered that when Begin, the celebrated terrorist, best 
known for dynamiting the King David Hotel to kill British swine, was the 
Pnme Minister of Israel, he was officially censured by the Jews’ parliament 
for having failed to disguise the bombers (made in U.S.A.) that he sent on 
a terrorist raid on Iraq : he should have disguised them as Iranian planes 
and thus started the desired war between Iran and Iraq. The war was 
successfully instigated later, and is exacerbated by religious antagonisms 
that it would be too long to describe here. 


Liberty Bell 

defeatism and agitation by Islamic cowards for surrender. 

It is now possible for the Jews to take over the lands they 
most covet without using their Americans, compelling the 
Semitic nations to surrender by threats or by making Damascus 
or Baghdad a lesson more appalling than Hiroshima was made 
by the primitive little atomic bomb that was used there. This, 
however, is unlikely, for that would prevent afflicting the 
Americans 'with a new and better Vietnam, in which our men 
and resources could be squandered on an ever greater scale, and, 
what would be even nicer, opposition to the war could be called 
“anti-American” to excite the fanaticism of the proletariat and 
liquidate all remaining reluctance to serve Yahweh and his 
righteous supermen. 

This discussion of strategy and tactics is entirely conjectural, 
I need not say, but it is safe to assume that “another Vietnam” 
is scheduled for the near future, and will be begun in some 
clever way, unless in the meantime there should be discovered 
some even more effective means of harassing the American 

cattle and herding them into the pens prepared for them in the 

■ - ■ n 

great stockyard. 


December 1986 

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Jim Taylor 

Foreign Correspondent 

Although President Ronald Reagan cannot run for re-elec- 
tion, he nevertheless gave another humiliating command per- 
formance at the annual international B’nai B’rith gathering at 

the Sheraton Hotel in Washington. 

This convention was not just for American Jewish leaders, 
but was international in scope. (As all readers know, the 
universal Zionists do not consider themselves as real citizens of 
any one country.) This means that Mr. Reagan was addressing a 
group of world-wide adherents to the Zionist cause not just a 
group of Jewish citizens in America. Despite the fact that that 
spe akin g in so biased a manner to a foreign international organi- 
zation is not in keeping with the traditions of the highest office 
in our nation, Mr. Reagan again promised everything and every 
resource that America possesses to Israel and to continue to 
promote the evils of international Zionism. 

As the President spoke, his unshakeable dedication to 
Zionism became readily apparent as he mentioned that the 
extra $2.6 billion of the recent $9.5 billion for Israel was a 
direct gift, not in any way a loan. Of course, the “loan” to 
Israel won’t be repaid either, so he might as well have included 
the entire giveaway under the heading of donations to Israel. 

The President also made mention of our great “Judeo- 
Christian” nation, which drew loud applause from the assembl- 
ed Zionists. Until recent years, when Mr. Reagan took office, 
no one ever heard our country described as being “Judeo- 
Christian.” No prior President ever went that far in describing 
our nation under Zionist rule. But I can guarantee you that 
from now on every U.S. President will use those same words to 
describe America. 

As for myself, I never even knew that the U.S. was a Judeo- 
Christian nation until the present administration told me via 
publicity releases that it was to be designated as such. What 

December 1986 


about all the many minor religious sects in this country other 
than the Hebrews? There must be at least a hundred others. 
Why leave them out? It would be a little unwieldy to have to 
announce about a hundred hyphenated religious denominations 
when describing this country. Another thing which bothered 
me about Mr. Reagan’s penchant for describing us as a Judeo- 
Christian nation is that the Judeo-part, less than two percent of 
our population comes first with the Christian designation of the 
majority coming last as a sort of added-on after-thought. 1 In a 
few more years you may hear a leader call this simply a Judeo- 
nation, which it is now if you go by power in Washington. 

And I see that Mr. Reagan is still using that old, worn-out, 
tear-jerker about a poor old Jew in Nicaragua named Isaac 
Stavisky who was supposedly a victim of extreme “anti-Semit- 
ism.” What Mr. Reagan “forgot” to mention in his speech 
about Mr. Stavisky is the fact that while that poor old Jew was 
undergoing the “hardships” of “anti-Semitism,” he also became 
very wealthy, as did many other Jews in Nicaragua at the time. 

The President also promoted the Zionist-backed scheme 
.called the Genocide Convention, which he stated the U.S. 
finally ratified. There was nothing in his talk about benefiting 
Americans, just a guarantee of all-out assistance to Zionism. 

As I read Mr. Reagan’s speech, so full of undiluted praise for 
the Zionists, I was made to wonder if he is a bom masochist, 

who enjoys taking a beating so often from his supposed “friends.” 

I would like to remind Mr. Reagan that despite the fact that he 
loves the Zionists like a brother, this feeling is not reciprocated 
at all. They simply use him. They did not vote for him, preferr- 

1 . [Reagan could pretend that he was using ‘Judaeo-Christian’ in the sense 
in which it recently came into use among clergymen who abandoned the i 
Western Christianity that was for so long traditional among our people. 
Christianity, of course, is the poisonous superstition that the Jews foisted 
on ignorant and gullible Aryans with the help of White crackpots and 
swindlers. To, make the fictions of the “New Testament” acceptable to 
non-Jews, however, they had to season it with some adverse criticism of 
themselves, and so the Christian cult, further modified for propagation to 
Europeans, conformed to the instinctively anti-Jewish sentiments of our 
race until the 1920s, when the tales in the appendix to the Jew-Book 
could no longer be believed outside a nursery, and ambitious clergymen 
started to promote instead a “social gospel” that was a reversion to the 
primitive Jewish Bolshevism that figures largely in the “New Testament.” 
They elected to call this reversal of Western Christianity ‘Judaeo-Christian,’ 
as indeed it was, thus also currying favor with the Jews, There are reports 

that the broken-down old actor in the White House is so ignorant he 
believes that hokum.— Editor] 


Liberty Bell 

ing a man named Walter Mondale in the last election. And these 
same people he holds in such high esteem not only dislike him, 
but make speeches against him all across the country . 

All those billions of dollars for Israel, which Mr. Reagan is 
bragging about, are not his to give away. It is not government 
money. It does not grow on the cherry trees in Washington. 
Before the President can give these billions to the Zionists, he 
must first extract this money from your pockets. And by doing 
so against the will of the majority of Americans, he has proven 
that he has no honor, no integrity, no courage, and no respect 
for America. 

And when Mr. Reagan and Congress opened up the U.S. 
Treasury and made it a grab-bag for the Israelis to reward them 
for committing genocide against the Palestinian people and 
other heinous crimes in Lebanon, it amounted to nothing short 
of treason. 

But I think all Americans should read for themselves Mr. 
Reagan’s entire speech. It is a bit long. But the people of this 
country are never going to read it in any other publication. 
You aren’t supposed to even know about it. 

The address is radical, even sickening to average Americans. 
So I would not advise anyone with high-blood pressure to read 
it. I have a White House copy. Here it is in its entirety : 


Office of the Press Secretary 


11:33 A.M. EDT 

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Max Fisher, if I’d be really 
smart, I’d just sit down and leave your introduction do it and I 
wouldn’t speak. I thank you very much, as a long-time friend. 

And I thank all of you. It’s a deep honor for me to speak to 
you, the members of one of the oldest and largest Jewish 
organizations in America. For more than 140 years, B nai 
B’rith has sponsored religious, cultural and civic programs, 
conducted studies of vital issues, combatted bigotry and worked 

December 1986 ^ 

tirelessly to advance the cause of tolerance and humanity. And 
because of your efforts, today our country has a bigger heart, a 
deeper sense of the generosity of spirit that must always define 
America. And on behalf of all Americans, I thank you. (Ap- 

Four years ago, as aprivate citizen, I argued that the strength 
and well-being of the United States and Israel are bound inextric- 
ably together. “No policy,” I asserted, “no matter how heart- 
felt, no matter how deeply rooted in the humanitarian vision we 
share can succeed if the United States of America continues its 
descent into economic impotence and despair.” 

Well, today, as President, I come before you to report on 
the progress that we’ve made together during these past four 
years. Once again, I want to talk about American policy toward 
Israel— today’s new policy of deepened friendship and strength- 
ened support. But first, permit me to share with you my view 
of how working together the American people have replaced 
our own nation’s descent into impotence and despair with the 
rebirth of freedom, prosperity and hope. ■ 

Four years ago, we saw the first years of back-to-back 
double -digit inflation since World War I. The prime interest rate 
was rising sharply. And in December, 1980, it reached a point 
not seen since the Civil War. In just four years, taxes roughly 
doubled, and average monthly mortgage payments more than 
doubled, and the real after-tax income of the average American 
actually began to decline. It all added up to the worst econom- 
ic crisis our country had faced since the great depression. 

In foreign affairs, we had lost the respect of friend and foe 
alike. And our will power had grown weak and soft, undermin- 
ing, commitments to allies like Israel. Our leaders seemed to 
have lost faith in the American people and in America’s future; 
they spoke of a national “malaise.” On television, we saw the 
Stars and Stripes being burned in foreign capitals. And from 
Afghanistan to Grenada, the Soviets were on the march. Sel- 
dom in all its proud history had the United States of America 
reached such a pathetic state of apparent impotence. 

Well, today, just four years later-we are seeing not humili- 
ation, but well-justified pride pride in our country, our ac- 

28 Liberty Bell 

complishments, and ourselves. On the economic front, from 
New York harbor to San Diego Bay, a vast and vigorous econom- 
ic expansion is taking place. Inflation has plummeted to just 4 
percent, and the prime interest rate has fallen by almost 9 

Productivity is up, consumer spending is up, housing starts 
are up, and take-home pay is up. Our tax rate reductions have 
restored incentives to the American people; and when tax 
indexing goes into effect this January, they’ll get more help in 
the form of long-overdue protection against the unfairness of 
bracket creep. (Applause.) 

The best news of all— during the past 19 months, six and a 
half million men and women have found jobs that we’ve created. 
On an average, each month, more jobs than all the Common 
Market countries created in the last ten years. Europe is calling 
our success the American miracle. 

Well, as we’ve worked to promote economic growth, we’ve 
made certain that the safety net for the truly needy has remain- 
ed in place. Indeed, after correcting for inflation, under our 
adminstration, average food stamp payments, medicare pay- 
ments, medicaid payments, have all risen. We can and are 
promoting economic vitality while showing the disadvantaged 
genuine compassion. 

On civil rights, we have enforced the law with new deter- 
mination. The Justice Department, since we took office, has 
filed more criminal charges on civil rights violations, brought 
more violators to trial, and achieved more civil rights con- 
victions than ever before. So, let no one doubt our commitment. 
As President, I will enforce civil rights to the fullest extend of 
the law. (Applause.) 


Yet, at the same time, we remain unalterably opposed to an 
idea that would undermine the very concept of equality itself—* 
discriminatory quotas. Ours is a nation based on the sacredness 
of the individual, a nation where all women and men must be 
judged on their own merit, imagination and effort— not on what 
they are, but what they do. Now, you know, I can remember a 
time— I’m old enough to remember a time— when America did 
have quotas, and they were used in attempt to make discrimina- 

Decem her 1 986 29 


tion legitimate and permanent, keeping Jews and other targets 
of bigotry out of colleges, medical schools and jobs. And I i 

can’t state it too forcefully: this type of thing must never 
happen again. (Applause.) ‘ 



To combat crime, our administration has increased the law 1 

enforcement budget by more than twenty percent, established 
12 regional drug task forces around the country, and hired more 
than 1,900 new investigators and prosecutors. We’ve also 
reasserted some basic values— values that say there is such a 
thing as right and wrong; that the innocent victim is entitled to 
as much protection under the law as the accused; that individual [ 

actions do matter, and, that yes, for hardened criminals preying 
on our society, punishment must be certain and swift. ( 

And now that we’re getting back to these fundamentals of 
our Judeo-Christian tradition, the will of the people is at last 
being done. In 1982, reported crime dropped 3 percent— the 
first decline since 1977. And last year, reported crime dropped 
7 percent— and this is the first time the serious crime index has 
ever shown a drop for the second year in a row, and the sharp- 
est decline in crime statistics since 1960. 

In the Armed Forces, our troops have newer and better 
equipment, and their morale has soared as we begun to give 
them the pay, the training and the respect they’ve always 
deserved. And in foreign affairs, our country is being respected 
again throughout the world as a leader for peace and freedom. 

We’ve strengthened our relations with Asian allies like Korea 
and Japan", deepened our friendship with China. In Europe, we 
and our NATO allies went through months of Soviet attempts 
to divide us and emerged more firmly united than ever. And in 
Central America, we’re supporting the free nations of the region 
against the threat posed to them by the Sandanista regime in 
Nicaragua. In July of 1983, it was my privilege to meet a brave 
refugee from Nicaragua, Isaac Stavisky, He told me about 50 
Jewish families who had emigrated to Nicaragua from Eastern 
Europe since the 1920’s, and about the tragedy that befell 
them. But let me read you Isaac’s own words: Nicaraguan Jews 
never encountered anti-Semitism until the Sandanistas started 
their revolution. Graffiti by Sandanistas was widespread, 
with attacks on Jews and their religion. One was, “Death to the 
Jewish pigs.” In 1978, the Sandanistas sent a strong message to 
the entire community when the synagogue was attacked by five 

30 Liberty Bell 

Sandanistas wearing face handkerchiefs. They set the building 
on fire by throwing gasoline in the main entrance doors, shout- 
ing P.L.O. victory slogans and anti-Jewish defamatory language. 
Once the Sandanistas came to power, they moved swiftly 
against Jews. Jewish -owned properties were among the first to 
be confiscated and Jews were forced into exile. 


Permit me to add that on the first anniversary of the Sanda- 
nista revolution, Yasser Arafat visited Nicaragua and spoke 
these words, “What the Nicaraguan people' did in Nicaragua will 
be done by the Palestinians.” 

Well, today, some in our national life would have America 
take a position of weakness in Central America, or, through 
callous indifference, withdraw from that region altogether. 
These politicians, would give free reign to Marxist-Leninists who 
would persecute Central American Catholics and Jews, leaving 
them defenseless against Sandanista intolerance. 

We stand four-square on the side of human liberty. And I 
pledge to you that we will maintain that stand as long as I am in 
this office. (Applause.) 

Anyone who has contemplated the horror inflicted on Jews 
during World War II, the deaths of millions in Cambodia or the 
travail of the Mesquito Indians in Nicaragua must understand 
that if free men and women remain silent in the face of oppres- 
sion, we risk the destruction of entire people, (Applause.) I 
know that B’nai B’rith has been among the most concerned of 
the groups advocating American support for the Genocide 
Convention. With a cautious view, in part due to the human . 
rights abuses performed by some nations that have already 
ratified the documents, our administration has conducted a long 
and exhaustive study of the Convention. And yesterday, as a 
result of that review, we announced that we will vigorously 
support, consistent with the United States Constitution, the 
ratification of the Genocide Convention. (Applause.) And I 
want you to know that we intend to use the Convention in our 
efforts to expand human freedom and fight human rights 
abuses around the world. (Applause.) Like you, I say in a 
forthright voice , ‘ ‘N ever again ! ” (Applause .) 

Now there’s is one final aspect of our national renewal that I 
must mention: the return that millions of Americans are making 
to faith-faith as a source of strength, comfort and meaning, 

December 1 986 31 

This new spiritual awareness extends to people of all 
religions and all beliefs. Irving Kristol has written, “the quest 
for a religious identity is, in the postwar world, a general 
phenomenon, experienced by Jews, Christians, and Muslims 
alik e. It does not seem, moreover, to be a passing phenomenon, 
but rather, derives from an authentic crisis— a moral and spiritual 
crisis as well as. a crisis in Western, liberal-secular thought.” 

: i n our country, Kristol asserts, “Ever since the Holocaust 
. and the emergence of the state of Israel, American Jews have 
been reaching toward a more explicit and meaningful Jewish 
■identity.” . And . according to Rabbi Seymour Siegel of the 
Jewish Theological Seminary, this trend among American Jews 
is illustrated by a growing interest in Jewish history and the 
Hebrew language and by the rise of— and I hope I get this 
■right-EBaal Heshuva Movement— a powerful movement of Jews, 
yo.ung::and old, Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed, return- 
ing to the ancient ways of the faith. 

As Americans of different religions find new meaningfulness 
in their beliefs we do sb together— returning to the bedrock 
values of family, hard work, and faith in the same loving and 
almighty God. 

And as we' welcome this rebirth of.faith, we must even more 
fervently .. attack ugly , intolerance. We have no place for haters 
in America. (Applause.) 

Well, let .me— let me speak plainly. The United States of 
America is,: and must' remain a nation of openness to people of 
all beliefs. Qur very unity has been strengthened by this plural- 
ism. That’s how we began. This is how we must always be. 
The ideals of our country leave no room whatsoever for in- 
tolerance, anti-Semitism, or bigotry of . any kind— none. The 
unique thing about America is a wall in our Constitution, 
separating Church and State. It guarantees there will never be a 
state religion in this land, but at the same time it makes sure 
that every single American is free to choose and practice his or 
her religious beliefs or to choose no religion at all. Their rights 
shall not be questioned or violated by the state. 

And during the dark days of World War II, legend has it an 
event took place that I believe is a timeless symbol of regard for 
32 Liberty Bell 

our fellow men that true tolerance and brotherhood demand. 
Soon after the Nazis invaded De nm ark in 1940, they published 
an edict that all Jews identify themselves by wearing an arm- 
band showing the Star of David. Well, the next day, the 
Christian King of Denmark appeared in public. He was wearing 
a Star of , David. (Applause.) He was— I have been told— (Ap- 
plause.) I was told, on my one visit to Denmark there, that 
after he had done that, every citizen of Denmark, from then on, 
appeared in the streets wearing the Star of David. 

We in America have learned the lesson of the Holocaust, and 
we shall never allow it to be forgotten. Oppression will never 
extinguish the instinct of good people to do the right thing. 


In America, Jew, Christian, Muslim, believers of all kinds, 
and non-believers,’ too*— as George Washington wrote to a Jewish 
congregation in Rhode Island-each “shall sit in safety under his 
own vine , and fig-tree, and there shall be none to make him 
afraid.” (Applause.) 


A renewal of faith and confidence, a resurgent economy, a 
rebirth of strength and purposefulness in our foreign relations— 
yes, we Americans have made a new beginning, just as 4 years 
ago I said that we must. And this new beginning is good, not 
only for us, but for our allies. And now, it is to our relations 
with Israel that I would like to turn. 

The first step in understanding American -Israeli relations 
is to recognize our common values, aspirations, and interests. 
This has fundamental consequences for our diplomacy in an 
environment of widespread hostility to Israel. Nowhere does 
this hostility appear more clearly than in that international 
institution that should be a citadel of goodwill, but that all too 
often becomes a platform for propaganda— the United Nations. 
From the 1970*s on, the United Nations has too often allowed 
itself to become a forum for the defamation of Israel. 

In 1975, for example, the United Nations Third Committee 
proposed an anti-Semitic resolution that condemned Israel as 
racist. The American delegate, Leonard Garment, objected 
forceably, arguing that the resolution used the word racist, not 
as a term for “a very real and concrete set of injustices, but 

December 1986 


merely an epithet to be flung at whoever happens to be one’s 
adversary.” Those were his words. 

Nevertheless, the resolution passed, by 70 votes to 29, with 
27 abstentions. The resolution then went to the United Nations 
General Assembly which ratified it by a vote of 72 to 35. The 
words, that our Ambassador to the United Nations, Daniel 
Patrick Moynihan, spoke at that moment of shame were forth- 
right .and courageous. “The United States rises to declare 
before the world that it does not acknowledge, it will not abide 
by , and it will never acquiesce in this infamous act.” (Applause.) 

Well, sadly, in the years thereafter, the United States did 
not always give Israel such steadfast support. American policy 
toward Israel was often weak and muddled. It reached a low 
point on March 1, 1980. That day, the American delegate to 
the United Nations actually voted in favor of a resolution that 
repeatedly condemned Israel. Some 48 hours later, President 
Carter disavowed the vote, and announced to the press that it 
had all been a mistake-a bad mistake. And it certainly had. 

Well, since taking office our administration has used every 
effort to reaffirm before the world our unwavering support for 
the State of Israel. And in the United Nations, our stand has 
been made unmistakeable by our Ambassador and your good 
friend, Jeane Kirkpatrick. (Applause.) Just three weeks ago at 
the United Nations Population Conference in Mexico City , we 
joined Israel in opposing and voting against a resolution that 
attacked the State of Israel. And let me make it plain to the 
friends and enemies of Israel alike, that what Max Fisher just 
told you is absolutely true and still the policy of this govern- 
ment, and that if ever expelled, yes, Max, and all of you, we 
walk out together with Israel. (Applause.) In concrete terms, ; 
our adminis tration has strengthened the American-Israeli 

alliance in three crucial ways. 

First, we have upgraded and formalized our strategic 
cooperation. For the first time in history , under our administra- . 
tion, the United States and Israel have agreed on a formal 
strategic relationship, the American-Israeli Joint Political-Mili- 
tary Group has already begun regular meetings. Together, we’re I 
developing plans for joint efforts to encounter the Soviet ^ 
threat to our mutual interests in the Middle East. : 

Liberty Bell 

Recently, we renewed an American-Israeli Memorandum of 
Agreement that provides for cooperation on military research 
and development, procurement and logistics. Under the terms 
of the agreement, the United States has already purchased 
Israel-manufactured radios, remotely -piloted vehicles, anti-tank 
weapons and components for sophisticated aircraft. We, in turn, 
are making available the latest technology for the development 
of the Israeli-designed LAVI fighter aircraft— (Applause)— and 
for a new class of missile attack boat, the- SAAR 5. (Applause.) 

Second, we’ve markedly increased our economic assistance 
to Israel. From 1981 to 1984, we provided Israel with aid 
amounting to nearly $9.5 billion, more than has been provided 
by any previous administration over a comparable time . Just as 
important, we have restructed the form of our assistance. 
Indeed, in 1985.,. our entire $2.6 billion in aid to Israel will take 
the form not of loans, but of grants. (Applause.) 


And, third, we have begun formal negotiations with Israel 
for a free trade area agreement. When signed and ratified, this 
agreement will allow the duty-free entry of Israeli products into 
the United States, and will at the same time completely open 
the Israeli market to American goods. (Applause.) Over the 
past five years, our trade with Israel has been growing at an 
average annual rate of some 10%. This free trade agreement will 
enable that vital economic partnership to grow even more 
quickly in years to come . 

These measures have made our relation with Israel closer, 
and our friendship stronger, than at any time in the history of 
our two nations. Indeed, Prime Minister Shamir recently 
described American-Israeli relations as having never been better. 
(Applause.) And that warm relationship is crucial as we strive 
together for peace in the Middle East. So let me outline our 
work in this regard. , 

America’s peace efforts still stand on the foundation of the 
Camp David Accords. Those accords, which established peace- 
ful relations between Israel and Egypt, led to the return of the 
Sinai to Egypt by Israel in April of 1982— and the United States 
was proud to play a central role in achieving this step of the 
Camp David process. Then on September 1 of 1982, 1 set forth 
a set of fair and balanced positions on the key issues— issues 

December 1 986 35 


which the negotiating parties must deal with to achieve a lasting 
peace. The positions I outlined included our firm opposition to 
the formation of any independent Palestinian state. Today , 
those positions remain fully valid, and they represent the 
foundation of our continuing labors . 

And let me assure you, we will never attempt to impose a 
solution on Israel, nor will we— (Applause)— nor will we ever 
weaken in our opposition to terrorism by the PLO or by any- 
body else. (Applause.) As I said when I addressed you in 1980, 
terrorists are not guerillas, or commandos, or freedom fighters 
or anything else. They’re terrorists, and should be identified as 
such . (Applause .) We will go on working with all our hearts to 
help the people of the Middle East achieve a just and lasting 
settlement— a settlement that agrees, in the words of my state- 
ment of September 1982, that Israel “has a right to exist in 
peace behind secure and defensible borders, and it has a right to 
expect its neighbors to recognize this.” (Applause.) 

When I spoke to you 4 years ago, peace was eluding the 
Middle East. It still does! But now we and the state of Israel 
have fax greater cause for hope. 

Today, the United States is rebuilding its defenses, and that 
is restoring confidence in our leadership and making the parties 
more willing to take risks for peace. Today, the United States 
re-energized its vast and productive economy, and that will help 
to make Israel more prosperous. And today, the United States 
has stopped wringing its hands apologetically and once again 
begun to play its rightful role in the world-with faith, confi- 
dence and courage. And that means Israel can depend on us. 

(Applause.) . 

We who are friends of Israel may differ over tactics. But 

our goal remains always unchanged— permanent security for the 

people of that brave state. In this great enterprise, the United 

States and Israel stand forever united. 

And as we approach the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, 
let us pray that the new year wiil be a Shanah Umetukah (Ap- 
plause) — a good and sweet year for both America and Israel. 

For make no mistake — in a world where so many are hostile 
to freedom, where millions live in poverty and oppression, those 
few nations who share the light of liberty must stand together. 
If we do not, we take the awful chance that the darkness will 
gQ Liberty Bell 

overwhelm us one by one. But standing together, we can pierce 
the darkness and shed our light over all the earth. 

Thank you. God bless you all. (Applause.) 

END 12:00 P.M. EDT 

* * * 


On the day President Reagan ordered the U.S. Sixth Fleet 
to attack Libya, I got calls from ABC radio news and from the 
ABC outlet in Phoenix, KFYI 910. They wanted me to be at 
radio station KFYI early the next morning to talk about Libya 
and Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi. I was also asked to answer 
questions from listeners for two hours. 

My appearance on this radio station was publicized and 
promoted right up to air time ; so a very large listening audience 
was assured, since such a timely topic was to be discussed just as 
the confrontation in the Gulf of Sidra took place. And I was 
the only scheduled guest. 

Let me say at once that the radio executives who made it 
possible for me to have two hours of air time for my views must 
have considered me to be knowledgeable about both Libya and 
Colonel Qaddafi. However, I seriously doubt that they antici- 
pated that I would deliver a blistering attack on the infantile 
U.S. policy of carrying out Israeli orders to bash Libya in direct 
violation of international law and under the most shallow 
of disguises, such as the one about holding U.S. Navy “training 
exercises.” Or else, I would not have been invited to speak and 
answer questions on this important subject. 

Anyway, I arrived at the radio station about 30 minutes 
before air time, as requested, to receive a minimum of in- 
structions about the format of the program, which, I might add, 
was still being promoted every five minutes on the air. 

I spoke about conditions in Libya and let everyone listening 
know the real reason for the President’s child-like actions in 
attacking such a tiny nation. My main point, of course, was 
that bashing Libya had nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism 
of any sort. As I began to expose carefully the clever U.S.- 
Zionist plans for the destruction of Libya, the host of the 
program became more nervous by the minute. He was chain- 
smoking in between brief announcements to the effect that the 
views I was expressing were my own and certainly not those of 
the station or the network. He also made it quite clear to the 
audience whose side' he was on by telling them that he per- 

December 1 986 37 

sonaUy did not believe 90% of what I was saying. I suppose he 
already had visions of what the various Jewish hate groups, 
listening in to my attack on their plans, were going to say to 
him for letting me on the air. 

Naturally, several rabid and foaming-at-the-mouth Zionists 
called in to threaten me during the show. This certainly did not 
bother me in the least and it didn’t slow down my attack upon 
them. I am used to it. The truth hurts. And you seldom hear 
it these days with the press under such restraints, imposed by 
Zionists . I think the facts I presented shocked the many Jewish 
groups listening to the program. Here they thought they had 
everything under control so that only their side would ever be 
presented to the American public; yet here I was lambasting 
them and pulling no punches whatsoever. It must have been 
enough to give a few hard-working Zionists a heart attack. 
They were hearing on the air exactly what their organizations 
are dedicated to preventing the people of the United States 
from ever hearing. It must have made them furious. And 
despite all this, I never wavered in denouncing them and the 
joint Israeli-American plans in the Mideast. I suppose I will pay 
for this indiscretion later if they can think of something nasty 
to do to me simply because I exercised my American right of 

free speech. 

However, I must tell you that the greatest surprise of all, to 
both myself and the host, was that a large majority of the 
callers agreed totally with my viewpoints. That never happened 
before on any program. I usually stand alone with a large 
segment against me screaming wildly because they have no 

logical arguments to use against my proven facts. 

I also spoke about South Africa, the many Marxist states in 
Africa, and especially about my recent clandestine visit to the 
Cuban-run Communist nation of Angola. I tried to bring as 
much as possible to the attention of the vast listening audience, 
including the fact that Ferdinand Marcos was not run out of the 
Philippines because of his wealth and excesses, but only for his 
strong stand against Communism and Zionism. I also predicted 
that the U.S. will now assist in the downfall of South Korea for 
the very same reasons. Then the U.S. will pay that small nation 
to submit to Communist rule. 

Near the end of this scheduled program, a man called in to 
Say that he had a question for me which he would ask me next 
time I was on this news analysis show. I told him that he had 
better ask it now because, the host was so upset and frightened 


of what the Zionists were going to do to him for allowing me on 

the program that I would certainly never again be invited to 
participate . 

For quite obvious reasons, I have rarely been on the same 
television or radio station twice. The Jewish hate organizations 
see to that. And I usually never expect to be on the same 
program twice. Once is all it takes to rile up the hateful gang of 
Zionist protectors, both Jewish and non-Jewish, who control 
everything in the country now. Stations and Jewish groups 
learn very quickly that I am the only American journalist who 
cannot be controlled, regulated, or even influenced by then- 
threats and intimidation. Today, in America, I am sad to say, 
speaking out against the powerful Israeli Lobby and the various 
Jewish hate groups who back it up is considered to be the next 
thing to treason. 

A few days. after my radio broadcast, I received word from 
Washington that the Israelis, instead of being happy about Mr. 
Reagan’s bash of Libya for them, are furious with the President. 
They say he didn’t destroy enough bases in Libya to suit them, 
as he has for many years promised to do. Even the Prime 
Minister of Israel emphasized the fact that no Libyan planes or 
air bases were destroyed in the U.S. Navy’s raid on that small 

And the gist of it is that the Israelis have warned Mr. Reagan 
that they may be forced to do what he and the entire Sixth 
Fleet failed to do— bomb every military base in Libya. So the 
President of the United States risked world-wide denunciation 
by committing illegal acts to please the Zionists and it was not 
enough for them. They are crying for more Libyan blood to be 
spilled. As always, they want more. 

You cannot please these people. They are never satisfied. 
It is like expecting them to say thanks when the American 
taxpayers shell out billions for them. They never do. They just 
demand (not ask) for more and more. It never ends. And if 
this doesn’t expose for all to see that Israel is nothing more than 
a nation of total parasites, then nothing will. 

From the Egyptian government, I have received some 
information which I am sure the White House doesn’t want 
readers of this column or any other Americans to know about. 
It concerns secret pressures and threats by the U.S. government 
against Egypt, if that nation does not see fit to obey Zionist 
wishes and attack Libya. 

You see, both American officials and the canny little 
Decern her 1986 39 

blighters who run Israel have agreed that it would be much 
better for them if Egypt, with a large standing axmy, would 
invade and destroy Libya. That way, both the U.S. and Israel 
could sit back and lie about it, pretending that neither of these 
two Zionist nations had anything to do with it. It would seem 
to the rest of the world to be merely an Arab problem and an 
Arab war. Thus, the U.S. and Israel could avoid world opinion 
and censure by the U.N. for starting a war in North Africa just 
to bring down the hated Qaddafi government. 

But the plan didn’t work, according to Egyptian officials. 
The government of Egypt has released information stating that 
the U.S. has three times recently attempted to force Egypt to 
attack Libya. Mr. Reagan has even. threatened to cut foreign aid 
to Egypt if that country does not do the bidding of the Zionists 

by attacking Libya. 

You have heard many times the age-old expression of let s 
you and him fight.” Well, that is exactly what the U.S. is trying 
to put over on Egypt. In essence, President Reagan told Egyp- 
tian President Hosni Mubarak to start military action against 
Libya— or else. Mr. Reagan stressed the fact that the U.S. has 
furnished arms to Egypt and he wants that country to show 

that it knows how to use them by invading Libya. 

According to President Mubarak’s chief assistant, a White 
House meeting was held last July at which Robert McFarlane, 
“National Security Adviser,” decided that Egypt should invade 
Libya. Both the White House and the CIA approved of this 
plan. But the Egyptians flatly refused to become a military arm 

of world Zionism by attacking Libya. 

Next Mr. Reagan sent Vice Admiral John Poindexter, USN, 
to Cairo and offered President Mubarak all the military funds 
and arms needed for such a thrust at Libya. This generous 
offer was also turned down by the Egyptian government as 
being an insane idea. 

In November, according to the Egyptians, Mr. Reagan tried 

a third time to force Egypt into war with Libya. 

I firmly believe that the facts I have just given show exactly 
what the U.S. and Israel are up to in North Africa. If Egypt 
continues to refuse to participate in such an outrageous war of 
aggression, then I suppose the next step will have to be a joint 
U.S.-Israeli invasion of the tiny and militarily -weak, anti-Com- 
munist nation of Libya. 

The six -year-long campaign of sheer hatred and terror 
against Libya and Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi by the ill-ad- 

40 Liberty Bell 

vised United States government shifted into high gear about 
four months ago when President Reagan personally injected 
scare tactics into this war of nerves. But, you noticed, in all the 
newspapers and television programs devoted to putting fear into 
Colonel Qaddafi, Israel was never mentioned even once. This is 
being done purposely. And the Zionists are keeping very quiet 
about Libya. It is not mentioned at all publicly by the Israeli 
Embassy in Washington. 

However, the one and only reason why the U.S. is waging 
war against Libya ip the first place is simply because President 
Reagan made a sworn promise to Israel before he took office in 
1980 that before he left the White House in 1988 he would 
have murdered Colonel Qaddafi and brought down the present 
government of Libya which would then become an American - 
Israeli colony, as Egypt is being made today. And although Mr. 
Reagan has certainly tried every way known to man to assassi- 
nate the Libyan leader, he has not been successful. Colonel 
Qaddafi, at this writing, is still very much alive, depite the fact 
that Mr. Reagan did succeed in murdering his youngest daughter 
and wounding his wife and several other children of his family. 
He also destroyed the Libyan leader’s home in Tripoli. Mr. 
Reagan, through the CIA, also paid over five million dollars of 
the taxpayers money to a gang of Israeli-trained terrorists and 

common criminals who were sent into Libya three times for the 


express purpose of killing Colonel Qaddafi, All this, depite U.S. 
laws which strictly prohibit such action by the United Stats 
government or any agency thereof, Mr. Reagan then tried to 
foment a revolution inside Libya to overthrow Colonel Qaddafi. 
Again Israeli-trained agents were dispatched to Tripoli, This, 
too, ended in total failure. And that’s why Mr. Reagan was 
driven to use force, in the form of the armed might of the 
United States, to blast Libya. Nothing else had worked and the 
Israelis were getting more and more impatient, day by day. 
They want those promises kept and time is running out for a 
lame -duck president. 

Last August, a delegation of Israelis and their American 
Jewish stooges paid Mr. Reagan another visit and demanded for 
about the onethousandth- time that Mr. Reagan destroy Libya, 
their chief enemy in the Arab world. And the Zionists didn’t 
mean just dropping a few bombs on that small North African 
nation. They want Libya destroyed totally, blown up and done 
with forever. And they are furious with Mr. Reagan for taking 
six years to do so little against Colonel Qaddafi. They term it a 

December 1 986 41 

simple operation and do not understand why Mr. Reagan 
cannot carry it out quickly. 

And this is exactly why hapless little Libya is again facing 
destruction at the hands of American military might. It hasn’t 
got the slightest thing to do with terrorism. That’s a very 
shallow dodge , implemented solely as a disguised ploy to get the 
support of the American public for making Libya a disaster area 
resembling the city of Dresden in Germany at the end of 
hostilities during World War II. 

For a while, the U.S. government put out statements on the 
hour, every hour, such as “We have hard evidence that Qaddafi 
is planning terrorist attacks in Europe;” ‘ ‘Colonel Qaddafi’s 
fingerprints are all over plans for .new terrorist missions;” and 
“Terrorist plans show the imprint of Libya.” 

All such statements are just that, merely statements, not 
proof. In fact, to be accurate, those fancy but meaningless 
statements from the White House are in reality just plain lies 
with no basis at all, in truth. When some over-paid and under- 
thinking W 7 hite House or State Department spokesman stands 
up and says that Qaddafi’. s fingerprints are all over some imagi- 
nary terrorist plan, those axe just words. They are not evidence. 
No court on earth would listen to such unmitigated hearsay 
nonsense . Too many Americans think that because someone at 
the White House issues some wild and unfounded statements 
about Libya, it must be true. 

During the past six years of Mr. Reagan’s terms of office, he 
has had every agency of the United States government world- 
wide trying to dig up evidence that Colonel Qaddafi arranges 
acts of terrorism. Yet in all that time, not one iota of proof has 
been found that ties Libya to any sort of terrorism whatsoever. 
Now it seems logical to me that if Colonel Qaddafi really were 
engaged in such activities, as Mr. Reagan claims, then surely the 
combined efforts of the FBI, the CIA, the National Security 
Agency and the many other investigative bodies assigned to “get 
Qaddafi evidence” would have turned up some proof by now. 

In their hurry to claim that Qaddafi’s hit squads were 
closing in fast on the White House in 1981 to kill the President, 
the U.S. accepted a pack of lies and manufactured “evidence” 
given to the State Department by the Israeli Embassy, consist- 
ing of photos of 14 Arabs called terrorists by MOSS AD, But 
the FBI quickly demolished this theory by releasing informa- 
tion that these Shi’ite Arabs, who were supposed to be working 
for Qaddafi, were actually very much against the Libyan leader 

42 Liberty Bell 

and had made attempts to assassinate him, not the president of 
the United States. This proved to be a great embarrassment to 
the Israelis and their U.S. government stooges in the State 
Department. And, even now, when I speak with European 
diplomats, they still joke about the fake hit squads of 1981, 
This kind of stuff makes the U.S. government look very foolish, 
which it is. 

As everyone knows, the Israelis asked both President Ford 
and Pesident Carter to close the Libyan Embassy in Washington. 
Both refused on the ground that there was no reason to do so. 
But this attitude changed when Mr. Reagan reached the White 
House. He quickly did the bidding of the world Zionists and 
booted the Libyan Embassy out of Washington on only four 
days’ notice. 

Even this was not enough for the extreme zealots at the 
Israeli Embassy^ . They then asked Mr. Reagan to use American 
influence to pressure the United Nations to kick out Libya. 
And Mr. Reagan would have done so, if he had had the authori- 
ty to do so. But he did the next best thing. He ordered all 
Libyan diplomats at the U.N. confined to an area no more than 
two miles from the United Nations building. This meant that 
the Libyan ambassador could not even go to his own home in 
New Jersey. He had to get an apartment in Manhattan. Later, 

i ' 

the U.S. relented just enough to allow him to use his residence 
two weekends per month. But he was not even allowed to even 
enter his own home until after 5 P.M. on Friday. When he 
arrived home at 4:30 P.M., he was forced to just sit idly in his 
car for 30 minutes before U.S. agents would permit him to 
enter his own home. How’s that for restrictions? Ambassadors 
in the Soviet Union have much more freedom. And remember 
that the U.N. Charter states that all members have to be treated 
equally. What a joke President Reagan made of that clause ! 

Another form of arranged harassment of the Libyans prevent- 
ed the Libyan ambassador from visiting his doctor, a New York 
physician whose office was more than two miles from the U.N. 
Does this sound like America, the land of the free, to you? As 
Mr. Mahmoud B. Sokni, Libyan press attache at the time told 
me, “It is like throwing rocks at the Statue of Liberty.” 

The most recent phase of this bash-Libya and Scare-Libya 
business began when one of the most vicious of all the Israeli 
war criminals arrived in the United States on August 2 to 
become 'military attache at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. 
Major General Amos Yaron has been found guilty several times 

December 1986 43 

at the world court for such matters in Geneva because he has 
repeatedly violated Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Conven- 
tion. Next to General Ariel Sharon, the “Butcher of Beirut/ 5 
iGeneral Xaron is the most wanted war criminal by the Arab 
mationa, This killer is the one whom General Sharon put in 
:charge bf the Sabra and Shatilamassacres in Lebanon during the 
3£98'2 invasion. And it was he who allowed “protected per- 

sons/ 5 unde^^^ ;in writing from the United States 

government., rto be slaughtered that fateful day when Israeli 
^officers :put :on Lebanese “Christian 5 5 militia uniforms to super- 
vise "this :mass 'killing :bf old men, women and children. It was 
done "to break dta morale of the hard-pressed Palestinians, who 
■were ?then engaged in a desperate struggle against superior Ameri- 
cambacked .Israelis around Beirut. 

Several Arab-American organizations have protested the 
.admission .into The U.S* of this depraved war criminal. “We 
have a vital responsibility to bring ICaron’s •bloodstained cre- 
dentials to the American public’s attention, 55 -said Mr. Joseph 
Najjar, coordinator of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination 

In an attempt to prevent GeneraTYaron from being admitted 
to the United States, Mr. Najjar told the State Department, 
“Human decency demands that our government have nothing to 
with a foreign representative whose own government stripped 
him of his field command for his involvement in the Sabra and 
Shatila massacres. 55 

But, as always, Mr. Reagan and the State Department 
allowed this wax .criminal to be admitted to our country, and 
with full diplomatic immunity, too. Right after his arrival, the 
Israeli Embassy secretly released to one of the most undesirable 
yellow journalists in the country, Mr. Norman Pearlstine, 
managing editor of 'the . Zionist-controlled Wall Street Journal, a 
completely fabricated story that the Libyans were planning to 
blow up U.S. bases in Europe. And, of course, the White House 
staff, ever anxious to further ingratiate themselves with the 
Zionists, echoed whatever absurd rumors Mr. Pearlstine printed 
in the Journal 

This nasty turn of events ‘went on for over two months 
before our European allies demanded some form of proof that 
Libya was planning such actions in their respective countries. 
They notified Washington that their own intelligence services 
had been unable to verify any of the patent nonsense put out 
by the Israeli Embassy through their man at the Wall Street 


Liberty Bell 

Journal Then, when Washington failed to supply them with 
any evidence, manufactured or otherwise, the European diplo- 
mats threatened to bring this matter before the United Nations 
if Mr. Reagan did not recant some of this warmongering talk he 
gave out to the press just to back up what the Israelis had done 
and to again incense the American public against little Libya. 

Then the Knight-Ridder newspaper chain released a story by 
James McCartney and David Hess, which stated, “Over the past 
10 days, the Reagan administration has manufactured a non- 
existent crisis with Libya as part of an anti-terrorism effort that 
even top White House officials admitted was a complete fabrica- 
tion. It began with directives from President Reagan to fire a 
shot across the bow of Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy.” 

When this story hit the streets across America, then Mr. 
Reagan and the State Department were forced to back up and 
admit there was no evidence against Libya whatsoever. But no 
White House spokesman dared to tell the truth about the part 
tire Israelis played in starting the entire matter with their stooge 
at the Wall Street Journal , Mr. Pearlstine. 

So I say, now that the White House, the CIA, the National 
Security Council, and the State Department have finally ad- 
mitted lying about Libya to please Israel, how are you ever 
going to believe the next big lie about Qaddafi or Syria or 
whatever the Zionists come with next time? 

Remember that Mr. Reagan does not have a very good 
record for veracity. He lied about the hit squad scare in 1981. 
He lied about the Libyans 5 being behind the Berlin nightclub 
bombing. He lied about Libya’s being responsible for the Rome 
airport attack. He has lied about Libya for over six years now. 
When are the people going to stop believing him? 

As Dr. Ali Treiki, Libya’s ambassador to the U.N., whom I 
know personally, told NBC, “If there is any evidence at all, why 
doesn’t Mr. Reagan present it at the United Nations for all the 
world to see and judge?” 5 

Of course, Mr. Reagan does not dare take Dr. Treiki up on 
that offer, because there is no proof and no such Libyan plans 
•' ever existed. 

In my next column, I will reveal letters by Libya and by the 
U.S. State Department which show the illegal actions of the 
American government against Libya. 

And you don’t have to like Libya or Colonel Qaddafi to see 
that a great injustice has been done against that small North 
African country just to satisfy the greed and powerlust of Israel. 

December 1 986 45 



■ I 

Tke Legionary Movement in Ro- 
mania, commonly known as the Iron 
G.u ard , — p e r h ap s the * ol de st an ti- 
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ry! ”-B.C.) 


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Hitler had it easy! That’s right, Hitler had an easy job of 
uniting' his Aryan comrades in Germany if compared to the 
problems co nfr onting today’s racialists. Hitler lived in an Aryan 
community in an Aryan nation. Hitler’s contemporaries knew 
they were Aryans. Hitler’s followers were sick of the treachery 
and debauchery of their leaders. Hitler’s followers were able to 
see the gleaming future which National Socialism offered the 
Aryan peoples. 

Few today live in an Aryan community. Our country is 
filled with the world’s “wretched refuse.’’ Since the end of 
World War II our schools have preached the Jew doctrine of 
democracy and equality. From kindergarten (my, does that 
German word still survive?) through the university, our young 
are taught race is a myth and it is only the environment which 
shapes the individual. The genetic inheritance our Aryan 
ancestors passed to each of us counts for nothing— only environ- 
ment determines our destiny. Therefore, the downbreeding of 
the Aryan with the mud races of the world is of no consequence, 
in fact it is desirable, our children learn, for all artificial barriers 
created by race will be eliminated and we will be one happy 
band of downbreeds wallowing in the mud of “equality .” 

Those who march today under the symbolic banners of the 
Siegrunen and the Hakenkreuz find it difficult, often impossible,, 
to awaken fellow Aryans to the racial issues confronting them. 
Germans of the Hitler era knew the facts of genetic life. They 
were aware of the disruptive influences caused by the incursion 
of the Jew. The Jew was correctly identified as an alien. 
Despite the time of residency in Germany, for a few years 
or generations, the Jew remained a Jew. There was no confusion 
as to the genetic pools, one was Aryan, one was foreign. 

In Germany of the Hitler era there were pockets of degener- 
acy which would match anything in contemporary society. The 
faggots of Berlin were as brazen as their degenerate fellows 
mincing the streets of America today . The moral degeneracy of 
the Weimar politicians was equaled, if not surpassed, by the 
cesspool called Washington and reflected in the fifty state 

December 1986 47 

capitals. The major difference was the queer and the degenerate 
government sickened the vast majority of the German population. 
Today, from every direction, the queer, the doper, the corrupt 
politician become the norm. The materialism of our contem- 
porary world leaves everything to a “me-too-ism” which permits 
any activity, no matter how corrupt or depraved, as long as it 
pushes the individual upanotch or two in the consumer society. 
To 'Hitler, honor and loyalty were important, the concepts of 
the spiritual values of our ancient Aryan peoples remained. 
Find them in today’s world! 

Hitler and his followers had a vision of a world returned to 
the concepts of Aryan purity. Of Aryans working within an 
Aryan community, for the advancement of Aryan values— fami- 
ly, individual honor, genetic purity and folk before self. The 
National Socialists of today must show these values by their 
personal life and conduct in this land of foreign occupation, for 
the majority of Aryans today are so lacking in racial spirit it is 
difficult for them to combat the corrupting influences of the 
gutter values of a Jew dominated society. 

Despite the differences, Hitler’s battle was monumental. 
National Socialism was elected to political power following his 
years of struggle and sacrifice. Hitler’s first attempt at political 
power ended in failure before the Feldherrnhalle in Munich on 
the 9th of November in 1923. It was only by the hand of 
providence Hitler’s name was not amongst the sixteen who died 
in the abortive putsch. From Landsberg prison Hitler then 
wrote Mein Kampf in which he described his political philoso- 
phy and his determination to attain his political goals. The 
domination of the Hitler will was to be reflected in the monu- 
mental film “Triumph des Willens” produced by Leni Riefen- 
stahl in 1934 to show what was indeed the triumph of the will 
of one man who had emerged to lead the Aryan peoples— Adolf 

Despite the adversities of the contemporary Aryan world, 
there is no shrinking from the task. Hitler’s ideals are more 
valid today, for we see National Socialism as the sole means of 
survival for our Aryan folk and culture. When our Aryan 
people regain their self-respect and identity as a people unique 
in culture and genetic potential, then, once again, a leader will 
emerge to bring us to victory through Aryan unity. Each 
National Socialist must continue the struggle and lead by 
example in a world of increasing darkness. The light of those 
lives will draw other Aryans to the warmth of the Aryan hearth 

48 Liberty Bell 

and to the growing family of Aryans gathered there. 

Raise the fallen banner, march to victory under the Haken- 
kreuz of old. The Siegrunen, the sign of victory and Aryan 
purity, shines from the hearts of our Aryan comrades leading us 
from darkness into light. Each one must act today or the Aryan 
tomorrow will never come. 

«£» ti« ili ili 



A Sure, you’ve read it, or heard it on the radio or saw it 

presented on television. AIDS is now a heterosexual disease. It 

V v 

• is no longer to be considered as an affliction of the male sodo- 

• mites and intravenous drug users. It just might show up in the 
sexually active young people at your high school, or work, or 
bar, or etc., etc., etc. But, don’t you believe it. It is more of 
the propaganda disseminated by the liberals in a rapidly failing 
effort to salvage the precious “rights” of the sodomites to infect 
the general population. 

A national publication and a TV-network anchorman were 
blabbing the liberal line in September. The pitch was the 
disease is “apparently” spreading through the heterosexual 
population by normal intercourse. The readers and listeners 
were then led down the garden path to believe AIDS is now 
spread in the same manner as the more common venereal 
diseases such as gonorrhea, herpes, or syphilis. Therefore, since 
it is a disease just about anyone who risks sex with more than 
one partner can have— male or female— then it can not be 
condemned as a “moral” failing of sodomites or those jabbing 
needles into their bodies to satisfy their craving for drugs. The 
“civil rights” of the sodomites come before the nation’s health. 
We may all rejoice that AIDS is to be shared equally in this 
grand era of the great democracies. The problem with all of this 
is that it simply is not true. 

The United States Government operates what is called a 
Center for Infectious Diseases, a part of which is the Centers for 
Disease Control in Atlanta. The word “Centers” is a plural 
because more than one disease is studied there, AIDS being just 
one of them. They issue weekly statistics tracking the increase 
of AIDS in the United States. On 1 September 1986, the AIDS 
statistical identification showed 72.2 percent of all AIDS cases 
reported were in homosexual/bisexual men. Next were the 

Decern ber 1 986 4 9 

intravenous drug users with 16.9 percent of the cases, 5.3 
percent from unknown causes and 1 .7 percent of the total were 
“believed” caused by heterosexual contact. The “believed” 
cases assigned to heterosexual contact places them on just a bit 
firmer ground than the larger number listed as being from 
“unknown” causes. The tragic groups are located in an ad- 
ditional 1 .7 percent who got the virus through blood transfusions, 
compliments of our medical community, and the 1.4 percent 
who are children. 

A network evening news anchor said on September 2nd 
and 3rd that the CDC listed 900 women as having acquired 
AIDS through heterosexual contact, which is amazing! The 
CDC’s statistics of September 1st list only 339 women known 
to be infected with AIDS through contact with a person either 
with AIDS or at risk for AIDS. Apparently, in the United 
States, from the CDC statistics released on September 1st until 
the network television program on the 2nd, an additional 561 
women were diagnosed with AIDS! Unless it had been heard 
elsewhere, one would assume the figures on national TV were 
grossly in error, for certainly no one would deliberately paint 
such a distorted picture for the American viewers. But then, 
AIDS is a queer disease! 

Total active AIDS cases for males in the U.S. as of 1 Sep- 
tember were 22,639; for women, 1,791, and these figures 
represent all causes of infection. Since AIDS statistics were first 
kept in 1979, there have been a total of 24,430 cases of AIDS 
reported, and 13,442 deaths, or, 55% of those who have AIDS 
have died. As there is no known cure, the fatalities will even- 
tually near 100%. 

No, AIDS is not primarily a heterosexual disease. It is a 
disease brought into our society by the abnormal practices of 
the sodomites whose anal intercourse provides an entry for the 
virus into the recipient’s body. As long as we permit the 
sodomite to continue to defy nature they will continue to 
infect others and to spread the fatal disease. Regardless of 
your moral viewpoint concerning sodomites, nature finds anal 
intercourse between males contrary to the regulatory practices 
established for sexual procreation and those violating the 
natural law are now paying with their lives. All “life styles” are 
not equal in the eyes of nature any more than are all men, 
women or races equal. Nature does not recognize any equality 
other than the equal right of the strong to prevail and the weak 
to perish. 

50 Liberty Bell 


■ X 

• x' 

Of course, you, as a racially aware member of our Aryan 
race, recognize the propaganda for what it is— an attempt to 
further destroy our national and racial fabric by allowing the 
degenerates to further infect us. AIDS can not be cured as of 
this time, but its spread could be greatly reduced by quarantining 
those who carry the virus. Some now suspect there may be 
other means of the ,, ixus spreading beyond those mentioned, 
insects, perhaps, though this has yet to be proven, what ever the 
reason for the “unknown” cases, they can be controlled by 
controlling the movement of the sodomites. They should not be 
permitted in any Aryan community. The disease is not rapidly 
spreading into the female population and thus becoming a 
threat to them, AIDS is, and remains, a contamination spread 
primarily by sodomites, 72.2 percent of the total, and by 
intravenous drug users, 16.9 percent. Suspected heterosexual 
contamination is represented by only 1.7 percent of the total 
number of cases. Yes, AIDS is a queer disease. 

4l> *1* 




The emerging catastrophe of the AIDS plague looms larger 
on the front pages of newspapers each day. As the full impact 
of what lies ahead begins to sink into the thickened skulls of 
System-supporters, new ways to exploit the disaster begin to be 
heard from America’s pulpits and legislatures. But racialist 
Aryan-warriors MUST NOT let this issue become the property 
of federal charlatans and system-conservatives. The unified cry 
from Aryan racialists must become “AIDS IS OUR ISSUE!” 

Recent system news stories indicate a growing interest by 
if “conservatives” seeking to exploit AIDS hysteria for political 
gain. Howard Moye, a Republican challenger from North 
Carolina seeking a seat in the House of Representatives, is using 
. radio advertising to exploit AIDS fears in his push for a seat in 
. the House. Some “conservative” groups are using AIDS fears to 
: push for opposition to legislation which would prohibit discri- 
mination against AIDS patients. Such activities are likely to 
have an effect and find great sympathies among Americans 
fearful of the killer AIDS virus. They will probably even find 
sympathy among Aryan racialist warriors. But such sympathies 
rob the Aryan racialist movement of its greatest potential 

Decern ber 1 986 51 

political issue ever! 

While System-conservatives and pseudo^Jew bible thumpers 
prophesy about the threat to “family,” they offer no true 
solution to a social order which seeks to solve symptoms and 
not* causes. The cause of the AIDS crisis is not sexual predis- 
position.or even homosexual excesses. It is, simply stated, the 

direct: result of the willful negligence of Purity of the Blood. 


While Christian conservatives are preaching out one side of their 
mouths about the evils of the “killer virus/’ they turn and offer 


their solution: stricter adherence to the Judaic value system 
that brought us to this place in time. If only we study the 
history of the Jews (Bible) a little more our salvation will come! 

Conservative politicians on the other hand could care less 
about the issue of Blood-Purity. AIDS is just another political 
issue which might be the ticket to a pork-barrel position in our 
nation’s capitol or a state legislature. It might just as well be a 
discussion about tariffs or the three-martini lunch deduction. 
System conservatives will NEVER recognize this issue for what 

Aryan racialist warriors must pick up this issue as if it were 
our fallen battle standard! AIDS IS OUR ISSUE! 

The greatest 20th century Aryan racialist prophesied the 
AIDS cataclysm. He came to offer a fatally corrupted world a 
thousand years of life if it would only change a few of its 
practices and beliefs. For delivering his message he was re- 
warded with DEATPI, like so many foresighted Aryan racialists 
today! But his vision is as true today as it was a half-century 
ago, only that same, dying materialist worldview is now too 
corrupt and rotten to be ressurrected or saved. It is up to 
modem Aryan racialists to once and for all sound the death 
knell for a system which rejected the only viable option offered 
for its continued existence. This time, we spare no prisoners! 

Adolf Hitler warned 50 years ago: 

...there is only one holiest right, and this right is at the same 
time the holiest obligation, to wit: to see to it that the blood is 
preserved pure..” (Mein Kampf , Houghton Miflin ed., 1971, 

He stated that the vitality of a people lies in the purity of its 
blood, not merely in the discrete “genes” as mechanistic scien- 

52 Liberty Bell 

tific -materialists would advocate today. Scientific materialists 
b. would advocate that by proper manipulation and implantation/ 
y transplantation any old piece of humanoid flesh could be made 
s]l equal to an Aryan! Adolf Hitler said something completely 
$ different and his message is only now being proved correct! No 
■ v.;' matter what the liberal-materialists and their worn out world - 
view may say to the < ontrary, the central issue facing society at 
,*1} the close of the 20th century is the same one it so desperately 
, fought against at the opening of the 20th century: THE ISSUE 


Who today would seek voluntary surgery and would 
accept the blood of an unknown donor without suspicion and 
alarm? The perverse practice of piping Hottentot blood gathered 
from street winos and drug addicts into the veins of otherwise 
healthy individuals will soon be at an end. The “science” of 
buying and selling organs from decapitated auto -accident 
victims for the preservation of life forms purposely less endowed 
•Jjsjfv by nature has seen its zenith! The insidious “scientific” practice 
A of ripping still -beating hearts from the chest cavities of species 
t; (baboons) which are not our enemies and which did “mankind” 
} no harm is now repaid! And the one man who came to turn a 
world from such ungodly (read “Un-Aryan”) practices told the 
world it would be so ! 

He spoke of the community that WE, HIS SPIRITUAL 

“It must set race in the center of all life. It must take care to 
keep it pure. It must declare the child to be the most precious 
treasure of a people.” (Mein Kampf , pg. 403) 

; ; “A folkish state must therefore begin by raising marriage from 
the level of a continuous defilement of the race, and give it the 
consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce 
' T images of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man 
'y ! and ape ” (pg. 402) 

“No boy or girl must leave school without having been led to an 
ultimate realization of the necessity and essence of blood 
. purity.” (pg. 427) 

He knew such a task would not be accomplished in five, ten 
or twenty years but rather over generations... 


“Here the state must act as the guardian of a millennial future 
December 1986 53 

in the face of which the wishes and selfishness of the individual 
must appear as nothing...”' (pg.404) 


of the faculty md ability to procreate on the 
pa$g the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a 
of stx; hundred years, would not only free humanity 
fir©® m imoneasurable misfortune, but would lead to a recovery 
whd^h today seems inconceivable.” (pg. 405) 

W&at is- really at stake in regards to the AIDS issue is the 
difference between political gains to be made by System politic- 
al parties and racial victory to be gained by Aryan warriors. 
Aryan racialists are the moral and spiritual superiors to System 
lackeys and members of political parties. Let it be clear to all 
Aryan* warriors^ that what we fight for is not merely a change in 
political authority but rather the total victory of a PHILOSOPHY 
OF LIFE! He said.., 

“While the program of a solely political party is the formula for 
a healthy outcome of the next elections, the program of a 
philosophy is the formulation of a declaration of WAR against 
the existing order, against a state of affairs; in short, against an 
existing view of life to general.” 

The AIDS issue is but one battle to that WAR in which we 
are engaged. It is but one front at which we must fight. But if 
our standard is our declaration of will to preserve the purity of 
our blood, our victory is guaranteed! As we struggle on the 
many fronts we face in our fight against a decaying and rotten 
Worldview, we must remember that victory is ours! The greatest 
Aryan leader promised it to us... 

“And assuredly this world is moving toward a great revolution. 
The question can only be whether it will redound to the benefit 
of the Aryan humanity or to the benefit of the eternal Jew.” ,(p. 

“A state which in this age of racial poisoning dedicates itself to 
the care of its best racial elements must someday become lord 
of the earth.” (pg.688) 

Next time you read the System press or watch the evening 
news and hear of some hoped-for vaccine which will let a dying 
Worldview continue on, without interruption, remember the 
issue at hand: Purity of -Blood. The next time some bible- 

54 ' , Liberty Bell 

thumping pseudo-Jew, tells you that Jahweh is angered and has 
set a pestilence upon the gentiles, take a close look at the 
source. The next time some opportunistic System-politician 
wails about AIDS and asks for your vote, ask him about the real 
issue: Purity of Blood. Lastly, the next time anyone who is 
outside of your Worldview expresses concerns about the AIDS 
epidemic, be sure to tell them why AIDS IS OUR ISSUE! □ 

Another Look 
At The Ger stein Statement 

Robert L. Frens 

In his book, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century , Dr. 
Arthur Butz comments upon 'some of the asininities of that 
so-called document, the "Gerstein Statement.” This supposed 
confession of a certain Kurt Gerstein was used as partial evidence 
: f |' for the justification of hanging some of Europe’s finest men 
S' following that unnecessary conflagration known as the Second 
|§ World War. 

.hV This statement was again questioned during the 1985 
S; political trial of Ernst Ziindel, a courageous revisionist publisher/ 
S speaker and resident of Toronto, Canada. Under questioning by 
defense counsel Doug Christie, Dr. Raul Hilberg, an alleged 
i-W; '‘expert” on a certain group of vanishing people, admitted that 

i . Gerstein’s confession did indeed contain some errors. While Dr. 
, Butz described Gerstein’s confession as "absolutely insane,” Dr. 
/Hilberg commented that some remarks were “imaginative.” 
; One of the "imaginative” descriptions involved the gassing to 
, [‘death of people using the exhaust fumes from a diesel engine. 
|f||Friedrich P. Berg, an accomplished civil engineer and revisionist 
’^searcher, has presented valuable information demonstrating 
;>M the tenuous nature of this method as a means of extermination. 
• hfeDr. Butz points out that the job of cramming 700-800 people 
l into a room of 45 cubic meters would require a scrap press to 
V, accomplish. The people would thereby be crushed rendering 
"gassing” rather superfluous. 

Aside from Dr. Butz and Mr. Berg, I decided to view this 
December 1986 56 

episode from another perspective. 

The technical information I used was found in the reference 
works, Essentials of Nutrition , by Dr. Sherman of Columbia 
University, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics , from the 
Chemical and Rubber Publishing Company , and Merck's Manual , 
a well-known physicians’ guide. I followed selected Gerstein 
statements but they were not taken out of context. The 
essence of these statements is as follows: 

1. The chambers, numbering four, were of 45 cubic meters 
volume. This is about 1590 cubic feet. 

2. 700 to 800 people were placed in a chamber. The 
assortment contained “lots of children of all ages,” women, 
“men standing on the feet of others,” and babies at the breast. 

3 . Once the chamber was filled, the doors were closed. 

4. The people were to be “gassed” using the exhaust fumes 
from a diesel engine . 

5. The diesel engine could not be started. 

6. Gerstein’s attention is fixed upon his stopwatch. He 
monitors the elapsed time while the other chambers are loaded. 

7. After 2 hours and 49 minutes, the engine starts and the 
gassing begins. 

8 . “After 28 minutes only a few are alive. After 32 minutes, 
finally, all are dead.” 

As a counter to the argument of Dr. Butz, I will invoke the 
worn circular premise: “It was possible because it happened.” 
Therefore, my discussion allows for the possibility of 700 
people standing on a floor area of 25 square meters without 
being crushed to death. 

To continue, I will use the following conversions and data: 

1. 700 people were placed in the chamber. 

2. The chamber was of 1590 cubic feet volume. 

3. There was an even distribution of babies, children, 
women, and men. 

4. The smallest baby weighed 10 pounds. 

5 . The largest man weighed 150 pounds. 

6. The average human body has a density of 60 pounds per 
cubic foot. 

7. In a standing state, the human body utilizes .012 kilo- 
calories of energy per pound per minute. 

8. Each kilocalorie of heat energy requires nearly one liter 
of air for its production. 

56 Liberty Bell 

r .'\ 



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P - 


9. Air is about 21 percent oxygen by volume. 

10. Body glucose was the source of energy. 

11. A cubic foot is equivalent to 28.32 liters. 

12. By volume, the fatal level of carbon dioxide in the air is 
12 percent. 

Using 3,4, 5, we can say that the average person weighed 80 
pounds. Therefore, the chamber contained 700 times 80 
pounds or 56000 pounds of human material. Dividing this by 
the density of 60 pounds per cubic foot, we arrive at a volume 
of 933 cubic feet which represents the volume occupied by the 
victims. This would leave 657 cubic feet of air in the chamber. 
The concluding question would be, “How long could these 700 
people live having access to 657 cubic feet of air, assuming that 
they will all have died of carbon dioxide poisoning?” 

At this point I would like to call attention to a rather 
common error, the one that assumes that carbon dioxide is 
“harmless.” One’s body can handle small amounts of this 
substance without effect in the same manner as it handles table 
salt, or hydrogen cyanide, for that matter. For many materials, it 
is all a matter of concentration. Carbon dioxide poisoning 
begins near the 5 percent point, causing extreme discomfort. 
The fact that the body can recover from this, given access to. 
fresh air, does not in the least detract from its poisonous nature. 
Hydrogen sulfide is a more poisonous gas than hydrogen cyanide, 
but in small concentrations it is merely the “stink” of rotten 

I will spare the reader the equation and calculator work, and 
conclude that the 700 people, under the given conditions, 
ft exhaled 4.43 cubic feet of carbon dioxide into their chamber 
a for each minute they were alive. Twelve percent of 657 cubic 
feet is 78.8 cubic feet. Therefore, in about 18 minutes the 
- carbon dioxide level would have been such that all would have 
been dead. 

If we assume that poisoning by carbon dioxide is impossible 
and that the body can consume oxygen to the last molecule, we 
'can arrive at a corollary conclusion. In the chamber, there were 
657 times 21 percent, or 138 cubic feet of oxygen. During 
[■ glucose combustion, the consumed volume of oxygen and the 
produced volume of carbon dioxide is the same. At a rate of 
4.43 cubic feet per minute, it would take our 700 people (138 
divided by 4.43) 31 minutes to have consumed all of the 
oxygen present. In this case, they would all have been a victim 
iDon&m hor 1 QRfZ 57 

of hypoxia. 

Whether they were all dead in 18 minutes of carbon dioxide 
poisoning or in 31 minutes due to hypoxia, the point remains 
unchanged. Gerstein notes that the people were still waiting 
after 70 minutes. After another 99 minutes, the engine finally 
starts ;and the gassing commences. This continues for 32 

‘This different view of Gerstein ’s account additionally serves 
to illustrate the patent nonsense of that “confession.” The 
nonsense of the past and the continuing nonsense regarding the 
so-caHed “Nazi horrors” would be comic were it not for the fact 
that this nonsense is believed by the unthinking public. 

But nonsense it is to believe, that 700 people could be 
herded into a building the size of a two-car garage, and that 
they would still be calmly breathing after 30 minutes of such 
confinement. □ 


L. P agar ell 

Reprinted from Insight 

241-720 6th Street, New Westminster B.C. V3L 3C5 Canada 

British author David Irving shocked many of the 250 people 
who crowded into the Sandman Inn Hotel in Vancouver on 31 
March to hear him speak by telling them that Hitler did not 
want any harm to come to the Jewish people. His disclosure 
that original documents show that from 1923 until 1944 Hitler 
ordered a number of times that Jewish people should not be 
harmed in any way resulted in gasps from a few in the audience. 

Irving, who is fluent in German, is widely respected as a 
diligent researcher who studies original documents and material, 
from personal diaries of National Socialist leaders to records of 
telephone conversations of people such as Heinrich Himmler, 
when preparing his manuscripts. 

Examples of Hitler’s attitude towards the Jews given by 
Irving were: 

1. In 1923, when party leaders were told that a number of 
Jewish people had been physically and verbally abused on a 

58 Liberty Bell 


street in Munich, Hitler ordered that the men who did this be 
brought before him, reprimanded, and thrown out of the party. 

2. On November 9th. 1938, the so-called “Crystal Night,” 
when Hitler was informed late in the evening that synagogues 
and Jewish stores were being attacked, he immediately ordered 
that all police be dispatched to stop the actions and that those 
responsible' be caught and punished. Irving held up a copy of 

this order. 

3. In 1942, Hitler ordered that the transport to; and the 
resettlement of the Jewish people in, the eastern territories be 
stopped until the end of the war. 

4. Not one document has ever been found which shows that 
Hitler ordered, or was aware of, the liquidation of Jewish 
people in camps or anywhere else either before or during the 
war. Irving reiterated his 1000 pound sterling offer to anyone 
who can produce such a document. 

Other important points mentioned in the speech were: 

1. Hitler offered very favorable terms to Britain in June of 
1940 for a negotiated peace, which at least 3 of the 6 men in 
the British War Cabinet wanted to accept. However, Churchill 
demanded the war continue with increased bombing of German 
cities because he realized he may lose his job as Prime Minister 
if he “...made peace with Hitler.” To prevent the British people 
from finding out the terms of the German peace offer, he 
prevented the British ambassador in Washington, who was aware 
of the terms, from speaking to anyone about it. Rudolf Hess 
flew to Britain in 1940 to help persuade Churchill to be reason - 

} able by speaking with political friends there. The records of the 
Hess flight were ordered by Churchill to be kept locked in a 
vault in the British archives until the year 2030. 

2. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Thomas Ickles, the U.S. Secretary 
■ of State, and Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King are all on 
■' record as describing Churchill as being a drunk. 

3. One reason that disease was wide-spread in the concen- 
tration camps when the Allied forces entered them at the end of 

'V the war was because of an Allied campaign to bomb medical 
and pharmaceutical factories. 

4. Churc hill became obsessed with destroying Germans. On 
July 6, 1944 he ordered that 2,000,000 Anthrax bombs be 
dropped on German cities and continued these demands for one 
month. A few Anthrax bombs were dropped on an island during 
the war to test them, and that island is uninhabitable to this 
day. Anthrax is a disease carried by pigs and sheep which causes 

December 1986 59 

high fever arid death . 

Irving was asked whether he believed there was a central 
agency or group twisting and manipulating the news presented 
in the media today. His reply was that such an agency was not 
necessary because reporters, editors, and media owners have an 
‘instinctive,’ in -bred awareness of the way that ‘news’ is to be 
presented to further the interests of certain groups in society. 

On the whole, Irving’s informative- and often humorous 
speech was received with overwhelming enthusiasm by those 
who attended. 

Does the West have the will to survive? 

That is the obvious question posed by Jean Raspail's 
terrifying novel of the swamping of the White world 
by an unlimited flood of non-White "refugees." But 
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Liberty Bell 


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