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"Jewish Power? — It's nothing compared with the awesome 
power of the anti-Semites! Believe me, I know — my 
television network is doing a mini-series about them." 


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is published monthly by LIBERTY BELL PUBLICATIONS, George 
P. Dietz, Editor. Editorial offices: P.O. Box 21, Reedy, W.Va. 25270 
USA. Phone: 304-927-4490. 

Manuscripts conforming to our editorial policy are always 
welcome, however, they cannot be returned unless accompanied by 
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COPYRIGHTT 1981 by Liberty Bell Publications 
Permission granted to quote in whole or part with 
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The editor-publisher of THE LIBERTY BELL does not necessarily agree 
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permit the exposure of ideas suppressed by the controlled news media of this 

It is, therefore, in the best tradition of America and of free men everywhere 
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We believe that we can and will change our society for the better. We 
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T o this we dedicate our lives and our work. No effort will be spared and no 
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not only of America, but the entire World, G0or „ 0 p, DietZi Editor & p ubMther 


Order additional copies of 
by Prof. A.R. Butz 
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Box 21, Reedy, West Virginia 25270 


VOL. 8 - NO. 10 
JUNE 1981 

Letters to the Editor 3 

The Enemy of Europe, Part II 7 



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The Liberty Bell 


Dear George: 17 Feb. 81 

I hope you will forgive my persistance on the matter, but I feel obliged 
to illuminate the further ‘‘administration of justice” in Belgium. This time 
the continued witch-hunt in Brussels on the French speaking “extreme 
right movements” — “Front de la Jeunesse.” 

In a style worthy of the “Inquisition,” 35 members of this group have 
been summoned to the Brussels Court of of Justice for a first hearing on 
February 12,1981. The accusation: demonstrations without authorization, 
private militia taking part in exercises with arms and ammunition, 
intentional arson on the premises of the Belgian-Vietnamese Committee, 


During the same period, and in addition to the already existing laws in 
Belgium on the subject, a bili has been introduced (Socialist member of 
Parliament Glimmer-Dujardin) and is already adopted in parliament, to 
make punishable by law: hatred against foreigners and incitement to 
discrimination on the basis of race, colour or ethnic descent. Incriminatory 
will then be these infringements in meetings, assemblies and public places. 
Also by publications, pictures, emblems or symbols which can be pasted 
up, distributed, publically displayed or mailed to different persons. - 

Master mind behind all this, Socialist minister of civil affairs Moureaux. 
The policy of this sinister hireling is to destroy the active ranks of the 
opposition with these curbs and to break the spear heads via costly and 
devastating mass-trials. 

In Belgium we’ll have to work out a new strategy. 

Best regards, 
. P.W., Belgium 

il, kU .1. 

iy* 'I* 

Dear Mr. Dietz: 1 March 81 

Thank you for the books you sent, and especially for all the extra 
material you included. I really appreciated it very much. 

The material you sent me is used in monthly discussions of our school’s 
history society, of which I am the chairman. Last year I used Prof. Butz’ 
and Mr. Christophersen’s publications to write my history thesis on the 
Auschwitz Myth. I got almost 90%, regardless of the “most extraordinary 
conclusion” (my teacher’s comment) to which I came! I also wrote an 
article on the environmental and genetic theories and racial achievement 
for the German (third language) part of our school magazine. My German ' 
teacher, used to European educational standards, called it a “bomb” and 
said that she didn’t want to see her class smeared as “Nazi.” Fortunately 
however, it was published, and strangely enough not one Jewish or other 
student or teacher has reacted yet. 

June 1981 3 


Since most of the members of our history society are in Std. 7 (15 
years) and cover WW II etc. this year in class, I am planning to hold a 
discussion on the real solution to the kosher surplus, just after they have 
finished the Six Million lie in class! I shall inform you about the results 
and reactions among them. 

A militant right-wing organisation, consisting mostly of blue collar 
workers and called the “Wit Kommando 55 (White Commando), is presently 
active in South Africa. Their symbol is a cross (WtK) and they want to 
prevent a Marxist regime by attacking liberal persons or institutions who 
propagate race mixing. In April 1980, fires broke out in the office of the 
Institute for Racial Affairs. In August the office of Prof. Jan Lombard, 
who initiated a plan of multiracial cooperation, was bombed. In December 
the offices of Prof. F.A, Maintz, a sociologist who testified for the defense 
in the Silverton terrorist case, were also attacked, but in none of the above 
cases anyone was injured. 

Other attacks were made on the Transkei consulate in Port Elizabeth 
and on the house of a Member of the Executive Committee, Mr. 
Watterson. Death threats were received by well-known TV commentator 
Cliff Saunders, the principal of a gymnasium, who enrolled the son of a 
Black attache at his school, and Bishop Desmond Jutu, black general 
secretary of the S.A. Council of Churches, who is very sympathetic 
towards black terrorists. 

On 6 February, Mr. M. Bolla (Italian), Mr. M. Huggett (English), Mr. 
W.G. van Dyk (Afrikaner), and Mr. B.M.A. Fetheringham, were arrested 
and explosives and “subversive I * * * 5 * literature confiscated. Mr. Allen 
Fetheringham is the chairman of the S.A. National Front, which ceased to 
exist 16 months ago and then went underground as the W.K. Since the 
police investigation is not finished, no date for the court hearing is 
available yet. 

I am including another order herewith and would be most grateful if 
you could send me a copy of “Unser Liederbuch 55 which you mentioned in 
your letter to me, with the other books. 

Thank you in anticipation, and White Power! 

H.M., So. Africa 

♦t* ^ ^1* 

Dear Mr Dietz: 1 March 81 

Young black urban guerrillas have a new thing going in Miami. They 
throw bricks through windows of locked doors of cars at stop signs, red 
lights, and rob passengers. Most are White females. There were over 26 
incidents or attacks of this nature on February 27, 1981, between 79th 
Street and 54th Street N.W. on 22nd Ave. and 27th Ave. 

Commie groups are agitating young blacks to do this. Revolutionary 
Workers (RW) of Atlanta, Georgia., and Communist Workers Party (CWP) 
are the main agitators. I believe this summer in Miami will be worse than 
last summer, with Commie groups agitating and with Castro Invasion 
Agents in Miami also. 


The Liberty Bell 


White Power! 
J.T., Florida 

* * * * * 

Dear George: 5 March 81 

Reference the pro and c.on articles in the “Liberty Bell 55 on 
Christianity. Much of what is said on both sides of the issue is true. 
However, do you think it wise to stir up this age-old controversy and lose 
the friendship of the people for whom you profess an affinity and 
zealousness in trying to awaken them to the peril of their real foe — the 
conniving Jew? 

As old Ben Franklin said so many years ago, “We must all hang 
together, or assuredly we shall hang separately. 55 In over 50 years of 
association with various tight-wing patriots it has been my tacit 
observation and experience that practically every organization dedicated 
to saving the country has been destroyed from within by endless bickering. 
My! how the Jews love and encourage the yokels to squabble among 
themselves while they band together and take over. [You are absolutely 
correct! The Jews are not splintered into ‘Methodists, 5 ‘Baptists, 5 
‘Mormons, 5 ‘Assemblies of God, 5 ‘Identity Christians, 5 and all the rest of 
the sorry lot believing in Oriental myths. When it comes to fighting their 
enemies, the Yids are ONE race-of-the-mind and of ONE religion. Our 
White brethren have been robbed of their race-consciousness and fighting 
spirit by their Christian ‘businessmen-of-God 5 !] 

Remember, if we don 5 t have common cause [We do! But RACE is the 
issue — not an Oriental religion that, first of all, has made drooling idiots 
and mental slaves out of many of our fellow White Men, and, secondly, a 
religion that has put the Yids into the positions of power they now hold, 
and which is determined to keep ‘God 5 s Chosen 5 in these positions, come 
what may!] under a captain of our own choosing to steer the good old 
conservative ship of the U.S. on this hazardous voyage, none of our breed 
will be given another opportunity to guide her under our God-given 
Constitution for which the “Founding Fathers 55 gave their all. 

Although Reagan is far from being the ideal conservative that he 
pictures himself, we should be thankful that Carter, the Southern 
skalawag, has been turned out of office in disgrace [But Carter was a good 
“Born-Again Christian!] . Never in the history of the U.S. has any 
President gone down to such ignominious defeat. A victim of his own 
dishonesty and deceit. He was a typical example of a Janus-faced politician 
wearing one face for himself, and another to the public, finally becoming 
bewildered as to which was his rightful one. His double dealing belatedly 
caught up with him. He was weighed in the balance and found wanting. 

Let’s keep religious controversies out of the Liberty Bell and 
concentrate on getting the DeviPs disciples out of our government, 
schools, information media, big business, churches and our country. 

, No one has ever condemned the Jews in more vitriolic language than 
Jesus Christ. Read Matt. Chapter 23: and other paragraphs in the Bible. 

June 1981 


J.C.L., North Carolina 

P$: Enclosed is my check for a one year renewal of my subscription to the 
Liberty Bell. 

J* •i' «A* >!> 

V *r* *T* ■T* 

Dear Mr Dietz: . 7 March 81 

The Jan. 81 issue of the Liberty Bell is fantastic. ‘Good Riddance’ 
indeed to that mattoid vampire Lennon! Please send me another copy of 
that issue. 

I also thoroughly enjoyed “The Whiteman’s Guide Book”. The whole 
issue is a masterpiece. 

Best regards 
G.R., Illinois 

sb 4* 4* 4* 

^ o' n' 

Dear Mr Dietz: 10 March 81 

Just a note to tell you that ‘Liberty Bell’ gets more dynamic with each 
issue, and that I think you and what you are doing is terrific — but — I also 
think it is too strong for beginners and that we should reserve this sort of 
thing for the inner core and proceed more cautiously if we intend to win 
over the neophytes. 

We have only to look at the methods used by our enemy to see that we 
must lead them carefully into this. Most of the uninformed could not 
possibly change overnight from Christianity to the Nature Gods of our 
Germanic forefathers. We have all been saturated for too many centuries in 
this drivel. So, I wish there was some way that you could continued to give ' 
us awakened ones more of the same and publish a more toned down 
version for the beginners. [That’s impossible! A cancerous tumor cannot 
be treated with Bufferins. It requires radical surgery or the patient will 
die!] I couldn’t possibly give some of my friends copies of these more 
hard-hitting issues of late [Why couldn’t you? Does the survival of our 
White Race mean less to you than the friendship and good-will of your 
friends who are yet mental slaves, but who could conceivably be turned 
from ‘neophytes’ into ‘people-in-th e-know ’? Let them read our material 
and give them a chance to make up their own minds. If they are worth 
saving at all, they’ll get the message!] 

I hope this does not offend you; personally I regard you as one of our 
racial heroes. Please accept the enclosed check as an enthusiastic 
contribution to your work [Thank you very much indeed!] 

Mrs J.M., California 

* * * * 

Dear Mr Dietz: 11 March 81 

How precious are the words of those who seek the truth! That’s how 
we feel about your publication THE LIBERTY BELL. As soon as your 
„ magazine arrives, I find my husband poring over it. Then, bursting with the 

f latest information, he’ll sit me down and explain over all the fascinating 
material you present. A lot of it is new to us, but we are very open-minded 

continued ' on page 5 5 

6 The Liberty Bell 





| PART II, continued from previous issue 

Copyright ©1981 
by Thomas Francis 




All rights reserved. No part of this 
book, except brief excerpts for the pur- 
• pose of review, may be reproduced in any 

form without written permission by the 
publisher. For information write to: 



Box 21, Reedy, W.Va. 25270 USA 


Liberty Bell Publicalioiis 




An inner enemy is more dangerous than an outer one, 
because while he seems to belong, he is actually a kind of alien. 

The Inner Enemy of Europe is at once a stratum of the 
population, a world-outlook, and a Culture-illness. The Michel- 
stratum is Europe’s Inner Enemy, the stratum that commits 
treason organically and instinctively. Its world-outlook is that 
of the past Age of Nationalism, Economics, Democracy, 
Capitalism. Because it looks backward and resists the Impera- 
tive of the Future with pathological intensity, this stratum is 
the embodiment of the Culture-disease called Culture-retar- 


, An inner enemy is dangerous in two respects: first, because 
of his own activity, and, second, because of his usefulness to the 
outer enemy. During the Second World War, the European 
Michel consciously worked for the defeat of Europe and the 
victory of the American-Russian coalition. Examples of this 
conduct were Churchill and Attlee in England, Badoglio and 
Mauggeri in Italy, Haider, Hassel, and Goerdeler in Germany, 
the Communists in France, the Netherlands, Spain, and Scandi- 
navia. Without this organic, professional treason on the part of 
the European Michel, the Outer Forces could never have 
defeated Europe. After the War, the American occupation of 
Europe and the despoliation of Europe were made possible only 
by the Michel-stratum, which hired itself out to the enemy to 
establish vassal-governments, churchill-regimes, in every pro- 
vince of Europe. During this period between the Second and 
Third World Wars, the Michel as an American agent is more 
dangerous than he would otherwise be in himself. The reason 
for this is the advance of History since the 19th century has 
rendered his world-outlook completely useless to him, even for 
purposes of sabotage, while to the Americans it is still useful as 
a means of control over Europe. Thus the Culture-disease of 
Culture-retardation remains in the body of Europe only because 
of the American occupation. 

If “capitalism” is understood not simply as an economic 
technique, but, above all, as a spiritual-ethical principle, we may 

* Cf. IMPERIUM, p. 410 ff. 


designate the world-outlook of the Michel as Capi- 
talism . In the 20th century, Capitalism is inwardly dead, both in 
the broader sense of a Cultural-ethical world-outlook and as an 
economic technique. The fact that it is dead is shown every 
time its representatives approach some new problem in the 
world of facts. Their solutions are uniformly rigid and in every 
case misfire, even when the problem is purely economic. After 
the Second World War, the English government that called itself 
“socialist” decided to “nationalise” the railways. The sole 
possible raison d'etre for nationalisation of the railways lay in 
reducing costs for the ultimate consumer, thus granting a sort of 
general rebate. But there resulted a doubling of all fares and a 
continuation of the separate identity of the lines, even to the 
point of competitive advertising. The programme remained in 
existence only for the sake of the principle of nationalisation. 
All other “nationalisation” schemes that originated with this 
capitalistic, class-war inciting Marxist regime ended similarly. 

The singularly unhappy career of the capitalist system was 
continued throughout Europe after the Second World War, to 
be sure, because of intervention coming from the Culture- 
periphery. Unhesitatingly, the Washington regime employed the 
resources of the North American continent to shore up the 
tottering system. Thus it is only the extra-European power of 
the Washington regime that subjects Europe to the negative 
world-outlook and outworn economic system of capitalism. A 
European revolt against capitalism is ipso facto a revolt against 
America. A Socialist Europe, founded on the principle of the 
sovereign, organically articulated State, would be an indepen- 
dent Europe and master of its own economy. This economy 
would not be established for reasons of class-war, nor for the 
purpose of realising any rigid, abstract ideas. On the contrary, it 
would be an economy that overcomes the economic problems 
of Europe in the spirit of the 20th century, and, indeed, in their 
sole possible way of solution: the State as organism and its 
economy as part of an organic totality to which all private and 
class interests are subordinate. 

Before the First World War, the European power-monopoly, 
the monopoly of trade and technics, secured all requisite 
markets for the products of Europe, and with these products 
Europe paid for the raw and other materials it ordered from 
abroad. The First World War undermined this system in that, 



for its duration, it deprived the overseas consumers of European 
merchandise, and thus gave them the stimulus to construct 
factories of their own. After the War, the capitalist international 
economy was never again able to solve its problems,, not even 
through extensive state-intervention in the form of protective 
tariffs, and the like. This development was concluded by the 
Second World War. The old system passed away. 

The only solution for the economic problems of Europe 
consists in the most intensive possible rationalisation of all 
existing possessions and in the acquisition of new resources for 
the European economy. Naturally, America insists that Europe 
keep the capitalist system. A Socialist Europe does not need 
America, whereas a capitalist Europe is a beggars* colony of 

In the basic world-outlook of both the American population 
and the ruling economic caste the world is still the object of 
plunder. America is not interested in forming and organising the 
world, but in creating the widest possible opportunities for 
financial-economic penetration of other countries. It is driven 
even to military conquest to attain this goal securely. Again, 
this is 19th century motivation, and its corrosive, pathological 
revival in our Age is a symptom of Culture-retardation.* 

To the finance-capitalist politico-military thought is merely a 
tool, albeit that it may seem to predominate at times. It is a 
dangerous . weapon. The possibility is ever present that a 
political general might like to rule the roost. The political 
general is the nightmare of the finance-capitalist, and therein lies 
the explanation for the inferior businessman-type and feeble- 
minded liberals that make up the American generalcy. All 
officers of strong will and superior intellect are weeded out 
before they attain to the rank of general; and in 1941 the Army 
regulations were so revised that automatic promotion to general 
— which had been the rule in the American Army since its 
beginnings in the 18th century •— was eliminated, and promo- 
tion to that rank made dependent on c ‘service, ** i.e., subservi- 
ence to the Washington regime, or in other words, on the lack 
of any earnest will and strong instincts. 

To recapitulate everything: the Inner Enemy of Europe may 
be described in three ways: 

1. With regard to his Culture-biological value. 

2. With regard to which stratum embodies him. 

3. With regard to his conception of the world. 

1. The Inner Enemy is the bearer of Culture-retardation. 

2. The Inner Enemy is the Michel-stratum; his leaders are the 

3. The Inner Enemy is Capitalism^ whereby the word is used 
in its total meaning of a Cultural-spiritual-ethical-economic 

In contrast to the foregoing, the true European spirit may be 
likewise sketched: 

1. It is Culture-health, i.e., the actualisation of the Inner 
Imperative, accepting the challenge of the Future. 

2. It is in the charge of the Culture-bearing stratum, the 
highest elite of the population, which stratum comprises 
no more than circa 250,000 souls. 

3. It is the grand Idea of Imperialism* the world-outlook that 
is suited to the coming European Imperium of Culture- 

For the purpose of demonstrating with the utmost clarity the 
elements of the two world-Outlooks in this period of Western 
History between the Second and Third World Wars, a paradigm 
is appended: 


World as object of plunder 
Wealth as social distinction 
Society as a collection of indi- 

“Pursuit of happiness** 



Primacy of the Spirit 



World as object of organi- 

Rank as social distinction 
Society as organism 
Fulfilment of Duty 

* Cf. IMPERIUM, p. 517 ff. 

Ascendant instincts: 

1. Absolute Western self-pre- 

Decadent instincts: 

1. Acquiescence to the Outer 




2. Absolute will to biological 

3. Absolute will to increase 




The superpersonal organism as 


Society as an organic unity 
Sexual polarity 
Europe as Imperium 
Europe as Nation 
Europe as Fatherland 

Stability . 

Responsibility, all public 
power exercised and ad- 
ministered openly 

Resurgence of Authority 

Ideal of Chivalry, faith in one- 

Respect for the political ene- 

Cultivation of soldierly virtues 

Eroticism as legitimate source 
of joy and fertility 

Affirmation of War and Con- 

Separate status of Culture- 


2. Race-suicide, birth control, 
Puritanism, ! Bohemianism 

3. Surrender of the World-he- 
gemony of the West 


Freedom, ethical laissez-faire 
The superpersonal organism as 
Petty -statism 
Petty -nationalism 

Constant motion, business- 

I r r e sp onsibility , anonymity, 
public power in the hands 
of private persons, finance- 
capitalists, labour-dictators 
Communism, Democracy Li- 

Separation of Word and Deed, 
systematic hypocrisy 
Replacement of respect by 
hatred, “war-crimes trials,” 
ideals as a substitute for 
Honour on the battlefield 
Cult of bourgeois virtues, the 
derision of soldierly virtues 
Eroticism as vice, the cult of 
immorality, general spread 
of clandestine and illegal 
prostitution, an Erotic with- 
out t consequences 
Pacifism, preparation of the 
c oloured p opulations for 
“self-government,” the 
“right of self-determina- 

Equality with the Culture- 
alien, the “melting pot” 


Western Man as an indi- 
vidualised human being, 
completely different from 
primitive non-Westem hu- 
mans, Western Man in the 
service of a great Mission: 
the fulfilment of the Euro- 
pean Culture 

Art practiced in conformity 
with the Cultural task 
Politico-military expansion 

Rousseau: Man as Savage 
Darwin: Man as Animal 
Marx: Man as economic crea- 

Freud: Man as sexual creature 
Science-as-Religion: Man as 
Machine, capable of limit- 
less existence, “Victory 
over disease,” etc. 

“L’art pour Fart” 



From a cursory glance at the list of examples it is obvious 
that the reigning forces of Culture-retardation make use of the 
ideas and instincts of Imperialism whenever and wherever they 
find it necessary and possible. For instance, they subordinate 
Art to Politics. They have set up a new, inverted hierarchy in 
which the American and the Michel are the patricians and the 
true European is the plebeian. They preach “democracy” while 
ruthlessly imposing their will on the masses and pressuring them 
in so-called elections; they deny the rightness of the Idea of 
Conquest while occupying Europe with their troops and forcing 
its people to take on heavy political, military, and economic 
burdens in the interest of the extra-European powers, and so 

This is the Age of Absolute Politics, and everyone who acts in 
this Age, acts in its spirit, whether he knows it or not, whether 
he wishes it or not. If he reflects, makes use of, values that run 
counter to his stated political beliefs and aims, then he is either 
hopelessly stupid or is pursuing some other goal than the 
fulfilment of the Destiny of Europe — * the formation of the 
Western Imperium in the spirit of Ethical Socialism. 

There are two designs here: the first is the design of the 
European Michel, who seeks only his own advantage (the 
churchills) or that of his class (the finance-capitalist class; the 
proletarian usufructuaries of the looting of the body of 
Europe). The second design is that of the Cultural-outsider, the 
total alien, who in his boundless rancour directs a political 
will-to-annihilation against the West, who negates its Inner 



Imperative, who would strangle its Destiny and divert it from 
the. Future. Geographically, he may act from outside the 
Western Culture, or inside, in the form of Culture-distortion. In 
each case, it is his spirituality that clinches the matter, and the 
Culture-distorter is one of the Outer Enemies of Europe. 










When used in Politics, the word enemy has a meaning 
completely different from what it has when used in regard to 
Culture or private life. In private life, we call him our enemy 
who bears us ill will. Applied to world politics, this definition is 
meaningless, for no state bears ill will in any private sense. That 
is true even in those cases in which a political unit is animated 
by a purely negative will, and would express it politically. For 
the form-world of Politics itself conditions all political activity 
and transforms its whole content into power activity. However, 
Politics seldom does supply its own motivation — that is to be 
sought in another realm. 

The motivation of the global power-struggle in our Age of 
Absolute Politics lies in Culture . On the planet there is only one 
High Culture in the process of fulfilment, the Western Culture, 
and as a spiritual front it naturally assumes the following form: 
the West against the Outer Revolt. The spiritual motivation of 
the politics of all outer forces whatever is the will-to-annihilate 
the Western Culture. In a power-struggle between Europe and 
any outer force, each contestant will, however, strive for power, 
that means control over the other. The motivation of the 
contestants will become apparent only after a power-decision in 
the struggle. Thus it is obvious that the West does not have the 
desire to destroy the peoples, territories, resources, and low 
cultures of the outer forces, whereas these outer forces most 
emphatically wish to destroy the peoples, landscape, resources, 
and the High Culture of Europe, as the Russian-American 
occupation of Europe after the Second World War demon- 

In the purely spiritual sense, then, Europe has but one 
“enemy,” the Outer Revolt against the World Hegemony of the 
West. From this great, fundamental fact we know that the 
Outer Revolt will provide Europe with political enemies so long 
as the Age of Absolute Politics lasts. A European victory in the 
struggle for the planet will not extinguish the Outer Revolt as a 
spiritual front; it will simply prevent it from again rising to the 
level of political intensity. 

At present, this spiritual front is divided into two political 
units: Russia and America-Jewry. Culturally, it is anomalous 





that America and one of the outer enemies of Europe are 
interdependent, for America belongs by its origin and fate to 
the Western Culture. All the same, it must now be counted 
among the enemies of Europe, since ethically and politically it 
is dominated by the Culture-alien Jewish entity of Church- 
State-Nation-Society-Race. Just how this domination came 
about is of less concern to Europe than the fact of it. Tlie 
objective events of world-history sincel933 show that in not one 
instance has America pursued an American nationalist policy, 
but exclusively a policy in the interests of the Jewish entity. 

In order to bring the metapolitical realities of this period 
between the Second and Third World Wars into clearer focus, 
each of the Outer Enemies of Europe must be examined 

America is, and shall always be, a colony of the Western 
Culture. A colonial spirituality determines the fate of colonies. 

So it has been with every previous Culture. When on the j 

Home-soil the parent-Culture becomes extinct, everywhere the 
colonies perish. Population-streams may continue in primitive 
form; landscapes, of course, remain, but they are desolate and 
tyrannise the human beings that just yesterday dominated 
them; edifices may yet stand, but their symbolism is no longer 
understood. A colony is linked by a mystical bond, as though 
by a spiritual umbilical cord, to the parent organism, a bond 
just as inexplicable and just as real as the one that binds the 
Culture to the soil on which it was bom. A colony thus shares a 
common history with the parent-organism, and its life reflects — 
with a natural and organic retardation — the development of the 
Culture. In the case of America, this retardation generally 
corresponds to the life-duration of one generation. This lagging 
behind is not the same thing as Culture-retardation, for it is 
natural and unavoidable. Still, that tardiness is serviceable to the 
Culturally-parasitic group which is now contriving to prevent 
the American colony from reflecting the development of its 
parent-organism. This pathological design is unattainable, ,of 
course, but any such deviation from Culture-health must have 
enormous effects on the host before the parasite is expelled. 

The Jewish entity is a Cultural form- world of its own stamp, 
and can therefore nev er be assimilated by the Western Culture.* 

* Cf. IMPERIUM, p. 376 ff. ' : 


Since this entity finds itself inside the West — geographically 
speaking — and since it must seek its political actualisation, it 
necessarily influences Western politics in the direction of its 
own interests. Though it be of alien origin, it must not appear 
alien; its politics must be regarded as though it were legitimate 
politics, and not the alien politics it is. The Western ideology of 
the 18th and 19th centuries was admirably suited to the 
political needs of the Jewish entity, but with the passing away 
of that ideology and the birth of the Age of Absolute Politics, 
the preconditions for the successful political activity of the 
Jewish entity on European soil completely vanished. The fictive 
constructs of “Liberie, Egalite , Fraternity have entirely died 
out in Europe; hence the political history of the Jews, as 
quasi-members of the Western nations, has also ended. Even so, 
the colonial tardiness in Cultural development and the disease 
of Culture -retardation make it possible for Jewry to retain its 
uncontested domination over the American people. 

In this period of history, America and Jewry form a 
Symbiosis. The head of the organism is the Jewish entity, the 
body is America. 

The problem of the existence-duration of this Symbiosis is of 
only secondary importance to Europe. No one predicted the 
French Revolution in regard to its time or its form. No one 
predicted the Russian Revolution of 1917, or the European 
Revolution of 1933, or the American Revolutions of 1775 and 
1933. No one can in any way presage the time or the form of a 
Third Revolution in America which will take the power away 
from the Jewish entity and place it in the hands of a new 
American ruling-stratum.* That Revolution is an organic possi- 
bility — indeed, even more: it is an organic Unavoidable. But 
since the time of its outbreak is still an Imponderable, the 
possibility of such a Revolution can play no role in the 
formation of Europe's policy, for a policy cannot be based 
upon Imponderables, though it must be flexible enough to 
adapt itself when they emerge from the realm of the Unfore- 
seen. When the Revolution starts, it will bring in America a 
re-awareness of European politics and a re-evaluation of 
\ Europe's meaning. 

* Cf. IMPERIUM, p. 549 ff. 



The Symbiosis of America and Jewry in this moment of 
history between the Second and Third World Wars is decisive 
not only for America, but also for Jewry. During the centuries 
of its “dispersion,” the Jewish entity never attained to the 
position of absolute sovereign over the fate of a Western 
host-people. But now it has come to that, and Jewry has 
identified itself for political purposes with America before all 
the world. In that Jewry became the overlord of America, it lost 
the most important of its other possessions and bases. Before 
the Jewish hegemony over America, the height of Jewish power 
was in Bolshevist Russia. In 1945, the superficial observer might 
have gained the impression that the total political power of the 
planet was being gradually collected into one political unit. 
That was in fact the aim of the Jewish leadership, and the 
means of creating the “world government” was to be the 
resurrected “League of Nations.” 

As has already been shown in IMPERIUM,* a world-state is 
an organic impossibility, and likewise a logical one. State is a 
political term, and political power results from polarity. A state 
is thus a unit of opposition. Although in theory a world-state 
would not have an opposition, if one were founded, it would at 
that very instant split into two or more political units. These 
would develop along regional, cultural, class, or economic lines 
— even along the lines dictated by a dominant political figure. 
Ignoring the concrete example of failure afforded by the 
“League of Nations” after the First World War, the Jewish- Ame- 
rican Symbiosis attempted through its “United Nations” to 
create a power-monopoly for itself. 

One great obstacle was present: Russia . It had been hoped, 
even taken for granted, that Russia would remain sufficiently 
under the control of the Jewish entity to collaborate in the 
scheme and, together with America, formally surrender its legal 
sovereignty to the “United Nations.” But the rise of the 
American-Jewish Symbiosis undermined the position of the 
fragment of the Jewish “diaspora” in Russia. So long as Jewry 
acted alone, it was politically effective in Russia. The world- 
wide identification of Jewry with America aroused Russian 
nationalism, with the result that the Culture-alien Jewish entity 
of Church-State-Nation -Society-Race lost its status as a mem- 

ber, so to speak, of the Russian national structure and was 
re-classified as a foreign element, thus losing completely its 
political effectiveness inside Russia. 

As we have seen, the sole great spiritual- Cultural “enemy” 

Europe has is the Outer Revolt, against the West, the great 

No to the Western World-Mission, and this Spiritual-Cultural 

front is divided into two political units, of which Russia is the 

second. Between the First and the Second World Wars, Russia 

was generally acknowledged to be the leader of the Outer 

Revolt, but in the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1906, it was vice 

versa. At that time, Russia figured as a Western power against 

the Outer Revolt, which was led by Japan as the only sovereign 

power outside the Western Culture. In between lies the 

Bolshevist Revolution of 1917. 


The Bolshevist Revolution was more than political; it was 
Cultural. Power was tranferred from the Westernised elements 
in the church, state, army, aristocracy, and intelligentsia to a 
group basing itself upon the instinctively nihilistic stratum of 
the Russian peasant masses. The primitive Russian Soul, unsure 
of itself, had been forced by the Romanovs and the powerful 
inroads of German culture in Russia to submit to Westernisa- 
tion. Consequently, there arose in Russia a dreadful tension of 
polarity between the two Souls, the Western and the proto- 
Russian. Dostoievsky’s The Possessed depicts how it fermented 
nihilistically beneath the surface. It was this underground 
Russia that, led by the Jewish entity, broke away in 1917 from 
the West. By 1923, the civil wars had ended, and Western 
culture was for the time banished from Russia. A community of 
destiny with Asia and its revolt against the West, rather than 
with a Europe whose form-world it had just expelled from 
Russian soil, more nearly answered the expectations of the new 

The Russian Soul is too virile ever to be strangled by 
something alien. Hence the Jewish entity, despite the dominant 
position to which it had attained with the Revolution of 1917, 
was incapable of maintaining its unconditional rule. The 
expulsion of Trotsky in 1928 marks the downward turning 
point for Jewry in Russia. 

And yet the Bolshevist Revolution did not eliminate the 


* Cf. IMPERIUM, p. 166 f; 170 f. 






polar-tension within the Russian Soul. So long as the Russian 
Soul, chaotic and full of longing, animated by a strong will yet 
of weak resolve, exists within the sphere of influence of a 
Western organism that is conscious of its World-Mission, there 
will remain in Russia a powerful urge towards reunion with the 
West. The European Revolution of 1933 found an echo in 
Russia, and when the European armies entered Bolshevist 
territory in 1941, they, were hailed everyplace there as 
“liberators. ” Marshal Vlasov could have raised armies of 
millions and affiliated them with the European military forces, 
but, unfortunately, the European Command did not make use 
of such aid until it was too late. The possibility indeed exists 
that a second monstrous upheavel — with a pro-Western 
Cultural aim — will overthrow the Bolshevist regime. This 
possibility might be realised either through a renewed Western 
invasion or through the appearance of a new Peter the Great. It 
is a further Imponderable. Today Europe must reckon with 
Russia as part of the Outer Revolt against its World-Mission. 

Since there are only two political powers in the world, the 
world situation can assume only the form of preparation for 
war between them: America- Jewry versus Russia. 

If Bolshevism is understood as the urge to destroy the 
Western Culture, then these two extra-European powers form an 
anti-Cultural Interregnum in Western History, the Concert of 
Bolshevism. Both powers are formless and personal; neithei is 
the expression of a superpersonal Soul, a higher Destiny, an 
organically necessary Imperative to a World-Mission. The Outer 
Forces, whatever the extent to which they have Western 
technics at their disposal, whatever Western customs they 
practise, whatever superficial display of literary connexions 
with the West they make, are, in fact, to be classed in the same 
category with the formless powers of Tamerlane and Genghis 
Khan, Sun Yat-sen and Kemal Atatiirk, Lobengula and the 
Mahdi. Europe is still the bearer of a World-Idea, a great 
World-Hypothesis; it still has an inward necessity to view the 
world in a particular fashion, an Ethic whereby it conducts 
itself towards it in a particular fashion and reconstructs it in a 
particular fashion. For the single, all-encompassing reason of 
this total difference between Europe, on the one hand, and the 
formless extra-European powers on the other, Europe can have 
at bottom no interest in the projected Third World War within 


the Concert of Bolshevism per se. Nor would it make any 
difference in this if the War broke out in 1960 or 1975. 

Nevertheless, Europe is linked politically to the projected 
Third World War, and it must exploit every possibility in the 
diplomatic preparations for that war to push through its 
Liberation. Europe must recall its Destiny and its World- 
Mission. It must assess the differences between the two powers 
in the Concert of Bolshevism, and adapt itself so that it will 
profit from their changing fortunes in the events to come. 
Europe must form its policy. 




As we have seen, the word “enemy” has a different meaning 
when applied to Culture, private life, Politics. In the Cultural 
sense, Europe has only one “enemy,” and that is the Outer 
Revolt against the World-Mission of the West. It embraces all 
primitive populations, even in those cases in which they live 
geographically within the Western Culture, as in North and 
South America, and includes all fellah-populations now inhabit- 
ing areas where High Cultures once fulfilled themselves, for 
example, the Islamic, Hindu, and Chinese populations. Likewise 
it embraces populations in whose areas a High Culture has never 
existed, for example, the barbaric Russians and Mongols, the 
savages of Africa, South East Asia, and the Pacific islands. The 
Jewish entity comes from the Magian Culture and will always 
belong to it spiritually, that Magian Culture which during its 
life-span gave rise to the Arabian, Persian, Nestorian, and Parsic 
peoples, among others. While some of these entities may have 
lost individuals to the West, alien units cannot be assimilated by 
the West in their entirety. Superpersonal realities on both sides 
forbid it. It is an organic impossibility. The world-wide Cultural 
front against the West is divided into two political units, Russia 
and America-Jewry, and the word enemy is used quite 
differently in Politics. 

Politics means so living life that its possibilities are exhausted. 
In the course of events, Politics divides its world into political 
friends and political enemies. Before Politics undertakes this 
division, all outer units are potential enemies, and it is the task 
of Politics to select one or more units as enemies, then, if 
possible, to win the other units as friends. 

The choice of enemy is the most important decision in the 
entire realm of activity called Politics. The mighty En glis h 
Empire, which dominated the world for more than a century, 
foundered on its simple but profound mistake of choosing the 
wrong enemy in two World Wars. The whole adroit ancillary 
diplomacy, the total war-effort, and the military victory itself 
did not succeed in preventing the disappearance of the greatest 
Empire in history and the destruction of England’s own 
sovereignty. The English homeland was not even spared the 
ultimate humiliation of occupation by foreign troops, and, what 
is more, these troops came from its erstwhile colony. The 

62 ' 

formulation of policy is esoteric , and this is proved by the 
selfsame example: Notwithstanding the collapse and disappear- 
ance of the English Empire, notwithstanding the reduction of 
England itself to the status of an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” 
for foreign air-forces, the -Culture-retarding stratum and the 
broad masses were successfully persuaded by foreign propagan- 
da that a great “victory” had somehow been won for England. 

Political blunders can be made at two levels: at the highest 
level, where the enemy is determined and friends can be 
obtained, or at the lowest, where the policy based thereupon is 
carried out. The word error, in the strict sense, can be used in 
Politics only with regard to the future. Thus one must reproach 
England for choosing Germany as its enemy in the Second 
World War when it was obvious that its choice was an error. The 
great von Moltke defined strategy as “the art of making one less 
error than your adversary.” This definition can be likewise 
applied to Politics. Considered in retrospect, Life is a fabric of 
errors. No one can foresee the Future. 

Politics is concrete; it is the art of the possible, not of the 
desirable, not of the moral, not of what is worthy of aspiration. 
Politics is an art, and it is the grandest of all arts, since its 
material is human life and its completed work the blossoming of 
a superpersonal Destiny. When a work of art is executed by an 
inferior, an imitator, an academic, the result is a piece of 
bungling. The indispensable gift of the politician is the gift of 
vision; after it comes finesse in political activity. Without prior 
vision, the whole fateful proceeding comes to naught. 

A statesman comes nearest to the gift of vision when he is 
aware of his own strength of will and that of his people and 
perceives the power-currents of the political world. A steady 
adherence to both of these fundamentals will preserve him from 
the far-reaching error of choosing the wrong enemy. It is 
tantamount to waging war against oneself. In the Second W orld 
War, England sacrificed both the remnants of its Empire and its 
own independence for the benefit of America and Russia. There 
are still people who would deny this fact, but only facts are 
positive, not the sclerotic opinions of half-blind dotards. 

The Political Genius is a superlative artist, and thus free of all 
negativity in his creations. To his task he brings no hatred, no 


malice, no envy, nor any will-to-destruction that does not serve 
his will-to-power and will-to -creation. He is incapable of 
pursuing a policy that is basically “anti "-oriented, for example, 
a policy that has the slogan “Win the War!" as its “war-aim." 
Such slogans may have certain propaganda value for the policy 
of a political Genius, but only the shamelessly hate-filled 
reactionary of the Churchill sort makes a policy of his hatred 
and asserts that “victory" at the cost of self-destruction is 
something worth seeking. Naturally, the political Genius re- 
moves from his path all forces opposing him, so far as he can; 
but this “anti"-tactic he employs for the sake of increasing his 
power, not from jealousy, prejudice, hatred, or mere dislike. 

The problem of choosing an enemy is the same for Europe 
today, i.e., for the Culture-bearing stratum, as it would be for us 
if Europe were constituted as an actual political unit. Today 
Europe is an area and a People. If it pursues the right policy, 
tomorrow it will be a power — * by virtue of its Inner Imperative 
alone, which proceeds from the unfulfilled Destiny of the 
Western Civilisation. The fact that Europe has a World-Mission 
guaranteees that it will play a role in the centuries to come. 
Whether this role will be an active one, or merely passive, will 
become evident in our decades, and will be determined by the 
policy of the European Culture-bearing stratum. 

The choice of an enemy .is not arbitrary: We can designate a 
political unit as enemy only if, first, we can overcome that 
unit, and, second, by overcoming it gain power. Clearly, in this 
second Interbellum-Period Europe cannot overcome any power 
militarily because there does not and cannot exist a European 
military force as long as Europe is not constituted as a sovereign 
state. Any military force directly or indirectly under the 
command of the Washington regime cannot be called a 
“European military force." The nationality of an army is that 
of its political leadership, not of its common soldiers or its 
officer-corps. In these circumstances, Europe is compelled to 
win power by spiritual-intellectual means. It must extract power 
from one or both of the Outer Forces, Russia and America-Jew- 
ry. That one of these two units from which Europe can draw 
true political power, viz., unlimited control over its own land 
and people, is the political enemy. It cannot be emphasised 
enough that the enemy-definition does not entail, from the 
European standpoint, any judgement of especially bad ethical, 


moral, aesthetic, or cultural qualities on the part of the enemy. 
Culturally, aesthetically, morally, ethically, there is no choosing 
between Russia and America- Jewry. Yet , politically, Europe is 
compelled to distinguish between them, by its organic necessity 
to translate its Inner Imperative into action. It would be 
impossible for Europe to play a passive role in History, even if it 
wished, or it were wiser to do so. While Life advances, there is 
no standing still. 

The Definition of Enemy is a problem that must be solved in 
the total historical frame-of-reference of our Epoch. Thereby 
the power-currents of the century, the power-problems resulting 
therefrom, and the relative danger for Europe must be 




Owing to the false form of the first two World Wars and to 
the presence of a Culture-disease in the Western Civilisation, the 
power-problems in this period between the Second and the 
Third World Wars are the same ones that have confronted 
Europe for half a century, but now intensified to the highest 
possible degree. 

In the year 1914, the power-problems were the following: 
how to preserve Europe’s world-hegemony and how to make 
possible the conversion of Europe frojpi an accumulation of 
petty-states with the hand-me-down world-outlook of a 
nationalist-capitalistic parliamentarism to the determined shape 
of Europe for the 20th century, viz,, an Authoritarian Socialist 
structure of Culture-Nation-People-Race, the Imperium of the 
West. The form of the First World War, shaped by Culture-retar- 
ders like Grey, prevented a natural, organic solution of this 
power problem. 

Between the First and Second World Wars, important steps 
were taken within Europe for the organic solution of the second 
problem, the transition of the 20th century phase of the 
European organism into the world of reality. Hardly anything 
was done for the solution of the first problem, owing to the 
precarious world situation at that time, although the Italian- 

Abyssinian War did bring a general increase in power for 

But this organic move forward was halted by the meddling of 
America- Jewry in intra-European affairs, and, as we have seen, 
this meddling brought about, in the same sterile form as the 
First World War, the tragedy of the Second World War. About 
1939, the power-problems consisted in the re-establishment of 
the world-hegemony that had been almost entirely destroyed by 
the First World War, and in the completion of the half- 
actualised Imperium of Europe. The Second World War, 
occasioned by the extra-European, non-Western force of Ameri- 
ca- Jewry and by the Churchills of France and England, once 
again thwarted the organic solution of these two problems. 

As a result of the Second World War, it can be seen that the 

power-problems are essentially the same two. Only their order 
of precedence has changed, so that now the problems are, first, 
the Liberation of Europe from extra-European rule, for the 
entirety of Europe is ruled from alien capitals; and, second, the 
i fulfilment of Europe’s World-Mission, i.e., the reconquest of its 

world-hegemony and the establishment of its World Empire. 

| Every power-problem, contains a disjunction between the 

distribution of spiritual power-sources, on the one hand, and 
the distribution of acknowledged power and its attributes on 
the other. The spiritual power-source — the possession of a 
: World-Mission, a calling, a mighty, positive Inner Imperative, 

and a nation-forming ethic — are found concentrated almost 
entirely in Europe. The spiritual resources that exist outside 
Europe, in Russia, America-Jewry, and Japan, are merely a 
reflex of the European ~ a European Will that is inspired there 
by Europe. In actuality, the Outer Forces are seeking to realise 
the World-Mission of Europe, even though they lack the Inner 
Imperative to it. Their motivation is completely negative. 
Thereby is explained the circumstance that the immense 
concentration of power in the Washington and Moscow regimes 
has brought no Order to the world, that both regimes 
perpetuate the Chaos left over in the 20th century from the 
19th century. Only Europe can give back to this chaotic world 
the Principle of Order. 




The American power-accumulation can be called an “empire” 
only in a loose, transferred sense. 1 Within the Symbiosis 
America-Jewry, neither the Jewish entity nor the subordinate 
American element thinks in terms of American Imperialism. 
Thus the American head-of-state specifically declared to the 
populace that no people on earth was in any sense subject to 
America, that America’s “defense” of other peoples did not 
entitle it to demand reciprocity from them, and, moreover, that 
under no circumstances would America “dominate” another 
people. What is of particular significance in this is the 
anti-imperialist ideology, not the fact that all these principles are 
completely disregarded in the political conduct of America-Jew- 
ry. The intention here is to prevent the rise of American 
Imperialist thinking, for that would run counter to the 
anti-nationalist policy of the dominant part of the Symbiosis. 
But if the Imperialist urge within the American people were of 
deep, imperative force, and pregnant with the Future, it could 
not be suppressed, and the power-accumulation that the 
Washington regime at present administers would be organised 
into an American Empire. 

However, a true American Empire that is hierarchically 
organised and politically administered will never be, since it is 
not among the formative possibilities of the American charac- 
ter. Now, a nation cannot arise by happenstance — a people, yes 
— but a nation is the outflowing of a High Culture.* Though 
America can never belong to any other Culture than the 
Western, in American life Western culture is only a veneer. Its 
inward influence on the American population was too slight, for 
example, to have prevented the invasion of Culturally-alien 
units. There is no American Idea, no American nation, no 
American ruling-stratum — three ways of expressing the same 
thing. To be sure, there is an American People, whose members 
are in fact characterised by an individual imperialism , which is 
instinctive, racial, economic. But this individual imperialism can 
never lift itself to political heights. The true American People is 
a unit based upon matriarchy. By its own choice, it leads a 
cocoon-like life within a closed system. The soul of this People 
is too oriented to the feminine pole of existence, and it 

* Cf. IMPERIUM,p. 328 ff., p. 334 ff., p. 398 ff. 


therefore cherishes peace, comfort, security, in short, the values 
of individual life. War, conquest, adventure, the creation of 
form and order in the world — these do not interest the 
American People. Empire-building demands sacrifices; yet, for 
sacrifices to be made, and- not just sacrificial victims slaugh- 
tered, there must be an Idea. 

The American power-accumulation arose without sacrifices 
through America’s chance intervention at two decisive moments 
in world affairs. In the First World War, America’s sole war-aim 
— according to the public and private utterances of all leading 
Americans who were in favour of intervention in that War — 
was to defeat “German tyranny.” As was shown in the analysis 
of Politics in IMPERIUM, to have the defeat of an arbitrarily 
chosen enemy as a “war-aim” is to have no war-aim at all. Thus 
America had no political aim in that War. The role England 
played in America’s entry into the War is not important here. 
Important only is the stock of ideas that were played out to set 
the American People in motion. In the Second World War, 
America’s internal propaganda was exclusively non-political. 
Again, the chief “war-aim” was to “defeat Germany,” and the 
one attempt to display a positive “war-aim” was a series of 
negative proposals — all of them reflecting the feminine values 
of a matriarchy — to free the world of hunger, fear, etc. The 
psychological orientation of the American People prevents 
American governments in peacetime from clearly expressing a 
demand for war. In wartime, it is obligatory to speak only of 
“peace.” “Victory” is supposed to bring only “peace,” and not 
an extension of power. Above all, the purpose of victory is not 
an American Empire. After the extinction of the Federalist 
Party in 1828, no political grouping in America publicly 
advocated the creation of an American Empire. The average 
type of party-politician ensures, however, that every public man 
would advocate political imperialism were the idea popular. 

The American power-accumulation in this epoch between the 
Second and Third World Wars has arisen without sacrifice. Had 
sacrifice been necessary for it, then it would not have arisen.* 

Before 1914, America controlled only a small section of the 
world-surface; the North American Continent, Central America 

* Cf. IMPERIUM, p. 472 ff., p. 482 ff. 


below Mexico, small areas of northern South America, Not even 
the Caribbean Sea could be called American, since European 
bases were numerous there and the American fleet was inferior 
in number to more than one European fleet. In the First World 
War, 10,000,000 men lost their lives on the battlefield. Of this 
total sum America’s tribute amounted to 120,000; for this 
slight toll in blood, America acquired sufficient new territories 
and bases, obtained enough.power for itself at sea, to have l/5th 
of the earth’s surface under its control: North America, the 
whole of Central America, including Mexico, the entire Caribbe- 
an, much of South America, and half the Pacific. After the War, 
in accordance with the feminine-matriarchal orientation of the 
American People, the greater part of these power-acquisitions 
was abandoned — this occurred through the Washington Naval 
Treaty of 1921, under- which America obligated itself to sink half 
its fleet without demanding the equivalent from England or 
Japan. Yet the fact remains: America acquired a power-area 
that was four times larger than its original with the vanishingly 
small blood-toll of 120,000. 

By 1939, America had gained control, pari passu with the 
steady decline of England’s power, of 1/5 of the earth-surface. 
At the end of the Second World War, America controlled 
18/20ths of it. That is the largest power-accumulation ever to 
come about in the entire history of High-Cultures. The total 
number of dead of all belligerent states amounted to approxi- 
mately 15 million. America’s portion of this loss was 250,000. 
In the Second World War, then, America acquired control of 
more than half the world without its having to make a blood 
sacrifice worth mentioning in connexion with such an opera- 

Not even such unparalleled political successes fill the soul of 
the American People with satisfaction. America, as a People, is 
organic, and will forever remain isolationist. Isolationism is the 
only American characteristic that can be called “nationalism.” 
The American soul does not delight at all in this world power. It 
finds in it no reason for pride. When in 1947 the Washington 
regime calmly handed over China to Russia, that is, the focus of 
America’s quarter of the world’s power, Americans- to ok no 
notice. The diplomatic intermediary in the transfer was publicly 
honoured and draped with medals. Only a few years after the 
War, ships were taken from the American fleet and delivered to 


Japan en masse to serve as the basis of a new Japanese havy. No 
American nationalist protested, for in America there are no 
nationalists, only victimised isolationists. 

It is a strange phenomenon, and History will deal with it as 
with so many other transient paradoxes, that between the 
Second and Third World Wars American troops were stationed 
all along the perimeter of the political world, viz., the northeast 
quadrant of the planet, and this wide dispersion of American 
armed forces did not involve any kind of national exultation for 
Americans, The reason for that is Americans are primarily 
economics-oriented. The Masculine Principle is to realise higher 
ideas through art, warfare, Politics. Nothing could be further 
from the American ideal than that. The Feminine Principle is to 
nourish - and preserve life — that is the American ideal. 
Americans therefore do not delight in an “empire” that 
continually lays claim to their wealth and constantly demands a 
reduction in their standard-of-living. In its traditional isolation, 
America needed no armies, garrisons, subventions to foreign 
countries, and Great Wars. The superficial politisation • of 
America has brought the American People economic injuries, 
and thus confirmed it in its isolation. 

The American casualty list in the first two World Wars, slight 
as they were numerically, hit the American People in a sensitive 
spot. No mother rejoices in the death of her children, and 
matriarchy informs the American soul, Americans do not love 
their victories, whereas the deaths they count bitterly. Long 
before American intervention in each of the two World Wars, 
there was already a de facto state-of-war between America and 
European or Asiatic belligerents. In each case, the possession of 
numerous “allies” provided Americans with a certain solace. In 
the Second World War, long lists of American allies were pub- 
lished, and considered effective propaganda even though few of 
the “allies” were still power-factors or even existed. Indeed, with 
the alternative: war now with allies, or war later, standing alone , 
America can be forced into a war. The old European proverb: 
VieV Feind y vieV Ehr finds no resonance in matriarchal America, 

This American character-trait is a Ponderable of which 
Europe must take account in shaping its policy, In the 
American mind (and likewise in the policy-decisions of the 
Culturally-alien Washington regime), Europe is the basis of 


every war-plan against Russia. This Ponderable might be used by 
Europe in either one or the other two ways, as will be shown 
later. Moreover, Europe’s Culture-bearing stratum must keep in 
mind that it does not matter at this time whether America, as a 
People, can regain its independence and sovereignty or whether 
it will remain simply the instrumental part of the Symbiosis 
America-Jewry. For political purposes, America and Jewry have 
become a unit; what name this unit receives is not important. 

It remains for us to compare and evaluate from a political 
standpoint the psychology of the two extra-European powers, 
America-Jewry and Russia. 


Neither Russia nor America-Jewry belongs to the Western 
Civilisation, though America, considered abstractly in and of 
itself, as it was before the Revolution of 1933, is still a 
European colonial-people. 

Hence there is no Cultural casus belli in the coming Third World 
War between these two powers. They both belong to the Outer 
Revolt against the world-supremacy of the West, and the 
collective term for this revolt, which turns, destroying and 
negating, against the creative affirmation of the Western 
Destiny, is Bolshevism . Within the Concert of Bolshevism there 
are, of course, differences as well as similarities. Both must be 

With both world-powers, the reigning ideology comes from a 
bygone Western world-outlook. The American ideology of 
“freedom,” “equality,” and legalism stems from 18th century 
Europe, as does its underlying philosophy of materialism. The 
Russian ideology of Marxism comes from 19th century English 
Capitalism, of which Marxism is a supplement. In Russia, 
Marxism is treated as a religion , for the prime characteristic of 
the Russian soul is its religiosity. Whatever this soul takes 
seriously, be it even the absurd end-product of Western 
materialism — Pavlovian reflexology, scientific psychology — , it 
deals with in a religious way, that is, in a way transcending 
action. Nowhere in Russian life is there anything that in any 
way corresponds to the Marxist schema. The Russian soul, is 
not yet politically mature, and Russia continues to use Marxism 
as a political export article, even though a market for it no 
longer exists, since the First World War buried the form-world 
of the 19th century for ever, America-Jewry, which is similarly 
maladapted to the New Age, exports to Europe the shop-worn 
ideology of Montesquieu, Constant, Mill, Bentliam, and hopes 
that on this basis it can turn the Destiny of Europe back two 

■ In America, on the other hand, Marxism is not a theory but a 
fact. In the realm of facts, Marxism means class-war. America is 
the classic, land of finance-capitalism and trade unions, the two 
organised groups that systematically plunder the national 
economy. Not only Marx, but all 19th century theorisers were 



obsessed with economic doctrines — Malthus, Darwin, Mill, 
Spencer, Shaw. American life is essentially oriented to econo- 
mics, and every aspect of Life is simply referred for its 
justification thereto. 

Feminine-matriarchal life is routine; hence American life is 
routine and technicised. Books instruct the population “How 
To Win Friends,” how social life, family life, sexual life are to 
be conducted. Yet this uniformisation of life is not perceived as 

burdensome or ignominious— the American population is entirely 
passive and feels quite at home in this atmosphere of a nursery. 
The social instincts predominate over the individual instincts, 
and every American child is taught from his earliest days that 
the essence of leading a successful life consists in “getting along 
with people.” There is no other way to realise this ideal than to 
renounce one’s individuality. That is the explanation for the 
difficulty of kindling any kind of political opposition in 
America. As soon as a policy secures a foothold and becomes 
popular, it is right and respectable. Radical or persistent 
criticism is impossible in America; the term “individualist” is 
nearly an . insult. The extirpation of strong individuality pre- 
cludes the rise of a true elite, an aristocracy, a ruling-stratum, 
for these are always based upon strong individuality and the 
feeling of uniqueness. All feelings of superiority, of higher 
self-esteem, of uniqueness are educated out of the American 
while he is still in kindergarten. It is impressed on him that his 
existence, his problems are exactly like those of everybody 

An elementary demand of Life, however, is that every group 
possess a stratified social articulation. America’s “elite” for 
economic, technical, industrial, social purposes is the business- 
class, those thirty-thousand technical-managerial brains that 
permit American life to function. For political purposes, the 
“elite” is the Jewish entity, which enjoys a monopoly of power 
in all matters but is especially conspicious in the direction of 
foreign affairs. The technical-managerial caste has no sense of 
carrying out a mission; it does not regard itself as superior in 
nature , but only as more proficient in intellectual-technical 
matters. This type of social-technical differentiation resembles 
that which exists among the social insects, for example, the bees 

* Gf. IMPERIUM, p. 502 ff., p. 524 ff. 


and ants. 

Russian life is fundamentally barbarian. The barbarian is to 
be distinguished not only from Culture-men, but from savages, 
primitives, fellaheen, and decadents as well. Barbarian is a word 
full of promise, for the barbarian is inwardly in motion. The 
Germanic tribes that occupied Imperial Rome were barbarians, 
and from this Germanic stock came, many centuries later, men 
who wrought the Western Culture. The barbarian is the 
pre-Cultural form of humanity, just as different from the fellah, 
the end-product of a Culture, as from the savage, the proto-hu- 
man type that stands in no relation whatever to a High Culture. 
The barbarian is strong-willed yet irresolute. He can be readily 
converted to new doctrines — witness the Russian “conversion” 
to Marxism — , but the conversion must be superficial, for mere 
verbiage cannot abolish the difference between Culture-man and 
barbarian. The barbarian is rough and tough, not keen-witted, 
full of artifice, and certainly not legalistic and intellectualised. 
He is the opposite of decadent. He is ruthless and does not 
shrink back from destroying what others may prize highly. 

America’s ideology — 18th century .materialistic egalitarian- 
ism and 19th century capitalism — and Russia’s ideology — 19th 
century proletarian capitalism — are both permeated with the 
spirit of their respective populations, the American ideology 
with that of the amalgam of negro-Jewish-Asiatic-Indian-Euro- 
pean elements, as modified by the peculiarities of the landscape, 
the Russian ideology with that of the nomadic tribes of Asia, 
which are imbued with the enormous impersonality of the 
Asiatic steppes. 

The Culture-man outside the Culture-sphere stands in danger 
of losing his Cultural-orientation — what the British civil 
administration in India used to call “going negative.” During the 
expansion of the American population over the vast plains, the 
American colonial lost well-nigh every contact with Western 
tradition and Western happenings, and his Western culture was 
diluted. Only in one part of America was there a successful 
transplantation of Western culture, in the South, but it was 
destroyed, for all practical purposes, by the victory of the 
Yankees in the Secession War, 1861-1865. While the American * 
lost his Western culture, step by step, he became primitive. Had 
he fought a Culturally-alien world, such as the Chinese or 


Hindu, he would have retained his Cultural-orientation in fullest 
measure, for conflict with the Alien strengthens the Proper. But 
he fought merely savages and, more often, the landscape itself, 
the hardships of Nature. In the inward contest between Culture 
and Landscape, Landscape was largely the victor. Because 
comfort is one of the main ideals of the American, his vital 
impetus finds expression primarily in the domain of technics. 
Unrestrained by tradition, by political or social considerations, 
he fell head over heels into absolute technical development , and 
— in technics — he made his the foremost among the Western 
Colonies. Thus, as a result of his century of state-less expansion, 
the American succumbed, on the one hand, to the primitivity of 
his vast and empty continent, while, as a result of the 
concentration made possible for him by the absence of 
power-struggles, on the other, he made himself in some respects 
superior to Europeans. This had as its consequence yet another 


The simultaneous presence of primitivity and over-civilisation 
in the American shaped his relationship to Europe into an 
unhealthy one. With his strong technical aptitude, he came to 
regard Europe as inferior ,' with his primitivity, he failed to 
comprehend Europe’s Cultural Imperative in the 20th century. 
Hence he offered no resistance when the Culture-distorting 
regime foisted on America the idea that it had to educate 


This idea could be all the more inculcated since America is by 
nature feminine-matriarchal and attributes great value to formal 
education. In America the autodidact will find neither political, 
academic, professional, nor social recognition. This peculiarity 
of the American character has been aggravated by the Culture- 
distorting element, and American schools and universities have 
been made into scholastic factories that produce uniform 
biological units. They have eradicated human individuality, so 
far as that can be attained at all in the human species. All values 
imparted through this “education,” such as comfort, security, 
and social uniformity, may be found on the purely animal level 
in man. None appeal to the specifically human level, which is 
embodied at highest potential by the unique and individualised 
human being, with his loftier values. 

While the American is a Culture-man, reprimitivised on the 

one side of his being, over-civilised on the other, since he is 
completely and entirely animated by the ideals of peace, 
comfort, and security, the Russian is a barbarian, and still 
wholly primitive. Centuries of Petrinism never touched the 
underground Russia. No. matter that it figured as such for 
centuries, Russia never became a nation of the West. America is 
a genuine Western colony, though, to be sure, it must now be 
counted part of the Outer Revolt. 

The orientation towards technics is common to both: 
America is technical by instinct; Russia has become so under 
compulsion from its leaders, who have only politico-military 
reasons for embracing technics. In the field of philosophy, . 
America’s sole contribution to the Western intellectual heritage 
was Pragmatism — the doctrine that Truth is “what works.” In 
other words, Truth is not a function of the Soul, but of Nature. 
Pragmatism is at once a primitive and over-civilised philosophy, 
primitive, because its position vis-a-vis Truth is devoid of higher 
culture; over-civilised, because it makes all Truth merely an 
attribute of Technics , Expressed in terms of the American 
psychology: “True is what procures me more security, more 
comfort.” In America, obsession with technics is the expression 
and content of life of the population. It is instinctive , and 
America naturally seeks to export it to whatever countries its 
armies and bomber-squadrons have conquered. In Russia, on the 
other hand, the technics-obsession merely serves political and 
military ends, and is imposed on the Russian population only 
through the apparatus of a political dictatorship. The Russian 
experiences things primarily in a religious way; hence the 
incredible spectacle of his worshipping a machine. 

Russia exhibits the same education-obsession as America: In 
the words of Lunacharsky: “Education, distributed according 
to Marxist principles, can make even the most mediocre 
Oriental intelligent.” Once again, a common denominator with 
America. There, too, “intelligence” is regarded as something 
that can be acquired, and, moreover, as the only distinction 
between human beings. Both Russia and America hold that the 
External forms and conditions the mind. Both emphasise totally 
environment and experience, negate dogmatically Spirit and 
Soul. For both the collective man is the ideal and the prevalent 
type. In both there naturally exists the most extreme in- 
tolerance towards anything other than the mass-ideal. 



In Russia, the craze for uniformity, including the education- 
mania, is likewise imposed from above to carry out a political 
programme. The emphasis on the power of environment, the 
adoration of reflexology, the idolisation of machines, of 
statistics and percentages, and of economic theories generally 
all this is in Russia simply technique , and it is all essentially 
negative: the Russian peasant-barbarian soul is a religious 
ferment, and, as such, abhors economic theories, machines, 
science, and nationalism. The programme of Moscow-Bolshe- 
vism represents a means of quashing the hyper-individuality of a 
people of Pugachevs, Aksakovs, Kropotkins, Nechayevs, Dosto- 
ievsky s, Rasputins, and Skoptsy . Primarily , Moscow -Bolshevism 
is a method for politicising the religious-barbarian Russia. That 
the Moscow regime uses Marxism as an export-article is simply 
political idiocy, and the possibility constantly exists that it will 
one day discard it because of its ineffectiveness. 

For Europe the following distinction is important: Ameri- 
can-Jewish Bolshevism is the instinctive destruction of the West 
through primitive, anti-Cultural ideas — peace, comfort, securi- 
ty, abolition of individuality — , through over-technicisation, 
through the imposition of Culture-distortion and Culture-retar- 
dation. Russian Bolshevism seeks to attain the destruction of 
the West in the spirit of pan-Slavic religiosity, i.e., the 
Russification of all humanity. 

Thus American- Jewish Bolshevism poses a real spiritual threat 
to Europe. In its every aspect, American- Jewish Bolshevism 
strikes a weak spot in the European organism. Even in Europe 
there exists a stratum, the Michel-stratum, the inner- America, 
which is animated by the purely animal American ideal of 
peace, comfort, security, abolition of individuality. Even in 
Europe there is an element that would like to replace culture 
with machinery. Even on Europe Culture-retarding regimes can 
be imposed, if necessary with American bayonets. Even in 
Europe Culture-distortion is present: the dictature over Europe 
of the American-Jewish Symbiosis itself. And even in Europe, in 
the midst of the Age of Absolute Politics, the Cato-type exists: 
You can watch him babbling, misty-eyed, about democratic 
ideals while the Barbarian and the Distorter occupy the sacred 
soil of the West. The 20th century European Cato would rather 
see the West destroyed than have finally to toss the rubbish of 
democratic ideals on the scrap heap of history, where the corpse 


of Democracy lies stinking and putrescent after a half century 
of decay. 

Russian Bolshevism is simply barbarism, and therefore finds 
no resonance anywhere in Europe. Even Europe’s lowest 
spiritual stratum, the inner traitor, the Michel-stratum, has 
nothing whatever in common with the pan-Slavism of barbaric 
population-streams. Russian religiosity has been temporarily 
and, from a Cultural standpoint, falsely raised to political 
intensity as a reflex of the great Western spiritual development, 
the Resurgence of Authority, the genesis of the Imperium-Idea. 
Without the Western Culture, there would be no such structure 
as Russia, only marauding tribes of barbaric horsemen like the 
Cossacks in Taras Bulba . 

Russian Bolshevism is therefore less dangerous to Europe 
than American-Jewish Bolshevism, for no aspect of its menace 
corresponds to a weakness in Europe’s spiritual armour. Europe 
actually has an inner America, the Michel-stratum; however, 
Europe has no inner Russia. Obviously, the so-called Com- 
munist Parties are not at all the reliable tools wherewith a 
Russian occupation of Europe could be built. In fact, the work 
of these Communist Parties is already done. They were useful 
instruments of early Bolshevism’s foreign policy, especially in 
the period 1933-1939. During the Second World War, they 
helped save Russia’s existence as a political unit; after the War, 
they helped create the Russian power-accumulation, extending 
from Hanover to Hong-Kong, the largest contiguous power- 
accumulation in the history of the world. Yet, today, between 
the Second and Third World Wars, all Communist Parties, 
including the American, are politically insignificant. 

The Communist Parties of the West are simply class-war 
units, not bearers of barbarism and Russian pan-Slav national- 
ism. In the 20th century, all are forced to think in terms of 
facts and not merely words, so far as Politics is concerned, and 
Russia’s connexion with Western class-war rests simply on 
words. Russia claims to be the bearer of class-war in the West. 
Nevertheless, during the Second World War the Moscow regime 
forbade the American Communist Party to engage in class-war- 
• fare. Actually, the entire policy of using Marxism as a political 
export-article is now political stupidity, for Marxism has lost its 
former rabble-rousing value in the West. The highpoint of 


class-wax in the West has passed. 

In particular, it was the re- orientation of Russian World-poli- 
cy after the Second World War, the turning against the Jewish 
entity of Church-State-Nation-People-Race, that sealed the 
doom of every Communist Party in the West, the one in- 
America included. 

The blow that the American- Jewish Symbiosis has dealt the 
European organism is well-known. The values of this Symbiosis 
are purely animal, anti-Spiritual, anti- Aristocratic, anti-Cultural, 
anti-Heroic, anti-imperialist, and therefore appeal to the worst 
element in the European population and to the worst in every 
individual European; In each point of its attack, America-Jewry 
opposes the values of Capitalism to those of Imperialism, the 
heroic world-outlook of the Age of Absolute Politics, With the 
spiritual-ethical values of Capitalism, America-Jewry is planning 
to kill the Western organism. But since the Past can never 
destroy the Future, only attempt to thwart it, that means 
American bayonets imposing the anti-Cultural Interregnum on 
Europe, and therein lies the possibility that for Europe will 
follow many decades of degradation, chaos, darkness, stultifi- 
cation, misery, and wasting away. 

The effect that a Russian occupation of Europe would have 
on the Western Culture is not yet equally well-known, and can 
be determined only by uncovering its organic basis. 

The Russian is a barbarian; the European is a Culture-man in 
his late-Civilisation phase. Before this moment in History, 
barbarians have violently invaded Culture-areas. In the 16th 
century B.C., Northern barbarians invaded the Egyptian Cul- 
ture-petrifact, to enact the chapter of history that is called the 
“Hyksos”-era. About 1700 B.C., the Kassites conquered and 
occupied the Babylonian Culture-area, and, around the same 
time, the Aryans in a barbaric wave from the North flooded 
into and conquered the Culture of the Indus, Chinese history in 
its first stirrings is the epic of a barbarian invasion by the Chou. 
Imperial Rome — even Republican Rome — was invaded more 
than once by the barbarian Germans and Gauls. In none of 
these historical instances did the invasion of the barbarians 
destroy the body of the Culture; in each case the result was 
finally the absorption of the barbarian elements into the 


Culture-body or their expulsion. The barbarian comes to 
destroy and stays to learn. Spiritually, the barbarian is a tabula 
rasa . Labile and childlike, he is eager to apply the new 
doctrines, new life-forms, to which he has been converted. 
Hence the Romanov Petersburg of the 18th and 19th centuries 
displayed a higher degree of Western Politesse and social-form 
than any European capital before it. 

The belief that a Russian-barbarian occupation of the whole 
of Europe would be similar to the Russian occupation of half of 
Germany after the Second World War is a completely false 
estimate of the possibilities. A Russian occupation of all Europe 
would involve an entirely different distribution of forces and a 
completely different psychological situation. In the first place, 
the Russian occupation after the Second World War originated 
as a gift from America. Cynically, Europe’s border against Asia, 
which had been pushed back gradually over a millenium, was 
restored to its place of 900 years ago. Thus the history, honour, 
and traditions of thirty generations of Europeans were out- 
raged. The atrocities committed during the first years of the 
Russian occupation were permitted, encouraged, and even 
imitated by America. Without American encouragement, Russia 
would not have been in the position to commit its atrocities. In 
the second place, Europe was not politically able to intervene to 
protect 30,000,000 Europeans, for every European country was 
governed by the churchill-regimes the Americans had appointed, 
and these puppet-governments greeted barbarian Russia as their 
“valiant ally” while their members exchanged decorations with 
those of the Moscow regime. 

Russia’s occupation of a small part of Europe and its 
domination over one tenth of the European population after 
the Second World War were made possible only by the 
Washington regime, which, in 1945, wanted Europe so divided 
that the Red Flag would wave over Berlin and Vienna. If the 
Washington regime, instead of giving Russia simply a small part 
of Europe, had abandoned to it all of Europe — and that is a 
possibility contained in the events -o come — , the division of 
forces would be completely different. Instead of America- 
Jewry, the whole of Russia, Eastern Europe, and most of 
Western Europe — under churchill-regimes — ranged against part 
of Germany, then against 200,000,000 Russians, would be 
arrayed the total body of the West, 250,000,000 men who are 
superior to them in intelligence, technical skill, organisational 


talent, and will-to-power. If this happens, America will be 
expelled from Europe, once and for all. Europe will have but a 
single enemy. That would be a unifying factor such as did not 
exist from the First Crusade until Lepanto. 

A Russian occupation would develop along one or the other 
of two lines. The first possibility is an endless series of 
European uprisings against Russia that could result only in the 
expulsion of the demoralised barbarians. The second possibility 
would result from Russia’s introducing a clever regime and 
according Europe extensive autonomy and magnanimous treat- 
ment. Within a few decades, this Europe would naturally aim at 
infiltrating horizontally the whole Russian seat of origin, its 
technical, economic, social, and, finally, military and political 
life. Instead of the Russification of Europe, as Dostoievsky and 
Aksakov dreamt of it, would result the Europeanisation of 
Russia once again, and this time in far stronger degree. This 
would occur from pure historical necessity , since this is the Age 
of Absolute Politics and Europe is politically shrewd whereas 
barbarian Russia is formless and politically inept, fluctuating 
between senseless vehemence and inner doubt. Not even the 
most brilliant statesmen in Russia could use this barbarian 
material to subjugate Europe in this Imperialist stage of its 
Destiny. An attempt by Russia to integrate Europe into its 
power-accumulation peacefully would eventually result in the 
rise of a new Symbiosis: Europe-Russia. Its final form would be 
that of a European Imperium, An attempt by Russia to chastise 
and terrorise Europe without the help of America would result 
in Russia’s expulsion from Europe for good, by a Europe whose 
own dormant barbarian instincts had been thus reawakened. 

If Russia should occupy Europe and attempt to imitate the 
American policy of encouraging petty-statism, to divide and 
conquer, it would fail utterly. America has been successful in 
that policy only because of its access to the European 
Michel-stratum with its lickspittle Churchills. The Michel yearns 
for American capitalism and liberalism, but trembles with 
abyssmal cowardice before Russian barbarism. The Communist 
Parties would be of slight use to Russia in any attempt to set up 
puppet-governments on the model of America’s churchill- 
regimes. The leadership and membership of these Communist 
Parties is composed of inferior European types, not of pan-Slavs 
or religious Russian nationalists. The barbarian, immature and 


unversed in the subtleties of the art of Politics, trusts only those 
who are of his own religion, and the true religion of the Russian 
is not Marxism, but Russia. The first victims of a Russian 
occupation of Europe would be the European Communists, 
who would be liquidated at the slightest suspicion of disloyalty. 
Their “Communism” stems from books, their pro-Russian 
sentiments from hatred and envy of their European surround- 
ings, their utopian orthodoxy about Russia comes from a lack of 
realism and an exaggerated intellectualism. The Russian knout 
and the Russian revolver would soon teach them what they have 
not learnt from their books, would shatter their utopian ideals 
and give their hatred a new focus. 

Russia’s effect on petty-statism and petty-nationalism would 
in no way resemble America’s successful perpetuation of these 
Culture-pathological phenomena. To carry out its policy in 
Europe, America needs petty-statism. Not only does it work in 
the spirit of the principle, divide et impera , it also cannot think 
outside the narrow framework of it. After the Second World 
War, the Washington regime, which held absolute power to 
force its will on enfeebled Europe, announced its policy of a 
“united Europe.” It then proceeded to Balkanise Europe 
politically and atomise it socially in unparalleled fashion. 
Numerous congresses of toothless and infantile old men from 
the, 19th century passed even more numerous resolutions, but 
the result was continued disunity and chaos. The childish 
dotards had received permission from Washington to jabber 
about the “unification” of Europe as much as they liked, but 
they were not allowed to say a word about the Liberation of 
Europe. That is why all these congresses led to nothing. For the 
Unification of Europe and the Liberation of Europe are one and 
the same process: seen from within, it is Unification; from 
without, liberation. 

The fact that Russia used the fiction of “independent” states 

in its post-War occupation of Eastern Europe offers no criterion 

for its policy in the event it should occupy Western Europe, the 

Europe that is ‘synonymous with the Western Culture. In any 

case, simply the presence of the barbarian, let alone his policy, 

would dissolve the Inner Enemy of Europe, the Michel-stratum, 

and thus liberate all creative forces within Europe from the 

tyranny of the Past. 


Without the Michel, without his leaders, namely the Chur- 
chills, without American bayonets, the distribution of forces 
would be as follows: the European will-to-power and the 
European Destiny against the sheer military might of a 
barbarian horde. The dissolution of the Michel-stratum would 
automatically destroy petty-statism, for petty-statist ideals and 
theories are preserved only in Culture-retarding brains. The 
barbarian, whether he wished it or not, would complete the 
spiritual unification of Europe by removing the only inner- 
European obstacle to that unity. From the Spiritual to the 
Political is but one step. 

The following would be the results of the two possible kinds 
of Russian policy, the far-sighted policy of striving to integrate 
Europe into an enormous Russian Empire, embracing the whole 
world, and the policy of attempting to rule Europe by terror 
and violence. 

Should Russia aim at a lasting incorporation of Europe into 
its Empire, it could succeed only if it granted Europe significant 
concessions. The first of these would have to be administrative 
autonomy for Europe as a unit, for that is the desire of all 
Europeans — the Michel-stratum and its leaders, the senile 
Churchills, of course, excepted. 

Should Russia attempt to terrorise Europe, it would summon 
forth in the European People the will to counter-terror. Faced 
with the barbarian, all Europeans, even the simplest minded 
liberals, would learn the necessity of inner firmness, of a stem 
will, the virtues of Command and Obedience, for these alone 
could force the barbarian to accept demands, or else retreat to 
his tundras and steppes, All Europeans would realise that not 
parliamentary babble, class-war, capitalism, and elections, but 
only Authority, the Will-to-Power, and finally, the military 
spirit could ever drive out the barbarian. The expulsion of 
England’s army of 40,000 men by a few hundred Irish 
guerrilla-fighters in the years 1916-1923 would be repeated on a 
larger scale. In a great, unrelenting War of Liberation, Europe 
would unite itself, and cast the barbarian back to the distant 
plains of Asia. 

To conclude: Between the two powers in the Concert of 
Bolshevism that dominates this Second Interbellum-Period, 

8 4 

there are numerous similarities, some profound, others super- 
ficial. Neither of the two is an organism with a positive Mission; 
neither of the two exhibits the inner qualities that alone can 
found and preserve a world-system; neither of them has or can 
have an aristocracy; in short, neither of them is the seat of a 
High Culture. In both the element of Landscape predominates 
over the cultural component in every stratum of the human 
material; both make use of an antiquated Western ideology that 
is completely ineffectual in the world-situation of the Age of 
Absolute Politics; both have not the faintest inkling of the 
Imperium-Idea, the necessary , fulfilment whereof is the total 
historical meaning of this Age; both believe it possible to attain 
a static world-order in which History would have ceased to 
•exist, and this belief makes both dangerously relentless; both 
believe Europe can be destroyed as a politico-Cultural unit, and 
degraded to the level of China. 

Thus, from the European standpoint, there is in a Cultural 
sense no choice between these two powers, for both represent 
fundamental opposites to European Cultural imperatives. 

In their political relation to Europe, however, the two 
extra-European ppwers widely and fundamentally differ. Owing 
to the presence of a European inner America, the Washington 
regime is able to establish or maintain in every European 
country: Culture-distortion, petty-statism, finance- capitalism, 
democracy, economic distress, and chaos. Regardless of its 
intentions, Russia produces a spiritual aversion throughout 
Europe, If America, deliberately or otherwise, relinquished to 
Russia the whole of Europe, Russia’s occupation would have to 
be based either on terror or large-scale concessions to procure 
collaboration. Both occupation policies would end in the 
domination of Russia by Europe, either through a peaceful 
inner conquest or a series of Liberation Wars that Europe would 
wage as a unit against Russia. Barbarian Russia can only awaken 
Europe’s sterner instincts. The American-Jewish Symbiosis, 
composed of fellah- Jews and American colonials who are at 
once primitive and over-civilised, appeals to the lowest stratum 
of .Europe and to the lowest stratum in every European, the 
stratum of animal instincts, laziness, cowardice, avarice, dis- 
honour, aqd ethical individualism. 

America can only divide Europe— no matter what its 


Russia can only unite Europe— no matter what its policy. 

From their comparative relationships to Europe, it follows 
quite clearly that a Russian-barbarian domination of all Europe, 
if such a thing were brought about by American policy— and 
that is the only way such an event could occur — would be less 
injurious to the Destiny of Europe than a continuation of the 
American-Jewish domination, for the barbarian, by his very 
presence, would dissolve the Inner Enemy of Europe, the 
Michel-stratum, and unite Europe spiritually. 

This brings us to the concrete question of political decisions 
for Europe. The political question would be: How is power to 
be enlarged? But since Europe has no power, the question is: 
How is power to be obtained? There are only two political 
units in the world; hence the question is simply: From which 
political unit can Europe wrest away power? Or in other 
words: Who is the Enemy? 


The armistice that concluded the Second World War left 
Europe divided between Russia and America- Jewry. Russia 
received ten per cent of Europe’s population, America-Jewry 
was allotted ninety per cent. By Europe is meant here, of 
course, the Cultural Europe, viz., Germany, France, England, 
Italy, Spain, together with tiny provinces like Switzerland, and 
not the geographic “Europe” that is an historically worthless 

The Washington regime naturally seeks to convince its 
European subjects to identify the interests of America-Jewry 
with their own and therefore prepare Europe for war against 
Russia in alliance with it. The propaganda that aims at enlisting 
Europe’s participation in this war has three main points: first, 
Russia is not a “democracy”; second, it “enslaves” other 
peoples; third, a Russian occupation of Europe would result in 
the slaughter of the whole European population or a consider- 
able part thereof. 

The first point is politically meaningless, nor is the second 
point worth taking seriously. To enslave two hundred and fifty 
million people who are spiritually, ethically, scientifically, 
technically, militarily, and politically the most highly developed 
in the world is impossible. So far as Europeans can be enslaved 
at all, they are already enslaved by America-Jewry. Today the 
people of Europe work with every possible exertion for the 
enrichment and aggrandisement of the financiers, industrial- 
barons, politicians, and generals of North America. Slavery no 
longer means the rattling of chains, rather shortages of currency 
and materials, rationing, unemployment, occupation soldiers 
and their families, puppet-governments, re-armament and mili- 
tary programmes on a gigantic scale. 

The third point seeks to frighten Europeans into a war to 
destroy America-Jewry ’s sole dynamic opponent, thus placing 
the masters of New York and Washington in control of the 
entire world. But again, to kill a considerable part of the 
European population through short-term violent measures 
would be. impossible. The well-planned and systematically 
executed starvation of Germany by the American-Jewish 
occupation during the period 1945-1948 killed approximately 



3.000. 000 people. That is probably the largest number of 
people that could have been killed by such methods. Over- 
heated brains that could be persuaded that Europe “killed 

6 . 000 . 000 Jews” can readily imagine the course a Russian 
massacre of hundreds of millions of human beings would take. 
People who believe in such nightmares lack a sense for 1 
exaggeration, and their psychology is entirely wanting. No great 
number of men can be trained to kill, directly and systematical- 
ly, as a daily performance, from morning till evening, over an 
extended period, unarmed men, women, and children. Certain- 
ly, the mere sporadic killing of the kind involved in every 
military invasion could never reduce the population of Europe 
to any great extent. 

If a selective killing should be the method in an attempt to 
behead the European organism, then Russia would be likewise 
incapable of that. This was the method of the American- Jewish 
“war-crimes” programme, the most extensive terror in the 
history of the world. America- Jewry attempted to isolate the 
elite and string up its members one by one; but there, too, it 
missed the mark. Russia did not practise any systematic 
“war-crimes” terror, in spite of encouragement on the part of 
America-Jewry, since it was more interested in individuals as 
material for the Future than in settling past accounts according 
to Mosaic Law. Furthermore, the American Colonials and their 
exotic leaders understand much better than the barbarian how 
to go about isolating and exterminating superior individuals, for 
the inner structure and cohesion of the Western Culture are 
much less familiar to him and much less understood by- him. A 
profound ignorance of the outside world goes hand in hand 
with Russian xenophobia. 

America-Jewry insists that Russia could overwhelm Europe— 
quite mechanically and automatically— were not American 
colonial troops here. Yet the fact remains that only America’s 
intervention in the Second World War prevented Europe from 
destroying Russia as a political unit. The present Russian 
power-accumulation was thus created by America-Jewry, Never 
in the five centuries of Russian history has Russia been able to 
make way into Europe unless supported by one or more 
European states. Against Frederick the Great Russia received 
aid from France, Austria, and Sweden; against Napoleon Russia 
received aid from England, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Spain. 


In 1945, Russia penetrated into Germany only with America’s 
assistance. Before American intervention, Europe had hurled 
the barbarian back across the Volga. Russia is a threat only to a 
divided Europe; a united Europe could destroy the power of 
Bolshevist Russia at the moment of its choosing. That Europe 
has need of America-Jewry to defend itself against Russia is a 
crass lie. 

Only America can grant Russia entry into Europe; this was 
true in 1945, and will be just as true in 1967 or : 1975. There are 
two ways in which America-Jewry could deliver Europe to a 
Russian-Bolshevist occupation: by voluntarily making Russia a 
gift of it, as it did with China in 1947, or by losing a war against 
Russia from European bases. 

In any case, Europe— that means here above all the Culture- 
bearing stratum— will choose its own enemy because the 
250,000 men who are mystically charged with fulfilling the 
Destiny of Europe are by nature inwardly free of Culturally- 
alien influences. Enemy propaganda, however great its extent 
may be, cannot frustrate the Destiny of a High Culture, for that 
Destiny is above mechanism and technics, and propaganda is 
simply a technique. An enemy occupying Europe can probably 

round up herds of civilians by means of its puppet-governments 


and call the result an army, but beyond that it cannot go. An 
army means, first, morale; second, an officer-corps; third, a high 
command; and, fourth, the human material of the troops. A 
herd of civilians conscripted under foreign coercion would 
possess no morale and have no European officer-corps and 
European high command. Without these, they would be only an 
armed mob, and, as such, not a formidable match for the 

We have seen that it is a deep spiritual need of the 
matriarchal American People to have many and strong allies in a 
war; and of the ruling-stratum in America it must be remarked 
that the rider is always limited to the abilities of his mount. We 
have also seen that Europe is the basis for America’s every 
war-plan against Russia. Europe may be able to exploit these ' 

To secure the collaboration of Europe in the war it is 
planning against Russia, America would grant Europe huge 


concessions— in inner autonomy, in commerce, in military 
affairs, and even in administrative unification. But since 
America has the Michel-stratum at its disposal, and this stratum 
holds office everywhere in Europe, no demands are put to it. 
Thus the Washington regime can treat Europeans as something 
less than peons— peons at least receive a wage . The churchills of 
every country make no demands lest they disquiet the 
American bayonets upon which their tenure of office depends. 
To expect pride and independence from the stratum of 
professional traitors is simply unrealistic. 

The second way in which the American People’s spiritual 
need to have allies who might be exploited would be through an 
unswerving, voluntary, neutralisation of Europe vis-a-vis the 
projected war against Russia. Once the Washington regime was 
forced to accept European neutrality as a fact, it would have to 
abandon its plans for a European theatre- of -war and evacuate 

Either of these possibilities, if realised, could bring about the 
Liberation of Europe before the Third World War. The first 
possibility could be realised only if the Michel-stratum were 
removed from public life, for the churchills would scarcely 
place Europe’s interests above their class and personal interests, 
which are protected only .by the foreign occupation. 

To act creatively in Politics, one must begin with the right 
choice of enemy. If one selects an enemy from whom one can 
win no power, the end-result is suicide, as we saw with the 
self-destruction of the English Empire in the Second World War. 
Were Europe actually to fight for an enemy, that would be 
proof that Europe had in fact died, but the continuing mystical 
relation between the European Culture-bearing stratum and the 
European population would prevent Europe from doing so. 
Should the Third World War occur, Europe will participate in it 
only on its own terms. That is an absolute mystical certainty. 
Perhaps a herd of hapless conscripts without morale, without 
European officers and a European high command, can be 
thrown on the battlefield to fight for an enemy, but that would 
hardly be European participation worthy of the name. 

All this has long since answered the question: Who is the 
Enemy ? The enemy must be a political unit at whose expense 


we can gain power. Am erica- Jewry has the power in Europe, 
and if Europe would win back its sovereignty, it can do so only 
at the expense of America-Jewry. Politics is concrete, and thus 
the argument that Russia wishes to conquer Europe has but 
little force. Perhaps India would like to do that as well, but 
Europe must reckon on facts and not on threats. America has 
the power in Europe, and, therefore, America is the Enemy. 

s I 

Two facts dominate the politics of Europe in this historical 
period: Europe will never fight for its Enemy; Europe will 
survive the Third World War and its aftermath, regardless of the 

These are metaphysical facts; they possess Destiny value and 
cannot be removed by human action. They correspond to all 
life-furthering, life-affirming, power-increasing instincts of the 
European People, to the superpersonal Destiny of the Western 
Culture. In view of these facts, the enemy propaganda of the 
Russian bogey can be called simply idiotic. America-Jewry is 
the bearer of the Russian menace, today, as in the Second 
World War. If it brings about a Russian occupation of all 
Europe, then all Europe will persevere and overcome that 
happe nin g. Should America be expelled from Europe before the 
Third World War, the form of the war would be completely 
different. Instead of America-Jewry versus Russia, it would then 
be the European Imperium versus Russia, and in that form the 
war would end in the destruction of Russia as a political unit. 
For the European Imperium, the result would be external 
■ security for the coming centuries. Should America attempt to 
intervene, as before, this time its efforts would be of no avail, 
for the European Imperium will naturally include England and 
Ireland. It was only America’s 'fortuitous possession of those 
bases that enabled it to stab Europe in the back during the 
Second World War. From North America or Africa, America- 
Jewry could do little or nothing to help Russia. 

The Age is mighty and its tasks enormous, but if we hold fast 
to our honour and pride, harken to our own instincts and the 
Inner Imperative, we will win the upper hand in every instance. 
Although the opponents are gigantic, they are formless; behind 
their patchwork power-accumulations is a spiritual void which, 
like a vacuum, will draw back their dispersed forces. Neither 
America-Jewry nor Russia is a structure inwardly adapted to the 


Age of Absolute Politics. The American People is matriarchal, 
isolationist, and interested only in economic matters. When the 
power-adventures at the antipodes run into too much money or 
demand real blood-sacrifice, the Washington regime will no 
longer be able to force it to tread the false path of senseless 
World Wars. In the World War, Germany lost 739 Generals,* 
whereas America had the death of a single General to mourn. 
This fact just symbolises the truth that America has enjoyed 
success without having to pay the price of it. The moment the 
adventures become too costly, the Washington regime will have 
to retreat, for even its “victories” mean nothing to the 
American People. An apolitical people cannot win an enduring 
political victory; it does not need it, or want it, or even know 
how it would use the power proceeding from it. 

The Russian barbarian does not understand power; he has no 
knowledge of the meaning of this Age. Neither the half- 
Westernised Bolshevists nor the pure-Asiatic masses possess the 
qualities needed to build an empire. The spiritually unadultera- 
ted Russian, whose limitations are binding for the Moscow 
regime, is religious , hence inward; he is rural and land-hungry, 
but there is no nobility and no religion in Russia that attend to 
his material and spiritual cares. Marxism is a collection of dead 
and sterile phrases, and can no more strongly inspire the 
Russian than it can the European. Pan-Slav religiosity does not 
seek an empire; with it an empire cannot be built. 

This is the Age of Absolute Politics, and its meaning is the 
fulfillment of the Destiny of the Western Civilisation; the 
formation of the European Imperium and the actualisation of 
its World-Mission, In this Age, a power that would impose its 
will on the world must be endowed with the inner qualities that 
alone can establish and maintain a world-system, the qualities of 
the Spanish Europe in the 16th century, the English Europe in 
the 18th and 19th centuries, the Prussian Ethical Socialist 
Europe in the 20th century, which will survive the 21st century. 
The one, great, all-embracing quality that is absolutely neces- 
sary for such a task is the consciousness of a Mission. That 
cannot come from human resolves; it can come only as the 
emanation of a superpersonal soul, the organ of a higher 
Destiny, a Divinity. The American-Jewish and Russian ideas of 
negative world-conquest are but vague caricatures of the true, 
Western European Idea of Imperium Mundi , a travesty of 


History on the world-stage. 


Europe recognises its Cultural enemies and its sole political 
enemy. Thus it sees the only path it can follow. The basis of 
Europe’s politics is faith in but under no circumstances fear of 
the Future. If we follow now the path that our instincts, our 
intelligence, and our Inner Imperative have prescribed, whatever 
befalls us shall be good . For us there is but one crime, one 
misdemeanour, and one mistake: that is to be untrue to 
ourselves and follow alien leaders and hold alien ideals, 

Europe also recognises its Inner Enemy: Whosoever pursues 
another policy than that of a sovereign Europe, whether this be 
the policy of America-Jewry or Russia, is the Inner Enemy. 
Petty -statists and petty-nationalists sink to the level of spies and 
foreign agents. Loyalty to Europe excludes every other political 
loyalty. No European owes the petty-state of his birth any 
allegiance whatever, for all these tiny erstwhile-states are now 
simply anti-European tools in the hands of our Enemy, the 
Washington regime. 

Europe is equal to its historic task. Against the anti-spiritual, 
anti-heroic “ideals” of America-Jewry, Europe pits its metaphy- 
sical ideas, its faith in its Destiny, its ethical principles, its 
heroism. Fearlessly, Europe falls in for battle, knowing it is 
armed with the mightiest weapon ever forged by History: the 
superpersonal Destiny of the European organism. Our European 
Mission is to create the Culture-State-Nation-Imperium of the 
West, and thereby we shall perform such deeds, accomplish such 
works, and so transform our world that our distant posterity, 
when they behold the remains of our buildings and ramparts, 
will tell their grandchildren that on the soil of Europe once 
dwelt a tribe of gods. 





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i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, continued from page 6 

k when it comes to the truth. In fact, this is my husband’s motto and mine 

t second-hand -- the truth is the most important thing no matter where you 

might find it. 

| After going through the fundamental churches and then through .the 

Kingdom Israel Identity churches (some of which aren’t much different 
from the fundamentals in their dogmatism) with questions and doubts in 
■v the back of our minds that we did not even know how to vocalize, we are 

h relieved and excited to hear others express those doubts and seek solutions 

#;;;*• with an open, searching mind, unafraid of the consequences, even 

: welcoming them. 

We can’t say we agree with everything written in your publication. How 
could we or anyone,, seeing as how there are opposite viewpoints expressed 
at times? However, we can safely say that it would not upset us in the least 
if any of. those viewpoints turned out to be the truth. Nor would it 
surprise us. In fact, your magazine makes more sense and comes closer to 
the truth as we see it than any other we have ever read, [Thank you for 
the compliment! We are trying hard!] 

j We are now in the process of reading WHICH WAY, WESTERN MAN?, 
by William Gayley Simpson and are enjoying it very much. Again, some of 
• what he says we find hard to swallow, but cannot condemn him or say 
that he is wrong in these areas. Who knows? And much of it just “hits the 
spot,” so to speak. 

Thanks again for the good words and the keen insight you display. 

For Truth and Liberty , 
Mr & Mrs. E.A,S..,Ma. 

>4* <4* 4* 

/y» rp T* 

Dear Sir: 12 Match 8.1 

Please send a complete list of all your publications. I have been very 
impressed with materials I encountered through second-hand sources and 
which originated from your establishment. 

Best regards 
J.B., Virginia 

‘■if 4* <1. 4 * 

•p rp 

My dear George: 11 March 8.1 

Your publication of “The Whiteman’s Guide Book” (Liberty Bell, 
January 1981) was a great shock to me! Tragic that, evidently, you and 
the author have not known the strength of spiritual awareness which has 
been one of the greatest assets of the American people, as it was of their 
forebears [Yes, this “spiritual awareness of the American people” is 
exactly what caused the slaughter of their boys on foreign battle fields 
during WW I and WW II, never mind the slaughter of millions of other 
White Men on the other side of the battle lines! The creasy Yids were only 
the instigators — the "spiritually aware American people” were the tools!] 
Have you never really comprehended Washington’s faith as his “tower of 
strength? [The White Man’s faith lies in his respect for the eternal laws of 

June 1981 55 


" t 

nature — not in a “tower of strength” built on the sandy foundation of 
Oriental myths!] 

Reconsider the history of this nation in its days of moral strength and 
the former Christian nature of its government [Come now! Wasn’t it the 
majority of 'Christian 5 congressmen and senators, imbued with the 
“Christian nature of its government”, who were willing tools of the Yids in 
their efforts to manipulate America into two fraticidal world wars?] , as 
well as the moral courage of the Pilgrims and other pioneers who made this 
country truly great. Decadence has come only since the leaders have been 
devoted to power and position rather than to conscience (the “knowing” 
of the spirit). : 

Tragic that your otherwise noteworthy messages should include such a 
misleading article. May your eyes be opened to the truth of the Creator of 
all that will endure, and to an appreciation of His “well-beloved 5 ’ Son. 

Most sincerely, 
In His Name, 
Mrs B.D.H., California 

Dear Landsmann: 15 March 81 

Thank you very much for the Liberty Bell and the catalog. I like many 
of your cassettes and will order some in the future. 

George, you are doing the right thing because the Christian Identity 
people are nothing but ignorant, illiterate riff-raff. 

I have recommended to Cmdr. Koehl, Thies Christophersen and 
Manfred Roeder to shove these people aside. For two reasons I cannot 
believe in that stuff: first for racial reasons and, secondly, for linguistic 
reasons. The racial reason: We are not, and never were, related to the 
Semites (the Jews), the Arabs, the Abyssinians. What is contained in the 
Bible is nothing but an odd assortment of lies, partial truths and historical 
inconsistencies, and relates more or less to the Jews’ problems. The 
linguistic reason: Our language belongs to the Aryan branch and is more or 
less related to i.e., Sanskrit, Hindustani, Urdu and Farsi than to Hebrew. 
Ludendorff was correct in stating that the old Hebrew had no written 
vowels, and no one could therefore be sure how a word had to be 
translated. The Bible has then been translated several times, thereby 
becoming fuzzier and fuzzier. These Identity people base their contentions 
on Bible passages that can be explained in different ways. 

I hope you and yours are well. 

Best regards, 

■ A.W., Ohio 

* * * * * 

Mr Dietz: 16 March 81 

Enclosed is check to cover the cost of “The White Man’s Bible”. 

Did you know that the mouthy preacher John Warner of C.D.L. Report 
accuses you of stealing his rights? Of publishing books that he claims to 
have travelled to Europe to obtain? I welcome the expiration of my 
subscription to C.D.L. Report, published by a coward, Babs Minhinette, 

56 The Lib erty Bell 

• *. 



V . v 



his former secretary, can inform you all about Warner. 

He claims you are a thief real estate broker and publisher of stolen 
manuscripts, tucked back in the hills of West Virginia [Just consider the 
source!] . He and his so-called Christian church might bear watching. 

Best regards, 
C.H., Missouri 

^ 4; sfc 4s 

Dear George; 16 March 81 

Thank you so much for your long letter and for the insured parcel 
which I got safely. I think the previous parcel by ship must have got lost or 
stolen. But even if you send something by surface mail, please always 
register it, as English literature here is read easily. Thanks also for the 
beautiful photographs of our Leader. I keep them safely and will give some 
to my friends. Thank you for telling me so much about yourself. When I 
read your letter, I feel as if I am with you, I also received the Liberty Bell 
for January, February, March and April. 

Yes, the poor Michael Caignet [one of the leaders of the French 
Nationalist organisation F.A.N.E. which was outlawed by the French 
government last year, who had acid thrown in his face during an attack by 
Jewish hoodlums] had so much to suffer. I wrote him a nice letter and 
also sent him some money as he does not have any [Letters and donations 
may be addressed to: Michael Caignet c/o Notre Europe, B.P. 76-75462, 
Paris-Cedex 10, France] . I wrote him that certainly one day he’ll be 
avenged. Something has to happen one day, because we prefer our 
WELTANSCHAUUNG to their dirty money system! 

Savitri Devi has just been operated on her left eye a few days ago. Her 
right eye cannot see much since the optic nerve is atrophied. She cannot 
write or read at present and I write her letters. She is a bit depressed, but 
when she learned that a young boy of 26 [Michael Caignet] has become 
almost blind due to the acid thrown in his face, she picked up courage. 
More young people are on our side and this enrages the other swine. 

I read with interest the books received. 

With the best greetings and good wishes for you and your family, 

V.S., India 

* * * sf: sf: 

Dear Mr Dietz: 17 March 81 

A friend of mine, a Christian-Patriot, showed me some of your booklets 
last year and suggested that I might like to subscribe. For some reason I 
held back, although I had enjoyed the issue she’d loaned me. 

Now, I’m glad that I did not subscribe. I think the hand of God must 
have been staying me. Why? Because today that same friend sent me a 
photocopy of a letter from Pastor Sheldon Emry to you, with no 
comment of her own. None was needed. 

The forces of evil are nibbling away at the less staunch, and the not 
truly dedicated “Christians” and one by one you, who seemed to be 
leaders of Right, are shown to have feet of clay. Unwilling or unable to 
defend the Book which was instrumental in creating this nation you imply 

June 1981 57 

that you defend. Shame on you! 

Have you ever marveled at a book, some of which was written over 
2,000 years ago, which accurately tells of our present day dope problem 
(pharmaaopea), spiritism (necromancy,), or of men or women performing 
sexually to their own sex (an abomination)? These phenomena, although 
known in previous ages [and demonstratively practised in Old Testament 
days!] , never existed in the epidemic proportions that they do now, and 
thereby warranted the comments by. early prophets of today’s (latter 
day’s) problems. 

One by one the [self-fulfilling] prophecies have been fulfilled. A very 
few are left for us to await their terrible , yet wondrous, occurrances. 
Wondrous, because in their coming to pass, we reach the long-awaited end 
of this system of Satan’s. And, sad to say, you have been victimized by 
one of his henchmen. 

I hope you wake up before it is too late, and set the record straight 
with your readership— that you were mesmerized by an intellectual 
adversary who used his lying logic to sway you as a carnie midway spieler 
might have. Mr. Perier sounds as if he is a French Zionist. I do not know 
of him but I’ll remember him now, as the purveyor of fizz water instead of 
the substance of truth. 

If you have realized your error and will correct the wrongs you did to 
your subscribers, I would like to know, and would then be glad to 
subscribe to Liberty Bell. I will be interested to hear your comments on 
this. [No comment necessary! Just bring on the tar-barrel and the 

Mrs A.R.M., Arkansas 


Dear George: 19 March 81 

Skeptics like Ben Klassen have every right to call Christianity suicidal. I 
wish Christians would take a look at Luke 20:35. “But those who are 
worthy of the other world and the resurrection from the dead, neither 
take women in marriage nor are women given in marriage to them.” Men 
who do marry are merely “sons of the earth” (see previous verse) and 
cannot go to heaven. Why? Because you have to be resurrected in order to 
go to heaven. This is why the Catholic Church forbids the clergy to marry. 
I quoted Jesus Christ, not St. Paul. 

As for who will go to hell in the Final Judgment, check Matthew 25:3 3. 
It says: “And he will set the sheep at his right, and the goats at his left.” 
Jesus came to be the shepherd of the lost tribe of the House of Israel. 
These are the only people his disciples were supposed to go and convert. 
So these are the only Hebrews who are going to be considered real 
Christians; these are the sheep. The lamb and sheep were Israelite symbols. 
So who are the goats? The goat is an independent, resourceful animal with 
a lot more brains than a sheep, and capable of defending itself. Was the 
goat symbolic of any people in the ancient world? Yes, the goat was the 
rebus of the Goths. Seen from the side, a goat looks like it has one horn, 

58 The Liberty Bell 

and this animal is the origin of the unicorn myth. What this all boils down 
to is that certain Jews are saved and Germans are damned, except those 
Germans who have made themselves into celibate Jews, a contradiction in 
itself, since Jews are the most libidinous people on earth. 

2nd Esdras (an apocryphal writing,) claims the Lost Ten Tribes, (only 
one of three branches that is,) got as far west as Roumania. Now it would 
be all right if Identity Christians claimed that eastern and southern 
Europeans had people among them with Hebrew blood. Also, other 
Levantines, even Canaanites, reached Greece and Italy as slaves. But that’s 
as far as it goes. It is preposterous to claim that Vikings, Saxons, Franks, 
and the rest of the Nordic tribes were descended from Abraham. The 
Assyrian dispersion of the House of Israel was not complete until 700 
B.C., and there were White Europeans living in Europe long before then. 
They were uncircumcised, too. 

We should appreciate the efforts of Identity Christians in making white 
people more racially conscious. Race must be at the core of any religion 
the white man has in the future, or he is doomed. To claim that only 
Christianity can make white people moral is absurd and contrary to 
common sense. We can and will make a better religion, and one which does 
not demand that you put a lock on your mind and throw away the key. 
Christianity is for the stupid, the lazy, the uneducated, and the weak, of 
which there are plenty of people in this world. Maybe the Christian 
Church can make “better people” out of them; it is certainly determined 
to proliferate society with the teeming masses and wretched refuse. No 
birth control, no euthanasia, and be sure and make everybody support all 
the cripples and genetic defects and allow them to reproduce. 

Best regards 
J.P., Colorado 

Dear George: 18 March 81 

Thanks for the literature. Please send ten copies (your choice)of the 
Liberty Bell. . . 

I have been affiliated with various White Racist Groups but have grown 
tired of their attacks upon one another. We have no time for such 
things. . . I find it refreshing that you do not usually insult any but the real 
enemies. Congratulations on your extraordinary work. 

T.T., North Carolina 

* * * * * 

Dear Mr Dietz: 2 1 March 8 1 

If “The Great Liberty Bell Debate” would not be so serious, it would 
be amusing. I cannot refrain from giving rry comments: 

To M.T., N.Y.: [April L.B.] I would also like to see the oh-so-Christians 
of America repent for their sins of crime they have committed against the 
German people, . i.e., for their participation in “hate Germany” 

classes, for .their support of the unconditional surrender policy against 
Germany, for their rape of German women, their delivery of German 
prisoners of war into the hands of the Russians for shipment to Siberia, 

June 1981 . 59 

Siberia, and on and on, all of it in the name of Christ. 

To M.B., California: You write Hitler was a Christian. Sure, he was 
baptised and believed what he was taught when he was young — as 1 did! 
Christianity has many levels, as has humanism, socialism, Judaism. But 
many change their belief systems, especially now that we enter the Age. 
of Aquarius. I, too, still believe in God (not Jahweh), as my Aryan 
ancestors did thousands of years before the God of Abraham was invented. 

I also still believe in Christ who drove the money changers out of the 
temple and was crucified for this courageous act. But I don’t think he is 
going to “save” me. 

To J.S,, N.J.: Best letter. 

To W.J.C., Georgia; Something similar happened to me some years ago 
when I had to realize that my famous preacher was not very “loving.” 

To H.C., North Carolina: Nobody says you should publicly come out 
against Christianity, but we should have a discussion. Christianity is not 
outdated, but the Age of Pisces is over. It was never a Bronce Age religion 
— that was the Age of Taurus, 4000-2000 B.C. Christianity is not the last 
Dinosaur, but a tradition we have to cope with intelligently and with 
understanding, or, in your words, .with respect and dignity. 

To James Combs: Again, yes, I think Hitler was an excellent Christian, 
whatever that means. But his movement is known for a 
WELTANSCHAUUNG, a word which cannot really be translated. There 
was lots of room for good Christians in it. Well, many priests and 
evangelicals didn’t like it (Bonhoeffer, Faulhaber, etc.), so they later 
became traitors to their country. Oh, these good Christians.— I too belong 
to the “Golden Age” generation and came over here 20 years ago. Your 
insights are naive. Do you really know what it meant to “stick it out in 
those years after the war in Germany?” I would have loved to get an 
academic degree in those years, but since you had bombed us to death, 
this was impossible. But congratulations on your degree. You are right, it 
is sad that patriots are divided and I agree, we should unite. But are YOU 

An Aryan sister, Va. 


Dear George: 22 March 81 

I’ve enclosed a check for $20 for the book “The White Man’s Bible”, 
with a little left over. 

Some years ago I had Ben at my home when I was somewhat active 
with Matt Koehl His last book was quite excellent and he writes quite 

My wife and I found the March issue of The Liberty Bell most 
interesting. If you remember, my wife was one of those mean old Nazis 
and it seems she hasn’t changed much. 

Regards to you and your family. 

Heil Hitler! 

O.M., Florida 


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