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The New Detectives


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Jul 12th

Coroner Investigator

Ci: Coroner investigator will reveal the most in-depth look to date into the science of death. Go behind the yellow tape with julie wilson to experience first hand the techniques and methodology used by coroner investigators. Witness her discover clues and piece together the final moments of someone’s life.
Jul 12th

Hidden Obsession

In hamilton, ohio, two bike riders discover a human torso on the east bank of the great miami river. The butler county sheriff’s office and the butler county coroner respond to the scene and begin an investigation.
Jul 13th

Blind Trust

In 1998, a new mexico college student is reported missing by her roommate. When investigators recover blood samples, the two boys last seen with the missing woman are questioned, and blame each other for her disappearance. The 18-year-old’s body is found in the desert with multiple stab wounds, and evidence points to the two boys.
Jul 13th

Shattered Vows

A frantic husband calls 911, claiming his wife is dead, bleeding profusely from the head upon his return to their home. The husband of the recently deceased, claims his wife tripped and fell down the stairs. The autopsy report says the victim suffered 7 blows to the head. Forensics experts are employed to link the woman’s husband to her violent murder.
Jul 13th

Fatal Impressions

A former fort worth police officer calls 911 late one evening. Emergency personnel respond to find his wife on their bed, dead from a gunshot wound to the chest, which her husband claims was self inflicted. Ballistic tests, fingerprint analysis and polygraph tests are inconclusive, finally blood splatter experts must be used before accusing the ex-cop with the death of his wife.
Jul 13th

Misplaced Loyalty

The berkeley, california fire department responds to a house fire in the early morning hours of june 25, 1994. Firefighters discover the body of a 59-year-old woman near the fireplace. Her body had been badly burned and investigators speculated her death was accidental, though an autopsy suggested otherwise. Also discovered, was the fact that the deceased’s best friend and personal manager had recently cleaned out her bank account, suggesting investigators now had a homicide on their hands.
Jul 13th

Killing Time

A motel clerk is found dead, lying on the lobby floor. Police arrive to find the body partially burned, as well as a bloody palm print and most of a fingerprint. Surveillance tapes from surrounding businesses are collected, as well as fingerprints of over a hundred people for elimination purposes. Police are finally led to an ex-motel employee.
Jul 14th

Silent Killers

A young man goes missing, and his live in girlfriend reveals she had last seen him after the two had an argument concerning money. Soon after, a human torso is found; the arms, legs and head had been removed. Toxicology testing showed evidence of a potentially fatal amount of morphine present in the body. Investigators question the girlfriend, and find she had just taken out a $150,000 life insurance policy on her boyfriend.
Jul 14th

Death Grip

Fingerprinting: The identification division of the fbi relies on fingerprints as one of the most effective ways to identify criminals. Fingerprints, along with palmprints and footprints are an indisputable, time-tested method to establish someone's id beyond a shadow of a doubt. Computerization has all but eliminated the old inkpad, and print identification that used to take months now takes minutes.
Jul 14th

Signed in Blood

Handwriting analysis: We’ve all heard that our handwriting tells more about our personalities than we think. Are we risk-takers, have low-esteem, fun loving, or are we capable of murder? While our handwriting may not reveal the nuances of our personalities, the dotting of the "i's and crossing of the "t"s is an important business in criminal investigation. Apparent suicide notes, letters from suspected offenders and signatures are scrutinized down to the last dot. Handwriting comparisons can tell if the victim really did sign that new life insurance policy, or if the person who had everything to live for actually wrote the eloquent suicide note.