
An off day in attack, but Toulouse remain Europe’s best by a distance

Leinster were in charge for large periods of the Champions Cup final, but French side showed again that they know how to win as they claimed their sixth crown

The Sunday Times

What is it with Toulouse? In their eighth Champions Cup final they went to extra time for the third time. They have won all three. Their quest for the perfect performance was obliterated by a Leinster side with a history of beating them. In the 2022 and 2023 semi-finals, the French club were comprehensively beaten. For large portions of this final, Leinster were in charge. But Toulouse know how to win, as their 6-2 record in finals shows.

Toulouse trooped off at half-time, 40 minutes from a likely defeat. They were ahead on the scoreboard, 9-6, but in every other facet of play Leinster were the better team. Metres made, defenders beaten, offloads, passes — the Irish giants dominated.

Toulouse taste European glory yet