Tories want mandatory National Service at 18

Rishi Sunak’s first manifesto policy would ‘sanction’ those who choose not to take up a military or volunteering role
Rishi Sunak at a Wetherspoon pub in his constituency on Saturday. He says National Service will teach young people to “do new things and contribute to their community and our country”
Rishi Sunak at a Wetherspoon pub in his constituency on Saturday. He says National Service will teach young people to “do new things and contribute to their community and our country”

Every 18-year-old will be required by law to sign up for a year of National Service under plans unveiled by the Conservatives this weekend.

Rishi Sunak’s first manifesto commitment would see youngsters given the choice between a full-time course or spending one weekend a month volunteering in their community. There will be sanctions for teenagers who do not take part. Up to 30,000 full-time positions will be created either in the armed forces or in cybersecurity training. The weekend placements could be with the fire or police service, the NHS or charities tackling loneliness and supporting older, isolated people.

The Tories have pledged to set up a royal commission to design the £2.5 billion programme and establish details such as how the cybertraining would be