The Queen’s new clothes … will definitely not be real fur

No surprise to me, says Anna Murphy, the fashion industry has also fallen out of love with animal pelts

Camilla in 2009, wearing a hat made with real fur
Camilla in 2009, wearing a hat made with real fur
The Times


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Some good news for mink. Peta, aka People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has received a letter from Buckingham Palace informing them that the Queen “will not procure any new fur garments”. Queen Elizabeth declared something similar in 2019. This week’s missive went on to state that “this comes with the Queen’s warmest wishes”. Though not quite warm enough to write the letter herself clearly.

This doesn’t rule out Camilla wearing items that are already in her wardrobe, however. Take the vast brown fur hat she last wore in public on Christmas Day in 2010, its proportions synonymous with the kind of footstool one can imagine fireside at Balmoral, which is, incidentally, ground zero — all 50,000 acres of it — when