Nature the loser from Labour’s growth drive

Party has neglected to spell out how it will balance mass building projects with their devastating effect on biodiversity

Irvine Welsh: “I think it’s quite shocking for upper-middle-class people to confront working-class anger”

Irvine Welsh: drugs, marriage and my wisteria war

At 65 the novelist spends winters in Miami with his third wife, isn’t totally clean-living — and still enjoys an argument, he tells Janice Turner

Katie Glass and her labrador puppy Bear

Why was my labrador puppy so big? I got him a DNA test

Katie Glass was told her rescue dog was a lab. Why wouldn’t he stop growing? She decided to find out

Ekaterina Barrett was ordered by the High Court to pay back a loan from her friend. She has not complied

I thought my friend was an heiress — but she kept asking for money

When Bridget Hutchcroft lent Ekaterina Barrett £1.3 million for a divorce she could not have known it would lead to an epic court battle

Invisible millennial-style or yanked up and Gen Z?

How to spot a millennial: look at their socks

As Gen Z will tell you, invisible socks, hidden within trainers, are deeply passé

TIMESGRAB TWITTER // Pictured: Taylor Swift takes a selfie with Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte at Wembley Stadium 21st June 2024 // URL:

Sneer at William and me if you like, but we’re not really dad dancing

The trolls have it all wrong — Prince William was cutting quite a rug at Taylor Swift’s concert

One of Louis XV’s lacque à la Française commodes by Mathieu Criaerd, c 1745

Hidden treasure: where to buy a pregnant dinosaur and a royal commode

Chelsea’s Treasure House Fair offers a fascinating and eclectic array of objects d’art

Wedding flowers by Hayford & Rhodes

England’s top luxury wedding florists

Where to get the most showstopping blooms for your big day

Hair removal is getting sleeker and less painful thanks to new technology

The best at-home hair removal gadgets

A new generation of sleek and effective IPL devices have transformed the way we depilate

A Flexjet Gulfsteam G650 with Riva-style interior

Riva superyacht styling takes to the skies

Ferretti makes some of the world’s most iconic yachts. Now it has branched out into private jets

I’ve found the Med’s next big thing — and the beaches are beautiful

Head to lesser-known Montenegro to visit the pristine coastline and stunning crowd-free mountains before huge investment, new flights and EU membership sees visitors pour in

See Geirangerfjord in Norway on a zero-emission cruising

Seven of the most inspiring experiences at sea

From beach clean-ups to socially responsible expeditions, these are the exciting initiatives you can get involved with at sea

I’ve lived in Spain for ten years — and this is my favourite city

Unique gastronomy, cooler weather and art to rival the Prado are among the reasons our writer looks north, to a provincial escape from the capital with a medieval core

Kiefer Sutherland used to visit his father in Paris

Kiefer Sutherland: ‘Dad gave us a real understanding of Europe’

The actor recalls childhood trips to Paris, Ottawa and Quebec and alternate Christmases abroad to see his father Donald, who died this week

I’ve found Europe’s most glamorous road trip

Sicily has been popularised by The White Lotus — but there are many sides, including cooler temperatures, to this wild, volcanic island during an out-of-season week exploring

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Fifteen questions to get you thinking

The Times Daily Quiz

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