British Board of Film Classification (Q861670)

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British film regulation organization that classifies films, videos, and online content according to suitability for children anglès
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British Board of Film Classification
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    British Board of Film Classification
    British film regulation organization that classifies films, videos, and online content according to suitability for children
    • BBFC
    • British Board of Film Censors


    BBFC did not classify home videos until 1985. Despite this, the U certificate is currently available to be used on home video. (anglès)
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    1 nov 1982
    BBFC did not classify home videos until 1985. Despite this, all 4 of the certificates are currently available to be used on home video. (anglès)
    Applies to U, PG, 15, 18, and R18 rated video works. The Uc certificate was applied exclusively to video works. (anglès)
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    1 ago 1989
    Inception of the 12 certificate on home video was on 1 July 1994. Films classified 12 on cinema to have a release on home video before 1 July 1994 requires to have the home video release cut for a PG certificate, or accepting a 15 certificate for home video. (anglès)
    The 12A certificate applies to cinemas only. The 12 certificate will still apply to home video, television, and bonus material, even as of today. (anglès)
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    BBFC U 2019.svg
    328 × 292; 5 Ko
    31 oct 2019
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    BBFC U 2002.png
    1.820 × 1.455; 115 Ko
    setembre 2002
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    BBFC PG 2002.png
    1.820 × 1.455; 119 Ko
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    BBFC 12 2002.png
    1.524 × 1.524; 139 Ko
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    BBFC 15 2002.png
    1.519 × 1.519; 139 Ko
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    BBFC 18 (1985-2019).png
    1.527 × 1.527; 127 Ko
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    BBFC R18 2002.png
    1.627 × 1.341; 93 Ko
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    BBFC Exempt 2019.svg
    328 × 292; 2 Ko
    31 oct 2019
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    setembre 2002
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    BBFC 15.svg
    512 × 512; 43 Ko
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    Bbfc 12.jpg
    50 × 50; 1 Ko
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    BBFC U black card example.jpg
    2.224 × 1.251; 130 Ko
    31 oct 2019
    valor desconegut
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    BBFC (anglès)
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    51°31'11"N, 0°7'48"W
    1 referència
    In Ireland, following the independence of the Irish Free State in 1922 (now the Republic of Ireland), the Irish Film Censor's Office was created in 1923 in place of the BBFC. (anglès)
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    The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), originally British Board of Film Censors, is a non-governmental organisation, funded by the film industry and responsible for the national classification of films within the United Kingdom. It has a statutory requirement to classify videos and DVDs. It no longer has responsibility for rating video games in the UK. This role has been passed to the Video Standards Council (formerly known as the VSC Rating Board). In July 2012, the VSC Rating Board became the sole UK statutory video games regulator for the UK. The VSC Rating Board has been a PEGI Administrator since 2003 and subsequently uses the PEGI criteria to classify video games. The UK Interactive Entertainment Association, a UK industry trade group, works with the VSC to help properly label such games and provide informational material to parents. Games featuring strong pornographic content or ancillary mini-games to be included with a DVD feature will still be rated by the BBFC. (anglès)
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    British Board of Film Classification$1
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    British Board of Film Classification
    1 referència
    14 juny 2022
    1 referència
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    British Board of Film Classification
    0 referències
    British Board of Film Classification
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