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Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

Buzz Archives for July 2002

No tables for Lycos

Lycos Europe will be moving to a new design that validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional and uses CSS for layout. (Netscape 4 users will get a plain text version with no formatting.) Spotted by Tom Gilder, reported in W3C’s public evangelist archives. Hat tip: Tantek Çelik.

By Jeffrey Zeldman | Filed in CSS

37signals.com redesigns with XHTML and CSS

37 Signals, a smart agency for accessible, usable, yet beautiful web design, has today launched a slight redesign of their company site with validating XHTML Transitional and CSS.

By Eric Costello | Filed in Design

Amaya Updated

The W3C web editor/browser Amaya has been updated. Version 6.2 increases support for CSS, XHTML, SVG, and MathML. Amaya is not a commercial browser like IE, Navigator, Opera, et al. W3C members use it to demonstrate and test new developments in web protocols and data formats. W3C Jigsaw plays a ...

By Jeffrey Zeldman | Filed in General

FrontPage gets LIFT

UsableNet announced yesterday it has integrated its LIFT product into Microsoft FrontPage, the vastly popular (though not particularly standards-friendly) web authoring tool. UsableNet’s LIFT, previously incorporated in Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, encourages accessible authoring techniques and includes built-in accessibility validators and reference guides. LIFT won’t stop FrontPage from generating proprietary non-standard markup, ...

By Jeffrey Zeldman | Filed in Authoring Tools

Dreamweaver Task Force

The WaSP's Dreamweaver Task Force has posted an assessment of Dreamweaver MX. The Task Force worked with Macromedia through various stages of product development to help improve Dreamweaver's support for web standards and accessibility.

By Jeffrey Zeldman | Filed in Adobe TF, Authoring Tools

New CSS Tutorial: Web Page Reconstruction with CSS

Although spilling into July a bit, Digital Web has one more tutorial for its June CSS theme. Web Page Reconstruction with CSS by Christopher Schmitt is one of the best CSS tutorials I've seen around for helping to understand the thinking and decision-making process behind markup. This is a terrific ...

By Shirley Kaiser | Filed in CSS

a few valid points

news.com misses the point

By Steven Champeon | Filed in General

New Web standards education and outreach forum

W3C is starting a new discussion list, the Web standards education and outreach forum, for Web standards evangelists, authors, and others to discuss ways to improve the quality of web-standards related books, publications, lectures and training courses. Hope to see you there! hat tip: Eric Meyer

By Shirley Kaiser | Filed in General

The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.

Recent Buzz

Our Work Here is Done

By Aaron Gustafson | March 1st, 2013

Thanks to the hard work of countless WaSP members and supporters (like you), Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as an open, accessible, and universal community is largely the reality.

When The Web Standards Project (WaSP) formed in 1998, the web was the battleground in an ever-escalating war between two browser makers—Netscape and Microsoft—who were each taking turns “advancing” HTML to the point of collapse. You see, in an effort to one-up each other, the two browsers introduced new elements and new ways of manipulating web documents; this escalated to the point where their respective 4.0 versions were largely incompatible.

Realizing that this fragmentation would inevitably drive up the cost of building websites and ran the risk of denying users access to content and services they needed, Glenn Davis, George Olsen, and Jeffrey Zeldman co-founded WaSP and rallied an amazing group of web designers and developers to help them push back. The WaSP’s primary goal was getting browser makers to support the standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

In 2001, with the browser wars largely over, WaSP began to shift its focus. While some members continued to work with browser vendors on improving their standards support, others began working closely with software makers like Macromedia to improve the quality of code being authored in tools such as Dreamweaver. And others began the hard slog of educating web designers and developers about the importance of using web standards, culminating in the creation of WaSP InterAct, a web curriculum framework which is now overseen by the W3C.

Thanks to the hard work of countless WaSP members and supporters (like you), Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the web as an open, accessible, and universal community is largely the reality. While there is still work to be done, the sting of the WaSP is no longer necessary. And so it is time for us to close down The Web Standards Project.

Many (if not all) of us are continuing to work in the world of web standards, but our work is now largely outside the umbrella of WaSP. If you are interested in continuing to work on web standards-related projects along with us, we humbly suggest you follow these projects:

  • A List Apart – The magazine “for people who make websites” is run by WaSP founder Jeffrey Zeldman and is a consistent source of forward-thinking articles and tutorials.
  • HTML5 Doctor – A solid resource and discussion forum on all things HTML5, brought to you by Bruce Lawson and his team.
  • W3C Community Groups – If you have a passion for a specific web technology, you can help make it better by participating in one (or more) community groups. In particular, you might be interested in one of these: Core Mobile Web Platform, Responsive Images, Web Education, and Web Media Text Tracks.
  • WebPlatform.org – A fantastic web standards resource, providing up-to-date documentation, Q&As, tutorials & more. Chris Mills, Doug Schepers, and a number of other standards advocates are involved in this project.
  • Web Standards Sherpa – An educational resource founded by WaSP which continues to operate under the leadership of Chris Casciano, Virginia DeBolt, Aaron Gustafson, and Emily Lewis.
  • Web Standards + Small Business – An outreach project started by WaSP that educates small businesses about why they should care about web standards. This project is overseen by Aaron Gustafson.

The job’s not over, but instead of being the work of a small activist group, it’s a job for tens of thousands of developers who care about ensuring that the web remains a free, open, interoperable, and accessible competitor to native apps and closed eco-systems. It’s your job now, and we look forward to working with you, and wish you much success.

Nota bene: In the near future, we will be making a permanent, static archive of webstandards.org and some of our other resources like WaSP Interact to preserve them as a resource and to provide a record of our 15-year mission to improve the web.
Bruce Lawson and Steph Troeth contributed to this post.

Filed in WaSP Announcement | Comments (89)

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All of the entries posted in WaSP Buzz express the opinions of their individual authors. They do not necessarily reflect the plans or positions of the Web Standards Project as a group.

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