Michele White

Former Prince William County registrar Michele White

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(5) comments


This was a politically motivated persecution by the well known clown show in the Miyares administration. Miyares was a failed attorney who is way over his head surrounded by his hand picked clown brigade. Miyares failed in Loudoun in his persecution of school administrators.


A simple error should never be considered a criminal act. I hope the Attorney General's office releases the reason the charges were filed. It appears that everyone made a mistake in this event.


This whole episode stinks of disintegrity.


I have no inside information on what was the actual problem. But after the Nov 2020 election I reported to the PWC election office that I found a major problem on how the Presidential vote in PWC was allocated by congressional district on the state website. It did not effect over all results but it made no sense. I believe that was the problem that started this issue. It was corrected on the state website a few days latter.


I hope the PWTimes gets to the bottom of this issue. No one else is asking the AG office that needs to be asked. If you want my spreadsheet on the error I found after the 2020 election you know how to contact me.

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