fire goddess

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an image of a man with two wings on his head and the words lucifier above him
Who is Lucifer? Is he a fallen angel? - Stellar House Publishing
a woman with long hair wearing a green dress and gold jewelry is standing in front of a tree
brigid the celtic goddess
Brighid is the Irish Goddess of Fire; honoured as the Triple Goddess, of poetic inspiration, creative work, smith craft, and healing, Brighid's mantle covers and protects the land. Brighid is also Bride, or St Bride in Scotland.
a woman with red hair holding a necklace
The Fire Caller by PerlaMarina on DeviantArt
Belisama _ Celtic. The Goddess of fire as the young sun, the sun maid. Her name means “bright and shining one”.
a painting of a woman with long blonde hair and a star above her head, surrounded by stars
THE GODDESS VESTA Vesta is the Roman goddess of home and hearth. Vesta is a fire goddess who brings warmth to households, both as a temperature and as an emotion. In ancient Rome, a temple in her honor bore a flame that burned continually. Call upon Vesta to oversee any changes you’d like to make in your living situation.” It was in the house and home that Vesta was most important because she was the goddess of the hearth and of fire.
a painting of a woman with long hair and flowers in her hands, surrounded by trees
Pele, Goddess of Fire - *
Pele, the Goddess of Fire in Hawaii!
a collage of photos with the words glut on them and images of fire
Mythology Meme || (7/10) Women of the Norse Pantheon Hail Glut, wise in the ways of your people. Hail, Goddess of fire, who brings warmth and who boldly orders the uncertain heart. (x)