Sustainable Living

Explore eco-friendly ideas and tips for sustainable living to reduce your carbon footprint. Start living a greener lifestyle today and make a positive impact on the environment.
Title: Sustainable Living - Eco-Friendly Swap #001
1st Image: Disposable Paper Towels
2nd Image: Reusable Paper Towel Roll
Breakdown: 5-year cost
The average family uses 2 disposable rolls per week. An 8-pack is $14, therefore it would be $182 per year. Total for 5 years if $910
The price for 1 set of Reusable paper towels is $30. It's recommended to use 2, therefore it's $60. They each last 5 years. The total cost is $60 Design, Inspiration, Ideas, Eco-friendly Swaps, Eco Friendly Kitchen, Sustainable Living Diy, Eco Friendly Diy, Environmentally Friendly Living, Eco Friendly Living

Try this simple zero waste swap for your kitchen at home. This is the perfect way to save money and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Consider swapping your disposable paper towels in favor of reusable paper towels. Not only will you be saving money, but also helping save the environment. Remember that small changes can have big impacts. Follow our Pinterest for more eco-friendly tips and how to go green at home. #zerowaste #ecofriendly #sustainablehome #lowwaste #sustainable

Organisation, Waste Free, Reduce Food Waste, Grocery Store, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Zero Waste Lifestyle, Food Waste, Environmentally Friendly Living, Eco Friendly Living

Although you may not get single-use plastic bags at the grocery store checkout anymore, there are still plastic bags being used for produce and plastic packaging is still used on almost everything… one problem has been solved but there’s more to go. Unnecessary plastic is making its way into our homes, and often through the kitchen. So, we’ve looked at a number of ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle in the kitchen.

Kiyomi Gen