Place to hang backpacks

Discover creative and functional ways to hang backpacks, making it easier to keep them organized and accessible. Find the perfect solution for your home and never worry about misplaced backpacks again.
Pneumatic Addict Furniture: DIY Backpack and Homework Center Storage Ideas, Home Organisation, Organisation, Backpack Storage, School Bag Storage, Diy Backpack, Organization Kids, Storage, Furniture Diy

*EDIT: I have updated and improved this project. For the updated version with FREE building plans, click here. Most of you know that I have twin boys. Well, this year they started the big "K". Yep, Kindergarten. After the first day of school, I knew we were going to need some sort of organization. We needed some place to hang up backpacks, and a place to sort the dozens of papers they were bringing home. I came up with a plan for a DIY backpack and homework center using only one, six foot…

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