Natural hair beauty

Discover the best natural hair care tips and products to enhance your beauty. Embrace your natural hair and unlock your true potential.
Hair Growth Tips, Natural Styles, Hair Growth, Hair Shrinkage, Natural Hair Growth, Natural Hair Care, Natural Hair Care Tips, Natural Hair Regimen, Natural Hair Care Routine

Natural hair shrinkage – the bane of every natural’s existence. Let me set the scene: you’re in the shower during wash day, and you notice that your hair has not only thickened, but is past your shoulders. You’ve been deep conditioning and protective styling, and finally, finally, you’re seeing length. But…

Thresessa Childs
Natural Hair Journey, Hair Growth Tips, Hair Growth Foods, Fast Natural Hair Growth, Natural Hair Growth Tips, Low Porosity Natural Hair, Healthy Natural Hair Growth, Healthy Hair Growth, Natural Hair Growth

A short while ago, we posted about the best hair vitamins to take to grow natural hair. This was mostly because there is A LOT of misinformation in the natural hair world regarding what works and what doesn’t. Add in the fact that there’s a new hair gummy/super growth vitamin/hair tea…

Georgia Poole