Free online therapy

Access free online therapy services to prioritize your mental health. Explore top resources and connect with licensed professionals to receive the support you need.
Motivation, Self Esteem, Ideas, Personal Development, Workshop, Online Therapy, Self Help, Self Development, Clinical Psychologist

Ever wondered why you are the way that you are? Or why certain aspects of your life seem to be a ‘repeat’ of what you saw parents do when you were growing up? In this open therapy session, Louise Rumball and Dr. Helene Laurent-Oliver, a Clinical Psychologist, specialising in child and adult mental

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Therapy Notes Free Google Docs Template - Coaching, Online Therapy, Counseling Techniques, Therapy Counseling, Mental And Emotional Health, Mental Health Activities, Therapy Tools, Counseling

Get a free and easily editable online Therapy Notes Template for Google Docs. Sometimes, wherever we are, at school or at work, we have problems. For example, in communication with classmates or with superiors, which gradually upsets us, makes us lethargic and not energetic. This is a fairly common problem that is difficult to solve on your own. In such situations, you need to act decisively and immediately turn to a professional psychologist. He or she will help you work through the problem…

Daresa Travick