Edible Garden

Create your own edible garden and enjoy the taste of fresh, homegrown produce. Discover top ideas to transform your outdoor space into a bountiful garden filled with fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Vegetable Garden, Growing Vegetables, Gardening, Vegetable Garden Design, Perennial Vegetables, Garden Veggies, Gardening Tips, Home Vegetable Garden, Veggie Garden

Planting perennial vegetables lets you plant once and harvest delicious (and unusual) veggies for years to come. Find out about more than 50 plants to choose from, many cold hardy to zone 3, or even colder! #perennialvegetables #permaculture

Kirsten Henry
18 Genius Free Garden Hacks Plants, Compost, Garden, Garden Plants, Autumn Garden, Garten, Tuin, Yard, Gardening Blog

You won’t believe your empty mason jars or newspapers could be useful in the garden until you see the list of garden hacks below. After reading the article, you can take advantage of your old items lying in mess around your kitchen or garage, and then turn them into helpful things for your garden. Now, instead of throwing them out, let's save them and give them new missions, they promise to keep you amazed.

zsuzsi takács

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