Bright Colors

Explore a variety of bright color ideas to add energy and personality to your space. Discover how these vibrant hues can transform your home and create a lively atmosphere.
Warm, vibrant color palette for The Happy Medium, a digital wellness platform. We used a vibrant but grounded color palette for this brand and went with a very warm, almost retro approach by using very candid photography and hand-drawn doodles. See more on our Pinterest! Pantone, Design, Brand Color Palette, Brand Colors, Color Palette Design, Colorful Branding, Color Design Inspiration, Retro Color Palette, Color Design

Warm, vibrant color palette for The Happy Medium, a digital wellness platform. We used a vibrant but grounded color palette for this brand and went with a very warm, almost retro approach by using very candid photography and hand-drawn doodles. See more on our Pinterest!

Allyson Shick
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The extraordinary brightness and expression of this palette is its strong point, but it also imposes some limitations. For example, when decorating a children's room, it is better not to use such a mix of colors - it will not allow the child either to relax or concentrate. But the very thing - for the design of a children's holiday, say, based on your favorite Disney cartoons.

Color Palettes