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the back of a person wearing a t - shirt that says, why i'm in a democracy
Democrats and Republicans Are the Same, Huh?: Voting Rights Act Decision SLAPS That in the Face
Democrats built that. All that. AND often with support from Republicans.
an old poster with instructions on how to use it
If You Told Me I'd Be Fascinated By A Comic About Being Poor, I Would Have Thought You Were Drunk
If You Told Me I'd Be Fascinated By A Comic About Being Poor, I Would Have Thought You Were Drunk
an image of a man with glasses and a mustache in front of a quote from theodore roosevelt
Here's What Happened When FDR Tried To Mess With Thanksgiving
"All contributions by corporations to any political committee or for any political purpose should be forbidden by law." -- Theodore Roosevelt
an image of the back cover of a computer screen with many different images on it
On life and time.
a white sign that says 40 % of sweden's trash goes to the landfill
Infographic Friday: Sweden Wants Your Trash
if it can be done in sweden, it can be done everywhere! let's do it! <3
Just because your religion doesnt believe in gay marriage, doesnt mean you can take away their equal rights to marry. Also doesnt mean you can call members of the LGBT community disgusting, or tell them they are sinners who are going to Hell just for being in love!!! Wise Words, Faith, Beliefs, United Church Of Christ, Truth, Words Of Wisdom, Anti Religion
Indiana Takes on America: Discrimination Against Gays, Religious Freedom and Rewriting the Constitution
Just because your religion doesnt believe in gay marriage, doesnt mean you can take away their equal rights to marry. Also doesnt mean you can call members of the LGBT community disgusting, or tell them they are sinners who are going to Hell just for being in love!!!
a quote from the author, friedrich netzsche about water and how to use it
The Antagonista
Don't seem deep. Be deep. Let the boars make the mess! #500BC https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2066629563/game-of-you-mobile-app-the-ultimate-journey-of-dis
two men in suits and ties, one with a quote from john stewart on it
The Koch brothers may spend $290 million on this election. That’s how much 5,270 American households make in a year.
The Koch brothers just announced a new super PAC called Freedom Partners Action Fund. The group will invest $15 million in the midterms, bringing the Kochs' total investment to a reported $290 million for the 2014 elections, all of it going to REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY candidates.
an older man is making a hand gesture with his right hand while standing in front of a gray background
The Snarky Voice in Your Head Is Killing Your Productivity; Here’s How to Stop It
George's political opinions ran the gamut from left to right, but he was always a thinker; unafraid to speak his mind. If he had one goal, it was to makes us think too.
a poster that says work harder so we can pay taxes while corporations making billions don't have to
Two Days, One Night - Trailer
unfortunately, this is common practice ... Work mistreatment can be sophisticated - eg: film 'Two Days, One Night' www.youtube.com/watch?v=06BNjqSsGqo UK Employment tribunals: www.gov.uk/employment-tribunals www.adviceguide.org.uk/wales/work_w/work_problems_at_work_e/work_employment_tribunals_e/understanding_employment_tribunals.htm ACAS- free advice on resolving workplace disputes: www.gov.uk/acas www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/4/8/Trade-Union-Representation-in-the-Workplace-accessible-version.pdf
It seems like karma that after brutally throwing the mentally ill from state run institutions to balance the budget Reagan would end up suffering and dying of a mental condition, Alzheimer's. Karma, Ronald Reagan, Activists, Presidents, American Presidents, Governor Of California, Mean People
Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness
It seems like karma that after brutally throwing the mentally ill from state run institutions to balance the budget Reagan would end up suffering and dying of a mental condition, Alzheimer's.
Americans have to keep fighting to build a "stronger middle class in today's changing economy," U.S. President Barack Obama said in his weekly address Saturday.   That fight includes the right to have affordable health insurance, fair pay, family leave and workplace flexibility, Obama said in a worker-focused address tailored for the Labor Day weekend. Albert Einstein, Dalai Lama, Affordable Health Insurance, Health Care Insurance, Affordable Health, Good People, Keep Fighting
Cher is back on the charts with ‘Woman’s World’
Americans have to keep fighting to build a "stronger middle class in today's changing economy," U.S. President Barack Obama said in his weekly address Saturday. That fight includes the right to have affordable health insurance, fair pay, family leave and workplace flexibility, Obama said in a worker-focused address tailored for the Labor Day weekend.
a black and white photo of martin luther king holding his hand up to the side
David Icke
MLK I'm sure is rolling over in his grave at the antics of obama and today's politics. He had a dream. We have a nightmare.
Joshua Oakley - Peace Beauty Light Love Balance Dreams Poetry Visions Imagination Art Writing Life
‘“We’re all in this together” is much better than “you’re on your own.”’ Found at http://buff.ly/1g90agf
Joshua Oakley - Peace Beauty Light Love Balance Dreams Poetry Visions Imagination Art Writing Life
a sign on the side of a brick wall that says, put the politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change
New England 2011
Put the politicians on minimum wage. That will be a real change as we know it, but it will scare the crap out of them.. FROM THE VERY "ALMIGHTY" TOP TO THE BOTTON. SO THEY KNOW HOW WE FEEL...