498 Pins
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the text reads automatically back up new texts you receive on your android device to a google spreadsheet
Automatically back up new texts you receive on your Android device to a Google Spreadsheet
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Automatically back up new texts you receive on your Android device to a Google Spreadsheet
the text reads, get a notification when the international space station passes over your house
Get a notification when the International Space Station passes over your house
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Get a notification when the International Space Station passes over your house
an instagramr with the text tweet your instagrams as native photos on twitter
Tweet your Instagrams as native photos on Twitter
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Tweet your Instagrams as native photos on Twitter
a tweet that reads tell alex to start a harmony activity
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Tell Alexa to start a Harmony activity
an instagram page with the words save your new instagram photos to google photos
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Save your new Instagram photos to Google Photos
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Backup all your pins to Google Drive Google Drive, Drive, 10 Things, Pins
Backup all your pins to Google Drive
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Backup all your pins to Google Drive
an amazon gift card with the text sync your amazon alex to - dos with your reminders
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Sync your Amazon Alexa to-dos with your reminders
a phone screen with the words ask google assistant to call your phone by iftt
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Ask Google Assistant to call your phone
an email notification with the message get a notification when you get an email from a specific person
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Get a notification when you get an email from a specific person
an ad with the text archive mentions of your twitter user to a spreadsheet
Record your daily Fitbit activity in a Google Spreadsheet
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Record your daily Fitbit activity in a Google Spreadsheet
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Ok Google call my device Health, Call Me
Log in - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Ok Google call my device
the weather is very dark and it's time to get some fresh air today
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
wikipedia word of the day in iftt notification by anquaja on flickp
Explore Integrations - IFTTT
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Wikipedia word of the day in IFTTT Notification
the spotify app is shown with an image of a green background and text that reads,
Automatically create a Discover Weekly archive
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Automatically create a Discover Weekly archive
the words get a notification if it is rainy outside by anasiadal on black background
Get a notification if it is Rainy outside
Recommended Recipe on IFTTT: Get a notification if it is Rainy outside