Remember our History

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an image of a page with text on it
Home The Feminist Project - The Feminist Project
two tweets that are on top of each other with caption in the middle
the tweet is posted to someone on their twitter account, and it looks like they
If Interested In History, Textbooks And/Or Schooling Are Not The Answer
an image of a page with the text in red and green, on top of it
an image of a computer screen with the text's page highlighted in green and white
Medieval timekeeping and cooking
the tweet has been posted to someone about their school's black community
White People Twitter: Photo
two tweets that are on the same page, one has an image of a woman
"During the 19th century, alcoholism, family violence, and saloon-based political corruption prompted activists, led by pietistic Protestants, to end the alcoholic beverage trade, to cure the ill society and weaken the political opposition." And oh yes, my alcoholic boyfriend DEFINITELY used to give me the excuse of "you KNOW that wasn't me.." in regards to his physical, emotional, and mental abuse. Alcohol has 0 (zero) benefits
an article about the death of ruth ginsburg
an article about the death of ruth ginsburg
an old photo of a woman in front of a white background with the caption on it
an article about the history of women's clothing