Urban Art

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a man painting a mural on the side of a building
a man standing in front of a large painting on the side of a building next to a parking lot
a large mural on the side of a building with a woman's face painted on it
a large colorful painting on the side of a building
a mural on the side of a building with a man's face painted on it
a large mural on the side of a building with cars parked in front of it
a large mural on the side of a building with birds painted on it's sides
a black and white dog with bubbles on it's face in front of a multicolored background
two women are painting a mural on the side of a building in front of other people
two people are sitting in front of a large painting on the side of a building
a large painting on the side of a building that is being worked on by workers
two women are painting a mural on the side of a building in an urban area
a woman standing on top of a metal fence next to a large wall with a painting
a large painting on the side of a building with a man's face painted on it
a white van parked in front of a building with graffiti on it's side