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τίνα...διάνοιαν. A.'s feelings were a blend of chagrin and veneration: cp. the perplexity described in 216 C; Theogn. 1091 ff. ἀργαλέως μοι θυμὸς ἔχει περὶ σῆς φιλότητος: | οὔτε γὰρ ἐχθαίρειν οὔτε φιλεῖν δύναμαι, κτλ.

ἠτιμάσθαι. Cp. Theogn. 1313 ἐμὴν δὲ μεθῆκας ἀτίμητον φιλότητα.

ἀγάμενον. This is an echo, both of Phaedrus's language in 179 C, 180 A, and of ἀγαστός applied to Eros (197 D). Observe the assonance ἡγούμενον... ἀγάμενον. Cp. Xen. Symp. VIII. 8.

τὴν τούτου φύσιν κτλ. Hommel renders “des Mannes ganzem Wesen besonders seiner Besonnenheit und Charakterfestigkeit” etc.; Rettig explains φύσις as “die geistige Naturanlage des S., seine theoretische und spekulative Begabung, ingenium, σοφία (vgl. Theaet. 144 A).” The former seems the more natural interpretation; φύσις may be intended also as an echo of Aristophanes' use of the word (189 D etc.).

φρόνησιν...καρτερίαν . “φρόνησις verbunden mit καρτερία ist doch nichts Anderes als die Auflösung des Begriffs der σωφροσύνη in seine beiden Bestandtheile. Vgl. Pol. IV. 430 E, Phädr. 237 E, Krat. 411 E” (Rettig).

οὔθ̓...εἶχον. Of moral impossibility, as in 190 C, Phaedrus 241 A.

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hide References (7 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (7):
    • Plato, Theaetetus, 144a
    • Plato, Phaedrus, 237e
    • Plato, Phaedrus, 241a
    • Plato, Symposium, 179c
    • Plato, Symposium, 180a
    • Plato, Symposium, 190c
    • Plato, Symposium, 216c
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