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πρό ,
A.before, forth:
3. before, in front of, for the purpose of shielding or guarding, “π. Τρώων ἑσταότ᾽Il.24.215: hence, in defence of,μάχεσθαι . . π. τε παίδων καὶ π. γυναικῶν8.57, cf. 4.156, 373, Hdt.8.74, etc.; ὀλέσθαι π. πόληος, Lat. pro patria mori, Il.22.110; “π. τῆς Σπάρτης ἀποθνῄσκεινHdt.7.134, cf. 172,9.72, E.Alc.18, 645, etc.; “π. τοῦ θανόντος . . ἔθεσθ᾽ ἐπιστροφήνS.OT134; “διακινδυνεῦσαι π. βασιλέωςX.Cyr.8.8.4; βουλεύεσθαι, πράττειν π. τινός, ib.1.6.42, 4.5.44, cf. Mem.2.4.7; π. τοξευμάτων as a defence against arrows, Id.An.7.8.18: hence also, for, on behalf of, instead of, ἀγρυπνῆσαι π. τινῶν ib.7.6.36, cf. Leg.Gort.1.43; of an advocate, “π. τῶνδε φωνεῖνS.OT10, cf. OC811; ὄτι δέ κ᾽ αὐτὸς π. Ειαυτοῦ [ἀμάρτῃ] whatever offence he commits of his own volition, Kohler-Ziebarth Stadtrecht von Gortyn p.34.
4. π. ὁδοῦ ἐγένοντο further on the road, i.e. forwards, onward, Il.4.382, cf. Ael.NA3.16,7.29 (v. φροῦδος): also to denote distance,π. πολλοῦ τῆς πόλεωςD.H.9.35; “π. τριάκοντα σταδίωνat a distance of 30 stades, Str.8.6.24.
5. π. ἠοῦς, π. ἑσπέρης τοῦ βωμοῦ, eastwards, westwards of. . , IG7.235.45 (Orop., iv B.C.).
b. in rendering Roman dates, τῇ π. μιᾶς Νωνῶν Ὀκτωβρίων, = pridie Non. Oct., Plu.2.203a, etc.
III. in other relations:
2. of Cause or Motive, for, from, π. φόβοιο for fear, Il.17.667; ἀθλεύων π. ἄνακτος toiling before the face of, i.e. in his service, 24.734; π. τῶνδε there fore, S.El.495 (lyr.).
B. POSITION: words may be put between π. and its case, Il.23.115; but it does not follow its case, exc. after Ep.forms in -θι, Ἰλιόθι πρό, οὐρανόθι πρό, ἠῶθι πρό (v. supr.).
C. πρό, abs. as ADV.:
I. of Place, before, opp. ἐπί (after), Il. 13.799, 800; before, in front, 15.360; forth, forward,ἐκ δ᾽ ἄγαγε π. φόωσδε19.118; χωρεῖν π. δόμων to come forth from, S.Tr.960 (lyr.); “ἄγειν τινὰ π. δόμωνE.Hec.59 (anap.); γῆν π. γῆς ἐλαύνομαι I am driven on from one land to another, A.Pr.682; “διώκειν γῆν π. γῆςAr.Ach.235.
III. when joined with other Preps., ἀποπρό, διαπρό, ἐπιπρό, περιπρό, προπρό, it strengthens the first Prep., or adds to it the notion of forward, forth.
I. with Substs., to denote
2. priority of rank, πρόεδρος, προεδρία, etc.: also priority of order, προάγων, πρόλογος, προοίμιον, προπάτωρ, etc.
3. standing in another's place, πρόμαντις, πρόξενος.
II. with Adjs., to denote
1. proximity, πρόχειρος; and readiness, πρόθυμος, πρόφρων.
2. away (cf. 111.3 infr.), προθέλυμνος, πρόρριζος.
3. prematureness, πρόμοιρος, πρόωρος.
III. with Verbs,
1. of Place, before, forwards, προβαίνω, προβάλλω, προτίθημι, etc.: also, before, in defence, προκινδυνεύω, προμάχομαι, etc.
4. in preference, προαιροῦμαι, προτιμάω, etc.
E. Etymology: cf. Lat. προ^-, Slav. pro-, Skt. pra-, etc., in compounds.
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hide References (115 total)
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (115):
    • Aeschines, On the Embassy, 148
    • Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, 126
    • Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 1204
    • Aeschylus, Eumenides, 462
    • Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 682
    • Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes, 927
    • Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes, 1002
    • Antiphon, Against the Stepmother for Poisoning, 21
    • Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, 418
    • Demosthenes, Against Conon, 19
    • Euripides, Alcestis, 18
    • Euripides, Alcestis, 645
    • Euripides, Hecuba, 59
    • Euripides, Trojan Women, 1207
    • Herodotus, Histories, 1.62
    • Herodotus, Histories, 5.83
    • Herodotus, Histories, 7.134
    • Herodotus, Histories, 7.3
    • Herodotus, Histories, 8.53
    • Herodotus, Histories, 1.122
    • Herodotus, Histories, 3.85
    • Herodotus, Histories, 6.12
    • Herodotus, Histories, 7.130
    • Herodotus, Histories, 7.152
    • Herodotus, Histories, 8.74
    • Herodotus, Histories, 9.52
    • Herodotus, Histories, 9.72
    • Hesiod, Theogony, 32
    • Hesiod, Theogony, 38
    • Homer, Iliad, 10.12
    • Homer, Iliad, 10.286
    • Homer, Iliad, 15.360
    • Homer, Iliad, 19.118
    • Homer, Iliad, 24.215
    • Homer, Iliad, 24.734
    • Homer, Iliad, 3.3
    • Homer, Iliad, 4.382
    • Homer, Iliad, 5.96
    • Homer, Iliad, 13.799
    • Homer, Iliad, 15.351
    • Homer, Iliad, 18.172
    • Homer, Odyssey, 1.37
    • Homer, Odyssey, 5.469
    • Homer, Odyssey, 24.468
    • Isocrates, Against the Sophists, 19
    • Isocrates, To Philip, 138
    • New Testament, John, 12.1
    • Plato, Republic, 361e
    • Plato, Republic, 366b
    • Plato, Apology, 28d
    • Plato, Phaedo, 57a
    • Plato, Crito, 54b
    • Plato, Phaedo, 99a
    • Plato, Cratylus, 401d
    • Plato, Symposium, 201d
    • Plato, Philebus, 57e
    • Plato, Symposium, 173a
    • Plato, Menexenus, 249e
    • Sophocles, Antigone, 1279
    • Sophocles, Antigone, 883
    • Sophocles, Electra, 109
    • Sophocles, Electra, 495
    • Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus, 811
    • Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus, p.34
    • Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 10
    • Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus, 134
    • Sophocles, Trachiniae, 960
    • Strabo, Geography, 8.6.24
    • Thucydides, Histories, 1.3
    • Thucydides, Histories, 2.58
    • Thucydides, Histories, 3.75
    • Thucydides, Histories, 4.59
    • Thucydides, Histories, 6.10
    • Thucydides, Histories, 7.22
    • Thucydides, Histories, 1.33
    • Thucydides, Histories, 2.8
    • Xenophon, Anabasis, 7.8.18
    • Xenophon, Anabasis, 7.6.36
    • Xenophon, Cyropaedia, 4.5.14
    • Xenophon, Cyropaedia, 5.5.39
    • Xenophon, Cyropaedia, 1.6.42
    • Xenophon, Cyropaedia, 4.5.44
    • Xenophon, Cyropaedia, 8.8.4
    • Xenophon, Memorabilia, 2.4.7
    • Xenophon, Memorabilia, 2.6.6
    • Homer, Iliad, 10.126
    • Homer, Iliad, 10.224
    • Homer, Iliad, 13.693
    • Homer, Iliad, 17.667
    • Homer, Iliad, 19.292
    • Homer, Iliad, 22.110
    • Homer, Iliad, 23.115
    • Homer, Iliad, 4.156
    • Homer, Iliad, 6.80
    • Homer, Iliad, 8.561
    • Homer, Iliad, 8.57
    • Homer, Odyssey, 15.524
    • Homer, Odyssey, 19.435
    • Homer, Odyssey, 8.581
    • Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 1266
    • Euripides, Rhesus, 274
    • Aristophanes, Acharnians, 235
    • Plutarch, Caesar, 63
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.36
    • Old Testament, Amos, 1.1
    • Thucydides, Histories, 1.1
    • Thucydides, Histories, 1.97
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.100
    • Plutarch, Pompey, 73
    • Plutarch, Sulla, 37
    • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, 9.35
    • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, 30
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 3.16
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 5.52
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 7.29
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