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Hell: Not What You Think

Hell: Not What You Think March 18, 2024

Hell: Not What You Think Created By Rebecca Keene with Image Creator
Hell: Not What You Think

Ask a Christian how G-d punishes his people and they will tell you that Hell is hot and awaits all those who have not accepted Jesus. As Jews, of course, we know this is nonsense. Christian Hell results from a misunderstanding of the pit, in the book of Enoch, which G-d created for the immortal fallen angels and did not throw man into. What then is the worst punishment G-d hands out? Death? No. Death is a release and a chance to start again. The worst punishment, and the one I fear the most, is being forced to live this human existence outside of communion with G-d.  Surely, that is Hell. While I have heard some Jews argue that we are never distanced from G-d, only from community with each other, I do not think this argument tracks Biblically and it certainly was not true in my own life.

Cain’s Hell

In Genesis, we see G-d beginning to punish mankind. How does he do this? He removes them from the garden where he communes with them personally. Later, Cain kills his brother Abel. G-d forces Cain even further out into the wilderness. Cain is forced to live even further from direct communion with G-d than his already exiled family.

This is the punishment of being forced to live separately and apart from G-d and his blessing. Cain immediately recognized this. He responded,My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.” Cain’s first fear was that he would be hidden from the presence of G-d and be forced to remain on this Earth. If there is a hell, surely this is it. 

G-d’s Protection

It is important to note that G-d even though exiling Cain from his presence did not remove his protection. G-d assures Cain anyone who kills him will suffer G-d’s vengeance seven times over. Once we are G-d’s we always have his protection, but we do not always have his presence and blessings in our life. Also, all hope is never lost. There is a theory that Cain returned to his parents under the name Seth. This is due to the fact that Cain and Seth’s children share the same names in Biblical genealogy and G-d often changes a character’s name when they become holy. Separation from G-d is a time-out, not an eternal punishment. Still, that time out of G-d’s presence is the most difficult thing one can experience in life.

I went through a period of being distant from G-d shortly during and after an unmatched marriage. That to me was hell. I prayed repeatedly asking G-d to talk to me just one more time. Then one day after half a year of my praying that prayer G-d said “You been praying for 6 months G-d if you will just talk to me one more time and I have been talking all morning,” and a Ram’s horn was blown.  Like Seth, I was returning home from exile. Never again do I want to know that separation. To me that was hell.

So, Christian talk of hell does not scare me. I have experienced true hell, human life without G-d’s presence. That is the hell to be avoided at all costs. Hell is life without G-d. Therefore, love Adonai with all your heart and cling to him as a child clings to its mother. For, in G-d’s presence, there is life.

About Rebecca Keene
The author, Rebecca Keene, has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Religion. She graduated from the University of Pikeville as Religion Honor Student in 2014. Currently, she is studying for a MA in Women, Gender, Spirituality, and Social Justice at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Also, Rebecca is the author of FAITH UNDER THE RAINBOW: RECLAIMING THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE.  In addition, she founded and independently runs the social media community, Reclaiming the Truth.  Therefore, you should visit Rebecca's author page and purchase her books at: Amazon Author Page or: Publication Page Rebecca is currently in her 3rd year of Kabbalah study. She is ordained to perform LGBT weddings and is certified in Hypnotherapy. Rebecca lives in Kentucky with her two adult children. She practices Non-Denominational Judaism. She is passionate about social justice and fiercely advocates for the marginalized in society and religion.  When not with her children or writing, Rebecca enjoys spending time in nature, with G-d, or in a good book.  She also enjoys making and selling art which you can find at Art by Rebecca. Author, Rebecca Keene,  is always happy to hear from readers. You may contact her through the Reclaiming the Truth page on Facebook, or you can email keenerebecca@yahoo.com Rebecca will try to answer all correspondence, but please be patient, as life is busy for us all. You can read more about the author here.

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